VM IRLF N5 : NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BT ROLLIN A. SAWYER, JR. NEW YORK 1919 EXCHANGE NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY ROLLIN A. SAWYER, JR. NEW YORK 1919 NOTE This list contains titles of works in The Nezv York Public Library on December 1, 1918. The books and articles mentioned are in the Reference Depart- ment, in the Central Building of the Library at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. REPRINTED APRIL 1919 FROM THE OF JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1919 form p-124 Iiv-2-19 3c] TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE BIBLIOGRAPHY NAVAL ARCHITECTURE ----------- 1-13 SHIPYARDS ------------- 13-21 WOODEN SHIPS ------- 21-23 IRON AND STEEL SHIPS - - 23-46 REINFORCED CONCRETE SHIPS 46-52 INDEX OF AUTHORS - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 395093 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY ROLLIN A. SAWYER, JR. This list includes books and articles published since 1907. For earlier references see BULLETIN of The New York Public Library, 1907, v. 11, p. 239-287, 299-345, 359-398, 420-436; for submarines, the same, 1918, v. 22, p. 18-69, 91-132. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT BIBLIOGRAPHY. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. SHIPYARDS. WOODEN SHIPS. IRON AND STEEL SHIPS. REINFORCED CONCRETE SHIPS. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Koenigliche technische Hochschule, Danzig. Buecherei. Schiffbau, Schiffs- maschinenbau, Seewesen. Danzig: Schwi- tal & Rohrbeck, 1910. v, 67 p. 8. VX 2. New York Public Library. Circula- tion Department. Selected books on ma- rine engineering and shipbuilding, n. t.-p. [New York, 1913.] 5 p. 16. VXK p.v.l, no.3 3. Second copy. * HND p.v.5, no.27 4. A Selected list of references on the construction of wooden ships. 1917. Vertical file Tech.Div. Typewritten. 5. Sunderland, Eng. Public Libraries. List of books on shipbuilding, including naval architecture, marine engineering, boilermaking, seamanship, and navigation ... [Sunderland:] E. Sword and Sons [1912]. lip. nar. 12. VXC p.v.19, no.6 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE 1908 6. Abell, Westcott Stile. Two notes on ship calculations. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 50, p. 242-259.) VXA 7. Two notes on ship calculations. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 10, p. 32-38.) VXA 8. Cremdieu, Victor. On an apparatus for extinguishing the rolling of ships. (Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. v. 51, p. 52-68.) VDA 9. Estrada, Ramon. Tanques experimen- tales. (Revista general de marina. Ma- drid, 1908. tomo62, p. 26-45, 292-313.) VXA 10. Gebers, Fr. Ein Beitrag zur experi- mentellen Ermittlung des Wasserwider- standes gegen bewegte Korper. 3 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 9, p. 435- 452, 475-485.) VXA 11. Goulaeff, E. E. Unsinkable and un- capsizable ships of the Goulaeff form and system of construction, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 380-381.) VA 12. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 466-469.) VDA 13. - (Institution of Naval Archi- tects. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 50, p. 1-24.) VXA 14. Herner, Heinrich. Die Theorie des Schiffes. Hannover: Max Janecke, 1908. 285 p. 8. VXH THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. ' 5 ****' .' 1908, continued. 15. Kielhorn, Carl. Die neuen Freibord- vorschriften der See-Berufsgenossenschaft und die modernen Dampfertypen. (Schiff- bau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 10, p. 231-241.) fVXA 16. Kretschmer, Otto. Fast steamers built on "tetrahedral" lines, illus. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1908. v. 99, p. 473-474.) VA 17. Long, A. E. Notes on the form of high-speed ships. 3 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 24, p. 187- 204, 219-224, 281-286.) VXA 18. - (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 258- 262.) t VXA 19. Morley, T. B. The laying out and use of calculating charts. 4 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. v. 51, p. 446-459.) VDA 20. O'Neill, J. J. The interrelation of theory and practice of shipbuilding. 6 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. v. 51, p. 236-294.) VDA 21. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 106, p. 100-102.) VA 22. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 7, p. 26-31.) f VXA 23. Robinson, Richard Hallett Meredith. An experimental model basin, illus. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1908. v. 66, p. 37-39, 60-62.) VA 24. Sadler, Herbert Charles. Further ex- periments upon longitudinal distribution of displacement and its effect upon resistance. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 21-32.) VXA 25. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 530- 532.) f VXA 26. - Some experiments on the effect of longitudinal distribution of displacement upon resistance. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 72- 74.) f VXA 27. Sauvaire Jourdan, Andre Marie Barthelemy. Le bassin d'essai des carenes de la marine franchise, illus. (Nature. Paris, 1908. annee 36, semestre 1, p. 305- 308.) OA 28. Schmidt, Alfred. Beitrag zur Dimen- sionierung von Schiffen. (Schiffbau. Ber- lin, 1908. Jahrg. 9, p. 819-823.) t VXA 29. Taylor, David Watson. An experi- mental investigation of stream lines around ships' models. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 20- 22.) t VXA 30. The influence of midship-section shape upon the resistance of ships. (Soci- ety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 13-19.) VXA 31. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 525- 528.) t VXA 32. Ulffers. Ein einfaches Verfahren zur raschen Bestimmung der Querstabilitat eines Schiffes. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 10, p. 192-196.) t VXA 33. Wellenkamp, H. Ship-model experi- ments. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 562-564.) VDA 34. Willey, D. A. Towing tank at the University of Michigan, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1908. v. 98, p. 428- 429.) VA 1909 35. Ahlborn, Fr. Die Widerstandsvor- gange im Wasser an Flatten und Schiffs- korpern. illus. 22 pi. (Schiffbautech- nische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 10, p. 370-436.) f VXA 36. Attwood, Edward Lewis. Text-book of theoretical naval architecture. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1909. ix, 458 p., 4 pi. S.ed. 8. VXH 37. Biles, Sir John Harvard. Fifty years of warship-building on the Clyde, illus. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. v. 52, p. 347-370.) VDA 38. (North-East Coast Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1910. v. 26, p. 119- 142.) VXA 39. Bruhn, J. The influence of form and bulkheads on the strength of ships. (In- stitution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 233-250.) VXA 40. Denny, Leslie. Modern ship design. (Mechanical engineer. Manchester, 1909. v. 23, p. 296-298.) VFA 41. Donald, James. Structural rules for ships. 21 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 321-384.) VXA 42. [New York, 1909.] 61 p., 20 tables. 4. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Advance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 11.]) f VXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING Naval Architecture, continued. 1909, continued. 43. Everett, H. A. The development and present status of the experimental model- towing basin. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 35- 39, 63-67, 98-103.) t VXA 44. The Experimental tank in Paris, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 340- 342.) VA 45. Goulaeff, E. E. Unsinkable and un- capsizable ships. The Goulaeff form and system of construction, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1909. v. 67, p. 100-103.) VA 46. Greenhill, George. A note on ship geometry, illus. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 214-219.) VXA 47. Hovgaard, William. Strength of water-tight bulkheads. 2 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 385-439.) VXA 48. [New York, 1909.] SO p., 1 diagr. 4. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Advance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 13.]) f VXA 49. Hunter, G. B., and E. W. DE RUSETT. Sixty years of merchant shipbuilding on the north-east coast. (Institution of En- gineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. v. 52, p. 323-346.) VDA 50. (North-East Coast Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1910. v. 26, p. 95- 118.) VXA 51. Jack, J. R. Ships' specifications. (In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. v. 52, p. 160-179.) VDA 52. Kielhorn, Carl. Die Profilfrage im deutschen Handelsschiffbau. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 779-785, 815- 819.) fVXA 53. Laws, Bernard C. The stability of floating docks. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1909. v. 36, p. 516-522.) VDA 54. Liddell, A. R. Stability and comfort. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 386- 387.) VA 55. McEntee, William. Some ship-shaped stream forms. 7 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York; 1909. v. 17, p. 185- 196.) VXA - [New York, 1909.] 7 p., 6 (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Advance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 4.]) f VXA 57. Management and equipment of an experimental tank. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 49-50, 80-81, 101-104.) VA 58. Murray, Athole James. Notes on the strength of steel watertight bulkheads. 4 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of En- gineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 25, p. 227-239, 259-261, 277-282.) VXA 59. Report of the experimental tank com- mittee (1908). (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 144-163.) VXA 60. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 539-542.) VDA 61. Sadler, Herbert Charles. The effect of bossing upon resistance. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909.- v. 52, p. 147-159.) VDA 62. The influence of the position of the midship section upon the resistance of some forms of vessels. 3 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 181-184.) VXA 63. [New York, 1909.] 2 p., 3 diagrs. 4. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Advance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 3.]) f VXA 64. - The resistance of some full types of vessels. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 319- 321.) fVXA 65. Schmidt, Alfred. Abgekiirztes Ver- fahren zur Bestirnmung der Langsfestig- keit von Schiffen. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 792-795, 819-826, 856- 863, 889-899.) f VXA 66. Skerrett, R. G. The value of the model experimental basin in ship design- ing, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1909. v. 35, p. 603-619.) VDA 67. Smith, John. Launching calculations. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 261- 266.) VDA 68. On launching calculations, with special reference to the effect of camber. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 198-213.) VXA 69. Some novel aspects of warship design. (In: Navy League annual, 1909-1910. Lon- don, 1909. p. 192-201.) VXA 70. Stanton, Thomas Ernest. On the re- sistance of thin plates and models in a THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. 1909, continued. current of water. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 164-175.) VXA 71. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 405-406.) VA 72. Taylor, David Watson. The effect of parallel middle body upon resistance. 13 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 171-179.) VXA 73. t New York, 1909.] 5 p., 10 diagrs., 1 table. 4. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Ad- vance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 2.]) y VXA 74. The Trend of British battleship de- sign. (In: Navy League annual, 1909-1910. London, 1909. p. 177-182.) VXA 75. Warrington, James N. A system of mathematical lines for ships. 5 pi. (Soci- ety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 441-453.) VXA 76. [New York, 1909.] 12 p., 5 diagrs., 1 table. 4. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. [Ad- vance copies of papers to be read at the 17th general meeting, 1909. no. 9.]) fVXA 77. Water-tight bulkheads in passenger vessels. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 207-208.) VA 1910 78. Experimental tank at the National Physical Laboratory, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 249; v. 110, p. 564- 565.) VA 79. Glazebrook, Richard Tetley. Report on the progress of the national experimen- tal tank. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1910. v. 52, p. 22- 27.) VXA 80. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 286.) VA 81. Herner, Heinrich. Schiffbau. Han- nover: Max Janecke [1910]. viii, 220 p. 12. (Bibliothek der gesamten Technik. Bd. 156.) VXH 82. Hopf, Ludwig. Hydrodynamische Untersuchungen. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1910. 91 p. 8. VDM p.v.7, no.3 83. Horn, Fritz. Die dynamischen Wir- kungen der Wellenbewegung auf die Langsbeanspruchung des Schiffskorpers. Berlin: J. Springer, 1910. 118 p., 11., 3 diagrs. 4. VXH 84. Hovgaard, William. An analysis of tests of watertight bulkheads with practi- cal rules and tables for their construction. 5 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1910. v. 18, p. 83-124.) VXA 85. Liddell, A. R. Germanischer Lloyd rules. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 699-700.) VA 86. Rules for shipbuilding. (Engi- neer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 429.) VA 87. Stability models and tables. (En- gineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 215-217.) V A 88. McGovern, John. The structural ar- rangements and strengths of certain types of ships. (Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Liverpool, 1910. v. 31, p. 334-364.) VDA 89. Mallock, A. Note on experiments made by Mr. R. E. Froude, F. R. S., on the forces operating on plane and curved sur- faces when travelling at various speeds in water. (In: Great Britain. Aeronautics Advisory Committee. Report. London. 1910. p. 39-40.) VDW 90. N., G. Some points in the design and construction of ships. (Nautical maga- zine. Glasgow, 1910. v. 83, p. 253-260, 477- 484; v. 84, p. 5-13, 234-240.) VXA 91. OttvJul. Beitrag zur Berechnung der Querstabilitat von Schiffen. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 11, p. 636-646, 671-676, 712-720.) f VXA 92. Stability of ships. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1910. v. 109, p. 267-268.) VA 93. Taylor, David Watson. A new method for determining the final diameter of a ship. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1910. v. 36, p. 501-506.) VXA 1911 94. Abell, Westcott Stile. Ship-model tanks; their purpose and application. (Liverpool Engineering Society. Transac- tions. Liverpool, 1911. v. 32, p. 11-35.) VDA 95. Alexander, F. H. Bending moments o-f ships among waves. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 563-565.) VDA 96. - The influence of longitudinal distribution of weight upon the bending moments of ships among waves. (Institu- tion of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, parti, p. 103-117.) VXA 97. Note on a method of calculating cross curves of stability. (North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders. Transactions. London, 1911, v. 27, p. 183-190, 193-198.) VXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING Naval Architecture, continued. 1911, continued. 98. Anti-rolling tanks for steadying ships at sea. (Scientific American. New York, 1911. v. 104, p. 502.) VA 99. Baker, George S. The national ex- periment tank and its equipment. (Institu- tion of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 1, p. 37-52; v. 54, p. 58-67.) VXA 100. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 445-450, 452.) VDA 101. Ballard, Maxwell. Notes on a new design of merchant vessel. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, parti, p. 297-312.) VXA 102. (Marine engineer and na- val architect. London, 1911. v. 33, p. 402- 405, 457-460.) . VXA 103. (Engineering. London, 1911. v.91, p. 770-773.) VDA 104. Biles, Sir John Harvard. The de- sign and construction of ships. London: Charles Griffin and Co., 1908-11. 2 v. 8. VXH 105. Rolling of ships. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 241-242.) VA 106. Brewer, C. B. Models of vessels. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1911. v. 40, p. 40-54.) VDA 107. Burgoyne, Alan Hughes. The devel- opment of the "Dreadnought" type. (In: Navy League annual, 1911-1912. London, 1911. p. 241-255.) VXA 108. Calculos practices relatives al buque. (Centro naval, Buenos Aires. Boletin. Buenos Aires, 1911. tomo 29, p. 583-609.) VXA 109. Coker, Ernest George. The deter- mination, by photo-elastic methods, of the distribution of stress in plates of variable section, with some applications to ships' plating. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 1, p. 265-296.) VXA 110. Photo-elastic determination of stress. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 531-533, 566-568.) VDA 111. Doig, Peter. The powering of mer- chant ships and design of their forms. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. .v. 16, p. 310-312.) f VXA 112. Flamm, Oswald. The scientific study of naval architecture in Germany. (Insti- tution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 201-218.) VXA 113. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 92, p. 54-55.) VDA 114. Frahm, H. Neuartige Schlingertanks zur Abdampfung von Schiffsrollbewegun- gen. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 12, p. 283- 365.) f VXA 115. - Results of trials of the anti- rolling tanks at sea. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 1, p. 183-216.) VXA 116. (Engineering. London, 1911. v.91, p. 480-483, 533-537.) VDA 117. Gebers, Fr. Die Entwicklung einer neuen Schleppdampferart fur Schif- fahrtskanale durch Modellversuche. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahr- buch. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 12, p. 420-450.) fVXA 118. Hillhouse, P. A. The block coeffi- cient. (Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1911. v. 54, p. 27-52.) VDA 119. Horn, Fritz. Zur Theorie der Frahm- schen Schlingerdampfungstanks. (Schiff- bautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 12, p. 453-480.) f VXA 120. Hovgaard, William. An analysis of tests of water-tight bulk-heads with practi- cal rules and tables for their construction. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1911. v. 18, p. 83-124.) VXA 121. Idle, George. The rolling of ships, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 447_448, 461-462, 489-490.) VA 122. Laws, Bernard C. The stability of ships. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1911. v. 40, p. 360-368.) VDA 123. Liddell, A. R. Approximate stabili- ty. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 604-606.) VA 124. Lienau, Otto. Der Einfluss des Sprunges auf die Seefahigkeit von Schif- fen und die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile sprungloser Schiffe. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 12, p. 845-848, 885-894.) "j VXA 125. Meyer, F., and R. RAHUSEN. Schiffbau und Schiffsmaschinenbau. (In: "Hiitte" des Ingenietirs Taschenbuch. Berlin: Wil- helm Ernst & Sohn, 1911. 21. ed. v. 2, p. 654-803.) VFC 126. Montgomerie, James. Considerations affecting local strength calculations. (In- stitution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 1, p. 118- 138.) VXA 127. The National experimental tank, illus. (Nature. London, 1911. v. 86, p. 519-523.) OA 128. Pietzker, Felix. Festigkeit der Schiffe. Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1911. viip., 11., 176 p. 4. (Germany. Marine Amt.) VXH THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. 1911, continued. 129. Ploeg, J. van. Mechanica en stabili- teit... Amsterdam: "Kweekschool voor de zeevaart," 1911. ix, 215(1) p., 5 plans, illus. 8. VXH 130. Prendergast, Maurice. The evolu- tion of the capital ship. (Navy League an- nual, 1911-1912. London, 1911. p. 210- 228.) VXA 131. Roberts, T. G. Ship calculations; derivation and analysis of methods. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1911. v. 19, p. 259-285.) VXA 132. Russo, G. Fifty years' progress of shipbuilding in Italy. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 252-278.) VXA 133. Stieghorst, J. Langsschotte als Scherverband eines Schiffes und ihr Ein- fluss auf den Bau der Aussenhaut. (Schiff- bau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 12, p. 725- 730, 768-773, 819-825, 849-853, 897-904; Jahrg. 13, p. 9-17, 49-55, 91-98, 132-138, 172-178.) tVXA 134. Taylor, David Watson. Some model basin investigations of the influence of form of ships upon their resistance. 26 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1911. v. 19, p. 59-66.) VXA 135. Terano, S., and M. YUKAWA. The development of merchant shipbuilding in Japan. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 135-148.) VXA 136. (Engineering. 1911. v.92, p. 107-110.) London, VDA 137. Thearle, S. J. P. Fifty years' devel- opments in mercantile ship construction. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 149- 162.) VXA 138. (Engineering. 1911. v.92, p. 69-72.) London, VDA 139. Waldmann, Ernst. Einfluss der Schiffsvermessung auf die Stabilitat der Schiffe. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 12, p. 490-496, 527-531, 571-577.) f VXA 140. Watts, Sir Philip. Warship building (1860-1910). (Institution of Naval Archi- tects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 291-337.) VXA 141. Welch, John Joseph. The problem of size in battleships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 1, p. 1-28.) VXA 142. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 442-445.) VDA 143. White, Sir William Henry. On the maximum dimensions of ships. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers. Transactions. New York, 1911. v. 19, p. 1-36.) VXA 144. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 570-572.) VA 145. [New York, 1911.] 19 p. 4. ft VBA p.v.7, no.21 1912 146. Attwood, Edward Lewis. Text-book of theoretical naval architecture. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912. ix p., 1 1., 518 p., 3diagrs., 3 tables. 6. ed. 12. VXH 147. Baker, George S. William Froude National Tank, illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1912. v. 113, p. 415-416.) VA 148. (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 93, p. 418-420.) VDA 149. Bertin, Louis fimile. L'accroisse- ment des dimensions des navires. (Revue generale des sciences. Paris, 1912. tome 23, p. 382-389.) OA 150. Bourdelle, Pierre Marc. Theorie du navire. Paris: O. Doin et fils, 1912. 2 v. 12. (Encyclopedic scientifique. Biblio- theque de mecanique appliquee et genie.) VXH 151. Burgoyne, Alan Hughes. Thoughts on the development of ship type. (Navy League annual, 1912-1913. London, 1912. p. 294-307.) VXA 152. Cannon, A. Results of calculations regarding the effect of an internal free fluid upon the initial stability and the sta- bility at large angles in ships of various forms. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1912. v. 54, p. 124- 144.) VXA 153. Felix, A. Theorie du navire. Paris: A. Challamel, 1912. 2 p.l., viii, 288 p. 4. (Cours de 1'ficole navale.) VXH 154. Given, E. C. "Anti-rolling devices for ships." (Liverpool Engineering Soci- ety. Transactions. Liverpool, 1912. v. 33, p. 109-136.) VDA 155. Grunsky, Carl Ewald. The ultimate dimensions of the largest sea-going ves- sels. (Association of Engineering Soci- eties. Journal. Boston, 1912. v. 49, p. 156- 173.) VDA 156. Haver, A. H. Certain aspects of ship resistance as disclosed by the performance of the corrugated sided vessel "Monitoria." 6 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of En- gineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1912. v. 28, p. 59- 123.) VXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING Naval Architecture, continued. 1912, continued. 157. Idle, George, and G. S. BAKER. The effect of bilge keels on the rolling of light- ships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1912. v. 54, p. 103- 123.) VXA 158. Liddell, A. R. Waves and ship form. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 343- 344.) VA 159. Massenet, G., and A. LUCAS. Ele- ments de theorie du navire... Paris: A. Challamel, 1912. vi, 119(1) p., 2 diagrs. illus. 8. VXF 160. Muth, D. Schwimmdockberechnung. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 595- 600.) t VXA 161. Neudeck, G., and others. Der mo- derne Schiffbau. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1912. 2v. 8. VXH 162. Nicol, George. Ship construction and calculations. . . Glasgow: J. Brown & Son, 1912. 3p.l., 396 p. t 2. ed.] 8. VXH 163. Peabody, Cecil Hobart. A retrospect of fifteen years of ship design and con- struction. (International marine engineer- ing. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 93-98.) fVXA 164. Rothe, Hans Heinrich Albrecht. Der Widerstand und Antrieb von Schiffen. Berlin: M. Krayn, 1912. viii, 292 p. 8. VXHD 165. Ship form coefficients. (Nautical magazine. Glasgow, 1912. v. 88, p. 644- 651.) VXA 166. Stanton, Thomas Ernest. The law of comparison for surface friction and eddy- making resistances in fluids. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. Lon- don, 1912. v. 54, p. 48-57.) VXA 167. Strength of ships. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1912. v. 113, p. 667-669.) VA 168. Suyehiro, K. On shearing stress in a ship's structure. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1912. v. 94, p. 894-896.) VDA 169. White, Sir William Henry. Sur les dimensions maxima des navires. (France. Ministere de la Marine. Revue mari- time. Paris, 1912. tome 192, p. 497-509.) VXA 170. liber Schiffe mit maximalen Di- mensionen. (Austria. Marine-technische Komitee. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Pola, 1912. Jahrg. 40, p. 426-452. ) VXA 171. Wrobbel, Gustav. Ein Vorschlag zur Erhohung der Schwimmfahigkeit der grossen Ozeandampfer. (Schiffbau. Ber- lin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 591-595.) f VXA 1913 172. Baker, George S. Methodical ex- periments with mercantile ship forms. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 1, p. 162-180.) VXA 173. v. 115, p. 561-564.) (Engineer. London, 1913. VA 174. 1913. (Engineering. v.95, p. 506-510.) London, VDA 175. Baker, G. S., and J. L. KENT. Effect of form and size on the resistance of ships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 2, p. 37-60.) VXA 176. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 132-137.) VDA 177. Bruhn, J. Watertight subdivision of ships, illus. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1913. v. 56, p. 149-253.) VDA 178. Burgoyne, Alan Hughes. Develop- ments in battleship type. (In: Navy League annual, 1913-1914. London, 1913. p. 270-292.) VXA 179. Cannon, A. Experimental determi- nation of the effect of internal loose water upon the rolling of a ship. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 2, p. 76-90, 108-117.) VXA 180. Notes on initial stability. (In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. v. 56, p. 309-331.) VDA 181. Dickie, George W. On the possibil- ity of building a large passenger liner that would not under any of the known mishaps at sea lose her buoyancy or stability and sink. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 25-30.) VXA 182. Flamm, Oswald. Die Unsinkbarkeit moderner Seeschiffe. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 14, p. 534-602.) fVXA 183. Unsinkability of modern sea- going ships. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 215-217.) VDA 184. Gatewood, William. Structure of vessels as affected by demand for increased safety. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 31-45.) VXA 185. Guembel. Das Problem des Ober- flachenwiderstandes. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 14, p. 393-509.) f VXA 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. 1913, continued. 186. Liddell, A. R. Some further notes on approximate stability. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1913. v. 115, p. 432-433.) VA 187. Watertight subdivision. (Engi- neer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 547-548.) VA 188. Peabody, Cecil Hobart. Resistance of bilge keels. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. Transac- tions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 9-23.) VXA 189. Peskett, L. On shipbuilding con- tracts. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 2, p. 1-15.) VXA 190. Purvis, F. P. Note of a geometrical feature of ordinary curves of metacentres. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. v. 56, p. 292-308.) VDA 191. Rodgers, William Ledyard. The in- fluence of national policies on ships' de- sign. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 67-74.) VXA 192. Steele, James Edward. Ship con- struction treated from a structural engi- neering standpoint. (International marine engineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 385-389.) tVXA 193. Suyehiro, K. On shearing stress in a ship's structure. (Tokyo Imperial Uni- versity. College of Engineering. Jour- nal. Tokyo, 1913. v. 5, p. 181-190.) VDA 194. Taylor, David Watson. Relative re- sistances of some models with block co- efficient constant and other coefficients varied. 12 pi. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. Transac- tions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 1-7.) VXA 195. Tobin, T. C. The weight factor in merchant ship design. (Liverpool Engi- neering Society. Transactions. Liver- pool, 1913. v. 34, p. 255-281.) VDA 196. Tunkl, Franz von. Schiffahrt und Seewesen... Wien: A. Hartleben's Ver- lag, 1913. xiii, 440 p., 3 maps, illus. 8. VXH 197. United States. Commerce Depart- ment. Report to the secretary of com- merce on hulls and bulkheads, Interna- tional Conference on Safety at Sea. n. t.-p. Washington: t Gov. Prtg. Off Ml 1913. 47 p. 8. VXCp.v.l9,no.5 198. The Unsinkable ship, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 171.) VA 199. White, E. S. The influence of form on the economical running of a ship. 4 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1913. v. 29, p. 47- 84.) VXA 200. Willey, D. A. Model experimental tank. . illus. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 345-349.) f VXA 201. Woollard, Lloyd. The effect of water chambers on the rolling of ships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 2, p. 91- 117.) VXA 1914 202. American Bureau of Shipping, New York. Rules for building and classing vessels... New York: American Bureau of Shipping [1914]. lv. diagrs. 8. VXA 203. Attwood, Edward Lewis, and I. C. G. COOPER. A text-book of laying off; or, The geometry of shipbuilding. London: Long- mans, Green, and Co., 1914. 4 p.l., 119 p., Idiagr., 1 pi. 8. VXH 204. Ayre, A. L. The watertight subdivi- sion of ships and the effect of bilging. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 219-220, 266-268, 300- 302, 348-351, 394-396.) f VXA 205. Baker, George S. Model experiments on the resistance of mercantile ship forms. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1914. v. 56, p. 53-64.) VXA 206. - (Engineering. 1914. v. 97, p. 465-468.) London, VDA 207. Barber, G. H. Launching calcula- tions. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 546-550.) fVXA 208. Bauer, M. H. Harmonic der Schiffs- formen. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Ge- sellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 15, p. 257-285.) f VXA 209. Benjamin, Ludwig. tJber das Mass der Stabilitat der Schiffe. (Schiffbautech- nische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 15, p. 594-614.) f VXA 210. Bertin, Louis fimile. La marine moderne; ancienne histoire et questions neuves. Paris: E. Flammarion, 1914. 2 p.l., 388 p. illus. 8. (Bibliotheque de philosophic scientifique.) VXH 211. Commentz, Carl. Bedeutung und Messung der Stabilitat von Seeschiffen. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahr- buch. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 15, p. 615-645.) fVXA 212. Dickie, George W. The unsinkable ship, illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 163-164.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING Naval Architecture, continued. 1914, continued. 213. Doig, Peter. The design of mer- chant ship forms. A systematic method for correlating the various factors in de- termining the best form for a merchant ship. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 162-163, 200- 201.) VXA 214. Flamm, Oswald. Beitrag zur Frage der Unsinkbarkeit moderner Seeschiffe. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1914. Jahrg. 16, p. 21-30, 41-46.) fVXA 215. Gracie, Alexander. "Twenty years' progress in marine construction." (Insti- tution of Civil Engineers. Minutes and proceedings. London, 1914. v. 194, p. 281- 404.) VDA 216. Howards, J. E. Measurement of strains in a ship's hull, illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 185-191.) t VXA 217. John, T. G. Shipbuilding practice of the present and future. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1914. v. 56, p. 291-312.) VXA 218. (Engineering. London, 1914. v.98, p. 68-71.) VDA 219. Keith, H. H. W. Notes on model basins. (American Society of Marine Draftsmen. Journal. Washington, 1914. v.l, p. 33-44.) fVXA 220. Knowles, F. P. Relation of length and displacement to the I. H. P. of a ves- sel. (American Society of Marine Drafts- men. Journal. Washington, 1914. v. 1, p. 88-98.) t VXA 221. Laws, Bernard C. Stability and equilibrium of floating bodies. . . London: Constable and Co., 1914. ix, 251 p. illus. 8. PBO 222. Liddell, Arthur R. Freeboard by formula. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 279-280.) VA 223. The Longitudinal strength of a ves- sel. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1914. v. 36, p. 347-348, 379-381.) VXA 224. Paterson, John Hamilton. Deck- sheathing compositions. A technical dis- cussion of the various materials used as flooring for ships. (Marine review. Cleve- land, 1914. v. 44, p. 485-487.) t VXA 225. Peskett, L. On the design of steam- ships from the owner's point of view. (In- stitution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1914. v. 56, p. 173-192.) VXA 226. Rigg, E. H. Conditions surrounding modern ship design. (American Society of Marine Draftsmen. Journal. Washing- ton, 1914. v. 1, p. 69-80.) t VXA 227. Robinson, Richard Hallett Mere- dith. Naval construction; prepared for the use of the midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy. . . Annapolis, Md. : U. S. Naval Institute, 1914. vi p., 3 1., 423 p., 10 folded diagrs., 10 folded plans, 7 pi. 3.ed. 8. VXH 228. Sadler, Herbert Charles. The ex- pansion or contraction of dimensions and the effect upon resistance. 5 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1914. v. 22, p. 57-60.) VXA 229. Schaffran, Karl. Die Ausfiihrung und Auswertung von Versuchen mit Schiffsmodellen und Modellpropellern. (Austria. Kaiserlich-koniglich Tech- nisches Versuchsamt. Mittheilungen. Vi- enna, 1914-15. Jahrg. 3, Heft 4, p. 7-24; Jahrg. 4, Heft 1, p. 7-36; Heft 2, p. 28-54; Heft 3, p. 65-75.) VA 230. Scribanti, A. On the additional re- serve of buoyancy due to camber of beams and to sheer of deck in ships, illus. (In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1914. v. 57, p. 106-120.) VDA 231. Ships and shipping. London: T. Nelson and Sons [1914]. 2 v. illus. 16. (Nelson's encyclopaedic library.) VXH 232. Siemann. Spannungsmessungen an Bord von Schiffen. illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 58, p. 1161-1174.) VDA 233. Simpson, George. The naval con- structor: a vade mecum of ship design for students, naval architects, shipbuilders and owners... New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1914. xiii, 819 p. diagrs., tables. 3. ed., rev. and enl. 12. Desk - Tech. Div. 234. Taylor, David Watson. . Relative re- sistances of ships' models.- (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 66-67.) VDA 235. - Relative resistances of some models with block coefficient constant and other coefficients varied. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. -v. 19, p. 7-12.) f VXA 236. Some experiments with models having radical variations of after sections. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1914. v. 22, p. 61-65.) f VXA 1915 237. The A B C of the stability of ships. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1915. v. 45, p. 329-330.) t VXA 238. Attwood, Edward Lewis. Text-book of theoretical naval architecture... New 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. 1915, continued. impression. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1915. ix p., 11., 518 p., 1 folded diagr., 5 folded tables, illus. 12. VXH 239. Baker, George S. Ship form, resis- tance, and screw propulsion... New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1915. vi p., 1 1., 245 p., 1 1., 4 folded diagrs., 1 pi. 8. VXH 240. Benjamin, Ludwig. Uber die Roll- schwingungen der Schiffe und ihre Be- ziehungen zur Stabilitat. (Schiffbautech- nische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1915. Bd. 16, p. 403-441.) f VXA 241. Brimblecombe, P. Y. Stability. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1915. v. 37, p. 290-295.) VXA 242. Donald, James. Ship subdivision rules adopted at International Conference. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 57- 60.) VDA 243. Eley, Charles V. A. How to save a big ship from sinking... London: Simp- kin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. [1915.! xi, 195 p., 1 pi. diagrs., plans. 12. VXHG 244. Everett, H. A. Steamship design. A method of determining the principal di- mensions. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 436- 440.) t VXA 245. Finlay, K. G. The increase of safe- ty afforded by a water-tight deck. (Insti- tution of Naval Engineers. Transactions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 31-40.) VXA 246. Gatewood, William. Stability of ves- sels. (Marine review. New York, 1915. v.45, p. 7-9.) fVXA 247. Holt, C. F. The strength and spac- ing of transverse beams. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 70-97.) VXA 248. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 504-507, 528-530.) VDA 249. International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Naval architecture and marine engineering. San Francisco t :Neal Pub. Co., 1916]. v, 796 p., 3 charts, 73 plans, 11 tables. 8. (Transactions, v. 10.) VDA 250. Kent, J. L. Further model experi- ments on the resistance of mercantile ship forms and the influence of length and pris- matic coefficient on the resistance of ships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 154-173.) VXA 251. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 474-477, 501-504.) VDA 252. Montgomerie, James. The scant- lings of light superstructures. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. Lon- don, 1915. v. 57, p. 52-69.) VXA 253. Murray, Athole James. Determina- tion of allowable stresses in ship construc- tion. (American Society of Marine Drafts- men. Journal. Washington, 1915. v. 1, p. 126-131.) tVXA 254. On the execution of stability calcu- lations. (International marine engineer- ing. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 465.) fVXA 255. Report of the Committee on Ships' Bulkheads. [Editorial.] (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 49-51.) VDA 256. Rossell, H. E. Water-tight subdivi- sion of merchant ships. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1915. v.41, p. 1202-1222.) VXA 257. Rossi, Giuseppe. Manuale del cos- truttore navale. Con. . .nomenclatura in italiano-francese-inglese-tedesco. Milano : U. Hoepli, 1915. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xvi, 815 (1) p., 3 folded tables, illus. 2. ed. 16. (Manuali Hoepli.) VXH 258. Schaffran, Karl. Systematische Ver- suche mit Schiffsmodellen. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1915. Jahrg. 16, p. 151-156.) fVXA 259. Spanner, E. F. Notes on the cross curves and G Z curves of stability. (In- stitution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 201-212.) VXA 260. 1915. (Engineering. v. 100, p. 69-72.) London, VDA 261. Taylor, David Watson. Calculations for ships' forms. Light thrown by model experiments upon resistance, propulsion and rolling of ships. (International marine engineering. New York, 1915-16. v. 20, p. 443-445; v. 21, p. 71-75, 246-250.) f VXA 262. Welch, John Joseph. The watertight subdivision of ships. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 1-30.) VXA 263. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 364-368.) VDA 1916 264. Abell, Westcott Stile. Some ques- tions in connection with the work of the load line committee. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 16-51.) VXA 265. Ayre, Wilfrid. The standardization of stability curves. (North-East Coast In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. NewCastle-upon-Tyne, 1916. v.32, p. 164-193.) VXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 11 Naval Architecture, continued. 1916, continued. 266. Baier, L. A. Inclining experiments. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 227-229.) t VXA 267. Baker, George S. Notes on model experiments. (North-East Coast Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1916. v.32, p. 41-136.) VXA 268. Capital ship of the future. (Engi- neer. London, 1916. v. 122, p. 319-320.) VA 269. Denny, Archibald. Subdivision of merchant vessels. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 150-154.) VXA 270. (Engineering. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 372.) VDA 271. Economical forms for ships. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1916. v. 7, p. 341-342, 399, 474-475, 521-523; v.8, p.106, 233-235.) VXA 272. Everett, H. A. Freeboard: its pre- liminary determination. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 194-201.) VXA 273. Holbrook, G. G. Notes on the stresses in ships. (American Society of Marine Draftsmen. Journal. Washing- ton, 1916. v. 3, p. 68-71.) t VXA 274. Holzapfel, A. C. Evolution in ship- building. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1916. v. 81, p. 130-131, 151.) VA 275. King, J. F. Strength of watertight bulkheads. (Institution of Naval Archi- tects. Transactions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 155-165.) VXA 276. (Engineering. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 372-375.) VDA 277. Liddell, Arthur R. Form coefficients of vessels. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 176- 177.) t VXA 278. Longitudinal stresses of ships, illus. (Engineer. London, 1916. v. 122, p. 344- 345.) VA 279. McEntee, William. Notes from the model basin. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 530- 533.) VXA 280. - (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1917. v. 9, p. 36-37.) VXA 281. Mackrow, Clement, and LLOYD WOOL- LARD. The naval architect's and shipbuild- er's pocket-book of formulae, rules, and tables, and marine engineer's and survey- or's handy book of reference... llth ed., thoroughly revised with a section on aero- nautics. London: C. Lockwood and Son, 1916. xii, 742 p. diagrs., tables. 16. Desk - Tech. Div. 282. Murray, Athole James. Strength of ships... London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1916. viii, 400 p., 4 folded diagrs. illus. tables. 8. VXH 283. Nicol, George. Lessons in naval architecture for officers of mercantile ma- rine, illus. (Nautical magazine. Glas- gow, 1913-16. v.89, p. 6-11, 114-116, 234- 240, 325-329, 529-535; v. 90, p. 24-28, 148- 151, 210-213, 307-311, 413-419, 547-549; v. 91, p, 19-25, 105-109, 223-227, 339-341; v. 92, p. 10-14, 107-109; v. 94, p. 219-224, 306-311; v.95, p. 116-122; v. 96, p. 340-346, 424-432.) VXA 284. Russo, G. An experimental tank re- producing wave motion. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 95-104.) VXA 285. Taylor, David Watson. Calculations for ships' forms and the light thrown by model experiments upon resistance, pro- pulsion and rolling of ships. (Interna- tional Engineering Congress, 1915. Trans- actions. San Francisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 1- 67.) VDA 286. Trask, E. P. Ship design. (Ameri- can Society of Marine Draftsmen. Jour- nal. Washington, 1916. v. 2, p. 153-167.) fVXA 287. Wall, A. T. Some effects of the bulkhead committee's reports in practice. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 166-209.) VXA 288. (Engineer. London, 1916. v. 119, p. 425-426, 444-445.) VA 289. (Engineering. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 399-402, 439-440, 486-489.) VDA 290. Watertight doors. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1916. v. 8, p. 396-397.) f VXA 291. Watts, Sir Philip. The load lines of merchant ships; work of the load line committee (1915). (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 1-15.) VXA 292. Welch, John Joseph. The time ele- ment and related matters in some ship cal- culations. (North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Trans- actions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1916. v. 32, p. 137-163.) VXA 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Naval Architecture, continued. 1917 293. Abell, T. B. "Some principles under- lying the water-tight subdivision of ships." (Liverpool Engineering Society. Trans- actions. Liverpool, 1917. v. 37, p. 15-46.) VDA 294. Baker, George S. The immediate commercial advantages of experiment tank tests. (Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Liverpool, 1917. v. 37, p. 302-325.) VDA * 295. - Skin friction resistance of ships. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1917. v.84, p. 316-317.) VA 296. Benvenuti, E. The closing of side apertures in ships from the bridge. (In- stitution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1917. v. 59, p. 49-63.) VXA 297. The Geometrical determination of frame scales. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 9, p. 154-155.) fVXA 298. Holt, C. F. On the analysis of the results of inclining experiments. (Engi- neering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 321-326, 410.) VDA 299. Hughes, Charles H. Handbook of ship calculations, construction, and -opera- tion; a book of reference for shipowners, ship officers, ship and engine draughts- men, marine engineers, and others engaged in the building and operating of ships... New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1917. xxiv p., 11., 740 p. diagrs., tables. 12. Desk-Tech. Div. 300. An Improved method of shipbuild- ing, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 10, p. 488-493.) fVXA 301. Lovett,W. J. On a method of ob- taining for ship design the spacing of bulk- heads according to the rules of the inter- national convention. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1917. v. 59, p. 22-32.) VXA 302. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1917. v. 9, p. 324- 330.) VXA 303. Lucas, Theodore. Practical ship- building, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1917. v. 91, June 28, 1917, p. 4-8.) fVXA 304. McEntee, William. Cargo ship lines of simple form. 7 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1917. v. 25, p. 101- 107.) VXA 305. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 628-629.) VDA 306. Ober, Shatswell. Wind resistance of ships. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 218-219.) fVXA 307. Peabody, Cecil Hobart. Naval archi- tecture. . . New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1917. vii, 641 p., 1 folded diagr. tables. 4. ed., rev. 8. *R-VXH 308. Ruprecht, F. K. Data for bulkhead construction, diagrs. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 309-311.) fVXA 309. The Science of naval architecture. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1917. v. 83, p. 386-387.) VA 310. The Simpson-Gordon patent bilge tunnel. (Shipbuilding and shipping rec- ord. London, 1917. v. 10, p. 131-132.) fVXA 311. Steele, James Edw r ard. Naval archi- tecture... Part 1. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1917. diagr. 8. (Cam- bridge technical series.) VXH 312. Taylor, David Watson. La ciencia de la arquitectura naval. Examen de al- gunos de sus principles fundamentales. (Revista general de marina. Madrid, 1917. tomoSl, p. 753-768.) VXA 313. Unsinkable ships. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement. New York, 1917. v. 84, p. 155.) VA 314. Watson, Thomas Henry. Naval architecture: a manual on .laying-off iron, steel and composite vessels... London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1917. xii, 171 p. folded diagrs. 3. ed. 8. VXHK 1918 315. Abell, Westcott Stile. Problems of the future in the design and construction of merchant ships. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 342-344.) f VXA 316. Anderson, John. The most suitable sizes and speeds for general cargo steam- ers, illus. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 323-326.) VDA 317. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 345- 349.) f VXA 318. Bion, C. W. System for the design of ships with straight-lined sections. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1918. v.23, p. 335-338.) f VXA 319. Cairns, C. W. Some insufficiently considered details of ship construction and equipment. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 21-23.) VDA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 13 Naval Architecture, continued. 1918, continued. 320. Doyere, Ch. Contribution a 1'etude de la resistance a la marche d'un navire. . . Paris: A. Challamel, 1918. 2 p.l., 57(1) p., 1 1., 1 folded chart, diagrs., tables. 4. VXH 321. Isherwood, J. W. Economy in mod- ern shipbuilding. (Shipping. New York, 1918. v. 3, no. 11, p. 11-13, no. 12, p. 11-13.) fTRA 322. James, Sidney V. Stresses in ships. (Armour engineer. Chicago, 1918. v. 10, p. 281-301.) VDA 322a. Kelly, Roy Willmarth, and F. J. ALLEN. The shipbuilding industry. With an introduction by Charles M. Schwab. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918. xix (i)p., 11., 302 p., 11. illus. tables. 8. VXH 323. McAleer, John A. Straight lined and fabricated ships, illus. (Internation- al marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 234-236.) t VXA 324. McEntee, William. Cargo ship lines of simple form. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 19- 21.) fVXA 325. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1918. v. 40, p. 118-122.) VXA 326. A Method of determining the dis- placement of a straight-sided vessel. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1918. v. 12, p. 160-161.) VXA 327. Modern shipbuilding and economy in material, illus. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 515- 516.) fVXA 327a. Pease, F. Forrest. Modern ship- building terms defined and illustrated. In- cluding a series of photographs showing the progressive steps of construction, to- gether with an appendix on electric weld- ing. .'. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. [cop. 1918.] 1 1., 143 p., 35 pi. illus. 12. VXH 328. Robertson, J. M. Shipbuilding costs and estimates. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 571- 573, 595-597.) f VXA 329. Toro, I. Watertight doors, illus. (American Society of Naval Engineers. Journal. Washington, 1918. v. 30, p. 152- 156.) VXA SHIPYARDS 1908 330. Armstrong, Sir W. G.; Whitworth & Co., Ltd. Catalogue. Sections: Walker shipyard, Elswick shipyard, electrical de- partment, engine works department, Els- wick steel works, miscellaneous. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1908. 3 p.l., 241 p., 1 1. illus. 4. VXH 331. Asmussen, G. Installations de ra- doubage. Cales seches, docks flottants, elevateurs, etc. Bruxelles: Imp. des Tra- vaux Publics, 1908. 30 p., 2 pi. 8. (In- ternational Congress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 332. Barbe, J. Bassins de radoub recem- ment construits en France. Bruxelles: Imp. des Travaux Publics, 1908. 16 p. 8. (International Congress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 333. Bieliawin, L. Les cales seches du port Empereur Alexandre in. Bruxelles: Imp. des Travaux Publics, 1908. 16 p. 8. (International Congress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 334. Bock. Neuerungen beim Stapellauf S. M. S. "Bliicher." illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1925-1927.) VDA 335. Boettcher, Anton. Die Hellingseil- bahnanlage der Reiherstieg-Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik in Hamburg, illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1829-1834.) VDA 336. Caizzi, Louis. Technical notice of the dockyard of the port of Naples. Bruxelles : Imp. des Travaux Publics, 1908. 8 p. 8. (International Congress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 337. Flamm, Oswald. Zur Frage der Schwimmdocks. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg.9, p. 359-363, 891-894; Jahrg. 10, p. 391-393.) f VXA 338. Flanders, R. E. Launching a Great Lakes freighter, illus. (Machinery. New York, 1908. v. 14, p. 837-839.) VFA 339. A German shipbuilding yard [Vulcan shipyard, Stettin], illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1908. v. 106, p. 316-318.) VA 340. Harland and Wolff's works at Bel- fast. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 607-608.) VA 341. Holm, Axel. The shipbuilding and engineering company of Burmeister and Wain, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 461- 465.) f VXA 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Shipyards, continued. 1908, continued. 342. Jarvis, H. R. Floating docks. (North-East Coast Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 24, p. 121-135.) VXA 343. Kaemmerer, W. Die neue Werftan- lage der Stettiner Maschinenbau A. G. Vulcan in Hamburg, illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 776-779.) VDA 344. Klitzing. Schwimmdock fur die kaiserliche Werft in Wilhelmshaven. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1261-1266.) VDA 345. Laas, Walter. Hellingkrananlagen. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeit- schrift. Berlin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1622-1630, 1668-1678, 1723-1728.) VDA 346. Messrs. Harland and Wolff's works at Belfast. (Engineering. London, 1908. v.85, p. 791-793.) VDA 347. Messrs. Yarrow's new works on the Clyde. illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 775-781.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 11, 1908. 348. Nobel, C. Le dock flottant no. iv. de la ville de Rotterdam. Bruxelles: Imp. de Travaux Publics, 1908. 6 p. 8. (In- ternational Congress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 349. Polissadoff, J. Cales seches pour la reparation et pour la construction de na- vires. Bruxelles: Imp. des Travaux Pu- blics, 1908. 10 p. 8. (International Con- gress on Navigation, xi. Section 2, com- munication 1.) VXA 350. Shipbuilding berths and crane equip- ment, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1908. v. 30, p. 202-204.) VXA 351. Timonoff, V. E. de. Cales seches temporaires a construction rapide. Bru- xelles: Imp. des Travaux Publics, 1908. 6 p. 8. (International Congress on Navi- gation, xi. Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 352. Treninkhinn, W. M. Appareils de radoub: cales seches, docks flottants... Bruxelles: Imp. des Travaux Publics, 1908. 23 p. 8. (International Congress on Navigation, XL Section 2, communication 1.) VXA 353. Yarrow & Company's new works on the Clyde, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1908. v. 30, p. 213-217.) VXA 1909 354. Brown, T. M. The dry dock. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 10, p. 13-16.) VXA 355. Comment on met a 1'eau un navire. illus. (L'lllustration. Paris, 1909. tome 133, p. 372-373.) * DM 356. Dockyard administration. (Engi- neer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 183-184.) VA 357. Donnelly, W. T. A 6000-ton float- ing drydock. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 294-298.) t VXA 358. Floating dry dock for the Oregon Dry Dock Co. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, p. 310-313.) VXA 359. German shipyards, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909-10. v. 108, p. 374-375, 412- 415, 424, 468-471, 519-521, 530, 576; v. 109, p. 188-189, 583-584; v. 110, p. 214-215, 292- 293; v. 112, p. 98-99.) VA 360. Gundersen, A. Shipbuilding and en- gineering company of Akers Mekaniske Verksted. illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 245- 248.) f VXA 361. Langendonck, C. van. The German Vulcan shipbuilding yard, illus. (Ameri- can marine engineer. Chicago, 1909. v. 4, no. 1, p. 8-9.) t VXA 362. Lienau, Otto. Stapellaufmessungen beim Ablauf des Lloyddampfers "Berlin" auf der Werft der Aktien-Gesellschaft "Weser." illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 471-478.) f VXA 363. Michenfelder, C. Die neue Schiffbau- halle der kaiserlichen Werft, Kiel, illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 623-627.) t VXA 364. - Transporttechnische Gesichts- punkte bei Hellingen. illus. (Schiffbau- technische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Ber- lin, 1909. Bd. 10, p. 453-538.) t VXA 365. New cantilever cranes at the Wall- send shipyard, illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1909. v. 108, p. 669.) VA 366. New shipbuilding works of Smith's Dock Company, Limited. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 432-433, 434-435, 605-607, 677-680, 718-720.) VDA 367. Off-shore floating dock for Penarth. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 316, 320.) VA 368. 150-ton electric shipbuilding crane, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 187-189.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 15 Shipyards, continued. 1909, continued. 369. Ranft, Paul. Die neue Werft der Stettiner Maschinenbau A. G. Vulcan in Hamburg. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 53, p. 1362- 1369.) VDA 370. Skerrett, R. G. The baptism of ships. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1909. v. 35, p. 541-551.) VXA 371. Launching a battleship, illus. (World today. Chicago, 1909. v. 16, p. 296-303.) * DA 372. 12,000-ton pontoon floating dock for Kobe, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 250-251.) VA 373. The Union Iron Works Company, illus. (American marine engineer. Chi- cago, 1909. v. 4, no. 12, p. 8-10.) f VXA 374. Wilson, W. J. A system of control for a shipyard. (North-East Coast In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 25, p. 125- 130.) VXA 375. Works of Harland and Wolff, Lim- ited, at Belfast. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 626-627.) VA 1910 376. Chantier et ateliers de St. Nazaire. illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 847-852.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 23, 1910. 377. Collie, J. H. The power equipment of a modern shipyard. (Liverpool Engi- neering Society. Transactions. Liver- pool, 1910. v.31, p. 108-134.) VDA 378. Cunningham, Andrew Chase. The development of the Norfolk navy yard, illus. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1910. v. 36, p. 221-237.) VXA 379. Cyran, A. Die Hellinganlage des Stettiner Vulcan, Zweigniederlassung Hamburg, illus. (Verein deutscher Inge- nieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1910. Bd. 54, p. 377-382, 438-440.) VDA 380. Donnelly, W. T. Floating dry docks in the United States; relative value of wood and steel for their construction. 15 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Ma- rine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1910. v. 18, p. 59-72.) VXA 381. Electrical equipment of Smith's docks, Middlesbrough, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 38-39.) VA 382. The Forges et chantiers de la Medi- terranee. illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 499-501, 607-608.) VDA Also supplement, May 13, 1910. 383. His Majesty's battleship ''Hercules." Details of the launching ways, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 610- 612.) VDA 384. Langendonck, C. van. The Ger- man "Weser" shipyard at Bremen, illus. (American marine engineer. Chicago, 1910. v. 5, no. 3, p. 8-9.) VXA 385. Launching a battleship. (Marine journal. New York, 1910. v. 32, no. 34, p. 8.) fVXA 386. Launching the Olympic, illus. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1910. v.40, p. 458-460.) VXA 387. Michenf elder, C. Schwere Werft- krane fur die Schiffsausrustung. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahr- buch. Berlin, 1910. Bd. 11, p. 240-328.) fVXA 388. Mitsu-Bishi dockyard and engine works. illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 657-660, 814.) VDA Also supplements, May 20 and June 24, 1910. 389. - (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1910. v. 33, p. 34-37, 74-76.) VXA 390. Modern shipyard machinery and equipment, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1910. v. 32, p. 198-202, 290-294, 381-384, 410-413; v. 33, p. 2-6, 38-40.) VXA 391. Die Schichau Werke in Elbing, Dan- zig und Pillau. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1910. v. 54, p. 1073-1079.) VDA 392. 22,000-ton floating dock for Brazil, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 33-34, 59-60, 93-94, 119-121.) VA 393. Vulcan Company's new yard at Hamburg, illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 147-150, 164, 228-233, 290- 293, 366, 374-376.) VDA Also supplements, July 29, Aug. 26, Sept. 9, 1910. 1911 394. Clyde and Tyne shipyard extensions, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 144-145, 158-161.) VA 395. Forges and chantiers de la Mediter- ranee. illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 113- 115.) fVXA 396. 40000 Tonnen Schwimmdock der kaiserlichen Werft in Kiel. 4 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 13, p. 77- 88.) f VXA 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Shipyards, continued. 1911, continued. 397. Franzius, O., and W. KNOPP. Die Schwebefahre auf der kaiserlichen Werft, Kiel, illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 55, p. 764- 771, 805-811, 877-882.) VDA 398. An Historic yard [Nederlandsche Fabriek]. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 64-65.) VA 399. Langendonck, C. van. The La Seyne shipbuilding yard of the Forges & Chan- tiers de la Mediterranee. illus. (Ameri- can marine engineer. New York, 1911. v. 6, no. 3, p. 28-31.) t VXA 400. McDermaid, Neil J. Shipyard prac- tice as applied to warship construction. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911. 4 p.l., 3-328 p. illus. 8. VXT 401. The Mitsu-Bishi dockyard and en- gine works, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 89-96.) t VXA 402. Plant of the Newport News Ship- building and Dry-Dock Company, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 106-108.) fVXA 403. Die Schichau-Werke in Elbing, Dan- zig und Pillau. Berlin [1911]. 35 p., 1 port, illus. f. tfVXH 404. The Shipbuilding and engineering works of Messrs. Gio. Ansaldo-Armstrong & Company, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 108-113.) fVXA 405. Shipbuilding works at La Seyne. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 193-194.) VA 406. Shipyard equipment supplement, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 129-136.) t VXA 407. A 22,000-ton floating dry dock for Brazil, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 1-7.) fVXA 408. The Works of Messrs. Yarrow & Company, Limited, Scotstown, Glasgow, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 102-105.) f VXA 1912 409. Coleman, F. C. The new floating drydocks for the British Admiralty, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 365-367.) f VXA 410. Commentz, Carl. Stapellaufunter- suchungen und Messungen d. s. d. "Bahia Blanca." illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 429-434.)- t VXA 411. Harland and Wolff's works at Bel- fast, illus. (Engineering. London, 1912. v.94, p. 3-12, 38-51.) VDA Also supplements, July 5 and 12, 1912. 412. Die Kaiserlich Werft zu Tsingtau (Kiautschou). illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 307-312.) f VXA 413. Launch of the battle cruiser Queen Mary, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 297.) VA 414. Launch of H. M. battleship Ajax. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 331-332.) VA 415. Messrs. Workman, Clark and Co.'s works at Belfast. 4 pi. illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1912. v. 94, p. 73-83.) VDA Also supplement, July 19, 1912. 416. Neue Riesenkrane fiir Schiffswerf- ten. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 257-261.) fVXA 417. Opening of the naval drydock, New York, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. v. 106, p. 473-474.) VA 418. Otterson, J. E. Navy yard problems. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1912. v. 38, p. 859-878.) VXA 419. Rath, C. Haltevorrichtungen fiir Schiffe auf der Helling. (Schiffbau. Ber- lin, 1912. Jahrg. 14, p. 124-129.) f VXA 420. Reventlow, Ernst Christian Einar Ludwig Detlev, Graf zu. The shipbuild- ing industry of Germany, illus. (Cas- sier's magazine. New York, 1912. v. 41, p. 369-384.) VDA 421. Schmidt, R. "Imperator." Das S'ta- pellauf des Schiffes. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 755-764.) T V J\*ffLr 422. Schoen, J. G. von. Das Balancier- Schiffshebewerk. (Oesterreichische Woch- enschrift fiir den offentlichen Baudienst. Vienna, 1912. v. 18, p. 147-150.) MQA 423. Schossberger, O. F. Projektsstudie zu einem Balancier-Schiffsbewerk. illus. (Oesterreichische Wochenschrift fiir den offentlichen Baudienst. Vienna, 1912. v. 18, p. 581-584.) MQA 424. Shipbuilding and engineering works at St. Nazaire. illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1912. v. 114, p. 7-9, 14.) VA 425. Stocker, Robert, and HENRY WILLIAMS. The launching of the New York, illus. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1912. v. 38, p. 1337-1367.) VXA 426. 32,000-ton floating dock for the Med- way. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 114, p. 72-73.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 17 Shipyards, continued. 1912, continued. 427. Twenty thousand-ton pontoon float- ing dry-dock. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 50-53.) Y VXA 428. Two great floating docks. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 333-337.) VXA 1913 429. Dockyards and ship-building at Hong Kong, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 163-165.) VA 430. "Dreadnought" floating dock for the British battleships. illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1913. v.76, p. 184-185.) VA 431. Fried. Krupp Germania shipbuilding yard, Kiel, illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 610-613, 624.) VDA Also supplement, Nov. 7, 1913. 432. A German-built 25,000 ton floating dock, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 287- 288.) tVXA 433. Die Germaniawerft in Kiel, illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahr- buch. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 14, p. 681-701.) fVXA 434. Hiley, A. Launching declivities for ships and their influence upon poppet and way-end pressures. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 1, p. 181-200.) VXA 435 Launching ships. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 790-794, 825-827.) VDA 436. Die Howaldtswerke in Kiel, illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahr- buch. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 14, p. 702-713.) fVXA 437. Launching a battleship. (Marine re- view. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 157-158.) VXA 438. Leucke. 25000 Tons-Schwimmdock der Vulcan-Werke, Hamburg. 1 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1913. Jahrg. 14, p. 315-324.) fVXA 439. Lienau, Otto. Die neuesten Fort- schritte deutscher Helling-Forderanlagen. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeit- schrift. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 57, p. 1689-1696.) VDA 440. New dry dock at Manitowoc. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 79-81.) VXA 441. Riesen- und Schwimmkrane auf eng- lischen und deutschen Werften. illus. (Ueberall. Berlin, 1913. Jahrg. 15, p. 357- 365.) t VXA 442. Shanghai Dock and Engineering Company, Limited. illus. (Engineer, London, 1913. v. 116, p. 355-356.) VA 443. Shipbuilding at St. Nazaire and the French battleship Lorraine. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 675-676.) VA 444. Shipbuilding berth gantries at the Nagasaki yard, illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1913. v. 95, p. 226-227, 230.) VDA 445. 12,000-ton floating dry dock at Seat- tle, illus. (International marine engineer- ing. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 289-290.) y VXA 446. Van Duzer, Lewis Sayre. General consideration of navy yard design, loca- tion, capacity and maintenance, with plan and description of a large, efficient yard properly located. 2 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 75-85.) VXA 1914 447. Bell, E. W. Launching. (Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Liv- erpool, 1914. v. 35, p. 321-330.) VDA 448. Gio. Ansaldo e Co. illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, supplement, May 8, p. xxiii-xxvii.) VA 449. Honolulu floating dry dock. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 290-293.) f VXA 450. Launching arrangements and calcu- lations. (Marine engineer and naval archi- tect. London, 1914. v. 36, p. 200-202.) VXA 451. Leyland, John. The German dock- yards. (Naval annual. London, 1914. p. 169-180.) VXA 452. The Most modern shipbuilding plant in the world [Blohm & Voss, Hamburg], illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. v. 110, p. 100-101.) VA 453. New Armstrong naval shipbuilding yard, illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 1-3.) VDA 454. New works at Portsmouth dockyard, illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 205-208, 239-241, 343, 410-411, 479-481, 514-517, 548-552, 581-582.) VDA 455. Tawresey, John G. Launching data for a battle ship. 12 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1914. v. 22, p. 91-104.) VXA 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Shipyards, continued. 1914, continued. 456. Wallsend slipway and engineering works, illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 4-6.) VDA Also supplement, July 3, 1914. 1915 457. Donnelly, W. T. Shipyard at Prince Rupert terminal. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 121-122.) fVXA 458. Loof, W. Eine neue Riesen-Blech- biegemaschine fur Schiffbauzwecke. (Ve- rein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1915. Bd. 59, p. 795-798.) VDA 459. Phelps, H. P. New shipyard tools and methods. (American Society of Ma- rine Draftsmen. Journal. Washington, 1915. v. 1, p. 132-139.) fVXA 460. Robins Dry Dock & Repair Com- pany, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1915. v. 88, no. 12, p. 5-10.) f VXA 461. Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richard- son, Ltd. Floating docks, n. t.-p. [Wall- send, Eng., 1915?] 49 p. illus. 12. VDM 462. The Union Iron Works Company, illus. (Pacific marine review, San Fran- cisco, 1915. v. 12, no. 5, p. 22-28.) f TRA 463. Works of Canadian Vickers, Limited, at Montreal, illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1915. v. 99, p. 157-161.) VDA 1916 464. The American Shipbuilding Com- pany, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 141- 142.) f VXA 465. American shipyards and marine re- pair plants, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 113-154.) fVXA 466. Barber, G. H. Pressure on a vessel's bottom during launching. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 187-189.) fVXA 467. Bethlehem Steel Company's Mary- land shipbuilding plant, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1916. v. 90, no. 9, p. 4-7.) f VXA 468. Churchill, F. A., jr. Increases ship- building facilities, illus. (Iron trade re- view. Cleveland, 1916. v. 59, p. 172-175.) fVHA American Ship Building Co., Cleveland. 469. Cox, L. M. American graving dock practice. (International Engineering Con- gress, 1915. Transactions. San Francisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 742-788.) VDA 470. De Gelder, M. G. Shipyard cranes of the Rotterdam Dockyard Company. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1916. v. 58, p. 222-232.) VXA 471. (Engineering. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 435-437.) VDA 472. Dohm, G. C. The new Skinner & Eddy shipyard, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 379-381.) fVXA 473. Fore River Shipbuilding Corpora- tion, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1916. v. 90, no. 8, p. 5-8.) f VXA 474. The Fore River shipyard. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 114-117.) f VXA 475. Gatewood, R. D. Timekeeping in shipyards. (American machinist. New York, 1916. v.45, p. 675-677.) VFA 476. Great Lakes shipbuilding. Great Lakes Engineering Works, illus. (Nauti- cal gazette. New York, 1916. v. 90, no. 11, p. 4-7.) f VXA 477. Large ship building shop at Quincy. illus. (Iron trade review. Cleveland, 1916. v. 59, p. 272-274.) f VHA 478. Large steel-frame ship shed contains special trusses designed for vertical and horizontal crane loading, illus. (Engi- neering record. New York, 1916. v. 74, p. 550-552.) VDA 479. Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1916. v. 90, no. 6, p. 4-9.) fVXA 480. Newport News, shipyard and repair plant, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 131- 133.) t VXA 481. The New York Shipbuilding Com- pany, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 121- 122.) t VXA 482. Plan of Washington Shipping Cor- poration's shipyard at Seattle, illus. (Mo- torship. Seattle, 1916. v. 1, May, 1916, p. 6.) t VXA 483. Robins dry dock and repair plant, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 137-139.) f VXA 484. Seattle Construction and Dry-Dock Company. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 143-144.) f VXA 485. Ship repair yards in New York har- bor, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v.21, p. 139- 140.) fVXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 19 Shipyards, continued. 1916, continued. 486. Ship-repairing facilities at the Pan- ama canal, illus. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1916. v. 7, p. 77- SO.) VXA 487. Shipyard of the Maryland Steel Com- pany, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 124- 126.) VXA 488. Skinner-Eddy shipyard well under way. illus. (Motorship. Seattle, 1916. v. 1, May, 1916, p. 8, 24.) f VXA 489. Sun shipbuilding plant planned for rapid production of special standard steam- ers, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1916. v. 74, p. 498-499.) VDA 490. Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richard- son, Limited. [Description of works.] n. t.-p. [ii. p., 1916?] 40 p., 1 plan. 8. V X.ti 491. The Union Iron Works, illus. (Pa- cific marine review. San Francisco, 1916. v. 13, p. 45-50.) fTRA 1917 492. The Advance in American shipbuild- ing, illus. (Iron age. New York, 1917. v.99, p. 31-35, 70.) VDA 493. Applications of electricity in the con- struction of steel ships, illus. (Electrical review. Chicago, 1917. v. 71, p. 9-15.) fVGA 494. Claudy, Carl Harry. Building the emergency fleet. (Scientific American. New York, 1917. v. 116, p. 488.) VA 495. Coburn, F. G. Modern management applied to navy yards. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1917. v. 43, p. 955-972.) VXA 496. Cohee, T. L. Mold loft notes. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 389-393.) f VXA 497. De Gelder, M. G. Shipyard cranes. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1917. v. 83, p. 362-363.) VA 498. Dohm, G. C. Ames Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 227-230.) f VXA 499. Doig, Peter. Launching way-end pressures. (American Society of Marine Draftsmen. Journal. Washington, 1917. v.3, p. 113-116.) fVXA 500. Enclosed shipbuilding berth for. Can- adian Vickers, Ltd. illus. (Canadian en- gineer. Toronto, 1917. v. 33, p. 193-195.) VDA 501. Hillhouse, P. A., and W. H. RIDDLES- WORTH. Launching ships. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 103, p. 361-364, 374-375.) VDA 502. On launching. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1917. v. 59, p. 172-201.) VXA 503. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 9, p. 345-348.) VXA 504. J. F. Duthie and Company shipyard [Seattle], illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 304- 308.) t VXA 505. Kennedy, W. M. Industrial manage- ment principles in shipyard practice, illus. (Industrial management. New York, 1917. v. 53, p. 803-817.) VDA 506. Kerr, K. C. Seattle's new era of ship construction, illus. (Universal engineer. New York, 1917. v. 25, p. 527-535.) VDA 507. Launching ships bottom up. illus. (Shipping. New York, 1917. v. 1, p. 426- 428.) fTRA 508. Lucas, Theodore. Practical ship- building. Shipyard organization and op- eration explained in detail. (Nautical ga- zette. New York, 1917. v.91, no. 12, p. 4-8.) f VXA 509. Material handling equipment, illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1917. v. 14, p. 71-73.) fTRA 510. A Novel system of launching. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 10, p. 348-350.) f VXA 511. Phillips, Camillus. Bethlehem Tu- bal Cain among shipbuilders, illus. (The navy and merchant marine. Washington, 1917. v. 1, no. 6, p. 1-14.) VXA 512. The Shipyard vs. the submarine, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1917. v. 117, p. 418-419.) VA 513. The Sloan Shipyards Corporation. (Motorship. Seattle, 1917. v. 2, no. 8, p. 18-19.) f VXA 514. Unique method of launching. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 350-353.) f VXA 515. Wakeman, S. W. The service de- partment of a shipyard. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 624-625.) VDA 1918 516. Aberthaw concrete shipyard, illus. (Contracting. New York, 1918. v. 7, p. 212-213.) fVEA 517. Balboa dry dc^ck no. 1. illus. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 199-204.) f VXA 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Shipyards, continued. 1918, continued. 518. Baldwin, G. J. Building the Hog Island shipyard. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 104-106.) t VXA 519. Facts about the Hog Island yard. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 117-119.) VXA 520. Beard, Alexander H. The bridge of ships [Hog Island yard]. New York: American International Corporation [1918]. 43 p. illus. 8. Reprinted from the Outlook, August 7, 1918. 521. A Big transportation problem at Hog Island. (Railway age. New York, 1918. v. 64, p. 1020-1023.) TPB 522. Blood, W. H., jr. The Hog Island shipyard. (Stone & Webster journal. Boston, 1918. v. 23, p. 9-13.) VGA 523. Build huge crane for shipyard use. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 234-237.) VXA 524. La Construction des navires de com- merce aux fitats-Unis. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1918. tome 72, p. 93-95.) VA 525. Construction of Newark Bay ship- yard, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 161- 164.) t VXA 526. Construction of Pearl Harbor dry- dock completed, illus. (Engineering news- record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 173- 177.) VDA 527. Drive 15000 piles for pair of thou- sand-foot shipways. illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 80, p. 30-32.) VDA 528. Dyment, C. V. West coast ship- building, illus. (American review of re- views. New York, 1918. v. 57, p. 619-627.) *DA 529. Eaton, Charles Aubrey. Delaware river shipyards, illus. (American review of reviews. New York, 1918. v. 58, p. 53- 63.) * DA 530. Electricity in shipbuilding opera- tions, illus. (Electrical review. Chicago, 1918. v.71, p. 1-8.) fVGA 531. Estep, Harvey Cole. Handling ma- terials at Hog Island, illus. (Marine re- view. Cleveland, 1918. v. 48, p. 277-279.) VDA 532. Hog Island an American vic- tory, illus. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1918. v.48, p. 382-388.) VXA 533. Facts about the Hog Island shipyard. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1918. v. 12, p. 190.) VXA 534. Federal ships erected by derrick travellers built for long service. illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 80, p. 1129-1132.) VDA 535. The First launching at Hog Island and its significance, illus. (Stone & Web- ster journal. Boston, 1918. v. 23, p. 76- 81.) VGA 536. The Foundation Company ship- builders, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 387- 394.) fVXA 537. Hog Island. Transforming a brush and sand waste into a shipyard, illus. (Stone and Webster journal. Boston, 1918. v. 22, p. 8-1 5.) VGA 538. The Hog Island ship yard. illus. (Railway review. Chicago, 1918. v. 62, p. 481-484.) TPB 539. Hog Island yard starts building ships, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 156- 160.) fVXA 540. Hog Island's ship-erection equip- ment, illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 77-80.) VDA 541. Kreutzberg, E. C. Builds plant while fabricating ships, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 328-330.) VXA 542. A New Furness shipyard, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1918. v. 106, p. 82, 90.) VDA 543. A New shipyard on the northeast coast [Furness Shipbuilding Co.], illus. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 126, p. 73-74, 76.) VA 544. Osier, C. A. Seattle shipbuilders overcome pioneer difficulties and set new speed records, illus. (Engineering news- record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 160- 164.) VDA 545. The Pictorial story of Hog Island. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1918. v. 48, p. 395-412.) VXA 546. Price, B. K. The compressed air equipment at Hog Island, illus. (Com- pressed air magazine. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 8871-8874.) VFM 547. Rapid progress now being made at Hog Island, illus. (Iron age. New York, 1918. v. 101, p. 1063-1066.) VDA 548. Rosing, A. S. Floating dry docks of concrete, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v.93, no. 21, p. 4.) f VXA 549. Ship builder versus submarine, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918, v. 118, p. 278-279, 286.) VA Hog Island. 550. Shipbuilding in the United States. Hog Island shipbuilding yard, illus. (En- gineer. London, 1918. v. 125, p. 554-555.) V A NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 21 Shipyards, continued. 1918, continued. 551. Shipping Board's Bristol plant, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 165-168.) f VXA 552. Shipyard of Columbia Engineering Works, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 294- 300.) t VXA 553. Shipyard of the Sun Shipbuilding Company. 1 folded pi. illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 175-190.) fVXA 554. The Shooters Island shipyard. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1918. v.23, p. 191-193.) f VXA 555. Some more facts about Hog Island shipyard. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 126, p. 138.) VA 556. Three government shipyards huge problem in plant layout, illus. (Engineer- ing news-record. New York, 1918. v. 80, p. 12-19.) VDA 557. Tower derricks serve twin shipways at Submarine Boat Corporation yard, illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 80, p. 1073-1077.) VDA 558. Tremendous cost of Hog Island plant. (Iron age. New York, 1918. v. 101, p. 374-376.) VDA 559. United States Shipping Board Emer- gency Fleet Corporation. Shipyard em- ployment. A place for men to help win the war... Washington, 1918. 54 p. illus. 8. 560. World's greatest shipyard at Hog Island now busy building ships to win the war. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 242-246.) VXA 561. (Iron trade review. Cleveland, 1918. v. 62, p. 1054-1058.) f VHA 562. Young, H. W. Work of construct- ing Hog Island shipyard, illus. (Engi- neering and cement world. Chicago, 1918. v. 12, Feb. 15, 1918, p. 9-14.) f VEA WOODEN SHIPS 1908 1911 563. Laas, Walter. Die grossen Segel- schiffe... Berlin: Julius Springer, 1908. viii, 127 p., 77 pi. illus. 4. fVXH 1909 564. Magnetic survey yacht Carnegie, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 47-51.) f VXA 565. The Non-magnetic survey vessel Carnegie, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 5, p. 21-22.) VXA 566. Ward, Charles. Shallow-draught riv- er steamers. 63 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 79-107.) VXA 1910 567. Dixie, E. A. The. non-magnetic ship "Carnegie." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1910. v. 69, p. 41-43.) VA 568. The Six masted schooner Wyoming, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 1-2.) f VXA 569. Bureau Veritas. Rules and regula- tions for the building and classification of wooden vessels. Year 1911. Paris [1911i. xxi, 58 p., 11. 4. VXH 570. Canadian lake and river steamer "Saguenay." (Engineering. London, 1911. v.92, p. 350-351.) VDA 1912 571. Bureau Veritas. Reglement pour la construction et la classification des navires en bois. Annee 1912. Paris [1912]. xxi, 63 p., 1 1. 4. VXH 572. Rules and regulations for the building and classification of wooden ves- sels. Year 1912. Paris [1912]. xxi, 60 p., 11. 4. VXH 573. City of Detroit in., world's largest side wheel steamer, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 389-396.) fVXA 1915 574. Burnside, E. A. Western river steam- ers and barges, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 478-487.) f VXA 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wooden Ships, continued. 1916 575. Ballin, F. A. Wooden shipbuilding. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1916. v. 13, no. 8, p. 40-43; no. 10, p. 36-39.) fTRA 576. Fletcher, Andrew. River, lake, bay and sound steamers of the United States. (International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Fran- cisco t 1916]. 8. v. 10, p. 124-146.) VDA 577. Wooden shipbuilding on the Pacific coast, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 402- 407.) VXA 1917 578. American standard wooden steam- ship, illus. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 90-92.) VDA 579. Applications of electricity in the con- struction of wooden ships. (Electrical re- view. Chicago, 1917. v. 71, p. 16-21.) fVGA 580. Bogert, J. J. Diagonal strapping in large wooden ships. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 246-247.) t VXA 581. Carr, M. F. Special composite ship construction, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 360-361.) fVXA 582. Composite cargo steamer of 5,500 tons for U. S. Shipping Board's emergency fleet, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 336- 338.) t VXA 583. Dabney, Frank. Wooden shipbuild- ing on Puget Sound, illus. (Stone & Web- ster journal. Boston, 1917. v. 20, p. 270- 272.) VGA 584. Donnelly, W. T. Problem of the wooden cargo ship. 1 folded plan, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 206-211.) f VXA 585. Dunn, H. H. Shipbuilding is re- vived in South, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1917. v. 47, p. 213-218.) f VXA 586. Estep, Harvey Cole. How wooden ships are built, illus. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1917. v. 47, p. 195-198, 231-237, 257, 283-290, 365-376, 383.) t VXA 587. Hill, R. C. Wooden ship building on the Pacific coast, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1917. v. 47, p. 63-67.) f VXA 588. Hough type wooden steamship, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 380-382.) f VXA 589. Modern methods in wooden ship con- struction, illus. (Motorship. Seattle, 1917. v. 2, Jan., 1917, p. 12.) f VXA 590. Les Nouveaux navires mixtes en bois, construites aux tats-Unis. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1917. tome 70, p. 372- 373.) VA 591. Oakleaf, H. B. Douglas fir (Oregon pine) shipbuilding. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 213-215.) fVXA 592. The .Revival of wooden shipbuilding, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1917. v. 83, p. 376-377.) VA 593. Standard wooden steamships for United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet. 2 folded pi. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 294-299.) f VXA 594. Tons of steel are used in wooden ships, illus. (Iron trade review. Cleve- land, 1917. v. 61, p. 658-659.) f VHA 595. United States. -- Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Douglas fir ship. Specifications for the construc- tion of a standard wood steamship. Hull only. May, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 4, 6 p., 611., 4 p. 12. (no. 4.) VXHD 596. - Douglas fir ship. Specifications for the construction of a standard wood steamship. May, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 7, 4 p., 661., 2 p., 21. 12. (no. 6.) VXHD 597. Lake ship lock size. Specifi- cations for the construction of a standard wood steamship to be built on the Great Lakes. June, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 691. 12. (no. 12.) VXHD 598. Lake ship lock size. Specifi- cations for the construction of a standard wood steamship. Hull only. To be built on the Great Lakes. June, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 63 1. 12. (no. 13.) VXHD 599. - Timber schedule and specifica- tions for standard wood steamship, Pacific coast. Largely Douglas fir. May 20, 1917. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 16 p., 11. 12. (no. 2.) VXHD 600. - Yellow pine ship. Specifica- tions for the construction of a standard wood steamship. Hull only. May, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 4 p., 621., 3 p. 12. (no. 3.) VXHD 601. - Yellow pine ship. Specifica- tions for the construction of a standard wood steamship. May, 1917. [By] Theo- dore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 4, 7 p., 68 1., 2 p., 2 1. 12. (no. 5.) VXHD NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 23 Wooden Ships, continued. 1917 , continued. 602. United States government standard wooden steamships, illus. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 90-92.) VDA 603. United States standard twin-screw wooden steamships, illus. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 381-382.) VDA 604. Wood shipbuilding in British Colum- bia, illus. (Shipping. New York, 1917. v.l, p. 374-376.) fTRA 605. Wooden cargo carriers for U. S. A. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1917. v. 47, p. 191-193.) fVXA 1918 606. Brenzinger, A. H. Shipbuilding for house carpenters. (Building age. New York, 1918. v.40, p. 280-281, 332-333.) f VEA 607. Canadian standard wood ship. (Ship- ping. New York, 1918. v. 2, p. 68-70, 97- 98.) t TRA 608. Estep, Harvey Cole. How wooden ships are built. Cleveland, O.: Penton Pub. Co., 1918. xi, 101 p. illus. 4. VXH 609. Familiar scenes in a modern ship- yard. Some facts on wooden construction. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 86, p. 104-105.) VA 610. Grondal, B. L. A problem of wood- en shipbuilding. The preservation of hulls. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 85, p. 59.) VA 611. Hill, R. C. Anyox a new wooden ore carrier, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v.48, p. 29-32.) VXA 612. Machines for making wooden ships, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 119, p. 33.) VA 613. New Pacific coast steam schooners, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 281-284.) fVXA 614. New types of wooden ships building in Texas, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 292-293.) f VXA 615. Oak steamer built for U. S. illus. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1918. v. 48, p. 418-421.) VXA 616. Oldham, J. R. Wood and steel ships compared. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 17, p. 6-7.) f VXA 617. Thearle, S. J. P. How wooden ships are laid off. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v.48, p. 197-201, 252-258.) fVXA 618. Thompson, William John, compiler. Wooden shipbuilding. A comprehensive manual for wooden shipbuilders to which is added a masting and rigging guide. Chi- cago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1918. 5 p.l., 202 p. tables. 12. VXH 619. United States. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Timber schedule and specifications for standard wood steamship. Gulf and Atlantic coast. Largely southern yellow pine. Revised January 1, 1918. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1918. 271. 12. (no. 23 revised.) ' VXHD 620. Van Gaasbeek, Richard Montgomery. Practical course in wooden boat and ship- building. Chicago: F. J. Drake & Com- pany [1918]. 1 p.l., 7-204 p. illus. 12. VXH 621. Wooden ships versus the submarine. Description of various types of wooden ships building for ourselves and the allies, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 588-589.) VA IRON AND STEEL SHIPS 1908 622. Another Brazilian liner [Para], illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 86-88.) f VXA 623. Attilio, Dagnino. The new Italian steamship Europa. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 415-418.) fVXA 624. The Battleship Bellerophon. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 42-43.) f VXA 625. Bell, Thomas. Speed of the Cunard turbine-steamer "Lusitania." illus. (En- gineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 489- 493.) VDA 626. Berry, W. T., and J. H. GARDNER. The steamer Commonwealth. 17 pi. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 231-246.) VXA 627. Boklevsky, C. Les meilleurs types de bateaux maritimes pour le transport des marchandises. 26 p., 2 pi. 8. (Interna- tional Congress on Navigation, St. Peters- burg, 1908. Reports. Section 2.) VXA 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1908, continued. 628. Brazilian battleship "Minas Geraes." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 352.) VDA 629. Britain's new turbine battle cruiser Indomitable, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 325-327.) fVXA 630. Bruenner, M. A. R. The Berlin ma- rine exhibition, illus. (Cassier's maga- zine. New York, 1908. v. 34, p. 488-502.) VDA 631. Bulgarian torpedo-boats, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 138- 139.) VDA Also supplement, July 31, 1908. 632. Clyde-built ships for Austria. [Martha Washington.] illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 106, p. 202.) VA 633. Craggs, E. H. Framing of vessels. 11 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 24, p. 289-302, 317-356.) V -?\..r\. 634. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 1, p. 24-29.) VXA 635. The Cunard steamship Mauretania. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 9-12.) f VXA 636. Curr, Robert. Lake ship yard meth- ods of steel ship construction. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 1, p. 36-38; no. 2, p. 16-17; no. 3, p. 22-23; no. 4, p. 22-23; no. 5, p. 26-27; no. 6, p. 36-38; no. 7 p. 22-23; no. 8, p. 22-23; no. 9, p. 26-27; no. 10, p. 58-60; no. 15, p. 26; v. 39, no. 9, p. 38-41; no. 13, p. 39-41; no. 14, p. 94-96; no.17, p. 269-273; no. 18, p. 316-318; v. 40, no. 2, p. 64-65.) VXA 637. Shipbuilding on the Great Lakes. 29 pi. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. Transac- tions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 195-209.) VXA 638. De Rusett, E. W. The design of fast ocean steamers, illus. (Cassier's maga- zine. New York, 1908. v. 35, p. 90-108.) VDA 639. Driessen, Paul. Der Doppelschrauben- Passagier- und Frachtdampfer "George Washington" des Norddeutschen Lloyd. 9 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 10, p. 265-312.) f VXA 640. Egyptian mail turbine-steamers "He- liopolis" and "Cairo." illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 560-561, 616- 618.) VDA Also supplements, April 24 and May 8, 1908. 641. The Factors of efficiency in the con- struction of a battleship, illus. (Current literature. New York, 1908. v. 44, p. 327- 331.) *DA 642. Foerster, Ernst. Die Technik der Weltschif fahrt . . . Berlin : K. W. Mecklen- burg [pref. 1908]. 4 p.l., 167 p., 1 folded diagr., 2 folded pi. illus. 12. (Nautische Bibliothek. Bd. 6-7.) VXF (Nautische) 643. Der Fiir die italienische Marine gee- ignetste Linienschiffstyp. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rundschau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 19, p. 1147-1162.) VXA 644. German naval dockship Vulcan, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 106, p. 460, 462.) VA 645. H. M. battleships "Agamemnon" and "Lord Nelson." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 293-294, 389-390.) VDA Also supplements, Sept. 18 and Sept. 25, 1908. 646. H. M. S. Indomitable, illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 704-705.) VDA 647. H. M. yacht "Alexandra." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 821- 822.) VDA 648. Holmes, Samuel. Holmes' tube tank- er. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 19, p. 38-40.) VXA 649. Indian pilot cruiser "Lady Fraser." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 87-88.) VDA 650. Iron-ore-carrying steamer "Polcir- keln." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v.85, p. 80-81.) VDA 651. Isherwood, J. W. A new system of ship construction. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1908. v. 50, p. 115-137.) VXA 652. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 830-834.) VDA 653. (Marine engineer and na-' val architect. London, 1908. v. 30, p. 405- 411.) VXA 654. Isle of Man turbine steamer "Ben- my-chree." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908-09. v. 86, p. 200, 203; v. 87, p. 511-512.) VDA Also supplement, Aug. 14, 1908. 655. Italian battleship Regina Elena. (En- gineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 28-29.) V ** 656. Judaschke, Franz. Der Argo-Damp- fer "Schwan." illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1908. Jahrg. 9, p. 363-368.) f VXA 657. Kaemmerer, W. Der Turbinen- dampfer "Tenyo Maru." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Ber- lin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1662-1667.) VDA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 25 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1908, continued. 658. Kielhorn, Karl. Die Winkelprpfile im Handelsschiffbau. (Stahl und Eisen. Dusseldorf, 1908. Jahrg. 28, p. 1233-1237.) VIA '659. Klitzing. Das Dockschiff "Vulcan" der kaiserlichen Marine, illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Ber- lin, 1908. Bd. 52, p. 1717-1719.) VDA 660. Koon, S. G. Mallory line steam- ship Brazos, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 507-514.) fVXA 661. Laas, Walter. Die grossen Segel- schiffe... Berlin: Julius Springer, 1908. viii, 127 p., 77 pi. illus. 4. fVXH 662. Lake passenger steamer City of Cleveland, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 371-378.) fVXA 663. Launch of the North Dakota, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 520-522.) f VXA 664. Launch of the White Star Dominion liner Laurentic. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 14, p. 30-31.) VXA 665. [Launching of the Laurentic.] illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 106, p. 291- 292.) VA 666. McPherson, Allan. New Egyptian mail turbine steamship Heliopolis. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 1-6.) f VXA 667. Mills, J. C. The giant ore carriers on the Great Lakes. illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1908. v. 35, p. 109- 119.) VDA 668. The Minas Geraes. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1908. v. 106, p. 260-261.) VA 669. New Brazilian liner Verdi. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 99-101.) f VXA 670. New cable ship, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 4-5, 6, 12.) VA 671. A New departure in ship construc- tion, illus. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1908. v. 66, p. 177-178.) VA Isherwood system. 672. New Japanese transpacific liners, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 279-281.) fVXA 673. New royal yacht Alexandra, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 327- 328.) VA 674. New survey steamer for the Russian government, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. v. 105, p. 566.) VA 675. Peltier, Jules G. The Atlantic liner Chicago, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 438- 440.) t VXA 676. The French armored cruiser Edgar Quinet. illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 235-236.) fVXA 677. - The French liner Guadeloupe, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 43-45.) f VXA 678. Russian armored cruiser Ami- ral Makaroff. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 448-450.) f VXA 679. Recent freight steamship designs, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1908. v. 65, p. 200-201.) VA 680. Steam collier Everett, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 178- 179.) VDA 681. Steam lumber schooners for the Pa- cific coast, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1908. v. 13, p. 152-156.) tVXA' 682. Thearle, S. J. P. The design and building of modern cargo steamers, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1908. v. 35, p. 28-44.) VDA 683. Thornycroft, J. E. Modern torpedo- boats and destroyers, illus. (Institution of Navl Architects. Transactions. Lon- don, 1908. v.50, p. 59-76.) VXA 684. (American Society of Na- val Engineers. Journal. Washington, 1908. v. 20, p. 423-438.) VXA 685. (Engineering. 1908. v. 85, p. 487-489.) London, VDA 686. (Marine engineer and na- val architect. London, 1908. v. 30, p. 449- 452.) VXA 687. Madrid, 1908. (Revista general de marina. tomo62, p. 1020-1036.) VXA 688. Triple-screw turbine-driven Pacific liner "Tenyo Maru." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 86, p. 444, 592-596.) VDA Also supplements, Oct. 2 and 30, 1908. 689. Twin-screw Allan liner "Corsican." illus. (Engineering. London, 1908. v. 85, p. 46-47.) VDA 690. Wallace, W. C. Some recent inven- tions as applied to modern steamships. 5 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Ma- rine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 151-165.) VXA 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel 'Ships, continued. 1908, continued. 691. Welch, John Joseph. The design of modern warships, illus. (Cassier's maga- zine. New York, 1908. v. 35, p. 3-27.) VDA 692. West, C. C. Centrifugal pump fire- boats. 6 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1908. v. 16, p. 211-230.) VXA 693. The World's biggest battleships. The "St. Vincent" and "Minas Geraes." illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1908. v. 31, p. 75-77.) VXA 1909 694. Albrecht, Max. Transport des Erdols und seiner Produkte zu Wasser. illus. (In: C. Engler and H. Hofer, Das Erdol. Leipzig, 1909. Bd. 2, p. 899-964.) VHY 695. Attilio, Dagnino. The Italian bat- tleship Roma, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 423-425.) f VXA 696. Berry, W. T., and J. H. GARDNER. The steamer Commonwealth, illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 10-19.) t VXA 697. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 14, p. 68-75.) VXA 698. Brazilian battleship "Sao Paulo." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 557-558, 560.) . VDA 699. Brazilian torpedo-boat destroyers, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 4-7.) VA 700. Car ferry Drottning Victoria, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 17, p. 242-246.) VXA 701. Les Contre-torpilleurs de la marine bresilienne. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1909. tome 55, p. 385-386.) VA 702. Corrugated system of ship construc- tion, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 145.) VA 703. (Scientific American. New York, 1909. v. 101, p. 241.) VA 704. Croneau. Acorazados modernos. (Revista general de marina. Madrid, 1909. tomo64, p. 213-269.) VXA 705. Der Doppelschrauben-Personen- und Frachtdampfer "Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeit- schrift. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 53, p. 22-26, 63- 67.) VDA 706. Fleet colliers Mars, Vulcan and Hec- tor, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v.39, p. 421-428.) VXA 707. Die Fortschritte des deutschen Schiffbaues unter besonderer Berucksich- tigung der Entwicklung des Norddeutschen Lloyd. Berlin: Robbing & Co., 1909. 463 p. illus. 4. fVXHD 708. Freighter for the A. H. Bull Steam- ship Company. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 14, p. 65-68.) VXA 709. French armoured cruiser Ernest Re- nan, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 240-242.) VA 710. The French battleships Diderot and Condorcet. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 381-383.) f VXA 711. The French dreadnaughts. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 438- 441.) VA 712. Fruit and passenger steamer Tortu- guero. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 30-32.) VA 713. The "George Washington." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1909. v. 67, p. 408-409.) VA 714. H. M. S. Cyclops, floating repair shop for the navy. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 77-79.) VA Also supplement, July 23, 1909. 715. The Hamburg-American line steam- er Cleveland, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 85- 89.) f VXA 716. Haver, A. H. The Monitoria. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 477-479.) f VXA 717. Holm, Axel. The car ferries of the Danish government, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 123-129.) t VXA 718. Hunt, H. R. The strength of knees and brackets on beams and stiffeners. 4 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1909. v. 17, p. 109-119.) , VXA 719. Japanese volunteer steamer Sakura Maru. illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 203- 207.) t VXA 720. Japanese volunteer turbine steamer "Sakura Maru." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 331-332.) VDA 721. Kaemmerer, W. Der Frachtdamp- fer "John Heidmann." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 53, p. 1137-1140.) VDA 722. Kielhorn, Carl. Die Eindeckschiffe nach den neuen Regeln des Englischen Lloyd. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 11, p. 9-16, 54-58.) fVXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 27 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1909, continued. 723. Die Umwalzung in den eng- lischen Schiffbauprofilen. (Stahl und Eisen. Diisseldorf, 1909. Jahrg. 29, p. 1935-1939.) VIA 724. Kohlendampfer "John Heidmann." 2 pi. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 714-716.) fVXA 725. Kondo, Motoki. Progress of naval construction in Japan. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1911. v. 53, part 2, p. 50-60.) VXA 726. Kurtzahn, Ernst. Der Doppeschrau- bendampfer "George Washington." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 53, p. 1565-1572.) VDA 727. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's turbine steamers, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 757- 758, 760.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 3, 1909. 728. Lang, W. V. Some details of a cargo steamer. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1909. v. 31, p. 318- 326.) VXA 729. Launch of H. M. S. "Vanguard." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 286, 290-292.) VDA 730. Lienau, Otto. Der Doppelschrau- ben-Passagier- und Frachtdampfer "Ber- lin." 9 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 651-703.) t VXA 731. Life-saving steamship Snohomish. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 144.) VA 732. Longitudinally framed ships, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 234- 236.) VA 733. Lyster, Anthony George, and W. BOYD. The suction dredger "Leviathan." (Institution of Naval Architects. Transac- tions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 100-115.) VXA 734. (Marine engineer and na- val architect. London, 1909. v. 31, p. 381- 385.) VXA 735. Naval repair ship "Cyclops." (En- gineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 69-71.) VDA Also supplement, July 16, 1909. 736. New methods of steel hull construc- tion, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, p. 261-262.) VXA 737. New Orient Australian mail liner "Orsova." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 715-717.) VDA Also supplement, May 28, 1909. 738. The New Orient liners, illus. (En- gineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 545-546.) VA 739. New railway train ferry service [Sass- nitz, Germany, and Trelleborg, Sweden], illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 55-56, 107-110, 112.) VA 740. New scout cruisers, illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 764-765, 767-768.) VDA 741. The New steamship Wilhelmina. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 482-486.) f VXA 742. New type of self-discharging coaling vessel, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 222-223.) VA 743. Norddeutscher - Lloyd twin-screw steamer "George Washington." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 276- 280, 282, 286.) VDA Also supplement, Aug. 27, 1909. 744. Northern Navigation Co.'s S. S. Ha- monic. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, p. 279-285.) f VXA 745. Olsen, H. M. Danish state railway ferries. 5 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1909. v. 52, p. 180-193.) VDA 746. Orient Company's Australian mail liner "Otway." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1909. v.87, p. 745-747, 748-749.) VDA Also supplement, June 4, 1909. 747. Orient Company's twin-screw liners "Otranto" and "Orvieto." (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 580-582.) VDA Also supplement, Oct. 29, 1909. 748. Orient line T. S. S. Otranto. (Engi- neer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 27.) VA 749. Pacific Steam Navigation Company's twin-screw steamer "Orcoma." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 209- 211.) VDA Also supplement, Feb. 12, 1909. 750. Paulmann, und BLAUM. Neuere Bag- gerkonstruktionen. illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 53, p. 1909-1919; Bd. 54, p. 657- 663, 707-712, 1269-1276, 1352-1360; Bd. 55, p. 1923-1931, 1970-1976; Bd. 56, p. 1685- 1689.) VDA 751. Peltier, Jules G. The French ar- mored cruiser Ernest Renan. illus. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 149-151.) fVXA 752. Railway ferry steamer "Prins Chris- tian." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 344, 347.) VDA 753. Renner, Wilhelm. Schiffbau und Schiffahrt auf den grossen Seen in Nord- amerika. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Ge- sellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1909. Bd. 10, p. 228-298.) t VXA 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1909, continued. 754. The "Robert Fulton." A record in river steamboat construction, illus. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1909. v. 67, p. 225-226.) VA 755. S. S. George Washington. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 273-276.) f VXA 756. Sadler, Herbert Charles. Some points in connection with shipbuilding on the Great Lakes, U. S. A. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1909. v. 51, p. 220-232.) VXA 757. Self-discharging cargo steamers, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, p. 437-440; v. 40, p. 14-16.) VXA 758. Siamese revenue cruiser. illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 76.) VDA Also supplement, Jan. IS, 1909. 759. Steel passenger steamer H. B. Ken- nedy, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, no. 13, p. 18-23.) VXA 760. Stern frames and brackets of the new White Star liners, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 632-633, 636.) VA 761. Suanzes, Carlos. Construccion, ma- nejo y organizacion de los buques de guerra modernos. (Revista general de ma- rina. Madrid, 1909. tomo 65, p. 675-692, 851-864; tomo 66, p. 1-26, 287-304, 441-449, 543-561, 725-763, 947-974; tomo 67, p. 61- 98, 261-283, 409-417, 599-647, 749-770, 939- 956; tomo 68, p. 81-101, 243-260, 409-422, 575-594, 743-769.) VXA 762. Suction dredger "Leviathan." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 87, p. 570- 574.) VDA 763. Swedish state railway ferry steamer "Malmo." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 116-118.) VDA 764. Taylor, Benjamin. A longitudinally framed ship, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 30-33.) t VXA 765. Torpedo-boat destroyers for the Bra- zilian navy, illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1909. v.87, p. 347-349, 352.) VDA Also supplement, March 12, 1909. 766. Train-ferry steamer "Fabius" for Northern Nigeria, illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 440-441, 443-444.) VDA 767. A Twin-hatch steamer with central deck ballast tank, illus. (Marine engi- neer and naval architect. London, 1909. v.31, p. 362-366.) VXA 768. United States battleships Delaware and North Dakota, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 465-466.) f VXA 769. United States fleet colliers Vestal and Prometheus, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1909. v. 39, p. 339-341.) VXA 770. La Veloce liner "America." illus. (Engineering. London, 1909. v. 88, p. 410- 412, 418.) VDA Also supplement, Sept. 24, 1909. 771. White Star Canadian liner Laurentic. illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 107, p. 426.) VA 772. White Star liner Olympic under con- struction, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 226.) VA 773. White Star liners Olympic and Ti- tanic, illus. (Engineer. London, 1909. v. 108, p. 585.) VA 774. Zeyss, G. Entwurf eines Petroleum- Transport-Fahrzeuges. 2 pi. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 10, p. 511-517, 547- 551.) fVXA 1910 775. Attilio, Dagnino. The first Italian turbine passenger steamer, illus. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 407-409.) f VXA 776. Bacon, Reginald Hugh Spencer. The battleship of the future. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1910. v. 52, p. 1-21.) VXA 777. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 284.) VA 778. Le cuirasse de 1'avenir. (France. Ministere de la Marine. Revue mari- time. Paris, 1910. tome 187, p. 709-721.) VA 779. Das Linienschiff der Zukunft. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rund- schau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 21, p. 585-592.) VXA * 780. Barry, R. E. Design for a naval col- lier, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 326- 329.) tVXA 781. Battleship design, illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 305-306, 309.) VDA 782. Brazilian battleship "Minas Geraes." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 65-70.) VDA Also supplement, Jan. 21, 1910. 783. Brazilian scout cruisers, illus. (En- gineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 431.) VA Also supplement, April 29, 1910. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 29 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1910, continued. 784. Brazilian scout cruisers, illus. (En- gineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 514-516.) V A 785. Buchsbaum, G. Das Isherwood Sys- tem, illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 12, p. 73-79, 1 1 1-114.) f VX A 786. Bulk-oil steamship J. A. Chanslor. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 227-231.) fVXA 787. Coleman, F. C. A new type of iron- ore transport, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 241-243.) fVXA 788. The Swedish train ferry Drott- ning Victoria, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 10-12.) t VXA 789. Cunard steamship Franconia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 140- 141, 144.) VA 790. Details of the Russian volunteer steamer "Orel." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1910. v. 89, p. 313-314, 316.) VDA Also supplement, March 11, 1910. 791. Dietze. Bekohlungs Ausriistung der Kohlenschiffe der United States Navy, illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 12, p. 4-10.) fVXA 792. Double bottoms in modern steel ves- sels, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1910. v. 32, p. 203-204, 297-298.) VXA *793. Eckmann, C. J. Zur Entstehungsge- schichte der Tankdampfer. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 11, p. 610-612.) fVXA 794. European ore-carrying steamship, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1910. v. 40, p. 169-173.) VXA 795. Fletcher, R. A. Steamships. The story of their development to the present day. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1910. xx, 421 p. illus. 4. tVXHD 796. Four new twin-screw steamers for the Nippon Yusen Kaisha European line, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 273-277.) fVXA 797. French Atlantic liner France, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 417- 418.) VA 798. French destroyer Voltiguer. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 562- 563.) VA 799. The French liner France, illus. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 512-514.) fVXA 800. German battleship "Rheinland." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 745- 746, 748.) VDA 801. German cruiser Von der Tann. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 488- 489.) VA 802. Goodrich, Caspar Frederick. Ran- dom notes on a lake freighter. illus. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1910. v. 36, p. 943-956.) VXA 803. Grand Trunk Pacific Company's T. S. S. "Prince Rupert." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 776-778.) VDA Also supplement, June 17, 1910. 804. H. M. battleship "Vanguard." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 209- 210.) VDA 805. H. M. protected cruiser "Newcastle." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 264-265.) VDA Also supplement, Aug. 19, 1910. 806. Handy, I. O. Some notes on the erection of the Baikal railway ferry steam- ers, illus. (North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transac- tions. London, 1910. v. 26, p. 181-192.) VXA 807. Hart, G. L'evolution dans les sys- temes de constructions navales. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France. Memoires et travaux. Paris, 1910. annee 1910, se- mestre 1, p. 417-444.) VDA 808. Haver, A. H. Corrugated sides on ^S. S. "Monitoria" and their effect. 3 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. London, 1910. v. 26, p. 257-281, 285-300, 311-324.) VXA 809. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 204-205.) VA 810. The "Jan Breydel" and "Pieter de Coninck" on the Ostend-Dover service, illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 84-88, 90.) VDA Also supplement, July IS, 1910. 811. Japanese battleship Satsuma. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 386.) VA 812. Kaemmerer, W. Die Eisenbahnfahr- schiffe "Deutschland" und "Preussen." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeit- schrift. Berlin, 1910. Bd. 54, p. 1^5.) VDA 813. Knipping, P. Die deutschen Fisch- dampfertypen. 2 pi. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 11, p. 459-463.) f VXA 814. The Largest ship: the "Europa." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1910. v. 103, p. 481, 487.) VA 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1910, continued. 815. Latest French torpedo-boat destroy- ers. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 245-246.) VA Also supplement, March 11, 1910. 816. Launch of the Cunard steamship Franconia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 114.) VA 817. Launch of H. M.S. "Colossus." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 476, 482.) VDA 818. Launch of the Olympic, illus. (En- gineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 433-435, 462.) VA Also supplements, Oct. 21 and Oct. 28, 1910. 819. Launch of the Olympic, illus. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 489-495.) f VXA 820. Launching of the S. S. "Olympic." illus. (American marine engineer. Chica- go, 1910. v. 5, no. 11, p. 7-10.) fVXA 821. Launching the William P. Palmer, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1910. v .40, p. 442-447.) VXA 822. The Launching of the world's great- est ship, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1910. v. 103, p. 380, 391.) VA 823. Mine-laying and torpedo-regulation vessel for Portugal, illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 362-363.) VDA 824. Modern torpedo boat destroyers. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 329-333.) f VXA 825. Mueller, Ernst. Eisenschiffbau". Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1910. vi, 170 p. illus. 8. VXHK 826. New American-Hawaiian steamers, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 399-403.) fVXA 827. New British scout cruisers. (Engi- neer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 61.) VA 828. The New Castle liner Balmoral Cas- tle, illus. (International marine engineer- ing. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 45-47.) tVXA 829. The New Cunard liner "Franconia." illus. (Marine engineer and naval archi- tect. London, 1910. v. 33, p. 44-47.) VXA 830. A New departure in American ship- building, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 355- 357.) f VXA 831. A New lake passenger steamer, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 366-370.) fVXA 832. New Queensborough and Flushing mail steamers, illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1910. v. 89, p. 40-42.) VDA 833. The New river steamers City of Philadelphia and City of Wilmington, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15; p. 133-136.) f VXA 834. The New Russian battleships, illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 652- 654.) VDA 835. The New Spanish navy, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 77-80, 82.) VDA 836. New steamers for the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 89, p. 142-144, 146, 210, 212.) VDA Also supplements, Feb. 4 and Feb. 18, 1910. 837. New type of ore-carrying steamship, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 278, 282-283.) VA 838. Oesten, K. Doppelschrauben Fracht- und Passagierdampfer "Cincinnati." 3 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 11, p. 312-316.) fVXA 839. Paddle steamer Weeroona. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 629- 630.) VA 840. Passenger and freight steamships City of Montgomery and City of St. Louis, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 293-297.) fVXA 841. S.S. Herman Frasch. illus. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 66-70.) fVXA 842. The Second turbine steamer for the Japanese volunteer fleet, illus. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 87-90.) f VXA 843. South African mail steamer "Bal- moral Castle." (Engineering. London, 1910. v.89, p. 449-450, 478.) VDA Also supplements, April 8, April 15 and April 29, 1910. 844. Strouse, M. H. A new fireboat for Seattle, Wash. (Engineering news. New York, 1910. v.63, p..716-717.) VDA 845. T. S. survey steamer Cartier. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 638- 639.) VA 846. Das Torpedoboot. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rundschau. Berlin, 1910. Jahrg. 21, p. 947-964.) VXA 847. Trials of the Brazilian battleship "Sao Paulo." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1910. v. 89, p. 722-724.) VDA 848. Tribal class of destroyers. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 314.) V A NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 31 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1910, continued. 849. Turbine cross-channel steamer Cae- sarea. illus. " (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 358.) VA 850. Twin-screw yacht Lien-Ching. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 110, p. 383, 384.) VA 851. The U. S. colliers Mars, Vulcan and Hector, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1910. v. 15, p. 25- 29.) f VXA 852. Weihe, H., and O. BERNDT. Einlei- tung. Baggermaschinen, Rammen tmd zugehorige Hulfsmaschinen, Wasserhebe- maschinen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1910. xvi, 471(1) p., 21., 14 pi. 4. (In: Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3.ed. Teil4, Bd. 1.) VDM 853. White Star line, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, supplement, June 24.) VA 854. White Star liner "Olympic." illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. v. 90, p. 564- 572, 620-621, 693-695, 698.) VDA Also supplements, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 18, 1910. 855. The White Star liner Olympic, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1910. v. 33, p. 126-127.) VXA 856. White Star liners Olympic and Ti- tanic, illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. v. 109, p. 231.) VA 1911 857. Argentine ocean-going turbine de- stroyers. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 60-61.) VA 858. Attilio, Dagnino. Italy's first tur- bine-driven cruiser, the San Marco, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 477-480.) f VXA 859. The Australian navy, illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1911. v. 92, p. 566, 570- 571.) VDA 860. Bodenmueller, Albert. Der kleine geschiitzte Kreuzer "Uruguay." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 55, p. 1-7, 62-70.) VDA 861. Bureau Veritas. Rules and regula- tions for the building and classification of steel vessels. Year 1911. Paris r !911i. xxi, 274 p., 11. 4. VXH 862. Canadian lake and river steamer "Saguenay." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1911. v.92, p. 348-351.) VDA Also supplement, Sept. 15, 1911. 863. Canadian Pacific Railway's oil-fuel- burning T. S. S. "Princess Alice." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 92, p. 764- 766, 768.) VDA 864. Chinese training cruiser "Ying Swei." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v.92, p. 826.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 22, 1911. 865. Cunard steamship Laconia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 125- 126.) VA 866. Curr, Robert. Isherwood system of framing for small vessels, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1911. v. 41, p. 132- 133, 185-187, 216-218.) VXA 867. Description of the U. S. suction dredge "New Orleans." illus. (American marine engineer. New York, 1911. v. 6, no. 11, p. 7-9.) fVXA 868. Design and performance of the transpacific liners Tenyo Maru and Chiyo Maru. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 137-138.) VA 869. Dobson, W. A. Designing and con- structing an ocean-going steamer, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1911. v. 105, p. 52-55.) VA 870. Der Doppelschrauben-Salondampfer "Hela." 2 pi. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 12, p. 326-329.) f VXA 871. Fleet collier Cyclops, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1911. v. 41, p. 26-30.) VXA 872. French Atlantic liner France, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 110, p. 417- 418.) VA 873. French battleships, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 266-267.) VA 874. French battleships Jean Bart and Courbet. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 412.) VA 875. Giraud, J. E. L'evolution des cargos pour matieres pondereuses. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1911. tome 58, p. 199-204, 225- 229.) VA 876. Graemer, L. Drei Fahrdampfer. 5 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 13, p. 1-6.) f VXA 877. H. M. battleship "Colossus." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 439- 441.) VDA Also supplement, April 7, 1911. 878. H. M. battleship "Monarch." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 455- 456.) VDA 879. H. M. S. Dartmouth, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 174.) VA 880. H. M. S. Monarch, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 406-407.) VA 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1911, continued. 881. H. M. S. Thunderer, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 112-114.) VA 882. Japanese Pacific liner Shinyo-Maru. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 537-538.) VA 883. Kielhorn, Carl. Die neue Richtung im Handelsschiffbau. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 12, p. 611-614, 657-663, 736- 742.) tVXA 884. Kirby, F. E. Shipping on the Great Lakes. illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v.92, p. 62-64.) VDA Also supplement, July 14, 1911. 885. Kleine Kreuzer und ihre Verwen- dung. (Austria. Marine-Technische Ko- mitee. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Pola, 1911. Jahrg. 39, p. 1115- 1127.) VXA 886. (France. Ministere de la Ma- rine. Revue maritime. Paris, 1912. tome 192, p. 447-461.) VXA 887. Kondo, Motoki. Progress of naval construction in Japan, illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1911. v. 92, p. 15-18.) VDA 888. La Bolina, Jack, pseud. Nuevo tipo de acorazado de linea. (Centro naval, Buenos Aires. Boletin. Buenos Aires, 1911. tomo 29, p. 885-894.) VXA 889. Launch of cruiser-battleship New Zealand, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 241-242.) VA 890. Launch of H. M. S. Yarmouth, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 414.) VA 891. Launch of the Titanic. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 567, 575.) VA 892. Lienau, Otto. Die Entwicklung und die Zukunft des Massentransportes von Kohle und Erz iiber See. illus. (Stahl und Eisen. Dusseldorf, 1911. Jahrg. 31, p. 1077-1085.) VIA 893. Martin, K. G. The largest naval col- lier in the world [U. S. S. Cyclops^, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 495-498.) fVXA 894. Montgomerie, James. The arrange- ment and construction of oil vessels, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1911. v. 40, p. 737-752.) VDA 895. New cross-channel steamers for the Southeastern and Chatham Railway, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 520- 521.) VA 896. New Cunard liner "Franconia." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 246- 248.) VDA Also supplement, Feb. 24, 1911. 897. New French dreadnaught drydocks. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 7-8.) VA 898. New Italian dreadnought Conte di Cavour. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 152.) VA 899. The New White Star liner "Olym- pic." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1911. v. 105, p. 8-9.) VA 900. Los Nuevos destroyers argentinos. (Centro naval, Buenos Aires. Boletin. Buenos Aires, 1911. tomo 29, p. 637-647.) VXA 901. An Ocean-going oil engine ship, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 10-12, 33-35.) VA 902. The Olympic and Titanic. illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. Ill, p. 209- 215.) VA Also illustrated supplement, March 3, 1911. 903. The "Olympic" and the "Titanic." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1911. v. 71, p. 380-383.) VA 904. Owen, H. Ship economics; provid- ing practical aids for shipmasters in regard to repairs, maintenance, surveys, and con- struction... London: G. Phillip & Son, 1911. xi, 137 p. illus. 8. VXHB 905. P. and O. steamer Medina, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 326.) VA 906. Passenger accommodation of the White Star liner "Olympic." illus. (En- gineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 789, 792.) VDA 907. Quatre nouveaux types de Dread- noughts. (France. Ministere de la Ma- rine. Revue maritime. Paris, 1911. tome 189, p. 97-108.) VXA 908. Schaffran, Karl. Flachgehender Fracht- und Passagier-Seitenraddampfer fur die Fahrt Tjumen-Tobolsk. illus, (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 13, p. 208- 213.) tVXA 909. Spanish gunboat "Recalde." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 92, p. 288.) VDA Also supplement, Sept. 1, 1911. 910. A Tank steamer for the molasses trade, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1911. v. 16, p. 20-25.) 911. Turbine-driven steamer "Newhaven." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v.92, p. 642.) VDA Also supplement, Nov. 10, 1911. 912. Twin-screw refrigerated meat steam- er, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 112, p. 618-619.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 33 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1911, continued. 913. Verth, M. zur. Das Lazarettschiff. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rund- schau. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 22, p. 868-883.) VXA 914. The White Star liner "Olympic." illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1911. v. 41, p. 649-657.) VDA 915. The White Star liner "Titanic." illus. (Engineering. London, 1911. v. 91, p. 678- 681.) VDA Also supplement, May 26, 1911. 916. White Star liners Olympic and Ti- tanic, illus. (Engineer. London, 1911. v. 110, p. 38, 40, 196.) VA 917. White Star liners "Olympic" and "Titanic." illus. (Marine engineer and na- val architect. London, 1911. v. 33, p. 416- 417, 440-450.) VXA 918. The World's greatest ship the "Olympic." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1911. v. 71, p. 72- 73.) VA 919. The World's largest bulk freighter, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1911. v. 41, p. 408-413.) VXA 920. The World's largest steamship [Olympici. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1911. v. 41, p. 245-259.) VXA 1912 921. Attilio, Dagnino. The first Italian dreadnought Dante Alighieri. illus. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 481-488.) f VXA 922. Attwood, Edward Lewis. War-ships. A text-book on the construction, protec- tion, stability, turning, etc., of war vessels. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912. 342 p. illus. 5. ed. 8. VXR 923. Battleships of the new "Kaiser" class, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 316-318.) VA 924. Borckenhagen. Involution des types recents de navires de guerre. (France. Ministere de la Marine. Revue maritime. Paris, 1912. tome 194, p. 497-511; tome 195, p. 169-185.) VXA 925. Bureau Veritas. Reglement pour la construction et la classification des navires en acier. Annee 1912. Paris [1912], xxi, 315 p. 4. VXH 926. City of Detroit III; world's largest side wheel steamer, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 389-396.) t VXA 927. Coleman, C. F. New battle cruisers -launch of the Kongo, illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 313-317.) f VXA 928. Self-discharging collier, illus. / (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 393-399.) VXC 929. Cross-channel passenger steamer Greenore. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 114, p. 234.) VA 930. Cunard liner Aquitania. illus. (En- gineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 573.) VA Also supplement, May 31, 1912. 931. Cunard liner Laconia. illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 85-87.) VA Also supplement, Jan. 26, 1912. 932. Curr, Robert. Isherwood system of construction, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v.42, p. 291-292, 350-351, 388- 389, 403-404; v. 43, p. 29-30, 72-73, 86-87, 149, 186-188, 207-209, 250, 340-341; v. 44, p. 310-311, 340-341, 379-380, 420-421, 462-463; v. 45, p. 17-19, 71, 126, 165-166, 202-204, 259- 261, 301-302, 331-332.) f VXA 933. Danish torpedo-boat "Soridderen." illus. (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 93, p. 118.) VDA Also supplement, Jan. 26, 1912. 934. Donnelly, W. T., and G. A. ORROK. An electrically propelled fireproof passen- ger steamer. 12 pi. ' (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1912. v. 20, p. 169- 200.) VXA 935. First Clydebuilt motorship, Jutlan- dia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 525, 539.) VA 936. Foerster, E. Der Doppelschrauben- dampfer "Cap Finisterre." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1912. Bd. 56, p. 1341-1349, 1396-1401.) VDA 937. Die Franzoesischen Schlachtschiffe "Jean Bart" und "Courbet." (Austria. Marine-Technische Komitee. Mitteilun- gen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Pola, 1912. Jahrg. 40, p. 64-70.) VXA 938. French destroyers Daque and Cime- terre. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 114, p. 181,) VA 939. French liner France, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 442.) VA 940. French trans-Atlantic liner "Ro- chambeau." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1912. v.94, p. 704-705, 712, 742.) VDA Also supplement, Nov. 22 and Nov. 29, 1912. 941. Geynet, G. Le contre-torpilleur. Ce qu'il est et ce qu'il devrait etre d'apres les enseignements de la guerre russo-japo- naise. (France. Ministere de la Marine. Revue maritime. Paris, 1912. tome 192, p. 312-355; tome 193, p. 382-402, 752-765; tome 194, p. 48-65, 315-336.) VXA 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1912, continued. 942. Graemer, L. Das neue Feuerschiff fiir die erste Station der Elbe. 3 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 715- 722, 764-770.) f VXA 943. Greek torpedo-boat destroyers. (En- gineering. London, 1912. v. 94, p. 642, 644.) VDA Also supplement, Nov. 8, 1912. 944. Gregory, H. B. Battleship Florida, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 191-198.) fVXA 945. United States battleships Wy- oming and Arkansas. illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 397-404.) f VXA 946. H. M. battle-cruiser "Lion." illus. (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 93, p. 4- 6.) VDA Also supplement, Jan. 5, 1912. 947. The Hamburg-American company's new 50,000 ton liner [Imperator]. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 301-304.) f VXA 948. Hamburg-Amerika passenger and freight steamer "Imperator." (Engineer- ing. London, 1912. v. 93, p. 699.) VDA 949. Heesch, Otto. Seitenradschlepp- dampfer "Hugo Marcus" und "Hapsburg." illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 14, p. 8-16.) fVXA 950. Imperial German cruiser Goeben. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 114, p. 249-250.) VA 951. Japanese battle-cruiser Kongo, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 540.) VA 952. Japanese battle-cruiser "Kongo." (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 93, p. 655- 657, 664, 705-706.) VDA Also supplement, May 17, 1912. 953. Laas, Walter. Die Schiffe und ihre Maschinenanlagen. illus. (In: Die Tech- nik im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Braun- schweig, 1912. Bd.4, p. 59-113.) VBA 954. The Largest ship yet constructed. The launch of the 65,000 ton liner "Impera- tor." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. v. 107, p. 5-6.) VA 955. Latest dreadnoughts for South American republics, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 20-24.) fVXA 956. Launch of the Titanic, illus. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 16, p. 281-283.) f VXA 957. Lienau, Otto. Fortschritte in den britischen Schiffbaubetrieben. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 14, p. 1-8, 43-48.) fVXA 958. Macllwaine, G. S. The corrugated ship, illus. (Royal United Service Institu- tion. Journal. London, 1912. v. 56, p. 1515-1534.) VWA 959. Motorship Eavestone. illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1912. v. 114, p. 433-437.) VA *960. Naval collier Orion, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 327- 329.) VXA 961. The New Buffalo steamer "See-and- Bee." illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 366-379.) VXA 962. New French line steamship France, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 238-241.) fVXA 963. New tank steamer for the Gulf Re- fining Company, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 109-112.) fVXA 964. Our latest battleships, the "Nevada" and "Oklahoma." illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1912. v. 106, p. 212, 225.) VA 965. Der Petroleumtransport zur See und die neueste Entwicklung der Tankschiffe. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 14, p. 168- 171, 207-212, 241-243, 331-335.) f VXA 966. Popp, M. Entwurf eines Sauge- Hopper-Baggers nach dem System Frith- ling. 8 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 587-591.) f VXA 967. Rouge, J. Constructions navales coque. Paris: O. Doin & fils, 1912. xi p., 21., 303, xiip. illus. 12. (Encyclopedic scientifique. Bibliotheque de mecanique appliquee et genie.) VXR 968. Sea-going gas-driven cargo vessels, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 176-178.) VA 969. Shallow draught steamer Comte de Flandre. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912, v. 114, p. 684-685.) VA 970. Side wheel steamer City of Detroit in. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 213-221.) f VXA 971. Stern frame and brackets of the Cunard liner Aquitania. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 468-469.) VA 972. Stranraer and Larne turbine steamer "Princess Victoria." illus. (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 94, p. 422, 428.) VDA Also supplement, Sept. 27, 1912. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 35 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1912, continued. 973. Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose. Steamship conquest of the world. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. [1912.] xii, 344 p., 48 pi. 8. VXH 974. Three submarine tenders. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 459.) V ** 975. Transporter ship "Kanguroo" for submersible boats, illus. (Engineering. London, 1912. v. 94, p. 86-88, 90.) VDA 976. Twin screw motor ship Selandia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 247-248, 269-271, 292-293.) VA 977. United States. Construction and Repair Bureau. Instructions for riveting naval vessels... Edition of 1912. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1912. 23 p. 12. VXH 978. United States collier Jupiter, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1912. v. 42, p. 300-303.) VXA 979. United States collier Neptune, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 488.) v A 980. Vessel for transporting submarines, illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. v. 113, p. 594.) VA 981. Walker, John Bernard. The "un- sinkable" ship, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1912. v. 106, p. 417-418.) VA 982. An unsinkable Titanic; every ship its own lifeboat. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1912. 3 p.l., v-xi, 185 p., 1 pi. illus. 12. VXHD 983. White, Sir William Henry. Die An- derungen in den Kriegschiffskonstruk- tionen der letzten Jahre. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rundschau. Ber- lin, 1912. Jahrg. 23, p. 1192-1203.) VXA 984. - Recent changes in warship de- sign. (Naval annual. London, 1912. p. 124-145.) VXA 985. World's largest bulk freighters built on the Great Lakes, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1912. v. 17, p. 345-352.) f VXA 986. Zueblin. Die Torpedokreuzer "Ca- tamarca" und "Jujuy" der argentinischen Marine. 2 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1912. Jahrg. 13, p. 669-673, 723-728.) fVXA 1913 987. Allan liner "Alsatian." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 853-857, 858.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 26, 1913. 988. The "Aquitania." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1913. v. 75, p. 264-266.) VA 989. Attwood, Edward Lewis. The mod- ern warship. Cambridge: University Press, 1913. vii, 146 p. 12. VXR 990. Ballard, Maxwell. Some notes on the arch principle of ship construction, 7 pi. (North-East Coast Institution of En- gineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1913. v. 29, p. 85- 141.) VXA 991. Behn. Bagger und Baggergerate fur die kaiserliche Hafenbauabteilung Hel- goland, illus. (Verein deutscher Ingeni- eure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 57, p. 1849-1856.) VDA 992. Das Brasilianische Schlachtschiff "Rio de Janeiro." illus. (Austria. Ma- rine-Technische Komitee. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Pola, 1913. Jahrg. 41, p. 318-325.) VXA 992a. Brazilian battleship "Rio de Janei- ro." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v.95, p. 114-118, 124.) VDA Also supplement, Jan. 24, 1913. 993. Burgoyne, Alan Hughes. Recent de- velopments in battleship type. (Institu- tion of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 1, p. 1-19.) VXA 994. (Engineering. London, 1913. v.95, p. 350-356.) VDA 995. Cargo ship "France." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 488-489, 491_494.) VDA 996. Casimir-Perier, Claude. Brest-Trans- atlantique. (Societe de geographic com- merciale de Paris. Bulletin mensuel. Paris, 1913. tome 35, p. 86-112.) TLA 997. Channel steamer "Paris." illus. (En- gineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 749- 754.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 5, 1913. 998. Chilian torpedo-boat destroyer "Al- mirante Lynch." (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 352-353, 358, 392, 394.) VDA Also supplement, Sept. 12, 1913. 999. Chinese training cruiser "Chao Ho." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v.95, p. 424-426.) VDA 1000. The Clyde line coastwise steam- ship Lenape. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 139-144.) t VXA 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1913, continued. 1001. Coleman, F. C. Five-masted auxili- ary sailing ship France, illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 505-510.) f VXA 1002. - Oil tanker San Fraterno. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 191-194.) fVXA 1003. Cook, G. C. The evolution of the lightship. 12 pi. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. .Transac- tions. New York, 1913. v.21, p. 97-118.) VXA 1003a. [New York, 1913.] 98- 118 p., lOdiagrs., 2 pi. 4. VXF 1004. Les Croiseurs-torpilleurs "Catamar- ca" et "Jujuy." (France. Ministere de la Marine. Revue maritime. Paris, 1913. tome 198, p. 122-135.) VXA 1005. Cunard Canadian liner "Andania." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 233.) VDA 1006. Dal-Piaz. Le paquebot transatlan- tique moderne. illus. (Societe industrielle du nord de la France. Bulletin mensuel. Lille, 1913. annee 41, p. 66-91.) VA 1007. Deutscher Schiffbau, 1913.. Ber- lin: Verlag Carl Marfels, 1913. 344 p. illus. 4. VXH 1008. Diesel oil tank ship Hagen. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 304- 305.) VA 1009. Donnelly, W. T. An electrically pro- pelled fire-proof passenger steamer. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1913. v. 20, p. 169-200.) VXA 1010. Elbe estuary motor lightship, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1913. v. 36, p. 6-9.) VXA 1011. Fletcher, R. A. Travelling palaces; luxury in passenger steamships. London: Sir I. Pitman and Sons [1913]. xvi, 310 p., 2 plans, 52 pi. 8. VXHD 1012. French Atlantic liner Lutetia. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 496, 506.) VA 1013. French battleships Provence and Bretagne. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 558.) VA 1014. French destroyer Commandant Ri- viere, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 178-179.) VA 1015. French destroyer Magon. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 658, 663-664.) VA 1016. French destroyers Fourche and Faulx. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 144-146, 148.) VA 1017. French dreadnought Jean Bart, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 676-677.) VA 1018. French dreadnoughts Paris and France, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 3 1-32.) VA 1019. French mine layers Cerbere and Pluton. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 515, 516.) VA 1020. A Geared turbine cargo steamer, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 243-245.) VA 1021. German battleships of the Kaiser class, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 410-411.) VA 1022. The Giant Imperator. illus. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 268-271.) fVXA 1023. Great Lakes steamers for coastwise service, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 47- 52.) f VXA 1024. Greek torpedo-boat destroyers of the "Lion" class, illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1913. v. 116, p. 59-60.) VA Also supplement, July 18, 1913. 1025. Gregory, H. B. U. S. fleet colliers Proteus and Nereus. illus. (American So- ciety of Naval Engineers. Journal. Wash- ington, 1913. v. 25, p. 613-636.) VXA 1026. H. M. battleship Iron Duke, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 550.) VA 1027. H. M. dreadnought Queen Eliza- beth, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 450.) VA 1028. H. M. S. Benbow. illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 660-661.) VDA 1029. H. M. torpedo-boat destroyers "Shark," "Sparrpwhawk" and "Spitfire." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 775-776, 778.) VDA 1030. Hamburg-Amerika liner Imperator. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 649- 650.) VA 1031. Hamburg-Amerika liner "Impera- tor." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v.95, p. 827-831.) VDA Also supplement, June 20, 1913. 1032. Hudson river steamer Washington Irving, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 275- 278.) f VXA 1033. Isle of Man geared-turbine steamer "King Orry." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1913. v. 95, p. 871-874, 876.) VDA Also supplement, June 27, 1913. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 37 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1913, continued. ' 1034. Japanese battle-cruiser "Kongo." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 709-711.) VDA 1035. The Japanese battle-cruiser "Kon- go." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1913. v. 109, p. 128-129.) VA 1036. King, J. F. On large deck houses. (Institution of Naval Architects. Trans- actions. London, 1913. v. 55, part 1, p. 148- 161.) . VXA 1037. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 437-438.) VDA 1038. Launch of the Andrea Doria. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 383- 384.) VA 1039. Launch of the Aquitania. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 446- 447.) VA 1040. Launch of the latest giant steam- ship, illus. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1913. v. 75, p. 232-233.) VA 1041. Lengthening the Aberdeen liners Marathon and Miltiades. illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 72-73.) VA 1042. Lienau, Otto. Materialspannungen in den Langsverbanden stahlerner Han- delsschiffe. (Schiffbautechnische Gesell- schaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1913. 4. Bd. 14, p. 603-645.) t VXA 1043. Macllwaine, G. S. Corrugated ships, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1913. v. 44, p. 938-940.) VDA 1044. Mersey bar lightship Alarm, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 72- 74.) VA 1045. Montgomerie, James. The design and construction of oil steamers. (Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. v. 56, p. 241-291.) VDA 1046. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 306-309, 337-340.) VDA 1047. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 126-130, 164-170.) \ V XA 1048. Das Motor-Tankschiff "Hagen" er- baut von der Fried. Krupp A.-G. Germa- niawerft. 6 pi. illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1913. Jahrg. 14, p. 407-413, 466-469.) 1049. New Cunard liner "Aquitania." (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 515- 523, 562-564,. 570.) VDA Also supplements, April 18 and April 25, 1913. 1050. New Hamburg-American liner [Im- peratorj. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 245-248.) f VXA 1051. New Pacific coastwise steamship Congress, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 283-286.) t VXA 1052. New Spanish battleships. illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 175- 178, 192.) VDA Also supplement, Aug. 8, 1913. 1053. Old Dominion line's freight steam- er Tyler, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 369- 374.) fVXA 1054. Ore-carrying steamer Norrbotten. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 368.) VA 1055. Quadruple-screw steamers "Opster- dyk" and "Westerdyk." illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1913. v. 96, p. 286-287.) VDA Also supplement, Aug. 29, 1913. 1056. Quadruple-screw turbine Allan liner "Alsatian." illus. (Engineering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 45 1-455, 456-457.) VDA Also supplement, April 4, 1913. 1057. The Quadruple turbine liner "Im- perator." illus. (Marine engineer and na- val architect. London, 1913. v. 35, p. 463- 469.) VXA 1058. Recent warships for the French Ad- miralty, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 93- 97.) fVXA 1059. Redwood, Sir Boverton. Tank steamers. (In his: Petroleum. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1913. v. 3, p. 140-159.) VHY 1060. Robinson, S. M. Description of the U. S. fleet collier Jupiter, illus. (Ameri- can Society of Naval Engineers. Journal. Washington, 1913. v. 25, p. 523-562.) VXA 1061. Royal Holland Lloyd steamship Gelria. illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 447-448.) VA 1062. Side-wheel passenger steamer See and Bee. illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 252- 258.) fVXA 1063. Side-wheeler Washington Irving, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1913. v. 43, p. 221-223.) t VXA 1064. Single screw molasses tank steamer Amolco. illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1913. v. 18, p. 378- 382.) fVXA 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1913, continued. 1065. Smith, S. F. Change of shape of recent colliers. 6 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 145- 153.) VXA 1066. Some modern systems of ship con- struction, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1913. v. 35, p. 197-203.) VXA 1067. Spanish quadruple-screw liner "Rei- na Victoria-Eugenia." illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 322-324, 326, 386-387.) VDA Also supplements, March 7 and March 21, 1913. 1068. Spanish trans-Atlantic liner "In- fanta Isabel de Borbon." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1913. v. 95, p. 599-602, 604.) VDA Also supplement, May 2, 1913. 1069. Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose. Lightships and lighthouses. London: W. Heinemann, 1913. xii, 325 p., 50 pi. 8. (Conquests of science.) VDO 1070. Das Tankschiff "Hagen." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 57, p. 521-527.) VDA 1071. Trials of the France, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1913. v. 116, p. 669-672.) VA 1072. Der Turbinenschnelldampfer "Im- perator." illus. (Schiffbau. Berlin, 1913. Jahrg. 14, p. 759-765.) t VXA 1073. 7 pi. (Verein deutscher Inge- nieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 57, p. 966-967.) VDA 1074. Typical ships, illus. (Engineer. London, 1913. v. 115, p. 84-85, 115-116; v. 116, p. 390-393, 486-488, 494; v. 117, p. 366- 370, 376; v. 118, p. 229-232, 359-362, 573-575, 584.) VA 1075. Walker, J. B. Atlantic steamships a retrospect, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1913. v. 109, p. 472-473, 481.) VA 1076. Wilson, R. C. Construction and operation of western river steamers. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1913. v. 21, p. 59-65.) VXA 1914 1077. Battles, D. R. U. S. submarine ten- der "Fulton." (American Society of Ma- rine Draftsmen. Journal. Washington, 1914. v.l, p. 99-101.) fVXA 1078. Biles, Sir John Harvard. On the protection of battleships against submarine attack. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 65-67.) VDA 1079. The Britannic waterborne. illus. (Marine review. New York, 1914. v. 44, p. 135-139.) f VXA 1080. Bureau Veritas. Reglement pour la construction et la classification des na- vires en acier. Annee 1914. Paris [1914], xxi, 317 p. 4. VXH 1081. Rules and regulations for the building and classification of steel vessels. Year 1914. Paris [1914]. xxi, 292 p., 1 1. 4. VXH 1082. Burgoyne, Alan Hughes. Die neu- este Entwickelung des Schlachtschifftyps. (Austria. Marine-Technische Komitee. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewe- sens. Pola, 1914. Jahrg. 41, p. 818-830.) VXA 1083. Canadian customs cruiser. illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 245- 247, 302-303.) VDA Also supplements, Aug. 21 and Sept. 4, 1914. 1084. Coal-handling plant on the United States fleet collier "Jupiter." illus. (En- gineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 503- 506, 508.) VDA Also supplement, Oct. 23, 1914. 1085. Cunard Canadian liner "Andania." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 96, p. 233.) VDA 1086. The Cunard Company's liner "Aqui- tania." illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1914. v. 36, p. 462-474; v.37, p. 11-18.) VXA 1087. Cunard liner Aquitania. illus. (En- gineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 587-590, 622.) VA 1088. Cunard liner Aquitania. illus. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1914. v. 44, p. 247-258.) f VXA 1089. Dickie, G. W. The unsinkable ship. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1914. v.47, p. 107-110.) VDA 1090. Fea, Leonardo. El buque de corn- bate. (Revista general de marina. Ma- drid, 1914. tomo75, p. 651-691.) VXA 1091. Fowler, Charles Evans. Practical treatise on subaqueous foundations... New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1914. xliii, 814 p. 3.ed. 8. VEF Contains chapters on sea-going dredges. 1092. French destroyers Bisson and Re- naudin. illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 615-616.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 39 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1914, continued. 1093. French quadruple-screw liner "Lu- tetia." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 418, 426-427, 470-471.) VDA Also supplements, Oct. 2 and Oct. 16, 1914. 1094. A Geared turbine Atlantic liner, illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 118, p. 433, 435.) VA 1095. Geynet, G. O destroyer. (Revista maritima brazileira. Rio de Janeiro, 1914. v.64, p. 1769-1902.) VXA 1096. Gracy, J. W. The new Mersey bar lightship, illus. (Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Liverpool, 1914. v.35, p. 231-264.) VDA 1097. "Great Northern" and "Northern Pacific." illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1914. v. 11, no. 8, p. 22-25.) fTRA 1098. Hamburg-America liner Vaterland. illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 572-573.) VA 1099. Hamburg-Amerika liner "Impera- tor." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 797-802, 812.) VDA 1100. Hamburg-Amerika liner "Vater- land." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 712-713.) VDA 1101. Kluge, C. Die neue amerikanische Dampfjacht "Cyprus." illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 58, p. 746-750.) VDA 1102. Kondo, Motoki. Recent Japanese warships, illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 430-433.) VDA 1103. Largest oil tankers in the United States, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 181- 184.) f VXA 1104. The Latest United States battleship [Texas], illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 1-4.) fVXA 1105. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Rules & regulations for the construction and classification of steel vessels. From 1st July, 1914, to the 30th June, 1915. London, 1914. xxx, 258 p. 4. VXA 1106. Modern German warship design. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 227- 228.) VA Also supplement, February 27, 1914. 1107. Morrell, Robert W. Tank ship con- struction, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 532- 534; v. 20, p. 26-29, 71-73.) f VXA 1108. The New Cunard express liner "Aquitania." illus. (American marine en- gineer. New York, 1914. v. 9, no. 7, p. 7- 11.) fVXA 1109. The New Cunard express liner Aquitania. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 277-283.) f VXA 1110. New Cunard liner "Aquitania." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 619- 624, 655-659, 672, 676-679, 693-701, 727-743.) VDA Also supplement, May 22, 1914. 1111. The New Cunarder "Aquitania." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. v. 110, p. 461-462.) VA 1112. New freighters for the Panama canal trade, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 368-373.) f VXA 1113. New Great Lakes steamship South American. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 135- 140.) f VXA 1114. New Mallory line freight ships, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 378-384.) fVXA 1115. New type of self-trimming collier, illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 626-627.) VA 1116. New vessels for the Allan line, illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1914. v. 11, no. 5, p. 18-24.) fTRA 1117. The New White Star liner Britan- nic. (Nautical magazine. Glasgow, 1914. v. 91, p. 374-378.) VXA 1118. Oil carrier Sebastian, illus. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1914. v. 44, p. 259- 264.) f VXA 1119. Oil carrying steamers, illus. (En- gineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 181- 184.) VDA 1120. Oil tank steamer Frank H. Buck, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 202-205.) f VXA 1121. Owens, T. G. Linienschiffskon- struktionen. (Germany. Marine Amt. Marine Rundschau. Berlin, 1914. Jahrg. 25, p. 779-789.) VXA 1122. Some questions relating to bat- tleship design. (Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. London, 1914. v. 56, p. 1-32.) VXA 1123. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 384-386, 410-412.) VA 1124. (Engineering. London, 1914. v.97, p. 446-452.) VDA 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1914, continued. 1125. Parkes, Oscar. The super-dread- nought "Queen Elizabeth." illus. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1914. v. 110, p. 502-503.) VA 1126. Pereira, E. R. Evolugao do navio dreadnought. (Revista maritima brazilei- ra. Rio de Janeiro, 1914. v. 65, p. 51-88, 211-234, 419-470.) VXA 1127. Perrett, J. R. Some notes on war- ships designed and constructed by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ld. (North-East Coast Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1914. v. 30, p. 377- 411.) VXA 1128. Peskett, L. Design of Atlantic liners. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 537-541.) VDA 1129. Plummer, H. C. The car ferry in freight and passenger service, illus. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1914. v.77, p. 88-90.) VA 1130. Quadruple-screw turbine-driven Cu- nard liner "Aquitania". . . London: Engi- neering, 1914. viii, 80 p., 3 pi. 4. ft VXHD Reprinted from Engineering. 1131. S. S. Cap Trafalgar, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 312-314.) VA 1132. S. S. Great Northern and Northern Pacific, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 535- 545.) t VXA 1133. Shipbuilding and shipping record. [Articles and illustrations taken from the Shipbuilding and shipping record, 1913-14.] London, 1913-14. f. Desk - Tech. Div. 1134. Smith, S. F. Change of shape of recent colliers. (International marine en- fineering. New York, 1914. v. 19, p. 53- 5.) fVXA 1135. Steamship Vaterland. illus. (Ma- rine review. New York, 1914. v. 44, p. 220-222.) f VXA 1136. T.-S. SS. "Ciudad de Buenos Aires" and "Ciudad de Monte Video." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 98, p. 745- 747.) VDA Also supplement, Dec. 5, 1914. 1137. Thele, W. Das hamburgische Bag- gerwesen. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Ge- sellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 15, p. 286-393.) t VXA 1138. Torpedo-boat for the Spanish navy, illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 590-593.) VDA 1139. The Unsinkable ship, illus. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1914. v. 110, p. 86, 91.) VA 1140. Wachtel, L. Der Vierschrauben- Turbinen-Schnelldampfer "Imperator." 13 pi. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1914. Bd. 58, p. 993- 1005, 1041-1048.) VDA 1141. The White Star liner "Britannic." illus. (American marine engineer. New York, 1914. v. 9, no. 5, p. 7-11.) f VXA 1142. White Star liner Britannic, illus. (Engineer. London, 1914. v. 117, p. 238, 240-241,257-259.) VA 1143. White Star liner "Britannic." illus. (Engineering. London, 1914. v. 97, p. 273- 283.) VDA Also supplement, Feb. 27, 1914. 1144. The White Star triple-screw steam- er "Britannic." illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1914. v. 36, p. 301-304.) VXA 1145. The World's largest steamship [Vaterlandj. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. v. 110, p. 427-428.) VA 1915 1146. Bahon, Max. Tendencias actuales de la construccion naval. (Centro naval, Buenos Aires. Boletin. Buenos Aires, 1915. tomo 31, p. 403-444.) VXA 1147. Barber, G. H. Launching of the battleship Arizona, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 334-336.) f VXA 1148. Barnett, M. K. The new French battleship "Tourville." illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1915. v. 113, p. 45.) VA 1149. Barringer, Herbert. Evolution of the oil tankship. (Institution of Petrole- um Technologists. Journal. London, 1915. v. 1, p. 280-324.) VHY 1150. , (Petroleum world. Lon- don, 1915. v. 12, p. 301-305.) fVHY 1151. (Petroleum review. Lon- don, 1915. v.32, p. 465-466, 495-496, 509, 526.) f VHY 1152. Brown, William. Introduction of a modern method in shipbuilding. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1915. v.20, p. 163-165.) VXA 1153. Canadian railway ferry-steamer "Scotia n." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1915. v. 100, p. 438-440, 446, 512-513.) VDA 1154. Coaling United States warships, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1915. v. 79, p. 276-277.) VA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 41 Iron .and Steel Ships, continued. 1915, continued. 1155. Coleman, F. C. Cable-repairing steamer Transmitter, illus. (Internation- al marine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 382-386.) t VXA 1156. French-built cable ship dou- ard Jeramec. illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 146-150.) fVXA 1157. New fruit carrying steamer van Hogendorp. illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 67-71.) fVXA 1158. Cook, G. C. The United States lightvessels, nos. 101 and 102. 6 pi. (In- ternational Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Fran- cisco, 1915. v. 10, p. 187-195.) VDA 1159. Cunard liner "Lusitania." (Engi- neering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 537-538.) VDA 1160. Cylindrical tank oil-carrying steam- er "Ricardo A. Mestres." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 428-429.) VDA 1161. Dobson, W. A. Evolution of the bat- tleship of the Dreadnaught type. (Ameri- can Society of Marine Draftsmen. Jour- nal. Washington, 1915. v. 1, p. 111-116.) fVXA 1162. Hovgaard, William. Structural de- sign of warships. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1915. xi, 383 p. illus. 8. VXR 1163. Knorr, Paul. Fischdampfer und Hochseefischerei. illus. (Schiffbautech- nische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1915. Bd. 16, p. 233-402.) f VXA 1164. Lake passenger steamer Noronic. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 431-435.) fVXA 1165. Montgomerie, James. Light super- structures. (Marine review. New York, 1915. v. 45, p. 209-215.) fVXA 1166. The scantlings of light super- structures. (Institution of Naval Archi- tects. Transactions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 52-69.) VXA 1167. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 376-380.) VDA 1168. Muers, P. Oil ships with cylindri- cal tanks, illus. (Petroleum world. Lon- don, 1915. v. 12, p. 248-252.) f VHY 1169. Olin, E. W. Side wheel car ferry Contra Costa, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 387-394.) fVXA 1170. Southern Pacific ferry steamer Alameda. illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 194- 198.) f VXA 1171. Owens, T. G. Algumas questoes com referencia ao desenho do navio en- couragado. 18 pi. (Revista maritima bra- zileira. Rio de Janeiro, 1915. v. 66, p. 1279-1317.) VXA 1172. Panama colliers "Ulysses" and "Achilles." (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1915. v. 6, p. 271-274.) VXA 1173. "Peking Maru." (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1915. v. 6, p. 48- 50.) VXA 1174. Portuguese torpedo-boat destroyer Douro. illus. (Engineer. London, 1915. v. 119, p. 404, 406.) VA 1175. Reid, John. The influence of dis- charging appliances on the design of large ore carriers. (Institution of Naval Archi- tects. Transactions. London, 1915. v. 57, p. 41-51.) VXA 1176. (Engineering. London, 1915. v. 99, p. 349-351, 354.) VA 1177. Large ore carriers. (Marine review. New York, 1915. v. 45, p. 197- 201.) fVXA 1178. Ruprecht, F. K. Notes on the con- version of cargo vessels into bulk oil car- riers. (International marine engineering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 165-166, 212-216, 258-259, 309-311, 340-343, 404-406.) f VXA 1179. S. S. "Roggeveen." illus. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1915. v.6, p. 464-466.) VXA 1180. Self-unloading freight steamer Hu- ron, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1915. v. 20, p. 52-58.) fVXA 1181. U. S. destroyer tender "Melville." illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1915. v.6, p. 70-71.) VXA 1182. Western Australian government motor-ship "Kangaroo." illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1915. v. 100, p. 468-470, 565-568.) VDA 1183. Willey, D. A. Freight carrying on the Great Lakes, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement. New York, 1915. v. 79, p. 360-361.) VA 1184. Wilson, W. J. B. The remarkable failure of a consignment of steel ship plates, illus. (North-East Coast ^Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1915. v.31, p. 227-293.) VXA 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1916 1185. Brazilian submarine depot motor- ship "Ceara." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1916. v. 101, p. 569, 613-616.) VDA Also supplement, June 16, 1916. 1186. Clyde line steamers built on the Lakes. Description of Welland canal size ocean-going freighters, illus. (Interna- tional marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 321-328.) f VXA 1187. Cone, E. F. Steel castings for American merchant and war vessels, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 336-338.) f VXA 1188. Cook, G. C. The United States light-vessels, nos. 101 and 102. illus. (In- ternational Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Fran- cisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 187-195.) VDA 1189. Dickie, G. W. Special types of cargo steamers for the United States coast-to-coast trade through the Panama canal. (International Engineering Con- gress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Francisco [1916]. v. 10, p. 147-159.) VDA 1190. The "Duilio." illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1916. v. 82, p. 24-25.) VA 1191. Ferretti, E. Warships of the first line of battle. (International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transac- tions. San Francisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 196- 223.) VDA 1192. Fletcher, Andrew. River, lake, bay and sound steamers of the United States, illus. (International Engineering Con- gress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Francisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 124-146.) VDA 1193. French transatlantic quadruple screw steamship "Lafayette." illus. (En- gineering. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 470.) VDA 1194. Frozen beef for Europe. S. S. Pro- cida fitted with carbonic acid refrigerating plant, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 273- 282.) tVXA 1195. Fruit-carrying steamer "Honduras." (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1916. v.7, p. 246-247.) VXA 1196. Gatewood, R. D. Military and tech- nical considerations of battleship design. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1916. v.24, p. 91-107.) VXA 1197. Proyectos de acorazados. (Re- vista general de marina. Madrid, 1917. tomo 80, p. 169-186.) VXA 1198. German battleship Grosser Kur- fuerst. (Engineer. London, 1916. v. 119, p. 391.) VA Also supplement, May 12, 1916. 1199. The Hannewig oil tankers, illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1916. v. 13, no. 3, p. 53-55.) f TRA 1200. Hoar, Allen. Pacific mail steamship "Ecuador." illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1916. v. 13, no. 10, p. 27-31.) fTRA 1201. Holms, Archibald Campbell. Prac- tical shipbuilding, a treatise on the struc- tural design and building of modern steel vessels; the work of construction, from the making of the raw material to the equipped vessel, including subsequent upkeep and repairs... London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1916. 2 v. 3. ed. v. 1, 4; v. 2, f. fVXH v.l: Text. v. 2: Diagrams and illustrations. 1202. Italian cargo steamer Milazzo. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1916. v. 115, p. 123.) VA 1203. Liddell, A. R. Yield of riveted con- nections in shipbuilding. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1916. v. 122, p. 29-30.) VA 1204. New collier built by the Dublin Dockyard Company. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1916. v. 7, p. 377-380.) VXA 1205. The New Matson steamer. illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, 1916. v. 13, p. 40-42.) f TRA 1206. The Panama colliers Ulysses and Achilles, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1916. v. 21, p. 283- 288.) t VXA 1207. Pereira, E. R. Evolugao do destroy- er. 2 pi. (Revista maritima brazileira. Rio de Janeiro, 1916. v. 68, p. 47-82.) VXA 1208. Rigg, E. H. Ocean freighters. (In- ternational Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Fran- cisco [1916]. v. 10, p. 68-88.) VDA 1209. SS. "Jupiter." illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1916. v. 7, p. 424-425.) VXA 1210. Sadler, Herbert Charles. Bulk freight vessels of the Great Lakes. (In- ternational Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Fran- cisco [1916]. v. 10, p. 110-123.) VDA 1211. Spanish torpedo-boat destroyers of the "Bustamente" class, illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1916. v. 101, p. 130-132, 158- 159.) VDA Also supplements, Feb. 11 and Feb. 18, 1916. 1212. Standardized construction of ships. (Marine engineer and naval architect. London, 1916. v. 38, p. 290-292.) VXA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 43 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1916, continued. 1213. Stevens, E. A. Description and trial of the turbine steam yacht Winchester, illus. (Engineer. London, 1916. v. 122, p. 535-537.) VA 1214. Terano, S. Recent developments in Japanese shipbuilding. (International En- gineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915. Transactions. San Francisco, 1916. v. 10, p. 89-109.) VDA 1215. Twin-screw motor-ship "Peru." illus. (Engineering. London, 1916. v. 102, p. 324-325, 330.) VDA 1216. U. S. S. "Nevada." illus. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1916. v.7, p. 401-404.) VXA 1217. United States battleship Pennsyl- vania, illus. (Engineer. London, 1916. v. 122, p. 17.) VA 1218. Wall, A. T. Some considerations in the design of channel steamers. (Liver- pool Engineering Society. Transactions. Liverpool, 1916. v. 36, p. 125-158.) VDA 1917 1219. American Bureau of Shipping. Rules for the classification and construc- tion of steel ships. New York [1917]. xviii, 177, 145 p. 4. VXA 1220. American standard single-screw steel steam-ships. illus. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 250-251.) VDA 1221. Attwood, Edward Lewis. War- ships. A text-book on the construction, protection, stability, turning, etc., of war vessels. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1917. 338 p. illus. 6. ed. 8. VXR 1222. Buques especiales afectos a los su- mergibles. illus. (Revista general de ma- rina. Madrid, 1917. tomo 81, p. 577-613.) VXA 1223. Carter, Sir George. Standard cargo ships. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 407-412.) f VXA 1224. Casting ships of steel. (Iron age. New York, 1917. v. 99, p. 1440.) VDA 1225. Cunard liner "Aurania." (Engineer- ing. London, 1917. v. 103, p. 609-611.) VDA Also supplement, June 29, 1917. 1226. Design standard steel cargo vessels for the Shipping Board, illus. (Marine journal. New York, 1917. v. 36, Sept. 1, 1917, p. 8.) t VXA 1227. Fabricated ships, illus. (Shipping. New York, 1917. v. 1, p. 582-583, 596-597.) fTRA 1228. Freight steamer Edward Lucken- bach. illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 7-14.) f VXA 1229. Gatewood, R. D. Military and tech- nical considerations of battleship design. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v.22, p. 16-19.) f VXA 1230. Hill, M. F. Cast steel ships. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 435-436.) f VXA 1231. Holms, Archibald Campbell. Prac- tical shipbuilding; a treatise on the struc- tural design and building of modern steel vessels; the work of construction, from the making of the raw material to the equipped vessel, including subsequent upkeep and repairs... London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1917. 2v. v. 1, 4; v. 2, f. f VXH v. 1, Text. v. 2, Diagrams and illustrations. 1232. Lang, W. V. Standard parts for standard ships. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1917. v. 9, p. 180- 181.) fVXA 1233. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Rules & regulations for the construction and classification of steel vessels. From 1st July, 1917, to the 30th June, 1918. Lon- don, 1917. xxx, 256 p. 4. VXA 1234. Morrell, Robert W. Developments in tanker construction. (Petroleum age. New York, 1917. v. 4, Nov., 1917, p. 31- 36.) fVHY 1235. Recent developments in tank steamer construction. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Trans- actions. New York, 1917. v. 25, p. 73-87.) VXA 1236. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 687-689.) VDA 1237. (Shipping. New York, 1917. V. 1, p. 584-586, 600, 605.) fTRA 1238. Morrison, J. H. Development of American oil tankers. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 105-107, 157-158.) f VXA 1239. New Southern Pacific freighters, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 538-540.) fVXA 1240. Putnam, George Rockwell. Light- houses and lightships of the United States . .. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917. xiii, 308 p., 32 pi. 8. VXF 1241. Recent American warships. (Engi- neer. London, 1917. v. 123, p. 8-9, 41-44, 74-75.) VA 1242. Robinson, Richard Hallett Mere- dith. Fabricated ships. 4 pi. (Society of 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1917, continued. Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1917. v. 25, p. 137-143.) VXA 1243. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 658-659.) VDA 1244. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 549- 550.) fVXA 1245. Saunders, A. E. Straight-lined ship model experiments. (International marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 340-343.) t VXA 1246. Specifications for U. S. steel ship. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1917. v. 47, p. 349-357, 402-406.) f VXA 1247. Standard Oil tanker Benjamin Brew- ster. illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 481- 484.) fVXA 1248. The Standard ships, illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1917. v. 124, p. 267, 272- 274.) VA 1249. Standard single-screw steel steam- ship for U. S. Shipping Board's emergency fleet, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 354- 357.) t VXA 1250. Steamship Milazzo. illus. (Engi- neer. London, 1917. v. 123, p. 194-197.) VA Also supplement, March 2, 1917. 1251. Stirling, Yates. The unarmpred battleship. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1917. v. 116, p. 218, 245.) VA 1252. United States. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Regular construction steel steamship. Specifica- tions for the construction of a standard single-screw steel steamship. . .7,300 tons d. w. capacity; 11^2 knots sea speed. June, 1917. [By] Theodore E. Ferris. Washing- ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 62 f., 11. 12. (no. 11.) VXHD 1253. Specifications for the con- struction of a standard composite single- screw freight steamship. August, 1917. [Byj Theodore E. Ferris. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 841. 12. (no. 21.) VXHD 1254. Specifications for the construc- tion of a standard steel cargo steamer (fab- ricated construction), 7,500 tons d. w. ca- pacity. September, 1917. .. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 86 1. 12. (no. 22.) VXHD 1255. Specifications for single-screw steel harbor tugboat. November 16, 1917. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 301. 12. (no. 25.) VXHD 1256. Specifications for single-screw steel seagoing tugboat. November 16, 1917. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 361. 12. (no. 24.) VXHD 1918 1257. Abell, Westcott Stile. The mer- chant ship of the future. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 352-354.) VDA 1258. (Scientific American sup- plement. New York, 1918. v. 85, p. 302- 304.) VA 1259. American Standard Oil tanker "Benjamin Brewster." illus. (Shipbuild- ing and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 58-59.) f VXA 1260. The Application of electric welding to ship constructipn and repair. (Elec- trician. London, 1918. v. 81, p. 379.) fVGA 1261. Application of electric welding to shipbuilding. New regulations adopted by Lloyd's Register. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 186- 188.) VXA 1262. Building merchant ships. illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 6, p. 5.) fVXA 1263. Burtner, Evers. Oil- and water- tight joints in ships' hulls. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 404-406.) f VXA 1264. Carmichael, Andrew Williams. Ship- building for beginners. Washington: Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1918. 25 p. illus. 8. VXH 1265. Carter, Sir George. Standard cargo ships, illus. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 125, p. 257-259.) VA 1266. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 307-310, 319-322.) VDA 1267. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, April 18, 1918, p. 4-6.) fVXA 1268. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 339- 342.) f VXA 1269. Standardized cargo ship build- ing, illus. (Shipping. New York, 1918. v. 3, no. 7, p. 11-14; no. 9, p. 11-13.) VXA 1270. Collins, James H. Electric welding in shipbuilding. (Electrical engineering. New York, 1918. v. 51, May, 1918, p. 43- 44.) t VGA 1270a. Cook, Clarence Westgate. Steel shipbuilder's handbook; an encyclopedia of the names of parts, tools, operations, trades, abbreviations, etc., used in the building of -steel ships. New York: Long- NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 45 Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1918, continued. mans, Green and Co., 1918. iv, 123 p., 4 folded diagrs. 12. VXHN 1271. Crawford, Walter Kay. The ship- builder's blue book. New York: Ocean Pub. Co., 1918. 79 p. 12. VXH 1272. Design steel ship for maximum effi- ciency of bridge shop fabrication, illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v.81, p. 5-12.) VDA 1273. Electric welding as applied to steel ship construction. (Engineering and con- tracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 50, p. 308-309.) VDA 1274. Electric welding as applied to steel ship construction. (Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Journal. Philadelphia, 1918. v. 35, p. 427-439.) VDA 1275. Electric welding in the building of ships. (Electrical world. New York, 1918. v. 71, p. 683.) t VGA 1276. Electrically welded barge. illus. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 126, p. 122- 123.) VA 1277. An Electrically welded barge, illus. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 106, p. 142.) VDA 1278. Electrically welded cargo ships. (Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Journal. St. Louis, 1918. v.3, p. 203-210.) VDA 1279. An Electrically welded ship, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 94, p. 114.) fVXA 1280. Electrically welded ships. (Elec- trician. London, 1918. v. 81, p. 319-320.) VGA 1281. Eley, Charles V. A. Unsinkable ships. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 85, p. 238-239, 250- 251.) VA 1282. First electrically welded ship launched, illus. (Electrical news. To- ronto, 1918. v. 27, no. 19, p. 30-31.) VGA 1283. Five thousand-ton deadweight fab- ricated steel cargo steamer for emergency fleet, illus. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 194- 198.) tVXA 1284. French, F. J. Notes on shipbuild- ing, illus. (American Society of Me- chanical Engineers. Journal. New York, 1918. ' v. 40, p. 289-292.) VDA 1285. Notes on steel shipbuilding. (Engineering and contracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 49, p. 509-511.) VDA 1286. The French design an unsinkable ship, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 119, p. 32.) VA 1287. Hill, M. F. Cast steel ship con- struction, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 6, p. 10.) f VXA 1288. Hill, R. C. New type of cargo car- rier wins favor on Pacific, illus. (Marine review. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 193- 196.) VXA 1289. Hornor, H. A. Evolution of electric welding processes as applied in shipbuild- ing. (Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Jour- nal. St. Louis, 1918. v.3, p. 256-263.) VDA 1290. "I am 29 days old Look me over." illus. (Iron trade review. Cleveland, 1918. v. 63, p. 668-672.) f VHA 1291. "Laying down" a ship, illus. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 86, p. 164-165.) VA 1292. Lloyd's rules for welded ships. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1918. v. 12, p. 180.) VXA 1293. Lundberg, Charles. Manufacturing eagles at Ford shipyard, illus. (Iron age. New York, 1918. v. 102, p. 679-684.) VDA 1294. Making the ship unsinkable. illus. (Compressed air magazine. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 8711-8713.) VFM 1295. Millar system of longitudinal and transverse ship framing, illus. (Engineer- ing. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 512.) VDA 1295a. Monetti, Luigi. La struttura lon- gitudinale "Isherwood" nei piccoli scafi. (Rivista marittima. Roma, 1918. v. 51, semestre 2, p. 262-268.) VXA 1296. Morrell, Robert W. Recent devel- opments in tank steamer construction. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1918. v. 11, p. 117-119.) fVXA 1297. Tank-steamer construction. (American Society of Naval Engineers. Journal. Washington, 1918. v. 30, p. 157- 166.) VXA 1298. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 78- 83.) f VXA 1299. Oil tanker of 10,000 tons deadweight adopted as standard by Shipping Board, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 107-113.) tVXA 1300. Oldham, J. R. Efficient ship rivet- ing. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 8, p. 5.) f VXA 1301. Wood and steel ships com- pared. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 17, p. 6-7.) fVXA 1301a. Owen, Hugh. Ship economics; practical aids for shipmasters in repair, maintenance, surveys, and construction, in- 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iron and Steel Ships, continued. 1918, continued. eluding a glossary of technical terms. Lon- don: G. Philip & Son, Ltd., 1918. vii, 137 p. illus. 2. ed. 8 ( VXHB 1302. Problem of the unsinkable ship, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 215.) VA 1303. Purpose of the test in electric weld- ing for ships. (Electrical world. New York, 1918. v. 71, p. 993.) f VGA 1304. Ralph's ship fitters' edition for stu- dents, beginners and ship workers. . . San Francisco: [Progress Printing Co.,] 1918. lp.1., 46 p. illus. 16. VDH 1305. The Rivetless ship a possibility. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1918. v. 48, p. 184-185.) fVXA 1306. Robinson, Richard Hallett Mere- dith. Fabricated ships, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 6, p. 8-9.) t VXA 1307. SS. "Edgar F. Luckenbach." 1 folded plan. illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 520-523.) t VXA 1308. SS. Victor de Chavarri. 1 pi. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 255-258.) VXA 1309. A Ship built in 27 days [Tuckahoei. illus. (World's work. New York, 1918. v.36, p. 329-332.) * DA 1310. A Ship within a ship, illus. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 161.) VA 1311. Standard steel cargo ships for the war zone. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 8, 40.) VA 1312. A Steel ship built without rivets, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 86, p. 197.) VA 1312a. Sutphen, H. R. Structural steel standardized cargo vessels. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 695-698.) VXA 1313. T.SS. "Hakushika Maru." First steamer from the new Asano shipbuilding yard, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 677-680.) fVXA 1314. The Test of electric welding for constructing ships. (American machinist. New York, 1918. v. 48, p. 1012.) f VFA 1315. Twin-screw passenger and cargo steamer "Citta di Trieste." illus. (Ship- building and shipping record. 1918. v. 11, p. 412.) London, tVXA 1316. Twin-screw passenger steamer "Sta- vangerfjord." illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1918. v. 106, p. 170-172, 174.) VDA 1317. United States. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Structural steel for ships. Standard practice recom- mended by American steel makers as adopted by the Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion, n.p. [1918.] 15 p. 12. VXH 1318. Unsinkable cargo vessel. Isher- wood method of securing maximum float- ability for ships liable to submarine at- tack. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 13, p. 4-5.) f VXA 1319. Unsinkable mercantile ships. (En- gineer. London, 1918. v. 125, p. 99.) VA 1320. Walton, Thomas. Steel ships: their construction and maintenance... Lon- don: Charles Griffin & Co., 1918. xvi, 332 p. illus. 4. ed. 8. VXHK 1919 1320a. Fabricated-ship construction in one year's experience. (Engineering news-rec- ord. New York, 1919. v. 82, p. 16-17.) f VDA REINFORCED CONCRETE SHIPS 1908 1321. Reinforced concrete as a building material for boats. illus. ((Scientific American. New York, 1908. v. 99, p. 152- 153.) VA 1322. (Marine review. New York, 1908. v. 38, no. 14, p. 51-55.) VXA 1909 1323. Kieffer, H. P. Reinforced concrete boats, illus. (International marine en- gineering. 290.) New York, 1909. v. 14, p. 287- fVXA 1324. Lemaire, E. Chalands et pontons en ciment arme. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1909. tome 54, p. 233-236.) VA 1325. Nast, B. Schiff aus Eisenbeton. illus. (Beton und Eisen. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 8, p. 349.) t VEA 1326. Reinforced concrete boats. illus. (Cement record. Kansas City, 1909. v. 2, no. 6, p. 1-5.) VEOM NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 47 Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1909, continued. 1327. Die Schiffbauten System Gabellini. illus. (Beton und Eisen. Berlin, 1909. Jahrg. 8, p. 14-17.) t VEA 1328. Wilkes, Paul. How to make a sea- worthy boat of concrete at small cost. (Concrete. Detroit, 1909. v. 9, no. 5, p. 36-38.) t VEA 1910 1329. Reinforced concrete barges on the Pacific division of the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1910. v. 61, p. 707-708.) VDA 1330. Reinforced-concrete barges on the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1910. v. 64, p. 96-97.) VDA 1331. A Reinforced concrete scow, illus. (Concrete engineering. Cleveland, 1910. v. 5, p. 298.) fVEA 1911 1332. Ein Neuer Eisenbetonbalken Sys- tem Hannemann "S. H." illus. (Beton und Eisen. Berlin, 1911. Jahrg. 10, p. 93- 94.) fVEA 1333. A Reinforced concrete scow, illus. (Cement world. Chicago, 1911. v. 5, no. 5, p. 27-28.) t VEA 1334. Rupp, M. E. Concrete barges for the Panama canal, illus. (Cement era. Chicago, 1911. v. 9, no. 2, p. 26-28.) f VEA 1335. Scheible, Albert. A motor boat of reinforced concrete, illus. (Cement era. Chicago, 1911. v. 9, no. 2, p. 25-26.) f VEA 1336. Stress, Walther. Schwimmkorper aus Eisenbeton. Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 1911. iv, 127 p. illus. 4. (Forscherar- beiten auf dein Gebiete des Eisenbetons. Heft 16.) VEO 1337. Taylor, James. Reinforced con- crete barges. (Canadian engineer. Toron- to, 1911. v. 20, p. 414-415.) VDA 1912 1338. Faber, O. Beton bei Schiffsboden- reparatur. illus. (Beton und Eisen. Ber- lin, 1912. Jahrg. 11, p. 156.) f VEA 1339. Reinforced concrete barges for sludge pumps, Manchester ship canal, illus. (Engineering and contracting. Chi- cago, 1912. v. 38, p. 316-317.) VDA 1913 1340. Sudler, C. E. A 500-ton reinforced- concrete scow, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1913. v. 69, p. 466-467.) VDA 1915 1341. King, A. W. The building of con- crete scows is made a commercial success, illus. (Cement era. Chicago, 1915. v. 13, no . 4 f p. 44-45.) t VEA 1342. Rowland, W. Experiences gained from reinforced-concrete barges built for the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1915. v. 71, p. 684- 686.) VDA 1916 1343. Weber, Carl. New methods de- vised for building ships of concrete. (En- gineering record. New York, 1916. v. 74, p. 779-780.) VDA 1917 1344. Air placed concrete for ships and barges. (Concrete. Detroit, 1917. v. 11, p. 170, 192.) VEA 1345. Booker, G. E. Monolithic ship con- struction. (Canadian engineer. Toronto, 1917. v.33, p. 114.) VDA 1346. Brinker, Joseph. One-piece ships of stone, illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1917. v. 91, p. 556-557.) * DA 1347. Campbell, H. C. Concrete ships may solve shipping problem, illus. (Ce- ment world. Chicago, 1917. v. 11, Aug., 1917, p. 13-16.) fVEA 1348. Les Chalands et navires en beton arme. Construction des navires "Beton i" et "Namsenfjords" a Porsgrund et a Moss, illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1917. tome 71, p. 349-352.) VA 1349. Concrete for naval construction. (Concrete. Detroit, 1917. v. 11, p. 192- 193.) VEA 1350. Concrete for ships. (Times engi- neering supplement. London, May 25, 1917, p. 107.) *A 1351. The Concrete ship as a new arm of transportation. (Concrete highway maga- zine. Chicago, 1917. v. 1, July, 1917, p. 8.) f VEA 1352. Concrete shipbuilding, illus. (Con- crete and constructional engineering. Lon- don, 1917. v. 12, p. 628-636.) VEOM 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1917, continued. 1353. Concrete shipbuilding firmly estab- lished by Norwegian firm, illus. (Engi- neering news-record. New York, 1917. v. 79, p. 1088-1091.) VDA 1354. Concrete ships. (American marine engineer. Norfolk, 1917. v. 12, Sept., 1917, p. 21.) VXA 1355. Concrete ships, illus. (Marine en- gineer. London, 1917. v. 40, August, 1917, p. 10-12.) fVXA 1356. Concrete ships. (Yachting. New York, 1917. v.22, p. 119, 144-145.) MVRA 1357. Concrete ships in foreign countries. (Concrete age. Atlanta, 1917. v. 26, Sept., 1917, p. 22-24.) fVEA 1358. Concrete ships to combat sub- marines. (Concrete age. Atlanta, 1917. v.26, Aug., 1917, p. 19-20.) fVEA 1359. Concrete transport to aid shipping, illus. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1917. v.47, p. 310-311.) fVXA 1360. Ferro-concrete barges, illus. (Ship- ping. New York, 1917. v. 1, p. 322-325.) fTRA 1361. Ferro-concrete shipbuilding, illus. (Engineering. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 364-366, 420-422.) VDA 1362. Ferro-concrete ships. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1917. v. 84, p. 245, 360-362.) VA 1363. Ferro-concrete vessels. (Engineer- ing. London, 1917. v. 104, p. 178-179, 381- 382.) VDA 1364. Ferro-concrete vessels, illus. (In- ternational marine engineering. New York, 1917. v. 22, p. 493-495.) f VXA 1365. Hoar, Allen. Reinforced concrete for shipbuilding, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1917. v.22, p. 300-303.) t VXA 1366. Interesting facts about concrete ships, illus. (Rock products and building materials. Chicago, 1917. v. 20, Aug. 29, 1917, p. 17-18.) t VEA 1367. Large vessels built of reinforced concrete in Norway. (Engineering record. New York, 1917. v. 75, p. 315.) VDA 1368. Pollock's improved design of rein- forced concrete vessels, illus. (Marine engineer. London, 1917. v. 40, Sept., 1917, p. 26-27.) t VXA 1369. Portland Cement Association. Con- crete ships. Chicago, 1917. 35 p. illus. 8. (In: Portland Cement Association. Collection of pamphlets.) VEOM 1370. Progress in reinforced concrete ship building. (Engineering and contract- ing. Chicago, 1917. v. 48, p. 532-534.) VDA 1371. Reinforced concrete barges and pontoons. (Concrete age. Atlanta, 1917. v,26, Sept., 1917, p. 20-21.) f VEA 1372. Reinforced concrete in shipbuilding, illus. (Marine review. Cleveland, 1917. v.47, p. 291-292.) f VXA 1373. Reinforced concrete in ship con- struction. (Concrete age. Atlanta, 1917. v.26, Sept., 1917, p. 19-20.) f VEA 1374. Reinforced concrete for ships. (Can- adian engineer. Toronto, 1917. v. 33, p. 58-59.) VDA 1375. Reinforced concrete ships. (Aus- tralian statesman and mining standard. Sydney, 1917. v. 57, p. xxi.) 3-fVHF 1376. Reinforced concrete ships. (Con- crete age. Atlanta, 1917. v.26, Sept., 1917, p. 34-35.) f VEA 1377. Reinforced concrete ships. illus. (Municipality. Madison, 1917. v. 17, p. 111-112.) SERA 1378. Reinforced concrete ships and barges, illus. (Concrete and construc- tional engineering. London, 1917. v. 12, p. 382-387.) VEOM 1379. Sea-going ships of concrete, illus. (Concrete. Detroit, 1917. v. 11, p. 169- 170.) fVEA Skerrett, R. G. Ships of stone. (Scientific American. New York, 1917. v. 117, p. 361-369.) VA Strength calculations for concrete. (Shipping. New York, 1917. v. 1, p. 10-11.) fTRA 1382. Stroyer, R. N. Concrete vessels, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 10, p. 105-107.) f VXA 1383. 300-ton ferro-concrete barge. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1917. v. 10, p. 420-421.) VXA 1384. Tendering, C. J. Jaernbetonskibs- bygning. illus. (Ingeni0ren. Kp'benhavn, 1917. Aarg. 26, p. 515-520.) VDA 1385. United States. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee (House, 65: 1). Concrete ships... Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 26 p. 8. VXHG Repr. : Times engineering supplement, May 25, 1917, supplement to London Times. 1386. Weber, Carl. Reinforced concrete ship construction. (English mechanic and world of science. London, 1917. v. 105, p. 78.) VA 1387. Workman, G. C. Reinforced con- crete barges at Bahia. illus. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1917. v. 12, p. 553-558.) VEOM 1380. illus. 1381. illus. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 49 Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1918 1388. Alfsen, Harold. Bygning of Jaern- betonskibe. illus. (Ingenip'ren. K0ben- havn, 1918. Aarg. 27, p. 67-74.) VDA 1389. American Concrete Institute. Re- port of the joint committee of the Ameri- can Concrete Institute and the Portland Cement Association on concrete barges and ships. January, 1918. 161. 4. Typewritten copy. 1390. The American ocean-going concrete steamship Faith, illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1918. v. 125, p. 518-519.) VA 1391. Basadre y G., Carlos. El concreto armado y las construcciones maritimas. (Boletin de minas. Lima, 1918. serie 2, tomo 10, num. 4/6, p. 49-54.) VHA 1392. Les Bateaux en beton arme aux fitats-Unis. illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1918. tome 73, p. 121-124.) VA 1393. Bending stresses in concrete ships a warning. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 354.) VA 1393a. Bonnaffon, S. A. Concrete ships for ocean service. (Commercial America. Philadelphia, 1918. v. 15, p. 31-35.) TLA 1393b. Brewer, Fred. Development of concrete ships. (Pacific motor boat. Se- attle, 1918. v. 2, no. 2, p. 13-16.) VXA 1394. British-built concrete vessel, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. Lon- don, 1918. v. 11, p. 492, 524.) f VXA 1395. British standard concrete ships, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 108-112.) f VXA 1396. Building concrete ships. illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 6, p. 11.) fVXA 1397. The Building of reinforced-concrete ships, illus. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 106, p. 114-115, 118.) VDA 1398. Capmany, J. Buques de hormigon armado. El primer "cargo-boat" espanol. illus. (Iberica. Tortosa, 1918. v. 9, p. 170- 171.) OA 1399. Concrete barges and ships. (Inter- national marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 285-289.) t VXA 1400. A Concrete cargo carrier. illus. (The rudder. New York, 1918. v. 34, p. 22-23.) t MVRA 1401. Concrete cargo vessels. illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, May 11, 1918, p. 8-9.) t VXA 1402. Concrete ship of 3,500 tons dead- weight designed by Emergency Fleet Cor- poration, illus. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 446- 449.) f VXA 1403. The Concrete ship problem, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1918. v. 86, p. 20-21.) VA 1404. Concrete shipbuilding, illus. (Con- crete and constructional engineering. Lon- don, 1918. v. 13, p. 127-132.) VEOM 1405. Concrete ships for the United States Shipping Board. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 183 184.) VXA 1406. Concrete ships offer added power against U-boats. How the concrete ship is built . . . illus. Vertical file - Tech. Div. Clipping from New York Tribune, March, 1918. 1407. Concrete vessels in France, illus. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 182-191.) VEOM 1408. Construction features of concrete ships. (Engineering and contracting. Chi- cago, 1918. v. 50, p. 303-304.) VDA 1409. Construction of concrete ships. Let- ters and reports submitted on the cost, plans, and advantages in the construction of concrete ships as submitted by con- structing engineers to the chairman of the Emergency Fleet Corporation and the Sen- ate Commerce Committee. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1918. 58 p. 8. (U. S. 65. cong., 2. sess. Senate doc. no. 239.) *SBE 1410. Construction problems many in building concrete ships. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 93-95.) VDA 1411. Data as to the 5,000-ton concrete ship "Faith," with comment on its costs. (Engineering and contracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 49, p. 497.) VDA 1412. Denny, Maurice. The possibilities of the ferro-concrete ship. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 383-386.) VDA 1413. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v.93, no. 16, p. 4-5.) f VXA 1414. A preliminary survey of the possibilities of reinforced concrete as a material for ship construction. illus. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 173-181.) VEOM 1415. (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 350- 352.) fVXA 1416. Design features of concrete ship de- veloped by government department of con- crete ship construction. (Engineering and contracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 50, p. 88- 89.) VDA 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1918, continued. 1417. Dodge, Alfred. Hybrids of the sea. illus. (Illustrated world. New York, 1918. v.29, p. 861-864.) VDA 1417a. Dondona, Filiberto. Navi in ce- mento armato. (Rivista marittima. Roma, 1918. v. 51, p. 27-47.) VXA 1418. Egleston, Howard. Rapidly build- ing and launching concrete ships, illus. (Contracting. New York, 1918. v. 6, p. 369-371.) t VEA 1419. Espitallier, G. Construction of re- inforced concrete ships by Hennebique and Marelle systems, illus. (Engineer- ing and contracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 49, p. 519-521.) VDA 1420. Les constructions navales en beton arme. (Genie civil. Paris, 1918. tome 72, p. 1-7, 25-28.) VA 1421. Everett, H. A. The fallacy of con- crete ships. (International marine engi- neering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 61-63.) fVXA 1422. Faith, the first concrete cargo car- rier, illus. (The rudder. New York, 1918. v. 34, p. 230-232.) t MVRA 1423. Ferguson, L. R. Concrete ships, illus. (American Society of Marine Drafts- men. Journal. Philadelphia, 1918. v. 4, p. 105-108.) fVXA 1424. (Engineers Club of Phila- delphia. Journal. Philadelphia, 1918. v. 35, p. 90-93.) VDA 1425. Designing of concrete ships. illus. (Mining and scientific press. San Francisco, 1918. v. 116, p. 586-587.) VA 1426. Ferro-concrete ships. (Marine en- gineer. London, 1918. v. 40, p. 213-216.) fVXA 1427. Ferro-concrete ships. (Shipbuild- ing and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 497-498.) fVXA 1428. Ferro-concrete ships. (Shipbuild- ing and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 311-312, 413-416.) t VXA 1429. First large concrete ship is building at San Francisco. illus. (Engineering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 80, p. 105-108.) VDA 1430. Freeman, J. E. Concrete ships and barges. (Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal. Cleveland, 1918. v. 10, p. 345- 358.) VDA 1431. The development of concrete barge and ship construction, illus. (Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. New York, 1918. v. 40, p. 292- 297.) VDA 1432. History of concrete barge and ship construction. (Engineering and con- tracting. Chicago, 1918. v. 49, p. 505-508.) VDA 1433. Progress in the application of concrete to barge and shipbuilding. (West- ern Society of Engineers. Journal. Chi- cago, 1918. v. 23, p. 205-220.) VDA 1434. - Progress in the application of concrete to shipbuilding, illus. (Utah So- ciety of Engineers. Monthly journal. Salt Lake City, 1918. v. 4, p. 61-77.) VDA 1435. French concrete ships, illus. (Ship- building and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 256-257.) f VXA 1436. Government designs and builds 3,500-ton concrete ships, illus. (Engineer- ing news-record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 17-21.) VDA 1437. Gueritte, T. J. Ferro-concrete ship construction. illus. (Shipping. New York, 1918. v. 3, April 27, 1918, p. 12-13.) fTRA 1438. Ferro-concrete ships. (Engi- neer. London, 1918. v. 125, p. 237-238.) VA 1439. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 295-298.) VDA 1440. (Indian and eastern en- gineer. Calcutta, 1918. v. 42, p. 188-190; v. 43, p. 18-20.) VDA 1441. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 329- 334.) fVXA 1442. (Iron and coal trades re- view. London, 1918. v. 96, p. 315-316.) fVIA 1443. (Motorship. Seattle, 1918. v. 3, April, 1918, p. 9-10, 24.) f VXA 1444. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 14, p. 4-5.) f VXA 1445. (Scientific American sup- plement. New York, 1918. v. 85, p. 286- 287, 298-299.) VA 1446. Heard, F. C. How concrete ship was developed. (Marine review. Cleve- land, 1918. v.48, p. 373-374.) VXA 1447. Hoar, Allen. Application of rein- forced concrete to ship construction, illus. (Engineering and contracting. Chicago, 1918. v.49, p. 409-411.) VDA 1448. Jennings, Frederick. Concrete ships, illus. (Architect and engineer of Califor- nia. San Francisco, 1918. v. 54, p. 99- 103.) MQA 1449. Joint committee on concrete ships makes report. Cement Association and Concrete Institute join in study of concrete for floating craft. (Engineering news- record. New York, 1917. v. 79, p. 1126- 1127.) VDA NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 51 Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1918, continued. 1450. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 257- 262.) VEOM 1451. Largest concrete ship ever built has been launched on Pacific coast. illus. (Engineering and cement world. Chicago, 1918. v. 12, April, 1918, p. 13-14.) f VEA 1452. Lorton system of reinforced-con- crete hull construction. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 623.) t VXA 1453. The Marine use of concrete, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 118, p. 81, 94.) VA 1454. Nash, J. P. Light weight concrete for ships from special aggregate. (Engi- neering news-record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 136-137.) VDA 1455. Oldham, J. R. Observations on ferro-concrete ships. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 24, p. 4.) fVXA 1456. Owen, H. S. Concrete ships. (En- gineers' Club of St. Louis. Journal. St. Louis, 1918. v. 3, p. 243-255.) VDA 1457. Phenis, Albert. Will the concrete steamship measure up to builders' expec- tations? illus. (Manufacturers record. Baltimore, 1918. v. 73, April 4, 1918, p. 75-77.) 3 - f VA 1458. Pollock, Walter. Reinforced con- crete vessels, illus. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1918. v. 105, p. 366-369.) VDA 1459. - (Shipbuilding and ship- ping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 385- 389.) f VXA 1460. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 125, p. 279-280.) VA 1461. Portland Cement Association. Con- crete ships. 1849-1918. n. t.-p. t n. p., 1918.] 31 p. illus. 8. 1462. More progress in concrete ship construction. n. t.-p. n. p., 1918. 11 p. illus. 8. 1462a. The reinforced concrete car- go steamship Faith, the largest concrete vessel afloat. [Chicago:] Portland Cement Association t !918]. 61. illus. 8. VXC p.v.26, no.8 1463. Successful trial trip of the re- inforced concrete cargo steamship Faith, n. t.-p., n. p., 1918. 15 p. illus. 8. 1464. Possibilities of the ferro-concrete ship, illus. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, April 25, 1918, p. 4-5.) f VXA 1465. Problems of designing the rein- forced-concrete ship. (Engineering news- record. New York, 1918. v. 81, p. 167- 171.) VDA 1466. Reinforced concrete cargo steamer, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 64-65.) f VXA 1467. Reinforced concrete motorship "Be- ton i." illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 11, p. 58-60.) fVXA 1467a. Reinforced concrete shipbuilding in Dorsetshire. (Engineer. London, 1918. v. 126, p. 408-410.) fVA 1468. Reinforced concrete ships, illus. (Power plant engineering. Chicago, 1918. v.22, p. 395-398.) VDA 1468a. Reinforced concrete ships in U. S. A. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 459-467.) VEOM 1469. Rosing, A. S. Concrete ships for ocean service, illus. (Tractor and gas en- gine review. Madison, 1918. v. 11, June, 1918, p. 8-9, 16, 66.) f VFA 1470. Schiffe aus Eisenbeton. illus. (Schweizerische Bauzeitung. Zurich, 1918. Bd. 71, p. 272-274.) VEA 1471. Scott, A. H. Reinforced concrete ships. (Canadian engineer. Toronto, 1918. v.34, p. 537-538.) VDA 1472. Searle, A. B. Concrete boats and motor boats, illus. (Concrete and con- structional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 35-44.) VEOM 1473. Ships of stone 1849-1918. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1918. v. 119, p. 165, 179.) VA 1474. Skerrett, R. G. Ferro-concrete ship- building in Norway, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 14-17.) fVXA 1475. Some notes on concrete shipbuild- ing, illus. (Concrete and constructional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 302- 306.) VEOM 1476. Springer, J. F. The big concrete ship not unreasonable. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 383-386.) f VXA 1477. - Concrete boats as a transpor- tation asset, illus. (Architect and engi- neer of California. San Francisco, 1918. v. 54, p. 104-105C.) MQA 1478. Standardized concrete ships in the United States. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 210-212.) fVXA 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Reinforced Concrete Ships, continued. 1918, continued. 1478a. Stroyer, R. N. Novel method of constructing concrete vessels. (Shipbuild- ing and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 327-330.) VXA 1479. A Survey of reinforced concrete ships. (Shipbuilding and shipping record. London, 1918. v. 12, p. 135-136.) f VXA 1480. 1,000-ton ferro-concrete motor ves- sel on the Alfsen system, illus. (Engi- neering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 456-457.) VDA 1481. Thurston, T. G. O. Concrete cargo vessels. (Nautical gazette. New York, 1918. v. 93, no. 18, p. 8-9.) f VXA 1482. On the design and construc- tion of self-propelled reinforced concrete sea-going cargo steamers, now building in Great Britain. (Concrete and construc- tional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 240-247.) VEOM 1483. (International marine en- gineering. New York, 1918. v. 23, p. 455- 464.) f VXA 1484. Reinforced concrete seagoing cargo steamers. (American Society of Naval Engineers. Journal. Washington, 1918. v. 30, p. 422-439.) VXA 1485. (Engineering. London, 1918. v. 105, p. 335-341.) VDA 1486. Wig, R. J., and S. C. HOLLISTER. Concrete ships. (Concrete and construc- tional engineering. London, 1918. v. 13, p. 486-489.) VEOM INDEX OF AUTHORS Numbers refer to individual entries. Abell, T. B., 293. Abell, W. S., 6, 7, 94, 264, 315, 1257, 1258. Ahlborn, Fr., 35. Albrecht, Max, 694. Alexander, F. H., 95, 96, 97. Alfsen, Harald, 1388. Allen, F. J., 322a. American Bureau of Shipping, 202, 1219. American Concrete Institute, 1389. Anderson, John, 316, 317. Asmussen, G., 331. Attilio, Dagnino, 623, 695, 775, 858, 921. Attwood, E. L., 36, 146, 203, 238, 922, 989, 1221. Ayre, A. L., 204. Ayre, Wilfrid, 265. B Bacon, R. H. S., 776, 777, 778, 779. Bahon, Max, 1146. Baier, L. A., 266. Baker, G. S., 99, 100, 147, 148, 157, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 205, 206, 239, 267, 294, 295. Baldwin, G. J., 518, 519. Ballard, Maxwell, 101, 102, 103, 990. Ballin, F. A., 575. Barbe, J., 332. Barber, G. H., 207, 466, 1147. Barnett, M. K., 1148. Barringer, Herbert, 1149, 1150, 1151. Barry, R. E., 780. Basadre y G., C., 1391. Battles, D. R., 1077. Bauer, M. H., 208. Beard, A. H., 520. Behn, 991. Bell, E. W., 447. Bell, Thomas, 625. Benjamin, Ludwig, 209, 240. Benvenuti, E., 296. Berndt, O., 852. Berry, W. T., 626, 696, 697. Bertin, L. E., 149, 210. Bieliawin, L., 333. Biles, Sir John Harvard, 37, 38, 104, 105, 1078. Bion, C. W., 318. Blaum, 750. Blood, W. H., jr., 522. Bock, 334. Bodenmueller, Albert, 860. Boettcher, Anton, 335. Bogert, J. J., 580. Boklevsky, C., 627. Bonnaffon, S. A., 1393a. Booker, G. E., 1345. Borckenhagen, 924. Bourdelle, P. M., 150. Boyd, W., 733, 734. Brenzinger, A. H., 606. Brewer, C. B., 106. Brewer, F., 1393b. Brimblecombe, P. Y., 241. Brinker, Joseph, 1346. Brown, T. M., 354. Brown, William, 1152. Bruenner, M. A. R., 630. Bruhn, J., 39, 177. Buchsbaum, G., 785. Bureau Veritas, 569, 572, 861, 925, 1080, 1081. Burgoyne, A. H., 107, 151, 178, 993, 994, 1082. Burnside, E. A., 574. Burtner, Evers, 1263. Cairns, C. W., 319. Caizzi, Louis, 336. Campbell, H. C., 1347. Cannon, A., 152, 179, 180. Capmany, J., 1398. Carmichael, A. W., 1264. Carr, M. F., 581. Carter, Sir George, 1223, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269. Casimir-Perier, Claude, 996. Churchill, F. A., jr., 468. Claudy, C. H., 494. Coburn, F. G., 495. Cohee, T. L., 496. Coker, E. G., 109, 110. Coleman, F. C., 409, 787, 788, 927, 928, 1001, 1002, 1155, 1156, 1157. Collie, J. H., 377. Collins, J. H., 1270. Commentz, Carl, 211, 410. Cone, E. F., 1187. Cook, C. W., 1270a. Cook, G. C., 1003, 1158, 1188. Cooper, I. C. G., 203. Cox, L. M., 469. Craggs, E. H., 633, 634. Crawford, W. K., 1271. Cremdieu, Victor, 8. Croneau, 704. Cunningham, A. C., 378. Curr, Robert, 636, 637, 866, 932. Cyran, A., 379. Dabney, Frank, 583. Dal-Piaz, 1006. De Gelder, M. G., 470, 471, 497. Denny, Archibald, 269, 270. Denny, Leslie, 40. Denny, Maurice, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415. De Rusett, E. W., 49, 50, 638. Dickie, G. W., 181, 212, 1089, 1189. Dietze, 791. Dixie, E. A., 567. Dobson, W. A., 869, 1161. Dodge, Alfred, 1417. Dohm, G. C., 472, 498. Doig, Peter, 111, 213, 499. Donald, James, 41, 42, 242. [53] 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Dondona, F., 1417a. Donnelly, W. T., 357, 380, 457, 584, 934, 1009. Doyere, C., 320. Driessen, Paul, 639. Dunn, H. H., 585. Dyment, C. V., 528. Eaton, C. A., 529. Eckmann, C. J., 793. Egleston, Howard, 1418. Eley, C. V. A., 243, 1281. Espitallier, G., 1419, 1420. Estep, H. C., 531, 532, 586, 608. Estrada, Ramon, 9. Everett, H. A., 43, 244, 272, 1421. F Faber, O., 1338. Fea, Leonardo, 1090. Felix, A., 153. Ferguson, L. R., 1423, 1424, 1425. Ferretti, E., 1191. Ferris, T. E., 595, 596, 597, 598, 600, 601. Finlay, K. G., 245. Flamm, Oswald, 112, 113, 182, 183, 214, 337. Flanders, R. E., 338. Fletcher, Andrew, 576, 1192. Fletcher, R. A., 795, 1011. Foerster, Ernst, 642, 936. Fowler, C. E., 1091. Frahm, H., 114, 115, 116. Franzius, O., 397. Freeman, J. E., 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434. French, F. J., 1284, 1285. Heesch, Otto, 949. Herner, Heinrich, 14, 81. Hiley, A., 434, 435. Hill, M. F., 1230, 1287. Hill, R. C., 587, 611, 1288. Hillhouse, P. A., 118, 501, 502, 503. Hoar, Allen, 1200, 1365, 1447. Holbrook, G. G., 273. Hollister, S. C., 1486. Holm, Axel, 341, 717. Holmes, Samuel, 648. Holms, A C., 1201, 1231. Holt, C. F., 247, 248, 298. Holzapfel, A. C., 274. Hopf, Ludwig, 82. Horn, Fritz, 83, 119. Hornor, H. A., 1289. Hovgaard, William, 47, 48, 84, 120, 1162. Howards, J. E., 216. Hughes, C. H., 299. Hunt, H. R., 718. Hunter, G. B., 49, 50. Idle, George, 121, 157. Isherwood, J. W., 321, 651, 652, 653. Jack, J. R., 51. James, S. V., 322. Jarvis, H. R., 342. Jennings, Frederick, 1448. John, T. G., 217, 218. Judaschke, Franz, 656. Gardner, J. H., 626, 696, 697. Gatewood, R. D., 1196, 1229. Gatewood, William, 184, 246, 475. Gebers, Fr., 10, 117. Geynet, G., 941, 1095. Giraud, J. E., 875. Given, E. C., 154. Glazebrook, R. T., 79, 80. Goodrich, C. F., 802. Goulaeff, E. E., 11, 12, 13, 45. Gracie, Alexander, 215. Gracy, J. W., 1096. Graemer, L., 876, 942. Greenhill, George, 46. Gregory, H. B., 944, 945, 1025. Grondal, B. L., 610. Grunsky, C. E., 155. Guembel, 185. Gueritte, T. J., 1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443, i444 > 1445. Gundersen, A., 360. K Kaemmerer, W., 343, 657, 721, 812. Keith, H. H. W., 219. Kelly, R. W., 322a. Kennedy, W. M., 505. Kent, J. L., 175, 176, 250, 251. Kerr, K. C., 506. Kieffer, H. P., 1323. Kielhorn, Carl, 15, 52, 658, 722, 723, 883. King, A. W., 1341. King, J. F., 275, 276, 1036, 1037. Kirby, F. E., 884. Klitzing, 344, 659. Kluge, C., 1101. Knipping, P., 813. Knopp, W., 397. Knorr, Paul, 1163. Knowles, F. P., 220. Kondo, Motoki, 725, 887, 1102. Koon, S. G., 660. Kretschmer, Otto, 16. Kreutzberg, E. C., 541. Kurtzahn, Ernst, 726. H Handy, I. O., 806. Hart, M. G., 807. Haver, A. H., 156, 716, 808, 809. Heard, F. C., 1446. Laas, Walter, 345, 563, 661, 953. La Bolina, Jack, pseud., 888. Lang, W. V., 728, 1232. Langendonck, C. van, 361, 384, 399. Laws, B. C., 53, 122. 221. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 55 Lemaire, E., 1324. Leucke, 438. Leyland, John, 451. Liddell, A. R., 54, 85, 86, 87, 123, 158, 186, 187, 222, 277, 278, 1203. Lienau, Otto, 124, 362, 439, 730, 892, 957, 1042. Long, A. E., 17, 18. Loof, W., 458. Lovett, W. J., 301, 302. Lucas, A., 159. Lucas, Theodore, 303, 508. Lundberg, Charles, 1293. Lyster, A. G., 733, 734. M McAleer, J. A., 323. McDermaid, N. J., 400. McEntee, William, 55, 56, 279, 280, 304, 305, 324, 325. McGovern, John, 88. Macllwaine, G. S., 958, 1043. Mackrow, Clement, 281. McPherson, Allan, 666. Mallock, A., 89. Martin, K. G., 893. Massenet, G., 159. Meyer, F., 125. Michenfelder, C., 363, 364, 387. Mills, J. C., 667. Montgomerie, James, 126, 252, 894, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1165, 1166, 1167. Monetti, Luigi, 1295a. Morley, T. B., 19. Morrell, R. W., 1107, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1296, 1297, 1298. Morrison, J. H., 1238. Mueller, E., 825. Muers, P., 1168. Murray, A. J., 58, 253, 282. Muth, D., 160. N Nash, J. P., 1454. Nast, B., 1325. Neudeck, G., 161. Nicol, George, 162, 283. Nobel, C., 348. Paulmann, 750. Peabody, C. H., 163, 188, 307. Pease, F. F., 327a. Peltier, J. G., 675, 676, 677, 678, 751. Pereira, E. R., 1126, 1207. Perrett, J. R., 1127. Peskett, L., 189, 225, 1128. Phelps, H. P., 459. Phenis, Albert, 1457. Phillips, Camillus, 511. Pietzker, Felix, 128. Ploeg, J. van, 129. Plummer, H. C., 1129. Polissadoff, J., 349. Pollock, Walter, 1458, 1459, 1460. Popp, M., 966. Portland Cement Association, 1369, 1461. 1462, 1462a, 1463. Prendergast, Maurice, 130. Price, B. K., 546. Purvis, F. P., 190. Putnam, G. R., 1240. Rahusen, R., 125. Ranft, Paul, 369. Rath, C., 419. Redwood, Sir Boverton, 1059. Reid, John, 1175, 1176, 1177. Renner, Wilhelm, 753. Reventlow, E. C. E. L. D., Graf zu, 420. Riddlesworth, W. H., 501, 502, 503. Rigg, E. H., 226, 1208. Roberts, T. G., 131. Robertson, J. M., 328. Robinson, R. H. M., 23, 227, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1306. Robinson, S. M., 1060. Rodgers, W. L., 191. Rosing, A. S., 548, 1469. Rossell, H. E., 256. Rossi, Giuseppe, 257. Rothe, H. H. A., 164. Rouge, J., 967. Rowland, W., 1342. Rupp, M. E., 1334. Ruprecht, F. K., 308, 1178. Russo, G., 132, 284. Oakleaf, H. B., 591. Ober, Shatswell, 306. Oesten, K., 838. Oldham, J. R., 616, 1300, 1301, 1455. Olin, E. W., 1169, 1170. Olsen, H. M., 745. O'Neill, J. J., 20, 21, 22. Orrok, G. A., 934. Osier, C. A., 544. Ott, J., 91. Otterson, J. E., 418. Owen, H., 904, 1301a, 1456. Owens, T. G., 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1171. Parkes, Oscar, 1125. Paterson, J. H., 224. Sadler, H. C., 24, 25, 26, 61, 62, 63, 64, 228, 756, 1210. Saunders, A. E., 1245. Sauvaire Jourdan, A. M. B., 27. Schaffran, Karl, 229, 258, 908. Scheible, Albert, 1335. Schmidt, Alf., 28, 65. Schmidt, R., 421. Schoen, J. G. von, 422. Schossberger, O. F., 423. Scott, A. H., 1471. Scribanti, A., 230. Searle, A. B., 1472. Siemann, 232. Simpson, George, 233. Skerrett, R. G., 66, 370, 371, 1380, 1474. Smith, John, 67, 68. Smith, S. F., 1065, 1134. Spanner, E. F., 259, 260. Springer, J. F., 1476, 1477. Stanton, T. E., 70, 71, 166. Steele, J. E., 192, 311. 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Stevens, E. A., 1213. Stieghorst, J., 133. Stirling, Yates, 1251. Stocker, Robert, 425. Stress, Walther, 1336. Strouse, M. H., 844. Stroyer, R. N., 1382, 1478a. Suanzes, Carlos, 761. Sudler, C. E., 1340. Sutphen, H. R., 1312a. Suyehiro, K., 168, 193. Talbot, F. A., 973, 1069. Tawresey, J. G., 455. Taylor, Benjamin, 764. Taylor, D. W., 29, 30, 31, 72, 73, 93, 134, 194, 234, 235, 236, 261, 285, 312. Taylor, James, 1337. Terano, S., 135, 136, 1214. Thearle, S. J. P., 137, 138, 617, 682. Thele, W., 1137. Thompson, W. J., 618. Thornycroft, J. E., 683, 684, 685, 686, 687. Thurston, T. G. O., 1481; 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485. Timonoff, V. E. de, 351. Tobin, T. C., 195. Tendering, C. J., 1384. Toro, I., 329. Trask, E. P., 286. Treninkhinn, W. M., 352. Tunkl, F. von, 196. W Wachtel, L., 1140. Wakeman, S. W., 515. Waldmann, Ernst, 139. Walker, J. B., 981, 982, 1075. Wall, A. T., 287, 288, 289, 1218. Wallace, W. C., 690. Walton, Thomas, 1320. Ward, Charles, 566. Warrington, J. N., 75, 76. Watson, T. H., 314. Watts, Sir Philip, 140, 291. Weber, Carl, 1343, 1386. Weihe, H., 852. Welch, J. J., 141, 142, 262, 263, 292, 691. Wellenkamp, H., 33. West, C. C., 692. White, E. S., 199. White, Sir W. H., 143, 144, 145, 169, 170, 983, 984. Wig, R. J., 1486. Wilkes, Paul, 1328. Willey, D. A., 34, 200, 1183. Williams, Henry, 425. Wilson, R. C., 1076. Wilson, W. J., 374, 1184. Woolland, Lloyd, 201, 281. Workman, G. C., 1387. Wrobbel, Gustav, 171. u Ulffers, 32. United States. Shipping Board, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 619, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1317. Young, H. W., 562. Yukawa, M., 135, 136. Van Duzer, L. S., 446. Van Gaasbeek, R. M., 620. Verth, M. zur, 913. Zeyss, G., 774. Zueblin, 986. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Numbers refer to individual entries. Agamemnon, 645. Akers Mekanische Verksted, 360. Alexandra, 647, 673. Alsatian, 987, 1056. American Shipbuilding Co., 464, 468. Ames Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 498. Amiral Makaroff, 678. Andania, 1005, 1085. Ansaldo-Armstrong & Co., 404, 448. Aquitania, 930, 971, 988, 1039, 1049, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1130. Arizona, 1147. Arkansas, 945. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., 330, 453. B Beams, 247, 248, 718. Bellerophon, 624. Ben-my-chree, 654. Berlin, 730. Berths, 350, 379, 478, 500. Bethlehem Steel Co., 467, 511. Bilge-tunnel, 310. Blohm & Voss, 452. Brazos, 660. Britannic, 1079, 1117, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144. Bulkheads, 39, 47, 48, 58, 77, 84, 120, 177, 187, 197, 204, 242, 255, 256, 262, 263, 275, 276, 287, 288, 289, 290, 293, 301, 302, 308, 329. Burmeister and Wain, 341. Courbet, 874, 937. Cranes, 335, 345, 350, 364, 365, 368, 387, 397, 416, 419, 439, 441, 458, 470, 471, 478, 497, 523, 534. Cruisers, 740, 784, 805, 827, 858, 860, 864, 885, 886, 888, 999, 1028. Dante Alighieri, 921. Dartmouth, 879. Deck houses, 252, 1036, 1037, 1165, 1166, 1167. Decks, 224, 245. Delaware, 768. Diderot, 710. Dimensions, 143, 144, 145, 149, 155, 169, 170, 316, 317. Displacement, 24, 25, 26, 220, 326. Docks, dry, 331, 332, 333, 349, 351, 352, 354, 417, 440, 469, 517, 526. Docks, floating, 53, 160, 331, 337, 342, 344, 348, 352, 357, 358, 367, 372, 380, 392, 396, 407, 409, 426, 427, 428, 430, 432, 438, 445, 449, 461, 548. Dockship, 644, 659. Dreadnought, 107, 1126, 1161. Dredger, 733, 734, 750, 762, 852, 867, 966, 991, 1091, 1137. Duthie, J. F., & Co., 504. Edgar Quinet, 676. Ernest Renan, 709, 751. Europa, 623, 814. Experimental tanks, 9, 10, 23, 27, 29, 34, 43, 44, 57, 59, 60, 66, 78, 79, 80, 89, 94, 99, 100, 117, 127, 134, 147, 148, 200, 219, 279, 280, 284, 294. Cable ships, 670, 1155, 1156. Camber, 230. Canadian Vickers, 463, 500. Cap Finisterre, 936. Cap Trafalgar, 1131. Car ferry, 700, 717, 739, 745, 752, 763, 766, 788, 806, 812, 1129, 1153, 1169, 1170. Carnegie, 564, 565, 567. Chicago, 675. Chiyo Maru, 868. Cincinnati, 838. City of Cleveland, 662. City of Detroit in, 573, 926, 970. Cleveland, 715. Colliers, 680, 706, 742, 769, 780, 791, 851, 871, 892, 893, 928, 960, 978, 979, 1025, 1060, 1065, 1084, 1115, 1134, 1154, 1172, 1204, 1206. Colossus, 817, 877. Columbia Engineering Works, 552. Commonwealth, 626, 696, 697. Composite ships, 581, 582, 590. Condorcet, 710. Conte di Cavour, 898. Corrugated ships, 702, 703, 808, 809, 958, 1043. Corsican, 689. F Fabricated ships. See Standard ships. Faith, 1390, 1411, 1422, 1463. Ferries, 876. See also Car ferry. Fire boats, 692, 844. Florida, 944. Fore River Shipbuilding Co., 473, 474, 477. Foundation Co., 536. Framing, 633, 634, 764, 1295. France, 797, 799, 872, 939, 962, 995, 1071. Franconia, 789, 816, 829, 896. Free board, 15, 222, 272. Fruit ships, 712, 1157, 1195. Furness Shipbuilding Co., 542, 543. George Washington, 639, 713, 726, 743, 755. Germanischer Lloyd, 85. Goeben, 950. Great Lakes Engineering Works, 476. Guadeloupe, 677. [57] 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY H Harland & Wolf, 340, 346, 375, 411. Heliopolis, 666. Hog Island shipyard, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 531, 532, 533, 535, 537, 538, 539, 540, 545, 546, 547, 549, 550, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562. Hong Kong, shipbuilding at, 429. Howaldtswerke, 436. Imperator, 421, 947, 948, 954, 1022, 1030, 1031, 1050, 1057, 1072, 1073, 1099, 1140. Indomitable, 629, 646. Iron Duke, 1026. Isherwood system, 651, 652, 653, 671, 785, 866, 932, 1295a. Italy, 132. Japan, 135, 136, 1214. Jean Bart, 874, 937, 1017. N Nederlandsche Fabriek, 398. Nevada, 964, 1216. New York, 425. New York City, ship yards, 485. New York Shipbuilding Co., 481. New Zealand, 889. Newark Bay shipyard, 525. Newport News Shipbuilding Co., 402, 479, 480. Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 796, 836. Norfolk navy yard, 378. North Dakota, 663, 768. North German Lloyd, 707. Oklahoma, 964. Olympic, 772, 773, 818, 819, 820, 854, 855, 856, 899, 902, 903, 906, 914, 916, 917, 918, 920. Ore-carrying ships, 611, 650, 667, 787, 794, 837, 892, 1054, 1175, 1176, 1177. Orsova, 737. K Kaiserlich Werft, Kiel, 363. Kaiserlich Werft, Tsing-tau, 412. Kanguroo, 975, 1182. Kongo, 927, 951, 952, 1034, 1035. Krupp Germania shipyard, 431, 433. Panama, shipyards, 486. Pearl Harbor, 526. Pennsylvania, 1217. Portsmouth dockyard, 454. Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, 705. Queen Elizabeth, 1027, 1125. Laconia, 865, 931. Lafayette, 1193. Launching, 67, 68, 207, 334, 338, 355, 362, 370, 371, 383, 385, 386, 410, 413, 414, 421, 425, 434, 435, 437, 447, 450, 455, 466, 499, 501, 502, 503, 507, 510, 514. Laurentic, 664, 665, 771. Laying off, 203, 617, 1291. Lightships, 157, 942, 1003, 1010, 1044, 1069, 1096, 1158, 1188, 1240. Lion, 946. Load line, 291. Lord Nelson, 645. Lusitania, 625, 1159. Lutetia, 1093. M Martha Washington, 632. Maryland Steel Co., 487. Mauretania, 635. Medina, 905. Minas Geraes, 628, 668, 693, 782. Mine-layers, 823, 1019. Mitsu-Bishi dockyard, 388, 389, 401, 444. Models, 23, 33, 70, 71, 87, 106, 194, 205, 206, 219, 229, 234, 235, 236, 258, 261, 267, 1307. Mold lofts, 496. Monarch, 878, 880. Monitoria, 716, 808, 809. Refrigerator ships, 912, 1194. Regina Elena, 655. Reina Victoria Eugenia, 1067. Repair ships, 714, 735. Resistance, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 156, 164, 166, 175, 176, 185, 188, 194, 228, 234, 235, 239, 250, 295, 306, 320. Rheinland, 800. Rio de Janeiro, 783, 992. River steamers, 566, 570, 574, 576, 833, 862, 1076, 1192. Riveting, 977, 1203, 1300. Robert Fulton, 754. Robins Dry Dock & Repair Co., 460, 483. Rochambeau, 940. Rolling, 8, 98, 105, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 154, 157, 179, 201, 298. Roma, 695. Rotterdam Dockyard Co., 470, 471. s Sailing ships, 563, 568, 661, 1001. St. Nazaire, 376, 382, 395, 399, 405, 424, 443. St. Vincent, 693. Sakura Maru, 719, 720. Sao Paulo, 698, 847. Satsuma, 811. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING 59 Schichau-Werke, 391, 403. Seattle Construction and Dry Dock Co., 484. See-and-Bee, 961, 1062. Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., 442. Shearing stress, 168, 193. Shinyo Maru, 882. Shooter's Island shipyard, 554. Skinner & Eddy, 472, 488. Sloan Shipyard Co., 513. Smith's Dock Co., 366, 381. Sound steamers, 576, 1192. Specifications, 51. Stability, 32, 54, 87, 91, 92, 97, 122, 123, 129, 139, 152, 180, 181, 186, 209, 211, 221, 237, 240, 241, 246, 254, 259, 260, 265. Standard ships, 323, 578, 593, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 607, 619, 1212, 1220, 1223, 1226, 1227, 1232, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1247, 1249, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1272, 1283, 1306, 1311, 1317, 1312a, 1321a, 1395. Stresses, 167, 168, 193, 216, 273, 278, 282, 322. Submarine Boat Corporation, 557. Submarine tenders, 974, 975, 980, 1077, 1185. Sun Shipbuilding Co., 489, 553. Superstructures. See Deck houses. Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richardson, 490. Tank ships, 648, 694, 774, 786, 793, 894, 910, 963, 965, 1002, 1008, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1059, 1064, 1070, 1103, 1107, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1160, 1168, 1178, 1199, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1246, 1259, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299. Tanks. See Experimental tanks. Tenyo Maru, 657, 688, 868. Texas, 1104. Thunderer, 881. Titanic, 856, 891, 902, 903, 915, 917, 956. Torpedo boat destroyers, 631, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 699, 701, 765, 798, 815, 824, 846, 848, 857, 900, 933, 938, 941, 943, 986, 998, 1004, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1024, 1029, 1092, 1095, 1138, 1174, 1207, 1211. Train ferry. See Car ferry. Tuckahoe, 1309. Tugboat, 1255, 1256. u Union Iron Works, 373, 462, 491. Unsinkable ships,' 11, 12, 13, 45, 182, 183, 198, 212, 214, 243, 313, 981, 982, 1089, 1139, 1281, 1286, 1294, 1302, 1318, 1319. Vanguard, 729, 804. Vaterland, 1098, 1100, 1135, 1145. Verdi, 669. Von der Tann, 801. Vulcan, 644, 659. Vulcan shipyard, 339, 343, 361, 369, 379, 393. w Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Works, 456. Warships, 37, 69, 74, 107, 130, 140-142, 151, 178, 268, 641, 643, 691, 704, 711, 725, 761, 776-779, 781, 834, 835, 859, 873, 907, 909, 922-924, 984, 989, 993-994, 1013, 1018, 1021, 1052, 1058, 1078, 1082, 1090, 1102, 1106, 1121-1124, 1127, 1146, 1148, 1162, 1171, 1191, 1196, 1221, 1229, 1241, 1251. See also Cruisers, Torpedo boat de- stroyers, and names of ships. Washington Irving, 1032, 1063. Washington Shipping Co., Seattle, 482. Ways, 527. Welding, 1260, 1261, 1270, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1282, 1289, 1292, 1303, 1305, 1312, 1314. Weser shipyard, 384. White Star line, 853. Wilhelmina, 741. Workman, Clark & Co., 415. Wyoming, 568, 945. Yarmouth, 890. Yarrow & Co., 347, 353, 408. \ t l Vc**Vt:0o ^vJ-VLo to D/tf O v* /J4 ft0 ue. 40 C6 ,9368) TU UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY