..Ik. b 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES AT DAWN AND DUSK First Edition, July 1898 Second Impression, November 1898 Third Impression, November 1910 Fourth Impression, January 1913 AT DAWN AND DUSK BY VICTOR J. DALEY AUTHOR OF "wine AND EOSES' LONDON ANGUS AND ROBERTSON LTD. 1913 Fourth Impression Printed by Bloxham & Chambers, Wentworth Place, Sydney FOR ANGUS & ROBERTSON, Ltd. I^ondon: The Oxford University Press, Amen Comer, E.C TO MY SISTER In memory of our young days ashine With dreams, when life was yet an opening rose, Take, Alice dear, this little book of mine, All made of dreams and dying stinset- glows, A lonely bird that singeth far apart — Yet shall sing sweeter in its liome, thy heart. 91799'^ Almost all the verses contained in this volume were first published in the Sydney Bulletin. I wish to thank the editor and proprietor of this journal for their kindness in allowing me to reprint. Other verses appeared in the Sydney Mail, Sydney Freeman's Journal, Melbourne Table Talk, and Melbourne Punch. To these journals also my thanks are due. V. J. D. CONTENTS Dreams 1 Lethe 3 Love-Laubel (In Memory of Henry Kendall) 10 A Vision of Youth 17 Aphrodite 20 The Rajah's Sapphires 22 The Cruise of the IN MEMORIAM .. 27 In a Wine Cellar 37 A-ROVING 44 Brunette 46 Years Ago 48 ViLLANELLE 54 The Voice of the Soul . . 56 Cares 59 Ponce De Leon 61 Sonnets :— Death 64 Life 65 Christmas in Australia 66 Questions 67 The Gods 68 The Gleaner 69 X CONTENTS Love 70 Passion Flower . . 72 To My Lady 73 The Hawthorn 74 Spring Dirge 75 Fragments : — i. Her Last Day 78 ii. Sunset 83 iii. Years After 86 "Unto this Last" 93 The Nightingale . . 94 The Two Keys 97 Lachesis 104 Symbols . . 105 At the Opera . . 106 Ne^ra's Wreath . . .. Ill Camilla 112 Sixty to Sixteen . . .. 113 Bouquet and Bracelet . . . . 115 Cupid's Funeral . . .. IIG The First of May . . 118 A Ghost . . 121 Even So . . 124 Song— "What Shall a Man Remember ?" . . 127 A Sunset Fantasy 128 Poppies . . 132 CONTENTS xi. Amaranth . 134 The Little People 137 A King in Exile 140 Tamerlane . . . 142 The Dead Child . 145 In Memory of an Actress . 149 The River Maiden 151 A Picture . 160 Sea-Gifts 161 Day and Night . 163 The Poet Care . 165 Voices . 167 The Ascetic . 168 The Serpent's Legacy . . . 169 His Soul . 170 The Dream of Margaret 172 The Martyr . 183 His Mate 188 The Old Wife and the New . . 195 A Christmas Eve . 199 Night . 203 DEEAMS I HATE been dreaming all a summer day Of rare and dainty poems I would write ; Love-lyrics delicate as lilac-scent, Soft idylls woven of wind, and flower, and stream. And songs and sonnets carven in fine gold. The day is fading and the dusk is cold ; Out of the skies has gone the opal gleam, Out of my heart has passed the high intent Into the shadow of the falling niglit — Must all my dreams in darkness pass away ? I have been dreaming all a summer day : Shall I go dreaming so until Life's light Fades in Death's dusk, and all my days are spent? Ah, what am I the dreamer but a dream ! The day is fading and the dusk is cold. I DREAMS My songs and sonnets carven in fine gold Have faded from me with the last day-beam That purple lustre to the sea-line lent, And flushed the clouds with rose and chrysolite; So days and dreams in darkness pass away. I have been dreaming all a summer day Of songs and sonnets carven in fine gold ; But all my dreams in darkness pass away ; The day is fading, and the dusk is cold. LETHE. Through the noiseless doors of Death Three passed out, as with one breath. Two had faces stern as Fate, Stamped with unrelenting hate. One upon her lips of guile Wore a cold, mysterious smile. Each of each unseen, the pale Shades went down the hollow vale Till they came unto the deep River of Eternal Sleep. Breath of wind, or wing of bird, Never that dark stream hath stirred ; LETHE Still it seems as is tlie shore. But it flows for evermore Softly, through the meadows wan To the Sea Oblivion. In the dusk, like drops of blood, Poppies hang above the flood ; On its surface lies a thin, Ghostly web of mist, wherein All things vague and changing seem As the faces in a dream. Two knelt down upon the bank And of that dark water drank. But the Third stood by the while. Smiling her mysterious smile. Rising up, those shades of men Gazed upon each other, then Side by side, upon the bank. In a bed of poppies sank. 4 LETHE " What/' one to the other saitli^ "Sent tJiee through tlie doors of death ?"- ^"^ While life thi-obbed in every vein, For a woman I was slain. " Love is but a Heetiiig spell. Hate alone remembers well. " For my slayer I shall wait. And though he at Heaven's gate " Stand, and wear an angel's crown, I shall seize and drag him down !" So the stern shade made reply. Then the first that spake said : " I " For a woman's sake, also, Slew myself — and slew my foe. '' Slew myself, that in no shape He my vengeance should escape, " Till Oblivion swallow both : And 1 swore a solemn oath B LETHE '^ I would — liate remembers well — JJiiut his spotted soul to hell. '^ But I left, ere leave-taking, Round her throat a dark red ring. " I shall know her — yoa shall note — By that red ring round her throat. '' Well I loved m;y lair, iulse wife, And perchance in this new life " She may love me — we shall see — She shall choose 'twixt him and me.'*' Softly did the other sigh : " My love's love will never die. " Love is 710^ a fleeting spell — Love, like hate, remembers well. '' Soon — mayhap on this dim shore — We shall meet to part no more." Then the first Shade spoke and said : " In this Kingdom of the Dead LETHE '^ Let US, who so strangely meet, Pledge each other in this sweet " Water, our revenge to wreak Side by side, and so to seek, " Side by side, whate'er our fate, Those we love and those we hate." Kneeling on the dim shore then. Side by side, they drank again. And they saw, like drops of blood, Poppies nodding o'er the flood. And they gazed upon the thin (xhostly web of mist, wherein All things vague and changing seem As the faces in a dream; And by some enchantment weird. As they gazed thereon appeared Unto each, down-bending low. Form and features of his foe, 7 For a moment^ then ivere gouo. And upon the meadows wan — Half in Death and half a-swoon — Shone a pale and spectral moon. Then these twain rose, drowsy-eyed. And departed side by side. But the Woman Shade the while Siniled her cold, mysterious smile. And her beauty made a light In that realm of pallid night (Beauty laughs at worm and grave) Like the moon beneath the wave. Back she flung her hair of gold, Glowing, gleaming, fold on fold. Showing — all but these might note- The red ring around her throat. But they passed with cold surprise, Aud unrecognising eyes. 8 LETQE Liglitly laug-hed she then^ and said " In this Kingdom of the Dead (( Strange the sights that one may see ! There go twain who died for me " Seeking, through Creation wide, For each other — side Ly side I" Then she wove a }^"p]iy crown. Placed it on her head, and d()\vii On the river's margin sank Midst the poppies of its bank, Saying: "In the worhl al)ove Long he tarries, my true love. " Here beside this river's rim I will sleep, and wait for him." LOVE-LAUKEL [In Memory of Henky Kenpall.] An ! that God ouco Avonld touch my lips with song To pierce, as prnyer doth heaven, earth's breast of iron, So that with sweet mouth I might sing to thee, sweet dead singer buried by the sea, A song, to woo thee, as a wooing siren. Out of tliat silent sleep which seals too long Thy mouth of melody. For, if live lips might speak awhile to dead, Or any speech could reach the sad world under This world of ours, song surely should awake Thee who didst dwell in shadow for song's sake ! 10 LOVfi-LAUKEL Alas ! tliou canst not hear the voice of tliuucler, Nor low dirge over Lliy low-lying head The wiuds of moruiiig: make. Down through the clay there comes no sound of these ; Down in the grave there isno sign of Summer, Nor an}' knowledge of the soft-eyed Spring; But Deatli sits there, with outspread, eljon wing, Closing with dust the mouth of each new- comer To that mute land, Avhcre never sound, of seas Is heard, and no birds sing. Now thou hast found tlie end of all thy days Hast thou found, any heart a vigil keeping For thee among tlio dead — some heart that heard Thy singing when .thou wert a LroAvn, sweet bird II LOVB-LADREL Gray seons gone, in some old forest sleeping Beneath the seas long since ? in Death's dim ways Has thy heart any word ? For surely those in whom the deathless spark Of song is kindled, sang from the beginning If life were always ? But the old desires — Do they exist when sad-eyed Hope expires ? How live the dead ? what crowns have they for winning ? Have they, to warm them in the dreamless dark. For sun earth's central fires ? Are the dead dead indeed whom we call dead ? Has Grod no life but this of ours for giving ? — When that they took thee by each well- known place, Stark in thv coffin with a cold white face. What thought, Brother, hadst thou of the living ? 12 LOVE-LAOREL What of the sun that round thee glory shed ? What of the fair day's grace ? Is thy new life made up of memories Or dreams that lull the dead^ bright visions bringing Of Spring above ! Are thy days sliort or long? Thou who wert master of our singing throng Mayhap in death thou hast not lost thy singing, But chauntst unheard, beside the moaning sea, A solitary song. The chance spade turns up skulls. God help the dead And thee whose singing days have all passed over — Thee, Avhom the gold-haired Spring shall seek in vain When at the glad year's doors she stands again, Remembering the song-garlands thou hast wove her «3 LOVE-LAUREL In years gone by : but all these years have fle;l With all their joy and pain. My soul laughed out to hear ray heart speak so, And sprang forth skyward, as an eagle, hoping To look upon thy soul with living eyes, Until it came to where our dim life dies, And ilead suns darkly for a grave are groping Through cycles of immeasurable woe, Stone-bliud in the blind skies. The stars walk shuddering on that awful verge From which my soul, with swift and fearless motion. Clove the black depths, and sought for God and thee ; But God dwells where nor stars nor suns there be — No shore there is to His Eternal Ocean ; A thousand systems are a fi'inge of surge On that great starless sea. H LOVE-LAUllKL And thou wertnot. So thiit^ witli weary plumes, My soul through the great void its way came winging To earth again. "What hope for him who sings Is there ? " it sighed. "Death ends all sweetest things." When lo ! there came a swell of mighty singing, Fh)oding all space, and swift athwart the glooms A flash of sudden wings. Dreamer of dreams, thy songs and dreams are done. Down where thou sleepest in earth's secret bosom There is no sorrow and no joy for thee, Who canst not see what stars at eve there be, Nor evermore at morn the green dawn blossom Into the golden king-flower of the sun Across the golden sea. '5 LOVE-LAUREL ]5nt haply there shall euiiie in days to bo One who shall licar his own heart beatino: faster^ Phi^-king a rose sprung from thy heart beneathj And from liis soul, as sword from out its sheath, Hong shall leap forth wliere now, silent master. On thy lone grave beside the sounding sea, I lay this laurel-wreath. i(> A VISION OF YOUTU A HORSEMAN on a hilltop green Drew rein, and woniv.l his horn ; So bright he looked ho might have been The Herald of the Morn. His steed was of the sovran strain In Fancy's meadows bred — And pride was in his tossing mane, And triumph in his tread. The rider's eyes like jewels glowed — The World was in his hand — As down the woodland way he mdo When Spring was in the land. 17 A VISION OP YOUTH From golden hour to golden liour For him the woodbind sang, And from the heart of every flower A singing fairy sprang. lie rode along with rein so free, And, as he rode, the Bhie Mysterious Bird of Fantasy Ever before him flew. He rode by cot and castle dim Through all the greenland gay ; J3right eyes througli casements glanced at him ; He laughed — and rode away. Tlie world with sunshine was aflood. And glad were maid and man, And throuo-h his throbbinof veins the blood In keen, sweet shudders ran. His steed tossed head with fiery scorn. And stamped, and snuffed the air — i8 * VISION OF YOUTH As tliougli lie heard a sudden horn Of far-off battle blare. Erect the rider sat awliile With flashing eyes, and then Turned slowly, sighing, with a smile, " O weary world of men ! " For aye the Bird of Fantasy Sang magic songs to him. And deep and deeper still rode he Into the Forest Dim. That I'ider with his face aglow With joy of life I see In dreams. Ah, years and years ago He parted ways with me ! Yet, sometimes, when the days arc drear And all the world forlorn, From out the dim wood's heart I hear The echo of his horn. •9 APHRODITE On a golden daAvn in the dawn sublime Of years ere the stars had ceased to sing-, Beautiful out of the sea-deeps cold Aphrodite arose — the Flower of Time — That, dear till the day of her blossoming, The oldj old Se.a had borno in his heart. Around her worshipping waves did part Tremulous — glowing in rose and gold. And the birds broke forth into singing sweet, And flowers born scentless breathed perfume : Softly she smiled upon Man forlorn, And the music of love in his wild heart beat, And down to the pit went his gods of gloom. And earth grew bright and fair as a bride, And folk in star-worlds wondering cried — "Lo in the skies a new star is born !" 20 APHKODITB Beloved^ t]uis on my small world you Rose^ flushing it all with rosy flame ! Changing sad thoughts to a singing throng, And creating the earth and the sky anew! As Love you appeared — and, lo^ you are Fame, And, all my follies and sins despite, You yet, Beloved, ma}^ see my liglit — Small, but a star — mid tlie stars of song. THE KAJAH'S SAPl^HIEES In my garden, Beloved ! Many pleasant trees are growing. Peach, and apricot, and apple, Myrtle, lilac, and laburnum. Fair are they, but midst them lonely. Like an exiled Eastern Princess In a strange land far from kindred, Stands a lonely fair Pomegranate. Dreaming of its native Orient Always is the fair Pomegranate, And beneath it I lie dreaming Of thine eyes and thee, Beloved ! 22 TUB KAJAll's SAPPHIRES Overhead its red globes, gleaming Like red moonS; old tales recall of Eastern moons and songs of Hafiz — • Nightingales, and wine, and roses. And at times it seems a mystic Tree Circean, whose red fruit is Broken hearts of old-time lovers. Thus their secrets sad revealing. And within each red sun-cloven Glossy globe, like little rosy Hearts within a great heart glowing, Glow translucent seeds of crimson. Like the fruit of the Pomegranatp Full of little hearts liiy heart is. And the little hearts so glowing They are thoughts of thee, Beloved ! Haply these at times are woven In with dreams of the Pomegranate ; Thus, perchance, I .dreamt the wondrous Dream within a dream here written. 23 THE RAJAH S SAPPHIRES In liis palace-hall, methouglit, T Saw a splendid Indian Rajali ; Fame and Fortune were his vassals, But his heart was sad within him. • Round him stood his chiefs and captains. " Great art thou," they cried, " Rajah ! And thy hand is strong in battle." But he smiled not at their speeches. Sileiitly through his Zenana Passed he, glanced with cold snid careless Eyes at women, fair as houris Seen in visions bred of hasheesh. Like to dawn, and noon, and starry Night — like all the moods of passion — Were they, rose-and-white Circassians, Amber Hindoos, dark-eyed Persians. Dancing girls with golden armlets. Golden rings around their ankles — Making music clear, melodious As the plash of crystal fountains THE rajah's SAPPHIliES Heard in still, liot nights of summer — Danced the Lovers' Dance before him ; But he heeded not their dancing, For his heart was sad within him. Thence unto liis treasure-chamber Strode he — there to gaze on gems that Rajahs dead had won aud hoarded; Tragic-storied, splendid jewels — Flashing diamonds, like fallen Stars, for whose bright evil beauty- Blood in old days had been s{)ilt that Should have made them burn like rubies ; Emeralds greener than Spring's garments, Pearls like unto tears of Peris Weeping by the gates of Eden; Opals with their fateful lustre. Long on these, and countless other Many-coloured gems, the Rajah Gazed, but found no- more delight in Their sun-flashing brilliant beauty. 25 THE rajah's SAl'l'IIIKES He had dreamt a dream enclinnting Of twin-sapphires, blue as Heaven, And liis ho;u't was filled with hunger And with yearning' to possess them. Therefore unto his Vizier he Told his dream, and gave command that He should seek the wide worhl over, Till he found the wondrous sapphires. Doth that sad Vizier still wander O'er the earth the sapphires seeking' ? Sooth, I know not— hut I know that He will never find them, never. For they were no cold, bright sapphires That the Rajah in his dream saw. . . . Waking from ray dream I knew that They were thy blue eyes. Beloved! 26 THE CRUISE OF THE "IN MEMORIAM" The wan lig-lit of a stormy dawu Gleamed on a tossing ship: It was the In Memoriam Upon a mourning trip. Wild waves were on the windward bow. And breakers on the lee ; And througfh her sides the women heard The seething of the sea. " Captain ! " cried a widow fair. Her plump white hands clasped she, " 'I'liinkst thou, if drowned in this dread storm, 'J^iat savM we shall be?" 27 THE CRUISE OP THE " IN MEMORIAM " " You speak in riddles, lady dear, How saved can we be If we are drowned ?" "Alas, I mean In Paradise ! " said she. " I've sailed North, and I've sailed South " (He was a godless wight), " r>ut l)oy or man, since my days began, That shore I ne'er did sight !" The Captain told the First ]\Iate bold What that fair lady said; The First Mate sneered in his black beard — His eyes burned in his head. '' Full forty souls are here aboard, A-sailing on the wave — Without the crew, and, 'twixt us two, I tliink tliey've none to save — " Full forty souls, and each one is A mourner, as you know. They weep the scuppers full; the ship Is waterlogged with woe." 28 THE CRUISE OF THE " IN MEMORIAM Again he sneered in his black beard : " The cruise is not so brief, But, ere we land on earthly strand, All will have found relief." "Nay, nay," the Captain said, " First Mate, You have foro-otten one With eyes of blue ; the tears arc true From those dear eyes that run ! " Siie mourns her sweetheart drowned last year, A seaman he, forsooth ! I would not drown for Christ his crown If she were mine. Fair Ruth ! " " Brave words ! but words," the First Mate cried, " Are wind ! Behold in me The warmest lover and the last ! Mine shall the maiden be." Fair Ruth stood by the taffrail high, A cross dropped in the sea, 29 THE CRUISE OF THE " IN MEMOUIAM " " If you lie liere^ my sweetheart dear, By this remember me !" I'air Ruth stood by the taffrail high, A ring dropped in the sea : *' Marry him not, ye false mermaids. Married he's now to me ! " The heavens flashed flame; a black cloud came, Its wings the sky did spati, And hovered above the fated ship Like death o'er a dying man. Bended tlie spars and shrieked the shrouds, The sails flew from the mast, And, like a soul by fiends pursued. The ship fled through tho blast. '^ More sail ! more sail ! " the First Mate cried (The Captain stood aarhast), "More sail! more sail!" and he laughed in scorn. All by tlie miaen mast. 30 THE CEUISE OF THE " IN MBMORIAM " " bretliren dear, there's noiiglit to fear, The steward told me so V 'Twas the parson meek who thus did speak, Just come up from below : ''And 7i'ere there," he said, with uprais-'d In^ad, And hands clasped piously, " I have a sainted spouse in Heaven — I trow she waits for me." Then o-rimly lauo-hed the false First ilate ' " Good parson, let her be ! I've a wife in every poi't but that— And that we shall not see." "Oh, pardon seek !" cried the parson meek, " And pray, if pray you can, For much I fear, by your scornful sneer. That you are a sinful man." Then louder laughed the false Fii'st Mate, Louder and louder still. And the wicked crew lauo;lied loudly too, As wicked seamen w ill. 31 THli CRUISE OF THE " IN MEMORIAM " " Captain !" Avliispered a gentle dame, '' When shall we see the land ?" The Captain answered nevei' a word, But clasped her by the hand. Day after day, night after night, On, on the ship did reel : The Captain drank with the second mate, The First Mate held the wheel. Down came a black cloud on the ship, And wrapped her like a pall, And horror of awful darkness fell Upon them one and all. The night had swallowed them utterly, None could his fellow see. But ghostly voices up and down Went whispering fearsomely. No faint ray shone from moon or sun. The light of Heaven was gone, 32 u — >i The cruise of the in memokiam But ever the First Mate held tlie wheel, And ever the ship rushed on. Fair Ruth knolt down in that grim gloom, She prayed beneath her breiith : ''God carr}^ me o'er this dread sea That seems the Sea of Death \" She ceased — aud lo ! a lurid glow O'er that dark water spread, And in the blackness burned, afar, A line of bloody red. " Wiiat lights are yon ?" the Captain said. The First Mate answered then : " No lights that ever shone upon The world of living men.^' " Down on your knees !" tlio parson cried; " Tlmak God, for all is well !" The First Mate laughed: "Those lights, they are The harbour lights of Hell.'' 33 THE CRUiaK 01<' THE " IN MEMORIAM Oil flew tlie ship; to every lip An ashen pallor came, For all might see that siidJeiily The sea had turned to flame. The lig-hts were near; the Sea of Fear, Amid the silence dire, On that dread shore broke evermore In soundless foam of fire. " Ohj what are yon gray ghosts and wan ! The parson cried, " who seem With coloured strings of beads to play. As in a dreadful dream ?" "Dannied souls;" the First Mate said; "they sit And count, through endless years, The moments of Eternity On beads of burning tears." Then, " Who are you," the parson said, " That talk so free of Hell ?" 34 THE CRUISE OF THE '' IN MEMORIAM " " My name is Satan," he replied, " LLave I not steered you well ?" " Back — back the yards \" the Captain cried Then quoth the false First Mate : " Like many more who sight this shore, You back your yards too late." " There are the dear deceased you mourned With such exceeding zest ; They call you — whoso freely goes E'en yet may save the rest." One pale ghost waved the vessel back With gestures sad and dumb — Fair Ruth has plunged into the sea, " My love, my love, I come ! " All in a moment shone the sun, Blue gleamed the sky and sea,, The brave old ship upon the waves Was dancing merrily. 35 THE CRUISE OP TUE " IN MEMOKIAM '* And merrily to sound of bells To her old port full soon The In Menioriam that went forth Returned the Honeymoon. There o'er their grog sea-captains still Hor wondrous story tell, And how her Captain backed his yards A biscuit-throw from ilcll. IN A WINE CELLAR See liow it flashes^ This grape-blood fine !- Our beards it splashes, comrade mine ! — Life dust and aslies Were, wanting wine. Amontillado Fires heart and eyes; Champagne the shadow Of care defies ; An El Dorado In Rhine-wine lies; Port has the mintage Of generous deeds ; 37 m A WINE CELLAR Tokay scorns stintage And richly bleeds j But this great vintage The Wine-March leads. Yet it is wanting In poesy ; No legends haunting Its vassals be, No tales enchanting Of chivalry. Spain's grape hath stories ; Its blood the bold Conquistadores Drank deep of old — A wine of glories, A wine of gold. Who drinks not sparing, Bcholdeth he The great Cid bearing His banner froo, 38 IN A WINE CELLAR Columbus dariusr The unknown Sea , And^ haply bitling. In this dream- Spn in, Don Quixote riding Across the plain. His squire confiding- Beside his rein. The wine of France is Aglow to-day With flash of lances, With feast and frny, And dark -eyed glances Of ladies gay. See where together, A flagon near, Lie hat with foathoi', And long raj)icr — Fine courting weatlier, Cavalier ! 39 IN A WINE CELLAR Bright Elienish, gleaming Moon-wliite ! Percliauce Thy wave clear beaming Still guards Romance, Not dead, but dreaming In spell-bound trance ! Not in Ehine-water, But Rhine-wine fair Sir Rupert sought her (As bards declare) The Rhine King's daughter With golden hair. Still 'neatli its smiling Wave's amber rings, Men sweetly wiling From earthly things, Her song beguiling The Loreley sings. Your cup, wild siren, That Deutschland drains- 40 IN A WINE CELLAR Her heart of iron Movod by your siraius — Nu l)]ood shall fire in Australian veins; Nor yours whose cliarm is Your topaz cyne, Nor yours whose armies In gold caps shine, iShall charm or harm us — Ehj comrade mine ? No vintage alien For thee or me ! Our fount Castalian Of poesy Shall wine Australian, None other be. Then place your hand in This hand (jf mine, And while we stand in Her brave sunshine 4.1 IN A WINE CELLAR Pledge deep our land in Our land's own wine. It lias no glamour Of old romance, Of war and amour In Spain or France j Its poets stammer As yet, perchance j But he may wholly Become a seer Who quaffs it slowly; For he shall hear, Though faintly, lowly. Yet sweet and clear, The axes ringing On mountain sides. The wool-boats swinging Down Darling tides. The drovers singing Where Clancv rides, 4a IN A WINK CKI-LAll The miners driving, The stockman's strife; All sounds comiiving To tell the rife, Ilicli^ rude, strong-striving Australian life. Once more your hand in This hand of mine ! And while we stand in The brave sunshine, Pledge deep our land in Our land's own wine 1 43 A-]{OVING When the sap runs up tlio tree^ And tlie vine runs o'er tbe wall, When tlie blossom draws the Lee, From the forest comes a call, Wild, and clear, and sweet, and straiiL^c, Many-toned and nuiriiiuring Like the river in the range — 'Tis the joyous voice of Spring ! On the boles of gray old trees See the flying sunlieains phiy Mystic, soiind^e^s melodies — A fantastic march and gay; But the young loaves hear them — hark, How they rustle, every one ! — And the sap beneath the bark Hearing, leaps to moot the sun. 44 A-ROVINQ 0, tlie world is wondrous fair When the tide of life's at Hood ! Tliere is magic in the air, There is music in the blood ; And a glamour draws us on To the Distance, rainbow-spanned, And the road we tread upon Is the road to Fairyland. Lo ! the elders hear the sweet Voice, and know the wondrous song; And their ancient pulses beat To a tune forgotten long ; And thoy talk in whispers low, With a smile and with a sigh, Of the years of long ago, And the roving days gone by. 45 BRUNETTE When trees in Spring Are blossoming My lady wakes From dreams whose light Made dark days bright, For their sweet sakes. Yet in her eyes A shadow lies Of bygone mirth; And still she seems To walk in dreams. And not on earth. BRDNETTB Some men miiy hold Til at hair of gold Is lovelier Than darker sheen : They have not seen My lady's hair. Her eyes are bright, Her bosoin white As the sea foam On sharp rocks sprayed ; Her month is made Of honeycomb. And whoso seeks In her dusk cheeks May see Love's sign — A blush that glows Like a red rose Beneath brown wine. 47 YEARS AGO The old dead flowers of bygone summers, The old sweet songs that are no more sung, The rose-red dawns that were welcome comers When you and I and the world were young. Are lost, love, to the light for ever, And seen no more of the moon or sun, For seas divide, and the seasons sever, And twain are we that of old were one. fair lost love, when the ship went sailing Across the seas in the years agone. And seaward-set were tlie eyes nnquailing, And landward-kioking the faces wan, 48 YEARS AGO My heart went back as a dove goes homcwjirJ With wings aweary to seek its nest, While fierce sea-eagles are flying foaniward And storm- winds whiten the sui'ge's crest ; And far inland for a farewell jiardon Flew on and on, while the ship went South — The rose was red in tlie red-rose garden, And red the rose of your laughing mouth. But no word came on the wind in token Of love that lasts till the end ; and so My heart returned to me bruised and broken, From you, my love, of the long ago. The green fields seemed in the distance growing To silken squares on a weaver's loom, , As oversea came the land-wind blowini^ The faint sweet scent of the clover bloom. A rarer odour to me it carried, In subtle delicate way to toll Of you, ere you and the world were married — The lilac-odour you loved so well. 49 YEARS AGO Again, I saw you beneath the bh)onis oi: Those lilac-trees in the garden old. All me ! each tree is a mark for tom])s of Dead dreams and memories still and cold. And Death comes there with his breath scent- laden, And gathering gently the blossoms shod (In guise of Autumn, the brown-browed maiden) With your and my dead buries his dead. 0, fairer far than the fair ideal Of him who imaged the foam-born Queen In foam-white marble — a dream made real — To me were you in those years, I ween. Your lips were redder than night-shade berries That burn in borders of hedgerowed lanes. And sweeter far than the sweet wild cherries The June sun flushes with crimson stains. And gray your eyes as a gray dove's wings were — A gray soft-shadowing deeps profound, YEARS AGO Where tliouglits that reached to the heart of things were, And love lay dreaming though seeming drowned. Twin-tulip-breasted like her the tread of Whose feet made music in Paphos fair, The world to me was not worth a thread of Your brown, ambrosial, braided hair. Mayhap you loved me at one time truly. And I was jealous, and you were proud ; But mine the love of the king in Thule, Till death; and yours — sleeps well in shroud. So night came down like a sombre raven. And southward ever the ship was borne. Till glad green fields and lessening haven Grew faint and faded like ghosts at morn. As fields of Heaven eternal blooming, Those flowerful fields of my mother-laud In midnight visions are still perfuming All wild waste places and seas of sand. 51 YEARS AGO A.nd still in seasons of storm and tlinndcr, In strange lands under your land and mine, And though our ways have been wide asunder, In calm and tempest and shade and shine Your face I see as I saw the last time — As one borne space-ward on wings of light, With eyes turned back to a sight of past time, Beholds for ever that self-same sight. But scorn has died on your lips, and through yon Shines ont star-bright an immortal o-race. As thouo'h God then to His heaven drew vou, And sent an angel to take your place. I plucked one rose from the tree you cherished, My heart's blood ebbing has kept it rod, And all my hopes with its scent have perished j Why mourn them now — are the dead not dead? And yet, God knows, as this rose I kiss, you May feel the kisses across the sea ; And soul to soul for th.e larmn- issue Your soul may stand with the soul of me, 52 YEARS AGO Unknown to you — for the strings of Being Are not so easily snapped or torn ; And we may journey with, eyes unseeing On paths that meet in the years unborn. Farewell, dear heart. Warm sighs may sever Ripe lips of love like a rose-leaf curled, But you remain unto me for ever The one fair woman in all the world. 5? VILLANELLE We said farewell, my youth and I, When all fair dreams were gone or going. And Love's red lips were cold and dry. When white blooms fell from tree-tops high- Our Austral winter's way of snowing — We said farewell, my youth and I. We did not sigh — what use to sigh When Death passed as a mower mowing, And Love's red lips were cold and dry 't But hearing Life's stream thunder by, That sang of old through flowers flowing, We said farewell, my youth and I. 54 VILLANELLE There was no hope in the blue sky^ No music in the low winds blowings And Love's red lips were cold and dry. My hair is black as yet, then why So sad ! I know not, only knowing We said farewell, my youth and I. All are not buried when they die ; Dead souls there are through liye eyes show in ^' When Love's red lips are cold and dry. So_, seeing where the dead men lie, Out of their hearts the grave-flowers growing, We said farewell, my youth and I, When Love's red lips were cold and dry. 55 THE VOICE OF THE SOUL In Youth, when through our veins runs fast The bright red stream of life, The Soul's Voice is a trumpet-blast That calls us to the strife. The Spirit spurns its prison-bars, And feels with force endued To scale the ramparts of the stars And storm Infinitude. Youth passes ; like a dungeon gi-ows The Spirit's house of clay : The voice that once in music rose In murmurs dies away. 56 THE VOICE OP THE SOUL But in the day when sickness sore Smites on the body's walls, The Soul's Voice through the breach once more Like to a trumpet calls. Well shall it be with him who heeds The mystic summons then ! His after-life with loving deeds Shall blossom amongst men. He shall have gifts — the o-ift that feels The germ within the clod, And hears the whirring of the wheels That turn the mills of God ! The gift that sees with glance profound The secret soul of things, And in the silence hears the sound Of vast and viewless wings ! The veil of Isis sevenfold To him as gauze shall be, Wherethrough, clear-eyed, he shall behold The Ancient Mystci-y. 57 ' THE VOICE OF THE SOUL He shall do battle for tlie True, Defend till death the Right, With Shoes of Swiftness Wrong pursue, With Sword of Sharpness smite. And, dying, he shall haply hear, Like golden trumpets blown For joy, far voices sweet and clear — Soul-voices like his own. So welcomed may ho join the Throng Upon the Shining Shore, As one Avho, after wandering long, Rctu)'neth home once more ! S8 CARES Having certain cares to drown. To the sea I took them clown : And I threw them in the wave. That engulfed them like a grave^ Swiftly then I plied the oar With a lio-ht heart to the shore. But behind me came my foes : Like a nine-days' corpse each rose. And (a ghastly sight to see !) Clutched the boat and girned at me ! With n heavy heart, alack, To the land I bore them back. CAEES Not in Water or in Wine Can I drown these cares of mine. But some day^ for good and sure, I shall bury them secure, Where the soil is rich and brown. With a stone to keep them down, • And to let their end be known, Have my name carved on the stone ; So that passers-by may say, " Kore lie cares that had their day," And sometimes by moonlight wan, I may sit that stone upon — With a spectre^s solemn phlegm — In my shroud, and laugh at them; Oi' — who knows, when all is said ? — Maybe weep because they're dead. 6a PONCE DE LEON By a black wharf I stood lately, When the night was at its noon ; Keen, malicious stars were shining, And a wicked, white-faced moon. And I saw a stately vessel, Built in fashion quaint and old ; From her masthead, in the moonlight. Hung a flag of faded gold. Black with age her masts and spars were, Black with age her ropes and rails ; Like a ghost through cere-cloths gazing Shone the white moon through her sails. 