Bl f -i STACK ANNEX DA PREFACE. Utility of aji accurate Defcription of the Roads I JL is fo obvious to every Perfon who travels as not to [require any Demonftration; and as the Preference which .the following Work claims, before any other of the jKind hitherto publifhed, will be evident on tlie leaft iCompaxifon, we fhall decline enlarging on that Head, and -only mention what is necefiary by Way of Explanation. By the Plan adopted in executing this Work, it con- ; rains all the new Roads down to the prefent Time, with I the Alterations and Improvements made in the old; and i exhibits, at firft View, the Diftance of each City, Town, i or remarkable Village, from London, with a particular ! Account of the Roads leading to it, meafured from die i different Standards in London, according to the Mile- Stones on each Road, and arranged in the following Order, viz 1. The Kent Roads, meafured from London Bridge. 2. The Croydon, Ryegate, and Epfom, Roads, from Wejlminjier Bridge. 3. The Kingfton Road, from the Stortes End In the Borough. 4. The Brentford Road, from Hyde-Park Corner. 5. The Uxbridge and Edgeware Roads, from Tyburn Turnpike. 6. The Barnet Road, from the Spot where Hicks 1 : HaM lately ftood, in St. John's Street, near Smitbfield. 7. The Ware Road, from Shoreditch Church. 8. The Eflex Road, from Wbitecbapel Church. T^ vi . PREFACE. The Meafnreroents, which are taken in Miles, Halves and Quarters of Miles, are arranged in two Columns, the firft giving th Diflance from one City, Town, or Village, to therrext; the fecond, the Number of Miles from the Commencement of the Road. And (for the farther Amufement of the Traveller) at the End of each Road is given a brief Account of whatever is worthy of Obier- vation ; fuch as Parks, Seats, Caftles, Ruins, &c. To find the Road from London to any City, Town, or remarkable Village, in England or Wales, look for the Name of the Place in the Index to the Roads from London, and the Figure oppofite to it refers to the Page in which is that Part of the Road containing the Place looked for; thus, from London to Durham, the Index directs you to Page 1 68, where you find Durham with its Diftance from London, fefr. though the Defcription of the Road in which it is fituated (being that from London to Edinburgh) begins in Page 165, and ends in Page 168. In defcribing the lefs Roads branching out from the greater, the laft remarkable Place on the great Road, or the Spot where the lefs turns off, is firft given, with a Reference to the Place in which you will find the Road io far as to that Place ; and afterwards the Branch is con- tinued : as, for Inftance, to find the Road from London to Chertfey, in Surry, the Index refers you to Page 50, where you find it in the following Form, viz. Te Hounflow, p. 31. Feltham Littleton Chertfey i Surry 20 By which it appears you are referred to Page 31 for this Road, as far as Heunflow, (the Jaft remarkabk Place on the great Road,) thence the Remainder of the Road to Chertfey is given after the above Form in Page 50, as directed PREFACE, vii direfted by the Index. In like Manner, for the Roads from London to Afkrig, the Index direfts to Page 176, whence you are referred to Pa^e 167 for one Road as far as Borough bridge, and (in Page 176) to Page 159 for another as far as Settle, the Continuation of each Road being given in Page 176. Thele References are made ule of in order to prevent the numberlefs Repetitions, which otherwife would unavoidaly occur in a Work of this Kind. In looking for the Crofs Roads, Recourfe muft likewife be had to their Index, which is fo plain as to require no farther Explanation than what is there mentioned. Having thus, to the beft of our Abilities, fupplied the Traveller with a full and accurate Defcription of a much greater Collection of Roads than was ever before at- tempted ; yet, as the different Routs which Travellers may have Occafion to take are almoft infinite, and con- fequently not comprifable in a Volume of this Size, we have, in order to complete our Plan, compiled, and pub- lifhed feparately, a Second Part to this Work, entitled, A TRAVELLING DICTIONARY: or Alphabetical Tables of the D -fiances of all the Cities, Borough, Market, and Sw- Port Toiuns, in Great-Britain, from eaab other, &C. By thele Tables, the Traveller will find the Compafs he muft make to vifi-t any Place or Places which he may be defirous of taking in the Courfe of his Journey j^and will likewife be enabled, at fetting out, to form an Efti- matc of his Time and Expence, by afcertaining the Number of Miles he muft travel, with the greateft Exaftnefs, mould the Tour he propofes to make be ever fo much about, or irregular. Thofe who have experienced how varying, and often contradictory, have been the beft Accounts they could procure of the Diftances of Places on their Journey, and how vexa- tious in their Confequences, will readily acknowledge the Utility of a Worfc of this KioflU a* The PREFACE. The Travelling Diftionary being printed on the fame Size as the Description of the Roads, the two bound to- gether make a complete Travelling Companion. The Roads of Scotland are alfo printed of the fame Size, and may be had bound up with the above, or fepa- rate, Price 6d. The Diftances from the Obsli/k, in Fleei-Jlreet to the Standards in London, from which the different Roads are meafured. From the Obeliilc in Fleet-flreet. Miles. Furlongs. To the Surry Side of London Bridge - i i To the Surry Side of Weftminfter 1 Bridge by Charing-Crofs - / To ditto, by St. George's Fields - - I 6 To Stones End in the Borough - - i 3 To Hyde-Park Corner ..... 2 2 To Tyburn Turnpike ..... 2 4 To Tottenham-Court - - -- i 7 To Holborn-Bars ----- o 4 To Hicks's Hall 4! To Shoreditch Church ------ i 7 To Whitechapef Church ----- i 5 * * The Editor returns his Jincere Thanks jor the Various Communications he has received. To fuch Gentle- men as may favour him with Additions, Corrections, or Improvements, for a future Edition, be will be the more obliged if they will point out the Number of the Page where fuch Alteration Jbould take Place. Many kind Ccrrefpondents have dene this; but, fome having omitted taking this Precaution, ii has caufcd fame Trouble and Time to introduce their Remarks properly. They are alfo requejled to note the Diftances/r0t Place to Place, without which, the pointing out of any new Roads is ahnoft ufe- lefs. 411 Ccmmunicatioss transmitted to the Editor, at T. N. Longman's, Pater-nofter Row, will be carefully attended to, and duly infertcd, i f i GENERAL INDEX. The Index to the Roads from London - xi to xxvi The Index to the Crofs Roads xxvii to xxxiv The Diftance from London to any other Place, i to 222 The Crofs Roads - 222 to 386 The Circuit of the Judges - - 387 The Index to the Country Seats - - 391 When the Travelling Dictionary is bound up with this, Then the Diftances between any two Places (London not being one of them) follow the Index to the Gen- tleraens' Seats ; and, at the End of them, are the Diflances of the feveral Towns and Bridges upon the River Thames, from London Bridge, and from each other, by Water. INDEX - TO THE ROADS FROM LONDON, To all the CITIES, TOWNS, and remarkable VILLAGES, IN ENGLAND AND WALES. ! 191' 155 158 '73 44 144 44 132 24 43 56 Amerfliam Ampthiil Ancailcr Andover Appleby Appledore Arundel Allibourn Afaburton Afhby de Zouch Afnford Alkrig Atherfton Attleboroug Auckland Aulcefter ' xhrl^'ge Ax mi niter Aylelbury Aylesford A yledi am Aynho B Baddow la //<-j Lincoln. Ilarit;, vSat. ?/?. : Mo. Kent Suffix Tue- Th. W.S Dcrfyf. Devon. \Lciccft. {Kent Sat. TuS Sat. ISat. Th. Tue h .Nor foil- .Th. Th. Sontcrf. "I h . JD.w. Sat. /c^j S at. Kent Sat. .07 132 189 3 1 172 14 22 H5 37 176 205 181 in 75 107 8 xii INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. Bagfhot Bakewell Bala Baldoc Ballam Bampton Bampton Banbury Bangor Barking Barkway Barnard Caftle Barnby Moor Barnfley Barnfley Barnftaple Barnct Barnhill Barton Barton Barton Clay Barton Mill's Balingftoke Bath Battcl Bawtry Beaconsfield Bcaumaris Beccles Beckington Bedale Bedford Bedwrn Belfont Belford Beltingham Beminiter Bengworth Benion Bere Regis Sorry Derlyf. Me r ion. Herts Surry Devon Oxf. Oxf. Caern. Effix Herts Durl>. Nott. GIoc. ' 1'orkff}. Devon. Herts. Chejh. Lancaf. Line. Stiff. Snjj'ork Hants Somerf. Suffix Yorkjl). Bucks Angl. Suffolk Wilts TorkJJj. Bcdf. Wilts Midd. N. uml. N. umb. Dor/ft Wore. Oxf. Dorfct Mo. Sat. Th. Sat. We. Th We. Sat. We. 3 A 156 106 .65 18 63 79 107 122 *22 196 l8 2 167 78 '53 57 119 128 136 185 162 198 3' 64 12 I6 ? Si I2 7 207 64 183 r 57 74 3 l 173 183 S^ 101 75 $2 Berealftone Berkeley Berkhamftead Berwic Betley Beverley Bewdley Bicefter Bickington Bidcford Biddenden Bigglefwade Bildeflon Billingham Billinghurfk Bilfton Billericay Billefden Binbrook Birchington Birmingham Bnfliops Caftle Bifley Bitford Blackburn Blackfhielda Bhikency Blandford Blechingley Blyborough Booking Boddedar Bodmin Bognor, or Hothamton Bolingbroke BoUingtoa Bolfover Bolton Bootle Devon. Gloc. Herts Utof- TorkJJ). Wore. Oxf. Devon. Devon. Kent Bedf. Suffolk N. umb. SuJJex Staff. Fffcx Leic. Line. Kent Warw. Salop Gloc. Warw. Lane. Scotl. Gloc. Dorfet Surry Suffolk Effex Angl. Corn. Sufi* Line. Torklb. Derbyf. Lane. Cvml. 54 80 114 '73 139 186 109 114 37 38 *4 166 214 182 24 129 219 '5' 189 5 109 102 81 109 '5 2 168 90 3 2 23 207 21 1 I0 3 33 2 4 192 r8 7 165 r 37 142 We. Sat. Sat, W.S Sat. Fri. Tue. We. We. Tue- We. Fri. Mo. Tue- We. Th. Fr. Mo. Sat. Mo. We. W.S Th. We. Th. We. Sat. Tue. TuS Sat. Tue. Sat. Fri. Mo. Th. We. INDKX to the ROADS from LONDON. x.i> Borough* i I Bruton Sowf. Th. 56 bridge Torkj]). Sat. i $7 Buckcnhnm Norfolk Sat. 214 Boflcaftle Ctrnw. Th. 55 Buckingham Bucks Sat, 107 Bodiney Corn-jj. 55 BusriJcn Hunt. 1 66 U')fton Line. W.S tQ2 Builth Krec. M.S. 102 Bofnrottb Leic. "5 1 Bungay 9l, 198! Burhage Wills 74 Bow Drvtin. Th. t; v Burford Oxf. Sat. S? Tsi i\f \TtAA t oO' r3iir '* ii i ; , , OO Vv Bowes 172] BurnhatTJ Ntrfefi M.S 2O; Brack lev N. ampt We. 108 jBurnbais Effix 21^ Bracknell Berks 5' .Burnley Lancaf. Mo. i 5 / Bradliclti Effex Th. 216 iBurron L'rrc. Mo, 188 Bradford Wilts Mo. 70 Burton Wcflm* Tuc. '37 Bradley Burton Staff. Th. 13; (Maiden) Hilts 6? Bury T.anca!'. Th. BradweU Rfji-x MS BJIIV ::-t. Edm. Suffolk Braintree Rflex We 21 I Button Derlfl. Brampron Caml. Tue. '44 Brandon Suffolk 198 c Brecon Rrcc. W.F 8^ Caermartben Carrm. W.S 83 Brent Devon. Sat. 33 Caernarvon Caern. Sat. 103 Brentford MM. Fue. 3i Caerlepn Monm. Th. 9' B re m wood Ejfcx Th. 206 jCaerphilly Glam. Th. 9 1 Brewood Stuff'. Fue. 132 jCaerwis FUntJh. Fue. 122 Biidgend Gia:n. Sat. 9 1 Cailloor L:nc. Sat. 189 Bridgenorth Salop Sat. 1 1 1 Calne Kilts. Tuc. 64 Bridgewater Stimerf. ThS 59 Cambridge Cxntb, W.S 196 Bridport \Dorfit ISat. 3 2 Camel ford Corn-iv. Fri. 55 Brrgbtbelm- Campden Gloe. We. lion Sit/Tex Th/ 16 Cannoc Staf. '34 Briftol Stmcrf. WFS 7' Canrerbury Kent W. S 2 Broadway G'cc. t; 9 Cardiff G.'aia. \v. s 88 Bromley Th. 10 Cardigan Card. TuS 9- Bromley Staff'. Fue. 154 Carliile Cumb. Hat. '37 Bromyard Hcref. Tuc. 99 Cartmel Lane. IMo. 141 Jroomfgrove , 1 fore. Tue. Hi Cafr:-.' Cr:rcy Fartterf. iTuc 3 rough H-fftm. Tuc. 172 Caillccomb H'fits 7* XIV INDEX to the ROADS from LOKDOM. 'aftle Brom- wich !aftle Rifmg ;atfvvorth !atteric lavvood Jawftoa Cerne halfront hapel in Frith hapel Houfe hard Sharing Charlebury Chatham ^hatteris Dhcadle 3hegford Wellington Chelmsford heltenham hepftow Chertfey Chefham helhunt Chefter Chefter le Street Cheiterfield Chefterford Chcwton Chichefter Chidiock J'^iodingford Chigwell eigh Chippenham Chippenham ffcrw. Hunt. 'ork/b. Norfolk Dorfet Tue DtrfyJJj. terf. Kent Kent Staff. Dfi'on KeJf. E/cx loc. Monm. Sttrry Rucks Herts Durb. Derfyf. Somcrf. Dorf. Surry Efex Devon. Wihs Camb. Mo. Tue. \Ve. Mo. Sar. Mo. '73, \ Chipping- Norton Chiflehurft Chorlev Chriltchurch '79' Chudleigh Cirenceiter Clare Sat. Fri. Th. Sar. We. We Sat '93. laydon 107 jCleobury Cley !56;Clitf 99 Clithero lown 9 .Cobham 93 i '95 '34 40 Cockermouth Coggerfiiail Colditream Colchefter Colnbrook i64!ColefliiU 206 ColeHiill 93 Colfcrd ?olne 90; 5o ! :o8 Colney 121! 168 198 75 20 j Congi *9 -- 200 We. Sat. -- 202 56 tt'JU Conway Cortc Gaftle Cornhill Corfham Coventry Cou bridge Cranbourn Jranbrook Cranford Br. C raw ley Kent Lane. Hants Devon. Gloc. We. N. amp Loaf. Dirty. SiK. Hern Luc. Di-'-o;i. \bemm. Dorfet .V. i- nib. at. 168 W. 81206 We. ' 63 '120 , 79 i uc.' We. Dorfet Kent H3 Sat. Th. Tue. We. Sat. 83 119 1 66 63 168 70 1 20 88 30 49 b 63 18 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. Jrayford Cray (it. Mary's) >ay (Foot's) >editon Kent Tue. Cent Kent Jevon. 'ricklade ^rickieth Crickhowel romer Crow land Croydon Cuckfield Cullitcm Curry (North D. Dalkeith Dalton Danbury Darking Darlafton Darlington Dartford Dartmouth Datchct Daventry Deal Dean Dean Debenham Drddington Dedham Deeping Denbigh Deptford Derby De r eham Devizes Difley Wits Sat. Sat. Sat. We. Th. Norfolk Sat. urry Suffex Devon. Som. otL Lanca. Effex Surry itaf. Durb. Kent De-jon. N. amp Kent Gloc. N.amft Sufolk Oxf. Line. Fri. Th. bat. Th. Mo. Sat. Fri. \Ve. Th. Mo. Kent Drrbvf. Norfolk Fri. Th. Norfolk F.-i. Fri. Tue Th We i iDodbrook Dolgelly jDoncafter [Donnington Dorchcfter Dorchefter Dover Dou'nham Drayton DrifficW Droitwich QOJlDronficld ' Dudley Dulverton D unbar Dunchurch Dunkton Dunmo\v Dorfet Oxf. ' ff-'brc. Derbyf. 68 2lH 20 Dunftable Dunfter iDunwich jDurhara IDurfley iDynafmouthy E Ealand i2o|!Eafingwald 4; Ivaftbourn S3 ; ;F.aton 1 7&P Eaton bridge 10 1 ,85 126 i J 45 3 1 Ecclcfton Edt.;evvare Edinburgh Edmoriton 20 Egham ;Eiham .Elmdon 1 4'- I'.ltham 2i4iiE!fdon ^omcrf. Tilts Sat. Torl/h. Torkjb. Suffix Kent St a f. LaticaJ Midd. Edinb. MM. Si'ny Crtmb. Kent \Kent '75 Fri, Sat. Mo. Mo. xvi INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. illtfmere Salop Tue. I I 2 Frant SuJTex | 13 Elftree Herts 11.71 Frimley Surry Th. 44 Kly Carvl. Sat. 196! Frodfiiam Cbfjl). We. i?5 tin field MM. Sat. '95 1 Fromc Somerf. We. 60 one Oxf. 99, Fullham Midd. 5 C Lipping Efex Fri. '97 G. pfom Surry D^i! '9 Gainfborougb Line. Tue. 190 EQier Surry 5; Garftang Lac^/1Th. I3 6 iivciley Wilts 7 1 Gifburn TorkjL Mo. 152 Evrfham Wore. Mo. 101 Gland ford Swell Surry Th. ^9 Bridge Line. Th. U86 Exeter Devon. W.F 5.- G'.allonbury Somerf Tue. 75 Eye Suffolk Sat. z5 Glen LeJjC. '45 tLvnfliam Oxf. Baj Gloceder Gloc. W.S 77 F. Godalniiu Surry Sat. $ Fairfcrd Gloc. / God man - Fakenharn Norfolk Th. 202 cheiter Hunt. : 93 Falmouth Th. 54 'G,oJ(ione Surry ~ 15 Fareham Hants "\Ve. 46 Cornvo. 11 Farnborough Kent 44 Gofoerton Line. : 19' Farningham Kent 7 Gofport Hants Th. 4 6 Farnham Sttrry Th. 44 Goudhurft Krat We.: :< Farringdon Bttfs Tue 46 GnmpbUnd Com. Sat. 42 Feltham MM. Si Grant ham \Linc. Sat. ; j66 Fenron Line. igojjGraTefcnd [Kent W.S 3 Ferrybridge Yor*-Jl,\ 167! Greenhuv T 68 Ferryhill Durb. 167 Greenwich Kent W.SjT,I 2 Feverfium Kent W.S 4 Grey's Effix Th. 220 Finden Suffix 22 Grimfby Line. IVe. 189 Fiikard Paul. Fri. 9 : Grinitead, E. Th. t'ii Flam borough Tfrkjb. 186 Grulam \ChrJI). -I 35 Flint {'olkinghr.m Flintf:). I. inc. Th. '35 :86 Gu it ford \Surry Guifccrough \l'orijb. Sat. Mo. 26 184 Folkestone Kent Th. 4 H. Fording- Fladdington ScetL Daily T 74 briiige Hants r.:. 48 Hadleigh Suffolk Mo. 216 Fou Ifi Kim Norfolk Tue. 204 Hales Owen Sbrop. 1 13 Four Croffes Suf. 127 Halefworth Sitfolk Tue. 2 '? Fovvery Ccrniv. Sat. 40 Halifax TorkjL Sat. 159 Framlingham Su/olk Sat. 215 Hal la to n Lite. Th. ii6 5 Frarrnron Dorfci Th. ?2 Halftead F.fJ~ex Fri. 2 i j INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. xvji Haltwefel Qey Torkjb. Sat. i '04 Ham : Surry iielftone IT Hamrcerfmith \tfuM. ^iempftead Hirn. Th. '115 Hampftead | Bfutd. .on MLU. 118 Hampton .-ic. Th. Henley Oxf. xvFS 75 Hampton and Henley . I UC. I 1C Cou it Mid,!. 49 Hareford Heref. 94 Hanwell WtU. 8: Hertford Hertt 195 Harborough Lelc. JTue. 140 iHexluim 'Harcwood Torkfi. \ tieydon Th. 1 88 Harleigh Msr. Sat. 103 'ieytefbury Ji'ills 60 Harlefton Norfolk We. 2I 5 Higham HaiTing j \ t ),fo!&Tue. Ferrers A r . an;b Sat. ! 57 Harlow \Edfx 197 Highgate MM. 119 Harold liedf. .64 Highwonh in its \Vc. 79 Harrow MM. 116 [Hiilmorton H\;r--j. 150 Harrowgate Ttrkjb. 'S3 Itiillingdon 8l Hartford Br. ; Hants 3 1 'Hincley . Mo. ,48 Hartland Devon* out. 57 jHindoa tPiUt Th. 62 Hurtlepool Durb. 'Mo. j f 184 Hlngham "Norfolk , S a r . Harwich EJJex Tue, 216 Hitchin i Herts JTue. 157 Haflcmcrc Surry Tue. 28 iHithe it ;Sat. 6,7 Haflingdon LancaJ \\c. lt > z Ro dee rill Herts 197 I Lutings Sufix JW.S 3 ,'Huckliff Bed/. 119 Hatfield \Hcrti Th. 165 ; Hoddtfdon \Herts Th. 195 [Hatfietd EJJex [Sat. 2OC iHolbeach Line. Th. igi Hatfield 1'ork/b. 178 iHolloway Sfutd. i IQ Hatherleigh Dn-on. I'M. Holm Cuml. -Sat. J 44 Havant Hants Sat. 3 Holmes r Haver ford- Chanel /V- It T - weft Haverill Pemb. TuS We. ^ Holt ' Norfolk Holt Sat. 1 33 213 TO jHaulton Cht/h. -, Hoi v head j n i 7 U r * n 1 1 aw ard en \FlintJb. 2 I Holywcll Flfuf/b. Fri. 112 Hawkhurft Kent 8,10 Honiton Dc'jO':. Sat. M [Hawic ScetL - 172 [Horabv Lancaf ii Hawkihead Lanceif Mo. Horncaftle Line. Sat. iqz I Hay Brrc. Sar. q( Hornchurcft \E0cx ; 2 20 jHaylfham Smfix Sar. 1 4 Horn fey fork 1 88 ! Hay wood \Stof. 12! |Horflvam Suflex iSat. 20 ;Hrding h am Ejjcx 2 1 3 Koulfvvorthy Devon.^X.. 56 XV111 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. Hounflow Howden Huddersfield Hull Hungerford Hunmanby Hunflanton Huntingdon Hum r pill Y 1 ]>,<' Market Ilchefter Ilford Ilfracomb Ilminiter Ililey Ingateftone Ingletoa Ipfr.ich I re by Ifleworth Iflington Iflip Ivetfey Bank Ivingho Ivy Bridge Ixvvorth K. Keighley (Cellington Kclfo Kelvedon. Kendal Kefwic Kettering Keynfliam Kibworth Kiddcrminfter Kidwelly Oburn MM. TorkJ]}. Torkjb. Berks Torkjb. Norf. Hunt. Th. Sat. Tue. TuS We. Tue. Sat. 'Th. We. jur-.v Devon. Sat, Somerf. 'Sat. i We. ' Yortyb. Suffolk t !\vFS Cumb. Th. MM. MiJd. Oxf. Suf. Bucks Devon 179 '^ 186 64 188 196 194 75 34 61 296. ,Fri. Suffolk l"orkjh. Corn^v. Scotl. Fri. We. We. Wcjfm. Sat. wi5. iSat. M ;/.'/> Fri. Somerf. ITh. LV. \Midd. K.i!lgarcn Kiiham Kimbolton ICinr : fb ridge K-ingfciear Kingiton 206 '59 206 144 49 IK; 98 38 211 75 206 143 158, k>rby Lonf- dale Kirby Stephen Kirby More- fide ham Kirkofwald KirtonLindfey Knarelbo- Knigaton Knutstord Kyneton L. Lamberhurft Lam burn Lancafter Landaft" Land's End Langholm Langley Langport Lauder f>auncefton Laienham Lavin^ton Lea Th. Tue-i 74i!Learmouth 4.^ ;Leathcrhead i luLechlade 89 ;Lcdbury Pemb. Hunt. Devon, Hants Surry Cunib. ifc/frn. Weftm. Tariff)). Lancaf Cuml. Line. Torkjh. Radn. Chjb. Heref. Berh Lane. Glam. Corn-w. Scotl. Herts Somcrf. Scotl. Cornw Suffolk Wilts Hercf. N. vml Surry Gloc. Heref. Effex We. Sat. Fri. Tue Sat. Tue Sat. Th. Mo. We. Tue Th. Sat. We. Th. Sat. We. Fri. Sat. Sat. Sat. Tue. We. Tue. Tue. INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. xix Leeds Torkjb. TuS 151 Looe Corniv, ^at. 4 Leek Staff. We. 131 Ludlovv Salop Mo. 102 Leeming TorkJI). 172 Ludgerfliall fftlti 7 1 Leicefter Lcic. Sat. J 4S Luton Etdf. Mo. 162 Leigh Lancas 140 Luttervvorth Ltif. lh. 148 Leighton Lydd Th. 4 Buzzard Eedf. Tuc. f 33 Lymington Hunt. Sat. 4 8 Leo ham Kent 9 Lvnn Norfolk iuS .96 Leominiler Htrtf. Fri. 09 Lyfton Devon. Sat. 33 Lefkard Cora vu. Sar. 42 M Leftvvithiel Gnwv.JFri. 4 2 Waccksfield a<%. Mo 1 3 2 Lewes Smffex Sat. 16 Mackynleth \ifff. Mo. ic6 Lewifham Kent 10 Maidenhead Berk; We. 63 Ley burn Torkjly. ,76 Maidftone Kent !h. 7,8 Lidney Gloc. \Vc. 9 c M-.ildon Ofi* Sat. 218 -ich field Staff. TuS 120 Mai ford mtts 80 Lime Dorfct Fri. V Milling \KcKt Sa*. 9 Lincoln Fri. 1 86 Mr.lmfbu ry ;//?/// Sit. 80 Linton Camb. Th. 201 ,^ns Oxjb. Mo. '35 Lippock Hants 25 x >', Uon Torkfc. Sat. 1*3 LittleHampton Suffex 23 .Mahvood Hants 44 Liverpool Laticaj Saf. I 4 Mancheiter T.a>:ca! Sat. 144 Llanbeder Card./ Tue. 9-' Maiiniarrtree Kjjex Tuc. 217 Llandilovaur Cacrm. Tue. 9' JMansfteld Nott. Ih. .58 Llandovery Caerm. Fri. 83 March Camb. Pri. '95 Llangadoc Caerm. Th. 9 1 Maresfield tvfex i^ Llangollen Denb. I2 5 : Margate Kent $ Llanarth Card Tue. 9- Market Rai- Llantriflent Glam. ; Fri. 9 l fin lAnc. rh. 189 Lianvapley Monm. 83 Marlborough Wilts Sat. 64 Llandilo JMflnm. 83 Marlow ,B^L Sac. 74 Llanvilling . I'ue. 1 06 Marflifiold Gloc. Tue 7 1 Llanvdlos Mn>;t. Silt. 1 06 M.i 1 ham rorijjj. We. r 7 6 Llanrooit Denb. I'ue. r ?5 Viatloc Dcrbyfo < 5 6 Loddon Norfolk Fri. '2 r5 Mayfield Suffix 3 Loncnior Si*f. . 134 Meicomb Dorfft FuF 48 Longtown Citmb. Th. i? 2 Mel ford Suffolk 211 Lourhboro' Leic. Th. 4S jMellhain Wilts 69 Louth \Linc. W.S 192 Melton Mow- Lowetfoff Suffolk We. 215; bray Leict Fue 5 xx INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. Meiuilelham Suffolk Tue. .-'4- Needham Suffolk We. Mi Meon Hants 46 Nefton Cbcjb. 128 Merazion Corn'V. Th 34 Nettlcbed Oxf. 7 1 Mere Tilts Tue 61 Newark Xntt. We. 166 Meriden Warty. 1 20 Newbursjh 4gi> Tue. 10-^ Merrington Dttrb. 183 Newbury Herks Th- 64 Methwold Vorfo'k Tue. '99 Newcaftle N. limb. Tu S 168 Mich::el dean Gbc. [Mo. 83 Newcaftle Staff. Mo. X 3S Miuhurft Sutfex |Th. 2 S NewcaiHe (.ticrm. Fri 9 2 Midillehain rork'Jj. '77 Newhaven S*fft* 21 Middlcton Lane '5 1 Ncwin Caern 9 Sat. IOJ Middie ton "cofl. 1 73 tsW market Cunib. Th i<;R Middlewich Clefb. Tue. '39 Newnhain Gloc. Fri. 90 Mil born Port Somerj. 4* Ne\v: Comw, 3^? Mildcnhall . Fri. 202 Newport Monm. Sat. 88 Mill Hill -\:\ t u, u3 Ncwpoti Salop Sat. 128 Mil too Dor/ct Hue. 5- Newport Hanfs W.S 3 Miltda Kent Sat. 4 Newport Pcnib, Sat. 9 2 ; Mims Herts 119 Newport Pag. Xuds Sat. '45 Minehead Somcrf. We. 6^ Newton J.nncaf Sat. 136 Miflf-nden Buch 107 Ne'.vton Bufli. -Devon. We. 38 Mi ft ley Thorn EOix 21 7 'New ton Hants .v 3 Mitcham ^urry 1 8 Newton Salop 102 Modbury Devon, Th. 38; Newton ."/'/;//. :>at. 1 06 Monmouth Monm. Sat. 83 Northallertcn JV/;//;. We. (67 Montgomery Mont. iTu.e. 102 Northampton \Namp Sat. '45 Morpeth A' unto We. orth End MiJ.d. .18 Morton Glnc. Tuc. 99JNortbflrec Kent i. ' Morton Dii'on Sat. V;; 'Nonh'nun Suffix 8,10 Moffpaul $C0tl. 17.? IN orth lech Gkc. We. 82 Mould FlintJJ) r I 2 [Northern 12Z Moulton, S. -r.t. 59 Nonhwich C^cjJ,. Fri. '39 Moontforrcl \Lcic Mo. 145 | Norwich . v\-rs 105 Nottingham A', /'/. \V.S '53 N. [Nuneaton fTarvk Sat. [ ^ 's Nutley Suffix ^ ^* 16 SFantwfch C/v/J. Sat. 12 ! Narbarth Pr;;^. We. 9- o. Nayland ft^/i Fri. 2 r 7 O.ikham Ruf. Sar. 58 Sfeath Glam, Sat. 88 IQakhampron Devon, 'Sat. 3-3. INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. xx Odiham OfTam Okingham Ollertoa Olney Ongar Oriord Ormficirk Or ton Ofmondfton Ofweftry Otley Ottery Oundle Overton Overtoil Oxford ?. Padclington Pudiiow Paucras Painftvic Parkgate .'atrington ?embridge Pembroke 'cnk ridge Pen rice Enrich Penryn. 'ensford 'enzahce 'erfliore 'eterborough 'etersfield Hants Kent Berks Nott. Bucks F,ffex Suffolk Lancaf Wejlm. Norfolk Salop Torlijl). Devon N.amp. Salop Hants Oxf. MM. ?orn\v. MM. Gloc. Chcjb. l~orkflj. -leref. ^emb. **f- j/tim. Cumb. Cortevj. Somcrf. ?or/v-7u. Were. N.amp. Hants Surry Sort: erf. Suffix r a rkh. Sat. Tue. 5' 9 5 1 1 80 162 200 216 140 142 215 l *S 163 52 164 112 3' 76 114 55 118 Si 128 188 95 92 132 9 1 J37 54 74 34 99 iSv 26 5 $s 29 8 3 | Piercebridge Plymouth Plympton Pocklington [Polcfworth jPontefradt Pontypool Poole Popham Lane 'Porloc Portfaiouth Potton Poulton Prefect Preftcign Preftoa Prittlewell Probus Puckeridge Pulhcly Putney CL Quat Queenboro*. Queeuhope Q^jarndon R. Radnor Ragland Ramfgate Ramfay Ravenglafs Rayleigh Reading Reapham Rcdbourn Redburn Redruth Durb. Devon. Devon. Torkjb. Staff. I'orkjh. Monm. Dorf. Hants Somerf. Hants Eedf. Lancaf. LancaJ. Radn. Lancaf. Effex Cornvj. Herts Catrn. Surry Salop Kint Flintjl). Leic. Radn. Monm. Kent Hunt. Camb. Effex Berks Norfolk Line, Herts Corniu. .83 38 38 J 79 149 *79 9 1 44 3 2 63 26 1 77 r 4 o 140 99 136 220 4 2 r 93 107 25 in 4 112 HS 94 8? 5 '95 142 219 5i 204 186 wo '34; MT1, Sat. Sat. Mo. Sat. Mo. Tue. We. Sat. Sat. Mo. Th. ThS Sat. Mo. Tue. Sat. WFS We. We. Fri. Tue. Sat. w.s Sat. Tue. Sat. Tue. Sat. Tue. Th. Tue. \VFS Tue. Th. Tue. Sat. Sat. MTh Th. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. 'ethertou Petworth Pickering Tue. Sat. Mo. XX11 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. Rettord Rhavader- gowy Richmond Richmond Ricmanf- \vorth Ringwood Ripley Ripley Rippon Rilborough Riverhead Robertfb ridge Rochdale Rochefter Rochford Rockingham Roding Romney Rofs Rothbury Rothcrfield Rotheram Rothwell Royfton Rugby Rugeley Rumford Rumfey Rufhden Ruthyn Rye Ryegate S. St. Albans St. Afaph St. Auftle Radn. Surry Herts. Hants Surry TorkJI,. Torkfl}. Bucks Kent Suffix Lane. Kent Effex N.umb Effex Kent Heref. N.nmb Torkjh. N. umb Herts Warw. Staff. Eflex Hants A '.amp Dtrtyf. Suffix Surry Herts Fkntjb Corniv. Sat. ,67 St. Blaiie St. Clear We. 99 St. Columb Sat. 176 St. David's 5 Ul. V7ClIUalUB St. Juft Sat. 116 St. Ives We. 44 St. Ivcs 2 5 St. Mavves Mo. 53 St. Michael Th.' 153 St. Neot's Sat. 93 St. Ofyth 10 Salilbiwy 12 Saltafh M.S ici Saltfleet Fri. I Salthill Th. 2I 9 Sandbach Th. I 5 8 Sandon 2CO Sandwich Th. 14 Sawbridge- Th. 94 wcrth 1 182 Saxmundham Scarborough Mo. 158 Schole Mo. 164 Seaford We. 193 Sedberg Sat. 150 Sedcup lue. I2O Seeching T W 2O6 Selbv Sat. 43 Selkirk 157 Settle Mo. Sevenoaks W.S 8,io Shaftefbury Tue. 18 Shap Sheffield Shefford Shefford Sat. 117 Sheffnal Sat. 122 Shepperton Fri. 42 Shepwafti ornvj. 'acrm. Corxiv. Pcml. 'orniv. Cornzv. Cornvj. Hunt, forniv. Hunt. Effcx Wilts Corniv. Line. Bucks Cbcjh. Staff. Kent Herts Suffolk Tork/b. Norfolk] Suffete Wejlm. Kent Th. We. Fri. W.S Mo. Th. TuS Sat. Sat. MW Th. W.S Th. Th. MO. Scotland 1 ' Torkjb. Tue Kent Dorfet. Torkfl}. Berks Bedf. Salop Miaa. Devon. Sat. Sat. Tue Fri. Fri. & I2l 199 i/9 172 159 10 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. xxui Sherborn Sherburn Shipton Mai. Shipfton Shoreham Shrewfbury Shrivenham Sidmouth Silfoe Sittingbourn Skip ton Sleaford Slough Smarden Snarefbroek Snaith Soberton Sodbury Soham Solihul Somertoa Southam Southampton Southend Southminfter South Church Southwell Southwould Spalding Spilfby Staines Stafford Stalbridge Stamford Standon Stanhope Stanley Stanmore Stanftead Dorfct iThSi 41 Torkjh.'?r\. 174 Somerf >Fri. Wore. iFri. -SV/fo; Sat. Salop Berks Devon. Bcdf. Kent Somerf. Tue War>w.\Mo. Hants TTb Effex Effex Effex Nott. Sat. Norfolk Th Line. Line. Mldd. Staff. Dorjet Line. Herts Durb. Gloc. MM. EJ)ex Tue. Mo. Fri. Sat. Tue. M. F Fri. Tue. Sat. Staplehurfl Stevenage Stilton Stockbridge Stocport Stodton Stokefley Stone Stone Crouch StortfordBps. Stoughton Stow Market Stowey Stratford on Avon Stratford Stratford (Fenny) Stratford (Stony) Stratton Stratton, Stretham Stretton Ch. Stroud Stroud Sturbridge Sturminfter Sudbury Summer Court Sunbury Sunderland Sutton Sutton Sutton Cols- field Swaffham Swanfea S win don Kent Herts Hunt. Hants Cbejb. Durb. Torkjh. Staf. Kent Herts Hunt. Suffolk Somerf. Etfex Bucks Bucks Corn. Norfolk Surry Salop Gloc. Kent Wore. Dorf. Suffolk Cortfiu. MM. Durb. Hants Surry Norfott Glnm. Fri. Th. Fri. We. Sat. TUC. Th. Th. Tue. Th. Mo. Fri. Tue. Th. Fri. Fri. Th. Sat. Fri. Mo. Sat. W.S Mo. C 2 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. T. Tadcafter Talk Tamworth Tarring Tatterfhall Taviftoc Taunton Teddington Temple Tempsford Tenbury Tenby Tenterden Ternhill Tetbury Tetf\vorth Tewkfbury Thame Thaxftead Thetford Thirflc Thornbury Thorne Thorney Thrapfton. Thurroc Ticehurft Tickhil Tidfwell Tilbury rillingham finmouth Pivcrtcm Tooting T 'pfham Torperley Torrington. Totnefs Towcefter Staff. Staff. Siiffix LancaJ Demon. Somerf. MM. Corniu. Bedf. Wore. Pemb. Kent Staff. Oxf. loc. Oxf. Eflex Norfolk TorkJJ). 'loc. TorkJJ). ^amb. N.amp Effix Suflex Terk/h. Derlyf. (y/i Effex N.umb 'urry Devon. 'beJJ). Devon, N.amb. Th. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. W.S Tue. W.S Fri. We. W.S Tue. Fri. Sat. Mo. Sat. We. 174 '35 133 23 192 39 56 49 33 1 66 tO2 92 H (28 80 82 93 93 211 204 54 80 179 187 Tue. 164 220 13 181 n. We. Tue. Sat. Sat. Sat. Tue. I S 6 220 219 181 1 8 '53 121 6 3 38 119 Tovvyn Trecaftle Tregarron Tregony Trentham Tring Trow bridge Truro Tunbridge Tunbridge- Wells Tutbury Tuxford Twickenham Twyford U. Uckfield Ulverilon Upminfter Uppingham Upton Uike LTttoxeter Uxbridge W. Wadhurft Wainflect Wakefield Wakering Waldon Wallingford Walfal Walfliam Waliingham Waltham Waltham Waltham Abbev Merion Brec. Card. Corniv. Staf. Herts Corn-'M. Kent Kent Staff. Nott. MM. Hants Suffix Lancaf. Effix Rutl. Wore. Monm. Staff. Miaa. Sujjex Line. Torkjb. EJJex Effex Berks Staff. Norfolk Norfolk Hants Leic. 'EJfix Th. Sat. Fri. Sat. W. Fri. Tue, Mo. 104 83 105 43 35 U4 7 2 33 10 13 133 167 49 46 Mo. We. Th. Mo. We. Th. Sat. T.F. Tue. ^ri. Th. Th. '53 219 20T 205 202 3 Tue. 195 INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. xxv Waltham Wheat ley Oxf. 8z Crofs Herd '95 Whetftone MM. 119 Wandftvorth Surry *5 Whitby rarkjlj. Sat. 183 Wans ford N.amp. 1 66 Whitchuich Hants Fri 3 1 Wantage Bfrki (Sat. /8 Whitchurch Salop Fri. 128 Warb ridge Corn-M. Sat. 55 Whitehaven Cumb. Tue. 141 Ware Herts Tue. 193 Whitting- Wareham Dorfct Sat. 5 2 ham N~. vmb* 168 Warminfter Wilts Sat. 60 Whittlefea Hunt. '9> Warnford Hants 3 Wickham Hants 46 War ring ton \Lancaf. Sat. 136 Wickham Suffolk 207 Warfdale Cumb. 141 Wickwar Gloc. Mo. 80 Warwic ffar-M. Sat. 109 Wignn Lancaf. M.F- 136 Watchet Somerf. Sat. 63 Wilton Cumb. Tue.|i44 Watford Herts Tue. n4 Willey Hilts 56 Watling ftreen&>ty We. 150 Wilton Ullts We. 62 iVatlington ( p--f- Sat. 79 Wirrrborn Dorfct Fri. 49 Watton \Norfolk We. ? 3 Wincaunton Somerf. We 6 1 Wavenden Bucks [144 vVinchcomb ^rloc. Sat. 101 Weatherby rorkjb. Th. 167 'vVinchelfea SuJJex Sat. 4 Wedgebury Staff: We. ,-9 Wiucheller Hants W.S 43 Wei^hton rorkJJj. i/9 Windfor Rerh Sat. 73 Weldon JV. amp. We. 165 W inflow Bucks Tue. 107 Welford N. amp. :- Winfter Dcrhf. J5 1 Wellingbo- Wirkt\vorth Derbyf. Tue. 156 rough N. amp. l6 3 Wifbcch Oamb. Sat. 195 Wellington Somerf. Th 57 Wifton Pem?>. Sat. 9 2 Wells Somerf. W.S A itham EJJex Tue. 206 Wells Norfolk 202 Witney Oxf. Th. 82 Welfh pool llont. Mo. 102 Wivelfcomb '^omerf. fue. 63 Welwyn Herts 157 Wivenhoe Effix 2I 7 Wem Salop Th. 135 Wooburn Bea-f. Fri. ! 44 A r endover Bucks Th. 107 Woking Surry Tue. 29 Wen lock Salop Mo. na Wokingham Berks ?i A^entbridge rVeobley rorkjh. Hertf. 167 95 WoKingham Wolverharnp- Durh. i8a Tue. A^eltbury mils Fri. 74 ton St a f We. 128 ^cfterham Kent We. JO Wooler Y. umb Th. 168 Weyhill Hants 7 1 Woodbridge Suffolk We. 206 "Vermouth DarTi't TnF ^8 Wooflfnrrl F/?,i- in"? xxvi INDEX to the ROADS from LONDON. XV oodltoc ; Oxf. \ Tue. 9"? Wycomb Bucks Fri. 81 Woolwich Kent Fri. 12 \Vye Kent Th. 9 Wooton Gloc. Fri. 81 \Vyndham Norfolt : Fri. 204 XVooton Baflet Wilt* Fri. 80 Worcefter Wore. VV.F CH Y. Wore Salop. 121 Yarm 1'orkib. Th. 184 Worktngton Cumb. U3 Yarmouth Norfolk Sat. 207 Workfop Nott. XV e . Yarmouth Hart's Fri. .o Wragby Line. Th. 187; Yaxlev Hunt. Tue 1-8 Wrexham Denb. MTh I 12 Yeovil Fri. 41 XVrington Somerf Tue 75 'York Tm'xfh. T.T.S ,74 XVrotham Kent Tue 1 Yoxtord Stfffolk 2O 7 Wurftead Norfolk Sat. 20; T [ xxvii ] N D E X TO THE CROSS ROADS. The Figures refer to the different Pages, in which you will find the Roads leading to, from, or through, the To\vns to which they are annexed. Abergavenny, 231,295,327 Aberiihvith, 296, 310, 360 Abingdon, 335, 343, 349 Ainsford Inn, 238 A'dborn, 234 Aldermaiton, 337, 3-1 Aldfworth, 232, 234 Alfreton, 223, 330 Allonby, 262 Alresford, 346, 376 Altringham, 270 Amerfham, 350 Ampthill, 285 Andover, 221, 351 Appleby, 221 Arundel, 222, 237, 320 Aflibourn, 223, 224, 322, 31! 3 6 S Afhtord, 257, 263 Alhby de la Zouch, 338, 339, 367 Afliton-under-hne, 347 Atherfton, 338 Auckland, 221 Aulceftcr, 285 Auft Ferry, 22$, 231, 24? i Aylefbury, 335, 349 | Aylefliam, 300 Baddow, 166 Bake\vell, 224, 239, 257, 322, Bah, ;8o, 356 Balby, 281 Baldock, 335 Hampton, 286 Bunbury, 22$, 239, 24.7,338 Barnard Cattle, 221, 301 Bafnfley, Tork/h. 282 Barnfley, G!ac. 232, 247 Ban. triple, 240, 286 Balinglloke, 336, 337, 351 Bath, 227, 228, 229,230, 231 232, 234, 235, 236, 237 238, 239, 264, 265, 289 Barrel, 239, 277 Ba\vrry, 240, 306 Beccles, 261 K # 1 1 * ^ ^c\ ocoaic, 329^ Bedford, 240, 284, 335 Beverley, 241, 383 Btwdlt?) 230, 301 BiceOer, 335 Bideford, 300, 333 XXV111 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Billericay, 266 Billefdon, 344, Bingham, 332 Birmingham, 227, 241, 286, = 93 34. 35. 37<> Blackburn, 347, 348 Black-pool, 316 Blandford, 238, 243 Bletchingley, 312 Blythe, 331 Bodmin, 345, 369 Bolton, 307, 316 Boroughbridge, 384 Bofton, 244. Bofworth, 258 Botefdale, 257 Bourn, 24; Bow, Devon, 368 Bowes, 301 Bownefs, 263 Brackley, 540 Bradford, Wilts, 243 Bradford, Tarty. 28:, 303 Bradley, 237 Braintree, 246, 272 Br amber, 237 Brampton, Dev. 286 Brampton, Cumb. 3.25 Braunsford, 293 Brecon, 269 Sridgenorth, 230, 310 Bridgewater, 238, 253, 254, 288 Sridlington, 348, 385 Bridport, 247 Brighthelmftone, 320, 326, 37 2 Briitol, 230, 231, 248, 251, 2 5 2 2 53 2 54> 2 SS 2 7 2 28 7. 314* 359 Bromyard, 256, 295, 311 Broomfgrove, 227, 293, 347, 382 Brough, 221 Bruton, ;88 Buckingham, 335 Builth, 269, 348 Bungay, 257, 261 Burford, 234, 247, 353, 356 Burnley, 347, 364, 375 Burflem, 359, 375 Burton on Trent, 227, 310, n 339 n Burwafl), 274, 277 Bury St. Edmund's, 257, 285, 2 99> 37> 333 Buxton, 257, 280, 281, 305, 33> 3S> 3S 8 3 6 3> 3 6 7 Caerphilly, 269 Caermarthen, 264, 348 Caerwent, 327 Cambridge, 258, 259, 261, 266, 273, 299, 335 Campden, 240, 291, 357 Cannoc, 327 Canterbury, 263, 312 Cardiff, 269 Cardigan, 264, 355 Carlifle, 262, 263, 325 Caftle Brormvich, 294 Challerford Bridge, 324. Chapel in Frith, 358 Chard, 265, 288" Chatfworth, 322 Chattcris, 2,85 Cheadle, 284, 325, 374 Chelmsford, 266, 267 Cheltenham, 291 Chepftow, 231, 248, 268 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. xxix Chefter, 230, 249, 268, 370 280, 564, Chefteriield, 224, 239, 257 a? 1 . 1 22 > 33 2 > 339 Chefterford, 266 Chichefter, 222, 237, 320, 336, 346 Chimleigh, 286 Chippenham, 234, 271, 357 Chorley, 316, 347 Chrift Church, 345 Cirencefter, 232, 233, 272, 275 Clay, 328 Clithcro, 364 Cockermouth, 262, 345 Coggefliall, 272 Colchefter, 272, 273 Colnc, 318, 348 Coltfworth, 245 Congleton, 326 Coventry, 232, 258, 459, 260, 274, 291, 294, 339 Cranbrook, 274 Crediton, 286, 368 Crewkherne, 251, 275, 288, 368 Cricklade, 275 Cromer, 300 Crotvle, 283 Croydon, 275 Cuckfield, 276 Cullumpton, 254 Cullyford, 247 Dalfton, 343 Da iking, 313 Darlington, 301 Dartford, 278 Dartmouth, 345 Daventry, 226, 329 Deal, 283, 319 Derby, 227, 278, 279, 280, 310, 322, 339 Devizes, 357 Dinafmouthy, 356 Dolgelly, 280 Doncaftcr, 281, 282,306, 331 Dorchefter, 238, 283 Dover, 283, 320 Dray ton, 284, 359, 374 Droitwich, 227, 293, 317 Duddington, 362 Dudley, 365 Dulverton, 367 Dunchurch, 260 Dunmo\v, 266, 272 Dunftable, 284, 335 Dunfler, 289, 368 Durham, 221, 379 Durfley, 254 Eaft Bourne, 320 Eaftham Ferry, 382 EccleOiall, 284 Egremont, 262 Elland, 302 Ely, 285, 298 Enftone, 343 Epfom, 275 Everley, 3156 Evefliam, 256, 28^, 369 Ewell, 275 Exeter, 229, 235, 237, 747,. 254, 286 Eynfham, 234 Falmouth, 229 Fareham, 237 Farnham, 336 Farnijighani, 278 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. ^arringdon, 334 ferrybridge, 287 7 lamborough, 287, 38$ n-ampton, 275 Frant, 372 Frocefter, 227 Frodfliam, 270 Froome, 237, 288, 289 Gainfborough, 306 jifburn, 384 ylaftonbury, 228, 237, 2^1, 288 ilenwhelt, 325 jlocefter, 227, 230, 232, 253, 268, 291, 292,323, 357 Godmanchelfei', 258, 299 Grantharrt, 332 * Gravefend,. 266 rimfby, 28*3 Grrimfthorpe, 245 Guildford, 313, Guilborough, 379 Halford Bridge, 232 Halifax, 303, 307, 317, 375 Halftead, 273 Haltwhiftle, 32 f Hampton, Gto. 271 Harborough, 2^8 Harlefton^ 261 Hartlepool, 352 Harwich, 311 Haftings, 277,^320 Hatfield, 350, 355 Hatfield Broad Oak, 333 Hatherleigli, 240 Havant, 237, 345 Havcrill, 273 Hawkhurft, 274 Hawkfhead, 301, 376 Hay, 304 Helmiley, 371 Henley on Thames, 3 50 Hereford, 232, 248, 252, 294^ 29; Hertford, 299 Hexham, 325 Heyte&ury, 236 Hrgham Ferrers, 260 High worth, 334, 356 Hitchin, 298, 335 Hockerill, 272 Hoddefdon, 298 Hodnet, 359 Holbeach, 361 Holm, 263 Holt, 328 Holy well, 255 Hornby, 308, 352 Horncaftle, 306 Horndon, 266 Hornfea, 383 Howden, 298 Huddersfield, 287, 302, 308, 365 Hull, 298, 308 Hungerford, 341 Hunmanby, 287 j Huntingdon, 258, 298 Huntfpill, 300 Hurft Green, 371 Hythe, 320 Igtham, 312 Ilfracomb, 300 Ilminfter, 368 Ingleton, 352 Ipfwich, 299, 300, 311 Iflington, 343 JXDEX to die CROSS ROADS. xxxi [xworth, :r6i, 311 eighley, 282 Wellington, 369 tCendal, 301, 352 ICennehvorth, 323, 378 iCefwic, 263, 344 lettering, 258, 263 iCeynfham, 230 Widderminrter, 230, 291, 301 iCimbolton, 260 itinglclear, 336, 351 tirby Lonfdale, 308 Wnarefborough, 378, 384 iCnighton, 294 inutsfbrd, 376 Lamborn, 234. Lancafter, 308, 352 Langport, 265 Launceflon, 240 Leatherhead, 275 Lechlade, 356 Ledbury, 22,, 294. Leeds, 287, 303, 332, 339,348 Leek, 223, 317, 327, 359,374 Leicefter, 225, 233, 294, 334, 361 Leominfter, 248, 304 Lefltard, 345 Lewes, 239, 274, 304 Leyburn, 360 Lidney, 225 Lime, 247 Limpsfield, 312 Lincoln, 278, 306 Linton, 273 Litchfield, 227,304, 305, 340, .35' 3 6 5 Littlcborough, 302 Liverpool, 307, 308, 309 Llanbeder, 310 Llanbedar Vaur, 269, 355 LlantriHent, 327 Llanymddovry, 348 Longnor, 284 Loughborough, 233 Ludlow, 242, 249, 310, 311 Lutterworth, 226, 258 I: Lycham, 312 Lymington, 345 Lynn, 245, 328, 361 Lyftofl, 240 Macclesfield, 223, 258, 317, 37 6 Machynleth, 356 Maidftone, 312, 315 Maldon, 246, 315 Malmfbury, 334 Malpas, 377 Malton, 241 Malvcrn, 292 Manchefter, 223, 241, 270, 274, 281, 302, 308, 316, 3'7 3 l8 33 1 * 35 8 374 Mansfield, 223, 280, 319, 33; March, 299 Marcsfield, 276, 372 Margate, 283, 319 Market Deeping, 361 Marlborough, 234, 256 Marlow, 350 Martoc, 25-1 Matloc, 224, 257, 319, 322, 33 33 2 Melcomb Regis, 238, 275 Melton Mowbray, 226 Meriden, 294, 323 Me r ton in the Marfh, 256 A a XXX11 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Michael Dean, 225 Middleham, 329, 360 Middlewich, 326 Midhurft, 323 Minehead, 286, 368 Modbury, 345 Monmouth, 248, 323 Montgomery, 294 Morton, Gloc. 232 Mottram, 365 Mountforrel, 233 Nantwich, 223, 270, 280, 379 Needham, 299, 311 Newark, 276, 319 Newbury, 221, 324, 336 Newcaftle upon Tyne, 309, 324 Nevvcaitle under Line, 280, 3 2 4, 3 2 5 3 z6 > 359 Nevvent, 224 Newhaven, 326 Newmarket, 261, 299 New Paflage, 327 Newport Pagnel, 335 Newport, Shrop. 327, 382 New Romney, 264, 320 Newton, Mont. 269 Newton, Sbrop. 376 Xorthallerton, 329 Northampton, 240, 241, 260, 329, 341, 363 Northwich, 270, 326 Norwich, 261, 300, 312, 328 Nottingham, 233, 278, 330, 33'> 33^ Nuneaton, 233, 338, 339 Oak'mgham, 340 Odiham, 375 Okehampton, 333, 368 Old Down, 228, .238 Oldham, 333 Ollerton, 331 Ongar, 333 Ormfkirk, 308 Ofmonditon, 261 Otley, 383 Oundle, 341, 342 Oxford, 334, 335, 337, 338, 33934,342>343>31 6 >35 C> Paddington, 343 Painfvvic, 271 Pateley Bridge, 384 Pierce Bridge, 353 Pencraig, 354 Penkridge, 241, 317, 362, 381 Penrith, 344 Penryn, 229 Peterborough, 285, 340, 344 Petersfield, 323, 336 Petty France, 227, 232 Philips Norton, 236 Pickering, 371 Plymouth, 235, 345 Pocklington, 383 Pontefradr, 287 Poole, 244, 342, 345 Porloc, 289 Portfmouth, 236, 346 Potton, 335 Prefect, 207, 346 Prefbury, 291 Prefteign, 294, 348 Preilon, 348 Quarendon, or 1 Quon, Radnor, 348 333 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. xxx'ui Kagland, 231 Raleigh, 266 Ramfgate, 283 Reading, 340, 349, 350, 351 Richmond, 3^2, 353, 360 Rickmanfvvorth, 3,0 Ripley, 378, 384 llippon, 384 'Riverhead, 312 ,'Robertfbridge, 277 Rochdale, 302, 307, 318, 333' 364 Rochford, ^ i 5 Koding, 333 Roi's, ^354 Rotheratn, 240, 28 r Rowell, or Rothwell, 258 Rowfley Bridge, 3,5 Royfton, 33; Ruabon, 269 Rugley, 366 Rumfey, 236, 346, 580 Ruthyn, 356 Rye, 320 Ryegate, 313 St. Albans, 350, 355 St. Columb, 343 St. David's, 231, 35; St. Ives, Hunt. 298 St. Michael, 343 St. Neot's, 2^9 Saiifoury, 236,342,346,357, 380 Sa!ra(h, 34; Sandbach, 326 Sandon, 317 Sandwich, 283 Scarborough, 287, 371 Seal, 3 i 2 Scdhcrg, 352 Settle, 383 Sevenoaks, 278 Shaftcfoury, 243 Sheffield, 224, 240, 281, 332, 358 Shepton Mallet, 359 bherborn, 338, 244, 289, 368 Shipftone, 240, 339 Shoreham, 337 Shrewfoury, 231, 242, 249, 35 359 Sidtord, 247 Silverton, 286 Skipton, 318 338, 349 Slearord, 244 Snarefbrook, 343 Sodbury, 247 Sohan, 285 Somerron, 2-1, 26$, 3CO South-.uii, 338 Southampton, 319, 360 Southwell, 279, 319 Spalding, 361 StaffDrd, 317, 327, 362, 382 Staindrop, 221 Stainthorp, 353 Stamford, 342, 362 Stcvenagc, 298 Stccbridge, 237, 380 Stocporr, 223, 317, 364, 365, 380 Stotton, 379 Stokeflcy, 301 Stone, 284, 365 Storttbrd, 272 Stourbridge, 256, jc6, 317, 365, 382 Stow, Glue. 235, 234 XXXIV INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. Stow Market, 299, 311 Stratford on Avon, 291 Stretton, Sbropf. 249 Stroud, Gloc. 370 Sturton, 237 Sudbury, 350 Sutton Coletield, 340 S waff ham, 311 Tadcafter, 303, 383 Tamworth, 367 Taunton, 228, 238, 253, 367, 368 Taviftoc, 369 Tenbury, 301, 369 Tetbury, 247, 292, 369 Tewkeibury, 227, 255, 370 Thame, 335, 349 Thaxted, 266 Thetford, 311 Thrift, 371 Thrapfton, 258, 341 Ticehurft, 371 Tickhill, 240, 331 Tidefvvell, 257, 357 Tilbury, 266 Tiverton, 286, 368 Torporley, 270 Torrington, 240, 300, 333 Towcefter, 340 Tring, 335 Trowbridge, 243 Truro, 229 Tunbridge, 311; Tunbridge Wells, 372 Tutbury, 366 Uckfield, 372 Ulverftone, 376 Uppingham, 344. Upton, 293, 317 Ufke, 327 Uttoxeter, 279, 305, 374 Wadhurft, 371 Wakefield, 282, 287, 308, 33 2 375 Walden, 266 Wallingford, 336, 340, 346, 349 Walfal, 565 Walfham, 328 Wnltham (Bifliops) 236, 346, Wansford, 344 Wantage, 234, 342 Ward low, 355 Ware, 355 Warrington, 258, 270, 307, 318, 376, 377, 378 Warmmfter, 236, 238, 243 Warwic, 232, 243, 323, 329, 339> 3/ 8 Watford, 350 Weatherby, 378 Weighton, 383 Weldon, 363 Wellingbo rough, 260, 341, 363 Wellington, Somerf. 368 Wells, Sotnerf. 237 251 Welfh Pool, 379 Weftbury, 243 Wefterham, 312 Weymouth, 238, 252, 275 Whitby, 301, 379 Whitchurch, bropjhire t 231, 249 Whitchurch, Hants, 324, 351, 379 Whitehaven, 262 INDEX to the CROSS ROADS. XXXV VVickham, Hants, 236 321, 346 Wigan, 307, 347, 377 Wigton, 262 Winchcomb, 291 Winchester, 236, 323, 343, 360, 380 VVinfter. 271, 330 Wirkfworth, 223 Witham, 246 VVitney, 234, 381 .Vivelfcombc, 367 Wolverhampton, 242, 306, 310, 318, 327, 382 .Voodhead Chapel, 378 Woodftoc, 381 Woolavington, 300 Woolpir, 299 Woore, 270, 364, 382 Worceiter, 225, 227, 230, 253, 295, 311, 317, 343,382 Workibp, 257, 331 Wragby, 306 Wrexham, 268, 281 Wycomb, 350 Yarmouth, 261, 312, 325 Yarm, 352 Yeovil, 283, 368 York, 383, 384, 385, 386 We ha-ve !o hiincn:, -that tbe ample Commu~ mcations fent by oi-r accurate Oxford Correfponck;:t, A. S. came ioo I alt for hfertion in ibis Edition ; bid he may be abjured they frail all be carefully noticed in our next ; as well as a few Corrections from two or three other Correfpondints, which were in the fame Predicant? t* I] [2 I. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS, The Towns printed in CAPITALS are Cities. Thofe printed in Italics are Port-Towns or Stages. The Letters r. or /. fhew you are to keep to the right or left in going to the Town to which they are prefixed. The Firft Column is the Diftance from one Town to another. The Second Column is the Diftance from LONDOJJ. LONDON to Dover. iBoughton Blean !f 50 To "NTpw pmfc A^>/ JBoughton Hill [ Ct * V J_^ltV \.14JID* J\.t/ttt Dcptford i 2 3! jHarbledown Turn- J Blackheath if 5 pike ; >- 53 Shooter's Hill Z 1 8 CANTERBURY ! 56 Wellen J 2 Z Bridge Hill I 60 Crayford Dartford 2 *3 Halfway-Houfe Lidden : I 66 2 Xorthfleet .3 2 OJ Ewel Turnpike ; i 68 Chalk-ftreet si 24 Buckland : i 70 Gad's Hill *.> 2 26 Do^>er j [ 71 Stroud 3 2 9 'N. B. Tl-.e Mile-Stone* u+o>: the Roan ROCHESTER i 30 j from LfuJon to Dover ba-jr been fi Chatham i 3 i much lately altered, that r:t Canter- kaynham N T e;vington Key-ftrect 3f i 34! 37 38 bury the 56^/1 Stone fiarxls near half i. :fiirer to Dover than brf'j fated bv taking off many angles in dif '. ferertt Parts of the RcaJ ; and the ncu. Sittinobourn 2 40 Tu'Ttpile Rotd\ now makingfrtm Can- TJapchild Grccn-ftreet 2 4i| \ terbu-y ortr Barham Dwn, will rt- duce the dijiirK? fiom D/wr fomct.-.i^ Qfpringe 3 4 6| more. E 3] ROADS meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE. [4 On the right of Blackheath was a fine Seat of the late Sir Gregory Page, To ROCHESTER, p. i 30 Bart, now pulled down ; and a Raynham 4 34 little beyond it is Morden College. Newington Street 3 27 On the right beyondWellenisDanfon Hill, Sir John Boyd, Bart, and a new-built Houfc of J. Baring, Efq. King's Ferry Queciiborougb J Ik o/ 4 2 45l On the left of Wellen, is Belvedere, the fine Seat of Lord Eardley. Three miles beyond Dartford, to the left of the Road, is Ingrefs, (or Orme-Houfe) the Seat of the late To ROCHESTER, p. \ Raynham Newington Street 4 3 3 34 37 John Ca!craft, Efq. now Charles- Chefnuc Street 4 4i Lefeburc, Efq. /. to Mihon i 42 On the r. of 26 is Cobharn Hall, the Seat of the Earl of Darn'ey. On the left of 27, Hermitage, Sir To Ofpringe, p. i 46! Francis Head. Fe-jerJJjam 3 4 47? On the r. of 46 is Judd's Folly, James Flint, Efq. On the 1. of 49 is Nafli, Thomas ToCANTERBURY,p.2 56 1 Hawkins, Efq. Littlebourn 3i 59 At Harbledown, on the 1. Sir Ro- Wingham ?! 62 bert VVilmot. Afli j 6c At 55, on the r. Ollantigh, Mr. Saw- bridge. Sandwich o 2 A 6 7 At 56, on the r. St. Lawrence, Mrs. Deal s 7 2 Graham ; and Northiugton Houfe, Richard Milles, Efq. Near Littlebourn is Lee, the feat of At Canterbury, a new-eredted Cot- Thomas Barret, Efq. ton-mill for the manufacture of Mcar Wingham is Dene, a Seat of Canterbury muffins, &c. To the 1. of 53 is Bifrons, the Rev. Sir Henry Oxenden ; Knolton, Sir Narborough Daeth ; Gcdnef- Edward Taylor. tone, Sir Brook Bridges ; and St. To the r. of 60 is Knolton, Sir Nar- Alban's, William Hammond, Efq. borough Daeth ; Eourn Place, the Seat of Sir Horace Mann ; and to Sear Sandwich are the ruins of the Roman Caftle ot Rurnpi, or Rich- the 1. Higham, James Hallett, Efq. borough. On the left of 61, Heden, T. W. P;iyler, Efq. On the r. of 63 is Broome, Sir Hen- To C AN T E R B U R Y,p. J 56 r ry Oxenden ; and on the 1. Deune- Bridge 3k 595 hill, Hardinge Str?cey, Efq. Barham Down | 6i| At 67 on the r. is \Vulderfhare, the r. to Falkftone i! 72 fine Seat of the Earl of Guildford. To Dartjerd, p. I 15! ToCA\TE2.EURY,p. 2 ?6 Northfleet 1 55 2I Bridge si 59| Gravefend / i^ 225 Elham 7 66i 5] ROADS meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE. [6 LONDON to Margate. ToCANTERBUXY,p.2| 56 to Sturry, Kent i 58 r. to Upftreet 43 62 \ Sarr 2 64% r. to Monkton* i| 66 Acol 2^ 68| Margate 4 72^ * In Summer to Acol. A little beyond Canterbury, on left, Halas Place, an elegant Seat of Sir Ed. Hales. A little before Sarr, crofs Wantfum River, and enter the Ifle of Thanet. Near Acol is Cleve, late J. F. Farrer, Efq. Two miles before Margate is Dande- lion, an ancient Seat, now a Plea furoHr.ufe much frequented by the Vilitors at Margate. Near Margate is Kingfgate, a fin- gular Seat upon the Sea Coail, built by the l Havokbufft) Kent 3 48 Charing 25 49 Nevvendtn 5 53 7 56 No'-tbia;;i, S u flex R/^r* 11 r p fal roiham, p. 7. 4| Pealmarfli 2 I ** 2 S9* Offarn ?i 28 2 Rye 4 63 n] ROADS meafured from LONDON-BRIDGE. [12 At boutn liiut, on me right, 1-rauci- and inhabited tiy the ramou^ F'owers, Efq. and Beckenham Lambeit, after the Civil Wars. Place, Mr. Gator. At 3^ on the right, Bay Hall, a Seat At the entrance of Bromley, on the of the Amherfis, and from them left, an Hofpital for Cltrgy men's the Browns. Widows. AtLamberhurft, on left, Capt. More- At the end of Bromley, on the left, land j a little way off, on the r. a red brick Houfe, bifhop of Ro- Bayrnm Abbty, a beautiful Place, che fter. the Seat of Lord Bayham. Front Mafoa's Hiil, fee, to the right Between 41 and 42, on the left, a Hayes, the late Earl of Chatham, large old caflellated Houfe, called now Lord Lewi {ham. Scotney, lately inhabited by the Entering Bromley Common, on the Darells; fince by Mr. Richards, right, I. Mr. Jones. 2. G. Nor- a Mountebank; nowEdw. Huflev, man, Efq- 3. Major Rhode, Efcj. Efq. At 13, on the r. near Kefton Ma;k. At 43, on the left, Combwell, the is a new Houfe built by Col. remains of a Priory, belonging to Kirkpatrick ; and a mile farther. Mr. Champion, once a large Seat on the road to Wefterham, is Hoi- of that Family; much of it pullet wood, the Seat of the Right Hon. down a few Yfars ago. William Pitt. At 45!, on the right, Mr. Hogarth. About 1 8, on the left, HaUted, Mr. At 47, oil the right, a modern-built Serjeant. Houfe, creeled by the late John On Madam's Court Hill, a mof Baker, Efq. charming prufpecl:. At Highgate, on the I. a new Houfe, At the foot of the Hiil, on the r. is of a very particular Conftrudtion, Chevening, Earl Stanhope ; be- built by Mr. Turner, late Shop- yond it, Coomb Bank, Lord Fred. keeper in that Place ; and be- Campbell. tween 47 arra 48, on the right, is On the left of thefe, Mr. PolhilFs, an the Village of Hawkhurfi; hlford, old Seat among Trees, on the the Seat of Samuel Boys, Efq. ant Flat ; beyond it fee Montreal and A fmall ancient Building called the the Pillar in the Park. Hall Houfe. On the right of Riverhead is Mon- At 49, on the left, but not in Sight treal, the new built Seat of Lord of the Road, isTongs, a Seat of the Amherft. remarkable S'r Tiiomas Dunk v To the right of Sevenoaks is Kip- from whom it defccnded to the late pington, the Seat of Sir Charles Earl of Halifax, and now in pof- Farnaby RacklilTe, Bart, and to ffffion of William Jenkins, Efq. the left is Kno\vle Place, a Seat At the bottom of the Hill, before of the Duke of Dorfet. vou enter Rye, on the right, i^ At the end of Sevenoaks, on the Mountsfield, T. P. Lamb, bfq. right, a white Houfe, Mr. Lam- bert's. At 2jf, on left, Henry VVoodgate's, To New-crofs, Kent 3 \ Efq. At Tunbridge, tke CafHe. At 52, on the left, Somerhill, Mr 1. to Greenwich i^ 5 Woolwich 5 icH Woodgate, formerly retired to 13] ROADS meafured from LONDON BRIDGE. [14 LONBON to h To Flimwell, p. 10. r. to Hurft Green, Suff. Robert (bridge Battel Hajiingi T aftir 4 2 6 7 S s - 45 49 S 1 57 64 Rotherfield, Sujfix Mayfield Cat-ftreet Haylfliam Eattbourn At Mayfield, the remains of the Aichbifhop of C At Eaflbourn, Ld. Geo. -.'Lrtbtr road to Ejji bourn, 7 2 5 ?* of a ante Cave f"l 42 44 49 58 6 4 | houfe rbury. ndilh. >. 17- Another Road, viz. To Tmtbndge^ p. IO. Tunbridge Wells Frant, Suffix Wadhurft Ticehurft Robertfb ridge Battel Her/tings On the 1. of Robertfbridg bey ; and a miles farth right, Court Lodge, M At Battel, the Abbey, S Wehfter, Bart, former! Browne. Three miles beyonJ Bat r. is Crowhurli, IV! r. Pe on the 1. Beauport, Geu 5 2 4 4 6 6 7 -., th er, o r. Ni ir G( y Si el, ( ham .Mu 30 35 37 4 1 45 5 1 57 64 e Ab- n the col. jdirey Ant. >n the ; and, rray. To Wood Gate, p. 10. Goudhurft thence to Cranbrook To the right of Goudhur bury, Mr. Carticr. 9 5 t is 35 44 49 Bidc- To Wood Gate, p. 10. Goudhurft Milkhoufe flreet Biddenden Smarden li ti 3z 35 44 T 481 54 $6 To Wood Gate, p. 10. Goudhurft Goftbrd- Bridge Tenterden. Reding-ftreet Appledore Old Romney Mill New Romney 9 ,i 6i si 4 6| *l 35 44, 491 S^ 59l 62 68^ 7 1 Another Road to Tttnbn Beyond Sevenoaks, at Turn on r. to Leigh Penfhurft Tunbridge Wells Beyond Leigh, Mr. Burgei At 3 T, on the r. Rcdleaf, IV At Peuihurft, 1'eniliurtt 1 the Sidneys, Earls of fince Mrs. Perry's, now for her Grandlbn, Sh dge 2 2 6 s, on Ir.H; -Jou ". Lei< ' in clly, Veils. 7i 9l 3*1 374 the r. irvey. ;, late refter, Trud; Efq. 3 3? To Old Romney Mill, as above r. to Lydd 681 7M To Rye, p. 10. Winclielfea At VVJnchelfea, the Prio the Fricry, and the Caf 4 -yCt Ic. 63 67 >urch, To Tunbridge) p. IO. Turnbridge Wells 5 To Farningham, p. 7. Maidftone ,8 18 36 I5JR-OADS nieafu red from W r EsTMiNSTER-BRiDGE.[i6 DurringtQii '3 49 Lewes 22 190 Canterbury '5 64 Brighthelmftono 8 198 Margate '7 81 iLaiicing 8 206 Kingfgate 3 84 Arundel 12 2I 8 Ramfgate 3 87 Chichefter 12 230 Sandwich 6 93 Portfmouth 18 2.8 Deal 5 98 Southampton .6 264 St. Margates 5 I0 } Winch efter 12 .76 Dover 4 107 .Pctersfield 18 294 Folkftone 7 114 Liphook 8 ^02 Hythe 5 119 Godalming 12 3 T 4 Romney 9 I2S Guildford 4 518 Rye 10 '38 Darking 1 1 329 Haftings 12 ISO London 2 5 354 Eaftbourn 18 168 A t3s A II. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to Srif/jt'xliuJloattWych Crofs ,1 34 x by Lews. \\ r * to Sheffield Green "1 3rixton Caufeway si Chailey-lh-eet OrTam-ftreet 6 47 Strethain if 5 /.r-;'.-;') 2 Tf 49 /. to Cray don. I. to Godftonc Green New Chapel Green Fell Bridge, Eajl Gritiflead* 6 2 ^9 2 5 Or, from Wych Crofs, /. to Nutley Maresfuld r. to Uckfield 2 s : ~ / 34 37,^ 4-1 Foreit Row 2 I 3i Falmer 4 4 5 1 55 'jlnotberXoadto Eajl Gnnftead, f. 10- BrigbthelmJioH .4 59 s meaiured from WESTMINSTER-BRI DGE.[i8 M. B. In going to Brigbthelmfton //;< Chailey 'Road, you may I tun to tb, right at the Direftion-Poft, near tb, Town of Lewes, and avoid if, To Eaftbourn. Lewes, p. 1 6 4.9 Horfebridge r i 60 Eaftlourn 1 1 71 At Brixton Caufeway, fee before you, on the 1. about two miles, Knight's Hill, the New built Seat of Lord Thurlow. At Stretham, a Seat of the Duke of Bedford, formerly the Rowlands, whence one of his titles. At Croydon was a Palace belonging to the Archbifliop of Canterbury ; now fold to, and ufed by, a Cal- lico-Printer. Two miles beyond Croydon, on the 1. as you afcend the Hill, fee Pur- ley,late the Refidence of Tooke, Efq. whence the etymological Work of John Home Tooke, Efq. Ins derived the fingular Title of The Divcrfiom of Purley. At 17, to the left of the Road, it Mardcn Park, Sir Robirt Clayton. fuft beyond Godftone, on the r. Mr. Pellatt ; the houfe is Sir Ro- bert Clayton'*. Over the hill, on the 1. Mr. Bridgeman. \t i6f, on the right, is Nelbridge Park, late James Evelyn, Efq. now Sir Geo. Shuckburgh, who married his daughter and heir. kyond Grinftead, on the left, near the Road, is Eaft Court, John Cranfton, Efq. At 32, on the right, is Kidbrook, the Earl of Abergavenny's, in- habited by J. T. Fuller, Efq. At 361, Sheffield Park, Ld. Sheffield, wo miles to the left of Chailey- ftreet, is Pewic Place, Lord Ver- uon's, let to Lady Fortefcue. Between Chailey-ftrect and Offam ftreet, is Cook's Bridge, the Park adjoining to the Road ; to the 1 Coney Burrows, Tho. Kemp, Efq Before OlTam-ftreet, on the right Combes, Geo. Shiffner, Efq* At Maresfield, John Newnham, Efq Before Uckfield, on the left, Buxtec Place, Geo. Medley, Efq. Five Miles beyond Uckfield, on thi left, Plalhet Park. At i|, on the right from Lewes Afti-Coomb, Mr. Boyce. A Mile beyond Palmer, on the right Stanmer, Lord Pelhant. At 49, on the right, is Caningfbury William Kemp, Efq. Another To Godftone, p. 15. Blue Anchor Turn- pike, at 27 turn off to Lindfield Brightbelmfton vz. 19 37 52 O N D O N to Brigbtbelm- fton t the New Road. To Clapham Common 3allam Jppcr Tooting ower Tooting '. to Mitcham Sutton Sanftead Downs to Banftead Walton Heath lyegate Hill Ryegate Woodhatch rlorley vjley, Suflex .^afeporridge Gate 3$ 4| 51 ii '9 21 2 3 2 7 3i 33 IQ] ROADS meafured from WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE [20 4 o 54 Filtrate Foreft on the if left Hand Crofs Cuckfcid Clayton, you afcend the South Downs Patcham Prefton Brigbtbclmjlon At Mitcham Bridge, on the right, is the Scat of Henry Hoare, Efq. At Walton Heath, on the ri^ht, is Tadworth Court, Richard Lad broke, Efq. a mile left of the Heath, Chepflead, Mr. Fanfhawe. At 19, on the left, Upper Gatton, Mark Cunie, Efq. and below it Gatton Park, late Sir George Colebrooke's, now Robert Lad broke's, Efq. At Ryegate, on the right, late Sit John Cotton, now Mr. Jones. At Woodhatch, Mr. Carter, on r. Beyond Hand Crofs, on the r. is Slaugham Patk, Mr. Tericauton. Beyond Cuckfield, on the right, Cuckfield Place, Francis Sergiibn, Efq. To the r. of Clayton, Hurft Pctr- point, Mr. Campion, At Patcham, on r. John Paine, Efq. At Prefton, on r. Nathaniel Kemp, Efq. LONDON to Brigbtbelmfton by Horfliam. To Lower Tooting, p. 1 8. r. to Merton Abbey Morden Eivell Epfom AOited Leatherhead 3l 6 li 13 Hi Mickleham Wefthamble Darking t'apel Warnham Horfiam Hen field Brigbtbelmfton At Merton, on the left, late Sir Richard Hotham's, and on tht right you fee Wimbledon, Earl Spencer's, and a little beyond it Mr. Rufh. At Voidtn, on the left, late Charle.- Garth, Efq. late let to Alderman Sain/bury. At 10, on the right, late Mr. Con- way, now Mr. Polhill. At i;, on the right, fee Combe, late the Harveys, now Earl Spencer's; inhabited ly Mr. Tollcmache. Adjoining, to Epfom i.s Durdans, a fine Seat formerly of the- Earl of Guilford; a Seat of Mr. Not- they's ; Woodcote, late Lord Baltimore's, now Mr. TcifTicr : and at the End of the Town, 01 the: right, a white Houfe, Mr. Pattle. At 1 6, on the left, is Aflited Park, Mr. Howard. At the End of Leatherhead, on the right, is Mr. Boulton's ; marly oppofite is Mr. Norrmn. A little farther on 1. Geo. Fuller, Efq. At 20, is Korbury, hte the Tryons, now Mr. Lock, on the Hill. In Mickleham, on the r. Sir Charle Talbot, Bart. At zi, on the left, Juniper Hill, on the Hill, Sir Lucas Pepys ; and juli beyond, in the Bottom, lart Sir Cecil Bifhop, now Mr. Jen- kin fon. At Wefthamble, on the left, under Box-Hill, is the Seat, late ot Mr. Eckerfall, now Mr. Colville ; and 2i] ROADS meafuredfromWESTMiNSTER-BRiDGE. [22 a. little beyond it the Grove, late , Mr. Vaughan, now Mr. Bucket. See over Barking Town .1 new Houfe late of the Duke of Norfolk, now Sir Will. Burrell, and behind it Chart Park, a beautiful Scat ot the late Henry TalUot, Efq. now Captain Cornwall, who married his daughter. At the entrance of Darking, on the Ie!t, late Mr. Nafh, now Mr. Eld ; a little farther, on the left, Shrubl Hill, late Johu Bugden, Efq. now Lord Leflie. Towards the end of the Town, on a Hill upon the right, fee Den- bighs, formerly the Seat of Jona than Tyers of Vauxhall, lateof Ld King, and now of Mr. Dennifbn. At 34!, on the left, Warnham Place, BylLe Shelley, Efq. At 35-^, ovcrHorfliam.fee DennPark, late Sir Charles Eversrield, now Mrs. Eversfield, his fitter. At 36, on the right, Mr. Blunt ; on the left, late bir Thomas Biough- ton, now W. Smith, Efq. At Horfham, Hills, a Seat of Lady Irwin. At Weft Grinfk-ad, late Sir Meyrick Burrell, now Mrs. Wyatt. Near Steyning, on the right, Wifton, Sir Charles Goreing. LONDON to Newbaven and Scaford. To Lewes, p. 16. llford r'iddinghoe ^ewhaven, Bifhopfton Seaford 49 5 1 L O N D O N to Arundel. To HorJJ^am^ p. 2O. ^tcynlng Fmden Arundel 36 5 55 At Finden, late Mr. Green, now Mr. Richardfon. At Arundel, the Caftlc, a Seat of the Duke of Norfolk. Whoever pof- fefles this Seat, as Owner, be- comes Earl of Arundel, without any Patent or Creation from the Crown. No other Spot in Eng- land pofTcfles this peculiar Dig- nity. It was given by the Em- prefs Maud to William de Albani, as a Recompence for his Defence of it againft King Stephen. It defcer.ded to the Norfolk Family in 1579. Another Road to Arundel. To Petvvorth, p. Fittleworth Bury Arundel 49 So Another Road to Arundel, made and kept by the Pariflies as far as Pulborough, and as good as a Turnpike. From Pulborough // is Turnpike Road. Horjljam, p. 20. Slinfold Pulborough Hardham Cold Waltham Watersfield Bury Arundel 36 4 44 49 5 5 1 5 2 54 58 C 2 23] RoADsmeafuredfromWESTMiNSTER-BRiDGE. [24 Lymifter i 59 Buckman Corner 31 39 Wick 2 61 BillingJImrJl i 40 Little Hampton I 62 Mulfey 2 4 2 ")r t turn off at Warnbam, p. 20. and come into the above. Roaa Pulborough Common Wick ford-Bridge 2 I 44 45 before SlinfoU^ miffing Horjbam. Wickenholt Parham 2 2 47 49 A little beyond Horfham, on the 1. Lady frwin ; farther on, on the r. Amberlcy I 5 Mr. Shelley ; before Billingfhurft, This is not a Road for Carriages be- on 1. a new Houfe, Mr. Betfwortl.. yond Stone-ftreet, except in a dry At Pulborough, Mr. Spragg; before Summer ; hardly for Horfes in Hardham,on r. fee under the Hill, wet weather. Stopham, Mr. Smith. On the 1. of Bury, fee Parham, Sir At Stone-flreet, the Roman Caufe- way. for 2 JYJiIes. C. Bifshopp, a white houfe under feme woods. On the Caufeway, a Houfe, late Col. Clarke. To Cray don, p. i^. 9l On the 1. Everfhed, Mr. Witts ; on the r. Jays, late Mrs. Steere, now Blechingly, Surry to| 20 alfo Mr. Witts, and Leith-Hill, Mr. Thompfon. To Steyning, p. 22. Tarrine, Suflex 7 50 C7 On the left of 49 is Parham Park, the Seat of Sir Cecil Biffhopp, Bait. *>> **^f*^ / 5 / To Bognor, or Hotbamion, a To Steyning, p. 22. s new Bathing-Place. New Shoreham 6 S6 To Arundel, p. 22 5 Quit the Chichefter Road LONDON to Amlerly. in the Bottom, btyond .X the fecond Public- To Darking, p. 20. 23 Houfe. Over the Holmwood Eaftergate 5 6 3 Stone-flreet 7 1 /2 3l Aldingbourn i 64 Okewood Bridge 'i 32 Burfted 4 68 r. to Rovvhook, SvJ]cx i 34* Hothamton 68| r. through a Coppice Or to Chichejler, p. 28. 61 to Arun River i 3S Hothamton 7 68 25] [26 III. GREAT AND DIRECT RO ADS Meafuredfrom the Stone's End in the BOROUGH. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. N. B. The Mile Jlones on tie Portfmouth Road have been lately al- tered as far an Sheet l>ri; r, and the Me afar e taken from the Stone's Rnd, iriftead of the Standard in Cornbill; by which Means the 2()th Mile-Jione J?amh within the Town of Guilford ; and tie other Roads branching therefrom are confcquently fiortcr than hereto- fore reckoned when the Meafuremcnt was taken from Cornhill, ac- cording to which the Milejlones arejlanding in many Places. LONDON to Portfwuth. Ptter.tfeU i 5j i To Nevvin^ton, Surry r. to Vaq xh all i 1 Horndean Bere Foreft 7-7 01 \Vandfvvorth 4 f \ Purlec Heath 1- 64! Putney Heath z T Portfdown 2 66| J Klngfion Thames Dittoa 4 ill "4 Oofham Portfey Bridge \ ^ Efher 2 16 / cr-jHioutb 4it 7* Cobham-flreet Kipley 4 III On the left, entering Putney Heath, is a Houfe built by Larlv Rivers, Guilford 6 2 9~ ( i now Mr. Ruckt-r's : and on the I. to Catharine Hill i 3f right, a Houfe built by Sir William Godalming 3 33' Fordyce, on Part of ihe Common Miltbrd 'I J J 2 35 inclofed by him. Over the Heath to A little farther, on the left, is U'im Hind- Head Hill r. to Lippock, Hants 6 5 3 41 46 bledon 1'aik, Earl Spencer's; and, on the right, a new Avenue to the late Sir Jacob Downing's. r. to Rake, Suffix Sheet Bridge, Hants 23 48 1 From 9 to U,on r. Richmond Park. ROARS meafured from the BOROUGH. [28. At n, on a Hill upon the left, i-^ Combe, late the Harveys, now 1 Earl Spencer's, inhabited by Mr.j Tollemache. At n, on the 1. Mr. Sherers; and on the r. late Mr. Karrcn, of Co- vent Garden Theatre. At Thames Ditton, on the right, is Ember Couit, late Lord Onflow, now Sir James Ford. At Eflier.on the right, is Efher Place, late Henry Pelham, E'q. now Mils' Pelham ; and beyond it, on the! left, Claremont, late D. of New-! cattle's, now Earl of Tyrconnel. j A little beyond Cobham, fee on the: r. Burwood-Park,late Sir John Dal-| ling'<:, now Mr. Chamberlayne's;! and, on the left, the beautiful] Gardens called Pain's Hill, laid out by Mr. Hamilton; late Ben- jamin Bond Hopkins, Efq. To the 1. is Pointeis, Mr. Page, and Hatchford, Mr. Ramfay. Before Ripley, on the left, is Ock- ham, Lord King's. Crofs Ripley Green, on the r. Rev. Mr. On (low. Two Miles before Guilford, on the right, Send Grove, late General. Evelyn's, now Lady Drake. One Mile and Half before Guilford,; on the right, Sutton Place, a no-, ole seat of the Weftons. Haifa Miie before Guilford, on the, right, is Stoke, late Jeremiah Dy- fon, Efq. now Mr. Alderfey. Two Miles beyond Guilford, on the right, behind, i IV. GREAT AN DDIRECT ROADS Meafured from HYDE-PARK-CoRXER. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON Lhtle Anne i bb . To the Land's End in Corn- ,*//. Abbots Anne /. to Middle Wallop i 5 7 2 To Kenfington, Mid. _ i' LobcombCornei-j // ..V-. 3 i 7 > Mammerfinith 2 2 4 The Hutt ?6I Turnham Green I ; SALISBURY 6y 83 Brentford 2 7 Or, Smallbury Green 2 9 3 From Eafingftokt 4^2 Hountlffw 1 9! I. to Popham Lane 6 5 r i L to Powder Mills 2 u| /. to Cranburn 7 2 59 Belfont J 5 13! Sutton I 60 Stautes 3i i6| Stoi:kbridge 7 67 Egham, Surry i| 18 LobcombCorner,7/ 7 ///j 7 74 New-England Inn si 2l| The Hutt 75i JBagfliot Heath ll 23 SALISBURY 6| 82 'Bagjbot 3* 2(S| Combe Ballet 2 i 84! iGoklen Farmer 275; V/'oodyate's Lt;i t Dorf. 6J 9'! r. to Biackwater, Hants 3 1 3I Cailimoor jrl 97 Hartford Bridge 36 Tarrant Hinton 2 99 Hartley Row S l 361 iPimperne 3 1C2 Murrcl Green 2 38f! ! 5.W^r^ 2 104 Hook- * T ^ 40 Brianftone '04! Newnham 4 4 ! 2 \Vhitchurch 4l lOQ Mapleilorewcll Hatch 2| 44 Milbourn 3 1 12 Bzfinyftoke IT 45? Piddle Town 3 "$ w'orting Over ton i 49^ 542 T)orcbejler Winterborn 5 5 I 2O 125 ll'bitecburcb 3l 53 Rridport IO Hurfhorn 3 61 Chidiock 2 137 Downe Houfe 2 63 Charmouth 4! UlT Andmvr 2 65 L'/A-w/Vy/frr, Devon. Si U/" 33] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [34 Wilmertou Si 152! Merazion, a/n 1 ^ .Q Honiton 4 156! Jew Market J X 4 283 Fenny Bridges 3^ 1 60 Penztitice 3^ 286^ Rockbere 6" 1 66$ Newly n 288 Honiton Clyft ,i 169 Trevelloe 2 290 Heavy Tree 3 172 St. Buricn 2\ 2 9 2 2 EXETER f i 173 Trelede i4 -94 Addenvater 2 175 Senan 3 -97 Lilly Bridge 4 '79 Land's End i 298 C heriton Crofs Crockern Wsll 3l i 182! '83! Another Road, viz. South Zeal 7l 191 To Si. Michael, p. 33. 249? "pton 4 '95 Redruth 13 262! Brjdiftow 6 2OI Petrzance i8| 281" Lyfton 9 210 Land's End, as above n| 29 2 1 Nwhort 4^ 1 -, J. \ Corn. or Launce/ton \ 4 2!{' * A nciu Road from Hook, miff- Hackfhmv Mill 2l8| i . ' Nfwnham and the long Wa- Trerithick Bridge Trcvt'erit i- 2 2I 9 22l| ter, and coming in a Mile before Mapledore, being a Mile and a Enter Temple Moors Quarter nearer. Palmer's Bridge Temple 4l 224 228| f To Exeter, by Sbaftflury, p.^i. Moor Ends 2 2 3 C I 1 To Truro, by Taviftock, p. 42. Eodmin 4 234! Ford Bclovely Summer Court 2 si 6 ^! 242 248 At Kcnfington is one of his Majef- ty's Palaces. At c, Holland Houfe, the Seat of the late Lord Holland, now Ed- St. MiJ-ad r ~ -'49i ward BearcroU, Efq. St. Eime 4^ 2 53z To the left of Turnnam Green is Trefpean 254 Chifwic Houfe, late Earl of Bur- Buckfhead ji lington's, now Duke of Dcvon- cr 1 j ~ J 31 fhire's ; alfo the late Earl ol / rttro * 2f7 Orantham*s. Sticken Bridge 6 ^3 At 6, on the right, is Gunrterfbury Menehy 8 271 Houfe, Seat of the late Princes Trevenhan i 272 Amelia, DOW Col. Iroufide. Helflone 2 I 274 J Entering Brentford, to the left, if J\c-\v Lrid^e, on the other fi-le o! Briage 2 J 2764 which is Kew,fbmetimes the Sum- Golzenna s 28l4 mer Rdideuice of their Majcflies. 35] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [36 At 8, on the left, Sion Houfe, Duke :irthumber)and's; and on the right, nearly oppofite, is n Seat of the Duke of Marlborough; and about A Mile farther up th Lane is Ofterley Park, late Lady Ducie, now Earl of \Veflmorland. On the r. of Smaliberry Green, late Mr. Bifcoe, now Sir [of. Banks. About a Mile to the left of Hounflow is Whitton, a Seat of the late Archibald, Duke of Argyll, now, Mr. GofUing's of Doctor's Com-, moils, and near it is Whitton Dean, the Seat of Col. \Villiam Campbell To the left of n is Hamvorth Park,: late the Seat of Lord Verc, now Duke of St. A [bans. To tke r. of 15 is Stanwell Church and Houfe, Sir Will. Gibbon. At -i, or. the left, St. Anne Kiirht Hon. C. J. Fox. Cucrt:ey and Try's Hill. ~, on the right, is Windfor P:i:k; and at zz, Shrurfs Kill,; the late Duke of Cumberland's Lodge. on the left, Mr. Woodford, Mr. Leicefter. iliot Park, late Lord, Keppel, riow tht Prince of. At 30, on trfe left, the Ilonfe of! the late Ilaivlciv Morris, Efq. t-. v.-honi the Obelift on Bagfh; t Keath belonged, now inh. by ?.!FS. Digby ; and on the r. a fhell of a Honfe, Mr. Lo^ge. At 35, on the left, Everton, Sir I! Gongh Caltrop ; beyond tlvs ; Dogmersfield, Sir Hcniy St. John Mrifi: .!, on the light, Bramfliii, Sir John Cope. At .37, on the right, a Mile out of the Road, late Gen. Hawley, nou Mr. Hawley, but inhabited by Gen. Sl'-.per, and, en the kit. Winchfield, l^ady Geo. Beauclerc At .-59, on r. Tjlney Hall, late I.o/c Tylney, inhabited by Wei. Elli* Eili. At 44 -|, on the left, fee Hackwood Duke of Bolton's. At 49, Worting, Mr. Edwards. At 49!, on the i . fee Mr. Tarrant's At ;il, on the left, Bramflone Park Mrs. Bramftone. At 32, on the right, Mr. Harwood At jii, on the left, Afh Park, Mrs Bouverie. At ;6, Frcefolk, Mrs. Portal. At6r, Down Hurflvirn, a Seat of the E. of Portfinouth, \vlio hasanother at Early Wallop near Bafingno At Andover, Mr. Pollen, and to tht left is WherweljjMr. Ironmonger About 67, on the }. Red Rice, in a Vi'iiosl, Mr. Errington. Bcyon it, on a Poiut of a H;ll, Duubur\ Camp. To the left of the Hutt is Winter- flow Houfe, Lord Holl At the Entrance of SalHhnry, on the right, Mr. \Vyudham. On the r. of Blandford is Stepleton, Peter Beckford, Efq. and Ji: :ir it Rndon, Peter vVitliam i Efq. On the 1. Langton, Mr. Snow. ;ul Blandford, on the r Down-Ho;:fe, I,rd Camel ford. One Mile beyond Wooclj;. t. , 1,1: the 1. li^s \Vinborn St. Giles. Lord Shnftlbury, and Mr. Templer. To the r. of Cafhmour Inn, Mr. ChoiTm ; and, to the r. of Catli- wioor, Critchill-Houfe, Charle.-. Sturt, Efq. \t Crainftone, on the v Blaiidford ]!ridge, Heiiry \\ Portman, Efq. At Miibourn, Edmund Morton i-leydcll, Efq. At i 9. on the r.;- J'lcydcll, jun. 37] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [38 On the riaht of Milbnurn (iii)i- Milton Abbey, Lord Milton. At ri6, on the right, Dulifli, Mr. Michael, and Mr. Gimdry. |Har burton Ford IBrent , Bidctord if 2 , 200 203 At nS, on the left, Kiiigfton Houfe, I'jy / 2 205 1 Rivers. Woodland I 206 At 119, on left, Stinsford, a Seat of Lcc Mill Lord licheller, inhabited by .Mr. Obricn. RicUjew.iy 4 2O 7i r i i , At the End of Dorchefter, on r. Mr. Plymouth 4i 216 Churchill, and on left Mr. Dimer. Plymouth Dock 2 218 At 124, on the r. Sydling, Sir John Smith, Bait. Another Road, viz, Two Miles beyond Axminfter, on ', Coryton, Mr. Tucker ; and one Mille farther, on left. Shute, To EXETER, p 33. Alphingtou 2 173 Sir John de la Pole. /. to Kentord 2 '77 A liitle beyond Honiton, on the Hall Down 2 179 light, Tracey Houfe. Red Lion 6 1 185! : eyond Honiton, on the ' . is E!eott,lateSii-Geo. Yougc. At Okehampton, the Caltle and A i"vto/i I>!if:cl Tot tiff 5 8 2 188 196 P-irk, a Seat formerly of the an- cient Earls of Devonshire, now of . Vifcouiit Cour; Moaujiry :Yealmpton Brixton 1 2 208 T P To the r. of 253^-, is Trutuam, Mr. iPlympton Earle 1 2 * 5 To the r. of 2:4%, Trcworjan, Mr. i'ivmptou St, Mary 218"^ Coliia*. Plymouth 122* To the 1. of 156, Mr. Polwhele. Or, 'tone, on the , I)uko of l.eedr-. r.-Gpdol- 'From Totncfe 196 vlyn, Caftle Kor- |To Wanton 4z 2OO| ::, Dr. Borlact.. 'idge Si 206 To the r. of Ttcvelloc, Kerries, Mr. Plymovthy as above 1 1 217 Pearee. A little beyond Alphington, on the right, Mr. Coxe. LONDON to -Phuoutb. A little farther, on left, Mr. Cooke; To EXLTER, p. 33. tVlpington r. to Shillingford '73 2 \~^ a little beyond KenforJ, on the left, Mr. George Tcmpltr; in a tottoni, hanging Woods and Plan- tations. eigb 61 -83 Going up Hall-Down Hill, at 3} Pickington 6 180 ! from Kxctcr, on tin- righr, rton r j Hall-Down lhni!e,SirR ] J ;!k,Bart. Bucktaitl : *l 195* At 4, upon a Hill, on the left, is c Lawrence, built in honour Dean Court of the latr General l.awrencf. [39* ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [40 On the Top of the Hill, fee the City of Exeter ; Topfham, Powderham Another Road, viz. Caftle. Lord Vifc. Courtenay ; beyond it the Woods of the Earl of Lifburne, and the River to the Sea. To Okchampton, p. 33. Sourton A i99i On Hall-Down, fee on the farther Lidtord 4! 204 Hill, towards the right, II ightor Brent Tor 3* i7\ Rock?, one on a point of a Hill. Tavifot Si 2 '3 the other in the Center of a Dip Robarrow Downs 7 220 in the Hill ; they accompany you all the way toTotnef?; but, as voi Plymouth 7 227 go on, appear almoft clofe toge- At IJdford is a moft remarkable ther. They form a Sea-Mark. Bridge, and a natural Cafcade. At 9|, from Exeter, on the right, fee Lord Clifford's Park and Kirchen- Gardcn ; Houfe in a Bottom, not Brent 'I'or is a Church on a pira- midal Hill, which fervcs as a Sea-Mark to thofe entering Ply- mouth-Sound. feen. At 1 1, fee before you Stover Houfe, Mr. James Templar ; on the right, To Morton Hamp- Bovey Tracey, beyond Dartmoor. ^ ftead, p. 39. r 181; At 12, crofs the River Teign by a Chcgfrd, Devon 2-1 .col lonji narrow Bridge and Caufeway. J2i ^ On the 1. of Newton Buf hel is Knoles, and, a little beyond, on To Plymouth, p. 38. 216 the r. Broadridge, which, with ftveral other Points near them. Crofs C finable Paffage over Tamer River, . afford fome of the moft pleafmg and picfrurefque Profpedls that can any where be found. to Looe, (Eaft and Weit) f 232 Fowey 8 240 Another Road, viz. i To ExETtR, p. 33. Pocomb 173 '75! On the other Side Tamer River, to the left, is Mount Eogcumbe, the Seat of the E.of Mount Ed^cumbe. Longdown End i-k I 77 Crew Morton Hampjlcad 2. \ 7 / / ,78 To Plymouth, p. 38. We (ton 2^ 2l6 New Houfe Dart River Merrivale Bridge k 3 192 1981 Crofs Tamer River to SaltaJJ}, Cornwall ^ j^ 2185 Taroiftoc Whitechurch *j -06^ 2 /2 To Plymouth, p. 38. t'rofs Crimble Paflage to 216 iiu^c 2 OM"^ Milbrook Nackerfhole 1\ 17 Craft hole 3 ^ x v ^ji : 22 T Plymouth 3 220 .i] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [42 oin Landreck Road 4l 227 | Three Miles beyond Salisbury, on th e ^atchfrench Coldrinnick I . 2 :^| right, is Wilton, a noble Seat of the T.aii of Pembroke. On the right, a few Mi!es on this Catuther 2 ? 2 33^ Side Shaftfbary, are Wardour Caf- '^e/kard ll 334! tle, the Seat of Lord Arundcl, and Font-Hill, a fine Seat, built by the J. B. The Crimble-PnJfage is new much late William Beckford, Efq.' Al- dfofeJ, btina nearly 3 Miles farther derman of London. t/ by Twpoint faffage. A little on this Side of Milborn Port, At the PaiTage, Mount Edgcurrtbe. Jetween 5 and 6 Mile Stones, fine View from the PafTage. View clown the Lyner, at 9 mile c from the Paftage. to the left of the Road, is Stal- bridge, the Seat of the late Mr. Waher; now the Earl of Uxbridgc. Ac ,'il.erborn is Sherborn Cattle, the be-iutiful Seat ot Lord Pigby. Three Miles ,to the right of Crew- kerne is Hinton St. Geoige, the LONDON to EXETER, by Seat of Earl Poulett. Shaftihury. At Ford, is Ford Abbey, the Seat of Gwyn, Efq. To SALISBURY, p. 32. 83 VIount HarnhamHiil I 84 LONDON to Truro* bv r. over the Plain 3y the Race'Ground 4 88 Tavijlec. Fovent Hurt si 935 To Tlm^oc, p. 39. 206 White-Sheet Hill si 97 Newbridge 3l Ludwell, Dorfet 4 10 i Renny Mills 84 2lt>4 Shaft/bury Snnir Kail- over I [02 ( c6 Combroa \LeJkard 221 Stour Weft-over 2- Lcftwitbiel 12 -33 Millar -n Port, Som. 6J ' ! 5 ISt. Blaife 5 238 Sbfrbtnt) Dortct *i I 1/2 p'V. J;file 4 242 Ba -ylon Hill 4- I 22 Penhall 4 246 ']' Som I 123 in pound 250] tor 3 126 Storne i 2 5 l i : ;:oc r| , ,..1 - / 2 Probaa r -5-- Hafilbeer H 130 Trefillon 2 keriu 2 ' 3'i ! 7 rttro 4 238^ Cha 6 i - Q \ Truro by J^aunccjlon, Stockland 6 P-33- lL>;n!n, Devon thence to 6 5 - On the left of Renny Mills iiNcw- ton, a Seat ot the late Sil JrJu. EXLTR, p. 33. 19 i;i| Cioyton. ( 43] ROADS mcaiurcU from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [44 Sear Lcfhvithiel is Rei'.onnel Caf- Enter New Fortil 3 80 tle, ' and the beautiful Giound.. belonging to Francis Giegor, E:q. M. P. lor that County. Ragged Row Caitle Malwood 1 if 804 82 On the left, this title of Lefhvithiel, Bonner S 9 is Eoconnuc, the Scat of 1 ho. Ringvwod i 9 1 Pitt, Efq. now Lord Camelford, firft Couiin to the late Earl of Chatham. St. Leonard's Bridge New Bridge 4 941 95 O:i 1. of Storne,Seat of Mr.Williams. Ham 3 98 Kingfton i 99 To6>. Arflc, p. 42. 2 342 How Corner Pock i c 100 10: Tregony I'hilli. h 7? 2 49l J * J At 50, on left, a Houfe, late Mr St.jfawt 5i 260 Delaney, now the Prince of Wales. A f- ft* O- c*t-**-f rt " f i c < r *i To Tft-'i/!ac, p. 39. Killington, 206 217 *.i.t xjfr*j7.v? t p. 31. :HESTER, 264 LONDON to Wri V,.and Pcolc, by 1L To Bajitigjlohy p. 31. 451 Golden Farmer i-' 28 /. to Fopham Laae 6j /. to Friir.-ley 3-2- Popbara J 53 Far n borough 32 E. S tret ton 3 .i.n :j- 6 I 3 8 I Inn Worthy Si Ber.tley Green, Movie 4 44. \Vl; \CHESTER 2 63 ^ Holly burn 2 2 Pitt 6 ^ i HutHcv 3 Chawtnn i 4/2 id" 7 1 Rupley Dean 5 53i >''ry 74 Bifhop's Sutton /. to Qux Bridge 3 77 Airesforfl i V 45] ROADS me?. fared from HYD -CORNER. [46 Steward's Bridge WIN CHESTER f Another Road to Farnbam. To Gu-iforJ, p. 25. f 1 29 |io|| 40 At Frimley, on the r. Capt. Beck- ford. At Farnborough, on the left, Farn- ;-h Place, Mr. Wilmot. !iles beyond Guilford, on tin. left, fee Lo'fely, 'Miff. Molyncux. :"?n the r. fee Henley Park, on a Irmal! Hill, Mr. Halfey. i'les beyond Guilford, on the left, Pattetham, Admiral Corniih. A Mile and Half farther is Hamp- ton, late Mr. Parker, now Mr. Snell; fonu Water by it. At 9, on left, Moor Park, near which lies Waverley Abbey, late Sir Ro- bert Rich, now Sir Charles (Bol- lock") Rich, Barf. LLD. who mar- ried h! At Farnham, Farnhum Caftle, the of V.'inJicfler's. \t 4^. on I. the Vv'uods of Holt Fo- icll for two Miles. i'.cyond Bcntlcy Green, on 1. late Mr. Saiulbury, now Mr. Olirer ; and, on r. Mr. Rcuhwcll. i 4.;, on t!:e right, I. Mr. Watkins, a hrit-k Houfe. -2., Mrs. Nicholas, white Houfe. 3. Sit Thomas Miller, a white Houfe. At Chawton, Mr. Kuipht. At Old AliL-sfurd, a white Houfc, CoL Shcrifl'; a red Houlc by tht Chuich, Lord Rodney. Ueyond Alrcsford, on the r. Mr. Harris. At 59, on r. Ovcrin^ton, late Mr. ArmftroBg, now Mr. Stan-Jer- wick; p.txt the Chuich is the Par- Ton age. About 62, on r. fie Sir Cfialonc Ogle's, a white Houic, by woods. Gofport. 47f 48* I 67 III nk L O N D O-N to To A>tori> p. 44. Chawton Farrin^don Eaft fitted Fa'.mcr Hill Wejl Me on Warnfbrd Ex ton Moon Stooke Droxford Sobcrtoh ..tin Forton ; , on the lefr, Mr. Knight. Park, Cat. Pou- Aboiit 1 Miles to the left . Mo* aan Camp, called Old WinchcfLr, oo a Hi 1 ' and Drox 1. of Clanrickard. At Wichliam, ou the left, Mr. Gar- Bier. To the left of Fareham, is Cam?, Lady bccty ><..- 'fay to G. t J> bi:-: . L O N D O N to Southamton. 57 To Air e - : f or a, p. 44. Sc\v:!rd's Bridge '.. over Longwood D.cmn to Moriieud Twyi 64 66 63 47] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [48 Swathling Portfwood Southampton * 73 75 * This is not a Turnpike Road, and you do not turn of to Long- tuooJ Down till near the 60 Mile Stone. At Twyford, Capt. Vane. At Swathling is the Seat of the late Tho. Lee Dummer, Efq. lately Lord Hawke, now Will. Cham- berlayne, Efq. About a Mile farther, to the left, Portfwood Houfe, Gen. Stibhert. N"ear it is Bevis Mount, Edward Home, Efq. A little farther is Belle Vue, late N. St. Andre, Efq. now Rear Ad- miral Sir Richard King; and a little farther, on the 1. is Profpedr.- Place, the Seat of Capt. Dixon. Another Road, viz. WINCHESTER, p. 43. St. Croix 63! 64! 66 68 L-omptqn Ottar borne Southampton N. B. 78 Pojt Miles are charged. At St. Croix, the Hofpital. before Compton, fee Twyford, on the left, I. A white Houfe, Mr. Hore. i. A red Houfe, Mr. Ship- ley. 3. In the Bottom, Shawford Houfe, Mrs. Mildmay. LONDON to Lymlugton. Otterborne, *s above. 68 ttedbridge 9 77 Totton iLindh-urft Brockenhurft Battramlley Lymington . 42 82 84| 89 At Lyndhurft is a Houfe of the King, ufed, -when in the Foreft by the Duke of Gloucefter, as I Lord Warden. The King, Queen and two elder Princefles, were here eight or nine days in 1789. Alfo Fox Leafe, late the Seat of Sir Philip Jenning.Clerke, Bart now of Ifaac Pickering, Efq. About a Mile from Lyndhunt, OP r. is Mount Royal, fh^t Name being given it by the King when he wa at Lyndhurft, it being be- fore called Notherwood. It is the Seat of Robert Ballard, F.fq. To the left of Brockenhurft, Edward Morant, Efq. A Mile beyond Lvmington, late Sir Harry Burrard-Neale ; and a little farther is Piiewell, Mr. Ro- bins. To Caftle Mahvood, p. 44. Fordingbridge To Ramofdf p. 44. Chrift Church s S2 87 9 1 98 At Chrift Church, the Priory, laic Guftavus, now John Brander, Efq. Between this and I.ymington is High Cliffe, late the Earl of Bute ; advertifed in July, 1795, to be fold for the materials. LONDON to Weymouth To DorcbeJlerfTp. 3 2 Monkton Melcomb U^eymouth 120 122 49] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [50 At Monkton, on the 1. is Harrington, Mr. Williams; and, on the right, Maiden Ca(l!c. 83, 35 90 931 ioo| LONDON to Cranbourn and Poole^ by SALISBURY. To SALISBURY, p. 32 Coombe Tipput ] 5 Cranbourn) Dorfet 3* Stanbridge Chapel Wimborn Minfter Pools 75 no N. B. A nearer Way fy Win- cbcfler and Ringwood) p. 43, 44. Two Miles from Cranbourn is Wim- born St. Giles, the Seat of the E. of Shaftibury; and a few Miles farther, on the lelt is Woodlands, the Seat of Edward Seymour, Efq On the righr, beyond Wimborn Min- fter, is Charborough, the Seat of Thomas Drax Grolvenor, Efq. LONDON to Hampton-Court) Sunbury) and Sbepperton. To Brentford, p. qi. At 7! turn to the left to Ifleworth i^ Twickenham i- Teddington i Enter Bufliy Park Through the Park to the Palace of Hampton Court \\ Hampton Sunbury Lower Hamvorth Shepperton 12 I2 I 9 At Hampton, Mrs. Garrick, Widow of the late David Garrick, Eiq. At Sunbury, a fine Seat late of the Earl of Pomfret, late Mr. Chand- ler ; after, Mr. Richardfon. Kcmpton Park, Sir Philip Muf- grave, Bart. A Seat of Lord Hawke, and fcveral others, beau- tifully fituated on the Banks of the Thames. LONDON to Ham. To Brompton - Walham Green 2 3 Fulham i 4 Crofs the Thames to Putney, Surry f 4! r. to Richmond 4 83 Peterfham i Ham i Another Road) viz. ToWandfworth,p.25. $f r. to Richmond 5^ 1 1 Peterfliam , i 12 Ham i To Hounjlovj t p. 31. Feltham Littleton Cbertfey) Surry At Littleton, Thomas Wood, Efq. At Chertfey, the Abbey, Mr. Wef- ton. Near Chertfey is St. Anne's Hill, on the Side of which is * Seat, late Lady Trevor, now Right Hon. C J. Fox. And near that is Rotlevs, a new-built Seat of Sir Jofeph Mawbey, Bart. 51] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [52 LONDON to Reading, To Cranbourn, p. 49. 931 by Egbam. \ Wimborn, Dorfet 1 1 104!', To Egham, p. 31. ThronghVVindfor Park to , g Wareham Corfe Caftle 10 si 1 1 4 | 120 Braknell, Bcrki 10 28 Swan age 6 126 Okinj>bam t alias 1 2 , Three Miles beyond Wareham, on Wokingbam the r. is Grange, Mr. Bond ; and I London Bridge 3 35 . three Miles beyond Coifc Cafllc, on the r. is Encomb,Will. Morton *0r, 4 39 : Pitt, Efq. From Eg ham to Warfield Reading 10 10 28 38 To Blandford, p. 32. Bere Regis, Dorfet Warcbam 9 6 IO4 1I 3 IIQ N. B. To Reading 1y Maiden- head, p. 63. Six Miles beyond Bcrc Regis, on the r. is Lulworth Caftle, the admired At 3 s J, on left, Early, the late Gov. Seat of Fdward Weld, Efq. It is near the Sea. Birt^ now Mr. Golden. A little farther is White Knights, late Sir Henry Englefield, now To Elandford, p. 32. 104 Mr. Martin. Milton Abbey 7l I I l| Cerne Abbey 9~- 121 To Hartford Br.p, 31. __ 56 Sydling 2 123 Hartley -Row i 2 Beaminfter 10 I 33 Odiham, Hants si 4 2 1, At Milton Abbey is the Seat o FLord At Odiham, DogmersCeld, Sir Hen. Milton. St. John Mildmay. At Sydling, Sir John Smith, Bart. !To Bafingftoke,?. 31. Kingfclear, Hants i 4Sl 544 iTo Dorcbeftcr, p. 32. Abbotfbury 120 7i Remains of the Abbey- a 1 Decoy 3 (. To Siockbridgc, p. 32. 67 or) Swannery. Broughton Weft Tytherley Eaft Dean, Wilts 4 3 2 7 1 74 76 To Dorchejler, p. 32. Frampton 6 120 126 Dunkton or Downton 7 8 3 Tipput 7 9 To Brulport, p. 32. '.35 Cranbourn, Dorfet 4 94 Lime 8| i4.4 iCulliton, Devon 6| 150 Another Road, f>. 49. ' Ottery St. Mary's 6 156 53] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK. -CORNER. [54 To Bridparty p. 32. Lime Colyford, Devon Sid ford Newton Poppleford Wood bury Topflum thence to EXKTER si 6f n 1 13 q To Stour Eaftover, 4.32 P- 4i. 150 Sturminller, Dorfct i "n * ' $ I O6 I I I ^2 3 5 3 5l 1 1V2 162^ 167! lyoj '74 ; To QfwJtenUf p. 41. Chard) Somcrf. i '3'i 141 To Newton Bujbel) p. 38. Comb Crupland Dartmouth Dodbrouk Near Comb is Stoke which affords a very and piclurefque Profpe ing this Eminence, i Shaldown, and thence, acrofs the Mouth of th< Teignmouth. By going to Dartmouth ton, you have the I- crofs, which is avoidei by Totneff, only z o round. 5 9 2 i5l Co ext ft. a R by a : Tai From arbo 1 in r 3 ;88 193 202 204 2I 9 i mmon enlive Skirt- oad to Ferry gn, to New ur to going Miles To Live, as above Colyford Sidmeuth, Devon ~\ 8 H3l 150 158 To Sidmouth, as above Otterton Exmouth At Otterton, a Seat of M 6 Si r. Re ,58 164 169$ lie. ' To EXETER, p. 33. Alphington /. to Kin ford Hall Down Teignmoutb Or, Alphington, as above Powderham Star Crofs Dawlifh Teignmoutb NTear Hall Down, Sir Rol At Powderham, the Ca Vifcount Courtenay. 2 2 2 01 8 4 s 2 3 3 ->ert file, 173 J 75 1 77 179 i3 7 | J 75 1 80 182 185 1 88 Palk. Lord To Dartmouth, as above Kingbridge '7i 204 2l8| To Plymouth^. 38. Over Crimble-PalTage to St. Germain's, Corn. 8 216 224 To Tavijloc, p. 39. Berealftone, Devon. | 2 o6 5 [211 ToStourEaftover.p.4i Stalbridge, Dorjet At Stalbriilge Is the Seat ward Walter, Efq. now of Uxbridgc. 5 late< of th 106 in )f Ed- c Bail To Truro, p. 33. Penryn Falmouth 9 2 2 57 266 268 55] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORKER. [56 LONDON to Padftaw. North Tawton 4 r 192^ To Newport 1 or Launcefton J r JJ St. Stephen's Down Egglefherry ECett's Moor i 4f 214 2l6| 22l| Stamford Courtenay Jacobftow \HatherIeigh Houlpvjorthy Stratton^ Cornw. 