LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ClMS >\ eflection and Transmission of Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. ^^\ o *** y~ BY PKOF. HORACE LAMB, F.R.S. [Extracted from the Proceedings of the London Mathciirtotjfaf Sonch/, Vol. XXIX., Nos. 644, 645.] The main problem of this paper consists in the calculation of the disturbance produced in a train of electric waves by a plane grating composed of parallel, equal, and equidistant metallic strips. The treatment is approximate, and involves the assumption that the wave-length is large compared with the distance between the centres of consecutive strips ; the application is, therefore, rather to Hertzian waves than to phenomena of ordinary Optics. The previous mathe- matical literature bearing directly on the subject consists of an investigation by Prof. J. J. Thomson,* and of two papers by Lord Rayleigh.f It will be seen that the author is under great obligations to each of these sources. The work of 1, 2, 3 is preliminary, and consists in the solution of several electrostatical problems. With modern methods these present no difficulty ; but the results appeared to possess sufficient interest of their own to warrant the expenditure of a little trouble in the way of graphical representation. The diagrams obtained serve, moreover, to illustrate very clearly some of the conclusions arrived at afterwards in the discussion of the wave problem. The problem of 4 is introduced on account of its close connexion with what precedes, although it has no bearing on the main subject of the paper. 1. Let it be required to find the disturbance produced in a uniform electric field by a grating (of the kind above described) placed with its plane perpendicular to the lines of force. We will suppose that the axis of x is normal to the plane of the grating, and the axis of y in this plane, at right angles to the lengths of the strips. In the case of a field symmetrical on the two sides of the grating, it will be found that (with a special choice of units) the potential- and stream-functions are given by the formula cosh w = fji cosh z, (1)J * Recent Researches on Electricity and Magnetism, 359. The problem attacked is that of reflection by a grating of cylindrical wires. Some notes on this question are included in the present paper, 7. t Phil. Mag., April and July, 1897. See also Theory of Sound, 292. t [y^/A 1898. This is not new, as the author had supposed. It was set in the Mathematical Tripos, Part II., 1895, and is due to Mr. Lannor.] 524 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12, where w + iij/, z = x + iy, (2) and the constant /x is supposed greater than unity. This result was obtained originally by a modification of Schwarz's method, but it will be sufficient here to verify it a posteriori. The formula (1) gives cosh cos \l/ = /A cosh x cos y\ sinh < sin \f/ = p sinh x sin y ) The locus = consists of those portions of the axis of y for which 1 > /x, cos y > 1 ; these represent the breadths of the metallic strips, so that (on the scale of our formulae) the half -breadth of a strip is sin' 1 (I//*). For other portions of the plane, < is, so far, indeterminate as to sign ; we will take it to be everywhere positive. Then ;// is indeterminate to the extent of a term 2s7r, but we may suppose that the lines \J/ 0, ^ = TT, *\t = db27r, ... consist partly of the lines y = 0, y = TT, y = 27T, . . . , respectively, and partly of those portions of the axis of y for which these correspond to the widths of the apertures between the successive strips. The half-breadth of an aperture, on the present scale, is cos'^l//*). At the centres of the apertures for example, at the origin we have = cosh' 1 //,; these are points of zero force, and the equipotential- and force-lines there meet at angles of 45. I have thought it worth while to trace the curves < = const., ty = const., using the formula where p = -^ (cosh 2< + cos 2i/0 , q = ~ (1 + cosh 2 cos 2^) ; (5) L./A '-/A this is easily deduced from (3). The value of fj. adopted for con- venience of calculation was ya = cosh > = 1/2040, whence sin" 1 I* = '312^, cos" 1 (l/x) = -18&r ; this gives the relative breadths of the strips and apertures. The curves are shewn in Fig. 1. Or THE 1898.] Electric Wavde by a Metallic Grating. 525 FIG. 1. 526 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 1 2, The formulae (3), and the diagram, admit of the usual variety of interpretations in Electrostatics, Electric Conduction, Hydrodynamics, &c. If we introduce a more general linear unit, and denote the breadth of each aperture by a, that of each strip by fr, we may write cosh d> cos il/ = u cosh = cos ^7 a+b a+6 K (6) . , , . . -i TTX . irii I smb. d> sin \1/ = a sinh sin *- J TTtt Tr /i-7\ where /u, = sec = cosec . (7) z(a-fo) 2 (a + 6) A first application of (6) is to find the capacity of a condenser formed by two metal plates at the same potential with an insulated grating half way between them, the distance between the two external plates being large compared with the interval a + 6. For large positive values of #, the formulae (6) give . (8) The charge per unit area of one of the plates is 1/4 (a + 6) in the present units, and the capacity of the system per unit area is, therefore (9) where a? is the half -distance between the external plates. If the central plate had been entire, the capacity would have been l/27nc ; the effect of the apertures is therefore equivalent to increasing the distance between the central plate and each external plate by an amount c, given by (10) 2 (a The numerical values subjoined shew what a very large proportion of the central plate can be cut away without sensibly altering the capacity, so long as the period (a + 6) of the residual structure is fej^ge compared with the distance between the plates : -^- = 0, 1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, I'O -~ = 0, -004, -016, -037, -067, 110, 169, -251, -374, "590, oo. a+b 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 527 For another interpretation of (6) we may imagine that a current is flowing along a metal strip, of breadth a + &, which is interrupted by a central transverse non-conducting partition (, a narrow cut in the metal), of breadth a, or by two lateral transverse cuts, opposite to one another, each of breadth \a. It appears that the additional resistance thus introduced is equal to that of a length 2c of the strip. 2. The function < in (3) is a periodic even function of ?/, the period being TT. It can therefore be expanded by Fourier's Theorem in a series of cosines of multiples of 2y, the coefficients being functions of x whose general form is to be determined by substitution in the equation ct = log fjL+x + 2," C m e~ 2mx cos2my. (12) The precise values of the coefficients C m hardly concern us, but it may be worth while to record them. The expansion of the function w = cosh' 1 (/A cosh z) (13) can be effected directly, with the assistance of Lagrange's Theorem, and in this way we obtain the form (12), with r -=r V-'Ml m * X(m 2 - 12 ) m 2 (m 2 -l 2 )(m 2 -2 2 ) 1 ml I 2 ./* 2 l 8 .2./n* P.2 2 .3 2 ./x 6 "/ (14) It may be noted that this contains 1 I//* 2 as a factor.* * {July, 1898. We have c m = (- m ' l -r( m ,- m , 1,1) m \ .- 1 in the hypergeometric notation. At the suggestion of one of the referees the proof of (14) is indicated. If we put y = in (13), we have

] = 0, [>] = cos' 1 (/x cos y). Hence (15) gives the theorem (17) This is easily verified. If we denote the value of the definite integral on the left hand by / (/?), we find whence (17) follows by integration, since / (0) = 0.* The verification of (16) is still simpler ; we have only to put djdx = d\j//dy. we find C= l say. If x be positive, t will be less than unity, and log can be expanded in powers of t by Lagrange's Theorem, thus where u is to be put = 1 , finally. Working this out, we find logC=:srcw' H , where C m has the value given above. Hence the value of $ f or y = and x > is It easily follows that (12) gives the general value of f or x > 0.] * The theorem (17) is, substantially, one of a number given by Lobatschewsky, Kasan Memoirs, 1836 (Part i., p. 149), but the proof is quite different. The formula i og sec 0, which is immediately deduced from (17) by a partial integration, was obtained by Legendre, Exercices de Calcul Integral, 1. 1., Supplement, Caseix. (1811), as a particular case of a general theorem involving elliptic integrals. 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 529 3. When the field of force is not symmetrical with respect to the plane of the grating, the requisite formulas are obtained by the addition of a term Az to w in (1), so that cosh (w -{-Az) = /x. cosh z. (19) The most interesting special case is where the constant A is so chosen as to annul the force at a distance on one side, say that for which x is negative. We then have A = 1, and the equation (19) reduces to the form i coshw tanh z = , smh w whence z = J log - . (21) JJL e~ If we write //. = e, this can be put into the shape ! log =, (22) sinh or 11 sinh ^( a) cos 1^ + 2 cosh ^(6 a) sin ii (23) This gives, after a little manipulation, i . , . smh a sin cosh 9 cosh a cos By means of these equations the curves = const., \js = const. can be traced without much difficulty. Their forms are shown in Fig. 2 (p. 530) for the case of a = TT. The diagram affords the best verification of the formulae, but the following points may be noticed. In the first place, the line ^ = consists of distinct portions, according as a. For < > a we may take ' (25) the value of x ranging from GO to -fco as < increases from a to oo. This gives the line of force through the origin, which is the centre of * The solution for the present case was originally obtained in this form by Schwarz's method. 530 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12 -1898.] Electric Waves ly a Metallic Grating. 531 an aperture, and the lines of force through the centres of consecutive apertures are given in like manner by y= TT, 2;r, 37r, ..., corresponding to If, on the other hand, if/ and < < a, we have (26) The value of x ranges from to GO as < increases from to a. The value to be attributed to tan" 1 is determined by considerations of continuity. Thus, if we assign a very small fixed positive value to \l/, and then imagine (j> to decrease from oo through a to 0, the fraction sinh a sin if/ cosh (f> cosh u cos if/ will pass from a small positive value through infinity to a small negative value. Hence, if if/ approach zero from the positive side, the value of y in (26) will be ^TT. If if/ were to approach zero from the negative side, we should have y = ^TT. The portions of the lines y = i^Tr, |7T, |TT, ... for which x is negative are lines of force abutting on the backs of the metal strips. Again, for if/ = TT, we have this value of x ranges from to oo as increases from to oo . And, generally, the portions of the lines y = |TT, ifTT, |ir, ... for which x is positive are lines of force abutting on the fronts of the metal strips. If in (24) we make = 0, we get = 0, y = fr + l tan-' . ( 28 ) I cosh a cos if/ This gives a series of isolated portions of the axis of y, representing the breadths of the metal strips. These are bounded by the points for which cos if/ = e~ a = l//z, and therefore sinh a sin if/ _ = ^ I cosh a cos if/ 532 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12, For example, if we make \J/ increase from to IT, y will diminish from JTT to the minimum value cos"^"", and then increase again up to the value I-TT. It is further to be noticed that the lines = const, fall into two systems separated by the curves < = a, which have the lines y = 0, 7T, 27T, ... as asymptotes. For < cos \L r = fj. cosh cos | (32) siiih < sin ^ = p. sinh - sin I a a J we find that the line = now consists of the whole of the axis of y, together with those portions of the lines y = 0, a, 2a, 3a, ... which extend from the axis of y to the points determined by - = . (33) a fjL Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. I., Fig. xiii. 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 533 Fin. 3. 534 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12, Hence, if b be the depth of a rib, we have /i = sect. (34) The curves < = const., if/ == const, are shown in Fig. 3, for the case of Proceeding as in 1, we find that the capacity (per unit area) of a condenser of the above type is (35) 4K[x log; cosh J \ TT a I x denoting the distance between the plates, which is assumed to be large compared with b. The effect of the ribs in increasing the capacity is therefore equivalent to diminishing the distance between the plates by the amount log cosh . (36) 7T CL Again, if we take the curves = const, to be lines of electric flow, we get the case of a current flowing along a relatively broad strip which is interrupted along one edge, or along the medial line, by a series of parallel, equal, and equidistant transverse cuts, one behind the other. If b be the length of the cuts, their effect (when at the edge) is equivalent to diminishing the breadth of the strips by the amount (36). As numerical examples, we find, for &/= -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, 1-0, log cosh *&/._ . 156> -296, -415, -511, '586, -645, '691, 729, -756, -780. Trb/a The latter numbers give the ratio which the aforesaid diminution bears to the breadth b of the cuts. For increasing values of b/a this ratio tends obviously to the value unity. In the case of cuts across the medial line the quantity (36) must be multiplied by 2, b now denoting the half-length of a cut. 5. Proceeding to the problem of electric waves, and assuming that all our functions involve the two dimensions x and y only, we have to satisfy an equation of the form 1 = 0, (37) dx z dy* subject to the proper condition at the surfaces of the metal. If the 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 535 electrical vibrations be sufficiently rapid, the condition is that the component of electric force tangential to the surface, just outside the metal, must be zero. We take separately the cases where the direction of the electric force is perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the plane xy. In the former case, the equation (37) is satisfied by the electric force (R), and the condition which is to hold at the metal surfaces is R = 0, simply. Let us now suppose that a train of waves of length 2ir/k and amplitude unity is incident directly on the grating from the side on which x is positive. Omitting the time-factor e'* n , where V is the wave-velocity, this train may be represented symbolically by E = e ikx . (38) If in place of the grating we had an uninterrupted sheet of metal, the reflected wave would be represented by e~'* x , and the total disturb- ance on the side of x positive would be given by E = e--e- te , (39) for this satisfies (37) and makes R = for x = 0. In the actual circumstances we assume that, on the positive side of the grating, R _ e *._ e - + Xj (40) and, on the negative side, R = x'? (41) where x and x' must, of course, satisfy (37). Over the portions of the plane x = which are occupied by the metal strips, we must have X = 0, X' = 0; (42) whilst the continuity of R and dR/dx demands that *=*' 1*2 ' <> over the apertures. The latter condition will be satisfied provided w e make d dv' , AA ^ 23 _^, -A. ifa (44) dx dx If the differential equation to be satisfied by x had been ffu , (46) where is the positive function determined by (6). This value of x is necessarily periodic with respect to y, the period being a + b ; and the line y = is a line of symmetry. Hence, expanding by Fourier's Theorem in a series of cosines of multiples of 27r?//(a + 6), we find x = C log n + ( -^ - tfc) x + CSr O m e-*4* cos ^ , (47) \a + o / ft-f-o where K H , = , (48) a+o and the first two terms have been determined from a comparison of (46) and (8) . The terms involving e** are excluded by the condition of finiteness for x = oo. The true value of x can ^ e similarly expanded in a Fourier's series, the forms of the coefficients as functions of x being* determined by means of the differential equation (37). The resulting form is x = jV-'** + 2r^-V*cos, (49) provided Since, by hypothesis, a + ~b is small compared with the wave-length 27T/&, the right-hand side of (50) is positive. Hence the quantities \ m are real, and, moreover, differ respectively very little from *,. Terms involving e '" x are excluded as before by the condition of finiteness for x = oo, so that the waves represented by x are ultimately plane. The fact that they must travel outwards from the grating justifies the omission of the term in e ikx . * The foregoing method of analysing the conditions to be satisfied is taken from Lord Rayleigh's paper, Phit. Mag., April, 1897- '1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 537 For small values of x, the expansion (49) reduces to the form a-\- b approximately; and it appears, on comparison with (47), that the conditions incumbent on x w ^ a ll ^ e satisfied, subject to an error of the order tf (a + 6) 2 /47r 2 , if (52) Substituting the value of ft from (7), we find where c is the linear magnitude defined by (10). The conditions for x are all fulfilled if we suppose that its value at any point P on the negative side of the grating is equal, both in magnitude arid in sign, to the value of x a ^ the image P of P' on the positive side. Hence the Fourier expansion of x i g ' 7~> ikr ^ T> -m SK. A\ x = J3 e +2i B m e '" cos *. (54) In the above investigation, the coefficient of the primary wave has been taken to be unity. On the same scale, the coefficients of the reflected and transmitted waves are 1 + # and _B , or 1 ike and I + ikc 1+t'fo' respectively. Hence the intensities J, T (say) of these waves, in terms of that of the primary wave as unit, are given by It appears from the numerical values given near the end of 1 that the value of c/(a + 6) may be very moderate even when the breadth (6) of the metal strips is relatively small. Hence even a very open grating (i.e., one in which a very small proportion of the area is occupied by metal) will produce almost total reflection of waves in which the electric displacement is parallel to the bars, provided the wave-length (2ir/k) be moderately large compared with the period a-\-b of the structure. * Cf. J. J. Thomson, loc. tit. 538 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12, The circumstances when the reflection is practically total are clearly illustrated in Fig. 2, where the lines = const, represent the lines of (alternating) magnetic force in the immediate neighbourhood of the grating. A similar interpretation applies also to Maxwell's diagram already referred to. 6. When the electric force is everywhere parallel to the plane xy, the magnetic force (y) is everywhere perpendicular to this plane, and satisfies an equation of the form (37). The components of displace- ment-current in the dielectric are then _1_ dv __ 1_ dy Q 4<7r dy 4tTr dx and the condition to be satisfied at the surfaces of the metal strips is dy/dn = 0, where dn denotes an element of the normal. Considering a train of waves represented by 7 = e to , (56) and therefore incident directly on the grating from the side of x positive, we should have, if the apertures were filled up, y = e ik * + e- ikx (57) on the positive side, and y = on the negative side. In the actual case we assume, for the positive side, y^e^ + e-'^ + x, (58) and, for the negative side, y = \-> (59) where x and x' must satisfy (37) ; and the conditions to be fulfilled over those portions of the line x = which correspond to the metal strips are fv = 0, &=o, (60) dx dx whilst over the apertures we must have on account of the continuity of y and dy/dx. The former of the con- ditions (61) will be satisfied provided X=-l, x' = l. (62) If the differential equation (37) were replaced by (45), the con- ditions applicable to x would be similar to those which govern the UNIVERS/TY 1898.] Electric Waves b^J^^^JSHrating. 539 electric potential in the case of a grating placed transverse to the lines of force in a uniform field ; but it must be remembered in this analogy that the bars in one problem correspond to the apertures in the other, and vice versa* We should therefore have where < is determined by (6) ; but, if we still continue to denote by a and 6 the breadths of the apertures and of the strips, respectively, in our grating, the formula (7), giving the value of /x, must be replaced 7TO 7TCI /aA\ p = sec - = cosec - . (64) 2(a + &) 2(a+6) The Fourier expansion of (63) is (65) whilst that of the true function x nas the form where K, n and \ m are defined by (48) and (50) . For small values of as the latter expansion takes the form x = C (1 -i fee) + Si" B m e ~ Km * cos %22t . (67) a ~T~ By comparison we find that (66) will satisfy approximately all the conditions of the problem, provided (68) Hence " 0.= -, (69) provided c x = - log sec - . (70) As regards x'? all the conditions are satisfied if we suppose that its value at any point P* on the negative side of the grating is equal in absolute magnitude, but opposite in sign, to that of x at the image P of P f on the positive side. Hence the Fourier expansion of x' is 7T f *-i ^ cos --. (71) * See the footnote on p. 536. 540 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 12, The coefficients of the reflected and transmitted waves are 1 + C and C , or ike, -, 1 ^- and 1+ikc^ respectively, that of the primary being taken as unit. Hence the intensities J, /' of these waves are given by (72) For sufficiently great wave-lengths there is very little reflection, even when the intervals a between the strips are very narrow compared with the breadths of the strips themselves. * [These results, combined with those of 5, serve to explain the polarizing efficacy of a grating, as employed originally by Hertz. As a numerical example, let us suppose that the wave-length is ten times the interval a + b. Then, even if one-tenth only of the area of the grating be occupied by the metal strips, the coefficients of reflection and transmission are, for electrical vibrations parallel to the lengths, I = -879, r = -121. The same numbers in reverse order give the coefficients of reflection and transmission for electrical vibrations transverse to the length, when the apertures occupy only one-tenth of the area ; viz., /=-121, J"=-879. The coefficient of reflection in the one case, and of transmission in the other, increases rapidly with the wave-length.] In the immediate neighbourhood of the grating the lines y = const. coincide with the curves < = const, of Fig. 1. These give the direc- tions of the electric oscillation ; but it must be remembered that the portions of the vertical line of symmetry which represented the metal strips in the electrostatic problem of 1 now correspond to apertures, and vice versa. The mathematical conditions to which the magnetic force y is subject in the problem of this section are exactly those which apply to the velocity-potential in the case of sound-waves incident directly on a grating of the kind considered. f It appears that a series of narrow slits, with relatively broad opaque intervals, may transmit a very large proportion of the original sound, provided the wave-length be sufficiently great. * Paragraph inserted July, 1898. t Of. Rayleigh, Phil. Mag., April, 1897, p. 272. 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 541 7. As mentioned in the introduction, the problem of reflection by a grating composed of parallel cylindrical bars has been discussed by Prof. J. J. Thomson in the case where the electric displacement is everywhere in the direction of the length. The result arrived at is that the reflection is total, without any limitation as to the thinness of the bars. It may be worth while to examine this point, and to complete the investigation by considering also the case where the electric displacement is transverse. If, as in 1, we write w (73) the potential- and stream -functions corresponding to a system of equal and equidistant line-sources cutting the plane xy perpendicularly at the points (0, 0), (0, =fca), (0, 2a), ..., are given by the formula w a log z + log (zid) + log (z + id) + log (z 2id) + log (z -f 2m) + . . . , (74) or, say, w = log sinh . (75) This makes < = 1 log^ (cosh - cos 2 2 \ c = tan-'n , , TfX tanh (76) in agreement with Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, 203. The case of a row of double sources having their axes parallel to x is obtained by differentiating (75) with respect to z ; thus we find 7T -i , -I TTZ w = log coth a a (77) sinh 2-rrx i 2irx 2-Try cosh cos sin cosh 'cos a a (78) If the double sources have their axes parallel to y, we have merely to interchange the values of (f> and fy in these formulae. 542 Prof. H. Lamb on Reflection and Transmission of [May 1 2, These results enable us to solve very simply a number of problems in Hydrodynamics, Magnetic Induction, and so on. For example, the stream -function for a liquid flowing through a grating of parallel cylindrical bars is sin a , 2-jrx cosh cos - (79)* where V is the velocity at infinity. This formula is easily verified, since, for small values of x and y, it reduces to the form (80) It is here assumed that the radius b of a bar is small compared with the distance a between the axes of consecutive bars. Again, in the case of a liquid flowing parallel to a row of cylindrical obstacles, we have sinh cosh cos a a (81) Returning to the formula (75), we find, if the real part of z be positive, w __ (82) (83) (84) (85) TTZ -I Q ^oo 1 2wirZ " ~a~ ' l m 6 TTX o 1 whence < = log 2 Sj e -** cos a m a Since < is an even function of a/, we have, for x negative, 2miry = __]og2-3Tl a m la cos For small values of a?, we have, from (76), .; If : * = 1 gf> where r = V(a? + y' When the electric force (JK) is everywhere parallel to the bars of the grating, we assume, for x positive, * The curves vj/ = const, have been traced from this formula by Prof. Hele Shaw, Trans. InsL Nov. Arch.. 1898. 1898.] Electric Waves by a Metallic Grating. 543 ^ ^TTZ'TTT/ xr\>^x -*m*COS f, (86) and, for x negative, R = 5e tA;a; 4-^D m e A -m a; cos ^^, (87) where X m is determined by \ 2 4m 7T 79 fQO\ A w - K . (OO) For small values of x, we may ignore the difference between X m and 2ra7r/a ; and, if we further put D m = 0/m, the formulae (86) and (87) may be put into the shapes / 7TC \ \ a I ' / TTfcC r\ \ s/\r\\ and B = Jo -f ikBx + ( <^> H h log 2 1 , (90) \ d / respectively, where is defined by (83) and (84) . The continuity of B and dB/dx requires that a a At the surface of the metal wires, where r = b (say), we must have B = 0. This cannot be satisfied exactly ; but, if the ratio 6/a be sufficiently small, it is satisfied approximately if we make (92)* a If we now write c = log -^- , (93) 7T 27T& we find, from (91) and (92), that (94) , l<+iko The intensities of the reflected and transmitted waves, in terms of that of the primary wave, are therefore I f the wave-length is at all large compared with c, kc is small, and the reflection is almost total. But, for any given wave-length (large compared with a) , kc may be made as great as we please by sufficiently diminishing the radius 6 of the wires. In this way we can pass to the case of free transmission. * \_July, 1898. Viz., this makes R = for x = 0, r = .] 544 On Reflection and Transmission of Electric Waves. When the electric force is everywhere parallel to the plane xy, it is convenient (as in 6) to adopt as dependent variable the magnetic force (y), which is everywhere perpendicular to this plane. We assume, for x positive, y = e <* + Ae ik * + S E M e " x "* cos ^^ , (96) and, for x negative, y = Be^-ZE,^ cos ^^- , (97) CL where \ m is denned by (88). If we put E M = SvC/a, and ignore the difference between \ m x and 2m7rx/a, this gives, for small values of x, k (l-A)x+C &-) , (98) a I and y= B + ikBx + C f ^ + ), (99) respectively. The continuity of y and dy/dx on the two sides of the plane x = requires that I + A- C = B + C, l-A = B. (100) a a The surface-condition is that dy/dr = for r = b. If we put x = r cos 0, d/dx = cos 0/r, this gives |r = o. (101) 7T& 2 Hence, if we write < we get A = ^ . B = ; . (103) The intensities of the reflected and transmitted waves are now (104) If the half wave-length be large compared with tf/a, we have free transmission, with hardly any reflection. As in the problem of 6, this last calculation has also an acoustical interpretation, and serves to further illustrate the " extreme smallness of the obstruction offered by fine wires or fibres to the passage of sound." * 1. ii., 343. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $i.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE.