REVISED BUILDING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO Passed December 5, 1910, with Amendments and Additions up to August 1 , 1913. With an Index Thereto PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Price 25 Cents FRANCIS D. CONNERY CITY CLERK AUGUST, 1913 =2* i-f f I >\ REVISED BUILDING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO Passed December 5, 1910, with Amendments and Additions up to August 1, 1913. With an Index Thereto PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Price 25 Cents FRANCIS D. CONNERY CITY CLERK AUGUST, 1913 *> JOHN F. HIGGINS PRINTER AND BINDER 376-382 MONROE STREET CHICAGO. ILLINOIS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE. I. Revised "Building Ordinance,' 5 passed December 5, 1910. as amended prior to August 1, 1913 5 to 188 II. Ordinance prescribing regulations for places of amusement, passed Decem- ber 5 ; 1610 188 III. Ordinance concerning special stage firemen and fire guards in theaters having seating capacity for three hundred or more persons, passed December 5. 1910 190 IV. Ordinance concerning the stabling of horses, passed December 12, 1910. . 192 V. Ordinance regulating the location of garages, passed July 17, 1911 193 VI. Ordinance restricting the noise of building operations at night in resi- dential districts, passed November 13, 1911 193 VII. Ordinance providing that moving picture theaters shall be lighted during performances, passed July 22, 1512 194 VIII. Ordinance declaring theaters located above the first floor levels of certain classes of buildings to be nuisances, passed July 22, 1912. . . . 194 IX. Index . 199 267763 BUILDING ORDINANCE Passed December 5, 1910; in effect January 9, 1911; as amended by Sundry Ordi- nances Passed Subsequently to December 5, 1910, and prior to August 1, 1913. (NOTE. Sections have identical section numbers in The Chicago Code of 1911, except where otherwise noted.) AN ORDINANCE Relating to buildings within the City of Chicago. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That there is hereby added to the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905 a new Chapter, to be known as Chapter XV, which shall read as follows : CHAPTER XV. ARTICLE I BUILDINGS. "199. Department of Buildings Established Officers.) There is hereby estab- lished an executive department of the municipal government of the City of Chi- cago which shall be known as the Department of Buildings, and which shall em- brace a Commissioner of Buildings, a Deputy Commissioner of Buildings, an Engineer in Charge, a Building Inspector in Charge, an Elevator Inspector in Charge, a Fire Escape Inspector in Charge, a Secretary to the Commissioner of Buildings and such number of Assistant Engineers in Charge, Assistant Building Inspectors in Charge, Building Inspectors, Elevator Inspectors, Fire Escape In- spectors and such other officers, assistants and employes as may be from time to time provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance. *200. Building Commissioner Office Created Appointment Bond.) (a) There is hereby created the office of Commissioner of Buildings. He shall be the head of said Department of B'uildings, and shall be an experienced architect, or a civil, structural or architectural engineer or a building contractor or an efficient building mechanic, and shall have been engaged as an architect or a civil, structural or architectural engineer or building contractor or building mechanic for a period of not less than ten years prior to his appointment; and during his term of office as Commissioner of Buildings he shall not be engaged in any other business. (b) He shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. (c) The Commissioner of Buildings before entering upon the duties of his office shall execute a bond to the City in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with such sureties as the City Council shall approve, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of his duties as the Commissioner of Buildings. (d) There are hereby created the offices of Deputy Commissioner of Build- ings, Engineer in Charge, Building Inspector in Charge, Elevator Inspector in Charge, Fire Escape Inspector in Charge, Secretary to the Commissioner of Build- ings, Assistant Engineer in Charge and of such number of Assistant Building In- spectors in Charge, Building Inspectors, Elevator Inspectors and Fire Escape In- spectors as may be from time to time provided for in the annual appropriation or- *As amended May 27, 1912. See page 518, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 6 .;/.'/. ; ':'*/. CITY OF CHICAGO dinance. The incumbents of these offices shall be known and designated by their respective titles as herein set forth. *200%. Powers Appointment of Subordinates Duties of Commissioner.) (a) He shall have the management and control of all matters and things pertain- ing to the department of buildings, and shall appoint, and may remove according to law, all subordinate officers and assistants in his department. All subordinate offi- cers, assistants, clerks and employes in said department shall be subject to such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed from time to time by said commissioner. (b) The Commissioner of Buildings shall institute such measures and pre- scribe such rules 'and regulations for the control and guidance of his subordinate officers and employes as shall secure the careful inspection of all buildings while in process of construction, alteration, repair or removal and the strict enforcement of the several provisions of this chapter. (c) It shall be the duty of said commissioner and his assistants to enforce all ordinances relating to the erection, construction, alteration, repair, removal or the safety of buildings. (d) In all cases where any action is taken by the Commissioner of Buildings to enforce the provisions of any of the sections contained in this chapter or to en- force the provisions of any of the building ordinances of the city now or at any time hereafter in force, whether such action is taken in pursuance of the express provisions of such sections or ordinances or in a case where discretionary power is given by the ordinances of said city to the Commissioner of Buildings, such acts shall be done in the name of and on behalf of the City of Chicago, and the said Commissioner of Buildings in so acting for the city shall not render himself liable personally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability, for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any such act permitted in good faith in the discharge of his duties, and any suit brought against the said Com- missioner of Buildings by reason thereof shall be defended by the Department of Law of. said city until the final termination of the proceedings therein. 201. Inspection of all Buildings in General Use Precautions in Behalf of Public Safety May Require Repair or Alteration in Such Cases Interpretation of this Chapter.) (a) The Commissioner of Buildings shall inspect or cause to be inspected all public school buildings, public halls, churches, theaters, buildings used either for manufacturing or commercial purposes, hotels, apartment houses and other buildings or structures occupied or frequented by large numbers of people, for the purpose of determining the safety of such buildings, or any parts or appliances or equipment thereof; the sufficiency of their doors, passageways, aisles, stairways, cor- ridors, exits or fire escapes and generally their facilities for egress in case of fire or other accidents, and the strength of their floors, and he shall make return of all vio- lations of the several provisions of this chapter to the Law Department for prosecu- tion. (b) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings, when any citizen represents that combustible materials are kept in any place in the city in an insecure manner, or that the doors, stairways, corridors, exits or fire escapes in any factory or workshop or other place of employment are insufficient for the escape of employes in case of fire, panic or accident, or do not comply with the provisions of this Chap- ter; or that the funnels, flues, fireboxes, or heating apparatus in any building in *As amended December 18, 1911. See page 2089, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 7 the city are insecure or dangerous, or that any part of any building in the city is in an unsafe or dangerous condition or in any wise in contravention of this Chapter, to make an examination of such place or building, and if such representation is found to be true, said Commissioner shall give notice in writing to the owner, occu- pant, lessee, or person in possession, charge or control of such place or building to make such changes, alterations or repairs as safety or the ordinance of the City may require. Upon failure of parties so notified to comply with said notice the mat- ter shall be placed in the 'Law Department for prosecution. (c) It shall be unlawful to continue the use of such building until the changes, alterations or repairs found necessary by the Commissioner of Buildings to make such building or part thereof safe or to bring it into compliance with this Chapter, shall have been made. (d) The Commissioner of Buildings shall have full power to pass upon any question arising under the provisions of this chapter, subject to the conditions, modi- fications, and limitations contained therein. 202. Buildings Found in Unsafe Condition Notice to Owner Authority of Commissioner.) (a) Whenever the Commissioner of Buildings shall find any building, or structure or part thereof in the city in such an unsafe condition as to endanger life, but in such condition that by the immediate application of precau- tionary measures such danger may be averted, he shall have authority, and it shall be his duty, to forthwith notify, in writing, the owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of such building or structure or part thereof, to adopt and put into effect such precautionary measures as may be necessary or advisable in order to place such building or structure or part thereof in a safe condition; such notice shall state briefly the nature of the work required to be done and shall specify the time within which the work required to be done shall be completed by the person, firm or corporation notified, which shall be fixed by said Commissioner of Buildings, upon taking into consideration the condition of such building or structure or part thereof, and the danger to life or property which may result from its unsafe condi- tion. (b) Whenever such Commissioner of Buildings shall be unable to find the owner of such building, structure or part thereof, or any agent or person in posses- sion, charge or control thereof, upon whom such notice may be served, he shall address, stamp and mail such notice to such person or persons at their last known address, and in addition thereto shall place or cause to be placed the notice herein provided for upon such building at or near its principal entrance, and shall also post or cause to be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to such building, in large letters, a notice as follows : "THIS BUILDING IS IN A DANGEROUS CONDITION AND HAS BEEN CONDEMNED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF BUILDINGS." (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove said notice or notices without written permission from the Commissioner of Buildings. (d) If at the expiration of the time specified in such notice for the completion of the work required to be done by the terms of such notice, in order to render the building or structure safe, said notice shall not have been complied with, and said building or structure is in such an unsafe condition as to endanger life or property, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to proceed forthwith to tear down or destroy that part of said building or structure that is in such unsafe condi- 8 CITY OF CHICAGO tion as to endanger life or property, and in cases where an unsafe building or struc- ture cannot be repaired or rendered safe by the application of precautionary meas- ures, such building or structure, or the dangerous parts thereof, shall be torn down Dy said Commissioner of Buildings or by his order and the expense of tearing down any part of such building or structure shall be charged to the person owning or in possession, charge or control of such building or structure or part thereof, and the said commissioner shall recover or cause to be recovered from such owner or person in possession, charge or control thereof the cost of doing such work, by legal pro- ceedings prosecuted by the Law Department. (e) If the owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of such build- ing or structure, or part thereof, when so notified, shall fail, neglect or refuse to place such building or structure, or part thereof, in a safe condition and to adopt such precautionary measures as shall have been specified by said commissioner within the time specified in such notice, in such case, at the expiration of such time, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to occupy or use said building or structure, or any part thereof, until said building or structure or part thereof is placed in a safe condition ; and in case where a building or structure, or part thereof, is in a dangerous or unsafe condition and has not been placed in a safe condition within the time specified in the notice of the Commissioner of Buildings, such build- ing or structure, or such part thereof, shall be forthwith vacated, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to enter same except for the purpose of making repairs required by the Commissioner of Buildings and the ordinances of the City of Chicago. 203. Building or Part of Building Constructed or being Constructed in Violation of Chapter Authority of Commissioner to Tear Down.) (a) Whenever it shall be found that any building or structure, or part thereof, is being, or shall have been constructed or built in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the Com- missioner of Buildings shall forthwith notify the owner, agent, superintendent or architect of, or the contractor engaged in erecting such building or structure, or part thereof, of the fact that such building or structure, or part thereof, has been, or is being, constructed or erected contrary to the provisions of this chapter, and shall specify briefly in such notice in what manner the provisions of this chapter, or any of them, have been violated, and shall require the person so notified to forthwith make such building, structure, or part thereof, conform to and comply with the provisions of this chapter, specifying in such notice the time within which such work shall be done. (b) If, at the expiration of the time set forth in such notice, the person so notified shall have refused, neglected or failed to comply with the request made in such notice and to have such building or structure, or part thereof, concerning which notice was sent, changed so as to conform to and comply with the provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner of Buildings shall have the authority, and it shall be his duty to proceed forthwith, to tear down or cause to be torn down such building or structure, or such part thereof as shall or may have been erected and constructed in violation of the provisions or any of the provisions of this chapter, and the cost of such work shall be charged to and recovered from the owner of such building or structure or from the person for whom such building or structure is being erected, in legal proceedings prosecuted by the Law Department. 204. May Direct Fire Department to Remove.) The Commissioner of Build- ings shall have authority to direct the Fire Marshal to tear down any defective or dangerous wall or structure or any building or structure or part thereof which may BUILDING ORDINANCES. 9 be constructed in violation of the terms of this chapter, after written notice has been served upon the owner, lessee, occupant, agent or person in possession, charge or con- trol, directing him or them to tear down or remove any defective wall, building or structure, or any part thereof, which is in a dangerous condition, which has been, or is being, constructed or maintained in violation of the terms of this chapter. In case of the destruction or partial destruction of buildings by fire, decay or otherwise, when any department of the city government, pursuant to the ordinances of the city, shall make an outlay of money or incur any liability for the payment of any expense on behalf of the city in an effort to preserve or prevent the destruction of such build- ing or buildings, or structure, or for the preservation of life of its citizens, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to ascertain the amount of such outlay or expenditure and present a bill therefor to the owner or owners of any such build- ing or buildings, or its or their agent or agents, and it shall be the duty of said Com- missioner of Buildings to refuse to issue a permit for the construction, reconstruc- tion, alteration or repair of any building or buildings or structure by any such owner or owners, lessee, occupant, agent or person in possession, charge or control thereof until such outlay or expenditure shall be repaid to the city by the owner, lessee, occu- pant, agent or person in possession, charge or control of such building or buildings thus totally or partially destroyed in the manner aforesaid. Said commissioner shall also proceed forthwith to collect the amount of such bill from such owner or owners, by legal proceedings prosecuted by the Law Department. 205. May Stop Construction and Wrecking of Buildings.) (a) Said Com- missioner shall have power to stop the construction of any building or the making of any alterations or repairs of any building within said city when the same is being done in a reckless or careless manner or in violation of any ordinance, and to order, in writing or by parole, any and all persons in any way or manner whatever engaged in so constructing, altering or repairing any such building, to stop and desist there- from. (b) And the said commissioner shall have power to stop the wrecking or tear- ing down of any building or structure within said city when the same is being done in a reckless or careless manner or in violation of any ordinance or in such a manner as to endanger life or property, and to order any and all persons engaged in said work to stop and desist therefrom. When such work has been stopped by the order of said commissioner, it shall not be resumed until said commissioner shall be satisfied that adequate precautions will be taken for the protection of life and property, and that said work will be prosecuted carefully and in conformity with the ordinances of the city. 206. Arbitration Appeal from Decision.) (a) In all cases where discre- tionary power is given to the Commissioner of Buildings to estimate damage to buildings, as also in questions relating to the security of any building or buildings or structures, or part thereof, and in all other cases where discretionary powers are given by ordinance to the Commissioner of Buildings, any party or parties believing themselves injured or wronged by the decision of the Commissioner of Buildings must, before instituting any suit, make an appeal for arbitration as follows, to-wit : (b) Any person wishing to make an appeal shall do so within five days after written notice of the decision or order of the Commissioner of Buildings has been given. An appeal made later than five days after the serving of the notice of the Commissioner of Buildings shall not entitle the appellant to any arbitration. The request for arbitration shall be in writing and shall state the object of the proposed 10 CITY OF CHICAGO arbitration and the name of the person who is to represent the appellant as arbi* trator. (c) The Commissioner of Buildings shall thereupon inform the appellant of the cost of such arbitration and such appellant shall, within twenty-four hours from the receipt of such information, deposit with the Commissioner of Buildings the sum of money requested for defraying the expense of the same, which sum shall be fixed in each case by said commissioner in proportion to the time it will take and the difficulty and importance of the case, but shall in no case be more than the cost of similar service in the course of ordinary business of private individuals or corpora- tions. As soon as such sum of money shall have been deposited with him, the Com- missioner of Buildings shall appoint an arbitrator to represent the city and the two arbitrators thus chosen shall, if they cannot agree, select a third arbitrator, and the decision of any two of these arbitrators shall, after investigation and consideration of the matter in question, be final and binding upon the appellant as well as the city unless an appeal is taken therefrom, as provided in case of an appeal under a statu- tory arbitration, within five days thereafter. 207. Arbitrators to Take Oath Power to Examine Witnesses.) The arbitra- tors shall themselves, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, be placed under oath by the City Clerk, to the effect that they are unprejudiced as to the mat- ter in question and that they will faithfully discharge the duties of their position. They shall have the power to call witnesses and place them under oath, and their decision or award shall be rendered in writing, both to the Commissioner of Build- ings and to the appellant. The fee deposited by the appellant with the Commissioner of Buildings shall be paid by the Commissioner of Buildings to the arbitrators upon the rendering of their report and shall be in full of all costs incident to the arbitra- tion; but should the decision of said board of arbitration be rendered against the Commissioner of Buildings, then the money deposited by the aforesaid appellant shall be returned to him and the entire cost of such arbitration shall be paid by the city. 208. In Urgent Cases Commissioner's Power Final.) Whenever the decision of the Commissioner of Buildings upon the safety of any building or any part thereof is made in a case which is so urgent that failure to properly carry out his orders to demolish or strengthen such building or ptirt thereof may endanger life and limb, the decision and order of the Commissioner of Buildings shall be absolute and final. 209. Duty of Police to Assist Commissioner in Enforcing Provisions of this Chapter.) Whenever it shall be necessary, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Buildings, to call upon the Department of Police for aid or assistance in carrying out or enforcing any of the provisions of this chapter, he shall have the authority so to do, and it shall be the duty of the Department of Police, or of any member of said department, when called upon by said commissioner, to act according to the instruc- tions of, and to perform such duties as may be required by said commissioner in order to enforce or put into effect the provisions of this chapter. 210. Certificates Notices Register.) (a) The Commissioner of Buildings shall sign or cause to be signed all certificates and notices required to be issued from the Department of Buildings and shall keep a record of the same, and shall issue or cause to be issued all permits authorized by this chapter. (b) He shall also keep a proper record of all transactions and operations of the department and such record shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Mayor, Comptroller, Superintendent of Police, Fire Marshal and members of the City Council. 211. Must Keep Account of Fees Paid Annual Reports and Estimates.) (a) Said commissioner shall keep in proper books for that purpose an accurate account BUILDING ORDINANCES. 11 of all fees charged, giving the name of person to whom same is charged, date on which said charge is made, and the amount of each such fee. (b) He shall also, annually, on or before the first day of February in each year prepare and present to the City Council a report showing the receipts and expendi- tures and entire work of the Department of Buildings during the previous fiscal year and he shall on or before November first of each year prepare and submit to the Comptroller an estimate of the whole cost and expense of providing for and main- taining his office during the ensuing fiscal year. 212. Examination and Approval of Plans Record of Inspections and Com- plaints.) The Commissioner of Buildings and his assistants shall pass upon all questions relating to the strength and durability of buildings or structures ; shall examine and approve all plans before a permit is issued for the construction of any building or structure. The Commissioner of Buildings shall cause to be kept a complete record showing the location and character of every building or other struc- ture for which a permit is issued and shall cause to be filed every report of inspec- tion made on such building, which reports shall bear the signatures of the inspectors making such inspections. He shall cause to be kept a record of all complaints of violations of the building laws and shall cause all such complaints to be investigated. *213. Deputy Commissioner of Buildings Duty.) (a) There is hereby created the office of Deputy Commissioner of Buildings. He shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Buildings according to law. The person certified to fill this office shall be either a civil, structural or architectural engineer or an architect, an experienced building contractor or an efficient building mechanic with at least five years' experience and training. (b) The Deputy Commissioner of Buildings shall act as Commissioner of Build- ings in the absence of the Commissioner of Buildings from his office and while so acting shall discharge all the duties and possess all the powers imposed upon or vested in the Commissioner of Buildings. (c) The Deputy Commissioner of Buildings shall, under the direction of the Commissioner of Buildings, have general control of all matters and things pertaining to the work of the Department of Buildings and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Commissioner of Buildings. 214. Engineer in Charge Duties.) (a) There is hereby created the office of Engineer in Charge, of the Department of Buildings. He shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Buildings according to law. The person certified to fill this posi- tion shall be a civil, structural, or architectural engineer of at least five years' experience and training. (b) The Engineer in Charge shall be in immediate charge of the engineering work and staff of the Department of Buildings. The examination of plans submitted for the purpose of obtaining a permit, except as to matters elsewhere expressly as- signed by law to some other department of the city government, shall be the duty of the Engineer in Charge and the engineering staff under his charge. The approval and stamp of the Engineer in Charge shall be required on the plans for the erection, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of every building before a permit for such erection, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal shall be issued. The Engineer in Charge shall have charge of all tests of materials and systems of construction sub- mitted for the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. The Engineer in Charge *As amended February 20, 1911. See page 3989, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 12 CITY OF CHICAGO shall pass upon the number, location, width and design of all fire escapes required for new buildings, and he shall also pass upon the number, location, width and design of fire escapes to be erected on existing buildings wherever such existing buildings are being enlarged, altered, or remodeled under a building permit issued for such enlargement, alteration or remodeling. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Commissioner of Buildings. 215. Assistant Engineer in Charge Duties.) (a) There is hereby created, the office of Assistant Engineer in Charge, of the Department of Buildings. He shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Buildings according to law. The person certi- fied to fill this position shall be a civil, structural or architectural engineer of at least five years' experience and training. (b) In the absence of the Engineer in Charge, the Assistant Engineer in Charge shall act as Engineer in Charge. The Assistant Engineer in Charge shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Engineer in Charge. 216. Engineering Staff.) (a) The Commissioner of Buildings shall appoint according to law at least four Architectural Engineers, and such other engineers and assistants as,the 'City Council may by ordinance provide, for service on the engineer- ing staff of the Department of Buildings. Every person certified to fill the position of Architectural Engineer shall be a civil, structural or architectural engineer of at least five years' training and experience. (b) The Architectural Engineers shall, under the direction of the Engineer in Charge, examine all plans submitted for the purpose of obtaining a permit. They shall also examine and verify the figures on all floor load placards before such pla- cards are approved for posting. They shall perform such other duties as may be required of them by the Engineer in Charge. 217. Building Inspector in Charge Duties.) (a) The office of Assistant Deputy Commissioner of B'uildings is hereby abolished and in lieu thereof there i? hereby created the office of Building Inspector in Charge of the Department of Build- ings. He shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Buildings accordino- to law. The person certified to fill this position shall be a civil, structural, architectural or fire protection engineer, or an architect, or a building superintendent or a building mechanic with at least five years' experience in general building construction. (b) In the absence of the Commissioner of Buildings and the Deputy Commis- sioner of Buildings from their offices, the Building Inspector in Charge shall act as Commissioner of Buildings, and while so acting he shall discharge all of the duties and possess all of the powers imposed upon or vested in the Commissioner of Build- ings. (c) He shall have immediate charge of the periodical inspection of buildings and of the inspection of buildings and structures being erected, enlarged, altered or repaired, excepting only such inspection as is expressly assigned to the elevator or fire escape inspectors or is by law assigned to some other department of the citv government. 218. Assistant Building Inspectors in Charge.) (a) The Commissioner of Buildings shall appoint, according to law, at least four Assistant Buildin. as defined in this section. (n) Class VI.) In Class VI shall be included every tenement and apartment house or building or portion thereof which is used or intended to be used as a home or residence for two or more families living in separate apartments. (o) Class VII.) In Class VII shall be included every building used for the sale at retail of dry goods and other articles of general merchandise and commonly known and. described as a department store. (p) Class VIII.) In Class VIII shall be included every building used for school purposes having a seating capacity of more than 100 students. (q) Requirements with regard to buildings not within any of the above classes shall be determined by the Commissioner of Buildings, subject to arbitration in the same manner as provided in Sections 206 and 207 of this chapter. 241. Buildings Used for the Purposes of More Than One Class.) Where any building is used for the purposes of two or more classes, as herein specified, and defined, ^uch portion of any such building as is devoted to the uses and purposes of ony particular class shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this chapter relating to such class, unless such construction shall, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Buildings, prove impracticable, or unless there would be a conflict between the provisions of this chapter relating to the construction of buildings, in either of which cases the provisions which relate to and govern the construction of buildings of the class requiring the best and safest form of construc- tion shall govern the entire building. 242. Conflict Between Special and General Provisions.) Whenever any provision or requirement of this chapter relating specifically to the construction, equipment, maintenance, or operation of any building or part of a building used for the purposes of any specified class, shall conflict with the general provisions of this chapter relating to the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of build- ings generally, the special provisions shall govern in each case, except in the case of Section 514, which shall govern in all cases coming within its provisions. ARTICLE TV. CLASS I. *243. Class I Defined.) In Class I shall be included every building other than department stores, as described in this Chapter, used for the sale, storage, or manu- facture of merchandise, and every stable or garage having a ground area of 500 square feet or over. 2431/2- Must Comply With General ana Special Provisions.) Every building of Class I shall comply with the general provisions of this chapter, and shall, in addi- tion, comply with the following special provisions: 244. Buildings Construction of In Relation to Height.) (a) The construc- tion of buildings of Class I shall be as follows: Buildings of Class I which are more than 90 feet in height shall be built of fireproof construction. -As amended February 20, 1911. See page 3991, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 24 CITY OF CHICAGO (b) Buildings of Class I which are less than 90 feet in height and more than 50 feet in height shall be built of slow-burning, mill or fireproof construction. (c) Buildings of Class I of ordinary construction shall not be built more than four stories in height. *245. Skeleton Steel Walls Metal Lath, and Solid Cement Plaster Covers.) (a) A one or two story building used for the purposes of Class I, no part of which is within twenty feet of any lot line, alley line or street line, having a complete self- supporting steel frame consisting of wall columns, supporting steel trusses, with steel trusses and steel diagonals, designed to resist safely, within the safe limits of stress provided by this chapter, a wind pressure of twenty pounds per square foot, for each and every exterior surface exposed to the wind, in addition to the dead weight of the completed structure, and in addition to the live load of 100 pounds per square foot provided for by this chapter, and any other live loads which may be imposed on such structure, may have exterior walls measuring not less than one and one-third inches thick of metal lath or metal fabric plastered on both sides with a mortar consisting only of Portland cement and torpedo sand. Complete re-enforced concrete frame- work, built in every manner equally as strong and as safe as provided for a steel frame, in this section, may have exterior walls built in the same manner, of the same materials and of the same thickness. (b) The enclosing walls of buildings which are built not less than fifty feet from any lot, alley or street line, may be constructed of corrugated iron, supported on a steel frame built as specified in this section. f246. Door Openings Revolving Doors.) (a) The aggregate width of door openings at the street level in buildings of Class I shall be equal to the aggregate width of stairways, as specified in Section 666 of this chapter, and all locks used on exit doors or on doors or gates leading to hallways or stairways which lead to exit doors, shall be so arranged that they may be opened from the inside without the use of a key, during business hours, or while such buildings are occupied for any pur- pose. In every building of this class, every door leading from a loft or space above the first sfory shall swing into the stair hall, and every door which is a means of exit from any floor above the first, shall swing outwardly from the space or hallway in which said stairway from such upper floor is located. No door when open shall project over a public sidewalk. Ib) Revolving doors shall not be considered as complying with this section unless the revolving wings of such revolving doors are so arranged that, by the appli- cation of a force slightly more than is necessary to revolve said doors and which one person of ordinary strength is capable of exerting, all the wings of said doors fold fiat on each other and in an outward direction, or unless the revolving wings of said revolving doors are so arranged that they may be readily collapsed or removed by pressure or simple mechanical means, to be approved by the Commissioner of Build- ings, and leave sufficient opening for two or more persons to pass through with a minimum width of not less than twenty-two inches on eacH side of said collapsed doors. Where revolving doors are used as exits they shall be credited as exits only to *As amended February 20, 1911. See pages 3991 and 3992, Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the City Council. fAs amended February 20, 1911. See page 3992, Journal of the Proceedings ot the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 25 the extent of the clear space remaining when the doors are collapsed, and all de- ficiency of required exits must be made up by additional doors. 247. Existing Buildings of Class I Increasing Height of.) In all cases where buildings of Class I of ordinary construction built prior to the passage of this ordi- nance, are to be increased in height above the height of fifty feet, or of mill or slow- burning construction above the height of ninety feet, the additional parts of such build- ings shall be constructed as herein provided for buildings over fifty feet in height or over ninety feet in height, respectively, and said additional parts shall be made to conform in all respects to the requirements for buildings of this class more than fifty feet in height or more than ninety feet in height, respectively, before it shall be law- ful to occupy them. 248. Ceiling and Roof Space Between.) In buildings of Class I. if the enclosed space between a ceiling and the roof is of greater average height than two feet, access shall be provided by means of at least one stairway not less than three feet wide, leading from a public hallway or corridor. 249. Fire Walls.) (a) Buildings occupied by more than one person, firm or corporation, or for more than one business enterprise conducted by the same person, firm or corporation, in separate enclosures on any one floor, shall have a brick divid- ing wall for every fifty feet of street frontage, if of ordinary construction, or for every eighty feet of street frontage, if of slow-burning or mill construction, and such divid- ing walls shall extend from the front to the rear wall and such dividing walls and the doors therein shall be built in accordance with the provisions of Section 573 of this chapter. (b) All of the partitions between the parts of such buildings occupied by differ- ent persons, firms or corporations, shall be built of incombustible material from the floor to the floor boards or roof boards next above such story or stories so occupied. (c) Only metal framed windows glazed with one-quarter inch thick wire glass may be used in such partitions. 250. Dividing Walls When Required.) (a) Dividing walls will be required in buildings of Class I as follows: (b) Every building of ordinary construction having greater area than 9,000 square feet shall be divided into areas of 9,000 square feet or less by dividing walls ; every building of slow-burning or mill construction more than one story in height, having a floor area greater than 12,000 square feet shall be divided into areas of 12,000 square feet or less by dividing walls; every fireproof building more than two stories in height having a floor area greater than 30,000 square feet shall be divided into areas of 30,000 square feet or less by dividing walls. (c) Where dividing walls are required in any of the above-mentioned buildings, such building shall be subdivided by brick walls, built of the thickness given in the table for the thickness of enclosing walls and all door or other openings in such walls shall have at each side of the same, iron doors, tin-clad doors or shutters, as de- scribed in Section 573 of this chapter, and said buildings as subdivided shall be pro- vided with stairs and fire escapes the same as hereinafter required; provided, how- ever, that one-story buildings of ordinary, mill or slow-burning construction and two-story buildings of fireproof construction of any size when used as one store, room or workshop and occupied by only one person, firm or corporation, may be erected without any dividing walls. 26 CITY OF CHICAGO *251. Display of Placard Indicating Floor Strength.) (a) It shall be the duty of the owner of every building of Class I now in existence or hereafter erected, or of his agent, or of the occupant, or person in possession, charge or control of same, to affix and display conspicuously on each floor of such building, a placard, stating the uniformly distributed load per square foot of floor surface, which may with safety be applied to that particular floor, as provided by this chapter, or if the strength of different parts of any floor varies, then there shall be such placards for each varying part of such floor. It shall be unlawful to load any such floors or any part thereof to a greater extent than the loads indicated upon such placards. (b) It shall be the duty of the occupants of such buildings to maintain such placards during their occupation of the premises and of the owners of buildings, or their agents, to cause the same to be properly affixed with each change of occupation. It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or lessee of each such building, now in existence, as well as hereafter erected, to procure and submit evidence of the cor- rectness of the figures on such placards to the Commissioner of Buildings. When- ever such evidence as to the correctness of the figures shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Buildings, he shall approve such placards. Such placards so ap- proved by the Commissioner of Buildings shall then be affixed upon the respective floors of the different buildings. The calculations and loads shall be in accord- ance with the provisions of this chapter. (c) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or lessee to pay to the City Collector a fee amounting to five dollars ($5.00) for each fifty thousand (50,000) equare feet of floor area, or fractional part thereof, for each building for which such placards are approved. f252. Live Loads for Floors.) The floors of all buildings of Class I hereafter erected shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to be capable of bearing, in addition to the weight of floor construction, partitions, permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of one hundred pounds for every square foot of surface, and the strength of such build- ing shall be increased above the capacity to carry such a live load of one hundred pounds per square foot of floor surface, when the uses to which such building, or part thereof, is to be applied, involve greater stress. The calculations and loads shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. In every building of Class 1 now constructed and in use, whenever it shall be found by the Commis- sioner of Buildings that the floors of same, or any part or parts thereof, are not capable of bearing, in addition to the weight of the floor construction, partitions, permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be upon the same, a live load of forty pounds for every square foot of surface, he shall condemn the same and order such floor or floors to be repaired or reconstructed within a reasonable time by the owner or occupant thereof, and shall proceed in the manner prescribed in Sections 201 and 202 of The Chicago Code of 1911, and in such case it shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant to continue to use such building until the said floors shall be repaired or reconstructed in accordance herewith. 253. Elevator Buildings.) Elevator buildings intended solely for the receipt, storage and delivery of grain in bulk, shall be of fireproof construction as described in this chapter. *As amended May 12, 1913. See page 441, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. [This section was previously amended December 4, 1911. See page 1902, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council for said date.] tAs amended November 13, 1911. See page 1635, Journal of the Proceedings of the Citv Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 27 ARTICLE V. CLASS n. 254. Class II Defined.) (a) In Class II shall be included every bujlding referred to in subdivisions Class Ila, Class lib and Class lie. (b) In Class Ila shall be included every building used for office purposes, and also every building used for clubhouse purposes where sleeping accommodations are provided for less than twenty persons. (c) In Class lib shall be included every building used for hotel, club, lodging or rooming house purposes where such building has sleeping accommodations for twenty or more persons. (d) In Class He shall be included every building used for a hospital, for hous-, ing the sick and infirm, imbeciles, or children, and every jail, police station, asylum, house of correction and detention, and also every home for the aged and decrepit, where sleeping accommodations are provided for more than ten persons. 2541/2. Must Comply With General and Special Provisions.) Every building of Class II shall comply with the general provisions of this chapter, and in addition to the general provisions shall comply with the following special provisions: 255. Allowance for Live Loads in Construction of Floors of Class II.) For all buildings of Class II the floors shall be designed and constructed in such manner as to be capable of bearing in all their parts, in addition to the weight of floor construc- tion, partitions, permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of fifty pounds for every square foot of surface, and such live load shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 256. Windows and Mechanical Ventilation.) (a) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of this class, courts shall be of the mini- mum widths and areas prescribed in Section 442 of this chapter, and vent shafts as defined in Section 432 of this chapter, shall be of the following minimum width and areas: Height of Shaft Least Width in Feet, Square Feet. 1 story 3 21 2 stories 3 22% 3 stories 3 27 4 stories 36 5 stories 5 48 6 stories 6 72 7 stories 8 96 8 or more stories 8 120 (b) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of this class, every room used as a private sitting room or as a sleeping room, shall have at least one window which opens directly upon a street, alley, yard or court. The total glass area of such window or windows opening directly upon a street, alley, yard or court shall be not less than one-tenth of the floor area of such room. The top of at least one such window shall be at least seven feet above the floor and at least the upper half of such window shall be capable of being opened. No such window shall have a glass area of less than ten square feet unless it be a window in excess of the one-tenth of the floor area as required by this paragraph. Provided that sleep- ing cells in prisons, jails, police stations and houses of detention need not have each a window opening directly on a street, alley, yard or court if such cells are 28 CITY OF CHICAGO in a cell block which has windows with a glass area equal to one-fourth of the floor area of such block and arranged so that each window may be opened for one-half of its area, and provided further that such cell block and cells shall be equipped with a system of mechanical ventilation approved by the Commissioner of flealth. (c) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of this class, every pantry, bath room and water closet and urinal compartment shall have at least one window which opens directly upon a street, alley, yard, court or vent shaft; the total glass area of such window or windows opening directly upon a street, alley, yard, court or vent shaft shall be not less than one-tenth of the floor area of such room or compartment. The top of at least one such window shall be at least seven feet above the floor and at least the upper half of such window shall be capable of being opened; and no such window shall have a glass area of less than six square feet or a glass width of less than one foot; provided* however, that such room or compartment, if located in the upper story of any such building, may be lighted and ventilated by means of a skylight having a glass area equal to one-tenth of the floor area of the room it serves and be equipped with an efficient ventilator or ventilators equal in effective area to one- twentieth of the floor area of such room; and provided further, that any such room or compartment in a building used for office, club or hotel purposes, in lieu of such window or windows, may be ventilated by an approved mechanical venti- lating system which shall effect at least six complete changes of "air per hour. (d) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to office, hotel or club purposes, every room, except a room used as a bakery, which is below street grade and which is frequented by the public or in which there are regularly em- ployed five or more persons, shall be ventilated by an approved mechanical ven- tilating system which shall effect at least six complete changes of air per hour; provided that in case of store rooms below street grade having 1,500 cubic feet of space per person employed therein, two changes of air per hour will be deemed sufficient. In buildings of this class every room, either above or below grade, used as a bakery, shall comply with the provisions of the ordinances of the City of Chicago in respect to bakeries. (e) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of this class, every room not otherwise specifically provided for in this section shall, where practicable, have a window or windows, with a total glass area not less than one-tenth of the floor area of such room, opening directly onto a street, alley, yard or court, and no such window shall have a width of less than one foot or a total glass area of less than ten square feet, unless such window is in excess of the ten per cent of floor area requirement; provided that, if it be impracticable to ventilate any such room by windows as aforesaid, such rooms shall be ventilated by an ap- proved mechanical ventilating system which shall effect at least six complete changes of air per hour; the air supply being taken from the outer air at a point not less than ten feet above the street level. (f) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, architect, or party in possession or control of any building in which a mechanical system of ventilation shall have been installed under the requirements of this section, upon completion of such sys- tem, to notify the Commissioner of Health in writing at least twenty-four hours in be tested for volumetric efficiency by the owner or his representative in the pres- advance of the making of a test of such system; and each such system or unit shall BUILDING ORDINANCES. 29 ence of the representative of the Commissioner of Health and such system shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of this section until it shall have been approved by the Commissioner of Health. Every such mechanical ventilating sys- tem shall at all times be kept in good repair and in operation so as to insure the required ventilation of all rooms and compartments planned to be ventilated there- by, during all hours of human occupancy. CLASS iia. 257. Class Ha Defined.) In Class Ha shall be included every building used for office purposes, and also every building used for club house purposes where sleeping accommodations are provided for less than twenty persons. 258. Buildings Construction of Height of.) (a) Buildings of Class Ha which are ninety feet or more in height shall be built entirely of fireproof con- struction. (b) Buildings of Class Iia less than ninety feet and more than fifty feet in height shall be built either of slow-burning, mill or fireproof construction. (c) Buildings of Class Iia not exceeding fifty feet in height may be built of ordinary construction. CLASS lib. 259. Class lib Defined.) In Class lib shall be included every building used for hotel, club, lodging or rooming house purposes where such, building has sleeping accommodations for twenty or more persons. 260. Buildings Construction of Height of.) (a) Buildings of Class lib more than five stories and basement high shall be of fireproof construction. (b) Buildings of Class lib more than three stories and basement high but not more than five stories and basement high shall be of slow burning or fireproof construction. In case slow burning construction be required the cellar and base- ment construction, including the floor construction of the first story above the cellar or basement, shall be of fireproof construction. 261. Walls Divisions and Partitions Fire Stops.) (a) In buildings hereafter erected used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class lib of ordinary, slow- burning or mill construction, there shall be for every eight rooms in any one story, dividing walls or partitions of incombustible material separating such eight rooms from the contiguous spaces. (b) In all buildings hereafter erected to be used wholly or in part for the pur- poses of Class lib, all elevators and stairs 1 shall be enclosed in partitions of incom- bustible or fireproof material, and the partitions of all corridors leading to such elevators and stairs shall be of fireproof or incombustible material. Such partitions shall be carried on self-supporting masonry or a frame work of steel or iron. Where glass is used in said partitions, the same shall be wired glass set in metal frames but such glass shall not exceed sixty per centum of the superficial area of said partitions. (c) In all non-fireproof buildings of Class lib there shall be between joists a stop of brick, concrete or tile not less than four inches in thickness, extending the full height of joists and spaced not more than twenty-five feet apart, measured in the direction of the length of the joist. 262. Sleeping Stalls in Rooms When Allowed.) Sleeping stalls shall not be 30 CITY OF CHICAGO constructed or used in any room in any building now existing or hereafter erected and devoted, in whole or in part, to the purpose of a lodging or rooming house unless such room has two or more windows which open directly upon a street, alley* yard or court and which windows have a total area equal to at least one- tenth of the floor area of such room, nor unless the semi-partitions forming such stalls are so constructed that there is a clear and unobstructed interval of at least thirty inches between the top of such semi-partitions and the ceiling of the room, nor unless each such stall shall open directly into an aisle or passageway leading directly to a stairway or stairway fire escape, the location of which is indicated by a red sign and at night by a red light also. Such sleeping stalls shall not be installed in any such room in such numbers that there shall be less than 400 cubic feet of air per person when all stalls are occupied to their full capacity. The semi-partitions forming such stalls hereafter constructed shall be of incom- bustible material. CLASS nc. 263. Class He Defined.) In Class lie shall be included every building used for a hospital, for housing the sick and infirm, imbeciles or children and also every jail, police station, asylum, house of correction and detention and also every home for the aged and decrepit, where sleeping accommodations are provided for more than ten persons. *264. Buildings Construction of Height of.) (a) All buildings of Class lie more than two stories in height hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of Class lie shall be of fireproof construction, except that buildings erected for or converted to the use of police stations for temporary purposes may be of mill or slow-burning construction. (b) Buildings of Class He not more than two stories in height may be of ordinary, mill or slow burning construction. 265. Frontage Consents for Hospitals.) (a) It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or locate any hospital for the care, treatment or nursing of two or more insane persons, inebriates or epileptics, or two or more persons suffering from the excessive use of alcoholic liquors, morphine, cocaine, or other similar drugs or narcotics, or for the treatment or nursing of any person or persons affected with any contagious disease or diseases, in any block in which two-thirds of the buildings on both sides of the streets or avenues sur- rounding said block are used exclusively for residence purposes, unless the written consent for the erection and maintenance of said hospital is secured from the owners of the majority of the frontage on both sides of that portion of all streets or avenues which surround the square in which said hospital is to be located. (b) Said written consents, when required by this section, shall be filed with the Commissioner of fBuildings before a permit shall be issued for the erection or al- teration of a building proposed to be used for hospital purposes, and a copy thereof *As amended May 15, 1911. See page 177, -Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. fNote. An ordinance passed January 9, 1911 (page 3409, Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the City Council), requires such written consents to be filed with the Commissioner of Health. See Sections 265 and 1219 of The Chicago Code of 1911. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 31 shall he filed with the Commissioner of Health before he shall recommend that any license be issued by the City for such hospital. 266. Coves in Rooms and Corridors of Hospitals.) In every building hereafter constructed for or converted to hospital purposes, in all corridors and rooms used ,>y patients, all intersections of walls, floors and ceilings shall be formed with tangent coves. 267. Elevators in Hospitals.) Every building over three stories in height hereafter constructed for or converted to hospital purposes shall have at least one elevator, the floor dimensions of which shall be not less than seven feet by five feet, and said elevator shall be enclosed in a fireproof shaft with incombustible doors closing off each opening and shall comply with all the general provisions of this chapter. 268. Fire Escapes, Balconies, Platforms.) All buildings of Class lie shall be equipped with stairway fire escapes not less than three feet in width which shall, in number, location and structural features, comply with the general provisions of this chapter relating to fire escapes. The balconies and platforms of such fire escapes shall be not less than three feet in width and may be mada with a smooth surface of incombustible material laid flush with the floor and with a pitch of one-third inch to the foot. 269. Standpipes and Portable Hand Pumps.) (a) On each floor of every build- ing used for the purposes of Class lie there shall be provided, for each two thousand square feet of floor area or fractional part thereof, at least one portable hand pump of three gallon capacity or one chemical extinguisher of equal capacity, which shall be located and maintained subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. (b) In every building more than three stories in height hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of Class lie there shall be constructed one or more four-inch stand pipes which shall extend from the basement to the roof and which shall be connected with the house pump and house tank and which shall have a Siamese connection located on the street or alley side of such building for the use of the fire department. Each stand pipe shall be provided with one hose connection with fire department thread on the roof of said building, and one con- nection on each floor and in the basement thereof, with sufficient hose attached on each floor and in the basement so that a stream of water therefrom will reach any point thereof. The pattern, quality, installation and maintenance of such stand pipes, hose and connections shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. ARTICLE VI. CLASS III. 270. Class III Defined.) (a) In Class III shall be included every building used as a family residence, and also every building used for garage or stabling purposes and having a ground area of less than 500 square feet. 270%. Must Comply With General and Special Provisions.) Every building of Class III shall comply with the provisions of this chapter, and, in addition to the general provisions, shall comply with the following special provisions: *271. Buildings Construction of Height of Space Occupied on Lot.) (a) *As amended December 18, 1911. See page 2090, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 32 CITY OF CHICAGO Every building of Class III which is ninety feet or more in height shall be built entirely of fireproof construction. (b) Every building of Class III less than ninety feet and more than fifty feet in height shall be built entirely of slow-burning, mill or fireproof construction. (c) Every building of Class III less than fifty feet in height may be built of ordinary construction. (d) The amount of space occupied on any lot by Class III buildings shall comply with the requirements of Section 440 of this chapter. (e) Buildings used for garage purposes only, having a ground area of four hundred (400) square feet or less, may be built with enclosing walls and roof of corrugated iron or galvanized sheet steel supported on a frame of steel con- struction. 272. Skylights Construction of Glass in.) (a) The skylight on the roof of every building of Class III erected within the fire limits shall have its sides, sashes and frames constructed of metal or of metal-clad wood on all exterior surfaces. (b) Such skylights shall be covered by a strong wire netting with mesh not more than one and one-half inches square placed not less than six inches above the glass, supported on uprights of incombustible material, unless wired glass is used. 273. Allowance of Live Loads in Construction of Floors.) In every building of Class III, the floors shall be designed and constructed in such manner as to be capable of bearing in all their parts, in addition to the weight of the floor construc- tion, partitions, permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of 40 pounds for every square foot of surface. *274. Habitable Rooms Definition of Requirements as to Size and Ventilation.) (a) For the purposes of this chapter the term "habitable room" shall be held to include every room in every building of Classes III and VI, and every room in build- ings of other classes if such rooms are used for the purposes of Classes III and VI, in which a family or the individual members thereof regularly sleep or eat or carry on their usual domestic or social vocations or avocations. Laundries, bath rooms, water closet compartments, serving and storage pantries, storage rooms and closets, boiler and machinery rooms, cellars, corridors, and similar spaces used neither fre- quently nor during extended periods, shall not be deemed as coming within the scope of this term. (b) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of Class III, every habitable room shall have a window or windows with a total glass area equal to at least one-tenth of its floor area, opening onto a street, alley, or yard, as defined in Section 432 of this Chapter; provided, that there shall be a space of at least three feet between the building and the lot line on one side, and a space of at least one foot between the building and the lot line on the other side. None of such required windows shall have a glass area of less than ten square feet; and each such window shall have its top not less than seven feet above the floor and shall be so constructed that at least its upper half may be opened its full width. No such habitable room shall have a floor area of less than eighty square feet, nor a clear height from floor to ceiling of less than eight feet and *As amended February 20, 1911. See page 3988, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 33 six inches; provided, that attic rooms need not be eight feet six inches high for more than one-half of their area, and that such attic rooms shall have total cubic contents of not less than seven hundred and fifty cubic feet each. (c) No, living room shall be partitioned off or constructed in any existing building or portion thereof, until plans of such building and room have been filed with, and a permit for such partitioning or constructing obtained from the Commis- sioner of Buildings and the Commissioner of Health; and every room so partitioned off or constructed shall comply with all the requirements for habitable rooms as contained in this section. 275. Alcoves.) Every alcove and alcove room shall comply with the require- ments of Section 446 of this chapter. 276. Pantries, Bath Rooms, Water Closet and Urinal Compartments Require- ments in Relation Thereto.) In every building hereafter erected for or converted to the purposes of Class III, every pantry, bath room, water closet or urinal com- partment shall have at least one window with a glass area of at least six square feet and a minimum width of at least one foot opening upon a street, alley, or yard as defined in Section 432 of this chapter, or upon a vent shaft not less in area than said window; and no habitable room shall open into or connectf with a vent shaft thus used. 277. Bay Windows and Light Shafts Materials For.) Bay or oriel windows may be built of combustible material on front or rear elevations of buildings of Class III of two stories or less in height, within the fire limits, provided such bay and oriel windows shall not have a greater width than twelve feet at the wall line of the building, and, provided, that the outside walls, roofs and soffits of such bay or oriel windows, when so constructed, shall be covered with sheet metal or other incombustible material. Light shafts wholly within the walls of a two-story build- ing of Class III may be built of combustible material covered with sheet metal or other incombustible material. In all other cases bay and oriel windows and light shafts and their supports shall be constructed entirely of incombustible material. 278. Walls Brick Walls Upon Wooden Sills Level of Sills Allowed.) Every building of Class III not exceeding one story or twenty Feet in height from top of sills to the highest point of the roof, and with the side walls not exceeding four- teen feet in height, and with floor area not exceeding twelve hundred square feet, may have brick walls not less than eight inches in thickness erected upon wooden sills, the sills supported on iron, masonry, or concrete supports extending four feet below the surface of the ground, provided that the portion of the supports above the ground may consist of cypress or cedar posts. The foundations under such sup- ports shall be of concrete, stone or brick, each covering not less than five square feet area and not more than eight feet apart, to support with safety the weight that may rest upon them; sills shall be placed not higher than four feet above the established grade of the street upon which the lot fronts and upon which lot the building is erected, where grades are established, and not exceeding seven feet above the ground where grades are not established. Every building more than one story and less than two stories high, having a gable or hip roof with a rise of not more than thirty degrees, may have eight-inch walls of solid brick or stone masonry, provided the side walls do not exceed fourteen feet in height measured from the first floor joist, and provided such building has a floor area not exceeding 1,200 feet and is not over 22 feet in width. 34 CITY OF CHICAGO 279. Stairways in Buildings of Class III Hereafter Erected Three Stories or More in Height.) In every building of Class III hereafter erected, and three stories or more in height, there shall be either two stairways from the first to the top story or one such stairway and a fire escape. ARTICLE VII. CLASS IV. 280. Class IV Defined.) (a) In Class IV shall be included every building referred to in subdivisions Class IVa, Class IVb, Class IVc and Class IVd, as fol- lows: (b) In Class IVa shall be included every building used as a church or place of worship. (c) In Class IVb shall be included every building having a parish hall, lodge hall, dance hall, banquet hall, skating rink, assembly hall, halls used for the purpose of exposition and exhibition and buildings having a hall for the purpose of instruc- tion, other than schools, included in Class VIII, and also every existing building having a hall usec^ for theatrical purposes at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance, except such buildings as are included in Classes IVa, IVc, IVd, and V. (d) Class IVc shall include every building hereafter erected used for moving picture and vaudeville shows and similar entertainments, where an admission fee is charged and regular performances are given, and where the seating capacity does not exceed three hundred; provided, that every building of Class IVc existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance shall comply with the provisions of Class IVb. (e) In Class IVd shall be included every grandstand and every baseball, athletic and amusement park. 281. Must Comply with General and Special Provisions.) Every building or structure of Class IV shall comply with the general provisions of this chapter and shall, in addition, comply with the following special provisions: 282. Must Comply With All Ordinances.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to construct or alter any theatre, except in conformity with the ordinances of the City of Chicago relative thereto, or to operate any theatre that does not conform thereto. 283. City Officials Empowered to Enter.) The Commissioner of Buildings, Commissioner of Health, City Electrician, Fire Marshal, Superintendent of Police, and their respective assistants, shall have the right to enter any building used in whole or in part for the purposes of Class IV at any reasonable time, and at any time when occupied by the public, in order to examine such building, and it shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with them in the performance of their duties. 284. City Officials Empowered to Close.) The Commissioner of Buildings, Commissioner of Health, Fire Marshal, City Electrician, or Superintendent of Po- lice, or any one of them, shall have the power, and it shall be their joint and sev- eral duty, to order any building used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IV, to be closed, where it is discovered that there is any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and kept closed until the same are complied with. 285. Theatres in Frame Buildings Prohibited.) On and after June 1, 1911, BUILDING ORDINANCES. 35 no frame building or part thereof shall be used as a moving picture, vaudeville or other theatre. 286. Buildings Height Construction When Used in Part as Class IV.) Every building higher than sixty feet, used in whole or in part for the purposes of Class IV or connected with or made part of any building so used, shall be en- tirely of fireproof construction. Every such building less than sixty feet in height shall be made of fireproof, slow-burning or mill construction, except as provided in this chapter. CLASS iva. 287. Class IVa Defined.) In Class IVa shall be included every building used as a church or place of worship. 