Price 20 cents RINT AND CIRCULAR SERIES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL THE RELATION OF PURE SCIENCE TO INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH BY JOHN J. CARTY Vice President, American Telephone and Telegraph Company Published in Science October, 1916, Vol. 44, No. 1137, Pages 511-518 Announcement Concerning Publications of the National Research Council The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has been designated as the official organ of the National Research Council for the publication of accounts of research, committee and other reports, and minutes. Subscription rate for the "Proceedings" is $5 per year. Business address: Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C. The Bulletin of the National Research Council presents contributions from the National Research Council, other than proceedings, for which hitherto no appropriate agencies of publication have existed. The "Bulletin" is published at irregular intervals. The sub- scription price, postpaid, is $5 per volume of approximately 500 pages. Numbers of the "Bulletin" are sold separately at prices based upon the cost of manufacture (for list of bulletins see third cover page). The Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council renders available for purchase, at prices dependent upon the cost of manufacture, papers published or printed by or for the National Research Council (for list of reprints and circulars see third cover page). Orders for the "Bulletin" or the "Reprints and Circulars" of the National Research Council, accompanied by remittance, should be addressed: Publication Office, National Research Council, 1701 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. [Reprinted from SCIENCE, N. S. , Vol. XLIV. , 11S7, Pages 511-518, October IS, 1916} THE RELATION OF PURE SCIENCE TO INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 1 IT is not strange that many years ago Huxley, with his remarkable precision of thought and his admirable command of language, should have indicated his dis- satisfaction with the terms "pure science" and "applied science," pointing out at the same time that what people call "applied science" is nothing but the application of pure science to particular classes of prob- lems. The terms are still employed, pos- sibly because, after all, they may be the best ones to use, or perhaps our ideas, to which these expressions are supposed to conform, have not yet become sufficiently definite to have called forth the right words. It is not the purpose of this address, how- ever, to suggest better words or expres- sions, but rather to direct attention to cer- tain important relations between purely scientific research and industrial scientific research which are not yet sufficiently understood. Because of the stupendous upheaval of the European war with its. startling agencies of destruction the product of both science and the industries and be- cause of the deplorable unpreparedness of our own country to defend itself against i President's address given at the thirty-third annual convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 2 attack, there has begun a great awakening of our people. By bringing to their minds the brilliant achievements of the member- ship of this institute in electric lighting and power and communications and by calling their attention to the manifold achievements of the members of our sister societies in mechanical and mining and civil engineering, and the accomplishments of our fellow-workers, the industrial chemists, they are being aroused to the vital impor- tance of the products of science in the na- tional defense. Arising out of this agitation comes a growing appreciation of the importance of industrial scientific research, not only as an aid to military defense but as an essential part of every industry in time of peace. Industrial research, conducted in accord- ance with the principles of science, is no new thing in America. The department which is under my charge, founded nearly forty years ago to develop, with the aid of scientific men, the telephone art, has grown from small beginnings with but a few workers to a great institution employing hundreds of scientists and engineers, and it is generally acknowledged that it is largely owing to the industrial research thus conducted that the telephone achieve- ments and developments in America have so greatly exceeded those of other countries. With the development of electric lighting and electric power and electric traction which came after the invention of the tele- phone, industrial scientific research labo- ratories were founded by some of the larger electrical manufacturing concerns and these have attained a world-wide reputation. While vast sums are spent annually upon industrial research in these laboratories, I can say with authority that they return to the industries each year improvements in the art which, taken all together, have a value many times greater than the total cost of their production. Money expended in properly directed industrial research, conducted on scientific principles, is sure to bring to the industries a most generous return. While many concerns in America now have well organized industrial research laboratories, particularly those engaged in metallurgy and dependent upon chemical processes, the manufacturers of our coun- try as a whole have not yet learned of the benefits of industrial scientific research and how to avail themselves of it. I consider that it is the high duty of our institute and of every member composing- it, and that a similar duty rests upon all other engineering and scientific bodies in America, to impress upon the manufac- turers of the United States the wonderful possibilities of economies in their processes, and improvements in their products which are opened up by the discoveries in science. The way to realize these possibilities i through the medium of industrial research conducted in accordance with scientific- principles. Once it is made clear to our manufacturers that industrial research pays, they will be sure to call to their aid men of scientific training to investigate their technical problems and to improve their processes. Those who are the first to avail themselves of the benefits of indus- trial research will obtain such a lead over their competitors that we may look forward to the time when the advantages of indus- trial research will be recognized by all. Industrial scientific research departments can reach their highest development in those concerns doing the largest amount of business. While instances are not want- ing where the large growth of the institu- tion is the direct result of the care which is bestowed upon industrial research at a time when it was but a small concern, . nevertheless conditions to-day are such that without cooperation among themselves the small concerns can not have the full benefits of industrial research, for no one among them is sufficiently strong to maintain the necessary staff and laboratories. Once the vital importance of this subject is appre- ciated by the small manufacturers many solutions of the problem will promptly ap- pear. One of these is for the manufacturer to take his problem to one of the industrial research laboratories already established for the purpose of serving those who can not afford a laboratory of their own. Other manufacturers doing the same, the financial encouragement received would enable the laboratories to extend and improve their facilities so that each of the small manu- facturers who patronizes them would in course of time have the benefit of an insti- tution similar to those maintained by our largest industrial concerns. Thus, in accordance with the law of supply and demand, the small manufac- turer may obtain the benefits of industrial research in the highest degree and the burden upon each manufacturer would be only in accordance with the use he made of it, and the entire cost of the laboratories would thus be borne by the industries as a whole, where the charge properly belongs. Many other projects are now being con- sidered for the establishment of industrial research laboratories for those concerns which can not afford laboratories of their own, and in some of these cases the possible relation of these laboratories to our tech- nical and engineering schools is being earn- estly studied. Until the manufacturers themselves are aroused to the necessity of action in the matter of industrial research there is no plan which can be devised that will result in the general establishment of research laboratories for the industries. But once their need is felt and their value appreci- ated and the demand for research facilities is put forth by the manufacturers them- selves, research laboratories will spring up in all our great centers of industrial activ- ity. Their number and character and size, and their method of operation and their relation to the technical and engineering schools, and the method of their working with the different industries, are all mat- ters which involve many interesting prob- lems problems which I am sure will be solved as they present themselves and when their nature has been clearly apprehended. In the present state of the world's devel- opment there is nothing which can do more to advance American industries than the adoption by our manufacturers generally of industrial research conducted on scien- tific principles. I am sure that if they can be made to appreciate the force of this state- ment, our manufacturers will rise to the G occasion with all that energy and enterprise so characteristic of America, So much has already been said and so much remains to be said urging upon us the importance of scientific research conducted for the sake of utility and for increasing the convenience and comfort of mankind, that there is danger of losing sight of another form of research which has for its primary object none of these things. I refer to pure scientific research. In the minds of many there is confusion between industrial scientific research and this purely scientific research, particularly as the industrial research involves the use of advanced scientific methods and calls for the highest degree of scientific attainment. The confusion is worse because the same scientific principles and methods of inves- tigation are frequently employed in each case and even the subject-matter under in- vestigation may sometimes be identical. The misunderstanding arises from con- sidering only the subject-matter of the two classes of research. The distinction is to be found not in the subject-matter of the research, but in the motive. The electrical engineer, let us say, find- ing a new and unexplained difficulty in the working of electric lamps, subjects the phe- nomenon observed to a process of inquiry employing scientific methods, with a view to removing from the lamps an objection- able characteristic. The pure scientist at the same time investigates in precisely the same manner the same phenomenon, but with the purpose of obtaining an explana- tion of a physical occurrence, the nature of which can not be explained by known facts. Although these two researches are con- ducted in exactly the same manner, the one nevertheless comes under the head of indus- trial research and the other belongs to the domain of pure science. In the last anal- ysis the distinction between pure scientific research and industrial scientific research is one of motive. Industrial research is al- ways conducted with the purpose of accom- plishing some utilitarian end. Pure scien- tific research is conducted with a philo- sophic purpose, for the discovery of truth, and for the advancement of the boundaries of human knowledge. The investigator in pure science may be likened to the explorer who discovers new continents or islands or hitherto unknown territory. He is continually seeking to ex- tend the boundaries of knowledge. The investigator in industrial research may be compared to the pioneers who survey the newly discovered territory in the endeavor to locate its mineral resources, determine the extent of its forests, and the location of its arable land, and who in other ways precede the settlers and prepare for their occupation of the new country. The work of the pure scientists is con- ducted without any utilitarian motive, for, as Huxley says, "that which stirs their pulses is the love of knowledge and the joy of discovery of the causes of things sung by the old poet the supreme delight of ex- tending the realm of law and order ever farther towards the unattainable goals of the infinitely great and the infinitely small, between which our little race of life is run." "While a single discovery in pure science when considered with reference to 8 any particular branch of industry may not appear to be of appreciable benefit, yet when interpreted by the industrial scien- tist, with whom I class the engineer and the industrial chemist, and when adapted to practical uses by them, the contributions of pure science as a whole become of incal- culable value to all the industries. I do not say this because a new incentive is necessary for the pure scientist, for in him there must be some of the divine spark and for him there is no higher motive than the search for the truth itself. But surely this motive must be intensified by the knowledge that when the search is re- warded there is sure to be found, sooner or later, in the truth which has been discov- ered, the seeds of future great inventions which will increase the comfort and con- venience and alleviate the sufferings of mankind. By all who study the subject, it will be found that while the discoveries of the pure scientist are of the greatest importance to the higher interests of mankind, their prac- tical benefits, though certain, are usually indirect, intangible or remote. Pure scien- tific research unlike industrial scientific re- search can not support itself by direct pecuniary returns from its discoveries. The practical benefits which may be im- mediately and directly traced to industrial research, when it is properly conducted, are so great that when their importance is more generally recognized industrial re- search will not lack the most generous en- couragement and support. Indeed, unless industrial research abundantly supports itself it will have failed of its purpose. 9 But who is to support the researches of the pure scientist, and who is to furnish him with encouragement and assistance to pur- sue his self-sacrificing and arduous quest for that truth which is certain as time goes on to bring in its train so many blessings to mankind? Who is to furnish the labo- ratories, the funds for apparatus and for traveling and for foreign study ? Because of the extraordinary practical results which have been attained by scien- tifically trained men working in the indus- trial laboratories and because of the limited and narrow conditions under which many scientific investigators have some- times been compelled to work in univer- sities, it has been suggested that perhaps the theater of scientific research might be shifted from the university to the great industrial laboratories which have already grown up or to the even greater ones which the future is bound to bring forth. But we can dismiss this suggestion as being un- worthy. Organizations and institutions of many kinds are engaged in pure scientific re- search and they should receive every en- couragement, but the natural home of pure science and of pure scientific research is to be found in the university, from which it can not pass. It is a high function of the universities to make advances in science, to test new scientific discoveries and to place their stamp of truth upon those which are found to be pure. In this way only can they determine what shall be taught as scientific truth to those who, relying upon their authority, come to them for knowledge and believe what they teach. 10 Instead of abdicating in their favor, may not our universities, stimulated by the won- derful achievements of these industrial laboratories, find a way to advance the con- duct of their own pure scientific research, the grand responsibility for which rests upon them. This responsibility should now be felt more heavily than ever by our American universities, not only because the tragedy of the great war has caused the destruction of European institutions of learning, but because even a worse thing has happened. So great have been the fatalities of the war that the universities of the old world hardly dare to count their dead. But what can the American universities do, for they, like the pure scientists, are not engaged in a lucrative occupation. Universities are not money-making institu- tions, and what can be done without money ? There is much that can be done without money. The most important and most fun- damental factor in scientific research is the mind of a man suitably endowed by nature. Unless the scientific investigator has the proper genius for his work, no amount of financial assistance, no apparatus or labo- ratories, however complete, and no foreign travel and study, however extensive, will en- able such a mind to discover new truths or to inspire others to do so. Judgment and appreciation and insight into character on the part of the responsible university authorities must be applied to the problem, so that when the man with the required mental attributes does appear he may be appreciated as early in his career as pos- sible. This is a very difficult thing to do 11 indeed. Any one can recognize such a man after his great achievements have become known to all the world, but I sometimes think that one who can select early a man who has within him the making of the scien- tific discoverer must have been himself fired with a little of the divine spark. Such surely was the case with Sir Humphry Davy, himself a great discoverer, who, realizing the fundamental importance of the man in scientific discovery, once said that Michael Faraday, whose genius he was prompt to recognize, constituted his greatest discovery. I can furnish no formula for the identi- fication of budding genius and I have no ready-made plan to lay before the univer- sities for the advancement of pure scien- tific research. But as a representative of engineering and industrial research, having testified to the great value of pure scientific research, I venture to suggest that the uni- versity authorities themselves might well consider the immense debt which engineer- ing and the industries and transportation and communications and commerce owe to pure science, and to express the hope that the importance of pure scientific research will be more fully appreciated both within the university and without, for then will come and then only that sympathetic appreciation and generous financial sup- port so much needed for the advancement of pure scientific research in America. While there are many things and most important things which the universities can do to aid pure science without the em- ployment of large sums of money, there are nevertheless a great many things re- 12 quired in the conduct of pure scientific re- search which can be done only with the aid of money. The first of these I think is this : When a master scientist does appear and has made himself known by his discoveries, then he should be provided with all of the resources and facilities and assistants that he can effectively employ, so that the range of his genius will in no way be restricted for the want of anything which money can provide. Every reasonable and even generous pro- vision should be made for all workers in pure science, even though their reputations have not yet become great by their dis- coveries, for it should be remembered that the road to great discoveries is long and discouraging and that for one great achieve- ment in science we must expect numberless failures. I would not restrict these workers in pure science to our great universities, for I be- lieve that they should be located also at our technical schools, even at those with the most practical aims. In such schools the influence of a discoverer in science would serve as a balance to the practical curric- ulum and familiarize the student with the high ideals of the pure scientist and with his rigorous methods of investigation. Furthermore, the time has come when our technical schools must supply in largely increasing numbers men thoroughly grounded in the scientific method of inves- tigation for the work of industrial research. Even the engineering student, who has no thoughts of industrial research, will profit by his association with the work of the pure scientist, for if he expects ever to 13 tread the higher walks of the engineering profession he must be qualified to investi- gate new problems in engineering and de- vise methods for their solution and for such work a knowledge of the logical proc- esses of the pure scientist and his rigorous methods of analyzing and weighing evi- dence in his scrupulous search for the truth will be of the greatest value. Furthermore, the engineering student should be taught to appreciate the ultimate great practical importance of the results of pure scientific investigation and to real- ize that pure science furnishes to engineer- ing the raw material, so to speak, which he must work into useful forms. He should be taught that after graduation it will be most helpful to him and even necessary, if he is to be a leader, to watch with care the work of the pure scientist and to scrutinize the reports of new scientific discoveries to see what they may contain that can be ap- plied to useful purposes and more particu- larly to problems of his own which require solution. There are many unsolved prob- lems in applied science, to-day, which are insoluble in the present state of our knowl- edge, but I am sure that in the future, as has so often happened in the past, these problems will find a ready solution in the light of pure scientific discoveries yet to be made. When thus regarded the work of the pure scientist should be followed with most intense interest by all of those en- gaged in the application of science to in- dustrial purposes. Acquaintance, there- fore with the pure scientist, with his meth- ods and results, is of great importance to the student of applied science. I believe that there is need of a better understand- 14 ing of the relations between the pure scien- tist and the applied scientist and that this understanding would be greatly helped by a closer association between the pure scien- tist and the students in the technical schools. While I have drawn a valid distinction between the work of the two, they never- theless have much in common. Both are concerned with the truth of things, one to discover new truths and the other to apply these truths to the uses of man. While the object of the engineer is to produce from scientific discoveries useful results, these results are for the benefit of others. They are dedicated to the use of mankind and, as is the case with the pure scientist, they should not be confused with the pecuniary compensation which the engineer himself may receive for his work for this compen- sation is slight, often infinitesimally so, compared with the great benefits received by others. Like the worker in pure science, the engineer finds inspiration in the desire for achievement and his real reward is found in the knowledge of the benefits which others receive from his work. There are many other things which might be discussed concerning the conduct of pure scientific research in our universi- ties and technical schools, but enough has been said to make it plain that I believe suh work should be greatly extended in all of our American universities and tech- nical institutions. But where are the uni- versities to obtain the money necessary for the carrying out of a grand scheme of sci- entific research? It should come from those generous and public-spirited men and women who desire to dispose of their 15 wealth in a manner well calculated to ad- vance the welfare of mankind, and it should come from the industries them- selves, which owe such a heavy debt to sci- ence. While it can not be shown that the contribution of any one manufacturer or corporation to a particular purely scien- tific research will bring any return to the contributor or to others, it is certain that contributions by the manufacturers in gen- eral and by the industrial corporations to pure scientific research, as a whole, will in the long run bring manifold returns through the medium of industrial research conducted in the rich and virgin territory discovered by the scientific explorer. It was Michael Faraday, one of the greatest of the workers in pure science, who in the last century discovered the principle of the dynamo electric machine. Without a knowledge of this principle dis- covered by Faraday the whole art of elec- trical engineering as we know it to-day could not exist and civilization would have been deprived of those inestimable benefits which have resulted from the work of the members of this institute. Not only Faraday in England, but Joseph Henry in our own country and scores of other workers in pure science have laid the foundations upon which the elec- trical engineer has reared such a magnifi- cent structure. What is true of the electrical art is also true of all the other arts and applied sci- ences. They are all based upon fundamen- tal discoveries made by workers in pure science, who were seeking only to discover the laws of nature and extend the realm of human knowledge. 16 By every means in our power, therefore, let us show our appreciation of pure sci- ence and let us forward the work of the pure scientists, for they are the advance guard of civilization. They point the way which we must follow. Let us arouse the people of our country to the wonderful possibilities of scientific discovery and to the responsibility to support it which rests upon them and I am sure that they will respond generously and effectively. Then I am confident that in the future the mem- bers of this institute, together with their colleagues in all of the other branches of engineering and applied science, as well as the physician and surgeon, by utilizing the discoveries of pure science yet to be made, will develop without number marvelous new agencies for the comfort and convenience of man and for the alleviation of human suffering. These, gentlemen, are some of the considerations which have led me here in my presidential address to urge upon you the importance of a proper under- standing of the relations between pure sci- ence and industrial research. J. J. CABTY Bulletin of the National Research Council Volume i Number i. The national importance of scientific and industrial re- search. By George Kllery Hale and others. October, 1919. Pages 43. Price 50 cents. Number 2. Research laboratories in industrial establishments of the United States of America. Compiled by Alfred D. Flinn. March, 1920. Pages 85. Price $1.00. Number 3. Periodical bibliographies and abstracts for the scientific and technological journals of the world. Compiled by R. Cobb. June, 1920. Pages 24. Price 40 cents. Number 4. North American forest research. Compiled by the Com- mittee on American Forest Research, Society of American Foresters. August, 1920. Pages 146. Price $2.00. Number 5. The quantum theory. By Edwin P. Adams. October, 1920. Pages 81. Price $1.00. Number 6. Data relating to X-ray spectra. By William Duane. Pages 26. Price 50 cents. Number 7. Intensity of emission of X-rays and their reflection from crystals. By Bergen Davis. Problems of X-ray emission. By David L. Webster. (In press.) Number 8. Intellectual and educational status of the medical pro- fession as represented in the United States Army. By Margaret V. Cobb and Robert M. Yerkes. (In press.) Volume 2 Number 9. Funds available in the United States of America for the support of scientific research. Compiled by Callie Hull. (In press.) Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council Number i. Report of the Patent Committee of the National Research Council. Presented for the Committee by L. H. Baekeland, Acting Chairman. February, 1919. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. Number 2. Report of the Psychology Committee of the National Research Council. Presented for the Committee by Robert M. Yerkes, Chairman. March, 1919. Pages 51. Price 60 cents. Number 3. Refractory materials as a field for research. By Edward W. Washburn. January, 1919. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. Number 4. Industrial research. By F. B. Jewett. 1918. Pages 16. Price 25 cents. Number 5. Some problems of sidereal astronomy. By Henry N. Russell. October, 1919. Pages 26. Price 30 cents. Number 6. The development of research in the United States. By James Rowland Angell. November, 1919. Pages 13. Price 25 cents. Number 7. The larger opportunities for research on the relations of solar and terrestrial radiation. By C. G. Abbot. February, 1920. Pages 14. Price 20 cents. Number 8. Science and the industries. By John J. Carty. February, 1920. Pages 16. Price 25 cents. Number 9. A reading list on scientific and industrial research and the service of the chemist to industry. By Clarence Jay West. April, 1920. Pages 45. Price 50 cents. Number 10. Report on the organization of the International Astronomi- cal Union. Presented for the American Section, International Astronomical Union, by W. W. Campbell, Chairman, and Joel Stebbins, Secretary. June, 1920. Pages 48. Price 50 cents. Number n. A survey of research problems in geophysics. Prepared by Chairmen of Sections of the American Geophysical Union. (In press.) . Number 12. Doctorates conferred in the sciences in 1920 by American universities. Compiled by Gallic Hull. November, 1920. Pages 9. Price 20 cents. Number 13. Research problems in colloid chemistry. By Wilder D. Bancroft. (In press.) Number 14. The relation of pure science to industrial research. By John J. Carty. October, 1916. Pages 16. Price 20 cents.