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In presenting this work to the nursing profession
tlie author has endeavored to cover in as clear and
untechnical a manner as possible the essentials of
anatomy and physiology. No theories have been
included, except those which have been definitely
accepted by teachers of the subjects. Emphasis has
been placed on the description of organs and their
functions which are of fundamental importance in
the practice work of the nurse.
The questions at the end of each chapter are added
as a means of reviewing the subjects.
The glossary has been added with the object of
explaining all technical words in the text.
J. F. L.
Introduction 17
Chemic Composition of the Human Body .... 20
Metabolism — The Cell, its Stkucture and Functions 29
Tissues 35
Osteology — The Description of Bones and Bone
Tissue 54
Articulations or Joints 106
Muscle Tissue ... - 117
The Description of the Anatomy and Physiology of
the Circulatory Apparatus 174
The Lymphatic System 225
The Respiratory Apparatus 233
The Organs of Digestion 251
Digestion 275
Absorption 286
Secretion 290
The Factors Essential to the Production of Body
Temperature or Heat 310
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary Appar-
atus (Organs); the Skin and its Appendages . 314
Anatomy and Physiology of the Nerve System . .331
The Organs of Special Sense 390
Organs of Reproduction 417
The human body from birth to old age exhibits in
the living condition a series of phenomena by which it
grows, performs the various and complex movements
of which man is capable in the processes of daily life;
thinks, and is conscious of the sensations which bring
him into relation with his surroundings, and repro-
duces, permitting a continuation of the species.
A study of the functions of the numerous organs
and structures of the body in a state of health, and their
associated phenomena of growth, movement, mentality,
and reproduction, is termed human physiology.
To understand the functions of organs, etc., it is
necessary to first understand the construction of the
human body of which they are a part. To this branch
of science the term human anatomy is applied.
The human body is divided into an axial portion
consisting of the head, neck, and trunk; and an appen-
dicular portion, including the limbs or extremities —
arms, legs, etc.
The axial portion is subdivided into a posterior or
dorsal cavity, and an anterior or ventral cavity.
The dorsal cavity is formed by the vertebrae and their
arches of bone, and the bones of the skull. If the
dorsal cavity is sectioned in a longitudinal direction
it will show, above, the cranial cavity, and below,
the spinal cord, the former containing the brain and
its membranes, the latter the spinal cord and its
The ventral cavity includes the space within the
trunk and in front of the spinal column. Its walls
consist of skin, fascia, and muscles reinforced by bony
arches, the ribs, and the pelvic bones. The ventral cavity
is subdivided by a musculomembranous wall, the dia-
phragm, into an upper cavity called the thorax, and a
lower one, the abdomen. The former contains the organs
of respiration — the lungs and the heart, covered by their
membranes, also the great bloodvessels leading from
the heart, and the esophagus (gullet), which conveys
food from the pharynx to the stomach by passing
through the diaphragm. The abdomen contains the
remaining portions of the tube (alimentary canal),
which receives the food from the esophagus and ends
in the lower part of the cavity called the anus; also
the organs of secretion — liver, pancreas, spleen, etc.;
excretion — kidneys, bladder, etc., and reproduction in
the female.
The appendicular portion of the body consists of four
extremities — two upper and two lower limbs. The
upper limbs consist of bones held together by liga-
ments, and covered with muscles, tendons, fascia, and
skin. The lower limbs have the same construction as
the upper, but the joints are not so capable of move-
ment. For example, the shoulder and elbow are freely
movable, as compared with the hip.
The study of anatomy is divided into the following
branches :
Osteology: the anatomy of the bones.
Syndesmology : the anatomy of the joints.
Myology: the anatomy of the muscles.
Angiology: the anatomy of the bloodvessels.
Neurology: the anatomy of the nerves.
Splanchnology: the anatomy of the internal organs
— digestion, respiration, etc.
The construction of each organ and portion of the
body, and its independent function, as well as the
combined actions of several organs entering into
the performance of a definite act, as in digestion, etc.,
are described under the term physiologic apparatus.
Digestive apparatus, by means of which food isdigested.
Absorptive apparatus, for the absorption of nourishment
into the lymph and blood. Circulatory apparatus, for
the distribution of blood from the heart to all portions
of the body. The respiratory apparatus, by means of
which oxygen is absorbed into the blood from the air
breathed into the lungs, and carbon dioxide and other
waste materials are given off from the blood to the
atmosphere. Urinary apparatus, for the elimination
of waste materials from the body through the kidneys
and bladder, as urine. Secretory and perspiratory
apparatuses — the former secreting essential materials
for the maintenance of body nutrition; the latter
aiding in regulating heat dissipation and in eliminating
waste materials through the sweat glands of the skin.
1. What do you understand by the term human physiology?
Human anatomy?
2. Name the two portions the body is divided into,
3. Give the parts of the body included under the axial and appen-
dicular portions.
4. Name the cavities included in the subdivision of the axial
5. Describe the dorsal cavity. Ventral cavity.
6. What are the subdivisions of the dorsal cavity and contents?
7. What are the subdivisions of the ventral cavity?
8. Name the structure which subdivides the abdomen and thorax.
9. What are the principal organs, etc., contained in the thorax?
10. How many extremities or limbs are included under the appen-
dicular portion of the body?
11. What do you understand by the following terms: Osteology,
syndesmology, myology, angiology, neurology, splanchnology?
12. What do you understand by the term physiologic apparatus?
The human body after a chemic analysis can be
reduced into its final constituents. The analysis
of the dead body is completed with little difficulty,
while the analysis of the constituents of the living
body is a most complicated and arduous task. The
former procedure is called — chemic anatomy, while
the latter is termed chemiic physiology.
The analysis of the human body will disclose the
fact that it contains liquid and solid compounds which
belong to both the organic and inorganic chemic
and plant w^orld. These compounds derived from
a proximate analysis are termed proximate principles.
However, to deserve, this term they must be obtained
in the form in which they exist in the living body.
The organic compounds consist of carbohydrates,
fatty and protein groups of organic bodies; the
inorganic compounds consist of water, various acids,
and inorganic salts.
Chemic Elements Foimd in the Human Body : Oxygen,
72 per cent.; hydrogen, 9.1; nitrogen, 2.5; carbon,
13.5; phosphorus, 1.15; calcium, 1.3; sulphur, 0.147;
sodium, 0.1; potassium, 0.026; chlorin, 0.085; fluorin,
iron, silicon, magnesium, iodine, in small amounts.
The Carbohydrates. — The carbohydrates are repre-
sented in the human body mostly as starches and
sugars. They contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
but no^ nitrogen — the hydrogen and oxygen being
in such proportion as to form water, or as 2 to 1,
as is shown in the chemic formula for starch,
Few of the carbohydrates are found in the human
body, but are found mostly in the foods we eat. They
are the most beneficial nourishment for the mainten-
ance of heat and energy, and are, besides, available
and easy of digestion.
The carbohydrates are divided into three groups:
(1) Amyloses, including starch, dextrin, glycogen, and
cellulose; (2) dextroses, including dextrose, levulose,
galactose; (3) saccharoses, including saccharose, lac-
tose, maltose.
1. Amyloses (CeHioOs),,.^ — Starch forms about 10
per cent, of the body weight. It is a constituent in
wheat, Indian corn, oats, cereals, plants, potatoes,
peas, beans, and some fruits. In the presence of a
ferment, such as ptyalin — in the saliva — starch is
converted into maltose and dextrose, two forms of
Dextrin is a substance formed as an intermediary
product in the change of starch into dextrose. It is
divided into two varieties — erythrodextrin and achro-
Glycogen, or animal starch, is a constituent of the
animal liver, muscles, and tissues generally, particularly
the tissues of the embryo.
Cellulose is found mostly in plants.
2. Dextroses (C6H12O6). — Dextrose, glucose, or grape-
sugar occurs as irregular, warty masses, usually as a
thick syrup. It is a constituent of the vegetable
kingdom; generally found with fruit-sugar or levulose
in fruits, as grapes, peaches, figs, cherries, mulberries,
strawberries, etc. It is also found in honey, and is
a normal constituent of liver, blood, and urine in small
quantities, in health, and is an indication of the disease
diabetes mellitus when found in larger amounts.
Levulose or fruit-sugar is associated with dextrose as
a constituent of sweet fruits and honey.
Galactose is obtained when milk-sugar (lactose) is
boiled with dilute sulphuric acid.
3. Saccharoses. — Saccharose or cane-sugar occurs as
hard, crystalline granules. It is found in the juices of
plants; in different grasses (sugar-cane); in the forest
trees (maple-sugar); and in the roots and stems of
plants (beet-sugar), etc.
Molasses is a product derived from the evaporation
and refining of cane-sugar, as is caramel or burnt-
Maltose is formed from starch, when acted on by
malt extract or the diastatic ferments in saliva and
pancreatic juice. The diastatic ferment or diastase
is a substance resulting from allowing the seeds of
rye, wheat, barley, etc., to germinate in the manu-
facture of alcoholic liquors. This when formed acts
on the starch and converts it into maltose and dextrin.
Lactose or milk-sugar is found only in the milk of mam-
malia. In the stomach of human beings, in the pres-
ence of the lactic acid bacillus, it is changed to lactic
acid and then to butyric acid.
Fats. — Fats or hydrocarbons are organic bodies found
in the tissues of both vegetables and animals. They
are the most valuable food next to the carbohydrates,
as a source of heat and energy, but are not so available
or so easily digested. They are found in the subcuta-
neous tissues, marrow of bones, in and around the
numerous internal organs, back of the eye-balls, the
omentum, in milk; and in very stout persons they are
found in the liver, kidney, heart muscle, and muscles
of the extremities, also along arteries, veins, and
nerves. Fat is found in the animal foods, such as,
meat, fish, butter; in vegetable foods, as oils, cereals,
and in the kernels of nuts.
Fats are compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen, the first being the main ingredient,
forming>by weight about 75 per cent., while oxygen is
present in very small amounts. The fat found in
animals is a mixture of three neutral fats — stearin,
palmitin, and olein. Each fat is derived from glycerin
and the acid indicated by its name — e. g., oleic acid,
in the case of olein, etc.
When we speak of saponification we mean that a neu-
tral fat has been treated with a superheated steam
or saponified — i. e., broken up into glycerin and a
fatty acid, as stearic, oleic, or palmitic, the resulting
acid depending on the neutral fat used.
Soaps. — Soaps are formed when saponification takes
place in the presence of an alkali — e. g., potassium or
sodium hydroxid — the acid combines with the alkali
to form a salt known as soap, the glycerin remaining
in solution.
Soaps are salts. Soaps made with sodium hydroxid
are hard, those with potassium hydroxid are soft.
Those derived from stearin and palmitin are harder
than those made with olein.
The Animal Fats. — Butter, cream, lard, suet, oleo-
margarin, cottolene, butterine, cod-liver oil, and
bone-marrow are the animal fats of the most import-
The Vegetable Fats. — Those most commonly em-
ployed are — olive oil, cotton-seed oil, linseed oil,
cocoa-butter, and the oils derived from nuts, such
as cocoanut oil, peanut oil, and almond oil.
The Proteins. — Proteins are found in both animals
and vegetables, and contain most of the nitrogenous
compounds essential for their physiologic needs. In
the former they are found as constituents of the blood,
tissues, bones, muscles, nerves, glands, and all other
organs; in the latter, in nearly all parts of plants
and seeds. They are represented in the vegetable
food which we eat, as constituents of gluten of grain,
etc.; in the animal food, as the lean and gristle of beef,
the white of egg, casein of milk (the curd), etc.
Protein contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen,
sulphur, and some phosphorus. The chemic constit-
uents, however, are so complex that a definite chemic
formula, representing each ingredient, has not been
satisfactorily determined. They are the most stable
of the constituents of the body, and help to build up
new tissues and replenish the quantity necessary to
maintain the loss from waste of the old, resulting from
the wear and tear of daily existence, through work,
mental or physical, oxidation, elimination, etc. They
are also converted into heat and energy, but are not
so essential to the body for the former purpose, as
the carbohydrates or fats. They are also converted
into fat and stored up in the body for future use.
The proteins and their various tests and physical
properties are too numerous to mention or discuss,
especially as they are not essential to a nurse's knowledge.
I shall simply mention the important ones or the ones
of most interest as constituents of the more familiar
tissues and foods, under the headings as follows:
Albumins, globulins, albuminoids.
Albumins : Serum-albumin — in blood, lymph, chyle.
Egg-albumen — in white of egg.
Lact-albumin — in milk.
Myo-albumin — in plasma of muscle.
Globulins: Serum-globulins — in blood serum.
Fibrinogen — in blood plasma (with serum-albumin
and globulin).
Myosinogen — in muscle plasma (very nutritive).
Crystallin or globulin — in crystalline lens of eye.
Albuminoids: Collagen and ossein — in white fibrous
tissue and bones.
Choridrin — in permanent cartilage.
Elastin — in fibers of yellow elastic tissue.
Keratin — in horny tissues and skin — as hairs,
nails, scales, horns of animals, etc.
Caseinogen — in milk — contains phosphorus.
Vitellin — in yolk of egg — contains phosphorus.
Compound Albuminoids: Hemoglobin — in red cells of
blood (coloring matter).
Mucin — in secretions of mucous membranes and
epithelial cells.
Nuclein — in the nuclei of tissue cells and sub-
stance (rich in phosphorus).
Proteoses and Peptones. — These are resulting proteins
formed during digestion by the action of the gastric
and pancreatic juices upon the proteins as they pass
through the process of digestion in the stomach and
Three coagulated proteins are formed when soluble
proteins are acted upon by animal ferments, e. g.,
fibrin, myosin, casein.
Fibrin. — This is formed from the soluble protein —
fibrinogen — by the action of a special ferment. It is
not found except when blood is withdrawn from the
vessels or when coagulation occurs. Blood-clots fol-
lowing hemorrhage, by the action of the ferment on
the fibrinogen, forming fibrin.
Myosin. — ^This is a protein derived from a soluble
protein myosinogen. It occurs in muscles after death
and accounts for the stiffness of the limbs — rigor
Casein. — This is formed as a result of the action of
a special ferment — rennin, a constituent of the gastric
juice — acting upon the protein — caseinogen — of milk.
This is the ferment which splits milk into curds and
whey or junket. Th€ curds represent the solid por-
tion or casein; the whey, the liquid portion. (See
Water (H2O). — Water is the most important inor-
ganic substance essential to life. It is in the tissues
and fluids of the body, comprising 75 to 90 per cent,
of its weight. In a person weighing 165 pounds, 115
pounds of that weight will consist of water. It enters
into the foods and liquids we assimilate; acts as a
solvent for the various salts, carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, etc.; aids in the absorption of fresh material
into the blood and tissues; assists in dissolving and
transferring the products of disintegrating tissues to
the blood from which it is eliminated by way of the
skin (perspiration), kidneys (urine), lungs, and intes-
tines (feces).
The Inorganic Salts. — These are calcium phosphate,
fluorid and carbonate; sodium chloride, phosphate,
carbonate, and sulphate; potassium chlorid, phosphate
and carbonate; magnesium phosphate and carbonate.
Salts enter into the formation of all tissues of the
body. Sodium chlorid — common table salt — is the
most important of the group. . It is the chief salt
found in the blood, lymph, and pancreatic juice.
As a seasoning for food, it adds to its relish and thus
promotes digestion. By a chemical process it helps
to form the hydrochloric acid, and produces the alka-
linity of the blood. Potassium chlorid is found in
association with sodium chlorid throughout the tissues,
and is a chemic constituent of muscle, nerve, and red
corpuscles. Calcium salts are found as constituents
of bones, teeth, cartilage, blood, milk, and other tis-
sues. All of the above combinations are to be found
throughout the body, but their various physiologic
and chemic properties are not essential to the nurse's
Phosphorus. — Phosphorus is found in the muscles,
bones, nerve system, and blood, in various chemic
combinations, as phosphates, also in both animal
and vegetable foods.
Sulphur. — Sulphur is found in the body in the form
of sulphates, which are derived from egg-albumen,
milk, and certain vegetables.
Iron. — Iron is an essential constituent of the color-
ing matter (hemoglobin) of the blood, lymph, bile,
gastric juice, pigment of the eyes, hair, and skin. It
is found in chemic combination only, as ferric acid
and in organic compounds.
There are constituents of the body, aside from
proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and inorganic salts,
which can only be located by the various chemic
analyses and tests. They are the substances resulting
from the numerous and complicated changes con-
tinually taking place in the food we eat and water we
drink, as a result of digestion, absorption, etc. They
are carried to the tissues, where they perform their
functions, and then are taken up from the tissues by
the blood and carried to the skin (as perspiration),
kidneys (as urine), lungs (as carbon dioxid), and intes-
tines (as feces), to be eliminated as waste materials.
These substances are: (1) Organic acids, e. g., acetic,
lactic, oxalic, butyric, in combination with alkalin
and earthy bases. (2) Organic substances, e. g., alco-
hol, glycerin, cholesterin. (3) Pigments found in the
bile, urine. (4) Nitrogenized (crystalline), as urea,
uric acid, xanthin, creatin, creatinin, and hippuric
acid. (Brubaker.)
1. What does an analysis of the human body show it to consist
of? To what groups of chemic and plant world do these compounds
2. What do you understand by the term proximate principles?
3. What do the organic compounds consist of? The inorganic?
4. Name the chemical elements found in the human body.
5. What chemic compounds found in the human body represent
the carbohydrates?
6. What do the carbohydrates contain and in what proportion?
7. What is the essential benefit derived from a nourishment rich
in carbohydrates?
8. Name the three groups of carbohydrates?
9. Where is starch found in the vegetable and plant world?
10. Where is dextrose or grape-sugar found? Levulose or fruit-
sugar? Saccharose or cane-sugar? Lactose or milk-sugar?
11. Do fats belong to the organic or inorganic group of compounds?
12. Are they as valuable as carbohydrates as a source of heat
and energy?
13. Where is fat usually found in the human body? In the animal
14. Does fat contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?
15. Name the three neutral intermixed fats which are found in
16. What do you understand by saponification?
17. How are soaps formed? What is the difference between a
hard and soft soap?
18. Where are proteins found in the vegetable world? Animal
19. What do proteins contain?
20. Why are proteins so essential to the tissues of the body?
21. What are proteoses and peptones?
22. What percentages of water comprises the body weight?
23. Name the inorganic salts found by analysis in the body tissues.
24. Where is phosphorus found in the body tissues? Sodium
chlorid? Sulphur? Iron?
Metabolism is the term used to express the various
and complex phenomena which are taking place within
the protoplasm of the cells of the tissues throughout
the body, whereby the food principles are transferred
into simpler or complex compounds by the action of
digestion, absorption, etc., and by which they are
carried to the cells of the tissues where they are again
converted into other bodies by an inherent function
of the protoplasm of the cells, and' produce energy
that is later transferred into heat and activity.
Oxygen is essential to this chemic change going on
within the cells. But oxygen is not a food.
When food is broken up into simple compounds
it is termed katabolism; and when transformed into
complex chemic bodies it is called anabolism. Both
of the above changes are continually going on within
the body and together comprise the processes of
The body to develop, grow, and perform the various
functions which constitute life, requires material for
the tissues. This is derived from the food we eat and
liquids we drink; and the oxygen we breathe from the
air is essential to promote metabolism. The food
is used by the tissues and the waste materials result-
ing from the processes of metabolism are eliminated.
Food, then, is not only used to create energy, heat,
and activity, but it must replace the loss of tissue in
the body which is continually occurring during the
performance of the processes of life, from birth to old
age. When this waste is not replenished by new tissue,
the body cannot properly carry on its functions.
Every effort of the human body requires a certain
amount of energy or force to bring about its perform-
ance. Thus a man in his daily work lifts a certain
weight; the body cells must reproduce and furnish a
proportionate amount of heat and activity necessary
to accomplish this effort. This he obtains from the
energy developed from a definite amount of food
eaten each day.
Food is held together by a force called potential
energy. When broken up into its more absorbable
substances by the process of digestion, etc., so that
the cells of the tissues can make use of it, to develop
energy it is said to have kinetic energy.
It is essential to determine the heat value of various
foods, in other words, to find out how much heat and
energy will be derived from the difi'erent foods after
their ingestion and digestion, etc. This may be deter-
mined experimentally by the use of an instrument
known as a bomb calorimeter, the result being expressed
in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat that is
necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of
water 1° C. (It is nearly equal to the amount required
to raise one pound of water 4° Fahrenheit.) This
expressed in mechanical force, means that a calorie
would raise a ton about 1.54 feet, or that it is equal
to 1.54 foot-tons.
The number of calories required to furnish heat and
energy sufficient to accomplish a certain amount of
activity varies, depending upon the age, sex, amount
of work, mental and physical, and climatic conditions.
It is essential to know how many calories are required
to perform a certain amount of work from the taking
of various foods into the body, to make a proper appli-
cation of dietetics in the feeding of healthy and diseased
Nuclear iniemhrnne^
contents of
.Microsome — —
Nuclear fluid
fibrillar substance
Fig. I
) Archoplnsm
l) cent)
■Fibrillar substance
Diagram of a cell. The lower segment illustrates the fibrillar theory, the
upper the granular theory, the left the foam theory. At the right the proto-
plasmic threads radiate from the centrosome. The nuclear network consists
of nuclein, linin, and lantanin. (Symonowicz.)
The cell, protoplasm or bioplasm is the anatomic
and physiologic bases of the body. All growth, repair,
disintegration, heat, energy, and life of the tissues
(whether normal or abnormal) depend upon the histo-
logic cell as a unit to work upon. Cells are seen only
microscopically. They vary in size and may measure
from ^TTxr o^ ^^ i^ch, the diameter of a red blood cell,
to "5^^ of an inch — ^the diameter of the large cells in
the gray matter of the spinal cord. The structure of
a cell consists of a gelatinous substance, usually homo-
geneous, called protoplasm or cytoplasm, containing
a small spheric body, the nucleus, which latter con-
tains the nucleolus. Young cells appear clean, mature
cells contain, depending on the tissue they are found
in, different substances, e. g., fat-globules, granules of
glycogen, mucigen, pigments, and digestive ferments.
Cells possess the power of changing their shape, and
are also capable of growth, nutrition, and reproduction.
Growth. — Newly reproduced cells are very small,
but they soon grow, owing to their characteristic
organization and surrounding medium, to resemble
the normal adult cell of a given tissue.
Nutrition. — Cells not only must grow, but they have
to repair or make up the loss from waste, etc. Growth
and nutrition are dependent not only upon the power
possessed by living material of absorbing its nutrition
from the lymph, but also upon the property of taking
that nutrition and converting it into material similar
to its own, before waste took place, and then endow-
ing it with physiologic functions. Thus we have a
cell doing work, wasting as a result of such labor;
repairing not only its own body, but renewing its
powers of doing fresh work.
Reproduction. — Cells reproduce themselves by two
methods, direct and indirect division. (See Figs. 2 to
16, pages 36 to 39.)
Direct division is seen when the nucleus of cells
becomes narrowed and divides with a grouping of the
nuclear elements. This is believed to occur only
where cell disintegration occurs. Indirect division —
this is called karyokinesis — is a complex process and
its main feature is due to the centrosome of a cell
becoming enlarged and in leaving the nucleus lying
in the surrounding protoplasm. The chromatin
becomes contracted and is seen as V-shaped loops
(chromosome), with thin closed ends pointed toward
the common centre, the polar field. The mother
stars are formed, which rapidly give origin to daughter
stars, in which the chromatin can be seen as two
separate nuclei grouped in a single mass of protoplasm;
at this stage the protoplasm becomes constricted
and two separate cells are seen lying in their own
protoplasm. (See Figs. 2 to 8, pages 36 and 37.)
Cells of the animal and human body, or in fact all
living protoplasms, possess the properties of irritability,
conductivity, and motility.
Irritability or the power of responding to some exter-
nal excitant. This can be mechanic, chemic, or electric;
thus if the protoplasm acted upon be muscle, it will
contract; if a gland, such as the parotid, saliva will
be secreted; if a nerve, a sensation, as when we apply
heat, cold, etc., to the skin; or other nerve activity,
as seen in the contraction of the pupil when one looks
suddenly at a bright light. It must be remembered
that the degree of the response in the foregoing depends
upon the protoplasm acted upon and the nature and
strength of the irritating principle.
Conductivity is developed best in muscle and nerves,
as seen when molecular disturbances occur at the ex-
tremity of the peripheral nerves, and are conducted
to the brain, and the same phenomena arising in the
brain are transmitted to the peripheral nerves.
Motility is the power possessed by cells of apparent
active movement in response to natural causes, which
scientists have not yet determined. This motility is
best seen by microscopic technique and observed in the
ameboid movements of the white cells of the blood,
the waving of cilia, the activities of the spermatozoons
and ova during impregnation, or the commencement
of pregnancy, etc.
1. Describe the term metabolism.
2. Is oxygen considered a food?
3. What do you understand by the term katabolism? Anabo-
4. Why is food essential to the body's requirements?
5. What is meant by a calorie?
6. What term is used that expresses the determination of the
amount of heat and energy to be derived from the different foods
we eat and digest?
7. What factors will vary the determination of the number of
calories required to furnish a certain amount of heat and energy
from the food we eat?
8. What histologic unit underlies all the phenomena of physio-
logic life as: growth, repair, disintegration, heat, energy, and life
of the tissues?
9. What functions is a cell capable of?
10. How do cells derive their nutrition? Repair waste? Renew its
functional properties?
11. How do cells reproduce themselves?
12. Describe the term karyokinesis.
13. Name the properties of a cell.
14. What externa] stimulus will produce irritability in a cell?
15. What do you understand by the term as used in connection
with the properties of a cell-irritability? Conductivity? Motility?
To grasp an understanding of the various tissues
properly, a brief description of the cells from which
they are developed, embryologically, will be necessary.
The Ovum. — The ovary secretes a cell, the original
cell of the female human body, called the ovum. The
ovum consists of a limiting wall, the vitelline membrane,
enclosing the protoplasm, vitellus, which consists of
two parts — the dentoplasm or nutritive yolk, and the
animal protoplasm or formative yolk. Within the
vitellus is found the nucleus or germinal vesicle, which
contains the nucleolus or germinal spot.
Before an ovum can develop into an offspring it
must undergo numerous complex changes. The two
most important phenomena are defined as maturation
and fertilization.
Maturation. — Maturation or ripening is the process
taking place in the ovum, which prepares it for the
reception of the male element — spermatazoon, where
its contained chromatin and a small part of the proto-
plasm are collected into the form of two minute
structures called polar bodies, when a modified cell
reproduction or karyokinesis occurs. This reproduc-
tion must take place before ova can be fertilized.
Fertilization.^ — ^This is the process in which the male
and female units — the ovum and spermatozoon — unite
to form a complete and perfect cell, by division,
which ultimately develops into cells which form the
tissues of the whole body.
The male element or spermatozoon or spermium con-
sists of a head, middle-piece, and tail. After entering
Fig. 2 Fi« 3
FiQ. 4
Fia. 5
Fig. 6
i^50 t:-
Diagrams illustrating cell division — karyokinesis.
Fig, 7 Fia. 8
Semidiagrammatic representation of the processes of cell and nuclear division
(karyokinesis) in Ascaris megalocephala. (After Kostanecki.)
Fig. 2. — Resting cell.
Fig. 3. — Division of centrosome.
Fig. 4. — Prophase — centrosomes at the 'poles; radiation well-developed;
chromatin net-work broken up into four chromosomes.
Fig. 5. — Mother-star stage (monaster); chromosomes arranged at the
Fig. 6. — Metaphase; the longitudinally divided chromatin filaments moving
toward the poles.
Fig. 7. — Anaphase; beginning of division of cell body.
Fig. 8. — Division of cell body almost completed; the central spindle shows
the beginning of the intermediate bodies.
the ovum the head and middle-piece, representing
the nucleus and centrosome, respectively, of a cell
from the testicle (the male organ, the cells of which
secrete the spermatozoon) form eight chromosomes.
The chromatin of the germinal vesicle of the ovum
also forms eight chromosomes. The process continues
within the cell until thirty-two chromosomes are de-
veloped by longitudinal cleavage; these are subdivided
into sixteen chromosomes, which enter each diaster or
daughter cell.
I R Sp
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
// R Sp
Stages in the fertilization of Physa fontinalis.
(After Kostanecki and
Fig. 9. — Mother-star stage passing into metakinesis for the formation of
the first polar body. The spermatozoon is enclosed in the egg in toto.
Fig. 10. — Formation of first polar body; centrosome divided.
Fig. 11. — First polar body formed. Monaster stage for the formation of
the second polar body. Sperm radiation is separated from the sperm nucleus.
Fig. 12. — Formation of the second polar body. Sperm radiation with two
centrosomes near the vesicular sperm nucleus.
Fig. 43
(^^^-^~')~-// R K
Fig. 14
/ R K-
;^^ ^ St
Fig. 16
/ F >7'
Fig. 13. — Two polar bodies above. Egg nucleus has become vesicular.
Sperm radiation has increased in size.
Fig. 14. — Egg and sperm nuclei approach one another. The sperm radia-
tion and the centrosomes move apart.
Fig. 15. — Egg and sperm nuclei closely approximated. The centrosomes
arrange themselves on opposite sides.
Fig. 16. — The chromosomes of the egg and sperm nuclei form a monaster
stage to give rise to two new cells.
CSpK, central spindle; EiK, egg nucleus; IFSp, first spindle after fertiliza-
tion; G, tail of spermatozoon; IRK, first polar body; II RK, second polar
body; IRSp, first polar spindle; IIRSp, second polar spindle; SpC, centro-
some of spermatozoon; SpK, sperm nucleus; SpSt, sperm radiation.
After fertilization the ovum divides and redivides
into numerous cells, forming an irregular mass termed
the mulberry mass or morula. The latter collection of
cells divides again into an outer and inner cell mass
called the blastula. The outer mass is supposed to dis-
appear, while the inner continues to develop and forms
two layers — an outer, the ectoderm or epiblast, and an
inner, the entoderm or hypoblast. This is termed the
gastrala or diploblast. A third layer is developed from
the two former layers, each setting aside a few cells
which develop the third layer, termed the mesoderm
or mesoblast, that lies between the two layers. The
formation receives the name of blastodermic •vesicle or
All tissues of the body are composed of cells arising
from the cells in the original three layers of the triplo-
blast or blastodermic vesicle. Tissues, which are always
studied microscopically, consist of cells held together
by an intercellular cement, and perform a definite
function; thus they may be supportive, as bone, etc.,
or functional, as the liver, etc. All the tissues to be
seen and understood in their minute arrangement are
first treated by histologic methods in the laboratory
by hardening, sectioning, fixing, dehydrating, staining,
etc., and are then observed under the microscope.
This process is not essential to the nurse's knowledge,
but should she desire a complete understanding of
the subject she should refer to the standard works on
Tissues are divided into epithelial, comiective,
muscle, and nerve
Epithelial Tissue or Epithelium. — They may be pro-
tective, as the cells of the skin and conjunctiva of the
eye; secretive, as the cells of the pancreas, parotid
gland, etc.; excretive, as the cells of the kidneys;
to prevent friction, as those seen in the cells of the
synovial sacs between the articulating cartilages of
joints, peritoneum, and layers of pleura. Epithelial
cells line cavities that normally communicate with
the air/ except the pleural, peritoneal, and synovial
sacs, and between the articulating cartilages of joints.
Epithelial cells are classified usually as: (1) squa-
mous, simple and stratified; (2) columnar, simple, modi-
fied, and stratified; (3) ciliated, simple and stratified;
(4) prickle cells; (5) goblet cells; (6) transitional cells;
(7) pigment; (8) neuro-epithelial; (9) glandular.
Ftg 17
Flat epithelial cells isolated from the oral mucous membrane of man. X 375
1. Squamous Cells. — (a) Simple squamous cells con-
sist of a single layer of flattened elements, each con-
taining a nucleus, usually situated in the centre and
oval in form. They are found in the alveoli of the
lungs, ventricle of brain, descending limb of Henle's
loop in the kidney, and Bowman's capsule of kidney.
(6) The stratified squamous cells consist of layers
of cells one on top of the other. The lowest layer,
the germinal stratum, is arranged in columns, those
above being polygonal. As the surface is reached
the cells become more flattened, forming the squames
or scales. These cells are usually found when they
afford the most protection, as the skin (epidermis)
lining the mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus, epiglottis,
vocal cords, and the anus and vagina.
Fia. 18
Diagram of flat epithelium. I, seen from above; II, seen from the side
after transverse section on the line m. (a) cell boundaries as straight lines;
(6) cell boundaries as wavy lines. (Szymonowicz.)
. JlVlilLllUH
6 (?
9Y9 Yeie I •T'/ »Ye 1 oToY
Diagrams of epithelium: o, nuclei at various levels; b, stratified pave-
ment epitheUum; c, stratified cylindrical epithelium, ciliated at the right.
2. Columnar Cells. — (a) Simple columnar cells are
arranged in tall columns consisting of a single layer with
a nucleus situated at the base of each cell. They are
found in the stomach and intestinal tract, anterior
portion of the male urethra, glands of Cowper and
Bartholin, prostate, gall-bladder, seminal vesicles, and
many gland ducts. Low columnar cells are often
called cuboidal.
(6) Modified or pseudostratified cells are simple
columnar or ciliated cells in which the nuclei are at
different levels, thus giving the appearance of several
layers of cells. These cells are found as ciliated
elements in the oviduct, uterus, and middle ear, and
as non-ciliated elements in the seminal vesicles and
(c) Stratified columnar cells consist of numerous
layers of cells arranged one upon another. They are
found in the lining membrane of the vas deferens
(male), membranous urethra, and ducts of some glands.
3. Ciliated Cells. — (a) Simple ciliated cells are ar-
ranged in a single layer of columnar cells which have
upon their exposed surface fine cilia or hair-like pro-
cesses; they possess motion that is always directed
toward the outlet of the organ in which they are
located. They are found in the smaller bronchioles,
spinal canal, accessory spaces of the nasal cavities,
and the ventricles of the brain.
(6) Stratified ciliated cells are the same as the
stratified columnar, with the cilia attached only to
the cells of the exposed layer. These cells are found
in the epididymis (male), first portion of the vas
deferens (male). Eustachian tube,
upper part of the pharynx, larynx, ^^Q- 20
trachea, and nasal tract.
4. Prickle Cells. — These are
polygonal elements that possess
little spines, which project from
the sides of the cells, and pass
to meet spines of other cells, thus
preventing the cells from meeting,
at the same time forming inter- prickie ceiis. (Gerrish.)
cellular bridges or spaces. They
are found in the epidermis (skin) just above the genetic
5. Goblet Cells. — These are cells resembling the
cylindric type, distended with a secretion called
mucin. On filling they resemble a goblet. When
the secretion has been discharged these cells become
long and slender, the part containing the nucleus
extending on either side. They are found in the
gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts.
Cell body
Nucleus —
FiQ. 21
Impression made by
neighboring cell Mucus
— Oxflet
Cell membrane
i- — Protoplasm
'iijL. — yuclens
Two ciliated cells and two goblet cells isolated from the frog's esophagus.
X 520.
6. Transitional Cells. — These are stratified cells be-
longing to neither the squamous or columnar groups.
They are polygonal; found in the pelvis of the ureter,
in the ureter, bladder, the first part of the male and
almost the entire length of the female urethra.
7. Pigmented Cells. — These are polygonal or colum-
nar in shape, the protoplasm containing pigment.
They are found in the epidermis of the colored races,
and around the nipple and genitals of the Caucasians,
as polygonal cells, and in the retina of the eye where
they assume the columnar shape.
8. Neuro-epithelial Cells. — These are cells which have
become so differentiated as to perform a special sense
function. These are found in the retina of the eye, in
the internal ear (hair cells), in the olfactory mucous
membran^, in the taste-buds of the tongue, and tactile
cells in the epidermis.
9. Glandular Cells. — These are found in the pancreas,
liver, etc., and their shape varies according to the
gland in which they are found.
Mucous Membranes. — All the surfaces of the gastro-
intestinal and pulmonary tracts, genito-urinary appar-
atus, etc., within the body are covered by epithelial
cells, called mucous membranes, These membranes
are protected in the various organs by a superficial
layer of cells — their variety depending on the tissue
they are found in — which we have described above.
Beneath this layer the cells rest upon a delicate base-
ment membrane, the next layer is the tunica propria
consisting of a layer of fibro-elastic tissue. Within
this layer are lodged the capillary bloodvessels,
nerves, lymphatic spaces or channels, and, in certain
organs, glands and lymphoid tissue. These thin layers,
are seen resting on a fourth peripheral layer, called
the muscularis mucosae, consisting of involuntary
(not under the control of the will), non-striated muscle
tissue. This layer is sometimes wanting in some tissues.
The above mucous membranes line cavities which
communicate with the air. Their cells usually secrete
a substance called mucin.
Glands. — Glands are considered under the classifica-
tion of epithelial tissues. They are simply various
shaped pouches or tubes of mucous membranes grow-
ing out from the superficial surface of the tissue in
which they are located. All glands are lined with
epithelial cells arranged in different groups, and
possessing a physiologic function. These groups of
cells are the units from which the organs develop
their secretions.
Glands are subdivided into (1) tubular, simple,
branched, coiled, compound; (2) tubulo-alveolar ; (3)
alveolar, or racemose glands, simple and compound.
These different shaped glands are lined by epithelial
cells, depending on the situation and function. Their
secretions are liquid, and may be serous, mucous, or
mixed, which the lining cells secrete as needed by the
organ to perform its physiologic function.
Fig. 22
Tubular glaads.
Alveolar glands.
Diagram of various forms of glands; a, duct; x, simple tubule; xx, simple
alveolus. (After Szymonowicz.)
Serous Membranes. — They are membranes covered
by a single layer of flattened cells, with a large pro-
jecting nucleus; these cells are held together by a
intercellular cement. They are termed endothelial
cells. Serous membranes never have a basement
membrane and line cavities that do not communicate
with the air. These membranes appear smooth,
glisteniag, and transparent. Openings called stomata
are said to be present between the cells, but they are
supposed to be artefacts according to the latest teach-
ing. Serous membranes line joint-cavities, bursse,
tendon sheaths, circulatory and lymphatic systems,
and the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities.
Fig. 23
Fia. 24
White fibrous tissue. (Gerrish.)
Yellow fibrous tissue.
Connective Tissues. — The connective tissues of the
body are the elements entering into the formation
of the more permanent structures of the body, such
as bones, cartilages, ligaments, those holding fat in
position, those used as' coverings for muscles — as
fascia, as sheaths for bloodvessels, and nerves, as
supports for cells of glands and organs, and those
binding membranes to underlying organs, as the
pleura and peritoneum to the lungs and abdominal
organs respectively. The connective tissues are derived
from the mesoderm.
They are classified as follows: (1) fibrous; (a) loose,
(h) dense; (2) yellow elastic; (3) mucous; (4) retiform;
(5) mixed or areolar; (6) adipose or fatty; (7)
l3rmphoid; (8) cartilage; (9) bone; (10) dentin (teeth);
(11) blood.
1. Fibrous Tissue. — (a) The loose variety consists of
fine thread-like fibers held in bundles by a small
quantity of cement substance, and scattered through-
out those groups of fibrils are seen a few cells. This
variety is mostly for the support of capillary blood-
vessels, the capsules of organs, and as a suppurative
element in the tunica propria and submucosa in the
mucous membrane of the respiratory and alimentary
(6) The dense variety differs from the former in
the fibrils being thicker and the bundles larger. The
dense is best seen in tendons of muscles, when it occurs
as parallel bundles. Seen under the microscope on
a cross-section the whole structure is seen surrounded
by a loose sheath of fibers, the epitendineum, from which
septa are seen passing into and dividing it into dis-
tinct or separate bundles of fibers, the peritendineum.
The tendon cells are seen arranged in rows lying
between the individual bundles of fibers.
White fibrous tissue is very strong, inelastic, is
pearly white in color, as seen when the skin is removed
and dissections made of ligaments and tendons. It
serves as a stocking-like covering to muscles, where
it is termed fascia; and is seen as a bluish-white mem-
brane reinforcing muscles and strengthening their
insertions to bones, particularly in the region of joints,
called an aponeurosis.
2. Yellow Elastic Tissue.^ — This, as the name implies,
possesses elasticity; the fibrils are coarser than the
white variety. It is found in the ligamentum nuchse,
which extends from the occipital bone to the spinous
processes of the cervical vertebra, along the vertebral
column, where it is reinforced by white fibrous tissue,
also in the ligamentum subflava, in the vertebral
column, in bloodvessels, and in the skin.
3. Mucous or Embryonic Tissue. — This is found in
the umbilical cord of the fetus. It is at first homo-
geneous, then later fibers both white and elastic develop,
the former in bundles, the latter generally single.
Among these fibers are a few scattered, mostly spindle-
shaped, some stellate, and some round cells.
Fig. 25
Areolar tissue, composed of bundles of white fibrous tissue and branched
strands of yellow fibrous tissue loosely intertwined. (Gerrish.)
4. Retiform or Reticulum Tissue. — This forms the
frame-work of glands and gland-like organs. The
fibrils are arranged in delicate bundles, in the meshes
of which are the functionating cells of the glands.
The cells of this variety are mostly stellate.
5. The Mixed or Areolar Tissue. — This contains
both white and elastic tissue. It shows a net-work
of fine white fibrils, with elastic fibrils scattered
throughout, and they are usually branched. The
cellular elements scattered among these fibrils are
stellate, plasma, and wandering forms. Areolar tissue
is very fine, delicate, loose in texture, and binds the
skin to the underlying fasciae, and lies between muscles.
6. Adipose or Fatty Tissue. — This is white fibrous
tissue, in which fat cells are deposited. In the living
body it is liquid at the temperature of the body. It
can only be seen in the tissues under the microscope
after special preparation. It is essential to know, how-
ever, that it is found and can be seen as a yellowish
layer beneath the skin (postmortem), surrounding
organs, etc., which act as a covering or protection to
them; it has a wide distribution and is never found in
the ear, eyelid, or genitalia (male), and is always found
back of the eye-ball and in the kidney, no matter how
poorly nourished an individual may be, even to the
extent of starvation.
7. Lymphoid Tissue. — This is made up of a net-work
of reticulum, holding among its fibers the white blood-
cells or leukocytes. The cells seen are mostly small
lymphocytes, and some large lymphocytes and poly-
nuclear cells. (See blood, page 221.) There are three
varieties of lymphoid tissue: (a) diffuse; (6) solitary
follicles; (c) Peyer's patches; and lymph nodes.
(a) The diffuse variety is found in the tunica propria
of the mucous membrane of the alimentary and respir-
atory tracts, the medulla of the thymus body, and
the greater portion of the tonsil and spleen. (6)
Solitary follicles are found in the alimentary and
respiratory tracts, spleen, and tonsils. (c) Peyer's
patches consist of a collection of solitary follicles clearly
outlined from the surrounding tissue. They are found
in the wall of the ileum (the terminal portion of small
intestines which opens into the cecum). Lymph nodes
(glands). (See Lymphatic System.)
8. Cartilage. — Cartilage is not as compact or strong
as bone. It is more yielding; thus it will be found in
different parts of the body when this firm yet pliable
property is essential to the function of an organ. We
see it in the cartilages of the larynx, where one may
readily understand how its structure must be more or
less elastic owing to the constant action of the muscles
upon the cartilages and their change in relationship
during talking, singing, etc., and its value can be
appreciated when placed between bones, as a shock
absorber; demonstrated by the intervertebral disks
between each vertebra.
In studying the structures of cartilage it is con-
sidered under perichondrium, cells, and intercellular
substance. The perichondrium is a fibrous sheath
which surrounds cartilage and corresponds to the
periosteum of bone. It is divided into an outer fibrous
layer containing few cells, and an inner portion or
chondrogenetic layer, consisting of flattened and elon-
gated or spindle-shaped cells. These are the chondro-
blasts or cartilage cells. The latter cells are seen just
beneath the perichondrium, where they appear as flat
cells, then as the centre of the cartilage is reached
they become more oval or even round. Each cell is
rich in protoplasm and contains one or more vacuoles.
The cell is surrounded by a capsule, and a small space
intervenes, between the cell and the capsule called
a lacuna. The intercellular substance consists of a
homogeneous mass in the hyaline cartilage, and of
white fibrous and yellow elastic fibers, in the white
fibrocartilage and yellow fibrocartilage respectively.
There are three varieties of cartilage: Hyaline,
white fibrocartilage, and yellow fibro or elastic.
The hyaline cartilage is pearl blue in color, is elastic,
and cuts with a knife. It is found in the body covering
articular surfaces of bones, which line joint-cavities;
in costal cartilages as found between the ribs and
breast bone or sternum; in cartilages surrounding the
trachea (windpipe); and in most of the laryngeal
cartilages. It may ossify in old age.
The white fibrocartilage is not very plentiful and acts
as a structure to deepen joint-cavities, as interarticular
fibrocartilages and intervertebral disks.
Yellow fibrocartilage is found wherever elasticity is
required, as in the epiglottis. Eustachian tube, ear, and
smaller laryngeal cartilages. It never ossifies.
Cartilages are very poorly nourished, as they do not
contain many bloodvessels, except in the perichon-
drium; and except when the cartilage is developing.
No lymph channels are present.
Note. — ^Muscle, osseous, and nerve tissues are de-
scribed under the chapters on Muscles, Bones, and
Nerves respectively.
1. What do you understand by the term maturation? Fertiliza-
2. What three layers of cells are developed from the ovum after
maturation and fertilization are completed?
3. What are the tissues of the body divided into?
4. Name the functions of epithelial tissue.
5. In what cavities of the body are epithelial cells found?
6. Give the classification of epithelial cells.
7. How do ciliated cells differ from other cells?
8. What is characteristic of stratified cells?
9. In which direction do the motion possessed by ciliated cells
10. What layers of tissues enter into the formation of a normal
mucous membrane?
11. Which layer contains bloodvessels, lymphatic spaces, nerves,
glands, and lymphoid tissue in certain organs?
12. Which layer contains involuntary non-striated muscle tissue?
13. Give the subdivisions of glands.
14. What are the three varieties of secretions from glands?
15. How do serous membranes differ from mucous membranes?
16. What name is given to the type of cells covering the serous
17. Where are serous membranes found throughout the body?
18. What is the function of connective tissue?
19. Give the classification of connective tissues?
20. Where is yellow elastic tissue found?
21. What tissue enters into the frame-work of glands and gland-
like organs?
22. Is adipose tissue liquid at the temperature of the body?
23. What structures of the body are always free from fat?
24. Name the three varieties of lymphoid tissue.
25. Is cartilage as strong as bone?
26. What is the essential property of cartilage as found in the
27. Name the varieties of cartilage?
28. Describe hyaline cartilage and where is it found? Does it
29. Where do you find white fibrocartilage? Yellow fibrocartilage?
30. What is the function of mixed or areolar tissue?
The bones entering into the supportive structure
of the body are held in close relation with each other
by means of ligaments and muscles. Thus the skeleton
consists of a strong, firm frame-work, possessing all
manner of movements due to the action of the attached
muscles and the leverage of the bones, allowed by the
ligaments holding the bones in relation with one
another. The body skeleton consists of two hundred
and six bones, as follows:
{Vertebral column 26
Skull 22
Hyoid bone 1
Ribs and sternum 25
AppendicularfUpper limb 64
skeleton \Lower limb 62
Auditory ossicles (bones of ear) 6
Total 206
The patellae, two in number, are included in this
list, but not the sesamoid bones. The latter are small
bones (shaped like sesame seed) found embedded in
tendons covering the knee, hand, and foot.
Classes of Bones. — Bones are divisible into four
classes: long, short, flat, and irregular.
Long Bones. — These are found in the limbs, they
support the weight of the trunk and form a system of
levers which permit the power of locomotion and
prehension. Long bones possess a shaft and an upper
and lower extremity. The shaft or the diaphysis is
cylindrical, containing in the centre a hollow cavity,
the medullary canal, in which during life is the bone-
marrow. Surrounding this is dense compact tissue of
considerable thickness, but not so thick near the
extremities. The extremities or epiphyses are usually
expanded to enable one bone to articulate with another
and to afford attachment of muscles. They are usually
developed from separate centres of ossification called
epiphyses. Examples of long bones are the femur or
thigh bone, the humerus or bone of the arm, the clavicle
or collar bone, the radius and ulna (bones of the fore-
arm), the tibia and fibula (bones of the leg), the meta-
carpal, metatarsal, and phalanges (the small bones of
the hand and foot) respectively.
Short Bones. — These are found in that portion of the
body where strength and compactness are required
and the motion of the part is limited, as the bones of
the carpus (wrist) and tarsus (instep). These bones
consist of cancellous tissue covered by compact bone.
They are held firmly together by ligaments. Some
include the patellae and sesamoid bones under this
Flat Bones. — ^These are found wherever protection
is required, or a broad surface for the attachment
of muscles is essential, as the bones of the skull and
the scapulae (shoulder-blade) . Flat bones are composed
of two thin layers of compact tissue, between which is
a variable amount of cancellous tissue. In the bones
of the skull these layers of compact tissue are termed
the tables of the skull ; the innermost is thin and called
the vitreous table. The cancellous tissue between the
layers is called the diploe.
The flat bones are the occipital, parietal, frontal, nasal,
lacrymal, vomer, scapula, sternum, ribs, and some authors
include the patella.
Irregular Bones. — These are of varying shapes which
cannot be classified under any of the preceding groups.
They consist of a layer of compact tissue externally
enclosing cancellous tissue.
The irregular bones are : the vertebr8e, sacrum, cocc3rx,
temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid, malar, maxilla, mandible,
palate, turbinates, and hyoid.
Surfaces of Bones. — The examination of a bone
will show numerous depressions and elevations upon
its surface, which for purposes of study have been
classified into the following eminences and depressions:
(1) articular; (2) non-articular. Examples as follows:
Articular. —
Eminences (g^^^°J(f°^^^'
[Head of humerus.
[Acetabulum of
Glenoid cavity of scapula.
OS innominatum.
Non-articular. —
Tuberosity is a broad, rough, uneven elevation.
Tubercle is a small, rough prominence.
Spine is a sharp, slender, pointed eminence.
A ridge, line, or crest are narrow, rough elevations
along the surface.
All are of variable form.
The articular eminences and depressions are the
extremities and cavities of bones which enter into the
formation of joints respectively. The non-articular
eminences are to increase the surface of the bone for
the attachment of muscles and ligaments; the depres-
sions usually receive, hold, or keep in position tendons
or muscles, and transmit bloodvessels and nerves.
Composition and Structure of Bone. — Bone in the
fresh state is pale pink in color, when dried it is grayish
white. The constituents of dried bone are 31 per cent,
organic matter and 69 per cent, inorganic matter.
The former is represented by bloodvessels and con-
nective tissue, and proteins, such as collagen, ossein,
elastin; the latter by mineral salts, e. g., tricalcium and
magnesium phosphate, calcium carbonate, and some
soluble salts. These ingredients may vary with the
age of the individual. Thus in the child there is an
increase in the organic matter over the mineral con-
stituents, while the mineral salts predominate in bones
of the adult. This absence of salts in the bones of
children accounts for the elasticity of the bones,
and when fractured they bend rather than break
after an injury. This can be seen when a fractured
limb, exposed to the .T-rays, will appear as a twig bent,
but no distinct break is seen (this is termed a green-
stick fracture). On the other hand in extremely old
persons there is a tendency to fracture of the bones,
due to the increase of mineral salts over the organic
constituents, rendering them brittle, and unable to
withstand the slightest strain without fracture. Rick-
ets is another example of this decrease in lime salts
in the bones. It is a disease occurring in children
mostly, characterized by a bending of the long bones,
and deformity of the limbs, as a result of insufficient
and improper nourishment. Bone belongs to the
connective-tissue group, and is derived from the
mesoderm layer of the tripoblast, the primitive vesicle
of the embryo.
Periosteum. — All bones are surrounded by a fibrous
sheath, called the periosteum, enclosing the bone sub-
stance; the latter is composed of cells and intercellular
substance. The periosteum consists of two layers:
an outer fibrous, supporting bloodvessels, an inner
or genetic layer, rich in cells and blood capillaries.
The cells in the latter become the future osteoblasts
that develop the osseous tissue by a process of cell
secretion. The genetic layer gives off bundles of fibers
which pierce the layers of bone at right angles and
bind them together. These are called Sharpey's fibers.
Bone is classified as to its composition into cancellous
or spongy, compact or solid.
Cancellous or Spongy Bone. — This consists of spicules
forming a net-work similar to a sponge. These spicules
have a fibular structure, and between them are small
spaces called lacuna? (little lakes), which are filled
in the living state with osteoblasts. The cancellous
bone is found in the head of long bones, the centre
of flat bones, and around the medullary cavity. In
the centre of all long bones is a hollow cavity called
the medulla; it contains marrow. This medullary
cavity is lined with a fibrous layer of tissue called the
endosteum, which covers the net-work of spongy bone
surrounding the medullary canal.
Compact or Solid Bone. — This is the stronger of the
two varieties and forms the outer surface of the
long bones. It is arranged in layers called lamellae,
and can only be studied in section after preparation;
and when observed under the microscope it will present
a series of lamellae arranged around a central opening,
called the Haversian canal. These carry bloodvessels
in a longitudinal direction throughout the bone,
and communicate with each other. Between the
Haversian canals are lacunae — lined with osteoblasts —
they communicate with each other and the Haversian
canals by means of small canals — called canaliculi.
Just beneath the periosteum the lamellae of bone are
derived from it. These layers have between them
lacunae with canaliculi connecting each other. The
most external lamellae present depressions termed
Howship's foveae or lacunae; these are filled with large
bone-destroying cells called osteoclasts. Haversian
canals are absent in the external lamellae beneath the
periosteum, but large canals are present, containing
blood from the periosteum — Volkmann's canals.
The H'kversian canals are occupied by bloodvessels,
nerves, and lymphatics, except in the region of the
heads of long bones; owing to their absence this por-
tion of the bone is better enabled to withstand the
pressure imposed upon it. The above arrangement
of canals is termed the Haversian System.
The medullary cavity is a large space within the
centre of the long bones. It is lined by a fibrous layer,
the endosteum, and contains the nutrient marrow.
Marrow is of two varieties, red and yellow. The
former color is seen in healthy, young individuals, the
latter occurs in those beyond the prime of life. The
presence of a great amount of fat causes the latter to
assume its yellow color. The cellular elements are few
or are wanting. In disease it may become red. It is
derived from the endosteum between the compact bone
and the medullary cavity, and consists of a delicate
frame-work of reticulum holding a compact capillary
plexus and cells. These cells are classified as: Marrow
cells or myelocytes, nucleated red blood cells or erythro-
blasts, white blood cells or leukocytes, myeloplaxes. (For
a better knowledge of these cells the reader is referred
to the standard works on histology or hematology.)
The function of red marrow is to produce erythro-
cytes, granular leukocytes, and to store fat. Bones
are nourished by an artery which enters the nutrient
foramen, seen on the surface of bones, and by branch-
ing into smaller vessels, called capillaries, pass into
the Haversian canals pother vessels enter Volkmann's
canals to nourish the most external lamellae beneath
the periosteum.
The skull is divided into two parts: the cranium
and face; the former lodges and protects the brain
and its membranes, bloodvessels, and nerves; the
bones of the face partially surround the orbital cavity
and form the walls of the nasal and oral cavities.
The cranium has eight bones.
(a) Unpaired:
ib) Paired:
The face has fourteen* bones :
(a) Unpaired:
(6) Paired:
Malars. •
The Bones of the Cranium.— The Occipital Bone. —
This is situated in the back part and base of the skull,
is flattened, lozenge-shaped, bent on itself, presenting
an internal or cerebral surface, which is concave, and
an external or posterior surface, which is convex; four
borders and four angles. Below and in front the
bone shows a large oval opening, called the foramen
magnum, for the passage of the spinal cord and mem-
branes, spinal accessory nerves, and two vertebral
arteries. On either side of the anterior boundaries
of the foramen magnum are two condyles which
articulate with the atlas (first cervical vertebra).
Anteriorly a rough process of bone (the basilar) artic-
ulates with the body of the sphenoid and temporal,
and the posterior border of the occipital bone articu-
lates with the parietal Bones on either side.
The Parietal Bones. — These are paired one on either
side, together forming the median portion of the roof
and side^of the skull. Each is roughly quadrilateral,
and presents two surfaces — external and internal, four
borders and four angles. This bone articulates, at
the anterior border, with the frontal bone; posterior
border, with the occipital bone; internal border, with
opposite bone; inferior border, great wing of sphenoid;
squamous portion of temporal, and the mastoid por-
tion of the temporal.
Fig. 26
The occipital bone, viewed from below. (Spalteholz.)
The Frontal Bone. — ^This forms the forehead, and
also enters into the roofs of the orbital and nasal
cavities. Its anterior surface is convex and the con-
vexity is greatest on either side, where the rounded
frontal eminences are to be seen, separated by a slight
depression below from the superciliary ridges. The
latter ridges are just above the orbits and afford pro-
tection to them from injury. In the middle line be-
tween the two ridges is a smooth surface — the glabella.
The orbital arch ends in extremities called the internal
and external angular processes. The frontal sinuses
(hollow spaces) which communicate with the nasal
cavities contain air, and are lodged in the frontal
bone just above the orbital arches. The frontal bone
articulates with twelve bones — the parietals, the
sphenoid, the malars, the nasals, the superior maxillae,
lacrymals, and ethmoid.
Fig. 27
if/l Oppn,"
Sphenoid of temT>"
Left parietal bone, external surface. (After Gray.)
The Temporal Bones. — These are paired, assist in
forming the sides and base of the skull, and contain
the organ of hearing. They present three parts —
squamous, petromastoid, and tympanic.
The Squamous Portion. — ^This is scale-like in form
and very thin. Its external surface is convex, smooth,
and affords attachment to the temporal muscle and
Fig. 28
, , External
anqidar process. ^^^^^^, ^^,^^^
Nasal spine.
Frontal bone. Outer surface. (Gray.)
bounds part of the temporal fossa. Proceeding for-
ward from the lower part of this portion of the bone
is a long arched process of bone, the zygoma or zygo-
matic process.
The Petromastoid Portion. — This consists of the
mastoid portion, the thick, conical process of bone
behind the external opening of the ear, and a pyram-
idal portion called the petrous portion, forms part of
the floor of the skull. The mastoid portion contains on
Fig. 29
* Mastoid
Left temporal bone: outer surface. (Gray.)
section a number of cellular spaces communicating
with one another, called the mastoid cells. The
mastoid cells open into the middle ear, and contain
air. They are lined with a prolongation of mucous
membrane from the tympanum, which extends into
them through an opening, by which they communicate
with the ..cavity of the tympanum. The petrous, .pot
tion is a pyramidal process of bone wedged in at the
base of the skull, between the sphenoid and occipital
bones. It has a foramen — internal auditory — for the
passage of the facial and auditory nerves.
The Tympanic Portion.— This is placed in front
of the anterior surface of the petrous portion. It
bounds the external auditory meatus in front, below
and behind, and lodges the tympanic membrane (ear-
drum) .
The glenoid fossa is a depression formed by the squa-
mous part of the temporal and behind by the tym-
panic portion. It is covered with cartilage (squamous
portion) and articulates with the condyle of the
The Sphenoid Bone. — This wedge-like bone is placed
across the base of the skull near its middle, and binds
the other cranial bones together. It assists to form
the cavities at the base of the cranium, orbits, and nasal
fossa, and has foramina and fissures for the passage
of six pairs of cranial nerves. It consists of a solid
body of bone, with a thin pair of lesser and greater
wings. It articulates with twelve bones, all those of
the cranium and five of the face; posteriorly, with the
occipital and temporals; anteriorly, with the ethmoid,
palatals, frontal, and malars; laterally, with the tem-
porals, frontal, and parietals ; inf eriorly, with the vomer
and palatals. The upper surface of the body of the
sphenoid supports the pituitary body, and the circular
and cavernous sinuses, the latter enclosing the internal
carotid artery.
The Ethmoid Bone (sieve-like). — This projects down
between the orbital plates of the frontal, and enters
into the formation of the floor of the anterior cranial
fossa, the orbital, and nasal cavities. It is a very
small, frail bone. Its upper surface lodges the olfactory
bulb and portions of the olfactory tract. The fila-
ments of the olfactory nerve (sense of smell) pass
through foramina in the cribriform plate to be dis-
tributed to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities.
The anterior, middle, and posterior ethmoidal cells are
lodged in this bone; they communicate with the nasal
cavities. It possesses a perpendicular plate, which
forms a portion of the nasal septum between the two
nasal cavities.
Bones of the Face. — The Two Nasal Bones.^ — These
form the bridge of the nose. They are very small
but strong considering their size.
Fig. 30
Frontal simises.
Crista galli.
plate of etlt-
Space for
of septum.
'phenoidal sinuses.
Rostrum <>f
Palate proces;
Int. pterygoid
Vomer in situ.
The Vomer. — This is a thin flat bone which joins
with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, and
septal cartilage to complete the septum between the
nasal cavities. It articulates with the sphenoid,
ethmoid, both palates, superior maxillae, and with the
septal cartilage of the nose.
Nasal bone.
Nasal proc.
nasal spine
Fig. 31
... •>
Nasal and lacrymal bones in situ. (Gray.)
Lacrimal bone.
Orbital surface.
Artie, with malar
Post, dental
The Lacrymal Bones. — These bones are paired.
They are very small and thin, found at the anterior
and internal part of the orbit. The outer surface of
this bone forms with the lacrymal notch of the superior
maxilla the orifice of the nasal duct. (The latter is
the entrance of the canal for the passage of the tears
from the eye to the nasal cavity.)
The Maxillae Bones.^ — They are paired, irregular in
shape, and the principal bones of the face, each sup-
porting the upper teeth of one side, helping to form
the floor and outer walls of the nasal fossae and the
hard palate or roof of the mouth, in conjunction with
the palate bone, also a part of the floor of the orbit.
It contains the hollow space just above the canine
tooth, called the antrum of Highmore. The latter
communicates with the nasal chamber and is frequently
the seat of inflammation. This bone articulates with
its fellow of the opposite side, the nasal, lacrymal,
frontal, ethmoid, palate, malar, vomer, inferior tur-
binate, and sometimes the sphenoid.
The Palate Bones. — They are two in number situated
at the back part of the nasal fossse; they are lodged
between the maxilla and the pterygoid processes of
the sphenoid. Each bone assists in the formation of
the floor and outer wall of the nasal cavity, roof of the
mouth, and floor of the orbit.
The Turbinated Bones. — They are situated one on
each side of the outer wall of the nasal fossse. Each
consists of a layer of thin, spongy bone, curled upon
itself like a scroll — hence its name, turbinated
The Malar Bone. — This bone is quadrangular, and is
situated at the upper and outer part of the face. It
forms the prominence of the cheek, part of the outer
wall and floor of the orbit, and part of the temporal
and zygomatic fossse. It articulates with the frontal,
sphenoid, temporal, and the maxilla.
The Mandible or Lower Jaw. — This is the largest and
strongest bone of the face. It consists of a horizontal
portion called the body, which forms the chin, and
two perpendicular rami, which join the body to form
the angle of the jaw. It articulates by its condyles
with the glenoid cavity of the tympanic portion of the
temporal bone. The horizontal portion serves for
the lodgement of the lower teeth.
The Hyoid Bone. — ^This is a bony arch, shaped like
a horseshoe, and consisting of five segments — a body,
two great cornua, and two lesser cornua. It is situated
in the neck in the receding angle below the chin. It is
supported by the stylohyoid ligaments attached to the
lesser cornua of each side.. The attachment of muscles
help to hold this bone in position and acts as a fixed
point for the muscles of swallowing and articulating.
Below it is attached to the larynx by the thyrohyoid
membrane. The hyoid bone can be felt just above
the Adam's apple (pomum Adami). It also affords
attachment to the muscles which lower the jaw,
depress the tongue, and aid as accessory muscles of
Fig. 32
Orbital surface
Infraorbital groove
Union wit/i lacrimal bone
Inferiorten/poral ^
surface ^ r\^ ~ ^, _
Post, dental canals
Maxillan/ tuberosity -"-"^ ""^V-^
Zygomatic process '
Frontal process
, .Zammal ?nar^in
Infraorbital margin
^ Anterior surface
'Infraorbital forajnen
^,.' Canine fossa
' ' '^Palatine process
. . . -Ant. nasal spine
Aloeolar process
Right upper jaw bone, maxilla, fi:om without.
The Skull as a Whole. — At birth the skull is large
in comparison with the other parts of the skeleton.
The face is small and equals only about one-eighth
of the bulk of the cranium, as compared to the size of
the face in the adult which equals about one-half of
the size of the skull. Ossification of the bones of the
skull in the infant is not complete; they are held together
by membranous tissue and these intervals between the
bones are termed fontanelles. There are six: Two,
anterior and posterior, and four, an anterolateral and
posterolateral on either side.
Fig. 33
Skull at birth, showing the anterior and posterior fontanelles. (Gray.)
Fig. 34
The lateral fontanelles. (Gray.)
The anterior fontanelle is the largest and is situated
at the junction of the sagittal, coronal, and inter-
frontal sutures; it is lozenge-shaped and measures
Anterior Aspect of the Skull.
kv. t-' v^
Lateral Aspect of the Skull.
about 1^ inches from before backward and 1 inch
from side to side. Pulsation can be felt over this
fontanelle up until the twelfth to twenty-fourth
month. It usually disappears by ossification after the
second year, but cases have been reported when it
persists throughout life.
The posterior fontanelle is triangular in form and
is situated at the junction of the superior angles of the
parietal bones with the occipital bone. The lateral
fontanelles are irregular in shape, and are located at
the antero-inferior and postero-inferior angles of the
parietal bones respectively. The posterior and lateral
fontanelles close shortly after birth. The lack of
ossification in the bones of the skull favors the over-
lapping of the bones or moulding of the infant's head
during parturition, thus facilitating delivery and pre-
venting injury to the mother and child; of course,
barring some abnormal condition at the time of birth.
In adults the skull bones are closely fitted by uneven
edges, there being interposed a little fibrous tissue
continuous with the periosteum, the dentations are
confined to the external table, the edges of the inner
table lying in apposition. The lower jaw has a mov-
able articulation differing from the others.
The bones forming the vertex or superior surfaces
of the skull are: frontal, two parietal, two temporal
(squamous and mastoid portions), and great wing of
the sphenoid.
The Orbital Fossae or Orbits. — These are pyramidal
in shape, with their bases turned forward and outward.
They are just below the supraorbital arches; their
inner walls are nearly parallel and the outer walls
diverge at slight right angles to each other. Each
is formed by seven bones or eleven for the two orbits
— the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrymal, palate,
malar, maxilla. The roof of each is formed by the
orbital plate of the frontal and small wing of the
sphenoid; the floor, by the malar, maxilla, and orbital
plate of the palate; inner wall, by the nasal process
of the maxilla, lacrymal, ethmoid, and body of the
sphenoid; outer wall, by the malar and frontal and
great wing of the sphenoid.
The Nasal Fossa or Cavities. — ^These are placed one
on each side of a median vertical wall. They open in
front by the anterior nasal apertm-e (nares) and behind
by the posterior nares. They cominunicate with the
sinuses (air spaces) of the frontal, sphenoid, and antrum
of Highmore, the latter is in the body of the maxilla,
and the ethmoidal cells. Thus the danger from infec-
tion entering these air spaces following an abscess for-
mation, influenza, etc., may readily be understood.
The vertebral or spinal column is a central axis upon
which other parts are arranged, situated in the median
line at the posterior part of the trunk; above it sup-
ports the head, by having the first vertebra receive
the condyles of the occipital bone; laterally, the ribs,
and it rests on the sacrum. It is made up of thirty-
three separate vertebrae, imposed one upon the other
with an intervertebral layers of cartilages between
each one, and held in firm relationship by means of
The vertebrae are divisible into seven cervical,
twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral, and four
coccygeal. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar verte-
brae remain separate throughout life, and are known
as true or movable vertebrae; but the sacral and coccy-
geal vertebrae are firmly united in the adult, so as to
form two bones — five entering into the formation of
the sacrum and four into the terminal bone of the
spine or the coccyx. The sacral and coccygeal verte-
brae are called the immovable vertebrae.
The average length of the vertebral column is about
Fig. 35
1st cervical
or Atlas.
Lateral view of the vertebral column. (Gray.)
twenty-six to twenty-seven inches measured along the
curved anterior surface of the column. The cervical
part measures about five, the thoracic about eleven or
twelve, the lumbar about seven inches, and the sacrum
and coccyx the remainder.
Viewed from the side it presents several curves.
The cervical curve commences at the odontoid process
of the second vertebra, and ends at the middle of the
second thoracic ; it is convex in front, but not as marked
as the other curves. The thoracic curve is concave
forward, commences at the middle of the second thor-
acic, and ends at the middle of the twelfth thoracic.
The lumbar curve, commences at the middle of the
twelfth thoracic and ends at the sacrovertebral angle
(about the junction of the sacrum with the fifth lum-
bar vertebra). It is convex in front; the convexity
being more marked in the lower three lumbar verte-
brae. These curves and convexities are formed by the
bodies of the vertebrae. While the posterior aspect is
formed by the extending spinous processes which usually
can be felt underneath the skin and fascia, no matter
how stout the individual. Laterally the column
presents the transverse processes. The spinal cord,
membranes, origin of spinal nerves, and blood-supply
are within the spinal canal — formed by the inter-
vertebral fibrocartilage, body, and arched lamina of
the vertebrae; the latter fusing posteriorly, complete
its boundaries. Posteriorly, the spinous processes
occupy the median line, in a depression known as the
vertebral groove running along the middle of the
back. In the cervical region the processes are short
and bifid, sloping backward and a little downward.
The seventh cervical is the most prominent and can
always be seen and felt beneath the skin, therefore its
name — vertebra prominens. The thoracic processes are
oblique above, more oblique in the middle, and below
are nearly horizontal; in the lumbar region they are
horizontal. The transverse processes of the atlas are
long; of the axis, short; then extending in size until
the first thoracic is reached, thence diminishing to the
last dorsal, and becoming suddenly much longer in the
lumbar region.
The intervertebral foramina are always in front
of the articular processes excepting those of the atlas
and the upper ones of the axis. They are named from
the upper of the two vertebrae which go to form them,
excepting in the cervical region, where there are eight,
the fissure between the skull and atlas being called
the first. The spinal canal is narrowest in those por-
tions having the least motion, viz., the dorsal and sacral
regions. It is round and f of an inch in diameter
in the dorsal region; it is triangular, with the apex
behind, in the cervical and lumbar regions; and
largest of all in the cervical region. The cervical
vertebrae each have a foramen (costotransverse) in
their two transverse processes for the vertebral artery.
Fig. 36
tubercle of trans-
verse process.
Foramen for vertebral
Posterior tubercle of
transverse process.
A cervical vertebra. (Gray.)
General Characteristics of a Vertebra. — A typical
vertebra is made up of two parts, an anterior solid
portion, and a posterior portion, the arch or neural
canal. The arch is formed by two pedicles, and two
laminae, supporting seven processes — viz., four articular,
two transverse, and one spinous. Taking a typical
vertebra — the tenth thoracic, for example. The body
is cylindric; the upper and lower surfaces are flat,
with a rim around the circumference. The front
Fig. 37
Superior articular process.
Demi-facet for head of rib.
Facet for tubercle of rib.
Demi-facet for head of rib.
Inferior articular process.
A dorsal vertebra. (Gray.)
and sides are convex from side to side and concave
from above downward. The back is slightly concave
from side to side. The neural arch is completed
laterally by two processes of bone arising from the
postero-external aspect of the body, called pedicles,
and the latter continue — as lamina — behind, where
they meet to complete the posterior aspect of the neural
arch. The upper and lower borders of the pedicles
form intervertebral notches, which complete, with the
neighboring pedicle of the vertebra, intervertebral
foramina. The spinous process projects backward
from the junction of the two laminae. The transverse
processes, one on either side, project outward from
the arch at the junction of the pedicle with the lamina.
The articular processes, two superior and two inferior,
extend upward and downward respectively at the point
of origin of the transverse processes.
Fig. 38
Biugrahi of nedion of odontoid,
Diagram of section of
Foramen for
vertebral artery.
Groove for vertebral artery
and 1st cervical nerie.
Rudimentary spinous process..
First cervical vertebra or atlas. (Gray.)
The Atlas (First Cervical Vertebra). — ^This, sometimes
called rotation vertebra, has no body or spinous
process, but is a large ring with articular and transverse
processes. The posterior part of the ring or arch
corresponds to the neural canal of the other vertebrse;
the anterior part is occupied by the odontoid process
of the axis (second cervical vertebra). This first
vertebra and its relation with the odontoid process
of the axis, below, and its superior articular surface
receiving the condyles of the occipital bone, held in
position by ligaments, permits the head to rotate and
bend forward and backward, as in turning the head
from side to side, and in nodding. The odontoid
process of the axis is held in position by a transverse
ligament passing posterior to it and attached to the
tubercle on the the inner surface of the lateral mass
on either side of the arch, and by check ligaments
extending from the apex of the odontoid process to the
occipital bone. The atlas has a foramen (the costo-
transverse) for the vertebral artery in its transverse
Fig. 39
Odontoid process.
Rough surface for check ligaments.
Artiadar surface for tramverse ligament.
Spinous process.-
Articiilnr surface foi
\ Transverse p) ocess.
Inferior articular process.
Second cervical vertebra or axis. (Gray.)
The Axis (Second Vertebra). — This possesses a strong,
prominent process, tooth-like in form, which arises
perpendicularly from the upper surface of the body.
The body in front overlaps the vertebra below. The
tip of the odontoid process affords attachment to the
check ligaments (see Fig. 52, page 109) and has an
articular surface anteriorly, which articulates w^ith the
atlas, and an articular facet behind for the transverse
ligament, which holds it firmly in position. The pedi-
cles and laminae form the neural arch in the same
manner as the atlas and other vertebrae. The spinous
process is larger than the one of the atlas. The trans-
verse processes are small, and are perforated by the
foramen for the vertebral artery.
The Sacram and Cocc3rx. — ^The sacrum and coccyx
are the result of the fusing of the lower nine vertebrae
into two bones, five to form the sacrum and four the
The sacram is much larger than the coccyx, is
located between the two iliac bones, articulating
above with the fifth lumbar vertebra, below with the
coccyx, and is perforated with foramina which transmit
the spinal nerves.
The coccyx is pyramidal. Its vertebrae are very
rudimentary, and it possesses a trace of the neural
arch and transverse processes of the typical vertebra.
The thorax is an osseocartilaginous cage, conical and
flattened from before backward. The short antero-
posterior diameter is characteristic of man, but in the
lower mammals and human fetus it is longer than the
transverse diameter. The posterior surface is convex
forward, formed by the twelve thoracic vertebrae and
back part of ribs; on either side the sulcus pulmonalis
is formed by the ribs as they project backward, so
that the weight of the body is more equally distrib-
uted around the vertebral column. The anterior
surface is flattened and slightly convex, is formed by
the sternum and costal cartilages, and lies at an angle
of 20 or 25 degrees with the posterior. A horizontal
anteroposterior diameter taken from the base of the
ensiform is 8 inches (20 cm.); the transverse at the
eighth or ninth ribs is 11 inches (28 cm.); the vertical
anteriorly is 6 inches (15.5 cm.); and posteriorly is
12 inches (31.5 cm.). The lateral surfaces are convex;
formed by the ribs, separated from each other by the
spaces (intercostal).
The superior or upper opening of the thorax, the inlet,
is reniform in shape, being broader from side to side
than before backward. It is bounded behind by the
first thoracic vertebra; in front, by the upper border
of the sternum, and on either side by the first rib.
Fig. 40
*^— First thoracic
The thorax. Ventral view. (Gray.)
It slopes downward and forward so that the anterfor
boundary is on a lower level than the posterior. The
anteroposterior diameter is about 2 inches (5 cm.).
and the, transverse about 4 inches (10 cm.)- The
parts which pass through the upper opening are,
from before backward in or near the middle line — the
sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles, the remains
of the thymus gland, the trachea (windpipe), the
esophagus (gullet), thoracic duct, inferior thyroid
veins, longus colli muscle of each side, bloodvessels
and nerves.
The inferior or lower opening is formed by the twelfth
thoracic vertebra behind, by the twelfth ribs at the
sides, and in front by the eleventh, tenth, ninth,
eighth, and seventh costal cartilages, which ascend
on either side to form the subcostal angle, from the
apex of which the ensiform cartilage projects. The
lower opening is wider transversely than from before
backward. It slopes obliquely downward and back-
ward, so that the cavity of the thorax is much deeper
behind than in front. The diaphragm closes in the
opening forming the floor of the thorax, and has passing
through it the inferior vena cava, the esophagus,
and vagi nerves, the aorta, thoracic duct, vena azygos
major, and sometimes splanchnic nerves.
The thorax contains the lungs and their pleurae,
the heart and its pericardium, the aorta and branches,
and the structures mentioned under the upper opening,
which pass through it.
The female thorax differs from the male as follows:
general capacity is less, sternum is shorter, the upper
margin of the sternum is on a level with the lower
part of the body of the third thoracic vertebra (in the
male it is the body of the second thoracic vertebra),
the upper ribs are more movable, and thus allow a
greater expansion of the upper part of the thorax than
in the male (Gray) .
The Sternum or Breast Bone. — This is a flat, narrow
bone, situated in the median line of the front of the
chest, and in the adult consists of three portions. It
is likened to an ancient sword; the upper piece,
representing the handle, is called the manubrium;
the middle and larger portion, which resembles the
blade, is the gladiolus; and the inferior piece, which
resembles the point of the sword, is called the ensiform.
The Ribs (Costse). — There are twelve pairs, one on
each side. They are obliquely placed, running forward
and downward. The obliquity increases from above
downward to the ninth rib, when it reaches the
maximum; from this point downward it decreases.
The first seven pairs, attached by costal cartilages
to the sternum, are called sternal, true, or vertebro-
sternal ribs, the remaining lower five pairs are asternal
or false ribs; each of the upper three pairs of false
ribs has its cartilage attached to the cartilage above
it, and are called vertebrochondral ribs; the last two
pairs are attached to the vertebra behind and their
anterior extremity is free; they are called floating or
Fig. 41
For anterior costotransverse ligame
Facet for body of
upper thoracic vertebra.
Ridge for inter-
articular ligament.'^ ^tZwrratm
Facet for body of.
lower thoracic vertebra.
For transverse process
lower dorsal vertel
For posterior costotransverse ligament.
Vertebral extremity of a rib; external surface. (Gray.)
A Typical Rib. — Each rib has an anterior and pos-
terior extremity. The anterior extremity is hollowed
into a pit for union with the costal cartilage. The
posterior extremity is divided into a head, a neck, and
a tuberosity. The head has an upper and lower artic-
ular facet for articulation with the two vertebrae,
above and below; and between the two facets a ridge
for the attachment of the interarticular ligament.
The first rib is the shortest, most curved, and the
broadest, the eighth the longest, after which they
decrease in length to the twelfth; the twelfth is the
The Peculiar Ribs. — The first rib is short, curved,
and not twisted. Its surfaces look upward and down-
ward. Head is small; neck is slender and rounded;
angle coincides with the tuberosity, which is strong
and placed on the outer margin of the rib. The upper
surface presents close in front of the tuberosity a
rough impression for the scalenus medius muscle, and
in front of the latter two smooth impressions with
an intervening ridge; the posterior impression lodges
the third portion of the subclavian artery, the ridge
affords attachment to the scalenus anticus muscle, and
the anterior impression receives the subclavian vein.
The second rib is not twisted and has no angle; it
presents near its middle an impression for the scalenus
posticus muscle and two serrations of the serratus
The tenth rib has but one articular facet, usually.
The eleventh and twelfth ribs are short, have single
articular facets, and only slight elevations to mark
the tuberosities which do not articulate with the trans-
verse processes of the vertebrae. They are pointed
anteriorly. The eleventh has a slight subcostal groove;
the twelfth has no angle.
There may be thirteen ribs. The twelfth rib measures
from 1 to 8 inches.
The Costal Cartilages. — These prolong the ribs to
the sternum and increase the elasticity of the thorax.
They consist of white hyaline cartilage. The first
seven pair connect the ribs and sternum, the next
three pair with the lower border of the cartilage of the
preceding rib. The cartilages of the last two ribs
(floating) have pointed extremities which terminate
in free ends. They increase in length from the first
to the seventh, then gradually diminish to the last.
They have an anterior and posterior surface, and a
superior and inferior border. Their articulations with
the sternum and ribs are fixed by attached ligaments.
c,, , , .J, /Clavicle (collar bone).
Shoulder girdle [q^^^^^^ (shoulder blade).
Upper limb
Arm (brachium, humerus (arm bone).
Forearm (antebrachium, radius, ulna (forearm bones).
(Carpus (wrist bones).
Metacarpus (bones of palm).
Phalanges or bones of digits (fingers) .
The Clavicle. — This bone forms the anterior por-
tion of the shoulder girdle. It is a long, thin bone,
curved somewhat like the letter /, and placed nearly
horizontally at the upper and anterior part of the
chest, immediately over the first rib. Its inner or
sternal end articulates with the upper border of the
sternum, and its outer or acromial end unites with
the acromion process of the scapula^ the two together
connect the upper limb with the trunk by means of
The Scapula (Shoulder-blade). — ^This is a large, flat
bone, situated at the back and outer aspect of the chest,
between the second and seventh ribs. Its posterior
border is about 1 inch from and parallel with the
vertebral spines. It is attached to the trunk by the
clavicle, fascia, and muscles; and from it is suspended
the humerus by means of the capsular ligament of the
shoulder-joint, which is attached to the margins of
the glenoid cavity and the head of the humerus.
This bone consists of a large, flattened, triangular
body, two processes, the coracoid, and spine, which
ends in the acromial process, and at the apex a cavity
— glenoid, for articulation with the head of the humerus.
The Humerus (Arm Bone). — This bone extends
from the shoulder to the elbow. It is divided into a
shaft, and an upper and lower extremity.
The Upper Extremity. — ^This includes the head, a
neck, greater and lesser tuberosities. The head is
directed upward and slightly backward, and makes
an angle of 140 degrees with the shaft. The head is
round and articulates with the glenoid cavity of the
scapula, being held in apposition by the ligaments of the
shoulder-joint. Below the head is a depression pass-
ing around the bone called the anatomical neck. The
great tuberosity is an eminence of bone situated on
the outer and anterior aspect of the bone below the
anatomical neck. It gives attachment to the supra-
and infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, which
turn or rotate the shoulder-joint and arm outward.
Lying internal to the great tuberosity is the bicipital
groove, which lodges the tendon of the long head of the
biceps muscle. Internal to the groove is another
smaller eminence called the lesser tuberosity; it receives
the tendon of the subscapularis muscle, w^hich rotates
or turns the shoulder- joint inward.
The Shaft. — This is cylindrical below the tuberosities
(and is known as the surgical neck) and triangular
below this portion. It is divided into external, internal,
and posterior surfaces by anterior and lateral borders.
On the outer border, near the middle, is a rough
surface of bone called the deltoid eminence; it affords
attachment to the deltoid muscle. The middle of the
inner border receives the coracobrachialis muscle;
the lower three-fourths of the anterior aspect of the
shaft is covered by the origin of the brachialis anticus
muscle. The inner and outer borders become sharp
at the lower third, and are called the supracondylar
ridges. The posterior surface of the shaft is twisted
so that the upper part looks inward, its lower part
backward and outward. Its entire surface is almost
entirely covered by the origin of the inner and outer
heads of the triceps muscle, except a portion of bone
in the internal aspect of the surgical neck, and a narrow,
The right humerus, front view. (Testut.)
groove passing obliquely from within downward and
outward between the two portions of this muscle,
which is called the musculospiral groove and lodges the
musculospiral nerve and superior profunda artery.
The Lower Extremity. — This is divided into an inter-
nal and external condyle, an articular surface sub-
divided into the trochlea and capitellum. The condyles
are rounded eminences of bone extending out beyond
the borders of the bone and can be always felt just
beneath the skin. Between the two condyles is
seen the articular facets, the outer — the capitellum —
is round and smooth and articulates with the cup-
shaped surface of the head of the radius; the inner —
the trochlea — presents a deep depression between two
well-marked borders and articulates with the sigmoid
cavity of the ulna. These articular surfaces mentioned
enter into the formation of the elbow-joint, and are
held in position by the capsular and internal and exter-
nal lateral ligaments of the elbow-joint. Above and
in front of the articular surface (trochlea) is a depres-
sion called the coronoid fossa, which receives the coro-
noid process of the ulna when the arm is flexed ; above
and behind the trochlear surface is a deep, triangular
depression, called the olecranon fossa, which receives
the olecranon process of the ulna when the forearm is
The Bones of the Forearm.— The Ulna. — ^This is
the internal of the two bones of the forearm. It
articulates above with the humerus, externally with
the radius, and below the triangular fibrocartilage at
the wrist. It presents an upper and a lower extremity
and a shaft.
The Upper Extremity. — It is divided into an olec-
ranon process, a coronoid process, and greater and
lesser sigmoid cavities. The olecranon process forms
the uppermost part of the ulna. It terminates supe-
riorly in front in a peak of bone, which overhangs the
greater sigmoid cavity; behind this is a rectangular.
thickened tuberosity, which forms the point of the
elbow, and can be felt just beneath the skin. The
Fig. 43
The bones of the right forearm, rear view. (Testut.)
posterior surface of the olecranon is triangular and
becomes narrowed below and extends into the posterior
border of the ulna. The anterior surface is concave
and smooth, and forms the upper part of the greater
sigmoid cavity. The inferior surface is smooth and
attached to the shaft. The greater sigmoid cavity
articulates with the trochlear surface of the humerus.
The coronoid process is less marked than the olecranon
process; it is smooth, concave, and forms the base of
the greater sigmoid cavity.
The lesser sigmoid cavity is seen at the outer margin
of the greater cavity, with which it is continuous; it
is concave from before backward; and articulates with
the head of the radius held in position by the orbicular
The Shaft. — The shaft tapers from above, is three-
sided in its upper three-fourths, slender and cylindrical
in its lower fourth. It presents anterior, posterior,
and internal surfaces, and anterior, posterior, and
external borders.
The Lower Extremity. — This presents a rounded
head; from its inner and back part the styloid
process projects downward, giving attachments to
the internal lateral ligament and the triangular fibro-
cartilage of the wrist-joint. The head of the lower
extremity has an inferior articular surface, upon which
the triangular fibrocartilage plays, and an outer, nar-
row one, convex for the sigmoid cavity of the radius.
The styloid process of the ulna can always be felt
beneath the skin. The inner border of the ulna has
attached to its length the interosseous membrane, a
ligamentous septum stretching to the radius.
The Radius. — It lies to the outer side of the forearm
alongside of the ulna. It is a long bone, and articulates
above with the capitellum of the humerus, the ulna,
internally; the scaphoid and semilunar bones of the
wrist, inferiorly. It presents for examination a shaft
and an upper and lower extremity.
The Upper Extremity or Head. — It is disk-
shaped, convex in circumference, and its upper surface
has a depression for the capitellum of the humerus,
with which it articulates. It also internally rotates
within the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna. Below
the head is the neck, which is round and smooth, and
affords attachment to the supinator brevis muscle.
The Shaft. — It is larger below than above, slightly
curved, and convex outward and backward. Below
the neck on the inner aspect is an elevation of bone
called the bicipital tuberosity, which receives the tendon
of the biceps muscle. Below this tuberosity the shaft
has three surfaces and three borders.
The Lower Extremity. — On the inner side of
the lower extremity at right angles to the inferior
articular surface is a concave articular facet which
articulates with the lower extremity of the ulna; the
two are held together by ligaments of the inferior
radio-ulnar articulation. To the smooth surface of
bone between these articular surfaces is attached the
interarticular fibrocartilage of the wrist-joint.
The Articulations of the Carpal Bones
Os magnum
fib. cart.
External. Inferior.
Free Trapezium
Scaphoid Os magnum
Semilunar Unciform
I First meta-
Trapezium Second meta-
Trapezoid [Second, third,
and fourth
Os mag- Third and
num fourth meta-
Oa magnum
second met-
Os magnum
Free j
The Bones of the Wrist (Carpus).— The bones
of the wrist, eight in number, are arranged in two
rows. Those of the upper row, enumerated from the
radial (outer side) to the ulnar (inner side), are: the
scaphoid, semilunar, cuneiform, and pisiform; those of
the lower row, enumerated in the same order, are:
Os magnum - .
Fig. 44
Bones of wrist
...Fi si form
Bones of the hand.
the trapezium, trapezoid, os magnum, and unciform.
Each bone presents six surfaces — superior,, inferior,
anterior, posterior, internal, and external. The anterior
and posterior are rough for the attachment of ligaments.
The Metacarpal Bones or Bones of the Pahn. —
The metacarpal bones are five in number, from 1 to 5,
the first being the metacarpal bone of the thumb, the
fifth the metacarpal bone of the little finger. They
are long, cylindrical bones presenting a shaft, and an
upper and lower extremity.
Articulations of Metacarpal Bones. —
First bone (proximal extremity) trapezium.
Trapezium, trapezoid, os mag-
Second bone (proximal extremity) • num.
Third metacarpal bones.
Third bone (proximal extremity) (Os magnum second and fourth
1^ metacarpal bones.
Fourth bone (proximal extremity) (^' TffT' "^"^^°"^' ^^^''^
[ and fifth metacarpal bones.
Fifth bone (proximal extremity) (Unciform and fourth meta-
^ \ carpal bones.
The distal extremity of each metacarpal bone artic-
ulates with the corresponding proximal extremity of
the first phalanx below.
The Phalanges of the Hand (Four Fingers, One
Thumb). — The phalanges are fourteen in number,
three for each finger and two for the thumb. They
consist of a shaft and upper and lower extremity.
They are similar in shape to the metacarpal bones,
only smaller, and are held together by ligaments, re-
inforced by the fibrous sheaths of the flexor and exten-
sor tendons. The first bone articulates with its meta-
carpal bone above, and the second phalanx below;
the second with the first or proximal phalanx above
and the third or distal phalanx below; and the third
phalanx with the second phalanx above. Of course,
the first phalanx of the thumb articulates with the
metacarpal bone above and the second phalanx below;
the second phalanx articulates with the first phalanx
above; there being no third phalanx.
All the long bones described have a nutrient canal
for the entrance of the nutrient artery.
Pelvis Ossa innominate (with sacrum and coccyx)
Thigh Femur
f Tibia
\ Fibula
Phalanges (toes)
The Bones of the Pelvis. — The Os Innominatum
(Hip Bone). — This is so named from its bearing no
resemblance to any known object. There is one on
either side. It is irregular in shape, twisted, flat above,
expanded below, and constricted in the centre. With
its fellow of the opposite side it forms the lateral and
anterior walls of the pelvic cavity, which is completed
behind by the sacrum. In young subjects it consists
of three separate parts that meet to form the large
bone, and for purposes of description is divided into
the ilium, ischium, and pubis.
The ilium is the upper expanded portion and forms
less than two-thirds of the acetabulum (this is the
cavity which receives the head of the thigh bone).
The OS pubis forms with its fellow of the opposite
side the anterior wall of the pelvic cavity, and bounds
the thyroid or obturator foramen above and partly
in front. It consists of a body and two rami; at the
inner extremity of the body is a roughened surface,
oval in shape for articulation with the opposite bone;
when the two bodies articulate they form the symphysis
pubis. The ascending and descending rami pass up-
ward and downward respectively from the body.
The ischium forms the lower and back part of the
hip bone, bounds the thyroid foramen below, and forms
over two-fifths of the acetabulum. It presents a body,
a ramus, and a tuberosity.
The Pelvis as a Whole. — The pelvis (basin) is com-
posed of four bones: two ossa innominata (innominate
bones) on either side and in front and the sacrum and
coccyx behind. It is divided by an oblique Hne passing
through the prominence of the sacrum behind, and the
iliopectineal line and symphysis pubis in front, into
a false and true pelvis.
Fig. 45
if OIL/
The right hip bone; outer surface.
The False Pelvis. — This is the expanded portion
of the pelvic cavity above this plane. It is bounded
on each side by the iliac fossae of the iliac bones; in
front it is incomplete; the space of the basin between
the anterior superior spines is completed by the
abdominal wall; behind is a deep notch.
The True Pelvis. — This is the real bony basin,
situated below the oblique plane which divides the
prominence of the sacrum, iliopectineal line, and sym-
physis pubis. It is smaller than the false pelvis. For
description it presents a superior circumference or inlet,
an inferior circumference or outlet, and a cavity. The
superior circumference forms the brim of the pelvis,
the heart-shaped space being called the inlet.
Fia. 46
Oyst of ilium
Sup. spine of
Obturator fo/a/m/f, \^
Body of /sc/iiufn^
fuberosity of ischium.
Ramus of ischium
Body of pubic bone .
Great S aero sciatic
. Acetabulum
-Spine of ischium
• Bamus of pubic bone
-Sym/fhysis pubes
Male pelvis from in front and below.
The cavity of the true pelvis is bounded in front by
the symphysis pubis; behind by the concavity of the
sacrum and coccyx, which, curving forward above and
below, contracts the inlet and outlet of the canal;
laterally it is bounded by the inner surface of the
ischium and that part of the ilium which is below
the iliopectineal line. It is shallow in front, measuring
1^ inches in depth at the symphysis, Z\ inches in the
middle, and 4| inches posteriorly.
** The^lower circumference or outlet is irregular in shape.
Bounded by three eminences the point of the coccyx
behind, and the tuberosities of the ischia on either side.
The eminences are separated by three notches: one in
front, the pubic arch formed by the rami of the ischia
and pubes, and the symphyses. The other notches,
one on each side, are formed by the sacrum and coccyx
Fig. 47
Grmr rroc/ianter
/[met of femur
-Ant intrr/r(?ckanfC2-ir /ine
Zfsscr rroc^o/zrcr
3 :f^%* '¥:f^\ .-^^ tfiberosltij
Ext, tubefvsfti/ / w0^^^ i^Bm
Right thigh bone, femur.
behind, the ischium in front, and the ihum above; the
latter notches are called the sacrosciatic notches; in
the recent state they are converted into foramina by
the lesser and greater sacrosciatic ligaments. When the
ligaments are present, as in life, the real boundaries of
the outlet are the subpubic ligament and the rami of
the OS pubis and ischium in front, the great sacro-
sciatic ligaments and the tip of the coccyx behind,
and the tuberosities of the ischia on each side.
The Femur. — ^The femur (thigh bone) is the largest,
longest, and strongest bone of the skeleton. It is convex
in front and concave behind, and when the body is
erect the femur is inclined inward and slightly back-
ward. It is divisible into an upper and lower extremity
and a shaft.
The Upper Extremity.-^This presents a head, a neck,
and a great and small trochanter. The head is joined to
the shaft by the neck, it is round and forms more than
a half sphere. It articulates with the acetabulum of
the innominate bone. Just below and behind the centre
of the head is a depression for the interarticular or
round ligament of the hip-joint, which is attached
by its upper end to the centre of the acetabulum.
The neck is narrow just at the junction of the head,
constricted in the centre, and widens as the base is
approached; is flattened slightly anteriorly and poste-
riorly, concave above and below. The direction of
the neck is slightly upward, forward, and inward,
being set upon the shaft at an angle of 125 degrees.
The junction of the neck with the shaft shows in front
and behind a slight elevation or roughened surface of
bone called the anterior and posterior intertrochan-
teric lines, and they afford attachment to the capsular
ligament and ligament of Bigelow. The posterior
intertrochanteric line in the middle receives the
quadratus femoris. The small trochanter is a small
projection of the bone seen at the inferior aspect of
the base of the neck when it unites with the shaft.
The great trochanter is a projection of bone extending
upward beyond the neck. It can be felt under the skin.
It is quadrilateral in shape, with its base attached to
the shaft of the femur.
The Shaft. — The shaft is long and rounded in front
and on the sides, is narrow in the centre, and enlarges
gradually above and below, being the broadest at the
lower extremity. It presents an anterior surface,
which is covered by a flat, yet large muscle on its
upper three-fourths — the crureus — and below this
two small spaces of bone give origin to the subcrureus
muscle. There are an internal and an external surface;
they are covered by the crureus and vastus internus
and externus respectively. The lateral surfaces are
separated posteriorly by a longitudinal rough ridge of
bone, about the middle of the shaft — called the linea
aspera. It is divided into an inner and outer lip, and
a middle ridge.
The outer and inner lips of the linea aspera at the
junction of the middle with the lower third of the bone,
posteriorly, separate and include between their diverg-
ing borders a triangular-shaped, smooth surface of
bone, free from muscular attachments, called the pop-
liteal surface. The space is crossed by the popliteal
artery, vein, and the internal popliteal nerve, the artery
being next to the bone.
The Lower Extremity. — This presents two condyles
— internal and external and intercondylar notch, and
an inner and outer tuberosity or tubercle. The con-
dyles articulate with the upper articular facets of the
upper extremity of the tibia, and in front the articula-
ting surface is extended upon the shaft for a short
space (trochlear surface), to articulate with the patella
(knee-cap). The capsular ligament of the knee-joint
is attached just above the condyles on the shaft of the
bone. The intercondylar space is filled with fat and
has the crucial ligaments passing from the internal
surfaces of the condyles to the upper surface of the
tibia. These ligaments as they cross each other form
the letter X. The femur has an internal and external
rounded border.
The Patella or Knee-cap. — This is a flat, triangular
bone, situated at the anterior part of the knee-joint.
It is usually regarded as a sesamoid bone, developed
in the quadriceps extensor tendon (formed by the
rectus femoris, the vastus internus and externus, and
the crureus muscles).
The patella can always be felt beneath the skin and
The right patella, ventral surface. (Testut.)
The right patella, dorsal surface. (Testut.)
Bones of the Leg. — The bones of the leg are two,
the tibia and fibula.
The Tibia. — This is situated at the inner and front
part of the leg.*; It is the longest,; and largest bone
in the body, excepting the femur. In the male its
direction is vertical; in the female inclined obliquely
OUTER TU-k S*^^^,
The right tibitt dnd fibaia in ^heir normal r«l»tionff, front view,
(Mod'fied from Tortut.)
downward and outward slightly. To its outer side is
the fibula.
The tibia presents an upper and lower extremity,
and shaft.
The Upper Extremity or Head. — This is large
and expanded on either side into the internal and
external tuberosities. The superior surface of each
tuberosity presents a concave articular surface, which
receives the condyles of the femur above. The inner
facet is oval, the outer circular. Posteriorly the
external tuberosity presents a facet for articulation
with the head of the fibula. The anterior surfaces of
the tuberosities of the tibia are continuous with one
another, thus forming a surface which is triangular
in shape and at the lower part is the tubercle, which
receives the ligamentum patellae.
The Shaft. — The shaft of the tibia is long and tri-
angular, broad above, gradually decreasing in size
to its most slender part — the commencement of the
lower fourth; it then enlarges again at its lower ex-
tremity. It presents internal, external, and posterior
surfaces; internal, external, and anterior borders, the
anterior border forms the shin, so-called.
The Lower Extremity. — This, much smaller than
the upper, presents five surfaces — anterior, posterior,
internal, external, and inferior. The anterior surface
is smooth and rounded above, and crossed by the ex-
tensor tendons of the toes and tibialis anticus muscle.
The external surface is a rough, triangular depression for
the attachment of the interosseous membrane above, at
its lower part is a smooth hollow surface covered by car-
tilage, for articulation with the lower end of the fibula.
The inferior surface is quadrilateral and articulates with
the upper aspect of the astragalus, one of the tarsal
bones; this surface is continuous with the articular
surface of the internal malleolus. The internal surface
is practically the internal malleolus, a pyramidal process
of bone, flattened from without inward. The inner
surface is convex and just beneath the skin. The outer
surface of the malleolus is smooth and articulates with
the astragalus bone. The posterior surface is flattened
and crossed by the flexor tendons of the toes and the
tibialis posticus muscle.
The Fibula. — The fibula (clasp) or peroneal bone,
nearly equal in length to the tibia, is the thinnest long
bone in the body. It lies parallel with the tibia at the
outer side of the leg. It articulates by its upper ex-
tremity with the outer tuberosity of the tibia, by its
lower extremity with the astragalus. The two articu-
lating extremities are held in place by ligaments, all
entering into the formation of the superior and infe-
rior tibiofibular articulation. The inner border has
attached to it the outer edge of the interosseous mem-
brane, stretching between the til^ia and fibula. The
fibula is the most irregular bone in the body as its
surfaces and borders are not evenly defined.
The outer aspect of the lower extremity is subcuta-
neous and is grooved behind for the lodgement of the
tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis muscles —
the latter tendon being next to the bone. The lower
extremity forms the external malleolus.
The Bones of the Foot. — The bones of the foot con-
sist of three divisions — the tarsus, metatarsus, and
phalanges (toes).
The Tarsus.^ — This consists of seven irregular-shaped
bones held in position by ligaments and reinforced by
the inserted sheaths of the tendons of muscles. The
bones are, viz., the os calcis or calcaneum, astragalus,
cuboid, scaphoid, internal, middle, and external cuneiform.
The OS calcis forms the heel, and is the largest of the
seven bones. It articulates above, with the astragalus;
in front, with the cuboid. It presents six surfaces —
superior, inferior, internal, external, anterior, and pos-
The astragalus or ankle bone (talus) receives the
weight of the body from the leg. It articulates with
four bones — the tibia above and internally; the fibula
externally; os calcis below, and scaphoid in front. It
belongs to the irregular group of bones.
Fig. 51
J//t. Cf//i/ef'o/'m . . .
Nid.cujdeform ...
Ext. cfinieform ....
Kavicalar l/o//e. .
7}/be7'ositfj offift/i
7// eta tars a I dc//(c
Cul^oid done
Os Caie/'s
Bones of the right foot.
The Metatarsal Bones. — The metatarsal bones are
five in number; they articulate with the tarsal bones
behind and the corresponding phalanges (1 to 5) in
front. They present for examination a shaft, a proximal
extremity, or a base ; a distal extremity or head.
The first bone is the shortest and thickest, the
second the largest, and the fifth the thinnest. Each
bone has a nutrient canal on its plantar surface.
The Phalanges of the Foot (Bones of the Toes). — The
phalanges have the same arrangement and shape as
those of the fingers, except that they are longer and
larger. They are fourteen in number for each foot,
allowing three (1st, 2d, and 3d) for the second, third,
fourth and fifth toes; the big toe has two (1st and 2d).
The first or proximal phalanges articulate with the
corresponding metatarsal bone above and the second
phalanges below. The second phalanges articulate
with the corresponding first phalanges above and third
below. The last or distal phalanges articulate with
the corresponding second phalanges above.
1. How many bones enter into the formation of the body skeleton?
2. Name in a general way the bones which are included under
the axial skeleton. Appendicular skeleton.
3. How many auditory ossicles are there?
4. Give the classification of bones?
5. Name the long bones. Short bones. Flat bones. Irregular
6. Give an example of an articular eminence. Articular depres-
7 Name two varieties of non-articular eminences. Non-articular
8. Give the constituents of dried bone.
9. Do the mineral salts predominate in the bones of children or
10. Why are the bones of children more elastic than those of
11. What is the periosteum of a bone?
12. Give the two classes of bone based on their composition?
13. Wha do you understand by the medulla of a bone? Give
14. Name the two varieties of marrow and what makes the
difference in color?
15. Give the function of bone-marrow.
16. How are bones nourished during life?
17. Name the number of bones forming the cranium. The face.
18. Name the unpaired bones of the cranium. The paired bones.
19. Name the unpaired bones of the face. The paired.
20. Give the bones bounding the orbital cavity.
21. What bones and cartilage form the septum of the nasal cavity?
22. How many fontanelles are there in the skull of an infant?
23. Until what age do they remain membranous before ossifica-
tion generally occurs?
24. How many separate vertebra are there?
25. Give the subdivisions of vertebra, as regards their location?
26. Name the movable vertebra. Immovable.
27. Mention the general characteristics of a typical vertebra.
28. Give the contents of the spinal canal.
29. Name the structures that pass through the upper opening
of the thorax. The lower opening.
30. What structure separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomi-
nal cavity?
31. What openings are found in the diaphragm and what passes
through each one?
32. Differentiate the female from the male thorax.
33. How many pairs of ribs are there?
34. Give the classification of ribs as to arrangement.
35. What do you understand by the true or vertebrosternal ribs?
The false or asternal ribs? Vertebrochondral ribs? Floating or
vertebral ribs?
36. W^hat are the functions of the costal cartilages?
37. What bones form the shoulder girdle?
38. Name the bones of arm. Forearm. Wrist. Palm. Fingers.
39. Name the bones which form the pelvis.
40. Differentiate the true from the false pelvis.
41. Name the thigh bone. Bones of leg. Instep.
42. How many metacarpal bones are there? Phalanges?
43. W^hat bones does the humerus articulate? The femur? The
Tibia? The ulna? The radius?
The General Structure of Joints. — The bones of
the human body are held in movable, immovable, or
mixed relations with each other, depending upon the
degree of action required in the various movements,
functions, and positions assumed by the body. The
parts entering into the formation of these relations
taking place between bones, comprise a joint or artic-
ulation — they are: bones, ligaments, cartilage, and a
synovial membrane.
Bones. — ^The articular portions of bones are enlarged
to form a joint of suitable size, so that muscles passing
over the joint can act at a greater angle. The layer
of bone beneath the cartilage entering into a joint is
a compact articular lamella.
Cartilage. — There are three varieties of cartilage —
hyaline, fibrocartilage, and yellow elastic (see page
51 for description of cartilage). The fibrocartilage
and hyalin are utilized in the structure of a joint;
the former where slight movement and great strength
are required — as between vertebrae and the pubic bones
of the pelvis; the latter where freedom of movement
is essential, and a greater surface for general con-
venience of mutual connection is demanded, as in the
shoulder- and hip-joints, etc.
Ligaments. — The ligaments connecting the immov-
able joints, such as the bones of the skull, consist of
a thin layer of fibrous membrane — called sutural liga-
ments, and have a layer of cartilage interposed — as
the bones of the base of the skull.
The ligaments are mainly white fibrous tissue of
various forms, serving to connect the articular surfaces
of bones; and the fibers, usually arranged in parallel
rows, or closely interlaced with one another, present
a white, shining, silvery surface, when seen in the
recent state. Some ligaments contain yellow elastic
tissue, which is present in the ligamentum subflava —
connecting the adjacent arches of the vertebrae in man.
The Synovial Membrane. — This is a thin, delicate
serous membrane arranged like a short white tube,
attached by its open ends to the margins of the artic-
ular cartilages and covering the inner surfaces of the
various ligaments, so that along with the cartilage it
completely encloses the joint cavity. It secretes a
viscid, thick fluid like the white of an egg — hence its
term synovia — ^which acts as a lubricant to the joint.
The membrane is composed of a layer of endothelial
cells resting upon a thin layer of fibro-elastic (sub-
endothelial) tissue. There are three varieties of syno-
vial membranes — articular, bursal, and vaginal.
The articular is found in a freely movable joint. It
lines the capsule and the non-articular intracapsular
portion of the bones which enter into the formation of
a joint. Some of these membranes contain fat, acting
as a cushion between the articular surfaces.
The bursse are mucous — between the skin and bone
(subcutaneous synovial bursse) ; and synovial — between
muscles, tendons, and bone (subtendinous synovial
bursse) .
Vaginal synovial membranes are sheaths for tendons.
They prevent friction and with their secretion lubricate
the tendons as they move within the sheath in carry-
ing on their action.
Some joints have tendons passing through their
cavities (the knee-joint has the popliteus muscle and
the shoulder-joint the biceps) and they are always
enclosed by the synovial membrane within the joint,
to prevent friction and facilitate action.
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The eiassification of Joints. — All joints of the body
are classified under three main groups — immovable
articulation (synarthrosis), slightly movable or mixed
articulation (amphiarthros), movable articulation (diar-
Fig. 52
and synovial
I membrane.
..,..,*» (capsular LIOAMCNT
ATLANTo- 1 ^^ synovial
( membrane..
Occipito-axial and atlanto-axial ligaments. Posterior view, obtained by-
removing the arches of the vertebraj and the posterior part of the skull.
Synarthrosis or Immovable Joint. — Under this classi-
fication are included all the articulations in which
the surfaces of the bones are in almost direct contact,
being fastened together by an intervening mass of
connective tissue, and in which there is no joint cavity
and scarcely any motion. Examples: joints between
the bones of the skull and face, excepting those of the
Amphiarthros or Mixed Joint. — In this variety there
is only a slight amount of motion. There are two
varieties — symphysis, as the symphysis pubes and
bodies of vertebrae in which the articulating osseous
surfaces are connected by a broad flattened disk of
fibrocartilage which is firmly attached to both bases
in the articulation. Syndesmosis, in this variety there
is slight motion and the bony surfaces are held in rela-
tion by an interosseous ligament. Example: inferior
tibiofibular articulation (between tibia and fibula).
Fig. 53
Temporomandibular articulation. (Gray.)
Diarthrosis or Movable Joint. — Under this variety
are included the greater number of the joints of the
body, characterized by their freedom of movement.
These joints are formed by the bringing together of
the articular surfaces of two bones, covered by hyaline
cartilage, and held together by ligaments with a lining
synovial membrane.
The Kinds of Movement Admitted in Joints. —
These are divided into gliding, angular, circumduction,
and rotation. They are often combined, and it is sel-
dom that one distinct kind of motion is seen in any
certain joint.
Fig. 54
Temporomandibular articulation. Internal view. (Gray.)
Gliding Movement. — ^This is common to all movable
joints, but in the articulations of the wrist and foot
it is the only motion permitted. It consists of one
surface of a bone gliding over an adjacent bone without
any angular or rotatory movement. The sliding of a
bone over a wide range of surface, as is seen in the
patella (knee-cap) over the condyles of the femur, is
called coaptation.
Angular Movement. — ^This is seen only in the joints
of long bones, whereby the angle between the two bones
is either increased or diminished. It is expressed in
Fig. 55
The left shoulder-joint, scapuloclavicular articulations, and proper ligaments
of the scapula. (Gray.)
four ways, as follows: bending or flexion — to bend the
arm or leg forward or backward, etc. ; straightening or
extension — to straighten the legs and thighs as in stand-
ing, the arms, fingers, etc.; adduction — to move a limb
toward the middle line of the body or extremity;
Fig. 56
Left elbow-joint, showing anterior and internal ligaments.
abduction — to move it away from the middle line of the
body or extremity. When speaking of adduction or
abduction of the fingers or toes, the second finger of the
hand and second toe are taken as the niiddle line and
not the middle of the body.
Fig. 57
Right hip-joint, from in front. (Spalteholz.)
Circumduction. — ^This is the limited degree of motion
which takes place between the head of a bone and its
articular cavity, when the extremity is swung in such
a manner that the sides and extremities of the limb
circumscribe a conical space around an imaginary
axis, the* base of the cone corresponding to the lower
extremity of the Hmb and the apex to the articular
cavity. This kind of movement is best seen in the
shoulder- and hip-joints.
Fig. 58
Right knee-joint. Anterior view. (Gray.)
Rotation. — ^This is the movement of a bone upon an
axis, which is the axis of the pivot on which the bone
turns. This form is seen best in the rotation between
the atlas and axis when the odontoid process of the
axis serves as a pivot around which the atlas turns.
The Apposition of Joint Surfaces. — This is accom-
plished by (1) atmospheric pressure — as in the hip-
joint; (2) synovial fluid; (3) ligaments to a small
extent; (4) muscles to the greatest extent. A short
muscle may act on more than one joint — the gluteus
maximus extends the hip and also the knee through
its insertion into the fascia lata.
Note. — The various articulations of the body have
not been described, as they are beyond the scope of
this book. However, a general understanding of their
attachment, position, and the bones they hold together
can be obtained from the plates.
1. Name the structures which enter into the formation of a
2. What are the functions of ligaments?
3. Describe a synovial membrane.
4. Give the varieties of synovial membranes.
5. Do joints contain a fluid? What is its function? Name?
6. Where are the varieties of synovial membranes located
7. Give the classification of joints included under the three
main groups.
8. Give examples of an immovable joint or synarthrosis. Mixed
joint or amphiarthrosis. Movable joint or diarthrosis. (See Table
of Articulations.)
9. What movements are admitted in joints generally?
10. What do you understand by flexion? Extension? Abduction?
Adduction? When occurring in the movements of a joint?
11. By what means are joint surfaces held in apposition?
12. What do you understand by the terms: Gliding movement?
Angular movement? Circumduction? Rotation?
Myology is the branch of anatomy which describes
the muscles — muscle tissue.
Muscle tissue consists of cellular elements arranged
in large masses to form muscles, which are attached
to the bones of the body, and enter into the structure
of numerous organs in such a manner that by their
contraction they are able to perform the various
movements of the body and functions of contained
organs, whether of a voluntary or involuntary
Classification. — The varieties of muscles are:
voluntary striated, involuntary non-striated, and invol-
untary striated.
Voluntary Striated. — These muscles are characterized
by being under the control of the will, also called
skeletal muscles, owing to their attachment to bones
which they move and assist to hold in position. Each
muscle if examined microscopically will be seen to
consist of a number of fibers, bound together by white
fibrous tissue. Each fiber is a long, narrow cylinder.
It varies in length from 1 to 5 inches, and exhibits
cross and longitudinal striations. The composition
of each fiber is a number of small fibers — called
fibrillse, surrounded by a membrane — the sarcolemma,
and separated by a clear, transparent substance
called sarcoplasm, and many peripherally located
nuclei. The sarcoplasm represents the true muscular
substance. The longitudinal striations or bands seen
are formed by the alteration of the fibrillse and the
sarcoplasm, but are not quite as distinct as the crossed
band. The crossed striations are due to the change in
the Hght and dark disks or bands.
The sarcolemma does not possess the inherent
quality of contractility, but the sarcoplasm does.
Fig. 59
Fig. 60
Part of a fiber of cross-striped muscular
tissue, showing the alternating bands.
Diagram showing the minute
structure of cross-striped
muscular tissue. (Gerrish.)
It has been shown that the fibrillar form the fibers,
the latter being grouped into primary bundles called
fasciculi, and these primary bundles are collected into
a series of bundles called secondary bundles, and groups
of the latter form the completed muscle. Each muscle
is surrounded by a sheath of white fibrous tissue called
the epimysium, which gives off septa or layers from
its under surface to enclose the secondary bundles of
fibers. The primary bundles receive from the sheath
surrounding the secondary bundles a sheath called
the perimysium. The latter sends fibers that pass
between the individual fibers of the primary bundle,
called the endomysium.
Fig. 61
Fig. 62
Fragment of a fiber
of cross-striped mus-
cular tissue, showing
fibrils separated at
one end by teasing.
Sheaths of muscular tissue in cross-section-
The muscular tissue does not appear, but is rep.
resented by the spaces between the partitions.
Outside of the entire muscle is epimysium;
between the bundles is perimysium; between the
fibers is endomysium — the last shown in two areas
at the right. Diagrammatic. (F. H. G.)
The bloodvessels to muscle tissue pierce the epi-
mysium and give off branches which follow the larger
septa between the bundles until the perimysium is
reached and smaller vessels form, which pierce the
perimysium to form longitudinal capillaries; the latter
anastomose freely with each other.
The lymphatics are not numerous and are sometimes
wanting. The nerves follow the bloodvessels (see
nerve system — nerve endings (page 339).
Voluntary striated muscles are found attached to
the skeleton and the external muscles of the eye-ball,
in the tongue, the pharynx, upper part of the esophagus,
anus, diaphragm, larynx, and external ear.
Involuntary Non-striated, Smooth or Visceral Muscle. —
It is not under the control of the will. The individual
fibers are short, narrow, and spindle-shaped. Each
fiber is surrounded by a sheath, but it is not a sarco-
lemma. The fibers show longitudinal striation at the
periphery due to the presence of fibrillse, but no
transverse striation. There is only one nucleus, which
is narrow, elongated, and centrally located.
The fibers form bundles, but instead of being formed
into masses like the voluntary striated variety, they
are arranged into layers which extend circularly,
obliquely, and longitudinally in the construction of the
hollow organs of the body.
Bloodvessels are arranged as in the former variety.
The nerves are mostly derived from the sympathetic
Non-striated muscles are found in the walls of the
alimentary tract, extending from the middle third
of the esophagus to the anus, in the ducts of glands,
trachea, and bronchial tubes, the ej^^-ball, the internal
genito-urinary apparatus, walls of bloodvessels (except
the heart) and lymphatic system, and the capsules of
some organs.
Involuntary Striated or Cardiac Muscle. — It is found
in the muscle of the heart. The fibers are short
cylinders, showing striations, but no sarcolemma. A
delicate sheath surrounds the fibers. The nucleus is
large, oval, and placed in the centre of a zone of un-
differentiated protoplasm, filled with pigment granules.
There are seen longitudinal and transverse striations
in this variety, the latter being fainter. The fibers of
this variety branch and join with the branches of other
muscle cells.
The bloodvessels are derived from the coronary
arteries and small branches, are in intimate relation
with the fibers, the smaller branches running parallel
to the muscle bundles and sometimes lying within
them. The nerves are derived from the sympathetic
and cerebrospinal systems; sympathetic ganglion are
also present.
The Physiological Properties of Muscle Tissue. —
Consistency. — The consistency of muscle during life
depends upon the activity of the part upon which the
muscle is acting. Relaxed muscles are soft and fluc-
tuating; when touched under tension or doing work
the muscles are hard and resistant. The degree of
tension of course depends upon the size of the muscle
and the amount of work required.
Cohesion. — Cohesion of muscle depends upon the
amount of connective tissue it contains; and it is this
which enables it to resist the forces of traction and
Elasticity. — Muscle possesses great elasticity, or the
power to stretch beyond its normal length through
the action of external forces, and of resuming the
normal length when those forces are removed. The
degree of elasticity of muscle during life depends
upon the proper amount of nourishment, exercise,
healthy condition of blood, unimpaired nerve supply,
and absence of any pathologic or diseased condition.
Should any of these conditions interfere, the elasticity
would be impaired.
Tonicity. — ^This is the tension or tonus of the muscle
and is a . property which is essential to counteract
the stretching of a muscle and then to return and
maintain it in a normal state, ready to be acted upon
by the ensuing contractions.
Irritability and Contractility. — All muscles when
irritated by a stimulus will respond by a change of
shape, becoming shorter and thicker — called muscular
contraction, and on withdrawing the stimulus the muscle
will resume its normal shape and position.
The Muscle Stimuli. — In the living body all muscle
tissue contracts in response to nerve impulses sent
from the central nerve system to the muscles. Experi-
mentally and artificially muscles are stimulated to
contract by various stimuli, e. g., mechanic — pinching,
striking, or cutting a muscle; chemic, numerous chemi-
cal solutions; thermic, heated object, as hot needle or
wire will cause a rapid contraction; electric, as batteries
are used by physicians as therapeutic agents or upon
animal tissue during experiments in the laboratory.
Attachments of Muscles. — Muscles are attached to
bones, cartilages, ligaments, or skin by means of short,
or long, rounded fibrous cords called tendons, or by
short, flat, fibrous membranes called aponeuroses. All
muscles, though they appear to be attached to bone or
cartilage, in reality fuse with the periosteum or peri-
chondrium at the point of attachment and do not
touch the bone or cartilage. Muscles attached to the
skin are flat and thin and their fibers fuse with the
areolar tissue just beneath the skin, as the muscles of
the face.
Muscles vary as to their form. Some are long, and
flat or round; others short, and flat or round; still others
triangular and quadrilateral in shape.
The origin of a muscle is called its head, and the
portion which intervenes between the head and
the tendon or aponeurosis is termed the belly or body
(venter) .
Muscles derive their names from the part of the body
in which they are situated; the tibialis anticus — the
anterior tibial region, ulnaris — ulnar region, radialip,
radial region, etc. ; from the direction their fibers take
— rectus abdominis, obliquus hallucis, trans versalis;
according to their use or action — ^flexors, extensors,
abductors, adductors, levators, compressors; from
their shape — deltoid, trapezius, digastric; according
to their number of divisions — biceps, triceps; from
their points of attachment — sternohyoid, sternomas-
In describing a muscle we speak of its origin and
insertion, the former term meaning its more fixed
point or central attachment of the head, while the
latter means the movable point to which the force of
the muscle is directed and upon which it acts when
it contracts. However, the majority of muscles act
from either their point of origin or insertion. The
exceptions are the muscles of the face, which arise
from the bone and are inserted into the skin.
It must be remembered that no single muscle can
perform a movement alone: It requires several mus-
cles, one set to fix the limb or part called fixation
muscles, and another to act upon the part to be
flexed, extended, abducted, etc.
Tendons. — ^Tendons when seen during life or in the
recent state are white, glistening, fibrous cords, of
different size and shape, some are long and short,
thick, rounded, and flattened; consist mostly of white,
fibrous tissue, very strong and non-elastic. Their
blood-supply is very scant. The smaller tendons not
showing a trace of blood. The nerve endings have
special terminations called neurotendinous spindles
or organs of Golgi. The tendons are attached to the
belly of the muscle by one extremity; to the periosteum
of bone or perichondrium of cartilage by the other,
and are usually the part which is called the insertion.
However, some muscles have a tendon at either
extremity, as the biceps and triceps, and others present
two muscular bellies with a tendon between, as the
digastric muscle.
Aponeuroses. — ^These are similar in structure to
tendons; they are flat, white, fibrous membranes
attached by one extremity to the muscle and by the
other to the bone, cartilage, ligament, or skin — as the
gluteus maximus muscle. They usually are associ-
ated with thin or thick flat muscles just beneath the
skin and fascia. They are not supplied by nerves, and
possess a meager blood-supply.
Fasciae. — When the skin is removed the structure
beneath will appear as a silvery-white layer through
which are seen the muscles, and contained superficial
nerves and bloodvessels. This is known as the fascia
which covers the muscles as a sheath, also forms
support and coverings for the various organs. It
consists of layers of fibro-areolar connective tissue.
In certain parts of the body the fascia is found in
two layers — superficial and deep and often three, as
the thigh. Certain muscles are lodged in the layers
of fasciae, as the platysma muscle in the neck, and
the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle around the eye-
lids. The deep fascia usually forms sheaths for the
individual muscles of an extremity, as in the thigh,
where the membrane encloses it as a stocking; this
arrangement increases the tension and pressure, thus
assisting the muscles in their action. In addition the
deep fascia gives off septa or walls which separate
the muscles of the limbs, and are deeply attached to
the periosteum of the bone; these are called intermuscu-
lar septa. Near the wrist-joint the deep fascia becomes
thickened and reinforced by transverse fibers to assist
in holding in firm position (front and back) the tendons
passing to the hand and fingers; also near the ankle-
joint is a similar arrangement for the tendons passing
to the foot and toes. They are called annular ligaments.
Description.^ — The description of a muscle includes:
the location, origin, insertion, relations, action, nerve,
and blood-supply.
The Cranial Region or Scalp. — The scalp consists,
from without inward, of the skin, a layer of adipose
1 The most important muscles only will be described.
tissue (fat), epicranial aponeurosis^, subaponeurotic
tissue, periosteum, and bone. The skin is very thick
and contains the hair follicles, closely related. The
superficial fascia beneath the skin contains fat, super-
ficial bloodvessels, and nerves of the scalp; it is con-
tinuous behind with the fascia of the neck; on the sides
it is continued over the temporal fascia. The layers
of the scalp are all blended firmly together.
The Occipitofrontalis Muscle. — ^This is a broad, thin
layer, consisting of two muscular portions with an
intervening aponeurosis. The occipital portion or
occipitalis muscles is attached behind to the outer
two-thirds of the upper curved line on each side of
the occipital and mastoid portion of the temporal
bones. The frontal portion, or frontalis muscle, arises
from the aponeurosis between the frontal eminence
of the frontal bone and the coronal suture, and has
no bony attachments.
Actions. — ^The frontalis elevates the eyebrows, draws
the scalp forward, and wrinkles the forehead trans-
versely; occipitalis draws the scalp backw^ard, or alter-
nates with the frontalis in moving the scalp back and
forth — some individuals can move the scalp volun-
The Nerve Supply. — Frontalis by temporal branches
of the facial nerve; occipitalis by the posterior auric-
ular branch of the facial.
The Muscles to the External Ear (Auricular
Attrahens aurem.
Attollens aurem.
Retrahens aurem.
They are three small muscles placed just beneath
the skin; sometimes they are scarcely visible in man,
consisting of a few scant fibers. In mammalia they
are particularly well-developed — as the rabbit, etc.
Actions. — Is not marked in man. Attrahens draws
the ear forward and upward; attollens raises it slightly;
retrahens draws it backward.
Muscles of the Eyelids and Eyebrows (Palpebral
Orbicularis palpebrarum
Corrugator supercilii
Tensor tarsi
Orbicularis Palpebrarum.— This is a flat muscle,
consisting of circular fibers which surround the cir-
cumference of the orbit and eyelids. Origin from the
upper and lower margins of the internal tarsal liga-
ments and passes out in a slight curve across the upper
lid to the external tarsal ligament. The orbital portion
is the larger and stronger, is attached to the nasal
process of superior maxilla, inner part of orbital arch,
and externally overlies the cheek and temple forming
a series of concentric loops. The upper fibers of this
portion of the muscle blend with the fibers of the
occipitofrontalis and corrugator supercilii muscles.
The Tarsal Ligaments. — Internal Tarsal Liga-
ment or tendo-oculi is J inch in length and about the
same in breadth. Attached to the nasal process of the
superior maxilla in front of the lacrymal groove,
then it passes to the inner commissure of the eyelids,
splitting and ending in the inner extremity of the
corresponding tarsal plate of the eyelids; crossing the
lacrymal sac the tendon gives off a strong aponeurotic
layer from its posterior surface, which spreads over
the sac, and is attached to the ridge on the lacrymal
bone — this latter is the reflected aponeurosis of the
tendo oculi. The external tarsal ligament is weaker
than the former and arises from the frontal process
of the malar bone to be inserted into each tarsal plate
at the external commissure of the eyelids.
Actions. — Orbicularis palpebrarum is the muscle
which closes the eye suddenly, as in winking, or as a
protection in shutting the eye against the entrance
of a foreign body. The palpebral portion closes the
lids, as in sleep. The tendo-oculi serves to suck the
tears into the lacrymal sac, by its attachment to the
sac. (See Lacrymal Apparatus, page 398).
Nerve Supply — facial nerve.
Corrugator Supercilii. — ^They are two small muscles
found at the inner extremity of the eyebrow, beneath
the occipitofrontalis and orbicularis palpebrarum, with
which they fuse.
Action is to draw the eyebrow downward and inward
and to form the vertical wrinkles of the forehead; it
is called the "frowning" muscle, and is the means of
expressing anxiety, suffering, and thought.
Nerve Supply — facial nerve.
The Muscles of the Orbit (Orbital Region)
Levator palpebrse superioris Rectus internus
Rectus superior Rectus externus
Rectus inferior Obliquus oculi superior
Obliquus oculi inferior
Levator Palpebrse Superioris. — This, the elevator of
the upper lid, is a thin, flat, and slightly triangular-
shaped muscle found within the orbital cavity (and
like the other muscles of this group cannot be seen
until the skull-cap has been removed and the roof of
the orbit opened) above the eye-ball.
Actions. — Raises the upper eyelid and is the opposite
in action to the palpebral portion of the orbicularis
Nerve Supply. — ^IMotor oculi or third cranial nerve.
The Four Recti Muscles. — They arise from a common
fibrous membrane attached at the apex of the orbital
cavity, above, below, and internal to the margins of
the optic foramen and fuse with the optic nerve.
They all pass obliquely forward and are inserted
into the superior, inferior, internal, and external por-
tions of the eye-ball (in the position implied by their
names) by a tendinous expansion into the sclera
(outer coat of eye-ball) about
Fig. 63
of an inch from the
Muscles of the right orbit. (Gray.)
Actions. — The four recti are so attached that they
are able to turn the eye-ball in the direction desired,
expressed by their names — thus upward, downward,
inward, or outward. The obliquus ocuH superior and
inferior assist the superior and inferior recti to turn the
eye-ball downward, inward, or outward, and upward,
outward, or inward. The internal and external recti
also assist in these complicated actions of the eyes.
Nerve Supply. — ^All supplied by the motor oculi or
third cranial nerve, except the external rectus, and it
is innervated by the abducent or sixth cranial nerve;
the superior oblique is supplied by the trochlear or
fourth cranial nerve.
The Muscles of the Nose (Nasal Region)
Pyramidalis nasi. Dilator naris anterior.
Levator labii superioris Compressor nasi.
alseque nasi. Compressor narium minor.
Dilator naris posterior. Depressor alse nasi.
The above muscles are just beneath the skin and
fascia and most of them are inserted into the skin;
they arise from the bones, fascia, and cartilages.
The Muscles of the Cheeks and Lips (Maxillary
Levator labii superioris. Zygomaticus major.
Levator anguli oris. Zygomaticus minor.
The Levator Labii Superioris. — Origin, lower margin
of orbit, some fibers from maxilla and malar bones,
insertion into muscular portion of upper lip. Action
— elevates and assists in protruding the upper lip.
Nerve, facial.
The Levator Anguli Oris. — Origin, canine fossa of
maxilla; inserted into skin and fascia near angle of
mouth, blending with the fibers of the zygomaticus
major, depressor anguli oris, and orbicularis oris.
Action — elevates angle of mouth. Nerve, facial.
Zygomaticus Major. — Origin, malar bone; inserted
into skin and fascia outer portion of upper lip and angle
of mouth, blending with the fibers of the levator
anguli oris, orbicularis oris, and the depressor anguli
oris. Action — draws the angle of the mouth upward
and backward, as in laughing. Nerve, facial.
Zygomaticus Minor. — Origin, malar bone; inserted
into skin and fascia of upper lip internal to angle of
mouth and the insertion of the zygomaticus major;
fuses with jSbers of orbicularis oris. Action — draws the
upper lip backward, upward, and outward, thus gives
to the face an expression of sadness. Nerve, facial.
The Muscles of the Chin and Lower Lip (Mandibular
Levator menti.
Depressor anguli oris.
Depressor labii inferioris.
Levator Menti. — Origin, mandible external to sym-
physis; inserted into skin of chin. Action — ^raises lower
lip, wrinkles chin, gives to the face the expression of
doubt, disdain, and pouting. Nerve, facial.
Depressor Anguli Oris. — Origin, from mandible, in-
serted into angle of mouth. It is blended with the
platysma, orbicularis oris, risorius, and levator anguli
oris. Action — depresses angle of mouth. Acting with
the levator anguli oris the two will depress angles of
the mouth directly inward, as in smirking. Nerve,
Depressor Labii Inferioris. — Origin from mandible;
insertion, skin of lower lip, blends with fibers of orbicu-
laris oris and muscle of opposite side. Action depresses
lower lip. Nerve, facial.
The Muscles of the Buccal Region
Orbicularis oris.
Orbicularis Oris. — This is the muscle of the mouth
and lips. It consists of oblique and transverse fibers
which are not distinct, but fuse with the muscles in-
serted into the skin and mucous membrane surround-
ing the mouth. The buccinator muscle divides at the
angle, and the fibers pass into the upper and lower
part of the orbicularis oris; also at the angle entering
from above are the fibers of the levator anguli oris,
and from below the fibers of the depressor anguli oris.
In addition to the former muscles crossing at the angle,
are the fibers of the risorius which divide and blend
with the upper and lower lips respectively. The other
muscles inserted into the lips are: above, levator labii
superioris (elevator of upper lip); levator labii supe-
riors alaeque nasi (elevator of the upper lip and wing
of the nose); the zygomaticus major and minor; and
depressor labii inferioris (depressor of the lower lip).
Actions are numerous and various, and only the ordi-
nary or chief actions will be mentioned, as the muscles
inserted into the orbicularis oris all aid it in the com-
plex movements of this important muscle of expression.
When the fibers contract they close the lips; the crossed
fibers consisting of the superficial set brings the lips
together and also protrudes them as in whistling,
pouting, etc., the deep fibers assisted by the oblique
fibers forcibly close the lips and hold them against the
teeth — as when one refuses to take food or medicine
by mouth.
Nerve — facial.
Buccinator. — This is the chief muscle of the cheek,
and encloses the space between the two jaw bones.
It is thus quadrilateral in shape. Arises from the alve-
olar processes of the maxillag and mandible, behind from
a thickened fibrous band, called the pterygomandibular
ligament. The fibers come together at the angle of the
mouth and pass to the upper and lower lips. Action —
it is essentially a muscle of mastication. The muscle
contracts the cheeks and compresses them so that the
food during mastication is kept within the bounds of
the teeth and comes in contact with their chewing
or grinding action. When the cheeks are distended
with air, the muscle contracts and expels it through the
lips as in playing the cornet, flute, etc.
Nerve — facial.
Risorius. — A small thin muscle arises from the fascia
over the masseter muscle, inserted into muscular and
subcutaneous tissue at the angle of the mouth.
Action. — Draws back the angle of the mouth as seen
in lockjaw, giving the peculiar expression to the face
known as the "sardonic grin or laugh;" also (both
sides) assists in retracting angles of mouth as in
smiling, associated with the other muscles at the
Nerve — facial.
Muscles of Mastication
Temporomandibular region. Pterygomandibular region.
Masseter. External Pterygoid.
Temporal. Internal Pterygoid.
The muscles of mastication aid in preparing the food
so that it can be easily swallowed. They bring the
jaws together, so that the teeth approximate and chew,
or by a lateral motion, grind the food.
The Muscles of the Tongue (Lingual Region)
The muscles of the tongue are divided into extrinsic,
those situated outside of the organ, yet are inserted
into it; and intrinsic, those contained within the organ,
forming its substance.
The Extrinsic Muscles. — ^These are: geniohyoglossus,
hyoglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus, and chondroglossus.
The Intrinsic Muscles. — ^These are a series of inter-
lacing fibers making up the substance of the tongue
and are named according to their position and direc-
tion, called lingualis, presenting — superior, inferior.
transverse, and vertical fibers, with a medium fibrous
septum. They all receive fibers from the extrinsic
muscles at their points of insertion into the tongue.
The Muscles of the Soft Palate (Palatal Region)
The soft palate is continued back from the hard
palate, and is seen on opening the mouth as an arch
with a central projection called the uvula, directly
over the back of the tongue. Beneath the mucous
membrane covering these parts are the muscles of the
soft palate, as follows:
Levator palati. Palatoglossus.
Tensor palati. Palatopharyngeus.
Azygos uvulse. Salpingopharyngeus.
The Muscles of the Pharynx (Pharyngeal Region)
Superior constrictor. Inferior constrictor.
Middle constrictor. Stylopharyngeus.
These muscles are divided into two layers — an
outer flat and thin one — called the constrictors, with a
transverse set of fibers; an inner — called the elevators,
two in number, with a longitudinal arrangement of
the fibers.
Actions of pharyngeal muscles. Their chief function
is to assist in swallowing the food after it has been
masticated and forced into the pharynx by the tongue
and muscles of the soft palate. At the beginning of
deglutition the sides of the pharynx are raised upward
and outward by the two stylopharyngei muscles,
at the same time the larynx and tongue are carried
forward. When the bolus of food is being received
into the pharynx, the elevator muscles relax and the
constrictor muscles contract upon the mass and force
it into the esophagus.
Fia. 64
Muscles of the pharynx. External view. (Gray.)
The Muscles and Fasciae of the Neck
The neck muscles are divided into a superficial and
a deep set. They are arranged vertically and only the
anterior or superficial set will be described, as the others
are not important so far as the nurse^s knowledge is
The Anterior Neck Muscles. — The platysma is a thin,
pale muscle, extending over the front and sides of the
neck, the lower region of the face, and as low as the
Fia. 65
Muscles of the neck and boundaries of the triangles. (Gray.)
upper aspect of the chest, just below the clavicles. It
is just beneath the skin, invested by the superficial
fascia, and above the deep cervical fascia of the neck.
There are two such muscles.
The Steraomastoid. — Origin, from anterior surface of
the sternum, inner third of upper surface of clavicle;
two portions meet and pass obliquely upward and
back across the lateral aspect of the neck to be inserted
into the anterior border and outer surface of the
mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
Actions. — ^The two muscles acting together bend the
head upon the neck. When only one muscle contracts
the head is drawn toward the shoulder of the same
side, at the same time the head is rotated, so that the
face is carried to the opposite side. When the head
is held firm by the other muscles the sternomastoid
acts as a muscle of respiration in forced breathing.
Nerve — spinal accessory and deep branches of cervical
Depressors of the Hyoid Bone
Sternohyoid . Thyrohyoid .
Sternothyroid. Omohyoid.
The Elevators of the Hyoid Bone
These muscles are situated at the inferior and lateral
aspect of the floor of the mouth, below the mandible.
They are covered by the deep cervical fascia of the
Digastric. Mylohyoid.
Stylohyoid. Geniohyoid.
Deep Neck Muscles
There are numerous neck muscles deeply located in
the neck; they assist to maintain the head erect and
also aid in flexing, extending, and rotating the head on
the spinal column. A description of these muscles will
not be given, as they cannot be properly understood
unless seen, either in a diagram, or the human body.
Other muscles arising froni the cervical vertebrae pass
to the ribs and aid in forced inspiration and expiration ;
still others posteriorly pass to the scapulae and thoracic
vertebrae and assist in shrugging the shoulders, flexing
and extending spinal column, rotating the vertebrae, etc.
In speaking of the trunk we include that part of the
human body consisting of the back, thorax, abdomen,
and perineal region.
The Muscles of the Neck and Back
The muscles of these regions are in layers, their
actions and relations are too complex to include here
except the ones described below. It is suflScient to
state that they consist of five layers, in which are
thirty-two or more pairs of muscles. These muscles
are covered by a superficial fascia which is continuous
with the fascia over the rest of the body; and a deep
fascia, which is thick and fibrous, and curves over and
forms sheaths for the muscles, being attached to the
following bony prominences: occipital bone, crest of
ilium, spines of vertebrae, and the spines of the scap-
ulae. In the neck it forms the posterior portion of the
deep cervical fascia, in the thorax blends with the
axillary fascia and deep fascia of the thorax; it is
continuous with the abdominal fascia, also forms the
back layer of the lumbar fascia, and covers the erector
spinae mass of muscles.
The Trapezius. — This is the muscle situated at the
back of the neck and shoulders. There are two. Origin,
inner third of the superior curved line of the occipital
bone, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of the
seventh cervical and all the thoracic vertebrae and
supraspinous ligaments; insertion, fibers converge to
shoulder girdle; superior ones to outer third or half
Muscles in the second layer of the back and on the dorsum of the shoulder.
of the posterior border of the clavicle (collar bone);
middle fibers horizontally to inner margin of acromion
and superior lip of spine of scapula; inferior fibers
terminate in a triangular aponeurosis, which glides
over a smooth surface at the inner extremity of the
spine to be inserted into a tubercle at the outer portion
of this surface.
Latissimus Dorsi.^This is one of the largest and
longest muscles in the body. Broad and flat at its
origin, narrow at its insertion, it covers the lumbar
region of the back and the lower half of the thoracic
region. Origin, spinous processes of the lower six
or seven thoracic vertebrae, posterior layer of lumbar
aponeurosis which attaches it to the lumbar and sacral
spines, and supraspinous ligament, from the outer lip
of the iliac crest, also arises by three or four fleshy slips
from three or four lower ribs. Its upper fibers pass
horizontally outward, the middle obliquely upward,
and the lower fibers vertically upward, they become
narrowed into a tendon, IJ inches wide, which passes
back of the arm-pit (axilla) in front of the teres major
muscle, to be inserted into the bicipital groove on the
anterior and upper aspect of the humerus (arm
Actions. — Depresses arm; draws it toward body
(adducts); turns it inward; acts in striking a blow
or chopping wood, etc.; when arms are firmly held
in position, it assists the chest and abdominal muscles
to suspend and draw forward or upward the whole
trunk, as in climbing, etc. Nerve — subscapular from
brachial plexus.
The Muscles of the Thorax
External intercostals. Triangularis sterni.
Internal intercostals. Levatores costarum.
Infracostales (subcostales) . Diaphragm.
The Intercostal Muscles. — These are thin, flattened
muscles extending between the margins of two adjacent
ribs, fining the intervening spaces — called intercostal.
These muscles are covered by the intercostal fascia,
internally and externally, and a layer lies between
the two muscles.
The Subcostals. — ^The subcostals (infracostals) or
muscles below the lower ribs consist of muscular and
aponeurotic fibers, which are attached to the inner
surface of one rib (usually lower ribs), and inserted
into the inner surfaces of the first, second, or third rib
below. They are placed on the parts of the ribs
where the internal intercostal muscles end posteriorly.
The Triangularis Stemi. — ^This is a thin, irregular-
shaped muscle found on the posterior surface of the
sternum (breast bone), and it passes to the costal
cartilages of the ribs from the second to sixth inclusive.
It is a single muscle.
The Levatores Costarum (Elevators of the Ribs). — ^These
are twelve in number found on each side of the verte-
bral column external to the thoracic cavity. Origin,
by small tendinous and fleshy bundles from the ex-
tremities of the transverse processes of the seventh
cervical and the eleven upper thoracic vertebrae; pass
obliquely downward and outward to be inserted into
the upper border, between the angle and tubercle of
the rib, immediately below^ its vertebra of origin.
Each of the lower elevator muscles divides into two
slips, one of which is inserted as described above
the other slip passes to the second rib below its origin;
thus each of the lower ribs receives fibers from two
Diaphragm. — ^This is a musculofibrous wall which
divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is
dome-shaped; the convex, upper surface forms the
floor of the thoracic cavity, and the concave lower
surface the roof of the abdominal cavity. The attach-
ments of the diaphragm are as follows : In front the
lower six cartilages — internal surface, back of ensi-
form; behind — from the lumbar vertebrae by two slips
or crura; and from aponeurotic arches — the arcuate
ligaments. The crura are found on the bodies of the
lumbar vertebrae, on each side of the aorta. The
internal arcuate ligament passes over the psoas muscle
from the outer side of the body of the first lumbar
vertebra to the lip of the transverse process. The
Fig. 67
I'J'i ..\ iifjJiS
Diaphragm, viewed from in front. (Testut.)
external arcuate ligament passes over the quadratus
lumborum from the second transverse process to the
tip of the last rib. The fibers of the diaphragm arise
from these ligaments. The muscular fibers on reaching
the centre became fibrous, and form the central tendon
of the diaphragm. The fibers are interwoven in every
direction. The pericardium (the serous membrane
covering the heart) is attached to the upper surface
of this central tendon.
There are three important openings in the dia-
phragm, and several smaller ones. The esophageal
opening transmits the esophagus and vagi nerves, the
esophagus continues as the stomach below the dia-
phragm; the aortic opening transmits the abdominal
aorta, vena azygos major, and thoracic duct; it is the
most posterior one; the opening for the inferior vena
cava is the most anterior and transmits the large vein
which carries the venous blood to the right side of
the heart. The splanchnic nerves and the azygos
minor veins pierce the diaphragm near the crura. The
upper surface of the diaphragm is covered by peri-
cardium in the centre, pleurae on the lateral surfaces,
and the under surface is covered by peritoneum.
Actions. — It is the chief muscle of respiration;
thus when a deep breath is taken the diaphragm can
be felt to extend downward making pressure on the
abdominal organs, and at the same time increases
the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity, allowing
the lungs to fill more readily with air. The diaphragm
also contracts in all expulsive acts, as sneezing, laugh-
ing, crying, coughing, and in the act of defecation,
urination, and expulsion of the fetus during delivery,
it assists the abdominal muscle to raise the intra-
abdominal pressure. The action of the diaphragm can
be seen in patients under ether, when the upper por-
tion of the abdomen will demonstrate the gradual
and steady ascent and descent of the diaphragm
under forced or abdominal breathing.
The Fasciae and Muscles of the Abdomen
The fascia of the abdomen is divided into a super-
ficial and deep portion. The superficial fascia is
continuous above with the fascia of the thorax and
back, below with that of the thigh. Its lower fourth
on the abdomen divides into a superficial layer —
called Camper's fascia, and a deep layer — termed
The deep layer is attached to Poupart's ligament,
and is continued around the male and female genitalia;
the superficial layer also passes to the male and female
genitalia. The deep fascia of the abdomen is so
adherent to the underlying structures that it is difficult
to see.
The Muscles of the Abdomen. — ^They are as follows:
External oblique. Trans versalis.
Internal oblique. Rectus.
The external and internal oblique and the trans-
versahs are thin, flat, broad muscles which possess
aponeuroses and they all form with the rectus the
anterior and lateral abdominal walls, being lined — the
transversalis — by the peritoneum. They are arranged
one on either side. The aponeuroses of the oblique
and transversalis pass toward the outer edge of the
rectus and ensheath the two halves. In a general way
the oblique and transversalis muscles are attached to the
lower ribs, crest of the ilium, and Poupart's ligament.
The Fasciae and Muscles of the Thofacic Region,
Fascia, of Pectoral Region (Chest). — Superficial contains
the mammary gland, sending septa into it and support-
ing it. The deep fascia is thin, covering the surface
of the pectoralis major muscle; it is attached to the
middle of the front of the sternum, above to the
clavicle, and below is continuous with the fascia over
the shoulder, axilla, and thorax. It encloses the space
between the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi
muscles; it is called in this region the axillary fascia.
The Muscles of the Anterior Thora^cic Region.
These are as follows:
Pectoralis major. Subclavius.
Pectoralis minor.
Pedoralis Major. — ^This arises from the inner half
of the anterior surface of the clavicle, the sternum,
from the upper six rib cartilages and from the anterior
sheath of the rectus and external oblique aponeurosis.
The fibers converge to be inserted by two tendons,
united along the lower margin, into the external
bicipital ridge of the humerus.
Subclavius. — This arises from the groove on the under
surface of the clavicle and recess between the conoid
and trapezoid ligaments: inserted into the junction
of the first rib with its cartilage between the fibers
of the costoclavicular ligament.
Pedoralis Minor. — ^This arises from three ribs near
their cartilages, usually the third, fourth, and fifth,
often the second, third, and fourth or fifth, and from
the intercostal aponeurosis; insertion, inner border and
upper surface of the coracoid process of the scapula;
a bursa is under its insertion.
The linea alba is a narrow depression seen along the
middle line of the abdomen, extending from the tip of
the breast bone — ensiform — to the symphysis pubes.
It is formed by the union of the aponeuroses of the
oblique and transversalis muscles, which surround the
recti muscles and adhere to the fascia and skin. A
little below the midpoint of the hnea alba is a scar —
the result of the healed umbilical cord, called the
umbilicus (navel).
The linea semilunaris is a depression seen on the outer
side of each rectus abdominis muscle, and corresponds
to the line of fusion of the aponeuroses of the oblique
and transversalis muscles, as they blend to pass in
front and behind the recti muscles to form the sheath
of the latter muscles. It extends from opposite the
ninth costal cartilage to the spine of the pubic bone.
Linese transversse are depressions seen along the recti
muscles, and correspond to the attachment of the
aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles to the rectus.
They are usually three — one below the ensiform car-
tilage, one between the ensiform and the umbilicus,
and one opposite or below the umbilicus.
Actions of the Abdominal Muscles. — When the thorax
and pelvis are fixed these muscles acting together
a)nstrict the abdominal cavity, and raising the intra-
abdominal pressure — also assisted by the diaphragm
— aid in expelling the fetus from the uterus, feces from
the rectum, urine from the bladder.
The Posterior Muscles of Abdomen (Hiac Region)
The iliac fascia covers the iliopsoas muscle, within
the back part of the abdominal cavity stretched from
the iliac crest to the iliac portion of the iliopectineal
line. Below it passes beneath the femoral vessels,
forming the hinder part of the femoral sheath; outside
the vessels it unites with the transversalis fascia at
Poupart's ligament.
Quadratus Lumbonim. — A quadrilateral muscle
placed between the last rib and the pelvis. Origin,
iliolumbar ligament, external lip of the crest of the
ilium for two inches, from two, three, or four lumbar
transverse processes by fleshy slips passing up ante-
riorly; insertion, inner half of last rib and upper four
lumbar transverse processes.
Nerves. — Last dorsal and upper lumbar.
Actions. — ^Lateral flexion of both may extend the
spine. Draws down the last rib, giving fixed point
for the diaphragm, and aids inspiration. Fixed above,
draws pelvis to one side, or both draw it forward.
Iliopsoas. — It has a broad outer head, iliacus, and
a narrow inner head, psoas magnus.
Iliacus. — Origin, upper half of the iliac fossa down
as far as the anterior inferior spine, posteriorly from
ala of the sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments. In-
serted mostly into tendon of the psoas; outermost
fibers pass to the femur in front of and below the small
Psoas Magnus {or Major). — Origin, by &Ye fleshy
slips from anterior surfaces and lower borders of the
lumbar transverse process, and by a series of processes,
each from a disk and contiguous margins of two bodies;
the highest is attached to the last thoracic and first
lumbar, and lowest to the fourth and fifth lumbar
and intervertebral substance between them; fibers
also come from the sacroiliac joint and sacrum. These
attachments are connected with arches passing over
the middle of the vertebrae. The fibers all unite to a
thick, long muscle running along the brim of the
pelvis, passing under Poupart's ligament, and inserted
by a tendon into the small trochanter; separated by
a bursa.
The common tendon is also separated from the cap-
sule of the hip by a bursa.
Psoas Parvus (or Minor). — Placed on the surface
of the psoas magnus; rises from the bodies of the last
thoracic and first lumbar vertebrse and disk between;
ends in a flat tendon merged into the iliac fascia and
inserted into the iliopectineal line and eminence.
When present its origin is variable; was absent on
both sides in 40 per cent, of cases.
The Muscles and Fasciae of the Perineum
These are the structures which enclose the space
between the rami of the pubes and ischii on both
sides and the pubic arch and subpubic ligament in
front, while they are bounded behind by a line extend-
ing transversely between the anterior edge of the
tuberosities of the ischii on both sides. The space
in front of this line is termed the perineum, and behind
the line, the space in front of the coccyx, is called the
ischiorectal region; this space is bounded on the sides
by the gluteus maximus muscles.
The perineum can be demonstrated only by having
the subject on its back with the limbs flexed on the
abdomen. The structures to be seen are the anus
(outlet of rectum), the scrotum in the male, and the
vagina in the female.
The perineum is covered by skin, superficial fascia
divisible into a superficial layer, and a deep layer —
called Colics'.
The deep perineal or subpubic fascia or triangular
ligament of the urethra is stretched across the subpubic
arch and consists of two layers; the inferior layer
extends back to the central point of the perineum,
attached to the ischiopubic rami, connected at its
base with the other layer, and continuous with the
recurved margin of the superficial perineal fascia.
The superior (deep) layer consists of right and left
lateral halves, separated in the middle line by the
urethra close to the prostate, and continuous on each
side with the fascia covering the obturator internus
muscle. The levator ani muscle is between this layer
and the rectovesical fascia.
Muscles and Fasciae of the Shoulder
The Acromial Region.— The deep fascia is strong and
tendinous over the back of the deltoid and infra-
spinatus; the infraspinatus fascia covers the teres
minor and splits at the posterior border of the deltoid,
a deep layer passing to the shoulder-joint under that
muscle, a superficial layer to the spine of the scapula
over thf^ muscle.
Deltoid. — Origin in three portions : an anterior from
the front of the outer third of the clavicle, a middle
from the point and outer edge of the acromion, a pos-
terior from the lower border of the scapular spine and
triangular surface at its inner end, and from the infra-
spinatus fascia. These converge into the tendon of
insertion into the deltoid tubercle of the humerus.
The Posterior Scapular Region. — ^The muscles of this
region are as follows :
Supraspinatus. Teres major.
Infraspinatus. Teres minor.
Supraspinatus. — ^This arises from inner part of the
supraspinous fossa to region of the notch, from supra-
spinous fascia and transverse ligament; adherent to
capsule and infraspinatus tendon; inserted into the
upper of the three facets on the great tuberosity of
the humerus.
Infraspinatus. — It arises from the inner two-thirds
of the infraspinous fossa, and under surface of the
spine of the scapula, the fibers converge to a tendon
concealed within the muscle and inserted into the
middle facet of the great tuberosity. It may be
inseparably connected with the teres minor.
Teres Minor. — Origin, from narrow grooved surface
on the back of the scapula close to the axillary border,
from septa between it, the teres major, and infra-
spinatus; inserted into the lowest facet on the great
tuberosity and into the shaft for a short distance
Teres Major. — Is a thick somewhat flattened muscle.
Origin, from the oval surface on the back part of the
inferior angle of the scapula, and the fibrous septa
common to it, and the teres minor and infraspinatus;
inserted, by a flat tendon into the inner ridge of the
bicipital groove of the humerus.
The Anterior Scapular Region. — Subscajmlaris. —
Origin, by muscular and tendinous fibers from the
venter of the scapula and groove along the axillary
border, insertion, small tuberosity of the humerus
and into the shaft for a short distance. As in the
deltoid, this muscle contains two sets of septa — one
from the' origin, and one from the insertion for attach-
ment of the obHque muscular fibers. Some fibers
from the axillary border of the muscle are usually
inserted into the capsule, known as the subscapularis
The Muscles and Fasciae of the Arm
The aponeurosis of the arm (deep fascia) is thin over
the biceps, strong over the triceps, and is attached to
the humerus, intermuscular septa.
The Muscles of the Anterior Humeral Region. — ^The
muscles of this region are:
Biceps. Coracobrachialis.
Brachialis anticus.
Biceps. — Its short or inner head arises with the cora-
cobrachialis from the tip of the coracoid process; the
long head, from the upper end of the glenoid cavity;
within the capsule by a tendon continuous on each
side with the glenoid ligament; these two heads form
a belly in the middle and lower part of the arm. The
tendon of insertion is slightly twisted and attached
to the back part of the tuberosity of the radius, sep-
arated from the forepart by a bursa. From the inner
side of the tendon a part branches off as an aponeurotic
band or semilunar fascia, and blends with the deep
fascia of the forearm stretched across the brachial
vessels and median nerve.
Coracobrachialis. — Origin, tip of the coracoid between
the pectoralis minor and short head of the biceps;
insertion, inner border and inner surface of the humerus
near its middle, between the triceps and the brachialis
Brachialis anticus. — Arises from the lower half of
the front of the humerus, nearly the whole of the
internal intermuscular septum, and upper part of the
external. It is adherent to the capsule of the elbow-
joint, and often sends a slip into it, and is inserted into
the inner part of the rough surface at the junction
of the coronoid process with the shaft of the uhia and
to a part of the tubercle of the uhia.
The Muscles of the Posterior Humeral Region. — The
muscles of this region are:
Triceps. Subanconeus.
Triceps occupies the entire posterior aspect of the
humerus. Three heads are inserted into a common
tendon occupying the posterior surface of the muscle
from the middle of the arm to the elbow. The middle
or long head arises from the inferior glenoid tubercle
of the scapula and adjacent portion of the axillary
border; this forms the middle and superficial part of
the muscle and ends on the inner margin of the tendon.
The external head arises above the spiral groove and
from an aponeurotic arch of the external intermuscular
septum as it crosses it, extending to the teres minor
insertion above, and inserted into the upper end and
outer border of the tendon. The internal or deep
head arises from the whole posterior surface of the
humerus below the spiral groove, from the lower part
of the external intermuscular septum, from the whole
of the internal, as high as the teres major; some of its
fibers are inserted directly into the olecranon process of
the ulna, but most join the deep surface of the tendon.
The common tendon is inserted into the tuberosity of the
olecranon process of the ulna, and externally a band
is prolonged over the anconeus to the fascia of the
forearm and posterior border of the ulna; it may send
a slip to the capsule.
Muscles and Fasciae of the Forearm
The superficial fascia is most distinct at the elbow,
contains the superficial veins, and below connects the
skin with the palmar fascia.
The aponeurosis of the forearm (deep fascia) is
composed largely of transverse fibers, strengthened
by expansions from the condyles of the humerus,
olecranon, and fascia over the biceps and triceps. It
sends in a thin layer between the superficial and deep
muscles; this anterior portion of the fascia forms at
the wrist the anterior annular ligament, w^hich binds
down the tendons of the flexor muscles. The posterior
portion sends off septa between the muscles and forms
the posterior annular ligament, which firmly holds in
position the tendons of the extensor muscles. The
tendon of the palmaris longus muscle is the only one
passing in front of the anterior annular ligament.
The Anterior Radioulnar Region. — ^These muscles are
described as a superficial set, consisting of five; and a
deep group, of three.
Superficial Layer. — ^All from a common tendon
in the following order from without in:
Pronator teres arises by two heads, the larger from
the upper part of the inner condyle above the common
tendon and from the common tendon, fascia, and inter-
muscular septum; second head, thin and deep, from
the inner margin of the coronoid process; insertion,
by a flat tendon on the middle of the outer surface of
the radius. The ulnar artery is beneath this muscle,
and the median nerve between its heads.
Flexor carpi radialis arises from the common tendon,
fascia of the forearm, and septa between it and the
pronator teres, palmaris longus, and flexor sublimis;
tendon begins below the middle of the forearm, passes
through a special compartment of the anterior annular
ligament through a groove in the trapezium; inserted
into the base of the second metacarpal bone, anterior
surface, and usually by a small slip to the base of
the third.
Palmaris longus is placed between the ulnar and radial
flexors of the carpus, resting upon the flexor sublimis;
arises from the common tendon, fascia, and septa.
Fia. 6S
Superficial muscles of front of right
forearm. (Testut.)
forming a short muscular
belly ending in a slender
tendon, inserted into the
palmar fascia, and sends
a slip to the abductor
pollicis, sometimes one to
the little finger muscle.
Flexor caryi vlnaris (M.
ulnaris internus) is the
innermost of the super-
ficial group; arises by two
heads, one from the com-
mon tendon, and one from
the inner side of the olec-
ranon and upper two-
thirds of the posterior
border of the ulna by an
aponeurosis common to it,
the flexor profundus digi-
torum and the extensor
carpi ulnaris; muscular
fibers end in a tendon
which occupies the ante-
rior margin of the lower
half of the muscle; pos-
teriorly the muscular fibers
continue down to within
an inch of its insertion;
inserted into the pisiform
by a small band to the
anterior annular ligament.
Flexor siiblimis digi-
toruvi, placed behind the
preceding, arises by three
heads: (1) Inner condyle
by the common tendon,
fibrous septa, and internal
lateral ligament; (2) inter-
nal margin of the coronoid ;
(3) anterior oblique line of the radius; divided below
into four parts, ending in tendons inserted into the
second phalanges of the four inner digits.
The Deep Muscles. — Flexor profundus digitorum.
— Origin, the upper three-fourths of the inner and
anterior surface of the ulna, from not quite the ulnar
half of the interosseous membrane for the same dis-
tance, and from an aponeurosis attached to the pos-
terior border of the ulna, common to it, the flexor and
extensor carpi ulnaris. Only one tendon (for the index
finger) separates above the wrist; in the palm, as the
tendons diverge, they give origin to the lumbricales;
over the first and second phalanges the tendon is
bound down by an osseo-aponeurotic sheath, and oppo-
site the first phalanx it passes through an opening in
the flexor sublimis tendon, and is finally inserted by an
expanded end into the base of the third or last phalanx.
The sheaths of the flexor tendons are opposite the
first and middle phalanges, and formed of strong
transverse bands, ligamenta vaginalia; opposite the
joints the bands change into a thin membrane, strength-
ened by oblique decussating fibers, so that there are
annular or transverse fibers, and crucial or oblique.
The sheath has a synovial lining containing small
folds, vincula tendinum or ligamenta mucosa, passing
between the tendons and bones.
Flexor longus pollicis arises from the anterior surface
of the radius, below its oblique line to the edge of the
pronator quadratus, and from the adjacent part
of the interosseous membrane. The tendon passes
between the sesamoid bones of the thumb and enters
a canal similar to that of the other flexors, to be
inserted into the base of the last phalanx of the
thumb. Its complete separation from the flexor pro-
fundus is characteristic of man.
Pronator quadratus, just above the WTist, close to
the bones behind the last two muscles, quadrilateral
and flat, arises from the pronator ridge and inner part
of the anterior surface of the ulna for the lower fourth,
and from the inferior from the radiocarpal joint;
inserted into the anterior surface and anterior margin
of the shaft of the radius for a little less than its fourth.
The Radial Region. — Three in number, from the lower
third of the arm and upper third of the forearm in an
almost continuous row.
Supinator longiis rises from the upper two-thirds
of the external supracondylar ridge of the humerus
and external intermuscular septum, limited above by
the spiral groove; thin fleshy belly ends at the middle
of the forearm in a flat tendon which expands at its
insertion into the outer side of the radius at the base
of the styloid process.
Extensor carpi radialis longior arises from the lower
third of the external supracondylar ridge and external
intermuscular septum and a few fibers from the com-
mon tendon ; inserted into the radial half of the posterior
surface of the base of the second metacarpal.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior. — Origin, by the
common extensor tendon from the outer condyle,
septa, external lateral ligament, fascia, and a fibrous
arch over the radial nerve and radial recurrent vessels;
insertion, into the radial half of the posterior surface of
the base of the metacarpal bone of the middle finger.
The Posterior Radioulnar Region. — Superficial
Layer. — Extensor Communis Digitorum. — Origin, com-
mon extensor tendon from the external condyle of the
humerus, orbicular ligament, fascia, and septa; there
are three fleshy bellies, the innermost divided into two,
four passing under the posterior annular ligament;
the first and second pass to the index and middle
fingers connected by a weak band, always transverse;
the first is joined by the extensor indicis tendon at
the metacarpophalangeal joint; the third runs to the
ring finger and sends a slip to the middle finger tendon;
the fourth divides, the outer larger part going to the
ring finger, the inner part joining the outer division
of the extensor minimi digiti tendon; this fourth is
the smallest tendon, and receives muscular fibers as
far as the wrist.
Opposite the metacarpophalangeal joints the tendons
are bound down by transverse fibers from the front
of the joint, ligamenta dorsalia; inserted into the base
of the last phalanx.
Extensor minimi digiti arises from the superficial and
deep fascia of the forearm, from the orbicular ligament,
from the septa between it and common and ulnar exten-
sors; its tendon is in a groove between the radius and
ulna, and splits into two on the back of the hand, the
outer being joined by a slip from the fourth common
extensor tendon, and both parts end on the little
finger, like the other extensor tendons.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris {Ulnaris Externus). — Origin,
common tendon, orbicular ligament, septa, fascia of
the forearm, which is connected with the elbow-
joint capsule, and anconeus. Insertion, tuberosity of
the base of the fifth metacarpal. A bursa is under
its tendon of origin in one-fourth of the cases.
Anconeus fills the space between the triceps and
extensor carpi ulnaris; is flat and triangular, covered
by fascia connected with the triceps ; arises by a narrow
tendon from a fossa on the inner and posterior part
of the external condyle; upper fibers are transverse, the
rest pass obliquely down and into the radial aspect of
the olecranon and adjacent upper third of the ulna.
Deep Layer. — Supinator Brevis. — Origin, external
lateral ligament, orbicular ligament, supinator ridge,
oblique line of the ulna, and for a short distance on
the outer border of the ulna from the fascia covering
it, which is connected with the external condyle; it
regularly consists of two layers separated by the
posterior interosseous nerve; the superficial one rises
by aponeurotic fibers, the other by muscular. The
fibers pass sling-like around the upper part of the
radius to be inserted into a third of its length, limited
by the anterior and posterior oblique lines to its neck
and elbow-joint capsule.
Extensor Ossis Metacarpi Pollicis. — Origin, upper
part of the outer division of the posterior surface of
the ulna below the supinator brevis, from the middle
third of the posterior surface of the radius and inter-
osseous membrane between. Its tendon passes over
those of the radial extensors, and is inserted into the
radial side of the base of the metacarpal bone of the
thumb, and commonly by a slip into the trapezium,
its tendon usually splitting.
Extensor longus pollicis arises below the extensor
ossis on the middle third of the ulna and from the
interosseous membrane for about one inch; its tendon
passes over the radial extensors, and is inserted into
the posterior aspect of the base of the last phalanx of
the thumb.
Extensor Indicis Proprius. — Origin, from the ulna
below the extensor longus pollicis, and slightly from
the interosseous membrane and fascia over the exten-
sor carpi ulnaris; unites with the common extensor
tendon for the index, and forms the usual insertion.
This and the extensor minimi digiti tendon are always
on the ulnar side of the respective common extensor
Extensor Brevis Pollicis. — Origin, small part of the
interosseous membrane and radius below the middle,
next below the extensor ossis; insertion, upper end of
the first phalanx of the thumb on its posterior aspect.
The Muscles and Fascise of the Hands
Fascia of the posterior aspect is a thin layer prolonged
from the posterior annular ligament and blending with
the extensor expansions over the fingers; deeper than
this the interossei are covered by thin aponeuroses.
Fascia of the palm consists of a strong central
part and two lateral portions which cover the short
muscles of the thumb and little finger. The central
portion is the part commonly called the palmar fascia;
it consists of fibers mostly prolonged from the palmaris
longus, some from the annular ligament, thus form-
ing two superficial layers with vertical fibers, between
which is the palmaris brevis muscle; there is a deep
layer of transverse fibers. Below, the fascia divides
into four processes to join the digital sheaths; offsets
are sent back to the deep transverse ligament at the
heads of the metacarpals, forming a short canal above
each finger for the flexors. Between the processes
the transverse layer of fascia covers the lumbrical
muscles, digital vessels, and nerves, passing over
to the thumb and forefinger. At the clefts of the
fingers a transverse band is called the superficial
transverse ligament, or Gerdy's fibers. The interossei
muscles also have a separate fascia continued below
into the deep transverse ligament.
The Radial Region. — The following muscles consti-
tute the thenar eminence (the fleshy prominence of the
palm corresponding to the base of the thumb) and
have a great variety of description.
Abductor pollicis. Adductor pollici^ obHquus.
Flexor brevis pollicis. Adductor trans versus
Opponens pollicis. pollicis.
The Ulnar Region. — ^The following muscles constitute
the hypothenar eminence. (The fleshy prominence of
the palm corresponding to the fleshy part over the
metacarpal bone of the little finger.)
Abductor minimi digiti. Opponens minimi digiti.
Flexor brevis minimi digiti. Palmaris brevis.
The Middle Palmar Region. — The dorsal interossei
are four in number, one for each space, not rising
above the level of the bones, and numbered from
without inward. Each rises from the two bones
between which it is placed, most extensively from
that supporting the finger upon which it acts. The
tendon is inserted partly into the base of the first
phalanx and partly into the extensor tendon.
The palmar interossei are three in number, are adduc-
tors, and each rises' from the lateral surface of the meta-
carpal of the finger on which it acts. They terminate
like the posterior tendons. The first belongs to the
ulnar side of the index, the second and third to the
radial sides of the ring and little fingers.
The lumbricales are four small muscles, not always
well-defined. They arise from the tendons of the flexor
profundus digitorum.
Actions of Muscles of the Forearm and Hand.
— Pronation by the pronator teres and quadratus
and flexor carpi radialis slightly; pronator teres
flexes the forearm; can only pronate when the radius
is intact.
Supination by the supinator brevis, biceps, and
supinator longus; the latter is a flexor of the elbow
and brings the forearm into midsupination. Radial
extensors of the wrist flex the elbow; others from the
external condyle extend.
Flexion #/ the tvrist by the flexor carpi ulnaris and
radialis, by the flexors of the fingers and palmaris
Extension of the wrist by the extensor carpi ulnaris,
the two radial extensors, and extensors of the fingers.
Abduction of the wrist by the radial flexor and radial
extensors and extensors of the thumb.
Adduction of the wrist by the flexor and extensor
carpi ulnares. The flexor carpi radialis and extensor
carpi ulnaris act on the radiocarpal joint; the flexor
carpi ulnaris and radial extensors on the midcarpal
The extensors of the wrist are moderators of the
long flexors of the fingers; the flexors of the wrist
are moderators of the extensors of the fingers.
The posterior interossei abduct the fingers from the
middle one; the palmar adduct; the interossei and
lumbricales flex the first phalanx and extend the last
Flexion in the fingers. Extension in the fingers.
First phalanx, by the interossei By the extensor communis,
and lumbricales.
Second phalanx, by the flexor By the interossei and lumbri-
sublimis. cales.
Third phalanx, by the flexor By the interossei and lumbri-
profundus. cales.
When we flex the fingers they tend to approach, due
to the lateral ligaments and obliquity of the tendons.
The palmaris longus makes tense the palmar fascia,
feebly flexes the forearm and wrist; all the muscles
from the condyle feebly flex the forearm.
Palmaris brevis wrinkles the skin over the hypothe-
nar eminence and protects the ulnar vessels and nerve
from pressure when a foreign body is grasped.
Extension in the thumb is in the plane of abduction
of the fingers, and its abduction is a movement forward.
The action of its muscles and those of the little finger
are indicated by their names; the flexors of the first
phalanx in either case also extend the last, as the inter-
ossei would. The ulnar extensor and flexor of the
carpus are moderators of the thumb extensors. There
are three flexors of the wrist (including the palmaris
longus) and three extensors, three flexors of the fingers
and three extensors, three flexors of the thumb and
three extensors.
Fasciae of the Thigh
The superficial fascia is continuous with that of
other parts of the body.
The deep fascia or fascia lata is a strong membrane
forming a continuous sheath around the limb. It
descends on the gluteus medius as far as the upper
border of the gluteus maximus, which muscle it encases,
and over the great trochanter a great part of the muscle
is inserted between its layers. From the forepart
of the iliac crest to the outer tuberosity of the tibia
is the iliotibial band, w^hich receives the insertions
of the tensor vaginae femoris and gluteus maximus
The fascia lata has various deep processes; one is
internal to the tensor vaginae femoris on the surface
of the vastus externus.
There are external and internal intermuscular septa
inserted into the linea aspera.
The Gluteal Region (Buttocks)
Gluteus Maximus. — A quadrilateral, very coarse
muscle. Origin, posterior fourth of the external lip
of the iliac crest and rough surface between it and the
posterior gluteal line, the last two pieces of the sacrum
and first three of the coccyx, great sacrosciatic liga-
ment, and aponeurosis of the erector spinae.
The upper half and superficial fibers of the lower half
are inserted into the fascia lata and continued into the
iliotibial band; the deeper portion of the low^er half
into the gluteal ridge on the upper third of the shaft
of the femur.
Gluteus Medius. — Origin, ilium between the crest,
the posterior and middle curved lines, and from the
fascia covering it; to insert on the outer surface of the
great trochanter; a small bursa between the bone and
Gluteus minimus is covered by the preceding, and
arises from the whole surface on the ilium between the
middle and inferior curved lines, fibers converge into
an aponeurotic tendon on the outside of the muscle,
inserted into an impression on the front of the great
Actions of the glutei on the lower limb:
Flexion. Extension.
Glut, med., anterior fibers. Glut, maximus.
Glut, min., anterior fibers. Glut, med., posterior fibers.
Glut, min., posterior fibers.
Adduction. Abduction.
Glut, med., anterior fibers (in Glut., max., slight.
sitting posture. fstrong, whole
Glut, min., anterior fibers (in Glut. med. I muscle, espe-
sitting posture). Glut. min. jcially mid-
( portion.
Rotate in. Rotate out.
Glut, med., anterior fibers. Glut. max.
Glut, min., anterior fibers. Glut, med., posterior fibers.
Glut, min., posterior fibers.
The gluteus maximus extends the trunk on the thigh
as in ascending stairs; in walking it is not used, as the
erect position is maintained by ligaments; steadies
and supports the knee by the iliotibial band.
The iliopsoas flexes the thigh and rotates out; flexes
the body on the thigh; the psoas bends the lumbar
spine forward and laterally.
Psoas parvus makes tense the iliac fascia.
The Thigh Muscles
These are arranged in three sets — anterior, poste-
rior, and internal, with superficial and deep layers, the
former passing over two joints, the latter over one.
The Anterior Femoral Region. — Tensor vaginoe femoris
(tensor fasciae) lies in a groove between the gluteus
medius, rectus, and sartorius. Origin, anterior part
of the external lip of the iliac crest, notch between
the two spines; insertion, between the two layers of
the fascia lata three or four inches below the great
trochanter, and from the insertion fibers are prolonged
into the iliotibial band.
Sartorius (Tailor Muscle). — Origin, anterior superior
spine of the ilium and small part of the notch imme-
diately below; insertion, inner surface of the tibia near
the tubercle, sending an expansion from the upper
border to the capsule, one from the lower border to
the fascia of the leg, and one to the tibia behind the
tendons of the gracilis and semitendinosus.
Quadriceps Femoris. — Largest muscle of the body,
four parts closely united, (a) Rectus femoris, in a
straight line from the pelvis to the patella. Origin,
by two heads, anterior one from the anterior inferior
spine, and posterior from the impression just above
the acetabulum; they join at an angle of 60 degrees
close below the acetabulum; the tendon is anterior
above, then in centre of the muscle. The lower tendon
becomes free three inches above the patella; is attached
to the upper margin of that bone, and helps form the
common tendons.
(b) The vastus externus is the outer part of the quad-
riceps. Origin, narrow and aponeurotic from the upper
half of the anterior intertrochanteric line, outer part
of the root of the great trochanter, outer side of the
gluteal ridge, upper half of the outer lip of the linea
aspera, from external intermuscular septum, and a
strong aponeurosis extending over the upper two-
thirds of the muscle. Aponeurosis of insertion occupies
the deep surface of the muscle, joins the common
tendon, and sends expansion to the lateral patellar
ligaments and rectus tendon.
(c) The vastus internus arises from a superficial
aponeurosis and deeper fibers from the spiral line,
inner lip of the linea aspera, and from tendons of the
adductor longus and magnus; they end in a deep
aponeurosis which enters the common tendon. Its
muscular fibers pass lower than those of the externus,
and are inserted into the inner margin of the patella,
some into the rectus tendon.
Crureus arises from upper two-thirds of the anterior
surface of the femur, outer surface of the femur in
front of and below the vastus externus, lower half
of the external intermuscular septum; fibers end in a
superficial aponeurosis which forms the deepest portion
of the common terdon. They arise from a series of
transverse arches with intervening bare spaces on
the front of the femur. Between the crureus and the
vastus internus most of the internal surface of the bone
is free.
The common or siiprapatellar tendon is inserted into
the forepart of the upper border of the patella, and a
few fibers are prolonged over its anterior surface into
the ligamentum patellse. A large, thick ligament sur-
rounding the patella and inserted into the tubercle of
the tibia.
Subcrureus is the name of a few fibers which may be
regarded as the deepest layer of the crureus. Origin,
anterior surface of the femur in the lower fourth;
insertion, separated by a fat layer from the vasti into
the synovial membrane of the knee-joint.
Hunter's canal is a three-cornered passage in the
middle two-fourths of the thigh, in the angle between
the adductors magnus and longus and vastus internus.
It is made a canal by a bridge of fascia, and contains
the femoral artery, vein, and long saphenous nerve.
Nerves. — ^Anterior crural for the quadriceps and
sartorius; superior gluteal for the tensor vaginae femoris.
Actions. — Satorius flexes the hip and knee with
e version of the thigh; rotates the leg inward.
Quadriceps femoris extends the leg; not necessary
for the maintenance of the erect attitude.
Rectus femoris also flexes the hip; its posterior head
is tense when the thigh is bent. Lower fibers of the
vastus internus draw the patella in.
Tensor vaginoB femoris rotates the thigh in and
abducts, assisted by the gluteus maximus; counter-
acts the gluteus maximus, which tends to draw the
iliotibial band backward.
The Posterior Femoral Region (Hamstrings). — Biceps
Femoris. — Origin, long head by a tendon common to
it and semitendinosus from inner impression on the
lower part of the ischial tuberosity, and from the
sacrosciatic ligament; short head from the lower two-
thirds of the outer lip of :the linea aspera and external
intermuscular septum; fibers from both heads end
in a tendon inserted into the upper and outer part of
the head of the fibula by two portions embracing the
external lateral ligaments.
Semitendinosus. — Arises from the tuberosity of the
ischium and tendon common to it and biceps for 3
inches. Terminates in the lower third of the thigh in
a long, slender tendon, and curves forward in an ex-
panded form to insert on the upper part of the inner
surface of the tibia or anterior crest of the tibia, and
sends a process to the fascia of the leg.
Semimembranosus. — Origin, tuberosities of the ischium
above and outside the tendon of the biceps and semiten-
dinosus, and its tendon is grooved posteriorly for the
common tendon of those two muscles. Tendon of origin
is on the outer side of the muscle for three-fourths the
length of the thigh ; tendon of insertion, on the opposite
side of the muscle, and turns forward and is inserted by
four parts: (1) into a horizontal groove on the back of
the inner tuberosity of the tibia; (2) expansion is sent
up and in as the posterior oblique ligament of the knee-
joint; (3) down to the fascia over the popliteus muscle;
(4) to form the short internal lateral ligament of the
-The Internal Femoral Region. — Pectineus. — Origin,
iliopectineal line, and slightly from bone in front of
this, and from the fascia over the muscle; insertion,
femur behind the small trochanter and upper part
of the line passing from this trochanter to the linea
Adductor Longus. — Flat and triangular, internal to
the pectineus, on same plane. Origin, short tendon
Fia. 70
Muscles in the dorsum of the right
thigh. (Testut.)
Adductores magnus and brevis of
the right side. (Testut.)
from the body of the pubis below the crest and near
the angle; insertion, inner lip of the linea aspera, united
to the vastus internus in front and adductor magnus
Gracilis. — Origin, inner margin of pubic bone and a
portion of its inferior ramus ; thin and flat, then narrow
and thicker. A round tendon in the lower third of the
thigh, curving forward below, inserted into the inner
side of the tibia just above the semitendinosus, and
covered by the sartorius.
Adductor Brevis. — Origin, body and inferior ramus of
the pubis below the adductor longus, between the gra-
cilis and obturator externus; insertion, into the whole
line from the small trochanter to the linea aspera
behind the pectineus. It lies between the adductor
magnus and longus.
Adductor Femoris Minirnus. — This is what is de-
scribed with the adductor magnus, usually as its
anterior and superior portion. Origin, body of the
pubis and ischiopubic rami; insertion, femur, in a line
from the quadratus femoris to the upper end of the
linea aspera, and a short distance along it.
Adductor Magnus. — Origin, ischial ramus internal
to the above muscle and outer half of the triangular
space on the posterior inferior surface of the tuberosities
of the ischii; fibers pass in two layers, one to the inner
lip of the linea aspera, and the other on the inner side
of the opening for the femoral vessels by a distinct
rounded tendon to insert on the adductor tubercle on
the inner condyle of the femur. The femoral attach-
ment is interrupted by three or four tendinous arches
for the perforating arteries.
Actions. — All adduct the thigh. Pectineus, adductor
longus and brevis flex the hip, while part of adductor
magnus from the ischial tuberosity to the condyle
may extend the thigh and rotate in. Gracilis flexes
the knee and rotates the leg inward. Adductors and
opponens, the gluteals, balance the body in walking.
(1) Anterior fibers of the gluteus medius (2) and
minimus; (3) tensor vaginae femoris; and some say (4)
the condylar part of the adductor magnus, rotate the
thigh inward.
Muscles of the Leg
The Anterior Tibiofibular Region (Extensors). — Tibi-
alis Anticus. — Origin, outer tuberosity of the tibia,
upper half of the outer surface of that bone, and
adjacent interosseous membrane, fascia of the leg,
and intermuscular septum; insertion, oval mark on the
inner and lower part of the internal cuneiform and first
metatarsal dividing into two slips.
Extensor Longus or Proprius Hallucis. — Origin,
middle two-fourths of the narrow anterior surface of
the fibula and contiguous portion of the interosseous
membrane; insertion, base of the terminal phalanx of
the great toe on the dorsal aspect. It spreads in an
expansion on each side over the metatarsophalangeal
articulation, and almost always sends a slip to the
base of the first phalanx.
Extensor Longus Digitorum Pedis. — Origin, external
tuberosity of the tibia, head, and upper two-thirds of
the anterior surface of the fibula, very largely from
the septa and fascia and interosseous membrane above
the origin of the extensor proprius hallucis. Tendon
divides into four slips for the outer four toes. They
are continued into expansions which are joined on
the first phalanx by processes from the interossei
and lumbricales. They divide into three parts — the
middle inserted into the middle phalanx; the lateral
parts unite, and are inserted into the base of the
terminal phalanx as in case of the extensors of the
Peroneus Tertius. — Origin, lower third or more of
the anterior surface of the fibula, from the interosseous
membrane, from the septum between it and the
peroneiis brevis; insertion, upper surface of the base
of the fifth metatarsal, sometimes the fourth. This
muscle is peculiar to man.
The Fibular or Peroneal Region. — Peroneus Longus. —
Origin, head and upper two-thirds of the external
surface of the fibula, fascia of the leg, and septa on
each side. Tendon begins in the lower half of the leg,
passes behind the external malleolus; then forward on
the outer side of the os calcis, winds around the tuber-
osity of the cuboid, and enters its groove, crosses the
sole obliquely, and is inserted into the outer side of
the tuberosity of the first metatarsal, and slightly
into the internal cuneiform; a frequent offset to the
base of the second metatarsal and first dorsal inter-
Peroneus Brevis. — It lies deeper than the peroneus
longus. Origin, lower two-thirds of the external surface
of the fibula from the septa and a flat tendon on the
surface turned toward the bone; insertion, tuberosity
at the base of the fifth metatarsal, sending a small slip
to the outer edge of the extensor of the little toe or
forepart of the metatarsal bone.
The Posterior Tibiofibular Region (Flexors). — Super-
ficial Muscles. — Gastrocnemius, — Gastrocnemius has
two large heads from the femur, terminating at the
middle of the leg in a common tendon. Outer head
from the depression on the outer side of the external
condyle above the tuberosity, and from the posterior
surface of the femur just above that condyle. Inner
head from the upper part of the internal condyle.
The two heads join with the soleus and are inserted
into the tendo Achillis.
Soleus. — Origin, externally from the posterior sur-
face of the head and upper third of the shaft of the
fibula; internally, oblique line and inner border of the
tibia to its middle, and from a tendinous arch over
the popliteal vessels and nerve; fibers rise to a large
extent from two tendinous laminae which descend
in the muscle, one from the fibula and one from the
tibia. Fibers from the anterior surfaces of these laminae
converge to a median septum; fibers from their pos-
terior surfaces pass down and back to an aponeurosis
covering the back surface of the muscle. The tendon
of insertion is prolonged from this aponeurosis, joined
by the median septum. Muscular fibers are continued
down on the deep surface of the tendo Achillis near
to the heel.
The gastrocnemius and soleus form the calf of the leg.
Tendo Achillis, broad at fir«!t, contracts to within
IJ inches of the heel, then expands, and is inserted
into the middle and lower parts of the posterior surface
of the tuberosity of the os calcis, a bursa having all
the characters of a synovial membrane, with vascular
and fatty synovial tufts, separating it from the upper
part of this surface.
Plantaris. — Origin, femur above the external condyle
and from the posterior ligament of the knee-joint.
Muscular belly 3 to 4 inches long, and the long, slender
tendon turns in between the gastrocnemius and soleus
to the inner border of the tendo Achillis, and inserted
by its side into the os calcis.
Popliten^. — Origin, round tendon, one inch long, from
the groove on the outer surface of the external condyle
of the femur, within the capsule of the joint, in contact
with the semilunar cartilage, and by muscular fibers
from the ligamentum popliteus arcuatum. Fibers
pass down and are inserted into the triangular surface
of the tibia above the oblique line, and into the
aponeurosis over the muscle.
The Deep Muscles {Flexors) .—Flexor Longus Bigi-
torum Pedis. — Origin, inner portion of the posterior
surface of the tibia for the middle two-fourths of its
length, from the aponeurosis over the tibialis posticus.
Descends behind the internal malleolus of the tibia,
passes forward and obliquely outward, having crossed
the tibialis posticus tendon in the leg, and now crossing
that of the flexor longus hallucis, in each case super-
ficially. It divides into four parts for terminal phalanges
of the four lesser toes.
Tibialis Posticus, beneath the two long flexors.
Origin, posterior surface of the interosseous membrane,
outer part of the posterior surface of the tibia below
the oblique line of the middle of the bone, whole inner
surface of the fibula, and from the aponeurosis over it.
Tendon along the inner border of the muscle, free at
the level of the lower tibiofibular articulation, passes
behind the inner malleolus, inserted into the tuberosity
of the scaphoid, with offsets to the three cuneiform,
to cuboid, to bases of the second, third, and fourth
metatarsals, and to the transverse tarsal ligament and
flexor longus hallucis tendon, and sends a thin process
back to the sustentaculum tali of the os calcis.
Flexor Longus Hallucis. — Origin, lower two-thirds of
the posterior surface of the fibula, septum between it
and the peronei ; aponeurosis common to it and flexor
longus digitorum. Tendon at the posterior surface
of the muscle traverses groove on the back of the
astragalus and under surface of the sustentaculum,
gives slip to the flexor longus digitorum in the sole
of the foot, and proceeds to the base of the terminal
phalanx of the great toe.
Muscles of the Foot
The Dorsal Region (Instep). — Extensor Brevis Digi-
torum Pedis. — Arises from forepart and upper and outer
surface of the os calcis, in front of the groove for the
peroneus brevis tendon, and from the anterior ligament
of the ankle. The tendon has several vertical leaflets
from which muscular fibers arise, dividing into three
bellies w^hich unite with the outer border of the long
extensors for the second, third, and fourth toes.
The Plantar Region (Sole). — The Central Group. —
Flexor Brevis Digitorum and Flexor Accessorius Lum-
bricales. — Four in number. Origin, at points of division
of the flexor longus digitorum tendon, each attached
to two tendons, except the most internal one; they pass
to the inner side of the four outer toes; inserted into
the bases of the first phalanges.
The Internal Group. — Abductor Hallucis, flexor
brevis hallucis, and adductor hallucis (oblique trans-
verse portions).
The External Group. — Abductor Minimi Digiti,
and flexor brevis minimi digiti.
Actions.^ Popliteus flexes the knee and rotates the
leg inward, pulls on the capsule of the joint, and keeps
the popliteal bursa open. The dorsum of the foot
and anterior surface of the leg is the extensor surface;
the opposite side is the flexor surface, so that raising
the foot toward the front of the leg is really extension,
and depressing it is flexion; it is customary to apply
reverse terms to these acts.
Gastrocnemius flexes the knee, extends the ankle,
combines with the soleus, and lifts the heel or raises
the body on toes.
Tibialis anticus and peroneus tertius flex the ankle;
the former rotates inward, adducts, raises the first
metatarsal bone.
Tibialis posticus, peroneus longus and brevis are
extensors of the ankle-joint. Tibialis posticus and
flexors of the toes rotate the foot in. The three peronei
and extensors of the toes rotate outward.
Peroneus longus strengthens the transverse arch, lifts
the outer border of the foot in walking, extends the
foot, depresses the first metatarsal, abducts the fore-
foot, rotates outward.
Flexors and extensors of the toes, interossei, and
lumbricales act as do the corresponding muscles of the
Flexor accessorius modifies the action of the flexor
longus digitorum, as those tendons cannot enter the
foot in a straight line.
The extensor brevis digitorum does the same for the
extensor communis, though here they are not so much
needed, and their function is not so evident.
Extensors of the foot slightly rotate inward ; flexors of
the foot slightly rotate outward; plaiitaris indirectly
pulls up the capsule of the ankle-joint and slightly aids
the gastrocnemius.
Flexors of the foot. Extensors of the foot.
Tibialis anticus. Tendo Achillis.
Extensor communis digitorum. Peroneus longus and brevis.
Extensor proprius hallucis. Tibialis posticus.
Peroneus tertius. Flexor longus digitorum and
Adduction. Abduction.
Tibialis posticus (strongly). Peroneus brevis.
Tendo Achillis (weakly) . Peroneus longus.
Perhaps tendons behind the
inner malleolus, perhaps
the tibialis anticus.
Rotation in. Rotation out.
Tibialis anticus (strongly). Peroneus longus.
Tendo Achillis. Extensor communis digitorum,
Peroneus tertius.
The Interosseous Muscles. — hiterossei, as in the hand,
are seven in number, four dorsal and three plantar.
The dorsal project downward as low as the plantar,
and alternate with them. Only one muscle in the
first space, two in the others. The second phalanges
are their centre of insertion.
1. Name the three varieties of muscle tissue.
2. What does the sarcoplasm represent in muscle tissue?
3. Does the sarcoplasm possess the quality of contractility?
4. What do you understand by a skeletal muscle?
5 What forms the fibers in a muscle? The primary bundles?
6. What is the function of the epimysium? Perimysium? Endo-
7. Where are voluntary striated muscles found in the body?
Involuntary non-striated?
8. Where is involuntary striated muscle found?
9. What influences the consistency of a muscle?
10. What effect do irritating stimuli have upon muscles?
11. What stimulus causes muscle to contract in the living body?
12. Name some of the artificial and experimental stimuli for
13. What is the function of a tendon? An aponeurosis?
14. What structure of bones receives the attachment of muscles?
15. Give the names applied to the parts of a muscle.
16. What do you understand by the origin of a muscle? Insertion?
17. Do most muscles act from either their origin or insertion?
18. How do muscles derive their names in the living body?
19. What variety of tissue forms tendons? Aponeuroses?
20. What are tendons attached to?
21. With which shaped muscles are aponeuroses usually found?
22. Where is fascia usually found?.
23. In the description of a muscle what must be included?
24. Name the muscles of mastication.
25. What muscles flex the forearm upon the arm?
26. Give action of the latissimus dorsi muscle,
27. What muscles fill up the intercostal spaces of the thorax?
28. Name the muscles which flex the fingers. Extend.
29. What muscles form the thenar eminence of the hand? Hypo-
30. Name the musculomembranous structure which separates the
thorax and abdomen.
31. Give the origin and insertion of the following muscles: Biceps
(arm). Sartorius. Supinator longus or brachioradialis. Tibialis
anticus. Flexor longus hallucis. Rectus femoris. Palmaris longus.
32. Name the muscles which form in a general way the anterior
abdominal wall.
33. What muscle surrounds the eye and gives it function?
34. Name the muscles which adduct the thigh.
35. What muscle covers the shoulder-joint on its outer side?
36. Give a brief description of the scalp. Of the fascia of the palm
of the hand.
The circulatory apparatus consists of the heart,
covered by the pericardium, the arteries, veins, and
capillaries, and circulating fluid — the blood.
The pericardium is a serofibrous membrane which
invests the heart and the great vessels at their origin
for about two inches. The pericardium consists of a
fibrous and serous layer, between which is a small
amount of serous fluid, preventing friction, as at
each rhythmic contraction of the heart these layers
rub against each other. The serous layer (epicar-
dium) invests the heart muscle and is reflected to
the fibrous layer.
The heart is a hollow muscular organ situated in
the thorax between the right and left lobes of the
lungs, enclosed by the pericardial sac.
It lies obliquely, the base being directed upward,
backward, and toward the right, its position corre-
sponding to the surface of the chest wall extends
from the fifth to the eighth thoracic vertebra. The
apex looks downward, forward, and to the left, its
impulse against the chest wall being felt in the fifth
interspace on the left side, about 3| inches from the
middle of the sternum. The posterior or postero-
inferior surface is flat, formed chiefly by the wall of
the left ventricle, and rests on the diaphragm; its
anterior or anterosuperior surface is convex, formed
chiefly by the wall of the right ventricle, but also
partly by the left, and is overlapped by the lungs,
except in the central part. The borders of the heart
are right and left, the former is long and thin, the
left shorter and thicker. The length of the heart is
about 5 inches, the greatest breadth 3| inches; its
thickness about 2J inches. Its weight is approxi-
mately 10 to 12 ounces in the male, 8 to 10 ounces in
the female, and these increase with age.
Externally its surface presents a deep transverse
groove, auriculoventricular, which marks an upper
auricular and lower ventricular portion; this latter
part presents a longitudinal furrow on the front and
the back, the former being somewhat to the left, the
latter to the right, marking off the right and left
ventricles (interventricular groove).
The heart contains four chambers. They are divided
by a longitudinal partition or septum into a right and
left part, and these in turn are subdivided into an
auricle and a ventricle by a transverse partition,
which is perforated on each side by an opening, called
the auriculoventricular, connecting the auricle and
The Cavities of the Heart. — The inner surface of
the heart muscle (myocardium) is lined throughout
by a thin layer of membrane called the endocardium.
It is continuous with the lining membrane of the
great bloodvessels opening into the heart cavities,
and helps to form the, various valves by a process,,
whereby the membrane is thrown into folds. The
endocardium consists of a flattened layer of endothelial
cells resting on a membrane formed of subendothelial
(fibro-elastic) tissue. On opening the heart the
following structures can be seen within its cavity:
The Right Auricle. — This is larger than the left, its
wall being about one line in thickness and its capacity
two ounces. Within the auricle the following parts
present themselves for examination:
Fia. 71
Front view of the thorax, showiug relation of the heart and its valvea,
lungs, etc., to the ribs and sternum. P, pulmonary orifice; Ao, aortic orifice;
M, left auriculoventricular orifice; Tr, right auriculoventricular orifice.
The orifice of the superior vena cava, looking downward
and forward. The orifice of the inferior vena cava, at
the lowest part, near the septum, looking upward
and inward. Between the two caval openings a
projection, the tubercle of Lower. The opening of the
coronary sinus, between the inferior cava and the
auriculoventriciilar opening, and protected by the fold
of endocardium forming the coronary valve. Numer-
FiG. 72
of Lower.
Bridle passed through
ripht auriniloveritHcular opening.
The right auricle and ventricle laid open, the anterior walls of both being
removed. (Gray.)
ous small openings {foramina Thehesii) of the small
veins of the heart. The auriculoventricular opening,
between the auricle and ventricle. The Eustachian
valve, between the front of the inferior vena cava
and the auriculoventricular orifice. It is semilunar
in form, the free concave margin sending one cornu
to join the front of the annulus ovahs and the other to
the auricular wall. The fossa ovalis, at the back of the
septum, in the situation of the fetal foramen ovale,
its prominent margin being known as the annulus
ovalis. The musculi pectmati, small elevated columns
which traverse the appendix and the adjacent part
of the sinus.
The Right Ventricle. — ^This is pyramidal, and extends
nearly to the apex of the heart. It is bounded inter-
nally by the convex surface of the wall of the ven-
tricles, and prolonged above and internally into a
pouch, the infundibulum, or conus arteriosus, from
which springs the pulmonary artery. Its cavity has
a capacity of three ounces. On opening the ventricle
the following parts are presented for examination:
The auriculoventricular orifice^ oval in form, and
placed near the right side of the heart. Around its
circumference is a fibrous ring, and it is guarded by
the tricuspid valve. The opening of the pulmonary
artery, circular in form, at the summit of the conus
arteriosus, near the septum; is guarded by the pul-
monary valves (semilunar) . The tricuspid valve consists
of three triangular flaps formed of fibrous tissue covered
by endocardium. They are continuous with one
another at their bases, and their free margins and
ventricular surfaces give attachment to the chordae
tendinese. Their central part is thick and strong, the
lateral margins thinner and flexible. The chordce
tendineoB are attached as follows: several to the attached
margin of each flap, blending with the fibrous ring;
several to the strong central part; and the finest and
most numerous to the margins of each curtain. The
columnce carneoe are projecting bundles of muscular
substance found all over the ventricular wall excepting
the conus arteriosus. They afford attachment for
the papillary muscles. The three semilunar valves
guard the pulmonary orifice. They are semicircular,
their free margins being thick and tendinous, and
presenting at the middle a small fibrous nodule, the
corpus Arantii. On each side of this body, just behind
the free margin, the valve presents a small thinned-
out interval, and when the valves are closed
during diastole these valves are in contact, and so
also are the three nodules. These latter prevent
any leakage from the triangular space which would
otherwise be left. At the commencement of the
pulmonary artery are three pouches, the sinuses of
Valsalva, placed one behind each valve. They resemble
those of the aorta, but are smaller.
The Left Auricle. — This is smaller and thicker walled
than the right, and consists, like the right, of a sinus
and an appendix. The latter overlaps the pulmonary
artery. Within it presents the following features
of interest:
The orifices of the pulmonary veins, opening two
into the right and two into the left side (sometimes
only three are seen); the auriculoventricular orifice;
and a few musculi pectinati on the inner side of the
The Left Ventricle. — This is longer than the right, and
forms the apex of the heart. Its walls are three times
as thick as those of the right. Within it presents for
examination :
The auriculoventricular orifice, which is smaller than
the right and guarded by the mitral or bicuspid
valve; and the aortic opening, in front and to the
right of the preceding, guarded by the semilunar
valves. The mitral valve is attached, like the tricuspid,
on the right side. It consists of two curtains which
are larger and thicker than those of the tricuspid,
and of two smaller segments, one at each angle of
junction of the former. They are furnished with
chordae tendinese. The aortic semilunar valves are
similar to but larger and stronger than the pulmonary
valves. ColumncB carnece are found in the right
ventricle, and the musculi papillares are very large;
one is attached to the anterior wall, the other to the
See Fig. 71 for relation of the valves and orifices of
the heart to the chest wall.
The muscle fibers of the heart are attached to car-
tilaginous rings which surround the auriculoventricular
and arterial orifices.
Nerves.— (See pages 121, 383.)
The heart is the pump which propels the blood,
aided by the elasticity of the arteries, veins, and
connecting capillaries throughout the body. Without
the rhythmical contraction of the heart muscle, life
cannot be maintained. The blood courses through
the cavities of the heart as follows. Allowing that
the heart has emptied its chambers, this blood is
returned to the heart as venous blood through the
superior and inferior vena cavae which open into the
right auricle, from which it passes to the right ven-
tricle through the auriculoventricular opening. The
blood now is forced into the pulmonary artery and
its branches to the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs,
where the blood, coming in contact with the air we
breathe, by a process of gaseous exchange, gives up
the carbon dioxide to the lungs, and absorbs oxygen,
becoming bluish red or scarlet in color. This new or
arterialized blood is carried back by the pulmonary
veins to the left auricle of the heart, flows through the
left auriculoventricular opening into the left ventricle
and thence through the aorta to the small arteries
coursing along until the capillaries are reached in
every part of the body, when by the same gaseous
exchange as we said occurred in the lungs, the blood
gives up its oxygen to the tissues and absorbs the
Pulm on a ry Capillaries
Diagram to Show liie Course of the Circulation
of the Blood.
This diagram does not show that the liver also receives blood
through the hepatic artery.
carbon dioxide from them, and is changed from a
scarlet to a bluish red color. The same venous return
of the blood occurs to the right auricle and the cycle
is repeated. It must be remembered that while the
vense cavae are filling the right auricle, the pulmonary
veins are at the same instant pouring their contents
into the left auricle.
The blood is moved through the heart and blood-
vessels by a continuous, rhythmic, and automatic
contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle due
to an inherent power possessed by the heart of con-
verting potential energy stored up during the period
of rest into kinetic energy, i. e.,- heat and mechanic
motion. The rhythmic contraction wave of the
heart is carried on by means of a thin and distinct
bundle of muscle fibers — the bundle of His or atrioven-
tricular. It commences in the right auricle near the
orifice of the Eustachian valve and passes to the wall
between the ventricles to end in the papillary muscles
of the ventricles. Disease or injury to these fibers
causes an interference with the muscular contraction
which begins in the auricle and extends to the ventricles.
This leads to a condition which arises as a result of the
auricle continuing to contract, and forces the blood into
the ventricles, allowing the blood to be continuously
pumped, while the ventricle not responding permits the
blood to collect, due to its inability to contract. This
condition is called Adams- Stokes sign or heart-block and
is fatal. When any portion of the heart contracts it
is called the systole, and relaxation, the diastole. The
heart having two cavities on each side, when their
walls contract and relax in succession we speak of
an auricular systole and diastole, and a ventricular
systole and diastole.
The contraction systole of the heart muscle starts
as a wave in the great veins and then passes to the
base of the heart in both auricles, and extends rapidly
over the ventricles to the apex; during this period
the auricles and ventricles empty their cavities of
blood into the pulmonary and arterial systems from
the right and left sides of the heart respectively.
Following this contraction wave is a pause or relaxa-
tion of the muscle — the diastole — during which time
the blood rapidly flows into the auricles and ven-
tricles, and at the end of the relaxation or diastole
there is a period of rest, during which time the auricles
and ventricles, or, in fact, the whole heart, is quietly
filling with more blood, when the phenomenon is
The Part Played by the Heart Muscle and Valves
during the Course of the Blood through the Chambers
of the Heart. — ^We will start by allowing that the
contraction or systole of the ventricle has occurred.
Instantly the column of blood forced into the aorta
and pulmonary artery, by filling the sinuses of Val-
salva, forces the margins of the semilunar valves
together and prevents the return of the blood to the
ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery;
while the ventricle contraction or systole was emptying
its chambers, the auricles were filling from the venae
cavse and pulmonary veins, and this blood was rapidly
passed into the ventricles during the relaxation or
diastole, while a new supply has taken its place in
the auricles, the ventricles becoming distended with
more blood (during the period of rest) force upward
the tricuspid and mitral valves, gradually closing the
auriculoventricular openings. Suddenly the auricles
contract or begin their systole, and more blood is
forced into the ventricles, the valves close; immedi-
ately the ventricular systole or contraction takes
place, thQ blood not being able to pass back into the
auricles owing to the closure of the auriculoventricular
openings, is forced into the aorta and pulmonary
artery, when the semilunar valves are flattened against
the walls by the pressure from the blood in the ven-
tricles. Now the ventricular systole is completed, the
semilunar valves are instantly closed to prevent a
return of blood to the ventricles from the aorta and
pulmonary artery; the period of rest occurs, following
the emptying of the ventricles, and the cycle is repeated.
The Cardiac Cycle or Revolution. — This has been
shown above to consist of (1) an auricular contraction,
(2) ventricular contraction, (3) the period of repose,
during which time the auricles and ventricles are at
rest. There are 72 cycles per minute made by the
heart of a healthy adult, and the average duration of
each cycle is about eight-tenths of a second, divided
as follows:
Auricular systole yV Auricular diastole yV
Ventricular systole to Ventricular diastole y^
Common pause yj
The Heart-beats. — In a healthy adult the pulsations
or cardiac cycles are 72 per minute; in the fetus, 140 per
minute; during the first year of life it decreases to
128 per minute; during the third year to 95 per minute;
from the eighth to the fourteenth year, 84 per minute.
It is more rapid in the female, averaging 8 to 10
more beats per minute. The pulse of a person lying
down is a few beats less than when sitting or stand-
ing. Exercise and digestion temporarily increase the
number of beats.
The Heart Sounds. — On placing the ear or the
stethoscope to the chest wall overlying the heart, or
in the fifth intercostal space, 3i inches from the
middle of the sternum, two sounds resembling the
pronouncing of the syllables lubb-dupp, lubb-dupp,
will be heard. They accompany each pulsation of
the heart and are called the first and second sounds;
the former is dull and long, and occurs with the
cardiac systole or contraction; the latter is short and
clear and occurs at the commencement of diastole or
relaxation of the heart muscle. The cause of the
first sound is supposed to be due to the contraction of
the muscular walls of the ventricles, the gradual
closure and vibrations of the mitral and tricuspid
valves, and the sudden pressure of the apex against
the chest wall. The second sound is supposed to be
due to the sudden closure and vibrations of the semi-
lunar valves in the aorta and pulmonary artery,
following the ventricular systole or contraction; also
the sound is added to by the whirling of the column
of blood against those closed valves at the beginning
of diastole or relaxation of the ventricles.
The Fetal Circulation. — The fetus is nourished by
the blood from the placenta (afterbirth). The blood
is conveyed from the placenta to the fetus by the
umbilical vein. This vein enters the umbilicus and
passes upward along the upper free margin of the
suspensory ligament of the liver to the under surface
of the liver. The blood after nourishing the organ
by two or three branches, finally reaches the inferior
vena cava by way of the hepatic veins, and the ductus
venosus, which runs from ^ the transverse fissure of
the liver to open into the hepatic veins just before
they open into the inferior vena cava. The superior
and inferior vena cava open into the right auricle of
the heart.
The course of the blood through the chambers of
the fetal heart differs from that observed in the adult,
viz., the blood from the inferior cava passes into the
right auricle and then is directed by the Eustachian
valve to the left auricle of the heart through the
foramen ovale. In the left auricle the blood from the
right auricle becomes mixed with a small quantity
of blood returned from the lungs by the pulmonary
veins. This blood then passes into the left ventricle
(as seen in the adult) and then into the aorta, by which
vessel it is distributed almost entirely to the head and
upper extremities. The blood is returned from the
head and upper extremities by the veins, which
ultimately drain into the superior vena cava, that
Ductus arteriosus
Plan of the Fetal Circulation.
In this plan the figured arrows represent the kind of blood, as
well as the direction which it takes in the vessels. Thus, arterial
blood is figured >> — — > ; venous blood, >> >; mixed
(arterial and venous) blood, >> >.
opens into the right auricle of the heart. From the
right auricle the blood passes over the Eustachian
valve into the right ventricle, then from the latter
into the pulmonary artery. The lungs of the fetus
being inactive, require only enough blood to develop
and nourish them, this quantity of blood is conveyed
by the pulmonary arteries and returned to the pul-
monary veins to the left auricle; the greater quantity
of blood from the right ventricle passes through the
ductus arteriosus (a small vessel connecting the pul-
monary artery with the aorta) into the beginning of
the descending aorta, where it becomes mixed with
the blood from the left ventricle.
The general distribution of blood through the body
of the fetus is similar to the adult system, with the
exception of the above-mentioned differences and the
return of waste materials from the fetus to the placenta
by way of the hypogastric arteries, which are branches
of the internal iliacs and join the umbilical vein at
the umbilicus (navel) to assist in forming the umbilical
cord of the fetus.
The Changes in the Circulatory Apparatus following
Birth. — With the commencement of normal respiration
(the umbilical cord being ligated), the placental circu-
lation is cut off. Anywhere within ten days after
birth the foramen ovale closes and may continue as
a slight opening and not be injurious to health until
the final closure. When the foramen does not close,
the skin, etc., becomes cyanotic, due to the mixing of
the arterial and venous blood — the so-called blue baby.
The umbilical vein, ductus venosus, and arteriosus
atrophy, and also the hypogastric arteries. Thus the
infant vascular apparatus assumes the normal course
as described in the adult.
Structure and Functions of the Arteries, Veins, and
Capillaries. — The Arteries.— These are closed tubes
which convey the blood and keep it in circulation
from the heart cavities throughout the body.
The typical artery consists of three coats: internal
or tunica intima; middle or tunica media; an external
or tunica adventitia. Aside from the latter, most
arteries are covered by a sheath of connective tissue
derived from the fascia of the part of the body in
which they are found, and held to the artery by
fibrous tissue.
Fig. 73
Transverse section of part of the wall of the posterior tibial artery. X 75.
A', endothelial and subendothelial layers of inner coat. B, elastic layer (fenes-
trated membrane) of inner coat, appearing as a bright line in section. C,
muscle layer (middle coat). D. outer coat, consisting of connective-tissue
bundles. In the interstices of the bundles are some connective- tissue nuclei,
and, especially near the muscular coat, a number of elastic fibers cut across,
The muscular tissue (media) is not so well-marked in
the larger arteries, but the elastic tissue predominates
and is more closely arranged; in the smaller arteries
the elastic tissue is in excess, while only a single
layer of muscle tissue is present; the larger arteries
possess a thicker outer or fibrous coat than the smaller
All arteries possess elasticity and contractility due
to the presence in their walls of the elastic (intima)
and muscle (media) coats.
Elasticity. — This elastic property possessed by
arteries permits their wall to expand and recoil to
adapt itself to the pressure and reaction of the column
of blood thrown into the arterial system from the
ventricle of the heart at each contraction or systole
and subsequent relaxation or diastole.
This elasticity of the arterial wall, in response to
the pressure and reaction of the column of blood
imparted to it by the heart muscle, develops into a
remittent expansion and recoil of the arterial wall,
which becomes fainter the more distant the vessels
are from the heart. When the capillaries are reached
it is a continuous or a steady flow of blood, without
any recoil of the arterial wall, which passes into the
veins. Thus the elasticity of the arteries is for the
purpose of equalizing the movement of the blood
throughout the arterial system.
Contractility. — Contractility of the arteries is depen-
dent upon the muscular tissue in their walls. They
are supplied by nerve filaments which receive impulses
from the controlling centres in the spinal cord, which
communicate by means of ganglia with the sympathetic
system, and the latter distributes filaments to the
middle or muscular coat of the arteries. The centres
in the spinal cord are called the vasomotor centres, and
the nerve filaments the vasomotor nerves. The centres
in the spinal cord are influenced chiefly by a main
centre situated in the medulla; in other words, the
spinal centres are underlying centres of this system.
The vasomotor nerves possess two sets of fibers:
those which when stimulated raise the blood pressure
or contract the arterial wall — called vasoconstrictor
nerves; and those w^hich lower arterial pressure or
dilate the arterial wall — called vasodilator nerves.
These two sets of nerves, both when active although
antagonistic to each other in function, tend to keep
the arteries in a normal state of contraction, thus
regulating the blood pressure and caliber of the
The vasa vasorum is the term defining the blood-
vessels which supply the walls of the arteries. They are,
of course, very minute bloodvessels which nourish
them, and are derived from adjacent branches and have
no direct opening into the channel of the artery they
Fio. 74
supply. They are located in the tunica media or
middle coat. The lining coat or intima of an artery
is nourished by the column of blood passing over it.
The arteries give off branches which become smaller
as their destination — the capillary area of the cir-
culation — is reached. Just before
emerging into capillaries, these small
branches are termed arterioles.
The Capillaries. — The capillaries
consist of a series of minute blood-
vessels which divide and subdivide
to form interlacing net-works. The
walls of a capillary consist of a single
layer of flattened endothelial cells,
nucleated, and held together by a
cement substance. These thin-walled
vessels possess irritability, contrac-
tility, and tonicity. They freely
communicate with one another, and
are the connecting link for the pas-
sage of the blood from the arteries
to the veins. They are just large
enough to transmit a small red cell.
The functions of the capillary wall
is to allow an exchange of the nutri-
tive elements of the blood with the
tissues, and to receive from the tissue
the waste products arising as a result
of metabolism, taking place in the
protoplasm of the tissue cells. This
interchange between the blood and the tissues is
due to the thinness of the capillary wall, aided by
the phenomena of diffusion, osmosis, and infiltration
(see Absorption, page 286).
The Veins. — The veins consist of three coats: the
tunica intima, media, and adventitia. They differ
from the arteries by their middle coat possessing
less elastic and muscular tissue, but an increase in the
Capillaries from the
mesentery of a guinea-
pig after treatment with
a solution of nitrate of
silver: a, cells; b, their
nuclei. (Gray.)
amount of fibrous connective tissue. They readily
collapse when empty, do not pulsate, and possess
elasticity and contractility, but not as marked as
seen in the arteries; however, these properties aid in
forcing the column of blood toward the heart, after
leaving the capillaries — particularly after any obstruc-
tion to the flow of the blood stream. The veins collect
the blood from the capillary area throughout the
body, and return it to the right side of the heart.
They start as very small vessels — called venules, and
then become veins, which increase in size as they
course toward their main trunks.
Veins possess valves, arranged in pairs, composed
of folds of the lining membrane intima. They always
project toward the heart, and are flattened against the
wall of the vessel if the blood is flowing unobstructed
toward the heart; but when any obstruction takes
place they are distended into the channel, preventing
a return flow, or regurgitation of the blood.
The veins distend under these conditions — due to
their elasticity and accommodate the blood, until the
obstruction is removed, when the muscle fibers in
the wall contract and force the column of blood
onward. With the congestion relieved, the valves
again collapse against their walls.
The Pulse. — ^The pulse is the regular beat which
is transmitted to the examining finger when placed
on an artery. It is felt best in the radial artery by
making gentle pressure with the tip of the index
finger in the region of the artery at the lower fourth
of the forearm on the outer side — ^when the palm
is turned upward or supinated, just a little above
and to the inner side of the prominence of the
styloid process of the radius. By pressing downward
the beat or pulsation can be felt. The artery lies
on a firm bed formed by the flexor longus pollicis,
and pronator quadratus muscles, beneath which is
the bone. The expansion of the artery is due to the
response of the arterial system — which is receiving
at every systole or contraction of the ventricle — a
large volume of blood; the shrinkage of the artery is
due to the elastic recoil of the arterial system or their
walls upon the volume of blood, forcing it forward,
into, and through the arteries, during the diastole
or relaxation of the ventricles. The pulse or pulse
wave is simply a wave passing from the heart over
the arterial system, forcing the blood throughout the
body until the capillaries are finally reached, when
the column of blood passes into the venous system.
The number of beats of the pulse is 72 per minute,
and varies accordingly. (See Heart-beat, page 183.)
The pulse is influenced by the same factors which inter-
fere with the heart's action. The pulse is spoken of
as frequent or infrequent, depending w^hether it is
above or below the normal rate — 72 per minute;
quick or slow according to the suddenness w^ith which
it strikes the examining finger; hard or soft, tense or
easily compressible, depending on the resistance which
the artery offers to the compressing finger; large, full,
or small, depending on the amount of blood in the
arterial system at the time of examination.
The Blood-pressure. — The blood-pressure or arterial
tension may be defined as the pressure exerted radially
or laterally by the moving blood-stream against the
sides of the vessels (Brubaker).
The blood -pressure is greatest in the aorta and
gradually lessens as the blood is forced through the
vessels and emerges into the arterioles and capillaries,
then passes through the venules into the veins.
At each contraction of the heart a large volume of
blood is thrown into the arterial system, which is
already engorged. This mass of blood in the arterioles
and capillaries must be forced along to accommodate
the next column of blood thrown from the ventricle,
to relieve the arterial system of its already over-
distended condition, and maintains an even distribution
of blood through the vascular system. Owing to the
small caliber of the arterioles the blood meets with
considerable resistance in passing through the arterioles.
As a result, there is a marked decrease in the pressure
in the arterioles and capillaries, due to this great
resistance, which is called the peripheral resistance.
The latter is caused by the small diameter of the
vessels modified by the tonic contraction of the
muscles in the wall of the arterioles.
A practical idea of the blood-pressure can be obtained
from observing a cut or injured bloodvessel. If a
large artery, the blood will be seen to project from
the cut end nearest the heart, as a bright red fluid
spurting from the vessel, with considerable force,
dependent on the degree of pressure which it had
been subjected to in the vessel, and the tension of
the vessel wall before the injury. A vein when injured
bleeds with no spurting or force. It is seen as a dark
blue fluid coming from the cut end away from the
heart, as a steady stream (welling up). These differ-
ences in the characters of the hemorrhage from an arte-
rial and venous course indicate the difference of blood-
pressure between the arterial and venous systems.
The venous pressure continues to fall from the
capillaries to the heart. There is simply a steady
tone to the walls of the veins which propel the blood
to the right side of the heart without any pulsation.
The capillary pressure is dependent on the blood-
pressure of the arterioles and venous systems. It
is too minute to observe under normal physiological
There are two great arterial systems: (1) The
pulmonary, to the lungs; (2) the corporeal, to every
other part of the body.
The Pulmonary Arterial System. — The pulmonary
artery is a short, wide vessel, 2 inches in length. Com-
mencing at the base of the right ventricle, it curves
upward and backward, to end under the transverse
aorta by dividing into a right and a left branch, which
convey the blood from the right auricle to the lungs.
This vessel, with the ascending aorta, is enclosed in a
sheath of pericardium. It winds around the aorta,
being at first in front, and later to the left side, of the
ascending portion. In fetal life the ductus arteriosus
connects it a little to the left of its division with the
transverse aorta.
Each branch enters the hilum of the corresponding
lung; the right, the larger, passing behind the ascending
aorta and superior vena cava; the left, in front of the
descending aorta. The left divides into two branches
for the lobes of the left lung; the right also divides
into two primary branches for the upper and lower
lobes. From the lower one of these is sent a branch
to the middle lobe. The pulmonary arteries are the
only arteries which carry venous blood.
The Corporeal Arterial System. — The Aorta. —
The aorta is the main trunk from which spring the
systemic arteries. From the base of the left ventricle
it runs upward, forward, and to the right as far as
the second right cartilage; then backward and to the
left, over the root of the left lung, to the fourth dorsal
vertebra; thence, along the spine, it descends through
the thorax and abdomen, to divide at the fourth
lumbar, into the common iliacs.
It has been divided, for convenience of description,
into the arch and the descending aorta. The arch is
subdivided into the ascending, transverse, and descend-
ing parts; the descending aorta, into the thoracic and
abdominal portions.
The Arch of the Aorta. The ascending part of
the arch runs upward, forward, and to the right, from
a point opposite the lower border of the third left
Fia. 75
The arch of the aoita and its branches. (Gray.)
cartilage, to the upper border of the second right
cartilage. Close to its origin it presents three small
dilatations, the sinuses of Valsalva, indicating the
situation of the semilunar valves.
The transverse part of the arch passes backward and
to the left as far as the left side of the body of the
fourth dorsal vertebra.
The descending part of the arch descends to the
lower border of the fifth dorsal vertebra, ending in
the thoracic aorta.
The Branches of the Arch of the Aorta. — The
branches of the arch are five — coronary, right and
left, from the ascending part; and the innominate,
left carotid, and left subclavian, from the transverse
part. The descending part gives oft' no branches.
The coronary arteries supply the heart and the coats
of the great vessels.
The innominate (brachiocephalic) artery is the largest
branch. It arises in front of the left carotid, and runs
obliquely to the right sternoclavicular joint, where
it divides into the right common carotid and right
The common carotid arteries are identical in course,
branches, and relations in the neck, but differ in
their origin. Thus, the right is a branch of bifurca-
tion of the innominate, while the left is a primary
branch of the transverse aorta.
The external carotid artery runs from the bifurcation
of the common carotid to the space between the
neck of the condyle of the mandible and the audi-
tory meatus, and there divides into the superficial
temporal and internal maxillary.
The internal carotid artery is a very tortuous vessel,
and at its origin is farther from the median line than
the external carotid, deriving the name "internal"
from its distribution. For description it is divided
into four parts: the first, or cervical; the second, or
petrous, is in the carotid canal; the third, or cavernous
runs in the cavernous sinus; and the fourth, or cerebral,
is the terminal portion, and supplies a portion of the
brain and eye-ball.
Fig. 76
Applied anatomy of the arteries of the neck, showing the carotid and sub-
clavian arteries. The hypoglossal nerve is not rightly placed in this drawing.
It forms the upper side of a triangle, the two lower sides of which are the
two bellies of the digastric. The lingual artery would then run under the
hyoglossus muscle, below the hypoglossal nerve. (Gray.)
The subclavian arteries are divided into three parts,
the first running to the inner margin of the scalenus
anticus; the second, behind that muscle; the third,
from its outer border to the lower border of the first
Fig. 77
Nasal. Palpebral.
Anterior ethmoidal.
Posterior ethmoidal
Temporal branche
of lachrymal.
Internal carotid.
The ophthalmic artery and its branches, the roof of the orbit having been
removed. (Gray.)
rib, where it becomes the axillary artery. The right
and left vessels differ only in their first portions, the
right arising behind the sternoclavicular joint, from
the innominate; the left, from the transverse aorta as
a primary branch.
The basilar artery, formed by the two vertebrals,
runs to the upper border of the pons, and divides into
the two posterior cerebrals. It gives off the following
branches :
(a) Several transverse arteries on each side. One
the auditory, enters the internal meatus; another, the
anteroinferior cerebellar, to the anterior border of the
Fig. 78
The axillary artery and its branches. (Gray.)
(6) The superior cerebellar, to the upper surface,
joining the inferior cerebellar.
(c) The posterior cerebrals, to the under surface of the
posterior lobes of the cerebrum, receiving the posterior
communicating. They give off the posterior choroid
branches and supply the posterior perforated space.
The circle of Willis is situated at the base of the
brain, it is an anastomosis formed by the bloodvessels
of the brain. The arteries entering into its formation
are: In front, the two anterior cerebral arteries,
branches of the internal carotid, which are connected
by the anterior communicating artery ; behind, by two
posterior cerebral arteries, branches of the basilar, and
these communicate latterly with the internal carotids
through the posterior communicating arteries.
The Arteries of the Upper Extermity. — The Axillary
Artery. The axillary artery is the continuation of
the subclavian. It extends from the lower border of
the first rib, where it is deeply placed, to the lower
border of the teres major tendon, where it is super-
ficial, and there becomes the brachial. It is described
in three parts — the first, above the pectoralis minor;
the second, behind it; and the third, below it.
Branches. — First part, superior and acromial thoracic;
second part, long and alar thoracic; third part, sub-
scapular and circumflex, posterior and anterior.
The Brachial Artery. — The brachial artery extends
from the end of the axillary, at the lower border of
the teres major, to J inch below the elbow-joint, divid-
ing into the radial and ulnar arteries.
The branches of the brachial artery are : The superior
profunda, nutrient artery, to the humerus, the inferior
profunda, anastomotica magna, and muscular..
The Radial Artery. — The radial artery runs from
the bifurcation of the brachial along the radial side
of the forearm to the WTist, and winds back to its pos-
terior surface. It then enters the palm through the
first dorsal interosseous, and runs across the hand to
form the deep palmar arch by joining the deep branch
of the ulnar, and gives off in the ball of the thumb the
superficialis volse, a branch which joins with the main
termination of the ulnar artery to form the superficial
palmar arch.
The Ulnar Artery runs along the inner side of
the forearm to the wrist, crosses the annular ligament
Fig. 79
The brachial artery. (Gray.)
and the palm of the hand, and joins the superfieialis
volie to form the superficial arch.
Fig. 80
Hadial recurrent.
Siiperjiaialis volae
The radial and ulnar arteries (Gray.)
The superficial palmar arch lies beneath the palmar
fascia and above the flexor tendons of the fingers.
Fig. 81
The abdominal aorta and its branches (Gray.)
The deep palmar arch lies beneath the flexor tendons
and rests on the metacarpal bones and palmar inter-
osseous muscles.
The Thoracic Aorta. — The thoracic aorta descends
from the lower border of the fifth to the front of the
last dorsal vertebra.
Fig. 82
Ctjstic artery.
The celiac axis and its branches, the liver having been raised and the
lesser omentum removed.
The Abdominal Aorta. — The abdominal aorta runs
from the last dorsal to the left side of the middle of
the fourth lumbar vertebra, there dividing into the
two common iliacs.
The branches of the thoracic aorta:
Nine pairs of intercostal arteries, two subcostal,
bronchial, esophageal, mediastinal, and pericardial.
The branches of the abdominal aorta :
(a) Parietal and (b) visceral.
The Parietal Branches. — (1) The phrenic, (2) the
lumbar, (3) the middle sacral.
The Visceral Branches. — I. The celiac axis, J
inch long, divides into the gastric, hepatic, and splenic.
It is covered by the lesser omentum, rests below on
the pancreas; on each side is a semilunar ganglion and
on the right the lobus Spigelii, of the liver on the left
the stomach.
Branches. — (a) The gastric artery runs to the cardiac
orifice of the stomach, thence to the right, along the
lesser curvature, in the lesser omentum as far as the
pylorus. It supplies both surfaces of the stomach and
the esophagus, anastomosing with the splenic, hepatic,
and esophageal arteries.
(6) The hepatic artery passes below the foramen of
Winslow to the pylorus, then ascends in the lesser
omentum, anterior to that foramen, and to the left
of the gall duct, to the transverse fissure of the liver,
and divides into a right and a left branch. Its pyloric
branch passes along the lesser curvature to meet the
gastric. Its cystic branch from the right division
ascends on the neck of the gall-bladder and supplies
it by two branches. The other branch of the hepatic,
the gastroduodenalis, divides behind the lower part
of the duodenum into a superior pancreaticoduodenal
branch, descending between the pancreas and duo-
denum to join the inferior artery of the same name;
and the right gastro-epiploica, passing into the omentum
toward the left, along the great curvature, to meet
the left. (See Fig. 82.)
(c) The splenic runs tortuously to the left, along
the upper border of the pancreas, and divides near
the spleen into branches which enter at the hilum,
some passing to the stomach.
Branches. — Pancreatic, numerous, small; and one
larger, the pancreatica magna, accompanies the duct
of Wirsung.
Five to seven vasa brevia, in the gastrosplenic omen-
tum, to great end of the stomach, joining the gastric
and gastro-epiploic vessels. (See Fig. 82, page 202.)
Fig. 83
Superior mesenteric artery. (Testut.)
The left gastro-epiploica runs to the right, along the
great curvature, to join the right.
II. The superior mesenteric supplies the small intes-
tine except the first part of the duodenum, as well as
the cecum, appendix, ileum, and ascending and trans-
verse colon. Emerging from between the transverse
duodenum and pancreas, it crosses the former, and
descends in the mesentery to the right iliac fossa with
its veins and a plexus of nerves. It ends by anasto-
mosing with its own ileocolic branch. (See Fig. 83.)
III. The inferior mesenteric supplies the descending
colon, sigmoid flexure, and upper part of the rectum,
and its continuation. (See Fig. 83.)
IV. The suprarenals, to the under surface of the
suprarenal capsules, join branches of the phrenic and
renal arteries.
V. The renal, to the hilum of the kidney, enters by
four or five branches, into which each vessel divides
close to the kidney.
VI. The spermatic, the ovarian in the female, to
the testicles or ovaries respectively.
The Iliac Arteries. — The common iliac arteries run
downward and outward from the division of the
aorta to the lumbosacral joint, and divide into the
external and internal iliacs. (See Fig. 81, page 201.)
The internal iliac artery descends to the upper part
of the great sacrosciatic foramen, and divides into an
anterior and a posterior trunk.
The posterior trunk gives off the following branches:
(a) the iliolumbar; (6) the lateral sacral; (c) the gluteal,
passes through the great sciatic foramen, and divide
into a superficial and' a deep branch.
The anterior trunk of the internal iliac gives off the
following branches:
(a) The superior vesical represents the pervious part
of the fetal hypogastric artery. It runs to the apex
and body of the bladder and to the ureter, joins its
fellow, and gives off the artery of the vas deferens,
which accompanies that structure to the testicle. It
also generally gives off the (b) middle vesical to the
base of the bladder.
(c) The inferior vesical — vaginal in the female —
joins its fellow. It supplies the bladder, prostate
gland, and seminal vesicles; in the female, vagina, and
(d) The middle hemorrhoidal arises with the pre-
ceding, and runs to the rectum to join other hemor-
rhoidal arteries.
(e) The uterine in the female ascends in the broad
ligament from the cervix along the side of the uterus,
and joins the ovarian artery.
(/) The obturator runs forward below the pelvic
brim, between the peritoneum and pelvic fascia below
the nerve, then through the upper part of the obtura-
tor foramen, dividing beneath the obturator externus
into an external and an internal branch.
The termination of the anterior trunk of the internal
iliac then divides into two branches, the sciatic and
the internal pudic arteries.
The external iliac artery extends from the division
of the common iliac to the midpoint between the
symphysis of the pubis and the anterior superior
spine of the ilium, behind Poupart's ligament.
The Arteries of the Lower Extremity. — The Femoral
Artery. — ^The femoral artery continues the external
iliac artery down into the thigh to end at the opening
in the adductor magnus at the junction of the upper
three-fourths and lower one-fourth of the femur.
From its beginning to the point where the profunda
femoris is given off, it is called the common femoral,
below this the superficial femoral. Its upper part
lies in Scarpa's triangle, bounded above by Poupart's
ligament, the inner side formed by the inner margin
of the adductor longus, the outer by the sartorius.
Its floor, from without inward, is made up of the
iliacus, psoas, pectineus, and adductor brevis. The
lower part runs in Hunter's canal, a depression between
the vastus internus and the adductores magnus and
longus, covered by a strong fascia passing between
Fig. 84
Long saphenous
Superior external
Inferior external
Anterior tibial (\ \ \j
—Superior inicrnal
Inferior internal
The femoral artery. (Gray.)
The Popliteal Artery. — ^The popliteal artery runs
from the adductor opening to the lower border of the
popliteus, passing through the popliteal space at the
back of the knee-joint, where it divides into the ante-
rior and posterior tibial.
The anterior tibial artery runs from the lower border
of the popliteus, between the heads of the tibialis
posticus and above the interosseous membrane, to
the front of the leg, then descends as far as the ankle,
ending in the dorsalis pedis.
The dorsalis pedis is the continuation of the anterior
tibial, and runs from the bend of the ankle to the first
interosseous space, where it divides into the dorsalis
hallucis and plantar digital.
The plantar digital branch of the dorsalis pedis
artery passes between the heads of the first dorsal
interosseous, joins with the external plantar to form
the plantar arch, and after supplying the inner side
of the great toe, divides into two branches for the
adjacent sides of the great and second toes.
The posterior tibial artery runs from the lower border
of the popliteus to divide, between the inner malleolus
and heel, into the external and internal plantar arteries.
The plantar arteries are the terminal branches of
the posterior tibial. The internal is at first under
cover of the abductor pollicis, and then between it
and the flexor brevis digitorum, anastomosing at the
inner border of the great toe with its digital artery.
The external, the larger, passes to the base of the
fifth metatarsal, then to the space between the first
and second metatarsals, and joins the plantar digital,
from the dorsalis pedis, to form the plantar arch.
The plantar arch supplies the muscles, fascia, and
skin of the sole of the foot, and gives off the posterior
perforating. These pierce the three outer spaces
between the heads of the dorsal interossei and join
the dorsal interosseous arteries.
The digital, four in number, supply the three outer
Fia. 85
Applied anatomy of the anterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries. (Gray.)
toes and the outer half of the second toe; the first
runs to the outer side of the little toe, the others
bifurcate to the adjacent sides of the fourth and
fifth, fourth and third, third and second toes. At
the point of bifurcation each sends a small branch
to join the dorsal interosseous arteries {anterior
Fig. 86
branch of
dorsalis pedis.
Its digital
The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Gray.)
The Systemic Veins. — These are divided into three
sets: superficial, deep, and sinuses.
The superficial veins are usually found between the
layers of the fasciae just beneath the skin.
The deep veins accompany the arteries, as a rule,
and are usually found in the same sheath, derived
from the deep fascia. They are generally in pairs,
one on each side of the artery, and are termed venae
comites. The larger arteries have only one accom-
panying vein — as the axillary, subclavian, popliteal,
Sinuses are venous channels found in the skull,
which drain the blood from the brain and its mem-
branes, and ultimately communicate with the right
and left internal jugular veins at the base of the
skull. Some are found between two layers of the dura,
and others lodged in grooves on the inner surfaces of
the cranial bones, ensheathed by the dura. They are
lined by endothelial cells continuous with that which
lines the veins. They are sixteen in number — six
single and ten paired.
Venous plexus is the name given to a number of
small veins communicating with each other and
arranged in a net-work surrounding or within any
organ or part of the body.
The Veins of the Heart. — ^The great cardiac vein
ascends in the anterior interventricular groove from
the apex of the heart to the left auriculoventricular
groove ; along this latter it runs to the posterior surface
of the heart, to end in the coronary sinus. At its
termination it is provided with a valve.
The right (small) coronary vein in the right auriculo-
ventricular groove to the sinus.
The coronary sinus, one inch long, is placed at the
back part of the auriculoventricular groove, on the
left side, and opens into the right auricle in front of
the inferior vena cava.
The Superior Vena Cava and Innominate Veins. — ^The
superior vena cava is a large trunk formed by the
union of the two venae innominatae, and returns the
blood from the head and neck, the thoracic walls, and
the upper extremities. It is about three inches long,
and descends from the junction of the first right costal
cartilage with the sternum to its termination in the
right auricle, opposite the upper border of the third
right cartilage.
The Veins of the Head and Neck. — The facial vein
runs from the inner angle of the eye to the anterior
border of the masseter muscle, then backward below
the jaw, joining the anterior division of the temporo-
maxillary trunk to form the common facial, which
joins the internal jugular.
The temporomaxillary vein (posterior facial) is a short
trunk, formed by the temporal and internal maxillary
The temporal vein is formed by the union of the
superficial with the middle temporal vein, and crosses
over the zygoma and under the parotid to join the
internal maxillary vein.
The external jugular vein is formed by the union of
the posterior auricular and the posterior division of
the temporomaxillary trunk. It descends obliquely
across the sternomastoid, lying betw^een the platysma
and fascia. Above the clavicle it pierces the fascia
and joins the subclavian at the outer border of the
scalenus anticus; sometimes it joins the internal
The internal jugular vein commences at the jugular
foramen just below the junction of the inferior petrosal
with the lateral sinus, and descends with the external
carotid, then with the common carotid, to join at a
right angle with the subclavian vein behind the
clavicle, thus forming the innominate vein. It is
placed external to the carotid vessels, lying in the
same sheath with each in turn.
The Veins of the Upper Extremity. — The Superficial
Veins. — They commence from a plexus on the back
of the hand mostly, but to some extent from the palm.
They comprise the following:
The ulnar, anterior and posterior, uniting above in
the common ulnar.
The radial vein is situated on the outer side, and
the median ascends mesially, receives a deep median
vein, and divides at the bend of the elbow into the
median basilic and median cephalic.
The median basilic joins the common ulnar to form
the basilic. The bicipital fascia separates it from the
brachial artery.
The median cephalic crosses the external cutaneous
nerve, and joins the radial to form the cephalic.
The basilic runs along the inner side of the biceps,
pierces the fascia, and is continued upward into the
axillary vein.
The cephalic runs along the outer side of the biceps,
and between the pectoralis major and deltoid, piercing
the costocoracoid membrane to join the axillary vein
below the clavicle.
The Deep Veins. — The axillary vein begins where
the venae comites of the brachial artery and the basilic
vein unite. It runs internal to the artery, and receives
veins corresponding to its branches, as well as the
The subclavian vein is the continuation upward of
the axillary, and runs at a lower level than its artery,
from which it is separated by the phrenic nerve and
scalenus anticus, to the inner border of that muscle,
to join the internal jugular, forming the innominate.
It receives the external jugular, and occasionally the
The Inferior Vena Cava. — This large trunk arises
at the fifth lumbar by the union of the two common
iliacs. It ascends to the right of the aorta, grooves
the posterior border of the liver, pierces the diaphragm,
is enclosed by the serous layer of the pericardium,
and empties into the right auricle.
Fig. 87 Fig. 88
Median cephalic.
cidaneuus nerve.
The superficial veins of the flexor
aspect of the upper extremity.
The internal or long saphenous vein
and its tributaries. (Gray )
The Veins of the Lower Extremity. — The Superficial
Veins. — They begin on the back of the foot in a
plexus which receives the digital veins, and forms an
arch from which -emerge the internal or long and the
external or short saphenous veins.
The long (internal) saphenous, from the inner part of
the plexus, runs in front of the inner malleolus of the
tibia, along with the long saphenous nerve, behind the
inner border of the tibia and condyle of the femur;
thence up along the antero-internal part of the thigh
to join the femoral vein at the saphenous opening.
The short (external) saphenous vein ascends behind
the outer malleolus, and external to the tendo Achillis,
with the external saphenous nerve, and pierces the deep
fascia in the popliteal space to join the popliteal vein.
The Deep Veins. — These are the venos comites
of the arteries. The posterior tibial veins receive the
peroneal, and join the anterior tibial to form the pop-
liteal. This vessel then ascends, crossing superficial
to the artery, from the inner to the outer side, and
becomes the femoral at the opening in the lower
border of the adductor magnus muscle. It receives
the external saphenous and veins corresponding to the
arterial branches.
The femoral vein accompanies the artery, and
becomes the external iliac at Poupart's ligament. It
is at first outside, then behind, and at its termination
internal to, the artery as it lies in Hunter's canal. It
receives, in its lower part, veins corresponding to the
branches of the superficial femoral artery; the long
saphenous, and the inofunda vein.
The external iliac joins the internal iliac near
the lumbosacral articulation, being at first internal
to, later behind, the artery, and they empty into the
common iliac vein on either side, the latter tocming
the inferior vena cava.
The Portal System. — ^The portal vein, three inches
long, arises from the union of the splenic and superior
mesenteric veins behind the head of the pancreas,
and ascends behind the duodenum and between the
layers of the lesser omentum. Here it runs behind
the hepatic artery and bile duct. Accompanied by the
hepatic plexus of nerves and lymphatics, all enclosed
in Glisson's capsule, it then enters the transverse
fissure, forming near the right end the "sinus," and
divides into: A right branch, to the right lobe, which
distributes branches entering the hepatic substance
with the hepatic arterial branches and ducts; and a
left branch, distributed like the right. The portal vein
also drains the pyloric, cystic, gastric, and par-
umbilical veins. The portal vein and its tributaries
convey blood to the liver from the following organs
— spleen, pancreas, stomach, gall-bladder, umbilicus,
duodenum, small and large intestines, appendix, and
upper portion of the rectum.
The vena portse receives the following tributaries:
The superior mesenteric corresponding to the artery
of the same name, receiving also the right gastro-
epiploic win, besides branches accompanjdng those
of the artery. It joins the splenic vein.
The splenic arises by five or six vessels uniting after
leaving the hilum, and runs to the right below the
artery, joining the above at a right angle to form the
vena portee. It receives the vasa brevia, left gastro-
epiploic, and pancreatic branches, and the inferior
mesenteric vein. •
The inferior mesenteric vein corresponds in branches
and course to the artery, and empties into the angle
of junction of the two preceding.
The pyloric runs with the pyloric branch of the
hepatic artery, and joins the vena portse; also the
gastric vein which accompanies the gastric artery and
receives the esophageal branches, joins the vena portse
above the former.^
^ See Chapter on Absorption, page 287, for description of the func-
tion of the portal system.
The blood is contained in the bloodvessels, which
are practically a closed arrangement of tubes — the
arteries, veins, and their connecting capillaries.
Function. — The function of the blood is to transmit
the various nutritive elements, absorbed from the
organs of digestion to the tissues of the body, to carry
to the tissues oxygen absorbed from the air in the
lungs; to remove from the tissues the various waste
products, such as urea, uric acid, w^ater through the
kidneys and skin, carbon dioxide (CO2) — the lattei^
being carried to the lungs by the red cells which give
it off with the expired air; to maintain the temperature
of the body in warm-blooded animals.
, Physical Characteristics. — Blood is alkaline in reac-
tion, opaque in color, and appears as a homogeneous
mass. Two kinds of blood are contained in the vascular
system — in the arteries it is bright red in color, while
in the veins it is dark bluish in color. The color of
the blood is due to the coloring matter — hemoglobin —
contained in the red cells. The bright red color of
normal blood is due to the hemoglobin in combination
with the oxygen, which it absorbs on coming in contact
with the air in the lungs. The bluish color of venous
blood is due to the hemoglobin absorbing the carbon
dioxide from the tissues — a waste compound which is
being carried to the lungs to be given off in the expired
Constituents of Blood. — It consists of a liquid por-
tion called the liquor sanguinis or plasma, red cells
or erythrocytes, white cells or leukocytes, and blood
plaques. (Of course the latter can only be seen with
the microscope.)
The Plasma. — This is a clear, slightly yellowish,
transparent fluid, consisting mostly of the nutritive
elements of the foods — proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
inorganic salts — ^which have been rendered possible
of absorption by the process of digestion; and waste
products (urea, cholesterin, etc., resulting from the
breaking down of tissues following their functional
activities), which are carried to the kidneys, lungs,
and skin to be eliminated.
Serum. — Serum is a clear, transparent, straw-colored
fluid formed when blood coagulates or clots, due to
the contraction of the fibrin which separates after
several hours, following withdrawal or is found by
whipping the blood with twigs, upon which the fibrin
forms as whitish threads. The serum consists prac-
tically of the same substances as the plasma, excepting
the proteins which are found in the fibrin.
Serum-albumin represents the protein constituents
of the blood found in the plasma. It is absorbed
from the digestive tract in the form of peptones which
are formed from the proteins in a manner not definitely
decided upon by physiologists. It replaces the proteins
which have been used up in the disintegration of tissues
(anabolism) .
Paraglobulin is supposed to be similar to serum-
albumin as regards its function, and can only be
isolated from the blood serum by chemical methods.
Fibrinogen is found in the blood, plasma, lymph, peri-
cardial, and peritoneal fiuids. It can only be studied
by treating blood by chemical means before coagulation.
Its importance in regard to its function and nutritive
values is an undetermined quantity, aside from the
fact that it contributes to the formation of fibrin.
Fat is found in the serum as microscopic globules.
The amount is very small (0.25 per cent.); however,
after a hearty meal the quantity is increased.
Sugar is present in the form of dextrose, which is
a member of the carbohydrate group of body con-
stituents derived from fruits, cereals, etc., taken as
Extractives include the nitrogenized bodies, urea,
uric acid, creatin, xanthin, etc., various chemical com-
binations and decompositions, which result from the
breaking down of muscle and nerve tissues. They
occur in very small amounts, being continually absorbed
from the tissues by the blood, but seldom accumulate,
as they are rapidly and continually passed off through
the kidneys, bowels, skin, etc.
Inorganic Salts. — Sodium and potassium chlorides,
phosphates and sulphates, calcium and magnesium
phosphates are found in the plasma. Sodium chloride
is the most important. The alkalinity of the blood is
due to the contained salts, some of which are alkaline
in reaction.
The Red Cells. — Red cells, corpuscles, or erythrocytes
are seen after a drop of freshly drawn blood is examined
under the microscope. They appear as disk-like
cells, floating or swimming about in the blood plasma.
After a few minutes they will be seen to group them-
selves in a number of columns of varying lengths,
resembling rolls of coins. Also a few white cells will
be seen floating about in the plasma.
A single cell is slightly yellow or greenish. Numbers
when collected together appear red. The color is due
to the presence within the cell of the coloring matter,
hemoglobin. The diameter of a red cell is ^yV o^ of an
inch or 0.0075 mm.; i2\~q'^ or 0.0019 mm. in thickness.
The average number of red cells in one cubic milli-
meter of blood is 5,000,000 for the male; 4,500,000
for the female.
Chemic Composition. — The corpuscle consists of
hemoglobin, about 30 per cent, of total weight, the
rest, 70 per cent., contains 68 per cent, water, 2 per
cent, solid matter, e. g., cholestrin, lecithin, and
inorganic salts.
The function of the red cell is to carry oxygen to
the tissues, where it enters into combination with
them (oxidation). This phenomenon is made possible
by the hemoglobin contained in the red corpuscle.
When the red cells in the blood come in contact.
under the oxygen pressure, with the air we breathe
into our lungs, the hemoglobin absorbs some of the
oxygen, through a chemical union (oxyhemoglobin);
immediately the blood becomes bright scarlet color
on leaving the lungs; as the tissues are reached by
this blood, when the oxygen pressure is low, the
oxyhemoglobin gives up some of its oxygen to the
tissues, and the blood becomes bluish in color (reduced
blood); whereupon it returns through the veins to
the lungs by way of the heart, to be oxidized again.
The White Cells. — The white cells, corpuscles, or
leukocytes are composed chemically of 90 per cent,
water, the balance solid matter, mostly proteins, e. g.,
nuclein, nucleo-albumin, which contain phosphorus (as
much as 10 per cent.), cell globulin, also lecithin, fat,
glycogen, earthy and alkaline phosphates.
The number of white corpuscles is much less than
the red corpuscles, thus in 1 cubic millimeter the
ratio is about 1 white to 700 red. The average number
of white cells in a cubic millimeter of blood is between
7500 to 8000. The number may be increased or reduced
by the following physiologic conditions: Taking of
food rich in proteins raises the number 30 to 40 per
cent.; in the newborn, 17,000 to 20,000 per cubic
millimeter; latter days of pregnancy they are as high
as 15,000 to 20,000; they are increased in various
pathologic conditions, such as abscess, peritonitis,
appendicitis, pneumonia. Starvation reduces the
The white cells as seen under the microscope floating
in the blood plasma, appear as grayish cells, about
2-:5Vo' inch in diameter, adhering to the walls of the
The cell structure appears as a homogeneous mass
containing numerous granules consisting of fat, pro-
tein, and carbohydrate. A nuclei can be seen by
the adding of a mild acid. They are ameboid, that is,
they show movements similar to those seen in the
amebae. As a result of this ameboid movement they
assume a different shape from time to time. White
cells have the properties of moving about and coming
in contact with bacteria, and disintegrated tissues, then
can be seen taking them into their substance and elimi-
nating them from the cell or digesting the invader.
They can by their movements slip through the wall
of the capillary vessel and appear in the adjacent
lymph spaces. This power of the white cell is best
appreciated in the early stages of inflammation when
the blood stream is always engorged with red and white
corpuscles; the latter can be seen passing into, through,
and outside the wall, and preparing to combat the
invading germ causing the trouble. This action of
the white corpuscles is called diapedesis.
The large and small lymphocytes originate in the
lymph glands, the solitary and combined glands of
the intestines, etc. They are carried into the blood
stream from these glands by means of the flowing
lymph. The polymorphonuclear, eosinophiles, baso-
philes, and leukocytes are derived from the bone-
marrow only. They reach the circulation by entering
the capillaries in the bone-marrow. Leukocytes dis-
appear by a process of dissolution. The period of
their life is unknown.
Function of White Cells. — The polymorphonuclear,
large and small, h mphocytes possess the properties
of engaging and removing bacteria and broken-down
tissue. They attack and destroy more or less effec-
tively forms of intruding bacteria by surrounding,
and incorporating the tissue or bacterium and elimi-
nating them by a process of digestion. This swallowing
action of these white cells caused Professor Metchni-
koff to call them phagocytes, and the process as phago-
cytosis. Thus these scavengers aid the human body
in recovering from disease by combating and destroy-
ing the invading bacterium. White cells are supposed,
after breaking up, to contribute certain protein
material to the blood plasma, which aids in the
coagulation of blood.
Blood Plaques. — ^These are colorless disks con-
sisting of protoplasm. Their diameter is 1.5 to 3.5
micromillimeters. The number compared to the red
cells is 1 to 18 or 20. They are concerned mostly
with the coagulation of the blood, by their adhering
and forming irregular masses (Schultze), acting as a
nucleus for the fibrin filaments to spread from during
coagulation of the blood. They can only be seen
microscopically after subjecting the blood to treat-
ment with osmic acid.
Coagulation of Blood. — Blood when freshly drawn from
a living body into a vessel is fluid. In a short time
it becomes thickened or viscid, this increase in con-
sistency becomes more marked ,until the vessel con-
tains a dark reddish mass, resembling gelatin. Shortly
a few drops of fluid appear on the surface of the mass,
which gradually increases in amount, the vessel is
seen to contain a deposit of a firm, organized mass
— the clot — floating in a reddish-yellow fluid — the
blood-serum. On examining a portion of the clot
microscopically, it will show threads of fibrin with
red and white corpuscles clinging to them.
The Clotting of Blood. — This is supposed to be a
chemic phenomenon due to the action of a ferment,
derived from calcium chloride, and some authors
suggest leukocytes acting on the fibrinogen of the
blood plasma, and converting it into fibrin and thus
forming the nucleus of the clot. If blood is freshly
drawn into a vessel, then whipped with a bundle of
fine twigs for a few moments, the fibrin will be deposited
on these twigs as whitish threads. Blood treated in
this manner will not clot when left in the vessel; the
serum will be the only residue present. This blood,
treated as above, is called defibrinated.
1. Where is the pericardium found? Its function?
2. In which bony cavity of the body is the heart located?
3. What is the position of the heart in the thoracic cavity?
4. What relation does the apex bear to the chest wall?
5. Can the beat of the heart be felt at any point on the chest
wall and where?
6 How many surfaces has the heart? Borders?
7. What are its dimensions? Weight, male and female?
8. What grooves can be seen on the external surface of the heart
9. How many chambers has the heart?
10. AVhat divides the right side from the left? The auricles from
the ventricles?
11. How many auricles are there? Ventricles?
12. What name is given to the opening between the auricle and
13 What is the lining membrane of the heart called?
14. What variety of cells are found in the endocardium?
15. What parts present themselves in the right auricle?
16. Name the small muscles found in the cavities of the right
and left ventricles.
17. Name the valves found in the right and left auriculoven-
tricular openings. The pulmonary artery and aorta.
18. How many leaflets has the mitral valve? Tricuspid valve?
19. What name is given to the cords extending between the
papillary muscles and margins of the mitral and tricuspid valves?
20. Give a brief description of the course of the blood through
the chambers of the heart?
21. What muscle transmits the contraction wave of the heart
muscle from the right auricle to the ventricular walls?
22. How is the cardiac cycle divided?
23. How long does the cycle of the heart last? How divided?
24. Give the normal beat of the heart per minute in an adult.
Fetus. First year of life. Third year. Eighth to fourteenth year.
25. At what point on the chest wall can the beat of the heart be
heard best?
26. What causes the first sound of the heart? Second sound?
27. Describe briefly the fetal circulation.
28. Give the changes in the fetal circulation following birth.
29. Name the coats of an artery.
30. What variety of tissue renders arteries so elastic?
31. Why is the elasticity of the arterial wall so essential?
32. What causes arteries to contract?
33. What do you understand by the term vasa vasorum?
34. What are small arteries called? Veins?
35. What forms the walls of capillaries?
36. What are the functions of the capillaries?
37. How many coats form the wall of a vein?
38. Do some veins possess valves?
39. What is the pulse?
40. Where is the pulse usually counted best?
41. What is the pulse due to?
42. What do you understand by a frequent or infrequent pulse?
Hard or soft? Tense or compressible? Large, full, or small?
43. Define blood pressure.
44. What do you understand by the term peripheral resistance?
45. How can you differentiate a hemorrhage from a vein or
46. What causes the difference in character of an arterial from
a venous hemorrhage?
47. What vessels carry the blood from the right ventricle of the
heart to the lungs?
48. How does the blood leave the left ventricle of the heart?
49. How does the blood from the lungs reach the left auricle of
the heart?
50. What large vein empties the systemic blood into the right
auricle of the heart?
51. What are the divisions of the aorta.
52. Name the arteries supplying the following organs: stomach,
kidney, liver, heart, lungs, uterus, large bowel, appendix.
53. Give the location of the superficial and deep palmar arches
in the palm of the hand.
54. What are the branches of the transverse arch of the aorta?
55. What veins form the portal vein?
56. Name the organs which are drained by the portal vein and
its tributaries.
57. What is the function of the blood?
58 Is blood alkaline or acid in reaction? What is the color of
arterial blood? Venous blood?
59. What causes the red color of arterial blood? The bluish
color of venous blood?
60. What are the constituents of blood?
61. What is the function of fibrinogen in blood?
62. Is sugar found in the blood? Fat?
63. What are the dimensions of a red cell?
64. Describe the appearance of blood under the microscope.
65. What is the function of the hemoglobin in the red cells?
66. What is the normal average number of red cells found in one
cubic millimeter of blood in the male? Female?
67. What is the normal average number of white cells found in a
cubic millimeter of blood?
68. What do you understand by the terms diapedesis, phago-
69. Describe the coagulation (clotting) of blood.
70. What are the functions of the white cells?
The lymphatic system includes primarily the
tissues or lymph spaces, the lymph and blood capil-
laries; secondarily, the lymphatic vessels, and lymph
nodes or lymphatic glands, and the veins which sub-
sequently receive the lymph through the large right
and thoracic ducts.
The lymphatic system is supposed to be a closed
system in relation with the tissues. The lymph reaches
the lymphatic vessels by transudation through the
endothelial lining of the vessels; this also occurs in
the serous membranes, and is not due to the lymph
passing by permanent openings between the cells
(stomata), as was once held.
The Tissues or Lymph Spaces. — These are located
in practically every tissue and organ of the body.
They are found between cells (intercellular), around
bloodvessels (perivascular), and around nerves (peri-
neural); these spaces are not lined by endothelial
cells; the cells are nourished as demonstrated above,
by a transudation through the capillary walls, and
the lymph .comes in contact with the cells in the
lymph spaces. The spaces in the cranial cavity, the
subdural and subarachnoid, also the serous cavities,
as the pericardial, pleural, peritoneal, and synovial
bursse, are lined by endothelial cells, and the lymph
transudes or passes through the membranes by
osmosis. The ventricles of the brain and the central
canal of the spinal cord contain lymph from the blood
capillaries of these parts, and communicate with the
subarachnoid space (see Coverings of Brain and Spinal
Cord), whereupon it is taken up by the lymphatic
Lymph Capillaries. — These are the connecting
vessels between the lymph spaces and the lymphatic
vessels proper. They are thin-walled vessels, which
consist of a single layer of endothelial cells. They
are arranged in plexuses interwoven with the blood
capillaries, and can be easily distinguished from them
by their larger size and irregular expans?ons.
The blood capillaries, in relation with the lymph
capillaries, permit of a transudation of the nutritive
elements of the blood through their thin walls, and at
the same time assist in the reabsorption of a portion
of this transudate and waste products resulting from
The Lymphatic Vessels. — They are arranged into
a superficial and deep set. The superficial set pass
just beneath the skin and follow the course of the
superficial veins, some pierce the fascia to communi-
cate with the deep set. These drain the surfaces of
the head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The deep
set follow the course of the deeper bloodvessels, and
drain the adjacent tissues. In the interior of the
trunk the lymphatics are found in the submucous
layer of the mucous membrane of the alimentary
canal and respiratory apparatus, also the genito-
urinary tract — kidney, bladder, etc.
The lymphatic vessels are seen as a net-work of
minute vessels, larger than the capillary vessels, in
the above-mentioned tissues and organs. The lymph
is conveyed through these lymph capillaries to larger
vessels called lymphatics, which pass to small glandular
bodies called lymph nodes or lymphatic glands.
The deep lymphatic vessels have the same origin
as the superficial set, but are fewer in number and
larger. They also drain into the lymph nodes.
The lymph vessels are composed of three coats:
The internal is of elastic fibers arranged lengthwise,
covered with a layer of endothelial cells; the middle
coat consists of white fibrous tissue arranged longi-
tudinally, with non-striated muscle and elastic fibers
arranged transversely; the external coat is practically
the same as the middle coat, except that the muscle
fibers are arranged longitudinally.
Lymph vessels possess valves, which are so close
together and so numerous as to appear as beads
upon the course of the vessels. They face toward
the larger vessels, are arranged in pairs, and are
formed from a reduplication of the vessel wall rein-
forced by white fibrous tissue from the middle coat.
The Lymph Nodes. — They are small, solid, gland-
ular bodies found along the course of the lymphatic
vessels. They vary in size from a microscopic
mass of lymphoid tissue to an olive. Their color
when cut is pinkish, except in the bronchial nodes,
which are black, due to the absorption of foreign
particles of dust from the mucous membranes of
the respiratory tract; the nodes around the liver
(hepatic) are yellowish, due to the absorption of bile
pigments. The splenic lymph nodes are brown.
As the lymphatic vessels from the lymph spaces
approach a node they divide into numerous small
vessels called afferent vessels. The latter pierce the
capsule of the gland; devoid of their outer coat, they
enter the sinus beneath the capsule, termed the
subcapsular sinus, which communicates with a central
sinus. The lymph is filtered within this node and is
collected by small vessels which unite beneath the
capsule and pierce it as a single efferent vessel. Upon
leaving the lymph node the efferent vessel is invested
by an external coat derived from the gland capsule.
The lymph continues to pass on until another set of
nodes are reached, when the same arrangement takes
place, and so on until the large lymphatic vessels
are reached, whereupon, through the thoracic ducts
and right lymphatic duct, it is returned to the venous
circulation. While the lymph is in the nodes, newly
formed lymphocytes attack and destroy any bacteria
that are present.
Lymph nodes are divided into a superficial and
deep set, and usually found around bloodvessels and
embedded in fat. Occasionally they are single, but, as
a rule, are found arranged in chains. Bloodvessels and
nerves are plentiful. Besides these nodes, which will
be classified and described later, there are structures
allied to them — tonsils and Beyer's patches of the
small intestines.
The Composition, Production, and Function of Lymph.
— Lymph is a clear fluid found within the tissue spaces,
and termed intracellular lymph; and in the lymphatic
vessels called intravascular lymph. It is alkaline in
reaction, and has a specific gravity of 1.02 to L04.
When observed under the microscope, numbers of
leukocytes or white blood cells are seen. These consist
of a small amount of protoplasm in which can be
seen a nucleus. Lymph will clot, but not as actively
or as firmly as blood. The clotting is due to the
appearance of fibrin.
The Chemic Composition. — This will vary, dependent
upon the portion of the body drained; however,
lymph obtained from the thoracic duct has been
found to contain, after chemic analysis, 34 to 41
per cent, of proteins (serum-albumin, fibrinogen),
0.046 to 0.13 per cent, of substances soluble in ether
(probably fat), 0.1 per cent, of sugar, and from 0.8
to 0.9 per cent, of inorganic salts, of w^hich sodium
chloride (0.55 per cent.) and sodium carbonate (0.24
per cent.) are the most abundant (Munk). Small
amounts of calcium, potassium, and magnesium salts
are present; also both free oxygen and carbon dioxide;
urea in very small quantities. Lymph is similar in
composition to the plasma of the blood, only it does
not contain any red cells.
Production of Lymph. — ^This is still under discussion,
various theories being advanced, but none are abso-
lutely definite, nor is any accepted by physiologists as
the correct one. It is supposed to be formed by the
plasma of the blood passing through the thin-walled
capillaries into the small lymph spaces which exist
between the cells of the adjacent tissues; and another
theory is that this transudation is aided by an active
secretory action on the part of the endothelial cells
composing the capillary walls.
This passing or transudation of the nutritive material
and the white cells through the walls of the capillaries
is necessary in order to have the tissues receive the
elements essential for their nourishment, and to
combat, with the contained lymphocytes, any invading
germ, or to neutralize any toxin within the spaces.
The passage of the plasma or liquid nutritive element
of the blood through the capillary walls is based on
three factors: namely, osmosis, diffusion, and filtration.
(See standard works on physiology.)
The Functions of the Intercellular Lymph. — The
intimate contact of the lymph with the tissue cells
of the body denotes that its function is to furnish
those cells with nutritive elements essential to their
growth, repair, and functional activity, and to receive
from those cells the products resulting from disintegra-
tion or tissue waste as a result of body metabolism.
In order to have the lymph in relation with the
tissue cells retain a certain composition, which is con-
stantly being reduced by the absorption of the waste
products into the lymph vessels and blood, it is
necessary that the lymph be renewed as rapidly as
consumed, and the waste material removed as pro-
duced. Should one of these conditions fail the nutri-
tive elements of the lymph would be reduced, and
consequently destroy the vitality of the tissues.
The formation of lymph is a continuous phenomena
and more is formed than is essential to the needs of
the tissues to maintain their normal activities. Should
the lymph be allowed to accumulate, it would lead
Fig. 89
Thoracic duct, azygos, and intercostal veins.- (Testut.)
to a condition of edema and an interference with the
functional activities of the tissues. But in health,
before this condition of congestion is permitted, the
lymphatic vessels collect the excess volume and
carry it into the thoracic ducts, which convey it into
the venous system.^
The Thoracic Ducts. — These are two in number, the
right and a common trunk. They drain all the smaller
lymphatic vessels of the body and open into the veins.
The thoracic duct, or common trunk, drains all the
vessels of the body, except the right side of the head
and neck, the right upper extremity, the right side of
the lung and its pleura, the heart and pericardium, and
the convex surface of the liver; the latter are drained
by the right thoracic duct. The common trunk begins
as the receptaculum chyli, situated opposite the second
and third lumbar vertebra behind the peritoneum.
The duct is 15 to 18 inches in length. It extends from
the second lumbar vertebra to the root of the neck,
where it empties into the angle of junction of the
subclavian and internal jugular veins. It passes
through the aortic opening in the diaphragm between
the aorta and the azygos vein. In the thorax it lies
betw^een the esophagus and aorta on the thoracic ver-
tebra; upon reaching the fourth thoracic vertebra it
turns toward the left and passes behind the arch of
the aorta and at the seventh cervical vertebra empties
into the veins as above.
The right duct is only about one-half inch in length
and opens into the junction of the internal and sub-
clavian veins in the right side.
» The description of the systemic lymphatic vessels and glands
are not included, as they are not considered essential to a nurse's
1. What structures are included under the lymphatic system?
2. How does the lymph reach the lymphatic vessels?
3. Where are lymph spaces found in the tissues of the body?
4. Where are the superficial set of lymphatic vessels located?
Deep set?
5. In which layer of a mucous membrane are the lymphatic
vessels usually found?
6. Into what structure does the lymphatic vessel drain?
7. Name the coats of a lymphatic vessel.
8. Do lymph vessels possess valves?
9. Describe a lymph node or gland.
10. What are afferent, efferent lymphatic vessels?
11. Where are lymph glands usually found?
12. What is the function of a lymph capillary?
13. What is the relation and function of blood capillaries to the
lymph capillaries?
14. Give the composition of lymph.
15. How is lymph produced generally?
16. Is lymph a necessary fluid as regards the nourishment of the
17. What is the function of the thoracic ducts?
18. Where is the receptaculum chyli located?
19. What portions of the body are drained of lymph by the right
thoracic duct? The left or common?
20. Into which vein does the right thoracic duct empty? The
common duct?
The respiratory apparatus consists of those organs
which receive and return the air breathed through
the nose, mouth, and pharynx, and convey it in a
system of closed tubes and cavities to the termination
of the lungs, where it comes in contact with the
capillaries of the blood, which permit, owing to their
thin walls and the lining membrane of the air cells of
the lungs — a gaseous interchange between the carbon
dioxide and other waste materials of the blood and
the oxygen of the air breathed during the act of
In man the respiratory apparatus is described
under the following: Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, and
The organs of respiration are located as follows:
The larynx and beginning of the trachea in the neck,
the bronchi and lungs within the thorax.
The Nasal Cavities. — These are the proper channels
for the air to pass through. However, the mouth can
be used as desired by the individual, as is usually
employed by persons suffering from any nasal obstruc-
tion or a deficient amount of air reaching the lungs,
due to heart, lung, throat trouble, or changes in the
blood which compel forced or labored breathing —
dyspnea. The air as it passes through the nasal
cavities is warmed by coming in contact with the
highly vascularized mucous membrane lining them,
and thus is prevented from reaching the lungs at a
low temperature, which would cause their congestion
and be dangerous to health. The air also passes
through the pharynx to reach the larynx.
The Larynx. — The larynx is the organ of the voice,
and is placed at the upper and forepart of the neck,
between the trachea and base of the tongue. It com-
municates above with the laryngopharynx, below with
the trachea.
Relations.— It has on each side of it the carotid vessels,
and behind it the pharynx. In front are the pretra-
cheal portions of the cervical fascia and the upper end
of the thyroid gland, and on each side the sterno-
hyoid and thyroid and the thyrohyoid muscles. It
consists of various cartilages held together by liga-
ments, and is lined internally by mucous membrane,
continuous with that of the pharynx above and the
trachea below.
The cartilages are nine: Three pairs, the arytenoid,
cornicula laryngis, and cuneiform; and three single,
the thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis.
The thyroid cartilage is the largest, and consists of
two lateral parts or alse uniting in front to form the
projection of the Adam's apple (pomum Adami).
This is subcutaneous, more distinct above and in the
male. Internally it is smooth, and in the angle the
epiglottis, true and false vocal cords, and the thyro-
arytenoid and thy ro-epiglottidean muscles are attached.
The upper border is concavoconvex, and in front is
notched over the pomum Adami, giving attachment
throughout to the thyrohyoid membrane. The lower
border is joined to the cricoid cartilage by the middle
portion of the cricothyroid membrane; and on either
side, affords attachment to the cricothyroid muscle.
The posterior borders end in the upper and lower
cornua (horns); to the upper are attached the lateral
thyrohyoid ligaments, and the lower, which are shorter
and thicker, present internally a facet for articulation
with the cricoid cartilage.
Fia. 90
Sagittal section of larynx, right half. (Testut.)
The cricoid cartilage resembles a signet ring, is
narrow in front, and gives attachment to the crico-
thyroid muscle, and behind it to some of the fibers
of the inferior constrictor. It is broad behind, with
a vertical ridge for the attachment of the longitudinal
fibers of the esophagus, and presents at about
the middle of the lateral surface a prominence on
each side which articulates with the corresponding
inferior cornua of the thyroid cartilage. The lower
border is joined to the upper ring of the trachea; the
upper border gives attachment in front and laterally
to the cricothyroid membrane and the lateral crico-
arytenoideus muscle. Behind, at each end of its upper
border, is an oval surface for the corresponding ary-
tenoid cartilage, with a notch between. The inner
surface is smooth and lined with mucous membrane.
The arytenoid cartilages are pyramidal in form,
presenting three surfaces, an apex, and base, and
rest by their bases on the highest part of the upper
border of the cricoid cartilage behind, their curved
apices approximating.
The cornicula laryngis (cartilages of Santorini) are two
small, cervical nodules of yellow elastic tissue, which
articulate with the summits of the arytenoid cartilages
and serve to prolong them backward and inward.
The cuneiform cartilages (Wrisberg's) are two small,
yellow bodies of elastic cartilage, which stretch between
the arytenoid cartilage and the epiglottis.
The epiglottis is a fibrocartilaginous lamella, shaped
like a leaf, lying behind the tongue and in front of
the upper orifice of the larynx. Above it is broad,
below narrow and prolonged to the notch above the
pomum Adami by the thyro-epiglottic ligament, or
rather, to the angular interval just below the notch,
and is attached to the upper border of the body of the
hyoid bone by the hyo-epiglottic ligament. It falls
downward over the opening of the larynx during the
swallowing of food to prevent the same from entering
the larynx.
The ligaments of the larynx are extrinsic and intrinsic.
The former connect [t to the hyoid bone; the latter
connect its parts together.
The extrinsic ligaments, meaning those coming
from without or on the outside of the larynx, are the
middle thyrohyoid ligament, the two lateral thyro-
hyoid ligaments, and the hyo-epiglottic ligament.
The intrinsic ligaments, meaning those within or
on the inside of the larynx, connecting the thyroid
and cricoid cartilages, are the cricothyroid membrane,
two capsular ligaments.
The cricoid and arytenoid cartilages are connected
by loose capsular ligaments lined by synovial mem-
branes, and by a posterior cricoarytenoid ligament
running from the cricoid to the inner and back part
of the base of the arytenoid.
The Interior of the Larynx (Cavum Laryngis). — This
is divided into an upper and a lower part by the rima
glottidis. The upper opens into the pharynx by the
upper aperture of the larynx, between which and the
rima glottidis are the ventricles and their saccules, and
the false vocal cords. The lower aperture is continuous
with the trachea.
The rima glottidis is the space between the true
vocal cords and the bases of the arytenoid cartilages.
It is somewhat less than 1 inch long, and according to
its degree of dilatation, from J to | inch wide. In
easy respiration its form is triangular with the base
posterior, and when fully dilated it is lozenge-shaped.
The superior or false vocal cords are two mucous
folds, each enclosing the corresponding superior
thyro-arytenoid ligament. This latter is a thin band
running between the angle of the thyroid and the
antero-external surface of the arytenoid cartilage.
The inferior or true vocal cords are two strong bands,
the inferior thyro-arytenoid ligaments, covered by
mucous membrane and attached to the depression
between the alse of the thyroid cartilage in front and
the anterior angle of the base (vocal process) of the
arytenoid cartilages behind.
The ventricles of the larynx lie one on each side,
between the upper and lower vocal cords, bounded
externally by the thyro-arytenoidei.
The saccule of the larynx is a space on each side,
between the false vocal cord and the inner surface
of the thyroid cartilage, reaching upward as high as
the upper border of that cartilage, and its mucous
membrane presents the orifices of sixty or seventy
glands. This space has a fibrous capsule.
The muscles of the larynx are divided into extrinsic
and intrinsic — the former will be found under the
muscle system. The latter are:
Cricothyroid. Posterior crico-arytenoid.
Thyro-arytenoid. Lateral crico-arytenoid.
Thyro-epiglotticus. Arytenoid (single).
Actions of the intrinsic muscles: (1) Those which
open and close the glottis. (2) Those which regulate
the degree of tension of the vocal cords.
1. The two posterior crico-arytenoid s open the
glottis; and the arytenoid and the two lateral crico-
arytenoids close it.
2. The two cricothyroids regulate the tension of
the vocal cords, and elongate them by the same action;
the two thyro-arytenoid s relax and shorten them.
Phonation, Articulate Speech. — Phonation is the
phenomenon whereby the animal and human being
are enabled to utter vocal sounds, due to the vibration
of two elastic membranes, the vocal cords, which
cross the opening of the larynx from before backward,
and which are thrown into vibration by the air forced
from the lungs.
Articulate speech is a modification of the vocal
sounds or the voice produced by the teeth and the
muscles of the lips and tongue, and is employed for
the expression of ideas (Brubaker).
The Trachea. — The trachea is a membranocar-
tilaginous tube, flattened behind, continuous above
with the larynx, and below dividing into the two
The trachea consists of sixteen to twenty incomplete
cartilaginous rings connected by a fibrous membrane.
Their free ends, which are directed posteriorly, are
united similarly and by plain muscular tissue. Its
upper limit is at the sixth cervical, its lower, opposite
the body or upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra,
Fig. 91
Trachea and bronchi, front view. (Testut.)
and it measures about 41 inches in length; transversely,
f to 1 inch. Its inner surface is lined by a mucous
membrane which belongs to the stratified, ciliated
variety of tissues, and this cilia possesses a per-
petual movement, carrying the particles of dust, etc..
entangled in the mucus toward the entrance of the
respiratory tract, where it is expectorated. The
submucosa contains numbers of mucous glands.
The Bronchi. — The bronchi enter the hilum of the
corresponding lung. The right is the shorter, wider,
and more horizontal, and enters the lung opposite the
fifth thoracic vertebra, the larger azygos vein arching
over it from behind, the right pulmonary artery below
and then in front of it. The left bronchus is about
2 inches long, and enters the lung opposite the sixth
dorsal vertebra. It passes under the arch of the aorta
and crosses in front of the esophagus, thoracic duct,
and descending aorta. The left pulmonary artery
lies at first above, then in front of it.
Their structure resembles the trachea, only that
the cartilaginous rings become thinner and are replaced
by an increase in the muscular coat, as they approach
the terminal bronchioles. The alveoli, the termination
of the bronchioles, rest on a basement membrane of
elastic tissue, surrounded by a capillary plexus formed
by the pulmonary arteries and veins.
The Pleurae. — The pleurae are two separate serous
sacs which invest each lung to its root and are reflected
on to the thoracic walls and pericardium. That portion
of the serous membrane investing the surface of the
lung and extending into the fissures between the
lobes is called the visceral layer of the pleura (pleura
pulmonalis), while the portion lining the inner surface
of the thorax is called the parietal layer of the pleura
(pleura parietalis). The latter is subdivided into the
cervical, the costal, the diaphragmatic, and the
mediastinal portions. The space between the visceral
and parietal layers is the pleural cavity (cavum pleurae),
and contains a small amount of clear fluid. There is
no cavity when the pleurse are in a healthy condition,
the two layers being in contact.
The two pleurse are distinct from each other, and
do not meet in the median line except behind the
second piece of the sternum. At the root of the lung
the visceral and parietal layer of the same side are
continuous, and at the lower part of the root a fold,
the ligamentum latum piilmonis, runs down to the
Fig. 92
Internal Mammary Vessels.
Left Phrenic Nerve
Pleura Pulmonahs.
Ptcicra Costalis.
St/mpathelic derive
Thoracic Duel.
Vena Azygoa Ma:)or
Vagus Nenves
A transverse section of the thorax, showing the relative positions of the
viscera and the reflections of the pleurae. (Gray.)
The Lungs (Pulmones) . — The lungs are the essential
organs of respiration; they are situated in the right
and left sides of the thorax, covered by the visceral
portion of the pleura; filling the cavity, with the
exception of the intervening mediastinum. The
latter is a space within the thorax situated between
the right and left lobes of the lungs; it contains the
heart covered by the pericardium, the great vessels
of the heart, the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, thymus
gland, thoracic ducts, nerves to the heart, lungs, and
other organs. It is divided into superior, anterior,
middle, and posterior portions, bounded above by the
root of the neck, below by the diaphragm. Each
lung presents for examination an apex, a base, dia-
phragmatic, costal, mediastinal surfaces, and anterior,
posterior, and inferior borders. It is suspended within
the cavity by the root and the ligamentum pulmonale.
Fig. 93
Front view of the heart and lungs. (Gray.)
During respiration the lung, covered by the visceral
pleura, is pressed again.st the walls of the thorax,
interlined by the parietal pleura, and friction is pre-
vented by a small amount of fluid, within the pleural
cavity, which continually bathes the approximating
The apex (apex pulmonis) is rounded, and extends
about 1 inch to 2 inches above the anterior end of
the first rib. It is grooved by the subclavian artery
on the left side, but on the right side the impression of
the innominate vein is the most prominent groove seen.
Fissures and Lobes. — The left lung is divided into
two lobes, an upper and a lower, by an oblique fissure,
which extends from the outer to the inner surface of
the lung both above and below the hilum. The right
lung is divided into three lobes, an upper, middle,
and lower, by an oblique fissure, separating the lower
and middle lobes, a horizontal fissure separating the
upper and middle lobes.
The Root of the Lung (Radix Pulmonis). — This lies
a little above the centre of the mediastinal surface,
and approaches nearer to the posterior than to the
anterior border. It transmits the bronchus, the
pulmonary artery, the two pulmonary veins, usually
the bronchial arteries and veins — the former supply
the bronchi and lungs with blood — the pulmonary
plexus of .nerves, lymphatics, the bronchial lymph
nodes, and areolar tissue, surrounded by a reflection
of the pleura which fuses with the pericardium at
this point.
Structure of the Lungs. — The color of the lungs at
birth is a pinkish white; in adult life, a dark slate
color, mottled in patches; and as age advances this
assumes a black color.
The lungs are composed of an external serous coat,
subserous areolar tissue, and parenchyma, consisting
of numbers of lobules (| to 1^ inches in size). The
structures enclosed within the lungs consist of bronchi,
their subdivisions which end in the air cells, blood-
vessels, lymphatics and nerves, all embedded in a sup-
porting net-work of fibrous and elastic tissue. These
structures can only be seen under the microscope.
The bronchi, on passing to the periphery of the
lung, become smaller and smaller as they divide and
subdivide. The walls become thinner and the car-
tilaginous rings disappear. The smallest bronchial
tubes contain muscle tissue in their walls. These
latter fibers, when stimulated by nerves from the
vagus, cause a narrowing of the caliber of the bronchial
tubes. When the bronchial tubes are so reduced
as to measure about 1 millimeter, they are termed
bronchioles. From the latter are given off small
branches which soon expand to form numbers of
lobules or alveoli. The central space of the alveoli is
called the infundibulum, and from the inner surface
of the alveolus, project small partitions which include
the air sacs or cells between them. The walls of the
alveolus are very thin and composed of fibro-elastic
tissue. The bronchi and bronchioles are lined with
ciliated epithelium and the alveoli and air cells by
flat epithelial cells, called respiratory epithelium.
The bronchi and their subdivisions are accompanied
by branches of the pulmonary artery, and pulmonary
and bronchial veins. The pulmonary arteries upon
reaching the alveoli of the lungs form a capillary net-
work which is in intimate relation with the respiratory
epithelium of the air sacs, only the thin wall of the
capillary intervening. This permits of the ready inter-
change of the carbon dioxide through the wall of the
capillary and respiratory epithelium with the intrapul-
monary air, and the oxygen from the latter is absorbed
in the same way by the red cells of the blood in the pul-
monary capillaries, and returned to the left side of the
heart. The bronchial arteries supply the walls of the
larger bronchial tubes and tissue of the lungs anasto-
mosing with the capillaries of the bronchial and pulmo-
nary veins. The bronchial veins pass back to empty
into the azygos system on the right side and on the
left they drain into the superior intercostal vein. The
pulmonary veins are supposed to contain some venous
blood derived from the bronchial venous capillaries,
besides their arterial blood.
Respiration is a process whereby the lungs receive
the oxygen from the air we breathe; it is carried to
the tissues by the hemoglobin of the red cells, where it
is given off to the tissues; carbon dioxide is taken up
by the hemoglobin from the tissues and carried by the
red cells to the lungs, where it is given off in the expired
air. Respiration, therefore, is a function indispensable
to life and plays a most important part in the main-
tenance of body metabolism, by supplying oxygen to
the tissues, and removing carbon dioxide from the
tissues in the chemic interchange taking place between
the air, the blood, and the tissues during the act of
respiration, and circulation of the blood.
Rate of Respiration. — The normal rate of respira-
ation varies at different ages as follows: At birth and
during the first year, 44 per minute; five years, 26 per
minute; fifteen to twenty years, 20 per minute; twenty
to twenty-five years, 18.7 per minute; thirty to fifty
years, 18 per minute.
Respiration is divided into: inspiration, an active
process due to muscular activity, when air enters the
lungs, due to atmospheric pressure being greater
than the contained intrapulmonary; expiration, a quiet
or passive process, due to the recoil of the elastic
tissue of the lungs, the abdominal and thoracic walls;
when the intrathoracic pressure becomes greater than
the atmospheric air pressure it allows the contained
air to escape until the intrapulmonary pressure equals
the atmospheric air pressure, then inspiration occurs
again, and the respiratory cycle is repeated.
The Volumes of Air Breathed. — This is determined
by an apparatus known as Hutchinson's spirometer.
With this apparatus four volumes of air are deter-
mined. (1) The tidal volume or the amount of air
which flows into and ou^ of the lungs during an ordinary
inspiration and expiration varies from 20 to 30 cubic
inches. (2) The complemental volume or the amount
of air taken into the lungs, in addition to the tidal
volume, resulting from a forcible inspiration, which
amounts to 110 cubic inches. (3) The reserve volume
or the amount of air which flows out of the lungs, in
addition to the tidal volume resulting from a forcible
expiration, which amounts to 100 cubic inches. (4)
The residual volume or amount of air remaining in the
lungs, as a permanent volume, after the most forcible
The vital capacity is the amount of air which can
be expelled from the lungs after they are filled by the
most forcible inspiration. This amounts to 230 cubic
inches (3593 c.c). *
Changes in the Composition of Inspired and Expired
Air as a Result of Respiration.
Inspired Air, 100 Volumes
Oxygen 20.80
Carbon dioxide traces
Nitrogen 79.20
Watery vapor variable
Expired Air, 100 Volumes
Oxygen 16.02
Carbon dioxide 4.38
Nitrogen 79.60
Water vapor saturated
Organic matter (Brubaker)
The above analyses show that the air under ordinary
conditions loses oxygen to the extent of 4.37 per cent.,
and gains in carbon dioxide to the extent of 4.38 per
cent.; it gains in nitrogen to the extent of 0.4 per cent.,
and watery vapor to the point of saturation, also
organic matter.
From experiments with the spirometric apparatus,
and the taking of the percentage loss of oxygen and
gain in carbon dioxide shown by the analysis of the
respired air, it is possible to figure approximately
the total amount of oxygen absorbed and carbon
dioxide given off during respiration. The minimum
daily volume of air breathed is assumed to be 10,800
liters and the maximum daily volume 12,240 liters.
Thus the minimum daily yolume of oxygen absorbed
is 510 liters, maximum 585 liters. Carbon dioxide
is exhaled amounting to 473 liters, the minimum
daily volume; 526 liters, the maximum daily volume.
Thus one can readily understand how essential it
is for human beings to obtain a fresh supply of air
to breathe in order to maintain life and carry on its
various activities. Since during every breath the
external air loses oxygen and gains carbon dioxide,
besides other waste products, the air in dwellings,
offices, etc., should be frequently renewed in order
to maintain a condition of health. If we take in at
each inspiration 30 cubic feet of air, and breathe at
the rate of 18 respirations a minute, then in twenty-
four hours 450 cubic feet (12.8 cm.) will pass in and
out of the lungs. Thus it is easy to understand how
a person laboring, or sleeping, etc., in an unventilated
room w^ould readily succumb, theoretically, by rebrea th-
ing the poisoned air from his own lungs.
The Changes in the Blood during Respiration.—
The blood as it is forced from the right ventricle of
the heart through the pulmonary artery to the lungs,
is dark bluish red in color. On reaching the air cells
of the lungs the blood becomes bright red in color and
is carried through the pulmonary veins to the left
auricle, then into the left ventricle of the heart, when
it passes out through the large artery (aorta) to supply
the body tissues.
The blood is changed while flowing through the
capillaries from fhe venous to the arterial state. When
the dark bluish-red blood in the pulmonary arteries
reaches the capillaries of the pulmonary system where
they surround the air cells, and the thin membrane
separating the capillaries from the intrapulmonary
air, the carbon dioxide is given off and the oxygen is
taken up and combines chemically with the hemo-
globin contained in the red cells, forming oxyhemo-
globin, the blood in the arterial capillaries of the
pulmonary veins immediately turns bright red as a
result of the interchange. This bright red or arterial
blood is carried to the tissues by the arteries and
Fig. 94
(® ©(S>0©©©C2) O 03a©(20 O0G)© © <2©
Diagram of the essentials of a respiratory apparatus. (F. H. G.)
This power possessed by the blood of absorbing
and giving up oxygen and carbon dioxide through the
capillary walls from and to the air and tissues respec-
tively is based on the well-known fact that liquids
will absorb or dissolve at any constant pressure
unequal volumes of different gases in accordance with
their solubilities, and with variations in temperature
(Brubaker) .
The Relation of the Nerve System to Respiration. —
The rhythmic movements of respiration are controlled
by nerve impulses which arise in groups of nerve cells
in the central nerve system, and are transmitted to
the inspiratory and expiratory centres in the medulla
oblongata, which are stimulated into activity.
The inspiratory and expiratory centres are included
under the term respiratory centre.
The vagus nerve is the important nerve which
transmits nerve impulses from the inspiratory centre
in the medulla to the lungs. It contains excitor and
inhibitor fibers; the former, when stimulated, increase
the rate of inspiration and the latter decrease it.
Respiration is believed to be due to a stimulus
resulting from the alternate distention and collapse
of the walls * of the pulmonary alveoli — a mechanic
The inspiratory centre can be influenced directly
by nerve impulses being transmitted from the brain
in response to voluntary acts, or emotional states,
sighing, etc., also indirectly by nerve impulses reflected
to the centre from the surfaces of the skin and mucous
membranes through afferent nerves; as cold applied
to the skin, irritating gases to the nasal and bronchial
mucous membranes, and collapse or distention of the
pulmonary alveoli.
1. Name the organs of respiration.
2. What effect has the nasal mucous membranes upon the air
we breathe?
3. What is dyspnea?
4. What is the organ of the voice?
5. Give the relations of the larynx.
6. How many cartilages form the larynx? Name them.
7. Which cartilage forms the Adam's apple?
8. What is the rima glottidis?
9. Describe the true and false vocal cords.
10. Which muscles open the glottis? Close it?
11. Which muscles regulate the tension of the vocal cords? Relax
12. What do you understand by the term phonation?
13. How is articulate speech produced?
14. Name the number of rings in the trachea.
15. What variety of epithelium lines the trachea and what is its
16. Are there glands in the trachea, and to what variety do they
17. Where do the bronchi enter the lungs?
18. Are the pleurae closed sacs?
19. What do you understand by the terms visceral and parietal
20. Where is the pleural cavity located? Does it contain fluid?
21. What membranes cover the lung?
22. Name the parts of each lung.
23. What structures form the root of the lung?*
24. How many lobes has the right lung? The left?
25. Give the microscopic structure of the lung.
26. What is a bronchiole? Lobule?
27. Where is the infundibulum in the lobules of the lungs? The
air sacs?
28. Name the variety of epithelium lining the bronchi, bronchioles,
alveoli, and air sacs.
29. What relation do the capillaries of the pulmonary artery and
vein bear to the air sacs of the lobules?
30. What relation do the respiratory epithelium and capillaries
bear to respiration?
31 Describe respiration.
32. Give the normal rate of respiration per minute at birth. Five
years. Fifteen to twenty years. Twenty to twenty-five years.
Thirty to fifty years.
33. Name the divisions of respiration.
34. What do you understand by the terms tidal volume? comple-
mental volume? reserve volume? residual volume? in relation to
35. What is the average vital capacity of the lungs? What is
meant by it?
36. Give the minimum and maximum daily volume of air breathed.
37. What gaseous interchange takes place during each respiration
between the hemoglobin of the red cells and the air we breathe?
38. How is the color of the blood affected by respiration?
39. Where is the oxygen absorbed at each respiration carried to?
Where does the carbon dioxide in the blood come from to be given
off at each respiration?
40. What centre in the medulla controls inspiration and expira-
The digestive apparatus for the digestion of the food
we eat consists of the alimentary canal and accessory
The alimentary canal is a musculomembranous
tube, about thirty feet in length, extending from the
mouth to the anus, and lined by mucous membrane
throughout the entire length.
It is divided in different parts according to the
mechanical or chemical changes taking place during
the various stages of digestion: as the mouth, where
the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands perform the act
of mastication and insalivation; the pharynx and
esophagus, which receive, force, and convey the food
to the stomach, as in the act of swallowing or degluti-
tion; the stomach, in which the chief chemical changes
occur and the food is reduced to a semiliquid condition,
to be passed on to the small intestines; the small
intestines, where it is acted upon by the bile, pan-
creatic and intestinal juices which separate and
render absorbable the nutritive material; the large
intestines, to which that portion of the food which
is unabsorbable moves on to pass out through the
rectum and anus as feces or waste particles.
The accessory organs of digestion are: the teeth,
tongue, salivary glands — parotid, submaxillary, and
sublingual — the liver and pancreas.
The alimentary canal consists of the following:
Mouth. [Duodenum.
Pharynx. Small Intestine j. Jejunum.
Esophagus. Uleum.
Stomach . f Cecum .
Anal canal.
Large Intestine
The mouth is the upper part of the alimentary canal.
It is bounded by the lips, cheeks, tongue, hard and
soft palate, alveolar processes of both jaws, with
their contained teeth, and opens behind, through the
isthmus faucium, into the pharynx. It is lined by
mucous membrane continuous in front with the skin,
behind with that of the fauces, its epithelium being
The Teeth. — The teeth in the human subject are
erupted in two sets, a temporary or deciduous, or milk
teeth, and a permanent or succedaneous set. The
former are 20 in number, 10 in each jaw; the latter,
32, 16 each above and below. Each tooth is made
up of three parts: the root, consisting of one or more
fangs, contained in the alveolus; the crown or body,
above the gum; and the neck, between the two. The
alveolar periosteum is reflected on to the fang as far
as the neck.
The twenty temporary teeth are divided into 4 inci-
sors, 2 canines, and 4 molars above and below. The 32
permanent teeth are : 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 bicuspids,
and 6 molars in each jaw. The temporary teeth are
similar to but smaller than the permanent; of the
temporary molars, the hinder one is the largest of
all, and its place is afterward taken by the second
permanent bicuspid.
Of the permanent teeth the incisors are the 8 central
cutting teeth, 4 each above and below, the former
being the larger. They are bevelled at the expense
of the posterior surface. The canines (cuspidati) are
2 in each jaw, being situated 1 behind each lateral
incisor, the upper and larger being called the eye
teeth. The bicuspids (premolars or false molars),
4 in each jaw, lie 2 each behind the canines, the upper
being the larger. The molars {true molars or multi-
cuspidati) are the largest teeth, and number 6 in
each jaw, 3 each behind the posterior bicuspids above
and below. They present 4 tubercles on the upper,
5 on the lower crowns, and the root is subdivided into
from 2 to 5 fangs. The first molar is the largest and
broadest, the second smaller, and the third (wisdom
tooth) the smallest.
Fig. 95
Pulp Cavity.
Vertical section of molar tooth.
A vertical section of a tooth shows it to be hollow,
the cavity being continuous with the aperture in the
fang and filled up with the soft dental pulp, and is
hence called the pulp cavity. The pulp is sensitive,
highly vascular, and consists of connective tissue,
with cells, vessels, and nerves. The hard substance
of each tooth consists of three parts: the ivory or
dentin, the enamel, and the crusta petrosa or cement.
The period of eruption of the temporary teeth are
(C. S. Tome):
Lower central incisors 6 to 9 months
Upper incisors 8 to 10 months
Lower lateral incisors and first molars . 15 to 21 months
Canines 16 to 20 months
Second molars 20 to 24 months
The period of eruption of the permanent teeth are :
First molars 65 years
Two middle incisors 7th year
Two lateral incisors 8th year
First bicuspid 9th year
Second bicuspid 10th year
Canine 11th to 12th year
Second molars 12th to 13th year
Third molars 17th to 21st year
The Tongue (Lingua). — The tongue is the organ of the
special sense of taste/ also assisting in insalivation, mas-
tication, deglution, and articulate speech. It is situated
in the floor of the mouth, in the interval between the
horizontal rami of the mandible. It is attached to the
hyoid bone at the base by the genioglossus and hyo-
glossus muscles and the hyoglossal membrane; with the
epiglottis by three folds, the glosso-epiglottic folds, of
mucous membrane; with the soft palate by means
of the anterior pillars of the fauces; and with the
pharynx by the superior constrictor muscles and the
mucous membrane.
The muscles controlling the tongue are the extrinsic,
which are inserted into the tongue, their terminal
fibers contained wathin the substance, namely, the
styloglossus, the hyoglossus, the palatoglossus, the
genioglossus, and part of the superior constrictor of
the pharynx (pharyngoglossus) . The intrinsic muscles
of the tongue are : the superior lingualis, the chondro-
glossus, the transverse lingualis, the vertical lingualis,
and the inferior lingualis.
* See chapter Sense of T^istc, page 406.
The arteries of the tongue are derived from the
lingual, the facial, ascending pharyngeal (all branches
of the external carotid artery). The veins open into
the internal jugular. The lymphatic vessels from the
Fig. 96
Doraal surface of the tongue. (Teatut.)
anterior half of the tongue drain into the submaxillary
nodes. Those draining the posterior half end in the
deep cervical nodes; along the internal jugular vein.
Nerves of Tongue. — (See Nerve System, pages 374
and 406.)
The, Palate. — The palate forms the roof of the
mouth, and consists of a front part or hard, and a
back part or soft palate. The periosteum of the hard
palate (see Bones) is covered by and intimately con-
nected with the mucous membrane of the mouth.
In the middle line is a raphe ending in front at a
small papilla, which marks the anterior palatine fossa
which receives the terminal part of the anterior
palatine and nasopalatine nerves. The mucous mem-
brane is pale and corrugated, covered with squamous
epithelium, and furnished with a number of palatal
glands which lie between it and the bone.
The soft palate partially separates the mouth and
pharynx. It consists of muscular, connective, and
adenoid tissue, with vessels, nerves, and mucous
glands, all enclosed in a fold of mucous membrane.
Above it is joined to the back of the hard palate;
laterally it blends with the pharynx; below it is free;
in front it is concave, with a median ridge; and behind
it is convex. Its mucous membrane is continuous with
that of the roof of the mouth and of the posterior nares.
From its lower border a conical process depends,
the uvulaj from whose base descend the pillars of the
soft palate, the anterior, formed by the palatoglossi
muscles, to the sides of the base of the tongue; the
posterior, formed by the palatopharyngei, to the sides
of the pharynx. These pillars are covered by mucous
membrane and separated below by the tonsil, the
space being called the isthmus of the fauces.
The tonsils (tonsilla palatina) are two in number,
situated on each side of the fauces, and lie between
the anterior and posterior palatine pillars, and are
about J inch long and \ inch wide and thick, but vary
much in size.
The Salivary Glands. — There are three pairs,
parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual.
The parotid gland, the largest, weighs J to 1 ounce,
and lies on the face below and in front of the ear. Its
outer surface, lobulated, is covered by the skin and
fascia, and partly by the platysma and several lym-
phatic glands.
Fig. 97
The salivary glands. (Gray.)
The duct (Stenson's) is about 2J inches long and \
inch in diameter, and opens opposite the second
molar tooth, into the mouth, thence runs backward
beneath the mucous membrane, through the buccina-
tor, and across the masseter to the front of the gland.
It conveys the saliva to the mouth.
The submaxillary gland is of an irregular form, weighs
about 2 drams, and lies below the jaw^ and above the
digastric muscle. It is covered by the skin, platysma,
and fasciae, and grooves the inner surface of the lower
The submaxillary duct (Wharton's) is 2 inches long,
and opens at the top of a papilla close to the frenum
of the tongue into the mouth. Thence it runs back
between the sublingual gland and the geniohyoglossus,
then between the mylohyoid and the hyoglossus and
The sublingual gland, the smallest of the salivary
glands, lies at the side of the frenum of the tongue
and against the inner surface of the lower jaw, beneath
the mucous membrane. It is almond-shaped, weighs
1 dram, and its ducts (of Rimii), ten to twenty in
number, open separately, one or two joining to form
the duct of Bartholin, which joins Wharton's duct.
The pharynx is a musculomembranous tube, conical
in shape, between the oral cavity and the esophagus;
communicating with the posterior nares, the oral
cavity, the larynx, the two Eustachian tubes. It is
attached above to the periosteum of the petrous
portion of the temporal bone and the basilar process
of the occipital bone. The raphe of the constrictor
muscles is attached to the pharyngeal tubercle of the
basilar process of the occipital bone. It is bounded
above by the body of the sphenoid and basilar process
of the occipital; below, it is continuous with the
esophagus; anteriorly, it is incomplete, and is attached
to the Eustachian tube, the internal pterygoid plate,
the pterygomandibular ligament, the posterior portion
of the mylohyoid ridge, the mucous membrane of
the mouth, the base of the tongue, the hyoid bone,
the thyroid and cricoid cartilages; posteriorly, the
prevertebral fascia, and areolar tissue connect it to
the cervical portion of the vertebral column, anterior
to the longus colli and rectus capitis anticus muscles,
the areolar tissue is contained in the retropharyngeal
Fig. 98
Sagittal section of face and neck, showing external wall of right
nasal fossa. (Testut.)
space; laterally, it is connected to the styloid process
and its muscles. The constrictor muscles surround it
and aid in deglutition. It is 4 J inches long, and for
purposes of studying, divided into a nasal, oral, and
laryngeal portion.
The nasal part or nasopharynx, lies posterior to the
nares and above the soft palate* In front are the
posterior nares (choanse); behind, the pharyngeal
tonsil, consisting of lymphoid tissue seen above the
orifices of the Eustachian tubes in the median hne.
The floor of the nasopharynx is continuous with the
nasal fossae, anteriorly, and behind is the sloping
portion of the soft palate. On its lateral wall is the
orifice of the Eustachian tube, level with the inferior
turbinated bone and one-third to one-half inch pos-
The oral part extends from the soft palate to the
level of hyoid bone. It opens into the oral cavity,
through the fauces, bounded on either side by the
anterior and posterior pillars, between which are the
The laryngeal part is continuous with the oral
portion above, and below at the level of the cricoid
cartilage is continuous with the esophagus. Anteriorly,
it presents the aperture of the larynx, bounded in
front by the epiglottis, and laterally by the aryteno-
epiglottic folds.
The pharynx is lined with mucous membrane
continuous with that lining the Eustachian tube, the
nasal fossae, the mouth, and the larynx. In the naso-
pharynx it is covered by stratified ciliated epithelium;
in the oral and laryngeal portions it is of the
stratified squamous variety.
The esophagus is the tube connecting the pharynx
with the stomach, and extends from the level of the
sixth cervical vertebra through the diaphragm, entering
the stomach opposite the tenth or eleventh dorsal
vertebra, a distance of 9 or 10 inches, and from the
incisor teeth to the beginning of the esophagus is
about 6 inches; thus making the distance from the
Fia. 99
Twelfth thora
cic vertebra
Esophagus and stomach in their natural relations to the vertebral
column and the aorta. (Testut.)
incisor teeth to the cardiac opening of the stomach
15 to 16 inches. It is the narrowest part of the alimen-
tary canal, and presents two constrictions, one at its
commencement, the other at the diaphragm.
Fig. 100
Stomach and duodenum, the liver and most of the intestines having been
removed. The pyloric end of the stomach should be represented as turned
directly backward. (Testut.)
The stomach lies in the epigastrium, left hypo-
chondrium, and sometimes the mesogastrium. It is
the most dilated portion of the alimentary canal.
Its shape is pyriform, the left or larger portion is
Fig. 101
called the cardia, and below this is the fundus, the
right end is termed the pylorus. The right opening
of the stomach is called the pyloric orifice, and the
left the esophageal orifice, the former opens into the
duodenum, and the latter, the
esophagus. It is 10 to 12 inches
in length, 4 to 5 inches in the
vertical direction, and weighs 4
to 5 ounces. Its capacity is
from 3 to 6 pints.
The cardiac orifice is the
highest part of the stomach, and
lies behind the seventh costal
cartilage, 1 inch to the left of
the sternum. The pyloric orifice
lies about 2 inches to the right
of the midline, on a level with
the upper border of the first
lumbar vertebra; it is guarded
by a valve, the pylorus. Be-
tween the two orifices the
stomach is sickle-shaped and
presents an upper concave bor-
der, the lesser curvature, and
a lower convex border, the
greater curvature. The pyloric
orifice is anterior and inferior
to the fundus and is in relation
with the quadrate lobe of the
liver and belly wall. The
stomach presents two surfaces,
an anterosuperlor and postero-
The stomach has a serous (peritoneal) coat, a
muscular coat comprising a longitudinal, circular, and
oblique layer, an areolar coat of loose tissue (submucous
coat), and a mucous coat, lined with columnar epithe-
lium. The latter is thickest near the pylorus, thinnest at
Cardiac gland \j\ longitudinal
section. (F. H. G.)
the fundus, and presents, in the empty condition of
the organ, numerous ridges or rugce, which run longi-
FiG. 102
The regions of the abdomen and their contents. Edges of costal cartilage
in dotted outline. (Gray.)
tudinally along the great curvature. Studded over its
surface are many small polygonally shaped depres-
sions which are the enlarged mouths of the gastric
tubular glands. These are of two kinds, called pyloric
and cardiac glands — they secrete the gastric juice;
some are simply tubular, while others have several
branches opening into a common duct. The pyloric
glands are most numerous at the smaller end, but the
cardiac glands (see Fig. 101, page 263) are found all
over the stomach, the ducts of the latter being shorter.
In the cardiac glands, between the basement membrane
and the lining epithelium, are numerous peptic or
parietal cells, the others being known as the central
or chief cells. • Between the glands the mucous mem-
brane contains lymphoid tissue, collected here and
there into little masses resembling the solitary intes-
tinal glands, and called the lenticular glands. Beneath
the membrane is a muscularis mucosae. (See Fig. 82,
page 202, for blood-supply of the stomach.)
The Duodenum. — The duodenum is about 10 inches
long, and runs in a curved direction from the pylorus
of the stomach to the jejunum, which it joins on the
left side of the second lumbar vertebra. The concavity
of the curve looks toward the left and embraces the
head of the pancreas. It is divided, for description,
into four parts or portions.
The Jejunum and Ileum. — The jejunum includes
the first two-fifths of the remaining part of the small
intestine, running from the left side of the first or
second lumbar vertebra to the beginning of the ileum.
Its coats are thicker and more vascular, and are of a
deeper color and larger caliber than the ileum.
The remainder of the small intestine is the ileum,
which ends by opening into the inner side of the com-
mencement of the large gut in the right iliac fossa.
The Structure of the Small Intestines. — The wall
of the small intestine, including the duodenum, con-
sists of a serous, a muscular, a submucous, and a
mucous coat.
The Serous Coat. — ^This is derived from the peri-
toneum and surrounds the bowel completely, except
in the duodenum, where only the first portion is com-
pletely covered. Along its mesenteric border, where
the mesentery (a fold of peritoneum) is attached, is
an uncovered interval for the entrance and exit of
arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatics which pass
between the layers of mesentery.
The Muscular Coat. — This consists of an outer
longitudinal and an inner circular set of muscle
fibers. These muscular layers propel the food along
the intestines, as well as assist by their action in mixing
it with the intestinal juices during active digestion.
The Submucous Coat. — This is composed of areolar
tissue and holds the mucous and muscular coats
together. It contains the branches of the nutrient
arteries to the bowel, previous to their distribution to
the mucous coat, also the lymph channels and nerves.
The lymph nodules are lodged in this layer; they are
pear-shaped with their apex lying in the mucous
membrane. These are called solitary follicles and
Peyer's patches. The submucous coat in the small
intestines extends up into the valvulse conniventes.
In the duodenum the duodenal glands are lodged in
the submucous coat.
The Mucous Membrane. — This is lined with columnar
epithelium. It is soft and velvety in appearance.
The membrane is highly vascular near the beginning
of the duodenum, and gradually becomes paler as the
lower portion of the bowel is reached. The membrane
is thrown into folds called valvulse comiiventes. Each
fold is simply two layers of membrane folded upon
itself and held together by fibrous tissue. They
increase the absorbing surface of the intestinal canal
and retard the progress of the food, according to some
authors. They measure J to J an inch in width, and
extend to about one-half to two-thirds of the circum-
ference of the bowel. The villi in the mucous mem-
brane are described under absorption (see page 287).
The Intestinal Glands or Glands of Lieberkiihn. — These
are found in the mucous membrane throughout the
small intestines. They are minute tubular depressions
seen at the base of the villi and communicate with
the surface of the mucous
membrane, upon which they
pour out a special secretion
from the columnar cells which
line them; the latter rest on
a thin basement membrane,
which is surrounded by capil-
lary vessels.
The Duodenal or Brunner's
Glands. — They are found only
in the duodenum. They are
small, branched, tubular glands
situated in the submucouscoat
and open upon the mucous
membrane of the duodenum
by very small ducts.
The Lymph Nodules. — ^They
are divided into solitary fol-
licles and Peyer's patches.
Their bodies are in the sub-
mucous coat and their apices
in the mucous membrane.
The solitary follicles are
found throughout the mucous
and submucous layers of the small and large intes-
tines. They are small, round, whitish collections of
areolar tissue rich in leukocytes or white corpuscles,
and blood capillaries, and communicate through their
base with the lacteals of the villi. Each consists of
a lighter, central area, the germinal centre, where the
leukocytes are reproducing, and an outer darker zone,
Intestinal gland in longitudinal
section. (Testut.)
where the cells are more numerous and closely packed
Fig. 104
Duodenal gland. _ (Frey.)
Fig. 105
Aggregated lymph nodule (Peyer's patch). (Testut.)
Peyer's patches are regarded as collections of solitary
follicles, seen as oval or rounded patches, placed
lengthwise with the bowel, measuring from i to 4
inches in length. Usually ten to sixty are present.
They are found mostly in the ileum. Peyer's patches
are highly inflamed in typhoid fever, and ulcerate,
giving rise to hemorrhage and perforation of the bowel
in severe attacks of the disease. (See Fig. 83, page
204, for blood-supply of the small intestines.)
The large intestine is that part of the alimentary
canal which extends from the end of the ileum to the
anus; it is about 5^ feet long. It commences by a
dilated part, the cecum, in the right iliac fossa, ascends
to the under surface of the liver, then runs transversely
across the abdomen to the vicinity of the spleen,
descends to the left iliac fossa, and forms the sigmoid
flexure, and finally passes along back of the pelvis to
end at the anus.
The Cecum. — ^The cecum is the large cul-de-sac
which is the beginning of the large intestine, and is
about 3 inches broad and 2 j inches long. It is variously
situated, being found upon and external to the psoas;
upon the iliacus muscle it lies internal, on the pelvic
brim, or entirely within the pelvis. In any of these
positions it is entirely surrounded by peritoneum.
The vermiform appendix comes off from the inner
and back part of the cecum, near its lower end, and
extends upward and inward behind it. This is a
piece of gut of the diameter of a goose-quill, varying
from 3 to 6 inches in length, curved upon itself, and
ending in a blind extremity. It tapers gradually to
its end, which is blunt, is completely invested by the
peritoneum, which forms for it a mesentery (meso-
appendix), and at its connection with the cecum is
guarded by an imperfect valve (valve of Gerlach) . This
is not always constant.
The ileocecal valve guards the opening of the small
intestine into the large gut. This junction is oblique
and situated about 2 J inches above the lower extremity
of the cecum. It is a double fold lying transversely
to the long axis of the colon. Each fold of the valve
is made up of the mucous and submucous coats,
reinforced by some circular fibers from the muscular
coat, of each portion of the gut, and is covered on the
side toward the ileum with villi.
The Colon. — The ascending colon runs from the
cecum, above the ileocecal valve, upward to the under
surface of the liver on the right side of the gall-bladder,
and then turns forward and to the left to form the
hepatic flexure. The peritoneum rarely forms for it
a mesocolon; generally it covers only the front part
and the sides. It occupies the right lumbar and
hypochondriac regions.
The transverse colon arches across the abdomen, the
convexity looking toward the belly wall, and makes
a sudden turn backward and downward beneath the
spleen, forming the splenic flexure, and is completely
invested by the peritoneum, which holds it to the
anterior aspect of the pancreas and second portion
of the duodenum; by two layers of peritoneum called
the transverse mesocolon, the upper surface of which
fuses with the posterior layer of the great omentum.
It occupies the right hypochondriac, upper part of
umbilical, and left hypochondriac regions. At the
splenic flexure is attached the phrenocolic ligament, a
fold of peritoneum extending to the diaphragm
opposite the tenth or eleventh rib.
The descending colon descends from the splenic
flexure, to end at the left iliac fossa in the sigmoid
flexure. It is covered in front and laterally by the
peritoneum. It occupies the left hypochondriac and
lumbar regions.
The sigmoid flexure ends in the rectum. From the
end of the descending colon it forms an S-shaped
curve, ending opposite the left sacro-iliac joint. In
Fig. 106
The stomach and intestines, front view, the great omentum having been
removed, and the liver turned up and to the right. The dotted line shows
the normal position of the anterior border of the liver. The dart points to
the foramen of Winslow. (Testut.)
front of it are the belly wall and some coilsof small
intestine. The peritoneum forms a loose mesocolon
for it. It is the narrowest part of the colon.
The Rectum. — This is the lowest part of the large
intestine, and extends from the sigmoid flexure to the
anus. It has been divided into three parts: the first
part extends from the left sacro-iliac joint to the
centre of the third piece of the sacrum; the second
part, to the tip of the coccyx; and the third part, to
the anus.
The rectum is about 8 inches long and somewhat
cylindrical in form, narrower above than the sigmoid
flexure, but it enlarges as it descends, and just above
the anus is remarkably dilated, forming the ampulla.
The first part has a mesorectum; the second part is
covered by peritoneum in front and laterally; the third
part has no peritoneal covering.
The cul-de-sac of Douglas (rectovaginal pouch) is the
space in front of the rectum and behind the cervix
of the uterus and upper fourth of the vagina. It is
formed by the peritoneum reflected over the rectum
to the vagina and uterus. In the male it is the space
formed between the rectum and bladder, and is called
the rectovesical space or pouch.
The Structure of the Large Intestine. — The large
intestine has three coats comprising its wall: A serous,
muscular, and mucous. Its mucous membrane does
not possess the valvulse conniventes nor villi; it is lined
by columnar epithelium, and contains a large number
of tubules lined by columnar epithelium; they resemble
the glands of Lieberkiihn, and secrete a viscid fluid,
rich in mucin. (See Fig. 83, page 204, for blood-
supply of the large intestines.)
1. What is the length of the alimentary canal?
2. What organs constitute the alimentary canal?
3. How many temporary teeth are there in the child? Perma-
nent teeth in the adult?
4. Name the parts which form a tooth.
5. How are the temporary teeth divided as to name and number?
The permanent teeth?
6. Give the position in the alveolar processes of the incisor
teeth. The canines. The bicuspids. The molars.
7. Give the period of eruption of the temporary teeth. The
permanent teeth.
8. What are the functions of the tongue?
9. What do you understand by the hard palate? The soft
10. What is the isthmus of the fauces?
11. Give the location of the tonsils.
12. Name the salivary glands.
13. Which salivary gland is the largest? Give the weight of each.
14. When do the salivary glands pour out their secretions? And
through what structure?
15. What structures does the pharynx communicate with?
16. How long is the pharynx, and what three parts is it subdivided
17. Which variety of epithelium lines the three portions of the
18. What organ connects the pharynx with the stomach?
19. What is the distance from the incisor teeth to the cardiac
opening in the stomach?
20. Name the portions of the stomach.
21 What orifices are found in the stomach and with what organs
do they communicate?
22. How many borders and surfaces has the stomach?
23. Give its dimensions, weight, and average capacity.
24. Name the coats of the stomach wall.
25. How are the fibres in the muscular coat arranged?
26. Name the glands found in the membrane of the stomach.
27. What structures secrete the gastric juice?
28. Where are the pyloric glands in the stomach located? The
cardiac glands?
29. Do the cardiac and pyloric glands communicate with the
internal surface of the stomach? Through what structure is their
secretion poured out?
30. Name the cells formed in a cardiac gland.
31. How long is the duodenum?
32. What portions of the alimentary canal does the duodenum
connect and communicate with?
33. What are the divisions of the small intestine called?
34. Name the coats forming the structure of the small intestine.
35. Which variety of the epithelium lines the small intestine?
36. What arc the valvulsB conniventes? What is their function?
37. Where are the glands of Lieberkiihn found? Glands of
38. Do the above glands communicate with the surface of the
mucous membrane of the intestines?
39. Where are solitary lymph follicles found? Peyer's patches?
40. Describe a Peyer's patch.
41. How long is the large intestine?
42. What is the length of the appendix?
43. Name the portions of the colon.
44. How long is the rectum?
45. What is its lower opening called?
46. Name the coats of the large intestine.
47. What type of epithelium is present in the large intestine?
48. Are valvulae connivents found in the large intestine?
49. Does the mucous membrane of the colon contain glands?
50. What variety of secretion do the glands of the colon secrete?
The digestive apparatus consists of the entire
alimentary canal, including the mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach, small intestines — duodenum,
jejunum, ileum; large intestines — cecum, colon, rec-
tum; and the accessory organs, as the teeth, salivary
glands, tongue, gastric and intestinal glands, the
pancreas, and liver.
Mastication and Insalivation. — Mastication. — This is
the process whereby the food is chewed or undergoes
a mechanic disintegration, which permits of it being
properly acted upon by the saliva and formed in such
condition to be swallowed; this is brought about by
the action of the teeth, tongue, and muscles of masti-
cation, which act upon the lower jaw, bringing it
with the contained teeth against the upper teeth in
the maxilla.
Insalivation. — This is the mixing of the food with
the saliva during the act of mastication. The saliva
is constantly bathing the mucous membranes of the
oral cavity and its contents; however, during mastica-
tion there is a marked increase of this complex fluid
secreted from the salivary glands^parotid, sub-
maxillary and sublingual, and palatine glands in the
roof of the mouth.
The Saliva. — ^This is a complex chemic fluid com-
posed of the mixed secretions of all the salivary glands.
It is a frothy, slightly turbid, viscid fluid. Its reac-
tion under normal conditions is alkaline. It may be
neutral or acid in some individuals, in which fermen-
tation is going on from decayed teeth or particles of
food lying in the recesses of the teeth and mouth, or
disorders of digestion. Under the microscope, the
saliva will show epithelial cells, salivary corpuscles
resembling white corpuscles, particles of food, and
various microorganisms (germs).
The Physiologic Actions of Saliva. — The constant
presence of saliva in the mouth is essential to the
process of digestion. It has a double duty to perform,
called physical and chemical.
Physically the mucin present in the saliva forms
the particles of food into a consistent mass after the
food has been softened and moistened while mastica-
tion has been going on, and renders it in such shape
to be swallowed (deglutition).
The Chemical Action of Saliva. — Its main property
is the changing or converting of starch into sugar
by the means of a starch-changing ferment or enzyme,
which is supposed to belong to the group of proteins,
called ptyalin, in the saliva.
Deglutition (the act of swallowing). — This is a com-
plicated function due to the action of the muscles of
the tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and esophagus acting
upon the food, called a bolus after it has been chewed
or masticated by the teeth, whereupon these structures
force it from the mouth into the pharynx and thence
through the esophagus into the stomach.
At the beginning of deglutition the mouth is closed
and the tip of the tongue is rested against the incisor
teeth. There is a temporary suspension of respiration.
The tongue arches from before backward against the
roof of the mouth, due to the action of the intrinsic
muscles, those contained therein, and forces the
bolus of food through the opening leading from the
mouth to the pharynx. These actions are under
the control of the will. The food upon reaching the
pharynx is seized by the constrictor muscle of this
organ and by a sphincter action is forced through the
esopahgus, which continues this muscular wave
(peristaltic wave). Some physiologists say that the
food passes through the pharynx and esophagus due
to a rise in pressure. Food as it passes into the
pharynx would enter the nasal cavities and larynx,
but the former cavities are closed by the action of
the tensor palate and levator palati muscles which
contract and draw upward and backward the palate
until it meets the posterior wall of the pharynx. The
larynx is closed from the food, for just at the time of
or before deglutition there is a temporary suspension
of inspiration, and the larynx is drawn up under the
base of the tongue and the opening to it closed by
the epiglottis falling downward and backward, pre-
venting food from entering the larynx.
Gastric Digestion. — The digestion of the food on
reaching the stomach is a further step in its gradual
preparation into a more liquid or semiliquid form to
enable the capillaries and lymph vessels within the
villi of the small intestines to absorb it after being
acted upon by the intestinal and pancreatic juices in
the small intestines.
The walls of the mucous membrane of the stomach
between the periods of active digestion are being
bathed with an alkaline secretion derived from the
glands in its wall. This secretion of the gastric juice
has been produced reflexly by psychic influences, such
as the sight of food, and is also due to an irritation
of the mucous membrane produced by the presence
of food in the stomach. After digestion has com-
menced ■ this secretion is profuse. The bloodvessels
of the mucous membrane become congested and the
glands show activity. The perpetual secretion of
gastric juice is supposed to be due to some chemic
change taking place, the resultant substance acting
as a specific stimulant to the cells of the glands.
When food passes through the cardiac orifice due
to the peristaltic waves and pressure within the esoph-
agus during deglutition or swallowing. The stomach
receives the food, whereupon the muscular fibers
of the cardiac and pyloric orifices close by a sphincter-
like contraction. The food is held within the stomach
for a few moments, then is turned over and over and
moulded by the muscular contractions of the stomach
until it is reduced to a liquid or semiliquid consist-
ency called chyme, by the action of the gastric juice.
The pyloric portion of the stomach becomes shaped
like a tube, and the fundus or most dilated portion of
the stomach contracts and forces the food (chyme)
into the duodenum, where it is conveyed by a similar
peristaltic contraction of its walls into the small
intestine. There is no given time for emptying the
stomach. As the food is liquefied it is forced out of
the stomach and then the semisolid particles of the
diet which are not digested by gastric juice are passed
from the stomach, leaving it empty except for the
alkaline secretion which is mucous, and protects its
walls. Digestion in the stomach lasts from two to
five hours, depending upon the food, quantity and
quality, pathologic conditions, etc. No nourishment
is absorbed by the lymph or bloodvessels of the
Gastric Juice. — Under normal physiologic conditions
gastric juice is a thin, almost colorless liquid, with a
characteristic odor and acid reaction. The average
of acidity varies; normally it is 0.02 per cent. The
acidity is due to the presence of hydrochloric acid,
and in certain conditions of health and disease, lactic
acid may be found. As a result of disease, the acidity
may be increased, decreased, or entirely absent. The
gastric juice contains in addition to the above, pepsin
and rennin, two proteolytic ferments or enzymes; the
former is active only in an acid medium, and the
latter is the ferment which curdles milk or divides
it into a solid portion, casein, and the liquid portion,
whey. The chemic nature of these enzymes is unknown.
Gastric juice also contains, in addition, large amounts
of water, ammonium, calcium, potassium, and sodium
chlorides; calcium, magnesium, and ferric phosphate
are present in small amounts.
Pepsin converts proteins into peptones. The process
is most complicated and, as described by Kiihne in
his investigations, is as follows: The protein material
is changed first into acid-albumin. If the solution is
rendered alkaline, acid albumin will be precipitated.
Then the acid albumin is split up into several soluble
proteins called, collectively, primary proteoses: albu-
mose from albumin, globulose from globulin, etc. The
latter in turn take more water and split up into
another group of proteins called secondary proteoses or
deuteroproteoses. The latter undergo further change
and form peptones.
Rennin curdles cows' milk very rapidly at the body
temperature. The casein in the milk is changed from
a soluble protein into a solid clot which finally becomes
firm and squeezes the whey out of the mass. The curd
of cows' milk is a solid clot, whereas the curd of human
milk is formed into very fine particles, thus rendering
it more digestible to the infants.
Intestinal Digestion. — Upon reaching the small in-
testine the chyme containing the partially digested
fats, meats, sugars, the peptones, etc., is acted upon
by the pancreatic and intestinal juices, and bile,
all at the same time; the action of each of these
juices will be considered individually. As these
partially digested particles are acid in reaction, as
they pass through the intestines they cause a reflex
stimulation of its cells w^hich pour out an alkaline
The Pancreatic Juice. — This is secreted by the cells
of the glands of the pancreas and reaches the duodenum
by way of the pancreatic duct (Wirsung), which opens
into the small intestines, together with or ahead of
the bile from the liver, and is supposed to be mixed
with the bile and food material at the same time.
It is alkaline in reaction, and contains three active
enzymes — trypsin, amylopsin, and steapsin.
Trypsin is a more active ferment than pepsin, and
continues the digestion of peptones into a more soluble
form than pepsin. It acts best in an alkaline medium.
The function of this ferment is to convert proteins
into peptones, as pepsin does in the gastric digestion.
Amylopsin is the ferment in the pancreatic juice
which converts the undigested particles of starch
in the food into sugar — maltose. It acts similarly to
the ferment ptyalin in the saliva. As starch digestion
ceases with the entrance of food into the stomach, the
action of the amylopsin ferment in the pancreatic
juice is important, in order that the starches are
completely digested, for they belong to the carbo-
hydrates which are essential as a food, to be used by
the tissues in the production of heat and energy.
Steapsin is the ferment or enzyme which splits the
fats remaining in the partially digested food into
fatty acids and glycerin. The fatty acids coming
in contact with alkaline salts in the intestine are
saponified and form a soap, the products are absorbed
and combine again to form a neutral fat, which is
used by the tissues after absorption. This recombina-
tion may occur in the epithelial cells of the intestines.
Some of the fat is emulsified during the formation
of the soap, appearing as a creamy emulsion, before
being absorbed.
Intestinal Juice. — We have described or endeavored
to make clear how the food we eat has been gradually
reduced to a state in w^hich it can be absorbed — liquid
or semiliquid. There still remains, as has been proved
in animals and human beings, chyme in the intestines,
containing sugars, apparently non-absorbable without
undergoing further change. This is produced by the
action of the intestinal juice and the contained enzyme
or ferment invertin. The latter converts these sugars —
saccharose, maltose, and lactose — into dextrose and
levulose, two varieties of sugar which are assimilable.
These two sugars together form what is called invertin
The Part Played by the Bile in Digestion. — ^The liver
plays a large part in digestion and nutrition of the
body. This important relation is due chiefly to the
secretion from the liver cells termed bile.
Bile is continually secreted from the cells within
the lobules of the liver, and is collected by the tiny
biliary capillaries which join larger vessels to finally
end in the right and left hepatic ducts which leave
the transverse fissure of the liver, passing downward
after receiving the cystic duct from the gall-bladder,
and then pass downward and inward as the common
bile duct to open into the duodenum. The bile is
stored in the gall-bladder until needed, when it passes
through the above-mentioned passages to aid in the
intestinal digestion of the food.
Bile obtained from the gall-bladder is of a thick,
viscid character, green or golden yellow in color,
specific gravity of 1.010 or 1.020. It is composed
chiefly of water, small quantities of sodium glycocho-
late, and sodium taurococholate, cholesterin, free fat,
sodium palmitate and stearate, lecithin, other organic
matters; sodium and potassium chlorides, sodium and
calcium phosphates, sodium carbonate.
The flow of bile from the liver is continuous, influ-
enced by the process of digestion. It increases as
soon as food reaches the stomach, but its greatest
flow is not noted until about two hours later. After
this it decreases by degrees, but never entirely stops.
The bile is forced out of the gall-bladder by a con-
traction of its muscular walls.
The Physiologic Functions of the Bile. — (1) Aids in
digestion of fats, and by its contained bile salts
increases the action of the pancreatic enzymes in
splitting neutral fats, digesting starches and peptones;
(2) arrests gastric digestion, by neutralizing and pre-
cipitating the proteins which have not been entirely
digested; and by preparing the way for intestinal
digestion; (3) a slight antiseptic action. It is a known
fact, that if bile is not secreted in the human being,
putrefactive changes take place, with the resultant
formation of foul gases, and other products noted in
the feces; (4) increases peristalsis, which aids in the
proper contractile movements of the walls of the intes-
tines, favoring intestinal digestion and defecation.
The Functions of the Large Intestine. — The large
intestine is that portion of the bowels which commences
at the ileum and terminates at the anus. Its sub-
divisions are termed: the cecum, ascending, trans-
verse, descending, and sigmoid colon, and the rectum.
It is a large musculomembranous tube covered exter-
nally by the peritoneum, and is from 4| to 5 feet in
length in a normal adult.
The contents of the colon consist of the undigested
products of digestion, as a result of the food being
acted upon by the saliva, gastric, pancreatic, and
intestinal juices, and the bile; the nutritive parts,
peptones, fatty acids, glycerin, etc., being absorbed;
the resulting liquid and waste material contains
undigested particles of cereals, vegetables, seeds,
cellulose, etc., which are passed into the rectum by a
peristaltic wave of its walls similar to the phenomena
taking place in the small intestines, then expelled
from the rectum during the act of defecation.
The mucus secreted by the glands of the large
bowel incorporates the liquid material and passes it
toward the sigmoid flexure of the colon, where it is
held prior to the emptying of the bowel.
Defecation. — This is the act whereby the waste
material resulting from digestion is expelled from
the intestine by the rectum and passes through the
anus. It occurs normally once a day. The walls
of the sigmoid colon contract and force the feces
into the rectum. This gives rise to the sensation
felt prior to defecation, then the longitudinal and
circular fibers of the rectum contract, and pressing
downward on the mass, force it through the relaxed
sphincter ani muscles. The wall, contraction of the
diaphragm, the muscles of the abdomen levator ani
and coccygeus, sphincter ani muscles all aid in the
expulsion of the feces.
Digestion in Infants. — The Saliva. — This is very
scanty at birth, but gradually increases. At the
fourth month it is of sufficient quantity and of such
strength as to be capable of digestion. When the
teeth are erupted there is a marked increase in saliva,
and from the eighth to tenth month it will digest a
small amount of starch.
The Capacity of the Stomach. — It is essential for the
nurse to acquire a knowledge of the capacity of the
infant's stomach from birth to the fourteenth month.
The following capacities may vary somewhat, and the
nurse's judgment must influence her in certain cases
if called upon to prepare a bottle for the baby, in
regard to the quantity of modified milk to be used in
each feeding (according to Holt):
Age. Average capacity.
Birth 1 . 20 ounces
Two weeks 1 . 50 ounces
Four weeks . 2 . 00 ounces
Six weeks 2 . 27 ounces
Eight weeks 3 . 37 ounces
Ten weeks . . - 4 . 25 ounces
Twelve weeks 4 . 50 ounces
Fourteen to eighteen weeks 5.00 ounces
Five to six months 5 . 75 ounces
Seven to eight months 6 . 88 ounces
Ten to eleven months 8 . 14 ounces
Twelve to fourteen months 8 . 90 ounces
Gastric Digestion. — Breast-fed babies retain the milk
in the stomach for about an hour after nursing,
bottle-fed babies about one hour and a half: this
increases with age. In the very young the stomach
is simply a reservoir for the food, when it is passed
into the small intestine. Pepsin has been found in
the infant's stomach, and some hydrochloric acid,
which accounts for its acidity. And in early life some
lactic acid.
Rennin plays an important part in infant digestion.
It is the ferment which coagulates mothers' and cows'
milk, splitting the casein into a solid mass (clot),
and whey (the liquid portion). Intestinal digestion is
not very active in infancy, the ferment from the
pancreas acting more like ptyalin in the saliva of
the adult. Absorption of nourishment takes place
from the mucous membrane of the intestines. In
breast-fed infants 2 to 5 per cent, of the fat and
protein pass directly through the intestines; in bottle-
fed ones, 1 to 3 per cent, more for the fats, and a
still greater increase for the proteins (Appelmann).
Numerous bacteria are present in the intestinal canal
of infants. They may play some part in digestion;
however, it is one on which neither life nor health
1. What organs constitute the digestive apparatus?
2. Describe mastication; insalivation.
3. Name the glands which secrete saliva.
4. Is the reaction of saliva acid or alkaline?
5. Describe the physiologic (physical) action of saliva; chemical.
6. What change takes place in the bloodvessels of the mucous
membrane of the stomach during digestion?
7. What part do the muscular coats of the stomach play during
8. How is the food held within the stomach while the walls
contract upon it?
9. What do you understand by the term chyme?
10. How long does digestion last in the stomach?
11. What juice is secreted from the glands of the mucous mem-
brane of the stomach during digestion?
12. Do the blood or lymph vessels absorb any nourishment from
the stomach?
13. Is gastric juice acid or alkaline in reaction during digestion?
14. What is the acidity due to? What percentage of hydrochloric
acid is normally present in the gastric juice?
15. What is the function of pepsin in the gastric secretion?
16. Is the intestinal secretion acid or alkaline in reaction?
17. Name the enzymes found in the pancreatic juice.
18. Give briefly the function of the enzymes trypsin, amylopsin,
steapsin, as regards their action during intestinal digestion.
19. Name the enzyme present in the intestinal juice and give its
20. What cells secrete the bile and how does it leave the liver?'
21. Name the organ in which bile is stored.
22. How does the bile reach the intestine from the liver and
23. Give the physiologic functions of bile.
24. Give the contents of the colon following intestinal digestion.
25. Give the capacity of the infant's stomach at birth; two, four,
six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen to eighteen weeks; five to six, seven
to eight, twelve to fourteen months.
26. Describe the functions of the stomach during gastric digestion
in infants.
27. In which portion of the alimentary canal is the nourishment
absorbed from during infant digestion?
Absorption is the process whereby the nutritive
material, lymph, is transferred from the tissues; the
serous cavities — pericardium, peritoneum, etc.; and
mucous membranes into the blood. The lymph is
absorbed from the mucous membrane of the alimen-
tary canal, as it is the principal source of nutritive
material used by the body for the maintenance of
the quantity and quality of the blood; while the
lymph absorbed from the serous cavities and tissues
represents a reabsorption of the nutritive materials
which have escaped through the capillary walls, and
are returned to the veins through the lymphatic
vessels. Were this lymph allowed to collect in the
tissues, there would occur an excessive accumulation,
and this condition would be readily accounted for in
the swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and organs
giving rise to a pathologic condition termed edema.
Under the chapter on digestion it was shown how
the food we eat is reduced to a liquid condition by
the action of the various gastric, pancreatic, and
intestinal juices and their ferments. This nutritive
material is taken up by the mucous membrane of
the intestine and absorbed, then reaches the blood-
current by way of the lymph channels — lacteals, and
finally reaches the thoracic duct; or by way of the
venous capillaries of the mesenteric veins, and is carried
to the liver, and thence to the right side of the heart.
Before understanding the methods of food absorp-
tion, a description of the mucous membrane of the
intestines is necessary.
Structure of the Villi. — The mucous membrane of
the small intestine is covered by tiny conical processes
which extend from the end of the pylorus of the stomach
to the end of the ileum. These, when examined under
the microscope, show a conical process covered with
columnar epithelial cells, each cell containing a nucleus,
and here and there goblet cells which secrete mucus.
The epithelial cells rest upon a basement membrane.
In the body of the villus that portion within the
mucous membrane contains a net-work of connective
tissue supporting arterioles, capillaries, venules, and
lymphatic vessels. In the centre of the villus is a
lymph capillary, usually single, with epithelial cells in
its wall.
The Function of the Villi. — The action of the cells
of the villi during digestion is to absorb the nutritive
products of digestion. These products are taken
from the intestinal canal and transferred into the
lymph spaces within the body of the villi, from which
they are finally taken up by the blood capillaries and
lymphatics. There are two routes by which the nutri-
tive material passes into the general blood stream.
The capillaries which enter the villi and are in inti-
mate relation with the lymph space give up their
nutritive materials (blood plasma) by a transudation
through their walls, which forms the lymph; mean-
time the nutritive material absorbed from the intes-
tines by the cells of the villi undergoes metabolic
changes and enters the arterial capillaries from the
lymph spaces. This fenourished blood in the arterial
capillaries passes into the venules and then into the
larger veins of the intestines, to be conveyed to the
liver, which uses it to maintain its functions. The
lymph contained in the lymph spaces within the villi
is called chyle (a milk-white fluid), which is absorbed
by the lymphatic vessels called lacteals, and these
empty into the large mesenteric lymphatics to drain
into the thoracic duct, and the latter communicates
with the left subclavian vein, and thus returns the
excess of lymph back to the blood-stream.
The wonderful aspect of absorption is the apparently
unsolvable problem in regard to how these numbers
of cells in the villi of the intestinal mucous membrane
Fia. 107
Mucosa of small intestine in ideal vertical cross-section. (Testut, after
can absorb the different constituents of the nutritive
materials from the alimentary canal and transfer
them into the lymph spaces to be absorbed by the
blood capillaries and lymphatics.
It is supposed to be due to a "selective action'*
based on their organization and living condition, an
action which is to a great extent conditioncfl and
limited by the degree of diffusibility of the substances
to be absorbed (Brubake'r's Physiology, p. 225).
1. Describe absorption.
2. By what two sources does lymph reach the blood current?
3. What is the function of the cells in the villi of the mucous
membrane of the small intestines?
4. Where are the lymph spaces found?
5. What do you understand by the term lacteals?
6. What is chyle?
7. How does the nutritive material absorbed by the cells of
the villi reach the arterial capillaries? Where is this material
8. Where is the lymph absorbed by the lacteals from the lymph
spaces conveyed?
9. Name the vessels found in a villi.
Secretion is a term applied to a process by which
a portion of the constituents of the blood are separ-
ated from the blood-stream, by the activities of the
endothelial cells of the capillary walls, as the blood
flows through the capillaries. In this process the
endothelial cell is aided by the physical forces —
diffusion, osmosis, and filtration. The materials thus
separated are collectively termed lymph (Brubaker).
These secretions are utilized and adapted to many
and complex functions, dependent upon the secre-
tory organ which secretes the fluid and the membrane
it is poured out upon. They enable the tissues of
the body to repair, grow, and produce heat and
energy. Others are to promote digestion, etc., remove
foreign bodies (dust, etc.) from membranes, as the
conjunctiva, to prevent friction between the serous
membranes, as the pericardium, pleura, and peri-
toneum; and to prevent friction between the ex-
tremities of the bones entering into the formation of
the joints, as the fluid in synovial membranes.
Secretions are divided into internal and external
secretions. Internal secretions are fluids secreted by
the epithelial cells of certain organs of the body which
do not possess any ducts by which their secretion
is poured into any cavity or organ, but is reabsorbed
into the blood, and the contained specific constituents
aid in the nutrition of the body. These organs are:
the thyroid, thymus, adrenal, spleen, pituitary glands,
hypophysis, etc. (See description of the Ductless
Glands, page 303.)
External secretions are fluids of a definite consist-
ency and known function which, when secreted by
the epithelial cells and poured from the organ by
means of a duct or ducts on to the membrane they are
to bathe, etc., perform this given activity. Such
secretions are: the saliva, mucus, milk, gastric juice,
sebaceous matter, etc.
The epithelium lining the secretory organs have
a general similar histologic arrangement, and resem-
blance; however, the difference in the constituents of
the secretion is supposed to be based upon their ulti-
mate chemic structure.
The epithelial secretory organ consists of a thin,
delicate membrane lined on its functionating surface
by a layer of epithelial cells and on the outer side
by a net-work of capillary bloodvessels, lymph vessels,
and nerves.
The epithelial secretor organs are subdivided into:
(1) secreting membranes; (2) secreting glands.
These are the membranes lining the pulmonary
and gastro-intestinal tracts, the genito-urinary tracts,
and the serous membranes lining closed cavities, such
as the pleural, pericardial, peritoneal, and synovial
The secretion from the various epithelial cells
lining mucous membranes possesses different com-
position, according to the locality. It is called mucus,
a pale, semitransparent, alkaline fluid containing
white cells and epithelial cells. Chemically it consists
of water, mineral salts, and a protein mucin. Most
of the mucus is secreted by the goblet cells. Mucus
is classified according to where secreted, as nasal,
bronchial, vaginal, urinary, and gastro-intestinal.
The serous membranes are practically large lymph
spaces and the contained fluid is practically lymph.
It diminishes friction when the organs they enclose
rub against one another.
Synovial membranes secrete a fluid resembling lymph,
but it also possesses a protein — a mucin-Iike sub-
stance, which renders it viscid. Synovial membranes
prevent friction between adjacent surfaces of bone
entering into the formation of joints.
The other secretions of the body, as the aqueous
humor of the eye, gastric secretions, etc., will be
described under the physiology of the parts.
These are a group of cells given ofl' as a pouch from
the mucous membrane or skin, and communicating
with the lining membrane or surface the secretion
is to act upon by means of an open passageway,
called a duct. Their epithelial cells vary in their
structure and function dependent on their location.
The epithelial cells of the secretory glands are sur-
rounded by a net-work of blood capillaries, lymph
vessels, and nerves; the nerves are in direct connec-
tion with the epithelial cells and bloodvessels.
How these epithelial cells absorb from the lymph
and blood plasma their essential constituents of the
secretions and change them into their difl'erent chemic
and physiologic fluids is not definitely known, except
that they are the result of metabolic processes going
on within the cells.
All secretory glands are controlled by nerve centres
situated in the central nerve system. Normal
secretions of glands are brought about by a reflex
action. In all reflexes there must be a sensitive
surface to receive the impression (skin, mucous mem-
brane, etc.), an afferent nerve (one which transmits
the impression to the centres in the brain), an efferent
nerve (one which transmits the return stimulus to
a responsive organ — in this case the cells of the secre-
tory organ or gland).
The active discharge of the secretion from the
cells is interrupted by periods of rest, during which
time, if they be examined under the microscope, after
the absorption of lymph, they will show accumula-
tions within themselves of their characteristic prod-
ucts as globules of mucin — granules which are the
basic formation of the digestive ferments or enzymes,
granules of glycogen, globules of fat, sugar, and
protein, as in the case of the mammary gland.
Excretion is a process similiar to secretion, the only
difference being that the fluids removed are the
waste products from the cells formed as a result of
The Mammary Glands. — These are accessory to
the reproductive system and secrete the milk. They
are two rounded eminences, one on each side of the
thorax, between the sternum and axilla and the
third and seventh ribs. Just below the centre is a
conical eminence, the nipple, which is dark, and is
surrounded by a pinkish areola which darkens in
pregnancy. It presents the orifices of the lactiferous
ducts, and consists of vessels mixed in with plain
muscular fibers,, and by friction may be made to
undergo erection.
The mamma consists of a number of lobes separated
by fibrous tissue and some adipose tissue. The lobes
are divided and subdivided into smaller lobules,
which are in turn made up of alveoli. Each lobe has
an excretory (galactophorous) duct, and these, about
sixteen in number, converge to the areola, there
dilating into ampullae or sinuses. TJiey then become
smaller again, and surrounded by areolar tissue and
vessels, pass through the nipple to empty on the
surface by separate orifices.
Milk. — Milk as obtained from the breast during
active secretion or lactation is an opaque, bluish-
white fluid, without any oder, sweetish in taste,
alkaHne in reaction, and has a specific gravity of
from 1.025 to 1.040. Examined microscopically it
presents a clear fluid called the plasma, which holds
in suspension great numbers of oil globules. The
Fig. 108
Loculi i)) connective tissue.
Dissection of the lower half of the female breast during the period of
lactation. (From Luschka.)
amount of milk secreted each day by a healthy woman
averages about 1200 c.c. Milk is the most important
of the animal foods, containing all the elements
necessary to properly nourish and develop the body,
and is used as a food.
Differences in chemical composition of human and
cows' milk (Holt):
Woman's milk Cows' milk
average average
per cent per cent.
Fat 4.00 4.00
Sugar 7.00 4.50
Proteins 1.50 3.50
Salts 0.20 0.75
Water 87.30 87.25
100.00 100.00
By the above it will be seen that cows' milk has an
excess of proteins and salts, and is deficient in sugar.
The secretion of milk is influenced by emotional
states, both as to quantity and quality, due to some
connection between the nerve centres and the gland
Colostrum. — This is the first fluid secreted by the
breasts after the birth of the infant. It is a liquid
which resembles milk, and contains epithelial cells,
fat globules, colostrum corpuscles. Colostrum is
richer than the milk, containing more lactose and
inorganic salts. According to some authors it contains
compounds which act as a laxative to the newborn.
The Liver (Hepar). — Description of the Liver. — The
liver is the largest gland of the body, and fills the
entire hypochondrium, the greater portion of the
epigastrium, sometimes extending into the left hypo-
chondrium. It weighs from 50 to 60 ounces in the
male; 40 to 50 ounces in the female. Constitutes
one-eighteenth of the body weight in the adult, and
one-thirty-sixth of the body weight in the fetus. It
measures, transversely, from 8 to 9 inches; antero-
posterior, 4 to 5 inches, and vertically, near its right
surface, about 6 or 7 inches. Its specific gravity is
The liver presents a superior surface which includes
the right and left lobes; an inferior surface, including
the right, left, caudate, spigelian, and quadrate lobes;
» «0
« ^
anterior and posterior surfaces ('()ini)rising the right
and left lol^es; a lateral surface of the right lobe, only.
It has an inferior border or margin which is thin and
sharp, and notched opposite the falciform ligament,
for the round ligament (umbilical notch), and opposite
the cartilage of the ninth rib by a second notch for
the fundus of the gall-bladder.
The left extremity of the inferior margin of liver is
thin and flattened from above downward.
The ligaments of the liver are all peritoneal folds,
except the round ligament, which is a fetal remnant
of the umbilical vein. The ligaments hold the liver
in position, and are as follows:
Falciform or suspensory. Left lateral.
Coronary. Round.
Right lateral.
The lobes of the liver are also five in number. The
right is the largest, being six times as large as the
left. The left lobe is flattened, lies in the epigastrium,
and is in relation below with the stomach. The lobus
quadratus is on the under surface of the right lobe.
The Spigelian lobe lies behind and above the preceding.
The caudate lobe, or tubercidum caudatum, runs outward
from the base of the Spigelian lobe to the under surface
of the right lobe.
The fissures of the liver are five. The longitudinal
separates the right and left lobes. The fissure of the
ductus venosus is the part of the longitudinal fissure
behind the transverse. The transverse is the point
of exit (hepatic ducts) and entrance of the portal vein,
hepatic arteries, nerves, and lymphatic vessels. The
fissure for the gall-bladder is on the under surface of
the right lobe, parallel to the longitudinal fissure, sepa-
rated from it by the quadrate lobe. The fissure for
the inferior vena cava, sometimes a complete canal, lies
to the right of the Spigelian lobule.
The Structure of the Liver. — It is covered by a serous
layer derived from the peritoneum, except the posterior
surface, which is in relation with the diaphragm for
about 3 inches, included between the reflections of the
coronary ligaments. Beneath this serous covering is
a fibrous or areolar capsule (capsule of Glisson), which
passes into the transverse fissure around the vessels
and blends with the areolar tissue which holds the liver
lobules together.
Fig. 110
Triinlc of infralobn
.ntralobnlar rein
Horizontal section of injected liver (dog).
The lobules compose the main mass of the liver
substance, and consist of irregular chains of hepatic
cells, which secrete the bile, and are surrounded by a
capillary net-work of intralobular veins, which are the
minute terminations of the portal vein; they course
toward the centre of the lobule, opening into a
central intralobular vein; also small arteries, branches
of the hepatic artery, lie between the cells.
In addition, within the chain of cells are the minute
biliary ducts, or capillaries, which are the commence-
ment of the hepatic duct that conveys the bile formed
by the liver cells to the intestinal canal and gall-
The Functions of the Liver. — (1) The liver secretes
the bile; (2) produces and stores glycogen until needed
to aid in the nutrition of the tissues; (3) aids in the
formation and excretion of urea. The production of
bile and its physiologic actions have been described.
(See Part Played by the Bile in Digestion, page 281.)
The Formation and Function of Glycogen. — Glycogen is
derived from the dextrose resulting from the action of
the intestinal juices upon the food. It represents the
products of the carbohydrates absorbed as dextrose
and carried in the blood by the branches of the portal
vein to the liver, when it undergoes chemical changes,
due to the action of the liver cells, and is deposited
as a non-diffusible body. Glycogen is stored in the
liver until needed by the body tissues.
The Formation of Urea. — Urea is believed to be
produced and excreted by the liver cells. It is formed
from ammonium salts, as carbonate, lactates, which
are formed as a result of tissue metabolism upon the
proteins contained in the food we eat, and these
salts are absorbed from the tissues or from the intes-
tines, and conveyed by the blood to the liver cells,
where they are converted into urea and eliminated as a
waste product. It is excreted by the kidneys and
found in the urine.
The Gall-bladder. — This is a pear-shaped sac lying
in the impression of the right lobe of the liver. It is
the reservoir for the bile. It is 4 inches long and 1|
inches broad, holding 8 to 12 drams, and is held in
place by areolar tissue and the peritoneum. Its
relations are as follows: Above, liver; below, ascending
duodenum, pyloric end of stomach, hepatic flexure of
colon; in front, abdominal, wall (ninth or tenth costal
cartilages) .
The hepatic duct is formed by the junction at an
obtuse angle of a branch from each lobe of the
liver and runs downward and to the right for nearly
2 inches and joins the cystic duct to form the common
bile duct. The cystic duct of the gall-bladder is 1 1 inches
Fig. Ill
The gall-bladder and bile ducts, opened up. (Spalteholz.)
long, and descends tow^ard the left and joins the above
as described. The common bile duct is nearly 3 inches
long and 3 lines in diameter. It runs along the right
border of the lesser omentum, behind the first part
of the duodenum, and between the pancreas and
descending duodenum, then to the right of the pan-
creatic duct, with which it communicates by a common
orifice, at the summit of a papilla situated just below
the middle of the inner wall of the second portion of
the duodenum. The cystic artery and veins comprise
the blood-supply of the gall-bladder and its duct.
Fig. 112
The pancreas and its relations. (Gray.)
The Pancreas. — The pancreas is a compound race-
mose gland, of a pinkish-white color. Situated at the
back of the epigastrium and left hypochondrium ;
connected to the posterior abdominal wall by connected
tissue, and lies posterior to the stomach and behind
the peritoneum. It is 5 or 6 inches long; its breadth
is 1| inches; its thickness J to 1 inch, being greater
at its right extremity and upper border. The pancreas
is divided into a head, a neck, a body, and a tail.
The duct of the pancreas is called the pancreatic
duct or canal of Wirsung. It extends transversely
through the substance of the gland to drain the
lobules by means of small ducts which open into it.
Increasing in size it reaches the neck, passes down-
ward, backward, and obliquely to the right, piercing
the muscular and mucous coat of the second portion
of the duodenum where it opens into the ampulla of
Vater, common to it and the bile duct; the latter opens
into the canal of the duodenum.
The Structure of the Pancreas. — It is similar in
structure to the salivary glands, consisting of numbers
of lobules, forming lobes, and all held together by
connective tissue. Each lobule contains one of the
branches of the main duct, which terminates in the
grape-like alveoli. The alveoli are lined by cylindric
cells, which differ in their appearance. They are
divided into a central set, in the end of the alveoli,
which are dark and granular, and a peripheral set,
in the outside of the former, which are clear. During
digestion the granular area becomes broader and the
cells show an increase in granules; in the interval of
rest following active digestion the clear zone increases
in width, showing an absence of granules.
The Areas or Islands of Langerhans are groups of
globular cells arranged in columns situated between
the alveoli; surrounded by connective tissue, which
separates them from the alveoli and each other. The
connective tissue contains large, twisted, capillary
bloodvessels. These groups of goblet cells are supposed
to secrete an internal secretion, which is absorbed by
the blood and carried to the different tissues. Metab-
olism of the carbohydrates is interfered with, if any
diseased condition or removal of the pancreas takes
place. The secretion from the cells of the alveoli,
on the other hand, secretes the pancreatic juice.
The pancreatic secretion^ leaves the pancreas by
way of the duct of Wirsung; it is supposed to create
^ See page 279 for action of pancreatic secretion during digestion.
an internal secretion which regulates the production
of glycogen by the liver, thus possessing both an
internal and external secretory function.
Fig. 113
Interlobular duct.
Section of human pancreas, showing pancreatic islands. (Radasch.)
Ductless Glands. — The ductless glands of the body
Suprarenal capsules.
Pituitary body.
The above glands aid in the nutrition of the whole
body as well as in that of individual organs by means
of an internal secretion which is absorbed by the blood
and lymph streams. This material, derived from the
circulation, is changed within the gland by some
unknown phenomena and secreted by the cells of
the ductless glands to be taken into the blood and
lymph direct, and thus aid in promoting the metab-
olism of the body. They possess no ducts.
The Thjrroid Gland. — This is a very vascular organ,
situated at the front of the neck, overhanging the
upper rings of the trachea and laterally extending as
high as the oblique line on the alse of the thyroid
cartilage, and as low as 1 inch above the upper border
of the sternum, when the head is extended. It weighs
about 1 ounce; slightly heavier in the female. It
has three lobes — two lateral connected by an isthmus ;
and one third or middle lobe. It is firmly attached to
the cricoid cartilage and posterior fascia of the trachea
by two lateral or suspensory ligaments and its lobes
and isthmus are enclosed within a fibrous capsule
derived from the pretracheal portion of the deep
fascia of the neck.
The isthmus lies on the second and third ring of
the trachea, and measures about J inch in breadth
and depth.
The functions of the thyroid are not thoroughly
understood. It is an established fact, however, that
when the gland is secreting more or less than the
normal quantity, changes in development arise as a
result of some physiologic disturbance interfering
with the general metabolism of the body; as cretinism,
a condition occurring in infants and children as a result
of a congenital absence or arrested development of the
gland; myxedema, a condition (occurring in adults) of
the skin in which it becomes thickened, giving rise to a
change in the patient's expression, due to the face becom-
ing broader, swollen, and flattened. The mind is dull,
the subject is almost idiotic as regards the mental
condition. Myxedema is due to atrophy or some
pathologic change taking place in the gland which
interfered with its normal secretion; removal of the
gland by operation gives rise to a similar condition,
called cachexia strumipriva; an increase in the secretion
from the thyroid gland causes a condition characterized
by protrusion of the eye-balls — the patient's expression
is staring and frightened — palpitation of the heart
and enlargement of the gland, termed exophthalmic
goitre or Graves' disease. An enlargement of the
thyroid gland, which is gradually progressive, can
be seen in the necks of people living in or coming
from certain localities where the diseased condition
is due to the drinking water containing lime; this is
termed ordinary goitre.
The Parathyroid Glands. — These are small, reddish-
brown bodies, composed of masses of cells, arranged
in a more or less reticular manner with numerous
intervening bloodvessels. They are usually found
one on either side (the superior) at the level of the
lower border of the cricoid cartilage, behind the
junction of the pharynx and esophagus, and in front
of the prevertebral fascia. The lower are just below
the lower edge of the lateral lobe one on either side.
There are usually four, but may be only three, or again,
as many as six or eight. Their location is variable.
The functions of the parathyroids have not been
sufficiently established to warrant a description
within these pages. However, their removal from
animals has given rise to tetany, characterized by
spasmodic contractions and paralyses of certain
groups of muscles, convulsive seizures, and death.
Spleen. — The spleen is the largest of the ductless
glands. It is found in the left hypochondrium, entirely
surrounded by peritoneum, except around the hilum,
which attaches it to the fundus of the stomach (the
gastrosplenic omentum). It is purplish in color,
oblong, flattened, tetrahedral form, soft, of a very
friable consistency, and highly vascular. It measures
5 inches in length, 2 to 3 inches in width, and 1 to IJ
inches in thickness at the centre. It weighs 6| ounces,
The spleen is attached to the stomach by the
gastrosplenic omentum. The lienorenal ligament is a
peritoneal fold, which attaches it to the upper pole of
the left kidney, and the phrenocolic assists to support
it by its attachment to the diaphragm.
The spleen when seen under the microscope shows
a capsule of fibrous tissue which sends off slips or
trabeculae from its under surface; these spread out
and form a connective-tissue supporting frame-work
for the contents of the organ, which consists of a
dark red semifluid mass called the splenic pulp, filling
the spaces between the fibrous tissue. Microscopically
the splenic pulp is seen to consist of adenoid tissue,
rich in leukocytes or white-blood cells, arranged in
small groups throughout the pulp, called Malpighian
corpuscles; red corpuscles are also present in the pulp.
The Functions of the Spleen. — Owing to the numbers
of red cells seen in the splenic pulp undergoing all
stages of disintegration, it has been concluded that
the spleen aids in the destruction of red cells; another
theory is based on the presence of the large quantity
of white cells within the Malpighian corpuscles, that
the spleen is the chief centre for the production of
white cells, and thus contributes to the formation of
the blood.
The spleen is larger in childhood than old age;
it is enlarged during and after digestion. In typhoid
fever and malaria a marked increase can be noted;
I . . .
also in various blood diseases.
Thymus Gland. — The thymus gland is a temporary
organ, attaining its full size at the end of the second
year and gradually shrinking until puberty, when
it entirely disappears. Consists of two lateral lobes
placed in close contact along the median line. It
is found in the superior mediastinum, covered by the
sternum and the origins of the sternohyoid and sterno-
thyroid muscles; below, it rests upon the pericardium,
niul separated from the arch of the aorta and great
vessels by fascia. In the neck it lies on the front
and sides of the trachea beneath the sternohyoid
sternothyroid muscles.
Suprarenal Glands. — The suprarenal glands are two
flattened bodies, of a yellowish color, found in the
epigastrium, lying behind the peritoneum, and above
and in front of the upper extremity of each kidney.
They are triangular in shape, H to nearly 2 inches in
length, less in width, and J of an inch in thickness.
The Functions of the Suprarenal Glands. — They
secrete a substance, termed adrenalin (takamine,
Aldrich) or epinephrin (Abel), which is absorbed
by the blood, and stimulates to increased activity
the muscle fibers of the heart and arteries, and thus
aids in maintaining the normal blood-pressure. Dis-
ease of the suprarenal glands causes a bronzing of
the skin and mucous membranes with disturbances
of nutrition, muscular weakness, and anemia. Gradu-
ally the heart becomes weak; the pulse is soft and
feeble, indicating a general reduction in blood-pressure
from interference with the secretion of the active
physiologic material from the cells of the gland.
Addison's disease is the name applied to this condition,
as he first described the disease.
The Pituitary Body (Hypophysis). — The pituitary
body is a small glandular body situated at the base
of the brain, lodged in the sella turcica of the sphenoid
bone. It is divided into an anterior and posterior
lobe; the former is reddish in color, is larger than the
posterior lobe, and is derived from an invagination of
the epiblast of the mouth cavity, and shows micro-
scopically gland tissue; the posterior lobe is yellowish
gray in color, and represents an outgrowth from
the brain. It is connected by a thin slip to the
The functions of the pituitary are still under inves-
tigation; however, it has been proved by experiment
that an injection of the extract made from the internal
secretion of this gland will cause an increase in the
force of the heart-beat and a rise in blood-pressure
by stimulating the arterioles. According to Howell,
the extract given intravenously from the posterior lobe
will cause a rise in blood-pressure and slow the heart-
beat, the extract from the anterior lobe being negative
as to its effect on the circulatory and respiratory
organs. Disease of the pituitary body will give rise
to the condition of acromegalia, in which there is a
marked enlargement of the bones of the face and
extremities. When diseased in early life it is respon-
sible for the progressive changes, characterized by
extreme growth of the body, termed gigantism; also
a marked increase of fatty tissue.
Carotid Glands. — The carotid glands or bodies are
small reddish-brown bodies, oval in shape, their long
diameter measuring i of an inch. They are found in
the cervical region, at the bifurcation of the common
carotid artery into the internal and external carotid
Coccygeal Gland. — The coccygeal gland or body,
or Luschka's gland, is as large as a millet-seed, found
at the tip of the coccyx. It is connected with middle
sacral artery.
1. Give the difference between an external and internal secretion.
2. Name some of the external secretions.
3. How are secretions utilized by the tissues of the body?
4. Name the secreting membranes of the body.
5. Name the organs of internal secretion.
6. Give the general arrangement of the structures seen in a
secretory gland.
7. By what structure does a secreting gland communicate with
a membrane upon which its secretion is poured out?
8. What part does the nerve system play in regard to gland
9. What is excretion?
10. Describe the structure of a mammary gland.
11. Is human milk alkaline or acid in reaction?
12. Docs milk contain oil globules?
13. How much milk is secreted every day by the mammary glands
in a healthy woman?
14. Give the chemical composition of milk.
15. How does woman's milk differ from cows' milk?
16. What is colostrum? Give its function.
17. Which is the largest gland of the body?
18. How much does the liver weigh?
19. How many lobes has it?
20. What structures pass out of and enter the transverse fissure
of the liver?
21. Give the location of the liver in the abdominal cavity.
22. What is the serous membrane surrounding the liver called?
The fibrous capsule?
23. What microscopic structures are seen in the liver lobules?
24. Name the functions of the liver.
25. How is glycogen formed? Where is it stored in the body
26. Is urea a waste product resulting from metabolism? Which
organs excrete it?
27. What is the function of the gall-bladder? Name its duct.
28. Where is it located?
29. What ducts form the common bile duct?
30. Where does the common bile duct drain?
31. How long is the cystic duct? The common bile duct?
32. To which variety of glands does the pancreas belong?
33. Give the dimensions of the pancreas.
34. Name the duct of the pancreas. Which portion of the duo-
denum does it open into?
35. What is the opening in the duodenum for the common bile
and pancreatic duct called?
36. How does the pancreatic secretion leave the pancreas?
37. Name the organs of internal secretion.
38. Which one of the ductless glands is the largest?
39. Give its dimensions and weight.
40 How is the spleen attached to the stomach? The left kidney?
The diaphragm?
41. Where are the suprarenal glands located in the abdominal
42. Name their functions?
The human body maintains an even temperature
during life, due to the results of chemic changes going
on within the tissues and organs of the body as a
result of metabolism. These changes result from the
processes of oxidation taking place in the cells of the
body by the union of oxygen with the elements
carbon and hydrogen, contained within the food we
eat, either before or after they become constituents of
the tissues. During metabolism of the body the food
is again broken up into simple compounds, as carbon
dioxide, w^ater, and urea, which evolve a large portion
of their energy as heat and mechanic activity.
The body is continually giving off heat called
heat dissipation, and this heat dissipation must be
replaced by an equal amount of heat liberation,
called heat production, by the tissues as a result of
metabolism, else the even temperature of the body
would not be maintained, as is necessary for the
normal action of the physiologic processes of the body.
Heat Production. — Heat production is derived from
the formation of carbon dioxide, urea, and water, as
a result of oxidation of the tissues by the union of
oxygen with the carbon and hydrogen of the food.
And mechanically each of the following actions
contribute to the production of heat: Contraction
of muscles, during the secretions of glands, the force
exhibited by the nerve system in producing its func-
tions of receiving and conveying impulses throughout
the body to accomplish the various actions essential
to the life of the individual.
Heat Dissipation. — Heat is given off by warming
the food and liquids consumed, to the temperature of
the body; in warming the air we breathe to the body
temperature; in the evaporation of water from the
lungs and skin; in the skin it is given off by the pro-
cesses of radiation and conduction.
The quantity of heat essential to the maintenance
of the body temperature and the quantity liberated
is determined experimentally by a study of the heat
values of different foods; another method is by
means of an apparatus called a colorimeter, in which
is collected and measured the heat given off as a
result of oxidation of the food within and given off
from the body daily.
Heat Values of Food. — By the first method 1 gram
of food is burned, the hydrogen and carbon of the
food is chemically converted into carbon dioxide and
water as a result of oxidation, and during this change
heat is given off and collected which the experiment has
proved will raise the temperature of a given amount
(1 kilogram) of water. The amount of heat evolved
is expressed in gram or kilogram, degrees or calories.
A calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise
1 gram of water 1° C. It has been demonstrated
that certain foods produce far more heat than others
(expressed in calories), and hence more or less heat
will be dissipated, and an increase or decrease in
energy will be apparent, dependent upon whether
the diet is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, or fats.
The carbohydrates and fats are reduced, after being
absorbed to carbon dioxide and water, the proteins
are changed to a compound^ — urea — with the liberation
of heat, expressed in calories as follows:
1 gram of protein 4.1 calories
1 gram of fat 9.3 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates -.4.1 calories
Knowing the above, it is easy to determine the
heat units or calories each quantity of contained
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in a diet will liberate.
The number of grams of protein are multiplied by
4.1 calories, which one gram of protein evolves; the
number of grams of fat, by 9.3 calories, that one
gram of fat evolves; and the number of grams of
carbohydrates by 4.1 calories, the amount of calories
that 1 gram of carbohydrates liberates. See example:
The quantity of protein consumed daily is
100 gm. = 100 X 4.10 or 410 calories
The quantity of carbohydrates consumed
daily is 500 gm. = 500 X 4.1 or . . . 2050 calories
The quantity of fats consumed daily is 50
gm. = 50 X 9.3 or 465 calories
2925 calories
The average number of calories required by an
individual daily, to maintain an even temperature,
and promote the normal energy of the body, is about
3000. Thus the heat dissipated by the body will
nearly equal the physiologic heat values of the foods
we eat.
The Temperature of the Body. — The equalization
of the heat-dissipation and heat-production keeps
the body at a standard temperature. This in olden
times w^as taken by physicians simply by laying the
hand on the skin. The introduction of the clinical
thermometer has allowed of a more accurate and
scientific means of reading the temperature. The
temperature of the body varies in different locations,
due to the chemic changes resulting from body metab-
olism varying in their intensity and extent in different
parts of the body. This variation would be more
marked were it not due to the fact that the blood
and lymph absorbing the heat, evenly distribute it
to all parts of the body, so that the change in temper-
ature amounts to only a few degrees.
The normal body temperature in the axilla is
98.6° F. or 37° C. (French). This may be as low
as 97.5° to 98° F. in the early morning, and reaching
to 99° to 99.3° F. in the evening, and denote no abnor-
mal condition of health; by mouth, 98.6° F. or 37° C;
rectum, 100.4° F. or 38° C; vagina, 100.9° F. or
38.3° C. In infancy under six years of age, 99.4° F.
or 37.4° C; in the aged (sixty to eighty years), 98.2°
F. or 36.8° C.
1. How does oxidation of the tissues effect heat production?
2. What mechanical actions of the body aid in heat production?
3. How is heat dissipation brought about?
4. What must occur in the tissues to equal heat dissipation in
order to maintain an even body temperature?
5. How are heat values expressed?
6. How many calories will 1 gram of protein produce? 1 gram
of fat? 1 gram of carbohydrates?
7. What is a calorie.
8. What is the average number of calories required to maintain
an even temperature and promote the normal energy of the body?
9. What relation should the heat dissipated by the body bear to
the heat values of the foods we consume?
10. Give the normal temperature when taken by mouth, axilla,
and rectum.
. The urinary organs include the kidneys, which
secrete or excrete the urine ; the ureters convey it to the
bladder, where it is retained until voided (micturition) ;
then the urethra which discharges it from the body.
The Kidneys (Renes). — The kidneys are situated in
the abdominal cavity on each side of the vertebral
column, resting on the psoas magnus and the quad-^
ratus lumborum muscles. They are behind the peri-
toneum and correspond to the space included between
the upper level of the twelfth thoracic above, and
opposite the third lumbar vertebra below. The right
kidney is lower than the left. In the female they are
a little lower than in the male.
Each is bean-shaped, measures about 4 to 4 J inches
in length, 2| in breadth, and 1 to IJ inches in thick-
ness, and weighs about 4 to 6 ounces. They lie in the
right and left hypochondrium, the epigastrium, and
the right and left lumbar regions.
Fixation of the Kidney. — The kidney is embedded in
a mass of fatty tissue (capsule adiposa) surrounded by
a fibrous sheath named the fascia renalis continuous
with the subperitoneal fascia.
The Structure of the Kidney. — The kidney is made
up of a series of tubules supported by a frame-work
of connective tissue, and surrounded by small capil-
laries, lymphatics, and nerves. On examining the
incised kidney its surface presents an inner two-thirds,
Fio. 114
Posterior abdominal wall, after removal of the peritoneum, showing
kidneys, suprarenal capsules, and great vessels. (Corning.)
called the medulla, measuring | to
thickness; and an outer one-third called the cortex,
measuring J to J inch in thickness.
Fia. 115
Vertical section of kidney, showing the secreting portion, the vessels,
and the beginnings of the ureter. (Testut.)
The Medulla. — This consists of small pyramids,
ten to twenty in number. The base of each is
directed toward the cortex and the apices point
toward the pelvis of the ureter, where they project
into the calices of the same; each calix receives one.
two, or three papillae. Each papillae has a number
of minute openings upon its apex for the excretory
ducts of the pyramids; the latter pour the urine into
the pelvis of the ureter. These orifices open into
tubules and are practically the external outlet of
the uriniferous tubules. They pass toward the base
of the pyramid, and within this region are known as
the tubes of Bellini. Continuing they enter the cortex,
where they become enlarged and twisted, and follow
an extremely tortuous course to turn backward into
the medullary portion for some space, and are called
in this position the ascending limb of the loop of Henle;
they curve upon themselves again, and, while still
within the medullary portion, are known as the
descending limb of the loop of Henle ; reenter the cortex,
expand again, and becoming twisted (convoluted
tubule), end in an ovoid enlargement termed Bowman's
capsule, in which is a small collection of bloodvessels —
the glomerulus, or Malpighian tuft. The capsule and
contained bloodvessels, the glomerulus, constitute
the small reddish bodies called renal or Malpighian
corpuscles, which are scattered throughout the cortex
of the kidney.
The Cortex. — This is reddish brown in appearance,
and lies just beneath the capsule of the organ. It
contains the Malpighian corpuscles. When examined
with a lens it has a light colored, ray-like appearance.
The lighter rays are termed the medullary rays, and
are found by the collection of uriniferous tubules (loops
of Henle) from the medullary portion. The darker
colored intervening substance is called the labyrinth,
from its complexity of structure, and is composed of
the Malpighian corpuscles and the various loops of the
The Uriniferous Tubules. — Microscopic examination
of the kidney substance is the only method by which
the uriniferous tubules can be seen and understood.
However, I will endeavor to make as clear as possible
their course. The tubules practically start in the cortex
as a capsule of Bowman, which surrounds the capillaries
(glomerulus). The tubules run a very irregular and
distorted course, and finally end in straight tubules
which pass through the pyramids to empty into the
calices of the pelvis of the ureter. Bowman's capsule
is lined by flattened epithelial cells resting on a very
delicate basement membrane. The convoluted por-
tions of the tubules are lined with cuboidal epithe-
lium and the loops of Henle contain more or less
flattened epithelium.
The Ureters. — The ureters are two tubes, and con-
vey the urine from the kidney to the bladder. The
urine is collected from several minor calices, ten to
twenty in number, which open into the major calices;
the latter by their junction form the pelvis or dilated
portion of the ureter. It is on a line with the first
lumbar vertebra.
The ureter proper is divided into an abdominal
portion (pars abdominalis) and a pelvic portion (pars
pelvina). They are 10 to 12 inches in length and ^ of
an inch in diameter. The walls are from 1 to 2 mm.
The Urinary Bladder (Vesica Urinaris) .— The bladder
is situated in the pelvic cavity, but in infancy and
when distended in the adult, extends into the hypo-
gastrium. It measures when moderately distended,
5 to 5i inches in length, 4^ in width, and 3 inches
from before backward. It holds a pint of urine
without discomfort. The bladder presents a superior,
antero-inferior, and two lateral surfaces; a base or
fundus, and an apex or summit.
The interior of the bladder shows the mucous mem-
brane thrown into rugae, the orifices of the ureters, and
the trigone, also the orifice of the urethra, which empties
the"urine from the bladder. The ureteral orifices are
about 2 inches apart when the bladder is moderately
distended. The trigone is a smooth, triangular surface,
paler than the rest of the mucous membrane. It is
bounded at the basal angles to the orifices of the ureters,
and the apex to the internal urethral orifice. The
ureteral folds are the prolongations extending beyond
the ureteral orifices, of the transverse ureteral fold
containing muscle fibers covered by the mucous
membrane. The internal urethral openings is sur-
rounded by a circular fold of mucous membrane,
called the annulus urethalis.
The ligaments of the bladder are: true and false.
The true are the two anterior, two lateral, and the
urachus. The false are five, and consist of folds of
Method of Urine Secretion. — The urine contains
the waste products resultant from body metabolism
which are eliminated through the kidneys, ureter,
bladder, and urethra.
Several theories have been demonstrated in regard
to how these waste products pass from the blood to
the urine. However, the two accepted methods of
urine secretion or excretion are based on the principles
of filtration and secretion.
The uriniferous tubules as described above com-
mence as the capsule of Bowman, which surrounds
a collection of capillaries (glomerulus). Bowman's
capsule is simply an indentation of the tubule. It
consists of two walls, an outer one covered with
flattened epithelium resting on a very thin basement
membrane, and an inner wall consisting of flattened
epithelium which is reflected over and encloses the
glomerulus. Thus the blood in the capillaries is
separated from the interior of Bowman's capsule
by the intervention of the capillary wall and the
inner layer of epithelium, lining the inner wall of the
capsule. The secretion of urine primarily takes
place by a rise of blood pressure in the arterioles
(afferent vessels). The capsule of Bowman becomes
so distended that the two layers of cells approximate
and practically obliterate the cavity between them.
Then the water, salts, sugars, peptones, etc., pass
from the blood to the interior of the capsule of Bow-
man, by a process of filtration or transudation through
the capillary wall and the thin inner layer of Bow-
man's capsule, and pass along the tubules. However,
Heidenhain believes that the latter constituents of
the urine are passed through the glomerular epithe-
lium by the processes of cell selection and cell activity;
in other words, the entire constituents of the urine
obtained in the capsule of Bowman from the blood
is due to process of secretion, assisted or regulated by
the degrees of blood-pressure, blood-velocity, etc.
The blood of the glomerulus being emptied of a
portion of its water, salts, etc., as described above,
still possesses other waste products in the blood
which must be eliminated as urea, uric acid, etc. This
further elimination is based on a distinct and proved
function of the cells, lining the convoluted tubules of
the kidney, of selecting from the blood and secreting
the above-mentioned products as constituents of the
urine. The methods by which these products leave
the glomerulus and reach the cells of the convoluted
tubules is as follows : A small arteriole leaves each
glomerulus (efferent vessel) and divides and sub-
divides, forming a capillary net-work, which surrounds
the convoluted tubules, thus bringing the blood in
intimate relation with the lining cells of the tubules,
which, to repeat, select and secrete the urea, uric
acid, etc., from the blood, and eliminate them in the
The remaining quantity of blood which has given
off its waste product to be eliminated by the two
methods described above, is taken up by venules
which anastomose with the arterioles around the con-
voluted tubules and straight tubules, and is returned
through the renal vein to the venous system.
The Urine. — The urine is the fluid by which the
end-products resulting from tissue metabolism are
excreted or, literally speaking, are secreted by the
kidneys from the body. The phenomena, however, is
essentially the same as takes place during secretion of
fluids by the body cells. It must be remembered that
to perform work, create energy, nourish, and develop
the body from birth to death, food is necessary. The
body receives its nourishment from the food we eat, and
the essential constituents of the same are used by the
tissues to perform the various and complex processes
necessary to carry on and maintain the normal physio-
logical functions of the human body. Were this
intake of food not used or eliminated, there would
be a general interference of the normal functions of
cell life, but as we have demonstrated in previous
chapters, it is used and then undergoes changes, the
residue forming products which must be eliminated,
and the urine is the fluid by means of which this
Normal urine is a pale yellow or amber-colored
fluid, with an aromatic odor and acid reaction. Its
specific gravity is 1.020, but varies between 1.015 to
1.025. It is usually transparent, except when mucus,
phosphates, urates, render it cloudy in appearance.
The color varies from a pale yellow to a reddish
brown, dependent upon the physiologic processes
occurring prior to elimination. Its color is due to
the presence of a pigment-urobilin, urochrome, uro-
erythrin, derived from the bile pigments absorbed
from the liver or alimentary canal. The acidity of
the urine is due to the presence of acid phosphates
of sodium and calcium. Urine is usually acid in the
morning, alkaline or neutral following digestion.
The quantity of urine passed in twenty-four hours
amounts to 40 to 50 ounces (2| to 3 pints 2 ounces).
The odor is due to the presence of aromatic com-
Composition of Urine:
Water 1500.00 c.c.
Total solids 72.00 gm.
Urea 33.18 gm.
Uric acid (urates) 0.55 gm.
Hippuric acid (hippurates) 0.45 gm
Kreatinin, xanthin, hypoxanthin, guanin,
ammonium salts, pigments, etc. . . 11.21 gm.
Inorganic salts, sodium and potassium sul- "^
phates, phosphates, and chlorides; mag-
nesium and calcium phosphates. . .> 27.00 gm.
Organic salts: lactates, acetates, formates
in small amounts J
Sugar a trace.
Gases — nitrogen and carbonic acid.
Urea, being the most abundant and important
organic compound of the urine, will be described.
It is present to the amount of 2 to 3 per cent. It is
found after analysis of the urine to consist of a
colorless, neutral substance, crystallizing in long,
silky needles. It is composed of carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen, and hydrogen (CON2H4). The daily quantity
excreted amounts to 30 to- 34 grams. It is the end-
product of the protein metabolism which has gone on
within the body, and the quantity excreted in the
urine is dependent upon the amount of protein food
consumed and upon the degree to which the protein
constituents of the tissues have undergone metabolic
The skin is the structure investing the entire outer
surface of the body, blending with the mucous mem-
branes which bound the cavities leading into the
body, as the mouth, etc. Its dimensions vary in
thickness in different parts of the body, from ^ to y^
of an inch, total area 16 to 20 square feet in man, and
12 to 16 square feet in woman.
The skin secretes a clear, colorless fluid, the sweat;
it acts as a protection to the underlying structures, and
aids in the excretion of waste-products of metabolism,
possessing an accessory function in conjunction with
the lungs and kidneys of elimination of these products
from the body. It also assists in regulating the
temperature of the body by promoting heat dissi-
The skin must be studied under the microscope in
order to properly grasp its structure. There are two
principal layers, superficial and deep; the former is
termed the epidermis, the latter the derma or corium.
The Epidermis. — This consists of epithelial cells
derived from the ectoderm. There are two layers
within the epidermis: superficial or horny layer, and
deep or Malpighian layer. The horny layer consists
of non-nucleated scaly cells composed of keratin.
The surface cells of this layer are being continually
rubbed off, and are replaced by cells from the Mal-
pighian layer underneath, which undergo a change
and are converted into keratin as they approach the
surface. The Malpighian or deep layer is divided into
four layers, named from without inward — stratum
lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum mucosum, and
the stratum germinativum. The stratum mucosum
contains the prickle cells which contain the pigment
granules that give to the skin its different individual
and racial characteristics in regard to color.
The Derma, Corium, or True Skin. — This is com-
posed of the two layers: superficial or papillary layer,
and the reticular.
The superficial or papillary layer lies beneath the
epidermis. It contains numerous projections called
papillae, arid i^ composed of a net-work of fine bundles
of fibrous tissue. The papillae are composed of fibrous
and elastic tissue. They project from the true skin
or corium, and enter into depressions of the epidermis.
The reticular layer connects the skin with the under-
lying structures. It also supports the minute blood-
vessels, lymphatics, and nerves which are distributed
to the papillae.
The subcutaneous tissue is the layer beneath the
reticular layer of the true skin, which holds the skin
to the parts beneath. It is made up of thin connec-
FiG. 116
S*^'-'-;^. iT-J^SU DO F
Vertical section through the skin of the finger tip. The layers of the epi-
dermis and of the corium. The subcutaneous areolar tissue. The sudoriferous
or sweat gland. (Toldt.)
tive tissue which crosses repeatedly and forms spaces.
The skin in certain parts is held firmly to the under-
lying structures by the subcutaneous tissue, as the
skin over the palms and soles of the feet; in others
it is loosely attached and is freely movable, as the
skin over the front of the arms and neck.
The skin is supplied by branches of the larger
arteries coursing through the subcutaneous tissues.
These form minute capillary plexuses which send off
branches to form other plexuses in the corium and
papillary layer; from the latter branches pass to the
papilla, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, fat, and hair
The Appendages of the Skin. — They are the nails,
hairs, the sudoriferous or sweat glands, and sebaceous
The Nails. — ^These are flattened, elastic structures
of a horny texture, placed upon the back surface of
each distal extremity of each finger and toe. The
nail is implanted by means of a portion called the
root, within a groove in the skin. The rest of the con-
vex surface of the nail is called the body. Beneath the
root and body is a portion of the cutis called the
matrix. This is the part from which the nail grows.
The white, crescentic-shaped area of the nail seen
behind the matrix and above the root is called the
lunula. Its color is due to its being less vascular
compared to the remaining portion of the nail. The
nail can be injured, and if any cells of the Malpighian
layer remain, a new nail will develop from these
The Hairs. — They are found in certain regions of
the body. They act as a protection to the part; pre-
vent friction; prevent foreign bodies from entering the
organs they protect, as the eyes, nose, etc. We speak
of hairs of the head, of the eyebrows, of the axilla, of
the eyelids, of the nose, of the pubes, and of the skin.
They vary much in length, thickness, and quality.
In some individuals the hair is straight, in others
curly. Hairs usually are oblique to the surface from
which they arise.
Hairs are modifications of the skin (epidermis) and
consist essentially of the same structure as it. Hair
consists of the root, the part implanted in the skin;
the shaft, the portion extending from the surface; and
the point.
The root of the hair presents at its deep extremity a
bulb-Uke enlargement, the hair-bulb, which is lodged in
a follicular involution of the epidermis called the hair
follicle. The hair follicle commences in the surface
of the skin with a funnel-shaped opening, and passes
inward in an oblique direction, to become dilated at
its deep extremity or fundus, where it corresponds
with the bulbous shape of the hair which it contains.
Each hair follicle has at its base a small, conical,
vascular eminence or papilla, the hair papilla, similar
to the papillse found upon the surface of the skin.
The latter are highly vascular and probably supplied
with nerve fibrils. Each hair follicle has an opening into
it near its free extremity, the openings or orifices of
the ducts of one or more sebaceous glands. Connected
with the hair follicles are minute bundles of involuntary
muscle fibers called arrectores pilorum. They originate,
from the superficial surface of the true skin, or corium,
and are inserted into the outer surface of the hair
follicle, below the orifice of the duct of the sebaceous
gland. They are located on the side toward which
the hair slopes, and when they contract elevate the
The Sebaceous Glands. — These are simple and com-
pound racemose glands which open into the hair
follicle, and sometimes the skin surface, by means of
a duct. These glands are lodged in the surface of the
true skin or corium. They are very plentiful, and
are found in all parts of the body, especially in the
skin of the face and scalp; also numerous around the
openings of the mouth, anus, nose, and external ear,
but are not found in the skin covering the palms of
the hands and the soles of the feet. Their structure
consists of a delicate transparent membrane, enclosing
epithelial cells.
Sebum is the oily fluid secreted by the sebaceous
glands. It contains, by analysis, water, epithelium,
proteins, fats, cholesterin, and inorganic salts.
The pouring-out of sebum by the glands is not a
true secretion, but occurs as a result of multiplication
and breaking down of the gland epithelium. Sebum
when first secreted is oily and semiliquid, but soon
becomes hard and acquires a cheese-like consistency.
It lubricates the hair and skin and prevents dryness
and roughness.
Vemix caseosa is the whitish, oily substance seen
covering the body of the newborn child. It is supposed
to keep the skin in a normal condition by protecting
it from the effects of the long-continued action of the
amniotic fluid in which the fetus is suspended during
intra-uterine development.
The Sweat Glands. — The sweat glands are the glands
which when active promote perspiration and aid in
heat dissipation, at the same time eliminating waste
products as the result of body metabolism, brought to
them by the blood.
They are situated in the lower part of the corium,
derma, or true skin, and sometimes in the subcutaneous
tissue. The glands are tubular, and the lower or
inner extremity is coiled upon itself a number of
times, forming a rounded mass. Extending from
this coil to the epidermis is the duct which follows
a straight course in this situation, and after a few
spiral turns, opens onto the surface of the skin. The
glands consist of epithelial cells which rest upon a
very thin basement membrane. These glands are
very numerous; it has been estimated that they
average from 2,000,000 to 2,500,000. They are more
abundant in some localities than others. Each sweat
gland is richly supplied with bloodvessels and nerves
(vasomotor and secretor).
Perspiration. — Perspiration or sweat is the fluid
secreted by the sweat glands of the skin. It is a
clear, colorless liquid of a specific gravity varying
from 1.003 to 1.006; slightly acid in reaction and salty
to the taste. Except when collected from the soles
of the feet and palms of the hands, it is mixed with
epithelial cells and sebum — secreted by the sebaceous
glands. The amount of sweat secreted in twenty-four
hours has been estimated at 700 to 1000 grams; however,
this is uncertain, owing to the difficulty of collection,
and the influence temperature, diet, drink, season of
the year, etc., exert upon its secretion.
The secretion of sweat, though essentially an ex-
cretion, is chiefly concerned in the regulation of the
body temperature in maintaining heat dissipation,
rather than the elimination of waste materials by
means of the sweat glands brought to them by the
blood and lymph vessels.
The Part Played hy the Nerve System on the Produc-
tion of Sweat. — The secretion of sweat is practically
the result of the activity of the epithelial cells of the
sweat glands and is regulated by the nerve system.
The fluid contained in the sweat is derived from
the materials in the lymph channels, furnished by
the blood.
To produce sweat there must be a glandular activity,
and a regulation of the blood-supply. The former is
brought about by a set of nerves called the secretor,
which stimulate the cells to activity; the latter is
regulated by nerves called the vasomotor, that regu-
late the blood-pressure of the capillaries and increase
or decrease the blood-supply to the glands. Other
influences increase the production of sweat, by their
related nerve centres sending out impulses in two
ways: first, by nerve impulses from the central domin-
ating centre, supposed to be located in the medulla,
being stimulated by mental emotions, as shock, shame,
etc., venosity of the blood, hot drinks, violent muscular
exercise, etc.; second, by reflex impulses being con-
veyed to the centres in the spinal cord by the sensor
nerves in the skin, as a result of hot applications, high
external temperature, etc.
The nerve centres which regulate the secretion of
sweat are located in the spinal cord and reach the
glands of the skin by means of the sympathetic nerves
with which the spinal nerves communicate. The domi-
nating centre which is influenced to activity by emotional
states, etc., is situated in the medulla oblongata
and sends its impulses down the spinal cord and out
through the spinal nerves and the sympathetic system
to the cells of the glands. Sweat may be produced
by a general relaxation of the bloodvessels which
supply the sweat glands, resulting from a stimulation
of the vasomotor nerves. But it must be remembered
that a normal production of sweat is based on the
activity of both the nerves influencing the blood
supply to the glands, and the nerves which stimulate
the cells of the sweat glands to secrete.
1. What organs include the urinary apparatus?
2. Give the location of the kidneys.
3. Which is higher, the right or left?
4. Give dimensions and weight.
5. Are the kidneys behind the peritoneum?
6. How are the kidneys held in position?
7. What do you understand by the medulla and cortex of the
kidney substance?
8. How many pyramids are there in the medulla?
9. What part of the pyramids drain the urine into the pelvis of
the ureter?
10. What structures form the medullary rays in the cortex of
the kidney? The labyrinth?
11. What structures form Bowman's capsule? The glomerulus?
12. What structures form the renal or Malpighian corpuscles in
the cortex?
13. Where do the uriniferous tubules commence in the substance
of the kidney? Where do they terminate?
14. What type of epithelium lines Bowman's capsule? The
convoluted portion of the uriniferous tubules? The loops of Henle?
15. How many ureters are there?
16. What is the function of the ureters? How long is each one?
17. Give the location, dimensions, and capacity of the bladder.
18. Name the portions of the bladder.
19. Through what structure does the urine leave the bladder?
20. Describe how the waste products of the blood pass through
the capsule of Bowman during urine secretion.
21. What function do the cells of the uriniferous tubules play as
regards the elimination of urea, uric acid, etc., from the blood-
22. How does the venous blood from the capillaries of the kidney
reach the venous system?
23. What resulting products of metabolism does the urine repre-
24. How much urine should be passed daily by a healthy indi-
25. What is the normal color of urine?
26. What end-product does urea represent in the urine?
27. Will a diet rich in protein increase the amount of urea?
28. What are the functions of the skin?
29. Name the two principal layers of the skin.
30. What is the function of the subcutaneous tissue?
31. Name the appendages of the skin.
32. Name the parts of a nail.
33. Name the functions of hairs.
34. Name the parts of a hair.
35. Describe a hair follicle.
36. What muscles cause hairs to stand erect?
37. Which layer of the skin lodges the sebaceous glands? When
do they empty? In what portions of the body are they most abun-
dant? Absent?
38. What is the secretion from the sebaceous glands called? Its
39. Describe vernix caseosa.
40. In which layer of the skin are the sweat glands located?
41. Do they possess ducts, and when do they pour out their
42. What are the functions of the sweat glands?
43. Is sweat acid or alk.aline in reaction?
44. Does the secretion of sweat aid heat dissipation?
45. Name the nerves which stimulate the. cells of the sweat glands
to secrete, also regulate the blood-supply to a sweat gland.
The nerve system is divided for the purpose of
description into the cerebrospinal and sympathetic
systems. The cerebrospinal system consists of the
central nerve axis (brain and spinal cord), and the
peripheral nerves (cranial and spinal).
Neurone, or Nerve Cell Element. ^ — The essential
structure from which all the functions of the human
body arise as a result of innervation, is the cell ele-
ment called the neurone. They differ from all the
other cells in the tissues, in that their protoplasm
is extended in the form of processes, and these
reach some distances from the nuclear portion of the
cell. ,
The neurones are the essential structures concerned
in all nerve reflex. However, the fact of a sensor
impulse reaching a neurone from a muscle, gland, or
other cell, does not say a motor impulse will be returned
from the neurone direct, as the neurones are connected
with other neurones by means of their extending
processes, which have the power of reacting and
sending out excitomotor impulses, and of checking
or reducing the impulse to the structure to be inner-
The neurones form an aggregation of cells which
are the basis of the nerve system from which all
Showing some varieties of ceil bodies of neurones (diagrammatic). A.
Unipolar (amacrine) cell from the retina. B. Bipolar cell from vestibular
ganglion. C. Multipolar cell, with long axone, from spinal cord. D. "Golgi
cell," with short axone breaking up into numerous temiinal twigs. E. Pyrami-
dal cell from cerebral cortex, a. Axone. cU. Collaterals, t. Telodendria.
nerve force originates, and which maintains the
specific functions of the body expressed in motion,
trophic changes, or stimuli of a chemic, mechanic
(touch, sound), thermal, or photic nature.
Neurones are so arranged to be receptive and
receive (afferent) impulses from other parts of the
body. These are termed sensor neurones. Others
are emissive and return (efferent) impulses; the latter
are called motor neurones; if connected with muscle
cells, excitomotor, and with gland cells, excito-
The neurones or nerve cells compose the cellular
element of the whole nerve system, and the balance
is the supporting white fibrous tissue and neuroglia
derived from the supporting membrane or from the
sheaths of vessels.
The Structure of a Neurone or Nerve Cell. — It consists
of a cell mass or body containing a nucleus, and within
the latter a nucleolus. From this cell body are given
off protoplasmic processes of two different varieties:
(1) dendrites, and (2) axone, or axis-cylinder.
The Bodies of Nerve Cells. — They vary in size,
they measure 4 to 135 microns or more in diameter,
and when it is considered that 1 micron is equal to
Yo^TUo" of an inch, their minute size may be appreciated.
Neurones are classified according to the number of
processes arising from the body, as unipolar, bipolar,
and multipolar.
The Dendrites. — They are processes extending
from the body of the cell in large numbers. They
consist of the same structure as the cell, and thus
increase the functional surface or expression of the
cell. The dendrites never communicate with the
branches of the same process direct, or anastomose
with the terminals of dendrites from adjoining nerve
cells. The function of the dendrites is supposed to
be conductive and receptive for nerve impulses.
Small buds are seen at times along the course of
dendrites. They are called gemmules.
Axone, or Axis-cylinder. — This arises from the
body of the neurone, or nerve cell, as a cone-shaped
process, and is seen as a very delicate fiber. In
structure it differs from the dendrites. Each axone
is uniform in diameter; and consists of fine fibrillse,
embedded in a clear protoplasmic substance (neuro-
plasm). Axones may be very short or as much
as a meter in length. As a rule, only one axone
is given off from a cell, and this form is termed mon-
axic neurones ; however, more than one is present; as
two axones, they are termed diaxonic neurones; and
several axones, polyaxonic neurones.
Axones in certain portions of the nerve system
(brain and spinal cord) possess fine branches called
collaterals; they have the same structure as the axone
from which they arise. Some axones, as Golgi cells,
break up into branches after leaving the cell body,
called dendraxones. The minute endings of the axis-
cylinders and collaterals, which spread out like the
branches of a tree, are termed telodendria.
The axone is the functional element of the nerve
system which acts as the distributive or emissive
conductor of nerve impulses.
Nerve Fibers. — Nerve fibers are simply continua-
tions of the axis-cylinder or axone given off from the
cell body of a neurone, with their surrounding invest-
ments, the myelin and neurilemma. They are classi-
fied into two varieties, according to whether or not
the axis-cylinder possesses a medullary or myelin
sheath, viz., medullated or myelinic nerve fibers and
non-medullated or amyelinic nerve fibers.
Medullated Nerve-fibers. — These possess three distinct
minute anatomical portions, when subjected to stain-
ing methods and examined under the microscope,
namely: An external investing sheath, the neurilemma;
an intervening semifluid substance, the medulla or
myelin; and an internal dark thread, the axis-cylinder
or axone.
The neurilemma is a delicate, transparent membrane
investing the myelin and axone, and occurs wherever
the meylin sheath is absent. It possesses a nucleus,
which may be seen between the nodes of Ranvier along
the course of the nerve. It acts as a protective mem-
brane to the nerve-fiber.*
The medulla, myelin, or white substance of Schwann
lies between the neurilemma and invests the axone.
This is the substance of the nerve fiber, the presence
of which imparts to the nerve tissue its white appear-
ance, and gives rise to the term white fibers in speaking
of nerve tissue, to differentiate them from gray fibers,
the latter having no myelin sheath.
Along the course of nerve fibers may be seen a
diminution or shrinkage in its caliber, due to an
absence of the myelin Aeath, permitting the neuri-
lemma to be in direct ^position to the axis-cylinder,
^hese narrowed parts are called the nodes of Ranvier,
named after their discoverer. The portion of the
nerve fiber between these interruptions is termed the
intemodal segment. Axones give off their collateral
branches at the nodes of Ranvier.
Non-medullated or Amyelinic Nerve Fibers. ^ — These are
devoid of a myelin ^ath, or the white substance of
Schwann, thus prjpenting a gray appearance, and
giving origin to f^ie term gray fibers. Some non-
medullated nerve fibers possess only an axis-cylinder,
or axone. These are found in the central ganglia.
Others possess a neurilemma investing the single
axis-cylinder, and are the main variety of nerve fiber
constituting the sympathetic system. Non-medullated
nerve fibers are not so abundant throughout the
nerve system as the medullated variety.
Nerves. — Nerves are round, flattened bundles of
axones, held firmly together by investing connective
Fig. 118
Scheme of central motor neurone. (I type of Golgi.) The motor cell
body, together with all its protoplasmic processes, its axis-cylinder process,
collaterals, and end ramifications represent parts of a single cell or neurone,
a.h., axone-hillock devoid of Nissl bodies and showing fibrillation, c, cyto-
plasm showing Nissl bodies and lighter ground substance. to', nucleolus.
tissue. The latter contains the bloodvessels and
lymphatics. Nerves are the connecting trunks which
bring the brain and spinal cord in relation with the
structures throughout the body — muscles, skin, glands,
Structure of Nerves. — Examined under the micro-
scope, each nerve shows on cross-section a collection
of nerve fibers, or axones, arranged in bundles. The
entire group being invested by a layer of connective
tissue called the epineurium; however, each separate
bundle of fibers within the nerve is enclosed in its
own connective-tissue sheath — the perineurium, and
the numbers of axis-cylinders, or axones, within the
bundles ar« again enclosed in a delicate connective-
tissue net-work called the endoneurium, or sheath of
Nerves as they pass from the brain or spinal cord
are surrounded by the epineurium, and divide and
subdivide as they give off branches to other nerves, and
pass to their terminations. As each branch is given
off the same sheath of connective tissue that enclosed
the parent nerve accompanies it. This arrangement
continues as the branches become smaller and smaller,
until they reach their terminal point of distribution,
where only a single nerve fiber remains, enclosed by a
transparent membrane, the endoneurium or sheath
of Henle. However, near the ultimate termination
of a nerve the single nerve fiber may continue to give
off branches, each one consisting of the axis-cylinder
and myelin sheath.
The multitude of nerve cells or neurones entering
into the formation of the nerve system are supported
in a non-neural or inactive set of cells as regards nerve
activity, called the supporting tissue elements of the
nerve system. These consist of two kinds : (1) neuroglia,
and (2) connective-tissue trabecules derived from the pia
mater, or the bloodvessel channels. Neuroglia consist
Fig. 119
Neuralgia cells of brain shown
by Golgi's method. A. Cell with
branched processes. B. Spider-cell
with unbranched processes. (After
Andriezen.) (From Schiifer's Essen-
tials of Histology.)
of cells— glia cells and glia
fibers. There are two varie-
ties of the latter — ependy-
mal cells and astrocjrtes.
The supporting tissue ele-
ments of the brain, etc.,
do not possess the power
of developing or conveying
nerve impulses; they are
spoken of as non-neural.
The Origin of Nerves.
— Efferent nerves, those
which conduct impulses
to the periphery, muscles,
glands, bloodvessels, etc.,
in response'to stimuli from
the brain and spinal cord,
originate in the nerve cells
of the gray substance of
these structures, and the
axones are prolonged to
form the nerve fibers.
Nerves emerge from the
brain and spinal cord as
single rounded cords. They
may possess only a single
root of origin or two roots
widely apart from each
other, yet each of the two
roots may be different in
function, as seen in the
spinal nerves, the anterior
root being motor or effer-
ent, the posterior sensor or
afferent. The point at
which a single nerve root
leaves the brain or spinal
cord is called the super-
ficial origin of a nerve;
however, a tracing of the axones of these nerves for
a distance into the gray substance of the brain or
spinal cord, where they originate, will end in the
nerve centre, which is termed the deep origin of a
Endings of Nerves. — It must be remembered that
the course or appearance of a nerve has nothing to do
with its function, for from all external or microscopic
examination an efferent nerve cannot be differenti-
ated from an afferent nerve." Nerves end in several
ways, which vary in different situations.
The Efferent or Centrifugal Nerves. — This variety
is motor and conveys nerve impulses away from the
brain and spinal cord. Upon reaching their final
ending, these lose both the neurilemma and myelin
sheath. The axis-cylinder divides and gives off
branches (collaterals) which join with other axones.
These axis-cylinders Come in direct contact with the
tissue cells and are termed end arborizations, or
telodendria, also end-organs, terminal organs, or end-
In muscles of the skeleton the axones of the nerves
lose their neurilemma and myelin sheath; at the
point they join the muscle fiber, and after giving off
branches within the sarcolemma, appear to lie in a
mass of sarcoplasm and nuclei which forms the
In the muscles of the viscera (involuntary) the
nerve fibers are non-meduUated, and belong to the
sympathetic system or other neurones. The axones
divide and subdivide to form plexuses which invest
the muscle-cell bundles. Other branches are given
off from the latter which finally come in intimate
relation with each cell, upon the surface of which
they are seen as granular masses.
In the glands the nerve fibers are derived from the
sympathetic and other neurones; the axones reach
the acini of the glands, upon the outer surface of
the acini; they form plexuses which pierce the acini
wall, and give off minute branches to the gland
The Afferent or Centripetal Nerves. — These end
as the former, but as this variety of nerve is sensor,
and conveys sensations to the brain and spinal cord,
the end-tufts are in intimate relation with specialized
end-organs, which are essential to the appreciation
of the complex sensations, viz., of sight, the retina
in the eye; taste, the taste-buds in the tongue; smell,
the olfactory cells in the nasal mucous membrane;
hearing, the organ of Corti in the ear.
In the skin and mucous membranes the axones
are in intimate contact with various end-organs which
give rise to the numerous conscious sensations of
touch, heat, thirst, hunger, and muscle sense, etc.
The following are the chief names of the various
end-organs :
1. Free endings in the skin.
2. Tactile cells of Merkel.
3. Tactile corpuscles in the papilla of the true skin.
4. Tactile corpuscles of Meissner.
5. Pacinian corpuscles found attached to the nerves
of the hands, feet, intercostal nerves, and nerves in
other situations.
6. End-buds of Krause in the conjunctiva, clitoris
(female), penis (male), etc.
The Nerve Plexus. — It consists of a number of
nerves communicating with other nerves, by means
of collateral branches. Some plexuses are formed by
direct branches being given off from the spinal cord, as
the brachial, lumbar, sacral plexuses; others are formed
by the terminal filaments of nerve fibers, as the
plexuses in the skin, etc., still others may contain
sympathetic nerve fibers derived from the sympathetic
system, in addition to the sensor and motor nerves.
Fig. 120
Showing some varieties of peripheral terminations of afferent neurones
(or "peripheral nerve beginnings"): A. Terminal fibrillae in epithelium (after
Retzius). B. Tactile corpuscle (Meissner's, after Dogiel). C. Bulboid
corpuscle (Krause's, after Dogiel). D. Lamellated corpuscle (Pacini's, after
Dogiel, Sala, and others). E. Genital nerve corpuscle from human glaus
penis (after Dogiel). a. Axone. t. Telodendria
In other words, the various nerve fibers, in forming
a plexus, maintains the same function which the
nerve possesses from its origin, as motor, sensor, or
Ganglia. — Aside from the arrangement of neurones
or nerve cells in the cerebrospinal system, there is
another collection of these neurones into small groups,
connected with each other and the nerves of the
brain and spinal cord called ganglia. Some ganglia
are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, others
are so small that they can scarcely be detected, unless
examined by a lens or microscope. Ganglia compose
the sympathetic system. They contain nerve cells
with dendrites and axones, the greater number of
the latter being non-medullated, and are surrounded
by a connective-tissue capsule.
Ganglia are found on the dorsal or posterior root
of the spinal cord, on the sensor root of the fifth nerve,
on the facial and auditory nerves; and on the vagus
and glossopharyngeal, along either side of the spinal
column, where they form the gangliated cord of
the sympathetic. Ganglia are receptive to impulses
from nerves and other ganglia, and have the prop-
erty of conducting impulses to other ganglia and
Classification of Nerves. — Nerves are pathways of
communication between the brain and spinal cord,
and the structures throughout the body which are
dependent upon the nerve system for their develop-
ment, growth, repair, and actions, and they require
the stimuli from the brain to excite into physiologic
activity the cells of muscles, glands, skin, mucous
membranes, organs of the thorax, abdomen, etc.
There are two sets of nerves concerned in all nerve
action or reflex. One which transmits impulses from
the brain and spinal cord to the structure whose
activities are to be increased or retarded; others
transmit impulses from the peripheral surfaces and
organs of the body to the brain and spinal cord, which
create conscious sensations or stimulate other reflex
activity. The former are termed efferent or centrifugal
(mostly motor nerves), the latter afferent or centripetal
(mostly sensor nerves).
Physiology of Nerves. — Nerves possess the function
of developing and conducting nerve impulses from
the nerve centres in the brain and spinal cord to the
periphery of the body, and at the same time to trans-
mit nerve impulses from the periphery to the centres
in the brain and spinal cord. As long as a nerve
is capable of these qualities it is termed excitable
or irritable, or possessed with irritability or excita-
Nerve Stimuli. — Nerves must receive some form
of external stimulation before they will develop or
convey nerve impulses, as they do not possess the
property of spontaneously developing and sending
out nerve impulses. A stimulus to motor nerves
(efferent), which excite it to activity, arise as a result
of some molecular disturbance within the nerve cells,
that acts upon the nerve fibers in connection with
them. In the case of sensor nerves (afferent) the
stimulus arises in the end-organs, which convey the
nerve impulse to the sensor nerve fibers in connection
with them.
Nerves react to stimulation according to their
habitual function and distribution. If we stick our
finger with a pin, the sensation of pain is felt, due to
the fact that a sensor nerve has conveyed the nerve
impulse, started in the end-organs in the skin, to the
conscious centres in the brain; stimulation of the end-
organs in rods and cones in the retina of the eye give
rise to the sensation of light; stimulation of a motor
nerve is followed by the contraction of a muscle
which it innervates. Nerve function is supposed to
depend upon the peculiarities inherent in the central
and peripheral end-organs, regardless of its con-
struction and the character of the stimuli (Brubaker's
Physiology) .
Special Stimuli. — These comprise the group which
act upon the nerves of special sense and give rise to
conscious sensations, through the highly specialized
end-organs, which transfer the nerve impulse to the
filaments of the nerves in relation with them.
The afferent nerves (sensor) convey the impulse to
the higher conscious centres, in response to the special
stimuli, as follows: (1) Light or etheral vibra-
tions act upon the end-organs of the optic nerve
in the retina (sight and light); (2) sounds act upon
the end-organs of the auditory nerve (hearing) in the
ear; heat or vibrations of the air act upon the end-
organs in the skin; (4) chemic agents act upon the
end-organs of the olfactory (smell) and gustatory
(taste) nerves of the nose and tongue respectively.
The efferent nerves (motor) convey impulses to the
muscles, glands, etc., in response to stimuli which
are supposed to arise as a result of a molecular dis-
turbance in the central nerve cell, a combination of
physical and chemic processes attended by the libera-
tion of energy, which passes from molecule to molecule.
The passage of the nerve impulse is accompanied by
changes of electric tension.
Thus, to sum up, all nerve impulses have their
origin in the nerve cells or neurones, and these millions
of associated neurones are the basis of all nerve activity.
A theory has been created to simplify the understand-
ing of nerve cell activity. It is called the neurone theory
of Waldeyer, who explains it, based on the works of
Golgi, Cajal, Forel, and others, as follows: (1) Each
neurone is a distinct and separate entity; (2) the
collaterals and other terminals of the neurones form
no connections among themselves; (3) neurones are
associated, and impulses conveyed, by contact or
contiguity of the axonic terminals of one axone with
the cell body or dendrites of another neurone.
The central nerve system or cerebrospinal axis
consists of the (1) brain (encephalon) and its cranial
nerves and associated ganglia; (2) the spinal cord and
its spinal nerves and associated ganglia.
Fig. 121
Ventral view of medulla oblongata and upper part of spinal cord. Dura
and arachnoid cut along median line and folded aside. A and B are fairly
constant velar folds of the arachnoid. (After Key and Retzius.)
The Spinal Cord. — The spinal cord is the portion
of the nerve svstem which is connected with the brain
above and the periphery of the body by thirty-one
pairs of nerves. It is lodged in the spinal canal,
ensheathed by the membranes, dura mater, arachnoid,
and pia mater, and commences above at the atlas
Fig. 122
Fig. 123
Fig. 124
Figs. 122, 123, and 124. — Sections of the spinal cord at the level of the
sixth cervical, sixth thoracic, and third lumbar segments, the conducting
tracts being indicated on the right side of each section: C. Comma tract
of Schultze. //. Olivospinal tract of Helweg. M. Marginal tract of Spitzka-
Lissauer. O. Oval field of Flechsig.
or margins of the foramen magnum and extends to
the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra below,
from which point it is continued as a narrow thread
of gray substance, the filium terminalis. The spinal
cord is IS to 20 inches in length, and weighs one
The columns of the spinal cord are divided into three
chief columns or funiculi. The ventral, dorsal, and
The columns are simply connecting pathways for
the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain
centres to spinal centres, and contain efferent, afferent,
and association fibers. The course and connecting
pathways of these nerve fibers within the white
substance is seen to consist of numbers of medullated
nerve fibers, without possessing any neurilemma.
They run in a vertical direction, and with their sup-
porting frame-work of neuroglia and connective tissue —
the latter is derived from the pia mater and blood-
vessels — are grouped into bundles of axones, termed
columns or tracts, which are marked off by fissures
that can be seen with the naked eye on the surface
of the cord.
The Structure of the Spinal Cord. — If a cross-section
of the spinal cord be examined, it presents a central
gray substance and a surrounding white substance,
the former consisting of bodies of nerve cells and
their non-medullated axones; the latter contain the
medullated axones arranged in columns. The neuroglia
pervades both the white and gray substance, and is
the supporting tissue frame-work for the nerve cells,
their dendrites, and axones.
The Gray Substance of the Cord. — It is arranged
within the spinal cord in the form of two crescents
joined in the centre, or a figure resembling the letter H.
The gray substance on either side extends nearly to the
surface of the cord, surrounded by the white matter,
the posterior projections are called the dorsal or
posterior horn, and the anterior the ventral or anterior
horn; the two halves of the gray substance are con-
nected by a bridge of gray substance termed the
commissure. The latter presents in its centre a
narrow canal (neural) which extends the entire length
of the cord. It is lined by cylindric epithelial cells
and surrounded by a gelatinous material.
The anterior horn of the gray substance is broader
than the posterior, and is completely surrounded by
white substance. The posterior horn is narrower and
approaches nearer to the surface of the cord than the
anterior horn does, and is enclosed by a gelatinous
substance called the substantia gelatinosa. In the
lower cervical and thoracic portions of the cord the
gray matter is expanded into a projection called the
lateral horn. This is seen on both sides. Microscopic
examination of the gray substance will show that it
is practically an aggregation of neurones — nerve cells
with their dendrites and non-medullated axones,
lymphatics, bloodvessels, all supported in a frame-
work of non-neural tissue — the neuroglia.
Classification of nerve cells within the gray sub-
stance as regards their function: They are divided
into intrinsic, efferent, and afferent.
The intrinsic cells are simply associative or connec-
tive in character, their processes enteV the white
substance horizontally, and give off branches which
ascend -and descend, reentering the gray substance
at different levels, where their axones again associate
with the dendrites of other intrinsic cells.
The efferent motor cells is the term given to the
cells found ni the anterior horns, which are sub-
stations for the reception from the brain and other
neurones, of motor impulses which they in turn
conduct through their efferent axones, to the periphery,
and promote activity in the muscles, glands, viscera,
bloodvessels, as well as influence the growth, develop-
ment, and metabolism (trophic) of the tissues.
Afferent cells (sensor) is the name given to the
cells of the posterior horn, which receive from the
afferent nerves impulses and conduct the same by
their afferent axones, to the cortex of the brain, giving
rise to conscious sensations, as heat, pain, sensation
of touch, etc.
The Spinal Nerves. ^ — There are thirty -one pairs,
divided according to the portion of the cord they
arise from, as follows: *
Cervical pairs 8
Thoracic pairs 1^ V, j A jfe^
Lumbar pairs ....-, ., a^b..- • ^^.^^^1^ '
Sacral pairs . ... . " ! ' . ■ "' ^^ *
Coccygeal pairs ^'l .
Total 3?
All spinal nerves leave the spinal canal between the
vertebra (intervertebral foramen). If one examines
the spinal cord after removal, the spinal nerves will
be seen to consist of two roots by which they arise
from the sides near the anterior and posterior aspects
of the cord. The two roots are named anterior or
ventral and posterior or dorsal. The anterior and
posterior roots join to form a single nerve trunk just
before they leave the spinal canal. The dorsal root
presents an enlargement near the point at which it
joins the anterior root — a small grayish body called
a ganglion. The roots do not leave the cord as a
single rounded nerve, but are formed by the joining
of four to six large nerve fibers.
Fig. 125
Showing origin of two pairs of spinal nerves (schematic). (Gray.)
The posterior root is sensor or afferent, and contains
bundles of axones which convey impulses from the
end-organs in the skin, mucous membranes, etc.,
after they have been received and conveyed by axones
and dendrites of the ganglia on its root, to the groups
of cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, and as
we have mentioned before, these impulses ascend and
descend by means of collateral branches, axones, and
dendrites, communicating with other centres in the
cord at different levels and ultimately reach the
sensor areas in the brain. The anterior root is motor
or efferent, and contains axones which transmit
impulses from the groups of cells or centres in the
anterior horn of the spinal cord, which are further
conveyed by means of the efferent axones or nerve
fibers to the periphery, where they stimulate muscles,
glands, viscera, etc., into activity.
In other words, motor impulses arise in the cells of
the anterior horn of the spinal cord and the motor area
in the brain, and are conveyed toward the periphery
of the body (muscles, glands, etc.), by means of
neurones and their efferent processes. Sensor impulses
arise within the structures of the skin, mucous mem-
brane, etc., and are conveyed to the sensor group of
cells in the dorsal horn of the cord, and are trans-
mitted to the sensor and conscious areas in the
brain by aggregations of neurones and their (afferent)
processes coursing through the cord and brain sub-
The functions of the spinal cord are classified under
anatomatism, reflex action, association conduction, sensor-
conduction, motor conduction.
Automatism, or Automatic, Autochthonic Action. —
This is a function possessed by the spinal nerve cells
whereby they influence the growth, development, and
nutrition of the numerous cells of the various tissues,
and thus maintain their normal physiologic activity.
By this expression is meant a discharge of energy
from the cells occasioned by a change in their environ-
ment, i. e., in the chemic composition of the blood or
lymph by which they are surrounded, and independent
of any excitation coming through afferent (sensor)
nerves from the periphery. If the cell activity is
continuous it causes an even and regular control over
the processes of cell nourishment, development, etc.
(trophic); muscle and vascular activity, which is
spoken of as tonus.
Reflex Actions. — They are defined as the reception
of nerve impulses transmitted to the nerve cells in
the spinal cord and higher centres in the brain, by
afferent (sensor) nerves; and the response of the nerve
cells in the efferent centres to this stimulation, which
result in nerve impulses being excited in the nerve
cells, and conveyed by the efferent (motor) nerves,
which pass from these cells to the structures to be
innervated, and cause them to act, as, to muscles,
causing contraction; to gland cells, secretion; to
bloodvessels, increasing or decreasing their caliber;
and to organs, increasing or decreasing their activity.
For any reflex act to be mechanically possible there
must be present the following structures:
1. A surface to receive the stimuli: skin, mucous
membrane, sense organ.
2. An afferent nerve fiber and cell, to convey the
nerve-impulse arising as a result of the stimulus
exciting the sense organ, etc., into activity.
3. An emissive cell, from which arises an (4) efferent
nerve, distributed to a responsive organ, as muscle,
gland, bloodvessel, etc. J^
In a more practical way the most sinjple reflex
action can be explained as follows: If a muscle is
stimulated by a strong current of electricity or pinched
by an instrument, there is developed in the terminals
of the afferent nerve a nerve impulse which is conveyed
to the nerve cells in the posterior horn of the spinal
cord, the dendrites of these cells transmit the impulse
to the dendrites of the nerve cells in the^ anterior
horn, where by means of a molecular Jlliturbance
within the cells, energy is liberated and the nerve
impulse is conveyed by the efferent nerve to the muscle
and it contracts.
In most reflex actions there is and must be a more
complex arrangement to account for the varied move-
ments and functions of the different structures of the
body which are taking place in response to external
and internal stimuli. These complex reflexes are
due to the nerve centres in the cord communicating
by means of axones and dendrites of other cells with
other higher centres at different levels of the cord,
not only on the same but the opposite side; and a
still more complex arrangement is produced, due to
the fact that the centres in the medulla oblongata are
in connection with the spinal centres by pathways
of nerve fibers.
Thus reflex actions can be carried on without the
individual being conscious thereof, or by the presence
of the associated neurones other centres convey sensa-
tions to the brain, of which we are conscious, and the
return impulse can excite a voluntary movement.
Reflex actions are controlled by centres in the brain
(medulla) which transmit impulses to the spinal
centres which either decrease or inhibit, either increase
or accelerate their activity, thus regulating the recep-
tion of and response to nerve impulses by these
centres which exert a controlling influence based on
the needs of the physiologic functions of the human
Association Conduction. — ^The spinal cord is divided
into segments which have a controlling influence
over the physiologic functions of certain parts of the
body, as the arm, leg, etc. These segments to properly
work together and receive impulses from other reflex
centres at different levels in the cord, which control
movements in response to stimuli from other portions
of the body, are held in communication by pathways
of nerve axones, termed association fibers, or this
phenomenon is spoken of as association conduction.
Seiisor Conduction. — This term is used in speaking
of the pathways of afferent or sensor nerve fibers in
the tracts of the spinal cord, which convey sensa-
tions of pain, external temperature, thirst, etc., from
the skin, mucous membranes, etc., to the centres
in the brain directly or indirectly, which are received
by nerve cells in the cortex, giving rise to conscious
sensations. These afferent pathways are not thoroughly
understood, but the main one is called the crossed
pyramidal tract.
Motor Conduction. — This is the term used in speak-
ing of the pathways of efferent or motor nerve fibers
in the tracts of the spinal cord which convey motor
impulses from the cells in the cortex of the brain to
centres in the spinal cord, that transmit nerve impulses
to the muscles, glands, etc., and promote their activity.
The main motor pathway is called the direct pyramidal
The Brain (Encephalon). — The encephalon or brain
is that part of the cerebrospinal system which, with
its membranes, is contained in the cranium. It is
composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons Varolii,
and medulla oblongata.
The Membranes of the Brain. — These are the dura,
the pia, and arachnoid.
The dura mater is similar in structure to the dura of
the cord, but differs from it in being closely attached
to the cranial bones, forming, in fact, their inner peri-
obleum. It is continuous with that of the cord at the
foramen magnum, and with the external periosteum of
the cranial bones by means of its prolongations into
the many foramina. It sends in various processes to
support and separate the different parts of the brain,
and its layers separate to form the cranial sinuses
(venous). In the vicinity of the superior longitudinal
sinus are to be found, on its outer surface, several
glandulse Pacchionii. They may also be seen on its
inner surface and within the sinus, as well as on the
pia mater.
The processes of the dura include the falces cerebri
et cerebelli and the tentorium cerebelli.
The arachnoid is a similar membrane to that of the
cord, and is separated, as in the cord, by the subarach-
noid fluid from the pia. In front it leaves a space
between it and the pia mater, viz., along the pons
and interpeduncular region, the anterior subarach-
noid space; and behind, between the medulla and
and the cerebellum, is a second interval called the
posterior subarachnoidean space. Both are connected
with the ventricles of the brain by the foramen of
Majendie in the pia mater covering the fourth ven-
The pia mater is a very vascular delicate membrane
which dips into the sulci and forms the various
choroid plexuses and also the velum of the third
ventricle. The vessels of the brain run in the pia
mater before entering the brain.
The brain, for purposes of description, includes the
cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and pons
Medulla Oblongata. — The medulla oblongata is a
pyramidal body, | to 1 inch long, along its ventral
surface, and f inch thick. Its larger extremity is
continuous with the pons above; its smaller extremity,
directed downward and backward, blends with the
spinal cord below. The anterior surface lies on the
basilar groove of the occipital bone.
In front and behind it is marked by the continuation
of the anterior and posterior median fissures of the
cord, the former, with its process of pia mater, ending
in a cul-de-sac just below the pons, the foramen cecum.
The posterior expands into the fourth ventricle.
Each lateral half of the medulla is divided into
The Areas of the Medulla Oblongata. — These
are: (1) Ventral area; containing the pyramid. (2)
Lateral area; containing the lateral tract olive. (3)
Dorsal area; containing the funiculus gracilis, funiculus
cuneatus, funiculus lateralis, and tuberculum cinereum.
The restiform body succeeds the gracile and cuneate
nuclei in the dorsolateral part of the medulla oblongata.
Its fibers converge from various sources and ultimately
enter the cerebellum as its inferior peduncle. (Gray.)
The Decussation of the Pyramids. It is a term
applied to the interlacing bundles seen on the ventral
aspect of the medulla, at the junction of the medulla
and the spinal cord. Ninety per cent, of the fibers
cross the median line in this decussation to continue
as the crossed pyramidal tract.
Structure of the Medulla Oblongata. — Gray
and white matter are constituents of the medulla;
the former is, in the internal part, continuous with
the gray substance of the cord, while the white
substance is external.
The Gray substance of the medulla, examined under
the microscope, presents numerous groups of nerve
cells similar in arrangement to the cells in the spinal
cord, but they are not so regular, due to the changed
course of the fibers of the white substance. These
nerve cells are supported by neuroglia and connective
tissue. The nerve cells give off axones which ascend
to the brain and descend to the cord, conveying nerve-
impulses to the brain (sensor or conscious), and
transmitting other impulses from the brain to the
cord (motor or volitional), and others give off axones
which form portions of the cranial nerves.
The white substance is composed of bundles of nerve
fibers supported by a frame-work of neuroglia and
connective tissue. These columns formed of bundles
of nerve fibers are the connecting or conducting
pathways coursing from the brain to the spinal cord,
for the transmission of nerve impulses between the
brain and the periphery.
The Pons Varolii. — ^The pons is a white mass on the
anterior aspect of the brain stem placed between the
medulla oblongata and the crura cerebri. It is convex
from side to side, containing mostly transverse and
longitudinal fibers. The transverse fibers are collected
into rounded bundles, to continue as the middle
peduncles into the white substance of the correspond-
ing cerebellar hemispheres. The middle peduncles are
commissural paths consisting of axones coursing in
opposite directions connecting the nuclei with the
cerebellum; then some axones pass into the opposite
middle peduncle, forming uninterrupted commissural
systems; again, a few fibers communicate with nuclei
in the brain stem, notably the oculomotor, trochlear,
and abducent cranial nerves.
The Structure of the Pons Varolii. — It consists of a
central gray and white mass of nerve tissue, supported
by neuroglia and connective tissue. Microscopically,
bundles of nerve fibers and nerve cells can be seen
in groups, the former coursing in a longitudinal and
transverse direction, as continuations of the pathways
of nerve fibers from the cord and medulla below,
and the cerebrum and cerebellum above. The trans-
verse bundles of nerve fibers in the pons convey
impulses from the corresponding and opposite hemi-
spheres of the brain. The nerve cells in the pons give
off axones w^hich form some of the cranial nerves.
Functions of the Medulla Oblongata and Pons
Varolii.— The medulla and pons contain tracts of
nerve fibers which convey impulses from the brain
and cerebellum to the spinal cord. The anterior
portion of the medulla and pons contain pathways
for the transmission of volitional efferent nerve
impulses from the higher centres in the brain to the
spinal cord; the posterior portion contains pathways
for the conduction of afferent nerve impulses from
the spinal cord to the brain. The medulla and pons
contain groups of nerve cells and nerve fibers, called
nerve centres, which are in connection with and can
be influenced reflexly by other nerve impulses received
from associated groups of nerve fibers.
The Cerebellum. — The cerebellum is the largest portion
of the hind-brain. It lies in the posterior fossa of the
skull separated from the occipital lobes of the cere-
brum by the tentorium cerebelli. It is behind the
pons and medulla oblongata, connected with the
former through the middle peduncles, and partly
embracing the latter; and connected with the restiform
body (medulla) by means of the inferior peduncles;
the superior peduncles contain fibers which pass from
the cerebellum to the tegmentum of the midbrain in
The cerebellum is divided into a medial segment,
the vermis or worm; two lateral hemispheres; a ventral
and dorsal notch; and a superior and inferior surface;
and is subdivided into lobes and fissures.
The arbor vitse is the name given to the arrangement
of the white substance of the cerebellum, seen on a
median section. The cerebellum weighs 5.8 ounces in
the male; and 5.4 ounces in the female. The propor-
tion between the cerebellum and cerebrum is 1 to 7.5
in the adult; 1 to 8.5 among eminent men; 1 to 20 in
the newborn. (Gray.)
The Structure of the Cerebellum. — Examined on a
cross-section, the cerebellum consists of gray and
white matter. The gray matter is external with the
white matter in the centre. The gray substance
consists of masses of nerve cells, their axones, and
dendrites. The cells are arranged in layers. The white
matter consists of nerve fibers which pass in different
directions and connect various portions of the cere-
bellum with one another. Nerve fibers are grouped
in bundles and connect cerebellum with the cerebrum,
pons varolii, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord.
I'he Function of the Cerebellum. — It is the centre
for maintaining the equilibrium of the body, by
sending out nerve impulses, which cause a combined
action of groups of muscles that enable the body to
stand erect without swaying, and assist in the various
and complex movements seen in walking, dancing,
running, etc. The centres in the cerebellum are
reflexly influenced by nerve impulses arising in the
end-organs of the skin, retina of the eye, tactile (touch)
sense, and the labyrinth of the ear. These impulses
are transmitted to the cerebellum by afferent nerve
fibers and they stimulate the centres to activity and
the nerve impulses are conveyed by efferent nerves,
though the pons, medulla, and spinal cord and nerves
to the general muscle system.
The Cerebrum. — The cerebrum is the largest part of
the brain, and consists of two lateral halves or hemi-
spheres, separated by the great longitudinal fissure
and connected to each other by a great commissure,
the corpus callosum. The latter constitutes a great
system of association nerve fibers for the bilateral
coordination of corresponding parts of the nerve cells
in the cortex. The hemispheres are subdivided into
lobes, and the latter present over their entire surfaces
convoluted eminences, the gyri or convolutions, sepa-
rated by depressions, the sulci or fissures. (See Figs.
126 and 127.)
The cerebrum, as a whole, is convex from before
backw^ard and from side to side, narrower in front
Fig. 126
Fissures and gyres of the lateral surface of the left hemicerebrum. (Gray )
Fig. 127
Fissures and gyres of the mesal surface of the left hemicerebrum. (Gray.)
than behind. Its inferior surface is flattened and
overlaps the midbrain and cerebellum, from which it
is separated by the tentorium cerebelli. The outer
surface, including the fissures, is composed of gray
matter, the cortical substance, while the interior is
of white matter.
Lobes of the Cerebrum. — The lobes are the
frontal, the parietal, the occipital, the temporal, and
the central lobe or Island of Reil.
The Frontal Lohe. — The lateral surface is separated
behind from the parietal lobe by the central fissure or
the fissure of Rolando, and below, from the temporal
lobe by the Sylvian fissure, in part, and rests on the
orbital plate of the frontal bone.
The Parietal Lobe. — The lateral surface is bounded
in front by the central fissure, below by the Sylvian
fissure, above by the back part of the internal border;
it is only partially separated from the occipital lobe
by the occipital fissure, merging gradually into the
temporal lobe.
The Occipital Lobe.— The lateral surface is bounded
anteriorly by the occipital fissure, which partially
separates it from the parietal lobe, also the para-
occipital and exoccipital fissures are seen extending
into the lobe.
The Temporal Lobe. — The lateral surface is bounded
by the basisylvian and Sylvian fissures and by the
ventrolateral border; posteriorly, it merges into the
adjacent parietal and occipital lobes.
The Island of Reil (central lobe or insula). — This is
seen after separating the lips of the sylvian cleft,
after raising the frontal lobe; it is overlapped by the
opercula; the latter removed, the island of Reil is
seen as a tetrahedral-shaped mass with its apex
directed forward and upward.
The Rhinencephalon or Olfactory Lobe. — This con-
stitutes the central olfactory structures, as distin-
guished from the rest of the fore-brain. It comprises:
(1) Peripheral parts; (2) central or cortical portions;
the former is divided into pre- and postolfactory
The Ventricles of the Brain. — The ventricles
of the brain are narrow cavities enclosed with the
substance of the cord. They are filled with cerebro-
FiG. 128
Mesal aspect of a brain sectioned in the median sagittal plane.
spinal fluid and communicate with one another by
means of narrow canals and foramen. The ventricles
are called the lateral, third, and fourth.
The lateral ventricles are serous cavities, have a
thin lining membrane covered by a layer of epithelium
cells (ependyma), which secretes a serous fluid. They
are contained one in each hemisphere, separated by
the septinii lucidum, and each is divided into a body
and three corny a, an anterior, posterior, and middle.
The foramen of Monro connects them with the third
The third ventricle is derived from the primitive
fore-brain vesicle, except that portion which also
enters into the formation of the lateral ventricles. It
is a narrow space between the two thalami and hypo-
thalamic gray, limited in front by the terma, behind
continuous with the aqueduct of Sylvius, and laterally
is continuous with the lateral ventricles through the
foramen of Monro.
The fourth ventricle is an irregularly pyramidal-
shaped cavity, with a lozenge-shaped base, and ridge-
like apex; found between the medulla oblongata and
the back part of the pons varolii in front and the
cerebellum behind. It is divided into a roof and a
floor. Below the fourth ventricle is continuous with the
small central canal of the cord and post-oblongata
(in part); above it communicates with the third
ventricle by means of the aqueduct of Sylvius. The
fourth ventricle has an opening through the tela
choroidea, which permits of communication with
the subarachnoid space; it is called the foramen of
The Structure of the Cerebrum. — It consists
of masses of gray and white substance. The gray
being outside, makes up the cortex. The gray sub-
stance is composed of layers of nerve cells and nerve
fibers, with their axones and dendrites embedded in
a net-work of neuroglia. The nerve fibers may be
amyelinic or myelinic. Their direction may be either
transverse or vertical.
The white substance of the cerebrum is composed
of myelinic nerve fibers interwoven into an intricate
series of pathways, which are classified into (1) asso-
ciation fibers, which connect neighboring or distant
portions with the same half of the cerebrum; (2)
commissural fibers which pass between the two
halves of the cerebrum and connect similar areas
within each; they cross in the middle line of the
brain and form commissures; (3) projecting fibers,
which connect the cerebrum with lower nerve centres
in the brain and spinal cord, and other fibers that
connect the lower centres with the brain.
The Weight of the Brain. — The average weight of
the human brain in the adult male is 1400 grams
(49.5 ounces); in the female, 1250 grams (44 ounces);
in the newborn, 400 grams (14.1 ounces).
The Functions of the Cerebrum. — The functions
of the cerebrum have been discovered as a result of
a study of the anatomic development of the brain,
and examination of brains of various animals, human
beings, etc., and a study of diseases or injured brains,
certain parts of which have been rendered inactive
by the destruction of nerve cells and their processes;
such a destruction of tissue has been manifested in
different parts of the body by an interference or loss
of the function of the ex^tremity, etc., to which the
nerve leading from or to the diseased region in the
brain is distributed. Thus it has been determined
that certain areas of the brain contain nerve cells
and nerve fibers which control definite functions of
the body, and are grouped into definite areas, irregu-
larly marked oft' by fissures, and correspond to the
convolutions seen on the surface of the cerebrum.
These areas are spoken of as the cortical localization
of function.
Cortical Localization of Functio7i} — Motor Area. —
Comprises the precentral gyre and parts of the frontal
gyres adjacent thereto, together with the paracentral,
and the adjacent portion of the superfrontal gyre on
its inner aspect. This area comprises the centres for
1 See Figs. 129 and 130, page 365.
the muscle control of the following parts of the body
located as follows:
Fig. 129
Lateral view of left cerebral hemisphere, showing localization of functions
Fig. 130
Mesal view of left cerebral hemisphere, showing localization of functions.
Lower Limbs. — Back part of precentral and para-
central fissures.
Trunk. — Toward the front part, both on the under
and in the back superfrontal fissure.
Upper Limbs. — Midportion of precentral fissure.
Facial. — Front part of precentral fissure.
Tongue, Larynx, Muscles of Mastication, Pharyiix. —
Frontal opercular part.
Movements of Head and Eye. — Medifrontal fissure,
adjacent to precentral fissure.
Owing to a decussation of the pyramidal (motor)
tracts in their course to the primary motor centres,
the motor centres in one cerebral hemisphere control
the movements of the opposite side of the body.
Sensor Areas. — Tactile and temperature impressions.
Postcentral fissure, in corresponding order with the
neighboring precentral motor area; the postcentral
(sensor) and precentral (motor) fissures are so closely
associated in the highest category of the reflex arc
system represented in the cerebral cortex, that they
are included under the term of somesthetic or senso-
motor area devoted to the registration of cutaneous
impi;essions, impressions from the muscles, tendons,
and joints; in short, the sense of movement.
Stereognostic Sense Area (concrete perception of the
form and solidity of objects). — Parietal fissure and
its extension in the precuneus on the inner aspect.
Auditory ^rm.^Middle third of supertemporal, and
adjacent transtemporal fissures in the Sylvian cleft.
Visual Area. — Calcarine fissure and cuneus as a whole.
Olfactory Area. — Uncus, frontal part of hippocampus,
indusium, subcallosal fissures, parolfactory area, and
anterior perforated substance.
Gustatory Area. — Probably in region of the olfactory
area in the temporal lobe (uncinate and hippocampal
fissures ?) (not definitely settled).
Language Areas.^ — Emissive (articular) centre for
speech (control of muscles used in speech; larynx,
tongue, jaw muscles). Junction of subfrontal fissure
with the precentral fissure.
Auditory Perceptive Centre (word deafness, also the
lalognostic or word understanding centre). — Marginal
fissure and adjacent parts of super- and meditemporal
Visual Receptive Centre (word blindness). — Angular
Emissive " Writing'' Centre. — Medifrontal fissure,
in front of motor area for the" upper limb (this has not
been definitely proved or accepted).
Language Arrangement Centre. — Island of Reil or
insular association area serving to connect the various
receptive sense areas relating to the* understanding
of the written and spoken word with the somesthetic
sensormotor emissary centre related to articulate
speech and writing.
Association Areas. — lender this heading are included
the frontal association area concerned, so far as is
known, with the powers of thought in the abstract,
creative, constructive, philosophic, the seat of the will,
memory. The parieto-occipito-temporal area is con-
cerned with the powers of conception of the concrete,
for the comprehension of analogies, comparing, gen-
eralizing, and systematizing things heard, observed,
and felt (Gray) .
Sleep. — Different theories have been proposed to
account for the causes of sleep, none of which has
been wholly satisfactory.
The most generally accepted theory is based on the
decline in the irritabihty of the nerve cells of the brain
and associated sense organs, and the development of
fatigue conditions, the result of prolonged activity
The Peripheral Nerve System. — The peripheral
nerve system includes those nerve trunks which
^ See chapter on arteries and veins for blood-supply of brain and
its membranes.
convey impulses to and from the centres in the brain
to the structures of the body. They are divided into
cranial nerves, which do not pass through the spinal
cord, but leave the brain direct from various locations;
and spinal nerves, which derive their nerve fibers
from the spinal cord and pass out of the spinal canal
by way of the foramen between the vertebra.
The Cranial Nerves. — The cranial nerves consist of
twelve pairs, as follows :
I. Olfactory (fila).
II. Optic.
III. Oculomotor.
IV. Trochlear.
V. Trigeminal.
VI. Abducent.
VII. Facial.
Nervus intermedins.
VIII. Acoustic.
1. Cochlearis.
2. Vestibularis.
IX. Glossopharyngeal.
X. Vagus.
XI. Spinal accessory.
1. Accessory to vagus.
2. Spinal part.
XII. Hypoglossal.
These nerves have each a superficial and a deep
origin. The former corresponds to its point of attach-
ment at the surface of the brain; the latter to certain
nuclei or collections of nerve cells in the structure of
the brain. The superficial origin only will be men-
The Olfactory Nerves (First). — ^The olfactory
nerves or fila are the special nerves of the sense of
smell. Twenty in number on each side. They are
distributed to the olfactory region in the upper part
of the superior turbinated process of the ethmoid and
corresponding portion of the nasal septum. These
filaments represent the axones of the olfactory cells
Fig. 131
r» mtal lobe.
Base of brain, showing superficial origin of cranial nerves.
and pass through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid
bone to join the under surface of the olfactory bulb,
which rests on the cribriform plate, and is the oval mass
of a grayish color that forms the anterior extremity
24 "^
of a slender process of brain substance, called the
olfactory tract. The olfactory nerves differ in struc-
ture from the other nerves, containing only amyelinic
The Optic .Nerves (Second). — ^The fibers of the
optic nerves, the special nerve of the sense of sight,
are situated in the retina; they start as the central
processes of the ganglion cells which converge and
pierce the choroid and sclera as a cylindric cord. The
point of emergence is situated a little internal to the
posterior pole of the globe. Passing through the orbital
fat, in an inward and backward direction, it passes
through the optic foramen to end in the optic chiasm
or commissure. The optic chiasm is somewhat quadri-
lateral in shape, rests on the olivary eminence and the
diaphragma sellse, being bounded above by the lamina
terminalis; behind, by the tuber cinereum, on either
side by the anterior perforated substance. Within
the chiasm the fibers cross as follows: Those from
the nasal side of the left and right halves of the retina
cross in the centre, to the opposite optic tract; those
from the temporal side of the right and left eyes pass
backward without crossing, to end in the optic tract
of the same side.
The optic tract passes back to areas of the brain
where the nerve impulses are conveyed to the cuneus
(the area for the sense of sight in the cortex) by means
of another pathway, the optic radiation. By connections
with other nerve centres in the brain the optic tract
communicates with the origin of the nerves which
influence the muscles that control the movements of
the eye-ball.
The Oculomotor (Third). — The oculomotor arises
superficially from the crus anterior to the pons, its
deep origin being a gray nucleus in the floor of the
aqueduct of Sylvius. It runs to the outer side of the
posterior clinoid j)r()(TSs of the sphenoid bone, enters
the cavernous sinus, runs above the other nerves in
its outer wall, and divides into two branches, which
enter the orbit between the two heads of the external
rectus. It is joined in the sinus by sympathetic fila-
ments. The superior branch crosses the optic nerve
to supply the superior rectus and levator palpebrse
muscles. The inferior divides into three parts — one
for the inferior oblique, one to the inner, and one to
the lower recti muscles. The first supplies the motor
root of the lenticular ganglion of the sympathetic
The Trochlear (Fourth). — The trochlear nerve
has an apparent origin from the upper side of the
valve of Vieussens, and a deep from the floor of the
aqueduct of Sylvius. The two nerves communicate
by a transverse band on the valve of Vieussens. The
nerve pierces the dura after crossing over the crus,
enters the cavernous sinus, in whose outer wall it lies
between the ophthalmic and third nerves, then crosses
the latter to enter the orbit through the sphenoidal
fissure above the external rectus, and enters the
superior oblique muscle.
The Fifth Nerve (Trifacial). — The fifth or
trifacial is the largest of all the cranial nerves, and
arises by two roots, a motor and a sensor. The former
is small, and the latter has the Gasserian ganglion
upon it. Both arise from the side of the pons super-
ficially, the smaller root above the larger, some trans-
verse fibers of the pons separating the two. This
nerve conveys both motion and sensation. At the
apex of the petrous portion of the temporal the large
root forms the Gasserian ganglion; the smaller does
not join in the ganglion, but runs below it to join,
just below the foramen ovale, the lowest trunk pro-
ceeding from the ganglion.
The Gasserian ganglion lies in a hollow near the apex
of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, the large
superficial petrosal nerve, and the motor root lying
below it. It receives branches from the carotid
Fig. 132
Sensory root:
Motor root.
Distribution of the second and third divisions of the fifth nerve and
submaxillary gangHon. (Gray.)
plexus. Small twigs pass to the dura mater. This
ganglion sends off three large branches, viz., the
ophthalmic, superior maxillary, and inferior maxillary.
The first two confer sensation, the third, motion
and sensation.
The ophthalmic nerve, or first division of the fifth
nerve, is sensor and the smallest branch of the ganglion.
It is flattened, about 1 inch long. It receives filaments
from the cavernous plexus, and gives off filaments to
the third and sixth, and sometimes to the fourth nerve,
Fia. 133
Internal carotid artery
and carotid plexus.
Nerves of the orbit and ophthalmic ganglion. Side view. (Gray )
and a recurrent branch running in the tentorium cere-
belli with the fourth. Finally, it divides into the
frontal, lacrymal, and nasal nerves, which pass through
the sphenoidal fissure into the orbit.
The second division of the fifth nerve (superior
maxillary) is sensor, and enters the foramen rotundum.
crosses the sphenomaxillary fossa, and, as the infra-
orbital, traverses the canal, emerges from the foramen
to end on the face in .the palpebral, nasal, and labial
branches — the first set, to lower lid; the second, to
side of nose; and the third, to upper lip.
The orbital or temporomalar branch enters the orbit
by the sphenomaxillary fissure, and divides into two
branches, which pierce the malar bone.
The alveolar or superior dental nerves are three:
The posterior, middle, and anterior, which supply the
upper row of teeth.
The inferior maxillary nerve (third division of the
fifth) is the largest branch, and arises by two roots —
a large sensor root from the Gasserian ganglion and
the motor root of the fifth. This nerve divides into
two trunks, anterior and posterior. The anterior gives
off the masseteric, the buccal, the deep temporal, and
the two pterygoid nerves.
The posterior trunk of the inferior maxillary is
mostly sensory. It divides into the auriculotemporal,
gustatory, and inferior dental; the last supplies the
lower row of teeth.
The gustatory or lingual nerve lies at first beneath
the external pterygoid, internal to the dental nerve.
Here a branch from the dental may cross the internal
maxillary to join it. The chorda tympani also
joins it.
The nerve now runs along the inner side of the
ramus of the jaw, and crosses the upper constrictor to
the side of the tongue above the deep part of the
submaxillary gland; lastly, it runs below Wharton's
duct, and superficially along the side of the tongue to
its apex. It communicates with the facial through
the chorda tympani, the submaxillary ganglion,
inferior dental, and hypoglossal. It supplies the
mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue (anterior
two-thirds), the gums, sublingual gland, and the
filiform and fungiform papillae in the mucous mem-
brane on the back of the tongue.
The Sixth Nerve. — The sixth or abducens has
an apparent origin in the groove between the pons
and medulla. It runs to the lower and outer part
of the dorsum sellse, and traverses the floor of the
cavernous sinus external to the carotid artery, and,
receiving branches from the cavernous and carotid
plexuses, enters the orbit by the sphenoidal fissure
^uperiot division oj oculo-mofor^
litferior division of ocido-motor.
Ophthalmic rein.
Relations of structures passing through the sphenoidal fissure. (Gray.)
between the two heads of the external rectus; it
receives a branch from the ophthalmic nerve, and
supplies the above-named muscles.
The Seventh Nerve. — The seventh or facial
has a superficial origin from the depression between
the olivary and restiform bodies of the medulla oblon-
gata. Between it and the eighth is the pars inter-
media, which joins the facial in the auditory canal.
The nerve runs outward to the internal meatus,
where it runs in a groove on the auditory nerve,
enters the aqueductus Fallopii, and emerges at the
Fia. 136
of nasal.
^^^m\\ ^
The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of the neck. (Gray.)
stylomastoid foramen. It presents within the aque-
duct, near the hiatus Fallopii, a reddish enlargement,
the geniculate ganglion. Outside the cranium it
runs forward in the parotid gland, and divides behind
the ramus into the cervicofacial and temporofacial
divisions. In the parotid and vicinity the radiating
branches form the pes anserinus.
The facial nerve supplies all the muscles of expres-
sion of the face.
The Auditory Nerve. — The eighth or auditory
is the special nerve of the sense of hearing. Super-
ficially it appears at the lower border of the pons,
external to the facial. It has two roots — one from the
inner side of and one from the front of the restiform
body. It runs to the internal auditory meatus with
the facial nerve, the two being separated by the pars
intermedia and the auditory artery. The nerve in
the meatus divides into a cochlear and a vestibular
branch, whose distributions within the ear are described
under the special sense of hearing.
The Ninth Nerve. — The ninth or glossopharyngeal
arises superficially by several filaments from the
groove between the olivary and restiform bodies at
the upper part of the medulla; deeply through the
lateral tract to a gray nucleus in the floor of the
fourth ventricle.
The nerve runs through the middle part of the jugular
foramen with the vagus and spinal accessory, in a
separate sheath, and here presents two successive
ganglionic enlargements, the jugular and the petrous
ganglia. Outside the cranium it passes between the
jugular vein and the internal carotid artery, descending
in front of the latter, and beneath the styloid process
and its muscles, to the lower border of the stylo-
pharyngeus, and supplies the mucous membrane of
the tongue. It then crosses this muscle and divides
into branches beneath the hyoglossus. In the jugular
foramen it grooves the lower border of the petrous
portion of the temporal bone.
The Pneumogastric Nerve. — The tenth, vagus,
or pneumogastric is both motor and sensor. Its
apparent origin is by twelve to fifteen filaments
below, and in the line of the origin of the ninth; its
deep origin is from a nucleus in the lower part of the
fourth ventricle. It passes through the jugular foramen
in the same sheath with the spinal accessory, a par-
tition separating them from the ninth, and develops
the ganglion of the root of the vagus. Emerging from
the foramen, it forms the ganglion of the trunk of the
The ganglio7i of the root (ganglion jugulare) is gray
in color and spherical, its diameter about two lines.
It has branches of communication with the accessory
part of the spinal accessory, w4th the petrous ganglion
of the ninth, with the facial, and with the superior
cervical ganglion of the sympathetic.
The ganglion of the trunk (ganglion cervicale) is
larger, of a reddish color, and cylindrical form. Its
surface is crossed by the accessory portion of the
eleventh, and it communicates with the hypoglossal,
the upper two cervical, and the sympathetic nerves.
The vagus then descends between the internal
carotid artery and the jugular vein to the thyroid
cartilage, then between the vein and the common
carotid to the root of the neck; where it enters the
thorax and gives off branches to the heart (cardiac
plexuses), lungs (pulmonary plexuses), and esophagus;
it then passes through the esophageal opening in the
diaphragm to enter the abdominal cavity w^here it
gives off branches to the solar plexus, the stomach,
liver, spleen, kidneys, suprarenal glands, and pan-
The Eleventh Pair. — The eleventh, or spinal
accessory, consists of a spinal portion and an accessory
part to the vagus. The latter part arises as five or
six filaments from the lateral tract of the medulla,
below the origin of the vagus.
The spinal portion arises from the lateral column
of the cord as low as the sixth cervical nerve, the
fibers being connected with the anterior horn of gray
matter. This part then ascends, between the posterior
nerve roots and the ligamentum denticulatum, through
the foramen magnum, then out again by the jugular
foramen, lying in the sheath of the vagus, and here
communicates with the accessory portion. After
its exit from the skull it crosses the internal jugular
vein and pierces the sternomastoid to end in the
trapezius muscle.
The Hypoglossal. — The twelfth, or hypoglossal,
nerve arises by ten to fifteen filaments from the groove
between the pyramid and olivary body in the medulla.
The deep origin is from a nucleus in the floor of the
fourth ventricle. The filaments form two bundles
which pierce the dura separately and unite in the
anterior condylar foramen. The nerve descends behind
the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein,
closely bound to the vagus. ^
The Spinal Nerves.— The spinal nerves consist, on each
side, of eight cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar,
five sacral, and one coccygeal, in all thirty-one pairs,
which arise from the cord by two roots, anterior and
posterior. The latter are the larger, and are supplied
with ganglia. The suboccipital or first cervical nerve
has no ganglion. The two roots unite just beyond
the ganglion, and the resulting trunk divides into two
divisions, anterior and posterior, each containing
fibers from both roots, sensor and motor. The posterior
division divides into an external and an internal branch.
The anterior divisions in the dorsal region remain
separate, but elsew^here they unite into plexuses.
' See Fig. 131 for origin of spinal nerves.
They are larger than the posterior. Each division is
connected with the sympathetic gangha along the
vertebral column, by means of nerve trunks called
rami communicantes. (See Sympathetic System, p.
The Cervical Plexus. — The cervical plexus is
formed by the anterior divisions of the upper four
cervical nerves, which emerge between the scalenus
medius and rectus anticus major. It lies upon the
scalenus medius and levator anguli scapulae, beneath
the sternomastoid. Each nerve except the first
divides into a branch for the nerve above and one for
the nerve below. The anterior division of the first
(suboccipital) nerve grooves the atlas beneath the
vertebral artery, and joins the second, supplying the
rectus lateralis and recti antici muscles. It commu-
nicates with the sympathetic vagus, and hypoglossal
Its branches are superficial and deep.
The superficial are divided into ascending and
Ascending Branches. — (a) The superficialis colli,
(6) auricularis magnus (great auricular), (c) occipital
Descending Phrenic, from the third, fourth, and
fifth, descends on the scalenus anticus, then between
the subclavian artery and vein, and crosses the internal
mammary artery. It then crosses in front of the root
of the lung and runs between the pericardium and
mediastinal pleura to the diaphragm.
The Brachial Plexus. — The brachial plexus is
formed by the anterior divisions of the lower four
cervical and first thoracic, as follows: The fifth and
sixth form an upper; the seventh, a middle; and the
eighth cervical with first dorsal a lower trunk. Each
of these trunks then separates into an anterior and a
posterior branch.
The anterior branches of the upper and middle
trunks form the outer cord of the plexus; the anterior
branch of the lower, the inner cord; of the posterior
cord it is variously stated that the posterior branches of
all three trunks form it, or that the posterior branches
of the upper and middle trunks form it, while the
Fig. 136
C. with Phrenic
VII C^vical
Anterior division
o} Middle Ti-unk
Anterior division of Upper Trunk
External Anterior Thoracic
Posterior division of Upper 2'runk
Upper Sub-scapular
Middle and Lower
Lower Trunk
Posterior Thoracic
Anterior division of Lower Trunk
Posterior division of Lower Trunk
Internal Anterior Thoracic
Lesser Internal Cutaneous'
Internal Cutaneous'
Plan of the brachial plexus. (Gray.)
posterior branch of the lower trunk joins the musculo-
spiral nerve. It is altogether a matter of dissection.
The plexus is at first between the anterior and middle
scaleni, then above and external to the subclavian
artery. It passes behind the clavicle and subclavius,
lying on the subscapularis and serratus magnus muscles.
The cords lie external to the first part of the axillary
artery, but on three sides of the second part of that
The branches of the brachial plexus supply the
muscles of arm, forearm, fingers, and the muscles
of the chest.
The Lumbar Plexus. — ^The lumbar plexus is formed
in the substance of the psoas muscle, in the following
manner: Each of the first four lumbar nerves divides
into an upper and a lower branch. Just before dividing
the first receives the twelfth thoracic nerve, and the
third and fourth send each a branch to the nerve below.
The upper branch of the first subdivides into the
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. The lower
branch of the first passes downward and subdivides
into two branches, one of which unites with the
upper branch of the second to form the genitocrural
nerve. The other unites with the lower branch of the
second to form a cord. This cord passes downward,
and gives off the external cutaneous nerve and a branch
to the obturator, after which it unites with the upper
branches of the third and fourth to form the anterior
crural nerve. The lower branches of the third and
fourth unite to form the obturator nerve.
The branches derived from the above plexus inner-
vate the skin and muscles over the anterior and
internal aspect of the thigh, leg, instep, and external
genital organs.
The Sacral Plexus. — The sacral plexus is formed
by the anterior divisions of the first, second, third,
and part of the fourth sacral nerves, together with the
lumbosacral cord.
The lumbosacral cord, with the first, second, and
part of the third sacral nerve, is continued into the
upper great branch of the plexus, and the remainder of
the plexus forms the lower or smaller branch.
The branches from this plexus supply the muscles
and skin over the buttocks, back of thigh and leg,
and the sole of the foot.
The sympathetic system consists of numbers of
ganglia connected with one another by extension of
their nerve trunks. It is not an independent system
for the conveyance of nerve impulses, but is in rela-
tion with the cerebrospinal system of nerves through
communicating branches.
The ganglia are classified as central ganglia w^hich
are arranged on either side of the spinal column, and
are connected to each other by nerve trunks, forming
the gangliated cord. The central ganglia extend from
the base of the skull to the coccyx, and communicate
with the spinal nerves by means of nerves called rami
The ganglia of the cord are classified for purpose
of study into the following groups:
Cervical portion 3 pairs of ganglia.
Thoracic portion 10 to 12 pairs of ganglia.
Lumbar portion 4 pairs of ganglia.
Sacral portion 4 or 5 pairs of ganglia.
The ganglia of the sympathetic system are further
arranged into minute plexuses called the three great
gangliated plexuses. They are situated in the thoracic
and abdominal cavities and receive interconnecting
nerve trunks which form the following plexuses: (1)
The cardiac, which receives nerve trunks from the
upper three cervical ganglia, and gives off peripheral
branches to the heart, lungs; (2) the solar or celiac
plexus, which receives nerve trunks (splanchnic nerves)
from the thoracic portion and gives off terminal
branches which form underlying plexuses and inner-
vate the muscles of the intestinal wall, and other
organs of the abdominal cavity, bloodvessels, and
secreting cells of glands; (3) the hypogastric plexus,
which receives branches from the lumbar and sacral
Superior cervical ganglion.
Middle cervical ganglion.
Jnjerior cervieal ganglion.
Sacral ganglia.
Ganglion tmpar
Pharyngeal branches
Cardiac branches.
Deep cardiac plexus.
Superficial cardiac plexus
Solar plexus.
Aortic plexus
Hypogastric plexus
The sympathetic uerve system.
portion of the cord and distributes branches to the
bladder, rectum, organs of reproduction, etc.
There are other gangUa situated in the bony cavities
of the face and skull, and portions of the neck and
face, which, on the one hand, are in intimate relation
with the cerebrospinal system through branches of
communication received from the cranial nerves, and,
on the other hand, .give off branches of distribution
to the salivary glands, organs of special sense, particu-
FiG. 138
S p
Plan of the constitution of a spinal nerve. (W. Keiller, in Gerrish's
Text-book of Anatomy.)
larly nerves from the ciliary ganglion which controls
the regulation of the pupil in regard to the admission
of light to the retina.
The Connections of the Sympathetic Ganglia with
the Spinal Nerves. — The spinal nerves as they leave
the foramen between the vertebra are connected to
the ganglia by two small nerves called the rami com-
municantes. One branch is white, the other gray.
The white rami are found connecting only the spinal
nerves included between the first thoracic nerve and
the second or third lumbar and the corresponding
ganglia. The gray rami are found passing from each
one of the ganglia to the corresponding spinal nerve.
The White Rami. — These contain medullated nerve
fibers and have their origin in the ganglia of the cord;
and other axones also pass from the ganglia forward
by way of the rami to the spinal nerve, and terminate
through these nerves, to be distributed to the plexuses
in the abdominal and thoracic organs.
The Gray Rami. — These are composed of non-
medullated nerve fibers; the axones arise in the nerve
cells of the central ganglia and pass to the spinal
nerve, wherein they are conveyed to the structure
in the skin, non-striated muscles of bloodvessels and
the hair foUicles, also the epithelial cells of the glands.
The foregoing description of the white and gray rami
show the course of the efferent nerves from the nerve-
cells situated in the lateral and anterior portion of
the gray matter in the thoracic and lumbar regions
of the spinal cord. The axones from these nerve cells
leave the spinal cord by way of the anterior root,
at the point where the anterior and posterior roots
join to form the common trunk of the spinal nerve,
to pass to the ganglion wherein the axones are in
relation with other neurones.
The afferent sympathetic fibers give rise to pain
and other reflex phenomena when stimulated. They
reach the spinal centres by passing through the gray
rami to the ganglion on the posterior root, where
they communicate with other neurones and are con-
veyed by their axones to the cells in the posterior
horns of the spinal cord; some fibers pass into and
through the white rami.
The Functions of the Sympathetic System. — It is a
connecting link between the cerebrospinal system and
the tissues of the body w^hich carry on the involun-
tary functions. By the connection of the ganglion
with each other, and the spinal cord and brain at
different levels, through the rami communicantes,
one can easily understand the numbers of different
routes by which impulses can pass, thus influencing
several different structures by reflex actions taking
place between these groups of ganglia and their asso-
ciated neurones. The sympathetic nerves convey
nerve impulses which, in response to stimuli trans-
mitted to them through ganglia and their connections
with the cerebrospinal system, control the secretion
of the glands; others control the caliber of the blood-
vessels by vasoconstrictor and vasodilator nerves,
passing to the muscular coat -of the vessel, the former
regulating the contraction, the latter the dilatation
of the bloodvessels; others regulate the force and
rate of the heart muscle — called cardio-accelerator,
which increase the action, and cardio-inhibitor, w^hich
decrease it. Other nerves convey impulses to the
organs of special sense, as those regulating the size
of the pupil. Emotional states, either of an exciting
or depressing nature, influence the activity of the
sympathetic system by impulses transmitted through
the spinal cord and ganglia from the brain, which
reach the organs of digestion, etc., by reflex pathways
established between the ganglia and ganglionic plexuses
and their secreting cells and bloodvessels.
1. Give the divisions of the nerve system.
2. What parts of the nerve system are included under the
cerebrospinal system?
3. What is the essential cell structure of all nerve energy and
reflex called?
4. Name the protoplasmic processes given off from a neurone.
5. How large are the bodies of nerve cells?
6. Give the classification of neurones as regards their number
of processes.
7. Describe a dendrite of a neurone. Do they increase the
functionating surface of a neurone?
8. What is the function of the dendrites as regards nerve impulses?
9. Describe an axone or axis-cylinder.
10. How long is an axone?
11. How many axones are given off from a neurone? Name
them as to the numbers.
12. What do you understand by tolendria?
13. What is the function of the axones as regards nerve impulses?
14. What do nerve fibres consist of? Name the two varieties.
15. Name the portions of a meduUated nerve fiber.
16. Differentiate a medullated from a non-medullated nerve
17. What do you understand by a node of Ranvier?
18. What is the difference in color between nerve tissue formed
of medullated and non-medullated nerve fibers?
19. What forms a nerve? What are the functions of the epi-
neurium, perineurium, endoneurium?
20. Name the two kinds of nerve tissue which support the nerve
cells. Are they active as regards the conveyance of nerve impulses?
21. What do you understand by the superficial and deep origin
of a nerve?
22. How does an efferent nerve end?
23. How does an afferent nerve end?
24. Name some of the end-organs.
25. Does an efferent nerve convey impulses from the brain and
spinal cord to the tissues?
26. In which direction does an afferent nerve convey impulses?
27. How does an efferent nerve end in a skeletal muscle?
28. Describe a nerve plexus.
29. Do the nerve fibers in a plexus maintain the same function
as the nerve possesses from its origin?
30. Where are ganglia found? Do their neurones connect with
the brain and spinal cord?
31. What is the function of a ganglia as regards the conveyance
of nerve impulses?
32. Name the two classifications of nerves concerned in all nerve
action or reflex.
33. Describe the physiology of a nerve.
34. What do you understand by the term nerve irritability?
35. What is essential to develop or convey nerve impulses in a
36. Name some special stimuli which develop impulses in the
endings of afferent neurones and are conveyed to the brain and
spinal cord.
37. How do stimuli arise which develop impulses in the neurones
of efferent nerves and are conveyed to muscles, organs, etc.?
38. Name the parts of the nerve system included under the
central nerve system.
39. Where is the spinal cord located in the body? How long is it?
What is its weight?
40. Name the membranes surrounding the spinal cord.
41. Name the chief columns of the spinal cord. What composes
them? Give their general function.
42. Give a brief description of a cross-section of the spinal cord.
43. What is the function of the efferent motor nerve cells in the
spinal cord? Afferent sensor nerve cells? Intrinsic nerve cells?
44. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? Give the number
as to the portion of the cord from which they arise.
45. Define a reflex action.
46. What do you understand by sensor conduction as regards the
nerve fibers in the spinal cord? Motor conduction?
47. Name the membranes of the brain.
48. What parts of the central nerve system are included under
the brain?
49. What are the functions of the medulla oblongata? The pons
50. What is the membrane called which separates the cerebrum
from the cerebellum?
51. What is the functi(5n of the cerebellum?
52. How much does the cerebelluni weigh?
53. Name the lobes of the cerebrum.
54. What structure connects the two lateral halves of the brain?
55. Name the ventricles of the brain.
56. Give a brief description of the structure of the cerebrum.
57. What is the weight of the brain in the adult male? Female?
58. Where is the motor area located upon the, surface of the
cerebrum? Sensor?
59. What parts of the body are controlled from the nerve cells
in the motor area?
60. Does the motor area control the limbs of the -same side of
the body upon which it is located?
61. What are the functions of peripheral nerves?
62. Name the cranial nerves.
63. Name the nerves of smell, sight, taste, and hearing.
64. What nerve supplies all the muscles of expression of the face?
65. What nerve supplies the heart, lungs, through the cardiac
and pulmonary plexuses respectively? The liver, stomach, spleen,
66. What nerve tissue comprises the sympathetic system? Is it
an independent system?
67. What do you understand by the gangliated cord? Is it an
independent system?
68. Name the groups of ganglia of the cord.
69. What are the nerves called which connect the spinal nerves
with the sympathetic ganglia?
70. Differentiate the nerve fibers in a gray rami from a white
rami communicantes.
71. Give a brief description of the functions of the sympathetic
The nerve system is the means by which the indi-
vidual is brought into conscious relation with the
external world. This consciousness is excited by
numerous material impressions which develop nerve
impulses in the end-organs of the skin, the tongue,
nose, eye, and ear, and are conveyed by afferent
nerves to the centres in the cortex of the brain where
they awake sensations.
These sensations vary in character. Thus one may
feel happy, fatigued, hungry, thirsty, etc., as a result
of material changes going on within the body. These
are usually spoken of as common or ordinary sensa-
tions. The important or special sensations arise as
a result of the definite impressions made upon the
highly sensitive end-organs, as touch, pain, tempera-
ture, pressure, taste, smell, light and its varying
qualities, sound and its varying qualities. The physio-
logic mechanisms underlying these special sensations
are spoken of as tactile, touch; temperature, pain,
gustatory, taste; olfactory, smell; optic, sight; auditory,
hearing, and are known as the special senses.
The factors necessary to the production of the
sensations are: (1) A special physical stimulus; (2) a
specialized terminal organ (end-organ) ; (3) an afferent
pathway which conveys the impulse to the centres
in the cortex of the brain; (4) a specialized receptive
sensor cell in the cortex of the brain.
The special senses are five in number: sense of
touch, sense of smell, sense of sight, sense of hearing,
and sense of taste.
The structures essential to the appreciation of the
sense of touch are the skin and mucous membrane
of the mouth, etc., the end-organs therein and the
afferent nerves which convey the nerve impulses by
pathways through the cord and brain to the cells in
the tactile area of the cerebrum which are located in
the parietal lobes.
The end-organs are the highly specialized organs
found not only in the skin, but in other sense organs.
They are the sensitive bodies intervening between
the surface coming in contact with the skin, etc., and
the terminal filaments of afferent nerves. They are
more sensitive than the terminals of afferent nerves
and receive specific stimuli which excite them to
activity; and they in turn transmit the impulses to
the aft'erent nerves. However, these end-organs are
usually spoken of as the terminations of afferent
Classification of End-organs. — (1) Free Endings.^
Club-shaped processes found in and among the cells of
the epidermis (upper layer of skin) ; they are termina-
tions of minute fibers of afferent nerves.
2. Tactile Cells. — ^They are oval, nucleated bodies
found in the deep layer of the epidermis. They are
embraced by a crescentic-shaped body (tactile disk)
which is directly connected with the afferent nerve.
3. The Corpuscles of Meissner and Wagner. — These
are found in the papillae of the derma (deep layer of
skin), especially in the palm of the hand and finger
tips. They are bodies which consist of numbers of
tactile disks surrounded by connective tissue and are
in connection with the terminals of afferent nerves.
4. Hair Wreaths. — ^They are minute nerve fibers,
consisting of a whole axis-cylinder, which surround
the hair follicle just beneath the opening of the seba-
ceous glands. They are arranged in the form of a
5. Corpuscles of Vater or Pacini. — They are oval-
shaped structures situated along the course of afferent
nerves distributed to the skin on the palms of the
hands and soles of the feet, external genital organs,
joints, etc. They consist, when examined under
the microscope, of bulbs composed of granular pro-
toplasm surrounded by layers of connective tissue,
and are joined by the axis-cylinder of the afferent
The sense of touch is the sensation conveyed to
the brain by an object we touch coming in contact
with the end-organs in the skin and mucous mem-
branes. By this sense we are enabled to touch and
be touched by objects and determine their size
and weight; quality, whether hard or soft, rough
or smooth, sharp or dull, etc.; also the temperature
of a body or surface coming in contact with the
skin and mucous membranes, whether it is hot or
The Skin. — The skin possesses (1) touch sense and
(2) temperature sense. The touch sense is subdivided
into (a) pressure sense and (6) place sense.
The touch sense is stimulated by mechanical pressure
coming in contact with the end-organs in the skin
and mucous membrane.
Touch Spots. — The areas of the skin and membrane,
which when stimulated by an object, as pin, knife,
etc., give rise to the sensation of touch, are not
general throughout the surface of the skin, but are
localized spots in the skin (these areas are called
touch spots) with intervals which are insensitive to
The greater number of touch spots in a given area
the greater is the acuteness of the touch. These spots
are more numerous in the hands and in the neighbor-
hood of hair follicles. The skin of the index finger
over the last phalanx is particularly well supplied
with touch spots localized in the corpuscles of Meissner,
thus rendering the tip of the finger more acute in the
sense of touch. It must be remembered that when
the pressure and temperature (extremes of heat or
cold) of an object are too severe the sense of touch
and temperature is lost in the sense of pain. The
sense of touch is replaced by the sense of pain when
the skin is bruised or burned, so that the epidermis
is destroyed, leaving the nerves too exposed.
The sense of pressure is the variety of the touch
sense which is based on the fact that, when pressure is
brought to bear along with touching an object, the
pressure of the object coming in contact with the skin
must reach a certain intensity before the sensation of
weight will be appreciated, and permit the individual
to determine the amount of the pressure, and gauge
the comparative pressure of low weights.
The Sense of Place. — Is, based on the fact that when
a stimulus touches any portion of the skin the sensa-
tion caused thereby is, under normal conditions,
always referred to the place stimulated. This is
always the case, whether the place of stimulation is
at two points near or distant from each other on the
same side of the body, or the corresponding place
on the opposite side. These areas for the localization
of sensations are usually arranged in circles throughout
the surface of the skin.
The Temperature Sense. — This is supposed to be
due to the presence in the skin of special nerve-endings
which give rise to sensations of heat and cold, and
are different from each other, as well as from those
end-organs which give rise to sensations of touch.
It has been proved by investigation that throughout
the surface of the skin there are spots, called heat and
cold spots, which if stimulated give rise to sensations
of heat and cold. Each spot responds to only one
kind of stimulus, thus a warm object applied to the
skin will only affect the heat spots, and give rise to
the sensation of warmth, and the application of a
cold one will only influence the cold spots and create
a sensation of coldness. The specific physiologic
stimuli to the end-organs controlling the temperature
sense are termed thermic vibrations.
The muscle sense is a series of specific sensations
arising as a result of the activities of the muscles
of the body or its individual parts of which we are
conscious. They are called muscle sensations and
are evoked in response to nerve impulses developed in
the end-organs in the muscles and tendons, and con-
veyed by afferent nerves and their connections with
nerve cells in the brain.
By the consciousness of these sensations we are
able to perceive (1) the duration and direction of
both passive and active movements of the body; (2)
to perceive the resistance offered to movements by
external bodies; (3) and to perceive the posture of
the body or its individual parts.
The structures essential to the sense of smell are
the nasal fossae, the olfactory nerve filaments lying
within the mucous membrane, and the olfactory
tracts which are collections of nerve fibers formed
into large nerve trunks and the latter ending in the
nerve cells in the uncinate convolutions of the cere-
brum (area of sense of smell). Matter in the gaseous
or volatile state is the means whereby the peripheral
nerves are stimulated, in which are developed nerve
impulses, transmitted to the cortex, where they give
rise to sensations of odor.
The Nasal FossaB or Cavities. — These are two
bony cavities separated by a vertical wall, formed by
the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, the vomer,
and the triangular cartilage. The bony walls are
lined with mucous membrane. On the outer wall
Fig. 139
SINUS THff^^^i
External wall of right nasal fossa, parts of the turbinates having been
cut away to show the orifices of the sinuses which open into the meatuses.
each cavity communicates by means of foramen and
fissures with the sphenoid, frontal sinuses, the antrum
of Highmore, and ethmoid cells, and receives on
its floor the opening of the tear-duct from the
lacrymal sac in the inner angle of the eye. By means
of this duct the tears pass from the conjunctiva to
the nasal cavity. The mucous membrane lining the
walls of the nasal fossse is divided into an olfactory
and respiratory portion; in the former the mucous
membrane covers the superior turbinated bone and
upper part of the septum; it consists of a neuro-
epithelium; the respiratory portion is the term given
to the remaining portion of the membrane cover-
ing the fossa. The membrane lining the nasal cavi-
ties is continued through the foramen and fissures
leading from it into the sphenoidal and ethmoidal
cells, frontal sinuses, antrum of Highmore, and
The entrance to the nasal cavities is called the
anterior nares; the back of the nasal cavities open
into the pharynx and is called the posterior nares or
The End-organs. — ^The end-organs which receive
the stimuli that give rise to sensations of odor consist
of olfactory and sustentacular cells which rest upon a
basement membrane, making up the olfactory portion
of the mucous membrane.
Olfactory sensations are classified into agreeable
and disagreeable, depending upon the sensations they
create in the individual.
The Eye. — The eye-ball lies in the fat of the orbit,
surrounded by a tunic of fascia, the capsule of Tenon.
It is composed of segments of two spheres, an anterior
smaller and a posterior larger, the junction of the
sclerotic and cornea indicating their limits. It measures
one inch transversely and vertically, and somewhat less
from before backward. Behind it receives the optic
nerve (the nerve of the sense of sight), and in front
are the eyeUds, eyebrows, etc., which comprise the
so-called appendages of the eye.
The Appendages of the Eye. — ^These include the
eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctiva, the lacrymal gland
and sac, and the nasal duct. The last three belong
to the "lacrymal apparatus."
The eyebrows (supercilia) are two prominent tracts
of skin above the orbit, covered by thick hairs. They
are connected with the orbicularis, palpebrarum cor-
rugator supercilii, and occipitofrontalis muscles. «
The lids (palpebrse) protect the eyeball. Each is
composed of thin skin, areolar tissue, muscular fibers,
the tarsal cartilage and ligament. Meibomian glands,
and conjunctiva; the upper lid, which is also the more
movable, contains, in addition, the aponeurosis of the
levator palpebrse muscle.
The lids are separated, when opened, by a
space, the fissura palpebrarum, and are united at the
angles (canthi). The outer angle is sharp, and the
inner is more obtuse. At the inner angle on each
lid is found the lacrymal tubercle, pierced by the
punctum lacrymale, the upper opening of the lacrymal
The tarsal cartilages (tarsi) are two plates of dense
fibrous tissue, one in each lid.
The tendo oculi or palpebrarum is Y-shaped. The
stem is attached to the nasal process of the superior
maxilla, and each arm to one of the tarsal cartilages.
The palpebral ligament is a fibrous membrane
attached to the tarsal cartilages and to the correspond-
ing margin of the orbit.
The Meihoviian glands (sebaceous) lie on the inner
surface of the lids, between the tarsal cartilages and
the mucous membrane. In the upper lid there are
about thirty; in the lower, fewer.
The lashes (cilia) are short, thick hairs forming a
double row on the free margin of each lid. Above
they are longer and more numerous. They protect
the eyes from dust, etc.
The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane of the
eye. The palpebral portion is very thick and vascular,
and forms at the inner canthus a fold known as the
plica semilunaris. The ocular portion is loosely
connected to the sclerotic coat, but over the cornea
consists only of the conjunctival epithelium.
The Lacrymal Apparatus. — This includes the gland,
the two canals, the sac, and the nasal duct.
The gland is about the size and shape of a small
almond, and lies in a depression in the orbital plate
of the frontal bone just inside the external angular
process. Its ducts, ten or more in number, run beneath
the conjunctiva and open separately at the outer part
of the fornix.
The lacrymal canals commence by small orifices,
the puncta, on the margin of each lid, and empty
close together into the sac.
The lacrymal sac is the upper dilated part of the
nasal duct, and lies in a depression formed by the
lacrymal and superior maxillary bones. (See Fig. 140,
page 399.)
The nasal duct is contained in a canal formed by
the superior maxilla, lacrymal, and inferior turbinated
bones, and runs from the lacrymal sac to the inferior
meatus, beneath the inferior turbinate bone in the
nasal cavity. It is lined by a mucous membrane
continuous with the conjunctiva.
The secretion from the lacrymal glands is a clear
fluid termed the tears, which is secreted by cells of
the gland due to sensor nerve fibers from the fifth
nerve, sending out impulses in response to reflex
stimuli, irritating the afterent nerves in the con-
junctiva, as foreign bodies in the eye, etc.; also by
sympathetic impulses conveyed to the secreting cells
by way of the sympathetic filaments from the sym-
pathetic system in response to emotional states from
the brain centres. The tears consist of water and
inorganic salts. The secretion leaves the gland by
way of seven or eight ducts and bathes the corneal
surface of the eye during the act of winking, thus
moistening the eye and removing foreign bodies.
It then passes into the lacrymal duct to drain into the
Fig. 140
The lacrymal apparatus. (Gray.)
nasal cavity. An excess secretion, as is observed in
weeping, or due to a foreign body in the conjunctiva,
passes over the lower lid and drains down the cheek,
as well as the nasal cavity.
The Eye-ball.— This consists of three coats enclosing
the refractive media or humors. They are the sclerotic
and cornea outside, the retina internally, and the
choroid between the sclerotic and retina.
The sclerotic coat is a dense fibrous membrane, white
and smooth externally, excepting where it receives
the insertion of the recti and obliqui muscles. It
covers the posterior five-sixths of the eye-ball. Behind
it receives the optic nerve at a point just internal to
the centre, the fibrous sheath of the former being
continuous with the sclerotic.
The cornea forms the anterior sixth of the external
coat. It is transparent and projecting, and nearly
an arc of a true sphere, the anterior surface being
convex and the posterior surface concave.
The choroid or intermediate coat is continued into the
cornea. It is a chocolate-colored, vascular structure
lying between the sclerotic and retina and investing
the posterior five-sixths of the eye-ball, blending in front
with the iris after forming a number of folds, the
ciliary processes.
The ciliary muscle is a circular plane of unstriped
muscle placed between the choroid and sclerotic at
its anterior part. It consists of circular and radiating
fibers. This muscle aids in contracting and dilating
the size of the pupil in response to nerve stimuli, and
under normal conditions regulates the amount of
light entering the chamber of the eye.
The iris gives to the eye its color (depending on
the pigment present) . It is a thin, contractile, circu-
lar membrane presenting, at about its centre, a cir-
cular aperture, the pupil. It is suspended in the
aqueous humor behind the cornea and in front of
the lens.
The arteries are supplied from the long and anterior
ciliary. The nerves are branches of the lenticular
ganglion and the long ciliary from the nasal branch
of the ophthalmic. They form a plexus around the
circumference of the iris, and end in the muscular
fibers and in a network on the front of the iris. The
nerves to the circular fibers come from the motor
oculi; those to the radiating, from the sympa-
The Vitreous Humor. — It is a transparent, gelatinous
fluid enclosed in a transparent membrane, the hyaloid,
and fills about four-fifths of the eye-ball. In front
it is hollowed out to receive the lens and its capsule,
being adherent to the back of the latter. (See Fig.
141, page 402.)
The Crystalline Lens. — This is a solid, transparent,
biconvex body which lies, enclosed in its capsule, in
front of the vitreous and behind the iris. The greater
convexity is behind.
The capsule is an elastic, transparent, structureless
membrane, in contact anteriorly with the iris and
held in place by the suspensory ligament.
The suspensory ligament is a thin, transparent
membrane placed between the vitreous humor and
the ciliary processes, and presents externally a number
of folds which receive those of the ciliary processes.
The Aqueous Humor. — This is the fluid which fills
the space between the suspensory ligament and cap-
sule behind and the cornea in front. That part of this
space which lies in front of the iris is called the anterior
chamber; the part behind the iris is the posterior
chamber. The latter is really only the small interval
between the iris, suspensory ligament, and ciliary
The ciliary processes, seventy or more in number,
consist of a circle of folds or thickenings of the choroid
received into pits in the vitreous and suspensory
ligament of the lens. They are divided into a larger
and a smaller set, the former being about one-tenth
inch in length. Their inner surface is covered by the
layer of hexagonal, pigmented cells in the retina.
The Retina. — ^This is a delicate nervous membrane on
which the image of perceived objects is formed. It lies
between the choroid and the hyaloid membrane of the
vitreous humor, and is composed of ten layers of cells.
Behind, the optic nerve expands into it, and in front it
terminates in a dentated margin, the ora serrata, at the
outer edge of the ciliary processes. It then sends off
a thin, non-nervous membrane, the pars ciliaris
retinae, to the tips of the cihary processes. The inner
surface of the retina presents at its centre an elHptical
Fig. 141
Canal of Schlemm.
Canal for
„„ — central artery.
, >r^^-
— 'Optic nej'VB.
Sclerotic coat.
Nerve sheath.
A horizontal section of the eye-ball. (Allen.)
spot about 2ir inch across, the macula lutea. In the
centre of this spot is a depression, the fovea centralis,
which, on account of the extreme thinness of the retina,
shows the pigmentary layer of the choroid, and hence
presents the appearance of a foramen. About yV
inch to the inner side of the yellow spot is the porus
opticus, at which point the optic nerve enters, the
nervous matter being heaped up here so as to forrn
the colliculus.
Observed under the microscope the retina consists
of cell elements arranged in layers as follows:
1. The layer of pigment cells.
2. The layer of rods and cones, or Jacobsen's layer.
3. The external limiting membrane.
4. The outer nuclear or granular layer.
5. The outer molecular or reticular layer.
6. The inner nuclear or granular layer.
7. The inner molecular or reticular layer.
8. The layer of ganglion cells.
9. The layer of nerve fibers.
The layers in the retina are held together, except
the layer of rods, and cones, by a fine net-work of
neuroglia, called the fibers of Muller.
The Function of the Retina. — The rods and cones
are the most important layer of cell elements in the
retina as necessary to vision. This layer possesses
the property of receiving light and color stimuli which
are transformed into energy that arouses nerve
impulses in the fibers of the optic nerve and the latter
convey them to the centre of vision in the cerebrum
(cuneus) and we are conscious of external objects
with their combined colors, etc., through the sense
of sight. A ray of light passes through the pupil,
crystalline lens, and vitreous humor, to be thrown upon
the retina, when it passes through all the layers of
the retina and is stopped only upon reaching the
pigmentary epithelium in which the rods and cones
are embedded. Just how light and color stimuli
create nerve impulses is not exactly understood. It
is supposed to be due to ether vibrations being trans-
formed into heat, which excites the rods and cones.
and nerve impulses are developed which are conveyed
to the brain.
When one becomes conscious of seeing an object,
it is due to the fact that an image has been formed
by the rays of light passing through the pupil and
coming in contact with complex structures which
are termed the refracting apparatus, which consists
of the cornea, aqueous humor, crystalline lens, and
vitreous humor. The rays of light must pass through
these structures, and as they pass from one to the
other they are changed in direction by their surfaces
and are narrowed to a single point of focus on the
retina. Thus if the rays of light coming from various
directions and distances were not focussed, the same as
an object on the lens of a camera, they would simply
be thrown on the retina and create the sensation of
diffused light rays, and form an indistinct image on
the retina.
Accommodation. — This is the term expressing the
power possessed by the eye of adjusting itself to
vision at different distances; or the power of focussing
rays of light on the retina, which come from different
distances at different times (Brubaker's Physiology),
In other words, the eye cannot see two different objects
at different distances, and both be' distinctly seen.
If the eye looks at the distant object the near object
is not clear, and then when the eye focusses on the near
object the distant one is indistinct.
Accommodation is regulated mainly by the changes
in the shape of the lens produced by the action of the
ciliary muscle; and the pupil becoming decreased or
increased in circumference.
The change in the shape of the lens is the means
by which the eye accommodates itself to vision.
How this mechanism of accommodation is produced
is not definitely settled. However, it is supposed to
be due to the anatomic relation between the ciliary
muscle and suspensory ligament. The former is
attached to the ligament, and the ligament is the
supporting structure of the lens. If the eye is' looking
at a near object the lens becomes more convex or
bulges in front. This is produced by the ciliary
muscle contracting and relaxing the ligament which
permits the lens to bulge forward and become more
convex — due to its elasticity. The nearer an object
is to the eye the greater will be the divergence of the
rays of light, and as a result the lens becomes more
convex in order to converge and focus the rays upon
the retina, so that the image will be distinct. If
the eye is looking at a distant object the lens is less
convex. The further away an object is from the eye,
the less divergent will be the rays of light. Thus the
lens is not called upon to converge the rays of light as
they fall upon the retina to appear distinct, as is the
case in looking at a near object. At the same time the
pupil also becomes narrowed to prevent an indistinct-
ness of the image by permitting an excess of light
rays to pass. These would otherwise be too diffuse,
due to the angle at which they enter, to permit of a
proper focussing of the image on the retina.
In seeing an object both eyes are involved, and two
images, one in each eye, are focussed upon the retina,
but there arises only one sensation. This is due to the
fact that both eyes converge toward the object seen,
and it is focussed as an image upon the fovese at
corresponding points, in each retina. When any
condition interferes with the proper convergence of
the eyes toward an object, double vision occurs, due
to the object falling on two different points of the
The function of the iris is to regulate the quan-
tity of light entering the interior of the eye and adjust
the rays of light so that the formation and perception
of an image shall be distinct.
This diaphragm-like action of the iris is produced
by the contraction and relaxation of the muscle fibers
contained therein — sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillse
muscles. The contraction of the sphincter pupilhe is
reflex and is spoken of as the iris reflex.
The structures concerned in the sense of taste
include the tongue and its taste-buds, and the nerves
conveying the sensations to the taste centre situated
in the fourth temporal convolution of the temporal
lobe of the cerebrum, where the nerve impulses give
rise to the sensations of taste. The stimuli to create
these nerve impulses is matter, organic and inorganic,
in a state of solution, as brought about by the actions
of mastication and insalivation.
The End-organs or Taste-buds.— They are ovoid
bodies embedded in the epithelial cells covering the
mucous membrane of the tongue, soft palate, and
posterior surface of the epiglottis. Their broadest
portion or base rests on the basement membrane and
the apex reaches the surface of the epithelial cells,
when it opens by means of a narrow funnel-shaped
opening called the taste-pore. The wall of the taste-
buds consists of long, slender, epithelial cells, within
which are narrow spindle-shaped neuro-epithelial cells,
which give off hair-like processes which project into
the taste-pore; these neuro-epithelial cells connect
with the filaments of the glossopharyngeal and chorda
tympani nerves (gustatory nerves), and are considered
as the peripheral end-organs of the nerves of taste,
called taste-buds or taste-beakers.
Sensations of Taste. — It must be remembered the
tongue also possesses the property of conveying
impulses which give rise to sensations of touch and
temperature, and these make the classification of
sensations of taste most difficult. However, the tastes
have been classified into four primary groups: bitter,
sweet, acid, or salt. The intensity of the sensation of
taste produced by any one of these groups, or a com-
bination of them, is dependent upon their concentra-
tion; and the extent of the sensation depends on the
area affected, or the number of taste-buds coming in
contact with them.
The Ear. — The ear is divided into the external ear,
the middle ear or tympanum, and the internal ear or
The External Ear. — This consists of the projecting
part, or pin7ia, and the external auditory canal and
meatus. The pinna, or auricle, is ovoid in outline,
concave externally, and facing outward and somewhat
forward, presenting eminences and depressions, to
which various names have been given.
The pinna consists of a plate of yellow fibrocartilage
covered by skin and some adipose tissue. It enters
also into the formation of the external meatus, being
attached to the margins of the external auditory meatus
of the temporal bone. The lobule contains only fat
and strong fibrous tissue.
The external auditory canal is IJ inches long (adult),
and runs from the concha to the membrana tympani.
It is directed obliquely forward, inward, and downward,
and presents an eminence in the floor of the osseous
part, which makes the direction of the canal at first
upward and then downward. It is narrowest at its
middle. It opens externally by means of the external
auditory meatus.
The Middle Ear or Tympanum. — This is a cavity in
the petrous portion of the temporal bone, extending
from the membrana tympani to the outer wall of the
labyrinth. Its width varies from yV to \ inch. It
contains the ossicles of the ear, with their ligaments
and muscles, and certain nerves. It is filled with air
and communicates by means of the Eustachian tube
with the nasopharynx.
Fig. 142
Cartilage of
the pinna '
Cartilage of the ext.
auditory meatuiy
Transverse section of external auditory meatus and tympanum. (Gegenbaur )
The membrana tyvijMni is a thin membrane inserted
into a ring of bone at the bottom of the external
canal, which is grooved for its reception. It is ovoid
in form and directed obliquely downward and inward.
On its inner surface is the handle of the malleus, which
extends from about the middle of its roof to a little
below its centre, covered by mucous membrane, where
it is attached. This process draws the membrane
inward, making its outer surface concave and its
inner convex. Externally, the membrane is covered
with skin, continuous with that of the meatus; inter-
nally, with mucous membrane continuous with that
of the tympanum; and between these two is a fibrous
layer, some of its fibers radiating from the handle
of the malleus, others being circular and placed near
the circumference.
Fig. 143
Chorda tympani.
View of inner wall of tympanum. (Gray.)
The i7mer wall of the tympanum is vertical and
uneven. It presents the following: (a) The fenestra
ovalis, leading into the vestibule, and occupied in the
recent state by the base of the stapes and its annular
ligament. (6) Fenestra rotunda, in a conical fossa
leading into the cochlea, a rounded eminence, (c) The
2?romontory, separating it from the preceding. It is
closed, in the recent state, by the memhrana tympani
secundaria. This is composed of three layers, and is
concave toward the tympanum.
The posterior wall of the tympanum presents above
one large and several small apertures leading to the
mastoid cells.
The anterior extremity opens into two canals separ-
ated by a process of bone, the processus cochlcariformis.
The upper of these canals is the smaller and transmits
the tensor tympani; the lower contains the Eustachian
tube, an osseocartilaginous passage l^^ inches long,
leading to the pharynx. Both of these canals run in
a direction downward, forward, and inward.
The osseous part of the Eustachian tube is ^ inch
long, and to its lower end is attached the triangular
piece of fibrocartilage forming the remainder of the
tube. The edges of the cartilage are now in contact,
but are joined by fibrous tissue. The tube is wide
at its lower extremity, and opens at the upper and
lateral part of the pharynx, above the hard palate and
on a line with the lower turbinated bone. It is lined
by epithelium continuous with that of the pharynx.
The ossicles are three minute movable bones, named
the malleus, incus, and stapes. The first is attached
to the membrana tympani; the second is between the
other two; the last named is attached to the fenestra
ovalis of the cochlea.
The Muscles of the Middle Ear. — The tensor
tympani runs in the canal previously mentioned.
Arising from the under surface of the petrous portion,
the cartilage of the Eustachian tube, and the margins
of its own canal, its tendon is reflected over • the
processus cochlcariformis and is inserted into the
handle of the malleus near its root. It pulls on the
malleus, thus drawing inward and making tense the
membrana tympani. Its nerve comes from the optic
The stapedius muscle arises from the sides of its con-
taining cavity within the pyramid, and, emerging from
the apex, is inserted into the neck of the stapes. It
draws the head of the stapes backward, thus pressing
the base against the fenestra ovaUs and compressing
the contents of the vestibule. Its nerve is the tympanic
branch of the facial.
The Internal Ear. — This is the essential part of the
hearing apparatus, since here the auditory nerve is
distributed. It is contained in a cavity in the petrous
bone, and is made up of the osseous labyrinth and
the membranous labyrinth.
The osseous labyrinth contains the membranous
labyrinth, and is divided into three parts, the vesti-
bule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. It communi-
cates in the dry state with the tympanum by means
of the fenestrse. Between the osseous and mem-
branous labyrinth is a space occupied by a clear fluid,
the perilymph, and within the membranous labyrinth
is the endolymph.
The vestibule is the central cavity lying between
the cochlea in front and the semicircular canal behind,
the tympanum being external. Its outer or tympanic
wall presents the fenestra ovalis.
Its inner wall has in front a depression, the fovea
hemispherica, pierced by several minute holes for
the auditory filaments, and behind this a ridge, the
crista vestibuli. Behind this ridge is the opening of
the aqiieductus vestibuli. In the roof is a depression,
the fovea heinielUytica.
Behifid, the vestibule presents five foramina leading
into the semicircular canals, and in front a larger
foramen leading into the scala vestibuli of the cochlea.
The semicircular canals are three bony tubes of
unequal length lying above and behind the vestibule,
each forming about two-thirds of a circle. Their
general diameter is tjV inch, but at one end is a dila-
tation, the ampulla, y q inch in diameter. They empty
into the vestibule by five apertures, in one of which
two tubes join.
The cochlea resembles a snail shell. Its apex looks
forward and outward, and its base toward the internal
auditory meatus. Within is a centre piece, the modiolus
or colmnella, around which the canal runs spirall}^ for
two and one-half turns.
Within the canal, and attached to the modiolus, is
the lamina spiralis. This plate of bone partially
divides the spiral canal into two compartments or
scalse, the division being completed by a membrane
Fia. 144
Membranous labyrinth of the right ear, viewed from the outer side;
semidiagrammatic. (Testut.)
which reaches the outer w^all of the cochlea. The
upper scala is known as the scala vestibuli; the lower
is the scala tyinjmni.
The membranous labyrinth is contained within the
osseous labyrinth, having a similar form, though
smaller and separated from it by the perilymph. It
contains the endolymph and receives the distribution
of the auditory nerve. In the vestibule it consists of
the utricle and the saccule.
The memhraiious semicircular canals are similar in
shape to, but are only from one-fifth to one-third the
diameter of, the bony canals; the ampullae, however,
are relatively large. Two small masses of calcium
carbonate are found in the utricle and saccule. They
are called the otoliths.
In the cochlea the membranous labyrinth is repre-
sented by the scala media and the parts therein
The Organ of Corti. — It extends the entire length
of the cochlea. It consists of two modified epithelial
Fig. 145
Organ of Corti. Diagrammatic view of a small portion. (Testut.)
cells resting upon a basement membrane and joined
above to form an arch which encloses a tunnel or
canal of Corti; it also consists of a series of columnar
epithelial cells with hair-like processes (hair cells)
which rest upon and are supported by the rods both
on the inner and .outer side. Other cells lie adjacent
to the hair cells, and are supportive in character;
these are called Deiters' cells.
The rods of Corti are very numerous, reaching
up into the thousands. The hair-like processes
covering the rods of Corti are bathed by a clear fluid,
the endolymph. This fluid comes from the sub-
arachnoid lymph spaces at the base of the brain.
The hair cells resting on the organ of Corti are
practically end-organs of the cochlear branch of the
auditory nerve. Just how the filaments of this nerve
come in direct contact with these cells and develop
nerve impulses is not definitely understood.
The Physiology of the Structures Concerned in
the Sense of Hearing. — The sense of hearing is based
on the functions possessed by the structures within the
three portions of the ear, which receive and transmit
atmospheric vibrations set up in the external world
about us, to the sensitive hair cells of the organ of
Corti, where they are taken up and carried back by
the fibers of the auditory nerve to the centres in the
cerebrum and the brain becomes conscious of the
sensations of sound.
Stimuli. — ^All stimuli which produce the sense of
sound must be in a state of motion, and thus create
vibrations which are communicated to the air in
which they are moving to and for, setting it into
waves, called sound waves. These sound waves in
turn reach the tympanic membrane through the
external auditory canal, and set it into vibration;
then they are transmitted to the structures of the
internal ear by means of the ossicles and structures
within the middle ear which convey vibrations to the
endolymph in the internal ear and the latter stimulate
the hair cells in relation with the organ of Corti. From
the latter end-organ they are transmitted to the
centres of hearing in the brain through the fibers of
the auditory nerve.
Vibrations producing sound waves in the atmosphere
are communicated to it by means of the moving to
and fro of elastic bodies as tuning forks, rods, strings,
membranes, etc.
Sound. — Sounds which arise as the result of impact
and transmission of the effects of sound waves are
said to possess intensity, pitch, and quaUty or tone.
Intensity. — When we speak of the intensity of a
sound it means the loudness.
Pitch. — Pitch of a sound depends upon the number
of vibrations which strike the ear in a unit of time, a
second. The greater the number of vibrations the
higher the pitch and vice ver§a.
Quality. — Quality of a sound depends upon the
form of the vibration. The form of the sound wave
in any given instance is the resultant of a combination
of a fundamental vibration and certain secondary
vibrations of subdivisions of the vibrating body.
These secondary vibrations give rise to what is known
as overtones. B}' their union with and modification of
the fundamental vibration there is produced a special
form of vibration which gives rise not to a simple but
to a composite sensation. It is for this reason that the
same note of the piano, the violin, and the human
voice varies in quality (Brubaker).
1. Name some of the ordinary sensations.
2. Name some of the special sensations. How do they arise?
3. Name the special senses.
4. What structures are essential for the appreciation of the
sense of touch?
5. Name some of the end-organs concerned in the sense of
6. Where are the corpuscles of Meissner located? Of Vater?
7. What do you understand by the sense of touch?
8. Name the senses possessed by the skin.
9. What does the individual perceive by the muscle sense?
10. What structures are essential to the sense of smell?
11. Bound the nasal fossae.
12. Name the two portions into which the mucous membrane of
the nasal fossse is divided.
13. What type of epithelium is found in the olfactory portion
of the nasal mucous membrane?
14. Name the appendages of the eye.
15. What structures are included under the lacrymal apparatus?
16. How many lacrymal ducts are there and where do they drain?
17. How do the tears reach the nasal cavity?
18. Name the coats of the eye-ball.
19. What muscle controls the diameter of the pupil?
20. What structure contains the pigment which gives the eye
its color?
21. Where is the vitreous humor found in the eye? The aqueous?
The crystalline lens?
22. Where is the anterior chamber of the eye? The posterior
23. What is the function of the retina?
24. What nerve expands into the retina and when does the
nerve enter it?
25. How many layers of cells in the retina? Which layer of cells
is the most important as regards vision?
26. Name the refracting apparatus of the eye.
27. What is accommodation as regards vision? What is the
function of the lens in relation to accommodation?
28. What is the function of the iris?
29. Name the structures concerned in the sense of taste.
30. Where are the end-organs or taste-buds located?
31. Name the three divisions of the ear.
32. How long is the external auditory canal? What is its direc-
33. Describe the tympanum or middle ear.
34. Where is the tympanic membrane located? What structure
covers its outer and inner surfaces?
35. Through what tube does the tympanic cavity of the ear
communicate with the nasopharynx?
36. What structures are included under the term internal ear?
37. What are the divisions of the osseous labyrinth as regard its
38. Where is the membranous labyrinth located. What fluid
does it contain.
39. What fluid separates the membranous from the osseous
40. Where is the organ of Corti located?
41. What relation do the hair cells in the organ of Corti bear to
the auditory nerve?
42. How many ossicles are there in each middle ear? Name
43. In what state must all external stimuli be in to produce the
sense of sound.
44. How do vibrating bodies affect the atmospheric air as regards
the sense of sound?
45. Give a brief description of how the sound waves are con-
veyed from the external air to the filaments of the auditory nerve
in the organ of Corti.
The Vulva. — The term vulva, or pudendum, includes
the mons veneris and labia, the nymphse and clitoris,
the hymen or its remains, the meatus urinarius, and
the vaginal orifice.
The mons veneris is a fatty cushion covering the
front of the pubes, and after puberty is plentifully
supplied with hairs. Below, it divides into the two
labia majora, which diminishing in size as they pass
downward and backward, unite an inch in front of
the anus. The two extremities are joined, and form
the anterior and posterior commissures. Between the
latter and the anus is the perineum, and just within
the posterior commissure is a transverse fold, the
The nymphse, or labia minora, smaller than the
above, run from the middle of the labia majora up-
ward to the clitoris, each dividing into two folds,
the upper pair of which join to form a prepuce for
that organ, and the lower two to form its frenum.
They are continuous externally with labia majora,
internally with the vagina.
The clitoris is the opposite of the penis (male), con-
sisting, like it, of two corpora cavernosa united by a
septum pectiniforme and prolonged behind into two
crura attached to the rami of the pubis and ischium
(bones). It also has a suspensory Hgament and a
Fig. 146
mons veneris
Vulva of a virgin. The labia have been widely separated. Foss. nav.,
fossa navicularis; Int. vag., introitus vaginae; Lab. min, labium minus;
Vestib., vestibule. (Testut.)
glans enclosed by the nymphse. Two erectores cli-
toridis muscles are attached to the crura. It has no
corpus spongiosum nor urethra.
Between the clitoris and the vagina, bounded on
each side by the nymphse, is the vestibule, a triangular
space, in which, just above the vagina, is the opening
of the urethra, one inch below the clitoris.
The hymen is a mucous fold which more or less
completely occludes the opening of the vagina. It
is generally semilunar in form, concave above, or
it may be a complete membrane, perforate or imper-
forate, or it may be absent. It is usually, present in
a virgin, though its absence does not prove that coitus
has been performed.
The glands of Bartholin, the analogues of Cowper's
glands in the male, are two yellowish bodies on each
side of the vaginal opening, each of which dis-
charges by a single duct between the hymen and the
The Urethra. — The female urethra is a mucous
canal, 1^ inches long, running downward and forward
in the anterior vaginal wall from the neck of the
bladder to the meatus urinarius and drains the urine
from the bladder during micturition, and can be seen
as a minute opening just below the clitoris. As in
the male, it pierces the triangular Hgament, and is
surrounded by the compressor urethrse muscle.
The Vagina. — The vagina extends from the vulva
to the uterus (os uteri), lying behind the bladder and
in front of the rectum, and is about 4 inches long on
its anterior wall, 5 to 6^ on its posterior, and is directed
from the uterus downward and forward.
Above, it embraces the cervix uteri, and its walls
are flattened from before backward. In front it is
in relation with the urethra and base of the bladder;
behind, it is connected with the anterior wall of the
rectum by its lower three-fourths, the cul-de-sac of peri-
toneum (Douglas') separating them in the upper fourth;
laterally, the broad ligaments are attached above, and
the levatores ani below, as well as the rectovesical fascia.
Its inner surface presents a mesial ridge or raphe on
the front and back walls, the columnse rugarum, and
from them on both sides run out transverse folds or
The internal organs include the uterus, tubes, and
The Uterus. — The uterus or womb is a hollow mus-
cular organ lying in the pelvis between the bladder
and rectum. In the virgin it is pear-shaped, flattened
from before backward, its upper end looking forward
and upward, its lower downward and backward,
forining an angle with the vagina. Above, it is invested
by the peritoneum, which covers its body before and
behind; it covers also the cervix behind, but in
front the peritoneum is reflected on to the bladder
before reaching the cervix. The two folds of peri-
toneum after investing the uterus are applied to each
other, reaching across to the lateral pelvic walls forming
the broad ligaments.
The uterus is 3 inches long, 2 wide, and 1 thick,
and it weighs about 1 ounce. It is divided into a
body, fundus, and neck. The fundus is the convex
part above the entrance of the tubes; the body is the
part between this and the neck. In front of the
Fallopian tubes, at the upper part of the lateral
borders, the round ligaments are attached, and below
and behind them are the ligaments of the ovaries.
The cervix is the lower constricted, rounded part, and
around it is attached the vagina. At its vaginal end
is a round opening, the os uteri.
The cavity of the uterus is small; that part within
the body is triangular, flattened anteroposteriorly,
and presents at the superior angles the openings of
the Fallopian tubes; also, at its junction with the
neck it is constricted to form the os internum. The
cavity of the cervix is barrel-shaped and flattened
anteroposteriorly, presenting on each wall a longi-
tudinal column sending off oblique rugae on each side;
hence its name, arbor vitae uterinus.
FlQ. 147
Vessels of the uterus and its appendages, rear view. (Testut.)
The walls of the uterus consist of an outer serous
coat, an inner mucous, and an intermediate muscular.
The muscular coat forms the bulk of the uterus,
and consists of bundles and layers of unstriped fibers
which interlace, and of some areolar tissue sup-
porting them, and of bloodvessels, lymphatics and
The mucous membrane of the body differs from that
of the cervix. The former is smooth, reddish, with
columnar cells, and presents the ducts of a number of
tubular glands which end by blind, sometimes forked,
extremities. In the cervix it is firmer, and presents
numerous saccular and tubular glands between the
rugae of the arbor vitse, and below, numerous papillae.
The ligaments of the uterus are the round ligaments
and several yeritoneal folds, namely, two each in front,
behind, and laterally.
The round ligaments are two cord-like bundles of
areolar, fibrous, and plain muscular tissue, wdth
vessels and nerves, covered by peritoneum, which
run from the upper angle of the uterus to the- internal
abdominal ring. Each then runs through the corre-
sponding inguinal canal to end in the mons veneris
and labia.
The anterior or vesico-uterine ligaments stretch bet-
w^een the bladder and the uterus; the posterior, between
the uterus and rectum, hence called the recto-uterine,
forming a pouch of peritoneum, the cul-de-sac of
The two lateral or hroad ligaments pass from the
sides of the uterus to the sides of the pelvis, thus
dividing the latter into two parts. They are formed
by the coalescence of the peritoneal layers investing
the anterior and posterior surfaces of the uterus, and
contained betw^een the two layers — the Fallopian
tube at the upper margin ; the round ligament below
and in front of the tube; the ovary and its ligament
enfolded by the posterior layer; and the uterine
bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves.
Appendix. — The Function of the Uterus. — The uterus
receives and affords a surface for the growth and
development of the fecundated ovum and its mem-
branes, which become the embryo, nourished from the
placenta (after the third month), and retains it until
the foetus is fully developed (nine months), when, by
a contraction of its muscular walls, the offspring is
delivered through the vagina.
The Fallopian Tubes. — The Fallopian tubes or ovi-
ducts run from the upper angles of the uterus
toward the sides of the pelvis, and near their termina-
tion bend downward, backward, and inward. They
are 3 to 4 inches long, are at first narrow, then enlarge
near the extremity (ampulla), and end in a fimbriated
margin, one of the fimbriae being attached to the
ovary. The canal is very narrow at the uterine end
(ostium uterinum), begins to widen in the outer half
to form the ampulla, and at its termination again
narrows (ostium abdominale).
The tubes consist of a peritoneal coat, a muscular
coat composed of internal circular and external longi-
tudinal fibers, and a mucous coat. The latter is con-
tinuous at the inner aspect of the tube with the mem-
brane of the uterus, where it opens; and at the outer
extremity is continuous with the peritoneum and
communicates with the peritoneal cavity. The
epithelium is of the ciliated columnar variety, and is
thrown into longitudinal folds, more marked in the
outer half of the tube.
The Ovaries. — The ovaries correspond to the
testicles in the male, as far as the sex relation
is concerned, and produce the ovum or germ cell.
They are flattened, oval bodies, measuring 1^ inches
long, f inch wide, and ^ i^^^h thick; each w^eigh
60 to 100 grains. They are located in the ab-
dominal cavity on either side of the uterus, lodged
in the folds of peritoneum called the broad ligaments
of the uterus. The sides of each one and the convex
border are free, while the straight border is attached
to the broad ligament and receives the bloodvessels,
etc., at this point.
Its outer end is attached to the Fallopian tube by
the fimbria ovarica, its inner end to the uterus by
the ligament of the ovary, a dense, fibromuscular cord
attached to the uterus below and behind to the tube.
The Structure of the Ovary. — It consists of an external
thin connective-tissue membrane, and an internal thin
connective-tissue stroma, which supports the blood-
vessels, nerves, and non-striated muscle fibers, and
contain in its meshes the Graafian follicles. These
consist of spheric sacs and are present in large numbers
from the time of birth to the period of the menopause
(change of life). Each follicle consists of an external
investment of fibrous tissue and bloodvessels, and
an internal investment of cells, the membrana granu-
losa. At the lower portion of this membrane there is
an accumulation of cells, called the proligerous disk.
The cavity of each Graafian follicle contains fluid.
Fig. 148
Section of the ovary: 1. Outer covering, l'. Attached border. 2. Central
stroma. 3. Peripheral stroma. 4. Bloodvessels. 5. Graafian follicles in
their earliest stage. 6, 7, 8. More advanced follicles. 9. An almost mature
follicle. 9'. Follicle from which the ovum has escaped. 10. Corpus luteum.
(After Schron.)
yellowish in color, alkaline, and is composed of albu-
minous material. -From the Graafian follicle, and par-
ticularly the proligerous disk, the ovum or germ cell
is developed.
The Ovum or Germ Cell. — This is a spheric body
measuring 0.3 mm. in diameter. It consists of a
mass of living protoplasmic material, cytoplasm;
a nucleus or germinal vesicle, within which is seen a
nucleolus or germinal spot.
The cytoplasm surrounding the germinal vesicle
is granular in appearance, and is called the vitellus;
the outer margin of the cytoplasm is surrounded by
a delicately striated border called the zona pellucida.
The ovum is the cell which is fertilized by the
spermatozoon of the male and develops into the embryo
and its ultimate creation, the human being — the
Fig. 149
{fibrous coat)j
emhrana '
■th liquin
rolifici f -
scus pro-
mm vith ^
na j)('Uu-
a, germi-
il vesicle,
id germi-
\l spot Ji/OOll-
V.y •■:%■:■
Section through a Graafian follicle from an ape's ovary. X 90.
Ovulation. — This is the term used to describe the
process whereby the mature Graafian follicle ruptures
and the ovum is forced through the layers of the ovary.
When the female reaches the age of puberty (which varies
in different races and in certain climates) the Graafian
follicle develops and ripens or matures periodically,
about every twenty-eight days. When mature the
vesicle ruptures and the ovum and liquid contents
of the vesicle are discharged. The ovum is received
by the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube,
enters its cavity, wherein it is transferred through the
tube by the peristaltic action of its muscle fibers, aided
by the cilia of the lining epithelial cells, into the
body of the uterus, where it is fertilized, when mature,
by the spermatozoa — the germ cell of the male. The
ovum may be fertilized in the Fallopian tube. The
passage of the ovum from the ovary to the uterus
occupies approximately four to ten days. The ovum
undergoes a succession of changes, particularly the
nucleus, after it leaves the ovary before fertilization
can occur. (See Maturation, p. 35.)
Corpus luteum is a yellowish body which is present
in the ovum following the rupture of the Graafian
follicle and the ovum escapes into the oviduct (ovula-
tion). When the follicle ruptures the antrum fills with
blood and forms the corpus hemorrhagicum. This body
becomes organized and the hemoglobin is absorbed,
which leaves a yellowish body, due to the presence
of many large yellow cells called lutein cells. The
corpus luteum occurs every twenty-eight days. If
fecundation occurs the corpus luteum persists in the
ovum as a yellowish body as described above, and
persists throughout the term of pregnancy. How-
ever, if fecundation does not occur the corpus luteum
shortly contracts, becomes whitish and forms the corpus
The latter change is supposed to be due to a fatty
degeneration of the lutein cells. The corpus luteum
is considered a periodic self-developing gland with an
internal secretion. Ovulation and menstruation have
a close relationship. Menstruation signifies a frus-
trated ovulation and the discharge of a hyperemic
membrane from the uterus. Rupture of the Graafian
follicle occurs on an average nine days in advance of
the bleeding.^ While the ovum is moving along the
tube the transformation of the membrana granulosa,
of the ruptured Graafian follicle, to the corpus luteum
is taking place. The tenth day before menstruation
is the surest time for impregnation.
There are many theories on the above which are not
mentioned as they are beyond the scope of this book.
Menstruation. — This is a process characterized by a
discharge of blood from the vagina, which takes place
periodically, except during pregnancy and lactation,
when the mammary glands are secreting milk. It
occurs from the time of puberty to the menopause
(change of live). Ordinarily it comes on every four
weeks and lasts from three to five days. It varies
as to frequency and duration in different individuals.
The age at which the menses (periodic sickness)
commences, varies in different countries, being earlier
in warm and later in cold climates. The average age
in a temperate climate is about the fourteenth to
fifteenth year.
There have been several theories expressed in
regard to the changes taking place in the mucous
membrane of the uterus at the time of menstruation.
Some authorities claim that the entire mucous mem-
brane of the uterus is broken down and thrown off in
the menstrual flow. Again, others claim that there is
no destruction of tissue, and the menses results from
a thickening of the mucous membrane of the uterus
(womb), engorgement of its superficial bloodvessels,
followed by the escape of blood, due in part to the
rupturing of these vessels, and the passing of blood
through the walls of the arteries (diapedesis). Follow-
ing the period of hemorrhage a certain amount of
degeneration of the cells takes place in the mucous
1 The above facts as per Dr. Miller, Berliner klinische Wochen-
schrift, May 5, 1913; N. Y. Med. Journal.
membrane of the uterus, which is followed by a period
of repair when an entirely new membrane is formed.
Thus the changes taking place in the uterus during
menstruation last for several days (sixteen) as follows:
Five days for engorgement of the membrane, four
days for the bleeding or menses proper, and seven days
for the repair of the membrane after the bleeding stops.
The menopause is the term given to the cessation
of the menstrual flow. It occurs usually at about the
forty-fifth year. Cases have been reported where it
has stopped as early as the twenty-eighth or thirtieth
year, and extended on the other extreme to the fiftieth
1. How long is the female urethra?
2. Where does it open and what organ does it empty during
3. Name the internal organs of reproduction.
4. Give the location of the uterus. Its dimensions.
5. Name the portions of the uterus.
6. What structures open into the cavity of the uterus at the
superior angles?
7. Into what does the cervix of the uterus open?
8. What forms the wall of the uterus?
9. What type of epithelium lines the body of the uterus?
10. Name the ligaments of the uterus.
11. What structures are found between the layers of the broad
12. How long are the Fallopian tubes?
13. What coats form their walls?
14. Does the Fallopian tube communicate with the cavity of the
uterus? The peritoneal cavity?
15. What variety of epithelium is found in the mucous membrane
of the Fallopian tube?
16. What cell is produced in the ovary which represents the
female portion of reproduction?
17. Where are the ovaries located? Give dimensions, weight.
18. What structure is attached to the outer extremity of the
19. Describe a Graafian follicle. Give contents.
20. From which group of cells in the Graafian follicle is the ovum
or germ cell developed?
21. What must fertilize the ovum to reproduce the offspring?
22. What do you understand by ovulation? How often does it
23. How does a mature ovum reach the cavity of the uterus?
Symbols and Abbreviations for Apothecaries' or Troy
gr., Granurn. A grain.
3, Scrupulus. A scruple, equal to 20 grains.
3, Drachma. A drachm, equal to 60 grains.
5, Uncia. An ounce, equal to 480 grains,
lb. Libra. A pound of 12 ounces of 480 grains each.
Table of Troy or Apothecaries' Weights
20 grs. =13.
60 grs. = 1 3 or 3 3.
8 3=15.
12 5=1 ib.
Symbols and Abbreviations for Apothecaries' or Wine
gtt, Gutta. A drop.
TTl, Minimum. A minim is the sixtieth part of a fiuidrachm.
f3, Fluidrachma. A fiuidrachm is the eighth part of a fluid
ounce or 60 minims.
f3 , Fluiduncia. A fluidounce, equal to 480 minims or sixteentli
of a pint.
O, Octarius. A pint of 16 fiuidounces.
Cong., Congius. A gallon of 8 pints or 128 fiuidounces.
83, means half, as 3ss, | drachm.
Table of Wine or Apothecaries' Measures
meo = f3j.
f3 8 = f5j or 480 minims.
f516 = Oj.
02 = 1 quart or f532.
08 = 1 cong. gallon.
1 teaspoonful = f3j-
1 dessertspoonful = f3ij-
1 tablespoonful = i^sa or f3iv.
Wineglass = fSJ-
Teacup = f5iv.
Abdomen. (From the Latin word abdere, "to hide.") The portion
of the body included between the thorax and pelvis, which contains
the stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, etc.
Abducens. A nerve to the external rectus muscle of the eye, which
abducts it.
Abduction. (From the Latin word ab, "from;" ducere, "to lead.")
The withdrawal of a part from the axis of the body, organ, or limb.
Abductor. Muscles which draw the part away from the axis of the
body, organ, or limb.
Abductor Hallucis. Abductor of the big toe. See Hallux.
Abductor Minimi Digiti. Abductor of the little toe or finger.
Abductor Pollicis. Abductor of the thumb. See Pollicis.
Absorption. (From the Latin word absorbere, "to suck in.") The
passage from without into the capillary or lymphatic vessels of nutri-
tive or waste materials from the tissues.
Accessorius. (Flexor muscle.) Aids the flexor longus digitorum
muscle to contract. The lumbricales are also called accessory muscles.
Accessory. (From the Latin word accessorius.) Aiding in pro-
ducing some effect, as an auxiliarj^, to muscles, glands, nerves, etc.
Acetabulum. (From the Latin word acetabulum, "a little cup for
holding vinegar [acetum].")
Acid in Reaction. Is a term used to express the response to a certain
test (litmus paper), as to the acidity of a clinical solution, secretion,
excretion from the body, or any of its organs, membranes, etc.
Acromial (process). Pertaining to the acromion.
Acromion. (From the Greek words meaning summit, shoulder.)
The outtn' extremity of the spine of the scapula.
Adductors. Muscles which draw the part toward the axis of the
body, organ, or limb.
Adductor Brevis. The short adductor (thigh).
Adductor Longus. The long adductor (thigh).
Adductor Magnus. The large adductor (thigh).
Adductor Obliquus Hallucis. The oblique adductor of the big toe.
See Hallux.
Adductor Obliquus Pollicis. The oblique adductor of the thumb.
See Pollicis.
Adductor Transversus Hallucis. The transverse adductor of the
big toe.
Adductor Transversus Pollicis. The transverse adductor of the
Adduction. (From the Latin words ad, "to;" ducere, "to lead.")
The drawing of a part toward the axis of the body, organ, or limb.
Adenoid. Resembling a gland, as glandular tissue.
Adipose (Tissue). (From the Latin word adeps, "fat.") Fatty.
AdrenaL (From the Latin words ad, "near to;" ren, "the kidney.")
Adjacent to the kidney.
Adventitia. (From the Latin word adventitius, "foreign.") The
outer coat of a bloodvessel.
Afferent. (From the Latin word afferens, "carrying to.") Carrying
to the centre. Sensor nerves conveying impulses from the periphery
to the ganglia of the spinal cord, and to the centres in the brain.
Alkaline in Reaction. Is a term used to express the response to a
certain test (litmus-paper), as to the alkalinity of a chemical solution,
secretion, or excretion from the body or any of its organs, membranes, etc.
Alveolar. (From the Latin word alveolus, "a small hollow.") Per-
taining to an alveolus.
Alveolus (pi. i). A small hollow. As the spaces in the lungs at
the end of the bronchioles.
Ameba. (From the Greek word ameibo, "to change.") A colorless,
single-celled, jelly-like, protoplasmic organism found in sea and fresh
waters, constantly undergoing changes of form and nourishing itself
by englobing surrounding objects.
Ameboid. Resembling an ameba in its movements. As a white
cell of the blood.
Amphiarthrosis. (Around a joint.) A mixed articulation permitting
slight motion.
Ampulla (Vater). (From the Latin word meaning a narrow-necked
vessel shaped like a jug, in which the ancient Romans conveyed jellies
or ointments) . A portion of the membrane of the duodenum where the
common bile duct and pancreatic duct open. Ampulla, any space
shaped as above.
Amyelinic. Without a myelin sheath.
Amylose. (From the Greek word meaning starch.) Any one of
the group of carbohydrates, comprising starch, glycogen, dextrin.
Anabolism. Constructive metabolism. Activity and repair of
function by the tissues, opposed to katabolism.
Anastomose. To communicate with each other, as arteries, veins,
lymphatics, etc.
Anastomosis. The communication between arteries, veins, and
lymphatics within the skin, muscles, organs, etc.
Anatomic. Relating or belonging to anatomy.
Annular (ligament). (From the Latin word annulus, "a ring.")
Ring-like. The ligament surrounding the wrist and ankle.
Annulus Ovalis. "The oval ring." The oval margin of the foramen
ovale in the interauricular wall of the heart. (Ovalis from the Latin
word ovum, "an egg.")
Antebrachium. (From the Latin word ante, "before"; brachium,
"arm.") The forearm.
Antecubital. The a space in front of the elbow-joint.
Anterior. Perforated space. An irregular quadrate space, situated
at the inferior surface of the cerebrum, between the olfactory trigone
and the optic chiasm and tract.
Antr^n (Highmore). A hollow cavity found in each maxilla bone.
The aiimim: any hollow cavity or space.
Apex. The tip, point, or extremity of anything.
Aponeurosis. A fibrous, membranous expansion of a tendon giving
attachment to muscles or serving to enclose and bind down muscles.
Appendicular. (From the Latin word appendicula, "a small appen-
dix. See Appendix.) Pertaining to the extremities of the body.
Appendix (vermiform). (From the Latin word appendere, 'Ho hang
upon or to.") An appendage.
Aqueductus. (From the Latin words aqua, "water;" ductus, "a
leading.") Any canal for the passage of fluid. Nerves, arteries, etc.,
in structures of the body.
Aqueous. (From the Latin word aqua, "water.") Watery, as the
aqueous humor within the eye-ball.
Arachnoid. Resembhng a spider's web. A membrane of the spinal
cord and brain between the pia and dura mater.
Arbor Vitae. (From the Latin words arbor, "a tree;" vitae, "of
life.") The appearance of a structure resembling the evergreen tree;
as seen on cutting the cerebellum in a longitudinal section, also the
similar appearance of the folds of the mucous membrane of the neck
of the uterus.
Areolar. (From the Latin word areola, dim. of area, "an open
space.") Relating to areola (pi. ae). Any minute space in a tissue,
as seen in cellular or loose connective tissue.
Artefact. (From the Latin words arte, "by art;" factum, "made.")
A structure or tissue which has been changed from its natural state.
(Can only be seen by the microscope.)
Arteriole. (From the Latin word arteriola, a small artery.) A very
small artery continued from the larger arteries and ends in the capillary.
Artery. (From the Greek meaning "to keep air." The ancients
always though the arteries contained air.) A closed tube which con-
veys the blood, propelled by the heart, to all parts of the body and
terminates as the arterioles and capillaries.
Arthrosis. (From the Greek meaning "to fasten by a joint.")
Articulation or jointing, as the extremities of bones are joined by
Articular. (From the Latin word articularis, "of the joint.")
Pertaining to an articulation or joint.
Arjrtenoid, Resembling the mouth of a pitcher.
Asternal. Not connected with the sternum, as the false ribs.
Astragalus. (Named from the Greek meaning a dice, named from
the fact that the ancients used the corresponding bones of the sheep
as dice.) The ankle bone upon which the tibia rests.
Atlas. The first vertebra of the spinal column articulating with the
occipital bone and thus sustaining the globe of the head, whence the
name. (Any support or prop is termed an atlas, based on the belief
of the ancient Greeks that the gods (Atlantes) bore up the pillars of
heaven, which were named after Mount Atlas in Western Africa.)
Atrioventricidar. Relating to both the atrium (auricle) and ventricle
of the heart.
Atrium, (The forecourt or hall.) That part of the auricle of the
heart into which the venous blood is poured.
Auriculo ventricular. (From the Latin words auricula, "ear;" ven-
triculus, "ventricle.") Relating to an auricle and ventricle of the
Axial. (From the Latin word axis, see Axis.) Pertaining to the
centre or situated in an axis.
Axilla. The arm-pit.
Axillary. Pertaining to the axilla.
Axis. (From the Latin word axis, "an axletree.") An imaginary
line passing through the centre of a body. The second cervical ver-
tebra Arterial axis: A short artery which breaks up into several
Axone or Axis-cylinder. (From the Latin axis, "an axletree.") The
essential part of a nerve cell which conducts nerve impulses.
Basilar. Pertaining to the base.
Basilic (vein). (From the Greek meaning royal.) Eminent, illus-
trious. The large vein on the inner side of the arm.
Biceps (muscle). (From the Latin words bis, "twice;" caput,
"head.") Having two heads.
Brachialis Anticus (muscle). In front of the arm.
Brachiocephalic (artery and vein). Pertaining to the arm and
Bronchial. Relating to the bronchus.
Bronchiole. (Dim. of bronchus.) One of the smallest subdivisions
of a bronchus.
Bronchus (pi. i). (From the Greek meaning windpipe.) One of
the primary divisions of the trachea.
Buccal. (From the Latin word bucca, "cheek.") Pertaining to
the cheek.
Buccinator (muscle). From the Latin word buccinare, "to blow
the trumpet.") So called from its use in blowing the trumpet, etc.
Bursa. (From the Latin word "purse.") A small sac interposed
between parts that move upon one another.
Bursal. Pertaining to bursa.
Bifid. (From the Latin words bis, "twice;" findere, "to cleave.")
Divided into two parts.
Bipolar. (From the Latin words bi, "two;" polus, a "pole").
Having two poles. Nerve cells having two prolongations of their
cell matter are termed bipolar.
Blastodermic Vesicle. Pertains to the blastoderm. (The germinal
membrane formed by the cells of the morula or mulberry mass, lying
on the internal surface of the vitelline membrane of the impregnated
Blastula. The blastodermic vesicle.
Brachial (artery). (From the Latin word brachium, "arm.") Per-
taining to the arm. B. artery: continuation of the axillary artery in
the arm.
Brachium. (From the Latin word brachium, "arm.") The arm,
from the shoulder to elbow.
Calcaneum (bone). (From the Latin word calx, "a heel.") The
bone of the heel, also os calcis.
Calices (pi. of Calix). (From the Latin word calix, "a cup or
chalice.") Cup-like depressions of the membrane of the pelvis of the
ureter which surround and collect the urine from the papilla of the
Canaliculus. (From the Latin word canaliculus, "a small channel or
canal.") Any one of the minute canals opening into the lacunae
(lakes) of bones.
Cancellous. (From the Latin word cancelli, "lattice-work.") Re-
sembling lattice-work, as the tissue in the articular ends of long bones.
Capillary. (From the Latin word capillus, "a hair.") Hair-like.
A minute bloodvessel connecting the arterioles and venules.
Capitellum. (Dim. of the Latin word caput, "a head.") A small
Carbon Dioxide. An acid, gaseous product having the composition
of one atom of carbon to two of oxygen (CO2). It is formed in the
tissues as a result of metabolism. When inhaled or accumulated
in the tissues in excess it will destroy animal life by asphyxiation. It
kills by depressing the respiratory centre.
Cardiac. Pertaining to the heart or the cardia of the stomach.
Carpus. The wrist. Eight bones collectively form it.
Cava Vena. (From the Latin words cavus, "sl hollow;" vena,
"a vein.") The large veins which open and empty venous blood
into the right auricle of the heart from the systemic veins.
Cavernous (sinus). (Caverna, a cave.) Having hollow spaces.
The venous sinus at the sides of the body of the sphenoid bone. It
lodges the carotid artery and its sheath, and nerves to the eye muscles.
Celiac. Pertaining to the belly.
Cellular. (From the Latin word cella, "a cell.") Pertaining to or
composed of cells.
Centrifugal. (From the Latin words centrum, "to centre;" fugere,
to fly,") Receding from the centre to the periphery. C. nerve: One
which conducts impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the periphery.
Centripetal. (From the Latin word centrum, "centre;" petere,
"to seek.") TraveUng from the periphery toward the centre. C.
nerve: One which conveys impulses from the periphery toward the
brain and spinal cord.
Cephalic. Pertaining to the head.
Cerebellar. (Dim. of cerebrum.) Pertaining to the cerebellum.
Cerebellum. (Dim. of cerebrum.) The lower part of the brain
lying below the cerebrum and above the pons and medulla.
Cerebral. Pertaining to the cerebrum.
Cerebrum. (From the Latin word cerebrum, "brain.") The chief
portion of the brain.
Cervical. (From the Latin word cervix, "a neck.") Pertaining
to the neck — of the body, organ, etc.
Cervix. A neck, or constricted portion.
Chemic or Chemical. Of or pertaining to chemistry.
Chiasm (optic). (From the Greek meaning "to make a cross, as
an X.") The optic commissure, where the fibers of the optic nerves
meet and cross to pass to the optic tracts.
Chondroblast. A cell of developing cartilage.
Chordae Tendineae. Tendinous strings, which are attached by
their two ends to the papillary muscles and margins of the auriculo-
ventricular valves in the ventricles of the heart.
Chromatin. (From the Greek word meaning color.) The portion
of the protoplasm of a cell which takes the stain; forming a delicate
net-work of fibrils permeating the achromatin of a cell. Achromatin:
The opposite of chromatin.
Chyle. The milk-white fluid absorbed by the lacteals during
Chsone. Food that has undergone gastric digestion and has not
been acted upon by the bile, pancreatic, and intestinal secretions.
Cilia. (From the Latin word cilium, *'an eyelash.") The eye-
lashes. The hair-like appendages of certain epithelial cells, the func-
tion of which is to propel fluid or secretion.
Ciliary. Pertaining to the eyelash. Relating to ciliary movement.
Ciliated. Having cilia.
Circumduction. (From the Latin words circum, "around;" ducere,
"to lead.") The movement of a limb in such a manner that its
extremity describes a circle, the nearest end being fixed.
Clavicle. (From the Latin word clavus, "a key.") The collar-bone
Clinoid. (From the Greek meaning beet-like.) Resembling a beet.
The clinoid processes of the sphenoid bone.
Coagulation. (From the Latin word coagulatio, "sb clotting.")
The formation of a clot as in blood or milk.
Coaptation. The adjustment of parts to each other.
Coccyx. (From the Greek word meaning a cuckoo, resembling the
bill.) The last bone of the vertebral column.
Cochlea. The cavity of the internal ear, which resembles a snail
Coeliac. (See Celiac.)
Coitus. (From the Latin word coitio, "a going together.") The
act of sexual connection.
Collateral. (From the Latin words con, "together;" laterahs, "of
the side.") Accessory or secondary.
Columnae Cameae (heart). (Lt., the fleshy columns.) The mus-
cular columns projecting from the inner surface of the ventricles of
the heart.
Columnae Rugarum (vagina). (From the Latin word columnae,
"columns;" rugarum, "of the folds or ridges.") The columns of ridges.
Commissure. (From the Latin words com, "together;" mittere, "to
send.") That which unites two parts.
Compressor Narium Minor. The small compressor of the nostrils.
Compressor Nasi. The compressor of the nose.
Concave. (From the Latin words con, "together;" cavus, "hollow.")
Hollow, incurved, as the inner surface of a hollow sphere.
Condyle. (From the Greek word meaning a knuckle). -'Any rounded
eminence such as occurs in the joints or parts of many of the bones.
Condyloid. Resembling a condyle.
Connective. To connect; as C. tissue.
Contiguous. (From the Latin word contiguus from the verb con-
tingere, "to touch;" as it were, on all sides.) In actual or close
contact; touching; adjacent
^^ Conus Arteriosus (heart). From the Latin word conus, "a cone.")
The arterial cone. The cone-shaped eminence of the right ventricle
of the heart, whence arises the pulmonary artery.
Convex. (From the Latin words com, "together," vehere "to
carry.") Elevated and regularly rounded.
Coracoid. (From the Greek words meaning "the likeness, a crow.")
Resembling a crow's beak.
Cornicula Laryngis. Little horn of the larynx, cartilage of larynx
Santorini, named after the man who described it first, Santorini.
Cornua. (From the Latin word cornu, "a horn.") A name applied
to any excrescence resembling a horn.
Coronal. (From the Latin word corona, "a crown.") Encircling
like a crown, pertaining to the crown of the head.
Coronoid. Resembling a crown.
Corporeal. (From the Latin word corporeus, from corpus, "a
body.") Having a body. Pertaining to the body. C. circulation: of
the body.
Corpus Callosum. (From the Latin word corpus, "a body;" callosus,
from callus, "callous or hard-skinned.") The callous body. The
broad band of white matter connecting the two hemispheres of the
Corpuscle. (Dim. of corpus, "a body.") A small body.
Corpus Hemorrhagicum. The hemorrhagic body, formed when the
bloodvessels of the Graafian follicle rupture after the escape of the
Corrugator Supercilii (muscle). The wrinkler of the eyebrow.
Cortex. (From the Latin word cortex, "bark.") The bark of a
tree, hence the outer covering, as the cortex cerebri, covering of the
cerebrum; cortex renalis, covering of the kidney; The outer portion
of an organ is called the cortex,
Costa (pi. se). (From the Latin word costa, "a rib.") The rib.
Costal. Pertaining to the rib.
"• Cranium. (From the Greek word meaning cranium). The bony
cavity that contains the brain, its membranes and vessels.
Cribriform. (From the Latin word cribrum, "a sieve;" forma,
"form."; Perforated like a sieve.
Cricoid. Ring-shaped.
Cricothyroid. Pertaining to the cricoid and thyroid cartilages.
Crista (GalK). (From the Latin word crista, "crest.") The crista
galli; cock's crest.
Crucial. (From the Latin word crux, "a cross.") Resembling a
Crura Cerebri. (The legs of the cerebrum.) The peduncles of the
cerebrum which connect it with the pons Crura cerebelli; any one of
the cerebellar peduncles.
Crus (pi. crura). (From the Latin word crus, "a leg, support.")
Cubic Centimeter (c.c). Is the unit of measurement used in the
metric system for fluids in place of the gram; one cubic centimeter
representing 1 fluid gram.
Cuboid. Resembling a cube.
Cuboidal. Nearly like the shape of a cube.
Cuneiform. From the Latin words cuneus, "a wedge;" forma,
"shape.") Wedge-shaped.
Cutaneous. (From the Latin word cutis, "skin.") Pertaining to
the skin.
Cuticle. (Dim. of cutis.) The epidermis (upper layer of skin).
Cutis (skin). The derma or true skin.
Cyanotic. Referring to cyanosis (a bluish discoloration of the skin
and lips from deficient oxidation of the blood, caused by local or
general circulatory disturbance).
Cylindrical. Having the form of a cylinder.
Cystic. (From the Greek word meaning a pouch). Pertaining to
or resembling a pouch. Pertaining to the gall-bladder.
Deciduous. (From the Latin words de, ''from;" cadere, "to fall.)
Falling off. The deciduous teeth; temporary or milk teeth.
Decussate. (From the Latin word decussatus, "crossed.") To
intersect, to cross.
Decussation. (From the Latin word decussatio, a crossing.) An
X-shape crossing, especially of symmetric parts, as of nerve fibers,
nerve tracts. The chief decussations are that of the optic nerves in the
chiasm, and that of the crossed pyramidal tracts in the medulla.
Defecation. The evacuation of the bowels.
Deglutition. (From the Latin word deglutitio, "a swallowing.")
The act of swallowing, food, water, etc.
Deltoid (muscle). Having the shape of the Greek letter Delta, A;
Dendraxones. Branching in appearance, like a tree.
Dendrite. (From the Greek word meaning a tree.) Branching
like a tree. The processes of a nerve cell or neurone which increases
its functional surface for the conduction of nerve impulses.
Dentations. Resembling the form of a tooth, as a toothed or serrated
Dentoplasm. A tooth-like arrangement of the plasma.
Depressors. (From the Latin word deprimere, "to depress.") A
group of muscles which depress or lower any bone or organs by their
Depressor Alas Nasi. Depressor of the wing of the nose.
Depressor Anguli Oris. Depressor of the angle of the mouth.
Depressor Labii Inferioris. Depressor of the lower lip. ^
Derma. (From the Greek word meaning the skin.) The true skin.
Dextroses. (From the Latin word dexter, "right.") A group of
sugars that rotate polarized light to the right.
Dialysis. The separation of several substances from each other in
solution by taking advantage of their different diffusibility through
porous membranes. Those that pass through readily are termed
crystalloids, those that do not colloids.
Diaphragm. (From the Greek words meaning across and wall.)
The musculomembranous partition which separates the thorax from
the abdomen.
Diapedesis. The passage of the blood through the unruptured
vessel wall.
Diarthrosis. The connection of two bones admitting of free motion
between them, as at the articulations.
Diastole. (From the Greek word meaning a drawing apart ) The
period of dilatation of a chamber of the heart.
Diffuse. Scattered; not limited to one tissue or spot.
Digastric (muscle). Having two bellies.
Digestion. (From the Latin word digerere, "to digest.") Those
processes whereby the food taken into the aUmentary canal is made
capable of being absorbed and assimilated by the tissues.
Dilator Naris Anterior (muscle). Anterior dilator of the nostril.
Dilator Naris Posterior (muscle). Posterior dilator of the nostril.
Diploblast. (From the Greek words meaning double sprout.)
Formed of two layers.
Diploe. (From the Greek word meaning a fold.) The cancellous
bony tissue between the outer and inner tables of the skull.
Disintegration. (From the Latin words dis, "apart; "integer,
the whole.") The act of breaking up or decomposing.
Distal. (From the Latin word distare, "to be at a distance.")
Extreme; at the greatest distance from a central point.
Diverging. To proceed from a common point in different directions.
Dorsal. (From the Latin word dorsum, "back.") Pertaining to
the back of the body or organ, etc.
Dorsalis Pedis. The back of the foot.
Dorsum. The back or posterior of the body, organ, etc. (See
Duct. (From the Latin word ducere, "to lead.") A tube or channel,
especially one for conveying the secretions of a gland.
Ductus Arteriosus. A short vessel in the fetus connecting the
pulmonary artery with the aorta.
Ductus Communicus Choledochus. The common bile duct.
(Literally, the duct which receives the bile.) The common excretory
duct of the Hver and gall-bladder.
Ductus Venosus. A branch of the umbilical vein in the fetus which
empties directly into the ascending vena cava.
Duodenum. (From the Latin word duodeni, "twelve each." So
called because it is about twelve finger-breadths in length.) The
first part of the small intestine .
Dura Mater. (From the Latin words dura, "hard;" mater,
"mother.") The fibrous membrane forming the outer covering of the
brain and spinal cord.
Ectoderm. (From the Greek words meaning outside, the skin.)
The outer of the two primitive layers of the blastodermic vesicle in
the embryo.
Edema. Is a swelling of the subcutaneous tissues of the body due
to an abnormal or excessive transudation of the fluid portion of the
blood into or its abnormal retention in the lymph spaces.
Efferent. (From the Latin word efferens, "carrying from.") Carry-
ing away, as the efferent nerves conveying impulses away from the
central nerve system; also bloodvessels and lymphatic vessels con-
veying blood and lymph respectively from the tissues.
Embryo. (From the Greek words meaning within, to swell with).
The product of conception up to the fourth month.
Embryonic. Pertaining to the embryo.
Emissive. Sending out, as nerve impulses.
Enarthrosis. A ball-and-socket joint. Like the articulation of the
hip and femur.
Encephalon. (From the Greek word meaning brain.) Brain.
Endo. A prefix meaning within.
Endocardium. (Within the heart.) The serous membrane lining
the interior of the heart.
Endolymph. The fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the ear,
Endomysium. (Within a muscle.) The connective tissue between
the fibrils of a muscle bundle.
Endoneurium. (Within a nerve.) The delicate connective tissue
holding together the fibrils of a bundle of nerves.
Endosteum. (Within the bone.) The vascular membranous layer
of connective tissue lining the medullary cavity of long bones.
Endothelial (cells). Flat cells found on the inner surface of vessels
and spaces that do not communicate with the external air.
Endothelium. (From the Greek words meaning within, the nipple.)
See Endothelial (cell).
Entoderm. (From the Greek words meaning within, skin). The
inner of the two layers of cells in the blastodermic vesicles of the
Enzyme. Any ferment formed within the living organism.
Ependymal. Relating to the ependyma — the lining membrane
of the cerebral ventricles and of the central canal of the spinal cord.
Epiblast. Same as ectoderm. (See ectoderm.)
Epicranial. Relating to epicranium; the structures covering the
Epidermis. (From the Greek words meaning upon, the skin.)
The outer or superficial layer of the skin.
Epigastric. Relating to the epigastrium.
Epigastrium. (From the Greek words meaning upon, the stomach.)
The upper and middle part of the abdominal surface, corresponding
to the location of the stomach.
Epimysium. (Upon a muscle.) The sheath of areolar tissue sur-
rounding a muscle.
Epineurium. (Upon a nerve.) The connective-tissue sheath of a
nerve trunk.
Epiphysis. (From the Greek words meaning upon, to grow.) A
process of bone attached for a time to another bone by cartilage, but
soon becoming consolidated with the principal bone.
Epitendinium. (Upon a tendon.) The connective-tissue sheath
of a tendon.
Epithelial. (From the Greek words meaning upon, a nipple.) Per-
taining to epithelium.
Epithelium. (Upon a nipple.) The group of cells that forms the
epidermis (outer skin), that lines all membranes of canals that com-
municate with the external air, and that are specialized for secretion
in certain glands, as the liver, kidney, etc.
Equilibrium. (From the Latin words aequus "equal;" libra,
"balance.") A state of balance.
• Erythrocyte. A red-blood corpuscle (a small body).
Esophagus or (Esophagus. (From the Greek words meaning to
carry, to eat.) The gullet. The musculomembranous canal, about
9 inches long, extending from the pharynx to the cardiac end of the
Ethmoid (bone). (From the Greek words meaning a sieve, likeness.)
Excretion. (From the Latin word excernere, "to excrete.") The
discharge of waste products or excretions resulting from metabolism,
by the skin, kidneys, etc.
Extension. (From the Latin word extendere, "to stretch out.")
A straightening out, especially the muscular movements by which
a limb or joint is extended.
Extensors. (A group of muscles which straighten or extend a limb
or part of the body.
Extensor Brevis Digitorum. The short extensor of the toes (digits).
Extensor Brevis Pollicis. The short extensor of the thumb.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longior and Brevier. The long extensor of
the radial side of the wrist and the short extensor of the same side.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. The extensor of the ulnar side of the wrist.
Extensor Communis Digitorum. The common extensor of the
fingers (digits).
Extensor Indicis Proprius. The extensor of the index finger.
Extensor Longus Digitorum. The long extensor of the fingers
Extensor Longus Hallucis. The long extensor of the big toe (hallux).
Extensor Longus Pollicis. The long extensor of the thumb.
Extensor Minimi Digiti. The extensor of the little finger (digit.)
Extensor Ossis Metacarpi Pollicis. The extensor of the metacarpal
bone of the thumb.
Extrinsic. (From the Latin word extrinsicus, "from without.")
External, not directly belonging to a part.
Facet. (From the French word facette, "a little face.") A small
plane or smooth surface on a bone, usually referring to the articular
Falces (pi.) Cerebri et Cerebelli. The sickle-shaped processes of
dura mater between the cerebrum and cerebellum, respectively.
Falciform. (From the Latin words falx, "a sickle;" forma, "form.")
Having the shape of a sickle.
Falx, falcis (Latin). A sickle.
Fascia. (From the Latin word fascia, "a band.") The areolar
tissue forming the layers beneath the skin, which forms sheaths for
muscles and vessels.
Fascia Lata. (Broad fascia.) The fascia of the thigh.
Fasciculus. (Dim. of the Latin word fascis, a bundle.") A little
bundle; as of muscle fibers. ^
Fauces. (From the Latin word fauces, "a throat.") The space at
the back of the mouth communicating with the pharynx, surrounded
by the soft palate and uvula and tonsils.
Fauces (isthmus of). The opening at the back of the mouth leading
into the pharynx, bounded on the sides by the arches of the soft
palate, the uvula above, the base of the tongue below.
Fecundation. (From the Latin word fecundus, "fruitful.") The
act of making fruitful; impregnation; as the spermatozoon (male)
fecundates the ovum (female).
Femoral. Pertaining to the femur, as arteries, veins, and muscles.
Femur. (From the Latin word femur, "thigh bone.")
Fenestra Ovalis. (From the I^atin words fenestra, "a window;"
ovalis, "egg-shaped," from ovum, "an egg.") The oval window
located in the vestibule of the internal ear; which communicates with
the middle ear or tympanum closed in life by the stapes, an ossicle
of the ear. (See Ossicle.)
Ferment. (From the Latin word fermentum, "leaven, yeast.")
Any substance which in contact with another substance is capable
of setting up changes — called fermentation — in the latter, without
itself undergoing much change. Ferments are classified into unorgan-
ized or soluble, and organized, or living ferments.
Fermentation. The decomposition of complex molecules of chemical
bodies or substances under the influence of ferments — called enzymes.
Fetus. (From the Latin word fetus, "offspring"). The unborn off-
spring of vivaparous (producing young in a living state) animals in the
later stage of development.
FibrocartiUge. Cartilage with fibrous tissue intermixed.
Fibrous (From the Latin word fibra, "a fiber.") Containing fibers;
of the character of fibrous tissue.
Fibula. (Latin, "a buckle.") The bone on the outer side of the leg.
Fibular. Pertaining to the fibula.
Filium Terminate. A long, slender thread of nerve fibers enclosed
by the dura mater, practically the termination of the spinal cord.
Fimbriae (pi. of fimbria). (From the Latin word fimbria, "a fringe").
A fringe. The fimbriae of the Fallopian tube; the fringe-like processes
of the outer extremity of the tube.
Fimbriated . Fringed .
Flexion. (From the Latin word flecture, "to bend.") The act of
bending, especially the muscular movements by which a limb or
joint is bent.
Flexors. A group of muscles which bend a limb or part of the
body. The opposite of the extensors.
Flexor Brevis Digitorum. The short flexor of the toes.
Flexor Brevis Hallucis. The short flexor of the big toe.
Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti. The flexor of the little finger and toe.
Flexor Brevis Pollicis. The short flexor of the thumb.
Flexor Carpi Radialis. The flexor of the radial side of the wrist.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. The flexor of the ulnar side of the wrist.
Flexor Longus Digitorum. The long flexor of the toes.
Flexor Longus Hallucis. The long flexor of the big toe. (See Hallux.)
Flexor Longus Pollicis. The long flexor of the thumb. (See Polhcis.)
Flexor Profundus Digitorum. The deep flexor of the fingers.
Flexor Sublimis Digitorum. The superficial flexor of the fingers.
Follicle. (From the Latin word folliculus, a dim. of follis, "bellows.")
Arranged in the form of a little sac, as the lymph, hair follicles, etc.
Fontanelle. (From the Latin word fontanella, "a little fountain.")
A membranous space between the angles*ibf junction of the sutures
of the cranial bones in fetal life and infan^.
Foramen Magnum. The great opening. In occipital bone.
Foramen Ovalis. The oval opening. In the waU between the
auricles of the heart in the fetus, and for ten days to two weeks it
persists in infant hearts.
Foramen Rotundum. The round opening. In sphenoid bone.
Foramina or Foramen. (From the Latin word forare, to pierce.)
An opening or perforation, especially a bone.
Fossa (pi. ae). (Latin, fossa, "a ditch.") A depression or ditch.
Fossa Ovalis. The oval ditch.
Fovea. (From the Latin, "a small ditch.") A small depression.
-- Funiculus. (Dim. of the Latin word funis, "a rope or cord.") A
cord-like structure.
Fuse. (From the Latin word fundere, "to pour out."«) To unite with.
Fusiform. (From the Latin words fusus, "a spindle;" forma,
"shape.") Spindle-shape.
Galactophorous. Milk-bearing.
Ganglion or Ganglia. (From the Greek word meaning a knot.) A
well-defined group of nerve cells and fibers forming an underlying
nerve centre.
Gastric. (From the Greek word meaning stomach.) Pertaining to
the stomach.
Gastrocnemius. A double-head muscle forming with the soleus
the calf of the leg.
Genitals (Genitalia). (From the Latin word genitalis, "pertaining
to generation," from gignere, "to beget.") Relating to the organs of
generation or reproduction in the male or female.
Genito-urinary. Relating to the genitalia and urinary organs.
Germinal. (From the Latin word germen, "a germ.") Pertaining
to the development of a tissue or organ.
Gestation. (From the Latin word gestare, "to bear.") Pregnancy,
Glenoid. Resembling a shallow cavity.
Glia (cells). (From the Greek word meaning glue.) The cells
found in the neuroglia (the tissue which forms the basis of the sup-
porting frame- work of the nerve tissue of the cerebrospinal system) .
Globule. (From the dim. of the Latin word globus, "a ball.")
A small spheric body, as fat globules, etc.
Glomerulus. (From the Latin word glomerulus, ''a little ball.") A
small, rounded mass, as the coil of bloodvessels projecting into the
expanded end of each uriniferous tubule and with it forming the
Malpighian body or corpuscle.
Glottis, idis (Rima). The space between the vocal cords.
Gluteus. (From the Greek word meaning buttock.) Referring to
muscles of the buttock.
Gluteus Maximus. The greatest of the buttock. (Literal trans-
Gluteus Medius. The medium-sized of the buttock.
Gluteus Minimus. The smallest of the buttock
Glycogen. A carbohj^drate found in the liver cells. It is stored
in the liver, where it is converted, as the system requires, into sugar
(glucose) .
Gramme (gm.) . The unit of the measurement by weight of the metric
system of weights and measures. 1 gm, = 15.432 grains.
Granular. (From the Latin word granula, "a little grain.") Per-
taining to granule. As the granular appearance of a cell.
Granule. (From the Latin word granula, "a small grain.") A
small body or grain, as the granules of a cell.
Gustatory (nerve). (From the Latin word gustare, "to taste.")
Pertaining to the sense of taste, as the gustatory nerve — the nerve
of taste in the tongue.
Gyrus (pi. gyri or gyre). A convolution of the brain.
Hallux, Hallucis. From the Latin. The great toe.
Hemoglobin. The coloring matter of the red cells of the blood.
Hepar. From the Greek word meaning liver.
Hepatic. Pertaining to the liver, as hepatic artery, hepatic duct,
and hepatic vein.
Hiatus (Fallopii). (From the Latin word hiare, "to gape.") A
space or opening. Hiatus Fallopii: A shallow grove on the petrous
portion of the temporal bone for the passage of a nerve, etc.
Hilum. A pit, recess, or opening in an organ, usually for the entrance
and exit of vessels or ducts, as the hilum of the kidney, spleen, etc.
Histology. The minute or microscopic anatomy of the tissues.
Homogeneous. Having a uniform appearance or character in all
its parts or substance.
Humerus (bone). (From the Latin, "arm.") The long bone of
the arm extending from the shoulder to the elbow.
Hyaline. Resembling glass.
Hymen. The portion of mucous membrane which partially occludes
the opening of the vagina.
Hyoid (bone). (Having the form of the Greek letter upsilon T.) A
bone situated between the root of the tongue and the larynx, supporting
the tongue and giving attachment to some of the muscles of the tongue,
pharynx, and floor of the mouth.
Hyperemic. Pertaining to the excessive blood in a part (hyperemia).
Hypochondriac. Pertaining to the hypochondrium.
Hypochondrium. The upper lateral surface of the abdomen and
thorax corresponding to the lower ribs.
Hypogastrium. The lower anterior surface of the abdomen above
the pubes.
H3rpothenar. The fleshy eminence on the palm of the hand over
the metacarpal bone of the little finger.
Heum. (From the Greek word meaning to roll.) The lower portion
of the small intestine ending in the cecum.
Hiopectineal. (From the Latin words ihum, "flank;" pectens,
"comb.") The line pertaining conjointly to the ilium and os pubis
(bones) .
Iliotibial (band). (From the Latin words ilium, "flank;" tibia,
"tibia.") The thickened portion of the fascia lata of the thigh which
extends from the ilium to the tibia.
nium (bone). Latin, "the flank.") The superior expanded portion
of the innominate bone.
Impregnation. (From the Latin word impregnare, "to impreg-
nate.") The act of rendering pregnant; fecundation.
Inferior Obliquus Oculi (muscle). The inferior oblique of the
Infundibulum. (From the Latin word infundere, "to pour into.")
A funnel-shaped passage or part.
Inguinal. (From inguen, "the groin.") Pertaining to the groin.
Inhibitor (nerve). (From the Latin inhibere, "to check.") To
check or hold back. Inhibitor nerve: One which has a controlling
influence upon a nerve conveying impulses to certain organs and
tissues of the body.
Innominate. (From the Latin words in, "without;" nomen, "a
name.") Unnamed, unnamable; as innominate bone or artery, due to
its not resembUng any known object.
Inorganic. Not organic; not produced by animal or vegetable organ-
isms, as an inorganic compound.
Insalivation. (From the Latin words in, "in;" saliva, "the spittle.")
The act of mixing the food with saliva when chewed (mastication) .
Inter. (From the Latin word inter, "between.") Between any
Interarticular. Between joints.
Interauricular. Between the auricles of the heart.
Intercellular. Between the cells.
Intercondylar. Between the condyles, as the intercondylar notch of
the femur bone.
Intercostal. Between the ribs, as intercostal muscles, arteries, nerves,
and spaces.
Interlobular. Between the lobules of the liver, referring to inter-
lobular veins and arteries.
Intermuscular (septa). Between muscles.
Interosseous. Between bones.
Intertrochanteric (line). Between the trochanters of femur.
Interventricular. Between the ventricles of the heart.
Intralobular. (From the Latin words intra, "within;" lobulus, "a
little lobe.") Within a lobule, as an intralobular vein of liver.
Intrinsic. (From the Latin word intrinsecus, "on the inside.")
Inherent, situated within; peculiar to a part, as the intrinsic muscles
of the eye.
Involuntary. (From the Latin words in, "not;" velle, "to will.")
Performed or acting independently of the will, as involuntary muscle.
Ischium. The bone forming the back and lower part of the innomi-
nate bone.
Jejunum. (From the Latin word jejenus, "empty;" because it is
usually found empty after death.) The second portion of the small
intestine extending between the duodenum and ileum and measuring
about eight feet in length.
Katabolism. Physiologic disintegration of the products of metab-
olism. The opposite of anabolism. (See Anabolism.)
Kinetic (energy). (From the Greek word meaning to move.)
Producing motion.
Labyrinth. (From the Greek word meaning a maze.) The name
given to the series of cavities of the internal ear comprising the vesti-
bule, cochlea, and semicircular canals.
Lacrimal. (From the Latin word lacrima, "a tear.") Pertaining
to the tears, or the organs containing or secreting them.
Lactation. (From the Latin word lactere, "to suckle.") The
period during which the child is nourished from the breast.
Lacteal. (From the Latin word lac, "milk.") Resembhng milk.
Any one of the lymphatic ducts of the villi of the small intestine which
take up the chyle; the chyle resembling milk as to color.
Lacuna (pi. se). (From the Latin word lacus, "a lake.") A lake,
as the lacunae of bone construction.
Lamella (pi. ae). (Dim. of the Latin word lamina, "a plate.") A
thin scale or plate.
Lamina (pi. se). Latin. A plate.
Lamina Spiralis. A spiral plate.
Larjmx. The organ of voice situated between the base of the tongue
and the trachea.
Lateral. (From the Latin word latus, ''the side.") At, belonging
to, or pertaining to the side. Situated on either side of the middle
vertical plane.
Latissimus Dorsi (muscle). The widest of the back.
Levator Anguli Oris. The elevator of the angle of the mouth.
Levator Labii Superioris Alseque Nasi. The elevator of the upper
lip and the wing of the nose.
Levator Menti. The elevator of the chin.
Levator Palati. The elevator of the palate.
Levator Palpebrse Superioris. The elevator of the upper eyelid.
Leukocyte. A white-blood cell or corpuscle, seen in the blood;
Ligamentum Patellae. The ligament of the patella (knee-cap bone) .
Linea Alba. White line.
Linea Aspera. Rough line on the posterior aspect of the femur.
Linea Semilunaris. (From the Latin words linea, "a line;" semi-
lunaris, from semi, "half;" luna, "a moon.") The line resembling
a half moon in shape.
Linea Transversa. The transverse line.
Liter. (From the Latin word litra, "a pound.") The unit of capa-
city in the metric system. One liter equals 1.76 pints.
Lobule. (From the Latin word lobulus, dim. of lobus, "a lobe.")
A small lobe.
Locomotion. (From the Latin words locus, "a place;" motio,
"motion," from movere, "to move.") The act of moving from place
to place, as in walking, etc.
Lumbar. (From the Latin word lumbus, "a loin.") Pertaining
to the loins or lower part of back.
Lymphocyte. A lymph cell. Belonging to the group of white cells.
Seen in the blood; microscopic.
Lymphoid. Having the appearance or character of lymph.
Major Calices. The larger calices (see Calices).
Malar. (From the Latin word mala, "cheek.") Pertaining to the
cheek bone. The bone of the prominence of the cheek.
Malleolus. (Dim. of the Latin word malleus, "a hammer.") A part
or process of bone having a hammer-head shape. As the malleolus
of the tibia and fibula.
Mandible. (From the Latin word mandere, "to chew.") The jaw
Mastication. (Frgm the Latin word masticare, "to chew.") The
act of chewing.
Mastoid. (Resembling the shape of a nipple.) Pertaining to the
mastoid process.
Maxilla (jaw bone). The bone of the upper or lower jaw.
Maximus. The greatest.
Meatus. (From the Latin word, meare, "to flow or pass.") An
opening or passage. Auditory meatus, etc.
Medius. The middle.
Medulla. The marrow. Anything resembling marrow, as the
medulla oblongata. Also the central part of an organ.
Medullated. Containing or covered by a substance resembling
medulla or marrow. Medullated nerves covered with a myelin sheath.
Mediastinuxxi. (From the' Latin words in, medio, stare, "to stand
in the middle.") The space in the middle of the chest between the
two pleurae, divided into anterior, middle, posterior, and superior
Membrane. (From the Latin word membrana, from membrum,
"a member.") A thin layer of tissue lining or surrounding a part or
separating adjacent cavities.
Mesentery. A fold of peritoneum which connects the intestine
with the posterior abdominal wall.
Meshes. Net-work, reticular.
Mesocolon. The fold of peritoneum connecting the colon with the
posterior abdominal wall.
Mesoderm. The middle layer of the blastodermic vesicle of the
embryo, derived from both the ecto- and entoderm.
Mesogastrium or Umbilical. The region corresponding to the
part of the abdominal wall surrounding the umbilicus (navel).
Metabolism. The group of phenomena occurring in the tissues
whereby the organic beings transform foodstuffs into complex tissue
elements (anabolism), and convert complex substances into simple
ones in the production of energy (katabolism) .
Metacarpal. Relating to the metacarpus.
Metacarpus. (From the Greek words meaning beyond the wrist.)
That part of the hand between the bones of the wrist and the bones
of the fingers.
Metatarsal. Pertaining to the metatarsus.
Metatarsus. (From the Greek words meaning beyond the instep.)
That part of the foot between the bones of the instep and the bones
of the toes.
Micturition. (From the Latin word micturire, "to pass water.")
The act of passing urine.
Millimeter (mm.). The thousandth part of a meter. Equal to
0.039370 inch.
Minimus. The least, smallest.
Minor. The lesser, smaller.
Minor Calices. The smaller calices.
Mitral (bicuspid). (Resembling a miter, a covering for the head
worn by popes, bishops, and cardinals.) The valves of the left auriculo-
ventricular opening of the heart.
Molecular. (From the Latin word mole, "a mass"). Pertaining
to or composed of molecules.
Molecule. (From the Latin word, a dim. of moles, "mass.") The
minute portion of matter. In physics the smallest quantity into which
a substance can be divided and retain its characteristic properties;
or the smallest quantity of any gas, liquid, or solid that can exist in
a free state.
Motor. (From the Latin word movere, "to move.") Moving or
causing motion. Concerned or pertaining to motion, as motor cells,
motor nerves, motor centre.
Mucous. Containing or having the nature of mucous.
Multipolar. (From the Latin words multus, many; polus, "a pole.")
Having many poles, as multipolar nerve cells, having many processes.
Myelinic. Relating to myelinic nerve fibers, those possessing a
myelin sheath.
Myocardium. The muscular tissue of the heart.
Myosin. (From the Greek word meaning muscle.) A protein
of the globuhn class, found in coagulated muscle-plasma, and formed
from the antecedent globulin myosinogen. "*
Naris (pi. es). (From the Latin word n-aris, "the nostril.") One
of a pair of openings at the anterior or posterior part respectively of
the nose.
Nasal. (From the Latin word nasus, "the nose.") Pertaining to
the nose.
Nervus Intermedins. The nerve situated between, as the Nervus
intermedius between the facial and auditory nerves.
Neural (canal). Pertaining to nerves. Neural canal: The bony
canal comprising the cavity of the cranium and vertebral column
which contains the central nerve system.
Neurilemma. The sheath encasing a nerve fiber.
^ Neuroglia. The tissue forming the basis of the supporting frame-
work of the nerve tissue. It consists of gha cells.
Neurone or Nerve Cell. One of the countless number of units of
which the nerve system is composed. The basis for all nerve tissue
Node. (From the Latin word nodus, "a swelling.") A knob,
swelling, or protuberance.
Nodvde. (Nodulus, dim. of nodus, "a swelling.") A small node or
Nucha (pi. ae). (Ligamentum nuchae.) (From the Latin word nucha,
"nape of neck.") The ligament of the nape of the neck.
Nucleated. Possessing a nucleus.
Nucleolus. (Dim. of nucleus from nux, " a nut.") The small rounded
body within the cell nucleus.
Nucleus. (From the Latin word nux, "a nut.") The essential part
of a typical cell, usually round in outhne, and situated near the centre.
Nutrient Canal. One that affords nourishment, as the nutrient
canal of a bone, which contains a nutrient artery.
Obturator. (From the Latin word obturare, "to stop up.") That
which closes an opening; as obturator membrane or foramen of innomi-
nate bone.
Occipital (bone). Pertaining to the occiput. (See Occiput.)
Occipitofrontalis (muscle). From the occiput to the forehead.
Occiput. (From the Latin words ob, "against;" caput, "the head.")
The back part of the head.
Odontoid. Resembling a tooth.
Olecranon (process) . The large convex portion of the back part of
the upper end of the ulna. The point of the elbow felt beneath the
Olfactory. (From the Latin word olfacere, "to smell.") Pertaining
to the sense of smell.
Omentum. Any fold of peritoneum attaching an organ to the
stomach. The greater omentum overhes the small intestines like
an apron.
Opponens. (From the Latin words ob, "against;" ponere, "to
place.") Opposing.
Opponens Minimi Digit! (muscle). The muscle which places the
little finger opposite to the thumb.
Opponens Pollicis (muscle). The muscle which places the thumb
opposite to the little finger.
Optic Chiasm. (See Chiasm.)
Orbicularis Oris (muscle). From the Latin word orbiculus, a dim.
of orbis, "a circle.") The circular one of the mouth.
Orbicularis Palpebrarum (muscle). The circular one of the eyelids.
Orbit. (From the Latin word orbita, from orbis, "a circle.") The
bony pyramidal cavity containing the eye and its muscles, etc.
Orbital. Pertaining to the orbit.
Organic. (From the Greek word meaning an organ.) Having or
pertaining to, or characterized by organs; relating to the animal and
vegetable worlds; affecting the structure of organs.
Orifice. (From the Latin words orificium; os, "a mouth;" facere,
"to make.") An opening or outlet of hollow organs, or between
Os Innominata (bone) (pi. ossa innominatse). (From the Latin
OS, "a bone;" innominata, in, "without;" nomen, "a name.") The
nameless bone, due to its not resembling any known object.
Os Magnum. (The great bone.) The third bone of the second
row of carpal bones (bones of the wrist).
Osmosis. (The passage of liquids and substances in solution through
porous septa (a partition).
Osseocartilaginous. Formed of, or pertaining to bone and cartilage
as one.
Ossicle. (From the Latin word ossiculum, a dim. of os, "a bone.")
A small bone. Auditory ossicles or chain of small bones found in the
middle ear. They are the incus, stapes, and malleus.
Ossification. From the Latin words os, " a bone;" facere, "to make.")
The process of bone formation.
Osteoblasts. Cells concerned in the formation of bony tissue
durinp; os riifi^"^'''^^^
Osteoclasts. The multinuclear (many nuclei) cells found against
the surface of bone in little eroded depressions (Howship's fovea),
and concerned in the removal of bone.
Ostium Uterinum or Uteri. The mouth of the uterus (womb) .
Ovum. (From the Latin word ovum, "an egg.") The reproductive
cell of an animal or vegetable, an egg.
Oxidation. (From the Greek word meaning sharp.) The act or
process of combining with oxygen, as the hemoglobin of the red cells
does during respiration, and the cells of the tissues combine with it
as the hemoglobin of the red cells in the blood gives it up upon reaching
them. Oxidation is essential to body metabolism.
Oxygen. Is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas, one of the non-
metallic elements. It constitutes one-fifth of the atmosphere, eight-
ninths of water, three-fourths of organized bodies, and about one-half
the crust of the globe. It is essential to combustion or burning with
the elimination of heat and light when oxidation takes place. It is not
a food, but is essential to the act of respiration. Its absence causes
asphyxia or suffocation.
Palate. The roof of the mouth.
Palmaris Brevis (muscle). The short one of the palm.
Palmaris Longus (muscle). The long one of the palm.
Palpebral. Pertaining to the eyelid.
Papilla (pi. se). (From the Latin papilla, "a nipple.") A small
nipple-like eminence.
Parietal. (From the Latin word paries, "a wall.") Forming or
pertaining to the wall of a cavity, or portion of a membrane attached to
it, as parietal peritoneum, etc.
Pars Intermedius. The part between, referring to the nervus
intermedins.) (See N. intermedius.)
Parturition. (From the Latin word parturitio, from partuire, "to
bring forth.") The act of giving birth to the young.
Patella (bone). (From the Latin word a dim. of patera, "a shallow
dish.") The knee-pan, or knee-cap; a round small bone in front of
the knee, developed in the tendon of the quadriceps extensor muscle.
Pectoral. (From the Latin word pectus, "a breast.") Pertaining
to the chest.
Pectoralis Major (muscle). The larger one of the chest.
Pectoralis Minor (muscle). The smaller one of the chest.
Pedicle. (From the Latin word pediculus, dim. of pes, pedis, "a
foot.") A slender process acting as a foot or stem.
Peduncle. (From pedunculus, a dim. of pes, "a foot.") A narrow
part acting as a support.
Pelvic. Pertaining to the pelvis.
Pelvis. (From the Latin word pelvis, "a basin.") A basin-shaped
cavity. The bony ring formed by the two innominate bones and the
sacrum and coccyx.
Peptone. The final protein body or substance formed by the action
of ferments on albumins during gastric and pancreatic digestion.
Peri. A Greek prefix signifying around.
Pericardium. (Around the heart.) The serous membrane sur-
rounding the heart.
Perichondrium. The fibrous connective tissue surrounding the
surface of cartilage.
Perimysium. (Around a muscle.) The connective tissue surrounding
the primary bundles of muscle fibers.
Perineum. That portion of the body corresponding to the struc-
tures overlying the outlet of the pelvis.
Periosteum. (Around bone.) A fibrous membrane investing the
surface of bones.
Peripheral. Pertaining to or placed near the periphery.
Periphery. (From the Greek words meaning around, to carry.)
The circurnference; the external surface, or extreme portions of the
body or an organ.
Peristalsis. A peculiar wave-like movement seen in tubes provided
with longitudinal, transverse, and oblique muscle fibers, as the intes-
tinal canal, stomach, etc.
Peristaltic. Pertaining to peristalsis.
Peritendineum. (Around a tendon.) The fibrous sheath investing
the small bundles of tendon fibers.
Peritoneum. (From the Greek words meaning around, to stretch.)
The serous membrane lining the interior of the abdominal cavity and
surrounding the contained viscera. It forms folds for the support of
organs called ligaments (of liver, uterus, etc.); attaches organs to
each other, as omentum when another organ is connected to the
stomach, thus gastrosplenic omentum; as the intestines are held to
the posterior abdominal wall: thus the mesentery; as the colon is
attached to the wall of the abdomen : thus the mesocolon. The organs
behind the peritoneum are spoken of as retroperitoneal organs.
Peroneal. Pertaining to the fibula bone. The region overlying the
Peroneus Brevis (muscle). The short peroneal.
Pferoneus Longus (muscle). The long peroneal.
Pes Anserinus. (From the Latin word pes, "a, foot;" anserinus, "a
goose")- A goose foot; named, as the branches of the facial nerve are
supposed to spread hke the toes of a goose foot.
Petrous. (From Greek word meaning rock, stony, of the hardness
of stone.)
Phalanx (pi. phalanges). One of the bones of the fingers or toes.
Pharynx. (From the Greek word meaning throat). The musculo-
membranous tube situated back of the nose, mouth, and larynx.
Phrenic. Pertaining to the diaphragm or diaphragmatic region,
surface, etc.
Pia Mater. (From the Latin words pia, "tender;" mater, "mother.")
The tender mother. The vascular membrane enveloping the surface
of the brain and spinal cord.
Pigment. (From the Latin word pingere, "to paint.") A coloring
matter, or dye-stuff. Pigments may be in solution or in the form of
granules or crystals; as the pigment of skin in negroes, etc.; iris of eye.
Pisiform (bone). (From the Latin words pisum, "a pea;" forma,
"form.") Pea-shaped. A bone of the wrist.
Placenta. (From the Greek word meaning a cake.) The organ on
the wall of the uterus to which the embryo is attached by means of
the umbilical cord and from which it receives its nourishment and
excretes the waste products from about the third month of gestation
to the birth of the child (parturition). It is called the "after-birth"
by the laity.
Placental. Referring to the placenta.
Plantar. (From the Latin word planta, "the sole of the foot.")
Referring to the sole of the foot.
Plasma. The fluid part of the blood and lymph.
Platysma Myoides (muscle).. The broad muscle (from the Greek).
Pleura. (From the Greek word lyieaning a rib.) The serous meni-
brane covering the lungs and inner surface of the wall of the thoracic
Pollicis. (From the Latin word pollen, poUicis, "the thumb.")
Of the thumb.
Polygonal. Having many angles.
Polyhedral. Having many sides.
Potential (energy). (FromtheLatin word potens, "able.") Capable
of acting or doing work.
Poupart's Ligament. The ligament extending from the anterior
superior spine of the iliac bone to the spine of the pubic bone. It is
the lower border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of
the abdomen.
Pretracheal. In front of the trachea.
Prevertebral. In front of the vertebral column.
Proligerous (disk). (From the Latin word proles, "ofifspring;"
gere, "to bear.") Producing offspring. The layer of cells in the
membrana granulosa of the Graafian follicle that surrounds the ovum.
Pronation. (From the Latin word pronare, "to bend forward.")
The act of turning the palm downward; the opposite of supination.
Pronator Quadratus (muscle). Square pronator. See pronation.
Pronator Radii Teres (muscle). The round pronator of the radius.
Protein or Proteid. Any one of the important and essential con-
stituents of animal and vegetable tissues containing nitrogen.
Proteolysis. The change produced in proteins or proteids by fer-
ments that convert them into diffusible bodies.
Proteolytic Ferments. Pertaining to those ferments which are
characterized or effect proteolysis.
Proteose. Any one of a group of bodies formed in gastric digestion
intermediate between the food proteins and peptones, called anti-
peptones, hemipeptones.
Protoplasm. The viscid material constituting the essential sub-
stance of living cells, upon which all the vital functions of nutrition,
secretion, growth, reproduction, irritability, motility depend.
Proximal. (From the Latin word proximus, " the nearest.") Nearest
to the body, or the median line of the body. Proximal phalanx: The
nearest bone of the finger.
Proximate (principles). (From the Latin word proximus, "nearest.")
Nearest. Proximate principles, substances which can exist under
their own form in the animal solids or fluids, and that can be extracted
by means not altering or destroying their chemic properties.
Pterygoid. Wing-shaped.
Puberty. From the Latin word pubertas, from puber, "adult.")
The period at which the generative organs become active in both
sexes, and become capable of reproduction.
Pubes. The hairy region covering the os pubis (pubic bone).
Pubic. Pertaining to the pubes.
Pubis (Os). The bone of the pubes. The lower and anterior part
of the innominate bone.
Pyloric. Pertaining to the pylorus of the stomach, as pyloric artery,
vein, etc.
Pylorus. (From the Greek word meaning gate-keeper.) The
circular opening of the stomach into the duodenum.
Pyramidal. Shaped like a pyramid.
Pyramidalis (muscle). The muscle shaped like a pyramid found
at the lower part and inserted into the linea alba of the abdominal
wall. There are two.
Pyramidalis Nasi (muscle). The pyramidal one of the nose.
Quadratus. Squared; four-sided.
Quadrangular. Having four angles.
Quadriceps (extensor tendon). The four-headed extensor tendon.
Racemose. (From the Latin word racemus, "a bunch of grapes.")
Resembling a bunch of grapes.
Radius (bone). (From the Latin word radius, "the spoke of a
wheel.") The outer bone of the forearm.
Rami Communicantes. (From the Latin words ramus (pi. i), "a
branch;" communicans (pi. antes), "communicating.") Communi-
cating branches. The branches of a spinal nerve connecting it with
the sympathetic ganglia.
Reflex (action). (From the Latin words re, "back;" flectere, "to
bend.") Anything bended or thrown back. Reflex act: An act
following immediately upon a stimulus without the intervention
of the will.
Refractory (apparatus). (From the Latin words re, "back;" fran-
gere, "to break.") Literally, to break the natural course of, as rays
of light; to cause them to deviate from a direct course, as the refractory
apparatus of the eye deviates the rays of light as to how they shall
fall upon the retina (diffuse or concentrated), based upon the nearness
or distance of an object to or from the eye.
Renal. (From the Latin word ren, "a kidney.") Pertaining to
the kidney.
Renalis (fascia). Fascia of the kidney.
Renes (pi, of ren.). The kidneys.
Reniform. Kidney-shaped.
Reticular. (From the Latin word reticulum, dim. of rete, "a net.")
Resembling a net, formed by a net-work, as reticular tissue.
Reticulum. A net-work.
Retiform. Having the form of a net.
RhythmicaL Pertaining to rhythm. In speaking of the heart and
pulse it refers to the dividing of their actions (contraction and relaxa-
tion) into short portions or periods by a regular succession of motions.
Rima Glottidis. The chink of the glottis. The cleft or narrow
opening between the true vocal cords in the larynx.
Risorius (muscle). (From the Latin word ridere, "to laugh.")
The laughing muscle.
Rotation. (From the Latin words rotare, "to turn;" from rota, "a
wheel.") The act of turning about an axis, passing through the centre
of a body or extremity.
Rugae, (Plural of ruga, "a fold or ridge.") Folds.
Saccharoses. (From the Greek word meaning sugar.) A group of
carbohydrates occurring in the juice of many plants, chiefly sugar-cane,
some varieties of maple and beet-sugar.
Sacrum (bone). (From the Latin word sacer, "sacred;" os, under-
Sagittal. (From the Latin word sagitta, "an arrow,") Arrow-like,
as the sagittal suture of the skull. Referring to the anteroposterior
middle plane of the body, or organ, etc.
Saphenous. Apparent, superficial; applied to the saphenous vein
of the thigh and leg, lying just beneath the skin and superficial
Sarcolemma. The delicate membrane enveloping a muscle fiber.
Sarcoplasm. The finely granular material between the fibrils of
muscle tissue.
Sartorius (muscle). (From the Latin word sartor, "a tailor.")
The tailor muscle. Named after the ancient method the tailor assumed
while at work, squatting with his knees bent, and the feet and leg
Scaphoid (bone). Boat-shaped. A bone of the wrist and instep.
Scapula (bone). (From the Latin.) A shoulder-blade.
Secretion. (From the Latin word secernere, 'Ho secrete, separate.")
1. The act of secreting or forming from materials furnished by the
blood a certain substance which is either eliminated by the body or
is used in carrying on certain fimctions. 2. The substance secreted,
as bile, sweat, etc.
Secretor or Secretory. Pertaining to or performing secretion of a
gland, etc.
Sella Turcica. (A Turkish saddle.) The pituitary fossa of the
body of the sphenoid bone, lodging the pituitary body.
Semilunar. (From the Latin words semi, ''half;" luna, "moon.")
Resembling a half-moon in shape.
Semimembranosus (muscle). Half-membrane.
Semitendinosus (muscle). Half -tendon.
Septum (pi. septa). (From the Latin word sepire, "to hem in.")
A partition, a dividing wall, as nasal septum, etc.
Sensor or Sensory. (From the Latin word sentire, "to feel.")
Pertaining to or conveying sensation, as a sensor nerve.
Serous (membrane). Pertaining to or resembling serum.
Serum. (From the Latin word serum, "serum.") L The clear,
yellowish fluid separating from the blood after the coagulation of the
fibrin. 2. Any clear fluid resembling the serum of the blood.
Sigmoid. Shaped like the Greek letter 2.
Sinus. A hollow or cavity.
Soleus (muscle). A flat muscle of the calf.
Solitary. (From the Latin word sohtarius, "soHtary.") Single,
existing separately.
Specific Gravity. The measured weight of a substance compared
with that of an equal volume of another taken as a standard.
Sphenoid. Wedge-shaped.
Spheric. Having the shape of a sphere.
Sphincter. A muscle surrounding and closing an orifice; as sphincter
ani muscle.
Spicule. A minute, sharp-pointed body, as a spicule of bone.
Spinal (nerve). 1. Pertaining to the spine. 2. Pertaining to the
spinal cord.
Spinus. (From the Latin word spina, "a spine or thorn.") Resgm-
bling or pertaining to a spine.
Squamous. (From the Latin word squamosis, "scaly.") Of the
shape of a scale.
Stellate. (From the Latin word stella, "a star.") Star-shaped.
Sternohyoid (muscle). From the sternum to the hyoid bone.
Sternomastoid (muscle). From the sternum to the mastoid.
Sternothyroid (muscle) . From the sternum to the thyroid cartilage.
Sternum. Breast bone.
Stratified. (From the Latin word stratum, "a layer;" facere, "to
make.") Formed into a layer or layers.
Stratum Germinatum. The sprouting layer (skin).
Stratum Granulosum. The granular layer (skin).
Stratum Lucidum. The clear layer (skin) .
Stratum Mucosum. The mucous layer (skin).
Striated. Striped.
Stroma. The tissue forming the frame-work for the necessary part
of an organ or tissue.
Stylohyoid. Pertaining to the styloid process of the temporal bone
and the hyoid bone.
Styloid. Resembling a pillar.
Sub. A prefix denoting under or beneath.
Subaponeurotic. Beneath the aponeurosis.
Subclavian. Beneath the clavicle.
Subclavius (muscle) . Beneath the clavicle.
Subcostal. Beneath a rib.
Subcutaneous. Beneath the skin.
Subendothelial. Beneath the endothelium. (See endothelium.)
Subpubic. Beneath the symphysis pubes.
Sulcus. A furrow or groove. (From the Latin )
Sulcus PulmonaUs. The groove of the lung.
Superciliary. (From the Latin words super, "above;" cilium, "an
eyelash.) Pertaining to the eyebrow.
Supination. (From the Latin word supinus, "on the back.") The
act of turning the palm of the hand upward. The condition of being
on the back. Opposite of pronation.
Supinator Brevis (muscle). The short supinator (assists to turn the
palm upward).
Supinator Longus (muscle). The long supinator (assists to turn
the palm upward).
Supracondylar. Above the condyle.
Suprapatellar. Above the patella.
Suprarenal. Above the kidney.
Sutural. (From the Latin word sutura, "a suture;" from sutere,
"to sew or stitch.") Pertaining to suture.
Suture. A suture. The seam or joint which unites the bones of
the skull.
Symphysis (pubes). The line of junction of two bones Sym-
physis pubis: The line of junction of the two bodies of the pubic bones
located at the front of the true pelvis.
Synarthrosis. A form of joint or articulation in which the bones
are firmly bound together and are immovable. They have no synovial
Synchondrosis. A joint in which the surfaces of bones are connected
by a cartilage.
Syndesmosis. A form of joint in which the bones are held together
by ligaments.
Synovia. The clear, alkaline, lubricating fluid secreted by the cells
of a synovial membrane, found within a synovial sac.
Synovial. Pertaining to the synovia.
Systole. (From the Greek words together, to place.) The con-
traction of the heart muscle. Auricular systole, the contraction of
the auricle of the heart; ventricular systole, the contraction of the
ventricle of the heart.
Tactile. (From the Latin word tactus, from tangere, "to touch.")
Pertaining to the sense of touch.
Tarsus. The instep.
Temporal (bone). (From the Latin word tempus, "time (temple).")
Pertaining to the temple, as temporal bone, artery, etc.
Tendo Achillis. The tendon of Achilles. (Tendon, from the Latin
word tendere, "to stretch.") The common tendon of the gastrocne-
mius and soleus muscles.
Tendo Oculi. The tendon of the eyeball.
Tensor Vaginae or Fasciae Femoris. The stretcher of the sheath
(fascia lata) of the thigh.
Tentorium Cerebelli. The tent of the cerebellum. The partition
of dura mater between the cerebrum and cerebellum.
Thenar. (From the Greek word meaning palm.) 1. The palm of
the hand. 2. The fleshy prominence of the palm corresponding to the
base of the thumb; also called thenar eminence (ball of the thumb).
Thermal. Pertaining to heat.
Thermic. Pertaining to heat.
Thoracic. Pertaining to or situated in the thorax or chest.
Thorax. From the Greek word meaning chest.
Thyrohyoid (muscle). From the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone,
as thyrohyoid muscle and membrane.
Thyroid. Shield-shaped. Pertaining to the thyroid gland, cartilage,
Tibia (bone). (From the Latin word tibia, "a shin.") The large
bone on the inner side of the leg.
Tibiofibular (articulation). Pertaining to the tibia and fibula.
Tissue. (From the Latin word texere, "to weave.") An arrange-
ment of similar cells and fibers, forming a distinct structure, and
entering as such into the formation of an organ or organism.
Tonicity. The condition of normal tone or tension of organs; a
state of tone.
Tonus. The normal state of tension of a part or of the body.
Trabecula (pi. se). (From the Latin word trabecula, "a small
beam.") Any one of the fibrous bands extending from the capsule
into the interior of an organ.
Trachea. Windpipe.
Transitional. Denoting a change from one shape to another.
Trapezium (bone). (Named after the resemblance it bears to a
trapezium; shaped like an irregular four-sided figure.) The first
bone of the second row of the wrist.
Trapezius (muscle). Resembles a trapezium in shape.
Trapezoid (bone). Resembles a trapezoid— a four-sided geometric
figure having two parallel and two diverging sides.
Triceps (muscle). Three-headed.
Tricuspid. Having three cusps or points.
Trochanters. The processes on the upper extremity of the femur.
Trochlear. Pertaining to or having the nature of a pulley.
Trophic. (From the Greek word meaning nourishment.) Pertaining
to nutrition. Trophic centre, a collection of ganglion cells regulating
the nutrition of a nerve, and thus through the latter the part it
Tuber Cinereum. A tract of gray matter at the base of the cere-
brum, extending from the optic chiasm to the corpora mammillaria, and
forming part of the floor of the third ventricle.
Tuberculum or Tubercle. (From the Latin word tuberculum, "a
tubercle.") A small nodule.' A rounded prominence on a bone.
Tuberosity. (From the Latin word tuber, "a. swelling.") A pro-
tuberance on a bone.
Tubular. From the Latin word tubulus, a dim. of tubus, "a tube.")
Shaped like a tube. Pertaining to a tube.
Tubule. From the Latin word tubulus, "a small tube."
Tunica. (From the Latin word tunica, ''tunic") A coat or mem-
Tunica Adventitia. The outer coat of an artery or vein.
Tunica Intima. The inner coat of an artery or vein.
Tunica Media. The middle coat of an artery or vein.
Tympanic (membrane). Pertaining to the tympanum.
Tympanum. (From the Greek word meaning *'a drum.") The
middle ear.
Ulna (bone). (From the Latin word ulna, "a cubit.") The bone
on the inner side of the forearm.
Unciform (bone). (From the Latin word uncus, "a hook;" forma,
"form.") Hook-shaped. A hook-shaped bone in the second row of
the wrist.
Unipolar. (From the Latin words unus, "one;" polus, "a pole.")
Having but one pole or process. As a unipolar nerve cell.
Urea. The chief nitrogenous constituent of the urine, and principal
end-product of tissue metabolism.
Uriniferous (tubules). (From the Latin words urina, "urine;" ferre,
"to bea/.") The tubules which carry or convey urine from the kidney
substance to the pyramids of the kidney.
Uvula. (From the Latin word uvula, from the dim. of uva, "a
grape.") The cone-shaped appendage hanging from the free edge of
the soft palate.
Vagina. (From the Latin word vagina, "a sheath.") 1. A sheath.
2. The musculomembranous canal extending from the vulval opening
to the mouth of the cervix of the uterus (ostium externum), ensheathing
the latter and the penis (male) during coitus. (See Coitus.)
Vaginal. 1. Pertaining to or of the nature of a sheath. 2. Relating
to the vagina.
Valvulae Conniventes. The small transverse folds of mucous mem-
brane of the small intestine.
Vasa Brevia. The short vessels. The small branches of the splenic
artery which pass to the fundus of the stomach.
Vasoconstrictor (nerves). (From the Latin words vas, "vessel;"
constringere, "to constrict.") Nerves which when stimulated cause
a contraction of the bloodvessels.
Vasodilator. (From the Latin words vas, "a vessel;" dilator, "a
dilator.") Nerves which when stimulated cause a dilatation of the
Vasomotor. (From the Latin words vas, "a. vessel;" motor, from
movere, "to move." Regulating the tension of the bloodvessels.
Venae Cavse. (LiteraUy, the hollow veins.) The two large veins
that open into the right auricle of the heart.
VensB Comites. (Accompanying veins.) Veins that accompany an
artery in its course.
Venae Cordis Minimi. The smallest veins of the heart.
Ventral. (From the Latin word venter, "belly.") Pertaining to
the belly. Or used in meaning in front, as ventral aspect.
Ventricle. A small cavity or pouch. (From the Latin ventriculus,
a dim. of venter, "a belly.")
Venule. A small vein.
Vermiform (appendix). (From the Latin word vermis, "a, worm;"
forma, "form.") Worm-shaped appendix.
Vemix Caseosa. (A cheesy varnish.) The sebaceous deposit
covering the surface of the fetus. Seen on delivery.
Vertebra. (From the Latin word vertere, "to turn." A single bone
of the spinal column.
Vertebral. Referring to or characteristic of the vertebra.
Vertex. (That which turns or revolves about itseK, from the Latin
word vertere, "to turn.") The crown or top of the head or skull.
Vesica Urinaris. The urinary bladder.
Villus (pi. villi). (From the Latin word, "a tuft of hair.") The
minute club-shaped projections from the mucous membrane of the
small intestine, consisting of a lacteal vessel, an arteriole, and a venule,
enclosed in a layer of epithelial cells.
Virgin. A woman who has never had sexual intercourse.
Viscera Plural of viscus, meaning the organs of the abdomen, etc.
Visceral. Relating to viscera, the stomach, liver, etc.
Vitreous (humor). (From the Latin word vitreus, from vitrum,
"glass.") The transparent, jelly-like substance filling the posterior
chamber of the eye.
Volatile. (From the Latin word volatilis, from volare, "to fly.")
Passing into vapors at ordinary temperatures; evaporating.
Voluntary. Under the control of the will. Voluntary muscles, etc.
Vomer. (From the Latin, "a ploughshare.") The thin plate of bone
situated vertically between the nasal cavities, which forms the posterior
portion of the nasal septum (partition).
Vulva. (From the Latin word volvere, "to roll up.") The external
organs of generation in the woman.
Zygoma. (From the Greek word meaning cheek bone.) The bony
arch above the cheek and in front of the ear formed by the zygomatic
processes from the temporal and malar bones.
Zygomatic. Relating to the zygoma.
Abdomen, 18
fascia of, 144
regions of, 264. See Fig. 102.
Abdominal aorta, 192, 202
branches of, 192, 202
regions, 264. See Fig. 102
Abducens nerve (sixth), 375
Abduction, 113, 158
of joint, 113
Abductor hallucis muscle, 245,
of little finger, 157
toe, 171
minimi digiti, 157
poUicis, 157
Absorption, 286
of food, 286
of lymph, 286
of products of digestion, 287
relation of villi to, 286, 287
Absorptive apparatus, 286
Accessorius muscle, action of, 171
Accessory organs of digestion, 251
Accommodation, 404
Acetabulum, 93, 97
Acromegalia, 308
Acromial process, 84
Addison's disease, 307
Adduction, ,113, 158
in joint, 113
Adductor brevis piuscle, 166
hallucis, 171
longus, 164
magnus, 166
obliquus hallucis, 171
pollicis, 157
transversus hallucis, 171
pollicis, 157
Adipose or fatty tissue, 50
Adrenal gland, 307
Air, relation to respiration, 247
sacs, 244
Albumen, 24
varieties of, 24
Albuminoids, 24
compounds of, 25
varieties of, 24
Alimentary canal, 251
divisions of, 251, 252
Alveolar glands, 45
Alveoli of lungs, 244
Ameboid movement of cells, 33
white cells in blood, 33, 220
Amphiarthrosis, 109
Ampulla of breast, 293
of vater, 302
Amyelinic nerve fibers, 334, 335
Amylopsin, 280
action in intestinal digestion,
Amyloses, 21
Anabolism, 29
Anastomosis. See Glossary.
Anatomy, description of, circula-
tory apparatus, 174
and physiology of the nerve
system, 331
urinary apparatus, 314
Anconeus muscle, 155
Angiology, definition of, 18
Angular movements in a joint,
112, 113
Animal starch, 21
Annular ligaments, 124, 155
Anterior chamber of eye-ball, 401
columns of spinal cord, 347
horns of, 348
tibial artery, 208
Antrum of Highmore, 72, 395
Aorta, 192
abdominal, 192, 202
arch of, 192
ascending, 192
branches of abdominal, 203
of arch, 194
of thoracic, 202
descending, 192, 194
thoracic, 192, 202
transverse, 192,194
Aponeurosis, 122, 123
Aponeurosis, composition of, 122,
function of, 123
Appendages of eye, 397
of hairs, 325
of nails, 325
of sebaceous glands, 325, 326
of skin, 325
of sweat glands, 325, 327
Appendicular portion of body, 18
Appendix vermiformis, 269
Aqueous humor of eye-ball, 401
Arachnoid membrane of brain,
of spinal cord, 346
Arbor vitae of cerebellum, 358
of uterus, 422
Arch of aorta, 192
Areola of breasts, 293
Areolar tissue, 50
Arm, arteries of, 198
bones of, 85
muscles of, 149
veins of, 213
Arrangement (anatomic) of body
as a whole, 17
Artefacts, 47
Arterial system, 191
corporeal, 192
pulmonary, 192
Arteries, 185, 186
anastomosis of. See Glossary.
axillary, 198
basilar, 197
blood-pressure of, 190, 191
brachial, 198
bronchial, 202
carotid, common, 194
external, 194
internal, 194
celiac or coeliac axis, 203
circle of Willis, 198
coats of, 186
contractility of, 186
coronary, 194
cystic, 203
description of, 191
distribution of, 191
elasticity of. 186
esophageal or oesophageal, 202
facial, 195. See Fig. 76.
femoral, 206
function of, 185
gastric, 203
gastroduodenal, 203
gastroepiploica, 204
dextra (right), 203
sinistra (loft), 204
hemorrhage from, 191
Arteries, hemorrhoidal, 206
hepatic, 203
iliac, common, 205
external, 205, 206
internal, 205
innominate, 194
intercostal, 202
internal pudic, 206
of lower extremity, 206
upper, 198
lumbar, 203
mediastinal, 202
mesenteric, inferior, 205
superior, 205
middle sacral, 203
muscle tissue in wall, 186
nerve supply of, 187
oesophageal, 202
obturator, 202
ovarian, 205
palmar arches of hand, 198, 201
deep, 198, 201
superficial, 198, 201
pancreaticoduodenal, 204
pericardial, 202
phrenic, 203
plantar, 208
arch, 208
popliteal, 208
pulmonary, 178, 192
pyloric, 203
radial, 198
relations of, 198
renal, 205
sciatic, 206
spermatic (in male), 205
splenic, 203
structure of, 185
subclavian, 196
suprarenal, 205
tibial, anterior, 208
posterior, 208
ulnar, 199
uterine, 206
vaginal, 206
vasae brevise of splenic, 204
vesical, inferior, 206
superior, 205
Arterial tension, 190
Arterioles, 188
Arthrodial joint, 108. See Table.
Articular surfaces of bones, 56
Articulate speech, 238
Articulations of joints, 106
bones in, 106
cartilage in, 106
general structure of, 106
ligaments of, 106
synovial membranes in, 106
Articulations of joints, table of [
classification, 108 i
Arytenoid cartilage, 236 i
Atlas (bone) , 77 j
Atrioventricular bundle (His), 181 |
Auditory apparatus, 407 j
anatomy and phj^siology of,
canals, external, 407
nerve, 377
ossicles, 410
Auricle of heart, left, 179
right, 176
or pinna of ear, 407
Axial portion of body, 17
Axillary artery, 198
fascia, 143
vein, 213
Axis (bone), 78
Axis-cylinder of nerve cell, 333
Axone of nerve cell, 333
varieties of, 334.
Back, muscles of, 137
Bartholin's duct, 258
gland of, 419
Basilar artery, 197
Basilic vein, 213
Beet-sugar, 22
Biceps muscle of arm, 149
of thigh, 164
Bicuspid or mitral valve (heart),
Bile, 281
composition of, 281
duct, common, 281
ducts, 281
function of, 281
part played by, in digestion,
secretion of, 281
s'tored in gall-bladder, 28ri
Bipolar nerve-cell, 333
Bladder, capacity of, 318
dimensions of, 318
urinary, 318
Blastodermic vesicle, 40
Blastula, 40
Blood, 217
changes occurring in lungs, 217,
in tissues, 217, 220
characteristics of, physical, 217
circulation of, 180
clotting of, 222
coagulation, 222
Blood, constituents of, 217
defibrinated, 222
effect of carbon dioxide upon,
217, 220
of oxygen upon, 217, 220
of respiration upon, 180,
220, 247
fat in, 218
fibrin in, 218, 222
fibrinogen in, 218, 222
functions of, 217
hemoglobin in, 217
paraglobulin in, 218
"peripheral resistance of, 191
plaques, 217, 222
plasma, 217
pressure, 190
of arteries, 190, 191
of capillaries, 191
definition of, 190
of veins, 191
proteins in, 218
reaction of, 217
red cells in, 217, 219
salts in, 219
serum, 218
albumin, 218
sugar in, 218
white cells in, 217, 220
Blood cells or corpuscles, 219, 220
composition of, 219
red, 217, 219, 220
effect of respiration upon,
219, 247
functions of, 219
hemoglobin in, 217, 219
number of, 219
white, 220
ameboid movement of, 220
functions of, 221
number of, 220
phagocytosis of, 221
varieties of, 221
Blue baby, 185
Body, composition of, inorganic,
20, 25
organic, 20
divisions of, 17
appendicular portion, 18
axial portion, 17
dorsal cavity of, 17
ventral, 18
heat, 310
dissipation, 311, 312
production, 310
regulation, 310
temperature, 310, 312
Bone or bones, 54
astragalus, 102
Bone or bones, atlas, 77
axis, 78
blood-supply of, 57, 58
calcaneum or os calcis, 102
canaliculi in, 58
cancellous, 58
carpal, articulations of, 90
classification of, 54
clavicle, 84
coccyx, 79
compact, 58
composition of, 57
cuneiform, 91
depressions in, articular, 56
non-articular, 56
diaphysis of, 55
digifS of hand, 92
of foot, 104
eminences of, articular, 56
non-articular, 56
endosteum of, 58
epiphysis of, 55
ethmoid, 65
femur, 97
fibers of Sharpey in, 58
fibula, 102
fiat, 55
frontal, 61
functions of, 54
green-stick fracture of, 57
Haversian canals in, 58
system in, 59
Howship's fovea, 58
humerus, 85
hyoid, 68
ilium, 93
incus (ossicle), 410
inorganic constituents, 57
irregular, 56
ischium, 93
lacrymal, 67
lacuna of, 58
long, 54
lower jaw, 68
malar, 68
malleolus of fibula, 102
tibia, 101
malleus (ossicle), 410
mandible, 68
marrow, 59
cells, 59
maxilla, 67
medullary canal, 55, 59
endosteum of, 58
metacarpal, 92
metatarsal, 104
nasal, 66
number of, 55
occipital, 60
Bone or bones of arm, 85
of carpus, 90
of cranium, 60
of ear (ossicles), 410
of face, 60, 66
of foot, 102
of forearm, 87
of hand, 92
of head, 59
of hip, 97, 98
of instep, 102
of legs, 99
of lower extremity, 93
of metacarpus, 92
of metatarsus, 104
of orbital cavity, 71
of pelvis, 93
of tarsus, 102
of thigh, 97, 98
of thorax, 79, 80
of upper extremity, 84
of wrist, 90
organic constituents of, 57
OS magnum, 91
OS pubis, 93
osteoblasts in, 57
osteoclasts, 58
palate, 68
parietal, 60
patella or knee-cap, 99
pelvis as a whole, 93
periosteum of, 57
phalanges of foot, 104
of hand, 92
pisiform, 91
pubes, symphysis, 93
pubic, 93
radius, 89
rib or ribs, 82
peculiar, 83
typical, 82
sacrum, 79
scaphoid, 91
scapula, 84
semilunar, 91
Sharpey's fibers in, 58
short, 55
skin, 101
skull as a whole, 69
solid, 58
sphenoid, 65
spongy, 58
stapes (ossicle), 410
sternum, 82
surfaces of, 56
table of cranial, 60
face, 60
tarsal, 102
temporal, 62
Bone or bones, thorax, as a whole,
tibia, 99
trapeziod, 91
trapezium, 91
turbinated, 68
ulna, 87
unciform, 91
upper jaw, 67
vertebra or vertebrse, 76
general characteristics of, 75
vertebral column as a whole, 72
divisions of bones of, 72
Volkmann's canals, 58
vomer, 66
Brachial artery, 198
plexus of nerves, 380
Brachium. See Glossary.
Brachialis anticus muscle, 149
Brain, 354
areas of, 364, 365, 366
arteries of, 197, 198
convolutions of, 359, 360
divisions of, 354, 355
fissures of, 359, 360
functions, localizations of, 364,
lobes of, 361
membranes of, 354
motor area in, 364
nerves of (cranial), 368
sensor areas in, 366
ventricles of, 362
weight of, female, 364
male, 364
Breast bone (sternum), 82
Breathing air into lungs, 245
Broad ligaments of uterus, 422
Bronchial artery, 202
tubes, 240
Bronchus or bronchi, 240
structure of, 240
Bronchioles, 244
Brunner's glands, 267
Buccinator muscle, 131
Bursse. mucous, 107
synovial, 107, 292
Cachexia strumipriva, 305
Calcaneum (bone), 102
Calices of kidney, 316, 318
Calorie, definition of, 30
method of determination, 312
table of, derived from diet, 311
Canal, alimentary, 251
auditory, external, 407
Canal, medullary of bone, 58
spinal, 74, 346
Cancellous bone, 58
Cane-sugar, 22
Canine teeth, 252
Canthi of eye, 397
Capacity of bladder, 318
lungs, vital, 246
stomach, adult, 236
infant, 283
Capillary or capillaries, 188
blood-pressure in, 191
circulation, 188
coats of, 188
function of, 188
size of, 188
structure of, 185, 188
Capsule of Glisson, 298
of Tenon, 396
Carbohydrates, 20
composition of, 21
Carbon dioxide. See Glossary,
absorbed from tissues, 180
effect upon blood, 217, 220
given off by lungs, 180, 220
Cardiac cycle, 183
nerve, accelerator, 387
inhibitor, 387
sinus of, 177, 211
time of divisions of, 183
Carotid artery, common, 194
external, 194
internal, 194
gland, 303, 308
Carpus, bones of, 90
Cartilage, 51, 106
arytenoid, 236
chondroblasts in, 51
costal, 83
cricoid, 235
elastic, 52
hyaline, 51
of larynx, 234
of Santorini, 236
of Wrisberg, 236
thyroid, 234
varieties of, 51
white fibrous, 52
yellow fibrous, 52
Casein, 25, 278, 284
Caseinogen, 25
Cavity or cavities of body, 17, 18
in bones, acetabulum, 93, 97
dorsal, 17
glenoid, of scapula, 84, 85
nasal, 72
oral or buccal, 252
orbital, 71
Cavity or cavities, pelvic, 94,
inlet, 95
outlet, 95
sigmoid, of ulna, 89
thoracic, 79, 233
tympanic, of ear, 408
ventral, 18
Cecum, 269
Celiac or cceliac axis, 203
branches of, 203
Cell, 31
bioplasm of, 31
bipolar (nerve), 333
in brain, 363
chromatin in, 33
division of, 32
function of, 29, 33
growth of, 32
marrow (bone), 59
multipolar (nerve), 333
nutrition of, 32
properties of, 33
protoplasm of, 31
reproduction of, 32
structure of, 29
unipolar (nerve), 333
Cellulose, 21
Centre or centres (nerve), 358,
359, 364
hearing (auditory), 366
memory, 367
motor, 364
respiratory, 248
sensor, 367
smell (olfactory), 366
speech, 367
taste (gustatory), 366
touch, 391
vasomotor, 187
vision, 366
will, 367
Centres (nerve) in cerebellum,
cerebrum, 364
medulla, 358
pons, 358
Centrifugal nerve fiber. See
Centripetal. See Glossary.
Cerebellum (brain), 358
arteries of, 197
falx of, 355
function of, 359
membranes of. See Brain.
peduncles of, 358
tentorium of, 355, 358
Cerebrospinal system, 331, 354
portions of, 331, 354
Cerebrum (brain), 359
areas of, 364
arteries of, 197, 198
cortex, 359
falx of, 355
functions of, 364
lobes of, 361
membranes of, 354, 355
Cervical plexus, 380
Chemic anatomy, 20
composition of body, 20
physiology, 20
Chest, muscle of, 143, 144
Chondroblasts, 51
Chordae tendineae (heart), 178,
Choroid of eye-ball, 400
Chyle, 287
absorption of, 287
Chyme, 278
Ciliary processes of eye, 401
Ciliated epithelium, 43
Circle of Willis, 198
Circumduction, joint or muscle,
Circulation, 174
arterial, 192
corporeal, 192
fetal, 185
lymphatic, 225
portal, 215
pulmonary, 192
systemic, 192
venous, 210
Circulatory apparatus, 174
anatomy and physiology of,
Clavicle, 84
Clitoris, 417
Coagulation of blood, 222
Coaptation of bones, 111
Coccygeal gland, 303, 307
Coccyx, 79
Cochlea of ear, 412
Coeliac or celiac axis, 203
Collar bone, 84
Colon, 270
ascending, 270
blood-supply of, 205
descending, 270
sigmoid, 270
transverse, 270
Colostrum, 295
corpuscles, 295 V
Columnse carneic (heart), 178, 180
Columnar epithelium, 42
Columns of the spinal cord, 347
Common bile duct, 300
Compact bone, 58
Complemental volume of air,
Composition of bone, 57
Compounds of body, inorganic,
organic, 20
Conductivity of a cell, 33
of a nerve, 343
Condyles of femur, 98
of humerus, 87
of mandible. 68
Conjunctiva, 398
Connective tissues, 47
adipose, 50
areolar, 50
bone, 57, 58
cartilage, 51
elastic, 48
fibrous, 48
functions of, 47
% retiform, 49
varieties of, 48
Contractility of arteries, 187
of muscle, 121
of veins, 189
Contraction wave of heart
muscle, 181
Convoluted tubules (kidney) ,
Coracobrachialis muscle, 149
Cord spinal, 345
umbilical, 185
Corium (skin), 323
Cornea of eye-ball, 400
Coronary arteries, 194
sinus, 211
valve of, 177
veins, 211
Corporeal arterial system, 192
Corpuscles, blood, 219, 220
colostrum, 295
Malpighian (kidney), 317
number of red, 219
white, 220
of Golgi, 123
of Krause, 340
of Meissner, 340, 391
of Merkel, 340
of Paccini, 340, 392
of Vater, 392
red, 219
function of, 219
tactile, 391
Wagner, 391
white, 220
function of, 221
varieties, 221
Corpus aurantii, 179
callosum, 359
Corpus hemorrhagicum, 426
luteum, 426
Corti, organ of (ear), 413
Cortical localization of function
(brain), 364
Costal cartilages, 83
Course of blood through chambers
of heart, 180
part played by valves during,
Cranial nerves, 368
Cranium, bones of, 60
Cretinism, 304
Cricoid cartilage, 235
Chireus muscle, 162
Crystalline lens of eye-ball, 401
function of, 404
Cystic duct, 300
Defecation, 282
Deglutition, 276
Deltoid muscle, 147
Dendrites, 333
Depressor anguli oris muscle,
labii inferioris, 130
muscle of hyoid bone, 136
Derma (skin), 323
Dextrin, 21
Dextrose or dextroses, 21
Dialysis. See Glossary.
Diapedesis. See Glossary.
Diaphragm, 81, 140
action of, 142
attachment of, 140, 141
openings in, 80, 81, 142
Diarthrosis, 110
Diastole of heart, 181
Digastric muscle, 136
Digestion, 275
accessory organs of, 251
action of bile in, 281
of colon in, 282
of gastric juice in, 277, 278
intestinal juice, 279, 280
pancreatic juice, 279
of glands of stomach in, 265
of saliva, during, 276
stomach wall, 277
villi of intestines in, 287
chyme in, 278
gastric, 277
in infants, 283
in mouth, 275, 270
intestinal, 278
organs of, 251, 275
Digestion, peristaltic wave during,
relation to digestion, 278
Digestive apparatus, 275
Digits of foot, 104
of hand, 92
Distal or dorsal. See Glossary.
Dorsal artery of foot, 208
cavity of body, 17
Douglas, pouch or cul-de-sac of,
Duct or ducts, bile, 299, 300
common bile, 300
cystic, 300
function of, 291
galactophorous, 293
hepatic, 299
lactiferous, 293
nasal, 67
pancreatic, 301
of Bartholin, 258
of Rivini, 258
of Stenson, 257
of Wharton, 258
of Wirsung, 301
thoracic, 231
Ductless glands, 303
Ductus arteriosus, 185
atrophy of, 185
communicus choledochus, 300
venosus, 184
atrophy of, 185
Duodenal glands, 267
Duodenum, 265
length of, 265
Dura mater of brain, 354
of spinal cord, 346
Dyspnoea, 233
Ear, bones of, 410
divisions of, 407
external, 407
internal, 411
middle, 408
tympanum, 408
Ectoderm, 140
Edema, 286
Efferent nerve cell, 333
nerve, 339
neurone, 333
Elastic tissue, 48
Elasticity of arteries, 186
of veins, 189
Elbow bone, 87
Elevator muscles of hyoid bone,
Elimination of waste products,
skin, 323
sweat glands, 328
urine, 319, 321
Embryonic tissue, 49
Enarthrosis, 108. See Table.
Endocardium, 175
Endolymph (ear), 412
Endomysium, 119
Endoneurium, 337
End-organs, 340, 391
Endosteum, 58 •
Endothelial cells, 46
Energy, 30
kinetic, 30
potential, 30
Ensiform process (bone), 82
Entoderm, 40
Enzymes. See Glossary.
Epidermis, 323
Epigastric region, 264. See Fig.
Epigastrium, 264. See Fig. 102.
Epiglottis, 236
function of, 236
Epirnysium, 118
Epineurium, 337
Epithelial tissue, 40
function of, 40, 41
locations of, 40, 41
varieties of, 41
Epithelium, 40
ciliated, 43
columnar, 42
glandular, 45
goblet, 43
location of, 40, 41
neuroepithelium, 44
respiratory, 244
simple, 41
squamous, 41
stratified, 41
transitional, 44
varieties of, 41
Equilibrium, centre of, 359
Erythroblasts in bone marrow,
Erythrocytes in blood, 219
in marrow, 59
Esophagus, 260
length of, 261
Ethmoidal cells, 66
Eustachian tube, 258
Excretion, definition of, 293
Extension in a joint, 112
Extensor muscles. See Muscles.
External oblique muscle, 143
pterygoid muscle, 132
rectus of eye-ball, 127, 128
Extremities, lower, bones of, 93
upper, 84
Extrinsic muscles of larynx, 238
of tongue, 132
Eye, appendages of, 397
chambers of, 401
coats of, 399, 400
function of retina, 403
muscles of, 127, 128, 400
nerve of, 370
refracting apparatus, 404
relation to accommodation,
Eye-ball, capsule of, 396
Eyebrows, muscles of, 126
Eyelashes, 398
Eyelids, 397
glands in, 397
muscles of, 126
Face, bones of, 66
Facial artery, 195. See Fig. 76.
nerve, 375
vein, 212
Falciform ligament (liver), 297
Fallopian tubes, 422
False vocal cords, 237
pelvis, 94
Falx cerebelli, 355
cerebri, 355
Fascia, 124
axillary, 143
Colles, 147
composition, 124
deep layers of, 124
perineal, 147
function of, 124
iliac, 145
ischiorectal, 147
lata, 160
of abdomen, 142, 143
of arm, 149
of forearm, 150
of neck, 137
of shoulder, 147
of thigh, 159, 160
of thoracic region, 143
of perineum, 146
palmar, 156
superficial layer, 124
Fats, 22
action of pancreatic juice upon,
* composition of, 22
function of, 22
location of, 22
Fats, saponification of, 23, 280
soaps from, 23
Fatty tissue, 50
Fauces, isthmus of, 256
pillars of, 256
Feces, 283
Female organs of reproduction,
Femoral artery, 206
vein, 215
Femur (bone), 97
Fenestra ovalis (ear), 411
"i-otundum (ear), 409
Fertilization of ovum, 35
Fetal circulation, 184
Fibrin, 25, 218, 222
function of. 25, 222
Fibrinogen, 25, 218, 222
function of, in coagulation of
blood, 222
Fibrocartilage, 52
white, 52
yellow, 52
Fibrous tissue, 48
Fibula (bone), 102
Fimbriae of Fallopian tube, 423
Flexion, in a joint, 112
Flexor muscles. See Muscles.
Fontanelles of infant skull, 70, 71
Food, absorption of, 29, 30, 287
action of bile upon, 281
gastric juice, 277, 278
intestinal juice, 279, 280
pancreatic juice, 279
saliva, 276
heat values of, 311
relation to body energy, 29, 30
Foot, bones of, 102
Foramen magnum, 60
of Monro, 363
of ovale, 184
Forearm, muscles of, 151
Fossa or cavity. See Cavity.
P>acture, green-stick, of bone, 57
Frontal bone, 61
lobe of cerebrum, 361
sinus, 62
Fruit-sugar, 22
Galactophorous ducts, 293
Gall-bladder, 299
duct of, 300
Ganglia, 342
on roots of spinal nerve, 342,
Ganglia, spinal, 342
sympathetic, 342
Gangliated cord, 342, 383
Gaseous exchange of carbon
dioxide in lungs, 180
in tissue, 180
of oxygen in lungs, 180
in tissues, 180
Gasserian ganglion, 371
Gastric artery, 203
digestion, adults, 277
enzymes in, 278
ferments in, 278
infants, 283
glands, 265
juice, 278
action of, during digestion, 277
pepsin in, 278
percentage of hydrochloric
acid in, 278
rennin in, 278
Gastrocnemius muscle, 168
Generative organs, female, 417
Geniohyoid muscle, 136
Gigantism, 308
Ginglymus joint, 108. See Table.
Gland or glands, 45
alveolar, 45
Brunner's, 267
cardiac of stomach, 265
carotid, 303, 308
ductless, 303
duodenal, 267
gastric, 265
intestinal, 267
lacrymal, 398
Lieberktihn, 267
lymph, 225, 227
mammary, 293
parathyroid, 303, 305
parotid, 257
function of, 257, 290
pituitary, 305, 307
pyloric, of stomach, 265
salivary, 257
sebaceous, 325, 326
secreting, 291, 292
spleen, 305
sweat, 327
thymus, 306
thyroid, 304
tubular, 45
Glenoid cavity or fossa, 84, 85
Gliding movement in a joint. 111
Glisson's capsule (liver), 298
Globulins, varieties of, 24
Glomerulus, 317
Glossopharyngeal nerve (ninth),
Glottidis rima (larynx) , 237
Glucose, 21
Glycogen, 21
formation of, 299
Glycogenic function of liver, 299
Goblet cells, 43
Goitre, 305
exophthalmic, 305
Golgi, organ of, 123
Grape-sugar, 21
Green-stick fracture of bone, 57
Gristle of bone, 23
Growth of a cell, 32
Gullet, 260
Hair or hairs, 325
follicle, 326
function of, 325
location of, 325
Hand, bones of, 92
pronation of, 158
supination of, 158
Haversian canals (bone), 58
system, 59
Head, bones of, 59
Hearing, centre of (auditory
area), 366
nerve of, 377
parts essential to, 414
sound waves, 414, 415
Heart (myocardium), 174
atrioventricular bundle (His) ,
function of, 181
auricle, left, 179
openings in, 179
right, 176
openings in, 176, 177
auriculoventricular groove, 175
openings, 175, 177
septum, 175
beats, 183
felt best, 175
heard best, 183
number of, per minute, 183
regulation of, 181
cavities of, 175
chordae tendineae, 178, 179
contraction wave of, 180
regulation of, 181
conus arteriosus, 178
coronary valve, 177
coverings of, 174
columnse carnese, 178, 180
diastole of, 181
dimensions of, 175
Heart, fetal circulation of, 184
interventricular groove, 175
septum, 175
musculi pectinati, 178
openings into, 176, 179
within, 175, 177, 178
papillary muscles, 179
position in chest, 174, 175
relation to chest wall, 174,
sounds, 183
cause of, 183
character of, 183
heard best, 183
septum of ventricles, 175
sinus (blood), 211
systole of, 181
valves of, 179
coronary, 177
mitral or bicuspid, 179
semilunar, 178, 179
tricuspid, 178
veins of, 211
ventricles of, left, 179
right, 178
weight, female, 175
male, 175
Heat dissipation, 311, 312
factors essential to, 311
production, 310
factors essential to, 310
relation of calorie to, 311
units, 311
value of food, 311, 312
Hemoglobin, 219
relation to respiration, 247
Hepatic artery, 203
cells, 298
ducts, 299
Hip, bon'e of, 97, 98
His, bundle of, 181
Howship's fovea, 58
Human anatomy, 17
physiology, 17
Humerus (bone), 85
Hunter's canal, 163
Hyaline cartilage, 51
Hydrocarbons (fats), 22
Hydrochloric acid in gastric
juice, 278
percentage of, 278
Hymen, 419
Hyoid (bone), 68
Hypochondriac region, 264
See Fig. 102.
Hypochondrium, 264. See Fig.
Hypogastric region, 264. See
Fig. 102.
Hypogastrium, 264, See Fig.
Hypoglossal nerve, 379
Hypophysis. See Pituitary body.
Ileo-cecal valve, 269
Ileum, 265
Iliac artery, 205, 206
veins, 215
Ilium, 93
Incus (bone of ear), 410
Inferior constrictor muscle, 133
vena cava, 213
Inguinal regions of abdomen,
264. See Fig. 102.
Innominate artery, 194
vein, 211
Inorganic compounds of body,
of bone, 57
Insalivation, 275
Insertion of a muscle, 123
Intercostal arteries, 202
muscles, 140
spaces, 79
Internal oblique muscle of the
abdomen, 143
pterygoid muscle, 132
rectus of eye-ball, 127, 128
secretion, 290
definition of, 290
organs of, 290
Interventricular septum (heart),
Intervertebral cartilages, 72
foramen, 75
Intestinal digestion, 279
glands, 267
invertin in, 280
juice, 280
Intestines, large, 269
function of, 282
length, 269
structure of, 272
small, 265
function of, 279, 280
structure of, 265
Intrinsic muscles of larynx, 238
of tongue, 132
Invertin, 280
Involuntary muscle fiber, 120
non-striated, 120
striated, 120
Iris, 400
Iron, 26
Irritability of a cell, 33
Irritability of muscle tissue, 121
of nerve tissue, 343
Ischium (bone), 93
Island of Reil, 361
Islands or areas of Langerhans,
Isthmus of fauces, 256
Jejenum, 265
Joint or joints (articulation), 106
amphiarthrosis, 109
arthrodial, 108. See Table.
ball-and-socket, 108. See
bones in, 106
cartilage in, 106
classification of, 108. See
condyloid, 108. See Table.
diarthrosis, 110
hinge, 108. See Table.
immovable, 109
kinds of movement in, 111
ligaments in, 106
mixed, 109
movable, 110
parts forming, 106
pivot, 108. See Table.
saddle, 108. See Table.
symphysis, 109
synarthrosis, 109
^ syndesmosis, 110
synovial membrane in, 106
table of classification, 108
Jugular veins, 212
Katabolism, 29
Kidneys, 314
blood-supply of, 205
Bowman's capsules, 317
calices in, 316, 317
capsule of, 314
cortex of, 314
dimensions of, 314
fixation of, 314
glomerulus in, 317
loops of Henle, 317
medulla, 316
structures of, 316
papilla in, 317
pyramids of, 317, 318
relations of, 314
secretion of urine by, 319
Kidneys, structure of, 314
tubules in, epithelium of, 318,
function of, 318, 319
uriniferous, 317
waste products eliminated by,
Karyokinesis, 32
Kinetic energy, 30
Krause, corpuscle of (skin), 340
Labia majora, 417
minora, 417
Labyrinth of ear, 411, 412
membranous, 412
osseous, 411
Lacrymal apparatus, 398
bones, 67
ducts, 398
gland, 398
sac, 398
Lactation, 293
Lacteals, 287
function of, 287
location of, 287
Lactiferous ducts, 293
Lactose, 22
Lacunae of bones, 58
Langerhans, areas of, 302
Large intestines, 269
divisions of, 270
Larynx, 234
cartilages of, 234
interior of, 237
ligaments of, 234
relation of, 234
vocal cords, 237
Latissimus dorsi muscle, 139
Leg, bones of, 99
muscles of, 167
Leukocytes in blood, 220
in marrow, 59
varieties of, 221
Levator anguli oris muscle, 129
labii superioris alseque nasi, 129
superioris, 129
menti, 130
palpebrae superioris, 127
Levatores costarum muscles, 140
Levulose, 22
Lieberkiihn, glands of, 267
Ligaments, 106
annular, 124. 151
composition of, 107
fimction of, 106
of larynx, 236
of liver, 297
Ligaments of uterus, 422
tarsal, 126, .397
Ligamentum nuchse, 137
Light, rays of, in normal eye, 403
refractory apparatus in con-
verging rays of, 404
relation of retina to, 403
Limbs, lower, bones of, 03
upper, 84
Line, ileopectineal, 94
Linea alba, 144
semilunaris, 144
transversse, 144
Liver, 295
blood-supply of, 203
dimensions of, 295
duct of, 299
fissures of, 297
functions of, 299
glycogen, formation, 299
ligaments of, 297
lobes of, 297
lobules, 298
portal vein of, 216
secretion of bile, 281
structure of, 297
urea formation iif, 299
weight of, 295
Lower extremity, bones of, 93
arteries of, 206
muscles of, 159
veins of, 215
Lower jaw-bone, 68
Lumbar artery, 203
region of abdomen, 264. See
Fig. 102.
vertebra, 72
Lungs, 241
air sacs in, 244
alveoli of, 244
anatomy of, 241
blood-supply of, 244
bronchi in, 243
bronchioles, 244
carbon dioxide exchan"ge in,
180, 244
lobes of, 243
lobiiles of, 244
oxygen exchange in, 180, 244
relation of pleura to, 241
respiratory epithelium, 244
root of, 243
structure of, 243
vital capacity of, 246
volumes of air Ijreathed during
respiration, 245
varieties of, 245, 246
Lymph, absorption of, 225, 287
theory of, 288
Lymph capillaries, 225, 226, 287
blood capillaries in relation
with, 226, 287
composition of, 228
direction of flow, 227, 228
function of, 279
glands or nodes, 225, 227
afferent vessels of, 227
efferent vessels of, 227
function of, 227
nodules, 267
Peyer's patches, 267, 268
solitary, 267
- spaces, 225, 287
relation to capillaries, 226
to digestion, 287
in villi of small intestines,
Lymphatic ducts, right, 231
empties, 231
parts drained by, 231
system, 225
thoracic, 231
empties, 231
function of, 231
relation of, 231
vessels, 226
coats of, 226
deep, 226
function of, 226
structure of, 227
superficial, 226
Lymphoid tissue, 50
Macula lutea (eye-ball) , 402
Malar bone, 68
Malleolus, external, 102
internal, 101
Malleus (ossicle of ear), 410
Malpighian corpuscles of kidney
of spleen, 306
layer of skin, 323
Maltose or malt-sugar, 22
Mammary glands, 293
Mandible (bone), 68
Maple-sugar, 22
Marrow of bone, 59
cavity, 59
cells, 59
Masseter muscle, 132
Mastication, 275
muscles of, 132
Mastoid cells (ear), 64
Maturation (ovum), 35
Maxilla (bone), 67
Meatus, external auditory, 65
Mediastinum, 241
Medulla (oblongata), 355
centres in, 357
functions of, 357
of kidney, 316
Medullary canal of bone, 55,
endosteum of, 58
rays of kidney, 317
Medullated nerve fiber, 334
Meibomian glands, 397
Meissner corpuscles, 340
Membrana granulosa of ovary,
tympani, 408
Membrane or membranes, 45, 291
of brain, 355
mucous, 45, 291
function of, 45, 291
location of, 45
structure of, 45
serous, 46, 291
function of, 46, 47
location of, 46
of spinal cord, 346
synovial, 107, 292
function of, 107, 292
location, 107
varieties of, 107
Memory, centre of, 367
Menopause, 428
Menses, 427
Menstruation, 427
cause of, 427
period of, 427
Mesenteric artery, inferior, 205
superior, 205
vein, inferior, 216
superior, 216
Mesoderm, 40
Metabolism, 29
Metacarpal bones, 92
Metatarsal bones, 104
Micturition, 314
Middle constrictor muscle, 133
Milk, 291
action of rennin upon, 279
amount secreted in twenty-
four hours, 294
colostrum of, 295
difference in composition of,
cow, 294
human. 294
as a food, 294
Milk-sugar or lactose, 22
Mineral salts in bone, 57
Molasses, 22
Molecular disturbance of a nerve,
Mons veneris, 417
Motility of a cell, 33
of white cells, 220
Motor areas in brain, 364
nerve, 339
roots of spinal cord, 349
Mouth or oral cavity, 252
digestion in, 275, 276
Movements, kinds of, in a joint,
Mucin, 45, 291
Mucous membranes, 45, 291
function of, 45
layers of, 45
location of, 45
secretions, 291
varieties of, 291
Multipolar nerve cell, 333
Muscle or muscle tissue, 117
abductor hallucis, 171
minimi digiti, of hand, 157
of foot, 171
pollicis, 157
adductor brevis (thigh), 166
longus (thigh), 164
magnus (thigh), 166
obliquus hallucis, 171
pollicis, 157
transversus hallucis, 171
pollicis, 157
anconeus, 155
arrangement of muscle fibers,
118, 119
attachment of, to skeleton, 122
biceps, arm, 149
leg, 164
brachialis anticus, 149
buccinator, 131
classification of, 117
constrictor, of pharynx, 133
contractility of, 121
coracobrachialis, 149
cranial, 124
crureus, 162
deltoid, 147
depressor anguli oris, 130
labii inferioris, 130
depressors of hyoid bone, 136
derivation of names, 122
diaphragm, 140
digastric, 136
elevators of hyoid bone, 136
extensor brevis digitorum, 170
pollicis, 156
carpi radalis brevior, 154
longior, 154
Muscle or muscle tissue, extensor
communis digitorum, 154
indicis, 156
longus digitorum, 167
hallucis, 167
pollicis, 156
minimi digiti, 155
ossis metacarpi pollicis, 156
external obliqueof abdomen, 146
pterygoid, 132
rectus of eye-ball, 127, 128
flexor accessorius, 171
brevis digitorum, 170
hallucis, 171
minimi digiti, 157
pollicis, 157
carpi radialis, 151
ulnaris, 152
longus digitorum, 169
hallucis, 170
pollicis, 153
profundus digitorum, 153
sublimus digitorum, 152
gastrocnemius, 168
geniohyoid, 136
gluteus maximus, 160
medius, 160
minimus, 160
gracilis, 166
iliacus, 145
inferior constrictor, 133
rectus of eye-ball, 127, 128
infracostales, 140
infraspinatus, 148
insertion of, 123
intercostal, 140
internal pterygoid, 132
oblique, 142
rectus, 127, 128
interossei of foot, 172
of hand, 157, 158
involuntary non-striated, 117,
striated, 117, 120
latissimus dorsi, 139
levator anguli oris, 129
labii superioris alaeque nasi,
superioris, 129
menti, 130
palpebrae superioris, 127
levatores costarum, 140
lumbricales of hand, 158
masseter, 132
middle constrictor, 133
motor plate, nerve ending, 339
mylohyoid, 136
nerve endings in, 339
occipitofrontalis, 125
Muscle or muscle tissue of abdo-
men, 142, 145
of back and neck, 137
of cheek, 130
of chest, 144
of external ear, 125
of eye-ball, 127, 128
of eye-brows, 126
of eye-lids, 126
of fingers, 152, 153
of foot, 170
of forearm, 151
of hand, 157, 158
" of head and neck, 124, 134, 136
of hypothenar eminence, 157
of larynx, 238
of little finger, 157
toe, 171
of lower extremity, 159
of upper, 147
of mastication, 132
of mouth, 130
of nose, 129
of orbits, 127, 128
of palate, 133
of pharynx, 133
of shoulder, 147, 148
of thenar eminence, 157
of thigh, 161
of thoracic (anterior) region,
of thorax, 139
of tongue, 132
of trunk, 137
omohyoid, 136
opponens minimi digiti, 157
pollicis, 157
orbicularis oris, 130
palpebrarum, 126
origin of, 122,123
palmaris brevis, 157
longus, 151
pectineus, 164
pectoralis major, 144
minor, 144
peroneus brevis, 168
longus, 168
plantaris, 169
platysma, 135
popliteus, 169
pronator quadratus, 153
radii teres, 151
pyramidalis, 143
quadratus lumborum, 145
quadriceps extensor tendon, 162
recti of eye-ball, 128
rectus of abdomen, 143
relation of aponeurosis to, 123
of fascia to, 124
Muscle or muscle tissue, relation
of nerve to, 339
risorius, 132
sarcolemma of muscle tissue,
sarcoplasm, 117
sartorius, 162
semimembranosus, 164
semitendinosus, 164
soleus, 168
sternomastoid, 136
stimuli, 122
striated, involuntary, 117,
voluntary, 117
stylohyoid, 136
stylopharyngeus, 133
subclavius, 144
subscapular, 148
superior constrictor, 133
oblique of eye-ball, 129
rectus, 127
supinator brcvis, 155
longus, 154
supraspinatus, 148
temporal, 132
tendons of, 122, 123
tensor fascia femoris, 162
tarsi, 126
teres major, 148
minor, 148
tibialis anticus, 167
posticus, 170
tissue, 117
classification of, 117
endomysium of, 119
epimysium of, 118
perimysium of, 119
physiological properties of,
transversalis of abdomen, 143
trapezius, 137
triangularis sterni, 140
triceps, 150
vastus externus, 162
internus, 162
voluntary, 117
Muscularis mucosae, 45
importance to contraction of
arteries, 187
Myelin sheath of nerve fiber,
Mylohyoid muscle, 136
Myocardium (heart muscle) ,
Myology, definition of, 18, 117
Myosin of muscle tissue, 25
Myosinogen, 25
Myxedema, 304
Nails, finger and toe, 325
Nasal bones, 66
cavities or fossae, 72, 395
function of, in respiration,
duct, 67, 395, 398
septum or wall, 66, 67, 72
Nares, anterior, 72
posterior, 72
Nerve or nerves, 335
abducens, 375
axis-cylinder or axone, 335
afferent, 340
anatomy and physiology of
nerve system, 331
auditory (eighth), 377
bloodvessels of, 335
cell, 331
classification of, in spinal
cord, 349
size of, 333
structure of, 333
central system, 345
cerebrospinal system, 331
classification of, 342
connective - tissue trabeculae,
cranial, 368
efferent, 339
eighth cranial, 377
endings of, 339, 340
endoneurium of, 337
epineurium of, 337
eleventh cranial, 378
facial (seventh), 375
fiber, 334
amyelinic, 334, 335
medullated, 334
myelin of, 335
nodes of Ranvier on, 335
substance of Schwann, 335
myelinic, 334
non-medullated, 334, 335
fifth cranial, 371
first, 368
fourth, 371
function of, 336
ganglia, ganglion, 342
sympathetic, 342
glossopharyngeal (ninth), 377
gangliated cord, 383
nerves, 385
function of, 386
relation of rami communi-
cantes to, 385
structure of, 383
hypoglossal (twelfth), 379
Nerve or nerves, inferior max-
illary division of fifth, 374'
impulse, 343
direction of afferent, 344
efferent, 344
motor, 344
of sensor, 344
lingual, 374
molecular, disturbance in, 344
neurilemma of, 335
neuroglia of, 337
ninth cranial, 377
oculomotor (third), 370
olfactory (first), 368
ophthalmic division of fifth.
optic (second), 370
chiasm, 370
tract, 370
origin of, 338
pars intermedia, 375
perineurium of, 337
physiology of, 343
plexus, 340
pneumogastric (tenth), 378
reflex action of, 292
second cranial, 370
seventh, 376
sixth, 375
secretor, 328
regulation of blood pressure,
seventh cranial, 375
spinal, 346, 379
accessory, eleventh, 378
cells, 349
afferent, 349
classification of, 349
efferent, 349
intrinsic, 349
ganglia on, 342
names of, 349
number of, 349
rami communicantes,-385
stimuli, 343
structure of nerve svstem,
cell, 333
of neurone, 333
supporting, 337
superior maxillary division of
fifth, 373
sympathetic system, 383
function of, 383
ganglia in, 383
tenth cranial, 378
tonus of a nerve, 352
trochlea (fourth), 371
vasomotor, 187, 328
Nerve or nerves, vasomotor to
bloodvessels, 187
vasoconstrictor, 187
vasodilator, 187
Neuroepithelial cells, 44
Neurone or nerve cell, 331
afferent (sensor), 333
axis-cylinder or axone of, 333
bipolar, 333
dendrites of, 333
efferent, 333
motor, 333
excitoglandular, 333
excitomotor, 333
multipolar, 333
sensor, 333
structure of, 333
unipolar, 333
Neuroglia, 337
Neurology, definition of, 18
Neutral fats, 23
Non-medullated nerves, 334, 335
Nose, bones of, 66
muscles of, 129
openings of, 72
Nucleolus of a cell, 32
Nucleus of a cell, 32
Nutrition of a cell, 32
Number of bones in body, 54
Oblique muscles of eye-ball,
127, 128
Occipital bone, 60
lobe of cerebrum, 361
Occipitofrontalis muscle, 125
Oculomotor (third) nerve, 370
Odors, relation of sense of smell,
Olecranon fossa, 87
process, 87
Olein, 23
Olfactorv area, 366
bulb, 369
filaments, 369
nerve, 368
tract, 370
Omentum. See Glossary.
Ophthalmic division of fifth nerve,
Optic chiasm, 370
nerve, 370
tract, 370
Orbicularis oris muscle, 130
palpebrarum, 126
Orbital cavities, 71
boundaries of, 71
Orbital cavities, contents of, 396
Orbits, 71
Organ of Corti (ear), 413
of Golgi, 123
Organic acids, 27
compounds, 20
Organs of digestion, 251
of reproduction, 417
of respiration, 233
of voice, 234
Origin of a muscle, 123
of a nerve, 338
Osmosis. See Glossary.
of lymph, 225
Ossicles (bones of ear), 410
Ossification. See Glossary.
Osteoblasts, 57
Osteoclasts, 58
Osteology, definition of, 18
Otoliths, 413
Ovarian artery, 205
Ovaries, 423
blood-supply of, 205
ligaments of, 423
Ovulation, 425
Ovum, 35, 424
development of, 424
fertilization of, 35, 425, 426
maturation of, 35
Oxidation of blood, 220
of tissue, 220
Oxyhemoglobin, 220
Pain, sense of, 393
Palate, arches of, 256
glands of, 256
hard, 256
pillars of, 256
soft, 133, 256
Palate bone, 68
Palmar arches, deep, 198, 201
superficial, 198, 201
fascia, 156
Palmaris brevis muscle, 157
longus, 151
Palmitin, 23
Pancreas, 301
blood-supply of, 203
dimensions of, 301 •
function of, 279, 302
islands of Langerhans in, 302
structure of, 302
Pancreatic juice, 279
action of, upon food, 279
amylopsin in, 280
in intestinal digestion, 279
Pancreatic juice, steapsin in, 280
trypsin in, 280
Papilla? of skin, 324
Papillary muscles in heart, 179
Parathyroids, 303, 305
function of, 305
Parietal bones, 60
Parotid gland, 257
duct of, 257
Patella bone, knee-cap, 99
Pectoralis major muscle, 144
minor, 144
Pelvic cavity, 93
boundaries of, 93
Pelvis as a whole, 93
false, 94
inlet, 95
outlet, 95
true, 95
Pepsin, 278, 279
action of, in gastric digestion,
Peptones, 25, 278, 279
Pericardium, 174
fibrous layer, 174
serous, 174
Perichondrium, 51
Perilymph (ear), 412
Perimysium, 119
Perineum, fascia of, 146
muscles of, 146
Perineurium, 337
Periosteum, 57
Peripheral resistance, 191
Peristalsis, 278
relation of, to digestion, 278
Peroneus brevis muscle, 168
longus, 168
Perspiration, 327
function of, 328
glandular activity, 328
nerves controlling, 328
blood-pressure, 328
Perspiratory apparatus, 19
Peyer's patches, 267, 268
Phagocytes, 221
Phagocytosis, 221
Phalanges of foot, 104
of hand, 92
Pharynx, 258
boundaries of, 258
length of, 259
muscles of, 132
structure of, 258
Phonation, 238
Phosphorus in body, 26
Physiological properties of muscle
tissue, 121
Physiology, definition of, 17
Pia mater of brain, 355
of spinal cord, 346
Pigmented cell, 44
Pituitary body, 307
function of, 307
Place, sense, skin, 393
Placenta (after-birth), 184
Plantaris muscle, 169
Plasma of blood, 217
Platysma muscle, 135
Pleura, 240
prevent friction during respira-
ation, 242
structure of, 240
Pleural cavity, 240
Plexus of nerves, 340
brachial, 380
cervical, 380
lumbar, 382
sacral, 382
venous, 211
Pneumogastric (tenth) nerve, 378
Pons varolii. 357
function of, 357
structure of, 357
Popliteal artery, 208
vein, 215
Popliteus muscle, 169
Portal circulation, 215
system, 215
vein, 215
Potential energy, 30
Pressure, blood. See Blood- '
sense (skin), 393
Prickle cells, 43
Principles, proximate, 20
Pronation, 158
Pronator quadratus muscle, 153
radii teres, 151
Proteins or proteids, 23
composition of, 23
Proteoses, 25, 279
Protoplasm, 31
composition of, 32
of ovum, 32
properties of, 32, 33
Proximate principles, 20
Psoas magnus muscle, 146
parvus, 146
Ptyalin, 276
Pulmonary arterial system, 192
artery, 178, 192
circulation, 192
vein, 178
Pulse, 189
cause of, 190
number of beats per minute,
Pulse, physiology of, 190
varieties of, 190
where to count, 189
Pupil of eye, 400
Pyloric valve of stomach, 263
Pylorus of stomach, 263
Quadriceps extensor tendon, 162
Radial artery, 198
vein, 213
Radius, 89
Rami communicantes, 385, 386
Ranvier, nodes of, 335
Reaction, chemical. See Glossary.
Receptaculum chyli, 231
Recti muscles of eye-ball, 127,
Rectovaginal pouch, 272
Rectum, 272
Rectus femoris muscle, 162
muscle of abdomen, 143
Red cells or corpuscles, 217, 219
Reflex action, 352
in gland secretion, 292
Regions of abdomen, 264. Fig.
Renal arteries, 205
Rennin, 278
action of, in gastric digestion,
adult, 279
infant, 284
upon milk, 279
Reproduction of a cell, 32
organs of, female, 417
Reserve volume of air (lungs),
Residual volume of air (lungs),
Resistance peripheral (blood
pressure), 191
Respiration, 233, 245
carbon dioxide given off during,
cause of, 249
changes of composition of air
during, 246
frequency of, 245
function of, 245
nasal cavities, relation to, 233
organs of, 233
oxygen absorbed during, 244
rate of, 245
Respiration, complemental air,
relation of nerves to, 248
reserve, 246
residual, 246
respiratory epithelium in, 244
tidal, 245
vital capacity of lungs in, 246
volumes of air breathed during,
Respiratory apparatus, 19, 233
centre (nerves), 248
epithelium, 244
Retiform tissue, 49
Retina (eye-ball), 401
function of, 403
layers of cells in, 403
macula lutea in, 402
rods and cones in, 403
function of, 403
Ribs, false or asternal, 82
floating, 82
peculiar, 83
true or sternal, 82
typical, 82
Risorius muscle, 132
Rotation of a joint or muscle,
Ruga? of bladder, 318
of stomach, 264
of vagina, 420
Saccharoses, 21, 22
Saccule of larynx, 237
of membranous labyrinth, 412
Saliva, 275, 291
chemical action of, 276
physical action of, 276
Salivary glands, 257
Salt or sodium chloride in body,
Salts, mineral, in body, 26
in bone, 57
Saphenous vein, long, 215
short, 215
Saponification, 23
Sarcolemma (muscle tissue), 117,
Sarcoplasm (muscle tissue), 117
Sartorius muscle, 162
Scalp, layers of, 124, 125
Scapula (bone), 84
Scarpa's triangle, 206
Schwann, white substance or
sheath of, 335
Schwann, sclerotic coat of eye-
ball, 399
Sebaceous glands, 325, 326
Sebum, 327
Secreting glands, 292
Secretions, 290
external, 290
classifications of, 291
gastric juice, 291
milk, 291
mixed, 46
mucous, 46, 291
saliva, 29
serous, 46, 291
synovial, 292
tears, 398, 399
internal, 290, 303
organs of, 303
Secreting organs, glands, 291
membranes, 291
Secretory apparatus, 19
Semicircular canals (ear), 411
Semilunar valves (heart), 178, 179
Semimembranosus muscle, 164
Semitendinosus muscle, 164
Sensations in end-organs of skin,
Sense, muscle, 394
of equilibrium, 359
of hearing, 407
of sight, 396
of smell, 394
of taste, 390, 406
of touch, 391
muscle sense, 394
place sense, 393
pressure sense, 393
temperature sense, 393
tactile, 390, 391
Sensor area in brain, 366
nerve cell, 333, 349
fiber, 340
roots of spinal cord, 350
Serous membranes, 46, 291
function of, 46, 47, 291
location of, 46, 47
secretions, 291
Serum of blood, 218
Serum-albumen in blood, 24
Sharpey's fibers (bone), 58
Shin bone (tibia), 99
Shoulder, muscles of, 147, 148
Shoulder-blade, 84
Sight, nerve of, 370, 397
organs of, 396
physiology of, 403, 404
sense of, 396
Sinus or sinuses, antrum of High-
more, 68, 72
Sinus or sinuses, coronary (ven-
ous), 179, 211
frontal, 62
maxillary, 72
Valsalva, 179
venous, of skull. 211
Skin. 322
appendages of, 325
derma of, 322
end-organs in, 340
epidermis of, 322
function of, 323
layers of, epidermis, 323
dermis, 323, 324
secretions from, 323
sweat glands in, 327
total area of, 323
waste materials eliminated
from, 323
Skull as a whole, 69
bones of vertex, 71
fetal, 69
fontanelles in, 69, 70
ossification of, 69
venous sinuses of, 211
Small intestine. See Intestines.
Smell, nerve of. 368, 394
sense of, 394
organs of, 394
Soaps, 23
Soleus muscle, 168
Sound waves, 41.5
cause of. 415
Sounds of heart. 182
cause of. 183
Speech, articulate, 238
centre of, 367
Spermatozoon, 35, 425
Sphenoid bone, 65
Spinal accessory nerve, 378
canal, 74, 346
column, 72
length of, 74
cord, 345
columns of, 347
function of, 351
horns of, 348
length of. 347
membranes of, 346
nerve cells in, 349
nerves of, 349
number of, 349
roots of. 350, 351
ganglion in, 342, 350
structure of, 348
Spinal nerves, 349
names of, 349
nun\ber of pairs, 349
Splanchnology, definition of, 19
Spleen, 305
blood-supply of, 203
dimensions of, 305
function of, 306
ligaments of, 306
location of, 305
Squamous epithelium. 40
Stapes (ossicle of ear), 410
Starch, 21
action of saliva upon. 276
pancreatic juice, 280
ptyalin, 276
Steapsin, 280
* action of intestinal digestion,
Stearin, 23
Sternohyoid muscle. 136
Sternomastoid muscle, 136
Sternothyroid muscle. 136
Sternum (bone), 82
Stimuli of muscle tissue, 122
of nerves, 343
relation of molecular distur-
bance to, 344
Stomach, 262
blood-supply of, 203
capacity of adult's, 263
of infant's, 283
coats of. 263
digestion in, 277
glands of, 265
location of, 262
parts of. 236
structure of, 263
Stomata, 47
Stratified epithelium, 41
Styloglossus muscle, 132
Stylohyoid muscle, 136
Subclavian artery, 196
vein, 212
Subclavius muscle, 144
Subcostal muscle, 140
Subcrureus muscle, 163
Subcutaneous tissues, 324
Sublingual gland, 257
Submaxillary gland. 257
Sugars in body, 21, 22
dextroses, 21
saccharoses, 22
Sulphur in body. 26
Superior constrictor muscle. 133
maxillary division of fifth
nerve. 373
rectus muscle, 127, 128
vena cava, 211
Supination of hand. 158
Supinator brevis muscle, 155
longus, 154
Suprarenal glands, 307
Suprarenal glands, function of,
location of, 307
Swallowing (deglutition) , 276
Sweat, 328. See Perspiration.
Sympathetic ganglia, 383
function of, 386, 387
structure of, 383, 387
system of, 383
function of, 386
gangliated cord of, 385
Symphysis pubes, 93
Synarthrosis (joint), 109
Syndesmology, definition of, 18
Syndesmosis, 110
Synovia, 107
Synovial membranes, 107, 292
Systole of heart, 181
Tactile cells, 391
end-organs, 391, 392
Tarsal cartilage, 397
ligaments, 126, 397
Tarsus, bones of, 102
Taste-buds (tongue), 406
end-organs, 406
nerves of, 374, 377
organs of, 406
sensations of, 406
sense of, 406
Tears, composition of, 399
drainage of, 399
secretion of, 398, 399
Teeth, 252
appearance of, in infants, 254
permanent, 253
structure of, 253
temporary, 252
Temperature of body, 312
at different ages, 313
determination of, 312
normal, adult, 313
by axilla, 313
by mouth, 313
by rectum, 313
by vagina, 313
Temporal bone, 62
lobe of brain, 361
Tendo Achilles, 169
oculi, 126
Tenon, capsule of, 396
Tendons, 122
attachments of, 123
composition of, 123
function of, 123
organs of Golgi in, 123
Tension, arterial, 190
muscle, 121
Tetany, 305
Thigh, muscles of, 97, 98
Thoracic aorta, 202
branches of, 202
cavity, 79
contents of, 81
dimensions of, 79
ducts, 231
functions of, 231
relation of receptaculum
chyli to, 231
right, 231
Thorax as a whole, 79
bones of, 79
contents of, 81
muscles of, 139
openings, lower, 81
upper, 79
Thymus gland, 306
Thyroid cartilage, 234
gland, 304
isthmus of, 304
Tibia (bone), 99
Tibial artery, anterior, 208
posterior, 208
veins, 215
Tibialis anticus muscle, 167
posticus muscle, 170
Tidal air, volume breathed, 245
Tissue or tissues, 35
adipose, 50
areolar, 50
bone, 57, 58
cartilage, 51
classification of, 40
connective, 47
embryonic, 49
endothelial, 46
epithelial, 40, 41
fibrous, 48
lymphoid, 50
mucous, 49
muscle, 117
neuroepithelial, 44
origin of, 35
osseous (bone), 57, 58
retiform, 49
subcutaneous, 324
Tone or tonus of arteries, 190
of muscle, 121
of nerve, 352
Tongue, 254
arteries of, 255
muscles of, extrinsic, 254
intrinsic, 254
nerves of, 374, 377
structure of, 254
Tongue, taste sensations in, 406,
touch sensations in, 406, 407
veins of, 255
Tonsils, 256
location of, 256
Tonus of a muscle, 121
of a nerve, 352
Touch, sense of, 391
varieties of, 392, 393
Trachea (windpipe), 238
dimensions of, 239
structure of, 238, 239
Transitional epithelium, 44
Transversalis muscle of abdomen,
Transverse lines of abdomen, 144
Trapezius muscle, 137
Triangularis sterni muscle, 140
Triceps muscle, 150
Tricuspid valve (heart), 178
Trifacial or trigeminal nerve, 371
Trigone of bladder, 319
Trochlear nerve, 371
True pelvis, 95
Trypsin, 279
action of, in intestinal digestion,
Tunica propria of a membrane,
Tunics or coats of arteries, 186
of eye-ball, 399
of veins, 188
Turbinated bones, 68
Tympanic cavity or tympanum,
ossicles in, 410
Ulna (bone), 87
Ulnar artery, 199
vein, 213
Umbilical cord, 185
region of abdomen, 264. Fig.
vein, 184
Unipolar neurone or nerve cell,
Upper extremity, arteries of, 198
bones of, 84
veins of, 212
Urea, 322
production of, in liver, 299
relation of, to protein diet, 322
Ureters, 318
Urethra, opening in bladder, 319
function of, 314
Urinary apparatus, 19, 314
bladder, 318
capacity of, 318
dimensions of, 318
function of, 318
structure of, 319
Urine, amount of, in twenty-four
hours, 322
color of, 321
composition of, 322
excretion of, 319
formation of, 319
method of secretion, 319
Uriniferous tubules (kidney), 317
function of, 318, 319
Uterine artery, 206
Uterus (womb), 420
blood-supply of, 206
function of, 422
parts of, 420
structure of, 421
Utricle of membranous labyrinth,
Uvula, 256
Vagina, 419
Valsalva, sinus of, 179
Valve or valves, ilecocecal, 269
of heart, coronary, 177
mitral, 179
semilunar, 178, 179
Thebesius, 177
tricuspid, 178
of veins, 189
Valvulae conniventes (intestines),
Vasa vasorum (arteries), 187
Vasoconstrictor nerves, 187
Vasodilator nerves, 187
Vasomotor centre, 187
nerves, 187, 328
Vastus externus muscle, 162
internus muscle, 162
Vater, ampulla of, 302
Vein or veins, 189
axillary, 213
basilic, 213
median, 213
blood-pressure in, 191
cardiac, 211
cava, vena, inferior, 213
superior, 211
cephalic, 213
coats of, 188
contractility of, 189
coronary, 211
Vein or veins, deep, 210, 211,
description of, 210
elasticity of, 189
facial, 212
femoral, 215
function of, 185, 189
of heart, 211
iliac, common, 215
left, 215
right, 215
innominate, 211
jugular, external, 211
internal, 211
mesenteric, inferior, 216
superior, 216
peroneal, 215
plexus, venous, 211
popliteal, 215
portal, 215
system of, 215
tributaries of, 216
veins forming, 216
pulmonary, 179, 180
pyloric, 216
radial, 213
saphenous, long, 215
short, 215
sinus, coronary, 211
venous, 211
structure of, 185
subclavian, 213
superficial, 210, 212, 215
systemic, 210
temporal, 212
temporomaxillary, 212
tibial, 215
ulnar, 213
upper extremity, 212
valves of, 189
Vena cava, inferior, 213
superior, 211
comites, 211, 215
Venous circulation, 189
pressure of blood in, 191
Ventral cavity of body, 18
Ventricles of brain, 362
of heart, 178, 179
of larynx, 237
Venules, 189
function of, 189
Vermiform appendix, 269
Vernix caseosa (newborn), 327
Vertebra or vertebrae, 76
description of, 75
names of divisions of, 72
number of, 72
Vertebral column as a whole, 72
bones of, 72
Vertebral, curvatures in, 73
length of, 74
Vertex of skull, bones of, 71
Vesicle, blastodermic, 40
Vestibule of internal ear, 411
of vagina, 419
Vibrations, 414
effect upon ear-drum, 414
relation to hearing, 414, 415
Villi, function of, in relation to
absorption, 287
relation to digestion, 287
of small intestines, 287
structure, 287
Vision, parts of eye-ball concerned
with, 403, 404
refracting apparatus in, 404
Vital capacity of lungs, 246
Vitelline membrane, 35
Vitellus, 35, 420
Vitreous humor (eye-ball), 401
Vocal cords, false, 237
true, 238
Voice, production of, 238
vocal sounds in, 238
Volumes of air breathed during
respiration, 245
complemental, 240
reserve, 246
residual, 246
tidal, 245
Voluntary striated muscle tissue,
Vomer, 66
Vulva of vagina, 417
Waste products, elimination by
skin. 323, 328
in sweat, 328
in urine, 319, 321
Water in body, 25
Wharton's duct, 258
White fibrous tissue, 48
cells of blood. See Corpus-
cles, 220
Windpipe. See Trachea, 238
Wirsung's duct, 301
Wrisberg, cartilage of (larynx),
Wrist, bones of, 90
Yellow body (corpus luteum),
Yellow elastic tissue, 48
spot of retina (macula lutea),
Yolk, formatitive, ovum, of
nutritive, 35
Zona pellucida, 425
Zygomatic process, 63
Zygomaticus major muscle, 129
minor muscle, 129
^ fc>