288. Frontage Seating Less than Eight Hundred.) Every building of Class IVa hereafter erected containing an aggregate seating capacity of 800 persons or less, shall have for the auditorium a frontage upon two open spaces, of which at least one shall be a street, and the other, if not a street, shall be a public or private alley, not less than ten feet wide, opening directly on a public street or alley. 289. Frontage Seating Over Eight Hundred.) Every building of Class IVa hereafter erected containing an aggregate seating capacity greater than eight hun- dred persons,' shall have for the auditorium a frontage upon three open spaces of which at least one shall be a public street and the others, if not streets, shall be public or private alleys of a width of not less than ten feet each, opening directly on a public street or alley. 290. Construction of.) (a) Every building of Class IVa, which has a seating capacity of less than 600 may be built of ordinary construction. Every building of Class IVa having a seating capacity of more than 600 and less than 1,800 shall be built of slow-burning, mill or fireproof construction. (b) Every building of Class IVa having an aggregate seating capacity greater than 1,800 persons shall be built of fireproof construction. 291. Limitations of Floor Level in Class IVa Height Above Sidewalk.) (a) The limitations of floor levels in buildings hereafter erected, occupied either wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVa, shall be as follows : (b) No auditorium of a greater seating capacity than 1,000, shall have the highest part of its main floor at a greater distance than 10 feet above the adjacent sidewalk grade. No room or rooms having a greater seating capacity than five hundred shall be at a greater distance above the sidewalk grade than twenty feet. No room or rooms used for the purposes of Class IVa having a greater seating ^ca- pacity than two hundred shall be at a higher level above the sidewalk grade than thirty feet; provided, however, that in the case of a building used either wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVa, and built of fireproof construction, a room or rooms to be used for the purposes of Class IVa and of an aggregate seating ca- pacity of less than five hundred may be located in any story thereof, but in such case, there shall be at least two separate and distinct flights of stairs from the floor or floors in which such room or rooms are located, to the ground, each of which stairs shall be not less than 4 feet wide in the clear and shall be equipped with emergency exits and not less than one stairway fire escape. 292. Allowance for Live Loads in Construction of Floors of Buildings of Class IVa Stairways Entrances and Exits, Width of.) Every floor in buildings of 36 CITY OF CHICAGO Class IVa shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to be capable of bearing in all its parts, in addition to the weight of floor construction, partitions, and permanent fixtures that may be set upon same, a live load of 100 pounds for every square foot of surface on such floor. The width of stairways in buildings of this class shall be twenty inches for every one hundred of the aggregate seating capacity, and for fractional parts of one hundred seating capacity, a proportionate part of twenty inches shall be added to the width of such stairway, but no stairway in such building shall be less than four feet wide in the clear, except as hereinafter provided, and provided further, that in any such building having a gallery, the seat- ing capacity of which does not exceed two hundred and fifty persons, two separate and distinct stairways, each not less than three feet wide, shall be permitted. 293. Galleries Exit and Entrance.) Distinct and separate exits shall be pro- vided for each gallery. A common place of exit and entrance may serve for the main floor of the auditorium and the gallery or galleries, provided its capacity be equal to the aggregate capacity of all aisles or corridors leading from the main floor and such gallery or galleries to such place of exit or entrance. Not more than two galleries, placed one above the other, shall be permitted in any building of Class IVa. *294. Stairways Aisles Steps in Aisles Passageways, Kept Unobstructed.) (a) Aisles in buildings of Class IVa shall, in the aggregate, be eighteen inches in width for each 100 of the seating capacity of the auditorium, and for fractional parts of 100, a proportionate part of 18 inches shall be added, but no aisle shall be less than two feet six inches in width in its narrowest part. Steps shall be permitted in aisles only as extending from bank to bank of seats, and wherever the rise from bank to bank of seats is less than five inches, the floor of the aisles shall be made on an inclined plane; and where steps occur in outside aisles or corridors, they shall not be isolated, but shall be grouped together, and there shall be a light so placed as to illuminate such steps, in such outside aisles or corridors. All aisles and passageways shall be kept free from all portable furniture and other obstructions, and no person shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of such aisles or passageways during the services. (b) [Repealed February 20, 1911, pages 3992 and 3993, Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the City Council.] 295. Corridors, Passageways, Hallways and Doors Width of.) The width of corridors, passageways, hallways and doors, adjacent to, connected with, or a part of the auditorium, shall be computed in the same manner as is herein provided for stairways and aisles, excepting, however, that no such corridor, passageway or hallway shall be less than four feet in width, and no such doorway shall be less Oian three feet in width. 296. Seats, Number of, in Rows.) There shall not be more than fourteen seats in any one row between aisles. Rows of seats shall not be less than two feet eight inches from back to back, and no bank of seats shall be of greater rise than twenty inches. 297. ^ Emergency Exits All Doors to Open Outward.) (a) Emergency exits and outside stairways shall be provided for every building of Class IVa, which has a larger seating capacity than 800. Such emergency exits shall be one-half the *As amended February 20, 1911. See page 3992, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 37 aggregate width of the main exits, but no such emergency exits shall be less than three feet in width. Provided, that such stairways may be built inside the walls of the building in a corridor or passageway not less than seven feet wide and enclosed by a fireproof partition not less than four inches thick. Such stairway shall be of fireproof construction. All emergency exits and stairways therefrom shall be kept free from obstructions of any kind including snow and ice. (b) All doors affording egress, directly or indirectly from the auditorium to a street or alley, shall open outward. Exit doors shall not be obscured by drap- eries and shall not be locked or fastened in any manner during the time that the building is occupied, and shall be so constructed and maintained that they may be easily opened from within. 298. Buildings in Which Seats are Not Fixed Seating Capacity.) In comput- ing the seating capacity of any room or building used for the purposes of this class in which the seats are not fixed, an allowance of six square feet of floor area shall be made for each person, and all space between the walls or partitions of such room or building shall be measured in this computation. Provided, that in buildings of Class IVa standing at least seven feet from any other building and not having more than two stories and each floor having its own separate exits, the seating capacity of such floor shall be estimated alone as determining the kind of construction under this article. 299. Every Portion to Be Lighted When Occupied at Night Flues.) Every portion of a building of Class IVa and all outlets therefrom leading to streets or spaces connected therewith, including the vestibules, halls, corridors, passageways, and stairway exits, shall be properly lighted whenever occupied between sunset and sunrise, and the same shall be kept so lighted until the entire audience have left the premises; and every passageway, corridor, stairway and exit shall be provided with a sign indicating the way out of the building, the letters of which shall not be less than six inches in height. All lights indicating exits in vestibules, halls, passageways, corridors or other means of egress from the building shall be con- trolled by a separate shut-off, located near the main entrance, and controlled only in that particular place. A red light furnished by gas or sperm oil shall be kept burning, in connection with the word "Exit" over every such opening, during the entire time such building is occupied between sunset and sunrise. Flues used to carry off heat from open lights shall be of incombustible material, and shall have at least twelve inches clearance from any combustible material. 300. Class IVb Defined.) In Class IVb shall be included every building having a parish hall, lodge hall, dance hall, banquet hall, skating rink, assembly hall, halls used for the purpose of exposition and exhibition, and buildings having a hall for the purpose of instruction, other than schools, included in Class VIII, and also every existing building having a hall used for theatrical purposes at the time of the passage of this ordinance, except such buildings as are included in Classes IVa, IVc, IVd, and V. 301. Frontage Seating Less Than Eight Hundred Seating More Than Eight Hundred.) (a) Every building of Class IVb, containing a hall or halls of an aggregate seating capacity of 800 persons or less, shall have a frontage upon two public spaces, of which at least one shall be a street, and the other, if not a street, shall be a public or private alley, not less than ten feet wide;, opening directly on a public street or alley. 38 CITY OF CHICAGO (b) Buildings of Class IVb, containing halls or rooms, used for the purpose of Class IVb, of greater aggregate seating capacity than 800, shall have a frontage upon three open spaces, of which at least one shall be a public street, while the other two, if not streets, shall be public or private alleys, of a width of not less than ten feet, each opening directly on a public street or alley; provided that a fireproof passageway at grade level, and not less than seven feet in width may be used in place of one such alley, if such passageway connects with a public thoroughfare. 302. Auxiliary Buildings Height and Construction of Communicating Doors.) (a) Every building hereafter erected and connected with or made part of any building used in whole or in part for the purposes of Class IVb, shall, if sixty or less feet in height, be of fireproof, mill or slow-burning construction, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, and, if more than sixty feet in height, of fire- proof construction. (b) No existing building, other than of fireproof construction, shall be con- nected to any building of Class IVb now existing or hereafter constructed, unless there is, between such buildings, a fire wall constructed as required by Section 519 of this Chapter and extending from the ground to and through the roof. (c) In all such cases where both buildings are not of fireproof construction, each opening in the intervening walls shall be equipped with automatic double fire- doors as required by Section 573 of this Chapter. 303. Existing Buildings Used for Class IVb and for Other Purposes.) No part of an existing building, other than of fireproof construction, shall be used for the purposes of Class IVb unless such part is separated from all portions of the same building used for other purposes by a fire wall constructed as required by Section 519 of this Chapter and extending from the ground to the roof and unless all openings in such fire wall are equipped with automatic double fire doors as required by Section 573 of this Chapter; in which case such other portions may be constructed in the manner permitted for separate buildings of such class. 304. Construction Depending on Capacity.) Every building used for the pur- poses of Class IVb, hereafter erected, containing a hall or room of an aggregate seat- ing capacity of not more than 1,500 persons, shall be built of mill, slow-burning or fireproof construction. Every building hereafter erected used for theatrical purposes, with a seating capacity greater than three hundred shall' be built to conform to the requirements of buildings of Class V hereafter erected. If a hall or room or halls or rooms have a total seating capacity of more than 1,500 persons, such building shall be built of fireproof construction; provided, that buildings mainly used for exposi- tion or exhibition purposes, and not used for theatrical purposes, and not exceeding two stories in height which have for public use only a main floor and one gallery and which have their walls and structural members of incombustible material and which comply with the provisions of this ordinance as to stairways, exits and fire escapes, may have their temporary seats, boxes, show cases, platforms, or booths, constructed of combustible material; provided, however, that any and all draperies, buntings, or other inflammable decorations shall be treated with a fire-retarding solution, subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. 305. Buildings in Which Seats Are Not Fixed Seating Capacity.) In com- puting the seating capacity of any room or building used for the purposes of this Class, in which the seats are not fixed, an allowance of six square feet of floor BUILDING ORDINANCES. 39 area shall be made for each person, and all space between the walls or partitions of such room or building shall be measured in this computation. Provided, that in buildings of Class IVb standing at least seven feet from any other building and not having more than two stories and each floor having its own separate exits, the seating capacity of each floor shall be estimated alone as determining the kind of construction under this article. -306. Limitations of Floor Levels Height Above Sidewalks.) (a) The fol- lowing limitations of floor levels in buildings hereafter erected, occupied either wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVb, other than skating rinks, shall be as follows: No auditorium of a greater seating capacity than one thousand shall have the highest part of its main floor at a greater distance than ten feet above the adjacent sidewalk grade. No room or rooms having a greater seating capacity than five hundred shall be at a greater distance above the sidewalk grade than twenty feet. No room or rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb having a greater seating capacity than two hundred shall be at a higher level above the sidewalk grade than thirty feet; provided, however, that in the case of a building used either wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVb, and built of fireproof construction, a room or rooms to be used for the purposes of Class IVb and of an aggregate seat- ing capacity of less than five hundred may be located in any story thereof, but in such case, there shall be at least two separate and distinct flights of stairs from the floor or floors in which such room or rooms are located, to the ground, each of which stairs shall be not less than four feet wide in the. clear and such floor or floors shall be equipped with emergency exits and have not less than one stairway fire escape. (b) In buildings of fireproof construction hereafter erected, banquet halls or ball rooms having a seating capacity of not more than 900 may be located on any floor. Such banquet halls or ball rooms shall have access to at least two interior stairways and not less than one stairway fire escape, the combined width of which shall be equal to at least 18 inches for each one hundred persons for whom accom- modations are provided in said banquet hall or ball room. (c) No room or hall used for the purpose of a skating rink shall be con- structed, operated or maintained with its main floor level more than two feet above the inside sidewalk grade of the street upon which the building containing same fronts, or more than one foot above the ground or sidewalk level in front of such building when it does not face on a street. 307. Allowance for Loads in Construction of Floors.) All floors of all build- ings of Class IVb shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to be capable of bearing in all their parts, in addition to the weight of floor construc- tion, partitions, permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of one hundred pounds for every square foot of surface in such floor, in accordance with the general provisions of this chapter. t308. Stairways Entrances and Exits Width of.) The width of stairways in buildings used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVb, shall be 18 inches *As amended July 22, 1912. See page 1675, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. tAs amended July 22, 1912. See pages 1675-6, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 40 CITY OF CHICAGO for every 100 persons of the aggregate seating capacity of all rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb in such buildings; but no stairway in such building shall be less than four feet wide in the clear; provided, that in any such building having a room or rooms, balcony or gallery, used for the purposes of Class IVb, the aggre- gate seating capacity of which does not exceed 250 persons, two sepaj-ate and distinct stairways, each three feet wide, shall be permitted, but no such building hereafter erected shall have less than two interior stairways of the width required by this ordinance, and located as far apart as practicable. Every hall or room used for the purposes of Class IVb in a building hereafter erected shall have access to not less than two stairways. Every stairway shall have hand- rails on each side thereof; stairways which are over seven feet wide shall have double intermediate handrails with end newel posts at least five and a half feet high; no stairway shall ascend a greater height than 13 feet 6 inches without a level landing, which landing shall be not less than four feet wide measured in the direction of the run of the stairs. Every stairway leading to a box or boxes shall be independent of all other stairs or seats; and such stairway shall not be less than 2 feet 6 inches wide in the clear when such box or boxes seat not to exceed thirty people, and an additional width of one inch shall be added to such stairway for each additional five persons for whom seating capacity is provided. 309. Balconies and Galleries Designation of.) Where there are balconies or galleries, the first balcony or gallery shall be designated "balcony" and the second and third balconies or galleries shall be designated respectively "gallery" and "second gallery." 310. Balconies and Galleries Exit and Entrance.) Distinct and separate places of exit and entrance shall be provided for each gallery. A common place of exit and entrance may serve for the main floor of the auditorium and the balcony, provided its capacity be equal to the aggregate required capacity of all aisles or corridors leading from the main floor and such balcony to such place of exit and entrance. 311. Aisles Steps in Aisles Passageways Kept Unobstructed Width of Corridors, Passageways, Hallways and Doors.) (a) Aisles in rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb shall have in the aggregate a width of 18 inches for each 100 of the seating capacity of such room, and for fractional parts of 100 a pro- portionate part of 18 inches shall be added; but no aisle shall be less than two feet six inches in width. (b) Steps shall be permitted in aisles only as extending from bank to bank of seats, and whenever the rise from bank to bank of seats is less than five inches the floor of the aisles shall be made as an inclined plane, and where steps occur in outsfde aisles or corridors, they shall not be isolated, but shall be grouped together, and there shall be a light so placed as to illuminate such steps in such outside aisles or corridors. All aisles and passageways in such rooms shall be kept free from camp-stools, sofas, chairs and other obstructions, and no persons shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of such aisles or passageways during any per- formance, service, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball, or any public assembly. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 4] (c) Where there are emergency exits located at the sides of such rooms, there shall be a cross aisle giving access to such exits. The location of emergency exits and cross aisles shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. 312. Corridors, Passageways, Hallways and Doors Width of.) The width of corridors, passageways, hallways and doors adjacent to, connected with or a part of such rooms, shall be computed in the same manner as is herein provided for stairways and aisles, excepting, however, that no such corridor, passageway or hall- way shall be less than four feet in width, and no such door shall be less than three feet in width.' 313. Seats Number in Rows.) There shall be not more than fourteen seats in any one row between aisles, and in a room or rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb, of a seating capacity greater than 400 persons, there shall be an aisle on each side of any bank of seats, where there are over seven seats in a row. Rows of seats shall not be less than thirty-two inches from back to back and no bank of seats shall be of a greater rise than twenty inches. 314. Emergency Exits.) (a) Emergency exits and stairways shall be provided outside of any and all rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb which have a seating capacity larger than eight hundred, and such emergency exits shall have a width equal to one-half of the width provided for the main exits and such emer- gency exits shall lead directly to a public thoroughfare. Provided, however, that any room or rooms used for the purposes of Class IVb in any building hereafter erected, having a seating capacity of more than 400, shall have emergency exits outside of the walls of such building equal in width to one-half of the exits required for the main exits, and such emergency exits shall lead directly to a public thoroughfare. Doors leading to emergency exits shall not be less than three feet wide. Stairs shall be not less than four feet wide. Such emergency exits and stairways may be built inside the walls of such building of a width not less than four feet, provided that they are enclosed by a fireproof partition not less than 4 inches thick; and further provided, that the stairs themselves are constructed of incombustible material. Emergency stairways may descend into open spaces or passageways, pro- vided they do not obstruct more than one-half of the width of such open spaces or passageways. (b) Every stairway fire escape shall be located and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 669, 670 and 673, but in no case shall any room used for the purposes of Class IVb located above the third story of any building have less than one stairway fire escape. 315. Doors to Open Outward Draperies.) (a) All doors affording access directly or indirectly to the street, alley or corridor from any room used for the purposes of Class IVb shall open outward. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to obscure the exit doors of any room of a building of Class IVb as defined in this chapter, by draperies, and during the time any such room or rooms are open to the public, said doors shall not be locked or fastened in any manner so as to prevent them 42 CITY OF CHICAGO from being easily opened outwardly; and such doors shall be constructed and main- tained so as to require no special knowledge or effort to open them from the interior. 316. Walls Between Auditorium and Stage.) There shall be a solid brick wall of the same thickness as required for outside walls between the auditorium and stage in buildings hereafter erected for or converted to the use of Class IVb and used either wholly or in part for that purpose; and in existing non-fireproof build- ings such wall must extend to a height of three (3) feet above the roof. Provided, however, that in existing buildings any room used for the purposes of Class IVb at the date of the passage of this ordinance having a greater seating capacity than four hundred (400) shall have a proscenium wall built of masonry or incombustible material. 317. Curtain Shall Be of Iron, Steel or Asbestos Inspection of Fee.) The main curtain opening in any such room shall have a wrought iron or steel or three-ply asbestos curtain with a wire mesh imbedded therein, which shall be inspected by the Building Department semi-annually, for which inspection a charge of five dollars shall be made, and all other openings in the proscenium wall shall have self-closing iron doors. 318. Structures Over Ceiling Construction.) If any structure intended to be occupied by people is built over the ceiling of any room, used wholly or in part for Ihe purposes of Class IVb, the girders or trusses supporting the same shal) be of steel protected with fireproofing as required for interior columns in Sec- tion 625. 319. Standpipe and Hose on Stage.) In every room used for the purpose of Class IVb and having a seating capacity of 250 or more, and where scenery is used a standpipe not less than one and one-half inches in diameter, with a hose con- nection and hose valve thereon, shall be installed on each side of the stage, and shall at all times have connected thereto and ready for use, a hose of sufficient length to reach any part of the stage. Such standpipes shall be connected with pump or frostproof gravity tank so that a pressure of water of ten pounds per square inch shall be furnished through such standpipe at the highest opening. 320. Vents or Flue Pipes.) (a) One or more vents or flue pipes of metal construction or other incombustible material approved by the Commissioner of Buildings shall be built over the stage, and shall extend not less than ten feet above the highest point of the roof, and shall be equivalent in area to one- twentieth of the area of the stage. (b) In buildings where additional stories are built above the stage, such vents or flue pipes may be carried out near the top of the stage walls, and shall be continued and run up on the exterior of the building to a point five feet above the highest point of the additional stories. (c) All such flues or vents shall be provided with metal dampers which shall be controlled or operated by a small tarred hempen cord and also by two electric switches, one at the electrician's station on the stage, which station shall be fireproof, and the other at the stage fireman's station on the opposite side of the stage; the arrangement of said cord and said electric switches shall be such that BUILDING ORDINANCES. 43 the cord will operate as a fusible link between the electric control and the damper and will release said damper, should the switches, or either of them, fail to operate. Such stations shall be located in such places on the stage as may be determined by the Fire Marshal, subject to the provisions of this paragraph, and each switch shall have a sign with plain directions as to the operation of the same printed thereon. 321. Fuse Boxes.) Every fuse box shall be surrounded by two thicknesses of fireproof material with an air space between, and no fuse shall be exposed to the air between the switchboards; all electrical equipment in such rooms shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction and approval of the City Electrician. ' 322. Capacity Certification for License.) (a) The Commissioner of Buildings shall determine the number of persons which every room used for the purposes of Class IVb may accommodate, according to the provisions of this Chapter, and shall certify tlie same to the City Clerk. No more than the number so certified shall be allowed in such room at any one time. (b) Xo amusement license shall be issued for any room used for the purposes of Class IVb, unless the Commissioner of Buildings, the Fire Marshal and the City Electrician shall first have certified, in writing, that such room complies with the provisions of this Chapter in every respect. 323. Exits Signs at Lighting of.) (a) The word "Exit" shall appear in letters at least six inches high, over the openings to every means of egress from every room used for the purposes of Class IVb, and in every such room having a greater seating capacity than 400, a red light furnished by gas or sperm oil shall be provided over such sign. (b) Every room used for the purposes of Class IVb and all outlets therefrom leading to the streets, including passageways, courts, corridors, stairways, exits, and emergency stairways, shall have gas or electric lighting equipment to properly illuminate such rooms and spaces, and every passageway, court, corridor, stairway, exit, and emergency stairway, shall be provided with signs indicating the way out of the building, the letters of which shall not be less than six inches in height. 324. Lights in Halls, Corridors and Lobbies Control Of Separate Shutoff Connection with Gas Mains Protection of Suspended and Bracket Lights Pro- tection of Lights Inserted in Walls Protection of Foot Lights Construction of Border Lights Ducts and Shafts Conducting Heated Air From Lights Protection- of Stage Lights.) Gas and electric lights in the halls, passageways, corridors, lobbies an other means of ingress to or egress from any such room shall be. con- trolled by a separate shutoff, located in an accessible place, subject to the ap- proval of the Commissioner of Buildings, and controlled only in that particular place. No gas or electric light fixture shall be inserted in the walls, woodwork, ceilings or in any part of any such room, unless protected by fireproof materials. The footlights, if gas light, shall be protected by wire network, and also by a strong wire guard, not less than two feet distant from such footlights and a trough containing such footlights shall be formed of and be surrounded by fire- proof materials. Border lights shall be constructed according to the best known methods, subject to the approval of the City Electrician, and shall be suspended by wire rope. Ducts and shafts used for collecting heated air from the main chandelier, or from any other light or lights, shall be constructed of metal, and made double with an intervening air space. Stage lights, if gas, shall have strong wire guards or metal screens, not less than ten inches in diameter, so constructed 44 CITY OF CHICAGO that any material coming in contact therewith shall be out of reach of flame, and such guards or screens shall be firmly soldered to the fixtures in all cases. 325. Scenery Definition Movable Scenery.) (a) "Scenery" as used in this chapter shall include all scenery, drop curtains and wings which are con- structed or made of cloth, canvas or combustible material, whether stationary or movable. "Movable scenery" shall include all scenery, drop curtains, borders and wings which are made movable for the purpose of changing scenery and substituting another set during or between the various stage acts. 326. Scenery to Be Non-inflammable.) No scenery or stage paraphernalia of any sort shall be used upon the stage of any room used for the purposes of Class IVb, unless such scenery and paraphernalia shall have been treated with a paint or chemical solution which shall make it non-inflammable, and which treated scenery or stage paraphernalia, or both, shall be tested and approved by the Fire Marshal. *327. Amount of Scenery Allowed Sprinkler System.) Two sets of house scenery and three drops, exclusive of asbestos fire curtain and picture screen, shall be allowed in existing rooms used for theatrical purposes in buildings of Class IVb where the same are on the first floor level, or in a building of fireproof construction or which conformed with the requirements of fireproof buildings at the time same was erected, and the same shall also be allowed in such existing rooms used for theatrical purposes above the first floor level when the seating capacity of such room does not exceed 300. Such scenery shall be known and designated upon the licenses issued by the city as "'Permanent House Scenery." and the use and moving of such scenery shall not be construed as placing said building, hall, room or theatre within the provisions of the ordinance relating to Class V buildings. A set of house scenery as contemplated by this section is hereby defined to mean sufficient scenery to make one stage setting, such scenery being in continuous use in such house; provided, however, that the lowering of a drop shall not con- stitute a new stage setting. No other scenery except as above enumerated shall be permitted on, above or underneath the stage. Every existing Class IVb theatre affected by this section shall be equipped with an approved sprinkler system and also with standpipe and hose subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. No existing Class IVb theatre affected by this section shall increase its seat- ing capacity after the passage of this ordinance. No scenery or stage paraphernalia of combustible materials shall be used on the stage of any room or theatre used for the purposes of Class IV, unless such scenery and paraphernalia shall have been treated with a paint or chemical solution which shall make it non-inflammable, and which treated scenery or stage parapher- nalia, or both, shall be tested and approved by the Fire Marshal. 328. Dressing Room Partitions.) Partitions forming dressing rooms, except where already built, shall be constructed of incombustible material, and such dressing rooms shall be properly ventilated. *As amended July 22, 1912. See page 1676, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 45 329. Apparatus Under Control of Fire Marshal.) The standpipes, hose, vent flues and all apparatus for the extinguishing of fire or guarding against the same, required by the provisions of this ordiriknce to be provided, shall be at all times so provided and kept in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Marshal. CLASS IVc. *330. Class IVc Defined Moving Picture and Vaudeville Shows Seating Capacity.) Class IVc shall include every building hereafter erected used for moving picture or vaudeville shows and similar entertainments, where an admis- sion fee is charged and regular performances are given, and where the seating capacity does not exceed three hundred, provided that every building of Class IVc existing at the time of the passage of the ordinance known as The Chicago Code of 1911 shall comply with the provisions of Class IVb. All buildings hereafter erected for moving picture and vaudeville shows and similar entertainments, where an admission fee is charged and regular performances are given, with a seating capacity of over three hundred, and for the exhibition of moving pictures only, where the seating capacity is more than one thousand, shall be built to conform with the requirements for buildings of Class V hereafter erected as contained in this chapter. Buildings for the exhibition of moving pictures only and with a seating capacity of over three hundred, but not to exceed one thousand, shall also be built to conform with the requirements for buildings of. Class V hereafter erected, in all their structural requirements and equipment except in so far as such requirements and equipment are modified in Sections 331 and 332 hereof, 1331. Frontage of Class IVc Frontage, Open Spaces and Fireproof Passage- ways of Moving Picture Theatres Containing a Seating Capacity of- More Than Three Hundred.) Every room used for the purposes of Class IVc shall have a frontage upon at least two public thoroughfares, of which at least one shall be a street, and the other a street or a public or a private alley not less than ten feet wide and opening directly on a public street or alley. *As amended June 21, 1912. See page 902, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. fAs amended June 21, 1012. See pages 902-3, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. NOTE: The following amendatory ordinance (passed January 15, 1912), was repealed March 11, 1912. (See page 3171 of the said Council Journal) : Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That Section 331 of The Chicago Code of 1911, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 331. Frontage of Class IVc.) Every room, hereafter used for the purpose of Class IVc, shall have a frontage upon at least one street. Where neither side (exclusive of the front and rear) abuts a street or alley, there shall be maintained on either such side an open and unobstructed space or passageway not less than eight feet imde, which shall lead directly to a public street or alley; and there shall also be maintained an exit near the middle of such side leading di- rectly to the space or passageway herein provided. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication thereof. 46 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings for the exhibition of moving pictures only, with a seating capacity of over three hundred, but not to exceed one thousand, shall be located so that they adjoin at least two public thoroughfares, one of which shall be a public street and the other may be a public alley not less than ten feet in width. Ex- cept as hereinafter otherwise provided, the audience room of such building shall have either a public thoroughfare or an open space unobstructed from the ground to the sky on each side thereof. Such open space, when the audience room has a capacity not to exceed six hundred seats, shall be five feet wide, and six inches shall be added to the width of same for every additional one hundred seats in said audience room up to the maximum of one thousand seats. In all cases where there is a public alley in the rear of such building, said open space must connect directly with the alley. In case the entire audience is seated on the ground level said open spaces shall extend alongside of the audience room so as to connect with exit doors placed approximately in the middle of the audience room between the opposite ends of same. Where there is a balcony or gallery installed, such open spaces must extend along the entire length of the audience room so as to connect with exits from the balcony or gallery at their highest and lowest levels. Where such a building is located on a corner lot and adjoins a public street on one side and a public street or an alley not less than ten feet wide on two of the remaining sides and the building is so located that it adjoins such public thoroughfares on three sides for its entire extent, it shall not be necessary to construct an open space on the remaining side thereof, but in all such cases there shall be either an open space unobstructed from the ground to the sky or a fireproof passageway at least five feet wide leading from the side of the audience room not bordering on a street or other public space to the street in front of the theatre and another leading to the alley or other public space in the rear of the theatre. If the seating capacity of such theatre is over six hundred, six inches shall be added to the width of such open space or passagew r ay for every one hundred seats or fraction thereof in excess of six hundred and up to the maximum of one thousand. _ If access to the street and alley or other public space as herein provided is by means of a fireproof passageway, such fireproof passageway must be constructed in all respects according to the provisions of Section 402 of The Chicago Code of 1911, except as herein otherwise provided. *332. Construction.) Buildings of Class IVc hereafter erected, of a seating- capacity not to exceed three hundred, shall not be built more than thirty feet in height and may be built of ordinary construction, but the enclosing walls shall be constructed of masonry. No moving picture, vaudeville or theatrical show shall hereafter be installed in a frame building. No room or hall used for the purposes of Class IVc shall hereafter be installed underneath any living or sleeping room. Buildings for the exhibition of moving pictures only with a seating capacity of more than three hundred, but not to exceed one thousand, when the same shall be located as provided for in Section 331 hereof, may be built as herein provided. Said buildings shall contain no stage, proscenium wall nor scenery of any de- scription. The screen for the display of the pictures must be attached to the rear *As amended February 6, 1913. See page 3699, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. [This Section was previously amended June 21, 1912. See page 902. Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council.] BUILDING ORDINANCES. 47 wall of the building, not to exceed six inches away from same. Xo decorative walls or paintings or other effects shall be constructed inside the audience room in such a manner as to allow any rooms or spaces between same and the enclosing walls of the building. An open platform not to exceed seventy-two square feet in area may be built before the picture screen. On the main floor of such building there shall be at least two main aisles with direct exits at front and rear and two cross aisles with direct exits from the side. When such building contains a balcony or gallery there shall be emergency exits from the highest and lowest levels of same on one side and on the other side there shall be either emergency exits or enclosed interior stairs from the highest level of the balcony, and the lowest level of the balcony shall be connected with such side stairs by means of a tunnel. All seats in the audience room shall be at least twenty inches wide and spaced thirty- four inches from back to back. The booth for the moving picture machine must be of construction in conformity with the requirements for such machine booths in buildings of Class IVc; in all other respects such buildings shall comply both in structural requirements and equipment with the provisions of the ordinances relating to theatres of Class V hereafter erected. Provided, however, that where such building has no balcony or gallery and the seats in the audience room are all on the ground floor of same, and where no portion of the building connected with or made a part of or used in conjunction therewith exceeds two stories in height, and where the lobbies and entrances leading to such part of the luilding used for purposes of Class IVc have brick dividing walls separating them' from the portions of the building connected therewith used for the purpose of any other class as defined in this ordinance, and the floors of said lobbies and entrances and the floors and ceilings above such lobbies and entrances are of fire-proof con- struction and there are no doors or windows leading from such lobbies and en- trances to any portion of the said building used for any other purpose than Class IVc, such portion of said building as is not used for purposes of Class IVc may be built in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances designating the manner of construction for such classes. 333. Floor Levels Limitations.) The following limitations of floor levels shall apply to every building used for the purposes of Glass IVc; the highest part of the auditorium floor shall not exceed four feet above the sidewalk level. The floor level at the entrance shall not be at a greater height than eight inches above the sidewalk. The aisies shall not have a greater incline than iy a inches to the foot. 334. Stairways.) Where external stairways are required, such stairways shall be at least six inches wider than the exits, and shall have treads not less than ten inches wide and risers not more than 8 inches high, and shall be provided with suitable handrails on each side thereof, and the width of such stairs shall comply with the requirements of Class IV'b. 335. Balconies and Galleries.) In non-fireproof buildings hereafter erected for, or converted to the purposes of Class IVc, not more than one balcony and no galleries shall be constructed. 336. Aisles Steps and Aisles Passages to be Kept Unobstructed.) Aisles and rooms used for the purposes of Class IVc shall have in the aggregate, a width of not less than 20 inches for each 100 of seating capacity of such room and for fractional parts of 100, a proportionate part of 20 inches shall be added, and no aisle shall have a width of less than two feet six inches. When side emergency 48 CITY OF CHICAGO exits are permitted, there shall be a cross aisle not less than three feet wide, leading directly to said exit. Steps shall not be permitted in any aisle or in any portion of the auditorium floor. Every aisle, passageway, entrance and exit shall be free from turnstiles, railings or other obstructions. 337. Corridors Passageways Doors Width of.) The width of corridors, passageways and doors shall be computed in the same manner as provided in Sections 311 and 312. 338. Seats Size Location.) There shall not be more than ten seats in any one row between aisles, nor more than six seats between an aisle and side wall. Seats shall not be less than thirty-two inches from back to back and shall not be less than twenty inches in width measured at the top of the seat back, and shall be secured firmly to the floor. 339. Exits.) In every building of Class IVc, there shall be provided at least two entrance doors. No entrance doors shall be less than four feet in width. If the rear of the building abuts upon an alley, there shall be provided not less than two emergency exits leading directly to the said alley. Wherever emergency exits pass over or under the stage floor level, they shall be enclosed with walls of masonry nine inches in thickness, or four inch hollow tile, or of two-inch solid plaster, composed of iron studs and metal lath and plaster, and shall have floors and ceilings of slow-burning, mill, or fireproof construction. If the side of the auditorium abuts upon a street or alley, such emergency exits shall be located as follows: one exit shall be located at a distance not greater than five feet from the proscenium wall or stage, and the other exit shall be located at a distance half way between the foyer and the stage wall. Exits by means of stairways or stairway fire escapes, equal in width to eighteen inches for each one hundred persons, shall be provided and for fractional parts of one hundred, a proportionate part of eighteen inches shall be added. No such exit shall be less than two feet six inches in width. 340. Doors to Open Outward.) All doors affording ingress or egress in buildings of Class IVc shall open outward, and no door shall be less than three feet wide. Such doors, as well as any entrance or exits or opening, shall not be obscured by curtains or draperies, and no door shall be locked or fastened at any time during the time such building is open to the public, and no door or opening shall be less than three feet wide. Such doors shall be so constructed and main- tained that they may easily be opened from within. 341. Walls Between Auditorium and Stage.) Where the area of the stage exceeds 72 square feet, there shall be provided a proscenium wall of solid masonry of not less than nine inches in thickness, extending from ground to the roof. Where the stage area is less than 72 square feet its proscenium wall may be constructed of two-inch solid plaster walls, composed of metal studs and metal lath and plaster or three-inch hollow tile. In no case shall the underside of ceiling or roof over stage house behind proscenium wall be at a higher level than three feet over the highest point of main proscenium opening. And there shall be no trap doors or other openings in the stage floor. 342. Curtain.) (a) The main curtain in the opening of the proscenium wall shall be composed of long fibre asbestos twisted on brass wire and woven into a close cloth. The laps shall be sewed with two lines of brass and asbestos stitch- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 49 ing, which laps shall not be less than one-inch wide. Said cloth shall be lapped at least four times around the top and around the bottom bars with at least three lines of the stitching above specified. (b) The edge of the curtain shall be continuously reinforced by lapping and stitching and also with pieces of sheet metal for clips. The curtain shall be at least thirty inches wider and higher than the masonry opening, and shall have steel top and bottom bars of not less than two square inches in cross section, which bars shall be connected by four three-sixteenth inch steel cables. (c) There shall be three-eighth inch spanning cables with upper ends secured to steel brackets fastened to the wall and the lower ends sufficiently counter- weighted to keep the cables taut nd where cables pass through the stage floor, the holes shall be metal bushed. (d) The curtain shall have hard wood eyelets not over eighteen inches cen- ter to center, around the standing cables on both vertical edges, which eyelets shall be secured to the curtain by bent brass clips riveted to the curtain with double sheet metal reinforcing. (e) There shall be steel lifting cabks, one-half inch in diameter, at each end of the curtain and at intermediate points not over ten feet apart attached to drums on shafts located above the curtain. (f) The operating machinery shall be built according to good mechanical engineering practice. (g) There shall be emergency chains midway between the lifting cables, to hold the curtain which shall be equal in strength and efficiency to the lifting cables. (h) There shall be steel guides of not less than three-eighths inch metal on each side of the curtain from the stage floor to the level of the overhead sheaves. The metal guides shall lap the edges of the curtain not less than four inches. The curtain shall be incombustible in all its parts and its operating devices. (i) The painting and the manner of tripping the curtain and the number of and the location of places for tripping shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. (j) A permit shall be obtained from the Department of Buildings for the erection of each such curtain. The Commissioner of Buildings shall inspect each such curtain semi-annually for which semi-annual inspection, a fee of $5.00 shall be charged. 343. Other Openings in Stage Walls.) Every other opening in the proscenium wall or in the other walls of the stage shall have self-closing incombustible doors. 344. Structure Over Ceiling Construction.) A structure may be built over the ceiling or roof of any building used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class IVc, provided such space is not used for sleeping or living purposes. Girders or trusses supporting same shall be of steel protected by fireproofing as required in Section 625 and the entire ceiling shall be covered with incombustible material subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. 345. Picture Machine Booth.) The walls, floor and ceiling of every moving picture booth or machine house shall be built of four-inch hollow tile or four-inch solid concrete, supported on iron beams or columns, the door of operating room to be metal clad and swing outwards. There shall be a metal smoke or flue pipe 50 CITY OF CHICAGO eighteen inches in diameter extending from ceiling to three feet above roof of machine house and terminating in the open air. 346. Standpipes and Hose on Stage.) When the stage area exceeds seventy- two square feet and combustible scenery is used on stage, there shall be a water stand-pipe not less than 1% inches in diameter with hose connections and hose of sufficient length to reach any and all portions of stage. Said stand-pipe shall be connected to either a fifteen hundred gallon frost-proof gravity tank located twenty-five feet above stage level, or to a two-inch city pipe connection, satisfac- tory to the Fire Marshal. 347. Vent or Flue Pipe Over Stage.) (a) When the stage exceeds seventy- two square feet in area and combustible scener^ is used, one or more flue pipes of incombustible material and equivalent to one-twentieth of the area of the stage shall be built over the stage and shall extend eight feet above the highest point of roof. (b) All such flues or vents shall be provided with metal dampers which shall be controlled or operated by a small tarred hempen cord and also by two electric switches, one at the electrician's station on the stage, which station shall be fireproof, and the other at the stage fireman's station on the opposite side of the stage; the arrangement of said cord and said electric switches shall be such that the cord will operate as a fusible link between the electric control and the damper and will release said damper, should the switches or either of them, fail to operate. Such stations shall be located in such places on the stage as may be determined by the Fire Marshal, subject to the provisions of this para- graph, and each switch shall have a sign with plain directions as to the operation of the same printed thereon. 348. Fuse Boxes.) Every fuse box shall be surrounded by two thicknesses of fireproof material with an air space between, and no fuse shall be exposed to the air between the switch boards; all electrical equipment in such rooms shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction and approval of the City Electrician. 349. Capacity Certification for License.) The Commissioner of Buildings shall determine the number of persons which every room used for the purposes of Class IVc may accommodate according to the provisions of this chapter, and shall certify the same to the City Clerk. No more than the number so certified shall be allowed in such room at any one time. 350. Exits, Signs and Lights.) (a) The word "Exit" shall appear in let- ters six inches high over the openings to every means of egress from such room, and a gas or sperm oil light with red globe shall be provided at or over such exit sign. (b) Every room used for the purposes of Class IVc and all outlets therefrom leading to the streets, including passageways, courts, corridors, stairways, exits, and emergency stairways, shall have gas or electric lighting equipment to properly illuminate such room and spaces, and every passageway, court, corridor, stairway, exit and emergency stairway, shall be provided with signs indicating the way out of the building, the letters of which, shall not be less than six inches in height. 351. Lights in Halls, Corridors and Lobbies Control of Separate Shutoff Connection with Gas Mains Protection of Suspended and Bracket Lights Pro- tection of Lights Inserted in Walls Protection of Footlights Construction of BUILDING ORDINANCES. 51 Border Lights, Ducts and Shafts Conducting Heated Air From Lights Protection of Stage Lights.) Gas and electric lights in the halls, passageways, corridors, lobbies, and other means of ingress to or egress from any such room shall be controlled by a separate shutoff, located in an accessible place, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings and controlled only in that particular place. No gas or electric light fixtures shall be inserted in the walls, woodwork, ceilings or in any part of any such room, unless protected by fireproof materials. The footlights, if gas lights, shall be protected by wire net work, and also by a strong wire guard, not less than two feet distant from such footlights, and a trough containing such footlights, shall be formed, and be surrounded by fireproof materials. Border lights *hall be constructed according to the best known methods subject to the approval of the City Electrician and shall be suspended by a wire rope. Ducts and shafts used for collecting heated air from the main chandelier, or from any other light or lights, shall be constructed of metal, and made double with an intervening air space. Stage lights, if gas, shall have strong wire guards or metal screens, not less than ten inches in diameter, so constructed that any material coming in contact therewith shall be out of reach of flame, and such guards or screens shall be firmly soldered to the fixtures in all cases. 352. Apparatus Under Control of Fire Marshal.) The standpipe, hose, vent flues, and all apparatus for the extinguishing of fire or guarding against same, required by the provisions of this chapter to be provided, shall be at all times so provided and kept in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Marshal. 353. Scenery Requirements Fire Proof Solution.) (a) All scenery on the stage shall be made stationary, and shall consist of not over two asbestos cur- tains, three stationary wings on each side and four stationary border drops. All scenery and stage paraphernalia shall be treated with a paint or chemical solution every six months, which shall make it non-inflammable, and which treated scenery or stage paraphernalia shall be tested and approved by the Fire Marshal. Where no combustible scenery is used or where all scenery is made of metal, the smoke flue over the stage and the standpipes may be dispensed with at the discretion of the Commissioner of Buildings and the Fire Marshal. (b) Scenery supported by and constructed entirely of incombustible ma- terial, shall not be considered as sets of scenery provided for in this section. 354. Dressing Room Partitions.) Partitions forming dressing rooms, except where already built, shall be constructed of incombustible material, and such dressing rooms shall be properly ventilated. 355. Frontage Consents Required.) No building of this class shall hereafter be constructed for, or converted to the use of said class, unless frontage consents are secured as required by the ordinances of the City of Chicago and filed with the Commissioner of Buildings. 356. Class IVd Defined.) In Class IVd shall be included every grand stand and every baseball, athletic and amusement park. 357. Loads Allowance for Live Loads.) The floors and stairs of grand stands and bleacher stands, existing or hereafter built, shall be designed and constructed in such manner as to be capable of bearing in all their parts and supports, in addition to the weight of the floor construction, partitions and per- manent fixtures, that may be set upon the same, a live load of not less than one 52 CITY OF CHICAGO hundred pounds for every square foot of surface of said floors, and a live load of not less than one hundred and fifty pounds for every square foot of the bear- ing surface of the stairs. *358. Grandstands Frame within Fire Limits Grandstands Hereafter Con- structedFireproofFrontage Consents.) (a) Wooden grandstands or tiers of seats commonly known and described as grandstands now constructed or in the process of construction may be erected, repaired or enlarged within the fire limits where no part of any such structure shall be within sixty feet of any other build- ing or structure. All grandstands hereafter erected within the fire limits, except as hereinafter provided, shall be made of fireproof or unprotected steel construc- tion. The enclosing walls, if enclosed, shall be made of '^reproof or incombustible materials but the seats may be made of wood. Grandstands outside the fire limits, or inside the fire limits where the seating capacity does not exceed five thousand persons, may be constructed of wood, but no part of any such structure shall be within less than sixty feet of any other building or structure. The braces, sup- ports and the underside of all seats, including bleacher seats, shall be treated with a fire retarding solution once a year before opening up the premises containing such stand to the public. (b) Every person, firm or corporation desiring a permit for the construction of a grandstand, except in connection with such as are now in existence, shall first obtain the consent in writing of the owners of a majority of the frontage on both sides of the street or streets on each side of the block or square in which it is de- sired to erect such grandstand. 359. Width of Aisles and Exits Number of Seats Between Aisles.) (a) The width of aisles and exits in all grandstands contemplated in Section 356, hereafter constructed, shall be in no case less than 36 inches and such width shall be increased toward the exits which serve as regular entrances, such width being computed at the rate of eighteen inches per each 100 seats or fractional part thereof in non-fireproof grandstands, and at the rate of twelve inches for each 100 seats or fractional part thereof in fireproof grandstands. (b) The number of seats between aisles in any row shall not exceed twenty in non-fireproof grandstands, nor thirty in fireproof grandstands. (c) No exit, gate or door, shall be locked or bolted during the occupancy of such stands by the public. All aisles, passageways, corridors and exits shall be kept free from obstructions of any kind. 360. Temporary Seating Structures.) Temporary seating structures for shows and outdoor exhibitions and the observation of holidays and special occasions may be built of combustible material, providing they are built structurally strong enough to support a live load of one hundred pounds per square foot, and comply with the provisions of Class IVb in regard to means of exit, aisles and rows of seats; and provided, further, that a permit be secured from the Commissioner of Buildings, which shall in no case be issued by him until the party desiring to erect said temporary seating structure shall secure the written consent of a majority of the property owners or their duly authorized agents, on both sides of the street between the two nearest intersecting streets on which said temporary seating *As amended December 10, 1910. See page 3318, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 53 structure is to be located. And further provided that any permit issued for any such temporary seating structure as hereinabove provided for in this section shall not entitle the person so receiving said permit to use said temporary seating struc- ture for more than ten consecutive days from the first day on which it is so used; and further provided that any temporary seating structure provided for in this section shall be removed within ten days after the use of the same as provided for in this section, and if not so removed it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to order the same to be removed or torn down by the Fire Marshal. 361. Use of Roofs Used for Spectatorial Purposes Prohibited.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation whether owner, lessee, manager or in possession and control or having charge of any building within the city to permit the use of the roof of any such building, whether free of charge, or through admis- sion fee, to any person 01^ persons as a place of observation or for spectatorial purposes. AMUSEMENT PARKS. 362. Roller Coaster Devices.) No roller coaster, scenic railway, or other riding, sliding, or rolling device, shall be hereafter erected of a greater height from the ground than 55 feet. All such coasters, railways, riding or other devices shall be equipped with safety clutches. The cars, or any receptacles, which per- sons are permitted to occupy, or in which they are permitted to travel, ascend or descend, shall have hand rails of sufficient number and height to prevent people from being thrown therefrom, and of such character as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Buildings. 363. Frontage Consents Required.) It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to build, construct, establish, produce or carry on, any amusement within any ground, garden or enclosure of the kind commonly known and described as amusement parks, wherein shows of different classes are offered or presented by one or more concessionaries, without first securing written front- age consents as required by the ordinances of the City of Chicago. Such front- age consents shall be filed with the Commissioner of Buildings before a permit shall be issued for the construction of any building or structure connected in any way with such amusement or amusement park. *364. Requirements.) (a) Buildings hereafter erected within an amusement park, located outside the fire limits, shall comply, except as herein otherwise speci- fied, with the provisions of Class IVb. .(b) Buildings hereafter erected within amusement parks located outside of the fire limits and not exceeding one story in height and which do not contain more than one balcony may be built with a self-supporting steel frame designed as required by this chapter. Such structures may be enclosed with metal lath covered with cement plaster, which plaster shall be not less than one and one-third inches thick, or such structures may be enclosed with galvanized iron. The roofs of such structures may be of ordinary construction supported on steel trusses and covered with a gravel or composition roof, approved by the Commissioner of Buildings. *As amended June 26, 1911. See page 600, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 54 CITY OF CHICAGO (c) Every moving picture theatre hereafter built within an amusement park shall comply with the provisions of Class IVc. 365. Open Space Between Buildings.) There shall be an open and un- obstructed space of not less than four feet between each and every frame build- ing hereafter erected in an amusement park, where the buildings do not exceed twenty feet in height, and of not less than six feet where the buildings are over twenty feet and less than thirty feet in height, and of not less than ten feet where the buildings are over thirty feet in height. Where brick or concrete or other fire- proof walls of full seventeen inches in thickness are used between such buildings and where such buildings are built of slow- burning construction, these spaces shall not be required, but, in such cases, there shall be a space of ten feat in width at intervals of every two hundred feet. 366. Standpipes Fire Plugs Hose.) There shall be installed within the grounds of every amusement park, an adequate system of water pipss with branch connection to fire plug, with sufficient hose connected to city pressure, so as to furnish at all times a good and efficient force of water, which will enable the extinguishing of fire at or within ach and every building. The size of water mains, standpipes, fire plugs, hose, as well as the location, number and quantity of same, shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. All hose connection shall be the standard size used by the Fire Department of Chicago and shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. 367. Roller Coasters Scenic Railways, Etc. Permit Fee Certificate of Test and Safety.) Before any roller coaster, scenic railway, water chute, or other me- chanical, riding, sailing, sliding or swinging device is erected, either in existing or new amusement parks, a detailed plan shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Buildings, for his approval or rejection, and, if approved, a permit shall be procured by the person, firm or corporation desiring to erect such device. The permit fee shall be fifty dollars for each such device. Before such device is opened to the public each season, a certificate of inspection, signed by a competent engineer, approved by the Commissioner of Buildings, must be furnished, certifying to the practicability, strength and safety of such devices, and all such device or devices shall be examined by the Commissioner of Buildings or his employees upon completion and each year before opening up to the public. 368. Must Comply With All Ordinances.) It shall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation to construct, alter or operate any amusement park or any building or structure therein unless they comply with the ordinances of the city relative thereunto. ARTICLE VIII. CLASS V. 369. Class V Defined.) In Class V shall be included every building which is used as a public theatre where an admission fee is charged and in which movable scenery is used, and every assembly hall hereafter erected having a seating ca- pacity of over 300 and containing a permanent stage on which scenery and theatrical apparatus are used and regular theatrical vaudeville performances are given; provided, however, that public halls and club halls with a seating capacity of less than six hundred, although occasionally used for theatrical presentation, shall not be considered as public theaters within the meaning of the term as used in this section, notwithstanding the fact that movable scenery BUILDING ORDINANCES. 55 is used upon the stages thereof on such occasions, and such public halls and club halls shall not be considered as buildings of Class V as herein defined. Such public halls and club halls shall be included in Class IV as defined in this section. 369%. Must Comply With General and Special Provisions.) Every building of Class V shall comply with the general provisions of this chapter and shall also comply with the following special provisions: 370. City Officers Empowered to Enter Buildings.) The Commissioner of Buildings, Commissioner of Health, Fire Marshal, City Electrician, Superintendent of Police, or any of them, and their respective assistants, shall have the right to enter any building used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class V, and any and all parts thereof, at any reasonable time, and at any time when occupied by the public, in order to examine such buildings, to judge of the condition of the same and to discharge their respective duties, and it shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with them, or any of them, in the performance of their duties. 371. City Officers Empowered to Close.) .The Commissioner of Buildings, Commissioner of Health, Fire Marshal, City Electrician and the Superintendent of Police, or any one of them, shall have the power, and it shall be their joint and several duty, to order any building used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class V, closed, where it is discovered that there is any violation of any of the provisions of the chapter, and keep same closed until such provisions are com- plied with. 372. License Mayor Shall Revoke.) Upon a report to the Mayor by the Commissioner of Buildings, Commissioner of Health, Fire Marshal, City Electrician or the Superintendent of Police that any requirement ,,of this chapter or that any order given by them or any of them in regard thereto has been violated, or not complied with, the Mayor shall revoke the license of any such theatre or place of amusement so reported and cause the same to be closed. BUILDINGS OF CLASS V NOW IN EXISTENCE. 373. Buildings of Class V Now in Existence.) The following provisions shall apply to Class V buildings in existence at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance: 374. Walls Outside Must Comply with Requirements of Section 519.) The outside walls of all such buildings in existence at the time of the passage of this ordinance, the roofs or ceilings of which are carried on trusses or girders of a span of fifty feet or more, shall comply with the requirements of Section 519. 375. Columns in Walls Alterations.) If iron or steel columns are intro- duced in the walls referred to in Section 374, the brick work around the same shall be bonded into that of the connecting walls, and each of such columns shall be fireproofed as provided in Sections 624 and 625 of this chapter. All alterations in such existing buildings, to make them comply with the requirements of this chapter may be executed with the same kind of materials as those originally used in the construction of such buildings; provided, that after the said building is brought into compliance with the provisions of this chapter, then all subsequent alterations, enlargements, repairs, replaced or strengthened structural parts dam- aged by fire, wear and tear, or otherwise, shall be made of fireproof construction 56 CITY OF CHICAGO or iron or steel construction covered with fireproof materials, as provided by this chapter. 376. Other Classes Built in Conjunction with Class V Doors for Openings Between Connecting Buildings.) In all cases where existing buildings used wholly or in part for the pan-poses of Class V are built in conjunction with or as part of buildings devoted to the uses of other classes and where such buildings of the other classes, as specified in this ordinance, are not built entirely of fireproof con- struction, double iron doors shall be placed at each connecting opening between such buildings of Class V and the building connected therewith. *377. Floor Levels Limitations of.) (a) Any audience room used for the purposes of Class V now in existence containing in the aggregate not more than five hundred seats, if in a fireproof building, may be maintained in any story thereof, but in such case there shall be at least two stairways to the ground, from the floor or floors on which each such room is located, each of which' stair- ways shall be not less than four feet in width in the clear. , (b) In existing buildings of fireproof construction, having an audience room with a seating capacity of more than five hundred and less than fifteen hundred, the lowest bank of seats of the main floor thereof shall be not more than twelve feet above the street level, and every such building shall in all other respects con- form to the requirements of this ordinance. The main floor of any existing theatre of any kind of construction shall not be raised above its present elevation. 378. Loads Allowance for Live Loads in Construction of Floors of Class V.) For all buildings of Class V all floors shall be designed and constructed in such manner as to be capable of supporting in all their parts, in addition to the weight of floor construction partitions and permanent fixtures and mechanisms that may be set upon the same, a live load of one hundred pounds for every square foot of s.urface in such floors. 379. Stairways Entrances and Exits.) (a) Stairways, affording egress from any room or rooms used for the purposes of Class V shall be equivalent in width to twenty inches for every one hundred of seating capacity of such room, and for fractional parts of one hundred a proportionate part of twenty inches shall be added, but no such stairway shall be less than four feet wide in the clear, except as hereinafter provided in this section. (b) All such stairways shall have hand railings on each side thereof and shall not ascend to a greater height than thirteen feet six inches without a level landing, and the length and width of such landing shall not be less than the width of the stairs. No run of stairs shall consist of less than six risers between plat- forms, and risers shall not be placed on return platforms. Stairways which are over 7 feet wide shall have double intermediate handrails with end newel posts at least 5y 2 feet high. (c) Steps shall not have a greater rise than 8 inches, treads shall not be narrower than 10 inches, and winders shall not be used on any staircase, except where circular staircases are expressly permitted. (d) In existing theatres every balcony and gallery shall have separate and distinct entrance stairways from the sidewalk level, except that in cases *As amended July 22, 1912. See page 1676, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 57 where the vestibule or entrance to any such theatre is not more than fifteen inches, or two steps, above the sidewalk level and such steps are at or near the building line, the stairways to such balcony and gallery may ascend from the floor of such vestibule or entrance, but if the run of the stairs at the bottom is not toward the street, there shall be a hand rail or rails, three feet above the floor constructed from the foot of such stairways for a distance of not less than five feet leading toward the street. All doors intervening between such stairways and the street shall, during each and every performance, be kept unfastened. (e) There shall be an iron stairway or stairways from the stage to the fly galleries and gridiron, continuing to the roof of the building or to some fireproof passageway or exit. Such stairways may be circular. Such circular stairways, however, shall not be used for access to the dressing rooms. (f) Every stairway leading to a box or boxes shall be independent of all ether stairs or seats; and such stairway shall not be less than two feet eight inches wide in the clear, when such box or boxes seat not to exceed thirty people, and an additional width of one inch shall be added to such stairway for each addi- tional five persons for whohi seating capacity is provided. (g) Every stairway on the stage side of the proscenium Avail shall be not less than two feet six inches wide. (h) Instead of increasing the width required for entrances, aisles, exits and stairways to that required by this chapter, the owner, lessee or manager of any such theatre shall have the privilege of reducing the number of permanent seats therein until the same ratio between such width and number of seats as hereinbe- fore provided for shall be established, and if such privilege be taken advantage of ; it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to make inspection and certify that such ratio actually exists before a license for the operation of any such theatre shall be issued. 380. Floors and. Exits.) Floors at all exits shall be level and flush with adja- cent inside floors and shall extend for an unbroken width of not less than four feet in front of each exit, and shall be two feet wider than such exit. 381. Seats in Rows Between Aisles.) (a) Not more than ten seats in any row shall be permitted between aisles in any gallery. On the main floor and balcony not more than eleven seats shall be permitted between aisles; except in rows of seats which are within twenty feet from the exits, in which case thirteen seats shall be permitted between aisles. (b) Seats shall be not less than twenty inches in width measured at the top of the seat backs. Rows of seats shall be not less than two feet eight inches from back to back. No bank of seats shall be of greater rise than twenty- two inches. (c) All groups of seats shall be so arranged that there shall be an aisle at each side of each group, except that groups of five seats or less may abut upon a tunnel at one side and an aisle at the other. And except that a bank of seats abutting boxes or walls on main floor, balcony, and gallery, of not over five seat* in a row, shall be required to abut upon one aisle only. (d) The number of banks of seats on the main floor shall not exceed fifteen, unless an intervening or cross aisle is provided between each fifteen banks of seats or unless a direct exit is provided for each aisle. (e) The number of banks of seats in the balcony shall not exceed nine unless 58 CITY OF CHICAGO an intervening or cross aisle is provided between each nine banks of seats or unless a direct exit be provided for each aisle. 382. Tunnels Cross Aisles Vertical Rise Foyer.) (a) There shall be no more than twelve feet rise measured vertically in any aisle in any gallery without a direct exit by tunnel or otherwise to a corridor with free opening on to the gal- lery stairs or other direct discharge to the street, or at such elevation of twelve feet an intervening or cross aisle leading directly to an exit. No tunnel shall be less than three feet wide in the clear. (b) No foyer shall be open to the theatre proper except through the exits. 383. Main Floor Balcony and Gallery Designation of.) (a) The lower floor of all theatres shall be designated the "Main Floor." (b) Where there are balconies or galleries, the first balcony or gallery shall be designated the "Balcony," and the second and third balcony or gallery shall be designated, respectively, "Gallery" and ''Second Gallery." 384. Aisles, Corridors and Passageways Kept Unobstructed Steps in Aisles.) (a) The minimum width of aisles with diverging sides in any room used for the purposes of Class V shall be two feet eight inches at the end near the stage and not less than three feet at the other end. (b) The minimum width of aisles with parallel sides shall be three feet. (c) Every aisle shall lead as nearly as possible directly to an exit, but in no case shall the center line of such exit be more than three feet from the center line of any such aisle leading thereto. (d) Steps shall not be permitted in aisles except as extending from bank to bank of seats, and no riser shall be greater than 8 inches, and no tread shall be less than 10 inches, and whenever the rise from bank to bank of seats is less than five inches, the floor of the aisles shall be made as an inclined plane, and where steps are placed in outside aisles or corridors they shall not 'be isolated, but shall be grouped together and a light shall be maintained so that every place where there are steps in inclosing aisles or corridors shall be clearly lighted. (e) All aisles, passageways, corridors and exits shall be kept free from camp stools, chairs, sofas and other obstructions, and no person shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of such aisles, passageways, corridors or exits during any per- formance, service, exhibition, lecture, concert or any public assemblage. 385. Corridors, Passageways, Hallways and Doors Width of.) (a) The width of corridors, passageways, hallways and doors shall be computed in the same manner as that hereinbefore provided for stairways, excepting, however, that no corridor shall be anywhere less than four feet in width, and no door less than three feet wide, except as otherwise herein provided. (b) All corridors, passageways, hallways, and stairways leading from any balcony or gallery to any toilet room, retiring room, smoking room, check room or private office, shall lead directly to an outer exit of the building. Such corridors, passageways, hallways, and stairways shall be at least three feet in width in every part, and shall be unobstructed in every part except by doors, not less than three feet in width in the clear, which shall swing outward and which shall not have locks or catches of any kind whatever. 386. Doors Entrance.) (a) The width of entrance doors to every theatre shall be computed on the basis of twenty inches in the clear to each one hundred BUILDING ORDINANCES. 59 permanent seats in the audience room and in addition thereto a proportionate part of twenty inches for the fractional part of one hundred seats shall be added. (b) No mirror or architectural feature shall be so arranged as to give the appearance of a doorway, window, exit, hallway or corridor, where none exists. 387. Dressing Room Partitions.) Partitions forming dressing rooms, except where already built, shall be constructed of incombustible material, and such dress- ing rooms shall be properly ventilated. 388. Emergency Exits Width Emergency Stairs Width Emergency Exits Inside Walls of Buildings Fire Escapes, Construction Fire Escapes Leading to Street or Alley Doors Open Outward.) (a) Emergency exits and stairways shall be provided separately for each floor, balcony and gallery and shall be of the samo aggregate width as that provided for the main exits, and shall not be less than three feet in width. Such emergency stairways shall be made of iron, steel or other incombustible materials. Such emergency exits shall be kept free of obstruc- tions of every kind, including snow and ice. (b) Such emergency exits and stairways may be built inside the walls of the building, provided they are enclosed by a fireproof partition not less than four inches thick separating the exits and stairways from the audience room or auditorium. (c) If said emergency exits lead outside the building, the opening leading thereto shall have metal doors with wired glass panels. The doors shall open out- ward, and shall be hung from the inside corner of the jambs, and so constructed as not to project, when opened, beyond the outside face of the wall. Outside shutters will not be permitted, except when they open automatically from the interior, without resistance, and when used or opened will automatically fasten, securely, flat against the wall, so as not to obstruct the passage on the outside; all such automatic devices or attachments to said doors or shutters shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings and the Fire Marshal of the City of Chicago. (d) Whenever any such emergency stairway passes over an exit door, window or other opening, such stairway shall be completely inclosed for a space of five feet greater in width than such opening, by iron, steel or other incombustible material. (e) All such emergency exits and stairways shall land at the ground level in a public thoroughfare or in some space that connects directly with a street or alley and direct and immediate exit to such public thoroughfare shall not be obstructed by any doors, gates, bars or obstruction of any character. (f) Every court in which there is an emergency stairway shall have direct and unobstructed access along the surface of the ground to a street, alley or yard opening into an alley, or street, without entering into or passing through or over any building unless by a fireproof passage at least four feet wide and seven feet high on the court or ground level. (g) All doors in openings from any and all exits and stairways shall be so constructed that when opened they shall not obstruct any portion of any other doorway, opening or passageway. (h) All doors affording ingress to or egress from any theatre shall open outward and such doors shall be so constructed and maintained as to require no special knowledge or effort to open them from the interior. 65 CITY OF CHICAGO 389. Wall Brick Proscenium Wall Between Auditorium and Stage Steel Curtain Fireproofed on Stage Side No Combustible Material on Audience Side- Plans for Curtains Permit from Building Department Inspection Fee.) (a) There shall be in every theatre a solid brick wall of the same construction and thickness as is required in outside walls between the auditorium and the stage. The main proscenium opening shall have a substantial steel curtain vertically operated and fireproofed on the stage side, which shall be raised and lowered by mechanical power and shall be in constant use as the regular curtain and act drop. In vaude- ville houses said curtain shall be lowered at least once during each performance. (b) No combustible material other than painted decorations shall be applied to the audience side of such curtains. (c) Plans for such curtains shall be approved by the Commissioner of Build- ings and a permit obtained previous to its erection. The Commissioner of Build- ings shall inspect such curtain semi-annually, for which inspection a fee of five dollars shall be charged. (d) All other openings in such proscenium wall shall have iron doors, frames and thresholds. 390. Stage Construction of Fireproof Paint Scenery How Treated.) (a) The framing of the floor of every stage shall be of iron or steel. The stage floor may be of wood not less than one and three-fourths inches thick, and the under side of stage floor shall be saturated with a fireproof solution satisfactory to the Fire Marshal. The entire floor construction and floor of fly galleries, rigging lofts and paint gallery, all railings and supports and stanchions thereon, and all sheaves, pulleys and cables and their supports, shall be of iron or steel. All wood- work and all framing for scenery used on or about the stage shall also be saturated with a fireproof solution, the same as prescribed for stage flooring. (b) Counter weighting of scenery must be done with incombustible weights carried on steel cables and operated in grooves or slotted channels; except that small sandbags, weighing not over eight pounds, may be used to bring down scenery ropes to stage level. (c) No scenery or stage paraphernalia of any sort shall be used upon the stage of any room used for theatrical purposes, unless such scenery and paraphernalia shall have been treated with a fireproof or chemical solution which shall make it non-inflammable, and which treated scenery or stage paraphernalia, or both, shall be tested and approved by the Fire Marshal. 391. Vestibule for Stage Doors.) All doorways and openings in the rear or sides of the stage shall be vestibuled or arranged in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Buildings so as to protect the curtain, scenery and auditorium against draughts of air. 392. Vents Flue Pipes, Size of Dampers Switches for Dampers.) (a) One or more vents, or flue pipes, of metal construction or other incombustible material, suitable for carrying away smoke, approved by the Commissioner of Buildings, and extending not less than fifteen feet above the highest point of the roof and equivalent in area to one-twentieth of the area of the stage, shall be built over the stage. (b) In buildings where additional stories are built above the stage, such vents or flue pipes may be carried out near the top of the stage walls and shall be con- tinued and run up on the exterior of the building to a point five feet above the highest point of such additional stories. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 61 ich the lower or basement floor is below the surface of the ground surrounding such building, and is used in part or as a whole for heating or ventilating apparatus, such floor shall be considered the basement story of such building. (b) Class rooniSj recitation rooms or study rooms shall not be allowed in base- ments less than twelve feet in height in the clear nor where the floor is more than two feet below the level of the sidewalk at nearest entrance of building nor in basements which are not properly lighted by windows or skylights as defined else- where in this Chapter for such rooms. 507. Stories Height of.) No story above the basement shall be less than twelve feet in height in the clear. *508. Fire Escapes.) (a) Every building used for the purposes of Class VIII *As amended February 20, 1911. See page 3989, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 94 CITY OF CHICAGO of four or more stories in height shall be provided and equipped with stairway lire escapes or sliding fire escapes as herein provided: (b) All such buildings having a seating capacity of less than two hundred on any one floor above the second floor shall have at least one such fire escape. (c) All such buildings having a seating capacity of over two hundred but less than four hundred in any one story above the second floor shall have at least two such fire escapes. (d) All such buildings having a seating capacity of more than four hundred but less than six hundred on any floor above the second floor shall have at least three such fire escapes. (e) At least one additional stairway or sliding fire escape shall be provided for every increase of two hundred seating capacity in any one story above the second floor. (f) Stairway fire escapes shall be built in accordance with the requirements of Sections 669, 670 and 673, and shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. (g) Sliding fire escapes shall be securely anchored or fastened to the building and shall have a radius or width of not less than thirty- six inches, and the inner side of the same shall be entirely smooth and made of metal. There shall be an entrance to each sliding fire escape from each floor above the first story. They shall be of a pitch of not less than thirty degrees nor more than forty-five degrees for straight runs. They shall be so constructed that they will discharge people not more than twenty- four inches from the adjacent ground or floor. They shall be of such pattern and design as will best secure the safety of the public, and their con- struction, location and maintenance shall be subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Buildings. Spiral sliding fire escapes shall have two complete turns for each story height of more than thirteen or less than sixteen feet. (h) All the provisions of this Chapter relating to outside sliding or stair fire- escapes shall apply to buildings of Class VIII, unless such buildings are fireproof, in which case interior fire escapes from ground to roof may be substituted for exterior fire escapes, provided such interior fire escapes shall comply with each and all of the following conditions : (i) Interior fire escapes in fireproof buildings shall be enclosed in brick or con- crete walls on all sides from top to bottom, and shall be enclosed at the top with a fireproof penthouse. The treads and risers of such interior fire escapes shall be the same as those used for stairs elsewhere in the building and the width of such fire escapes shall not be less than forty inches in their narrowest part between hand rails. (j) The landings of such fire escapes shall, exclusive of and in addition to the space covered or occupied by swinging doors, be at least equal to the stairs in width. All doors leading to such fire escapes shall be incombustible doors and the glass portion thereof shall be glazed with polished wired glass not less than one- quarter of an inch thick, which shall be large enough to /enable persons to see other persons on the opposite side of the door. The combined width of said doors on each landing shall exceed the stair width twenty-five per cent., but no single door shall be more than three feet wide. They shall be hinged and equipped with automatic opening and closing devices and shall open outward. Windows lighting such fire escapes shall have metal frames and sash and wired glass. (k) The number and capacity of such interior fire escapes shall in no case BUILDING ORDINANCES. 95 be less than is elsewhere in this Chapter required for outside fire escapes, and the locations of the same shall be as far apart as practicable and so placed as to Best secure the safety of the persons using the same in case of fire, accident or panic. (1) Such interior fire escapes which comply with all the conditions above numer- ated may be used daily as ordinary stairs. 509. Inspection Duties of Engineer President of Board to Report to Fire Marshal.) (a) It shall be the duty of the engineer of every building used for the purposes of Class VIII under the control of the Board of Education of this city, where an engineer is employed, or in case no engineer is employed at such building, it shall then be the duty of the janitor of such building to examine all fire escapes on such buildings from the topmost story to the ground and to examine and operate all doors, windows and platforms leading to and from such fire escapes at least once each and every week that such building is used for school purposes, and to make a written report of such examination to the President of the Board of Education, showing the time it was made and the condition of the fire escapes. (b) It shall be the duty of the President of the Board of Education to make a written report to the Fire Marshal at least three times a year, showing all such examinations made and the condition in which all fire escapes were found at the time of inspection; also the condition of the doors, windows and platforms leading to and from such fire escapes. (c) It shall be the duty of the person in charge of each building used for the purposes of Class VIII, other than school buildings under the control of the Board of Education of this city, to make an examination of the fire escapes on school buildings under their charge, from the topmost story to the ground, and to examine and operate all doors, windows, and platforms leading to or from such fire escapes at least once each and every week that such building is used for school purposes, and to make a written report to the Fire Marshal at least three times each year, showing all such inspections made and the condition in which fire escapes, doors, windows and platforms were found at the time of the in- spection. (d) Such fire escapes shall be kept in good condition, ready for immediate use at any and all times that such building is in use and shall be kept free from snow and ice. (e) The duties herein imposed by this section shall not be held to relieve the Fira Marshal or Commissioner of Buildings from performing such duties as are otherwise required of them by this Chapter. 510. Fire Drill Written Report to Fire Marshal.) (a) The principal or other person in charge of the pupils of every building used for the purposes of Class VIII shall establish and. maintain a good and efficient fire drill, which shall be practiced at least twice every month during the time such building is used for school purposes. (b) A written report shall be made by the principal or other person in charge of the pupils in all school buildings under the control of the Board of Education of this city to the President of said Board of Education of each fire drill held and of the time that elapsed from the first fire signal until the last person was out of the building. (c) It shall be the duty of the President of the Board of Education to make a written report to the Fire Marshal at least three times each year, which report 96 CITY OF CHICAGO shall contain a record of all such fire drills practiced in each of the school build- ing? under the control of the Board of Education of the city. (d) It shall be the duty of the principal or other person in charge of school- buildings, other than those under the control of the Board of Education, to make a written report to the Fire Marshal at least three times ea.h year, showing a record of each fire drill held and the time that elapsed from the first fire signal untU the last person was out of the building. (e) The duties herein imposed in this Section shall not be held to relieve the Fire Marshal or Commissioner of Buildings from performing such duties as are otherwise required of them by this Chapter. 511. The Commissioner of Buildings, the Fire Marshal, City Electrician and Superintendent of Police Shall Close Buildings for Violations.) The Commissioner of Bu : ldings, Fire Marshal, City Electrician and Superintendent of Police, or any of them, shall have the power to close or order closed any building used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class VIII wherein there is any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, and to keep the same closed until such provisions are complied with. ARTICLE XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS'. 512. Construction or Alteration of Building Requirements.) Every build- ing or structure or part thereof, hereafter constructed, erected, altered, enlarged, repaired or changed within the City shall be so constructed, erected, altered, en- larged, repaired or changed, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. 513. Class of Buildings Not to Be Changed Without Conforming to Provisions of This Chapter.) If buildings, the uses of which bring them within any of the classes mentioned in this Chapter, are to be applied to the uses of any other class for which a better system of construction is required by this Chapter, the con- struction and equipment of such buildings shall first be made to conform to the re- quirements of this Chapter as specified for their intended use. And it shall be un- lawful to use any such building for a new or different purpose from that to which its structure and equipment adapts it under this Chapter, unless the requirements of this Chapter for such new or different use shall first have been complied with, and a permit for such alteration or use shall have been first obtained from the Com- missioner of Buildings. 514. Alterations of Existing Buildings.) (a) In construing the several sections of this Chapter, said sections shall not be construed as requiring alterations in the construction or equipment of buildings or structures in existence at the time of the passage of this Chapter, except where specifically provided, unless such buildings shall not have sufficient or adequate means of egress therefrom or ingress thereto, by reason of insufficient or inadequate stairways or stairways improperly located or insufficient or inadequate elevators or elevator equipment, doors, fire escapes, windows or other means of egress or ingress and except also in sections which are herein made retroactive. (b) Whenever an Inspector of Buildings shall make a report to the Commis- sioner of Buildings that any such building has inadequate or insufficient means of egress therefrom or ingress thereto, as aforesaid, the Commissioner of Buildings BUILDING ORDINANCES. 97 shall notify the owner, agent, or person in possession, charge or control of such building of such fact and direct him forthwith to make such alterations and changes in the construction or equipment of such building as are necessary to be made in order to make such building comply with the requirements of this Chapter. (c) If, however, it is desired to enlarge, or in any manner materially modify the construction of any existing building, or to make a change in its use or occu- pation which will transfer it from one class as recognized by this Chapter to an- other class, then, before such enlargement or structural change or modification of building is made, or before such change in its use or occupation may be made, written notice shall be given to the Commissioner of Buildings of the intention to change the character of the use, and the entire building shall be reconstructed or modified in such manner as to bring the same, when enlarged or altered, or when occupied for its new and different purposes, into compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. *515. Removal of Brick, Stone, Frame or Concrete Buildings.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to move any brick, stone, frame or concrete building from one location to another, unless the same shall be altered or reconstructed so as to conform to the ordinances governing the construction of such building at the time of moving the same and in its new location; provided, however, that whenever a tenement house is moved, the same shall be made to comply with the requirements of Section 475 and Section 477 of The Chicago Code of 1911 as amended. 516. Live and Dead Loads Wind Resistance.) (a) The "dead load" shall include all permanent portions of the building, also partitions and permanent fixtures and mechanisms supported by the building. (b) All buildings shall be designed to resist a horizontal wind pressure of 20 Ibs. per square foot for every square foot of exposed surface. In no case shall the overturning moment due to wind pressure exceed seventy-five per cent of the mo- ment of stability of the building due to the dead load only. (c) The "live" loads per square foot of floor areas, except stairs, for the classes of buildings except portions of Class VIII as hereinafter provided shall be not less than the following: Pounds. Class I 100 Class II 50 Class III 40 Class IV 100 Class V 100 Class VI 40 Class Vn 100 Class VIII 75 (d) Provided, however, that in Class VIII the portions of the building exclu- sive of the floors in assembly halls, the corridors and the stairs, shall not be re- quired to be constructed to support a live load in excess of 40 pounds per square foot. (e) The roofs of all buildings shall be designed and constructed in such a man- ner that they will bear a load in addition to the weight of their structure and cov- ering, of at least twenty-five pounds for each square foot of horizontal surface. *As amended July 8, 1912. See page 1047, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. 98 CITY OF CHICAGO (f ) The live loads on stairways for buildings of all classes shall not be less than 100 pounds per square foot of treads and landings. *517. Structural Details Strength Tests How Made.) (a) All structural de- tails and workmanship shall be in accordance with accepted engineering practice, and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings. (b) Floors, joists and beams shall be designed for the full dead and live loads. Floor girders shall be designed for the full dead and not less than eighty-five per cent of the live load. (c) In buildings of Classes III and VT, except frame buildings, where the dis- tance between enclosing walls or intermediate walls is more than twenty- five feet in the clear, intermediate supports for the joists shall be either brick, or concrete, or iron, or steel columns, beams, trusses, or girders. (d) If brick walls are used for this purpose, they may, in all cases where the thickness of walls is given, in Section 519, as 16 inches or more, be made four inches less in thickness than the dimensions stated. (e) Tests shall be made by the owner, upon the demand of the Commissioner of Buildings, on all forms of floor construction involving spans over eight feet. Such tests shall be made to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings, and must show that the construction will sustain a load equal to twice the sum of the live and dead loads, for which it was designed, without any indication of failure. The construction ma.y be considered as part of the test load. Each test load shall temain in place at least twenty-four hours. On arch construction, this test load shall be placed on one-half of the arch, covering the area from the support to the 7fi. Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council for said date.] 172 CITY OF CHICAGO Article and those located beneath or attached to buildings as hereinafter provided in this section) shall be placed and maintained with the tops at least two feet under the surface of the ground and shall have no building or structure of any kind over or above them. When located not less than two hundred (200) feet away from any building or structure or from any street, alley or public way, dock, water front, lumber yard or any yard or place where combustible materials are kept or stored, such tanks shall contain not to exceed twelve thousand six hundred gallons each, and when located less than two hundred feet away from any building or other structure or from any street, alley or public way, dock, water front, lumber yard or any yard or place where combustible materials are kept or stored, shall contain not to exceed one thousand gallons each; provided, however, that the aggregate capacity of tanks located within thirty feet of any building shall not exceed five thousand gallons. No such tank shall be connected either directly or indirectly with any public or private sewer, drain or catch basin in the City of Chicago unless an ap- proved oil separator is provided, or unless such tank in and of itself, or together with its fittings, is capable of performing the functions of an oil separator, and so installed as to prevent the discharge of any of the liquids mentioned in Section No. 691 into said sewers, drain or catch basin. All pipes leading to or from such tanks shall be of galvanized wrought iron with heavy galvanized cast-iron or brass fittings, protected against injury, and shall be so placed that the tops of such tanks shall be lower than the level of the lowest pipe in the building used in connection therewith, and all such tanks shall be so placed that no artificial light shall be required while filling. Each tank shall be provided with a filler pipe of galvanized iron or brass not less than one and one-quarter inches in diameter en- tering at the top of the tank and extending not less than four inches below the top of the tank, the upper end of which said filler pipe shall terminate in a locked screw cap or metal filler box, which must be kept securely locked at all times, except when such tank is being filled, and each such tank unless hydraulically ope- rated, shall have a vent pipe so arranged that the filler pipe cannot be opened without opening the vent pipe unless a permanently open vent pipe is used, in which case such vent pipe shall be not less than one inch in diameter and shall be carried up to the outer air and terminate in a weatherproof hood. The tops of all fill pipes and vent pipes shall be provided with a brass screen of not less than thirty mesh to the inch. Tanks located inside of building walls, or within ten feet thereof, must have permanently open vent pipes, which shall be carried up ten feet above the roof of the building to which they are attached and terminate at least twenty feet from all openings in adjacent buildings. Where vent pipes are located at the surface of the ground, they shall terminate in a locked screw cap, or other device, which shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. Fill and vent pipes shall be so located as not to create exposure to openings in any building. The installation of said tanks shall be subject to the supervision and. approval of the Fire Marshal of the City of Chicago, and they shall not be covered up un- til the said Fire Marshal has inspected them and found that the tanks and their equipment comply with the provisions of this section and until said Fire Marshal has issued to the owner thereof a certificate to that effect. (e) Tanks for the storage of one or more of the oils or fluids mentioned in Sec- tion 692 of an aggregate capacity of not more than three hundred gallons, may be installed beneath buildings. Every such tank shall be enclosed by a casing of con- crete at least six inches in thickness and shall be so situated and constructed that the top of such tank shall be at least two feet below the upper surface of the BUILDING ORDINANCES. 173 lowest floor, which shall be constructed of concrete not less than six inches thick. The filling pipes of tanks installed underneath buildings as provided in this para- graph must terminate outside of the outer wall of said building in a locked screw cap or other device of a design which shall be approved by the Fire Marshal of the City of Chicago, and said screw cap or device must be kept securely locked at all times except when such tank is being filled, and where any such filler pipe runs to a sidewalk, alley or public highway it must terminate in a locked screw cap or other device of a design which shall be approved by the said Fire Marshal and which shall be set flush with the surface of the sidewalk, alley or highway, and provided with a locked iron cover, which must be kept securely locked at all times, except when such tank is being filled. The filling pipe and the vent pipe of any such tank must be laid underneath the concrete floor of the building until they reach the outside of the outer wall of said building. Such tanks shall comply in all other respects with the provisions, conditions and requirements of the preceding paragraphs of this section ; provided, however, that no such tank shall be constructed underneath any building any part of which is used for residence, hotel or lodging purposes. Such tanks must be supplied with pumps or other devices for the removal of the contents thereof which shall have been approved by the Fire Marshal of the City of Chicago. Each pipe connecting such tank with the pump or the device for the removal of its contents shall be of galvanized iron and must be so laid that no portion thereof is lower than its level at the point where such pipe is connected with the tank, and it shall be pitched upward from the tank to the pump or other device used for the re- moval of the contents of such tank, and said pipe shall be laid at least eighteen inches below the surface of the ground, and all exposed portions thereof shall be properly protected. (f) Sealed portable filling tanks of a capacity of not more than sixty gallons may be used inside of garages for the storage and handling of any one or more of the oils or fluids mentioned in Section 692. Such tanks shall be constructed of not less than No. 7 U. S. gauge steel, supported on steel wheels not less than thirty inches in diameter with rubber tires, and provided with an approved pump or other device for the removal of the contents thereof, and a hose, of length not to exceed eight feet, through which the oil or fluid is to flow. (g) Pressure tanks not exceeding six gallons oil capacity, constructed of not less than No. 18 U. S. gauge steel, and used in connection with lighting systems, approved by the Fire Marshal, may be placed above ground and attached to the outside walls of buildings. 694. Oil Tanks Used in Connection With Engines, Gas Producers, Etc.) (a) Tanks for storing oils or liquids which will stand a test of one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit, according to the method of John Tagliabue, used in connection with engines, gas producers, furnaces, ovens or other oil burning equipments, must be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section 693, and, if installed inside of buildings, must be limited to an aggregate capacity of 1,000 gallons, and must be placed beneath the lowest floor in the manner specified for oils and fluids mentioned in Section 692; provided, however, that an auxiliary tank of a capacity not exceeding ten gallons may be placed above the floor. (b) Nothing in the provisions of this Article shall be construed as repealing any of the provisions of an ordinance for the storage of gasoline in the alleys of the city, passed by the City Council on the llth day of March, A. D. 1907, pages 3456 to 3461, inclusive, of the Council Proceedings of said date. 174 CITY OF CHICAGO ARTICLE XXIII. BILLBOARDS, SIGNBOARDS, SIGNS, AND FENCES. 695. Billboards and Signboards on Buildings Construction Height.) No bill- board or signboard shall be erected or placed upon or above the roof of any building or structure within the limits of the City of Chicago; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to attach any billboard or signboard to the front, sides, or rear walls of any building, unless the same shall be placed flat against the surface of the building and safely and securely anchored or fastened thereto in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Buildings. 696. Size and Construction of Billboards and Signboards Erected Within Fire .Limits Otherwise Than on Buildings.) The face of billboards or signboards erected within the fire limits as now defined or as they may hereafter be defined by ordi- nances of the City of Chicago, other than signboards and billboards referred to in Section 698 hereof, shall not exceed twelve feet in height, and the same shall be constructed of galvanized iron or some other equally incombustible material, except that the stringers, uprights and braces thereof may be of wood. All such billboards or signboards shall be securely anchored or fastened so as to be safe and substantial. 697. Height and Distance From the Ground of Billboards and Sign- boards Erected Within the Fire Limits.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or erect any billboard or signboard, except those specified in Section 698 hereof, within the fire limits of the City of Chicago at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the level of the adjoining street. Where the grade of the adjoining street or streets has not been established, no bill- board or signboard shall be constructed! or erected at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the level of the ground upon which such billboard or signboard is erected. The face of every billboard or signboard within the fire limits shall be of incombustible material, but the supports and framework of the same shall be of wood. The base of the billboard or signboard shall, in all cases, be at least three feet six inches above the level of the adjoining street. If, however, the level of the ground where the billboard or signboard is to be erected is above the level of the street, then the bottom of the face of the billboard or signboard must be at least three feet six inches above the level of the ground at the point where the board is to be erected. Every said billboard or signboard must be constructed and located in accordance with the provisions of this Article and shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Commissioner of Buildings. 698. Wooden Billboards or Signboards Construction Size Exceptions.) Billboards or signboards not exceeding twelve square feet in area may be built of wood or other combustible material, and such billboards or signboards shall be ex- empt from the provisions of this Article, except that they shall be safely and se- curely anchored or fastened and shall be so constructed, anchored and fastened that they will withstand the wind pressure specified in Section 703 of this Article. It shall be unlawful to erect any such billboard or signboard exceeding twelve square feet in area before a permit therefor has been procured from the Commis- sioner of Buildings, the application for which must include the plans and speci- fications of such board and its supports and fastenings. No such board or boards shall be more than twelve feet high. 699. Billboards and Signboards Erected Outside the Fire Limits Construc- tion Size.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, BUILDING ORDINANCES. 175 erect or locate any billboard or signboard, except those specified in Section 698 hereof outside the fire limits of Chicago at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the level of the adjoining street, Where the grade of the adjoining street has not been established, no billboard or signboard shall be constructed or erected at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the level of the ground upon which such billboard or signboard is erected. The base of the billboard or signboard shall, in all cases, be at least three feet six inches above the level of the adjoining street. If, however, the level of the ground where the billboard is to be erected is above the level of the street, then the bottom of the face of the billboard or signboard must be at least three feet six inches above the level of the ground at the point where the board is to be erected. The braces, supports and face of the billboard or signboard outside the fire limits may be of wood, unless the bill- board or signboard shall be erected or located so that any part of the face of said board is nearer than ten feet to any building or structure in which case the face of the eame shall be constructed with incombustible material. Every such billboard or signboard shall be safely and securely constructed, anchored, fastened and located in accordance with the provisions of this Article and shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Commissioner of Buildings. 700. Provisions of This Article Shall Apply to Other Similar Structures.) The provisions of this Article shall apply to other similar structures of like size and construction without regard to their use whether erected on or near the sur- face of the ground or anchored to, or fastened to any building or structure. 701. No Billboard or Signboard Shall be Erected Without Permit.) No bill- board or signboard or other similar structure such as is described in this Article shall be erected or maintained within the city unless a permit shall first have been secured by the person, firm or corporation desiring to erect or maintain such bill- board or signboard from the Commissioner of Buildings to whom application for such permit shall be made; and such application shall be accompanied by such plans and specifications of the proposed billboard or signboard and location of same as are necessary to fully advise and acquaint the said Commissioner with the con- struction of such proposed billboard or signboard. If the plans and specifications accompanying such application shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article, said Commissioner shall thereupon issue a permit for the erection of such billboard or signboard upon the payment by the applicant of a fee as hereinafter fixed. 702. Alteration and Repair of Billboards and Signboards.) No material alteration of any billboard or signboard nor removal from one location to another shall be made except upon a written permit issued by the Commissioner of Buildings authorizing such alteration or removal; and such permit shall be issued upon appli- cation in writing made to such Commissioner by the owner of such billboard or signboard or by the person in charge, possession or control thereof, accompanied by a plan of the proposed alterations or repairs to be made and a written state- ment covering the proposed removal from one location to another and its reconstruc- tion in the new location, which said alteration and repairs or removal shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Article and the ordinances of the City of Chicago. Where such plans, specifications and location are in compliance with the requirements of this Article and are satisfactory to and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings, such Commissioner shall issue a permit upon the pay- ment of a fee therefor as hereinafter fixed; but such alteration shall not be con- 176 CITY OF CHICAGO strued to apply to the changing of any advertising matter of any billboard or sign- board, nor the refacing of the framework supporting same. 703. Wind Pressure Strength Billboards Now Existing or Hereafter Con- structed.) All billboards and signboards now in existence, or hereafter to be con- structed, erected or maintained, shall be made, constructed, erected and maintained of sufficient strength to withstand a wind pressure of twenty-five pounds per square foot of surface without stressing the material beyond the safe limit of stress given elsewhere in this Chapter. 704. Change in Existing Billboards and Signboards.) No surface billboard or signboard constructed or erected prior to the passage of this ordinance shall be maintained after six months from and after the passage of this ordinance where the height of such billboard or signboard exceeds seventeen feet, nor shall such billboard or signboard be maintained after such date, unless there is a clear space of at least three feet six inches above the level of the adjoining street. If, however, the level of the ground where the billboard or signboard is erected or maintained is above the level of the street then there must be a clear space of at least three feet be- tween the bottom or face of the billboard or signboard and the level of the ground at the point where the billboard or signboard is erected or maintained. 705. Duty of Commissioner Owner's Name to Be Placed on Top of Billboard or Signboard Annual Inspection.) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to inspect all plans and specifications submitted in connection with the erection or construction or the alteration or repair of any billboard or signboard and to approve same if the method of construction and provisions made for fasten- ing, securing, anchoring and maintaining such billboards or signboards are such as will serve to protect the public and to render such billboards safe and substantial. It is further made the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to exercise super- vision over all billboards and signboards erected or being maintained under the pro- visions of this Article; and to cause inspection by inspectors in his department of all such billboards and signboards to be made once each year and oftener where the condition of such boards so require; and whenever it shall appear to said Com- missioner that any such billboard or signboard has been erected in violation of this ordinance or is in an unsafe condition or has become unstable or insecure or is in such a condition as to be a menace to the safety or health of the public, he shall thereupon issue or cause to be issued a notice in writing to the owner of such bill- board or signboard or person in charge, possession or control thereof, if the where- abouts of such person is known, informing such person, firm or corporation of the violation of this ordinance and the dangerous condition of such billboard or sign- board and directing him to make such alterations or repairs thereto^ or to do such acts or things, as are necessary or advisable to place such billboard or signboard in a safe, substantial and secure condition and to make the same comply with the requirements of this ordinance within such reasonable time as may be stated in said notice. If the owner or person in charge, possession or control of any billboard or signboard when so notified shall refuse, fail, or neglect to comply with and conform to the requirements of such notice, said Commissioner shall, upon the ex- piration of the time therein mentioned, alter, change, tear down or cause to be torn down such part of such billboard or signboard as is constructed and maintained in violation of this ordinance, and shall charge the expense to the owner or person in possession, charge or control of such billboard or signboard which shall be recov- ered from them by appropriate legal proceedings. If the owner of such billboard or signboard or the person in charge, [possession or control thereof cannot be found, BUILDING ORDINANCES. 177 or his or their whereabouts cannot be ascertained, the Commissioner shall attach or cause to be attached to said billboard or signboard, a notice of the same import as that required to be sent to the owner or person in charge, possession or control thereof, where the owner is known; and if such billboard or signboard shall not nave been made to conform to this ordinance and be placed in a secure, safe and substantial condition, in accordance with the requirements of such notice, within thirty days after such notice shall have been attached to -such billboard or sign- board, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to thereupon cause such billboard or signboard or such portion thereof as is constructed and main- tained in violation of this ordinance to be torn down; provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Commissioner of Buildings from adopting such pre- cautionary measures as may be necessary or advisable in case of imminent danger in order to place such billboard or signboard in a safe condition, the expense of which shall be charged to and recovered from the owner of such billboard or sign- board or person in charge, possession or control thereof in any appropriate pro- ceedings therefor. No permit shall be issued to any applicant for permission to erect a billboard or signboard unless such applicant shall agree to place and main- tain on the top of such billboard or signboard the name of the person or corpora- tion owning same or who is in charge, possession or control thereof. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to require that the name of the person or corporation owning or in possession, charge or control of such billboard or sign- board is placed upon such billboard or signboard forthwith upon the erection there- of and is kept thereon at all times such billboard or signboard is maintained; and in case the owner of such billboard or signboard or the person in charge, possession or control thereof shall fail or refuse to place and maintain such name on the same, they shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided for. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of erecting billboards or signboards for the purpose of display advertising shall file with the Commissioner of Buildings within ninety days after the passage of this ordinance a full and complete report of the location and size of all existing billboards or signboards. *70G. Fees for Permits and Annual Inspection Indemnifying Bond.) (a) The fee to be charged for permits issued for the erection or construction of billboards or signboards or for the alteration thereof shall be two dollars for each twenty-five lineal feet of billboard or signboard erected or altered. An annual inspection fee shall be charged every person, firm or corporation as owner, or in possession, charge or control of any billboard or signboard now in existence or hereafter to be erected, which shall be one dollar for each twenty-five lineal feet of billboard or signboard or fractional part thereof. (b) Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of constructing and erecting billboards or signboards shall file with the City Clerk a penal bond, with sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Buildings, in the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, conditioned that such person, firm or corporation shall faithfully comply with all the provisions and requirements of this ordinance with respect to the construction, alteration, location and safety of bill- boards or signboards and for the payment of the inspection fee required by said ordinance; and conditioned, further, to indemnify, save and keep harmless said City of Chicago and its officials from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, *As amended February 6, 1913. See page 3699, Journal of the Proceedings of tlie Citv Council. 178 CITY OF CHICAGO actions, suits or judgments which may be presented, sustained, brought or secured against the City of Chicago or any of its officials on account of the construction, maintenance, alteration, or removal of any of said billboards or signboards, or by reason of any accidents caused by or resulting therefrom. 707. Frontage Consents Required.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or construct any billboard or signboard in any block on any public street in which one half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes without first obtaining the consent in writing of the owners or duly authorized agents of said owners owning a majority of the frontage of the property on both sides of the street in the block in which such bill- board or signboard is to be erected, constructed or located. Such written consents shall be filed with the Commissioner of Buildings before a permit shall be issued for the erection, construction or location of such billboard or signboard. 708. Penalty.) Any person, firm or corporation owning, operating, maintain- ing or in charge, possession or control of any billboard or signboard within the city, who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Article, or who erects, constructs or maintains any billboard or signboard that does not com- ply with the provisions of this Article shall be fined not less than twenty-five (25.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each offense; and each day on which any such person shall permit or allow any billboard or sign- board owned, operated, maintained or controlled by him to be erected, constructed or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this Article shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. *709. Fences Walls Height of Wind Resistance.) No wooden fence shall be constructed of greater height than eight feet above the sidewalk grade or eight feet above the surface of the ground w r here no grade is established. No fence of any other material shall be constructed on a lot alongside a street or alley or with- in eight feet of such street or alley and parallel thereto of greater height than eight feet above the surface of the street or alley where a grade is established or eight feet above the surface of the street or alley where no grade is established. No single or isolated wall of any material whatever, which forms no part of a luilding or structure that may be lawfully erected, shall be constructed upon any portion of a lot where the distance from such wall to the lot line is, less than the height of the wall, unless such isolated wall shall have lateral supports on at least one side of same with braces extending to the top of the wall and is so constructed that it shall be capable of resisting a horizontal wind pressure on every part of same twice as great as buildings under the provisions of this chapter must be de- signed to resist. In all cases where a fence or wall has been or shall hereafter be erected con- trary to the provisions of this section, the Commissioner of Buildings shall forth- with notify the owner or agent of the land on which same is located, or the con- tractor engaged in erecting same, and shall specify briefly in such notice in what manner such fence or wall violates the provisions of this ordinance, and the said Commissioner of Buildings shall require the person so notified to forthwith make such fence or wall conform to and comply with the provisions of this ordinance, specifying in such notice the time within which such work shall be done. *As amended February 24, 1913. See page 3889. Journal of the Proceedings of the Citv Council. Uril. Dl NO ORDINANCES. \~(\ If at the expiration of the time set forth in the notice provided for in this section, the person so notified shall have refused, neglected or failed to comply with the request made in such notice and shall not have torn down or changed the said fence or wall so as to conform to and comply with the provisions of this ordinance, the Commissioner of Buildings shall have authority and it shall be his duty to pro- ceed forthwith to tear down, or cause to be torn down, such fence or wall or so much thereof as is beir^ -maintained or shall have been erected and constructed in violation of the provisions of this section, and the cost of such tearing down shall be charged to and recovered from the owner of such fence or wall or from the per- son for whom such fence or wall has been or is being erected. 710. Illuminated and Other Roof Signs of Steel Skeleton Construction Defini- tion General Requirements Fees.) (a) Illuminated and other roof signs regulated by this section shall be defined as signs constructed, erected and maintained upon or over the roof of any building, which have all or any part of its letters of which said signs may be constructed either in an outline of incandescent lamps or which have painted, flush or raised letters where the face of the sign presents a surface to be affected by wind pressure not in excess of the requirements hereinafter con- tained; or signs having a border of incandescent lights attached thereto and re- flecting light thereon; or transparent glass signs where they are lighted by elec- tricity or other illuminant. Every such sign as hereinabove described shall be con- structed with steel skeleton construction so as to present a surface to be affected by wind pressure which shall not exceed fifty per cent, of the face of the sign. No illuminated roof sign shall be erected or maintained upon or over the roof of any building unless the framework thereof shall be entirely of metal or some other equally incombustible material, and no material, except such material as is used for insulating wires and conductors, which is less combustible than metal, shalt be used m, on or about, or comprise a part of any illuminated roof sign, except that the material to which the framework of any such sign shall be anchored, may be sub- stantial beams anchored or securely fastened to the roof or walls of the buildings upon or over which a.ny such sign is erected. (b) The distance between the roof of said building or structure and the lower edge of such sign shall not be less than five (5) feet. The height of any such sign from the roof of the building or structure to which the same is anchored or at- tached shall not exceed sixty (GO) feet. No such sign, hereafter erected, shall be constructed closer than six (6) feet from the edge of the roof of the building or structure upon which same is erected. No such illuminated roof sign shall be con- structed on any building or structure which is over eight stories in height. Any illuminated roof sign, less than twelve (12) feet in height, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section and shall be held to be governed by the ordinances of the City of Chicago relating to billboards and signboards. No illuminated roof sign, such as is described in this section, shall be constructed, erected, maintained or put in place until the person, firm or corporation desiring to construct, erect, maintain or put in place such sign shall have made .application in writing to the Commissioner of Buildings for permission so to do, submitting with such application plans and specifications showing the size, nature and construction of the sign pro- posed to be erected, and shall present to the City Electrician plans showing the insulation, location and construction of the electrical part oft such sign. If the Commissioner of Buildings shall be of the opinion that such sign, if erected, con- structed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications so sub- mitted, shall be safe and secure, he shall approve the application so submitted, pro- 180 CITY OF CHICAGO viding the plans bear the approval of the City Electrician, and the Commis- sioner of Buildings shall note his approval upon such plans and specifications and keep a copy thereof at all times on file in his office. All signs shall be constructed, erected and maintained of sufficient strength to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty pounds per square foot of surface without stressng the ma- terial beyond the safe limits of stress given elsewhere in this Chapter. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Buildings to cause hjs building inspector or inspectors to make an inspection annually of each illuminated roof sign erected or constructed or being maintained under the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose of ascertaining whether such sign is safely and securely constructed and so anchored and fastened to the building or structure; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the erection, construction and mainte- nance of signboards and billboards as regulated by the ordinances of the City of Chicago. (c) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to erect or maintain an illumin- ated roof sign, as described in this ordinance, shall pay to the city, to cover the cost of the inspection and approval by the Commissioner of Buildings 1 of the plans and specifications of such sign, when erected, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first five hundred (500) square feet of superficial area of such sign or fractional part thereof, and for each additional square foot two cents (2c). For each annual inspec- tion by the Commissioner of Buildings subsequent to the first inspection there shall be paid a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each illuminated roof sign. In addition to tbe fees herein required to be paid for inspection by the Commissioner of Buildings, there shall be paid by the owner or person having charge or control of any illu- minated roof sign, as herein described, an annual inspection fee to cover the cost of such inspection which shall be made by the City Electrician, and such fee shall be at the rate provided by the ordinances of Chicago. (d) Every illuminated roof sign erected, constructed or maintained under the provisions of this ordinance shall have the name of the owner thereof placed thereon in a legible and conspicuous manner. No person, firm or corporation shall be per- mitted to erect or maintain an illuminated roof sign unless he shall execute and file with the City Clerk of Chicago, with sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Buildings, a bond to the City of Chicago in the penal sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), conditioned to indemnify, save and keep harmless the City of Chicago, and its officers and agents, from any damage which it, the said city, or any of said officers, may suffer, or from any costs, liability or expense of any kind whatsoever which it, the said city, or any of its officers, may be put to or which may be recovered againt the said city, or any of its officers, from or by reason of the construction, erection and maintenance of such sign, and conditioned further to faithfully observe and perform all the provisions and conditions of this ordinance and of any ordinance now in force or which may hereafter be passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago, relating to or governing the erection, maintenance, use or inspection of illuminated roof signs. (e) The permission and authority granted by this ordinance shall cease at anv time hereafter at the discretion of the Mayor. In case of the termination of the privileges herein granted by the exercise of the Mayor's discretion as aforesaid, all such electrical signs erected by virtue of the authority conferred by this ordinance, shall be removed at the expense of the owner or owners of the building or the per- son, firm, corporation or individual who are then maintaining same, without cost or expense of any kind whatsoever to the City of Chicago, provided that ii BUILDING ORDINANCES. 181 the event of the failure, neglect or refusal on the part of the owner of the building or structure upon which said illuminated electric sign is constructed or the per- son, firm, corporation or individual operating and maintaining said electric sign to remove said electric sign upon the revocation of the permit by the Mayor as herein provided, the Commissioner of Buildings may proceed to remove same and charge the expense thereof to the owner of the building or structure upon which said illuminated electric sign is constructed or to the person, firm, corporation or individual operating or maintaining same. (f) Any person, firm or corporation who shall erect, construct or maintain an illuminated roof sign in violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. ARTICLE XXIV. FRONTAGE CONSENTS. 711. Definition of Word "Block" as Used in This Chapter.) Whenever a provision is made in this Chapter that frontage consents shall be obtained for the erection, construction, alteration, enlargement or maintenance of any building or structure in any block, the word "block," so used, shall not be held to mean a square, but shall be held to embrace only that part of a street bounding the square which lies between the two nearest intersecting streets, one on either side of the point at which such building or structure is to be erected, constructed, al- tered, enlarged or maintained, unless it shall be otherwise specifically provided. *712. Frontage Consents Gas Reservoir Packing House Rendering Plant Soap Factory Tannery Blacksmith Shop Foundry Machine Shop Factory, Etc. Laundry, Etc. Livery Stable Medical Dispensary Second-hand Store or Yard Smoke House. ) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to locate, build, construct or maintain on any lot fronting on any street or alley in the city in any block in which one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes, or within fifty feet of any such street, any building or place used for a gas reservoir, packing house, rendering plant, soap fac- tory, tannery, blacksmith shop, foundry, machine shop, factory combined with a foundry, laundry to tie run by machinery, livery stable, medical dispensary, or stcond-hand store or yard, smoke house or place where fish and meats are smoked or cured, without the written consent of a majority of the property owners accord- ing to frontage on both sides of such street or alley. Such written consent shall be cttained and filed with the Commissioner of Buildings before a permit is issued for the construction or alteration of any building or place for any of the above pur- poses; provided, that in determining whether one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes any building fronting upon another street, and located upon a corner lot, shall not be considered. 712a. Frontage Consents For What Required.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to locate, build or construct any store for the sale at *As amended July 21, 1913. See page 1596, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. [This Section was previously amended March 11, 1912, and May 26, 1913. See pages 3171 and 659, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council for the respective dates given.] 182 CITY OF CHICAGO retail of goods, wares and merchandise, on any street in any block in which all the buildings are used exclusively for residence purposes, without first securing and filing with the Commissioner of Buildings the written consent of a majority of the property owners according to frontage on both sides of the street in the block in which the building to be thus used is located; provided, in determining whether all the buildings in the said block are used exclusively for residence purposes, any building fronting upon another street and located upon a corner lot shall not be considered. 713. Reformatories Sheltering Institutions.) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to build, construct, maintain, conduct or manage any reformatory, rescue or sheltering institution in any block or square in which one- half of the buildings on both sides of the street or streets on which the proposed reformatory, rescue or sheltering institution may front, are used exclusively for residence purposes without the written consent of a majority of the property owners, -according to frontage on both sides of the streets bounding such block. Such written consent shall be obtained and filed with the Commissioner of Build- ings before a permit is issued for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of such building. (b) Provided, that in determining whether one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes, any building fronting upon another street and located upon a corner lot shall not be considered. *714. Permit for Moving Frame Buildings Requirements Written Consents Must Be Obtained Affidavits Made Space Occupied on Lot.) (a) Permits to move frame or other buildings shall be granted if any such frame or other building has not been damaged to an extent greater than fifty per cent of its value by fire, decay or otherwise. Any person desiring to remove a frame or other building shall first obtain the written consent to such removal from persons owning a majority of the frontage of the lots on both sides of the street in the block to which the building is to be removed; provided, however, that no building used, or designed to be used, for store, mercantile, industrial or manufacturing purposes shall be re- moved to any block in which more than a majority of all the property according to. frontage on both sides of the street is used exclusively for residence purposes without the written consent of the owners of two-thirds of all the property ac- cording to frontage on both sides of the street in such block having been first ob- tained. (b) Provided, however, that no permit shall be issued for the removal of any frame building from any point outside the fire limits to any point within the fire limits when such building is of such a character that it would not be lawful to build it within the fire limits, nor for the removal of any frame building from any point within the fire limits to any other point within the fire limits, unless the person, firm or corporation desiring to remove the same shall first obtain the written con- sent for such removal from the persons owning two-thirds of the frontage of the lots on both sides of the street in the block to which the building is to be moved. The space to be occupied on any lot used for residence or tenement house purposes comply with the provisions of Section 440 of this Chapter. (c) No frontage consent shall be required of any person, firm or corporation *As amended May 12. 1913. See page 422, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 183 for removing a building upon his own premises and not going upon the premises of any other person, or upon any street, alley or other public place, in making such removal. 715. Amusements Frontage Consents Required.) It shall be unlawful for ar;y person, firm or corporation to construct or erect any building designed or in- tended to be used for the purpose of presenting or carrying on therein any enter- tainment for which a license is required by the ordinances of the City of Chicago without first obtaining the written consent of the property owners as required by the City ordinances. 716. Garages Frontage Consents Required.) [Repealed by ordinance passed July 17, 1911, page 962, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. See page 188, post.'] 717. Storage of Shavings and Sawdust in Buildings Used for Residence Pur- poses.) No person, firm or corporation shall keep, pile, store or accumulate loose shavings, excelsior, sawdust or other similar inflammable materials in any quantity, nor shall any such materials in bales be stored in any quantity exceeding 2,000 pounds in any building used wholly or in part for residence purposes. *l\iy 2 . Frontage Consents Business of Selling Provisions, Etc., in Residence Districts.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to carry on the business of selling meats, poultry, fish, butter, cheese, lard, vegetables or any other provisions from any place of business located in any block in which all the buildings are used exclusively for residence purposes, without first securing and filing with the City Collector of the City of Chicago the written consent of three- fourths of the property owners according to frontage on both sides of the street in the block in which the building to be thus used is located, provided in determin- ing whether all the buildings in said block are used exclusively for residence pur- poses, any building fronting on another street and located upon a corner shall not oe considered. t717%. Xo permit shall be issued for the erection or remodeling of any build- ing in any block in which the use of buildings is restricted or regulated by ordi- nance if such building is designed to be used for conducting therein any business or store, without first requiring the applicant for such permit to file with the Com- missioner of Buildings a plat showing the use to which all the property in such block is devoted. ARTICLE XXV. FIRE LIMITS. $718. Fire Limits Provisional Fire Limits.) (a) The fire limits of the City of Chicago, within which wooden buildings shall not be erected, shall be and they are hereby defined as follows: All that part of the City of Chicago bounded by the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the shore of 'Lake Mich- *A new section, added March 24, 1913; as amended April 14, 1913. See pages 4208 and 4391, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council. t A new section, added June 2, 1913. See page 831, Journal of the Proceedings cf the City Council. $ As amended November 25, 1912, and July 30, 1913. See pages 2478 and 1990. Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council for said dates respectively. [Thi? Section was previously amended February 20, 1911, November 20, 1911, and July 22, 1912. See pages 4000, 1786 and 1538, of the Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council for the respective dates given.] 184 CITY OF CHICAGO igan and the center line of Devon avenue, thence west along the center line of Devon avenue to a line one hundred twenty-five feet west of the west line of North Clark street, thence south along said line one hundred twenty-five feet west of the west line of North Clark street to the center line of Lawrence avenue, thence west along the center line of Lawrence avenue to the center line of North Western avenue, thence south along the center line of North Western avenue to the center line of Addison street, thence west along the center line of Addison street to the center line of North Whipple street, thence south along the center line of North Whipple street to the center line of Elston avenue, thence southeast along the center line of Elston avenue to the center line of Roscoe street, thence east along the center line of Roscoe street to the center line of the North Branch of the Chicago River, thence southeasterly along the center line of the North Branch of the Chicago River to the center line of Belmont avenue, thence west alon- Elevator buildings to be of fireproof construction, 253. Fire walls, 249. Form of construction to be used with reference to height, 244. Increasing height of existing buildings, 247. Live loads for floors, 252. Partitions, how constructed, 249. Placards indicating floor strength, 251. Revolving doors, 246. Skeleton steel walls, 245. Stairs, number and width of. 607. Stairway required between ceiling and roof, when, 248. Walls, construction of, 245. Windows, in partitions, 249. Class II: Special provisions relating to, 254-269. Allowance for live loads in construction of floors, 255. Courts, widths and areas of, 256, 442. Definition of, 254, 240. Doors, when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. Must comply with general and special provisions, 254%. Stairs, number and width of, 067. Vent shafts, widths and areas of, 256. Ventilation in, 256. Windows and mechanical ventilation, 256. Windows when wired glass required, construction of, 572. Class Ha: Special provisions relating to, 257, 258. Definition of, 240. 254, 257. Form of construction to be used. 258. Class lib: Special provisions relating to, 259-262. Definition of, 259, 240, 254. Dividing walls or partitions to separate each eight rooms, 261. Elevators and stairs to be enclosed, 261. Fire stops, 261. Form of construction to be used, 260. Partitions around elevators and in corridors leading to elevators, con- struction of, 261. Sleeping stalls in lodging or rooming houses, when allowed, 262. Class lie: Special provisions relating to, 263-269. Coves in rooms and corridors of hospitals, 266. Definition of, 263, 240, 254. Elevators in hospitals, 267. Fire escapes, balconies and platforms, 268. Form of construction to be used, 264. Frontage consents for hospitals, 265 (and Section 1219', Code of 1911). Standpipes and portable hand-pumps, 269. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 207 Buildings Class 111: Special provisions relating to, 270-279. Alcoves, 275, 446. Allowance of live loads in construction of floors. 273. Bay windows and light shafts, materials for, 277. Definition of, 270, 240. Form of construction to be used, 271. Habitable rooms, definition of, 274. Habitable rooms, requirements as to size and ventilation, 274. Must comply with general and special provisions, 270^. Pantry, bathroom, water-closet, ventilation of, 276. Skylights, 272. Space occupied on lot, 271, 440. Stairways and fire-escapes, number of, in buildings three stories in height hereafter erected, 279. Ventilation of bathroom, water-closet, pantry, etc., 276. Walls; brick walls upon wooden sills, 278. Walls; how constructed, 278. Class IV: Special provisions relating to, 280-368. Building used for theatrical performances not to be constructed or altered except in conformity with ordinances, 282. Changing from Class IV to Class V, 429. City officials empowered to close, 284. City officials empowered to enter, 283. I Definition of, 280, 240. Doors, when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. Form of construction to be used, 286. Moving picture shows prohibited in frame building, when, 285. Must comply with general and special provisions, 281. Scenery and stage paraphernalia, 327. Seating capacity of existing theaters not to be changed, 327. Standpipes, hose and sprinkler heads in theaters, 327. Theatrical and vaudeville performances prohibited in frame buildings, 285. Unlawful to operate theater that does not conform to ordinances, 282. Ventilation, quantity of air required, 680. Windows, when wired glass required, construction of, 572. Class IVa: Special provisions relating to. 287-299. Aisles and passageways to be lighted and kept free from obstructions, 294. Aisles, width of, steps in, 294. Allowance for live loads in construction of floors, 292. Corridors, passageways, hallways and doorways, width of, 295. Definition of, 240, 280, 287. Doors to open outward and be easily opened from within, 297. Emergency exits and stairways, 297. Entrances and exits, width of, 292. Exit signs and lights, 299. Floor levels, 291. Flues to carry off heat from open lights, 299. Form of construction _to be used, 290. Frontage required on streets or alleys, 288. 289. Galleries, exits and entrances, 293. Galleries, number of, permitted, 293. Lighting, 299. Seating capacity of buildings in which seats are not fixed, how computed, 298. Seats; number of, in rows; space between rows; rise in banks of, 296. Stairways, width of. 292. Class IVb: Special provisions relating to, 300-329. 208 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings- Class IVb: Aisles and passageways to be lighted and kept free from obstructions, 311. Aisles, width of, steps in, 311. Allowance for live loads in construction of floors, 307. Auxiliary buildings; automatic double fire doors, 302. Auxiliary buildings; height and form of .construction, 302. Balconies and galleries, designation of, 309. Balconies and galleries, exits and entrances, 310. Banquet halls and ball rooms may be located on any floor, when, 300. Buildings used for exposition or exhibition purposes may have platforms, booths, etc., constructed of combustible materials, when, 304. Capacity of room to be determined by commissioner of buildings, 322. Certification for license, 322. Corridors, passageways, hallways and doorways, width of, 312. Cross aisles, 311. Curtain; construction, inspection and fee, 317. Definition of, 300, 240, 280. Doors to open outward arid must not be obstructed by draperies, 315. Dressing rooms to be properly ventilated, 328. Dressing rooms; partitions of incombustible material required, 328. Ducts and shafts conducting heated air, how constructed, 324. Emergency exits located at side of room, cross aisles required, 311. Emergency exits and stairways, 314. Exit and entrance for balcony and gallery, 310. Exit signs, size of, 323. Exits; signs at and lighting of, 323. Fire apparatus to be kept in manner satisfactory to fire marshal, 329. Fire walls, when required, 303. Floor levels, 306. Form of construction to be used, 304. Foot lights, border lights, wall lights, protection of, 324. Frontage required on streets or alleys, 301. Fuse boxes, 321. Handrails for stairways, 308. Height of floor levels above sidewalk, 306. License for amusement not to be issued without certification by city officials, 322. Lights in halls, corridors and lobbies, separate shutoff required, 324. Lights, protection of, 324. Metal dampers over vents and flues, how controlled, 320. Movable scenery, definition of, 325. Openings in proscenium wall, except at curtain, shall have self-closing iron doors, 317. Permanent house scenery, definition of, 327. Scenery, amount allowed, 327. Scenery and stage paraphernalia to be non-inflammable, 326, 327. Scenery, definition of, 325. Seating capacity of buildings in which seats are not fixed, how computed, 305. Seating capacity of existing theaters not to be increased, 327. Seats, number of, in rows; space between rows; rise in banks of, 313. Separate shut-off for lights, 324. Skating rinks ; main floor level, 306. Sprinkler heads under stage ceiling, 327. Stairway fire escapes, location and construction of, 314, 669, 670, 673. Stairways, number and width of, 308. Standpipes and hose on stage, 319. Standpipes, hose and sprinkler heads, 327. Structures over ceiling, construction of supports, 318, 625. Vents or flue pipes over stage, 320. Walls between auditorium and stage, 316. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 209 Buildings Class IVc: Special provisions relating to, 330-355. Aisles, passageways and exits to be free from obstructions, 336. Aisles, width of, 336; number of, 332. Balconies, number permitted, 335. Capacity of room to be determined by commissioner of buildings, 349 Construction, 330, 331, 332. Corridors, passageways and doorways, width of, 337, 311, 312. Cross aisles, 336. Curtain, material and construction of, 342. Definition of, 330, 240, 280. Doors to open outward, 340. Dressing room partitions, 354. Emergency exits at side, cross aisles required, 336, 332. Exits, number, location and width of, 339, 332. Exits, signs and lights, 350. External stairways, construction of, 334. Fire apparatus to be kept in a manner satisfactory to fire marshal, 352. Floor levels, height above sidewalk, 333. Form of construction to b used, 330, 331, 332. Frontage consents required for buildings hereafter constructed or used, 355, 117. Frontage upon street or alley, 331. Fuse boxes, 348. Galleries not permitted in non-fireproof buildings, 335. Lights in halls, corridors, and lobbies; separate shutoff required, 351. Lights, protection of, 351. Metal dampers, how controlled, 347. Moving picture, vaudeville and theatrical shows not to be installed in frame buildings, 332. Openings in stage wall, except at curtain, shall have self-closing incom- bustible doors, 343. Picture machine booth; construction of, 345. Scenery, requirements; fireproofing, 353. Seats, size and location of, 338. Separate shut-off for lights, 351. Shows not to be installed underneath living or sleeping rooms, 332. Signs and lights at exits, 350. Stairways, exterior, construction of; hand-rails required, 334. Standpipes and hose on stage, 346. Structure over ceiling or roof, 344. Trap doors or other openings in stage floor prohibited, 341. Vent or flue pipes over stage, 347. Ventilation of dressing rooms, 354. Walls between auditorium and stage, 341. Class IVd: Special provisions relating to, 356-368. Aisles in grand stands, 359. Allowance for live loads, 357. Amusement parks, frontage consents required, 363, 117. Buildings and structures in amusement parks must comply with all ordi- nances, 368. Buildings erected in amusement parks, requirements of, 364. Definition of, 356, 240, 280. Exits; width of; not to be locked; kept free from obstructions, 359. Grandstands, allowance for live loads, 357. Grandstands, construction of, 358. Grandstands hereafter erected, frontage consents required, 358. Open space required between buildings in amusement parks, 365. Roller coaster devices, safety requirements, 362. Roller coaster, etc., permit required, fee for, 367. 210 CITY OF CniCAQO Buildings Class IVd: Roller coasters, water chutes, etc., certificate of inspection by competent engineer required, 367. Roofs for spectatorial purposes prohibited, 361. Scenic railways, etc., limited to 55 feet above ground. 362. Seats, number of, 359. Seats, temporary for shows, outdoor exhibitions, etc., 360. Standpipes, fire plugs and hose, location, number and quantity of, 366. Temporary seating structures, construction of, permit, 360. Class V: Special provisions relating to, 369-429. Buildings must comply with general and special provisions, 369%. Definition of, 369, 240. Doors, when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. License, for place of amusement, mayor shall revoke, when, 372. Officers empowered to close, 371. Officers empowered to enter, 370. Ventilation, quantity of air required, 680. Windows, when wired glass required, construction of, 572. Class V BUILDINGS Now ix EXISTENCE: Special provisions relating to, 373-400. Aisles, corridors and passageways, not to be obstructed, 384. Aisles, width of, 384. Allowance for live loads in construction of floors, 378. Alterations or changes in, construction required, 375. Automatic sprinklers, location of, 393. Capacity of rooms to be determined by commissioner of buildings, 399. Corridors, passageways, hallways and doors, width of, 385. Cross aisles in gallery, 382. Curtain, construction 'of, permit for, inspection of, fee, 389. Dampers, how controlled, 392. Doors for openings between connecting buildings, 376. Doors to open outward, 388. Dressing-room partitions, 387. Dressing-rooms to be properly ventilated, 387. Ducts and shafts for conducting heated air from lights, 396. emergency exits and stairways, 388. Entrance and exits, 379. Entrance doors, width of, 386. Exit signs and lights, 395. Fire alarm apparatus required, 398. Fire apparatus, etc., under control of fire marshal, 397. Fire apparatus, kind and location of, 394. Fire escapes, 388. Floor levels, 377. Floors at exits, 380. Foyer shall open to theatre proper only through exits, 382. Fuse boxes, 392. Gravity tanks, 394. Hot air furnaces or stoves, use of prohibited, 394. Lighting, 395, (and Section 722, Code of 1911). Lighting exits, independent system for, 395, 723. Lights, control of, protection of, 396. Main noor, balcony, gallery, designation of, 383. Mirrors or architectural features arranged so as to give appearance of exits or windows prohibited, 386. Moving picture, vaudeville and theatrical performances prohibited in frame bunaings; exception; 400. Passageways leading to toilet room, etc., to open directly to an outer exit, 385. Power pumps, 394. Scenery, 390. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 211 Buildings Class V. BUILDINGS Now IN EXISTENCE: Seats, 381. Siamese connections for fire department use, 393, 394. Stage, construction of, 390. Stage lights, 396. Stairways, 379. Standpipes and hose, 394. Steps in aisles, 384. Tanks for sprinkler system, 393. Tunnels in gallery, 382. Vents and flue pipes, 392. Vestibules for stage doors, 391. \\alls, brick proscenium between auditorium and stage, 389. Walls, columns in, 375. Walls outside, 374, 519. Class *V BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED: Special provisions relating to, 401-429. Aisles and passageways, 409. Allowance for live loads, 404. Automatic sprinklers, 417. Buildings of other classes built in conjunction with Class V must be tire- proof, 403. Capacity of room to be determined by Commissioner of Buildings; cer- tification of city officials that theater complies with ordinances, 423. Changing from Class IV to Class V, 429. Corridors, passageways, hallways and doors, 410. Cross aisles in gallery, 407. Curtain; construction of, plans for, permit, inspection of, fee, 412. Dampers, how controlled, 416. Doors to be kept unlocked. 405 (and Section 725, Code of 1911). Doors to open outward, 411. Dressing-room partitions, 422. Dressing-rooms to be properly ventilated, 422 Ducts and shafts conducting heated air from lights, 425. Emergency exits and stairs, 411. Entrance doors, width of, 410. Entrances and exits, 405. Exit doors to open onto public thoroughfare or open space, 402. Exit signs and lights required, 420, 723. Exterior balconies or platforms to be connected with stairway fire escapes, 402. Fire alarm apparatus, 421. Fire apparatus on stage, 418. Fire apparatus to be under control of fire marshal, 426. Fire escapes. 411, 402. Fireproof construction required for all buildings, 401%. Fireproof passageways, construction of, 402. Floor levels, 404. Floors at exits, 406. Foyer to open to auditorium only through exits, 407. Frontage on street or alley required, 402. Fuse box, 416. Hot air furnaces or stoves, use of prohibited, 419. Independent lighting system for exit required, 420. License for operation of theater not to issue until certification by city officials, 423. Lighting equipment, 424. Lights, control of, 425. Main floor, balcony, gallery, designation of, 408. Mirrors and architectural features having appearance of exits or wmdowi prohibited, 410. Passageways, steps in and radiators in, 402. 212 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Class V BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED: Principal entrance corridor at side of auditorium, requirements, 402. Radiators in passageways, 402. Scenery and stage paraphernalia, 413. Scenery, definition of, 427. Seats, 406. Siamese steamer connections for fire department use, 418. Stage, construction of, 413. Stage, border and bracket lights, 425. Stairways from the stage to the fly gallery and gridiron to be of iron, 405. Stairways, width and construction of, 405. Structures over ceiling, 415. Tanks for sprinkler system and standpipes, 417, 418. Telephonic communication between box office, stage and fly galleries re- quired, 428. Tunnels in gallery, 407. Vents and flue pipes, 416. yestibules for stage doors, 414. Walls in fireproof passageways, 402. Walls, proscenium, 412. Class VI: Special provisions relating to, 430-477%. Access to rooms, otherwise than through bedroom, 469. Air, quantity of, for each person, 447. Alcoves and alcove rooms, 446. Alley or yard in rear of building required, 441. Alterations in existing buildings not required, exceptions, 473. Alterations or changes, permits for, 434. Altering rooms in existing buildings, requirements, 475. Apartment, definition of, 430. Apartments divided by masonry, 455. Attic rooms, 445, 476. Basement, definition of, 432. Basement or cellar, concrete floor required, 457. Basement walls to be of masonry or concrete, 457. Bay windows, construction of, 458. Buildings damaged by fire, repair of, 472%. Bulkhead in roof, when required, 461. Catch basins, where placed and how covered, 472. Ceilings of entrance halls, 453. Ceilings over stores, 456. Cellar, definition of, 432. Cellar in existing building may be used for living rooms, when, 477. Cellar in new building not to be used for living rooms, 449. Certificate required of Commissioner of Health that new building complies with provisions relating to light, ventilation, plumbing and drain- age, 435. Concrete floor for basement or cellar required, 457. Conflict with other sections of chapter, provisions of Class VI to govern with respect to tenement houses, 433. Corner lot, definition of, 437. Court, definition of, 432. Courts and shafts beginning above first story, walls and supports of, 456. Courts, minimum width and area, 442. Damp-proofing for outside walls, 457. Definition of, 430, 240. Distance between buildings, 439. Entrance halls, 453. Entrance to stairs, 465. Existing buildings, living rooms in basement or cellar, when permitted, 477. Existing buildings not required to be changed, exceptions, 473. Fire escapes, 466, 467, 670. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 213 Buildings Class VI: fireproof and slow-burning construction, when required, 450 Flues and chimneys, areas of, 460. Frame tenements outside of fire limits, requirements 451 Frame tenements within the fire limits, frame additions not 'permitted, 452 I^rame tenements within the fire limits, removal of building to another position, masonry or concrete, foundation required, 452. Habitable rooms in basement, when permitted 449 452 477 Height of, 438. Inner courts, size of, 442. Inspection of new tenement house, 435. Location of building on lot, 439. Lot line courts, size of, 442. Metal lath and fire-resisting plaster to be used in buildings of ordinary construction, 455. New rooms or halls in existing buildings, 474, 475. New tenement house, definition of, 432. New tenement house, when to be occupied 435 Nuisance, when, 477^. Outer courts, size of, 442. Percentage of area of lot allowed to be covered, 440 Pipes through floors, openings to be sealed tight, 472! Plat of lot to be filed, 436 Porches, 459. Public halls, definition of, 432. Rooms, sizes and height of, 445. Scuttle in roof, construction of 461 Shaft, definition of, 432. Shafts, courts and yards to be graded and drained, 468 Sinks, requirements, 471. . Skylights, dimensions of, 444. Solid masonry required in entrance halls, when, 453. fepace occupied on lot, 440. Stair hall, definition of, 432. Stair hall; window or shaft required for light and air, 444. Stairs and stair halls in new tenement house more than three stories high, construction of, 454. Stairs; entrance to, treads and risers, 465. Stairs in fireproof buildings containing over 120 rooms 464. Stairs in non-fireproof buildings containing over 80 rooms, 463 Stairways and fire escapes to be free from obstructions, 467. Stairways, width and construction of, 462. Story, definition of, 430. Vent shafts, areas of, 443. - Ventilation, 448. Walls of bay windows and courts to be of fireproof construction, 458 Walls of vent shafts to be of 'fireproof construction, 458 Water closets, windows in, artificial light, 470. Well holes, dimensions of, 444. Windows in new buildings, size and construction of 448. Windows in public stair halls of new buildings, 444. Windows in stair halls in non-fireproof buildings, 454. Special provisions relating to, 478-491 Aisles, 487. . , Allowance for live loads in construction of floors, 491. Buildings must comply with general and special provisions, 478^. Courts, 484. Definition of, 478, 240. Doors at street level, 489. Doors in dividing walls, 490. Door.. when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. Exit doors between floors and stair halls, width of, 486. 214 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Class VII: Exit signs and lights, 488. Fire or dividing walls, when required, 482. Floor areas, 481, 482. Form of construction to be used, 479. Galleries, 483. Height limited to twelve stories for sale of goods or manufacturing, ex- ception, 480. Illuminated glass signs indicating number of story required, 486. Locker and dressing rooms, 480. Occupation of basement or sub-basement, 480. Revolving doors not considered as exits, exception, 489. Stair halls, passageways and stair aisles, width of, 486. Stairways, 480, 667. Stories * above twelfth floor must have automatic sprinklers and enclosed stairways, 480. Stories, numbering of, 485. Ventilation, quantity of air required, 680. Windows, doors or other openings in court walls shall have metal frames sash and doors with wired glass, 484. Windows, when wired glass required, construction of, 572. Class VIII: Special provisions relating to, 492-511. Additions to, 493. Aisles in assembly halls and class rooms, 501. Aisles to be kept clear of obstructions, 501. Alterations in, 493. Assembly halls, limitations as to seating capacity and floor level, 496 Basement, when used for class rooms, 506. Buildings must comply with general and special provisions, 492%. City officials to close "buildings for violation of ordinances, 511. Construction of, 493. Corridors, width of, 499. Definition of, 492, 240. Doors leading to fire escapes, width and construction of, 508. Doors to open outward, 500. Doors, when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. Doors, width of, 499. Emergency exits, 502. Exit doors to be covered with metal or other fireproof material, 500. Exit signs and lights, 503. Fire drill, 510. Fire escapes, 508. Fire escapes to be examined, 509. Fire extinguishers, 505. Floor levels, 496. Floors, height of, how measured. 496. Form of construction required, 493. Height of stories, 507. Lights in, 504. Portable frame buildings, 495. Scenery not to be used. 505. Seats in auditoriums, number of, 496. Skylights and windows, areas of glass in, 504. Sliding curtains in assembly halls, 505. Stairways, railings on each side, 497. Stairways, when required to be fireproof, 498. Stairways, width of, 497. Ventilation, quantity of air required, 680. Walls containing window openings, distance from -adjoining lot line, 49 Windows and skylights, areas of glass in, 504. Classification of buildings, 240-242. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 215 Buildings Class of buildings not to be changed without conforming to ordinances, 513. Cleanliness (see "Health"). Club houses having sleeping accommodations for less than twenty persons, Class Ha, 240, 254, 257. Club houses having sleeping accommodations for twenty or more persons, Class lib, 240, 254, 259. Coffee roasters, protection for floor around, 587. Cold storage houses, additional standpipes not required in, when, 675. Cold storage houses, steamer connections and sprinkler systems required, when, 675. Cold storage houses, unlawful to use until ordinances have been complied with, 675. Columns, reinforced concrete, 552. Concrete and structural steel columns, allowance for load on concrete, 553. Concrete: Cinder, construction, 568. Construction (see "Fireproof construction"). Mixing, 559. Placed in freezing weather, 561. Placed in warm weather, 562. Placing of, 560. Quality of sand to be used, 557. Stone to be used, 558. Conflict between general and special provisions, special provisions to govern except in case of Section 514, 242. Constructed in violation of ordinances, may be torn down, 203. , Constructing building contrary to approved plans prohibited, 239. Construction of, may be stopped, when, 205. Construction requirements, general provisions relating to, 512-618. Corner lot, definition of, 437. Cornices, construction; prohibitions, 591, 645. Corridors, aisles, exits, etc., in buildings in general use, to be inspected, 201. Cost of tearing down defective or dangerous building to be borne by owner, 204. Coursed rubble, definition of, 534. Court, definition of, 432. Courts and light shafts in buildings, construction, walls, doors and windows, 602, 603.* Cupolas of foundries, height of, 590. Dance halls, Class IVb, 240, 280, 300. Dangerous buildings, cost of tearing down, 204. Dead load, definition of, 516. Definitions: "Alcove", 446. "Apartment", 432. "Balcony", 309, 383, 408. "Basement", 432, 599. "Block", 711. "Cellar", 432. "Classes of buildings", 240. "Corner lot", 437. "Coursed rubble", 534. "Court", 432. "Dead load", 516. "Fireproof construction", 619. "Fireproof material", 620. , "First-class masonry"' 534. "Gallery", 309, 383, 408. "Habitable room", 274. "Inner court", 432. "Lot line court", 432. "Main aisles", 487. 216 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Definitions "Main floor", 383, 408. ''Mill construction", 649. "Movable scenery", 325, 427 "New tenement house", 432. "Ordinary construction", 652. "Ordinary rubble", 534. "Outer court", 432. "Permanent house scenery", 327. "Public hall", 432. "Reinforced concrete", 545. "Reinforced hollow tile \ 567. "Scenery", 325, 427. "Second gallery", 309, 383, 408. "Shaft", 432. "Skeleton construction", 569. "Slow-burning construction", 646. "Stair hall", 432. "Story", 432. "Vent shaft", 432. "Yard", 432. Department established, 199. Deputy Commissioner of Buildings, office of, created 200; appointment, quali- fication and duties of, 213. Derricks, use of, on street or sidewalk prohibited, when, 612. , Design for slabs, beams and girders, 548. Detention homes, Class He, 240, 254, 263. Dividing walls, requirements as to doors, 573. Domes, towers, spires, construction of, 592. Doors, fire-resisting glass, when required, 572. Doors in buildings in general use to be inspected, 201. Doors in Classes I, II, IV, V, VII, and VIII, when required to be of metal, construction of, 572. Doors, metal, construction of, 573. Doors, metal, swinging, when required, 572. Doors or other openings in court walls, construction of, 602, 603. Doors, requirements, when placed in dividing walls, 572. Door-sills, incombustible material to be used, exception, 59J*s Door-sills, metal, construction of, 573. Door-sills, oak timber regarded as incombustible, when 597. Drains and sewers. (Sections 780 to 795, Code of 1911.) Dry cleaning: building requirements. (Section 2854, Code of 1911, as amended November 20, 1911, page 1752, Journal of Proceedings of City Council.) Duty of person in charge of building operations to protect all floor openings, 606. Eaves, construction of, 591. Educational, charitable and religious institutions to be exempt from payment of fee for annual inspection of, 237. Electro-glazed prism glass, when to be used, 572. Elevator buildings required to be of fireproof construction, 253. Elevator inspector in charge, office of, created, 200; duties of, 220. Elevator inspector, office of, created, 200; duties of, 221. Elevators: General provisions relating to, 681-690. Application for permit for, to be accompanied by plans, 681. Automatic hatch closers or doors on freight elevators, 686. Basement "'shafts, inclosure of; doors on, 683. Certificate of inspection of, 689. Commissioner of buildings may close, when, 202. Commissioner of buildings to stop operation of, when, 690. Doors in shafts, 685. Doors on, permit for, 681. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 217 Buildings Elevators: Dumb waiter shafts in non-fireproof buildings hereafter erected, construction of, 684. Fee for permit for installation or alteration of, 234. Fee for *semi-annual inspection of, 234. Freight elevators, inclosing walls of, 686. Freight elevators, semi-annual inspection of, fee for, 686. Hoists and elevators for moving materials or tools in buildings under con- struction, 688. Hospitals, elevators in, 267. Inclosure of elevator shafts in non-fireproof buildings, 682. Inspection of, by commissioner of buildings, 201. Inspection of, required at least every six months, 686, 689. Inspector to report unsafe condition of to commissioner of buildings, 690. Lights in, 688. Owner etc., of, to permit inspection and test of, 689. Permit for construction or alteration of, 681. Persons installing iron doors on, or wire work around, to secure permit, fee for, 681. Pits, 683. Pits and shafts below street level, inclosure of, 683. Plans for to be approved by commissioner of 'buildings, 681. Safe condition, definition of, 689. Safeguards for, 688. Safety devices, test of, 687, 689. Safety devices, when not required, 688. Tests of, 689. Unlawful to alter or construct, without permit, 681. Unlawful to use until safety devices have been tested, 687. Use of, prohibited when in unsafe condition, 201, 690. Walls around, 682. Statutory provisions (See Appendix, Code of 1911, page 1021). Employes not to engage in other business, 227. Engineer in charge, office of, created, 200; duties of, 214. Engineering staff, duties of, 216. Erected in violation of ordinances, to be torn down, 203. Excavated material and rubbish not to be stored on streets or sidewalks, 611. Exits in buildings in general use to be inspected, 201. Expense of tearing down building, structure, or wall charged against owner, etc., 202-204. Explosives, buildings for storage of (Sections 1086 to 1088, Code of 1911). Fees for annual inspection of, 237. Fees for annual inspection of not to be charged to religious, charitable or edu- cational institutions, 237. Fees for obstruction of street or sidewalk, 615. Fees for permits and inspections, 234. Fees for permits for canopies, 601. Fees for placards indicating floor strength in buildings of Class I, 251. Fees for water used in building operations, 233. Fences, height of, 709. Fire alarm system in grain elevators, malt and cold storage houses, 676. Fire drill in department stores (Section 940, Code of 1911). Fire drill in schools, 510. Fire escape inspector in charge, office of, created, 200; duties of, 222. Fire escape inspector, office of, created, 200; duties of, 223. Fire Escapes and Standpipes: General provisions relating to, 669-679. Balconies, construction of, 673. Buildings of fireproof construction, number of, on, 669. Buildings of mill or slow-burning construction, number of, on 669. Buildings of ordinary construction, number of, on, 669. Class I buildings, number, location and construction of fire escapes, 669. 218 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Fire Escapes and Standpipes: Class II buildings, number, location and construction of fire escapes, 669. Class He buildings, fire escapes, balconies and platforms, width of, 268. Class He buildings hereafter erected, standpipes, on, 260. Class III buildings, number, location and construction of fire escapes, 669. Class IVb buildings, standpipes on stage. 319. 327. Class IVb buildings, stairway fire escapes, 314. Class IVc buildings, standpipes on stage, 346. Class IVd buildings, standpipes in amusement parks, 366. Class V existing buildings, 388, 394. Class V buildings hereafter erected, 411, 418. Class VI buildings, four or more stories in height, fire escapes required, 466. Class VI buildings, fire escapes to be free from obstructions, 467. Class VI buildings, number, location and construction of fire escapes, 669. Class VII buildings, number, location and construction of fire escapes, 669. Class VIII buildings, fire escapes required, 508. Class VIII buildings, fire escapes to be examined by engineer or jani- tor, 509. Closing or obstructing of, prohibited, 679. Complaints as to the condition of, to be investigated by commissioner of buildings, 201. Doors leading to, required on each floor, 669. Exterior, 669. Fees for permit for, 234, 670. Fire escape inspector in charge, duties of, 222. Fire escape inspectors, duties of, 223. Fireproof bridge, equivalent to fire escape, when, 669. Fireproof buildings, fire escapes on, 669. Fireproof warehouse, number of, on, 669, Height of counter-balance stairway or ladder fire escape above ground, 668. Inspection of, 201, 222, 223. Ladder fire escapes, specifications for, 672. Ladder fire escapes, when permitted, 671. Must be located and constructed to conform to building, 669. Obstruction of by illuminated signs prohibited, (Section 802, Par. 68, Code of 1911). Obstruction of, prohibited, 679. Position or construction of, not to be changed without permission, 679. Siamese connections, 677. Signs indicating location of, 678. Sliding fire escapes, except on schools, width of, 669. Sliding fire escapes not to be built on public thoroughfares, 669. Sliding fire escapes on schools, 508. Stairway fire escapes, construction, location, fees, 670. Standpipes for grain elevators, malt houses and cold storage houses, 675, 676. Standpipes, when required, 674. Fire limits, 718. Firemen (stage) and fire guards in theatres (see ordinance, page 190). Fireproof Construction : General provisions relating to, 619-645. Arches, segmental and flat, 638. Beams, girders and trusses, how to be covered, 632. Board of examiners of, number, appointment, qualifications and duties of, 621. Board of examiners of, records of, to be kept by commissioner of build- ings, 621. Brick or hollow tile, how bedded, 628. Casings, sash, doors, windows, etc., in walls around shafts, 630. Cement concrete, materials of, 627, 628. Chimneys, requirements, 574. Cinder concrete, materials of, 568. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 219 Buildings Fireproof Construction: Cinder concrete, minimum thickness of, 568, 564. Cinder concrete, when may be used, 568. Class I buildings, 244. Class ITa buildings, 2o8. Class lib buildings, 260. Class He buildings, 264. Class HI buildings, 271. Class IVa buildings, 290. Class IVb buildings, 304. Class FVc buildings, structures over ceiling or roof, 344. Class IVd buildings, 358, 364. Class V buildings, 375, 401%. Class VI buildings, 450. Class VII buildings, 479. Class VIII buildings, 493. Columns, clay tile covering, how secured, 626. Columns, exterior protection of, construction and material, 624. Columns, interior, covering of, requirements, 625. Columns, lower five feet to be incased in steel, when, 626. Concrete, how mixed, 628. Concrete, ingredients of, 628. Conduits, may be inserted in fireproofing, when, 626. Cut-out boxes, chases, etc., fireproof covering of, 637. Definition of, 619. Domes, when required to be of, 592. Examination of new modes of fireproof construction, 621. Fireproof covering for exterior and interior columns, minimum thickness of, 624, 625. Fireproof covering of structural members, 619. Fireproof materials, 620. Fire-resisting glass, 622. Fire test for, 621. Floors, wood flooring and wooden nailing strips, when allowed, 640. Girders, beams and trusses, how covered, 632. Height of buildings of, how measured, 598. Incombustible material, what considered as, 622. Iron or steel plates or angles for support of wall, 636. Lattice and other open columns to be filled with cement concrete. 625. Lintels, protection of, 597. Mullions, fireproofing exterior sides of, 633. Partitions in buildings of, incombustible materials to be used, 641, 642. Partitions, openings in, 630, 642. Pipes or conduits may rest on steel beams, when, 629. Pipes, to be enclosed in fireproofing, exception, 629. Proposed new modes of, how examined, 621. Reinforced concrete construction, 564. Reinforced concrete, when considered fireproof, 619. i Reinforced terra cotta tile, use of in, 567. Roofs; material, construction of, 596. Scaffolds during construction or alteration, 606. Segmental and flat arches, 638, Shafts, etc., dimensions and materials of, 630. Shafts for pipes, etc., from floor to floor, fireproof enclosure for, may be omitted, when, 630. Shafts for pipes, etc., from floor to floor, when and how built, 630. Shafts, partitions around, 641. Sheet metal work, support of, 645. Skeleton construction, 569. Spandrel beams, girders, lintels, fireproofing of, 631. fSpires, when required to be of, 592. Stairs in fireproof buildings, 643. 220 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Fireproof Construction: Stairs, number and width of, in buildings of, 667. Steel plates for support of wall, 636. Sub-basements, required to be of, 600. Temporary floors during construction or alteration, 606. Tests for, 621. Tile, reinforced terra cotta, 567. Towers, when required to be of, 592. Trusses, covering of, 632. Walls, enclosing, in skeleton construction, requirements, 623 Walls, fireproof covering of, 635. Walls, iron or steel plates for support of, 636. Walls, support of, 635, 636. Walls, thickness of in, 519. Fireproof concrete construction, 564. Fireproof, height of, 598. Fire walls, 524, 660, 249, 303. First-class masonry, definition of, 534. Floor areas, computation of, 250, 445, 481, 482. Floor levels in buildings of Classes IV, V and VIII, 291, 306, 333, 377, 404, 496. Floor openings, protection of, 606. Floor plan to be furnished for building to be inspected, 237. Floors between basements, construction of, 600. Floors between basements, openings in for pipes, conduits, etc., 600. Floors, construction of around boilers, furnaces, etc., 587. Floors, strength of, in buildings in general use to be inspected, 201. Floors, strength of, in buildings of Class I, display of placard, 251. Floors, temporary during building operations, 606. Foundations: Concrete, 531. Construction of, 528. Depth, regulations as to, 527. Formula for safe load on wooden piles, 530. Forbidden, where, 527. Loads for various soils, 525. New and old walls, 529. Not to be supported by any underground construction of city, 527. Rubble stone, 528. Steel rails or beams in concrete, 532. Wet soil, trenches to be drained, 526. Wooden pile, 530. Frame Buildings: General provisions relating to, 653-665. Basement placed beneath 658, 452. Brick veneer construction, 654. Chimneys in, 659, 584. Coal, brick, stone, cement and salt sheds and sheds for icing cars, con- struction of, frontage consents, 662. Damaged, when repairs allowed, 653. Dimensions of and location of, on lot, 660. Distance of, from lot lines, 660. , Fire walls, when required, 660. Flues through partitions in, 659. Frame additions to tenements within fire limits not permitted, 452. Grandstands, frontage consents required, 358. Height of, 592y 2 , 654, 718. Height of, how measured, 598. Inside fire limits, altered or enlarged, 653. Inside fire limits changed into flat buildings, 655. Inside fire limits, fire walls, when required, 655. Moving of, frontage consents, 714. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 221 Buildings Frame Buildings: Moving picture shows and theatrical performances prohibited in; excep- tion; 285, 332, 400. Xew frame tenement houses, outside of fire limits, 451. Open shelter sheds, construction of, 661. Open shelter sheds for coal, brick, etc., along railroad tracks and navigable streams, 662. Open shelter sheds, frontage consents, when required, 662. Open shelter sheds', location of on lot, 661. Outside fire limits, height and use of, 654. Permit for changing roof of, 656. Permit for moving, 714. Permit for raising or altering, 656. Portable frame buildings for purposes of Class VIII, 495. Prohibited, where, 654. Raising and altering, 653, 656. Removal of, on same lot, when permitted; may be set on wooden posts, when; basement occupied for habitable purposes, 452, 477. Removal of: how reconstructed, 515. Repairing within fire limits, when permitted, 653. Roofs, changing form of, 656. Roofs, shingles permitted to be used, when, 596. Sheds at fire stations for storing fuel and supply wagons, 661. When may be carried to uniform height, 657. Frontage adjacent, how occupied for building purposes, 613. Frontage adjacent, consent and waiver of adjacent owners to be filed with com- missioner before permit issues to occupy street or sidewalk, 613. Frontage consents General provisions relating to, 711-717. Amusement parks, 363, 117. Amusements, 715, 117. Billboards, 707. Blacksmith shops, 712. "Block" defined, 711. Brick sheds, 662. Cement sheds, 662. Coal sheds, 662. Factory combined with foundry, 712. Foundries, 712: Frame buildings, removal of, 714. Frontage adjacent, 613. Garages. (See ordinance, page 193; see, also, ordinance passed July 17, 1911, licensing and regulating garages, pages 962-3, Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council). Gasoline, tanks for storage of, 693. Gas reservoirs, 712. Grandstands, 358. Hospitals, 265, (and Section 1219, Code of 1911). Ice-making houses and cooling plants, frontage consents required, when. (See ordinance concerning, page 196). Ice sheds, 662. Laundry to be run by machinery, 71 1. (Livery stables, 712. Lumber yards, 664, 310. Machine shops, 712. Machine shop combined with a foundry, 712. Medical dispensaries, 712. Occupation of streets for building purposes, 613. Open shelter sheds, 662. Packing houses, 712. Provisional fire limits, erection of frame buildings, 718. Reformatories and sheltering institutions, 713. CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Frontage consents: Removal of store buildings into residence blocks, "14. Rendering plants, 712. Retail stores, 7 12%. 717 l / 2 . Salt sheds, 662. Second-hand stores, 712. Shavings, sawdust and excelsior, storage of, 717. Sheds for icing cars, 662. Smoke-houses, 712. Soap factories, 712. Stone sheds, 662. Stores for sale of merchandise at retail, 712%. , Tanneries, 712. Undertakers, (Section 1238, Code of 1911). Furnaces, boilers, etc., coverings of, 588. Furnaces, "boilers, etc., protection of ceilings around, 588. Furnaces, boilers, etc., protection of floors around, 587. Gallery, definition of, 309, 383, 408. Garages having a ground area of 500 square feet or over, Class I, 240, 243. Garages having a ground area of less than 500 square feet, Class III, 240. 270. Garages having a ground area of 400 square feet or less, construction of. 271. Garages, frontage consents for. (See ordinance, page 193). Garages not to be built within 200 feet of churches, hospitals or schools or the grounds thereof. (See ordinance, page 193). Gasoline, tanks for storage of; frontage consents required. 093. Gas reservoir, frontage consents for, 712. Gas reservoir, not to be placed within 500 feet of public school, 618. General construction requirements, 512-618 and 722. General provisions, conflict with special provisions, 242. Girders, allowable compression and calculation of flanges, 544. Grain elevators, additional standpipes not required in, when, 676. Grain elevators, unlawful to use until ordinances have been complied with, 676. Grain elevators, when steamer connections and sprinkler system are re- quired, 675. Grandstands, Class IVd, 240, 280, 356. Grandstands, construction of, 358. Grandstands, frontage consents required, 358. Gutters, construction of, prohibitions, 591. Habitable room, definition of, 274. Halls, Class IVb, 240, 280, 300. Halls used for theatrical purposes, Class IVb, 240, 280, 300. Height of assembly hall floors in buildings of Class VIII, how measured, 496. Height of buildings, of frame or mill construction, 592^, 054, 718. Height of, how measured, 598. Height of, limitations, 598. Height of new tenement houses, 438. Hospitals for sick, infirm, imbeciles or children, Class He, 240, 254, 263. Hospital Building Board. (Section 1217, Code of 1911.) Hospitals: accommodations for patients; sanitary requirements. (Section 1218, Code of 1911.) Hospitals, frontage consents for. (Section 1219, Code of 1911.) Hospitals; not to be located within 400 feet of schools. (Section 1220, Code of 1911.) Hotels, Class lib, 240, 254, 259. Houses of correction, Class He, 240, 254, 263. Housemovers, (Sections 2117 to 2127, Code of 1911.) Ice-making houses and cooling plants; frontage consents, when required. (See ordinance concerning, page 190). Inner court, definition of, 432. Inspection of buildings in general use, 201. Inspection of certain buildings required annually, 237. Iron stresses and strains, 541. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 223 Buildings Jail8, Class He, 240, 254, 263. Ledges and joist supports, 520. License for amusements in buildings of Class IVb and Class V, hereafter erected, not to be issued unless place is certified to by city officials, 322, 423. Light shafts, construction of, 277, 602, 603. Lights in halls of tenements (Section 1422, Code of 1911). Lights to be maintained at night on material piled in street or alley, 614. Lintels, to be of incombustible material, exception, 597. Live and dead loads on walls, piers and columns, 518. Live and dead loads, wind resistance, 516. Live and dead loads, wind stress, 542. Live stock, viaducts or runways for transferring, construction, height, 592a. Loads, allowable for masonry and concrete, 533. Loads, allowable for metals, 541. Loads, allowable for timber, 539. Loads for various soils, 525. Lodge halls, Class IVb, 240, 280, 300. Lodging- houses having accommodations for 20 or more persons. Class lib, 240, 254, 259. Lodging houses. (See "Tenements and Lodging Houses," Code of 1911). Lot line court, definition of, 432. Lumber, storage of in residence districts, 665. Lumber yards, frontage consents for, 664. 310. Main floor, definition of, 383, 408. Malt houses, additional standpipes not required in, when, 675. Malt houses, steamer connections and sprinkler system required, when, 675. Malt houses, unlawful to use until ordinances have been complied with, 675. MASOXRY: Allowable stresses and special requirements for, 533. Ashlar facing, 535. Bricks, how laid, 538. Brick work, bonding of, 537. Coursed rubble defined, 534. Definition of, 534. First-class masonry defined, 534. Loads allowable on. 533. Ordinary rubble defined, 534. Soft bricks, where not permitted, 536. Medical dispensaries, frontage consents, when required. 712. Metals, allowable stresses and special requirements, 541, MILL CONSTRUCTION : General provisions relating to, 649-651. Cellars in buildings of, 600. Chimneys, metal, in buildings of, 579. Cinder concrete, construction may be substituted for mill construction, when, 568. Class I, 244. Class Ha, 258. Class lie, 264. Class III, 271. Class IVa, 290. Class IVb, 304. Class VII, 479. Definition of, 649. Fire escapes on buildings, 669, 670. Fireproofing of iron columns, girders or beams, 650. Floor levels in Class VIII, buildings of, 496. Height of structures of, inside and outside of fire limits, 592*6. Partitions in buildings of, to be of incombustible material, 650. Requirements of, 649. 224 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Stairs, construction of, in buildings where automatic sprinkler system is used, 651. Stairs, number and width of, in buildings of, 667. Wooden girders and joists, sectional area of,, in buildings of, 649. Movable scenery, definition of, 325, 427. Moving picture machine booth, construction of, 345. Moving picture shows prohibited in frame buildings; exception; 285, 332, 400. Moving picture shows with seating capacity of 300 or less, Class IVc, 240, 280, 330. Moving picture theater in amusement park, 364. New tenement house defined, 432. Noise of building operations at night in residential districts restricted (see ordinance, page 193. Notice to owner of unsafe condition, 201-203. Nuisance. (See "Health"). Nuisance, when buildings declared to be, 719, 477% (and Section 1408, Code of 1911). Office buildings, Class Ila, 240, 254, 257. Officers of ^department, 199. Oil Inspector. (See "Oils"). Oils: General provisions relating to, 691-694, (and Sections 1673-1692. Code of 1911). Buildings for storage of, construction of, 691. Buildings for storage of, erection hereafter prohibited, when, 691. Buildings for storage of, not to be erected within 300 feet of building used for purpose of residence, 691. Electric switches or cutouts, location of, 692. Inspection of buildings, premises and equipments, to be made annually by fire marshal, 694%. Installation of tanks subject to approval of fire marshal, 693. Oil inspector, appointment and bond of, (Section 1673, Code of 1911). Open flame or electric switch prohibited within fifteen feet of any re- ceptacle containing, 692. Permit for tanks required, fee, 693. Permit for tanks for storage of, to be issued by commissioner of build- ings, 693. Permit for tanks may be revoked by mayor, when, 691*. Permit for tanks to be approved by fire marshal, 693. Pressure tanks used in connection with lighting systems, specifications for, location of, 693. Safety cans containing less than ten gallons, construction of, 692. Sealed portable filling tanks used in garages, specifications for, 693. Storage of gasoline under alleys, (Sections 1683 to 1692, Code of 1911). Tanks for storage of, underneath buildings, not to exceed three hundred gallons, construction of, 693. Tanks, hydraulically operated; construction of, 693. Tanks for underground storage of, specifications for, location of, 693. Tanks used in connection with engine, gas producers, furnaces, etc., loca- tion, capacity and requirements, 694. Tanks for storage of oils used in business of dry-cleaning (Section 2855, Code of 1911, as amended July 6, 1911, page 699, Journal of Pro- ceedings of City Council.) Unlawful to store more than ten gallons in any building, exception, 692. Old people's homes, Class He, 240, 254, 263. Openings inserted in dividing walls, requirements as to doors, 573. ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION: Class I, 244. Class Ila, 258. Class lib, 260, 261. Class He, 264. BUILDlNJi ORDINANCES. 225 Buildings ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION : Class III, 271. Class IVa, 290. Class IVc, 332. Class VI, 455. Class VII, 479. Class VIII, 493. Definition of, 652. Fire escapes on buildings of, 069, 670. Height of buildings, how measured, 598. Ordinary rubble defined, 534. Oriel windows, construction of, 277. Outer court, defined, 432. Ovens, protection of floors around, 587. Owners to be notified by commissioner, of repairs or alterations to be made, 201, 202. Parapet walls, when required on walls and porches, 524. Parish halls, Class IVb, 240, 280, 300. Party walls, 522. Passageways in buildings in general use to be inspected, 201. Permanent house scenery defined, 327. Permits and plans to be kept on job while work progresses, 230. Permits, application for, 230. Permits, fee for, 234. Permits for street and sidewalk obstructions, 615. Permits for wrecking buildings, 235. Permits good for six months; extension of time, 229. Permits must be secured before work is begun, 239. Permits to be rendered void by departure from approved plans without con- sent of Commissioner, 239. Permits, plans and fees, general provisions relating to, 229-239. Permits required for erection, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of, 229. Permits, revocation of, 236. Permits, when revoked, building and site to be put in proper condition before permit is reissued or reinstated, 236. Pin-connected, riveted tension members, 543. Pipes from roof, construction; prohibitions, 591. Placards indicating floor ' strength in buildings of Class I, 251. Plans; alterations upon stamped plans forbidden without permission, 232. Plans and specifications to be filed with application for permit, 230. Plans; architects must certify that they comply with structural features re- quired by ordinances, 238. Plans, essentials of, 231. Plans to be approved by city officials before permit issues, 230. Plans to be filed with commissioner of, 230. Plans to be signed and sealed by licensed architect, 231. Plans to remain on file for six months after occupation of building, 230. Plastering on wood lathing, 605. Plate girders, allowable compression in flanges, 544. Plate girders, calculation of flanges, 544. Police stations, Class He, 240, 254, 263, 264. Porches, Class VI, buildings, 459. Porches or steps not to project over street or sidewalk, (Section 2316. Code of 1911). Porches, verandas and porticos, construction of, within fire limits. 570. Power of entry of officers, 228, 283, 370. , Power of officers to close, 284, 371, 511. Public hall defined, 432. Red lights to be displayed on building material in streets, 614 (and Section 2464, Code of 1911). 22G CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings REINFORCED CONCRETE: Adhesion, bond, deformed bars, 547. Columns, 552. Curtain walls in skeleton construction buildings, 554. Definition of, 545. Limiting width of flanges in "T" beams. 550. Load tests, 566. Moments of external force for slabs, beams and girders. 549. Plans and specifications for work to be approved by commissioner before permit issues, 545. Removal of forms, 565. Shrinkage and thermal stresses, 551. Slabs, beams and girders, designs for, 548. Steel, bending and elongation of, 555. i Table of ratio of moduli of elasticity, 546. Unit stresses for steel and concrete, when considered fireproof, 564. Reinforced terra cotta hollow tile, 567. Religious, charitable or educational institutions not to be charged fee for annual inspection of, 237. Removal of brick, stone or concrete building from one location to another,'' 5 15. Removal of frame building on same lot, 452. Removal of frame buildings, how reconstructed, 51o. Removal of store building into residence block, frontage consents required for, 714. Repairs, fee for permit, 234. Repairs, may be required, when, 201, 202. Residences, Class III, 240, 270. Revocation of permits, 236. Rivet holes, tension members, 543. Rivets, diameter of holes, 543. Roller coaster devices, 362. (See also "Amusements"). Roof houses, for elevators, tanks, skylights, stairs or scuttles, may be built above the height of main roof, 598. Roof signs, 710. ROOFS: Considered incombustible, when, 596. Construction of, 595. Construction of, on fireproof buildings, 639. Cornices, 591. Drainage of, (Section 1417, Code of 1911). Eaves, 591. Fireproof buildings, rise of roof above limit of height, 644. Gravel, when allowed, 596. Gutters, 591. Inclosures upon, 594. Incombustible composition permitted, if approved by commissioner of buildings, 596. Parapets and balustrades upon, 598. Pipes carrying water from, 591. Pitch of, 595. Shingle, when allowed to, 596. Signs on, 710. Structures permitted above height of main roof, 598, 594. Tanks on, 571. Use for spectatorial purposes forbidden, 361. Rooming houses having sleeping accommodations for 20 or more persons. Class lib, 240, 254, 259. Runways for transfer of live stock, construction, height, 592a. Safety devices for elevators, testing of, 687-689. Safety devices for window cleaning, 604. Sand for concrete, quality of, 557. Sanitary requirements, (see "Health, Plumbing," Code of 1911). BUI1.IMM; MKIMNANfKS. 227 Buildings Sash, metal, requirements of, 572. Sawdust, shavings and excelsior, frontage "consents required for storage of, when, 717. Scaffolds, protection during building operations, 606. Scenery defined, 325, 327, 427. School* buildings, Class VIII, 240, 492. Second gallery defined, 309, 383, 408. Second-hand stores, frontage consents, when required, 712. Secretary to commissioner, office of, created, 200; duties of, 224. Sewers and drains. (Sections 780 to 795, Code of 1911.) Shaft defined, 432. Sheds, 661, 662. Shingle roofs within fire limits prohibited, exception, 596. Shutters, automatic steel rolling, when required, 572. Siamese steamer connections required in grain elevators, malt and cold storage houses, when, 675. Siamese steamer connections required; when, specifications, 677. Sidewalks, elevated for delivery of material during building operations, 608. Sidewalks, excavated material and rubbish not to be stored on, 611. Sidewalks, obstruction of, permit, bond, fees, 615. Sidewalks, occupation of, by parts of buildings, prohibited, (Section 2316, Code of 1911). Sidewalks, occupation of, during building operations; limitations, 607. Sidewalks, temporary roof over, 609. Sidewalks, use of for building purposes, when terminated, 614. Sidewalks, use of space under. (Sections 2299 to 2315, Code of 1911.) Sinks in tenements, requirements, 471. Skating rinks. Class IVb, 240, 280, 300, 306. Skating rinks, main floor levels, 306. Skeleton construction, 569. Skeleton construction, reinforced concrete curtain walls, 554. Skylights, construction of, 593, 594. Skylights, construction of, Classes III and VI, 272, 444. Skylights, glass in, except Classes III and VI, 593. Skylights, ventilation area, 593. SLOW-BURNING CONSTRUCTION: General provisions relating to, 646-648. Class I, 244. Class Ha, 258. Class lib, 260. Class He, 264. Class III, 271. Class IVa, 290. , Class VI, 450. Class VII, 479. Class VIII, 493. Definition of, 646. Fire escapes on buildings of. 669, 670. Girders, 647. Height of buildings of, how measured, 598. Partitions, 647. Posts, 647. Roofs of structures placed on roofs may be built of, 594. Smoke-houses, frontage 'consents, when required, 712. Smoke pipes passing through partitions, 586. Special provisions, conflict with general provisions, 242. Spires, construction of, 592. Sprinkler system required in grain elevators, malt and cold storage houses, when, 675. Stables less than 500 square feet in area, Class III, 240, 270. Stables more than 500 square feet in area, Class I, 240, 243. Stables, regulations concerning. 616. (See ordinance concerning, page 192). 228 CITY OF CHICAGO Buildings Stage firemen in theaters. (See ordinance, page 100). Stair hall defined, 432. - Stairs and fire escapes, obstruction of, 679. STAIRS AND STAIRWAYS: General provision relating to, 666-668. Class I, required between ceiling and roof, when, 248. Class I, number, location, width and construction of, 666-668. Class II, number, location, width and construction of, 666-668. Class III, number, location, width and construction of, 279. 666-668. Class IVa, width of, 292. Class IVb, number and width of, 308. Class IVc, exterior, width and construction of, 334. Class V, buildings now in existence, construction of, 379. Class V, buildings hereafter erected, construction of, 405. Class VI, entrance to; treads and risers, 465. Class VI, in fireproof buildings containing over one hundred rooms, 464. Class VI, in non-fireproof buildings containing over eighty rooms, 463. Class VI, in new buildings more tnan three stories high to be constructed of incombustible material, 454. Class VI. to be free from obstructions, 467. Class VI, width and construction of, 462. Class VII, number, location, width and construction of, 666-668. Class VII, lighting of, 486. Class VII, stairs from locker or dressing rooms located in basement, 480. Class VIII, when required to be of fireproof construction, 498. Class VIII, width and construction of, 497. In buildings in general use to be inspected, 201. Stairs and Stairways: In buildings of fireproof construction, 643. In buildings of mill construction, 651. In buildings of slow-burning construction, 648. Location and construction not to be changed without permission, 679. Stamped plans, alterations in, 232. Standpipes (see ''Fire Escapes and Standpipes") . Steel, bending and elongation of, in reinforced concrete, 555. Steel columns, filled with concrete, allowance of load, 553. Steel stresses and strains, 541. Stone masonry, allowable stresses, 532. Storage of building materials on streets, limitations. 610. Storage of oils, 691-694%. (See also "Oils".) Storage or manufacture of merchandise, Class I, 240, 243. Storage of sawdust, shavings, etc., 717. Store building; removal of into residence block, frontage consents required for, 714. Store fronts in one-story buildings, columns and lintels may be of combustible materials, 597. Store fronts, to be made of incombustible material, when, 597. Stores, plats to be filed showing use to which other property in same block is devoted, 717%. Stores, frontage consents for location of, when required, 712 y,, 717 1 !-. Story defined, 432. Streets, excavated material and rubbish not to be stored on. (HI. Streets, obstructions of, permit, fees of, 615. Streets, occupation of during builling operations, 607. Streets, red lantern to be maintained at night on material piled in. 014. Streets, use of for building operations, when terminated. 014. Strength tests, how made, 517. Stresses, table of, 533, 539, 541, 544. Structural details and workmanship, subject to approval of commissioner of buildings, 517. Structures, other than those specifically provided for. construction of, limita- tions, 5921/0. Ill II.I)I.\(i ()lt!)I.\A.\( KS. -2'JJ) Buildings Sub-basements, construction of, 600. Sub-sidewalk space (Sections 2299 to 2315, Code of 1911). Swing doors, when required, 572. Tanks for storage of gasoline, etc.; frontage consents required, \vlu-n: <>''{. til)4. Tanks for compression and storage of acetylene gas (Sections 1055 to 1057 Code of 1911.) Tanks on roofs, may be built above height of main roof, 598. Tanks on roofs; permits, fees, 571. Tannery, frontage consents for location of, when required, 712. Tannery not to be placed within 600 feet of church or school, 617. Tar and compounds thereof, storage of, 691, 692. Temporary elevated sidewalks for delivery of building materials, 608. Temporary floors during building operations. (>()(>. Temporary roofs over sidewalks during building operations, 609. Temporary seating structures, permit for, 360. Temporary sidewalks during building operations, 610. Tenement houses, Class VI, 240. 430. Tenement houses damaged more than one-half original value not to be repaired, exception, 472%. Tenement houses, definition of terms used in ordinance, 432. Tenement houses, lights in halls of (Section 1422, Code of 1911). Tenement house, when removed, how reconstructed, 515. Tenements and lodging houses, (see "Tenements and lodging houses," Code of 1911). Theaters: fire escapes and standpipes in existing, 394. Theaters, moving picture, public portion must be lighted by electric light during exhibitions and until entire audience has left the building. (See ordinance, page 194.) Theaters, operation prohibited and theaters declared nuisances if conducted above first floor levels in certain classes of buildings. (See ordinance, page 194.) Theaters must comply with all ordinances, 282. Theaters; not to be maintained in frame buildings; exception; 285, 332, 400. Theaters; special stage firemen and fire guards (See ordinance, page 190). Theaters with seating capacity of 300 or less, Class IVc, 240, 280, 3CO. Theaters with seating capacity of 300 or more, Class V, 240, 369. Timber, quality of, 540. Towers, domes and spires, construction of, 592. Undertaking rooms (Section 1239, Code of 1911.) Unit stresses for steel and concrete, 347. Unlawful to use until changes required by commissioner have been made, 201. Unsafe buildings, cost of tearing down, 204. Unsafe buildings, declared to be a nuisance, 719. Unsanitary buildings declared to be nuisances, 719, 477y 2 (and Section 1408, Code of 1911). Unsanitary buildings not to be used (Section 1407, Code of 1911). Unsanitary buildings to be examined by board of survey (Section 1409, Code of 1911). Use of sidewalks and streets during building operations. <>(>7. Vacation of, when unfit for human habitation (Section 1410, Code of 1911). Vaudeville shows prohibited in frame buildings; exception; 285, 332, 400. Vaudeville shows with seating capacity of 300 or less, Class IVc, 240, 280, 330. Veneer of brick, around frame buildings, 654. Vent shaft, construction of, 603. Vent shaft defined, 432. Ventilation: Class II, 256. Class III, 274, 276. Class IV. V. VTI and VI II. <>SO. Class VI, (Sections 1378-1380, Code of 1911). Ducts formed by walls, 585. Openings for, in skylights, 593. 230 CITY OF CHICAGO. Buildings Ventilation: Verandas, construction of, 570. Viaducts for transfer of live stock, construction, height 592a. Walls: Altered buildings; increasing thickness of, 521. Bay windows, light courts, and vent shafts, except Class III, walls of, 603. Bracing of, during building opeartions, 523. Construction, width and height of, 519. Dead and live loads on, 518. Dividing walls in buildings of Classes I, IVb, and VI, 250, 302, 303, 455. Dividing walls in frame buildings, 660. Elevator shafts, walls around in non-fireproof buildings, 682. Erection of, in buildings of masonry construction, 523. Fire walls, 524, 660, 249, 303. Inclosing in buildings of skeleton construction, 623. Iron or steel plates for support of, 636. Ledges, 520. Parapet, 524. Party, 522. Proscenium, 316, 341, 389, 412. Skeleton steel walls in Class I buildings, 245. Smoke flues formed by, 584. Support of, in buildings of skeleton construction, 635. Ventilating ducts formed by, 585. Thickness of, 519. Watch service in grain elevators, malt and cold storage houses, 676. Water from roofs to be carried in metal pipes, 591. Water used in building operations, 233. Wind resistance, 516. Wind stress, live and dead loads, 542. Window and door sills to be made of incombustible material, exception, 597. Windows; cleaning of, safety devices, 604. Windows in Classes I, II, IV, V, VII and VIII, when wired glass required, construction of, 572. Windows in courts, construction of, 602, 603. Windows, safety devices for cleaning of, 604. Wired glass for doors and windows, 572. Wood lathing, requirements, 605. Wreckers of, to file bond of indemnity, 235. Wrecking of, permit required, 235. Wrought iron, stresses and strains, 541. Yard defined, 432. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of ? 0< L P lnnie after the third day overdue increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not n 1 O 1917 50m-7,'16 Oaylord Hros. Makers Syraruse, X. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY