T D 225 S4 U63 MAIN UC-NRLF V.5".if;. %? ~ l I ! SUPPLY, CITY OF SA^ FRAN FOB LAKE ELEANOR AND HETCH HETCHY VALLEY RESERVOIR SITES. ACT OF FEBRUARY 15. 1901. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, March 1, 1913. 'or . A. Bal- Tetary of the Interior, to the mayor and .er visors of nid county <>f San Francisco, to show why the Hetch Hetchy 'servoir site should not be eliminated from said permit. The application of the city and county of San Francisco for nation of the said permit, so as to allow the immediate use [etch I Tetchy Valley for reservoir purposes, ^osemite National Park w T as originally created as a forest, [on (not as a national park) by the act of Congress of Octo- (90 (2(> Stats., 050). which provided: vutioii shall be under the exclusive control of the Secretary of the 'hose duty ir shall be, as soon as practicable, to make and publish such regulations as he may deem necessary or proper for the care and mt of the same. Such regulations shall provide for the preservation try of all limber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonders id reservation, and their retention in their natural condition. * * *"* |w of the fact that the provisions of law and the rules and adopted by the Secretary were, in substance, the same as >vided for the Sequoia National Park, and because the reser- irrounded the tract of land known as Yosemite Valley, which granted to the State of California for a public park by !ongre,ss approved June 30, 18(54. Secretary John W. Noble, inual report for 1800. called the reservation the " Yosemite Park." and in subsequent acts of Congress this title appears been used without being specifically adopted. In 1905 the 493712 2 3 WATER SUPPLY, CITY OF SAN APPLICATION FOR LAKE ELEANOR AND HETCH HETCHY VALLEY RESERVOIR SITES, ACT OF FEBRUARY 15, 1901. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, March 1, 1913. Tlie mayor and l><>er Tuolunme is to be conserved and that the San Joaquin Valley is relatively less well provided with water than the Sacramento Valley both as to rainfall and as to run-off of rivers. The demands of the valley for complete, irrigation are in excess of the water available. Many of the conditions which should be attached to any permit are discussed in the report of the Advisory Board of Army Engineers. I do not agree with all of the suggestions there made, and I believe that other equally important terms and conditions should be imposed. The precise manner under which the work of constructing a clam at the Hetch Hetchy Valley would be carried on under any permit is of the greatest importance if serious risk of injuring the scenic beauty is to be avoided. I believe that a dam and a scenic road and other works proposed by the city can be constructed in such a way as to mar the beauty of the valley little, if at all", and even in some respects to enhance the possibilities of enjoying this beauty. This, however, can result only from conducting the work with the greatest skill and without regard to those considerations of expense which quite uni- formly control work of this character. I have no doubt that the city would carry on its operations with a considerable degree of care, but I believe that extraordinary measures of precaution should be taken and that the work should be carried on not merely under plans and specifications approved by the Secretary of the Interior, but that the manner in which the work itself upon the ground is conducted should be subject to supervision by competent representatives selected and employed by him. 10 WATER SUPPLY^ CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. The questions connected with the use of water by the Turlock- Modesto district and other irrigation interests, with the development and disposition of the water power, and with many other conflicting interests are so difficult and complicated that suggestions are made either by the city or by the Advisory Board that they be left largely to future disposition by the Secretary of the Interior. The func- tions thus devolved upon the Secretary and the duties imposed upon him will require the occasional or regular employment of experts, engineers, and other assistants, whose compensation should not be made a charge upon the General Government, but should be paid by the beneficiaries of any permit that may be granted. In fact, in view of the conclusion of the Advisory Board that the saving to the city is the principal determining factor as to any permit, the whole ques- tion of the payments which the city should make to the Government as the custodian of the park requires more consideration than has been given to it. It is conceded that it would be unsound economics for the city of San Francisco to duplicate the existing distributing system and that it should acquire most if not all of the present sources of supply of the Spring Valley Water Compan}^; and the Advisory Board base- its report on this theory. It is the declared intention of the city to purchase these properties as the beginning of its proposed municipal water system and active negotiations have been carried on to this end. These negotiations, however, have thus far proved unsuccess- ful. I- do not wish any action of mine to be open to the construction of expressing any opinion whatever as to the merits of the contro- versy between the city and the company as to the value of the latter's property, nor as to which portions of the property it would be ap- propriate for the city to acquire. If they are unable to agree, both parties should be compelled to submit to some impartial tribunal the questions at issue between them, so that the company may receive that to which it is fairly entitled and the city may not be required to pay one dollar more than the real value of the property it should acquire. These questions, however, are merely illustrations of the large nuin,- ber of important, although relatively minor, provisions of the pro- posed permit which call for greater consideration, both as to -sub- stance and as to the precise manner in which they should be worded, than I have been able to give to them under the existing conditions in the Secretary's office. Respectfully, WALTER L. FISHER, Secretary. o RETURN MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY U4 19: 15 RECEIVED MAY 1 4 1995 CIRCULATION DEF T. - FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 klXL-LL. I