UC-NRLF Copyright, 1907, by KEUFFEL A E88EB CO. n ' k 1 L J LJ i n m ivv vi vn vm KXXVXXXXXXL L LX LXX 123456 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 LXXXXC C CXXV CL CC CD D DCC CM M MM. 80 90 100 125 ettnanlSeart cr^ d^ cy cr * 12345 67890 12345 61890 ad rt rfgl) i jklmn DJI K. & E. CO. STEEL PENS. ROUND WHITING PENS Each gross or J gron box ewUliu PMI a! one nugttr only. 8530. Single Pointed Pens, So. i, ij, 8, S|. 8, 3i, 4, 44, 5, 54, 6, any one cumber, per grow 9 85 post paid 9 t O 8631. do. do. do. do. $ 85 " 81 8582. Double-Pointed Pens, No. 10, 20, 30, 60, 70. 80, 90, any one number 4 65 < " 71 .. doc. 35 41 8533. Sample Assortment of Single and Double- Pointed Pens, with Inkbolder, 25 in a box S 35 No. 8202. 8300. Keuffel & Esaor Co. Crow Quill Pens, 1 doz. in a box . * doz. 00. U11 . Keuffel & Esser Co, Crow Quill Pens, 1 doz. peni No. 8900 and Holder, OQ a card card 00 8302. Keuffe! & fyaer Co. Drawing and Lettering Peni, 1 do*. in a box doz. 00 $308. Keiiffal & Esser Co. Drawing and Lettering Pens, 1 doz. pens No. 3202 and Holder, on a card cud W Keuffel & Esser Co. Crow Quill Peng, No. 8200, with improved Holder with cork finger piece, each $ 10 do. do do. ttn pens, No. 8206 OB ft card 1 00 nibs ana less sharp points than moit others, posse's (freit elasticity and permit of inor* rapid lettering or drawing, without scratching or catching in the grain of the caper. Draftsmen will i'ivftT tliese pens to any other kind, u most others are Intended pria* LIQUID INDELIBLE DRAWING INKS. COLUMBIA Patented. 430. Methodical Text-Book to Round Writing by F. BossyscKEX, (published by KBCFFKL A Eeeia Co., New York) including an assort- ment of 35 single and double- pointed pens. each 8 1 00 post paid 9 1 8521. do. do. do. Book without pens . -i 65 " W83. do. do. do. do. bound in cloth, with an assortment of 25 pens . . . I flO i J 8038. Copy Book without Instructions (School Ed.) Including an assortment Of 25 ingle and doubl e- pointed pens . . 70 " " 524. do. do. do. Book without pens . 80 < ** MOO. 8001. 8002. 8003. Columbia Indelible Brewing Ink, Black ...... each t Brown Blue Oreen 8004. Scarlet 8005. Carmine . 3006. Yellow . . . 8007. Vermilion . 8008. Orange . . , 3009. Violet , . . 25 25 M 35 24 Mailing charges (postage and regulation mailing boxj . . . u 10 Jolumnii IndAllDle Ink* meet the reqalrementa of a perfect drawlnf Ink aad &i- alwaya ready for use and , (.1 waya uniform in quality and color. They Dow freely, dry readily, andare not apt to gum. They therefore potsets all featves to recommend them ft* an always reliable ink for general drafting. PAYZANT (FREEHAND) BLOCK LETTERING PENS with Ink Rctervoir. II No. 1 2 3 4 5 Payunt Block L.tierinj PDI. Bran. Not. 1. 8, 9. 4, B. , each 1 1 00 do. do. do. do. Bet of 6 pens. No*, t, I. t. 4. 5, 6, ID partitioned paper box, set 09 do. do. do. German Silver, Nos. 1, 3. S, 4, 5, fi, , each 1 S3 do. do. do. do. do. Set of 6 pens, Nos. 1. 8. 3. 4. S, 8, In partitioned papr box. set I 10 h.r Une.ork, al*> r lbT. of d*xUritjr or eil. Allim Unas in fort direction art needed with and Architect*' Drawing, for border linei c merchmntt for writing yrice and ihow earda, tc. work^nd^t"w I drf 0j0f f0rnjfD * blOCkletter * * i ' h * fi * P * ** ilow "* ** 4Joai th the block lettering pen letter i> formed at a finale troke, Tb*r U no k to acquire to oae lhe pent, u they are ai simple to operaU u a pen. to the drafuman's failur* to product equal wldtbsuad p&rall! i, are avoided in work done with thit pen. becaOM all itrokci In any in width and deniity. Work can be done in one-quarter of the time method. U li unneceMary. T*Q on the fineil plana, lo erfull7 ularitlai ng letlei onifon ht fine- outline the li needed. Th* peni sn. tioa of Utter* oud* with . , y tt j n pencil before inking, u a rough draft witt gvide HUM li all tlutt U nafaciured la i graded si: the folltmn U areprodaa. BL *> I So, s Oc K S KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., 127 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. Onrl Oc and Faetorlw. BOBOBKW, X. J. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, S13 Lieuil St JAN nuicisco. < St MMTBEAl, }52trBimiJl. WU Drawing Materials. Mathematical and Sun-eying Inttrumnt. Mcaturinr Tap**, 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JUi u c eeftk^^ S^M " ^UG 2 i ;nn (> , ENV/ Ki n n n. *t 1 07^ MAR 21 raTZ ID RECALLABLE ONE WEE K AFTER FALL NOV 2j PFRIflP. ,)UN 20 1977 LD 21A-50m-!i.' General Library (H5067slO)476 University of California Berkeley