6i PONCE DE LEON Not a iriovement stirred the stillness, Not a sound the silence broke, Save alone the livid water Lapping round her sides of oak. Then to her unseen commander Spake I, as to one I knew — " Don Juan Ponce de Leon, I have waited long for you. '' Take me with you, I implore you ! Take me with you on your quest For the Fount of Youth Eternal, For the Islands of the Blest." Then above the bulwarks ancient I beheld a head arise ; And the moon with ghastly glimmer Lit its sad and hollow eyes. " Grieved am I, senor, and sorry," Very courteously it said, ''That I may not take you with me — ]jut 1 only take the Dead. 62 PONCE DE LEO^^ "These alone may daro tlie voyage, These alone sail on the quest For the Fount of Youth Fternal, For the Islands of the Blest." Oi DEATH The awful seers of old, who wrote in words Like drops of blood great thoughts that through the night Of ages burn, as eyes of lions light Deep jungle-dusks ; who smote with songs like swords Tlie soul of man on its most secret chords, And made the heart of him a harp to smite, — Where are they ? where that old man lorn of sight. The kingf of song- amono- these laurelled lords? But where are all the ancient singing-spheres That burst througli chaos like the summer's breath Through ice-bound seas where never seaman steers ? Burnt out. Gone down. No star remembereth These stars and seers Avell-silenced through the years — The pongless years of everlasting death. 64 LIFE What know we o£ tlie dead, who say these tilings. Or of the life in death below the mo aid — What of the mystic laws that rule the old Gray realms beyond our poor imaginings Where death is life ? The bird with spray-wet wings Knows more of what the deeps beneath him hold. Let be : warm liearts shall never wax a-cold, But burn in roses through eternal springs: For all the vanished fruit and flower of Time Are flower and fruit in worlds we cannot see. And all we see is as a shadow-mime Of tilings unseen, and Time that comes to Abv Is but the broken echo of a rhyme In God's great epic of Eternity. 65 CHELSTMAS IN AUSTRALIA O DAY, the crown and crest of all the year ! Thou comest not to us amid the snows. But midmost of the reign of the red rose ; Our hearts have not yet lost the ancient cheer That filled our fathers' simple hearts when sere The leaves fell, and the winds of Winter fioze The waters wan, and carols at the close or y ester-eve sang the Child Christ anear. And so we hail thee with a greeting high. And drain to thee a draught of our own wine, Forgetful not beneath this bluer sky Of that old mother-land beyond the brine. Whose gray skies gladden as thou drawest nigh, day of God's good-will the seal and sign ! 66 QUESTIONS Soul, dost thou sliudder at the narrow tomb ? Heart, dost thou dread to moulder in the dust — To meet the fate that all things mortal must, Strength in its pride, and beauty in its bloom ? What have ye done to merit nobler doom ? How used one life that ye for more should lust? Time in his course doth all things downward thrust : The unborn generations wait for room ! Blind we were born, blind die : yet we must still Take God to task with Whither? Whence? and Why ? What if God, giving us our wish and will. Said, " Judge thyself " to each ! Who dares reply ? . He knows the end who made the perfect plan — Hell were too small if man were judged by man. 67 THE GODS Last nii^ht^ as one who hears a tragic jest^ I woke from dreams, half-laughing, half in tears ; Methought that I had journeyed in the spheres And stood upon the Planet of the Blest ! And found thereon a folk who prayed with zest Exceeding, and through all their painful years, Like strong souls struggled on, ^mid hopes and fears ; "Where dwell the gods," they said, "we shall find rest." The gods? What gods, I thought, are these who so Inspire their worshippers with faith that flowers Immortal, and who make them keep aglow The flames for ever on their altar-towers? " Where dwell these gods of yours ?" I asked — and lo ! They pointed upward to this earth of ours ! 6S THE GLEANER Methought I came unto a world-wide plain Where souls stood thick as grain at harvest- tide. And many reapers^ full of pious pride. With rapid scythe-sweeps mowed them down amain ; And zealous binders bound them up like grain In sheaves : the reapers at each onward stride Trod many souls down. These the binders eyed With careless looks or glances of disdain. But, following slow, a patient Gleaner came And gathered all the Binders cast aside. And made fair sheaves thereof. Whereat I cried : " Why gather these ? Who art thou ? Name thy name ! " The Gleaner in a sad, sweet voice replied : The outcasts' Saviour — for these, too, I died." 69 " Tliere is an end to all our griefs : Little tlie red worm of the grave Will vex us when our days are done. So changed my thought : up-gazing then On gray-piled stones that seemed the cairns Of dead and long-forgotten chiefs — The men of old, the poor wild men Who, under dim lights, fought a brave. Sad light of Life, where hope was none, In the vague, voiceless, far-off years — It changed again to present pain, And I saw Sorrow everywhere : In blackened trees and rust-red ferns. Blasted by bush-fires and the sun ; And by the salt-flood — salt as tears — Where the wild apple-trees hung low, And evermore stooped down to stare At their drowned shadows in the wave, 82 PEAQMENTS Wringing their knotted hands of woe ; And the dark swamp-oaks, row on row, Lined either bank — a sombre train Of mourners with down-streaming hair. II. — SUNSET The day and its delights are done j So all delights and days expire : Down in the dim, sad West the sun Is dying like a dying fire. The fiercest lances of his light Are spent ; I watch him droop and die Like a great king who falls in fight ; None dared the duel of his eye Living, but, now his eye is dim. The eyes of all may stare at him. How lovely in his strength at morn He orbed along the burning blue ! The blown gold of his flying hair Was tangled in green-tressed trees, 83 FRAGMENTS And netted in the rivei- sand In gleaming links of amber clear; But all his shining locks are sliorn, His brow of its briglit crown is bare^ The golden sceptre leaves his hand, And deeper, darker, grows the hue Of the dim purple draperies And cloudy banners round his bier. O beautiful, rose-hearted daAvn ! — ■ splendid noon of gold and blue ! — Is this wan glimmer all of you ? Where are the blush and bloom ye gave To laughing land and smiling sea? — The swift lights that did flash and shiver In diamond rain upon the river. And set a star in each blue wave ? Where are the merry lights and shadows That danced through wood and over lawn, And flew across the dewy meadows Like white nymphs chased by satyr lovers ' Faded and perished utterl}^. 84 FRAGMENTS All delicate and all rich colour In flower and cloud, on lawn and lea. On butterfly, and bird, and bee, A little space and all are gone — And darkness, like a raven, hovers Above the death-bed of the day. So, when the long, last night draws on, And all the world grows ghastly gray. We see our beautiful and brave Wither, and watch with heavy sighs The life-light dying in their eyes, The love-light slowly fading out. Leaving no faint hope in their place. But only on each dear wan face The shadow of a weary doubt, The ashen pallor of the grave. gracious morn and golden noon ! With what fair dreams did ye depar Beloved so well and lost so soon I 85 FRAGMENTS I could not fold you to my breast : I could not hide you in my lieart ; 1 saw the watchers in the West — Sad, shrouded shapes, with hands that wring And phantom fingers beckoning ! III. YEA.KS AFTER Fade off the ridges, rosy light. Fade slowly from the last gray height. And leave no gloomy cloud to grieve The heart of this enchanted eve ! All things beneath the still sky seem Bound by the spell of a sweet dream ; In the dusk forest, dreamingly. Droops slowly down each plumed head; The river flowing softly by Dreams of the sea; the quiet sea Dreams of the unseen stars ; and I Am dreaming of the dreamless dead. The river has a silken sheen. But red rays of the sunset stain 86 PEAQMENTS Its pictures, from the steep shore ciiu<,''ht. Till shades of rock, and fern, and tree Glow like the figures on a pane Of some old church by twilight seen. Or like the rich devices wrought In medigeval tapestry. All lonely in a drifting boat Through shine and shade I float and float, Dreaming and dreaming, till I seem Part of the picture and the dream. There is no sound to break the spell. No voice of bird or stir of bough ; Only the lisp of waters wreathing In little ripples round the prow. And a low air, like Silence breathing. That hardly dusks the sleepy swell Whereon I float to that strange deep That sighs upon the shores of Sleep. 87 FRAGMENTS But in the silent heaven blooming Behold the wondrous sunset flower That blooms and fades within the hour — The flower of fantasy, perfuming With subtle melody of scent The blue aisles of the firmament ! For colour, music, scent, are one ; From deeps of air to airless heights, Lo ! how he sweeps, the splendid sun. His burning lyre of many lights ! See the clear golden lily blowing ! It shines as shone thy gentle soul, O my most sweet, when from the goal Of life, far-gazing, thou didst see — While Death still feared to touch thine eyes, Where such immortal light was glowing — The vision of eternity. The pearly gates of Paradise ! Now richer hues the skies illume : The pale gold blushes into bloom^ 88 FRAGMENTS Delicate as the flowering Of first love in the tender spring Of Life, when love is wizardiy That over narrow days can throw A glamour and a glory ! so Did thine, my Beautiful, for me So long aofo : so longf asfo. So long ago ! so long ago ! Ah, who can Love aud Grief estran2"e ? Or Memory and Sorrow part ? Lo, in the West another change — A deeper glow : a rose of fire : A rose of passionate desire Lone burning in a lonely heart. A lonely heart; a lonely flood. The wave that glassed her gleaming head And smiling passed, it does not know That gleaming head lies dark and low ; The myrtle-tree that bends above, I pray that it may early bud. For under its green boughs sat we — ■ «9 FRAGMENTS We twain, we only, hand in liand. When Love was k)rd of all the land — It does not know that she is dead And all is over now with Love, Is over now Avith Love and me. Once more, once more, shining years Gone by ; once more, vanished days Whose hours flew by on iris-wings, Come back and bring my love to me ! My voice faints down the wooded ways And dies along the darkling flood. The past is past ; I cry in vain. For when did Death an answer deio-n To Love's heart-broken questionings ? The dead are deaf ; dust chokes their ears ; Only the rolling river hears Far off the calling of the sea — A shiver strikes through all my blood, Mine eyes are full of sudden tears. 90 FRAGMENTS Tlie sliadows gatlier over all. The valley, and tlie mountains old ; Shadow on shadow fast they fall On glooming green and waning gold ; And on my heart they gather drear. Damp as with grave-damps, dark with fear. O Sorrow, Sorrow, couldst thou leave me Not one brief hour to dream alone ? Hast thou not all my days to grieve me ? My nights, are they not all thine own ? Thou hauntest me at morning light. Thou blackenest the white moonbeams ; A hollow voice at noon ; at night A crowned ghost, sitting on a throne. Ruling the kingdom of my dreams. Maker of men. Thou gavest breath. Thou gavest love to all that live. Thou rendest loves and lives apart; 91 FRAGMENTS Allwise art Thou ; who questioneth Thy will^ or who can read Thy heart ? But couldst Thou not in mercy give A sign to us — one little spark Of sure hope that the end of all Is not concealed beneath the pall, Or wound up with the windiug-sheet ? Who heedeth aught the jDreacher saitli When eyes wax dim, and limbs grow stark. And fear sits on the darkened bed ? The dying man turns to the wall. What hope have we above our dead ? — Tense fingers clutching at the dark, And hopeless hands that vainly beat Against the iron doors of Death 1 92 "UXTO THIS LAST" They brought my fair love out upon a bier — Out from the dwelling that her smile made sweet, Out from the life that her life made complete, Into the glitter of the garish street — And no man wept, save I, for that dead dear. And then the dark procession wound along. Like a black serpent with a snow-white bird Held in its fangs. I think God said a word To death, as He in His chill heaven heard Her voice so sweeter than His seraph's song. And so Death took away her flower-sweet breath One darkest day of days in a dark year, [dear And brought to that strong God who had no My own dear love. Ah, closed eyes without peer! Ah, red lips pressed on the blue Hps of Death ! 93 THE NIGHTINGALE When tlie moon a golden-pale Lustre on my casement flings, An enchanted nightingale In tlie haunted silence sings. Strano'e the sonsr — its wondrous words O O Taken from the primal tongue, Known to men, and beasts, and birds, When the care-worn world was young Listening low, I hear the stars Through her strains move solemnly. And on lonesome banks and bars Hear the sobbing of the sea. 94 THE NIGHTINGALE And my memory dimly gropes Hints to o-atlier from her song Of forgotten fears and hopes, Joys and griefs forgotten long. And I feel once more the strife Of a passion, fierce and grand, That, in some long-vanished life. Held my soul at its command. Ah, my Love, in robes of white Standing by a moonlit sea^ Like a lily of the night. Hast thou quite forgotten nie ? Dost thou never dream at whiles Of tluit silent, templed vale, And the dim wood in whose aisles Sang a secret nightingale ? Whither hast thou gone ? What star Holds thy spirit pure and fine ? In this world below there are None like thee : and thou wert mine ! 95 THE NIGHTINGALE For a season all thiiio-s last. Love and Joy, and Life and Death ; Thou art portion of my past, I of thine, whilst Time draws breath. Fades the moonlight golden-pale, And the bird has ceased to sinsr — Ah, it was no nightingale. But my heart — remembering. 06 THE TWO KEYS There was a Boy^ long years ago, Wlio hour by liour awako would lie, And watch the white moon gliding slow Along her pathway in the sky. And every night as thus he lay Entranced in lonely fantasy. Borne swiftly on a bright moon-ray There came to him a Golden Key. And with that Golden Key the Boy Oped every night a magic door That to a melody of Joy Turned on its hinges evermore. 97 THE TWO KEYS Thcu, trembling with deliglit and awe, Wlion he the charmed threshold crossed, A radiant corridor he saw — Its end in dazzling distance lost. Great windows shining in a row Lit up the wondrous corridor, And each its own rich light did throw In stream resplendent on the floor. One window showed the Boy a scene Within a forest old and dim, Where fairies danced upon the green And kissed their little hands to him. Sweet strains of elfin harp and horn Ho heard so clearly sounding there, And lie to Wonderland was home And breathed its soft enchanted air. Then, passing onward with the years, He turned his back on Elf and Fay, And sadly sweet, as if in tears, Tlie fairy music died away. 98 THE TWO KEYS 'J'lie second window held Lim lono" : It looked npon a field of fight Whereon the countless hordes of Wronsr Fought fiercely with the friends of liight. And^ lo ! upon that fateful field. Where cannon thundered, banners streamed, And rushing squadrons rocked and reeled. His sword a star of battle gleamed. And when the hordes of Wrong lay still. And that great fight was fought and won. He stood, bright-eyed, npon a hill, His white plume shining in the sun, A glorious vision ! yet behind He left it with its scarlet glow, And faint and far upon the wind He heard the martial trumpets blow. For to his listening ear was borne A music more entrancing far Than strains of elfin harp or horn, More thrilling than the trump of war. 99 THE TWO IfEYS No longer as a dreamy boy He trod the radiant corridor : His young man's heart presaged a joy More dear than all the joys of yore. To that third window, half in awe, Ho moved, and slowly raised his eyes — And was it earth grown young he saw ? Or was it man's lost Paradise ? For all the flowers that ever bloomed Upon the earth, and all the rare Sweet Loveliness by Time entombed. Seemed blushing, blooming, glowing thei-o. And every mellow-throated b^rd That ever sang the trees among Seemed singing there, with one sweet word — " Love ! Love !" on every little tongue. Then he by turns grew rosy-red. And he by turns grew passion-pale. " Sweet Love!" the lark sang overhead, " Sweet Love!" sang Love's own nightingale. loo THE TWO KEYS In mid-lieart of the hawthorn-tree The thrush sang all its buds to bloom ; "Love! Love! Love! Love! Sweet Love/' san<>' he Amidst the soft green sun-flecked gloom. She stood upon a lilied lawn. With dreamful eyes that gazed afar : A maiden tender as the Dawn And lovely as the Morning Star. She stooped and kissed him on the brow, And in a low, sweet voice said she : " I am this country's queen — and thou ?" " I am thy vassal," murmured he. She hid him with her hair gold-red. That flowed like sunshine to her knee ; She kissed him on the lips, and said : " Dear heart ! I've waited long for thcc. ' lOI THE TWO KEYS And, oh, she was so fair, so fair, So gracious was her beauty bright, Around her the enamoured air Pulsed tremulously with delight. In passionate melody did melt Bird-voices, scent of flower and tree. And he within his bosom felt The piercing thorn of ecstasy. The years passed by in dark and light, In storm and shine; the man grew old, Yet never more by day or night There came to him the Key of Gold. But ever, ere the great sun flowers In gold above the sky's blue rim, All in the dark and lonely hours There comes an Iron Key to him. And with that key he opes a wide And gloomy door — the Door of Fate — 1 02 THE TWO KEYS That makes, whene'er it swings aside, A music sad and desolate, A music sad from saddest source : He sees beside the doorway set The chill, gray figure of Remorse, The pale, cold image of Regret. For all the glory and the glow Of Life are passed, and dead, and gone The Light and Life of Long Ago Are memories only — moonliglit wan. There is no man of woman born So brave, so good, so wise but he Must sometimes in a night forlorn Take up and use the Iron Key. 103 LACHESIS Over a slow-dying Hre, Dreaming old dreams, I am sitting ; The flames leap np and expire ; A woman sits opposite knitting. I've taken a Fate to wife ; She knits with a half-smile mocking Me, and m}^ dreams, and my life, All into a worsted stocking. 104 SYMBOLS 'Tis said that tlie Passion Flower, With its fig'ares of spear and sword And hammer and nails, is a symbol Of the Woe of our Blessed Lord. So still in the Heart of Beantj Has beou hidden, since Life drew breath, The sword and the spear of Anguish, And the hammer and nails of Death. »o5 AT THE OPERA. The curtain rose — tlie play bei^an — ■ The limelight on the gay garljs shone ; Yet carelessly I gazed upon Tlio painted players^ maid and man^ As one with idle eyes who sees The marble fiijures on a frieze. Long lark-notes clear the first act close, So the soprano : then a hush — ■ The tonor^ tender as a thrush ; Then loud and high the chorus rose, Till, with a sudden rush and strong. It ended in a storm of song. The curtain fell — the music died — The liglits grew bright, revealing there The flash of jewelled fingers fair, io6 AT THE OPERA And wreaths of pearls on brows of pride ; Then, with a quick-flushed cheek, I turned, And into mine her dark eyes burned. Such eyes but once a man may see. And, seeing once, his fancy dies To thoug-ht of any other eyes : So shadow-soft, thoy seemed to be Twin haunted lakes, lit by the gleams Of a mysterious moon of dreams. Silk lashes veiled their liquid light With such a shade as tall reeds fling From the lake-marge at sunsotting : Their darkness might have hid the niglit — Yet whoso saw their glance would say Night dreamt therein, and saw the day. Long looked I at them, wondering What tender memories were hid Beneath each blue-veined lily-lid ; What hopes of joys the years would bring; What griefs ? In vain : I might not guess The secret of their silentness. 107 AT THE OPERA What of her face ? Her face, meseems, Was such as painters see who muse By moonlight in dim avenues, Yet cannot paint; or as in dreams, Young poets see, but, when they try To limn in verse are dumb — so I. Yet well I know that I have seen That sweet face in the long ago In a rose-bower — well I know — Laughing the singing leaves between, In that strange land of rose and rhyme- Tlie land of Once upon a Time. O unknown sweet, so sweetly known, I know not what your name may be — Madonna is your name for me — Nor where your lines in life are thrown ; But soul sees soul — what is the rest ? A passing phantom at the best. Did your young bosom never glow To love ? or burns your heart beneath As burns the rosebud in its sheath ? 1 08 AT THE OPERA I neither know nor wish to know : I smell the rose upon the tree ; Who will may pluck and wear^ for me — May wear the rose, and watch it die. And, leaf by red leaf, fade and fall. Till there be nothing left at all Of its sweet loveliness ; but I Love it so well, I leave it free — The scent alone I take with me I As one who visits sacred spots Brings tokens back, so I from you A glance, a smile, a rapture new ! And these are my forget-me-nots ! I take from you but only these — Give all the rest to whom you please. Sweet eyes, your glance a light shall cast On me, when dreaded ghosts arise Of dead regrets with shrouded eyes. And phantoms of the perished past. Old thoughts, old hopes, and old desire Gather around my lonely fire ! 109 AT THE OPERA Farewell ! In rliyme, I kiss your hand — Kiss not unswect, although unheard ! — This is our secret — say no word — That I have been in Fairyland, And seen for one brief moment's space The Queen Titania face to face. 110 NE^RA'S WREATH Ne.^s'.ra crowns me with a purple wreath That she with her own dainty hands did twine ; Grold-hearted blossoms and blue buds in sheath, Mingled with veined green leaves of the wild vine. Then, bending down her bright head — ah, too nigh ! — She asks me for a song : the daylight dies : The song is still unwritten : still I lie Watching the purple twilight of her eyes. I am her laureate ; therefore heart of grace I take to kiss her. Where was song like this? Love is best sung of in a loveless place. For who would care to sing where he might kiss? Ill CAMILLA Camilla calls mo lioartlcss : hence you see Logic in love has little part. How can I otherwise than heartless be Seeing Camilla has my heart ? 112 SIXTY TO SIXTEEN If I were young as you, Sixteen, And you were old as I, I would not be as I have been. You would not be so sliy — We should not watch with careless mien The golden days go by, If I were young as you, Sixteen, And you were old as I. The years of youth are yours. Sixteen ; Such years of old had I, But time has set his seal between Dark eyebrow and dark eye. Sere grow the leaves that once were green, The song turns to a sigh : Ah ! very young are you. Sixteen, And very old am I. "3 81XTY TO SIXTEEN Red bloom-times come and go, Sixteen, With snow-soft feet, but I Shall be no more as I liave been In times of bloom gone by ; For dimmer grows the pleasant scene Beneath the pleasant sky ; The world is growing old. Sixteen — The weary world and I. Ah, would that once again. Sixteen, A kissing mouth had I; The days would gaily go, I ween, Though death should stand anigh, If springtime's green were evergreen, If Love would never die. And I were young as you, Sixteen, And you were old as I. "4 BODQUET AND BRACELET iJouQDET said: "My floral ring The homage of a heart encloses. Whose thoughts to you go worshipping In perfume from my blushing roses." Bracelet said : " My rubies red. Though hard the gleam that each exposes. Will last when flowers of Spring are fled And dead are all the Summer roses." Beauty mused awhile, and said, " Here's poesy \" and sighed, " Here prose is Bouquet ! I choose the rubies red ! — In Winter they will buy me roses.' ft "5 CUPID'S FUNERAL By liis side, whose days are past, Lay bow and quiver ! And his eyes that stare aghast Close, with a shiver. God nor man froni Death, at last, Love may deliver. Though — of old — we vowed, my dear. Death should not take him ; Mourn not thou that we must here Coldly forsake him ; Shed above his grave no tear — Tears will not wake him. ii6 Cupid's funeral Cupid lieth cold and dead — Ended his flying, Pale his lips, once rosy-red, Swift was his dying. Place a stone above his head, Turn away, sighing. 117 THE FIRST OF MAY A MEMORY The waters make a music low : The river reeds Are trembling to the tunes of long ago — Dead days and deeds Become alive again, as on I float, and float, Through shadows of the golden summers gone And springs remote. Above my head the trees bloom out In white and red Great blossoms, that make glad the air about; And old suns shed ii8 riKST OP MAY Their rays athwart them. Ah^ the light Is bright aud fair ! No suns that shine upon me uuw are bright As those suns were. And^ gazing down into the stream, I see a face, As sweet as buds that blossom in a dream, Ere sorrows chase Fair dreams from men, and send in lieu Sad thoughts. A wreath Of blue-bells binds the head — a bluer blue The eyes beneath. This is my little Annie's face ; My child-sweetheart Whom long ago I lost in that dark place Where all lives part. Beside me still I see her stand. Who is no more. 119 FIRST OP MAY She walked witli me through chiklhood, hand in hand. But at the door Of youth departed from me. Fain Was I that day To go with her. Ah^ sweetheart, come again This First of May ! I20 A GHOST (jHOSTS walk the Earth, that rise not from the grave. The Dead Past hath its living' dead. We see All suddenly, at times, — and shudder then — ■ Their faces pale, and sad accusing eyes. Last night, within the crowded street, I saw A Phantom from the Past, with pallid face And hollow eyes, and pale, cold lips, and hair Faded from that imperial hue of gold Which was my pride in days that are no more. That pallid face I knew in its young bloom — ■ A radiant lily with a i-ose-flushed heart. Most beautiful, a vision of delight ; And seeing it again, so changed, so changed. 121 A GHOST I felt as if the icy Land of Deatli Had touched my forehead and his voice said "Come!" Ah, pale, cold lips that once were rosy-red ! Lips I have kissed on golden afternoons — Past, past, and gone, and gone beyond recall — - Breathing low vows beside the summer sea (Vows broken like the breaking of a wave) ; Ah, faded hair, whose curls I have caressed. And sworn the least of them was dearer far Than all the wealth of all the world to me ! Ah, hollow, haunting eyes, witliin whose depths. Flower-like, and star-like, once my Fate T saw, Or thought I saw ! — is there not any way To call back from its grave the Buried Past ? Dear ! Though my vows to thee were all for- sworn. Too well, too late, I know I loved thee more Than mine own life — a life-in-death since then. Yet shall I nevermore in all the days 122 A GHOST And all tlie lives to come, if lives there be Beyond this life, beyond the weary earth, Kiss thee again upon the lips and hair. And call thee by the old caressing names. And feel thy true heart beating against mine. That was so false and would, too late, be true ; For neither passionate prayer, nor burning tears, Nor incantations that might rend the rocks. Nor all the powers of hell, nor God Himself, May raise the Buried Past to life again. For thou that wert art not ; dead evernK>re — • Dead evermore, too, that which once was I. What exorcism will lay these haunting ghosts ? None but a drauo-lit of the Lethean stream. W^lio drinks therefrom shall all things soon forget, Himself forgetting, too — the greatest good. I2-? EVEN SO ♦ The days go by — tlie days go by, Sadly and wearily to die : Each with its burden of small cares. Each with its sad gift of gray hairs For those who sit, like me, and sigh, ' The days go by ! The days go by ! " Ah, nevermore on shining plumes. Shedding a rain of rare perfumes That men call memories, they are borne As in life's many-visioned morn, When Love sang in the myrtle-blooms — Ah, nevermore on shining plumes ! 124 EVEN SO Where is my life ? Where is my life ? The morning of my youth was rife With promise of a golden day. Where have my hopes gone ? Where are they — The passion and the splendid strife? Where is my life ? Wliei*e is my life ? My thoughts take hue from this wild day, And, like the skies, are ashen gray ; The sharp rain, falling constantly. Lashes with whips of steel the sea : What words are left for Hope to say ? My thoughts take hue from this wild day. I dreamt — my life is all a dream! — • That I should sing a song supi-eme To gladden all sad eyes that weep. And take the Harp of Tiino, and sweep Its chords to some eternal theme. I dreamt — my life is all a dream. EVEN SO The world is very old and wau — Tlie sun that once so brightly shone Is now as pale as the pale moon. I would that Death came swift and soon; For all my dreams are dead and gone. The world is very old and wan. The world is yonng, the world is strong, But I in dreams have wandered long. God lives. What can Death do to me The sun is shininsf on the sea. Yet shall I sing my splendid song — The world is young, the world is strong. 126 SONG What shall a man remember In days wlien he is old, And Life is a dying ember, And Fame a story told ? Power — that came to leave him ? Wealth — to the wild waves blown ? Fame — that came to deceive him ? Ah, no ! Sweet Love alone ! Honour, and Wealth, and Power May all like dreams depart — But Love is a fadeless flower Whose roots are in the heart. 127 A SUNSET FANTASY Spellbound by a sweet fantasy At evensflow I stand Beside an opaline strange sea That rings a sunset land. The rich lights fade out one by one. And, like a peony Drowning in wine, the crimson sun Sinks down in that strange sea. His wake across the ocean-floor In a long glory lies, Like a gold wave-way to the shore Of some sea paradise. 128 A SUNSET B'ANTASY ]\Jy dream flies after hini; and I Am in another land ; The sun sets in another sky, And we sit hand in hand. Gray eyes look into mine ; such eyes I think the angels' are — Soft as the soft light in the skies Wluui shines the morning star. And tremulous as morn, when thin Gold lights begin to glow. Revealing the bright soul within As dawn the sun below. So, hand in hand, we watch the sun Burn down the Western deeps. Dreaming a charmed dream, as one Who in enchantment sleeps ; A dream of how we twain some day. Careless of map or chart, AVill both take ship and sail away Into the sunset's heart. 129 A SUNSET FANTASY Our ship shall be of sandal built. Like ships in old-world tales^ Carveu with cunning art, and gilt, And winged with scented sails 0£ silver silk, whereon the red Great gladioli burn, A rainbow-flag at her masthead, A. rose-flag at her stern ; And, perching on the point above Wherefrom the pennon blows, The figure of a flying dove. And in her beak a rose. And from the fading laud the breeze Sliall bring us, blowing low. Old odours and old memories. And airs of long ago — A melody that has no words Of mortal speech a part, Yet touching all the deepest chorda That tremble in the heart : 130 A SUNSET FANTASY A seen bed song blown oversea^ As though from bowers of bloom A Avind-harp in a lilac-tree Bi'eathed music and perfume. And we, no more with longings pale, AVill smile to hear it blow ; I in the shadow of the sail. You in the sunset-glow. For, with the fading land, our fond Old fears shall all fade out, Paled by the light from shores beyond The dread of Death or Doubt. And from a gloomy cloud above When Death his shadow flings, The Spirit of Immortal Love Will shield us with his wings. He is the lord of dreams divine, And lures us with his smiles Along the splendour opaline Unto the Blessed Isles. 131 POPPIES These are the flowers of sleep That nod in the heavy noon, Ere the brown shades eastward creep To a drowsy and dreamful tune — These are the flowers of sleep. Lovp's lilies are passion-pale, B'At these on the sun-kissed flood Of the corn, that rolls breast deep, Purn redder than drops of blood On a dead king's golden mail. Heart's dearest, I would that we These blooms of forge tfulness Might bind on our brows, and steep Our love in Lethe ere less Grow its flame with thee or me. 133 POPPIES Wlien Time with his evil eye The beautiful Love has slain. There is nought to gain or keep Thereafter, and all is vain. Should we wait to see Love die ? Sweetheai-t, of the joys men reap We have reaped ; 'tis time to rest. Whv should we wake but to weep ? Fleep and forgetting is best — These are the flowers of sleep. 133 AMARANTH Once a poet — long ago — Wrote a song as void of art As the songs that children know, And as pure as a child's heart. With a sigh he threw it down, Saying, " This will never shed Any glory or renown On my name when I am dead. " I will sing a lordly song Men shall hear, when I am gone, Tlirough the years sound clear and strong As a golden clarion." *34 AMARANTH So this lordly song lie sang TJiat would gain him deathless fame- When the death-knell o'er him rang No man even knew its name. Ay^ and when his way he found To the place of singing souls, And beheld their brisfht heads crowned With song-woven aureoles, He stood shame-faced in the throng, For his brow of wreath was bare, And, alas ! his lordly song Sere had grown in that sweet air; Then, all sudden, a divine Light fell on him from afar. And he felt the child-song shine On his forehead like a star. So for ever. Each and all Songs of passion or of mirth That are not heart-pure shall fall As a sky-lark's — ^to the earth ; 135 AMARANTH But the soul's song has no bounds — Like the voice of Israfel^ From the heaven of heavens it souiiJs To the very hell of hell. 136 THE LITTLE PEOPLE Who are tliese strange small folk, These that come to our homes as kings, Asking nor leave nor grace, Bonding our necks to their yoke, Taking the highest place. And mastery of all things ? Whence they come uone may know, But a wondrous land it must be ; Angels in exile they ! Here in this dull world below Creatures of sinful clay We feel near their purity. 137 THE LITTLE PEOPLE Clearer their young eyes are Than the dew in the cups of flowers Gleaming, when shines at dawn, Faintlj^j the morning's one stai- — Byes whose still gaze, indrawn, Sees things unseen by ours. Deep in those orbs serene — Little planets be-ringed and bright — Mysteries marvellous lie : K-Qown unto us they might moan Faith, without fear, to die. All sure of the waiting light. Dimpled their hands and small — Would ye, therefore, their might contemn ? Seem they for play designed ? Fate, and the Future withal. Weal, yea and Woe, of mankind. Lie hid in the palms of them. 178 THE LITTLE PEOPLE Tyrants^ wliose terrible names Make men palo with affiiglit intense, Worshipping, kiss their feet : Touch of their little hands tames Fiercest of hearts that beat — So mighty is Innocence. These are the children dear, From a country unknown of charts : (Dim Land of Souls Unborn), Rosy as morn they come here, Filling with joy forlorn Waste places in our hearts. 139 A KING IN EXILE THE Queen may keep her golden Crown and sceptre of command ! 1 would give them both twice over To be King of Babyland. Sure, it is a wondrous country Where the beanstalks grow apace, And so very near the moon is You could almost stroke her fac^e. And the dwellers in that country Hold in such esteem their King, They believe that if he chooses He can do — just anything ! 140 A KIN(J IN EXILE And, altliougli his regal stature May be oulj^ four-fcot-tou, Think him tallest, strongest, bravest, Noblest, wisest, best of men. Ah, how fondly I remember The good time serene and fair. In the bygone years when I, too. Was a reigning monarch there ! But my subjects they discrowned me When they'd older, colder, grown ; And they took away my sceptre. And upset my royal throne. Yet, although a King in Exile, Without subjects to command, [ am glad at heart to think I Once was King of Babyland. 141 TAMERLANE Lo, upon tlie carpet, where Throned upon a heap of slain Bhie-eyed dolls of beauty rare (Ah, they pleaded all in vain !) Sits the Infant Tamerlane ! Broken toys upon the floor Scattered lie — a ruined rout. Thus from all things evermore Are — the fact is past a doubt — Hidden virtues hammered out. Poet's page, or statesman's bust, Nothing comes to him amiss ; Everything he clutches must — 'Tis his simple dream of bliss ! — Suffer his analysis. 14a TAMERLANE O my little Tamerlane, Infantile Iconoclast, Is your small barbaric brain Not overawed by the amassed Wit and Wisdom of the Past ? Type are you of that which springs Ever forth when comes the need. Overthrowing thrones and kings. Faithless altar, sapless creed ; Sowing fresh and living seed. On the worn-out Eoman realm. In whose purple gnawed the moth. Til us its pride to overwhelm, And its state to carve like cloth. Swept the fierce, long-sworded Goth. Age preserves with doting care Things from which life long has fled. Shrieks to see Youth touch a hair On the mouidiest mummy-head — So Egyptians kept their dead. H3 TAMERLANE Youtli comes by with head higli-reared, Stares in scorn at these august Effigies by age revered — Gilded shapes of Greed and Lust — Shakes them into rags and dust. Little Vandal, smash away ! Riot while your blood is hot ! — If into the world each day Such as you are entered not. It would perish of dry-rot. 144 THE DEAD CHILD All silent is tlie room, There is no stir of breath. Save mine, as in the gloom I sit alone with Death. Short life it had, the sweet, Small babe here lying dead. With tapers at its feet And tapers at its head. Dear little hands, too frail Their grasp on life to hold ; Dear little month so pale, So solemn, and so cold ; 145 THE DEAD CHILD Small feet that nevermore About the house shall run ; Thy little life is o'er ! Thy little journey done ! Sweet infant, dead too soon, Thou shalt no more behold The face of sun or moon, Or starlight clear and cold ; Nor know, where thou art gone. The mournfulness and mirth We know who dwell upon This sad, glad, mad, old earth. The foolish hopes and fond That cheat us to the last Thou shalt not feel ; beyond All these things thou hast passed. The struggles that upraise The soul by slow degrees To God, through Aveary days — Thou hast no part in these. 146 THE DEAD CHILD And at thy cliildisli play Shall we, little one, No more beliold thee ? Nay, No more beneath the sun. Death's sword may well be bared 'Gainst those grown old in strife. But, ah ! it might have spared Thy little unlived life. Why talk as in despair ? Just God, whose rod I kiss. Did not make thee so fair To end thy life at this. There is some pleasant shore — Far from His Heaven of Pride, Where those strong souls who bore His Cross in bliss abide — Some place where feeble things. For Life's long war too weak. Young birds with unfledged wings. Cuds nipped by storm- winds bleak, 147 THE DEAD CHILD Young lambs left all forlorn Beneath a bitter sky^ Meek souls to sorrow born, Find refuge when they die. There day is one long dawn. And from the cups of flowers Light dew-filled clouds updrawu Rain soft and perfumed showers. Child Jesus walketh there Amidst child-angel bands, With smiling lips, and fair White roses in His hands. I kiss thee on the brow, I kiss thee on the eyes — • Farewell ! Thy home is now The Children's Paradise. 148 IN MEMORY OF AN ACTRESS Say little : where she lies, so let her rest : What cares she now for Fame, and wliat for Art? What for a,pplause ? She has played out her part. Her hands are folded calmly on her breast — God knows the best ! She has gone down, as all must go, to where The players of the past are lying low — Players who played their parts out long ao-o — • With the life-hue still bright on lips and hair And forehead fair. Cheek's colour, poise of head, and flash of eye Who will remember them when we are dead ? Whom that is dead have we remembered ? 149 iN MKMOKY OF AN ACTKESS Tlio eud is one altliougli we smile or sigh — We live ; we die. Bitter to some is Death, to some is sweet — Sweetest to youth and bitterest to age; But simple is the costume for the stage^ The darkened stage of death, and very meet — A winding-sheet. So we may fill our days with grief or mirth, Each as he pleases : but what boots it all. When on the coffin-lid the cold clods fall. Though we had been most eloquent on earth Or dumb from birth ? So, let her rest who perished in her prime : Surely through darkness she shall find the light And, though obscured to us in outer night, Shall play her part yet in a play sublime In God's good time. ISO THE RIVER MAIDEN Her gown was simple woven wool, But, in repayment. Her body sweet made beautiful The simplest raiment : For all its fine, melodious curves With life a-quiver Were graceful as the bends and swerves Of her own river. Her round arms, from the shoulders down To sweet hands slender, The sun had kissed them amber-brown With kisses tender. 151 THE lilVEli MAIDEN For tliougli slie loved the secret shades Where ferns grow stilly, And wild vines droop their glossj braids, And gleams the lily, And Nature, with soft eyes that glow In gloom that glistens, Unto her own heart, beating slow, In silence listens : She loved no less the meadows fair. And green, and spacious ; The river, and the azure air. And sunliglit gracious. I saw her first when tender, wan, Greeu light enframed her ; And, in my heart, the Flower of Down I softly named her. The bright sun, like a king in state, With banners streaming, Rode through the fair auroral gate In mail gold-gleaming. IS2 THE RIVER MAIDEN The witch-ejed stars before him paled — So high his scorning ! — And round the hills the rose-clouds sailed. And it was morning. The light mimosas bended low To do her honour, As in that rosy morning glow I gazed upon her. My boat swung bowward to the stream Where tall reeds shiver ; We floated onward, in a dream, Far down the River. The River that full oft has told To Ocean hoary A many-coloured, sweet, and old Unending story : Tlie story of the tall, young trees, For ever sighing To sail some day the rolling seas ^Neath banners flying. 153 THE RIVER MAIDEN The Ocean hears^ and through his caves Roars gusty hiughter ; And takes the River, with his waves To roll thereafter. But Love deep waters cannot drown ; To its old fountains The stream returns in clouds that crown Its parent mountains. The River was to her so dear She seemed its daughter ; Her deep translucent eyes were clear As sunlit water; And in her bright veins seemed to run, Pulsating, glowing, The music of the wind and sun, And waters flowing. The secrets of the trees she knew: Their growth, their gladness. And, when their time of death was due, Their stately sadness. 154 THE RIVER MAIDEN Gray gums, like old men warped by time, She knew their story ; And theirs that laughed in pride of prime And leafy glory ; And theirs that, where clear waters run, Drooped dreaming, dreaming; And theirs that shook against the sun Their green plumes gleaming. All things of gladness that exist Did seem to woo her, And well that woodland satirist. The lyre-bird, knew her. And there were hidden mossy dells That she knew only, Where Beauty born of silence dwells Mysterious, lonely. No sounds of toil their stillness taunt. No hearth-smoke sullies The air: the Mountain Mnsos hniuit Those lone, green gullies. THE RIVER MAIDEN And there they weave a song of Fate That never slumbers : A song some bard shall yet translate In golden numbers. A blue haze veiled the hills' huge shapes, A misty lustre — Like rime upon the purple grapes, When ripe they cluster : 'Twas noon, and all the Vale was gold — An El Dorado : The damask river seaward rolled, Throusfh shine and shadow. •o And, gazing on its changing glow, I saw, half-sighing, The wondrous Fairyland below Its surface lying. There all things shone with paler sheen ■ More softly sliimmered The fern-fronds, and with softer green The myrtles glimmered : 156 THE RIVER MAIDEN And — like that Fisher gazing in The sea-depths, pining For days gone by, who saw Julin Beneath him shining. With many a wave-washed corridor, And sea-filled portal, And plunged below, and nevermore Was seen of mortal — So I, long gazing at the gleam Of fern and flower, Felt drawn down to that World of Dream By magic power : For there, I knew, in silence sat, With breasts slow-heaviug, Illusion's Queen Eabesquerat, Her web a-weaving. But when the moon shone, large and low. Against Orion, Then, as from some pale portico Might issue Dian, IS7 THE RIVER MAIDEN She came through tall tree-pillars pale, A silver vision, A nymph strayed out of Ida's vale Or fields Elysian. White stars shone out with mystic gleams The woods illuming : It seemed as if the trees in dreams Once more were blooming. And all beneath those starry blooms. By bends and beaches, We floated on through glassy glooms, Down moonlit reaches. Ah, that Avas in the glad years when Joys ne'er were sifted, But I on wilder floods since then Have darkly drifted. Yet, River of Roiiiance, for me With pictures glowing, Thi'ough dim, green fields of Memory Thou still art flowinsf. 158 THE RIVER MAIDEN And still I hear, tliy shores along, All faintly ringing, The notes of ghosts of birds that long Have ceased their singing. Was she, who then my heart did use To touch so purely, A mortal maiden — or a Muse ? I know not, surely. But still in dreams I see her stand, A fairer Flora, Serene, immortal, by the strand Of clear Narora. IW A PICTURE The sun burns fiercely down the skies ; Tlie sea is full of flashing eyes ; The waves glide shoreward serpentwise And fawn with foamy tongues on stark Gray rocks, each sharp-toothed as a shark, And hiss in clefts and channels dark. Blood-purple soon the waters grow, As though drowned sea-kings fought below Forgotten fights of long ago. The gray owl Dusk its wings has spread; The sun sinks in a blossom-bed Of poppy-clDiids; the day is dead. 1 60 SEA-GIFTS Give thou a gift to me From thy treaaure-huuse, sea ! Said a red-lipped laughing girl While the summer yet was young ; And the sea laughed back and flung At her feet a priceless pearl. Give thou a gift to me From thy treasure-house, sea ! Said the maiden once again On a night of wind and rain. Like a ghost the moon above her Stared through wiuding-shects of cloud. i6i SEA GIFTS On tlie sand in sea-weed sliroud, Lay the pale corpse of her lover. Wliich is better^ gain or loss ? A\'hich is nobler/ crown or cross ? Wo shall know these things, maybe, When the dead rise from the sea. 162 DAY AND NIGHT Day goeth bold in cloth of gold, A royal bridegroom he ; But Night in jewelled purple walks — A Queen of Mystery. Day filleth up his loving-cup With vintage golden-clear; But Night her ebon chalice crowns With wine as pale as Fear. Day drinks to Life, to rudd}' Life, And holds a kingly feast. Night drinks to Death ; and while she drinks — Day rises in the East 1 163 DAY AND NIGHT Tlio}' may not meet ; they may not greet : Each keeps a separate way : Day knoweth not the stars of Night, Nor Niglit the Star of Day. So runs the reign of Other Twain. JJehokl ! the Preacher saith Death knoweth not the Light of Life, Nor Life the Light of Death ! 164 THE POET CARE Care is a Poet flue : He works in shade or shine, And leaves— you know liis sig'u !- No day without its Hue. He writes with iron pen Upon the brows of men ; Faint Hues at first, and then He scores them iu au'ain. -o" His touch at first is liij^Jit On Beauty's brow of white ; The old churl loves to write On foreheads broad and briglit. 165 THE POET CARE A line for young love crossed, A line for fair hopes lost In an untimely frost — A line that means Thou Wast. Then deeper script appears : The furrows of dim fears, The traces of old tears, The tide-marks of the years. To him with sight made strong By suffering and wrong, The brows of all the throng Are eloquent with song. t66 VOICES There are three mighty Voices that alway Cry out to God to speed His Judgment Day. The Voice of Devils^ weary long ago Of dragging souls to Everlasting Woe. The Voice of Saints who hear, while anthems swell In Heaven, the wail of sinners doomed to Hell. The Voice of Man, sick of his desperate Lono" throwing Against the leaded dice of Fate. All things are weary of the strife and stress — • In God alone is there no weariness ? i67 THE ASCETIC Tlie narrow, thorny path he trod. " Enter into My joy," said God. The sad ascetic shook his head ; " I've lost all taste for joy/' he said. 1 68 THE SERPRNrS LEGACY, An api^lo caused man's fall, as some believe ; But that old Snake, malevolently wise, 4 deadlier snare set when ho left to Eve His tongue of honej and mesmeric eyes. 169 HIS SOUL Once from the world of living men I passed, by a strange fancy led, To a still City of the Dead, To call upon a citizen. He had been famous in his day ; Much talked of, Avritten of, and praised For virtues my small soul amazed — And yet I thought his heart was clay. He was too full of grace for me : His friends said, on a marble stone. His soul sat somewhere near the Throne I did not know ; I called to see. 170 SIS SOtJL Uis name and fame were on the door — A most superior tomb indeed, Mucli railed, and gilt, and filigi-eed ; no occupied tlie lower floor. I knocked — a worm crawled from its hole : I looked — and knew it for his soul. 171 THE DIIEAM OF MARGAliET It fell upon a summer niglit The village folk were soundly sleeping, Unconscious of the glamour white In which the moou all things was steeping; One window only showed a light; Behind it^ silent vigil keepings Sat Margaret, as one in trance — The dark-eyed daughter of the Manse. A flood of strange, sweet thou olits wns surp-iu"' Her passionate heart and brain within. At last, some secret impulse urging. She laid aside her garment thin. And from its snowy folds emerging. Like Lamia from the serpont-skin, She stood before her mirror bne was golden-haired Gudrun. Then Iniiglit find swords, broad and bright And keen as theirs, for me to fight. 175 TUE BUKAM 01-' MARGARET "But narrow bounds my life euvirou. And hold my eager spirit in. TJie men I see no lieart of fire in Their bodies bear. My love to win A man must have a will of iron^ A soul of flame. Then sweet were sin Or Death for him ! " With ardent glance Thus spake the daughter of the Manse. Then^ with a smile, she fell asleep in Her white and dainty maiden bed. The chaste, cold moon alone could peep in, And view her tresses dark outspread U|ion an arm whose clasp might keep in The life of one given up for dead: And, as she drifted down the stream Of Slumber deep, she dreamt a dream. « ■ • • • • • It was a banquet rich and rare. The wine of France was foaming nnidly; The proud and great of earth were there, And all were slaves to serve her gladly, 176 THE DREAM OP MARGARET And yet on them with haughty air She gazed, half-scornfully, Jialf-sadly ; The Lady of the Feast was she — So ran her strange dream-fantasy, A Prince was at her fair in'ght hand, And at her left a famous leader Of hosts, with look of high command, And — blacker than the tents of Kedar — An Eastern King, barbaric, grand, Sat near — tlieir Queen tlicy had decreed Iier. Below the proud, the brave, the wise. Sat charmed by her mesmeric eyes. Then thus she spake : " Lords of Earth ! Than you I know none nobler, braver ; And yet your fame, and rank, and birth. And wealth in -wiy sight find small favour. For all too well I know their worth — Long since for me they lost their savour. The Spirit, fit to mate with mine. Must be demoniac — or divine. 177 THE DREAM OF MARGARET ' A toast ! " she cried. The gallant throng Sprang up, their foaming glasses clinking. " Saian ! The Spirit proud and strong ! The bravest lover to my thinking ! The Wine of Life I've drunk too long : The Wine of death I now am drinking ! " . . , " Our Queen she was a moment since — Bear forth the body ! '^ said the Prince. A ghostly wind arose, all wet With tears, and full of cries and wailing. And wringing hands, and faces set In bitter anguish unavailing j It bore the soul of Margaret To where a voice, iu tones of railing, Cried, " Spirit proud, tliou hast done well 1 Thou art within the Gates of Hell ! " The soul of Margaret passed slowly, Yet bravely, through tlie Hall of Di^ead^ Tlie roof whereof was liid'.len wholly By black clouds hanging overhead. i7b THE DREAM OF MARGARET No sound disturbed the melancholy Deep silence — which itself seemed dead. No wailing of the damned was heard, No voice the fearful stillness stirred. But that deep silence held in keeping 'J'he secret of Eternal Woe — That yet seemed like a serpent creeping Around the walls. It was as though The cries of pain and hopeless weeping Had died out ages long ago. No face was seen, no figure dread. . . . Were all the damned and devils dead ? No lustre known on earth was gleaming In that dread Hall, but some weii-d light Around the pillars vast was streaming, And down the vistas infinite; A light like that men see in dreaming, And, waking, shudder with affright. Its glare a baleful splendour shed For ever throusrh the Hall of Dread. 179 THE DREAM OF MARQARET Then suddenly she was aware That from the walls, and all around her, In motionless and burning stare. Millions of eyes glowed, that spellbound her The evei'lasting dumb despair That spoke from them made Pity founder; And, as she passed along the floor, She trod on burning millions more. For floor and pillar, roof and all, Were full of eyes, for over burning — 'Twas these that lit the Dreadful Hall, These were the dannied beyond returning, Sealed up in pillar, floor, and wall, Without a tongue to voice their yearning, Or grief, or hate, so God might know : Their eyes alone could speak their woe. Her way lit by the weird light flowing From those sad, awful eyes, she passed To where — her terror ever growing — Upon a Throne, in fire set fast, i8o THE DRKAM OP MARQAliET And like a Rose of fire far-glowing, She saw a Figure, Veiled and Vast. She trembled, for slie knew full well She stood before the Lord of Hell. And then, an instant courage taking. She knelt before the burning throne. And, all her hopes of heaven forsaking. She cried, " Lord, make me thine own ! For men, though they be of God's making, I love not. Thee I love alone." The figure veiled spake thus : " Arise, Spirit proud — and most unwise ! " And as It spake, unveiling slowly, A brow of awful beauty shone On Margaret's soul — yet Melancholy And Woe Eternal sat thereon. But, lo ! the form was woman wholly. A faint smile played her lips upon. As in a voice low, sweet, and level She said : " My dear, I am the Devil ! " i8i TUE DUEAM OF MARGARET With one wild wail of bitter scorning The stricken soul of Margaret fled, Sore harrowed by that dreadful warning ; And, shrieking, through the Hall of Dread She passed . . . and woke . . . and it was morning. And she was in her own white bed. Soon afterwards, the tale runs, she Took veil within a nunnery. 182 THE MARTYK Not only on cross and gibbet, By sword, and fire, and flood, Have perished the world's sad martyra Whose names are writ in blood. A woman lay in a hovel^ Mean, dismal, gasping for breath ; One friend alone was beside her — The name of him was — Death. For the sake of her orphan children. For money to buy them food. She lunl slaved in the dismal hovel And wasted her womanhood. 183 THE MARTYR Winter and Spi-ing and Summer Came each with a load of en res ; And Autumn to her brought only A harvest of gray hairs. Far out in the blessed country. Beyond the smoky town, The winds of God were blowing Evermore up and down ; The trees were waving* signals Of joy from the bush beyond; The gum its blue-green banner. The fern its dark green frond ; Flower called to flower in whispers By sweet caressing names, And young gum shoots sprang upward Like woodland altar-flames; And, deep in the distant ranges. The magpie's fluting song Roused musical, mocking echoes In the woods of Dandenong ; 184 THE MAETYR And riders were galloping gaily With loose-lield flowing reins, Througli dim and shadowy gullies, Across broad, treeless plains ; And winds through the Heads came wafting A breath of life from the sea, And over the blue horizon The ships sailed silently; And out of the sea at morning The sun rose, golden bright. And in crimson, and gold, and purple Sank in the sea at night ; But in dreams alone she saw them, Her hours of toil between ; For life to her was only A heartless dead machine. Her heart was in the graveyard Where lay her children three. Nor work nor prayer could save them. Nor tears of ag(^ny. 185 THE MARTVK On the lips of lior last and dearest Pressing- a farewell kiss, Slie cried aloud in her anguish — " Can God make amends for this?" Dull, desperate, ceaseless slaving Bereft her of power to pray, And Man was careless and crnel, And God was far away. But who shall measure His mercieti ! His ways are in the deep ; And, after a life of sorrow, He gave her His gift of sleep. Rest comes at last to the weary, And freedom to the slave ; Her tired and worn-out body Sleeps well in its pauper grave. But His angel bore her soul up To that Bright Land and Fair, Where Sorrow enters never, Nor any cloud of Care. 1 86 THE MARTYR They came to a lovely valley, Ag-leam with asphodel, And the soul of the woman speaking- Said — " Here I fain would dwell ! " The Angel answered gently : " Soul most pure and dear, Soul most tried aud truest. Thy dwelling is not here ! " Behold thy place appointed — • Long kept, long waiting — come ! — Where bloom on the hills of hehv^m The roses of M:n-tyrdom !' 187 HIS MATE It may have hecn a fragment of that higher Truth dn avis, at times, disclose ; It may have heeti to Fond Illusion nigher — But thus the story goes : A fierce sun glared irpon a gaunt land, stricken With barrenness and thirst. Where Nature's pulse with joy of Spring would quicken No more; a land accurst. Gray salt-bush grimmer made the desolation — Like mocking immortelles Strewn on the graveyard of a perished nation Whose name no record tells. 188 HIS MATE No faintest sign of distant water glimmered The aching eye to bless; The far horizon like a sword's edge shimmered, Keen, gleaming, pitiless. And all the long day through the hot air quivered Beneath a burning sky. In dazzling dance of heat that flashed and shivered : It seemed as if hard by The borders of this region, evil-favoured. Life ended, Death begran : But no; upon the plain a shadow wavered — The shadow of a man. What man was this by Fate or Folly driven To cross the dreadful plain ? A pilgrim poor ? or Ishmael unforgivon ? The man was Andy Blane, A stark old sinner, and a stout, as ever Blue swag has carried through 189 HTS MATE That grim, wild land men name tlie Never-Never, Beyond tlie far Barcoo. His strength was failing now, but his unfailing Strong spirit still upbore And drove him on with courage yet unquailing, In spite of weakness sore. When, lo ! beside a clump of salt-bush lying, All suddenly he found A stranger, who before his eyes seemed dying Of thirst, without a sound. Straightway beside that stranger on the sandy Salt plain — a death-bed sad — Down kneeling, " Drink this water, mate ! " said Andy — It was the last he had. Behold a miracle ! for when that Other Had drunk, he rose and cried, " Let us pass on ! " As brother might with brother So went they, side by side ; I go HIS MATE Until the fierce sun, like an eyeball bloody Eclipsed in death, was seen No more, and in the spacious West, still ruddy, A star shone out serene. As one, then, whom some memory beguiling May gladden, yea, and grieve. The sti'anger, pointing up, said, siidly smiling, " The Star of Christmas Eve ! " Andy replied not. Unto him the sky was All reeling stars ; his breath Came thick and fast ; and life an empty lie was ; True one tiling only — Death. Beneath the moonlight, with the weird, wan glitter Of salt-bush all around, tie lay ; but by his side in that dark, l)itter, Last hour, a friend he found. 191 nrs MA.TB " Thank God ! " he said. " Ilc't; acted more than square, mate, By me iu this — and I'vi A liip lie must have known I was — well, there, mate — A White Man all the time. "To-morrow's Christmas day : God knows where I'll be By then — I don't ; but you Away from this Death's hole sliould many a mile be, At Blake's, on the Barcoo. "You take this cheque there — they will cash it, sonny It meant my Christmas spree .... And do just what you like best with the money, In memory of me.'^ The stranger, smiling, with a little leaven Of irony, said, " Yea, 192 HIS MATE But tJicre it shall not be. With me in Heaven You'll spend your Christinas Day." Then that gray heathen^ that old back-block stager, Half-jestingly replied, And laughed — and laughed again — "Mate, it's a wager ! " And, grimly laughing, died. St. Peter stood at the Celestial Portal, Gazing down gulfs of air, When Andy l^)laue, no longer now a mortal. Appeared before him there. " What scek'st thou here ?" the saint in tone ironic Said. " Surely the wrong gate This is for thee." Andy replied, laconic, " I want to find my mate." 193 Ills MATE The gates fle\v wide. The glory unheh olden Of 7iiortal eyes was there. He gazed — this troiiibHng sinner — at the golden Thrones^ terrible and fair, And shuddered. Then down through the living splendour Came One unto the crate Who said, with outspread hands, in accents tendcu- : "Andy ! / am your mate !" 194 THE OLD Wli^'E AND THE NEW He sat beneath tlie curling vines That round the gay verandah twined. His forehead seamed with sorrow's lines, An old man with a weary mind. His young wife, with a rosy face And brown arms ambered by the sun. Went flittmg all about the place — Master and mistress both in one. What caused that old man's look of care ? Was she not blithe and fair to see ? What blacker than her raven hair^ What darker than her eyes might be ' 195 THE OLD WIPB AND THE NEW The old man bent his weary head ; The sunlight on his gray hair shone; His thoughts were with a woman dead And buried, years and years agone : The good old wife who took her stand Beside him at the altar-side, And walked with him, hand clasped iii hand. Through joy and sorrow till she died. Ah. she was tair a'^ heart's desire. And gay. and supple-limbed, in truth. And in his veins there leapt like fire The hot red blood of lusty youth. She stood by him in shine and shade, And, when hard-beaten at his best, She took him bke a child and laid His aching head upon her breast. She helped him make a little home Where once were gum-trees gaunt and stark. And bloodwoods waved green-feathered foam — Working from dawn of day to dark, 196 THE OLD WIKE AND THE NEW Till that dark forest formed a frame For vineyards that the gods might bless. And what was savage once became An Eden in the wilderness. And how at their first viutage-time She laughed and sang — jon see such shapes On vases of the Grecian prime — And danced a reel upon the grapes ! And ever, as the years went on, All things she kept with thrifty hand. Till never shone the sun upon A fairer homestead in the land. • Then children came — ah, me ! ah, me ! Sad blessings that a mother craves ! That old man from his seat could see The shadows playing o'er their graves. And then she closed her eyes at last, Her gentle, useful, peaceful life 197 THE OLD WIFE AND THE NEW Was over — garnered with the past; God rest thee gently, Good Old Wife I His young wife has a rosy face, And laughs, with reddest lips apart, But cannot fill the empty place Within that old man's lonely heart. His young wife has a rosy face. And brown arms ambered by the sun. Goes flitting all about the place. Master and mistress both in one ; But though she sings, or though she sighs, He sees her not — he sees instead A gray-haired Shade with gentle eyes — The good old wife, long dead, long dead. He sits beneath the curling vines. Through which the merry sunrays dart, His forehead seamed with sorrow's lines — An old man with a broken heart. 198 A CHRISTMAS EVE Good fellows are laughing and drinking (To-night no heart should grieve). But I am of old days thinking, Alone, on Christmas Eve. Old memories fast are springing To life again ; old rhymes Once more in my brain are ringing— Ah, God be with old times ! There never was man so lonely But ghosts walked him beside. For Death our spirits can only By veils of sense divide. Numberless as the blades of Grass in the fields that grow, 199 A CHRISTMAS EVE Around us hover the shades of The dead of long ago. Friends living a word estranges ; We smile, and we say " Adieu ! " But, whatsoever else changes, Dead friends are faithful and true. An old-time tune, or a flower. The simplest thing held dear In bygone days has the power Once more to bring them near. And whether it be through thinking Of memories sad and sweet, Or hearing the cheery clinking Of glasses across the street, I know not ; but this is certain That, here in the dusk, I view Like shadows seen through a curtain, The shades of the friends I knew. Methinks that I hear their laughter — An echo of ghostly mirth, 200 A CHRISTMAS EVE As if in the dim Ilereafter They jest as they did on earth. The fancy possibly droll is. And yet it relieves my mind To think tlie enfranchised soul is So humorously inclined. But liark ! whose steps in tho glancing Moonbeams are these I hear, That sound as if timed to dancing Music of gallant cheer ! Half Galahad, half Don Juan, His head full of wild romance ; 'Twas thus that of old would Spruhan Come lilting, " We met by chance." Sure never a spirit lighter At heart quaffed mountain dew ; Never was goblin brighter That Oberon's kingdom knew. And though at this season yearly I miss the grasp of his hand, 20I A CHRISTMAS EVE I know that Spruhan has merely Gone back to Fairyland. The sliades grow dimmer and dimmer, And now they fade from view, I see in tlie East the glimmer Of dawn. Old friends, adieu ! Sitting here, lonely hearted, Writing these random rhymes. I drink to the days departed. — Ah, God be with old times ! 202 NIGHT The Night is young yet ; an enchanted night In early summer : cahn and darkly bright. I love the Night, and every little breeze She brings, to soothe the sleep of dreaming trees. Hearst thou the Voices ? Sough ! Susurrua ! — Hark! 'Tis Mother Nature whispering in the dark ! Burden of cities, mad turmoil of men, That vex the daylight — she forgets them then. Her breasts are bare ; Grief gains from them surcease : She gives her restless sons the milk of Peace. 203 NIGHT To sleep she lulls them — drawn from tli oughts of pelf — By telling sweet old stories of herself. All secrets deep — yea, all I hear and see Of things mysterious — Night reveals to me. I know what every flower, with drowsy head Down-drooping, dreams of — and the seeming dead. I know how they, escaped from care and strife. Ironically moralise on Life. And know what — when the moon walks on the waves — They whisper to each other in their graves. I know that white clouds di if ting from stark coasts • Across the sky at midnight are the ghosts Of sailors drowned at sea, who yearn to win A quiet grave beside their kith and kin 204 NIGHT In still green graveyards^ where tliey lie at ease Far from the sound of surge and roar of seas. I know the messao'e of the mournful rain That beats upon the widow's window-pane. I know the meaning of the roar of seas ; I know the glad Spring sap-song of the trees ; And that great chant to which in tuneful grooves The green round earth upon its axis moves; And that still greater chant the Bright Sun sing's — Fire-crowned Apollo — the great chant that brings All things to life^ and draws through spaces dim, And star-sown realms, his planets after him. I know the tune that led, since Life began. The upward, downward, onward March of Man. I hear the whispers that the Angels twain Of Death and Life exchange in meeting — fain 205 NIGHT Are they to pause and greet, yet may not stay. "Never !" ''For ever." This is all they say. I hear the twitterings inarticulate Of souls unborn that press around the Gate Of Birth, each striving which shall first escape From formless vapour into human shape. I know the tale the bird of passionate heart, The nightingale, tries ever to impart To men, though vainly — for I well believe That in her brown breast beats the heart of Eve, Who with her sweet, sad, wistful music tries To tell her sons of their lost Paradise, And solemn secrets Man had grace to know, When God walked in the Garden long ago. Yea, I have seen, methought, on nights of awe. The vision terrible Lucretius saw : 206 NIGHT The trembling Universe — suns^ stars^ grief, bliss — Plunging for ever down a black abyss. But more I love good Bishop Jeremy, Who likens all the star-worlds that we see — Which seem to run an everlasting race — Unto a snowstorm sweeping on through space. Suns, planets, stars, in glorious array They march, melodious, on their unknown way. Thought, seraph-winged and swifter than the light, Unto the dim verge of the Infinite, Pursues them, through that strange ethereal flood In which they swim (mayhap it is the blood Of TJtxiversal God wherein they are But corpuscles — sun, satellite, and star — 207 NIGHT And their great stream of glory but a dim. Small pulse in tlie remotest vein of Him) Pursues in vain, and from lone, awful glooms Turns back to earth again \Yith weary plumes. Through glacial gulfs of Space the soul must roam To feel the comfort of its earthly home. Ah, Mother dear ! broad-bosomed Mother Earth ! Mother of all our Joy, Grief, Madness, Mirth! — Mother of flower and fruit, of stream and sea! — We are thy children and must cling to thee. I lay my head upon thy breast and hear — Small, small and faint, yet strangely sweet and clear — The hum and clash of little worlds below. Each on its own path moving, swift or slow. 208 NIGHT And listening, ever with intentcr ear, Tlirousfli din of wars invisible I hoar *&' A Homer — genius is not gauged by mass — Singing his Iliad on a blade of grass. And nations hearken : his great song resounds Unto the tussock's very utmost bounds. States rise and fall, each blade of grass upon, But still his song from blade to blade rolls on Through all the tussock-world, and Helen still Is Fairest Fair, and Ajax wild of will — An Ajax whose huge size, when measured o'er. Is full ten-thousandth of an inch or more — - Still hurls defiance at the gods whose h'ome Is in the distant, awful, dew-drop dome That trembling hangs, suspended from a spray An inch above him — worlds of space away. ac9 NIGHT Old prophecies foretell — but Time proves all — The day will come when it^ like Troy, shall fall. Lo ! through this small great wondrous song there runs The marching melody of stars and suns. I know these things, yet cannot speak and tell Their meanings. Over all is cast a spell. Secrets they are, sealed with a sevenfold seal ; My soul knows what my tongue may not reveal. I love the Night ! Bright Day the soul shuts in; Night sends it soaring to its starry kin. If I must leave at last my place of birth — This homely, gracious, green, familiar Earth, With all it holds of sorrow and delight — I pray my parting-hour may be at night, 8IO WIGHT And that her curtain dark may softly fall On scenes I love, ere I depart from all. Then shall I haply, journeying through the Vast Mysterious Silences, take one long, last Fond look at Earth, and watch from depths afar The dear old planet dwindling to a star; And sigh farewell unto the friends of yore, Whose kindly faces I shall see no more. • Tf Bloxham & Chambers, Printers, Wentworth Place, Sydney. 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The Academy: "A book of honest, direct, sympathetic, humorous writing about Australia from within is worth a library of travellers' tales . . . The result is a real book — a book in a hundred. His language is terse, supple, and richly idiomatic. He can tell a yarn with the best." CHILDREN OF THE BUSH. By Henry Lawson. Eleventh thousand. Cloth gilt, gilt top, 3s. 6d. ; full morocco, gilt edges, 6s. (postage 2d.) Also in two parts, entitled "Send Round the Eat" and "The Romance of the Swag" (see Commonwealth Series). The Bulletin: "These stories are the real Australia, written by the foremost living Australian author . . . Lawson's genius remains as vivid and human as when he first boiled his literary billy." JOE WILSON AND HIS MATES. By Henry Lawson. Eleventh thousand. Cloth gilt, gilt top, 3s. 6d. ; full morocco, gilt edges, 6b. (postage 2d.) For cheaper edition see Commonwealth Series. The Athenaeum: "This is a long way the best work Mr. Lawson has yet given us. These stories are so good that (from the literary point of view of course) one hopes they are not autobiographical. As autobiopfraphy they would be good, as jnire fiction they are more of an attainment." London : Wm. Blackwood it Sons. "SNOWY RIVER" SERIES, ETC. FAIB GIRLS AND GRAY HORSES, WITH OTHER VERSES. By Will H. Ogilvie. Revised edition, completing twentieth thousand. With portrait. Cloth gilt, gilt top, 3s. 6d. ; full morocco, gilt edges, 6s, {postage 2d.) Scotsman: "Its verses draw their natural inspiration from the camp, the cattle trail, and the bush; and their most charac- teristic and compelling rhvthms from the clatter of horses' hoofs." HEARTS OF GOLD, AND OTHER VERSES. By Will H. Ogilvik. Fourth thousand. Cloth gilt, gilt top, 3s. 6d. ; full morocco, gilt edges, 6s. {postage 2d.) Daily Telegraph: "Will be welcomed by all who love the stirring music and strong masculine feeling of this poet's verse." LAURENCE HOPE'S LOVE LYRICS. Uniformly bound in fancy boards with cloth back. 5s. {postage 3d.) per volume. THE GARDEN OF KAMA. Daily Chronicle: "No one has so truly interpreted the Indian mind — no one, transcribing Indian thought into our literature, has retained so high and serious a level, and quite apart from the rarity of themes and setting— the verses remain — true poems." STARS OF THE DESERT. Outlook: "It is not merely that these verses describe Oriental scenes and descri!>e them with vividness, there is a feeling in the rhythm— a timbre of the words that seems akin to the sand and palm-trees and the changeless East." INDIAN LOVE. Spectator : "The poetry of Laurence Hope must hold a unique place in modern letters. No woman has written lines so full of a strange primeval savagery — a haunting music — the living force of poetry." London : William Heinemann. 8 MISCELLANEOUS. TO-MORBOW : A Dramatic Sketch of the Character and Environment of Bohert Greene. By J. Le Gay Brereton". Paper cover, Is. 6d. (postage Id.) Sydney Morning Hebald: "The first Australian play of literary worth." SONGS OF A SUNLIT LAND. By Colonel J. A. Kenneth Mack ay. Cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. (postage 2d.) THE RISING OF THE COURT. AND OTBEB SKETCHES IN PBOSE AND VERSE. By Henry Lawson. With picture cover (Common- wealth Series), Is. (postage Id.) Queensland Times : "These stories show Lawso-n at his best, and Lawson at his best is not to be beaten by short story writers in current literature." AN OUTBACK MARRIAGE : A Storji of AtistraUan Life. By A. B. Paterson. Ninth thousanrl, with picture cover (Commonioealth S-eries) , Is. (postage \d.) Scotsman: "The chief virtue of the book lies in its fresh and vivid presentment of the wild life and the picturesque man- ners of the Australian bush, while in form and style it claims recognition as a work of considerable literary distinction." THE OLD BUSH SONGS. Collecterl anrt edited by A. B. Pater.son. Thirteenth thousand, with picture cover (Commonwealth Series), Is. (vostage Id.) Daily Telegraph: "Rude and ruersfed these old bush songs are, but they carry in their vic^orous lines the very impress of their origin and of their genuineness . . . Mr. Paterson has done his work like an artist." CODS AND WOOD THINGS. By L. H. Allen. Paper boards, Is. (postage '[d.^ Sydney Morning Herald: "Mr. AlTen is one of the select band who are saturated with classic lore and who seek to translate the beings of nairan mythology to the Australian bush. 'Dndg and Wood Thins's' contains both i^rosf? and verse — the latter rhapsodi'-nl. the former mystical." CHEAP REPRINTS. THE COMMONWEALTH SERIES. Picture covers, Is. per volume {postage Id.) BY HENRY LAWSON. Prose. Ah Soon While the Billy Boils (First and Second Series) On the Track OVEK THE SlIPRAILS Joe Wilson Joe Wilson's Mates Send Round the Hat The Romance of the Swag Verse. When the World was Wide (First and Second Series) Popular Verses PluMOROus Verses When I Was King The Elder Son The Rising of the Court (Contains Prose also) BY A. B. PATERSON. Rio Grande's Last Race (First and Second Series) An Outback Marriage (full-length novel) The Old Bush Songs (edited only by Mr. Paterson) BY WILL OGILVIE. Fair Girls '^ A reprint in two parts of the favourite volume. Gray Horses ) "Fair Girls and Gray Horses." BY BRUNTON STEPHENS. My Chinee Cook, and Other Humorous Verses BY CHARLES WHITE. History of Australian Bushranging (in 4 parts, each com- plete in itself, and well illustrated) — The Early Davs : 1850 to 1862; 1863 to 1869; 1869 to 1878 BY GEORGE E. BOXALL. History of the Australian Bushrangers — Part I.: To the Time of Frank Gardiner Part II. : To the End of the Kelly Gang 10 BOOKS FOR CHILDEEN. BVSHLAND STORIES. By Amy Eleanor Mack. Seeonrl edition, with coloured illustrations and decorated cloth cover, 3s. 6d. (postage 2d.) [Shortly. Academy: "It is not often that we have the pleasure to welcome from Australia a hook of so many charming short stories as are contained in the volume hefore us." vScoTSMAN: "Charmine; and simple nursery tales, appetisingly touched with local colour of the Bush." Birmingham Daily Post: "There is a daintiness and dis- tinct charm in these fairy tales." SCRIBBLING SUE, AND OTHER STORIES. By Amy Eleanor Mack. With coloured and other illustrations and decorated cloth cover, 3s. 6d. (postage 2d.) [Shortly. These stories are written in the same happy vein as "Bush- land Stories." Miss Mack's intense love of nature is refliected in all her books, and her readers, hoth youns: and old, are at once attracted by the natural ring of her work. GEM OF THE FLAT: A Story of Young Australians. By Constance Mackness. With coloured and other illustrations and decorated cloth cover, 3s. 6d. (postage 2d.) [Shortly. "Gem of the Flat" is a story of Australian bush children. The local colouring is distinctly good; the children are alive, and talk like real children: the incidents are natural and well described. The style is fresh, the dialogue well managed, and the story as a whole is interesting and pleasant, with a good tone about it. DOT AND THE KANGAROO. By Ethel C. Pedley. Illustrated by F. P. Mahony. Third edition, with decorated cloth cover, 2s. 6d. (postage 2d.) For school edition see page 30. Sydney Morning Herald: " 'Dot and the Kangaroo' is with- out doubt one of the most charming books that could be put into the hands of a child. It is admirably illustrated by Frank P. Mahony, who seems to have entered thoroughly into the animal world of Australia. The story is altogetlier Australian. ... It is told so simply, and yet so artistically, that even the 'grown-ups' amongst us must enjoy it." 11 MISCELLANEOUS. THE CHARM OF SYDNEY. A collection of prose and verse quofations referring to Sydney and surroundings, chosen from the works of famous authors and travellers, including Robert Louis Stevenson, etc., etc., with three- colour frontispiece and 40 drawings by Sydney Ure Smith. Uniform witli "A Bush Calendar," cloth, 3s. 6d. {postage Id.) [Shortly. STORIES OF OLD SYDNEY. By Charles H. Bertie. With 53 pen and pencil drawings by Sydney Ure Smith. Cloth cover, printed in colours, 3s. 6d. {postage Id.) Sydney Morning Heualp: "A charming and interesting little book . . . they live and breathe, and he has contrived to make actual to us those remote and almost incredible days . . . Mr. Smith's admirable illustrations are an equally im- portant feature of the book, which, in addition to its interest, presents a great antiquarian value." CHRISTOHER COCKLE'S A US TRA J.IAN EXPERIENCES. By "Old Boomerang" ( J. R. HouLDixfi). Revised edition, with 2 portraits. Cloth gilt, .5s. {postage 2d.) Originally published under the title "Australian Capers," this volume has been out of print for many years, and copies which have come into the market secondhand have been pur- chased at enhanced prices. The author has at last consented to its republication and has thoroughly revised it. As a picture of Australian life thirty or forty years ago the book is worthy of a permanent place in our literatiire. and it con- tains plenty of fun and humour for both old and yoimg. THE MOTHER STATE: The Physical Features, Natural Resources, Geology, Scenery, Climate, Industries and C ommerce of Neiv South Wales. By J. M. Taylor. M.A., LL.B. With S5 illustrations and mai~is. Cloth s'ilt. 3s. 6d. (nof^tage 2d.) This is the only up-to-date general description of New South Wales available for sending to friends abroad. All the in- formation is drawn from the latest authentic sources and the illustrations and maps add largely to the book's interest and value. 12 BIOGRAPHY. SOME EARLY RECORDS OF THE MAC ARTHURS OF CAMDEN, 1789-1834. Edited by Sibella JMacarthur Onslow. With coloured plates an .4 numerous facsimile reproduc- tions of original documents. Cloth gilt, 15s. [postage Qd.) [J list out. This volume will be recognised us a classic, giving at tirst liand an insight into the times and the mode and manner ot living of a pioneer family during the first forty years of civilised story in Australia, and above all the trials of the pioneer of the wool trade. Uniform icith the above. LIFE OF CAPTAIN MATTHEW FLINDERS, R.N. By Ernest Scott, Professor of History in the Uni- versity of Melbourne, author of "Terre Napoleon" and "Life of Laperouse." With numerous por- traits, maps, manuscri],;ts in facsimile, etc. Cloth gilt, 21s. [postage M.) [Just out. Thi^ is a handsome volume of over 500 pages, octavo, and the only adequate biography of Flinders. Access has been had to all known sources of information, including the Flinders family papers, the Decaen papers at Caen, the Bibliothoque Nationale (Paris), the Mitchell Library (Sydney), and the Melbourne Public Library. Much entirely new matter is now published for the first time. LIFE OF LAPEROUSE. By Professor Ernest Scott. With Chart of Voyages in the Pacific, and 13 illustrations. Cloth, 3s. 6d. [postage Id.) For school edition see page 31. This story of Laperouse's work as an explorer and his close association with Australia is a most important contribution to our history. The illustrations are from authentic sources and very interesting. LIFE OF CAPTAIN CHARLES STURT. By Mrs. Napier G. Sturt. With portraits and other illustrations. Cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. [postage Gd.) This is a cheap re-issue of the expensive London edition, and makes a fine presentation volume. 13 HISTORY, ETC. THE ANNOTATED CONSTITUTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH. By Sir John Quick, LL.D., and R. R. Garran, C.M.G. Royal 8vo., cloth gilt, 21s, The Times: "A monument of industry." THE STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS OF AUSTRALIA. By K. R. Cramp, M.A., Examiner, N.S.W. Depart- ment of Public Instruction. With portraits and illustrations. Cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. [postage 2d.) N.S.W. Public Instruction Gazette: "Not only sound and scholarly, but is written by a teacher of lonjr experience. .... Has the additional advantage of being absolutely up to date .... Altogether an admirable piece of work .... An interesting, very helpful, and very necessarj' handbook." HISTORY OF AUSTRALASIA: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By Arthur W. Jose, author of "The Growth of the Empire." Fifth edition, thoroughly revised, with many new maps and ilkistrations from rare originals in the Mitchell Library. Cloth gilt, 3s. Gd. [postage 2d.) The Bulletin: "It is the most complete handbook on the subject available; the tone is judicial and the workmanship tliorough . . . The new chapter on Australian Literature is the best view yet presented." HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. By H. E. Barff, M.A., Registrar. With numerous illustrations. Cloth gilt, 7s. 6d. [postage 2d.) Published some years ago in connection with the Jubilee Celebrations of the University, this volume contains the oflicial record of its foiuidation and growth. HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY, 1824-1875. By Jesse Gregson, Ex-Superintendent. With por- traits, cloth gilt, 6s. [postage 2d.) IN MEMORY OF ALBERT BYTHESEA WEIGALL, Late Headmaster of Sydney Grammar School. By Professor M. W. MacCallum. With portraits and illustrations, cloth gilt, 2s. Gd. [postage Id.) 14 MISCELLANEOUS. lllE JUSTICES' MANUAL AND POLICE GUIDE. A Synopsis of offences punishable by indictment and on summary conviction, dejinitions of crimes, meanings of legal phrases, hints on evidence, procedure, police duties, etc., in New South Wales. Compiled by Daniel Stephen^ Sub-Inspector of Police. Third edition, thoroughly revised, witli a chapter on Finger Prints by Inspector Childs. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. {postage 3d.) The Magistrate: "The three editions afford an illustration of the rapid increase of size in successive editions of law books. The first was a little book, the second was a great advance on it, and the third, which contains about lialf as much again as the second, is a well-got-up work of nearly 500 pages, its principal claim is in being accurate, handy, thorougli and copiously indexed. The index references number over 2,800!" HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN BUSHRANGING. By Charles White. In 4 parts, each well illustrated and complete in itself. See Commonwealth Series, page 10. HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN BUSHRANGERS. By George E. Boxall. New edition, cloth gilt, 3s. (id. {postage 3d.) Also published in two parts, see Commonwealth Series. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF BOILER CONSTRUCTION. By W. D. Cruickshank, M. I. Mech. E., late Chief Engineering Surveyor, New South Wales Govern- ment. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with 70 illustrations. Cloth gilt, 15s. {postage 3d.) Journal of the Marine Engineers' Association: "A practical treatise on the construction and management of steam boilers . . . will be found of great value to i)ractieal NATURE STUDY. .1 rOPULAli GUIDE TO THE WILD FLOWERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. By Florence Sulman. With 51 full-page illustra- tions. Cloth, 3s. 6d. {postage 2d.) Sydney Morning Heealu : "This book can be taken into the bush, and by its aid practically any flower identified without previous knowledge of botany. It is a book that has been badly needed." A second volume is in the printer's hands and will be pub- lished shortly. SOME FAMILIAR AUSTRALIAN WILD FLOWERS. Photographed by A. E. Sulman. Paper cover, 2s. {postage Id.) This is liie best representation by photography of Australian wild flowers in book form, and it is particularly suitable for sending to friends abroad. A second series is in preparation, the publication of which will be notified to all who send in their names beforehand. THE PLANTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES: An Analytical Key to the Floivering Plants {'except Grasses and Rushes) and Ferns of tlie State, with a list of native plants discovered since 1893. By W. A. Dixon, F.I.C, F.C.S. With Glossary and •19 diagrams. Cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. {postage 2d.) A BUSH CALENDAR. By Amy Eleanor Mack. Third edition, revised, with 42 photographs of birds, flowers, bush scenes, etc. Cloth, 3s. 6d. {postage Id.) Literary World: "A pleasant little book . . . There is much to interest those who have no personal knowledge of the antipodes . . . and to those who know the country, the vivid descriptions will bring back many happy recollections." BUSH DATS. By Amy Eleanor Mack. With 39 photographs. Cloth (uniform with "A Bush Calendar"), 3s. 6d. {postage Id.) T. P.'s Weekly (London) : "A delightful book of descrip- tive studies in nature." Book Lover: "A succession of memories of happy times with nature." J6 MISCELLANEOUS THE ANNOTATED CONSTITUTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH. By Sir John Quick, LL.D., and R. R. Gabran, C.M.Q. Royal 8vo., cloth gilt, 21s. The Times : " A monument of industry." THE LAW OF LANDLORD AND TENANT IN* NEW SOUTH WALES. By J. H. Hammond, B.A., LL.B., and C. G. W. David- son, B.A., LL.B., Barristei's-at-Law. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. Gil. (postage 3d.) Sydney Morning Herald: "A valuable contribution to legal literature." ■"O"- THE JUSTICES' MANUAL AND POLICE GUIDE. A Synopsis of offences punishable by indictm'nnt and on summary conviction, definitions of cplmes, mean- ing's of leg-al phrases, hints on evidence, ppoeedupe. police duties, &c., in New South 'Wales. Compiled by Daniel Stephen, Sub-Inspector of Police. Third edition, thoroughly revised to the bei^inning of 1913, including all new and consoli- dated Acts, and with a chapter on Finger Prints by Inspector Childs. Demy 8vo., cloth. 7s. 6d. [postage 3d.) [Just published. Sydney Morning Herald, reviewing the second edition (1906): "Justices of the Peace and others concerned in the administration of the law will find the value of this admirably- arranged work . . . We had nothing but praise for the first edition, and the second edition is better than the first." EACIAL DECAY: A Compilation of Evidence from World Sources. By 0CTAVIU3 C. Beale, A ComTaissioner of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1907, and of the State of New South Wales, 1903. With numerous dia- grams. Crown 4to., paper cover, 2s. 6d. (post. 3d.) 17 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRYING IN AUSTRALASIA: Farm and Factory. By M. A. O'Callaghan, Chief of Dairy Branch, Department of Agriculture. Contains oyer 700 pages and more than 200 plates. Royal 8vo., cloth, 10s. {postage 5d.) Contents: I. How to Select and Equip a Dairy Farm — II. The Dairy Herd— III. The Various Breeds of Cattle— IV. The Jersey — V. The Guernsey — VI. South Hams or South Devons — VII. The Dairy Shorthorn — VIII. lUawarra Dairy Cattle — IX. The Ayrshire — X. Holstein, Dutch, or Friesian Cattle— XI. Kerry Cattle— XII. The Dexter— XIII. Other Breeds of Dairy Cattle — XIV. Cattle Breeding — XV. How to Judge Dairy Cattle — XVI. Guenon's Escutcheon Theory — XVII. Management of the Dairy Herd — XVIII. The Feeding of Dairy Cattle — XIX. Herd Testing Associations — XX. The Microbe and the Dairy Farmer — XXI. Dairy Inspection and Cleanli- ness — XXII. Water for Dairy Purposes, from a Bacteriological Point of View— XXIII. Cattle Diseases— XXIV. Milking by Machinery— XXV. Cow's Milk— XXVI. Milk Standards— XXVII. The Testing of Milk and its Products— XXVIII. Separating — XXIX. Butter Manufacture — XXX. The Cause of Decomposition and the Means of Preserving Dairy Products —XXXI. Cream Grading— XXXII. Bacterial Butter Taints— XXXIII. Condensed Milk— XXXIV. Cheese Manufacture— XXXV. Margarine in Relation to Butter — XXXVI. Dairying in the Argentine — XXXVII. Siberia from a Dairying Point of View — XXXVIII. The Pig on the Dairy Farm — Appendices. The Daisy (London): "A compendium of exact and scientific experimental knowledge which will be found of the utmost value to anyone engaged in the pursuit of dairy farm- ing and its cognate trades ... It gives in clear and unmis- takeable language the whole of the dairy manipulation from beginning to end . . . The author has dealt with the points at issue in so general a manner that his book is of world-wide application and usefulness . . . An illuminating series of chapters on all phases of milk questions and problems." The Field (London) : "He knows his subject well and has rendered a service to the dairying industry by placing at its disposal a book of high instructive value and practical character." AusTBALASiAN Medical Gazette : " If medical men were to suggest that this book on dairying would be very useful to those engaged in the milk trade, in a short time much of the deplorable ignorance that now exists on the prevention of the infection of milk with all kinds of bacteria would be dispelled," IS MISCELLANEOUS SIMPLE TESTS FOR MINERALS. By Joseph Campbell, M.A., F.G.S,, M.I.M.E. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged (completing the twelfth thousand). With illustrations. Cloth, round corners, 3s. 6d. {postage Id.) Ballabat Star: " This is an excellent little work, and should be in the hands of every scientific and practical miner." Bendioo Evening Mail : " Should be in every prospector's kit. It enables any intelligent man to ascertain for himself whether any mineral he may discover has a commercial value." Newcastle Morning Herald : " The book is a thoroughly practical one." Wyalong Stab : " Now it will be possible for miners and prospectors to test any mineral which has a commercial value." THE PLANTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES: An Analytical Key to the Flowrering Plants (except Qpasses and Rushes) and Fepns of the State, with a list of native plants discovered since 1893. By W. A. Dixon, F.I.C, F.C.S. With Glossary and 49 diagrams. Foolscap 8vo., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. {postage 2d.) Nature : " A handy little book providing a compact guide for naming flowers in the field." Sydney Morning Herald : " A valuable contribution to the botanic literature of Australia." IRRIGATION WITH SURFACE AND SUBTER- RANEAN WATERS, AND LAND DRAINAGE. By W. Gibbons Cox, C.E. With 81 illustrations and a coloured map of Australia. Crown Svo., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. {postage 2d.) The Australasian : " The most valuable contribution to the literature on the subjects dealt with that has yet appeared in Australia." 19 BfT^CELLANEOUS THE HOME DOCTORING OF ANIMALS. By Harold Leenet, M.R.C.V.S. Fourth edition, thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged, with nearly 100 ilUustrations. 8vo., cloth, 12s. 6d. (postage 8d.) Contents. — I. Diseases of the Blood — II. Diseases of the Heart — III. Diseases of the Digestive System — IV. Tumours — V. Diseases of tlie Respiratory Orgaus — VI. Diseases of the Eye — VII. Diseases of tlie Brain and Nervous System — VITI. Diseases of the Generative Organs — IX. Diseases connected with Parturition — X. Troubles of the New Born — XI. Skin Diseases — XII. Parasites and Parasitic Diseases — XIII. Diseases of tho Foot — XIV. Lameness and Bone Diseases — XV. Wounds and their Treatment — XVI. Bleeding: How to arrest Bleeding anil how to Classify — XVII. Operations: Such as Castrating and Docking — XVIII. Blisters, Blistering, Firing, Setons, Seton- ing — XIX. Poisons and Antidotes — XX. Antiseptics and Disin- fectants — XXI. Anaesthesia, Insensibility to Pain — XXII. Physicking, Purging Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Dogs, and Cats — XXIII. Diseases of Poultry — XXIV. Administration of Medicines — XXV. Medicines: A Comprehensive Series of Pre- scriptions — XXVI. Nursing and Foods for the Sick — XXVII. Methods of Control or Trammelling Animals — XXVIII. Vices, Tricks, and Bad Habits of the Horse. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OP BOILER CONSTRUCTION: A Manual of Instpuction and Useful Information for Practical Men. By W. D. Cruickshank, M. I. Mech. E., late Chief Engineering Surveyor, New South Wales Govern- ment. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with 70 illustrations. 8vo., cloth gilt, 15s. (postage 3d.) The Times (Engineering Supplement): "Mr. Cruickshank has given a useful work to boiler designers and superintendents. . . . There is a ' bandiness ' in the arrangement of the subjects wbich enables the reader to locate any fiubject quickly." JOUBNAL OF THE MaBINE ENGINEERS* ASSOCIATION : " A practical treatise on the construction and management of steam boilers, and will he found of great value to practical sngineers." 20 MISCELLANEOUS AUSTRALIAN NAVAL AND MILITARY ANNUAL. Publisbed for the Australian National Defence League. Royal 8vo., boards, 5s. (postage 2d.) Contents: Military Defence Acts and Statistics, Regulations and Syllabus of Military College, Commonwealth Militia, Rifle Clubs, etc., Naval Defence Acts, Naval Forces, and much official and other useful information. LIGHT HORSE POCKET BOOK. Compiled by Lieut. D. C. Howell Price, A. and I. Staff. A concise guide to Regulations, Field Training, Camp Duties, Equitation, etc. With Nominal and other Rolls. Pocket size, limp cloth, Is. Gd. {postage Mj^^-) INFANTRY POCKET BOOK. Compiled by Lieut. R. Stupart. A concise guide to Regulations, Field Training, Musketry, Camp Duties, etc. With prefatoi-y note by Colonel W. Holmes, D.S.O., V.D., Nominal, Section and Attendance Rolls, and Duty Roster. Pocket size, limiD cloth. Is. Cd. {postage Yz^-) THE CADET HAND BOOK. Compiled by Lieut. R. Stupart. A concise guide to Regulations, Duties of Non-Cora's., Guards and Sentries, etc., with Attendance Roll for Section Commanders. Pocket size, limp cloth, 9d. {postage y2d.) RIFLE EXERCISES AND MUSKETRY INSTRUCTION FOR CADETS. Compiled by Lieut. R. Stupart. Paper cover, 6d. {postage Yzd.) 21 .SCHOOL .SUPPLEMENTARY READING BOOKS THE CHILDREN'S TREASURY OF AUSTRALIAN VERSE. Edited by Bertram Stevens and George Mackaness, M.A. (Syd.) With notes. Crown 8vo., cloth, Is. 3d. (postage Id.) This volume contains all the best verse written in Aus- tralia and New Zealand, suitable for junior classes. It has been adopted V)y the N.S.W. Department of Public Instruction for supplementary reading in primary schools. SELECTIONS FROM THE AUSTRALIAN POETS. Edited by Bertram Stevens and George Mackaness, M.A. (Syd.) With notes. Crown 8vo., cloth, Is. 6d. {postage Id.) The contents have been selected from the published work of Gordon, Kendall, Paterson, Lawson, Ogilvie, Daley, Essex Evans, Brunton Stephens, Mrs. Foott, Dorothea Mackellar, and many other well-known writers. In addition, the book con- tains a number of fine poems not obtainable in any other volume, and it is easily the best, if not the only, collection of Aiistralian verse entirely suitable for young readers. It is prescribed for use in the High and Secondary Schools of New South Wales. TEENS: a Story of Australian Schoolgirls. By Louise Mack. Illustrated by Frank P. Mahony. Crown 8vo., cloth, Is. 6d. {postage 2d.) Sydney Morning Herald : " Ought to be welcome to all who feel the responsibility of choosing the reading books of the yoimg ... its gaiety, impulsiveness and youthfulness will charm them." GIRLS TOGETHER: a Story of Australian Schoolgirls. By Louise Mack. Illustrated by George W. Lambert. Crown Svo., cloth, Is. 3d. (postage 2d.) Queenslander : "A story told in a dainty style that makes it attractive to all. It is fresh, bright, and cheery, and well worth a place on any Australian bookshelf." 22 SCHOOL SUPPLEMENTARY READING BOOKS LIFE OF LAPEROUSE. By Ernest Scott. With illustrations. Crown 8vo., cloth, Is. 3d. (postage Id.) This charming and instructive story of the life and work of France's sailor hero, who was so closely associated with Aus- tralia and the Pacific Ocean, is tlie first ever published in English, and will give LapSrouse the place he deserves in our history. LIFE OF ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, BOTANIST. By Mrs. F. Danvers Power. With portrait. Crown 8vo., cloth, Is. 3(1. {postage Id.) WATERSIDE STORIES, BIRDLAND STORIES, AND BUSHLAND STORIES. By Amy E. Mack, author of " A Bush Calendar," etc. Crown 8vo., cloth, 9d. each {postage Vo^-) These stories have been adopted for supplementary reading in primary schools, and are the best of their kind yet pro- duced in Australia. 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Tlie curves are well rounded, checking the tep- dency to too great angularity. ANGUS AND ROBERTSON'S PENCIL COPY BOOK. Approved by the N.S.W. Department of Public Instruction. In nine numbers. Id. each. No. 1, initiatoiy lines, curves, letters, figures; 2 and 3, short letters, easy combinations, figures; 4, long letters, short words, figures; 5, long letters, words, figures; 6, 7, and 8, capitals, words, figures; 9, short sentences, figures. THE REFORM WRITING BOOKS. With directions for teaching writing on the Reform system. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Id. each ; Nos. 3a, 4, and 5, 2d. each. Pamphlet on The Teaching of Writing, Is. 31. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. orm L9-17m-8,'55(B3339s4)444 uu ouu inLni>j ncuiuiN^L Liunnn i i muili i i AA 000 369 048 4 PR D1^6a