GV UC-NRLF m m v^-'.Vv.-* OJ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class 71909 Successful Drills and Marches Qertrua Graduate of tf\e 9\orn>af 8cf\oof of Pf\tjsicaf FORMERLY PHYSICAL DIRECTOR OF THE KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AND FOR SIX YEARS PHYSICAL DIRECTOR OF THE BURLINGTON, IA., YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Price, 50 Cents, MILWAUKEE, WIS. FREIOENKER PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS. 1907. GENERAL Successful ills and Marches a, ua fc Surinam 9lorn>af ^Training, SHifWauljee FORMERLY 'RECTOR OF THE KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AND FOR SIX YEARS icAL DIRECTOR OF THE BURLINGTON, IA., Youxr, WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. JA Price, 50 Cents, 'FOf MILWAUKEE, WIS FREIDENKER PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS 1907. w W (,- A ^ unique drill or a fancy march has saved many a really first class gymnasium exhibition or entertainment from palling upon an audience through lack of variety of class work. The following are a few of the drills that the author has used very successfully in the giving of entertainments, and they are offered in the hope that they may be of use to others. Most of them are original with the author a?id those that are not, have been added to and changed. GERTRUDE WILLIAMS-LVJfDGREN. 187364 Fancy March No. 1. Any even number may take part a large number making it more <'HVrtive. In the marching., emphasize the correct walldng : head erect, lu.'-t out, shoulders down and the weight of the body on the balls of the feet. Have the pupil* enter according to height, the shorter ones leading. Pupils enter in single file and march around the room or stage once, turning square corners. When the rear centre of the stage is reached, march down the center by twos to the front of the stage. Here the couples separate and march right and left in single file around to the sides and then to the rear corners of the stage. From these corners the lines march diagonally to the opposite or front corners of the stage, intersecting at the centre. (See Fig. 1.) From these corners the two lines inarch along the sides of the stage to the rear centre of the stage and march forward down the centre to the front by twos. When the front of the stage is reached march right and left by twos around sides to the 1 rear centre and then down the centre to the front of the stage bv fours. FIG. I JU J. _l_ X i ^ llll *& J. _^J- X H H -1 H + TT" 1 " Khi-k 1 - T-l-l-1 H -< y - T-r "\T T T T T T T T FIG. Here the fours divide, one couple marching to the right and the other to the left side of stage. (See Fig. 2.) At the centre of the sides of the stage these couples separate, one marching to the rear and the other to the front of stage. (See Fig. 2.) 6 The lines meet at the centre of the rear and at the centre of front of the stage and march to the centre by twos. (See Fig. 3.) From the centre they march right and left by twos to the sides of the stage (see Fig. 3) and the two leaders on each side turn about and mark time. Each succeeding couple marches i.p to the leaders on their respect- ive sides, and separate, one standing beside one leader and the other be- side the other leader, facing the centre of the stage and marking time, until all are formed in two long straight lines, one at either side of the stage, all shoulder to shoulder, facing the centre and marking time. (See Fig. 4.) T T T T H -MH-I-M -i-M-l-M I- h I- H l-h - h I- h 4- h \A* ' 'J9S*f ~ -. J. J. -L -L h h hH^ ^HH FlG.O H ;H H H At a signal the two lines march with short steps towards the centre of the stage and when about three feet from each other mark time in place. Then the four leaders (two from each side at centre) march down the centre, one couple going towards the rear of the stage and the other towards the front, the others following by marching sideward or face toward leaders and march forward. (See Fig. 5.) At rear and front of stage couples separate and march around to sides right and left by single file (see Fig. 5) and pass each other at centre of sides of stage. (See Fig. 6.) :-_JL J.-J :*ii T T J T. 7 When the two lines meet at front and rear of stage march toward centre of stage single file (one pupil falling in in rear of the preceding one., etc. From the centre the lines march in two -large spirals, one in one corner of stage and the other in the corner diagonally opposite. (See Pig. 7.) ^._^-^^_ FIG. 7 After winding the spiral closely, leaders turn and lead their respect- ive lines out and around to sides of stage, one leader marching to the right centre of stage and the other to the left. From the centre of the sides the lines march single file to centre of stage and march off the stage by twos. Fancy March No. 2. This march calls for any even number. Each pupil to carry a wand or broom stick upright in right hand at -right shoulder. Enter -single file and march down the centre by twos, then dia- gonally across centre, and then by twos, then fours, as in March 1. At centre the fours separate and -march in four circles, one in each corner of the stage. (See Fig. 1.) < TTTT "* TT \ 7" T T t < T T > ' ( } i ; V A \ > > >k V V A > /- - V** Y -j -l A Then the leaders of the two circles at the rear of the stage meet at the centre of the rear and the leaders of the two circles at the front of the stage meet at the front centre of the stage and all march to centre of stage by twos. From here they march right and left by twos (as in March 1, Fig. 3) to centre of sides and turn and mark time (as in "Fig. 4 of March 1). March forward in two straight lines from the sides (as in Fig. 5, March 1) and divide. Pass each other (as in Fig. 6, March 1). March in spiral (as in Fig. 7, March 1). After leading out from the spirals the leaders meet at the centre of stage and pass each other at the centre. When the sides of the stage are reached each leader turns and countermarches her line close to the other line and does this continually until one leader reaches the front corner of the stage and the other leader reaches the diagonally rear corner of the stage. From here the leaders march along sides of stage to the centre of 9 sides turn and meet at the centre and march to the rear centre of stage where they separate, one marching towards the right and the other to- wards the left around the sides of the stage to the centre of the front of the stage. (See Fig. 4.) A-HH-M-M >i-|-|-hl-H r\ -^ Z H H T h -h H ft- I- > f ft- h I- K T T J. JL x j. J.JL T >h h h I- h I-* *- T T T T T T FlCk. 3 T T FIG. H"* Here the leaders stand still and face each other and form an arch by holding wands diagonally upward towards each other overhead. The next couple marches through this arch, joining the leaders on the farther side, and then stands still and forms an arch in the same way. Each succeeding couple does the same so that the effect formed is that of two straight lines clown the centre of stage with a continuous arch formed by the wands. After each couple has passed under the arch the leaders start down Through the arch towards the rear of the stage, carrying wands upright in the right hand, the upper end resting on right shoulder. One couple after the other falls in behind the leaders and marches to rear of the stage. The couples separate at the rear of the stage and march right and left single file to the sides and off the staire at the -ides. NOTE. The foregoing march is very effective if Japanese lanterns are fastened to the upper end of wands or sticks and are carried lighted (the stage darkened). The wands should be carried in the right hand and the left hand should be placed on the left shoulder of the person in front for this lantern march. In this way the spaces are kept exactly even. Fancy March No. 3. This march is the same as March Xo. 1 ? only wands are carried in the right hands and after the spiral (see Fig. 1, March 1) the leaders meet at the centre of the stage and march to the front of stage by twos, then divide and march to right and left by single file around the sides of the stage to the rear centre of stage and form the arch with wands as in March 2. After all have marched forward under the arch the leaders march forward to front of stage, separate and conn tor march their respective lines. (See Fig. 1.) H H <" F16.I" . Continue this until the sides of the stage are reached. The leaders then meet at centre rear of stage and march to front by twos and then around sides right and left by twos. (See Fig. 2.) Then from the centre rear of stage march down to front by fours. (See Fig. 3.) h K -L JL FIG.1 ' T T T T T~T -i +4 FIG.3 T T T T T -r-r r T f T T T T TT T T T T If this march is to be followed by a wand drill the < fours may space and will be in position for the wand drill or military marching. A Simple Wand Drill. EXERCISE I. Music: Waltz time. On 1 Raise wand horizontally overhead and charge directly forward with right foot. On 2 Lower the wand and bring the heels together. On 3 Raise wand horizontally overhead and charge directly towards the right side with the right foot. On 4 Position, with wand down and heels together. On 5 Wand overhead horizontally and charge directly rear with the left foot. On 6 Position, with wand down and heels together. On 7 Wand horizontally overhead and charge directly towards the left side. On 8 Wand down and heels together. EXERCISE II. Repeat Exercise I. EXERCISE III. On 1 Charge directly to right side, bringing the right hand up on the right shoulder and the left arm down on the left side, with the wand in back of the body. <>n '2 Position, with wand down and heels together. Repeat 1 and '2 three times. EXERCISE IV. a- Exorcise III, only to the left side instead of the right. EXERCISE. V. On 1 Bring the left hand on right shoulder and right hand out in front (shoulder height). On 2 Bring the left hand around forward and around up to right arm pit and the right hand upward and forward and around until the right end of the wand touches the floor where the right foot was (the right foot being drawn back slightly to make room for the wand. 12 On 3 Same as on 1. On 4 Position, with wand down in front, and heels together. Execute this exercise 4 times. EXERCISE VI. Same as exercise V, only to the left side instead of the right. EXERCISE VII. On 1 Place wand back of shoulders horizontally and hold in this position. On 2 With wand back of shoulders as in count 1, bend forward from the waist. On 3 Same as count 1. On 4 Position, with wand down in front and heels together. Same, exercise towards the right side (4 counts). Same, bending towards the left side (4 counts). Same, bending backwards (4 counts). KXFJU'ISK VIII. Repeat Exercise VII. EXERCISE IX. On counts 1 2 3 4 kneel on left knee and raise wand hori- zontally overhead. On counts 5 6 7 8 rise, and at the same time lower the wand. KXERCISE X. Repeat Exercise IX. EXERCISE XL On 1 Inhale and raise the w r and horizontally overhead. On 2 Lower the wand and exhale. Repeat Exercise XL Scarf Drill No. 1. This drill calls for '12 young ladies in white dresses (the same length from the floor) with white bows in their hair and each carrying a cheese- cloth scarf two yards in length. Four of these scarfs should be pale pink, four blue and four green. Waltz time is played as the ladies enter by twos (the waltz step, carrying the scarfs diagonally in back of body with the right hand held high and the left hand low. They enter from the rear corners of the stage by twos (see Fig. 1) during 8 measures of waltz time. , -< * < * VTTT Blue * * * > Blue T T T T P,nk <* f v* Pnk . -r-r-r Green * ' > * Green T T T T * 4- *s FIG. I FIG. a When they reach the front of the stage they are four abreast (see Fig. 2} with the blue scarfs in the rear line, the pink scarfs in the middle line and the green scarfs in front. The pianist strikes a chord and the arms are brought to the front with the hands on shoulders, elbows bent, so that the scarfs form festoons in front of the shoulders. In this position bend the body slowly forward to waltz time (4 counts), then up, then to the right side and up, left side and up and then forward and up (16 counts in all). CHOBD. Hands straight up overhead and execute the same exercise as the last, only with the arms in this position (the scarfs forming festoons overhead). 16 counts. CHORD. The two outside girls in the second line step quicklv forward to the ends of the front line and the four in the rear line divide, two UNIVERSITY/ F TH6 14 to the left of the middle line and two to the right, thus forming two rows of six each. (See Fig. 3.) CHORD. To waltz time all swing scarfs to right side, hopping on right foot on the 1st count and swinging left foot across in front of right. On the third beat hop on right foot again with left foot still crossed in front and scarf up at right side. Then the same step towards the left. Continue this step during 32 measures. CHORD. Space so as to have plenty of room. All execute the archery movement, beginning with both hands up diagonally to the left side as though holding a bow and arrow. Eyes directed up at left hand. On 1 Pull downward and backward with the right hand charging diag- onally rear with the right foot. On 2 To position with hands up at the left again and heels together. Execute this exercise 4 times to right side, 4 times to th*e left side and 8 times alternately. CHORD. Hands down at sides. On 1 Bring left hand with end of scarf diagonally upward to the left at left side, eyes directed up towards left hand, right nand down. On 2 The right hand down at right side and the left hand on the left shoulder with the scarf diagonally downward across in back of the body and eyes directed down at the right hand. On 3 Same as on 1, On 4 Hands down at sides. Repeat 4 times to the left side, 4 times to the right side and 8 times alternately. CHORD. Front row faces left and rear row faces right. The rear row waltzes in front of the front row, first with the right- foot, swinging arms across body to right, and then with the left foot, swinging arms to left side. The line that is now hi the rear falls in at the end of the other line 15 with the same step and all form a circle and keep up this motion, swing- ing the scarf until the CHORD. All face partners for grand right and left and waltz around the circle, still swinging the scarfs to right and left. Go around this way twice. CHORD. Lead around and form a semi-circle. (See Fig. 4.) In this position slowly raise the arms straight forward and up over- head (4 counts) and down (4 counts). Execute this four times and the fourth time slowly kneel as the arms are raised and hold eyes directed upward. CURTAIN. A pretty encore for the preceding drill is to have the young ladies enter from the rear corners of the stage and form a Y. (See Fig. 5.) < > -< > < > < > A waltz is played softly at first, gradually growing louder as the young ladies advance. In this exercise the scarfs are tied losely around the waists, those in the left line having theirs knotted on the right side of the waist and those in the right line, with scarfs knotted on the left side. They ad- vance with the following step in a V to front of stage. On 1 Touch left toe to the front and move arms downward until hands meet -near the ankle (body bent forward). On 2 Touch left toe out at the left side and swing the arms out at sides and upward until the fingers meet overhead (eyes directed up to- wards the hands). On 3 Same as on 1. On 4 Step forward with the left foot and hands on hips. Same with right foot. Repeat this step first with the left foot and then with the right until the front of the stage is reached by the leaders. Then gradually retreat with the same step, only retreating on the fourth count instead of advancing. Music grows softer as the young ladies retreat to the same corners they came from. NOTE. This scarf drill may be executed with the chords omitted, which will cause it to be more effective. Scarf Drill No. 2. Tliis drill requires 14 girls who are dressed in different colored tar- latan dresses (short) which are trimmed with tinsel, etc. The scarfs match the costume and are two yards in length. The music used is a soft slow waltz The girls enter (7 on each side) from the rear corners of the stage. (See Fig. 1.) h h h h h h > FIG. I The lines pass each other uneil they are just opposite each other, making two lines of seven each across the rear of the stage. They face the front. The step used in entering is the waltz step, starting with the right foot and swinging the scarf to the right side, then left side, etc. When facing the front keep up the step and swinging the scarfs, without advancing. All waltz forward twice and then all turn towards the right during two measures. Repeat. Then repeat the same turning towards the left. During this exer- cise hold the left hand high (arm curved) and right hand on right hip while turning towards the right, and the right hand high and the left hand on left hip while turning towards the left. Then all waltz forward once, then backward once and then two draw steps backward, hopping back on right foot and drawing left foot back to the right foot. In combination with the draw steps lower the right arm, the right hand nearly touching the floor and swing arm back as you draw the foot back. Repeat this 3 times. Same with opposite foot and hand. 4 times. All execute the following step: Waltz forward, then backward, beginning with the right foot. Then kick right foot across in front of left foot, Then repeat the sam with the left foot. Keep up this step and gradually all of the girls, except one 17 in the centre divide and one-lialf of them hand one end of their scarfs into one of the hands of the girl in the centre and the other one-half hand them into her other hand. She raises her hands and so forms a Maypole about which the girls revolve with the following step: 611 1 kick with the right foot and hop on left foot and on the 3rd heat hop again on the left foot and move right foot in front of left knee. Then waltz step once, starting with the right foot. Then two draw steps backward, beginning with the left foot. The free ends of the scarfs are moved down and back as the draw step is taken. Repeat this step T times. Then all turn and take this step around the Maypole. Step t the right side and then kick wijh left foot across in front of right. Then repeat the same with the left foot. Repeat the above step 7 times. Gradually lead out of the circle until the lines are formed across the stage again. One -line faces left and the other right and waltz off the stage. Scarf Drill No, 3. 16 girls are required for this drill, numbered according to the height, the two tallest-are No 1's and the two shortest are No. < s 's. etc. The odd numbers carry green cheesecloth scarfs and the even nmnhers carry red scarfs. NOTE. Any color may be substituted for the scarfs, but these are bright and pretty for the evening. The scarfs are two yards long. All of the dresses should be the same distance from the floor: i. e. 10 inches. The dresses should be white and the girls should wear white bows or flowers in the hair. Either white stockings and white slippers, or white stockings and black slippers, or all black stockings and slippers may be worn, but all should be alike. The music played softly troughout this drill is "Love's Dream After the Ball." To start the drill there are two lines of girls (4 in each line) in the wings at either side of the stage. (See Fig. 1.) GT>ec.7t, Green. J-hhi- -j H -f H \-\-\-\- HHHH fffeva z * b v No. 1's are the leaders. The odd numbers (4 on each side) or those with the green scarf- enter from the wings at the rear sides of the stage, single file, and ad- vance to the rear centre of the stage. Their scarfs are loosely suspended from the thumb of the right hand (both hands are out at side shoulder high). These 8 enter, marching slowly and raising and bending the knee and raising the foot before lowering it to the floor. Start with the right foot. At the end of 8 measures of music the leaders should meet quite close together at the rear centre of the stage so that the 8 wi+h green scarfs will be in position as shown in Fi^. 2 (the 8 with red scarfs still standing in the wings). / 3 f 7 H H H H 19 When the leaders meet, all of the eight courtesy deeply, bringing the arms slowly forward and upward and together as the body is low- ered, and lowering the arms as the body is straightened ajgain to the erect position. 8 measures of music are allowed for the courtov. On rising grasp the scarf gracefully in both hands, dividing it into thirds. Waltz down the centre by twos, Xo. Ts leading. Start with tLe right foot and swing the scarf to the right side, then the same to the left side. When the front of the stage is reached by Xo. 1's they divide, one going to the right and the other to the left side of the stage with the v.-altz step, followed by their respective lines. NOTE. (Except on entering, the waltz step is kept up throughout the entire drill, and as the right foot advances the scarf is swung gracefully to the right side and the body bent towards the opposite side. Same with the left foot.) When th<-sc leaders have reached the rear of the sides of the stage. these lines (the greens) turn and face toward the centre, still keeping up the waltz step in place and waving their scarfs from side to side across the body. Then the lines with the red scarfs advance from the wings toward- each other in the same way that those with green scarfs started, they execute the same movements that the former did after entering. When those with the red scarfs separate and waltz to the rear of the stage they pass to the rear and line up beside those with green scarf- so that there are two lines on each side of the stage keeping up the waltz step in place and all facing the rear. (See Fig. 3.) FIG. The lines then waltz to 'the rear of the stage and intersect each other and crossing over to the opposite side of the stage. (See Fig. 4.) Waltz close to partners around sides of the stage to the centre front of stage and intersect again at the front of stage in the same wav. (See Fig. 4.) ^ ! I- t- t, b, ^h' *- 5T P1G.5 FIG- 4 20 After intersecting the lines at the front the partners join each other again and waltz to the rear. Waltz down centre of stage toward the front by fours (two from each side) and the four leaders in the front line waltz to four crosses which have previously been marked on the floor. (These crosses divide the front of the stage into four parts.) Those be- hind the leaders take their places as in Fig. 5. Now all of those in the two lines on the left of the stage waltz over in back of those in the other two lines to the crosses vacated by them and they waltz over in front of the other two lines to the crosses vacated by them so that after they have crossed over the formation will be as in Fig. 6. MT >-r *-r ">T FIG.b Then all of those in the line at the right of the stage slowly kneel, raising the scarfs horizontally overhead and looking up at the ones who waltz around them. Those in the second line from them also kneel, and there in the other two lines waltz forward, extending scarfs in the left hands out at the sides and holding center of scarfs of those who are kneeling, waltz around them, looking down at them. Then those in the lines that were kneeling slowly rise and the others kneel and they waltz around those kneeling. (8 measures to waltz around.) Then all turn and waltz back across to places during 8 measures of music and the four in each corner turn so that their right shoulders are toward each other, so as to form "Four hands across/ (see Fig. 7), so that x* 5V ' F.G.J there are four groups of four each, one in each corner of the stage, each O3ie taking hold of the right hands of the other three in her group. The scarfs are all held out at he left side in the left hand. In this position waltz around towards the right eight measures and then turn about so that the left shoulders are towards each other and the scarfs are in the right hands and revolve towards the left eight measures. (This effect is that of four crosses all revolving at once) towards the right (one in each corner) and then turning and revolving towards the left. Then the leaders (No. 1's) lead out from the centre to the front of 21 stage and around the sides of stage to the rear, the others in their lines following in their order. At the rear centre of the stage the leaders meet and turn about and all counterwaltz outside of circle and around to the front of the stage, forming: a large circle with leaders in front and the shortest girls (X<>. S*>) at rear of stage (Xo. 8 ? s hardly move from their position in forming this circle and thus keep the spaces even). See Fig. 8.) J-- . l'- face each other. kles of stage, facing the rear. (See Fig. 9.) Both lines face the centre and waltz (shoulder to shoulder) slowly to centre and fall into single file thus forming one long straight line down < entre of stage. All face front (still swinging the scarfs). (See Fig. 10.) FIG.10 f 7 S * 3 3. ' ' 13V^47r TT TTTTTTTT-TTT-TTT At the erid of the measure all the M -art's are bropght up horizontally overhead/ From this position, beginning with the first No 8, every other one bends way over to the right side and the others bend towards the left side, 8 measures bending over and 8 to come up again to position, Then all bend to the opposite side and up to position; keeping the scarfs overhead. Then number 8's lead off, each to her own side, at front of stage and stand with back toward front of stage and No. 7's waltz in front of them, etc., so that the lines are again arranged as in Fig. 9. Then the leaders (No. 1's) at rear oi! the stage meet at the centre rear of stage and waltz diagonally forward to two crosses on the floor about 8 feet apart in centre of stage and quickly toss their scarfs up over their left shoulders, thus leaving both hands free to grasp one end of the scarf of each girl in their lines, as they come up and waltz about their leaders. (See Fig. 11.) The girls in these lines retain their hold of one end of their scarfs, handing the other end to their leader and stretching it out straight, con- tinue waltzing around leader in a circle. When all of the scarfs have been grasped by the two leaders the latter raise their hands which are grasping the scarfs straight up overhead and form pivots for the two re- volving Maypoles thus formed. After waltzing around leaders in this direction 8 measures all turn and grasp scarfs with the other hands and waltz around in the opposite direction. 8 measures. The leaders turn gradually as the girls revolve about them. This. effect is that of two Maypoles revolving, one towards the right and the other towards the left and then quickly changing and revolving in the opposite direction. The leaders (No. 1's) then grasp their own scarfs and drop the ends of the others and all resume the swinging motion of the scarfs again and the leaders lead out of their circles and their lines fall in single file and follow them down the sides of the stage to the rear and across the rear to the centre and all turn and face front of stage, thus forming a line of 16 across rear of stage, shoulder to shoulder, and still keep up the waltz step and swinging the scarfs. (See Fig. 12.) At the end of the measure all advance toxvard the front with short waltz steps until they reach the centre of stas^e, and then No. 1's waltz off to the front corners of stage, followed by 2's, 3's and 4's and No. 5's turn, No. 6's, 7's and 8's following No. 5's, Avaltz diagonally towards the rear corners of the stage. (See Fig. 13.) .--<*>*,- A>*^;, * FIO.I3 A FIGr. 1 4 23 At the end of the measure ISTo. 1/s and No. 5's counterwaltz their lines and waltz to centre. (See Fig. 14.) All tu I'll to form a large wheel very close together and all with right shoulders towards the centre. Hands should be placed on hips, holding the scarfs loosely across front of body. No. 3's and 4 7 s and T's and 8's turn and face in opposite direction and as the \vheel revolves towards the right, these two at the end OL each line who are facing the opposite way waltz around the outside until they reach their lines they left. Then they face about and all go in the same direction toward the right. This effect is that of a large wheel revolving towards the right, those on the outside taking longer steps and those in the centre taking very short ones-,. The leaders lead out of this wheel turning towards each other first and, followed by their respective lines, lead off right and left single file to -ides of stage, down sides to rear and off stage to the wings. Summary of the scarf drill in a condensed form: 1. Bow. 'I. Four columns. 3. Intersection. 4. Four columns. Cross and kneel. Cross back and four hands across. 7. To sides big circle. 8. Bow. 9. Grand right and left. 10. To sides and face centre. 11. To centre and bend over. 12. Around to sides. 13. Maypoles. 14. To front. I-"). Down sides. 16. 16 across. 17. Forward to. centre. 18. To corners. T.. Counterwaltz to centre. 20. To star. 81. Wheel. 22. Opposite. 23. Off stage. Wooden Shoe or Dutch Drill. Any even number of girls or young ladies may take part in this drill. Eight is a good number. The hair is worn down in two braids and all wear wooden shoes. This drill is more effective if all are dressed in short Dutch costume. Music used is "The Lauterbach Waltzes." The girls skip heavily in on the stage single file and all bow in line across rear of stage. These bows are made as ridiculous as possible, toes in, etc., and the hands on hips. In this position they execute the following steps: First Step. 1. Waltz step forward 1 2 3, beginning with the left foot. 2. The same step backward, beginning with the right foot. 3 and 4. During these two measures repeat the waltz step turning around towards the left. Total 4 measures. Eepeat the above to 16 measures. By this time the girls will have readied the front of the stage. All turn quickly and face the rear and begin the next step towards the rear of the stage with backs to the audience. Second Step. On the first beat of the measure hop with feet apart, coming down heavily on the feet and hold this position during the rest of the first measure. On 3 hop again, bringing heels together. Then 1 2 3 4 running steps and hold to the end of the fourth measure. Total 4 measures. Repeat to 16 measures. The girls are now at the rear of the stage. All face the front quickly and start the third step. Third Step. On the first beat of the measure all hop (with hands on i.ach other's shoulders) on the left foot and extend the right foot to the rear. On the third beat of this first measure hop again on the left foot and keep right foot extended at the rear. On the first beat of the next measure all hop on right foot and ex- tend the left foot to the front. On the third beat of this same measure hop again on the right foot and extend the left foot to the front. Total 2 measures. Repeat the above to 1(5 measures, advancing gradually to the front of the stage. All face to rear, join hands and form a circle, then circle to the right and then to the left, first hopping on the left foot and extending the right out at the right side and then hopping on the right foot and extending the left foot out at the left side. Execute this step during 10 measures. Then all pair off and leave the stage repeating the above step, part- ners facing each other and holding each other's hands. A little encore in this drill (for it always is encored) follows. K SCORE. Run onto the stage heavily single file and bow. The waltz now changes to a quick jig. The girls rune their hands on their hips and jig for 32 measures. Jig Step. (hi 1 Touch left heel diagonally forward on floor. On 2 Touch left toe on floor at right toe. On 3 Same as 1. On 4 Same as 2. only bring the left toe to the right heel. Then the >ame step with the right, foot. After "jigging" during 32 counts all face right and grasp the braids of hair of the one in front of them or else place the left hand on the front neighbor's left shoulder and the other hand on her right