UC-NRLF THE SPLENDID LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES . MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY 1 9-20 GIFT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION Matthews' Modern Book Binding Reduced facsimile of an exhibition binding by Smith [No. 690] ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23ao STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE THE SPLENDID LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN AT 3:00 AND 8:00 P.M. OF THE AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 28TH, 29TH AND SOra, 1920 AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY IST, AT 3:00 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES x V- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF EARLY ENGLISH AND LATER LITERATURE MAINLY IN FIRST EDITIONS AMERICANA AND FRENCH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS BEAUTIFUL BINDINGS BY FAMOUS MASTERS THE SPLENDID LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN AT 3:00 AND 8:00 P.M. OF THE AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 28TH, 29TH AND SOra, 1920 AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY IST, AT 3:00 P.M. THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY air PREFATORY NOTE The Library of the late Edwin B. Holden contains many rare and import- ant items of English, French and American Literature, from the time of Shakespeare until the latter part of the Nineteenth Century; as well as fine examples of 16th and 17th century presses; Privately Printed, Press and Club Publications of the Nineteenth Century ; Charming French Illustrated Books ; and Notable Americana. Many of the books are beautifully bound by Famous Masters of the last century ; while all the volumes have Mr. Holden's bookplate. The discriminating taste displayed by Mr. Holden in the selection of his books, combined with the elegance of many of the bindings and the importance of the works, makes this collection one of great interest to the Collector, Stu- dent, Librarian and Bookseller. As an illustration of the extent and importance of the field covered, the following Resume is given, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CLASSICS Among the more notable books of this period are, Six examples from the ALDUS PRESS at Venice, 1499-1545, including a fine copy of the First Edition of the Hynerotomachia Poliphili; Six books from the PLANTIX PRESS at Antwerp, 1565-1629; Seven examples of ELZEVIER IMPRINTS; Lid- gate's Translation of The Tragedies of Boccaccio, 1553 ; Expositione di frate Hieromyno de Ferrara, 1496, printed in Florence, while Savonarola was still a power in the city; Die geuerlicheiten . . . herr TEWRDANNCKH, Nuremberg, 1517; and others. EARLY ENGLISH AND ELIZABETHAN LITERATURE Some of the more important items of this period include, BENLOWE'S Theophila, a First Edition of a rare volume of poetry; The original edition of BUTLER'S Hudibras, 1663-1664; First Edition of DRYDEN'S Hind and Panther, 1687; Fine copy of the Best Edition of DRAYTON'S Poems, 1619; First Edition of JOHN DONNE'S Poems, 1633, and a fine copy of his Death's Duell, 1632; First Edition of FLETCHER'S The Purple Island, 1633 ; A Eare volume contain- ing some of the works of GEORGE GASCOIGNE, including The Steele Glas, 1576 ; Fine copy of the First Complete Edition of HABINGTON'S Castara, 1640; First Edition of HAYWARD'S The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henry the llll, 1599; also a First Edition of his The' Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt, 1599; First Edition of HERRICK'S Hesperides, 1648; First Edition of HEYWOOD'S The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells, 1635 ; Fine copy of the EARL or LEICESTER'S Commonwealth, 1641; The rare First Issue of MARSTON'S Parasitaster, 1606 ; An Important Collection of First Editions by JOHN MILTON, including, Poems, 1645; Paradise Lost, 1667, and THOMAS HOLLIS'" copy of the Works of Milton, 1753; Mirrour of Magistrates, 1610; MONTAIGNE'S Essayes, First Edition, 1603; First Edition of RANDOLPH'S Poems, 1638; The SECOND and FOURTH FOLIOS OF SHAKESPEARE, 1632-1685, the latter an exceptionally fine copy; First Edition of SHIRLEY'S Six New Playes, 1652; First Folio 'Edition of SPENSER'S Faerie Queen, 1609, and the First Collected Edition of the same, 1611; SUCKLING'S Fragments Aurea, First Edition/ Io46; First Edition'- of- SYLVESTER'S Lachrimae Lachrimarum, 1612; TAYLOR'S A Verry Merry Wherry-Ferry-Voyage, 1622; The First English treatise on Drawing and Painting The Arte of Limming, by TOTTILLE, 1573 ; First Edition of WITHER 's Britain's Remembrancer, 1628 ; and others of note. ENGLISH FIRST EDITIONS OF THE i8th AND igth CENTURIES This Collection is unusually rich in items of this period, including some of great rarity, and a number of PRESENTATION COPIES. Among some of the more important are the following, A Collected Set of the Works of MATTHEW ARNOLD, 46 vols., and the rare original issue of his Aloric ai Rome, 1840; Several Works by ELIZABETH BARRETT and EGBERT BROWNING, including the First Issue of Mrs. Browning's Sonnets, 1847, and her Two Poems, 1854; COLLINS' Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects, 1747; DE QUINCEY'S Opium Eater, 1822 ; Fine Collected Sets of the Works of AUSTIN DOBSON, 1884'-1895; Several First Editions of GEORGE ELIOT, including Scenes of Clerical Life, 1858; Several Issues of FITZGERALD'S Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, including the Rare First Edition, 1859, also First Editions of his Salaman and Absal, 1856, and The Downfall and Death of King (Edipus, 1880-81 ; A number of First Editions by OLIVER GOLDSMITH, including a fine copy of Tke Vicar of WaJcefield, 1766; An important Collection of First Edi- tions by RUDTABD KIPLING, including, Quartette, 1885, Departmental Ditties, ]S86, Letters of Marque, 1891, a number of the Rare "Allahahab" imprints, and others; First Editions of LAMB'S John Woodvil, 1802, The Adventures of Ulysses, 1808., Mrs. Leicester's School. 1809, and others; A Number of First Editions by ANDREW LANG ; Important items by GEORGE MEREDITH, including a Presentation copi/ of Poems, 1851 ; Author's Presentation Copy of the Works of Alexander Pope, 1717; First Edition of DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI'S Germ, 1850, and the Privately Printed Issue of his Sister Helen, 1857; Fine copy of SHELLEY'S The Cenci, 1819; Several First Editions by RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, including a fine copy of The School for Scandal, 1781; Fine copy of LAURENCE'S STERNE'S A Sentimental Journey, 1768; Over 40 First Editions by ROBERT Louis STEVENSON, including, a Presentation copy of An Inland Voyage, 1878; A Highly Important Collection (50 items) of First Editions by ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE, comprising an almost complete set of this author's First Editions and including many of the rarer items; A number of important First Editions by ALFRED TENNYSON, and W. M. THACKERAY, the latter in the original parts. FIRST EDITIONS OF AMERICAN AUTHORS Among some of the more important items mention may be made of, EMERSON'S May-Day, 1867, a Presentation Copy; FIELD'S Holy Cross, 1893, a Presentation Japan Paper Copy; Fine copy of IRVING'S History of New York, 1809; Beautifully Bound copies of LONGFELLOW'S Voices of the Night, 1839 and The Belfry "of Bruges, 1846, also Lowell's copy of Noel, 1867; LOWELL'S Class Poem, 1838, the rare Separate Issue of Mason and Slide!, 1862, and a Presentation copy of Am,ong My Books, 1870, to Lord Coleridge; Presen- tation Copy of MARIA LOWELL'S Poems, 1855; Several First Editions of EDGAR ALLAN POE and JAMES MC^EILL WHISTLER; Fine copy of WALT WHITMAN'S Leaves of Grass, 1855 ; and others. AUTHOR'S ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS AND LETTERS There are several important Manuscripts and Letters in the Holden Col- lection, including, Two fine letters by ELIZABETH BAKEETT BROWNING; A WASHINGTON IRVING MANUSCRIPT of 100 pages of his Trip in the Scottish Highlands, 1807; The Original Manuscript of LOWELL'S Class Poem, 1838, and an important series of letters by Lowell to Edgar Allan Poe, relative to The Pioneer and The Stylus; Fine Manuscript Diary of JOHN HOWARD PAYNE; Original Manuscript of ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE'S Masque of Queen Bersabe; and, Original manuscript poem The Hill of Venus, by WILLIAM MORRIS. FRENCH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS Les Amours Pastorales de Caphnis et de Chloe, par LONGUS, 1757; First Edition of IMBERT'S Le Judgement de Paris, 1772, with the beautiful Moreau plates; BERQUIN'S Idylles, First Edition, 1775; L' Effort, par EDMOND HARAU- COURT, in a beautiful binding by Euban; Letters d'lleloise et d'Abailard, 1796; LA FONTAINE'S Conies et Nouvelles en Vers, 1762 ; HOUSSAYE'S Aspasie, Cleo- patre Theodora, 1899, the beautiful "Societe des Amis des Livre" issue, in a handsome binding, and many others. MINIATURE BOOKS This collection is one of the most important ever offered at Public Sale in America. It comprises nearly fifty different items, including several of the fine French publications of the 18th and 19th centuries, among them being, Phcedri Fabulae, 1729, the first miniature book printed in Paris; Fine set of the 12 AlmanacJcs-Calandrier de tous les Saints; DIDOT'S famous miniature edition of Horace, 1828; Fine copy of the Fables of La Fontaine, 1850; and others, including The English Bijou Almanack for 1837 and 1842, and a vellum copy of Pickering's Ilias et Odysseus, 1831. Many of the above are charmingly illustrated with engraved plates. CLUB PUBLICATIONS The 'publications of some of the more important Book Clubs are repre- sented in Mr. Holden's Library. One of the special features of this section to which we wish to call attention, is the collection of books published under the direction of the GROLIER CLUB of New York, which comprises an almost complete set of the Club's publications, a number of which are beautifully bound in handsome morocco bindings by Masters of their art. Other Club Publications include those of the CAXTON CLUB, CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES and THE ROWFANT CLUB. PRIVATELY PRINTED AND SPECIAL PRESS BOOKS Many of the Elegantly Printed Works of WILLIAM LORING ANDREWS are represented in this collection; as well as books from the DANIEL PRESS, VALE PRESS, RIVERSIDE PRESS, and MERRYMOUNT PRESS. Mr. Holden's Collection of KELMSCOTT PUBLICATIONS is almost complete, and includes copies of the celebrated Chaucer, and Shakespeare's Poems. "The Publications of this Press are the most magnificent specimens of the typo- graphic art that any country has ever produced, and stand for all that is luxurious, artistic and beautiful." AMERICANA Among some of the more notable items attention is called to the follow- ing, ADAMS'" Defence of the Constitutional Government of the United States, 1787, a Presentation copy from Thomas Jefferson to President Monroe; HUBLEY'S History of the American Revolution, 1805 ; BOUQUET'S Account of the Expedition Against the Ohio Indians, the Original Edition, 1765; The Eare FIRST REVOLUTIONARY CENSUS OF CONNECTICUT, 1774; Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union Between the States, 1777 ; BANKINGS Military Collections and Remarks, New York, Gaine, 1777; Fine Copy of "Cato Major," printed by FRANKLIN in 1744, also by the same printer, A Treaty held at Lancaster with the Indians of the Six Nations, 1744; HORACE WALPOLE'S copy of Pietas at Gratulatio Collegii Cantab rigiensis, Boston, 1761 ; Eare Original Issue of The Charter of the City of New York, printed by ZENGER, in 1735; First Edition of HORSMANDEN'S Negro Plot, 1744; Original Edition of SMITH'S History of New York, 1757; The only known copy of O'BEIRNE'S Sermon, New York, 1776 ; Complete set of VALENTINE'S MANUALS ; Eare Issue of the Proceedings of Massachusetts-Bay relative to Andrew Oliver, 1770; Original Issue of PETER'S History of Connecticut, 1781; Fine copy of the First Edition of JOHN COTTON'S Bloudy Tenent, 1647 ; EAMSAY'S History of South Carolina, 1809 ; Eare Issue of the Constitution of New Jersey, 1776 ; Eare WILLIAM BRADFORD imprint of an anonymous tract on the question of the Right of the Assembly to Settle and Dispose of the Revenue Without Direction of the Governor (Eobert Hunter), New York, 1713; and others. BOOKPLATES There are several hundred bookplates, including American, English and French plates ; also a number of bibliographical works on the subject. BINDINGS A special feature of Mr. Holden's library is that covering a large portion of the boooks bound by Famous Masters of the Nineteenth Century, with a few of earlier date. Among the names found in the various volumes are those of, LEON GRUELL, CLOVIS EVE, EOGER PAYNE, EODGER DE COVERLY, EIVIERE, THE BEDFORDS, THE CLUB BINDERY, PRATT, SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER, THE DOVE'S BINDERY, CHAMBOLLE-DURU, TOUT, ZAEHNSDORF, DAVID, STIKEMAN, and CUZIN. There are also a number of Painted Bindings, and an ORIGINAL BINDING FROM GEOLIER's LIBRARY. Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days except holidays between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectnes ( S of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set 'aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days, prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB First Session, Numbers 1 to 256, inclusive WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 28th, AT 3:00 O'CLOCK 1. ABBATT (WILLIAM). Memoirs of Major-General William Heath. By himself. New edition with Illustration and Notes. Edited by Win. Abbatt. To which is added accounts of the Battle of Bunker Hill, by Gens. Dearborn, Lee and Wilkinson, 1901 ; The Crisis of the Revo- lution, being the Story of Arnold and Andre, now for the first time collected from all Sources. Illustrated from original photographs. 1899. Together, 2 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1899-1901 LARGE PAPER COPIES. Editions limited to 500 and 250 copies respectively. 2. ADAMS (HANNAH). Summary History of New England to the accept- ance of the Federal Constitution and Sketch of the American War. 8vo, smooth red morocco, gilt back, few pages soiled. Dedham, 1799 Interesting American binding of the period. 3. ADAMS (JOHN). A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut, pre- served in two levant morocco solander cases. London, 1787 A Presentation copy from Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, with autograph inscription of the former. UNIQUE in association copies, the volumes having been written by one President of the United States, and presented by another to a third. This is the ORIGINAL ISSUE. 4. ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison. 4 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, paper labels, uncut, backs faded. London, 1830 LARGE PAPER EDITION. 5. AITKEN (G. A.). Life of Eichard Steele. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1889 ; GILES' Gems from Chinese Literature. London, 1884 ; POR- TRAITS IN PLASTER, by Laurence Hutton. New York, 1894; HAR- RISON'S Myths of the Odyssey, London, 1882; and others. Together, 20 vols. various sizes and bindings. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 28th 6. AKENSIDE (MARK). The Pleasures of Imagination: a Poem. FIRST EDITION. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, lacks the half-title and has slight repairs to first three leaves. London, 1744 7. AKENSIDE (MARK). The Poems of Mark Akenside. Mezzotint portrait by E. Fisher, 1772. 4to, russia, break at hinges. London, 1772 8. ALCIATI (ANDREW). Livret des Emblemes, de maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime francoyse, & presente a mon seigneur Ladmiral de France. Woodcut on nearly every leaf. 12mo, dark-brown crushed levant morocco, the sides gilt with panel and scroll enclosing a figure of the dragon of Hell inlaid in red and green, silk linings and fly-leaves, gilt edges, BY LEON GRUEL. Paris : en la maison de Chrestien Wechel, demeurant en la rue sainct Jacques, a lescu de Basle, 1536 AN EXTREMELY RARE EDITION, the second in French (the first having been printed in 1534) ami probably the fourth of all editions. A VERY HANDSOME SPECIMEN OF GRUEL'S BINDING. 9. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Pampinea and Other Poems. FIRST EDI- TION. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1861 With a Signed Autograph Inscription of the author, to Chas. T. Briggs, on the title. 10. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 24mo, blue cloth, gilt edges, text shaken. Boston, 1865 One of the early issues of this edition, which contains nine poems now first printed. Laid in is a four-page A.L.S. by the author, to Mr. Osgood, the pub- lisher, dated, April 11, 1865, reading in part as follows, "/ have just sent the little 'vollum,' as Sam Weller would call it, to T. & F. (Ticknor & Fields) by express. If on examining the ms. you think there is not sufficient material to make a handsome 'blue and gold,' you may quietly exclaim: 'Why is this thus!' and proceed to build a plain 12mo. in Ticknor's brown than which there is n't a more elegant style when the Paper, Printing, and Poetry happen to be good. If we stick to the 'blue and gold,' do you suppose that stupid people will think it is Carleton's emaciated volume grown corpulent?" etc. 11. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Jubilee Days. An Illustrated Daily Eecord of the Humorous Features of the Worlds Peace Jubilee. Illustrations by A. Hoppin. Folio, boards, worn. Boston, 1873 Edited anonymously by T. B. Aldrich and W. D. Howells who con- tributed most of the sketches. 12. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). The Little Violinist. Square 12mo, orig- inal wrappers. Eeprinted and sold at the Fair of the Mass. Society . . . etc. 1880 FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. On the cover is written, Mr. Holden with compliments of T. H. Aldrich, 1896, in the autograph of the author. Hora qualc animale chc per la dolceefca.lo occulto dolo non per pen. dc,poftpoacndo clnaturalcbifogno.retro ad qucllamhumana nota fen ciamoracumuehementiafeftinantclauia.ioaiidai. Allaqualcquando eflercuctiuK)ragioncuolmcntJearbitraua,inaltra pane la udiua.Oue & quandoaqueUolocoproperantecragiunto.altrondcappareaeflereaffir mata. Et cufi comogli lochimutaua,(imiltnentc piu fuaue&dcle&euo' Icuoccmutauacumcoclefticonccnti, Dunquc pa qucfta inane fatica. & canto cum molella fctccorfo hauendo.me dcbilirai tanto.che apcna poteua io el laflb corpo fuftcntare. Et gli affannati fpiriri habil i non cflcn do cl corpo graucmentcaf&ricatohogimai foftenire,fi pcrcl tranfaftopa uorc, fi pcru urgcntc fetc.qualcper el longo peruagabondo indagare, & criam per Ic grauc anxictate , & per la calda hora , difefo , & relitfo dalle propn'e uirtute, altro unquantulo dcfiderando ne appetendo.fe nonadledebilitatcmembr" quicto ripofo . Mirabondo dellaccidaite cafo.ftupidodcllamclliflua.uoce.&molto piu per ritrouarme intcgio- ne incogniu & inculta , ma a(Tai amocno paefe . Oltra dc quefto.fortc me doleua.chc el liquente fbntc laborio&mcnte trouato.&cum tanto fblerte inquifito fuflc fublato &t pcrdico da gliochii mei. Per lequaletu- tccofe.ioftctti cum lanimo intricate de ambiguitare,& molto trapen- fofo.FJnalmentcpcr tanu Uflltudinecorrcpto.tutto el corpo frigefccn- COLONNA. POLIPHILI HYPNEKOTOMACHIA Reduced facsimile of page [No. 16] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 28th 13. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. Decorated borders, etc. Narrow 12mo, red vellum gilt, uncut. Boston: Riverside Press, 1896 No. 1 of the LIMITED LAKGE PAPER EDITION, and autographed and dated by Aldrich, at the end. 14. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). A Sea Turn and Other Matters. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1902 LARGE PAPER, limited to 200 copies. On the fly-leaf is Aldrich's auto- graph inscription,- Mr. E. B. Holden with the kind regards of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, October 1902. 15. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). A Collection of FIRST EDITIONS, as fol- lows, The Bells. New York, 1855 ; Daisy's Necklace. New York, 1857; The Course of True Love. New York, 1858; Ballad of Babie Bell. New York, 1859 ; Out of His Head, (original wrappers, uncut), New York, 1862 ; Poems. New York, 1863 ; Story of a Bad Boy. Boston, 1870; Marjorie Daw and Other People. Boston, 1873 ; Cloth of Gold and Other Poems. Boston, 1874; Prudence Palfrey. Bos- ton, 1874; A Midnight Fantasy and the Little Violinist. Boston, 1877; The Queen of Sheba. Boston, 1877; Baby Bell. Illustrated. Boston, 1878 ; Story of a Cat. Boston, 1879 ; The Stillwater Trag- edy. Boston, 1880; Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book, etc. Boston, 1881 ; 36 Lyrics and 12 Sonnets. Boston, 1881 ; Poems Illustrated by the Paint and Clay Club. Boston, 1882; From Ponkapog to Pesth. Boston, 1883; Mercedes and Later Lyrics. Boston, 1884; Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. Boston, 1886; Wyndham Towers. Boston, 1890; The Sisters' Tragedy. Boston, 1891; The London edition of the same. 1891 ; An Old Town by the Sea. Boston, 1893 ; Two Bites at a Cherry. Boston, 1894; Unguarded Gates. Boston, 1895 ; Judith and Holofernes. Boston, 1896 ; Later Lyrics. Boston, 1896; Ponkapog Papers. Boston, 1903; Judith of Bethulia. Bos- ton, 1904. Together, 31 vols. 12mo, original cloth or wrappers, as issued. 16. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. Colonna (Francesco). Hypnerotomachia Poli- phili, ubi humana omnia non nisi somnium esse docet . . . etc. Numerous beautiful illustrations, and with the plate illustrating the worship of Priapus unmarred. Folio, straight-grained brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges, inside leather joints, BY c. LEWIS. Venice: in aedibus Aldi Manuti, MID (1499) FIRST EDITION. Very Fine and Tall copy measuring 1214 x 8 inches. The masterpiece of Aldus' press, and famous for the beauty of the wood- cut illustrations which have been attributed to Mantegna, Raphael, Bellini and nearly all the great artists of the period, though there is a well-founded belief that they may have been executed by the anonymous "Master of the Dolphin" who illustrated other books of Aldus Manutius. [See Reproduction of Printed Page] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon., April 28th 17. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. DANTE. Le Terze Eime di Dante: L'Onferno, El Purgatorio, el Paradise. Woodcut illustrations in the preliminary commentary. Thick 12mo, brown crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. Venice : In aedibus Aldi, 1502 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST AJLDINE EDITION, AND EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. 18. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. PRIAPUS. Diversorum Veterum Poetarum in Priapum lusus. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt Aldine anchor on sides, gilt edges, BY MASSON-DEBONNELLE. Venice: Aldi et Andreaa soceri, 1517 A VERY SCARCE ALDINE IMPRINT AND THE FIRST EDITION. 19. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. BUDE (GUILLIELMI). Libri V de Asse et partib. eius post duas Parisienses impressiones ab eodem ipso Budaeo casti- gati, idq. authore lo. Grolierio Lugdunensi. 8vo, old French blue morocco gilt, gilt edges. Venice : Aldi et Andrese Asulani, 1522 Printed at the expense of Grolier to whom there is a dedication by the printers. Grolier gave minute directions how it was to be printed. It may be assumed that this book was the size, and style in which the famous collector considered books ought to be produced. 20. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. PETRARCH (FRANCESCO). II Petrarca. Aldine anchor on title. 12mo, brown crushed levant morocco, the sides and back decorated with mosaic in interlacing strap work of black levant outlined in gold, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY CAPE. Venice: eredi d'Aldo Eomano e di Andrea Asolano, 1533 VERY SCARCE, and a very handsomely bound copy. 21. ALDUS' VENICE PRESS. Bernardini Parthenii Foroivliensis pro Lingua Latina oratio. Small 4to, old calf. Venice : Aldi filios, 1545 22. ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. With the two Supplementary vol- umes, by J. F. Kirk. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, bindings worn. Philadelphia, 1871-1891 23. AMERICAN ENGRAVING. Thirteen wood-blocks of early 19th. century, including two by Alexander Anderson. Juvenile subjects; also 15 later blocks of initial letters. Together, 28 pieces. 24. AMERICAN ENGRAVING. Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition of Early Engraving in America (at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) Square 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1904 THE LIMITED LARGE PAPER EDITION. 25. AMERICAN POETRY. American Poems, Selected and Original. Vol I (all published). 12mo, original sheep. Litchfield [1793] The original pieces are by Timothy Dwight, William Dunlap, Richard Alsop, and Joseph Howe. PROCEEDINGS of his Majefty's Council of the Pro- vince of Maflachufeus-Bay, relative to the Dcpofmon of Andrew Oliver, Efq; Secretary of the faid Province, concerning whac pafled at Council in Confequencc of the unhappy Affair of the 5 th of March 17/0. In COUNCIL, Otioixr 4, rfjo. The General Court fitting,' ONE of the Members of the Board havine acquainted the Board tha* he had feen a Deposition figned yrWwO/ri*r, which w publi/hed in the Appendix to a Pamphlet lately printed in London ; in which Dtpofitioh divers Gentlemen of thd Council, which confifted of 8 Members then prefent, .therein faid to be convened dn the cth Day of March laft, are rcprcfcnted a having made ftich a 'Declaration to His Honor the Lieutcnant-Go- vernor, refpefling a plan formed by the People to remove theKmg a Troops and the Cbmmiflioners of the Cuftoms from the Town of Gallon, as was likely to be attended with the moft pernicious Con- fequcnccs to this Province He thereupon moved that the Board would make Enquiry of the Gentlemen of which laid Council con- fifted, what Foundation there was for fuch a reprefemation Which motion being feconded, the Board defircd faid Gentlemen, namely, Mr. Danfortb, Mr. Eruing, Mr. Hvblmrd, Mf. Graj, Mr. Ru/ell, Mr. Tjler, Mr. "Pint, and Mr. Dexter, to prepare a true btate of the Matter and lay the fame before the Board as loon as my be. JOHK COTTON, D. Secf yi THE Committee appointed by the Honorable Board on ths. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 28th 252. BOOKPLATES. Poulet-Malassis (A.). Les Ex-Libris Francais depuis leur Origine jusqu's nos Jours. Nouvelle edition, augmente. Etched portrait on china, paper and 24 plates including originals of Hugo, Manet, the De Goncourts, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in, uncut. Paris, 1875 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a few bookplates aud half a dozen or more autograph letters signed. THE AUTHOR'S OWN COPY of the limited edition with his note on the fly-leaf listing the letters and plates inserted, among them being letters of De Goncourt, Fromentin, Courbet, Manet and Rochebrun. 253. BOOKPLATES. Spenceley (J. W.). Descriptive checklist of the etched and engraved Book Plates by J. Winifred Spenceley. Notes and introduction by Pierre de Chaignon la Rose. Reproductions. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1905 One of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum paper and signed by Spenceley. 254. BOOKPLATES. Gade (John A.). Book-plates, Old and New. Illustrated. New York [1898] ; WARREN (HoN. J. LEICESTER). A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris). Illustrated. London, 1880; NACHFOLGER (ADOLPH HESS). Moderne franzosische Medaillen und Plaquetten. Illustrated. Frankfurt am Main, 1902; JOLY (L.). Album d'Ex-Libris Eares et Curieux du XVIIe au XIXe Siecle. Engraved title and plates. Paris [1895] ; [and] Ex-Libris Imagi- naires et Supposes de Personnages Celebres, Anciens et Modernes. Engraved title and plates. Paris, [1895]. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards, cloth, and original wrappers, uncut. Various places, various dates 255. BOONE (DANIEL). The Mountain Muse; Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and refined Beauty. By Daniel Bryan of Rockingham County, Virginia. 12mo, three-quar- ter crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, BY BRADSTREET'S. Harrisonburg, for the Author, 1813 256. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson, comprehending an Account of his Studies and numerous Works . . . Epistolary Corres- pondence and Original Pieces, etc. Portrait after Reynolds by Heath (foxed). 2 vols, 4to, original boards, leather backs, broken at hinges. London, 1791 FIRST EDITION. RARE. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB Second Session, Numbers 257 to 512, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 28th, AT 8; 00 O'CLOCK 257. BOUCHET (HENRI). Almanachs: Les Heures de la Parisienne; Etrennes aux Dames; etc. Each profusely illustrated by Henri Boutet with full-page dry-points and text engravings, some colored. 11 vols. 16mo, original boards or wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1887-1895 and 1899 Nine of the numbers are the limited issue" on Japan paper, signed and numbered by the etcher, and one has a small original colored drawing on the fly-leaf. 258. BOUCHOT (HENRI). The Printed Book, its History, Illustration and Adornment from the Days of Gutenberg to the Present Time. Trans- lated and enlarged by E. C. Bigmore. 118 illustrations of examples of early Typography, Printer's devices, woodcuts, etc. Tall 8vo, halt brown morocco, uncut. London, 1887 259. BOUCHOT (HENRI). The Book; its Printers, Illustrators and Binders from Gutenberg to the Present Time. With a Treatise on the Art of Collecting and Describing Early Printed Books . . . and a topographical Index of the Earliest Printing Places. Edited by H. Grevel. 172 facsimiles of early Typography, illustrations, print- ers' marks, Bindings, Borders, Initials, etc. Tall thick 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1890 Second and enlarged edition. 260. BOURDILLON (F. W.). Aucassin & Nicolette, a Love Story, edited in Old French and rendered in modern English (with Introduction Glossary, etc). 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London, 1887 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER signed by the printers, Charles Whit- tingham & Co. Laid in is the privately printed leaflet poem, "Aucassin & Nicollette," by Bourdillon. 261. BOURDILLON "(F. W.). Sursum Corda. Small 4to, vellum, uncut, and unopened. London, 1893 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER signed by Bourdillon. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 262. BRADFORD CLUB SERIES. Nos. 2 to 7 : containing the First Complete edi- tion of The Croakers by Joseph Rodman Drake and Fitz-Greene Hal- leek. 1860 ; Operations of the French Fleet under Comte de Grasse ; Anthology of New Netherland, by H. C. Murphy; Career of Her- nando de Soto.; Northern Invasion of 1780 against the Frontiers of New York, by J. B. Hough; and the Army Correspondence of Col. John Laurens, 1777-78, by William Gilmore Simms. Together, vols. royal 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1860-1867 These issues were privately printed and limited to 75 and 100 copies each, with engraved portraits and other illustrations. 263. BKADSTREET (ANNE). Poems and Prose Remains. Introduction by C. E. Norton. No. 40 of 232 copies by the Duodecimos. 1897; Jim Bludso, by John Hay. FIRST EDITION, wrappers (damaged), 1873 : Love Lore, by W. J. Linton. Appledore Press, 1895. Only 100 copies, with Autograph letter signed, 'inserted, enclosing the Poem*: Memorial edition of the Poems of Henry Timrod. Boston, 1899: Songs of Italy, by Joaquin Miller. FIRST EDITION. 1878; The North Shore Watch and other Poems, by G. E. AVoodberry. Boston, 1890. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth am! wrappers. 264. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Schollers Medley, or, an Intermixt Dis- course upon Historicall and Poeticall Relations. Small 4to, old blue calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1614 FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. 265. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Arcadian Princesse; or, the Triumph of Justice Pjescribing excellent rules of Physicke for a sicke Justice, etc. FIRST EDITION. Engrtired fi-onli^/iicci' !>>/ Mttrxlnill, a Proterva : Love-Poems of the Restoration. Together, 2 vols. square 8vo, half blue calf, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1889 The privately printed and limited editions, issued from the Chiswick Press. 315. BULLEX (A. II.). Anacreon : with Thomas Stanley's Translation. Ed- ited by A. H. Bullen. Illustrated by J. K. Weguelin, and printed in alternate pages of Greek and English text. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1893 One of 110 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 316. BULLEX (A. H.). Marston (John). The Works of John Marston. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London. 1887 317. BULWER (JOHN). Chirologia; or, the Xaturall Language of the Hand . . . whereunto is added Chironomia, or, the Art of Manuall Rhet- orike. Engraved frontispiece by Marshall and engraved half-title. 12mo, old calf. London, 1644 The engraved half-title containing a cartouche with the title 'Vlriro- tjieca" is known in only one or two copies. 318. BULWER (Jonx). Philocophus: or, The-Deafe and Dumbe Mans Friend. Exhibiting the Philosophical! verity of that subtile Art, which may inable one with an observant Eie, to Heare what any man speaks by the moving of his lips, etc. By J. B. surnamed the Chirosopher. Engraved title by Wm. Marshall. 16mo, sprinkled calf, title shaved and last leaf remargined. London, 1648 VERY SCARCE, with the rare leaf "Sense and Minde of the Frontispiece." 319. [BURKE (EDMUXD).]. A Compleat History of the Late War; or, An- nual Register of its Rise, Progress and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Illustrated with 16 maps, portraits and plans. 8vo, original calf. Dublin, 1763 VERY FINE COPY AND VERY SCARCE. The history of the French-Indian War written by Edmund Bnrke in the Annual Register of which he was then editor. Later editions have a fictitious J. Wright as author in some cases. 320. BURKE (EDMUND). Reflections on the Revolution in France. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London, 1790 FIXE UNCUT COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, especially difficult to obtain uncut. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28tJt 321. BURNET (BISHOP GILBERT). The Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c., in which an account is given of the Eise and Progress of the Civil Wars of Scotland, 1625 to 1652. Folio, old sprinkled calf, rebacked. London, 167? FIRST EDITION, with brilliant impression of the four portraits by Faithorne and White, that of Charles I by Faithorne a notable print. 322. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Engraved Portrait by Beugo after Nasmyth. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, contem- porary name of J. Gray on title. Edinburgh, for the Author, 1787 THE FIRST EDINBURGH EDITION and the second edition of Burns' Poems. J. Gray, whose name is written on the title was one of the original subscribers. A number of the satirical Poems have the names of the subjects written in. 323. BURNS (ROBERT). Letters addressed to Clarinda &c. Never before Published. 16mo, polished calf gilt, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Glasgow, 1802 The first publication of these letters.* VERY SCARCE, and said to have been suppressed. 324. BURNS (ROBERT). The Poetical Works of Robert Burns with his Life. Engravings on wood by Bewick. 2 vols. 12mo, sprinkled calf. BY LARKINS. Alnwick, printed by W. Davison [1808] The first Bewick edition of Burns. 325. BURNS (ROBERT). Selected Poems of Robert Burns. With an Introduc- tion by Andrew Lang. 8vb, green crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, gilt inside borders, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1891 No. 6 of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, printed at the Chiswick Press and signed by Whittingham. 326. BURTON (SiR RICHARD F.). The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Now first completely Englished into Verse and Aose, the Metrical Part by Capt. Richard F. Burton, and the Prose Portion by Leonard C. Smithers. Frontispiece. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1894 Limited edition for private subscribers only. 327. BURTON (ROBERT) . The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, etc. By Democritus Junior. With a Satirical Preface. A new edition, corrected and enriched. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, a little rubbed, gilt tops. Boston, 1861 Only 75 copies were printed for subscribers, at the Riverside Press. 328. BURTON (ROBERT). Anatomy of Melancholy. What it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms Prognostics and Several Cures of it. By Democritus Junior. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops, uncut, slightly rubbed. Boston, 1861 One of 75 copies printed at the Riverside Press for subscribers. One of the thick paper copies. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 329. BURTY (Pn.). Charles Meryoii, Sailor, Engraver and Etcher. A Memoir and Complete Descriptive Catalogue of his Works. Trans- lated from the French by M. B. Huish. Eoyal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, Fine Art Society, 1879 The edition consisted of 125 copies. 330. BURY (RICHARD. DE). The Philobiblon. Translated. London. 1832; The Same, translated by E. C. Thomas. London, 1888 ; BURTON'S The Book Hunter. Edinburgh, 1863; FANNY KEMBLE BUTLER'S Poems. Philadelphia, 1844; SEELEY'S Fanny Burney and her Friends. Large Paper. London, n.d. ; BANCROFT'S Miscellanies. York, 1855 ; and others. Together, 40 vols. 331. BUSHNELL (CHARLES I.). Crumbs for Antiquarians. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, green morocco, Jansenist sides, inside ribbon borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1864-1866 Privately printed Monographs (some in only 50 copies). A very rare New York item, as these historical monographs were intended for cir- culation only among the author's friends. 332. [BUSSY-KABUTIN (ROGER,, COMTE DE).] Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules. 16mo, dark-blue crushed levant morocco stamped with a decoration of crosses in gold and a centre piece of mosaic, inside borders, gilt edges, BY DE SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. A Liege, no date Two or three editions of this famous French satire were first pub- lished about 1665, of which this is one, and it is uncertain which was the original. All are extremely rare. This copy, has a Maltese Cross as sign on the title, and is paged, 1-190 and 1-68, with the Key, 3pp. following. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND. 333. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The First Part. FIRST SPURIOUS EDI- TION. 12mo, calf, gilt. London, 1663 334. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The First Part. FIRST GENUINE 12MO EDITION. London, 1663 ; Hudibras, The Second Part. FIRST GEN- UINE EDITION. London, 1664. Both the 12mo issue. 2 vols., tree calf, gilt, BY ROGER DE covERLEY. London, 1663-1664 335. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The First Part. FIRST GENUINE 8vo EDITION. London, 1663; Hudibras, the Second Part. FIRST GENU- INE EDITION. London, 1664 (front edge of title shaved) ; Hudibras, the Third and Last Part. FIRST GENUINE EDITION (second issue), London, 1678. 3 vols. small 8vo, tree calf, gilt. London, 1663-1678 336. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The Second Part. FIRST GENUINE EDITION. The 12mo issue. Original calf, binding worn but other- wise good copy. London, 1664 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 337. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The Second Part. EIEST GENUINE EDI- TION. The large 8vo issue. Old red morocco, gilt panels. The binding worn and two or three leaves with ink scribbling. London, 1664 This large 8vo issue is very rarely met with and much the scarcer of the two issues. Although in poor condition it could be cleaned and made into a good copy. 338. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. Woodcut vignettes. THE PRETTY Cms- WICK PRESS EDITION. 2 vols. 16rao, red straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY TOUT. . Chiswick: Whittingham's, 1818 339. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Hebrew Melodies. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the half title and leaves of advertisement and additional leaves. London, Murray, 1815 340. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). The Prisoner of Chillon and other Poems. 1816; The Siege of Corinth. A Poem. Parisina. A Poem. 1816; Manfred, a Dramatick Poem. 1817; Mazeppa, a Poem. 1819. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1816-1819 ALL FIRST EDITIONS, as issued. 341. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 12ino, boards, uncut, pirated copy of the first issue. London, printed for James Cawthorn, n.d. (1809) ; Cain a Mystery. Wrappers, un- cut. London, 1822. 2 vols. 12mo. 342. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Ro- maunt. (Cantos 1 and 2, with Poems). 4to, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1812; Canto the Third, 1816, in the original wrap- pers, uncut; and Canto the Fourth, in boards, uncut. 1818. ALL FIRST ISSUES. Together, 3 vols. London, 1812-1818 343. CAINE (T. HALL). Sonnets of Three Centuries: A Selection including many Examples hitherto unpublished. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1882 Only 50 copies were printed on hand-made paper. 344. CALLENDER (J. T.). The American Annual Register, or Historical Me- moirs of the United States for the Year 1796. 8vo, half straight- grain crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Philadelphia, 1797 THE EARLIEST ISSUE. FlNE COPY. 345. CALLENDER (J. T.). The History of the United States for 1796; includ- ing a Variety of Interesting Particulars relative to the Federal Gov- ernment previous to that Period. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, other edges uncut, BY MACDONALD. Philadelphia, 1797 Second and enlarged edition of the preceding, with a new title-page. This edition contains the attack on Alexander Hamilton charging him with immorality. FINE COPY. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 346. CALLEXDER (J. T.). Sketches of the History of America. 8vo, original boards, leather back, going, entirely uncut, broken at hinges. Philadelphia: From the Press of Snowdeu & McCorkle, 1798 347. CAMBEX (WILLIAM). Eemains concerning Britain, their Language, Barnes . . . etc. The Seventh Impression, much amended with many rare Antiquities never before Imprinted. Portrait of Cam- den by White. Small 8vo, original calf, rebacked. Xame written on title. London, 1674 Best Edition, and the first to contain the additions of John Philipot. the Somerset Herald. 348. CAMEO SERIES. A Chaplet from the Greek Anthology. . By Richard Gar- nett. London, 1892; Love Songs of Robert Burns, selected by Sir George Douglas; Lyrics, Retrospect and Other Poems, by A. Mary F. Robinson (Madame Darmesteter) ; A Minor Poet and other Verse, A London Plane-Ttree, by Amy Levy. Together, 6 vols. small 8vo, vellum and half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1891-1893 The limited issues (except one) of 30 copies printed on thick Japanese vellum paper. 349. CAMPIOX (THOMAS). The Works of Thomas Campion. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1889 Privately printed at the Chiswick Press and on LARGE PAPER.' limited to 120 copies. 350. CARAX D'AcHE. La Comedic du Jour sous la Republique Athenienne : Physiologies Parisiennes. Par Albert Millaud. Illustrations par Caran d'Ache. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Paris, no date 351. CAREW (THOMAS). Poems. By Thomas Carew, Esquire. One of the Gentlemen of the Privie-Chamber, and Sewer in Ordinary to His Majesty. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt on red edges. London, 1642 352. CAREW (THOMAS). The Poems and Masque of Thomas Carew. With an Introductory Memoir, an Appendix of unauthenticated Poems from Mss., Xotes and a Table of Iirst Lines. Edited by J. W. Ebsworth. Portrait on India Paper. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1893 LARGE PAPER. No. 74 of 105 copies. 353. CAREY (HEXRY). Poems on Several Occasions. The third Edition, much enlarged. Mezzotint by John Faber, bust in oval after Wors- dale. 4to, old sprinkled calf, gilt, cracked at hinges. Armorial bookplate of Sir Walter Blount. London, 1729 The best edition, containing for the first time the famous song "Sally in Our Alley." Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 354. CAREY (HENRY). The Dramatick Works of Henry Carey. FIRST EDI- TION. 4to, crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt panels and pointille tooling, gilt edges and inside borders ; BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1743 355. CAREY (MATTHEW). Carey's American Pocket Atlas: Containing the following Maps, viz. :. Map of the United States, Vermont, 1ST. Hamp- shire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York. Xew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, N. W. Territory, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, N. Carolina, Tennessee, S. Carolina, Georgia. With a Concise description of each state. 19 maps. 12mo, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Philadelphia, 179(5 Autographed on the title "Wm. Smith. 1797." The maps were engraved by W. Barker. One map backed with linen. 356. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Sartor Resartus. London, 1834; Chartism. Lon- don, 1840; Heroes and Hero Worship. London, 1841; Early Kings of Norway. London, 1875 ; and four pamphlets by the same author. FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 8 vols. Sartor Resartus is the rare first privately printed issue, and .T. Dyke* Campbell's copy. 357. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Montaigne and other Essays, chiefly Biographical. Now first collected. With Foreword by S. R. Crockett. Portrait. Royal Svo, cloth, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1897 One of 75 copies issued on LARGE PAPER. 358. CARTWRIGHT (WILLIAM). Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poem;<. The Ayres and Songs- set by Mr. Henry Lawes. Engraved portrait by Lombart. Thick 12mo, half old vellum, some lines shaved. London, 1651 FIRST EDITION, with the blanks on pages 301,' 302 and 305. 359. CASTIGLIONE (B.). The Book of the Courtier, translated by Opdycke. Portraits, etc. New York, 1903; ELVVLN'S Some Eighteenth Cen- tury Men of Letters. London, 1902; DORAN'S Habits of Men. Lon- don, 1854; CAMOEN'S Lusiad, translated by Quillinan. London, ]853; and others. Together, 15 vols. 360. CAVENDISH (GEORGE). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey. Illus- trated with portraits by Holbein. Imperial 8vo, half buckram, uncut. Boston: Riverside Press, 1905 LIMITED ISSUE. 361. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The Life of Mayster William Caxton, of the Weald of Kent; the First Printer in England. In which is given an Account of the Rise and Progress of Printing in England, during his time, till 1493. Collected by John Lewis. Portrait and plates of watermarks. Svo, three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1737 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 377. CHARLES I. Basilika : The Works of Charles I, with his Life and Martyr- dome. Engraved frontispiece (plate of Arms} by Hollar, and en- graved title ivith portrait of diaries by Ilertochs, and three folding plates by him. 2 vols. folio, old sprinkled calf, red edges. London, 1662 FINE COPT, rare in such condition. The volumes contain all of Charles's Letters and Speeches, an account of the Trial, his Declarations during the Civil War, his Life. etc. 378. CHARLES I. Engelandts Memoriael, Tot Eeuwighe Gedachtenis. En- graved portraits of Charles I and II, Cromwell, Fairfax, etc. Thick 12mo, old vellum. Amsterdam, 1649 379. CHARLES I. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum, et Casuum Tragicorum Lon- dini Publice celebratorum, etc. 16mo, crushed levant morocco, gilt top. Amsterdam, Janson, 1649 Contains the portraits and the very rare plate of "Whitehall." at the scene of the Kind's execution. 380. CHARLES I. Wotton (Sir Henry). A Panegyrick of King Charles: being Observations upon the Inclination, Life and Government of our Soveraign Lord the King. Written by Sir Henry Wotton Knight Provost of Eaton Colledg, A little before his death. Engraved por- trait of the King. 16mo, old polished calf, gilt. And printed for Richard Marriott, London, no date 381. CHARLES II. Relation en forme de Journal du Voyage et Sejour que Charles II a fait en Hollande, depuis le 25, May jusques au 2 Juin 1660. With six fine copper plates, mostly double page, including the large portrait of Charles II in armor by Van Vliet, all very soft and brilliant early impressions. Folio, old calf, binding broken. La Haye, 1660 VERY SCARCE, particularly with the plates in fine state. 382. [CHATTERTON (THOMAS).] Poems supposed to have been Written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley and others in the Fifteenth Century. With Preface, introductory Account and Glossary. 8vo, old tree calf, binding worn. London, 1777 The First Edition of the Chatterton Forgeries. 383. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Workes of our Ancient and Learned Eng- list Poet Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed. To that which was done , in the former impression thus much is now added . . . etc. Copper- plate, the "Progeny of Geffrey Chaucer," and a portrait inserted. Folio, old calf, gilt, binding broken. London : Geor. Bishop, 1602 Speght's second edition containing: for the first time Chaucer's Jack Upland against the Friars, La Priere de Nostre Dame, translations of the French and Latin phrases used by Chaucer and other additions. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 384. CHILD (FRANCIS JAMES). The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Edited by F. J. Child. 10 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston [1882-1898] LARGE PAPER copy of the limited issue. The best edited collection of the old Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland. 385. CHINA COLLECTING, ETC. China Collecting In America. By Alice Morse Earle. Illustrated. New York, 1892 ; Marks on Pottery and Porcelain. By Hooper & Phillips. London, 1902 ; Dictionnaire des Marques et Monogrammes de Graveurs. Par Duplessis et Bouchot. 3 vols. Wrappers. Paris, 1886. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth and paper. 380. CHINESE COLORED DRAWINGS. A Collection of eleven Original Colored Drawings on Rice paper, representing itinerant merchants with their wares, scenes of farm life, etc. Oblong 4to, native boards. Nineteenth Century A most attractive series, and an unusually perfect state. 387. CHINESE COLORED DRAWINGS. A Collection of four Original Colored Drawings on Rice Paper, representing Chinese women of rank, show- ing costumes worn. One of the plates torn. 4to, native binding of figured silk. Nineteenth Century 388. CHINESE COLORED DRAWINGS. A Collection of eleven Original Colored Drawings on Rice paper, representing butterflies (several on each sheet). Oblong 4to, native binding of red silk. One plate torn, one or two others have slight tear in margins. 389. CHURCHILL (CHARLES). The Rosciad and the Apology. Edited by Robert W. Lowe. 8 portraits and facsimiles. 4to., half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1891 No. 5 of 45 copies printed on Japanese vellum, with the suppressed passages for the first time restored. 390. CINCINNATI (SOCIETY OF THE). A Circular Letter addressed to the' State Societies of the Cincinnati by the General Meeting convened at Philadelphia, May 3, 1784 together with the Institution, as altered and amended. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1784 391. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By J. C. With Additions, never Before Printed. Engraved Portrait, with cards in right hand. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt edges. No place. Printed in the Year, 1657 At the end are, (With separate title, dated, 1657) "A Character of a 1 )ivrnal-Maker," By J. C., (and without title) "Cleaveland's Petition to His Highnesse the Lord Protector." 392. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By John Cleavland. With Additions never before Printed. Portrait with cards in the right hand but re- engraved and omitting the design en the back of the card. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BIND- ERY. [London:] Printed for W. Shears, 1659 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 393. CLEVELAND (JOHN). J. Cleaveland Revived: Poems, Orations and Epistles and other of his Genuine Incomparable Pieces never before publisht. Portrait as a monumental bust crowned with laurel. 12mo, old calf. London, for Xathaniel Brooke, 1059 394. CLEVELAND (Jonx). Clievelandi Vindiciae: or, Clieveland's Genuine Poems ... to which are added many never Printed before. Portrait as a divine. 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY RAMAGE. Xame in ink on title. London, 1077 395. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Clievelandi Vindiciae: or, Clieveland's Genuine Poems ... to which are added many never Printed before, with an account of the Author's Life. Portrait as a divine. 12mo, orig- inal calf. London, 1077 The same as the preceding, but a new title-page and imprint of Robert Harford instead of Nath. Brooke. 390. CLEVELAND (JOHN). The Works of Mr. John Cleveland . . . collected into one volume, with the Lffe of the Author. Portrait as a divine. 12mo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1087 397. CLOUGH (ARTHUR HUGH). The Bothie of Toper-Xa-Fuosich. A Long- Vacation Pastoral. Bound in crushed levant, retaining the original wrappers. Oxford, 1848 ; Poems. 12mo, no place, no date. Presen- tation copy from the author; Ambarvalia. Poems. By Thomas Bur- ridge and Arthur H. Clough. London, 1849; Poems, with a Memoir (by F. T. Palgrave). 1802. FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 4 vols., the last 3 vols. in cloth. 398. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Saint- Amand (Imbert de). The Last Years of Louis XV. Translated from the French. Frontispiece portrait of Madame du Barry in colors, one in plain state and two portraits of Marie Antoinette. 4to, half Holland, uncut. Boston, 1893 No. 66 of 150 copies published by the Club of Odd Volumes. 399. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition of Book-plates and Super-libros held by the Club of Odd Volumes at the Museum of Fine Arts, April 25 to June 5, 1898. Reproductions of rare plates. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1898 EDITION-DE-LUXE. printed on Japan vellum paper and limited to 61 copies. 400. CLUB or ODD VOLUMES. The Poems of Roger Wolcott, Esq., 1725. Small 4to, half roan, uncut. Boston, 1898 No. 5 of the "Early American Poetry" Series, of which only 100 copies were printed on hand-made paper. 401. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Geoffrey Chaucer. A Paper read by George Parker Winship at a Meeting of the Club of Odd Volumes of Boston, Massachusetts on the Five Hundredth Anniversary of Chaucer's Death. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1900 51 numbered copies were issued for Members. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 402. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES, Allen (Charles Dexter). A Talk on Book- plates. Small 4to, half roan, uncut. Boston, 1901 Limited to 52 copies. 403. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Hunnewell (James F.). Triumphs of Early Printing. Small 4to, half roan,, uncut. Boston, 1902 Only 68 copies printed. 404. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. New-Englands Memoriall. By Nathaniel Mor- ton. With an Introduction by Arthur Lord. 4to, half holland, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1903 No. 56 of 150 copies issued. 405. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Christian Eemick, an Early Boston Artist. A Paper read by Henry Winchester Cunningham. Thin small 4to, half roan, uncut. . Boston, 1904 No. 36 of 100 copies printed! 406. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Littlefield (G. E.). Early Schools and School- Books of New England. Illustrations. 8vo, half roan, uncut. Boston, 1904 No. 54 of 167 copies printed. 407. CLUB OF ODD* VOLUMES. Murdock (Harold). Historic of the Life and Death of Sir William Kirkaldy of Grange, Knight. Wherein is de- clared his many wise Designs and Valiant Actions, with a True Eelation of his Heroic Conduct in the Castle of Edinburgh, which he had the Honour to defend for the Queen of Scots. Now set forth from Authentic Sources. Tall 8vo, half holland, uncut. Boston, 1906 One of an edition of 114 copies. 408. CLUNI (ALEXANDER). Le Voyageur Americain ou Observations sur . 1'Etat actuel, la Culture, le Commerce des Colonies -Britannique en Amerique . . . Adressees en forme des lettres au tres honorable Comte de . . . Traduit, et augmente d'un Precis sur 1' Amerique Septentri- onale et la Eepublique des Treize-Etats Unis. Par M. J. M. Map. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrap- pers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Amsterdam, 1782 Translation of the letters of Alexandre Cluni on the state of America written at the desire of the Earl of Chatham. The additions by M. Man- drillon, the translator. SCARCE. 409. COGHLAN (MRS. MARGARET). Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan (Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe), written by herself . . . interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original sheep, broken at hinges. New York, 1795 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th -110. COLE (TIMOTHY). Old Dutch and Flemish Masters engraved by Tim- othy Cole. With Critical Notes by John C. Van Dyke and Com r ments by the Engraver. Numerous full page woodcuts. Folio, half holla nd, uncut. New York, 189-j LARGE PAPER EDITION. One of the 45 copies on hand-made paper printed at the De Vinne Press, with certificate that the Cole woodcuts were taken from the original blocks, and all thirty of the plates on China Paper. 411. COLE (TIMOTHY). Old Italian Masters, engrayed by Timothy Cole. With Historical Notes by W. J. Stillman and Brief Comment by the Engraver. Numerous full page ivoodcuts. Laid in two portfolios, cloth. The very limited issue of the 68 plates on thin Japan paper, signed by Cole and certified by the engraver. This group contains many of the most beautiful and sought for of the Cole woodcuts. 412. COLERIDGE (S. T.). The Friend": A Literary, Moral, and Political Weekly Paper, excluding Personal and Party Politics, and the Events of the Day. Conducted by S. T. Coleridge of Grasmere, Westmor- land. The original ten numbers complete, Penrith, June 1, 1809 to March 15, 1810. Bound in one vol. Tall 8vo, cloth back, uncut, small piece cut from margin of first page. [London, 1809-1810] VERY SCARCE. COMPLETE, much of this material was suppressed later. The original issue, with the Government stamp on 'the numbers. Most copies are the unsold sheets, bound and sold at a later date, and do not have the stamp. 413. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Christabel: Kubla Khan, a Vision; The Pains of Sleep. FIRST EDITION. Tall 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, the original wrappers retained, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1816 "From Southey's Library" written on the front cover. FINE COPY, with all the extra leaves dated March 1816. ' 414. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems. FIRST EDITION. Tall 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, with the half title and errata leaf. London, 1817 415. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Aids to Reflection in the Formation of a Manly Character on the Several Grounds of Prudence, Morality and Re- ligion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, loose at back. London: Pickering, 1836 416. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Early Recollections: chiefly relating to the Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, during his long residence at Bristol. By Joseph Cottle. Engraved portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, cilt edges. London, 1837 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 417. COLLINS (WILLIAM). Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Sub- jects. Engraved vignette on title by Van der Gucht. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt, BY DAVID. London, 1747 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE, being suppressed by the author. It con- tains the first publication of his most famous poem, the "Ode on the Passions." The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 418. COLLINS (WILLIAM). Oriental Eclogues. Written originally for the Entertainment of the Ladis of Tauris. And Now Translated. FIRST EDITION.- Small 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, some leaves uncut. London, 1757 419. COLONNA (FRANCESCO). The Strife of Love in a .Dream, being the Elizabethan Version of the first book of the Hypnerotomachia. A new edition, by Andrew Lang. Woodcuts after the originals. Im- perial 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1890 One of* 60 copies on LARGE PAPER. 420. COLORED PLATES, Eepton (Humphry). Odd Whims and Miscellanies. FIRST EDITION. Plates in colors. 2 vols. small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, BY TOUT. London, 1804 421. COLORED PLATES. Svinine (Paul). Sketches of Russia. 15 plates in colors and music, by Aclcermann. Tall 8vo, old half roan, rubbed,- uncut. London : Ackermann, 1814 422. COLORED PLATES. Fellowes (AV. D.). Paris, during the Interesting Month of July, 1815. A Series of Letters addressed to a Friend in London. Engraved vignette of Napoleon on the title and three color plates. Thin 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, BY WOOD. London, 1815 423. COMMON PRAYER. The Book of Common Prayer ... as revised and proposed to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 12mo, original leather, binding worn and some ink corrections in places. Philadelphia, 1786 The First or "Proposed" Book of Common Prayer of the American Episcopal Church, which was not adopted and has now become VERY SCARCE. 424. CONGRESS. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadel- phia September 5, 1774 (and) May 10, 1775. 8vo, original sheep, with both the half titles. Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, 1774- 1775 425. CONGRESS. Journals of Congress. Containing the Proceedings from Sept. 5, 1774 to Jan. 1, 1776. Philadelphia, printed and sold by R. Aitken, 1777; Journals of Congress, January 1, 1776-Jan. 1, 1777. York-Town (Pennsylvania), printed by John Dunlap, 1778. To- gether, 2 vols. Svo, original boards, leather back, impressed with Arms in gold. T\VO RARE ISSUES. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 426. CONGRESS. Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia on the Fifth of Septem- ber 1774. Philadelphia Printed, London, reprinted, 1774; [Bound with] Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, Sep. 5, 1774. London, 1775; Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fifth Con- gress . . . held at Philadelphia, May 15, 1797. Philadelphia, printed by Wm. Eoss, 1797. Robert R. Livingston's copy, with his name on title and bookplate; Acts ... of the 10th Congress of the United States (1808). Wm. Smith's copy with his name on title. Washington, 1809. Together, 3 vols. 8vo. 427. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). A Pindarique Ode humbly offer'd to the King on his taking Namure. FIRST EDITION. Small folio, half calf, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1695 428. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Mourning Muse of Alexis. A Pastoral. Lamenting the Death of our late Gracious Queen Mary of ever Blessed Memory, pp. 10, small folio, half maroon calf, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1695 FIRST EDITION, the title printed in broad black type within mourning border. 429. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Way of the World, a Comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve. FIRST EDITION. 4to, half calf, names written on 'half title. London, 1700 430. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). A Pindarique Ode, Humbly Offer'd to the Queen, on the Victorious Progress of Her- Majesty's Arms, under the Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. To which is prefix'd, A Discourse on the Pindarique Ode. FIRST EDITION. Small folio, pp. 10, half maroon calf, one leaf cut close, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1706 431. CONNECTICUT. The Right of the Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut to Claim and Hold the Lands within the Limits of their Charter Lying West of the Province of New York, Stated and Considered: in a Letter to J. H., Esq., To which is added, An Ac- count of the Purchase from the Indians of part of those lands by the Susquehannah and Delaware Companies, and their Proceedings thereon. 8vo, pp. 47, half straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Hartford, Eben Watson, 1773 EXTREMELY BARE, AND A VERY FINE UNCUT COPY. 432. CONNECTICUT. An Account of the Number of Inhabitants, in the Colony of Connecticut, January 1, 1774; Together with an Account of the Number of Inhabitants, taken January 1, 1756. Published by Order of the General Assembly. 9 pages, folio, half straight-grain morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Hartford : Printed by Ebenezer Watson, near the Great Bridge, 1774 EXTREMELY RARE. THE FIRST REVOLUTIONARY CENSUS OF CONNECTICUT. ' Second Session, Wednesday. Evening, April 28th 433. CONNECTICUT SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Lewis (Zechariah). An Oration, on the Apparent, and the Real Political Situation of the United States, pronounced before the Connecticut Society of Cincin- nati, assembled, at New-Haven, for the Celebration of American Independence, July the 4th, 1799. 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, several leaves mended and extended in margins.- New Haven : Printed by Thomas Green and Son, 1799 434. CONSTITUTION or THE UNITED STATES. The Constitutions of the Sev- eral Independent States of America, etc. Philadelphia, 1781. SCARCE; The Constitution . . . with the Amendments. New York, 1799; The Constitution according to the latest Amendments . . . and the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia. Winchester, Va., 1811. SCARCE; The Constitution, etc. Washington, 1828. To- gether, 4 vols. 12mo and 8vo. The last item is in an interesting contemporary American binding of morocco elaborately gilt. 435. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Water Witch. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1831; Sketches of Switzerland. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1836; The Moni- kins. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835; Satanstoe. 2 vols. New York, 1845; Memorial of Cooper. Portrait. New York, 1852. FIRST EDITION. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, boards, etc., worn copies. 436. COOPER (THOMAS). Some Information Respecting America, collected by Thomas Cooper, late of Manchester. Folding map. 8vo, three- quarter straight-grain crimson morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BIND- ERY. Dublin, 1794 At the end is printed Franklin's "Information to those who would remove to America." 437. CORBET (RICHARD). Poetica Stromata, or, a Collection of Sundry Peices (sic) in Poetry. Drawne by the known and approved Hand of R. C. 18mo, mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. No place, Anno 1648 The poems written in the Bishop's early years and never published by him, but collected soon after his death and printed privately in this volume. The printing was evidently not done in England. On page 58 occurs the famous reference to Shakespeare's Richard Illrd., ending, "For when he would have sayd, King Richard dyed And call'd, a horse, a horse; he, Burbidge cry'd." Valuable as showing that Richard Burbage was the original performer of Richard in Shakespeare's play. From the library of E. H. Bierstadt with his bookplate by French. A VERY RARE LITTLE VOLUME. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 438. CORNWALLYES (SiR WILLIAM). Essayes. Xewlie Corrected. London, 1632; [Bound with] Discourses upon Seneca the Tragedian, 1631. Engraved title by Cecill. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside gilt borders and edges, BY RUBAN. London, 1631-1632 The portraits on Cecill's beautifully engraved title page are supposed to represent Sir William Cormvallis and his father, Sir. Charles. 439. [CORY (W. J.).] lonica. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1858 VERY SCARCE. A pencilled note states that it is the Author's own copy having bound at the end, the second and unpaginated proof sheets of "Part II" privately printed and of various dates from I860 to 1877, which contain verbal and line alterations in pencil. 440. COSTELLO ( LOUISA STUART). The Rose Garden of Persia. FIRST EDI- TION. Illuminated in gold and colors after Persian manuscript*. Small 8vo, original hoards, broken at back, and slightly foxed. London, 1845 441. COSTELLO (LouiSA STUAET). Works of Miss Costello, author and mini- ature painter, including, Specimens of the Early Poetry of France from the Time of the Troubadours. FIRST EDITION. Plates of illuminations in colors and gold after early Miniatures. 1835; A Summer amongst the Bocages and the Vines. Plates on India Paper. 2 vols. London, 1841 ; Pilgrimage to Auvergne. 2 vols. 1842; Beam and the Pyrenees. 2 vols. 1844; Eminent English Women. 4 vols. 1844; Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut and His Times. London, 1847: Memoirs of Mary the Young Duche.-.* of Burgundy. London, 1853; Memoirs of Anne Duchess of Brit- tany. London, n.d.; Venice and the Venetians. London, n.d. Portraits and other illustrations. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, half crim- son morocco, uncut, gilt, gilt tops, BY LARKINS. London, 1835-1853 Seven of the ten titles are the First Editions. 442. COTTON (CHARLES). Scarronides : or Virgile Travestie. A Mock-Poem. Being the First Book of Virgils ^Eneis in English, Burlesque. FIRST EDITION. Square 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1664 Containing the rare preliminary leaf with the woodcut device of the Printer. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 443. COTTON (CHARLES). Poems on Several Occasions. Thick small 8vo, old leather, rebacked and title a little worn, some margins soiled. London, 1689 FIRST EDITION. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28tJi 444. COTTON (Jonx). The Bloudy Teuent, washed, and made white in the bloud of the Lamb: being discussed and discharged of bloud-guilti- nesse by just Defence, etc. whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. Wil- liams Answer, to Mr. Cotton's Letter. Small. 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. London, 1647 FIRST EDITION. EXTREMELY SCARCE. The most famous book of Un- American divine. FINE COPY. 445. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Consisting of those which were formerly Printed: and those which he design'd for the Press, now Published out of the Authors Original Copies. Fine unmarred impression of the Faithorne portrait. Folio, old calf, lettered with the name of "Mary Penny, 1738." Binding some- what worn. London, 167 2 446. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Second Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Being what was written and published by himself in his Younger Years. And now reprinted together. The Fourth Edition. Engraved frontispiece by R. White and vignette portrait on th,e title. Small folio, half crushed levant morocco and marbled boards, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDER Y. London, 1681 EXTREMELY RARE. The first edition of these poems. The copies hound with the Collected Edition 1681 being dated 1682 and having been reprinted. 447. COWPER (WILLIAM). Poems, with The Task. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt. London, 1782-1785 448. CRANE (WALTER). The Decorative Illustration of Books, Old and ISTew. Profusely illustrated with exam pies, from tlie earliest times. 8vo. three-quarters mouse colored levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1896- One of 130 copies printed *on tall Japanese vellum of which 25 were for America. 449. CRANE (WALTER). The Decorative Illustration of Books, Old and N"ew. Profusely illustrated with examples from the earliest times. 8vo. wrappers, uncut. London, 1890 Only 130 copies were printed on tall Japanese vellum, 25 of which came to America. 450. [CREVECOEUR (J. HECTOR ST. JOHN).] Letters from an American Far- mer: describing certain Provincial Situations, Manners and Customs, not generally known, and conveying some idea of the late and pres- ent Interior Circumstances of the British Colonies in North Amer- ica. A new edition with an accurate Index. Map of Nantucket. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt back. London, 1783 Sir William Hamilton's copy, with his autograph and the date "London. 1785" on the title. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 451. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Uncle Tom's Cabin. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 27 illustrations by George Cruik shank. Small 8vo, in the 13 original parts, as issued, with all the original wrappers, uncut. London, 1852 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. Extremely rare in the original parts. 452. CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). Xile Notes of a Howadji. 1851; Lotus Eating, a Summer Book. Illustrated by Kensett. 1852; The Poti- phar Papers. Illustrated by Hoppin. 1853 ; ALL FIRST EDITIONS ; Prue and I. 1857; Trumps. FIRST EDITION. 1861 ; Ars Eecte Vi- vendi, being Essays contributed to 'The Easy Chair.' New York, 1898. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. 453. DANA (RICHARD HENRY). Poems. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, original lettered boards, paper back missing. Boston, 1827 454. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Musophilus : Containing a generall defence of learn- ing. Woodcut border to title. Small 4to, old naif, gilt crest on the side. London, 1599 FIRST EDITION. Very scarce and a fine tall copy. 455. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The Works of Samuel Daniel newly augmented. Woodcut border to title. Small folio, old calf, gilt. London, 1601 THE FIRST EDITION of Daniel's works in folio, containing for the First Time the sixth book of the "Civill Warres." The issue dated like this, 1601 is extremely rare, the few copies that are known are usually presenta- tion copies from the author, and it is presumed that all copies with 1601 instead of 1602 were first issues printed for presentation purposes. This has a contemporary name "Benjamin Maddox" written on the last page. Fine, tall and clean copy with the cancel slip in "Musophilns." 456. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Certaine Small Workes heretofore divulged by Sam- . uel Daniell . . . and now againe by him corrected and augmented. 12mo, early nineteenth century* binding of light-brown straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges, BY T. RODWELL. London, 1611 457. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The Poetical Works of Mr. Samuel Daniel, author of the English History : to which is prefix'd Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 2 vols. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, edges gilt on the rough, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1718 458. DANIEL PRESS. 'Anodos.' Fancy's Following. Thin 8vo, wrappers, un- cut. Daniel, Oxford, 1896 No. 12 of 125 copies printed. 459. DANIEL PRESS. Binyon (Laurence). Poems. Thin 8vo, wrappers, un- cut. Oxford, 1895 Only 200 copies were printed. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 460. DANIEL PRESS. Bourdillon (F. W.). Ailes d'Alouette. Small 4to, crushed olive levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, gilt tops, uncnt, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Oxford, 1890 Limited to 100 copies. 461. DANIEL PRESS. Bourdillon (F. W.). Ailes d'Alouette (Second Series). Small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1902 No. 20 of 130 copies printed. 462. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Poems. Printed at the Private Press of H. Daniel, Fellow of Worcester College Oxford, 1884. Thin 4to, vellum back, uncut. Oxford, 1884 150 copies were printed. The first volume of verse of Robert Bridges, who was introduced to the public through the Daniel Press. 463. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert) . The Feast of Bacchus. Thin 4to, half vellum, uncut. ' Oxford, 1889 Privately printed in 105 copies. 464. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). The Growth of Love. 4to, boards, vellum back, uncut. [Oxford, 1890] No. 21 of 100 copies printed. 465. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Shorter Poems. 4to, crimson crushed .levant morocco, panelled with gold fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, gilt top, BY THE CLUB" BINDERY. [Oxford, 1894] Limited to 150 copies. 466. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Hymns. Thin 4to, wrappers, uncut. Oxford, H. Daniel [1899] Only 150 copies were printed. 467. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Hymns. 4to, brown crushed levant . morocco, panelled in fillet lines having corner ornaments of vases of flowers, wide inside ribbon borders, gilt top, uncut, the original wrappers retained, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. [Oxford, 1899] Only 150 copies were printed at the Daniel Press. 468. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Now in Wintry Delights. Ms. Fac- simile. Thin 4to, uncut. Oxford, 1903 469. DANIEL PRESS. Dixon (Richard Watson). Lyrical Poems. 4to, wrap- pers, uncut. Oxford, 1887 No. 79 of 105 copies printed. 470. DANIEL PRESS. Field (Michael). Noontide Branches. A small Sylvan Drama interspersed with Songs and Invocations. 4to, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1899 No. 57 of 150 copies printed. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 471. DANIEL PRESS. Filippi (Eosina). Three Japanese Plays for Children. Illustrated by Alfred Parsons. Small 4to, wrappers', uncut. Oxford, 1897 No. 59 of 125 copies." 472. DANIEL PRESS. Herrick (Eobert). Herrick, his Flowers. 12mo, wrap- pers, uncut. Printed by H. Daniel, Oxford, Christmas, 1891 Only 100 copies were printed. 473. DANIEL PRESS. Milton (John). Ode on the Morning of Christ's Xa- tivity. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1894 Edition was limited to 200 copies. 474. DANIEL PRESS. Outlines. By W. S. 12ino, vellum wrappers, uncut and unopened. . Oxford, 1899 Only 150 copies printed. 475. DANIEL PRESS. Patmore (Henry)! Poems. Thin 4to, wrappers, uncut. Printed at Oxford by Henry Daniel, 1884 No. 4 of 125 copies printed. 476. DANIEL PRESS. Sixe Jdillia. Reprinted from the Unique Copy in the Bodleian Library. Etched frontispiece. 4to, vellum, uncut. Oxford 1588 (1883) One hundred copies only were printed. All of these privately printnl books from the press of H. Daniel of Oxford are very rare particularly the above which is one of his first publications. 477. DANIEL PRESS. Warren (Herbert). By Severn Sea & Other Poems. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1897 No. 84 of 130 copies printed. 478. DANIEL PRESS. Webster (John). Love's Gradvate. A Comedy. Print- ' ed at the Private Press of H. Daniel. Small 4to, half vellum, uncut. Oxford, 1885 The edition was limited to 150 copies. The Prefatory essay by Edmund Gosse. 479. DANIEL PRESS. Woods (Margaret L.). Songs. 12mo, original wrap- pers, uncut. Oxford, 1896 The edition was limited to 200 copies. 480. DARBY (WILLIAM). A Tour from the City of New York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, 1818. The Tour extends from Xew York, by Albany, Schenectady and Utica, to Sacket's Harbor and thence through Lake Ontario, to St. Lawrence River, and down that stream to Hamilton village, etc. The Tour is accompanied with a map upon rvhich the Route will be designated; a particular Map of the Falls and River of Niagara, and the Environs of the City of Detroit. 8vo, half straight-grain crimson morocco, gilt top, the other edges entirely uncut. Xew York, For the Author, 1819 VERY RARE in such fine condition with all three of the maps. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 481. DASENT (GEOEGE WEBB). Popular Tales from the Norse, with an introductory Essays on the Origin and Diffusion of Popular Tales. 1859 ; The Story of Burnt Njal, or Life in Iceland at the End of the 10th Century, from the Icelandic of the Njals Saga. 2 vols. 1861 ; The Story of Gisli the Outlaw, from the Icelandic. Illustrated by St. John Mildmay. 1866 ; The Vikings of the Baltic, a Tale of the North in the 10th Century. 3 vols. 1875. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1859-1875 482. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Fromont Jeune et Eisler Aine. Nombreuses il- lustrations par George- Roux gravees par Froment et Hamel. Eoyal 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1894 Printed throughout on China paper and limited to 50 copies, and with additional set of 20 etchings, each in four states. 483. DAVENANT (SiR WILLIAM). Madagascar; with Other Poems. The Second Edition. 12mo, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY DAVID. London, 1648 The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 484. DAVENANT- ( SIR WILLIAM). Gondibert: an Heroick Poem. Written by S'r William D'Avenant. Square 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1651 The First Edition in 4to. VERY SCARCE. 485. DAVENANT (SiR WILLIAM)'. Gondibert: an Heroick Poem. Written by Sir Willaim D'Avenant. Woodcut on title. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1651 FIRST EDITION IN 12MO, with the preliminary leaf of errata, on the re- verse of which is written "James Boaden." With the preliminary poems, including Cowley's "To S'r Wil. D'Avenant, flnish'd before his Voyage to America." 486. DAVENANT (Sis WILLIAM). The Works of Sir William Davenant, Kt. Consisting of those which were formerly printed, and those which he designed for the Press : Now Published out of the Author's Orig- inall Copies. Fine impression of the Faithorne Portrait. Thick small folio, old calf, re-backed. London, 1673 487. DAVENPORT (CYRIL). Mezzotints. Numerous facsimiles of rare prints. Tall 8vo, cloth, uncut. "Connoisseur's Library." New York, 1903 488. DA VIES (SiR JOHN). Nosce Teipsum. This Oracle expounded in two Elegies. 1. Of Humane Knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, and the Immortalitie thereof. Newly Corrected and Amended. Wood- cut device on title. Small 4to, brown morocco, gilt, BY WINSTANLEY. London, 1602 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 489. DAVIES (SiR JOHN). Nosce Teipsum: Hymnes of Astraea in Acrosticke Verse: Orchestra, or, A Poems of Dauncing. 12mo, old brown morocco antique, blind tooled. London, 1622 THE FIRST COLLECTED EDITION of these three poems, and containing five verses in the Orchestra here first published. FINE COPY AND SCARCE. 490. DEFOE (DANIEL). Jure Divino: A Satyr. In Twelve Books. By the Author of the True-Born-Englishman. Engraved portrait ~by Van der Guclit. Folio, old panelled calf, binding worn, stain in one leaf. London, 1706 FIRST EDITION. The portrait is the first of the author to be engraved. VERY SCARCE. 491. DEFOE (DANIEL). Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Sigrior Ro- zelli, at the Hague . . . the wholle being a Series of the most divert- ing History, and surprizing Events, ever yet made publick. Done into English from the Second edition of the French. Copper en- gravings. Small 8vo, half calf. London, 1709 The Authorship has been attributed to Defoe, by some authors, but doubtfully. 492. DEFOE (DANIEL). The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Rob- inson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an un-inhabited Island of the Coast of America, etc. Written by Himself. The Second Edition. Frontispiece. Small 8vo, panelled calf, gilt, name on title. London, 1719 Laid in is the pamphlet by W. Purves, "The 'O' Edition of Robinson Crusoe." 493. DEFOE (DANIEL). Memoirs of a Cavalier; or a Military Journal of the Wars in Germany, and the Wars in England, 1632-1648. 8vo, old grey calf, blind tooled, gilt edges. London [1720] FINE CLEAN COPY INTERIORLY. 494. DEFOE (DANIEL). A New Voyage round the World, by a Course never sailed before. Being a Voyage undertaken by some Merchants, who afterwards proposed the Setting-up an East-India Company in Flan- ders. Illustrated with copper plates. Small 8vo, pigskin, blind tooled, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1725 FIRST EDITION AND FIRST ISSUE. Very fine copy and very scarce. 495. DEFOE (DANIEL). The Political History of the Devil, as well ancient as modern: In Two Parts. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, old panelled calf, breaking, name on title. London, 1726 496. DEFOE (DANIEL). Robinson Crusoe, with Life of Defoe by George Chal- mers. Plates ~by Stothard. 2 vols. tall 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, one plate supplied from a smaller copy. London, 1790 THE BEAUTIFUL STOCKDALE EDITION, in fine condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening,, April 28th 497. D'HEYLLI (GEORGES). Rachel; d'apres sa Correspondence. 4 etched portraits by Massard. Tall 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, un- cut, BY THE CLUB BINDEEY. Paris, 1882 One of 25 copies on Whatman paper, with the portraits in three states, two being proofs before letters, one on soft Japan paper. 498. DENHAM (SiR JOHN). Coopers Hill. A Poeme. Small 4to, mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. London, 1642 FIRST EDITION. Very fine copy and very scarce. The first English descriptive poem. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 499. DENHAM (SiR JOHN). Coopers Hill. A Poeme. The Second Edition with Additions. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1650 In this edition he gives his name as the author. 500. DENHAM (SiR JOHN). Poems and Translations, with the Sophy. 12mo, green straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1668 VEBY SCARCE. FINE COPY. 501. DENHAM (SiR JOHN). Poems and Translations, with the Sophy. The Fourth Edition. To which is a,dded, Cata-Major of Old Age. (With title and separate pagination.) Small 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside borders, and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1703 502. DENHAM (SiR JOHN). Poems and Translations, with the Sophy, a Tragedy, The Fifth Edition. 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1709 VERY TALL COPY, possibly LARGE PAPER. 503. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original boards, entirely uncut. Very slightly cracked at hinges. London, 1822 VERY SCARCE and an exceptionally fine copy, with the half-title. When De Quincey wrote the "Confessions" in 1822 the opium habit was of more than ten years' standing. He made several efforts to conquer it, and at one time reduced the 340 grains which he took daily to 40 grains. An attachment formed at Grasmere to a Miss Margaret Simpson was the motive for his reform. 504. DE Eoos (F. FITZGERALD). Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826. With Bemarks on the Present State of the American Navy. By Lieut, the Hon. Fitzgerald de Eoos, Eoyal Navy. Illustrated. 8vo, old blue calf, gilt, gilt edges, rubbed. London: Wm. Harrison Ainsworth, 1887 Presentation copy from the Author, with his inscription on title. The illustrations are after drawings made by the author and contain a number of unusual views, Bristol, Mass., Baltimore, New York from the Narrows, Chester, Mass., etc. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 505. DE VIGNY (ALFRED). Cinq-Mars: or, a Conspiracy under Louis XIIJ. Translated by William Hazlitt. Etchings by Gaujean. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. Boston, 1889 No. 71 of the limited edition of 200 copies. 506. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Pic- turesque Tour in France and Germany. Portraits, facsimiles, print- ers' marks, etc. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, calf, gilt fillet lines, gilt edges. London, 1821 FIRST EDITION, thick paper copy. Famous for the curious and interest- ing information on public and private libraries in France and Germany. The text illustrations are on India paper and it contains the private plate of Diana de Poictiers known as the "bare necked portrait" after Prima- taccio in both proof and lettered state. The plate was destroyed when fifty copies had been taken and very few copies contain it. Laid in Volume I, is a 4-page autograph letter from Dibdin to Renouard of Paris in which he alludes to most of the bibliographers of the day and the works they are publishing, including Earl Spencer and his own "Bibliotheca Spencerian," which he says he hopes to finish in April (1814). 507. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Pickwick Papers. Complete in the orig- inal (20 in 19) parts. Preserved in morocco solander case. London, 1837 The original issues of "The Pickwick Papers" in parts, and in first state, are almost unobtainable. Probably very few of the original buyers in its periodical form succeeded in obtaining first issues throughout. This set, like nearly all, is mixed, a few are first issues of the wrappers and plates, other parts are second issues. All covers are dated 1836 except parts 8, 10 and 18. Part 3 is without the added line "By R. W. Buss" on the cover. Parts 2, 10, 15, 17, and 18 have the address leaves. The two first plates by Phiz are the first issue with the "Nemo" signature, and part 3 has the Buss plates. Some of the advertisement leaves are lacking. 508. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. Illustrated ly Marcus Stone. Complete in the original (20) parts, with the advertisements and preserved in two morocco solander cases. London, 1865 Exceptionally good clean copy, the wrappers fresh and intact. 509. DICKENS (CHARLES). A series of illustrations to "Pickwick," comprising many rare plates, including, illustrations by Onwhyn, Pailthorpe, reproductions of the original drawings by Phiz, water-colors by Kyd, illustrations to "The Penny Pickwick," Crowquill, Buss, Heath, F. Barnard, Sibson, Wheeler, etc. A few are reprints, but mainly they are originals, some on India paper. Over 200 pieces, 8vo, or inlaid to 8vo, to extra-illustrate a copy of "The Pickwick Papers." 510. [DICKINSON (JOHN).] An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America ; with the Eesolves of the Com- mitee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to their Representatives in Assembly. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by William and Thomas Brad- ford, 1774 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 28th 511. DILLINGHAM (WILLIAM). The Commentaries of St. Francis Vere, being Divers Pieces of Service, wherein he had Command, written by him- self in way of commentary. Published by William Dillingham. En- graved portraits of Sir Horace, Sir Francis Vere, Sir John Ogle, double-page views of battle scenes, maps, etc. Small folio, old leather. Cambridge: Printed by John Field, 1657 A very fine copy ; the portraits of the Veres being among the best work of Faithorne and brilliant early impressions. 51.2. DISRAELI (ISAAC). Curiosities of Literature. With a View of the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son. 4 vols. ; Amenities of Lit- erature, a new edition edited by his son. 2 vols. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops. Cambridge, 1864 LARGE PAPER COPIES, only 100 privately printed, with the portrait on India paper, and bound by Matthews. Printed at the Riverside Press. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB Third Session, Numbers 513 to 757, inclusive THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 29th, AT 3:00 O'CLOCK 513. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Works, as follows, Thomas Bewick and His Pupils. FIRST EDITION. With 95 full-page and text illustrations. London, 1884. Edition de Luxe limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 26 ; Horace Walpole. A Memoir. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Illus- trated with full-page and text etchings by Percy and Leon Moran. New York, 1890. Edition printed throughout on Japan paper lim- ited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 28; William Hogarth. Ex- tensively illustrated, most of the plates on Japan paper. New York, 1891. Edition signed by the author limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 101 ; Eighteenth Century Vignettes. First Series. FIRST EDITION. With full-page portraits. London, 1892. Specially Illus- trated. LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 81; Eighteenth Century Vignettes. Second Series. FIRST EDITION. With full-page portraits and illustrations. London, 1894. Specially Illustrated LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 40 ; The Ballad of Beau Brocade and other Poems of the XVIIIth Century. FIRST EDITION. With 50 full-page and text illustrations, on Japan paper, by Hugh Thomson. London, 1892. LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 450 copies, of which is, No. 308; Proverbs in Porcelain. With 25 full-page illustrations, some on Japan paper, by Bernard Partridge. London, 1893. LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 24 ; Cori- don's Song and Other Verses from Various Sources. With an Intro- duction by Austin Dobson. Full-page illustrations by Hugh Thom- son. London and New York, 1894. LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 152 copies; The Story of Eosina and other Verses. Illustrations on Japan paper by Hugh Thomson. London, 1895. Edition lim- ited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 13. Together, 9 vols. royal and imperial 8vo, royal 4to, boards, cloth, half vellum, some with paper labels, all uncut. London and New York, 1884-1895 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 614. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Works, as follows, Richard Steele. FIRST EDITION. London, 1886 ; At the Sign of the Lyre. FIRST EDITION. Frontis- piece and vignette. London, 1885 ; Life of Oliver Goldsmith. FIRST EDITION. London, 1888. Extra-Illustrated with loose plates; Eight- eenth Century Vignettes. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. With full- page portraits on Japan paper. New York, 1892. LARGE PAPER Edition limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 189 ; The Same. Second Series. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. With full-page portraits and illustrations on Japan paper. New York, 1894. Edition on deckle edge paper limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 27; The Same. Third Series. FIRST EDITION. London, 1896; The Dance of Death, by Hans Holbein, with an introductory note by Austin Dobson. Vignettes and plates on Japan paper. London, 1892. Edi- tion printed throughout on Japan vellum limited to 100 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 39 ; The Little Passion of Albert Diirer, with an Introduction by Austin Dobson. Plates on Japan vellum. London, 1904. Edition printed throughout on Japan vellum limited to 75 copies, of which this is. No. 55 ; Verses Read at the Dinner of the Omar Khayyam Club. London, 1897. (2 copies). Edition lim- ited to 100 copies, of which these are, Nos. 89 and 98 respectively; Coridon's Song and other Verses from Various Sources. Illustra- trations by Hugh Thomson. London and New York, 1894; Car- mina Votiva and other Occasional Verses. London, 1901. Edition limited to 125 copies, of tvhich this is, No. 56, signed by the author; A Bibliography of Austin Dobson attempted by Francis Edwin Mur- ray. Derby, 1900. LARGE HAND-MADE PAPER EDITION limited to 10 copies for sale in America; and some other works by and edited by Dobson, including First Editions. Together, 22 vols. 12mo to 4to, various bindings, some uncut. London and New York, 1886-1901 515. DODINGTON (JOHN). The History of the Government of France, under the Administration of the Great Armand du Plessis, Cardinall and Duke of Richlieu, and Chief Minister of State in that Kingdome. Translated out of the French by J. D. Esq. Engraved portrait of Richelieu by Faithorne. Small folio, sprinkled calf, top of portrait and title a little hurt by damp. London, 1657 516. DONKIN (MAJOR). Military Collections and Remarks. Published by Major Donkin. Tall 8vo, half red morocco, entirely uncut, original paper wrappers bound in, lacks the portrait. New York: Hugh Gaine, 1777 VERY BABE, and exceedingly so in uncut state. The book is notorious for a note originally printed at the foot of page 190, to the article on "Bows" where the author suggests that if arrows were dipped in the matter of small pox and fired at the American rebels it would sooner disband these stubborn, ignorant, enthusiastic savages than any^ other compulsive measures such is their fear and dread of that disorder. note is cut out as in all copies. With the autograph on the cover of Major General Jones, whose name is in the List of Subscribers and who commanded the 62 regt. in New York at the time. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 517. DONKIN (MAJOR). Military Collections and Remarks. Published by Major Donkin. Emblematic portrait of Earl Percy engraved by Smith ers. 8vo, old calf. New York, Hugh Gaine, 1777 With the note at the foot of page 190 excised as usual. 518. DONNE (DR. JOHN). Death's Dvell, or a Consolation to the Soule, against the dying Life, and liuing Death of the Body. Deliuered before the Kings Maiesty, 1630 . . . being his last Sermon, and called by his Maiesties houshold The Doctors Owne Funerall Ser- mon. Thin small 4to, calf after the antique. London, 1632 FINE COPY with the rare leaf "A," and with an excellent impression of the extremely rare portrait of Dr. Donne in his shroud. The first of the posthumous works of Dr. Donne, preceding the poems issued in quarto. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 519. DONNE (JOHN). Poems. By J. D. With Elegies on the Authors Death. (By Izaak Walton, Thomas Carie, and others). Square 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco tooled with gilt fillet lines, inside dentelle borders and gilt edges, BY DAVID. London, 1633 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. With the two leaves "The Printer to the Understanders." A few copies have a portrait by Lombart inserted, but there is very little doubt the portrait was not issued with the book but had been taken from the "Letters" of 1651 with which it was issued. 520. DONNE (JOHN). Poems, By J. D. With Elegies on the Authors Death. Etched portrait by William Marshall with tribute by Izaak Walton. 12mo, sprinkled calf, name dated 1735 on title, binding rubbed. London, 1635 Second edition of Donne's poems. 521. DONNE (JOHN). Poems, By J. D. With Elegies on the Authours Death. 12mo, old russia, front cover loose, inner edge of title re- stored, and lacks portrait. London, 1639 522. DONNE (JOHN). LXXX Sermons Preached by that Learned and Rever- end Divine, John Donne, Dr. in Divinity, late Deane of the Cathe- dral! Church of S. Pauls London. Engraved portrait by Merian. Folio, old calf. ^ London, 1640 523. DONNE (JOHN). Letters to Severall Persons of Honour: Written by John Donne, Sometime Deane of St. Pauls, London. FIRST EDI- TION. Engraved portrait -by Lombart. Square 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, tooled with gilt fillet lines, inside dentelle borders and gilt edges, BY DAVID, contemporary name on title, otherwise a very fine copy. London, 1651 524. DOVES PRESS. Cobden Sanderson (T. J.). The Ideal Book or Book Beautiful, a Tract on Calligraphy, Printing and Illustration & on the Book Beautiful as a Whole. Thin 4to, vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1900 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 525. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems by Michael Drayton Esquyer. Collected into one Volume with sondry peeces inserted never before Imprinted. Engraved title and portrait by Hole (both cut close and mounted), Small folio, old English red straight-grain morocco, elaborately gilt on sides and back, gilt and gauffered edges. London [1619] BEST COLLECTED EDITION in a very beautiful early 19th century binding. At the end of the volume is bound in, "The Battaile of Agincourt," First Edition, London, 1627. The title of this latter is cut close and mounted, and the portrait issued with it is no doubt that used as a frontispiece at the beginning of the volume. VERY SCARCE. 526. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). (Poly-Olbion.) A Chorographicall Description of all the Tracts, Eivers, Mountains and Forests and other Parts of this Eenowned Isle of Great Britain, with intermixture of the most Remarkable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures and Commodities of the same. Engraved title by Hole and folding maps throughout. Folio, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges. London, 1622 Second Issue, very scarce. In fine condition and containing the rare engraving of Prince Henry, often lacking. Has 2 preliminary blank leaves. 527. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems by Michael Drayto Esquyer. Newly cor- rected. Engraved title by Marshall containing portrait. 12mo, dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1637 528. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). The Battaile of Agincourt. With Introduction and Notes by Richard Garnett. Portrait. Small 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893 No. 13 of 50 copies on JAPANESE VELLUM, printed at the Chiswick Press. 529. DRYDEN (JOHN). S'r Martin Mar-all, or the Feign'd Innocence: a Com- edy. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half new calf, gilt top. London, 1668 530. DRYDEN (JOHN). Absalom and Achitopel. A Poem. FIRST EDITION (of the First Part). Small folio, straight-grain maroon morocco, gilt, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY,, slight tear in title repaired. London, 1681 One of the greatest Satires in the English Language. 531. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. By the Authour of Absolom and Achitopel. FIRST EDITION. Thin 4to, half crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1682 VERY RARE, in uncut state. 532. DRYDEN (JOHN). Religio Laici, or a Laymans Faith. A Poem. Writ- ten by Mr. Dryden. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, new calf, gilt top, last leaf with corner restored, and a head-line cut into. London, 1682 a a i 1 Q M ^H W i_ ggas _ -d 6 M Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 533. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Hind and the Panther. A Poem. In Three Parts. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt,.,gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1687 Has the leaf of "Licensed, April llth, 1687." 534. DRYDEN (JOHN). Albion and Albanius: An Opera. Perform'd at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset-Garden. Thin 4to, old roan back. London, 1691 The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 535. DRYDEN (JOHN). Miscellany Poems. Containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets together with several original poems by the Most Eminent Hands. Published by Mr. Dryden. Frontispieces. 6 vols. 12mo, original calf. London, 1716 536. DRYDEN (JOHN). Poetical Works of Dryden. Portrait. PICKERING'S ALDINE EDITION. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 537. DRUMMOND OF HAWTHORNDEN (WILLIAM). Poems, by that most Famous Wit, William Drummond of Hawthornden. Portrait by Gaywood. Small 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: printed by W T . H., 1656 [See Reproduction of Title and Portrait] 538. DRUMMOND OF HAWTHORNDEN (WILLIAM). A Collection of all the Poems written by William Drummond of Hawthornden. Engraved portrait. Small thin folio, three-quarters brown crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Edinburgh, 1711 539. Du Bois (H. P.). Four Private Libraries of New York. Colored plates. New York, 1892 ; POWELL'S Historic Towns of New England. New York, 1898; HIGGINSON'S Atlantic Essays. Boston, 1871; LORD HOUGHTON'S Stray Verses. London, 1891; [FIELDS (JAMES T.).] A Few Verses [Boston, 1858.] Privately printed. Together, 15 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 540. DUCHE (REV. JACOB). Observations on a Variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral and Religious; in a Series of Original Letters, written by a Gentleman of. Foreign Extraction, who resided some time in Phila- delphia. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY PRATT. Philadelphia, 1774 By the well known Loyalist of the Revolution. Interesting sketches of Philadelphia, Colonial Manners, etc. 541. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, cloth backs, uncut, slightly spotted, and name on title. New York, 1834 Third Session,, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 542. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Nap and mezzotint portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, paper labels, slightly spotted. New York, for the Author, 1839-1840 543. DURAND (ASHER BROWN). Life and Times of A. B. Durand. By John Durand. Illustrated with reproductions of his Nusidora, Ariadne, Portrait of Col. Trumbull, etc. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1894 LARGE PAPER COPY of the edition limited to 500 copies. 544. EASTWICK (EDWARD B.). The Gulistan; or, Rose-Garden of Shekh Mus- lihu'd-I)in Sadi of Shiraz. Translated for the first time into Prose and Verse, with introductory Preface and Life of the Author. Two plates printed in colors and heightened with gold, and the pages within rubricated borders. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, in a Persian pat- tern, top of back wearing. Hertford, 1852 545. ELIOT (GEORGE). Scenes of Clerical Life. FIRST EDITION.- 2 vols. small 8vd, original cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1858 THE RAREST OF GEORGE ELIOT'S NOVELS IN A FIRST CONDITION, and excep- tionally difficult in good condition as this copy. 546. [ELIOT (GEORGE).] Brother and Sister: Sonnets. By Marian Lewes. Small 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1869 First and Privately Printed Edition. VERY SCARCE. 547. ELIOT (GEORGE). Agatha. By George Eliot. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1869 Privately Published, and VERY SCARCE. ' 548. ELIOT (GEORGE). Middlemarch. FIRST EDITION. In the original eight parts. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, as issued, preserved in four morocco solander cases. London, 1871-1872 FINE COPY. Signature of J. G. Owen, on title. 549. ELIOT (GEORGE). Daniel Deronda. FIRST EDITION. In the original eight parts. 12mo, wrappers, uncut, as issued, preserved in four morocco solander cases. Edinburgh, 1876 FINE COPY. 550. ELIOT (GEORGE). Adam Bede. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1859; The Mill on the Floss. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1860; Silas Marner. Edinburgh, 1861 ; Eomola. 3 vols. London, 1863 ; The Spanish Gypsy. Edin- burgh, 1868 ; Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Edinburgh, 1879. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 12 vols. 12mo and 8vo, original cloth, uncut. . Edinburgh, 1859-1879 "Silas Marner" and "The Mill on the Floss" are ex-library copies. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 551. ELLWANGER (W. D.). The Oriental Rug, a Monograph on Eastern Eugs and Carpets, Saddle-Bags, Mats and Pillows, with a consideration of Kinds and Classes, Types, Borders, Figures, Dyes, Symbols, etc. together with some practical advice to the Collector. 12 plates in the colors of the originals. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 552. ELYOT (SiR THOMAS). The Boke named The Governor devised by sir Thomas Elyot Knyght. Woodcut border to title. IGmo, calf, joints breaking. London, 1557 553. ELZEVIR. Busbequius. A G-isleni Busbequii omnia quae extant. En- graved' title. Thick 18mo, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt corner pieces, gilt back, gilt edges. Lugd. Batavorum (Leyden,) 1633 Prettily bound copy with crest on the sides. 554. ELZEVIR. Meursius (Joannis). Pisistratus, sive De ejus Vita, et Tyran- nide. Small 4to, old French red morocco, with monogram (Fouquet family ?) on sides. Lugduni Batavorum, 1623 555. [ELZEVIR.] More (Sir Thomas). Utopia a mendis vindicata. Engraved title with device of the sphere. 18mo, old smooth blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Pretty copy. Amsterdam: Blauew, 1629 An annexe to the Elzevir press. 556. ELZEVIR. Regnier. Les Satyres et Autres Oeuvres du Sieur Regnier, augmentes de diver ses Pieces cy-devant non imprimees. 18mo, red crushed levant morocco, Jansenist sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY CHAMBOLLE-DURU. Leyden : chez Jean & Daniel Elsevier, 1652 The best of the two Elzevir editions. 557. ELZEVIR. Thomas A Kempis. De Imitatione Christi, libri quatuor. En- graved title. 16mo, old brown morocco. Lugduni (Leyden.) 1658 Second Elzevir Edition, very scarce. TALL AND FINE COPY. 558. ELZEVIR. Terence. Pub. Terentii Comoediae Sex. Ex recensuine Hein- siana. Engraved title. 16mo, old smooth green morocco, gilt bor- ders and back, gilt edges. Pretty copy. Amsterdam, 1665 559. ELZEVIR. Nostradamus. Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostradamus . . . avec la Vie de 1'Autheur. Engraved por- trait of Nostradamus and engraved title showing the Great Fire of London bnd the Execution of Charles I. 18mo, dark-green crushed levant morocco, back gilt with pointille work, inside dentelle bor- ders, gilt edges, BY LORTIC. Amsterdam : chez Jean Jansson, 1668 An annexe to the Elzevir press. 560. EMBLEMS. Embelma Animae, or Morall Discourses reflecting upon Hu- manitie. Written by John du Plessis, now Cardinall of Richleu. Translated by I. M(axwell). Engraved title (shaved), by William Marshall. 16mo, calf, gilt, cracked at hinges. London, 1635 Third Session,, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 561. EMBLEMS. Pia Desideria. Authore Hermanno Hugone Societ's Jesu. Editio 4. Illustrated ivitli quantities of the most enchanting little copper-plates showing ladies being rescued from the penalties of their own frailties. 24mo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Antwerp: H. Aertssens, 1645 562. EMERSON (E. W.). The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy and Eeligion. [Edited anonymously by R. W. Emerson, Margaret Fuller and George Ripley.] 4 vols. 8vo, old half leather, gilt, rubbed. Boston, 1840-1844 VERY SCARCE. COMPLETE SET. Seldom found complete, some of the numbers are usually missing. 563. EMERSON (R. W.). The Conduct of Life. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1860 An excedingly interesting copy, having inserted Emerson's receipt to Ticknor & Fields, his publishers, Boston, Aug. 21, 1863, signed "R. Waldo Emerson" for the copyright on Essays, 2nd Series, Conduct of Life, and English Traits. 564. EMERSON (R. W.). May-Day, and Other Pieces. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cream colored cloth, gilt, gilt top. Boston, 1867 Presentation copy of the First Edition, ''George P. Bradford from R. W. Emerson, 1 May, 1867," written in Emerson's hand on a fly-leaf. 565. EMERSON (R. W.). Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson by the Massa- chusetts Historical Society. (By 0. W. Holmes, C. E. Norton and others.) Etched portraits and illustrations with some additional plates inserted, nearly all of which are India Proofs. 4to, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt panels, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Boston, 1882 No. 7 of 25 copies printed on Whatman paper. Among the extra material is an amusing autograph letter, signed, of H. W. Longfellow, 1869, acknowledging a present of cigars and quoting George Herbert. There is also a three-page autograph letter, signed, of Emerson, undated, to James T. Field, on proof of a chapter of one of his writings, stating that he thinks it should be published just as written. 566. EMERSON (R. W.). The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. THE RIVER- SIDE EDITION. Portraits, etc. 12 vols. Cambridge, 1883-1893; Correspondence of Carlyle and Emerson. 2 vols. Boston, 1883. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1883-1893 The Limited LARGE PAPER edition. 567. EMERSON (R. W.). Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1820-1876. Edited by E. W. Emerson and W. E. Forbes. Portraits, views and other illustrations. 10 vols. tall 8vo, buckram, paper labels, uncut. Cambridge, 1909-1914 LARGE PAPER EDITION, issued at the Riverside Press, No. 565 of 600 signed and numbered" copies. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 568. EMERSON (R. W.). Historical Discourse delivered before the Citizens of Concord, September 12, 1835. Concord, 1835; An Oration (Lit- erary Ethics) before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838. Boston, 1838; Address before the Senior Class in Divinity College/ Cambridge, July 15, 1838. Boston, 1838; The Method of Nature, An Oration, Aug. 11, 1841. Boston, 1841; An Oration (The American Scholar). Boston, 1837; and other pam- phlets. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 12 pamphlets, mostly with original wrappers. Enclosed in morocco solander case. 569. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). FIRST AND OTHER EDITIONS of the fol- lowing, Nature. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1836. Text somewhat foxed ; Essays. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1841 ; Essays. Second Series. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1844; An Address delivered in the Court-House in Concord, Massachusetts, on 1st August, 1844, on the Anniversary of the Emancipation of the Negroes in the British West Indies. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1844. Original wrappers bound in; Nature: An Essay. To which is added, Ora- tions, Lectures, and Addresses. London, 1845 ; Poems. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London, 1847; Representative Men. Seven Lectures. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1850; Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 2 vols. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1852; English Traits. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1856 ; The Gulistan . . . with a Preface by Emerson. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1865 ; Poems. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. Boston, 1865; Society and Solitude. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1870; Letters and Social Aims. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1876. Together, 14 vols. 12mo and 8vo, mainly cloth. Boston and London, 1836-1876 570. EMERSON (R. W.). A collection of Works relating to Emerson. Life, Genius and Writings, by Alexander Ireland. London, 1882. Large Paper; Haskins' Emerson, his Maternal An- cestors, etc. Boston, 1887. Large Paper; Letters of Emerson and Sterling. Boston, 1897; A Western Journey with Emerson. Bos- ton, 1884; Letters from Emerson to a Friend, by C. E. Norton. Boston, 1899, and others similar. Together, 22 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 571. ENGLAND. Names of Voters for the Convention. 1688. Contemporary manuscript of 25 leaves, containing list of voters and the places represented. Tall 8vo, cloth. [England, circa 1668-1689] A contemporary list of the members of the Convention Parliament of 1688-89 which declared the throne of England vacant and invited William and Mary to the throne. Among the important names occurring in it are, Edmund Waller, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Isaac Newton, Honble. Roger North, and Sir Robert Walpole. 572. EPICTETUS. Epicteti Enchiridion made English in a Poetical Para- phrase. By Ellis Walker. Engraved frontispiece. 12mo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1697 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 573. EPICTETUS. The Works of Epictetus. Consisting of his Discourses, in Four Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. A Translation from the Greek based on that of Elizabeth Carter, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 LARGE PAPER ISSUE, only 75 were printed. 574. EPICTETUS. The Discourses of Epictetus. With the Encheiridion and Fragments. Reprinted from the Translation of George Long. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Bell, 1891 Printed at the Chiswick Press. 575. EKAGNY PRESS. The Queen of the Fishes. An Adaptation in English of a Fairy Tale of Valois. By Margaret Bust. Woodcuts designed and printed by Lucien Pissarro, some printed in colors. Small 8vo, vellum, gilt top. Epping, Essex, 1894 No. 56 of 150 copies privately printed by Pissarro at his own press, with the title printed in gold and some use of gold printing throughout. 576. ERAGNY PRESS. The Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther. Five wood- cuts by Lucien Pissarro. 12mo, boards, uncut. Epping, Essex, 1896 Only 150 copies were printed by Pissarro on his own press. 577. ERAGNY PRESS. Laforgue (Jules). Moralites Legendaires. (Salome, Lohengrin, fils de Parsival, Persee et Andromede.) Thin 8vo, boards, uncut. Epping, Essex, 1897 One of 220 copies printed by Pissarro at his press at Epping, with the Frontispiece in colors and other decorations by him. 578. ERASMUS. Twenty Two Select Colloquies out of Erasmus Rotterdamus; Pleasantly Representing several Superstitious Levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his Days. The Second Impres- sion Corrected and Amended; with the Addition of Two Colloquies to the Former. By Ro. L'Estrange. Engraved portrait by Bouche. Small 8vo, straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY LARKINS. London, 1689 579. ERASMUS. The Life of Erasmus, more particularly that Part of it which he spent in England; wherein an Account is given of his Learned Friends . . . with an Appendix containing several Original Papers. By Samuel Knight. Engraved portraits and views. Thick 8vo, old calf, front cover loose, contemporary name on title. Cambridge, 1726 580. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Shakespeare (William). Poems, according to the text of the original copies, including the Lyrics, Songs and Snatches found in his Dramas. Small 4to, vellum with ties, uncut. [London, 1899] Limited to 450 copies. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 581. EVE (G. W.). Decorative Heraldry, a Practical Handbook of its Artistic Treatment. Frontispiece in colors and nearly 200 illustrations. 8vo, wrappers. London, 1897 One of 130 uncut copies printed on JAPANESE VELLUM from the "Ex Libris" series edited by Gleeson White. 582. PAGAN (Louis). Collectors' Marks. Etched frontispiece by the Author. Square 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1883 Invaluable for the collector, containing plates of reproductions to size of all the known collector's marks appearing on etchings, engravings, etc. VERY SCARCE, having been long out of print. 583. FAIRFAX (EDWARD). Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Recoverie of Jerusa- lem. Done into English Heroicall Verse by Edward Fairfax, Gent. The title within a beautiful Saracenic border. Royal 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt panel with floral corner ornaments, in- side ribbon borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1600 A Fine Copy of the FIRST EIDTION. EXCESSIVELY RARE in such fine un- marred condition, measuring 9% x 6% inches. A book said to have solaced Charles I in prison. 584. FAIRFAX (EDWARD). Godfrey of Bovlogne: or the Eecouerie of lervsa- lem. Done into English Heroicall Verse by Edward Fairfax, Gent., and now the Second time Imprinted together with the Life of the said Godfrey. Engraved Portrait by Simeon de Pas, and title within woodcut border. Folio, calf antique, red edges, blank corner of por- trait repaired. London, 1624 LARGE PAPER COPY. VERY RARE. One leaf of the Dedicatory Poems sup- plied from a smaller copy, otherwise an unusually fine copy. 585. FALCONER (WILLIAM). The Shipwreck, a Poem. In Three Cantos. By a Sailor. Folding plate and map. 4to, levant morocco, oxidising, entirely uncut. London : for the Author, 1762 FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE with the folding plate of "The Rigging of a ship," and in uncut condition. Both plates are cloth backed. The original blank front end-paper is bound in. 586. FARLEY (ROBERT, Scoto Britanio). Kalendarium Humanae Vitae: the Kalender of Man's Life. Engraved title by Glover, and the explana- tory leaf preceding it (this latter being re-margined), with wood- cuts throughout the text. 16mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY p. BEDFORD. London, 1638 587. [FENTON (E.).] Poems on Several Occasions. FIRST EDITION. En- graved Frontispiece. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, corner ornaments,, gilt inside borders and edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1717 By the translator of the Odyssey for Alexander Pope, and the editor of Milton and Waller's Poems. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 588. FIELD (EUGENE). Second Book of Verse. FIKST EDITION. Svo, half cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1892 LARGE PAPER COPY. Only 300 printed. 589. FIELD (EUGENE). With Trumpet and Drum. FIRST EDITION. Svo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1893 LARGE PAPER COPY. Only 350 printed. 590. FIELD (EUGENE). The Holy Cross and Other Tales. FIRST EDITION. Square Svo, vellum, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, and Chicago, 1893 One of only 20 copies printed on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, and one of the fifteen of these copies reserved by Eugene Field for presentation. On the fly-leaf is an autograph verse of six lines by Field, signed and dated Chicago, Dec. 1893 : "Welcome, Bonnie queen of Fay For thou spcakest pleasing words Thou shalt have a gill of whey And a thimbleful of curds. In this rose is honey-dew That a bee hath brought for you! Eugene Field." 591. FIELD (EUGENE). First Editions of American Authors. A Manual for Booklovers, compiled by Herbert Stuart Stone. With an Introduc- tion by Eugene Field. Square Svo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Cambridge, 1893 No. 21 of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER OF THE FIRST EDITION. 592. FIELD (EUGENE AND EOSWELL M.). Echoes from the Sabine Farm. Eoyal Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1893 No. 391 of 500 copies issued. 593. FIELD (EUGENE). Love Affairs of A Bibliomaniac; Songs and other Verse ; The House ; Second Book of Tales. 4 vols. Svo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1896 The Limited Edition of which only 150 were printed on Holland paper. 594. FIELD (EUGENE). The Eugene Field I Knew. By Francis Wilson. FIRST EDITION. Portraits and facsimiles. Svo, half vellum, uncut. New York, 1898 The limited edition of 204 copies, with the extra facsimile in the pocket at the end. 595. FIELD (EUGENE). Eugene Field's First Book, the Tribune Primer, with additional sketches now first collected from the Denver Tribune. New York. Privately printed at the Marion Press. Jamaica, 1900, in 90 copies; Eugene Field, an Auto-Analysis. Illuminated title and initials. On Japanese vellum. Chicago, 1896 ; Florence Bardsley's Story. One of 25 copies on Japanese vellum illuminated by Caro- line Way. Chicago, 1897 ; A Little Book of Profitable Tales. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1890 ; A Little Book of Western Verse. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1890 ; The Holy Cross and Other Tales. Chi- cago, 1893. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 596. FIELD (MICHAEL the Misses Bradley). Brutus Ultor. FIRST EDITION in wrappers. London (1886). From the Thos. Hutchinson library with a four-page autograph letter signed of Field laid in relating to his books (1901) ; Callirrhoe and Fair Rosamund (1884). With A.L.S. of the author; Canute the Great; The Cup of Water (n.d.) ; The Tragic Mary. Only 60 copies on Large Paper. London, 1890 ; The Father's Tragedy (1884); Sight & Song, 1892; Stephania, 1892. Limited to 250 copies; A Question of Memory, 1893. Lim- ited to 120 copies; Underneath the Bough, 1893. Limited to 150 copies. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards and vellum. 597. FISH (SIMON). A Supplicacyon for the Beggers. Reprinted from the original edition of 1524. Thin 12mo, calf, antique, blind panelled sides, BY HAYDAY. London, Pickering, 1845 One of two copies printed on vellum from the only copy known (now in the British Museum), and from the collection of W. Maskell who sold the original to the Museum, with his autograph, and notes in regard to it. 598. FISKE (JOHN). Historical Writings: Discovery of America; The Amer- ican Revolution; Beginnings of New England; Critical Period in American History; Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America; Old Virginia and her Neighbors ; New France and New England. Pro- fusely illustrated with Portraits, Maps, Plans and Views. Together, 13 vols. royal 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. Cambridge, 1892-1904 The Riverside Press edition on LARGE PAPER, limited to 250 copies. 599. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Euhpranor. A Dialogue on Youth. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, name on title, dated 1851. London, 1851 Fine copy of the FIRST EDITION of Fitzgerald's first published book. 600. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Polonius: a Collection of Wise Saws and Mod- ern Instances. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1852 FIRST EDITION of Fitzgerald's second book. An interesting copy being from the library of Charles Keene, the famous artist and illustrator of "Punch," with his bookplate, and with "by Edward Fitzgerald" written on the title. 601. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Six Dramas of Calderon. Freely translated by Edward Fitzgerald. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1853 FIRST EDITION. Fitzgerald angered by literary criticisms withdrew and suppressed the whole issue, and the book is in consequence very scarce. 602. FITZGERALD (EDWARD) . Salaman and Absal. An Allegory. Translated . from the Persian. Frontispiece. Thin square 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. London, J. W. Parker & Son, 1856 FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE. Few copies were published and few were sold. Fitzgerald once jocularly referred to a "public of two" for this book, and although he doubtless sold more than two copies yet the book has practically disappeared. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 603. FITZGEEALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Translated into English Verse. Small thin 4to, original wrappers, very carefully rebacked. Contained in a solander case lettered for the first three editions. London, Quaritch, 1859 THE EXTBEMELY BABE FlRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. One Of the rarest and most sought for books in English Literature of the Nine- teenth Century. The history, almost a romance, of this little pamphlet is well known : how it was at first a complete failure, scarcely one of the few copies issued being sold, of its consignment to the "two-penny box" through which Rossetti and Swinburne were rummaging when they came across it, and then of its meteoric rise to appreciation of literary values. 604. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Translated into English Verse. 4to, wrappers, uncut. London, Quaritch, 1859 (1887) One of 25 copies privately printed by Thomas J. Wise, in facsimile of the First Edition. 605. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. Second Edition. Small thin 4to, original wrappers. London, Quaritch, 1868 The second edition, like the first, has practically disappeared ; it has many alterations and editions, 110 quatrains instead of the original seventy-five, including the Quatrain XXIV, which Swinburne pronounced more exquisite than any that had appeared in the first edition: "I sometimes think that never blows so red The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled ; That every Hyacinth the Garden wears Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head." Fitzgerald had this edition printed for himself at Bungay by John Childs, a local printer (while the first had been printed in London by G. Norman), the alteration no doubt enabling him to correct proofs more easily. 606. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. Third edition. Small thin 4to, original half roan, uncut and unopened. London, 1872 607. [FITZGERALD (EDWARD).] The Downfall and Death of King Oedipus: a Drama in Two Parts. Chiefly taken from the Oedipus Tyrannus and Colonaeus of Sophocles. 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, with the original blue wrappers bound in. [Guildford, Surrey, 1880-1881] FIRST EDITION. ONE OF THE RAREST OF EDWARD FITZGERALD'S BOOKS, only fifty copies having been privately printed. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th (508. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Works of Fitzgerald. Xew York, 1887. 2 vols. ; Letters and Literary Kemains, edited by W. Aldis Wright. 3 vols. 1889 ; Prideaux's Bibliography of Fitzgerald. London, 1901 ; and five editions of Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in- cluding, Dole's privately printed "Bi-lingual" edition; the First American Edition. Boston, 1880 ; the Text to accompany the Vedder Illustrated edition; Riverside Press edition, 1888; and the London, Macmillan edition of 1890, on fine paper, bound in vellum. To- gether, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and vellum. Various places, various dates 609. FLATMAN (THOMAS). Poems and Songs. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, orig- inal calf. Fine copy with the leaf preceding title marked "A." London, 1674 Flatman's poem "A Thought of Death" suggested to Pope his "Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame." A portrait is sometimes found with copies of this edition, but in this is absent, and it is a question whether a portrait was issued with it. This copy has the leaf "A" before title-page. 610. FLATMAN (THOMAS). A Pindarique Ode on the Death of the Eight Honourable Thomas Earl of Ossory. FIRST EDITIOX. pp. 5, small folio, half blue calf, note on Flatman written by an early owner on the reverse of the title. London, 1681 611. FLATMAN (THOMAS). Poems and Songs. The Third Edition with Additions and Amendments. Portrait by R. White. Thin 8vo, old calf, blind tooled with pointille corner ornaments, the back renewed and gilt. London, 1682 612. FLETCHER (JOHN). The Elder Brother, A Comedie. Acted at the Blacke Friers, by his Maiesties Servants. Printed according to the True Copie. Small 4to, half calf, rubbed. London, 1637 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION of 1637, with the capitalizing of the title. 613. FLETCHER (PHINEAS). The Locustse, vel Pietas Tesuitica. [Locustas or Appollyonists.]. In two separate parts, Latin and English with separate titles. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, panelled calf, gilt, gilt edges. VERY RARE. Cambridge, 1627 614. [FLETCHER (PHINEAS).] Sicelides a Piscatory. As it hath beene Acted in Kings Colledge, in Cambridge. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, old half roan. London, 1631 615. [FLETCHER (PHINEAS).] The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man: to- gether with Piscatorie Eclogue and other Poeticall Miscellanies. By P. F. Small 4to, fine old crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1633 FIRST EDITION, with the separate titles for "Elisa" and the "Piscatorie Eclogs," the dedication leaf to Benlowes and the very rare (unpaginated) final leaf by Francis Quarles. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 616. FLETCHER (E.). Ex otio Negotium. Or Martiall, his Epigrams trans- lated with Sundry Poems and Fancies. FIRST EDITION. Engraved portrait of Martial by Vaughan. 12mo, old leather, rebacked. London: Printed by T. Mabb, 1656 617. FLETCHER (THOMAS). Poems on Several Occasions and Translations wherein the First and Second Books of Virgil's Aeneis are At- tempted, in English. Thin 8vo, old sprinkled calf, with leaf of license and advertisement leaves. London, 1692 618. FORD (JOHN). The Works of John Ford, with notes critical and explana- tory by William Gifford. A new edition, revised, with additions by Rev. Alexander Dyce. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1869 619. FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). The New-England Primer. A History of its Origin and Development. With a reprint of the unique copy of the earliest known edition. Many facsimile illustrations and repro- ductions. 4to, half roan, rubbed. New York, 1897 No. 16 of 57 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper. 620. FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). The Journals of Hugh Gaine Printer. Edited by P. L. Ford. Portrait and facsimiles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 Only 350 copies were printed. 621. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). CEuvres de M. Franklin, Docteur es Loix . . . Traduites de 1'Anglois sur la Quatrieme Edition. Par M. Barbeu Dubourg. Avec des Additions Nouvelles. Portrait and plates by Martinet. 2 vols. in one, 4to, russia leather, gilt edges, BY DEROME, edges of binding rubbed. Paris, 1773 Fine copy of this very rare Life of Franklin in a fine old red morocco binding by Derome. 622. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Weems (M. L.). The Life of Benjamin Franklin with many choice Anecdotes and admirable Sayings of this Great Man, never before Published. The Sixth Edition. Portrait by Warnicke. 12mo, original leather, cracked. Philadelphia, 1822 623. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Weems (M. L.). The Life of Benjamin Franklin with many Choice Anecdotes, etc. Portrait of Warnicke. 12mo, original leather, breaking. Philadelphia, 1829 Engraved view of the University of Philadelphia laid in. 624. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. By James Parton. Portraits, including India paper proofs engraved by H. B. Hall. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPEB, only 100 copies were printed. M.T.CICERO's CAW MAJOR, OR HIS DISCOURSE OLD-AGE: With Explanatory NOTES. PHILADELPHIA ; Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, MDCCXLIV. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IMPRINT Reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 627] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 625. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Ford (Paul Leicester). Franklin Bibliog- raphy. 500 copies printed. Brooklyn, 1889 ; The Sayings of Poor Richard, the Prefaces, Proverbs and Poems, originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanacs. 1733-1758. 100 copies privately printed. Brooklyn, 1890. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, half roan, rubbed. Brooklyn, 1889-1890 626. FEANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Works of Benjamin Franklin. Portrait by Throop. Boston, 1825; Critical, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces of Franklin. Portrait, London, 1779; Another copy of the same ; Life and Works of Franklin. Portrait by Walker. Bungay (1815) ; Complete Works of Franklin. Portrait by Haines. 3 vols. London, 1806; Vie de Franklin, traduit par Castera. Portrait by Tardieu. Paris, 1798; Stevens' Bibliographical Essay on Franklin. London, 1881 ; Franklin Papers in the Library of Congress. Wash- ington, 1905 ; Works of Franklin. Portrait by Tanner, very scarce. Philadelphia, 1801 ; Works of Franklin. Scarce portrait by Banner- man. Huntingdon, 1800 ; Franklin's Enskildta Lef werne. With scarce portrait by SnapTc. Stockholm, 1792. Together, 14 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and calf, some worn. This collection includes some very scarce portraits. 627. FEANKLIN IMPBINT. M. T. Cicero's Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old- Age: With Explanatory Notes. Rubricated title. Small 4to, full dark green crushed levant morocco, with a graceful border of floral tooling in gold, enclosing small rose medallions in each corner, wide inside gilt borders of birds and grapes, top edges gilt, other edges gilt on the rough, BY LOETIC. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1744 Very fine and tall copy, some leaves entirely uncut. THE FIRST PUBLISHED TRANSLATION OF ANY CLASSIC IN AMERICA, AND THE MOST CELE- BRATED PRODUCTION OF BENJAMIN 1 FRANKLIN'S PRESS. The translation was made in 1734 by Chief Justice James Logan, who was the second of the three famous worthies of Pennsylvania : Penn, Logan, Franklin. Copies were circulated in manuscript among friends, and Franklin got one, which he determined to give to the press. In his preface he calls the book 'this first translation of a Classic in this Western World' and he wishes it may prove "a happy omen that Phila- delphia shall become the seat of the American Muses." [See Reproduction of Title-page] 628. FEANKLIN IMPEINT. INDIAN TREATY. A Treaty held at the Town of Lancaster in Pennsylvania by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland with the Indians of the Six Nations in June 1744. Folio, brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia : B. Franklin, 1744 VERY RARE. A fine copy with the three edges in uncut state. [See Reproduction of Title-page] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 629. FREER (MARTHA W.). Complete Set of FIRST EDITIONS: comprising, Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme. 2 vols. 1854; Life of Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. 2 vols. 1855; Elizabeth de Valois. 2 vols. 1857; Henry III, His Court and Times. 3 vols. 1858; Henry IV and the League. 2 vols. 1860 ; Henry IV and Marie de Medici. 2 vols. 1861; Last Decade of a Glorious Eeign (Henry IV). 2 vols. 1863 ; Married Life of Anne of Austria. 2 vols. 1864 ; Eegency of Anne of Austria. 2 vols. 1866. Engraved portraits. 19 vols. 8vo and small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, BY TOUT. London, 1854-1866 FINE SET, some with uncut edges. 630. FRENCH, E. D. A Collection of Engraved Views, by E. D. French. ALL PROOFS, as follows, Neu Jorck sive Neu Amsterdam; Government House. From the Original in the "New York Magazine," 1795; Harvard Campus. Proof on Japan paper; Novum Amsterdamum. Proof on Japan paper ; and one other. Together, 5 pieces, 8vo. 631. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Longus. Longi Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe, libri quatuor. Graece et Latine. Figuris aeri incisis B. Audran jiixta delineationes Celsiss. Ducis Aurelian Philippi, et tabula ab A. Coypel delineata. Full-page and text illustrations, including the plate "Les Petits Pieds," after the Regent "Philippe d'Orleans." Small 4to, original calf, gilt edges, binding rubbed. Paris : in gratiam Curiosorum, 1754 Plates are fine impressions. 632. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Longus. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe, par Longus. Double Traduction du Grec en Francois de Mr. Amiot et d'un Anonime, mises en Paralelle. Illustrated with the beautiful plates including the frontispiece by Coypel, the plate of the Petits Pieds by Caylus and the many plates by Audran after the Regent, Philippe d'Orleans. Small 4to, old green French morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, imprime pour les Curieux, 1757 ONE OF THE BEAUTIFUL "REGENT" EDITIONS, each page being within a border and the engravings in decorated borders in French Eighteenth Century scroll and floral designs. Eisen and Cochin did the pastoral head and tail-pieces, and the volume is one of the finest and most sought for of this period of French Engravings. THE BINDING PROBABLY BY PADELOUP. 633. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Ovid. Les Meta- morphoses. Traduction de 1'Abbe Banier. 140 fine engravings by Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, and others (a few lacking}. 4 vols. 4to, calf, rebacked and rubbed. Paris, 1767-1770 The second edition. TREATY, Held at the TOWN of Lancafter, in PENNSYLVANIA, By the HONOURABLE the Lieutenant-Governor of the PROVINCE, And the HONOWKABIE the Commiffioners for the PROVINCES O F VIRGINIA and .MARYLAND, WI'TH THE / N D : I A N S OF THE SIX-NATIONS, In JUNE, 1744. PHILADELPHIA: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, at th: Now-Printing-Office, near the Market. M.DCC.XLIV. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IMPRINT Reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 628] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 634. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTUEY ILLUSTEATED BOOKS. Imbert. Le Juge- ment de Paris, Poeme en IV Chants (suivi d'oeuvres melees, de la page 75 a la page 200). Illustrated. 8vo, mottled calf tooled after an Eighteenth Century pattern in gold, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY DAVID. Amsterdam (Paris) 1772 FIRST ISSUE WITH THE MOREAU PLATES engraved by Masquelier, De Launay and others, and with the Choffard vignettes. Bound with Dorat's "Idylles de Saint-Cyr, ou 1'Hommage du Coeur a 1'Occasion des Mariages de M. Le Dauphin avec Marie Antoinette d'Autriche," etc. 1771 having a frontispiece and vignette by Marillier, and Bernard's "Phrosine et Melio- dore" 1772 with four Eisen plates. 635. FBENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Berquin. Idylles. 25 plates by Marillier and engraved title. Parts I and II. Bound in one volume, 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside dentelle borders and gilt edges, BY POUILLET. Paris, 1775 The FIRST EDITION, before the plates were numbered. Cohen describes these Marillier illustrations as "of ravishing grace." They were en- graved by N. de Launay and other noted French Eighteenth Century Engravers. 636. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTUEY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Berquin. Idylles. Second Eecueil. 12mo, sewed, uncut. [Paris, 1775] The Sheets of the Second Part entirely uncut and unbound, with very brilliant uncut impressions of these charming Marillier plates, commenc- ing with "Les Delices de 1'Hymen." The setting up is different from the preceding item [No. 635] and apparently earlier, as the plates are marvellously fresh. 637. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Histoire d'Angle- terre, represente par Figures, gravee par F. A. David. Accompa- gnees de Discours. Ill plates printed in carmine. 3 vols. in one. Thick square royal 8vo, old half calf, margin of plate 38 torn, bind- ing worn. Paris, 1786 Nearly all of the plates in volume 3 related to America, showing the Congress, Franklin, Indians, Revolutionary incidents, etc. 638. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Thompson (James). Les Saisons, Poeme Traduit de 1'Anglais de Thompson. Engraved title and plates by Eisen, in two states. 16mo, green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY CHAMBOLLE-DURU. Paris, no date One of Cazin's classics. 639. FRENCH PORTRAITS. Histoire de France, depuis 1'Etablissement de la Monarchic jusqu'au Regne de Louis XIV. Par MM Velly, Villaret et Gamier. Engraved portraits of illustrious men by Aubert, Gail- lard, de Leu, Basan, Ficquet and others. 8 vols. (should be 9) 4to, old mottled calf, gilt. Paris, 1778-1786 The volumes of portraits to accompany the text contain* several hundred engraved portraits of French Kings and Celebrated Personages. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 640. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Marie Antoinette, Archiduchesse d'Autriche, Eeine de France ; cm, Causes et Tableau de la Revolution. Par M. le Chev. de M. . . . Etchings. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top. No place or printer, 1794 Fine impression of the plates. 641. FRENEAU (PHILIP). The Poems of Philip Freneau. Written chiefly during the Late War. 12mo, half morocco, gilt, gilt top. Philadelphia: printed by Francis Bailey, 1786 FIRST EDITION, VERY BARE. There is a slight trace of ink on the title. 642. FRITH (W. P.). My Autobiography: and, Further Reminiscences. Por- trait. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops. London, 1887-1888 Interesting reminiscences of artists and celebrities by the painter of the "Derby Day." etc. 643. FULLER (THOMAS). The Holy State, Cambridge, 1642: The Profane State, Cambridge, 1642. Copper plates by William Marshall. Small folio, very dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside ribbon borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Cambridge, 1642 A very fine copy of this rare item, with the engraved title and portraits by William Marshall, including Queen Elizabeth, Lady Jane Gray, Joan of Naples of "wicked life and woefull death," the Duke of Alva, Ambas- sador of Philip of Spain, Sir Francis Drake, and many others. 644. FULLER (THOMAS). The Life of that Reverend Divine and Learned Historian Dr. Thomas Fuller. Engraved portrait (slightly shaved). 16mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, gilt inside borders and edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1661 A rare life of the author of Fuller's Worthies, Sacred and Profane State, etc. 645. FULLER (THOMAS). History of the Worthies of England. Portrait by Loggan. Folio, old marble calf, gilt. London, 1662 FIRST EDITION. A famous classic, valuable for the biographical notices of celebrated characters, including Shakespeare and the Elizabethan authors ; and famous for the old sayings, antiquarian references, lists of Sheriffs, etc. 646. [FURMAN (GARRIT).] The Maspeth Poems. Portrait and vignettes by A. B. Durand. Square 12mo, original orange colored boards, uncut, few margins with slight spots. New York, 1837 A very fine copy in the original binding, with label, of these scarce Long Island Poems. Charmingly illustrated by Durand and sought for as an American illustrated book. 647. FURMAN (GARRIT). Long Island Miscellanies. By Rusticus, Gent. Illustrated. Square 16mo, very prettily bound in green crushed levant morocco, tooled in gold with a wreath, gilt inside ribbon bor- ders and edges, BY LORTIC. New York, 1847 FINE COPY. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 648. GAILLARD (CLAUDE FERDINAND). Catalogue des (Euvres exposees de Claude Ferdinand Gaillard. Par Leonce Benedite. Illustrated. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, the original wrappers retained, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1898 Catalogue of works exhibited at the Musee National du Luxembourg. 649. GALE (NORMAN). A Country Muse. Nos. 8 and 9 of 15 copies on Japan vellum. Westminster, 1895, and the New Series of the same. One of 75 copies. 1893, and the 12mo edition from the Rugby Press in 1892 ; 3 editions of Cricket Songs, one from the Rugby Press printed in green; Violets, Thistledown and a June Romance. One of 25 copies each on Large Paper. Rugby editions; Meadowsweet and a Fellowship in Song. The Rugby issues. Large Paper in only 50 copies; Orchard Songs bound in vellum. One of 150 copies. 1893 ; .Gorillas and Prince Red Cheek, the pamphlet Rugby issues, undated. Together, 15 vols. 12mo and 8vo, wrappers and cloth, uncut. Rugby and London Laid in is an autograph letter signed from the author, Norman Gale, mentioning Meadowsweet and the Rugby Set, and their extreme rarity. 650. GARNETT (RICHARD). Three Hundred Notable Books added to the Li- brary of the British Museum under the Keepership of Richard Gar- nett, 1890-1899. Facsimiles and bibliographical notes. Imperial 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1899 The frontispiece is an original etching by Wm. Strang, of Sir Richard Garnett. 651. GARRETT (EDMUND H.). Elizabethan Songs in Honour of Love and Beautie. Introduction by Andrew Lang. Collected and Illustrated by E. H. Garrett. Illustrations, some in tints. Royal 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1891 No. 8 of the 25 copies on Japanese vellum, containing an original water color drawing of Battle Abbey, by Garrett, on the fly-leaf, with his note as to the edition signed and dated, 1891. 652. GASCOIGNE (GEORGE). A volume containing, "The Steele Glas, a Sa- tyre." FIRST EDITION. London, 1576 (complete but does not con- tain the "Complainte of Phylomene" mentioned on the title, a small piece is torn from the corner of the leaf of dedication) ; Flowers. London, 1575 (lacking the beginning but containing from Sig. C2 to the end) ; "Hearbes" including the Comedy of "Supposes," etc. London, 1575 (complete) ; "Weedes." London, 1575 (paged con- tinuously with the preceding but lacking from Sig Ni to S2) ; "Cer- tayne Notes of Instruction concerning the making of Berse," com- plete, (1575). In one volume, small 4to, old calf. London, 1575-1576 VERY BARE. The publisher seemed to have gathered together such un- sold copies of Gascoigne's writings as he had left and bound them to- gether in a haphazard manner, like this, so that very few copies agree, [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th [No. 652 Continued'} and most are more or less incomplete. Gascoigne ranks very high in English Literature, the "Steel Glass" being the earliest English Poetical Satire, "Supposes" one of the earliest English comedies, "Jocasta" (con- tained with "Supposes" in the "Hearbes") the second English tragedy, and his Instructions for making verse the first treatise on this subject in the English language. The portrait of Gascoigne on the back of the title "as a soldier" is the only known portrait. The commendatory verses contain the earliest known poem by Sir Walter Raleigh. 653. GAULTIER (BoN). The Book of Ballads. Illustrated ly Crowquill, Leech and Doyle. FIRST EDITION. Illuminated title in red and gold. Small 4to, original cloth, gilt edges, tear in the half title to the first ballad. London, no date Written by W. S. Aytoun and Sir Theodore Martin. 654. GAY (JOHN). The Shepherd's Week. In Six Pastorals. 6 engraved. plates. Thin 8vo, half roan. London, 1714 655. GAY (JOHN). Poems. FIEST EDITION. 2 vols. in one, 4to, old calf. (Some copies have a frontispiece, and two plates which however were apparently not issued with all copies, in this they are omitted.) Bind- ing worn. London, 1720 656. GAY (JOHN). Achilles. An Opera. As it is Perform'd at the Theatre- Eoyal in Covent-Garden. Written by the late Mr. Gay. With the Musick prefix'd to each Song. FIRST EDITION. Thin 8vo, crimson straight-grain morocco, panelled in gold in two scroll and floral bor- ders, inside gilt borders, gilt edges on the rough, lacks the half- title. London, 1733 657. GAY (JOHN). Fables. By Mr. John Gay. With a Memoir by Austin Dobson. Etched portrait by Willis. 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, with a gilt shaped panel of fillet lines, gilt inside ribbon borders, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1882 No. 12 of only 50 copies on LABGE PAPER. 658. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY (THE). Being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme : Eomano British Remains. 2 vols. ; Archeology, 2 vols. ; English Topography. 4 vols. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, Eiverside Press, no date 659. GODFREY (THOMAS). Juvenile Poems on Various Subjects, with the Prince of Parthia, a Tragedy, to which is prefixed some account of the Author and his Writings. 4to, half straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, a tear in the margin of page 91 care- fully repaired. Philadelphia, 1765 FIRST EDITION of the first Play written by an American ; with the auto- graph of Philemon Dickinson on the title, Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 660. GOFF (THOMAS). Three Excellent Tragedies, viz., The Raging Turk, or Bajazet the Second. The Courageous Turk, or Amurath the First. And the Tragoedie of Orestes/ The second edition carefully cor- rected by a Friend of the Author's. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, gilt top, uncut, mar- gin of the title restored, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1656 The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 661. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Citizen of the World, or Letters from a Chinese Philosopher residing in London to his Friends in the East. 2 vols. 12mo, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside gilt borders and edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, for the Author, 1762 FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 662. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Life of Richard Xash of Bath, Esq; ex- tracted principally from his Original Papers. Engraved portrait. 8vo, original calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1762 FIRST EDITION. An unusually fine copy. Rare in fine condition. With 4pp. of "Books advertised by J. Newberry." 663. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society, a Poem inscribed to the Rev. Mr. Henry Goldsmith. Thin 4to, polished calf, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, BY BEDFORD. London, 1765 FIRST EDITION, with the half-title and the leaf of advertisements. FINE COPY. 664. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale Supposed to be written by Himself. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, full crushed levant morocco, wide shaped gilt borders enclosing baskets of flowers, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Salisbury, 1766 [See Reproduction of Binding and Title-page] 665. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Good Natur'd Man: A Comedy as Per- formed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Small thin 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, broad gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1768 FIRST EDITION, second issue, with the half-title, and leaf of Epilogue on 2 pages. 666. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Deserted Village, a Poem. By Dr. Gold- smith. Vignette on title. Thin 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. London, 1770 FIRST EDITION, with the half-title. No less than five subsequent editions were published in 1770, but all of these bear the date of month on the title-page. Collation : Half-title ; title ; dedication to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 3 pages ; a blank page; pages 1 to 23. This, the First Edition, was published on May 26, 1770. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 667. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). She Stoops to Conquer: or, The Mistakes of a Night, A Comedy. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, broad gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. The title is a little soiled and the last two leaves are re-margined. London, 1773 FIRST EDITION, with the errors of pagination. Several issues were made of this First Edition with the same date, and it has never been satisfactorily settled which was the first. This has no half-title, and no price at the foot of the title-page, the errors of pagination correspond with those found in some copies, and vary slightly from some other copies. 668. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). Eetaliation : A Poem. By Dr. Goldsmith includ- ing Epitaphs on the Most Distinguished Wits of the Metropolis. Vignette portrait on title. Thin 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDER Y. London, 1774 FIRST EDITION, with the half-title. Laid in is an eight-page monograph in quarto, "Postscript to Dr. Goldsmith's Retaliation, being an Epitaph on Samuel Johnson, LL.D." Printed in June, 1896, and with the auto- graph signature of Austin Dobson. This copy does not have the "Explanatory Notes" and "Errors" (pp. 17 to 20). 669. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, now first collected. With an account of the Life and Writings of the Author. Portrait. 2 vols. small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1780 Fine large uncut copy. 670. GOMBAULD (M.). Endimion: an Excellent Fancy first composed in French by Mounsieur Gombauld and now elegantly interpreted by Richard Hurst. Copperplates by Crispin De Passe. 12mo, old half russia, back worn. London, 1639 671. GOSSE (EDMUND). Madrigals, Songs and Sonnets. By J. A. Blaikie and E. W. Gosse. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 Presentation copy to Christina Rossetti, Miss Christina G. Rossctti, with E. W. Oosse's compliments" in his hand on the title. With the label of the Rossetti collection inside the cover. 672. GOSSE (EDMUND). Firdausi in Exile, and other Poems. Frontispiece. 8vo, full olive green crushed levant morocco with a gilt scroll and dentelle border, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1885 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, signed by the printer, the Charles Whittingham Co. 673. GOSSE (EDMUND). On Viol and Flute. Frontispiece by S. Arlent Ed- wards. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, tooled in gilt fillet lines, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1890 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, signed by the publishers. FIRST EDITION. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION Decree of the Star Chamber Reduced facsimile of binding by Stikeman [No. 683] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 674. GOSSE (EDMUND). Gossip in a Library. First English and American Editions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London and New York, 1891 Dedicated to Chas. B. Foote of New York, and with a four-page auto- graph letter signed, of Gosse to Mr. Foote, laid in, relating to the first and second editions, and the American edition. 675. GOSSE (EDMUND). British Portrait Painters and Engravers of the Eighteenth Century (Kneller to Reynolds). With an Introductory Essay and Biographical Notes by Edmund Gosse. The fine repro- ductions of paintings and drawings in colors. 2 vols. folio, original wrappers, in cloth slip case. Paris, Goupil & Co., 1906 Japanese Paper edition limited to 100 copies, with a duplicate series of 100 illustrations. One of the finely produced Goupil Monographs. 676. GOSSE (EDMUND). LAEGE PAPER AND LIMITED EDITIONS. Gossip in a Library Autographed. London, 1893; Questions at Issue. Lon- don, 1893 ; Nash's Unfortunate Traveller. One of 50 copies on Jap- anese vellum. London, 1892; In Russet & Silver. Chicago, 1894. Large Paper; Beddoes Letters. London, 1894. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and vellum, uncut. 677. GOSSE (EDMUND). Works. Comprising, On Viol and Elute. FIRST EDITION. London, 1873; King Erik. FIRST EDITION. London, 1876 ; New Poems. FIRST EDITION. London, 1879 ; Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe. FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece de- signed and etched by L. Alma-Tadema. London, 1879; Gray. FIRST EDITION. London, 1882; Seventeenth Century Studies. FIRST EDITION. London, 1883; The Masque of Painters. FIRST EDITION. Privately Printed, 1883. 2 copies, one of which is a LARGE PAPER COPY edition limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 10; From Shakespeare to Pope. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge, 1885; Raleigh. FIRST EDITION. London, 1886; The Life of Philip Henry Gosse. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. London, 1890; The Secret of Narcisse. FIRST EDITION. London, 1892; Gray. Selected Poems. Edited by Edmund Gosse. Oxford, 1892; Questions at Issue. FIRST EDITION. London, 1893; In Russet and Silver. FIRST EDITION. London, 1894; The Jacobean Poets. FIRST EDI- TION. London, 1894; Conversations of James Northcote. By William Hazlitt. Edited by Edmund Gosse. FIRST EDITIQN. Portrait and facsimile. London, 1894; Critical Kit-Kats. FIRST EDITION. London, 1896; The Life and Letters of John Donne. Now for the first time revised and collected by Edmund Gosse. Portraits. 2 vols. London, 1899; Hypolympia. London, 1901; French Profiles. London, 1905. Together, 22 vols. 12mo, 8vo, and small 4to, various bindings, some uncut. London, Oxford, Cambridge, 1873-1905 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 678. GOWEE (JOHN). Confessio Amantis of John Gower. Edited and Col- lated with the best Manuscripts by Dr. R. Pauli. 3 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1857 Printed by the Whittinghams at the Chiswick Press. 679. GKAY (THOMAS). Designs by Mr. Bentley for Six Poems, by Mr. T. Gray. Folio, old calf, gilt, binding worn. London, 1766 A note states that this was the Duke of Hamilton's copy. It contains the full-page plate usually torn out by the book's owner. THICK PAPER COPY. Fine impressions of the plates. 680. GRAY (THOMAS). Poems. By Mr. Gray. 12mo, crushed olive levant morocco, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1768 Contains the rare half-title. THE FIRST COIXECTED EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 681. GRIMM (HERMANN). Household Tales. Introduction by Andrew Lang. 2 vols. London, 1884; George Herbert's Poems. London: Picker- ing, 1850; Memoirs of the Countess De La Motte and of the affair of the Diamond Necklace. London, 1789; Kinglake's Eothen. Fourth Edition. London, 1845; and others. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 682. GROLIER (JEAN). Lincy (Leroux de). Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa Vie et sa Bibliotheque, suivi d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont appartenu. Frontispiece in colors. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1866 LARGE PAPER COPY. VERY RARE. The accepted authority on the books of Grolier and an indispensable work of reference. 683. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. A Decree of Star Chamber concerning Printing. Made July 11, 1637. Reprinted by the Grolier Club from the First Edition by Robert Barker, 1637. 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, tooled in an elaborate star and Tudor rose pattern, blue crushed levant end-papers and doublure inlaid in colors with the monogram of the Grolier Club, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN, the original wrappers retained. New York, 1884 VERY RARE. Only 150 copies were printed. [See Illustration of Binding] 684. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Fitzgerald (Edward). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. 8vo, in a mosaic design in an Orien- tal pattern in dark green crushed levant morocco, a narrow ribbon inlay in brown ornamented with inlays simulating jewels, the doub- lures in a mosaic of red and blue conventional Passion Flowers enclosing alternate sprays of Persian Roses and Acorns, the fly-leaves of irridescent brocade, with leather joints and gilt edges, and the original covers retained, slip case, BY MEUNIER. New York, 1885 The edition was limited to 150 copies on Japan paper. AN EXHIBITION BINDING. [See Illustration of Binding] FITZGERALD'S RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM Reduced facsimile of binding by Meunier [No. 684] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 685. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. De Vinne (Theo. L.). Historic Printing Types. Illustrations and portrait. 4to, half holland, gilt top, uncut. New York,, 1886 The edition was limited to 200 copies. Pamphlet laid in, "Specimens of Historic Printing Types." 686. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Hoe (Robert). Bookbinding as a Fine Art. 63 illustrations in facsimile. 4to, dark blue crushed levant morocco in a graceful leafy pattern in gilt in the Derome manner, the doublures of crimson crushed levant with ribbon and dotted border, gilt top, uncut, and slip case, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1886 The edition was limited to 200 copies on Holland paper. FINELY BOUND COPY. 687. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Reade (Charles). Peg Woffington. Por- trait on Japan paper. 2 vols. 12mo, green crushed levant morocco, panelled into diamonds by rose vines with tiny thorns each enclosing a full blown rose in gold, the fly-leaves and end-papers are of yellow levant morocco tooled in a rose design, and with the Grolier mono- gram inlaid in colors, tops gilt, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in, BY R. w. SMITH, FINISHED BY MANSELL. New York, 1887 The edition was limited to 250 copies. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND COPY. 688. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. De Vinne (Theo. L.). Christopher Plan- tin and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. Illustrations by Joseph Pennell and others. Royal 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, having a center panel of flowing scrolls and small tools in gilt, within a border of interlaced circles and ovals, gilt fillet lines, inside gilt borders, vellum doublures and fly leaves, having the original wrappers bound in. New York, 1888 The edition was limited to 300 copies. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND. 689. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Bury (Richard de). Ricardi de Bury Philobiblion ex optimis codicibus, Versione Anglica . . . Andre Fleming West. Frontispieces. 3 vols. square 8vo, vellum, uncut. New York, 1889 The edition was limited to 297 copies. The best edition of this Classic both for text and translation and one of the finest specimens of printing issued by the Grolier Club. 690. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Matthews (William). Modern Book- binding practically considered. Colored facsimiles. 4to light-brown crushed levant morocco, the sides and back inlaid and finished in a Maioli pattern of leafy-scrolls and interlacing Mnes on a pointille background, doublures of dark-brown levant in a similar pattern; [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th [No. 690 Continued] fly-leaves of pale-green straight-grain morocco tooled with a gilt border in the manner of Koger Payne, gilt top, uncut. With slip Case, BY R. W. SMITH, FINISHED BY MANSELL. New York, 1889 Limited to 300 copies. AN EXHIBITION BINDING BY MANSELL. [See Frontispiece for Illustration of Binding] 691. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Milton (John). Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr. John Milton, for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England. Introduction by James Eussell Lowell. Etched portrait of Milton, signed proof. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1890 The edition was limited to 325 copies. Collected as a Lowell First Edition. 692. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Curtis (George William), Washington Irving, a Sketch. Engraved portraits of Irving and Matilda Hoff- man on Japan paper. 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut BY WILLIAM MATTHEWS. New York, 1891 The edition was limited to 344 copies on hand-made paper. Laid in is a two-page autograph letter signed of Washington Irving, dated Sunny- side, 1858, to Madame Le Vert, with a very pretty apology for his want of room to entertain her party and humorously alluding to a similar incident that had happened to him in Alabama "when he had to roost in the Stage-Coach." 693. GEOLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Effigies of the Most Famous English Writ- ers from Chaucer to Johnson. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, 1891. 8vo, crimson crushed levant, gilt fillet lines, inside borders and gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1891 LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 200 copies. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of original engravings on copper of many of the writers listed, containing many contemporary portraits, and some proofs on India paper. Sir Thomas Wyatt is by John Ogborn, 1775 (whose work Bartolozzi was known to forge), Sir John Suckling's portrait is by Mar- shall, and Milton's portrait is by Faithorne. 694. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Bronze medallion portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ringel d'lllzach. Medr. 1892. Diameter, 7 inches. New York, 1892 Limited to 239 copies made for Members. G95. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts together with a few Early Printed Books [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th [No. 695 Continued] with Illuminations, also some examples of Persian Manuscripts. With Introductory Essay. Facsimiles. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 Limited to 350 copies on Holland Paper. Laid in are the various leaf- lets, announcements, etc., in connection with the Exhibition at the Grolier Club at the time. 696. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Conway (Moncure Daniel). Barons of the Potomack and the Eapahannock. Engraved portraits, facsimiles with head and tail-pieces by Harry Fenn. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1892 The edition was limited to 360 copies on hand-made paper. 697. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. A Short Hand-List of English Plays, Masques, and Pageants, from the Time of Queen Elizabeth to the Restoration. Printed, but not published, for the use of the Publica- tion Committee of the Grolier Club. 4to, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1893 69 ?A. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Another copy of the above. 4to, wrap- pers, uncut. New York, 1893 698. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to Prior. With Collations and Notes. Numerous fac- similes. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut. New York, 1893-1905 The editions were limited to 400 copies on hand-made paper. 699. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Allen (Charles Dexter). A Classified List of Early American Book-plates. With a brief Description of the Principal Styles and a Note as to the Prominent Engravers. Frontis- piece the original issue of the Grolier Club plate on Japan paper by E. D. French and many others in facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1894 The edition was limited to 350 copies on hand-made paper. TOO. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Facsimiles of the Laws and Acts of the General Assembly for their Majesties' Province of New York . . . With Introduction, Notes and Appendix by Robert L. Fowler. Small folio, pigskin, blind tooled, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1894 The edition was limited to 312 copies. A reprint of the Laws as printed by William Bradford in New York in 1694. 701. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York. From July Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-Five to February Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Four. Vignettes. 8vo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. 5 copies. New York, 1894 Edition limited to 750 copies on hand-made paper. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 702. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Same as above. Vignettes. 8vo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. 6 copies. New York, 1894 Edition limited to 750 copies on hand-made paper. 703. GBOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past, with Arms or Devices upon their Bindings. Facsimiles of Royal and Noble Bindings. 4to, cloth. New York, 1895 The edition was limited to 350 copies on Holland paper. 704. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Description of the Early Printed Books owned by the Grolier Club, with a brief Account of their Printers and the History of Typography in the Fifteenth Century. Illustra- tions. Small folio, half calf, uncut. New York, 1895 The edition was limited to 400 copies on hand-made paper. 705. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Donne (John). Poems of John Donne from the text of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell with vari- our readings of the other editions. Preface and Introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Etched portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1895 The edition was limited to 380 copies. 706. GBOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Silvered bronze medallion portrait of James Russell Lowell. CJias. Calverley, sc. 1895. Diameter, 7 inches. New York, 1895 Only 372 copies cast in bronze made for Members, 1895. Two copies in silvered bronze hand-finished by Mr. Calverley were sold at the Annual Meeting ; the third is in the possession of the Club. ILK. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. 20 illustra- tions after Fantin Latour and others. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1896 LARGE PAPER ISSUE, limited to 400 copies on hand-made paper. 708. GROLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Warren (Arthur). The Charles Whitting- hams, Printers. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1896 The edition was limited to 385 copies. Laid in is an original photograph of the Chiswick Press in 1854, and the Index issued later. 709. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Diirer (Albert). Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Dry-points and Etchings of Albert Diirer as exhibited at the Grolier Club. Compiled by S. R. Koehler. 4to, dark- green crushed levant morocco, sides gilt with a panel within scrolls, gilt back, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDEEY, the original cloth bound in. New York, 1897 Limited to 400 copies. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED, containing over 100 illus- trations in heliogravure of the rarest of Uurer's prints and including a few rare early portraits of Durer, by Hollar, Lorch (in chiaroscuro), Hondius, etc. The illustrations to the catalogue of the engravings prac- tically reproduce all the prints described, made from fine and rare origi- nals and two are printed on vellum. FINELY BOUND. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 710. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Pichon (Baron Jerome). The Life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, Eminent French Bibliophile, 1684- 1736. Translated for the Grolier Club, with a Sketch of the Life of the Late Baron Pichon. Illustrated. Eoyal 8vo, half morocco, brocade silk sides, uncut. New York, 1899 The edition was limited to 308 copies on hand-made paper. 711. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Boccaccio (Giovanni). Life of Dante. Translated with an Introduction and a Note on the Portraits of Dante by G. E. Carpenter. Portrait. Small 4to, decorated vellum, uncut. New York, 1900 The edition was limited to 300 copies on Italian hand-made paper. 712. GROLIER .CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden, 1631-1700. Portrait. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1900 The edition was limited to 200 copies on hand-made paper. 713. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of Etchings and Drypoints by Eembrandt. Selected for Exhibition at the Grolier Club. Portrait after an etching. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 The edition was limited to 310 copies on hand-made paper. 714. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson by S. Arlent Edwards engraved in mezzotint. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1901 The edition was limited to 300 copies on hand-made paper. 715. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. De Vinne (Theo L.). Title Pages as Seen by a Printer. With numerous illustrations in facsimile and some Observations on the Early and Eecent Printing of Books. Fully illustrated from rare originals., many in red and black. Eoyal 8vo, half straight-grain morocco. New York, 1901 The edition was limited to 325 copies on hand-made paper. Laid in is ' the cut signature of "Peter Norie" (early 19th century paper and auto- graph). 716. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Helyas. The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Translated by Eobert Copland from the French Ver- sion published in Paris in 1504. A literal reprint in the Types of Wynken de Worde after the unique copy printed by him upon parch- ment in London, 1512-. Introduction by Eobert Hoe. Woodcuts after the originals. 4to, pigskin, uncut, slip case of pigskin. New York, 1901 The edition was limited to 325 copies on Whatman paper. 717. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Woodberry (George E.). One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature. Facsimiles of title-pages. Eoyal 8.VO, boards, uncut. New York, 1902 The edition was limited to 305 copies on hand-made paper. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 718. GEOLIEE CLUB PUBLICATION. Kent (Henry W.). Bibliographical Notes on One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back. New York, 1903 Only 305 copies were printed on French hand-made paper. 719. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original and Early Editions of Italian Books. Facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1904 The edition was limited to 306 copies on hand-made paper. 720. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Hart (Charles Henry). Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington. Numerous fine photogravures and other reproductions from the originals. 4to, boards, vellum back, uncut. New York, 1904 Only 425 copies were printed on hand-made paper. 721. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Hart (Charles Henry). Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington. Numerous fine photogravures and oilier reproductions from the originals. 4to, sheets, uncut and unbound. New York, 1904 Only 425 copies were printed on hand-made paper. Preparation to extra-illustrate this copy has been begun with the insertion of a number of portraits of Washington, including a scarce early French portrait, the broadside advertisement of "The Apotheosis of Washington," and other material of a miscellaneous character. 722. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Halsey (R. T. Haines). The Boston Port Bill as Pictured by a Contemporary London Cartoonist. Nu- merous superb reproductions on copper the liead and tail-pieces in mezzotint by F. S. King. Royal 8vo, original calf, gilt, uncut. New York, 1904 The Edition was limited to 325 copies on hand-made paper. 723. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. First Editions of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne with manuscript, letters and portraits exhibited at the Grolier Club, 1904. Frontispiece portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1905 No. 8 of 40 copies on hand-made paper. 724. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Lincy (A. J. V. Le Roux de). Researches concerning Jean Grolier, his Life and his Library. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis. Translated and revised by C. Shipman. Numerous facsimiles printed in gold and colors. 4to, original half blue morocco, uncut. New York, 1907 The edition was limited to 300 copies on hand-made paper. With a catalogue of 553 books from Grolier's Library, many of which were un- known to Le Roux de Lincy. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon. April 29th 725. GKOLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Stauffer (D. McN.). American Engravers upon Copper and Steel. Portraits and facsimiles reproduced from scarce prints on Japanese paper. 2 vols. 8vo, half holland. New York, 1907 Limited to 350 copies on imported paper. The first volume is devoted to the biographies of the various early American Engravers before 1800, while the second volume contains check list of their engravings. The best and most authoritative book on this subject, and now very scarce. 726. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Hawthorne (Nathaniel). The Scarlet Letter. Illustrations by George H. Bougliton, printed in colors. Imperial 8vo, half holland. New York, 1908 The edition was limited to 300 copies, with thirteen full-page plates in colors engraved by Leon Boisson of Paris after the Drawings by George H. Boughton. With each plate in colors is a plain impression of the plate. 727. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Bronze medallion portrait of Edgar Allan Poe. Edith Woodman Burroughs sc. Diameter, 6% inches. New York [1909] A limited number of copies made for members actually subscribing, 1909. 728. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. De Yinne (Theo. L.). Notable Printers of Italy during the Fifteenth Century. Illustrated with facsimiles from early editions. 4to, half holland. New York, 1910 The edition was limited to 300 copies. 729. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Whistler (James A. McNeill). The Etched Work of Whistler. Compiled, arranged and described by Edward G. Kennedy. With an Introduction by Eoyal Cortissoz. With over 1,000 reproductions of the various states of Whistler etchings. One volume of text, and three portfolios of plates. To- gether, 4 vol. 4to. New York, 1910 EXTREMELY RARE, indispensable for the Whistler Collector. With the supplementary plate "Nocturne Furnace." The edition of the work was limited to 402 copies. 730. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Bronze plaque portrait of Henry Wads- worth Longfellow. (John Flanagan, sc.). Height, 7%; width, 5% inches. New York, 1911 Three hundred copies made for Members. 731. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition commemorat- ing the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of William Makepeace Thackerav. Portrait and Facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1912 The edition was limited to 260 copies. 732. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Mabie (Hamilton Wright). The Writers of Knickerbocker New York. Woodcuts by W. Stilson. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1912 The edition was limited to 300 copies on hand-made paper. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 733. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of Charles Dickens. With Introduction by Royal Cortissoz. Col- ored Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1913 The edition was limited to 300 copies on hand-made paper. 734. GROLIEK CLUB PUBLICATION. Levis (H. C.). Baziliologia : A Booke of Kings. Notes on a Rare Series of Engraved English Royal Por- traits from William the Conqueror to James I., published under the above title in 1618. Numerous engravings. 4to, holland, back un- cut. New York, 1913 One of 300 copies printed on Japanese vellum at the Chiswick Press, London. 735. GEOLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of John Leech, 1817-1864. Held at the Grolier Club . . . With Introduction by Stanley K. Wilson. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1914 The edition was limited to 240 copies on hand-made paper. There Is a portrait in colors and facsimiles. 736. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Livingston (Luther S.). Franklin and his Press at Passy. An Account of the Books, Pamphlets and Leaflets printed there, including the long-lost "Bagatelles/' Mezzotint por- trait of Franklin by S. Arlent Edwards and facsimiles. Square tall 8vo, cloth back, uncut. New York, 1914 The edition was limited to 300 copies on Van Gelder paper. 737. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. First Editions of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894, and other Stevensoniana. (Introduc- tion by Dr. Lawrason Brown.) Colored frontispiece and other illus- trations. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1915 The edition was limited to 180 copies on hand-made paper. Laid in is a letter from Mr. Walter Gillis on the make-up of the volume. 738. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Ruzicka (Rudolph). New York, a Series of Wood Engravings in Color and a Note on Color Printing. With Prose Impressions of the City by Walter Prichard Eaton. With thirty colored woodcuts of New York Views. Royal 8vo, half hol- land, uncut. New York, 1915 The edition was limited to 250 copies. JFhe book is one of the most sought for of the fine Grolier Club publications as it appeals to the New York collector on account of the beauty of the woodcuts by Ruzicka. 739. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Bronze medallion portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson. V. D. Brenner, sc. Diameter, 7 inches. New York, n.d. Only a limited number made. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 740. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Portrait and plate on Japan paper. 1895. LARGE PAPER. Marginal notes in pencil throughout ; Catalogue of an Exhi- bition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography. 1796- 1896. Extensively illustrated. 1896. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. New York, 1895-1896 Limited editions. 741. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Effigies of the most famous English Writ- ers from Chaucer to Johnson. Portrait. 1891. LARGE PAPER; Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Portrait and plate on Japan paper. 1895. LARGE PAPER; Catalogue of an Exhi- bition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography. 1796- 1896. Extensively illustrated with 244 examples by 160 different artists. 1896. Together, 3 vols. wrappers, uncut. New York, 1891-1896 Limited editions. 742. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Transactions of the Grolier Club, Parts 1, 2 and 3, 1885-1899, containing articles (some illustrated in color) on Japanese Prints, portraits of the founders, etc. 3 vols. square 8vo; Catalogue of engravings by Gaillard, 1900; Catalogue of Engravings, Etchings and Lithographs by Women, 1901. 2 vols. 12mo. Together, 5 vols. Paper. New York, various dates 743. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. Exhibition Catalogues, including, Mod- ern Wood Engraving, 1890; Lithographs by J. Me. Whistler, 1907; Etchings and Dry-Points by Whistler, 1904 ; Engraved Portraits of Actors, 1907; Alchemy and Chemistry, 1891; Modern Bookbind- ings, 1902 ; Bradford Exhibition, 1893 ; Books Illustrated by Eow- landson, 1896 ; and others. Together, 57 vols. 16mo, wrappers, uncut. New York, various dates 744. GRONOW (CAPTAIN). Eeminiscences of Captain Gronow, formerly of ' the Grenadier Guards, being Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court, and the Clubs, at the Close of the Last War with France, related by himself. Illustrations. 4 vols. small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, BY TOUT. FINE SET. London, 1862-1866 745. GROWOLL (A.). American Book Clubs; their Beginnings and History, and a Bibliography of their Publications. 12mo, half calf, uncut, rubbed. New York, 1897 One of 300 copies on hand-made paper. 746. GUILD or WOMEN BINDERS. The Song of Songs. Which is Solomon's. With original designs by IT. Granville Fell. 4to, cloth, uncut, loose in binding. London, 1897 Only 100 copies were printed on Japanese paper, and this is one of 12 copies with duplicate plates on thick vellum, colored by Miss Gloria Cardew for the Guild of Women Binders. So stated and signed by Karslake & Co., Agents for the Guild. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon April 29th 747. GWYNN (NELL). Cunningham (Peter). The Story of Nell G-wyn and the Sayings of Charles II. Belated and Collected by Peter Cunning- ham. With the Author's latest Corrections. Edited with introduc- tion, additional notes and a Life of the Author by Henry B. Wheat- ley. Portraits and all the original illustrations on India paper. Eoyal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 No. 11 of the special edition limited to 250 copies. 748. [HABINGTON (WILLIAM).] Castara. Engraved title by William Mar- shall. The Third edition, corrected and augmented, and the FIEST EDITION of Part III. 16mo, old blue straight-grain morocco, den- telle inner and outer borders, gilt edges, BY c. SMITH (with the bind- er's ticket). London, 1640 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST COMPLETE EDITION, containing the separate titles to all three parts, and the blank unpaginated leaf following page 71. The autograph of John R. Bartlett on the Second Title. The vol- ume contains an early allusion to Shakespeare on page 84. It was written in honor of Habington's mistress, the beautiful Lucy Herbert, and his preliminary note "A Mistris" has long been celebrated as one of the most enchanting descriptions of "a perfect woman." 749. HADEN (SiR FRANCIS SEYMOUR) . A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Francis Seymour Haden. By Sir W. R. Drake. Signed Proof etching by Percy Thomas, inserted. Tall 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1880 750. HALEVY (Lunovic). Guignol. Two etched portraits. 12mo, three- quarter crimson morocco, uncut, in slip case. Lyon, 1890 One of 25 copies printed by Societe des Amis des Livres, with their design printed on India paper. 751. HALL (JOHN). Horae Vacivae; or, Essays, some Occasional! Considera- tions. FIRST EDITION. Portrait engraved by Marshall. 16mo, old black morocco, blind-tooled sides, gilt back, gilt edges. London, 1646 752. HALLECK (FITZ-GREENE). Fanny. 1819. Menzies copy, Alnwick Castle. 1827. For Miss Scott on title, and other names ; Alnwick Castle. 1836. Large Paper; Young America, old boards. 1865; Poems. 1847. Illustrated by Durand and others; Fanny and other Poems. 1839. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings, some worn. New York, various dates "Fanny" and "Alnwick Castle" are FIRST EDITIONS. 753. [HALSEY (B. T. HAINES).] American Silver, the Work of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Silversmiths. Portrait of Paul Revere and 29 plates picturing about 300 examples. 4to, wrappers. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1906 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 29th 754. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Etching and Etchers. Eoyal 8vo, original cloth, blue morocco back, rubbed, gilt edges on red. London, 1868 RARE FIRST EDITION, with 35 full-page etchings by Haden, Callot, Daubigny, Palmer and others, including, "Jacob and Laban" by Rem- brandt printed from the original copper-plate. Samuel Palmer's etching is the first publication of his celebrated "Ploughman" one of his greatest plates. 755. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Drawing & Engraving. A Brief Expo- sition of Technical Principles and Practice. Numerous illustrations selected by the author. Square Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 Among the illustrations are originals by Manesse, Frank Short, Gail- lard, and others. 756. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Man in Art: studies in Religious and Historical Art, Portrait and Genre. 46 illustrations including etch- ings, mezzotints, etc. 4to. original cloth, uncut. London, 1892 757. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Art of the American Wood-en- graver. Descriptive text, with the porfolio of forty examples of the art. Text, 16mo; Plates, folio. Together, 2 vols. uniformly bound in half red crushed levant morocco. New York, 1894 Only 100 copies of the text were printed and but 40 of the plates. Each of the plates is a Signed Proof on India Paper. They include examples by King, Kruell, Wolf, Johnson, Kingsley and others, repre- senting the drawings of Howard Pyle, Childe Hassam, and other noted artists. Each plate is separately mounted in a mat. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB Fourth Session, Nos. 758 to 1003, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 29th, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK 758. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). The Federalist. FIRST EDITION. Volume II. 12mo, original boards, entirely uncut. New York, 1788 BEAUTIFUL LABGE UNCUT COPY. VERY RARE. 759. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Le Federalists . . . publiee dans les Etats- Unis de PAmerique par MM. Hamilton, Madison et Gay. 2 vols. 8vo, original wrappers, entirely uncut. Preserved in two morocco solander cases. Paris, 1792 First French translation, second issue without the "Introduction." VERY SCARCE. 760. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Observations on Certain Documents Con- tained in No. V & VI of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the Charge of Speculation against Alex- ander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is Fully Eefuted. Written by Himself. 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Philadelphia: Printed for John Fenno, by John Bioren, 1797 THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF THE CELEBRATED "REYNOLDS PAM- PHLET," which was afterwards bought up by the Hamilton family and many copies destroyed. 761. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Ford (Paul Leicester). Bibliotheca Hamil- tonia: a list of Books written by, or relating to Alexander Hamil- ton. 8vo, half roan. New York : Printed for the author, 1886 500 copies were issued. Now out of print and scarce. 762. HAMILTON (COUNT ANTHONY). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Trans- lated from the French with Notes and Illustrations. A new edition. Profusely illustrated with engraved portraits of all the beauties and gallants of the time of Charles II including the "bare-necked" por- trait of Lucy Waters, Mary Kirk by Bartolozzi, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, rubbed, some of the plates have offset on text. London, 1828 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 763. HAMILTON (EMMA, LADY). Memoirs of Lady Hamilton, by \V. H. Long. Illustrated. One of 125 copies on Large Paper. London, 1891 ; Emma Lady Hamilton, An Old Story Retold, by Hilda Gam- lin. Portraits and Facsimiles. 4to, half vellum. Liverpool, 1891. Together, 2 vols. 764. HARAUCOUET (EDMUND). L'Effort (La Madone, L'Immortalite, La Fin du Monde, etc.) Page decorations and illustrations in colors by Lunois, Seon, Courboin, and others, the original covers retained (by Leon Rudnicki), 4to, crushed brown levant morocco, the front cover of Ladies' Slippers, on a web-like background of gilt lines, decorating a panel with the title "L'Effort" and bordered with butterflies and Heartsease inlaid in delicate lavender, rich purple, ivory, pale blue and palest rose; the back cover inlaid in young green chestnut-leaves and burrs, within a wide border of Ground-ivy leaves and small blossoms inlaid in pastel-colored leathers in a con- ventional design, repeated inside the covers, brocade-silk end-papers and fly-leaves, gilt edges, slip case, BY RUBAN. Paris, 1894 PAUL AVRIL'S copy, No. 5 of the very limited edition issued by Les Bibliophiles Contemporains and on special paper designed by Octave Uzanne, watermarked with the author's name. [See Eeproduction of Binding] 765. HARDY (THOMAS). Works of Thomas Hardy. FIRST EDITIONS. Des- perate Remedies. 3 vols. London, 1871; Under the Greenwood Tree. 2 vols. 1872; A Pair of Blue Eyes. 3 vols. 1873. The first novel to have Hardy's name attached; Far from the Madding Crowd. 2 vols. tall 8vo. 1874; Hand of Ethelberta. 2 vols. 1876; Return of the Native. 3 vols. 1878 ; The Trumpet Major. 3 vols. 1880 ; A Laodicean. 3 vols. 1881 ; Two on a Tower. 3 vols. 1882 ; The Mayor of Casterbridge. 2 vols. 1886; The Woodlanders. 3 vols. 1887; Wessex Tales. 2 vols. 1888; Tess of the D'Urber- villes. 3 vols. 1891 ; A Group of Noble Dames. 1891 ; Life's Little Ironies. 1894; Jude the Obscure. 1896; The Well-Beloved. 1897; Wessex Poems. 1898 ; [Also] "How I Built Myself a House" (anon- ymous) extracted from "Chambers' Journal," 1865. Together, 40 vols. 12mo, a few of the bindings are slightly worn. London, various dates An unusual collection of FIRST EDITIONS of Thomas Hardy in the ORIGINAL CLOTH, AS ISSUED. Few modern authors are so difficult to secure in the original editions as Hardy. His early books had a very small sale and such copies as were sold were mainly bought by the Circulating Libraries, consequently most of the volumes in this set are library copies, with the labels removed. Hardy's first book, "Desperate Remedies," was issued anonymously and is practically unprocurable in the first edition. Seldom is such a long series of Hardy's First Editions offered for sale. Qj 3 - r-i *II o .2 . (-3 'dO ^ fe gfc 5 &5" ^ o $ OB ! O 1 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 766. HARINGTON (JOHN). Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse. Now thirdly revised and amended, with the Addition of the Author's Epi- grams. Engraved title and copper plates. Small folio, blue morocco with a gilt floral and scroll panel and corner ornaments of flowers, gilt edges, contemporary name of B. Davison on the title. London, 1634 767. HART (CHAELES HENRY). Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans. 21 plates of Jefferson, Adams, Madison and Mrs. Madison, La Fay- ette, Clay, -Gilbert Stuart, Edwin Forrest, Monroe, etc. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, De Vinne Press, 1899 No. 10 of only 50 copies on hand-made paper, with the illustrations on China paper. 768. HARVARD COLLEGE. Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos. 4to, calf, gilt, binding rubbed, polished calf tooled with a border of scrolls incorporating the crowns of King and Queen. Bostoni-Massachusettensium, Typis J. Green & J. Russell, 1761 HORACE WAUOLE'S COPY, with his bookplate, and inscribed by him on a fly-leaf "Bought at the sale of John Earl Oranville, 1763. H. W." The excessively rare thick paper copy of this series of Poems written at Harvard, in Latin, Greek and English, on the death of George II and the ascension to the throne of George III. Laid in is Justin Winsor's monograph on the various authors, whom he concludes to be Benjamin Church, Stephen Sewall, John Winthrop and others. He also states that these copies on thick paper were sent to England for the members of the Royal Family and likely entrusted to the care of Thomas Hollis to be suitably bound, (Hollis gave the Greek type used, and this was the only time it was used, being later destroyed in the fire). 769. HARVARD REGISTER. Numbers 1 to 12. [All published.] [Conducted by members of the University, including 0. W. Holmes, and others.] The first leaf lacking in No. 1, and four numbers without wrappers. Cambridge, 1827-1828 , Holmes of the class of '29, was presumably associated with the Poly- glot Club, composed of the editors of this publication, and as none of his poems are signed, it is indeterminable which are the product of his pen. In the "Amateur" of 1830, poems are signed "H" and "O. W. H.", all of which are attributed to him. In the "Harvard Register" the poem, "Napoleon's Departure to St. Helena," p. 27, is signed "H" and has a footnote by the editor, "We hope to be frequently favored with com- munications from the same pen," which would indicate that perhaps this is among the earliest, if not the very first of Holmes' literary efforts to appear in print. 770. [HAWKINS (SiR THOMAS).] Odes of Horace. The Best of Lyrick Poets. Containing much Moralitie and Sweetnesse. The Third Edition, Selected, Translated, Reviewed, and enlarged with many more. By S'r T. H. Engraved title. 16mo, sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1635 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29ih 771. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Scarlet Letter, a Romance. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original brown cloth. Boston, 1850 A very fine and fresh copy of the RARE FIRST EDITION, containing a custom's bill of Salem endorsed by Hawthorne, "Correct. Nath'l Haiv- thorne, Surveyor," dated 1848. 772. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Life of Franklin Pierce. Steel engraved portrait by Wagstaff. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852 FIRST EDITION. This copy has the engraved portrait, many have only a woodcut portrait. 773. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Complete Works of Nathaniel Haw- thorne, with introductory Notes by George Parsons Lathrop. Illus- trated with etchings by Blum, Church, Dielman, Gifford and others. 12 vols.; Dr. Grimshawe's Secret, edited with Preface by Julian Hawthorne; Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. By Julian Haw- thorne. Etchings by Garrett and others. 2 vols. Together, 15 vols. royal 8vo, boards, uncut, paper labels. Cambridge, 1883-1884 No. 21 of the 350 copies on LARGE PAPER issued at the Riverside Press, containing portraits hitherto unpublished. 774. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). FIRST EDITIONS. Twice Told Tales. Bos- ton, 1837; Journal of an African Cruiser. 1845. In half morocco, retaining the original wrappers; The Blithedale Romance. 1852; The Marble Faun. 2 vols. 1860; The Snow-Image. 1864; Septi- mius Felton. 1872 ; Dr. Grimshawe's Secret. Boston, 1883 ; Pansie, Hawthorne's Last Literary Effort. London, pamphlet, n.d. ; and 3 others not first editions; With, Browne's Bibliography; Page's Memoir. 1872; Hawthorne, by Henry James. London, 1879; The American Magazine. Vol. II.; Numbers of the Democratic Review, etc. Together, 22 vols. and pamphlets. 775. HAY (JOHN). Pike County Ballads and Other Pieces. Boston, 1871; Poems. Boston, 1890. FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1871-1890 776. HAYWARD (ABRAHAM). Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale). Edited with notes and an introductory account of her Life and Writings. 2 vols. London, 1861 ; Diaries of a Lady of Quality (Miss Wynn, grand-daughter of Grenville, first Lord of the Treasury), 1797-1844. Edited with notes. Lon- don, 1864. Together, 3 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. London, 1861-1864 777. [HAYWARD (SiR JOHN).] The First Part of the Life' and Raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of the First Yeare of his raigne. Written by I. H. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, floral gilt border and corner ornaments, gilt edges and inside borders, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Imprinted at London, by John Wolf, 1599 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, with good margins. The volume is dedicated in laudatory terms to the Earl of Essex and Queen Elizabeth ; at that time being on bad terms with her erratic favorite, the Queen promptly put Sir John Haywarde in prison for writing it. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 778. HAYWAED (SiR JOHN). The Life, and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. Written by S'r John Hayward, k't. Engraved title with portrait of the King by Robert Vaughan, and engraved portrait of Hayward by William Pass. Small 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt floral panel and corner ornaments, gilt edges and inside borders, BY THE CLUB BINDEEY. London, 1630 FIRST EDITION. A fine copy with wide margins and beautiful un- niarred impressions of the engraved portraits. Hayward assumes foul play in the death of Edward A T I, accepting the view that poison was administered by a schoolmistress, the agent of the Duke of Northum- berland. 779. HAZLITT (WILLIAM C.). Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Print- ing to the Restoration. Thick tall 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 Fine copy of an indispensable work of reference. 780. HEAEN (.LAFCADIO). Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1894 781. HEINE (HEINEICH). The Works of Heinrich Heine. Translated by Charles Godfrey Leland. 8 vols. square 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut and unopened, top of one vol. slightly stained. London, 1893-1895 LARGE PAPER EDITIOX, limited to 100 copies. 782. HELOISE AND ABAILAED. Lettres d'Heloise et d'Abailard. Eight Plates by Moreau le Jeune in two slates. Tome Premier, 4to, dark blue crushed levant morocco, Jansenist sides, fillet lines in blind tooling, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges on the rough, BY THE CLUB BIND- EEY. Paris, 1796 The beautifully produced edition of Didot le Jeune. 783. HENLEY (W. E.). A London Garland. Selected from five centuries of English Verse. Pictures by Members of the Society of Illustrators. 4to, vellum, gilt edges. London, 1895 Whistler's Nocturn and others are reproduced among the illustrations : also, etching by Seymour Haden. 784. HENEY (JOHN JOSEPH). An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. FIEST EDI- TION. 12mo, original sheep, stamp on title, broken at hinges. Lancaster, 1812 785. HERBERT (GEORGE). Herbert's Remains; or, Sundry Pieces of that Sweet Singer of the Temple . . . Now exposed to publick light. (At the end, "Outlandish Proverbs," London, 1651.) FIBST EDITION. 12mo, panelled calf, gilt, antique. London, 1652 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 786. HEKBERT (GEORGE). The English Works of George Herbert. Edited by George Herbert Palmer. Portrait and illustrations. 6 vols. 8vo, half holland. Boston, 1905 LARGE PAPER, only 150 issued^ printed at the Riverside Press. 787. HERBERT (THOMAS). A Description of the Persian Monarchy, now being the Oriental Indyes, Isles & other Part's of the Greater Asia and Afric. Engraved title by William Marshall, illustrations. Small folio, old calf, re-backed. London, 1634 The title and margins have contemporary marginal notes. 788. HERRICK (ROBERT). Hesperides: or the Works both Humane & Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq. Engraved title containing profile portrait by William Marshall. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RAM AGE. London: Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Crown and Marygold in Saint Pauls Church-yard. 1648. FIRST EDITION of these very beautiful poems. EXTREMELY SCARCE. Has the "Errata" leaf and "His Noble Numbers." London. Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, 1647. 789. HERRICK (ROBERT). Poetical Works of Robert Herrick. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY F. BEDFORD. London, 1825 The pretty "Wreath Edition" printed by Pickering. FINE COPY AND VERY SCARCE. 790. HEY WOOD (Jonx). The Spider and the Flie. A Parable of the Spider and the Flie, made by John Heywood. Imprinted at London in Flete Streete by Tho: Powell, Anno. 1556. Square 8vo, brown morocco with gilt center and corner ornaments and blind tooling, gilt edges, BY BEDFORD. The title-page in excellent facsimile. London, 1556 A very scarce book. Most copies have had to be supplied with one or two leaves in facsimile, very few are known otherwise. 791. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Hierarchic of the Blessed Angells. Their Names, Orders and Offices. The Fall of Lucifer with his Angells. 10 engravings by Cecill, Droeshout, Marshall, Payne and others. Small folio, sprinkled calf, gilt, BY LARKINS. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1635 THE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION WITH PLATES. It contains the celebrated reference to Shakesp~eare and his contemporaries. "Mellifluous Shake-speare, whose inchanting Quill Commanded Mirth or Passion, was but Will." The author likewise refers to the contemporary poets, Jonf-on, Beau- mont, Webster, etc. Has the leaf before the title, dated November 7, 1654. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 792. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). Pleasant Dialogves and Drammas, selected out of Lucian. Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. With Sundry Emblems ex- tracted from the most elegant Jacobus- Catsius. As also certaine Elegies, Epitaphs and Epithalamions or Nuptiall Songs, etc. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY BEDFORD. London, 1637 793. [HEYWOOD (THOMAS).] The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosivs. His Prophesies, and Predictions Interpreted; and, their Truth made good by our English Annals. Being a Chronographicall History of all the Kings, and Memorable Passages of this Kingdome, from Brute to the Reigne of our Royall Soveraigne King Charles. En- graved frontispiece. Small 4to, crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1641 FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 794. HILL (G.). The Odes of Casimire. Translated by G. H. Engraved title by Marshall, the former trimmed. 12mo, crimson straight- grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY CECIL & LARKINS. London, 1646 Engraved title cut down and rebacked, leaf of preliminary verses rebacked. 795. HODGSON (W.). The Divine Cosmographer. By W. H. Engraved title by Marshall and preliminary leaf "The Mind of the Frontispiece." Narrow 12mo, old calf, joints breaking. Autograph of John King, 1680, and the rare preliminary Leaf of Imprimatur "1639." [Cambridge, R: Daniel,] 1640 796. HOE (ROBERT). Catalogue of Books in English later than 1700 in the library of Robert Hoe. 3 vols. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York, 1905 Privately printed, and limited in issue. 797. HOLLAND (HENRY). Heroologia Anglica. Hoc est, Clarissimorum et Doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui Floruerunt ab anno Cristi MD usq ad Presentem Annum MDCXX. Vivae Effigies, Vitae et Elogia. Engraved title and 66 portraits. Small folio, old leather, re-backed. London [1620] Celebrated for the beauty of the engraved plates by Crispin de Pas and others, of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Richard Grenville, Thomas Cavendish, Sir Martin Frobisher, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Francis Drake, the rare engraving of Prince Henry tilting, etc. VERY SCARCE. 798. HOLLIS (THOMAS Benefactor of Harvard College). A'Kempis (Thomas A). The Christian Pattern, or a treatise on the Imitation of Jesus Christ. By George Stanhope. 8vo, old calf. London, 1772 Autograph signature of Hollis. on fly-leaf. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 799. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Valedictory Address to the Medical Grad- uates of Harvard University., March 10, 1858. Tall 8vo, original wrappers. . Boston, 1858 PRESENTATION COPY. "Dr. Bacon, with Dr. Holmes's compliments," inscribed by Holmes, on the cover. 800. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). FIRST EDITIONS. The Harbinger. Bos- ton, 1833; Poems. 1836; Homoepathy, and its Kindred Delusions. 1842; Poems. London, 1846; Urania. 1846. Bound in crushed levant ; Lecture before the Medical Class of Harvard. 1847 ; Poems. 1849. Enlarged edition (2 copies) ; Astrea. 1850. Very fine fresh copy; Puerperal Fever. 1855; Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. 1858 ; Professor at the Breakfast-Table. 1860 ; Currents and Coun- ter-Currents in Medical Science. 1861; Elsie Veuner. 2 vols. 1861; Songs in Many Keys. 1862; Border Lines of Knowledge. 1862; Poems. Blue-and-Gold Edition. 1862; Oration at Boston, on the 87th Anniversary of the National Independence of America. Boston and Philadelphia, 1863; Soundings from the Atlantic. 1864; Lecture before the Medical Class at Harvard. 1867; Mech- anism in Thought and Morals. 1871 ; Poet at the Breakfast Table. 1872; Claims of Dentistry. 1872; John Lothrop Motley. Large paper. 1879 ; The Iron Gate. 1880 ; Our Hundred Days in Europe. Boston, 1887 ; Before the Curfew and other Poems. 1888 ; Over the Teacups. 1891 ; Large Paper limited editions of 150 copies illus- trated by Howard Pyle of, The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Dorothy Q, and the One Hoss Shay ; The Last Leaf. Illustrated by HopTcinson, Smith and Edwards; and 12 miscellaneous items by, or relating to Holmes. Together, 47 vols. 801. [HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL).] Calendar of Historical Manuscripts re- lating to the War of the Revolution, in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N". Y. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES' COPY, with his pretty "Nautilus Shell" book- plate. 802. HOOD (THOMAS). The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, Lycus the Centaur and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, very dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and slight inlays of Greek Vase and Altar Fire in red and gold, gilt top, inside gilt borders, uncut, BY DE SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. London, 1827 803. HORACE. Pine's Horace. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. Text engraved throughout with over 200 illustrations, full-page plates, vignettes, head and tail-pieces. 2 vols. 8vo, dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panels decorated with leaf sprays, inside gilt borders, gilt on marbled edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Londini: Johannes Pine, 1733-1737 A VERY FINE COPY OF THE FIRST ISSUE, with the typographical error in the medallion on page 108 of Vol. II. Celebrated for the beauty of the engravings. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 804. HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.). Papers concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield by a Party of Indians from Canada, September 19, 1677. Map and Index. Tall 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 One Hundred copies only privately printed. One of the "Bradford Club" series. 805. HOWARD (MONTAGUE). Old London Silver: its History, its Makers and its Marks. With 200 illustrations and over 4,000 facsimiles of Maker's Marks and Hall Marks. 4to, roan, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 806. HOWARD (SiR ROBERT). Poems, viz., a Panegyrick to the King, Songs and Sonnets, the Blind Lady a Comedy, etc. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside dentelle borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1660 807. HOWARD (SiR EGBERT). Five New Plays, viz. The Surprisal, the. Com- mittee, Comedies: And The Indian Queen, etc. Second Edition . corrected. Engraved portrait by White (corner restored). Small folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top. London, 1700 808. HOWELL (JAMES). Dodona's Grove, or, The Vocall Forest. Engraved frontispiece, vignette and two plates. FIRST EDITION. Small folio, crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges, frontispiece has top margin with small inset. [London :] By T. B. for H. Mosley, 1640 FIRST EDITION. 809. HOWELL (JAMES). Dodona's Grove, or the Vocall Forrest, The Third edition, more exact and perfect than the Former ; with the Addition oi two other Tracts, viz. England's Tears for the Present Wars, The Pre-Eminence of Parlements. (Each with separate title.) En- graved frontispiece and folding plates. 12mo, half calf. Cambridge, 1645 810. HOWELL (JAMES). Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar Letters Domestic and Forren ; Divided into Six Sections, Partly Historical!, Politicall, Philosiphicall, upon Emergent Occasions. By J. H. Esq. Engraved frontispiece containing portrait, the lower margin skilfully restored. SmaU 4to, crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet lines, gilt inside borders and edges. London, 1645 FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE WITH THE ENGRAVED TITLE. Most of these famous comments were written while Howell was a prisoner in Fleet Street during the Commonwealth, and were addressed to Ben Jonson, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Herbert of Cherbury and others. They contain many noted stories as the "Pied Piper of Hamelin" which may have given Browning his idea for the poem. "He also comments on Sir Walter Raleigh's "golden myne" which is "proved a meer Chymera," and he fears it will go ill with him as Gondamar, the Spanish Ambas- sador "will never give him over till he hath his head off his shoulders." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 811. HOWELL (JAMES). Loiidinopolis ; an Historicall Discourse or Perlus- tratio'n of the City of London, the Imperial Chamber and chief Em- porium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster. Portrait (mounted,) and folding view of London. Small folio, old half russia. London, 1657 The folding view of London is rarely found. It shows the City he- fore the Great Fire, the old Play-houses and Theatres, Old Saint Pauls, London Bridge with the houses on it, etc. 812. HOWELL (JAMES). Epistolae Ho-Elianae. The Familiar Letters of James Howell, Historiographer Eoyal to Charles II. Edited, anno- tated and indexed by Joseph Jacobs. Portrait. 2 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London, 1892 Limited issue on LARGE PAPER. 813. HUGO (VICTOR). Paris. Royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1867 PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, signed in full, "Au Vaillant Yoyageur de VAir. Victor Hugo." Probably a gift to Flammarion, who made a great ascent about that time. 81-4. HUGO (VICTOR). Mes Fils. Tall 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1874 PRESENTATION COPY FROM HUGO, and signed in full, "Victor Hugo," which is very unusual, as the signature most often seen in such cases is initials only, ".4 mew chcr Nodier (de ma part ct de la part dc mcs fils) Victor Hugo." 815. HUGO (VICTOR). Dramas and Poems: the Gallery of Illustrations. 4to, sheets, in roan portfolio. New York [1895] No. 65 of the Cabinet edition, with the plates in two state's. 816. HUMOR (AMERICAN). Versatilities, by R. H. Newell (Orpheus C. Kerr) ; The Orpheus C. Kerr Paper. 3rd series; Mrs. Grundy (All pub- lished.) Illustrated by Thomas Nast. 1865 ; The Little Frenchman and his Water Lots, by Geo. 'P. Morris. Illustrations by Johnson.' Philadelphia, 1839. Scarce; Major Downing's Letters (by Seba Smith). New York, 1834; Ekkoes from Kentucky; Phoenixiana, Cozzens' Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker ; Salad for the Solitary. Pres- entation copy from the author; St. Twel'mo, or the Cuneiform En- cyclopedist of Chattanooga, by C. H. Webb. 1867; John Smith's Letters with Ticters' to Match. New York, 1839; Darius Green and his Flying Machine, by J. T. Trowbridge; Mrs. Partington. New York, 1854. Many icith clever and humorous illustrations. To- gether, 13 vols. 817. HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). Masterpieces of the Early Printers and En- gravers. A Series of Facsimiles from rare and curious Books. 81 fine facsimiles of devices, borders, initials, printer's marks, title- pages, engravings, etc. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, binding loose. London, 1870 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 818. HUMPHEEYS (H. XOEL). The Art of Illumination. Colored fac- similes. London, 1849; Portraits of Friends, by Principal Shairp. Boston, 1889 ; Andrew Marvell, by Augustine Birrell. London, 1905; Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, Printer of York, by Himself. Portrait. London, 1832; and others. Together, 20 vols. 8vo and 12mo, vari- ous bindings. 819. HUXT (LEIGH). Juvenilia; or, a Collection of Poems. Written be- twee'h the Ages of twelve and Sixteen by J. H. L. Hunt. Frontis- piece by Bartolozzi. 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut, back worn. London, 1801 FIRST EDITION. VERY RAKE IN UNCUT STATE. Interiorly a fine copy. 820. HUNT (LEIGH). Juvenilia; or, a Collection of Poems. Wrritten be- tween the ages of twelve and sixteen by J. H. L. Hunt. Stipple and line portrait. 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut, page 83 has mar- gin split. London, 1802 Second Edition with additions, rare in uncut condition. The portrait of Leigh Hunt first appears in this issue. 821. HUNT (LEIGH). The Feast of the Poets, with Notes and Other Pieces in Verse, by the Editor of the Examiner. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, blue straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1814 822. HUNT (LEIGH). The Story of Rimini, a Poem. Engraved portrait. 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco, having a vignette inlay of a fountain in ivory on the recto, and of a lute on the verso, each panel outlined in a running vine in gold tooling, gilt edges, inside ribbon borders, BY DE SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. London, 1816 FIRST EDITION. Inserted is a short autograph note signed by Leigh Hunt, asking Moxon for three copies of his 'Poetical Works.' Beautifully bound. 823. HUNT (LEIGH). Foliage, or Poems, original and Translated. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, morocco ; The Palfrey, a Love-Story of Old Times. FIRST EDITION. 1842; Men, Women and Books. 2 vols. 1847. FIRST EDITION; Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. FIRST EDITION illustrated by Doyle. 1848; Book for a Corner. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 1849; and an edition of 1851; The Old Court Suburb. Lon- don, n. d. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, cloth boards and morocco. London, various dates 824. HURTREL (ALICE). Les Aventures Bomanesques d'un Comte d'Artois. D'apres un ancien manuscrit, orne de dessins, de la Bibliotheque Rationale. Illustrations, some in colors after old miniatures. Square 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1883 No. 18 of 40 copies on Japanese paper. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 8.25. HUTTON (C. A.). Greek Terra-cotta Figures. Preface by A. S. Murray. Frontispiece in colors and oilier illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 On Tanagra and other figures. 826. IRVING (WASHINGTON). A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knicker- bocker. Engraved view of New Amsterdam,, now New York. 2 vols. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt, inside ribbon borders, gilt edges, BY RUBAN. New York, 1809 THE VERY RARE FlRST EOITIOIS 7 . AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. 827. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. COMPLETE SET. All first issues, excepting Part 2, which is second. Together,. 8 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter red morocco, gilt e*dges. New York, 1819-1820 The First Edition is a very difficult book to obtain in the right state. Very few copies are known absolutely right in every part, and most of them have two or more parts of second or later issues. Each volume has a portrait (different in each case,) of Irving, inserted. FINE SET. 828. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle. By the author of The Sketch Book, with a Biographical Notice. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. Tall 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper laid in. New York, 1824 829. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Crayon Miscellany : Abbotsford. Philadelphia, 1835 [and] Newstead Abbey. London, 1835; Poetical Works of Campbell, (with Life by Irving). Philadelphia, 1815; The Sketch Book. 2 vols. London, 1820; Book of the Hudson. New York, 1849; Irvingiana. New York, 1860; Knickerbocker's New York. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. New York, 1900 ; Little Britain, etc. Illustrated by C. 0. Murray. London, n. d. SOME FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 9 vols. 12mo to 4to, various bindings, 2 worn. 830. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Bracebridge Hall (not First Edition). 2 vols. London, 1822; Tales of a Traveller (not First Edition). 2 vols. London, 1824; Life and Voyages of Columbus. 3 vols. New York, 1828; Conquest of Granada. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1829; Com- panions of Columbus. Philadelphia, 1831; The Alhambra. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1832; The Crayon Miscellany (Tour on the Prairies and Conquest of Spain). 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835; Astoria. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1836 ; Memoir of Margaret M. Davidson. Phil- adelphia, 1841 ; Oliver Goldsmith. New York, 1849 ; Wolf ert's Eoost. New York, 1855; Life of George Washington. 5 vols. New York, 1855-59; Life and Letters. 4 vols. New York, 1862-64; Spanish [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th [No. 830 Continued'} Papers. 2 vols. New York, 1866. Together, 30 vols. uniformly bound in three-quarter brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. ALL FIRST EDITIONS with the exception of "The Traveller" and Brace- bridge Hall." A FINE SERIES. The second volume of "Bracebridge Hall" has a leaf of the original manuscript inserted. 831. IKVING (WASHINGTON). Irvingiana, a Memorial (by Lowell and oth- ers). Largest Paper. F. 0. C. Barley's copy. 4to, half red morocco. New York, 1860; Rip van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Illustrated by G. IT. Boughton. Large Paper and limited to 250 copies. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1893. Together, 2 vols. 832. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Manuscript: containing 100 pages of Irving's manuscript notes (some leaves have writing on both sides). Pocket note book of 12mo size, covered with a piece of an old vellum manu- script, with flap and cord, lettered on the vellum cover in Irving's hand "1807 Highlands," and a note inside in another hand "Journal o/ a Trip in the Scottish Highlands by Washington Irving of Sunny- On the first page is pencilled a quotation from Smollett "On Leven's bank while free to rove And tune the rural pipe to love" followed by his account of leaving Duubarton for Loch Lomond passing Smollett's monument on the Leven, and while describing the overwhelming effect of the mountain scenery after a storm, stops to jot on the opposite page "Females with stockings without feet to them." He copies a num- ber of the verses he finds scratched on the walls of the Castle. Irving also visited the falls of the Clyde and describes them and many other lovely spots, and Country seats, including Ayrshire where he pays a tribute to Burns. 833. JACKSON (CATHERINE CHARLOTTE, LADY). Collected set of FIRST EDI- TIONS, as follows, Old Paris. 2 vols. 1878; The Old Regime. 2 vols. 1880; French Court and Society, Reign of Louis XVI and First Empire. 2 vols. 1881 ; The Court of the Tuileries. 2 vols. 1883; Court of France in the Sixteenth Century. 2 vols. 1886 ; Last of the Valois. 2 vols. 1888 ; The First of the Bourbons. 2 vols. 1890. Portraits. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt tops, some uncut. London, 1878-1890 834. JACOB (GILES). The Poetical Register; or, the Lives and Characters of all the English Poets with an Account of their Writings. With all the Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half new calf. London, 1723 Rarely found with all the portraits. The volumes are annotated with manuscript notes by an early owner, giving more details of the authors described. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 835. JACOBS (JOSEPH). Indian Fairy Tales; Celtic Fairy Tales; More Celtic Fairy Tales. Selected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. 3 vols. royal 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892-1894 The limited issues of 125 copies on Japanese vellum. 836. JACOBS (JOSEPH). Barlaam and Josaphat. English Lives of Buddha. Edited and Induced by Joseph Jacobs. Frontispiece in two states. Royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1896 One of only 60 copies printed ou Whatman paper. 837. JAPANESE FAIRY TALES. Princess Splendor; Forty Seven Ronin; Jap- anese Jungles, Mae Stjohn-Bramhall. Illustrations in color. To- gether, 3 vols. 16mo, Japanese chintz. Tokyo, 1891, and no date 838. JEREOLD (DOUGLAS). Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. Illustrated by Charles Keene, the frontispiece in colors. Square 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1866 CHARLES KEENE'S COPY, with his bookplate, and in fine condition. The first edition illustrated by Charles Keene. 839. JOHNSON (CAPTAIN CHARLES). A General History of the Eobberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates . . . from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, in 1717, to the Pres- ent Year, 1724. With the Actions and Adventures of the Two Fe- male Pyrates, and an account of the famous Captain A very, etc. Map of the West Indies, folding plate and two portraits. 8vo, old panelled calf, rebacked, lower margins stained. London, 1724 840. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Irene: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sprinkled calf (new), with advertisement leaf "Books for R. Dodsley." London, 1749 841. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. 2 vols. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1759 FIRST EDITION of Johnson's 'Rasselas.' SCARCE. 842. JONES (CHARLES HENRY). Memoir of William Rodman (1757-1824). Portrait, an Original medallion in mezzotint by Saint Memin printed on India paper. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately printed, 1867 Very limited private issue, and a presentation copy from the author. The memoir is of the old Long Island family the founders of Flushing, which originally was called "Rodmanda." 843. JONES (JOHN PAUL). Life and Character of the Chevalier John Paul Jones, a Captain in the Navy of the United States during the Revo- lutionary War. By John Henry Sherburne. Portrait. 8vo, old boards, uncut, binding broken. Washington, 1825 Interiorly a fine copy. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 844. JONSON (BEN). The Workes of Beniamin Jonson. FIRST EDITION, Second Issue. Engraved title and the separate title to each part. (No portrait.) Thick small folio, old leather, stain on title, p. 747 inserted from a short copy, 'and p. 856 stained and repaired. London: W. Stansby, 1616 Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. THE EARL OF WESTMORELAND'S COPY. With a verse in a contemporary hand on inside cover and another on the last leaf "He who began from Dirt & Lime The Muses Hill to Clime And whilom busied in laying Ston Thirsted to drink of Helicon Changing his Trowel for a Pen . Wrot strait ye Temper, not of Dirt, but Men . Noiv since yt he is turn'd to Clay & gon Let those remaine of th' Occupation He honour'd once, frame him a Tombe may say His Craft exceeded far a Dauber's Way Yet write upon't he could no longer Tarry But was returned again unto ye Quarry." 845. JONSON (BEN). The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. Engraved title by Hole (no portrait). 2 vols. folio, old mottled calf, rebacked. London : Printed by Richard Bishop, 1640 The Second Edition of Volume I and the First Edition of Vol. 2, which contains the general title dated 1640, and the titles to the three' new plays, 1631. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 846. JONSON, JUNIOR (BEN). The Poem of Ben Johnson, Junior. Being a Miscelanie of Seriousness, Wit, Mirth and Mysterie, in Vulpone, the Dream, Iter Bevoriale, Songs, &C. FIRST EDITION. Composed by W. S. Gent. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1672 Has the two leaves of advertisements, at end. The last page of text is numbered 100 and has catchword at foot Self. 847. JUNIUS. Stat Nominis Umbra. Illustrated by Mr. Edward Bocquet, Historical Engraver frbm original Paintings. Beautiful stipple portraits in the first impressions. 4to, old calf, front cover loose. London, 1813 Scarce edition, sought for the fine portraits. 848. JUSSERAND (J. J.). A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles II: Le Comte de Cominges. From his unpublished correspondence. 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 One of 65 copies on Japan paper, signed by Ambassador Jusserand. The book is illustrated with 10 beautiful portraits after the rare originals of the period, Nanteuil, Picart, Edelinck, etc. 849. JUSSERAND (J. J.). Piers Plowman, a Contribution to the History of English Mysticism. New York, 1894; A Literary History of the English People, from the Origins to the Eenaissance. London, 1895 ; Shakespeare in France under the Ancient Regime. London, 1899. Frontispieces. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 850. KEATS (JOHN). Endymion, a Poetic Eomance. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, panelled in fillet lines broken with squares and circles, gilt top, inside borders, silk end papers and doublures, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1818 Lacks the half-title. The errata leaf contains five lines, and has the leaves of advertisement dated May 1, 1818. Has 2 leaves of advertisements. 851. KEATS (JOHN). Odes, Sonnets & Lyrics. With portrait after the draw- ing by Joseph Severn. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford: Daniel, 1895 Limited Edition of 250 copies, this copy being No. 174. 852. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Poems by the Way. Woodcut border and initials. 8vo, vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1891] The second book from the Kelinscott Press and the first book printed in black and red. 853. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (Williams). The Story of the Glittering Plain. 8vo, original vellum, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1891] The first book printed at the Kelmscott Press. VERY SCARCE. 854. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Blunt (Wilfrid Scawen). The Love-Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, with the Love-Sonnets now reprinted in their full text with many Sonnets omitted from the earlier editions. 8vo, vel- lum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1892] Only 300 copies were printed in the Kelmscott Golden Type. 855. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. Woodcut borders. 8vo, vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1892] Only 300 copies were printed in thje Golden Type, the first book bound by Morris in vellum, and the only one where the title is inscribed by hand on the back. 856. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Kuskin (John). The Nature of Gothic, a Chapter of the Stones of Venice. With a Preface by William Morris. 8vo, vellum with ties. [Hammersmith, 1892] 500 copies were printed in the Golden Type of the Kelmscott Press. 857. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Caxton (William). The Order of Chivalry. Trans- lated from the French by William Caxton and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Bound with L'Ordenrie de Chevalerie, with translation by William Morris. Woodcut by Sir E. Burne Jones. 8vo, vellum, with ties. [Hammersmith, 1892-1895] Only 225 copies were printed in the Chaucer type. The tcndrc croppes.and the yonge oonnc hath in the Ram his halfe coura yronne, Hnd smale foweles mahen melodye. That alepen al the nyght with open eye. 80 priheth hem nature in hir coragco ; r hanne longen follt to goon on pilgrimages Co fernchatwea.fcovpthe in sondry londcs: Hnd speeially. from every shireo cndc Of Gngelond. to Caiin terbury they wcnde, The hooly blisf ul m.irtir for to aehe, That hem hath holpcn wh.in that they were JlflL that in that scoon on a day in Southwerlt at the Tabard ab TR.H C Hprille with his shoures Boots KELMSCOTT PRESS Chaucer's Works Reduced facsimile of first page [No. 858] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 858. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Works of Geoffrey Chau- cer. Edited by F. S. Ellis. The borders, woodcut title and 87 wood- cut illustrations by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Folio, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1893] Only 425 copies were printed, and now extremely rare. The most important achievement of the Kelmscott Press, printed in the "Chaucer type" designed by William Morris, the work on it extending over a period of nearly two years. Morris designed the woodcut borders around the Burne Jones illustrations and the large initial words. Sig- nature "hi" having a slight defect in the paper, two extra leaves are laid in to replace it. [See Reproduction of Printed Page] 859. KELMSCOTT PEESS. More (Sir Thomas). Utopia. Ralph Robinson's Translation with foreword by William Morris. Woodcut borders. 8vo, vellum with ties. [Hammersmith, 1893] Only 300 copies were printed in the Chaucer type. 8f>0. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. 16mo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith. 1893] 1500 copies were printed. 861. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Woodcut title and borders. 16mo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1893] 350 copies were printed. 862. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). Ballads and Narrative Poems. Woodcut title and beautiful borders. 8vo, vellum, with ties, uncut. [Plammersmith, 1893] One of only six copies printed on vellum, in Morris' Golden Type. 863. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Shakespeare (William). Poems, printed after the original copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593, The Rape of Lucrece, 1584, Sonnets, 1609, The Lover's Complaint, Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo, vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1893] Although 500 copies were issued, this book has become one of the rarest books from the Kelmscott Press. Beautifully printed in Golden type. 864. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Tennyson (Alfred). Maud, a Monodrama. Wood- cut title and borders specially designed for this book. Thin 8vo, vel- lum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1893] Only 500 copies were printed in the Golden type, and the first of the 8vo books having a woodcut title. 865. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Wood Beyond the World. Borders and frontispiece designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 8vo, limp vellum and ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1894] Printed in the Chaucer type, and the borders and half-borders used here for the first time. Only 350 copies were issued. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 866. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Psalmi Penitent! ales (Pound in a Manuscript of Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, written at Gloucester about the Year 1440, and now transcribed and edited by F. S. Ellis.) Square 8vo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1894] Printed in Chaucer type and issued in 300 copies. 867. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Eossetti (Dante Gabriel). Sonnets and Lyrical Poems. Woodcut title and borders. 8vo, vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1894] One of only six copies printed on vellum in the Golden Type and intended as a companion volume to Rossetti's "Ballads and Narrative Poems." Both were read for the press by W. M. Rossetti. 868. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Swinburne (Algernon Charles). Atalanta in Caly- don, a Tragedy. Woodcut Title and Greek type designed by Selwyn Image. 4to, vellum, with ties. [Hammersmith, 1894] Troy type was used, and the edition limited to 250 copies. 869. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Friendship of Amis and Amile. Woodcut title. 16mo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1894] Printed in Chaucer type and limited to 500 copies. 870. KELMSCOTT PEESS. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea. By William Morris. Woodcut titles and borders. 16mo, half holland. [Hammersmith. 1894] One of the twenty copies printed on vellum. 871. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Morris (William). Child Christopher and Goldi- lind the Fair. Woodcut title. 2 vols. 16mo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1895] Printed in Chaucer type and limited to 600 copies. 872. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Kossetti (Dante Gabriel). Hand and Soul, Wood- cut title and borders. 16mo, vellum. [Hammersmith, 1895] One of 300 copies for America, with a slightly different colophon and the only 16mo book bound in vellum. 873. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Syr Perecyvelle of Gales. Woodcut by Sir E. Burne- Jones. 8vo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1895] The edition was limited to 350 copies printed in Chaucer Type. 874. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Poems chosen out of the Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut borders. 8vo, vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1896] One of 8 copies printed on vellum in the Golden Type designed by Morris for the Kelmscott Press. 875. KELMSCOTT PEESS. Morris (William). The Well at the World's End. Four Woodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 4to, limp vellum with ties, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1896] One of 350 copies printed in Chaucer Type, in black and red. The eight borders and six different ornaments between the columns appear here for the first time. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29tTi 876. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Floure and the Leafe, & the Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or the Cuckow and the Nightingale. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Printed in the Troy type with note and colophon in Chaucer type. Svo, half holland. [Hammersmith, 1896] Only 300 copies were printed. The poems were formerly attributed to Chaucer, but are much later. The second poem was written by Sir Thomas Clanvowe about 1405-10. 877. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Froissart. Two Trial Pages of the Projected Edi- tion of Lord Berners' Translation of Froissart's Chronicles. Folio, Chaucer type with the heading in Troy type, the border containing the Shields of France, etc. 2pp. folio. [Hammersmith, 1897] One of 160 copies on vellum only. Morris had intended this volume to be a companion for the Kelmscott Chaucer, but his death made its com- pletion impossible. 878. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Love is Enough; or the Free- ing of Pharamond. A Morality. Two Woodcuts by Sir Edward Burne Jones. 4to, vellum, with ties. [Hammersmith, 1897] The edition was limited to 300 copies. 879. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Sundering Flood. Printed . in Chaucer Type. Woodcut borders and a map. Thick 8vo, half holland, uncut. [Hammersmith, 1897] The last Romance written by .William Morris. 300 copies were issued and the work was overseen on the press by May Morris. 880. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Large 4to, limp vellum with ties. [Hammersmith, 1897] One of 250 copies printed in Chaucer type, with a few lines in Troy type at the end of each of the seven parts in black and red. 881. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century. 29 reproductions. Small folio, half holland. [Hammersmith, 1897] Edited by S. S. Cockerell, and limited to 225 copies. 882. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Art and the Beauty of the Earth. Thin Svo, boards, cloth back, uncut. [London, 1898] Printed with the Kelmscott "Golden Type" at the Chiswick Press. 883. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). A Note by William Morris on his Aims in founding the Kelmscott Press. Together with a short Description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell & an annotated list of the Books printed thereat. Woodcut frontispiece and borders by William Morris. Svo, boards, cloth back, uncut. [London, 1898] The last book printed at the Kelmscott Press, issued in 525 copies. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 884. KIDD (CAPTAIX WILLIAM the Pirate). The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Captain William Kidd for Murther and Piracy upon Six several Indictments . . . also the Tryals of Nicholas Church- ill, James Howe (etc) . . .for Piracy. To which are added Captain Kidd's Two Commissions. Folio, vellum. London, 1701 VERY BAKE. The Barlow copy. 885. KILLIGREW (MRS. ANNE). Poems. Mezzotint portrait by Beckett, painted by herself. Thin 4to, old calf, gilt, ruhbed. The title re- backed and a defective leaf (in the paper) page 81. London, 1686 JOHN MITFORD'S COPY, with autograph dated 1826, and some biblio- graphical notes by him on the fly-leaf. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 886. KILLIGREW (THOMAS). Comedies and Tragedies. Written by Thomas Killigrew, Page of Honour to King Charles I and Groom of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles II. Fine impression of the Faithorne portrait. Small folio, sprinkled calf antique, gilt edges, BY BEDFORD. London, 1664 FIRST EDITION, and extremely scare with the portrait. 887. KIPLING (RUDYARD). 1885. Quartette. The Christmas Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette. By Four-Anglo-Indian Writers. Tall 8vo, original wrappers, small piece of back gone, crimson morocco solander case. Lahore, 1885 FIRST EDITION, with all the advertisements. The Four were Kipling, his Father, Mother and sister Beatrice. The first publication of "The Phantom Rickshaw." [See Reproduction of Title-page] 888. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Departmental Ditties and Other Verses. Narrow 8vo, printed on one side only, in the original cream colored letters wrapper with the flap, stamped "Lahore, Civil and Military Gazette Press." In slip case. Lahore, 1886 FIRST EDITION, containing 26 leaves and poems, two half titles, and "Contents" leaf. There are three manuscript notes written against poems, and another is pencilled at the bottom of a page. EXTREMELY BARE. 889. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Departmental Ditties and other Verses. Second Edition. Square thin 8vo, original boards, back gone. Calcutta, 1886 Contains the first appearance of five poems. 890. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Departmental Ditties and Other Verses. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, half cloth and boards, worn. Calcutta, 1888 ON LARGE PAPER. Nor IN THE WILLIAMSON COLLECTION. Very rare issue of the Third Edition, apparently un-noted, contains ten new poems, including Diana of Ephesus which has not since been reprinted. fristm;is CIVIL & MILITARY GAZETTE FOUR ANGLO-INDIAN WRITERS. 8, .1 f) r t : THK "CIVIL AND MIMTAIIV OAXKTTK " I'KF.ss. MDOCCUDOV. RUDYARD KIPLING Quartette. 1885 Reduced facsimile of title-page fNo. 887] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 891. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Plain Tales from the Hills. Small 8vo, original dark olive cloth, with monogram and title, cover a little spotted. Calcutta, 1888 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 892. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Plain Tales from the Hills. Small 8vo, decorated brown cloth covers, with title and imprint. Calcutta, 1888 The same sheets were apparently used for all the issues, their priority being decided by the binding and advertisements. This was a later issue than the preceding and was probably not issued until late in 1888 although the advertisements are dated December 1887. 893. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Soldiers Three. No. 1 A. H. Wheeler & Co.'s Indian Railway Library. 8vo, original wrappers, worn. Allahabad, 1888 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with all of the advertisements. THE RAREST of the "Railway series." 894. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Phantom Rickshaw & Other Eerie Tales. 8vo, original pictorial covers. Allahabad [1888] FIRST EDITION, second issue with the apostrophe before the word 'Rickshaw' on the cover and the periods after the A. and H. of A. H. Wheeler & Co. No. 5 of the Indian Railway Library with all the advertisements. 895. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Story of the Gadsbys. No. 2, Indian Rail- way Library. 8vo, original green wrappers, with the advertisements. Allahabad, A. H. Wheeler & Co. [1888] FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. 896. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Under the Deodars. 8vo, original pictorial wrap- pers. Allahabad [1888] No. 4 of the Indian Railway Library. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION before the re-touching of the cover. 897. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Wee Willie Winkie and other Child Stories. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers. ' Allahabad [1888] No. 6 of the Indian Railway Library. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with all the leaves of advertisement. 898. KIPLING (RUDYARD). In Black and White. 8vo, original pictorial wrap- pers, No. 3, Indian Railway Library. The first and second issues of the First Edition. Together, 2 pamphlets. Allahabad [1888] The wrappers of the first issue slightly soiled, and small pieces missing. The second issue in very good condition. 899. KIPLING (RUDYARD) . Departmental Ditties and Other Verses. Fourth Edition with additional Poems. Square 8vo, original maroon cloth. Calcutta, 1890 The Fourth Edition, containing nine poems not previously published, and all the advertisements dated February 1890. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 900. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Courting of Dinah Shadd, and other Stories. With a Biographical and critical Sketch by Andrew Lang. 12mo, original green lettered wrappers. New York, 1890 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with 182 pages of text, and the story "The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney," omitted in second issue. 901. KIPLING (RUDYARD). American Notes, by Rudyard Kipling, and The Bottle Imp by Robert Louis Stevenson. First and second Issues. 2 vols. 12mo, original wrappers. FINE COPIES. New York, 1891 The first issue %vith the address "89 Nassau Street," and' the Colgate Advertisement on the back cover is very rare. 902. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Letters of Marque. 8vo, sewed, uncut, with the leaves of advertisements. Morocco solander case. Allahabad, 1891 FIRST EDITION. EXCESSIVELY SCARCE, believed to have been suppressed by Kipling. Of the 1000 printed more than 900 were destroyed. It was originally issued in cloth, with the edges cut, and Mr. Holden believed that his was the only uncut copy remaining ; however one is described in the Williamson collection. The book was issued originally with the edges cut. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 903. KIPLING (RUDYARD) . Letters of Marque. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, in the original red and blue cloth covers as issued, a little worn. ' Allahabad, 1891 With a note by Mr. Holden about its extreme rarity. 904. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Light that Failed. 8vo, blue cloth, uncut, binding hurt by a nail. London: Macmillan, 1891 FIRST ISSUE, with the Prefatory leaf, "This is the story of the Light that Failed as it was originally conceived by the Writer." P05. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Barrack-Room Ballads and other Verses. FIRST EDITION. Vignette on title. Tall 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. .London: Methuen & Co., 1892 FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER. With Methuen's slip stating that only 225 copies were printed on Dutch paper. 906. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Naulahka. A Story of West and East. By Rudyard Kipling and Wolcott Balestier, his brother-in-law. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original red cloth, rubbed. London: Heinemann, 1892 907. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Jungle Book. Illustrated; The Second Jun- gle book. Illustrated. BOTH FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 2 vols. small 8vo, original cloth. London, 189.4-1895 908. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Out of India: Things I saw. . .etc. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1895 LETTER OF RUDYARD KIPLING, 'Plain Talcs /,cm the Hill,," " DefaHmcntal Diltia," & A. H. WHEELER & Co., A. A H A JB A D, 1891. [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.! RUDYARD KIPLING First Edition of "Letters of Marque" Reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 902] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 909. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Seven Seas. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half vel- lum, gilt top. London, 1896 One of 30 copies of the First Edition printed on heavy Japan paper. 910. KIPLING (RUDYABD). Captains Courageous. Illustrated. FIRST EDI- TION. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1897 911. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Works of Rudyard Kipling: description of a set of the First Editions in the library of a New York collector. Etched portrait of Kipling by Johnson. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1901 One of only twelve copies printed on Japan paper, with signed proof of the etching. This bibliography is specially valuable for the excellent reproductions of the covers and title-pages of the original editions. 912. KIPLING (RUDYARD). The City of Dreadful Night. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pictorial wrappers (stained) ; with the London issue of the same. Together, 2 pamphlets, 2 pieces. Allahabad, 1891 and London, no date 913. KIPLING (RUDYARD). FIRST EDITIONS. Life's Handicap. 8vo, red cloth (shaken, and ink-number written across title). London, 1891; Many Inventions. Cloth (rubbed). London, 1893; A Fleet in Being. Wrappers. London, 1898 ; The Day's Work. Cloth. London, 1898 ; Departmental Ditties. Deluxe edition. Tall 8vo. London, 1898; From Sea to Sea. 2 vols. New York, 1899 ; Stalky & Co. London, 1899; Kim. London, 1901; Kim. New York, 1901; Just So Stor- ies. Illustrated by Kipling. London, 1902; The Five Nations. London, 1903; Traffics and Discoveries. London, 1904; Collected Verse. New York, 1907; Actions and Reactions. London, 1909; Rewards and Fairies. New York, 1910; Songs from Books. New York, 1912; and 8 pamphlets, separate issues, etc. including, Mr. Livingston's privately printed "Kipling's First Book" inscribed to Mr. Holden. Together, 25 vols. 914. KNOX (CAPTAIN JOHN). An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760: containing the most Remarkable Occurrences of that Period, particularly the Two Sieges of Quebec &c. Engraved portraits of Wolf and Amlmrst. 2 vols. 4to, half old calf, bindings cracked, interiorly a fine copy. London, for the Author, 1769 From the Library and with the bookplate of Lord George Lennox. SCARCE. Contemporary autograph on title of Thomas Jones. 915. LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). The 'Characters' of Jean de la Bruyere. Newly Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. With an Introduction, a Biographical Memoirs and Notes. Illustrated with 24 etchings by B. Damman and V. Foulquier. Thick 8vo, half peacock blue mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, BY BRADSTREET. London, 1885 No. 113 of the 300 copies printed. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 916. LAET (JOANNES DE). Novus Orbis sen Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis. Libri XVIII. Authore loanne de Laet Antwerp. Engraved title by Cornells Claessen, maps and text illustrations. Folio, old sprin- kled calf, breaking, lacks 3 maps. Leyden: Elzevir, 1633 The description New York begins on page 70. The map of New Belgium contains the name "New Amsterdam" (New York), its first appearance on any map. 917. LAFAYETTE (MADAME DE). The Princess of Cleves. Translated by Thomas S. Perry. Illustrations after Gamier. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1891 The limited issue on Japanese vellum paper. 918. LAFAYETTE (MARQUIS DE). Souvenirs sur la Vie Privee du General Lafayette. Par M. Jules Cloquet. Portrait. 8vo, old half calf. Paris, 1836 Inserted are Five Autograph Letters, Signed, of Lafayette to Gen. de Lauberdiere dated 1824 to 1830, one written just before he left for America on his second voyage. There is also a very rare little mezzo- tint portrait in the Saint-Memin manner of his correspondent. 919. LAFAYETTE (MARQUIS DE). Memoires Historiques, at Pieces Authen- tiques sur M. de Lafayette, pour servir a PHistoire des Revolutions. Paris, 1794; Cloquet's Recollections of Lafayette. London, 1835; Memoirs of Lafayette. Hartford, 1825. With portrait by Willard; Memoirs of Lafayette. Boston, 1825. With portrait by Hoagland; Authentic Biography of Gen. La Fayette. Philadelphia, 1824. With rare portrait; Charavay's Lafayette. 2 vols. 1898. In half crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut, BY DAVID ; and others. Together, 13 vols. 12mo and 8vo, boards, sheep and half morocco. 920. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Contes et Xouvelles en Vers. Portrait of La Fontaine engraved by Ficquet (after Rigaud), and of Eisen by Ficquet, of Choffard by himself, and nearly a hundred delicately engraved plates by Alimet, Lemire, De Longueil, Choffard and others after Eisen, ivith vignettes in addition and all the many addi- tional charming "cul de lampes" by Choffard. 2 vols. small 8vo, old French red morocco, the sides with gilt fillet lines, the backs in small flowers and circles, the edges gilt, small piece torn from blank margin of one page. Light stamp "M. Z." on each title. Amsterdam (Paris,) 1762 THE FAMOUS EDITION known as "Des Fermiers Generaux," long cele- brated as one of the most beautiful books produced in the Eighteenth Century. Four of the plates are "decouverte," usually only two are found. 921. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Les Amours de Psyche et de Cupidon, suivies d' Adonis, poeme. 2 vols. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, the origi- nal wrappers bound in. Paris, 1863 A pretty little edition on fine paper, with engraved portrait and two vignettes. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 922. LALANNE (MAXIME). A Treatise on Etching. Text and Plates by Maxime Lalanne. Authorized American Edition translated from the Second French Edition by S. E. Koehler. With an Introductory Chapter and Notes by the Translator. Etched illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, roan back, gilt top. Boston, 1880 All the etchings are on India or China Paper and some are in two states. 923. LALLEMAND (Cn.). Le Caire. Avec une Preface de Pierre Loti. Nu- merous illustrations, some in tints. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BiNDEEY, the original wrappers retained. Alger, 1894 924. LAMB (CHARLES). John Woodvil. A Tragedy. To which are added Fragments of Burton, the Author of the Anatomy of Melancholy. 12mo, dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, BY BIVIEEE. London: Printed by T. Plummer, 1802 FIRST EDITION. This was Lamb's first attempt at play writing, which he sent to Charles Keirible in the hope of the actor's presenting it to the public, but Kemble promptly lost the manuscript, and in consequence Lamb had to write another version. In the first letter that Lamb wrote to Southey, alluding to it, he said,- "My tragedy will be a medley of laughter and tears songs, icit, pathos, humor Heaven send they dance not the dance of death." It is particularly interesting as the first evi- dence of Lamb's study of the dramatic poetry of the Elizabethan age, in whose revival he bore so large a part. William Godwin accidently seeing the delicious rhymed passage in the "Forest scene," took it for a choice fragment from the old dramatists and went to Lamb to assist him in finding the author. A Presentation Copy, having inscribed in Lamb's hand, "From the Author to T. Monkhouse, March 1818," on fly-leaf. 925. LAMB (CHAELES). The Adventures of Ulysses. Engraved frontispiece and Title by Heath after Corbould. 12mo, robin's egg blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, the other edges uncut. London, 1808 FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE IN UNCUT STATE, measuring 7x4% in. An exceptionally fine copy. Godwin, who published this work, took exception to certain passages in the manuscript saying: "We live in a squeamish age," thus giving offense to Lamb, who replied ; "If you want a book which is not occasionally to shock, you should have thought of a tale which was not so full of anthropophagi and wonders ... I only say that I will not consent to alter such passages, which I know to be some of the best in the book. As an author I say to you, an author, touch not my work. As a bookseller, I say; Take the work such as it is, or refuse it. You are as free to refuse it as when we first talked of it. As a friend I say : Don't plague yourself and me with nonsensical objections. I assure you I will not alter one more word." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 926. LAMB (CHARLES). The Adventures of Ulysses. 12mo, green crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. London, 1808 FIRST EDITION, with the frontispiece and engraved title and the "New Books for Children" at the end. 927. LAMB (CHARLES). Mrs. Leicester's School: or, the History of Several Young Ladies, related by Themselves. Frontispiece by Ilopwood. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London : Printed for M. J. Godwin, 1809 FIRST EDITION AND FIRST ISSUE. VERY RARE. Only three pieces were by Charles Lamb ; the others were by Mary. For this we have Lamb's own statement, made in a letter to Bernard Barton, written in 1824 : "My sister's part in the 'Leicester's School' (about two thirds) was purely her own; as it was (to the same quantity) in the 'Shakespeara Talcs' which bear my name. I wrote only the 'Witch Aunt,' the 'First Going to School,' and the final story about 'A Little Indian Girl' in a ship." This book, was, no doubt, made at Godwin's suggestion. It seems to have been published late in 1808, though dated 1809. The copyrights for this volume and "Tales from Shakespeare" were sold to Baldwin and Craddock on July 21, 1836, by Mary Lamb for 15.0.0. According to the indention the original holder of the copyright was William Godwin. 928. LAMB (CHARLES). Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signa- ture in the London Magazine; The Last Essays of Elia. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1823-1833 FIRST EDITION OF BOTH VOLUMES ; the first with the two addresses of the publisher, being a second issue. FINE, TALL AND CLEAN COPIES. Both volumes have the advertisements at end. 929. LAMB (CHARLES). Les Jeunes Pensionnaires, ou Histories de Plusieurs Jeunes Demoiselles, racontees par Elles-Memes; Traduction de P Anglais. Seconde Edition. Copper plates. 12mo, old half calf and boards. Paris, 1824 First French translation of Charles Lamb's "Mrs. Leicester's School." VERY RARE. 930. LAMB (CHARLES). Eiia. Essays which have appeared under that sig- nature in the London Magazine. Second Series. 12mo, original boards, cloth back, a little shabby, entirely uncut, somewhat shaken. Philadelphia, 1828 FIRST EDITION. Published in America before the London issue. 931. LAMB (CHARLES). Album Verses, with a Few Others. Vignette on title. Small 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, with a wide gilt leafy border having a motif of pendant coral flowers inlaid in color, the inside borders in the same design, the end papers and fly leaves of dark blue watered silk, edges gilt, BY SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. London : Edward Moxon, 1830 FIRST EDITION. FINE TALL COPY. Has the leaf advertising Rogers' "Italy." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 932. LAMB (CHARLES). The Englishman's Magazine, from April to August inclusive, 1831. Vol. I. (All published.) Thick 8vo, half old blue calf, rubbed. London, Moxon, 1831 Contains the seven numbers (all published) of this rare magazine to which Charles Lamb contributed five numbers, one signed 'Elia,' including "Ellistoniana," and "Newspapers thirty five years ago." Tennyson con- tributed a sonnet, and among others were,. Hood, Arthur Hallam, and Inglis. 933. LAMB (CHARLES). Beauty and the Beast. Now first reprinted from the original edition of 18il with Preface and Notes by R. H. Shepherd. 12mo, vellum, uncut. . London, 1886 No. 6 of only 100 copies printed. 934. LAMB (CHARLES). The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a Sketch of his Life : Final Memorials : By T. N. Talfourd. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1837-1848. Rare; Talfourd's Memoirs of Lamb, edited by Percy Fitzgerald. Portraits. London, 1892. No. 6 of 150 copies on Large Paper; Martin's Footprints of Lamb, with the North Bibliography. 1890 ; Hazlitt's Charles and Mary Lamb. London, 1874 ; Contemporary Notice of Lamb. 100 copies privately reprinted:, Adventures of Ulysses, with introduction by Lang; Ainger's Charles Lamb ; and facsimiles of Prince Dorus and Beauty and the Beast, u'ith Colored plates. Together, 12 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth, etc. 935. LAMBALLE (PRINCESS). Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, during the Revolution, with original and authentic Anecdotes. . .now first published from the Journal, Letters and Conversations of the Princess La-mballe. By a Lady of Rank, in the confidential Service of that Unfortunate Princess. Portrait and cipher of Marie An- toinette. 2 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt. London, 1826 936. LAMBERT (JOHN).. Travels through Canada and the United States of North America in the Years 1806, 1807 & 1808. To which are added, Biographical Notices and Anecdotes of some of the Leading Characters of the United States. Map and numerous engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, old scored calf, breaking. London, 1813 The plates include aquatint views, and colored costume plates. 937. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Letter from W. S. Landor to R, W. Emer- son. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, Uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Bath [1856] This copy was folded and sent through the post, and still bears the address and postmark on the reverse of the last leaf. The address is in Landor's writing. Written in acknowledgment of Emerson's English Traits. He gives his opinions of Scott, Byron. Shelley, Wordsworth and others of his con- temporaries. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 938. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Gebir, Count Julian and other Poems. London, 1831; Pericles and Aspasia. 2 vols. London, 1836; The Pentameron and Pentalogia. London, 1837; Andrea of Hungary and Giovanna of Naples. London, 1839; Popery, British and For- eign. London, 1851; Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Ro- mans. London, 1853; Last Fruit of an Old Tree. London, 1853; Letters of an American, mainly on Russia and Revolution. 1854; Antony and Octavius. 1856, and The Hellenics of Walter Savage Landor, comprising Heroic Idylls, etc. New edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, 1859. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, cloth and paper, some worn. ALL ARE FIRST EDITIONS, except the last mentioned. 939. LANG (ANDREW). Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, with Other Poems. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1872 Lang's first book of Poetry. VERY RARE. 940. LANG (ANDREW). Oxford: Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes. FIRST and Second Editions. Etchings by Brunei Delaines and others. 2 vols. folio, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1880-1882 Laid in are 19 plates for extra-illustration, including, Portrait of Lang on China paper, Mezzotint by Houston of Bishop Ridley, and 8 aquatints in colors published by Ackermann about 1812 of the beauti- ful Oxford plates of Lewis, Havell, Hill and others. THE CHAS. B. FOOTE COPY. 941. LANG (ANDREW). Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, rendered into English Verse; The Library. BOTH FIRST EDITIONS. 2 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. . London, 1880-1881 942. LANG (ANDREW). Rhymes a la Mode. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, BY BRADSTREET'S. London, 1885 No. 31 of the LARGE PAPER EDITION of 50 copies, signed by Charles Whittingham Co., and with the frontispiece after the Abbey drawing. 943. LANG (ANDREW). Ballades in Blue China. Title printed in blue and white. 8vo, robin's egg blue crushed levant morocco, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. London, 1888 The limited edition of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, signed by the Whittinghams. 944. LANG (ANDREW). Letters on Literature. 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, tooled in a geometrical pattern in gold; the end-papers of wine red straight grain morocco, gilt tooled panel, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1889 No. 43 of 113 copies on LARGE PAPER. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 945. LANG (ANDREW). XXII Ballades in Blue China. 1880; XXII and X Ballades in Blue China. 1881 ; Much Darker Days by A. Huge Longway. 1884; Aucassin and Nicolete. On Japan vellum, Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1887; Ballads of Books. 1888. Cloth. Together, 5 vols. 16mo. cloth and paper. The first four in original wrapper. London, various dates ALL ARE FIRST EDITIONS. 946. LANG (ANDREW). Works of W. M. Thackeray, including the follow- ing FIRST EDITIONS, XXII Ballades in Blue China. London, 1880; Custom and Myth. London, 1884; Ballades and Verses Vain. New York, 1884; Rhymes a la Mode, London, 1885; Letters to Dead Authors. London, 1886; In the Wrong Paradise. London, 1886; Johnny Xut and the Golden Goose. Done into English by Andrew Lang from the French of Charles Deulin. Illustrations by Am. Lynen. London, 1887 (some leaves loose) ; Myth, Ritual, and Religion. 2 vols. London, 1887; Grass of Parnassus. London, 1888; Pictures at Play. Illustrations by Harry Furniss. London, 1888 ; Lost Leaders. London, 1889 ; How to Fail in Literature: A Lecture. London, 1890; The World's Desire. By H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang. New York, 1890 ; Old Friends. Illustrations. London, 1890; Life, Letters, and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote. Portraits. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1890; Essays in Little. Portrait. New York, 1891; Angling Sketches. With 3 etchings and numerous illustrations by W. G. Burn-Murdoch. London, 1891 ; A Batch of Golfing Papers by Andrew Lang and Others. Illustrations. London [1892] ; Cock Lane and Common Sense. London, 1894; A Monk of Fife. Illus- trations and initial letters from drawings by Selwyn Image. Lon- don, 1896 ; The Book of Dreams and Ghosts. London, 1897 ; Pickle The Spy. Portraits. .London, 1897; The Companions of Pickle. Portraits. London, 1898 ; The Making of Religion. London, 1898. [Also the following, which are not First Editions :] Aucassin and Nicolette. Illustrations. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1895. Limited Edition printed on Japanese vellum, of which this is, No. 17; The Blue Poetry Book. New Edition. London, 1892. India Paper Edition; XXXII Ballades in Blue China. London, 1885; Books and Bookmen. Illustrations. London, ,1887. To- gether, 30 vols. 12mo to royal 8vo, various bindings, some uncut. New York and London, 1880-1898 947. LANG (ANDREW). Works. Collected Set of FIRST EDITIONS. ALL LARGE PAPER COPIES, comprising, The Library. Illustrations. London, 1881. Edition limited to 185 copies printed on hand-made paper; The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. With an Essay on his Poetry by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. London, 1881. Edition limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 8; The Mark of Cain. [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th [No. Ml Continued] Bristol, 1886. Edition limited, of which this is, No. 110; Books and Bookmen. Illustrations. New York, 1886. 2 copies. Edition limited to 100 copies, of which these are Nos. 28 and 44, respectively; Pictures at Play. Illustrations by Harry Furniss. London, 1888; Grass of Parnassus. London, 1888. Edition limited to 113 copies; Perrault's Popular Tales. Portrait. Oxford, 1888; Ballads of Books. London, 1888. Edition limited to 113 copies, of which this is, No. 40 ; Euterpe : Being the Second Book of the f amou's History of Herodotus. Englished by B. R. Frontispiece in 2 states. Lon- don, 1888. Edition limited to 60 copies, of which this is, No. 35; Prince Prigio. With 27 illustrations by Gordon Browne. Bristol, 1889. Edition limited, of which this is copy, No. 38; The Dead Leman and other Tales from the French. London, 1889. Edition limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 26 ; Lost Leaders. London, 1889. Edition limited to 100 copies, numbered and signed, of which this is, No. 75; Letters on Literature. London, 1889. Edition limited to 113 copies, of ii'hich this is, No. 102; Old Friends. Fron- tispiec'e. London, 1890. Edition, printed on Japan pa,per, limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 132; Essays in Little. London, 1891. Edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 11 of the English Edition; The Blue Poetry Book. London, 1891. With numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and Lancelot Speed. London, 1891. Edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 10; Angling Sketches. With 3 etchings and numerous illustrations by W. G. Burn-Murdoch. London, 1891. Edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 18; St. Andrews. With numerous illustrations by T. Hodge. London, 1893. Edition limited to 107 copies, of which this is, No. 15 ; The Secret Commonwealth of the Elves, Fauns and Fairies. The Text by Robert Kirk. The Comment by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece in two states. London, 1893. Edi- tion limited to 60 copies, of which this is, No. 57; Homer and the Epic. London, 1893. Edition limited to 107 copies, of which this is, No. 11 ; Ban and Arriere Ban. Frontispiece. London, 1894. Edition limited to 70 copies, of which this is, No. 16. Together, 22 vols. 8vo to imperial 8vo, mainly boards, uncut. London, Bristol and New York, 1881-1894 947A. LANG (ANDREW). The Works of Andrew Lang. ALL LIMITED EDI- TIONS, as follows, Books and Bookmen. London, 1887. Printed on hand-made paper; The Tercentenary of Izaak Walton. FIRST EDITION. Portrait and illustrations. London, 1893. Edition lim- ited to a few copies for Private Circulation only; The Library. Illustrations. London, 1892. LARGE PAPER EDITION limited to 300 copies, of which this is, No. 228; Letters to Eminent Hands. By "L." Derby, 1892. LARGE PAPER EDITION limited to 78 copies; The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois. Engraved [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th [No. 947A Continued} title-page and initials by Selwyn Image. Chicago, 1897. Edition on Japan paper limited to 100 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 23; Letters to Dead Authors. Engraved title-page. London, 1892. LARGE PAPER EDITION limited to 113 copies, of which this is, No. 25; Theophile Gautier. By Maxime -du Camp. Preface by Andrew Lang. Portrait. London, 1893. Edition limited to 30 copies printed on Japan pa-per, of which this is, No. 28 ; The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Done into' English by William Adlington. With a Discourse on the Fable by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece in two states. London, 1887. LARGE PAPER, only 60 copies printed, of which this is, No. 37; Prince Ricardo of Pantoufla. Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Bristol, undated. LARGE PAPER EDITION, of which this is, No. 34 ; The Gold of Fairnilee. Colored lithographic plates, frontispiece by T. Scott, and drawings by E. A. Lemann. Bristol, undated. LARGE PAPER COPY, limited edition, of which this is, No. 58. Together, 10 vols. small 4to to royal 4to, mainly boards, uncut. London, Chicago, and Bristol, 1887-1897 948. LANGBAINE (GERARD). Account of the English Dramatick Poets. FIRST EDITION. Oxford, 1691 ; LIXTOX'S Poems and Translations. Limit- ed edition. London, 1889; LYTTLETON'S Poems. Engravings after Burney. Old English morocco. Large Paper copy. London, 1801 ; LOWELL'S Unexplored Corner of Japan. Boston, 1891-; and others. Together, 25 vols. 12mo to 4to. 949. LAS CASAS (BART. DE). Narratio Regionvm Indicarvm per Hispanos Quosdam deuasttatarum Verissima, prius quidem per Episcopum Bartholemaeum Casaum ratione Hispanum Hispanice conscripta & Anno 1551. Hispali, Hispanice, anno vero hoc 1598. Latine excusa. Engraved title and plates of forms of torture. Small 4to, half green morocco. Francofvrti, Sumptibus Theodori de Bry & loannis Saurii Typis, 1598 FIRST EDITION of the Latin translation and the first with De Bry's engravings. VERY SCARCE. 950. LE GALLIEXXE (RICHARD). My Ladies' Sonnets and other 'Vain and Amatorious' Verses, with some of Graver Mood. Square 8vo, boards, uncut. [Liverpool,] 1887 Privately printed in only 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, so noted and signed by Richard Le Gallienne. 951. [LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD).] In Praise of Bishop Valentine. By Frank E. Bliss. [Issued Anonymously.] Etched frontispiece by C. Jacomb Hood. 12mo, vellum with ties, uncut. London, 1893 One of 125 copies printed for private circulation. Introduction by Le Gallienne. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 952. LE GALLIENNE (RICHAED). The Book Bills of Narcissus. An Account rendered by Richard Le Gallienne. Frontispiece by Robert Fowler. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1895 LARGE PAPER, limited to 50 copies. 953. LE GALLIENNE (RICHAED). FIRST, LIMITED AND SIGNED EDITIONS. Volumes in Folio. London, 1889. 250 copies; The Student and the Body-Snatcher. 1890. Only 50 copies on large paper', Book Bills of Narcissus. Moray Library, in 100 copies; English Poems. 1892. 150 signed copies; Religion of a Literary Man. 250 copies; Hazlitt's Liber Amoris, and the Poems of Arthur Hallam. 1893. The former in 50 copies; Prose Fancies. 1894. 100 copies; Steven- son, an Elegy. 1895. 75 copies; The Quest of the Golden Girst. 1896. FIEST EDITION; Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 30 signed copies on Japan vellum. 1897; The Romance of Zion Chapel. FIEST EDITION. 1898. Together, 12 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and boards, mostly uncut, as published. 954. LEICESTER (EAEL OF). Leycester's Common-wealth: Conceived, Spoken, and Published with most earnest protestation of all dutifull good will and affection towards this Realme : For whose good onely it is made common to many. Very fine impression of the engraved por- trait by Marshall. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet- lines, inside borders and gilt edges, BY WOOD. [London:] Printed 1641 Bound with it is, "Leicesters Ghost," title and 34pp., separate pagina- tion. For long the authorship was attributed to Robert Parsons, the Jesuit, but that theory has been given up by modern critics. The volume is rare, and valuable for the political and secret history of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In it occurs for the first time the story of the tragedy of Amy Kobsart, and the Earl of Leicester is openly accused of murdering her. 955. LELAND (CHARLES GODFREY). Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition. Illustrated. 4to, decorated cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 One of the "Fine Edition," one hundred in number, printed on hand- made paper, and containing an original illustration by the author. 956. LELAND (CHARLES G.). Hans Breitmann's Party. In the original parts, 1 to 5. Philadelphia, 1869-71 ; The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. Philadelphia, 1856 ; The English Gypsies and their Language. New York, 1873 ; The Algonquin Legends of New England. London, 1884; Hans Breitmann in Germany. London, n.d. Uncut and un- opened; The Hundred Riddles of the Fairy Bellaria. Large Paper copy, only 100 printed. London, 1892 ; and others. MOSTLY FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 24 vols. 957. LEMPERLY (PAUL). Vanities in Verse. 12mo. vellum, with ties, uncut. Jamaica, L. I. : Marion Press, 1897 One of 57 copies printed for the author. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 958. L'ESTRANGE (HAMON). Romulus and Tarquin. First Written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi. And now taught English by H. L. Engraved title ~by Marshall. 12mo, old calf, blind tooled, hinges cracked. London, 1637 959. L'ESTRANGE (HAMON). The Reign of King Charles. An History, Dis- posed into Annalls. The Second Edition revised and somewhat Enlarged. With a Reply to some Late Observations upon that History ; by the same Author. And at the End of All, the Observa- tions Rejoynder. Engraved title enclosing a medallion portrait of Charles I by Faithorne, and portrait of L' Estrange by White inserted. Small folio, old leather, breaking, portrait mounted. London, 1656 960. LEYCESTER'S GHOST. The First separate edition. Small 4to, old half olive morocco. N.P. Printed in the year, 1641 Some copies have a portrait by Marshall, which however were prob- ably inserted by former owners from the edition of Leicester's Common- wealth printed the same year. The book was probably issued without it. 961. LIBRARIES. Literature of Libraries in the 17th and 18th Centuries Edited by J. C. Dana and H. W. Kent. The Reformed Librarie- Keeper by John Dury (1650) ; Des Houssayes Duties of a Librarian, (1780) ; Kirkwood's Parochial Libraries in Scotland (1703) ; Life of Sir Thomas Bodley, with Statutes of the Public Library at Oxon. (1597-8). Together, 4 vols. narrow 12mo, half holland, uncut. Chicago, 1906 Limited to 250 copies printed at the Merrymount Press, Boston. 962. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian Ode. By Richard Henry Stoddard. 8vo, original purple wrappers. New York [1865] The Frederickson copy inscribed to him by Mr. Stoddard, on the back .of an envelope pasted inside the front cover. 963. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Bancroft's Memorial Address on the death of Lincoln. Portrait. Washington, 1866; Assassination of Lincoln. Cincinnati, 1865 ; Obsequies of Lincoln. New York, 1866 ; ABOTT (ABOTT A.). The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 12. New York, 1865 ; MOTLEY'S Causes of the American Civil War. New York, 1861; ADDRESS of Lincoln at Cooper Institute, Feb. 27, 1860 with notes by Nott and Brainard. New York, 1860 ; and facsimile of the issue of the New York Times announcing the death of Lincoln. Together, 6 vols. and pamphlets. 964. LINTON (W. J.). The History of Wood-Engraving in America. 4to, oak boards, uncut. London, 1882 Limited Edition signed by Linton, with illustrations, many from the original blocks, including Alexander Anderson's large block "Returning from the Boar Hunt." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 965. LOCKE (JOHN). An Essay concerning Humane Understanding. Folio, calf antique, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1690 FIRST EDITION. Fine, clean and tall copy. 966. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1857 THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of these noted "vers de societe." 967. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Etched- frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1862 Locker made changes and additions, or omitted poems in most of these early editions. All are very scarce. This copy has an autograph presenta- tion inscription of the author on the fly-leaf, and photograph inserted. 968. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Small 8vo, original half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1868 An edition privately issued by Locker and not published. 969. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Poems. FIRST EDITION. Etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, brown straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1868 Privately printed, not published. 970. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. New edition enlarged and finally revised. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 A set of the complete page proofs, printed on thin paper and uncut. On the title Is a presentation inscription, signed in initials of Locker- Lampson, to the Hon. William Ashley. 971. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Etched portrait by Sir J. E. Millais. 8vo, dark-green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1885 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, signed by Whittinghams, the printers. 972. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). The Rowfant Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures collected by Frederick Locker-Lampson. Etched fron- tispiece "Fairy Connoisseurs" by George Cruikshank. London, 1886 ; Appendix of Collections since printing of the First Catalogue in 1886, with foreword by Augustine Birrell and poem by Andrew Lang. London, 1900. "Together, 2 vols. tall 8vo, half brown mo- 'rocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1886-1900 Limited to 150 and 350 copies (only 100 copies for America). Laid in is an autograph letter signed (initials) of Locker-Lampson saying that the Catalogue was printing and if the "Rosamund Gray" was to be included he must have it at once. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW Voices of the Night Reduced facsimile of binding by Samblancx-Weckesser [No. 978] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 973. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Lyra Elegantiarum. A Collection of some of the best Social and Occasional Verse by deceased English Authors. Revised and enlarged edition. Etched portrait. Thick small 4to, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. London, 1891 No. 43 of the limited edition of 250 copies, signed by Locker-Lampson. 974. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Selection from the works of Locker. Illustrated by Doyle. London, 1865 ; Lyra Elegantiarum. London, 1867. Very rare, having been suppressed', Patchwork. London, 1879; My Confidences. London, 1896; Rowfant Rhymes. Cleve- land, The Rowfant Club, 1895. Limited to 124 copies. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 5 vols, 12mo and 8vo, cloth and parchment. London, etc., various dates 975. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Various published editions: London, 1870 (with A.L.S. of Locker laid in, dated 1871 stating that this edition of 1870 is the best and most complete) ; London, 1872; London, 1874; London, 1876; London, 1878, with presentation inscription, signed; London, 1891; and, New York, 1883, illustrated by Greenaway and Caldecott. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. 976. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. Vols. 1, 2 and 3 : com- prising, Journal of a Voyage to New York. 1679-1680. By Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter; Battle of Long Island. By Thomas W. Field; Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. By Henry P. Johnston. Together,' 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Brooklyn : By the Society, 1867-1878 977. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Miscellaneous Poems selected from the United States Literary Gazette. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original boards, pink cloth back and label, uncut, as issued. Boston, 1826 Fine copy, VERY RARE. Contributions by Longfellow, Bryant, and others. Contemporary writing signed "C. E. H." on the Leaf of Advertisement. 978. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Voices of the Night. FIRST EDI- TION. 12mo, in -an inlaid binding, typifying an arched balcony of faint pink leather opening to the Moon rising over a Lily Pond, inlaid into blue crushed levant; the back cover in harmony, the end-papers of levant morocco, inlaid in a lattice pattern enclosing single stars, with dentelle border, and gilt edges, THE ORIGINAL COLORED LITHO- GRAPH WRAPPERS retained, slip case, BY DE SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. Cambridge, 1839 [See Reproduction of Binding] 979. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Ballads and Other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, peacock blue crushed levant morocco, with a tiny red and gold rose in each corner, and five little roses on the back, gilt edges and iside borders, BY BRETAULT. Cambridge, 1842 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29ih 980. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADS WORTH). Poems on Slavery,. FIRST EDI- TION. 12mo, original yellow glazed wrappers, uncut, with the half title and leaves of advertisement. Cambridge, 1842 Fine copy, excessively rare. 981. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Voices of the Night. Tall 8vo, uncut, in the original wrappers (a little specked), in straight-grain crimson morocco, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Boston, 1845 The Popular Edition printed in double columns and much scarcer than the first. 982. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Belfry of Bruges and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, inlaid with a bracket corner design enclosing arms in blue, cream and red leather ; at either end a watercolor on vellum of the Belfry and the Minnewater of Bruges, watered silk fly-leaves and gilt top, retaining the original wrappers, BY SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. Cambridge, 1846 Inserted in an autograph letter, signed, of Longfellow, Cambridge, 1880, noting some misprints in proof that should be corrected, and a portrait. The water-colors which adorn the binding are by P. Titz, and signed. 983. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Complete in one volume. Royal 8vo, uncut, the origi- nal wrappers retained, bound in crimson straight-grain morocco, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1846 FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. 984. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE. 12mo, dove-blue crushed levant mo- rocco, with a border of flower heads and leaves, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Boston, 1847 A very interesting copy, laid in is Longfellow's receipt to Ticknor for the copyright to "Evangeline," Boston, 1863, signed, "Henry W. Longfellow." 985. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Estray. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant gilt, inside gilt borders and gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1847 986. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Seaside and the Fireside. FIRST EDITION. Eoyal 8vo, original boards and cloth back, the paper label damaged, uncut. Boston, 1850 PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed, "Mrs. Jameson, with the compliments and regards of the author. January 1, 1850," in Longfellow's hand. LARGE PAPER COPY. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th 987. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Noel. The "Norcross" First Edition. 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and dentelle inside borders, gilt top, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Original wrappers bound in. Philadelphia, 1867 No. 3 of 50 copies, privately printed by Tx>ngfellow. J. R. LOWELL'S COPY, with a letter inserted presenting it to him by J. E. Norcross (who made the translation), and inscribed to him on the half title by Norcross. An interesting association item. 988. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The New England Tragedies. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco inlaid with a group of Bamboo Trees on the front cover, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY RUBAN. Boston, 1868 With an original water-color half title by Heller. 989. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH.) Aftermath. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green crushed levant morocco, the front cover inlaid in a spray of crimson poppies, twined with Morning-Glories, wide inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY RUBAN. Boston, 1873 With an original water-color half-title by Heller, signed. 990. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Hanging of the Crane. FIRST EDITION. With Illustration*. 12mo, crushed levant maroon morocco inlaid with a gilt panel twined with morning glories in red and ten- drils in gold, wide inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY RUBAN. Boston, 1875 With an original water-color half-title by Heller, signed. 991. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Keramos, and Other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, in an inlaid binding of brown crushed levant morocco, having a formal daisy with a pomegranate spray in the centre of the front cover, and Greek Jar and Cup inlaid in blue leather on the back cover, the end-papers of yellow crushed levant, inlaid at the four corners with Peonies in wine-red, gilt edges, slip case, BY SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. Boston, 1878 Portrait and facsimile autograph inserted. 992. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Ultima Thule. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. 12mo, dove-blue crushed levant morocco, panel of gilt lines separated at the corners by rose-sprays in faint pink inlay, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, slip case, BY DE SAMBLANCX-WECKESSER. Boston, 1880 993. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Collected Works of Henry Wads- worth Longfellow, comprising the following FIRST EDITIONS, Novelas Espanolas el Serrano de las Alpujarras. Brunswick, 1830. Saggi de Novellieri Italiani d'Ogni Secolo. Boston, 1832 ; Coplas de [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29th [No. 993 Continued] Don Jorge Manrique, translated from the Spanish. Boston, 1833; Outre-Mer. 2 vols. New York, 1835; Hyperion. 2 vols. New York, 1839; The Spanish Student. Cambridge, 1843; The Waif: A Collection of Poems. Cambridge, 1845; Kavanagh, A Tale. Boston, 1849; The Golden Legend. Boston, 1851; The Courtship of Miles Standish. Boston, 1858; Tales of a Wayside Inn. En- graved title-page. Boston, 1863 ; Flower-de-Luce. Frontispiece and illustrations. Boston, 1867; The Divine Tragedy. Boston, 1871; Aftermath. Frontispiece. Boston, 1873; Laurel Leaves. Illustra- tion*. Boston, 1876 ; The Early Poems of Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow now first collected, edited and prefaced by Eichard Herne Shepherd. London, 1878; In the Harbor. Ultima Thule. Part II. Portrait. Boston, 1882; and other works by and about Long- fellow, not first editions. Together, 35 vols. 12mo to imperial 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 994. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Life of Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. With Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence : Final Memorials of Longfellow. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Illus- trated with India Proofs, etc. 3 vols. thick royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1886-1888 LARGE PAPER, limited to 300 copies. 995. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). A Bibliography of the First Edi- tions in Book Form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Compiled largely from the Collection formed by the Late J. C. Cham- berlain, with assistance from his Notes and Memoranda. By Luther S. Livingston. Portrait and facsimiles. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1908 The edition was privately printed and limited to 500 copies. 996. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Manuscript Poem in his Auto- graph. With autograph signature attached. Twelve lines, com- mencing, "And everywhere The slender, graceful spars Poise aloft in the air, And at the mast-head, White, Uue and red, A flag unfolds the Stripes and Stars," etc. 997. [LONGUS.] The Pastoral Amours of Daphnis and Chloe. In Four Books. Written originally in Greek by Longus. Translated into English by James Craggs, Esq. Adorn' d with ten curious cuts, portrait by King. 12mo, old half calf, worn. London, 1733 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, April 29tli 998. LOXGUS. Daphnis et Chloe: Compositions de Raphael Collin, gravees a 1'eau-forte par Champollion. Preface de Jules Claretie. 12 full-page plates and 29 vignettes, head and tail-pieces. Royal 8vo, in an inlaid binding of dark blue crushed levant morocco, panelled in gold, inter- rupted by tiny medallions of love-birds and hearts in gold on green ; the corner ornaments in a conventional tulip inlaid in red, wide inside gilt borders of scrolls and garlands, gilt edges, BY DAVID. Paris, Librairie Artistique, 1890 Limited Edition on "papier velin de cuve." 999. LOXGUS. Daphnis and Chloe: the Elizabethan Version from Amyot's translation by Angel Day. Reprinted from the Unique Original by Joseph Jacobs. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1890 One of only 60 copies on LARGE PAPER. Four plates have been inserted from French editions. 1000. Louis XVI. Moleville (Ant. Fr. Bertrand de). Private Memoirs rela- tive to the Last Year of the Reign of Lewis the Sixteenth, late King of France. Translated out of the original manuscript of the Author which has never been published. Five portraits engraved in stipple from the originals. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, name on titles. London, 1797 1001. LOUISIANA. A Faithful Picture of the Political Situation of Orleans at the close of the last and the beginning of the Present Year, 1807. Tall 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1808 Mainly concerning the doings of General Wilkinson. 1002. LOVE AND VALOUE. Celebrated in the Person of the Author by the name of Adraste ; or, the Divers Affections of Minerva. Translated out of the French by W. B. Engraved title by Marshall. Small 4to, mot- tled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1638 Translated from the French of Henri Daudiguier. 1003. LOWE (ROBEET W.). An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Gibber. Written by himself. A new edition with Xotes and Supplement. 26 mezzotint portraits by R. B. Parkes, and 18 etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 2 vols. tall thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1889 The limited issue of 305 copies with the plates in two states. Japanese vellum proofs and lettered proofs on India paper. AT THE -AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB Fifth Session, Numbers 1004 to 1261, inclusive FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 30th, AT 3:00 O'CLOCK 1004. LOWELL (JAMES EUSSELL). Manuscript of the Class Poem, 1838. A copy book of 19 leaves, with a larger leaf inserted, containing the original manuscript of the Class Poem, Cantos 21 to 35, with the whole of the notes. At the commencement of the notes is the original dedication, which was suppressed and omitted from the pub- lished edition. On the last page Lowell has drawn two pen-and-ink sketches of heads of a poet and another man, and a sarcastic verse of eight lines beneath them. At the top of this page is written "Con- cord, August 15, 1838. Wednesday Evg. J. R. L." On the inside of the covers are pencilled quotations from Shakespeare, etc. The inserted leaf contains the greater part of the 13th canto. In morocco folder, lettered. A most interesting and early Lowell manuscript. [See Illustration of Last Leaf] 1005. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Class Poem. 8vo, original wrappers. [Cambridge] 1838 EXTREMELY RARE. Lowell printed only a very few for presentation pur- poses, and the five or six copies that are known to-day mostly bear presentation inscriptions. This has written on the cover, "H. B. Dennis with the author's regards." 1006. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Harvardiana. Vol. IV, Nos. 1 to 10, 10 parts, Svo,, original wrappers, uncut, except for March 1838, which is a cut copy without wrappers. In cloth portfolio with flap. Cambridge, 1837-1838 Many original contributions "by* Lowell to this volume of the magazine, some of which have never been reprinted. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30ih 1007. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Pioneer, a Literary and Critical Magazine, J. R. Lowell and R. -Carter, Editors and Proprietors. The Numbers for January, February and March 1843, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3) with a duplicate of February 1843. 4 numbers, tall 8vo, original wrappers (worn), lacking a plate in Part 1, and 2 plates in Part 3. In portfolio. Boston, 1843. All published. VEBY SCARCE. Edited by Lowell who wrote many of the articles, and with contributions by Hawthorne, Poe, and others. 1008. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Conversations on Some of the Old Poets. FIRST EDIITON, 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Cambridge, 1845 A PRESENTATION Copy, "John 8. Dwight, with the Author's lore, January 1. 1845," written in I/well's hand on a fly-leaf. 1009. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Conversations on Some of the Old Poets. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco inlaid in a panel in slightly darker tone, ornamented with pointille work, and corner ornaments, end-papers of green crushed levant tooled with rosesprays in gold and pointille borders; brocade silk fly-leaves and gilt edges, the original colored wrappers retained, BY LORTIC. Cambridge, 1845 Finely bound copy. 1010. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Poems. Second Series. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, rebacked. Cambridge, 1848 PRESENTATION COPY. "John 8. Dwight irith the affectionate regard* of J. R. L. Xmas, 1847," inscribed by Lowell, on the fly-leaf. 1011. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). ^Esthetic Papers. Edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody. FIRST EDITION. Tall 8vo, wrappers, back wrapper miss- ing. Boston, 1849 LOWELL'S COPY, with his autograph and the date May 16, 1849, on the front cover. Miss Peabody was the sister-in-law of Hawthorne. 1012. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). II Pesceballo: Opera seria in un Atto. [Written by Lowell and Prof. Child.] FIRST EDITION. 12mo, sewed, as issued. [Cambridge, 1862] Three different issues were made of this, of which this is the second. 1013. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Mason and Slidell: a Yankee Idyll. Ex- tracted from the Atlantic Monthly, and printed in 12pp. tall 8vo, sewed. In crimson crushed levant morocco solander case. [Boston, 1862] EXCESSIVELY RARE. It was set up from the types of the Atlantic Monthly and only a very few copies printed. ONLY FOUR OR FIVE COPIES ARE KNOWN. [See Reproduction of First page] JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL Class Poem, 1838 Reduced facsimile of a page of the original manuscript [No. 1004] Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1014. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Spirit of the Fair. April 5th to April 23rd, 1864. 4to, original parts, as issued, in morocco solander case. New York, 1864 With contributions by Lowell, Bryant and others. IN THE ORIGINAL PAKTS. 1015. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The President's Policy. (Reprinted) From the North American Review. 8vo, original wrappers. (Philadelphia) January, 1864 VERY RARE. THE FIRST AND ONLY SEPARATE PUBLICATION. 1016. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Ode recited at the Commemoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. Square 8vo, boards. Cambridge, 1865 PRESENTATION COPY, of this very rare privately printed Lowell item. The name of the recipient has been effaced but leaving the remainder of the inscription. "To . . . With the cordial regards of J. R. Lowell. 3rd Sept'r, 1865." No. 33 of only 50 copies printed. 1017. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Among My Books. Six Essays. First English Edition. Square 8vo, blue calf, gilt, gilt top. London, 1870 An exceedingly interesting association copy, on the fly-leaf underneath the autograph of the owner, which is dated 1871, Lowell has written, "sorry that it was not the gift of the Author, Blackmoor, 22 Oct. J. R. Loivell." Inserted is a two-page Autograph letter, signed, of Lowell, "st. James, 16th Sept., 1888," to Lord Coleridge, on paying him a visit, and commenting, half humorously on his dentist and other things. 1018. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). On Democracy. 8vo, sewed, pp. 15. Birmingham [1884] The first edition published by the Institute, for Members only and not for sale. VERY SCARCE. 1019. [LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL).] Selections for public reading. Lowell. 1886. 4to, pp. 26, sheets, folded, uncut. In wrapper, lettered in pen-and-ink, as above. With the following autograph inscription in pencil, in the hand-writing of Charles Eliot Norton, Printed for Reading in public in 1886, for use of J. R. L. VERY RARE PRIVATELY PRINTED ISSUE. Contains the following poems by Lowell, "The Courtin' ;" "Commemoration Ode," V. and. VI. ; "Under the Old Elm," III. and V. ; "Two Scenes from the Life of Blondel ;" "Sunthi' in the Pastral Line;" and "Villa Franca." 1020. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL) . The Harvard Crimson. Supplement, con- taining Unpublished Fragments, Furnished by Charles Eliot Norton, from the College Lectures of James Russell Lowell. [No. one] March 23, 1894,-^-The Study of Literature; [No. two] March 30, 1894, Fragments from the Lectures of Professor Lowell. Trans- lation; [No. three] April 13, 1894. The Search of Truth; Number four. April 20, 1894. Elements of the English Language; Num- ber five. April 27, 1894. The Poetic and the Actual ; Number six. May 4, 1894. The Humorous and the Comic. Together, 6 parts; 4to, as issued, each part, 4pp. Cambridge, 1894 Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1021. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). II Pesceballo. Opera in one Act. Italian Words by Francis James Child. English Version by James Eussell Lowell. Thin 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1899 The Caxton Club issue, only 210 copies printed. 1022. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Corrected sheets of Lowell's article on "Thomas Gray" which had appeared in the New Princeton Review for March, 1886, for his book "Latest Literary Essays," 1891. With many verbal changes, and the new paragraphs pencilled by Lowell in the margins. Bound in straight-grain olive green morocco, gilt, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. 1023. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL American poet, essayist and critic). A Col- lection of ten autograph letters, by James Russell Lowell, nine of which are addressed to Edgar Allan Poe, and one to James Neal; also, an autograph letter by Robert Carter, addressed to Edgar Allan Poe. Together, 11 letters. In blue morocco binding, lettered in gilt. Each autograph letter neatly hinged with silk to separate leaf. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS RELATIVE TO "THE PIONEER," AND A NEWLY PROPOSED MAGAZINE BY POE TO BE CALLED "THE STYLUS." The first four of the following letters relate to the publication of "The Pioneer," the contributions to the same by Edgar Allan Poe and James Neal, and its untimely end. The last seven letters relate more or less to a proposed magazine to be edited by Poe and to be called "The Stylus," and to contributions for the same by Lowell and Hawthorne. All but the first of these letters have been published and can be found in full, in the works cited below. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to, Boston, November 18, 1842. To John Neal, Portland, Maine. With address. Last leaf has small hole, two words missing. FINE LETTER relative to "The Pioneer," with reference to John Neal's contribution "Aaron Burr," which appeared in the first number of the same. "... May we have the face to ask you lor an article for our second number on any subject you may think fit? We shall perhaps by that time be in Case to remunerate you as i/nii (Icxercc. ..." Not published in "Letters by James Russell Lowell," edited by Charles Eliot Norton, 1904. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S., 3pp. 4to, Boston, November 19, 1842. To Edgar Allen Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address. FINE LETTER RELATIVE TO POE'S CONTRIBUTION FOR "THE PIONEER." printed ill full in Vol. I., pp. 97-98 of "Letters by James Russell Lowell," edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 1904. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L. (signature cut away), Ip. 4to, Boston, December 17, 1842. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address. FINE LETTER RELATIVE TO POE'S FIRST CONTRIBUTION FOR "THE PIONEER" "A Tell-Tale Heart." which appeared in the first number of that magazine. Not published in "Letters by James Russell Lowell," edited by Charles Eliot Norton; but appears in Vol. II., page 125, of James A. Harrison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe," 1903, where the same is printed in full. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to. Boston. March 24, 1843. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address. This letter, which appears in Vol. I., pp. 104-105 of "Letters by James Russell Lowell," relates to the payment of articles by Poe which appeared in "The [Continued From the Atlantic Monthly. MASON AND SLIDELL : A YANKEE IDYLL Jo the Ktlilori of the ATLANTIC MOKTHI-T. Jaalam, 6" Jan., 1362. GESTT.EMEK, I was highly gratified by the insertion of a portion of my letter in the but number of your valuable and entertaining MUcellany, though in a type which rendered its substance inaccessible even to the beautiful new spectacles presented to me by a Committee of the Parish on New- Year's Day. I trust that I was able to bear your very considerable abridg- ment of ray lucubration* with a spirit becoming a Christian. My third grand-daughter, Rc- befcah, aged fourteen years, and whom I have trained to read slowly and with proper em- phasis, (a practice too much neglected In our modern ystems of education,) read aloud to me the excellent way up.m " Old Age," tho authour of which I cannot help suspecting to be a young man who has never yet known v hat it was to have snow (ontViVi ITOTOM) upon his own "roof. Diaclte friyns, I'irgt nftrfaca Hyrn repentnt, is a rule fr the young, whose wood-pile is yet abundant for nu-h' cheerful lenitives. A good life behind him is the best thing to keep an old man's shoulders from shivering at every breath of sorrow or ill-fortune. But methink* it were easier for an old man to feel the disadvantages of youth than the advantages of age. Of these latter I reckon one of the chiefat to be this: that we attach a lesa inordinate value to our own productions, anil, distrusting daily more and more our own wwdom, (with the conceit where- of at twenty we wrap ourselves away from knowledge as with a garment,) do reconcile ourselvet with the wisdom of Gtxl. I could have wished, indeed, that room might have been made for the residue of the anecdote relating to Deacon Tinkham, which would not only have gratified natural cariwity on the part of the publkk, (a I have reason to know from several letters of inquiry already received,) but would also, as I think, have largely increased the circulation of your Magazine in this town. A'Oul humaai atitaam, there is a curiosity about the affairs of our neighbours which is not only pardonable, but even commendable. But I shall abide a more fitting season. A touching the following literary effort of Esqi on the topick of Myllick and Pastoral Poetry, and co between them, from Theocritus, the inventor uf the f of who has emulated the classicks in the latter style Milton to defend ami Lucan to sing, it may be ! Biglow, much might be profitably said :rning the proper distinctions to be made icr, to Collins, the latest authonr I know Brit in the time of a civil war worthy a iblv doubted whether the publick, nev too rtudious of serious instruction, might not consider other objects more deserving of present attention. Concerning the title of Idyll, which Mr. Biglow has adopted at my suggestion, it may not be improper to animadvert, that the name properly signifies a poem somewhat rustick in phrase, (for, though the learned are not agreed as to the particular dialect employed by The- ocritus, they are unlvenwnimous both as to its rusticity and. its capacity of rising now and then to the level of more derated sentiments and expressions,) while it is also descriptive of real scenery and manners. Yet it must be admitted that the production now in question (which, here nd there bears perhaps too plainly the marks of my correcting hand) does partake of tb nature of a Pastoral, inasmuch as the interlocutors therein are purely imaginary beings, and the whole Is little better than noirvoS n authour than to suppose the reader had no fimcy of his own; that, if once that faculty was to be called into activity, it were Mttr to be in for the whole sheep than the shoulder ; and that he knew Concord like > book, an expression questionable in propriety, since there are few things with which he is not more familiar thim wjth the printed page. In proof of what he affirmed, he showed me some verses which with othcft he had stricken out as too much delaying the action, bat which I commu- nicate in this place because they rightly define " punkin-secd," (which Mr. Bartlett would have a kind of perch, a creature to which I have found a rod or pole not to be so easily equivalent in oar Inland waters as in the books of arithmetic,) and because it conveys an euloglnm on the worthy son c* an excellent father, with whose acquaintance (duv, fogaca rum! ) I wa formerly honoured. " But nowadays the Bridgv ain't wut they show, So much es Sm'pc-n, Hawthorne, an' Tboreau. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL Rare Original First Edition Reduced facsimile of first page [No. 1013] Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th [No. 1023 Continued] Pioneer," for which he was unable to pay, on account of the protest of his publisher's note. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S. (signed with initials only), 3pp. 4to. Boston, April 17, 1843. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address. FINE LETTER RELATIVE TO POE'S PROPOSED NEW MAGAZINE "THE STYLUS," with mention of Hawthorne and himself as contributors to the same. Printed in full in Vol. I., pp. 105-106 of "Letters by James Russell Lowell," edited by Charles Eliot Norton, 1904. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S. (signed with initials only), 3pp. 4to, Cambridge, May 8, 1843. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address: Printed in full in Vol. I., pp. 108-108 of "Letters by James Russell Lowell," edited by Charles Eliot Norton, 1904. Relates to an article by Hawthorne, and one by himself for Poe's proposed magazine, "The Stylus," and gives a short biographical sketch of himself. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S. (signed with initials only), Ip. 4to, (Boston, May 16, 1843). To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Penn. With address. Not in Norton's edition of "Letters by James Russell Lowell;" but printed in full in Vol. II., pp. 144-145 of James A. Har- rison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe." Encloses one of his poems for Poe's proposed magazine, "The Stylus." CARTER (ROBERT friend of Lowell, and co-editor with him on "The Pioneer"). A.L. (signature cut away), 3pp. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., June 19, 1843. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Pa. With address. FINE LETTER relative to the proposed magazine, "The Stylus," with mention of Lowell, his own article on Poe which appeared in the "Phila- delphia Saturday Museum ;" also mentions his reading "Pym's Narrative." This letter is printed in full in Vol. II., pp. 146-148 of James A. Harrison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe," 1903. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L. (signature cut away), 3pp. 4to, Elm- wood, Cambridge, March 6, 1844. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Pa. With address. Edges slightly frayed. This letter is printed in full in Vol. II., pp. 158-160 of James A. Harrison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe," 1903. Relates to a proposed lecture tour of Poe's to Boston. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S. (signed with initials), 2pp. 4to, Elmwood, June 27, 1844. To Edgar Allan Poe, New York. With address. Printed in full in Vol. II, pp. 180-182 of James A. Harrison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe," 1903. Refers to his article which is to accompany a "head" of Poe's in "Graham's Magazine," which he has not finished but "however I am resolved to set about it now in good, earnest." LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to. Elmwood, December 12, 1844. To Edgar Allan Poe, Philadelphia, Pa. With address. Printed in full in Vol. II., pp. 194-195 of James A. Harrison's "Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe," 1903. Writes to introduce his friend, Charles F. Briggs, and mentions his own work in connection with his keeping the printing office busy with "Conversations on some Old Poets." 1024. LOWELL (JAMES KUSSELL American poet, essayist and critic). Origi- nal Manuscript, in the autograph of Lowell, 1pp. 4to. The original draft of that portion of his address on "The Independent in Politics," which appears on pages 238-239 of the 1904 edition of his "Prose Works," edited by Charles Eliot Norton. At the top are two lines in the autograph of Charles Eliot Norton, and signed by his initials, reading, "The substance of this page is printed in "The Independ- ent in Politics," Lowell's Prose Works, Riverside edition, vol. VI. pp. 195-6. C. E. N" Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1025. [LOWELL (JAMES EUSSELL).] With a Copy of Aucassin and Nicolette. [A poem of 14 lines.] RARE ORIGINAL PRIVATELY PRINTED ISSUE. ON JAPANESE PAPER. Only a limited number so issued. 1026. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). James Russell Lowell and His Friends. By Edward Everett Hale. Portraits and facsimiles. Boston, Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1899 ; A Record of the Commemoration, Novem- ber 5th-8th, 1886, of Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College. (With Oration and Address by Lowell.) Illustrations. Cambridge, 1887. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1027. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL American poet, essayist and critic). Re- ceipt signed in the autograph of Lowell, to Ticknor & Fields, for "Four Hundred Dollars, on account of my book 'Fireside Travels';" Tivo visiting cards, each with autograph signature, one, "J. R. Lowell," the other, "Mr. Lowell." Together, 3 pieces. 1028. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A Fable for Critics. FIEST EDITION. New York, 1848. In the original boards, uncut, with label (rebacked) ; Second edition. 1848. 3 copies (2 in boards and 1 in cloth) ; and a later edition, Boston, 1891. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, boards. 1029. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Complete Angler of Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton, with introduction by J. R. Lowell. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1889. Large paper copy; Shelley's Poems, Blue-and-Gold edition. Boston, 1857. With Memoir by Lowell; Poetical Works of Keats. Boston, 1854. With Life by Lowell; Memoirs of Lowell, by A. L. Lowell. Cambridge, 1896; Address (by Prof. Hatfield) at the Lowell Commemoration. Berlin, 1897, pamphlet. Together, 7 vols. and pamphlets. 1030. LOWELL (JAMBS RUSSELL). A Year's Life. FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS, with label. Boston, 1841 ; Vision of Sir Launfal. FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL YELLOW BOARDS, time-worn. Cam- bridge, 1848; Poems, 1844. FIRST and Second Editions; Also the first collected edition. 2 vols. 1849; Poems, second series. 1848; Poems. Third Edition. 1844. In the original colored wrappers (worn) in slip case. Together, 12 vols. 12mo, boards and cloth. 1031. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Illustrated Mail. Extra. Boston, Octo- ber 25, 1848. Woodcuts. (With an original Ode by Lowell.) Folio, 4pp. ; Hymns and Songs for the Festival in Faneuil Hall, in Com- memoration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Friday Evening, January 2, 1857. BROADSIDE. (With "Song" by Lowell.) 4to; Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. April 28, 1897. Miinchen. (With four and one half pages devoted [Continued Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th [Xo. 1031 Continued] to an article on Lowell by F. v. Salpius.) 4to, pp. 8. Small hole in one leaf; America. A Journal of Today. Chicago, April 7, 1888. (Contains "St. Michael the Weigher," by Lowell.) Folio, pp. 16 ; Lowell's Pamphlet "The President's Policy," 1864, by Theo- dore Wesley Koch. 8vo, pp. 107 to 112; The Atlantic Monthly Supplement. The Oration by James Eussell Lowell . . . delivered in Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, November 8, 1886. 8vo, pp. 23; Old South Leaflets. Third Series. Xos. 1 and 6. (With a Poem in each by Lowell.) Dec. 1845 and July 21, 1865. 12mo, pp. 6, 12. Together, 8 pieces. 1032. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Biglow Papers. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. Cambridge, 1848; First English Edition of the same. London, 1859 ; First English Edition with a frontispiece by George CruHeshank. London, 1859; The same. With the frontis- piece colored. London, 1861; and two other editions of the same; Biglow Papers. Second series. London, 1862 ; First collected edi- tion of the same. London, 1865 ; First American Edition. Boston, 1867; Also, First complete English edition. London, 1867. To- gether, 11 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1033. LOWELL (JAMES EUSSELL). Spirit of the Fair. 4to, original boards. New York, 1864; Boston Miscellany. 2 vols. Boston, 1842; The Boston Book. 1850; Eolopoesis, American Rejected Addresses. New York, 1855; Golden Songs of Great Poets; Liberty Chimes. Provi- dence, 1845 ; and others, including some pamphlets, with Contribu- tions by Lowell and others. Together, 21 vols. and pamphlets. 1034. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Impressions of Spain. Boston, 1899; My Study Windows. FIRST EDITION. Boston, 1871 ; Among my Books. First and Second Series, 1870 and 1876; Fireside Travels.' FIRST EDITION. 1864; Political Essays. FIRST EDITION. 1888; and others, some First Editions. Together, 22 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1035. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Poems. Blue-and-Gold edition, with por- trait. Boston, 1858; Under the Willows. Boston, 1869; Four Poems. Printed for private distribution at the Village Press, Hing- ham, Mass., 1906; Heartsease and Ruse. Boston, 1888; The Com- plete Poetical Works. Cambridge edition (1896) ; and others. To- gether, 25 vols. 1036. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Cooke's Bibliography of Lowell. Boston, 1906. Limited Edition; GREENSLET'S Life of Lowell. Boston, 1905; UNDERWOOD'S Lowell. Boston, 1882; and his Lowell, the Poet and the Man. 1892 ; and others. Together, 9 vols. Fifth 'Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1037. LOWELL (JAMES KUSSELL) AND OTHERS. The Liberty Bell. By Friends of Freedom. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1842; the same for 1843 and from 1845 to 1849, 1851 and 1853. All illustrated. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, cloth and half morocco. With contributions and original poems and articles by Lowell, Long- fellow, Emerson and others. 1038. LOWELL (MARIA). The Poems of Maria Lowell. Square 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1855 The privately printed edition of the poems of the wife of Lowell, with a photographic portrait, published by Lowell after her death in an edition, it is said, of only fifty copies. Inscribed on the fly-leaf by Lowell, "F. H. Underwood. With regards of J. R. Lowell, Qth May 1855," and with the Underwood bookplate. 1039. LOWNDES (WILLIAM THOMAS). The Bibliographer's Manual of Eng- lish Literature. New edition revised and enlarged by Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols. tall 8vo, half roan, rubbed. London, 1869 LARGE PAPER. 1040. LUTHER (MARTIN). Von heimliche und gestolen Brieffen Sampt einen Psalm ausgelegt widder Herzog Georgen Sachsen. Mart. Luth. 1529. Woodcut title and Gothic type. Small 4to, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1529 1041. MCCARTHY (JUSTIN HUNTLEY). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans- lated into Prose. Printed in small capitals. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1889 The first English prose translation, preceded by a monograph on the editions of Omar, the privately printed issues, pirated copies, etc., of great value to the collectors of the Rubaiyat. Only 550 copies were printed at the Chiswick Press. VERY SCARCE. 3042. MACKAIL (J. W.). The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil, translated from the Latin. Square 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1889 FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 1043. MAGAZINES, ETC. Knickerbocker Magazine; North American Review. Various numbers, 1840 to 1860, with a number of pamphlets, includ- ing Parts 1 to 5 of "The Idle Man." New York, 1821. ' Edited by R. II . Dana, and containing some early poems of Bryant. A large parcel. 1044. MALORY (SiR THOMAS). Le Morte d'Arthur by Syr Thomas Malory. Faithfully reprinted from the original edition (1485) of William Caxton. Edited by H. 0. Sommer. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Edinburgh and London, 1889-1891 With an Essay on Malory's Prose Style by Andrew Lang. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon., April 30th 1045. MANTE (THOMAS). The History of the Late War in North-America and the Islands of the West-Indies, including the Campaigns of 1743 and 1744 against His Majesty's Indian Enemies. Fine large folding maps and plans. 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt top, the other edges entirely uncut. London, 1772 A VERY FINE COPY AND VERY SCARCE. A complete history of the French-Indian War. 1046. MARGUERITE OF VALOIS. Memoirs written by her own hand. Newly translated into English with Introduction and notes by Violet Fane. Eight portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. .London, 1892 1047. MARMION (SHAKERLEY). Cupid and Psyche, a Legend. Vignette after Stothard. 1720; [Bound with] Hero and Leander, a Poem. By C. Marlow and G. Chapman. 1721. 12mo, old English sage green straight-grain morocco tooled in gilt panels of fine pattern with corner ornaments and gilt edges. Chiswick, 1820-1821 Printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 3048. MARSHALL (JOHN). The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces during the War which established the Independence of his Country . . . compiled from original papers . . . with introduction. Portrait, maps, views and vignettes. 5 vols. thick 8vo, original pink boards, entirely uncut. London, 1804-1807 Very fine copy in the original form as issued, with all of the inserted slips relating to the same, and very rare in such uncut condition. 1049. MARSTON (JOHN). Parasitaster, or, The Fawne as it hath bene divers times presented at the blacke Friers, by the Children of the Queenes majesties Revels. Small 4to, half blue calf, gilt top. London, 1606 EXTREMELY RARE. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. The few copies that are known of this rare play are mainly the second issue. A catch- word is cut away from one leaf, but otherwise the copy is a very good one for a book of this date. 1050. MARTIN (SiR THEODORE). Essays on the Drama. Privately printed. London, 1874 (damp-stained) ; Poems of Catulus, translated into English Verse. Edinburgh, 1875; Horace, translated into English Verse. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 1881. Fine copy; The Song of the Bell. FIRST EDITION. Edinburgh, 1889; Poems and Ballads of Heine translated into English Verse. 1882. Together, 6 vols. small 8vo, cloth, uncut, one vol. soiled. Edinburgh, various dates 1051. MARVELL (ANDREW). Miscellaneous Poems. Engraved portrait. Thin small folio, green straight-grain morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. London, for Robert Boulter, 1681 FIRST EDITION. In the preface the widow of the poet certifies to the genuineness of all the pieces inserted. VERY SCARCE. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1052. MARVELL (ANDREW). The Works of Andrew Marvell, Esq. Engraved portrait by Clark, and two plates. 2 vols. 16mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1726 FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. VERY RARE. 3053. MASON (AMELIA GERE). The Women of the French Salons. 54 illus- trations. Royal 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1891 1054. MASON (GEORGE C.). The Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart. Many reproductions of Stuart's American portraits. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1879 1055. MASON (JOHN MITCHEL). A Sermon, Preached September 20th, 1793; A Day Set Apart, in the City of New- York, for Public Fast- ing, Humiliation and Prayer, on Account of a Malignant and Mortal Fever prevailing in the City of Philadelphia. 8vo, half straight- grained morocco, gilt top, partly uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, light stains on some leaves. New- York: Printed by Samuel Loudon & Sons, 1793 AUTHOR'S PRESENTATION COPY, with inscription, "To the Revd D. Witherspoon, from his affect friend The Author." 1056. MASSACHUSETTS. A Survey of Boston and its Vicinity, shewing the Distance from the Old State House, at the Head of State Street to all the Towns and Villages not exceeding 15 Miles therefrom . . . with a short topographical sketch of the Country. By John C. Hales. View of the old State House and folding map. 16mo, original boards, uncut, cracked at hinges. Boston, 1821 1057. MASSACHUSETTS. HARVARD COLLEGE. Portraits of Hollis (benefactor of Harvard), Jonathan Mayhew, and three views of Harvard Col- lege after very early and rare prints, etc. Privately printed series. Folio, 5 pieces. 1058. MASSACHUSETTS. Nichols (Charles Lemuel). Bibliography of Worces- ter. List of Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, and Broadsides, Printed in the Town of Worcester, Massachusetts, 1775 to 1848. With Historical and Explanatory Notes. Portrait of Isaiah Thomas. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Worcester, 1899 Privately printed ; one of 25 copies on LARGE PAPER. 1059. [MASSINGER (PHILIP).] The Fatall Dowry: a Tragedy. As it hath beene often Acted at the Private House in Blackefryers, by his Majesties Servants. Written by P. M. and N. F. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1632 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. Written in collaboration with Nat. Field. A few head-lines are shaved. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1060. MATHER (COTTON) AND CALEJF (EGBERT). Salem Witchcraft : compris- ing More Wonders of the Invisible W^orld, collected by Robert Calef, and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. Together with Xotes and Explanations, by S. F. Fowler. Portrait on India Paper and facsimiles. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 100 copies. 1061. MAY (THOMAS). Lucau's Pharsalia: or the Civill Warres of Borne, betweene Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar. The Whole ten Bookes Englished by Thomas May, Esquire. Engraved title by Hulsius. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BIND- ERY. London, 1627 FIRST EDITION, containing the rare preliminary leaf of "poetical description." VERY RARE. 1062. MAY (THOMAS). The Reigne of King Henry the Second, written in Seven Bookes. By his Majesties Command. Engraved portrait by Vaughan. 12mo, olive crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside gilt borders, gilt on red edges, BY DAVID. Margins of portrait and last 2 leaves strengthened. London, 1633 FIRST EDITION, containing the rare portrait of Henry II, and additional leaves of text bound at the end (unpaginated) "The Description of Henry II" and "The Single and Comparative Characters of Henry the Sonne and Richard." The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 1063. MAY (THOMAS). The Victorious Reigne of King Edward the Third. Written in Seven Bookes. By his Majesties Command. Engraved portrait of the King. 12mo, wine-red straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet lines and gilt edges. London, 1635 FIRST EDITION. An almost invisible monogram "C. W." on the title. 1064. MAY (THOMAS). Lucans Pharsalia: or, the Civil Warres of Rome, Betweene Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar. An Historical! Poem being till the Death of Julius Caesar. Englished by Thomas May, Esquire. Etched portrait of May. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines, corner ornaments, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1659 The continuation "Till the Death of Caesar" is under separate pagina- tion. Has the leaf of poetry before title. 1065. MELEAGER. Fifty Poems of Meleager, with a translation by Walter Headlam. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1890 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 1066. MELISH (JOHN). Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States, including the British Possessions and Florida. 12 large folding maps with descriptive text. 8vo, old half roan, with ties, uncut. Philadelphia, 1815 Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1067. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. London [1851] PRESENTATION COPY of Meredith's first published volume, having in- scribed in his hand on the title. "Robert Bell, Esq., with the Author's respects.' 1 ' From Anthony Trollope's library with his bookplate. Laid in is a letter of 2pp, 12mo from R. H. Stoddard relating to his copy of "Poems." VERY RARE, only 500 were printed and 100 copies bound at Meredith's expense. This work had a very small sale and has almost completely disappeared. 1068. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Shaving of Shagpat. An Arabian Enter- tainment. FIRST EDITION. FIRST ISSUE. Small 8vo, original red cloth, lettered in rustic type on the side, uncut and mainly unopened, binding slightly torn at back. London, 1856 1069. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Farina: A Legend of Cologne. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original light green cloth, uncut, rubbed. London, 1857 VERY BARE early work of Meredith. With the leaves of advertisement dated July 1857. 1070. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Evan Harrington. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. small 8vo, cloth, uncut, backs slightly faded. London, 1861 Frederick Locker-Lampson's copy with his bookplate. Very difficult to get in good condition like this, which is not an ex-library copy. 1071. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Rhoda Fleming. A Story. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. small 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. FINE COPY. London, 1865 Frederick Locker-Lampson's copy with his bookplate. In good condi- tion, not an ex-library copy. 1072. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tale of Chloe. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, wrappers, slightly worn. New York, 1890 No. 6 of Lovell's Westminster Series. THE GENUINE FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 1073. MEREDITH (GEORGE). A Chronological List of George Meredith's Pub- lications, 1849-1911. By Arundell Esdaile. London, 1914; George Meredith, some Characteristics. By Eichard Le Gallienne, with a Bibliography by John Lane. London, 1890. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1890-1914 1074. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love. With Foreword by E. Cavazza. Thin 4to, boards, uncut. Portland, Mosher, 1891 No. 22 of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER. 1075. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Nature Poems of George Meredith. 20 full page reproductions and an etched frontispiece by William Hyde. Royal 8vo, vellum back, uncut. Westminster, 1898 No. 47 of 150 copies, signed by Wm. Hyde. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1076. MEREDITH (GEORGE). FIRST EDITIONS. The Ordeal of Richard Fev- erel. 3 vols. London, 1859 ; Modern Love and Poems of the Eng- lish Roadside. 1862 ; Emilia in England. 3 vols. 1864; Vittoria. 3 vols. 1867; Adventures of Harry Richmond. 3 vols. 1871; Beauchamp's Career. 3 vols. 1876; The Egoist. 3 vols. 1879; The Tragic Comedians. 2 vols. 1880; Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of the Earth. 1883 ; Diana of the Crossways. 3 vols. 1885 ; Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. 1887; A Reading of Earth. 1888; One of Our Conquerors. 3 vols. 1891; Poems, The Empty Purse, etc.' 1892 ; Jump to Glory Jane. 1892. One of 100 copies; Tale of Chloe, House on the Beach, etc. 1894; Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 3 vols. 1894; The Amazing Marriage. 2 vols. 1895; Essay on Comedy. 1897; Odies, 1898; A Reading of Life and other Poems. 1901. Together, 41 vols. 12mo and small 8vo", orig- inal cloth. London, various dates Several are library copies, but they are almost unprocurable in any other condition, as the circulation of most of them was through the libraries, and few were sold to the general public. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF FlRST EDITIONS. 1077. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Carmen. Etchings by Nargeot. Small 4to, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, the original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1884 No. 18 of the 50 copies on Japan paper, with an original watercolor half-title by F. Coindre. 1078. MERIMEE (PROSPER). A Chronicle of the Reign of Charles IX. Newly translated into English by George Saintsbury. With 110 engravings on wood from drawings by Edward Toudouze. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1890 No. 42 of 50 copies on Japan vellum paper printed at the Chiswick Press. 1079. MERRYMOUNT PRESS. The Altar Book: Containing the Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist according to the Use of the American Church. By Authority, 1892. Folio, brown pigskin blind tooled in the Pascal Lamb, brass clasps, uncut. [Boston, 1896] The edition was limited to 350 copies. Charles Sherboru, Bell and Goodhue designed the decorations, and the Music arranged by Sir John Stainer. Laid in are the "Notes" containing the Plain Song, 8pp. 3080. MERRYMOUNT PRESS. McSparran (Rev. James). A Letter Book and Abstract of Our Services. Written during the Years 1743-1751. Edited with sketch of the Author and Numerous Notes by Daniel Goodwin. Portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1899 Relating mainly to Rhode Island. 1081. MERRYMOUNT PRESS. Cornelii Taciti Opera Minora. De Vita et Mori- bus Ivlii Agricolae Liber: De Origine sitv Moribvs et Popvlis Ger- manorvm Liber: De Oratoribvu Dialogvs. Folio, half calf. Boston, 1903 The edition was limited to 100 copies. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30ih 1082. MEBRYMOUNT PRESS. Cornelii Taciti Opera Minora. (Agricola, Ger- manorum et de Oratoribus. Thin folio, half calf. Boston, 1903 The edition was limited to 100 copies. 1083. MEREYWEATHEK (F. SOMNER). Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, or Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes and Il- luminators from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman Periods, to the Intro- duction of Printing into England; with Anecdotes illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain in the Olden Time. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. VERY RARE. London, 1849 1084. MERYON (CHARLES), Bouvenne (Aglaus). Notes et Souvenirs sur Charles Meryon. Son Tombeau, au Cimetiere de Charenton Saint Maurice. Portrait and facsimile, and reproductions after Bracque- mond and others. Thin 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt, uncut, the original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1883 Only 300 copies on "papier de Marais." 1085. METTERNICH (PRINCE). Memoirs of Prince Metternich, 1773-1815, edited by Prince Eichard Metternich. Translated by Mrs. Alexander Napier. Portraits. 5 vols. tall 8vo, cloth. London, 1880-1882 3086. MILL (HUMPHREY). Poems, Pleasant and Profitable. The Arraign- ment, Together with the Condemnation of Sinne, and Death. Or the Discovery of the alluring Heights of Sinne, etc. Engraved title (remargined) and Minde of the Frontispiece. 12mo, calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed, by John Dawson, 1639 FIRST EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE WITH THE PRELIMINARY LEAF. 1087. MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS). Alfred Lebrun's Catalogue of the Etchings, Heliographs, Lithographs, and Woodcuts, done by Jean Frangois Mil- let. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers retained. New York, 1887 Only 250 copies were printed. SCARCE. 1088. MILTON (JOHN). Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin, Compos'd at several times. Portrait ~by Marshall. 12mo, dark-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt scroll panel, inside borders and gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. Portrait with pin-hole and remargined. London, 1645 FIRST EDITION. The excessive rarity of this book is well-known. 1089. [MiLTON (JOHN).] Tetrachordon : Expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of Mariage, or Nullities in Mariage . . . wherein the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, as was lately publish'd, is confirm'd by explanation of Scripture, etc. By the former Author J. M..(ilton added in old writing). Small 4to, old calf, rubbed. London, 1645 Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1090. MILTON (JOHN). Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book intitl'd Eikon Basilike the Portrature of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings. Small 4to, new panelled calf, gilt, blind stamp on title. London, 1649 FIRST EDITION, tall and good copy, with large margins. There is a reference to Shakespeare on page 11 and the first printed quotation of Shakespeare's 'Richard III' Milton stating that the Plays were the favorite companions of Charles I. during his confinement. 1091. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books. By John Milton. Small 4to, original calf, binding a little worn. London, 1667 FIRST EDITION AND FIRST TITLE AND GENUINE THROUGHOUT, EXCEEDINGLY RARE IN THIS STATE. Apparently very few copies were sold of this first issue before the publisher re-issued the book with a new title-page, using for the most part the original sheets. Some imperfect copies of the first edition have been completed from these re-issues, but as a few of the sheets were reprinted from the standing types, on paper with a diffrent water-mark, it is absolutely necessary for the careful collector to obtain a copy in its original condition, and which certainly has not been tampered with. This copy is one of the few in existence. On the title is faintly seen the contemporary autograph of the original owner "Phil Button," and another name. 1092. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, dark green crushed levant morocco, broad gilt panels on the sides, gilt back, gilt edges, BY EIVIEKE. London, 1668 FIRST EDITION with the Fourth Title-page and the five line address of the printer. FINELY BOUND. 1093. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt top. London, 1669 FIRST EDITION with the Fifth title-page. 1094. MILTO'N (JOHN). The History of Britain, that part especially now calFd England from the first Traditional Beginning, continued to the Norman Conquest. Portrait of Milton engraved by Faithorne. Small 4to, original calf, names on title, one being dated 1672. London, 1670 FIRST EDITION, with the scarce leaf of "Errata" at the end and a fine impression of the Faithorne portrait. 1095. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Regained. A Poem in IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton. Small 8vo, straight-grain crimson morocco, gilt fillet lines, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDEBY. London, Printed for J. M. by John Starkey, 1671 FIRST EDITION, with the leaf of errata at the end and the rare "License Leaf" preceding the title (on which donor's name is written). Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 3096. MILTON (JOHN). Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton. Both English and Latin &c. Composed at several Times. With a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Martlib. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY BEDFOED, binding broken. London: Printed for Tho. Bring, 1673 FIRST COMPLETE EDITION, having several poems that did not appear in the edition of 1645. 1097. MILTON (JOHN). Poems. FIRST COMPLETE EDITION. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt on marbled edges, BY CHAMBOLLE-DTJEU. London, 1673 1098. MILTON (JOHN). Mr. John Milton's Character of the Long Parliament and Assembly of Divines in 1641. Omitted in his other Works, and never before Printed. And very seasonable for these times. Small 4to, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet lines and corner ornaments, gilt inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDEEY. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1681 1099. MILTON (JOHN). Areopagitica : a speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing. With a Preface by Another Hand. 8vo, old half calf. London, 1738 Second Edition, edited by the poet Thomson who wrote the preface. 1100. MILTON (JOHN). The Works of John Milton, Historical, Political and Miscellaneous, now more correctly printed from the Originals than in any former edition and many Passages restored. To which is pre- fixed an account of his Life and Writings. (Edited by Thomas Hollis.) Engraved portraits by Ciprianie. 2 vols. 4to, original rus- sia gilt, bindings worn. London, 1753 EDITOR'S OWN COPY, inscribed by him to Jonathan Mayhew, "To Jonathan Mayhew D. D. of Boston in New-England, able active, faithful, Thomas Hollis, in sign of friendship. Pall Mail Oct. 10, 1764," and with "Ut spargam T. H." written by Hollis on the title. Exceedingly inter- esting as the gift of the famous benefactor of Harvard College to an even more famous New England Divine. 1101. MILTON (JOHN). L'Allagro et le Pensieroso de Milton. Traduits en vers Frangois (by Ribouville). Small 4to, old French green morocco, with a wide border of leaf and floral gilt tooling, gilt edges, owner's name on title blotted out. London, 1766 Printed in alternate pages of French and English, and has some verbal corrections of the French in ink in a contemporary hand. A scarce edition, the First French translation in a very handsome old binding. 1102. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost, a Poem. The author John Milton. Illustrated. Small 8vo, old straight-grain green morocco gilt, wide inside borders and gilt edges. London, 1817 CHARLES ELKIN MATHEW'S COPY, with his humorous ex-libris and a FORE-EDGE PAINTING OF ADAM AND EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN WITH THE ANGEL. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1103. MINIATURE BOOKS. Phaedri Fabulae et Publii Syri Sententiae. 18mo, contemporary black morocco, gilt edges. Paris: Ex typographia Kegia, 1729 THE FIRST MINIATURE BOOK PRINTED ix PARIS, the type known as "Sedanoise." A LARGE PAPER COPY. The type-page, which is irregular, at its largest measures 2% x 1% in. 1104. MINIATURE BOOKS. Almanach Iconologique, Annee 1770. Les Ele- mens, Les IV Parties du Monde, Les Saisons, par M. Gravelot. 12 charming little plates of the Seasons, Earth, Air, Water, etc. repre- sented by beautiful women engraved after Gravelot. 18mo, contem- porary red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1770 1105. MINIATURE BOOKS. Kooker en Tas, Almanacj voor 1779. 13 etchings. Bound in mother-of-pearl with silver back and clasps. Measuring 2% x 1*4 in. Amsterdam [1778] 1106. MINIATURE BOOKS. The Bible in Minuiture. Copper plate illustrations. Bound in contemporary red morocco, with emblematic gilt tooling. Measuring iy 2 x 1 inch. London, E. dewberry, 1780 1107. MINIATURE BOOKS. It est Joli comme un Coeur ; ou, Le Porte-Feuille d'Anacreon. Engraved title and 12 pretty copper plates. Bound in contemporary brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, 18mo. Paris, circa 1786 1108. MINIATURE BOOKS. Eeceueil General de Costumes et Modes contenant les differens Habillemens et les Coeffures les plus elegantes des hommes et des femmes . . . avec Tablettes Economiques Perte et Gain. 25 beautifully engraved plates of costumes and of coiffures, the latter including fancy designs of a ship under sail, pyramids, etc. 18mo, contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris, circa 1786 1109. MINIATURE BOOKS. Nouveau Chansonnier Etrennes les plus agreables aux Dames de bonne humeur. Illustrated with 12 plates (Ho/ them are mezzotints) of pretty women in fancy hats, coiffures, etc. 18mo, contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris [1786] A companion volume to the above and both rare and attractive volumes. 1110. MINIATURE BOOKS. Les Suppositions de PEnjoument ; ou, les Episodes Mytologiques. 12 prettily engraved plates of pastoral scenes, love scenes, etc. 18mo, contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris [1788] 1111. MINIATURE BOOKS. La Constitution des Amours. Six pretty little copper plate engravings, colored. 18mo, light brown crushed levant morocco, the field entirely covered with climbing roses round a cen- tral panel filled with roses in leaf medallion, gilt edges, BY TRAUTZ- BAUZONNET, with morocco solander case. Paris, 1793 In a beautiful binding. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1112. MINIATURE BOOKS. Almanacks. Calendrier de tons les Saints. En- graved title to each volume and an engraving of a Saint for every day in the year. Illustre par Michel, fils. Grave par Lechard. 12 vols. contemporary French green gilt and inlaid. Each vol. measures % in. by y 2 in. No place or date (French, late 18th century) Exceedingly scarce. 1113. MINIATURE BOOKS. Les Etrennes de 1'Age D'Or; or les Muses Berge- res. Engraved title and 12 copper plates. Bound in contemporary green morocco gilt, with the original gilt slip case. 64mo. Paris, 1800 1114. MINIATURE BOOKS. Cendrillon ou les Etrennes de la Modestie a la Beaute. Engraved title page and 12 copper plates. 18mo, con- temporary smooth green morocco gilt, gilt edges, with the original slip-case. Paris, circa 1800 H15. MINIATURE BOOKS. Le Petit Desire Almanach pour 1794. Copper- plates. Lacks the first leaves; The same, for 1815, complete with the original gilt leather binding and slip case. Together, 2 vols. Each measures about 1 inch in height. 1116. MINIATURE BOOKS. Pickering Diamond Classics. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Frontispiece by Stothard. London, 1824; The Large Paper copy of the same, printed on India Paper. Together, 2 vols. 18mo and 24mo, crimson and blue morocco, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. 1117. MINIATURE BOOKS. Horace. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia. 64mo, bound in warm brown crushed levant morocco inlaid in an interlaced strap pattern of dark blue morocco, the doublures of dark green morocco, ornately gilt in an Eve Pattern, gilt edges, BY CAPE. Morocco solander case. Paris, 1828 The famous Miniature Edition printed by Didot, of which only 100 copies were issued, this being No. 100. With large margins and prob- ably LARGE PAPER. The type page measures 1% x 1% inches. In a beautiful binding. 1118. MINIATURE BOOKS. Horace. Another copy of the Didot edition in miniature of Horace, but with the imprint of Paris; A Mesnier, 1828. Bound by RUBAN in crimson crushed levant morocco, the sides elaborately gilt in pointille tooling, the doublures of light green morocco gilt, silk end papers and gilt edges. In a beautiful binding. 1119. MINIATURE BOOKS. PAINTED PORCELAIN BINDING. Souvenirs : Calen- drier du Semaine. 16mo, rose-du-Barry silk covers, the sides painted on porcelain in a bun of roses and flowers. [Paris, about 1830] Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1120. MINIATUEE BOOKS. Pickering's Diamond Classics. Homeri Ilias et Odysseus. Engraved portrait of Homer and Aldine device on title. 4 vols. 24mo, crimson crushed levant morocco gilt, BY r. BEDFORD. London, 1831 FEINTED ON VELLUM, of which only five or six were issued. Beautiful copies and the first issues. 1121. MINIATURE BOOKS. The English Bijou Almanac for 1837. Poetically illustrated by L. E. L. (Miss Landon). Portraits of Malibran, Oole- ridqe, etc. In the original gilt paper binding and slip case. London, 1837 One of the smallest books printed, measuring % x % inches. 1122. MINIATURE BOOKS. The English Bijou Almanac for 1842. Poetically illustrated by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. Portraits, etc. Original gilt leather binding and slip case. London, 1842 Companion to the preceding. 1123. MINIATURE BOOK. La Fontaine (J. B. de). Fables. EDITION MINIA- TURE. 64mo, crimson morocco tooled in scrolls and fillet lines, gilt edges. Paris, 1850 Scarce edition of La Fontaine's Fables and a very prettily bound little volume. 1124. MINIATURE BOOKS. Gresset. Vers-Vert. Original wrappers. Meas- uring 21/4 x 1% inches. Paris, 1855 1125. MINIATURE BOOKS. De Imitatione Christi. Bound in brown crushed levant morocco, tastefully ornamented in leafy scrolls, gilt edges. Paris, Tross, 1858 LARGE PAPER COPY, entirely uncut. The type page measures 1% inches by 1% inches. In a beautiful binding. 1126. MINIATURE BOOKS. Chevigne (Comte de). Les Contes Remois, edi- tion miniature. 18mo, red crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY CANAPE. Epernay, 1875 1127. MINIATURE BOOKS. Dante. La Divina Commedia. 499 pp. wrappers. Milan, 1878 FIRST ISSUE. The smallest "Dante" published, measuring 2% x 1% in. 1128. MINIATURE BOOKS. Dante. Another issue of the preceding. Illustrated with photographs. Bound in red morocco gilt, gilt edges, with dou- blure of blue morocco., gilt. Milan, 1879 1129. MINIATURE BOOKS. French Dictionary. The Smallest French and Eng- lish Dictionary in the World. By F.E.A.Gasc. 646 pp. limp roan, enclosed in metal case containing a magnifying glass. Measuring 1 in. by % in. Glasgow, circa 1880 Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1130. MINIATURE BOOKS. Brilliants: A setting of Humorous Poetry in bril- liant type. Bound in light-brown crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY BRADSTREET'S. New York: The De Vinne Press, 1888 A famous miniature book now very scarce. In a fine binding. The Bierstadt copy. 1131. MINIATURE BOOKS. TORTOISE-SHELL BINDING. A Miniature note book with 3 engravings of children in colors. Laid in tortoise-shell covers, silver-gilt mount and backs, and pendant chcain ; LE BIJOU GALANT. Copper engravings. (Type page measures 3 /4 x i/ 2 inches.) Mother- of-pearl covers, silver gilt mounts. Together, 2 vols. 1132. MINIATURE BOOKS. Calendar fur 1800. Etched plates. Offenbach, 1800; WIENER Theatre Almanack fiir 1805. Copper plates of the- atrical scenes and costume plates. Wien, 1805. Both in silk bind- ings, one of brocade and one of painted silk ; ORDINAIRE de la Sainte Messe. Brocade binding BY MEUNIER who published the book. Paris, n.d. Together, 3 vols. 1133. MINIATURE BOOKS. Etrennes Nouvelles. Eouen, 1776; Etrennes Mi- gones. Paris, 1774; Mna, ou La Folle par Amour. Paris, n.d. Each in contemporary gilt morocco with contemporary slip case. Together, 3 vols. 1134. MINIATURE BOOKS. Le Triomphe de 1'Esprit. 12 copper engravings. Paris, 1803 ; LE FLAMBEAU des Gens d' Affaires pour 1768 ; CONSTI- TUTION de la Eepublique Francais, Paris An 4 (1796). Together, 3 vols. All in contemporary morocco gilt bindings. 1135. MINIATURE BOOKS. Estelle par Florian. Copper plates. 24mo, morocco gilt with sprays, gilt edges. Paris, n.d.; CHARTE CONSTI- TUTIONELLE suivie du Testament de Louis XVI. 48mo, gilt morocco. Paris, 1821 ; SILVIO PELLICO, Mes Prisons, illustre par Tony Johan- not. 36mo, morocco. Paris, n.d. ; MAXIMES DE LA EOCHEFOUCAULD. 24mo, morocco binding. Paris, 1827. Together, 4 vols. 1136. MINIATURE BOOKS. Petit Fabuliste. Woodcuts. Paris, n.d. In a mother-of-pearl binding; BRYCE'S English Dictionary. Glasgow, n.d. With case and magnifying glass window; SMALL EAIN upon the Tender Herb. London, n.d. ; LE PETIT PAROISSIEN de FEnfance. Paris, n.d. Together, 4 vols. Each about one inch in height. 1137. MINIATURE BOOKS. Aminta di Tasso. Copper plates. .Paris, 1678; PHAEDRI FABULAE. Aureliae (Orleans), 1773; HORATII OPERA. Amsterdam, Jansson, 1628; DREXELIUS de Eternitate. Copper plates. Cologne, 1631; POPE, La Dunciade. Portrait by Monier. London, 1781. Together, 5 vols. calf and morocco bindings. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1138. MINIATURE BOOKS. History of the Bible. Illustrated. 64mo, sheep. Cooperstown, 1847; HAMER'S Smoker's Text Book. 48mo, cloth. Leeds, 1863 ; NEW TESTAMENT, brilliant type. Narrow 18mo. Ox- ford, n.d. ; THOMSON'S Seasons. Woodcuts by Anderson. 18mo, calf. New York, 1812; and others. Together, 8 vols. 1139. MINIATURE BOOKS. Pickering Diamond Classics. Terence, London, 1822 ; Homeri Ilias. London, 1831. Large Paper; Walton's Angler. 1825; The same. Large Paper Edition. 1826; Walton's Lives. 1827 ; Novum Testamentum Graecum. London, 1828 ; Shakespeare. Vols. 3, 5 and 9. London, 1825. Together, 10 vols. cloth. 1140. MINNESINGERS. Lays of the Minnesingers or German Troubadours of the 12th. and 13th. centuries . . . with Historical and Critical No- tices, etc. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, uncut. London, 1825 1141. MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. A Mirrour for Magistrates being a true Chronicle Historic of the Untimely Falles of such unfortunate Princes of Men of Note, as have happened since the first entrance of Brute into this Island until this our latter Age. Newly enlarged with a last part called A Winter Nights Vision, being an Addition of such Tragedies especially Famous as are exempted in the former Historic, with a Poem annexed, called Englands Eliza. With sepa- rate titles to each part. Thick small 4to, old leather gilt, re-backed, preliminary page 553 torn away. London, 1610 Contains both the rare dedications: To the Earl of Nottingham in the Winter Nights Vision, and to Lady Clare in England's Eliza, the former being especially rare. The first complete edition of this famous Elizabethan volume of histories and legends containing for the first time the two above mentioned. The Shakesperean interest of the volume is well known, a detail being the similarity of title of the Winters Nights Vision with Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, which was first per- formed so far as is known a year later than this publication (1611) alt'hough founded on Greene's Romance of Pandosto. 1142. MONKHOUSE (COSMO). Corn and Poppies. FIRST EDITION. London, 1890; Chambers Twain by Ernest Radford. FIRST EDITION. Lon- don, 1890; and four first editions of Philip Bourke Marston; and others. Together, 10 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and boards. 1143. MONTAIGNE (MICHEL DE) . The Essayes or Morall, Politike and Milli- tarie Discourses of Lo : Michaell de Montaigne . . . now done into English by John Florio. Folio, contemporary calf, rebacked. Name on title. London, 1603 FIRST EDITION OF THIS FAMOUS CLASSIC, notable as being one of the known books in Shakespeare's Library, as used by him in writing the Tempest, and by a friend of the great dramatist. Has the leaf "To the Beholder of this Title." EXTREMELY RABE. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1144. MONTAIGNE (MICHEL DE). The Essayes, or Morall, Politike and Mili- tarie Discourses of Lo: Michel de Montaigne. The Third Edition. Engraved title by Droeshout, and descriptive leaf opposite. Folio, original calf, rebacked. London, 1632 The engraved title and the Index first appears in this edition. The verse "Concerning the honour of bookes" has been attributed to Shake- speare and was not in the First Edition, although it appeared in the second. This third edition is the most complete. On the fly-leaf is a long contemporary note by "Mary Archer, Lady Ragdomore." Later the copy belonged to the Earl of Westmoreland. The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 1145. MONTAIGNE (MICHAEL DE). Works, comprising his Essays, Journey into Italy and Letters, with Notes from all the Commentators, Bio- graphical and Bibliographical Notices, etc. By W. Hazlitt. A new and carefully revised edition, edited by 0. W. Wight. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops. Cambridge, 1864 One of the 75 copies on LARGE PAPER. 1146. MONTANUS (AENOLDUS). De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld of Be- schryving van America en 'tZuid-Land (The New and Unknown World, or Description of America and the Southland). Engraved title, portrait of Prince Maurice, of Columbus, Vespuccius, Pizarro, Magellan and others, views and maps and many text illustrations. Folio, old sprinkled calf, rebacked, small stamp on title. Amsterdam, 1671 FIRST ISSUE OF THIS SCARCE WORK, especially important as containing one of the earliest views of New Amsterdam, or New York City, while under the government of the Dutch West India Company. And this original Dutch edition is by far more desirable on account of the bril- liancy and beauty of its engravings, including those of Indian Life, showing their games, festivals, battles, rites, manners and customs. New .York, Virginia, California, Mexico, Peru and Brazil are described. 1147. MOORE (GEORGE). Impressions and Opinions. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1891 1148. MORE (HENRY). Philosophicall Poems. 12mo, old russia, blind tooled, rebacked, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1647 1149. MORE (SiR THOMAS). Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia: containing, an Ex- cellent, Learned, Wittie, and Pleasant Discourse of the best state of a Publike Weale, as it is found in the Gouerment of the new He called Vtopia. First Written in Latine, by the Right Honourable and worthy of all Fame, Sir Thomas Moore, Knight, Lord Chauncel- lor of England: And Translated into English by Raphe Robinson . . . And now after many impressions, newly Corrected and purged of all Errors hapued in the former Editions. Small 4to, crimson morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1624 With the "Epistle" of six unpaginated leaves at the end. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1150. MORE (Sm THOMAS) . Utopia : Written in Latine by Syr Thomas More, Knyght, and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Kobynson: Anno m.ccccc.li. With Copious Notes and a Biographical and Literary Introduction by Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Printed from Sir H. Ellis' copy, with additional Notes and Corrections. Portraits and fac- simile. Thick imperial 8vo, vellum and boards, uncut. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878 LARGEST PAPER : 30 copies only in this size, signed by the publisher. 1151. MORE (SiR THOMAS). Epigrammata. Engraved title by Marshall con- taining portrait. London, 1638; Sir Walter Raleigh's Instructions to his Sonne and to Posterity. Third Edition, enlarged. Rare por- trait. Title repaired. London, 1633. Together, '2 vols. 16mo, old calf. 1152. MORE (SiR THOMAS). The Life of Sir Thomas More. By his great- grandson Cresacre More. With a Biographical Preface, Notes and Other Illustrations by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. Portrait on India Paper. Thick tall 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, entirely uncut. London, Pickering, 1828 One of only 12 copies printed on LARGE PAPER, and so noted and signed by the elder Pickering. 1153. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Original Manuscript poem, "The Hill of Venus/' written on 51 pages of blue paper, folio, bound in half calf and marbled boards. A FINE MORRIS MANUSCRIPT IN SPLENDID PRESERVATION. At the bottom of last page is written by Morris "End of the Hill of Venus." Written on one side of the page, with occasional additions on the blank opposite. With subject headings written at the side, as if prepared for printing. 3154. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Oxford and Cambridge Magazine for 1856. Con- ducted by Members of the Two Universities. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 The contributions by Morris include many of the poems in Guenevere, .and among the other contributors were Rossetti (The Blessed Damozel, Burden of Nineveh, etc.), Sir Burne Jones, Kipling's wife, etc. 1155. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Sir Galahad, a Christmas Mystery. FIRST EDI- TION. Small 8vo, wine red crushed levant morocco, gilt top. VERY RARE. London, Bell & Daldy, 1858 1156. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut. London, 1858 PRESENTATION COPT OF MORRIS' FIRST BOOK, "Presented to Edward Capern 'by the Author," in Morris' hand, pencilled on the half-title. 1157. MORRIS (WILLIAM) . The Two Sides of the River, Hapless Love and the First Foray of Aristomenes. FIRST EDITION. Thin small 8vo, wine red morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1876 Privately printed "Not for sale." VERY RARE. Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 30th 1158. MORRIS (WILLIAM) AND MAGNUSSON (EIRIKE). The Stories of the Kings of Norway, called the Round World (Heimskringla) By Snorri Sturluson. Done into English out of the Icelandic. Map of Nonvay. 5 vols. square royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1893 LARGE PAPER EDITION of the Saga Library limited to 125 copies. The Heimskringla contained in 3 volumes, and the additional volumes of Howard the Halt and The Ere Dwellers. The volumes were beautifully produced at the Chiswick Press. 1159. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Socialist Pamphlets, 1885 to 1891, and some undated ones, including, "Chants for Socialists;" "The Principles of Socialism;" "Useful Work vs. Useless Toil;" and others. To- gether, 23 pieces, 12mo and small 8vo, in blue morocco solander case. 1160. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Pilgrims of Hope, a Poem. Square 8vo. London, 1886 ; The Aims of Art. 12mo. London, 1887. Together, 2 vols. wine red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, the original blue covers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1886-1887 1361. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Art of William Morris. A Record by Aymer Vallance. With reproductions from Designs and Fabrics printed in the Colours of the Originals, examples of the Type and Ornaments used at the Kelmscott Press, and many other Illustrations. Also a Classified Bibliography by Temple Scott. 40 color plates from Morris designs, 36 type and device examples, with initials either de- signed by Vallance or from a work of Incunabula of 1489. Folio, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Chiswick Press, 1897 The Limited Issue of 220 copies. 1162. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Books of William Morris described, with some Account of his doings in Literature and the Allied Crafts. By H. Buxton-Forman. One of 70 copies on Japan Paper for private circulation. London, 1897; Bibliography of the Works of William Morris, by Temple Scott. London, 1897 ; The Art of William Mor- ris, by L. F. Day. Color-plates. London, 1907. Life of William Morris, by J. W. Mackail. 2 vols. 1899. Together, 5 vols. 8vo to 4to, cloth. 1163. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Decorative Arts, their Relation to Modern Life and Progress. An Address delivered before the Trades Guild of Learning. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, wine red morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, the original wrappers bound in, BY THE CLUB BIND- ERY. London, no date To- All whom rhefe Presents may Concern. HA D I not been an Eye and Ear-Witncfs of the late rafh Mea- furcs in this Province, I could not have believ'd that an Infant Colony of England, as yet lacking her Breads, could thus have flown in her Face; or that a Body of People ib diftinguifh'd by- many Marks of Her Majefry's Grace and Favour, could be fo ungrate- ful, as to brand Her moft juft and gentle Reign with the odious Name of Tyranny : For if Supporting her Government in. the Manner She has diredcd, be Slavery, (as the angry Fadion have induftrioufly pro- claimed abroad, and taught the unthinking People to echo back) the giving fuch Directions or Inftrudions, mutt, by undeniable Conic- quence, be Tyranny. . The Apprehenfion of the Danger that attends thcfc Mcafures ( for whatever my Concern may be / the Country, I have as great a one for it as any Man) has induced me to publifh, in the eleareft Manner I am able, the State of the Caie in Difpute, between the OJJEEN (tor ib it is) and the late Aflemblics here, in order to prevent, if pofli- ble, the Next from running upon the fame Rocks, and, by that Means, the Effects of Her Majefty'sjuft Rcfentment for their undutiful Beha- viour. And indeed there is nothing wanting but a true State of the Cafe, to fhew the Unreafonablenefi and Danger of fuch an unnatural and impotent Struggle, the Ncceffity of Recanting and Remedying what is part, and to open the Eyes and Underftandings of the People blinded with falfe Colours, and bambouzled with Noifc and Abfurdities. /. Jaft. From JEHEMIAH xit. ij. And it Jhalleamt to p/t, a/Iff tb*t *I fyve plttAe* tie* citt, I 1 ** tt 5K S ii - CO U neCo J2 ^ 1 a '' N, "2 "S Jr 2 ** ** * =j . ^. s\ -3 3 LOND mhr N op, in /? X *?* o ^ Q Pt . B n ftr. O M M I D P O) 02 Sixth Session, Friday Evening, April 30th 1523. STRANGE (EDWARD F.). Alphabets. A Handbook of Lettering, with Historical, Critical and Practical Descriptions. Fully illustrated. 8vo, half mouse-colored crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1895 One of the 75 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 1524. SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). A Letter sent by Sir John Suckling from France, deploring his sad Estate and flight: With a Discoverie of the plot and Conspiracie, intended by him and his Adherents against England. Small 4to, crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt, corner ornaments, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Imprinted at London, 1641 FIRST EDITION. The poem is dated "From Paris, June 16, 1641." VERY SCARCE. 1525. SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). Fragmenta Aurea. A Collection of all the Incomparable Peeces, written by Sir John Suckling. And published by a Friend to perpetuate his Memory. Printed by his owne copies. Brilliant impression of the portrait by Marshall. Small 8vo, elabor- ately bound in crimson crushed levant morocco in pointille work and small circles thickly scattered around a twining vine-like panel with small blossoms in green inlays, an irregular shaped panel of green inlaid in the centre, wide inside gilt rose borders, gilt edges; and slip case, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley. 1646 FIRST EDITION. VERY FINE COPY AND VERY SCARCE. [See Reproduction of Portrait and Title] 1526. SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). Fragmenta Avrea. A Collection of all the Incomparable Peeces Written by Sir John Svckling, etc. Portrait by Marshall. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt, yellow edges, front cover loose. Aglaura supplied from a shorter copy. London: H. Moseley, 1848 1527. SUCKLING (Sm JOHN). The Works of Sir John Suckling. Containing his Poems, Letters and Plays. Portrait by Van der Gucht. Tall 8vo, old sprinkled calf. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709 LARGE PAPER COPY. Scarce. 1528. SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). The Works of Sir John Suckling, containing his Poems, Letters and Plays. Portrait by J. Hopwood. 2 \oh. 12mo, polished calf, blind tooled. London, 1770 1529. SUTTON (CHRISTOPHER). Learne to Die. London, 1601; Learne to Live. London, 1602. FIRST EDITION. Together, 2 vols. 18mo, brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1601-1602 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN OF NEW YORK AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIEB CLUB Seventh Session, Numbers 1530 to 1789, inclusive SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 1st, AT 3:00 O'CLOCK 1530. [SwiFT (JONATHAN).] A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added an Account of a Battel between the Ancient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. (And) A Discourse concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for John Nutt, 1704 1531. [ SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 8vo, original calf. London, 1711 Published anonymously by Dean Swift, and containing twenty-five pieces several being their first publication in book form. 1532. [SwiFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into Several Eemote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait and 4 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt. " London, 1726 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. 1533. [SwiFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait and 4 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY LARKINS. London, 1726 FIRST EDITION. There were several issues of the First Edition all with the same date, but varying in several details. This copy has "The Pub- lisher to the Reader" ending on p. viii ; the setting-up of the title a little smaller than some of the other issues ; and a few other differences. On the title of each volume is written the contemporary autograph of the original owner and the date "Decem. ye 20th. 1726." 1534. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, original calf, bindings worn. London, 1726 One of the issues of the FIRST EDITION, subsequent to the First Issue but before the edition printed "Second." Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1535. [SwiFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into several Eemote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. To which are prefixed several copies of Verses explanatory and commendatory. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf, rebacked and gilt. London, 1727 Second Edition. 1536. SWIFT (JONATHAN). The Life and Genuine Character of Doctor Swift. Written by Himself. Folio, half calf. London: J. Roberts, 1733 FIKST EDITION, but a surreptitious issue, probably from a manuscript copy. Swift did not issue his own edition until 1739. 1537. SWIFT (JONATHAN). The Works of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, containing additional Letters, Tracts and Poems not hitherto published. Notes and Life by Sir Walter Scott. Por- traits. 19 vols., tall 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883 The Riverside Edition limited to 750 copies. A reprint of the second and best edition. 1538. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). The Queen Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original blue cloth, with paper label, uncut, label slightly rubbed. London: Pickering, 1860 FINE COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE EARLIEST ISSUE, With the leaf Of errata, both half-titles and the misprint on the label. Almost unknown in this early state, and uncut. 1539. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). The Queen Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1860 PRESENTATION COPY from the Publisher to the Editor of Bentley's Magazine. The same issue as preceding, but lacking the leaf of errata, and the half-title to both plays repaired and misplaced in the sheets. It has the error on the label, but part of the label is defaced. 1540. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). The Queen Mother. Rosamond. Two Plays. The Second issue being the sheets of the first issue with a new title and Moxon's imprint, without either half-title to the Plays or the leaf of errata. 12mo, green cloth, uncut. London: Moxon, 1860 1541. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Dead Love. 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, the original brick- red covers retained, BY RIVIERE. London, 1864 Very early work of Swinburne and excessively rare with the wrappers. Laid in is the woodcut by Lawless, illustrating its appearance in Once a Week, in October, 1862. ' Wise thought so highly of this woodcut that he used it as a frontispiece to his Bibliography of Swinburne. C; &/UU*^ C* y Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1893 The unexpurgated edition from the Vale Press, limited to 200 copies. 1682. VALE PRESS. Hero and Leander. By Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman. Woodcuts by Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon. 8vo, vellum, gilt, uncut. London, 1893 The scarcest of the Vale Press issues. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1683. VALE PRESS. The Poems of Sir John Suckling. Woodcut border and initials by Charles Ricketts. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1896 Limited edition. 1684. VALE PRESS. The Excellent Narration of the Marriage of Cupide and Psyches. By Lucius Apuleius. Translated out of Latine into Eng- lish by William Adlington, 1566. Woodcuts by Charles Ricketts. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 The Limited Vale Press Edition of 210 copies. 1685. VALE PRESS. Field (Michael). The World at Auction. A Play. Decorations designed by Charles Riclcetts. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1898 The edition was limited to 210 copies. 1686. VALE PRESS. Eicketts (Charles) and Pissarro (Lucien). De la Typo- graphic et de PHarmonie de la Page Imprimee. William Morris et son Influence sur les Arts et Metiers. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1898 The edition was limited to 256 copies. 1687. VALE PRESS. Sidney (Sir Philip). The Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney. Woodcuts by Charles 8. Ricketts. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1898 The edition was limited to 210 copies. 1688. VICAIRE (GEORGES). Manuel de 1' Amateur de Livres du XlX'e Siecle, 1801-1893. Preface de Maurice Tourneux. Vols. 1 and 2 (A-Cu) thick royal Svo, crimson crushed levant morocco, silt tops, uncut. ', Paris, 1894-1895 One of 50 copies on Holland Paper. 1689. VILLON (FRANQOIS). The Poems of Master Frangois Villon of Paris, now first done into English Verse, in the original forms, by John Payne. Svo, vellum. London, 1892 No. 256 of the Limited issue printed for the Villon Society by' private subscription and for private circulation only. 1690. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROTJET DE). La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poem* v - vingt-un Chants suivi de Corisandre. All the plates on India paper. 12mo, straight-grain morocco panelled with blind tooling and gilt, the corner ornaments of lilies and leaves, gilt edges, BY HERING. Paris, 1824 Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1691. WALKINGTON (T.). The Opticke Glasse of Humors; or, the touchstone of a golden temperature, or the Philosopher's stone to make a golden temper. Engraved title and frontispiece. 12mo, old calf, gilt. Oxford, n.d. (early in 1600) Scarce. Shakespeare is supposed to have obtained some ideas from this for the Merchant of Venice. 1692. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beck- onsfield, Esquire. And printed by a copy of his Own hand-writing. 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt in a Byzantine pattern, with the use of pointille and small flowers, doublures of crimson crushed levant morocco, scattered over with tiny blossoms, gilt borders, red moire silk fly-leaves, the edges gilt, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, LEON MAILLARD, FINISHER. Small tear in margin of title, repaired. London, 1645 FIKST GENUINE EDITION, with the "Speeches" at the end. VERY RARE. 1693. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c., written upon Several Occasions and to several Persons. The Third edition, with several additions, never before printed. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gold tooling, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1668 Bound uniform with following. 1694. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems &c., Written upon Several Occasions and to several Persons. The Fifth Edition, with several Additions, Never before printed. Engraved portrait. Small 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tooling, inside borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1686 Bound in with a new title and pagination in "Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems." London, 1690, with leaf of licence. Uniform in binding with preceding. 1695. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems &c., Written upon Several Occasions, and to several Persons. The Sixth Edition with Several Additions never before printed. Engraved portrait. With the "Second Part" and the Leaf of Licence, containing the Speeches. Small 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt, inside gilt borders and gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1693 Uniform in binding with the two preceding. 1696. WALLER (EDMUND). The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq., in Verse and Prose. Published by Mr. Fenton. Engraved portraits of Waller and Lady Harley, plate of medals and headpieces containing portraits ~by Vertue. 4to, old calf, hinges broken. London, 1729 Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1697. WALLER (EDMUND). The Works of Edmund Waller in Verse and Prose. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author, by Percival Stockdale. Old red morocco. 1722; Poems. Fourth Edition. 1682. Lacking the portrait, but having one laid in, in old calf. With an edition showing the title printed with red ink only, omitting the printing in black ink, and no date but the Second part dated 1690; Waller's W T orks. London, 1730. Together, 4 vols. 1698. WALPOLE'S COPY (HORACE). An Essay to the Advancement of Musick. By Thomas Salmon. Engraved title by Faithorne and folding plates of m.usic. Small 8vo, old leather, loose in binding. London, 1672 With the bookplate of Horace Walpole, the Leaf of License, and long note written on a fly-leaf at the end. 1699. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Life of John Donne, Dr. in Divinity and late dean of St. Paul's Church, London. The Second Impression, cor- rected and enlarged. 16mo, blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, lacking the portrait, and last leaf from a shorter copy. London, 1658 1700. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Life of Mr. Eichard Hooker, the Author of those Learned Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, leaf of Imprimatur repaired, the upper blank portion new. London, 1665 1701. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Life of Mr. George Herbert, with Letters written by Mr. George Herbert, at his being in Cambridge, with others to his Mother, the Lady Magdalen Herbert. Written by John Donne. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Lacks the portrait. London, 1670 1702. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. To which are added some letters written by Mr. George Herbert. Portraits ~by Vertue, White, Lombart, etc. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1670 1703. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Life of Dr. Sanderson, Late Bishop of Lincoln. To which is added, some Short Tracts or Cases of Conscience, written by the said Bishop. Portrait of Sanderson by R. White, and separate titles to the Parts. 8vo, panelled calf, gilt edges, BY B. M. PICKERING. London, 1678 1704. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which are added the Autographs of those Eminent Men, now first collected, an Index, and Illustrative Notes. 11 engraved plates and 52 woodcuts in the text. Small 8vo, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt corner ornaments, inside borders, gilt top, BY TOUT. London: John Major, 1825 Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon,, May 1st 1705. WALTON (!ZAAK). The Life of Izaak Walton, including Notices of his Contemporaries. By Thomas Zouch. Portrait and 16 plates, in Proof state. 8vo, old leather, covers loose, and back gone. London: Thomas Gosden, 1826 LABGE PAPER COPY, with the plates specially engraved for this edition. The issue of Gosden, the sporting bookbinder, and in demand for the beauty of the typography, and the illustrations. 1706. WALTON (!ZAAK). Westwood's Chronicle of the Compleat Angler. London, 1864; The Experienced Angler, by Col. R. Venables. Text plates on India paper. London, 1825; Izaak Walton, his Wallet Book. No. 11 of 100 copies on Large Paper with colored illustra- tions, and an original wood block attached by a ribbon. London, Tuer, 1885. Together, 3 vols. 1707. WAR OF 1812. Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles intended as a Faithful History ... to the Treaty of Peace in 1815, interspersed with Geographical Descriptions of Places and Biographical Notices . . . etc. The seven numbers complete bound in one volume, tall 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut, preserved in red crushed levant morocco solander case. Rutland, Vt., 1815 VERY FINE COPY AND SCARCE. With the full autograph of Isaiah Thomas, dated 1820, on the first leaf. 1708. WAR OF 1812. The Naval Monument, containing official and other Accounts of all the Battles fought between 'the Navies of the United States and Great Britain, during the Late War. 25 engravings by Annin. 8vo, old sheep, some margins spotted. Boston, 1816 1709. WAR OF 1812. The Naval Temple, containing a Complete History of- the Battles fought by the Navy of the United States from 1794. Second Edition. With Elegant engravings representing Battles, &c., by Maverick, Jocelyn, Read and others. 8vo, old leather, front cover loose. Boston, 1816 The book is desired because of the plates of the early American En- gravers representing the Naval engagements on Lake Erie, Lake Cham- plain, the Battle of Plattsburg, etc. 1710. WAR OF 1812. Wilson's Biography of Military and Naval Heroes. Portraits. 2 vols. New York, 1821 ; Geschichte des Americanischen Kriegs. Scarce portrait of Zebulon M. Pike. Reading, 1815; THOMPSON'S Historical Sketches of the Late War. Portrait. Phila- delphia, 1816; BARBARITIES of the Enemy Exposed. Worcester, 1814; LOSSING'S Field Book of the War of 1812. New York, 1869; and others. Together, 12 vols. 1711. WARNER (CHARLES DUDLEY). In the Levant. 2 vols., 1893; Backlog Studies. Illustrated by Garrett. 1899. Both Riverside Press edi- tions on LARGE PAPER ; Our Italy ; Our Summer in a Garden ; Saun- terings; and others. Together, 10 vols. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1712. [WASE (CHRISTOPHER).] Electra of Sophocles: Presented to Her Highnesse the Lady Elizabeth; with an Epilogue, Shewing the Parallell in two Poems, The Keturn and the Restauration. By C. W. Engraved portrait (cut close). 12mo, brown crushed levant morocco, Jansenist, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. At the Hague for Sam. Brown, 1649 1713. WASHBOURNE (THOMAS). Poems. Written by Thomas Washbourne, Bachelour in Divinity. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, old wine-colored morocco, gilt edges. London, 1654 1714. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Baker (W. S.). The Engraved Portraits of Washington. With Notices of the Originals and Brief Biographical Sketches of the Painters. Illustrations and some reproductions and excerpts laid in. Royal 8vo, cloth, shaken. Philadelphia, 1880 The edition limited to 500 copies. Used by Mr. Holden in making his Washington collection and filed with his penciled memoranda. 1715. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Philadelphia Magazine, January to June, 1799, with rare Washington Portrait; OFFICIAL LETTERS of Wash- ington to the American Congress. 2 vols. Boston, 1795; WASH- INGTON-IRVINE Correspondence, edited by Butterfield. Madison, 1882; DIARY of Washington, October, 1789-March, 1790, now first printed. Limited to 100 copies. New York, 1858 ; and others relat- ing to Washington, some with portraits. Together, 22 vols. 1716. WATSON (JOHN F.). Annals of Philadelphia... with an Appendix, containing Olden Time Researches and Reminiscences of New York City. BOTH FIRST EDITIONS. Thick 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia and New York, 1830 The Ferry House, New York, Corner Broad & Garden Sts., and Stadt . Huys, New York on one plate, and there are many early views in and near Philadelphia, also a scarce portrait of Franklin. 1717. WATSON (WILLIAM). Lachrymae Musarum. Privately printed. 1892; The Eloping Angels. 1893 ; Excursions in Criticism. 1893 ; Poems. 1893 ; Odes. 1894; The Purple East. 1896 ; Ode on the Coronation of King Edward. 1902. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth and vellum. London, various dates ALL ARE LARGE PAPER COPIES issued in very limited numbers. 1718. WATSON (WILLIAM). Epigrams. Liverpool. 1884; Wordsworth's Grave. 1890; The Prince's Quest. 1892; Lachrymae Musarum. 1892 ; and others by the same. ALL FIRST EDIITONS, including some limited issues. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth and vellum, uncut. London, various dates Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1719. WEAVER (THOMAS). Plantagenets Tragicall Story; or, The Death of King Edward the Fourth: With the unnaturall Voyage of Richard the Third, through the Red Sea of his Nephews innocent blood, to his usurped Crowne. Metaphrased by T. W. Gent. Engraved por- trait ~by Marshall. FIRST EDITION. 12m, polished calf, gilt, BY BEDFORD. London, 1649 VERY BARE. With the dedication in verse to Edward Benlowes, and the commendatory verses, with the errata slip pasted on the blank leaf at the end. 1720. WEBSTER (JOHN). The Works of John Webster, now first collected with some account of the Author, and Notes. By the Rev. Alexander Dyce, B.A. 4 vols. 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, wide gilt borders and centre device of a flaming lyre and garlands, gilt edges, BY CLARKE. London, 1830 FINE LARGE UNCUT COPY of the well printed Pickering edition, with a memorandum by the elder Pickering, "Large Paper, twelve copies only printed. No. 4, W. Pickering." A VERY BEAUTIFULLY BOUND COPY. 1721. WEDMORE (FREDERICK). Four Masters of Etching. 4to, half roan, binding loose. London, 1883 SCARCE. Contains Whistler's original etching "Putney" ; Haden's "Grim Spain" ; Jacquemart's "Oriental Porcelain" ; and Legros' "G. F. Watts." Only 250 copies were printed. 1722. WEDMORE (FREDERICK). Meryon and Meryon's Paris, with a descrip- tive Catalogue of the Artist's Work. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Small 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1892 The edition was limited to 129 copies. 1723. WEDMORE (FREDERICK). Renunciations. A Chemist in the Suburbs, A Confidence at the Savile, the North Coast and Eleanor. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1893 No. 16 of 50 copies initialled by Sir Frederick Wedmore. His books are in demand for the beauty of their English. 1724. WEDMORE (FREDERICK). Etching in England. With 50 illustrations. Square 8vo, boards, half holland. London, 1895 1725. WEDMORE (FREDERICK). Cameron's Etchings: A Study and a Cata- logue. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London 1903 The edition was limited to 155 copies. 1726. WELSTED (LEONARD). Epistles, Odes, &c, written on Several Subjects, with a Translation of Longinus's Treatise on the Sublime. To which is prefix'd a Dissertation concerning the Perfection of the English Language, the State of Poetry, &c. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1724 Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1727. WHEATLEY (PHILLIS). Poems on Various Subjects, religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. FIRST EDITION. Engraved portrait. 12mo, old calf, front cover loose. London, 1773 1728. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). A Catalogue of Blue and White Nankin Porcelain forming the collection of Sir Henry Thompson. Illus- trated by the autotype process from drawings by Whistler and Sir Henry Thompson. Royal 8vo, original gilt cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1878 SCARCE. A very small number was printed and the volume is now nearly unobtainable. 1729. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Whistler V. Euskin. Art & Art Crit- ics. By J. A. McNeill Whistler. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, pp. 17, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. London [1878] RARE MONOGRAPH. 1730. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Whistler v. Ruskin. Art & Art Critics. By J. A. McNeill Wliistler. Small 4to, pp. 17, original brown wrap- pers, entirely uncut. . London [1878] 1731. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). "Notes" "Harmonies" "Nocturnes." (Exhibition pamphlet). Small 4to, pp. 8. New York: H. Wumderlich & Co., March 1889 1732. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. Edited by Sheridan Ford. 12mo, original grey wrappers, uncut. Paris, Delabrosse, 1890 The First Edition issued in Paris by Mr. Ford when Whistler attempted to take the whole book out of his hands in order to place it with Theodore Duret to arrange for the Press. It contains the Correspondence with Whistler about its publication, the Menpes controversy omitted from the Whistler edition published later. Some of these pamphlets were sent to America, Messrs. Stokes being named as publishers, but the bulk of this edition was seized at Antwerp by Whistler's representatives, and destroyed. 1733. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Lithograph, "A Song on Stone/' appearing as the frontispiece of "The Albemarle," a monthly Review, Vol. 1, No. 1." London, 1892. With a copy of the magazine. A quarto pamphlet periodical published in the interest of the Labor Party in England. Excessively rare with the Whistler lithograph, first published in this form. 1734. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Lithograph, "A Song on Stone," appearing as the frontispiece of "The Albemarle," a Monthly Review, Vol. 1, No. 1." London, 1892. W T ith a copy of the magazine. A quarto pamphlet periodical published in the interest of the labor party in England. Excessively rare in the original form with the Whistler lithograph, first published in this form. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1735. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Nocturnes, Marines & Chevalet Pieces. Small Collection Kindly Lent by Their Owners. Small 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut, lettered on the back cover "The Goupil Gallery Fifth Edition." N.p., n.d. (about 1892, London) Compiled by Whistler, with all the adverse criticisms he gathered against each picture. A notable catalogue and very rare. 1736. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Eden versus Whistler. The Baronet and the Butterfly. A Valentine with a Verdict. Square 8vo, origi- nal boards, cloth, back, uncut. Paris [1899] The Original Paris Edition. YEBY SCARCE. 1737. WHISTLES (JAMES MCNEILL). Catalogue of Etchings by J. McN. Whistler. Compiled by an Amateur, Supplementary to that compiled by F. Wedmore. Thin 12mo, half holland, uncut. New York, Wunderlich, 1902 No. 103 of 135 copies printed. 1738. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Collection of Etchings and Dry Points by Whistler, recently acquired. Small 4to, wrappers. New York, 1903; Whistler. By Haldane Macfall. Edinburgh, 1905. 12mo. Together, 2 pamphlets, wrappers. 1739. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Etchings, Dry Points and Lithographs; Oil Paintings, Water colors, Pastels & Drawings. Loan Collection Memorial Exhibition of the works of Mr. J. McNeill Whistler, Boston. Together, 2 pieces. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1904 1740. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. (Printed under Whistler's care and supervision). 4to, half holland, uncut. Chelsea, no date FIRST LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 250 copies, 100 of which came to America. 1741. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL) . Wedmore (Sir Frederick). Whistler's Etchings. A Study and a Catalogue. Thin 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1886 No. 91 of the limited issue of 140 copies, entirely uncut. 1742. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Mr. Whistler's Lithographs. The Catalogue compiled by Thomas R. Way. Frontispiece portrait of Whistler, a lithograph from a photograph supplied by Whistler and worked on by him. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1896 No. 4 of 140 copies issued, signed by T. R. Way. 1743. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL) . Mr. Whistler's Lithographs. The same as above. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1896 No. 83 of 140 copies issued, signed by T. R. Way. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1744. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Wedmore (Sir Frederick). Whistler's Etchings. Second and revised edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1899 No. 9 of 135 copies printed. 1745. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Bowdoin (W. G.). James McNeill Whistler: The Man and His Work. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. London, 1901 1746. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). The Art of Whistler, an Appreciation by T. R. Way and G. R. Dennis. Fully illustrated mainly from Mr. Way's own collection, with the lithographic facsimiles printed ~by him. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1903 1747. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Duret (Theodore). Histoire de J. McN. Whistler et de son Oeuvre. Full-page and text reproductions. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904 Printed on Japan Paper and limited to 50 copies, with a duplicate set of the full-page illustrations. 1748. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Menpes (Mortimer). Whistler As I Knew Him. Thick 4to, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1904 LIMITED EDITION-DE-LUXE, with an original etching hy Whistler, issued only with this edition. Over 120 reproductions are given of the hest etchings, drawings, etc. of Whistler, some reproduced in colors. Very scarce. 1749. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Mr. Whistler's Lithographs. Second Edition. 8vo, vellum back, uncut. London, 1905 No. 206 of 250 copies, initialled hy Way, but without the lithograph portrait appearing in the first edition. 1750. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Pennell (E. R. and J.). The Life of James McNeill Whistler. New and revised edition. 100 illustra- tions. Thick 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia and London, 1911 1751. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). Duret (Theodore). Whistler. Trans- lated by Frank Rutter. 32 reproductions in black and white. 4to, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia & London, 1917 1752. WHITE (GILBERT). The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the City of Southampton. With Engravings and an appendix. Engraved folding plates, by Lerpiniere. FIRST EDITION. 4to, sprinkled calf. London, 1789 1753. WHITE (HENRY). The Massacre of Saint Bartholomew. London, 1868; WALFORD'S Fairs Past and Present. London, 1883; WHAR- TON'S Heirlooms in Miniatures (American). Philadelphia, 1898; TROWBRIDGE'S My Own Story and Poetical Works. 2 vols. Boston, 1903 ; and others. Together, 50 vols. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1754. WHITMAN (ALFRED). The Masters of Mezzotint: the Men and their Work. 60 reproductions of celebrated mezzotints. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1898 Only 550 copies printed, now scarce. 1755. WHITMAN (ALFRED). British Mezzotinters : Valentine Green. Six plates after famous porrtaits in mezzotint by Green. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1902 1756. WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. Engraved portrait on India paper. Royal 8vo, original green cloth with the rustic title on the front cover in gilt, and blind-stamped on the back cover, with the preliminary pages, as issued. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1855 First Edition, now very rare. A. J. Odell's copy with his name on title. 1757. WHITMAN (WALT). Walt Whitman's Drum-Taps. Second issue with the Sequel containing "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" and "Captain, my Captain." 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1865 1758. WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. 12mo, half roan, rubbed. New York, 1867 1759. WHITMAN (WALT). Democratic Vistas: Passage to India. FIRST EDITIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, the original green wrappers, uncut. Washington, 1871 1760. WHITMAN (WALT). As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. Narrow 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. Washington, 1872 1761. WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. Portrait. 12mo. Brooklyn, 1856; Goodbye my Fancy. 1891; November Boughs. 1888; La- favette in Brooklyn. 1901; After All, not to Create Only. Boston, 1871 ; Good-Bye and Hail, Walt Whitman, At the Graveside. 1892. Limited edition ; Catalogue of Books, etc., on Whitman, in the Wil- liamson Library. 127 copies from the Marion Press; and others. Together, 9 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. 1762. WHITMAN (WALT). Notes on Walt Whitman, as Poet and Person. By John Burroughs. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. RARE. New York, 1867 1763. WHITTIER (JoiiN GREENLEAF). Poems, written during the Progress of the Abolition Question in the United States between the Years 1830 and 1838. FIRST EDITION. Woodcuts. 12mo, original cloth, bindings soiled. Boston, 1837 1764. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). The Supernaturalism of New Eng- land. FIRST EDITIOX. 12mo, crimson morocco, Jansenist, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1847 Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1765. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). Leaves from Margaret Smith's Jour- nal, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original brown cloth. Boston, 1849 A Presentation Copy (initialled) of the First Edition in very fine condition. 1766. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). Fitz-Greene Halleck. Leaflet, poem of 4 pages, signed by Whittier, in purple ink; With the leaflet of the Inauguration of the Halleck Statue in 1877. Together, 2 pieces. 1767. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). Legends of New England. Hartford, 1831 ; The Literary Remains of John G. C. Brainard. Hartford (1832); Poems. Philadelphia, 1838; The Stranger in Lowell. 1845; The Supernaturalism of New England. 1847. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Worn ; also with The New World for April 10, 1841, con- taining the first appearance of "The Exiles/' and other first editions. Together, 36 vols. 12mo and 4to, various bindings. 36 pieces. 1768. WILDE (OSCAR). Ravenna. Newdigate Prize Poem. FIRST ISSUE. 12mo, original grey-blue wrappers, as issued with the device of the Arms on the cover. Oxford, 1878 Fine copy of Oscar Wilde's first poem, and the genuine first edition. VERY BARE. 1769. WILDE (OSCAR). Poems. 12mo, vellum with corner ornaments of roses in gold, gilt top, uncut. London : David Bogue, 1881 RARE FIRST EDITION, printed at the Cliiswick Press, with two verses in Charmides omitted from later editions. 1770. WILDE (OSCAR). Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf . By Rennell Rodd. With an Introduction by Oscar Wilde. Printed in brown ink on one side of translucent handmade paper, interleaved with thin green tissue. Vignettes with Japanese influence by J. E. Kelly. 12mo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, J. M. Stoddart & Co., 1882 VERY RARE FIRST EDITION IN PERFECT CONDITION. The publisher stated that it was a very limited issue "printed on a remainder of paper made by the first paper-maker in America for the Government, probably before the revolution." The edition was withdrawn on account of its unusual features and is a "freak volume" of the utmost rarity. 1771. WILDE (OSCAR). Salome. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original purple wrappers, with the lettering in silver, a little faded, uncut, otherwise fine condition. Paris, 1893 1772. WILDE (OSCAR). De Profundis. (With a Preface by Robert Ross.) FIRST EDITION. 12mo, blue cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, Methuen & Co. [1905] The First Issue of the First Edition, with the advertisements dated February 1905 ; it was sold out immediately and published again in March. FINE COPY. Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1773. WILLETT (CoL. MARINUS). A Narrative of the Military Actions of Colonel Marinus Willett, taken chiefly from his own Manuscript, prepared by his son, W. M. Willett. Fine portrait in stipple. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York, 1831 1774. WILLIAMS (MONIER). Sakoontala, or the Lost Ring. An Indian Drama. Translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit of the Kalidasa. Head and tail-pieces after Persian illuminations and each page within a border in gold and colors. Small 4to, wrap- pers, uncut. New York, 1885 One of 110 copies on Japan paper issued from the De Vinne Press. 1775. WINSOR (JUSTIN). Narrative and Critical History of America. Illus- trated with many hundreds of rare portraits, autographs, maps, views, etc. 8 vols in 16, royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 Complete set. 1776. WINTER (WILLIAM). Shakespeare's England; Gray Days and Gold; Old Shrines and Ivy; Shadows of the Stage. First and Second series. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half cloth and boards, uncut. New York and London, 1892 The Limited Edition of 250 copies. .1777. WISE (THOMAS J.) AND NICOLL (W. ROBERTSON). Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century : Contributions towards a Literary History of the Period. Etched portrait of William Blake and facsimiles of the manuscripts of Shelley, Mrs. Browning, Landor, and others. 2 vols, square 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1895-1896 1778. WITHER (GEORGE). Wither's Motto. Nee habeo, Nee Careo, Nee Curo. Engraved title by R. E. with "Explanation of the Embleme" (cut down and mounted.) Bound with, An Answer to Wither's Motto. Without a Frontispiece. Wherein, Nee Habeo, Nee Careo, Nee Curo, are neither approved nor confuted: but modestly controuled, or qualified. Oxford, 1625. 12mo, calf, gilt, BY TOUT, last leaf of "Motto" having piece inserted in margin; preliminary leaf of "Explanations" cut down and mounted, some letters of same missing. London, Printed for John Marriott, 1621 1779. WITHER (GEORGE). Britain's Remembrancer containing a Narration of the Plague lately past; a Declaration of the Mischiefs Present; and a Prediction of Judgments to come (if Repentance prevent not.) Engraved frontispiece in the lower part of which is a bird's-eye view of England and Scotland. 12mo, calf. London, 1628 FIRST EDITION, with the rare preliminary leaf: "The Meaning of the Title Page" and the amusing paragraph relating to "the faults escaped in printing." These faults are explained by the conclusion of the "A Premonition," where Wither states that a license for him to print it being refused, he had to print every sheet of it with his own hands. He made a good job of it nevertheless, and most readers will do as Wither asks "wink at these faults." Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1780. WITHER (GEORGE). The English Vsvrer; or Vsvry Condemned, by the Most Famous and Learned Divines of the Church of England... Collected by John Blaxton. Small 4to, old half russia, worn. London, 1634 Containing both the woodcut title of a Miser and the preliminary leaf poeui "The Illustration," and Wither's Poem (its first publication) at the end. Richard Farmer's copy with his pencilled autograph. 1781. WITHER (GEORGE). A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Moderne: Quickened . with Metricall Illustrations, both Morall and Divine : And disposed into Lotteries, that Instruction and Good Counsell may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. Engraved title by William Marshall and each Emblem illustrated throughout the book. Small folio, green straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY LLOYD & WALLIS. Engraved title shaved at bottom. London, 1635 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the rare preliminary leaf "A Preposition to this Frontispiece" and the final leaf of the "lottery wheels." 1782. WITHER (GEORGE). Opobalsamum Anglicanum: An English Balme, lately pressed out of a Shrub, and spread upon these Papers, for the Cure of some Scabs, Gangreeves, and Cancers indangering the Bodie of this Common-Wealth; and, to whom it is now tendered, by the well-affected English, in a double Speech, disjunctively delivered, by one of their Fellow-ship, both to the Faithfull and Malignant Mem- bers of the Representative Body of this Kingdome. 4to, sewed, pp. 24, entirely uncut, sewed into board covers. [London:] Printed in the Yeare, 1646 VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE of this item, in unusual uncut condition as issued. 1783. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Lyrical Ballads with a few other Poems. London, 1798; Vol. II. Lyrical Ballads with other poems. 1800. Binding not uniform. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, uncut, bindings worn. London, 1798-1800 FIRST EDITION OF EACH VOLUME. Laid in is a very fine Wordsworth Letter relating to the collected edition of his Poeins : "Several of my Friends being desirous of having all my Sonnets under their eye at once, I have yielded to their request and am about to print them in one volume. It will contribute to malting this a correct book, if you will permit me as heretofore, for which I shall be greatly obliged, to let the sheets pass through your hands." In addition to this, the 1798 volume is from the library of Mary Hutchinsou (whom Wordsworth married later) and has her name on the title. 1784. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Poems. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. original boards, uncut, re-backed. London, 1807 VERY RARE ENTIRELY UNCUT. Some of Wordsworth's most beautiful poems were published in these volumes including the "Ode" later called "Intimations of Immortality." Seventh Session, Saturday Afternoon, May 1st 1785. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The White Doe of Rylstone. FIRST EDI- TION. Lacks half-title. London, 1815; The Prelude. FIRST EDI- TION. The Bierstadt copy; Wordsworth Sonnets. Illustrated by Alfred Parsons. 1891; Poems. Edited by Matthew Arnold. Lim- ited edition. 1879; KNIGHT'S Selections from Wordsworth. 1888. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, some worn. 1786. WORTLEY (FRANCIS). Characters and Elegies. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, old vellum, gilt. Printed in the Yeere, 1646 The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate. 1787. WOTTON (SiR HENRY). Reliquiae Wottoniae, Or a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of Sundry Personages; and other Incomparable Pieces of Language and Art. By the curious Pensil of the ever Memorable Sir Henry Wotton, Kt., Late Provost of Eton Colledg. Portrait by Lombart (cut close). 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1651 1788. WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Life of William Wycherley, Esq., with a Character of his Writings. By the Right Honourable George, Lord Lansdowne. To which are added, some Familiar Letters, written by Mr. Wycherley, and a True Copy of his last Will and Testament. Two portraits (inserted) . Small 8vo, half old calf. London, 1718 Lord Lansdowne was the author only of the "Character," the rest of the volume with its abuse of Pope being the work of Charles Gildon. The Bierstadt copy with his bookplate by French. 1789. YONG (BARTHOLOMEW). Diana of George of Montemayor. Translated out of the Spanish. Engraved title, mounted. Small folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, title-page repaired. London, 1598 VERY SCARCE. One of the early volumes of Shakespearean interest it having undoubtedly been used by the dramatist in writing the "Two Gentlemen of Verona." AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION. PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY H75 The splend Id library of the late E Iwin B. Hoi dei M.220 -PERM AUG6 JAN 9 1(42 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY EARLY ENGLISH AND LATER LITERATURE MAINLY IN FIRST EDITIONS AMERICANA AND FRENCH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS BEAUTIFUL BINDINGS BY FAMOUS -MASTERS THE SPLENDID LIBRARY OF TH I'. A EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GKOL1ER CLUB NKW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDKN ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 28TH, 29-TH, JOra, AND MAY IST, 19?0 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY