AmTHMETIC » I9I9 REPORTor PROGRESS DULUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL.^ Y ^ V • .. :i^.~ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below .;^2» DEC l3 Idtf JUL Jti i '^'=^'0 1 4 1931 1941 Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles Form i, 1 J s 7 B ^% v.\ ;-"^->^- 'N VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, ARITHMETIC 1919 REPORT OF PROGRESS DULUTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 82390 ■ V. I CONTENTS. AIMS 1 BRIEF SURVEY 1 GENERAL DIRECTIONS 6 Identical Forms for all Grades 6 Checks 8 Principles of Method 11 Provision for Individual Differences 13 Standard Practice Material 14 Standard Tests in Arithmetic 15 GRADE I-B and I-A 18 GRADE II-B : 20 GRADE II-A 2(5 GRADE III-B 34 GRADE III-A \ . 40 (iRADE IV-B 47 GRADE IV-A 54 (tRADE V-B 61 (4RADE V-A 66 (iRADE VI-B 71 GRADE VI-A 76 (iRADE VII-B 82 GRADE VII-A 87 GRADE VIII-B 91 GRADE VIII-A 96 GRADE IX-B 101 (;RADE IX-A ! 105 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 108 Will each teacher i)lease make the following correctiou: Page 87, line 3 should read, "This will involve column addition." PREFACE This ])anii)hlet ou .\rithnietic is oue ot" a series of five which constitutes the Course of Study so far available in jjrinted form tor use in the Public Schools of the City of Duluth. The other panijth- lets are as follows: one on ]\Iusic and Physical Education; one on Geography, History and Nature Study; one on Drawing- and In- dustrial Art; one ou English including lieadiug, Phonics, Spelling, PennianshiiJ, Language, Composition, Grammar, and Literature. This Course of Study was constructed during the school term of 1918-1919 and during the summer of 1919. It was introduced in September 1919. It is the product of the combined effort of the teachers, principals, and supervisors in the Public Schools and the State Normal School of Duluth. The general supervision of the entire course was under an execu- tive committee consisting of a principal, a supervisor, and a superin- dent of the training department of a normal school. Each subject was in charge of a special committee consisting of teachers, principals and supervisors with the teachers largely predominating. While the number of teachers on these committees was made as large as possible in order to secure the benefit of class room experience, not all were able to participate in the work on account of the lack of time and faci- lities for reaching them. Much credit is due all who have so will- ingly and efliciently assisted in bringing this course of study to its present standard. The fact that it is an outgrowth of the best class room practice in the city is due largely, however, to the teachers who helped in its construction. The general i)lan for each subject in the Course, the i)rinciples for the selection of subject matter, and the organization of subject matter were agreed upon by the executive coiniiiittee and the chair- man of each special committee after much study and careful delibera- tion. Each special committee observed these principles of selection and plan of organization in preitaring the subject assigned. Sugges- tions on the Course in English were received from a grouj) of business men in order to secure the i)oiut of view of those outside the schools. Similar help was received from a group of musicians on the Course in !Music. The general jjlan adopted for each course is as follows: I. Table of Contents. II. Aiius and purposes for all grades. A statement of the pur])oses of the subject as a whole. III. Outline oi 8uV>je(.'t matter. IJrief survey of subject matter throughout the Elemen- tary and Junior High Schools. IV. General Directions. V. Detailed outline of subject matter. VI. General Bibliography. As a basis for the selection of subject matter for this Course of Study the following social values were used: I. That subject matter was selected which is most frequently used by the greatest number of people in life situations. The term "use" is not restricted to the mere economic sense but includes all those matters which society has learned to value and desires to pass on to the next generation. II. That subject matter was selected which is not only most fretjuently used but is most significant when used, e.g. we teach how to save life from drowning not because of the number of times it would be used but because of its great significance when used. These method.'* of choosing subject matter while they have l)een a guiding principle have been necessarily limited by such considerations as, ex- pense of teaching, time of i)uijils, ability of teachers and pupils and organization and availability of material. In the organization of subject matter an attempt has been made to arrange it around projects suited to the abilities and interests of the pupils for whom it is intended and adapted to the successful use of well recognized methods of teaching and to the needs of the state and community. These projects, according to the nature of the sub- ject matter, lend themselves to one of the following types: Type 1. "lu which the purpose is to embody some idea or plan in exter- nal form, as building a boat, writing a letter, presenting a play : Type 2. "In which the i^urpose is to enjoy some aesthetic experience, as listening to a .story, hearing a symjjhouy, appreciating a picture: TvPK 8. In which the purpose is to straighten out some intellectual dif- ficulty, to Holve some problem, as to find out whether or not dew falls, to ascertain howNew York outgrew Philadelphia. TvPK 4. In which the jiurjid.'^e is to obtain some item or degree of skill or knowledge, as learning to write graile 14 on the Thorndike Scale, learning the irregular verbs in French. . . . Some teachers in- Ill deed may not closely discritniuate between drill as a project and drill as a set task, althouffh the results will be markedly different." "It is at once evident that these jjroupinffs more or less overlap and that one type may be used as means to another as end. It may be of interest to note that with these definitions the project method logically includes the problem method as a special case. The value of such a classiiicatiou as that here given seems to me to lie in the ligfht it should throw on the kind of projects teachers may expect and on the procedure that normally prevails in the several types." — Kilpatriek. Teachers College Record, September, 1918. This Course of Study is in no sense a finished product. It is a record of past achievement and a standard of present attainment. It is intended also to be a guide post for further progress. As the quality of the class room instruction improves by means of this course, the course should likewise be improved in the nature of the subject matter and in the effectiveness of the teaching method. For this purpose the suggestions and criticisms of teachers, principals, and supervisors will be requested from time to time. ARITHMETIC. AIMS. To euable one to do llie onliiiary coiiiputiiiy re(iuii-eil in cormnoii busiuess. To give arithmetical kiiowledye that tit.s into the real situations of home, shop, farm, or business. To acquaint pupil with the simplest and shortest methods used iu busiuess. ATTITUDES TO BE DEVELOPED. "a tendency not to be satisfied with guessing or approximation, but to insist on finding out through the iise of figures all essential matters involving numerical values. "Standards of busiuess accuracy that will result in the keeping of an accurate account of all personal or household receipts and expendi- tures. This will make possible a proper adjustment of expenditure to income and also a right balance among the different objects for which money is spent. "Unwillingness to rely on general estimates or rough approxima- tions with reference to projects planned, as. improving a home or a farm, taking a trip, investing in an automobile, etc. "Insistence on detailed and accurately kept records of profits or losses from the different enterprises of farm, shop, or busiuess. "The development of such a sense of values aud the inevitaVde logic of figures as will render one proof against the get-rich-quick schemes ]»lanned by unscrupulous i)romoters to catch those who tlirough ignorance of Vjusiness believe wealth to be attained V)y some kind of magic. 'a sense of pleasure and satisfaction in the use of figures and in the certainty which comes from their wise application to one's affairs." Hetts: Classroom ^Methods and Management. BRIEF SURVEY THROUGHOUT THE GRADES. (rKAI)K I. Xum])er work in this grade is taught inciueutally wliere need arises in games or activities. GRADE II. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Counting, reaers to 200. IJoman numerals to XII. Counting by 3's, 4's, and ti's. ADDITION. The average and hard combinations. Column ad- dition. SUBTRACTION. The reverse of the addition combinations. MULTIPLICATION. The tables of 2, 5, and 10. The symbol X as "times."' DIXISION. The reverse of the multiplication tables. The symbol-^. MEASURES. The names and number of the days of the week. The names and number of the months in the year. The hours on the clock face. The signs § and c. FRACTIONS. 2, 3 and 5 of numbers exactly divisible. GRADE III— B. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Reading and writing numbers to 5000. Roman numerals to XX. Counting by 2 and 4 to 100. ADDITION. The very hard combinations. Two and three place column.s iuvidving carrying; not over tive addends. Mixture of one, two, and three jdace columns. Drill on endings. SUBTR.^CTION. Easy subtraction and one step borrowing. Work on entlings. MULTIPLICATION. The tables of 3 and 4. Multiplication by one-place multipliers. DUISION. Division as the reverse of multiplication. No carry- ing. The long division brace. MEASURES. The ounce and yard. Time; the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour. FRACTIONS. 3 and \ of numbers which are exactly divisible. Addition and subtraction of very simple fractions, involving no reductions. (iRADE III— A. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Counting by 2's to 84; 8's to 96; 9'8 to lOS. Reading and writing numbers to 100,000. The use of the comma as in 14, 5U7. ADDITION. Adding four and five place columns of six addends. Rapid drill. Speed and time tests. SUBTRACTION. Two-step borrowing. MULTIPLICATION. The tables of 6 and 7. Multiplication by 1 and 2 place niultii)lierH, the jjroiluct to contain less than six digits. DIV'LSIO.N. Short 218 6)1484 2)1248(5 12 . 12 23 ~~4 18 4 54 ~~8 54 2 16 16 IN ADDITION of fractions proceed as follows: 1 4 o 1 o 4 i=A 5i=5A l=r\ 2|-2t\ 10. 1 7 03 5 - 1 1 12— lo 6ii— <»•'*>' 23)15(IS,S 1312 138 l!Mi8 128 19(iS 115 138 138 1(1 DIVISION: (iK-cki'il li\- inultiplyiua- quotieut and divisor to furiii < in prolileni!5 iuvulviny: small uuml»ei's. For reasuiiiiiff problems: IJewordiug to clarify purpose of problem. Ex. (l) How much more does coifee at 25 lbs. for >!9.50 cost thau coffee at 33c a lb. (2) IJewordiutj: One grade of coffee sells at §9.50 for 25 lbs. Another grade sells for 83c. Which costs the more? Statiug the same type of problem iu simpler nu- merical terms. Ex. (l) ^Ir. Browu wishes to buy a house. He must give his agent 10 per cent com- mission to sell a home worth 824,000. How much money will Mr.' Browu get from the sale? (2) Reducing to simpler numerical terms: You sell strawberries for Mrs. Brown. She tells you, you can have 10 per cent of the money received from selling the berries. If you sell S8.00 worth one morning, how much money will you give Mrs. Brown at the close of the morning? Solving by another method: A certain store takes in 8100,000 :$50=100 Accurate: 2X$50=$100 2x50=8100 2-50=100 8100^4=25 §100 : 4=!!i25 100-^4=825 100 : 4=25 8100-^84=825 8100 : 84=25 Inaccurate: 4 ft.X5 ft. =20 sq. ft. Accurate: 4/5 A 1 sq. ft. =20 sq. ft. 4X5 sq. ft.=20 sq. ft. Inaccurate; 27 cu. ft. ^9 sq. ft. =3 ft. Accurate: 27 cu. ft. -^9 cu. ft. =3 Problem: Two-fifths of a number etiuals 12. Find the number. Inaccurate: 5 =the number Accurate: 5 of the nuiiiber=the number g=12 I of the number =12 5=i of 12=6 I of the number=.', of 12=6 |=.5X6=30 i of the number= • 5X6=30 Inaccurate: 100 per cent= Accurate: 100 per cent of the 100 number=the number Inaccurate: 15° =1 hour of Accurate: 15° correspond to 1 time. hour of time. Principles of method in teaching Arithmetic as derived form scientific in- vestigation from the 18th Year Book of the National Society for the Study of Education. In teachinfj the numi)er concept, which is fundamental in arith- metic, purposeful experience with concrete objects should be i)rovided. Counting and measuriuy are two of the most fruitful forms of experi- ence. In jreneral, the meaning should be taught before the word or other symbol is given to the child. This aj)plies to the number symbols 1. 2, 3, 4, etc., and to the technical words of arithmetic such as, "athl." 'subtract," "foot,'" 'V«ii"'li' l'**"i"li' J^^i"-' "how inucli."' and the like. Learning the tables is a matter of memorizing and the rules for memorizing ajiply. The child should understand the meaning of the comliina- tious which he is memorizing. 12 Attentive rei>etitious are ueoessary to fix the associations iu learniiifr the tables. These repititious may be given either in ischitetl ilrill or in the use of these number facts in the doing of exainjiles. For jiermanent memorizing: [whit-li i.s desired in tliis case} tlie repetitions of drill must be carrierovement. A preliminary practice of five minutes at the beginning of the recitation serves as a "mental tonic." In the ojierations of arithmetic, emphasis should be i)laced upon rapis, and the work stoi)ped as suggested in the above paragraph, the number of examples which the \ni\)i\ does during llu* class period is a measure of his rate of working. The i>er cent cor- rect is a measure of his accuracy. "The instruction can be made still more eftecti\c it the teacher will prei)are a numl)er of sets of exami)les, each set being confined to examples of the same type. These sets of exaniiiles should be written u oil t-anls. Then, instead of dictatiuff examples, the teacher can dis- tril»ute tlie cards and have the pupils copy the examples from the If the teacher studies the needs of her pupils, it will be pos- sihle fi>r her to distribute the cards so that each pupil will have the type of example ujiou which he needs practice. The pupil is probably injured liy beini^ i-e(|uirerk with the above mentioned groui)S. "In aiming to secure good quality, the teacher will not allow the subject to take i)recedence in his mind over the jtupils. A true teacher is never merely teaching a subject. lie is always assisting a human being by means of a subject to grow and adapt himself to his surroundings. It is then, after all, the pupils' interest, success, growth, improvement that the teacher has in mind when he sets up high stan who ])ull down the whole class standard. (Graphing and explaining the individual and class results in standard tests is a won- derfid stimulant of individual effort. The degree to which personal needs are met is tlie measure of educational efficiency. Standard Practice Material. Speed and accuracy in the funihunental ojierations may be ac- «iuireils to erations and diagnose the deficiencies of each chilrl by the use of the standard tests of Woody or Courtis. Definite practice material shouM be useles: 16 TEST NO. TWO SUBTRACTION. "This test cousists of tweuty-four examples, each iuvolviuo- the same miniber of subtractions. The followiug are samples. Time al- lowed. 4 minutes. 10779.1491 750SSS24 91500053 S7939983 77197»i-i9 ■')74(M>394 1!)9(il5(>3 7-22U731H TKST No. THKEE — MILTII'LICATION. This test consists of twenty-four examples of this type. Time al- lowed, 6 minutes. S246 3597 5739 2648 9537 29 73 85 46 92 In marking the test papers, wliich is done by the use of a printed answer card wliich is run along across the page, no credit is given for examjdes i)artly right nor for examples partly completed. A pupil's score is the numljer of examples attempted and the uumlier right. This simple plan of marking the papers insures uniformity and ac- curacy. Each of the examples of a test calls for the same number of operations under approximately the same conditions. This makes the examples of each test approximately eq\ial in difficulty. Any ex- ample of the addition test, say the seventh, is just as difficult as any other, say the second. Thus, the tests consist of twenty-four equal units, just as a yardstick consists of thirty-six equal units (inches). The measure of a pupil's ability is represented by the distance he ad- vances along the scale in the given time, i. e., by the number of ex- amples done and by the per cent of these examples which have been done correctly. Since an example of one of these tests is defined as so many operations under certain conditions, it is possible to construct other tests equal in difficulty. Four forms have been constructed. This makes it possible to use a different form when the tests are given a secontl time.'" Monroe: Educational Tests and Measurements, p. 23-25. These are the medians obtained by Courtis: SEKIES B — SPEED. GRADE ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTIPLICATION DIVISION Third 4 5 Fourth 6 7 6 4 Fifth 8 9 8 6 Sixth 10 11 9 8 Seventh 11 12 10 10 Eighth 12 13 11 11 SERIES B — ACCUEACV. <5RADE ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTIPLICATION DIVISION Third 41 49 Fourth 64 80 67 57 Fifth 70 83 75 77 .Sixth 73 85 78 87 .Seventh 75 86 80 90 Eighth _. 76 87 81 91 17 'THE STONE REASONING TEST. "Stoue has worked out a reasoniufj;' test which has heen used in several cities, and in a number of city school surveys, so that we have rather definite standards as to Avhat may l)e expected from its use." ACTUAL MEDIANS OBTAINED. GRADE Butte, Bridgeport, Salt Lake Nassau, Lead, 1914. Conn., 1913 City, 1915. Co., NY, 1918. S. Dak., 1916 Fifth 2.2 t).l 3.7 ___ 4.5 Sixth 3.9 5.2 (j.4 4.5 6.1 Seventh 5.8 6.8 8.6 __. 9.3 Eighth 7.7 4.5 10.5 8.2 11.4 Tentative Standards suggested by Stone (1916) for his Reason- ing Tests: That 80 per cent or more of 5th grade pupils reach or exceed a score of 5.5 with at least 75 per cent accuracy. That 80 per cent or more of 6th grade pupils reach or exceed a score of 6.5 with at least 80 per cent accuracy. That 80 per cent or more of 7th grade pupils reach or exceed 7.5 with at least 85 per cent accuracy. That 80 per cent or more of the 8th grade pupils reach or exceed a score of 8.75 wnth at least 90 per cent accuracy. The time allowance for the test is fifteen minutes. Stone's plan for marking the test papers allows credit for examples partly right and for examples which are not finished. The problem values have been determined upon the basis of difficulty. It should be noted that this plan for marking the test papers is not as simple as that em- ployed for marking the test papers on the operations of arithmetic." 3Ionroe: Educational Tests and Measurements, p. 36, 37. IS (iKADK I-J} au.l I-A DIRECTIONS. DIVISION OF TIME— All the arithmetic work of the t^-rade will l>e oral. Only such writiny I's incidentally where need may arise in games or activities. Projects: To count pencils or crayons for the class; erasers, seats, chairs, papers needed for each row; pictures on the wall; beau bags; boys in the room; girls in the room; boys and girls absent; etc. To count ai)i)les, beads, objects of different colors and shapes, inch Sfpiares or heavy cardl)oard strips cut from bristol board, toy money, jjinl and quart measures, circles, and speer blocks of various forms and sizes. To jilay Hop Scotch, Dominoes; IJeast, Iiird, and Fish, etc. To teach the sense of number thru the medium of play. To tell the pages and lessons in the readers. MEASURES: Cent, nickel, dime, dollai-, inch, foot, pint, (piart., and recognition of circle and square. Projects: liec(»gnize these measures in games: Play store. Measure the sand table and the sand in it. Construct siinjile objects suggested by the industrial arts outline. Optional Work. Hear(i\vii and ("offinau: ITow to Teach Aiitliiiietic. C'bai). X. Pri- mary Arithmetic. Johusou: Education l)y Flays and (iames. Klapper: The Teaching of Arithmetic, ('liaji. \'I. Teaching- tlie Number Concept. McMurray: Special Methorty-tive" not "two liuiidred and torty-tive." And indicates a deci- mal point. This caution apidies also to the reailiufj: of the date. See IV-I> Directions. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. In all types of work, omit tlrill ou facts and processes fully known, and stress those coml)inations or operations of which the class is not sure. Provide special help for individuals to overcome their ]»articular weaknesses. This involves frequent testing to discover both class and indiviilual shortcomings. Make the combinations automatic, thru memory work, permitting no counting after the lirst experience. Test the pupils frequently on the combinations committed to memory. Do not permit the child to hesitate iu giving these combin- ations. If he does so, it is better to state the result or call at once on another ])upil. Use {\)e column form only iu teaching addition and subtraction, avoiding the use of plus and minus signs. Teach the recognition of these signs only. Teach the addition and subtraction combinations simultaneously using the Austrian or "change making" methoil iu subtraction for the sake of uniformity over the city. See page 21. Smith iu the Teachers' College Record 1909, p. 46 says: "The addition consists iu finding what number must be added to the subtra- hend to make the minuend. Thus in thinking of 17 — 8 we think, 8 ami 9 are 17," writing down 9 Is the general plan the best one? On the side of advantages we have: (l) It is the common meth- od of making change (2) It avoids the necessity of making a separate subtraction table. There is, therefore, an economy of time and an increased efficiency in the very important subject of aildition. (y) The facts of addition being used so much md^ often than those of subtraction there is naturally an increase in speed and certainty when we emjiloy the addition instead of the subtraction tal)le." Avoid study jicriods which fix l)ad habits. Play games for the game's sake, V)ut avoiil games which are too largely jdiysical exercise and too little arithmetic. In playing games keej) the groups small or the attention is scattered, and there is lack of concentration. The rest of the pupils may be given seat work re- lating to some other subject or to the number games they have just jilayed. 21 The child ren should keep their own scores, uo matter how long- they take to do it. (4ive the necessary help where it is neede«l. Later, a child's score may l>e disrej^arded if he cannot yet it in- dependently. SUBJECT MATTER AND PROJECTS. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Counting hy I's hack from fifty; by lU's to lUU, beginning at U, 1, 2, 8, etc; by o's to lUO; by 2\s to50; by Vs to 100. lieading and writing numbers to 100. ADDITION. The addition combinations to be taught are as follows: Group I 000 000 000 Very Easy 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 S 9 and their reverses. Group'TI 111111112 2 8 4 5 Easy 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 8 4 5 and their reverses. Arranged by Courtis according to dificulty. Use these combinations in columns which involve no carry- ing. Teach the recognition of + and =. SUBTRACTION. Involving the addition combinations taught in this gray utilizing this ])roject. direct apjilication of the various topics in the II-I> outline may be made as follows: COUNTING TO 100. ChiMren may count pennies in tlic cash register. See that each store keei>er is provided with at least lUd. Children may count eggs, balls, marbles, cookies and otlier arti- cles of merchandise in stock. Counting should be done by I's, 2's, aud 5's. Storekeeper may have a clerk to check up with him. READING AND WRITING NUMBERS TO 100. Each child mayuum- l»er his store, chtiusiuy: a munl'er between oU to lUU. No two iiuinbers in front of stores. The children will like to take turns in reading the store numbers, usinj; comidete sentences as: ''The number of .lohn's store is 9'i." Price taifs may be iiiaile and attached to artit-les of merchandise. Children shouhl be eucourageil to tind out correct jtrices of articles in their stores. Keadin": price tajjs will be of far more interest than just reading numbers written on the board. Complete sentences should be used, e. jr., "One pounund. To develoi) the concejtt of a pound, butter cartons filled with sand or pound candy boxes may be used. Children must be taught what objects are sold by the pound. Encourage criticism of such a statement as, "I want a pound of vinegar." (Gallon. A gallon oil can in the grocery store and a milk can in the dairy will give a correct concept. Children should learn what l»roducts are sold Ijy the gallon. Dozen and a half-dozen. After the class has been taught that any twelve articles makes a dozen, a "dozen lesson" at the different stores will be greatly enjoyed. Everything must be purchased by the dozen or half-dozen. Cutomers must count over the articles to make sure that the dealers have given the correct number. If a cus- tomer should ask for one dozen sugar or tea the storekeeper must correct the error or forfeit his position. HOUSE NUMBER AND DATE. Each storekeeper may keep order books. On each order slij) he may write the name and address of each customer and the date. Combinations. ADDITION. Addition combinations will necessarily be used when two articles are purchased e. g., a pencil for Ic and a ruler for 5c. (5 + 1). When drill on a i)articular combination is required the chil- dren may use the iiumbers of that combination in making their pur- chases. The storekeeper may use the combinations in checking up his stock, e.g., 5 cans of corn on one shelf plus 5 cans on another=10. Two white V)alls +8 red balls = 5 balls. SUBTRACTION. Since the Austrian Method is to be taught, the store aftords splendid opi>ortunity for making jiractical apjilication. Making «diange will fix su])tracti(m combinations both in the mind of the storekcepei- and the customer. i)rovideil the same numbers are used frei)uently. Storekeepers should be encouraged to check up sales from time to time as, "There were ten loaves of bread on the counter. Five loaves are left. Tlit re were five loaves soM. (Five and what number makes ten ?) •28 Correlation With Other Subjects. LANGUAGE. Insist upon fiooil Kn- store. Encourafje use of conijilete sentences. IJoth ciistoiiier and dealer should criticise freely any errors in Enyflisli. Occasionally let the children tell about i>layin{j st finds number 9 and stands by him. All the combinations are thus pairer Ic and a ruler for 3c. I shall pay 4c for both of them." X Adapted from Decatur Course of Study, SUBTRACTION. The first four projects above may be used for subtraction also. To play ]\Iore or Less. .V child has a certain number of objects concealed in his hand. He asks, "How mauy?" Ans. Five. If the answer is wrong- he says,"No, it is two more than five," or No, it is three less than five." Adapted from the Baltimore Course of Study. To encil at 4c A box of crayons at 8c A tablet at 7c Child answers: '"I have saved Ic, and a tablet costs 7c, so I must save ♦ic more to l)uy it," etc. MEASURES. To play store. See the general project under ad- dition. To i>lay milkman. Let one child be milkman and come to each child's house (a corner) and sell him a i>int, quart, or gallon of milk. This may involve money also. To order groceries. Let one child play telephoning to the store teginning column addition with children in the primary 3 grades. ]tlace the following column on the l)oard. Take the 4 clialk, and, beginning at the foot of the column, say: "Two, 3 three, five," ijointing to the numbers as named, and write the 9 32 5 to the right of the 3. Then say, "Five, four,-nine." Write 3 23 the 9 to the right of 4. Then say, "Nine, three.-twelve," and 6 20 write 12 to the right of the 3. Then continue, ' Twelve, two,- 2 14 fourteen, writing the 14 to the right of the 2, and so on until 3 12 the column is added. At each step have the ehihlren, collect- 4 9 ively or imlividually. repeat after you each statement. Drill 3 5 the pupils until they can go through this without error. If 2 there is any hesitancy about the combinations, point to the 27 combination above, so that they may learn where to find the correct form if they shouM fory-et. After this process and language form is established, write similar columns on the board for each pupil, with instructions for him to do the exercise himself. The teacher should pass from one to anotlier, hearing each give the form. As a pu])il tinishes, let liim exchange examples with another pupil, first erasing the side columns. To a- void confusion, it is well to write two or three examples in excess of the number in the class, so that no pupil need wait. As a furtlier convenience, it may be helpful for the pupil who iinislies a column to write his name underneath it. The teacher, passing around, later erases the answer and the side columns, and writes "C" (correct) or "X" (wrong) after his name. The place is then ready for another pupil. With a few pupils, there will be a continual tendency to make mistakes in the left-hand figure, to write 42 instead of 32, etc. This means that insufficient work has been done on the number scale. Suppose, as in the illustration given, the pupil writes 42 instead of 32. To correct this, several methods are at the option of the teacher, (l) She can go back for more drill in the decades, then make the application to the difficulty in hand" (2) 8he may have him write, in ascending column, the number beginning with 23, until the next 2 is reached. (3) She may draw a line un- der 23, and ask, "What 2 next above 23?" (Answer, "32.") After the combinations already mentioned have been mastered, and every child can work out the side columns of any column of figures built up out of these combinations, readily and without mistake, the same combinations, in their reverse form, should be treated in like manner. The purpose of this is to drill the pupils in learning new com- binations and in visualizing the end figures of the successive partial sums. After this form has been mastered, the teacher should con- tinue adts will be slow, but a few exercises will cause him to depend ui)on his own visual imagin- ing. Proceed in the same way to add other columns in review. In all this early work, the child should never be permitted to perform any work in addition at his seat, V)ut always at the board, in full view of the teacher. Children, if allowed the time, will fall back into the habit of counting up the sums serially. It is a mistake to think that chihlren will outgrow this habit, once it is formed. Chang- ing one's habits is not so simple a matter as this. To jirevent this habit from being formed, the teacher must first give in columns only those combinations which the children have first learned thorougiily. 3 4 3 9 42 3 23 6 20 2 14 3 12 4 9 3 5 2 28 au«l, sec'oud, always iusist that the work he performed at the V^oard ami ill full view of the teacher. Do uot permit the child to stop and think. He either knows the sum or uot. If he shows the least hesi- tancy he must either be told the answer or l)e permitted to look at the i-omhiuation involved in the answer. For this purpose the com- hinatioiis should, with their sums, always lie written on the hoard in full view of the child. Concert work is y:ood, hut it should not be eiiii)l()yed exclusively, for many children are thereby made dependent in their work. Again, if a teacher uses it too generously, she cannot know what the indi- vier8. SUBJECT MATTER AND PROJECTS. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Iteading and writing numbers to 200. Rea 2 4 5 () 7 5 7 8 4 4 4 ♦) 1 S \) 7 1 S 9 «) < S » 29 ADDITION. Addition ( 'ombinatious. Group III 2 2 2 Average 8' 4 o Group IV 2 2 8 Hard S 9 8 Arrauged by Gourtis. SUBTRACTION. Subtraction combinations, the reverse of the addition combinations, MULTIPLICATION. Construct and learn tables of 2\s, TVs and lO's. Teach the symbol X as "times." 1X5=5 Use this form for the tables: 2X5=10 3X5=15 DIVISION. Teach the reverse of the multiplication tables. Teach the symbol ~^, DENOMINATE NUMBERS. Names and number of the days of the week. Names and number of the months in the year. The hours on the clockface. The signs § and c. CONCRETE PROBLEMS. Problems relating to the following: The Milkman. Carfare. Marketing. A Bird Calender. The School Week and Month. FRACTIONS. Fart-taking: 2 of the numl)ers to 24 which give an integer as a result. .' of the numbers to 50 which give an integer as a result. u) of the numbers to 50, which are exactly divisible. OPTIONAL WORK. Extensive work in addition ane encouraged to make up problems about their pur-j chases. Complete statements should be required in the solutions. Correlation. L.\NGl .\( .E. C'omijlete statements shouhl be required at all times. Any errors in grammar should be corrected immediately by the chil- dren themselves. Occasionally the class may write short sentences about their cafe- teria. A .>ook. To tind how much more a pistol costs than an orange; a paper pad than a top: a truin]n't than a whistle. rinOK list: Dominoes 9c Top 4c Whistle tic ]>ook 9c Trumpet 8c Ball 7c Candy 7c Orange 5c Toy pistol 8c Apple 6c I'ajter pad 5c X Adajiteil from the Decatur Course of Study. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. To climb a ladder. Two ladders each containing combinations are placed on the board. Pupils race up and down the rows, or see how high they can climb. To sjtin the arrow. A circle of cardboard in the center of which is fasteneil an arrow, has numbers on the circumference. A child spins the arrow, an-s on the calendar. The number of days in a week. The number of Sundays or of any other day. Tlie date on which the second Monday occurred, etc. The day on wliii li tin- four- teenth, tenth, etc., occurred. To make a clockface, usiny Koinan numerals. I'laciniif the hands of the clock at risinjif time, bey-i lining school time, the various hours, Curfew time. Findint>- how many hours it takes the hand to iro from 9 in the morning: to twelve in the morniny; from 2 in the afleriioon to 5 in the afternoon, etc. To write the number of - the Fundamentals. Pp. 182-186 Part Taking. Iloyt and Peet: Everyday Arithmetic, JJook I. Kendall and Mirick: Teaching the Fundamental Subjects. Pp. 170-190. Skill in Calculation. Skill in Api)lication. Inductive Teaching. Mental and Oral Lessons. Klapper: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Pp. 49-51. Motivation in Arithmetic. Pp. 70-75. ()V)jective Teaching. Pi*. 88-91. The Drill. Pp. 100-108. Rationalization of Processes, Testing Ability. Fundamental ( )perations. Pj). 158-1(S2. Addition and Subtraction. Pp. 182-208. Multiplication and Division. Strayer and X'orsworthy: How to teach. Pp. 204-205. The Drill Lesson. Suzzalo: The Teaching of Primary Aritliiiu't ir. Chap. IX Si)ecial Methods for()l>taining .Xcfuracy and Speed. Wilson: Motivation of School Work. Pp. 158-165. The Motivation of Aritliinetic. 34 GRADE III-B DIRECTIONS. L)I\ ISION OF TIME. Three-fourths of the arithmetic time allot- meut ill this trrarocess may be used. I 35 SUBJECT MATTER AND PROJECTS. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Kea-liiiy- an-l u litii.n iiunilMTs to 5000. Komau numerals to XX. Counting by 2 and 4 to 100. ADDITION. Combinations. Group V 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 S Very hard 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 8 Two and three place columns involving carryiny-; not over five addends, as 34 345 67 672 82 823 25 246 14 325 Also mixtures of one, two an 3 35 372 4 316 id three place columns, as Drill on endings, as 6 16 26 36 7 17 9 9 9 9 9 9 SUBTRACTION. Easy subtraction, as 146 235 397 295 24 21 72 53 Subtraction, with one ste]) borrowing, as 82 54 9.S 192 78 46 69 56 Subtraction of two i)lace numbers from three and four place numbers, as 4,S23 .").3iMi 612 22 Work on endings, as 15 25 35 45 1(5 26 _6 _6 _6 J> __I _i MULTIPLICATION. Tables of 3's and 4's. Written i)r(»blems involving the one-jdace multiplier only. 86 DIXISloN. Divisiuu only as the reverse of multiplicatiou with no carryiuti. I'se the long divisiuu brac^. DENOMINATE NL'MBERS. The ounce and yard. Time: the hour, half-hour an Arithmetic outline may l)e applied in this i)roject: READINC, AND WRITING NUMBERS TO 5000. Each post box should be numliered. If the children will use only numbers between lOUU and ')(!(»() they will soon become familiar with'these. COUNTIN(; HV 2 AND 4 TO 100. The stamp seller may count his pennies by *2'm and 4's. The sorter may count letters in the same manner. Daily practice of this nature tends to develop swift counting. 37 ADDITION. The staniii seller may keejt (•ouiit of the iminl)er of stanips sold. At the eiilay trames learned iu a lower yrade. To play hop-scotch. A iliairiain coutaininff the numbers from 1 to lU is drawn on the floor. A cliild lioi»8 in any direction; his score lieinir the sum of the numbers hoi»i)ed ui)on. If the wronjj sum is •riven, his score is rejectetl. Sides may be chosen. This may also l)e played, scoring the difference of the numV)ers. To deliver letters to the right house. One half of the class has cards with numbers as 5, 7, S, etc., while the other half has cards with combinations as 9—4, 14—7, etc. The children having- answer cards are at places around the room. Others, the postmen, luring their let- ters to the correct houses. The combinations and answers are read as delivered. The children may be scoreart. Other children are messengers, attempting to get through the lines, but must first give the i)assword, i. e., the correct answer to the guard's combination card. If he is not able to give it, he is detained until he can. To see who can get the most cards. The combinations are written on cards, which are shown by the teacher. The first child telling the sum correctly receives the card. The one who receives the most cards may be the teacher for the next game. To keep out of the center of the circle. The teacher gives each child a number combination. The one who fails iu giving his answer goes to the center, but can regain his place if he succeeds in answer- ing nK)re quickly than the one being asked. 39 To climb a ladiler. (\)iiil)iiiatit)ii.s are written on cacli ruiii,r. The {fame is to see who can climb hii^hest. If a sec<.iiasteboard clock with nidvable hands such as, the time for the first bell; for Ijeginning school; for reciting the various suV>jects; for recess; for dismissal. To upirs distances; number of blocks walked the entire daj'; in the five school daj's; by the whole room. Finding the tin)e taken by various pupils in coming to school; at what time they should start to prevent tardiness, etc. To determine the earnings and savings of the whole class. To make an original i)roblem from a set of figures, as, 8 ■ 5, Jojiti has 5 marbles and James has 3 times as many. How many has James? Standards of Attainment. See (irade IIT-A. Bibliography. See (irade II I -A. 40 (;KA1)K III-A DIRECTIONS. U1\1S().\ OK TI.MH:. Three-tuurths (if the aritluiieiic time allot- ment in thin irrm\e should be giveu to oral work. Three-eighths of the work should relate to coucrete problems. REXIEW. The addition ami subtraction combinations. The tables of 2, .5, 10, 3, and 4. IJorrowiufif in suV)traction. C'arryiuff in multiplication, C'ouutiny. MAIN TOPICS. The fundamental process. Emphasis on addi- tion, subtraction, and multiplication. See the (General directions for (trades IIB, IIA, and IIIB relating to the fundamental process. MULTIPLICATION. Two-place nuiltipliers jireseut two difficult- ties. 1 . Placing the second partial jiroduct. *i. Adding the partial products. E. g. 2654 25 1B270 5308 t)6350 The first difficulty is most readily overcome by attempting little or no explanation. The first figure S is placed under the multipier 2 so therefore the S is placed under the 7. Place the emphasis on the mechanical process, not on the theoretical explanation. Require no theoretical explanation of processes from the child. It is enough to expect him to use them. DIVISION. UsQ the long division brace as 5)230 . This does not mean, however, to use the long process for division by one place numl)ers. CONCRETE PROBLEMS. All problem work in this grade is oral. Only one-steji simple problems should be used. SUBJECT MATTER AND PROJECTS. NOTATION AND NUMER.VriON. Counting by 2'8 to 84. Counting bj- .S's to 96. Counting l)y 9'8 to 108. Kea7 1.S35 2S17«) *21.S1> 1687 19.S84 3r)4()2 3456 27.S53 :ilS9 54:}2 24176 4276 14S() 28.>()4 8.S24(> SUBTRACTION. Mixed Problems: Easy auThis is a sujrtiefsteil jirojeot which will involve much of the sub- ject matter of the yfiJi'le. Lest it should uot provide sufficient drill to fix the processes, minor projects are given. The latter are unre- lated, but miifht be an outgrowth of a larger project similar to the one here given. rianning and making a class garden. This project is approi*- riate for the second semester of the school year. The planning ef the garden maj- be begun as early as February. The early weeks of the second term may also be utilized for the planting of window boxes so that, as soon as the weather permits, plants may be set out. In the suburbs, it will not be difficult to secure a lot large enough for forty miniature ganlens. In a thickly populated district, more ining the building may V)e available for a garden. There are certain exjieuses connected with a problem of this nature. In some cases the land must be fertilized and plowed. Then, too, seeds must be purchased. It may even be necessary to ijurchase a few garden implements, although most of the children will be able to bring these from home. How shall these expenses be paid ? hleveral suggestions present themselves, (l) The class may earn the money by collecting and selling rags, newspapers, magazines and tin foil. (2) In some schools it may be possible to hold a candy sale. (3) The class may give an entertainment, charging a small admission fee. (4) Pennies earned by running errands or selling papers may be added to the garden fund. This garden project facilitates a correlation of Arithmetic with Nature Study and Industrial Arts. The following are merely suggestions showing how a practical application of 1 1 1- A Arithmetic processes may be made in planning the garden: If each of the forty members of the class should earn 25 cents for the garden fund, how much money would we have V Tin foil sells for 40c a pound. We have eleven pounds, IIow much will that sell for? If we need 85.00 to pay for fertilizing and plowing the garden, how much more money must we earn ? Newspai)t-rs sell at the rate of 100 pounds for 25c. How many pounds would we have to sell to secure 81.00 ? Small garden hoes cost 35c a piece. IIow much will four cost ? The garden lot affords splendid opportunity for making measure- ments. The following problems in mensuration suggest themselves: Find the length of the lot in yards. IIow many feet is that? L'^sing a ruler, now measure the length of the ground in feet. How does this numl)er comi)are with your first? Find the width of the lan. the same at (J cents a package, what will be the difference in price if seven packages are purchased? If one package of seeds will produce fifty head of lettuce, how many heads will twelve packages produce? What will twelve jiack- ages cost at six cents a package? Beans, and peas are sold at loc a half pint. Find the cost of a quart. §!4.50 have been earned for seeds. How many packages will this buy at eight cents a package? Account must be kept of all seeds pur'fhased. How much more money was spent for peas than for radishes? How much less was spent for carrots than for beans? Temperature problems may also form part of this project, e. g., What is the freezing point on the themometer? How shall we protect our plants when thermometer reaches 82 degrees above zero? At what time of day is the mercury low? When is it highest? Why should we not work in the garden at noontime? How much below the freezing point is 12 degrees? What is the difference between 6S degrees and 98 degrees? The children should keep account of all time spent working in their gardens. If it takes a child 90 minutes to hoe 6 rows of beans, how long will it take him to hoe one row? If one child destroys 47 weeds in a niorniiig. how many weeers correctly, as fast as the teacher gives them. Children are at their seats; the teacher tells them to begin with a certain nunil»er as "2," then the teacher says "add 3," the chihlren writing .o, then "add (3," the children writing 11, 45 To i)lay JJasket IJall". Sides are t-liosen. A line upon whicli llic players stand is drawn seven feet from the \vaste-l)asket. TLey throw beau batrs into the basket, each bag counting- a nuinl)er of j)oints. Several turns may be given. The score is the sum of all bags thrown. Two score-keepers score for their sides. Adapted from the Decatur Course of Study. To keep out of the tisli pond. The class forms a cii'clc. Kach child is given a combination. If he cannot give the answer correctly, he becomes a fish and must stand in the center. He can get out by giving some one else's combination l)efore they do, thus exchanging places. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. To avoid l)eing caught by the fox. Children form a big circle. The fox calls a combination asking a goose to give the answer. I'nless he answers correctly, he is caught and becomes a fox. The geese may regain their places by giving the combiuatious more (juickly than the geese in the circle. Foxes permitting a wrong answer to stand as correct, may be caught by the geese. To play Snow-man. A snow-man is drawn upon the board and snow-balls each containing a combination are placed beside him. ^V child pretends to pick up a snow-ball, at the same time giving an answer. If the answer is correct, part of the snow-man is eraseean Bags. Three circles of different sizes, each having a different value as 7, \t and Peet: Everyday Arithmetic, Book I. Stunt- Millis: Primary Arithmetic. Thoriidike: .\rithiiietic. Book One. Weill wortli and Smith: Essentials of Arithmetic, Primary Book, DIRECTIONS. 47 GKADK IV-i;. DIVISION OF TIME. Thrt'e-f..urtlj.s ,.f all the aiitliiiR-tir time allotnieut sliDuld l)e given to oral work. Most of tlie work should he abstract. REVIEW. Multiplieatiou by 8, 4, 5, G an.l 7. Part takiug-. MAIN TOPICS. The four fundamental i)rocesses. Emi)hasis on niultii>lieati()n. This grade is especially suited to mechanical drill. Abstract work is performed with interest, without regard to its concrete api»licatioii. The desired aim is speed and accuracy in all the fundamental opera- tions. The use of standard tests provides an incentive to each indi- vidual to increase efficiency in the fundamentals. Only such work as cannot be done mentally should be recorded on paper. Various types of oral work may be given as follows: Projects involving work on the combinations in aildition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Projects involving measures and their ajjplication. Problems without figures. Problems with small numbers, emphasizing one process in the solving of one-step concrete problems. The amount of work done on concrete problems need not be large. Make the children independent by teaching them to check and verify their ow^n results as follows: Check addition by aibling the columns in reverse order. Check subtraction by adding subtrahend and difference to give the minuend. Check multiplication by multiplying a second time until di- vision is understood. Check division by multiplication. The review work need not be disheartening for the process of re-learning is much easier than the original process. Avoitl going into the advanced work before the previous work is sufficiently at command. If it is assumed that the pupils have forgotten much of the previous work, discouragement on both the teacher's and pupil's ]»art will be avoided. ADDITION. Permit no eouutiiig or hesitancy in giving combin- ations. If the child hesitates, tell him the answer. Center attentit)n on the combinations which present difficulty to your class. The fol- lowing columns contain all the combinations. They may be placed on the board ])ermanently and used for time tests. o 1 4 !) !» s 2 2 5 7 9 !» 7 • > •6 8 4 r. 1 ■") () 1 4 4 S () 1) 8 •I ."> 8 8 o 2 ( 7 s 1 2 <) 4 5 (> 1 s H 48 MULTIPLICATION. Clear n]> dittifulties an*ej? iu multiiilic-atioii !>> two tiuuifs before iiiultii)licatiou l»y tliree ti«:ures is atteinjiteil. DIVISION. I'se Itiiiir ilivi.xiou brace for the short division process. Ill (j) <)<)() FRACTIONS. The subject of fractions as a definite topic is taken u\> in tlie Fifth (iraile. In the Fourtli (rrade, keej) the work simple and as much as i)ossible. ol)jective. CONCRETE PROBLEMS. Aim for thorough mastery of the one- step problems in this yfrade so that the child will know exactly when to atld, subtract, multii»ly or divide. For this much practice must be triven. If lartje numbers seem to confuse the child, f>ive the same tyi»e of ]>roblems usiny smaller numbers. DECIMALS. ]i, reading: U. S. money read the decimal point as and. -s24..')0 is to be read. "Twenty-four dollars and fifty cents. SUBJECT MATTER. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. Iieadin<>- and writing- numbers to 1,000,000. Counting' to 100 V>y ll\s and 12's. ADDITION. Furthei- drill on addition. Increased length of columns-seven addends. SUBTRACTION. Hard subtraction, three steps, as — «001 742S 40009 • 400i»l 5783 6679 12078 14829 liapid drill. Si)eed ami time tests. MULTIPLICATION. Tables of 8''s and 9's. .Multii»liers of two and three digets. Zero in the multiplier. DIVISION. Reverse of multiplcation. Rapid le fractions and mixed numbers. NO leductions. DECIMALS. r. S. money correctly uiitten and read. Correct use of "'ainl.'" 49 GENERAL PROJECT. This is a su^yested jji-oject whicli will involve niucli of tlie suli- ject matter of the yrade. Lest it should not provide sutticieiit drill to fix the processes, minor projects arc yiveu as details under each topic ot" subject matter. The latter are unrelated but niitjht be an outgrowth of a largfer project similar to the one here given. Uuying Coal. This project necessarily implies a correlation (»f Arithmetic and (geography. In the Geography class the children may trace the route followed by vessels bringing coal from Erie to Duluth. ()l)servatiou trips to the ea. The pupils may find out from their jtarents the cost of the tuel burned in their homes during the winter. Encourage tlic childien to think of ways of saving fuel. e.g. (1) by using storm windows, (2) by closing all cracks and crevices, (3) by keeping outer doors locked. (4) by cleaning out the furnace or stove at frequent intervals. (•')) by shutting off the heat in rooms which are not in use. Comparisons may be made as--- At Mary's house'the fuel bill was .sOO.()S; at .l..lni"> ii was >;lii().4:{. Finounds were required to heat one room ? From an observation lesson the childien ina\- h-arn li<>w c<>al is weighed. 50 A loa«le«l coal watrou weighs 10,900 pouudf*. If the team alone weiifhs 5,900 iioumls, how much does the coal weigh 'i A coal team weighs (>,'200 pounds. Two tons of coal are loaded onto it. Fiinl the weight of the team and coal together in pounds. A man can loal»ulati<)U in various years. Public Schools. Number of children in school. Miles of i»aveil street. Parks. Iron Ore. Coal Number of churches. Books in the library, etc. To solve problems relating to travel by airjtlaue. Distance across ocean. Time taken to ascend; to descend. Temperature at various levels. Speed of aeroplanes, etc. Time taken by lieid to cross in a hydroplane; by IJrown and others in a non-stop flight. To solve problems relating- to travel by water. Length of boats. Speed. Number of passengers. Cost per trij) and jter mile. Numlier of deck-hands, etc. Standards of Attainment. See (irade IV- A. Biblio^aphy. See Grade IV- A 54 (;kade iv-a. DIRECTIONS. DIVISION OF TIME. Three-fourths of the arithmetic time allot- ment ill this irrade should l»e giveu to oral work. Most of the work should l»e with aV)Stract iiumhers. REVIEW. Part takiuj?. Multiplicatiou l>y (j, 7. S aud 9. LEADING TOPIC. Loutr Divisiou. IJead the y having the parent pay more tax. liy l>ein{: more careful in usinfr supplies. Wliioh way is the best ? The foUowinir i** a l»rire list of the articles used most frequently in the schoolroom. These are real i)rices, obtained from the Account- in-: Dej-artnieiit of the Tx-anl of Education: ARTICLE PRICE Chalk 7oc per gross 2 pes. for Ic. Drawintr Pajter 4c per humlretl Ic for 25 sheets. Desks S5.25 a piece Erasers 89c per dozen 4c a piece. Tennianship Hooks 4c a piece. ■/. 18c per dozen 2 cakes for 3c. Ink Wells SI. 60 per dozen 14c a piece Paper Towelint: 23c a roll 5 sheets for Ic. Pen Points 46c a gross 3 for Ic, Pencils $2.25 per gross 2c a piece. Pencils (drawin g) S3. 12 per gross 6 for 13c. Rulers lie j)er dozen lea piece. Writing Paper 48c a ream 10 sheets for Ic. Peaders: Eldsou IV. 45c.. Merrill IV. 56c. Natural IV. 56c. Reading — Literature 56c. ARITHMETIC: To ligure the cost of the writing paper used in the whole school for month. How many sheets of writing paper were used l)y the whole class in penmanship, this week? How many weeks are there in a school mouth? How many sheets wouhl be used in the entire month? How many children are in the room? 43. The whole room uses 1324 sheets in a month. How much does one child use ? 30. How many iiujjils are in the school? The pui»ils may write a letter to each room, asking for the en- r(dlment. If each child in the school uses 30 sheets in a mouth, how much is used by the entire school? 4.395 boys in the first six grades of the Duluth schools use iuk. How many sheets of pa])er will they use in a month? 4,275 girls will use how many sheets. How many sheets »ooklets; penholders; erasers; rulers; ink wells; desks. 57 etc. From these results, to detertiiiiie the total value of the ix'nna- iieut supjtlies. To tififure the cost of sui)i)lie8 (coii3uiijal)le,such as i)eiicils, pajier, peu-i)oiut) ueeded by the whole I'ooni iu a month. To help the teacher trraph ou the blackboard the cost of the supplies. 10'^ zo' 3(f so' 50* fed" 70' 80'- :?o" r X' 2>^ i^ CHALK — ' — - -—^ , DRAWING-PAPER _^ ^ WRITING-PAPER ' — - . PENCILS __ — — — ' PEN-POINTS S PAPER TOWELING \ ETC. \ LANGUAGE. To suyyest methods of elimiijatiiif>- waste; i.e., writiug" ou both sides of the paper; care in usin^ pen-])()iuts and iu dilipinace.s on the card. When i)roperly placed tlie tables froiif 1 to \'2 are complete. The one rilliny liis card first is winner. Mankato Course of Study. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. To cut sipiare inches and square feet out of paper and use them in covering the surfaces of books, desks and i)apers. To estimate the area of books, desks, window panes, etc., verify- ing- tlie same by actual measure, seeini>- who can estimate most accur- ately. To find out which blackboard is longest; how long: the sand table is; how wide it is; how many square feet it contains. How long and wide the teacher's desk is. How long and wide the i)upirs desk is. Ildw long and wide the school room is. To solve problems relating- to the lumber industry. Facts which might be used: UNITED STATES Millions of M Feet Washington 4,592,058 Louisiana 4,1()1,56U Oregon 2,098,4G7 Mississippi 2,010,581 Texas 2,081,471 No. Carolina 1,957,258 Arkansas 1,911,647 Alabama 1,528.986 Wisconsin 1,498,858 \'irginia 1,278,958 AV. Virginia 1,249,559 Michigan 1,222,988 California 1,188,880 Minnesota 1,149,704 Florida 1,055,047 All others 8,822,021 None: These numbers may be i)ut in more sim])le form if their length confuses the class. To find the total lumber pro Multiplication •'•' Division 9.8 COURTIS TEST: Series B -Speed Addition |^-'* Subtraction ' •" .Multiplication '»•" Division "*•" (30 COURTIS TEST Series B. -Accuracy. AtUlitiou 64. Siilitnu-tioii ^^0. M ult i plicat iou 67. Division 57. Bibliography. TEACHER'S READING. 1)1h>\\ u aud Coftniau: How to Teach Arithmetic. C'hai). III. Accuracy. Chap. V. Markiuy papers. Pp. cS,S-91. Analysis. Chap. VIII. Value of drill. Chap. XI. Teaching the fuudanieutals. Kendall and Mirick: How to Teach the P^undameutal Subjects. Pp.l7U-19U. Skill in Calculation. Skill in Application. Inductive Teaching. Mental and Oral Lessons. Pp. 195-200. Drills. Tests and Katings. Klapper: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Pp. 48-51. Arithmetic Must be Humanized. Motivation in Arithmetic. Chai). IV. General Principles. Chap. VIII, Multi])lication and Division. McMurry: Special Method in Arithmetic. Chap. IV. Method for Intermediate Classes. Smith: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Chap. IV. The Nature of Problems. Chap. IX. Children's Analyses. Chap. X. Interest and P]ffort. Chajj. XII. Principles of Teaching Arithmetic. Cha}). XVIII. The Fourth School Year. Strayer and Norswortliy: How to Teach, "p. 204. The Drill Lesson. l*p. 2H4-248. Measuring Achievement. Suzzallo: The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic. Chap. \'III. Methods of Pationalization. Chap. IX. Special Methods for Obtaining Accuracy and Speed. Wilson: The Motivation of School Work. Chap. IX. Motivation of Arithmetic. SUPPLL.ME.NTARY BOOKS. Hoyt and Peet: Everyday Arithmetic, Book 1. Stone and Millis: Primary Arithmetic. Thorndike: Arithmetic, IJook 1. Wentworth and Smith: Essentials of Arithmetic, Primary Book. i 61 GRADK V-i;. DIRECTIONS. DIVISION OF TIME. Oiie-half of the work of tliis rade is ailditioii and subtraction of fractions. This involves a study of the followinfi- whicdi must be un- derstood before certain phases of the work can be taken up: Factoring. Multiples. Tests for divisibilities. Least common multiple of numbers commonly found as de- nominators. Reduction of improper fractions to mixed numbers ami the reverse. Use such fractions as conform to business practices and show that the denominator is only the name of the i)art taken. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE. "Develop the L.C. M. only as much as required in tindinfj the least common denominator. It is really doubt- ful if addition and subtraction of fractions shouM extend to fractions too largfe to i>ermit pupils to determine the common denominator, by inspection'". Connersville Course of Stule means of determining- the least common denominator". Klapi)er. The following is suggested as jjerhaps the easiest for the children: "Take the first two numbers and find L. C. ]M., then tind the L. C. M. of that and the next figure 4, ti, 9; L. ('. M. of 4 an.l (i is \'2: L. C. M. of 12 and 9 is 3(5." Klapper. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. These may \>v taught simultaneously, the order of difficulty being the same: Similar fractions. Dissimilar fractions. Mixed numbers. Simple two-ste]) problems may now be useil but recpiire no more than two daily. Lead the children to decide upon the processes nec- essary before beginning to work. 62 SUBJECT MATTER. DIVISION. Three place divisors. FRACTIONS. Need of fractions. Keiiiu-tioii to hifj-her terms; to lower terms, to au integer or a inixe. of butter? lIow niiudi would be saved duriiify the entire ti-ip? What will be the cost of 3 hams weiyhinji- respectively \'1\ lbs., lOs lbs., and II f lbs., at 25c ])er pound. If 4 cupful of Hour makes 4 ful. Adapt these recipes to make enough for one serving for all an(i estimate (piantity of each ingredient needed and cost. LIQUID MEASURE. If each person uses I pt. of milk daily, how much will be needed each day? What will it cost at 17c a (juart? The food value of one quart of milk is about the same as that of 9 ounces of round steak, or (S eggs. Look up prices and see which is the most econoTuical and how" much difterence there is. Let class choose a committee to plan some athletic games and contests for the trip which may be practiced in the school room or on school ground such as the hammer throw: Use cardboai'd as paper hammer. ^Measure accurately eacli con- testant's distance to fraction of an inch. Determine the wiinur by fraction of an inch. IIow' long would it take >"ou to earn and save enough money to go on this tri])? If you earn 4 of a dollar every week and si)end \ of a dollar how long would it take you to save one dollai? How long to earn suHi- cient money for the trip? Make out a bill for the necessary food supplies for 1 day. Let pupils keep itemized account of pe.'sonal exi)enditures and tinally include in this their share of total expenses. MINOR PROJECTS. DIVISION. To tinil the amount of land each child will have tor a school garden. There are 5400 S(i. ft. of land besidi's the land for paths. There 254 pupils in the school but 45 have gardens at home. IIow many sq. ft. will each i)Upil have, w ho makes his garden at school? 64 FRACTIONS. To fiinl out how imu-h siigrar I shall neelaii to make a cake retiuiriiiii- \ lb., another reciuirinjuf 5 1V».. a pie re(juiriujf 5 11>.. aiiJuiiie cookies requiriug 5 lb. How niuchsutfar must I have? ON TMK ATHLKTIC FIELD. To timl liow many seconds it takes a ball player to make a home run, it* it takes him 4 5 seconds to set to first base, A\ seconds to get to second ])ase. 4| seconds to get to third base, and 45 seconds to get to the home plate. To find how many seconds over a quarter of a minute is the time taken for the home run in problem 1. To find the difference in the length of the running broad jumps of Albert whose record is 12 1 feet and Charles whose record is 14 1% feet. To timl the ?1.^0. Kobiuson Crusoe $.75. Alice ill Wonderland n.45. Grimm's Fairy Tales >;.45. Arabian NiiJ^lits >!.50. Hans Brinker -s.50. The Dutch Twins ^M. Fees for money orders. For orders from: §.01 to §2.50 3 cents S2.51 to §5.00 5 cents §5.01 to §10.00 S cents §10.01 to §20.00 10 cents Select several books you would like to have and find the cost of the order allowinof for the cost of the money order. Vary this by ordering seeds, toys, plants, tools, etc. Standards of Attainment. Fundamentals, see V-A. Reasoning-: The child should have ability to use each new acquisi- tion until he has control of it; he should have a working knowledge of the needed processes. OBJECTIVE. See Grade V-A. Bibliography. METHOD. Brown and Coffmau: ITow to Teach Arithmetic. Ghap. XIII, Common Fractions. Kla])i)er: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Chap. X, Pp. 21S-242. Wilson and Wilson: The .Motivation of school work. Chap. IX, The Motivation of Arithmetic. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS. IToyt and Peet: Fveryday Arith- metic. Book Two. Part III, Chap. Ill, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Part IV, Chap. IV, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Stone & Millis: The Stone-Millis Intermediate Arithmetic. Chap. Ill, Pp. 79-97. Fractions. Thorndike: The Thormlike Arithmetic, Book Two. Wentworth and Smith: Essentials of Arithmetic. Intermediate Book, Chap. II. Pp. 47-7(1. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. (;1{A1)K V-A DIRECTIONS. I)l\ ISION (JF TIMi:. Oue-balf of tlu' aritliinetic tijiie allotineiit of this yraile should l»e devoted to oral work. One-fourth of the time should he devoted to concrete ])rol)lems. KE\'IE\V. Keductiou, addition and subtraction of fractions; U. S. money; drill on the fundamentals for speed and accuracy; the tables of denominate numbers i)revii>usly learned; decimals. MAIX TOPICS. .Alultiplication and division of fractions; tables of linear, dry, and liquiii measure, weij^ht, time and U. S. money. FRACTIONS. In teaching multiplication and its reverse pro- cess, division, the procedure should be (l) multiplyinjr or dividing- a fraction by a whole nucnber, 2 (a) whole number by a fraction, (8) a fraction by a fraction, (4) a mixed number by a whole number, (5) a mixe 1 numVjer by a mixed number. There is no good reason why a child should remember any of the explanations of the processes in fractious; it is sutticient that he learn tlie operation as a rational one, and that .he can perform it quickly and accurately. What we want is control of fractions, power to work with them, whether with or without analytic understanding. Use cancellation wherever possible after the processes have been mastered. Mixed numbers should conform to business ])ractice, 64, 12.';, (S;^, etc. There should be much mechauical drill. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. Much of the work in denominate numbers should be oral and should be related to the daily transac- tions of business life. Problems involving reductions through more than three denominations are seldom used in the business world. As far as possible the children should have the actual measures present- eil to their senses. It is easy to make tlie mistake of talking abouJ these things without children actually having a kjiowledge of them. Thor«tughly memorize the tables. -AI.KJUOT PARTS. Teach the common aliquot parts of a hun- dred with their fractional equivalents. These may be used as time savers in multiplication. SUBJECT MATTER. FRACTIONS. Multiplication, division, ( anrcllation. DENOMINATE NUMBERS, involving tables of linear, dry and liquid measure, weight, tiine and U. S. money, ALIQUOT PARTS. Those most commonly used .12.^, .25, .50, .75, .20, .10, with their fractional c(iuivalents. OPTIONAL WORK. Work for liigher degree of speed and acc-ur- acy. Solve more dithcult iimblcms. GENERAL PROJECT. This is a suggested project which w ill involve much of the sub- j<'ct matter of tiie giade. Lest it sliould not proviile sufficient drill 67 to fix the i)rocesseH, minor iirojects are tfiveii. The hitlci- ui-c unrc- hiled but Miitiht be an oiittiTowtli of a lary-er jiroject similar to (lie one here given. To Plan a Recreation Park on a City Block in Duluth. LINEAR MEASURE AND FRACTIONS. Make a scaled (lra\vin<4- of tlie lilock. I'ut in the drawinii' of the block a ball diamond, a tennis court or anything upon which the class may decide. Make measurements and calculations accurately to the fraction of an inch. In case the class decides ui)on a base ball diamond ami a iciuiis court, the following problems may grow out of the project: If 9 board feet will make 1 yard of fence 1 board high, iiow many board feet of lumber will be reiiuired to put a fence 4 boards high around the entire block";' How much will the fence cost at §B0.00 per thousand board feet? How long a pole will be required to cut 8 posts if each jiost is 4s feet long':* How many such i)oles will be required for the i)osts if the posts are set 6 feet apart? If a club of 12 meml)ers is paying the exi)en8e what is each mem- ber's share of the expense of the fence around the block? Find the cost of putting a high wire fence around the tenuis court at 40c per yd. What is each member's share of tins expense. \^'EIGHT, TIME, U.S. MONEY, LIQUID MEASURE. Find the number of pounds of rock necessary for putting '1 two- inch layers of rock on the base ball diamond if it takes 275 tons for 1 layer. How much will be used in the tennis court for 2 layi'rs if the court is i as large as the base ball diamond. How many trips will the truck driver need to make to deliver the rock from the nearest crusher if he can take 3 tons per load? How many hours will he work if he travels at the rate of 10 miles ])vv hour, allowing 15 minutes foi- loading and unloading catdi loa;8.;")0 per hour? What will be the cost of the rock for base ball diam..nd ancl ten- nis c(jurt if the first layer costs '^1.2o i)er ton. the second -sl.oO per ton, and a third layer consisting of 1(10 tons of tine rock costing oOc l)er ton? What will be the cost of spreading if labor costs .')0c per hour and oTie man can spread 2 tons in 1 hour? In making the court and diamond, water is neeutting on each layer of rock. If it requires 133;' gallons for each layer for the diamond, how much will be re(iuire large ? How iiiaiiN liairels of water will be necessary for both? 68 After the water is ]»ut on. each layer of rock is rolled several times hy a roller drawn liy horses. How lonjj will it take a man to roll the three layers of the tenuis court if he can rt)ll 1 layer iu 40 min? How lontr will it take to roll the base ball diamond which is twice as lar^re ? What will be the entire cost of rollinfj for both if he charjo^es >;1.1*2 i)er hour? Make a pay-roll, keepinjf the time of the labor necessary for get- ting: the rock from the crusher, spreading and rolling both the base l»all diamond and tennis court. What will be the entire expense of putting rock on both? What is each club member's share of this expense ? The above i)roblems are suggestive only. Many others will grow out of the project and l)oth the project and figures may be changed to suit the needs of the class. MINOR PROJECTS. FRACTIONS- To find the number of yards of matting required for a ]>edroom fioor, if it requires 3 strips 4^ yds. long. To find the number of strawberry plants in a row and the total number of plants required if the bed is 1H\ ft. long and 8^ ft. wide, and l-l ft. is to be allowed for each plant. Rows run lengthwise. To draw a plan of the strawberry bed to scale. To draw to scale of 1 ft. to | of an inch, a rectangle to represent a fiower betl 8 ft. wide and 16 ft. long. To find the value of 24 yards of dish toweling. The sewing teacher charged a girl 24c for a dish towel 4 of a yard long. How much did the sewing teacher pay for the 24 yds. of the cloth? DP:.\0.M1XATE numbers. To fiuer week or §10.00 a month? To find the number of number of half-pint bottles required to bottle 3' gallons of cream. To find how wide ycm would you have to cut a ruffle iu order to have it 84 iu. wide when finished, if I ' in. is turned under on one side and 4 iu. on the other side. To find the cost of 4 oz. of ciuuamom if 1 lb. costs 40c. To find how much money Henry had left out of a dollar if he bought 6 pencils at 2 for .5c, a pencil box for 25c and a set of draw- ing tools for 40c. To make an itemized acccniut of your mother's expenses for a week. To keep an account of the time spent at some useful work dur- ing the week. 69 Standards of Attainment: The child should he able to fultill the re(iuireiiieiits indicated ])e- low: Deterniiue all ])roces8es before proceediuy to solve hi.s prohlein.s. Know how to check liis results. Ilantlle liis processes iu whole numbers and fractions accurati-ly and with reasonable speed. Have memorized his denominate number tables thorouiier: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Pp. '2o2-241. Multiplication and Division of Fractions. Wilson: Tlie Motivation of School \V(»rk. Chap. IX. [Motivation of Arithmetic. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS. Iloyt and Peet: Everyday Arith- metic, Book II. Part Three, Chap. IV, Multiplication and Division of Frac- tious. Part Four, Pp. 55-()3. Multi])lication and Division of Frac- tions. Part Three, Chajt. VIII, Denominate Numbers. Part Four, Chap. VII, Denominate Numbers. Stone and Millis: Intermediate Arithmetic. Chap, y, Fractions. Pp. 97-125, Multiplication and Divisou of Fractions. Thorudike Arithmetic, Book Two. Pp. 49-55, Multiplication and Division of Fractious. Pp. 90-122, Denominate Numbers. Wentworth and Siuith: Essentials of Arithmetic. Pi). ()S-97. Fractious. Chap. III. Denominate Numbers. 71 GIJADK Vl-n. DIRECTIONS. DIVISOX OF TI.MK. One lliinl of tin- aritliiiu-tic time alloliiH-iit of tliis yraile .sliouM l»e devoted to oral work. One llnnl of the time should be devoted to couerete problems. REVIEW. Tal)les of linear, dry and licjiiid measure; avoinlupois weight; tiine, and U. S. money; fractious; aliijuot jtarts of one-iunid- red. aud the reading atid writiug- of deeimals through thousandths. Keej) up drill on the fun laneutal oi)eratious for speel and aeeuracy. MAIN TOPICS. Denominate numbers; one stej) reiluetion. aildi- tion, subtraetiou, multiplication, and division. Decimals; notation aud numeration to ten-thousandths, addition, subtraction, multii)lication and division. DEXOMLXATE NUMBERS. The work should be made objective. Show that reduction asceudiug aud deceuding is similar to the reiluct- ion of fractions to lower aud higher terms or to the reduction of whole numbers. The reduction of 2 bu. 1 pk. to quarts is similar to changing I, I to l'2ths in order that they may be combined. "Long written problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of denominate numljers should be omitted. Problems involving re- duction through more than three denominations are seldom used in tlie business world". How to Teach Arithmetic: Brown an! .50 50 1 4 100 331 .25 -S .25 25 1 S 100 20 .33i >! .331 331 I 100 16j .2 X .20 20 1 6 100 12.1 .161 8 .16^ 11)^ 1 if 100 10 .121 8 .12i 12.^ iV 100 75 .1 8 .10 10 3 4 100 .75 ¥» .75 75 OPTIONAL WORK. Work for higher degree of accuracy. Solution of simple three step problems. GENERAL PROJECT. This is a suggested project which will involve much of the sub- ject matter of the grade. Lest it should not provide sufficient drill to fix the processes, minor projects are given as details under each topic of subject matter. The latter are unrelated, but might be an outgrowth of a larger project similar to the one here given. What profit could be made if twenty vacant lots in the vicinity of the school house were cultivated as gardens ? FRACTIONS, DENOMINATE NUMBERS, DECIMALS. There are 16 lots in 1 city block. How many blocks in 20 lots ? Find answer to 3 decimal places. If there are 2.75 acres in 1 block, how many acres in the 20 lots? If .25 of a lot makes one garden, how many gardens can be made on the twenty lots? .Make a drawing of the gardens on 1 lot, 50 by 150 ft., using a scale of 1 inch =^ 12.5 ft. and leaving walks 3 ft. wide around each garden. If fertilizer is used at the rate of 250 lbs. per lot, how much will l>e re' will it take a man to jilow tlu' ciitii't' area it" lie |)l(>ws 2.5 acres ])er day? What will l>e the cost of iilowiiitr it" he ehartres >!l.l'2 jier hour":' Wliat is the entire cost of t"ertili/in asparagus was cut. A dozen cabbage plants cost 20c. They re(|uired about 15c worth of fertilizer. 10 heads were obtained that were worth an average price of lOc each. Find the gain. From 2 (luarts of onion sets that cost 15c jier quart, alioul >^l.2.'> worth of onions was obtained. Find the gain. The corn yielded about 20 dozen ears at an average price of 20c per dozen. The seed cost 15c ami the fertilizer about 50c. What amount was saved on corn? Find the total amount savetl ? 74 lli.w many busliels of ouioiis can lie l»(iu<:ht for ><'20.S0 at $ .'20 a lialf pei-k. Fiu«l the aiuouut of the followiuir Vtill: 1 pk. of potatoes at 81.60 per l>u. 2 pt. cream at 8.S0 per - .'4'! lli. 6 cans of coudeused milk, each wei'rliin},'- .*2S 11). B pkffs. of tea each weifrhiufr .09 11>. 4 pkgfs. of canned meat, each weiffhiny 1.1 :{ lb. 30 yds. of rope weig-hinfj .17 pounds i)er yard. 4 cans of oil, weighing 1.07 i>ound8 i)er can. To find the number of bushels of onions that can be bought. At >^.'20 a half peck, how many bushels of onions can be bought for -s'iO.SO':' To find the length of fence around my garden in feet and ro!ll.45 per C'wt. To find the average rate of speed per hour of a warship. A war- shi]) makes the following record in four hours: in the first hour, 19.5 mi., in the second hour. 21.75 mi., in the third hour. 22.2 mi., in the fourth hour, 22.9 mi. Standards of Attainment. The child should have the habit of estimating results well fixed. He should have acquired reasonable speed and accuracy in the fundamental operations of fractions and decimals. He should know thoroughly all denominate number tallies taught thus far. He should be able to read and write decimals rajtiilly and with assurance. Objective Standards. See Grade tJA. Bibliography. MKTHOD. J>rown and Coffman: How to Teach Arithmetic; Denominate Numbers, Chap. XII; Decimals, Chap. XIV. Klapjier: The Teaching of .\i-ithmetic; Decimals, ('ha]). IV., p. 7S. ]»i). 242-258. Wilson and Wilson: Motivation of School Work; Chap. IX, Motivation of Arithmeiic. SIPI'LEMENTARV BOOKS. Iloyt and Peet: Everyday Aiithmctic-. Txink II: Denominate Xumliers Part III. Chap. \'II: Decimals. Part II. Chap. \'I: Part IV. Chaj.. III. Stone-Millis: Intermediate Arithmetic-; Decimals, pp. 1(58-1X5. Wentworth-Smith: Essentials of Aritlimetic. Intt-rme liate ISouk; Denominate Xumbers Chap. Ill: Decimal Fractions. Chaii. I\'. GKADE VI- A. DIRECTIONS. L)l\"lSION OP' TIME. Due-thinl uf the arithmetic time aUotmeut of this jjrade shouhl be devoted to oral work. ( )iie-half of the time should be given to concrete problems. REXIKW. The fundamental operations in fractions and decimals; all denominate number tables; one step reductions; simple percentage tables. Many oral concrete problems should be used in the review. MAIN TOPICS. SQUARE MEASURE AND CUBIC MEASURE. Square measure: Develop and teach the table of square measure. The idea of squares should be developed by drawings, by foMiug paper, and with mathematical blocks. The child should have a clear mental picture of a square inch, a square foot, a square yard, a square rod and an acre. Accurate diagrams drawn to a scale should be made. Teach terms rectangle, quadilateral triangle, base, altitude, perimeter and area. The area of a triangle equals one-half the area of a rectangle having the same base and altitude. Cubic measure: Develop and teach the table of cubic measure. Develop finding the volume of rectangular solids with inch cubes and other mathematical blocks. Make practical applications of volume; hauling coal, selling wood, capacity of bins. Solution of prol)lems shoulil be deferred until all steps liave been indicated. The children should be taught to estimate results and be able to tell when results are impossiltle. Make clear concepts in order that insight into fu- ture work will be accurate. The clear concept is the important thing in this elementary beginning of mensuration. Hoard measure: Pieces of lumber should be brought to class from the shops, measured, and the number of board feet computed. The children should visit a lumber yard or a house and note the kinds of lumber used. Use the process that the lumber dealer uses in calculating materials required in building a house. DECIMALS. Simple three step problems may now l)e intro- duced. PERCENTAGE. Changing decimals to i)erceuts; a continuation of tlie jtercentage tables taught in VI-B. SUBJECT MATTER. S(|uare Measure. Cubic Measure. IJoard Measure. DECIMALS. Notation and numeration to six places should be developed and used. PERCENTAGE. Develo]) and teacli the t'()llowiii^.60 60 4 5 SO 100 .80* 8.80 80 ?, 100 .m 8.831 m 3 ft 100 .87i 8.87^ 87i 5 100 .62i 8.62i 62i 8 87i .87^ 8.87i 87 i 100 OPTIONAL WORK. Solution of more difHcult problems. Drill tor more speed and accuracy in fractions and decimals. GENERAL PROJECT. This is a sujjfoesteil project which will involve much of the sub- ject matter of the jjratle. Lest it should not provide sufficient drill to fix the processes, minor projects are given. The latter are un- related, but might be an outgrowth of a larger project similar to the one here given. TO FIND THE COST OF IMPROVING A NEARBY VACANT BLOCK. It will first be necessary for the class to decide what sort of im- provement they prefer to make. This will depend, of course, some- what upon the character and location of the block. There may be a block which is wooded and could easily be made a park, or it may be ojten and suitable for skating rink. Whatever the class may decide upon may be made tlie basis of the ])roject and the teacher may di- rect the develoi)ment of minor i)rojects and problems to suit (he mathematical reijuirements of the grade. In the vicinity of one of our schools is a bloek which has already been set aside by the city as a park. It already has a skating rink and some benches and tables and two or three buildings. It would be an excellent community project, however, to imjtrove this further. In case a class in that school should decide to take (he further im- provement of that park as a project, the following minor projects might naturally come out of it. 78 SQUARE MEASl'RE, BOARD MEASURE. FRACTION'S, DECIMALS. Make a Vml for the contract to put a cenieut sidewalk arouud the ])lock. Let jHipils do this iudepeudeutly at tirst, theu work it out as a class. The habit of approxirnatiuj? auswers may l)e greatly streujjth- eiieil throuyhout this project. Find the cost of fencing. Decide on kind of fence and figure lumber and labor cost; kind of fence and figure painting fence, V)uild- iugs, l)enches and tables, if it requires 1 gallon to give 250 sq. ft. one coat, and paint costs §2.50 per gal. Which would cost less, the fence or a hedge if the hedge plants cost *6 per 100 and are set 10 inches apart ? Find the amount of grass seed necessary to seed it, deducting the area of the rink, if 1 qt. of seed is sufficient for 300 sq. ft. Find the cost of seeding. Let pupils find out the cost of seed, labor, the length of time which it would be likely to take. Find the amount of lumber necessary for making more tables and chairs. Decide on the kind of lumber to be used and let pupils find out the prices. It may be decided to put in posts for electric lights. If they are 9 ft. high and 4 inches S(iure, how much lumber will it lake for 1 dozen jxjsts? What will be the cost of giving them 2 coats of paint? How much earth will be dug out for setting them if they are set 14 in dies deep '? What will be the cost of putting arc lights on these posts at ^4.70 per light? If each light burns 500 watts per hour, how many watts will all consume in one evening? What will the cost of lighting per evening if electricity costs 10c per 1000 watts ? What will be the yearly cost? Figure the cost of making 3 or 4 flower beds. How many canna plants will be necessary for a rectangular bed 6 ft. x 30 ft. if they are set 2 ft. apart in rows? What would they cost at §8 per 100 plants? What would they cost at §1.25 per dozen plants? Find the number of feet of curbing around the entire block if it is 400 ft. X 300 ft. ? What would be the expense of curbing at 65c per running foot ? Suppose this expense were shared by the property owners across the street acconling to the number of feet frontage they secured. Find the share of each of the following: A owned 198 feet, K 5S ft., C 6f potatoes at -^1.00 lier liu. had been useil iu ithiutiiitjy If from the frardeu you used euougli jjroduce to reduce your weekly exjjeuse account from §14.50 to 811.25, what per ceut was saveil':' I low much mouey did you contribute to the family table if 15 l»er cent t»fthe food used belonfjed to you? If you sold yarden jiroduce for your father on a commission of 80 per ceut, what would you earn in 1 day from the following sales: Radishes, 10 bunches at 5c Onions, 20 bunches at 7c Peas, 6 lbs at 15c Beans. 10 lbs at 15c 8. To tind what per ceut of the games played by the Junior High School base ball leag'ue our team won. The Junior Ilig'h School base ball league played 20 games in all. Our team won 18 games. What per ceut of the 20 games did they win? Use as a cheek to the above problem. Find how many g-ames were played by the leag'ue. Our baseball team won 18 games which was 90 per ceut of the whole uuml)er played. How many games were played? To rearrange the following tables according to the excellency of the teams, or, To tiud how our team stands in reg^ard to the other teams. WEST END GRADE SCHOOL WON LOST Lincoln _7 2 Lincoln Cubs 8 Bryants 8 2 Moil roe 3 6 EAST END GRADE SCHOOL WON LOST Washburn 4 5 Eudion 6 8 t'ran klin 5 4 •Jefferson 3 6 To tiud ])ei ceut of games won. To grai)h number of games won and lost by schools. MINOR PROJECTS. T(j find how much Current Events will cost a class of forty if a discount is allowed for thirty or more. To tind liow much profit has been made from the garden. To tiud li(jw much is made or lost each day froTu the sale of news- l)ai)erH. Find the jter cent of gain or loss. 'I'o find what your father gained when he sold your house or farm. 'i'o Hud the jicr cent of your class wiio are buying thrift stamps. So To fiud the cost of a bicycle listed at a certain piirc, uii w liicli two successive discounts are allowed. To find the value of a book if it decreases in value "i') per cent each year and has been useouk III. I'nrt Five. CMuip. IX. Town and City IniprDveineut. C'liait. VI, J>aiikiii«i. Part Six, C'liaj). XI. The Equation ot" Percentage. Stone and Millis: A<]vanced Aritlinietie. Chap. IV. and VT. Percentage. Thorndike: Arithmetic. Book III., Chap. II and III. .Vjjplica- tions of Percentage. Wentworth-Smith: Essentials of Arithmetic. Intermediate Book. Chai». VII. Applications of Percentage. Advanced Book: Chai).III. Percentage and Its Applications. Chap. V. Banks and Banking. Wentworth. Smith and Brown: Junior High School ^Mathematics. Part 1. 87 (tKADE VII-A. DIRECTIONS. DIVISION OF TIME. One-fourth of the aritliiiietie time allot- meut of tliis tirade should l»e devoted to oral work. Seveii-eijrhtlis of the time should l)e devoted to concrete problems. REVTPLW. The same as for VII-]>, usiiiy more ditticult woik. Review the principles of i)ercentai>e and its ajjplications. Use equations wherever they will aiil in the solution of the pro- blems. LEADING TOPICS. Percentage. Taxes, duties or custi^ms. in- surance, simple and compound interest should be introduced as further application of percentage. The informational value of taxes, duties or customs, and insurance should be emphasize*! rather than the math- ematical content. The features of taxes shoulil be presented from the stand jioint of civics rather than that of arithmetic. The problems should be based on local couditi(ms. Make the work simple. The pupils should be familar with the terms; valuation, assessment, assessors, delinquent taxes, levy, rate of taxation, and board of equalization. The subject of national duties and revenues is closely related to that of taxes and may be presented in a similar manner. The math- ematical problems should be brief. Only the common types of property and i)ersonal insurance should be considered. The terms, ])remium, policy, endowment, mat- urity, face of policy, and adjuster should be taught. The forms for l)olicies should be obtained in order that the work may be ma le real and practical. Children shouhl be shown that insurance is a matter of i)rotection rather than of money making for the policy holder. "Pupils sometimes fail to master the subject of interest, but the failure maj' usually be traced to the lack of an accurate understand- ing: of the terms used and of an acquaintance with business jiroceeil- ure rather than to any mathematical difficulties involved. There is no jjroblem in simple interest, the solution of which requires a degree of mathematical knowletlge not in the i)ossession of tlie jmitil who is Ijrepared to begin a formal study of the suV)ject. Simjile interest is an easy application of percentage with the time element as an im- l>ortant factor. "Numerous definitions have been suggested for the term interest. The statement that "interest is money rent" is i)robably as good as any that have been proposed. "The pupils shouhl understand how men. when leniling money, require a certain i»ayment for the use of the money. The teacher should make clear to the pui)ils how a man can aflord to borrow a given sum for a year, be security for the amount liorrowed. and at the end of year pay back to the lender not only the amount originally borrowed, but an additional amount, which is called interest. Tin- sum ui)on which the interest is l>ased is called the i)rincip:il. t.. dist- tinguish it from interest. 88 "The impilfi slumlil consider the various factors wliich (leterniiue interest rates. Tlie rehition of interest rates to the hnv of supi)ly and demand shoiihl l)e pointed out. Especial attention sliouhlbe directed to the security of the h)au as a factor in deterniinintj interest rates. The I'niteil States can l)orrow hirfje sums of money at a low rate of interest. The teacher shouhl impress upon the pupils the fact that very hiyh rates of interest are often synonymous with poor security. It would not be correct to say that high rate of interest are always directly associated with poor security, for where profits upon capital are large, the rates of interest are high as a result of the law of supply and demand. However, the teacher should caution the pui)il to investi- gate with more than usual care the security of any loan when very high returns are promised. In this connection some consideration shouhl he given to loan sharks. "A third factor that determines interestrates is the time for which the loau is made. The rate is usually lower upon a loan for a long period than for a short period. The amount of the loan is also a factor in determining interest rates. The rate for a small loan is often higher than for a large one." From '"How to Teach Arith- metic," Brown and Coffmau. Compound interest should be taught only in connection with savings accounts and War Saving Stamps. Solve many interest problems. Examine interest tables and solve a few problems to show the use of them. SUBJECT MATTER. PERCENTAGE. As applied to taxes, duties, or customs, insurance, simple and compound interest. This is a suggested project which will involve much of the sub- ject matter of the grade. Lest it should not provide sutticient drill to fix the processes, minor projects are given. The latter are unrelated but might l)e an outgrowth of a larger project similar to the one here given. GENERAL PROJECT. To determine the cost of owning property in Duluth and vicini- ty. Let class decide upon price of lot and house. Find out different kinds of taxes paid in Duluth. Find out how the tax rate is determined and how much it is. Fiml out how it is levied. What will be the taxes on the house aiad lot for one year at that rate? Compare tax rate with that in Minneapolis. Compare gas and lighting rate? In which place can one own property at less cost? What is the yearly interest on the amount invested in the house and lot at 6 per cent? Find out the average rental price in that i)art of the city and determine wliether or not it i)ays to own property. sn Fiud the premium ou the tire iiisuraiu-e that shouM he ithiced ou the property. Do rates vary iu different i)arts of the city? Wliy? Are there other kinds of insurance than tire insurance? Sliould there be any other insurance on the i)roi)erty':' If so find tlie cost. If you owned property at Pike Lake wouhl you pay the same rate of taxes? Find the amount of taxes ou a cottaj^e there, after decidinj^ ou cost of property. Determine also the amount of insurance consideriutr hjcation and value of property. Suppose your father is one of live men who own cotta«-es at Pike Lake. The men decide to tax themselves 8.(i per cent of the value of their cottages, each one to pay according to the value of tlieir jtrop- erty, to hire a man to protect them from tire and thieves. What is each man's tax if the properties are valued at §2,000, §2,500, §1,800, §8,200, and §2,400 respectively. If you reckoned the interest ou the money invested as rent, how large a rent does each man pay for his lake cottage if the rate of in- terest is 6 per cent. MINOR PROJECTS. To find how moving grains, lumber, coal and other commodities, are protected. To find out w^hat the principal kinds of life insurance are. To figure the premium on a §500 straight life insurance policy for yourself. The teacher will give rates of the different insurance companies. To find the interest on the pupil's Victory Bond for one year. Find the interest for five years. To fiud what one would have to pay for the use of §20 for two years at 8 per cent. To find what the money the pupil now has in the bank will l»e worth in three years, eight months. He has §85 in the bank and the bank pays 3 per cent interest. To find the interest at the date of maturity on five War Savings Stamps bought iu January, 1918. To find how the expenses of the national government are met. To find the chief items of national cxjieuse. To grajih the military exi)enses of the Ignited States for tlie last five years. To compare resources of Minnesota with those of Wisconsin. Standards of Attainment. The child should have a jtractical working knowledge of the principles of percentage as ai»i)lied to commercial discount, profit and loss, commission, taxes, duties or customs, insurance or interest. 90 OBJECTIVE STANDARDS. WOODY TEST Series A Additiou 82.4 Subt raft iou 2S.5 M a\ t ij tlicat ion 30.6 Division 27.4 COURTIS TEST Series B-Speed Addition 11 Sal)t ractiou 12 Multiplication 10 Divisi(:)U 10 COURTIS TEST Series B-Accuracy Addition 75 Sul)t raction 8(3 ^lultiitlication 81 Division 90 STONE REASONING TEST Actual Medians Obtained . r.utte, 1914 5.8 Bridgeport, Conn., 1918 6.8 Salt Lake City, 1915 8.6 Lead, S. Dak., 1916 9.8 Tentative Standard suggested by Stone (1916) for bis lieasoning Tests— Tbat 80 per cent or more of Seventb (4rade pui»ils reacdi or exceed 7.5 with at least 85 per cent accuracy. Bibliography. TEACHER'S READING. Brown and Coffmau: How to Teach Arithmetic. Pp. 228-270. Percentage. Klapi)er: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Pp. 829-884. The Graph. Wilson and Wilson: Motivation of School Work. Chap. IX, Motivation of Arithmetic. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS. Iloyt and Peet: Everyday Arithmetic. Book TIT. T^art VT. pp. 85 and 148. Taxes. J*art V. pp. 74) I*art VT. pj). 144) Insurance. Part VT. pp. 78, Duties and Customs. Stone and Millis: Advanced Arithmetic. ,. Cliaj). yi. Ai)plications of Percentage. |s 'J'horndike: Arithmetic. Book III. /> Wentworth and Smith: Ailvanced Arithmetic. Wentworth, Smith and Brown: .luiiior High School Matbemetics. Book 1. 91 GRADE VIII-I}. DIRECTIONS: DIVISION OF TIME. One-fourth of the arithmetic time alh.t- nieut of this {jrade sliould be devoted to oral work. Seven-eiyhths of the time should be f>iveu to coux?rete work. REVIEW. Tables of linear, square aud cubic measure. Keej) up oral drill on fuudameutal ])rocesses in whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Use equations whenever they will aid in ihc solution <>f problems. MAIN TOPICS. Involution; Evolution; Mensuration. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. All that is necessary to teach under involution in thisyrade is the squares of the numl»ersto twenty- live. The children should be taujiht a quick method of squarin}»- any number and then should scpiare and memorize the numbers to twenty- live. Knowing these squares will save much time in comi)utation of problems later on. Square root is needed in much of the work in mensuration. Jf it is applied to the solution of actual problems, the cliildren will like it. Many oral problems should be given, usino- the numbers to tweuty- Hve, and numbers the square root of which may be easily found by inspection. Square root should be taught as a process of finding tlie side of a square whose area is knoAvn. After that idea is tlioroughly fixed the mode of finding roots by grouping the factors of the number should be taught. The meaning of jtower, exponent, scpiare, the si(uare root, and radical sign should be taught. Children may be asked to raise numbers to the third, fourth, or fifth powers. Cubes to twelve should be found and learned. The pupils should work enough ex- amples to acquire facility in finding the square root. The most im- portant thing in this work is that the pupils get a clear concept of a square. It should also be impressed upon them that only abstract numbers can be squared, because a scpiare is the product of two ecpial factors. The abstract number 9 is a perfect Sfjuare. but -^9.00 is not. MENSURATION. The teacher should be sure that she kn(»ws why mensuration should be taught before she attempts to teacli it. ^Mensuration should be taught partly because of its constructive thought value, pai'lly because of its immediate usefulness; but more especially V)ecause of its value in intei'preting the "natural features of tthe world.'' "It is not a habit subject to be acquired through drill, but a thought subject to be developed."— IJrown aiilace. What is the largest size square rug which could be used in the room if it lacked at least 1 ft. of touching the base board all around ? Find the area of the room if a book case were put across the corner aet 27 in. wide at %1.75 per yard, if the tiled area in front of fireplace is 18 in. wide. Find the cost of jjapering the room without the book case, if a douljle roll of paper costing §1.25 is 16 yds. long aud 18 in. wide, anrl the paper hanger charges >»1.00 per double roll. Allow for no waste in matching paper. 98 Fiud the uuinber of hoard feet of lunilicr in a square i)iece of wood larg-e enoutfli to make tlie t(jp of a circular taldc :{() in. in diameter and I of an inch tliick. Fiud tlie dimensions of tlie top of a square table with the same area as the circular table in the preeedinfj problenj. The living room has a rectanijular window 4 ft. ])y ils to use judgment as to which to use. Develop the formula for finding the circumference when diameter is given, to fiml the diameter or radius when the circumference is given. Develop the formula for area of circle by dividing a circle into twelve or more equal sectors and fitting them together to form a rhomboid. Projects. To find the ratio of the circumference to the diameter by divid- ing the circumference of a dollar, tin cup, or face of the clock, by its diameter. To average the results obtained by the entire class and compare that average with 8.1416. To work out formulas for finding the circumference, diameter, radius and area of the circle. Develop concrete problems from the general project or decide upon another project to use. BOARD MEASURE. A continuation of the board measure begun in Grade VI- A. Develop formula for finding board feet. Project. To estimate the numljer of board feet of lumber required to build the framework of a two room coom cottage at Sunset Lake. Problems of Industry secured from the Shop Teachers. Standards of Attainment. Through the long continued use of checks the pupil should by this time be wholly reliant ujjon himself for accuracy and results. The jtupils should have acciuired the habit of analyzing his proVjlems thus: What is known; what is wanted; what is the best method of jirricedure. He should be able to work quickly, accurately and economically. 95 Bibliography. TEACHER'S READING. TJrown and Coffnian: How to Teach Aritliiiit'tic. Chap. XIX. Involution and Evolution. Chap. XXI. Mensuration. Chap. XXIII. Short Cuts. Klapper: The Teaching of Arithmetic. Pp. 309-820 Measurement. Wilson and Wilson: Motivation of School Work. Chap. IX. Motivation of Arithmetic. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS: Hoyt and Peet: Everday Arithmetic, Book III. Chap. IX Powers and Poots. Stone and Millis: Advanced Arithmetic. Pp. 178-l.S(j Square Poot. Thorndike: Arithmetic. Book III, Pp. 19e put into an inverted i»yra- midal hopper, which is used to feed a furnace, if the hopper is (3 ft. on a side, and its altitude is 12 ft.? (35 cu. ft. of hard coal eacity is unused? What did the i)lant cost if it was bought for §1*250 with 80 per- cent and 10 percent off? At another firm it could have been bought for §1150 with 20 per- cent and 5 percent off. Which was the lower price? Find out the dimensions of the steam boiler and determine how many gallon it contains? Determine the number of sq. ft. in the lateral surface of the V)oiler? BANK DISCOUNT. The children should see the only difference be- tween bank discount and simple interest is that in one case the inter- est is paid when the money is borrowed, in the other the interest is paid when the money is paid back. Interest paid in advance on a note is called discount. The face of the note less the discount is called the proceeds. Project. To make out a 30 day note for S350, dated today, payable to Frank Lee's order at some bank. Discount it at 5 percent. BUSINESS ARITHMETIC. Common businessforms, bills, receipts, statements, bills of lading. Keeping personal accounts, debit, credit, and balance. Inventories, purpose of inventories, when and how taken. Sendingmoney. Investing money. The work in business arithmetic should be carried on largely from the informational side. The children should know the forms and jn-actices in daily use. However, only the simplest and most com- mon forms should be considered. If possible, representative business men should be secured to talk to the children, especially on banking and investing money. The children should be taught to beware of "(Tct-rich-quick'" jjropositions. The element of safety is the first con- sideration of any investment. The security of a loan, for instance, is to be considered before the rate of interest. It is always better to take a lower rate of interest than to take a risk. In general the higher the rate of interest the greater risk. Security is required by those loaning money. Teach the meaning of the terms real, collateral, and l>ersonal. A few realistic problems should be solved to illustrate the differ- ent topics as they are taken up. 99 MINOR PROJECTS. Usiug the foUowiiiff sample price list, estimate the cost of supplies in j'our room for one year. Composition books *4.S0 jjer ^ross less 5 percent. Drawing paper 1.80 per doz. pkgs. less 10 i)er cent. Drawinfj pencils 4.80 per gross less '20 per cent Penholder 8.40 per gross less 12 per cent. Pens 6.TC per gross less 2.5 per cent. Rulers 40c per doz. net. Estimate the cost in the entire building for one year. To write a receipt for Junior lied Cross dues. To keep personal accounts. To make an inventory of contents of the room. To write a check to pay for a lost book. To make out a promissory note payable to the Athletic Associa- tion or Manual Training de])artment. To graph certain stock quotations for a week. To find out what causes the fluctuations which your graph shows. To find how" much it would cost to insure a bicycle for a year. To borrow money from the school bank, give a note and find the proceeds. OPTIONAL WORK. Solution of algebraic problems of one unknown quantity. Drill for a higher rate of si)eed and accuracy. Standards of Attainment. The pupils should have the habit of checking by some certain means fully established. They should use common sense rather than recall some mean- ingless rule or formula. They should have the ability to interpret and use formulas. They should be able to use the laws of equations in solving problems according to a good form developed from accurate thinking. The habit of looking for short cuts should be well established. The pupils should by this time be wholly reliant upon themselves for accuracy of results. OBJECTIVE STANDARDS. WOODY TEST. Series A Addition 33.9 Subtraction 31.7 Multiplication 32.9 Division 30.9 COURTIS TEST: Series B -Speed Addition 1- Subtraction 13 Multiplication H Division H 100 COURTIS TEST Series B— Accuracy. Ari(lg-eport, Couu., 1918 4.5 Salt Lake City, 1915 10.6 Lead, S. Dak., 1916 11.4 Nassau Co., N. \\, 1918 8.2 Tentative Stamlards sug-ffesteroblenis of this kind. The children should be taught to look for easy ways of doing things. The work should be varied to keej) up interest. In all written work make jilain, legible figures of a uniform size, write them equal distances from each other, ami be sure that the units of the same onler stand in the same ver- 6 tical column. 4 •> 2 17 o 8 2 4 9 8 7 9 8 2 1 5 102 "In Imsiuess it is imi)ortant that tig-ures be made rapidly; l»ut raj»i(lity should never be securee correct. The following is an illustration of this method: 34 54966 40 40 78728 18 87 47929 37 18 78425 40 40 45623 34 383920 78249 383920 Sl'BTRACTIOX. Use the "making change" method for the sake of uniformity. If a pui)il uses the "take away" method skillfully do not require him to chang-e. MULTIPLICATION'. Multiplication should be presented as a short method of aildition. Use some practical short methods and ali- quots. Learn some good method of checking the work. Casting- out 9's is sugg-ested. DIVISION. Teach the meaning- of division, as: X24.00 divided by 'S2.00 equals 12, the number of times $2.00 is contained into §24.00, 824.00 divided by 2 equals 812.00. If 824.00 is divided into two jiarts. each jiart contains 812.00. The work in the four fundamental operations given in Moore and Miner's Practical Business Arithmetic is good and may well l)e followed. FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS. Combine fractions aud decimals and show that decimals is but another way of writing fractious. In addition and suVjtractiou of fractious emphasize that only like numbers are added and subtracted. Special attention should be given to cancellation. In all the operations iu decimals make sure that the pupils know exactly where to place the decimal point. Fractions with impossible denominators and com]»lex fractions should be omitted. Only such fracti(tns and decimals as are actually used in business transactions shduM be used. PERCENTAGE. Teach the subject as outlined in ]Moore and Miner's Practical Business Arithmetic. Be sure that the pupil under- stands that a jjercent of a uumljer is so many hundreilths of it. To illu.strate. 6 i>er cent eiiuals iJio, or. ,06, wiitteu decimally. Under percentage take uj) loss and gain, marking goods, commercial discount and interest. In commercial discount use the sum anf a column of figures with the correct result. To see how fast I can name the results in the following l)y taking advantage of the lO's and 20's wherever possible: 1 2 7 () 7 5 2 3 2 4 1 9 1 2 3 9 8 3 4 3 4 8 5 7 3 1 2 (J 2 S 7 4 5 2 9 9 7 5 3 3 S 9 3 9 9 3 () 5 8 1 1 3 4 5 7 1 4 (5 9 7 2 7 7 3 8 tj 4 6 5^2 (j 1 2 2 1 3 5 2 To see which group can obtain the highest per cent f«>r a-lding a certain number of groups of a given length in a given time To see how well and how rapiers and figure the ratesof in- 1U(3 terest they payou iuvestiueutsat various quotations. Interest the pupils in hrino-iuof in all of the outside information they can obtain. Encoui-agre tliem t*t lie t)n the look out for valuable information along commercial lines. Teach them to be able to adapt themselves to new conditions. BUSINESS FORMS. Blank forms of checks, notes, commercial and bank drafts, and receipts should be prepared in the priutiugdei)art- ment and given pupils for practice in filling them out under the di- rection of the teacher. Blank, full, special and restrictive indorse- ments should be made familiar to the pupils through practice in in- dorsing. Use available pay-roll forms from business houses. Spend some time in figuring payrolls, billing, and making out cost sheets. OPTIONAL WORK. Use more difficult jiroblems pertaining to the different topics. Do some work in accounting to emphasize form and neatness.. Make graphs representing war expenditures, increase or decrease in i>rice of certain commodities during a certain period, or fluctuation of stock. These are interesting and instructive. Standards of Attainment. The pupil must have acquired a high degree of accuracy and speed in haiulling the fundamental process; through checking his own work he must have become self-reliant; through the study of the practical and everyday features of arithmetic he must have a working knowledge of the usages and the phraseology of business and com- merce. See Objective Standards for (xrade VIII. Bibliography. Moore and Miner: Practical Business Arithmetic. Power and Locker: Practical Exercises in Rapid Calculation, (1917). Mcintosh: Exercises in Papid Calculation. See bil)liography for Seventh and Eighth Grades. 107 GRADES IX-i; aii.l A. The foUowiny is a statenieut of the subject matter li> Vm- covered by the Ninth Grade in Algebra: TEXT Ilawkes, Luby and Touton: First Course in Altjfebra, Nine-B: pages 1 to 121. Nine- A: pages 122 to 289. At least six weeks of the Niue-1> (irade should be given to factoring. The success of the Niiie-A Grade work depends hirgely upon the pupils' ability to factor. It is not expected that all of the exercises under eacli to])ic shall be solved. It is better to solve a few and check them than to solve many without checking. Long involved solutions and i»r(d)lems which are of no vital interest to the pujjils should be omitted. Teachers may substitute other problems within the comprehension and experience of the children. Dividing and multii)lying by ex- pressions of more than two terms is not practical. The work of the entire course should center about the equation, taking up other topics only as there is need for them in the solution of equations. There is no need for many formal definitions. Most of the terms in algebra may be learned from intelligent use. A . The tests may be secured from S. A, Courtis, 82 Eliot Street, Detroit Micliigau. Research Tests in Arithmetic, Addition of fractions, desiy^ned hy F. W. IJalloii. ("oities of these tests are not obtainable. The Cleveland Survey Arithmetic Tests. Copies of the test paj^ers may be obtained from Charles II, Judd, School of Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Stone's Arithmetic Test for fundamental Operations. Designed as a general test. Copies may be obtained from the Rureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York City. Arithmetic Scales devised by Clifford Woody. Copies may be obtained from the Bureau o:^ Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. REASONING TESTS. Stone's Reasoning Test. For copies of the test, address Bureau of Publicatious,Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Starch's Arithmetical Scale A. Copies may be obtained from Daniel Starch, University of AVisconsiu, Madison, ^Visconsin. Buckingham's Reasoning Test i n Arithmetic. Used by Buck- ingham in the Survey of t he Gary, and the Prevocational Schools of New York City. - > ■ ■v-' \«^ X — • / UCLAYoung Research Library LB1570 .D88 y L 009 517 403 3 W7 Vf • ^.