LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. BIOLOGY LIBRARY G Class ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS BY M. ALLEN STARR, M.D., PH.D. PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF THE MIND AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE; CONSULTING NEUROLOGIST TO THE PRESBYTERIAN AND ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITALS AND TO THE NEW YORK EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF OLIVER S. STRONG, A.M., PH.D. TUTOR IN BIOLOGY, COLUMBIA COLLEGE AND EDWARD LEAMING, M.D., F.R.P.S. INSTRUCTOR IN PHOTOGRAPHY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS WITH FIFTY-THREE PLATES AND THIRTEEN DIAGRAMS V OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Neto PUBLISHED FOR THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS BY MACMILLAN AND CO. AND LONDON 1896 All rights reserved GENERAL COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY MACMILLAN AND CO. XortoooU Prtas J. 8. Cuihlng & Co. Berwick Osmic-bichromate 6-J- da. XXXII., inc. \ XXI. XXXIII., XLII. to ) Osmic-bichromate 2 da. Osmic-bichromate 5 hrs., Berkley's solution 6 da. XLIV., inc. > XXXV. & XXXVI. Osmic-bichromate 5 hrs., Berkley's solution 6 da. XXXVIII. Osmic-bichromate 2 hrs., Berkley's solution 2\ da. XXXIX., XLV. to) \ Osmic-bichromate 7 da. 20 hrs. XLVIII.,inc., L. \ XLI. LI. Osmic-bichromate 2| da. Osmic-bichromate 6 da. 4 hrs. ,. , i vol. ) SILVER SOLUTION. (Silver nitrate 2% i vol. ( Sodium sulphate 2 % Silver nitrate i ( Zinc sulphate 2% i vol. ^ formic acid. The Golgi method, like all special methods, has its peculiar defects, which are liable to lead to misinterpretation. If, however, familiarity be acquired with the various appearances it gives, the careful investigator will not be misled by irregular precipitations, etc., any more than he is in other directions when using other special methods. Its great value in the investigation of nervous histology cannot but be admitted by all. 12 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE BY EDWARD LEAMING, M.D., F.R.P.S. INSTRUCTOR IN PHOTOGRAPHY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, COLUMBIA COLLEGE. IN photomicrography it is essential that the optical parts of the apparatus used, termed the system, should have their centres in the same straight line, and that this system, together with the camera, should be so mounted as to be as rigid and free from vibrations or accidental displacement as possible. These conditions were fulfilled by the apparatus used, which was the large photomicrographic outfit of Carl Zeiss of Jena, in the laboratories of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. This consists of two heavy iron stands, upon one of which rests the camera, supported by wheels, so that it can be rolled backward and forward without being displaced laterally ; thus the operator is enabled to observe the object directly through the microscope without altering the centring of any of the parts of the system. The second stand supports a broad table, upon which is the microscope, inclined to the horizontal position, and an optical bench of two parallel metal rails, upon which are fastened by set screws the accessory parts of the system. These vary with the work, but are usually coloured light niters for altering the white light to a monochromatic light, or screens for otherwise modifying it, diaphragms for centring and for limiting the size of the light pencil, condensers, and reflecting mirror. The electric arc used was so made as to fit the optical bench and be mechanically centred both laterally and vertically. The weight of the two stands insured rigidity, and the mechanical adjustments of the different parts were easily made, so that a beam of light from the electric arc or from the heliostat would pass through the optical centres of the system of lenses and be projected upon the centre of the ground glass screen of the camera. Where possible, sunlight reflected from the speculum of an heliostat was the illuminant, and was used in preference to other sources of illumination ; but, as in these latitudes during the winter season there are many dark and cloudy days, it was found necessary to resort frequently to the electric arc, which, as recently improved, gave results that left little to be desired. It would seem at first, as the Golgi stain is a metallic impregnation and opaque, that the use of isochromatic plates and a colour screen would have been unnecessary, but those THE PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE I3 familiar with the Golgi preparations know that the tissue surrounding the silver impregnated cells and processes frequently has a decidedly yellow colour, which more or less rapidly darkens, and as it was desired to reproduce the effect of the cells and their processes upon a nearly or quite colourless background, it was found advisable to use both colour-sensitive plates and an orange-yellow screen. In previous work it had been the custom to use as a colour screen a glass cell containing a solution of one of the Tropasolins. The use of such a cell is not, however, unattended with difficulties ; it is somewhat troublesome to make up anew each time, as so doing involves the use of the spectroscope if accuracy be desired ; it is subject to change from dust, from evaporation, and in a short time from precipitation of the dye from its aqueous solution. In lieu of the glass cell, therefore, an unexposed lantern slide plate was fixed in sodium thiosulphite and well washed ; when dry it was placed upon a level surface, gelatine- coated side upwards ; upon this was poured a strong solution of Tropaeolin in alcohol, which was allowed to evaporate protected from dust ; Canada balsam was then poured over the dyed plate and a cover glass applied. The plate thus prepared was allowed to harden under pressure in a vertical position. A darker coloured screen was made by putting two dyed plates face to face in the same manner. The screens so made have proved very convenient, show scarcely perceptible fading or change during two years of constant use, and do away entirely with all the trouble incident to glass troughs and fluids. The optical apparatus consisted of a Zeiss' Abbe condenser specially made for photography of i N. A. and achromatic, and of the following objectives : a Zeiss 2 mm., 3 mm., 4 mm., 8 mm., and 16 mm. apochromatic lenses, a 35 mm. projection lens of Zeiss, a ^-in. Bausch and Lomb, a i-inch Ladd of London, and a 3-inch Ross of London. No eyepiece was employed with the dry objectives, the camera length being 140 cm., which gave a magnifica- tion of from 25 to 190 diameters; with the oil immersion apochromats 2 and 3 mm. a projection ocular No. 4 was used and a camera length that gave from 1000 to 500 diameters by stage micrometer measurement. It was found when the image was thrown upon the screen that no matter how carefully the light was centred there would remain diffraction spectra, and the phenomenon known as halation manifested itself in this peculiar way, the stain being an impregnation of the chromate of silver and absolutely opaque, the light would be refracted around the edges of the cell bodies and large processes, and would appear on what should have been a perfectly black image as little tufts and jets of white (plates Nos. XIV. and XXXIV. are examples of this being among the first taken). In order to obviate both these difficulties a plate of finely ground glass was inserted, with its plane at right angles to the optical axis of the system, between the condenser and source of light, and placed so as to be within the focus of the condenser when both condenser and objective were focussed upon the 14 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS object; this gave a softly, evenly illuminated field, particularly free from the defects mentioned above, and with the sources of illumination used the sun and the electric arc the prolongation of the exposure was not sufficient to cause inconvenience from casual vibrations. All development was carried on with a single solution hydrokinon developer, composed of hydrokinon, 5 gr., sulphite of soda 20 gr., carbonate of potash 15 gr., to the ounce of water. When fully developed the plates were fixed in a solution of sodium thiosulphite, rinsed thoroughly and placed in a saturated solution of alum for five or ten minutes, washed in running water from one to two hours and allowed to dry spontaneously. The plates were not retouched in any manner, as it was most desirable that the finished prints should be entirely photographic and should be as little affected by the personal equation of the operator as possible ; it was for this reason also that the artotype process of Mr. Bierstadt was chosen for the reproductions. This is the well-known gelatine process which is used under various names in this country and in Europe, and may be briefly described as follows : The negative is placed in contact with a glass plate coated with gelatine containing- bichromate of potash (bichromated gelatine) and then exposed to light, as in ordinary photographic printing. Gelatine is hygroscopic and unaffected by light, but bichromated gelatine is rendered insoluble and incapable of absorbing moisture by the action of light in direct proportion to the length of time the light action continues. The light passing through the transparent portions of the negative renders the bichromated gelatine beneath non-absorbent, the partially opaque parts of the negative allow a varying light action according to the degree of density of the silver deposit, and the opaque parts prevent any action of light on the bichro- mated film ; as a result, therefore, the negative is reproduced in all its details of light and shadow by the varying power of absorption of the bichromated gelatine. The action of the light having continued for the proper length of time, the plate is removed from beneath the negative and placed in cold water, in the dark, until all the bichromate of potash has been dissolved out ; it is then allowed to dry and is ready for the press. The plate is then firmly fixed in a horizontal position in a common lithographic printing-press, with the gelatine coating uppermost, and saturated with water, which is absorbed by the gelatine, as stated above, in a degree varying inversely as has been the amount of action of the light ; the surplus water is then removed and a roller charged with printer's ink is rolled over it in all directions. The ink used is a greasy ink and will adhere to the non-absorbent portions of the plate, but will be repelled by the moist portions either wholly or partially, according to the amount of moisture they retain. When sufficiently inked, a sheet of paper is laid upon the plate and receives the pressure, as in ordinary printing, the ink is transferred from the plate to the paper, and the result is a finished print. HUMAN SPINAL CORD; SECOND DORSAL SEGMENT. WEIGERT STAIN. X 25 DIAM. PLATE I. THE SPINAL CORD THE SPINAL CORD THE general appearance of a transverse section through the human adult spinal cord is shown in Plate I. The level is at the upper part of the lumbar enlargement. This section was stained by the Weigert haematoxylin method. The diagram (Fig. i) will assist in the explanation of its chief features, and the details of structure are shown in Plates II. to XI. The H-shaped arrangement of the gray matter of the cord, and the fact that the gray matter is everywhere surrounded by white columns, which are darkly stained, is clearly marked. It is evident that the anterior horns form the larger part of the gray matter ; that their contour is irregular, owing to the massing of cells into groups, which cause a projection of the gray into the white matter; and that they do not reach the surface of the cord. In the diagram three cells (a) are shown representing three groups of anterior horn cells. These cells are motor in function, presiding over the reflex movement and nutrition of the muscles, each group representing a single muscle, or a group of muscles whose action is conjoined. Many fibres are seen in the plate to issue from the anterior horns of the cord and to pass through the anterior column to the surface. These are the anterior nerve roots. Their course is shown in the diagram. In their course while in the gray matter they give off fine branches which end about other cells in the vicinity. The posterior horns of the cord are smaller than the anterior horns ; they nearly reach the surface of the cord and present a club-shaped appearance at their extremities where the substance of Rolando is situated. The cells of these horns are too small to appear in the plate, but are shown in the diagram. It will be noticed that two of these cells (V) send their neuraxons into adjacent columns of white matter, while a third (c) is confined to the posterior horn itself. At the base of each posterior horn, on its median side, a group of cells is to be seen in the plate ; this is the Clarke column of cells. It is indicated in the diagram by a single cell (d) whose neuraxon is seen to pass outward to the periphery of the cord where it turns upward in the direct cerebellar column. In the gray matter of the cord, scattered irregularly through it, between and within the anterior and posterior horns, there lie many cells whose existence is better shown in Plate II. 16 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS These are indicated in the diagram. Their neuraxons pass out into the adjacent white columns of the cord, where they bifurcate, one division turning upward, the other downward. These neurons have as their function to associate the action of various segments or levels of the cord. They are termed Strangzellen by German writers, who classify and name them according to the column into which their neuraxon passes. They may be called the intrinsic cells of the cord. Lenhossek 1 affirms that some of these cells appear to send out a neuraxon which divides into two parts, each of which goes to a separate column. In the diagram it will be seen that these intrinsic cells (e) send neuraxons into all the various columns. One set of these cells should be especially noticed, which send their neuraxons upward in the periphery VII IX VIII FIG. i. FlG. I. Diagram of a transverse section of the spinal cord. On the right side the columns of the cord are shown and the fibres entering the gtay matter from these columns. /, anterior median column. //, antero-lateral column. ///, lateral limiting layer. IV, ascending antero-lateral tract of Gowers. V, direct cerebellar column. VI, pyramidal column. VII, Lissauer's column. VIII, column of Burdach. IX, column of Goll. The posterior nerve roots are shown on the right side of the diagram and their various methods of termination in the gray matter. /, fibre entering Lissauer's tract. 2, fibre entering posterior horn, j, fibre entering posterior horn and terminating deep within it. 4, fibre entering column of Burdach. 5, fibre passing to root zone of column of Burdach and sending the collateral fibre to the anterior horn. 6, fibre entering root zone and sending collateral to the Clarke column of cells. 7, fibre entering root zone and passing by way of the gray commissure to the opposite side of the cord. S, fibre entering posterior horn through root zone having come up from a lower level. On the left side the various cells of the gray matter are shown, a, motor cells with motor nerve roots passing out of the cord, b, intrinsic cells of the posterior horns: one lies on the margin, is a "border cell" ; the other lies deep within the horn, they send neuraxons into the posterior and lateral columns respectively, c, intrinsic cell of the posterior horn ; Golgi's second type, d, cell of the column of Clarke with its neuraxon passing outward to the direct cerebellar column, t, intrinsic cells of the anterior and median gray with their neuraxons passing into the antero-lateral column. /, intrinsic cell in median gray sending its neuraxon to the ascending tract of Gowers. g, commissural cells in the median gray sending their neuraxons to the other side of the cord. A, sensory cell sending neuraxon to opposite column of Gowers. 1 Lenhossdk, Der feinere Bau des Nervensystems. 1895. THE SPINAL CORD I7 of the antero-lateral column in the division of it known as Cowers' tract (h). These are sup- posed to be sensory in function and to transmit sensations of pain and temperature. There are other cells in this median region of the gray matter which send their neuraxons across the median line through one of the commissures to the opposite side of the cord (g). These are known as commissural cells, and serve to transmit sensory impulses across the cord. Many of the cells of this median gray matter are concerned in the reception and transmission of sensations received through the posterior nerve roots. The gray commissure uniting the two halves of the gray matter of the cord has in its centre the central canal. This is seen in Plate II. to be lined with cylindrical epithelium. The white commissure lies in front of the gray and contains many decussating fibres. The entrance of the posterior nerve roots is well shown in Plate I. The nerve fibres enter the cord at the apex of the posterior horn ; some pass directly into the horn, traversing the substance of Rolando, but the majority enter the horn from its median surface, passing through what is known as the root zone of the posterior column on the way. Some of these fibres are seen to end in the gray matter near the column of Clarke. Others may be traced toward the anterior horn. The actual direction and destination of these posterior roots are shown in the figure (see also Fig. 2, p. 18, and Fig. 3, p. 24). The anterior fissure of the cord containing blood-vessels, and the posterior septum, are also shown in the plate. The white matter is made up of longitudinal fibres whose cut ends appear in the plate as fine round white dots. In a normal cord thus stained there is no evident distinction between the various columns of the white matter, though a posterior, lateral, and anterior portion can easily be made out. The various columns as determined by pathological investigation are as follows, and their situation is shown in Figs, i and 2. I. Anterior median column contains fibres from the motor cortex of the hemisphere which have come through the pyramid of the medulla and have descended without decussating. These fibres pass into the anterior gray matter and terminate in a fine brush-like expansion about the cells of the anterior horn. They transmit impulses of voluntary motion. II. Antero-lateral column surrounding the anterior horn of the cord contains fibres passing in both directions, which arise from cells lying in the anterior horn. These fibres pass from the cells into the column, then bifurcate, turning both upward and downward, pass a long or short distance through the column, giving off collateral branches in their course, then reenter the anterior gray matter, and terminate, as do also the collaterals, in brush-like expansions about the cells of the anterior horn. They transmit impulses of association which harmonize the action of motor cells at various levels. This column is traversed by the anterior nerve roots. i8 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS III. Lateral limiting layer, a layer of white fibres adjacent to the median and posterior gray matter, con- tains short fibres of association, whose origin is from cells in the median portion of gray matter and whose course is similar to those in II. Their termination is about the cells of the same region at different levels. This layer is traversed by many fibres from the other lateral columns, entering and leaving the gray matter. IV. Ascending antero-lateral tract, or column of Gowers, lying on the surface of the cord, contains fibres whose origin is in cells situated in the median gray matter. These fibres traverse the other columns and turn upward in this column, passing into the antero-lateral field of the medulla and through the formatio-reticularis of the pons into the internal cap- sule. They transmit sensations of pain and tempera- ture upward to the brain from the cord. Among these fibres in this column are also descending fibres which come downward probably from the cerebellar hemisphere, but do not form a separate column. V. Direct cerebellar column, lying on the surface of the cord behind the last named column, contains fibres which arise from the cells of the column of Clarke, and after traversing the other lateral columns, turn upward in this column, and pass to the cortex FlG 2 of the cerebellar hemisphere. They transmit sensations F.;. 2. - Diagram to illustrate the transmission of sensory, of equilibrium> ( See also Fig. 7 , p. 4 2.) motor, anil association impulses through the spinal cord. A, B, C, are three levels of the cord. /, II, ///, are sensory nerve roots entering the posterior root zone at level, B, bifurcating, ascending and descending, and sending collaterals into the gray matter at many levels. Three such collaterals are shown at A, B, C, ending in the posterior horn, and opposite median gray. The collaterals shown in diagrams I and 3 are not shown here. The collateral which crosses to the opposite side terminates about the cell, f, which sends its neuraxon into the column of Gowers, G, and thence upward to the medulla. At level C a collateral ends about sensory cell, A, which sends its neuraxon also into G. The collateral entering the base of the posterior horn terminates about the column of Clarke on the same side. For the sake of distinctness the cell, if, of the column of Clarke is shown on the opposite side with its fibre entering the direct cerebellar column, D, and ascending to the cerebellum, x, descending cerebellar tract sending its collateral fibres into the median gray, e, intrinsic cell of the anterior horn at level, C, sending its neuraxon into the antero-lateral column, z, where it ascends, giving off col- laterals, z, at levels B and A, and proceeding upward to the medulla. ', intrinsic cell at level, A, sending its neuraxon into the antero-lateral column, y, where it ascends and descends, sending its collaterals, y, y, into the anterior horns of levels B, C. P, pyramidal tract giving off collaterals which pass to the anterior horn of the cord and terminate in brushes about the motor cells. The motor cells, in, n, o, are shown for the sake of distinctness on the opposite side, v, anterior median column with collateral entering the anterior horn and terminating in brushes around the motor culls. THE SPINAL CORD Ig VI. Lateral pyramidal tract contains fibres from the motor cortex of the opposite hemis- phere which have come through the pyramid of the medulla and have decussated in the medulla. These fibres descend and give off many collaterals, which, like their terminals, turn inward and forward and terminate in a plexus of fine fibrils about the cells of the anterior horn. They transmit voluntary motor impulses. VII. Lissauer's column is a small collection of white fibres of short course derived from the posterior nerve root, which lies on the apex of the posterior horn. These fibres bifur- cate on entering the column and pass up and down for a short distance, finally entering the posterior horn, to which they give also many collaterals. The fibres terminate in brush-like expansions about the cells of the posterior horn. VIII. The column of Burdach consists of three divisions: (i) the root zone near the pos- terior horn, through which pass many of the posterior root fibres which bifurcate on entering the zone and turn up and down, giving off numerous collaterals which enter the posterior horn through the root zone ; (2) the median portion of the column which contains long fibres passing from the posterior nerve root up to the cuneate nucleus of the medulla ; (3) a peripheral zone containing other long fibres passing chiefly upward, but finally turning inward to the posterior horn. Mingled among these three divisions are many association fibres whose origin, termination, and collateral destination are in the posterior horns. These fibres are all sensory in their function. IX. The column of Goll consists wholly of long fibres which have entered the cord in the posterior nerve roots of the sacral, lumbar, and lower dorsal regions and pass upward to the nucleus gracilis of the medulla. They transmit sensory impulses. The constituents of the posterior nerve root require to be mentioned, a number of different destinations being shown in the figures. These root fibres all bifurcate on entering the cord, their divisions turning upward and downward. The downward division is short, and soon turns into the gray matter, terminating in a brush-like expansion either in the posterior or median gray matter about the intrinsic cells of the cord. The upward division is long, and passes a varying distance toward the medulla, some fibres extending up the entire length of the cord. Both divisions give off numerous collaterals which terminate like their true ends. Some collaterals pass directly into the posterior gray horn and end there ; others pass to the Clarke column of cells ; others pass by way of the posterior commissure to the other half of the cord to terminate in the median gray matter; others pass directly through the median gray to the anterior horns ending near the motor cells. These last are the paths of reflex action. Impulses entering the cord thus are transmitted to the vicinity of the intrinsic cells of the cord, which then take them up and send them on to the brain by various tracts lying in the different columns already described. 20 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate II. shows a transverse section through a human foetal cord at the eighth month stained by the Golgi method. The ratio of the white to the gray matter is very small at this period of development. The cells of the gray matter are, however, already formed, and their processes are well developed, but their separation into groups is not yet very manifest. It will be noticed that the cells are irregularly scattered throughout the anterior horn and the central gray matter, and extend back into the posterior horns to some extent. It will be noticed that the cells are large in comparison with the size of the cord ; that they have very numerous branches which pass in all directions, forming an interlacing mass of fibres which touch but do not unite. In the commissures of the cord it will be noticed that there are many of these fibres crossing from one side to the other. The substance of Rolando is seen to be devoid of cells. The various cells of the cord may be classified as follows : I. Root cells, lying in the anterior horn or median portion of the gray matter, whose neuraxons pass out of the cord chiefly through the anterior nerve roots, but also in part through the posterior nerve roots. II. Intrinsic or columnar cells, lying in all parts of the gray matter, whose neuraxons do not leave the cord, but pass into the columns, bifurcate, and after traversing some extent of the cord reenter the gray matter and end. Several varieties of these cells are described according to the destination of their neuraxons. (a) Cells of a single column ; the neuraxon passing into one column only. (b) Cells of two columns ; the neuraxon dividing, one branch going to one column, the other to another. (c] Commissural cells ; the neuraxon crosses the middle line and ends in the gray matter, or turns up or down in a column, finally entering the gray matter again. (d) Cells which are both commissural and columnar; the neuraxon divides and one part crosses while the other enters a column on the side of the cell. III. Cells of Golgi's second type; 1 the neuraxon divides and subdivides in the gray matter and does not leave it to enter the roots or columns. 1 C. Golgi, Sulla fina anatomia degli organi central! del sistema nervoso. Milano, 1885. Untersuchungen iiber d. feinere Bau d. Nervensystems. Atlas u. Text. Jena, 1894. * * . ; < - . HUMAN SPINAL CORD OF EMBRYO EIGHT MONTHS. GOLGI STAIN, SHOWING CELLS WITH BRANCHES. X 45 DIAM. PLATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LARGE CELL OF THE ANTERIOR HORN OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A FOETAL PIG, SHOWING NUMEROUS DENDRITES, AND THE NEURAXON ISSUING FROM THE LOWER END OF THE CELL, AND GIVING OFF A COLLATERAL AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN ITS COURSE. X 190 DIAMETERS. PLATE THE SPINAL CORD 21 Plates III. to VIII. show the large cells of the gray matter of the spinal cord both in transverse and in longitudinal section. These cells are of various shapes with numerous branches. They measure from 70 to 130/^1. There are long narrow cells whose branches have two principal directions, as shown in Plate III. There are oval or polygonal cells with branches running in many directions, as shown in Plates IV. to VIII. In all these cells it is possible to distinguish a large body, which by other methods of staining can be shown to contain a nucleus and nucleolus, and two varieties of branches characteristic of all nerve cells ; viz. : dendrites and neuraxons. THE DENDRITES are branches which come off from projections of the body of the cell. They are thick near the cell, but diminish in size as they pass outward. They present numerous offshoots in their course, branching like the limbs of a tree. The size of the dendrite varies in its course, and it may present a varicose appearance. The surface of the dendrite is not smooth, but presents a fine moss-like or furry appearance. The dendrites and their branches terminate in free ends which usually have a little knob-like swelling upon them. Some of the dendrites are very long. Others are quite short and terminate near to the cell. The dendrites are made up of protoplasm similar to the cell body, and hence were formerly called protoplasmic processes. It has been thought by almost all authorities ( Ramon y Cajal, 1 Van Gehuchten, 2 Lenhossek) that they collect the impulses going to the cell, from the fine neuraxons of other cells, whose terminals reach the gray matter, and hence are cellulipetal in function. This is the view generally accepted. It has been thought by Golgi that they have a purely nutritive function and play no part in the action of the cell, being in relation with the blood-vessels at their extremities and thus collecting nutrient substances for the cell, just as the roots of a tree nourish its trunk. This view has, however, not met with any general acceptance, for Lenhossek has shown that the dendrites develop long before the blood-vessels, and do not depend upon these latter for their direction or distribution. It was formerly believed that after many branch- ings the dendrites of one cell united with those of other cells, forming thus a network of fine fibres throughout the gray matter (Gerlach). Golgi refuted this theory, and it is now known that no such network exists ; and that while the dendrites may interlace and probably touch one another, as do the adjacent leaves and branches of the trees in a forest, they never really join one another, and are thus as independent of each other as are the trees. Thus each nerve cell with its dendrites must be considered as a separate entity. The cells, however, are in a close functional relation with one another though not joined !S. R. Cayal, Les Nouvelles Ide"es sur la Structure du Systeme Nerveux. Paris, 1894. Also Internationale Monatschrift f. Anat. u. Phys. Bd. VI., VII., VIII., and La Cellule, Tome VII. and IX. 2 Van Gehuchten, Le Systtme Nerveux de 1'Homme. Lierre, 1893. 22 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS together, and it is supposed that an activity in one may excite activity in others, through the medium of neuraxons and dendrites either by accidental contact, or, more probably, by the induction of impulses in the one from the other; just as an electric current in one wire will set up a current in independent wires about it. Plate IV. shows a large motor cell of the anterior horn of the spinal cord of a foetal pig, with numerous dendrites. The interlacing of the dendrites is particularly evident in the plate, where many dendrites belonging to cells not shown in the plate intertwine with those whose origin is shown. Gerlach believed that the sensory nerve fibres after entering the cord became continuous with the ends of the dendrites, and that thus sensory impulses are sent into nerve cells. But this theory has been abandoned, and the free termination of all den- drites must be accepted. There is no continuity between nerve fibres and dendrites. There is no real network of nerve fibres in the nervous system. The sensory impulses come in, as we shall soon see, by nerve fibres which terminate in free ends like brushes, and their brush- like expansions may surround the nerve cells or may interlace with their dendrites, but do not necessarily come into contact with them. In Plate V. just below the cell such a free ter- mination is to be seen, there being little knobs on each terminal filament. THE NEURAXON is the second variety of branching process of the nerve cell. It was formerly known as the axis cylinder projection or the functional process of the cell. The neuraxon may come off directly from the body of the cell or from a small pyramidal projec- tion of the body as in Plate IV., or it may arise from one of the large dendrites near the cell body. The characteristics of the neuraxon which serve to distinguish it from the den- drites are its uniform size from its origin onward, the possession of a myelin sheath giving it a smooth surface, and its lack of many branches. It was formerly supposed that the axis cylinder process never branched. This, however, is not so. The neuraxon gives off branches called collaterals, but these differ greatly from the branches of the dendrites. In the first place, the branches of the neuraxon are usually given off at right angles to its direction; in the second place, they are always very small and fine as compared with the neuraxon. There is often a slight swelling of the neuraxon at the point of origin of a collateral, as may be seen in Plates IV. and VI. In Plates III. to VIII. numerous neuraxons can be seen with fine collaterals coming off from them. They are seen to interlace with the dendrites, but their smaller size, regular smooth contour, and method of giving off branches, nearly at right angles, serve to distinguish them from dendrites. Golgi considers that it is only through the neu- raxon that the cell performs its function, but this, as already stated, is not accepted. Van Gehuchten and others have agreed that all neuraxons are cellulifugal in function, conveying impulses outward from the cell, but this too is not fully established. ^^^^ LARGE CELL OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A FOETAL PIG, SHOWING NUMEROUS DENDRITES WITH BRANCHES, AND THE NEURAXON WHICH PROJECTS UPWARD. INTERLACING NEURAXONS OF OTHER CELLS WITH COLLATERALS ARE SEEN BELOW THE CELL, AND MANY DENDRITIC BRANCHES OF OTHER CELLS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE IV. OF Vc, f OF THE UNIVERSITY ,, OF >*> LARGE CELL OF THE ANTERIOR HORN OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A CHICK EMBRYO, SHOWING NU- MEROUS DENDRITES WITH SUB-DIVISIONS A FINE TERMINAL BRUSH OR ARBORIZATION, THE END OF A COLLATERAL IS SHOWN JUST BELOW THE LOWER OF THE TWO DENDRITES PASSING TO THE LEFT. X 190 DIAM. PLATE V. THE SPINAL CORD 2 3 There are two varieties of neuraxons which were first distinguished by Golgi. These differ in their course and destination. (i) From some cells the neuraxon proceeds in a long course, giving off collaterals, but preserving its identity till it reaches its destination. It may end in another distant part of the nervous system; or in a muscle, which it reaches by way of the motor nerve trunk; or in the skin which it reaches by way of a sensory nerve; or in some organ of the body. When a cell has such a long neuraxon, it is brought into relation, by means of it, with some distant and different part of the body. It is such a neuraxon which proceeds from the cells of the anterior horns of the cord, enters the nerve root, and goes to the muscles, forming a motor nerve fibre. It is such a neuraxon which proceeds from the Clarke column of cells in the base of the posterior horn, and ascending the cord, in the direct cerebellar column, ends in the cerebellum. Golgi classed all cells with such long neuraxons together as his "first type" of cells. He affirms that all such cells are of motor function, but this hypothesis is no longer accepted. This type of cells is easily recognized. It is shown, e.g., in Plates IV. and V. in the spinal cord and in Plates XL II. and XLIII. in the cerebral cortex. (2) There is a second kind of neuraxon which has a short course and divides and sub- divides soon after leaving the cell, thus forming a plexus of fine fibres in the gray matter, and never proceeding in any particular direction to a great distance. Golgi classes cells pos- sessing this form of neuraxon together as a " second type" An example of this type is shown in Plates XLV. and XLVI. He affirms that they are sensory cells; that the neuraxons and their branches from such cells unite with one another, forming a fine network or plexus of fibres, and he states that the sensory nerve fibres arise from or terminate in this network. It has been shown, however, by Cajal that no such true network exists. It is known, further, that cells with such neuraxons are to be found in all parts of the nervous system, not particularly in the posterior horns of the cord ; hence the sensory character of this type of cell is now denied. No essential functional distinction between cells of the first and second type can as yet be admitted. Cajal has shown that the sensory fibres do not join any such network as Golgi describes, but end in free extremities, and he considers these cells of Golgi's second type as having a sort of associative function. There is but one neuraxon to each cell throughout the nervous system. The usual termination of the neuraxon in the nervous system is by breaking up into sev- eral fine filaments, forming a terminal brush, each filament ending freely with or without a little terminal knob. Such a termination has already been shown in Plate V. The col- laterals also have free ends with brush-like expansions. Thus the cell preserves its identity in its neuraxon as in its dendrites. It has a wide possibility of distribution of its impulses through the neuraxon, but it never comes into direct continuity with another cell. ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate VI. shows a group of neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord, the intricate interlacing of both dendrites and neuraxons being clearly seen. It has already been stated that the function of these neurons is motor, each cell group controlling a single muscle. Muscles act in response to two forms of nervous stimulation, viz., reflex and voluntary, and the mechanism, of these different forms of movement requires separate consideration. Reflex motion is easily understood by the aid of the diagram, Fig. 3. In this figure three levels of the spinal cord are shown, A, B, C, each con- taining two motor cells m, n, o, in the anterior horns, and from these motor cells the motor nerve roots issue. Sensory nerve roots I., II., III., IV., are seen to enter the posterior columns and to bifur- cate, turning both up and down. The downward branch of I. ends in B; the downward branches of II. and III. end in C. All send their upward branches to higher levels than those shown. All give off collaterals at all levels, which pass into the gray matter. Some of these collaterals pass forward to the cell of the anterior horn of the same side and terminate in brush-like expansions about the motor cell. A few collaterals pass to the median gray matter and terminate in brush-like expansions about the commissural cell (c}, whose neuraxon passes to and terminates about the motor cell of the opposite side. A sensory impulse entering the cord at the level B, through the posterior nerve roots II. or III., is sent (i) to the motor cell, , on the same side, and (2) if sufficiently intense to excite the intermediate cell c, to the motor cell of A, B, and C, three levels of the cord. 7, 77, 777, and IV, posterior nerve roots entering the cord, bifurcating, ascend- the Opposite side also. The Sensory impulse also ing and descending, and sending their collaterals and terminations , , , , , /-* i . passes down the cord to level C, where it may into the gray matter. These terminals end in brushes around the motor cells m, , o. Some terminals end in brushes around the excite (3) motor Cells, O and O, the latter (4) through commissural cells, <-, which in turn communicate impulses to the motor cells of the opposite side, m, n, o. the medium of commissural cell c. It also passes FIG. 3. FIG. 3. Diagram to illustrate the reflex action of the spinal cord. A GROUP OF MOTOR CELLS IN THE ANTERIOR HORN OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A FOETAL PIG, SHOWING NUMEROUS COARSE AND FINE DENDRITES INTERLACING WITH ONE ANOTHER, AND MANY FINE NEURAXONS GIVING OFF COLLATERALS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE VI. OF .. LARGE CELLS OF THE MEDIAN PORTION OF THE SPINAL CORD OF AN EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO IN LONGITUDINAL SECTION. A PORTION OF A WHITE COLUMN IS SEEN TO THE RIGHT OF THE CELLS WITH ITS LONGITUDINAL FIBRES AND COLLATERAL BRANCHES FROM THEM PASSING INTO THE GRAY MATTER. X 190 DIAM PLATE VII. THE SPINAL CORD 25 up the cord to level A, where it reaches and excites the (5) motor cells m and (6) m. It also passes upward to the basal ganglia, giving rise there to automatic acts, like the cry of pain (7); or. to the brain cortex (8); producing there a conscious perception of the sensation. The latter are not represented in the diagram. The greater the intensity of the sensation, the more marked are its effects in motion. A slight sensation may cause a slight movement on the same side limited to the muscles moved by the cells lying at the level of the cord which the sensory impulse reaches. A very severe sensation may throw into activity the motor cells of both sides at all levels of the spinal cord above and below the level at which it enters. The simple knee jerk is an illustration of the former, the intense rigidity of all the muscles caused by the pain of a lumbago is an illustra- tion of the latter. And all degrees of reflex action between these extremes are possible. Any break in the course of these impulses by a defect in the reflex arc will cause a sus- pension of reflex action. Hence neuritis by destroying the nerve fibres in the nerve trunk ; posterior sclerosis by destroying the nerve fibres in the root zone of the column of Burdach ; myelitis by destroying the nerve fibres in their passage through the gray matter; and anterior poliomyelitis by destroying the motor cells in the anterior horn, cause a cessation of reflex activity. Plate VII. shows a longitudinal section through the spinal cord of a human embryo of eight months, and demonstrates not only the appearance of the large cells of the median region with their dendrites, but also the fine plexus of interlacing nerve fibres, dendrites, and neuraxons in the gray matter, seen on the left; and the longitudinal fibres of a white column, seen on the right. From the fibres of this white column, several collaterals can be seen to come off at right angles and to pass into the gray matter. Around the middle cell in the plate, a few fine terminal filaments of such collaterals can be distinguished with free ends. 26 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate VIII. shows one of the intrinsic cells lying in the median gray matter near to the white column. The large size of its body, the great number of its dendrites, and their rich branching are very evident. The neuraxon is not visible. To the right of the plate a longi- tudinal section through the white column is seen. This column is made up of fibres having the characteristic appearance of axis cylinders, as contrasted with dendrites. Fine collaterals are seen to come off from some of these fibres, at right angles, and to enter the gray matter. These form the means of communication between the fibres of the columns and the cells of the gray matter. They terminate in free extremities. To the left of the plate several cells are to be seen with fine radiating branches entirely different from the nerve cells and branches. These are the neuroglia cells, which form the supporting framework of the spinal cord. LARGE POLYGONAL CELL OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A HUMAN EMBRYO, EIGHT MONTHS, IN LONGITUDINAL SECTION, SHOWING NUMEROUS BRANCHES. TO THE RIGHT OF THE PLATE ARE LON- GITUDINAL FIBRES OF A WHITE COLUMN WITH NUMEROUS COLLATERALS GIVEN OFF AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PASSING INTO THE GRAY MATTER. TO THE LEFT OF THE PLATE NUMEROUS NEUR- OGLIA CELLS ARE SHOWN. X 190 DIAM. PLATE VIII. * N SECTION THROUGH THE POSTERIOR COLUMNS AND BASE OF THE POSTERIOR HORN OF THE HUMAN SPINAL CORD SHOWING THE CELLS OF THE COLUMN OF CLARKE WITH NUMEROUS DEN- DRITES AND AXIS CYLINDER PROCESS. IN THE CELL IN THE CENTRE OF THE PICTURE THE NEU- RAXON IS SEEN TO PASS FORWARD AND THEN TURN OUTWARD IN ITS COURSE TOWARDS THE DIRECT CEREBELLUM COLUMN X 190 DIAM. PLATE IX. T-HE SPINAL CORD 27 While the cells of the anterior horns are collected into distinct groups, those of the posterior horn are usually scattered irregularly through the gray matter. There is, however, one distinct group of cells found at the base of the posterior horn on its median side at certain levels of the cord, viz. the Clarke column of cells. This extends from the mid-lumbar region upward to the lower cervical region. It has also been called the dorsal group of Stilling. A few cells are grouped in the same location in the lower sacral region (Stilling's sacral nucleus), and in the upper cervical region (Stilling's cervical nucleus). The cells of this group are from 45 /i to 90 p in size. Under some stains they appear to be pear- shaped, with but one projecting process. But the Golgi stain shows them to have both dendrites and a neuraxon. Plate IX. shows this group of cells, one of which is successfully stained. It is seen to the left of the centre of the plate. It has four dendrites, and a long fine neuraxon which passes forward, and then turns outward through the gray matter. The neuraxons of these cells pass through the median gray matter and through the lateral column to its surface, where they turn upward, and traversing the entire length of the cord, forming the direct cerebellar column, turn outward in the inferior peduncle of the cerebellum, and finally reach that organ (cell d and column V. in Fig. i, on page 16; also i in Fig. 7, page 42). The probable function of these cells is to receive from the posterior root fibres those sensory im- puls'es which are necessary to our appreciation of equilibrium, and without which the nice adjustment of balance is impossible. These impulses are transmitted from these cells to the cerebellum by the direct cerebellar column. 28 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS The posterior horn of the spinal cord presents a peculiar structure differing from that of the remainder of the gray matter. This is evident in Plates I. and II. and is more clearly shown in Plate X. It has a peripheral portion and a central portion. The peripheral portion is known as the substance of Rolando, and about its posterior part is a zone of somewhat different appearance known as the spongy layer. The substance of Rolando extends through the entire length of the cord and upward through the medulla and pons, being there in close relation with the termination of the sensory branches of the fifth nerve. It appears, therefore, to have a sensory function. This substance resists many staining materials, and it is only within a short time that its actual structure has been determined by Cajal and Lenhossek. It has a granular homogenous appearance, but they have found that it contains many very small polygonal cells, with dendrites and a neuraxon, the latter coming off from the dorsal side and passing into the lateral column of the cord, where it divides and passes up and down as do the other longitudinal fibres of the cord. About these cells there is a mass of interlacing fibres of most minute calibre, too fine to be stained by ordinary methods. In the spongy zone, outside the Rolandic substance, lie much larger cells, whose long axis is parallel with the periphery of the cord, and whose dendrites and neuraxons enter the posterior and lateral columns. The central portion of the posterior horn is made up of a coarser mesh of fibres and of numerous posterior nerve root fibres which traverse it to reach the central gray matter. It contains many of the intrinsic cells already described. Plate X. shows the entire posterior horn of the cord, including both the substance of Rolando and the spongy zone. The large cell seen near the surface of the cord (at the bottom of the plate), whose long axis is parallel with the surface of the cord, and which has numerous processes passing both into the posterior and lateral columns, and directly into the posterior horn, is the type of cell described by Cajal, and known as the border cell. These cells are supposed to be association cells, and their neuraxon appears to pass uniformly into the posterior columns. The general homogenous structure of the substance of Rolando appears in the plate, but it is seen to be traversed by numerous fibres, which enter the posterior horn from the posterior nerve root. These pass directly to the plexus of nerve fibres which lies deep within the horn near to its base. THE POSTERIOR HORN OF THE SPINAL CORD OF A HUMAN EMBRYO, EIGHT MONTHS, SHOW- ING THE SUBSTANCE OF ROLANDO WITH FIBRES PASSING THROUGH IT, THE SPONGY ZONE AND A LARGE BORDER CELL ON THE PERIPHERY. X 190 DIAM. PLATE X. OF THE UNIVERSITY ] or SECTION THROUGH A POSTERIOR SPINAL GANGLION AND SPINAL CORD OF A CHICK EMBRYO, SEVENTH DAY, SHOWING CELLS IN THE POSTERIOR SPINAL GANGLION WITH TWO PROCESSES, ONE PASSING OUTWARD IN THE SENSORY NERVE, THE OTHER PASSING INWARD AND ENTERING THE SPINAL CORD X 190 DIAM. PLATE XI. THE SPINAL CORD The spinal cord is made up not only of the neurons thus far described, whose cells lie in it, and of the neuraxons which come down from cells in the brain, but also of a large number of neuraxons which enter it from the posterior spinal ganglia. The researches of His ' have shown that in these ganglia there develop cells which send out two processes. Plate XI. shows such a ganglion from a chick embryo, containing a number of cells, each with two processes. One process proceeds outward in the posterior spinal nerve, and passes to the skin or to some internal organ. The other process proceeds inward in the posterior spinal nerve root and enters the spinal cord. The latter process is usually smaller in its calibre than the former one, as proven by Retzius. 2 In a later stage of development the body of the cell appears to be pressed to one side, so as to lie not directly in the line of the branches, and then the two branches become fused together, so that in an adult the appearance of the cell is changed, and it looks like a pear with the stem divided and passing in two opposite directions. There has been some discussion as to which of the two branches of these cells is to be called a dendrite and which a neuraxon. As a matter of fact, no distinctive differences are to be seen in the branches, and it is better to regard this type of cell as different from the spinal neurons, and to maintain that these cells have two neuraxons and no dendrites, especially as both branches receive a medullary sheath on leaving the cell. It is known that sensations are conveyed from the skin to the spinal cord along these branches, and it is evident, therefore, that the distal branch conveys the impulse to the cell, and the proximal branch conveys it from the cell. It is not impossible that the cell has little to do with the function of sensation, and that its only function is to maintain the nutrition of its processes. It is certainly true that if either process is separated from its cell it atrophies in its entire length. 1 W. His, Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Anatom. Abtheil., 1887. 2 Retzius, Biol. Untersuchungen, Stockholm, I. 1890. 30 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS The neuraxons which enter the cord from the spinal ganglia pass in partly at the apex of the posterior horn, and partly through the column of Burdach in the portion adjacent to the posterior horn, hence known as the root-zone of the posterior column. On entering the cord each neuraxon divides into two parts, which turn at an angle of 150 to the original direction of the neuraxon, making a Y-shaped division ; and these pass up and down the cord. Plate XII. shows this peculiar division of the fibres, as seen in a longitudinal section of the cord through the root-zone. The fibres which pass downward appear to be short, rarely extending downward more than three centimetres. They pass together in a bundle which lies in the antero-lateral part of the column of Burdach, near the posterior horn, and has been termed the comma-shaped bundle, from the shape of its cross-section. Those which pass upward are of indefinite length, many in fact extending all the way to the medulla. Both divisions give off collaterals which enter the gray matter. In a long organ like the cord, which receives 31 pairs of nerves, it is evident that the higher the level, the greater the number of these fibres in a cross-section ; for in the cervical region are to be found fibres from every level below it. It has been found that a definite order of arrangement of these long ascending fibres takes place. As each successive nerve root comes into the root- zone, from below upward, it enters near to the posterior horn, and displaces the nerve fibres, already ascending, inward and backward toward the posterior septum. Hence in the cervical cord the fibres from the cervical nerves lie next the posterior horn, those from the dorsal cord are further inward, and those from the lumbar and sacral cord are crowded against the posterior septum. The arrangement of columns in the cord and their connections with the various cells are shown in the diagram (Fig. 4). A, B, and C are three levels of the spinal cord. I., II., and III. are three sensory nerve roots entering the cord at level B. They are seen to bifurcate, to send their branches downwards and upwards to levels 4 and C, and to send collaterals into the posterior horns at different levels, some of which terminate about the intrinsic cells of the same side (/t) t and some of which cross in the gray commissure, to terminate about the intrinsic cells of the opposite side (/). From these cells a neuraxon proceeds outward to the antero-lateral ascending tract of Gowers (G), which passes upward to the brain. Cell d, representing the Clarke column of cells, is also shown at the three levels, on the right side only, and its neuraxon ascending the cord in the direct cerebellar column (D). Collaterals from the posterior nerve roots terminate around these cells, as has been already shown in Fig. i, page 16. These collaterals are shown on the left side only in this figure for the sake of clearness. It is thus evident that impulses entering the spinal cord by the pos- terior nerve roots are not only distributed to the gray matter of the cord itself, as shown LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE SPINAL CORD OF CHICK EMBRYO, SEVENTH DAY, SHOW- ING THE ENTRANCE OF THE POSTERIOR NERVE ROOTS AND THEIR T SHAPED DIVISION INTO AS- CENDING AND DESCENDING FIBRES. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XII. THE SPINAL CORD in Fig. 3, page 24, representing the reflex action of the cord, but are also sent upward to the brain by three separate tracts ; namely, the posterior col- umns of the side on which they enter, the direct cerebellar column, and the antero-lateral tract of Cowers on the opposite side. The diagram also exhibits the course of vol- untary impulses from the brain downward to the motor neurons of the cord. These impulses, as already described, descend both in the pyramidal tract (P) and in the anterior median column (v). From the descending fibres of these columns fine collaterals come off, which enter the anterior horns of the cord, and terminate in fine terminal brushes about the motor nerve cells. For the sake of clear- ness, these cells (m, n, o) are shown on one side only. These collaterals are seen to come off at all levels of the cord. The voluntary impulses descend- ing in these columns and thus reaching the anterior motor cells excite them to activity, and the result is a voluntary contraction of the muscle to which their neuraxons pass. The diagram also shows the existence of in- trinsic cells in the cord (/, e\ with their neuraxons passing in the antero-lateral column (y, z), and ascending and descending, giving off collaterals which F I G . 4 . , , i r . i , , FIG. d. Diagram to illustrate the transmission of sensory, pass into the anterior gray matter of other levels motor, and association impulses through the spinal cord. A, B, C, are three levels of the cord. /, //, ///, are sensory nerve roots entering the posterior root zone at level B, bifurcating, ascending and descending, and sending collaterals into the gray matter at many levels. Three such collaterals are shown at A, B, C, ending in the posterior horn, and opposite median gray. The collaterals shown in diagrams I and 3 are not shown here. The collateral which crosses to the opposite side terminates about the cell /, which sends its neuraxon into the column of Cowers, G, and thence upward to the medulla. At level C a collateral ends about sensory cell A, which sends its neuraxon also into G. The collateral entering the base of the posterior horn terminates about the column of Clarke on the same side. For the sake of distinctness the cell, * OF THE UNIVERSITY THE CORPUS QUADRIGEMINUM. LARGE POLYGONAL CELLS OF THE SUPERFICIAL GRAY LAYER. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXIII. CORPUS QUADRIGEMINUM ANTERIOR 49 Plate XXIII. shows the large nerve cells of the superficial gray layer of the corpus quad- rigeminum anterior. This layer appears to contain the cells which are peculiar to the corpora quadrigemina. Two cells are shown in the plate quite different from each other. The larger cell is about 60 /A in size. It has six protoplasmic extensions, from each of which several dendrites are given off. These have numerous branches and radiate widely from the cell, evidently passing to a considerable distance from it. There is no neuraxon visible, but other specimens from this region show that these cells possess a long neuraxon which passes out of the body and assumes an antero-posterior direction, entering either the optic tract or the fillet. The second cell shown is a triangular cell with numerous dendrites which have a very large calibre, a long course in various directions, and give off a few branches in their course. The neuraxon of these cells enters the visual tract and passes to the occipital cortex. Through the plate the enormous plexus of nerve fibres is evident, and many axis cylin- ders can be seen easily separable from the dendrites by their finer calibre and straighter course. Many have varicosities, but very few give off collaterals. The general direction in which the majority are passing is from without inward. This- plexus belongs to the visual apparatus which has been already described. ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate XXIV. shows a portion of the deep white layer of the corpus quadrigeminum. It demonstrates the inextricable interlacing mass of nerve fibres which appear to be passing in every direction. Among these fibres, numerous cells are seen of varying size. The majority are triangular with a long apical process pointing outward and downward. These cells have numerous dendrites which give off branches. The direction of their neuraxons is downward and inward to the III. nerve nucleus. They are smaller than those in Plate XXIII., being from 20 to 30 /u, in size. Through the mass of fibres there appear to be numberless fine neuraxons with collaterals, and many of them seem to have free ends. Tartuferi 1 and Amaldi * have studied the corpora quadrigemina by the Golgi method, but I have not had access to their writings. The corpus quadrigeminum posterior contains cells and fibres quite similar in appearance to those shown in Plates XXIII. and XXIV. It has a relation to the auditory apparatus quite homologous to that which the anterior body has to the visual apparatus. The fillet conveys the auditory impulses to the corpus quadrigeminum posterior and to the corpus geniculatum internum, and to the posterior nucleus of the thalamus, and from these centres a second tract conveys them outward to the temporal region of the cortex. Von Monakow has shown that in both of these tracts fibres pass in both directions as in the visual tracts. 1 F. Tartuferi, Sull' anatomia minuta d. eminenze bigemine anterior! dell 1 uomo, Archivio ital. p. 1. malettie nervose; 1885. * P. Amaldi, Rivista sperimentale de Freniatria; 1892. THE CORPUS QUADRIGEMINUM. SMALL AND TRIANGULAR CELLS AND FINE PLEXUS OF NERVE FIBRtS IN THE DEEP LAYER. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXIV. THE OPTIC THALAMUS 5I THE OPTIC THALAMUS THE optic thalamus consists of a large mass of gray matter, egg-shaped, which lies upon the floor of each lateral ventricle, its upper and inner surfaces being free, its outer surface lying against the internal capsule, and its lower surface being upon the base of the brain and upon the tegmentum of the crus cerebri. Its connections with the other parts of the brain are made partly through its base, and chiefly through the internal capsule. Upon section either horizontally or vertically, it is evident to the naked eye that bundles of white fibres enter it from the capsule, forming apparent divisions between the masses of gray matter. These white bundles have been called the laminae medullares, and the various divisions of the gray matter formed by the presence of these laminae have led authors to describe a number of different nuclei in the thalamus. The most recent and most accurate description of these nuclei has been given by von Monakow. 1 He describes the following separate masses of gray matter in the thalamus, but admits that there is no absolute separation between these nuclei at some parts of their circumference. That they are, however, distinct from one another has been established by pathological investigations. Although very little is known with regard to the function of these nuclei at present, von Monakow has shown that each nucleus is in anatomical relation with a definite area of the cortex, and hence the separate function of each nucleus can be in part deduced from the facts known regarding the function of the area of the cortex to which it is joined. The position of these nuclei in the thalamus is shown in Fig. 9. The various nuclei are as follows: i st. The tuberculum anterius (to). This is a distinct hillock of gray matter lying upon the upper free surface of the thalamus far forward and near to the median line. It consists of a number of large nerve cells clustered together. The neuraxons of these cells pass downward to the corpus mammillare at the base of the brain, forming the so-called bundle of Vicz d'Azyr. They there meet the fibres of the fornix, which come from the hippocampus, and thus bring the tuberculum anterius into anatomical relation with the cortex of Ammon's horn. 1 C. von Monakow, Archiv f. Psychiatric, Bd. XXVII. s. 640; 1895. ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS 2d. The median nucleus of the thalamus (med) lies behind and below the tuberculum anterius, forming a large mass of gray matter which von Monakow divides into two portions, a median (med, a) and a lateral (med, b] portion. This occupies about one-half of the thalamus in extent, from before backward, being bounded on its lateral surface by the lateral nucleus, and upon its basal surface by the ventral nucleus, and tegmentum of the crura. Von Monakow describes the inner half of this median nucleus as made of larger cells than the outer half, and the two halves are separated from one another by a distinct lamina of white matter. The median nucleus is in anatomical and functional relation with the frontal portion of the Island of Reil and with the second and third frontal convolutions. When O T O T FIG. 9. FIG. 9. Frontal sections through basal ganglia to show the nuclei of the optic thalamus. (After von Monakow.) A, section at junction of posterior and middle thirds of the thalamus. B, section at junction of middle and anterior thirds of the thalamus. OT, optic thalamus. lat, lateral nucleus. med, median nucleus. a, its median division. *, its lateral division. vent, ventral nucleus. H, ganglion habenulae. in, substantia nigra. FED, cerebral peduncle. //, optic nerve. la, anterior tubercle. Int Cap, internal capsule. LN, lenticular nucleus. /, lenticular loop. these parts of the cortex are extirpated in animals, the nucleus atrophies, and when they are defective in man, this nucleus is defective in development. The cells of the nucleus are shown in Plate XXV. 3d. The lateral nucleus (lat). This consists of a large mass of gray matter extending from the anterior extremity of the thalamus backward to the pulvinar and lying against the internal capsule, from which it receives numerous fibres. It is made up of large cells which are shown in Plate XXVI. It is in anatomical relation with the central convolutions. 4th. The ventral nucleus (vent). This nucleus lies beneath the median and lateral THE OPTIC THALAMUS 53 nuclei and extends from the anterior backward to the posterior limit of the thalamus, lying very near to the lower portion of the internal capsule. Von Monakow divides this into four sub-nuclei, whose boundaries from one another are very indistinct, but whose independence is assured by the results of degeneration. The anterior part of the ventral nucleus is in anatomical relation with the frontal lobe of the brain in part. The remaining three parts of the ventral nucleus are in relation with the portion of the cortex which lies near the fissure of Sylvius, namely, the operculum, both central convolutions, and the gyrus supramarginalis. The cells of this nucleus are shown in Plates XXVII. and XXVIII. 5th. The pulvinar of the thalamus is the large collection of gray matter lying free upon its posterior and superior surface, and manifestly connected with the optic tract (pulv in Fig. 8). This lies behind the lateral nucleus and above the posterior part of the ventral nucleus. It is in direct relation with the occipital lobe of the brain. Upon its posterior and under surface two distinct hillocks of gray matter can be made out by the naked eye ; namely, the corpus geniculatum externum (cge) and internum (cgi), Fig. 8. The corpus geniculatum externum is directly related to the occipital cortex, as are the pulvinar and anterior corpus quadrigeminum. The corpus geniculatum internum is in relation with the first and second temporal convolutions, as is also the posterior corpus quadrigeminum. 6th. The posterior nucleus (pn in Fig. 8). A small mass of gray matter belonging to the thalamus lies beneath the pulvinar between the two corpora geniculata. This nucleus is connected with the cortex lying between the temporal and occipital areas. The ganglion habenulae is a small collection of cells forming a distinct hillock on the median surface of the thalamus and giving origin to the fibres which pass backward to the pineal gland. The cells of this nucleus are shown in Plate XXIX. Von Monakow affirms that the tracts connecting these various nuclei with their respective portions of the cortex are made up of two sets of fibres. One set has its origin in the cells of the thalamus and its termination in a brush-like expansion about the cells of the cortex. The other set arises from the pyramid cells of the cortex and ends in brushes within the thalamus. Such a double set of fibres has already been shown in Fig. 8, con- necting the pulvinar with the occipital cortex. To establish a further relation between the impulses passing over these double tracts, von Monakow believes that in the thalamus there lie many cells of Golgi's second type, an assertion which the investigations of Marchi confirm. There are several varieties of cells in the optic thalamus, and these are shown in Plates XXV. to XXIX. Plate XXV. shows a form of cell present in many parts of the thalamus, but especially characteristic of the median and lateral nuclei. These cells have a spherical body from which 54 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS numerous dendrites come off. The number of dendrites varies from four to ten. No one dendrite is very long, but each gives off very numerous fine branches which radiate in all directions from the cell body, giving an appearance which seems to justify the name, which I propose, of stellate cells. These dendritic branches are short and terminate in free extrem- ities in the thalamus. The interlacing of numerous adjacent dendrites with one another forms a fine plexus of fibres in the gray matter. The neuraxon of the stellate cells arises from the body of the cell and passes off in a straight direction, giving off very few collat- erals. The direction of the neuraxon varies in different cells even in the same nucleus. There appears to be no general mass of neuraxons passing together in bundles that can be traced. Yet the existence of the laminae medullares in the thalamus proves that such bundles do pass through the masses of gray matter, and it is probable that the neuraxons gather into bundles, leaving the thalamus through the internal capsule. Marchi l has studied the thalamus by the Golgi method, but his monograph is quite incomplete; he found only two kinds of cells, large and small,' and he does not distinguish the nuclei of the thalamus from one another. 1 V. Marchi, Sulla struttura del thalami optici, Rev. Sper. di Fren.; 1884 and 1887. k'. f^^^l t MEDIUM SIZED STELLATE CELLS OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS WITH VERY NUMEROUS DEN- DRITES, FROM THE MEDIAN NUCLEUS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXV. OF THE UNIVERSITY. OF < > V 4 LARGE STELLATE CELLS OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS WITH NUMEROUS DENDRITES FROM THE LATERAL NUCLEUS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXVI. THE OPTIC THALAMUS 55 Plate XXVI. shows a cluster of large stellate cells from the lateral nucleus of the thal- amus. They are about 50 /A in diameter. They resemble in appearance the medium-sized cells of the median nucleus, but are distinctly larger. They are to be found scattered irregularly throughout the lateral nucleus ; but a special group of these cells appears to be constant in its inner part, near the dorsal part of the median nucleus. These stellate cells are, however, found along the free margin of the thalamus, m the tuberculum anterius and in the pulvinar, and also occasionally single cells are seen in the internal capsule among the fibres. The neuraxon is difficult to follow and may come off on any side of the cell. It takes a very devious course. Marchi affirms that there are to be found both of the Golgi types of cell in the thalamus. It has not been possible for me to confirm this statement, as the difficulties in the way of following the neuraxons for any distance are insuperable. ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate XXVII. shows a second variety of cell found only in the ventral nucleus of the optic thalamus, and hitherto undescribed. These cells are placed quite regularly at definite distances from one another, so that the nucleus presents a very different appearance under the microscope from other parts of the thalamus, in which irregular distribution of the cells is the rule. These cells are very large, from 50 to 60 p, in diameter. They have a large body, irregular in shape, polygonal as a rule, never fusiform, and from this body numerous dendrites are given off in all directions. These dendrites are very slender in comparison with the size of the cell, but are very long. They appear to take a tortuous course, and branch less freely than the dendrites of the stellate cells. Some of the dendrites are seen to possess the furry surface, which is most marked in the Purkinje cell branches. But there is no uniformity in the direction of these dendrites. The neuraxon, one of which is well shown coming off from the lower side of the cell in the upper right corner of the plate, passes out of the body of the cell on any one of its sides, and gives off few collaterals. There is no uniform direction in the course of the neuraxons of these cells. LARGE POLYGONAL CELLS OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS WITH NUMEROUS DENDRITES, FROM THE VENTRAL NUCLEUS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXVII. v l>:M OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LARGE POLYGONAL CELLS OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS WITH VERY NUMEROUS DENDRITES FROM THE VENTRAL NUCLEUS X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXVIII. THE OPTIC THALAMUS 57 Plate XXVIII. shows the cells of the ventral nucleus of the thalamus. The nucleus is bounded above by a distinct band of nerve fibres, entering the thalamus from the internal capsule and sweeping inward toward the median nucleus. It is bounded on its outer and lower surface by the fibres of the internal capsule. Hence it is more distinct as a separate nucleus than any other of the thalamic masses. It is also distinguished from other nuclei by the size and appearance of its cells, as already described. The cells of Luys' body, which lies not far from this nucleus among the longitudinal bundles of the internal capsule, resemble these cells. 58 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate XXIX. shows a group of cells of smaller size than those already shown and chiefly triangular in shape, which is found on the median border of the thalamus in its posterior portions. These cells are not only grouped together, but are scattered along the median surface of the thalamus in a thin layer over a considerable area. The large group is the ganglion habenulae, shown as a distant hillock (/t) in Fig. 9, A. This ganglion gives rise to a set of fibres which pass backward to the level of the posterior commissure, forming the pillars of the pineal gland. It also gives origin to a band of fibres which passes downward and backward between the red nuclei of the tegmentum to a small mass of gray matter lying between the crura. This band is the fasciculus retroflexus of Meynert. It is shown in Fig. 8. The majority of the cells of the ganglion are triangular, with three chief dendritic branches, but some are polygonal, with many dendrites. The neuraxon is very fine, and has few, if any, collaterals. The majority of the neuraxons turn downward and probably pass into the fasciculus retroflexus. In the plate the free median border of the thalamus is seen to the left. SMALL TRIANGULAR CELLS OF THE NUCLEUS HABENULAE OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS. PLATE XXIX. SECTION THROUGH THE MARGIN OF THE OPTIC THALAMUS SHOWING THE ENTRANCE OF ITS FIBRES INTO THE INTERNAL CAPSULE. TWO FUSIFORM CELLS ARE SEEN WHOSE LONG AXIS IS PARALLEL WITH THE CAPSULAR FIBRES. THE MAJORITY OF AXIS CYLINDERS APPEAR VARICOSE AND A FEW ARE SEEN TO GIVE OFF COLLATERALS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXX THE OPTIC THALAMUS 59 Plate XXX. shows the outer margin of the optic thalamus adjacent to the internal capsule. The object of the plate is to demonstrate the ' enormous number of fine neuraxons issuing from the thalamus and entering the internal capsule. The thalamic fibres are shown in the plate as passing from above downward and toward the left. The internal capsule fibres are shown passing across the plate below. Among the latter, two long fusiform cells are seen near the thalamus, with very long branches which subdivide at some distance from the cell. Such cells are seen along the outer side of the thalamus in all sections and even in the laminae medullares within the thalamus. They form a fourth variety of thalamic cell. The fibres from the thalamus turn in a spiral manner on entering the capsule and become parallel with the fibres of the capsule, but such turning cannot be shown by a photograph, which is necessarily in one plane only. Von Monakovv has proven by experimental researches on animals and by studies in pathol- ogy in man that the neurons in the thalamus must be considered as made up of two cat- egories: (i) cells which lie in the thalamus and send out neuraxons which pass to and terminate in the cortex; (2) neuraxons of cortical cells passing into the thalamus and terminating in brush-like expansions about its cells. By means of these two sets of neurons the mutual relation of the nuclei of the thalamus and the cortical areas, already described, are maintained. He believes that the mutual relations of these neurons is secured by the intermediate action of cells of Golgi's second type lying in the optic thalamus. I have not included such cells in the diagram, Fig. 8. There are undoubtedly many other fibres leaving and entering the thalamus to and from the lower levels of the central nervous system, as well as those which enter it from the optic tracts. The latter are clearly connected with the pulvinar of the thalamus and with the corpora geniculata. There is no reason to believe that the other nuclei of the thalamus have any anatomical relation with the optic tracts. The relations known to exist between the optic nerve, pulvinar, and occipital cortex may, however, be taken as in- dicative of the relation between other parts of the thalamus and other subcortical and cortical structures. These have been shown already in the diagram of the visual tract, Fig. 8. It is probable that the thalamus is the organ in which many automatic acts are coordi- nated under the stimuli of various sensory impressions there united and brought into mutual relation. Its exact function is, however, undetermined. 60 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE CORPUS STRIATUM THE corpus striatum of each hemisphere, a single mass of gray matter on the base of the brain in its anterior part, is divided above into two parts, the caudate and lenticular nuclei, by the passage downward of the fibres of the internal capsule. The caudate nucleus has a free upper surface forming a part of the floor of the lateral ventricle. The lenticular nucleus is surrounded on all sides by white matter, being bounded externally by the external capsule, in- ternally by the internal capsule, and below by the lenticular loop. It is subdivided into an external body or putamen, a median portion, the lobus intermedius, and an internal portion, the lobus pallidus, by two bands of white fibres coursing through it from the internal capsule to the lenticular loop. These relations are shown in Fig. 9, B, on page 52. Microscopical examination of the caudate and lenticular nuclei shows that they are essen- tially alike in structure. They are made up of gray substance containing two varieties of cells; very large rectangular cells and very small triangular or polygonal cells. These cells are scattered indifferently through the mass of gray matter and are never collected into groups. Plate XXXI. shows the large variety of cells characteristic of the corpus striatum. They are 70/1 long and 10 /u, to 15/11 broad. The body of the cell is long and narrow with a swell- ing in its middle where the nucleus lies. At the extremities of the cell body dendrites are given off, either one or two in number, and these appear to turn at right angles to the long axis of the cell soon after leaving it. They give off very few branches and have a very long course, being often traceable for a great distance through the gray matter and even into the internal capsule. The neuraxon may arise from the body of the cell, but usually arises from one of its protoplasmic prolongations near the body. It usually turns soon after its origin toward the internal capsule, but does not uniformly arise from the side of the cell toward the capsule. The majority of the neuraxons in the caudate nucleus enter the capsule from its under surface. Those from the lenticular nucleus either pass into the lenticular loop by way of the laminae, dividing the nucleus into its three parts, or else enter the capsule after travers- ing the lobus pallidus. I LARGE RECTANGULAR CELLS OF THE CORPUS STRIATUM. THESE CELLS ARE FOUND ONLY IN THIS REGION. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXI. ^Wx OF THc ,'ERSITY OF Of THE ( UNIVERSITY ) SMALL TRIANGULAR AND STELLATE CELLS IN THE CORPUS STRIATUM X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXII. THE CORPUS STRIATUM 6 1 Plate XXXII. shows the second or smaller variety of cells found in the corpus striatum. These may be stellate cells quite like those of the thalamus, of which one is shown in the plate ; or they may be very small triangular cells, with protoplasmic prolongations coming off at right angles, or at acute angles to each other. Several such small cells are shown in the plate. The majority of the dendrites of these small cells run in an antero-posterior direction ; hence in the section shown, which is a frontal section, they are cut off, and cannot be traced far. They have few branches, and are not long. The neuraxons of these cells come off in all directions, and cannot be followed. It has been asserted by Marchi that cells of both the types of Golgi are present in the corpora striata. It is evident in both plates that a fine plexus of neuraxons is present throughout the gray matter, and numerous collaterals can be seen coming off from these fibres. No definite relation between the corpus striatum and the cortex has been demonstrated, though Kovalewski l believes that fibres enter the outer surface of the putamen from the corona radiata, and external capsule, and end there, establishing such a relation. The function of these ganglia is undetermined. 1 Sitzb. d. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. im Wien, Bd. LXXXVI. iii. Abt., December, 1882. 6 2 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE CEREBRAL CORTEX GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY PLATES XXXIII. to LIII. show the structure of the cerebral cortex. This is the most intricate portion of the nervous system. It has formed the subject of numerous careful studies, but there remain many points which are still obscure, and there is as yet much uncertainty regarding the arrangement of its cells and the direction of its fibres. The methods of Golgi have, however, been particularly successful in demonstrating the constituent parts of the cortex, in revealing the existence of numerous varieties of cells, in tracing the division and destination of their branches, and in unravelling the tangled mass of fibres which permeate it everywhere. The description here given rests largely upon the study of the facts presented by Golgi, Cajal, and Retzius, and illustrated in the plates. Plate XXXIII. shows a section through the cortex of the Rolandic region of a human embryo of eight months. It gives a general idea of the topography of the cortex at a period in the development when the structure is simple, and the various layers can be easily distinguished. It is evident that there are several layers in the gray matter. In this plate the superficial layer is so deeply stained that little of its structure can be seen, although some fibres parallel to the surface, so-called tangential fibres, can be made out in the lighter parts. The characteristics of this layer are shown in Plates XXXIV. to XXXVII. Beneath the super- ficial layer a comparatively clear region is seen having a striated appearance, because traversed by long fibres at right angles to the plane of the surface. These fibres are really the long, slender, upright apical extensions of the pyramidal-shaped cells which form the second and third layers. A careful inspection, however, will show here and there in this clear zone some small cells with little apices extending upward toward the surface. And when the layer of large pyramidal cells is studied, it will be noticed that these cells lie at different levels, a number of smaller ones being nearer to the surface than the very large ones which first catch the eye. A number of deeper lying cells are visible at the right of the plate. There is really no sharp dividing line between the layers of small and large pyramid cells; and although modern authors divide them into two distinct layers, the plates demon- strate that they intermingle. Beneath the layer of cells is another fairly clear zone occupied uk 1 W-1 I .' SECTION THROUGH A CONVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN, FROM AN EIGHT MONTHS EM- BRYO. THE VARIOUS LAYERS OF THE CORTEX ARE SHOWN AND THE WHITE FIBRES PASSING TO- GETHER BENEATH THE CORTEX. X 29 DIAM. PLATE XXXIII. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 63 chiefly by the basal or axis cylinder processes of the pyramid cells which sweep downward, forming the mass of parallel fibres which make up the white matter under the cortex. But it is quite evident that interlacing with these fibres, and passing at right angles to them, are many other fibres ; and although the cells from which they arise are not here shown, it can easily be believed that these cells and fibres form a fourth layer. After these plates have been studied, some statements will be made regarding the arrangement of the cells in different layers in the various regions of the brain. 6 4 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE FIRST, OR SUPERFICIAL LAYER Plates XXXIV. to XXXVII. show the superficial layer of the cortex. This is also known as the molecular layer, from its punctate appearance under the carmine stain and from its supposed lack of nerve cells. The modern methods of staining have demonstrated the existence of a peculiar type of cell in this layer and also the existence of a fine interlacing mass of fibres. These cells having been first described by Cajal are now known by his name ; but Retzius l has studied them more thoroughly in the human brain, and to him we owe most of our knowledge of these structures. There are several varieties of Cajal cells, all of which are shown in the plates. Plate XXXIV. shows two of these cells, one fusiform, one triangular. The fusiform cell has an oval body, whose long axis is parallel to the surface of the convolution ; and two long protoplasmic processes, called stalks by Cajal, which pass out nearly straight in the hori- zontal plane. These stalks, whose surface is smooth and not covered with gemmules, give off at right angles numerous fine filamentous fibres. These appear to extend vertically toward the surface, and at their ends little knob-like terminations are often seen. They sometimes divide or give off fine ramifications, which in turn become horizontal in their course. These fibres do not leave the surface layer of the convolution. The end of the stalk terminates in a fine fibre, which is very long, and extends a great length horizontally through this layer. The second cell in the plate is a rectangular, diamond-shaped cell. From this cell the stalks come off at right angles to each other, two being horizontal, two being vertical. From both hori- zontal stalks fine fibres arise, which take a vertical course, and the right-hand stalk finally turns upward. From the lower pointed process of the cell a neuraxon comes off which gives off a collateral, then divides and becomes a tangential, fibre. This is the course taken by the neuraxons of all these Cajal cells, as has been clearly demonstrated by Retzius. They do not leave the superficial layer, but become tangential fibres. The plate shows the large number of tangential fibres. These appear somewhat thicker than in the subsequent plates, owing to a difference in the photographic method adopted. Plate XXXV. shows a large triangular Cajal cell with two long stalks, both giving off numerous fine vertical branches which pass upward to the surface of the cortex. One of the branches becomes a horizontal fibre and can be traced for some distance. The neuraxon is not shown. 1 Retzius, Biologische Untersuchungen, Bd. III.; 1894. I THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OF A HUMAN EMBRYO SHOWING CAJAL CELLS, TANGENTIAL FIBRES, AND FINE INTERLACING VERTICAL FIBRES. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXIV. THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OF AN EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO, SHOWING TRIANGULAR CAJAL CELL WITH ITS NUMEROUS SECONDARY BRANCHES. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXV. THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OF AN EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO, SHOWING TWO CAJAL CELLS, ONE FUSIFORM, THE OTHER POLYGONAL. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXVI. ' THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER OF THE CORTEX SHOWING TRIANGULAR CAJAL CELL WITH VERTI- CAL BRANCHES TERMINATING IN KNOBS. ALSO DEEP TANGENTIAL FIBRES WITH THEIR COLLATER- ALS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXVII. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 65 Plate XXXVI. shows a fusiform cell (0 1 ) and a polygonal cell (c) of the Cajal type in the superficial layer of the cortex. The polygonal cell has several dendrites coming off in various directions and dividing into smaller branches, which diverge. It also has a single neuraxon, very small in diameter, which passes downward into the surface layer and becomes horizontal and gives off collaterals, which also take a horizontal course. These fibres never turn down- ward to enter the deeper layers. These cells differ in all respects from glia cells, which Golgi has shown to exist in large numbers in this layer. In all the plates it is evident that there are numerous horizontal fibres in this superficial layer. These are well marked in its deepest portion, and are shown with great distinctness in Plate XXXVII. Into the surface layer there are seen to pass (in Plates XXXVIII. and XLII.) the termination of the apical processes of the pyramidal cells. These have the typical dendrite appearance, being covered with granules, and branching and dividing as they ascend. These dendrites appear to end in free extremities in the superficial layer, there coming into contact with the nerve fibres already described. Plate XXXVII. shows the triangular variety of Cajal cells (6). It also shows the fine interlacing fibres of this layer. The origin of some of these fibres has already been described. There are others which require to be noticed. It has already been stated that the neuraxons ascending to the cortex from the spinal cord, the medulla, the cerebellum, and the basal ganglia terminate in fine brush-like expansions in the cortex. It is in this layer of the cortex that many of these terminal brushes lie. Hence this layer of the cortex certainly receives impulses of many kinds from various parts of the lower nervous centres. It also receives impulses from other regions of the cortex by means of fibres whose terminal expansions have been traced to this layer. Thus the fibres of association from adjacent or distant pyramidal cells end here, as do also many of the collateral fibres coming off from the neuraxons of pyramidal cells in the layer just beneath the superficial layer, and also the neuraxons of certain cells which pass directly to this layer; viz. the Martinotti cells. If, as Cajal and Van Gehuchten believe, it is the function of the branches of the apical processes of the pyramidal cells of the second and third layers of the cortex to collect impulses and convey them to their cells, it is evident that in the superficial layer of the cortex they can receive such impulses from the most diverse and far separated parts of the central nervous system. 1 These letters refer to the cells shown in the diagram Fig. 10 on p. 72. 66 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE SECOND LAYER, OR LAYER OF SMALL PYRAMIDAL CELLS Plate XXXVIII. shows the second layer of the cortex or the layer of small pyramidal cells; and Plates XXXIX. and XL. demonstrate the characteristic features of the cells of this layer. In Plate XXXVIII. the surface layer is seen, but its cells and fibres, excepting a few deep tangential fibres, are not shown. Just beneath these deep tangential fibres a number of small pyramid cells (d) are evident with their short apical processes, really a part of the body of the cell, running up toward the superficial layer. The size of these cells is from io/t to 12 p.. In one or two cases the apical process can be seen to bifurcate, and its two branches can be seen to diverge and end in the superficial layer. Other apical processes coming up from cells lying more deeply, and not shown, can also be seen to take the same course. The small pyramid cells are seen to have a few dendrites coming off from their basal corners and a true neuraxon coming from the base which can be followed for some distance downward, and in some cases can be seen to give off collaterals. The majority of the dark broad black lines in this plate are capillary blood-vessels. In the lower part of the plate the dense mass of nerve fibres interlacing and running in all directions is noticeable. All through this layer it is evident that fine neuraxons as well as apical projections of deeper cells are making their way toward the surface layer, many of them giving off collaterals in their course. Plate XXXIX. shows this second layer under a higher power of magnification and brings out the structure and appearance of a few of its cells and the enormous mass of its fibres. Plate XL. shows the characteristics of its cells alone. The cells have a triangular shape with narrow base and long apex (e). The body gives off a few branches which pass outward, usually downward, from the two basal corners of the cell. These have the characteristic features of dendrites, tapering as they pass on, having an irregular surface, giving off a few branches at an acute angle, which branches in turn divide and give off secondary branches. The general direction of these dendrites is diagonal to the vertical fibres of the layer. The neuraxon also comes off from the base of the cell, but rarely from a corner, usually in the middle. It differs from the dendrite in being smooth, fine, of uniform calibre, and giving off its finer collaterals at right angles to its course. Cajal and Golgi believe that many of the collaterals turn in their course and ascend through the second layer to the superficial layer. It is evident in the plate that this layer THE SECOND LAYER OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OR LAYER OF SMALL PYRAMID CELLS. THE STRIATED APPEARANCE OF THIS LAYER IS DUE TO THE LARGE NUMBER OF FIBRES COMING UP FROM THE THIRD LAYER. THE BIFURCATION OF THE APICAL PROCESSES OF THE PYRAMID CELLS BEFORE ENTERING THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER IS WELL SHOWN. VERY SMALL PYRAMID CELLS WITH NUMEROUS DENDRITES ARE SEEN AT DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THIS LAYER. X 80 DIAM. PLATE XXXVIII. THE SECOND LAYER OR LAYER OF SMALL PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE HUMAN CORTEX, SEV- ERAL SMALL CELLS AND VERTICAL AXIS CYLINDERS PASSING THROUGH THIS LAYER ARE SHOWN. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XXXIX. PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE ADULT HUMAN CEREBRAL CORTEX. THE SHAPE OF THESE CELLS THE LONG APICAL PROCESS PASSING UPWARD TO THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER, AND THE NUMEROUS SHORT BASAL DENDRITES ARE SHOWN. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XL. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 67 contains many fine neuraxons whose course can be traced to the surface layer though their origin is not seen in the plate. They present a very much finer appearance than the apical processes of the cell near to which they lie. Plate XL. shows the small pyramidal cells (/) of the second cortical layer. These are more distinctly triangular than those shown in Plate XXXIX., and have longer apical processes as they lie at a deeper level. The number of branches from the apical process is larger. The apical process or stalk of the pyramidal cell is for some distance almost as large as the cell body, and it is many times as long, but gradually becomes narrower and lies straight, and finally divides like a dendrite into branches. In its ascent toward the surface it con- stantly gives off branches which pursue the same direction or which turn upward soon after passing away from the stalk. In Plate XL. such branches of the apical process are very clearly seen. As the apical process becomes more slender, it often appears to present a varicose appearance, and such varicosities are also seen in its branches. 68 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE THIRD LAYER, OR LAYER OF LARGE PYRAMIDAL CELLS Plate XL I. gives a general view of the second and third layers of the cortex, or the layers of pyramidal cells. These two layers are only to be distinguished from one another by the size of their cells, the deeper cells being much larger and reaching from 15 //, to 40 /x in diameter. There is no actual boundary between the two layers, and Cajal prefers to consider the two as one. In fact, the cells are small, intermediate, and large, as they lie deeper. Their apical processes or stalks reach up to the superficial layer. The cells are seen to lie at various levels, yet they are so nearly together as to make quite a distinct stratification of the cortex. The characteristics of the cells in the deep or third layer are the great size of the cells, the length of their apical process, and the greater number of the vertical fibres which give this layer a striated appMfSfee. The numerous dendrites of the cells, running out from their bases, and also the '^n^lraxoiW with collaterals, can be seen in the plate. The '-- f; * | jcp RH\>'^ special features of this layer are *eesHto better advantage in the plates which follow. Plate XLII. shows very clearly a group of intermediate-sized pyramidal cells in a human embryo of eight months. The cells of the second layer did not stain, hence the course of the apical process can be traced to the superficial layer. The characteristic triangular appearance of these cells is to be noticed ; their dendrites coming off at the corners and subdividing; their long apical projection running far up into the second layer, giving off branches as it ascends, and finally splitting up into two parts, which diverge and enter the superficial layer of tangential fibres ; and lastly, their axis cylin- der process, coming out of the base, passing downward and giving off one or two collaterals in its course. It is quite evident that the apex projection has a rough surface covered by gemmules or little spike-like or thorn-like excrescences. These appear to be better marked on this process than on the other protoplasmic processes, though they can be seen on them as well. On several of the apical processes, extending through the plate, varicosities are seen. Andriezen 1 is inclined to attach a pathological significance to these, but Berkley 2 considers them as nor- mal. Their significance is not known. In this plate and in Plates XL 1 1 1. and XL VI. a few 1 W. L. Andriezen, On Some of the Newer Aspects of the Pathology of Insanity. Brain, Vol. XVII., p. 548; 1894. 2 H. ]. Berkley, A Theory of the Causation of Permanent Dementia. The Medical News; Nov. 9, 1895. SECTION THROUGH THE SECOND AND THIRD LAYERS OF THE HUMAN CORTEX SHOWING BOTH SMALL AND LARGE PYRAMIDAL CELLS LYING BETWEEN NUMEROUS VERTICAL FIBRES- X 190 DIAM. PLATE XLI. \ 1 , PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX, EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO. THE LONG APICAL PROCESS PASSING UPWARD TO THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER, THE NUMEROUS SHORT BASAL PROCESSES AND THE NEURAXON COMING OUT OF THE BASE ARE SHOWN IN THIS SECTION; IT IS POSSIBLE TO SEE COLLATERAL BRANCHES COMING OFF FROM THE NEURAXON. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XLII. PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX, EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO. THE SHAPE OF THESE CELLS, THE LONG APICAL PROCESS PASSING UPWARD TO THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER, THE NUMEROUS SHORT DENDRITES AND THE NEURAXON WITH ITS COLLATERALS ARE SHOWN IN THIS SECTION. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XLIII. MEDIUM SIZED PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE THIRD LAYER OF THE CORTEX IN HUMAN EMBRYO SHOWING LONG APICAL PROCESS ENTERING SUPERFICIAL LAYER AND FINE NEURAXON COMING C OF THE BASE. X 190 DIAM- PLATE XLIV. LARGE PYRAMIDAL CELL OF GOLGI'S SECOND TYPE IN THE THIRD LAYER WITH LONG APICAL PROCESS AND NUMEROUS FINE DENDRITES. THE NEURAXON DIVIDES AND SUBDIVIDES BELOW THE CELL BODY. PLATE XLV. I - A LARGE CELL OF THE THIRD LAYER WITH ITS NEURAXON COMING OUT FROM THE BASE AND DIVIDING INTO TWO BRANCHES WHICH SUBSEQUENTLY DIVIDE. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE SECOND TYPE OF GOLGI CELL. X 570 DIAM. PLATE XLVI. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 69 fine straight fibres, with bead-like swellings at regular intervals, are to be seen extending through the layer. These are thought by Retzius to be neuroglia fibres. Plate XL 1 1 1. shows another group of pyramidal cells (g) with the same characteristics as those in Plate XLII. In this plate the axis cylinder process or neuraxon of several of the cells is well shown. It can be seen to issue from the base of the cell, and to pass downward toward the white matter in a wavy course, and to give off little collaterals here and there, some of which appear to turn backward, as if to ascend. Cajal affirms that some collaterals do turn upward and pass into the superficial layer to ramify among the horizontal fibres. In this plate, also, a varicose neuroglia fibre is to be traced. It will be noticed that in the layer beneath the pyramids, where no cells are stained, there are many more fibres of horizontal direction than in the second layer. Plate XL IV. shows the characteristics of the pyramidal cells already described. The neuraxon of the cell in the centre of the plate is well shown, and the very great difference in its appearance from that of the dendrites is to be noticed. A small collateral is seen to come off from this neuraxon near to the lower limit of the plate. Plate XLV. shows another pyramidal cell of medium size from the third layer (k). It is given in order to ' demonstrate the branches which often come off from the apical process and ascend at its side. It also shows the divisions and subdivisions of the dendrites given off from the body of the cell, and the tendency to varicose swellings along these dendrites, particularly at the point at which a branch is given off. In Plate XLVI. a single pyramidal cell is shown with its axis cylinder or neuraxon under a very high power of magnification. This is seen to run from the base and to divide into two branches; each branch then divides, and from these branches smaller collaterals are given off. This cell is one of the cells of Golgi's second type, in which the axis cylinder has no long course or definite destination, but loses itself in a plexus of very fine nerve fibres. It was impossible to focus both cell and fibre upon the plate at once, with this very high power, hence the cell is not clearly shown. 7 o ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS Plate XLVII. shows three of the large pyramidal cells of the cortex (g). In this plate the existence of thorn-like excrescences upon the apical process of the cell is clearly shown. These are the so-called gemmules, and it will be noticed that many of them have club-shaped extremities. These gemmules are similar to those already seen on the branches of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Their exact significance is unknown, but Berkley considers them of great functional importance, and has shown J that in degenerative diseases of the brain of toxic origin, they are the first part of the cell to suffer, the degenerated cell having a swollen apical process without gemmules. In this plate the division of the apical process and the divergence of its branches before they enter the superficial layer are well seen. To the right of the plate a long straight neuraxon is seen passing toward the superficial layer. This may be taken as one of the terminal fibres of which so many come up from the cord and basal ganglia and end in the cortex. These, of course, pass between and interlace with the other systems of fibres already described, and make up a considerable part of the white matter. The terminal filaments of these fibres and the terminals of their collaterals enter into close relation with the cells of this layer, and they may thus bring in impulses from a distance, which, being received in the pyramidal cells, set up new responses in the form of motor or sensory or mental activity. 1 The Medical News; Nov. 9, 1895. LARGEST PYRAMIDAL CELLS OF THE THIRD LAYER OF THE CORTEX SHOWING LONG APICAL PROCESS WITH GEMMULES AND NUMEROUS BASAL DENDRITES. X 190 DIAM. PL'ATE XLVII. OF TMC ^A ( LfMVERS'TY) 'W r'.>s^,X A MARTINOTTI CELL OF THE THIRD LAYER OF THE CORTEX SHOWING THE AXIS CYLINDER FROM THE APEX AND ASCENDING TOWARD THE SUPERFICIAL LAYER GIVING OFF A LLATERAL. OTHER AXIS CYLINDERS WITH COLLATERALS ARE SEEN IN THE SECTION THE STEL- LATE CELL TO THE LEFT IS A GLIA CELL. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XLVIII. or THE UNIVERSITY I THIRD LAYER OF THE CORTEX SHOWING IRREGULAR POLYGONAL CELLS WITH MANY DEN- DRITES WHICH LIE AMONG THE PYRAMIDAL CELLS. X 190 DIAM. PLATE XLIX. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX Plate XLVIII. shows the existence of another type of cell found in the third layer of the cortex, and first described by Martinotti (m). This variety of cell gives off an axis cylinder from its apex which ascends toward the superficial layer 'of the cortex, a direction exactly opposed to that of the neuraxon of the pyramidal cells. This axis cylinder gives off collaterals which pass laterally into the adjacent substance. These cells have numerous dendrites which come off from the lower part of the cell body and pass downward, dividing and branching, and furnished with gemmules like the apical process of the pyramidal cell. The cell to the left of the plate is a glia cell. The numerous branches of such a cell and its spider-like appearance are apparent. The broad black lines are capillaries. Plate XLIX. shows several cells of irregular type which are found in the third layer of the cortex. They differ in shape from the pyramidal cells. They do not have an apical process, but have numerous long, slender dendrites, and the neuraxon is not easily separated from the dendrites. It is possible that these cells belong to Golgi's second type of cell whose neuraxons divide and subdivide within the cortical layers (). ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE FOURTH LAYER, OR LAYER OF POLYGONAL CELLS Plate L. shows the fourth or deepest layer of the cortex. This layer is made up of polygonal or fusiform cells, whose general direction is at right angles to the pyramidal cells of the third layer. One such cell is shown in the plate, a fusi- form cell (/), its long axis being hori- zontal. It has two large protoplasmic processes covered with gemmules and giving off branches. It has a large neuraxon which passes almost horizontally toward the left, giving off collaterals, and then turns downward. This cell is rather larger than the majority of the cells of this layer. But other cells of the layer are triangular, rectangular, or polygonal (q), hence the latter name has been selected as descriptive of them. Cajal says that a stalk is often wanting in these cells, but when present it varies greatly in its direction, and never turns downward or upward or terminates in the superficial layer of the cortex. The neuraxons of these cells turn downward into the white substance. FIG. 10. FIG. 10. Diagram of the cells of the cerebral cortex. The cells are repro- All anatomists have distinguished this duced from the plates. 7, superficial layer, a, fusiform, />, triangular, c, polygonal cells of Cajal. 7/, layer of small pyramids. d, smallest, e, small, / medium-sized pyramids with their neuraxons descending to the white matter, giving off collaterals in their course. III, layer of large pyramids, g, largest (giant) pyramidal cells, k, large pyramidal cell with very numerous dendrites. All pyramidal cells are seen to send long apical processes up to /. m, Martinotti cell with descending dendrites and ascending neuraxon. , polygonal cells. IV, deep layer. /, fusiform cell, q, polygonal cell. V, the white matter containing the neuraxons from pyramidal cells, d, e, f, g, and from cell of the deep layer g. r, neuroglia fibre. * FUSIFORM CELL OF THE FOURTH LAYER OF THE CORTEX; ITS LONG AXIS DIRECTED HORI- ZONTALLY WITH NUMEROUS DENDRITES AND A NEURAXON PASSING TOWARD THE LEFT. X 190 DIAM. PLATE L. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 73 deeper layer of the cortex from the other layers, and have considered its cells as association rather than projection cells. The fibres of this layer are seen to pass in all possible directions, intermingling with the neuraxons of the other layers, which descend through the layer to enter the white matter be- neath. An attempt has been made to put together the various elements of the cor- tex here described in a scheme or diagram (Fig. 10) which may convey to the mind a picture of their mutual relation. Each va- riety of cell which has been described and photographed in the plates is reproduced and is given its proper size and position relatively to the other cells. The course of the fibres within the cortex is also shown, with their probable termination so far as actually determined. Fibres r are supposed to be glia fibres forming a part of the glia framework supporting the cortex. The various systems of fibres entering and terminating in the cortex are not shown. The neuraxons of all these cells are shown, making up the white matter beneath the gray, and giving off in their course collaterals which pass in various directions. The various neuraxons making up the white matter beneath the cortex have been classified by anatomists in accordance with their final destination. There are (i) projection fibres, which pass through the centrum ovale into the internal capsule and thence to some of the masses of gray matter in the basal ganglia, me- dulla, or spinal cord. These bring the FIG. ii. FIG. II. The projection tracts joining the cortex with lower nerve centres. Sagittal section showing the arrangement of tracts in the internal capsule. A, Tract from the frontal lobe to the pons, thence to the cerebellar hemisphere of the opposite side. B, motor tract from the central convolu- tions to the facial nucleus in the pons and to the spinal cord; its decussation is indicated at K. C, sensory tract from posterior columns of the cord, through the posterior part of the medulla, pons, crus, and capsule to the parietal lobe. D, visual tract from the optic thalamus (OT) to the occipi- tal lobe. E, auditory tract from the corp. quad. post, to which a tract passes from the VIII. N.. nucleus (f) to the temporal lobe. F, superior cerebellar peduncle. G, middle cerebellar peduncle. H, inferior cerebellar peduncle. CA 7 , caudate nucleus. CQ, corpora quadrigemina. Vt, fourth ventricle. The numerals refer to the cranial nerves. FIG. 12. FIG. 12. The association fibres. A, Between adjacent convolutions. B, between frontal and occipital areas. C, between frontal and temporal areas, cingulum. D, between frontal and temporal areas, fasciculus uncinatus. E, between occipital and temporal areas, fasciculus longitudinalis inferior. CN, caudate nucleus. OT, optic thalamus. 74 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS cortex into relation with the lower levels of the nervous system, the various parts of which have been already studied. They are shown in Fig. n. There are (2) association fibres, which pass from one part of the cortex to other parts, thus bringing various regions of the cortex into mutual relation. They are shown in Fig. 12. There are (3) commissural fibres, which pass by way of the corpus callosum from the cortex of one hemisphere of the brain to the opposite hemisphere, to terminate in the cortex. It is not at all impossible, in the light of recent discoveries, that a neuraxon from a nerve cell may become a projection fibre and give off collaterals, which may become association or even commissural fibres. It is certain that the human brain is superior to that of all other brains in the number of its association fibres which bring about a perfect interaction of all its parts. The termination of these association fibres ap- pears to be in all of the various layers of the cortex, thus bringing any cell into relation with many cells of different situa- tion and type. It has been stated already that the cortex is the terminal station of a very large number of fibres which reach it from other parts in the projection, association, and commissural tracts. These fibres are not Pol. P. w. shown in the diagram (Fig. 10), for the sake FIG. 13. (Andriezen). Cortex of human brain showing the nerve fibre sys- tems and plexuses (combined Weigert's and Golgi's methods). ,*, clear zone (free of nerve fibre). M P, molecular plexus (Exner's), Qf dearnesS) but they are s ' nO wn in Fig. 1 3 in the molecular layer. A sir, ambiguous cell stratum. Subm P, sub-molec- ular plexus. Gt PP, great pyramidal plexus. Pol P, polymorphic plexus. from a design by AndrieZCn ' which demon- ic, white substance. strates their complexity. They enter the cortex from the white matter and terminate in brush-like expansions about the cells of all the various layers. At some layers the intricate meshes of these fibres are very thick. The 1 Brain, Vol. XVII. p. 629; 1894. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 75 thickest meshes are about the bodies of the largest pyramid cells and of the fusiform cells of the deep layer. Many fibres ascend to the superficial layer, where a larger mesh is shown to exist about the Cajal cells. There are terminal ends of fibres at all parts of the cortex, and as Andriezen has pointed out these are non-medullated at their tips, where they can come into contact with the dendrites and apical processes of the cortical cells. An attempt has been made by Cajal l to trace the probable course of impulses through the various cortical layers, but such an attempt is too hypothetical to be at present considered. 1 Cajal, Les nouvelles Idees sur la structure du Systfeme Nerveux, p. 66. Paris, 1894. 76 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS THE HIPPOCAMPUS The hippocampus is a peculiar structure which has attracted the attention of all anato- mists who have studied the brain. It lies deep upon the base on the inner surface of the tempero-sphenoidal lobe, its free inner surface projecting into the descending horn of the ventricle. The peculiar appearance of the anterior portion known as Ammon's Horn is due to a folding of the convolution upon itself in such a manner that the outer layer of one portion of the cortex, being folded backward, comes in contact with the outer layer of another portion of the cortex, and the free extremity is rolled outward in a sort of spiral curve. This peculiar configuration is well shown in Plate LI. It is not necessary to give a very detailed account of this structure, as its physiological significance is not yet known. It is much more fully developed in the lower animals than it is in man. It is easily possible to distinguish a number of layers in the cortex, and these may be enumerated as follows (from right to left in the figure): First. A layer of epithelium upon which lies the choroid plexus in the descending horn of the lateral ventricle. This forms the outer boundary of the alveus. Second. The second layer is the layer of white matter, really made up of the neuraxons issuing from the base of the pyramidal cells, but deflected by the curving of the convolution into a zone of horizontal fibres. This is known as the Alveus. Third. A thin layer containing numerous polygonal cells which are similar to those of the fourth layer of the cortex. This has been called the stratum oriens. Fourth. A layer of pyramidal cells of various shapes and sizes having many dendrites and long apical processes which divide and branch as they enter the fourth layer. This corresponds to the third and second layers of other cortical regions fused together. Fifth. A layer made up of numerous fine fibres passing in all directions, and of many cells. This is really the superficial layer of the cortex, and is fused with a superficial layer of the other part of the cortex, which is folded upon this layer; so that this broad layer represents the union of two superficial cortical layers. It has been named the stratum lacu- nosum. It contains many Cajal cells and cells of Golgi's second type. Sixth. A layer of pyramidal cells with their bases directed away from the layer of fine fibres ; thus lying in exactly an opposite direction to the cells of the fourth layer. Seventh. A layer of white matter made up of the neuraxons coming out of the base of these pyramidal cells. The fibres issuing from the seventh layer gather into a mass and A SECTION THROUGH THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF AN EIGHT MONTHS HUMAN EMBRYO, SHOWING VARIOUS LAYERS OF THE CORTEX. X 29 DIAM. PLATE LI. THE CORTEX OF THE HIPPOCAMPUS. THE LONG PYRAMIDAL CELLS, THE SMALL PYRAMIDAL CELLS AND THE INTERLACING LAYER OF FINE FIBRES ARE ALL EVIDENT. X 190 DIAM. PLATE Lll. THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 77 sweep around the free extremity of gray matter, and thus arrive upon its surface, there passing beneath the layer of epithelium. Hence the layer of white matter which we have described as the second layer of the hippocampus is really made up not only of the neuraxons issuing directly into it from the first set of pyramids described, but also contains fibres coming from the second set of pyramids by a long spiral curve. It is possible in the plate to follow the layer of pyramids all the way around the curve of the cortical fold, and thus to become convinced that this layer of pyramids is really a single layer folded upon itself, and hence necessarily lying with all the bases outward. Plate LII. shows a section through the hippocampus at a higher power. At the bottom of the plate the layer of white substance is seen, with a few fibres passing chiefly in a horizontal direction. Above this layer the pyramids lie with their long apical processes, similar in appearance to those which we have already studied. These apical processes are seen to divide and enter the layer of fine fibres, where they interlace with the fine horizontal fibres of the superficial layer of the cortex. These fine fibres are quite easily visible in the plates. In the ordinary cortex the superficial layer is comparatively thin, and the apical processes of the pyramids diverge and become parallel with the surface soon after their entrance into it; but in this region it is evident that the layer of tangential fibres is broad, and that there is less tendency of the apical processes to become horizontal. The interlacing of the two sets of fibres in this layer is well demonstrated in the plate. In the plate a few small cells can be seen in the superficial layer. These have been termed stellate cells by Cajal. They have numerous dendrites which branch and interlace with the other fibres of this layer adding to its complexity. Dejerine 1 describes other fibres entering and branching in this layer which are terminal collaterals from the cells of the other layers. It will be noticed that no distinction has been made between the layer of small pyramids and the layer of large pyra- mids in this description of the hippocampus. No such distinction is possible, because the cells are intermingled. 1 Anatomie des Centres Nerveux, p. 722. Paris. 1895. 78 ATLAS OF NERVE CELLS In the description of the cortex given above it has been described as consisting of four layers. It is easily possible to distinguish everywhere in the cortex the four types of cells described in these layers; viz. Cajal cells, small pyramidal cells, large pyramidal cells, polygonal cells. But the relative number of these cells varies greatly in different regions of the brain, and their arrangement in layers also varies. Thus few authors have agreed as to the num- ber of layers of cells to be described, and it is erroneous to suppose that any single scheme corresponds to all parts of the brain. Bevan Lewis has shown some of the differences exist- ing in the cortical structure in different regions (see Quain's "Anatomy," loth edition). But the most careful .study was made by the late Dr. Carl Hammarberg of Upsala, in " Studien iiber Klinik und Pathologie der Idiotic nebst Untersuchungen iiber die Normale Anatomic der Hirnrinde," and his plates are reproduced in Plate LI II. Hammarberg's drawings of sections through* various parts of the cortex made to a scale have proven that great variations in number and arrangement of the cells exist, that the frontal, parietal, central, occipital, temporal, and median portions of the brain as well as the gyrus fornicatus and the hippocampus have distinctive characteristics, and that no description of one portion holds good for all. It is beyond the scope of this work to describe these variations, which are rather in the mutual relation of such cells as have been shown than in any peculiarities of cell structure. It has seemed necessary, however, to observe that the four- layer type of structure is by no means universal, and should not be taken as typical of cor- tical structure in man, however universal in lower animals. Plate LI 1 1. shows sections from eight different regions of the adult human cortex, drawn to a scale, and demonstrates the varying thickness of the cortex and the varying arrangement of the cells in different parts. The first four sections are from the anterior regions of the brain, and present the appearances supposed to characterize the motor cortex. They are from the superior frontal (Fig. i); anterior central (Fig. 2); third frontal, posterior to the ascending limb of the fissure of Sylvius (Fig. 3) ; third frontal, anterior to the ascending limb of the fissure of Sylvius (Fig. 4). The second four sections are from the posterior regions of the brain, and show the arrangement of cells prevailing in the sensory areas of the cortex. They are from the posterior central (Fig. i); superior temporal (Fig. 2); superior parietal (Fig. 3); and superior occipital (Fig. 4). It will be noticed that the larger pyramidal cells are found more constantly in the motor region, and that the contrast between layers of large and small cells is more apparent in the sensory region. It is as yet impossible to assign any separate functions to the various kinds of cells. Hammarberg's studies, however, demonstrate conclusively that the degree of mental power depends directly upon the number and perfection of development of these cortical cells, for in the brains of idiots the cells are few in number and imperfectly developed. , I 1 * " ' y i 1 i H: j <* 4 i * "i'" t 1 i ..^ - ;i Si q , i >- y F^j ^*'" i A * B jfn^p 3 * xL" r i- k * , v . f 1 1 K ^~ / n 1 ; i. . , - -!* i^ - R '- * . J, L '-- J> T 5 * A ' I i ^ v 3r 1 , I z: - - /i. , W ^ -.. . : IT 7 " z; \ ... "T ! y. i- !- -* 4- j *r*r . . i : ) 1 ^i ;/ 7 ~ ii i T 1 2 x * \ 4 ,*" A. '' ^fefcj ' r 1 . 1 j Lj ^K / ; " r v- ' A : 1 J * j_ i . ' ^ ff H __ ^ T-T rv ^ i- 7* f ' *-- '4 - J ' < .-*. -J 'f ' '' - . i ^L | ' * I t- u . f =H SECTIONS THROUGH EIGHT DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE BRAIN CORTEX TO SHOW THE VARIOUS ARRAN- GEMENT OF CELLS. HAMMARBERG PLATE Llll. > UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA L1BRAKY BERKELEY THK demand may be renewed if "i'> of loan period. on ' made before OCT U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES Ilimillllllllllir I!