34 i34 7 J 97i 2CI 2I4| Hall Drunkard Davidftow Camelford 4 22 3 228f To llatberlelgb, above Shepwafli "44 2OI 20S2 Tregmaney Mellon i i 22 9l 2 3C7 To EXETER, p. 33. '73 SLnert's Mill j J 2 2*2 I *^ Crediton, Devon. ^i /2 i8o| St. Theath i 232 Chawleigh 12 J 9 2 i Tregear ~\ j 4 2 34 Chimleigh I T 93i ^eadogget >t. Endellion i 2-7^ LONDON to Barnjlaple, r, to S. Minver 3 240 continued to Hartland. /. to Tredeffic i 241 ^To Andover, p. 31. 6, Fredilly i 242 r. to Wey Hill, Hants 3 6d Crofs the River Camel to (jMullen Pond i| 69! Padjtow *! 2431 Harradon Hill, Wilts 6 75f To Hall-drunkard, Winterton Stoke 4l 3 4 as above 223 Deptford Inn 4 a 37 Boffcaftle, Cornfjj. 7 230 IVilley ^ 87! ^offiney 3 233 New Inn 4! 921 Chicklad^ i QjA To St. Theath, above Warbridge St. Columb, Cornw. 1 232 Willoughby Hedge 2 , ji Kilmington, Somerf, 2 . q Bruham 4 732 96} 102 106 $t. Michael 7 2:6 tiruton * 3 109 / J iCaftle Carey 3 112 L O N D O N to Stratton in King Weflon Somerton 7 3 122 Corwujall, Langport 5 127 To EXETER, p. 33. 173 Curry Rivcl 2 129 Newton St. Cyres 4l 177! RookHoufe 4 J 33 Crcditon 3 i8oj Wrantage i 134 Coleford 4 i^>\\' Taunt on Dean 6 140 Bow ^1 1 88 i Ram well 3 i43 57] ROADS meafured from HYDF.-PARK-CORNER. [58 Buck land heffon Wellington Upwell Green Bluet's Crofs, Devon. Maiden Down Sampford Peverell Halberton Tiverton Cavcrleigh South Moulton { Southalla Philley Swimbridge Lankey Newport Barnftaple Bideford Harton Hartland , 9 I '991 211 2I 3 * Another Road to Brut on, p. 62. I- Another Road toS. Moult on, p . 5 9 . '451 '47 148 '5 1 152 i 156 ; 158 161 163* 79t ' M i88| 190 Stratcon, now belonging to Sir K C. Huare, and pulled down by him. r Tivcrton is the Seat of Sir Tho Carcw, Bart, which formerly hc- longed to the ancient Eails of De- voniliirc. At Phillcy is a Scat of Lord For- tefcue. A. Mile beyond Bideford, on the r i Dadcloii, George Bulk, Efq. At King VVeftrn, on r. William Dickenfon, Julj. Before Somerton, on 1. Mr. Howe. At 130, on r. Button Pynfent. Coun- tefs Do\v?.^cr of Chatham, and the Obelilk, built by the late Lori Chatham, in memory of Sir R Pynfent. On the 1. Earnfhill, R.T. Combe, Efq At 144, on r. Heathcrton Park, Si T. Gunflone. 126 .27 129 LONDON to Taunton. To Tt'ovilf p. 4'i . Som. At r. at Weyhill, Mr. Gawler. More "F on r. Chute Lodge, Mr. Freeman.; Oucomb See before you, on a Hill, a whict.'Montacute Object, a Summer-Houlc of Mr Stoke A. Smith, at Tidworth, which is p e rherron R r ir!erp near the Road beyond Ludgers- . hall. j! White Lackington About 70, is Rednara, Sir John \Ilmbifter Pollen, Bart. j Horton At Amberfbury is a Seat of the Duke \fliill of QueenJberry and Dover. At 80, on the right, Stonehenge, one '" ' of the mod remarkable remains of Tauntmt Antiquity in the Kingdom. At 85, on the r. a htrgc and ftrong '351 1 37 '5 140; M3: '491 Near Odcomb, on the 1. is Brimpton Intrenchment. Earl ot \Vcftmorland. At IDZ, on 1. is Stourtnn, the bean- ' At Monracute. Edward Philips, E(q tiful Scat and Gardens of Sir H. .N'car White 'Lackingtou ' Colte Hoare, Bart. I liugton, Lord North. On 1. of Bruton is Bruton Abbey, j At Hatch, the Seat of John Collins Scat of the late Ld. Berkley, of I Efq. 59] ROADS meafured from HYDE -PARK-CORNER. [60 LONDON to South Moulton IShrcwton 5l 8 4 by Bridgcwater. jChiltern 5 8 9 To Bruton, p. 56. Cole 109 I IO 1 Heytejbury 'Boreham 4 24 93 1 951 VXVJllr Ainsford 2 112 Warmiiifter '! 97 Planvil I in Or, \_/ loll V LL Alford 17 I 'I 1 \AmberJl)uri Lidford Kangfvvefton Afcot 2 2 3j ii6| 120 jDepttord \ll r arniinjier Buckley IO I 98 Knowie p '33 jCorfley Heath q lioi Bridgrxater Durlay |j ^Vhatley ;Little Elham 3 3 i 104 108 Faulty Eninore i 141 'Mendip Hills Water Pitts 2 WELLS 12 1 2O Weft Bag bo rough 3 146 iAt So, Stonehenge, one of the niofl Willet 35 j jqil remarkable remains of Antkjuity Rawl'm's Crofs J 2 153-2 in the Kingdom. !At Shrewton, the Earl of Ilchefter. Hohvelflade 1 2" 155 iAt Chiltern. Mrs. Mitchell. Wileot 3i .t Heytefbury is a Seat late of the Heal Bridge 4 iM Family ofAflies, but now of \Vm. Dulverten I ^ 164 A'Court, Son of late General Durly Ford, Devon. 6 170 A'Court. At Norton, Mr. Parry. Bufh Bridge 6 176 At Bifliopflone, Mr^/lemple. Sguth Moulton I 177 At joe, on the left, is Lor.glcat, the N. B. This Road not Turnpike farther than BriJjgewater, See Marquis of Bath. .Four or Five Miles beyond Frome on r. Plantations and Park of Mr. the Turnpike Road, p. 57. Homer of Wells. At Kirigfwefton, Will. Dickinfon, T?/U .From Mendip Hill?, fee on Hoare's Tower at Stourton I.Mr. , and Efq. At Enmore is a Scat of the Earl o( the Torr at Glaflonbury, a coni- cal Hill, with a Tower o n the Egmont. : T" A little beyond Willet is Harrow Top. Houfe, belonging to the Family of _ I.acy. I olf armtn/tcr t a$&bo\'t 1 97 .Samborne I 98 LONDON to Frame, continued Crofs Sheer- Water if 99l to WELLS. Maiden Bradley 104! To Andover, p. 31. 6? i Yarnfield I lo ii Amber (bury, p. 156. Ml Kilmington I ic6| 61] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [62 Bruham 4 1 1 iol L O N D O N t.o Bruton^ by Bruton 3 ' U 3i SALISBURY. To Bnctott, by Willey, p. $6. To SALISBURY, p. 32. Fifherton i 82 84 At Maiden Bradley is a Seat of the Duke of Somerset. Wilton Ur j I 2 85 grord I 86 Barford l| 87! Teflbnt To Shaft/bury, p. 41. r 2 Chilmark 42 05^ Gillingham 4* to6 5 Fonrhtll 2 I 95l \Yincaunton Oi II^ II fjirldnn I 07^ Bruton 5 118 Willoughby Hedge 2 f IOO Half a Mile beyond Shaftfbury, on Bruton, p. 56. I2 I f the r. Mr. Whitaker. At Wilton is a noble Seat of the Earl At the End of Gillinjham, MrJj f Pembroke. Frelfe. At 91, on the left, Dinton Houfe, Between Vincannton and Bruton, . ^ m ' Penruddock Wyndham, Elq. on the 1. Lord Ilchefter, his Plan- At Fonthl11 I*******' b j uil l / b y Utions running towards Alfred's * latc Wiltiam Becktai, Elq. Tower on the right. Alderman of London. To Aatrfbtay^ p. 56. _^ 7 8| To Willoughby Eaft Lavington 10 Hedge, p. 56. __ 9 6| Or, At one Mile farther iiMarket Lavington 10 88J /. to Mere, Wilts 3l j I Devizes 6 94s U'incaunton, Som. A Mile beyond Mere, on Houfe, \VUn. Chaffin G 8 1. is ove, io8J Zeal's Efq. A Mile and a Half from Eaft Laving- ton is Weft Lavington, late the Seat of the Earl of Abingdon, now pulled down, and the Property of , the Duke of Marlborough. To Wincaunton, as above ,_ ^_ I08|! To Frome, p. 60. 104 tlolcon 2 r 1104 Shepton Mallet I0 i 1^ n 1 f V f* TT f\ Tl j t LlU\_lVvlL(JIl South Cadbury I 2 "3i To Bruton^ p. 56. ^__ 109 Sparkford J i*6| I'itcomb i no llcbefter 6 I22| Callle Carey, Som. j 1 12 At North Cadbury, Mr. Newman. ' Juft beyond Cadbury Hill, a large Intrenchment. llcbcjicr Petherton llminftcr 8 2 6 I2J| 63] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [64 To Bridgewater, p. 59. 1137 [jCalcot Green 3 4 2 Cannington, Som. 3! 140^ Theal it 43? Nether Stowey *||45- VVoolhampton Si i? Hoverd iThatcham 3* S3 Doniford 4l! I S 2 i AVwfcry and Speen- Watcbet z i J S3f ham Land 3 5 6 Dunfter 5 1 5^2 Speen i Minehead 161 Half-way Houfe 3 60 Porlock 6 2 167 Hungerford 4i 642 Comb Martin, Devon 9 176 Froxfield, Wilts 3 675 Ilfraconib 5 181 Marlborough Forcft 4l 7 i At Dunfter is a Caftle belonging to Marlborougb the Family of Luttercll. Marlborough Field 2 i 77 i Overton . !_ ToWeft Bagbarough, P. CQ. 146 Weft Kennet Silbury Hill 1 4 79] j " Wivelfcomb, Som. 8J T 1541 Bcckington t /"* 7 I 8| Bampton 8 l62J r. to Lalns Studley 6 2 87* To S. Moult oily p- 157- Torrington, Devon 'J I 79l 1942 Cbippenbam I. to Upper Peckwic Box 4 93i 98 IOI 5 Bath Eafton Walcot BATH '1 '045 1 00 IO-7 LONDON to BATH, by Cbippcnbam. To Kenfington, Mid. Hammerfmith Turnham Green Brentford af i 2 4 S 7 / * To Reading ly Egham, p. 51. For Remarks on this Road from London to Houn/lnv,fec p. 34, &c. TT Q, m flg rut 2- / 9 On the right of Cranford Bridge is r. to Cranford Bridge 4 4 Cranford, a Seat of Earl Berkeley. At 15, on left, Stan well, the Seat Longford 3 i 5-4 of the late Alex. Hume Campbell, Coin brook, Bucks 2 17! Efq. and Stanwell Place, the Seat Slough 3? 20i of Sir William Gibbons, Bart. "alt-Hill j ** j At 1 8, on right, is Langley Park, Maidenhead Bridge Maidenhead) Berks i *5 26 late Duke ot Marlborough, now Sir Robert Batelbn Harvey, Bart. To the left of 20 is Windfor Caftle; /. to Hare Hatch 6 32 and to the right, Stoke Park, the Tvvyford Reading * 2 5 34 39 Seat of Sir. George Howard. At 21, on r. Baylis, late Lord Godol- phin, now Lord Chcftcrfield. 65] ROADS mealured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [66 t'zri, on the r. Stoke Houfe, John Penn, Efq. At 35, on r. is Taplow, a Seat of the Earl of Inchiquin. Beyond the Bridge, on the r. is Sir Ifaac Pococke. On left, entering Maidenhead, is t he- Seat of Pennyfton Downey, Efq. Jn the r, of Maidenhead, Hicks, the late Mr. Ambler; and, on the r. at fome diftance, Sir Will. Eaft, and Biiham Abbey, Mr. Vanfit- urt. )n Maidenhead Bridge, on the r. you have a fine View, up the Ri- ver, of Cliefden, another Seat of the Earl of Inchiquin, the Refi- dcnce of the late Prince of Wales. At Maidenhead Thicket, on the 1. fee the Spire of Shotterbrook Church ; clofe to which is the Seat of Arthur Vanfittart, Efq. \t 3i, on the r. is a fine Scat of Mr. Ximenes. At 31 f, Killgrecn, on r. Mrs. Phil- lips ; on 1. Mr. Parrot. Vt 32, on left, Mr. Girdler and Mr. Young. At 33f, on a Hill, is Hurfl, the Seat of Rt. Hon. Sir James Eyre, Knt. At 35, on right, fee Shiplake on the Hil!, late Lord Harrowby, now E. Bifcoe, Efq. \t 37, on right, is Sunning, belong- ing to the Family of Sir Rich, Bart, and on 1. John Bagnal, Efq Jefore 38, to the 1. is White Knights, late Sir Henry Enjlefield, Bart now Wm. Byam Martin, Efq. Ana near it, late Admiral Hotham, no\\ the Right Hon. Henry Addington Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons. \t 3;, on r. Caveriham, late Lord Cadogan, now Mr. Marfac. At 40, on 1. Coley, late Mifs Thomp fon. At 41, on the right, Edmund Pow- ers, Efq. At 42, on the right, John Bclgrave, Efq. At 45, on r. Engkficld Houfe, Rd. Benyon, Efq. At 47, on left, is Padworth, the- Seat of the late Chriftopher Grif- fiths, Efq. now his Widow. At 48, on the left, is Aldermaflon Houfe, now inhabited by E. Long, Efq. At 49, on the left, John Mount, Efq. and Sir Robert Mackreth. At 50, on the right, Mr. Poyntz. Before Thatcham, on the right, i." Dunfden Houfe, a Seat of Sir Ar- cher Croft, now inhabited by Waddington, Efq. At 56^, on right, Sir Jofeph An- drews, and at 57, alfo on r. a Seat late of his Brother, Mr. Andrews, late Mr. Brummell ; and Don- nington Caftle, Mr. Bafket, late the Packers, from them Mr. Hart- ley's. Eormerly the famous Chau- cer. Alfo, in the Bottom, Mr. Cowflad, On the left of 58 is Hamitead Mar- fhall, and Bcnhani Park, a Seat of Lord Craven. Before 62, on 1. Mr. Dundas. At 64^ from Hungerford Bridge, on the r. fee Chilton Lodge, late Gen. Smith. At Froxfield, a large Hofpital foi Clergymens' Widows, founded by the Diichefs of Somerfet. At 67, on right, is Littlecot, the Seat of Mrs. Popham; and a litt'.e be- yond it is Ramibury, late Sir Will. Jones, Bart. At 71, on the left, is Tottenham, the Seat of the Earl of Aylefbury At 73, on I. is tke Eail of Aylef- bury's Avenue through Scvernakc Fore ft. In going out of Marlborough, on the 1. is a large Houfe, formerly | Scat of the Duke of Somerfet, bui now the Caflle Inn. .F 7] ROADS raeafured from HYDK-PARK-CORNER. [68 Ibury Hill, a remarkable Barrow, n the r. lies Abury, a Remain of the Druids, n the right of 85 is Compton Baf- fet, John Walker Heneage, Efq. n the left of 86, Blacklands, Tho- mas Maundrell, Efq. Vt Studley, Brown, Efq. efore Calne, on 1. a white Horfc. lately cut cut of the Hill?. t 90, on the left, about half a Milt off the Road, is Bow Wood, the Marquis of Lanfdown. a the 1. a f ter leaving Chippenham, Ivy Houfe, the Seat of Matthew Humphrys, Efq. .bout 94, before Bath, on r. Shoc- erwic, Mr. Wilt/hire. .t 94, on the right, Rowdford, Mr Delme. ,*e;ir Bath is Prior Park, a Seat of the late Ralph Allen, Efq. now Mr. Smith, who married the the Widow of Bifhop Warburton ,ONDON to Bath by Windfor. To Windfor, p. 73 22 Sinfield 9 3 1 leading 9 40 JATH, p. 64. 67 107 'This Road is travelled in the Sum- mer T'une^ on Account of the many rural Profpefls it affbnh. At i, on the left from Windfor, is Windfor Great Park. At i, on the right, St. Leonard's Hill, the Seat of General Har- court, and Sophia Farm, the Scat of Birch, Efq. *t 3, on the left, is Cranbourn Lodge, the Seat of his Roya Highnefs the Duke of Gloucef- ter ; near which is Fern Hill, late the Seat of Lady Knowles. On the r. is New Lodge, the Scat of Ge neral Hodgfon ; alfo the Seats of Sir Alexander Crawford, Stan''.- luke Batfon, and James Bannif- ter, Efqrs. On Wingficld Plain is a ftee Gram- mar SchoelJ endowed by Vifcount Ranelagh. At 4, on the left, is Afcot Place the Seat of the late Andrew Lin- degren, Efq. and Afcot Heath where his Majefly's Stag-Hounds are kept, and his Majefly's Plate of one hundred Guineas annualh run for. Adjoining to this are the celebratec Wells of Sunning Hill, called b> many the Montpelier of Eng land. At 5 is Wingfield Church. At 6, on the right of Harley Green is the Seat of Admiral Bowyer and, a little to the left, is the Sea of John Walfh, Efq. X^ear 7, on the right, is the Seat o Pany, Efq. and on th left is Swinley Lodge, the Seat o the Mailer of his Majefly's Stag Hounds, and where the Deer ar kept for his Majcfly'b hunting, At 9, is the pleafant Village of Bin field. On the left, is the Seat o Lord Kinnaird, late the Refidenc of William Pitt, Efq. alfo th noble Manfion of John Ellio Efq. and Binfield Place, the Sea of Goodenough, E(( Adjoining is the Seat of Admir, Vernon. On the left of Binfield Place, on th Foreft, is the Place where Julii Czfar war- encamped. The Ei trenchments are intire to th Day. 69] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [70 Near ro, is the Scat of Angle, Efq. and, to the right, is Bilhngbear, the Seat of the Earl of Abergavcnny, late the Earl of Portfmouth's. Near n, on Belle Hill, the Scat of the late Admiral Lev. Gower : and on the left, about Half a Mile, is the Town of Oakin^- Near i^, is the river Loddon, over which is a free Bridge ; Half a Mile beyond it is Reading Race- Ground, and Half a Mile farther is Early Common. On the left, is Maiden Early, the Seat oi Goldiug, Efq. and Whitt Knights, the Seat of William Byam Maitin, Efq. At 19, the old Hath Road joins anci enters the Town of Reading. To BATH, ly Devizes. To Beckington, p. 64. I to Wanfditch to Devizes r. to Melflmm Shaw rlorfe and Jockey Cingfdown Hill j Bathford, Som. Enter Ch.ippen.ham new Road Bath Eaftou Walcot BATH 8i| 8S| 96 97 99 zoo-] I02J IO4 to'c Beyond Devizes, on the 1. under tht Hills, lee EarlQoke, late Mr. Dd- nu ; , now Mr. Jofhua Smith. At Melfham, late William Long. Efq. now Mifs Thrtfhcr. Before Shaw, on the 1. Shaw Houfe, late Neale, Efq. At 98, on the r. a new-built Houfe of the Rev. Dr. Walter. Going down Kingfdown Hill, in the Vale, beyond Bathurfton, on the r. the Villa of Sir John Miller, Bart. On r. Shockcrwic, Mr. Wiltfhirc. To BATH, ly Sandy Lane. To Beckington, p. 64. /. to Wandi'ditch r. to Sandy Lane Rawdon Hill Laycoc Corfliam Lower Pickwic Box Bath Eafton, Som. Walcot BATH i* 2 3 i a* 8i| 84| 90 93' 96* 971 100 104! Beyond 89, on r. Whetharrt, Colonel Money ; on the 1. Wand's Houfe. At Sandy Lane, on r. is Beau-Wood, Marquis of Lanldown ; and on the 1. Spy Park, late a Scat of the Bayn- tuns, and fince of the Rolts, who have taken the Name of Bayntnn. At 92, on the right, Bowdon Houie, Ezekiel Dickenfon, Efq. At 93, Laycoc Abbey, John Talbot. At Corfham, Corfham Houfe, the Seat of Paul Mcthuen, Efq. To Mclkjham^ p. 69. to Holt Bradford 3l 96 99! 102 JlnotberRoadto Bradford, viz, To Hilperton, p. 72. >tavcrton Bradford 97! 99 iOO| t 2 71] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [72 Or, Before Tug Kill, on left, Hamfwell, To TrowbriJgc, p. 72. gl the Seat of Thomas Whittington, Bradford * IOOj Before Holt, on the right, is Holt At 108, on the left, Highfield, Parrot, Efq. Well, Dr. Jone. Entering Bradford, on the left, late Duke of Kingfton. * A At 112, on left, are Mr. Champion's Copper-Works. LONDON to BATH, by LONDON to Sc&ury. To AnJover, p. 3 1 . Weyhill 68 To Cbippenbam, p. 64. Yatton Kenel 4 93f 971 3 Ludgerfliall, Wilt* E. Everley W. Everlcy Uphaven Ruflial j i 8*1 Caftlecomb Xettleton Ae:i>-rJ. One Mile from Old Do 1 Biiftol Road, is Stoi Richard Hippeiley Cox tri^ 3 i 10 i 'sej? :. torn] ioufi r. :, foi -:l, ie e, E ! 8? 9 9i 101 1 02 ".-'*' ' .atti] b uu- nour; "dry ; .-, Mr. merly ?n the ailon fq. Hedfor Bone End Little Marlow Great Marino At 16, on the left, isClief a Seat of the Earl of In 3 i 2 ill lenf :b!qi 27 28 3 , 3'! 'cufc, Lin. To Reading, p. 63. Pangbourn, Berks Compton. Eaft imey Bv Pangbonrn, Purley 'Rev. Dr. Wiliers. 39 **i SI I 551 , the h 2 HalJ To Hungtrferd) p. 64. Alcbourn si ^ 73 To Hitngerford, Great tcdvvin, Wilts Burbage 6 3 c-V 7o| 73i To Dn-i^fs, p. 69. Weitbury, Hilts '3 88| To Colnbrook, p. 63 /. to Datchet the Thames, anc keep to the le:t round i.ttic Park, tc . ' . ~< Bcrks At 65, on the left, is Pufey-Houfe, the Hon. Ph. Puiey. To the right of 66 is Buckland, Sir' John Throckmorton ; and, a Milt' and a half farther on the right, | Caftle Surby, Mr. Southby. To the left oi" 69 is Wadley, Stead, Efq. At Farringdon, Wm. Kailet, Efq. At 7;, is Bufcot Park, Loveden Loveden, Efq. At l.echlade, on the r. a new Houfc, Sir Thomas Whcate, Bart. At Fairfwd is the Seat and line Gar- den of John Raymond Barker, Efq.; and a great deal of curious paint- ed Glai-, in the Church. ! Beyond EaftDgtoQ, on r. Ampney, ' S. Blackwcll, Efq. 'At Ciienccder, t!ie magnificent Seat i and fine Woods of E:nl HathuvR. Eaft Challow ; tantord Staniiird Plain /-icejlcr t p. 77. 89 Welford, " Berks sf 612 Tctbury IO "i Great ShefFord 64 Dudley ej Lambourn 4. 68 Near Lambourn is Afhdown Park, To Cireaceficr, p. 77. 89 Lord Craven. Tetbury 10 99 Didmarton S 104 To Hungerfors!, p. 64.. 64! Wickwar 7 1 1 1 Aldbourne, Wdti 8- 73 i l To Cirencejler, p. ^7. S 9 To Farr'uigdon, p. 76. 71 [Minchin Hampton IO 99 Coleflrili 4 75 Stanley 5^ : io4j Highworth, Wilts 2 77 Berkelev 8| 113 iliver Ray si 82^ Hill 3 116 Parted 83" Thornbuiy S 121 Guerfden Green 6 2 9 1 Alliftone i 122 3uerfden i| 94 Brijiol 10 132 . Milbourn Green Malmflury i 94 95 Berkeley Cafilc is a Seat of the Ear! of Berkeley. At Malmfbury, the Abbey. Thornburv !e, Mr. Howird. 81] ROADS meafured from HYDE-PARK-CORNER. [82 To Cirencc/icr^ p. 77. Minchin Hampton Wootton Underedge 10 9 89 108 To Cirencefter, p. 77. Minchin Hampton Stroud 10 3 89 99 102 To (.irencefteri P- 77- Biiley 9 89 98 Painfwic GLOCESTER 10 HZ Painfvvic 3 10 1 intesssss^tw^i&ttti V. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to OXFORD, GLOCESTER and St. DAVID'S. jStoken Church, Oxf. Tetjkvortb 61 36 To Bayfwater, Mid __ I Wheatley Bridge Sl 4 4 Kenfington Gravel- At 48 | /. to Wh'eatley i 49 Pits i 2 Shot over Hill 3 S 2 Shepherd's Bulh i| 3z OXFORD* 2 54 A ft on I 2 c Eynfham s ?9 rlanwell 3 J 8 Witney 5 64 Southall J| 94 Burfo'd 7 71 layes rlillingdon 4 I S H- sl 4 1C Northlech, do. Frogmill Little WLitcomb 9 80 87. 941 jernrd's Crofs, Bucks C ./ 20 Brookvvorth i-! 9 3eaconsfield J 23 Hucclefcot i 97 Low Water A. 27 Barnvvood i 98 High H~y combe r 2 / 29 GLOCESTER f 2 !CO Weft Wycombe 2 31 i Huntley 7l 107. 83] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [84 Longhope 2\ 1 1 10 Cannafton Bridge i| 2-^4 Michael Dean 2 112 Mid-County Houfe 2| 236! Colford II *? Havcrford-v^cfl 5! 242 Redbrook 2 2 l2 Sj. Trecoed 4 246 Monmoutb, Monm. 2 k 128 Nevvgal Sands 4! 2^0^ r. to Roch field 2\ i?c| Solva 3 1 254i Llangaddoc l| I 3 2 5 St. DAVID'S 3^257! Llandilo Cruflency Llanvapley a 136 1384 * To Oxford, by Henley, p. 75. Kc venhcdagor Hill 3i 142" 1 -j- Glocejler, by Cirencejlcr, p. 76. Abergavenny J Llamvenarth '43-4 J Ano'ber Road to Aberga- Llangranach -'5 '475 venty, p. 87. Crick Howcll, Brcck. i|M9? Another Hftu Turnpike Read Tre tower 'li 1 ? 1 frqmTrccaJlle to Llandcvny, cati~ Bwlch 3 '54 ed GtxyOukvt Road, and no vnl- Llanfanfraid, iiu$i -uerfally travelled, as it avoids the Llanhamlog 'J's 8 * ~Mo'.>n*ain<, and is equally near. Brecon Llanfpetheid 5fi+i On 1. from Bayfwater to Kenfmgton Gravcl-prts, are Kenfmgton Gar- Crofs the Ulke at dens. Rheed-Brue si 170 On the-, at Wytham, 2 Miles be- Trecaftie 2 ^ I " - -- yond Oxford, the Seat and \V^x^ Enter CncrmartbenJ};. 7 t 3?. - 1 - L of the Earl of Abingdon. Beyond Hillin^don, on the right, is Llandivcry 5 181 a while Houie, late Mrs. Talbot, Llanurda 4 185 now the Marchioners of Rockiog- Abermarles 2 187 ham's. Landilo Faur 6 On the r. of 16 is Dcnham, Sir Wil- Rlnraddor 3 196 liam Bowyer, Bart. On J. of 20 is Bulftrode Houfe and Crofs Inn 2^ io8| Park, the D. of Portland. Cothy Bridge 3| 202 At 223, on r. late Mr. Bad, now White Mill 2-J- 2O4 Mrs. Dupre. Abergwilly Caermarthcn li 206 ,2 J208 On the left, near Beaconsncld, Ed- mund Waller, Eiq. and on the r. the Rt. Hon. Edm. Burke. St. Clear oi| 217^ * On 1. of High Wycombe, the Mar- Landourcr 21 9a quis of Lanfdmvn ; end on the Tavern Spite, Peml. e left of \\'cft Wyicmbe is the late Noah's Ark j ._2| Lord le Dtfpcncer, now Sir John / ji Dafl\vvood i Kin, Bart, liis Bro- Narbeth 3 2 32' ther ; and near it, en the top of a Robinfon 2 232! Hiil, is Welt Wycornbe Church, 85] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [86 on the T- wcr of which is a Ball that will contain fix People, and may be leen from a little beyond Beaconsfield. A f<-w Miles to the left of Stoken Church is Siierburn Caille, the Earl of Macelesfield. From Stoken-Church Hill fee in the bottom, before you, Afton, Gene ral Calliaud. At 41, on 1. Lord Cha. Spencer. On the r. Thame Park, Lord Vif- count At 4?, on r. Water-Stock, Sir Wil- liam Henry Afhhurft. At Wheatley, on the right. Water- perry, John Barnabas Curfon, Efq. A little farther, Holton-Houfe and Park, Henry Whorwood, Efq. At 50, on the 1. Mr. Schutz. At {i, on the r. Headington-Houfe, \V. Jfackfon, Efq. and, a little far- ther, Capt. Lloyd, late Sir Banks Jenkinfon. eyund Eynfham, fee Eynfham- Hall, Mrs. Duberley. before Hnrford, on r. fee Swinford Mr. Feu: place. \t Curr'ord is the Lenthalls. Three Miles and a Halt' beyond Bur- ford, on r. is Harrington Park, late the Brays, now Lord Dyne- vor ; and Two Mile? and a Half farther on r. is Lord Sherborn, built by Inigo Jones. before Northlech, on the I. fee Sto- wcll [';trk, Lord Ched worth ; and to the right, Farmington, Edmund Waller, Efq. At t!.c cndot Northlech, one of the new County Bridewells. About a Mile beyond FrogmiM, to the r. i; S;mdywell Park, Mi.;. Traccy, ind <>. little beyond it, Dowdefvvvii, Rogers, Ffq. i ri'm the Hill beyond Frogmill, fee the Vale of Evefli in;, Cheltenham, Tcvvkefbary, aaJ \\' ^rccftcr. At 91^, to the right, is the famous faliue mineral purgative, Chelten- ham Spa-Water Wells. Four Miles and a halt' beyond Frog- mill are the Seven Wells, which give birth to the Thames ; and to the left hereof is Cobhe; ley, Lord Ched worth. To the left of 96 is Crce Place, Campbell, tfq. At Hucclefcot, on I. Rich. Colchef- ter, Efq. a little bey >nd r. William Siretchum. A little below Gloccfter, on the left, are Margaret and Maudlin Hof- pital?, built by two Sifters. Two Miles beyond Gloccfter, on the right, is Highnum, late Mr. Cooke's. Four Miles and a half before Mon- mouth, on 1. is High Meadow. Lord Vifcount Gage. A Mile before Monmouth, fee on the left, acrofs the River, Troy-Houie, Duke of Beaufort ; which is again feen about a Mile beyond Mon- mouth, on left. At the foot of Dwich-Hill, on 1. in the bottom, Auckland, Mr. Gwynn. Beyond Llanfhnfraid, on r. Skethe- tog, late a Seat of the Vaughans, now Mr. Socket. At Llaahamlog, Mr. Powell. At Brecon, the Caftle, the Priory, and pleafant Walks by it. At Abeimarle?, a Scat, late the Cornwallis's. A Mile beyond, on I. in the bottom, is Danyralt, Admiral Lloyd. At Z, on the r. from Abermavlcs, if Tally Atis, Lord Robert Sey- mour. Before L'.andilo, on the 1. Mr. Hem- ming. At half a Mile on the I. from Llan- dilo Faur, ii Dynevor Caftle, the (r 2 87] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [88 HI oft beautiful Seat in South Wales At Clyder, Mr. Jones, and a little belonging to Lord Dynevor. farther, on 1. fee Mr. Hooper'.;, a At 4, on the 1. from Llandilo Faur brick Houfe. is the Village of Langathan anc Farther on, a brick Houfe, on 1. Berithlandwcll, a beautiful Scat Capt. Lewis of Richard Jones L Aiib Ab^r^IsfHnv !wyd, Efq -Dyer, Efq iraddor, on At 6X from Ragland, fee a Farm houfe caftle-wife, a View from Mr. Hanhury Williams'* Seat at Coal- brook, at 7 on right. Two Mi'es beyond Rhi the left, is Golden Grove, John Vaughan, Efq. \t Crofs Inn, on the r. Courthenrv, William Philips, Efq. LONDON to Card/, con- tinued to Haverfordwfjl, U a Diftance fro-n the Road, on To Mo'-moutb, p. 83. 128 the Summit of the Hill, is Penv- '/. to Gloo'heker .1 I ">2- Ian, William Davies, Efq. Trelagh" 3 / j'^,| At ii, on the r. is Merlin's Cave. Devordon 4 .,| At Abergivilly, on the 1. is the Pa- Nfew Church , i i late of the "BiO-Kip of St. David's. j 1 3 UichardThop'a?. Efq. a:u! Cnfti'.-^ggin, the Seat of i ii i f^ t**y y txivcr Coylegny 3^ 4d| Tho. Blome, q. Catts Afh i J ''47l At the entrance of Caermarthen, on Chrift Church 2 149? the I. are the Iron and Tin Mills Newport j| '1524 of John Morgan, Efq. and the Stow i I "^ Smelting-Houfe of John Campbell, St. Melon's 7 ;l6o Efq. \t ^ Miles on the 1. from Cannafron Romperiy Bridge Bridge, is Pieton Caftle, Lord Roth, Gtam. i ^ *4 46 3 4 Milford. Cardiff I i64 r T 1 O * | Another Road to Abergavenny. iMay Jxiver St. Nicolas 3J ^70' To Monmoutb, p. 83. 128 iJTrefimon 2 172 \t the Turnpike, on I. Cotvtn 4 176 Hynyftow Church 3 2 ! E \venny 2 r?8 3ynyilow Court 2 122 Cornton 3f 181^ At 5! left to I New Inn Bridge 2 183! lanu 4 l?6 )vtr the River Ogmore Clvuer 2 j I ^O The Pile-Inn 5 i88| J veiuy 5 6 Margnm 191 Oynvftow Court, MY. Drake. O 1 4 1 9^ At Ragland, the Caftle. Bag] an 2 197 At a|, from Ragland, on right, fee N r eath 3^ 2OOy Llanarch, Mr. Jones. Sfuaafea 4^1.205" 89] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [90 Trahere i 5 20^; At Baglan, on r. Mr. Jones. Pont Lew 2| zoH^ Beyond on 1. Lord Vernon. Pont Urcnin J 2 209!) On an Eminence near Neath, is the Lloghor l 21 I Gnole, a beautiful Seat of Lady Llanelly 5 :i6 Mackworth. Pont Spuddore 6, \t Neath, on r. Mr. K;d:'.\ 2 22 4l On left of Lloghor is Lloghor Caflle A Ferry to Carmar- then 9 M3 : roGLOCCSTE* 82 ' ICO f l.lanltephan* L; 7 5. 22 9-. Keep to the left over tauffbarn K^lois Kemcn 4l !orfclawn 2 37i L^//ry, Hcref. 6 10 106 116 Llanfuuh), Pcnib. Canii:illoi\ Mid- County Houfe s, . To the I. at 42! is Hope End, Sir Harry Tempest, Bart. lie View from this Seat is exten- Haver fa rdiufft ] 4; iive and pic~hirefque. * T/i(lt Parf of I"? Road : tffiUUtta : . . .0, is out of LONDON to Cb on light> f ho . n c tt On tiie left, $ miles before Cow-, bridge, is Llatuhifhed, Sir John Aubrey i Rart. Bathuilt, Efq. At i-ici^nckl.near Chepftow, are the Seat and line Gardens made by Mr. Morris, late Mr. Smirh's. At E \venny, the Priors ; over the Ogm rt, ice Ogmore Caflle. At Marram is Margam Honfe and ( Park, the Seat of Mr. Talbot. To Mvmatnab) p. 83. Ulke, Monm. 12 I2S gi] ROADS meafured from TYBURN TURNPIKE. [92 C.ierleon LANDAFF, Glam. Eight Miks from Monmc the Ruins of Kagland C l8 2 uth, Jaftle 147* 1 66 on r. Pynfant Llanbedcr, Card. Red Owen Tredrair Cardigan St Dogmel's, Peml, Velindree jffwfert Fijkard Merth Gorid Bridge St. DAVID'S Another Road !o St. Dav R? b 5 10 8 10 7 6 8] W% 88| 107 225 1 i! P-84- To Monmoutb^'f. 83. Uflcc, Mourn. Ponty Pool Caerphilly, Glam. LlantrifTent Bridgend At Ponty Pool, the Se? HanbuvVt F.fq. At CserphilJy, the Cattle. 12 6 12 Bf ii t of 128 140 146 I5 8 166^ i77i ToS-Moafea, p. 88. Pen rice, Glam. 14 205 219 To Fredrair. abo-?c Ne\vcaftlc, Carm. Killgaren, Peml. 4 8 215 219 227 To Trccaftie, p. 83. Llangadoc, Carm Llandilovaur 8! '74 '8$f \ o LliinbeJcr, as above Liana rth, Card. 15 '97 212 A Crofi Road Llandyby Poritardulas S wanfea S 9 9 L O N D O N to 1 To Carmarthen, p. 83. St. Clear Tavern Spite, Pcmb. Pembroke 'f/W^' 7 rolic. 208 2l6| 223T 2 3/i A Crtfi Road To Caermart&en by S-Jcanfca, p. 88. Pontardulas Lanon Langard.iim Carmarthen 9 4 6 6 205 214 218 230 To Cannaftan Bridge. Pemb. p. 84. Wifcm 4 2 34 23 8 ToTavernSpite, p. 83. Narbarth 5 229! LONDON to Card tinned to St. DA\ To jL,tafofover\) p. 83. Kavo an, con- ID'S. 1181 6 187 ToTavernSpite,p.83. Tenby 1 3 ! ' "4 1 93] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [94 To HibfPycoMl>e,p.B i . ^__ 29 of the fame kind of Water as the Rilborough, Bucks Thame, Oxfordfti. 8 37 celebrated Spa, but of a (tronger Nature. Hear Thame, to r. is Kingi'cy, the Seat of the Herberts; and to 1. is LONDON to Radnor, bv HE- Th.'.me Park, Ld Vifc. Wcnman. Abou; Two Miles Weft of^Thame is RE FORD and Kington or Kyneton. Rycot Park, the Earl of Abing- JToGl.OCESTER,p.82. IOO d^_ on. Huntlcy 1\ IO/T Another Road, viz. /. to Duiley Crofs l{ ' 109 To Aylefbury, p. 114. 38 Lea, Heref. 2 1 1 1 Tbaxu 7 4.C Wefton 2 "3 t Rflfs 2 To OXFORD, p. 82. __ r_._ Crofs the River Wye to IJ 3 WooJjlec 8 62 Wilton I n5 Charlebury 6 68 Peterftou- 2 118 Adioiuin^ to Woodfloc Ovi-i Pitcher Common to is \Vood- , , ,.,-^j ],-., j .floe Park and Blenheim Houfe/;, 121 the Duke of Marlborough. c ' ' lt BITCR 2i Ii 3z At Charlebury is Blandford ParkJCalloW 2 '2 120 the Duke of Beaufort. EFORD* 4 130 Manfcl Lncv 7 37 To Northlech, p. 82. __ 80 Foxley Hill" i Frogmill 7 87 Vazor i 1 138} At I Mile from Frog- / / Ecclcs Green 2 i!i4O^ . ^ mill turn to the r. to Wonton '44 DvwJrJkueil ii gg I Won ton's Aili i| '4^2 Cheltenham 4 c: .l> Holmes I 146 Te-.vkjbury 9 IOI^ Lion's Hall * LJpton, Worcejl. J 7 io8| Penrefs J 2 148! empfey 7 I1 5i Kington or Kyitton. l k '49"z \VORCES1ER 118 Radnor 7 i c6^ At Dowdefwel!, on 1. Edward Ro- gers, Efq. * See a new Road from Hereford to At 9i| is Charlton Kings, Dod- Brecon, p. 95. dington Hunt, Efq. N T enr Cheltenham is the ancient Fa- At Wefton, on rhel. J. Nourfe, Efq. mily of Dtlabere. A Mile beyond Peterftow, on the i . At | a Mile wti'hvard of Chelten- Pengethly, Tho. Symonds-Powell. ham, on an Eminence, Lord Fau- Efq. ccnbei'K, near which is a Spring, At Harewood, on the right, Sir difcovered by his prefent Majefty, HuagerfordHofkins, Bart. 95] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [96 One Mile from Harewond, on the' the \Vye, beautifully' Woodhoufe, Efq. is Aramftone, fohn ,-r '/-es. At the fifth Mile-Hone from Kyne- p or ; J :e Co:itir.vatimoftkh Roadtn tr\n t-f\ Uafln^r 1 nn fr/ r ic T^rfii- ~ __ . ., _ *^ _ _ i37i 140 142 '47 149 '53 i I 164 ton to Radnor, on the r. is Dovvu- tOD, Edward Lewis, Efq. Another Road to Kingtcn or Kyncton. To HEREFO RD, p. 94.' Tillington Brinfop Court Wcobley Bond's Green Lion's Hall I'tntrefs Kington or Kyneton To HEREFORD, p. 94. Weft Hope Strerford Bridge Ptatbrufee Comb Prefteign To Prefteigri) ly Wgrcefier^ p. 99. L O N D O N to Brecon by HEREFORD and Hay. To HEREFORD, p. 94 White Crofs King's Acre New Ware Bridge Sellers From Hereford to Hay is a very beautiful Rule through a rici enclofed Country, fertile in Corn ; but not abounding fo niUeb v.uh Hops and Apples as the eaftern Part r On thei. fee Crcdnall Hill and Faik, at the Foot )f which is a good Houfc belonging to Mr. Eekley On the 1. of New Wave is a Ho'ufe lately built by Will. Parry, Efq. Beyond Bridge Sollersis Kenchefter, a Roman Station, where fevcra! Antiquities h:-ive been found. On the 1. at the 6 Mile-ftone. View of the Wye ; Shipton Hili on the right, whence is a fine View to the South over a Valley fruitful in Corn, watered by the "V.'ye, and terminated by Moun tains covered with Oak. See in this Valley the of Pref- ! ton upon \ . t'ord. ;At Garnons, John Gretn Cotterell, Efq. and, more to the left, i> Stanton upon ". . 1:3 On the 1. on the fouth Side the Wye, j - j j is Morcas Court, Sir George Corn- * ) wall, Bart. J i I North of the Wye is Morning, al- I 342ij moft oppcfte to Mocc?:-, lately 136 j purchafed of Mr. Heywood by Sir 130 2*141 45J'4>? 5f53 97] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNI>IKK. [98 George Cornwall. This was the Ef- tate of the famous Owen Glen- dour, in the Time of Henry IV. who is faid to have retired here, and was buried in the Church. At the ten-mile (lone, where the Road divides to Kington, pafs over Tin Hill, from which you have a fine View to the right. At Bradwardine was formerly a Caf- tle, but now deftroyed, but the Foundations remain near the Church. After palling the Wye at Bradwar- dine, leave Burbridge Hill to the South ; a fine Valley to the North, watered by the Wye, on the north Bank of which are Winforton, and Letton Court, formerly be- longing to the Booths, now the Eftatc of Freeman, Efq. who is much improving the Place. Weft of Winforton, is Whhney, formerly the Seat of the ancient Family of Whitney, now of Tom- kins Dewe, Efq. Beyond Bradwaidine, pafs over a hi.-;h Kill, called Penna Park, in the Parifh of Clifford, belonging to Sir George Cornwall. Here are the Ruins of a Cattle, which was the Cftate of, and gave Name to, the Lord ClifFoi'd, afterward* EarU of Cumberland; but was exchanged by them with the Crown, temp. Edw. I. for Skipton in Yorkfhire, (till enjoyed by their Descendants. On the r. of the Road, in the Parifh of Clifford, is the More, now Pcnoyre, Efq. Enter Brecon at the Hay, a Market- Towu on a Hill, South of the Wye, where has been a Caftle, now nearly deftroyed, and Houfe is now built on the Scite, belonging to Richard Wellington, On the Road from Hay to Brecon is Marflough, feated on the north Bank on the Wye, Gov. Wil- kins. On the 1. of Glafbuiy is the Lodge, Sir Edward Williams. Farther to the I. feeTalgorthChurch, Hill, and Foreft, where are the Remains of an ancient Caftle. On the 1. of Bruntlis is Tregunter, a good Houfe, lately built by Mr. Harris. Leave the Turnpike Road, about feven Miles from Hay, down a narrow gloomy Lane to the left, which leads to Trevecka, noted for the late Lady Huntingdon's Methodift College, which con- tains eleven Students, with their Tutor. Another Foundation is alfo here by Howel Harris, Efq. now in the Hands of his Executors, where feventy Men and Boys are fed, and clothed, and employed in the following Manner : At four in the Morning, Prayers and Preaching ; then to work on the Turnpike Road ; Breakfaft at eight, Prayers, &c. again, and fo on, Prayers and Work alternate- LONDON to Aberifiwith. 48 5. ToWheatleyBr.p.82. r. to Foreft Hill Stanton I flip Blechingdon Endow Bridge over Cherwell River Glimpton Chequer Inn and Kid- dington Turnpike 5 8 601 64^ 65; H 99] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [100 Or, At Blcchingdon is the Seat of Arthur FromLONDONto AnrKflev, Efq. and a little more to OXFORD, p. 82. S4 the right is Kirtlington, Sir Henry farnton 4 58 Watkin Dafliwood, Bart. 5egbrook Woodftoc Chequer Inn and Kid dington Turnpike 2 4* 60 66| ^djaining to Woodftoc is Blenheim Houfe and Parl:,amoft magnificent Seat of the Duke of Marlborough. To the left of Kiddington is Ditch- ley Park, the late farl of Lich- Enflone ) Z 5 69! fieid, now Lord Dillon, his Ne- Chapel Houfe si 73 phew. Wheelbarrow Caftle ^ 78 At the foot of Enftone Town, on r. "our-Shire Stone. 2\ curious Water-works. '. to Morton in Marfh, Two Miles beyond Enftone, to the r. Gloccfl. 2 1 2 ib Heathorpe, Earl of Shrewlbury. 3ourton on the Hill 1 5 84? Near Perfljore is Flatbury Hill, com- 'roadway Si 90 manding a fine View of the Vale of Wickenford Bridge si Afl Evefliam. Per/bore, Worceft. Stouton WORCESTER* 4 S IC2 106 III One Mile to the r. of Kingfland, in Aymefticc Vale, is Yatton-Court, John Woodhouit, Efq. fo the 1. of Eafterton is Shobton- Broadway si 1 16| Court, the Seat and fine Planta- 3ridge over Temb. R. 119 tions of Lord Vifcount Bateman. 8romyardHeath//^ j ' To Morton, in Marfli, Bifliop's Motf, Mont. Red Houfe Inn. 2 154? p. 99. Wmchcomb, Gloccjl. ^1 93 Montgomery* UVJb Pool f 4 8 161 169 Golway Mountain 2! '7 1 - ToWoRCESTER,p.99. in Llanvaier 5J '77 Fennel Green 3 t 114 Cann's Office 7 184 Droitvjich n8| HowePs Houfe 4f i88| Dyna/mouiby, Mer. 1 06 To Prejlcign, p. yg. j Vronfeth Hill / 2 8 204. New Radnor Jj '57 Dolgelly i 20? 103] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [104 Llaniltid if 206! LONDON to Aberyft-Mtb, Flowerlec Hill 1\ 2T 4 CardiganJJjire. Llandura 3 217 -p o; n Llanbeder Llanvaier Harkigh Crofs the Sanas Crofs the Sands Penmanruay Dalbenmer, Caern. l\ 4 3 220| 222 223 22 7 2 3 2 33 1 o otire\.iy/Ji0y } p. 129. Welch Pool Llanvaier Cann's Office Mallwvd Penegofs Mnchynlleth 18 7 8 12 I I I ir\ .72 '79 : 8 7 '99 210 1 1 1 * t r Llanlaveney Llanuda Newbridge 7! 4 Ilk Pefore Llanvaier, a beautiful View. A Mile beyond Towyn, on 1. Ynyf- macu gwyn, Edward Corbet, Efq Caernarvon 3 2 S I i Drofs Abermeney Ferry to tfewburgh, Anglefea Aberfraw 6 .i 263 LONDON to Meriojietb/bire. r<: IO 99 eyond Hartford Bridge, on the left, I~o J3a'ilri;>y, p. 107. n ijhirliuru, Mr. Webb. :Cineton, fflir-.-j 13 88 At Watwic, the Callle, Earl of Warwic: and the Priorv, MrAVifc. To S^ a' ford on Avon, p. 107. 04. J ' LONDON to Birmingham, Y I Bitford, Warvj. 6| ' i tool the Coach Road. To OXFORD, p. 82. 5* To Broomfrrovtft. 1 1 1 Stourbridgc, ll'orceft. "S'-Hi on, Oxfordfi. Llccrhrook Iftoc 4 2 60 Near ": '' ITaglcy, the no- ble Se*r ot the Ix'f ( ord Lyttleton, now Lurd Wcilcote. Kiddington Chapel Houfe 4i 3l 66| 6 9 | 73 'on Hill 76 To Kdderminfler^. \ 1 1 ~ . ComptOO| War. ngton i A r 77 81 Bf~vMy, Worceft. 3 Barchefton T I 82 Cleobury, ShropJI). 8 130 St.nfifton, Worceft. 1 83 .donington, ff^arw. 2 8$ LONDON to Eirm^ f'tmdiinyton 2 87 b) Ifartvic. Newbuld 2 89 Stratford'on Avon s 94 To Bcnlnr?, p. 107. 75 iVotton 6 100 WarroingtoQ 4. 79 '. lenley in Arden 2 IO2 Gaydon 5 84 Boxtrees 5 107 Waruric* 9 93 Shirley Street 4 I I I ECnowle lc i Bi min^bam c 116 Solihull ,j 1 06 batn At Woodftoc is Rlenheim-Houfe '2 32 and Park, the Duke of Marl- borough. * Another Road to War-j^ic^ p. 1 3 2 At Enflon, the Waterworks. in] ROADS meafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [112 Two Miles beyond Enltonc, to the i Morvil ? 142 is Heathorpe, the Earl of Shrewf- 'Wenlock *y c 147 bury. On the r. of Compron Hill is "vVefton. Sir William Sheldon, Bart. Harley Creffedge J 2 2 "H M9 At Houington, J. To\vnfend, Efq. Cound 2 J 53 and behind it, on the Hill, is Id- licot, Robert Ladbroke, Efq. At 88, on the right is Lower Eat- ingron, Mr. Shirley's. ' 7 >ury f Sim Hill Harmer Hill 6 5i i : 59 '64* '6,4 At 89, on the, Mifs Parker. Cockfiiut sl 171 At 91, Ofcot Paik, Mrs. Weft. EHefmcre 4_ ijf Half a Miie beyond Stratford, on Overton i~o- the r. is Cloptou Houfe, Mrs. Par- Dee Bridge, Denl. 2 jgjt tridge. At ico, Mr. Ulford. Pontfroud 185* IVrexham I * -> [g-i LONDON to Birmingham, Queenhope, Flir.tJJ}. Mould 6" 7 I 93i 2OO 2 by Wycomb. Prin Calon Digry / To Chapel Houfe, p. I j o. Thence to Birmingham, above 43 73 116 H*fyu*ti Another Road to Holy-jjet 81 V,A 122. Other Roads to Birmingham, * Another Road to Kiddermin- n x log and 1 10. Jler, p. 113. + Another Road to S/wf-ivs- LONDON to Sljrewjbmy and bury, p. 129. Holy-well, by Bridgenortb. Another Road to Wrexbam is To Stratford^ p. 107. 04 dy Wntchurch, p. 127, whence', Aulcefler, Ifarw. 8 :02 \there is an exceeding good Turnpike'. Coughton 2 104 Road to Wrexham, crojjlng the Dee Crab's Crofs, Wore. 3:' at the village of Bangor. Tardbec 4i 112 A Mile to the left of Aulcefter is oroonfrrtue 3 1 1 5 Ragley, Marquis of Hertford. Chedderley 5 120 At Coughton, Sir John Throck- Wintertbrd il r > 1- morton. Stone 2 i A 2 Near Broomfgrove is Hewel, Earl of Kidi lermitifter* Aiam Bridge, Sbropjb 1 2 2 1 <2$ I 3 2 Plymouth. At one Mile, on the r. from Morvil, Sir Richard Acfcon, Bart. Quat At Cound, Mils Creffett. Quatford 2 r ^ T' Two Miles beyond Crefledge, on the Bridgfnorto *i J a '39 right, is Eyton, formerly the Earls of Bradford. 113] ROADS mcafuredfrom TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [114 LONDON to Bkcfler. At the Turnpike, r. to On the I. of QueenhopeisCarguvrel'i Caflle ; and two Miles farther i* Trevalin, late Sir John Trevor, Knight, Secretary of State to Charles II. Three Miles on this Side of Holy- well is Moflyn, Sir Roger Moftyn, Bart, and near it Mr. Williams. At one Mile on the r. this Side of! Eilefmere, is Oatley Paik, Mrs. Vaughan ; on the 1. Birch Hall, belonging to the Family of the Leeds ; and near it, on the left, Hardwicke, Major Halliday. To the South, one Mile and a Halt from Wrexham, is Erthig, Philip Yorke, Efq. and one Mile to the. North lies A&on, Sir FcrfterCun- Uaddington, lifFc?, Bart, formerly the Jeffrie?, .jKalburn of whicli Lord Chancellor Jeffries JHvdc Edgevvare Stan in ore Bufhy, H 'afford Hunton Bridge 'Kings Langley 'Two Waters |B oxmoi-r From Bridgenorth to Shrewl-ijBourn End bury, far the left Way, and nwj ly much more the common Road, is To Hi Idge north, p. 1 1 1 . [ron Bridge croft the Severn Leitrhton Before Hales Owen is the I.eafowe=, the famous Mr. Shenfton'y, late Major Halliday. At Hagley, late Lord Lyttclton,now Lord Wertcote. Midd. Herts Atcham SI J 39 156. At Leightoa is Sir Rob. Leighton, Bart. LONDON to KiaJerminfier, b> Binsotgbaxft To Birmingham) p. ! 1C Eiales Owen >tourb ridge Kiddcnmnjler Another Road, p. 109. 116 124 ,, 7 i '50 Tring Afton Clintoa Aylejbury * Waddefdon Ham Green Black-Thorn Keath Bifeftar * Austbcr Road to Ayledury, p. 107. From Edgware to Stanmore, on I. is- Cannoii'-; Park, where the htr Duke ol Chandos's Father buil: a moil magnificent lloufe, which after his Death, was pulicrt down and fold by piecemeal : the Park became the Property of ihe latf Mr. iliiUet, an Upholder |a LOP- dop, who built an elegant Houfi ncni 1 the f;rr.e Spor where tlu Duke's frood, which has beer lately fold ; now Mr. O'Keiiv- U5]RoADs mcafured from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [n6j At Stanmore on the I. late Mr. Another Road, viz. Drummond, Banker. efore u, on the r. late Col. Chan- ToK.Langlcy,p.i 14.' 9| veil, and a. lit tie farther, almoft ad- Two Waters 2 'i joining, is late Mr. Capadocia, now Major Torriano ; on the 1. a| Houfe built by Mr. Duberley, and- r. to H. Hempfted Ivingho, Buds if 9i 2 3 A Abercorn. In the Bottom, aj large Houfe, called Thieve; Hole,, l Iratfird, P- 114- Ml built by Mr. Gray, a Birckraaker. B/. to Ricmanfworth 3 i?! A little beyond Watford, on the left. is CaQiiobury Park, the Earl of Anototr Road to Ricmanfwartb. Eflex. Near ,7, on the-1. the Grove, EM<4f O S ' anm u r "' P' 1 l Clarendon ; on the r. Ruflel Farm, 1 * t Harch hud 2 10 12 DowagerCounteftoEU~tx; a little Pinner Green 2 14 beyond, on the I. Langly Bury,: Right bevond Windmill Sir Joha Filmer, Bart. over the Common to At 23, Boxmoor Hall, built by Mr. North Wood 2 16 Almon, Bookfeller. BacherHeath I ' 1 7 At the End of Boxmoor, on the 1. By Moore Park to- is a Seat of P. L. Luard, Efq. .Ricmanfworth- '! i8i At 30, on the r. is Pe&ley Hall, Mr. Harcourt's. At Stanmore, on the left, bte Mr. DrummnncL R.inVer. At 3 of, on the r. is Tring Grove, : AtTi~<7on~the rfglu," Pinnet'i H ill, Mr. bear; s. jV !r . Cochraru A.I 31, on the 1. is Tring Park, a Moore Park, Sir Thomas Ehindas. moft beautiful Seat of Mr. Drum-! Bart. mond Smith's. At Ricmaniwoith, Bury Park, W. At 31, on the 1. is Terrct Houfe field, Efq. Colonel Leake's. At 45, on the-1. is Lady Save and L N D N .!.. Ha "ow Op Sele's. the Hill. At 47, on th left, is Wotton Un . To Paddington 3 * ' derwood, Lord Grenville. .'. to Weftern Green : i - Kinfcl Green A 3 To Watford, p. 114. j^i HolfJen Green M 4! Hunton Bridge 3! ig" Fortune Gate j si Belfwains 2\ zo\ Wembley Green ii 7 Hemel Hcmpflead 2 22 i Harrow 3 10 Ivingho, Buck 9i 32 ! At Weftern Green, Colfton, Efq. 117] ROADS meafurcd from TYBURN-TURNPIKE. [118 One Mile before Harrow on r. Halliday, Efq. and juft beyond him the Right Hon. Thomas Orde. LONDON to St. Albans, by Edge-ware. To EJgevuare, p. 114. Brocley Hill 2 Elftree (or Idleftree) i Radlet 3 Colney Street Frogmore St. Stephen's St. Allans 8 10 1 1 14 M i8J '93 St. Allans by Barnet, p. 119. At Elftrec, Mrs. Reeves. At 13, on the right, Kendall's Hall Mr. Phillimore. A little before St.Stephcn's, on thel St. Julienp, Mrs. Alhhurfl. At St. Albans is Holloway Honfe, late Duch^fs of Marlhorough, now Countefs Dowager Spencer's. LONDON to Hampftead, Hendon, and Mill-Hill. From Holborn Bars to Battlebridge iPancras /. to MotherRed-Cap's Havcrflcc Hill Hampftead Northend Goulders Green Hendon 1 i 7 Mill Hill 2 9 Or, From Tottenham Court to Mother Red-Cap's /. t Hampftead 2 Hendon, as above Mill-Hill At Hampftead, fee, on the right, Cacnwuod, Earl of Mansfield; and Fitzroy Farm,LordSouthamp- I 2 ng] [120 III. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from HICKS'S HALL : With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to CHESTER ; D&ventry 4 72 and Holybead. Dray ton i 73 Braunfton 2 To Iflington, Midd. Holloway High? ate Whefftone Barnef, Herts The ObeliJk, Md. I. to Kitt's End South Mims Colney, Hcrtf. 2 4f 2 "a 1 4 9 ii ii| Berry Bridge Willoughby Dunchurch, JPanv. Dunfmore Heath Crofs Foffe Way Knighdy Crofs Ryton Ryton Bridge COVENTRY t 1 4 3^ !! i 31 75i 77 80 82! fc> 5 2 86| QI St. Allan* Redburn 4l 1 JAufley 4 5i .Meriden i Cwoity to Coif/hill, injlead Staplcy i| 1 59! : ;jt fvm'-l\<. Ufanfiwicb 2 3 IDZ \ Another Road to Cbe/ier, p. 1 27. Afton Hurlltone i i6 3j y Another Read to Holyvodl, p. 1 1 1 . Bar Bridge X 3 I6 35 Another Road to St. As A? H, viz. Highway Side Tarpcrley Ut kin ton 5 16-! 171 172^ To Korthorp, asa&ovt Caerwis St. ASAPH to c 193 203 208 Clotton. i I?3 I j Duddcn i At Kitt's End, on r. G. Bing, Efq. Tarvin i^ 176 and Mr. Baronneau. Stanford Bridge t j 177^ At i v on the r. Dancer's Hill, Capt o Boughton CHESTER % 3 i i8o| Allen ; arid, a little before it, Go- vernor Hornby. On the 1. of Kitt's End is Dereham?, Bretton, Flintflj 4J i86 2 formerly the Farl of Albemarle, Hawurdcn 2 188 now of Capt. Bethel. ROADS meafureJ from HIC-LS'S HALL. [124! Mim c , on r. Mr. Virutiit. At ,,;,, .v.siicy, Mr. Kcal. Ecyond Ic, to the ri^ht, is Noiii. At Mtrir'tn. nn the 1. oppofjte the Mims, Duke of Leeds. Inn, W. Digby, Hi], To the r. of i 7, Tittenhanger Patk,' At oo, on r. is Packir.^ton Hali, the Earl cf Hardwicke. At St. Alban's Js ilolloway Houfr, a Seat belonging to the late Duchelf of Marlborough, now to Cotmufs Dowager Spencer. On the left of 23, Gorehiimbury. Lord Vifcount GrimUone. Earl of Aylcsfori At ColefhiU, Wriothldley Digby, Efq. At lojf, on the r. is Ham's Hall, I C. Adderlry, Efq. 'At ic6|, on the r. is Moihull Ha!!, .\. locket. Efq. Neariyiaiket-Street.on r. is Mzr-kc: beyond, on the r. H Mid Cdl, Mr. Coppin.foimci-iy a Kuu-ij dleton Hall, Lord Middicton. ncry of Benedictines. At 113, on the r. is Canwcll Hall On tlie Itft of Dunttable h Eator. | Sir R. Lawley, Bait. Bray, Mr. Beckford. f At 1 1 6-J, Swifcn Haft, J. Swifen, Efq jBeyond HockHff, onl. T.Gilpin, Efy. At 122, on r. a Houfcof Mr. Cobb At .39, on the r. is Battlefden, the,;Before Wolfcley Bridge, on the 1. if late Sir Gregory Page, Bart. [ Hagley, 3VJr. Courzou. At Old Stratford, on the r. is Lei- At \Volidey Bridge is \VolfeJey Hall grove, Mr. Manfell's. | Sir \Vm. Woheley, Bart. Oppofite Beyond Potter's Fury, on 1. Wake- is a h^ndfcme Brick Houfe, Mr. field Lodge, theD. of Grafton. \ Sneyd. At Ha-vcs cott, on tlie r. is Stoke- Bevond Wolfeley Bt!dge,onl. is New Park, Mrs. Jolliffe. HaJl, cr Oak Hedge, late Mr On the r. of To-wccfter is F.aften Whitby's, now Mr. Anfon. Ntfton, the Earl of Fomfrpt. i Farther on ilic r. is Shuckboroiigh, At i-l- from '1'owcefter, on the 1. i> Mr. A-nlon, a -fine Building, with iSr^ddcs, Mr. Ivts. j a great Variety of Wood and At 2 Miles from Fuller's Booth, on Water. the r. is Uugbioke, Mr. Warren's; To the 1 a V.ile beyond Haywood, an;i ; Mile faithtr i. Lnn-cr Hey- is Tixal!, Mr.ClifFord. fo/d, Rev. Henry Tephcott's ! At Sandon, late Loru Arch. Hamil- At 6;|, on r. is Flower, Mr.Xirby ; ton, now I>ord Harrowby. About on left. Stowe. Dr. Lloyd. four Miles oil" is Chmley, the an OB the Icfc of Daventiy is Fa\vflcy ' ticnt Scat of the Ferrer;.. a Sen of the aatieut Family nsids ; near Ketwe>e, the Seat of Gvvyndy 12\ 26 I { i i i - . Holybtad 12| m.-Vt is a Bridge . 1 U I,-.,. f'.xMn,. K.,:u over the IV 1 > \_ i V . . ' 1 1 \\ rl V 5 U 11 i I L I./ k II ',^'J N. B. 7Z- afew is bar J, f moot b^\ jone.-,. and faid to be Li Maftcr- /fff/, Road, ami extremely plca-\\ Piece. font, A. Coach goes conjlanlly tbt alove Road from Sljrtvubury, cm tDC leu ot JLIanrwti is uw^dei a Seat of the Duke by Ancaikr. it le'tn^ pajjiiblc at all Times. Another Rend io Holyb W, viz. ,. ^ r -To Northorp, p. 122 Road from Ofxef.ry to Cyn fcl, viz. Cra v : ueleugh "1 194^ To Ofivfftry, above) -72 j The SmeU Mills si 2OO Llangollen ,14 "ontiifBth B'r. J?/^. 5 Corvvtu 10 &zb 3 Bala 13 209 Ben Llan j Cynfel ib 1225 iLLuv-vith One Mile on ther. beyorul SKw)P !j* nt S w ! th .>' ^ nc3 e 2 216 bury, fte aciolf the Severn, iier- ;/ ' ttws 3 219 wic, Thomas J tit Powis, Efq. 'Dolven Bridge i; Mill 'i 22O : : At i4f, on the 1. is Afton, Rev. Mr. ,*- -rofworth 6 226| ; Lloyd. Comvay Ferry 228 127] ROADS meafured from HICK s's HALL. [128 Abercorrvja")^ Caern.! 5 228| Newport i 140 When the tide is out,keep Stafford Bridge 4 144 to the r. over a Skirt of Hinftoc 2 T*T 1 4-6 Penman-VechanMoun- tain, and along the Shackeford 2 148 Sands to Meney Straits, Stocke Heath 2 150 where you ferry over to Ternhlll 2 r S 2 Btaiimaris, Angl. 12 2 4I Blatchley l| 153! Tincohet 5^246 ; Sandford 2 i 156 Hildravaught Mill 3l ^491 'Wliicburcb 5 161 Llangaveney i|;35i Grindley Bridge i6sf Maflalan 45 245! Red Lion Inn, Cbff]}. 3 165! Rudbrand Bridge 3 2^7^ Hampton 167 Boddcdar *J 260 Broxton 3 170 At i\ Mile farther the Barnblll i Road divides, where Hendley a T 73 you keep to the r. over Golbourn Bridge i / ^ "74 Clevenk Sands, if the Hatton ji 17?* Tide is out; otherwife Rovvtcn 2 ,f.r turn to the left, or pafs ftraight over the Rocks Criilleton 2 '79 Z and Sands to CHESTER * 2 iS Holybead 81 268! Mollin^ton 2 *i83| The Yacht 2 1 ,186^ LONDON to Parkgate by the Eaderton Great Ncilon 41 190! Coach Road to CHESTES. Parkgate ,1 iQl To Meriden, p. 120. /. to Bacon's Inn Co/lie Bronrvtocb Over Suttcn Colefield Heath to SWOM and Harp Inn at S tonal, Staff. 6' 10 98 I0 4 | 106 116 * Another Road to Ckrfter, p. 1 19 At Cafile Broirm-irh, an old Sen: 01 Sir Henry Bridge-man, Kart. and two Mik-s farther, on the r. Pipe Hall, David Davics, Efq. On the r. of the Heath are Suttor. Colefield Park and V.'ooUs, and Norton 5 121 Four Oaks Hall, Hugh Bateman. Straitway 11 2 122- Efq. Four Croflcs Inn i 124! At Norton, on r. Rich. Gildart, Efq. Iiictfcv Bank .1 11.2 At 1:9, on right, Stre';->:i, the P.t Wefton /' 2 2 J r 24 Kou. Thomas Conollv. Parney Corner 2 jt 126 ! At Wefton, a Seat of Lord ford. Brad Woodcor, Shop. Chetwyn Afton g At Wooclcof, on left, Woodcot Hal!, John Coates, Efq. 129] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [130 Be tore Newport, on left, a Seat ol tl-.e late Ji.-u-l Talbot. One Mile and a Half beyond New- port, oa r. ( hetwyit, late Robert Figut, Jifq. and two Miles farther, oa the left, Stanford Hall, R. B Hill 3 1764- ToKirmin^tjam^p. 129 Smethwic, Staff'. Old bury Dudley 4 3 3 ; 10 114 117 I2O Altringham Crofs Street Manchcjlcr* J 9 4f 4 i8oi ll^H 3i : i8 7 | Kinver 8 1*8 * Another Road to Mancbefter y On 1. of Smethwic is H Jes Owen, by Derby, p. 144. Scit of the late Lord Dudlev. Near Dudley is Dudley Caftie, Vifcount Dudley and Ward, who Near Altringkam is Dunham Hall, a Seat of tiic Earl of Stamford. has a Seat at Himley. To Four Croffes Inn. CaftleBromwich,pi27 106 p. 1:7. 124! Sutton Colcfiild c in Spread ^agle, Staff. 25 I2 7j J r. to Penkridge. ji LONDON to Mancbefler, by "Macdeifield. To Four Crolies Inn, To Sandon, p. 121. Hilderfton I36 i p. 127. Brewood, Staff. 5 "5f 3! Cellar Head Cheddleton Leek 8 i 32 3 i 4 S 2 '5 1 ! To Dunfiablc, p. 1 IQ. Ampthill 12 331 45i 133] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [134 To Dun/table, p. 119. Lcighton Buzzard 33i Anoth:r Roai to Ajt Zouch. (To Lflcejler, p. 145. Groobv Markneld Huclefcnte Raunlton Ajlfy de la Zouch At Raunfton, Mi.. Filter ^by ( 4 3 i 3 fe'/ 9 112 II^ To Dawentrj) p. 120. 1. to Soutbam, War: ff^arwic Another Road, p. il ro f IQ. 72 93 To WifhawGreen, 1 20 r. to Tarn worth, Staff. El ford Wichnor Bridges Bran {Ion Burton upon Trent Horninglow Tutbury Another Road to Burl ToCoVENTRY,p. I2O Nuneaton Manchester Atherfton Sheeny, Leicrft. Twycrofs Snarefton Cr'urhci's Inn Over Seal Cattle Orea Hey, Deri. .hill fifteen. Staff. 1 Aaotht r Road to Att\'rfii Other Road- to Td'H^or, At Marti: 'nfivr, OMJuiry. ovc./, and a Roman St; 114 I2 9l 131 iz. 995 102^ 1045 Ii8 2 130 124 148. 148. Oke- ii 2 3~ on, \ 3 2 3 2 I ,p 4'P Mr t i on To LlCH FIELD, p. 1 2O Abbots Bromley Uttoxeter Checlev Cheadle Leek 4 sl 41 10 i:8| 129! 136 i* 140 156 To CUeadie, as alove Ipftoaes, Staff". Onecote Longnor Buxton, Derb. Ti 4 ; ?2 5 146 162 167 To Rcdcjball) p. 121. Drayton, Sbrop/lj. Near Ecclefliall, the Biflic ficlJ and Coventry h called Ecclcfliail Caftle jp of as a 'S4 2 I.lch- Scat, To I.eek, p. 131. Pool End Cangleton, Chefli. 8 2 M41 : 5 6 164 To Snarefton, . . la '/Much) . off. -| ; , 3 6 jug To Swan and Harp Inn, atStonal,p.i27 Cannoc, Staff'. H 116 K a 135] ROADS meafuredfromHicKs's HALL. [136 To U'hitcburcb) p. J 28.' 161 IVhitley 2 \ i 7 6i Malpas, Cbejl. 5 166 Stocks 4 '77 1 Olift Hill 1 80 ToCHESTER,p. 128. 181 Stocken l| i* "** Star-Chamber Ale- Warrington^ Lane. M iSj 4 houfe, Flintjb. Flint 7l c i88| Or, From Holmes Chapel - .65 j to Carnage Green 'i 661 To Shrew/bury^ p. 130. Wem, Sbrop. ibf % r, to Alloftoc \Knuthn Smith Bart y, Efq on the iij;ht. On the left, r<;4, Worilley Hall, Seat of a Family of that Name. n the r. from Wigan to Stamlifh, is Haigh-Hail, a Scat of the Earl of Balcarras. On the I. between Knxton and Cure- i!en, is Shaw-Hall, the Scat ot V.'illism Harrington, F.fq. On the J. near Walton le Dale, i \Valf.a-Hall, Sir Henry Philip Hoghto..'., Bart. in Frefrcn, on ihe r. Earl of Derby To the 1. of aii, is Myer/coujn- Hall, James Grcenalagh, E'q. and Kirk:^ud-Hall, Alexander Butler, Efq. On the r. Clatighton-Hall, Mr. Brockhole; and nearly oppofite if Mycrffioueh-Houfih Chark-t On the r. are the Ruins of Greenall Cafllt-j to the 1. Ellet Grange, F.dni-.fd Rigby, Eiq. and Afli- ton Hall, Lord Archibald Hamil- ton. Before Garftang, on the r. Mr. P. Towtr. Opp(.fiic is an Avenue which lead* to Mr. Gibfon's. To the I. ..f 230 is Ellel-Hall, A. Rawlinfon, tfq. At Lancafter, fee tbx Cartle and if- Improvements, and the New Biic!:'e, which claim the Atren tion of the Traveller ; alib the Town-Hall, and the beautiful Stone, of which the principal L'uiKlings are compoled. At | a Mile from Lancafter, on thr Road over the Moor to Kirkby J onfd^e, is Halton-Hall, Wil- liam B. Biadfliaw, Elq. Here the Church, the Kiver Lune, and all its beautiful Appendages, form an enchanting Landtcape. 139] ROADS measured from HICKS'S HALL. [140 At 239, a fine View over the To lfarrixgton t p. 136. 184 Sands. Prrfcot, Lane. 1 1 195 About 24^, on the r. the Ruins ot Bonvic-Hall, the ancient Seat ot Liverpool 8 203 the late Sir Robert Bindlofs, Bart. Another Road to Liver- Entering Burton, on the right, a new pool, viz. Houfe, Major Pearfon's. To CHESTER, p. 121. 181! Near 2^1, is Dallam Tower, the beautiful Seat of Daniel Wilfon, Efq. Eaftham Boathoufe 10^ Liverpool, by Water ! 7 198] A Mile beyond Haverharn, Leven On the r. from Prefect, 2 Milts from Hall, Earl of Suffolk. the Road, is K.n wfley, the an- Beyond Svzergh, on the left, Charles cient Seat oft' . baris of Derby. Strickland, Efq. About the fame Tifhnce from the Two Miie<= and a half bevond Trim- Road, on the 1. but nearer to Li- by, on the 1. New Village, and Lowther, Earl of Lonldale. verpool, is Crotterh-Uall, a Seat of the Larl of Sefton. LONDON to Nortbwkb. To Warrington, p. i 36. __ 184 Navigation to Leigh 9l '93? To Nevxaftle, p. 135. 148} Talk, Staff. Lawton, C&e/b. Dean Hill '5 2' si '53l ,56 To Iflgati, p. 136. Ormlkirk ^1 196! 206^ Sandvach Sooth- Lane Head 2 163! t At Ormfkiilc, the Church, and the Vault of the Stanley Family. Midtllfurich 35 166 j Lower Boftoc-Green High Boftoc-Green fDavenham l\ 169 169! 171 To Wigan, p. 136. Ecclefton 9l 196! 206 Ntrtbwicb J 3 172! To Prefton, p. 136. 212^ i To Ne'vcft/ilc, p. 135- 1485 Kirkham 8| 220| Keel 2 2 Poulron 7 227| ! Little Madeley l $1 Blackpool 3 2 3| Betlcy ji 1 $6* Gortty Hill, Chejb. '1 1 157! Blackpool has a fine Beach, and is Namptwieb 6 163^ a noted Place for Bathing. Near it is Roflall, Bold Fleetwood Hef- To Nampt-ivich by Stafford, p. 121. ketl*, Efq. andLytham Hall, John Clifton, Efq. 141] .:ca!urcd from MICKY'S HALL. [142 L O N D'O N to U To Lam after * p. J 36. Bolton Carnfbrd Burton, Weftm . Cartmel, Lane. 14 Hawkfliead Wari'dale Egremont, Cuml. 13 Whitchuvi ". 6 Another Road) viz. To Hawkfliead, abvse. Waifdale Chapel, Enerdale //'/>/'/< . n,i i 239 i 2461 2bV 299 -73i 288 297 ! 5 '332 In (;.'./ f'-'H l.-:r:afler t :J' t'u Tide ;s cut, ; . , the Itf(, a 'id over /// t-j C.'ir;mcl, iv/'iicn is 8 3f:!-, nfjrcr th.i'i b\ flutter. ; thh R'.c.i maybe irliz taken in V'^r.^r /t, {_. r\ c^ y j Ravtitglajt t Djt!ci, iT.. AtCaitmtl, fee the handfome Go- thic Church ; and at Haiker, about one Mile farther, is tl Seat of Lord George Cavendilh, where there are 1'ouie fine Paint- ings. About three Miles farther is Big- land-Hall, the Seat of George Big- the rich Mcadrnvb of the Village of Cator, and hanging Wnoi:s ; wtiilit Hornby C*i1!c and Church, and the vtuintai;is of Inglcbo- rough r.fing in maii^tic Grandeur, form a noble b-iek. Ground to as fine a LanUicarx: as the N'orth can produce. Hornby Ciftlc was once the Seat of Lord Motiiiteajjie, now of John Marfden, Ef i i i 271 U Id ale Ireby 2j297| t\u;al 2 273 Durimail Rnifeftones, To Pf'/r/''-, p. 137. 281! Cumberland. 4l -77i ^alkeld Dyke 7* ,89 \Vynthburn Chapel i^ 279 Lazonby j i -91 Thurltpot 3 282 Kirk Ofwald i| 292 Smathod's Bridge 2 k 2845 Cuft J 4 286 To Pfttritb, p. 137. 281 = Keftuic * -87^ Alfton Moor y 33 Braithwait 2\ 290 Halt \vefel, Nortbuml. : 15 3U| Lawton C 2 9? Little difftcn Great Clifuon J 4 5 i / j 2-9 ^04 305 To CARLISLE, p. 13; Brampton ~i 299: Sta'mburn ' I jo6 Workixstm i 1P7 LONDON to Manclxfltr On Wipander Lake is Belle Ifle, tl; ar.d P>. Scat o: John C. Curwcn, I^fq. At 27.1, is Ridal-Ha:l, 6ir Michae) Le Fleming, Bart. Heie are two To Hocklin, p. 119. 1 -. to Wooburn 1 43 374 42 firsc C'--fcades,of which the fmalier \\'avenJr j n, Suck.] 4 46 145] ROADS meafured from HICKS'.S HALL. [H6 Broughton 2* 4 8| Diilev-Inn 3? 169 Newport Paptel .23 tji tleflelgrave 2; '7'i Stoke Golding 4f 5 Si Stocport 4! Hacklcton 4f DO Heaton, Laqc. l| '77 Northampton * 6 66 Grimlow 3 180 Kingflhorp i| 6/1 Mancbcfter J 2 182 r. to Brixworth 5 Bolton 12 '94 Lamport 2 Charley 12 106 Maidwell 2 Prejlon 10 216 fCelmarfli ji 78 Oxendon 2 \ 8o| Another Road to Prcjlon, p. 136 Harborousrb, Leic. Kib worth | s.f 89" * Another Road to Northampton^ p. 150. Great .Glen 9 J 2 Oadby 3 94l \Anothfr Road to Leiajler, p . 1 5 1 Leicrjrer \ Selgrave 3 9 8 99i \ Another Road to Mancbtfler, PT 9 T Mouniforrcl Quarndon, or Quorn Louqbborough Difhley 5| I o5 i .131. On the right of Woobum,Wooburn Abbey, Duke of Bedford. Beyond Newport Pagnel, on r. Mr. Praed, late Mr.Backwell. At Gay- Hathern i in* hurft, on the left, Mr. Wright. * to Kt'sfMorth 3- 1 1 C At 59, is Horton, late Earl of Hali- ^avendifh Bridge SijiiSJ fax, now Sir Robert Gunning. Between 6r and 62, on the left, is Shardlow, Deri. i 1194 Prefton, Mr. Newman. Elvafton 35 123 At 6 3 i, on 1. fee Sir W. Wakes's. Dcrly 3 126 At 64!, on the r. is Queen's CroA, Mackworth Langley Brailsford if if I28| 133 creeled by Edward 1. to the Me- mory of Eleanor his Queen; and adjoining thereto i the Seat of Mr. Bouverie. AjUourn 11 '39l Beyond 69 is Boaghton, on the r. Bentley 2| 142 late Earl of Stafford. New Inn T At Brixfworth, on 1. Mr. Rayns f ord. Newhaven Hurdlow Houfc is 'S3! At Lamport, Sir Juftinian Itham. At Maidwell, on r. formerly SirWm. Haflewood, lateLoidWra.Rufiell, Over Street I whofe Daughter mnrried Mr.Scaw- Buxten Cs i rnl en, Father of the prefent Owner. Whitehall Shaw Crofs VVhaley Bridge, Clf/h. 'I JV2 l6 2 | I6 S l6 5 | At Kelmarfh, Mr. Hanbury. At Haflelbec, George Afliby, Efq. At 87, on the right, Langtoa-Hall, Mr. James. 147] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [148 At 8j*,on left, Sir Charles Harford On the r.Sir George Robinfon, Bart. A little beyond, at Stretton Parva, Benj. Kidney. Efq. At ie, on r. Waniip,Iate Mr. Pal- mer, now Mr. Hudfon. At 103, on 1. Temple Rothely, Mr. Babbington. At Quorn, Mr. MeyneH. Before Loughborough, on the 1. Mr. Tale's, a white Houfe. Beyond Loughbo rough, at Difliley, the late Mr. Baktwell, celebrated for his Improvements in the Breed of Cattle. On the r. at a Diftance, Stamford, Mr. Dafliwood ; an Obelijlt near the Road is in Grendon Park, .Sir Wm. Gordon's, late Win. Phillips, Efq. Near Cavendifh Bridge is Dunning ton Park, Earl of Huntingdon ; fome fmall Remains of the CafUe in the Village. At Sharlow, Mr. Fofbrook. At Elvaflon, E. of Harrington. At Macworth, the Seat of Js. Mun- dy, Efq. At Marton, on the tight, the Seat of F. N. C. Mund),Efq. At Langley, on the fight, Robert Cheney, Efq. Three Miles beyond Aflibourn, to the 1. are Oakuvcr, Ham. and Dove- dale ; the Road is lately turned to the r. being nearer and lefs hilly, and goes near the ancient Seat of Sir Wm. Fitzherbert, the old Road to Buiton continues, and meet the new one at New Inn Turn- pike. At Oakover is the mo ft capital Pi&ure known of Ra- phael ; and the romantic Scene* of Ham and Dovedale lie in the Way to Buxton. At Buxton, a celebrated Bath. Beyond Difley,-on the 1. Tho. Legh, Efq. of Lyme-Hall. At lor, Ardwic Green, a Seat of S. Birch, Efq. and others. At Chorley, on the 1. Chorley-Hall, formerly a Family of that Name, now Mr. Cromptoa. Between Chorley and Preflon, about a Mile diftam from the latter, is the Seat of Sir Henry Philip Houghton, Bart. LONDON to Tamwortb. To Northampton, p. 1 45 Kingfthorpe /. to Chapel Braropton Creaton Thornby Welford North Kilworth, Leic. Mifterton Luttervcorth Bittefwell Claycefter, vulgo 1 Claybrook I High Crofs on Wat- ling-Strcet At 1 1 farthet go ofTWat- ling-Strect, on i ijht, to Burbage Hincley Witherley Atherfton*) Warw. Hall End Wilnecote r. to 66 74 86 88 94i 97j 99i 4 in At 7i{-, fee on a Hill,. a Mile to the Icft/Holmby-Houfe, where King Charles T. was imprifoned by the Parliament Forces. At 73, on lefr, Teeton Houfc, Mr. Langtou. 149] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [150 At 75, on right, Sir Wm. Langham. At Mifterton, Mr. Franks. At Claybrook, Mr. Dicey. Two Miles beyond Hincley, on r. Lincly, Mr. Abncy. On 1. of Witherlcy, Oldbury, Mr. Okcover, and Mancefter, a Ro- man Station. * From Atherfton, another Road to Tamworth, viz. To Grendon. no Polefworth 2 112 jlafcot 2j 114! Tamworth 1^116 At Grendon, the Seat of Lord R. Bertie. olefworth is famous in Hiftory for_ its Nunnery ; and a Mile to the: r. of it is Brancote, Sir Robert Burdctt's. At Tamworth, an ancient Caftle be- longing to the Earl of Leicefter. Kaft Haddou Weft Haddon Crick Hillmorton, Wanv. Rugby (Newbold Brinklow Anfty Nuneaton. Hincley, Leic. LONDON to Buxton, by Brajfington. To Derby, p. 145. 126 Ceddlefton Inn Thro' Ke'ddlefton Park to .Vefton Underwood lognafton Sralfmgton HurdlowHoufe Buxton 131! 141 To Buxtott, by AjJjbourn, p. 145. Ctddlefton Park, a Seat of Lord ScarfdJe ; and near it is a me- dicinal Spring. fo Northampton^ p. 1 4 5 . iarleftohe 66 70 n\ 77, 79i 82^ 87 94 99 104 Another Read, p. 148. At 67f, on r. Dallington, Mr. Wright At 70, on 1. Harlefton, Mr. Andrew. At 71, Althorpe Park, Earl Spencer; and about a Mile to the r. of that is Holmby-Houfe, where King Charles 1. was imprilbned by the . Parliament Forces. At Newbold, late Sir T. Skipwith, Bart. To Hinckley, p. 148. Stapleton Cadeby Boiworth (Market) IO S t io6| LONDON to Northampton, by Stoney Stratford. To Stoney Stratford, p. 119. $a r. to Vardley Gobion 3 55 King's Grafton i 56 Stoke Park i 57 Queen's Crofs 6| 63! Northampton i| 65 Another Road p. 14$. On the r. beyond Stoney Stratford, is Cofgrove, Col. Manfcll ; and the Priory, George fiiggin, Efq. L a 151] ROADS mcafured from HICKS'S HALL. [152 On the r. is Stoke Park, Lady Har- riet Vernon. On the r. of King's Grafton is Graf ton Houfe, a Seat of the Duke of Grafton. At Queen's Crofs is the Seat of Mr. Bouverie. LONDON to Leicefter, a nearer Way than by Harbo- rou?b~ viz. To W~clfont+ p. 148. tiufbands Bofworth, Leic. Wigflon Lticefier A Mile before Leicefter, on the left, fee Bianfton-Hall, Mr. Winftan- ley, and Marficld Windmill, far off, in Charnwood Foreft. IO si 8o| 83 99! 2l8| . o Manchefter^ p. 146. 182 Bury 9 191 Haflingdon 8| Whalley Clithero 4j Sawley, York. ^ Gi/burn 4 Weft Marton 5 Church Marton i 224^ Sroughton 2\ 227. Skipton 3 230 Other Roads, p. 154, 157. At Sawley, the Abbey ; at Gifburn Thomas Lifter, Efq, At Weft Marton, Marton-Hall, Mr Heberj and Gledftone, Rev. Mr RoundelL At Broughton, Broughton-Hall, Mr Tempeft. Beyond Brougluon, on 1. Thornton John Kaye, Efq. To Great Glen, p. 1 45 . Billefden, Leicefi. To AJhlourn^ p. 145. N ew Inn Pike-Hall Winjler TQ Mancbefter, p. 146. Middleton 9 I; & To Haflingdon, above Blackburn HS 149 To Haflingdon, above Burnley Colne m 182 i8 9 | J 9S At 185 is Heaton, the Seat of Lord Grey de Wilton, newly built, and is faid to have coft 30,000!. At 1 88 is Alkerington, late Sir Afh- ton Lever's, the rate Proprietor of the Mufeum in Leicefter Field.-,. At 19; is Edw. Gregg Hopwood, Efq LONDON to Leeds and Rippon, continued to Ibirjk. To Lougbborovgb) p. 145. Cotes Hoton Netting. Rempfton, Coftal Bunny Bradrnore Ruddington 109 1 10 113^ II? 117 u8 J 53l ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [154 Trent Bridge 4 122 Crofs the Leeming Nott-rrgham i I2 3i Road 4 z22| Red Hill 4l Baldcriby l z 2 -4 Manjell 91 137 Skipton Bridge i 225 Pit-alley, Deri. Glapwell Heath 3 2 2 I4O 142 Crofs the North Road to Bufliley Stoop 1^2265 Carleton Miniot ^228" Cbefterfidd* 5 149 Tbafl 22$o\ Whittington 3 .52 * Another Road to Cbejlerfald, Dronfield 3 ' 55 I p. 155. Coal Afton | At Cotes, an old Houfe, on the left ; Little Norton i-i 1 57 Mr. Pack's, who lives farther on, Heelev, Torljb. Little' Sheffield 2 I i59 1 60 on the right. Beyond Hoton, on the left, Stam- X ford, Mr. Da fli wood. SfjeffifU Chapel Town I IDI Bunnv, Sir Tho. Parkyns ; from the Hills beyond, lie \Vollaton, Lord r. to Worfborough 4! '7 1 ! Middlcton, on the left ; and, on llzrujley 2^ 174 the left of Bradmorc, fee Woods of r Stkincrofs 2. 3~. '77l Sir Gervafe Clifton, of Clifton. Newrrfillerdam ' 2 31 181* At Nottingham, the Caltle, the Dake of Newcaftle. Sandal i* 182^ Ac Red Hill, enter the Foreft of Waltejield l8 S 'Sherwood; and five Miles far- Newton 3 ther, on left, is Newftead Abbey, Lofthoufe 4 8/| Lord Byron. A few Miles from Mansfield, Wel- Hunflet 4 : 9'3 bec, D of Portland ; Workfop, Leeds i 192! D. of Norfolk; Clumber, Duke o Chapel Allerton 2 I94I Newcaftle ; Thorelby, late D. of Moor Town i mcf Kingfton, now Mr. Evelyn Pierre- Blackmoor (End of the Borough and j j * point. At Little Norton, Sam. Shore, Efq. At Worfborouxh. on I. Mr Edmunds. Parifh of Leeds) i '9 6 i Beyond Barnfley, on J Mr. Prince Alwoodly Gate i 197- of WooUey. Harcwood 7 2OO Two Miles beyond Staiacrofs, fen Dun Kefwic '1 202 the left, Wool ley-Pack,, Godfrey Went worth, Efq. Spacey Houfe 3 205 At Sandel, Remains of a OafHc, Harrowgate 3 208 where the Father of Ed. IV. \va^ Killinghall Ripley South Stainley i 210 21 t killed. AtWakefieU, a Chapel on the Bridge built by hd. IV. to his Father's Memory. Rippon 1 2l8i \t iS8, on left, Mr. Proctor. 1 5SJ ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [156 A Mile farther, on the light, ite Sandy Ford 'I 136 Methley, Earl of McxViorough. C romford 44 I4.OT Before Leeds, on the right, fee Tem- ple Newfham, Lady Irvine. On the r. Gledhow, John Dixon, Efq. /. to Matloc Bath Over Matloc Bridge to ^2 I 7 At Hartwood, onkft, JateLordHare- Matloc 2 1431 wood. Or, Gawthorp-Hall, the Remains of a From Cromford ___ 140! Caftie. R. crofsDervent River to At Ripley, on I. Sir John Ingleby. Matloc 2 112- Beyond Ripley, on the left, a new Houfe, Mr. Miffinger ; Mr. Wood, Hackney Lane T\ 1 2 '44| on the right. Darley Iz 145* See Mr. Weddeir?, at Newby, on r. Rowfley 2 I 148 Kar Rippon, Studlev Park and Bt&etuett -1 ill} Hacfall, Seats of the late Mr. Afhford 3 J Aillable. Warlow VT TX 3i I 55l New Dam ri 161 LONDON to Chefierftld, Sparrow Pitt 2 163 another Road^ viz. Chapel hi Frith 2 To Dtry,'p. 145. ___ 126 Whaley Bridge 3! i6S| Entering Duffield 43 1305 Manchefter^ p. 1 46. i6| i8 4 | Right to the Bridge over Derwent River 1 I 3 0| A mile beyond Derbv, on r. Darky- Hall, Mr. Holden. Heage 55 136 At Cromford, the Seat of Sir Rich-? Oakerthorpe 3| i39| ard Arkwright. Hvgham if Mile beyond Rcrwfley, on the r. is Stretton jf 14. 3 Haddon-Hall, Duke of Rutland. Clay Crofs 'I 144! About two Miles from Bakewell, to r. of the Road, is Chatfworth- Tupton i| 145! Parkj a magnificent Scat of the Chefterfeld 3* Duke of Devonshire. if Mile beyond VVardlow Turnpike To Oakei-thorpe,a&?av I 39 l turn off on the right, by a decayed Wall, to Caftlcton, where is the Alfreton 2 1414 Devil's Arfe a Peake, and Mam Tor. LONDON to Manner, through Matloc, Bake-wll, and Chapel in Frith. To Derby, p. 145. Sandy Ford, abore 126 136 10 To Derly t p. 145. T*\ tr ii 126 Wirkfworth 3 '39 Duffield 4z 1 30-^ [To J'f r ftrlo'W+ &DOVC _^_ 1C'- Belper Lane End 4 '341 ^fidcfwell *I 158' 157] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [158 To Harrowgate, p. 1 53 208 Barton Seagrave 2 75^ Knare (borough 3 211 Kettering If 75 Ferenfby 2f 2137 Oakley New-Inn s 80 Minikip 3 21 6| Rockingham Foreft I 81 Borough Bridge i 2I7i Rockinqbam 3 84 Between Harrowgate and Knarelbo- rough, on the left, is Bilton-Hall, Crofs Weyland River to Caldecot, Rail. John Watfon, Efq. Uppingham 4| 90 On the right, croffing Knarefba- Prefton QZ-s- rough Bridge, is Coghill-Hall, Sir John Coghill, Bart. At Knarefkorough, the Caftle and Dropping Well. Manton Oakbam { Eftrop, Lclcejl. 2 y*2. 94 ,6 102^ On the 1. i Mile from Knarefbo- Burton Lazars 2 IO4l rough, Scriven-Hall, Sir T. Turner Slingfoy, Bart. Melton Ma-\vbray Abkettleby 2 3l IOQ! LONDON to Bedford, Nottingham, and Skipton, con- tinued to Kendal. Nether Broughron Norraanton, Rotting. Trent Bridge !f 73 Si :."] To Bar net, p. 119. The Obelifk, Mia*. 3 ill Red Hill I 4i 126 i 3 o| r. to Potter's Bar Bell Bar, Herts HatfeU Welwyn /. to Codicote ^ 3 2 Hf 2? Mansfield Pleailey, Deri. Houghton Clown A ugh ton, Torlfi. 9l 3 6 6 140 144 ^56 Langley Hitchin 3 J f \\ hilton 2 \Rotberbatn 2 2 158 160 Shefford, Bedf Cotton End \ 34 4' 46! Grealborough Nether Hough i|ii6i Bedford Clapham li 2 " ^ 5 Wentworth Worfborough r> (i n i 4f 170 Milton Ernefs rC h arnjlty 2 j *7 2 l Bletfoe I T J *(^ Dartun 3 175* Fox Ale-Houfe, * - Bretton * blortbamp. Rufliden 4 6 64 Alidgley Flockton I 2 180 i8z| Hi"ham Ferrers ?t f Highgate Lane 2Jl8^ Crofs River Nine to 2 " Almondbury 2 187 Irthlingborough Burton Lattimer if 6 ?i Huddersfitld Fixby Hall 2 2 189 191 159] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [160 Ealand Salter Hebble Bridge Halifax Illingworth Denholm Gate Thro' Denham Park to Cullingworth Keighley Steeton Crofs Hills Kildwic Bradley || pton in Craven turton Gargrav* onifton Hellifield Cochins Long Prcftoa Settle Gigglefwic Clapham [ngleton Thornton Hebermount, Weflm. FCirby Lonfdale ECearfwic hapel Houfc Kendal * From tie Fox Beyond Potter's Bar, on left, Gib- Lbon% and neit Bib Brtchman Park, Dr. Sibthorpe. yond Obelifk, on I. Mr. At Hatfield, Hatfield Houfe, quis of Salifbuty. At 21, on 1. Brocket Hall, Lord Melbourn. At Welwyn, late Mr. Young. ~n the right of 28, Kneb'.rorth Place, late Mrs. Lytton. ' 3 'At Hitchin, Sir C. H. RatdifT, Bart. i-4' Beyond Hitchin, on I. fee Lady Sa- il 2l6| ; lilbury (late Sir Tho.) in a Wood. Beyond Shefford, on left, HWvu Place, Lord Carteret. At Cotton End, Mr. Ne/bitt. At Milton Ernefs, the Vicarage was . endowed, and Alms-houles built j by Sir Edmund Tumor, Knt. in 1695. 235 At Bletfoe, fome Remains of the . Caftle, Lord St. John. Miles beyond Bletfoe, on 1. is a new brick Houfe at Sharnbrook, Mr. Gibbcrd ; and a little beyond that, a white Houfe, Colworth, Mr. Lee. On the 1. of Rufhden, is Knufton- Hall, the Seat of the late Benja- min Kidney, Efq. At Higham Ferrers, the Remains of a College. At Irthlingborough, Mr. Taylor. Half a Mile to the left of 6. On the r. ' Mid-'lf ton, To Ke.'terirg, p. j^8. 1 Oakley New Inn f 5 75 80 165] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [166 r. to Corby ,; 82- "sale 3 T 45 I Weldon 1 2 84 is'ctln. (" .Idecot 'k-e il.,.: rois 4' To Hfirkoro'i p. 145- Great Bowden I 84! rj ford 4. y -* 4qf \Vhelbarrt 3 - Slawfton >i 89 ' -.;?'; 'M Hallaton i 90 9 '-a:! I 7 565 IXv-Uli ' -ton, Hunt. 3i S9l To Burton Lazars, . 1 Frt'in .' mpsfor,d to p. 158. Thorp Arnold Waltham 2 i 3i 1 QT : n'd >>. Scot's, Hunt. . r tlie North Road 2 % 111 To NottigbaM t p. 158 1 " " 7 i2t Doddmgton 4 59i Southwell X 5l iiql*\BugJeni or Euckdcn 1 6i 2 iairy 5 66 To Mansfield, p. i > 8. Pleailcy, Deri. 3 14*0 '43 Wefton Wheatflieaf Inn 3 4 I 66| Stoney Houghton Bolfover i i44 x Stilton* Norman Crofs 7 I 741 75* Bolfover Came is a Scat o r the Duke [Water Newton \'\ a sford, North. ^ / J H 81 of Portland. Stamford^ Line. 5! 8 9 2 Carter ton, Rutl, 2 91 LONDON to EDINBURGH, xvitham Cora. Line o y I GO by Coldjlream. Coltfworth y z 102 To 7?rf';/tY, p. 1 19. Th;- ObeUik, Mldd. r. to Potter's Bar. 1 3 II /. to, Gr. Ponton Spittle Gate Gf.atttham 4 3 i 1O6 109 , 110 Bell Bar, Hcrtf. Hatfiehl Welw n 2 2 2 C Gunnti'by JFofton '-oug Billington 2 IIl| Woolmer Green il s Balderton, Noil 4 : 122 Broadwater I -z 28^ Newark z 2 12 4 Steveaage Graveley BaL'.oc Bleak Flail 3 2 4 5 31 33 37 South Mufcomb North Mulcomb C" 1 rum well jCaiiton upon Tretit -) J 1^6- i2 9 ; 167] ROADS meafurcd from HICKS'S HALL. [160' Sutron 2 j Sunderhmd Bridge 4 256 'Vefton I T 33a DURHAM 3 Searching Moor l| *35 i Durham Moor 2 261 Tuxfnrd 2 4 137! Plawfworth 2 263 Ret ford 7 '444 [Chcfter-lc-ftreet 2 265 Barnby Moor 3l 148 Pclaw I 266 Tar worth ll 1493 ^Birtlcy 2 268 Scroby 4 Gatefliead 5 273 Ba-Mtry, Yorkfh ii 153 Ncvecafllf, North um. i lloffington Bridge 4l 157! ;Gosford 3? 277 Ddncaj'cr 4? 162 IStannington 6 283 Robin Hood's Well 7 169 Shotten Edge 5 288 VVentbridge 3^ i j 2%\ Hforfletb * i 289 Darington i| 173! Longhorney 7 296 Ferry Bridge 3i J 77 Wallingbridge 2 298 Brothertou I i?8 Framlington 2 300 Fairburn 2 1 80 Wittintbetm 8 308 Mickleficld 4 184 Woohr Hougb-hcad io|J3i8| Aberford 2 186 Wooler lihsoj B ram ham 4 tgo Cornbill ti| 333 Wreathe r by ' 3| I 93z Crofs the Tweed and en- Walfhford Bridge Fhornvil Royal Rerougbbridge Ditchforth J * 3 3 6 tgo! 2OO 203 209 | ter Scotland Coldftream, Eervj. Greenlaw Tibby's Inn ro 3 334! 344T 347i Topcliffe Bufhby Stoop Sand Hutton 3 4 I X 212 2l6 Tirlefton Norton Inn Channel kirk Inn 6 l354 * !356 53M South Ottrington Nortkal'.crton 220| 22 C Black S/Mckls Inn 1 at Falla, Ediub. J 5 3 66| Lovefome Hill 4. J 22Q Path Head $1 370 '.ittlc Smeton T r / 2? I Dalkeith 4l 374i jreat Smeton r J 232 EDINBURGH Walton 4? 3 3 6J Edinburgh ly' J3er-ii'ic t p. 173 ; Croft i| by CariiJIc, p. 172 ; by Tork, Darling ton, D u r h . 3 2 4l p. 174; by Kclfo, p. 175. otton-mund Hill Ayecliffe Woodham 2 3 44 -'46 249 * Anotber Road to Stiltnn, p. 192, On 1. a little beyond the Obeliflc, is a Houfe built by the late AdmiraJ "erry Hill 3 252 Byng, now G. Byng, E!q. 169] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. \ ' . beyond Potter's Bar, on the I. is C'lub'bins a Seat of Mr. Hun ter : and near Bell Bar is tlu Houfe ot Sir Charles Cox. On r. of Hntricld is a Seat of the Marquis of Salifbury. It former!} belonged to King James I. whc exchanged it tor Theobalds. )u the !ett of 21 is Crocket Hall the Seat of Vifcount Melbourn. )n the 1. of 29, Kr.elnvorth- Place, late of Mis. Lytton. Yt Stcvenagf, a remarkably-built Bam, the lidge of it broad enoir;' to contain a Coffin, which it nov. dots, and is to be feen with the Body of Henry Trigg, a Shop keeper of rhat Town, who bniii it for that Pnrpole, and, bv \Vill. ordered his Body to be laid t licit At Bngdea is the Bp. of Lincoln'.*- Palace. From Stilton to Grantham, at ever) Mile, aie Blocks made of the fa- mous Kelt -n Stone, with 3 Steps, which were placed th/ re by Mr Boulter, for the eafy mounting of his Horfe, he being a very corpu- lent Man, and travelled that Roac every Week for many Years; each Stone engraved E. B. 1708. A Mile from Stamford, on the r. i Eurleigh-Houfe, the magnificen Seat of the Earl of Exeter, for merly the Rcfidence of Treafurei Burleigh, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Hue is a beautifu Canal ; alfo an extenfive Park which, with the Lordfh'p rounf 1 it, is fuppofed to contain more Game, Hares in particular, than any other Park in the Kingdom Since the Houghton Collection o Pictures left this' Kingdom, th Paintings in this Houfearereckon ed the mcfr valuable of any. On the 1. is Worthoip, a Seat ir Ruins, alfo belonging to the E of Exerer. Here is an excellent and plentiful Spring of Water, from which the To wu of Stamford is fupplied. ;pon the Hill, from Cafterton, on the 1. is the Scat of John Wing- field, Efq. At Woolfthorpe, a Hamlet to Coltf- worth, is the Houfe in which Sir Ifaac Newton was borrv, whofe Manor and Eflates ate now the Property of Edm. Tumor, F.fq. Beyond Grantham, on the right, is Briton, Lord Brownlo'.v's ; and a little beyond it, on a Hill, Sifou- Hail, Sir John Thorold, Bart. Prom Gaontrby Hill, a great Pro- fpekSt ; Lincoln Minfler on the r Bclvoir Caftle on the left, rofs the Trent from Newark, on the r. \Vintorp-Hall, Mr. Pock lington. On the I. Kclham-Hall, Lord Georji Sutlon ; and on the Side of thi Hill, above it, is Averham Park another Seat of his Lordfliip' feen from Gunnerby-Hill. At Carlton, on the r. another Mr Pocklington. At Bawiry, on the left, late Leifler's, now Peter Drummond's Efq. Brother to Lord Kinnoul. About two Miles on the right o Doncsfter is Wheatley, bir Gtorg Cooke, Barr. Beyond Doncafter, on the 1. on th Top of a Hill, is Cufworth, th fine Seat of Wm. \Vrilitfon, Efc ^t 3 Miles on right, Mrs. Yarbo rough's Wood's at Campfmotiut and Campfal, the Seat of Bacoi Frank, Efq. About 7 Miles to the left, in a Bot torn, is Shelbrook, a Scat of Karoi Penryn, and Robin Hood's Well At Darrington, Wm. Sothcrton Efq. On the right of 174!, is Grove-Hal 171] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL [173 Joivsgcr of Mcxbo- LONDON to EDINBURGH, rough. by CAR LI On the ]. beyond Fairburn, is Le:i- fton Hall and Park, ;-u I To Rorougblridge^. 1 6 - 203 Seat of the E. of Hnnlingdon. 'I he Lodge in the Park, which is plainly fetn on thi Road, com- Kir'uy Hill Union Inn, or York i A 104 mand* a fine and very exteufive Profpecl. Hoyal Oak Inn U 5 2 IO 215 Bramham-Park, to the 1. of Eran- Lecmiiif 3"> 2 I &! ham, is the Seat of Mu l r ox, Jate Cattenc 6| 22f Lord Bingley. jc Bridge i 226 Allerton Pirk, late Duke of Yoik, i: jw Colonel Thornton, wlio pur- Grefa Bridgs I j O \ V C S A 239| cbaied it of His Royal HlghneiV for ^ Brougf^ \Veilm. \j 13 258^. Ac 13, on the r. Greave Hall, Mrs. Atkinfon. AppicJy Crackenthorpe 8 25S| !l>ev. .,d TopclifTe, on the 1. Newby, Kirkby Thore 2 k 271 Lord Grantham. Sower by 2 2 73 At 17 Miles fiom Boroughbridge, Eamont Bridge, Cum. pi tin the left, fee Hornby Gallic, Pcnrltb I '8 ' l the late Earl of. Holderntfit;. High Heikcth 9f 2QO On the right of Chefrer-!e-frreet, is Lumley-Caftle, E. of Scarborough. O Low Helketh Carlton s 2 'I 7 Beyond Shotton Edge, on the 1 ' rlaraby * Blagtlon, Sir M. VV. Ridley, Bart. CARLISLE 208 1 \t Long Horfley, Riddtll, Efq. U eftlington 6 2 304! A Mile Well of Whiiringham, is Eff lington Park, Ld. Raveniv/orth. Longfnvjn Kirk Andrews 3 z 307! 39 Beyond Coklfhream, on the r. Hi: -ft -i, i,angholm^ Duinf. 9 J 7 318 Ld. Home ; on the 1. Lees, late Sir John Pringle, Bart. M. D. Two Miles before Greenlaw, to the right, Marchmont-Houfe, Earl or Redpath Moflpaul Green t Rox . Sinks 4l ll j 3 22 2 328 334 Maichmont. Allanmouth s 336^ Seyond Path-Head, on the r. Pref Ha~ vie 4| 341 ton-Hall, Lord Adam Gordon. Afhkirk 6 347 it Dalkeiih, on the right, the Pa- Selkirk Selk. 5 lace of Dalkeith, Duke of Buc- Crofs Tweed to cleugh. Ferny hall 4 356 5n the left. Jeanfielo*, Douglas Crofflee c 361 Eiq. and Ncwhattle, Marquis of Lothian. Stage Hall J 3 J 364 173] ROADS meai'.;red from Hicks's HALL. [174] Bankkoufe ^67 At 3 Miles, leave Berwic Edinb. 376 bounds, and eater Scot- Le.lwade \ ^~j' land. EDINBURGH si QQ Ayton, Ber--M. ? T ^43 To the right of So44, Fleurs, Duke of Roxboiough. Bainbridge Two Miles beyond Sm?liho!m, 01 AJkrlg jl Vco the r. Melerfton. the Hon Baillie. Gco At Cover Bridge begins Wtnfley Dale. At Lander, on the right, Thirlftone Cattle, Earl of Lauderdale. At Spennythorne, William Chaytor, _ 177] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [178 Near VVenfley is Bolton-Hall and To Eaton Socon, p. 1 66 545 Caftle, Duke of Bolton Great Catfworth, At Ayfgarth,near Carperby; at Aflc- rig; and in Bifhopfilale ; atefome remarkable Falls of Water. Huntinqdonjb. Oundle, Northamp. Cliff 10 IO <; 64! 74! 7Qx At Bainbridge, a Roman Station. ' Another Road, p. 164. Cover Bridge, p. 176. /. to Middleham I 228 22 9 To Stilton, p. 1 66. r. to Yaxley 74l 77 \t Middleham, the Caftk LONDON to Oakham by To Baldock, p. 165. 37 Hatfald. Bleak Hall Ht 44! r. to Potton I 4 2 48 To Eaton SW0tt,p. 166 /. to Great Stoughton, 54! To the r. of 47 is Sutton, and Suttow Huntingdon/}}. 3f 53| Park, a fine Scat of Sir Roger Great Chatfworrh Burgoyne, Bart. Brynton 2- 66| Clapton, Northamp. 3 94 To Eaton Socon, p. 166 545 Lyford *\ 7 2 2 'St. Neat's Hunt. 2\ 57 Bennifield 7 6 4 Another Road, p. 166. Dean Thorpe Dean tt '1 80 Harringworth 4 8 ?5 To Eaton Socon, p. 166 544 Glaytfon, RutlandJJj. 88 Great Stoughton, Manton 3 QJ Huntingdon/}}. 3 581 Oakham oil Higham Ferrers *-* * T Northampton}}). 12 71 Another Road, p. 163. Another Road, p. '57- At Clapton is the Seat of the late Sir William Dudley, Bart, now of Sir Booth Williams. To Eaion Socon, p. 1 66 Kimbolton, Hunt. Thrapfton, Northamp. it ,1 r> J 8 1 1 f 54! 734 At Dean is a Seat of the late Duke of Montague; and on 1. of Man- ton isMaitinfthorpe, a Seat of the Earl of Denbigh. Another Kaad, p. 104. To Sawtry, p. 167. IC2 At Kimbolton is a Seat of the Duke of Manchefter. Hatfieid, Tork/b. i N 179] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [180 TJjorne Booth Ferry Hnvden Wciehton To Ho-joden^ above Hplm Hall, l"erkjb. Pocklin^ton '77* Wcllow Ollcrton ', To Baivtry t p. 167 Hatfield, TJiortie Snaith Selby Cawood Torkjb. 152 162 182 186 ToWentbridge, p. 167 Pontefraa, rorkjb.\ Or, From OSertoe, above I.Palethorp 1 Through Thortfby and Clumber Park to Worlfop Gateford South Anfton, Tork Todwic Afton Hanfworth Partial AttercUff 137 befcU '75 At Pontcfrafk, Remains of the Caf- tle. Hence to Leeds, p. 153 '35? *37 140 146 148 2 4 ,'i* 2 '54. 4 2 I l|l6 4 162* 204 To U'eatberlv, p. Knarefborough, Riflcy Another Road, p. 153. At Knarelborough, the Caflle and Dropping Well. To Borcugbli-iJgr t p. 167. Aldborough, Trk/b. 2Q-. zo r LONDON- to Leeds (the:| new Coach Road.) To Newark, p. 1 66. Kelham, Knefall [124 At Kelham, on 1. Lord Geo. Suttou At \Vellow, Sir Win. Molyneux. About a Mile, to the left, is Ruflord, late Sir George Savillc. 5 Beyond Ollerton, on right, Thorefbj Pr.rk, late Duke of Kiugfton, uo\v Mr. Pierrepoint. At 142, on r. Clumber Park, Duke of Newcaftle; and on the I. \\ bee-Abbey, Duke of Portland. ; Before Workfop, on the 1. Workfop Manor, Duke of Norfolk. At Workfop,Remains of the Abbey. Near South Anflonis Keveton Park, ; Duke of Leeds. "To the r. of Todwic is Laughton, the Seat of John Hatfield, Efq. re-; niarkv.bie for its fine Spire. At Afton, a Seat of the late Earl of| HoldEiT.eirc, in the piefenc Occu-j palion of Henry Verelfr, Efq. 181] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [102 LONDON to Doncafu, Houghton 's - 6 35 through Tickbill. Eaft Harrington sa66| :To N>':wk, p. 167. U'orkfop, p. 1 82. 22 124 146 Bifliop Wearmouth Swtderland Crof the River Wear to 3 j : 7 ? Car It on 3 149 Monk Wearmouth 270 Goldtborp Tickbill, York. Wadworth Loverfhall Balby Doncafter 3 3 5 i *i !] '59 161 162-^ Fuhvell Cleadon Hanon South Shields Cro(s the River Tvne to North SbidJs, 2 2 2 Z72 21 i 276 278 To the left of Carlton is Walling Northuraberl. Wells, Taylor White, Tinmouth jll^^ql At 153, on the le't, Sandbec Park. Earl of Scarborough. To Ne-'Mc a/lie, p. 168. 2 7 T 1 To Ajkrig, p. 176. Brickdale Kirby Stephen, Weft 10 8 ill] Ponteland, Nortbum. Camboe Ha r wood-head Elfdon 3 222\ 3OO Another RoaJ, p. 143. To Morjtetb, p. 168. 287 To Darlington, p. 167] 238! Rothbury 15 3O2 Cockerton, Durb. i 3 Weft Auckland 8j 24! To Wooler, p. 168. 318? Bifhops Auckland 3 i Learmouth, Nortbum IOJ 329 \t Bifhops Auckland is the Palace and Park of the Bilhop of D urham. V O J ) N to Bilhugbam. 'd-.-vtsi Tlri,lai> n T-7J- n^n LONDON to Tinmoutb. Barnard Cajlle, Durh 4 243 To Ne-~ - 185] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [186 LONDON to Scarborough^. River Glen i Q4 by YORK. jjThurlby I 7 T 95 To YORK, p. 174. Spittle Beck 1 1 r 97 208 Bourn Cawthorp 2 2 97 99 Whit well i 209! Morton I too Ne-i> Malt on Crofs Derwent River to 51 215 At 101 left to Aflackby 4 104 Norton i 2 1 r- p:L : :>vham 2 106 Scagglethorp Rillir.gton Yeddingham Bridge .Snainton 2 *\ 2 i8 2 219! 224 1 Olbournby Aftvarby Willoughby Sleaford 3 ^ 109 113 ri 5 i Brumpton Wykeham Hutton Buflicl i| :29 I 231 I. to Lincoln Heath Green Man LINCOLN* 2 8 I2 3 f 25 1 33 T Eaft Ayton 2 I 232 Midge Ian Si Fulfgrave Scarboruu^ b A Mile beyond Whitwell, two to the left of th 4 i and e Ro ^37 abou: ad. is Spital Rcdbourn (Hibalftow Glanford Bridge 6 6 i 3i j 1 56 Caflle Howaid, a magnificent Seat Eifliain 4 160 of the Earl of Ca>lifle. Harton. 6 166 A Mile bey or. 1 Rillington, on the 1 Croli the Humber to Scampfton, Six \Vm.St. Hu!L Yorkfli. 7 "" and a little farther, on r. Knap -ii >Je\vlancls ton, Ralph Lutton, Efq. R , At Brumpton, Sir Geo. Caylev, Bart-fl? Leckmheld 2 7, '75 182 184! LONDON to LINCOLN and ScqrlMtr.ougb) by Hull. jScorborough Befvvic Watton ST ij ~*t i86| i83| To Stilt on , p. 1 66. 741 Cranfwic j^ 191" Norman Crofs, Hunt. I Drtffifld 4 '95 PETERBOROUGH si 8?|_ Scarborough 13 208 Walton Werrington 4 85* To Scarborough by TorH, p. 185. Glimptun Norborough Ma'kct Dcrp-ng t Line. 2 I 87 88 * To Lincoln by Stamford^ p. 1 89. At Peterborough, Rogers Parker, Ffr Langtort }_/!. 22 92 JZtJU. At Afwarby, Sir Chriftopher Which- rSaiton I 93 cote, Bart. 187] ROADS meafurecl from HICKS'S HALL. [188 At Leanngham, York,Cfq. aivi Mils Manners. ^o the r. of 120 is B'.oxholm, the , To Spiral, p. 186. Kirton Lindfey \ 6\ i J 5 r Sear of Lord Robert M >une S. At 4 beyond Lincoln, on the 1. h Sudbrooke Holme, Richard Elli- To Spital, j>. 1 86. 1441 fon, Eiq. Broughton il t ij54 At 9 beyond Lincoln, on 1. Som- Burton Strathcr 9 164! mers Caftle, Sir Cecil Wray, Bart. and a little fanher to the 1. is' -p ,-,.. o Glenworth, lately a Seat of this l on > P- Ib 5' 87 ancient Family. r. to Peakirk i 88 At Spiral, on the r. Norton Place, r. to Dunbcer 3 9 1 J hn Harrifon, Efq. Crowland. J.iiic. At Eltliam Rob. Thompfon, Efq. 1 VJ Adjoining to Bevtrley are the Seats At Qowland, the Abbey in Ruins- of Sir James Pennyman, Bart, and J. Courtney, . Efq. and 5 Mile* from it, on the 1'ork Road, is LONDON to FlanAaroueb South Dalton, the Seat of Sir Head Charles Hotham, K. B. At V/atton, the Seat of J. Bethel!, To DriffieH, p. 186. 195 Eiq. Kilham r 2OO Ur-rllinn-frtn g 208 To PETERBOROUGH, Sewer by ^ 20 9 f p. iS'c. - , 8ii Flamborough 2 2II| r j Newaik i'l g^ Flamborough Head 2 Eve, ' Camlt. l\ 84^ Thorney 3 gli To Drifficld, p. 1 86. / 2 . T- , 195 tvilnam 5 2OO To LINCOLN-, p. 186. Hunrr.anby 9 2C 9 i Langworth Bridge BoUington 6 2 1 39 141 To Hull, p. 1 86. 73 Wifagby Weft .fiarlt with F,ait Barku ir.ii Haintou 3 2 I' 2 144 146 147 149 Prefton HayJen Keyingham Ottringham 4 3 i si 180 181 i 1 86ft i o 7^ ' n/n1>oai4 Q 1 I At 4 Miles South of Eaft Rarkwithi n """.""' isFauton Houfe, the Seat of Ed- ?*****&<>* 2 r| I <5Q ^r 191 twiin^i '1'iimor E/ti At Hainton, the Seat of Geo. He To Half, p. 1 86. __ 173 nage, E^. Hornfea, Tarty. 15 188 189] ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [190 To Bc-jcrkv. p. 186. ___ 183 LONDON to Gainjbortug!) ' L Leaven 7 189 and Cro-wle. Branfsurton igof To LINCOLN, p. 186. T 33 Hrodingbam 4 1945 Saxilby 6 139 Fentoa 5! 142 L O N D O N to LINCOLN and Grimily, by Stamford. Torkfey Marton Knaith 2 '44 146 148 ToColtfvvorth, p. 166 Lea I t 14.0 r. to Cold Harbowr Ancaiter 8 no Gain/borough Stockvvorth 4 T 7 '5 1 I rC Baynard's Leap 3 1(8 Owftoh i 4 j j j-recn Man 9 127 Epworth 3 162 L.INCOLN 8 1 35 Belton 2 164. Walton 6! s Cradle - i6q Snarford Park 34 tie 7 Market Raf.n j* i j A Mile beyond Saiilby, to the 1. i. c Walefb Stantou-le-hole 2 ;< Thoraey, George Neville, i Before Fenton, on 1. Ktt.ktLoip., Ch. Amcctts. Kfa. Thurgailby 3^ Vt Knaitli. H: Dalron, Efq. Radal 2 i [ 61 At Lea, SirEdmund Andafon, Bin^ Briggefley Wall ham M ^ ^ ,64 i66| To the r. of Belton is Temple Bel Wood, Alien Johnflon, l-.i.> 2 Wiles beyond it, on left, is liiift, Qrimfly 3l 170 Cornelius Stovin, Elq. Anttber Road to LincoL-i, p. 185. N'ear Market Raifui is \V r . A. Bou LONDON to Eojlm and Alford. chert tt, Hkj. At ttuntoa-le-holc, Col. Maddifon. To Norhorough, p. 185. 88 To AT;// /J/ 161 |Sotherton 3 no i Kirton 2 I I 2 At Binbrook, Mr. Genefs. Boftm 3 v)ne Mile \Vcit of ditto is Kirmond, Sibfey 5 120 Edm. Tumor. Elq. [[Stickney 5 "5 191! ROADS meafured from HICKS'S HALL. [192 Stickford 2 ii I27 l To R often, p. 190. ii' Bait Keal ^ ijo| (Wrangle 8 123 i? n 2 iWainfleet 7 no Partney if T <2 ? [Croft i 131 Alford 5 <3 y i Burgh 2 133 Left of Partney is Langton, the Seat of Bennet Langton, Efq. Near Alford is Well, Samuel Dafli- wood, Efq. To Stickford, p. tqi. Weil Keal Bolingbroke 2 1 129! 131 To Spalding, p. 190. __ 100 LONDON to LouA and \Vefton 4 104 Saltfleet. Whaplode iob| To SleaforJ, p. 186. __ IIC 1 Holbeach i|jicSf Tatterfhall 12 1274 Haltham j_ nri To Gcfberton, p. 190. Quadring Donnington z 107 08* uo| Horncaflle Weft Afliby ICalkwell \Loutb 2 4 6 136 ,38 IJs "Saltflcet 10 158 VII. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from SHOREDITCH CHURCH. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to Stilton, by Ware. iTottenham H. Crofs .Edmonton i 4i 7 To Kingfland, Midd. i| Ponder's End '4 Ncwington Town l| *| E.njield 'Highway i 94 Stamford Hill i Enfield \Vafh i 10 i93]RoADsmeafuredfrom SHOREDITCH CHURCH. 1 194 Wai tham Crols, Herts. Theobalds 12 Chcfhunt Street i Chefliunt Wafh 1 14 Wormley i Broxbourn i 16 Hoddefdon I Amwell Ware [fade's Mill Collier's End Puckeridge /. to Buntingford 4| New Chipping i Buckland Royfton Kneefworth, Caml, Arrington Cungrave Caxion Papworth Everard Godmanchefter, Huntingdonjh Huntingdon* Great Stukeley Little Stukeley Wheatflieaf Inn St. Andrew's Chapel Stilton. Another Road to Stilton, p. 166. * Another Road to Huntingdon, p. 194. At 3, on the r. Mr. Hoarp, Banker ; a Piece of Water below the Houfe Before 5, on 1. Hornfey-Hill-Houfe, Mr. Gray, Linen-draper. At Kufh Hill, Mr. Mellifh and Mr. Blackburn. On the left of 5 is Bruce Caftle, the Seat of the late Alderman Town- fend, now Mr. Ayton, Banker. 32 34 37. 39f 43* 454 49 58 59 64* 68 On the r. of 9 is Durance, the Pro- perty of Sands Chapman, iiiq On the left of 12 was Theobald's Palace, where King James I. died, afterwards the Property of the late Duke of Portland, who fold it to George Prefcott, Efq. who pulled down the Palace, and bujlt a handfome Seat, now the Rcfi- dence of his Family. On right of 14 is Chefhunt Nun- nery, the Seat of the late Col. Blackwood, now his Widow's. Near 15, on the 1. is Wormly Bury, Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. On the 1. of Broxbourn is BnJxbourn Bury, late Lord Monfon, now Mr. Bofanquet. Rear Puckeridge, on the 1. is Ha- mels, the Seat of the late Dr. Freeman, now of the Earl of Haid- wicke. Near 45, on the r. is Wimpole Hall, a moft beautiful Seat of the Earl of Hardwicke ; and, oppofitcj Baldon Houfc, Chriftopher Wil- loughby, Efq. At Godmanchefler is the Seat of General Clarke. Near Huntingdon is Hinchinbrook, a Seat of the E. of Sandwich. LONDON to Huntingdon by Hatfield. 61 To Eugden^ p. 166. Brampton Nun's Bridge Huntingdon 63 64 65 Another Road y p. 193. Near Brampton, on the left, is Graf- ham, the Seat of the late Sir Ro- bert Bernard, Bart. Beyond Nun's Bridge, on 1. Hinch- ingbrook Houfe, E. of Sandwich. ig5 ]R.o ADS meafuredfromSnoREDiTCH CHURCH. [196 To Edmonton, p. 192 Enfield 3 7 10 Barkway Barley Fowlmere, Camb Frumpington Cambridge * Milton Stretham Bridge Strctham ELY >ittleport Southery, Norf Downham South Runfton Setchey, or Seeching North Rundon Hardwic Lynn Crofs f Gayvvood Toll-Gate South Wootton \CaJile Rifiagi Ch Sandringham Lodge Derfingham Ingoldiilhorpe Mount Amelia New Bridge Snettifbam Heacham Hunftanton Hunftanion Cliff" * Another Road to p. 20 1. j Another Road p. 197. At Trumpington are t Seats of Chriftopher J and the Rev. J. Pemb Ac Milton, on the r. is Samuel Knight, Efq. Two Miles beyond Do 4 2 5i 6i ,1 + i 4 7 J -4 ,. I 44 Si 6i 3i 3i 2 l| IJ 2 I 2 3 i i i i i 2 2 I Ctfd /0 he F luftr srton the vvnha 34i 34 42 4i 5 1 55 62 63! 68 ?li 86 8 9 i 93 95 06 l To Waltham Crofs, p. 193. Walth am Abbey i "I I2| To Hoddefdon, p. 1 93. Hertford Before Hertford, on 1. Ea Leiccfter. At Hertford, the Caftle. 17 4 1 21 Is, Earl of To IFarc, p. 193. Standon, Herts 6 21 27 To Cox ton, p. 193. Hilton St. Ives, Hunt. Somerlham Chatteris Ferry Chatterisy Camb. Doddington March Gay-Hall Ferry mjbecb St. John's St. Germain's Lynn Rfgif *i si 6 5 i 3^ 4i 4 6 7 5 5 49 55! 59 65 70 & 79 83 89 96 101 .106 y u 2 98 IOO (01 103 106 !o; 108 109 no III 113 "S 116 'iridge, Lynn, atnily- r, Eiq- Seat of m, on To Huntingdon, p. 193. Ripton Regis Ramfay Whittlefea si 64 8$ 59 6a| 68| 77 LONDON to ELY and continued to Hiinflanlon To Puckeridge, p. 1 93 -/. to Hare Street \ 4 /.v.';v c^: 26| 3i 197] RoADsmeafuredfrocnSHOREDiTCHCHURcH. [198 right, Stowe Hall, late Sir Tho- At Snettifliam, the Scat of Nicolas mas Hare, Bart, now Lady Harris. The Caftle at Caftle Rifing belong Styleman, Efq. At Heachim, hdmond Rolfe, Efq. to the Earl of Suffolk. At Hunftanton are the Seats of sir Sandringham, late Major Hofte, now Edward Aftley, Bart, and Nico- Mrs. Henley. las Styleman, Efq. Mount Amelia, Major Gardener. Near the ClilT is a Bathing-Seat of At Newbridge are the beautiful the Earl of Mountrath. Plantations of Mrs. Styleman. * <=> .j=v <=> <^ .> . > <> <==> f> -S^ -3- <5> <3> <& ,:, ' ' *e> <3S feS- >S> <5* 'ie> vs> '> <> -ai> *> i VIII. GREAT AND DIRECT ROADS Meafured from WHITECHAPEL CHURCH. With the ROADS branching from them to Market and Sea-Port TOWNS. LONDON to Newmartet 1 7- Stanftead^ EfTex *J 3*i and Lynn. Quendon 36 To Mile-End, MM. i Newport *| 38! Bow i.i ^i Littlebury H 4^1 Stratford, Effix i ,i J2 Chefterford 2$ 44! I. to Layton Stone 2 W&BoitrnbriJgei Catnb. 4 48! Snare ibrook ii 61 j Devil's Ditch 10 ?i Woodford 3 A. 1\ Newmarket i! 6oi Woodibrd Wells If 9 /. to Red Houfe, Su/. 5^ 65! Bald Stag I JO Barton Mills 3! 69^ pptn% 61 '6| I. to Hobb's Crofs & 724 Potter's Street 4i 21 A Lodge on the right ! 74 Harlow 2 23 Heath on both Sides i 7S Sav/brid greworth, Herts 3 26 Between. Wangford Hockcni, Or, Church left, and a Bifliops btortford, farm Houfe right 3 78 Herts i 4 30 Brandon j ?3I O a Nnf. 8 86| 90 98 99 IO2 Methwold, Stoke Ferry Wareham Seeching Weft Winch Hardwic Lynn Another Road to Lynn y p. 195. To the right of Layton-Stone is Wanftead-Houfe, a magnificent Seat of the late Earl Tilney, now Sir James Tilney .Long, Bart. To the left of 14 is Copt-Hall, John Conyers, Efq. and near it is War- ley's, Mifs Carter. On theleft of Potter's Street is Mark- Hall, Mr. Lufhington, an Avenue of Trees leading to it. At Harlow, on the right, is the Scat of Mr. Gardiner. Beyond Harlow, on r. in a Bottom, Pifhiobury, Mrs. Mills. Right of Sawbridgeworth is Hyde- Hall, late Sir Joa. Conyers, now Earl of Ruthin. Left of Hockeril, Thornley-Hall, Raper, Efq. To the right of Stanftead is Stan- ftead-Hall, Wm. Heath, Efq. At 36|, on the left, Quendon flats, Henry Cranmer, Efq. At 39|, on the right, is Shortgrove, a Seat of ths Earl of Egremont, occupied by his Brother, the Hon. Wyndham. At 41, on the right, Audley-End, Lord Howard. Chcfterford is an ancient Roman Station. To the right of Bournbridge isHorfe- Heath, the Seat of Ld. Mountfort On the left of Newmarket-Heath are GogmagogHills,on which the late Lord Godolphin had a Seat, who left it to his Godfon, Lord George William Frederic Ofbornc, now Marquis of Carmarthen.eldeft Son of the Duke of Leeds, who is a Minor. Ic is now inhabited by the Bifhop of Elphin. LONDON to Ongar and Dunmow To Layton-Stone, p. 197. At the Obelifk, right to Woodford-Bridge Chigwell Abridge Hare-Street Chipping- Ongar Moulton End Machin Green Hatfield-Heath HatHeld Dunmo-iv 9 IO: 27 3 3 2 40 Another Road to Dunmo^v^ viz. To Harlovu, p. 197 Hatfield Heath Hatfield Dunmovj Another Road, viz. To Ongar, above Leaden Roding High Roding Dunmovo 23 27 29 37 21 2* 3 2 36 N. B. This la ft is only a By- Road through the Rodingi. At Woodford Bridge, on the left, Ray Houfe, Sir James Wright, Bart, and on r. Cladbury, Edward Harvey, Efq. Beyond Chigwell, on the r. Rolls, Eliab. Harvey, Efg,. and a little 01 ]Roadsmeafured from WIIITECH APE LCHURCH. [202 farther, on the left,Woolfton, late George Scott, Efq. At 1 6, to the right, is Albyns, Sir William Abdy, Bart. To the right of Hare-Street, is Nave- ftoc-Hall,Earl Waldegrave. To the right of ao, Kelvedon Hall, John Wright, Efq. and Myles, late John Luther, Efq. now Mr. Fane. NearOngaris Green flead-Hall, John Redman, Efq. and Blake-Hall, Sir Narborough Daeth. At Hatfield, Mr. Barrington. O N D O N to Can&ridge, by Epping. ToChefterford,p.i98j To Nfwmarkft) p. 1 98. Chippenham i 33 At Chippenham is the Seat formerly of Admiral Ruflcll, Earl of Or ford, finre of Crifp Molyneaux, Efq. built by Inigo Jones, now moder- nized by Mr. Drummond Smith. ToRedHoufe, p. 198; Milden Hall, Suff.\ 3! \t Milden-Hall are the Stats of S!rj Charles Bunbury and Ruih- brook, Efq. II Cambridge Another Road, p. 196. 44 To Harlot, p. 197. Sherring Street latfield Heath Hatfield Broad Oak 2 3 26 *9f Adjoining to Hatfield is now Bar- rington Hall, John Shales Barring- ton, Efq. 38! 44 To Newport, p. 198. Saffron Woldon, Eflex 35 Little Waldon HLadiloc Linton, Camb. Before Waldon is Audley End, Lord Howard. To Newmarket^ p. 19? Soham, Camb. IO 6o| 60^ 64 LONDON to mih in Norfolk. 781 834 To Brandon, p. 198. MumfordBr. Nor. Longford Bridge rlilborough ^waff bam Newton Tittlefhall Fakenbam rloughton toll'eih 86 *7i 41 Ik 6 4i l^j iiw; 4i;'2i Within 5 Miles of SwnfFhara, to the] left, is Narford-Hall, the Scat ol' Brigg Founraine, Efq. One Mile farther is Narborough- Hall, Henry Peyton, Efq. On the right of SwafFham, 3 Miles, "d Nc&on, Wm. Mafon, Efq. Within a Mile of Newton, to the left, are the Ruins of Caille-Acrt Abbey,late Earl of Leicester, nox% Thomas William Coke, Efq. Near Newton, to the right, is Lex- ham, Colonel Wodehoufe. 203] Roads meafured from WHITECH APE LCHURCH.[ 204 AtTittlefhailif Godwic-Hall,an an- Within a Mile of Watton is Ivlerton, cient Seat of Lord Chief Juflice, Colonel de Grey. Coke, now of Weaman Coke, Efq. Near Reapham, Heydon-Hall, Wm. On the left of 108 is Raynham-Hall,; Wiaget Bulwer, Efq the Seat of Marquis Tou-nfiiend ; At Sail is the Seat of Edward Hafe, and a few Miles to the left of Efq. Raynrum is Houghton-Hall, a .Near Saxthorpe is Blickling, a Seat Seat of the Earl of Orford. At Walfmgham is the Seat of Lee Warner, Efq. formerly an Abbey. j Within two Miles to the 1. of Wells, is Holkham-Hall, the Seat of the' late Earl of I.eicefrer, now of Tho. Wdliam. Coke, tiq. of the Earl of Buckinghamfnire ; Wolterton, the Seat of Lord Wal- pole of WoJterton ; and a few Miles to the left i; Melton Confta- ble* a Scat of Sir Edward Aftley, Bart. NearCromer is Felbri, the Seat of the Right Hun. William Wynd- ham. To Wfitton^ p. 203. Higham, To Walfaigbam^ p. 202 Burham, Nor. Within five miles of Burnham, to : . the left, is Docking, the Seat otjjWynham Mr?. Henley, enriched with beau- tiful Plantations. ! . Within 3 Miles is Brancafter, for- ' L>erekam, p. 203. merly a Roman Camp, (Brandolu- i OulQiam, num.Vemarkable now for a Malt-1 Holt Houie buiit of Stone. fu|ipofd to ' be the Lrgeftia die Kingdom. ii 97! 103! I II 122 LONDON to Cramer. To Brandon, p. 198. r. /.-> I.kborough Street, Norf. Watton Turtle Green Crofs Dircbam Hoolcundellington Bawdfwell Rrapbam Sail Saxthorpe ~ rediain Street To Reapbam, p. 203. ,Cawfton 4 s 1 1 zi\ LONDON to NORWICH. 7j To Nc^markct^ p. 198. 't ;/ to Red Houfc, Saff. ^ Barton Mills iiiCrofs aBrookflraieht K>3| over the Heath be- tween two Lodges Tl.-itford, Norf. | \* /-. a \\'indmill to the /. ji. A Stone Crofs tothe/. I Larlingford 12 7? Frettle Bridge 6o| 65! 69! 80 81 8 4 f so^jK-oads meafured from W HITECH ApELCHURCH.['2o6 \Attkborough 2 93* LONDON to Yarmouth. Wyndbam 61 991 To Mile End, Midd. i Hetherfet IO^i 3o\v i r Cringleford |ho6 Stratford EJJe.v. *! i "2 NORWICH 3 109 r. to Ilford 3l 64 And tbcncc to Chad\vell Street 24 9 The Wluiicbune i 10 Alyefliam 12 121 Rumford J i ill Another Road to Norwich^ p. 211. Hare Street i 12 + On the r. of Thetford is Eufton-Hall, a Seat of ths Duke of Grafton. Brook Street BreHtwood j] |6J 18- One Mile from Wyndham, on the 1. is Kimberley-Hall, the Seat oi Sir John Wodertoufe, Bart. YV.thin two Miief of Hetherfet, to 1 the r. is Hethel, Sir Thomas Bee- ! vor, Bart. Shenflcld Mountneffing Street Ingateftone Margaretting Street Stified 2 i 19 21 23 Three Miles from Norwich is Bixley- Widford I Z 7' Hall, a Seat of the . 1 of Role- Moutfliarh I -84 bery. Three Miles and \ beyond Norwich is Pixworth-Hall, Major Looge. " ij;ht in the Middle of tlie Town to 28| ; The M:li-SlM from Tmtfod to Sprincfield li 3 fr.Ti'el- Borehnin Street ~ ? ler\ in Ga'r. : a-ct, . ita.'j! .' .- f^uar: lut f.&untld, Jo as the tiwntir may le j'ten at a great Dlf^hct. Hatfield Pcverell Wit ham Riven-Hall End \\ ^ 39 Ivelvedon 2 41 To TbetforJ, p. 204. E. Harling, Norf. 8 Co SB Gore Pi it IStanway f / 7 /l" I ?x ^ 4 2 \UolcljeJfer 494 To NORWICH, above Wurftead, 11-^ 109 Lexdon Stratford Street, Svf l 6 S 1 N. Walibam J 1 22 !l3rantn:i:a I ? 584 Sir Miles and a half beyond Nor- wich is Rackhcath-Hall, lace Si Copdcc Ipfvn sl 5, 64 69 Horatio Pettns, Bart. Kefgravfl 35 7 2 4^ Miles beyond North \Vallhan Martlefliam i\ 74 ; \- Gunton, i-ord P.uffield. 1 iThrec Miles from North Walflian j is vveftwic, the beautilul Sea: o Joliu Berncy Pttie, F.fq. > a brreet Uffovd Street i 77f 207] Roads meaiuredfrornWHiTECHAPELCHURCH[2o8 ll r ickham Market 2 N To Bury 6>. EdnmruTi, Glemham 3 84 p. 212. 7 2 'Stratford St. Andrew i 85 Buogay 381 I0l| Sttxmnndbum 3 89 Gillingham Kelfale i 90 Hadiko jYoxford 3 93 Fritton Hinton Street 3 96 Gorlefton Blyhoroxgh 2 98 Little Yarmouth 121 Hen ham Park on r. Tooley, or St. Olave's Bridge Beech 2 ICO 107! 1 08 The Mile-Jloncs on this Roail have the fame Convenience as thofe from Thetford to Norwich, Gillingham I 109 p. 205. Hadiko Dam, Norf. 5 114 For three Miles on to IJford Bridge, Fritton 24 u6i on the r. fee Shooter's Hill , will Gorlefton Little Yarmouth 4! if 1 2 Of 122 the Tower built by Commodore James's Widow to his Memory. At 6, on the 1. is Alderfbrook, Yarmouth i I2 3 late Edward Hulfe, Efq. now Sir One Mile and a Half to the left of James Tilney Long, Bart . and Yoxford is Sibton-Park, the Scat of John Clayton, Efq. farther to the 1. is Wanftead, a magnificent Seat of the late Lord Tilney, now of the above Sir A new Road has been made to Yar- James Tilney Long. mouth, as follows : To the left of llford is Valentines, Wm. Webber, Efq. Highlands, To Ttlylorough, above 9 8 Wm, Raikes, Efq. and Cranbrook, Blyborough Bridge Leave the Beccles Road, i 99 late Andrew Moffatt, Efq. A little beyond Rumford, on the turn on the r. keeping left, is Gidea Hall, Rkhard Ben- Hcnham Park on 1. to yon, Efq. Wagtord 2 101 Beyond Mr. Benyon's Park, on 1. on I. to FroftendenChurch 2 IO2 the Common, is a white Houfe, \Vrcntn2im -!_ J built to fee the Races from, on Benacre Turnpike 4 1 00 the Common, when there were Races ; more to the 1. a red brick Kefingland T 2 IO 7i Houfe, Mr. Eaton. Pakefield 3 i to4 At 13, on right, is Hare Hall, J. /. to Kirklee Church in Wallingcr Efq. Loweftoft Yarmouth i 9 112 121 To the left of 15 is Dagnara Sir Richard Ncave, Bart, a Houfe. Park, white To the left of 16 is Weald-Hall, Another Road to Yarmouth, viz. Chi ift. Tower, Efq. 2O9]RoadsmeafuredfromWHiTECHAPELCHURCH [210 At 18, on r. is Thorndoo-HalI,a ne built Seat of Lord Pctre ; and on the 1. is Shenfield Place, Mr. Heat ley's. At 20, on the left, Tooby-Hall, on ; Hill, late Mr. Rlencow, now Mr Motiro's ; and near it Fiichwater Mr. Wright's. At 23, on 1. of Ingatcftone, is Writ- tie-Park, another Seat of Lore Petre's. At 23*, on the left, the Hide, Tho Brand Hollis, Efq. To the left of 25 is Coptford-Hall Mrs. Holdn. At 25, on r. a new brick Houfe, Mr Sydney. At i6i, on the left, Hylaiids, J. R Comyns, Efij. At 28, on the right, Moulfliam-Hall, Lady Mildmay. A.t 30, on the 1. Springfield Place, Mr. Brograve ; and on r. Lady Waltham. On r. of 31 is New Hcufc, the Seat of the late Rich. Hoare, Efq. finct Sir Elijah Impey's, now Mr. Wai- ford's ; and on the left is New Hall, late the Seat of Lord Wal- tham, now of Luttrell Olmius, Efq. who married his Sifter. fothe 1. of Hatfield Peverell is Ter- ling Place, the Seat of John Strutt, Elq. \t 34, on r. Mr. Shane. t 34f, on r. a new white Houfe, Capt. Tyrrell. At 36, on the right, Hatfield Priory, Mr.Wrighr,Coacn-maker in Long- Acre. n the Town of Witham, on the r. is the Seat of the late Lord Aber- corn, now Thomas Kynafron, Efq. Here the Queen was lodged and entertained by his LordLhip on her arrival in England from Mccklenburgh. To the right of 39 is Braxted Lodge late Peter Du Cane, Efq. To the left of Kelvedon is Fotlix Hall, /ate Daniel Matthews, Efq no-.v Sarn. Tyfon, Efq. Before Colchefter, on 1. fee a new white Houfe on a Hill ; the Par- fonage-houfe at Mile-end. At Copdoc was a remarkable larg' Elm, which being blown down has furniflied a bign called the Copdoc Elm. A little before Ipfwjch, on r. Sir Robert Harland is building a new Houfe (1793). Entering Yoxford, on 1. Mr. Davis. Going out of Yoxford, on 1. Cook- fJeld-Hall, a white Houfe in the Meadows, Sir John Blois. Near Yoiford is Heveningham, Sir Jofhua Vanneck. \t 96, on 1. Thorington-Hall, Mr. Golden. Five O^ks. At Blyborough, the Church to be feen. A.t 99, on 1. Henham Park, Sir John Rous. At 106, on 1. Weflon, Mr. Saw- bridge. At iog|, on r. Gillingham, Mrs. Schutz. At 116, on r. of Fritton, fee Her- ringfleet-Hall ; in the fame Wood, above a Piece of Water, M. Leefc. Vt IpAvich is the Seat of the Rev. William Fonnereau ; acd a few Miles to the right is Nadton, late the Earl of Shipbrooke, now John Vernon, Efq. and alfo of Philip Bowes Broke, E/q. On the oppofite Side of the River, at Nation, is Woolverton Park, the Seat of William Berners, Efq. At Woodbridge, the Priory, an an- cient brick Houfe, fouth of the Church, belonging to the Rev. Thomas Carthew. At Milton, on the r. leaving the Town, a good Brick Houfe, 2i iJRoads meafured fromWHiTEcHAPELCnuRCH [21 Brooke, of Ufford, Efq. left to him by Mr. Negus, who built it. At UiFord, the Seat of the faid Biooke, F.fq. Near Wick Market, on the r. is Loudham,the Seat of Jacob Whit- bread, Efq. and near it the Re- mains of Campfey Nunnery. At Glenham is the Scat of Dudley North, Efq. At Saxmundham is the Seat of Charles Long, Efq. At Heveningham, near Yoxford, is the Seat of the late Sir Geiard Vanneck, now Sir Jalliua Van- neck. To Dunmtnv, p. 2 GO. Great Eaftoa : ~ad 37 : 4 o| LONDON to NORWICH, the Coach Road. To Cbemlsfordi p. 206 R. at the Town's End to [Broomtield ! Little Waltham BlackwaterSt. Anne's Young's End i Booking Street LH:q;h Garret \Halficad ->*, Suff. By Rodbridge Street to Long Melford By Shipling, Thorn, and Cockfield to Bradfield Bury Sf. Edmiaia!,^ Ixworth Botefdale Schole -Inn, Norf. j^'t 95 'I 33 3 9i S9l 105 Stratton NORWICH to To Norwich ly Newmarket^ p. 204 * 'Another Rodd to Suctbury, p. 2 14. f Another Road to Bury^ p. 213. Before Walthar.i, on right, a Seat of John Jolliiie Tufnel, Efq. R D etween Sudbury and Long Mel- ford, on the 1. is I.ifteu Hall William Campbell, Efq. At^bnc Mile from Long Melford, on the r. is A Aon Place, William Jennings, Efq. On the I. z Miles before Halfted, is a neat Houfc of the late Capt Maniften, and a diftant View of EarlNugtnt's Scat at Gosfkld. On the 1. of Maided, a new Houfe, built by Edwards, Efq. Before Sudbury is Bulmer Hill, from which is a very fine View over the Town. At 7 Miles from Sudbury, on the 1. ne.ii the Road, is Shrimplingthorn, Mr. Fillcc; and at 6500 the r. Ilnidiieid-Hall, Arthur Young, Efq. Secretary to the Board of Agriculture. At Long Melford is a noble old Seat, called Mclford-Hall, Sir Harry Paiker, Hurt, alfo Keutwell-Hall, Mr. Moore; and at the South End of the Village is an old Seat of Sir Mordaunt MUrtin, Bt, t ('), on t!ie r. is Rufiibrook, Sit (Juries Pavers, Bart. LONDON to Bury St. Ed- mujuYs by Newmarket. To Newmarket, p. i^Sj 1 60 1 Cenford Bridge 2i3]RoadsmeafuredfromWHiTECHAPELCHURcii [214 Saxham Bury Sf. Edmund's Another RaaJ, p. To the right of Saxham of Mr. Muire; and I Seat of the Earl of Bri 55 4.' 197. s th ftol. 75 e Seat rth, a The Ompaflcs Sitdlury At Caflle Hrdingham is Lewis -VJajciidie, Ef.j; 4l heS 54 56 eat of To Yeldham, p. 213. Clare, Suf 5 ^6 LONDON to Bury St, Edmunc To Bu^y, p. 211. Thetford, Norf. Watton Shipdam Dereham Holt Clay Clay ?s. 12 t2 5 18 by 72 84 96 101 ro6 124 127 To Kclvedon, p. 206. Coggefhall 3 41 44 To Suttt/ury, p. 211. jChilton 1'ark Lavenham Bildefton iSVo-;y Market Mendlefham Difs, Norf. Or, To Botefdale, p. 211. Difs, Norf. At Lavenham, vulgarly p La>:hr;m, is a Church w the Attention of a Tra 2 3 T 4- 6| 9i 5 roro ell w velle 56 58 61 75^ 82 7l 94 uncec orth) r. LONDON to / To Braintree, p. 211. ffigh Garret [josfield Swan Street Sible Hedingham Ureat Yelham iledgwell Say thorn End Sturmer Haver ill SnfF. At Gosfield, on the left, Hall, late Earl Nug Marquis of Sucking married his Sifter. At 55, on the right, Bayt John Pike, Efq. At Stumer, by the Ch Todd. fave 2| \ 2 3 2 2 _! Go ent, lam, lorn irch, nil. 40! 43? 45 i 47l 48 53f 55 f 57i 59 sfield- n o w who Park, Mr. - To Sto&uty, p. 211. Lavetibam To the right, at the 65 Mile-ftone to Cockfield Felfliatn GuddiJigs Drinkftone 7 7 4 4 56 63 7 % 77 To Botefdale, p. 2U. Buckcnham 9 % To Swan Street, abovt Caille Hedingham 47i 49 P ^ 2i5]RoadsraeafuredfromWHiTECHAPELCHURCH [216 To Copdoc, p. 206. Bramford, Suff. Needham 3 6 64 67 73 Tunftal Aldborough On the 1. about a Mile be dlefham Church and B Naunton-Hall, once the and Court of Redwan the Eaft Angles ; now Sir G. Womb well, Bart 3 9 yond .e :yFf 333 37 3 3 8| Dan- ytche, To Cplctefter, p. 206. Greenftead Elmftead Market Prating St. Ofyth At St. Ofyth, the Prior Rochfoid 3 2 5 y> E 49l 55 62 arl of To Maldcm^ above. Snoreham Southminfter 5 5 37 42 47 To Cokheficr, p. 206. Greeiiftead Wivenhoe Heath Wivenhoe Crofs Wivenhoe On r. entering the Heath, ot'J. M. RCDOW, Efq. i i isth 5 2 53 54 55 e Seat To Maldon y above. Snoreham Althorn Bur-nhatn 5 7 3l 37 42 45 To Mai Jon, above. Snoreham Steple Bradwell Near Bradwell is Bradw a Seat lately built by tl Bate Dudley. This H remarkable at Sea, tha lidered by the Coailin as a Sea-Mark ; and is confpicuous as the Roi pie, now called St. Pete which (lands about a > Half from it. The and Laying-out of the Grounds of Bradwell L It;,ooo. To Colchejier^ p. 206. Dedham 1* 49? Co 37 5 4 2 4' 4 Si 5'f ell-Ijodge, ic Rev. H. >ufe is fo t it is con- g Traders almcfl as nan Tern- -'sChapd, /lilc and a Buildings, : Pleauue- odge, coil To Colcbejier, p. 206. Mile End The Caufeway jreat Horfley Nayland, Suf. At Mile-End, the Parfona "5 1 i 2 S e - 49| 54i 55" 57 LONDON to Vlargaretting, p. 206. r. to Gaily wood Com- mon Male 2 ion. 2I9]RoadsmeafuredironiWHITECHAPELCHTJRCH [220 ToSteple, p. 218. 46 At jo, on 1. Ford Place, Mr. Ho- St. Lawrence 2^ 48-2 garth. Tillingham 2 Near 21, on r. fee Zach. Batton, E r q Beyond ai, on 1. John Eatton, Efq. red brick Houfc. LONDON to Rochford and H r akcring. At Orfett, on 1. Mr. Baker, a white Houfe. To Brexhvood, p. 206. 18 Shenfield r. to Billericay. I 4l IQ ; To Raleigh, p. 2ig. r. to Swan's Green 34 T Wicford 55 2 9 Hadlev r l .51 Raleigh 5 34 .Adam's Elm 2 ,33 I. to Hockley z 36 Milton Hall 41 Rochford 3 f 39l South Church ll 424 Sutton a 41 ' - ' " South Church i\ Great Wakering 3$ 47$ Adam's Elm, above 38! Near this is South End, a new Bath- j I 2 394 ing Place/ Adam's Elm, above 38! Anew Turnpike Road to South Prittlewell 2 I 41 End. To the Whalebone, . p. 206. 10 LONDON to 7V0sry Fort. r. to Dasrenham 24 124 O Raynhara Wennington *f xoi To Rumford, p. 206. r. in the Middle of * 1*1 Avelcy 2 jgl the Town to StifFord 2 21 Hornchurch 2 I 14 Baker Street 2 21 Upminfter 'I si Orfett I J r. to Corbet's Tie I i6| Horadon 2 26 South Okendon 34 Vange A StifFord 2\ 22 Bowers T 1 2 Grey's Thurroc 2 4 2 45 Hadiey 3 4 J J 37 Tilbury Fort 4 28| South End 5 42 A nearer Way to Tilbury ti ly At iS, Gate to Lady Dacrf. * At 19, fee on 1. Lady Dacre. Grave fend, whence you have only to crofi the Tljantes to the Fort. 221] C R S S ROADS. [222 AtUpminfter, New-Place, Mr. Ef- To Stratford, p. 206. 3l daile; and a Mile beyond it Weft Ham i 4 ~ Crauham-Hall.late General Ogle thorpc, now Sir Thomas Apprcece, Batt. Eaft Ham Barking 2 I 6 7 To the right of 16, Hackton Hill, late Edward Brauml, Efq. Heyond U'eft Ham, on the left, Houfe, late Dr. FothergilL Ham At 17!, on the left, Slubbers, Ruilel,Efq. John .\t Barking, Bifrons, Eamber coyne, Efq. Gaf- To the right of 20, is Bell Houfe, Lady Daci e. sss ><&> .=e> v C R d S S ROADS. ANDOVER to l\i-u , p, 22. Bifliops Aucland DURHAM 3 10 40 5 Beyond Croker Hill to r. fs Box^ravc Priory, and the Rema ns of Hal- naker Houfe, late Lacty Derby, At 7, pn the left, is Streatlaro now Duke of Richmond. Caftle, a Seat of the J:ite Ear At 4, to the right, is Slindon, Earl of Strathmore ; am at R a by ot Xewburn'i. 223] CROSS ROADS. [224 About 4, on the 1. fee Walberton At 2, on the 1. Middle Mavfield, Houfe, the Seat of Mr. Nafli. Thomas Ley, Efq. To the r. of Maulding is Good-Wood, At 3, Okeover-Hall, Edward Wal- Duke of Richmond. houfe Okeover, Efq. At Hampnet, near Chichefter, on At 7, on the r. Colton-Hall, Tho- the 1. is Hampnet Place, Mr. mas Gilbert, Efq. Steele. At 1 1, on the r. Hales-Hall, Edward Grofvenor, Efq. ASHBOURN to Manifold. At 14, on the r. Blake-Hall, Siraoc Mount ford, Efq. To Kniveton 3 At 16, on the r. Coverfwall Caftle, Carlington 3* 6| At 1 7, on the r. Park-Hall, Thomas Wirkfvwrtb 2 2 g| Parker, Efq. Wigvvell 'l io| At 18, on the 1. Longton-Hall, Sir rlotftandel Bridge "Vitrrt 2 I2| John Heathcote, Knt. At ic, on the r. Little Fenton, Tho- \** i ULil * 2 ^44 mas Broad, Efq. Wingfield 2 i6| At 28, Thomas Fletcher, Efq. Alfreton 2j 19 At 29, on the 1. Balterley-Hail, John Sutton, Not. Si 24! Crewe, Efq. Mamfeld 3i 28 ASHBOURN to Sheffield. ASHBOURN to Manchcfler. To Bentley 23 To Bottom Houfe _._- 10 ,Ve\v Inn 3 : 54 Leet, Staff. 4i j.i Ncwhaven 9 Bofley, Cbeflj. Macdcsfield ^Z 7 2I | r. /oConflibury ~ 27 ~ Bakewell if 1 'oynton 7 34 A - i "Op 3 1 Ofr *Jorbury Stocport i 'jq | Grindleford Bridge 2 20 22 f Wancbeftcrj Lane. 7 46 Over long & high Moorsto Little Sheffield, Tork/fj. 9 3 1 ASHBOURN to Namptwicb. Sheffield i Okeover, Staf. _ ^ z Miles beyond Afhbourn is Dove- Voiron-Hall dale, and 11am, Mr. Porte. At Haflep, the Seat and Plantations '. * ^ ! of Mr. Eyre. >ane End 6 18 J Stoke 2 f 2O ; ASH BOURN to Cbcjlerficld. Newcaftle 2 22 i To Kniveton, 3 Audley 4 26 j Carfington 3| 6| "he Durables 2 28 Cromford /4 J 4i NampPMicb) Chefil . ! I o 38 Matlock Bath I i5 225] CORSS ROADS. [226 Matloc 2 7i||By field 35 i Kelftedge J *o| Charwelton 2 1*4 Walton 4* 2 5 Badby 2 1 14 Cbejlerjiett 2 2 7 Daventry 2 1 l6 f Afhby Ledger* 4 20| AUST FERRY to Wo To Beachley, Gloc. ICES __^_ TER. 3 f Killby Dove Bridge Shawell. Leic. 3 20 Sudbury 2 52 Lutterworth 2 1 J _ Strode Avington Alberton Lidney Selloe Little Michel Michel Dean /-ir :!_. I il 6 (Of 1 Dog and Gun Blaby Aylefton Leicefter Thurmafton Syfton Rearfby 3 2 2 41 44 45 48 s ^/nilcot Newent ^atesford Ledbury, Heref. 3 sf 31 34 39l Brookfty Frilby Melton Mowlray 2 2 4 F 60 Little Malvern 42 44- To the right of 5 is Egdcott, \V. H. Malvern, Wore. 48!; Chauncy, Efq. and Dunfmorr, -a Roman Station. WORCESTER 5i 54 [At 6, on the left, Arberry Banks, a Roman Station. Near Ledbury, on the Colwall Road to Great Malvern, is Hope-End, the Scat of Sir Henry Tempeft, Bart. The Views from this Seat are extenfive and pidturfeque. At Great Malvern, curious painted Glafs in the Priory-Church. From the Hill, a mofl rich and beauti- ful View of the Vale of Evefham. At Powrc, on r. Mr. Lygon's Plan- tations are feen,but not the Houfc. At 13, on right, Fawfley Park, late Lucy Knightley, Efq. To thcr. of Daventry, Burrow Hill, a Roman Station. At 49, on the r. Barkby, Mr. Pochin, On the left, Wanlip, Mr. Hudfon. Two Miles to the right of .5 a, Gad- deiby, Mr. Ayre. At 54, on the left, Mr. Whitbread. At jj, on the 1. Rotherby, Mrs. Tombes. BANBURY continued to Graa- BANBUKY to Leicefier and Mel- tbam and Lincoln. ton Mpiubray* To Melton Mowlray, To Wardington, above 60 Nortbamp. 4l Walthan on the Chipping Warden if 6 Wolds 5 ^ 227] CROSS ROADS. [228 GrantharTt) Line. IO 75 la 1784, a new Cut was opened, by Ancafter 8 8" which the Steepnefs of Froceftei- T 7 j Hill was much lefiened. Lincoln. 20 103 At 4!, on r. Thomas Whitington 7 E(q. At 7, on 1. Durham,Mr. Brathwaite. BATH to Birtningbam and Derly. At TO, on 1. Doddington Park, Sir vVm. Codrington. To the Monument on At 14, on r. Badmington Park, Duke Lanfdown ___ of Beaufort. Toll-Down Houfe orofs Hands Inn Petty France, Gloc. 5 3 9 12 At 1.1, on r. Kingfcote, the Seat of Robert Kingfcote, ECj. At 1 6, on i. Spring Park, Lord Ducie. 3old Harbour *i 22 N T ear Severnftroke is Crome, a Scat ^y nips field 4 r 26 -r I of the Earl of Coventry. Whitminfler 3| 31 BATH to Taunton, Exeter, and Quedgeley 3 6 Falmoutb. JLOCESTER* 2 I 381 Dunkerton _ __ Longford 2 42 Badftoc Twigworth Tcwkjbury Shire Stone and B-r. I 8 j 4 49 I Chilcompton Old Down Inn Emboro* 2 12 ; 3 i lipple, Wore. LI WELLS ?4 10 Serernftoke Cemfey 4* 3 J 6o| ^oxley Polfliam J 2 2 I 21 22 WORCESTER ~)roipjjicb 4 7 6 4 | 'jlaftonbwry tforthover * 4 f ^roomfgrove 6 77^ Street If 3irmin%bam, Warw. 14 9'1 Pipers Inn 2Q^ -1CHFIELD, Staf. burton on Trent 16 12 I0 7 | Aflicott Knowle -i- 30 9 T Derly *From Gloccfifr to W~er- ceftcr, another Roaei t viz. To Maizemore 12 i 3 i| ti Bridgewater North Petherton Weft Monkton Taunton 5 3/2 40 44 47i 5T -ongdba Jpton 9l Si 1^1 16 Bifliops Hull Wellington 2 5 1 53 58 'owic WORCESTER 7 34 23 26| I Rockwell Green Sampford Arundel if _/ 6i 2 Red Ball : i 62^ n- -'_ 2 229] CROSS ROADS. [230 Maiden Down South Appledore Cullumpton Bradnich EXETER To Truro, p. 33. Penryn Falmovth k * 3 65 70 73 82 181 This is nearer thro' Tiverton, ana moft frequented. At {, on 1. Combe-Hay, T. Smith Efq. * Another Road from Bath t Taunton, p. 23.1. In the Road from Bath to Wells, on the 1. is Comb-Hay, the -.elegant Seat of John Smith, Eiq. On the fame Road, beyond Red froc, on the I. is Ammcrdown. Thomas JeJliffe, Efq. built b\ Mr. Wyatt. On the 1. of the II IVfile-ftone i Downfide-Houfe, Capt. Fooks, of the Navy. At CliilcomptoK, Ma^'or Tucker At Glaftonbury, the Abbey. On 1. of Durfton is the Seat of Lord Hawley. Beyond Aflicott, at a drftance, thf Obelifk; at Burton Pynfeat, Coun tefs Dowager of Chatham's. On a, Shipwic, G. Templar, Efq. N'ear Weft Moncton, Walford, H. W. San J ford, Efq. Half a Mile farther, Court Houfe, M. Brickdale, Efq. Forty-nine, on r. Heftercombe, T Tyndale Warre, Efq. Fifty-five, on r. Heathertan Park, Sir T. Gunfton. BATH to BRISTOL, the Lower Road. 4 To Twyverton, Som. Newton Keynfliam Briilington BRISTOL On the 1. of 3 is Newton St. Loo, the Seat of J. Smith Langton, Efq At 8, on r. Butcher, Efq. At 9|, on r. Wler, Kfq. 'efor-e Kriflington, on 1. Ire- land, Efq. and a little beyond, on left, Bryce, Efq. At ii, on left, Tongue, Efq. BATH to BRISTOL, the Upper Road. To Kelftoiv, Som. Bitton, Gloc. WillfWidge A eft Hannam St. George BRISTOL Before Kelfton, on left, Sir Czfar Hawkins. At Willlbridge, Mr. Pearfall. BATH to CHESTER. To BRISTOL, above, Som. \Votton uader Edge, Glfc. Glocefter . igi Tcwkefbury Worcejhr, Wore, Kidderminfter 1 4y Bcwdley Bridgenortb) Salop. 'Si 34 77i 9M 93l 1 9 A 231] CROSS ROADS. [232 Sbrcvjfbury 30| 1*9! On the r. of Shopwic, George Tem- 1 T^/" WhLchurch CHESTER. o* *oi 'Soi 170! pier, Efq. At Weft Monkton, on r. is Walford, Hen. \V. Sandford, Efq. and, Half s. I^lilc l)c vond Court tioviic BATH to St. DAVID'S. Matt. Brickdale/Efq. To BRISTOL, p. 230. ___ 13 . Weftbury, Glocef. 3 16 BATH to HEREFORD. Compton 4 aa ToGLOCESTER, D.227 ^_ 38! Ayleverton 3* *3i rfi Thence to Auft Ferry i* *s HEREFORD, p. 94. ^o 684 Crofs the Severn to Beach ley ChepftoW) Monm . 3 3 28 31 BATH to "Nottingham. Ragland 15 46 Petty France ) p. 227. , Ml Abergavenny 10 56 Didmarton, Gloc. 3 i7l Thence to Tetbury 6 23i St. DAVID'S, p, 84. 132 188 Crofs Way 8 3ii Near Chepftow is Piercefield, the beautiful Seat of Smith, Efq . Cirencejlcr* Barnefley J| 4 34 38 *- * Bibury 3 4i Aldfworth si AA.I BATH to EXET: IR. Shireborne JZ 3 *TT^Z 4/1 To WELLS, p. 228. 9 Stpjw N 55 Polfliam 3 22 Morton 44 S9i Glaftonbury Street ^ 2 *4i 76^ Halford Bridge, War. Eatingdon ioi 4 69! 7 2 Piper's Inn 3 ^9i Wellfburne 4i 761 Aifhcott 1 3 Barford 3 79l BridgexKattr 10 40 Longbridge i! 81 North Petherton *l 4 2 2 ff^arivic i! M Weft Monkton 5 47| Guy's Cliff 4 83! Taunton 3i 51 Wooton 4 84! Wellington 7 58 Kenilworth 4 874 Tiverton ?4 7 2 COVENTRY 5 9 2 ? EXBTER 14 86 Folefiiill 2 94l Beyond Aifhcott, on 1. Sedgmoor ; and, at a Diftance, the Obelifk, Longford Bedworth I 2 95^ 97k built by Sir Rich. Pynfent, in Me- Collicroft 1 98 mory of the late Earl of Chatham. Griff il94 233 ] C R S S ROADS. [234 ^oton I 995 To New Houfe _ 3 >Juneaton 1 i oof Fofs Crofs 3 6 'finely, Leic. 5 I0 5i Rorthleach 4 10 iarh Shilton 3 io84 Stowe 8 2 '81 Jelgrave ii 1x9] 121 At 8, on left, Stowel, Lord Chcd- worth. Vlountforrel \\ I2 5i Quarendon, or Quon 1 .oHghborough i 4 '3of BATH to OXFORD. Nottingham, p. 153. '4 r 44i To Aldfworth, p. 232. 44i On r. of Petty France, Badmington Park, Duke of Beaufort. Eurford, Oxf. Witney 7 5 1 58 At Cirencefter, the Seat and fine Eynfham 5 63 Woods of Earl Bathurft. OXFORD 5 68 At Ba/nefley, on 1. Barnefley Park, James Mufgrave, Efq. At Biburv, Mr. Creflwell. At Barcefley, on left, Barnefley Park, James Mufgrave, Efq. At Shireborn,Lord Sherborn. At Bibury. Mr. Crcffwell. At Guy's Cliff, a Seat of Mr. Great- head. Beyond Aldfworth, on left, fee Sher- born Lodge. At Kenilwcrth, the noble Remains of the Caftle belonging to the Another Road, viz. Earl of Clarendon. Stonely, Lord Leigh, lies two Miles to the right of Kenilworth ; the old Road went by it. Plantations on the Heajh by Mr. To Chippenham, p. 64. Marlborough, p. 64. Aldborn Lambent, Berks '9 7 6 H 39J Gregoiy. Wantage 6 S 1 ! Half a Mile beyond Coventry, on OXFORD I 5 LI the 1. fee Newhoufe, Mr. Cl irke'i. Before and after Btdwouh, fee Sir Roger Newdigate'sHoufe.amongfl the Woods on the left. Another new Road from Bath tc Oxford. A Mil on the left of Earls Shilton is Kirkby, Lord Wentworth ; and beyond ft, on left, Tooley Park, Mr. Dodd, late Mr. Boothby's. Two Miles before Leicefter, on r. To Chippenham, p. 64. Malmfoury Charlton Criclade IO 2 10 I I3 2 3 2 S 35 Braafbon-Hall, Mr. Winftanley. Highworth 8 43 For the reft, fee p. 147. Colefhill 2 45 Farringdon 4 49 * From Cirencefter to Sto*xe, another Road, along the Fofi Way, viz. Kingfton Inn Fifield Tubney Warren 8 57 58* 60 235] CROSS ROADS. [236 Beffifleigh 2 62 BATH to Southampton. Cumner Hill 2 6c TV MirUVirrl ' OX-FORD 2 67 LCJ IMIUIUIU Hinton 2 5 At Mftlmfoury, the Abbey. Phillips Norton 2 7 At Charlton, Earl of Suffolk. Beckington 3 10 Beyond Highworth, on r. Hanning- ton, Rev. Mr. Freke. Warmlnfter^ Wilts Heytfbury 6 3 16 At Colefliill, Hon. Mr. Bouverie. Knock i 20 Before Colrfhill, on r. Bufcot Park, Mr. Loveden. Codford Deptford Inn 3 3 3 I At Kingfton Ian, on 1. A.W.BUndy, Efq. Steeple Longford StapleforJ 3 z 29 3 1 South Newton 2 33 Another Road, viz. Foulfton 2 i 35t To Crofs Hands Inn 12 SALISBURY ~\ 38 Petty France 3 15 Alderbury 4 4* Didmarton 2 17 White Parifh 4 46 Tetbury 6 2 3 Romfey 81 54! Circncefier 10 33 Upton 3 58 Fairford 7 40 Half- Way Oak a 59i' Lfchdiile 3 43 Southampton oJ 63 Farringdon 6 49 Near Midford is Prior Park, a Seat Kingfton Inn 8 57 built by the late Ralph Allen, Efq OXFORD 10 67 At 7, oa the 1. is Durham, a fine Seat of Mr. Braithwaite. BATH to P or tf mouth. On the r. of Petty France is Bad- mington Pink, a beautiful Seat To SALISBURY, above The Hut 7 38 45 of the Dake of Beaufort. Stocbridge 8 53 A Mile 1. of the Duke of Beaufort's WINCHESTER 81 61* is a fine Roman Encampment, Waltham 10 j very perfe&. Wickham Si 7 o| At Ciiencefter are the fine Seat and Souttuvic 4 8o| Wood* of Earl Bathurft Portfmouth 7! 881 BATH to Plymouth. Another Road, viz. -/ To EXETER, p. 229. cfl 82 To Romfey, above WINCHESTER 1 1 54* '1 hence to Plymouth, p. 38. 39l 12 I Waltham Wickham 10 si 75l 81 237] CROSS ROADS. [2^8 Fareham 4 85 Street I 26 Cofham 4* 8 9 | Piper's Inn 3 2 9 Portfmouth 4l 4 Aflicot i 2 30 Z3* *^/ -. nt ** _ BATH to Brigbtkelmjlone. 5 North Petherton IU *i 40 4* To Southwic, p. 236. 8o| Taunton 8^ S 1 Harant 7l 88 Another Road, p. 228. CHICHES.TER Arundel) p. 222. 9 10 97 107 Beyond Alhcot, on 1. fee Sedgmoor, and at a Diftance the Obeliflc, a Findon 8 XI 5 the Countefs Dowager of Chat- Brain her c I2O ham's, built by Sir Richard Pyn- Brigbtbdnijlone J 9 12 9 fent, in Memory of Mr. Pitt. On r. is a Seat of George Templar, Another Road, viz. Efq. At two Miles from North Petherton, To Wickham by on the r. is Sandford, Efq Stocbridge, p. 236. Fareham Cofham I 761 8o| 851 and Half a Mile farther is Wtft Monkton, before which is a white Houfe, Matthew Brickdale, Efq. Havant 44 QO Brigbtbdmjlone^ above ^Z- 41 7 131 BATH to Blanclford. BATH to S tour ton. To Warmlnfter^ p. 236. 16 ToBeckington, p. 236 - 10 Blandford 2 7 43 Froome T I Lone Leat 4 1 ) T 7 BATH to Weymsuth. Maiden Bradley 3 20 To Old Doivn 13 Stourton 4 24 Shepton S 18 At Long Leat is an ancient Seat of Connard's Grave Inn i J 9 the Marquis of Bath ; at Maiden Amford Inn. 12 3 1 Bradley, that of the Duke of Sberborn 12 4.2 Somei fet ; and at Stourton is the Seat and beautiful Gardens of Sir Rich. Colt Hoare, Bart. Long Burton Middle Marlh 3 4 TJ 4 6 5 Dorcbeficr 1 1 61 BATH to Taunton and Exeter Melcomb Regis _i /2i 684 by Bridgewater. Veymouth i 6 9 To WELLS, p. 228. foHham 5 iQ 9 At Slierborn, the Seat and beautiful Park of the Earl of Digby. "ylaftonbnry Morthover *l I A *4i *si 'o r. of Long Burton is Lcwefton Houfe, Sir F. Nafti ; and to the 1. Weil Hal), Rev. Mr. King. 239] CROSS ROADS. [240 At Middle Marfh, on 1. the Grange, Mr. Sturt ; near which is Caftle Hill, a Seat of Mr. Foy ; and to r. Mintern, a Seat of Adm. Digby. Ship/ton^ Worceft. ibbrington Mill Campden^ Gloucefl. 