hip In this position take the following step in leaving the stage to waltz time again. On 1 Step forward with the left foot. On 2 Bring right foot forward, letting the heel strike the floor with a click. On 3 Bring right foot back, letting heel strike floor with a click. On 1 of the next measure stamp hard with the left foot and bow bead towards the right side with a little jerk. Hold in this position during the other two beat- of this measure. This step requires two measures of waltz time. Repeat this step until all an- off the stage. A Hoop Drill for Little Girls. Any even number may take part in this drill. To march time all enter single file, skipping- and holding hoop high overhead perpendicularly. (The hoops may be decorated with flowers or tinsel or in any pretty way.) Each one then holds the hoop out at the side in her right hand and all form a circle, taking hold of the hoops, so that there is a hoop be- tween each two girls. Circle towards the right 8 counts and then towards the left 8 counts. Then march down the centre by twos with hoops held out at right side, the shortest girls in front. All now hold the hoop in front of the face peeking through, and bend slowly forward from the waist during 4 counts. Then in 4 counts straighten to upright position. Then bend slowly towards the right during 4 counts. Then in 4 counts return to former position. Same to the left and up. Then forward and up again, thus using 32 measures of inarch time. Peek through hoop and bend towards each other during 2 counts, then bend away from each other during 2 counts, 4 times each. Hold hoops perpendicularly in front of face and in this position rotate them towards the right 4 times; Same to the left 4 times. On 1 Step diagonally forward with the right foot, bringing hoop per- pendicularly overhead. On 2 Bend over and touch the upper rim of hoop to the floor in front of the right foot. On 3 Same as 1. On 4 Position with heels together and hoop down in front. Repeat this exercise 4 times to the right side, 4 times to the -left side and 4 times alternately, All fall in line single file and carry the hoops loosely at right side in the right hand. March around the stage single file and down the centre to front by fours. In this position On 1 Swing the hoop from right to left (grasping it with both hands) and at the same time hopping on left foot and swinging right foot across in front of left foot. On 2 Eepeat the same to right side. On 3 Step forward with left" foot and hold hoop in back of head per. pendicularly. On 4 Step forward with risrht foot and hoop still overhead. Then repeat the same step, only on 3 and 4 step backward instead of i or ward. Repeat this whole step during 32 counts. Then hold hoop in right hand and each of the four grasp her neigh- bor's hoop with her left hand and all hold hoops out at the, sides shoulder height. In this position execute the following step: On 1 Swing hoops downward and backward and at the same time bend forward from the waist and hop on left foot and extend right foot to the rear. On 2 Same as 1. On 3 Hop on right foot and extend left foot to the front, at the same time swinging hoops forward and upward overhead. On 4 Same as 3. Repeat this exercise during 16 eonms. Then each one t akes her hoop and places it over her head and lowers it to her waist and all fall in single file and drive each other off, usins the hoop of the one in front for reins. All march off in this way. Minuet No. 1. The minuet is very graceful and dignified and from the start to tl.e f nish it should be one continuous movement. The costumes should be in the st} f le of Louis XIV. In this minuet half of the members may be dressed as gentlemen and half as ladies or all of the eight may be dressed as ladies, wearing bodices cut square in the neck, with over .dresses of figured material over plain petticoats of white or colored goods, powdered hair ornamented with flowers or feath- ers and patches of court plaster on the face. The gentlemen wear square cut coats of satin trimmed with lace, ruffled shirts with lace about wrists and neck, white silk hose and large buckles on slippers. Music: Oxford Minuet. All of the movements in this minuet are executed with the single touch step, i. e: On 1 Touch the left toe forward. On 2 Step forward with left foot. Same with right foot. The eight may be in position as for a quadrille when the curtain rises, or may enter with the single touch step, or with the following step: Take partners hand and hold high. On 1 Step forward, each with the outside foot. On 2 Step forward with the inside foot. On 3 Step forward with the outside foot. Q n 4 Touch forward with the inside foot (pointing the toe downward). Then On 1 Step backward with the inside foot. On 2 Step backward with the outside foot. On 3 Step backward with the inside foot. On 4 Touch forward with the outside foot, looking forward at partners. Then continue this step, starting again with the outside foot until the eight gradually take their positions for the minuet with the gentle- men standing to the left of their lady partners. NOTE. Ladies may carry fans throughout the exercise and gentlemen three cornered hats. 29 Figure 1. All partners bow and courtesy iu 2 measures. Figure 2. Comers bow and courtesy in 2 measures. Figure 3. Taking the single touch step head couples advance to centre. bow and courtesy, and return to places. Figure 4. Sides the same. Figure 5. Form into two lines facing each other up and down the stage, the couples in front and rear of stage dividing and taking places beside those in the other lines. Figure (>. 'All advance to centre, bow and courtesy. Figure T. Return to places as at the start and partners bow and courte-y i-igure 8. First and second couples to centre and turn the opposite then back to places and all bow and courtesy. Figure J). Side couples the same and all partners bow and courtesy. Figure 10. Four ladies to the centre and courtesy. Return to places and courtesy. Figure 11. Four gentlemen the same. . Figure 12. All forward to the centre, bow and courtesy. Ladies cross right hands and promenade half round, holding fans in le^t hands. Turn and cross left hands and promenade half roun 1 . Figure 13. Partner- bow and courtesy deeply. Figure 14. Return to places, bow and courtesy. Figure 15. All forward, holding hands high and swing ladies to centre. Gentlemen retreat and return facing outside and join hands, holding them very high. Ladies march out with single touch step from under the arches, each going to her place. Figure 10. Partners bow and courtesv. Figure IT. Swing to place, bow and courtesy again. Figure 18. All advance to centre and turn towards the left with right arm towards the centre. All raise right hands high, so they are all together in the centre,left hands holding fans and hat< outside at right angles and very gracefully. Figure 19. Revolve this wheel,' all taking the single touch step. Figure 20. Turn and revolve in the opposite direction with left hands up in the centre and right hands holding fans and hats. Figure 21. Gradually form in line with partners and march off of stage as they entered or have the curtain lowered as they are formed in a wheel. NOTE. The ladies courtesv very deeply, using their fans gracefully and bring- ing one foot in back of the other. The gentlemen stand with heels together and bend from waist, bringing the hats from their left shoulders with a sweep down from the right and then up to left shoulders as they resume their upright position. In making the deep bow and courtesy, bend knees as much as possible and gradually slide one toot out straight in front, so that the body is brought very near to the floor. Minuet No. 2. Music: Oxford Minuet. 16 is a good number to make this minuet effective. Enter from the rear by couples with the follow step, i. e.: On 1 Step forward with the left foot. On 2 Bring the right toe up to the left heel. Same witli the right foot. When all are down the center of the stage by couples all advance to front of stage with the following step: On 1 Cross the outside foot away over in front and beyond the other foot, inclining the body in the opposite direction. On 2 Touch the outside foot forward, pointing the toe downward. On 3 Step forward with outside foot. On 4 Cross and touch with the inside foot way over in front of the outside foot, inclining the body in the opposite direction. Then the whole step is taken, starting with the other foot. Execute this step during 8 measures. Then face partners, bow and courtesy deeply, taking 4 measures to go down and 4 to come up. Then the couple leading, followed by the others, separate and pass around the sides of stage to the rear centre of sta.av with the follow! ng step : On 1 Step forward with inside foot and swing the body half way around toward the outside. On 2 3 hold this position. On 4 Step forward with the same foot. Then take this same step, start- ing with the outside foot and turning the body toward the inside. When the leaders meet at rear centre of stage they bow and courtesy and advance to front of stage with the same step. As each couple meet they repeat the same until all are in line again up and down the centre of the stage by twos. All face partners and raise right arms, taking hold of partners' right hands and peek under hands of partners, touch forward at the same time with right toe. Then repeat the same with left hands and left feet. Total 8 measures. The last time hold the position, peeking at partners during 8 meas- ures. All bow and courtesy to partners during 8 measures. March off t,he stage by twos with the follow step. Wooden Doll Drill. This drill may be executed by eight, sixteen, twenty or twenty-four. -and should be accompanied by a brisk, catchy march music. Half of the number may be boys and half girls, or the entire number may be girls, dressed as dolls, with short dresses, wavy hair and painted cheeks. All of the movements in the drill are very stiff, to represent wooden or jointed dolls. 1. All march in single file without bending the knees, throwing the feet forward as they march. The forefinger of the left hand is held stiffly to the mouth and the right hand is held straight for- ward. The motions as they march in. are very jerky and the ''dolls' 7 should look neither left nor right but straight ahead. '2. After marching in this manner around the room, or stage, march down the centre in the same way. except with both hands held >traight forward, shoulder height. When the front of the stage is reached, keep the hands in this position and mark time stiffly in place, throwing the feet forward. 3. Turn, -o that the two lines are facing each other and mark time until the end of the measure of music. Lower the arms. 4. In eight counts going down and eight counts coming up make a bow, bending only from the waist. Make this bow by eight suc- ve jerks o-oing down and the same in coming up to position. V On 1 stamp the right foot. On 2 3 i raise the hands straight for- ward to shoulder height. On 5 6 bring right hand vstiffly to mouth and on 7 8 straighten arm out in front again (as though throwing a kiss). 6. Military Salute with right hand, touch forehead with the fingers of right hand in four counts and both hands down at sides in four counts. (All of these movements are done with short jerks.) ?. Do-si-do around opposite partners. Those in two lines advance to- wards each other to the centre and pass through the lines, taking 16 counts for it, and then pass around partner (back to back) and back up to places in U'> counts more. Keep the lines straight in doing this. 8. In each set of fours each "doll"" turns, so that the right hand helps form the centre of a wheel. The right hand is held out straight and all of the wheels or crosses thus formed revolve toward the 32 right during eight counts. All ti.rn and use the left hands as the pivots and the crosses revolve toward the left during eight counts. 9. In separating from these crosses the two lines again form, hut the hacks are toward the centre and all mark time stiffly with hands held rigid at sides. 10. In this position the lines march away from each other during right counts, turn about and mark time in place until the end of th-j measure. 11. Mark time and at the same time raise the left hand and lower right hand and then change and lower the left hand and raise the right hand (a regular see-saw motion). Repeat this until end of measure. \'2. Raise the arms sidewise, finger tips touching those of the ones next and the lines (perfectly straight) march towards each other eight steps. ' 13. In the same position march backward again eight steps. 14. Same forward eight counts. "15. Mark time during eight counts. 16. Fall against each other (chests touching, heads to the left) very stiffly as though tired out, but not bending the body. The lines must not be to close together. There should be a loud crash of music when the dolls fall towards each other. Hold this, position during eight counts and then turn and face the front and marl: time. IT. March out by twos, hands down at sides. As the left foot touches the floor, slide the right foot back with knee unbent and bend forward at the waist. As the right foot touches the floor the body comes to the upright position and the left foot, knee unbent, is brought forward with a jerk. "Dixie." "Dixie" is a little fancy dance which should be executed by two girls who are very graceful. The costume may be either a gymnasium suit or a short white dress. Over the dress or suit a high girdle should be worn which is covered by one inch strips of red and white and blue cambric sewed together, the lower ends being left loose from the w^aist down to the edge of the skirt or bloomers, thus forming a red, white and blue overskirt which shows the dress or suit between the strips of cambric. The music is "Way Down in Dixie." In. all of the steps in this drill each of the two dancers starts with the outside foot. Start from the rear of the stage. 1st Step. Slide step diagonally forward with the outside foot on 1. On 2 Bring inside foot up to the other foot. On 3 and 4 take two short slide steps towards the outside, starting with the outside foot. Repeat the same step 1 2 3 4, starting with the inside foot. Eepeat this step, starting with outside and inside foot alter- nately during eight measures. Then quickly face half way about and execute the following "jig" step: 2nd Step. On 1 Step quickly forward with the outside foot and then quickly bring the inside foot up to the other foot. On 2 Step quickly backward with the- outside foot and bring the inside foot back to the other foot. On 3 Eepeat this same step, starting with the inside foot. On 4 Same as on 2, starting with the inside foot. NOTE. This step must be executed very quickly during 8 measures of music. 3rd Step. On 1 Hop on outside foot diagonally forward, arms carried parallel in the same direction, left leg straight, foot off of floor, toes pointed down. On 2 Same as 1. On 3 Hop again, the same MS on 1 and } On 4 Same a? 1- ? -3 34 Then the same 4 hop steps are executed towards each other, starting with the inside foot and arms carried in that di- rection gracefully. Repeat this step alternately during 4 measures to the front of the stage. Turn quickly and execute the same step during 4 measures towards the rear of the stage and turn about quickly. 4th Step. On 1 Kick low with the outside foot and at the same time hop on the inside foot. On 2 Heels together and hop on both feet. On 3 Kick high with the outside foot and at the same time hop on the inside foot (toes should be pointed downward). On 4 Heels together and hop on both feet slightly. Eepeat this same step 1 2 3 4, starting with the other foot. Continue this step with eight measures of music. 5th Step. The dancers are now at the front of he stage. Execute the draw step towards each other, starting each time with the inside foot, two steps to each measure. Repeat four draw steps, starting with the inside foot and then four, starting with the outside foot and going from each other. The Draw Step. On 1 Slide inside foot diagonally rear and draw the other foot back to the inside foot. On 2' Same. On 3 Same. On 4 Same. Then repeat the same four times, starting with the outside foot. AYhen the draw step starts with he inside foot the partners draw 'hear each other and when with the outside foot the partners separate. 6th Step. On 1 Cross the outside foot over in front, touching the floor with the pointed toe of the outside foot, and at the same time hop 011 the inside foot. On 2 Kick quickly forward with the outside foot and at the same time hop again on the inside foot. On 3 Change quickly, repeating the same as on 1, only starting with the inside foot. On 4 Same as on 2, only start with the inside foot. Repeat this step alternately during eight measures. This brings the dancers to the front of the stage. Both face to the left and execute a simple cake-walk step around the stage once, and then off. Cakewalk Step. On 1 Hop on the left foot and bring the right toe to the left heel, the right heel raised from the floor. On 2 Hop forward on the right foot with the left foot moved to the right heel as on 1. Continue this step until off of the stage. A Simple Indian Club Drill. Music: Waltz Time. Any number may participate. The correct starting position. Heels should be together, body up- light, chest high, chin in, clubs held upright in front of shoulders. In holding Indian clubs bo sure not to grasp them too tightly and keep the wrists and arms flexible instead of ten-e. Exercise 1. 1. Full outside swing with the right arm. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat 1 4. Repeat 1. 5. Same as 1, only with the left arm. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 6. Fxercise 2. 1. Full inside swing across front of body with the right arm. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Same as 1, only with the left arm. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 6. Fxercise 3. 1. Full outside swing with the right arm. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Full outside swing with the loft arm. 4. Position. 5. Full outside swing with both arms. 6. Position. ;. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 6. 36 Exercise 4. 1. Full inside swing with the right arm. 2. Eeturn to starting position.n 3. Full inside swing with the left arm. 4. Position. 5. Full inside sw r ing 'with both arms. 6. Position. 7. Eepeat 5. 8. -Repeat 6. Exercise 5. 1. Full outside swing with both arms. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Full inside swing with both arms. 4. Position. 5. Repeat 1, 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 3. 8. Repeat 4. Exercise 6. 1. Keeping the arms and club* parallel, swing them to- ward the right. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Same as 1, swinging the clubs toward the left side. 6. Same as 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 7. 1. Keeping the arms and clubs parallel, swing them to- wards the right side. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Same as 1, swinging the clubs toward the left side. 4. Same as 2. 5. Repeat 1. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 3. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 8. Swing clubs parallel to right side and around to left side around to shoulder height. 2. Same to right side, shoulder height. 3. Same as 1. 4. Keeping clubs parallel continue (3) in a large circle around to position. Repeat (1), starting in the opposite direction. 6. Repeat (2) to left side. 7. Same as (1) to opposite side. 8. Repeat (4) to opposite side. K. \crcisc 9. 1. Outside swing with both clubs and bring them up to horizontal position resting back on the forearms which are crossed in front of body, shoulder height. 37 2. Swing from above position downward and around and let the clubs rest back on the forearms horizontally at sides, shoulder height. 3. Eepeat 1. 4. Eepeat 2. 5. Carry both clubs parallel to right side and let them fall back upon the forearms horizontally, shoulder height at left side. 6. Carry around to right side in the same way. 7. Same as 5. 8. Swing around to position. Exercise 10. 1 2 3. Three continuous large circles with straight arms towards right. 4. Another large circle and return to position. 5678. Repeat 1234. Exercise 11. Same as exercise 10 to the left side. Exercise 12. Alternate exercises 10 and 11. Exercise 13: 1. Swing large outside circle to the right side with right club. 2. A "dip" or small outside circle in back of right shoulder with the right hand. 3. Eepeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Bepeat 1 to left side with left hand. 6. Eepeat 2 to left side. ~ 7. Eepeat 5. 6 Bepeat 6. Exercise 14. 1 and 2. Swing and dip to right side as in exercise 13. 3 and 4. Same to left side. 5 and 6. Bepeat 1 and 2. 7 and 8. Bepeat 3 and 4. Exercise 15. 1. Full inside circle with the right hand. 2. Inside "dip" or small inside circle in back of right shoulder with right hand. 3. Bepeat 1. 4. Bepeat 2. 5. Bepeat 1 to left side with left hand. 6. Bepeat 2 to left side. 7. Bepeat 5. 8. Bepeat 6. Exercise 16. 1 and 2. Swing and dip to right side with right hand as in exercise 15. 3 and 4. Same to left side. 5 and 6. Eepeat 1 and 2. 7 and 8. Bepeat 3 and 4. Exercise 17. 1. Outside swing (full arm) with both hands. 2. Outside "dip" or small circles in back of shoulders with both hands. 38 3. Inside full arm circle with both hands. 4. Inside ''dip" or small circle in back of shoulders with . both hands. 5. Repeat 1. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 3, 8. Repeat 4. Exercise 18. 1. Full arm swing around to right side, arms and clubs parallel, 2. "Dip" parallel with both hands in back of shoulders to right. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Repeat 1. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 1. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 19. Same as exercise 18 to the left side. Exercise 20. 1. Small outside "dip" in back of right shoulder and the same time a. large inside circle across in front of body with left hand. 2. Carry both clubs parallel over to left side. 3. Same as 1 to left side. 4. Same as 2 to right side. 5. Repeat 1. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 3. 8. Repeat 4. Exercise 21. 1. Large full arm circle to right side with right club and at the same time a small outside dip in back of left shoulder with left club. 2. Large full arm circle to left side with left club and at the same time a small outside dip in back of right shoulder. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Repeat 1. fi. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 1. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 22. Same as exercise 2-1, only with inside circles and inside dips. Exercise 23. Same as exercise 21, only a follow movement, not having the circle and dip move together but follow each other. Exercise 24. Same as exercise 22, only with a follow movement instead of together. A Simple Dumbbell Drill. Music: March Time. Exercise 1. 1. Touch left toe forward and extend left bell forward, shoulder height. '2. Position with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Eepeat 1. 4. Eepeat 2. Same as 1 with right foot and right bell. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 2. 1. Touch left toe forward and evtend left bell forward, shoulder height as in exercise 1. 2. Position with heels together and bells in front of chest. 3. Same as 1 with right foot and right bell. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Touch left toe forward and extend both bells forward, shoulder height. 6. Position with heels together and bells at chest. T. Same as 5, touching with right foot instead of left foot. 8. Position. Exercise 3. 1. Touch left toe at left side and extend left bell at left -ide, shoulder height. 2. Position, with bells in front of the chest, and heels to- gether. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Same as 1 with right foot and right bell. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 2. 40 Exercise 4. 1. Touch left toe at left side and extend left bell at left, side, shoulder height. 2. Position with bells in front of chest and heels together. 3. Same as 1, touching with right toe at right side and right bell extended at right side. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Touch left toe at left side and extend both bells at sides, shoulder height. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Touch right toe at right side and extend both bells at sides, shoulder height. 8. Position. Exercise 5. 1. Touch left toe across in front of right foot and raise left bell straight up overhead. 2. Position with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Repeat '1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Same as 1 with right foot and right bell. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 6. 1. Touch left toe across in front of right foot and raise left bell straight up overhead as in exercise 5. 2. Position with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Same as 1, with right foot and right bell. 4. Position as in 2. 5. Touch left toe across in front of the right foot and raise both bells overhead. 6. Position. 7. Same as 5, with right toe across in front of left foot and bells raised overhead. 8. Return to position. Exercise 7. 1. Touch left toe directly to the rear and carry left bell straight down at left side. 2. Position, with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Repeat 1. 4. Repeat 2. 5. Same as 1 with right toe and right bell. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Repeat 5. 8. Repeat 2. Exercise 8. 1. Touch left, toe directly to the rear and carry left bell straight down at left side. 41 2. Position, with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Same as 1, with right toe and right bell. 4. Eepeat 2. 5. Touch left toe directly to the rear and carry both bells straight down at sides. 6. Repeat 2. 7. Same as 5, only touch right toe directly to rear. 8. Repeat >. Exercise 9. 1 2. Position, with bells in front of the chest and heels together. 3. Kneel on right knee and extend bells forward, shoulder height. 4 5 6 7. Hold the position as in 3. 8. Return to starting position as on 1. Exercise 10. 1. Extend bells forward, shoulder height, heels together. 2. Raise left bell diagonally left overhead and lower right bell diagonally downward to right side. 3. Strike bells together, shoulder height, keeping arms straight. 4. Raise right bell diagonally right overhead and lower left bell diagonally downward to left side. Same as 3. 6. Raise left bell slightly in front of body and at the same time lower the right bell, letting them strike each other as they pass each other. 7. Repeat 6, with right bell raised, and left lowered. 8. Jump lightly on balls of feet, heels together, and at the same time bring bells in to chest. Exercise 11. 1 2. Position, with bells in front of the chest and heels together. 3. Kneel on right knee and extend arms sideways, shoul- der height. 4 5 6 7. Hold position on 3. 8. Return to starting position. Exercise 12. Repeat exercise 10. Exercise 13. 1 2. Position, with bells in front of the chest and heels together. 3. Kneel on right knee and extend bells straight up over- head. 4 5^3 7. Hold position as on 3. 8. Return to starting position. Exercise 14. Repeat exercise 10. Exercise 15. 1 2. Position, with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 3. Kneel on right knee and cross bells in front of the chest. 4 5 6 7. Hold position as on 3. 8. Return to starting position. 42 Exercise 16. Eepeat exercise 10. Exercise 17. 1. Charge directly forward with left foot and raise both bells straight up overhead. 2 3. Hold this position as on 1. 4. Return to position, with heels together and bells in front of the chest. 5. Charge 14 way around to left side with left foot and raise both bells straight up overhead. 6 7. Hold position as on 5. 8. Still remaining 14 way around return with heels to- gether and bring bells in front of the chost. Exercice 18. 1. Facing 14 way around as in 8 of exercise 17, charge an- other 1/4 of the way around towards the left, raising both directly overhead. 2 3. Hold position as on 1. 4. Return to position, heels together and bells in front of the chest, but still remain facing in the same direc- tion. 5. Charge another % way around towards the left and ex- tend arms straight up overhead. 6 7. Hold position as on 5. 8. Position, facing front with heels together and bells at chest. Exercise 19. Repeat exercise 17 to the right side instead of left and ex- tending arms horizontally at sides instead of overhead Exercise 20. Repeat exercise 18 to the right side instead of the left side and extending arms horizontally at sides instead of overhead. Some Cake Walk Steps. 1st Step. Singb Touch Step. On 1 Touch left toe diagonally forward to left side. On 2 Step forward with left foot. Same with right foot and continue. '2nd Step. On 1 Slide left foot way out at the left side, bend body to the right side, let hands hang loosely at sides. On 2 Step forward with left foot, crossing it in front of right foot as the step is taken and bending body towards the right side. Same with right foot and continue. 3rd Step. Step backward and throw feet forward alternately as the steps are taken backward. 4th Step. Walk forward, raising knees high and bending body back- ward. 5th Step. Walk forward, bending body backward very pompously. 6th Step. Walk backward, bending body over forward. 7th Step. Walk forward, swaying from side to side. 8th Step. Walk forward, bending right knee very much and touching left foot at left side, and then stepping. Same with opposite foot. Oth Step. Hop on left foot and jus: have the tip of the toe of right foot touching the floor and then hop forward on right foot and just touch tip of left toe to floor. 10th Step. Walk stiff-legged without bending the knees. 11 th Step. Skip with tiny steps. l*2th Step. Baise the heels alternately as you walk. 1 3th Step. Face sideways, hopping with feet apart and then hop (about face) with feet apart again. j4th Step. Step forward with left foot with kneel>ent, and then quickly straighten the knee and jerk the foot backward. Same with right foot. Indian War Dance. Around an Indian camp fire a band of "make believe" Indians dance the following step. The Indians are decked in their Indian costumes and war paint and make the scene more real by giving their yells while danc- ing. Dance with a great deal of spirit. Indian music with drums is used for the dance. 1st Step. Hop around the fire single file, raising knees very high and turning head first to the left and then to the right and waving tomahawks. 2nd Step. Stamp with each foot as they run around the fire. 3rd Step. Jump way up in the air and then run two steps. Continue this step. 4th Step. Stamp on left foot and than quickly draw it back., straight- ening the left knee. Same with right foot. 5th Step. Raise knees high alternately and raise the hands alternately, pointing upward with the index finger of each hand. 6th Step. Raise the heels alternately backward and slap the soles of the feet with the hands as they are brought up in back. 7th Step. Spring diagonally forward on left foot and then same on right foot. 8th Step. Hop forward with short hops with heels together. 5)th Step. On 1 Swing leg forward. On 2 Swing left leg rear. On 3 Swing left leg forward. On 4 Jump forward with heels together. Same with right foot. INDEX. Page Fancy March No. 1 5 No. 2 8 No. 3 10 A Simple Wand Drill , 11 Scarf Drill No. 1 13 " No. 2 16 " No. 3 18 Wooden Shoe or Dutch Drill 24 A Hoop Drill for Little Girls 26 Minuet No. 1 ' 28 No. 2 30 Wooden Doll Drill 31 "Dixie" 33 A Simple Indian Club Drill 35 A Simple Dumbbell Drill 39 Some Cake Walk Steps 43 Indian War Dance... 44 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DU3 ON THE LAST STAMPED BELOW SEP 5 1916 LAR 1H918 318 AUG 31 AUG 4 25 '^ 27 30m-l,'15 , It M 30 194T JAH*7Mfc It R< LD 21-50?n-l,'33 ui me PUBLISHED BT FREIDENKER PUB- LISHING COMPANY Herold BuUding MUwauk