UC-NRLF lllllllllllilllllllliilliln' $B lb lOfi i\l tcay ^ cJ^c^^^*a/y^u^ l/'/Hii r.j//y r/ 'A<7/v/i' VN \ SI d / c/7^ //■^'■^'^ ^ AN ALPHABETICAL LIST THE OFFICERS OP THE RIFLE BRIGADE, FROM 1800 TO 1850. BY HENRY STOCKS SMITH. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. 1851. ^ R5S& "henry morse STEPHEMS « c », • •( » » •• •• • • • » • r r • • • ». J, ^OBBTJCK, ParSTEB, BASK STREET, LEED3, }: J: The Compiler begs to return his thanks to the following Oflficers, to whom he is indebted for information, but regrets that in several instances the matter arrived too late for insertion : — Lieutenant General Sir A. F. Barnard, g.c.b., g.c.h. Lieutenant General Sir Charles James Napier, g.c.b. Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Leach, c.b. Lieutenant Colonel George Milne Stevenson. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas P. Thompson, m.p. Major Thomas Smith. Captain John Middleton. Captain John Kincaid. Captain James Kirkman. Captain Jon*^ Alm:n Rbdgway. Captain Verb Webb. Captain Nicholas Colthurst Travers. Captain William Wade, r.m. Evans Garnons Lloyd, Esq. Viscount Jocelyn. It was only determined towards the conclusion of the List to insert particulars of the services of each ofl&cer, and the Compiler respectfully solicits information of that nature for future publications. The next Volume will contain the 85th Light Infantry. Headingky, near Leeds, \st September, 1851. 509295 THE RIFLE BRIGADE BEAR THE WORDS "COPENHAGEN," "MONTE VIDEO," "ROLEIA," "VIMIERA," ''CORUNNA," "BUSACO," "BARROSA," "FUENTES D'ONOR," "CIUDAD RODRIGO," "BADAJOZ, "SALAMANCA,' "VITTORIA," "NIVELLE," "NIVE," "ORTHES," "TOULOUSE," "PENINSULA," "WATERLOO." KEY TO THE MEDALS. A List of Battles and Actions for which Silver Medals were granted under the General Order of the 1st June, 1847, viz : — 1 Maida 2 Roleia 3 Vimiera , 4 Sahagun, Benevente, &c., {Actions of Cavalry) 5 Corunna 6 'M.axtiniqvLe CAttack and Capture) 7 Talavera de la Reyna 8 Guadaloupe {Attack and Capture) ... 9 Busaco ... 10 Barrosa ... ... ... 11 Fuentes d'Onor ... .. 12 Albuhera 13 Java (Attack and Capture) ... 14 Ciudad Rodrigo {Assault and Capture) ... 15 Ba,d&]oz (Assault and Capture) 16 Salamanca 17 Fort Detroit (Capture of), America 18 Vittoria 19 Pyrenees ... 20 St. Sebastian {Assault and Capture) 21 Chateauguay, America 22 Nivelle 23 Chrystler's Farm, America ... 24 Nive 25 Orthes 26 Toulouse 4th July, 1806 17tli August, 1808 21st August, 1808 Dec, 1808, and Jan., 1809 16th January, 1809 February, 1809 27th and 28th July, 1809 Jan. and Feb., 1810 27th September, 1810 5th March, 1811 5th May, 1811 16th May, 1811 Aug. and Sept., 1811 Jan. and Feb., 1812 11th Mar. and 6th April, 1812 22nd July, 1812 August, 1812 21st June, 1813 28th July to 2nd Aug., 1813 Aug. and Sept., 1813 26th October, 1813 10th November, 1813 11th November, 1813 9th to 13th Dec, 1813 27th February, 1814 10th April, 1814 SKETCH OF THE FIELD SERVICES OF THE RIFLE BRIGADE, FROM ITS FORMATION, TO THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. BY LIEUT.-COLONEL LEACH, C.B. This regiment was gazetted on the 25tli of August, 1800, as the 95th Rifle Corps; but, some little time previous to this, it was considered as an experimentnl corps; and in its infancy it accompanied the expedition to Ferrol, commanded by Sir James Pulteney. It was next engaged in the battle of Copenhagen, fought between the British fleet, under Lord Nelson, and the Danish fleet and batteries. In this sanguinary conflict the Rifle Corps lost many of its members. In 1805, the corps composed a part of the force sent to Germany to co-operate with some of the continental troops against the French; but the expedition returned to England after a short absence, having effected nothing very material. In the same year a second battalion was added to the 95th Rifle Corps. In 1806, three companies of the second battalion were sent to South America, with the expedition commanded by Sir Samuel Achmuty ; and five companies of the first I battalion went with the expedition against Buenos Ayres, commanded by General "Whitelock. The corps was employed in the siege and storming of Monte Video, and it was engaged • Bkewise in a warm action near Colonia, and in other affairs of minor importance. Sir Samuel Achmuty mentioned them in very handsome terms several times. It was engaged again in a sharp action with the Spanish troops sent out from Buenos Ayres to check the British advanced guard, which was formed by five companies of the first battalion of the Rifle Corps, and some light odmpanies. The advanced guard drove the Spaniards before them in gallant style, charging and capturing some field artillery from them. In the attack on tlie city of Buenos Ayres, the Rifle Corps sustained a very severe loss in both officers and men. Eight companies of the regiment were present on that occasion; the remainder of the two battalions being employed the same year (1807) in the expedition to Denmark, under Lord Cathcart. The whole of the Danish fleet was taken possession of and brought to England, and a considerable part of the Capital was destroyed by bombardment. In the spring of 1808 a part of the first battalion of the regiment was sent with an expedition to Sweden, commanded by Sir John Moore; but, in consequence of some misun- derstanding between the British commander and the Swedish govemment, the troops did not disembark. The same summer four hundred men of the second battalion accompanied the expedition to Portugal, commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley; and its first encounter with the French was near Obidos. Lieutenant Bunbury was killed; and he was the first British officer that ffell in the Peninsular war. A FIELD SERVICES OP Two days afterwards the corps was sharply engaged in the battle of Roleia. The French were driven from several exceedingly formidable positions in the mountains, leaving three pieces of artillery, and many prisoners, in the hands of the British. Four days subsequently it was again warmly engaged in the battle of Vimiera, where the French, under General Junot, were defeated with great slaughter at all points, and left thirteen pieces of artillery in possession of the victors. The Convention of Cintra followed this battle, and the British array marched to Lisbon, where the companies of the Rifle Corps, which belonged to the Swedish expedition under Sir John Moore, joined the army. The remaining part of the two battalions went out from England to Corunna with Sir David Baird, a short time after this period. In an impetuous attack made by the French near Calcabello, in Spain, on the British rear guard, (which was formed by the first battalion of the 95th Rifle Corps), the enemy was driven back with considerable loss. The regiment gained great applause from Sir John Moore, for the cool and gallant manner in which it retired gradually and in excellent order before very superior numbers; and for the severe punishment which it inflicted on its pur- suers by its destructive fire. General Colbert, who commanded the French cavalry, fell by the fire of the regiment oa this occasion. It was engaged also at Lugo in the same retreat. In the battle of Corunna it was next brought in contact with the enemy; and the reserve (of which the Rifle Corps formed a part) aided materially in gaining the victory. The second battalion of the corps, together with the first battalion of the 43rd, and two German light battalions, were du-ected to retreat to Vigo, where they embarked for England. A third battalion was added to the 95th Rifle Corps on the return of the army from Corunna and Vigo. The spring of the same year (1809) the first battalion having filled up the losses wliich it had sustained in the late campaign, by drafts from the second and third battalions, em- barked again for the Peninsula, with the 43rd and 52nd light infantry regiments, forming a light brigade under Brigadier General Robert Crawfurd. The second battalion went with the expedition to Walcheren the same summer, where it took an active part in such operations as were carried on; and its ranks were greatly reduced by the pestilential fevers of the country. The long march which was made by General Crawfurd's light brigade, with a view of reaching Talavera in time to take apart in that bloody battle, is almost universally known to military men; and it is recorded as one of the most extraordinary that the British or any other army has been known to perform. In twenty-six hours it passed over upwards of sixty miles of country, and that in the very height of summer, where the heat was intense, and but little water could be procured to slake the intolerable thirst of the soldiers. In spite of these obstacles very few men were left behind; but the light brigade could not reach Talavera until the morning after the battle. The next time the Rifle Corps met its enemy was in an attack made at midnight by six hundred French grenadiers and light infantry, on four companies of the first battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Sidney Beckwith, in the pass of Barba del Puerco. A well-directed fire, followed instantly by a cheer and a charge, sent the assailants in utter confusion and dismay down the pass, and across the bridge over the Agueda, on the oppo- site side of which the enemy had a strong reserve. Two French officers, and many soldiers, were found dead in the pass. Lord Wellington expressed his sense of the gallantry of the corps in a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Beckwith. General Crawfurd also compli- mented them very highly in orders. Lieutenant Mercer was killed in this affair. It is fair to remark, that in this nocturnal attack, three companies only of the Rifle Corps were engaged; one of the four, which was stationed at Barba del Puerco, having been detached on the advance of the enemy, to guard a path leading up the mountain, on the right of the village; and meeting nothing, it was consequently not engaged. A few weeks after this, an order arrived from England that the ten companies, of which the first battalion consisted, should be formed into eh/hf, and that a few oflScers and non-commissioned officers should proceed home to recruit. The eight companies num- bered an hundred rank and file each. It appears, therefore, that as the battalion landed in Portugal, about nine months before, nearly eleven hundred strong, its losses had already amounted to nearly three hundred men; and that principally from a destructive fever whilst stationed in Alentejo, after the retreat of the British army from Talavera to the southern frontier of Portugal. THE RIFLK BRIGADR. Itl The corps came next in contact with the French in a reconnoissance made by Marshal Junot, with very superior numbers, on the post of the light division on the heights between Gallegos and Alaraeda; on which occnsion the retrograde movement made by the light division to the heights, on the left bank of the river Duas Casas, was covered by the Rifle Corps and the cavalry attached to the light division. Its next encounter was near the fortress of Almeida, where the light division and the light cavalry attached to it were attacked by the whole of Marshal Ney's Corps, amount- ing to (including all arms) nearly thirty thousand men. In this perilous and hard fought action, the first battalion of the Rifle Corps sustained a loss of eleven officers (five of whom were killed, or died of their wounds), and about an hundred and twenty Serjeants and rank and file. The French are stated to have lost twelve hundred men, principally at and near the bridge that crosses the Coa, which they several times stormed with their grenadiers; but they were repulsed with terrible carnage in every attempt. In covering the retreat of the light division from its advanced position on the road lead- ing from Viseu to the Sierra de Buzacco, on which the British army was assembling to give battle to Marshal Massena, the Rifle Corps was engaged with the French advanced guard until the division reached its station on the heights. Throughout the day following the regiment was engaged with the light troops of the enemy, which in swarms covered the reconnoissance made by Massena along the British position. The next day followed the battle of Buzacco, in which the light division took a very prominent part, and during which the 95th Rifle Corps was actively engaged. The greater part of the day after the battle the Rifle Corps was again engaged with the French light troops at the base of the mountain, which Lord Wellington had selected for his position. • Two companies of the second,- and five companies of the third battalions of the regiment, were sent from England about this period to assist in the defence of Cadiz, to which the French had laid siege. The greater part of the effective men of the second and third bat- talions were sent to the Peninsula a short time after this period; the whole of them being in the light division except the seven companies stationed at Cadiz, as above mentioned. Those seven companies were hotly engaged in the glorious battle of Barossa; and the same day on which it occurred, Massena's ax'my commenced its retreat from Santarem, towards the Spanish frontier, followed by the army of Lord Wellington; the light division and cavalry forming his advanced guard. A company of the third battalion of the regiment, which was for a short space of time attached to the first division of the army, suflFered severely in a sharp affair near Soubral, whilst the army was stationed in the liaes of Torres Vedras. In pursuing Massena's rear guard in its retreat from Santarem, the first battalion of the Rifle Corps was briskly engaged near Pombal. The next day the light and other divisions of the army attacked the enemy near Redinha, and, after a sharp action, drove them before them in great confusion, and with considerable loss. The Rifle Corps bore an ample share in the contest. Near Condeixa it was partially engaged the next day with the French rear guard. The regiment was engaged on the day after with the enemy's rear guard, commanded by Marshal Ney, which it drove from position to position, and compelled it to fall back on Miranda de Corvo. On the day following, it had again ample employment in an exceedingly sharp action with Marshal Ney's corps near Foz d'Aroce. In this business the French lost many hundreds in killed, wounded, and prisoners, and many drowned in the river Ceira. Two of their eagles were found in the river. A short time after this it drove a party of French infantry from the village of Freixadas. Not many days afterwards the regiment wiis closely and very severely engaged with the greater part of General Regnier's corps, near Sabugal, on the river Coa. The 43rd regiment, and the first battalion of the Rifle Corps, the whole under the command of Colonel Sidney Beckwith, beat back the French most gallantly in their various attacks, in spite of vastly superior numbers; and a howitzer was left in the hands of this little British brigade. In his despatches, Lord Wellington pronounced this action (which was fought principally by Colonel Beckwith's brigade) one of the most glorious in which British troops were ever engaged. Massena's army being now fairly driven out of Portugal, it retired within the Spanish frontier, leaving, however, a French gairison in the Portuguese fortress of Almeida, which Lord Wellington instantly caused to be blockaded. FIELD SERVICES OF The French had a considerable quantity of cattle, which were turned out to graze near the ramparts, under the protection of the guns. Lord Wellington's intention being to reduce the place by famine, some companies of the Rifle Corps were frequently eraploj-ed to approach as near as possible to the walls, and to endeavour to shoot the cattle. This always brought a cannonade on them. The first battalion of the corps, together with a part of the second and third, were soon afterwards engaged in the battle of Fuentes d'Onoro, in which Massena's army was completely beaten and obliged to abandon its design of raising the blockade of Almeida. The regularity and steadiness evinced by the light division, when ordered to fall back in squares, during the battle of Fuentes d'Onoro, over a plain, followed by a large force of French cavalry, and heavily cannonaded at the same time, is still fresh in the recollection of some few who were present on that day. When Lord Wellington's army was falling back from the position near Fuente Guinaldo, towards Soito, in consequence of the very superior numbers brought against it by Marshal Marmont, the Rifle Corps had a brush with some French chasseurs; a part of whom dismounted and attacked the British rear guard as light infantry. They were soon checked, and, during the remainder of that day, kept at a more respectful distance. A short time previous to this affair, five companies of the third battalion of the regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Barnard, joined the light division from Cadiz. Next followed the siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, in which the Rifle Corps had its full share. A detachment of the corps (together with detachments from the other regiments of the light division) was employed in the assault of an outwork near Ciudad Rodrigo. Lieute- tant Colonel Colbourne, of the 5;Jnd regiment, commanded this party, which carried the works very gallantly and with great rapidity. This took place the first night of the investment of the fortress. During the siege and storming of Badajoz, the three battalions of the regiment sustained an exceedingly heavy loss in officers and men. A detachment of the corps was also employed in the assault of Fort Piccuiina, an outwork of Badajoz. In the action which took place near Casjrejon, the regiment again encountered the enemy. On this occasion the fourth and light divisions, together with several regiments of cavalry, and some horse artillery, were, for a length of time, under a very heavy cannonade. Several chages of cavalsy took place, and some of the riflemen and light infantry were warmly engaged. Whilst this force was in the act of falling back over the plains to reach a position on the opposite bank of the Gruarena, it was closely followed by the mass of Marmont's army, which, with vastly superior numbers, threatened to crush and overAvhelm their opponents. The retreat to the river was, however, effected in beautiful order, and the British forded it under a cannonade from the heights which overlook it. The heat was intense to a degree; and the troops being unable to procui'e a drop of water to quench their intolerable thirst, until they reached the river, many (particularly of the Portuguese) expired for want of it; and many others fell by the roadside, and, consequently, wera made prisoners by the enemy's cavalry, which pressed on with all haste in the track of the British. On the day following, the Rifle Corps was again briskly cannonaded duriri^ the march of the light division along the Guarena, in a parallel line with the French; both armies directing their steps towards the river Tormes. The light division was engaged, but slightly, towards evening, in the battle of Sala- manca. Four divisions of the army; viz., 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, with some regiments of cavalry, principally gained this glorious victory. The 2nd division was absent in the south of Portugal, under Sir Rowland Hill's command; the 1st and light divisions towards the left of the British position; and the 7th division not seriously engaged. The Rifle Corps was next engaged with Marslial Soult's advanced guard, previous to, and during, the passage of the river Huebra, near San Munos, by the lit^ht division, which formed the rear guard during the retreat of the British army from Salamanca to Ciudad Rodrigo, in November, 1812, after the two wings of Lord Wellington's army had formed a junction at Salamanca, — one wing from before Burgos, the othei from Madrid. A company of the second battalion of the regiment was sent from Cadiz with the little expedition to Tarifa, a.nd it was actively engaged in all the operations which took place, and in the defence of the town when it was stormed by the French. The enemy suffered a heavy loss, and were so completely beaten as to be obliged to raise the siege, and to make a hasty retreat from before the place. THE P.IFLE BRIGADE. V In the retreat of the French from before Cadiz, after they had been compelled to raise the siege in consequence of the battle of Salamanca, a part of the second battalion of the Rifle Corps was engaged with their rear guard near Seville, and it was mentioned in com- plimentary terms by the officer commanding on that occasion. In the defence of the bridge of Aranjuez, a part of the second battalion aided materi- ally, by its well-directed fire, in stopping the enemy in his attempt at passing. During the remainder of the war in the Peninsula, the first battalion consisted of six companies only; its losses on various occasions having so reduced its ranks (notwithstand- ing reinforcements frequently sent out from England) that six companies were all that could be kept eflfective. The second battalion had also six companies, and the third bat- talion Jive: all of those were in the light division. The remainder of the corps was at its dep6t, at Shorncliffe, in Kent, and was composed of a few worn-out men and recruits, !Near the village of San Millan, on the north bank of the Ebro, the three battalions of the regiment took a very prominent ,part in the attack and complete defeat of a French division of infaiflry, whii-h was surprised in mid-day by the light division. The enemy lost many in killed, wounded, and prisoners, and the greater part of their baggage was captured. Some hundreds sought refu^'e in the mountains. Three days afterwards, the three battalions were v-armly engaged in the glorious battle of Vittoria. The French lost the whole of their baggage and their military chest, one hundred and fifty-one pieces of artillery, many prisoners, and many killed and wounded. This signal defeat obliged the French to retreat at once into their own country. During the 23rd and 24th of June, the first and third battalions of the Rifle Corps were constantly in close pursuit of the French rear guard, and frequently engaged. On the latter day they aided in capturing a howitzer, not far from Pampluna. From the heights of Santa Barbara, in the Pyrennees, near the town of Vera, the first battalion next drove the French pickets, whilst, at the same moment, the 43rd regiment was engaged amongst the enclosures near that town. The corps was engaged again near the bridge of Yanci, on the Bidassoa, with Soult's rear guard, which was in full retreat for the passes of Vera and Echelar, after the brilliant victory obtained by the right wing of the British army, a few days before, near Pampluna. A destructive fire, from the riflemen of the light division, threw the fugitives into great disorder; many threw away their arms and knapsacks, and scrambled up the face of a rough mountain on the right bank of the Bidassoa, leaving a quantity of baggage in the hands of their pursuers. A regiment of French lancers, which was in the enemy's rear guard, fared but badly on this occasion; for, being unable to retaliate with their lances in the rough and mountainous road which runs parallel with the Bidassoa, they got into a sad plight, and, throwing away their lances, and abandoning many of their horses, sought refuge in the mouutains. On the following day, the first and third battalions of the regiment attacked and drove from one of the r(x:ky mountains in the Pyrennees, several battalions of French infantry, which were obliged to seek refuge in France without delay. The 43rd regiment supported the riflemen in this attack. A detachment of the Rifle Corps, under the command of a subaltern, was sent to take I a part in the storming of San Sebastian, the light division having received orders to send iBome men from each of its regiments. This detachment suffered very severely, in common .with the other troops employed in that bloody and obstinately contested business. The ^same day on which the assault of San Sebastian took place, a large French force forded jthe Bida.ssoa, near Vera, which brought it in contact with the light division. The second iluittalion of the Rifle Corps was a good deal eng.iged in and about the churchyard [and outbuildings of Vera; and the gallant and obstinate defence which was made, the same light, by two companies of the second battalion at the bridge, is particularly deserving of jing recorded. This small force could not stop some thousand Frenchmen, but it caused fthem a terrible loss. About this period all the effective men that could be scraped together at the dep6t in [Bngland were sent to Belgium, and constituted a part of the force under Sir Thomas Iraham, that officer having been replaced in the Peninsular army by Sir John Hope. TThis detachment r>f the corps (amounting to three companies) was warmly engaged in an taction with the French at Merxem, in the vicinity of Antwerp; and it was likewise en- ^§aged in affairs of lesser importance in that country. The three battalions were next engaged in a desperate attack made by the light division a formidable entrenched position in the pass of Vera. The third battalion of the regiment commenced the business of the day by driving from a mountain an advanced party of the French, and this was followed by a general advance of the light division against the entrenched position. After a sharp conflict the enemy was driven from his strong ground ; and tlie second brigade of the light division, which Colonel Colbourne, of the 52nd regiment, commanded on that day (composed of the 52nd regiment, the second battalion of the Rifle Corps, and the first Portuguese light infantry), suffered very severely, and exhibited great gallantry and good conduct in forcing the different entrenchments with the bayonet. A few weeks after this, the three battalions of the corps had an ample share in the battle of the Nivelle ; on which day the British army was established on the soil of France, and Marshal Soult was obliged to retreat to a strong entrenched camp near Bayonne. In a close reconnoissance, made by the left wing of the army, under Sir John Hope's command, on the French entrenched camp near Bayonne, the Rifle Corps was soon after- wards engaged, as likewise in several minor affairs of posts, between Arcanguez and Bayonne. In the battles of the Nive, which lasted five days, and consisted of different attacks on various points of our extended line of defence, the Rifle Corps had its share. The second and third battalions were in the battle of Orthes ; the first battalion, having been sent a short time before to St. Jean de Luz to get its new clothing, was un- avoidably prevented from taking a share in that action, which threw additional lustre on the British arms. The three battalions of the regiment were shortly afterwards very hotly engaged at Tarbes, on the Adour, driving the enemy from a ridge of formidable heights, and inflicting on them a heavy loss in an extremely short space of time. Eleven officers of the corps were killed and wounded in this short but sharp action. In following the French rear-guard towards Toulouse, the third battalion had an affair near the village of Tournfuelle. In the battle of Toulouse, which followed shortly afterwards, the three battalions of the corps were engaged. This battle terminated the war in the Peninsula, which com- menced (as far as the British army was concerned) on the 1st day of August, 1808, and ended on the 10th of April, 1814. On the return of the army fi-ora Bordeaux to England, five companies of the third bat- talion were sent with the expedition against New Orleans, in the various operations against which place it suffered very severely indeed. The first and second battalions were also under orders to embark for America early in the ensuing spring, but Napoleon's escape from Elba changed their destination to Flanders. The gallantry displayed by a company of the third battalion, commanded by Captain Hallen, which formed the advance picket on the first night, the troops, under Sir John Keane, landed on the banks of the Mississippi (when it was vigorously attacked by an overwhelming body of Americans) ; and the obstinacy with which this little band defended the post entrusted to their charge, should be recorded as an affair of posts but rai-ely equalled, and never surpassed in devoted bravery. Had the expedition terminated more favourably, it is presumed that the brave commander of that comjjany would not have gone unrewarded. The first battalion of the corps being in Sir Thomas Picton's division, was engaged in the battle of Quatre Bras. The first and second battalions, as well as that part of the third which was not with the New Orleans expedition, were hotly engaged throughout the glorious day of Waterloo. Their losses were exceedingly severe. From the formation of the regiment in 1800 to the Day of Waterloo, it appears it has been engaged with the enemy, as follows : — In one great naval battle (Copenhagen). In three sieges and storms (Monte Video, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz). In the attack of Buenos Ayres, under General Whitelock. In the assault of the American lines at New Orleans. A detachment sent to assist in the defence of Tarifa. A detachment sent to assist in the storming of San Sebastian. In eleven hotly contested actions not termed general ones. In thirteen general actions. In the battle of Quatre Bras, which was fought principally by Sir Thomas Picton'a division, and is not termed a general action. And in upwards of forty minor actions, affairs of posts, reconnoissances, &c., &c., many of which were very severe. TUK RIFLE BRIGADE. VH With the exception of the expedition to Ferrol, aud the battle of Copenhagen, under Lord Nelson, the whole of the above-mentioned services were performed between the early part of the year 1807, and the month of June, 1815, a period of but little more than eight years. . In conclusion, it should be remarked, that although most of the effecUve men of the whole corps were sent to the Peninsula, and that the three battalions were in the field, neither of them could be supplied with reinforcements from the depot in sufficient numbers to fill up their constant losses. It has already been stated, that in the spring of 1810 the first battalion was reduced from ten to eiyht companies; and after the sieges and storms of Ciudad Rodrigo and Bada- joz, it was reduced to six companies; from which period, up to and including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, it consisted of only that number. The second battalion could not either be furnished with men sufficiently fast to keep it up to more than six companies; and the third battalion had but five companies in the Peninsula, The recruiting at home was attended with as much success as that of other regiments, and more so than that of most. The best proof of it is, that on the return of the two battalions from Corunna and Vigo, in January, 1809, a third battalion was formed in a few clays by volunteers from various militia regiments; and the number of men obtained, in that extremely short space of time, exceeded very considerably one thousand. If, then, it is asked how came it to pass that the three battalions could not be kept up to their proper complement in the field, the answer is obvious, and will be found in the perusal of the foregoing sketch of its services. It will there be seen, that it was not only employed in general actions, sieges, and storms, in common with regiments of the line; but that the very numerous affairs (as they are termed) in which, as a matter of course, it was constantly engaged, owing to the peculiar nature of its service, caused an unceasing drain on its strength, from which the regiments of the line were comparatively exempt. The best test of the correctness of this assertion would be found in the returns of officers and soldiers of the 95th Rifle Corps killed and wounded in that manner. In looking over the returns in the Gazette of the losses sustained by different regiment! in various battles, those who are not properly informed on the subject would very naturally conclude tliat the battalions of the Rifle Corps amounted to ten companies each in the field, and would judge of their losses accordingly, whereas a very false estimate would thus be made. For example: — at the sieges and storms of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, instead of three battalions, of ten companies each, there were only fifteen altogether; viz., eight of the first, two of the second, and five of the third; and in every action which took place from that time, up to the termination of the Peninsular war at Toulouse, there were but seventeen companies in that country; that is, only two companies more than one complete battalion and a half. At Waterloo there were hut fourteen companies of the corps; viz., six of the first, six of the second, and two of the third battalion; yet, persons uninformed on the subject would suppose, on seeing the returns of killed and wounded after difierent actions, that the three battalions consisted (like those of other regiments) of ten companies each, having thirty captains, sixty first-lieutenants, and thirty second- lieutenants, with field-officers and adjutants in proportion. This supposition would, indeed, be most erroneous, as not more n half that number were in the field. In looking, therefore, at the losses of each battalion, due regard should be paid to those ts; and it should be borne in mind, that a battalion, composed of five companies, losing Ifti/ men, is tantamount to one of ten companies losing one hundred. I regret exceedingly that I am not in possession of returns of the losses sustained by my old corps in its numerous actions with the enemy, and by sickness. Such a document would have, perhaps, but few (if any) parallels in the service; and it would be seen, moreover, that the Peninsular army had other formidable enemies to contend with besides the sword, in the form of pestilential fevers, agues, &c. &c. Although many pleasurable feelings have been experienced, by thus calling to mind occurrences long since passed, and which are, in all probability, nearly effaced from the memory of mo.st, those feelings are not unalloyed by reflecting, how very, very few, now renmin of those who participated with me in those .spirit stirring scenes. OFFICERS OF THE A TROOP OF ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY, WHO SERVED WITH THE LIGHT DIVISION DURING THE PENINSULAR WAR, 21® Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, k.c.b., 2nd Lt., 6th March, 1795; \st Lt., 10th May, 1796; Capt. Lt., 1st September, 1803; %nd Captain, 19th July, 1804; Captain, 24th July, 1806; Bt, Major, 31st December, 1811; B^. Lt. Colonel, 21st June, 1813; Major, 29th July, 1825; Lt. Colonel, 29th July, 1825; Bt. Colonel, 22nd July, 1830; Colonel, 10th January, 1837; Major General, 23rd November, 1841; aptd. Deputy Adju- tant General, 23rd April, 1840; Colonel Commandant, 1st November, 1848. (Gold Medal for 9, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24) (Silver Medal for 11, 14, 19) Present at the Coa, Pombal, Redinha, Casial Novo, Fez d'Arouce, Sabugal, Aldea de Ponte, and Castra- jon ; capture at the forts at Salamanca ; affairs of San Munos, San Milan, and action near Bayonne, 13th Deoember, 1813 ; wounded at Redinha, Foz d'Arouce, and dangerously at Badajoz George Jenkinson, C.B., 2nd Lieut., 1st April, 1799; 1st Lieut., 3rd December, 1800; 2nd Captain, 1st June, 1806; Captain, 20th December, 1814; placed on h. p., 1st Feb., 1819; Bt. Major, 21st June, 1813; Bt. Lieut. Colonel, 12th April, 1814; died in London 21st March, 1823. (Gold Medal for Orthes) SSa; Alexander Macdonald, c.B., 2nd Lieut, 3rd December, 1803; 1st Lieut., 1st May, 1804; 2nd Captain, 1st October, 1812; Captain, 2nd December, 1826; Bt. Major, 18th June, 1815; Bt. Lieut. Colonel, 21st June, 1817; Bt. Colonel, 10th January, 1837; Lt. Colonel, 20th July, 1840; Major General, 9th November, 1846. (Silver Medal for 7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25) Present at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope, 1806; expedition to Buenos Ayres, where he was twice severely wounded and taken prisoner ; present at the Coa, affairs of Redinha, Pombal, Condelia, Foz d'Arouce, San Munos, G^ve dOleion and Aure; severely wounded at Waterloo George John Belson, 2nd Lieut, 29th September, 1804; 1st Lieut, 6th July, 1806; 2nd Captain, 21st May, 1815; placed on h. p., 1st February, 1819; reaptd. to full pay, 20th April, 1820; Captain, 27th October, 1829; Bt Major, 10th January, 1837; Lieut Colonel, 23rd November, 1841; retired on full pay, 7th April, 1842. (Silver Medal for 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25) Present at Almeida ; action on the Coa, Pombal, Redinha, Cazel Novo, Foz d'Arouce and Sabugal ; action on the heights of Agueda ; actions at Castrajon, San Munos, San Milan, Osma, and Give d'Oleron George Smyth Bartelot, 2nd Lieut, 20th December, 1805; l.«/ Lieut, 1st June, 1806; resigned 1st December, 1813. (Silver Medal for 9, 11, 14, 15, 16) John Day, 2nd Lieut, 1st June, 1808; 1st Lieut, 25th Jan., 1810; died at Horaford, Norfolk, November, 1819 COLONELS. CooTE Manningham, Ensign 5th June, 1782, 39th Regt.; Lieut. 16th December, 1783, ; reaptd. to 39th Regt., 14th January, 1784; Captain 16tli December, 1785, ; reaptd. to 39th Regt., 25th September, 1787; Major 23d February, 1791, 45tli Kegt.; Lt. Col. 18th April, 1794, 105th Regt.; aptd. to 41st Regt., 1st September, 1795; Colonel 1st January, 1798; aptd. Colonel of the Rifles 25th August, 1800; Major General 1st January, 1805; died at Maidstone, 26th August, 1809 Sir David Dundas, g.c.b.. Ensign 1756, 56th Regt.; Captain 21st March, 1759, Eliott'.-? Light Horse, (present 15th Hussars); Major 1770, Eliott's Light Horse; Lt. Colonel 11th September, 1775, ; aptd. to 12th L. D., 22d September, 1775; aptd. Q. M. Gen. in Ireland, 1778; aptd. to 2nd Regt. of Horse, (present 5th D. G.) 19th November, 1781; Colonel 14th February, 1782; Major General 28th April, 1790; aptd. Colonel oi the 22nd Foot 2nd April, 1791; aptd. CVone/ of the 7th L. D. 23rd December, 1795; Lt General 2&th January, 1797; aptd. CWowe/of the 2nd Dragoons 16th May, 1801; aptd. Governor of Fort George 1801; General 2,^i\i April, 1802; aptd. G'ouerwor of Chelsea Hospital, 1804; Commander-in-Chief Ibih March, 1801) (wluch office he held until 28th May, 1811); aptd. Colonel oi the Rifles 31st August, 1809; aptd. alsj Co/one/ of the 1st D. G. 27th January, 1813; died at Chelsea Hospital 18th February, 1820 S2a Arthur, Duke of Wellington, k.g., g.c.b., g.c.h., Ensign 7th March, 1787, 70rd Regt.; Lieut. 25th December, 1787, 76th Regt.; exchd. to 41st Regt. 23rd January, 1788: a})ta. to 12th L. D. 25th June, 1789; Captain 30th June, 1791, 58th Regt; aptd. to 18th L. D. olat October, 1792; Major 30th April, 1793, 33rd Regt.; Lt. Colonel 30th September, 1793, 33rd Regt.; Co/one/ 3rd May, 1796; Major General, 29th April, 1802; aptd. Colonel oi the 33rd Regt. 30th January, 1806; Lt. General 25th April, 1808; Local Rank of General in Spain and PortugjU 3l3t July, 1811; aptd. Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards 1st January, 1813; Field Marshal 2l3t June, 1813; aptd. Colonel oi the Rifle Brigade, 19th February, 1820; aptd. Constable oi the Tower of London, 29th December, 1826; aptd. Co/otjc/ of the Grenadier Guards, 22nd January, 1827; Commander-in-Chief from 22nd January to 5th May, 1827; reaptd. Commander-in-Chief 27th August, 1827, (which office beheld to 14th Feb., 1828); aptd. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 27th December, 1828; reaptd. Commander-in-Chief \5i\\ August, 1842. {Gold Medal for 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 14,15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26; RIFLE BRIGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Addingtou Henry Estcourt Agnew Robert Vans Ainslie Charles P. Aitchison William Munro Aldrich Frederick AUix William Amherst Hon. Je&rey Amphlett John Andrews Alexander {Silver Medal for 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27) Arbuthnot Hon. Duncan Austin Joseph {Silver Medal for 16) Backhouse John William Bagot Charles , Baillie Robert Baird Robert Henry Baldock William {Silver Medal for 10,14, 15, 16) Baldwin Chas. Ed. Barry Balfour Francis Walter Balvaird William, c. B. (Gold Medal for 22, 24) (Silver Medal for 9, 11,14, 15, 16, 19) Barker Robert Barkeley James Barnard Sir A. F., G.c.B., G.C.H. {Gold Medal for 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26) Barnard Thomas (Silver Medal for 11) 27th January, 1843 29th May, 1835 10th April, 1825 10th July, 1840 11th May, 1809 20th July, 1809, 18th Foot 4th May, 1820 23rd October, 1813 21st December, 1799, 13th Foot 25th Sept., 1806, 77th Regt. 6th April, 1809 9th May, 1811 5th August, 1824 7th May, 1847 1st July, 1842 3rd March, 1808, 82nd Regt. 6th October, 1843 14th May, 1847 24th March, 1803, 94th Regt. 16th September, 1813 29th February, 1812 26th August, 1794, 90th Regt. 25th March, 1808, 41st Regt. 28th January, 1826, Unatt.; aptd. to 4th L. D., 25th Jan., 1826 * 2nd September, 1842; exchd. to 69th Regt., 25th April, 1845 23rd July, 1811; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 22nd April, 1819 12th April, 1810, 34th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 17th May, 1810 24th October, 1821, Gren. Guards; aptd. to 59th Regt., 21st Nov., 1822 6th April, 1801, 13th Foot I 18th December, 1806, 6th Garr. Batt; aptd. to Rifles, 20th Aug., 1807 22nd August, 1810; exchd. to h. p. of 42nd Regt., 26t^ December, 1815 ■ 26th August, 1813 1 24th Feb., 1825, Gren. Grda. 22nd May, 1846 9th November, 1809 23rd April, 1847 J 17tji April, 1804, 78th Regt. 20th February, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 58th Regt. 14th June, 1821; placed on h. p. of it, 25th December. 1821; exchd. to 20th Regt. 10th Oct., 1822 8th December, 1813 September, 1794, ; 3rd April, 1810, 41st Regt. RIFLE BRIGADE. CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. 16th March, 1830, Unatt.; exchd. to 1st Dragoons, 29th June, 1826 8th April, 1826, Unatt. 28th February, 1805, 100th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 21st December, 1809; exchd. to h. p. of 43rd Regt, 19th June, 1817 30th Dec, 1828, Gren. Guards 16th May, 1805, ; aptd. to Rifles, 15th August, 1805 3rd June, 1835, 20th Regt. 13th November, 1794, 81st Regt. aptd. to 55th Regt., 2nd Dec, 1795; aptd. to 1st Foot Guards, 19th December, 1799 23rd Feb.. 1815, 47th Regt.; apixl. to Rifles, 24th August, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 71st Regt. r.th Anril 1820 Retired 28th April, 1846 Retired 1st July, 1842 , . ^ t T^ Major, 14th October, 1842, 1st Dragoons; exchd. to 14th L. D., 3rd February, 1843; Lt. Col., 22nd October, 1847, Unatt.; excd. to 7th D. G., 23rd Feb., 1849 Retired 12th September, 1848 Aptd. Paymaster of the 97th Regt. died at Gosport, 18th Sept., 1836 10th September, 1829; KUled at Badajoz, April, 1812 Died at Barrackpore, East Indies, 2nd August, 1826 Died in Dublin, 16th August, 1817, in consequence of the bite of a mad dog; (see United Service Journal, Vol. I. Part I., p. 577, an account of his death by Dr. Ridgway) Retired 1825 KiUed near Sabugal, 3rd April, 1811 Died of wounds received at New Orleans, 8th Jan., 1815 Capt. and Lt. Col., 15th May, 1840, Gren. Guards Retired 25th February, 1813 Retired 11th January, 1850 Bt. Major, 22nd November, 1813; Major, 2l8t July, 1814; Bt. Lt. Col 21st June, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to 99th Regt. 25th March, 1824; Lt. Col., 1st June, 1826; exchd. to 37th Regt. 27th August, 1841; retired same day Retired 31st December, 1839; died Retired 1814; drowned in the West Indies , Bt. Major 1st January, 1805, ; Lt. Colonel 28th January, 1808, : aptd. to 1st Foot, 15th December, 1808; exchd. to Rifles 29th March, 1810; Colonel 4th June, 1813; Major General 12th August, 1819; aptd. Colonel Commandant of the 1st Batt. of the Rifle Brigade 25th August, 1822; Lt. General 10th Jan., 1837; aptd. Lt. Gov. of Chelsea HspL, 26th Nov., 1849 Retired 31st October, 1822 /i RIFLE BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &C. LIEUTENANT. ®2ft Barnes Sir Edwd., g.c.b. {Gold Medal for Q, 8, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25) Barnes Sir J. S., K.c.B.,K.c. {Gold Medal for 9, 16, 20, 24) {Silver Medal for 11, 15, 22, 27) Barrington Hon Percy Barth James Becher Henry W. g2E Beckwith Charles, c.b. {Gold Medal for 2Q) Beckwith Hy. Ferdinand Beckwith John Ferdinand Beckwith Robert Beckwith Sidney Beckwith Sir T. S., k.c.B. {Gold Medal for d, 5, 9) Beckwith Thomas Sidney Bedell Walter Death {Silver Medal for 11, 14) Bell Thomas Richard Belson Frederick 8th Nov., 1792, 47th Regt. SSI Bennet Francis Bennett L. H. Benyon Joseph Beresford William Henry Best Hon W. D. Mortimer Bingham Sir G. R., K.C.B. {Gold Medal for 7, 16, 18, 19, 22) 11th July, 1792, 1st Foot 29th April, 1842 21st December, 1809 13th November, 1847 2nd June, 1803, 50th Regt. 20th March, 1824 3rd August, 1841 11th April, 1809 17th April, 1828 24th July, 1823, 57th Regt; aptd. to Rifles, 31st July, 1823 19th March, 1807^ 23rd May, 1809 25th January, 1816, h. p. of 7th D. G.; exchd. to Rifles, 20th April, 1829 11th August, 1808 29th October, 1825 25th January, 1833 17th May, 1844, 70th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 13th July, 1844 3rd June, 1793, t)9th Regt. 27th March, 1793, aptd to a Regt. of Foot 30th October, 1793 9th January, 1794, 1st 12th July, 1844, lier Guards Scots Fusi- 29th Aug., 1804, 50th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 13th June, 1805 8th April, 1826 31st May, 1844 3rd January, 1810 26th May, 1833 2nd Feb., 1791, 71st Regt 10th November, 1825 11th August, 1808; exchd. to h. p. of the 24th Regt. 23rd November, 1815 24th July, 1811 24th January, 1834 1st October, 1809 8th September, 1800 25th March, 1828, Unatt.; exchd. to 88th Regt, 26th Mar., 1828; exchd. to h. p. Unatt. 16th May, 1834; aptd. to 6th Foot, 27th May, 1836 3rd August, 1838 2nd July, 1847 1795, 69th Regt. I RIFLE BRIGADE. HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. Ith Feb., 1794, 99th Regt. 17th February, 1796, 1st Foot 28th July, 1808; exchd, to h. p. of the Corps, 27th January, 1820 31st August, 1830 31st December, 1839 4th Oct., 1797, 7l8t Regt.; aptxi. to Rifles, 29th August, 1800 29th Aug., 1826, Unatt.; exd. to 90th Regt. 14th Sept., 1826; aptd. to Rifles, 20th Dec, 1826 nth May, 1841 7th May, 1805 Major, 16th November, 1794, 99th Regt.; Regt. reduced 1796, retained on full pay of it until 1798, when placed on h. p. of it; Bt. Lt. Col. 1st January, 1800; aptd. to 79th Regt. 17th Feb., 1800; Lt. Col. 23rd AprU, 1807, 46th Regt.; Colonel 25th July, 1810; Major General 4th June, 1813; aptd. Colonel of the 2nd Garr. Batt., 27th November, 1815; apt. Colonel of the 99th Regt. 24th October, 1816; aptd. a Colonel Commandant in the Rifle Brigade, 13th May, 1820; aptd. Colonel of the 78th Regt. 25th August, 1822; Lieut. General 27th May, 1825; Local Rank of General in the East Indies, 7th June, 1831; aptd. Colonel of the 3l8t Regt. 10th October, 1834; died in London, 19th March, 1838 Major 17th September, 1802, 1st Foot; Lt. Colonel 6th Nov., 1806; aptd. to Chasseurs Britanniques 11th June, 1807; aptd. to 1st Foot, 21st April, 1808; Colonel 4th June, 1814; Major General, 19th July, 1821; aptd. a Colonel Commandant of the Rifle Brigade 7th January, 1833; Lt. General 10th Jan., 1837; aptd. Colonel of the 20th Regt. 25th April, 1842 Retired 19th December, 1845 Retired 23d June, 1812 Bt. Major 3rd March, 1814; Bt. Lt. Colonel 18th June, 1815; Colonel 10th January, 1837: Major General 9th November, 1846; retired October, 1847; lost his left leg at Waterloo Major nth May, 1841; Lt. Colonel 14th April, 1846; died at Kingston, Canada, 31st July, 1847 Retired 12th November, 1847 Retired 28th January, 1813 Major 13th July, 1847; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 22nd December, 1848' Brevet Major, 11th March, 1802 ; Major, 28th April," 1802; Lt. Colonel, 20th January, 1803; Colonel 4th June, 1811; Major General, 4th June, 1814; Colonel Commandant of the Rifles, 27th January, 1827; aptd. Commander in Chief at Bom- bay May, 1829; Lt. General, 22nd July, 1830; died at Madab- leshwiir HUls, Bombay, 19th January, 1831 Died at Gibraltar 21st March, 1828 ' 0/ {'^f-/€r-£c - Retired 30th June, 1812 Retired 16th June, 1843 l.'th AprU, 1842 21 th JanuaJ7, 1790, 81st Regt. Died 3l8t May, Died 1 808 Ji Retired 1st Jifly L817 1836 Retired Ist October, 1850 Major, 22nd January, 1801, 82nd Regt.; Lt. Colonel, 14th March, 1805, 53rd Regt.; Colonel 4th June, 1813; Major General, 12th August, 1819; aptd. a Colonel Commandant of the Rifle Brigade, 18th June, 1831; died in London, 3rd January, 1833 LIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &C. LIEUTENANT. Bingham George Lord Black Jolin Lewis (Medal for tU Sutlej) Blakiston Charles Blayney C. Davis, Lord Bligh John Boilean Charles Lostock Boileau John Peter Boilean John Elliot Bogle Robert ®2E Booth William {Silver Medal for 5, 18, 25, 26) Bott Charles Edward T- Bouchier Claud. Thomas Bouverie Henry Montolien Bowles Henry Oldfield Bradford Wilmot Henry t'- Bramston Thomas Harvey *Brattle Gamaliel Brereton Thomas Brewster Wm. Bagenall Brockman John Brown George, C.B., K.H. (Silver Medal for 3, 7, 9, 11, 20, 24) 29th December, 1848 22nd April, 1813, 49th Regt. 12th March, 1807, 25th Regt. 7th June, 1821, 4th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 5th July, 1821 9th December, 1813 17th November, 1814 18th March, 1813, 9th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 9th September, 1813 28th November, 1845 25th September, 1806 15th October, 1847 20th April, 1849 2nd April, 1847 4th December, 1835 24th May, 1833, 80th Regt. 16th February, 1849 {From East Kent Militia^ 25th Nov., 1799, ; aptd. to Rifles, 3rd November, 1800 7th July, 1846 30th March, 1814, 84th Regt. 23 Jan., 1806, 43rd Regt. 1 0th March, 1 81 4, 49th Regt. ; placed on h. p. of the Regt. 1814; aptd. to 1st Foot, 23rd Feb., 1815; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1816; exchd. to Rifles, 18th July, 1816; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec. 1818; exchd. to 7th Fusiliers, 16th March, 1820 13th July, 1808, 25th Regt.; aptd, to Rifles, 28th Sept., 1809; aptd. to 25th L. D. 22nd February, 1810 27th January, 1825; exchd. to 7th Fusiliers, 9th November, 1825 24th October, 1821; placed on h. p. of the Corps 1821; exchd. back to full pay of it 28th March, 1822 11th July, 1816; exchd. to h. p. of 90th Regt. 14th kng., 1817 M 2()th Dec.*'l804, 54th Regt. 17th March, 1808; aptd. to 15th L. D. 7th December, 1809 13th July, 1847, Coldstream Guards 19th June, 1840 26th August, 1836, 80th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 16th September, 1836 25th March, 1802; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 1802 12th April, 1849 16th Sept., 1816, 84th Regt.; placed on h. p. of the Regt. 25th March, 1817; exchd. to Rifles, March, 1818; placed on half pay of the Corps, 25th December, 1818 18th Sept., 1806, 43rd Regt. 1 RIFLE BRIGADE. CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. 16th June, 1825, 53rd Regt. 14th Mar., 1816, 25th L. D.; placed on h. p. of the Regt. 25th Dec., 1818 8th April, 1826, Unatt.; exchd. to 80th Regt. 7th June, 1827 2nd September, 1824 2nd Dec, 1806, 9th Garr. Batt.; aptd. to Rifles, 5th May, 1808 17th Sept. 1812, 15th Hussars 31st May, 1844; placed on h. p. Unatt. 15th January, 1847 27th August, 1841 15th December, 1813; placed on h, p. of the Corps 1814 Bt. Major 2Sth June, 1838; Major, 26tkJuly, 1844; exchd. to h. p. Unatt. 3rd December, 1847 ^CZ , Retired 11th June, 1830 Superseded 18th November, 1819 Major 4th December, 1835; retired 3l8t December, 1839 Local Rank of Major in the East Indies, 19th July, 1821 Appointment cancelled 7th July, 1846 X^'^ f- Jo " /SOij7 Major 18th December, 1823, 15th Hussars; retired 5th August, 1824 />^4.At^^ Died at Toronto, Canada, 31st January, 1849 2(ith June, 1811, 3rd Garr. Batt.; aptd. to 85th Regt., 2nd July, 1812 Retired 1831 Died 9th September, 1846 Aptd. Adjutant of the Duke of Cornwall's Rangers, 25th Aug., 1821; retired from the Army, July, 1831 Major 26th May, 1814, 85th Regt.; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 29th September, 1814; Lt. Colonel 17th July, 1823, Unatt.; exchd. to Rifle Brigade 5th February, 1824; Colonel 6th May, 1831; Major General, 23rd November. ] 841 ; aptd. Deputy Adjutant General same day. RIFLE BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &C. LIUTENANT. Brown Henry John Brownrigg Henry John Bruce H. Stewart Beresford *Bruce John Bruce John Buckner John SSa Budgen John Robert {Silver Medal for 5, 10, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Buller Coote *^Buller Ed. Manningham -f- Buller George, c.b. Bunbury Ralph Burke Edmund Burges David Byrne Francis Henry Cadoux Daniel V*****^^^ Callander George'^'****' ^"^^^ Cameron Sir Alex., k.cb. {Medal for Egypt) {GoldMedalforU,15,ie) {Silver Medal for 3, 5, 9, 11, 18) Cameron Alex. D. Cameron Donald 212ft Cameron Dugald Cameron Duncan Cameron James Saumarez Campbell Alexander Campbell Leckie Campbell Pat. Fitzroy W. 10th April, 1840 6th December, 1813 28th January, 1842, 14th Foot; aptd. to Rifles 11th Mar., 1842 (From East Kent Militia) 8th December, 1814; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 3rd June, 1819 22nd April, 1826 17th March, 1808 13th July, 1847 11th October, 1845 2nd March, 1820, 23rd Fu- siliers; placed on h. p. of the Regt. 1821; aptd. to 63rd Regt. 29th August, 1822 18th August, 1799, 5th Foot 17th Nov., 1825, 16th Lancers 23rd May, 1816, 77th Regt. 2nd February, 18ai 23rd Oct., 1799, 92nd Regt. 31st July, 1793, 43rd Regt. 4th April, 1805 19th April, 1809 22ial April, 1813 4th November, 1824 13th May, 1812 11th Dec, 1806, 47th Regt. 13th January, 182^ 1st July, 1842 23rd Dec, 1819; placed on h. p. of the Corps 1821; exchd. back to full pay of it, 28th Mar., 1822 25th April, 1845 25th Dec, 1813; pi p. of the Corps 1814 31st August, 1830 4th May, 1809 24th September, 1847 28th Mar., 1825, 45th Regt aptd. to Rifles 9th April, 18 1 14th November, 1805 25th June, 1803, 5th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 2nd October, 1806 3rd October, 1826, Unatt.; exchd. to 62nd Regt. 21st Mar., 1827 7th Feb., 1822, 77th Regt.; exchd to Rifles, 7th November, 1822 25th June, 1803 20th April, 1791, 25th F 6th September, 1800 5th March, 1794, 91st Regt. 8th May, 1806 1st May, 1811; exchd. to li. p, of 89th Regt. 13th Nov., 1817 9th April, 1826 '"5th July," 1809, 47th Regt; aptd to Rifles 28th September, 1809 14th July, 1825, 3rd Foot Guards niFLB BRIGADE. HIGHER RANKS, AXD REMARKS. 15th Jane, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 73rd Regt. 9th August, 1833 19th August, 1828 25th June, 1829, 62nd Regt; exchd. to h. p. of Rifles, 8th June, 1830; exchd. to full pay of the Corps, 29th March, 1833 10th September, 1825 10th July, 1807 6th Oct., 1794, 25th Foot 6th May, 1805 Ist Sept., 1800 1st October, 1812: exchd. to h. p. of 47th Regt. 24th Aug., 1815 th June, 1831 3rd July, 1829, 3rd Foot Gds. Retii-ed 30th December, 1845 Retired March, 1830 Retired 6th May, 1836 Retired 23rd August, 1833 Major 3l8t December, 1839; Lt. Col. 27th August, 1841 Killed in the aflfair of Lourhina, Portugal, 15th August, 1808 Died 1810 Retired 31st July, 1835; died in Paris, 1838 Retired 12th Marcli. 1829 Killed at the Bridge of Vera, Pyrenees, 1st September, 1813 Major 27th November, 1799, 62nd Regt; aptd. to Rifles 25th August, 1800; Lt. Colonel 31st March, 1802 Bt. Major 30th May, 1811; Bt. Lt. Colonel 27th April, 1812; Major 14th May, 1812; exchd. to h. p. of 1st Greek Light In- ffintry, 6th March, 1817; aptd. Dep. Governor of St. Mawes, 23rd October, 1828; Colonel 22nd July, 1830; Major General 28th June, 1838; aptd. Colonel of the 74th Regt. 24th April, 1846j died at luverailqft, N.B., 20th July, 1850 '^^^ a^^** ^ ^^.^^t^ Died 3rd August, 1846 Died 1814 Died 18th March, 1834 Killed at the Bidassoa, October, 1813 Killed at Vittoria, 21st June, 1813 Captain and Lt. Colonel, 9th November, 1833, Scots Fusilier Guards; retired 10th November, 1849 RIFLE BRIGADE- 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Campbell Sir Neil, c.b. (Gold Medal for 6, 14, 16) Campbell William Campbell William Capel Henry Carr George Kirwan Carr John Carey Arthur Cary George Marcus (Silver Medal for 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Cartwright Aubrey Agar Cassilis Archibald, Earl of Cavendish Hon. Geo. Hy. Chambers Charles Henry Champagne Forbes gl®l Chawner Edward Chapman William {Silver Medal for 9) Charteris Hon. Richard Ch'urch James Churchill C. Hy. Spencer Clanmorris J. C. R. Lord Clarke Alexander 11th Oct., 1797, 6th West India; exchanged to 67th Regt., 29th October, 1798 28th January, 1808 25th March, 1813; exchd. to h. p. of the 71st Regt., 19th June, 1817; aptd. to 24th Regt., 1st September, 1820; exchd. to 89th Regt., 16th October, 1823 9th June, 1825 29th June, 1830 4th August, 1808, 14th Ft.; aptd. to Rifles, 9th Feb., 1809 20th October, 1807, 59th 2nd October, 1812 15th October, 1841 5th July, 1833 17th December, 1829 16th May, 1834 1773, 4th Foot ^i**^A^x*V/^^^«-^ /if'*'^^. 4th April, 1809 . , - 2nd October, 1840 Jfvtu^^C^ 30th July, 1813, 68th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 26th August, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Augxist, 1816 10th October, 1845 12th November, 1847 92nd Regt. 23rd Aug., 1799, 57th Regt.; aptd. to 95th Rifles, 1st Sept., 1800 N 6th June, 1809 p. of 84th Regt., exchd. to h. 11th Feb., 1818 21st July, 1825, 38th Regt. A 22nd May, 1828 31st July, 1835 3rd October, 1809; aptd. to 15th Hussars, 21st December, 1809 9th Feb., 1809, 8th Garr. Batt.; aptd. to Rifles, 8th March, 1810 17th July, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 31st January, 1845 19th October, 1838; exchd. to 17th Lancers, 9th Aug., 1839 25th January, 1833, Unatt, 3ist December. 1839; ap- pointment cancelled same day 1775, 4th Foot 19th December, 1805 26th April, 1810; exchd. to h. p. of Corps, 18th March, 1819 7th October, 1842 24th September, 1847 15th June, 1799, 92nd Regt. aptd. to Rifles, 31st August, 1800 RIFLE BRIGADE. 11 HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS, 4th June, 1801 12th July, 1839, Unatt. 22nd May, 1835 2nd July, 1841 20th April, 1815, 15th Huss.; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th Mav, 1816; exchd. to 41st Regt., 3rd January, 1822 22nd December, 1848 24th April, 1779, 23rd FusUs. 14th May, 1812; aptd. to 4th Vet. Batt., 9th November, 1820; Batt. disbanded 1821, placed on retired full pay of it 14th May, 1847; exchd. to Sects Fusilier Guards, Ist October, 1847 Major, 24th Jan., 1805, 43rd Regt.; aptd. to 54th Regt,, 20th Feb., 1806; Bt. Lt. Col, and Deputy Adj, Gen. in the Windward and Leeward Islands, 18th Aug., 1808; Local Rank of Colonel on the Continent of Europe and Island of Elba, 30th April, 1814; Colonel, 4th June, 1814; placed on h. p. of Corsican Rangers, 2nd Jan., 1817; Major General, 27th May, 1825; aptd. Colonel of the Royal African Colonial Corps, 18th May, 1826; died at Freetown, Sierra Leone, 14th August, 1827 Aptd, Paymaster of the 24th Regt., 28th May, 1818; exd. to 20th Regt., 20th Nov., 1823; died at Poonah, Bombay, 23rd December, 1826 Died at Exmouth, 15th March, 1847 Major, 10th Oct,,1845; Died at Watford, Essex, 13th April, 1847 Retired 7th April, 1843 Retired 19th July, 1827 Killed at Badajoz, April, 1812 Retired 18th March, 1842 Retired 1834 Died at Windsor, January, 1840 lAU/U^^*- Major, 12th September, 1793, 80th R^gt.; Lt. Colonel, 18th December, 1793, 80th Regt.; aptd. to 20th Foot, 3rd June, 1795; Colonel, 26th January, 1797; Major Gen., 25th September, 1803; aptd. Colonel of the 8th Garr. Batt., 25th November, 1806; aptd. a Colonel Comm. of the Rifles, 31st August, 1809; Lt. Gen., 25th July, 1810; aptd. Col. of the 70th Regt., 21st May, 1816; died at Mitcham, Surrey, 22nd October, 1816 Died 1826 jCt Wrecked near Holyhead, 5th Febmary, 1824 Retired 16th February, 184» /^i/rii4/>^^£^<- :IGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Clarke William Colin Clerke Walter Clifford Hon. Henry Clifton Aug. Wykeham Clinton Henry Clitherow John Christie Coane Alexander 8th Ji 1808 Coane Anthony Coane James / ©SE Cochrane Robert {Silver Medal for 1^, 19) SSI Cochrane Thomas Colthnrst John Bower "^ Colville Hon. Wm. James Cooper Astley Paston Cooper William Cope William Henry Come wall Herbert S. H. Cotter William Pomeroy Coventry Hon. Henry Cowper Hon. Wm. Fras. S2E Cox John, k.h. {Silver Medal for 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 18, i9, 22, 24, 25) Cox William, k.h. {Silver Medal for 2, 3, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25) Coxen Edward {Silver Medal for 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Crampton Jeremiah Crastor Thomas Warton 59th 19th i 22nd January, 1807 I 7th August, 1846 14th November, 1845 22nd March, 1821 11th April, 1825 15th October, 1807, Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, November, 1807 1st Nov., 1804, 45th Regt. 11th December, 1805 9th November, 1809 25th August, 1807 10th October, 1798, 41st Regt. 23rd Nov., 1843, 4th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 12th July, 1844 12th October, 1841, 66th Regt. 29th April, 1813 15th June, 1830, 81st Regt. 28th April, 1846 21st October, 1799, 79th Regt. 9th March, 1832 31st Dec, 1827, Unatt.; exchd. to Rifles, 2nd April, 1829; appointment cancelled, 2nd July, 1829; aptd. to the Blues, 6th Nov., 1829 16th March, 1808 6th June, 1805 5th April, 1809 24th May, 1809 9th June, 1809; exchd. to 77th Regt., 7th Nov., 1822 21st April, 1808 13th April, 1849 12th November, 1847 31st July, 1823 17th Foot; placed on h. p. of the Regt. same day; exclid. to 15th Foot, 17th November, 1825; aptd. to 23rd Fusiliers, 1st Dec, 1825 8th April, 1826, Coldstream Guards 4th June, 1809 2nd August, 1805 I 7th Jan., 1807, 7th Fusiliers 8th May, 1812 22nd Feb., 1809 17th Aug., 1799, 41st Regt.; pld. on h. p. of it, 1802; aptd. 69th Regt., 30th Aug., 1803; exchd. to Rifles, 22nd October, 1803 14th May, 1847 20th Oct., 1843, 66th Regt., 27th Dec, 1833, 81st Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 13th Aug., 1834 30th March, 1849 5th September, 1800 41 22nd July, 1836 24th Feb., 1832, Royal H. G. 8th June, 1809 19th November, 1807 28th June, 1810 25th Oct., 1800, 68th Regt. 7th Feb., 1811, 2nd Ceylon Regt., exchd. to 4th Foot, 27th June, 1811 RIFLE BRIGADE. \n HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. 19th December, 1824, 6tli Foot 11th July, 1826, Unatt.; exchd. to 98th Regt., 14th August, 1828 22nd July, 1830, Coldstream Guards 9th March, 1809, 73rd Regt. 22nd May, 1828 4th January, 1805, 23rd Fusiliers; exchd. to h. p. of the Royal Kelso Regt., 18th June. 1807; aptd. to 97th Regt., 25th March, 1824 1st Aug., 1848, 66th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 1st June, 1849 25th April, 1805, 8th Foot 25th Dec, 1835, Unatt. 23rd December, 1819 16th September, 1813; exd. to 1st Dragoons, 30th March, March, 1820; placed on h. p. of th.i Regt., 25th October, 1821; exohd. to Cape Corps Cavalry, 16th April, 1823 8th April, 1825; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 17th November, 1825 2(th June, 1805 Aptd. Town Adjutant at Malta, 29th April, 1824; died at Bombay, 14th Sept., 1827 Retired 4th Jan., 1810 Major, 4th March, 1836, Unatt.; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 9th Nov. 1846 Captain and Lt. Colonel, 30th May, 1843, Coldstream Guards Major, 24th June, 1817, 73rd Regt.; placed onh. p. of it same day; died 1819 Retired on fall pay of the Corps, 30th October, 1840; aptd. a Military Knight of Windsor, 1841 Died at Kinsale, July, 1823 Bt. Major, 12th August, 1819; retired 17th August, 1825 Retired 19th May, 1814 Retired 5th July, 1839 Bt. Major, 12th August, 1819; Major, 1st June, 1826, Unatt.; retired May, 1827 Retired 23rd June, 1837 Major, 19th August, 1828; Lt. Colonel, 17th Feb., 1837, Unatt. Major, Ist August, 1826, Unatt.; aptd. to Cape Corps Infantry, 8th March, 1827; exchd. to 75th Regt., 20th June, 1834; Lt. Colonel, 5th Feb., 1836, Unatt; aptd. to a Particular Service in Canada, 1st January, 1838; Colonel, 9th November, 1846 ^^ ^^Y Aptd. Paymaster of the 60th Regt., 9th February, 1826 ^>^^JL^ Died 1812, of -wounds received at Badajoz Died 1813 ^LE BRIGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &C. LIEUTENANT. Crawfiird Robert Creagh Jasper Crosbie William Grotty John Crudace Christoplier Cumine William Cunningham Kobert Selby Curry Samuel Curtis William ^' Curzon Hon. Leicester ®2a Cuyler Sir Charles Bt. {Silver Medal for 18, 19) Cuyler Cornelius D'Aguilar Chas. Greo. c.b. {Medal for China) Daly Peter Nugent Davidson Hugh Davie Hy. Davie Fergusson Dawson George Breresford Dayrell Francis De Jersey Frederick ♦Denford Charles Dering Robert Dickinson Richard Samuel 22nd July, 1836 12th April, 1825 5th Sept., 1805; exchd. to 26th Regt., 21st May, 1807 4th May, 1809 8th April, 1826 15th May, 1805; aptd. 4th Foot, 4th July, 1805 30th July, 1812 to 26th June, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 8th Foot, 13th January, 1820 29th November, 1845 24th April, 1810, 69th Regt. 12th Nov., 1794, 69th Regt. 24th Sept., 1799, 86th Regt. 20th Jan., 1814; exd. to 33rd, 21st Sept., 1820; exd. to h. p. of 96th Regt., 22nd Mar., 1821; aptd. to 2nd Vet. Batt., 20th Feb., 1823; exchd. to h. p. of 57th Regt., 25th March, 1824 26th September, 1826 16th June, 1843 24th February, 1837 11th July, 1816 19th April, 1796, 95th Regt.; Regt. reduced, but retained on full pay of it; aptd. to 45th Regt., 5th July, 1797 {From Oxfordshire Militia) 7th April, 1825 14th Nov., 1798, 74th Regt. 2nd October, 1840 8th Sept., 1799, 9th Foot 29th August, 1826 '** 9th August, 1808, 26th Regt. 30th May, 1811 3rd July, 1827, Unatt.; exchd. to 10th Foot, 26th July, 1827 23rd July, 1807, 4th Foot 12th November, 1847 26th October, 1810 a 19th March, 1795, 69th Regt. 1st Dec, 1802, 86th Regt. 6th Oct., 1829, Unatt.; exchd. to 64th Regt., 26th Nov., 1829 7th August, 1846 29th December, 1840 22nd July, 1824, 10th Foot 13th Aug., 1801, 36th Regt.; placed on h. p. of it, 1802; aptd. to Rifles, 2nd June, 1804 25th December, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 1814 22nd April, 1826; placed on h. p. of Royal York Rangers, 3rd December, 1829 15th March, 1799, ; aptd. to 84th Regt., 20th Mar., 1799 RIFLE BRIGADE. 15 HIGHER BANKS, AND REMARKS. 10th October, 1845; exchd. to 66th Regt. 1st June, 1849 19th June, 1805 11th October, 1833 10th June, 1813, 69th Regt. 8th March, 1796 ; reaptd. to 69th Regt., 22nd June, 1796; aptd. to Rifles, 26th August, 1800; aptd. to 60th Regt., 1802 30th March, 1808, 81st Regt. 'th Sept., 1825, Unatt. 17th April, 1804, 78th Regt.; :iptl. to Rifles, 5th June 1805 Died 1810, of wounds received near Almeida j/l£ l^Jh/^ Retired 3rd August, 1841 Retired 1810 Killed at Badajoz, April 1812 Died at Corfu, 1834 Died at Colchester Barracks, 80th September, 1809 Drowned at sea from on board the Fox transport, on passage to New Orleans Died at Calamos, Ionian Islands, 28th December, 1822 Major, 7th August, 1817, h. p. of 60th Regt.; exchd. to 38th Regt., 2nd March, 1820; aptd to 69th Regt., 29th August, 1822; Lt. Colonel, 3rd October, 1826, 69th Regt.; retired 2nd Oct., 1835 Major, 1st April, 1813, Ist Greek Light Infantry; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 20th May, 1813; Regt. disbanded 24th February, 1816, placed on h. p. of it; exchd. to Rifles, 6th March, 1817; placed on half pay of the Corps, 25th December, 1818; aptd. to 3rd Foot, 22nd June, 1820; retired on h. p. of 91st Regt., 13th Sept., 1821; Lt. Colonel, 16th July, 1830, Unatt.; Colonel, 22nd July, 1830; aptd. Deputy Adjt. Gen. in Ireland same day; Major Gen., 23rd November, 1841; aptd Colonel of the 58th Regt., 5th Feb., 1848; aptd. Colonel of the 23rd Fusiliers, 31st January. 1851 /j Retired^eptember, 1825 r/jig ^V^/A*:^*''**'^^ ^^ iredJSepte: 2^^.,e*w//jLf. '/kA Retired 20th July, 1830 Died at Canterbury, 29th November, 1850 Retired 5th July, 1844 Died 27th September, 1845 Retired 29th May, 1831 Killed at Monte Video, 3rd February, 1807 16 KIFLE BRIGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Dickson Arthur Henry Diggle Thomas A. ®2a Dixon Francis Doherty Charles William Dolphin James Dolphin William Doui-o Arthur, Marquis of Douglas ^M Douglas Sir Neil, K.C.B., {Gold Medal for 19, 22, 24, 26) {Silver Medal for 5, 9) Douglas William Henry Downes Charles Doyle Drake Thomas, c.m.g. {Silver Medal for 9, 11, 22) Drummond Alfred Manners ^^ Drummond Geo. Duncan {Silver Medal for 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) 9th June, 1846, 25th Eegt.; aptd. to Rifles, 24th July, 1846 1805 12th April, 1809 9th June, 1848 15th July, 1825 23rd June, 1825, 11th Foot 20th March, 1823, h. p. of 80th Regt. ; aptd. to Royal H. G., 2nd June, 1825 24th October, 1799, 29th Regt. 28th Jan., 1801, 21st Foot 3rd December, 1812, 90th Regt. 1st December, 1803 10th October, 1811 33rd May, 1805 19th March, 1847 30th May, 1811 I 13th August, 1805 4th January, 1810; exchd. h. p. of 80th Regt., 11th Dec 1817 17th December, 1829 16th March, 1826, 11th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 31st Dec, 1826 1st July, 1827, Royal Horse Guards 7th September, 1800 16th July, 1802, 21st Foot.; placed on h, p. of 9th Foot, 1802; aptd, to Rifles, 2nd Dec, 1803 9th November, 1813, York Chasseurs; aptd. to Bourbon Regt., 29th September, 1814; aptd. to 26th Regt., 23rd Mar., 1815; placed on h. p. of it, 25th March, 1817; exchd. to Rifles, 2nd April, 1818; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 3rd Jan., 1819; aptd. to 77th Regt., 24th May, 1821; placed on h. p. of it, 25th October, 1821; exchd. back to full pay of 77th Regt., 27th December, 1821; exchd. to h. p. of 5th Foot, 25th Aug., 1824; aptd. to 84th Regt., 8th Aug., 1845 9th February, 1804, j to 10th Foot, 27th Ai 1804 25th November, 1813 15th May, 1806 25th January, 1850 28th January, 1813; exchd. to h. p. of 21st Fusiliers, 10th October, 1816; exchd. to 82nd Regt,, 30th November, 1820; placed on h. p. of the Regt., October, 1821; aptd. to 3rd Vet, Batt,, 1st April, 1824; Batt, disbanded, 1825, placed on h. p. ©f it, 25th June, 1826 KlFLE BRIGADE. CAPTAIX. HIGHER BANKS AIH) REMARKS. 10th October, 1811 4 th December, 183.' SthMay, 1S2S, Unatt.; aptd. to 60th Kegt., 24th July, 1828 19th April. 1804, 79th Regt. 25th April, 1806, 1st Ceylon Regt.; aptd. to 40th Regt., 12th Feb., 1807; exchd. to h. p. of 36th Regt., 25th May,, 1815; aptd. to 10th Yet. Batt, 24th Feb., 1820; Batt. disbd., 1821, placed on retired on full pay of it. 28th May, 1807,' Canadikn Fericibles; reaptd. to Rifles, 25th March, 1808 Died at Milan, 13th March, 1847 Killed at Badajoz, April, 1812 Died at Jersey, 20th October, 1832 Retired 2nd July, 1841 Died 1828 Major, 2nd November, 1830, Unatt.; exchd. to Rifles, 2nd August, 1831; Lt. Colonel, 12th August, 1834, Unatt.; Colonel, 9th November, 1846 Major, 31st January, 1811, 79th Regt.; Lt. Colonel, 3rd Dec, 1812; Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to the King, 27th May, 1825; exchd. to h. p. of Inspecting Field Officer of Militia in North America, 16th August, 1833; Major Gen., 10th January, 1837; aptd. Governor of Edinburgh Castle, 17th February, 1837; aptd. Colonel of the 81st Regt., 11th July, 1845; Lt. Gen., 9th Nov., 1846; aptd. Colonel of the 72nd Regt., 12th July, 1847 Retired 8th August, 1845 Bt Major, 12th August, 1819; died in Edinburgh, 1st February, 1844 Died of wounds received at Nivelle, 10th November, 1813 Bt. Major, 22nd April, 1813; aptd. an Asst. Q. M. Gfen., 15th February, 1816; Lt. Colonel, 16th November, 1826; aptd. same day, Dep. Q. M. Gen. at the L nian Islands, which office he' retained until 13th January, 1837; Colonel, 23rd November, 1841; aptd. to Gren. Gds., 14th July, 1843; retired same day Aptd. to Local rank of Captain at Chatham, 22nd Dec., 1825 18 RIFLK BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &c. 1 LIEUTENANT. 35E DniTTiTnond Greorge 25th Feb., 1813 11th May, 1815; exchd. to h. p. of 1st Foot, 18th Jul)-, 1816 Drummond Henry Dundas 12th Feb., 1830, 92nd Regt. 8th June, 1832, 92nd Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 25th Sept., 1835 Drury James 23rd March, 1815, 23rd Fu- 16th August, 1815, 23rd siliers Fusiliers; placed on h. p. of the Regiment, 25th March, 1817; exchanged to Rifle Brigade, 5th February, 1818; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 Drury Thomas 24th December, 1813 20th April, 1820, 8tli Foot; exchd. toh. p. of 88th Re^t., 5th May, 1825 Duffy John, C.B., K.c. 21st October, 1795, 10th Foot 6th January, 1796, 10th Foot {Medal for Egypt) [Gold Medal for 15) M^ Wm {Silver Medal for 11, 1 4, wk 18, 19, 22, 24) II Duncan John 7th July, 1800, 71st Regt. 19th September, 1800, 71st Regt.; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1802; aptd. to 92nd Regt., 9th July, 1803; to Rifles, 15th June, 1804 Duncan Robert 1st Nov., 1797, 21st Fusiliers 1st Feb., 1798, 21st Fusils. aptd. to Rifles, 30th August 1800 > Dundas George 25th October, 1839 15th April, 1842 SSI Eaton Charles 4th Dec, 1806, ; 7th January, 1808 {Silver Medal for 10, 18, aptd. to Rifles, 6th Feb., 1807 19, 20, 22, 25, 26) Eaton Richard Jefferson 29th March, 1827 8th June, 1830, Unatt.; exchd. to 60th Regt., 11th June, 1830 Edmonston Francis 1st July, 1795, 2nd West India; placed on h. p. of 47th Regt., 1800; aptd. to Rifles, 9th May, 1808 Edmonston Thomas Stirling nth May, 1797, 1st Foot; Al^u**-iPU^ i>^ ?^ivi: . aptd. to Rifles, 29th Aug., 1800 Eeles Charles 31st July, 1806, 89th Regt. 9th June, 1808 ?2I Eeles WiUiam, k.h. 12th December, 1805 17th December, 1807 Egerton Charles Du Pre 13th Aug., 1825, 70th Regt. 25th November, 1828, 70th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 26th 27th Nov., 1799, Z/-^^/^/^', November, 1828 Elder Sir George, k.c.b. 24th March, 1803 {Gold Medal for 9,11, 14, aptd. to Rifles, 5th November, /hn4*^zJ>^jt-^ ncJ^^ A^i^ 1800 'Jttru* /;rM«>/>fch^4^ ^hu^ "1 Elrington Fredk. Robert 7th June, 1839 23rd November, 1841 ^ Elliot Hon. Gilbert 7th July, 1843 nth September, 1846 KIFLB BRIGADE. 19 HIGHER RANKS^ AND REMARKS. 12th Aug., 1804, 43rd Regt. 27th April, 1809 Died in Crlasgow, 19th December, 1827 Retired 5th October, 1838 Died 182f5 Aptd. Paymaster of the 97th Regt., 24th July, 1828; aptd. Paymr. of the 87th Regt., 16th April, 1829; died at Carlisle, 20th February, 1841. Bt. Major, 6th February, 1812; Major, 17th June, 1813, 43rd Regt.; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 22nd November, 21st September, 1815, Rifles; placed on 1818; reaptd, to full pay of it, 12th August, Foot, 9th September, 1819; placed on h. p. Unatt., 20th March, 1828; Colonel, 22nd February, 1830; Major Gen., 23rd Novem- ber 1841; aptd. Colonel of the 28th Regt., 18th May, 1849 — Killed at Tarbes, 20th March, 1814 17th June, 1813, 43rd Vi r, 1813; Lt. Colonel, J h. p. of the Corps, V ist, 1819; aptd. to 8th ^ 24th May, 1804; aptd. to 1st Foot, 10th April, 1805 2 Ist April, 1814; retired on h. p. of 10th Foot, 14th Aug., 1823 17th Feb. 1803 20th July, 1814 . 7th December, 1813 3l8t July, 1835 23r(l May, 1805 22n.l May, 184«) Died 1812 Retired 31st December, 1844 Retired 17th April, 1835; aptd. Captain in the Cambridgeshire Militia, 1st November, 1836 Retired 16th February, 1811 Retired 16th June, 1803 Killed at Waterloo, 18th June, 1815 Bt. Major, 18th June, 1815; Major, 8th January, 1824; Lt. Colonel, 22nd July, 1830; died at Woolwich, 11th October, 1837 Major, 14th April, 1846; Lt. Colonel, 13th July, 1847; placed on h. p. of the Corps, May, 1850 Major, 13th April, 1809; aptd. same day to a particular Ser- vice in Portugal; Lt. Colonel, 30th May, 1811, Portuguese aud Spanish Staff; placed on h. p. of the same, 25th Dec., 1816; Colonel, 19th July, 1821; aptd. Lt. Governor of St. John'.s, Newfoundland, 4th October, 1826; Major General, 22nd Julyj 1830; died at Madras, 3rd December, 1836, in consequence of a fall fV.„n •, 1.,,.... 1,. IkuI taken out with him from England 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Enfield G. S., Viscount Errol Wm. Hy., Earl of Esten John Hamilton Evans Jolin Evelyn Greorge Palmer Everard Richard Nugent 212ft Eyre Richard Cocks Fairfax Sir Henry, Bt Falconar George Fane Hon. E. Fitzroy N. Farmer Wm. John George {Silver Medal for 19, 22, 24, 25) aSE Felix Orlando Fennell John Fensham David Fergiisson Donald Fergiisson Dugald 2nd May, 1822, 29th Regt. 30th August 1826 31st March, 1804 28th May, 1842 2 7 til No vera her, on h. p. of the December, 1818; exchd Foot, 21st Dec, 1820 1817. pled. Corps, 25th to 3rd 22nd April, 1814; exchd. to h. p. of 81st Regt., 7th Aug., 1817 21st April, 1808, Canadian Fencibles; aptd. to 49th Regt., 8th June, 1809 20th February, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to full pay of it, 3rd June, 1819 20th November, 1840 31st October, 1811 14th August, 1810, Royal Marines; aptd. to 27th Regt., 26th August, 1813 7th September, 1815, 90th Regt.; placed on h. p. of it, 1816; exchd. to Rifles, 20th March, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818; reaptd. to full pay of it, 18th November, 1819 28th March, 1811 14th May, 1812 52nd Regt. 28th April, 1825, 15th Foot; aptd. to 85th Regt,, 5th Maj, 1825 Jl 18th May, 1841, Grenadier Guards; exchd. to Rifles, 22nd November, 1842 30th March, 1832 4 th April, 1805 31st December, 1845 7th April, 1825, 3rd Foot 23rd November, 1809, 41s! Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 21gt June, 1810; exchd to 85th Regt , 2nd February, 1813 8th April, 1825 27th January, 1843 Jl 6th December, 1813; exchd. to h. p. of 9th Foot, lOtli April, 1817 10th November, 1814, 14th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 4th May, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818; exchd, back to full pay of it, 22nd July, 1819 22nd March, 1821, 53rd Regt. ; aptd, to 48th Regt., 17th May, 1821; placed on h, p. of it, 25th November, 1821 22nd October, 1812; placed on li. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 10th December, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 16th Aug., 1804, 52nd Regt. RIFLE BRIGADE. •^1 HIGHER RAKTKS, AND REMARKS. 28th Jan., 1826 Unatt.; exd. to Kiflfcs, nth May, 1826; exclid. to h. p. Unatt., 18th June, 1830; exchd. to 47th Regt., 26th November, 1830; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 5th April, 1833; exchd. to 60th Regt., 15th May, 1835 2nd July, 1847 31st May, 1839 3rd July, 1835, 3rd Foot; exclid. to 95th Regt., 28th August, 1835; exchd. to 86th Regt., 8th Dec., 1837; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 28th Dec., 1841; exchd. to 67th Regt., 16th September, 1845 Ind July, 1813, 86tb Eegt. 22nd April, 1826, Unatt.; aptd. to 80th Regt., 31st Aug., 1826 13th July, 1847; exchd. to 17t]i Foot, 15th October, 1847; exchd. to Scots Fusilier Guards, 23rd February, 1849 Retired 29th May, 1836; aptd. Col. of the West Middlesex Militia, 29th April. 1844 20th May, 1824 13rd November. 1309 Major, 14th April, 1847 Retired 16th September, 1845 Major, 17th July, 1823, 85th Regt.; Lt. Colonel, 6th NoVeiU' ber, 1827, Unatt.; Colonel, 23rd November, 1841; exchd. to 2nd Life Guards^ 30th December, 1846; retired same day Retired 4tb September, 1835 Lord Burghersh since 29th April, 1848; retired 27th Dec., 1850 Died Ist August, 1849 Major, 31 til October, 1826, Unatt.; Lt. Colonel and Dep. Q. M. General, at Madras, 18th June, 1841 ^ZtL^jt^ Died in New South Wales, 3rd July, 1826 Died Ist June, 1839 Died at Salamanca, 1812 tfLE BRIG AD 1 2nd lieutenant, &c. Fergusson Robert Fernyhough Robert Fergusson Robert Duncan Firman Walter Fitzgerald Maurice Fitzgerald Richard Henry Fitzherbert Richard Henry Fitzrnaurice John, K.H, {Silver Medal for 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26) Flamsteud Rd. Wm. D. Forbes Daniel (Silver Medal for 10, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Forster Jonathan Gustavus @2a Fowler Richard {Silver Medal /or 26) Frampton John Nelson Franklaud William Henry Fraser William iSilver Medal for 24) Freke Henry, c.B. ©St Fry John 24tli Feb., 1820, 43rd Regt. 21st November, 1810 5th July, 1831 6th February, 1812 5th June, 1827 1st October, 1812 3rd July, 1827 25th April, 181 J 80th December, 1826, 41st Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 27th September, 1827 26th October, 1809 18th April, 1809 22nd February, 1813, Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, October, 1813 43rd 22nd 30th November, 1815, 101st Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 4th April, 1816 7th June, 1831 8th April, 1813, 92nd Regt. Frazer Andrew James [ Freer Richard Bruin loth September, 1830 6th April, 1809 3rd Dec, 1793, Independent Company 2lf,t June, 1810 2nd January, 1828, h. p. of 17th Foot; exchd. to 52nd Regt., 13th Feb., 1823 11th June, 1812; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec. 1818 6th May, 1836 9th September, 1828, Unatt.; exchd. to 64th Regt., 26th November, 1828; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 12th June, 1830 23rd March, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. back to full pay of it, 11th July, 1819; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 26th May, 1825 11th January, 1833 14th January, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818 24th May, 1833 28th February, 1812; exchd. to h, p. of the Corps, 8th Nov., 1820 30th April, 1811; ret. on h, p. of 28th Regt., 4th May, 181.) 8th May, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818 2nd September, 1824 1 4th December, 1835 19th January, 1814, 92ner, 1825 I 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Kirkby Thomas Harrison {Silver Medal for 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Kirkman James {Silver Medal for 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24) Knight Wyndham William Knipe William Henry Lane John Latour Albert de Law Charles Edmund Law Edward Bedwell 1st May, 1811 Sl.st December, 1794, 122nd Regt. ; placed on h. p. of 128th Regt. ; aptd, to 52nd Regt., 3rd May, 1809 11th September, 1846 13th October, 1812, 42nd Regt. 27th Aug., 1841 23rd April, 1839 12th April, 1799, 21st Fusiliers tC Lawrence Arthur Johnstone I 4tli April, 1827, 23rd Fusils. Lawson Samuel Humble 9th May, 1812 S2S Layton Jonathan 212^ Leach Jonathan , {Silver Medal for 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26) 212E Le Blanc Francis {Silver Medal for 5, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20) ass Lee Henry Legge Hoyx. G. Barrington Lethbridge Wroth Acland Lindsay Henry Gore Lister William Llewellyn Henry 5th November, 1807 30th May, 1807, 4th Foot 6th April, 1804, 63rd Regt. 18th. January, 1850; aptd. to 60th Regt., 16th August, 1850; reaptd. to Rifle Brigade, nth April, 1851 13th July, 1847, 52nd Regt.; appointment cancelled, 3rd Sept., 1847; aptd. to Rifles, 4th May, 1849 25th September, 1847 7th April, 1809 10th April, 1809 25th Feb., 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to 2nd Vet. Batt., 25th October, 1823; aptd. to 39th Regt., 8th April, 1825 25th August, 1809 nth January, 1850 24th July, 1800, 27th Foot; aptd. to 66th Regt., 9th July, 1803 18th April, 1814, 42nd Regt. ; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1814; exchd. to Rifles, 25th December, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 3rd January, 1819 5th July, 1844 3rd Sept., 1800; aptd. to 24th L. D., 8th Dec, 1804 12th February, 1830, Unrtt.; exchd. to 1st Foot, 16th Ma:-ch, 1830; aptd. to Rifles, 17th March, 1830 21st April, 1814; exchd to h. p. 2nd Dragoons, 27th Cct., 1814 3rd June, 1809; exchd. to h. p. of 93rd Regt., 21st IkLay, 1818 15th Oct., 1800, 70th Regt. 16th March, 1809, 4th Fool 16th December, 1805, eSrd Regt. ; aptd. to Rifles, 14th Mav, 1807 1 23rd August, 1810 21stNov., 1810; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 22nd July, 1819 RIFLB BRIGADE. 85 CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS^ AND REMARKS. 1st June, 1834,39th Regt.; placed on h. p. Unatt., 4th May, 1838; exchd. to 32nd Regt., 19th Dec., 1845 18th November, 1813, 4th Garr. Batt., afterwards 2nd; placed on h. p. of it, 24th Oct., 1816; aptd. to 2nd Vet. Batt., 25th October, 1822; aptd. to 94th Regt., 1st December, 1823; exchd. to h. p. of 6th Foot, 9th December, 1824 8th Sept., 1808, 11th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 5th May, 1809 Retired 19th December, 1845 Retired r2th December, 1826; aptd. Barrack Master at Lucea and Montego Bay, Jamaica, 8th Nov., 1839; at Sheffield, 28th March, 1842; at Richmond Barracks, Dublin, 12th Jan., 1848 Killed at Barrosa, oth March, 1811 Died in France, 4th Sept., 1842 31st August, 1848 24th February, 183; rth April, 1804, 70th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 1st May, 1806 2Sth September, 1813, 4th Garr. Batt.; aptd. to Rifles, 1st Dec., 1814; exchd. to 43rd Regt., 17th Dec, 1818 20th Sept., 1810; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 20th July, 1820 Retired 8 th January, 1841 j Retired 1st September, 1810 Major, 11th Sept., 1846; Lt. Col., 1st August, 1847 Retired August, 1831 Died 3rd July, 1836 Bt. Major, 21st June, 1813; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 18th June, 1815; Major, 9th September, 1819; retired, 24th October, 1821 ^^^^JL^ Major, 31st Dec., 1822, 43rd Regt.; Lt. Colonel, 11th July, 1826, Unatt.; aptd. to 53rd Regt., Oth August, 1827; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 28th Feb., 1828; Colonel, 23rd November, 1841; exchd. to 46th Regt., 16th May, 1845; retired same day Retireber. 1824 3rd August, 1838 19th April, 1831, 70th Regt.; exclid. to Coldstream Guards, 26th July, 1833; exchd. to 85th Regt., 17th June, 1836; exchd. to h. p. Unatt, 23rd September, 1836, exchd. to Grenadier Guards, 9th April, 1841 15t:i April, 1842 EU6HEB BANKS, AND REMARKS. Major, 9th August, 1799, 63rd Regt.; Lt. Colonel, Ist Decem- ber, 1800, Rifles; retired 28th April, 1802; died at Bury St. Edmunds, 14th June, 1840 Died of wounds received at Radajoz, April, 1812 Died 1812 Retired April, 1834//ii-x^ t £^'C^^^ ^7- V^^aJ'^^^^ 7 /•^:2^Z^ Retired 11th March, 1813 Retired 2nd May, 1845 Retired 3rd August, 1838 Bt. Major, 23rd November, 1841; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 23rd December, 1842; Major, 4th July, 1843; retired on full pay of the Regt., 11th November, 1845 Died at Cork, 7tli January, 1832 Died at Chichester, March, 1819 Retired 24th January, 1834 Died 1837 Major, 25th December, 1825, 60th Regt.; aptd. to 37th Regt., 25th May, 1826; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 28th June, 1838; retired on full pay of the Regt., 30th April, 1841; died at Kensington, 21st May, 1843 Appointment cancelled, 1816 Retired 10th April, 1840 Retired 9th April, 1841 Retired 22nd May, 1846; aptd. Lieutenant In the SherwooJ Rangers Regt. of Nottinghamshire Yeomrmry Cuvalrv 18th April, 1848 Z- *^ ^ ' ' *i«^at Barba del Puerco, Portugal, 1810. /%£j^Cl^^ 40 RIFLE BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &C. LIEUTENANT. Middleton John {Silver Medal for 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) eSl Miller George, c.b. {Gold Medal for 22) Taken prisoner at Buenos Ayres; chern, Barossa, Badajoz, St. Sebastian, Millerd James S2a Milligan Alex. Gordon Mitchell Samuel (Gold Medal for 18, 19) Michell Sir Thos. L., Bt. {Silver Medal for 14, 15, 16, 19, 20) gSa Molloy John (^Silver Medal for 2, 3, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26) Monckton Hon. E. Gambler Monro Alexander Moore Henry James Moorsom Robert Morrice Fred. Fras. James Munro Sir Thomas, Bt. Murray Arthur Stormout Napier Sir Chas, J., G.C.B. (Gold Medal for 5) {Silver Medal for 9, 11) \Mcdal for Meeanee and Hyderabad) Napier Charles Frederick Need John Peter Nesfield William Andrews Nesliam Thomas William 10th March, 1808, 75th Regt.; exchd. to 91st Regt., January, 1809 18th July, 1804 retreat and battle of Corunna, Wal- Pyrenees, Orthez, Tarbes. 30th May, 1811, 24th Foot 26th November, 1813 21st Ju y, 1800, 71st Regt. 24th July, 1811 17th December, 1807 18th May, 1832, 50th Regt. 19th August, 1828 22nd November, 1810 3rd August, 1830 19th October, 1838 7th July, 1838 13th May, 1836, 15th Hussars 31st January, 1794 33rd Regt. 9th April, 1825 20th May, 1842 26th June, 1812 14 th April, 1825 4th October, 1809 8th May, 1805 11 6th May, 1813, 24th Foot; exchd. to Rifles, 23rd Nov., 1815 9th September, 1819; exchd. to h. p. Unatt.; 20th Sept., 1826 iOth July, 1801, 71st Regt., aptd. to Rifles, 6th Aug., 1802 16th September, 1813; pled, on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to 54th Regt., 28th November, 1821; Bt. Captain, 3rd Oct., 1822; aptd. to 97th Regt., 25th March, 1824 6th June, 1809 20th April, 1836, 50th Re |t.; exchd. to Rifles, 9th December, 1836 5th July, 1833 21st September, 1832, Scots Fusilier Guards 15th October, 1841 27th August, 1841; exchd. to 10th Hussars, 16th August, 1842 28th December, 1838, 15th Hussars; exchd. to Rifles, 15th February, 1839 8th May, 1794, 89th Regt.; placed on h. p. of 4 th Dragoons, aptd. to 68th Regt., 1st March, 1800; aptd. to Rifles, 25th December, 1800 17th April, 1828 10th October, 1845 30th March, 1814,89th Regt, ; aptd. to 76th Regt., 25th Jan., 1816; aptd. to 48th Regt., 25th March, 1817; placed on h. p. of it 25th December 1818 29th August, 1826 RIFLE BUIGADE. 41 HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. th April, 1825 21st January, 1808 Hh May, 1805 '25th January, 1825, 2nd Foot 5th August, 1821; exchd. to L. p. Unatt., 28th May, 1829 17th September, 1841 lOtli April, 1840 12th August, 1837, Scots Fu- 8ili/mon^>0(f l^/2^^^ip£^^/^4^J'£L Died at Skil^oreen, Ireland, 22ud March, 1822 Retired 4th March, 1809 Retired 22nd December, 1848 Retired 11th October, 1833 R BRIGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Ramsden Charles Ramsden Frederick Henry Rankine David Redman Richard Sparrow Reid Alexander T. Reilly Peter Reynard Robert Reynolds John Wounded at New Orleans. Ribton Sir John, Bt. (^Silver Medal for 19, 24, 25, 26) "Wounded at New Orleans. Ricketts Charles SSa Ridgway John Allan {Silver Medal /or 1 6, 1 8, 1 9) Severely wounded at Vera heights; lost the fore-finger of the left hand at Waterloo. Robeson George Herbert Robertson Duncan Robertson Wm. Sinclair 29th November, 1821, 77th Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 19th June, 1823 14th July, 1847 25th Feb., 1813. 21st Fusiliers 9th May, 1805; aptd. to 4th Garr. Batt., 5th Feb., 1807 9th July, 1803, 6th Batt. of Reserve 3rd June, 1805 8th January, 1836, 17th Lancers 21st July, 1808, 3rd Garr. Batt. ; aptd. to 67th Regt., 20th April, 1809 6th February, 1811 25th January, 1810 19th April, 1842; aptd. to Rifles, 27th May, 1842; aptd. to 1st West India, June, 1842 28th March, 1816, 98th Regt.; Regt. disbanded at Cha- tham, 24th September, 1818, placed on h. p. of it; exchd. to 33rd Regt., 4th February, 1819; exchd. to Rifles, 21st September, 1823 22nd October, 1807, 59th Regt. 11th May, 1825, 7th Fusi- liers; exchd. back to Rifles, 9th November, 1825 17th November, 1814, 21st Fusiliers; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1816; exchd. to Rifles, 10th October, 1816; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 25th February, 1808, Regt.; aptd. to 67th Regt., 4th August, 1808 27th September, 1804, Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 26th December, 1805 9th July, 1807 8th February, 1839, 17th Lancers; exchd. to Rifles, 9th August, 1839 14th December, 1809; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 7th Feb., 1822; exchd. to 73rd Kegt., 28th Aug., 1823; aptd. to 97:h Regt., 25th March, 1824; exd. to h. p. of 99th Regt., 24 :h February, 1825 ' 25th June, 1812; exchd. to h. p. of 23rd FusiHers, 5:h February, 1818 5th March, 1818, Coldstream Guards; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th December, 1818; aptd. to 7th Fusiliers, 16th November, 1820 9th May, 1812 31st Jan., 1844, 1st West India 29th June, 1824, Royal African Corps 11th February, 1808, Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 8th June, 1808 RIFLE BRIGADE. CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. 8th April. 1826, Unatt.; aptd. to 60th Regt., 12th April, 1827; exchd. to h. p. of 6Stli Regt., 4 th October, 1831; exchd. to 7th Fusiliers, 9th March, 1839 7th April, 1843 Retired 9th March, 1839 Superseded 14th June, 1809 Died 1811 Died 1810 j/l^/^tU/U^^^^^Cir^^ /:/ ^ S^ Retired 14th^Iay, 1847 Died 4th December. 1839 24th May, 1822, h. p. of 72nd Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 9th April, 1826 24th December, 1829 exchd.; to h. p., Unatt., 19th July, 1831 Major, 29th August, 1826, Unatt.; died 13th November, 1828 Aptd. Adjutant of the North Devon Militia, 7th June, 1831 Died at Sierra Leone, 1826 Died at Naso D'Aver, Portugal, 28th January, 1813 Sm Rochfort Charles A.^^2.6tli February, 1813 Rooper Edward Rooper John Ross Sir John K.C.B. {Gold Medal for 10, 18, Ross John Rowles James Russell Lord Alex. George Russell Lord Cosmo Greorge Rushbrooke R. F. B. St. John William Sandford Daniel Sidney Sarsfield Thomas Saumerez Hon. John St. V. Saunders William Nonus Saville i/orj. Hy. Alexander Scanlan Charles Scott Henry (Silver Medal for 11, 16, 22) Scott John Shadwell J. M. E. Taylor Shaw William gi2a Shean Thomas Bowen Shenley Godfrey Harcourt Shellev John Villiers 24th January, 1844 7th April, 1826 24th October, 1797, 72nd Regt. 14th April, 1846 24th September, 1847 11th July, 1839 12th August, 1834 17th July, 1815 30th March, 1849 25th July, 1811 8th January, 1824 3rd Sep., 1812, 89th Regt. 29th May, 1828 22nd May, 1805 22nd August, 1810 20th May, 1805 17th January, 1840 25th April, 1813 25th Dec, 1813; exd. to 101st Regt., 4th April, 1816; pld. on h. p. of it, 25th July, 1816; aptd. to 70th Regt., 7th April, 1825 18th June, 1812 26th January, 1825, 15th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 27th Jan., 1825; aptd. to Roval Hs. Gds., 14th July, 1825 15th June, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to full pay of it, 8th November, 1823; placed on h. p. of it, 25th August, 1821; aptd. to 44th Regt., 28th Jaa., 1842 5th July, 1839 22nd July, 1830 5th July, 1800, 72nd Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 2ud September, 1800 29th December, 1848 15th April, 1842 6th July, 1838, Uuatt.; exchd. to 93rd Regt., 7th July, 1838 20th July, 1830, Scots Fu- silier Guards 21st October, 1813; exchd. to h. p. of 47th Regt., 6th April, 1815 28th January, 1826 23rd May, 1815, 89th Regt.; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th January, 1817; exchd to Rifles, 13th November, 1617; placed on h. p. of the Co-ps, 25th December, 1818; aptd. to 95th Regt., 1st Dec, 1823 5th July, 1831, 10th Hussurs 26th March, 1807 11th May, 1812; exchd. to h. p. of 5th Foot, 16th Jan., 1818 26th March, 1807 26th June, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 11th May, 1827, 87th Regt.; placed ou h. p. of it, September, 1827; aptd. to 97th Regt., 3rd July, 1828 17th March, 1814; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 63rd Regt, 29th April, 1824; aptd. to 36th Regt., 9th April, 1825; exchd. to h. p., Unatt., 31st January, 1828 18th Feb., 1828, Royal Hs. Gds.; aptd. to2)thRegt., 30th November, 1830; exclid. to h. p. 60th Regt., 11th Jan., 1831 RIFLE BRIGADE. 49 HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. Retired 28th January, 1842 fCtA^ 2nd September, 1842 22nd August, 1837 16th June, 1803 7th August, 1846 27th August, 1841 12th February, 1836, Scots Fusilier Gds. ; exchd. to Rifles, 1st October, 1847 17th December, 1829 18th Dec, 1828, 95th Regt. Retired 24th October, 1845 Major, 11th May, 1808; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 19th July, 1821; Lt. Colonel, 8th January, 1824, Cape Corps; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 9th September, 1824; Major General, 22nd July, 1830; died 21st April, 1835 Bt. Major, 19th October, 1849 Bt. Major, 28th June, 1838; retired 12th November, 1847 Appointment cancelled, December, 1818 Died at Grattan's Hill, Cork, Jan., 1840 Major, 19th June, 1840; Lt. Colonel, 31st May, 1844, Unatt. Bt. Major, 23rd November, 1841; died at Kandy, Ceylon, 13th May, 1842 Retired 6th September, 1833; died at Pau, in the Pyrenees, Ist March, 1850 Wounded in the assault on Monte Video, 26th January, 1807 Died at Kl Boden, of fatigue and fever, 1810 i^v^ h^n^^^ ^ ^^**^ Retired 17th July, 1841 ' ^ x^- Retired 1829 Retired 1830 Retired January, 1 833 Retired January, 1 838 50 RIFLE BRIGADE. ^M Shenley William Henry Severely wounded at Quatve Bras Shepherd Henry Shirley Horatio Sievwright C. Wightman gl2tt Simmons George {Silver Medal for 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 25) Severely wounded through the thigh by another ball ; right knee-pan frac- side at Waterloo, the ball in its course breast. Simmons Joseph, c.b, (Silver Medal for 18, 22, 24) (Medal for Ava) Affghanistan Campaign of 1842; valley; action near Candahar ; Goaine, of IstaliflF. Skeill David Slade Marcns John 2121 Smith Charles Served as volunteer with the Ist Batt. at Waterloo, where he -was slightly wounded. WL Smith Sir Hy. G. W. Bt, G.C.B {Silver Medal for 5. 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) {Bronze Star for Maharjapore) {Medal for the Sutlej) Served at the taking of Monte and destruction of Washington, 1814; the Siege and taking of Fort Bowyer; at Boem Plaats, 29th August, 1848 ; Smith Richard Snowden 23291 Smith Thoma^auoi^iu^ (Silver Medal for 5, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Present at the actions of Calcavellas, ously wounded at the Coa ; San Milan, Smith Thomas William 21st April, 1814; exchd. to 4th Foot, 13th July, 1821; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th August, 1821 12th May, 1825 18th January, 1816, 25th Regt. ; placed on h, p, of it same month; e.Kchd. to Rifles, 25th December, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818 25th May, 1809 at Almeida, by a musket-shot which tured by a musket-ball at Tarbes; broke two ribs, passed through the 16th April, 1812, 23rd Fusi- liers; aptd, to Rifles, 11th June, 1812 present in the action in the Pisheen and before Ghuznee, Cabool ; capture 23rd April, 1807, 3rd Foot 15th July, 1819, 75th Regt. 19th Jul3', 1815; exchd. to h. p. of 25th Regt., 25th Dec, 1817; reaptd. to Rifles, 1st December, 1837 8th May, 1805 Video; assault on Buenos Ayres; took home despatches, went out again engaged in the Caffre wars of 1834 and Caffre war of 1851; slightly woimded 27th April, 1826 3rd March, 1808 Royales, Echalar, Constantino, Betanzos, El Vera heights, Arcangues, 21st October, 1795, 11th L. D. 31st October, 1826 I 8th April, 1825, 7th Fusiliers 25th July, 1811 injured the bone; bruised in the leg received a gun-shot wound in the right lungs, and was afterwards cut out of his 23rd December, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to 41st Reijt., 24th May, 1821 26th December, 1809, 3rd loot. 12th May, 1825, Unatt.; exchd. to Rifles, 26th 1825 15th September, 1825 15th August, 1805 present at the battle of Bladensburgh and was present at New Orleans ; at 1 835 ; action as^ainst the i-ebel Boers at the Coa, 24th July, 1810. '^th June, 1831 7th June, 1809, exchd. to h. p. of the Coi-ps, 17th March, 181! Burgo, Gallego?, and Tarbes. 24th December, 1829 Burquillo, danger- RIFLE BRIOADK. :>! HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. ... Retired October, 1825 29th July, 1796, 14th L. D.; aptd. to 49th Regt., 22nd Nov., 1798; aptd. to Rifles, 28th August, 1800 5th July, 1833, Unatt.; aptd. to 8Sth Regt., 12th Julv, 1833 17th April, 1828 18th Feb., 1827, 41st Regt. 25th Octoher, 1814, Portu- guese and Spanish Statf; placed on h. p. of it, 25th December, 1816; exchd. to Rifles, lOtli IJjinuary, 1822 1 22nd April, 1826, Unatt.; ■»td. to 90th Regt., 20th Dec, r 28th February, 1812 Major, 31st December, 1841; Lt. Colonel, 18th January, 1848 Retired 26th September, 1834 Major, 16th February, 1838, Unatt.; exchd. to 7th D. G., 25th February, 184.5; retired same day V^ yf ^ Major, 22nd August, 1837, 41st Regt.; Bt. Lt. Col., 23rd December, 1842; retired 23rd September, 1845 Died 1824 Major, 27th September, 1831, 90th Regt.; Lt. Colonel, 7th February, 1840, Unatt.; exchd. to 30th Regt., 10th February, 1843; exchd. to 90th Regt., 26th September, 1845 Aptd. Captain Commandant of the Whittlesea and Cambridge- shire Yeomanry Cavalry, 12th April, 1831; retired from the Army, 2nd December, 1837 ^< ^ * ^ Bt. Major, 29th September, 1814; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 18th June, 1815; aptd. Deputy Q, M. General at Jamaica, 23rd November, 1826; Major, lyth Dec, 1826, Unatt.; aptd. Deputy Q. M. Gen. at the Cape, 24th July, 1828; Lt. Colonel, 16th July, 1830, Unatt.; Colonel, 10th January, 1837; aptd. Adjutant General in the East Indies, 6th March, 1840; Major General, 9th November, 1846; aptd. Colonel of the 47th Regt, 18th January, 1847; aptd. Colonel Commandant of the 2ud Battalion of the Rifle Brigade, 16th April, 1847; aptd. Governor and Commander-in- chief at the Cape of Good Hope, with Local Rank of Lt. Geu., 10th September, 1847 ^ ^ S^^^ Retired 2nd February, 1838 Retired Feb., 1833; aptd. Bamack Master at Rutland, 1824; at Ro.«crea, 1825; at Gal way, 1827; at Parsonstown, 1832; at Chatham, with rank of Major, December, 1838 Died at Dmgheda, 3rd Jt. •V, \^\.}> 63 RIFLE BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Smyth Charles 27th April, 1803, 29th Regt. 19th Sept. 1804, 29th Regt. Somerset Edward A. 29th January, 1836 9th July, 1840 B Sparrow Wm. Boardman 29th August, 1826; exchd. to 41st Kegt., 27th September, 1827 ■ Spencer Lord Charles 26th December, 1811, 68th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 8th May, 1812 9th Sept., 1813, 52nd Regt^| Spencer Sir Brent, g.c.b. 18th January, 1778, 15th Foot 12th November, 1779, 15th Foot {Medal for Egypt) ^jd {Gold Medal for 2, Z, 9, 11) .^H Served in Jamaica, 1791, and seve- •|^^H ral actions at St. Domingo; Carrib ^^H •war at St. Vincent's; expedition to the ^^1 Helder, 1799 ^^ Spencer Wm. Ebt. Churchill 21st May, 1842 24th October, 1845 > Spottiswoode John 12th March, 1829 29th June, 1830, Grenadier Guards Standish Lionel Charles 2nd September, 1842 Stephens Francis Hearle 23rd February, 1826, 20th 31st July, 1828, 20th Regt.; Regt. aptd. to Rifles, 3rd Decs aber, 1829; exchd. to 14th L D., 16th November, 1832 Stevenson George Milne 21st April, 1813, 37th Regt. 11th January, 1815, 37th Regt.; placed on h. p. ■f it, 25th March, 1817; exch 1. to 42nd Regt., 10th Septei nber. 1818 Sterenson Kobert 5th November, 1807, 15th Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 7th July, 1808 ... ... Steuart Adam 1st October, 1847; aptd. to 87th Regt., 4th April, 1849 25th Oct., 1850, 87th Reg t. ?i?fl Stewart Allen 10th December, 1812 igth July, 1815; plac id on t^erved in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including re- h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, treat from Madrid; battles of Vittoria, Vera, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Tarbes, 1818; aptd. to 14th Fool March, 1825 , 3rd and Toulouse ; severely wounded at Waterloo by a musket ball through the left shoulder; and sabre thrust through the left arm, at the siege o^f Bhurtpore, 1825-6. Stewart Alexander 12th February, 1794, ' LOOth Regt.; aptd. to 67th Regt., 12th January, 1796 mi Stewait Archibald, k.h. 13th October, 180S 2nd October, 1809 Stewart Arthur 8th June, 1 830 22nd May, 1835; exchd. to 92nd Regt., 25th September, 1835; exchd. to 6th Drag. Gds.; 3rd November, 1837; excl id. to 80th Regt., 4th May, 1838; retired on h. p. of 1st Foo t, 1st June, 1838; aptd. to 86th 1 ^egt-, :17th May, 1839 RIFLE BKIUADE. 53 HIGHEB RANKS. AND REMARKS. 16th June, 1808, 5th Garr. B, ; aptd. to 11th Foot, 8th Aug., 1808; aptd. to Rifles, 4th Oct., 1809 81st January, 1845 9th March, 1815, 60th Regt.; exchd. to 85th Regt., 2nd June, 1815; exchd. to h. p. of the Regt., 24th AprU, 1823; exchd. to 75th Regt., 28th October, 1824 29 th July, 1783, 90th Regt.; exchd. back to 15th Regt., 4th September, 1783 10th October, 1850 4th October, 1833, Grenadier Guards 17th July, 1835, 14th L. D. n ^24th October, 1821, h. p. of nd Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 23rd October, 1823 Major, 25th May, 1815, 100th Regt.; appointment'cancelled, 27th July, 1815; died June, 1815 of wounds received at Quatre Bras on the 16th Superseded 25th March, 1828 Major, 16th June, 1825, Unatt.; exchd. back to 76th Regt., 8th December, 1825; Lt. Col., 31st December, 1827, Unatt.; exchd. to Scots Fusilier Guards, 24th August, 1832; retired 31st August, 1832 Major, 16th March, 1791, 13th Foot; Lieut. Colonel, 2nd May, 1794, 115th Regt.; aptd. to 40th, 22nd July, 1795; Col., 28th May, 1798; Major Gen., 1st Jan., 1805; aptd. Col. of the 9th Garr. Batt., 25th Nov., 1806; aptd. a Col. Comdt. of the Rifles, 3l8t Aug., 1809; Lieut. Gen., 4th June, 1811; aptd. Col. of the 40th Regt., 2nd July, 1818; aptd. Gov. of Cork, 29th Jan., 1820; died at the Lee, near Great Missenden, Bucks., 29th Dec, 1828 Captain and Lt. Col., 8th November, 1844, Gren. Gtda.; died in London, 3rd November, 1846 Retired 14th March, 1845; aptd. Lieutenant in the^Lancashire Hussar Yeomanry, 1st November, 1848 Major, 25th November, 1842, 14th L. D.; exchd. to 1st Dragoons, 3rd February, 1843; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 25th February, 1848 Major, 12th August, 1834; Lt. Colonel, 19th June, 1840, Unatt. Died 1810 Jrd June, 1828, 29th Regt.; aptd. to 3rd Foot, 12th June, 1828; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 27th May, 1836 August, 1800 rd Dec., 1818; placed on K of the Corps, 30th Dec., exclid. back to full pay 27th January, 1820 Died ut the ^Military Lunatic Asylum, Norwich, 6th July, 1S47' Major, 17th February, 1803; exchd. to h. p. of 4th Foot, 2imI June, 1804j Bt. Lt. Col., 25th July, 1810; retired November, 1825 Major, 17th December, 1829; retired 22nd May, 1835 ^Lt-M^ Retired 17th .Ma v. 1839 54 RIFLE BRIGADE. 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. Stewart Duncan Stewart Horatio Stewart James Stewart Hon. J. H. K., C.b. {Gold Medal f or IQ, 18) Stewart John {Gold Medal ford) Stewart John Stewart Spencer Stewart Hon. Sir William, O C B K T S {Gold Medal for 12, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25) Employed on a diplomatic mission 1798, served with the aUied armies, in Suabia, Switzerland, and Italy, chief merit of forming the Rifle Stilwell John Stokes J. M. Strode John P. Stuart Hon. James Sullivan William Summerhall Wm. Anthony Templeton Edward Thesiger Fredk. Augustus Thomas William Thompson Ralph Keddy {Silver Medal Jor 18, 20) Thompson Thos. Perronet {Silver Medal for 22, 24, 25, 26) Present at Buenos Ayres, with part of the first Batt., under Major M'Leod. Thorubury Frederick 9th March, 1809 10th April, 1823 2nd June, 1804 23rd July, 1803 19th May, 1805 11th May, 1841 8 th March, 22nd February, 1810; exchd. to h. p. of 104th Regt., 30th October, 1817 29th October, 1825 6th May. 1805 3rd Feb., 1804, reaptd. to Rifles, 1804 25th Feb. 42nd Regt. 9th September, 1795, 79th Regt., aptd. to Rifles, 27th August, 1800 24th Marcli, 1807 16th June, 1843 24th Oct., 1787, 67th Regt. ^^ih<^ - at Vienna, 1790 ; served in the West under archduke Charles, Field Mar- wounded at Copenhagen ; Walchem, Corps, in 1800. 12th October, 1809 20th April, 1809 24th October, 1845 14th October, 1824, 28th Regt. 5th Sept., 1804, 27th Regt. 25th July, 1805 31st December, 1844 5th June, 1805 26th March, 1812, 47th Regt. 23rd January, 1806 21st April, 1814, 6th Foot Indies. 1793 : St. Domingo, 1796 ; shal Smvarrow, and General Korsiicow 1809; in 1800, Sir WilUam had the 26th September, 1811 2nd May, 1811 17th April, 1806, 7th Fusi- liers; placed on h. p. of [6th Regt., 1807; aptd. to Riles, 30th March, 1809 15th October, 1847 8th April, 1826, Un.^tt.; exchd. to Rifles, 23rd A])ril, 1826 27th June, 1805 29th May, 1806, 47th Regt, 28th Nov., 1845, Gren. Gds. 5th November, 1807 21st October, 1813, 47th Regt; placed on h. p. of it, 1814; exchd. to Rifles, 6th April, 1815; exchd. to li. p. of the 26th Regt., 2nd April, 1818 21st January, 1808; exchd. to h. p. of 47th Regt., 1808; exchd. to 7th Fusiliers, 21st April, 1812; exchd. to 14th L. D., 1st. October, 1812 15th June, 1815, 6th Foot; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th February, 1816; exchd. back to full pay of it, 14th November, 1816; placed on h. p. of it, 25th March, 1817; aptd. to Rifles, 5th March, 1818; placed on li. p. of tlie Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; apt- ■ Hounslow aidded afterwards; Albany Barracks, 1844 ^^JU^-'-c i^^ Retired 7th August, 1835 j^ Major, 6th May, 1805; Lt. Colonel, 22nd December, 1808, 8th Garr. Batt.; aptd. to 10th Foot, 15th Febniary, 1810; Colonel, 4th June, 1814; aptd. President for the Lord High Commissioner in Cephalonia; aptd. Inspecting Field Officer of Militia in the Ionian Islands, 22nd July, 1819; Major General, 27th May, 1825; retired 1831. On quitting Cephalonia where he had been in command five yeJffs, was presented by its inhabitants with a sword and medal, value £500; died in Cork, 24th December, 1 834, in consequence of a fall from his horse a few days before, in Patrick street, which took fright at the sudden striking up of the band of Wombwell's menager'e Killed at Buenoa Ay res, 1807 Retired 16th November, 1832 Retired 23rd July, 1847 Died jit Qallegos, 1812 mine at Cuidad Rodrigo of wounds caused by the explosiou of a 7/7 RIFLE BRIGADE. I 2nd lieutenant, &c. LIEUTENANT. TJniacke Thomas Fane 8® Urquhart Charles Grordon Vane Lord A. F. C. W. Vickers Gentle Vivian Hon. C. Crespigny Wade Hamlet, c.b. {Gold Medal forl8;25, 26) In 1793, served with the 25th Regt., nique ; present there at several affairs in quelhng the insurrections in the 1807 ; expedition to Corunna, Oct., Regt. named John Spurry, a native of each other at 200 yards distance. Waddington George Horsey Waddington Henry Spencer Wake William Walker George Henry Wm, Walker Henry Walker Hercules Walker Sir G. T., Bt, g.c.b. (Gold Medal for 2, 3, 15, 25) Served in 1786 in India, the cam- under Major General Sir H. Cosby; 1793, near Toumay ; retreat to Ger- cheren expedition; Cuidad Rodrigo; velle ; attack of Campo ; Nive ; Bay- Walpole Robert 16th December, 1808, 15th Foot 7th March, 1811, 2nd Dragoons 7th April, 1843 4th October, 1810 24th Feb. 1825; aptd. to 7th Hussars, 8th September, 1825 2nd Feb., 1791, 25th Regt. who acted as marines on board the of outposts ; expedition to Grenada Carribbee Islands ; expedition to Hol- 1808; expedition to Walcheren, 1809. Leicestershire, were in the habit at 23rd April, 1847, 73rd Regt.; af)td to Rifles, 24th April, 1847 15th May, 1834 8th January, 1845 31st December, 1841 20th July, 1809 22nd May, 1842 4th March, 1782, 96th Regt. paign against the southern Poligars; present at the action of the 10th May, many ; seige of Copenhagen ; Wal- severely wounded at Badajoz; Ni- onne ; severely wounded at Orthes 11th May, 1825 11th June, 1811, 63rd Regt.; exchd. to 90th Regt., 1st AprU, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1816; exchd. to Rifles, 14th August, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to full pay of it, 22nd April, 1819; exchd. to h. p. of it, 28th March, 1822 11th August, 1814, 2nd Dra- goons; aptd. to Rifles, 27th October, 1814; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 1st January, 1819; aptd. to. 20th Regt., 21st Feb., 1822; exchd. to 1st Foot, 19th December, 1822; exchd. to h. p. of 84th Regt., 30th January, 1823 28th November, 1845, Scots Fusilier Guards 14th May, 1813; exchd. to h. p. of 3rd Foot, 12th June, 1817 8th April, 1826, 7th Hussars 26th April, 1793, 25th Rogt. Monarch in the expedition to Marti- under Lord Niddry, 1795; en ployed land, 1799; expedition to Coper hagen. Colonel Wade and a private of the Rifle practice of holding the ta)'get for 26th October, 1839 22nd December, 1848 SOth December, 1845 13th March, 1783, 95th Regt.; aptd. to 73rd Regt., 22nd June, 1783; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1784; aptd. to 36th Regt., 15th March, 1785; exchd. to 35th Regt., 25th July, 1787 26th September,, 1826 RIFLE BRIOADB. 69 CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS, AND REMARKS. nth May, 1849, Scots Fusi- iior Guards 14th April, 1829, Unatt.; exchd. back to 7th Hussars, 19th November, 1829; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 2nd June, 1837; exchd. to 10th Hussars, 22nd July, 1842 4tli April, 1795, 25th Regt. June, 1843 13th March, 1789, 14th Foot; aptd. to 60th Regt., 4th May, 1791 January, 1834 Retired March, 1827; killed at Carabusa, 3rd March, 1827, by the falling of a shed in a gale of wind Died in South America, 9th May, 1823 Bt. Major, 12th August, 1834; retired 22nd July, 1842 Major, 26th August, 1800; Lt. Colonel, 6th May, 1805; Colonel, 4th June, 1813; retired 21st September, 1815; died in Dean Street, Soho, 13th February, 1821 Retired 7th August, 1846 Retired 7th July, 1843 Died 1811 Major, 28th August, 1/94, 60th Regt.; aptd. Inspecting Field Officer of the Manchester District, February, 1798; Lt. Colonel, 6th September, 1798, 50th Regt.; Colonel, 25th April, 1808; Major General, 4th June, 1811; aptd. Colonel of Meuron's Regt., 24th October, 1812; aptd. a Colonel Commandent of the Rifle Brigade, 2l8t May, 1816; aptd. Colonel of the 84th Regt., 13th May, 1820; Lt. General, 19th July, 1821; aptd. Colonel of the 52nd Regt., 9th September, 1822; aptd. Commander in Chief at Madras, 1825; returned home June, 1832; aptd. Lt. Governor of Chelsea Hospital, 24th May, 1837; General, 28th June, 1838; aptd. Colonel of the 50th Regt., 23rd December, 1839; died at Chelsea Hospital, 14th November, 1842 M^or, 31st May, 1844; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 2nd July, 1847; apttl. Deputy Quarter Mai^ter General in the Ionian Islands same day 00 RIFLE BRIGADE. NAMES. 2nd LIEUTENANT, &C. LIEUTENANT. aSE Walsh John Prendergast 5th May, 1814; exchd. to 26th March, 1829, 51st Regt.; Severely wounded at Waterloo, right h. p. of 90th Regt, 20th March, retired on h. p. of 6th Foot, leg amputated. 1817; exchd. to 11th Foot, 20th 21st May, 1829; aptd. to 55th July, 1826 Regt., 11th October, 1833 Walworth Chas. Jennison 16th May, 1805, Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 11th September, 1805 Ward John 26th January, 1804 24th January, 1805 Ward Robert Edward 1st Dec, 1837, 10th Hussars 28th Aug., 1838, 10th Hus- sars; exchd. to Rifles, 16th Aug., 1842 Ward Vere Essex 28th December, 1815, 71st' Regt.; placed on h. p. of the Regt., , 1816; exchd. to Rifles, 19th June, 1817; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to 8th Foot, 10th Aug., 1820 Warren Arthur F. 23rd July, 1847 Warren William 26th Nov., 1818, 41st Regt. 10th Jan., 1822, 41st Regt.; exchd. to Rifles, 21st May, 1824 Warren William Shipley 6th May, 1836 10th July, 1840 Watson Richard Luther 22nd June, 1832 23rd June, 1837 Webb Samuel 4th January, 1800, 23rd L. D.; aptd. to 21st L. D., 23rd June, 1804 14th May, 1805, 1st Dragoons mi Webb Vere 12th May, 1812 9th Dec, 1813; placed on h. Present at Merxem; and bombard- p. of the Corps, 11th Jan., 1819j ment of Antwerp; slightly wounded at Waterloo. exchd. back to full pay of it, 18th March, 1819 Webster Arthur 5th August, 1842 ... Wellesley Lord Charles 16th Jan., 1824, 82nd Regt.; 21st November, 1828, Royal placed on h. p. of it same day; Horse Guards. aptd. to 75th Regt., 11th May, 1826; aptd. to Royal Horse Guards, 20th May, 1826 Wellesley Arthur Richard ... 25th Jan., 1821, Coldstream Gds. ; aptd. Cornet in the Royal Horse Guards, 20th Dec, 1821 Westley William 8th December, 1808 3rd November, 1809 Wetherall Fred. Augustus 10th Dec, 1829, 1st Foot 14th Dec, 1832, 44th Regt.; aptd. to 17tli Foot, 1st April, 1836 White Robt. Hedge Eyre 23rd June, 1825 11th Sept., 1828; retired on h. p. 1st Foot, 17th March, 1830 Wilbraham Richard 25th March, 1828 25th May, 1833 Served in the Syrian campaign of 1840 and 1841, including the advance on Gaza, and affair near Askelon RIFLE BRIGADE. 61 HIGHER RANKS AND REMARKS. 4th June, 1807, ; aptd. to Royal Corsican Rangers, 11th June, 1807 5th October, 1809; aptd. to 2nd Garr. Batt., 1st December, 1814; placed on h. p. of it, 25th March, 1815 31st October, 1826 25th April, 1845 3l8t March, 1814, 1st Drag.; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 1814; reaptd. to full pay of it, 20th April, 1815; exchd. to Rifles, 30th March, 1820; exchd. to h. p. 42nd Regt., 23rd Oct., 1823 19th August, 1830; exchd. to 26th February, 1829, Unatt.; hd. to Rifles, 18th June, 1830; exchd. to Grenadier Guards, 3rd May, 1831 20th May, 1 826, Unatt. ; aptd. to Rifles, 3rd August, 1826 Ist August, 1844, 17th Foot; exuhd. to Rifles, 15th October. 1847 22nd July, 1836, 34th Regt.; exohd. to h. p. Unatt, 29th July, 1836; e.tchd. to 7th Fusi- liers, 5th April, 1839 Rei^red from the Army, 18th October. 1833; took Holy Orders Drowned on a boating excursion in the Mediterranean, 1808 Died in Dover, 1819 Retired 7th October, 1842 Retired 18th April, 1822 Major, 23rd November, 1841; retired 5th August, 1842 Retired 15th October, 1841 Died 24th August, 1845 Aptd. Adjutant of the Royal Cardigan Rifle Regiment of MiUtia, 29th August, 1831 Retired 13th July, 1844 Major, 8th September, 1831, Unatt.; exchd. to 5th Foot, 6tli June, 1834; Lt. Colonel, 29th December, 1837, Unatt.; exchd. to 15th Foot, 13th July, 1838; exchd. to h. p. Unatt., 2l8t March, 1845 Died in London, 18th August, 1830 Killed at Fuentes d'Onor, 6th March, 1811 Retired May, 1833 Local Rank of Lt. Colonel in Persia, 2nd June, 1837; Bt. Major, 31st December, 1841; Major, 19th January, 1844, 7th Fusiliers RIFLE BRIGADK. I NAMES. 2nd lieutenant, &0. LIEUTENANT. S2S Wilkins George, c.B. {Gold Medal for IQ) {Silver Medal for 18, 19) Wilkins George Hughes Wilkiason Joseph Williams John Bythesea Wogan Robert Carew Wood William Henry Woodford Charles John Woodford John 2121 Worsley Thomas Taylor {Silver Medal Jor 14, 15, 16,18,19,22,24,25,26) Severely wounded at Badajoz and Waterloo. 212S Wright William Severely wounded at Waterloo Young Keith Wellington 14th Sept., 1794, 82nd Regt. 16th Dec, 1831, 39th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 30th March, 1832 30th December, 1839, 2nd Foot; aptd. to Rifles, 31st De- cember, 1839 28th January, 1826 25th Oct., 1807, 67th Regt. 13th January, 1820 28th February, 1840 30th December, 1813 14th February, 1811 11th March, 1813 nth September, 1828 7th January, 1795, aptd. to 31st Regt., 10th Sep- tember, 1795 24th February, 1837 15th April, 1842 I 27th March, 1827, Unatt.; aptd. to 7th Fusiliers, 15th May, 1827 17th August, 1809, 66th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 2nd November, 1809; aptd. cancelled 19th June, 1822, 7th Fusi- liers; exchd. to h. p. of the Regt., 4th July, 1822; exchd. to 10th Hussars, 21st August, 1823 3rd June, 1842 17th July, 1823 2nd October, 181! to h. p. of 45th Regt., llth February, 1818; aptd. to ;)9th Regt., 6th September, 1844 20th July, 1815; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818 llth October, 1833 RIFLE BRIGADE. 03 CAPTAIN. HIQHEB BANKS. AND REMARKS. 30th April, 1795, M'Don- | Bt. Major, 25th April, 1808; Major, 10th May, 1809, Rifles; nell's Regt; reduced 1795, re- j Bt Lt. Colonel, 4th J\uie, 1814; retired 23rd December, 1819 tained on full pay of it; placed ^^ on h. p. of it, 1798; aptd. to 85th Regt., 18th May, 1800 23rd November, 1841 12th January, 1847 8th April, 1826, 10th Hussars 14th April, 1847 29th October, 1825; retired on h. p. Unatt., 12th July, 1833 Jane, 1840 Retired 30th December, 1845 Died at Malta, 6th May, 1829 Died December, 1816 Died at Florence Court, Ireland, 13th September, 1834 Retired 6th September, 1844 Retired 6th October, 1843; died at St. James's Place, Exeter, 27th June, 1851 64 RIFLE BRIQADE. NAMES. PAYMASTERS. Bridge Samuel Cadoux Matthew Cadoux Matthew Holden William Present at the siege of Scylla Castle, 1810 ; at the attack and capture of the island of Ponza, 1813 Innes James Wi McDonald Angus 21^ Mackenzie John Middleton John (^Silver Medal for 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Newbury John Lindham Charles James {Medal for Sobraon) Lost his left leg at Sobraon. [2S Bagshaw Isaac {Silver Medal for 9, 11) Clark James Daunt Richard Gumbleton Wi Fairfoot Robert Flattery Edward Q-ough Thomas WL Hill WilHam WL McDonald Angus M'Kenzie Alexander Macdonald Peter Mackay Donald Peacock Henry S2a Ross Donald Scott Stilwell William Surtees William SerTed in Holland, 1799. as a private in the 56th; throughout the Peninsu- lar war; American expedition; present at New Orleans Taylor Richard tm Trafford Robert Aptd. Captain in the 82nd Regt., with temporary rank, 1799; placed on h. p. of it, 1800; aptd. Paymaster of the Rifles, 31st Dec, 1803; retired 15th February, 1810 2nd. Lt. Royal Marines, 9th October, 1778; 1st Lt., 30th May, 1781; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 1783; aptd. Paymaster of the Rifles, 29th June, 1809; died 1812 11th February, 1813; 3rd Batt. reduced, placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th December, 1818; aptd. tofullpay ofthe2nd Batt., 1819; died at Valletta, Malta, 22nd July, 1826 Ensign, 15th December, 1804, 10th Foot; Lieutenant, 31st December, 1806, 10th Foot; Captain, 12th July, 1821, 10th Foot; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th October, 1821; aptd. Paymaster of the Rifles, 26th February, 1824; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 1st Sep., 1847; died 22nd Dec, 1850 30th October, 1800 Aptd. Quarter Master of the 1st Batt., 1st August, 1805; aptd. Paymaster of the 2nd Batt., 15th February, 1810; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 1819; died 1820 27th June, 1805; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 25th March, 1824; died at Eddlewood, August, 1833 Ensign, 10th Mar., 1808, 75th Regt.; exchd. to 91st Regt., Jan., 1809; Lt., 4th Oct., 1809, Rifles; Captain, 7th April, 1825; aptd. Paym. of the 2nd Batt., 25th Nov., 1826; aptd. Paym. of the Cork Recrtg. Dist., 12th July, 1844; aptd. to Edinb. Dist., Sept., 1844 Ensign, 28th December, 1838, 89th Regt.; Lieutenant, 21st August, 1841, 89th Regt.; aptd. Paymaster of the 2nd Batt., 23rd August, 1844 Ensign, 8th November, 1842, 10th Foot; Lieutenant, 28th March, 1845, 10th Foot; aptd. Paymaster 1st Batt., 8th October, 1847 QUARTER MASTERS. 13th October, 1814; exchd. to h. p. of 84th Regt., 19th September, 1822 1st March, 1810 Ensign, 9th December, 1813, 84th Regt.; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1816, 84th Regt.; placed on h. p. of it, 25th March, 1817; aptd. Lieutenant in the 90th Regt., 8th April, 1825; Captain, 21st Jan., 1832, 90th Regt.; retired 2nd Nov., 1832 28th April, 1825; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 2nd June, 1837; died 1st September, 1838 18th December, 1840; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 19th May, 1846; died 4th June, 1847 14th August, 1846 25th Dec, 1826; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 29th March, 1839 1st August, 1805; aptd. Paymaster of the 1st Batt., 15th February, 1810; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 1819; died 1820 23rd July, 1803 19th May, 1846; aptd. Adjutant and 2nd Lieutenant, 8th September, 1846; Lieutenant, 10th January, 1850 25th August, 1800; retired 23rd July, 1803 21st August, 1849 3rd April 1806; died 7th October, 1818 23rd May, 1805 27th October, 1846 8th June, 1809; aptd. Ensign in the 4th Vett. Batt., 24th February, 1820; reaptd. as Quarter Master in the Corps, Dec, 1820 retired on full pay of the Corps, 25th December, 1826; died at Corbridge, Northumberland, 28th May, 1830 29th Mar., 1839; retiredonh.p.of the Corps, 21st August, 1849 2nd June, 1837; Ensign, 18th December, 1840, 35th Regt.; retired 29tli December, 1840 RIFLE BRIGADE. r)5 ASSISTANT aURQEON. SURGEON. Abbell Joseph Served at the siege of Copenhagen, and battle of Kioije, 1807 ; retreat and Iwttle of Corunna ; in the Peninsula lyom 1810 to 1813 Alexander Thomas Anderson Arthur, m.d. SJSSi Armstrong John, M.D. 223 Burke Joseph, m.d. Bramley Joseph Mountford Campbell Alexander Oharles Homer Connell A. J. Nisbett, m.d. 10th April, 1806 10th October, 1834, StaflF 16th Oct., 1835, Staff; aptd, to 82nd Regt., 4th Mar., 1836; appointed to 10th Hussars, 5th March, 1841 11th March, 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec., 1818; exchd. back to full pay of it, 17th June, 1824; died at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, 3rd September, 1827 20th Nov., 1802, 97th Regt. 5th January, 1826; resigned 11th June, 1820 13th July, 1815, 84th Regt.; placed on h. p. of it, 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to 7th Vet. Batt., 1st Nov., 1819; aj)td to Rifles, 10th Aug., 1820; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 17th June, 1824; aptd. to 32nd Regt., 2nd June 1825; aptd. to 64th Regt., 4th May, 1826; aptd. to 3rd D. Gds, 27th July, 1826; re- tired on h. p. of the Regt., 11th July, 1834 14th July, 1808 16th June, 1825, 56th Regt. aptd. to Rifles, 6th July, 1826 5th Nov., 1812; appointment cancelled, 1813 Ist Nov., 1839, Staff: aptd. to Rifles, 22nd Nov., 1839; exd. to Staff, 3rd Oct., 1845 3rd June, 1824, 21st Fusi- liers; placed on the Staff, Feb., 1828; appointed to Rifles, 20th Feb., 1835 20th Aug., 1841, Staff; aptd. to Rifles, 17th Sept., 1841 8th May, 182S, 46th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 11th June. 1 829; placed on h. p. of Staff, 2Gth April, 1831; died in Bath, 29th December, 1842 15th July, 1813, 49th Regt^ aptd. to 60th Regt., 9th Aug., 1813; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th December, 1818 30th May, 1845, Staff; aptd. to Rifles, 7th August, 1846 16th December, 1845 29th June, 1809; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Sept. , 1828; died in Dublin, 16th September, 1838 31st March, 1814, 22nd Foot; placed on h.p. of it, 1814; died 1819 22nd Nov., 1839, 88th Regt.; retired on h. p. of the Regt., 12th June, 1846; aptd. to 2nd Life Guards, 30th April, 1847; retired on h. p. of the Regt., 23rd May, 1851 19th Jan., 1849, 97th Regt 30th Sept., 1836, Rifles; died 1843 Ceylon 60 I RIFLE BRIGADE. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Grant John Donald Hadley Henry, m.d. Served with the 40th in the Scinde campaign of 1835 and 1840 ert Hett Robert Hobart Howell Francis David Jameson Lawrence, m.d. gat Jones William, M.D. {Silver Medal for 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26) Knipe John Augustus Present at the siege of Copenhagen, tind battle of Kioge Lewis John R. Miller, m.d. Lloyd Evans Garnons WL M'Cabe Thos. Putnam, m.d. Maclean D. Attended Sir John Moore at Corunna Messiter Henry Monison John, m.d. Pardey William, m.d. 29th July, 1830, Staff; aptd. to Rifles, 2nd Nov., 1832; aptd. to 95th Regt., 3rd May, 1833; aptd. to 82nd Regt., 3rd April, 1835; dismissed, 4th March, 1836 28th Nov., 1834, Staff; aptd. to 40th Regt., 19th Dec, 1834; aptd. to Rifles, 6th Aug., 1841 3rd Sept., 1812; exchd. to h. p. of the Corps, 9th Aug., 1820; died at Chatham, 27th August, 1827 27th June, 1845; killed in action at the Cape of Good Hope, 11th January, 1847 12th Aug., 1836; aptd. to the Stafi", 15th Sept., 1837; resigned, 16th February, 1841 21st November, 1805 10th August, 1799, 5th D. G. 11th February, 1848 18th October, 1827 19th Aug., 1813; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; aptd. to the Staff, 1823 8th Oct., 1803, 42nd Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, July, 1809; died at Sydney, Australia, 1840 26th Aug., 1800; retired 9th July, 1803 6th May, 1813, 3rd Foot; aptd. to 1st Dragoons, 18th Jan., 1816; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 25th Dec, 1818; exchd. to Rifles, 11th Feb., 1819; exchd. to 7th Vet. Batt., 10th Aug., 1820; exchd. to h. p. of 83rd Regt., 25th Jan., 1821; aptd. to 1st Vet. Batt., 25th Sept., 1823; aptd. to 7th D.G., 3rd March, 1825; retired on h. p. of 1st Ceylon Regt., 23rd Aug., 1827; aptd. to 23rd Fu- siliers, 25th Dec, 1828; retired 3rd September, 1829 4th March, 1813, 41st Regt.; aptd. to 19th L. D., 12th May, 1814; exchd. to h. p. of 62nd Regt., 25th Sept.. 1817; aptd. to Staff, 25th Dec, 1822; aptd. to Rifles, 26th April, 1831; diedat Montreal,30th June,1832 27th June, 1845, 11th Foot; exchd. to 99th Regt,, 9tli June, 1846 3rd Sept., 1812, 40th Regt.; retired on h. p., 10th May, 1831 3rd Oct., 1805; aptd. to 15th L. D, 20th July, 1809; Staff Surgeon, 28th May, 1812; Dep. Inspector by Brevet, 17tli July, 1817; Dep. Inspector General, 26th October, 1826 6th August, 1841 RIFLE BUIGADE. 67 NAMES. ASSISTANT SUUGEON. O'Reilly Patrick Paynter Joshua Proudfoot James, m.d. Reid Joseph Reynolds Francis Richardson Arthur Ridgway Thos. Hughes, m.d. Present at the siege of Copenhagen 18u7; Peninsular campaign from May 1807 to January, 1809, including the actions of OMdos, Roleia, and Vi- miera; advance into Spain and retreat to Corunna; Walcheren expedition and siege of Flushing, 1809; in the Peninsula from May, 1810, to May, 1811 ; and from May, 1812, to the end of the war, including the retreat to the Lines of Lisbon, advance to Sautarem, defence of Cadiz, battles of Barossa and Salamanca, and advance tn, and retreat from, Madrid. Ranken Robert Served in the Peninsula from June. 1811, to the end of the war. Robertson Robt. M'Nabb Robb John Robinson John Liddell £21 Ilobson James Bowe George Sankey William ill Scott Francis (Silver Medal for 10, 22, 24. 25, 26) of '"! 27th July, 1809; exchd. to h. p. of 27th Regt., 21st Aug., 1817; aptd. to the Staff, 1830; retired November, 1833 11th January, 1839, Staff; aptd. to 60th Regt., 7th June, 1839; aptd. to Rifles, 20th Oct., 1840 4th Feb., 1813, 27th Regt.; pld. on h. p. of it,25th July,18i7; exchd. to Rifles, 21st Aug., 1817; placed on h. p. of Corps, 25th Dec, 1818; retired Sept., 1830 9th July, 1803 7th August, 1846, Staff; aptd. to Rifles, 17th June, 1851 20tli August, 1803, 50th Regt. 30th July, 1807 16th April, 1812, 74th Regt. 22nd Nov. 1827; exchd. to Staff, 6th Sept., 1831; retired November, 1831 22nd July, 1845, 17th June, 1851 22nd Feb., 1810, 43rd Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 21st Nov., 1811; exchd. to h. p. of 1st Dragoons, 11th Feb., 1819; cUed in Ire- land, July, 1821 25th August, 1800 2nd June, 1814; exchd. to h. p. of Waggon Train, 15th Sept., 1814; retired 1830 14th May, 1802, 93rd Regt. 11th Feb., 1848, 73rd Regt.; aptd. to 48th Regt., 6th Octo- ber, 1848; exchd to 13th L. D., 16th August, 1850 27th July, 1809; aptd, to 14th L. D., 5th Nov., 1812; died 24th December, 1816 5th November, 1812; placed on h. p. of the Corps, 25th De- cember, 1818; reaptd. to full pay of it, 13th November, 1828; retired on h. p. of the Staff, 14th February, 1814; died at Brighton, 10th September, 1843 11th June, 1830, 34th Regt.; aptd. to Rifles, 14th February, 1834; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 6th August, 1841 24th August, 1800; aptd. to the Staff, 29th June, 1809 18th June, 1807, 69th Regt.; exchd. to h. p. of Royal Regt. of Malta, 19th Jan., 1815; died 26th March, 1843 25th January, 1810; retired on h. p. of the Corps, 30th Sept., 1836; died at 1849 RIFLE BRIGADE. ASSISTANT SURGEON. S2a Scott Robert, m.d. Scott James Edward, m. Sprague John Hanmer Turner W. P. White Moses, m.d. "Woodforde William {Silver Medal for 23) 5th November, 1812, Royal Waggon Train; placed on h. p. of it, 1814; exchd. to Rifles, 15th September, 1814 11th June, 1847 14th June, 1810; aptd to 63rd Reg., 31st October, 1811; j aptd. to 3rd Vet. Batt., 24th December, 1812; placed on re- tired full pay of it, 1814; aptd. to 8th Vet. Batt., 24th August, 1815; placed on h. p. of it, 25th July, 1816 28th November, 1805 5th May, 1825, Staff; exchd. to Rifles, 6th September, 1831 16th January, 1812, 104th Regt.; aptd. to New Brunswick Fencibles, 12th May, 1814; placed on h. p. of the Regt., 24th February, 1816; aptd. to Rifles, 31st August, 1832; re- signed, 20th February, 1835 8th November, 1827, Staff; placed on h. p. of the ?ame, 19th June, 1835 29th July, 1836, 7th Hussars; reaptd. to Rifles, 30th Septem- ber, 1836; aptd. Staff Surgeon of the 1st Class, 16th Decem- ber, 1845; placed on h. p. 19th November, 1847 UN1)ER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OP HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, AND FIELD MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT, K.O., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., AND G.C.M.O. THE ROYAL NAVAL, MILITARY, AND EAST INDIA ESTABLISHED A. D. 1837, 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON VICE-PATRONS. Major General His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, K.G., G.C.M.G. His Grace the Duke of Richmond, K.G., Colonel Sussex Militia. The Most Noble the Marquess of Huntly, K.T., Colonel Aberdeen Militia. Field Marshal the Most Noble the Marquess of Anglesey, E.G., G.C.B., and G.C.H. Master General of the Ordnance. The Right Hon. the Earl De Grey, E.G. The Right Hon. the Earl of Minto, G.C.B. General The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Combermere, G.C.B. , and G.C.H. The Right Hon. Earl Grey. The Right Hon. Lord Glenelg. General The Right Hon. the Earl of Strafford, G.C.B., and G.C.H. General Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B. Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin, G.C.B., Vice Admiral of the United Eingdom. Admiral Sir Charles Adam, K.C.B,, Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Vice Admiral Sir James Alexander Gordon, K.C.B., Lieutenant Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Major General George Brown, C.B., E.H., Adjutant General. DIRECTORS. Colonel Sir Frederic Smith, E.H., P.R.S., R.E., Chairman. James Frederick Nugent Daniell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Admiral the Right Hon. Sir G. Cockburn, O.C.B., Rear Admiral of tho United Kingdom. Major fJcneral Sir J. Cockburn, Bart, O.C.II. General Hir ThomaB Bradford, O.O.B., O.C.II. Major General Sir Hew D. Row, K,O.B., Deputy Adjutant General Royal Ar- tillery r'aptain .Sir George Back, R.N., F.R.8. Major General Taylor, C.B.. E.I.C.S. Major General Edward Wynyard, C.B. Major General Arnold, K.H., K.C. Archibald Hair, Esq., M.D. Captain William Ltmoey, R E. Wm. Chard, Esq., Navy Agent Wilbraham Taylor, Esq. Major (Jenoral Sir John Rolt, K.C.B. Major F. 8. Sotherby, C.B., E.I.C.8. Major General Sir G. Pollock. O.O.B Captain William Cuppage, R N. detain Michael Quin, R N. THE ROYAL NAVAL, MILITARY, AND EAST INDIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Bankers — Messrs. Coutts and Co,, 59, Strand. Physician — Sir Charles Fergusson Forbes, M.D., K.C.H., F.L.S, Counsel— i. Measure, Esq., 4, Serle street, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Solicitor — Stephen Garrard, Esq., 13, SuiFolk-street, Pall-Mali East. Actuary — John Finlaison, Esq., the Government Calculator, and President of the Institute of Actuaries. IB ASSURANCES ARE GRANTED upon the lives of persons in every profession and station in life, and for every part of the world, with the exception of the Western Coast of Africa within the Tropics. The Rates of Premiums are constructed upon sound principles with reference to every Colony, and, by payment of a moderate addition to the Home Premium, in case of increase of risk, persons assured in this office may change from one climate to another, without forfeiting their Policies. FOUR-FIFTHS of the PROFITS are divided amongst the Assured. The circumstances of the Society, on the occasion of the Second Septennial Division of Profits, in the present year, 1851, have warranted the apportionment of a very Liberal Bonus. The additions to various Policies are shown in the following examples : — Age when PoUcj Assured eflfected 25 1838 35 1838 45 1838 63 1838 44 1838 26 1844 36 .... 1844 46 ... 1844 75 1844 QQ . ... 1844 Sum Assured Total Additions in 1851. £1,000 £164 12 2^ £1,000 £176 19 8 £1,000 £219 6 6 £1,000 £235 19 8 £1,000 £268 1 3 £1,000 £40 12 0^ £1,000 £59 4 9 £1,000 £77 13 £1,000 £83 13 7 £1,000 £94 15 8J Participators in Two Septennial Divisions of Profits. Participation in One Septennial Division of Profits AGENTS. BELFAST — Alexander Montgomery, Esq., Castle-lane. CHATHAM— George Acworth, Esq., Star Hill, Rochester. Messrs. Newcomb & Co., Outfitters, High-street. Mr. George Attwood, High-street, Brompton. CORK— Michael Gamble, Esq., 8, South Mall. DEVONPORT— William 0. Cox, Esq., R.N., 121, Navy-row. DOVER— Mr. William Batcheller, Royal Library. DUBLIN.— Lieutenant Hill, R.N., 10, Lower Sherrard-streefc. Thomas Snowe, Esq., 62, Middle Abbey-street. DUNDALK— Patrick J. Byrne, Esq. ENNISKILLEN— Thomas R. J. Poison, Esq., Fermanagh Mail Office. HULL — Messrs. Reinold & Co., shipbrokers, 49, High-street. LIMERICK— William H. White, Esq., 48, George-street. LIVERPOOL— Hugh Brown, Esq., Spekeland-buildings. MAIDSTONE— Mr. John Lurcock, bookseller. Earl-street. MALTA— Mr. G. Muir MANCHESTER— Mr. C. Wolstenhohne, 60, Spring-gardens. PLYMOUTH -- Mr. Jas. Postlethwaite. PORTSMOUTH— George L. Greetham, Esq., 14, High-street. SOUTHAMPTON— Mr. William Sharland, bookseller, &c. WATERFORD— G. W. Alcock, Esq., 9, Lady-lane. WOOLWICH— Mr. Edward Jones, Woolwich Journal Office, Thomas street. JOSEPH CAETWRIGHT BRETTELL, SECEITARY. ta^Hf IS wmst 1^ El 02 H p5 :3 s < tf H w P£< K O <-> rn H rt o Q <5 O 1— 1 OS 2 s . > 00 ^ O :> '^ CD o CO ^ »*1 fe ^ t-* o « td m 6=0 H CO o 1-3 S W » t?d 1-3 BEQ TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF OFFICERS OF THE ARMY TO THEIR IMPROVED SPECTACLES, The crystals of whicli are ground by hand, with peculiar accuracy, and are so adapted to the actual condition of the eye as to afford — without any injurious consequences to the delicate organ — assistance to every description of sight. FOR LADIES. Glasses. Solid Gold Frames 368 Standard Silver Hs Blub Steel 10s PRICES OF SPECTACLES. FOR GENTLEMEN. Crystals. QUtsses. Pebbles. 428 Solid GKjld 42s 50s 20s Standard Silver 148 348 18s Blue Steel 128 18s Improved (Jauze Railway Spectacles and Blue Glass Eye Protectors, from Ss to 24s, WEST & GO'S. TOURIST OR PILOT TELESCOPES, which have stood the test of time, and are warranted to show a vessel or other object at as great a distance as the horizon will admit of. They are light and portable, and have stood unrivalled, at the following low prices: — 18s., 30s., and 36s. Xy-EST'S BAROIVEETEIRS, including a large variety, adapted to various uses. The Marine Barometer, Coast Guard Barometer, Solid Oak nou.se Barometer, Farmers' Barometer; as also the Octagon, Pedestal, Elizabethan, and Wheel Barometers. The Victoria Barometer, in solid Oak, only 12s 6d. The Cowl, or Guard, for all Out-door Barometers. Tlierxnoxneters, SaccharoxneterB, Vacuum, Pressure, and Steam Guages, Fog and Signal Whistles, Telescopes, Sextants, and Quadrants, with every description of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, of first rate quality, and on the must r«aioiiable terms. BRITISH ARMY DESPATCH. HOESE GUARDS, ORDNANCE, AND EAST INDIA COMPANY'S MILITARY SERVICE The " British Army Despatch" was established upon the ground tliat the British Army would appreciate and support an Organ exclusively devoted to the Service. Since THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PAPER, IT HAS BEEN THE UNWEARIED CHAMPION OF THE INTERESTS OP THE Army; and in conscientiously carrying out this policy, its earlier career was fraught with no ordinary degree of difficulty. Thanks, however, to perseve- rance, and the warm and cordial support of a large body of influential Officers, the Journal has long since entirely overcome every obstacle which originally surrounded it. It were needless at this time to enlarge upon its principles, or to dilate upon those merits which have been generally acknowledged. Suffice it that the staff now attaclied to the paper is composed of Officers and Gentlemen of well-known Military, as well as Literary, attainments. The result is that, by their valuable contributions, by the^increased estimation of the Journal in public opinion, by the authentic nattire of its information, and by the ready means possessed of ascertaining the earliest official intelligence, the proprietors have pleasure in announcing that the Journal within the last six months has increased in circulation more than at any previous term of its career. In its arrangement of News no labour is spared to make the " British Army Despatch" a record of Military, Fashionable, and General Intelligence. It is published every Friday afternoon, and is forwarded by the post of that evening, containing the Gazette issued from the War-office the same night. It contains a careful digest of Regi- mental News, including Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, the Royal Marines, Commis- Siiriat and Medical Departments, the Yeomanry Cavalry, and Militia ; Naval Intelligence; Original Reviews, of Military and other Works; Indian Military Intelligence; City Article; Railway Shares. &c., &c. In addition, a carefully coippiled Table of the Stations of Her Majesty's Army is published monthly. The policy and object of the British Army Despatch is to maintain the interests of the Army ; to expose and to contend against the abuses of Ministerial Army Patronage; to support, by every just and honest means, the integrity of the Service, and to advance its wefare. To this end, and to ensure success, we trust in the continuance of that support of the Army which is never withheld from those who honestly, zealously, and indefatigably uphold the cause and interests of the honourable and distinguished profession. PRICE SIX-PENCE. PUBLISHED IN TIME FOR POST EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON, CONTAIN- ING THE WAR-OFFICE GAZETTE OF THE NIGHT. And delivered at the residence of all Metropolitan Subscribers the same Evening. SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. £ s. d. Per Year ' 16 Per Half- Year 13 Per Quarter 6 6 British Army Despatch" Office, 141, Strand, London. Now Ready, Price Qs. the Twenty -third Volume of the RETROSPECT OF MEDICINE: Being a Half-yearly Journal, containing a Retrospective View of every Discovery and Practical Improvement in the Medical Sciences. EDITED BY W. BRAITHWAITE, M.E.C.S., Lecturer on Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children in the Leeds School of Medicine, &c., &c. *♦* All the preceding vols may he had by order qf any bookseller, new editions having been isitud. A 3rd edition of Vol. 3 is now in the press. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. EDINBURGH: OLIVER AND BOYD. DUBLIN : HODGES AND SMITH. " The practitioner in medicine is much indebted to Mr. Braithwaite, for enabling him, without wading through the voluminous articles of the Quarterlies, or the long speeches of projectors and objectors at the various Societies, to keep up his information as to the progress of improvement in his profession. No man can look over this work with- out feeling proud of the profession to which he belongs, and of the men who ornament it. Here are 450 closely-printed pages of concentrated Loformation, touching upon 200 sub- jects, and we dare to affirm that not half a dozen of those pages is without a highly practical suggestion. To reduce ingenuity and hypothesis to practice is peculiar to our country, and in this work it is delightful to see how every new invention, discovery, or suggestion, is weighed as to its applicability to the relief of the suffering patient. With this book in his hand, no man need be ignorant of the improvements of the day. We scarcely know how to select amongst the numerous articles of interest, the most interesting." — Lancet. " This publication is undoubtedly one of the best digests of the existing state of medi- cal knowledge of the day; and should be in possession of every medical practitioner who desires to keep up his knowledge with the advancing progress of medical and surgical science. We therefore earnestly recommend it to the consideration of the Profession in this country, on the .shelves of whose libraries no more instructive volume could be placed." — British American Journal of Medical and Physical Science. " We think the editor has shewn a degree of judgment in the selection, arrangement, and condensation of the different articles; and the judicious remarks which he has appen- ded to many of the subjects, will be found highly serviceable to the reader. We hail its appearance with unalloyed satisfaction, and our hearty wishes for its success attend it, bcrau.'^e we think it will extend to a wider sphere that utility which is the constant aim of the public journalist, and enable the country practitioner especially to keep pace with the rapid improvements in Medical Science." — London Med. Gazette. " This is a compact and useful production * * and the volume before us bear witness to the sound judgment of its compiler, who has performed a useful task in a very satisfac- tory manner." — Med. Times. "We will only add that the plan is extremely well carried out, and that the under- taking merits the patronage of the profession." — Drit. and For. Med. Review. " On a former occasion we felt it to be our duty to recommend this really useful work to the notice of our professional brethren, and the appearance of a second number has in no way induced us to alter our opinion. Such a work may be regarded as an adilition of great practical value to medical literature. It possesses the additional excellency of being ' got up' in a manner tliat is highly creditable to the press, and is published at a very moderate price." — Medical Times. " The publication of Mr. Braithwaite deserves the attention of the practitioner ; and wo hoixi it will receive proper encouragement from the profession." — Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. " We quote from that capital little work, Braithwaite 's Retrospect; a work very much ▼anted in these days of Jouinalism." — Mtdico-Chirurgical Review. "This work iucicascs in interest and utility." — Ihid. NOW READY, PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS; CLOTH GILT, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OP THE OFFICERS OF THE 11**' HUSSARS, LONDON ; FROM 1800 TO 1850. BY HENRY STOCKS SMITH. SIMPKIN, MAESHALL, AND CO., AND MAY BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 4 " As the youthful aspirant for a commission in the army hurriedly passes with a glance every column of the newspaper until his gaze is arrested by the magic attraction of the *' War-Office Gazette," so with the veteran, who never finds himself in presence of au Army List, without intuitively turning to that particular page whereon is inscribed the names of officers then belonging to the regiment, with which for so many years he was identified. Such is the force of habit, engendered by recollection of the past, that although the old soldier is thoroughly convinced he will there encounter a long array of names appertaining to persons of whose identity he possesses not a particle of knowledge, still will he refer to the number of his own corps, until the volume — as if to spare him further trouble — always opens at the one identical page. Doubtless some degree of satisfaction must be derivable from an occupation so frequently indulged in ; but when by accident the scrutinizer lights on an ancient muster roll of by-gone days, in which peradventure he reads his own name among those of the companions of his boyhood, and partakers in many a glorious achieve- ment, but who have long since passed away for ever, the veteran will pour forth anecdotes and reminiscences innumerable, illustrative of adventures encountered, and keenly enjoyed, when in the society of those now slumbering with the dead. Nevertheless, his retro- spection — however good his memory — must, in some measure, prove defective, when endeavouring to call to mind each associate of his youth, and if his reminiscence be at fault, a cumbrous set of tomes must be referred to in quest of the required information ; and that, possibly without supplying the link, after having undergone the labour of the search. The small volume before us effectually meets such emergency, and obviates the necessity of troublous enquiry ; offering to the Regiment it treats of, a faithful record of all officers who have served in the corps during the last half century. So compact and perfect an enu- meration of every man who has held a commission in the 11th Hussars since the year 1800 cannot be otherwise than highly appreciated by the members of that gallant corps, form- ing, as it does, a valuable accompaniment to Mr. Cannon's Historical Becords. The com- piler of the work must have devoted considerable time and labour in perfecting his task ; and most sincerely do we trust he may meet with the encouragement he so richly deserves. In his opening page, the author observes — ' should the present list meet with approval, it is intended to publish other regiments on the same plan ;' and that it must succeed, appears to us anything but problematical, since we cannot imagine a more welcome addition to a soldier's library than a record of every officer who served under the same colours with him- self during some portion of so long a period as fifty years." — British Army Despatch. ''It is a useful compilation as a matter of reference, and we hope it has received sufficient encouragement to induce the compiler to follow it up with similar lists of other —United Service Gazette. THE SECOND VOLUME CONTAINS THE 43rd LIGHT INFANTRY, Price 5s. THE THIRD VOLUME CONTAINS THE RIFLE BRIGADE, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF ITS FIELD SERVICES, From its formation to the battle of Waterloo, by Lt.-Col. Leach, o.b. — Price 10s. THE FOURTH VOLUME CONTAINS THE 85th REGIMENT, WITH A RECORD OF ITS SERVICES, From its formation to the present time. — Price 7s 6d. Just Published, in Three Volumes, price '2Vs. 6d., THE PARLIAMENTS OF ENGLAND, FROM 1st GEORGE I., TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY HENEY STOOKS SMITH. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL AND CO. I " Mr. Smith had already made some progress in the collection of materials for his new work, before he discovered the existence of an old work of similar design, by Mr. Browne Willis ; and it is a singular coincidence, that this work ends j ust where Mr. Smith's begins, namely, in 1714, the first Parliament of Geo. I. In reference to the labour of such an undertaking, Mr, Willis, in his preface, speaks thus : — . " It is not easy to conopive the vast expenses, pains, and trouble attending searches of this nature : and I wish I could as well continue to support that expense as I have been hitherto free in giving my time and labour to the publia But, as I am now no longer able to go through these charges, I shall only intimate, that, if this collection meets with encouragement, and is attended with any emolument answer- able to my past labours, I shall be tempted (notwithstanding my decUne of life, loaded with enctunbrances of many kinds), and become ambitious to reasaume my first undertaking with zeal and cheerfulness. And •were these difficulties removed, if I should live to finish the whole of this work, I shall have the satisfac- tion of having carried it on, and leaving materials for a person hereafter, better qualified to complete it, and offer it to the world in its due perfection." " This work was originally published in 1716, at 258., but has become so rare that it is now marked in catalogues at six guineas. " Researches of this nature, which cost 'pains and trouble' a century ago, we may be sure cost no less now ; for, if references have become so far more abundant as to ensure greater completeness and accuracy, yet the labour in finding them out has increased just in proportion. Of Mr. Smith's persevering zeal in the prosecution of inquiry after au- thentic information, we are enabled to speak from experience ; and we know that his cor- respondence with members of parliament, official persons, and public institutions, has been very extensive. As to the utility of such researches, no publisher of a newspaper, or other record of passing events, — no member of a reading-room, or of any political club, can entertain a doubt ; the work will form a permanent depository of collected information, which, without such means of reference, might be sought for scattered in a hundred vari- ous directions. Indeed, in a country like ours, where politics form the standing dish of interest in every-day conversation, and where parliamentaiy elections form the one matter of all-absorbing interest, as often as they occur, it is hardly too much to expect that a work of this kind would recommend itself to every individual, whether voter or candidate, past, present, or expectant. The very fluctuations which have occurred in political party opi- nion, as indicated by the succession of returns given in the present work, are matters of curiosity in themselves. Take Abingdon, for instance, in the first Vol. before us of the Parliaments of England; — in six contests, between 1747 and 1806, Tories were returned in opposition to Whigs; in three contests, between 1807 and 1830, Whigs were returned in opposition to Tories, and the Whig Member was re-elected without opposition in 1831 ; yet, the only contest which has taken place since, for the first reformed parliament of 1832, a Tory candidate succeeded against two Whigs, and has been returned without opposition in the three subsequent elections. All these changes are distinctly marked down in the record before us, and the inhabitant of any place three hundred miles from Abingdon, faight feel an interest in observing their progress ; but, in the lapse of a few years, how fBMiy inhabitants of Abingdon itself, without such a refresher to the memory, would have been able to give any account of them." — Gentleman's Mag. "This work was begun in 1844 ; in 1845 the second volume api)eared, the two giving an account of all the elections in England and Wales, from 1715, the accession of Geo. I., to the time of publication, M-ith the names of the candidates, and tlie number of votes recorded for each, when that was ascertainable. The arrangement was by counties, with an alpha- betical subdivision of places ; and notes were added, though rarely. The work is now completetl by the publication of the third volume. It contains the elections in the boroughs disfranchised by the Reform Bill, up to the day of their death ; with those of Scotland and Ireland since their respective unions, arranged upon a similar plan. An I4)pendix contains the English and Welsh elections, since tiie publication of the previous volumes, arranged alphabetically, without reference to counties. It is a useful work to the publicist, and to all persons interested in Parliamentary matters." — Spectator. " We hope this neat compilation may be encouraged and completed. It would form an indi8i)enaable part of every historical library."- Quar/er/y Review. No, 1. Price 6d. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE OFFICERS OF THE ROYAL ARTILLERY, From 1800 to 1851. BY HENRY STOCKS SMITH. Hontitin : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co. Woolwich: JOHN MYERS BODDY & SON MDCXLI. MASTEKS GENEKAL OF THE ORDNANCE, C'harles, Marquis of Coniwallis, KG died at GLazepoiv, Ueiiares, 5th October 1805 John, JEJar/ q/Clmthain, Ko .... Francis, Marquis of Hastings, kg. gcb. gcii. . died on board HMS Revenge, 28ih November 1826. John, Earl of Chatham, kg .... died in London, 24tli September 1835. Henry, Earl of Mulgrave, gcb. died at Mulgrave Castle, Yorkshire, 7 April 1831. 3!2E Aithiu', Duke o/" Wellington, kg. gcb. gch. 3Ii2i Henr}', Marquis q/* Anglesey, kg. gcb. gcii. "NVilliam Carr, {'iscount Beresford, gcb. gch. ., 31© Sir James Kempt, gcb. gch Sir George Murray, gcb. gch fai Richard Husscy, Lord Vivian, gcb. gch. . . died at Baden, 20 August 1842. Sir George Mmray, gcb. gch. . . .... died iu London, 28 July 1846. Henry, Marquis q/' Anglesey, kg. gcb. gch. .... 18 Febniar}' 170') 10 June 1801 14 rebruarj' 180fi 4 Apiil 1807 5 May 1810 1 Jauuaiy 1819 1 Apiil 1827 28 April 1828 '30 November 1830 18 December 1834 4 May 1835 9 September 1S41 8 July 184C COLONELS COMMANDANT. James Pattison 2") April 1777 Jolm Strattou 1 Oct. 1783 Duncan Drummond 6 Mar. 179') Sir Anthonv Farrington, Bart. 2.') April 1700 Ellis Walker 25 Sept. 1790 Thomas Davies 13 July 1799 Phi Up Martin ' 2 Oct. 1799 WilUam Borth\^-ick 12 Nov. 1800 Vau-i^han Lloyd 14 Oct 1801 John Stewart 17 May ls03 Sir Williimi Congreve, Bart. 12 Sept. 1803 ^Villinm Orch. Huddleston 2 Mar. 180.'> G«-or}-(i Fead 28 June 1805 Sir Thomas Blomefleld, Bart. 1 June 1800 Orlando Manley 13 Jan. 1807 p.' ' un 1 Feb. 1808 K- 28 June 1808 EJ phens 16 Dec. 1808 Kolort Doujrlas 4 Sept. 1809 John liamsf'y 17 Mar. 1812 Thcmas Trotter 14 Fib. 1814 Sir John Macleod, gch. 1 May 1814 Sir Jdhn Smith, gch. 3 July 1815 William Cuppage 21 Nov. 1815 Thomas Seward 20 Feb. 1810 Francis Lave 1^1 m"' ISlo ( 7 Mar. 1819 Bflvley Willington 15 Mar. 1820 Sir Edw. Howarth, kcb. gch. Aug. 1821 Edward SteheUn 17 Oct. 1823 Benjamin Ijord Bloomfield, gcb. Of,H. 4 Nov. 182:3 Sir J. F. S. Smith, kch. 10 Feb. 1827 Henry Shrapnel George Wulff Geoi-ge AVilliam Dixon Sir Wiltshire Wilson, kch. Brooke Youuge George Ramsay Spencer Claudius Pany William iSIillar Goorge Salmon Sir Joseph Maclean, kch. Richard Dickinson Edwai'd Prichard Robert Beevor Sir Jos. H. Camcross, kcb, Alexander Watson P^dward Vaughan Worsley Sir Thomas Downman, kch. Hemy Evelegh Peter Fyers, cb. Hon. Wm. Henry Gardner Frederick Walker Joseph Webbe Tobin Richard Seeker Brough James Power Thomas John Forbes 512a J. Webber Smith, cb. Alexander Mimro 51I3E Sir Hew D. Ross, kcb. Robert Henry Birch James Armstrong Thomas Paterson Nath. W. Oliver C Mar. 1827 5 Apr. 1827 23 Oct. 1827 21 Jan. 1828 8 Jan. 1831 10 Nov. 1832 27 Jan. 1833 12 Apr. 1834 7 Sept. 1834 20 Mny 1835 28 Apr. 1836 3 July 1837 15 Mar. 1838 20 Sep. 1839 14 Mar. 18 J2 9 May 1842 28 Sep. 1843 Feb. 1845 14 June 1845 1 Apr. 1840 18 May 1840 10 Aug. laio 17 Aug. 1840 C Dec. 1846 8 Dec. 1847 2 June 1848 1 Nov. 1848 1 Nov. 1848 12 Aug. 1849 17 Oct. 1849 15 Aug. 1850 18 Feb. 1851 ROYAL ARTILLERY. 2nd LIEUTENANT. 1st LIEUTENANT. Acheriey, Joseph Chamber] a^-ne Adams, John Alexander Phillips Addams, James Addington Hon., Leonard Allen Adair, Eichard Bratton Adye, James Pattison Adye, John Miller Adye, Mortimer Adye, Ralph Willet i8J5E Adye, Stephen Galway, c. b. Wounded in Egjpt, 0th May, 1801 Airey, Dionysius Aitchison, Eobert Scott Alcock, Alexander Allen, Ralph Shuttleworth Alms, Charles George Alston, Horace George Anderson, John Eichard {Medal for China) Anderson, William Cochrane Present at the siege and capture of Flushing, 1809 ; bombardment of Antwerp. Andrew, Charles Andrews, Eobert Andrews, William Gilley Anketell, Montray Anson, Archibald Edward Harbord Apreece, John Arabin, Frederick Present at Martinique and siege of Fort Bourbon, 1809 : sen'ed in the Peninsula, from 1812 to 1814 Arbuthnot, Charles George Arbuthnot, Hon.^ William (Silver Medal for 7 and 9) 5th July, 1809 20th June, 1849 1st June, 1795 1st October, 1847 16th June, 1888 1st August, 1799 13th Dec, 1836 19th June, 1841 1st January, 1781 24th April, 1793 16th Dec, 1831 1st July, 1807 8th July, 1819 18th June, 1836 1st July, 1799 13th Dec, 1836 18th Dec, 1840 3rd November, 1807 28th April, 1810 1st July, 1806 20th June, 1849 1st October, 1847 19th June, 1844 2nd April, 1810 8th Sept., 1803 17th June, 1843 16th July, 1804 24th Oct. 1812; ret. on h.p. 1st Ap. 1826 8th July, 1850 1st April, 1797 30th June, 1848 12th August. 1840 18th April, 1801 7th July, 1839 28th April, 1842 26th May, 1790 1st January, 1794 1 8th July, 1834 22nd May, 1808; placed on h. p. 1820 2nd April, 1827; placed on h. 1. 5th April, 1837 1st May, 1839 3rd December, 1800 19th October, 1839 23rd Nov., 1841 1st August, 1808 17th Dec, 1813; retired on h. p. 19th December, 1820 15th October, 1807 27th May, 1850 30th June 1848 1st April, 1846 17th Dec, 1813 12th Sept., 1803 1st Feb., 1845 2()th Dec, 1804 ^YAL ARTILLERY. 2nd CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS AND REMARKS. ■th July, 1804 7th May, 1847 1 St June, 1806 29th July, 184G 9th October, 1848 6th March, 1795 7 th November, 17 15th May, 1843 May, 1846 June, 1806 ■one, 1848 6th Nov., 1827, Unatt. ; reapt, to f. p. 17th June, 1^'2S 26th Nov., 1824; h. p. ; aptd. to f. p. 2&th August, 1825 llUi July, iNll 4th April, 1H51 2(ith l)cc.,lH14 1st February, 1808 20th Dec, 1814; placed on h. p. 1818; reapt, to f. p. 6th November, 1820 18th April, 1801 1st May, 1803 20th Oct., 181!) ; Cape Corps Infantrj', placed on h. p. of the Regt,25thOct.,1826; reapt. to f. p. of it 8th March, 1827 20th Dec, 1814 ; placed on h. p. 1st Feb., 1819 ; reapt. to f. p. 5th March, 1820 10th January, 1837 12th June, 1835 iOth July, 1825 !Hh December, 1827 Took the name of Chamberlayne, instead of Acherley, in 1832 Bt. Major, 4th June, 1814 ; Major, 29th Aug. 1825 ; Lt.Col.6th Nov. 1827 ; ret. 30th Dec. 1 828 Brevet Major, 12th August, 1819, died at Cerignola, on the Adriatic, 26th Oct., 1831 Died at Gibraltar, 22nd October, 1804 Bt. Major, 25th July, 1810 ; Major 1st Oct., 1812; Lt. Colonel, 20th December, 1814; Colonel, 29th July, 1825; Major General, 10th January, 1837 ; died at Woolwich, 13th, September, 1838 Died at Malta, 28th October, 1845 Bt. Major, 10th January 1837 ; died at the Cape of Good Hope, AprU, 1837 Retired 1839 Bt. Major, 12th August, 1819 ;diedat Jersey, 29th December, 1822 Died at Port Ftoyul, Jamaica, 2Htli April, 1841 Bt. Major, 23rd November, 1841 ; Lt. Col., 9th November, 1846 Bt. Major, 28th June, 1838 ; Lt Colonel, 3rd September, 1845 Died in the W.-i iiidiis. i.-ili .July, 1816 Bt. :Major, 22nd July, 1H30 ; Lt. Colonel, 18tli December, 1837 ; died at Bermuda, 17th August, 1843 Bt. Major, 10th Januaiy, 1837; Lt. Colonel, 23rd Nov., 1841 ; ret on f. p. 1st April, 1844 ROYAL ARTILLERY I 2n(i LIEUTENANT. 1st LIEUTEN. Archdall, Dudley Mervyn Annstrong, James Present at tlie oaptiire of St. Lucia and Tobago, in 1«03 ; Surinam in 1804; and at St. Domingo, in 1809 Armstrong, John Armstrong, Phillip Armstrong, Richard Say Walcheren expedition 1800 ; served in Can- nada from 1810 to 1815; present in the action at Stony Creek, and Blaclc Hocl< ; capture of Fort Niagara and siege of Fort Erie; slightly Avounded at Fort George, 2i'th May, 1813 Ashe, Walter Askwith, William Harrison Atchison, Thomas Atkinson, James Stephen Wilberforce Aylmer, Henry Aytoun, Marriott Chad. W Baddeley, John Fraser Lodington Baker, George William Baldock, Charles Eo'uert Balfour, Charles Anthony Balfour, Henry Lowther Barker, George Robert BarloAv, Edwaixi Bames, Joseph Barnes, John Bamett, William Townsend Barry, William Wigra,m Barstow, George Bassett, Richard Employed in raising the siege of Bilhoa 25th Dec, 1836 ; present in the aciion of the 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th and If.th March, 1837; attack and canying by assault the torm of Heniaui. Bastard, James Stokes Batchellor, Samuel George 1 9th December, 1844 9th March, 1795 Royal Irish Ailillery 24th March, 1795 Royal Irish Artillery 21st July 1797 l7thDecem. 1807 15th Nov. 1800 ISth Decern. 1829 9th June, 1804 18th June, 1845 16th December, 1831 3rd December, 1803 17th Junp, 1843 1st July, 1806 2nd April, 1810 13th December, 1886 20th June, 1849 21st June, 1834 2^nd Decem. 1803 1st June, 1795 1st January, 1771 19th June, 1844 1st May, 1840 19th Decem. 1844 11th Decem. 1815 15th Novem. 180O I8th Docom. 184/ 1st April, 1846 31st July, 179^ Royal Irish Artillery" 1st June, 1797 Royal Irish Artilleiy lOth July, 1799 22nd March, 1809 17th Apiil, 18(y.i 6th Novem. 1830 5th Decem. 18t4 1st April 1846 21st November, 1st May 1804 1833 1 7th January, 1 845 1st February, 1808 17th Decem. 1813; placed on h. ]». 8th November, 181) 31st August, 1^;39 11th Novem. 1850 10th January, 1837 1st June, 1804 1st April, 1797 8th September, 1774 1st April, 1846 9th November, 1846 1st April, 1846 26th Novem. 1824, h. p. ; reapt. to f. p. 22nd Januai-y, 1825 12th May, 1802 30th June, 1848 BOYAL ARTILLERY. 5nd CAPTAIN. HIGHER HANKS AND REMARKS. I I'ith Septeiu. 1803 stli January, 1805 (ith Novem. 18*47, natt. reajtt. to f. p. . >lli Nov. 1828 2^rd Novera, 1841 17th Fubniary, 1814 ;;h April, 1843 •^•4uJ July, 1812; placed on h. p. lOth April, 18-45 2'4nd February, 18r)l •iOtb July, 1845, h. p. ; reapt. to f. p. 1st Februar}', 1840; retired on h. p. 23rd "line, 18:J4 21st May, 1845 '.'■'.rd Jauuarj', 1813 Capt. Lt. 13th Sep. 1803; 2nd Capt, loth Julv 1804 7th July, 1779 W lOth Jan., 18:^1 placed on h. p. 31st D.^cember, 1844 1st Febniarv. IhOS 15th October, 1807 18th Decern. 1837 23rd June, 1840 30th June, 1848 5th Septem. 1849 31st Decern. 1827; placed on h. p. 30th June, 1848 1st Decern. 1782 4th July. 1810; placed on li. p. 1st April, 1817; reapt. to f. p. 3rd July, 1823 Bt. Major, 4th June, 1814; Lt. Colonel, 13th October, 1847; Colonel, 10th Jan., 183T; Major General, 9th November, 1846 ; Colonel Comm. 17th October, 1849 Died in Jamaica, 19th May, 1800 Lt. Colonel, 9th November, 1846 Died at Grenada, 9th April, 1804 Bt. Major, 48th January, 1842 Dismissed loth November, 1824, for refus- ing to lire salutes on the anniversarj- of the tutelar Saint of Vittoriosa, in the island of Malta, on the 9th and 10th of August Died on passage from the Cape, 4nd Ap., 1840 Retired, February, 1837 Died at Charlton, 28th November, 1842 Died at Woolwich, 7th April 1830 Retired 12th February, 1806 ; died at Goat Island, 16th April, 1843 Major, 14th August, 1794 ; Lt. Colonel, 6th March, 1795 ; Colonel, 49th April, 1802 ; aptd. a Colonel of the Invahd Batt., 12th September 1803; Major General, 25th October, 1809; died in Bath 30th April, 1810 Died in Wales, 8th November, 1849 Bt. Major, 27th May, 1825; Lt Colonel, 4Tth Aprii, 1830 ; Colonel, 9th Nov., 1846 KOYAL AKTILLERY. I NAMES. 2nd LIEUTENANT. 1st LIEUTENANT. Bate, Henry 6th March, 1795 3rd October, 1795 Bates, Henry 1st August, 1799 26th April, 1801 Batliurst, Benjamin 14th Decern. 1836 11th April, 1840 Bayard, Agustus F 1st July, 1800 1st February, 1808 Bayly, Neville Saltren Keats 19th Decern. 1844 1st April. 1840 Bayly, Frederick 5th June, 1809 21st June, 1812; Served in the Peninsula, from 1810 to 1814; placed on h. p. 20th American war of 1814 and 15 ; slightly wound- June, 1829 ed at New Orleans; served with the Prussian Army in 1815 at the taking several fortresses. Bayly, Zachary Clutterback 22nd Dec. 1803 27th July, 1804 (Silver Medal for Maida) Siege of Scylla Castle, 180C ; expedition to Egypt. 1807 ; capture of Ischia, 1809 ; siege of Tarragona Baynes, Charles 18th Septem. 1793 1st January, 1794 Baynes, Edward Da^ds 1st October, 1808 8th May, 1811 512E Baynes, George Macleod 4th April, 1807 1st February, 1811 (Silver Medal for 19, 22, & 26; 31SE Baynes, Henry, k. h. 23rd Februaiy, 1801 1st Novem. 1802 (Gold Medal for Talavera) Campaign in Naples, 1805 ; served in the Peninsula from 1809 tol813 ; Avounded at Tala- vera ; bombardment of Antwerp ; slightly wounded at Waterloo Baynes, O'Hara 16th July, 1804 21st Decembe;, 1804 Beane, George 22nd April, 1795 9th January, 1797 (^Gold Medal for \Q, 2b) Beauchamp, Charles Eustace 5th October, 1818 15th March, 1827; placed on h. p. 6th Februaiy, 1837 Bedingfield, Francis 20th Dec. 1800 25th July, 18C2 (Silver Medal for Barrosa) Bedingfield, Phillii> Beevor, Eobert 10th Decem. 1846 12th July, 1788 24th Novem. 1847 1st July, 1791 (Medal for Egypt) Served in Flanders in 1793 and 1795 ; in Spain '^^H under Sir D. Baird, 1808 and 1809 "Vi^B SSa Bell, William 23rd Novem. 1804 2nd Decem. 1805 (Silver Medal for 6, 8, 22, 24, 20) Slightly wounded at Toulouse Belson, George John 29th Septem. 1804 6th July, 1805 (Silver Medal for 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25) Present at Almeida; action on the Coa; Pombal, Eedinha, Cazel Nova, Foz d'Arouce and Sabugal; action on the heights of Acjueda; actions at Casbrajon, San Munos, San Milan, Osma, and Gave d'Oleron Benezet, W. H. C I9th July, 1797 16th July, 1799 Benn, Anthony 20th Decem. 1832 2nd Septem. 1835 Benu, Piercy 3rd February, 1821 13tli October, 1827 Bent, Hugh 19th Decem. 1844 1st April, 1840 ROYAL ARTILLERY. 2nd CAPTAIN. HIGHER RANKS AND REMARKS. 1st June, 1806 0th November, 1840 rii August, 1813 ICth July, 1799 1st August 1826 ; placed on h. p. 25th September, 1^84 1st February, 1808 28th Novem. 1814; placed on h. p. 1st [August, 1827. Captain Lt, 12th |Septemberlb03;2nd ICapt. 19th July, 1804 1st February, 1S08 |trd October, 1795 Brd July, 1815 [ 21st May, 1815; ilaced on h. p. Ist "eb 1819; reapt. to 1 pay, 20th April, 1320 Decern. 1804 5th April, 1844 Ath August, 1839 iOth Decern. 1814 17th June, 1828 12th Septem. 1803 24th July, 1823; retired on h. p. 12th December, 1826 1st Februarj', 1808 2nd Septem. ISOl 22nd July, 1830 27th October, 1829 18th April, 1812 1st Novem. 1848 5th April, 1845 Ketired on h. p. 17th February, 1803 Bt. Major, 12th August 1819 ; died at the Mauritius, 3rd Januai-y, 1829 Died in Jamaica, loth January, 1810 Bt Major, lOth January, 1837 ; Lt. Colonel, 17th August, 1841 ; ret. on f. p. same day Bt. Major, 4th June, 1811 ; Lt. Colonel, 20th December, 1814 ; died in London, 18th January, 1818 Aptd. to Invalid Batt., 1817 ; retired f. p. of it, 1818 ; retired, 1832 Bt. Major, 21st January, 1819 ; Bt. Lt. Col. 10th January, 1837 ; died in Guernsey, 15th July, 1844 Appointed Tovm Major of Aldemey, 25th December, 1827 ; Bt. Major, 10th Jan., 1837 Brevet Major, 12th April, 1814; killed at Waterloo, 18th June, 1815 Retired, May, 1815 Major, 1st Feb., 1808; Lt. Colonel, 22nd January, 1810; Bt Colonel, 12th Aug., 1819; Colonel, 17th October, 1823; Major General 22nd July, 1830; Colonel Comm. 15th March, 1838; Lt. General, 23rd November, 1841; died at Ramsgate, 27th September, 1843 Bt. Major 10th January, 1837 ; Lt. Colonel, 13th April, 1842 Bt Major, 10th January, 1837 ; Lt. Colonel, 23rd November, 1841 ; retired on f. p. 7th April, 1842 Bt. Major, 4th June, 1814 ; died at Point de Galle, Ceylon, 22nd September, 1814 ROYAL ARTILLERY, I NAMES. 2nd LIEUTENANT. 1st LIEUTENANT. Bent, William Henry {Silver Medal for 12, 15) Bentham, John Bentham, William * 26th Novem. 1808 1st October, 1789 7th April, 1776 11th August, 1811 2nd Novem. 1791 7th July, 1779 Bentham, William 15th March, 1803 12th Septem. 1803 Beresford, George John Bemers, William ISth October, 1826 1st May, 1815 31st Decem. 1828 29th July, 1825 Bettesworth, John 20th Decern. 1800 3rd June, 1802 Bevan, Howe Curtis 5th May, 1825 12th Novem. 1827 Biddnlph, Michael Shrapnel Bigge, Thomas Edward Bignell, Charles Phillips Bingham, Charles Bingham, Charles Cox 17th June, 1843 5th July, 1820 18th October 1826; placed on h. p. 7th September, 1829 20th June, 1832 24th April, 1793 26th April, 1844 23rd July 1825 ; Unatt.;aptd. to 21st FusiHsrs, 24th Sept. 1825 20th July, 183. L 1st January 1794 Bingham, George WilHam Birch, George Sei-ved at the siege of Flushing, 1809 26th Decem. 1824 4th April, 1808 8th Novem. 1827 1st October, 1809 Birch, Eobert Henry Served duiing the Irish Rebellion of 1798: expedition to Walcheren ; in tlie Peninsula, at Cadiz, and Seville 9th March, 1795, Royal Irish Artillery. 25th July, 1795, Royal Irish Artillery Bissett, Daniel 19th July, 1803 12th Septem. 1803 Bishopp, Harry Blachley, Charles {Silver Medal for 9, 11, 16) Present at the siege of Burgos Blachley, Henry {Silver Medal for 16, 18, 20, 22, 24) Wounded in the head by a musket ball at the sortie from Bayonne Blair, WilUam Hunter Blackburn, John Henry 4th Decem. 1809 3rd Dec. 1803 10th August, 1804 6th August, 1846 19th June, 1850 1st July, 1813 1st March, 18C 18th February, 22nd March, IJ 4 1805 347 SHORT NOTICE OP AN IMPROVED NEW TRUSS, AND OTHER SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL AIDS, MANUFACTURED BY THOMAS EAGLAND, SUBOIOAL MACHINIST TO THE LEEDS AND OTHEB INPIBMARIKS, 35, BOND STREET, LEEDS. LEEDS : PRINTED BY D. I. ROEBUCK, U, BANK STREET. 1851. Mr. EAGLAND Respectfully invites the attention of the Medical Profession to the following Notice of New Trusses and other Apparatus, manufactured bv him at his Establishment, No. 35, BONX> STRUCT, X.Z:S3S. TEALE'S TRUSSES. These Trusses, of which Mr. Eagland is the sole manufacturer and pro- prietor, were suggested by T. P. Teale, Esq., F.L.S., Surgeon to the Leeds General Infirmary, and have been described by him in "The London Medical Gazette'" of Feb. 1st, 1850. TRUSS FOR INGUINAL HERNIA. r This Truss consists of an elastic girdle of steel, to which is adapted a compress of 'wory, or of hard wood, of oblongo-oval form, acted upon by a spiral spring. Its chief advantages consist in the girdle being so formed as to maintain a firm and steady seat upon the pelvis, in the hard pad of oblongo-oval form giving a firm support to the internal ring and inguinal cimal, the external ring being left free ; and in the spiral spring directing the pressure perpendicularly upon the part requiring support, and allowing the varied movements of the body to be performed without displacement of the pad. Tlirough the medium of the spiral spring, also, the degree of pressure exercised by the pad admits of lieinp modified. TEUSS FOR FEMORAL HERNIA. This Truss, like the former, consists of an elastic girdle of steel, and a hard pad of special form, acted upon by a spiral spring. The pad is of triangular form, the upper border corresponding in its direction with Poupart's ligament, and the pubic border being parallel with the femoral vessels. The most prominent part of the pad is its uppei* and pubic portion. The spiral spring, which in this Truss is of a circulaj- form, is attached towards the upper and pubic end of the pad, so as to aci; more especially on its most prominent part. Its pressure is thus chiefly exercised upon the pubic compartment of the femoral sheath, immediately below Poupart's ligament. The following Notice of these Trusses, by the Editor of " The London Medical Gazette,' is quoted from that Journal of Jan. 3rd, 1851 : — "REMARKS ON TRUSSES. "Patterns of all kinds of improved trusses have at various times reached us, and we have been repeatedly solicited to give an a 'priori opinion of their value, either from the theory of their construction, or from the casual inspection of a patient who has worn one. Notwith- standing the numerous improved trusses which have been advertised of late years, including the Soft Pad, the Hard Pad, the Sand Pad, the Moc Main, the Wire Truss, and others, we think that most practitioners still consider it a matter of great difficulty to make a selection. "The remarks which we are about to make, will, avg hope, remove this difficulty. 5 " 111 the Journal fur Feb. 1st, 185U, we inserted a commuuicatiou from Mr. T. P. Teale, Surgeon to the Leeds Infirmary. A truss is there described as manufactured by Mr. Eagland, of Bond Street, Leeds, and engi-avings are also given illustrating the principle of its construction, and its mode of application to inguinal and femoral herniae. Specimens were at that time sent to us for inspection, but, conformably to the rule we have uniformly adopted, we did not give any recommendatory notice of these trusses, either from the inspection of them, or the reports of others. Their alleged superiority over other hernial bandages, therefore, rested entirely on the statements contained in Mr. Teale's paper. '' One of these trusses was ordered and applied to a case of femoral hernia, to which well constinicted trusses of London make had been hitherto applied, but always with the great inconvenience of unequal pressure, and the liability to shift, notwithstanding the use of a thigh strap. In this case Teale's Truss has been worn continuously for eleven months without any thigh strap. The pad has perfectly maintained its position in all the movements of the body, and the spiral spring connected with it has allowed of as much fi-eedom of motion as is com- patible with the wearing of any hernial bandage whatever. During a like period, before this truss was worn, a change in the ordinary truss, or some alteration of the pad was required, at least once in three months. The result of the long-weai-ing of Teale's truss in the case of this patient has been most successful and satisfactory; and we consider it a duty, therefore, to state the fact for the information of our readers. "The construction and mode of applying this truss are so weU described by Mr. Teale in the paper before alluded to, that only a few remarks are required in this place. The pad is a light hollow shell of ivory, adapted in shaj)e to the part upon which the pressure is to be applied — a plan eminently required in the femoral space, to which neither oval, round, nor flat pads can be so adapted as to preserve their position without a thigh strap, or some other incumbrance, such as increased strength in the spring, thus causing undue pressure. The spiral spring prevents the pad from moving with the girdle, and thus allows great freedom of motion without risk. We have here the art of the mechanic united to the anatomical science of the surgeon; and we feel bound to state that "Nfr. Teale has not in any respect overrated the value of this truss. i" Our readers are no doubt aware that there is a strong esprit de corps among surgical mechanicians. Each metropolitan maker has his favourite truss, with dulv endoi*sed testimonials,