1* 4? I4 3 21 At 50, on r. of the Road, is Ceine On r. of 19 is Ebbrington, late Sir Abbey, to the right of which is Wm. Keyte, Bart, which he fet on Sydling, Sir John Smith, Bart. Fire and burnt, with himfelf in it. BATH to Weymoutb thro Blandford. To Warminftcr^ p. 236. ugh 16 BARNS TAPLE to La To Roundfhill, Dev. St. John's Chapel Sfewton Tracy uncej i 2 ?0. 3 4 6 Sbaftjlury 15 3 1 f . 7 orrtnptok Blandford Dorche/ler 12 16 43 59 s ^ Little Tornngton Petrocftow I i8 2 Weymoutb 8 67 Hatberkigb 4 22 Five Oaks c 27 B ATT EL to Lewes. Bridiftow k To Boreham-Street _ 8 Lyfton 9 3 P Gardner's Street 2 10 Launcefton 4 46| Horfe-Bridge Ringmer 4 9 2 3 B AW TRY to Sheffield. Le-ivcs 3 26 To Tickbitt 4 Between Boreham-Street and Gard- Maltby 4 8 ner's Street, Windmill-Hill, Mr. Wickerfley 3 ii Conyers. Cankley Mill 4 15 Laughton Pound, 6 Miles from Horfe-Bridge Tinftey AtterclifF 'i 2 BAKEWELL to CbefterfieU. Sheffield 'I 20 To Rowfley 3l BAWTRY to Rotbcrbam* Leading Gate Walton Clcfterfdd S 3 2 1 12 To Wickerfley, above] j 1 1 Rotherham j 4 | 15 At 2, on 1. Haddon-Hall, Duke of Rutland BEDFORD to Northampton. To Bromham Bridge 3 BAN BURY to Campdc; North Newton, Oxf. I. al Turvey Brayfield, Bucks Lavendon. I^ 8 8| 10 Shutford Brailes, Wanv. 5 5 Yardley, N&mp. Denton. 4 2 14 16 241] CROSS ROADS. [242 Brayfield i 17 Alfton Hall 5 34 Little Houghton i \ ,81 &wi^ z 36 Northampton si 22 AV-.T^/f 9 45" At Bromham, the Seat of Lord 3faA-,r-6//fr 36 81 Trevor. At Brayfield, the Seat of William The Soho, an extend vcManufa&ory Farrer, Efq. of Mathcw Boulton, Efq. Before Denton, on r. Caflle Afhby, At 4, on the right, Earl of Dart- K. of Northampton ; and on left, Yardley Chafe. mouth. At i z, oo the r. Neachill Hall, John Inman, tfq. BEDFORD to Wolurn. At 14, on the r. Goibrook-Hall, Mr. Jones. Houghton-Conqueft At 17, on the 1. Thomas Fowler, Turnpike . 61 Efq. Between Houghton and At 20, on the 1. Somerford-Hall, Ampthill Parks to Ampthill Liddington Turnpike Ridgemount '1 3 2 8 ii Hon. Edward Monckton. , At 24, on the r. Tiddcflcy-Hall, Sii Edward Lyteitoi). Bart. At 34, on the r. Aliou-Hal!, John Wheild, Efq. Through Woh urn- At 37, on the 1. Darlafton-Hall, Park to VVoburn 2 1C Jolm Jervis, Efq. At Ridgemount, on 1. Mr. Potter. At 4t, on the 1. Tremham-Hali, Marq. of Stafford. BEYERLEY to .A^cv ^^'" To Lund ___ 7 BIRMINGHAM to Shrc-i-:dury. Ijuinton - Wharram le Street jl 2I 1 To Hamflead, Staff. 3 North Grimilun Norton AVty Malton 4f 2 2 2 281 WaUall Wolton Tettenhall Wrottelley Lodge C 6 2 3 8 16 BIRMINGHAM to ManJxflcr. Sbrwioury 2 S 44 To Saho, Stafford. 2 Sandwell Park 2 4 BIRMINGHAM to L u.i'.o ;._.. Wcdnelbury Neachill Hill 4 4 8 12 To KfJtfermiaJler 18 // 'olverhamptcn Pendeford Hall i 4 7 Cleobury Mortimer LuJ'.o-jj 1 1 It 40 Pevkridge 6 Near Cleobury i', Morler. the Seat Stafford 6 29 of Sir Walter Blount. 243] CROSS ROADS. [244 BIRMINGHAM to Wanvic. Spetifbury l 3 To Knowle ___ 10 Corle Mullen 4 7 Hatton 6 16 Poole 8 *S ITarwc 20 At Spetifbury, on the 1. Mr. jtkyll ; and on the r. beyond, the Seat BLANDFORD to Trowbridge and and fine Park of R. E. D. Crofve- Bradford, On the r. near Corfe, late Tho. Ered. To Shroton, Dorfet. 6 Wentworth, Efq. now Earl of Ewerne Minller Sutton Waldron i i 8 Stratford. A little farther, on the r Mr. Churchill. Henburjr, Funtmill i Q ' Sbaftibury 3 y 12 i BLANDFORD to Sbcrborr.e. Eaft Knoyle, Whs. 5 X 7 To Dunwefton 2^ Devereil 7 24 : Shillingftone 2 2 $ Crokerton 15 2 5z Sturmintter Newton C 10 Sambourn Wanrnnfter i 2 26* Stalbridge Sbcr borne J 4 6 '4 20 Weftbury Leigh Weftbury Hey wood Common 3 i i 50 3 1 A Mile from Blandford is Brian- done- Houfe, newly built, with plcafant Walks through the Plan- Trewbridge 35 3 5z tations, cajlcd Bi'ianfton Cliff, to Bradford 3 381 Klandford Bridge, the \\ . Portman, Elq. Seat of H. N. B. You ma\ pa to Bradford ivitfm:: gping '.hrtugli Trowbridge, ivhich lit* On the r. of Shilliugftone are two hi^h Hills called Hodd and Ham- a l::tle /; ike rigr.t of ike Road. bleton, where are the Remains o At Hcywood Common is Heywood an ancient Roman Encampment. Home, Thomas Phipps, Efq. BOSTON to Sleaford. ~ li BLANDFORD to Poole. To Kirton Holme ___- 41 To Wimborn Minfter 10 Sninfhead,North End r| 6 Poole 6 16 Garric 4 10 Near Wimborn, on the r. Kingfton- Hecking^ton 2 12 Hall, Mr. Bankes. On the 1. High Hall, Mr. Fi'ch. Two Miles beyond Wimborn, OB the Kirkby Laythorp Sleaford 3 2 ; 7 5 r. Meiley-Houfe, the Scat of Ralph Willetc, Efq. BOSTON to Lynn. Another RoaiL To Kirton IT si _ i ToBlandfordSt.Msyyj i /./tfrofs-DvKe Wain 9z Charlton Marilall [ i 2 * See p. 246. 245] C R O S S ROADS. [246 Saracen's Head 3 12| BRAINTREE to Maldon. 'leet 4i I? To Black Notley i Jedney I 18 White Notley 2\ 3l Sutton 2 20 Falkbourn ll 5 Crofs Keys Wafh* Crofs Keys, Norf 31 I T i Cheping Hill Vttoam l| k 7 Weft Lynn 5~ 30 Wickham 3 x 10 Ferry over to Langford I X 2 \ynn Regis i 3* Heybridge it* ; j i 3 f BouaN to Colt/vwrl&. Maldon 1 J 3? "o Endenham, Line Grimfthorpe 2 ?! At Falkborn, John Bullock, Efq. Near Cheping Hill, Witham Place, late Lord Stourton, now Mr. Tal- Swinftead I 6| bot. Covby 2 8 5 At Wickham Bridge, Mr. Burton. loltfixorth 5 13! At ill, on the r. is a Seat of Nico- At Grimfthorpe, rfie Caftle and las Weftcomb, Efq. Park, a Seat of the Duke of Ao- carter. || * ATallt far puffing over Crofs-Keys and Fofs-Dyke Wafies, in the County of Lincoln. Moon's Age. Full Sea Begin to Fofs-Dyke Wafli. pafs over Crofs Keys Wafh. End paff Fofs-Dyke Wafh. ng over Crofs Keys Wafh. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. i 16 7 o 10 10 30 415 335 2 17 748 1048 ii 18 553 423 3 18 8-36 1136 12 6 6z i 5n 4 '9 924 1224 1154 7 9 5-59 * 10 12 I 12 i 42. 757 647 6 21 ' II 1 230 845 735 7 22 1148 448 3 -,8 933 23 8 2 ? iz 26 3-26 3-36 1021 9 ii 9 14 i 24 4-2 4 454 ji 9 959 10 *5 2 12 5 iz 5 42 TI 57 1047 ii 26 3 o 6 o 6 10 1245 "35 12 27 3-48 648 7-i8 1-33 1223 13 28 436 7- -36 8 6 2 21 I II 14 29 5 *4 8-z 4 8-54 3 9 159 15 y 6 12 9 iz 942 357 247; R 2 247] CROSS ROADS. [248 BR IDPORT to EXETER To Chidioc, Dorf H "Lime 3 Ut Bibnry, Mr. Creflwell. j Beyond Aldl worth, on left, fee Sher- b.'rn Lodge. Charmouth 1 o Lhr.e Cullyford, Devon SL'.rord 2 *! BRISTOL to Bridgt Bedminfler *zcaf fT. Newton Popler Bifhops Clyit Heavy Tree EXETER Another Roadly Axminjt 1 I Vr, i 3 ' j 3" 37 >. 32. .Langford Crols Eaft Brent South Brent High Bridge Huntfpill / 5 i i 12 17 22 Bridgewater 6i 33 BRISTOL to Banbury. To Stapleton, Gloc. 3 BRISTOL to CHESTER. Han borough Wiblet \^ 2 4 5 9 To Weftbury, Gloc. Henbury 2 3 s Yate Chipping Sodbury Petty France i i 5 10 ii 16 Compton Ayleverton Auft Ferry 2 3f 12 Didmerton 3 19 Crofa the Severn to 2 Tctbvry 6 25 Beachley 3 I^ Crofs Way 8 33 Cbepftonu, Monm. 3 18 Cirenccfter 2\ 35 f Trclagh Grainge t 2 3! Barnefley 4 391 Trelagh 2\ 26 Bibury 3 4 2 i Goghekes 2 285 Aldfworth 3f 4 6 j Lediard | 2gi Burford, Oxf. Monmoutb 35 32^ Shipton Underwood Chipping Norton 4 61 6 3 2 Lady Well, Heref. Garron Bridge !j 39 South Newton 7 7 Wormelov Stump 5 44 B'.oxham 2 7 2 Red Hill ' j Banbury 3l 751 HEREFORD ji 5^ To the right of Petty France is Bad- mington Park, a Seat of the Dukt Morton Wellington Bridge 4! 5? 4 56 of Beaufort. Dinmore Hill n CO Before Cirencefler, on left, the Seat Wharton 2* J s and Park of Earl Bathurft. At Barnefley the Park, J.Mufgrave, Efq. Evington Bridge Leominjter J 6>2%- O f 2 49l CROSS ROADS. [250 yfton Richard's Caftle Over ton, Salop Oniberry Newton ittle Stretton. Cl-urch Stretton All Stretton ebotwood )orrington Stapleton ^ulley Common Sbrcwjlury iadnal Chapel L,ea Bridge xeefe Heath lees Wfatcbttrcb Thence to HESTER, p 28. 7' 74 76 8o| 8 3 , 9 2 I 95 1025 HO} ZI >T 1 1 81 1 20 Oa the right, a little from Brifrnl.! is Redlands, the Seat of the late 1 John Coullns, Efq and on tlie I.! ot Weftbury is King's Wefton, tht : Seat of Lord Clifford. At Henbury, Blaize CafHe, - ' Fair, Efq. Chepftow is Fcrftfield, the! beautiful Garden, of the late Va-j lencine Moni; J-'.fq. now Mr.l Smith ; and alfo the Ruins of an old Caftle. t 31, on the r. is Troy Houfe, a Seat of the Duke of Beaufort. Oft the left of VV'onncl.,w Stump, Meemd, the Seat of Sir Richard Symonds, Bart. Between Hereford and Morton, on] the 1. Holmer, a Houfe belonging to Mr. Caldecot. Before you go over Dinmore Hill, pafs on the 1. Burghope, an an- cient ManGon, formerly the Seat of Sir John Dineley Goodyere, Bart. \vh.) was murdered by his Krother, Capt. Samuel Goodyere. It now belongs to Lord Selfea. On the r. a Mile fhort of Wharton, is Hampton Court, a Scat of the late Countefs of Coningfby, now Lord Maiden, built, as tradition goes, by Henry IV. On the 1. going to Ludlow, is Ber- rington, a line Houle lately built by the Right Hon. Tho. Harley. Near it, on the left, is Eye, Mr. Gorges ; and fee alfo, on the left, at a Diftance, Shobdeii Court, Vifc. Bateman. On the 1. a new-built Brick Houfe, near the Road, not far from Lud- low,Mr.Green; and on the left alfo, before you pafs Ludlow Bridge, is Ludfurd, where, near the Church, is the Seat of Sir Francis Charl- ton, Batt. who has here a large Park. A little beyond Ludlow is a Bow- ling-Green, whence is a fine Pro- fpcA, aud the Ruins of the Cattle celebrated for being the Refidence of the Lord Marches of Wales, the Death ol Prince Ar- thur, &c. On the 1. is Oakley Park, late the Karl of Powis, now Lord Clive. On the left ot Newton is Stoke Caftle. \t Church Stretton, on the left, ii the large and fertile Hill of Long- ment ; and, a little beyond it, the beautiful Seat and Park of Robert Corbctt, Efq. On the right all the Way between Church Stretton and Shrcwlbury fee the Wrekyn, a very high Hill- At Dorrington, on the r. is Condo- ver, the Seat of N. O. S. Owen, Efq. and on the 1. is Lyth Hill, 251] CROSS ROADS. [252 which affords a moft beautiful Caervvent i I5 i ride. At 3, on the I. of Hadnall, is H^rri-j wike, a Scat oi Sir Richard iiiii,j Rock and Fountain Unicorn 3 2 i8| Bart. Oats Afli 2 22 4 At Lea Bridge, on the r. is Hawk- Chrift Church 2 24- ftone Houic, and the beautiful AVcv/or/, Monm 22 27 Park of Sir Kicharil Hill; and at 4- / Rees, the Scat of his Brother, Johr. Hi 11, Efq. HAVERFOKDWEST, p. 89. 103 I3O BRISTOL to Crenvlernc. At 18, on I. is Pcnhow Caflle, Fro-r, BRISTOL to Pensford 61 Lloyd, Efq. At ;:, on 1. is Llanovery, Robert Salulbury, Efq. Clutton 3 o4 Temple Cloud i 1 1 BRISTOL to HEREFORD. Farington ' 5 I 2^ Chewton Mcndip 2\ 1 5 To Black Rock, p. 25 1 I2 2 LtS ~ iol Poftfkewit Moiiin,JM/> T-* nl Polfliam 3 23! Crick J 41 :->uty 26 Shirenewton 2 Street 2 28 Davcnden 4 20j /. to Compton. 3 t 3-' igh 4 1 Littleton Monoaouth 5 t 29 = ton J 34^ Lady \\ r ell, Hcrcf. 333 Long Sutton 3?" GaiTon Bridge 4 36 Longlode 2 39, Wormlev Stiunp 5 4i yiartoc 2| 4'i Red Hill sl 46* Weft Chinnoc 4: Hereford il 47i Crcvikerne , 3 AS! 4 2 At 13, en r. St. Pictre Park, Tho. Let-is, Efq. BRISTOL to HAVER FOR r WEST. The Mail-Coach F.oa. ! . At 1 6, on r- Itton Court, John Curre, Efq. Weftbury, C/.v. 3 \t 24, John Rumfcy, Efq. Compton 3 6 C hi'el, crNewFerrv Crofs the Severn at Hit 33 9i BRISTOL to Weymoutb. Water to To Pensford ___ 7 Black Rook 3 I2 7 Old Down 8 15 I'oibkevv'it Crick i Hi !f r tymostb t as in p. 238. 50 253] CROSS ROADS. [254 BRISTOL to TAUNTOX. BRISTOL to Du>-Jle\-. To Crofs i6 J To Staplcton, G 2 Bridgewater i6| 53 Uambrook 3 5 North Petherton ;f 35^ Iron Acton 4 9 Taunton 44" U r o:vlend 6 At ^ Miles from North Petherton, \Votton-u nder-edge 5 20 on the right, Sandford, Efq. hcombe 4 24 and Half a Mile farther is \\'eli Kin;'! Monk ton, before w!ii;!i is a white n n y Houfe, Matthew Backdate, Efq. Durjlry i i, r 26 BRISTOL to WORCESTER. I.od^e, Duchefs Dowager of Beau- To Horficld 2 At 4, on the r. Frcnchay, Edward Filton .i I Harford, Efq. Almonflniry 3 6i At 16, on the r. Tortworth Court, Lord Ducie. Alliirone n i 10 At 19, on the 1. Bradley Houfe, Farnhill 5 15 Thomas Nelmes, Eiq. Stone i_ lta At 24, on the 1. Peer's Court, Ed- Neport Cambridge Or, 55 18 ward Hofkins, Efq. At 2^, on the 1. Thomas PurneH, Efq. Alliftone, above IO Thornbury i 1 1 F.HISTOL to EXETER. Hill 4 u To Barrow Court, Berkley 3, 18 Samtrjet. _ 5 Cambridge y j4 Churchill 7 12 Whitmikiitcr \\ 26| Crofs 5 I? Putley 28 Eait Brent 4 21 Quodgeley 3a 3 J 4 South Brent 2 2 3 GLOCS.STER Thence to ^ 34 [ftuntfptll 4 6 33 WORCESTER, p. 22$.\2$* S9i Waltord 8 To 1. of 6, is Knowle, Barnard Ta:tr.ton i f *~ i ' ' j 4 45 Chefter, Efq. frflHt *? 2 To the 1. of Newport, is Berkeley Stamplord Arundel 3 55 Caftle, Seat of the Earl of Berke- \Cr>ll/tmt'!tm ley. At Thornby, the Qaftle, Duke of ;ExtT t R / 12 ;6 Norfolk. iAt South Brent, Rev. Ttonj rt At Hill, Lady Fufli. G^.\-\ B. D. 255] C R O s S ROADS. [256 On the r. of Huntfpill, George Saun- B ROM YARD to Moreton-in-the ders, Efq. Marjh. A little farther, on the 1. Thomas Greenwood, Efq. To Gaines 1 At 41, on the r. Henry William Brodway 3 9 Sandford, tfq. At 42, on the r. Weft Monktcr., Matthew Brickdale, Efq. At 43, on the r. Hefttrcombe, St. John's IVorceJlcr Churchill S i 3 J 7 Coplefton Warre Bampfylde, Efq. Wyre Piddle 6 At 49, on the t. Heatheiton, Sir Evefoam 7 3 Thomas Guufton, Knt Broadway 6 36 .Spring Hill 2 38 BRISTOL to Tewke slury t t The Troopers 2 40 ToFiltonHay, Glocef. Alvefton 6 4 10 Burton-on the-Hill Moreton-in-the-MarJh 2 2 42 44 Stone Newport 6 n 16 18 One Mile on the 1. of Bromyard> Rockhampton, Richard Barnaby, Efq. Cambridge S 23 At 6, on the r. KrJghwick, Rev. Whitminfter 4 27 Dr. Stillingflcet. Quedgeley 4 3 1 At 7, on the 1. Whitborne Court, Richard Chambers. Efq. Glocefier 3 34 At 10, on the r. Leigh Court, John Twigworth 2 36 Spooner, Efq. Wooton $ 4 1 At iS, on the 1. White Lady Afton, Tcwkcduty 3 44 Rev. Richard Hurdman. At 36, on the 1. Broadway Hill, Sir One Mile from Rriftol, on the 1 . Red- John Cotterell, Bart. land Court, Sladc Baker, Efq. At 38, on the r. Earl of Coventry. At 4, on the 1. The Rodney, Johii Weeks, Efq. At 6, on the 1. Knowl Park, Mrs. BROMYARD to StourlriJge. Chefter. To Upper Sapy, At II, on the 1. Grovefend, Natha- ll r orceft. _ __ 6 niel Crowther, Efq. At 14, on the r. Tortworth LordDucie. Park, Hundred Houfe lun Dunley 6 4 12 16 At 1 8, on the 1. Berkeley Caftle, Kidderminfter 6 22 Earl Berkeley. Churchill 3 25 At 22, on the 1. Goffington-Hall, Henty Jones, Efq. Stourbr:dge 4 29 At 6, on the 1. Fromebridge Wire- At 7, on the r. Stanford Park, Edw. Mill. Wilmington, Efq. At 33, on the 1. Hempftead Houfe, At 2;, on the r. Francis Smith Daniel Lyfons, fq. Stckcs, Efq. 2 5 7] CROSS ROADS. [258 BURY to Botejdt tie. 16 Before Workfop, on the r. Worktop Manor, Duke of Norfolk. 3colc Harleflon 6 8 22 3 BUXTON to Warrlngton. Bungay Giliinghnm 8 38 Mofs Houfe, Oxjb. 3 [~l'iddiicoG 7 45 New Inn 2 z 5z Frit ton Gorlefton. S L 54 Macdesfold Broken Crofs u 10 "I 4i 57 Chelford 5 iw| 2 59 Ollerton Gates T^- . / J : 9l BUXTON to Matloc. Knutsjord Warrington, p. 136. ii 22 33 To Tidefwell Wardlow a* 9* CAMBRIDGE to COVENTRY, Afhford 3\ (the New Road,) BtdketueS Rowfley Darley i 175 19! To Fenny Stanton, Hunting. Godmanchefter 4 10 14 Matloc ll 22| Huntingdon i 15 Before Afliford is Monfal Dale; and I. to Brampton Pound i| i6| at Afliford a Mill for fawing and polifhing Marble. At Bakewell, Dr. Bullock, and good Monuments in the Church for the Ellington Spaldwic Bythorn \\ 2 3| Vernons. Thrapfton^ Northa. 4! 3 2 Beyond Bakewcll, Haddon-Hall, Cranford c 27 Duke of Rutland. Barton Scagrave J J / 39| BUXTON to IVorkfop. Ketter'mg Ro-ivcll, or Rotlrxell 4 45 To Fairfield I Defborough 4 6| Tidefwell 6 7 Hermitage Houfe 2 Stony Middleton 5| Little Bowden 3 515 Calver H 4 Harlorou^ Leic. Brampton 6 + 20 /. to Lubenham 2 54 Cljf/lfrfirM Brim ing ton 3 2 2 3 2 5 Theddingworth Hulbands Bofworth 2 ! 58* Stavely 2 2 7 North Kihvorth 2 60 Barlborough ji Walcote 3 63 Whinvell 3! 34- Miiterton i 64 K r arkfof> 4 .38 \LutUrwrth i 65 2 S 9l C R S S ROADS. [260 Pailton 5 70 Eaton Ford i i/4 Streetaflon i 7' r. to Stoughton High- Stretton ^ 7'i way 5 22 i Brinklow i| 73 r. to Stonley 2 2 4 2 r. to Comb Abbey i\ 7Si * Kimbolfon f 25 I Binley i{ 77 Tilbrook Stoke i4 Harry [x worth Sotefdale Ofmonjlonc* orScolelnn, Norf Elarlefton Bungay t Suff. Bec&s Tbeuce to Yarmouth, p. 207. Beyond Bury, on the r Symonds, Efq. Three Miles beyond Bur Sir Charles Banbury. Beyond Botefdale, on th< mas Holt, Efq. On the r. a Mile before I on the other fide the Flixton-Hall, a noble lion, Adair, Efq. mom z 6 4 4 i 4* 7l 9 8| 7 \\ i5 ght, r, on :left >ung; Wa jrick h. I 7 n iU i *i 43i 52 59 66 yii 86| John thel. ,Tho. ly, fee veney, Man- CARLISLE to AT Miller, Efq. On the r. of 3 is Hippington, H. G. FaulTett, Eiq. and on the . CARLISLE to Bowne/s. Tillavd, Efq. To Kirkandrews 3 On the r. of 8 is Evington, Sir John Honywood, Bart. Surgh 2 $ On the r. of 13, Mount Morris, Drumburgh Botvonefs 4 3 f i 91 Matthew Robinfon Morris, Efq. built, about the Beginning of tht prefent Century, hy Thomas Mor- In this Road you crofs and re-crofs the Pias Wall at 6, at 8, at 9^, ris, Efq. one of King James the Second's Private Treasurers. at 10* and pafs the \^cfk End thereof at the Entrance of Bow- nefs, formerly a Roman Station, CAERMARTHEN to Cardigan. called Blatum Bulgium. 'To Llanehvith Ch. j ;The County Stone 9! 12\ CANTERBURY to djhford. Kilrah Kilreaden, Pcmb. T Id To Shamford Street 4i Velmdra Mill 2 t "r Chilham if ^5 Bridel 6^ Godmerfham Biking o Cardigan 3 26 Kennington 3-| 72 13 CHARD to Bath. jjbford. ^*|lTo llmbifter, Som. 5 At Chilham i? Chilham Cattle and Hambridge 5 10 Pit Ic, the Seat of Tho. Heron, Lan"tort T7 /"._ -^> / 4 14 Efq- ?,..,,. T r At Godmerfham is Ford Park, the * Seat of Thomas Knight, Efq. Kenton Ma^lqevule Oil 6 25 ryllc 3 ^ CANTERBURY to JVku Romney.. Shcpton Mallet iStratton 4 5 35 40 To St. Laurence i Radftoc 5 45 r to Nackington r i| Dunkerton 2 47 Sheetend Ji 3 Bath 5 S 2 265] CROSS ROADS. [a6 On the r. of Ilminfrer is Pillington,; CrIELMSFORD to CAMDRtUGE. Maurice Lloyd, tiq. T, ., . . On t e r. of Someiton, Will. How:-, I O Broom tield 2 I EK}. Great Walihain 2y 5 At Pylle, Henry William Portman, Black Chapel 4 E( q- I Burnfton 10- On the 1. of Stratton is Downfidc Houfe, Capt. Fookes. ?eyond Dunkerton, on the r. is Dunmvw Great Eaflon * 2" J3* Combhay, John Smith, Efq. Tbaxted 4 104 Saffron Waldcn 74 26' BATH to Taunton^ &c. through Somerton and Langport. Cheilerford Bourn bridge, Camb 4| e_ 33! To Street, p. 228. 26 Cambridge o 3yj '. to Comptoa Dunden Littleton ?i 3J At VValtham, on the right, is Lang- leys, J. Joliffe Tufnal, Efq. Somerton i- 33 A >T;!e bevond Dunmow, on the Tounton i& -^ j Si * 1 left, is Newton-Hall, the Seat of I Sir John Henniker, Bart. Before Somerton, Mr. Howe's. 1 To the 1. of EaHon is Eafton Lodge, .Lord Mavnard. * BATH to EXETER, &c. through || Chard, Honiton, and Awr.injier. j! CHELMSFORD to Raleigh. Ssmerton 33 ijTo Great Eaddow s j Langport 5 38 R.ettenden 6| 8 2 Curry Rivel 2 40 IBattle Bridge i 9 t rlambridge 2 \Raleigb 3l Puckington H 441 [Itbrd Bridges Ilminfter 2 2 45 17 CHELMSFORD to Gravefcnd. Chard C , , London Road i- Stockland j 6 j I. to Stock 45 5 Honiton 6 64 Biilfricay 3 85 EXETER, p. 1 3, 17 81 Noke's Bridge 2 1 ii Or from Chard to / Hormion c4 16} Axminfter 7 CQ VVeil Tilbury rf 20 EXETER, p. 33. 26 J 7 85 Tilbury Fort Crofs the Thames to 2 22 Before 42, Earnfhill, R. T. Combe, Efq. Gravefendy Kent \ "1 Before Ilminfter Dillington. T.Trent, Efq. At Horndon Hill, a mod beautiful and exteufive Profpedl. 267] CROSS ROADS. [268, CHELMSFORD to Bath. At twenty Miles on the right is To Lackhampton 2 Pudhill Houfe, the Seat of John \Vaiie, Efq. and on the left is Birdiip 4 b Dunkirk Houfe, the Seat of Sa- Cranham Wood i 7 muel Peach, Efq. Prinafii Park Painfwic 2 3 9 12 At twenty-two Miles on the right is the Seat of EJward VVilbraham, Efvi. Caincrofs 5 7 - *v^. At twenty-three Miles on the left :lodborough i !$ ; of Tiltop's is Chavenge Houfe, [nchborow z 2O the Seat of Henry Stephen's Efq. ^ailfworth Horfley i i 21 22 At twenty-four Miles on the right is Kingfcote, the Seat of Robert Kingfcote, Efq. Tiltop's i 23 At twenty-fix Miles on the right Kingfcote i 2 4 is Boxwell Houfe, the Seat of Ri- La {borough Boxwell Houfe Badminton Park i i 3 26 29 chard Hiintley, Efq. At twenty-nine Miles on the left is Badminton Park, the Duke of Beaufort. Petty France i 30 At thirty-four Miles on the right, Crofs Hands 3 33 Doddington Park, the Seat of "Sir Doddington Park Dirham Park [lamfv.'eU i 3 2. 34 37 39 Wm. Codrington, Bart. At thirty-fevcn Miles on the right is Diiham Park, the Seat of Wm. Blathwaitc, Efq. BATH 5 44 At thirty-nine en the right is Hamfwell. the Seat o f Tl lomas At two Miles on the right is Lack- Whittington, Efq. hampton Court, the Seat of Hen- ry Norwood, Efq. At fix Miles enter Birdlip. CH ESP TOW to Glocefter. At fcven Miles, Cranham Woods, three Miles ovxr. To Teddenham, At nine Miles on the right is Pri- . ., vucep* nafli Park, thr Seat of Aylburton 5 3 8 Howell, Efq. Blakeney 5 13 \t eleven Mile? on the right if Newnham 3 16 Painfwic Houfe, the Scat of; MinftenvortU 8 2 4 Benjamin Hyatt, Efq. Highnam 7. 26 At feventeen Miles on the right if Gloccjlcr 2 28 Dudbridge, the Seat of John Hawker, Efq. At eighteen Miles on the left is CHESTER to Cardiff. Hill Houfe, the Seat of Sir George To Pulford 5 Onefiphorus Paul, Bart, near which is Rodborough Fleece Inn. Merford, FKutJk. Wirtxlxtaif Denb. *l 4 7i "f 269] CROSS ROADS. [270 Ruabon si' 7 One Mile beyond Pool, on the r. S^ew Bridge, Salop 2 *9 Powis Caftle, the Seat of Lord Powis. Chirk 2 21 At 5 Miles before Brecon, on the r. Ofweilry 5 26 Caftle Madoc, Mr. Powell. Llanymynuc r 31 J J Poole V0wf0w/* Mont. 10 1 1- CHESTER to Mattcbtjter. Clay Hill l| eg! To Tarvin 5 j Llanbader Vunneth 7- 64 4 Kelfall 3 8 Llanbifter, Reuin. 3 Vale Royal 7 15 L.landewy 70- Nortbyvici) 3 IS J Llanbedar faur ,i 74 Mere Town 7 2 5 !thon River 5 / T 79 Dunham Park 4 29 Built b, Brec. 6 / 7 Altr'myJ.iam 2 3 1 Llanthewy Coombe Caple Cunoke i 2 86 88 Crofs Street Maaikjki 3 6 34 40 Llanyhangel Vechan 7 95 ; At 1 5, on the r. Thomas Cholmon Llandivilog 2 97 I OO cteley, Efq. On tlie 1. of Northwieh,Winuington- River Tavy Bullavan Hills 4 i i Hall, Lord Penrhyh. 1 4 At 3, on the r. Tabley-Hall, Sir ' o; ! John Leiccfter, Bart. Caple Tavechan 6 1 1 1 Ac 29, on the 1. Earl of Stamford. Pont Sti:cketh, Glam. 2 1 13 Ruins ofMorleftCaftle I 1 14 CHESTER to Pf r oo^e. Beacon Hill Caerphillv Caftle 5 12 H 9 131 To Tarvin, Chef, Duddon 2 5 7 Coal Works Iron Works I I 132 '33 Torpor ley Wardlc Hall 3 5 t 10 15 Cardiff 6 J 39 j Jfafltptvoicb 5 20 On the 1. before Wrexham, is Adlon, Woore Q 2Q tlie Seat ot P. Yonge, Efq. At Gresford, a good Church, which has fix Bells, called the Wonders CHESTER to Worrington. of Wales, the largtft weighing Mickle Trafford _ 3 1300 cwt. Dunham 3 6 On the 1. near Ruabon, is Winflav, the Seat of Sir Watkia Williams Frodfliam 5 ii Wynn, Bart. Sutton 2 13 j Two Miles beyond Xew Rri.l^e is | Chirk Caftlt, the Scat of Richard Prefton Darelbury 2 i? t 1 Middieton, Efq. Hii, r h Walton * Is] 271] .CROSS ROADS. [272 Lane. ClRENCESTER tO BRISTOL. } 2\\To Tetlurv, Gloceft. Low Walton Warrti'gtoK) On the 1- between Dunham andj'Wefton Birt Frodfliam, fee an Arm cf thel.Didmarton Sea. Pafs che Merfey, over a i p e tty France Bridge, on the Banks of which .< p /- Hands to ther. Afton, a Seat of Har- : ^.' ol vey Afton, Efq. Oppofite to Froillham, over the' Lleeve Hill river, on the 1. fee Holton Caftle,; Stapleton Houfe in tlie Parifh of Runcorn. 'foj On the J. nearer Warrington, isj! Hall Wood, Capt. Norton ; and,, At Cirencefter, on the left, Earl Norton Priory, Sir Rich. Krooke. :| Bathurft. On the 1. of Tetbury, Eaftcourt, Thomas Eaftcourt, Efq. At !.?, on the 1. Wefton Birt, Peter Hallord, Efq. At Tt. on the I. Pinkney Houfe., Thomas Crefswell, Efq. At 77, on the 1, Badminton Park, Duke of Beaufort. IO 16 ?* s CHESTERFIELD to W'rnftcr. To Walton Leading Gate At 6, right to Bridge Town Winlley Winfter Hence to Baxter, and Mancbcf- ter. See NOTTINGHAM to MAN-J CHESTER. At 21, on the r. Little Sodbury, Vv'iufcombe Kenry Hartley, Eiq. At 31, on the r. Mrs. Chcfter. At 34, on the r. Ifaac Elton, Efq, CHIPPEXHAM to GLOCESTES.J] The Plough Corfton Maimfbury Tetbury, doc, Minch'mg Hampton Stroud Painfwlc GLOCESTER. CoLCHIiSTER to Slgrtftrd. To Lexden , '. to Stanway Mark's Tey 20 J4 A Mile beyond Cliippingham, on 1 Harden Hewilli, Miles Braath- waite, Efq. Two Miles before Gloccfler, on 1 Matfon, late G. A. Selwyn, Efq now Lord Sidney. 1 1 Black water i Brain tree iRayne \Stebbing Ford Dttnmfw jBonington Green 'akelcy Street jjHockerill |: E'JIxp Stanford 91 I2| 7 32 273] CROSS ROADS. [274 A Mile and a Half beyond Coggef- hait, on r. Great Coggefliall, Mr. COVENTRY to Mmcbefler. Hanbury. To Can well Gate, At two Miles and Half, on right. Staff. 21 fee Stiftead Village, and Mr. Swinfen Ha 4 Onely's Seat. Licbfald 3 28 COLCHESTER to Merfey. Rugeley Cohvich 7 35 38 To Abberton Green 4i Sandon Hall 6 44 The Strode 2\ 7 Hilderftone 4 48 Enter Merfey Ids, and Park Hall 6 54 keep the right to Rownal Hall . J i eg Weft Merfey 2 9 Leek ^ j 64. Or the left to Raft Merfey I 10 Mancbefter 32 _. T vt r 9 6 COLCHESTER to Cambridge. At 2 r, on the 1. Sir Robert .L. Bart. iwley, To Lexden, EJJex. 2 At 24, on the 1. Shsnfton Park, Lord 7 ord Street 3 5 Berwick. Wake's Coin a 8 At 31, on the 1. Beaudcfcrt-Hall, Earle's Coin j 2 TO Earl of Uibridge. Stonebridge I II At 37, on the r. Sir William Wolfe- Halfteatl 2 I '3l ley, Bart. J 5rook Street 2 I ^ \t 44, on the r. Lord Harrowby. Swan Street ji 1 7 Haver ill, p. 213. \Vithersfield, Caml. II 2 / 28 3 CRANE ROOK to Lewes. iorfeheath 5 To Hartlev, Kent. ____ 2 ..inton 3i 3^2 Tub's Lake I 3 Abington Crof. the London Roari to Newmii ket ; and by 3 44 -Ivc Gate iawkhurft 2 . I J 6 Cogmagog Hills to Cuper's Corner 2 8 Cambridge 61 48 /. to Hurft Green I 9 At Earle's Coin, Mr. Hill, a white r. to Burwaih 5 J 4 Houfe. Lewes 19 33 A little before Halftead, Mr. Morley. At 6, on the left, are Elford, th On Gogmagog Hills is the Seat of Seat of Samuel Bovs, l-'iq. and the late Lord Godolphin, now in- (mall but ancient Building c*llc< habited by the BifJiop of Elphin the Hall Houfe. 275] CROSS ROADS. [276 CREWKHERNE to Weymoutb. South Perrot, Dorfet 33 The Three Sifters Maiden Newton Frompton Stepleton 4.^ 20 Vlelcomb Regis 'faymoutb At Frampton is the Seat of Francis At Fetcham, riling the Hill from Leatherhead, Sir George Warren, who married Mr. Revel's Daugh- ter and Htirefs. See on right, Clarcmont, EarlofTyrconnel ; St. George's Hill near Cobham ; the Tower and Buildings in the Gar- den of Pain's Hill, at Cobham; andBotleys,Sir Jofcph Mawbey's, near Chertfey. To the right of the Tower, fee Mr. John Browne, Efq alfo a little to the left is Sydling, the Seat of Sirjj John Smith, Bart. CRICKLADE to Cirenccftcr. To Latten i Sou tli Cerney, Gloc. 2 3 Cirencefter 3! 6; At Cirencefter, Earl Eathurft. CROYDON to Guildford. To Beddington, Sttrry ~arfhaltor. Cheam fiswfl Epfom Leatherhead Fetcham Great Bookham Little Bookham Effingham Eaft Horfley Weft Horfley i Eaft Clandon i Weft Clandon i Merroe Guildford 16 Paine's, at Weybridge ; to the 1. Mr. Scwell, late Sir Iho. Sewell's, I by Cobham. ; At Great Bookham, on tfee r. Eaft- i wic Park, Earl of Effingham's, inhabited by Mr. Lanrell ; and on the 1. a Houfe built b) the late Admiral Broderick, now Lady Downe. At Little Bookham, on the right, a new Brick Houfe, Mr, Pollen At Effingham, on L white Houfe, Col. de Lancey. At Eaft Horfley, on the right, Mr. Currie, late James Fox, Efq. At Weft Horfley, on r. Henry Per kins Wcfton, Efq. formerly the Nicholas', inhabited by Mr Wood. At Eaft Clandon, on the light, Mr. Sumncr's, built by Admiral Bof cawen, formerly the Heaths. t Weft Clandon, Lord Onflow, Clandon Park. Before Guildford, fee Stoke, on the r. Mr. Aldtrfcy. Aboat two Miles beyond Guild- ford, on 1. is Lofcly, Mils Moly- neux. CUCKFIELD to Hajlingi. ^uiuijora, 25 25 _ . , ,. . . - , . i To Chayley Inn At Beddington is the Seat of the an-i^vr cient Family of Carew. jjlNewic Beyond Leatherhead, on the r. in; Maresfield a Botton, is the Earl of Tyrconntl. Buxted 7 9 '3 4 277] C R O S S ROADS. [278 Hadlow Down By Crofs-in-Hand Turn- 4 18 Beyond Wood's Corner, on the 1. is ! Role-Hill Park, John Fuller, Efq. and, on the r. Afhburoham- pike To Burwalh 10 28 i Houfe and Park, the ReQdence of the Earl of Afhburnham. Hurft Green 12 Robertftmdge 2 3-1 DART FORD to Sevenoaks. Battel 6 40 ~ Hayings 7 47 To Hatlcy, Kent I Darent i 2 Beyond Hadley Down, on left, Gate- Sutton Street i houfe, Mr: /Dalrymplc. Beyond Crofs-in-Hand Turnpike, on r. Heathfield Park, heretofore! Farningbam Aynesford Si 6| Bailey Park, fo changed in Honour iShoreham \i 9 of the late gallant Lord Heath-jJOtford |I xo| field, its late owner, now ttneu^Sfwaaalt i ** r,l Newbery, Efq. At Battel, Battel Abbey, Sir frey Wcbfter, Bart. J ' J4 Cot jJ|A Hatley, on 1. Mr. Murphy. In Farnmgh;-.m Church- Yard, fee Beyond Battel, on r. Crowhurft the Maufoleum, a Buryiag-Placc Park, Mr. Pelham's ; on 1. Beau- port, General Murray's. of the riaih Family. A little beyond Aynesford, on the r. is Lullingftone Place and Park, sfxotfar Road from Cuclfdd to Haf- tirtss, from Crofs-iii-Hand Turafike the Seat of Sir John Dizon Dyke. Bart. through Heathfield t ivhieh is very At Sevenoaks, on the r. Sir Charles good in Summer, many Mites nearer, Farnahy Ratcliffe, B.rt. .Go 1 and a delightful Ride. Knowle Park, Duke of Dorfct. To Heathfield Dallington 4 ll DERBY to Nottingham and Wood's Corner 7 LINCOLN. Battel 5? I2 2 To Chaddefden 2 Hajlingt 7 ig| Sponden i 5 At Heathfield Park, the Seat of Shackle Crofs i 4 Francis Newbery, Efq. is a Tower' Rilley 3i 7i built in Honour of the late Lore : Sandy Acre Heathfield, the gallant ofGibratar; whence Defender! Stapplcford, Nott. is a mofl. r Pnrnn i 10 rich, beautiful, and - LiCIllUIl extenfive Ilir ... , 4 *4 View, as well over the furrounding Country. Sea "'HRadcfiff || 21 At Darlington, on the r. is Herring's Saxondale 2\ 25 1 Place, the Seat of P. G. Crauford, Stoke 7- 2 I i Efq. Newark 3l ' * 34i T a 279] CROSS ROADS. [280 At Chaddefden, Sir Robert Mead Beamhurft Z 3 22 i Wilmot, Bart. At 6, Lady Lake, on left. At Stappleford, Sir John Borlaft Warren. Checkley Upper Tean Draycot 4 28* Three Miles before Nottingham, on Enter Meer Lane 2 30 left, Wollaton Hall, Lord Mid- Meer jl 3 1 ! dleton. Lane End _i -^ ^ o 7 TWO Miles beyond Nottingham, on : 1. Colwie, Mr. Mullers. Delph Lane I 33 34 1 Three Miles on 1. Holme Pierpoint, Stoke l \ 3S|i late Duke of Kingfton. Newcafile under Line 4 A little beyond Saxondale,the Road Chefterton A qqi turns to the 1. and keeps upon the Fofs Way, a Roman Road fiom Leicefter to Lincoln. Audley Gorfty Hill, Cbtfi. J.2 45$ The Hough 3 4i Or, \NatBptvfico* 3l From Nattingkam l$\ CHESTER, p. iJi. I O~ *7 I To Red Hill 4 19-5 3s ton 4l 245 * Another Road from New- 'SautbuxB 4! 1*1 29 caftlc to Namptiuicb, p. 139. LTpton 2 At Sudliury, a Park and Seat of Kelham 3 34 Lord Vernon. Newark 2 36 At Doveridge, Sir Henry Caven- Wilby Wood r > n _i T difh. Brace Bridge 74 5^2 LINCOLN M 53i DERBY to Manifold. At Kelham, Lord George Sutton. To Morley, Dcrb. 4$ Smalley 2 64 DERBY to CHESTER. Hey nor 2 9 Eaftwood, Noft. 2 ii To Mickle Over ' jj Annefley 4l X 5i Etwall 2 I Mansfield 61 22 Hilton 2 si At Annefley, \Vm. Chaworth, Efq. Fofton 3$ 1 1^ Afton Sudbury Doveridge si 17 DoLGLLY to Manchefter and Buxton. Crofs Dove River to To Bala, 19 Uttoxeter, Staff. 2 19 Corven 12 3 1 Strarafhall ll Llangollen to 41 281] CROSS ROADS. [282 Wrcxbam J 3 54 * From Ardjley it is but a little Barn Hill 12 66 Way about to go iy Barn/ley^ ana Namptwich H 80 ti:cnce to Silkfton. Middlevvich Knutsford 10 9 9 99 Another Road , ly Rottjerbam, viz. Altringham Mancbefier Buxton 7 8 22 106 To Rotberbam, p. 281. 114 ilChapel Town i ?6 High Green 6 i 12 l8 !How Rroolc i 20 T>K o; a: u Hunfclf DONC ASTER to Sheffield. jp aw ^j 4 4 28 To Balby if Salter's Brook e 33 Warmfworth a 2 ! Mancbefter. p. 281. j 24. J J C7 Conifbrough 2 < 5 i Hooton Roberts Thirburgh Rotherham MJP~NN owle, Line. 95 19! of the ancient Town of Stonar, the 5urringham ^laxborough lurtoti Slather a 4l 3 21 La'h Tituli of the Romans. JbsfleetisaPlaceofgrcat Antiquity, famous for the landing of the Saxons under Hengift. Vintrinton 4f 33 About two Miles on the right of St. Slorth Fereby barton 4* 3* 37* Peter's is King's Gate, a delightful Seat of the late Lord Holland. farrow 3 4 ii Thornton 46 1 DRYTON to Buxton. Cirmington. Keiby T r L 4! 4* 55* To Oakley Hall, Staff. Broughton Hall 5- 3 8 -.aleby 4z S9l EccleJIiall 4 12 Grimfy 4 | 64 Stone 6 18 Rough Clofe 4 22 DORCHESTER to Yeovil. Foflr.-ook 3 25 To Frampton Maiden Newton 2 6 8 [pftones 3 4 28 3 2 Sydling Yeovil 2 6 IO 16 Longonr Bvxton^ Derb. 12 4 44 48 At Frampton, P. Browne, F.fq At Sydling, Siv John Smith ; a IK One mile from Dravton, on the 1. Tunftall-Hall, Rev. Peter Brough- farther on, upou kit, Mclbory, Lady Ilchefter. ton . At 8, on the 1. Bronghton Hall, Rev. Sir Tho. Broughton, Bart. At 10, on the r. Sugnall- Hall, John DOVER to Ramfgate and Margate. Turton, i.fq. At 13, ontnel. Hilcott-Hall, George Anfen, Efq. To Kingfwold 6 At 29, on the 1. Booth-Hall, John Walmer i , i Gianville, Kfq. Deal i / 2 At 32, on the 1. Belmont-Hall, John 1 2 9 .T.eyd, Efq. Ebsfleet 5 2 '4 16 At 33, on the 1. \Vh-itehough Hall, Sam. Frith Efq. Cliff's End ji. 17? St. Lawrence Ramfgate 1 ' 2 / - DUKSTABLE to Bedford. St. Peter's ' 2. Houghton Regis l \ Margate A little beyond Sandwicl 3 art a frv ' halgrave Fuddtngton IVeftoning ji 4 5 fmall Houfe*, the only RL mai . Plitwic ij *i 285] CROSS ROADS, [286 Dcnnel End i IOJ Coughton z | Ampthill if 12 Ipfley 4 Hfoughton Conqueft I3| Bealy 2 17! Bedford 6| 2O King's Norton i;| 23 At Chalgrave, Lieutenant Genera? Parflow. Silly Oak Birmingham 2 3 25 At Hitwick, Fiftier, Ffq. At Arrow, a Seat of the Marquis of Beyond Ampthil!, on the r. Hough-j Hertford. ton Conqueft, late Marquis of Ta-i viftoc ; on the left, Ampthilli EXETER to Ilfracornl. Great Park, Earl of OfTory. To Syar Newton, Dev 4l Dunfum Houfe 15 5! ELY to Bury St. Edmuna's. Crcditcn To Dulbridge 3 Druxfbrd 2 9! Soban 2 i si Marchut 4| I 4 i Fordham Bridge, Sujf. 3 9 Huntsford a '72 Grange Water 3 - I2 5 Chawley 2 T 92 Barrow Bridge To Spittle si 18$ 22 Chimleigh Chington Houfc I 201 *5 t %ury St. Edmund's i 27 Chidingford 2| F* Bcatfurd 2 j ELY to PETERBOROUGH. Bathing 35! ToWitchford, Camb. 3 Ronfum 1 37 28 Witcham Maypole Chatteris 3 7^ Marwood lifracoomb 3 6 3 4 1 47 Garter's Bridge, Hunt. 2 j ii North Bridge 5* ii^i EXETER to Mine bead. Ponder's Bridge Horfey Bridge Stangrave 4 2 28i To Stoake, Devon Rew Silvcrton lj PETERBOROUH, ~\T 9 Long Caufeway 4l i 1 1 North. X l 29! Tiverton 13: EVE SHAM to Birmingham. Hampton Gilberts 6| 20 2f 2^ To Norton, War 1 ... 3 Berry, Som 24 Dunnington, Warw 4 7 'Lime Kilns 9 335 Arrow 2 9 'Einbercum . Aulcefter J 9! \Minebead 3 33, 287] CROSS ROADS. [288 FERRYBRIDGE to Huddersfidd. Midford 5 9 To Pontcfraft Purfton Jackling Wakcfald Horbury 2 61 2 i 2 oi N- NTewton Park Kevnfliam Briftol 4 3 5 5 >3 16 21 26 Over Shittltngton Grange Park Almondbury - L. 4l 21 k A.t 3, on the r. SUnderwic Court, Harry Edge!!, Efq. At 10, on the r. Midford Caflk, Pew, Efq Huddcr&ld ~2 : 24 Newton Park, the Sen of Will. Gore Grange Park, John Lifter Efa. Kaye, Langton, Efq. At 17, on the r. Kelwefton Houfe, - L -***I* Near Almondbury, \Voodfliam-Hall, Lady Hawkins. Ear! of Dartmouth. FER R YBRIDGE to 5rothcrton Lee< h. I r ROME to Cba To Nunney, Som r a. 3 "airburn j i 2\ South Hill 4 7 At 5! le r t to Eruton S 12 Weft Gurforth 65 o " Caftle Gary 4 16 Whitchurch z 1 1 Sparkford ? 21 -Jalton i 12 Teovil 8 29 Leeds i i r Eaft Coker 3 32 To the left, before you turn off from the Great North Road, is Ledfton Crewkherne Crickett St. Thomas 6 5 38 43 Hall and Park, an old Seat of the Chard 3 46 Earl of Huntingdon, noxv [ohn- Scott, Efq. the Lodge in the Park On the I. of Bruton, the Earl of 11- chefter. commands a very extenfive Pro- On the r. of Yeovil, the Earl of fpect. Westmorland. To the left of Whitchurch is Temple! Newfham, Lady Irwin. On the r. of Crewkherne, Earl Pou- lett. "LAMBOROUGH to Scarborough. To Speeton, Torkjb 6 FROME to Porloc. Lichton i| 7l To Stoney Lane, Som. 4 lunmanby 2 2 10 )buitlng 6 10 Seamor 6| i6-| T Shepton Mullet 2 12 Scarborough 4i 21 Wefthohne 3 '5 *? > FROME to BRISTOL. 'ipcr's Inn . 27 "o Oakford, Som.\ ] 2 UriigeMattr to 37 Woolvcrton 1 2 1 4 Nether Sffftvcy 9 46 289] CROSS ROADS. [29 Weft Quantoxhead bett Dunfttr 6 3 6 55 At 3, on the r. Quedgelcy lloufj, Hayvvard, Kfq. At 8, on the r. Fronu-bi idge Wire- mills 10 i 1 At it, on the 1. Richard Eigland, Two Miles on th<" r. of Nether Stowey is Woodlands, John Day, Efq. At i c, on the r. Thomas Daunt, Efq. At 16, on the r. Robert Kingfcotc, On the r. of \Vcft Qjiantoxhead, the old Family Seat of John Fownes At 2^, on the r. Boxxtell Houfe, Richard Hiuitley, Efq. Luttrell, Efq. At . .-non Sherborn 3 7 26 Highgate 4 g Dantlborne Abbots 2 : T At I.ungleat, M.irquis of Bath. On the 1. of Maiden Bradley, the Duke of SomcrJct. DaglingwortJi 4 i ^ C.irencL'/lcr 2 1 7 At 19, on the r. William Smith, Efq- One Mile on the r. of Cirenceft.-rr, is Wooton, Rev. Mr. Bryant. GLOCESTER to Bath. At 2, on the r. Camwood Court, Robert Morris, Efq. To Quedgeley, Gioc. Whitminuer 4 3 7 At t;, on the r. Whitcombe Park, Howe Hick, Efq. At ic, on the !. Cotswold Houfe, Frocefter 4 ii Samuel WallUmk, Efq. fiingfcote r 1 6 At n, Duntfbome Ai i>ot5, Rev. Petty France , - Mr. Chapman. Doddington Park Ilamiwell 7 4 6 5 2 9 At 16, on the 1. Strattoa Koufe, Rev. Mr. Daubenty. Bath d 20 T */ 1 GLOCESTER to COVENTRY. One Mile from Gloccfler, on the r. Htmpitcad Houie, Daniel Lyfons, To Heydon's Elm 6 Efq. Bedlam 2 8 u 291] CROSS ROADS. [292 CbeltcnJjam i| 9 j On the r. of Weftwood Park, Sir Preftbury The Beacon ij Hebcrt Packington, Bart. On the 1. of Hartlebury Park, the Biihop of Worcefter. '' incbconio 3 lOj Didbrook 3 IQ| , Snowfhill 3i n GLOCETER to Great Maliurn. Cantpdett Mickleton a 2o j ' -r< T 1 ,To Maizemore ^ I r 1 *| Clifford Stratford on Avon^ , Wo -tr 61 ! Longdon ^' 2 Little Malvern , TheWclla I j V\ ttTW > Clopton Park 4! 394 iGreat Malvern ^ H! Longbridge 2! 46| Warunc COVENTRY, p. 232. 10 48 c8 GLOCESTER to Tctlary. ; See Tetfotry to GLOCESTER. On tTie light of Winchcomb are t!u- Kuin& of Sudeley Caftle ; and four The n Malvern, ot-er the Wytch, Miles beyond it i* Tudilington,' '" mt eiigpUefbr C*rriagpi in general, the Seat of Vifcouilt Tiacy. 1 particularly t/:tfe-mt accuji'jmed to the At Clopton Park is a Seat of Mr*. Csuntrv. But,fnmtht ff^tck^ ivhich Partridge. !j a Rt&fcMt tiroug/: the Rick, on thi S:mmlt of the Mah'crn, tin View is (. r '^:.i, f.-'lfnfi^-e, and l>*.a jtifu! i< ".ond GLOCESTER to K'uhkrminjlcr* :J>t ..:. On a clear Day, and To Corfe Lawn ^_ 4 tuith t!:t nal,.i Eye, fifteen Cwiliet in J::: 'f.'-.'l ani )* ales, f',:tr Cififf, find Longdon 8 I 2 the $':';: e> 'S :':: I'-n Chan-;l bfftdc Hanlev c 17 iiuuaiuraUt Towns c.n.{ I IL'ag. :, and Madresfield J 7 / 20 tint beautiful Rivers, are . - fi L ' cieni ly d!f- Brook Houfe tJ 3 23 tmguifume* WORCESTER 3 26 Havvford / 2 2Q Lcdbury to Great Malvern anil Weftwood Park J 3 7 3 2 WORCESTER . Warafeley Houfe Hartlebury Park 3 i 35 36 Rabbits Warren, Wore. .ittle Malvern I 6 Kiddcrminfter 4 40 Great Malvern 2 8 At 16, on the r. Hanley, Edward Powic 5 13 Lechmere, Efq. WORCESTER 3 16 At 20, on the 1. William Ly oitvjub 32 3 1 Stoke Edith ji 7~ Upton Broomfgrove 34 Tarrington The Trumpets 3J 12 Norton The Lickey 4 2 4 Ledbury Mills Lcdbury i <4l Northrleld 4l 441 Little Malvcrn, Iforc. t 2O f Edgbaiton, War'M. 31 481 Great Malvern j 22 1 Birmingham if 504 Powic 6* 29 Saltley S'l WORCESTER 2 3 1 295] CROSS R O A D S. [296 One Mile to the r. of 4$ is Long- l-y I'.i'.warJ Lctchmcrc 1'attifljull, worth, the Seat of James Walwyn, Efq. Efq. and z Mile> to the r. is Suf- At Wormbridge, .the Scat of 'the toh Cmiit, t!ie cit of Sii James late -sr Ec'vard Clive, a Baron of Hereford, whofc Family has pof- the Fxc'.-tcuer, KO\V inhabited by fefied the fame ever fincei;i;, his \Vidow. the ;th of Henry the Thirc 1 . At Pontrila?, the Scat of Henry At Stoke Edith, the Scat of tht ShifTntr. Efq. Hon. E'.hvaru Foley. On the r. is Kentchurch, John Scu- SearLedbury, Cottlcditph, the Seat damure, ]^iq. of Lord Summers. HEREFORD to Abo-yjl- . HEREFORD to WORCESTER, through Browyard. Credon-Hili _, . 4 To Lugg Bridge 2 Foxley 3 Ewe Vvithington 2 4 L'sorton 2 9 aunley Gate 4 8 Seles-Green 2 1 1 Stoke Lacy 2 IO v\'oonton 3 i 4 Bromyard 4 U LlyonQiall 3 ij Broi ryard Heath 2 16 FCington 2 ! 9 Bridge over the River Stanner 2 21 Teme 2 1.8 v . eiv R-jdnor 2 74 Broadway a| 2C'l Fenybank 7 344 WORCESTER j 2 7- .S'antmell 6 4 C 5 At 1 6 is Brockitigton, a Seat of Cap i^ayder 4 rain Barnaby. -riinyff.vith .6 6o| Alcryji-iviti} '5 7S, HEREFORD to Abcr^avcnny. To the !eft of the 4 Mile-irone, if To Goofc Pool the Scitt of Oriconitim , a Roman Wilioc'i Bridge IV 0: 2 3 6 9 (bation, near thv: Village of Ker.t- rhtftcr; nnd on ihehit, m [ Road, is Credon-fliU and CPITID. ICeridcrChurch af T I )ne Mile to the tight r 1 f the :th Ponlrilajj 3 4. 12 Mile-fioDc, is Fox ley Hou ifton T ! Woo'is, and ;;* cclebiated Scent LLnihan^cl PlamiiloV.-'.-rholy 1 2 si 2 L '9 of Ladylift, Mr. Pr'ce's. \t3.T the' R"ad, at the iithMilc- ftone, to the riglit li;.ud, i Aber^&vcwj 2% 2 4 !; Id Houfe, new built, Mr. \V. On the r. about four Miles f: Miit to the left k Kent ( lie refold, near the Road, i.; A' ens inte Sir Joiin Morgan's, now Air. ir.cor, a new Houfc latc-1; bui Cluttoii's. 297] CROSS ROADS. [298 Tv.-o M lies to tiu- left of th. vil's Bridge, with lome fine Scenes Ri i ! : on the river Ryilall, near it. \V otls, Honorable Andrew ' seven Miles from Camy(Uvith,to the M. tor Proitwicii. ii ; iit hand, in the Woods, near the Two V:5ie to the rijjiit liand from Road, is Kuntio:., the Seat of Mr. Llyonlhall. is : Powell ; am 1 ihcncc the views 1 ;nk. ar.d Woods, r.ail of > from the Road to Aberyftwiih, ex- Three Miles !rom Kin.'.-,!''' 1 , ni tends c aii.l l-'.'.uiritul, inrluding ', Stanner Rock.-.iiJ Scencn rile of Rsdail, Llanbadern, One Mile to the 'eft of the 4 MIL (had, AberyQwith, and the Sea. (rone, on a Kill, tl.f haiiilfonu Church of Old K.;;d!'.?T. 'o tlic f'^l't hand, r.tar the "th Mik KoDDE3DON to Hiicbin. (}onr 1 )',\v. ton. a handfome white lln\> ' : Mr. Percival Ltwit, ; to To Hertford __ 4! the [i < 'i.l biicA rford i| 6 Houfe, called IJarpto:', Mr. John Stiiplctord i-l 7l Lewi 5. ton ^ Two Miles from New Radnor, tr the right hantl,:ic; -r l.U;nv ;l Broadwntcr 4 15! Nantmellan Llanredo. a Mi:nr 1 2j i (j Well ; and, between the fl \Vymundley 2\ 1 8 tains, Waterbrealc-its-Neck, a ;ii:c Hitcl/m 2 20 Waterfall. Thvce Miles to the left of the RcuiH fi-im Pf-nvljaiik to Favfi Mint:..: Wclis of Llandii HULL to Ho-vcdcn. At Nantr..cii. 'j Miles fr::ri l\:.v- Ai:l:iby hurch : Kirk Rlla I 5 (on i [\iplingham 4 9 Houi ' ;r. Kvans. tve 5 J 4 Xtat er, ii:;c . dike 5 lq Scent F.'om 1 1 'iitains. den 4 23 . tnfc HUNTINGDON to ELY. "'om the Publii- . To Herr.ingsford ;. 2 I 4| 2 idenworth 2 8? i . t lit xv bir!; 3^~ Hou ' Col. Jch 'it? ; will-, !o;v< Camb. 4- ill fir^c Woods, romantic Scenes, ai\: -th *l 4 r t a 1 1 * to the rnht 1-iar.J t, ia A' itch ford 2I i v(t-.vjih, is theccltbr.i. 2 2 :4 299] CROSS ROADS. [300 Hu N- T I X G DO X toC AM I) R 1 D G E, HUNTS PILL to Somerton. . and thence to Ipfwlcb. To Paulet, &. __ 2 i To Godmanchefter I Pertington I 3 .'. to Fenny Stanton 5 6 Woolavington l| 54 CAMBRIDGE 10 16 Afhton 7 H $gy 5 21 Somerton 8 Bof'fham 2 j. 2 Newmarket Kentford Bridge Harrow Bridge Bury St. Edmund's Brighton Jf'oolvit 6 'Ji 1! 3 { I"' 431 49 5 2 ILFRACOMB to Tot To Stracum, Devon Ham Waterton Northam ring 2 6 2 'on. 5 7 3 : Jawleio-ri New-Street Stk 5" 6 4 2 To Hartford if Cramer 2 66 Old Hurft A r| y,.\]p\' T 3^ At Coddenham, Shrubland-Hall, mcy vSomerfliam 2 2 9j late the Seat of the Rev. John and Nicolas Bacon, now of William March, p. 195. 14 Middleton, Efq. and near it is 30i] CROSS ROADS. [302 Crowfield-Hall, another Seat of LEEDS to Mancbcfter. William Middleton, Efq. l^ear the Stoke \Vhite-Horfe, on the To Biribll, Tcr^. 7 left, is Thornham-Hall, the Seat HtuUeryeld BT IS f of the Duchefs Dowager of Chan- r. to Marfden 7 dos. Five Miles from Alyfliam is Gun- ton-Hall, Seat of Lord SufBeld. Delphi Aufterlands, Lane. S 3 *7\ Green-acres Moor i 3*~z OUbam i 72 KEN DAL to Hava^/betuL Hollinwood 2 34l To Bonning Ifate : si Failefworth Wiaander Mce Ferry si 9 Newton Heath * 37. Briers 10 Miles Platting Sawray i 1 1 ftfancbt/ler li 40 HanvkJJjtad 2 3 At i6| to r. Milnftridge, William RadchiT, i'-fij. KEN DAL to JJ'bitly. At 37, Culcheth-Hall, Edward Graves, Elq. To Kirfy Stepben,\\ 'eft. Bowes, Torkfh. - 38 Anotbcr Road, viz. Barnard Caflle^ Durh 4 42 To Birftall 7 Darlington 16 58 Gome rial ~i 7* Yarum, Torkjb. 10 6S Clifton 4 Stokejley 81 2 y6j Brigthoufe i 12 \ Seallingdam 16 gii Raitric 1 r 3 Witty I1 4 1044 Elland 2 iij LGreetland I 16 Kipponden 3 x '9 KIDDERMINSTER to To Spring Grove Tenbury. Baitings I ittleborough, Lane, RoJ:-Jale_ II =&! BfwtOet i 3 Smy thy ford 2^ 33! Clough's Top $ 8 Middleton o ri Newnham s J 3 Hen ton J 6 5z; Monk's Bridge 2 15 .Chctham Green j 2 let Tenbury a '7 43 On the I. of Kidderminftcr, Sir Ed- ward Winnington, Bart. :At >|, Oakwcll-HaU, Barker, Efq. At 13, on the 1. Newnham Court, late Francis Rock, Efq. To the 1. ot i if, Kirklees, Sir George . Armyt.igc, Bart. 303] CROSS ROADS. [304 To the 1. of 19^, Howroyde, Jothu^ At 14, on the 1. Titherington-HalU Horton, Efq. Wiili:ir.i To the 1. of 20, Rnfliworth School At 15, on the I. Butley-Hal), Peter 2 good Endowment. Downe?, .'!(([. At 17, oa 'the J. Addin^ton-Hall, John I.egh, lilij. LEEDS to Halifax. \t i ", 011 the r. Sir George Warren, K. B. To Kirkftal Bridge 3 Stanningley 3 T 6 LEOMIXSTER to Hay, a New Bradford 9i Road. Great Horton Beggarington 2 3l II- To Monkland Del win 6 2 Halifax Anotbtr Roatl, viz. To Bir flail r. to Gomerfal 3 i 2 10 Sarnsfield Kehneiiley T v'iileriiev WinfortuB 4 s 10 I If Spen Hall Belly Bridge I 2 124 U'nitney Bridge ii fiord 4 3 ,i ;"! Lightcliffe 1 ' 2 - A 4 o 7 Jt Hipperholm Halifax I 16 t 7 our Miles from Leominfter is Bur- ton-Coui t, Johi' LEEDS to Ytukafter* rsiear lyelw.'n is !. "^"c)'>u, A*-tcon, i ':,i arosficld-Courtj > r c b V.'tftoa, To Scacroft 4 Kq. Kidhall 3i 7i At ii j, Kenncrfiey CaHIe, the Seat Over Bramham Moor to c,i Thom-ib Ojrton, -.-1'q. TaJca/tcr 61 14 To the left of 8, Bramham Park LE\VES to E-i/l Bc;:--:r. Lady Goodrick. To Mltidlcnham _____ 2 To the r. beyond TC, Haflewood- 6 Hail, Sir Walter Vavafour, Bart. s Burghill 2 8 LEEKE to Sfockport. \ s.lli ^ti'cet Horfe Bridge WilHrgdon I 2 6 9 ii 1*7 To Bofley, Clxfter 7 Eaji Bourne 2 / Macclcsfelii c i i ^ Butley J 3 15 Lie H FIELD to Jjuxton. Peyr.ton Park T 19 To !M;ivcfyn Ridwarc 5 JW^rt 5 ' J Allots Bromley 6 ii 35] CROSS ROADS. [306 Uttoxeter Barrow Hill Beacon and Weaver Hills Caldon Lime Works Onecote I.ongnor Buxtott 18 2 3 2 7 30 33 4 2 46 At 7, on the 1. Colton-Hall, Lady Raymond. One Mile beyond Bromley, on the 1. Blithfield-Hall, Lord Bagot. At 16, on the I. Loxley-Hall, Cle- ment Kynnerfley, Efq. At 23, on the I. Thomas Wilkinfon, Efq. At 25, on the r. Colwic-Hall, Rev. John Dewes. At 26, on the r. Wooton-Hall, Davis Davenport, Efq. A little farther, on the 1. Wooton- Lodge, Mrs. Umvin. At 29, on the 1. Cotton- Hall.Thomas Gilbert, Efq. LICHFIELD to Sbrewflwry. To Muckley Corner to Four Crofles Ivetfey Bank Watling Street, Sbrop. Hay Gate Ate ham Sbrewjbury 3 29 30 361 40 At 6, on ther. Mr. Cildart. At 14, on the r. is btietton, Right Hon. Mr. Connolly. At 19, on the Wefton, Sir Henry Bridgraan, Bart. At 30$, on the r. it Orton, Mr. Cludde. At 31, on the I. the Wrekin-Hill. At 36, on the r. is Ottingham, Tern- Hall, Lord Berwic. At 37^, on the r. crofs the Severn, is Longnor. Mr. Burton. LICHFIELD to Stonrtrridge. To Muckley Corner, Sujfi Bloxwich 6 Wolverbampton 5 Kinfvvinford 7 21 Stourbridge 3 24 At 5 Miles, on the 1. of Wolver- hamptoh, is Himley-Hall, Vifc. Dudley and Ward. At 2 1 , on the r. Summer-Hill, Jofeph Freeman, Efq. LINCOLN to Doncafter by Gainjliorougb. To Stretton Gainjborough Walkrith Ferry Walkeringham, Nott. Gringley Everton Bavotrv, Yorkfli. Roflineton Bridge Doncafter 271 34 381 LINCOLN to Horncaftle. To Wragby, p. 187. II Lungton 2 13 Baumbergh 4 17 Edlington Bar 2 Horncaftle 2 At 13, on the 1. Panton Houfe, Ed mund Turner, Efq. 307] C R S S ROADS. [308 At 1 6, on the right, is Goutby, R. Manchefier '9 37 Vyncr, Efq. 3 Id ham 8 . . At Ellington, John Short ,Efq. foUers/uU, Yorklh. '7 62 Vaktfaid 17 79 LIVEBPOOL to Halifax. [ ^ontefraft 9 88 T D JU Al T A ^.awcliff 16 IO4. i o xxccinaiilc, J^anc. Prefect 2 O 8 North Cave 16 W T 120 lavenhead 3 1 1 Hull 1 5 135 Afliton 6 17 Vigan 5 22 LIVERPOOL to Kirly Lonfdale* Weft Houghton 7 29 To Walton, Lane. __^ 3 lotion 4 33 Alton 8 ii Bury Vlarland 6 6 39 45 Ormfkirk ^ufford 2 8 21 Rochdale Jlackftone Edge '-lalifax 2 7 9 47 63 Longton Prefton Garjtang 6 ii 26 43 At 4, on the r. Highfiel, on the r. Melling-Hall , Mifs if To Llanleir, Card, 6 Gillifon. Velindra 14 j\ At 66, on the r. Winnington-Hall, Llanrufted 8i 16 John Marfdcn, Efq. Aberi/lwitb 7! 233 At 68, on the r. Burrow-Hall, Thomas Fenwick, Efq. LUDLOV.' to Derby. LIVERPOOL to Nc-ivcaftle upon Rock's Green, Sbrop. H Tyne. The Moor ^4 5 / To Qrmfkirk Ruffbrd 13 Botterel Alton Wrickton s ! 1 1 Tarleton Bridge Preflon Wirefdale I 20 ? Down BriJgevatrtb Wyken 4l 3| 22-. Wray Bentham J 3 4 68 Shipley Trefcot, Staff, 4 3 29! Bainbridge, Torkjb. Swaledale Lartington Benfieldfide, Durb. 2 3 7 12 28 98 no i;8 Compton Woln, Sir Edward Every. Mileham Billingford 20 26! Leonard Bridge 5 3 4 LUDLOW to WORCESTER by Attlebridge Dray ton 3| 35i 37 Jiro7fijara. NORWICH* 5 42 To Lemplter 10 Thurfton 9 51 Eromyard 13 23 ; Hadiko 9 60 WORCESTER '4 3 7 Yarmouth 9l 69! TT . i * Another Road from Norwich LYNX to Harwich >. ^ , ^tolarmoutb, p. 32:;. To Hardwic Middleton T."1 *l i MAIDSTONE to CANTERBURY. Bilney 3 / ^ ' Nerford 10^ To Berftead, ATf/ 4 Svcajfkam Stanford 45 9 11 ;Hollingbourn Doddingham I 7 Croxton 6 3 Newnhara 2 15 Thttford i| 3 ii Ofpringe 4 19 Barniiam, " ! fff* 2 34 Bockton Street 4 23 [ckworth Thorp 5 39 CANTERBURY 6 29 T 4/ j.x'vjorLO Wetherden JM MAIDSTONE to Guild ford. Hawleigh New-Street Stew Market Necdham Market Ipfaich p. 299. Bourn Bridge S hotleyGate and Ferry i *4 3 x sj 49f 66 2 74} To Ditton, Kent. Gallic Hill Borough Green Igtham Seal Charte Seal |i 4 9 I0 z Harwich J 4 7^1 O Cell Riverhead *2 3 ill Four Miles beyond Thetford is Bu- Sundridge 2 tton- Hall, a Seat of the Duke of B rafted 1 2O i Grafton - I Wcfterham j| 22 Limpsfield, Oxted Street 3^ 26! LYNN to Yarmouth. To Gay wood, Norf. Gavton jJljGodftone Green -!'' Bletchingley 2 3 ;?* 5j CROSS ROADS. [3*4 47i Nutfield Ryegate Buckland aft Betchworth Dorking Weftcott Abinger Hammer umfliall Shere uildford A little beyond Ditton, on the left., is Bradbourn-Houfe, Scat of the late Sir Roger Twifden, Bart. A little beyond Riveihend, on the \.\ is Montreal, the Seat of L. Am-! herft; and on r. is Chcpftead Place, Polhill.Efq. Near Sunbridge is Coombank, a Seat! of the late Duke of Argyll. To the r. of 19 is Chcvening-Place,| a Seat of Earl Stanhope. At Brafted is another Seat of Lord: Frederic Campbell ; and \ a Mile' beyond it is Hill-Park, late E. of] Hillfborough, now Mr. Cotton,! famous for fine Cafcades ; alfo at Brafted, a new Houfe of Dr. Tur- tou. At Wefterham is Squirries, the Seat of John Ward, Efq. Near God (tone, on the r. Rooks Neft, Mr. Becher, late Col. Clarke, now Mr. Suachey. Adjoining to it is Flower, belong- ing to Sir Robert Clayton, now inhabited by Mr. Nevill. On the r. of thefe is Monlen, the Scat of Sir Robert Clayton. At Ryegate, a Seat of the late Ro- bert Scawen, Elq late of Mr.Nafh,' now Mr. Birkhtad ; and a Houfe of Baron Maftreis. 'About 2 Miles beyond Ryegate, on i 1. Wonham Houfe, Mrs. Stables. At Buckland, on the left, T. Beau monc, Efq. \t Eafl Betchworth, on the right, Mr. Petty, late Mr. Kilby, before Mr. Spooner. On the left, beyond, Mrs. Bouvcrie At Weft Betchworth, Betchworth CafUe,SirHen.St. John Mildmiy, now inhabited by Mr. Peters. At Dorking, on 1. Dibden, late Duke of Norfolk, then the late Sir Wm. Buirell ; at the Entrance of the Town, on 1. Shrub Hill, Lord At 43, on the right, on the Hill, is Denbigh?,built byJonathanTyers, Efq. late the Seat of Loid King, now Mr. Dciinhbn ; on the Ic-lt, Bcrry-Hi'l, lord Grimilon, in- habited by Mr. Shum. About 4?, on the left, the Rookery, Richard Fuller, Efq. Banker. beyond this, a Mile on the left, is Loncfome, Mrs. Haynes. At 46!, on the left, Wooton-Place, Sir Frederic Evelyn, Bart. \ little beyond this, turn off on the left to Lord Macartney's, on Abinger Common ; Mr. Perrin, and Mr. Thompfon, at Leith Hill. At 47, late Marquis of Donegal's, now new-built by Capt. Pitts. At Gumfhall is Towerhill, on the left, Rev. Mr. Bray. At Shere, Mr. Wm. Bray. Keyond Shere, on 1. is Albury-Paik, late E. of Aylesford, now Mrs. Finch ; and VVefton Houfe, W. Man Codlclull, Efq. formerly the Buncombes. Beyond this, on a Hill, on the 1. is Martha's Chapel, at the Foot ol which, on the South, is an old Seat, formerly the Randylls, now Bail Spencer's. 315] CROSS ROADS. [316 MAIDSTONE to Twdridge and but this Way is five Milc$ round ; or they may go ftill higher, and j UH& *' lt& r Clt$i crofs the Water at Battlefbrige, To the Bovver j and fo to Raylcigh- Barming Grots 2 4 Barniing I 3 MANCHESTER to Blackpool Teflon 4 Wateringbury 5 To Clareraont, Lane. 3 \lereworth Crofs \ 64 Clifton 4 7 Roiling Hall 7\ Briton 5 12 Gaofe Green I 8! Chorley 12 24 rladlow 9l Bomberbridge 5 2 9 or *,-'/,, Frenchwood 4 72 Quorry Hill l -l\Prf/ton I *J J 34 Southborow I 10 44 Nonfuch Green ,! '^ Black-pool 10 54 Tunorid^e Wells 5 i Two Miles beyond Manchtfler, on ^ear Teflon, on r. is Baram's Place, the r. Pendleton-Hall, William the Seat of Sir Philip Roteler, Rait. A little beyond Wateringbury is, Efq. At 3, on the r. Edgecroft-Hall, Rev. Waleringbnry-Place, the Seat of Sir Thomas Stile. John Dauntfev. At 4, on the r. Clifton-Hall, Thomas To the left of Mereworth-Crofs is Gafliill, Eiq. Mereworth-Caftle, the Seat of At , on the r. Carflcy-HaH, Egerton Lord Lc PcfpeBcer. Crofs, Efq. Near Seuthbury,on the right, is Old Bound?, the Scat of Lord Darnley; At 9, on the r. Dar!ev-Hall Chrift. Whitehead. , Rev. and New Bounds, the Seat of John Aufon, .Efq. At 10, on the r. Bircli-Houfe, Dour- ing Rafbottom, Eiq. At 13, on the r. Hilliwell-Hall, Capt. Roger Dcwhurft. MALDON to RochfonL At 19, on the r. Rivington-Hall, To Purley Wafh North Fambridge 3l J Robert Andrew?, Jpq. At 21, on the 1. Duxbury-Hall, Sir Frank Standifh, Bart. Fambridge Ferry I 7 At 23, on the 1. Gillibrand-Hall, South Fambridge Rocbford i 3 8 ii Thoma* Gillihrand, Efq. At ;j, en the 1. Chorky-Hall, Abraham Cromptons, Efq. Thofe who diflike a Ferry may go ; At zf>, on the 1. New Crookc-Hall, bv Wood ham, and crofs the River Samuel Crooke, Efq. when the Tide is out at a Plxoe At 33, on the 1. Walton-Hall, Sir called Hull-Rridge, but where the Henry Houghton, Bart. Bridge has beendown many Years A little farther, on the I. Nicolas At low Water it is very fhallow ; Starkey, Efq. 3 iyj CROSS ROADS. [318 At 35, on the r. Green Bank, E. J. Newcaftle, iSV^ [2 36 Gerrard, Efq. Stone At }6, on the I. Tulketh-Hall, Roger SfTfFnrrl 43 llciktth, Efq. O ltll\Ji H 9 5 At 49, on the 1. Lytham-Hall, John Clifton, Efq. Penk ridge Wolverlxtnipton. 6 10 68 MANCHESTER to Halifax. Whence to lf r orcejler, at altruc, Two Miles beyond Wolvcrhamptoa, To Rochdale 1 12 on 1. Mi. Bradeney. Halifax |i6 28 Four Miles on left, Woodhoufes, Sir Sam. Hillier. VlANCHESTER to WORCESTER. At Himley, Himley-Hall, Vifconnt Dudlcy'and Ward. To Stocport, ^| Chefh. j p. 132. ___ 6 , A Mile beyond Hadmoor, on the 1. Hagley, late Lord Lyttclton. Macclesfitld \- and Leek, Staff. 1 223. 12 ' 3 I 3't MANCHESTER to Harrington. Sandon j 5 Pendieton Green 2 Stafford \\ Eccles 4 4l 3uufton <;8 2 Erlow 4 84 enkridge 2 | 6o| Erlow Green i 9 i Spread Eagle 2 2 01 Caddiflied i Volverbampton 71 7^^ Hollin Green a 11% Dver Fen 2 72! Fiftleton Green 4 14 rlimley 3l ?6 i Wdrrington 4i i8l Seven Stars king's Swinford Stourlridge, Wore. Old Swinford 2 I 3 i 77 f MANCHESTER to $. Rochdale, Lane \kifte K. ^admoor tfoly Crofs, Staff. Forefield Green 1 2 2 82! 84f Burnley Colne Skiptoriy Yorkftl. l $ 33^ 451 Broomfyrove 4? 91 Upton .1 9^5 MANSFIELD to Matloc Batb. Droitwich Fennel Green ?i 9 6| To Skegby, Nott. 3 WORCESTER ^i 4 TibHielt, Derb. 31 6 : -* 3 Morton 2 8-: Another Road to Jf r olyd. JAt ic, on the r. at Somptinj, Mr. Barker. I At il, on the 1. Mr. Margefon. j At 15, at ^ Miles on the r. Aiichel i Grove, Sir John Shelly, Bart. tAt 1 6, on r. Angmering Park, Sir John Shelly's. At 23, on the 1. Capt. Montague ; on tbe i. Deal Park, bir George Thomas ; and a little beyond . Slindon, Earl of Newburgh. At 26, on thcr. beyond, is Boxgrove Priory. At 28, on the r. is Goodwood, Duke of Richmond. At Chichefhr, fee the Cathedral anil the Crofs in the High Street. Between Chichefler and Nutbourne, on the r. fee Clriohefter Harbour At Bedfeamptoa, on the r. is Bel- m.'iit, Jervoife Clark Jervoifc.Eiq. and li farther, on the 1. ice -Langftun Harbour 2nd the Hulks. At 8, on the r. from Porifinouth, i' i S,;>iuhwic Houfe, Ruben Thiflle- tlnvaile, Efq. At 9, o;t the r. is Afliland, Mrs. Kddowcs. At 1 2, on the r. is Wickham Place <_ Grenier, Efq. At i /, on the 1. is IJotley, John Clever and John Hail, Elqr?. At li, from Botky, on the r. i; Botley Grange, jonn Hare, Efq. At 4, from Kotley, on the 1. is I', Kill, Nathaniel Middieton, fq. At 5, on the r. is Sv/adling, \Vn:'aerlayue, E.fq. late I-orc liawkc; and a little beyond, 01. thel. is South Stoneham, SirHan Sioane. At z Miles before Southampton, on the 1. is PoitlWood Houfe, Gen Stibbert ; and, oppoute, Mrs. Ma'.vhooJ. At : faither, on the 1. is Bel!e Vue, Sir Richard King. iFrom MATI.OC to : Ditto to Derby, p. 155. I ! '5 From MATLOC to llake-ivc!/, p. 156. Ditto to ; Ditto to 10 1 1 1 1 323] CROSS ROADS. [324 MERIDEN to Wanvic. NEWBURY to WINCHESTER. To Kennelworth Varwtc 1 8 5 I 13 To Newton, Hants Whitway Lichfield *i 4 i 4 8 Whitecburcb r 13 MlDKURST to WlXHESTER. Baliington 3 5 18 To Woolbeding Br. Trootoa Bridge 2 if 3l Sutton, where, crofs Stockbridge Road Tl T I r 9 Turvvic >1 5 WINCHESTER 7 26 Rotate I 6 At if, on 1. Mrs. Montague. Maiden Oak Durfqrd, Hants Sheet Bridge 'I 4 I 7l 8 9 At Newton, Admiral Darby. Before Whitway, on the r. Earl of Carnarvon. Pctersfield Langridge I* 4 iol ** At Bullington, Mr. Sidney. Bordean I Ua Bramdean d 1 T-4 20 NEWCASTLE to CARLISLE, Cheriton A 22| {f/.>c New Military Road.) Maudlin 5 r ^72 From the \Veft Gate WINCHESTER if 29 to Chapel Hill, At Petersfield, Mr. JollifTe. Nor/bum 4 Headon on the Wall 3 7 MONMOUTH to GLOCESTER. Harlow Hill Port Gate 3l 6 I IQf !? To Troy Houfe, Mown. __ , I Ckotterford Bridge Walwic 4 *! 21 22| High Meadow, Carrawburgh M M! Gtoeeft. 3 4 Winfhields 1.1 i 32 Mitchel Dean 1 1 f Glenvcbch 5l 37l Huntley 4 J 9 Ternon * i 4 4i Churcham 3 22 Bi'ampton 5 46! Highnani 2 2 4 High Crofby 5 5 1 ? GI.OCESTER Z 26 Drawdikes i i 5 2 i At Try Houfe, Duke of Beaufort. \t 4. on the r. High Meadow, Vif count Gage. Stanwix I he Scotch Gate of CARLISLE *! i 55 56 At 23, on the 1. Highnam Court Two Miles before Brampton, on r. Sir John Guife, Bart. is Naward Caftle, E. of Carlifle. 325] CROSS ROADS. [326 NEWCASTLE to CARLISLE, At 10, on the r. Moreton-Hall, Tho. (the Old Road.) mas Fowls, Efq. At 14, on the r. Eaton-Hall, Eaton To Dentcrburn 3 Lee, Efq. Walbottle 2 5 At ri;, on the r. Marton-Hall , late Hiddon on the Wall Hurlowhill Aydon 3 y Sir Tho. Fleetwood, Bart. At 17, on the r. Thorny croft-Hall, Edward Thornycroit, fq. At 50, on the r. Alderlcy-Hall, Sii Corbridge Dilfton j i 17 18* John Stanley, Bart. At 23, on the T. Fulfhaw-IIall, Hcxbam Hay don Lipwood } z 21 27 Samuel Fynney, F.fq. A little farther, on the 1. Hawthorn- Hall, Thomas Page, Eiq. Millhoufe 2*- , T Stovvhoufe 2 32^ NEWCASTLE to Norib-ivicb. Milcriche l \ 7, To Lmvton 6 Halfiwbi/lU 36 The Salt Works 2 8 Glenwhelt 4 40 Sandbacb 4 12 Ternon 4 44 MidJlevuicb 5 !7 Brampton 5 49 Dave nh am 4 21 CARLISLE 58* Nprwwicb 2 23 At Dilfton is a Ruin of the late At 6 is Lawton-Hall, John Lawton, Earl of Derwentwater's Seat, for- Efq. feited in the Rebellion, 1745. Two Miles farther on the 1. Lawton One Mile from Hexham, on the r. Salt Works. is Beaufront, the Seat of John Er- At 13, on the r. Elworth-HaU, Rev. riugton, Elq. John Hulfe. One Mile to the r. of Middlewich if Kinderton Lodge, late Lord NEWCASTLE to Mancbejler. Vernon. To Lawton, Cbejler Aftbury 5 6 ii At 20, on the r. Boftoc-Hall, Tomkinlbn, Efq. Edw. Congleton Gollin Green i 4 12 16 NEW HAVEN to New Sborebam. Monk's Heath Street Lane Ends 3 3 19 22 To Moarfted, Suffix Saltden I 3 4 ~ Wilmflow 2 24 Rottendean I 5 Cbeadle Mancbejler 5 7 2 9 3 6 B'rigbibelmftau Hove tr At 8, on the !. Rode-Hall, Rich. Buckingham Houfe 4 2 15" Wilbraham Bootle, Efq. . New Sborebam 4 ^9 327] CROSS ROADS. [328! NEW PASSAGE (over the Se-vern)\\ A \%> on the 1. Johnfon-Hall, Rev. to jl-}r rr ci r y}i'fly* rrancis Mccke. At jo, on the 1. Ecclefhall Palace, St. Peter's Park Wall I Bifliop of Lichfield Caerwent 2| 31 At I?, on the r. Swinnerton-Hall, LantriflTent 63 10 Bafil Titzhtrbert, Efq. Vike JLlaneilan Bridge Abfrg'ttvenay 2 1~ 2 61 Hi 21 NORWICH to Tarmoutb, (the 7/r-tu Road. ) To Blnwfleld fi NEWPORT to Leek by Stafford. Accle 5 I I To Ranton Abbev, 1 urmovtb 1 1 22 Waff- 8 | Another Road, p. 312. Stafford 6 '4 On ll:it Rom!, and nifnfimi Bury to Sandon Hall 4 18 Of.nondflone,- the Namt cf the P,irifi Leek 20 3 ii cut on die MiU-jhnes ; an ujrful Im- At 8, Sir Charle? Cope, Bart. 'i TjVcmtn At 18, Lord Hairowby. iNORU'TrH tn , NEWPORT to Cannae by Wai- To Aylefham, Norf. 10 vcrbawpior.. Holt 9 19 To Woodcote Hall, {?/dy 3 22 Staff. 5 If ells 6 28 Albrighton 8 ii 3urnham 4 3 2 Tetenhall 5 16 Houghton 8 40 IP civerbampton f\\,\ TTollIr.^ 2 18 Lynn IO 5 Ulu railings Hilton Hail 2 20 NORWICH to War /lead and Canncc 4 ~ 2 i North Waljbam, At :o, on 1. John Gough, Efq. ; To Sprowflon 2 Rackheath I i -,1 NEWPORT to Ncv:caftle. : Wroxham Hoveton 37 2 7* Q To Ecclf/bett 9 .Tunftead I 7 IO Swinnerton Hall 4 '3 iVVorllead 2 12 Clayton 5 18 '. North Walfliam 1 1C Nev;caftte 2 20 ^ j At Sprowfton, on the r. Sir Lambert At a Mile?, on the r. from Newport, BlackweJl's. Aqiidlate-Hall, Charles Baldwyn, jAt Rackheath, on the r. Straccv, Eiq. [ Efq. 3 2 9] CROSS ROADS. [33 At Wroxham, on the 1. a new-built Houfe of Mr. Collyer. Beyond Wroxham, on the r. Wace, Efq. At Worftead, the new Houfe of Mr. Boxgrave. At North Walfham, Cooper, Efq. Two Miles from North Walfham. is Witton Houfe and Park, the magnificent Scat of the Heirefsof the late J. Norris, Efq. Another Road to North Waljham. To Cotton Hill | \ r. to Beefton Coltifhall Scottow Common Weftwic North Walfham 2^ 14 j At Beefton, on the r. is the Seat of J. Micklethwayte, Efq. At Coltifhall, on the -right, Mr. Waits. At Wc-lhvic, on the r. Weftwic Houfe, the beautiful Seat of B. I'ct.e, Efq. Two Miles from Soulham, to the 1. Offchurch Bury, J. W. Knightley, Efq. NORTHALLERTQN to Mid- dle ham. To Ainderby Morton Crofs Leeming Road 3 Ailkew i Bedale i Muldleham \ o NORTHAMPTON to IVarwic. To Daventry Southam 1 1 22 3 2 At 2, on left, Upton-Hall, T. S Watfon, Efq. NOTTINGHAM to Mancbcjler. To Bobber's Mill Baysford i Cinder Hill i Nuttal i Watnal 15 Griefly Church if More Green Selfton Pve Badge, Deri, i Somercotes i AliVeton 2 Peacock Lin , 2 Matloc 6; Or, From Nottingham to Ripley, Derb Matloc Wenfley 37 Winfter 'i| Pike-Hall (a public Houfe) 3 Hurdlow Houfe of Ovr.r Street i Buxton Munche/ier, p. 146. At Nuttal, Sir Charles Sedley. At Watnal, Mr. Roufon. At Pye Bridge you crofs the Rive ; Erwafh, navigable to Langky Bridge, four Miies below. Two Miles from Matloc, down th River, on the oppoiite Side, i Matloc Bath. Near Pike-Hall, DruiJical Circle ' ef Stones, and a Barrow. 33 i] C R S S ROADS. [332 NOTTINGHAM to Doncaji V t ' NOTTINGHAM to Bakeivell. To Red Hill, Nett. 4A To Peacock Inn y p. 330! 1 18 The Hut c| 10 Matloc 6M 2^ Ollerron 84 l8 i D-rley 3l -8"' Palethorp >f 21 Rowftey 2 3 Bfytbe ? 3^-2 Bakeviett 3 33 Han-orth 'sl 35 A Milebefpte Bakewell is Haddon- Kv .... *n, Torlfi. 4 39 Hall, Duke of Rutland. Roffington Badge Doncajier i 4 40 44 At Baken-ell, Mr. Twigg, and a Mill* for Spinning Cotton. To the r. of the Hut, fee Sir Richard Sutton. Two Miles before Oilerton, en the NOTTINGHAM to GTYT.V right, Rulford, late Sir George ToRadclift, Xott.[ sl Saville. At Pal-thorp, on the left, Thoreiby Park, late Duke cf Kingfton's. Saxondale Blngbam i 8 From 23 to 25, on the left, Clumber What ton 2^ I IT Pirk, Duke of Ncwcaflle. Elton 2 , -I At Blythe, C. Mellifh, Efq. Bottesford, Lch\\ i\ i6 2 | Another Road, viz. Grantbam Line.! 7 23 From Nottingham to To the r. of Bottesford is Belvoir Fed Hill, Nett. __^ i Caflle, a Seat of the Duke of Mansfield 9l 1 4- Rutland. War lop 5 Norton 2i\ NOTTINGHAM to Lceds t W'-orkfop* 4f 25| (a ncvo Road.) Carlton Godthrop Tickhiil, Torl/b. Done after, p. 181. 3 J 2 9 32 42| To Mansfield Cbcjlcrfield Sheffield llotherham 12 12 6 14 26 38 44 At 9, on the left, Newflead Abbey, Barnflev ~ T C O At zi, oii the left, Welbec Abbey, Duke of Portland. Wak'fald Leeds 10 9 68 , 77 At 25, on the left, Workfop Manor, Duke of Norfolk. Another new Road. * Another Road- to ffor&fofi. To Mansfield ! 14 To Oilerton, above. Iforkfop 9 2 7i Purbly-Lane Rotherham (Ferry) 12 26 10 1 36 333] CROSS ROADS. [334 Barnflev 14 ; OXFORD to BRISTOL. Waitefield 10 60 f_ To Botley, Berks ji Leeds 9 69 1. to Tubney Warren }j 5 Fifield 64 OKEHAMPTON to Bi To Five Oaks defo ry f 9 'At 15, on r. CarAvell, the ancient ;> . Hnufe of the Southbys, Hcnr On the r. of Chadderton, Chadder- Southby, Efq. ton-HaM, Sir Watt., Norton, Bart. At! is the Seat of Sir Ma;k Stuart Pieydell, Bart, built in ONGAR to Hatfiehl Si To Fifield oail~ Oak. 2 16(4, by Inigo Jones, which, having fiuce undergone no Altera- tion or Addition, is remarkable Abbots Rod ing 3 6 for being the moft (if not the White Roding Hatficltl Broad-Oak 2 3 8 ii on If) complete Work now re- maining of that great Architect, j now Hon. Mr. Bouverie's. 335] CROSS ROADS. [336 OXFORD to CAMBRIDGE, Milton 3l 10 (the ne7 South Tudworth i 4-1 Tbrapjion Thorp Watervill 8 671 Shipton Ford 1 ~j Barnwell 2 I 70! SALISBURY ij Cf Oundle 2 ^ Warraington 3a 7Si 77>is it a lad Rood, and will not Elton * 77 i do for a Chaife ; you muft Chefterton 2 I go to Allwalton I 8o 2 Overton Watervill Dverton Longvill Wood Hone PETERBOROUGH jl w|niN ~ s rh v/i CO 00 CO CO rfeivoury y p. 336. ffighclear L T p. Hurfborne [nham Andover I II 26 3 I 40 To the 1. of 8 is Blechingdoq. A. Annefley, Efq. and a Mile far- Or, t.her, allb on 1. Kirtlington Park, Sir Henry Dalhwood. At Middleton Stoney, the Earl of Abingdon Ifley 1 1 6 17 Jerfey. ^ewbury 9j 26 3cyond Towcefler, on right, Eafton Andover 4*1 Nefton, Earl of Pomfret. At 45!, the Place where the ce- lebrated Mr. Hervey wrote his Meditations. SaliJIury Thence to Pooh 28 60 88 At Great Billing, Lord John Ca- vendifh. To the r. of Eclon, Mr. IHed. OXFORD to Stamford. At Thingdon, Sir VV. Dolben, Bart. Two Mites before Thrapfton, and about a Mile to the left of the To Oundle, p. 341. Fanior 1} 74 74 Road, is Drayton Houfe, Vifcount Fotheringhay i| 75s Sackville. Maffington 2 77z At Elton, on left, Elton-Hall, the Yadwell I 784 Earl of Carysfort. At Cherterton the Seat of Mr. Waller. Wans ford Stamford^ Line. I si / V 2 79l 85 343 ] CPvOSS ROADS. [344 At 7^, the Ruins of Fotheringha} PETERBOROUGH to Lticefter. Ca'ftle, where Mary Queen ol Scots was beheaded. To Thorpe , 2 A Mile before Stamford, on r. Bur- Caftor 2 I 4! leigk liouff, Earl of Exeter. Ailfcworth 2 OXFORD to WINCHESTER. Duddington 3 6 14 Aldermafton, p. 337. Baughurft Ramfdale Over Rocks Down, Wort- 33 35 Uppingbam, Rutl. E. Norton, Leic. Tugby Skeffington 8 8 i 2 22 3 3 1 33 1 iug, and Bafingfloke BillefJon l| 3-H Down to Houghton 2 i 37 Popham Lane 9i 44 Thurnby 2 39 WINCHESTER, p. 45. fi 5 6 I Leicefter 4 4 2 On the r. of Ramfdale is Ewhurft, Before Thorpe, on 1. late Sir Robert Sir Robert Mackretb, Knt. Bernard. At 3, on right, Milton, Earl Fitz- OXFORD to WOUCB To Enftone, p. 100. -STE R. IS* williim. At 35 is Sktffington-Hall, Sir W. C. Faritll-Skeffington, Bart. Thence to WORCESTER, p. 101. 4 1 ! 57 PENRITH to Cocker mouth. PADDINGTON to the Eaele at To Hutton 5 ? S.iarejbrook on Eppin To Iflington ^ Hefketh Thorney Stone Uldale | :8 4 Dalfton " z \ 4^ Oufe Bridge .i 24. Clapton I t| o Cockermouth cl 2Q .i Lea Bridge I ^^ J~r Loy Layton Note's Greeo \ -I /4 H At Hutton, Hutton-Hall, " Fletcher, Efq. Snarefbrook 3 9 Another Road, viz. To Stainton _ 2- PAPS TOW to St. Michael Penruddoc 3f 6 2 To Treviblin, Corn. *! Threlkeld 71 13^ St. Columb 4? gi| Krjkvic 4 17^ .?/. Michael /" >j Braithwaite 21 20 4 345] CROSS ROADS. [346 Lawton 4 'Nutbourn, Fiflibourn, 3i 16 To the right of Penruddoc, i Miles CHICHESTER 18 of the I\oad, is Gravftoc CafUe and Park, the Duke of Norfolk's. PORTSMOUTH to OXFORP. PLYMOUTH to Eodmin. To Southwic, Hants Wickham 4 U 12 To Salta/h, Corn. 41 lt r altbam 5 J 7 Notter Bridge 3 7f otcphen'sCaftleDown 4| 2I i Laad'ecli i S| Salt Lane 2 3 Tidirord il 10 Tichboura 2 i Catch French 2 i \i\ Airesford 2 ^ Coldrinnic 2 14! Dummer 9 3" A Catuther z i J 7- Worting 4 ^ o^ Lefkard i| '8i Aldermafton, Berks 9 49? Refsrun 12 Pangbourn 6 55* Borlmin 2 34 Wallimford I0 2 PLYMOUTH to Dartmouth. OXFORD, p. 350. 124 78| To Modbury, p. 38. 142 PORTSMOUTH to SALISBURY. Gary Bridge 5 J 9i 'i o Southwic . 7 J Holwell 35 2 3 H^ickh&ni / * Dartmouth 7 3 Botley ^ n 4 POOL to Lyming To Ifford, Hants ton. N Men's Bridge 1 Stoneham j Rumfey J 6| 28! Chrift Church J 4 io| Heath Poft 2^ ^oi Somerford Bridge 4* 14! Cow field 6 4 ,51 Milton \ 15! White PariOl i 37i Evilton 4* 20 Whaddon si J i 2 41 Lymington 2 22 Alderbury 4 On the right, beyond Chrift Church, SALISBURY 7! 4.C4 on a Cliff, Earl of Bute. On the left, beyond Milton, Major Rooke. On the r. beyond Alderbury, fet Clarendon Park, Gen. J-iathurft. PORTSMOUTH to CHICHESTER. P RES COT to AJbton-undcr-line. To Cofliam, Hants 44 To Sankey Chapel, | r. tit Havant 42 9 Lane, 17 347] C R S S ROADS. [348 iy~arrington 3 10 At 50, on the 1. Carr-Hall, John Hollins Green 6 16 Cleyton, Efq. Eccles 8 24. Mancbejter 4 *T 28 PRESTEIGN to Caermarthen. AJlxon-under-line 8 3 6 Beggars Bufli, Radn. 2 At 5, on the 1. Bold-Hall, Mifs Knierton i si Bold. New Radnor 2 5] At 9, on the 1. the Bank, Thomas Matts j 12\ Patten, Efq. At 10, on the 1. Fairfield-Hall Blackburne. , Mifs Builth, Brec. Cavenabeth \\ 16 i7l At 16, on the r. Mill Bank, Walter Laver 2j 20 Keerfoot, Efq. Pont Ridgley I 21 At 2 5, on the 1. Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Efq. A little farther, on the 1. Charles Ford, Efq. Ludlow Vaugh Llanymadovry, Cacrm. Caermartbcti) p. 83. 6| 35 61 At a6, on the 1. Pendleton-Hall, William Douglafs, Efq. PRESTON to Bridlington. At 29, on the 1. An coats-Hall, Sir John Parker Mofely, Bart. To Crafhawbooth Rufhworth, Torkjb. 22 24 46 PRESCOT to Coin. iBrighoufe Gilderfome 8 8 54 62 To Blackbrook, Lane . 6 Leeds 5 67 Wioan 8 *4 Selby 24 91 Cborley 9 23 Skipton ! 9 no Blackburn 12 35 Cranwic 12 122 Fadiham D 7 7 42 Bridlington 1 5 U7 Durnley Coin 5 6 47 53 PRESTON to Skipton. Two Miles from Prefect, on thel. Blackburn, Lane, n| tcclefton-Hall, Tho. Ecclefton, Burnley lr l 23 Efq. Coin 6| 2 Qr \t 7, on the 1. Garfwood-Hall, Sir Robert Gerrard, Bart. Skipton, Yorkfh. 1 1 1 4M At 39, on the 1. Read-Hall, Jamec Hilton, Efq. READING to Ayleflury. At 41, on the 1. Ountread-Hall, Starkey, Efq. At 4s, on the r. Palace Houfe, Ro- bert Ho'.den, Efq. To Pur ley, Berks Pane; bourn Bafelden ;. 6 7 \ little farther, on the 1. Rovle .itreatley 1^ 9 Hall, Edward Townley ,.Efc Moulsford 2^ iii 349] CROSS ROADS. [ 3S o 3i Shillingford Bridge 2 17 Shillingford, Oxf. \ Warborough Newington Stadhampton IT 22 Little Milton CrofstheOxfordRoad at the 3 Pigeons Three Elms Thome Hadenham, Buck, Dinton Stone Hamvell Aylejlury 2 40 At 3f , on r. Purley Church. Beyond Purley Church, on r. under the Hill, in Oxfordfhire, is Ma- pledurham, Mr. Blount; a little beyond this, alfo in Oxfordfliire, is Hardwic, Mr. Powys. At Purley is Purley-Hall, the Rev. Dr. Wilder' s. Near Bafelden, on the 1. is Bafelden Park, Sir Francis Sykes, Bart. At Dinton, Sir John Vanhattam, At i-| Mile from Stone are the Earlj ofCheftcrfield'sGroundsandPark. At Hartwcll, Sir Wm. Lee, Bart. Two or three Miles from Thame if Netley Abbey. To the right of Clifton, about Mile, is Newnham Courtney, Earl Harcourt. READING to Buxton. To Wallingford, p. 349 OXFORD, p. 337. , 3 \Birmingham, p. no. 2t> *' r.Ti-uTTTtT r,* $ f *j jiiLlCHFIELD 2 9j ; Bromley | Toxall Bridge over the Trent 35* Stt&oy, 3^;;Cobely 3 8 Clifton Derb. Afljbout n \Buxton, p. 145. 61* 16 S 89 105 no in 121 150 * Another Road from Lichjuld to Buxton, p. 304. Three Miles and a half beyond Lich- field, you crofs the navigable Canal on Bromley Common. At Cobely, to the right, is a pretty romantic Church. About 3 Miles beyond Afhhourn if Ham, the Seat of Mr. Porte. READING to Abingdon. To Shillingford, above. I. to Dorchefter /. to Burcot Clifton Cullum Bridge Alingdon, Berks READING to Hatfield. To Henleyi Oxf. Great Marlow, Bucks High Wycomb A me r (ham Cheynefs 19 Chorlcy Wood R ickmanfworth, HerU 2il\H'atford 24* '!. Allan i 25! ''HatfeU 8 15 20 3 2 33 35 3 l 46 35t] CROSS ROADS, [352 On the right, before Wycomb, is a AJkri* 43 18 Seat of the Marq of Lanfdown. At Rickmanfworth, on r. Moor Park, late Sir Thomas Duudas ; Bainbridge Ingleton \\ iBi j! 38 on the left, Bury Park, Win. Kendal) p. 150;. J 9 57 Field, Efq. On left, before Watford, is Cafhio- Another Road, viz. bury Park, EarlofEflex. At St. Alban's, Holloway Houfe, Earl Spencer. At Hatfield, HatfielJ Houfe, Mar- iTo AJkrig, above Hardrovv iThwaite Bridge ~~" 18 quis of Salisbury. ; Little Town 5 32 iSedberjr g >inin j th< hi;h Road, is i.ittle Doward. fa- mou; for a fine Roman Encamp- mtnt, clek'iihed by Camdtti ; a> likewile for fome romantic Views 3551 CROSS ROADS. : 35 6 on the Wye, to be fern fiom iti- T lanihan^le 3 83 fumrnit. Ga r ick 8- 1 Ac viiles, to the Iff. over Vv ye. Hadnec, Rev. Mr. Gri ;i i. \AfaclynIef> t Mont. 4i 89* At Dickfcn, on the .light, Dr. Dunlas if 90: Po > .voring 3: 93l JMatliavcrn From RiKvflfy Bridge, to Jfardl A --^t v// T* 1 1 n f"*n To Hatfeld 5l t.J.1.*', _VC**j JL iiiliilit \J |i \ i>/ Cole Green Harringfordbury 3l J ^ il| N'car Tretho! is a Svat and Park, formerly belonging to Sir Rich. | Price. Hertford il 13 At Cole Green, Earl Cow 3" 'per. 16 SALISBURY to Campda To Old Sarum, 7/7.V..'- 1. S T . DA v i D'S to Hofywett. bi Jh ' \ * 16 21 Cardigan, p. 9 2 . 33= S-.iverr^ac Foreft 3 2 ^. Blanyporr, Card ,r a 39 Marlborou^b 2 27 The Four Boroughs 46^ Ogbourn Mafley 2 | : 9l Llanarth 5 S r l Ogbcurn St. George 2} ^2 Aberavan Bridge 4 ^i Marlham 8 40 Abe rath nil 57 Higbwtrtb ^f 43* Molinamo-re 3 60 Inglefliain 46 Llanrufled 3 6 2'.'Ujdc, Gloc. ^ 49 Lambede.'i -' gi. Little Farringdon, *J j Ruddy Pene f 7Sz|! J ! 5=| Tallvporit 784 jFllkins, ?;!&. z t^ 2 ^ Tret'hol Burf - ^8 357] CROSS ROADS. [358 The Beacon, Gloc 6* 64^1 Fairfield 6 23 Stow 3 6 7 | Buxton i 24 Longborough Mill 3 70^? Or, Campiiai 61 ?6| From Sheffield to At Boughton (fcparated from Fi!-| kins only hy a fmall Stream of Caftleton Buxton 10 15 2 5 Water) is the Sent ot Sir William Or, Chaloner Buroaby, Bart. From Sheffield to Stony Mlddletoii __, 12 SALISBURY to Devizes and I'ideiwell 5 '7 GLOCES TER . Buxton 7 2 4 At the Gallows, r. to Wood ford Hut 6 SHEFFIELD to Manchejier. Long Barrow Crofs 'i ?i To Little Sheffield i At ia| r. to the Red At 5, r. to Horn Turnpike Q i6i Hatherfage, Derb 8 9 Lide 4 9 Hope 4l 3i Nurileed 2 21 Caltleton l 15 Devizes I 22 Sparrow Pitt 4 J 9 Rowde 2 2 4 Chapel to Frith 2 21 Sandy Lane 4 28 Whalcy Bridge, Cij$. 3} 241 Red Hill l i 29i Mfincbrjfa'^y. 1^6. i6J 40^ Derry Hill Chippcnham 4 3i ,,1 3 2 2 Near Caftleton, is Mam Tor, and the Devil's Arfe ia the Peake. GLOCHSTER, p. 77. 34 66 1 Beyond Rowde, on the r. Earlftokt late Mr. Delmc, iiuw Mr. Jofhua Smith. SHEFFIELD to We Mafborough rkfep. 6 At Sandy Lane, on the 1. Spy Park Eckington 2 8 Sir Edward Bayntun, Bart, and Kenifliaw I Q beyond it, on the right, Beau wood, Marquis of Lanitlown. Balbrough Whitwell 3 3 7 I 2 15 Wotlfop \ 18 SHEFFIELD to Buxton. Near Maffcorough, on the left, is! To Little Sheffield i Maiborough-Hall, Mr. Staniforth. At 5, /. to On the right, of Renifliaw is Reni- Grindleford Br. Deri. 9 10 fliaw-Hall, the Scat of Francis Great Hucklow Tidefwell 4^ J 2 4 '4', I? Sitwdl,Efq. A Balbroiigh, on the left, is Ba Vcugh-Hzll C. Rhoades, Efq. T . A a 350] CROSS ROADS. [360 Between Vv'hitweil an. Work op, on OHRI^WSFURY tO ^Qyc'*",'/-''^^'- -'*-> the r. is a Seat of the Duke of Norfolk. by the Devil's Bridge. To \Wlch Fool ^~ 18 SHEPTON-MALLET to Briftol. N'ewtowa Llaoydlor 14 '3 45 To Liule Lohdon, Sputtv 20 Som. 3 ?evil's Bridge I 66 Old Down 2 5 dbttyftbuntb \ i z 78 CUittjja C 10 Pensford J 4 14 ~ \Vhrchurch T 3 SKIPTON to Ricbmond Briftol 3 2O To Rilllon 5 Ibis Road is continued in Sber borne Graffington Couiiton 2 1 9f I 2 from Sbcpt>m Mallet, nubicl.- Roath meet bere from Bath and Kettlewell VVoodale 3 c 20 BrihoL Bradley J i 21 Hcrfehoufe Chapel i 22 SHREWSBURY to Buxton. Gammerfgill i 23 To Shawfbury, Sbrop. Hodiut Tern Hill D'cytan Balding Gate, Staff. n r hittriorc 6 3 :f 7 '3 16 *7i Carleton Coverham MiJMebain Levburn Bellerby Ricbmond i 3 2 ,1 27 Adon i 3 Middleliam and Leyburn are in ,Yve Head i ) 4 54s - ompton St. Croix 2 I JO ii Buxton 8 60 Wincbejlcr I 12 SHREW -BURY to D- ay ton. At i, on the r. is Padwell, Edw. Hurne, Efq. TO Tei ; am Dravton 3 18 2 I At 3.$, on the r. fee the Surr.nie*- Hou'e and Park of John Fleming, 361] CROSS ROADS. [362 Efq. the Mauiion - Houfe not R. of UfEngton, Cafewic Lodge, feen. Sir John Trollope, Bart. At 9!, on the r. in the Hollow, a \t UmogtOI), a charming Manfion while Houfc, Mr. Shakefpeare. belonging to the Bertie family, On the t. of St. Croix is St. Catha- now inhabited by Sir Samuel rine's Hill, on which is a Cluftei Fludycr, Bart. of Trees, and an Intrenchment. At Ketton, Lady Jane Edwards. from which* )livcr Cromwell bom i. of South Luffenham, John Heath- barded the City of Winchester, cote, Efq. and afterwards took it. At Morcot, Thomas Tryon, Efq. Entering Winchefter, on the 1. lee At Glafbn, the Seat of Lord Sher- the Palace built by King Charles rard. 11. but never finiflied. It is ufed in War-Time a-> a place of Con- finement for Prifoners, and con- tained laft War near 6000. STAFFORD to Sbrewflury. To Dunfton 3i SPAI.DING to Lynn Regis, Penkridge Ivcrfey Bank 2 6 6"; 12 To Weftqn 4 Oaken Yates 8 2O Whaplodc 2| 6| '.Vatling Street 3 23 iolbeach If Sbrcvojlury 1 1 34 "leet Lynn Regis, p. 245. if 10 Another Road, viz. From Stafford to S PAL DING to Lciceflcr. Gr. Bridgeford, Staff. L to Lawn Head si 7 Through Littleworth to St. James's Deep- [Cnightley Sutton J Or 4 8| ing 1 JO [ 7 orton \ ^^ Market Dcrpbig 2 12 Newport fallington 4 1 6 Watling-Street, Sbrop. 8* 2 3 Jffington 2 18 i lay Gate i TainTord 2 20 Ate ham 61 jrJ- ['in well, Rutland. 2 22 Sbrewflury 3 2 34 Cetton 2 -4 South Luffenham tforcot 3 i 2 7 20 STAMFORD to Northampton. jlatton 2 30 To Worthop I Jppinghkm 2 Eafton on the Hill i 2 Leucjlcr, p. 344. 2O <2 Colley Wefton 2 4 R. of Tailington is Gretford, 'v-crt refides the eeltbratcd Dr. Willis. Ducldidgton Finefhude 2 Z 6 8 3 6 3] CROSS ROADS. [364 Bulwic 2 10 Wehiott 4 14 Stanion 3 17 Geddington i ii> Weekley 2 20 Kcttcring 2 22 WelUngboroTtgk, p. 163. 7 29 Nortbamptou, p. 260. 1 1 40 Worthorp is a Dowager Seat of the Earl of Exeter, in Ruins. Eafton, famous for Slates for Build- ings. At Finefhadc, the Seat of the Hon. John Monckton. Ou the right of Finefliade is Laxton, a Seat of Lord Carbery'* ; on the 1. Blatherwic, Mr. Obrien's. Bulwic is the Sea: of John Clarke, Efq. On the right, between Bulwic and Weldon, is Deane, the Seat of: the Earl of Cardigan. At Ct\ldington is the Seat of Mr. Lockwood ; and near it is Bough- ton, the ancieut Seat of the Duke of Montagu's tar.iily, a vrry fiae Park, and Ridings quite through! to Danc. At Geddington is likewifr, a very' fine Oofs in high Prefcrvaiio/v cre&ed in Memory of Queen 3 nor, and under it a rcmarki bit- large fine Spring. At 6, on the light, Lyme-Hall, Peter Leigh, Efq. STOCK PORT to Cllwero. To Matichefler, Lane. Heaton Houle Middletou VThitivor Burnley Ctiibero 7 ir *3 19 25 35 46 At 8, on the right, the Stocks, John : Ridings, Efq. JAt 10, on the left, Broughton-Hall Samuel Clowes, Eiq. Heaton- Houfe, I,ord Grey >tcd Inn v ' ; 'nailcy Bridge Buxton 3 6 7 10 1 6 t 4, on the right, Poyntoii Kali, .Sii G -, i| 28 To Packington Hall LichfeU 3 4 7 STOUR BRIDGE to Tutburv. Rugeley 7 To Dudley* Staff. -/ 5 Weeping Crofs StnfTnrA 7 2 ; i Wednclbury 4 9 iCrefwell Hall 2, Walfal L' '/ r 1 1 3 12 Rcckjball 5 30 ichjulu Wichnor Lodge 9 6 21 27 Charnes 4 \Cbtjltr J37 34 7 1 367] C R S S ROADS, f 3 68 At 4, on the> r. John Levett, Kfq. T AIT N TON to Minebead. At 17, on rhe 1. Oakedge-Hall Mrs. Anfon. , Hon. To Langford Bridge, At 20, on the r. over the River, Somcrfet. 2 Tixall-Hall, Hon. Tho. Clifford. Combflorv 5 7 A little beyond 30, on the right, Ecclefhall Palace, Bifhop of Lichfield and Coventry. A little beyond 34, on the right, Hartrow |Vettlecombe Dunfter j 4 5 5 / ii 16 21 Broughton-Hall, Rev. Sir Tho- MincbeaJ 2 21 nias Brouhton, Bart. One Mile beyond Taunton is Sta- ulenrcve the ^cat of T-inies Coles TAMWORTH to LICHFIELD. Ef<|. On the 1. of Nettlecombe, Sir John To Hoppas Bridge 2 Trevalyon, Bart. Packington Over Whittington 11 31 At i-|, on the 1. from Dnnfter, is Kelliccinbc, Rev. Robert Leigh. Heath to LICHFIELD 3l 7 TAUNTON to Oakhamptoa. At Packington, E. of Aylesford. |To Wellington, p. 57. ~~~~~ 7 A Mile from Whittington Heath to \7iver ton ^ p. 57. I J. 21 the r. is Fifherwic Park, a noble Seat of the Marquis of Donegal!, and a Mile beyond is Elford. the IBickley Bridge Stokelay Pcmercy ~~ ~ Seat of Lad) Andover. Credlton 31 33 Coletord 4 ^7 TAMWORTH to Afiby de la How Ntu-nalMill T J / 3"! 4 C I 4 44?: To Four County Gate __ 4 Oakbampton 6 Si Meafam 6 10 AJbby de la Zoucb 3 13 TAUXTON to Skcrfome. "*l To Hatch Court, TAUNTON to Dufoerton. Semcrfct. 6 To Langford Bridge, 2 Ilminfcr Hinton St. George 6 4 12 Heathfield Wi-jd/iombe Chipftable Skilgate 4 6 4 4 6 12 l6 20 Crtfoikh Eaft Chi-nnoc Y'eo-vll Sberbome. 4 4 I 20 r 24 2 9 35 Dul-jerton 4 *4 At Hinton St. George, Earl Poulett. At 10, on the right, is Barren Down, On ther. beyond Tcovil i. .Vt \vton, the Seat of Stukeley Lueas, Llq the Scat of \Vvn.Uian lhirbin,Rfq. 569] CROSS ROADS. [370 At 32. on tin- left, Compton Houfe Robert Goodtlen, Efq. TAVISTOC to Bodmin. To Kellington, Corn. St. Neot's Bodmbi II TENBURY to Eve/bam. To Monk's Bridge, Worccji. Lynd ridge Stocton Ridmarley Newton Thorngrove Worccjier S to ughton Pt'rJJiore Evcjkam 2 6 9 X 3 18 20 2 3 25 3* 39 At 6, on the 1. Hon. and Rev. An- drew St. John. At 9, on the r. Edward Whitcombe, Efq. At 10, on the 1. the Elms, Mrs. Btrry. At n, on the -1. Abberley Lodge, Robert Bromley, Efq. At 14, on the r. Wlatley Court, Lord Foley. At 1 8, on r. Rev. Tho. Harry Foley. Oppofite the above, Holt Caftle, Lord Foley. At 20, on the left, Grim!cy-Hall, Charles Hinde, Efq. TETBURY to Ghcejrer. To Upton Grove, Glocefi. Minchinhnmpton 4 RodLorough Fort . 5 2 6 ii 12 16 '9 21 22 Strntd Painfwic Upton Hermitage Glocefter One Mile from Tetbury, on the 1. Chavenage Houfe, Henry Ste- phen.';, Efq. At 2, on the r. Thomas Saunders, Efq. At 9, on the left, Hill Houfe, Sir George Onef. Paul, Bart. At n, on the left, Rev. James D alia way. At 13, on the 1. Stratford Houfe, Nathaniel Winfcombe, Efq. At 1 6, on the left, Painfwic Houfc, Ucujamin Hyett, Efq. A s t 19, on the right, Creed Place, Capt. Kemble. At 20, on the 1. Matron Houfe, late George Aug. Sehvyn, Efq. TEWKESBURY to Birmingham. To Twining, Wore eft. Ham Court Severn Stoke Kempfey Hlorcejfer Claines Bromfgrove Northfield Birmingham 17 21 28 35 43 On the r. of Severn Stoke, Croome Park, Earl of Coventry. At 9, on the 1. Capt. Rodney. At a Mile from 15, on the left, Barbourn Houfe, George Cookes, Efq. At 16, on the r. Blanketts, J. Newn- ham, Efq. Bb 7i] CROSS ROADS. [372 At 17, on the r. Perdifwell Houfe, Henry Wakeman, Efq. and on the 1. of 17, Richard Yomans, Geut. \t 23, on the r. Hanbury-Hall, Henry Cecil, Elq. At 39, on the r. Mofeley-Hall, Greaves, Efq. THIRSK to Scarborough. To Button 4 Scawton 5 9 Helmfky 5 Bewdlam 2^ rCirby Moorfide i Sinnington 3| 21 Middletoa 3 24 Pickering I Thornton 2 27 Witton i^ Allerilon i Ebberfton i Snainton i| 32 Scarborough^ p. 185. 9^ 41- TUNBRIDGE WELLS to Hurj Green y in the main Road from London to Haftingi. (Anew Road.) To Frant /. to Wanhurft 4 Ticehul'ft 3* Hurft Green At ir, on r. Pafhlcy, Rich. Hollid Efq. Between 1 1 and 12, on the r, Boorfi Roberts, Efq. 'Ii 9 8 3l i5 24 TUNBRIDGE WELLS to Bright- bctmjlon. roombridge Maresfield Lewes Brightheltnfton Or, from Tunbridge Wells to Boarfhead Street Steel Crofs Wellers Crofs Crowboro* Beacon Uckfield Lewes 8 Brigbtbcbnjlo* 8 & 6 7 7- 4 22 3 At i, on the 1. from Tunbridge Wells, is Eridge Place, the Ear of Abergavenny. At 3 Miles, fee before you the Spir of Crowboro' Chapel, which you pafs at &| on the left. At 7 Miles is Crowboro' Common for two Miles, commanding amof | extenfive Ptofpedl. At 13, on the 1. is Busted Place, a | fine Seat of George Medley, Efq. At 2, before Lewes, fee on the r Conningfbury, William Kemp Efq. At i^, on the r. from Lewes, is Ail Coomb, Mr. Boyce; and af far ther on r. is Stanmcr, Lord Pel ham's. TUNBRIDGE to Eaft Bourn. To Frant Mark Crofs 3 Mayfidd 3 Butcher's Crofs 2 /. to Crofs-in-Hand 3 373] C R O S S ROADS. [374 r. M Horeham , 1 6 To the left of 6, Stoacland Park, -lerfebridge j 32 jql Vifcount Sackville. iailfham I\ 21 r. to Eaft Bofrn Sea U I TOXETER to Dray ton. Houfes 7 28 ! To Upper Tean, Staff. 7 iall Bourn Town 2 3 Draycot 2 9 There is now a new Turnpike Road Aleer 2 ii making from Hailfham to Eaft. Stoke C 16 Bourn, through Willingdon, by NeiucaRU j 2 18 which it is Madcly Park $ 2 3 Vom Hailfham to Willingdon 5 Loggerheads Drayton S 4 28 32 iaft Bourn 2 7 At Frant, on the r. Eridge Park' At it, on the r. Caverfwall CafHc, Vifcount Vane. Earl of Abergavenny. At Mayficld are the Ruir is of a Pa- lacc,the former Refidence of Dun- ; UTTOXETER to Afldourn and ftan, Archbifhop of Canterbury. ; Leek At it, on the 1. the Gatehoufe, Mrs.; Dalrymple. To Roceftcr 4 Beyond Crois-in-IIand, Hwthfidd Colvvich-Hall 4 ~ 8 Park, the Seat of Fr ncis New- /,n.r.... bcry, Efo. with the Tower built ft * ., in honor of the late Lord Heath- Okeover-Hall 3 3 1 1 H field. Ham-Hall 4 18 Hoieham, the Seat of Sir John Leek 7 2C Dixou Dyke, Bart. Near Horfebiidge, Caverly, Efq. At Okeover-Hall, a celebrated Painting. -j Ar Him, feme resiarkable natura TUNBRIDGE WELLS to Eaft Curiofities. Grlnf.etut. II Groombridge Hambrid^e 2 Jjj UTTOXETER to Ma To Checkley, Staf. ncbf^ fffr. 5 FLutKcld 2 I 8 2 Cheadk r 10 Forelt Row 2 4 12 : Booth-Hall 2 12 Eail Grinitead 3 ir Rownall Hall 4 16 Or, 1 Ltt\ S 21 To Afhurrt 5^ blanchtfter 3 2 S3 Ea/l Grinjiead |7 I 3l'Thr'-p Miles neyond Checklev is To the right of Afhurft is Chafford Hartley -Hall, Philip Bulkeley, li E "i' Bb 375] C & O S S ROADS. [375 Two Miles beyond Cheadle, on the On ther. of 8, Marbury-Hall, Hon- r. Booth-Hall, John Granville, Rich. Barry. Efq. Atg, on the r. Wincham-Hall, Hon. At 16, on the 1. Rownall-Hall, Booth Grey. Edward Phillips, Efq. W - ..* WAKEFIELD to Halifax, con- tinued to Burnley. High Legh Hough Green j mfMrn 2 6 8 To Dewfbury 5 Knutiforti 3 1 1 Heckmondvvyke 2 7 Chelford 5 16 Mill Bridge IT #1 Monk's Heath 2 18 Belly Bridge 3i 12 MacclafieM 5 23 Lightcliffe | 12? WalkeV's Barn 26 Hipperholm r r 3l Btixton 8 34 Halifax Hebden Bridge 8* 24 At 18, on the 1. Sir John Stanley Bart. Tofcnorden, Lane. 5 29 Nearly oppofite, on the r. Capef- Burnley 32 3 2 z thorn-Hall, Davis Davenport, Efq. WALT HAM to Odibam At 19, on the r. Hen bury -Ha 11, Bowyer Jodrtll, Efq. To Stephen's Cafde Down 4l WARRINGTON to Ha/vdtflxad. Salt Lane . j[ 6 Tichbourn 2 2 8| To Winwic _ 3 New Alresrbrd Neivton 2 5 Old Alresford Bradley Lane jHcrriand Common 1 *1 21 Wlgan Bomberbridge Pre/lnn 7 '3 4 12 2 9 Odibam , 26 Garftang ii 40 Lancafter ii 5i Caflle Head IO 61 WARRINGTON to Eurjlem. Conifliead Priory 10 7' To Strctton 4 Ul-verftone 2 73 'Great Budworth 4 8 Nibthwaite 8 Si Loftoc Green 4 12 Ha-ivkjbcatl 9 90 Carnage Law ton Burflem 5 ii 5 17 28 33 One Mile from Warrington, on tl;c r. Oxford- Hall, late Johu Black- burne, Efq. I77J CROSS ROADS. [378 At 3, on the 1. Winwick-Hall, Rev. Geoffry Hornby. At 5, on the 1. Golbourn Park, C.ipt. Thomas Lc^h. At 6, on the r. Haddock-Hall, Peter Legh, Klii. At 10, on the r. Haw Icy- Hall, Bryan Will. Molyncux, Eiq. At rr, on the 1. Win(tan!ey-Hali, William Banks, Eiq. At i?, on the r. Haigh-Hall, Earl of Balcarras. At i-, on ilie 1. Standifl-HalI, Ed- ward Standifli, Efq. At 22, on the 1. Euxton-Hall, Wil- liam Anderron, Efq. At 24, on the 1. Farrington-Hall, Sir Will. Farrington, Bart. At 25, on the r. Cuerdeii-HaJl, Ban- nifter Parker, Eiq. At z%, on the 1. Walton-Hal!, Sir Henry Philip Hoghton, Bart. At 24, on the r. Barton Loalge, Ro- bert Shtlttleworth, Eiq. At 66, on the r. Holken-Hall, Lord George Cavendifh. At 7T, the 1'riory, Wilfon Braddvll, Efq. WARRINGTON to To Stretton Afton Bridge Colebrook \Tarporly Bulkley Malpas At 6, on the I. \\hiUcy-HaIl, Sir John Chetxvode, limt. At 10, on the r. Grange-Hall, Tho- mas Tarleton, Eiq. At i-,, or. the 1. Cholmondele}-- Hall, Earl CholmouJclev. - 7 WARRINGTON to Woodbtad Cbapel. To Statliam Dunham Park Altr'iHgban Sharfon 8t*cjprt Hyde Chapel Motteram-in-Long dendale VVoodhead Chapel At 7, on the r. Dunham-Hall, Earl of Stamford. At n, on the I. Withinfhaw-Hall, Will. EgeiD/i, Efq. 3 7 9 12 16 20 3 WAUWIC to Stwe Bridge. To Guy's Cliff Leek \\ r otton Kenilworfh RcilHi; L.-iiitTurnpikc George in the Tree Sfo.'ic Bridge N. B. This Road joint, tbe great (.heller Road, g Miles OK s Side Birmingham, Guy's ClilF, a Seat of Mr. Great- heed. At Kcnihvorth, the noble Remains of its Caftlc, lx;longu)g to the Earl of Clarendon. IVo Miles from thr George,, on the left, is Tcmpal KaHam. famous f(>ri:.s e'c-ant Church and Hof- pit^! ;:ru;, a M''!. ro tl:cri^ HeikA^clf-Hi*Jl, the Scat 01 Mr. WJ,A; reutv to Ripley. To Sjiofloith Knarefboroueh -~ 9 ] CROSS ROADS. [380 A: <-, on the right, I'luir.pton-Hail, Crewe Green 5 , 4 Daniel Lafceiles, Efq. Sam&acb 18 At Knaiefborough, the Dropping 5 Chilford 5 28 WELSH POOL to JVkutotvw. Pirfonage Green 4 i 32 33 A good Turnpike School HUl 4 37 Road,leavingMont- Cbeadk i 38 gomery on the left rjj Stocpert 3 41 WHJTBY to DURHAM To Lyth, Torkfb. 3l At St on the left, Yv'rcnuury-rMU, Tho. Stai key, Eiij. At 14, Crewf-Hall, John Crewe,Ffq. At 21, on the 1. Krercton-H.aU, Scalmgdam ^4 IO Lcgge, Efq. An Alum Mine 8 18 At iz, on the 1. Davenpcrt-Hall, Gmifbbrtw -j Ormfby 2 . J 4s 20 2 4l Eufebius Horton, Efq. At 23, on the r. Swettcnh?m-T T all, Thomas Willis, Efq. Marton 2 \ 2 7 At 26, on the r. Wichington-Hall, Ft oc ton, Durh. 5s 3 2 I John Ghegg, Efq. Norton 2 r At 32, on the I. Hawthorn-Hall, Grin don T /"*!_ 1 4 .> 3 'i 8 T Thomaj Page, Efq. Layton Chapel Lay ton 'f: 39! WINCHESTER, to SALISBURY. Seiic^efield 4 43 1 To Pitt i Shinkley DURHAM i 55 Hurfley Armficld J, 5| WHITCBURCH to Leek. Rumfej Heath Poft 3, ij| To ff'offre, Staff. *4 Cowsfield Gr. HUts. 6* J *T \Ne9tcajttt 8 'White Parifli i 20- Heakley-Hall 5 27 Wh addon 2 4i Endon 3 3 Alderbury 3 ! 4 25 Leek 4 34 SALISBURY 3! 28| At ?.=, on the right, Keel-Hall, Jlnotbcr Road^ viz. Ralph Sncyd, Efq. To Stock bridge 9i W K I T C H U R C H tO Stocport. SALISBURY, p. 37. 16 2 5l To Pilfley Green, 1 Cbcfl}irc\ Namptv.'itb \ 5 4 9 At 5$. on the r. is Hurfley Lodge, Sir'VVilliarn Heathcote. At 6|, on the I. is Glandfield, Mr, White. 381] CROSS ROADS. [382 Going over Rumfcy Bridge, on the Stafford 6 46 1. is Broad Land, a fine Seat of Vifcount Pahnerfton. Or, At ci, on the left, from Kumfey, is From WORCESTER, Melchet Park, Major Olbornc. At 9, on the r. is Brickworth, Henry Ayres, Efq. by Brootn/irrow to W'oherbampton, p. 317. 4 At -?i, on the r. before Sarum, is Or Clarendon Park, Gen. Bathurft. At ii, on the left, before Sarum, in *"i From WORCESTER to a Hollow, is Longford, a Scat of 1 5 the Earl of Radnor. Stottroritbe 6 21 Wolverbampton) p. 317. 10 3 1 ITT 777" jn WITNEY to Wood To Eyniham Heath Long Hanborough /IOC. 2 3 5 WORCESTER to Glocefter y by Hereford. Bhden l| To Bromynrd 14 Woodjloc l i 8 2 Hereford 14 2 On the right of Eynfham Heath is Eynfham-Hall, the Seat of Mrs. Rofs Glocefter \\ 68 Cubcrl v* Wo i. v ER H AM PON to Newport. WOLVERHAMPTON to Sbrewf- To Tettenhall, Staff. _____ i| bury^ by the Iron Bridge. The Werif z i Z 3 To Shiffnal __ IO r. to Kingfvvood 3 6 Iron Bridge Sbreiv/lury 8 12 18 30 Albrighton, Sfjrop. Woodcote Afton 8 2 2 f 7| WORCESTER, by Wolverbampton, Newport I 4 to Stafford. To Ayford 4 Woo RE to Eafibam Ferry. Omberflcy 2 2 s To Audlem, Cl>ef.\ 1 6 Broadvvater IO 15 Combermere Abbey 4 IO Whhtington 4 '9 H'bitcburcb T 4 14 ~ Stew Poney 1 Cholmondeley 6 20 Preftvvood ^ 2I 4 Barnhill 4 24 Seven Stari 2 2 4 Cbejter IO ^ 24 Himley | 24- Buchford 4. J 58 Wolverbampton si 30 Great Sutton T 3 J V 41 Penkridge ro 40 Eaftbam Ferry 3 4,4 383] CROSS ROADS. [384 At 10, on the i. bir Robert Salufbury 'YORK to Riplcy and GraJJington, Cotton, Bart. continued to Gijlurn. On thcr. of 20, Earl Cholmonueley. To Skip Bridge 81 At 9 |/. to YORK to Horxfea. Allerton Mauliverer Klalby 4l 'i \\\ To Grirnfton a| Knarefborough 3 X 7i Wilberfoffc 4| 7! Ripley \\ 22 Barnby 10^ Pateley Bridge 9i 3'T Hay ton 3! 14 Greenhow Hill 3 34i Shipton 2| i6| .Hebden 6 4f Market Weigbton l'I i84;Graffington 2 4 2 I Bifliop Burton 7| aqf Rilfton 4l 47 Bevcrlcy 28 Flalby -^ 48^ Hull Bridge 2 30 JGargrave i 491 iouth 1 J 3i| l ',G//2 iSj Bridlington Sewer by Flamborou^h Plamboraugb Head 8 2 2 4 1 43 45 Vj a ii ULU It Newbald Soxtb Cave Brough Ferry T 3 14 3? 2 9f Crcfi the P.urr.lfr from Brough to YORK to Hull. Wintrinpham, Ltncvi 'njhire. Miles, and thenci along the oU Roman R cad t 'j f.frt- ToGrimfton Smithy 7 I co.'.i, Ncwatt, cte>t>Qiuugh, London, Sfc. Kexbv Bridge 34. ?! Wilberfofle if 7k At Newbald, the Seat of Walter Bannby Moor 3? / 4 io| Fawkes, Efq. Pockliugton New Inn At South Cave, the Seat and exten- HP. y ton Slr.pton . i Z 2 4 five Plantations of Henry B nard, Efq. . Bar- Market Weigbion Bifhop Burton ll i8| YORK to Hull, by South Cave. Bcverley Hull Bank Newland 2\ A a8 2 35 To South Cave Welton \Tf*1 tnn 5 26^ ' | Scalcoates Hull k 37 - > J 1 1 L \J 1-1 jFerriby ;Swanland 5 I 3 3 2, Near Market Wcighton, on the r. Anlaby 2 | 355 Lond(borough Park, the Duke of Hull . Drvonfhire. T J74 Matkxt Wcighton, the ancient Del govilia ofthe Romans. At Ri'hops Burton, the Scats of Richard Watts aud William Be- thell, Efqrs. 77;/s Road by IVdton^ &c. -very pita- f.-int, if ing on the Bant* of the lln^-.b-.r, :: f'i'ivs cf that Riutr } trie Li n- c :/':,:; .7 rC'oa/7, 5"c. &(. Cc 387] [388 CIRCUITS OF THE JUDGES. N.B. The Affize Towns are marked as follows : e. Towns where the Affizes are holden conftantly every Circuit. /. Where they are holden in the Lent Circuit only. t. Where they are holden in the Summer Circuit only. a. Where they are holden alternately with another Town. HOME CIRCUIT. c. De^rby, p. 278. IS*"/! From LONDON to Loughbro' "I *? 17 2 5 4| Hoddefdon, p. 193 17 c. Leicefter f ^ ii 245! c. Hertford 4 21 Hinkley "| ^ '4 2 59l Epping 34 c. COVENTRY ^ '35272! Ongar '7* 4 1 ! c. Warwic 10 282! c. Chelmsford "f 53 Che Affizcs in the Midland Circuit, Gravefcnd, p. 266 22f 7 Si fomctimes begin at Oakham, and a. ROCHESTER 9 o . J[ end at Warwic; at other Times a. Maidftone, p. 8. Tunbridge, p. 315 j o j '4 93 107 they begin at Warwic, ending fometimcs at Northampton, and fometimes at Lincoln. /. Grinftead I - I 22 a. Croydon '9 141 NORFOLK CIRCUIT. c. Kingfton 10 From LONDON to LONDON, p. 25. The Summer Affizes a alternately, at Guile i re } Iford 162^ lolden and /. Aylefbury "| *G Winflow > ~ s. Buckingham J --J IO "J Croydon for Surry ; and at Lewes and Horfham for Suflex. Newport Pagnel c. Bedford T^ 'si pi /i MIDLAND CIRCUIT. taton Bugden 6 9 6 102 From LONDON to r. Huntingdon 4 1 06 c. Northampton, c. CAMBRIDGE "j *? 15 121 p. 145. 66 Newmarket > ** 12 X 33 Wellingborough 1 1 77 c. BurvSt.Edm.J ^c I4| Kettering 7 84 i. Thetford 1 12 i?9? c. Oakham, p. 158. 21 105 /. NORWICH > p. 204 2 9 i83| Stamford "1 n6| LONDON J 199 297! T? f\n trt 1 .DO urn c. LINCOLN, p. 186. 1 I 36 I i6 3 OXFORD CIRCUIT. Newark 'j *? 181 From LONDON to Southwell >^j 7 188 /. Reading, p. 63. 39 c. Nottingham j v c. BRISTOL, p. 251. ! 9 3791 Hampton 1 -3 10 152! Or, c. Stafford J 16 i6f From Taunton to 33 a c. Shrevvfbury, p. 360 34 202| a. Bridge water 11 343 Ludlow -\ ^ 2 3 J 2 Crofs X ^2 3591 Lcominfter / ^ f. HEREFORD f- ii 2421 144256! c. BRISTOL LONDON, p. 71. i6t 114 37 6 490 c. Monmouth J 18 274! AT. B. The Aflizes for Cornwall arc Colford -j held fometimts at Truro. MichaelDean /"? c. GLOCESTER f j LONDON J II 2 9 0| 12 302| I004O2| NORTHERN Cli From London to r Y"OR K ~) ICL r IT. N. B. The above is the moll ufual Circuit ; though fometimes it goes from Worcefler to Glocefter, Mon- Eafingwold ( *" Thirlk (^ '9' 2IO| 220 mouth, Hereford, Shrewfhury, and Northallerton J "^ 12 232 Stafford ; and at other Times, from Oxford to Glocefter, Monmouth, Hereford, Shrewibury, Stafford, and Wotcefter. Darlington "| "7 /. DURHAM > ^ ;. Newcaftlc J ^ 16 18 248 266 WESTERN CIRCUIT. s. CARLISLE, p. 325 Penrith ] 18 337 From LONDON to f. WINCHESTER, s. Apple by j "' ' ' Orton 14 9i 3 6 9 x P- 43- 63! Kendal J P' J 4 2 ' 72 14 392! Stocbridge 81 2 72" c. Lancatler 1 , 24 r c. SALISBURY 16 88 LONDON J P" r 3 2^C 6-il; Biandford ~] c. Dorchefter Bridport 22 16 15 no 126 141 A r . B. In holding the Lent Aflizes, the Northern Circuit extends only to York and Lancafter : the \i- Axmintler ~? 12 fize at Durham, Newcaflle, Car- c. EXETER 26 170 Jifle, and Applcby, being hcldcn in Oakhampton Launceilon i* 1 > 1 " 22 '9 / 7 201 2 2O the Summer Circuit only, which, on that Account, is diltingti'flicd by the Appellation of the Lot:g J . Bodimn 20 24O Circu:t . C 39 1 ] INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. ** Where the Seats be ir no mr'.nt Yam*, 'the iJa;ne of the 01 laic Poileilbr is wv^i. \ Ai n'crung, Mr^ 45 '' J l |Ran ; fter, James, 68 Abbcrley LoHge, 369 Arnnlcl Caflle, at,- 9qz iHaniftcr, >l -> ; /i.-d , A.c , rr .- orgc^ t4^*H I** 1 ''''> ' ' , harlot, 6y h. ; 7 Aboey, Mr. 149 Miihurft, Mrs. 117 ., i.uker, >h Atcriiigton Hall, 364 Aihnu-a, Sir Williani,; -!irrta>y, R'uhi Acorn Hank, 173 8; Barnii i AVourt, -1r 60 Afli Park, 36 Rarn< *Acl'.ni, sir Richard, 112 Alined Park, 20 Adams, Thomas, o Alhton Hall, 138 Addington, Henry, 65 A'tlev, Mr. 7 Adlin^ton 'till, 132,304 v. Sir Ed. 198 B.trrnijtoii, s'li FiRnHl. Albury Park, 314 A f, 66 T? > l j ark, i^o Aylestord, .-.. or. I -,& Ainbicr, Mr. 65 ic!,C. untcii of, t, Mr. 78 Arncoi-. Ch. 190 . Mi. 126 Batema-i, Vif. 250 Ampthill Park, 285 Ayrcs, Henry, 381 Bath, Marquis of, 60, Ancafler, Onkc o . *37i " 347 B. Bathurft, l^arl, 74,233 An;Lvfon, Sir E. 190 Babbington, Mr. 147 Baihurft, J'homas, 90 Amiovc-r, Lady, 367 ngtoa I'ark, 72 'atlon, Standluke, 62 .vs, Sir Jof. 66 iagnall, John, 6s Battel Abbey, 13 Andiew, Mr. 150 t Park, ^ Bay Hall, ^ Auj;lc, Mr. 69 Bailie, Hon. G. 175 uavliam Vbbey, IZ Angmeiing Pirk, 3Zr Auaclley, Arthur, 100, Baker, Juhr, iz Baker, Peter Willimi. 36 I5aNley, Tho. But. 347 Mavthorn Park, 213 341 B.ikewell, Mr. 147 Beauc.erc, Lady, 36 Anton, Mr. 124 ,:,'.lbruiijh Hall, 3158 Beale, William, 353 Auibn, John, 315 Batch, Kverard, 289 o.i, K'lw. 34 , Duke or, 3 ?, ;i ; Biildon Houfe, 194 Beaudefcrt Hall, 274 Atkwright, Sir R,. i.iltciley Hall, 224 'kaamunt, T. 314 156 Bimlbrd Hal! '5eauwood, 70 Arle Court, 354 Bampfylde. C. \V. 255 Seeker, Mr. 313 Aunitage, Sir George, iank^j Sir Joieph, 35 Heckford, Peter, 36 30z iianks, Williara, 307 D d 39* IKPEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. ttp. 45 Beckiord, Mr. 123 Beckingham, 321 Bedford, Duke of, 44, 146, 164 Beerei, Sir 1 homat, 285 BW n Houfe, 76 iellrHill, 69, 161 Sell Hiuff.izi Bdltlflc, 143 Belle Vue, je, 47, 311 lelm&nt, 138, J Jelvcir Caftlf , 331 Park, 66 JUnne t, Family of, 161 leayoa, Rkkard, 66, 108 Btrkeley Caftle, 80, lerktlcy, Earl, 64, 80 Btrkfwell Hall, 378 Bernard, Sir Rob. Berriagtoa Houfe, Bertie, Lord Robert, 149 Berry Hill, 314 Berry, Mrs. 369 Befcott Hall, 366 Beflcwood Park, 161 Beft, Thomas, 6 Betchworth Caflle, 314 Bethd, Capt. 122 Bethel,]. 187 Bevis Mount, 4? Biggin, George, 150 Bigland, Richard, 190 Bigland Hall, 141 Bil'ingbcar, 69 Bilton Hall, 157 Binfield Placr., 68 Birch, Mr. 67 BircK Hall, 113 Birch, S. 148 Birkhead, Mr. 313 Bifcoe, E. 65 Biiliam Abbey, 65, 76 Bixley Hall, 205 Blackburn, Mr. 193 'eckburne, John, 376 Jow Wood, 67 laekdown, 29 Jowyer, Sir William, 84 laektr, Sir Th o . jgj lowyer, Admiral, 68 |6, lackwell, S. 77 ?oxgroTC Priory, 32* iaekwell, Sir Lambert, ?oxgrave, Mr. 329 a 5 gj loxmoor Hall, 115 tackwood, Mr. 194 Jeiwell Houfe, 259, 290 lagrave, John, 66 Joyce, Mr. 18, 37* Uixe Caftle, 349 Joyd, Sir John, 3 lake Hall, aoi Joys, Sam. \i la Jakewell, Simon, 77 Jradburn Houfe, 7, 3X3 landy, Mr. 77, 235 Braddyll, Wilfon, 377 landlord Park, 93 3radtney, Mr. 318 Jlenheim Houfe, 93, no Brarltield Hall, ^lz 61 letthworth Caftle, 314 Bradley Houfe, 254 66, letfoc Caftle, 160 Bradford, Earl of,"lil Blithneld Hall, 30* Bradftiaw, Wm. B. 138 *<;5 ilomr, Thomas, 87 Bradwell Lodge, 218 80, ilount, Sir Vfaher, 242 Bramham Park, 171 lount, Mr. 349 Bramftone Park, 36 ' lloxholm, 187 Bramder, John, 48 194 ;lundcll, Henry, 309 Branfton Hall, 151 IjO Hunt, Mr. 21 Branthwaite, Miles, 271 r Bockct, Mr. 21 Brathwaite, Mr. 228 Bold Hall, 347 Braund, Edward, 221 BolfoYer Caftle, 161 Braited Lodge, 210 Inlton Hall, 177 Bray, Rev. Mr. 314 Bond, Mr. ja Bray, Mr. Wm. 314 looth Hall, 284, 375 Brechman Park, 160 Bootle, R. Wilbraha'm, Brereton Hall, 380 3H "37 Breton, Mr. 123 ?orlace, Dr. 37 Brianfron Houfe, 244 Wwic Hall, 139 Brickdale, Matthew, 22> Boftoc Hall, 326 *55 Jofanquet, Mr. 194 Bridges, Sir Brook, 4 190 Soteler, Sir Philip, 315 Bridges, Mr. 321 Jotleys, 50 Bridgman, Sir H. 128 ?oucherett, W. A. 189 Briftol, Earl of, 213 toughton Houfe, 559 Rriftow, Mr. 44 Joulton, Matthew, 241 Broad, Thomas, 224 Ji'ulton, Mr. 20 Brocket Hall, 160, 16$ ?Duverie, Mr. 146, 151 Brockman, J. Drake, 6 235, ."34 Brograve Mr. 209 Bouverie, Mrs. 9, 3^, Broke, Mr. 210 314 Bromley, Robt. 369 76 Bowdoa Houfe, 70 Brooke, Rich. 271 lowers, Edmund, 65 Brooke, Earl, 163 3 Bowles, Mr. 338 Brougham Hall, 173 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. 393 Broa^kton Hall, 484, 3 6 4. 3 6 7 Broughton, &ev. Sir Thomas, 284, 367 Brown, Mr. 67 Browne, P. 283 Browne, Francis John. 275 Brownlow, Lord, 170 Broxmouth. 174 Broxton Hall, 129 Bruce Caftle, 193 Brudenell, Mr. 160 Brummtll, Mr. 66, 337 Bruton Abbey, 57 Bryant, Rev. Mr. 290 Brycf, Mr. 230 Buccleugh, Duke ol. 108, 171 Buckingham, Marq. 108, 109, 213 Buckinghamfhire, Earl of, 204 Bullock, John, 246 Bullock, Dr. 257 Bulke, Georg , ^8 Bulkelev, James, .365 Bulft ode Houfe, 84 Bulver Hithe, 321 Bulwer, Wm. Wiaget, Efq 204 Bunbury, Sir Charles, 202, Bunce, John, 79 Burdett, Sir Rob. 149 Burgefs, Mr. 13 Burg^ope, 450 Burke, Rt. Hon. Edm. 84 Burleieh Houfe, 169 Burnaby, SirW. C. 357 Burrow Hall, 309 Burwood Park, 27 Bury Park, n6 Burton, Mr. 246, 306 Burton Court, 304 Bur'on Pynfent, 119 Bufbridgc, ^^ Bufcot Park, 77 Butcher, Mr. 130 Bute, Marquis of, 48, 162 Butler, Alex. 13! i5utlcy Abbey, lit Sutley Hall, ^04 Buxted Place, 372 3yng, Mr. 160, 168 Kyrou, Lord, l6l, 331 alcraft, JcWin, 3 Caldecot, Mr. 249 "alliaud.Gen. 85 Calvelcy Hall, 119 ^amden, Lord, 9 Carneltord, Lord, 43 Campbell, Lord Frd. Hv 313 Campbell, Mr. 86 Campbell, Hume, 64 Campbell, Col. William, 35 Campion, Mr. 19 Caninglbury, 18 Cannons Park, 114 Canterbury, Archbp. of, 4 Can-well Hall, 124 Captfthorn Hall, 376 Cappadocij, Mr. 115 arhery. Lord, 363 'ardigan, Earl o^ 363 Carcw, Sir Tho. ;8 Caicw, Family of, 275 Cargurrel'sCaftle, 113 Carlton Hall, 173 Carnarvon, Earl of, 221 Cir Hall, 348 Carfley Hall, 316 Carter, Mr. 19 Carter, Mifs, 199 Carteret, Lord, i6a Cartier.Mr. 14 Cartwright, Mr. 108 Cafcwic Lodge, 361 Calhiokury Park, 1(5 Caftle Hedingham, 414 Caftlc Howard, 185 Caftle Acre Abbey, 20* Cnftlc Madoc, 270 Caftle Afhby, 241 Caftlc-Rifing Caftte, 197 Cafilemcre Hall, 307 Caftle Surby, 77 CafTleton Hall, 307 Cator, Mr. n Cavarfwall CafHe, 374 Caveadiih, Lord George. 14, 141, 321 Cavonrlilh, Lord John, 261, 341 Cavendifli, Sir Htarr, 280 Caverfliam, 65 Caylcy, Sir George, ilf Cerne Abbey, 239 Chaderton Hall, 364 Chadwick, John, 364 Chaffin, Mr. 36 Chaflbrd Park 373, Chalron Kings, 93 Chamberlayne, Will. 47 Chambers, Kichd. 256 Champion, Mr, 12 Chandler, Mr. 19, 50 Chandos, Duchefs of, 44 Chapman, Sands, 194 Chapman, Rev. Mr. 299 Charltoo, Sir Francis, Charteris, Mr. 174 Chart Park, 19 Chatham, Lady,229,23$ Chatfworth Houfe, i$6 Chavenage Houfe, 26$ Chauvell, Col. 115 Chauncy, W. H. 226 Chaworth, William, 28* Chayter, William, 176 Chedworth, Lord, 8^ Cheney, Robert, 147 CKeitfcy Ahbey, 50 Chefhunt Nunnery, 194 Chefter, Barnard, 253 fid * 394 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Chefter, Mrs. 272 Clive, Lady, 496 Co;nwallis, Capt. 30 Chefterneld, Ear! of, 64 Clopton Houfe, ill v^ornw tliis, Family beat Chetwode, Sir Johu, 377 Cloughton Ha 1 !, 308 of, 86 Chevenmg Plare, 3 [3 IDlowe-, Samuel, 364 Torfham Houfe, 70 ChichdVr, BiOiop, 321 ( ludds, Mr. 130, 50 5 Corvton, Sir Jhu, 44 Chilham Caft.c, 263 Clumber Park, 161,331 Cotsw^id H'>ufe, 290 Chilton Lodge, 66 * Glutton, Thomas, 304 Cotterell, Sir John, 256 Chirk Caftle, 126, 269 Coates, John, izS Cotterel!, Joha Green, Chifwic Hoafc, 33 Cobb, Mr. 124 9'' Cholmondcley, Thomas. Cobham Hall, 3 Cotton, Sir Rob. SaL 170 Oochran, Mr. 116 38j Cholmondeley Hall, 377 Cholmondcley, Earl, 377 Codnngton, Sir Wm. 2g Cotton, Mr. 10 Cotton Hall, 3-51; Hail, 148 Coghill Hal!, 157 Coventry, Earl of, 228 CluifHan, Capt. 30 Coke, Wenman, Efq. Cnverfwall Caftlc, 234 Clmft Clmrch Priory, 2uke ot 34' 355 f\ \v , i'omkir.s, 97 DC-XVCP, ^"r. Hz 11, 30 Dicey. - i^ ".n, .8 , Admiral, 239 . William, 124 .ey, 124 Dingley, Dint.ui Hotiil', 6t Divhdin Park, 268/290 Dirchley t ; .i;k, ico Ditton P...k, Dixon, j'.hn, 155 Docking, 20^ Dodc'.ington i'aik, 22^, 268, 290 al, Mary. 367 Doniaiiigton Caf.ic, 66 Dormer, Sir Clem. Cot' tcid, 3^8 Oorfet, Uukt of, it Wouglaf, ^ir. 171, 316 Dowdcfwell, 8j Hown lioufe, 36 Dcnvne, Lady, 276 -ownc>;, Peter, 304 Downing, Sir Jacob, 26 (Downfide Houfc, 265 iO,. \viio , 9; iD'Oyiey, Mr. 30 , Mr. 8b , William, ioS Dr..keiow Hall, 311, 366 Prsytc.n Houff, 341 , 299 115 i.-ii-motul, Peter, 17^ Dubciley, Mrs. 85, rctcr, 2iD ic', l.ady, 108 Pucic, L .id, 218, 255 Vifc i^r IM!I Park, 184 unnniiir.>'n a; k, 147 Dunlden Houfe, 66 Hcaili ( ; j Dunfti-i CaOle, 63 Diinu, Xis. 84 Hurant, Mr. 130 Dui-rtans, 20 Durham, Oilliop of, i8l 1'uxbury Hall, 316 l'/tr, Mr. 87 Dvntv-ir, Lord, 85 How Court, 87 . fardley, Lord, 3 I- a.Iy- houfe, 51 Earnfliill, 26,- Fail, Sir William, 6$ a!rcourt, 16, a/i Kafton, 163 F-aftort Lodge, 266 liaton, Mr. zo8 i-'^tou Hall, 326 KccleftiaHCaftte, 134 Kcclefton Hall, 307 Eckemll, Mr. za INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Eckley, g 6 Eddowei, Mrs. 34* Edgecroft Hall, 316 Edgell, Harry, a88 Edgchill Hall, 366 Edmunds, Mr. 154 Edwards, Lady Jaae, 361 Edwards, Mr. 36, 2*2 Egmont, Earl of, 59 Egrcinont. Earl of, 29 Eld, Mr. 21 Ellel Hall, 138 Elliot, Dr. 173 Elliot, John, 68 Ellifon, Richard, 187 Elphin, Biihop, 200, 273 Elton Hall, 341 Elton, Tfaac, 471 Elworth Hall, 316 Ember Court, 27 Englefield Houfc, 66 Emngton, Mr. 36' Errington, John, 325 Efdaile, Mr. azl BCier Place, 47 Efslii gtoi? fark, 171 Evtlyn, Sir Frederic, 14 Eveisiicld, Mrs. ai Evcrton, 35 Every, Sir fcdw. 3?! Button Hall, 5, 311 Euxton Hall, 377 Exeter, E3rl, 169, 343 Eyofham HaU, Sj Eyre, Mr. 224 Eyre, Right HOB. Sir James, 65 F. Fairfield Hall, 347 Fan ' aw, Mr. 19 F " -<\\f. 73 Fai. .'*, 45, Parnley Hall, 163 Tarr, Mr. 249 Farrer. J. F. 5 Farrer, William, 441 Farrington Hall, 377 Faucoaberg, Earl, 93 Fauflett, H. G. 464 f awfley Park, 226 Felbndge Park, 14 Felix Hall, 4io Fern Hill, 68 Ferre-rs, Family of, 124 Fcttiplace, Mr. 85 Ffytc.^e, L. D. zii Filmer, Sir John, 115 Fin don, 160 Fiflier, Mr. 134, 085 Fifherwic Park, 367 Fifke, Mr. ail Fitch, Mr. 443 Fitehwater, 209 Fitzherbert, Bazil, 364 Fitzroy Farm, 118 Fitz William, Earl, 161. 344 Fixby Hall, t6i Fleming, John, 360 Fletcher, Thomas, 224 Flixton Hall, 261 Flowers, Francis, n Fludver, Sir Samuel, 7, 362 Foley, Hon. Edward, Foley, Rev. T. H. 369 Fonnereau, Rev. Wm. no Font Hill, 41 "uokes, Captain, 229, 265 Forcct Hall, 353 Foid ^bbey, 42 Ford Park, 163 Ford, Charlei, 347 For dyce, Sir Wm. 46 Foitefcue, Lor.l, 58 Fortefcue, Lady, 16 Fofbrook, Mr. 147 Fountaine, Bn'gg. 201 Four Oaks Hall, 128 rowler, Thfciuas, 242 Foj, Charlet Janes, 35 Fox Lcafe, 48 Foy, Mr. 139 Frankland, Sir Thomai, 175 Franks, Mr. 149 Fiank, Bacon, 170 Frcke, Rev. Mr. 235 -reeman, Mr. 57 Freeman, Jofeph, 306 ciie, Mr. 61 ryers, the, 8 Fuller, Geo. 30 Fuller, }. T. 16 Fuller, Richd. 314 Fulfluw Hall, 316 f ulh, Lady, 253 G. Sage, Vifc. 86, 223 Jardner, Major, 197 Gardiner, Mr. 199 Gamier, Mr. 46 rrick, Mrs. 50 , Garfwood Hall, 307 arth, Charles, 20, 75 .ifcoync, Bamber, tzz Gatton Park, 19 Gawler, Mr. 57 Gawthorp Hall, 155 ~enefs, Mr. 189 Gerrard, E. J. 317 Gibberd, Mr. 160 Gibboo, Sir Will. 55, 64 ibfon, Mr. 138 idea Hall, 208 Gilbert, Thomas, 305 ~i:dart, Richard, iiS 3ildart, Mr. 305 lillibraod Hall, 316 ilpin, T. 123 'irdler, Mr. 65 lafbury Lodge, 98 ledhow, 155 !e'r. 78 High G ove, 09, 353 HighiiJd Hah, 307 H : ghHill, 243 Highlands, 208 H : gh Mea;!o\v, ?6 Higlmam Conn, 313 Hilcott Hall, 284 Hill Houfe, 267, 370 Hill, Serjeant, 259 Hil!, Sir Richard", 251 Kill, Mr. 273 Hillicr, Sir Sam. 318 Himfc7 Hall, 306, 3i8 HInchicbrook Houfe, 194, 259 Hind, Lady, 338 Hirfiri, 171 JHoarc, Si* Richd. Colte 37 Mr. 193 ' -, 13?, 220 u, Sir H. Philip. > i;.-and, Holloway Houie, 117, f- Holrnby Heufe, 143 hldlmcr, 245, Mr. 30 -iolnicote Houfe, 289 Sir harlcs, 137 L.-ma.-, 261 -ioltoil Cafric, 2; t llomc, Lord, 171 fiony'A'oud, Sir John, 264 ruioper, Mr. 88 ". T^? >pwood, E. G. 151 64 ilomby Caftle, iq.z iloriihy Gov. \^^ nil'V, Rev. Gcoffry, 377 f-Iorne, Edward, 47, 360 ri'Cr, Mr. 60 i, Jofhua, 303 rtoa, Eufebiu*, 380 iton, Mr. 310 i Hung. 94 . loth..; .d. zO i, Sir Charles, lou^hloa 203 Ho-.vard, Sir Geo. $4 Howard, Lo;c iiam 165 147 iume, Sir Abraham, 194 HumiTreys, Mr. ; - i-tord, J. P. Han-err, NL . Huntingdon. Earl of, HnrdmaBjRev. Rd. zc6 liurlev Piice, 76 L nitiC, 44, 380 Hydt Hall. Hvn ford. Earl of, 174 I. fames, Commodore, 2C . Jenkinfon, Sir Banks, Jcnn n>s, M'illiairj, 21 ftnty, i- jervis, ^ir John, 242, Jervonfe, C. J. 5 i i _:il Of, 63, 2S3 I nee ' inch qiun, iil <-f, 65 Ingeftrce Ha^i, i 24 Inglcby, S ; r John, 155 Innian, Khii, 242 Jodre'' . 576 Hail, 328 190 Toll.ffc, Johu, 28, 323 jolHffe, Mrs. 123 ; n *, Sir V,, 66 Jones, Thomas, 126 Jones, Mr. II, 19, BS Joyce, Mr. 259 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. 199 Ireland, Mr. 230 jKinnaird, Lord, 68 Ironmonger, Mr. 36 JKirby, Mr. [23, 142 Irwiu, Lady, 21, 155, Kirklar.<) Hall, 138 287 Kirlcpatrick, Col. H Ifhim, Sir Jtrftinian, 146 Kiitlingron Park, 341 Itton Court, 251 Ju ; < ', Folly, 3 Ivt>, Mr. 123 Ivy l..Uir, 67 juniper Hill, 20 K. Kaye, John, 152 Keddleit-m Purk, 149 Keel Hal!, 3-9 Keerfoot, Walter, 347 Kelham Hill, 170 Kflvcdn H-ill, 201 Ktlweflon Houfe, 188 Kemble, Capt. 370 'Kemp, Thomas, 18 Kemp, Nathaniel, 19 Kemp, William, 371 Kempton Park, 50 Kendal's Hall, 117 K en i I worth Caftlc, 233 Kennerfley Caftie, 304 Ktnryek, Mr. 126 Keniingion Gardens, 84 Kentwell Hall, 212 Keveton Park, 180 Kew, 34 Keytc, Sir Wm. 240 Kidney, Benj. 147 Kilby, Mr. 314 Kimbeiley Hall, 205 Kirnbolton CatUc, 260 King, Lord, 27 Kindcrton Lodge, 326 King, Sir John Dafh- wood, 84 King's Gate, 5, 284 Kingfcotc, Robert, 228 Kiiiglton, late Duke of, Kinsffoti Houfe, 37 Kinmei Houfe, 124 Kuatchbull, Sir Edward, 6 Knehworth Place, 160, 169 Knight, Mr. 45, 337 Kirght, Samuel, 196 Knightley, Family of, Knowle Parky 278 Knowles, I ady, 68 Knufton Hall, 160 Kyaaltou, Thomas, 209 Lackhampfm Ladbrook. Robert, in Lake, Lady, 279 Lamb, T. P. 12 Lamb, Lacon, 304 Lanev/is, Edw. 9^ LewiQiam, Lord, it Ley, Thomas, 224 Lichfield and Coventry, Bp. of, 367 Lincoln, l!p. of, 165 Lifbume, Lord, 100 Lifter, Tho. 152 Liften Hall, 212 LlandafF, Bifhop, 144 Lloghor Caftle, 90 Lloyd, Dr. 123 Lloyd, Mr. 321 Lloyd, Maurice, 265 Llwyd, Rich. Jones, 87 Locke, Mr. 20, 73 Lockwood, Mr. 363 ^odge, Mr. 35 Long, Sir James Ty.'niy, 208 Long, Charles, 211 Long, E. 66 Longton Hall, 224 LonfUale, Earl of, 139 Loton. 106 Loveden, Loveden, 77 Lo wudes, Mi* 1 08, 335 Loxley Hall, 305 Luard, I J . L. 115 E e 4oo INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Jvucas, oiuKcicy, .joy naiva ougn nan, 353 Lullingftone Park, 278 Mkfon, Will. 202 vioiyncuj, mils, 27, 45, 276 Lul worth Caftle, 52 iMaffinger, Mr. 155 Monckton, Hon. John, Lumley Caftle, 171 JMaundrel, Thomas, 67 363 Lufliington, Mr. 199 MawHey, Sir Jofcph, 50 Money, Col. 70 Luton Hoo, 162 vlawhond, Mrs. 322 Monro, Mr. 209 Lutton, Ralph, 185 Melbourn, Vifc. 1 60, Montagu, late Duke of, Luttrell, Family of, 63 169 178 Lygon, William, 291 Melchct Park. 38 r Montague, Capt. 321 Lyme Hall, 147, 364 Mcichb;>ru Park, 260 Montague, Mrs. 324 Lyndhurft Houfe, 48 Melfoid Hall, an Montreal, i r Lyttelton, Lord, 318 Melling Hall, 309 V!oe>r Hall, 309 Lyfter, Richard, 105 Mellifh, C. 331 Moor Park, 45, 116 Lytham Hall, 140 Mereworth Caftle, 315 Morant, Edward, 48 Lytton, Mrs. 160, 169 Merley Houfe, 243 Morden, College, 3 M Merlin's Cave, 87 Moreland, Capt. n' Macartney, Lord, 314 Merton, 204 Morgan, Family Seat of, Macclcsfield, Earl of, 85 Mexborough, Earl of, 89 Mackreth, Sir Robert, T S5 IMorley, Mr. 273 66, 343 Meynell, Mr. 147 Morton Hall, 326 Mackworth, Lady, 90 Michaelftow Hail, 217 JMofeley Hall, 37! Maddingley Hall, 260 Michael, Mr. 37 Mofeley, Ofwald, 366 Maddifon, Col. 189 Micklethwayte, J. 329 Moftyn, Sir Roger, 113 Maiden Caftle, 49 Middleton, Vifc. 28, Mote Park, 7 Majeudie, Lewis, 213 154 Moulfliam Hall, 209 Manchester, Duke of, 177 Middleton, Family of, Mount Amelia, 197 Maniften, Capt. 212 164 Mounteagle, Lord, 3^3 Mann, Sir Horace, 3, 8 Middleton, Nathaniel, Mount Edgecumbe, 40 Manners, Lord Rob. 187 322 Mount Jolm, 66 Manners, Mifs, 187 Midford Caft!e, 288 Mount Royal, 48 Manfel, Col. ip Mildmay, Sir H. St. J. Mountfort, Lord, 199 Mantel, Mr. 1*3 51 Mount Morris, 264 Manstield, Earl of, n5> Miirord, Lord, 87 Mountrath, Earl, 19$ Mapledurham, 28, 349 Milland Houfe, 28 Moxhull, Hall, 124 Marbury Hall, 376 Miller, Sir John, 70 Moyflyn, Sir Roger, Marchmoat Houle, 171 jMrller, Mr. 108 "3 Marden Park, 17 Miller, Richard, 264 Muire, Mr. 213 Margant Houfe, 89 Miller, Sir Thomas, 45 Mundy, James, 147 Mdrgefon, Mr. 321 .Mills, Mrs. 199 Mundy, >". N. C. 147 Mark Hall, 199 Milner, Mrs. 7 Murpliy, Mr. 278 Marlborough, Duke, 35 Milton Abbey, 37, 52 Murray, Gen. 13, 277, Marfac, Mr. 6?, 337 Miffenden Abbey, loS 321 Martha's Chapel, 314 Miftley Hall, 216 Mufgravc, James, 233, Martia, William Byam, Mitchell, Mrs. 60 2 47 65 Moccas Court, 96 Mufters, Mr. 279 Martin, Sir Mord. 212 Moflatt, Andrew, 208 Myddleton Hall, 124 Marlon Hall, 147 316 Molyneux, Sir William, Myerfcough Hall, 308 Marton-SanJ*, 124 iS-j Myerfcough Houfe, 30? INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. 401 N. Oatley Park, 113 Parkyns, Sir Thomas, Narborough Hall, 202 Ohrian, Mr. 37 '54 Narford Hall, 202 Obrien, Mr. 363 Parrot, Mr. 65, Narti, Mr. 313 Ockham, 17 Parry, Mr. 27, 60, 68 Naveftoc Hall, tor Ode' Caftle, 164 .'airy, William, 96 Naunton Hall, 216 Ogle, Sir Chaloner, 44 Parflow, Gen 485 Naward Caftlc, 324 Okehampton Caftle, 37 fatten, Thomas, 374 Neachill Hall, 24* Okeover, Mr. 133 Pattifhull, Edw. Lech. Neal, Mr. 124 Okeover Hall, 4*4 296 Ncale,Sir Harry Burrard, uldham, Mr. 108 Pattlc, Mr. 20 48 Oliver, Mr. 45 Payler, T. W. 3 Nc've, Sir Richd. 208 Olmiut, Luttreil, 209 Peachey, Sir fame 1 :, (now Neognall, 7 One'.v, Mr. 273 Lord Selfea) 46 Neibitt, Mr. i6r> Onflo'w, Rev. Mr. 17 Pearce, Mr. 37 Neville, George, 190 Orde, Right Hoa. Tho. Pearfal, Mr. 230 Newbtry, Francis, 277 "7 Pearfon, Major, 139 Newbuit;h, Earl of, 21; Orrell, James, 307 Pelham, Lord, 18, 3?z Newcaftle, Dukeof, 154 Ofcot Park, in Pelham, Mr. 13, 321 Newdigate, Sir Roger, Oftenhanger Park, 6 Pcmberton, Rev. J. 196 233 OfterleyPark, 35 Pembroke, Earl of, 42, New Hall, 114, 203 Ountread Hall, 347 62 Newhoufe, 212 Owen, Will. Moftyn, PendletonHall, 316, 347 Newland Park, 108 Ic6 Penhow Caftle, 251 New Lodge, 68 Owen, N. O. S. 350 Pcnn, John, 65 Newman, Mr. 61, 146 Oiendon, Sir Henry, 3 Penna Park, 97 Ncwnham Court, 301 Oxford Hall, 376 Pennyman, Sir Tames. Newnham, John, 18 187 Newlkad Abbey, 154 P. Penoyre, Mr. 97 Newton Park, 288 Penryn, Baron, 170 Norbury, 20 Pack, Mr. 154 Penfhurft Houfe, 13 Norfolk, Duke of, 21, Packington Hall, 124 Pepper-Harrow Park, 7.8 22, 315 Page, Sir Greg. 123 Perdifwell Houfe, 371 Norman, Mr. IT, 20 Page, Mr- z7 Perrings, Mr. 9 North, Lord, j8 Paine, John, 19 Petre, Lord, 209 North, Dudley, 211 Northey, Mr. ao Paine's Hill, 27 Paiiifwic Houft, 267 Petre, John Berney, 205 Pewic Place, 17 Northington Houfe, 3 Palace Houfe, 347 Phillips Edw. 58 Norton, Family of, 173 Pallifer, Sir Hugh, 108 Phillips, Mrs. 6c Norton Priory, 271 Palmerflon,Vifc. 44, 38 1'PhilHps, William, 87 Noftel Park, 28* Panton Houfe, 187 Piaon Caftle, 87 Nottingham Caftle, 154 Partiam Park, 24 Pierre Park, 251 Nourfc, J. 94 Park Hall, 141, 224 Pigot, Rob. 129 Park Place, 76 Pigot, Lord, 130 O. Parker, Mifs, in Pinkie Houfe, 174^ Oakedge Hall, 367 Parker, Rogers, 186 Pinner's Hill, tio Oakhampton Caftle, 37 Parker, John, i6z Pipe Hall, 128 Oakley Houfe, 77 Parker, Mr. 45 Pitt, Rt. Hon. Mr. 1 Oakwell Hall, 3 o> Parkhurft, Mr. 113 Pitt, Will. Mort. j* 402 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Pitts, Capt. 114 Prior Park, 67 Pixworth Hall, 205 F'riory the, 150, 377 Placket Fa'k, 18 Procter, Mr. 154 Plevdell, Kdm. Mort. 36 Prclpedt Pla e, 47 Pleydcll, Sir M. S. 334 Pudhill Hcufe, 268 Plumpton Hall, -579 Purley Hail, 349 Plymouth, Earl of, ua Purnel, Thomas, 254 Pc^hin, Mr. 126 Pufey, Hon. rh. 76 Pockiington, Mr. 170 Pococke, Srr Kaac, 65 Pole, Sir John de la, 37 Quarmor Park, 309 Polhill. Mr. 1 1, 20, 313 ^uedgeley Houfe, 290 Pollen, S;r John, 36, 5 i Quceuiburough, D. of, Pollens, Mr. 276 S7 Pohvhele, Mr. 37 Qucndon Flats, 199 Pom fret, Earl of, 123 34i R Poorc, John, 71 SLaby Caflle, 222 Popham, Mrs. 66 iackheath Hall, 205 Portal, Mrs. 36 Radcliffe, Sir C. F. n, Porte, Mr. 224 278 Portland, Duke of, 154, Radcliffe, Will. 302 l6t Radnor, Earl of, 381 Portman, Henry William, Raikes, William, ?o8 36 Rainsford, Mr. 146 Portsmouth, Earl of, 36 Ramfay, Mr. 27 Portfwood Houfe, 47 Ratcliffe, Sir C. H. 160 Poulet, Earl, 42, 288 Ray Houle, 200 Powderham Caftle, 39 Ray, Mr. 299 Powell, John, 71 Powell, Dr. 355 Ravnham Hall, 203 Read Hall, 347 Powell, Mr. 86 Rehow, J. M 217 Powell, Tho. Sym. 94 Redland Court, 255 Powell, T'hornns, 100 Redman, John, 201 Powis Caftle, icj, 270 Reeves, Mrs. 117 Powis, Earl of, 105, 294 Renifliaw Hall, 358 Powi<=, Thomas Jelf, 125 Rich, the Family "of, 65 Powney, Peunyfton, 65 Richardlbn, Mr. 28 Poyatoa rial), 363 Richmond, Duke of, 28, Poybtz, Mr. 28, 66 222, 223 Prefcott, Family of, 194 Richmond Park, 26 Prefton, Dr. 399 Ridal Hsll, 143 Prefton Hall, 171 Riddel!, Mr 171 Price, SirTvichard, 356 hidings, John, 164 Price, R 95 fcidley, Sir M. W. 171 Prinafli Paik, 267 Rjgby, Edmund, 138 Prince, Mr. 154 Rivers, Lady, 26 Pringkj Sir John, 171 Rivers, Lord, 27> 351 Rivington Hall, 316 Roberts, Mr. 371 Robin-:, Mr. 48 Robinfon, Matthew, 6 Robinfm, Sir Gcoigc, 47 Robm.i*, 37' Saunder;, George, 255 Sawbridge, Mr }, Save and Sele, Lad-y, 1 1 Scarthingwell Hall, 175 Srawen, Mr. 146 Schutz, Mr. 85 Scott, George, zoi Scott's Hal!, 6 Striven Hall, 157 Scotney Houfe, n Scudamore, John, 296 Sedley, Sir Charles, 161 Selley, Lord, 19, 25.0 Selivyn, G. A- 271 Send Grove, 27 Sergifoa, Francis, 4 Sejjcant, Mr. 1 1 Sewcll, Sir Thomas, 276 Sevmour, Lord ' 86 Seymour, Lord \Viiliam, 73 Slufttbury, Earl of, 36 Shakefueare, Mr. 301 Shane, Mr. 209 Shi"/ Houle, 70 Shaw, Sir John, 7 Sheldon, Sir Will, in Sheffield, Sir Chas. 163 Shorty John, Shrewroary, Earl of, Shrub Hill, zr, 3;, 314 bhrubland Hall, 300 , -37 Sibton Park, 207 ',34 SiiMi r'ark, 366 >ion Houie, 35 S^fon Hall, 170 i>ketherog, 86 Skeffingto i Hsll, 344 Skipwitli, '-^ir Tho. 149 skipton-Caftie, t6i Slanev, Jonas, 366 Slaugliam Park, 19 Slinglby, Sir T. Turner, 157 . Sloane, Sir Hans, 322 Sloper, Gen. 35 Smitn, R. 1^7 Smiih, Si: John, 37, 52, 239 Smith, Mr. A. 57 Smith, Mr. 90, 231, 249 Smith, W. 21, 289 Smith, Jofhua, 69, 357 ?mith, Drummond, 202 Smith, John, 2*9, 265 Snell, Mr. 45 Soeyd, Mr. 124 Snow, Mr. 36 Socket, Mr. 86 Somertield Hall, 6 Sommers Caftle, 187 Summers, Lord, 295 Somerfet, Duke of, 61 Sophia Farm, 67 Sothertcii, William, 17* South Br-iom Houfe, Ji Southwlc Houfe, 322 Spencer, Earl, xc, 26, 27, 150, 314 2 ic Spencer, Lord Chas. 85 Spooner, John, 256 Spring Park, 228 Spy Park, 70 Stafford, Marq. of, 137 Stamford, Earl of, 279 Standen Hall, 364 Standeiwic Court, 288 Standifli Hall, 377 Standiih. Sir Frank, 31$ Stanford Hill. 129 Stanford Paik, 156 Stanhope, t'jrl, ir, 313 Stanhope Caftle, 183 Stanley, Sir Kdward, 353 "=y, Sir John, 376 stanflead Hall, 199 Stanwcll Hou.'e, 35 Stanwell Place, 64 ^ta-key, Nirolas, 316 Stawell, Lord, 28 lead, Mr. 77 tcele, Mr. 213 >teere, Mrs. 24 St:le, Sii Thomas, 315 Millmgfleet. Rev.Or. 25^ St. J-^hn, Lady, 2,9 Stoke Park. 64, i 5! Stoke Hou?e, 65 S okc GifFoid Lodg, . Stokes, F. S. 456 Stoneland Park, 374 S'. OlVth Priory, 2 if St. Qmnon, sir Will, i Stover Houic,39 404 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Stovin, Cornelius, 190 Talbot, Eadj, 2:9 Tixall Hall, 367 Siowc Gardens, 109 Talbot, John, -o Todd, Mr. 113 Stowe Hall, 197 Talbot, Mr. 89, 246 Tollemache, Mr. 27 Stowell Park, 85 Ta.nworth Caftlc, 149 Tombes, Mrs. 226 Stracey, Mr. 328 Tarrant, Mr. 36 Tong Caftle, 130 Stracey, Hardingc, 3 Tatc, Mr. 147 Tongue, Mr. 230 Straflbrd, Earl of, 146 |Taylor, Mr. 160 Fooke, Mr. 17 Stratford Houfe, 370 Taylor, Rev. Edward, 3 Tooley Park, 233 Stratum Houfe, 290 Teeton Houfe, 148 Tooley Hall, 209 Streatlam Caftle, 22 r Telbrtdgc Park, 17 Torriano, Major, 115 Strctcham, Sir VV.78, 8t Teiflier, Mr. 20 Torthworth Park, 255 Strickland, Charles, 139 Tern pert, Sir Henry, 90 Tower, Chnftopher, 208 Strode, Mr. 27 225 Tower, D. 138 Sirutt, John, 209 Temple Bell Wood, 190 Fownley Hall, 364 Slubbers, 221 Temple, Mrs. 60 Townfend, C. 9 Studley Park, 155 Templer, Mr. 36 Townfend, J. in Styleman, Mrs. 197 Templer, Geo. 38, 2:9, Townfend, R. 129 Stylcman, Nicolas, 198 332 Tracey Houfe, 37 Sudburn Hall, 216 Tern Hall, 130 Trentham Hall, 123, 137 Sudbury Park, 280 Terrct Houfe, 1 15 242 Suffield, Lord, 205 1 hame Park, 85 Treval yon, Sir John, 368 Suffolk, Earl of, 80, 139 1 hanet, Earl of, G, 161 Trevaliin Houfe, 113 Sufton Court, 95 Thieves Hole, 115 Trevor, Lord, 230, 241 Sugnall Hall, 284 Thirklfby, 175 Trevor, Sir John, 113 Suinner, Mr. 76 Ihirlftone Caftle, 175 Tring Grove, i rj Surby Cattle, 77 Thifllethwaite, Mr. 28 Tring Park, 115 Suflejc, Ear! of, 163 Thomas, Richard, 87 Trollope, Sir John, 362 Sutton C< lefield Park, Thompson, Robert, 187 Troy Houfe, 86 ia8 Thompfon, Mifs, 65 jTryon, Thomas, 362 Sutton Place, 27 Thompfon, Mr. 24 Tucker, Major, 229 Button Park, r- 7 Thorefoy Park, 180 Tucker. Mr. 37 Sutton, Lord George, 180 Thorlev Hall, 199 Tufnel.J. Jolliffe, 211 Sutton, Sir Richard, 319 Thornbury Caftie, 80 Tulketh Hall, 317 -33 1 Thornby Caftle, 253 Tunftall Hall, 284 Sutton, Mr. 71 Thorndon Hall, 209 Turner, Mrs. 6, 12 Swettenham Hall, 380 Thornham Hall, 301 Tumor, Edmund, 170, Swiften Hall, 124 Thornhill, T. 161 189 Swinford, 8j [Thornton, Col. 384 Tumor, Sir Edm. 160 Swinley Lodge, 68 ThornviJle Royal, 384 Turton, John, 284 Swmnertop Hall, 318 Thornycroft Hall, 326 Tutncy Lodge, 77 Sydney, Lord, 9, 171 Threflier, Mifs, 69 Twigg, Mr. 332 Sykes, Sir Francis, 349 ! hrockmorton, Sir John, Tyers, Jonathan, 2i, Symonds, John, 261 77, H4 3'4 Thurlow, Lord, 17 Tylney Hall, 36 T Tiddeflev Hall, 241 Tyrconnel, Earl of, 27, TableyHall, 270 Tillard, 'Mr. 364 275 Tadworth Court, 19 Titheringtou Hall, 304 Tyrrel, IVtr. 79 Talbot, Henry, i Tittenhanger Park, 123 Tyibn, Samuel, 210 5 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. 405 u Warner, Lee, 203 White Lady Aflon, 56 Vane, Capt. 47 Waruham Place, 21 White Knight?, : r, 65 Vanhattam, Sir J. 349 Warre. T. Tyadale, 2Zq White, Taylor. i8l Vanneck, Sir Jofliua, Warren, SirOeorge, 3e4;Whitc, Mr. 44., 76, $3& 211 Warrtn, Sir John B. 179 Whitebread, Mr. 126 Vanfutart, Arthur, 65 Warren, Mr. 1*3 Whitehead, Rev. Ch rift. Vanfittart, G. 76 Wanvic, Earl of, no 316 Vavafour, Mr. 163 \Varwic C.iftle, iro Whitley Court, 369 Vaughan, John, 87 U'ateringburv Place, 31; Whitney Court, 293 Verelft, Henry, i So Watfon, T. S. 329 Wh'ttington, Thomas, Vernon,Lord, *8c U'atf. Mr. -J2-) 290 Vernon, Admirr.l, 63 Waverlcy Abbey, 45,337 Whitworth, Sir Cha. 7 Vernon, John, 2 to Wav, Mr. 108 Wichnor Lodge, 310 Vincent, Mr. 123 Weald Hall, 208 Wier, Mr. 130 Vine, the, 337 Webb, Mr. 27, HO Wilbraham, Family of, Ulrord, Mr. Ill Webber, vVilliam, zo8 124 Upton Hall, 319 Wedclel, Mr. 155 WilHrnham, Edward, 268 Uxbridge, Earl of, 42, Weeks, John, 15? Willcock?, Jofcph, 160 53 3 10 Welhec Abbey. io Wilcox, Mr. ~;<) Vyncr, R. 307 Wellington, Richard, Wilder, Re'v. 'jr. 349 9" / Wilkins, Gov. 98 W Wenman, ViTc. 85 Wilkinfon, Thomas, 3 jc Wace, Mr. 319 Went worth Houfe, l6r Willcs,Mr. 339 WadJington, Mr. 66 Wake, Sir William, 146 Wentworth Cadle, 161 Went worth, Lord, 233 Williams, Mr. 37, 43, 49- "3 Wakfield Lodge, 123 Weft, Hon. F. 76 Williams, Sir E. 178 Walbcrton Houie, 2*3 Weft, Mrs. m Williams, Hanbury, ?,8 Waldegrave, Earl, 2OI Weftbrook Place, 17 Willis, Thomas, 380 Wales, Prince of, 44 Weftcomb, Nicolas, 146 Willis, Dr. 361 Walford, Mr. 209 Weftcote, Lord, 109,114 Willoughby, C. -$ Waller, Edmund, 84 Weft Hall, ^38 Wilmot. Mr. 45 Waller, Mr. 341 Weftmoiland, Earl of, Wi'.aiot, Sir Robm Walling Wells, 181 3J. 53 Mead, 279 Wallinger, [. 208 Weftons, Family of, ; ; Wiilbn, Matthew, 161 \Valmfley, John, 307 Wefton, H. P. 276 Wilton Houfe, 42 Wilpole, Lord, 204 Wefton F^oufe, 314 WiltOiire, Mr. 67 Wallli, John, 68 Weftwic Hotife, 329 XVirableton Park, 26 Walter, Rev. Dr. 70 Whaley Abbey, 364 Wimrmie Hall, 194 Waltham, Lady, zcy Whalley, James, 364 \Vjncham Hall, 376 Walton Hall, 138 WLcate, Sir Thomas, 77 WicchiHea, Earl of, 160 Walwyn, James, 295 Whichcotc, Sir Ch. 186 Winchefler, Biflbop of, Wand's Honfe, 70 Wliitaker, Mr 6t 3." WanQead Houfe, 199, Whitbread, Jacob, 211 Wingfield, Rowland, 105 sc8 Whitborac Court, :^6 Wingficld, John, Ward, Mr. 10 Whitcombe Park, 290 \\'inningtoc, Edw. 156 Ward, Jehu, 313 Whitcombe, Edwaj-d, Wianington Hai!. Wardour Caftfe, 42 369 \Vinnin^ton,S!rdward, "Warleys, 199 Whiichough Hall, 2*4 301 40 6 INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Winftanly Hall, 307 Winftay, 269 Winterton, Earl of, 29 \Vintrop Hall, 170 Winwic Hall, 377 Winterflow Houfe, 36 Withington Hall, 380 Withinfliaw Hall, 378 Witts, Mr. 24 Witton Houfe and Park. 3 2 9 Wodehoufe, Col. 20* Wodehoufe, Sir John, 204 XVollaton Hall, 161 Wolfely Hall, 124 Wolfely, Sir William, 124, 274 Wooburn Abbey, 146 Wood, Mr. 155 Wood, Thomas, 50 Woodbridge Priory, 21 oW Woodeot Hall, 128 Woodford, Mr. 35 \Voodgate, Mr. i r \V