EXAMPLES INTEGRAL CALCULUS. BY JAMES HANN, II MATHEMATICAL MASTER OF KING'S COLLEGE SCHOOL, LONDON HONORARY MEMBER OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNK, JOINT AUTHOR OF MECHANICS FOR PRACTICAL MEN, AUTHOR OF THEORY OF BRIDGES, JOINT AUTHOR OF NAUTICAL TABLES, AUTHOR OF A TREATISE ON THE STEAM ENGINE, AUTHOR OF THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL MECHANICS, AND AUTHOR OF PLANE AND SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. LONDON: JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBORN. 1850. Hz LONDON : GEORGE WOODFALL AND SON, ANGEL COURT, SKINNER STREET. PREFACE. As this work contains a great number of Integrals fully worked out, the Author hopes that it will considerably facili- tate the progress of those who are entering on this branch of study, by showing them almost all the artifices that are used in those branches that come within its scope. The works that have been consulted are those of Peacock, Gregory, Hall, De Morgan, Young, and various mathema- tical periodicals ; also the excellent little work on the Cal- culus by Mr. Tate, which, like all the productions of that eminent writer, abounds with useful information, apart from the able manner in which he has treated the first principles. Where integration by parts is used, the whole process is put down, but the student should endeavour as soon as pos- sible to acquire the facility of running off the quantities without writing down all the intermediate steps. 303932 / ^Ty 4 * *■* **" fat 4* &**>* ^ ei*^ ~ ^^ '*"- 3W /^^c ^ ttdtr+rdu ^h & * €» /- isr -+ 6 / &> EXAMPLES INTEGRAL CALCULUS. CHAPTER I. ELEMENTARY INTEGRALS TO BE COMMITTED TO MEMORY. 9 J a + bx* s/ai \ V J J <*+# = - tan l -. a a dx .__»■# = sm~* -. •/ va — x- — d# , x cos ~ 1 -. 6.) / = vers" 1 -. •/ v 2 ax—x l a f* d x 7.) / — = log (#±a+ Jw % ±$ ax. J vV±fl ax n ^ P dx 1 .# 8.) 1—7; -=-sec" 1 -. »' a; sr x'—a* " a EXAMPLES ON THE dx 1 , X ( io.) /Cfi^ i= iio g ^y v V # 2 — a~ S 5 \x + aJ (11.) a*dx = , . v J J log a e™dx = -—. Examples. (2.) / — T7 — ■ — ? — r. Let a? = -, then the integral is re- V x l {a + bx) z 6 , p zdz z b . , , N duced to / —j = h — log (az + b) J az + b a (r ov 1 b. (a + bx\ = + -log(— v — - . , rt v p{adx bdx cdx edx] . b c e (4.) f(l+ai i )(l+w)ada^ / (l+x + aP+x^xdx BAL CALCULUS. r(l+xf(l—x)dx />l+x~x 2 —x\l.v P( 1 1 (o V~ ~* = J ? "VK^+x \ 7 , a; 2 1 a- log ar — 2 ar— a? 3 — 2 — 1 — x )d%=: log x—x = / ° 2 x 2x /x A d x f* f 1 1 . a; 3 du= ij — . Leta? + 2=£; dx—dz {z—Zfdz __ (z'—Gz^ + lZz^dz ■ (~_6+i?--,W .-. u--£-6*+l».log*+? \ Z Z~ J A Z _ y»-12g» + g.log(3 g4 )+ 16 _ (x + 2) 3 -- 12 (a* + 2) 2 + (a? + 2) log Qr - 2) 84 + 10 ■* 8 (* + 8) = j - 7T + log Let tf = -, then the integral is 2 a: 4 + o ar z /— 5 z- ~2?1 . ■ — 5 £ - r oc^J xdx p ( ,- 1 \ now— = = / (»— v«+l - d# ™V 1 + n/a' */ \ 1+-/*/ x 1 %sA f dx //J Sfi = = (by substituting *J x =z) 1 + \/w *M =*/("-&)• = 2s— log (1 + zf = 2nAb— log(l + ^a?) 2 ; 3 .-. the integral is = ^r — -^-+a?— 2(a?)* + log(l + V ) 2 (11.) f x y x ' dx . Let ^x = z, then tf=c 2 V 1 + x dx=% z dz; r x 2 V x . dx r z> . , ^ rz Q dz +-£ — + 2 * — S tan- 1 * o 2 s * v i . « 1 ^w i 1 ] = - xi — - # 5 + 2 #* — 2 tan"" x* 5 3 INTEGBAJ CALCULUS. = -7=. tan _, J - — — \ fan useful integral) r dx 1 /• da; __ >2 /» d(%cx + b) J a + bx-\-cx~~~ cj tf a~ J (Zcx + bf+ikac— X" +-x 4- - v ' v = —j ; tan-M . ■- J. yy&ac — b* \\/ ±ac—b~' Examples for 1 } ractice. (a+bx) 2 ^fxia + bx^dx ^^^ r(a -f bx 2 + car 3 ) (3 car -f "2bx)dx _(a + bx' 1 + cx ) Y 4 . W(* + ^a) (2 y/* + !)}<** _ ( A . + ^Jt. */ sj so no Satf + W 5.) / (a + bx)xdx = 3 0.) r(>/Tf±+»)*» =(a , +N /5rn). (a + bx*) 2 .%xbdx = ±-Zt 9 ~. ► EXAMPLES ON THE /AX r Sdx s J */ x l ~\- x i (3# + 2)cZo? . ar -f a?* -f- * i i >t r (px + %)dx li#) / / TT = 2VV + aft 18 A ,^ =-rlog\/a+&a?. ■ J a + lx b ° . r(2x + l)dx •' / A /-o , — - =2^ 3 +m. ^ var-f^-fi " / 3 SC 5 \ l6 A* rd X '+Td X ) dX >/a + bx* + cx h + dx * Va+ bx 2 + ca? 3 + d# 4 ~~ 2d ' •/ (a 9 + # (a? + t/)i S w— 1 17.) / V ^ n J _ g.(x n + x n - 1 ) g L9.) / \ ^2c/ ' __ n.(a + bx + cx 2 )~ . / . i . i\*"~ (n— ro).8c (I.) To integrate du = INTEGRAL CALCULI CHAPTER II. RATIONAL FRACTIONS. xdx (*+8)(* + 3) B ' _ t x A B P Let t — rsr/ — r^V2 = ; — r^ + 7 — r-5% + (« + 2) (* + 3)* ~~ (* + I)* (a? + 3) T (a? + 2)' .-. a? = A (a? + 2) + B (a? + 3) (a? + 2) + P (x + 3) 2 , Let a; = — 3, .-. — 3 = A (2 — 3) = — A, .-. A = 3, x — 3 (a? + 2) = B (x + 3) (x + 2) + P (a> + 3) 2 — 2 (x -f 3) = B (x + 3) (a? + 2) + P (a 4- 3) 2 .-. — 2 = B (a? 4- 2) 4- P + 3). Let a? = — 3, — 2 = B (2 - 3) = - B, .-. B = 2. Let x = — 2, — 2 == P (3 — 2) = P, .*. P = — 2, x 3 2 2 J ' (* 4- 2)(* 4- 3) 2 {x 4- 3) 2 T (a> + 8) (a; 4- 2)' /a? + 4) n (a? + 2) 2 ' a; + 2 a? 2 = A (a? + 2) 2 + B (a? + 4) (a? + 2) 2 + C (a? + 4) 2 + D (a? + 2) (a; + 4) 2 . Leta? + 2 = 0, .\a?== — 2, ar = 4, and C(a? + 4) 2 = 4C, .'•• 4 = 4C, .*. C = 1. Let a? + 4 = 0, .-. a? = — 4, a? 2 = 16, andA(a? + 2) 2 = 4A, .-. A =4, ... ** _ ( a + 4)2 _ 4 (^ + 2) 2 = - 4 {a? 2 + 6a? + 8} = -4{(a7 + 2)(a J + 4)}, = B (a? + 4) (a* + 2) 2 + D (a? -f 2) (x + 4) 2 , .% — 4 = B (a? + 2) + D (a? + 4). Let x = — 2, .*. — 4 == 2D, .-. D = — 2. Let a? =—4, .-. — 4 = — 2B, .-. B = 2. The fraction reduced becomes, therefore, 4 2 12 ;t 2 + Tz-r-x + (x + 4) 2 T (x + 4) T (a? + 2) 2 (a? + 2) ' and its integral is, therefore, *&dx p dx y "£dx r dx /a? + 4\ 2 (x + 4J» V(*+8? + ° g VaTT^/ ■» 4 da? (a? + 4) 2 yv + %-=/ 4 "* ( * +4) " =; • RAL CALCULUS. — 4 (x + 4) In the same way, y" dx — 1 f 4 1 -) 5« + 13 U + 4 m + 2 J ** + G# + 8 therefore the complete integral is #2 + 6# + 8 8 \x + 2/ ttx Ax Bx Let , , , , w ., , o, = ^r— T + - (a? 2 + l)(ar + 3) a; 2 + 1 x' + 3 .-. 3 = A (or + 3) -f B(ar + 1), .\ A + B = 0, 3A + B = 2, .'. A = I, B = — 1, p %xdx __ // xdx xdx \ _ /x T TT W «■ = (^ + 1)^ + 4) b 3 10 EXAMPLES ON THE Let , , „ w „ , iN = — — — - + (V + 1) (x 2 + 4) (^ + 1) "*" (a* + 4) x 1 = A (a* + 4) + B (x 2 + 1). Let # = v — 1, or a?* =— 1, .-. — 1 = 3A, ,\ A = — i, o ••• ^ + |0e'- + 4) = B(^ + l), = — < 2 tan"* 1 - — tan"" 1 x V r x n dx —hr SvPd® US ' Jd# + 1) (x 2 + 4) ~ 3 J (x> + 1) (*» + 4) -I /" { 4 ^+ 4-(ar + 4)}^ "37 («* + l)(** + 4) _ 1 /»/ 4J# «f# \ "V \ (a? 2 + 4) ~V + 1 / ^i^tan-^-tan- 1 ^) 1 ! Lot ( 3 *- + *~ 2 ) A B C P V' "*" T^TZTTv "*" /-* _ ^ "*" T^T (»-l) : ' (*-l)* T (*_i) T (** + ]) 3*' ! + a>-2=A(*' ! +l) + B(»- 1)(*«+ 1) + G(*-l)»0> + 1) + P(a--1)\ Let.r=l .-. 2 = 2A, .•. A = 1, 3rf+#— 3-(^+t)=B(*-l)(a?+l)+C(*— 1J»(*>+1) + P(*-1) 3 , .-. (2*+ 8)(«- 1) = B(»- 1)(# 2 + 1) + C(«- lf(»> + 1) + F(a-1)'\ .-. (2# + 8) = B(*» + 1) + C(«-, !)(«• + I) + p(*_ J)». Let x = 1 , '.-. 5 = 2B, .-. B = -, 5ar* - 4.1! - 1 2 (5* + l)(as— 1) = C(»» +])(»_!) +P(*-])-» - 5 * + * - Cfrf +• 1) + P(» -, 1); if# = l, .-. - 3 = 2c, .-. c = - : ; 5« + 1 3, , £— + 7j,» 2 +l) = P(*-l) 12 EXAMPLES ON THE 30 — 2 /30 \ P = =(¥-0 (m-iy(* + i)Tj (x-iy+zj (x-iy § r dx 3 /» 0^0 "" ay o»-i) + 2,/ (0 2 + i) /<#0 (tf' + l) 1 6 X 3 i / n 8 1/» S« , 1 5 13. x/^TT . _, 2(0- l) 2 2 0-12 ° (#- 1) , x , (1 — + 2 ) <#0 (1 — + 2 ) c/0 (6.) <#W = £ 5— i = = 7- r-- — rjr- v y 1 H- + 0* + 0* (1 + 0) (1 + SB 1 ) 1—0 + 2 A B Let — - — x ,, , — =r = T^ r -f- (1 + *)(1 + 2 ) (1 +0)^(1 +0 2 )' . 1 — + 2 = A (1 + 2 ) -J- B (1 + 0) = — 1, then 3 = 2A, ,\ A = -, q I *** + **- -(1 + 2 ) = B(1 +a?) .^±^±} = _(i+f)! =B(1 + , ) , INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 13 I + X .V B = - 9 '(1 — a? + # 2 ) dx /(l — a? + a?') «# 1 4- # 4- # 2 +"#* :/?* _L__I _L \ x \ 7 = ^(3 log (I 4-*)-tan- 1 a;- i log (1 4- *)* ) 1/ (i+«y # _, x (7.) Jw = Let x(l +xf (1 4-^4-^0' 1 x (x 4- 1)' (1 +* + ar i ) A B = r + /1 , ^» + tt-^-n + « (1 + #) 2 (1 + *) l+« + rf^y .-. 1=A(1+ a) 3 (1 4- * + # 2 ) + B(l 4- x 4- x')x + C(l+*)(l+* + x')x 4- P (1 4- xfx. Let # = 0, .-. A = 1, 1 -(1 +mf(l +#+**) = B(1 4- * + &)*+ C(l+*)(1 4- » + afy* + P(l + .-. — (3 4- 4# 4- 3^ + ^) = B (1 +m +x°~) + C (1 + *) (1 +#+**) + P(l + »y. 14 EXAMPLES ON THE Leta? = — 1, .-. B = — 1, .-. ~ (3 + 4a? + 3a? 2 + a? 3 ) + (1 + sb + a? 2 ) = C (1 + x) (1 + a? + x 1 ) + p (l + a?) 2 or — (2 + 3 # 4- 2 a? 2 + a? 3 ) = C (1 + x) (1 + x +x*) + P(l + a?) 2 -.(2+a?-j-a? ? ) (1 +«)==C(l+a;) (\q.m + at) 4-P(l+a?) 2 — (2 + as + sF) = C (1 + ru + a? 9 ) + P (1 + #) a? = — 1, .-. C== — 2, ^ (1 4- x) = P (1 + a?), .-. P = x, /dx X(i + tf)»(l + A, + a *) = pfdx dx %dx ( a?dfa? \ ./ W""(l + a?) 2 ~"(l+a?) + l + « + a?V = j^-81og(l+*).f 1 /> /2a? + 3a? 2 + 4a? 3 a? 2 \ 2 c / * \ a? 2 + a? :l + # 4 a? 2 + a^+P ) 1 i \/a?* + a? 3 + a? 4 /» x* 1 dx 1 1 4- a? T ° (1 + a?) 2 ^ a? 2 + #» + *>« 2 ! KGUAL CALCULUS. I g y xdx / * Zdx n Jldx • = /ft±ft=il* ,/(l+*+^) ,/ i(» + i) 2 + |J / 1 , /2#+l\ = log x /^ + , + l -_tan-(- 7r ) ) *\Ao + *o 2 (i + ^"+^) ~~ ^tt + log — Try — Ti^l-TT/ 1 ^'J& + x l — rf—tf ~l/ & ;i O + l)'0* + 1)0-1)' Let- *0 + i) 3 2 + 1)0-0 A + B# C D E P^ O^+T) + + 1 ) 2 + 0+ 1 ) (* - !) + «?' in'ik<,!;ai. « aij ii 17 .-. 1 = (A + B v) (* — 1) (m + tf & + C(o;-4- 1)(#-1)> + D(#* + 1)(*+ 1)(*-1)^ + E(*> + 1) (* + 1)\? 3 + P(# 2 + 1) (* + 1) 2 (>- 1). Let a? = \J — 1 , .-. l = (A4-bn/^)(14-^ : ^M^^-i)x-\ / ^T= (A + B >/~^7) (2 >/"ZTT — 2) = 2 A s/~^l — 2 A — 2 n/^Tlb-2B, .'. by equating 2 A n/ ~T = 2B >/^7, .% A = B, 2A4-2B = — 1, .-. A=B= — |, .% 1 + j (*+ l) 3 (#- 1) ^ = 1 (# 7 4- 2# u - 2# 4 -.s 3 + 4) ■a - (rf + 1) (a 5 + 2# 4 — jp — 4ar + 4) = (#»+ 1) {C(#- 1) *» + D(* + 1) (#-1)4* 4- E(* 4- 1) 2 *»+P(* + I) 2 (*- 1)}, *'• I (^ + ^ ~~ *f "" 4a;2 + 4 ) = C (a - 1) a? 3 4- D (a? 4- 1) (x - 1) # 3 4- E (m 4- I)V f ?<•+■!/ (* — 1). Leta;= — 1, .-. - = 2C, .-. C= -, 2 4 .-. j* (a? 5 4- W — # 3 — 4«P 4- 4 - ^ 4 4- **) 18 EXAMPLES ON THE 4 ** = (a? + 1 ) { D (* - 1 ) * + E + * ) ^ + p (* + X ) - 2 ) 1 > .-. I(^_4a? + 4) = B (a? - 1) a? + E (a? + 1) a? + P (a? + 1) (a - 1). 9 9 Leta?=-1, .-. - = 2D, .-. D = -, ... 1(^_ 4a? + 4 ) _|(^_^) = _i(7*S-9s* + 8a-8) _ *( # + i) (7 a? 3 - 16a? 2 + 16 a? -8) 8 = (* + 1) {Ear 3 + P (a - 1)}, ... - l(7a? 3 - 16a? 2 + 16a? -8) = Ea? 3 + P(a?-l). Let a? = 1, .-. E = -, o ... - i (8a? 3 - 16a? 2 + 16a: - 8) = P (* - 1), ... _ (# _i) (^ - a? + 1) = P (a? - 1), .-. p = — (<^_ # + i), 1 1 1 + x x % + x 7 — x l — a/' ~~ 4 1+ x l 119 1 1 1 & — x + 1 + 4 ' (1 + *) 2 + 8* 1 +a? + 8 ' m — 1 k^ ' INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 10 /(lx _ 1 /» \ + * j 1 P dx 9 p dx ] . /» dx p dx p dx p dx + 8 J x— 1 ~ J ~x~ V 7 "",/ tf 7 I p%xdx 1 /» 'J# 1 p dx ~~8j T+lP~lJ ai l + L + ZJ x + lf = 5T3 - " - q lo 8 C 1 + *") — J tan * T - 8 a 1 x 8 5V y 4 ■ ' 4 {as + 1) + g{log(« + l) 9 +log(#- l)-log^} _ 2+'Zx — 4x' i -4.x — x 2 + | {log (* 4- l) 9 + log [m ~ 1) "». log (l + **) - log**} 1 . 2 — 2# — 5* 2 — - tan"" 1 # ss - 4 4# 2 (l+#) + l°o \f - — V a — t — T tan" 1 *, (0) r(?>x-Z)dx 54?— 2 A B C x' + e ** 4- e r #•+» * + -* 5« — 2 = A O + -J) U 4- 4) 4- JSx (x + 4) 4- C# (# 4- 2). 20 EXAMPLES ON THE Let x = - 2= 8A, .'. A = - ] 4 x = — 2 — 12 = — 4B, .-. B = 3 x = — 4 11 — 22= 8C, .*. C= - 4 /» (5 # — 2) d# \ rdx P dx 11 /» <7# = — j log x + — log (a? + 2) - j log (m -V 4) _1 (x + 2) 13 ~~4 g #(tf + 4) 11 ' (*>/£&£ 3# + 1 _A B C x :i + %x 2 -\-x"~ x (x + l) 2 # + l' 3# + 1 = A(# + I) 2 + Bx + C# (a? + 1). Let .i? = 0, 1 = A, 3x + l~x 2 —%x — l = x(l — x) = Bx-\-Cx(x + l), ,\ 1—0 = B + C(0 + 1). Let m = — 1, 2 = B, ... _ (i + #) = c(« + l), .-. c = — l, /(3'# -f 1) df# __ /• J# /* dx r dx x> + 2x 2 + x~J V + J {a + iy J a + 1 TNTEGRAL CALCUT' 2L 2 == ] °% a ' ~ 7+1 ~" l0 ° (* + ] ) = log (11.) /* ^ a? + 1 a? + 1 dx 1 A B Let r — — : — r + 1 + 3a? + 2ar » + l T J2.t? + l' 1 = A (2 a? + 1) + B(a? + 1). Let a? = - 1 1 = - A — jj 1 = +| B-8, J a? /* + 2)(ar + 1) 9 ./ + J . 5^7 « + 2 + To7 ?+l = ~ Jl°g(* + 1) + jl0g(* + 2) + ^log(«" + 1) + — tan- 1 *, 24 EXAMPLES ON THE log y^n. + io tan * W/iTO + 3 1 A B M a? + N Let ____ = __ + —_ + a? 4 + 4a? + 3 (a? + I) 2 a? + 1 * 2 - 2a? + 3 1 = A (a? 2 - 2a? -f 3) + B(a? + "0 (^ - &# + 3) + (M«+N)(« + I) 2 . Leta?» — l"i 1 = 6A .-. A=- 6 — ar g + 2a?— 3 _ (a? 2 — 2 a? - 3) _ (a?+ 1) (a?— 3) 6 " ~~ 6 6 = B(a? + 1) (a? 2 — 2a? + 3) + (Ma? + N) (a? + l) 2 , a;- 3 G = B (a? 2 — 2a? + 3) + (Ma? + N) (a? + 1). Leta? = ~ 1; o = 6b •• B = n> o 9 — z 1 dz _ r* z^dz y"> z 2 dz p z 2 dz (FTT) + J{J + l) 2 It,, x 1 = - O l0 S (*' + 1) ~ V ar* + 1 a? 3 A/ a 3 3(ar» + l)' The following method of doing the last four integrals is very simple, and can be often used with advantage. /» dx xlx~+T) _L (1 + x*) - a? x(x' + 1)" x(x* + 1) ~~ x x :i -f l' INTKtiRAL CAI.< I' I ; 27 — — may be found in a similar manner X\\ -j- x ) 1 (1 + of) — at 1 s 3 a?(l + # 4 ) *(1 + # 4 ) as (1 + # 4 ) y" da? , K f X* •*• y^(i + **) ~ og v ^n /• da? a? 4 (0 -j- b&) Here 1 1/ a + ^-^ N a? 4 (a + 6a? :1 ) a V & (a + &*») / aa? 4 a a? (a + 5a; 3 ) 1 1 a + k 3 - ^ a? (a 4- bat*) a x(a-\-bx') J_ bx 2 ax a(a -\- bx*) Therefore, the original quantity is reduced to 1 I V x 2 az* d l x a 1 (a -\- 6 or) , . . , . 1 b , i a + bx\ and its integral is — - — ■.. + n-^.log — ) 3aar da~ ° \ x i J /dx a (1 + *')*' 1 (1 + ^)_^ 1 x l 1 !+•*— #" 1 a? 2 #(l+#0 "" o?(l +«■'*) " a; «*+l* c 3 28 EXAMPLES ON THE 1 Therefore x(l + *•)■ x 2 x x* + l (# 3 + l) 2 ' and the integral required is therefore 3 /~x T ~ 1 y^ d# 1 /* r d# dx y tf^Ti = ^y \tf - i "" # 3 + if ^rn -y^ ~ i) (** + x + i)' 1 A B^ + C Let -r-: = i ; + 3 x' 3 — 1 0—1 # 2 + + 1 1 = A(x 2 4- + 1) + B0 + c(# — 1). Let ^ + 0+1=0, or x = v "~ 8 "~ 1 .-. 4 = (2C - 4B) v/^I- 6C, 2 1 ,\ C = . B = • 3' 8 Let a? = 1, .". 1 =3 A, A=-, o INTEGRAL CALCULUS. .-. the integral is reduced to 1 n ( dx (x + %)dx ) 3 J U — 1 ~~ x l + x + 1 ) - 5 + 2) d* =/- "m, *+-: = lo g A/* 2 - - + -7= tan —tz 4 v"s V 3 /- 3 _,/2^— 1\ = log v/a; 2 + a? + 1 + — = tan ( — - ) • •'•yirzT = 3 lo s( a7 - 1 )-3 lo S >/*» + *+ 1 - — tan->( — -). V3 V n/3 / And in a similar manner it may be shown that f^h=l lo s (• + J ) - I lo * >/*-' + * 1 /2« + 1\ /> d* 1 . /# — 1 n/#- — a; + 1 \ *"- 1 == « ° S \*+ 1 vV> * + 1/ 2)(« , -W5+i). if /*•+ ,Whi = ft, == "~*_T~ l (1.) Ifar-WS + l =0, x = _z±±_I (2.) v9 32 EXAMPLES ON THE Making (1) our supposition, we have ,s = J^EL- •=-, aa c ^" c + P -(9--a^i), — %C*/~\ 2 0^"-! 2C , 2C or, - V-l = — — -f — 7^ + -7= V2 V2 >/2 ^2 + 2D -2D n/~- ^^={^^ 9D f v ^-5 +2D, ,\ D=0 C = — • 2V2 Now making (2) our supposition, we have = (by reduction, as in the preceding case,) {^+9b}V— 1 + 8B, ... B = 0, A = ^- The quantity under consideration is now reduced to 1 ( x x 1 2\/g Xx 1 — x V2 + 1 «*+ * V2 + 1J' a? # The integrals of 7= and — — now re- x 2 —xv-2+ 1 «H«v2 + ] main to be found. They can both be included in the general x case / ^±#^2 + 1 \ n/2/ •/ 1 , A Z+ Sl) d * INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 33 - tan- (,v/5). This %^f x ,^\ + l = log \/{x l - x s/% + l) + ton" 1 0»v/2- 1), log a A 2 "^ H1 + tan-'(*/2-l) V a' + av/a + l + tan- ! («v/2 + l). And these inverse tangents may be reduced thus : tan-^v/a-l) + tan" 1 (x>/% + 1) / x V2 — 1 + W5 + 1 \ \i-(#V2- i)(W2 + i)/ = tan" = tan x - — —-— — -\ = tan l -rrr — — = tan ,- r> v 1 — (2 ^— l) 2 (1-ar) (1 — tr) /ardx x r +i = _L_ . A A--Va+i 1 f^v/ai «? + 1 _* + 1 1 A B„ + C _. ________ __. _______ I I & + 1 # + 1 ar — x + l' c C 34 EXAMPLES ON THE .*. 1 = A O 3 — X + 1) 4- Bx + C (x + 1) # = — 1, ,\ I = 3 A, .-. A=-, o 3 — (g* — a + l) _ a? 2 + # + 2 #4-1 ~ a? 4- 1~" #* — 4- 2a 4- 2 1 1 2 — x ■ + ■ ar 3 4- 1 3 (« 4- 1) a 3 — * 4- J ^ • 7 - dz 7 » 2 p zdz *+\ 4 4 4 1 ,/2«— 1\ , /— = —7= tan -1 ( =-? J — log dq = d (j)q) — q dp fpdq=zpf — fqdp (1); or by using differential coefficients /'fs-»«-/«2 » In the following examples we shall sometimes use (1) and sometimes (2). When integrals are of the form of fat*- 1 (a + bx y ')l d x, they can be rationalized by assuming a -f bx n = *; 7 when m vi p . . _ . ?>* . . — or h W wa integer. If — be a fraction assume a -f- £.6*" ?t n ? ° ft 16 EXAMPLES ON THE CHAPTEK III. (1.) fxdxs/a + x — fdx(a + x — a) \/a + x ~ f dx (a -\- xf — a f dx sj a + x , x du 1 \/# + « — \/# (2.) -— = -7 7= = ■* z— ' 393 7 771 77» (B.) ^- = (a - x)(b ~ xf = [b -- x + a --b) (b - x)~ n (X X - + 2 _ + j m + 2?i ??i -}- ?i) INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 37 /i n d U I a \ / (4.) ^ = (ar + a) s/ x- + 4a = (ar + 4a — 3a) s/x' + 4a = (** + 4a) a — 3a >/^ + 4a. To integrate (or + 4a) 2 (integrating by parts). Let » = (*» + 4a) 2 ^ = 1 a# rfj^ar 8 + 4a) 2 = *(4> + 4a) 2 — 3 /Va** (rf + 4 a) =s#(^ 4- 4a) 2 - 3 /dx(x 2 +Aaf + 12 a /rf* (#■ + 4a) 4 , .:Jdx{ar + 4a) 2 = |(*°- + 4 a) 5 + 3a /^(^ + 4 a/, .-. * = ?(** + 4a)*. 4 (5.)— = Leta + # = * 2 K ' dx xy/x -f a (hi du das 1 2 2* = - a 7 * dx dz (z l — a) ; \A1~-\A z + y/a) I , z — \/a 1 M = -7= log ~= = -T^ 10 ^ " \/a * + y/a y/« (* + v /a)~ 38 EXAMPLES ON THE = — log-— ^ _ sj a s/ a -f x + \/a ("v ~r~ = • -Let a -f ox* = ** dx x z 2 — a\i d# 1 2# c?ia du dx $ z %z dz~~ dx' dz ""(^rr^J < 8**(^ — 3 3 2 ^ _ ^/ a 2# 2 \/a i z + v« = IT" -3-^7^; __ 2 \/fl + bx* 2 \/» i v « + bx* + v^^ 3 a - log T^r- __ 2 >/« + bx s 2 \/a \/6 -f ax~* + \/ax~' 3 - s 3- log -71 • INTEGKAL CALCULUS. 39 (1 u 1 + # 2 n 2 ( •' dx (] —V) sj\ + x x (\ (i-Jvi*' i + » g-*)Vg-*)^' ■ = — , ( " — •» = «), •'•" = "7I l0g {7^vi} = -Llo g V^Ta+y/8 ) v/a I z S x/a i - •» , ■. f dx _ p dx (8 'v v/zr^TT ~ J VW+W+% -kg(v/(* + ly+f +*+ J} = log {2v/«" + * + 1 + »« + 1} + C. 40 EXAMPLES ON THE 1 . , *"~2 . - 2x- 1 = sin -1 = sm L . 2 (io.) /• „ _^ *", • Wi-i- **, # = 1— £ 2 J# = — %zdz i + # = 2 — s' ,2 ydx _ r dz (1 + a?) 'y/l—x " ^" j " ~2v/2(yz-z l - 1 t . \ dz 1 .Let z ss -i — - = - v at; it dw ^ a*w d# 1 IT dv dz dv ** ( , \2V1 + #- ,>■ 44 EXAMPLES ON THE •™ n du 1 (20.) -y- = , «* (# + b) \J x + a Let # + a — sr ~r = *#> dftt <#M Jo? 1 <#£ <&0 d^f (# 2 — -a + &) ^ 2 . it = tan-i 2 2* z> + b - «*' */b — a >Jb — a 2 V& # V 6 — a ( 9i.) *U ! r ^ (# + b) (x + a)« = _J_{_i I-} * a _ b ix + b x + a) ^ x _j_ a a— b (x + b)»/x + a « — # (x + a)l 2 _! /x + a 2 1 = ^ tan A/ r 2_ + -7= CJ — ^V v 6 — a a — b vx + a ,_ v c?w 1 /-^ s x o o dx x ^ ' x y/^2 _^2 a 2 V# 2 — a 2 # >/^ 2 — a 2 •. u = ^# 2 — a 2 — a sec "• INTEGRAL CALCULI 45 <*>=-* To integrate **% %~ x'W d l Hfc x 2 V 'a 2 ± 2? 1 # 2 Va 2 ± x l T * ^ — * rfu dx da 1 #" ^ dz ' dx ~ ^ *J drz 1 ± 1 ~ Va'V ± l' J j rfz = -H — + log (x + ^' 2 + # 2 ), or, = sin- 1 -, accordingly as X CI we use a 2 + a; 2 or a 2 — a 2 . cm.) £- ^ \/a 2 + f-Va 2 -^ ^a 2 + a? 2 + ^a 2 — a? 2 3#* 1 vVj-^ 2 1 Va 2 — x l " 2 tf 2 2 aJ 2 By last example, = — Zx + g lo 8 (* + ^«" + ^') - o 6in '-• 46 EXAMPLES ON THE (25.) — = A/ —I— = + rt» / .. . •\ n = a sin- 1 - — sj <# — # 2 « (26 v du __ 1 As + a 1 dx x V a; — a "~ a/# 2 — a 2 ,\ ^ = log (a; + */# 2 — a 2 ) + sec- 1 — * dx 'V a—x vV — «» vV-ar 5 To integrate */a 2 — x p = x dq x dx ~~ Va 2 — x 2 ' | = 1 im.-4&ZW. .-. f -^--^-' = - x*/ g> -- x 2 + f 'JcP-x'-dx , = - s Va 2 -^ + o / / VL CALCULUS. 17 im p x*dx p xdx p x dx \ u = a I - + / — =; sj2 op / X \ (2R) - = * ' ! * y/l — %acx + arc 2 sf\ - 2ac"-^ + a 2 c~ 2 Let 1 — 2ac# -f aV = 2 w — = — Sac 1 # = ^ — = ~ 1 — %ac 1 x -{- a 2 c 2 ; c 2 + a 2 4- 2 2 — 1 — a 2 c 2 n* c* clu du dx z c dz dx dx ac z yV- - (1 — a 2 — c 2 + aV) _^ 1 1 "" a ^/V — (l - a 2 — c 2 + a 2 ?)' .'. w = log{* + \J z 2 — (1 — a 2 — c 2 + aV)} = - log {>/l -2ac#4-a 2 c 2 + s/a 2 - 2acx + c 2 } rr.r,*, dU 1 _ 1 (29.) T- = , Let a = - J« (1 — « s )v/l +* 2 * ill 1 sp z ** = ^ (*» - if s/T+3 m ~ (*•— l) \/T+l? Let 1 4- .; 2 = *» *■ - 1 = »* - 2, ^ = , * ■ « v/v 2 -l 48 EXAMPLES ON THE du du dz _ \J v 1 dv dz dv (v 2 — 2) v +/v 2 — 1 v 2 — 2 du _ 1 C 1 1 *> , M = 1 log Lt^*. -J- logil+^l: 1 . s/\ + * 2 + v 7 3 1 , a/ 1 + ^ + \/^ log d* (1 + #)s/#— 1 Let*»-1=* l+*W + », jj-^-f du du dz \/v 2 + 1 •'■Tv~dz'da> («*+»)«• y/e' + l * 3 + 3 1 , • 1 t _j\/^ 3 - 1 : tan -1 —7= = 7= tan ~ v/a v/8 \/s \/a 1 * -1 \A ~ »* = 7= tan J ■ ■ • v/2 V 8 * 40 (3 1 .) / . — . ! X ■=. , dx = ; J»S/X* + X — I * /* dz p 4 1 -(•-i) 2 . ,9*— 1 . . 2 — a? . . m — 2 — sin" 1 — — — = sin * (3o.) /- , Let \ + « - i 2 1 1 + x 1 = 2 - - + -, z dz /» dx s* z 1 p dz __ 1 /* dsr " J y/%Z i -%Z + l" "V^ // _1\ 2 l" 1 ■ f Vl +«* 1 — a; \ = V^ ° S lv/^(l +.r) + 2(l +^)J 50 EXAMPLES ON THE 7^ l0g { WT*) { JLl ^(1 + *) "va og i-^ + >/2^/r+? . J_ log 8 (1 + *) {1 - * - ^3 s/lTtf} ^2 g 1 — 2a? + a? 8 — 2 — 2ar 1. (2(1 -a?- x/2 x/l + a? 2 )l (33.) /I ^ a . . Let 1 ^ rf = »V »• = •• > , , 1 + ar = 1 . o 21og# =-log(s°- + 1)| "*# == ~~ S 2 + 1 : ~ V2 C0 V2~~ v^ co 3* 1 + * a Let = cot* -^-av/L */2# cot 6 = cos y = cote _ VSa? INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 51 cos 8 = V rr5' •'• 6 - cos_1 Vrf5 y" «{^ y/l — # — # 2 1 , 1 \ + # + 1 + a 2 J M ^r+io / f 8(1 + *) 1 (- 2(1 +^)(^ + 3)-2\/l-^-^) l D I a 3 + 6x + 9 — 4 + 4* + 4« 8 y , 2 (1 + x) (x + 3 — 2 n/1 — * — or) = l0 " — - — 6irr*F — — / 7 — _L_r >. = COS"" 1 — . : ORAL CALCULUS. dx 1 d z IF /* d x , ~ 3 . Lets=-, dx = - (a + bar)z z /dz /-» z dz « (as 2 +4)i «(« + J« 2 )4 /xdx ^___ f* * ,— — = - as/ T-ar + y */T^a?d* /» eta = — Wl— a?* + / */ V 1 — 4T 1 2 » /i s 1 + s sin - 1 #, sin -1 x = |«n- r « — (»-+») ^ J 9 54 EXAMPLES ON THE (39 .) f^dSL m*** 2 2 -4- i # = # 5 , dx — -z dz, N /i» = ^ t » /Jxdx __% r> dz __% • ~i z a* 3 . .a* 3 X$ . A X 1 Let = sin"" 1 ~, sin = — , a 5 a 5 A S1I1( tan 6 = Vl — sin 2 Va 3 — # 3 (40.) /* ^ j = fl dx J {%ax+aFf J{(x + af -a 2 ) 1 Let x + a = -, d# = — dz ~z* = -/-5 *» ' 1 3 — a f = • "At ~« 2 ^ 2 )* INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 55 J_ 1 _J_ ___} fl 7 \/ 1 — a ' «" ™ a" . / . a* + fl ^ P% zdz 1 /* /TZT? "" y TT^T 4 ' 50 EXAMPLES ON THE ' J ,j i _ ^ - 4 iJs/l # 2 1 — — " "j" \/ 1 — x* 4- - cos ""* (— # 2 ), LetO = 7 cos- 1 (-a 2 ) 4 x cos 4 = — # 2 tan 2 = A A- 00849 = A /I±? "V l+cos4 A/ 1-aP a 2 y> - « s y* = « 2 - c 2 x % I 3BAI I ALCULUS. 57 Xdx ~ (c'-yj (I x a 1 ?/(l — c 2 ) dy c 1 — if y (1 — C*) /(«-> — «)* — (a - 2) 1 , a" 1 — # 1 , a^ — 1 sec" 1 —= = — sec \/a— 2 s/a — % y/a — 2 afJa — % 1 cos- 1 *^"-3 >/a - 2 # 2 -l 58 EXAMPLES ON THE FOKMUL^E OF REDUCTION. y^ x n dx \f 2 a x — x l y-> x n dx rx n ~ l (a — x)d x n x 1l ~ l dx y / 2 a x — x' 2 J s/% ax — x 2 J \J % ax — x l ,, , , ', (a — x) dx Makings = x n ~\ dq = \ -. r y/S ax — x 2 and .*. ^ = (w — 1) # n ~ 2 <##, # = \/2 ax —x 2 , we have fpdq = pq— fq dp) .\ f—p^====== J \J % ax — x l = a?- l /2 a #+#- */ \/% ax + a? This becomes, if p = a?"" 1 /a?"- 1 (a + #) (a + a?) rf# y \/ ■* ax ~j~ x rx"~ l (a + x) _ ( n — }) f aT'ty/si ax +x 2 dm sb ar-*y/ x ax , / •* N /» i / , r = #"- 1 v / 3aa + ^ — 2a (n— 1) /— 7 J sj)lax + x 2 J sj %ax -\- x 2 x n dx /» x n ~ l dx A /* # >l a# /» x n ~ l dx (n - 1) / , : - a / — *J \J %ax + # v J \J fyax+a? f~ l sj^ax + x 2 a(2w — l) /■• x n ~ l dx J s/^ax + x 2 J x n dx x n sj% ax — ar d# __ p dx(a — x) ' x n ~ l J%ax — x 2 J x x 1l ~ l \J %ax — x l J x 11 \J%ax — x 2 p ax + a / 7 f a .) J x n J%ax-x 2 K } ^ T , . 1 , , (a — x) dx Now, making p = — - and a^ = ■ . , x \J%ax — x 2 and .*. dp = — ttaT*~ ! d#, q = \/%ax — a? 2 , there results /• (a — x )dx __\/ % 2ax — x l n\J Sax — x*,dx ' x n _ ^y = a 2 (a 2 - a; 2 )" 1 " - & {a 2 - 1 ) % \ = o? / (a 2 — x*) 2 dx — / x . x (a 2 —< x 2 ) * )*' 1NTJ I.CULUS. y» dx 1 x 3 /• eta A1 /* ' /r X ^ . 1* -1* .*. the required integral is x o 6 a 2 • (a 2 + ^ 6 . 4 a 4 (a 2 + ar) 2 5 . 3 a 5 . 3 J_ -i/^ + G . 4 . 2a 6 ' a 3 + # 2 + 6 . 4 . 2 a 7 ' an \a)' ydx The formula of reduction is 1 (ar + 1 )* n — 2 /■ rf * (n - 1) &~* ~ n— lj x n-2 ^ + ^)f If n = G, we have / J x r > (1 + <*)J 1 (a 2 + 1)* 4 f__Jf_ /■ <* a _ 1 (a^ + l)* __ 8 /• I J f ^ + , ). = (log »)~" i rfJ Q^Hf-J X (log*) 8 ' p z=. x* dq = <#^ = hx*dx q = — ■ dx x (log *) :i 1 2 (log*) 2 * 5 5 /* **d* = ~" 2 (log*) 2 + ^y (log *) 2 ' TM ! no In like manner, „ prfdx y* ar x* p 2 (log xf = "Io^ + V 2 (log xf lug x J log x y & $& 25 rx x dx 2 (log xf 2 log x T % J log 25 rx x dx x 2 ,/ log #' £ = rf ^ = a* J I c?p =3 # 2 J# q = — a; 3 a- 1 3 /» . A Aj / a* or rfi» b= I a x x ax r t a's 1 /*' , a* x a* J A ALA A \ A A /J r# 3 s* 8 ?>x o ■> (5.) /or* (Jog xfdx p — (log a?) 3 dq = x*dx x 4 /"* &'* 3 ' / * / x* (log xf dm = — (log xf — - i x* (log »)■ efa # 3 (log a) 1 tifa — — (log.r)" 2 — - I x ] log, 70 EXAMPLES ON THE / a? dx log x = — log x — - / a? dx x* . 1 4 .\ I # 3 (log#) 3 dx S3 ^ 4 f ,1 ^ 3 /i no , 3.2. 3.2\ — | (log #) 3 - - (log #) 2 + — log x - -r- J- (6.) / e x x*dx = e r x* — 4 A r ar 1 da: /V a? 3 2 a? 1 g* 1 1 ~ ~ 2(e*- I) 3 + 2 ° g s* — 1 ~ 5 *• — I - § °8 ^r _ l 9 («■ — 1) t + (? - 1 J INTEGRA] < m.< i-j (In (12.) — = — /> = a* JL=: dx dx x k dp a* t A pa x dx — = Aa* q = — ■— ., dx 1 3#* a* a pa* di ■-■ u = -s*> + Hj — Similarly, /a T dx___ a x A Pa'dx ~x r "' ~ 2^? + "2*7 ~^~ (13.) — = — ^ = * — =SO», dp _ 1 3 a* .-. u = 1 H / # *a T dx, A* 1 2A«^ /' — 3 « r 3 /* — ^ ) / m *a*dxwa — - h / * -a* d x Also, ^/ a x x 2 dx= -a x x* — - A / a x x*dx. / a* #1 d a?sr - a* s« — t A / a* x* d x, Ca x x* dx= - & s£ — s A^/ a* ^ \ — - A - a* #*, &c. ) .*. u a x r Att=s ~ J A V # t (&r A) 2 (2 a A) 3 (8 a? A)* 2 # A — v _ y + ' 3.5 3.5.7 + &c .}• INTEGRAL CALCULUS. d u (11.) '— = x> 1 *& = x m \ 1 + n x log x n 2 = ftf" + »«•+> log x + - *•+' flog #) 2 + ftc., + [^ y 1 * m+2 ( io s^) 2 ** + *c. x m (\ogx) n dx= ) (loga?)* 1 (logs)*- 1 n(n-l)(n-g)...3.1 j # ,n+1 log#d#= - j log # 1 *"+»(log*)'rf*= f-_ {(log*)* x m +* Qogxfdx= \ (log xf - (logz) 2 1 G ^ Arranging the terms according to the powers of log w % B 9 76 EXAMPLES ON THE r ,7_* m+l nar+ ' 2 n2 * m+3 n3 * w * 4 » * f ^ +2 wa m+3 w 2 tf*+ 4 , ? -f n log x < — + —, &c > 5 lm + % (ro + 8) (m + 4) :i 3 + — ^ •>" isr+8 - osm? + H If ^ = all the terms vanish. If x = 1, / x nx ,x m dx becomes n 1 L See. m + I (ro + 2) 2 ' (m + 3)* (m + 4) 4 , ' . tfw logs: . dq 1 (15.) -r— = — -^ » = log# —2=--; - k J dx (l+xy * 5 dx (I + x) 2 dp 1 log # 1 -|-# dx x \ + x /dx * (1 + *) log # r d x r> dx ""* r+~# y *# y i +* log 0? 1 4-# 4- log a; - log (1 + #) 1 + r log x — log (1 4* x). INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 77 CHAPTER V. )dS (1.) f sin* Qd8 = /"sin 8 (1 - cos 2 6) = / sin 9 dO — / sin 9 cos 2 9 de A cos 3 cos 9 (1 — sin 2 9) = — cos 9 h — == — cos 9 H — - ; o o 2 . cos 9 sin 2 9 = _-cos9 __ (2.) fcos 3 QdO = /cos 6(1- sin 2 9) j i5Fr =y cos 2 0^0 sin 3 <9 sin 6d6 \ 1 cos sin 2 sin0J0 /» sin 0^0 cos 4 1 1 cos 4 -/ cos 2 3 cos 3 cos = 5 Th\o - 1 + sin2 H 3 cos 3 C3 J _ _L_ / sin* - |l. 3 cos 3 8 1 3 J (5.) / a? 2 tan~ l A/ - dx. Let - = # 2 x° = a° ar a; 8 d[« = 2fl 3 # 5 rf#, .-. / # 2 tan -1 a/ - dx = %a? j z 5 tan"" 1 #^2 jj = tan"" 1 # 1 dp = 1 +S 8 J# rfj = 2 a 3 # 5 d # 3 ' EGBAL CALCULUS. 79 <**• , <£■ r z' = _ ( *o 4 . 1 )tan-.*-- T {-- 3 -+l} = a \— ) tan V i - rfr its* - 3-« + x J (6.) — = cos 6 6 p = cos ^ --^ = cos -^ = — . 5 cos 4 6 sin 6 q = sin 0, .-. r cos c 0^0 = sin0cos 5 + 5 y\» s 4 sin 2 d = sin 6 cos 5 -f 5 ^cos *6 dx— 6 fco^Bdx, .-. / cos 6 Odd = - h- / cos 4 0 + /« /i ^/i • a f cos5 ^ . s cos3 # 5 cos 0) 5 . „ C cos 5 cos 3 cos 1 .*. % = sin < • . 4- H > a X 6 ^ 24 ^ 16 J ^ 16 . - f cos 3 sin 2 cos 3 cos 3 cos 7 . . f sin 2 cos 3 1 . ,„ . „ ^ cos 0") = sln ,| _ g cos*(l- S m^) +lr } + jj sin 3 cos 3 sin 3 cos sin cos ' du (8.) -j- = sin G cos 3 6 = sin G cos — sin 8 cos 0, sin 7 sin . . lt» — -- = sin 7 8-*9 . n i _ cos 2 01 { 9 ^ 63) ( '' y sin* 1/ sin 5 "V sn? cos 2 0dtf /cos* Hi sin 5 2? = cos dp \dl dq COS ( db sin 5 9 • sin # = — 1 4sin 4 /cos 2 0d0 _ cos0 1 r dB sin 5 ~~ 4 sin 4 *"~ 4*/ sin* 0' - r : ♦3$ J$ cos0 3 4sin 4 4^ sin 3 0' cos0 1 p dB /dB cos0 1 r dB sin 1 ~~ ~~ 2 sin 2 + Hj smfi' /dB cosfl I / 0\ sln^ = -Slin^ + 2 l0g l tan 2>)' H = — cos cos 3 cos 3 , / \ f 1 8 I .1 , / 6 \ ■ s 82 EXAMPLES ON THE r dB /- sm 2 e dQ r dd ^ ' J t cos 6 6 ~~J cos 6 4 J COS 4 J^ sin 9 ^9 = sin i 3 cos 3 3 cos 9 sin 4 f sin 6 2 sin + f sin 6 2 sin 6 1 5 cos 5 <9 ' 5 1 3 cos 3 + 3cos0j _ . f 1 4 8 ^ * Sm 15 cos 5 + 15 cos 3 + 15 cos 0J (\\\ du . — sin5 ^ _ sin^ (1 — 2 cos 2 6 + cos 4 0) ^ ' dd ~~c^"~~ cos 2 ^ sin cos 2 (9 2 sin + sin S cos 2 0, I _ A cos 3 (9 ?* = H + 2 COS ^ — cos0 3 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. W If, _ „- COS 4 01 = — A 1 + 2cos 2 <9 — [• cosflj 3 J If, ^ ^ . o* l-2sin 2 9 + sin 4 9) = \ 1 + 2 — 2 sm 2 — — I cos0( 3 J 1 f sin 4 9 4 sin 2 9 81 ~~ ~" cosl ( 3 + 3 ""3}* ma\ du cos 4 # dq cos 9 (12.) -rxss-T-rs ^ = cos 3 9 -f= v ; dO sm J <9 ^ r/9 sin 3 9 -^■= — 3 sin0cos 2 a = — ^ . ,, . d0 * 2 sm 2 6 cos 3 3 /» cos 2 B dS ' ~~ 2siir<9~~ 2 J sin0 cos 3 3 r cos 2 Odd 3 rcos 4 6 d8 /cos~ 6 dB 3 rcos A 6< sin 3 (9 + 2^ sin 3 < 2 sin 2 2 J sin 3 (9 r 2^ sin :i ___ cos 3 (9 r cos 2 BdB U ~*i$? + 1/ sin 3 e?£ cos ^ j} = cos rf<9 sin 3 * ■ = — sin q = . tf <9 J 2 sin 2 *cos? OdQ cos0 /cos 2 Bdv _ cos 6 \ r d6 sin' (9 "2siir^"" 2,/ siiu9 ±log(ten£} COS0 2 bin 2 6 84 EXAMPLES ON THE cos 3 6 3 cos 6 3 sin 2 2sin 2 - 5 log(tan£) 1 f 3cos0) 3. / 6\ 4 i\M - , v du __ 1 1 d S sin 2 cos 3 cos 3 sin 2 6 cos sin 2 # 1 1 cos0 ' nna A "» AAQ /J "• oii.1 i cos :i costf cos# sin 2 s* sin 2 6 dO ^ P d6 1 u = / «- + 2 / — - - — ,/ cos° J cos 6 sin i 2? = sin >sin 2 0d<9 . ^ r dB ^ dq sin d0 cos 3 dp . 1 "" ; = COS £ = j /sin 2 6 dB ___ sin 1 n d6 cos 8 (9 '""" Scos 2 ^ ~" 2 */ costf' ___ sind § r dB 1 "" 2 cos 2 ^ H J cos 6 sin i ci — cos 2 ^ _-i 3, r /* e\\ = s-i^iT^F - *] + 2 lo n tan U + §)} 1 f 1 3) 3, /« <9\ = S*lw* - 5J + a log tan U + 5> INTEGRAL CALCUl dO sin* cos 2 sin 2 cos- sin 4 <9 1 1 1 cos 2 fl ' cos'- 6 + sin 2 sin*0 sin 4 0* M = tan0 + 3/ T-T5 + / -^r */ sm 2 */ sm 4 cos 2 0d6 T j dq COS # ;; = COS -r^ = -: — r- cos 2 0 3? = G 3 cos ?) = 3 -4 = cos 1 dQ &-«? « = M .-. u = 3 sin<9 — 3 r&&n6dQ p = 6* ?|=sin0 fb 2 sm6dd = — <9 3 cos<9 + sfbcosO < P = 6 g=cos* INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 87 /# cos 6 (IB = 6 sin 6 — /sin OdO = 6 sin 6 + cos 0, .-. M a B's'md -f 30 2 cos0 — G ^ sin <9 — Gcostf. ~ * du x 1 . (18.) — = — sin" 1 x. dx y/l—tf m . x~dx da To integrate — p — x — sj\ — x l ' ilx \Zl—ar dp dx -1 ^ = -^1-^ /* — ,. ^ = — a? v/l — & + / y/i — x l dx k ' sj 1 — X 2 J x~dx -_~,/i-r^+ r dx r *** — — X \/ 1 — X -f-l — / , : x 2 dx . _ Ts ext, to integrate — ,. sin x a?, dx sj\—x l dp x / r 1 . (Z = — V 1 — *' + o sm w > dx Jl—x 1 .-. u = - (sin" 1 »)* — - ^/ 1 — .^sin" 1 ^ -f - / *<** 1 /^eixi^adx y/l —X* 88 EXAMPLES ON THE 1,., ' X2 cos/ 1— x* a? 1 . = - (sin l xy ^— sm 1 x + — (sm ! #)~ 1 > . _! vo a \A — # 3 • -i , ^ 2 = - (sm 1 xY *-_ sm 1 x + — - • 4 V & 4 (19.) — = -sm- 1 a?. dx (l_tf 2 )§ p = sm * # dx (1—^)1 ^ _ 1 _ 1 sin"" 1 # /"• ^# star 1 * 1 r /» dx t > r__^f\ sin- 1 ^; . v/l — # = , + log v , • . /l + x\ ('21.) — = a« sin 2 a:. (IX dq p = sm' x —±=e ax a i o.ax dp . . 6° — = 2 sin a; cos ^ = 1 2 /* n=-e ar sin 2 a' / tf a * sin#cos#dfa? dq p = sin # cos £ '* 2 • 9 -— = cos 2 x — snr x (1 X q= ir = 1 — 2 sin 2 x , sin a; cos a* dx .-. ie ax \ 1 1 /"* 2 /* = - e ar sin a; cos a: / e ax dx-\ / e a * shr x a a J a J 1 nr • 2 2 „ ' 2 •" j " .-. u = - e aT snr# -e ar sm 8 cos a; H r , a a* a- # d l / 4 \ £ a * sin a:, . .-. u[ 1 H — - ) = (a sm x — 2 cos an H — j \ a" / a~ ' a s Sin X (a sin x — 2 cos a:) .-. |4 a- ^ i j . \ a- J a a~ /. T ^(a cos kx + ftsinft#) e** cos kxdx = — - : — -• a* + k l (24.) To integrate e—* 1 * sin ft or, ;> = sin kx dq = er° x dx, dp = k cos ft * q = — » /' . , , e- /2 sin 6), o w = y/c^T^ S -^(5 -4 + 4 COS 2 0) = ~|~ ( 3 + 2 cos 2 ^) \/cos 8 6 + g-£- sin" 1 ( ^/S sin B). (9ft \ C sm 0dQ r sin 6 dS J \/sin 2 a — sin 2 6 J *J cos 2 6 — cos 2 a __ p d (cos 0) ~" "" / / »/i 2 = *~ l0 ^ Vv/COS 2 <9 — COS 2 fl + COS0) ^ v cos- — cos 2 a v ' = — log (^/sin 2 ;* — sin 2 + costf) -f C. If = u , u = — log (cos a) + C, ' * sin d , cos a f sin d .'. I = log •^ ~ \/sin 3 /% — sin 2 A a \/ sin 3 a — sin 2 \/sin 2 a — sin 2 + cos INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 95 CHAPTER VI. ON DEFINITE INTEGRALS. In the process of differentiation all constant quantities which are merely added to, or subtracted from, those quantities which contain the variable disappear; and, on the contrary, after integration, there may he a constant quantity connected with the integral which we have not in that operation ob- tained. The letter C is therefore added to every integral to represent this quantity, and in order to determine its value we must in the first place find what particular value of the variable makes the integral O ; we thus get two equations, both of which contain C, and between these two equations C may be eliminated. For instance, if we haxe J'S or d 4: = a? + C for the general value of the integral, and the pro- blem indicates that for the particular value x = a, the in- tegral becomes O, then O = a J -f C; by subtracting this from the general value of the integral we get ar 1 — a*, in which the constant C has disappeared ; this latter is called the corrected integral, and is written thus, I 3x 2 dx = gfi — a 3 . J a In this expression the value of the integral commences when x = a, and if we give another value to x, say x = b, then we have fully determined the value of the integral, which is now written »5 84* <*#»&'_ a?. %J a This is called the definite integral, and is said to be taken between the limits .v = b and x = a : the former is called the superior limit, and the latter the inferior limit, and the ope- ration is called integration between limits. 96 EXAMPLES ON THE Iii general f f{x) dx =

m+n -- •. A = I ydx = / dx = / a n x n dx xn m+n n— m 11 n n . „ a x + C. We must here determine the constant C, as in the above example, that is, find when the value of x makes the area = 0, &c. We must here observe, that this formula fails when m = n ; for then A = C -f- or log x, which cannot be determined by the above method. (3.) The equation to the tractrix is dy y and dx (a 2 — y 2 )4 . . ydx = —dy(a 2 — /)*, A —Cydx = — J dy {a 2 — y) • = ->*-> T-S--5 + C- Tl ifii in order to find the area included by the positive axes, let y = — a, observing that C = 0, F 98 EXAMPLES ON THE whole area = — — , v sin 1 = -• 4 2 Since it is shown in all works on the Differential Calculus that dV dx -.»■- £-..«V> + (£)" it follows that to find the volumes and surfaces of solids we have to integrate these functions between the proper limits. Examples. (1.) To find the volume and surface of a sphere. The equation to the circle referred to the centre is y 1 = r 2 — x 2 , where r represents the radius of the sphere ; and as one value of r lies wholly above and the other wholly below the axis of x, we must integrate between the limits x — — r and x = r ; we have n + r 4tt V = * / {f - x 2 ) dx = ~— r\ If we integrated this without reference to limits, the ex- pression we should have would give the volume of the segment of a sphere ; and we observe that C = when x = 0, since the integral becomes 0. Also, s = % w f 9 aJi + ( |)V 3*/; vA +. £ = 2tt /v/y'^-f- x 2 dx = 3*Y V) tftf=aVx 2r 2 = 47rr 2 . INTEGBAL CALCULUS. 99 We might form the integral ZirfJJf +x l )dx= c lJ7 l dx by writing the value of y 2 given in the equation to the curve. Hence the integral = Brra?, which is the surface of the segment, whose height is x. ^(2.) To find the volume and surface of a prolate spheroid formed by the revolution of an ellipse about its major diameter. b 2 The equation to the ellipse is y 2 = — (a 2 — x 2 ), where a and b represent the major and minor semi-axes respectively. Hence, V = 77 / y 2 dx = - -j f(a 2 — x 1 ) dx which is the volume of a spheroidal segment, remarking that C = 0. Next we must integrate between the limits x = — a and x = a; then we have b 2 /*+« 4 V = tt — / (a 2 - x 2 )dx = - 7:b 2 a, a~ J -a 3 and — - = — \dxj a-(a--x') dx a (a 2 — x 2 )* \dxj a 2 (a 2 —x l ) a 2 — V h we write r for — = — we have ar 1 _l f*9\*__ * — ** f dy\* /(a 2 + x 1 ) : NF = b >/ a 2 + x . . V = .-. y = OD - NF sa i — = fydx b s/a* + tf ^y^-^ + ^ + s^j^ r^. * 2 */i . * 2 \l = *■ J 2t X area GFCD . I - c 2 — — J > + C L- ^ & 2 # /3c 2 ~4a? 2 \) = ir |2tx area GFCD- — x f ^ )\ + C ' INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 103 and C = 0. This is the volume of the frustum FCEH, and for the volume of the spindle we have Vc 3 InlSi x areaAFCD — — - 2 j (7.) To find the surface of a cir- cular spindle. Retaining the notation used in the last, we have no = y -f- a = n/of' — Yri 1 = \/r 2 — x 2 , dy x . rdyy x- and — = and [ ~ ) = - =» ax f^ _ x 2 )* \dx J r l — x l = °,7rr / i 1 r ydx = %jrr\x — a sin -1 -f+C, and C=0, the surface of the part HECF; and if x=c, we have S = 2 7rrjc — « sin -1 — >, the double of which will be the surface of the whole spindle ACBE 104 EXAMPLES ON THE (8.) To find the volume of a parabolic spindle. Put CD = h, AB = 2c, and A # = AG, and y = FG. From the property of the parabola AD 2 : AG.GB :: CD : EG, c 1 : x (2 c — x) : : h : y, h(%cx — x 2 ) 9 h 2 2 . 3 4 . y= — 2 -, .'. f = — (4c 2 # 2 — lex* + #), c \ IB / = tt— /(4c 2 # 2 — 4ctfr 3 + x 4 )dx=z — — f irtf/Ua? + +*} the volume of AFH, since C = ; when # = c, we have tt/* 2 /4c 5 _ c 5 \ 8 72 volume of the semi-spindle ; and, as we have found the volume of the part AFH, if we subtract this from the whole semi- spindle, we shall have the frustum EHCF, the double of which will be volume of the whole frustum EHIL. In the same manner as in the last example, we may find the surface of the parabolic spindle. (9.) In a parabola find the area included between the curve, its evolute, and its radius of curvature. area parabola ANP = Cy dx 4 2 = 2 s/a I s/x dx = - \/ax' 1 t J 3 area evolute A N INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 105 (a _ 2a)* = i— 9 jsJ = l 15^/8 a i:. v/3« B ^ a dy 2a subnormal NG = y — - = y — = 2 a, o y NP . NO I'i 1 area PNG = = ay = 2 a # ON' = AN'- AG = 34? -f 2a — a? — 2a = 2#, GN'. N'P' . y* area P'N'G = = fa = -f-, a? 2 4a- 4a# 2 h v 2a; 5 = r- 2 v/^^ = ' 4a- \/a area APP' = APN + NPG + AN'P'- GN'P' 5 4 | J i 12# 5 = -,/„* + 2a^ + ^ — - — 3 l 5 20a# 5 + 30« 2 * a + 6a; 5 15 v^a = [ cr + - ax + -x- . -v/a \ 3 5 / (10.) To find the length of the spiral of Archimedes. dr ds d$ dti 1 a-5 z T = TH ' T" *" " V r ~ + a F 8 106 EXAMPLES ON THE — \f rjr — 2 a Y r r2dr , f dr a J yV + a 2 J sj r l + a 1 = r v 7 ** 2 + « 2 — /\*r \A 2 + «* + « r , r - a *J J sjr 1 + a 2 r /-= a r dr n dr 2 « ^ */ v/r 8 + a 2 ./ v/r 2 + a 2 2« v 2 7 v/r'-H-a 2 ' /H^ 2 . a 1 f V^ 2 + « 2 + r \ (11.) On AB, the diameter of a given semicircle ACB, take AD = the chord AC; join C, D; bisect C D in P, and find the equation and area of the locus of P. Join A, P, and put A P = y, /_ PAD = cos 2 p. Let A P = y be drawn in an opposite direction ; then

, and A P or y will become = 2acos(180°=d6 = a 2 fdS (2 cos 6 — 1) = 2 a 2 sin 6 — a 2 6. To ascertain the limit, put r = 0; then r 2 or a 2 (2 cos 9—1) = 0, and cos 6 = % ; therefore the curve makes an angle of 60° with the diameter A B ; hence, taking the above between 9 = 0, and 6 = 60°, we get a 2 \/3 — - a 2 . 2tt, or a 2 x '6848. (13.) Let the given circle CED, whose diameter is CD, touch the indefinite right line A D in D, and from the given point A, draw the right line A EC, on which take AP = the sine of the c arc EC, and find the equation and area of the curve which is the locus of P. The lines being drawn as enun- ciated, put CD = a, /_ DAC = 2 *- 1A - -/< V^g-y^f* r e* dx r d x r e x dx r e x dx r m J ?TT * J i 7 ^! "V ^TT + ./ JTZT "V ■ S = log( 4 -- 1) — log(=J d 'V i+ %=^j(*' ! +«w* ~\- ±a 2 dx 1 # * INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 1 1 I (15.) The volume generated by the curve y 2 (x — 4 a) = a x (x — 3 a) revolving about the axis of x, from x = <> to j: = 3a is = -*ra 3 (15 — 16 log 2). # 2 — 3a# / 4a 2 \ x — 4a V # — 4a/ .-. V = 7T I f dx = ira (- + a# + 4 a 2 log (x — 4a) J + C. If * = = 4*ra 3 log (- 4a) + C. If x = 3 a / Oa 2 \ = n a I — + 3 a 2 + 4 a 2 log ( - a) J + C, '• v = na "TT" "" 4a2 { log ( ~~ 4 «) - lQ g(- «)}} = ^ a 3Jl5-81og4} = ^a 3 |l5 - 16 log iij. (16.) Find the area of the curve in which (a 2 - b 2 ) sin 9 cos 9 T = — — — s/a 2 siir 6 + 6 3 cos 2 1 r^it l r( a2 - 62 )* 2 sin " e cos 8 6 _ . area = - / r 2 dQ = - / v „ . — ; ( / 2 % / 2 J a 2 siir 6 + V cos 3 _ l Wq 2 -6 2 ) 2 si n 2 fld0 ~2j a 2 tan 2 5"+ b 2 * 112 EXAMPLES ON THE 1 . X Let x = tan 6, d6 = dx sin 6 = 1 + ^ ?2 \A+^ area = - / * ' 1 + a? 2 ] + x 2 J a 2 x 2 + b 2 I r {a 2 - b 2 ) 2 x 2 dx ~%J (a 2 x 2 + b 2 )(l + *T U A B C Let -| = TXT" To + /, ■ -2N2 + V " a 2 # 2 + & 2 ' (1 + x 2 ) 2 1 + «* = A(l + x 2 ) 2 + B (> 2 # 2 + 5 2 ) + c (1 + **) (a 2 x 2 + 6 2 ). A 2 Z> 2 / a 2 — h 2 \ 2 Let rf = - L .'. - (a 2 - 6*)*1 = A f ^__^) A = - a 2 5 2 . Let a = v /:r " 1 5 - (<* 2 - **) 2 = - B {a 2 - 6 2 ), .-. B = a 2 - £ 2 , ... ( a 2 _ £2)2 tf _ ( a 2 _ £2) (a 2 ^2 + £2) + tf £2 (J + ^ = C(1+^ (a 2 2 + 6 2 ) _ ( a * _ £2) (] + a-') b* + a 2 5 a (1 4- xj = C(l + x 7 -) (a 2 2 + £ 2 ) b 2 (1 + 2 ) (« 2 +a 2 ^-a 3 + ^) = C(l+ 2 ) (a 2 rr 2 -f- & 2 ) C = b\ RAX CALCULUS. I 18 r> {a* —b ) x" dx 'V (a 2 a* + fc 2 ) (1 + *<)* p dx p dx p x*dx 4 J (i + jy ~J Hh? ~7 (i + **)* /• rf# « 1 /* + 2 (1 + x 2 ) ~ 2./ l+* ! 1 p dx = 2 7 IT"? d x m x 2~(r+ *7 a a fc 2 r_&x a 2 + & 2 /" ) 2 r area = - — = - - -. 4 2 2 2 4 2 114 EXAMPLES ON THE (17.) The length of the epicycloid after one revolution of the generating circle = 8 - (a + b), and the area between the epicycloid and the circle = ?r b z ( 3 -\ ) ( r 2 fl 2x — 2 g )» equation to epicycloid in terms of rad. vector and perp. on tangent where c = a -f 2 b. ds r dr ~~ yV _ f , J; cV~aV- c V + flV _ a 2 (c 2 - r 2 ) r 2 — ^) e?s n/c 2 — a 2 r n/c 2 — a 2 , * = ± n/c 2 - r 2 + C. If r = a + 25 = c, then s =: 0, C = 0. c 2 -« 2 «* + 4a6 + 4** — a 3 If r = a, then s = • « = ± — (a + b), hence whole length of arc of epicycloid INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 1 1 5 d6 V Also to find area — = ,_ M 2 *f' r>/r 2 —p 2 , , - prdr cr \/ r 2 — a 2 Wc 2 — a 2 aV rd$= — = — v X — =^ ^/r* __ ^ y^ _ a * a ,/c 2 - r 2 c r^/ r 2 — a 2 dr 1 /*«jii c rrdr\Jr i — d i area =- / r 2 d0 = — / v Let f* — O 1 « **, raVssfcda?, c 2 — r 2 = c 2 — a 2 — ;*r, c r z l dz z 2 dz area = — -r-^v/S® — ^®+ -^ — sin" 1 — -f C. 4a 4a £ If r = a then z = 0, and area = 0, r = e then # a — *» = z* = c 2 — a', 116 EXAMPLES ON THE c(c 2 -a 2 ) . , \A 2 - « 2 .-. semi-area = ~— t sm -1 • /" ■ ■ 4 « VV-a 2 __ c (c 2 — a 2 ) ?r ~ la 2 area circle = - %>n-b =z nab, A c ( c i a i\ area between epicycloid and circle = — -n — mab 4a (a + Zb)±b(a + b) 7T — nab 4a = -(a 2 5 + 3a5 + 2P — a'b) (18.) Find the length of the curve where fl?t -(- yt s-s a t , - p\/ "*+'' =f- --<•> Taking* it between the limits x = 0, # = a, 3 s = -a. The whole length of the curve 4 x - a = 6 a. x* ■ INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 117 (19.) If h as height of a parabolic frustum, a and b the radii of the ends, show that Frustum = ~ (a 2 + b 2 ). A Equation to parabola y 1 = kmx. / I + h / x + h V = ?r/ y 2 dx as kitm I xdx = 2 ttn {{x + hf — x°] = 2 %m (2 ar/i + A 2 ) (20.) Find the area of the catenary Area = j yd* = \ f [f + e" a ) dx at - -*\ = - ( ae a — ae * h / 2 JL _2j = - y/ty* — 4a 2 = a \J y' — a' 2 - (31.) Find the area of #V — a V = " s > a 2 y = «/-« 4 ' sj x* — a 4 1 I 8 EXAMPLES ON THE area= / ydx = a 2 / , — = a 2 I — , J J {/a;* -a* J ** If a? 4 - a 4 = *V, VT=? log x = log a — - log (1 — z% dx Z* x 1 — z* .-. area = a 2 I - - r dz = a 2 / - dz J z \ — sr J \ ~ sr 2 (J l-z 2 J 1 + z 2 S _ a 2 r 1 a 2 r 1 fl /' ] a 2 _ 1 + * a 2 = 7 log r3 * 4 - a 4 a 3 tan" 1 #. But* 4 =- — , a; 4 ary 4 a 2 xy a~ a 2 area = T log 1 — — tan — = ^!{l 0gA /fl^!_tan-^}. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 110 (22.) Find the volume generated by the revolution of the witch round its asymptote. Qa — x y 1 = 4 a 2 equation to witch, xy* = 8 a 3 — 4 a 2 a?, 8 a 3 * - y 2 + 4 a 2 ' /* /* 4a 2 a , y * 2 dy = lGa V (y * + 4a 2 ) 2 ./ i/ 2 + 4a 2 ./y + 4^)F B t /■ y dy_ _ 1 y . I / \/ ^ ( y » + 4a a)« 2 y 2 + 4a 2 "*" 2 ./ dy y 2 + 4a- Volume V = 8a 4 9r 2 , y - 2 + 4=a 3 7r tan" 1 £-. Taking between the limits of 2/ = oo and y = 0. Volume = 4a 3 7r tan -1 00 = 2 a 3 tt*, and whole volume generated by curve both above and below the abscissa = 4 a" «* 120 EXAMPLES ON THE MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. C 1 -) fs/bax — x 2 . dx /{lax — x 2 )dx s/%ax — x 2 ~xdx {a + (a — x)} -j. sj %ax — x 2 (a — x) xdx r* axdx p\a — x) xdx J \Z~^ax — x 2 J s/%ax — x 2 /(a — x) dx . x \/ %ax — x 2 = x \/%ax — x 2 — J \/%ax — x 2 dx, /► axdx P{( a — x ) a ~ <^}dx sj^ax—x 2 J \Z%ax — x 2 = — a \/^ax — # 2 + a 2 . ver sin -1 -, .-. 2 J \/%ax — x 2 . dx = (# — a) y/% ax — x 2 + a 2 ver sin -4 - , INTEGRAL CALCULU8. 1-21 .% J \Z%aw — x l . dx (x — a)\/2ax — x l a 2 . ,m ; Fi + 77 ver 8in • 2 2 a This integral is used by Earnshaw, in finding the centre of gravity of the area of a cycloid. /§f d x >/&** + /2 a # -j- a? 2 — a log {a + a -f \/2ax 4- # 2 }. z^ a? 2 ^ #\/2a# + # 2 3a /- - ,\ / — , = — - \/%ax -{- x 2 J ^Zax + X 2 2 2 g^2 + — - log {x + a + ^/2a# -f # 2 }. /» ° .i? 2 a 7 ;*? let ^? = x dp = cfar, a 7 # = (2a# — a; 2 )i x dx /x dx /v 3 i = / (2a — a?) _ 2 0* d# 3- / (2a# tal — l) - '3 *"* ^ == - -i- f(Zax- 1 - 1)~~* x — 2a x" 2 dx ° ' «V 2a-V INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 123 j pdq=pg -fqdp _ x / x - C sjx ' dx ~ a v 2a — x a J sJ'Za — x _ x / x i r xdx . ~a\ %a — x a J \/%ax — zr but by the formula of reduction, r x dx /- r , x I — = — w %ax — x* + a vers ' -, /x 2 dx (tax - x*f X / X 1 / x — j? 8 — vers -1 -, a taken between the limits of and a, x 2 dx /. ; sl + l-! = 2-!= -4292. a (2ax - z 2 )i 2 2 This integral is used in Barlow on the strength of mate rials. See pages 364, 365. x n x*dx / 1 x — a 1 ,#\1 /» rfx __ x 1 1 «JL (5 '!/ W+W -*h*? + i>) + 2*7i tan v ^' o 2 121. EXAMPLES ON THE /* dx (x -t a) (** + bf 1 , x + a 1 ax + b a (a 2 4- 36) , x -f ^ 7 - , - — iT7, 'tan -1 -, x 4 dx r x* dx (7,) J (« + bxy /$a? Sax\ 1 3 /• ~ "" { ~8b + "8F/ ' O + bxf+ Sb 2 J a dx -h bx 2 L' {a -r bxf 6 3V o 3 « -f &# 6* 7 The formula of reduction dx _ ^Jx—x 1 (9 .) /' ^ = = — A W -V ^— 2 v' 1 - OJ 2 gives the following integrals, taking m odd ydfa? \/ 1 — x l 1 / * dx y<2# sj 1 — a; 2 3 / • ™ v/4 + 3^ + 2 ydx 2 . _ /&# — a f dx 2 (13.) / 5= 7== * 7 a? (a + &#)* a v 7 a 4- i >\Jbx — a \J i dx ~bx log a \/ s/a + bx + s/a r x Q dx J f4 - 4# 4- 5a?*| y» d# _ / 1 2 \ a? (a + fc* 2 )* " \ 3a(a + ft**) + 3^ J ^JT*"£? ' J* X\dx iM f 1 .2 1 126 EXAMPLES ON THE /__d®_ f 2 2_~l a? + a i). /* dd 3 f«0 + 0) sin 3 (a + £) cos 2 (a + 0) = 2^ l0g ^ I 2 J If 1 cos a 6 + b ^ a {cos (a Q + 5) "" 2 (sin 2 a + b)\ d B vers 2 sec cosec 6 (29.) fd 6 cosec 2 0= - log tan 0, r d6 1 (30.) / — 2 — - = -tann0, v ' J cos 2 n 6 n ,„ x /* d * * 1 i 1 + sin 2 <9 , r de i i i, { * Q\ ; 8a > ./sto* = suf* - e~# + a log H 4o + a ; /^sin 3 d (33.) / - ,, A = cos + sec 0, cos 2 (34.) A— ^ T"/, = « i"i + lo g tan ^ v ' ^ sin cos 3 2 cos 2 6 ° /^sin 3 6 d 6 _ sin 2 2^ ^ ■' J cos 8 ~~ 5 cos 7 5 • 7 cos 7 (36.) /" / r 2 sin0d0rfr=- -(R 3 - r 3 ) (cos - cos 0). This integral is used by Professor Moseley on the arch. See the " Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Archi- tecture," page 467. (37.) AOB is a quadrant of a circle, O its centre ; draw any chord BED, and OE perpendicular to it, upon which tak< 128 EXAMPLES ON THE INTEGRAL CALCULUS. OP equal to half the cosine of the arc BD, and determine the quadrature of the locus of P. (38.) CP and CD are conjugate diameters of an ellipse, of which the semiaxes are a and b ; P F is perpendicular to DC : it is required to find the area of the curve, which is the locus of F. (39.) A right line drawn from a given point cuts a given circle, and the intercepted chord is the minor principal axis of an ellipse, whose area is equal to that of the given circle. Find the quadrature of the curve described by the vertex of the ellipse. (40.) Supposing the arc of a semicircle to be stretched out into a straight line, and an indefinite number of perpendiculars erected on it, each equal to the versed line of the correspond- ing arc ; what would be the length of the curve traced out by the tops of the perpendiculars ? (41.) The polar equation to the parabola is r= - . show 2 * ; cos 7j that the area = a 2 ( tan - + - tan 3 - j. (42.) The equation to the lemniscate being (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 = x 2 — y\ find its area between the limits of x = and x = 1. (43.) Let the base AB of a right-angled plane triangle be given, and in the variable hypothenuse AC, let there be con- tinually taken CP equal to the perpendicular CB. Find the equation and quadrature of the curve, which is the locus of the point P. (44.) ACB is a given quadrant of a circle ; A the centre, and D any point in the curve. Draw O D perpendicular to A B, and take D P = B O ; then the area of the curve, which is the locus of P, will be = the circular segment CDBC. (45.) The perpendicular BC of aright-angled triangle ABC is given, and in the variable hypothenuse AC, let AP be taken, so as always to be equal to B C ; required the distance BP of nearest approach, and the quadrature of the curve, which is the locus of P. (46.) Find the content of the solid generated by the revo- lution of the curve, whose equation is (a 1 -f 0) JJ a — ** ( a 2 — x 2 ) = ; about the axis of x. G. Woodfall and Son, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London. THE PRIZE MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862, was awarded to the Publishers of "Weale's Series." ANEW LIST OF ' J WE ALE'S RUDIMENTARY SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, AND CLASSICAL SE RIES. These popular and cheap Series of Books, now comprising nearly Three Hundred h'stinct works in almost every department of at ton, are n- ommended to the notice of Engineers, Atehiteels, Builders, Artisans, and Students r enerally, as well as to those, interested in Workmen' s Libraries, Bree L/br, Literary and Scientific Institutions, < hools, Sciem ■c, cW. 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