r THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Mrs. Helene Vfn cle Cf.rr i) *- Ibeatb's flDofcern language Series DONA CLARINES MANANA DE SOL FOR SERAFIN Y JOAQUIN ALVAREZ QUINTERO EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND VOCABULARY BY S. GRISWOLD MORLEY, PH.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SPANISH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1909 BY S. AND J. ALVAREZ QUINTERO COPYRIGHT, 1915 BY D. C. HEATH & Co. I L9 PREFACE At present writing it seems to be a fact that no Spanish comedy written within the last thirty years, perhaps fifty, and making any pretense to literary worth, is available for use as a text in the United States. With the inten- tion of filling part of the gap, as well as of introducing to students two contemporary Spanish dramatists, very well* known in their own country, and very well worth while, I have selected these two short plays of the brothers Alvarez Quintero. While they are not the most impor- x tant works of these authors, they are probably the best adapted to school use. The many Andalusian forms in most of the Quintero comedies debar them wholly, and in others continental plainness of speech is an obstacle. Dona Clarities and Manana de sol are not too difficult, are written in bright and idiomatic Castilian, are entirely fit for class use, and are reprinted without the alteration or omission of a word in the original. They may well be read in the first year of a college course in Spanish, or in the second year of the high school. The editing has ^ not been done with an eye to the needs of absolute beginners. v* As no critical writing worth mentioning has yet been directed toward the brothers Quintero, notwithstanding their great popularity in Spain and Italy, the introduc- tion is perforce in the nature of pioneer work. I wish to express my very sincere gratitude to the H 530260 IV PREFACE authors of these comedies, who first gave their courteous authorization to reprint, and then extended th^ir generos- ity so far as to furnish information which would have been wholly inaccessible otherwise. Without their gra- ciously manifested kindness, this book could obviously never have appeared. Various colleagues have helped in the interpretation of difficult idioms; to all of them I convey my hearty thanks, and in particular to Professor Schevill and Professor Bransby of the University of California. S. G. M. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, February, 1915. INTRODUCTION Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero are brothers, and write in collaboration. They are among the most popular and prolific playwrights of the day in Spain. Neither quali- fication is necessarily flattering, but the comedies of the Quinteros 1 have many permanent beauties which speak well for the taste of the contemporary Spanish audience. Even in their farces they are never vulgar, never coarse, and they are not to be confounded with the many amusers of the crowd in Madrid, the Ramos Carrions, the Vital Azas, the Carlos Arniches, etc. Their work possesses a distinction and color which lift it into the realm of literature. The brothers Quintero have never made public the details of their private life, and no article of importance seems yet to have been published concerning them. From a little semi-serious Autobiografla, originally printed in Alma espanola (1904), and from various other sources, the following facts have been gleaned: Don Serafin was born on March 26, 1871, and don Joaqum on Jan. 20, 1873, in Utrera, 20 miles from Seville. To this capital the family moved "when the two boys together measured a yard in height", and there they attended the Institute. Their dramatic talent appeared at the earliest pos- !Ptc6n and Mariano de Cavia write " los Quinteros ", but other Spaniards seem to prefer " los Quintero ". VI INTRODUCTION sible age, and they composed and acted plays in the patio of their own house before any other stage could be provided. Their ages were 16 and 15 when Esgrima y amor, a farce, was produced at the Teatro Cervantes in Seville (Jan. 30, 1888). Their father took them to Madrid in October of the same year, in order to give their talents a broader field. Success did not come at once. For nine years, to provide a liveli- hood, they held positions in the Treasury department (Ha- cienda). During this period they labored desperately at writing, rising at dawn to get in ^ome hours before the office work began at eight. They founded a weekly paper, El pobre- cito hablador, which was respected and admired, but was not a financial success. Their writing was done at first over the signature El diablo cojuelo. In the Autobiografia they speak in feeling terms of the ten years of severe and unrewarded labor which laid the foundation of their later popularity. Before the appearance of El ojito derecho, their first hit, they had only three plays produced in Madrid, all very ordinary farces. But they must have been storing up material for future use, for in 1900 they declared 1 that they had 51 plays on hand in manuscript. In 1897 the "entremes" El ojito dere- cho and the one-act comedy La reja attracted favorable no- tice; they were both in the vein which has given them most popularity, namely, the depiction of Andalusian customs. In 1898 a musical comedy, La buena sombra, completed the victory, and since that date they have seen produced, be- tween long and short, an average of nearly five plays a year. In 1900 Los galeotes, a four-act comedy, and their first full- sized piece, was crowned with the approbation of the Spanish Academy, but not until about 1904 do we find the brothers Quintero accepted on a par with Benavente as entitled to rank amoffg the chief figures of modern Spanish literature. In 1907 they were both presented with the cross of Alfonso iln a letter to the Heraldo de Madrid, See Ilustracidn espanola y ame- ricana, 1900 (II) p. 258. INTRODUCTION Vll XII. Don Serafm was elected to the Academy on March 27, 1913. The brothers spend their winters in Madrid, and their summers in the quaint northern town of Fuenterrabia, where they find ideal conditions for composition and rest. 1 The collaboration of the two brothers has excited wonder in many, for it approximates to mutual thought. It is so intimate that it can hardly be imagined possible in any but two persons who have been accustomed to work and think together from childhood. Their intellectual harmony is so perfect that on one occasion, as a test, the younger composed a copla of four lines; the first two were then given to the elder, who completed the stanza with the identical words of his brother. Their method of composition is described by them as a continuous conversation. They plan their plays while walking out of doors, in the morning; thus they discuss characters, outline the plot, division into acts and scenes, and even dialog. When the whole and the details are well in mind, the actual writing is done by don Serafin. He reads the result to his brother as he proceeds, and the latter comments or corrects. Details of style are settled in the same viva voce way, better adapted to the drama than to other forms of composition. II When we look over the whole work of these men, we are struck first by their tremendous productivity. The elder of the brothers is now 44, but it is 27 years since their first play was presented. Up to the latest advices (Jan. i, 1915), they have had performed 91 dramas, comedies, farces and operet- tas, called by the various names of comedias, juguetes cdmi- !The Teatro Alvarez Quintero, which has recently been founded in Madrid, receives from them only its name; they have neither financial nor managerial connection with it. Vlll INTRODUCTION cos, entremeses, sainetcs, pasos de comedia, zarzuelas, and still others. From 1900 to 1914 they averaged 5 estrenos a year, a record which one knows not whether to commend or to reprove. The conditions of the stage in Spain are such to- day that dramatists are spurred to turn out novelties in order to earn a living. A popular hit may remain on the boards for some time, but after its initial run is over, it is seldom returned to the repertory. But it would be a mis- take to ascribe to commercial motives what is a trait of na- tional genius. The race of Lope is not that of Moliere, and Spanish literature, in its most characteristic phases, is the work of brilliant improvisers. That exuberance of creation of which Lope de Vega was the perfect exemplar is continued undiminished to-day in Perez Galdos, Echegaray, Benavente and the Quinteros. The enormous output of the Quintero brothers includes an equally impressive variety. They have attempted almost every known kind of comedy in prose (never in verse) from the screaming farce (Las casas de carton, El nuew sermdor) to the grand comedy in which there is a strong tragic ele- ment (La casa de Garcia, La zagala). One may very roughly divide the mass into plays short and plays long, or, in Cas- tilian el genera chico and el genera grande. The short dramatized picture of national customs known as entremes or sainete has as continuous and glorious a history as any literary genre in Spain, including as it does the names of Lope de Rueda (i6th century), Cervantes, Quinones de Benavente (i7th), Ramon de la Cruz (i8th) and Ricardo de la Vega (igth). The Quinteros maintain worthily a tradi- tion in which the great qualities are wit, concision and fidel- ity to nature, and up to the present writing these short popular sketches represent possibly the greatest perfection of their accomplishment. El ojito derecho (1897) is a classic of horse-trading, and only one of an insurpassable series de- picting Andalusian life among the lower classes. The famous INTRODUCTION IX El patio (1900) draws an enchanting picture of domestic ar- rangements in a house in Seville. 1 La buena sombra, El flechazo, Los chorros del oro, Sangre gorda, and very many others, which, like those previously cited, are written in the Andalusian dialect, are thumb-nail sketches caught in the streets and patios of Seville. But, following the lead of Ricardo de la Vega, the Quinteros have woven a thread of sentiment into their scenes from popular life, and thus given them a relief and truthfulness which the sainetistas of the earlier centuries would have scorned to consider possible. La pena, El chiquillo, Nanita, nana, are masterpieces, pure and simple, of sincere, unexaggerated realism, and one knows not where to turn for a parallel, unless to Dickens, who touched childhood with a hand more loving than any other's. It was the Quinteros who started the now declining fash- ion of "andalucismo " on the stage, but they were also the first to work away from it. The pasos de comedia are short pieces, but they are differentiated from the sainete type by the station of the dramatis personae, who are not of the working class. They speak Castilian, not Andalusian, the scene is laid farther north, and the interest is sought in fine psychology, instead of popular manners. Maiiana de sol (1905) contains a delicate mingling of philosophy and humor with the faintest suggestion of pathos, and the same qualities appear in A la luz de la luna (1908), as fanciful and dainty as one of De Musset's Proverbes. El agua milagrosa (1908) is a delightful revelation of human nature, and El ultimo capitulo (1910) equals it in shrewd psychological ob- servation. Such dramatic pictures as these are a perma- nent and worthy addition to Spanish literature. *The authors define a sainete as a form restricted to one act, and depict- ing manners of the lower classes only. Hence El patio (in two acts), and the pasos mentioned further on, are not sainetes, for the characters are not taken from the laboring classes. The term cuadro de costumbres would perhaps cover them all. X INTRODUCTION So much cannot always be said for the more ambitious flights of the Quinteros. Many times they have tried com- edy on a large scale, and tragic figures are not lacking in their long list of created characters, but their success has not been uniform in the broader field. In it are to be found marks of haste in construction, the inevitable harvest of in- tellects not allowed to lie fallow, and even of concession to popular applause. When they are content with observation or satire they are supreme, as in the interesting zarzuela, El estreno (1900), a vivid glimpse behind the scenes at a "first night"; and in El amor en el teatro (1902) and El amor en solfa (1905), which exhibit the love-scene as it is rendered in various types of play and opera. But when the authors grow serious they approach the danger line, for it is then that a tendency to sentimentality shows unpleasantly at times, which in the purely objective studies serves only to cast a glow of poetry. The public, too, has been overcritical with its favorite funmakers whenever they have tried to con- vince it that their talent is not confined to provoking laugh- ter; their future has been to a certain extent circumscribed by past successes, and they are not granted a fair hearing. So one must set down as unsuccessful attempts at high com- edy or drama La dicha ajena (1902), La musa loca (1905), La casa de Garcia (1904), and La zagala (1904), the last two with almost tragic endings; perhaps even Malvaloca (1912), in spite of its lofty aim and generous teaching. Los Galeotes (1900) is too well rounded and solid a play to be included in the same category. In El amor que pasa (1904) we are shown the longing for a finer life which may beset sensitive womankind in a provincial town. La escondida senda (1908) sings the praises of quiet country life; Dona Clarines (1909) is a character study of much power and truth. -El genio alegre (1906), flooded in southern sunshine and perfume, is truly a hymn to the joy of living, and it is the favorite in Spain of all the long plays. A remarkable piece of dramatic INTRODUCTION XI technic is La flor de la vida (1910), a three-act play in which only two characters take part. The conflict between the lure of the stage and the attraction of the home in a woman's heart was never stated more clearly or more logically left un- solved than in Pepita Reyes (1903), a very perfect piece of work. Still, the most finished of all the longer efforts is Las flares, comedia en tres ados (1901). The plot is so simple that it will scarcely bear analysis, but the setting is so redo- lent of flowers and shot through with light, the dialog so restrained and suggestive, the characters so well studied, that one feels in this play the inevitableness of a master- piece. An artist compared it to a painting of Velazquez, in that the authors sketched with the fewest possible strokes an epitome of Andalusian life. Here there is much senti- ment, but no sentimentality. Las flares was coldly received by both audience and critics at its first performance, but since then the latter, at least, have made ample amends. 1 The lyric quality predominates in other plays beside Las flares; notably in La rima eterna (1910), which is an expan- sion and interpretation of a famous Rima of Becquer, and a worthy tribute to his memory. The Quinteros have not acquired fame as versifiers, perhaps because their extraor- dinary power of visualizing characters made them dram- atists instead, but their interest in poets is as obvious as the poetic quality of their thought. Becquer is the favorite, and Campoamor and Luis de Leon have furnished texts for certain plays, while one, Malvaloca, is inspired by an Anr dalusian copla. A word as to the language employed by the Quinteros. Southerners themselves, they revel in the Andalusian speech forms, and few of their plays do not contain one or two char- ^Las flares has been highly praised by R. Altamira, J. O. Pic6n, and other esteemed Spanish writers. Manuel Bueno, by no means partial to the Quinteros, speaks of it as "una de las obras mas bellas, intensas y veraces del teatro espanol contempo'raneo ". Xll INTRODUCTION acters who use them. To those who love the soft accent of Seville and Cadiz, this will prove no draw-back, but an added charm. Yet when one reflects that writings in dia- lect, even if they are the work of a Goldoni, cannot fail to drop soon out of the current of active literary influence, it is much to be regretted that such remarkable compositions as Las flores, El patio and the racy sainetes are doomed to pass quickly from the stage on that account alone. The dialog of the Quinteros is lively and natural, at times sparkling with wit they are inveterate punsters , and again charged with rich, quiet humor. Long speeches are rare. Their Castilian is highly idiomatic, but not free from Gallicisms and slang. For this reason it has not the value as a pure speech-type that one finds in- their Andalusian writings. According to the latest information, 19 of their plays have been translated into Italian, six into German, two into French, one into Dutch and one into Portuguese. It may be hoped that English will not long remain conspicuously absent from the list. Ill The drama may be a vehicle for any mental concept: satire, ethics, cynicism, philosophy, realism, poetry, social problems, melodrama. Sane optimism and realism suffused with poetry are the inspiring forces of the brothers Quintero. They have no thesis to prove, except that life is sweet and worth living; no didactic aim, except to show that human nature is still sound in the main. It is a distinct relief to read plays so natural and serene, after one has surfeited upon the products of many contemporary continental play- wrights, the monotony of whose subject-matter is so obvious that not even supreme technical skill can conceal the steril- ity of the authors. The eternal triangle, the threadbare k INTRODUCTION Xlll motivation into which true affection never enters for a mo- ment, have been ridden to death, and even a French critic is led to comment with resignation upon "this completely unmoral world which is almost the only one we are permit- ted to see upon the stage." 1 When literature becomes so far separated from life, it needs to be led back to reality, and the excuse, often made, that the average person's life is not an interesting theme for dramatic presentment, argues nothing but impotence on the part of the writers. There has never been an age nor a place where average life did not contain potential material for a creative writer. The Qum- teros have undertaken precisely to present the average ex- istence of the bourgeois and lower classes in an interesting , ^ 3 way, instead of racking the audience with problems that to .^ at least nine people out of ten are no problems at all. Like ,ijt\ Dickens, they touch the comedies and tragedies of daily life with a poetic light, and the revelation of Spanish character reminds us once more of the saying that Spaniards, more than any other European people, resemble Americans. It was William Dean Howells who said, in writing of one of the later novels of Palacio Valdes, that he found in it "a hu- manity so like the Anglo-Saxon." He would surely extend the statement to the Quintero comedies. In the later plays of the Quinteros one notices an increas- ing eagerness to impress the beauty of vigorous, right-minded living upon the audience. One must be frank, and say that the most successful plays are those in which the moral is best concealed. They do not always escape the pitfall of bourgeois sentimentality. In dramatic technic the Quinteros and Tacinto Benavente * -C- \^j have introduced in Spain an important change. The drama x 1J. Ernest-Charles, in U Opinion, Dec. 2, 1911: "Tristan Bernard et Michel Corday nous conduisent une fois de plus dans ce monde complete- ment amoral qui est presque le seul que 1'on soit admis a frequenter au theatre." XIV INTRODUCTION is the one literary genre in which one looks for action ir> abundance, for one-piece characters, intrigue, surprise, con- flict of passions, climax, then the solution of the knot. Oth- erwise, of course, the drama is not dramatic. Scribe and Sardou are the arch effectivists, who harrow the spectators' feelings by sheer cleverness or brutality, and so induce him to forget that what he is witnessing is not life. In modern Spain, Echegaray has not disdained the coincidences, duels _and other stage effects of this school, combining them with tKe moral or social problem of Ibsen. Benavente and the Quinteros have sought to discard all factitious devices, and to arouse interest solely by means of natural dialog, sug- gestive charm, color and accurate characterization. The eternal struggle in art between exact copying of nature and artificial selection and arrangement has swayed to the for- mer side, perhaps farther than was ever before seen in the literature of the stage. Plot is always secondary with these writers, and in fact many of their plays could be denomi- nated speaking tableaux of life better than dramas in the conventional sense. The Quinteros themselves define their "theory: "El interes subsistira por sencilla que sea la action que se forje, siempre que haya un poco de arte en la compo- sition. No estribe el interes en lo que pasard, sino en lo que pasa. El ideal seria que el publico, durante la representa- tion de (nuestras) obras, llegara a olvidarse de que se hallaba en el teatro." (El patio, p. 71.) Intrigue is to be replaced, then, by marvelous rendering of atmosphere and states of character, just as Velazquez rendered planes in Las meninas. The personages unfold themselves before us in their natural environment, and we merely observe, like the limping devil, what takes place within their homes. Perhaps the exclusion of the dramatic has been carried too far, for the stage has its requirements, and punishes with oblivion those who choose to ignore them. It is true too that artistic selection has not always been duly exer- INTRODUCTION XV cised, and superfluous characters sometimes cumber the stage. Exaggeration may be necessary behind the foot- lights, as Moliere believed, and when deprived of it we feel the lack of something, as a Mexican would miss his chile, or a Hindu his curry. Nevertheless, the change from sensa- tionalism is as restful as a congenial fireside to one who has been fighting with strangers for his daily bread. Lack of action is not in harmony with the great dramatic tradition of Spain, and for that reason the reaction against it may be strong. The fact remains that the school of realism in its true sense, of naturalness, light and color is producing some masterly results at this moment. IV Of the plays in the present volume, Dona Clarities is not pretentious, but within its limits it is better worked out than is sometimes the case. It is a character study, sketched in broad lines without over-subtlety. In the exceptionally blunt, straightforward and withal womanly figure of the he- roine the Quinteros have created an exceptional personage, certainly, whose striking qualities they have succeeded in re- producing without caricature and with eminent fairness. The person who speaks plain truth at all times and in all places would not be the most agreeable neighbor in the world, perhaps, for few of us can afford to be subjected at every instant to the moral X-ray, and if all human beings were patterned after the protagonist, society, as we know it, could not exist. But the average man leans the other way, du- plicity is rampant, and one Clarines in a village is a refreshing acid to cut the prevailing smug concealment of thought. That the straight path is the only safe one is the moral of the play, as it is of Peer Gynt. As a drama Dona Clarines has unusual qualities both for XVI INTRODUCTION acting and reading. The minor figures are, as always, closely observed; the types are clearly distinguished, and Tata, the old servant, who combines loyalty with forwardness, is wonderfully well rendered. Dona Clarines has been trans- lated into Italian by Giulio de Frenzi, under the title Siora Chiareta, and there is also an adaptation in the Venetian dialect. Manana de sol is more delicate and subtle. It is one of the dainty sketches in which poetic fancy and sympathetic hu- mor transform figures in themselves trivial and even ridicu- lous into personifications of enduring passion. By some alchemy of art dona Laura and don Gonzalo, aged, infirm and crochety, are transmuted into symbols of the eternal youth of love. To expand the four-line dolora (no. XLIII) of Campoamor into such a gem calls for real creative power. The esteem in which Manana de sol is held on the continent is shown by the fact that it iias been translated into French, German and Italian. DONA CLARINES COMEDIA EN DOS ACTOS Eslrenada en el TEATRO LARA el 5 de Noviembre de 1909. A FRANCISCO BRAVO RUIZ GRANDE AMIGO DE PERSONAJES EXTRAOR- DINARIOS, A QUIEN DEBEMOS EL SABROSO TRATO DE DONA CLARINES Y CON EL LA FELIZ INSPIRACI6N DE ESTA COMEDIA. 1 LOS MAS VULGARES DE SUS AMIGOS, SERAFfN Y JOAQUlN. PERSONAJES Ji DoffA CLARINES <> MARCELA Q) TATA (5 DARfA /CX MIGUEL DON BASILIO ESCOPETA ACTO PRIMERO Estancia preferida de dona Clarines en el piso principal de su casa de Guadalema, 1 ciudad castellana. A la derecha del actor, en primer termino, la puerta de las habitaciones de la senora. Inmediata a esa puerta, de /rente al publico, vetuste 'galena de cristales, con zocalo de madera tallada 5 que da al jardin, y la cual, avanzando hasta el medio de la escena, cierra en angulo recto con la pared del foro. Una puerta a la izquierda del actor y alforo otra. Lo mismo estas dos que la de las habitaciones de dona Clarines son de cris- tales y tienen m&tiopuntos. En el suelo, que es de losas 10 encarnadas, y en primer termino de la izquierda, una mirilla de madera para ver desde arriba la gente que llega al portal, y cerca de ella, tambien en el sueto, una argolla atada al ex- tremo del cordel que sirve para abrir el porton sin tener que bajar escaleras. Muebles antiguos, pero ricos y bien cuida- 15 dos. Algunos retratos al oleo, de familia, decor an las paredes. Es de noche. Una Idmpara que Jue primero de petroleo, luego de gas y ahora es de luz electrica, alumbra la estancia. La luz de la luna 'platea las copas de los drboles del jardin, que asoman tras los cristales de la galexia. 20 La escena estd sola. Dentro, lejos, en el piso bajo. AfrjS. k^ 6yese taarar a Leal, el perro de dona Clarines, anunciando 3 4 DONA CLARINES que qlguien llega a la puerta. For la del for o aparece TATA, vieja desdentada y 'ruinosa, pero activa y despierta, pies y manos de dona Clarines y su admiradora incondicional. TATA, ; Calla, Leal, calla! Con este perro no hemos 5 menester campanilla. j Calla ya, escandaloso! Calla el perro. Tata se asoma a la mirilla. < *J \f TATA. Seis dias escasamente. Era muy casquivano j i y muy gandul. ESCOPETA. ,JY er de antes? TATA. El de antes no duro sino tres. Aquel era muy 30 poquita cosa. Se isustaba de todo. ESCOPETA. jEs que se asusta er Si Campeado! ^Uste ACTO PRIMERO 5 sabe los mandaos que esta senora quie que uno le yeve a^to er mundbTT TATA. -V^ 8 DONA CLARINES LUJAN. -Tan bien como en otra parte cualquiera. Todo estd en todo. 1 Estoy decidido a vivir a gusto. DON BASILIC. / * - ? DoNA CLARINES. No le queda a usted otro recurso. De lo contrario, en la calle sopla un aire muy fresco. ACTO PRIMERO 19 Las puertas de mi casa son mucho mas anchas para salir que para entrar. Marcela, acompana a esta mujer alia dentro, que suelta un tufillo a algarrobas que marea. DARIA. Si, senora. DONA CLARINES. Y vuelve en seguida, que tenemos 5 que hablar. DARIA. ,jManda algo mas la senora? DONA CLARINES. Nada, nada. Que se vaya usted con la senorita. DARIA. Si, senora. Servidora de la senora. 10 MARCELA. Venga usted. DARIA. Si. senora. jf Aft l^-~^^\ MARCELA. For aqui. DARIA. Si, senora. Entrase Marcela por la puerta delforo, hacia la izquierda. 15 Daria la sigue mirando a todas partes azoradisima. Crispin cruza en seguida por el pasillo como una exhalation, detrds de Darta. DONA CLARINES. j Jesus me valga! stigo y digale al sereno que ya tengo la seguridad de que es el mismo quien por las tapias de la huerta me roba las frutas. ESCOPETA. lante. No; no empiecen ahora los pucheros y las la- ACTO PRIMERO 25 grimitas. Me has enganado como yo no merezco. Tienes un ftovio como 'un Castillo, le escribes ahi erifrente, y ahi enfrente recibes sus cartas, que vienen a nombre de dona Sebastiana, la tia de tu amiga. Son las unicas cartas \ de amor que ha recibido esa tarasca en el siglo y medio 5 que lleva a cuestas. MARCELA. Perdoneme usted, tia. Quiero mucho a mi novio . . . y terni que usted se opusiera a las relaciones. DONA CLARINES. C^U^_-*4 >-^-C_ t~*! **l* t*~ Jt~ medio! X^ ( MARCELA. Un hombre hay. 20 TATA. jAnda con Dios! a, paso que me - par^cia "inspirado por el. s jLo que^charlamos el y yo a tantas leguas de distancia! Algunas veces me ha sor- ACTO PRIMERO 33 prendido dona Clarines por el jardin, y me ha dicho: Chiquilla, iestas hablando sola? Si, tia. Y la enga- naba. No estaba hablando sola: hablaba con el. TATA. jAaaaah! MARCELA. Si el no me quisiera, mi vida valdria mu- 5 cho menos: desde que el me quiere vivo mas. Y si me dijeran que para vivir a su lado tendria que dar los ojos, los ojos daria: que yo se que, sin ver, siempre encon- traria su mano que me guiase. ^Comprende us ted cuanto lo quiero? A*^L TATA. jBueno, su estampal jlgual me da! En- ardeciendose y exalt&ndose par momentqs. jCondenado hombre!... jLadron de corazonesV *jPillo! jque mato en 1'i mi seiiora la alegria de siempre! jPara esas muertes no * hay horcas n^ftisticia, pero debiera haberlas! 25 MARCELA!. j^No grite tisted, no 3e-ea4er.e-.la, tia! Tentada estoy de ir a despertarla y contarselo todo. jEl don Guillermo I jel don Guillermo! 2 jMenos dones y mas buenas acionesl En Guadalema se pre- sento, y fue el rey. Venia de Madrid. Entonces decir 30 aqui de Madrid era poco menos que decir de los Chirlos Mirlos. Tenia buena presencia, y mucho senorio postizo en los movimientos y en las palabras. De calle se lleva- ACTO PRIMERO 35 ba a la gente. 2 ;Lc,dron! La nena, tu tia, porque nena era en aquel tiempo, se prendo de el. , . ;Y de que manera se prendo! No veia con mas luz que la de los ojos azules de aquel hombre. Le entrego su corazon y su alma de paloma; le entrego su vida. En este jardin se hablaban 5 por las noches, sin otros testigos que yo... y Clavel, un perro que el traia. jBien me acuerdo... y se me cuajan los ojos de lagrimas! Si aquello hubiera acabado como empezo... jque gloria del mundo!... No seria asi dona Clarines. 10 MARCELA. .jDice usted que se veian en el jardin? TATA. En el jardin. jQue discurrir el suyo por entre los arboles, cogidos de la mano! jQue esquivar unas ve- ces, por juego, los sitios donde la luna daba, y que bus- car la luna otras veces, por juego tambien! jQue taparse 15 las bocas de pronto, para atajar la risa, Si eL descendiente de los Olivenzas iese > aS^3raia hacienda ue le learonsus 10 no hiibiese > araia hacienda que le lega ' mayo'res/ ^rS56reacfianaose cuanto ha podido con todo aje de geipuza, otro gallo le cantjjria. DoN BASILIO. j u n / auro" diano jNi siquiera el pa- de los treinta dim^^Ljnes! [Un duro diario! No 15 hay manera de/fepecular: comprendelo, Clarines. . DONA CLARINES. Empece dandote los treinta re- el dia primero de cada mes, y el dia cinco ya no u r tenias un centimo. Tuya es la culpa de haber venido a 4^/ parar a esta situaci6n que encuentras bottoriibpa. 20 Sale LujAN por la puerta de la izquierda. Trae som- brero. DON BASILIO. Dirigiendose a el. jAy, Isidore; com- padece a tu pobre amigo! LUJAN. ^\^ LUJAN. Crei... . Extrano verla en plan de salir a la calle. No se la^con^be a usted sino entre estas paredes. DONA CLARINES. Si lo dice usted porque quiere que yo le diga donde vpy a ir t no me importa que usted lo sepa. 1 5 LUJAN. Je... DONA CLARINES. Todos los meses del ano, tal dia como hoy, 2 acostumbro ir con Tata a las casas de algunos pobres a darles la limosna que puedo. Es gente que la necesita y que no la pide. Tiene el E>u,dor de su desgra-? 10 cia. 3 For eso voy yo a visitarlos. M JL ^if g- ^ f I fff , J J I LUJAN. Ya. DONA CLARINES. Aguardo a Tata, que por lo visto se c>sta empe'rejilando como si fueramos a un baile. A la veje, vifuelas. <;Y uste'd, va a ver a don Rodrigo? 15 LUJAN. Todavia es'temprano. <;Le molesta a usted mi compania? DONA CLARINES. Ahora, no. LUJAN. Pues aprovechemos el momento. DONA CLARINES. Sientese usted. {J 20 LUJAN, ^ Muchas, gracias. Lo hace. He de marchar de Guadaleina Iwanana o pasado. y antes de marchar ya / T~ , , u^fX^7 quisiera... X^omo sus costumbres de usted son tan res- J petabl.es... Usted me autoriza para que les haga un re- /^ galoTk sus criados, que me estan sirviendo a maravifla? 25 DONA CLARINES. jPues no faltaba, mas.! 'jYa lo creo! LUJAN. <[Me autoriza usted? DONA CLARINES. Si, senor. LUJAN. Ahi dene usted ,lo que son ^las cosas: he to- 30 mado tantas precauciones temeroso de que fuera usted a ponerme c precaucones em -v 2 - V-<-^> iC*~-SI omo los trapos. / 40 DONA CLARINES ** DONA CLARINES. No habia por que. Cuando lo pongo de hoja de perejil es si se va usted sin darles nada. LUJAN. dSu verdad? DONA CLARINES. Y/ ellos conmigo, 1 naturalmente. 5 LUJAN. Je... DONA CLARICES. Y vamos a yep, senor Lujan; ahora 'que e^tamos solos: co de hablar con listed, comprendi que su amistad con mi hermano era cosa de azar y no'de analogia de caracteres. Lo considero a usted persona bastante mas seria que Basilic. 5 LUJAN. Senora . . . DONA CLARINES. Ya se que hay quien tiene la serie- def burro; pe'ro sin duda no se halla usted en ese caso. LUJAN. i A mi me parece que no! - DONA CLARINES. Noto, en cambio de ello, en su 10 caracter, una cualidad que me subleva; que no la puedo resistir. LUJAN. <;Sabe usted que me esta usted poniendo bueno?' ^^ DONA CLARINES. Y ya que va usted a marcharse 15 pronto, no se me ha de quedar entre pecho y espalda. LUJAN. iQue cualidad es esa, senora? : DONA CLARINES. Isa frialdad constante, esa indife- A rencia, esa'tmrla solapada, esa resistencia de la voluntad < a entrar en lo grave de'las cosas. Yo no he visto nada 20! mas antipatico. ^' LUJAN. ;Ay, mi senora dona Clarines! Yo tampoco quierq que eso se quede sin respuesta.,. Usted tiene tem^ . pie de acero, y no por ello 3 debe exigirno'slo; a 16s demak^ Yo un tiempo 19 tuye: y fui apasionado, y vehemente, 25 y generoso, yterco', y h'beral, y noble, y espontaneo; y entre .en lo -grave de las cosafi, como i^ste/i ydice, y dond^' latia la verdady respiralba a gu^Cof'y que, como el poeta, oyendp qanta-r el amor y y la libertad y la gloria... y me paso 3 que auiy fcengo, tambien como 30 el poeta, la ropa en la playa tendida a secar.* Xw->- A 1- DONA CLARINES Por eso, micntras se seca y la recpjo, que va para largo, 1 eq el pueblo en que vivo y en lo mas escondido de mi A A* A **Viuerto, he plantado ese arbol que solo plan tan en la tierra los hombres tan sabios.como yo. Quien dice que S es arbol de egoistas, quien de escepticos, quien de filo- sofos, quien de qu6 se yo que. Nada me importa el nom- bre: el arbol 2 crece que es una bendicion de Dios; con mi trabajo loriego yo dia por dia. A mi ya me da som- bra; a mi mujer flores para mi mesa... y para los santos 10 en que ella cree. El fruto lo cogeran mis hijos. Puede usted y puede el mundo entero j^zgarme" como les de la gana. 4u ^ ^ DONA CLARINES. Yo mal, por de contado. Se levanta y va hacia la J>ucrtq d,e} forfi; 'I ,,,,'y^-i 15 LUJAN. /Es que usted no pasa por mbvimiento 'maj hecho 3 y yo si... No soy ni quiero ser el brazo de Astrea. Alia cada cUarcon la joroba que Dios le puso en las es- paldas. Sale MARCELA por la puerta del foro y se encamina hacia 20 la de la izquierda, por donde se va despues del breve didlogo que sigue. DONA CLARINES. ,jDe donde vienes tu? MARCELA. Del jardin, tia. <;Quiere usted algo? DONA CLARINES. Mirdndola atentamente. Ahora, nada. 25 Luego contestaremos a una carta que he recibido de dona Sebastiana, tu gran protectora. MARCELA. Pues hasta luego. Se va. DONA CLARINES. A Lujdn. ^Por que vino el hablar de estas cosas? 4 r*v , j*-t^c< -fws*- f\. 30 LUJAN. Porque usted empezo a establecer la diferen- cia entre su hermano y yo. DONA CLARINES. Ah, si. ACTO SEGUNDO 43 xf ^ LUJAN. Basilio no habra 1 sembrado nada, ^verdad? DONA CLARIES. ^Que ha de sembrar esa? Ha des- pilfarrado lo que'sembraron para el. LUJAN. Pues *" v " > \ I . ,f r H JL^ MIGUEL. MARCELA. jfisa es mi pregunta! ;D dia y de noche es esa mi constante pregunta! MIGUEL. Pues la respuesta de ella no esta mas que en 15 tu corazon y en el mio. Guadalema entera/.dice que dona Clarines es rencorosa* es loca. ^Y'que? 1 ^Tu me quieres? Guadalema ent^era ( cree que* yo saldre de esta dasa escarnecido yavergonzado. , aguardan los es- tornudos haciendo visajes, y estornudan alternativamente. DONA LAURA. jAh...chis! DON GONZALO. j Ah ... chis I 30 DONA LAURA, j Ah... chis! DON GONZALO. jAh... chis! DONA LAURA, j Ah . . . chis! MANANA DE SOL 81 DON GONZALO. jAh...chis! DONA LAURA, j Jesus! DON GONZALO. Gracias. Buen provechito. DONA LAURA. Igualmente. (Nos ha reconciliado el rape.) 5 DON GONZALO. Ahora me va usted a dispensar que lea en voz alta. DONA LAURA. Lea usted como guste: no me incomoda. DON GONZALO. Leyendo. Todo en amor es triste; 10 mas, triste y todo, es lo mejor que existe. 1 De Campoamor; es de Campoamor. DONA LAURA. jAh! DON GONZALO. Leyendo. Las ninas de las madres que ame tanto, 15 me besan ya como se besa a un santo. a fistas son humoradas. DONA LAURA. Humoradas, si. DON GONZALO. Prefiero las doloras. DONA LAURA. Y yo. 20 DON GONZALO. Tambien hay algunas en este tomo. Busca las doloras y lee. Escuche usted esta: Pasan veinte anos: vuelve 61... DONA LAURA. No se que me da 3 verlo a usted leer con tantos cristales . . . 25 DON GONZALO. < tree, Ceratonia siliqua ; it is used as fodder for stock). algo, something; somewhat. alguien, someone. alguno, -a, some, a few, any; (after a singular noun) no, not any; alguna vez, some- times. aliado, m. ally. aliento, m. breath; spirit, cour- age. alma, /. soul; hija del , my dear child. alrededor de, about. alto, a, high, important. alumbrar, to light, illuminate. alia, there; -- usted, that's your own business. alii, there. amanecer, to dawn; con, to wake up with. amar, to love. amargura, /. bitterness, sorrow. ambos, -as, both. amen, amen. amenazar, to threaten. America, pr. n. f. America. amigo, -a, m. and f. friend. amigote, m. old friend, chum. amistad, /. friendship. amo, m. master. amor, m. love; pi. love-affair. amparar, to protect, defend. amparo, m. protection, guard- ianship. analogia, /. similarity. ancho, -a, wide. andalucito, m. little Andalu- sian. andaluz, -za, Andalusian (of Andalusia, a district of the south of Spain, including the present provinces of Htiel- va, Cadiz, Sevilla, Malaga, Almeria, Granada, Jaen and Cdrdoba). andanada, /. broadside; fig. and coll. castigation, reproof. andar, to go, go on; anda con Dios, I declare! VOCABULARY 105 angulo, m. angle. angustia, /. anguish, agony. anima, /. soul. animal, m. animal. anoche, last night. anonimo, m. anonymous letter. anotar, to note down. ansioso, -a, eager. antano, m. last year; former time. ante, before, in the face of. anteanoche, night before last. antecedente, m. previous in- formation. anterior, previous. antes, first, before, previously; de, que, before. antiguo, -a, old, antiquated. antipatico, -a, displeasing, dis- agreeable. antiquisimo, -a, very old. antojarse, (impcrs.), se me antoja, I desire, wish. anunciar, to announce, relate. anuncio, m. announcement. afiadir, to add. anejo, -a, old, time-worn, musty. afio, m. year. aparecer, to appear. apartado, -a, retired, secluded. apartarse de, to depart from, leave. apasionado, -a, full of passion or feeb'ng. apellido, m. family name, sur- name. apenas, scarcely; si, scarce- ly. apoyado, -a, leaning, apoyarse, to rest, lean, apreciar, to judge, aprender, to learn, aprovechar, to make use of, profit by. apuntar, to jot down, note in writing, apurarse, to worry. aquel, -lla, that. aquel, -ella, -ello, that one, that, aqui, here; por , this way, hereabouts. ar = al. Aravaca, pr. n. arbol, m. tree, arena, /. sand, argo = algo. argolla, /. large ring, argumento, m. argument. armar, to arm, arrange; jbue- na ibamos a armarla! that would be a fine trick to play! armof era = atmosfera. arquitecto, m. architect, arrancar, to pull out; start, begin. arrastrar, to drag. arreglar, to arrange. arrepentirse, to repent, arriba, above, up; de abajo, from head to foot, arrojar, to cast out, drive out; throw. arruinar, to ruin. [to. asalariar, to pay an allowance asegurar, to assure. asi, thus, in that way, so, just so; muy , just as you see; como , anyway, asiento, m. seat, asomar, to appear; put forth; refl. look out. asombrado, -a, frightened, asombrarse, to wonder, be amazed, asombro, m. astonishment, amazement; voy de en , wonders never cease, aspecto, m. side. Astrea, pr. n. f. Astraea, god- dess of justice. asustado, -a, frightened. asustar, to frighten; refl. be afraid, frightened. 106 VOCABULARY atajar, to cut short, stop. ataque, in. attack. a tar, to tie; que la aten, she ought to be tied up. atender, to pay attention, atentamente, closely. aterrar, to appal, terrify, atestiguar, to bear witness to. atmosf era, /. atmosphere, atraccion, /. attraction, atractivo, m. attraction. atravesar,to cross.pass through, atreverse, to make bold, dare, atrevido, -a, bold. atribulado, -a, troubled, in distress. aun, aim, even, yet, still. aunque, although, autor, m. author, autorizar, to grant permission, auxiliar, to aid, help, auxilio, m. aid. avanzar, to project, reach. Ave Maria, Hail Mary (a familiar prayer). aventura, /. adventure, aventurarse, to venture, make bold, avergonzado, -a, put to shame, humiliated. averiguar, to investigate, as- certain. avisar, to send word, warn, avispa, /. wasp, axiomatico, -a, axiomatic, jay! alas! ayer, yesterday. ayi = alii, ayudar, to aid. ayuntamiento, m. city hall, city government. azar, m. bad luck, disaster; chance. azoradisimo, -a, much scared. azul, blue. B badulaque, m. rattle-pate, fool, jbah! bah, nonsense, bailarina, /. dancing-girl. baile, m. dance. [lower. bajar, to descend, go down; bajo, -a, low, lower; adv. in an undertone. bajo, prep, under, beneath, bala, /. bullet; como las s, like a shot, at once, balcon, m. balcony, baldar, to cripple, maim, banco, m. bench, seat, bandera, /. flag. bandolero, m. highwayman. Barbara, pr. n. f. barnizar, to varnish, barrenar, to bore, drill, barruntar, to suspect, guess. Basilio, pr. n. m. Basil, bastante, enough, plenty; much, no little, bastar, to be enough, suffice. be, the letter b. beber, to drink, drink up. Becquer, pr. n. (Gustavo Adolfo , 1836-1870, whose Rimas are the most finished erotic poems of the century in Spain). belleza, /. beauty. bello, -a, beautiful, fair, bendicion, /. blessing; que es una de Dios, as finely as could be wished. bendito, -a, blessed, besar, to kiss, beso, m. kiss. besuqueo, m. repeated kissing. bien, well, very well; aright; indeed; very; de comer, plenty to eat. bienes, m. pi. property, estate, bienestar, m. comfort. blanca, / a small copper coin, no longer used; cent. VOCABULARY 107 bianco, -a, white. boca, /. mouth, lips. bochornoso, -a, shameful. bofetada, /. slap, blow. bola, /. ball, knob. bolsillo, m. pocket. bollo, m. roll, small cake. bondad, /. goodness, kindness. bondadoso, -a, kind. boquera, /. (pop.) (large and drooping) corner of the mouth. borrachin, m. drunkard, toper. borracho,-a, drunk; m. drunk- ard. borrar, to erase, wipe out. bota, /. boot, shoe. botarate, m. harum-scarum, fool, talkative ass. botella,/. bottle. botellita, /. small bottle, vial. boteyita = botellita. botica, /. drug store. boticario, m. druggist. brazo, m. arm; del de, on the arm of; hecho un de ' mar, gorgeously attired. breve, short. bribon, m. rascal. brillante, brilliant. brotar, to flow, spring. bueno, -a, good, good-hearted, kind; adv. very well; bueno esta, this is fine; de buenas a primeras, at the very out- set; ponerle a uno bueno, to make one out to be a good person (ironical) . bulto, m. bulk, mass; escurrir el , to run away, dodge the danger. [gibe. burla, /. mocking tone, sneer, burra, /. she-ass; irsele a uno la , to sing off the key, make a great mistake. burro, m. ass, donkey. busca, /. search; en su , in search of him. buscar, to seek, hunt, look for. butaca, /. armchair, butacon, m. great armchair. jca! no indeed! by no means! cabal, complete, perfect; en sus -j-es, in her right mind. caballejo, m. pony, nag. caballero, m. gentleman, sir. caballo, m. horse, a , on horseback. cabello, m. (usually pi.), hair. caber, to be contained in; no cabe duda, there's no doubt; no cabe a entrar, he can't get through. cabeza, /. head; mind. cabo, m. end; al de los afios, after so many years; atar s, to collect evidence, cabra, /. she-goat; estar como una , to be as mad as a March hare. cacarear, to brag of. cada, each, every; cual, each one; vez mas, more and more, caer, to fall; suit; le ha caido bien, he approves of it. caja, /. box. calceta, /. hose; hacer , to knit. calcular, to judge. calificar, to characterize, quali- fy. calma, /. calm, quiet. calmar, to calm, calzones, m. pi. trousers; fig. man. callar, to be silent, keep still; omit to mention, conceal, calle,/. street. callejero, -a, of the streets, callejon, m. lane, cama,/. bed. 108 VOCABULARY camarada, m. companion, chum. cambiar, to change, cambio, m. change, exchange; en , on the other hand, caminar, to travel, camino, m. way, road; de la playa, in the direction of the beach. campanilla,/. bell; tassel. Campeado = Campeador, see Cid. campechano, -a, frank, hearty. Campoamor, pr. n. (Ram6n de , 1817-1901, a Spanish quasi-philosophical poet). cana, /. white hair, canal, /. pipe, channel; abrir en , to cut wide open, candor, m. innocence, cansadillo, -a, very tired, cansar, to weary, tire, cantar, to sing. cantar, m. song. cantina,/. saloon, wine counter, canturrear, to hum. cana, /. cane, reed; pi. mock tournament with reed spears; tener toros y s, to have quarrels and disagreements, capaz, capable. capital, m. capital, estate, cara, /. face, carabela, /. caravel, caracter, m. character, jcaramba! I declare! strange! jcarape! gracious! I declare! (not a common exclamation, but an idiosyncrasy of Don Basilio). carecer de, to lack, carater = caracter. cargo, m. burden, duty; care, management, carifio, m. affection, carrera, /. profession, carrete, m. spool, carta,/. letter. cartucho, m. paper roll. casa, /. house; a , home. casar, to marry (trans., intrans. and reft.). cascarrabias, m. and f. irrit- able person. casco, m. skull; pi. (coll.) brains. caseron, m. big, ramshackle house. casi, almost. caso, m. case; hacer , to pay attention to. casquivano, -a, light-headed, silly. casta,/. race, family, offspring. castellano, -a, Castilian (of Old or New Castile, the central provinces of Spain). castellano, m. Castilian (lan- guage). castigo, m. punishment. Castilla, pr. n. f. Castile (Old and New Castile together occupy the whole center of Spain). castillo, m. castle; como un , "as big as a house", as large as life. Castiya = Castilla. casualidad, /. chance. catarro, m. cold in the head. cautelosamente, warily. cazador, m. hunter. cazar, to chase. ce, the letter c; por be, word for word. cebolla, /. onion. celebrar, to commend, praise; be glad. cencerro, m. cowbell; untuned guitar; estar como un , to be cracked, have a screw loose. centime, m. centime (one-fifth of a cent). cenir, to gird, encircle; refl. abide by. VOCABULARY 109 cepillar, to brush. cepillo, m. brush. cerca, near, close; de, near, nearly. cercano, -a, near. cerrar, to close, shut; con, meet. cerril, wild, untamed; rude. certidumbre, /. certainty. cerveza, /. beer. Cid, pr. n. m. Ruy Dfaz de Bivar, called El Cid Campea- dor (the greatest medieval military hero of Spain, who took Valencia from the Moors in 1094, and died there in 1099). cielo, m. heaven. ciencia, /. science; a cierta, for a certainty. cientificamente, scientifically. cientifico, -a, scientific. ciertamente, certainly. cierto, -a, true, certain; a certain; de , for certain; por , to be sure. cinco, five; el dia , the fifth day. circunstancia, /. circumstance. ciudad,/. city. clarear, to grow light. clarin, m. bugle. Clarines, pr. n. claro, -a, clear, evident; plain- spoken; claro, of course. clavel, m. pink. cobarde, cowardly; m. and f. coward. coche, m. coach, carriage. coger, to catch, seize, take, pick; cogidos de la mano, hand in hand. cogollo, m. heart or shoot (of a plant). colocar, to place. Colon, pr. h. Columbus. coloquio, m. conversation. Colorado, -a, red. comedia, /. comedy; drama, play. comedido, -a, polite, courteous, moderate. comentar, to discuss, make guesses concerning. comer, to eat. comerciante, m. merchant, business man. comida,/. food; dinner. comino, m. cummin seed; any very small quantity ; atar dos cuartos de s, see note 1, p. 62. comision, /. commission, trust. como, as, like; if; about; que, since. como, how, how much, what, why; like what. compadecer, to pity. compania, /. companion. compasion, /. pity; tener , to pity. complacido, -a, pleased, in de- light. completo, -a, complete, whole. componer, to arrange; compose. comprender, to understand. comprometer, to endanger, compromise. compromise, m. embarrass- ment, predicament. compungir; el semblante, to pucker the face (as if to cry). comun, common. con, with, by; que, and so. concebir, to imagine. conceder, to grant. concencia = conciencia. conciencia, /. conscience; a , conscientiously; caso de , case of conscience. concienzudamente, conscien- tiously. concluir (con), to end, con- clude; rcfl. end; se concluy6, no more of that. condenado, -a, confounded; 110 VOCABULARY m. villain, confounded (beast, etc.). condenar, to condemn; fig. be the death of. condicion, /. condition; dispo- sition. conducts,/, conduct. conejo, m. rabbit. confesar, to confess. confesonario, m. confessional. confiar, to entrust; be sure; rejl. trust. confirmar, to confirm. conformarse, to be satisfied. congoja, /. anguish, pain. conmigo, with me. conmocion, /. shock, disturb- ance. conmover, to affect, touch. conocer, to know, be acquaint- ed with; se conoce, it is evident. conque, and so; J no? you think not? consecuencia, /. consequence. conseguir, to obtain, accom- plish, [to. consentir, to consent, consent conservar, to keep, have still; rejl. be preserved. considerar, to consider. consigo, with him, her, it or them. consistir, to consist. conspiracion, /. conspiracy. constante, continual. constantemente, constantly. constar, to be clear, evident; me consta, I know it. consuelo, m. consolation, at- tention. consulta, /. consultation. consultar, to consult about, get the advice of. contado; por de , of course. contar, to tell, relate; con, count or rely upon; possess, call one's own. contemplar, to watch, observe. contemporaneo, -a, contempo- rary, of the same age. contener, to restrain, contain, hold back. contento, -a, happy; n. m. pleasure. contestar, to answer, reply. contonearse, to sway the body in walking, strut. contrario, -a, opposite, con- trary; al contrario, on the contrary; de lo contrario, if not, otherwise. convencer, to convince. convenir, to agree; be fitting, proper; suit. conversation, /. conversation. convidar, to invite, be inviting. copa, /. cup, glass; branches and foliage, mass (of a tree). copla, /. verse; hacer s, to write poetry. corazon, m. heart, affection, courage. cordel, m. cord, rope. cordura, /. sanity, prudence. corredor, m. corridor, gallery. correr, to run; spread. corriente, current. cortar, to cut, cut off. cosa, /. thing; perdida, a hopeless case; es de, it's a case of; pi. whims, ideas. coscorron, m. box on the ear. cosecha, /. crop, harvest; de mi , of my own invention. cosita, /. little thing. costar, to cost. costumbre, /. habit, custom; mas de la , more than usual. crecer, to grow. credito, m. credit; dar , to believe. creer, to believe, think; ya lo creo, of course. criada,/. (maid) servant. VOCABULARY criado, m. servant. criao = criado. criarse, to be reared, spend one's childhood. Crispin, pr. n. m. cristal, m. glass, window; de , glass covered. cristaleria, /. glassware. critica, /. criticism. critico, -a, critical. cruz, /. cross; hacerse cruces, to be greatly amazed. cruzar, to cross, pass; la palabra, exchange words. cuadernito, m. little notebook. cuaderno, m. notebook. cuadro, m. picture. cuajarse, to be filled, fill. cual, which; el, la, lo , etc. which. cual, what, which, of what sort. cualidad, /. quality. cualquiera, cualquier, any; whatever; pron. whoever, anyone; n. m. commonplace fellow, anybody. cuando, when. cuanto, -a, as much as, as much, all, all that, what- ever; cuanto hay que saber, everything there is to know; en cuanto, as soon as. cuanto, how much, how many; cuanto tiempo hace que, how long is it since. cuarenta, forty; y cinco, forty-five. cuartel, m. barracks. cuarto, m. quarter; room; old copper coin worth four ma- ravedis ( = -fa of a real, or about $ of a cent); cuatro s, small property. cuatro, four. cubrir, to cover. cuchichear, to whisper. cuenta, /. account; a de, by reason of, concerning; darse , to comprehend, observe; tener en , consider, take into account. cuento, m. story, tale. cuerpo, m. body. cuesta, /. hill, slope; a s, on one's back. cuestion,/. problem, difficulty. cuidado, m. care, attention; pierda usted . don't worry; poner en , to make anx- ious; i que se les paga con largueza! you'd better believe they are well paid! cuidar, to take care of, keep. culpa, /. fault, blame, guilt. cumplir, to fulfil, perform. cura, m. priest. curiosidad, /. curiosity. curva, /. curve, line. cuyo, -a, whose. CH charla, /. gossip, conversation; de , talking. charlar, to chat, talk together; chatter. charlatan, m. humbug; gab- bler. che, sh. chica, /. girl. chico, m. boy; little fellow; pi. children. chicha, /. child's word for meat; de y nabo, despicable. chifladura, /. (coll.) craziness, crankiness, eccentricity. china,/, pebble; me toc6 la , this was my turn (from the game in which a pebble is held behind the back of one child, and another guesses which hand it is in). chinesco, -a, Chinese; sombra chinesca, pantomime shad- ow (cast on a wall by means of a lantern and silhouettes). 112 VOCABULARY chiquilla, /. child, girl. chiqnillada, /. childish action; puppy love. Chirlos Mirlos, m. pi. (pop.) a mythical and wonderful place, as Thibet, land of Prester John. jchist! hush) chistar, to speak, say a word. chiton, hush, be still. chocar, to shock, attract one's attention (disagreeably). chochear, to have weakened mental faculties, be in one's dotage. chocho, -a, doting, feeble- minded. chupar, to suck, swallow. chupa-sangre, m. bloodsucker. chusco, -a, funny, drolL dafio, m. harm, injury; hacer , to hurt, barm. dar, to give; cause, strike; come upon; a, open on; con, hit upon, strike; en, fall into; un paso, take a step; me di6 por, mine was to; refi. to exist. Daria, pr. n. f. dato, m. datum, fact. de, of, from; in, with, by; than; as. deber, to owe; ought, should, deber, m. duty. debil, weak, decidido, -a, resolute, decidir, to decide, resolve. decir, to say, speak, tell; call; mean; tu diras, go ahead (and speak), declarar, to declare, decoration, /. stage setting, decorar, to adorn, dedillo, m. little finger; al , perfectly. dedo, m. finger. defecto, m. fault. defender, to defend, protect. deja = dejar. dejar, to leave, let, allow, let alone; cease; fail, delante de, in front of. delicado, -a, delicate, demas, remaining; lo , los , the rest. demasiado, too much, too far. demonio, m. devil; del viejo, confound the old man. dentro, adv. within; de, within, restrained by. deplorar, to deplore, regret, der = del. [side, derecha, /. right hand, right derecho, -a, right; . m. right, desafio, m. duel, desahogar, to relieve, desahogo, m. unbosoming, vent to one's feeling, desalino, m. carelessness, neg- ligence, slovenliness. desaparecer, to disappear, desatinado, a, nonsensical, crazy. desatinar, to talk nonsense, desayunarse, to breakfast; c -ahora te desayunas? is that news to you? desbaratar, to shake to pieces, descalzar, to take off the shoes (and stockings), descansar, to rest, repose; que en paz descanse, of blessed memory, descarga, /. discharge, volley, descargar, to relieve, descendiente, m. descendent. desconcertado, -a, disconcert- ed. desconocer, to be ignorant of. descubrir, to discover, find out; reveal, disclose, descuidar, to be easy, not to worry; en, trust. VOCABULARY 113 desde, from; luego, at once, of course; nina, since she was a child; que, since; no va hace dos dias, has not gone for two days. desdentado, -a, toothless. desdicha, /. misfortune. desear, to wish, desire. desengafiado, -a, disillusioned, cynical. desesperado, -a, in despair. desSgurar, to misrepresent. desgracia, /. misfortune; por , unfortunately. desgraciadamente, unfortu- nately. desgraciado, -a, unfortunate. desi = decir. desollar, to flay, skin. despacho, m. office, cabinet. despecho, m. spite; a de, in spite of. despedida, /. parting, farewell. despedirse, to take leave, say good-bye. Despefiaperros, pr. n. (the des- filadero de Despenaperros, a pass through the Sierra Mo- rena, joining La Mancha and Andalusia; known as a re- sort of highway men). despertar, to awaken, wake up. despierto, -a, wide-awake. despilfarrar, to waste, squan- der, [after. despues, afterward, later; de, desquiciarse, to become un- settled, disordered. destrozar, to shatter. desventura, /. misfortune. desventurado, -a, unfortunate. desvergiienza, /. impudent or indecent remark. detalle, m. detail. detener, to stop. detenidamente, attentively. determinar, to find out, deter- mine. detras de, behind. devolver, to return, restore. devorar, to devour, consume. dia, m. day; de , by day, by daylight; buenos s, good morning. diablo, m. devil, the deuce; de muchacho, confounded fellow. dialogo, m. dialog. diario, -a, daily, per day. dictar, to dictate. dichoso, -a, happy. diente, m. tooth; hablar entre s, to mutter to oneself. diez, ten; y ocho, eighteen; a las y media, at 10.30. diferencia, /. difference. dificultad, /. difficulty. dignidad, /. dignity. dinero, m. money. Dios, m. God; j de ! good- ness gracious; j mio! oh dear! por , please, please don't; hombre de , man alive; todo sea por , may all be for the best (an ex- pression of resignation); jvaya por ! I declare! vaya usted, vete, con , good-bye and good luck to you. direccifin, /. address. dirigir, to direct; refl. go tow- ard. discurrir, to reflect, reason; discuss, converse. discurso, m. talk. discutir, to discuss. disecar, to dissect. disertar, to argue, chatter. disgustado, -a, disgusted, dis- pleased. disgusto, m. disappointment, disgust; vexation, sorrow. disimuladamente, secretly. disimular, to dissemble, hide one's feelings. disimulo, m. deceit, pretence. 114 VOCABULARY disparate, m. nonsense, silly idea, foolish act. disparat6n, m. utter nonsense, dispensar, to excuse, pardon, disponerse, to prepare, dispuesto, -a, ready; inclined, distancia, /. distance, distinguir, to distinguish, distinto, -a, different, distraer, to distract, divagar, to digress, leave the subject. divisar, to spy, catch sight of. doble, double, doubly, doce, twelve; las , twelve o'clock. docena, /. dozen, doler, to hurt, dolor, m. sorrow, grief; cause for sorrow. dolora, /. (a name invented by Campoamor as a title for some of his poems). [ful. doloroso, -a, painful, sorrow- domar, to tame. domingo, m. Sunday. don, don, Mr. (gentleman's title, used only before Chris- tian name). donde, donde, where; por , which way. dondequiera, wherever, dona, dona, Mrs. (lady's title, used only before Christian name). donnir, to sleep. dos, two. duda, /. doubt; sin , surely, dudar, to doubt, duelo, m. duel. dulce, soft, sweet. dulzura, /. sweetness. durante, during. durar, to last, remain; les durara poco ..., they will not keep long ... duro, -a, hard, severe; n. m. dollar (five pesetas). E e = de. ebano, m. ebony. eco, m. echo. econ6mico, -a, economic. echar, to throw, cast, drive out, knock; utter; - - a, start to; la vista encima, set eyes on; por, set out along. edad, /. age. educacion, /. education, good breeding; ni por , not even for manners. efecto, m. effect, fact. egoista, selfish; n. m. egotist. ejercito, m. army. el, ella, ello, he, she, it; ello vino, that came. eleccipn,/. choice. electrico, -a, electric. eligir, to choose. elogiar, to praise. embarcarse, to embark, put forth. embargo: sin , nevertheless. emborracharse, to get drunk. embustero, m. liar, cheat. emocion, /. emotion. empachar, to surfeit, cause in- digestion. empefiarse, to persist, try per- sistently. emperador, m. emperor. emperejilarse, to deck one- self out, dress elaborately. empezar, to begin. en, in, into, on, over, at, to; with; as, like. enamorado, -a, in love, en- amored. enardecerse, to become in- flamed with passion. encaminarse, to go toward. encararse con, to face. encargar, to charge, order, com- mission. encargo, m. commission. VOCABULARY 115 encarnado, -a, red, flesh-col- ored. encender, to light, kindle. encerrar, to shut up, lock up; que la encierren, she ought to be behind bars. encima, above, on; over and above; to boot. [fide. encomendar, to entrust, con- encontrar, to find, meet; con- sider; refl. be; meet. energia, /. energy, force. energico, -a, vigorous, ener- getic. enfadado, -a, angry, offended. enfermo, -a, sick. enfrente, opposite. enfriarse, to grow cold. enganar, to deceive. engolfarse, to become absorbed. enojar, to annoy, irritate. enorme, enormous. enredarse, to become tangled: - la madeja, lose one's self-control. ensenar, to teach, show. entender, to understand; darse por entendido, comprehend, catch the allusion. enteramente, entirely. enterar, to inform; refl, with de, learn, find ojut. entereza,/. fortitude, firmness. entero, -a, whole, entire, all. enterrar, to bury. entonces, then, at that time. entrar (en), to enter; (in stage directions) leave; entra, exit. entre, between, among; mi, to myself; el padre y el hijo, father and son be- tween them. entrecortado, -a, interrupted, broken, jerky. entregar, to give over, hand, deliver. entretener, to entertain, de- tain; refl. kill time. entretenimiento, m. diversion. entrevista, /. interview. entrometido, -a, meddlesome. entusiasmarse, to become en- thusiastic. envenenar, to poison. enviar, to send. envidiable, enviable. enzarzarse, to quarrel. equivocarse, to be mistaken. er = el. esbelto, -a, slender. escalera, /. stairs, stairway. escamon, -ona, shrewd, crafty. escarnecido, -a, jeered at. escapado; irse , to fly out. escarapela, /. cockade (a round particolored ornament worn in a soldier's cap or helmet). escasamente, barely. escena, / stage. esceptico, m. sceptic. esconderse, to lurk, be hidden, hide. escondido, -a, hidden, secret. escopeta, f. shot-gun. escribir, to write; por escrito, in writing. escritorio, m. writing-desk. escuchar, to listen. esculpir, to carve, engrave; que se puede , worthy to be carved in stone. escultura, /. sculpture. escurrir, to wring out; slip; el bulto, see bulto. ese, -a, that. ese, -a, eso, that one, that; por eso, on that account. esforzarse, to make an effort. esfuerzo, m. effort. espalda, /. shoulder; pi. back; tirar de s, to knock over backward; a s mias. behind my back. espantar, to frighten. espanto, m. horror. espantoso, -a, terrible. 116 VOCABULARY espafiol, -la, Spanish. especular, to speculate. espejo, m. mirror. esperanza, /. hope. esperar, to expect, await, wait. espetaperros: a , at full speed. espiritu, m. mind, spirit. espontaneo, -a, spontaneous. Espronceda, pr. n. (Jose de Espronceda. 1808-1842, Spain's greatest romantic poet). esquina, /. corner. esquivar, to avoid, shun. establecer, to fix. estaci6n,/. station. estado, m. state, condition. estallido, m. bursting, report; dar un , to burst, die sud- denly. estampa, /. picture, portrait. estancia, /. room. estantigua, /. fright, old witch. estar, to be. estatuto, m. statute, law. este, -a, this. este, -a, esto, this one, this. estimar, to value, regard. estomacal, digestive. estorbar, to be in the way, dis- turb. estornudar, to sneeze. estornudo, m. sneeze. estrechar, to press, grasp, clasp. estremecer, to make tremble; reft, thrill, start. estrenar, to play for the first time. ' estudiar, to study. estupefaccion, /. stupefaction. estupefacto, -a, stupefied. eterno, -a, eternal. evidential", to prove. evitar, to avoid. exaltarse, to grow excited, in- spired. examinar, to examine. excelente, excellent. exclamar, to exclaim. excepci6n, /. exception; a de, with the exception of. exhalacion, /. flash. exigir, to require. existir, to exist. exito, m. success. explicable, easily explained. explicar, to explain. explosivo, m. explosive. expresar, to express. expresivo, -a, expressive. exterior, outward; lo , out- ward appearance. extrafiar, to be astonished (at). extrafio, -a, strange; gente extra&a, strangers. extraordinario, -a, extraordi- nary. extravagancia, /. oddness, ec- centricity. extreme, m. end; extreme, de- gree. eya = ella. F fablar = hablar. fabricante, m. manufacturer. facil, easy. facilitar, to make easy or possible. falda, /. skirt, falso, -a, false, falta, /. mistake, omission; lack; hace , it is necessary, needed, faltar, to be lacking, missing; [no faltaba mas! why, to be sure (lit. 'that would be the last straw!'), fallar, to fail, be wrong. fama, /. reputation, familia, /. family, faran = haran. farsa,/. sham. VOCABULARY 117 fastidiar, to tire, bore. fe, /. faith; a que, in truth. Febrero, m. February. fecha, /. date, time. felicitar, to congratulate. feliz, happy. festejo, m, celebration, fes- tivity. festin, m. feast. fiar (en), to trust; refl. with de, trust. figurarse, to imagine, fancy, suppose; appear. fijamente, fixedly. fijo, -a, fixed. filosoficamente, philosophical- ly. filosofo, m. philosopher. fin, m. end; en , in short, anyhow; un sin de, a great number of. final, last, final; n. m. ending. financiero, -a, of or for busi- ness or finance. finca, /. real estate, farm. fingir, to dissemble, pretend. fino, -a, courteous, delicate; thoughtful; fine, of good quality. firmar, to sign. firme, firm, solid; estar en lo , to be right. firmeza, /. firmness. fisonomia,/. face. flor, /. flower; (fig.) cream. floral, floral. fonda, /. inn, hotel. fonducho, m. bad hotel. forastero, m. stranger, visitor. for jar, to forge; (fig.) imagine. forma,/, form. foro, m. back of the stage. fortuna, /. fortune; que, luckily. fragil, weak. francachela, /. heavy repast, banquet. francamente, frankly. franqueza, /. frankness. frase, /. phrase, sentence. freir, to fry; la sangre a alguien, irritate one, drive one wild. frente, /. forehead; de , facing. fresco, -a, cool; sober. frescura, /. coolness. frialdad, /. coldness, indiffer- ence. frotar, to rub. fruicion, /. enjoyment, relish. fruta,/. fruit. fruto, m. fruit, product. fuente,/. spring; running water, waterpipe (in a house). fuera,/. outside. fuerte, strong, vigorous. fuerza, /. strength, force; dint. funda, Jr. cover, case. fundar, to base, found; refl. base one's opinion on. furioso, -a, raging. fusileria, /. musketry. futuro, -a, future. gafas, /. pi. spectacles. gaita, /. bag-pipe; (fig. and coll.) annoyance, gajes, m. pi. fees. galan, m. gallant, lover, galante, gallant, a ladies' man. galeria, /. gallery. galope, m. gallop. galopin, m. rascal, rogue, gallardo, -a, gallant, effective. gallina, /. hen; levantarse con las s, to rise with the birds, gallo, m. cock, rooster; otro le cantaria, it would be a different story, gana, /. (also pi.) desire; como me da la , as I please. ganar, to gain, get, earn; a mi 118 VOCABULARY no me ganas a, you can't beat me in. gandul, lazy. gas, m. gas. gastar, to waste. genero, m. kind, sort. generoso, -a, generous,, noble. genio, m. temper, character. gente,/. people, persons; como la , like most people. gentuza, /. riff-raff, dregs of the people. gesto, m. gesture. gitano, m. gypsy. gloria,/, glory, heavenly bliss; ique del mundo! what a paradise on earth! gloton, -ona, gluttonous, vora- cious. golpe, m. blow, stroke, bang. Gonzalo, pr. n. m. gordo, -a, big, fat, gross. gorrion, m. sparrow. gozar (de), to enjoy; en, take delight in; fama, bear the reputation. gracia, /. grace, cleverness, wittiness; Tavor; hacer , to please, suit; tiene , it's funny, it's a joke; pi. thanks. gracioso, -a, pleasing, grace- ful; amusing, witty. grande, gran, great, large. grandemente, greatly. granuja, m. gamin, rascally urchin. grasiosa = graciosa. gratitud, /. gratitude. grave, serious. gresca, /. quarrel, squabble. grifo, m. faucet. gritar, to shout. grufiir, to grumble, growl. Guadalema, pr. n., see w. 1, p. 3. guarda, m. guard, keeper. guardar, to keep; watch, guard; place; refl. put away. giieno = bueno. guiar, to guide. Guillermo, pr. n. m. William. Guindalera, (la), (a suburb of Madrid, a little more than two miles north-east of the Pucrla del Sol). guisar, to cook; arrange. gustar, to please; no me gusta, I don't like. gusto, m. pleasure; taste; pi. likes and dislikes; a , com- fortably; tanto , glad to meet you. haber, to have; de hacer, have to do, must do, will do; impers. hay, etc. there is, there are; hay que, one must; hay para todos, there's enough for all. habitacion, /. room, apartment. hablar, to speak, talk; n. m. speech, way of speaking. hacer, to make, do, create, cause; haga el Sefior, heaven grant; hace 3 meses, 3 months ago; 15 anos hacia que no te veia, I had not seen you before for 15 years; no habian hecho mas que empezar, had only begun; por, to endeavor, strive; refl. take place, occur. hacia, toward, hacienda, /. farm, estate, hache, /. the letter h. hallar, to find; refl. be. harto, -a, satiated; sick of it. hase = hacer. hasta, up to, as far as; until; , even; luego, see you soon; maflana, see you to- morrow; que no, until. hazana, /. exploit, heroic deed, hecho, m. fact. VOCABULARY 119 hem, ahem. herencia, /. inheritance. herida,/. wound. herir, to wound. hermana, /. sister. hermano, m. brother. hermoso, -a, beautiful. heroe, m. hero. hfgado, m. liver. hija, /. daughter. hijo, m. son. hipocrita, hypocritical, insin- cere. hise = hice. historia, /. story. hogar, m. home; del , domes- tic. hoja, /. leaf. hola, hello! ho, ho! hombre, m. man. honor, m. honor. hora, /. hour; time; en mal , at an unlucky moment; a estas S, at this moment; ya era , it was indeed time. horca, /. gallows. horizonte, m. horizon. homo, m. oven; no esta el para hollos, she is in no mood to be interviewed. hospedar, to lodge, entertain. hospitalidad, /. hospitality. hoy, to-day. hoyito, m. little hole, pit. huella, /. trace. huerta, /. vegetable garden, orchard. huertano, m. peasant; lit. one who lives in the huerta, a name applied specifically to the fertile irrigated land about the city of Valencia. huerto, m. orchard. hueso, m. bone; hacer los s duros, to grow old in the service. huesped, m. guest. huir, to flee, run away. humano, -a, human, natural in men. humor, m. humor, mood, whim. humorada, /. jest, witty re- mark. (Campoamor gave this title to some of his short verses.) idea, /. idea. ideal, ideal. idioma, m. language. ignorancia, /. ignorance. igua = igual. igual, equal, alike; like; cosa , such a thing; le da , it is the same to her (him); que, just as if. igualar, to level, make equal. igualmente, "the same to you." ilusi6n, /. illusion. imaginar, to imagine. impaciente, impatient. impedir, to prevent. impertinencia, /. impertinence. impertinente, impertinent. importancia, /. importance. importante, important. importar, to matter. imposible, imp'ossible. impresion, /. impression, first impression. impresionar, to affect, impress. impreso, -a, printed. improvise: de , unexpected- inalterable, unalterable, firm. incomodar, to disturb; refl. be angry. incondicional, uncompromis- ing; a tus 6rdenes es, en- tirely at your service. inconsciente, unconscious. inconscientemente, uncon- sciously. 120 VOCABULARY inconveniente, m. obstacle. incorporarse a, to join. indiferencia, /. indifference. indiferente, indifferent, regard- less. indignation, /. indignation. indignado, -a, indignant. indudable, certain, beyond a doubt. infanteria, /. infantry. infeliz, poor, wretched. infinito, -a, infinite (in number or extent). ingrato, -a, ungrateful. inmediato, -a, next, adjoining. inmenso, -a, immense. inmoral, immoral, unethical. inocente, simple-minded. inquieto, -a, restless. inquietud, /. anxiety. insigne, famous. insistir, to insist. insolencia, /. insolence. inspiration, /. inspiration. inspirar, to inspire. instante, m. instant. insultar, to insult. insulto, m. insult. inteligencia, /. mutual under- standing. intention, /. intention, mean- ing. intentar, to attempt. intento, m. attempt. interceptar, to intercept. interes, m. interest, zeal, earn- estness. interesar, to interest, concern. intervenir, to intervene, take a hand. intolerable, intolerable. intranquilizar, to make uneasy. intrigado, -a, astonished, per- plexed (a Gallicism: French 'intrigue'). inutil, useless. invitar, to invite. invocation, /. invocation. ir, to go, be about to; nos va el bienestar, our comfort is endangered; vamos, come on, to be sure; voy alia, I am coming; vaya, sefior, here you are, sir; jvaya un argu- mento! that's a fine argu- ment! vaya usted con Dios, good-bye; rejl. go away; vase, exit. Isidoro, m. Isidore. izquierda,/. left hand, left side. ija, ja! ha, ha! jabali, m. wild boar, jamas, never, ever. jardin, m. garden, jje! exclamation. Jesus, pr. n. Jesus: (as excla- mation, a mild oath) heavens! jineta, /.: a la , with short stirrups; tener los cascos a la , to be rattlepated, a little off. jinete, m. rider, horseman. \jmojolcxclamalifln, the dickens; jtia !, aunt nothing! joroba, /. hump; annoyance, trouble, joven, young; m. and f. youth, girl. Juan, pr. n. m. John. Juanito, pr. n. m. Johnny. juego, m. game, sport, fun. jugar, to play; rcfl. risk. juicio, m judgment, mind; opinion; perder el , to go crazy. junto a, near, beside, juntos, -as, together. jurar, to swear. justamente, precisely, justicia,/. justice; judge, court; punishment. justo, -a, just; lo justo, exact justice; justo, just so. VOCABULARY 121 juventud, /. youth, juzgar, to judge. labio, m. lip. labor, /. labor, task. lado, m. side. ladrar, to bark. ladrpn, m. thief, robber. lagrima, /. tear. lagrimita, /. tear. lampara, /. lamp, light. lapicero, m. pencil holder. largarse, (coll.) to light out, skip. largo, -a, long; (coll.) shrewd, largueza, /. liberality. lata, /. (tin) can. latir, to throb, beat. Laura, pr. n. f. lavar, to wash. lazarillo, m. blind person's guide. lazo, m. bow. leal, loyal, faithful, leccion, /. lesson. lecion = leccion. leer, to read, legar, to-bequeath. legua, /. league (about 3$- miles) . lejano, -a, distant, lejos, far away; a lo , in the distance; lo , farthest part; de, far from, lengua, /. tongue; un mala , a foul-mouthed fellow. lente, /. magnifying glass, letra, /. letter (of the alphabet). levantar, to raise; refl. get up, rise, ley, /. law; en -- de Dios, strictly speaking. leyenda, /. legend, myth. liberal, liberal, liberalidad, /. liberality, libertad, /. liberty. librar, to deliver, free, preserve; jDios me libre! Heaven for- bid! libro, m. book. liebre, /. hare. limite, m. limit, end. limonero, m. lemon tree. limosna,/. alms. limpiar, to clean, scour, wipe. limpieza, /. cleanliness. limpio, -a, clean; jugar limpio, to play fairly and openly. linaje, m. race; class. lindante, adjoining. Undo, -a, pretty. listo, -a, bright, quick; ready. liviandad, /. indiscretion, mis- chievousness. lo que, what, how much. loco, -a, mad, crazy. locura, /. madness, mania. lograr, to succeed, manage. losa,/. flagstone, tile. lucero, m. morning star; any bright star; decirle las ver- dades al del alba, to tell the king himself the truth about himself. luego, later, afterwards, soon, immediately; desde , at once; of course. luga = lugar. lugar, m. place, stead. Lujan, pr. n. luna, /. moon. luto, m. mourning; de , in mourning. luz,/. light. LL llamar, to call; refl. be named. llano, m. plain. llanto, m. weeping, tears. Have,/, key. llegar, to arrive, come, reach; refl, go, approach (coll.). llenar, to fill. 122 VOCABULARY Ueno, -a, full. Dfevar, to carry, bring; lead; spend (//we);llevatresmeses en mi casa, she has been in my house 3 months; refl. carry off. llorar, to weep, cry; weep for, mourn for. Llorente, pr. n. llover, to rain. M maca, /. flaw, blemish, blot upon the character, madeja, /. skein (of thread, etc.); enredarse la , see enredarse. madera,/. wood, madre, /. mother. Madrid, pr. n. (the capital city of Spain, with about 600,000 inhabitants). majadero, m. fool, imbecile, mal, badly; n. m. disease, evil, harm. malamente, badly. maldad, /. guilt, evil intention, wickedness, depravity, maldito, -a, cursed, accursed, maliciar, to suspect, maio, -a, bad, evil, wrong; mala de guardar, hard to watch; malo sera que no haya, it will be strange if there is not. malsano,-a, unwholesome, evil, malvado, m. wicked man. malvender, to sell at a loss, for a trifle. mamarracho, m. fright, scare- 'crow. manchar, to stain, spot. mandado, m. order, mandao = mandado. mandar, to send, order, com- mand, manejo, m. action, intrigue. manera, /. way, manner; de ninguna , in no way; de todas s, in any case; de que, so that. mania, /. mania, monomania, whim, fixed belief, mano,/. hand. manojo, m. bunch. manana, /. morning; to-mor- row; por la , morning, in the morning. mananita, /. early morning. mar, m. and f. sea. maravilla, /. wonder; a , to perfection. Marcela, pr. n. f. Marceiita, dim. of Marcela. marchar, to walk; get along; also refl. go away, marea, /. tide. marear, to disturb, trouble. Maricela, pr. n. marido, m. husband, mariposa, /. butterfly. Marsela = Marcela. mas, more; other; de ma's, too many; no que, only, not ... except; por que, however; sin ni , carelessly, in a hurry. masimas = maximas. matar, to kill, slay. materialmente, in body, in a bodily way. materno, -a, maternal, maxima, /. maxim, thought. Mayo, m. May. mayor, larger, greater; plaza , main square; m. pi. ances- tors, forefathers. medico, m. doctor, physician. medida, /. measure; a que, in proportion as. medio, -a, half, middle, medio, m. middle; de por , involved, mixed up in it; la calle de en , the middle road. VOCABULARY 123 mediopunto, m. round-headed arch mediquillo, m. little doctor; native medicine man in the Philippines. meditar, to think over, con- sider. medrar, to prosper. mejor, better; best; a lo mejor, when least expected, at any moment; en lo del caniino, - where the road is wide. melancolicamente, sadly. memoria, /. memory; de , by heart, very well; hacer , to try to remember. menester, m. need, necessity; ser . to be necessary; haber , to need. menos, less, least; al , at least; las once cinco, five minutes to eleven; no puede de, he cannot help. mentir, to lie. mentira, /. lie. merecer, to deserve. mes, m. month; alosdos es, within two months, mesa,/, table, mesita, /. small table; es- critorio, writing stand, mesmo, archaic and popular for mismo. meter, to put, place, metro, m. meter (39.37 inches). miedo, m. fear; no ver de , to be so frightened one can't see. miel, /. honey, mientras, while; meanwhile; no, until; mas .. . mas, the more ... the more. miga, /. crumb. Miguel, pr. n. m. Michael. miguita, /. crumb. mil, a thousand. milagro, m. miracle, wonder. militar, m. soldier. minuto, m. minute. mio, -a, my, mine; el mfo, la mia, etc. pron. mine; lo mio, what is mine. mirada, /. gaze, glance. mirar, to look at, examine; mira, mire usted, see here, listen. miriila, /. peephole, misa, /. mass. mismito', -a, very same. mismo, -a, same; very; self; asi mismo, just like that; lo mismo, in like manner; lo mismo ... que, both ... and. miste = mire usted. misterio, m. mystery. [ly. misteriosamente, mysterious- misterioso, -a, mysterious. mocedad, /. youth, mocoso, a, m. and /. inexper- ienced youth, girl. modelar, to model, mould. modo, m. way, manner. moldear, to mould, moler, to grind; oro molido, gold dust. molestar, to disturb, offend, molestia, /. trouble, bother; servirle de , to disturb her. molino, m. mill, momentaneo, -a, momentary. momento, m. moment; al , immediately; por s, grad- ually, each instant more, moneda, /. coin; corriente, accepted belief, monicaca, /. stupid little girl; hypocrite, monologo, m. monologue, montana, /. mountain. moral, moral, ethical; mental, spiritual. morir, to die; refl. be dying, die. mortero, m. mortar, mostrar, to show. motive, m. motive, cause, source. 124 VOCABULARY movido, -a, excitable, flighty. movimiento, m. movement, gesture; impulse. moza,/. girl, maid. mozo, -a, young, youthful; n. m. youth, boy. muchacha, /. girl. muchacho, m. boy, youth. mucho, -a, much, much of a, many, many a. long; mucho, adv. very; hard; por mucho que, however much. mueble, m. (piece of) furniture. muela, /. molar tooth. muerte, /. death; murder, as- sassination; estar a la , to be at the point of death. muerto, -a, dead; horas muer- tas, idle hours. mujer,/. woman, wife. mundo, m. world; todo el , everybody. murmura = murmurar. murmurar, to murmur, find fault, complain, grumble, gossip. muy, very. N na = nada. nabo, m. turnip. (See chicha.) nacer, to be born, arise, nada, nothing; anything, at all; mas, no more, only; mas que, only; j !, no use! nadie, no one, anyone. naranjo, m. orange tree, nariz, /. nose. natural, natural; native, naturalmente, naturally, of course. necesario, -a, necessary, necesitar, to need, require, negar, to deny, negativa, /. denial, negro, -a, black. nene, nena, m. and /. child, boy, girl. nervioso, -a, nervous. neto, -a, pure, plain. neurastenico, -a, neurasthen- ic. ni, neither, nor; not even. niebla, /. mist. nieve, /. snow. ninguno, -a, no one, none, no. nina, /. child, girl. ninera, /. nurse-girl. nino, -a, childish, young and inexperienced. nino, m. boy, child; pi. chil- dren. no, no, not; ? isn't that so? noble, noble. nobleza, /. nobility. noche, /. night; buenas s, good evening or night; de , by night. nombre, m. name, Christian name; a de, in the name of. notar, to notice, observe. noticias, /. pi. news. novedad, /. new thing; trouble. Noviembre, November. novio, -a, m. and f. sweetheart, lover, betrothed. nube, /. cloud; multitude; andar por las s, to be high-priced, come dear. nuestro, -a, our. nuevamente, anew, again. nueve, nine. nuevo, -a, new, newly arrived; de nuevo, again. numero, m. number. nunca, never, ever. O o, either, or. obedecer, to obey. obligation, / duty. obispo, m. bishop, obligar, to compel, oblige. VOCABULARY 125 observar, to watch, examine, scrutinize; look to see. ocasion, /. opportunity. ocioso, -a, idle. ocultar, to hide, conceal. oculto, -a, hidden. ocurrencia, /. strange idea. ocunir, to occur; happen; lo que se me ocurre, an idea of mine. ocho, eight. odio, m. hate, hatred. oficio, m. office, occupation. ofrecer, to offer; ^que se le ofrece? what do you wish? ofrese = ofrece. oido, m. ear. oir, to hear, listen to; joiga usted! see here! ojala, (used to introduce a wish); sea, I hope it is. ojeada, /. glance. ojo, m. eye; entrar por el derecho, to suit exactly or at first glance. ola, /. wave. 61eo, m. oil. oler, to smell, sniff out. olfatear, to scent. Olivenza, pr. n. olvidar, to forget. once, eleven; a las , at eleven o'clock. opinar, to believe, hold the opinion, think. oponerse, to oppose. oratorio, m. private chapel. orden, /. order, command. original, original, odd. originalidad, /. originality. oro, m. gold; molido, gold dust. ortografia, /. spelling. otofio, m. autumn. otro, -a, another, other; dif- ferent; es otra, she is a dif- ferent person. oyito = hoyito. pa = para. padecer, to suffer, suffer from. padre, m. father; pi. parents. pagar, to pay, repay. paisana, /. fellow-country- woman, compatriot. paisanaje, m. quality of be- longing to the same country. pajarito, m. little bird. pajaro, m. bird. palabra, /. word. palabreria, /. empty talk. palique, m, (coll.) conversa- tion. paliza, /. beating. paloma, /. dove; innocent per- son; de , innocent. pan, m. bread. pantalon, m. trousers. panuelo, m. handkerchief. papa, m. father. papel, m. paper. paquete, m. parcel, bundle. par, m. pair, couple. par, equal, alike; a la , at the 'same time; a - - del alma, to the bottom of one's heart. para, to, in order to, for, tow- ard; contener , to restrain from; eso, for that pur- pose; que, in order that; si, to himself or herself. . parar, to stop, stay, remain; de, cease; venk a , land in. parecer, to appear, seem; al , apparently; <;te parece? don't you think so? refl. to resemble. pared, /. (interior) wall. pariente, -ta, m. and f. rela- tive. Paris, pr. n. Paris. parrafito, m. little paragraph; echar un , to have a chat, little talk. 126 VOCABULARY parte, /. part, place, side; a todas s, everywhere; de - de dofia C., dona C. sends word. particular, m. point, subject. partir, to set out, start; a de, beginning with, ever since. pasado, -a, past, last; pasado manana, day after to-mor- row, n. m.- past. pasar, to pass, enter, come in; spend, happen; no pasa de 46 anos, she is not more than 45; se le ira pasando, she will get over it; hacer , to let in; paso, it is over, has gone; ique pasa? what's the matter? pasarlo bien, to enjoy oneself; por, toler- ate. pasear, to walk back and forth. paseo, m. walk, promenade; de , for a walk. pasillo, m. corridor. pasion, /. passion. paso, m. step; (theatrical) cur- tain-raiser, sketch; salir del , to get out of a difficulty. pata, /. foot and leg of beasts; de gallo, nonsense. patente, evident, manifest. pausa, /. pause. paz, /. peace. pecho, m. breast, chest; quedar entre - y espaldas, to remain unsaid. pedlb-= pedido. pedir, to ask, beg. pegado, -a, stuck, glued. pegar, to hit; stick, glue; iotra te pego? another blow? what next? pelearse, to fight, quarrel. pelo, m. hair; por tin , by a hair's breadth. pelota,/. ball. pellejo, m. hide, skin; quitar- le a uno el , to run down, pull to pieces, "skin alive." pena, /. sorrow. pensamiento, m. thought. pensar, to think, intend; con- sider, think over. pensativo, -a, thoughtful. pe6 = peor. peor, worse, worst; que , worse and worse. pequefiito, -a, very small. pequefio, -a, little, small. perder, to lose; - - la casa, lose your position; refl. be lost, lose one's way. perdiz, /. partridge. perdon, m. pardon. perdonar, to pardon, excuse. peregrino, -a, strange, unusu- al. perejil, m. parsley; ponerle a uno de hoja de , to tear to pieces, scold violently (an- other form of poner como un trapo). perfectamente, perfectly well. perfido, -a, treacherous. perifollos, m. pi. finery, gew- gaws. perillan, m. rascal. perjurar, to swear again; ju- rando y perjurando, vowing and declaring. perla, /. pearl; como unas s, beautifully. permanecer, to remain. permiso, m. permission, leave. pero, but. perplejo, -a, perplexed. perro, m. dog. persona, /. person. personaje, m. character. personalisimo, -a, very per- sonal, individual. perturbacion, /. unsoundness, derangement. pesar, to weigh. pescador, m. fisher. VOCABULARY 127 peseta, /. peseta (worth 20 cents). peso, m. weight. pesquis, m. shrewdness. Petra, pr. n. f. petroleo, m. kerosene. picar, to sting; burn, be hot. picaresco, -a, malicious. pie, m. foot; s y manos, right hand, indispensible helper; a los s de usted, at your service (said to a lady); al de la letra, lit- erally, at its face value (a Gallicism) ; estar de , to be up, able to work. piedra, /. stone. piel, /. skin. pillo, m. rascal, knave. pindonga, /. gadabout, woman fond of loitering in the streets. pintar, to paint, describe. piquete, m. squad. piso, m, floor, story; prin- cipal, second floor. pista, /. trail, track. pita = pitar. pitar, to whistle; (coll.) to leave on the run, light out; donde no se le espera, to do the unexpected thing. placer, m. pleasure. plan, m. plan; en de, about to. planeta, m. planet. plantar, to plant, place. plata, /. silver. platear, to silver. platonico, -a, Platonic. playa, /. beach, shore. plaza, /. square, market place; - mayor, main square; de toros, bull ring. pliego, m. sheet. pluma. /. pen. poblacho, m. ugly village. pobre, poor. pobrecillo, m. poor fellow. poco, -a, little, few; poco mur- murar, no complaints, now! poco, adv. little, not much; a , little by little; a de hablar, after talking a little; a que se mediten sus palabras, if one reflects upon her words a little, poder, to be able, can; no con, sink under; no puede menos de, it cannot help; n. m. power, poderoso, -a, powerful, great, potent. poeta, m. poet, poetico, -a, poetic, poltron, -ona, lazy. polvito, m. fine dust; (pinch of) snuff. p61vora,/. (gun-) powder, polio, m. chicken; young man; estas hecho un , you look like a youth. pone = poner. poner, to place, put, put on; put down; bueno, see bueno; refi. become, put on. poquito, -a, very little; poquita cosa, good for nothing. por, for, through, along, across, on, at, by, to, in, over, on account of; in order to; as; eso, on that account; aqui, this way; que? why? si, in case that, porque, because. portal, m. entrance, vestibule, portamonedas, m. purse, pock- etbook. porte, m. carriage, behavior, demeanor. porton, m. door of the court- yard. porvenir, m. future, pos = pues. posible, possible. poso = pozo. 128 VOCABULARY postigo, m. wicket, rear gate; peep-window (in a door or window). postizo, -a, artificial, false (of teeth or hair). postura, /. attitude, potrito, m. colt, pozo, m. well, precaucion, /. precaution, preceder, to precede, precioso, -a, charming (both beautiful and witty), precisamente, precisely, preciso, -a, necessary, predileccion, /. liking; de toda mi , of whom I was very fond. predilecto, m. chosen one. preferido, -a, favorite. preferir, to prefer, pregunta, /. question, preguntar, to ask, question. prehist6rico, -a, prehistoric, "from before the Ark," prendarse de, to take a fancy to, fall in love with, preocupar, to worry. preparar, to prepare, make ready, prescindir (de), to do without, put aside, presencia, /. presence (bearing or appearance), presentation, /. introduction, presentar, to introduce, pre- sent; refl. appear, presente, present, before one; current; la , the present writing, letter. [ment. presentimento, m. presenti- presidio, m. military prison, penitentiary, prestar, to lend, presumir, to suppose, presume, pretexto, m. pretext, excuse, primavera, /. spring. primero, -a, first, front; prime- ro, adv. at first. primo, -a, m. and f. cousin. principal, main; piso , second floor (one flight above the ground) . probable, probable. probablemente, probably. procurar, to try. prodigar, to lavish. prddigo, -a, spending readily, wasteful, generous. profesional, professional. profeta, m. prophet. prolongarse, to last, be pro- longed. pronto, soon; de , suddenly; por de , for the present, just now. propiedad, /. property, landed estate, ownership. propio, -a, one's own, private. proponer, to propose. protectora,/. protectress. proteger, to protect, screen. protests, /. protest. provechito, m. (much) benefit; buen , may it do you good. proverbio, m. proverb. providencia, /. providence. provocador, m. challenger. provocar, to anger, enrage, provoke. proximo, -a, near, close. prudente, prudent. prueba, /. proof. prurito, m. itch, desire. publico, -a, public; n. m. audi- ence. puchero, m. pouting. pudor, m. modesty, sense of shame. pueblo, m. town, village; people. puerta, /. door. pues, well, then. puesta, /. setting; del sol, sunset. puesto que, since. . , pulcro, -a, neat. punta, /. point. VOCABULARY 129 punto, m. point; final, full stop, period. punadito, m. small handful. Purgatorio, m. purgatory, purificar, to cleanse. que, rel. pron. which, who, whom, that; adv. than, as; conj. that, for, since; and; such that. ,jque? what; fa. que? for what purpose, why; <;por que? why? no habia por que, there was no reason for it. quedar, to remain, be left; remain undone; por mi no ha de , it shan't be stopped on my account; quedar se con, keep, retain. quejarse, to complain. quemar, to burn. querer, to wish, desire, love, like. querido, -a, dear. quicio, m. crack where the door is hinged to the jamb. quie = quiere. quien, who, whom, whoever, he who, the one who. quien, who; ... , one, ... another. Quijote, pr. n. (Don Quijote de la Mancha is the hero of the most famous work in Spanish literature. The au- thor, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, was born in 15b7, and died in 1616.) quince, fifteen; dias, two weeks. quinta, /. military draft; tenet el corazon entrando en s, to feel as young as a recruit. quitar, to take away; prevent, alter; eso no quita, that doesn't alter the fact; jquita alia! no trouble at all! quizas, perhaps. R rabia, /. rage, fury. rabieta, /. fit of temper. rabo, m. tail; queda el por desollar, the worst is yet to come. rdfaga, /. flash, gust. rama,/. branch. ramo, m. bouquet. rape, m. snuff. rapidamente, quickly. rareza, /. peculiarity, eccentric act. raro, -a, rare, unusual, strange. rascar, to scratch. ratillo, m. little while. rato, m. little while. rayo, m. thunderbolt. razon, /. speech; reason; tener , to be right. razonable, reasonable. realidad, /. reality, truth, ac- tuality. recado, m. message. recatarse de, to take precau- tions against, fear. recelo, m. timidity, misgiving. recibimiento, m. reception. recibir, to receive. recien, recently, newly, just. reciente, recent, newly arrived. recoger, to take in, take back, gather, harvest, pick up; rejl. go or come home, retire. reconciliar, to reconcile. recordar, to remind, remember. recreo, m. recreation, delight. recto, -a, right. recuerdo, m. memory, remem- brance. recurso, m. resource, way. rechazar, to cast aside. 130 VOCABULARY red, /. net. redonda, /. neighborhood; a la , round about. referirse, to refer. reflexionar, to reflect. reflexivamente, meditatively. refugiarse, to take refuge. refunfunar, to grumble, mut- ter. regalo, m. present, tip, regaftina, /. scolding, reproof. regaflo, m. scolding. regar, to water (a street or walk), irrigate. Reguero, pr. n. reir (also rcfl.), to laugh. relacion, /. relation, connec- tion; ponerse en es con, to accept advances from. relente, m. night dew. relleno, -a, stuffed. remedar, to imitate. remediar, to help, avoid. remedio, m. remedy, help; no tener mas , to be unable to avoid. remover, to stir. rencoroso, -a, embittered, spiteful. refiir, to scold, find fault, quar- rel. reparar (en), to notice. repente, m. sudden impulse, fit of temper. repetido, -a, repeated, many. repetir, to repeat. replicar. to answer, answer back, argue. reposado, -a, peaceful. reprimir, to repress. reservar, to reserve, hold in store. resignarse, to reconcile one- self. resistencia, /. resistance, re- fusal. resistir, to endure, stand; refl. refuse, resist. re solver, to determine. respetable, worthy to be re- spected. respetar, to respect. respeto, m. respect. fespirar, to breathe. responder, to answer. responsabilidad,/. responsibili- ty. respuesta, /. reply, answer. resueltamente, resolutely. resuelto, -a, resolute, decided. resultado, m. result. retrato, m. portrait. reunir, to join, put together. revelaci6n, /. revelation. revelador, -ra, full of revela- tions. revelar, to reveal, disclose. revocar, to repaint. rey,w. king; los es Cat61icos, the Catholic Kings (Ferdin- and and Isabella). rico, -a, wealthy, rich; costly. ridiculo, -a, ridiculous. rigor, m. exactness; severity; en , to be exact; ser el de las desdichas, to suffer many different kinds of mis- fortunes. rinc6n, m. corner. rinconcito, m. (little) corner. risa, /. laughter. roba = robar. robar, to rob, steal. roca, /. stone, boulder. rociada, /. sprinkling; shower of missiles; tongue-lashing, rodar, to roll, fall turning. Rodrigo, pr. n. m. Roderick. romantico, -a, romantic. Romillo, pr. n. romper, to break; a llorar, burst into tears. ronaar, to walk about, make the rounds of. ropa, /. clothes, washing. rosal, m. rosebush. VOCABULARY 131 rosifi = rociada. rostro, m. face, ruina, /. ruin, ruinoso, -a, dilapidated, rotundo, -a, mouth-filling, oro- tund. rumor, m. report. saber, to know, know how; learn. sabio, -a, wise. sabroso, -a, delightful, rich in flavor. sacar, to draw out, take out, extract; find out, discover, get. sacudir, to shake; se las botas, dust one's shoes. sala, /. parlor. salida, /. witty remark, jest; exit, way out. salir, to come out, go out, go away; enter (in stage di- rections}; sale a su madre, she takes after her mother. saliva, /. saliva. saltar, to jump, start. salud, /. health. saludar, to greet. saludo, m, bow. salva, /. salvo (discharge of can- non as a salute). sangre, /. blood. sano, -a, healthy; cortar por lo sano, to use heroic means to escape from trouble. sentiguarse, to cross oneself. santo, -a, saint, holy; n. saint. Sara, pr. n. f. Sarah. sardina, /. sardine. satisfaction, /. satisfaction. satisfacer, to satisfy. satisfactory), -a, satisfactory. Sebastiana, pr. n. f. secar, to dry. secreto, -a, secret; n. m. secret. secuestro x , m. coercion, im- prisonment. seguida,/.; en , at once. seguidita; en , very quickly, (an intensified form of en seguida). seguido, -a, straight, direct; todo seguido, straight ahead; pl. in succession. seguir, to follow, continue. segun, according to; that de- pends. segundo, -a, second; n. m. second. seguramente, surely. seguridad, /. certainty. seguro, -a, certain, sure, safe. seis, six; a las , at six o'clock. semblante, m. face, expression. sembrar, to sow. semejante, similar, such. sentillez, /. simplicity. sensation, /. sensation (in the meaning, a startling effect, a Gallicism). sentar, to seat; refl. sit down. sentencia, /. judgment. sentido, m. sense; comun, common sense. sentimiento, m. feeling, emo- tion. sentir, to feel; hear; regret, be sorry for. sena, /. sign. serial, /. sign. senalar, to indicate, point to. sefio = seflor. senor, m. sir, master, Mr., gentleman; el Senor, the Lord. senora, /. lady, mistress; muy mia, dear Madam. senorio, m. nobility, superior bearing. senorita, /. young lady, miss. senorito, m. young gentleman. separation,/, separation, part- ing. 132 VOCABULARY separar, to separate,' keep dis- tinct. sepultar, to bury. sepurte = sepulte. ser, to be; de, belong to. serenidad, /. calmness. sereno, m. night watchman. seriedad, /. seriousness, solid- ity, gravity. serio, -a, serious, solid. servicio, m. service. servisio = servicio. servidor, -ra, m. andf. servant. servir, to serve, be used, be of use; para - - a usted, at your service; si Dios fuere servido, if heaven permit. seso, m. sense, brains. setenta, seventy. setent6n, -ona, of seventy years. Sevilla, pr. n. f. Seville (the largest city in southern Spain; 150,000 inhabitants). si, if, whether; indeed, of course, why. si, yes, indeed. Si Campeado = Cid Campea- dor. See Cid. siempre, always; de , cus- tomary, that one always had ; que, each time that, whenever. sien, /. temple. siglo, m. century. significar, to mean; querer , mean. siguiente, following, next. silbar, to whistle. silencio, m. silence. silencioso, -a, silent, mute. simpatia, /. attractiveness, con- geniality; appreciation. simpatico, -a, likable, congen- ial. sin, without; que, without. sino, but, except; no ... , only; que, but. sinvergiienza, adj. and n. shameless (person). siquiera, at least; ni , not even. sistema, m. system. sitio, m. spot. situation, /. situation, state of things. so, under. soberano, -a, sovereign. sobrar, to be in excess; le sobra un pariente, he has one relative more than he wishes. sobre, above, on, upon; todo, especially; que, be- side the fact that. sobre, m. envelope. sobrecogido, -a, timid, abash- ed. sobremesa: de , after dinner. sobresaltar, to startle, frighten. sobrina, /. niece. sobrinita, /. little niece. sobrino, m. nephew; pi. neph- ews and nieces. socarr6n, -ona, bantering, iron- ical, sly. sociedad, /. society. sofoco, m. shortness of breath; ,jque -- es ese? why are you so out of breath? sol, m. sun; hace , it is sunny. solamente, only. solapado, -a, sly, underhanded. soledad, /. solitude. soler, to be accustomed to. solitario, -a, lonely. solo, -a, alone, deserted; single, only. solo, only, alone. soltar, to loose, let go, let fly, fire, declare; give off. solteron, m. bachelor. solution, /. solution. sombra, /. shade, shadow, stain; trace. sombrero, m. hat. VOCABULARY 133 sombrilla, /. parasol. son, m. sound; way; en de, by way of. sonar, to sound, sound natural; refl. blow one's nose, sonoro -a, sonorous, sonriente, smiling, sonrisa, /. smile, sonar (con), to dream (of), soplamocos, m. slap on the nose. soplar, to blow, sorna, /. ironical drawl, double meaning; con , malicious- ly- sorprender, to surprise, sorprendidisimo, -a, very much surprised, sorte = solte. sospechar, to suspect, imagine, suave, gentle, soft, subir, to rise, sublevar, to excite to rebellion, arouse to anger, suceder, to happen, sudor, m. perspiration, suegro, m. father-in-law, suelo, m. floor, sueno, m. sleep; dream, sufrir, to suffer, undergo, suplicar, to beg, request, suplicio, m. torment, sup oner, to suppose, suspirar, to sigh, susto, m. fright, shock; dar , frighten, suyo, -a, his, her, its, their, your. tal, such, such a; el , the said; creo, so I think; para cual, two of a kind; ique tal? what do you think of that?