GIFT OF PROF. W.B. RISING APPLETONS' SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS. CHEMISTRY. SPKOTKA OF VARIOUS SOimcKS OK LIGHT. The Sun,.2.Tfi& 9 . Calcium ye. . . H-Barium. 12 6. Caesium,. . 8 Th THE ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. BY F. W. CLARKE, CHEMIST OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, I, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1884. o COPYRIGHT, 1884, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. PREFACE. IN preparing this little treatise the author has had several objects in view. First, he has sought to write a text-book which should be available for use with elementary classes, and in which the diffi- culties of chemical science should be encountered progressively, rather than at the beginning. Sec- ondly, he has considered the needs of those stu- dents who, while anxious to learn, are unable to secure the aid of a teacher, and who, therefore, are obliged to study by themselves. For the latter, es- pecially, are the foot-note references to other works on chemistry ; and only such works have been cited as are to be found on the shelves of nearly every well-equipped public library. He has also borne steadily in mind the fact that in most schools there are two classes of students : those who study chem- istry merely as part of a general education, without thought of going further ; and those who are likely in time to take a more advanced course of chemi- cal training. For the former class the book is suffi- 237513 vi PREFACE. ciently full, particularly with regard to the every- day applications of chemistry ; for the second class it is intended to serve as a legitimate scientific basis for subsequent higher study. The value of a school text-book, other things being equal, depends much upon the use made of it by the teacher. In his hands it may become an instrument for developing thought, or merely a device for drilling the memory. This is especially true of text-books upon -chemistry. To use them properly it must always be remembered that chem- istry is essentially a disciplinary study as much so as language or mathematics; and the constant effort of the teacher should be to train the pupil in the accurate observation of phenomena, and the ability to draw correct conclusions from what he sees. Good discipline in scientific methods of thought must always be kept in view ; and this discipline can be best attained by simultaneous drill in the facts of science as observed in the lecture- room or laboratory, and in the philosophy of sci- ence which is reared upon them. In this book the effort has been made to present, as a rule, experimental evidence first and theoretical discus- sions afterward ; and a glance at the chapters upon atomic weights, formulae, and valency, will fairly illustrate the manner in which this purpose has been carried out. Nearly all the experiments cited in this volume PREFACE. vii are of the simplest character. The greater num- ber of them can be easily performed by the pupil himself, with no more complicated apparatus than can be improvised from such common materials as are everywhere at hand. The chemicals, with few exceptions, are inexpensive, and within the reach of every school ; and, although a good laboratory is desirable, it is not necessary to the attainment of really substantial results. Every experiment should be studied, not as an amusement, but for what it signifies ; and, if there are not means for perform- ing it just as it is described, other means may be readily devised. The student who constructs his own apparatus understands its meaning much bet- ter than if he had bought a far more elegant outfit of some dealer. The questions and exercises at the end of the book are not meant to be exhaustive. They are merely hints to aid both teacher and pupil in their work. The problems, in particular, are only tenta- tive ; some classes will need many more than are given, and the teacher must devise such as will be best suited to circumstances. The author's acknowledgments are due to Miss Caroline A. Lord, of Cincinnati, for efficient serv- ice in the preparation of a considerable number of the illustrations. WASHINGTON, April, 1884. I TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHAP. PAGE I. INTRODUCTION . / . . , r . . i II. THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. , ., , . . 8 III. HYDROGEN . . . . . , '"".". . . 14 IV. OXYGEN 24 V. WATER 32 VI. NITROGEN AND THE ATMOSPHERE . . . .49 VII. AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN . . 55 VIII. ATOMIC WEIGHTS AND CHEMICAL FORMULAE . . 66 IX. CARBON . . ' 74 X. CARBON (continued) 90 XI. COMBINATION BY VOLUME 99 XII. VALENCY 105 XIII. THE CHLORINE GROUP in XIV. THE CHLORINE GROUP (continued) . . . .122 XV. SULPHUR . . .132 XVI. SULPHUR (continued) 141 XVII. PHOSPHORUS 151 XVIII. ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON 159 XIX. INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS . . . .172 XX. THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES . . . .183 XXI. SILVER AND THALLIUM 196 XXII. CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, AND BARIUM .... 205 XXIII. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS 213 XXIV. GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, CADMIUM, AND MER- CURY 222 XXV. THE ALUMINUM GROUP 232 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE XXVI. THE TETRAD METALS 239 XXVII. THE ANTIMONY GROUP .246 XXVIII. THE CHROMIUM GROUP. 253 XXIX. MANGANESE AND IRON. 262 XXX. NICKEL, COBALT, AND COPPER 273 XXXI. GOLD, AND THE PLATINUM GROUP .... 280 PART II. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. XXXII. PRELIMINARY OUTLINE 285 XXXIII. CYANOGEN AND CARBONYL COMPOUNDS . . . 291 XXXIV. THE METHANE SERIES . . . . . .296 XXXV. THE FATTY ACIDS 303 XXXVI. THE OLEFINES 310 XXXVII. GLYCERIN AND THE FATS 316 XXXVIII. THE CARBOHYDRATES 322 XXXIX. THE BENZENE DERIVATIVES 329 XL. THE TERPENE, CAMPHORS, ALKALOIDS, AND GLU- COSIDES 338 XLI. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY, FERMENTATION . . . 344 APPENDIX I. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ENGLISH AND METRIC MEASURES, THERMOMETRIC RULES , .351 APPENDIX II. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 353 PART I. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. INTROD UCTION. WHEN we closely observe, the occurrences of Nature, we soon see that two great classes of changes are constantly taking place. First, there are the changes which do not affect the essential character of things : like the motion of a body from one spot to another, and the variations between heat and cold, sound and silence, light and darkness, and so on. Secondly, there are the changes which sub- stances undergo in their innermost structure : like the transformation of wood into charcoal, of the con- stituents of soil and air into the stems and leaves of plants, and a multitude of other similar altera- tions of different degrees of complexity. Changes of the first class are called physical changes, while the others are known as chemical; and it is with the latter that the science of chemistry has to do. For example, a piece of iron may be converted into a magnet and afterward deprived of its mag- netic power, thus acquiring and losing a certain new property without ceasing to be metallic iron. These changes, which do not affect the nature of the metal as a metal, are physical ; and so also are those involved in raising a piece of the iron to a red heat, or in rendering it fluid by melting. But if the iron be placed in a shallow pool of water, so as to be partly covered and partly exposed to the air, it will be slowly transformed into a brownish-red sub- stance called rust, and here the alteration is chem- ical. The iron has ceased to exist as iron, and has become changed into something quite different. Again, water may be frozen into ice, or converted by heat into steam ; thus showing its capacity to exist in several different conditions, without ceasing to be the same substance. These changes, there- fore, are physical. , But, by chemical means, the water may be decomposed into two gases oxygen and hydrogen each of which differs widely in its properties from water, and neither of which with- out the other can reproduce water. This trans- formation of water into something else is a chemical transformation. The following experiments will serve to illus- trate chemical changes: EXPERIMENT i. Rub together in a mortar a small quantity of copper -filings with half their weight of sulphur. No matter how thoroughly you mix them, you can still, with a magnify ing-glass, discern the separate particles of the two substances. Now insert the mixture in a glass tube sealed at the lower end, and heat gently over a flame. Presently the sulphur will melt, and shortly afterward the entire mass will become incandescent. Upon cool- ing, it will be found that both copper and sulphur have disappeared, and in their place is a grayish substance, in which the most powerful microscope INTRODUCTION. 3 can detect no particle of either of the original bodies. The copper and sulphur have united to form a new substance, known as copper sulphide ; FIG. i. Union by Heat. and thus the experiment serves to illustrate chemical combination. It also teaches the difference between chemical combination and mere mechanical mixture. Instead of copper, iron may be used in this experi- ment, and then iron sulphide will be formed. Be- fore heating, the metal may be separated from the sulphur by means of a magnet ; but after union has taken place the iron can not be thus withdrawn. EXPERIMENT 2. Place in a dry test-tube a lit- tle red mercuric oxide, and heat cautiously over a flame. Soon globules of metallic mercury or quick- silver will be seen in the bottom of the tube, or con- densed upon its cooler sides. In the tube there will also be a quantity of oxygen gas, which may be recognized by the fact that a kindled match will burn more brilliantly in it than in the outer air. 4 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The original red substance has been divided into two substances, a gas and a metal ; so that here we have an instance of chemical decomposition.* EXPERIMENT 3. Rub together in a mortar a lit- tle potassium iodide and a little mercuric chloride. Presently, in place of the two white substances, a scarlet powder will appear. This chemical change is more complicated than either of the foregoing cases, and is an instance of double decomposition. Here two compounds exchange their constituents, each decomposing the other, new compounds at the same time being formed. This phase of action will be considered more fully in another chapter. In several ways these experiments are instructive. They show, for example, how wonderfully a chem- ical change affects the physical properties of things, the properties of a compound being often widely different from those of the substances which have united to produce it. Under proper conditions, black, tasteless, odorless charcoal may be made to unite with yellow, tasteless, odorless sulphur; the product of the union of these two solids being a volatile, colorless, transparent liquid, with a nau- seous odor and burning taste. A more complete transformation can hardly be imagined. f It will be observed that in two of the foregoing * Copper formate is even better than mercuric oxide for strikingly illustrating decomposition. When heated in a tube the brilliant blue crystals evolve gas copiously, and pure metallic copper remains behind. The substance may be prepared by dissolving copper oxide in warm formic acid, and aHowing the solution to crystallize. Unfortunately, the materials are not readily available in all school laboratories. f At this point the teacher will do well to show the class, side by side, a fragment of charcoal, a bit of sulphur, and a bottle of carbon disulphide. INTRODUCTION. 5 experiments heat is applied: in one case as a de- composing agent, in the other as a means of caus- ing union. Another experiment will bear advanta- geously upon these. EXPERIMENT 4. Pulverize, in a perfectly clean mortar, a little potassium chlorate. Transfer it to a sheet of paper, and mix carefully with it, without rubbing, an equal quantity of powdered sugar. Place the mixture where no harm can be done, and drop upon it, from a glass rod, a single drop of strong sulphuric acid. The mass will immediately catch fire, burning with almost explosive violence, and with a peculiar rose-colored flame. Here, then, we have a chemical change which produces a great amount of heat. We now see that heat plays a very important part in chemical changes ; and, as we go on, we shall find that other agencies, such as light, elec- tricity, etc., are also often involved. In order, then, that a chemical change may be completely understood, three things have to be studied, as follows : First, the properties of the substances entering into the change. Secondly, the physical phenomena occurring during the change. Thirdly, the prop- erties of the substances which result from the change. In such investigations one principle, which un- derlies all science, must be steadily kept in view. In no case is anything, either matter or force, ever created or destroyed. By matter is meant any- thing which occupies space and possesses weight : like iron, wood, water, or air. By force is under- stood any agency capable of producing motion, or 6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of altering the direction of a moving body ; * and such things as heat, light, electricity, mechanical power, etc., are called forces. When two bodies act upon each other chemically, they do so under the influence of a peculiar force, known variously as chemical affinity, chemical attraction, or, more briefly, chem- ism. When two substances unite, it is this force which brings them together ; when they are separat- ed, this force has to be overcome. In consequence, every chemical change involves some transformation of force, but none is ever created or destroyed. So also with the matter changed : however complicated its alteration may be, no particle is ever lost, no new particle ever appears. When a candle is burned, a series of chemical changes takes place. Heat is de- veloped by chemical action, and a certain amount of matter seems to disappear. But, if all the products of combustion, solid or gaseous, be collected and accu- rately weighed, it will be found that nothing has real- ly vanished. The matter of the candle and of the air in which it burned have acted upon each other chem- ically, and new substances have been formed ; but neither destruction nor creation of matter was possi- ble. It is with the transformations of matter, its combi- nations and decompositions, that the chemist has to deal. In the light of the foregoing pages we may now frame an intelligible definition, as follows : Chemistry is the science which investigates the composition of sub- stances, together with the combinations and decomposi- tions resulting from their action upon one another under the influence of chemical force.\ * For more exhaustive definitions, the works on mechanics and physics may be consulted. f The essential features of this definition may be expressed in a INTRODUCTION. j At the beginning of any study the question of utility is apt to arise. With chemistry the answer to this question is twofold : First, its value as an educational instrument, as a means of mental dis- cipline, is very great. Secondly, its material advan- tages are enormous. The discoveries of chemists are now applied to practical use in agriculture, in medicine, and in every great manufacturing indus- try. By the help of chemistry many substances which were formerly wasted are now rendered use- ful. For example, from coal-tar the most brilliant dyes are made. Our dwellings are now lighted with chemically refined oil and candles, or by chem- ically made gas ; and these are kindled with matches which chemistry has given us in place of the old flint and steel. Our clothing is bleached or dyed by chemical means ; metals are extracted from their ores by chemical processes ; soap, glass, porcelain, paints, varnishes, etc., have all become better and cheaper than before the chemist studied them. Bar- ren soil is now rendered fruitful by chemical fer- tilizers ; wood is preserved from decay by chemical applications ; diseases are checked by chemical dis- infectants ; and a multitude of chemical preparations aid the physician in alleviating pain. variety of other ways. The pupil will find it a useful exercise to ar- range other definitions, so as to see the subject from several different points of view. CHAPTER II. THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. IN order to determine the composition of any substance, the chemist may resort to two distinct methods, analysis and synthesis. By analysis, a body is separated into its component parts, which are then identified. By synthesis these parts may be artifi- cially combined, so as to produce the substance under investigation. For example, the composition of water may be ascertained by dividing it into its two constituents, oxygen and hydrogen ; or it may be determined by causing these gases to unite, and proving that by their union water is actually formed. Each method re-enforces the other, and strengthens the final conclusion. In Nature the chemist recognizes an almost limit- less number of different substances, the composition of which he tries to discover by either or both of the above methods. Besides, he has to deal with vast numbers of artificial bodies ; of which so many are theoretically possible that infinity would barely suffice to express them. In the analysis of all these substances, however, he finds the same component parts continually repeated in various modes of un- ion ; and he finally arrives at bodies so simple that they can not be analyzed further. These simple THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 9 substances, of which at present some seventy are known, he terms elements. All other substances, which are formed by the chemical union of elements with each other, and which are consequently sepa- rable into elements by analysis, he calls compounds. Thus, the oxygen and hydrogen previously referred to are elements, for by no means within the chem- ist's control can they be decomposed into simpler bodies ; while the water formed by their union is a compound, and is said to be composed of these elements. The following table contains a list of all the elements now known. The use of the " sym- bols" and the meaning of the "atomic weights" will be explained further on. New elements are occasionally discovered, usually as constituents of very rare minerals. Table I. Elements, Symbols, and Atomic Weights. NAME. Symbol. Atomic weight. NAME. Symbol. Atomic weight. Aluminum Al. 27. Erbium Er. 1 66. Antimony Sb. 120. FLUORINE F. 19. ARSENIC As. 75. Gallium Ga. 69. jBarium Ba. I?7. Glucinum Gl. 9- Bismuth Bi ->o8 Gold. Au. 196.5 BORON B. 1 1. v HYDROGEN . . . H. i. ^BROMINE Br. 80. Indium In. 113.6 Cadmium Cd 112. V !ODINE I. 127. CcCsium Cs. J-2 J. Iridium Ir. 193. Calcium Ca ' 4.O Iron Fe. f 56. "CARBON C. 12. Lanthanum .... La. 138.2 CERIUM Ce T/1T Lead Pb. 207. ^CHLORINE Cl 2C C Lithium Li. 7. Chromium Cr. C2. Magnesium .... Mg. 24. Cobalt Co. CQ Manganese .... Mn. cc. Columbium Cb QA Mercury HP- 2OO. Conner . . Cu. 5a Molybdenum . . Mo. 96. X *? . Decipium Dp. > 3 Nickel Ni. 58. Didvmium . . DL 14.2.1 ^NITROGEN . . N. 14.. 10 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. NAME. Symbol. Atomic weight. NAME. Symbol. Atomic weight. Osmium . Os. 0. Pd. P. Pt. K. Rh. Rb. Ru. Sm. Sc. Se. Si. Ag. Na. Sr. 199.? 1 6. 106. 31- 195. 39- 104. 85.5 104. 150. 44. 79- 28. 108. 5 \i>ULPHUR S. Ta. Te. Tb. Tl. Th. Tm. Sn. Ti. W. U. V. Yt. Yb. Zn. Zr. 32. IS2.6 126. ? ? 204. 23 |- 118. 48. 184. 239- ^ 173- 65. 90. OXYGEN. Tantalum . Palladium TELLURIUM... Terbium ^PHOSPHORUS... Platinum. Thallium Potassium Thorium Rhodium . Thulium Rubidium , . Tin Ruthenium Titanium Tungsten Samarium .. Scandium Uranium SELENIUM Vanadium . SILICON . Yttrium Ytterbium Sodium . Zinc Strontium Zirconium Of these elements by far the greater number are metallic ; like gold, iron, zinc, etc. A smaller num- ber, given in the table in small capitals, are called non-metallic ; and of these carbon, oxygen, and sul- phur are good examples. In the subsequent chap- ters the latter class of elements will be studied first. Between the metals and the non-metals, however, no sharp distinctions can be drawn; arsenic, for example, may be fairly put in either class; the division, therefore, is mainly one of convenience, and is not fundamentally important. In order that we may be able to account for many of the properties of matter, we must study its physical constitution still more closely. Take, for example, a piece of iron : when it is heated, it expands, and occupies more space than before ; when cooled, it contracts and becomes smaller ; al- though in both cases the weight remains the same. THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. u Weight, therefore, may be regarded a constant property of matter, while volume or bulk is vari- able. This variability in volume is most easily ac- counted for upon the supposition that matter, as we ordinarily recognize it, is made up of minute, sepa- rate particles, which may be driven farther apart or crowded closer together by various means. These particles the physicist terms molecules, and they are considered to be by all mechanical means indivisi- ble. Every kind of matter is built up of its own characteristic kind of molecules ; these are exactly alike, although different from the molecules of every other substance, and they are separated by larger or smaller spaces. They are furthermore supposed to be in more or less rapid motion ; and upon this sup- position the mathematical theories of heat and elec- tricity are very largely based. Of course, molecules are exceedingly small so small that we may never be able to see or handle them experimentally. There are, however, abundant reasons for asserting their existence ; and it is even possible to calculate from physical data something approximate concerning their size. Evidence can be drawn from several sources showing that about five hundred millions of hydrogen-molecules, placed in a row, would only form a line an inch long ; or, in other words, there are about two hundred millions to the linear centi- metre.* But, although molecules are mechanically indi- visible, by chemical means we can divide them into smaller particles still. For example, a drop of water * For fuller details, consult Tait's " Recent Advances in Physical Science," chapters xii and xiii ; also Cooke's " New Chemistry," pp. 27-36. 12 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. may be divided and subdivided until the molecules of water are reached ; and each of these will still possess all the properties of water. But water is a compound of two elements, oxygen and hydrogen ; and therefore every one of its molecules may be decomposed into these two substances. The smaller portions of oxygen and hydrogen thus recognized are called atoms. The molecule of any chemical compound, then, is a cluster of atoms ; and it is only between atoms that the force of chemical attraction comes into play. In future chapters some of the properties of atoms will be considered. For pres- ent purposes the following definitions will be found useful : A mass of matter is any portion of matter which can be recognized by the senses. Every mass is an aggregation of molecules. Masses at- tract each other by the force of gravitation. The science of mechanics deals with masses and their motions. A molecule is the smallest particle of any sub- stance which can exist in the free state, and in which the characteristic properties of the sub- stance are retained. It is also the smallest por- tion of matter which can take part in any phy- sical change. The science of molecular physics (including heat, light, and electricity) deals large- ly with molecules and their motions. Nearly all molecules are clusters of atoms; but, for a very few substances, the molecule and the atom are the same. An atom is the smallest quantity of any substance which can enter into chemical union, or take part in any chemical change. Chemistry may be defined THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. ^ as the science which treats of atoms and their at- tractions for each other.* * This definition may be considered as a supplement to the one given in the preceding chapter. The subject of atoms and molecules may be read up to advantage in Cooke's " New Chemistry," Wurtz's " Atomic Theory," Cooke's " Chemical Philosophy," or Remsen's " Theoretical Chemistry." CHAPTER III. HYDROGEN. IN the preceding chapters reference has been made to the fact that water is composed of hydro- gen and oxygen. We may now study hydrogen, oxygen, and water separately and in detail. Hydrogen, although it had been obtained and partly examined by several earlier investigators, was first accurately studied by Cavendish in 1766. In 1781 he made the additional discovery that water is the only product of its combustion ; and, on ac- count of this fact, Lavoisier gave it its present name, which signifies " water-producer." It may be easily obtained from water as follows : EXPERIMENT 5. Wrap a bit of sodium as large as a pea in some wire-gauze, and hold it by a handle of stout wire under the mouth of an inverted test- tube filled with water in a pneumatic trough. In- stead of the latter piece of apparatus, a common, deep earthenware dish full of water may be used. The test-tube should be filled with water completely ; then, by closing its mouth with the thumb, it may be inverted and placed easily in position. The so- dium will at once be attacked by the water, bubbles of gas will be evolved and rise into the tube, and soon the latter will be full. Again close the mouth of HYDROGEN. the tube with the thumb, and bring it mouth upper- most. Now, upon removing the thumb, and in- stantly applying a match, the gas in the tube will FIG. 2. Preparation of Hydrogen with Sodium. ignite, and burn with a pale, bluish flame. The gas is hydrogen. Since the bit of sodium may produce a slight explosion, it is prudent in this experiment to wear stout gloves. In the foregoing experiment the sodium with- draws oxygen from the water, setting hydrogen free. When steam is passed through a gun-barrel or piece of gas-pipe filled with iron-filings and heated to redness, a similar change takes place ; the oxygen of the steam being retained by the iron, so that only hydrogen escapes at the farther end of the appa- ratus. But, for preparing hydrogen in quantity, the subjoined method is the most convenient : EXPERIMENT 6. Place a quantity of granulated zinc (prepared by pouring melted zinc from a height of three or four feet into cold water) in a gas deliv- ery-flask (Fig. 3), and cover it with dilute hydro- chloric acid. Iron-filings may be used instead of zinc, and sulphuric acid in place of hydrochloric.* * Some druggists and dealers in chemicals still retain for this acid the nearly obsolete name of muriatic acid. 2 i6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In either case hydrogen will be copiously evolved ; and it may be collected over water in a number of small, wide-mouthed bottles. The first portions of gas should be allowed to escape, since they will be FIG. 3. Preparation of Hydrogen. contaminated with the air which originally filled the apparatus. By applying a flame to the mouth of one of the little bottles, the inflammability of hy- drogen may again be recognized. Hydrogen, when perfectly pure, is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas. As ordinarily prepared, how- ever, it is apt to be disagreeably scented by impuri- ties derived from the materials used in its manufac- ture. It is found in Nature, in the free state, among the gases exhaled by certain volcanoes ; and it is also contained in many meteoric irons. Not only iron, but several other metals also, notably palla- dium, have the property of absorbing (or occluding) HYDROGEN. 17 considerable quantities of hydrogen. Since metals containing occluded hydrogen exhibit in some de- gree the properties of alloys, it has been suggested that hydrogen ought to be classed as a metal also ; and some chemical reasons, which will be cited further on, tend to support this view. Hydrogen exists in enormous quantities in the atmosphere of the sun, and in most of the other self-luminous heavenly bodies, its presence there being revealed to us by the spectroscope. It is an important con- stituent of coal-gas ; and in the combined state we find it not only in water, but in nearly all animal and vegetable substances, in petroleum, and in a great many artificial products. We have already seen that hydrogen is inflam- mable, and that its flame is but feebly luminous. It is, however, exceedingly hot, as the following ex- periment will show : FIG. 4. Combustion of Hydrogen. EXPERIMENT 7. Generate hydrogen as in Ex- periment 6 ; only, instead of collecting it over water, 1 8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. allow it to issue into the air through a long glass tube drawn out to a fine jet at the end. Allow the gas to escape for some time, until all the air origi- nally contained in the flask has been expelled ; then light the jet of gas and observe the character of the flame. Now insert in the flame a little fine coil of platinum wire. It will at once become brilliantly white-hot If the gas is kindled while air remains in the flask, a violent explosion will ensue. By holding a cold test-tube inverted over the hydrogen-flame, the formation of drops of water as a product of com- bustion may be observed. Hydrogen is incapable of supporting respira- tion ; hence, small animals immersed in it soon die. The pure gas may, however, be inhaled to a limited extent without danger. When the lungs are filled with it, even the gruffest voice becomes curiously shrill and hollow. Hydrogen is the lightest of all known substances. Hence its use in the filling of balloons, although for this purpose coal-gas is now more generally em- ployed. EXPERIMENT 8. Collect the hydrogen from a generating-flask in a large bladder, and, when the latter is full, tie it tightly around the neck with string. An inexpensive toy-balloon is thus made. EXPERIMENT 9. Fill a small india-rubber gas- bag with hydrogen, and attach a clay tobacco-pipe to its nozzle by a bit of rubber tube. The pipe may now be used for blowing soap-bubbles, which are filled with hydrogen by a gentle pressure on the bag. The bubbles rise at once to the ceil- ing, on account of their remarkable lightness. By touching each bubble with a candle-flame, the HYDROGEN. inflammability of hydrogen may be further illus- trated. EXPERIMENT 10. Hydrogen may be poured from one bottle into another, but it must be poured upward. One of the small bottles filled in Experiment 6 will do for this experi- ment. When the gas has been transferred, it may be recognized in the second bottle by its inflammability. (See Fig. 5.) The weight of one litre (or cubic decimetre) of hy- drogen, measured at the temperature of o centi- grade, and under a baro- metric pressure of 760 mil- limetres, is only 0.0896 gramme.* This weight is called a crith, and is an important unit of weight in all gas calculations. In the subjoined table it is compared with the weight of equal bulks of air, water, and platinum the latter being the heaviest substance known. One cubic decimetre of hydrogen weighs 0.0896 gramme. " air " 1.2932 " water " 1000.0000 grammes. <4 " platinum " 21500.0000 " Hence, air is 14.43 times, water a little over 11,000 times, and platinum about 240,000 times heavier than hydrogen. In many chemical calculations the volume occu- * Tables of metric weights and measures, and of the different ther- mometric scales, may be found in the Appendix. FIG. 5. Pouring Hydro- gen up. 20 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. pied by a given quantity of gas is a very important factor. Since the volume of a gas depends upon conditions of temperature and pressure, we must take these agencies into account, and, for conven- ience, we must first establish some definite standards of comparison. The normal, or standard, tempera- ture is assumed to be o centigrade, or 32 Fahren- heit. The normal atmospheric pressure is indicated by the barometer when the mercurial column is exactly 760 millimetres high. Volumes of gases, then, are always to be compared at o centigrade, and under 760 millimetres pressure ; and, whenever they have been measured under other conditions, it is customary to reduce them to these standards. The law governing the expansion of gases by heat is very simple. For present purposes it may be stated thus : All gases expand equally for equal rises of temperature. Although this is only approximately true, its variations from absolute accuracy need not be considered in ordinary calculations. The errors introduced are so small that they may be safely ignored ; just as in measuring the width of a room a thousandth of an inch more or less counts for nothing. For each degree centigrade, a gas, measured origi- nally at o, will expand -^ of its bulk ; thus : 273 volumes of air at o become 274 at i, 275 276 273 + t 272 271 ' " 2, etc. If this rule were absolutely true, then, at 273 be- low zero, the volume of a gas would become nothing, HYDROGEN. 21 and matter would absolutely vanish. Accordingly, 273 below the centigrade zero is called the absolute zero of temperature. Of course, this value has no ex- perimental meaning, since it can never be reached : but it has some mathematical importance. Gases cease to be gases, and condense to liquids or solids, long before reaching so low a temperature. Suppose, now, we have two volumes (two litres, or two cubic feet, or whatever units you please) of hydrogen at o, and wish to calculate what its bulk would be if heated up to 25. The formula is as follows : 273 : 273 + 25 :: 2 : x. Conversely, if we measure two volumes at 25, and wish to reduce it to o : 273 + 25 : 273 :: 2 : x. Again, let us take twelve volumes of gas at 37, and wish to determine its volume after cooling to 23 : 273 + 37 : 273 + 23 :: 12 : x. In some cases we have to deal with volumes of gases below o. Then, instead of adding, we sub- tract the given number of degrees from the stand- ard volume, 273. In short, we always express the volume of a gas at o by 273, assume an increase or decrease, as the case may be, for each~degree of difference from o, and then, by a simple propor- tion, the reduction to o may be easily made.* The changes in the volume of a gas due to va- * Most of the problems which arise in chemical calculations are most clearly and logically stated in the form of simple proportions. Every pupil should, therefore, become accustomed to this method of computing. 22 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nations in pressure are governed by a very simple law, as follows : The volume of a gas is inversely pro- portional to the pressure. This is termed the law of Boyle and Marriotte, having been independently dis- covered by these two investigators. If we double the pressure under which a gas is kept, we halve its volume ; if we halve the pressure, we double the volume, and so on. This relation is conveniently expressed by the formula P, : P : : V : V x ; in which V represents the volume under the pressure P, and Vj the volume under the altered pressure P,. For example, suppose we have measured ten volumes of hydrogen when the barometer stood at 771 milli- metres, and we wish to calculate what it would be- come at 760 millimetres : 760 : 771 :: 10 : x. Here we see that, under the lower pressure, the gas has expanded slightly. Conversely, if ten volumes have been measured at 760 millimetres, they will become less than ten at 771 millimetres, thus: 771 : 760 :: 10 : x. The law governing pressures is, like that relating to temperatures, only a very close approximation to the truth. Its variations from accuracy can, how- ever, only be detected by the most refined experi- ments.* By intense cold and great pressure all gases are condensible to liquids, and even into the solid state. For hydrogen, this was first experimentally accom- * The experimental evidence for these laws may be read up in a volume upon physics. A good theoretical discussion of them may be found in the third chapter of Cooke's " Chemical Philosophy," new edition. HYDROGEN. 23 plished by MM. Cailletet and Pictet (working inde- pendently of each other) at the close of the year 1877. By Pictet it was cooled to 140 centigrade under a pressure of 650 atmospheres. (The press- ure exerted by the air in maintaining a barometric column of mercury at the height of 760 millimetres is called one atmosphere.) Under these conditions hydrogen became visible as a steel-blue liquid, a portion of which solidified as it issued from the ap- paratus, and fell to the ground in grains. These emitted a shrill, metallic sound as they struck the floor, thus emphasizing the idea that hydrogen is really a metal. Many metals can be converted into gases at high temperatures ; mercury becomes gase- ous at 350 centigrade, and is liquid under ordinary circumstances. The gaseous nature of hydrogen, therefore, has nothing to do with the question whether it is metallic or non-metallic. The chemi- cal significance of these terms will appear in later chapters. CHAPTER IV. OXYGEN. OXYGEN, which was discovered by Priestley in 1774, and a little later, but independently, by Scheele, is the most abundant of all the elements. Uncom- bined, but mixed with nitrogen, it constitutes one fifth of the atmosphere ; combined, it forms eight ninths of the material composing water, and about one half the weight of all the rocks. It is also a very important constituent of animal and vegetable matter. Oxygen was originally prepared by heating mer- curic oxide (see Experiment 2), mercury being left behind, while the oxygen was given off. This meth- od, however, is inconvenient, and is now replaced in ordinary practice by the following cheaper pro- cess: EXPERIMENT 11. Take a stout test-tube, or, better, a piece of glass combustion-tubing sealed at one end, and close its mouth with a perforated cork, through which is inserted a delivery-tube, also of glass. Mix thoroughly upon a sheet of paper equal weights of potassium chlorate and manganese diox- ide, taking care that both are perfectly pure and dry. Fill the test-tube one third full with this mix- ture, and heat carefully over a spirit-lamp or a OXYGEN. 25 Bunsen gas-burner. Oxygen will be given off co- piously, and may be collected either in a rubber gas-bag, or in several bottles over water in the pneumatic trough. (Fig. 6.) When oxygen is to be prepared in large quantities, a copper or iron retort is used instead of a glass tube. For safety, several precautions ought to be observed. First, it is well to heat the manganese dioxide to redness in an iron dish before using it, in order to burn out FIG. 6. Preparation of Oxygen. any deleterious impurities. Were particles of or- ganic matter or charcoal to be present, a dangerous explosion might ensue. Secondly, the upper por- tions of the mixture in the tube should be heated first, and later the lower portions. Thirdly, the heat should be so regulated that the oxygen will be given off in a steady, tranquil stream ; not in sudden gusts, explosively. In this experiment the potassium chlorate, which consists of potassium, chlorine, and oxygen chemi- 26 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cally combined, is decomposed ; the oxygen being set free, while potassium chloride, a compound of potassium and chlorine, remains behind. The man- ganese dioxide undergoes no change, but in some way it facilitates the decomposition of the chlorate. This kind of action, in which a body assists a chemi- cal process without being itself altered, is often met with, and is termed catalytic action. Some cases of catalysis are easily explained, but this particular case awaits an explanation. Several other processes for preparing oxygen are somewhat in use, and one or two of them will be hereafter referred to. Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas, six- teen times heavier than hydrogen. By cooling to a temperature of 140 centigrade, under a press- ure of 320 atmospheres, it has been condensed to a colorless liquid. It unites with all the other ele- ments, except fluorine, and its compounds with them are called oxides. For example, with zinc it forms zinc oxide ; with copper, copper oxide, etc. Water, in chemical nomenclature, can be called hydrogen oxide. The names of chemical com- pounds are intended to express, more or less per- fectly, their composition. When oxygen unites with other substances, the process is termed oxidation. The most characteristic property of oxygen is its power of sustaining combustion. In nearly all cases combustion is merely oxidation accompanied by the development of heat and light. When oxygen is ex- cluded from a burning body, the fire goes out. In the air, we have one fifth of oxygen diluted with four fifths of nitrogen, the latter element being inert and exerting no direct influence upon combustion whatever. Naturally, combustion takes place much OXYGEN. more vividly in pure oxygen than in diluted oxygen (or air), as the following easy experiments will show : EXPERIMENT 12. Blow out a lighted candle, leaving a glowing spark at the end of the wick. Lower the candle into a bottle or jar of oxygen, and the wick will relight, burning far more brightly than before. EXPERIMENT 13. Charcoal burns in the air with- out flame, with only a dull-red glow. Plunge a bit of ignited charcoal into a jar of oxygen, and it will burn brilliantly. EXPERIMENT 14. Kindle a bit of sulphur in a deflagrating spoon, and note the insignificant flame. Now lower it into pure oxygen, and the combus- tion will become exceedingly vivid (Fig. 7). EXPERIMENT 15. Repeat the last experi- ment, using a much larger jar of oxygen, and burning phosphor- us instead of sulphur. The combustion will be so dazzlingly brilliant that the experiment has sometimes been fanci- fully called "the phos- phoric sun." EXPERIMENT 16. Some substances which do not ordinarily burn in air burn easily in pure oxygen. For example, fasten a bit of steel watch-spring to a stout wire, and dip the end of it in melted sulphur. Kindle the latter and immerse the spring in oxygen. Present- Flo. 7. Combustion in Oxygen. 28 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ly the steel itself will ignite, burning brilliantly and sending forth a shower of sparks. It will be well to cover the bottom of the oxygen-jar with sand, to catch any particles of melted metal which may fall. Oxygen is also essential to respiration. Exclude it from the lungs, and death follows, as in cases of drowning, when the lungs become filled with water. Inclose a small animal in a limited volume of air, and it lives only until the supply of oxygen con- tained in it is exhausted. In pure oxygen it will live much longer, but the vital processes will go on too violently and rapidly, and death will result.* Even the fishes need oxygen, and they secure it through their gills from the air which is dissolved in the water. In a shallow pool insufficiently sup- plied with air a fish will soon die. Oxygen is administered by physicians to a cer- tain extent as a remedy in cases of impeded breath- ing. A croupy or asthmatic patient, for instance, can not get enough air for proper respiration ; but upon breathing a little pure oxygen he will experi- ence great relief. When the lungs are filled with oxygen instead of air, it is possible to " hold the breath " much longer than ordinarily a fact which might be used by divers. Oxygen is now made for sale in most of our large cities. It is used chiefly in the calcium-light (see next chapter), and is stored up under compression in strong iron cylinders. The fact that oxygen dissolves somewhat in wa- ter, as hinted in a preceding paragraph, is one of vast importance in the economy of Nature. In the * In the chapter upon carbon the phenomena of combustion and respiration will be treated more fully. OXYGEN. 2 9 falling of the rain, the agitation of the waves, and the flowing of streams, water is being constantly charged with fresh supplies of air. The oxygen thus ab- sorbed at once attacks the decaying animal and vegetable matter which is continually flowing into rivers, lakes, and oceans, and by a process of slow combustion literally burns it up. Thus oxygen be- comes a great disinfectant, transforming noxious substances into simpler and harmless compounds, and keeping the waters of our planet always sweet and clean. In a similar way it oxidizes injurious vapors in the air, and is effective in the removal of all kinds of corruption from the face of the earth. All decay involves the phenomenon of oxidation. Many elements, and possibly all of them, are ca- pable of existing in more than one modification. For example, carbon exists as charcoal, as graphite or " black-lead," and as diamond ; and similar prop- erties are strikingly displayed by phosphorus and sulphur. This phenomenon is called allotropy, and charcoal, grapm'te, and diamond are termed allotropic modifications of carbon. When an electrical machine is rapidly worked, or when a series of electrical sparks are passed through air, a peculiar odor, something like that of burning sulphur, soon becomes noticeable. This odor is due to the formation of an allotropic modi- fication of oxygen, to which the name of ozone has been given. EXPERIMENT 17. Suspend a freshly-scraped stick of phosphorus in a jar containing a little wa- ter, so that it shall be partly immersed. It will slowly oxidize ; and soon the air in the jar will ac- quire the peculiar odor of ozone. 30 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ozone has properties quite unlike those of ordi- nary oxygen. It not only has a characteristic suffo- cating odor, but it exhibits a remarkable chemical activity, attacking and tarnishing metals like silver and mercury, which common oxygen does not affect at all. It bleaches many vegetable colors, like indi- go, deodorizes putrefying animal matter, and cor- rodes such substances as cork, India-rubber, etc. A common test for it is paper soaked in a solution of potassium iodide and starch. Moist slips of such paper, exposed to the action of ozone, turn blue ; because the ozone liberates iodine from the potas- sium iodide, and iodine forms a blue compound with starch. In ordinary experiments only a very small por- tion of any mass of oxygen can be transformed into ozone. The transformation is, however, attended by a shrinkage in the volume of the oxygen, so that ozone is really oxygen in a more concentrated state. Three volumes of oxygen would yield, if wholly converted into ozone, only two volumes of the lat- ter ; whence it is easy to see that, bulk for bulk, ozone is half as heavy again as oxygen. The full significance of this fact will appear in a later chap- ter. Quite recently, ozone has been liquefied by the application of cold and pressure. Liquid ozone has a deep indigo-blue color, and is less volatile than liquefied oxygen. Ozone is continually being produced in nature, both by the electric discharges which take place during thunder-storms, and by the many phenomena of slow oxidation which may be observed in the vegetable kingdom. It undoubtedly plays an im- portant part in the world as a natural disinfectant, OXYGEN. 3I but upon this point much remains to be discovered. At one time a third variety of oxygen, named anto- zone, was supposed to exist ; but the evidence in favor of it is now generally considered unsatisfac- tory. CHAPTER V. WATER. ALTHOUGH oxygen and hydrogen gases may be mixed together in any proportions, they unite chemically to form only two real compounds, both of which at ordinary temperatures are liquids. One contains exactly twice as much oxygen as the other, and on this account the names hydrogen monoxide and hydrogen dioxide are respectively applied to them. In chemical nomenclature numeral prefixes have to be frequently employed. When oxygen and hydrogen combine directly, that is, without the intervention of other substances, only hydrogen monoxide or water is produced. The dioxide is prepared by indirect, roundabout processes. The formation of water from oxygen and hydro- gen may be brought about either by the passage of an electric spark through the mixed gases, or by the agency of heat. Whenever hydrogen or any compound of hydrogen is burned, water is pro- duced ; as was partly demonstrated in Experiment 7. All ordinary illuminating materials, such as coal- gas, oils, candles, etc., contain hydrogen ; and if a piece of cold porcelain be held for a moment over their flames, the deposition of dew will show that water is actually formed. WATER. 33 Under ordinary circumstances the combustion of hydrogen takes place quietly ; but if it be burned in pure oxygen some extraordinary phenomena may be observed. EXPERIMENT 18. Fill an India-rubber gas-bag with a mixture of two parts by volume of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. Then, as in Experiment 9, attach a clay pipe to the bag and use the gaseous mix- ture for blowing soap-bubbles. Each bubble, when touched with a lighted candle, will explode with a violent report. If a heap of bubbles be blown in a common tin basin and ignited, the explosion will be deafening. Before applying a flame to any of the bubbles the stop-cock of the bag should be closed and the bag itself removed. Serious accidents have happened from the ignition of large mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen. Even coal-gas and com- mon air will give a powerfully explosive mixture, fully as dangerous as gunpowder. This is shown by the terrible explosions which sometimes occur when a light is carelessly carried into a room in which gas has been escaping. This experiment shows us that the formation of water from its elements is attended by a remark- able development of force or energy. This force may be best measured in the form of heat : and it is found that more heat is produced in this chemical change than in any other chemical change what- ever. The usual unit of heat is the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gramme of water from o to i C. ; and in the combustion of one gramme of hydrogen 34,462 such units of heat are set free. A gramme of charcoal, burning, yields only 8,080 heat-units a figure in striking contrast 34 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with the foregoing. When hydrogen burns in ordi- nary air, just as much heat is developed as if the combustion took place in pure oxygen ; but the temperature of the flame is lower partly because the heat is generated more slowly, and partly be- cause much of it is expended in warming the ni- trogen with which the oxygen of the atmosphere is diluted. By using pure oxygen instead of air, an enormously high temperature may be attained and utilized. Although mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen ex- plode violently when ignited, the two gases may be made to burn together quietly by mingling them just at the moment of combustion. This is done in the compound (or oxyhydrogen) blow-pipe invented by Dr. Hare. In this apparatus (Fig. 8) the oxygen FIG. 8. Oxyhydrogen Blow-pipe. and hydrogen are contained in two separate bags or cylinders. They are mixed just at the tip of the burner (Fig. 9), which consists of two tubes, one within the other. Through the central or inner tube oxygen is allowed to flow, while the outer tube connects with the hydrogen-reservoir. The hydro- gen is first turned on and kindled, then the oxygen WA TER. 35 is admitted ; the flow of both gases being carefully regulated by stop-cocks, and by pressure on the bags. The flame, although almost non-luminous, is intensely hot; and many substances which were FIG. 9. Oxyhydrogen Blow-pipe Tip. once deemed infusible melt in it easily. Platinum, for example, melts like wax before the compound blow-pipe, although in the hottest furnace it only softens. In the metallurgy of platinum this fact is carefully utilized. Some metals, like silver, are vaporized by the heat of the oxy hydrogen jet, while others burn in it brilliantly. A steel file, for instance, is easily consumed, sending forth a mag- ficent shower of sparks as it burns. When any substance capable of resisting the excessively high temperature is inserted in the oxyhydrogen flame, it becomes intensely luminous. This fact is applied in the calcium or Drummond light, now extensively used in stereopticon exhibi- tions and for theatrical effects. This light con- sists simply of a small cylinder of common lime, upon which the flame of a compound blow-pipe is allowed to play. It rivals the electric light in in- tensity. Up to this point we have been considering only the qualitative composition of water, and the phe- nomena attending its formation. We now need to enter upon quantitative discussions, both as to the 36 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. volumes and the weights of the oxygen and hydro- gen which unite. Whenever a current of electricity is passed through a liquid capable of conducting it, that liquid, if compound, will be decomposed. This method of decomposition is known as electrolysis. Pure water is not' a conductor of electricity, but by adding to it a few drops of sulphuric acid it be- comes one, and is then capable of electrolytic analy- sis. EXPERIMENT 19. Fill and invert two test-tubes in a vessel of water slightly acidulated with sulphu- ric acid. Now bring under their mouths the two terminal wires of a small galvanic battery, best of a couple of Grove, Bunsen, or Daniell cells (Fig. 10). FIG. 10. Electrolysis of Water. Bubbles of gas will slowly form (more rapidly with a more powerful battery) and rise into the test-tubes, WA TER. 37 displacing the water which they at first contained. Allow this action to continue until enough gas has accumulated for convenient examination, and notice that one tube contains just twice as much as the other. By applying a match to the more volumi- nous gas it may be identified as hydrogen ; while by plunging an ignited splinter of wood into the con- tents of the other tube oxygen may at once be recog- nized. By analysis, therefore, water yields two vol- umes of hydrogen to one of oxygen. In this experi- ment the battery-wires, as far as they dip into the acidulated liquid, should terminate in slips of plati- num. The foregoing method of analysis is not rigidly exact, for the reason that traces of the gases evolved, and rather more of the oxygen than of the hy- drogen, remain dissolved in the water. Synthetic methods, though more difficult, are better. When an electric spark, either from an electri- cal machine, a Leyden-jar, or an induction-coil, is passed through a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, the two gases unite with an explosion. For quanti- tative purposes this experiment is usually performed in a graduated glass tube, called a eudiometer, and the spark is transmitted between two platinum wires which are melted into the glass at the closed upper end (Fig. n). In such a tube the gases can be ac- curately measured ; and it is found that when just two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen are taken, the union is complete. If the mixture of gases contains more than two thirds hydrogen or more than one third oxygen, the excess of either element simply serves to dilute the rest, and re- mains unaltered after the explosion. The oxygen 38 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and hydrogen under these circumstances combine only in the proportions above indicated.* FIG. ii. Eudiometer. In experiments upon the union of gases by vol- ume an important question always arises namely, Is the volume of the product the same as that of the original mixture, or does condensation occur ? Sup- pose, for example, that two litres of hydrogen com- bine with one litre of oxygen, and that we measure the volume of the resulting water in the form of steam. We shall find that, if we compare the steam with the component gases at identical temperatures and under the same pressure, only two litres of steam have been formed. In other words, the three original volumes of elementary gases have con- densed to two volumes during union. When we * For class-room illustration this experiment may be roughly per- formed with improvised apparatus, as far as demonstrating the effect of an electric spark is concerned. Accurate work is hardly possible under such circumstances. WATER, 39 come to consider this fact in its relations to other facts further on, we shall see that it has a very important bearing upon the theories of chemistry. For the present we may use it to determine the weight of steam as compared with that of hydro- gen. One volume of oxygen weighs sixteen times as much as an equal volume of hydrogen. Hence the three volumes of elementary gases which unite to form water must weigh i-)-i-f-i6r= 18 times as much as one volume of hydrogen. But this is also the weight of two volumes of steam, so that one volume of steam must weigh half as much, and be nine times heavier than hydrogen. Furthermore, these figures give us the composition of water by weight. The one volume of oxygen must be just eight times as heavy as the two volumes of hydro- gen, and accordingly water consists of one part by weight of the latter element to eight parts of the former. This ratio of one to eight is more com- monly written two to sixteen, for reasons which will appear in a later chapter. The different phenomena and substances with which chemistry has to deal are so intimately con- nected one with another, that it is always desirable to verify important facts by several distinct lines of investigation. Since the composition of water is a matter of very great importance, we can not rest content with the volumetric analysis and synthesis given above, much as they confirm each other, but we must make use of other modes of demonstration also. For the composition of water by weight we have so far only an indirect estimation ; and for ad- ditional proof an actual synthesis by weight must be resorted to. This is best accomplished with the 40 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. aid of copper oxide, a substance containing a defi- nite quantity of oxygen in a condition very available for our purposes. EXPERIMENT 20. Place a quantity of dry cop- per oxide in a tube of hard glass, and connect the latter, held horizontally, with the exit-tube of a flask in which hydrogen is being generated. When the apparatus is full of hydrogen, so that an explosion FIG. 12. Synthesis of Water. due to admixed air may be no longer feared, heat the copper oxide carefully to near redness (Fig. 12). As the hydrogen streams over it, oxygen will be withdrawn and water will be formed ; which, as steam, will issue from the farther end of the tube. When the operation is complete, all of the black ox- ide will have been reduced to pure, bright, metallic copper. This experiment, with some delicate refinements, WATER. 4I gives us the means for accurately ascertaining the weight-composition of water. We have only to weigh the copper oxide before the experiment, and afterward to weigh the remaining metallic copper and the water which has been formed, and all the necessary data are at our disposal. The difference between the weights of the copper oxide and the copper is plainly the weight of the oxygen in the water produced. This weight, subtracted from that of the water, gives us, of course, the weight of the hydrogen. By this method, water is found to con- tain, by weight 88.89 per cent of oxygen, 1 1. 1 1 " " hydrogen. loo.oo total. These figures give us, in strict accordance with those calculated from the volumes of the two gases, the ratio of one to eight, or two to sixteen,* between the weights of oxygen and hydrogen in water. Water, then, contains, by volume, two of hydrogen to one of oxygen, these three volumes being con- densed by union into two. By weight it contains two parts of hydrogen and sixteen of oxygen fig- ures which we shall have occasion to use repeatedly hereafter. Water, or hydrogen monoxide, is a transparent, tasteless, odorless liquid. In small quantities it ap- pears colorless also, but in thick layers it is found to have a decided blue tint. Its physical properties are of the highest importance, inasmuch as they * The ratio actually deduced from all the best experiments is 2 : 15.9633. The latter figure is so nearly 16 that 16 may fairly be used in ordinary calculations. 42 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. furnish some of the most convenient standards with which to compare those of other substances. Our thermometric scales, for example, depend upon the boiling of water and the melting of ice ; the boiling- point being taken as one standard of temperature and the melting-point as another. In the centi- grade scale, which alone is used in this book, the temperature at which ice melts or water freezes is arbitrarily put at zero, while the boiling-point is given the value of 100. The interval between is divided into one hundred equal parts, and similar degrees are marked off for temperatures above or below the two standards. The Fahrenheit scale, which is the one in common use, assumes 32 for the freezing-point of water and 212 for the boiling- point, dividing the space between into one hundred and eighty degrees. When boiled, water yields a larger volume of vapor than any other known liquid. One litre of water, measured at o C., converted into steam at 100, will give 1,696 litres of the latter. Hence the common expression that " a cubic inch of water yields a cubic foot of steam " is approximately true. But few other liquids out of the hundreds known give even one third as great a volume of vapor. Upon cooling, water again behaves remarkably. It contracts regularly until the temperature of 4 is reached, at which degree it attains its maximum density. Cooled still further, it expands, and at o it solidifies into ice, undergoing another more sud- den expansion. It is this expansive force which breaks bottles and pitchers in which water is al- lowed to freeze, and which gives to frost its great power in disintegrating rocks. Because of the ex- WATER. 43 pansion, ice is lighter than water and floats upon it ; were it to sink, fresh surfaces of liquid would be ex- posed to freezing during winter, until our lakes and rivers were frozen solid. Such masses of ice could not be melted by the summer's heat, fish-life would become impossible, and the temperate zones would in time be almost frigid. When the vapor of wa- ter is suddenly chilled, snow is formed, and every flake exhibits a regular crystalline structure. Each FIG. 13. Snowflake Crystals. snow-crystal is a symmetrical, six-pointed star, one varying from another only in minor particulars (Fig. 13). Form is as distinct a property of sub- stances as color, taste, or smell ; and every solid has its own characteristic shape, in which, if left to themselves, its molecules become arranged in ac- cordance with rigid mathematical laws. 44 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. As regards weight, water is again an important standard. In the metric system the unit of weight is the gramme ; and this is denned as the weight of a cubic centimetre of water measured at its tem- perature of maximum density. A cubic decimetre of water, or a litre, weighs just a thousand grammes, or one kilogramme. The most exact weights and measures, therefore, depend for their accuracy upon a precise knowledge of some of the properties of water. In dealing with solids and liquids, specific grav- ity or density is always referred to water as the unit of comparison. If a body is twice as heavy as water, bulk for bulk, its specific gravity is said to be two ; if five times heavier, it is expressed by five, and so on. The specific gravity of a gas or vapor is now generally referred to hydrogen as unity, although in some works air is still retained as the standard.* As a solvent, water far exceeds every other liquid known. Certain liquids, like alcohol or chloroform, will dissolve some substances which water can not attack, but in the long run water leads them all. As a general rule, with comparatively few excep- tions, solids dissolve more easily in hot water than in cold. Gases, on the other hand, are more solu- ble in cold water. Some substances, like sugar, dis- solve easily and in large quantity in water ; others, as for example gypsum, dissolve but sparingly ; but for each one there is a limit beyond which solu- bility can not go. These facts may advantageously * Some of this material belongs more properly in a work on physics, so that fuller discussion is impracticable here. Such physical data as have chemical importance will be introduced here and there through- out this volume. IV A TER. 45 be verified by the student with self-devised experi- ments upon salt, sugar, alum, and such other soluble bodies as may happen to be most readily available. The phenomenon of solution is one which has not yet been fully explained ; it is probably due to a very weak kind of chemical attraction between the solv- ent liquid and the substance dissolved. Because of its great solvent properties, natural water is never strictly pure. Rain-water contains gaseous impurities, and even traces of solid matter dissolved in it ; while river, spring, well, and lake waters absorb a variety of substances from the soil. Evaporate any ordinary drinking-water to dryness on a slip of clean, bright platinum-foil, and you will obtain visible traces of a solid residue. In sea-water, salt lakes, and mineral springs, saline substances are present in large quantities. Effervescent waters, like those of the Saratoga springs, are also heavily charged with a well-known gas, carbon dioxide or carbonic acid. Waters nearly free from solid ingre- dients are called soft waters. Waters containing much lime in solution are called hard. Perfectly pure water is so tasteless as to seem flat and un- drinkable. Only after it has been aerated by expos- ure to the air does it become palatable. Water may be readily freed from suspended sediments either by settling in large tanks or by fil- tration. On the large scale it is best filtered by allowing it to percolate through layers of charcoal and sand, but in the laboratory filters of paper are commonly used. A circular sheet of unsized paper is doubled, and then folded again at right angles to the crease first made. By lifting one of the folds away from the other three, a hollow cone of paper 4 6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is obtained which will fit snugly to the sides of a glass funnel. When water containing sediment is poured through this arrangement, the suspended solids are retained by the paper, and the liquid is transmitted clear (Fig. 14). In order to obtain water free from dissolved im- purities, resort must be had to distillation. This FIG. 14. Filtration. process consists simply in boiling the water away, and then condensing and collecting it from the steam. Distillatory apparatus may be made after a great variety of patterns, according to the exact use WATER. 47 to which it is to be applied. For school purposes, a glass retort will suffice, arranged as shown in Fig. FIG. 15. Distillation. 15. The retort, mounted on a convenient stand, is half filled with water and heated by a lamp placed below. To diminish the danger of breaking, the bottom of the retort should be separated from the direct flame by a sheet of fine wire-gauze. ^ The neck of the retort dips into a flask called a receiver, which, together with the neck, is kept cold by the applica- tion of wet cloths. When the water in the retort is boiled, the steam passes over to be condensed in the receiver.* From gaseous impurities water may be freed by simple boiling. Water is capable of entering into chemical union with many other substances. A great number of crystalline salts contain definite quantities of it, in a * The author purposely describes the apparatus in its very simplest form. Schools having more elaborate appliances will of course use them. 48 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. condition known as water of crystallization. Heat a crystal of alum in a glass tube, and it will give off water, which may be recognized by its condensing in drops on the cooler parts of the tube above. Sul- phate of copper (blue vitriol) owes its brilliant blue color to water of crystallization. Upon carefully heating one of the blue crystals it will become white ; and after standing a while it will regain its color by absorption of water from the atmosphere. Many substances have this power of absorbing water from the air. A bit of calcium chloride, left in an open vessel for a few days, will become wet, and in time will even liquefy, so much water is taken up. This phenomenon is called deliquescence. When a body loses water spontaneously it is said to effloresce. Many minerals contain water of crystallization, and water is an essential and important constituent of all animals and vegetables. The second compound of hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen dioxide,* is a very interesting substance, but hardly important enough for extended descrip- tion here. It is a liquid nearly half as heavy again as water, and it actively bleaches vegetable colors. As a powerful oxidizer it behaves very much like ozone. * Sometimes called peroxide of hydrogen. CHAPTER VI. NITROGEN AND THE ATMOSPHERE. NITROGEN, which was discovered by Rutherford in 1772, occurs abundantly in the atmosphere, and also as an important constituent of animal and vege- table matter. It is furthermore contained in very many artificial substances ; as, for example, nitric acid, ammonia, saltpeter, nitroglycerine, and so on. In the air it is found to be mixed with oxygen ; and it is most readily isolated by simply withdrawing the latter element from it. EXPERIMENT 21. Place a bit of carefully dried phosphorus, as big as a pea, upon a piece of flat cork, and float it in a large earthen dish half full of water. Kindle the phosphorus, and then cover it with a capacious glass jar or bell-glass, whichever happens to be most convenient (Fig. 16). In burn- ing, the phosphorus is of course only uniting with the oxygen of the air ; and white clouds of a solid oxide of phosphorus are formed. These dissolve in the water of the dish, and at last the gas remain- ing in the jar will be approximately pure nitrogen. This may be allowed to stand for further examina- tion. In order to protect the cork from burning with the phosphorus, the latter may rest directly upon a layer of either plaster-of-paris or lime, which will serve as a non-conductor of heat. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Nitrogen may also be prepared by a sort of re- versal of Experiment 20. In that experiment, cop- per oxide was heated in a stream of hydrogen ; water being formed, and metallic copper re- maining behind. Now, by heating the copper to redness and pass- ing over it a slow but steady current of air, copper oxide will be FIG. i6.-Prqparatiohof Nitrogen, reproduced, and only nitrogen will issue from the farther end of the tube. There, by means of a delivery-tube, made to dip under water, it may be collected in jars and further investigated. There are several other processes for the preparation of nitrogen, but they need no description here.* In the free state nitrogen is one of the least inter- esting of the elements. It is a colorless gas, four- teen times heavier than hydrogen, and having nei- ther taste nor odor. It is incapable of supporting either life or combustion : a lighted candle plunged in it is extinguished ; an animal immersed in it immediately dies. Its occurrence in the air, how- ever, shows that it is not poisonous ; it kills, not by any deleterious action, but simply because it lacks the power of keeping up the vital processes ; when it fills the lungs, the necessary oxygen is ex- cluded. Nitrogen combines directly with only a very few * In short courses of study the experimental preparation of nitrogen may be omitted altogether. NITROGEN AND THE ATMOSPHERE. 51 of the other elements, such as boron, silicon, and the rare metals titanium and tungsten. Its important compounds with oxygen, hydrogen, and so on, are all formed by indirect processes, and, as a general rule, are very easily decomposed. Nearly all of the explosive substances practically in use are com- pounds of nitrogen, and their explosiveness is a consequence of this ready decomposibility. Gun- powder, gun-cotton, nitroglycerine, dynamite, and fulminating powder, are all cases in point. The composition of air, which may be approxi- mately put at one fifth oxygen with four fifths nitro- gen, is more precisely given in the following per- centages : By weight. By volume. Oxvsrcn . 2^.0 20.8 Nitrogen 77.O 70-2 100.0 1 00.0 In a rough way the composition by volume may be verified in a class-experiment, as follows : EXPERIMENT 22. Invert a large test-tube, or, better, a graduated tube closed at one end, in a dish containing mercury (Fig. 17). Now melt under warm water a little phosphorus, and take up a drop of it upon the end of a stout wire. When it solidi- fies, pass the small pellet thus formed under the sur- face of the mercury and up into the tube. Leave it in position for several hours, or longer if need be. The phosphorus will slowly oxidize, and the mer- cury will gradually rise in the tube until but four fifths of the original air remains. A lighted match 52 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. plunged into this remaining gas will be extinguished, showing it to be nitrogen. FIG. 17. Analysis of Air. Air is only a mixture not a chemical compound. This will appear more clearly after we study the true oxides of nitrogen in the next chapter. Still, NITROGEN AND THE ATMOSPHERE. 53 some considerations bearing upon this point may well be offered here. If we artificially mix oxygen and nitrogen gases in the proper proportions, the mixture will have all the characteristic properties of air, and yet none of the usual phenomena which attend chemical union will be manifest. Further- more, although air is practically constant in its composition, whether taken from the tops of mount- ains or the depths of valleys, from near the Equator or in the Arctic zone, it does exhibit slight varia- tions which can be detected by refined analyses. Some remarkable experiments by Professor Morley illustrate this fact. It has been supposed by some meteorologists that the sudden periods of severe weather popularly known as " cold snaps " are due to the vertical descent of intensely cold air from very great elevations. Now, oxygen is heavier than nitrogen in the ratio of sixteen to fourteen, and is consequently more powerfully affected by gravita- tion. There is, therefore, in spite of the ease with which gases diffuse into each other, becoming more and more perfectly mixed, a slight tendency to a concentration of the heavier oxygen near the earth's surface, and a corresponding excess of nitrogen at very great heights above. If, now, a " cold snap " is caused by a sudden descent of air from an exceed- ingly high level, the air during it should be slightly poorer in oxygen than at other times. This, by a long series of daily analyses of air, Professor Mor- ley finds to be the fact ; although the differences are so small as to be comparatively unimportant. In speaking of air we always mean the gaseous mixture above described, which is 14.43 times as heavy as hydrogen. In the atmosphere around us, 54 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. however, several other substances occur, but in widely varying proportions. First, the vapor of water is always present, and plays an important part in determining the character of a climate. Secondly, carbon dioxide is invariably to be found, in quantities ranging from three to seven volumes in ten thousand volumes of air. The average amount in the open country is about four volumes ; at sea the proportion is less, and near large towns it is greater. Any quantity over seven volumes is decidedly injurious to health. Small as these proportions are, the total quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is enormous ; and, as we shall see when we come to study carbon, its influence in connection with the growth of plants is extremely important. Thirdly, ammonia in minute traces is a regular constituent of the atmosphere. This, fre- quently combined with nitric acid, is brought down to the earth by snow and rain, and serves to supply plants with a considerable part of their nitrogen. All of these ingredients of the atmosphere, and probably also ozone, are essential, and necessary in the economy of nature. With them various acci- dental impurities are frequently found, products of putrefaction, of combustion, and so on. CHAPTER VII. AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. THE compounds formed by the union of nitro- gen with hydrogen and oxygen are extremely im- portant and interesting, both from a practical and from a theoretical point of view. With hydrogen alone, nitrogen combines in only a single proportion ; the compound being the well- known substance, ammonia. We have already seen that this body occurs in minute quantities in the atmosphere ; it is also found in rain and river wa- ters, and in all fertile soils. It is continually pro- duced in nature by the decomposition of animal matter, and it may be prepared artificially by dis- tilling refuse scraps of horn, hoofs, bones, or hair. In the manufacture of illuminating-gas it is devel- oped from the nitrogen contained in the coal, and it is retained by the water through which the gas is passed on its way to the gas-holders. The ammo- niacal solution thus obtained is now the chief com- mercial source of ammonia. It is first mixed with sulphuric acid, forming a substance known as am- monium sulphate, which is used to some extent as a fertilizer. This compound, heated with lime, evolves ammonia copiously. EXPERIMENT 23. Rub together in a mortar a 56 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. fragment of " sal ammoniac " (ammonium chloride), a bit of lime, and a few drops of water. Ammonia will be set free and may be recognized by its smell. All compounds of ammonia behave in the same way ; so that trituration with lime affords a ready means of testing for the substance. EXPERIMENT 24. Pulverize two parts by weight of ammonium chloride and one part of quicklime. Mix, and transfer the mixture to a stout glass flask provided with a delivery-tube (Fig. 18). Upon heating, ammonia will be freely given off, and it FIG. 18. Preparation of Ammonia. can be collected in test-tubes or small bottles in- verted over mercury. The usual pneumatic trough or water-pan can not be used in this case, because of the solubility of ammonia in water. Ammonia, thus prepared, is a colorless gas of a peculiar, characteristic, very pungent odor. Under ordinary circumstances it is neither combustible nor AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 57 a supporter of combustion ; but, mixed with a large quantity of oxygen, it may be made to burn with a yellow flame. By weight it is composed of four- teen parts of nitrogen united with three of hydro- gen ; or, by bulk, one volume of the former gas to three of the latter. These four volumes condense to two in the compound, the ammonia formed being eight and one half times heavier than hydrogen. These figures carry weighty significance, which will appear in the next chapter. Ammonia is extremely soluble in water, particu- larly when the latter is cold. At the temperature of o Q, one cubic centimetre of water will absorb 1,148 c. c. of the gas ; while at 15 only 783 c. c. will be taken up. This solubility may be illustrated by introducing a few drops of water into one of the tubes filled with ammonia during Experiment 24, and left in position over mercury. The water will absorb the gas almost instantaneously, and the mer- cury will suddenly rise to take its place in the tube. The aqueous solution of ammonia is the common aqua ammonia, ammonia-water, or spirits of harts- horn of the shops. The last name reminds us that ammonia was at one time prepared from the horns of deer. Ammonia-water is used to some extent in medicine, and has many important applications in chemical manufactures. It varies much in strength, but it always has the characteristic odor of the gas, and is strongly alkaline. It. is also caustic; and, when strong, readily blisters the skin. When boiled, it gives off its gaseous ammonia. The latter, by cold and great pressure, is easily condensed to a colorless liquid, which, when the pressure is re- leased, rapidly evaporates, producing intense cold. 58 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This fact is applied in Carre's machine for making artificial ice.* All ice-machines depend upon the principle that a liquid, in evaporating, absorbs heat from surrounding objects. Liquefied gases evapo- rate suddenly, and therefore absorb heat suddenly. With oxygen, nitrogen unites in five different proportions ; and two of its oxides combine further with water to form two well-known acids. Since nitric acid is the most convenient starting-point for the preparation of all these other compounds, it may properly be the next substance to engage our attention. EXPERIMENT 25. Arrange a retort and receiver as in Fig. 15. Put a weighed quantity of saltpeter (potassium nitrate) in the retort, pour over it an equal weight of strong sulphuric acid, and heat. Nitric acid will distil over ; and at last a white solid, 'potassium hydrogen sulphate, will remain behind. In the commercial manufacture of nitric acid sodium nitrate is used instead of saltpeter, being cheaper. But any nitrate, distilled with sulphuric acid, will yield nitric acid in the same way. - Ni- trates are simply the compounds formed by nitric acid with the various metals and bases, and all have names similar to those mentioned above. Sulphu- ric acid is stronger than nitric acid, and displaces it from its compounds, forming sulphates instead. Such names as silver nitrate, lead nitrate, copper sulphate, and zinc sulphate, are good examples of this kind of nomenclature. Similarly, carbonic acid forms carbonates ; boric acid, borates ; phosphoric acid, phosphates ; acetic acid, acetates, and so on. * See " Roscoe and Schorlemmer's Chemistry," vol. i, p. 3^3 I or " Deschanel's Physics," pp. 329-330. AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 59 Nitric acid, when pure, is a colorless liquid of specific gravity 1.52. Commonly it is somewhat yellow, from the presence, as an impurity, of one of the oxides of nitrogen. It has a suffocating odor, an intensely sour taste, and is exceedingly corrosive. It attacks all ordinary metals except gold and plat- inum ; and, indeed, dissolves most of them. Hence the early chemists gave it the name of aquafortis, or " strong water." Applied to the skin, it produces yellow stains, which wear off only after several days ; and, if strong, it causes corrosion as painful as a burn. Physicians use it somewhat as a caustic ; it is employed in etching copper plates for engrav- ings; and it has important applications in refining the precious metals, in making nitroglycerine, gun- cotton, the aniline dyes, and so on. The following experiments with nitric acid will be found instruc- tive: EXPERIMENT 26. Cover a piece of bright sheet copper with a thin coating of wax. Scratch a de- sign through the wax with a sharp needle. Now pour over the sheet a little nitric acid, previously diluted with an equal bulk of water, and after a few minutes wash it off again. Upon cleaning off the wax the design will be found to be etched into the copper. EXPERIMENT 27. Cover a bit of lead in a glass or porcelain dish with nitric acid diluted as before. Reddish fumes will be given off, and the metal will dissolve. If the solution be allowed to stand for a while, or if it be boiled down somewhat, it will de- posit white crystals of lead nitrate.* These can be * This experiment may be varied by using other metals than lead and getting other nitrates. Any common metal will do, except tin or 60 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. used, if time permits, in a repetition of Experiment 25 for the preparation of nitric acid. EXPERIMENT 28. Pour dilute nitric acid over a few clippings of quill, bits of white feather, or fibres of white silk. They will be stained permanently yellow. EXPERIMENT 29. Put a fragment of any nitrate into a test-tube, and dissolve it in the smallest pos- sible quantity of water. Add to the solution, cau- tiously, an equal bulk of strong sulphuric acid, and allow the mixture, which has become hot, to cool. In another test-tube dissolve with water a crystal of sulphate of iron. Pour this solution, very slowly, into the first test-tube, holding the latter slantwise, so that the two fluids will form two separate layers, without mixing. At the boundary between these layers a brown ring will appear. This is the test by means of which nitric acid and nitrates are ordi- narily detected. In speaking of ammonia it was described as be- ing strongly alkaline. Inasmuch as the terms acid and alkaline will be frequently used in this book, the distinction between them may well be illustrated here. EXPERIMENT 30. Into one test-tube of water pour a few drops of nitric acid, and into another a little ammonia. Into the one containing the acid dip a slip of blue litmus-paper.* It will become red ; and if it be now inserted into the ammonia the antimony. These, instead of dissolving, are converted into white, in- soluble oxides. * Litmus is a coloring matter obtained from certain lichens. The juice of the common red cabbage may be used as a substitute for it ; being turned green by alkalies and regaining its tint with acids. AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 6 1 blue color will be restored. Blue litmus, then, is reddened by an acid, and reddened litmus is turned blue by an alkali. An alkali is in its chemical prop- erties the opposite of an acid ; and in litmus-paper we have a convenient means of recognizing either class of substances. Any substance which unites with an acid is termed a base. The compounds formed are known as salts, and, in general, have no effect upon litmus- paper. Strictly speaking, the alkalies are simply the stronger soluble bases, of which soda, potash, and ammonia* are the best examples. Lime is also strongly alkaline.* EXPERIMENT 31. Put a slip of litmus-paper in a porcelain or glass dish containing ammonia, and add nitric acid cautiously, stirring meanwhile, until the paper is just faintly reddened. Now add a drop of ammonia, then a drop of acid, and so on, until the acid and alkali exactly neutralize one another. Evaporate the liquid, and white crystals will form which are neither acid nor alkaline. They consti- tute a salt, ammonium nitrate, which may be re- served for use in a future experiment. The other nitrogen acid previously referred to is unimportant. It contains less oxygen than nitric acid, and is named nitrous acid. The terminations ous and ic are used in chemical nomenclature to in- dicate lower and higher degrees of combination respectively. The salts of nitrous acid are called nitrites. So, also, we have sulphurous and sulphu- ric acids, the one forming sulphites and the other * The true significance of the terms acid, alkali, base, and salt will be developed in subsequent chapters. Exhaustive definitions would be inappropriate here. 62 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sulphates. The names of salts derived from ous acids end in ite, those from ic acids in ate. One of the fundamental principles of chemistry is the law of definite proportions. This law asserts that any given chemical compound always contains pre- cisely the same elements in exactly the same proportions. No variation is possible. When, however, two ele- ments unite to form more than one distinct com- pound, the law of multiple proportions comes into play. This law is best illustrated by the five oxides of nitrogen, which are composed by volume as fol- lows : Nitrogen monoxide contains 2 vols. nitrogen with I vol. oxygen, dioxide " " " " " 2 " trioxide " " " " " 3 " tetroxide " " " " " 4 " pentoxide " " " " " 5 " We find a similar regularity in their composition by weight : Nitrogen monoxide contains 28 parts of nitrogen to 16 of oxygen. dioxide " " " " " 32 " trioxide " " " " " 48 " tetroxide " " " " " 64 " " pentoxide " " " " " 80 " " In both tables, nitrogen being constant, we see that the oxygen varies in a simple multiple ratio. Hence the law, of which many other examples could be cited, that when two elements unite to form several compounds, the higher proportions of each are even mul- tiples of the lowest. Two of these oxides, the third and the fifth, are unimportant. The fifth is a white, crystalline, ex- plosive body, which reacts with water so as to form AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 63 nitric acid. From the third, nitrous acid is simi- larly derived. These two compounds need no fur- ther notice here. The others are more important. Nitrogen monoxide, commonly known as ni- trous oxide, is a colorless, odorless, slightly sweetish gas, twenty-two times heavier than hydrogen. By great cold and pressure it can be liquefied, and even frozen solid. The only available mode of prep- aration is as follows : EXPERIMENT 32. Arrange a test-tube and deliv- ery-tube precisely as for the preparation of oxygen. Fill the test-tube half full of dry ammonium nitrate (see Experiment 31), and heat very gradually. The ammonium nitrate will first melt, and then undergo decomposition; the products of the latter change being nitrogen monoxide and water. The nitrous oxide can be collected in a gas-bag, or in bottles over the water-pan. If the heating be conducted too rapidly, the gas will be likely to contain delete- rious impurities. Although nitrous oxide is not really capable of sustaining life, it may be breathed to a limited ex- tent without danger. For this purpose, however, it should be quite pure ; a condition best to be se- cured by using only materials of good quality, evolv- ing the gas very slowly, and washing it by causing it to bubble through several bottles of water be- fore it reaches the gas-bag. When inhaled in small quantities, nitrous oxide produces a peculiar exhila- ration, because of which it has received the popu- lar name of " laughing gas." Prolonged inhalation leads to unconsciousness, with complete insensi- bility to pain. Hence its use by dentists as an an- aesthetic. 64 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In nitrous oxide the elements are feebly united. Strong heating, therefore, will decompose it, setting oxygen free. By virtue of this fact it is capable of supporting combustion. Immerse a splinter of ignited charcoal in the gas, and it will burn almost as brilliantly as in pure oxygen. The red-hot coal first decomposes a little of the gas; the oxygen thus liberated takes part in the combustion, devel- oping more heat ; this leads to further decomposi- tion, more oxygen becomes free, and so on to the end of the reaction. To verify this point, repeat Experiments 12, 13, and 15, using nitrogen monox- ide instead of oxygen.. Nitrogen dioxide, sometimes called nitric oxide, is another colorless gas only fifteen times heavier than hydrogen. Its odor is extremely suffocating, and it supports combustion only in one or two ex- ceptional instances. It is prepared thus : EXPERIMENT 33. Put some copper scraps or turnings in the flask previously used for generating hydrogen, and cover them with a half-and-half mix- ture of nitric acid and water. Connect the delivery- tube with a glass jar full of water, and inverted in the usual way over the water-pan. At first, heavy brownish-red vapors will be evolved, but after a few moments they will disappear, and the jar will fill with colorless nitric oxide. The most interesting property of this gas is its power of absorbing oxygen. Lift the jar just filled with it so as to admit the air, and it will change to the deep-red suffocating gas which was noticed at the beginning of the experiment. This colored gas is nitrogen tetroxide, or hyponitric acid, and we shall frequently encounter it in our experiments. AMMONIA AND THE OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 65 It appears whenever metals are dissolved or oxi- dized by nitric acid. In these experiments we have seen how inti- mately the oxides of nitrogen are connected, and also that all are derived either from nitric acid or nitrates. We may now go a step further and obtain even the strong base ammonia as a derivative of nitric acid, as follows : EXPERIMENT 34. Add some zinc filings to a strong solution of caustic potash, and heat the mix- ture in a flask, gently. Now put in a little nitric acid, but not so much as to neutralize the alkali. Ammonia will be given off, and it may be recog- nized by its smell. In this experiment hydrogen is produced by the action of the zinc upon the alkali ; and this, at the instant of its liberation, so reacts upon the nitric acid as to transform it into ammonia and water. CHAPTER VIII. ATOMIC WEIGHTS AND CHEMICAL FORMULA. IN the foregoing chapters we have studied a number of compounds, involving the consideration of only three elements, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitro- gen. If, now, we scrutinize their composition a lit- tle more closely, some remarkable relations may be brought out. To 'facilitate study, let us begin by adopting a set of abbreviations or symbols, by which the va- rious elements may be concisely indicated. Such symbols are a necessity to the chemist, and to each element one is definitely assigned. Thus, H repre- sents hydrogen, O oxygen, N nitrogen, and C car- bon. Since several elements may have names be- ginning with the same initial letter, double letters are frequently employed, as follows : C represents carbon, Cd " cadmium, Ca " calcium, Cs " caesium, Ce " cerium, Cl " chlorine, Cr " chromium, Co " cobalt, Cb " columbium, Cu " copper. ATOMIC WEIGHTS, CHEMICAL FORMULA. 67 The last of these is derived from the Latin cu- prum. So also we have Fe, from ferrum, for iron ; Ag, from argentum, for silver ; Au, from aurum, for gold ; Sn, from stannum, for tin ; and so on in sev- eral other cases. These symbols should all be learned by actual use, rather than by mere memor- izing.* Now, using these symbols, let us tabulate the compounds thus far examined ; giving the compo- sition of each both by volume and by weight : By volume. By weight. Water. 2 vols. H, i vol. O. 2 parts H, 16 parts O. Hydrogen dioxide. 2 H, 2 0. 2 H, 3 2 O. Ammonia. 3 H, i N. 3 H, 14 N. Nitrogen monoxide. 2 N, i 0. 28 N, 16 0. " dioxide. 2 N, 2 O. 28 N, 32 0. " trioxide. 2 N, 3 O. 28 N, 48 O. " tetroxide. 2 N |4 0. 28 N, 64 0. " pentoxide. 2 N, 5 O. 28 N, 80 0. Nitrous acid, i vol. H, I N, 2 0. i H, 14 N, 32 parts O. Nitric acid, i " H, I N, 3 0. i H, 14 N, 48 " 0. These numbers are very suggestive, especially when we consider them in the light of the law of multiple proportions. Hydrogen is represented by i, 2, and 3 volumes, or i, 2, and 3 parts by weight. Oxygen we find in the proportion of i, 2, 3, 4, and 5 volumes, or 16, 32, 48, 64, and 80 parts by weight. Nitrogen occurs in i and 2 volumes, or 14 and 28 parts by weight. In brief, as far as our experience goes, if we take hydrogen as our standard of com- parison and put its combining value at unity, oxygen always combines in the proportion of 16 parts by weight or some even multiple thereof, and nitrogen in the ratio of 14 parts or a multiple. Furthermore, * See table of elements in Chapter II. 68 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. these numbers, 14 and 16, which we may now call the combining weights of nitrogen and oxygen, also represent the specific gravity of these gases, referred to hydrogen as unity. As we extend our observations to the other chemical elements, we shall find similar relations holding good everywhere. For each element a definite combining weight can be found, which will apply in all the compounds into which the element can enter. For example : i part H unites with 35.5 parts Cl. i " H " " 80 " Br. i " H " " 127 " I. These values, 35.5, 80, and 127, are the combining weights of chlorine, bromine, and iodine respect- ively ; and they also represent the specific gravity of each element in the gaseous state compared as before with hydrogen as unity. But many of the elements do not combine di- rectly with hydrogen, and therefore their combin- ing weights need to be determined indirectly. This is easily done through the medium of some other element ; thus : 35.5 parts Cl unite with 23 of Na, 39 of K, or 108 of Ag. 80.0 " Br " " 23 " Na, 39 " K, " 108 " Ag. 127.0 " I " " 23 " Na, 39 " K, " 1 08 " Ag. Hence 23 may be taken as the combining weight of sodium, 39 of potassium, and 108 of silver; and if we go further and examine the compounds of these metals with oxygen, nitric acid, etc., we shall find that the values here assigned are in perfect har- mony with those previously found for hydrogen, ATOMIC WEIGHTS, CHEMICAL FORMULA. 69 oxygen, and nitrogen. The practical importance of such numbers will appear as in subsequent chapters we become familiar with their use.* Now, what do these simple relations mean? Why do we never find oxygen uniting in fifteen or seventeen parts, but always in proportions repre- sented by multiples of sixteen ? The answer to this question was discovered by Dr. John Dalton, of Manchester, England, who put forth in 1808 the atomic theory which lies at the foundations of mod- ern chemistry. If matter is, as we have already supposed, made up of minute, indivisible atoms, it is plain that in chemical union only whole atoms and multiples of whole atoms can take part. Fractions of atoms are impossible. If, then, hydrogen and oxygen unite chemically, they must do so in pro- portions representing either the relative weights of their atoms, or simple multiples thereof, and similar rules must govern the combination of all the ele- ments. We assume, therefore, that the combining weights really represent the relative weights of the different atoms, compared with hydrogen as unity. That is, an atom of oxygen weighs sixteen times as much as an atom of hydrogen, an atom of nitrogen fourteen times as much, an atom of silver one hun- dred and eight times as much, and so on. These values are called the atomic weights of the elements, and a full table of them is given in Chapter II. As to the real weights of the atoms we have no defi- nite knowledge ; but concerning these comparative weights we are quite certain. As we continue our * The history of the discovery of the combining weights is admira- bly given in the earlier chapters of Wurtz's "Atomic Theory" (" In- ternational Scientific Series," vol. xxix). 70 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. studies we shall find other lines of evidence confirm- ing our present conclusions very strongly. With the aid of the elementary symbols and atomic weights we are now ready to approach the subject of chemical formulas. First, let us render our symbols a little more precise. Let H, for ex- ample, represent not only hydrogen in general, but exactly one unit weight of hydrogen, or one unit volume, or, more definitely still, one atom. Let O, N, C, etc., similarly stand for one atom of each ele- ment respectively, and for 16, 14, 12, etc., parts by weight, as the case may be. Furthermore, let us express several atoms of an element by numerals added to its symbol ; as, for example, H, H 2 , H 3 , H 4 , etc., for one two, three, or four atoms of hydrogen. Water, as we have already seen, contains two unit weights, or two volumes of hydrogen, com- bined with sixteen unit weights or one volume of oxygen. Its formula, accordingly, is written H 2 O ; the symbols being placed side by side to indicate chemical union. Hydrogen dioxide, on like princi- ples, becomes H 2 O 2 , and the nitrogen compounds are easily formulated as follows : Ammonia, NH 3 . Nitrogen monoxide, N 2 O. " dioxide, N 2 O 2 * " trioxide, N 2 O 3 . tetroxide, N 2 O 4 .* " pentoxide, N 2 O 8 . Nitrous acid, HNO 2 . Nitric " HNO 3 . These formulae almost explain themselves. For example, let us consider the last one, because it is * These two formulae should be halved, becoming NO and NO a respectively, for reasons which will be presented further on. ATOMIC WEIGHTS, CHEMICAL FORMULA, fi the most complicated. It shows, first, that nitric acid contains one atom of hydrogen, one of nitro- gen, and three of oxygen combined together ; and next, that the gases are united by volume in the same ratio of i : i : 3. By weight it indicates one part of the first element, fourteen of the second, and three times sixteen of the third. Finally, just as H represents one atom of hydrogen, so HNO 3 stands for one molecule of nitric acid, and the sum of the atomic weights i -f- 14 + 4-8, or 63, is called the molecu- lar weight of the compound. If we wish to indicate two or more molecules of nitric acid, we may write either 2HNO 3 , or (HNO 3 ) 2 ; but the former method is customary. All such formulas as these are capable of being treated in a somewhat mathematical way, so that chemical reactions may be written out in the form of equations. On one side of an equation we write the formulas of the substances with which our re- action begins, and on the other the formulas of the substances produced by the change. Thus, in mak- ing oxygen we heat potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , get- ting potassium chloride and the gas sought for. The equation is simple : KC10, = KC1 + 3 . Again, ammonium nitrate, N 2 H 5 O 3 , splits up, on heating, into nitrogen monoxide and water, as fol- lows : N 3 H 6 O 3 = N 2 O + 2H 2 O. Hydrogen is commonly prepared by the action of sul- phuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , upon zinc ; zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4 , being also formed. This reaction we may write : Zn + H 2 SO 4 = H 2 + ZnSO 4 . 72 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It will be noticed that the plus sign, -)-, is used to indicate addition, or mixture, as distinct from chemi- cal union. The minus sign is sometimes used also, to represent the withdrawal of certain elements from a compound. This class of chemical equations has very great practical utility, inasmuch as they enable us to cal- culate the results of reactions in advance. Suppose, for instance, we wish to prepare a definite quantity say one pound or one kilogramme of nitric acid and desire to know just how much material to use in order to avoid wasting. The reaction is as follows : KNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = KHSO 4 + HNO 3 . That is, one molecule of potassium nitrate and one molecule of sulphuric acid yield one molecule of potassium hydrogen sulphate and one molecule of nitric acid. Now the molecular weight of KNO 3 is 39 + 14 + 48 = 101 ; that of H 2 SO 4 is 2 + 32 + 64 98 ; and that of HNO 3 is i + 14 + 48 == 63. Hence, 1 01 parts of KNO 3 , treated with 98 of H 2 SO 4 , will give 63 parts of HNO 3 . For " parts " now read " pounds," " ounces," " grammes," or " kilogrammes," as the case may be, and the problem resolves itself into an easy question in arithmetic. Again, let us consider the preparation of oxy- gen, for which the equation has recently been given. The molecular weight of KC1O 3 is 39 -j- 35.5 + 48 = 122.5. Hence, 122.5 parts of KC1O 3 yield 48 parts of oxygen. Suppose now we wish to make exactly fifty litres of oxygen, measured at o and 760 mm. In Chapter III we found the weight of one litre of hydrogen, or one crith, to be 0.0896 gramme. A litre of oxygen weighs 16 criths, and therefore fifty ATOMIC WEIGHTS, CHEMICAL FORMULAE. 73 litres must weigh 71.68 grammes. Hence, by a sim- ple proportion 48 : 122.5 :: 71.68 : x, or, O 3 : KC1O 3 :: 71.68 : x, in which x represents the weight of potassium chlorate needed to prepare the quantity of oxygen sought for. If our oxygen is to be measured at a temperature and pressure other than o and 760 mm. say at 21 and 755 mm. we must correct the weight of our fifty litres by the aid of the formulae given in Chapter III. Fifty litres of gas, at o and 760 mm., will become at 21 and 755 mm. : 50 x 760 x 294 This quantity, 54.2027 litres, weighs the same as be- fore namely, 71.68 grammes, and fifty litres of the expanded gas will weigh 54.2027 : 50 :: 71.68 : x, x being the corrected weight of the volume of oxy- gen desired. The department of chemistry which deals with these calculations is called stoichiometry. Many other stoichiometrical problems will be taken up from time to time as we proceed.* * For a good outline of the principles of stoichiometry, see Chapter VI of Cooke's " Chemical Philosophy," new edition, 1881. CHAPTER IX. CARBON. CARBON, one of the most common and most in- teresting of the elements, is found in nature both free and in a vast number of compounds. It is an important constituent of limestone and many min- erals ; it forms great beds of coal ; it is the element chiefly characteristic of animal and vegetable mat- ter. Chemistry is commonly divided into two great branches injorganic and organic ; the former deal- ing with substances formed in inanimate nature, the latter with the products of organic life and their derivatives. At present, organic chemistry is usu- ally denned as " the chemistry of the carbon com- pounds," and as such it might be fairly considered here. For convenience, however, organic chemis- try will be discussed separately later on ; and in this chapter we may limit ourselves to carbon in some of its inorganic aspects. Carbon itself is one of the best examples of allo- tropy, since it occurs in three distinct forms name- ly, as diamond, as graphite, and as charcoal. In all of its forms it is tasteless, odorless, infusible, non- volatile, and insoluble. It is, however, combustible ; readily so as charcoal, more difficultly in its other modifications. But even the diamond burns in the CARBON. 75 oxyhydrogen-flame. The atomic weight of carbon is 12. The diamond is found in India, Borneo, South Africa, and Brazil ; and occasionally in North Caro- lina, Georgia, and California. It occurs in crystals, more or less perfect, derived from the regular octa- hedron (Fig. 19), and has in its purest state a spe- cific gravity of 3.518. In color it ranges from a pure limpidity well described in the phrase " a gem FIG. 19. Crystals of Diamond. of the -first water" through various shades of yellow, blue, green, pink, etc., to black. Generally the col- orless stones are most prized, the yellow diamonds being of much less value. Occasionally a blue or green diamond brings an enormous price, for these tints are very rare. The black variety is called car- bonado, and has a slightly lower specific gravity. The diamond refracts light very strongly, and to this property it owes its brilliancy as a gem. It is the hardest of all known substances, and can be cut and polished only with its own powder. Because of its hardness it is used for cutting glass ; and the coarser varieties, such as carbonado, serve to tip the diamond-drills which are now employed in rock- 76 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. boring machinery. In 1880 small diamonds were produced artificially by Mr. J. B. Hannay, of Glas- gow ; but the details of the process have only par- tially been made public. Graphite, also known as plumbago or black-lead, is extensively mined in England, Ceylon, Siberia, and California, and at Ticonderoga in New York. There are many other localities in which it is found, so that it may fairly be reckoned one of the com- moner minerals. It occurs in some meteorites, and it is frequently produced in the blast-furnace. In the latter case it is dissolved by the molten iron, and crystallizes out upon cooling. It differs from the diamond in many particulars ; its color is black, its specific gravity about 2.15, and it crystallizes in six-sided plates. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity, whereas the diamond conducts badly. It may be more easily burned than diamond, less easily than charcoal. In fine powder it has a greasy feel, and is somewhat used as a lubricant for ma- chinery. It is chiefly used in the manufacture of lead-pencils, stove-polish, and crucibles, as a con- ductor of electricity in the process of electrotyp- ing, and as a glazing for the grains of gunpowder. Gold and silver are usually melted in black-lead crucibles. In the manufacture of coal-gas, a very hard coating of gas-carbon is formed in the gas-re- torts. This is commonly regarded as a variety of graphite, and is used in the Bunsen galvanic bat- tery, and for making the carbon-points of the elec- tric light. Amorphous (shapeless or non-crystalline) carbon is always of organic origin. As charcoal it is pro- duced by the imperfect combustion of wood, retain- CARBON. 77 ing the structure of the latter almost perfectly. A purer charcoal may be prepared by heating pure white sugar. Another variety, lamp-black, is made by burning tar, rosin, turpentine, or petroleum, with a deficient supply of air, and passing the smoke into large chambers, in which the carbon is deposited. It is simply soot prepared on a large scale, and it is used as a black paint and for making printer's ink. India ink is also made from lamp-black Animal charcoal, as its name suggests, is produced by char- ring animal matter in close iron cylinders, The finest quality is made from blood, but bone-black, containing with the carbon the earthy constituents of bones, is more extensively prepared. In all of its varieties amorphous carbon is black, and easily combustible. Its specific gravity ranges from 1.57 to 2.00; the variability resulting from the fact that charcoal is always more or less porous. This porosity confers upon charcoal an extraordi- nary power of absorbing gases, to which property its value as a disinfectant is due. For example, one cubic centimetre of freshly-burned charcoal will ab- sorb 17.9 cc. of oxygen, 67.7 cc. of carbonic acid, or 171.7 cc. of ammonia. Insert a bit of charcoal in a tube of ammonia-gas filled over mercury, and an immediate rise of the latter in the tube will indicate the absorption. Suppose now that a quantity of charcoal be brought into an atmosphere contami- nated with the noxious gases resulting from a leaky sewer or from animal decomposition. They will at once be absorbed; and, coming into close contact with oxygen which has been absorbed also, they will be oxidized and rendered harmless. The vigor of this action may be shown by the following experiment: 78 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. EXPERIMENT 35. Heat a fragment of charcoal to redness, so as to expel whatever gases it may con- tain, and allow it to cool under mercury. Now plunge it into a jar of sulphuretted hydrogen (Chap- ter XV), and after a few moments transfer it to an- other vessel containing oxygen. The two condensed gases, meeting in the pores of the charcoal, will unite with such intensity that the carbon will at once in- flame. The same principle may receive a number of other less startling but more practical illustrations. Rub a little powdered charcoal upon tainted meat, and the unpleasant smell will disappear. Water frequently has a fetid odor derived from organic impurities ; this may be corrected by simply filter- ing the water through a thick layer of charcoal. So, also, by charring the lower end of a fence-post or telegraph-post, it may be protected to a considerable extent from rotting. Charcoal also has a very remarkable power of absorbing coloring - matters and many other sub- stances. Animal charcoal is extensively used in sugar-refineries for decolorizing raw brown sugar and converting it into the finer white varieties. A simple experiment will serve to illustrate this prop- erty : EXPERIMENT 36. Half fill a small bottle with red wine, a solution of indigo, or a solution of cochi- neal, and add an equal bulk of freshly-burned char- coal-powder. Bone-black is better still if it can be obtained. Shake vigorously, and filter ; the filtrate will be colorless or nearly so. Beer or ale, similarly treated, loses both its color and its bitterness. Even a solution of quinine may be rendered nearly taste- CARBON. 79 less by filtering through charcoal, the quinine being absorbed and retained. Coke is a variety of amorphous carbon which remains behind after coal has been heated for the manufacture of illuminating gas. Coal itself is very impure carbon, containing various compounds of hydrogen, together with nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, and the various earthy substances which constitute the ash. It varies much in composition, as the fol- lowing percentage analyses show : * Anthracite. Soft coal. Cannel-coal. Lignite. Carbon Q2.SQ 80.33 80.07 66.31 Hydrogen 2.63 4.4.7 C.C7, 5.63 Oxygen ^.WJ 1.61 3.25 8.10 22.86 Nitrogen O.Q2 1.24. 2.IO O. C7 Sulphur o.^s 1. 10 W O/ 2.36 Ash 2 2? 1. 2O 2 7O 2 27 100.00 IOO.OO IOO.OO 100.00 The compounds of carbon with hydrogen, the hy- drocarbons, are very numerous, and are, in general, of organic origin. Coal-oil and petroleum are vari- able mixtures of hydrocarbons ; and the hydrogen of coal exists partly combined with carbon and partly in the form of water. Since the value of coal for the manufacture of gas depends upon the hydrocarbons which it contains, two or three of these compounds may fittingly be described here, while the others will be considered in connection with organic chemistry, further on. Methane,f also known as marsh-gas, fire-damp, * In Dana's " System of Mineralogy " a large number of coal analy- ses are given. The variations are extraordinary. f The naming of the hydrocarbons is somewhat arbitrary. This point will be considered under organic chemistry. 8o INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and light carbureted hydrogen, is a colorless gas having the formula CH 4 . It burns readily with a bluish-yellow flame, emitting much heat and but lit- tle light. In nature it is often produced by the slow decay of dead leaves at the bottoms of stagnant pools ; hence the common name, marsh-gas. By stirring up the mud beneath a jar of water inserted in such a pool, the bubbles of gas may be collected and identified (Fig. 20). It also frequently accumu- lates in coal-mines, forming a dangerously explosive FIG. 20. Collection of Marsh-gas. mixture with the oxygen of the air. Such mixtures, ignited by miners' lamps, have caused terrible loss of life. Fire-damp is the miner's name for the gas, distinguishing it from the suffocating carbonic acid, or choke-damp. It sometimes issues in great quanti- ties from the earth, and particularly from artesian wells sunk in search of petroleum. In some such CARBON. 8 1 places it serves as a fuel, for driving steam-engines ; and the town of Fredonia, New York, is mainly lighted by gas of natural origin, Methane is artifi- cially prepared as follows : EXPERIMENT 37. Mix thoroughly two parts of crystallized sodium acetate, four parts of caustic soda, and eight parts of powdered quicklime. Heat gently on an iron plate until the mixture is thor- oughly dry and crumbly. Then heat it strongly in a glass tube, such as was used for the preparation of oxygen, and collect the gas over water. Test its inflammability as in the case of hydrogen. In this experiment the lime merely serves to render the mass more porous, and to protect the glass from ex- cessive corrosion by the caustic soda.* Ethylene, C 2 H 4 , is another gaseous hydrocarbon of great importance. It is fourteen times heavier than hydrogen, whereas the density of methane is only eight. Hence the old names of heavy and light carburetted hydrogen respectively. It is easily pre- pared by heating together alcohol and strong sul- phuric acid, and it burns with a luminous, smoky flame. It is also known as ethene and as olefiant (oil-producing) gas. The last name was given it be- cause it unites directly with another gas, chlorine, to form an oily liquid. Acetylene, C 2 H 2 , is another gas, of a disagreeably pungent odor, which is formed by the direct union of its elements. When a series of powerful electric sparks are passed between two carbon-points in an * A cheaper way of preparing impure methane is to soak lumps of lime in vinegar, and then to heat, as above, the mixture of lime and calcium acetate thus obtained. In this process a good deal of steam is first given off. 82 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. atmosphere of hydrogen, acetylene is produced. It combines directly with hydrogen to form ethylene ; thus : C 2 H 2 + H 2 = C 2 H 4 . It also unites with cer- tain metals, such as copper or silver, yielding explo- sive compounds of considerable interest. It burns with a blue flame. All the hydrocarbons burn more or less readily, and all form upon complete combus- tion only carbonic acid and water. For example : CH 4 + O 4 = CO, + ?H 2 O. C 2 H 4 + O 6 = 2CO a + 2H 2 O. CaHa + O 6 = 2CO 3 + H 2 O. By the imperfect combustion of hydrocarbons, acety- lene is often produced ; for example, when a candle burns with a smoky flame its peculiar odor may be detected. Ordinary illuminating gas, distilled from coal, is essentially a mixture, more or less impure, of hydro- gen, carbon monoxide, methane, and ethylene. Its production on a small scale may be illustrated by an easy experiment. EXPERIMENT 38. Fill the bowl of a common clay tobacco-pipe with powdered soft coal, and cover the latter tightly with a plug of clay. Heat the bowl to redness over a Bunsen gas-flame or between the bars of a grate. Gas will issue from the stem, where it may be ignited. In manufacturing gas on a large scale, bitumi- nous or cannel coal is heated in retorts of fire-clay or fire-brick which hold from one to two hundred pounds at a time. Several retorts are heated at once over a single fire, and the products of distillation pass out into a series of pipes in which water, coal-tar, am- monia, etc., are deposited. The tar and ammonia, CARBON. 83 being valuable, are thus saved. Twenty-five years ago the tar was worthless ; now it serves as a source of benzene, and of the superb aniline dyes. The gas itself still contains a number of objectionable im- purities, which are removed by passing it over some absorbent substance, such as slaked lime.* Differ- ent samples of gas differ widely in composition ; the differences depending upon the quality of the coal employed, the degree of heat applied to the retorts, and so on. In percentages, the following figures may represent a fair average : Hydrogen, 50 Methane, 35 Carbon monoxide, 7 Ethylene, 3 Several impurities, 5 100 In Germany, gas is sometimes distilled from wood ; and in our own country there are processes in use which generate hydrogen from steam and charge it with vapors from petroleum. The latter give its flame illuminating power. In ordinary gas the illuminating value depends mainly upon the ethylene which it contains. If we study a gas-flame closely we shall find that its structure illustrates some important facts relat- ing to the mechanism of combustion. In a common burner the gas issues from a fine jet, and is ignited in contact with a moderate amount of air (Fig. 21). Near the jet we have a stream of gas not yet burned ; and here the flame is comparatively cool and non- * A good account of the manufacture and purification of coal-gas is given in Roscoe and Schorlemmer's " Treatise on Chemistry," vol. i, pp. 683-704. 84 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. luminous. Insert a piece of slender glass tubing at this part of the flame, and the unburned gas may be FIG. 21. Structure of Common Gas-flame. drawn off and kindled at the farther end (Fig. 22). Above, and somewhat around this darker base, we have the luminous portion of the flame ; and here the light is partially due to imperfect combustion. Hold a piece of cold porcelain over the jet for a moment, and soot (that is, carbon) will be deposited upon it. It is these solid particles in the flame which become heated and luminous, and they result from the partial combustion of ethylene and some of its related hydrocarbons. Methane yields no free car- bon under like circumstances, and of course hydro- gen does not; hence their flames, containing only gaseous matter, are non-luminous.* If we do any- * In Experiment 7 the luminosity of a hot solid in a hydrogen-flame was illustrated. CARBON. thing to cut off the supply of air from a flame, it will become fuller of carbon-particles and more smoky ; a fact which may easily be verified by sliding a piece FIG. 22. Withdrawal of Gas from a Flame-centre. of sheet-iron or other convenient solid over the top of a gas or kerosene lamp-chimney. As the air is FIG. 23. Bunsen Burner. 86 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. gradually excluded, smoke and soot will form copi- ously. Conversely, if we render combustion more perfect, and so prevent the deposition of carbon, a flame will become hotter but less brilliant. This is done in the Bunsen burner (Fig. 23), in which air is allowed to enter at the base and become thoroughly mixed with the gas before the latter is lighted. The flame here emits very little light ; but if the holes at the base are stopped up, then it becomes luminous as usual. The Bunsen burner is the most conven- ient source of heat for the minor operations of the laboratory. Where gas can not be had, an alcohol lamp is commonly used instead. Such a lamp is easily improvised by perforating the cork of a small, wide-mouthed bottle, and inserting through the per- foration a glass tube carrying a wick (Fig. 24). FIG. 24. Improvised Spirit Lamp. In the mouth blow-pipe we have another illustra- tion of the foregoing principles. By the aid of this CARBON. 87 little instrument air is blown from the cheeks into a flame, and the latter is rendered much hotter (Fig. 25). Here, again, the flame may be divided into two chief parts ; an inner blue cone and an outer FIG. 25. Use of Blow-pipe. portion. The greatest heat is at the apex of the in- ner flame. A bit of tin or zinc, heated in the outer part of the jet, is first melted and then converted into oxide ; hence the name of oxidizing flame. On the other hand, the oxide so formed, if heated in the inner cone, will be reduced to the metal again, giv- ing up its oxygen to assist in the burning of the car- bonaceous matter there found. This part of the jet, therefore, is called the reducing flame. Both parts of the flame are important agents in blow-pipe analy- sis ; and a little practice in heating bits of copper, tin, zinc, lead, etc., supported on pieces of charcoal, first in one and then in the other, will make the re- lations of the two very clear. The stream of air from the blow-pipe should be made as steady as pos- sible ; and one can easily learn to blow lightly from the muscles of the cheeks for several minutes at a time without interrupting respiration. The flame 5 88 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of a lamp burning some animal or vegetable oil (lard, whale, or rape-seed oil, for examples), is best for blow- pipe work ; but alcohol or gas may be used. Kero- sene is unavailable, because the chimney interferes. In a strictly scientific sense a candle-flame is as truly a gas-flame as any that issues from the tip of a gas-burner. The wick, loosely made of cotton threads, is first kindled ; and the heat thus gener- ated melts a small quantity of the fat, wax, or paraf- fine of which the candle is constructed. The liquid oil thus produced is drawn up into the wick by capillary attraction ; it is decomposed by the heat, and the gaseous products of decomposition then burn, depositing particles of carbon which become luminous. These may be collected as soot ; and by means of a glass tube the gas from the center of the flame can be drawn off and ignited. If a sheet of clean white cardboard be suddenly pressed down upon a candle-flame and then withdrawn, it will be found scorched in a ring, thus showing that at the center of the flame there was no active combustion. When bituminous coal is burned in a furnace, the laws of combustion should be carefully consid- ered. A smoky chimney always means imperfect combustion and waste of carbon; and smoke-pre- venting appliances, the so-called " smoke-consum- ers," are getting to be more and more used in cities where soft coal is the chief fuel. Many such appli- ances have been patented, but all aim at the same result namely, to bring about perfect combustion. Sometimes, fine jets of steam are blown into the furnace. These are decomposed at first, yielding oxygen and hydrogen, which serve to make the fire more intense. In other cases the coal is applied in CARBON. 89 such a way that the smoke from the fresh portions of fuel is conducted over glowing beds of coke, the latter being merely the earlier charges from which the sooty hydrocarbons have been burned away. In some metallurgical furnances the fuel is rendered gaseous at the start, and the gases are then burned with abundance of air. Such furnaces give great heat and waste little or no fuel. For every combustible substance there is a defi- nite temperature below which it will not ignite. If a flame be cooled below the ignition- point of the gas which forms it, it will go out. Press a piece of wire gauze down upon a gas-flame, and the latter will be flattened ; it can not penetrate the metallic net-work. The gas itself passes through, but the wire has con- ducted so much heat away from it that combustion is no longer possible. You can hold the gauze over a jet of gas and kindle the latter above, but the flame can not then descend to the burn- er. Or, you may hold two pieces of gauze parallel to each other over a FIG. 26. Da- stream of gas, and produce a flame be- tween them which shall be unable to pass either above or below. These facts find their application in the safety-lamp of Sir Humphry Davy (Fig. 26). This, which was invented for the protection of coal-miners against fire-damp, is mere- ly a lamp inclosed in a netting of fine-wire gauze. This inclosure may be filled with flame, but the latter can not penetrate its prison-walls and ignite the explosive gaseous mixture without. CHAPTER X. CARBON (continued}. CARBON unites with oxygen in two proportions, forming a monoxide, CO, and a dioxide, CO 2 . Carbon monoxide, more commonly known as carbonic oxide, is a colorless, odorless gas which burns with a blue flame. It is not produced by the direct union of its elements ; for when carbon, either as diamond, graphite, or charcoal, is burned, only carbon dioxide is formed. By passing the latter, however, over red-hot coals, half of its oxygen may be withdrawn, and carbon monoxide results from the change : C0 2 + C = 2CO. This often happens in coal-stoves and furnaces, es- pecially in the blast-furnace ; carbon dioxide being produced by the combustion of the lowest layer of fuel, and rising through the glowing coals above. The blue flames which play over the surface of an anthracite-fire are due to carbon monoxide, and the product of the combustion is CO 2 : CO + O = C0 2 . Carbon monoxide may be artificially prepared by various processes; but most conveniently by heating either crystallized oxalic acid or potassium CARBON. 9 ! ferrocyanide with strong sulphuric acid. By the reaction which ensues, both oxides of carbon are formed ; but, by passing the mixed gases through a solution of caustic potash, the dioxide may be ab- sorbed, leaving the monoxide pure. The preparation of carbon monoxide should be undertaken only with extreme care, because the gas is dangerously poisonous. A trace of it in the air we breathe will produce headache and dizziness, and anything over one percent admixture might prove fatal. It sometimes escapes from badly-con- structed stoves into improperly-ventilated rooms, and causes serious annoyance. Cheap cast-iron stoves are especially liable to work this kind of mischief, and deaths have resulted from the careless use of such stoves in close sleeping-apartments. All illuminating gas made from coal contains car- bon monoxide as one of its ingredients. The other oxide of carbon, carbon dioxide, is met with under a great variety of conditions. We find it ever present in the atmosphere ; it is always produced when carbon or compounds of carbon are burned ; we exhale it from our lungs ; it is evolved from decaying animal and vegetable matter; and we recognize it among the products of fermenta- tion. EXPERIMENT 39. Cover the bottom of a glass jar with lime-water,* and suspend over it a burning bit of candle. Close the jar, and the candle will soon burn itself out. Now shake vigorously, and the lime-water will become milky. Upon standing, * Prepared by stirring powdered lime into water, leaving the mix- ture to stand for at least an hour, and then filtering. The solution should be perfectly clear. 92 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the milkiness will be deposited as a white sediment. This sediment is calcium carbonate (carbonate of lime), and its formation proves the presence of car- bon dioxide in the air of the jar. A piece of wood or charcoal burned in place of the candle will give the same result. EXPERIMENT 40. Pour some lime-water into a tumbler, and through a piece of glass tubing blow air into the liquid for several minutes from the lungs. The lime-water will become milky, showing that carbon dioxide has been exhaled. EXPERIMENT 41. Mix in any convenient vessel some very sweet molasses-and-water with a little yeast. Fill a test-tube with the mixture, invert it in the liquid, and let the whole stand in a warm place overnight. Fermentation will occur, and bubbles of carbon dioxide will rise into the tube. Close the mouth of the latter with the thumb, remove it from the vessel, and shake up its gaseous contents with lime-water. EXPERIMENT 42. In the same flask and appa- ratus which previously served for the preparation of hydrogen, put some fragments of chalk, lime- stone, or marble, and pour over them a quantity of dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Gas will be given off with brisk effervescence ; and by passing a few bubbles of it into lime-water it may be identi- fied as carbon dioxide. Collect the remainder of the gas as usual in bottles or jars over the water-pan. The last experiment illustrates the only method by which carbon dioxide is practically prepared for use in the laboratory, The limestone, chalk, or marble is calcium carbonate, CaCO 3 ; and the reac- tion, when sulphuric acid is used, is as follows : CARBON. 93 CaCO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO* -I- H a O + CO 3 . That is, calcium carbonate, treated with sulphuric acid, yields calcium sulphate, carbon dioxide, and water. Any other carbonate will give a similar re- action with any strong acid, and carbon dioxide will be evolved in the same way. For example, pour vinegar (acetic acid) over common saleratus (a car- bonate of sodium), and note the effervescence. As the name indicates, a carbonate is a salt formed by carbonic acid with a base. Since carbonic acid is a very weak acid, any stronger acid can expel it from its salts, as in the foregoing reactions. When free, its formula should be H 2 CO 3 , but it is incapable of existing independently, and therefore splits up at the moment of its liberation into carbon dioxide and water, CO 2 -f H 2 O. Many carbonates are easily decomposed by heat ; for instance, lime, which is calcium oxide, is made by burning limestone in a kiln, when carbon dioxide is evolved freely : CaCO 3 = CaO + CO 2 . The lime and carbon dioxide thus separated can be made to unite again only through the intervention of water; the necessary reaction being one which we have already observed in several experiments. Filter off some of the sediment formed by carbon dioxide in lime-water, and test it with a drop of any common acid. It will effervesce, thereby revealing its character as a carbonate. Carbon dioxide is fre- quently miscalled carbonic acid ; indeed, " carbonic- acid gas " is the commonest of its names. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas, which by cold and pressure may be easily condensed to a liquid. When the latter is allowed to escape from 94 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a fine jet a part of it evaporates instantaneously, absorbing enough heat from the remainder to freeze it into a white, crystalline solid, like snow. The temperature of this solid is about 78 C., and if it be pressed between the fingers it produces a pain- ful blister, and sensations like a burn. Carbon dioxide dissolves to a considerable ex- tent in water, especially under pressure. Some natural waters, from so-called mineral springs, are heavily charged with it, and effervesce upon expos- ure to the air. The Saratoga and Seltzer waters are good examples. Soda-water is merely water artificially charged with carbon dioxide ; and to the same gas champagne owes its sparkle and beer its foam. By standing in the open air these drinks soon lose their gas, and become flat and valueless. In the chemistry of cooking, carbon dioxide plays an important part. As evolved by yeast it makes bread light and porous ; and the same end is at- tained less wholesomely and perfectly by the aid of saleratus and baking-powders. All the latter preparations owe their value to the carbon diox- ide which they are capable of developing ; and all leave residues behind which render bread inferior in quality. Like nitrogen, carbon dioxide is incapable of sustaining either combustion or life. It is not in any sense poisonous, like the monoxide it is sim- ply inert. We throw it off from our lungs, and re- place it with fresh oxygen ; it is no longer fit for breathing. EXPERIMENT 43. Lower a lighted candle into a jar of carbon dioxide. The flame will at once be extinguished. Chemical fire-engines are simply CARBON. 95 machines which generate carbon dioxide, and throw it, mixed with water, upon fires. Carbon dioxide sometimes accumulates in old wells, vaults, and cisterns, and in the great vats of breweries ; and the workman who descends into such a place to clean it out may in consequence be suffocated. Many fatal accidents of this kind have happened ; so that it is always best, before entering a place where carbon dioxide may be, to lower into it a lighted candle. If the latter burns, the air is fit to breathe ; if it goes out, then let the place be thoroughly ventilated. The gas also collects at times in unused galleries of coal-mines, where it is known to the miners as choke-damp. In some places it issues in quantity from crevices in the earth, as at the Grotto del Cane* in Italy. Here it forms a layer on the bottom of a small cave ; a man, enter- ing, has his head above the level of the gas, and does not notice it; but a dog, carried in by the guide, when placed upon the floor, is immediately overcome. The fact that carbon dioxide is about half as heavy again as air may easily be illustrated by ex- periment. EXPERIMENT 44. Slowly invert a jar of the gas a short distance above the flame of a candle. The latter will go out, showing that carbon dioxide de- scends. So, also, we may pour the gas from one vessel to another, almost as if it were a liquid. EXPERIMENT 45. Put two glass jars in the pans of a pair of scales, and balance them nicely against each other. Pour carbon dioxide into one of the jars and the latter will sink, having become the * Grotto of the Dog. 96 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heavier (Fig. 27). The actual density of the gas, re- ferred to hydrogen as unity, is 22 ; that of carbon monoxide is 14. In its relations to the atmosphere, and through FIG. 27. Weighing Carbon Dioxide. the atmosphere to life, carbon dioxide is a substance of the greatest importance. Were its proportions to be but moderately increased, all animals would die ; were it wholly withdrawn, vegetable life would perish. Fortunately, its quantity in the atmosphere varies but little, in spite of the fact that every fire and every breathing animal withdraws oxygen from the air and replaces it with carbon dioxide. How is the balance preserved ? In organized life we have a steady circulation of carbon. Directly or indirectly, all animals de- pend upon vegetable food, the carbon of which becomes a part of the animal tissues. These un- dergo, through the medium of the lungs, a sort of CARBON. 97 slow combustion, whereby the animal heat is kept up, and in consequence of which the carbon is con- verted into carbon dioxide and thrown off into the outer air. Now comes into play one of the most re- markable functions of plant-life: the plant which furnishes the animal with food, in turn seizes upon the carbon dioxide which the latter has rejected, and reconverts its carbon into vegetable tissue. The leaf, in presence of sunlight, decomposes car- bon dioxide, retaining its carbon and setting the oxygen free. Without the help of the sunbeam this work could not be done ; during the night the leaves rest from their labors. In the manner thus briefly outlined, the plant and the animal balance each other in Nature, and help to keep even the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air. With nitrogen, carbon forms one compound a colorless gas, having an odor suggestive of peach- kernels, and burning with a beautiful purple flame. Its formula is C 2 N 2 ; and its name, cyanogen, is de- rived from two Greek words which indicate that it forms some compounds which are blue. Prussian blue is one of them. It unites with metals just as if it were an element, forming salts which are known as cyanides. Compounds which thus behave like ele- ments are not infrequent, and are called compound radicles. In the present case the true compound radicle, however, is the half of C 2 N 2 , or CN, which does not exist in the free state, but only in cyanides, such as potassium cyanide, KCN, and so on. Some- times the CN group is represented by an abbre- viated symbol, Cy ; and on this plan free cyanogen would be written Cy 2 . Hydrocyanic acid, popu- larly called prussic acid, has the formula HCN. It 98 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is one of the deadliest poisons. Cyanogen and its derivatives are best studied among organic com- pounds, since they are commonly of organic origin. Their further consideration, therefore, must be de- ferred to the proper chapter. CHAPTER XL COMBINATION BY VOLUME. WE have already noticed the fact that the num- bers 14, 1 6, 35.5, 80, and 127 represent not only the atomic weights of N, O, Cl, Br, and I respectively, but also the relative weights of equal volumes of these elements, in the condition of gas or vapor, compared with hydrogen as unity. In general, with a very few exceptions to be noted hereafter, the atomic weight of an element expresses also its vapor density. In carbon, however, we meet with an element which does not readily vaporize, so that we can not directly test the accuracy of the foregoing statement with regard to it. Its atomic weight being 12, its vapor should be just twelve times heavier than hy- drogen ; but whether it is or not we are unable to experimentally determine. We may, nevertheless, study some of the gaseous compounds of carbon, and see whether they can shed any light on the subject. Or, in more general terms, we may try to discover whether any simple relation connects the density of a compound gas with the densities of the gaseous elements contained in it. If we refer back to the chapter upon atomic weights, we shall see that the elementary gases hy- 100 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. drogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, combine by volume in very simple ratios. A few of these may well be reconsidered here, with the addition of figures show- ing the volumes of the resulting compounds in the state of gases or vapors : 2 vols. H with i vol. O, in all 3 vols., form 2 vols. HaO. 3 " H " i " N, " " 4 " "2 " NH 3 . 2 " N " i " O, " " 3 " "2 " N 2 O. 2 " N " 3 " O, " " 5 " "2 " N a O 3 . In short, in each of these cases, the elements unite with condensation, and two volumes of a com- pound result. So also with nitric acid, HNO 3 , in which five volumes of H, N, and O condense to two volumes of the compound vapor. In hydrochloric acid, HC1, a substance to be described in a future chapter, we have an example of a simpler kind. One volume of H unites with one volume of Cl without condensation, and here again two volumes of the compound gas, HC1, are formed. From these data, or rather from the two-volume law in general, we can easily calculate the density of any compound gas. For example, steam is formed by the union of two unit volumes of hydrogen, weighing two combining units, with one volume of oxygen which weighs sixteen. The resulting two volumes of course weigh eighteen units, and one volume weighs half as much, or is nine times heavier than hydrogen. Hence we may say that the density of a compound gas or vapor, compared with hydrogen as unity, is half its molecular weight* Thus * To find the density referred to air as unity, divide the values given according to this rule, by 1443. Why ? COMBINATION* HC1. Mol. weight, I + 35.5 = 36.5. Density, 18.75. HaO. " " 2 + 16 = 18. " 9. H 3 N. " " 3 + 14 = 17. " 8.5, N 2 O. " ' 28 + 16 = 44. " 22. N 2 O 3 . " " 28 + 48 = 76. " 38. HNO 3 . " " i + 14 + 48 = 63. " 31.5. We may now apply this rule to the carbon com- pounds, assuming the density of carbon vapor to be 12, and see whether the results obtained are correct : CH 4 . Mol. weight, 12 + 4=16. Density, 8. CaH 4 . " " 24+ 4 = 28. " 14. CaH a . " " 24+ 2 = 26. " 13. CO. " " 12 + 16 = 28. " 14. COa. " " 12 + 32 = 44. " 22. CaNa. " " 24+28 = 52. " 26. These densities exactly agree with the results which have been reached by direct experiment. Hence we may conclude that just as 16 represents the den- sity of oxygen, so also 12 stands for the density of carbon in its gaseous compounds ; and the more we study the latter the stronger the evidence will be- come. In a similar way we can investigate the volatile compounds of other non-volatile elements, and prove that the two-volume law above indicated is of universal application. The seeming exceptions to it will be explained in another chapter. Among the carbon compounds cited above are three which deserve further consideration at this point. Each of the formulae C 2 H 4 , C 2 H 2 , and C 2 N 2 is capable of being halved, and the simpler formulae CH 2 , CH, and CN will represent just as well the composition of these substances by weight. CH 2 indicates precisely the same ratio between C and H as the more complex formula C 2 H 4 ; why, then, 102 should we not by preference adopt it? Simply be- cause the density of the gas, doubled, gives us its molecular weight, and the latter agrees only with the higher formula. So also with the other cases. C 2 H 4 is one of a series of hydrocarbons C 2 H 4 , C 3 H 6 , C 4 H 8 , C 5 H 10 , etc. in which the relative pro- portions of hydrogen and carbon do not vary. But in vapor density these substances differ widely, and from it, as well as from other evidence to be con- sidered under organic chemistry, we deduce the formulas given above. In short, the same kinds of atoms may combine in the same relative proportions so as to form many different molecular groups or compounds having different vapor density. If by experiment we ascertain the latter, we are able in any given case to assign a correct molecular weight, and from that to draw conclusions as to the proper formula. Two of the oxides of nitrogen will illustrate the application of these principles still further. In a previous chapter we gave them provisionally the formulae N 2 O 2 and N 2 O 4 , so as to bring out more clearly the law of multiple proportions. Properly, however, these particular compounds should be rep- resented by the formulae NO and NO 2 respectively. If the formula of the first were N 2 O 2 , its density would be 30 ; whereas experiment shows it to be only 15. Accordingly, we halve the formula, and so get at the true molecular weight. So also with the other oxide. The more we study the properties of gases, the more we shall be impressed with the simplicity of the laws which govern them. They expand equally by heat, and are affected equally by pressure ; and COMBINATION BY VOLUME. 103 between the molecular weight and the density we have just recognized a very close relation. All these regularities, with others which fall without the scope of this book, suggest a general law for gases, and such a law was announced by the Italian physicist, Avogadrp, in 1811. It may be stated as follows : Equal volumes of gases, compared under identical conditions of temperature and pressure, contain equal numbers of molecules. This law may be deduced both from chemical and physical evidence, and has strong mathematical foundations ; accordingly, it is accepted by chemists and physicists alike. We, however, need to con- sider it only in its chemical bearings, and in addi- tion to what has already been said, especially with regard to the difference between atoms and mole- cules. " So far, our standards of comparison have been the atom of hydrogen for atomic and molecular weights, and the unit volume of hydrogen for vol- umes. Using these standards, we have found that for all the elementary gases so far studied, density and atomic weight have both been represented by the same number ; which shows that equal volumes of H, N, O, etc., contain equal numbers of atoms. For, if an atom of O is sixteen times heavier than an atom of H, and a litre of O sixteen times heavier than a litre of H, then the litre of O arid the litre of .H must contain precisely the same number of atoms. With compound gases, on the other hand, a different re- lation holds ; and, as we have seen, the molecular weight is not equal to, but double, density. The reason for this difference is, that we have been com- 104 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. paring molecules with atoms ; whereas, in order to verify Avogadro's law, we should compare mol- ecules only with each other. If, now, we assume that the molecule of hydro- gen consists of two atoms, with a molecular weight of two, and represent in a like manner the molecules of the other elements by OO, NN, C1 2 , Br 2 , I 2 , etc., we shall find that both elements and 'compounds will come simply and regularly under Avogadro's law. Then, for every gas or vapor, elementary or compound, the density will be one half the molecu- lar weight ; a ratio which is due to the fact that the half-molecule, or atom of hydrogen, is taken as our standard of comparison. But the molecule of an element is not necessarily a double atom. The density of ordinary oxygen, for example, is 16; while that of ailotropic oxygen, or ozone, is half as heavy again, or 24. We have here two different molecular groups formed by the same kind of atom ; and if the molecule of oxygen is O 2 , then the molecule of ozone must be O 3 , with a mo- lecular weight of 48. With mercury and cadmium, the vapor density is half the atomic weight ; hence the latter is identical with the molecular weight, and the single atom and the molecule are the same. Phosphorus and arsenic, on the other hand, form vapors twice as heavy as their atomic weights would indicate, and their molecules therefore contain four atoms. These points will be considered more fully when we come to describe these elements.* * Fuller discussion of the points brought forward in this chapter may be found in Cooke's "Chemical Philosophy," Cooke's "New Chemistry," Wurtz's " Atomic Theory," or Remsen's " Theoretical Chemistry. " CHAPTER XII. VALENCY. IF we examine the formulas of many chemical compounds, we shall at first be struck with the great diversity of character among them ; but, upon a closer inspection, certain remarkable regularities, of great theoretical importance, will appear. Let us begin with some of the compounds of hydrogen : I. II. III. IV. HF. H 2 O. H 3 N. H 4 C* HC1. H 2 S. H 3 P. H 4 Si. HBr. H 2 Se. H 8 As. HI. H 2 Te. H 3 Sb. Here we have fifteen elements, which unite with hydrogen in such manner as to fall into four well- defined natural groups. These suggest the follow- ing considerations : Every elementary atom has a definite capacity for uniting with other atoms, which we may call its valency. f Let us again take hydrogen as our standard of comparison, and assume its valency to be unity. Then the elements in the first column of * This particular hydrocarbon is given here because it contains a higher proportion of hydrogen than any other. f Also called by various writers " valence," " quantivalence," or " atomicity." 106 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the table, which unite atom for atom with hydro- gen, may be called univalent, those which take two atoms of hydrogen bivalent, and those in the third and fourth columns trivalent and quadrivalent re- spectively. The atoms themselves, with reference to their valency, may be concisely termed monads, dyads, triads, and tetrads these names being derived from the Greek numerals. Later on we shall meet with quinquivalent and sexivalent elements, whose atoms are called pentads and hexads respectively. The proportions in which atoms combine to- gether depend upon valency. Thus, one monad can unite with one monad, one dyad with two monads, one triad with three monads, and one tet- rad with four monads. This is shown in the fore- going table, and also in the following formulae. The Roman numerals serve to indicate the valency of the several elements : K'Cl 1 . K'Br 1 . Na'F. AgT. CyO". Ags'O' 1 . Na a 'S u . K 9 ! S". FW. As^Cl, 1 . Sb m Br 3 '. Bi 111 !, 1 . C'CU'. C'Br* 1 . Si iT F 4 1 . Si iT I 4 l . Again, one dyad unites with one dyad, two triads with three dyads, and one tetrad with two dyads, thus: Ca i! O il . Ba u S H . Zn"O". Hg"S". B 2 m 3 ii . N 2 ii! 3 il . SW'S, 11 . BiV'S, 11 . CW. C IT S, U . Si'W. Si lT S, !l . In each of these cases the valencies of one element exactly balance those of the other. Some of the symbols used belong to metals which do not com- bine with hydrogen, but of which the valency may be determined with reference to univalent chlorine or bivalent oxygen. Take, for example, some of VALENCY. the compounds of potassium, calcium, bismuth, and tin: K'Cl 1 . Ca"Cl a '. BFCla 1 . Sn lT Cl4 l . Ka'O". Ca u O". Bi a iU O 3 H . Sn iv O a u . In many cases valency may be made clearer to the eye by a different use of symbols. For instance, carbon unites with hydrogen and chlorine to form the following series of compounds : Cl Cl Cl H Cl Cl Cl Cl Here we have the hydrogen-atoms successively re- placed or substituted by chlorine-atoms, in such a way as to show at a glance the equivalency of these elements and the quadrivalency of the carbon. Still another method of representing valency consists in attaching to the symbol of each element the necessary number of dashes, thus : H- O=, N=, C i, etc. ; or thus : H-, -O- -N- -C-etc. i From these symbols we may derive a system of structural formulae, as they are called, of which the following are good examples : Free hydrogen, H - H, or H a . " oxygen, O = O, or O a . " nitrogen, N = N, or Ni. Water, H-O-H. H H Ammonia, H - N - H. Methane, H - C - H. i H Carbon dioxide, O = C = O. Cyanogen, N = C - C = N. Nitrogen monoxide, N = N. Nitrogen trioxide, O = N \ ~ \(X = N/ etc. 108 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In some cases we encounter formulas in which the conditions of valency are not satisfied. For in- stance, in nitrogen dioxide, NO, we have -N = 0, and one of the valencies or bonds of affinity of the nitrogen-atom is uncombined. Such a compound is called an unsaturated compound, and it enters into further union with other elements with very great ease. Thus, from the compound just cited, by combination with chlorine, we get a substance having the formula Cl N=O, and in which we see a triad united with a monad and a dyad in such a way that the valencies exactly balance. It will be seen at once that the molecules of free hydro- gen, oxygen, and nitrogen are to be regarded as saturated compounds, while the free atoms, if they could exist separately, would be unsaturated. In many chemical changes the elementary atoms are probably set free, but immediately re-enter into union with each other to form molecules. In the case of cyanogen we meet with a group of atoms which behaves like an element and is called a compound radicle. The formula of the gas is given above, and represents really two CN groups united to C 2 N 2 . The CN group itself, the true compound radicle, is univalent, thus : and therefore is capable of combining with elements in much the same way as chlorine. For example : Chlorine, Cl - Cl. Cyanogen, CN - CN. Hydrochloric acid, H - Cl. Hydrocyanic acid, N = C - H. Potassium chloride, K - Cl. Potassium cyanide, K - CN, etc. VALENCY. 109 Care must be taken not to misapprehend the meaning of these " structural " formulae. They are not intended to represent the relative position of the atoms in space, but merely to indicate to the eye the chemical relations of the substances thus symbolized. By their aid chemical reactions be- come more easily intelligible, and in many cases they help the chemist to predict the composition and best mode of preparing compounds even in ad- vance of actual discovery. The whole theory of valency will become clearer when we study it in the light of organic chemistry ; and one more illus- tration of it will suffice for the present chapter. A brief reference was made in a previous chap- ter to three important classes of compounds, acids, bases, and salts. So far we have studied but two important acids namely, nitric acid, HNO 3 , and carbonic acid, H 2 CO 3 . These have the following structural formulae : In these formulae we may regard the NO 3 group of atoms, which is found in all nitrates, as univa- lent ; while the CO 3 group, which characterizes the carbonates, is bivalent, as the two hydrogen-atoms united with it clearly show. Now, the salts of these acids are really formed by replacing the hydrogen by metals ; and just here the laws of valency come into play. Thus, with univalent metals, nitrates are formed having formulae like the subjoined : H-NO 3 . K-NO 3 . Na-NO 3 . Ag-NO. With bivalent metals we get salts like these : HO INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Pb(N0 3 ) 2 , or Pb < . Ca(N0 3 ) 2 , or Ca ( j. And with a trivalent metal, like bismuth, we get Bi(NO 3 ) 3 , orBi-NO 3 or BiN 3 O 9 . X NO 3 , Since these salts are called respectively potassium, sodium, silver, lead, calcium, and bismuth nitrates, it is plain that the acid itself might fairly be named hydrogen nitrate. That is, in acids, hydrogen, which is an essential constituent of every acid, be- haves chemically like a metal, and gives us an addi- tional argument in favor of its metallic character. These formulas also show us that the nitrate of any metal may be represented as resulting from the combination of univalent NO 3 with the metal in a proportion depending upon the valency of the lat- ter. Hence, if we know the valency of a metal, we can at once write the formula of its nitrate. With carbonic acid similar rules hold good ; only the hydrogen may be either partly or wholly replaced. Thus, we have : H a C0 3 . KHCOs. K 2 C0 3 . NaHCO 3 . Na 3 CO 3 . PbCO 3 , CaCO 3 , etc. As we become acquainted with more acids, we shall find like principles always to be applicable ; and that a knowledge of valency will enable us to write a vast number of formulas which could not possibly be remembered unless connected by some such general law. CHAPTER XIII. THE CHLORINE GROUP. THE four univalent elements, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are so similar in their chemi- cal relations that they form an exceedingly definite natural group. In their differences they exhibit a remarkable gradation of properties, which follows the order of their atomic weights. In the free state fluorine is unknown, but chlorine is a greenish-yel- low gas, brpmine is a heavy, brownish-red liquid, and iodine is a black solid which forms beautiful purple vapors. With hydrogen, fluorine unites so strongly that the two elements can not be directly separated from each other ; chlorine combines vig- orously, bromine easily, and iodine only with diffi- culty. In general, chlorine acts more energetically upon other substances than bromine, while iodine is the least active of all. As a rule, the compounds of bromine have properties intermediate between those of chlorine and iodine. These three elements also resemble each other in odor. FLUORINE is found in nature in various min- erals, and minute quantities of its compounds also occur in bones, milk, and blood. Its atomic weight is 19, and its chief sources are the two minerals fluor- spar and cryolite. The latter, which is brought in 6 112 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. great quantities from Greenland, is a fluoride of aluminum and sodium, 3NaF,AlF s ; and is used in making soda, alum, and porcelain glass. Just as the compounds of oxygen with other elements are called oxides, the compounds of fluorine are termed fluorides. So, also, we have chlorides, bromides, and iodides, formed by chlorine, bromine, and iodine respectively. With hydrogen these elements form acids, as follow : Hydrogen fluoride, or hydrofluoric acid, HF. " chloride, " hydrochloric " HC1. " bromide, " hydrobromic " HBr. " iodide, " hydriodic " HI. So far, all attempts to isolate fluorine have been unsuccessful. Its chemical activity seems to be so great that the moment it is set free it combines at once with whatever substances may happen to be near it. It is also the only element which has not yet been made to combine with oxygen. The only fluorine compound sufficiently impor- tant for description here is hydrofluoric acid. This is usually prepared by treating calcium fluoride, CaF 2 , commonly known as fluor-spar, with sulphu- ric acid. Any other metallic fluoride would do, but this one is the most abundant. The reaction is as follows : CaF 2 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 + 2HF. The pure acid is a very volatile liquid, having the most violently corrosive properties. A drop of it on the skin will produce a painful ulcer which may not heal for several weeks. Even the weaker acid containing water, such as is commonly pre- pared, has to be handled with extreme care. THE CHLORINE GROUP. 113 Hydrofluoric acid is chiefly remarkable for its power of attacking glass, which may be shown by the following experiment : EXPERIMENT 46. Cover a sheet of glass with wax, and cut a design through the wax with the point of a needle. Make a small dish or tray out of a piece of. sheet-lead, and in it mix some pow- dered fluor-spar to a paste with strong sulphuric acid. Place the prepared glass over this dish, face downward, and warm gently. Wherever the wax has been scratched away, the glass will be corroded. This process is practically used for etching de- signs upon glass, for marking the graduation upon the stems of thermometers, and so on. The com- mercial acid contains much water, and is preserved in bottles made of gutta-percha. CHLORINE, the atomic weight of which is 35.5, is by far the most important element of this group. It is found in nature in many compounds, the most abundant one being sodium chloride, NaCl, or com- mon salt. This is the chemist's starting-point for the preparation of chlorine and of all its other com- pounds. EXPERIMENT 47. In a large flask provided with a delivery-tube mix one part of common salt, one of manganese dioxide, two of sulphuric acid, and two of water. Upon heating gently, chlorine gas will be evolved in a continuous stream, and may be col- lected by displacement (Fig. 28). It can not conve- niently be collected over water or mercury, since it is quite soluble in the one and it corrodes the other. In this experiment two different reactions take place. First, the sulphuric acid attacks the sodium chloride, forming sodium sulphate and setting hy- INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. drochloric acid free. The latter then reacts upon the manganese dioxide, giving up its hydrogen to FIG. 28. Preparation of Chlorine. unite with the oxygen of the latter, and so liberat- ing the chlorine. The whole change is as follows : 2NaCl + 2 H 2 SO 4 + MnO a = C1 2 + Na a SO 4 + MnSO 4 + 2H a O. A simpler but no better mode of preparation, in- volving the same apparatus, consists in treating the manganese dioxide directly with common hydro- chloric acid. The reaction then is MnO 3 + 4 HC1 = MnCla + Cl a + 2 H 2 O. In either equation we have two atoms that is, one molecule of chlorine set free. There are still other THE CHLORINE GROUP. n$ processes for the manufacture of chlorine which are used on a large commercial scale, but they need no extended notice here.* Chlorine was discovered by Scheele in 1774. It is a greenish-yellow gas, two and a half times heavier than air, and having a highly irritating odor. Even a trace of it, if inhaled, will produce a painful sense of suffocation. By cold and pressure it may be condensed to a heavy yellow liquid, but it has not yet been solidified. Cold water absorbs about two and a half times its bulk of chlorine. The solution, which is known in the laboratory as chlorine-water, is yellowish, and smells strongly of the gas. It is a useful substance in some of the processes of chemical analysis, but it must be kept in the dark, or in a bottle covered with black paper. Exposed to the light, chlorine decomposes water, withdrawing hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, and setting oxygen free. EXPERIMENT 48. Fill a small flask full of chlo- rine-water, prepared by passing chlorine into water as long as it dissolves, and invert it in a dish of the same solution. Leave the liquid for some time ex- posed to sunlight. Bubbles of oxygen will form, and collect in the upper part of the flask (Fig. 29), where they may easily be identified. Chlorine unites vigorously with nearly all the elements, and especially with the metals. A bit of phosphorus, plunged into a jar of the gas, will spon- taneously inflame ; and powdered antimony or thin copper-foil will also ignite readily. EXPERIMENT 49. Prepare some chlorine by * A good outline of these processes is given in Wagner's " Chemi- cal Technology." Il6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. either of the methods previously described, and dry it by allowing it to pass through a tube containing FIG. 29. Formation of Oxygen from Chlorine-water. lumps of calcium chloride. Into a jar of this per- fectly dry gas throw some powdered antimony. The latter will burn brilliantly, filling the jar with dense fumes. Dip into another portion of the chlorine a piece of paper moistened with warm turpentine. This also will ignite and burn with a sooty flame. Into a third jar of the gas plunge a lighted candle. It will continue to burn with a reddish flame, emitting dense clouds of smoke. Combustion, then, although commonly due to ox- THE CHLORINE GROUP. 117 idation, is not always so. It is simply a phenom- enon of violent chemical action, and may be pro- duced by union either with oxygen or other ele- ments. Although chlorine has a considerable number of uses in the arts, its chief practical importance is due to its property of bleaching vegetable colors. This is easily illustrated : EXPERIMENT 50. Dip some slips of litmus-paper, some bits of bright calico, and some highly-colored flowers into chlorine-water. They will be bleached. Add chlorine-water to a solution of indigo, and the latter will be decolorized. Characters written in ordinary ink may be obliterated by exposure to chlorine; but printer's ink, which consists of car- bon, is not affected. Chlorine is also a vigorous disinfectant. This property, and its value as a bleaching agent, both depend upon its strong affinity for hydrogen, which is partly illustrated in Experiment 48. The igni- tion of turpentine and the burning of a candle in chlorine are also due to the active union of this element with the hydrogen which they contain. In most cases chlorine is applied for bleaching or dis- infecting purposes in presence of moisture. The latter gives up its hydrogen, and the oxygen thus set free acts with especial vigor, at the moment of its liberation, upon the coloring-matter or putres- cent substance which is to be destroyed. Chlorine, therefore, may be regarded as indirectly an oxidiz- ing agent ; although in some cases it acts destruc- tively upon obnoxious compounds by withdraw- ing hydrogen and so breaking up their molecules. These uses of chlorine will be considered further Il8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. on, when we study the properties of bleaching- powder. With hydrogen, chlorine forms but a single compound, hydrochloric acid, HC1; and some of the circumstances under which it is produced have been already described. When equal volumes of hydrogen and chlorine are mixed together in the dark, they will remain without action upon each other for an indefinitely long time. If the jar or bottle containing them be exposed to ordinary diffused daylight, they will slowly and quietly combine ; but if they are sud- denly brought from darkness into the full glare of the sun, they will unite instantaneously with ex- plosive violence. This may be experimentally veri- fied by filling a flask in the dark with the gaseous mixture, wrapping it in a cloth, and then in strong sunlight pulling away the cloth by means of a long string. The flask will be shattered by the explo- sion which ensues. Light is frequently instrument- al in bringing about chemical changes. In this case it produces chemical union ; on the photo- graphic plate it causes decomposition ; and the fad- ing of colored fabrics in sunlight also illustrates the same thing. Some of these matters will be further discussed in other connections. EXPERIMENT 51. An additional example of the direct union of hydrogen and chlorine is furnished by the combustion of the former "gas in the latter. The apparatus may be arranged as in Fig. 30, hy- drogen being generated in the flask in the usual way, while the jet dips into a cylinder or jar con- taining the chlorine. The hydrogen-flame should be first kindled in the air, with the ordinary precau- THE CHLORINE GROUP. 119 tions (see Experiment 7), and then lowered into the chlorine. For practical purposes, however, hydrochloric acid is prepared by a wholly different method. FIG. 30. Combustion of H in Cl. EXPERIMENT 52. In a glass flask provided with a delivery-tube heat some perfectly dry common salt with about twice its weight of strong sulphuric acid. Hydrochloric acid will be evolved with much effervescence, and may be collected over mercury. If an aqueous solution of the gas is wanted, the de- livery-tube may dip into a jar of water. As the experiment is conducted in the school-room, the re- action is as follows : NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = NaHSO 4 + HC1. In making the acid on a commercial scale, a higher temperature is applied, and only half as much sul- phuric acid is taken. The reaction then is : 2NaCl + H a SO 4 = Na.,SO 4 + 2HC1. 120 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When we study sulphuric acid and the sulphates, the full significance of these equations will ap- pear. Hydrochloric acid is a colorless gas of pungent odor, and density 18.75. In it the two component gases are united without condensation. It dis- solves very freely in water, and the commercial hydrochloric or muriatic acid is merely its strong aqueous solution. This solution emits acrid, suf- focating fumes, and should be as colorless as water; the common acid, however, is bright yel- low, in consequence of impurities. It contains from thirty to forty per cent of the gaseous acid. Hydrochloric acid is one of the strongest and most important of acids. It is used extensively in the manufacture of chlorine, and for a great variety of other purposes. It dissolves many of the metals, such as tin, zinc, and iron hydrogen being evolved, and the chlorides of the metals being formed : Zn + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + H 2 . Fe + 2HC1 = FeCl 2 + H 3 . In these reactions the metals replace the hydrogen of the acid, just as in the cases previously noticed ; only the salts formed are chlorides. In a similar way hydrofluoric acid yields fluorides, hydrobromic acid yields bromides, and hydriodic acid yields iodides. The student may advantageously test the solvent properties of hydrochloric acid upon sev- eral of the commoner metals. Some will be dis- solved, and others not attacked at all; and the solu- tions of the former may be made by evaporation to deposit crystals of chlorides. THE CHLORINE GROUP. Hydrochloric * and nitric acids mutually decom- pose each other, with evolution of chlorine : HNO 3 + 3HC1 = 2H 2 O + NOC1 + Cl a . The compound NOC1 was referred to in a previous chapter. It is an orange-colored gas of slight im- portance. The mixture of acids is, however, very important ; since, by virtue of the chlorine which it liberates, it has the power of dissolving gold. No single acid will do this ; and so the alchemists gave the mixture the name of aqua regia, or royal water, gold being considered the king of metals. It also dissolves platinum. EXPERIMENT 53. In each of two test-tubes put a bit of gold-leaf. Cover one with nitric and the other with hydrochloric acid. Neither will be at- tacked. Mix the contents of both test-tubes, and warm gently. The gold will dissolve, forming a yellow solution. * When hydrochloric acid is spoken of, the aqueous solution is usually meant. The pure HC1 is commonly specified as hydrochloric acid gas. CHAPTER XIV. THE CHLORINE GROUP (continued). WITH oxygen chlorine does not combine direct- ly ; but, by indirect processes, three oxides, C1 2 O, C1 2 O 3 , and C1 2 O 4 , have been obtained. They are all gases of irritating odor and dangerously explosive character. With hydrogen and oxygen chlorine yields a remarkable series of acids, of which hydro- chloric acid may fairly be considered the first mem- ber: HC1, Hydrochloric acid. HC1O, Hypochlorous " HC1O 3 , Chlorous HC1O S , Chloric HC1O 4 , Perchloric It will be observed that chlorous and chloric acids resemble in formula nitrous and nitric acids, HNO 2 and HNO 3 . The prefix hypo, which we meet in ^j/^chlorous acid, is often used to indicate com- pounds which are relatively low in a series. For example, ^//^sulphurous and /^/^phosphorous acids contain less oxygen than sulphurous and phosphor- ous acids respectively. The prefix/^/-, on the other hand, as in perchloric acid, is expressive of higher combination. Thus we have the terms /m)xide, /^chloride, etc., applied to compounds more than THE CHLORINE GROUP. 12$ ordinarily rich in oxygen or chlorine. These names are somewhat arbitrary, and no definite rule gov- erns them without exception. Hypochlorous acid, HC1O, although unimpor- tant by itself, forms some salts of the very highest importance. When chlorine gas is passed into a cold and dilute solution of caustic soda, it is copi- ously absorbed, and a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite, NaCIO, is produced. The latter compound has a peculiar, sickish odor, and is used for disinfecting purposes. It forms the " La- barraque's solution " of the drug-stores. If chlorine be passed over slaked lime, instead of into caustic soda, a mixture of calcium chloride and calcium hypochlorite results from the action, and this is the well-known " chloride of lime," or bleaching-powder of commerce. The reaction which forms it is as follows : 2CaH 2 O a + 2Cl a = 2H 2 O + CaCU + CaCl 2 O 2 . The last symbol in this equation may be written O Cl Ca^Q_pi ; and, when contrasted with H-O-C1 and Na-O-Cl, it serves to illustrate the bivalency of cal- cium. Bleaching-powder is extensively used both for bleaching and as a disinfectant. It has the peculiar odor which is characteristic of all hypochlorites, and it owes its efficiency in great measure to the readiness with which it gives up its chlorine. In short, it affords us a convenient means of storing and transporting chlorine in an available form for most of its practical applications. At the beginning of this century all linen and cotton fabrics were bleached by long exposure on the grass to the ac- 124 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tion of sunlight and moisture. To-day they are bleached by chlorine, applied as a solution of cal- cium hypochlorite ; and in a few hours, in a small area, more bleaching can be done than was formerly accomplished in several months on many acres of grass-land. EXPERIMENT 54. Shake up a quantity of " chlo- ride of lime " with about four times its bulk of water ; allow the mixture to settle thoroughly, and then carefully pour off the clear solution. With this so- lution repeat the bleaching experiments given under the heading of Experiment 50. In each case,, how- ever, first moisten the object to be bleached with very dilute sulphuric acid or with vinegar. Acids serve to liberate chlorine from bleaching-powder. Chlorous acid and the chlorites are wholly un- important; but in chloric acid and its salts we meet with compounds of considerable utility and interest. EXPERIMENT 55. Pass a stream of chlorine gas into a weak and cold solution of caustic potash. Po- tassium hypochlorite, K-O-C1, will be formed, and may be recognized by its odor and bleaching prop- erties. Now repeat the experiment with a hot and strong solution of the caustic potash. Potassium chlorate will be produced, and will be deposited in tabular crystals when the solution cools : 6KOH + 3C1 2 = KC1O 3 + 5KC1 + 3H 2 O. Chloric acid itself has never been prepared quite free from water. In its most concentrated state it is a colorless, sirupy, intensely sour liquid, resem- bling nitric acid in many of its properties. It is so powerful an oxidizing agent that when it is merely dropped upon paper the latter will ignite. THE CHLORINE GROUP. 125 The chlorates of potassium and sodium, KC1O 3 and NaClO 3 , are compounds of commercial impor- tance. Potassium chlorate is especially useful as a source of oxygen in the manufacture of certain ex- plosive mixtures, and as a medicinal agent. It is one of the favorite remedies for sore-throat. We have already met with it in Experiments 4 and n, but the following experiments may also be profitably tried : EXPERIMENT 56. Allow a drop of strong sul- phuric acid to fall upon a crystal of potassium chlorate. There will be violent action, and an ev- olution of yellow, pungent fumes. The latter con- sist of chlorine tetroxide, C1 2 O 4 . If too much chlorate be used, an explosion may ensue ; and if, as in Experiment 4, the salt be mixed with sugar or starch, the mass will take fire and burn brilliantly. A mixture of potassium chlorate with sugar forms a white gunpowder which, however, is too dan- gerous for practical use. EXPERIMENT 57. Put a bit of phosphorus as large as a pea at the bottom of a conical glass filled with water. A test-tube will answer, but is not quite so convenient. Throw in a few crystals of po- tassium chlorate, enough to cover the phosphorus, and then pour in a little strong sulphuric acid through a thistle-tube (Fig. 31). The phosphorus will presently catch fire, and burn vividly under water. The oxygen necessary for its combustion is, of course, supplied by the potassium chlorate. This experiment illustrates the ease with which chlo- rates give up their oxygen. EXPERIMENT 58. Rub vigorously together, in a porcelain or iron mortar, a pinch of potassium 126 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. chlorate and a pinch of sulphur. Explosions more or less sharp will result from the friction. If a little of the mixture be placed on an anvil, or upon an iron plate, and struck with a hammer, the ex- plosion will be almost deafening. Care, there- fore, should be taken not to pulverize chlorates with other substances, although by themselves they may be rubbed to powder with safety. In this experiment we see that mechanical energy may produce a vigorous chemical action. All these experiments illus- trate the peculiarities of chlorates in general, and not merely those of the potassium salt in particular. We have already learned that the most conven- ient mode of preparing oxygen is to heat potassium chlorate; the reaction being commonly written: KC10 3 = KC1 + O,. In reality, the reaction is much more complicated, and consists of two stages : First, part of the chlo- rate is decomposed by the heat, a portion of its oxy- gen being liberated, while the remainder goes to effect a further oxidation of some of the original salt. The equation is as follows: FIG. 31. Combustion of Phos- phorus under Water. 2KC1O S = KC1O* + KC1 + O 2 . THE CHLORINE GROUP. 127 In the second stage the KC1O 4 is decomposed, thus : KC1O 4 = KC1 + 2O a . The compound KC1O 4 is potassium perchlorate; and from it, by proper means, perchloric acid, HC1O 4 , may be obtained as an oily liquid of spe- cific gravity 1.782. Thrown upon paper or wood, the pure acid causes their immediate ignition ; dropped upon charcoal, it explodes with terrific vio- lence ; in contact with the skin, it produces wounds which do not heal for months. There is but one compound of chlorine with nitrogen, the formula being probably NC1 3 . It is an oily liquid of such terribly explosive properties that it should never be prepared except by expe- rienced chemists, and then only in very small quan- tities. It was discovered by Dulong, who lost an eye and three fingers in consequence of his discovery. There are several compounds of carbon with chlorine ; but as they are derivatives of hydrocar- bons, they are usually described under the head of organic chemistry. A few formulas will suffice for present examples : CH 4 yields CC1 4 . C 2 H 4 C 2 C1 4 . C 3 H 8 " C 3 C1 8 . CeHe " Cede. BROMINE, the third member of the chlorine group, is the only element known, except mercury, which is liquid at ordinary temperatures. It owes its name to a Greek word signifying a stench, be- cause of its terribly suffocating odor. Its atomic weight is 80, its specific gravity in the liquid state 128 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is 3.187, and it boils at 63 centigrade. Its color is dark red, almost black ; and it emits red fumes which somewhat resemble nitrogen tetroxide. It has some uses in analytical chemistry, and it is also employed in the manufacture of certain organic dyes. Some of the bromides, especially potassium bromide, are important medicinal agents ; and they are also considerably used in the art of photog- raphy. Bromine is chiefly found, as sodium or magne- sium bromide, in sea-water and the waters of many mineral springs. At present it is produced in large quantities from some salt-wells in the Kanawha Val- ley of West Virginia. After the common salt has crystallized out from the brine, the remaining " mother liquor " is heated with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid. These reagents liberate bro- mine in precisely the same way that they liberate chlorine ; and the bromine is distilled off into a well- cooled receiver. The compounds of bromine are strikingly simi- lar to the compounds of chlorine, but are not quite so numerous. No oxide of bromine is known, but we have : HBrOs, Bromic acid, HBr, Hydrobromic acid, NBr 3 , Nitrogen bromide, CBr 4 , Carbon tetrabromide, etc. Salts are also known corresponding to hypobro- mous acid, HBrO (a bleaching acid), and perbro- mic acid, HBrO 4 . IODINE is found in minute quantities in sea- water, from which, in the form of iodides, it is taken up by marine plants. It is obtained, commer- THE CHLORINE GROUP. 129 cially, from the ashes of sea- weeds, which are first treated with water. The solution thus obtained is then heated with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid, and the iodine is thus set free. The reaction is precisely like that by which chlorine and bromine are prepared. The element itself is a black solid with a metal- lic luster, and an odor faintly resembling that of chlorine. Its specific gravity is 4.95, and its atomic weight is 127. It is slightly volatile at ordinary temperatures, it melts at 115 C., and boils at 200. Its vapor has a magnificent violet color ; to which, from the Greek word meaning violet, it owes its name. EXPERIMENT 59. Put a fragment of iodine in the bottom of a dry test-tube, and heat gently over a flame. The violet vapors will recondense in the upper and cooler part of the tube. This process, by which a solid is vaporized and again condensed without passing through the intermediate liquid state, is called sublimation. The best commercial iodine is commonly labeled " resublimed." EXPERIMENT 60. Into the test-tube used for the last experiment, pour a little alcohol. The io- dine will presently dissolve. The solution thus ob- tained is much used in medicine under the name of " tincture of iodine." Water will dissolve only a mere trace of the element. EXPERIMENT 61. Make a little starch-paste by warming common starch with water. A drop of tincture of iodine added to this will strike a deep- blue color. This is the ordinary test for free io- dine.* Conversely, iodine is a test for starch. * Refer back to the test for ozone in the chapter on oxygen. 130 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. EXPERIMENT 62. Mix a solution of potassium iodide with some of the starch-paste. Now add a few drops of chlorine-water. Iodine will be set free, and the mixture will become blue. Chlo- rine and bromine both liberate iodine from io- dides. Iodine and its compounds are much used in medicine, in photography, and in the preparation of certain aniline dyes. In general, the com- pounds resemble those of chlorine and bromine. Hydriodic acid, HI, is a colorless gas soluble in water. But one oxide is known the pentoxide, I 2 O 5 , which is produced easily by the direct oxi- dation of iodine. There are also two acids, iodic and periodic, HIO 3 and HIO 4 , which are much more stable than the corresponding compounds of chlorine. With nitrogen iodine forms a compound which is curiously explosive. Its formula is probably NI 3 , although it is rarely obtained perfectly pure. EXPERIMENT 63. Pour a little strong ammonia- water over some powdered iodine, and let it stand for half an hour. Filter the black sediment off upon several small niters, and spread these, while still wet, at a distance from each other to dry. When the powder, which is impure nitrogen io- dide, is thoroughly dry, it will explode even at the touch of a feather. It is by far the most sen- sitive detonating substance known ; and never more than a few grains of it should be prepared at a time. The following table of formulae may serve to as- sist the memory concerning the chief compounds of F, Cl, Br, and I : THE CHLORINE GROUP. HF HC1 "HPIO HBr HRrO HI HriOo HClOo HRrO<, HTO, Hrio, HRrfh HTfX, Q of) Q Do Qr\ 3v_/4 TO K NC1 3 ecu NBr s CBr 4 NI 8 CI 4 As we go on, we shall find that these elements always form closely similar compounds. CHAPTER XV. SULPHUR. SULPHUR, selenium, and tellurium are three biv- alent elements which, together with oxygen, form a second well-marked natural group. A few formu- las will show their chemical similarity : H 2 HoOo H 2 S He H 2 Se H 2 Te CO a CSo OOa (ozone) S0 2 cr) SeOa TeOa Tp>O H <^O LJ c p r HTpn H^O HQpO HT>n SULPHUR occurs abundantly in nature, both free and combined. Among the sulphides* we find the chief ores of lead, mercury, silver, copper, and anti- mony, and some of the commonest minerals con- taining iron and zinc. Calcium sulphate, or gyp- sum, exists in vast quantities, and other sulphates are frequently met with. Sulphur is also found in such animal substances as hair, albumen, etc., and in the pungent oils to which garlic, mustard, and horse- radish owe their biting flavors. The blackening of * Formerly called sulphurets. SULPHUR. 133 silver spoons by eggs is due to the formation of sil- ver sulphide by the sulphur which the eggs contain. Nearly all the sulphur of commerce is native sulphur from Southern Italy and Sicily. It is of volcanic origin, and occurs sometimes in brilliant crystals, but more commonly in opaque masses mixed with dirt. By a simple process it is melted out from its earthy impurities, after which it is re- fined by distillation, as shown in Fig. 32. The vapor FIG. 32. Distillation of Sulphur. passes from the retort into a large brick chamber, in which it condenses at once to the fine powder known as " flowers of sulphur." By degrees the walls of the chamber become heated, and then a 134 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. part, or even all, of the sulphur assumes the liquid state and is drawn off into molds. This gives the round sticks called " roll-brimstone." Still another variety of sulphur, " lac sulphur," is prepared by adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of calcium sulphide. It is precipitated as a fine white powder which is used in medicine. Sulphur is ordinarily a yellow, brittle solid, with- out taste or odor. It dissolves in carbon disulphide, but not in water; it melts at 114.5 C., and boils at 448. Its atomic weight is 32 ; but below 500 the density of its vapor is three times this, or 96. Be- tween 800 and 1,000 the vapor density becomes normal, and agrees with the atomic weight. Hence, applying Avogadro's law, and remembering that the vapor density is always half the molecular weight, we find that at ordinary temperatures the sulphur- molecule is S 6 , but at very high temperatures it be- comes S 2 . Sulphur is a remarkable example of allotropy. The natural crystals are rhombic octahedra, and similar crystals are deposited from a solution of the element in carbon disulphide. Their specific grav- ity is 2.07. From fusion, however, sulphur solidi- fies in slender prisms of sp. gr. 1.98. Accordingly, sulphur is said to be dimorphous. A body capable of crystallizing in three distinct forms would be tri- morphous. EXPERIMENT 64. Carefully melt a little sulphur in a test-tube, and let it stand quietly to cool, Crys- tals, like slender needles, will shoot out from the sides of the tube toward the center, and form a solid interlacing mass. A better plan, perhaps, is to melt a considerable quantity of sulphur in an SULPHUR. 135 earthen crucible, and let it cool until a crust forms over the top. Upon breaking this crust and pour- ing out the still fluid material beneath it, the cruci- FIG. 33. Crystals of Sulphur, both forms. ble will be found to be lined with slender prismatic crystals. This is a general method for crystalliz- ing substances from fusion. Bismuth, thus treated, yields superb crystals. A third variety of sulphur, plastic sulphur, may be obtained by pouring melted sulphur into cold water. EXPERIMENT 65. Fill a test-tube half full of sul- phur, and heat gradually over a flame. At 114.5 it will melt to a clear, amber-colored fluid, which, as the temperature rises, will become darker in tint and quite viscid. At 230 it will be almost black, and so thick that the test-tube may be inverted without a drop running out. Above 250 it again will become fluid, and if it be poured into cold water it will assume the form of a brownish mass which may be worked between the fingers like put- ty, or even drawn out into slightly elastic threads. By much kneading, or even by standing for a few days, the plastic mass will crumble and pass back into ordinary sulphur. Sulphur combines easily with most of the other elements. In Experiment i its union with a metal 7 136 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. was shown ; and at this point the pupil may advan- tageously repeat the experiment with the three met- als copper, iron, and zinc.* The element has many uses. It is an ingredient of gunpowder, of matches, and of vulcanized rubber ; and immense quantities of it are consumed in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and in the bleaching of silks and woolens. With hydrogen, sulphur combines like oxygen in two proportions, forming H 2 S and H 2 S 2 . The latter is an oily liquid, of nauseous odor and power- ful bleaching properties, but having only theoreti- cal importance. Hydrosulphuric acid, also known as sulphhy- dric acid, or sulphuretted hydrogen, is a colorless gas having the peculiar odor of rotten eggs. Its density, as shown by the formula H 2 S, is 17; and it burns with a blue flame to form sulphur dioxide and water : H 2 S + $O = H 2 O + SO 2 . In the con- centrated state it is poisonous to inhale ; and it may be reckoned as one of the more objectionable prod- ucts of animal putrefaction. For laboratory pur- poses it is usually prepared by the action of dilute sulphuric acid upon iron sulphide, which latter sub- stance is made by heating together iron-filings and sulphur. EXPERIMENT 66. Place some iron sulphide, broken into small fragments, in the flask previously used for the preparation of hydrogen, and pour over it some dilute sulphuric acid. The hydrosul- * A mixture of 32 parts of flowers of sulphur with 65 parts of zinc in the form known as " zinc-dust," may be ignited by a match. It burns with a beautiful greenish flame, leaving a bulky residue of yel- lowish-white zinc sulphide. In a confined space the combustion is ex- plosive. SULPHUR. 137 phuric acid will be given off with effervescence, and may be collected by displacement. Verify its com- bustibility as in the case of hydrogen, bearing in mind that it also makes an explosive mixture with air. By passing a stream of the gas through water a solution of it may be obtained, which will be of use in subsequent experiments. The present experi- ment may be represented by the subjoined equation : FeS + H 3 S0 4 = FeS0 4 + H a S. Hydrosulphuric acid is largely used as a test re- agent in qualitative analysis, for the precipitation, as sulphides, of lead, copper, tin, antimony, bismuth, cadmium, etc. EXPERIMENT 67. Dissolve in water, in separate test-tubes or beaker-glasses, fragments of lead ni- trate, copper sulphate, cadmium sulphate, and tar- tar emetic, and acidulate each solution with a few drops of hydrochloric acid. Now pass into each a few bubbles of H 2 S, or add a little of the solution of the gas previously prepared, and note the character of the precipitates which form (Fig. 34). Solutions con- taining salts of other metals may also be tested. Some will yield precipitates and some will not ; for example, if we have compounds of FIG. 34. Precipitation by HaS. lead and iron dissolved to- gether, we may throw down all the lead as solid lead sulphide, and filter it off, leaving the iron in solution. Thus the two metals can be easily and 138 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. completely separated from each other. Two equa- tions will illustrate the nature of these precipita- tions : CuSO 4 + H 2 S = CuS + H 2 S0 4 . Pb(NO 3 ) 2 + H 2 S = PbS + 2HNO 3 . EXPERIMENT 68. Drop a solution of H 2 S upon a bright silver coin or a bit of bright copper. A sulphide will be formed, the metal will be black- ened, and hydrogen will be set free : Cu + H 2 S = CuS + H 2 . Ag 2 + H 2 S = AgaS + H 2 . Sulphuretted hydrogen occurs in many mineral springs. The Blue Lick, White Sulphur, and Sha- ron waters all emit the gas copiously ; and to it some of their medicinal value is ascribed. Four oxides of sulphur are known namely, SO 2 , SO 3 , S 2 O 3 , and S 2 O 7 . Only the first two are impor- tant. Sulphur dioxide, SO 2 , is formed whenever sulphur burns, and to it the familiar " brimstone odor " is due. It is a colorless gas, of density 32, and is prepared either by the direct combustion of sulphur, or by roasting iron pyrites, FeS 2 , in a stream of air. It is used in the manufacture of sul- phuric acid, as a disinfectant, and for bleaching silk, wool, feathers, and straw, which would be in- jured by chlorine. It also serves to check the fer- mentation of wine or cider. As a disinfectant its mode of action is exactly opposite to that of chlo- rine. The latter in most cases oxidizes the bodies which are to be destroyed, while sulphur^ dioxide withdraws oxygen from them. As a bleaching agent, however, it seems to combine with the color- ing-matter to form an unstable compound ; and any SULPHUR. substance which destroys the latter will bring the color back again. For laboratory purposes sulphur dioxide may be conveniently prepared as follows : EXPERIMENT 69. Heat some scraps of copper with strong sulphuric acid in the flask which was previously used for making chlorine. When a tol- erably high temperature has been reached, sulphur dioxide will be freely evolved, according to the sub- joined reaction : Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 = CuSO 4 4- SO a + 2H a O. The gas may be collected over mercury, or by dis- placement. Instead of copper, charcoal may be used, but the sulphur dioxide produced will be im- pure. EXPERIMENT 70. Pass a stream of the gas from Experiment 69 into cold water. It will be absorbed, and with the solution, which will have the charac- teristic odor of SO 2 , some bleaching experiments, like Experiments 50 and 54, may be tried. Sulphur dioxide bleaches only in presence of moisture. The aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide may be formulated thus : H 2 O + SO 2 = H 2 SO 3 . The latter symbol is that of sulphurous acid, which, like car- bonic acid, unites with bases to form two sets of salts. For example, we have NaHSO 3 KHSO 3 Na 2 S0 3 K 2 SO 3 CaSO 3 , etc. The salts which retain half of their hydrogen are known as acid sulphites, or sometimes as ^sulphites. Those in which the replacement of hydrogen is com- plete are called normal or neutral salts. The sodium I 4 o INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. hydrogen sulphite, NaHSO 3 , is sometimes used in paper-mills and chlorine bleacheries, to neutralize any excess of chlorine which might, if retained in the fabric, tend to weaken its fibers. Substances used for this purpose are termed " antichlors." Sulphur trioxide, SO 3 , may be prepared by the oxidation of SO 2 under peculiar circumstances, or by heating a compound known as pyrosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 . It usually forms long, silky, white needles, which unite with water, developing great heat, to generate sulphuric acid : H a O + SO 3 = HaSO 4 . The similarity between this reaction and the one which yields sulphurous acid should be carefully noted. Although H 2 SO 4 is one of the strongest acids known, SO 3 does not even redden litmus- paper. By some chemists these acid-forming oxides are termed anhydrides. Thus we have N a O 6 , nitric anhydride, which with water yields HNO 3 . I a O 6 , iodic " " " " " HIO 3 . COa, carbonic " " " " " H 2 CO 3 . SOa, sulphurous " " " " " H 2 SO 3 . SO 3 , sulphuric " " " " " cid. ) i CHAPTER XVI. SULPHUR (continued'). SULPHUR is remarkable for the number of acids which it forms by combination with hydrogen and oxygen. They are as follow : 1. HaSOa, Hyposulphurous acid. 2. HaSO 3 , Sulphurous 3. HaSO 4 , Sulphuric 4. HaSaOT, Pyrosulphuric 5. HaSaOs, Thiosulphuric 6. HaSaOe, Dithionic 7. HaSaOe, Trithionic 8. H a S4O 6 , Tetrathionic 9. HaSsOe, Pentathionic * Most of these are unimportant, and need no fur- ther mention. Sulphurous acid has already been described ; and thiosulphuric acid, which does not exist by itself, is of consequence only in one or two of its salts. Sodium thiosulphate, commercial- ly known as " hyposulphite of soda," is very largely used in the art of photography. It serves to dis- solve out from the photographic plate those com- pounds which have escaped the action of light, and which, if they were allowed to remain, would cause the photograph to fade. * The existence of this acid has lately been called in question. 142 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In sulphuric acid, however, we find a compound which is undoubtedly the most important yet dis- covered by chemistry. It has so many and such varied uses that, as has been well said, the advance- ment of any nation in civilized arts may be meas- ured by the amount of sulphuric acid which it consumes. Its annual production must be over a million tons ; * and it is used in the manufacture of all the other strong acids, of chlorine, of soda, of alum, of phosphorus, of quinine, and of the more important fertilizers. It is also employed in refin- ing fats and oils, in dyeing and bleaching, and as an exciting liquid in several forms of the galvanic battery. There is probably no great manufactur- ing industry which does not, directly or indirectly, make use of this acid. In nature it sometimes, though rarely, occurs uncombined. The waters of the Rio Vinagre, in South America, are rendered appreciably sour by its presence ; and the Oak Or- chard mineral spring at Medina, New York, con- tains nearly a gramme and a half to the litre. It is also found to a quite perceptible extent in the saliva of certain mollusks. Commercially, sulphuric acid is prepared by oxidizing sulphurous acid with nitrous fumes. The process is essentially as follows : Sulphur dioxide, generated by the combustion of sulphur, or by roasting iron pyrites in a suitable furnace, is passed into a large chamber, or series of chambers, lined with sheet-lead f (Fig. 35). Ni- * In Great Britain alone more than 850,000 tons are annually made. f Such a chamber may be thirty metres long, six or seven wide, and five high ; but the dimensions and arrangement are different in differ- ent places. An excellent account of the manufacture is given in Roscoe and Schorlemmer's " Treatise on Chemistry," vol. i, pp. 319-338. SULPHUR. 143 trous fumes, produced by heating sodium nitrate with a little sulphu- ric acid, enter the chamber at the same time ; jets of steam are blown in at sev- eral points, and a thorough draught of air is kept up throughout. The sulphur dioxide, meeting the nitric acid which enters the chamber with it, becomes oxidized in- to sulphuric acid, in accordance with the following reaction : SO 2 2HNO 3 = H 2 SO 4 + 2NO a . The NO 2 , in pres- ence of steam, oxi- dizes a fresh portion of sulphur dioxide, becoming itself re- duced to NO; thus: SO 2 + H 2 O + NO 2 = H 2 SO 4 + NO. The last substance now takes up an atom of oxygen from the air, regenerating NO 2 , but surrenders it at once to another portion of 144 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the sulphurous acid ; it is then reoxidized by more air, again reduced, again oxidized, and so on indefi- nitely. Theoretically a very small amount of NO 2 would serve to oxidize an infinite quantity of sul- phurous acid ; but practically there is always some loss, and fresh fumes are therefore constantly sup- plied. It will be seen that the fumes act simply as carriers of oxygen from the air to the mixture of steam and SO 2 , which latter is being continually transformed into sulphuric acid by the process. The acid thus formed condenses on the floor of the chamber, whence it is drawn off. This " chamber acid," as it is called, is a brown- ish, oily liquid of specific gravity 1.55. It still con- tains much water, from which it is partly freed by evaporation in leaden pans until its sp. gr. reaches 1.71. At this point it begins to attack the lead ; so that further concentration is effected by heating in retorts of glass or platinum, until it attains a sp. gr. of 1.842. It is now pure enough for all commer- cial purposes ; but, in order to render it chemically pure, it has to be distilled. In its purest state sulphuric acid is a colorless, limpid, oily liquid, of specific gravity 1.854, which boils at 338 centigrade, and freezes at 10.5. The brown color of the commercial acid is due to or- ganic matter derived from the dust of the air. It is a powerful solvent, attacking many of the metals and converting them into sulphates, and charring such organic substances as wood, sugar, animal matter, etc. There is an easy experiment to illus- trate this point. EXPERIMENT 71. Add to a very strong solution of white sugar in water, its own bulk of sulphuric SULPHUR. 145 acid. In a few moments it will blacken, swell up, and become a porous mass of charcoal. The ex- planation of this phenomenon is simple. Sugar con- tains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; the last two being present in just the proportions needful to form water. Sulphuric acid unites with water with intense avidity ; accordingly, it withdraws the hy- drogen and oxygen from the sugar, leaving the car- bon behind. The corrosive action of sulphuric acid upon the skin and upon clothing is of the same gen- eral character as the foregoing. The strong affinity of sulphuric acid for water is also indicated by the fact that when the two sub- stances are mixed great heat is evolved. This may be verified by experiment in a test-tube or small beaker. The mixture, which often has to be made in the laboratory, should always be effected care- fully; best by pouring the acid slowly into the water, and stirring the latter with a glass rod at the same time. By allowing gases to bubble through strong sulphuric acid, they may be thor- oughly dried. For this purpose the arrangement shown in Fig. 36 is commonly employed. The gas- stream enters through the longer tube, which ex- tends to the bottom of the flask, rises through the acid, and issues from the shorter tube. The ease with which sulphuric acid absorbs moisture from the air may be simply illustrated as follows : EXPERIMENT 72. Fill a test-tube one third full of strong sulphuric acid, and carefully mark its level on the side. Let it stand exposed to the air for a day or two, and again note the level of the liquid. The latter, by virtue of the absorbed water, will be found to have increased in bulk very perceptibly. 146 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The affinity between sulphuric acid and water is really due to a distinct chemical action ; for two FIG. 36. Washing-Flask for Gases. definite compounds, called hydrates, are formed. Their formulae are written thus : H 2 S0 4 , H 2 0, H a S0 4 , 2H a O. At low temperatures these hydrates crystallize in characteristic forms. Sulphuric acid was originally produced by a process quite distinct from that which is carried on in the leaden chambers. Sulphate of iron, or " vit- riol," was distilled in earthen retorts, and an acid having the formula H 2 SO 4 +SO 8 , or H 2 S 2 O 7 , col- lected in the receivers. This was the "oil of vit- riol " of the early chemists. It is now commonly known as " Nordhausen sulphuric acid," from the SULPHUR. 147 town in Saxony at which it is still made. It is also called " fuming sulphuric acid," from the fact that it emits white fumes of sulphur trioxide. The latter substance may be expelled by heating, when H 2 SO 4 remains behind. By many chemists the compound H 2 S 2 O 7 is regarded as a distinct acid of sulphur, and to it the name of pyrosulphuric acid is applied. Like sulphurous and carbonic acids, sulphuric acid is dibasic that is, it contains two hydrogen- atoms which are replaceable by bases. Thus we have KHSO 4 NaHSO 4 K 3 SO 4 Na a SO 4 CaSO 4 , etc. The sulphates of sodium, calcium, magnesium, ba- rium, iron, zinc, copper, etc., are all important com- pounds, which will be described in their proper connection further on. In the ordinary process for making sulphuric acid, white crystals, called " lead-chamber crystals," are sometimes formed. Their formation, which oc- curs only when there is a deficiency of steam, may be illustrated on a small scale as follows : EXPERIMENT 73. Into a stoppered bottle, con- taining dry sulphur dioxide, introduce a glass rod moistened with nitric acid. Red fumes will appear, and after a short time white crystals will be de- posited on the sides of the glass. Upon the addi- tion of water they will dissolve with effervescence, giving off red fumes, and yielding sulphuric acid. Their formula is HSO 3 NO 2 , and they give us an important clew to the constitution or structure of the sulphuric-acid molecule. In SO 2 we have a compound which may be re- 148 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. garded as a bivalent radicle. It unites with one atom of bivalent oxygen to form SO 3 , and also with two atoms of univalent chlorine to produce sul- phuryl chloride, SO 2 C1 2 . With O and H^O it yields sulphuric acid, which may be written structurally : In this formula we meet with a peculiar group of atoms, which is essentially water minus half its hy- drogen, and in all acid molecules this group occurs. It is called hydroxyl, and is necessarily univalent, since the oxygen in it is only half satisfied. Hydro- gen dioxide, H 2 O 2 , is probably hydroxyl in the un- combined state ; (OH) 2 being a molecule similar to H 2 , C1 2 , and (CN) 2 . Nitric acid, HNO 3 , is struct- urally OH-NO 2 , the NO 2 being another univalent radicle of great importance. Using these radicles, SO 2 U , NO 2 , and OH 1 , we may now write the follow- ing structural formulae : S0 3 =0 S 2 4, The salts of these acids are called /j/wphosphates, and 0r/&?phosphates respectively, and they differ from each other in many particulars. Orthophosphoric acid is especially interesting as the first instance we have met with of a tribasic acid. Thus it forms three salts with sodium, as follows : NaH 2 PO 4 . Na 2 HPO 4 . Na 8 P04. All the more common phosphates, such as calcium phosphate, Ca s II (PO 4 ) 2 , are orthophosphates. Such salts as Ca u HPO 4 and KBa ii PO 4 are called double salts; and some triple phosphates also are known. For example, NaAmHPO 4 , sodium ammonium hy- drogen phosphate, is a triple salt. The last sub- stance is much used in blow-pipe analysis under the name of microcosmic salt, or salt of phosphorus. The compounds of phosphorus with the elements of the chlorine group have very great theoretical interest. Except in the case of the fluoride, they are formed by the direct union of the elements, and have the following formulae : PF 6 . PCI.. PCI.. PBr 3 . PBr 6 . P a T<. PI 3 . There are also several oxychlorides, sulphochlo- rides, oxybromides, etc., having formulae as follows: POC1 3 . POBr 8 . PSC1 3 , etc. PHOSPHORUS. 157 Some of these bodies are very useful in the prepara- tion of many organic compounds. In the light of the foregoing formulae we are at once led to ask a very serious question as to the valency of phosphorus. In PH 3 it is apparently trivalent, and also in PC1 3 , PBr 8 , and PI 8 ; but, in the higher compounds, PF 5 , PC1 5 , and PBr 5 , it seems to have a valency of five. Which is the true val- ency, or are both equally correct ? A complete answer to this question would in- volve elaborate discussions entirely beyond the scope of this book. Suffice it to say that most chemists regard valency as a variable property of the elements, and that this variability is well illus- trated by phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulphur. Hy- drogen and carbon seldom, if ever, vary in valency, but the elements of the chlorine group seem to change occasionally. In NH 4 C1, N 2 O 5 , etc., nitro- gen is regarded as quinquivalent ; in SO S , the val- ency of sulphur seems to be six ; in C1 2 O 3 and I 2 O 5 , chlorine and iodine exhibit valencies of three and five respectively. In general, the elements may be divided into two great classes: one having valen- cies represented always by even numbers, as 2, 4, 6; the other running in odd numbers, as I, 3, 5, etc. The even class are called artiads, the odd elements are called perissads. This division is, how- ever, largely artificial, and represents no genuine law. To the rule there are several striking excep- tions. Some of the phosphorus compounds cited above may be assigned structural formulae agreeing with a valency for the element of either three or five. For example, P 2 O 5 may be written either 158 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ill V i x p_O-P^' or O=P-O^P=O O x X O V O X and POC1 3 may be represented by either III V ? /c . P-O-Cl or O-P-C1 Cl " Cl The aim of the chemist always is to select that formula from among the possible formulas which shall best indicate the relations of each compound to the other compounds which may be derivable from it.* In many cases a careful consideration of structural formulas has led to important discoveries. * The subject of variable valency is well discussed in Wurtz's " Atomic Theory," Remsen's " Theoretical Chemistry," and Cooke's " Chemical Philosophy." CHAPTER XVIII. ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. ARSENIC, which is sometimes classed as a metal, occurs in the mineral kingdom under a great vari- ety of circumstances. The free element, its two sul- phides, several arsenides, and a number of arsenates- are common mineral species ; but, for commercial purposes, it is chiefly obtained from arsenopyrite, a sulphide of arsenic and iron. This mineral, finely powdered, is heated in long earthen tubes ; when arsenic, being volatile, sublimes, and is collected in the form of a brilliant, steel-gray, brittle, seemingly metallic mass. Thus prepared, arsenic has a specific gravity of 5.7. There is also a black allotropic modification, of which the specific gravity is only 4.71. When heated under ordinary circumstances, it vaporizes without first melting ; but, in a closed vessel, under pressure, it may be fused. The density of the va- por is 150, although the atomic weight of arsenic is only 75. Hence the molecule of the free element is As 4 , and similar in structure to the molecule of phosphorus. The odor of the vapor resembles that of garlic ; and its development before the blow-pipe flame gives us an easy means of detecting arsenic in minerals. A very impure arsenic is sometimes sold i6o INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as a fly-poison, under the incorrect name of " co- balt " ; but the only important use of the element is for hardening lead shot. In their chemical relations the compounds of arsenic closely resemble those of phosphorus. They are also in many respects quite similar to the corre- sponding compounds of nitrogen. This is shown in the following formulae : NH 3 PH 3 AsH 3 N 2 3 P 2 3 As 2 O 3 N 2 6 P 2 6 As 2 O 6 HNO 8 HPO H 3 PO 4 HaAsO 4 NC1 3 PC1 S AsCl s , etc. Like phosphorus, arsenic has a valency of either three or five. Arseniuretted hydrogen or arsine, AsH 3 , is a colorless gas of terribly poisonous character. Its discoverer, Gehlen, accidentally inhaled, a single bubble of the pure compound, and died in conse- quence. It is easily inflammable, depositing arsenic upon any cold substance which may be inserted in its flame ; and this fact is always applied in the de- tection of arsenic. EXPERIMENT 77. Generate hydrogen as in Ex- periment 7 ; and, observing the necessary precau- tions, kindle the stream of gas issuing at the jet. Now pour into the generating-flask, through the thistle-tube, a few drops of a solution of any com- pound of arsenic. Hold a piece of cold porcelain against the flame, and a black, mirror-like stain of metallic arsenic will be deposited upon it. This ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. 161 stain will be volatile, and may be driven away by too much heat. Antimony compounds will give a similar reaction, owing to the formation of SbH 3 ; but the arsenic stain is soluble in a solution of so- dium hypochlorite, whereas the antimony stain is not. This test is known as Marsh's test for ar- senic. There are two oxides of arsenic, As 2 O 3 and As 2 O 5 . The first of these, arsenic trioxide, is the common white arsenic of commerce, well known on account of its poisonous properties. It is formed whenever arsenic is burned in the air; but it is usually manufactured on a large scale by roasting arsenopyrite, FeSAs. It is a white solid, which is volatile at about 220 C., giving a colorless and odorless vapor. It occurs in two different modifi- cations one crystalline, the other amorphous; the latter is the commercial form of the compound, and usually is found in lumps which curiously re- semble porcelain. It is slightly soluble in water, forming probably arsenious acid, H 3 AsO 3 . From this acid, many arsenites are derived, and some of them have practical importance. Sodium arsenite is used as a mordant in calico-printing ; and a dou- ble salt of copper arsenite and copper acetate is known commonly as Paris-green. This brilliant pig- ment is used extensively for coloring wall-papers, although the paper so tinted is certainly unwhole- some. Whenever a sample of wall-paper is changed from green to blue by a drop of ammonia-water, or, when burned, gives a green tinge to the flame, the presence of an arsenic green may safely be in- ferred. The test is really a test for copper ; but nearly all green pigments containing copper con- 1 62 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tain arsenic as well.* Paris-green is also used in enormous quantities for the destruction of the Colo- rado potato-beetle. Inasmuch as it is violently poi- sonous, it should be handled with extreme care. Arsenic trioxide itself is used in the preparation of the foregoing compounds, in glass-making, and in the manufacture of aniline red. When the last- named color is carelessly made, it is apt to retain in- jurious traces of arsenic. In cases of arsenical poi- soning the best antidotes are freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide and caustic magnesia. These sub- stances unite with arsenious acid to form insoluble arsenites, and thus prevent its absorption by the system. An emetic is subsequently used to remove the poison from the stomach. Arsenic pentoxide, As 2 O 5 , is a white powder pre- pared by oxidizing the trioxide with nitric acid. It unites with water to form orthoarsenic acid, H 3 AsO 4 , which is strictly analogous to orthophos- phoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , and yields similar salts. No acids of arsenic corresponding to pyrophosphoric and metaphosphoric acids have yet been obtained ; but pyroarsenates and metarsenates, resembling the pyrophosphates and metaphosphates, are well known. The fluoride, chloride, and bromide of arsenic, AsF 3 , AsCl 3 , and AsBr 8 , are all volatile liquids ; the iodide, AsI 3 , is a solid compound. There are three sulphides of arsenic, As2S 2 , As 2 S 3 , and AsgSg. The first is a brilliant red mineral, called realgar ; and the second, which is also a natural mineral, is the * Brunswick-green, an oxychloride of copper, is the most important exception to this statement. When doubt arises as to the presence of arsenic, use Marsh's test for verification. ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. ^3 golden-yellow orpiment. Both were formerly much used as pigments. The trisulphide may be easily produced artificially by adding a little hydrochloric acid to a solution of the trioxide, and passing in a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen. It forms a brill- iant yellow precipitate. The pentasulphide is also yellow, and is best known in combination with other sulphides. For example, corresponding to sodium arsenate, Na 3 AsO 4 , we have sodium sulpharsenate, Na 3 AsS 4 . The latter is related to arsenic pentasul- phide in the same way that the former is related to arsenic pentoxide. Many similar double sulphides, called by the general name of sulpho-salts, are well known. BORON, atomic weight 11, is a trivalent element which occurs as a constituent of many minerals. It is chiefly found, however, in boric (or boracic) acid, H 8 BO 3 , and borax, an acid borate of sodium. The element itself exists in two modifications ; the one a dark-brown powder, the other a crystalline variety. In the latter form, which is never quite pure, boron has a specific gravity of 2.68, is infus- ible, and is nearly as hard as diamond. The crys- tals are square octahedra. The compounds of boron are all formed upon a simple trivalent type ; as, for example, the fluoride, BF 3 , and the chloride, BC1 3 . The former is a color- less gas, the latter is a volatile liquid. The hydride, BH 3 , is also gaseous, and resembles NH 3 , PH 3 , and AsH 3 in structure. From boron trioxide, B 2 O 3 , by union with water, three acids are derived, as follows: B 2 O 3 + H a O = 2HBO 2 , metaboric acid. 2B 2 O 3 + H 2 O = H 2 B 4 O 7 , pyroboric " B 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O = 2H 3 BO 3 , orthoboric " 1 64 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Orthoboric acid, B(OH) 8 , is chief- ly obtained from a volcanic region in Tuscany. Jets of steam, called suffioni, there is- sue from crevices in a mountain- side, bringing bor- ic acid with them. A tank of mason- ry is built around each jet, and filled with cold spring- water. This con- denses the boric acid, and then flows to a lower tank in which more acid is re- ceived, and so on down to the foot of the mountain (Fig. 38). At the bottom the water is evaporated in leaden pans, and the acid is deposi- ted in white, shin- ing, crystalline scales, which feel something like pa- raffin or sperma- ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. 165 ceti. It is used for the manufacture of borax, or so- dium pyroborate, Na 2 B 4 O7ioH 2 O. Borax is by far the most important compound of boron. It is not only made from boric acid, but it is also found in great quantities in the water of certain saline lagoons in Thibet, and in the Borax Lake of California. It has a feebly alkaline reaction, and is used to some extent in the household for laundry purposes, and for driving away water-bugs. Its important uses, however, are due to the power which it possesses of dissolving, when in the fused state, many metallic oxides. It serves as a flux in metallurgical operations, and for cleansing metallic surfaces which are to be brazed together. It is also very largely employed in making colored glazes and enamels for pottery and porcelain. Its use in this direction is indicated on a small scale by its applications to blow-pipe analysis. Make a small loop on the end of a platinum wire, and fuse in it enough borax to make a little, glassy bead. Add to this a trace of any manganese compound, and heat before the blow-pipe, and it will acquire an amethystine tinge ; cobalt compounds will yield a blue color, chromium compounds an emerald-green, and so on. Each color gives a characteristic test for the metal whose compounds produce it. The ten molecules of water contained in borax are called water of crystallization. Water so com- bined forms an essential part of very many crys- tallized salts, and is easily expelled by heating. When borax is fused it first melts in its own water of crystallization ; and when the latter is wholly expelled, Na 2 B 4 O 7 remains behind. This anhydrous borax, on account of its glassy appearance, is often 1 66 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. called " glass of borax." When a solution of borax is mixed with strong sulphuric acid, crystalline scales of boric acid are deposited upon cooling. EXPERIMENT 78. Dissolve a few crystals of borax in the least possible quantity of water, and add to the solution an equal bulk of strong sul- phuric acid. Allow the mixture to cool, and note the formation of boric acid. Transfer the whole to a shallow porcelain or earthen dish, cover it with a layer of strong alcohol, and ignite. The alcohol will burn with a flame which is distinctly greenish, especially upon the edges. By the production of this green flame boric acid is easily detected analyt- ically. But one more non-metal remains to be con- sidered ; namely, SILICON.* This element, after oxygen, is the most important ingredient of the earth's crust, and enters largely into the composi- tion of all the commoner rocks except dolomite and limestone. Granite, slate, clay, and sandstone are all compounds of silicon. The element itself has an atomic weight of 28, and is, like carbon, quadrivalent. It is prepared by heating together metallic potassium and potassium silicofluoride, K 2 SiF 6 ; and, like carbon, may be ob- tained in three different modifications. Of these, one is an amorphous, dark-brown powder ; the sec- ond forms hexagonal plates resembling graphite ; and the third crystallizes in octahedrons. It fuses at very high temperatures, and is insoluble in all acids except hydrofluoric. It has no practical im- portance. The compounds of silicon are numerous and * Sometimes called silicium. ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. 167 complicated. With hydrogen it forms a colorless, inflammable gas, SiH 4 ; with chlorine, bromine, and iodine it yields the compounds SiCl 4 , SiBr 4 , and SiI 4 . The compounds SiCl 3 Br, Si 2 Cl 6 , Si 2 Br 6 , and Si 2 I 6 are also known. Silicon-chloroform, SiHCl 3 , is interesting on account of its close similarity to ordinary chloroform, CHC1 3 . There are several series of silicon compounds which resemble in chemical structure the organic compounds of car- bon. Silicon fluoride, SiF 4 , is a colorless, corrosive gas which is produced whenever hydrofluoric acid acts upon other silicon compounds. The corrosion of glass by hydrofluoric acid is due to the forma- tion of this fluoride. It is usually prepared by mix- ing powdered fluor-spar, CaF 2 , with fine sand, and heating the mixture in a glass flask with strong sulphuric acid. If the gas is passed into water, a complex reaction ensues ; a jelly-like mass of silicic acid is deposited, and a new acid, hydrofluosilicic acid, H 2 SiF 6 , remains in solution. This acid is much used as a test reagent in chemical analysis. From it, by replacement of hydrogen, a large series of salts may be derived. It is in its oxygen compounds, however, that silicon is of the greatest importance. It forms one well-defined oxide, SiO 2 , analogous to CO 2 ; and this oxide is not only found by itself in nature, but combined in a vast number of minerals. It also occurs in the vegetable kingdom, giving strength and stiffness to the stems of many plants. The shiny surfaces of grass-stems, of rattan, and of the scouring rush, are especially rich in silicon dioxide or silica. 1 68 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In its purest form silica crystallizes in six-sided prisms, and is called quartz or rock-crystal (Fig. 39). The crystals are often very large and very limpid; and serve, when properly cut, for making FIG. 39. Group of Quartz Crystals. spectacle-lenses, or as substitutes for the diamond. They are infusible, except before the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, and are hard enough to scratch glass. Frequently quartz is colored by impurities, and then is known by a variety of special names, such as rose quartz, smoky quartz, etc. Yellow quartz is called false topaz ; and the violet-colored variety is the well-known gem amethyst. Chalcedony, onyx, jasper, carnelian, agate, and flint, are merely varieties of quartz ; sand and sandstone are the same substance, more or less impure. Perfectly white sand is nearly pure silica ; the yellowish and reddish kinds owe their color to oxide of iron. Opal is an amorphous silica, containing a little water. Silicon dioxide is insoluble in water, and is attacked by no acid except hydrofluoric. Very ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. 169 strong and hot alkaline solutions dissolve it slightly, forming silicates ; but the latter compounds are best prepared by fusing sand with sodium or potassium carbonate. If the sand is not in excess, the fused mass will dissolve in water, yielding a solution of the alkaline silicate. These silicates of sodium and potassium are known commonly under the name of water-glass, and have various uses. They serve to harden building-stones, and are used in making arti- ficial stone ; they are introduced into certain kinds of soap, and they are applied to mordanted calico previous to dyeing. They vary in composition ; but in general a silicate may be compared with the corresponding carbonate, so that K 2 SiO 3 is similar in structure to K 2 CO 3 . Most of the silicates, ex- cept those just mentioned, are insoluble ; and the majority of those known occur as natural minerals. Feldspar, hornblende, mica, etc., are common exam- ples; and garnet, emerald, topaz, and chrysolite are well-known gems. Granite, syenite, trap, and slate are mixtures of silicates, some of which are exceedingly complicated in their composition. The natural silicates are best described in the larger treatises on mineralogy. Glass, porcelain, and pottery are artificial mix- tures of silicates. Porcelain and pottery, in general terms, are more or less impure silicates of alumi- num, and are infusible. Crown or window glass is a silicate of calcium and sodium ; Bohemian glass is a silicate of calcium and potassium ; flint or crys- tal glass is a silicate of potassium and lead. Green bottle-glass is like window-glass, except that it con- tains silicates of iron derived from the cheap and impure materials of which it is made. Other kinds i; INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of glass are also known, containing still other bases, but they are unimportant.* If hydrochloric acid be added to a strong solu- tion of water-glass, a jelly-like mass of silicic acid or silicic hydrate will separate out. To this mass the formula Si(OH) 4 , which represents ortho-silicic acid, is usually assigned ; but it rapidly loses wa- ter and becomes converted into meta-silicic acid, H 2 SiO 3 . If the solution of water-glass is sufficiently dilute, no separation of silicic acid will occur, but all will remain dissolved. Place such a solution in a vessel made by tying a piece of bladder or parch- ment-paper tightly over the bottom of a broad wooden hoop, and partially immerse the latter in a larger vessel of water for several days. The hydro- chloric acid and the alkaline chloride will slowly diffuse through the bladder into the water, and in the hoop a clear, tasteless solution of silicic acid will remain. This, upon long standing, will solidify to a jelly. We have, then, two modifications of silicic acid one soluble, the other insoluble and the former is found in small quantities in many natural waters. The geysers of Iceland and of the Yel- lowstone Park contain it notably, and incrustations of silicon dioxide are deposited around their edges. The process by which the foregoing solution of silicic acid was obtained is called dialysis. The hoop and membrane constitute a dialyzer. Through such a membrane crystallizable bodies, like salt, sugar, etc., diffuse easily, while non-crystallizable bodies, * The chemistry of glass and porcelain may be read up to advan- tage in Roscoe and Schorlemmer's " Treatise on Chemistry," vol. ii, part i, pp. 462-498 ; also in Wagner's * Chemical Technology," pp. 268-321. ARSENIC, BORON, AND SILICON. 171 like jellies, gum, glue, albumen, etc., can not pass at all. These two classes of bodies are termed, re- spectively, crystalloids and colloids ; and when they occur in mixture they may be easily separated by dialysis. CHAPTER XIX. INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. OF the seventy elements now known, fifteen have been described as non-metallic ; the remaining fifty-two being reckoned as metals. Of these, some, like iron, copper, and lead, are familiar to every- body ; while others, such as sodium and calcium, are somewhat outside of ordinary experience. Between the metals and the non-metals no sharp line can be drawn. Neither group of elements can be rigidly defined, for they shade off gradually into each other. For example, arsenic and tellurium are sometimes called metallic, and at other times non- metallic ; and with good reasons either way. The classification is merely one of convenience. In general,, however, the metals are distinguished by certain properties ; one of the most noteworthy being the power of reflecting light in such a way as to produce the brilliant metallic luster. This is best seen on freshly-cut or scraped metallic surfaces be- fore any film of rust or tarnish has had time to form. This property is shared by two or three non-metals, and by many compounds. * In color, nearly all the metals are whitish or grayish, like tin and silver. Calcium, strontium, and gold, which are yellow, and copper, which is dull INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. 173 red, are the only distinct exceptions. All are opaque, except occasionally in very thin layers. For example, gold-leaf transmits a little light of a greenish tinge. Most of the metals are malleable and ductile ; that is, they may be hammered into leaves and drawn into wire. Antimony and bismuth, how- ever, are brittle, and may be pulverized in a mor- tar. In hardness they range from liquid mercury and soft lead up to iridium, which will scratch the hardest steel. In general, as compared with the non-metals, they are good conductors of heat and electricity. In fusibility and specific gravity the metals dif- fer widely. Mercury is liquid at all temperatures above 39*5 C., while platinum and some allied metals fuse only in the most intense heat of the electric arc or the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe. In lithium we have the lightest solid known, and in osmium the heaviest. The subjoined table of spe- cific gravity and melting-point will be found useful for reference : Melting-Point and Specific Gravity of some Metals. NAME. Melting- point. Specific gravity. NAME. Melting- point. Specific gravity. Aluminum Arsenic .... 850 2.583 e 727 Columbium .... Copper % IOQ1 7 .06 8.04.1: Antimony 450 J ' ' 6.7OO Didymium 6.S 44 Barium. . . . 3 71: Gallium 10- is C.OA Bismuth 260 J'l 3 0.821 Glucinum 1.64 Cadmium. 3M 867 Gold 1200 10.208 Caesium 065 1.88? Indium 176 7.421 Calcium i t?8d Iridium. IQSO 22 421 Cerium . ... 6.728 Iron ivy^VX l800 7.8 Chromium Cobalt . 1800 8.QS7 Lanthanum .... Lead.. 112 6.163 II.W 174 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. NAME. Melting- point. Specific gravity. NAME. Melting- point. Specific gravity. Lithium 1 80 0.585 Silver IO4.O IO.5I2 Magnesium 750 1.75 Sodium . 05.6 O.Q74. Manganese 1000 8.013 Strontium vx.y/ij. 2.58 Mercury 20.44 J 1^.506 Tantalum . 1078 Molybdenum . . . 8.60 Tellurium . 4.00 6.25 Nickel ... l6oo 8 ooo Thallium 200 1 1 QI Osmium 22.4.77 Thorium . 1 1.2^ Palladium I 500 I2.O Tin 215 7.3 Platinum 1770 21 5O4. Tungsten ' * 1 26 1 Potassium 62.5 0.871; Uranium 18685 Rhodium 12 I Vanadium r r Rubidium 38. 5 1. 52 Zinc 421 7 S iS Ruthenium . . J~, 12 2OI Zirconium A 1C T" 1 5 The more important differences between the metals and the non-metals, however, are not physi- cal, but chemical. In general terms the oxides of the non-metals unite with water to form acids, while those of the metals produce bases. The only acid- forming metallic oxides are those which contain unusually large proportions of oxygen. In order to make this matter clear, we must briefly consider the subject of electro-chemistry. Whenever a current of electricity is passed through a compound liquid, the latter will be de- composed into two parts. In Experiment 19, water was so decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen, which were collected in separate tubes placed over the "poles," "terminals," or "electrodes," of the galvanic battery. This method of decomposition is called electrolysis, and the liquid which is analyzed is known as the electrolyte. In the battery itself, with which we effect elec- trolysis, chemical action is taking place. In its simplest form the galvanic battery consists of a INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. 175 plate of zinc and a plate of copper immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, which acts unequally upon the two metals. Whenever we have such an in- equality of action between two conductors in a conducting liquid, an electrical difference is pro- duced which may be utilized as an electric current. The greater the inequality of action the stronger the current will be. In all cases the plate which is most attacked will be electro-positive; the other becoming at the same time electro-negative.* In the forms of battery most generally in use, zinc is the electro-positive element ; the material of the other plate being varied. It would be possible, however, to use with zinc a metal which should be more vigorously attacked by sulphuric acid, and in that case the zinc would become electro-negative. When the terminal wires of a cell or battery are connected, the current flows from the positive ele- ment through the exciting liquid to the negative element, and then through the wires back to the positive plate to complete the circuit. Now, when electrolysis takes place, as in the decomposition of water, we have the two terminal wires of the battery dipping separately into the liquid. The latter is separated by the current into two parts, one of which goes to one pole of the battery, and the other to the other pole. The part which appears at the pole connected with the zinc plate, is electro-positive ; the part which appears at the other pole is electro-negative. In short, all the products of electrolysis exhibit electrical polarity ; * For the full definition of these terms, as well as for the descrip- tion of the different forms of battery, a work on physics must be con- sulted. jy6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. so that one becomes positive with respect to the other. Oxygen is electro-negative, hydrogen is electro-positive ; between the two there is a strong chemical affinity. Between two electro-negative or two electro-positive elements, affinity is weak. Chemical affinity, then, bears a strong resemblance to electrical and magnetic attractions. If, now, we subject a great many compounds to electrolysis, and note carefully at which electrodes the products of decomposition appear, we shall be able to arrange all the elements in an electro-chemical series, as follows. For present purposes we may ignore the rarer elements and confine our attention to the commoner substances : Electro-negative. Oxygen. Antimony. Nickel. Sulphur. Silicon. Iron. Nitrogen. Hydrogen. Zinc. Fluorine. Gold. Manganese. Chlorine. Platinum. Aluminum. Bromine. Mercury. Magnesium. Iodine. Silver. Calcium. Phosphorus. Copper. Strontium. Arsenic. Bismuth. Barium. Chromium. Tin. Lithium. Boron. Lead. Sodium. Carbon. Cobalt. Potassium. Electro-positive. In this series, which should be read as if it were written in a single vertical column, each element is negative to those which follow it, and positive to those which precede it. Iodine, for instance, is the negative element in potassium iodide, but positive in its oxygen compounds. In general, however, the non-metallic elements are strongly electro-negative, INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. 177 while the metals form the positive end of the chain. Here we find the most essential difference between the two classes of elements. It must never be for- gotten that " positive " and " negative," as here used, are only terms of comparison, and have no final significance. An element is positive under certain conditions, and negative under others, just as a hill is said to be low when compared with a mountain, and high when contrasted with a valley. Electrolysis may be effected upon liquids under very varying circumstances. The liquid may exist at ordinary temperatures as a single, definite com- pound ; it may be a substance kept in a state of fusion at a high heat ; or it may consist of a salt dissolved in some fluid like water. In the latter case the chemical reactions may become quite com- plicated, as the following experiment and its expla- nation will show : EXPERIMENT 79. Fill a U-tube (Fig. 40) with a FIG. 40. Electrolysis of Na 2 SO 4 . strong solution of sodium sulphate, colored with an infusion of red cabbage. Into the solution, at the two limbs of the tube, dip the terminals of a small galvanic battery, and allow the current to pass. i;8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. At the pole which is connected with the zinc of the battery, the liquid will become alkaline, and turn green ; at the other pole free acid may be detected, and the color remains red. By electrolysis, then, a neutral salt dissolved in water may be decomposed into an electro-negative acid and an electro-positive base. In the case under consideration, the reac- tions are as follows : First, the Na 2 SO 4 is split up into Na 2 and SO 4 . The latter loses an atom of oxygen, which is given off at the proper pole, leaving SO 3 . This unites at once with water to form H 2 SO 4 . At the other side of the equation the Na 2 decomposes some of the water, evolving hydrogen, and forming sodium hydroxide, NaOH, thus : Na 2 + 2H 2 O = H 2 + 2NaOH. The latter compound is a strong alkali, and readily reunites with sulphuric acid, as follows : 2NaOH + H 2 SO 4 == Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O. Whenever any salt is electrolyzed, the acid por- tion is separated as an electro-negative group of atoms, and the basic portion as an electro-positive group. The stronger the base or the acid, the more distinctly marked its positive or negative character will be. Most bases and most acids con- tain hydroxyl, HO ; and when they unite they do so with evolution of water, as in the equation last given above. In forming a neutral salt, all of the hydrogen contained in the hydroxyl of both acid and base is thus removed. An acid salt retains part of the hydrogen of the acid ; a basic salt re- tains some oxygen from the hydroxyl of the base. INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. 179 In future chapters the applications of electroly- sis to electrotyping and electroplating will be duly described.* The metals, like the non-metals, are best classi- fied according to valency. Thus, sodium and po- tassium are univalent, calcium and magnesium are bivalent, gold is trivalent, and tin is quadrivalent. The classification is most instructive, however, when we consider all the elements together, and ignore our old division into a metallic and a non- metallic group. Let us begin by arranging some of the elements in the order of their atomic weights, starting with hydrogen, the lowest : H ='i. Li = 7. Gl = 9. B =11. C = 12. N=I4. O =16. F =19. Na=23. Mg=24. Al=27. Si =28. P =31. S =32. Cl =35-5- K =39. Ca=40. 80=44. Ti=48. V=5i.5. Cr=52. Mn=55. If, now, we consider any horizontal line in this table, we shall see that it begins with a univalent element; the next is bivalent, the third trivalent, the fourth quadrivalent, etc. Furthermore, the elements which are closely related to each other fall into the same vertical column, as Na and K, C and Si, N and P, O and S, F and Cl. Toward the left-hand side of the table the elements are strongly basic; toward the right they are distinctly acid- forming ; in the middle columns the electro-chemi- cal character is less definitely marked. If we study the chief oxides formed by these elements, some of the regularities due to valency will become very clear : Na 2 O. Mg 2 O 2 . Al a O 8 . Si 2 O 4 . P 2 O 6 . S 2 O. C1 2 O 7 . K a O. Ca 2 O 2 . Sc 2 O 3 . Ti 2 O 4 . V 2 O 6 . Cr 2 O 8 . Mn a O 7 . * Gore's work, " The Art of Electro-Metallurgy," is a most ex- cellent little treatise upon this theme. 180 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Here the proportion of oxygen steadily increases from one end of each line to the other. Six of the formulas have been doubled in order to make this ratio, which is only a ratio, more apparent. We see, then, that the elements vary in their chemical relations with a remarkable regularity, and that they seem to be connected with each other by some definite law. Were it not so, a bivalent element might be followed by one which was quad- rivalent, and its next neighbor in turn might have any valency whatever. If we study the physical properties of the elements, similar regularities will confront us, at every step, of the most unmistak- able character. In brief, it is now generally be- lieved by chemists, although not as yet fully proved, that all the properties of an element depend in some way upon its atomic weight. For example, the specific heat of an element is inversely proportional to its atomic weight ; or, in other words, all the elementary atoms have precisely the same capacity for heat. This point will be brought out more fully in another chapter. On the opposite page a table of the elements is given, based upon the principles developed in the preceding paragraphs. This table is due chiefly to a Russian chemist, D. Mendelejeff,* who was able by means of it to predict the existence of two new elements long before they were actually discovered ; namely, gallium and scandium. Wher- ever a blank occurs in the table, some element yet to be discovered probably belongs. Such blanks existed where gallium and scandium are now placed ; * Similar tables were independently devised by Newlands and Lo- thar Meyer. INTRODUCTORY TO THE METALS. 181 G ^ >l o co HO w M s- So * a offi 4 ii >., N Offi c5 ^ I! g O to H s 1! u II 2! 1 82 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and from their position Mendelejeff foretold not only their existence, but also their leading proper- ties. These predictions are now regarded as among the most remarkable achievements of modern sci- ence.* Unfortunately, the subject is not suited to thorough treatment in an elementary text-book. * For fuller discussions of Mendelejeff 's " Periodic Law," the student may consult Roscoe and Schorlemmer's treatise, vol. ii, part ii, p. 506; or Wurtz's "Atomic Theory," p. 154. CHAPTER XX. THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. THE metals of the alkalies are five in number, and form a very definite univalent group. They exhibit a regular gradation in properties, which is well indicated in the following: table : NAME. Atomic weight. Specific gravity. Melting- point. Lithium, Li 7- ' 0.585 180. Sodium, Na (Natrium). . . . 27. O 074. 05 6 Potassium, K (Kalium) ^o. 0.875 62.5 Rubidium Rb 8c 5 1 52 l8 5 Caesium, Cs I?-z. 1.885 26 5 All of these metals are silver-white, and soft enough to be easily cut with a knife. They are all readily oxidizable so much so, that they have to be kept under naphtha to preserve them from the action of the air. Thrown upon water, they decom- pose it, forming soluble hydroxides and setting hy- drogen free. This is done quietly by lithium, very violently by caesium ; the other metals of the group being graded between these extremes. EXPERIMENT 80. Throw into a vessel of cold water a bit of potassium half as large as a pea. It will fuse, move about rapidly on the surface of the 9 1 84 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. water, and seemingly burst into violet-colored flame. The flame is really due to the burning of the hydro- gen which has been liberated. The color is caused by the vapor of the potassium. Sodium, under simi- lar circumstances, will act in much the same way, only the action is not violent enough for the hydro- gen to ignite. Thrown on wet paper, however, so that the heat of action may be confined to one spot, the hydrogen set free by the sodium will kindle, and burn with a yellow flame. The yellow color is char- acteristic of sodium and its compounds. Concerning LITHIUM, RUBIDIUM, and CESIUM, little need be said. All three are comparatively rare. Lithium compounds are somewhat used in medicine, and give a magnificent red color to a flame. Rubidium and caesium resemble potassium so closely that they are difficult to distinguish from it. They were discovered by spectrum analysis, which will be described in another chapter. The best source of the three metals is the rare mineral lepidolite. Csesium is the most electro-positive ele- ment known. Hence it has a very strong affinity for electro-negative oxygen. Before the introduction of systematic names into chemistry, soda, potash, and ammonia were known as mineral alkali, vegetable alkali, and volatile alkali, respectively. In 1807 Davy succeeded in decom- posing soda and potash by means of a powerful elec- tric current, and in isolating the metals which they contained. Soon afterward, chemical methods of preparing sodium and potassium were devised, the best one consisting in heating the carbonates of the metals with charcoal in an iron retort. The reac- tion which takes place is as follows : THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. 185 Na 2 CO 3 + 2C = Na 2 + SCO. K a CO 3 + 2C = K a + 3CO. The beak of the retort dips under naphtha in which the vapor of the sodium or potassium, as it distills over, is condensed. Both metals are easily volatilized. As metals they have but few uses, al- though their compounds are of the highest practi- cal importance. Sodium is used to some extent in the preparation of aluminum and magnesium, and is also of value in some lines of chemical research. SODIUM is one of the most abundant of elements. The chloride exists in enormous quantities in sea- water, in many salt-lakes and mineral springs, as rock-salt, in marine plants, and in the various ani- mal juices. The nitrate, the carbonate, and the bo- rate occur in large natural deposits ; cryolite, a flu- oride of sodium and aluminum, forms an inexhausti- ble bed in Greenland ; many silicates contain sodi- um as an essential ingredient. The chief commercial source of sodium com- pounds is sodium chloride, NaCl, or common salt. Great beds of rock-salt, which is often perfectly transparent, are worked at Northwich in England, Wieliczka in Poland, Stassfurt in Germany, and the Island of Petit Anse in Louisiana. Near Syra- cuse, New York, Saginaw, Michigan, and in the Kanawha Valley of West Virginia, salt is made in vast quantities by the evaporation of natural brines which rise through artesian wells from subterra- nean springs. It is also prepared in many places from sea-water. Sodium chloride crystallizes in cubes, and has a specific gravity of 2.15. As common salt, and in its use as a food-preservative and condiment, it is 1 86 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. familiar to every one. It is also used in great quan- tities for the manufacture of chlorine and hydrochlo- ric acid, as a fertilizer, and in the glazing of earthen- ware. Sodium forms two oxides, Na 2 O and Na 2 O 2 , but neither is important. The hydroxide, NaOH, how- ever, is of great importance. When sodium is thrown into water, this substance, which is com- monly called caustic soda, remains in solution ; but practically it is usually prepared from the carbon- ate. The latter is dissolved in water and mixed with milk of lime ; calcium carbonate is deposited as an insoluble white powder, and caustic soda re- mains in solution. By boiling down in iron pans it is obtained as a white solid, having a strong soapy feel, and acting corrosively upon the skin. It is one of the strongest alkalies. The reaction which yields it may be written as follows : Na 2 CO 3 + CaH 2 O 3 = 2NaOH + CaCO 3 . Caustic soda is used in refining fats and oils, espe- cially cotton-seed oil, and on a very large scale in the manufacture of soap. Soap is a compound of either alkali, with certain organic acids which are found in fats and oils. The soda-soaps are hard soaps, the potash-soaps are soft soaps. They are produced by boiling the alkali with the fat ; and from a chemical stand-point they are just as truly salts of their respective acids as are the nitrates, sulphates, or chlorides. A hard soap made from an animal fat is mainly sodium stearate, QgH^NaC^. Sodium carbonate, NagCOg, is a white solid hav- ing a strong alkaline reaction. The base is so strong, and the acid so weak, that in this salt the THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. jg/ basic character predominates. It crystallizes with ten molecules of water of crystallization, Na 2 CO 3 , ioH 2 O, and occurs in commerce both in this form and dry. Crystallized sodium carbonate, or "sal soda," is the common washing-soda of the laundries. The dry carbonate is used in preparing other so- dium compounds, and in enormous quantities in the manufacture of glass and soap. Hence its prepara- tion constitutes one of the largest chemical indus- tries. Sodium carbonate is commercially manufactured by several processes ; but only one, the process in- vented by Leblanc, is of sufficient importance to warrant description here.* First, sodium chloride is treated with sulphuric acid, yielding sodium sul- phate and hydrochloric acid, thus : 2NaCl + H a SO 4 = 2HC1 + Na 2 SO 4 . The operation is performed in a suitable furnace, about half a ton of salt being treated at a time; and the hydrochloric acid is in most establishments FIG. 41. Black-ash Furnace. condensed by water and saved. The crude sodium sulphate is technically known as " salt-cake." The second stage of the manufacture consists in * Another process, the " ammonia-soda process," now bids fair to supplant Leblanc's method. 1 88 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the conversion of the salt-cake into sodium carbon- ate, and is called the " black-ash " process. Ten parts of salt-cake, ten of limestone, in small frag- ments, and seven and a half of coal, are heated together in a reverberatory furnace until the mass fuses, when it is taken out to cool. Two reactions here take place ; first, the carbon of the coal with- draws oxygen from the salt-cake, leaving sodium sulphide : Na 2 SO 4 + C 4 = Na 2 S + 4CO. The limestone (calcium carbonate) next reacts upon the sodium sulphide, forming by double decomposi- tion calcium sulphide and sodium carbonate, as fol- lows: Na a S + CaCO 3 = Na 2 CO 3 + CaS. By treating the black-ash with water, the sodium carbonate is dissolved out, and afterward, by evap- oration, it is obtained in crystals. These, calcined, yield the dry carbonate, which is the soda-ash of commerce. The calcium sulphide, which remains undissolved, is worked over for the recovery of the sulphur which it contains ; so that from first to last, during the entire process, little or nothing is lost or wasted. In Great Britain alone, at least half a million tons of common salt are annually convert- ed into sodium carbonate. In consequence of Le- blanc's process sal-soda now costs less than one tenth of what it did a century ago ; and, of course, glass and soap have been proportionally cheapened. Al- though the whole world has been benefited by the invention, Leblanc himself was allowed to die in ab- ject misery. When the crystallized sodium carbonate is ex- THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. 189 posed to the action of carbon dioxide, sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO 3 , or " bicarbonate of soda " is produced. This is the common cooking- soda of the household, and an important constituent of all baking-powders. It is also used in medi- cine, and in the preparation of various effervescent drinks. Only a few other sodium salts require especial mention here. The sulphate, Na 2 SO 4 , is important as salt-cake; and, crystallized, as Na 2 SO 4 ,ioH 2 O, it is known as Glauber's salts, and has some me- dicinal value. The acid sulphate, NaHSO 4 , is used in chemical analysis. The nitrate, NaNO 3 , is found in large beds in Chili, Peru, and Bolivia, whence its commercial name of Chili saltpeter. It is used as a fertilizer, in the manufacture of nitric acid, and for the preparation of common saltpeter. Sodium thiosulphate, Na 2 S 2 O 3 , 5H 2 O, has already been men- tioned on account of its use in photography ; sodium hypochlorite, NaCl 2 O 2 , has some applications as a disinfectant ; the chlorate, NaQO 3 , is employed as an oxidizing agent in dyeing with aniline black ; and one of the phosphates, Na 2 HPO 4 , i2H 2 O, is an important laboratory reagent, and also of value medicinally. Borax, Na 2 B 4 O 7 , ioH 2 O, and sodium silicate or water-glass, have been sufficiently de- scribed in previous chapters. POTASSIUM, although less widely diffused in na- ture than sodium, is still one of the most abundant elements. It is contained in most granitic rocks, whence it finds its way into the soil, from which it is extensively taken up by growing plants. For- merly its compounds were almost exclusively ob- tained from wood-ashes, whence the old name of 190 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. vegetable alkali, as applied to its carbonate. To- day, great quantities of potassium salts are derived from the Stassfurt salt-beds. There are two oxides of potassium, K 2 O and K 2 O 4 . From the first, potassium hydroxide, KOH, or caustic potash, is derived. Practically, however, this important compound is prepared from potas- sium carbonate by treatment with milk of lime, just as in the preparation of caustic soda. It closely resembles the latter substance, and is used for similar purposes. Potassium carbonate, K 2 CO 3 , is the familiar sub- stance potash. The simplest mode of preparing this compound is to boil wood-ashes with water, and afterward to evaporate the solution. Until a few years ago, nearly all the potash of commerce was obtained from this source ; but now a variety of other sources are available. First, potassium chloride and potassium sulphate are found in large quantities in the Stassfurt salt-beds. These are treated by Leblanc's process in just the same man- ner as the corresponding sodium compounds, and yield potassium carbonate by precisely similar re- actions. Secondly, the residues left behind in the manufacture of beet-root sugar, yield annually some thousands of tons of potash. Thirdly, there is the most extraordinary source of all. Sheep, when feeding, take up large quantities of potassium salts from the soil. These are exuded in the perspira- tion, and remain adhering to the wool. When the wool is washed at some of the great European centers of the woolen industry, the wash-water is evaporated to dryness, and a substance known as " suint " is obtained. This, which contains the THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. 191 potassium salts of certain organic acids, is heated in iron retorts, giving off a fair quality of illuminat- ing gas. From the charred residue, water extracts potassium carbonate. By this curious process, which splendidly illustrates the way in which chemistry utilizes seemingly worthless materials, at least a thousand tons of potash are annually made. Potassium carbonate, when pure, is a white salt containing no water of crystallization. It has a strong alkaline taste and reaction, and is used for preparing other potassium compounds, and for the manufacture of glass and soft soap. By treatment with carbon dioxide, it yields a " bicarbonate," KHCO 3 . Potassium chloride, bromide, and iodide, are all white salts, which crystallize in cubes. The chloride is chiefly used, as above indicated, in the prepara- tion of the carbonate ; the bromide and iodide are important medicinally. The formulae, potassium being univalent, are naturally KC1, KBr, and KI. Two other salts of potassium are of great practi- cal importance, the chlorate and the nitrate, KC1O S and KNO 3 . The properties of the chlorate, and its uses for making oxygen and in pyrotechny, have been sufficiently indicated in previous chapters. It is also used in medicine, for allaying inflammation of the throat, in calico-printing, and in the manufac- ture of matches. Potassium nitrate, popularly known as saltpe- ter or as niter, is a salt which crystallizes easily in long, white prisms. It occurs naturally in the soil in many tropical countries, especially in Egypt and the East Indies, and is extracted easily by solution 192 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in water. It originates from the oxidation of or- ganic matter rich in nitrogen, in presence of potas- sium compounds. In Sweden much saltpeter is prepared artificially by piling up animal refuse- with lime, soil, and a little potash ; and, after a proper period of time, leaching the mass with water. It is also made by double decomposition from the crude potassium chloride of Stassfurt and the cheaper Chili saltpeter. KC1 + NaNO 3 = NaCl + KNO 3 . It is used in the preservation of meat, and in the manufacture of gunpowder. Gunpowder is a mechanical mixture of char- coal, sulphur, and saltpeter. A good average pow- der is composed, by percentages, as follows : KNO 3 , 75 C, 15 S, 10 IOO When gunpowder burns, there is a great and sud- den evolution of gas ; and to the expansion of the latter the force of explosion is due. A cubic centi- metre of powder gives about 280 cc. of gas ; and the reaction, which in reality is very complicated, is approximately represented by the subjoined equa- tion : * 2KN0 3 + S + 3C = K 2 S + N 2 + 3 CO 2 . The total explosive force of a pound of gunpow- der, expressed in mechanical terms, is equivalent * There is a good discussion of this subject in Roscoe and Schor- lemmer's '* Treatise on Chemistry," vol. ii, part i, pp. 8 1-88. THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. JQJ to a power of lifting a weight of 486 tons one foot high. AMMONIUM, NH 4 , is a compound radicle which is most conveniently studied in connection with the alkaline metals. It plays the part of a metal, and its salts in many respects are very similar to those of potassium. When ammonia, NH 8 , is brought into contact with HCl, union takes place, and NH 4 C1 is formed. So also, when ammonia is passed into wa- ter, the strongly alkaline solution may be regarded as having the formula NH 3 , H 2 O, or NH 4 OH. In one compound, we have the chloride of NH 4 , and in the other an alkaline hydroxide similar in char- acter to KOH and NaOH. Like the latter hy- droxides the ammonium hydroxide or caustic am- monia is capable of saturating the strongest acids, and of forming crystalline salts in which the NH 4 plays precisely the same part as K or Na. In NH 4 , which has not yet been obtained by itself, an atom of quinquivalent nitrogen has four of its bonds of valency saturated ; and by virtue of the one which remains it is univalent. For convenience, we may treat ammonium as if it were really a metal having an atomic weight of 18, and designate it by the pro- visional symbol Am. Most of the ammonium salts are prepared by saturating aqua ammonia with acids ; although in practice there are some exceptions. The chloride, AmCl, is a white salt which occurs in commerce in tough fibrous masses. It is purified by sublimation, being readily volatile. From its formula the den- sity of its vapor should be - - = 26.75 ; whereas experiment gives it a density only one half 194 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as great. That is, its vapor forms four volumes in- stead of agreeing with the two-volume law. This anomaly has been explained by showing that at high temperatures the compound NH 4 C1 can not exist ; but splits up into NH 3 and HC1, each repre- sented by two volumes. On cooling, the parts re- combine, again forming NH 4 C1. This splitting up so as to give an unusual vapor-density is called dis- sociation, and many examples of it are known. The explanation is not wholly theoretical, but rests upon solid experimental demonstrations. Ammonium chloride has some medicinal use, is largely employed in dyeing, and is a source of other ammonium compounds. In soldering and tinning it serves to cleanse the metallic surfaces. Ammonium sulphate, Am 2 SO 4 , is important as a fer- tilizer; the nitrate, AmNO 3 , is used in making ni- trous oxide ; and a phosphate of sodium, hydrogen, and ammonium, NaHAmPO 4 , 4H 2 O, microcosmic salt, is a useful reagent in blow-pipe analysis. When hydrogen sulphide, H 2 S, is passed into aqua ammonia, ammonium hydrosulphide, AmSH, is formed. There are also several sulphides of am- monium, of which Am 2 S is the most typical. These compounds are much used as test reagents in chem- ical analysis. EXPERIMENT 81. Dissolve in water, in separate test-tubes, fragments of zinc sulphate, iron sulphate, copper sulphate, manganese chloride, arsenious ox- ide, and tartar emetic. Add to each solution a drop of ammonium hydrosulphide, and note the color of the precipitate. On adding an excess of the re- agent, the arsenic and antimony precipitates will redissolve. THE METALS OF THE ALKALIES. 195 Ammonium carbonate is another salt which is used in medicine and as a reagent in analysis. It has a complicated formula, and occurs in commerce under the name of sal-volatile. It smells strongly of ammonia, and is often met with in the form of " smelling-salts/' From ammonia and ammonium a number of other strong bases are derived, which will be de- scribed in connection with organic chemistry. CHAPTER XXI. SILVER AND THALLIUM. SILVER, which is also a univalent metal, is found in nature both free and in a great variety of com- pounds. The native metal, pure or nearly pure, sometimes occurs in quite large masses ; but the more important ores of silver are compounds. Among them are found the chloride, bromide, io- dide, sulphide, and telluride, and many double compounds containing the sulphide united with sulphides of arsenic and antimony. In some cases the silver seems to be merely an impurity, as in certain ores of copper and lead, from which the more precious metal also may be extracted. Silver is obtained from its ores by a great va- riety of processes, concerning which a treatise on metallurgy may be consulted. Only two of them can be considered here. First, there is the amal- gamation process, which is essentially as follows: The finely-powdered ore is roasted in a reverbera- tory furnace with a quantity of common salt, where- by the silver is converted into chloride. The mass is then mixed with water to a thin paste, and shaken up with scrap-iron in revolving casks for several hours. The iron withdraws the chlorine from the silver, thus : SILVER AND THALLIUM. 2AgCl + Fe = FeCl 2 + Ag a . 197 Mercury is next added, and the agitation is contin- ued until an amalgam of silver and mercury is ob- tained. From this the mercury is distilled off, and the silver, often containing gold, remains behind. FlG. 42. Pattinson's Silver-Lead Process. Secondly, there is the Pattinson process, by which the traces of silver that often occur in lead- ores may be separated from the lead. The latter is first melted and allowed partially to cool ; crystals of lead separate out, and are removed by a strainer, and a richer alloy is left behind. This is remelted, and the process of partial cooling and straining is 198 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. continued until an alloy containing at least three hundred ounces of silver to the ton is obtained. This alloy is then cupelled a process in which it is melted on a porous bed of bone-ash in presence of a blast of air. The lead is oxidized, the fused ox- ide is absorbed by the bone-ash, and at last a button of pure silver remains. Silver is a brilliant white metal, of atomic weight 108, and specific gravity 10.512. Its symbol is Ag, from the Latin argentum. It melts at about 1040 C., and at very high temperatures it may be vapor- ized and distilled. Its vapor has a bright blue color. Melted silver absorbs many times its bulk of oxygen from the air, and gives it out again upon cooling ; often so suddenly as to cause an explosive spatter- ing (called spitting] of the semi-fluid metal. Silver is the best known conductor of heat and electricity, and is exceedingly malleable and ductile. In the arts it is usually alloyed with a little copper, which hardens it. The American coinage standard is 900 fine that is, 1,000 parts of the metal used for coin- ing contain 900 parts of silver to 100 of copper. English silver coins are 925 fine. Jewelers' silver is generally less fine. The compounds of silver are, with a few excep- tions, formed on the same type as those of the al- kali metals. Thus, we have an oxide, Ag 2 O ; a sul- phate, Ag 2 SO 4 ; a nitrate, AgNO 3 ; and a chloride, AgCl. In general, the salts of silver do not con- tain water of crystallization. The sulphide, Ag 2 S, is interesting as a natural ore, and on account of the ease with which it is produced artificially. The blackening of silver-ware is due to H 2 S in the at- mosphere ; and the blackening of spoons by eggs is SILVER AND THALLIUM. 199 caused by the sulphur which the latter contain. Pass a bubble of H 2 S into a solution of silver ni- trate, and a black precipitate of silver sulphide will form. The most important compounds of silver are the chloride and the nitrate. Some of their relations to each other and to the metal may be profitably studied by experiment. EXPERIMENT 82. Cover a small silver coin, either in a glass beaker, flask, or porcelain dish, with a mixture of half-and-half nitric acid and wa- ter. Upon heating, the coin will dissolve, and the solution will have a blue color due to the copper which is present. Add a solution of common salt, Nad, in considerable excess, and shake vigorously. Silver chloride, which is insoluble, will be precipi- tated, while all the copper will remain dissolved. Filter, and wash the precipitate thoroughly by pouring water over it until the liquid runs through colorless. Transfer the silver chloride, still moist, to a porcelain dish, add some clippings of zinc, and cover the mixture with dilute sulphuric acid. By the action of the latter on the zinc, hydrogen will be evolved, which, at the instant of its liberation, in the nascent state, will withdraw chlorine from the silver chloride, forming hydrochloric acid, and set- ting the metal free. When all the zinc has been dissolved, silver will remain as a black, spongy mass, which may be either melted into a globule before the blow-pipe, or dissolved in nitric acid to form pure AgNO 3 . From its colorless solution the latter compound is deposited in tabular, transparent crys- tals. This experiment shows, on a small scale, the exact method by which the officers of a mint or 200 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. silver-refinery prepare pure silver from crude bull- ion. The formation of silver chloride in the foregoing experiment is according to the equation AgNO 3 + NaCl = NaNO 3 + AgCl, and well illustrates what is called double decomposi- tion. Silver and sodium change places, as also do the nitric-acid radicle and chlorine ; and two new salts result from the mutual transfers. We have already met with several examples of this sort of chemical change, and we shall meet with many more as we go on. They all come under one of two laws, which, having been first announced by Berthollet, are known as Berthollefs laws, and are as follow : I . Whenever two substances in solution together are capable of exchanging atoms so as to form a compound insoluble in the solvent employed, that compound will be produced and deposited as a precipitate. 2. Whenever two substances in mixture are capable of exchanging atoms so as to form a compound which is gaseous at the temperature of the experiment, that compound will be evolved as a vapor or gas. The case in point illus- trates the first law ; the second may be exemplified by heating together ammonium chloride and hy- drogen sodium carbonate. Ammonium carbonate, which is volatile, will be set free, and sodium chlo- ride will remain. NaHCO 3 + AmCl = NaCl + AmHCOs. In the actual experiment the NH 4 , HCO 3 splits up into NH 3 + CO 2 -t- H 2 O. This particular mixture has been proposed, and slightly used, for a baking- powder. SILVER AND THALLIUM. 2 QI Silver chloride, as obtained in Experiment 82, is a white, curdy precipitate which darkens on expos- ure to light. If potassium bromide or iodide be used in place of common salt, silver bromide or iodide will be thrown down. The latter is yellow, the bromide is yellowish white. All these com- pounds are sensitive to light, and they are therefore of great importance in the art of photography. We have already seen, in studying the formation of hydrochloric acid, that light may bring about chemical union. It may also effect chemical de- composition ; and this is especially the case with most of the salts of silver. All, or nearly all of them, when in contact with organic matter, are blackened by light most where the light is strong- est, less where it is weaker. This fact is the foun- dation principle of photography,* which, in its commonest form, is essentially as follows : A glass plate is first coated with a film of collo- dion, which is prepared by dissolving gun-cotton in a mixture of alcohol and ether, and adding to it certain bromides or iodides. The plate is next dipped into a solution whereof silver nitrate is the chief ingredient, and either the bromide or iodide of silver is precipitated in the collodion-film. Hav- ing been thus prepared in a dark room, the plate is transferred to the photographic camera, and the image of the scene or object to be photographed is allowed to fall upon it. Where the object is light, the plate is strongly affected ; where it is * Captain Abney's " Treatise on Photography " is one of the best of the smaller works on this subject ; Vogel's " Chemistry of Light and Photography" ("International Scientific Series," vol. xiv) is also very good. 202 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. dark, the action is slighter; so that the picture which is produced has all its lights and shadows reversed, and is called a " negative." When first taken from the camera, the plate shows no signs of alteration ; but the image is brought out by pour- ing over the plate a chemical solution known as the developer. For this purpose various substances are used, ferrous sulphate being the commonest.* Finally, the plate is washed with a solution of sodium thiosulphate, which dissolves out the silver salts which have been unattacked, and the picture is thus rendered permanent. In " printing " from this nega- tive, a sheet of paper is rendered sensitive by silver nitrate, and exposed underneath the plate to the action of strong sunlight. Where the negative is dark the paper remains light, and vice versa ; so that an image which is correct as to lights and shadows is produced. This, too, is " fixed " by so- dium thiosulphate, and, after some little details of finishing, the photograph is done. EXPERIMENT 83. Soak a sheet of white paper in a solution of silver nitrate. Place over it a piece of lace or a fern-leaf, cover it by a sheet of glass, and expose it to the sunshine until all the uncov- ered portions are darkened. Wash it in a dark room or closet, first with a solution of sodium thio- sulphate, and afterward with pure water, continu- ing the latter until the rinsings no longer have a sweetish taste. A perfect copy of the lace pattern or leaf will remain as a photographic print on the paper. Silver nitrate, which is always prepared by dis- * The theory of the action of the developer is somewhat obscure, and would be out of place in this treatise. SILVER AND THALLIUM. 203 solving silver in nitric acid, occurs in commerce in two forms : First, we find it in large, trans- parent, tabular crystals, in which form it is used for various laboratory purposes, by the photogra- phers, and in the art of electroplating ; second, the fused salt is cast in small, round sticks, which are used by physicians under the name of " lunar caustic." It is applied to the cautery of inflamed surfaces. When a little potassium cyanide, KCN, is added to a solution of silver nitrate, a precipitate of silver cyanide, AgCN, closely resembling the chloride, is formed. Upon the addition of more KCN, the precipitate redissolves, and a solution is produced which is much used in silver-plating.* In such a solution, the preparation of which is subject to many variations, the object to be plated is im- mersed, together with a bar, rod, or plate of pure silver. The latter is connected by a wire with the negative element of a battery, while the object to be plated is connected with the other pole. When the current passes, electrolysis takes place, and sil- ver is deposited upon the object in a thin, coherent film. At the same time silver is dissolved off from the plate at the opposite pole. The process con- tinues until the plating has acquired whatever thickness may be demanded ; afterward the plated article is washed and polished. The same general method, but with different solutions, is employed in plating with gold, copper, platinum, or nickel. THALLIUM, atomic weight 204, is one of the very rare metals. It was discovered in 1861 by Crookes, * For full details as to solutions and processes, see Gore's " Elec- tro-Metallurgy." 204 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with the aid of the spectroscope, and in its general properties it strongly resembles lead. Its com- pounds give a brilliant green color to flame, and are mostly poisonous. It forms two sets of salts the thallious and thallic compounds ; behaving like a univalent element in the first, and being trivalent in the second. It occurs as an impurity in iron pyrites and in native sulphur, and is usually ob- tained from the flue-dust of sulphuric-acid works. CHAPTER XXII. CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, AND BARIUM. THE bivalent metals are quite numerous, and form several well-defined sub-groups. In one of these we find the three closely allied metals whose names head this chapter. Atomic weight. Specific gravity. Calcium Ca 4.O 1.58 Strontium, Sr 87.5 3 2.58 Barium Ba 1 17 -3 7C In general, strontium and its compounds have properties nearly midway between those of the other two metals. For instance, strontium sulphate is less soluble in water than calcium sulphate, and more so than barium sulphate ; and in specific gravity it also lies between the two. In short, if we know the properties of two corresponding salts of barium and calcium, we can make a close guess as to what the properties of the similar strontium salt will be. The metals themselves are unimpor- tant, and difficult to obtain. Calcium is yellow, strontium yellowish, barium white. All three are fusible only above a red heat, all oxidize easily in the air, all are malleable and ductile. 206 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CALCIUM is one of the most abundant of ele- ments. As carbonate we find it in nature in the form of limestone, marble, chalk, coral, marl, etc. It enters into the composition of many silicates; the sulphate, fluoride, and phosphate are abundant minerals ; and the phosphate is also an important ingredient of plants and of bones. Calcium oxide, CaO, is commonly known as quicklime. It is always prepared by heating the carbonate, which is decomposed in accordance with the following reaction : CaCO 3 = CaO + CO a . On a large scale, limestone is burned in a lime-kiln (Fig. 43), and the lime remains behind. It is a white, infusible solid, which unites violently with water, evolving great heat, and form- ing the hydroxide, CaH 2 O 2 . The latter formula may also be written Ca(OH) 2 , to illustrate the bivalency of the metal. Calcium hydroxide, or slaked lime, is a very useful compound. The heat attend- ing its formation may be ob- served by sprinkling a lit- tle cold water over a lump of lime and noting that steam is evolved. Fires are often caused by the accidental contact of water with lime which has been stored in leaky buildings. Under such circumstances, in a closed space, the heat may be sufficient to kindle wood. FIG. 43. Lime-Kiln. CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, AND BARIUM. 207 Just as sodium hydroxide is called caustic soda, so calcium hydroxide is often called caustic lime. It has a strong- alkaline reaction, neutralizes acids, and attacks organic matter vigorously. It is often used as a fertilizer, inasmuch as it helps to rot or- ganic substances in the soil ; and in tanneries it is applied to hides to aid in the removal of hair. As milk of lime that is, suspended in water it serves as whitewash ; and it is also used in purifying coal- gas, in making bleaching-powder and the caustic alkalies, and for a great variety of other chemical purposes. But the larger uses of slaked lime are in the preparation of mortars and cements. Mortar is made by mixing lime with water and sand ; for interior plastering hair is added, to bind the mass together. When first mixed, mortar is soft and pasty ; on drying it hardens, absorbs carbon di- oxide from the air, and forms a substance which in time becomes almost as compact as stone. In very old brick-work, the mortar is often harder and stronger than the bricks themselves. Hydraulic lime, which forms a cement capable of hardening under water, is made by burning a limestone mixed with clay. The extensive occurrence of calcium carbonate in nature has already been noticed. In its purest state this substance forms transparent crystals, which vary remarkably in character. One variety is known as Iceland-spar (Fig. 44), and is doubly refracting that is, a line or object seen through it appears to be doubled. Iceland-spar is much used in instruments for studying polarized light. In pure water calcium carbonate is very slightly solu- ble ; more so in water containing carbonic acid. 208 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. EXPERIMENT 84. Into a test-tube filled with lime-water pass a bubble of carbon dioxide. Cal- FlG. 44. Double Refraction. cium carbonate will be thrown down as a white precipitate, but, if a stream of the gas be passed in for a longer time, it will again dissolve. Upon boiling the clear solution the excess of CO 2 will be driven off, and CaCO 3 will be reprecipitated. It is by this solvent action of water charged with carbon dioxide that great limestone caverns, like the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, are formed. From the roof of such a cave, especially during its period of formation, water continually drips. Each drop, in falling, leaves behind a particle of its dis- solved limestone, and deposits another particle upon the floor beneath. Thus, in the course of ages, a stalactite grows slowly downward, like a stone icicle, from above ; while from below a sta- lagmite rises gradually to meet it. If the process continues long enough, a column of semi-transpar- ent calcium carbonate is the result. Calcium sulphate, crystallized with two mole- cules of water, occurs abundantly in nature as gyp- sum, CaSO 4 , 2H 2 O. In white, translucent masses, it is used as an ornamental stone, and is known as ala- CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, AND BARIUM. 209 baster ; in regular, transparent crystals, it is called selenite. Gypsum is somewhat important as a fer- tilizer ; and, when deprived of its water by calcina- tion, it forms plaster of Paris. The latter substance, when mixed to a thin paste with water, reabsorbs the two molecules which were lost on calcination, and " sets " to a compact, solid mass. In solidify- ing it also expands ; and to this fact is partly due its value in making casts. When poured into a mold, it forces its way into every crack and crev- ice, and thus a perfect copy is insured. Like calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate is slightly soluble in water ; and in natural waters both compounds often occur. Such waters are popularly known as " hard " waters, and are objec- tionable for washing purposes or for use in the steam-boiler. In the latter case, the lime-salts are liable to be deposited on the sides of the boiler as a hard, coherent coating, called boiler -crust or boiler-scale, which, being a non-conductor of heat, causes great waste of fuel. In the laundry, lime- salts react upon the soap which is used, and insol- uble lime-soaps are precipitated ; so that no good soapy effect can be produced until all the calcium compounds have been eliminated. Calcium fluoride, CaF 2 , has already been referred to in connection with fluorine. It is a mineral which crystallizes in cubes, often brilliantly colored, and is useful in the preparation of hydrofluoric acid. The nitrate, Ca(NO 3 ) 2 , is found in the soil of some caves, and when abundant may be profitably treated with potassium carbonate, and made a source of salt- peter. The phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2> is found in bones, and also, combined with a little fluoride or chloride, 210 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in great beds as a mineral. It is valuable as a fer- tilizer ; and, when treated with sulphuric acid, it yields the so-called " superphosphate," CaHPO 4 , which is much used in agriculture. Calcium hypochlorite, chloride of lime, or bleach- ing-powder, has already been described. Calcium chloride, CaCl 2 , which is prepared by dissolving chalk or marble in hydrochloric acid and evaporat- ing to dryness, is a white, soluble compound much used in the laboratory. It absorbs moisture with great avidity ; enough in damp air to actually dis- solve itself ; and is, therefore, of great value in drying- gases. It is also employed in making some kinds of artificial stone. The crystallized salt, CaCl 2 , 6H 2 O, mixed with pounded ice or snow, gives a powerful freezing mixture ; and with it a temperature as low as 48.5 has been obtained. STRONTIUM, as compared with calcium, is rare and comparatively unimportant. Its sulphate and carbonate occur as beautifully crystallized minerals. Its compounds give a rich red color to flame, and on this account its nitrate, Sr(NO 3 Xj, and its chlo- rate, Sr(ClO 3 ) 2 , are used in the red-fire mixtures of the pyrotechnist. Most of these mixtures con- tain sulphur, and therefore smell badly when burn- ing ; but the following experiment may be tried in a room : EXPERIMENT 85. Take two parts of potassium chlorate, two of strontium nitrate, and one of shel- lac. Powder them separately, and finely, and mix on paper with as little friction as possible. Kindle the mixture in any convenient vessel, and it will give the brilliant strontium - flame. The ingredients should be weighed out, and all should be scrupu- CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, AND BARIUM. 2 ll lously dry.* If barium nitrate be used in place of the strontium salt, a green-fire mixture will be made. BARIUM is much more plentiful than strontium ; but, like the latter metal, it occurs mainly as sul- phate and carbonate. It is also found in a few rather uncommon silicates. Several of its com- pounds have practical interest. The chloride, BaCl 2 , 2H 2 O, and the carbonate, BaCO 3 , are useful reagents in qualitative analysis ; and, as above indicated, its nitrate is employed by the pyrotechnist in making green fire. There are two oxides of barium, BaO and BaO 2 , and these are easily transformable, the one into the other. Upon this fact a " regenera- tive " process for making oxygen has been based. The monoxide, BaO, heated in a stream of air, is converted by direct oxidation into BaO 2 . The lat- ter, heated more strongly, gives up its extra atom of oxygen, leaving BaO ready to be recharged in another air-current. The operation may be re- peated indefinitely. The BaO serves as a carrier by which oxygen may be withdrawn from the at- mosphere and transferred to a gas-holder. Barium sulphate, BaSO 4 , is noted for its insolu- bility. Add sulphuric acid or a solution of any other sulphate to a solution containing barium, and BaSO 4 will be thrown down as a heavy white powder. Hence sulphuric acid serves as a test for barium, and vice versa. The precipitated compound is somewhat used as a white paint, under the name of blanc fixe ; and the natural sulphate, which is commonly called barytes or heavy spar, is ground * A good list of recipes for different colored fires is given in Sadt- ler's "Chemical Experimentation," p. 202. The book is a useful one for either pupils or teachers. 212 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. up as an adulterant for white-lead. By heating the sulphate with charcoal, the sulphide, BaS, is produced. This substance, exposed to a strong light, is afterward luminous in the dark. The sul- phides of calcium and strontium have similar prop- erties, and from either of the three a luminous paint may be made. CHAPTER XXIII. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS.* WHEN a beam of sunlight passes through a glass prism, and falls upon a white screen, colors are pro- duced, and the unaided eye readily distinguishes at least seven tints. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, and are popularly known as the seven primary colors. If the prism is placed in a dark chamber, and the light is ad- mitted only through a narrow slit, the colors ar- range themselves in a long band, side by side, with the red at one end and the violet at the other, and the remaining tints occupying their proper order between. In the sunbeam these colors are all mixed together, and the effect of the prism merely is to separate them, by virtue of their differences in re- frangibility. Suppose now that, instead of sunlight, some colored flame be studied with the prism, what sort of a color-band or spectrum shall we obtain? In every case we shall have, not a continuous band of colors, but one or more bright-colored lines, sepa- * In a treatise on chemistry this subject can be considered only on its chemical side. The physical theory of the spectroscope, the nature of luminous waves, etc., can be properly studied only as a branch of physics. 214 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. rated from each other by dark spaces ; and these lines will be absolutely characteristic of the sub- stance to which the tint of the flame is due. A compound of sodium will give one bright-yellow line ; potassium, a red and a violet ; thallium, a green line ; strontium, a cluster in the red and orange, and one brilliant line in the blue ; barium, a number of lines near together, and mainly in the green and y-ellow portions of the spectrum ; lithium, a very rich line in the red, etc. There are also some fainter lines which need not be mentioned here ; and occasionally lines, which seem at first to be single, prove when magnified to consist of several closely huddled together. The yellow line of so- dium, for instance, is really double. In no case does any element give a line belonging to any other ; so that if we insert any substance in a flame and exam- ine its spectrum, we can determine at once which of the above-named elements it contains. This meth- od of examination is called spectrum analysis ; and it is well illustrated by the colored chart of spectra which is the frontispiece to this volume. In order that spectra may be conveniently stud- ied, an instrument called the spectroscope has been devised. This, like most other great inventions, grew up step by step, one discoverer after another adding some point or detail ; but the honor of com- pleting and perfecting the instrument is chiefly due to Professor Bunsen, of Heidelberg in Germany. In its simplest form it is constructed as follows (Fig- 45) : A prism and two small telescopes are mounted upon a circular metallic plate and stand, as shown in the illustration. One telescope, which serves for SPECTR UM ANAL YSIS. 2 1-5 receiving the light to be examined, is closed at its outer end by two metallic knife-edges, which may FIG. 45. One-Prism Spectroscope. be moved nearer together or farther apart, and which furnish the narrow slit as previously indi- cated. The second telescope is used for observ- ing the spectrum. The light enters the slit, passes through the collecting-telescope, and falls upon the prism. There it is refracted and dispersed, and is seen through the observing eye-piece as the long band which was described in a previous paragraph. In nice instruments the observing eye-piece con- tains a pair of cross-hairs, and is movable, with its telescope, from side to side ; and the metallic plate which supports it is provided with a graduated cir- cle. Then, by moving the telescope so as to bring each spectral line exactly across the intersection of the cross-hairs, its position relatively to other lines may be accurately measured. With these additions the spectroscope becomes also a spectrometer, and is a most convenient instrument for many optical in- 2i6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. vestigations. Instead of one prism, a spectroscope may contain several prisms, and so be greatly in- creased in power (Fig. 46). Another convenient form of instrument is the FIG. 46. Diagram of a Train of Prisms, with Telescopes. direct-vision spectroscope. In the ordinary spectro- scope the light is so refracted that the two tele- scopes form an angle with each other; and it is often a tedious matter to adjust them relatively to the prism in the proper position. In the direct- vision spectroscope the prisms, which may number three, five, seven, or nine, are arranged as shown in Fig. 47, and no adjustment is necessary. Such spectroscopes are now made very cheaply, and small enough to be carried in the vest-pocket. For many purposes they are very handy and useful. In the laboratory the spectroscope is mainly SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 217 used for detecting Li, Na, K, Cs, Rb, Tl, Ca, Sr, Ba, B, or Cu ; all of which substances impart defi- nite colors to a gas or alcohol flame. The usual plan is to put a little of the substance under examination upon a piece of clean platinum wire, and insert it in the flame of a Bunsen gas-burner. Then, al- most at a glance, whatever spectra may be present can be recognized. Some of the tests are inconceiv- ably delicate for example, rgiFTjimnnr f a grain of sodium, or OTirinnr of a grain of lithium, will reveal FIG. 47. Section of a Direct -vision Spectroscope. its presence immediately. Several of the rarer metals have been discovered by means of the spec- troscope namely, caesium, rubidium, thallium, in- dium, and gallium. Caesium and rubidium were discovered by Bunsen himself, shortly after the in- vention of the instrument. He applied his spec- troscope to the examination of a mineral water, and observed certain lines which belonged to no known element. He at once inferred that some new ele- ment must be present ; and, carefully searching, obtained the chlorides of the two metals. At the high temperature of the electric arc all the ele- ments give characteristic spectra, and most of them have been carefully mapped and examined. Another laboratory use of the spectroscope is in the identification of dissolved coloring-matters. If 2iS INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a beam of sunlight be passed through a solution of blood, cochineal, logwood, etc., a red light will be transmitted ; other solutions transmit green, yellow, or blue tints mainly. If the transmitted light be examined with the spectroscope, certain parts of the complete spectrum will be found to be blotted out, and what is called an absorption spectrum will be seen. Such a spectrum is in most cases character- istic of the coloring-matter which produces it, and at once reveals the presence of the latter. The ar- tificial color of an adulterated red wine may thus (with some limitations) be detected. Whenever we have a spectrum consisting of bright lines with dark spaces between, it is pro- duced by heated matter in the condition of a gas. All the elements above mentioned, which color the Bunsen flame, do so in the form of compounds which are gaseous at its temperature. The other elements, as was already stated, require much more elevated temperatures for the production of bright- line spectra. If we study the light emitted by highly incan- descent solids, such as the carbon of an electric arc or the lime cylinder in the oxyhydrogen-flame, we shall find that it gives a spectrum without lines, and brilliantly continuous from the red end to the vio- let. In the spectrum of sunlight, however, we have something different still namely, a continuous spec- trum intersected by a vast number of fine black lines, each of which occupies a fixed and definite position.* These lines were first described by Wollaston ; and later they were carefully mapped by Fraunhofer ; * Dark lines running lengthwise of the spectrum often confuse the beginner. They are due to dust-specks on the slit of the spectroscope. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 2I 9 they are now known as Fraimhofer's lines. Each of them corresponds in position exactly with one of the bright lines obtainable from a chemical element ; for example, Fraunhofer's line " D," in the yellow, coincides precisely with the sodium-line, and, like the latter, is really double. What does this mean ? The explanation, discovered by the joint labors of Professors Bunsen and Kirchhoff, is simple, and is an application of the physical law that substances when cold absorb the same rays which they give out when hot. Let us consider a special case arising under this law. Suppose we arrange a spectroscope as in Fig. 48, and place in front of the slit a strong light capa- FIG. 48. Reversal of Sodium-line. ble of giving a continuous spectrum. Now between this light and the slit interpose a layer of sodium va- por, produced by heating a little metallic sodium in an iron spoon. The part of the spectrum corre- sponding to the sodium-line will be absorbed, and a dark line will be seen in its place. That is, sodium vapor absorbs the yellow ray which more intensely heated sodium vapor emits. This is commonly 220 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. known as the reversal of the sodium-line ; and the lines of other elements may be similarly reversed. The spectrum of sunlight is merely a continuous spectrum, with the reversed lines of over twenty of the chemical elements distributed in their proper places through it. The conclusion is, that the sun contains these elements in the gaseous condition ; and through such a gaseous envelope the light of the solid or liquid interior is transmitted. In short, by means of the spectroscope we can analyze the heav- enly bodies, and tell of what substances they are com- posed. In the solar spectrum, so far, lines belonging to the following elements have been identified : iron, titanium, calcium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, chro- mium, barium, sodium, magnesium, copper, hydro- gen, palladium, vanadium, molybdenum, strontium, lead, uranium, aluminum, cerium, cadmium, and oxygen. The presence of still other elements in the sun has been less clearly made out, but is highly probable ; and in several of the fixed stars, which resemble the sun in character, several substances not discoverable in the sun have been distinctly recognized. The bright star Aldebaran, for in- stance, contains hydrogen, sodium, magnesium, cal- cium, iron, antimony, mercury, bismuth, and tellurium. At various points in the heavens are seen faint clouds of light, called nebulas. Some of them are star-clusters, so distant that only a powerful tel- escope can recognize their true character ; and such nebulae give regular star -spectra. Others, however, when examined with the spectroscope, prove to be immense clouds of incandescent gas, and give a bright-line spectrum indicating hydro- SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 2 2l gen. This fact has a curious theoretical impor- tance. It is commonly held by scientific men that the solar system was once a vast nebula, which gradually cooled and condensed into its present condition ; and a great deal of evidence, physical and mathematical, can be cited in favor of this neb- ular hypothesis. In the heavens we see all stages of development from the nebula itself, down to the hotter stars, the sun, and the solid planets ; and ac- companying this progression, we find a steady in- crease in chemical complexity. The nebulae con- tain but one or two elements ; the whitest and hottest stars a few more ; stars like our sun a larger number still ; and at last we find the earth with its multitude of compound bodies. From these facts we arrive at once at a startling conclusion, which, though not yet absolutely proved, is sustained by many lines of evidence, and is yearly becoming more and more probable ; namely, that the evolu- tion of planets from nebulae has been accompanied by an evolution of the chemical elements from still simpler forms of matter ; and that matter itself, like force, instead of being many different things, is really at bottom, in the final analysis, one.* * The student who cares to pursue the subject of celestial spec- troscopy further may profitably begin with two volumes in the " Inter- national Scientific Series " : Young's work on " The Sun," and Lock- yer's " Studies in Spectrum Analysis." CHAPTER XXIV. GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, CADMIUM, AND MER- CURY. ALTHOUGH the metals described in this chapter are all bivalent, they do not form as definite a nat- ural group as some that we have been considering. Magnesium and zinc, indeed, are very closely re- lated ; so are zinc and cadmium ; and, though less strikingly, so also are cadmium and mercury. But between magnesium and mercury, except as re- gards valency, the resemblances are quite remote. GLUCINUM, often called beryllium, is a rare metal of specific gravity 2.1, and an atomic weight of 9. It is found in a few minerals, among which the beryl and the chrysoberyl are the only important species. The beryl is a silicate of glucinum and aluminum, and varies in color from white to yel- low, and bluish to deep green. It is valuable as a gem ; the bluish variety being known as aqua- marine, and the green variety as the emerald. The salts of glucinum are all formed on a simple biva- lent type, and in their outward properties have some resemblance to the compounds of trivalent aluminum. The oxide, G1O, the chloride, G1C1 2 , and the sulphate, G1SO 4 , are good examples of their chemical structure. GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, ETC. 223 MAGNESIUM, atomic weight 24, is one of the more abundant elements, and forms an important part of the earth's crust. It occurs in many sili- cates, such- as talc and serpentine ; and in dolo- mite, a double carbonate of magnesium and cal- cium. The last-named species forms whole mount- ain ranges, and is often confounded with limestone. Some of its varieties resemble marble. Magnesium minerals frequently have a soapy feeling, as in soap- stone, and so may be recognized by touch. Salts of magnesium are found in sea-water, and in many mineral springs. The metal itself is usually prepared by heating the chloride with sodium; thus: MgCl 3 + Na 2 = Mg + 2NaCl. It is bluish-white, fusible at low redness, volatile at higher temperatures, and has a specific gravity of 1.75. It is easily combustible, and burns with an in- tensely brilliant light, emitting dense, white smoke- clouds of its solid oxide, MgO. It is commonly sold in the form of wire or ribbon, and may be kindled with a common match. Its light gives a continuous spectrum, but is brightest toward the violet end, and abounds especially in those rays which possess chemical activity. On this account it is available for photographic purposes ; and is actually so used as a source of illumination in photographing the in- terior of caverns. The compounds of magnesium are quite simple. The oxide, MgO, also known as magnesia, is a white powder somewhat used in medicine. Its popular name well illustrates a common method of abbrevi- ating the names of oxides; as, for example, SiO 2 , 224 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. silica ; Na 2 O, soda ; K 2 O, potassa ; BaO, baryta ; SrO, strontia ; A1 2 O 8 , alumina, etc. The superior convenience of these names over such terms as silicon dioxide, barium monoxide, etc., is evident. Magnesia unites readily with water to form a hydroxide, Mg(OH) 2 , which occurs naturally crys- tallized as the mineral brucite. The carbonate, MgCO 3 , is also found as a mineral, magnesite ; and, artificially precipitated in union with hydroxide, as the magnesia alba of pharmacy. The double carbon- ate, MgCO 3 + CaCO 3 , has already been referred to as dolomite. The most important salt of magnesium is the sulphate, MgSO 4 , 7H 2 O. It was originally found in a spring at Epsom, England whence the common name of Epsom salts. It is now prepared by treating either magnesite or dolomite with sulphuric acid, and evaporating the solution to the crystallizing point. It is a useful reagent in chemical analysis, and is a common household medicine. The water of crystallization in magnesium sul- phate deserves especial study. If the salt be heated to about 120 C., six molecules of its water are ex- pelled ; but the seventh molecule is retained with great tenacity up to a temperature of nearly 200. This molecule, therefore, is differently combined from the others, and is known as water of constitu- tion. It may be replaced by other sulphates ; as, for example, K 2 SO 4 , yielding the double sulphate MgSO 4 , K 2 SO 4 , 6H 2 O. '' This compound is the type of an important class of double salts which result from the union of the GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, ETC. 22$ alkaline sulphates with the sulphates of magnesium, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper. These salts show that there is some relationship between mag- nesium and the last four metals. ZINC, though far less abundant than magnesium, is more familiar as a metal. It is found in many FIG. 49. Zinc-Furnace. minerals ; but its chief ores are the oxide, zincite ; the sulphide, zinc blende ; the silicate, calamine ; and the carbonate, smithsonite. These, in smelt- ing, are first roasted, and then heated in either earthenware tubes or fire-clay crucibles with coke or charcoal. Zinc is set free, and distilled off into suitable vessels. It is finally remelted and cast into bars, which are known commercially as spelter. Sometimes the zinc-vapor is condensed in the form of zinc-dust, which is of use in some of the opera- tions of organic chemistry. A mixture of zinc-dust and sulphur may be used to illustrate chemical 226 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. union, as in Experiment i. It can be kindled with a match and burns almost like gunpowder, leaving a residue of yellowish-white sulphide. Zinc is a bluish-white metal of atomic weight 65, and a specific gravity from 6.8 to 7.3. It melts at 423, and boils at 1,035. It is slightly combus- tible, especially in thin sheets, and burns with a greenish flame. At ordinary temperatures it is brittle ; but at 125 to 150 it is malleable, and may be rolled into sheets. At 205 it again becomes brittle, and may be pulverized in a mortar. It is largely used as sheet-zinc, for fire-screens, roofing, etc. ; and it forms the positive plate in all voltaic battc ies. Brass is an alloy of zinc and copper, and German silver consists of zinc, nickel, and cop- per. The so-called galvanized iron, used for roof- ing, cornices, window-caps, water-pipe, etc., is mere- ly iron which has been dipped in melted zinc, and so coated with the latter. Granulated zinc is the most convenient form of zinc for laboratory pur- poses ; it is prepared by melting zinc in an iron ladle, and pouring it gradually from a height of about two metres into cold water. Other fusible metals, like lead, tin, or cadmium, may be granu- lated in the same way. Chemically, the compounds of zinc resemble those of magnesium. The oxide, ZnO, is white when cold, yellow when hot. A large deposit of it occurs at Franklin and Sterling, New Jer- sey, in red masses which owe their color to man- ganese as an impurity. The pure zinc oxide is important as a white paint, which is not discolored by atmospheric agencies. Zinc sulphide, ZnS, is often produced in the laboratory as a white precipi- GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, ETC. 227 tate, by adding ammonium sulphide to a solution of any soluble zinc-salt. It occurs in nature as a very common crystalline mineral, but is generally col- ored yellow, brown, or black, by impurities. The chloride, ZnClg, is a pasty solid, which is prepared by dissolving zinc in hydrochloric acid and evapo- rating to dryness. It is used in surgery as a caus- tic, and by tinners for cleansing tin-plate previous to soldering. It is also used on a large scale as an an- tiseptic, in the preservation of wood from decay. The process, which, from the name of its invent- or, is called Burnettizing, consists in inclosing the wood in strong iron cylinders, pumping out the air by a powerful steam-pump, and then allowing the solution of zinc chloride to flow in under very heavy pressure. The wood is thus completely per- meated by the preservative, and will last for years without rotting. Copper sulphate, mercuric chlo- ride, coal-tar, creosote, etc., are also applied to wood in the same way and for the same purpose. Zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4 , ;H 2 O, also called white vitriol, resembles magnesium sulphate very closely. It forms similar double sulphates, and its water of crystallization behaves in the same way. Its uses are chiefly medicinal, although in large doses it is poisonous. Applied externally in weak solutions, it quiets local inflammation ; and it is especially used in treating diseases of the eye. Most of the so-called " eye-waters " are merely preparations of zinc sulphate. CADMIUM, atomic weight 112, is a rare metal which is chiefly found as an impurity in zinc. It is bluish-white, brilliant, and of specific gravity 8.6. It melts at 320 C., and boils at 860, forming a va- 228 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. por having only half the density indicated by its atomic weight. Hence its molecule consists of a single atom. Cadmium is used in making certain fusible alloys,* and in preparing a few compounds. The iodide, CdI 2 , is employed to some extent in photography ; and the sulphide, CdS, is a brilliant yellow precipitate which is much prized by artists as a pigment. MERCURY, or quicksilver, being the only metal liquid at ordinary temperatures, has always been an object of both popular and scientific interest. It is found in nature in the free state, and also in several ores ; but only one of the latter, cinnabar, HgS, has any practical importance. It is extensively mined in Spain, Austria, China, Mexico, and Peru ; but fully two thirds of the whole annual mercury-yield of the world comes from a few localities in Califor- nia. From cinnabar the metal is easily extracted by a. process of roasting with lime. The mercury volatilizes, and is condensed in suitable chambers or pipes. It is purified by straining through linen, and is sent into commerce in strong bottles made of wrought-iron. The specific gravity of mercury, at o, is 13.596. At 39.5 it solidifies to a malleable mass, of spe- cific gravity 14.19. At 357 it boils, yielding a vapor of density 100, its atomic weight being, as in the case of cadmium, twice as great, or 200. Hence the mercury molecule consists of one atom. Pure mercury does not tarnish in the air until heated above 300, when it slowly unites with oxygen to form the red oxide. It combines directly with chlo- rine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur, and dissolves in * Described under bismuth. GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, ETC. 229 nitric and hot sulphuric acids. Its symbol, Hg, is from the Latin hydrargyrum. It is used in making thermometers, barometers, and other physical in- struments, in silvering mirrors, in the manufacture of many medicinal preparations, and in extracting gold and silver from their ores. With many of the metals it unites easily, forming a class of alloys called amalgams. In handling mercury great care should be taken to prevent it from coming in con- tact with gold rings or other jewelry, on account of the readiness with which gold amalgamates. A bit of gold-leaf will dissolve in a drop of quicksilver almost instantaneously (see Experiment 100). Mercury forms two sets of compounds, which are called mercurous and mercuric compounds re- spectively. In the first set, which are unstable, it seems to be a monad ; in the second it is unmistak- ably bivalent. The following are its more impor- tant compounds : Mercum: oxide, HgO, is the well-known red oxide formed by heating mercury in the air. At a temperature above 350 it gives off its oxygen, and is noted as the substance from which that gas was first obtained pure (see Experiment 2, and Chapter IV). Mercurous oxide, Hg 2 O, is black and unstable. Mercuric sulphide, HgS, has already been referred to as the ore cinnabar. When H 2 S is passed into a solution of a mercuric salt, the same sulphide is thrown down as a black precipitate. By subliming a mixture of mercury and sulphur it is obtained in a bright-red modification, called vermilion, which is used as a scarlet pigment. When mercury is treated with nitric acid in quantity insufficient to dissolve the whole of it, 230 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mercurous nitrate, HgNO 8 , is produced in white crystals. With an excess of nitric acid the mercu- ric salt, Hg(NO 8 ) 2 , is formed. With hot sulphuric acid mercury yields mercuric sulphate, HgSO 4 ; a compound used in some forms of galvanic battery. The chlorides of mercury, HgCl * and HgCl 2 , are both important. Mercurous chloride is a white, insoluble powder, much used in medicine under the familiar name of calomel. Mercuric chloride, which is prepared on a large scale by subliming a mixture of mercuric sulphate and common salt, is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and crystallizes easily. It is the well-known violent poison, corro- sive sublimate. The best antidote for this poison is white of egg, administered raw, in large doses. The albumen of the egg forms an insoluble clot with the mercuric chloride, which may afterward be removed from the stomach by means of an emetic. Both of the mercury iodides are employed me- dicinally. The mercurous compound is green ; the mercuric salt is bright scarlet. The properties of the latter substance are so extraordinary that, al- though they were partly brought out in Experi- ment 3, they deserve further experimental atten- tion here. EXPERIMENT 86. Dissolve in water, in separate vessels, nine parts of mercuric chloride and eleven of potassium iodide. Mix the two colorless solutions, and a heavy precipitate, yellow at first, scarlet after- ward, will form. Shake vigorously and divide into TT /"M * Many chemists write this HgaCla, or t regarding mercury Hg-Cl, as invariably dyad. Good arguments can be cited in favor of either formula. GLUCINUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, ETC. 231 three portions. To one portion add an excess of mercuric chloride solution, and to the second por- tion an excess of potassium iodide. In each case the precipitate will redissolve, leaving the fluid colorless. Filter the third portion, and wash and dry the precipitate. Heat a little of it gently on a bit of porcelain or a slip of glass, and it will change from scarlet to bright yellow. On cooling, it will pass slowly back to its original color. Under the microscope this change is very beautiful, inasmuch as the scarlet may be seen to leap from particle to particle of the yellow powder. These color-changes are due to the fact that mercuric iodide exists in two distinct modifica- tions, having different optical properties and differ- ent crystalline form. In Experiment 3 we have an example of dry double decomposition, which is one of the very rarest of chemical phenomena. n CHAPTER XXV. THE ALUMINUM GROUP. ALUMINUM, as regards abundance, may be ranked side by side with sodium, calcium, and magnesium. It enters into the composition of all the important primitive rocks, and all slates and clays consist mainly of its silicates. In the crust of the earth, only oxygen and silicon occur in larger quantities. The metal itself is prepared by passing the va- por of a double chloride of aluminum and sodium over metallic sodium. Sodium chloride is formed, and metallic aluminum is set free.* It is a tin-white metal, brilliant, malleable, and ductile, and has a specific gravity of 2.583. It fuses at about 850, and is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It does not tarnish in the air, it is easily worked, and it combines the properties of lightness and strength to an extraordinary degree. If it could- only be produced cheaply from common clay, it would be one of the most useful of metals. Indeed, it has been called "the metal of the future," al- though at present it is only employed for a very few purposes. An alloy of ten parts of aluminum * Several modified processes for the manufacture of aluminum have recently been patented in England. THE ALUMINUM GROUP. 233 with ninety of copper is known as aluminum bronze, and is a dangerous imitation of gold. It is some- what used in fine philosophical instruments. Aluminum is trivalent, and has an atomic weight of 27. It forms one set of compounds, of which the oxide, alumina, A1 2 O S , is the type. Such oxides as A1 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 , Cr 2 O 3 , and Mn 2 O 3 , are termed sesqui- oxides. Alumina occurs crystallized in nature as the mineral corundum, and is usually colored by im- purities. The yellow variety is called " Oriental topaz " ; the purple is the " Oriental amethyst " ; the green is the " Oriental emerald." The sapphire is merely blue corundum, and the ruby is a red vari- ety. These gems can now be produced artificially. Emery, which is so important as a polishing-pow- der, is an impure corundum. Aluminum forms several hydroxides, the com- pound A1 2 (OH) 6 being the most characteristic. When artificially precipitated, as by the addition of ammonia to an aluminum salt, they possess the property of uniting with organic dye-stuffs to form insoluble substances called " lakes." Aluminum hy- droxide, therefore, plays an important part in the processes of dyeing, being thrown down in the fiber of the cloth for the purpose of fixing and retaining colors. EXPERIMENT 87. Dissolve a crystal of alum in water, and add ammonia to the solution. Warm, and filter off the insoluble, gelatinous A1 2 (OH) 6 which is precipitated. Now pour over the precipi- tate a solution of logwood or cochineal. The color will be retained and can not be washed out. In alumina we have an oxide which may play 234 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the part of either an acid-former or a base. With strong acids it forms characteristic salts, like the sulphate ; and with strong bases it unites to pro- duce aluminates. EXPERIMENT 88. To a solution of alum add a very little caustic potash or caustic soda. A pre- cipitate of hydroxide will be thrown down, which will be redissolved upon the addition of more alkali. Metallic aluminum itself may be dissolved, with evo- lution of hydrogen, by potassium or sodium hydrox- ide. In these reactions potassium or sodium alumi- nate is formed. The most important simple salt of aluminum is the sulphate, A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , i8H 2 O. It is much used by dyers as a mordant ; and an impure variety of it occurs in commerce under the name of alum-cake. It combines with the sulphates of the alkaline met- als to form a class of double salts known as alums, of which potassium alum, K 2 SO 4 , A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , 24H 2 O, is the commonest example. The formula of this salt may be halved, and written KA1(SO 4 ) 2 , I2H 2 O; or, structurally A1 ^So!-K I2Haa With ammonium sulphate, ammonium alum is formed ; and so also we may put either Na, Ag, Tl, Cs, or Rb in place of K, or Cr, Ga, In, Fe, or Mn in place of Al. In every case we shall have a salt con- taining twelve molecules of water, and crystallizing in regular octahedra ; and all of these salts may be represented by the general formula M'M^SO^a, i2H 2 O, in which M 1 stands for a univalent metal and M ia for a triad. The potassium and ammonium aluminum THE ALUMINUM GROUP. 235 alums are both important, and are used as mor- dants in the art of dyeing. In the mineral kingdom, in addition to the spe- cies already mentioned, we find a number of highly interesting aluminum compounds. The turquoise is an aluminum phosphate, the garnet and emerald are silicates containing aluminum, and the topaz is a compound which may be represented by the formula Al 2 SiO 4 F 2 . Another substance of special interest is cryolite, a double fluoride of aluminum and sodium, 6NaF, A1 2 F 6 , which forms a vast bed in Western Greenland.* Thousands of tons of this mineral are annually brought to the United States, and worked over by a special process so as to yield aluminum sulphate and an excellent quality of soda- ash. A kind of glass which outwardly resembles porcelain is also made by fusing cryolite with sand. A beautiful blue ornamental stone, lapis lazuli, is a silicate of aluminum and sodium containing sul- phur. Formerly its powder was used by artists as a paint, under the name of ultramarine ; but at pres- ent this substance is produced artificially from very cheap materials. First, a mixture of clay with so- dium sulphate, soda, charcoal, and sulphur, is heated in crucibles, and a valuable paint known as green ultramarine is obtained. This, reheated with sul- phur, yields blue ultramarine, which is much used for water-colors and for paper-staining. In 1829 ultramarine was worth, in England, sixty dollars a pound ; to-day its price is about twelve cents. Nearly twenty million pounds are annually made. Violet and red ultramarines have also been pre- * Cryolite has recently been discovered near Pike's Peak, in Colo- rado. 236 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. pared ; but to none of these compounds can abso- lutely definite chemical formulas as yet be as- signed. Pottery and porcelain, being made from clay, are more or less impure silicates of aluminum. Red bricks and red pottery owe their color to con~u pounds of iron ; and fire-clay, from which the fire- brick linings of furnaces are made, contains large admixtures of silica. Porcelain differs from glass in being non-transparent, or at best only translu- cent, and exceedingly infusible. Pure porcelain-clay or kaolin is a hydrous alumi- num silicate, H 2 Al 2 Si 2 O 8 -f H 2 O. It is derived from rocks containing feldspar (K 2 Al 2 Si 6 O 16 ), by the atmos- pheric process known as weathering. When it is baked in an appropriate furnace, it loses water and hardens, and a porous mass is produced. In mak~ ing porcelain the finely-powdered kaolin is mixed with water to a very thick paste, and then molded into the desired shape. A little feldspar, chalk, or gypsum is also added to the clay, in order to form a fusible silicate in quantity just sufficient to bind the particles of the ware firmly together. Upon firing, as the process of burning is called, a porous " biscuit-ware " is obtained, which is afterward sub- jected to a process of glazing. For the finest porce- lain the glazing material is generally pure feldspar, finely powdered and mixed with water to a very thin consistency ; into this the biscuit is dipped, and then fired over again. The feldspar, being fusible, melts ; and a thin, smooth, glassy layer covers the surface of the ware. A cheaper glaze for common stone-china consists of a mixture of clay, chalk, ground flints, and borax ; but many other recipes THE ALUMINUM GROUP, 237 are also used. Earthenware is generally salt-glazed, a process which consists in throwing common salt into the kiln just before the firing is finished. The salt volatilizes, and a fusible silicate of aluminum and sodium is formed all over the surface of the pottery. The colors used in decorating porcelain consist of various metallic oxides ; cobalt oxide for blue, chromic oxide for green, etc. Some colors are put on previous to glazing ; but the more deli- cate tints, as well as any gilding, are imparted in a separate firing over the glaze. GALLIUM, which is chemically allied to alumi- num, is an excessively rare metal, of atomic weight 69. It was discovered in 1875, and is interesting as being one of the metals of which the existence and properties were predicted in advance of actual discovery. Its specific gravity is 5.9, and it melts at 30 C. It becomes liquid in the heat of the hand ! Its oxide is Ga 2 O 3 , and its sulphate forms alums. INDIUM, atomic weight 113.5, was discovered in 1875. Like gallium, it is exceedingly rare. The metal has a specific gravity of 7.4, and outwardly resembles zinc. Its sulphate forms an alum. Indi- um and gallium were both discovered by spectrum analysis, and both are trivalent. Scandium, yttrium, terbium, erbium, and ytter- bium are very rare metals having only theoretical interest. They are all trivalent, forming sesqui- oxides, which are strong bases. The existence of scandium was predicted by Mendelejeff in advance of its actual discovery by Nilson. Cerium, lanthanum, and didymium are three other rare metals which usually occur associated 238 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. together. Lanthanum is a triad, cerium a tetrad, and didymium a pentad. With didymium, in inti- mate admixture, a fourth metal, samarium, has re- cently been detected. Cerium oxalate has a limited use in medicine. CHAPTER XXVI. THE TETRAD METALS. IN addition to cerium, which was mentioned in the preceding chapter, titanium, zirconium, tin, lead, and thorium are quadrivalent. In fact, they may all be classed in a series of elements of which carbon and silicon are the first and second mem- bers. TITANIUM, atomic weight 50, is one of the rarer metals. Its oxide, TiO 2 , is a natural mineral, and has a limited application in giving a yellowish tint to porcelain. Titanium occurs in many iron- ores, and renders them more difficult of working. In the blast-furnace it sometimes combines with ni- trogen and carbon so as to form a nitrocyanide, Ti(CN) 2 -f 3Ti 3 N 2 , which looks strikingly like metal- lic copper. ZIRCONIUM, atomic weight 90, is even rarer than titanium. Like alumina, zirconia (ZrO 2 ) is sometimes basic and sometimes acid-forming. The mineral zircon, ZrSiO 4 , is used, under the name of hyacinth, as a gem. THORIUM, atomic weight 232, is exceedingly rare, and has no practical impor- tance. Its oxide is a strong base. TIN, atomic weight 118, is rarely found in the metallic state, and occurs in only a few mineral species. It has but one important ore, the mineral cassiterite or tin-stone, SnO 2 . This ore varies in 240 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. color from brown to black, and is quite heavy ; but it is devoid of metallic luster, and might easily be passed over as valueless by an untrained observer. Tin is the only valuable metal which has not as yet been found in paying quantities within the limits of the United States. It is chiefly produced in Corn- wall, Borneo, Malacca, and the Island of Banca. Banca tin is almost chemically pure, while English tin always contains a little iron and lead. Tin is easily extracted from its ore by heating the crushed mineral with coal or charcoal in a rever- beratory furnace. SnOa + C = Sn + CO a . It is a white metal, of specific gravity 7.3, and a melting-point of 235. Melted tin rea'dily absorbs oxygen from the air, and becomes converted into a white oxide, SnO 2 . When a bar of tin is bent, it emits a peculiar crackling sound, called the " tin- cry," which is caused by the friction against each other of interlaced crystals. The crystalline char- acter of the metal may be rendered evident to the eye by washing the surface of a piece of tin-plate with warm dilute nitro-hydrochloric acid. Crystal- line markings will presently appear. Tin is ductile, but not tenacious ; it is also highly malleable, and is therefore much used in the form of foil. The cheaper grades of tin-foil are adulterated with lead. Tin-plate, or sheet-tin, is really tinned iron. Sheets of rolled iron, chemically clean, are dipped into melted tin, and acquire a coating of the latter. Ordinary mirrors are covered with an amalgam of tin and mercury ; bronze is an alloy of copper and tin ; plumber's solder consists of tin and lead, THE TETRAD METALS. 241 and Britannia-metal is composed mainly of tin and antimony. The symbol of tin, Sn, is from the Latin stan- num. There are two sets of tin compounds, which are termed stannous and stannic compounds respect- ively. Stannous oxide, or tin monoxide, SnO, is basic, and from it a well-defined series of salts may be derived. Stannic oxide, or tin dioxide, SnO 2 , is weakly basic with strong acids, and weakly acid with strong bases. Sodium stannate, Na 2 SnO 8 , 3H 2 O, is an important mordant in calico-printing. Stannous chloride, SnCl 2 , 2H 2 O, and stannic chlo- ride, SnCl 4 , 5H 2 O, are also much used as mordants. The anhydrous stannic chloride, SnCl 4 , is a volatile liquid ; but its hydrate is a crystalline salt. Stan- nic sulphide, SnS 2 , forms golden scales which are used for bronzing plaster casts. Its commercial name is "mosaic gold." The close analogy be- tween tin and other members of the same group is shown by the subjoined formulae : CO SnO CO, SiO, Ti0 2 SnO* ecu SiCU TiCh SnCl 4 Na a CO 3 NaaSiOa Na a TiO 3 NaaSnOs LEAD, although classed with the tetrads, is in most of its compounds bivalent, and might fairly be put in the same group with calcium and barium. In chemical structure its commoner salts resemble those of the latter metals ; but in certain organic compounds it is unmistakably quadrivalent. The carbonate, sulphate, phosphate, and arsen- ate of lead all occur in nature as well-defined, crys- 242 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tallized, mineral species ; but the only ore of lead having much practical importance is the sulphide, PbS, which is commonly known as galena. This ore is easily reduced by heating in a reverberatory furnace, as follows : First, it is roasted with free ac- cess of air, when a portion is oxidized to a sulphate, PbSO 4 , and another to oxide, PbO, while a third part remains unchanged. At the proper time the air is excluded and the temperature is raised ; sul- phur dioxide is given off, and lead is left behind, in accordance with the subjoined equations. Both re- actions occur simultaneously : PbSO 4 + PbS = 2Pb + 2SO 3 . 2PbO + PbS = 3Pb + SO 3 . In actual working a little lime is added in order to form a fusible slag with the impurities of the ore. In many cases the lead contains some silver, which is afterward extracted by the process described in the chapter upon that metal. Lead is a bluish-white metal, of atomic weight 207, and specific gravity 11.38. It melts at 332, and at ordinary temperatures is soft enough to be scratched by the finger-nail. When freshly cut it has a brilliant metallic luster; but it quickly tar- nishes on the surface and becomes dull. It is mal- leable and ductile, but its tenacity is so slight that it is not available for wire or for very thin foil. The symbol, Pb, is from the Latin plumbum. The salts of lead are all poisonous ; and hence it is often an important matter to determine whether or not leaden water-pipes affect drinking-water in- juriously. Even the slightest traces of lead, taken day by day into the system, will in time accumulate THE TETRAD METALS. 243 so as to cause very serious illness. Perfectly pure water, free from air, does not attack lead ; but wa- ter containing air corrodes it slowly. Drinking- waters all contain salts in solution, and these vary with different localities and different sources of sup- ply. Hard water, or water carrying either sul- phates or carbonates dissolved in it, soon forms a thin, insoluble coating on the surface of lead pipe, and protects it from further action. Such waters, therefore, are relatively safe. On the other hand, water containing nitrates, chlorides, or free car- bonic acid, will gradually take lead into solution, and consequently may become unwholesome by contact with that metal. In using lead pipes the safest rule is never to drink water which has been long standing in them. Always allow the water to run until it flows relatively fresh from the cistern or water-mains. If water is suspected of containing lead, the impurity may be detected by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid and passing into it a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. If lead is present, a brownish tinge will be produced, which may best be observed by looking through a very thick layer of the liquid. With much lead in a so- lution, sulphuretted hydrogen yields a heavy black precipitate. Lead forms a number of important compounds, in most of which it plays the part of a dyad. For example, there are the sulphate, PbSO 4 ; a nitrate, Pb(NO 3 ) 2 ; a chloride, PbCl 2 , etc. The acetate, or sugar of lead, will be described under acetic acid, and the chromate, chrome-yellow, belongs in the chapter with chromium. With oxygen lead com- bines in three proportions, forming a monoxide, 244 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. PbO ; a dioxide, PbO 2 , and the compound known as red-lead or minium, Pb 3 O 4 . The last may be re- * garded as a double oxide, 2 PbO + PbO 2 . Lead monoxide, or litharge, is a yellowish pow- der which is formed whenever lead is heated with free access of air. It is a strong base, and combines freely with most acids. It is very largely used as an ingredient of flint-glass, which contains a color- less lead silicate ; it is also employed in glazing earthenware, in preparing other lead compounds, and in medicine. The dioxide is a dark-brown powder having powerful oxidizing properties. Red- lead is made by heating litharge for several hours to dull redness, and forms a valuable paint. It is also used by the glass-makers, and in the prepara- tion of some cements. One of the most important compounds of lead is the basic carbonate, 2PbCO 3 , Pb(OH) 2 , which constitutes the valuable paint known as white-lead. This may be prepared by several processes, the old " Dutch method " being the best. Spiral coils of sheet-lead are put in earthen pots with a little vine- gar, and exposed for several weeks to the slow action of carbon dioxide generated by the fermentation of spent tan-bark or sawdust. First, a layer of the bark is put down, and on this the earthen pots are arranged in rows, covered with boards. On these another layer of bark is spread, then a second series of pots, and so on until many successive layers are arranged. The entire pile is finally covered with spent tan. After the proper lapse of time the lead is found to be converted into white-lead, which is thor- oughly washed, dried, and ground up with linseed- oil. It is often adulterated with barium sulphate. THE TETRAD METALS. 245 Although white-lead is by far the most brilliant of the white paints, it is subject to some objections. It is readily blackened by sulphuretted hydrogen, and it is poisonous to the workmen who handle it. House-painters are often subject to the painful dis- ease known as lead-colic, which is caused by the slow absorption of small particles of white-lead into the system. Baryta-white and zinc-white are less beautiful than white-lead, but they do not blacken and they are not unwholesome. From solutions containing lead the metal is easily thrown down. EXPERIMENT 89. Suspend a rod or strip of zinc in a solution of lead acetate. In the course of a few hours the zinc will be covered with brilliant me- tallic spangles of lead, forming what is called the " lead-tree." For every atom of lead thrown down, one atom of zinc goes into solution. If the process be continued long enough, all the lead will separate out, and zinc acetate will remain dissolved : Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) a + Zn = Zn(C a H 3 3 ) 3 + Pb. Similarly, metallic mercury, placed in a solution of silver nitrate, will precipitate metallic silver, and be itself dissolved ; copper will precipitate mercury ; iron or zinc will throw down copper, and so on. With each pair of metals the one which is precipi- tated is electro-negative to the one which displaces it from solution. The more electro-positive a metal is, the stronger will be its affinity for acids. CHAPTER XXVII. THE ANTIMONY GROUP. IN the same natural group of elements with ni- trogen, phosphorus, and arsenic, we find the metals vanadium, antimony, and bismuth. Each of these substances, like phosphorus, may act either as a triad or a pentad, and each is clearly related to the others through a regular gradation of properties. This is indicated in the following table of atomic weights, specific gravity, and formulae : Nitrogen . Atomic weight. Specific gravity. N 2 O 3 N 2 O B HNO 3 Phosphorus Vanadium. 31 ci c 1.837 (j.;oo P 2 3 V 2 O 3 P 2 5 V 2 O 6 HPOs HVO 3 H 3 P0 4 H 3 VO 4 Arsenic 7C 15.700 As 2 O 3 As 2 O 6 H 8 AsO 4 Antimony . ... 1 2O 6.7O2 Sb 2 O 3 Sb 2 O 6 HSbO 3 Bismuth 208 0.823 Bi 2 O 3 Bi-zOs HBiO 3 If we consider the series of compounds begin- ning with nitric acid, we shall find that what may be called the chemical intensity decreases as we ascend. Nitric acid is a very strong acid ; phos- phoric acid is a little weaker ; and so on, until we reach bismuthic acid, HBiO 3 , which is exceedingly feeble. In general, bismuth is a basic metal, and THE ANTIMONY GROUP. 247 antimony may act either as an acid-former or as a base. VANADIUM, although traces of it occur widely- diffused in many rocks, is one of the very rare met- als. Until quite recently its compounds had no practical applications whatever, but now they are rapidly coming into use for the preparation of a very fine black ink, and in dyeing with aniline black. Vanadic acid behaves like arsenic and phos- phoric acids, and forms a similar variety of salts. Like nitrogen, vanadium forms five oxides V 2 O, VO, V 2 8 , V0 2 , and V 2 O 5 . ANTIMONY, although not widely diffused, is nev- ertheless quite abundant in some localities, and ranks commercially as one of the cheaper metals. It is found as native antimony, as sulphide, Sb 2 S 8 , as oxides, and in a variety of other mineral species. Some of the more important silver-ores are double sulphides containing antimony. The metal is' easily obtained from its sulphide by heating the latter with scrap-iron. It melts at 450 C., and at a red heat is volatile. The vapor oxidizes easily in the air, and forms dense white clouds of Sb 2 O 3 . In color, antimony is bluish white, and in texture it is highly crystalline. It is so brittle that it may readily be pulverized in a mor- tar. An allotropic variety of it, which is obtained by electrolysis, is curiously explosive when either scratched or heated. The symbol, Sb, is from stib- ium. Metallic zinc precipitates antimony from its solutions as a black powder, which, under the name of antimony black, is used for giving to plaster casts the appearance of steel. Antimony is chiefly useful in its alloys. Type- 248 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. metal is an alloy of antimony, lead, and tin, in proportions which vary with different makers. In solidifying from the fused state, type-metal expands, insuring an accurate copy of the type-mold. Lead, alone, contracts, and can not give sharp castings. The tin toughens the alloy, the antimony imparts the necessary hardness. Britannia-metal has al- ready been referred to as composed of antimony and tin ; and Babbit's anti-friction metal, which is used by machinists, contains antimony, lead, tin, and a little copper. Antimony hydride, orantimoniuretted hydrogen, SbH 3 , is a colorless gas resembling the correspond- ing arsenic compound. Its properties were suffi- ciently indicated under Experiment 77, and its forma- tion affords a meansof detecting antimony in analysis. With oxygen, antimony forms three oxides Sb 2 O s , Sb 2 O 4 , and Sb 2 O 5 . From the trioxide, by union with water, ortho-antimonious acid, H 8 SbO 3 , and meta-antimonious acid, HSbO 2 , are derived ; and in a similar way the pentoxide yields antimonic acid, HSbO 8 . These acids are very weak, and their salts are unimportant. There are still other salts in which antimony is basic ; and one compound of this kind, a tartrate of potassium and antimony, is used in medicine under the name of tartar emetic. The chlorides of antimony, SbCl 3 and SbCl 5 , are easily formed by the direct union of the metal with chlorine. The first is a pasty solid, sometimes called " butter of antimony " ; the second is liquid and volatile. The sulphides of antimony, Sb 2 S 8 and Sb 2 S 5 , are both interesting. Like the similar compounds of arsenic, they form sulpho-salts ; thus : THE ANTIMONY GROUP. 249 NaaS + SbaSa = 2NaSbS 2 , sodium sulphantimonite. 3Na 3 S + Sb 2 S 5 = 2Na 3 SbS 4 , " sulphantimonate. The trisulphide is the important ore of antimony, stibnite, a heavy gray mineral of brilliant metallic luster. In powder this mineral is an important inr gredient of some fire-work mixtures. There is also an orange-colored modification of the same sul- phide, which is easily obtained in the laboratory, thus: EXPERIMENT 90. Dissolve some powdered an- timony in aqua regia (HNO 8 + HC1), and dilute the solution with water until it just begins to turn tur- bid. Divide it into two parts, and saturate one with a stream of hydrogen sulphide. Filter off the orange-red precipitate, dry it, and heat gently in a glass tube. It will be slowly transformed into the black modification, thus showing the relation be- tween the two. To the second part of the solution add ammonium sulphide. The orange-colored pre- cipitate will at first form, and then, upon the addi- tion of more ammonium sulphide, will redissolve ; this action being due to the production of am- monium sulphantimonite, which is soluble. Simi- lar experiments may be performed with a solution of tartar emetic instead of the antimony solution above described. Nitric acid alone will convert antimony into a white oxide, which is insoluble. The difference between the two varieties of antimony sulphide is probably due to a different arrangement of atoms in the molecule. The tri- oxide is also dimorphous, and the dimorphism in each case may be rendered clear by the sub- joined structural formulae, in which antimony is trivalent : 250 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. QK^O O x QK ^S S v ')0 Sb-O^Sb *>S Sb^S-Sb S K X / Sb /~" TJ tl f If 12. v^n rla n ao- Ci7rli 4 . " T ? f~* T-T /^TT 13. ^n ilan 22. dcliio. " T 4 C* T-I /" TT 14. L, n rl2n-24. CisHia. " 15. CnHan- 26. " " " CaoHu. " 1 6. C n H 2n -a 8 . " " " " 17. C n H 2n _ 30 . " ' " C 22 H 14 . l8. CnHan-sa. " " " C2eHao. 288 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. All possible hydrocarbons are covered by this system of formulas, although structural formulas of a more definite kind are needed to bring out the relations of these compounds fully. For one series no representative has as yet been discovered, and in several series the lowest possible members are not known ; but some of these gaps will, doubtless, be filled in due time. From many of these hydrocarbons other com- pounds are derived by a process known as substitu- tion, in which atoms of hydrogen are successively replaced by atoms of other univalent elements like chlorine, bromine, or iodine. Thus, from methane, CH 4 , we get substitution series as follows : 1. CH 4 . CH 3 C1. CH 2 C1 2 . CHC1 S . CCI 4 . 2. CH 4 . CH 3 Br. CHaBra. CHBr 3 . CBr 4 . 3. CH 4 . CHJ. CH a I 2 . CHI,. CI 4 . For benzene, C 6 H 6 , the chlorine substitution series is even more striking ; thus : C 6 H 6 . C.H.C1. C 6 H 4 C1 2 . C.H.C1,. C 6 H 2 C1 4 . C 6 HC1 5 . C 6 C1 6 . In many cases compound radicles serve as agents of substitution, as in the case of the univalent group NO 2 , which enters into numerous important sub- stances. A few examples will suffice : C 6 H 8 . C 6 H 5 (NO 2 ). C 6 H 4 (NO 2 ) 2 . Benzene. Nitrobenzene. Dinitrobenzene. C 3 H 8 3 . C 3 H 5 (N0 2 )30s. Etc. Glycerin. Trinitroglycerin. Still another class of substitution compounds of the highest importance is derived from ammonia, NH 3 , by replacing hydrogen with such radicles as methyl, CH 3 , or ethyl, C 2 H 5 . They are called amines, and are constituted as follows : PRELIMINARY OUTLINE. 28 9 (H (CH 3 (CH, (CH 3 N4 H N.) H N^ CH 3 N-! CH 3 (H (H (H (CH 3 Ammonia. Methylamine. Dimethylamine. Trimethylamine. (C 2 H 6 ( C 2 H 6 (C 2 H 6 (CH 3 N-l H N \ C 2 H 6 N \ C 2 H 6 N \ C 2 H 6 (H IH (C 2 H 5 ( C 2 H 6 . Etc. Ethylamine. Diethylamine. Triethylamine. Diethylmethylamine. Similarly, from PH 3 we get a series of phosphines ; from AsH 3 , arsines ; from SbH 3 , stibines, and so on. Compounds of this kind are exceedingly numerous, and others like them are derived from ammonium, NH 4 : NH 4 C1. N(CH 3 ) 4 C1. Ammonium chloride. Tetramethylammonium chloride. N(C.H.)C1. Tetrethylammonium chloride. These few examples will suffice for present pur- poses. One other noteworthy feature of organic com- pounds demands a brief consideration at this point namely, isomerism. It often happens that two or more entirely different substances are represented by the same formula, both containing precisely the same elements, united in precisely the same pro- portions. Such compounds are called isoineric, and owe their differences to different groupings of the atoms within the molecules. Just as the same let- ters may be so arranged as to spell several differ- ent words, so the same atoms may be grouped in several dissimilar clusters. For example, the em- pirical formula C 2 H 6 O represents two substances the one a gas, the other a liquid. One is the oxide of the univalent radicle methyl, the other is ethyl hydroxide, or common alcohol ; and their 290 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. formulas, written side by side, show the difference clearly : (CH 3 ) 2 O. C 2 H 5 OH. Methyl oxide. Alcohol. In this instance both compounds have the same molecular weight, and the same vapor density. In some cases of imperfect isomerism, these properties may differ in such a way that the compounds may form a series of which the higher members shall have molecular weights, even multiples of the low- est. Such a case is furnished by the polymeric series of hydrocarbons C n H 2n , in which, although all of its members have the same percentage composition, the molecular weights vary widely. Another ex- ample of polymerism is afforded by the compounds C 2 H 2 , C 6 H 6 , and C 8 H 8 , which represent three differ- ent series. Other instances of isomerism and po- lymerism will be considered by-and-by. CHAPTER XXXIII. CYANOGEN AND CARBONYL COMPOUNDS. FREE cyanogen, C 2 N 2 or (CN) 2 , is prepared by heating mercuric cyanide. It is a colorless gas with an odor resembling peach-kernels, and it burns with a beautiful purple flame. In the chapter upon car- bon it was shown that this gas behaved much like an element of the chlorine group, and that the mol- ecules (CN) 2 and C1 2 had many points of similarity. Thus we have a hydrocyanic acid, HCN, and a series of metallic cyanides such as KCN, Hg(CN) 2 , and so on. Some of these compounds have practi- cal importance. Hydrocyanic acid, HCN, commonly known as prussic acid, is obtained whenever a cyanide is treated with a strong acid like sulphuric. In this respect it resembles hydrochloric acid, as the sub- joined equations show : H 2 SO 4 + 2NaCl = 2HC1.+ Na 2 SO 4 . H 2 SO 4 + 2NaCN = 2HCN + Na 2 SO 4 . Practically, the yellow salt known as potassium fer- rocyanide is distilled with dilute sulphuric acid in a glass retort, and an aqueous solution of hydrocyanic acid is collected in the receiver. This acid has a strong odor resembling peach-kernels or bitter-al- 2Q2 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. monds, and is intensely poisonous. A single drop of the pure compound, which is a volatile liquid boiling at 26.5, placed upon the tongue of a small animal, such as a cat or rabbit, will cause death al- most instantaneously. It is the most sudden and one of the most fatal of all known poisons, and its dangerous qualities are shared in a less degree by many of its derivatives. It is very unstable, and can be preserved only in dilute solutions. As an acid it is exceedingly weak, and may be expelled with ease from most of its compounds. Potassium cyanide, KCN, is a white salt of con- siderable importance. Great quantities of it are used in the processes of gold and silver plating. It is dangerously poisonous, and should be handled with extreme care. It has, faintly, the characteris- tic peach-kernel odor. Silver cyanide, AgCN, is a white precipitate closely resembling the chloride. With some of the metals of high valency cy- anogen forms very curious and important double salts. Of these, potassium ferrocyanide, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 , is the most useful and noteworthy. To prepare this salt, iron-filings, potash, and nitrogenous mat- ter, such as scraps of horn, hides, leather-clippings, hair, or refuse feathers, are heated together to the temperature of fusion. The cooled mass is after- ward treated with water, and the solution evapo- rated to the point of crystallization. The ferrocya- nide is thus obtained in large yellow crystals con- taining three, molecules of water. It is sometimes called the " yellow prussiate of potash," and is not poisonous. Its uses may be illustrated by experi- ment: EXPERIMENT 101. To a solution of potassium CYANOGEN AND CARBON YL COMPOUNDS. 293 ferrocyanide add a solution of ferrous sulphate. A pale-bluish precipitate will form, which will rapidly change to deep blue. Repeat the experiment, using a ferric salt, and a deep-blue precipitate will be pro- duced at once. There are several different compounds pro- ducible in the foregoing manner. One of them, Fe 5 (CN) 12 , is an important paint, Prussian blue ; and another, derived from the latter, Fe 7 (CN) 18 , is called Williamson's blue. The chief use of potassium fer- rocyanide is in the manufacture of these colors. With solutions of copper, potassium ferrocyanide gives a very characteristic reddish-brown precipi- tate ; and by the production of this, very small traces of copper may be detected. Potassium ferrocyanide may be regarded as the potassium salt of hydroferrocyanic acid, H 4 Fe(CN) 6 . This acid is well known, and forms a large series of salts. Having four replaceable hydrogen-atoms, it is tetrabasic. In none of the ferrocyanides do the ordinary tests for iron reveal the presence of the later metal. It is completely masked. By passing chlorine into a solution of the ferro- cyanide a salt called potassium ferricyanide is pro- duced. This compound forms large red crystals having the formula K 3 Fe(CN) 6 , and from it a hydro- ferri cyanic acid and a series of corresponding salts may be derived. With ferrous solutions potassium ferricyanide gives a blue precipitate, but in ferric compounds it only produces a slight brownish col- oration. It is a useful reagent in distinguishing be- tween ferrous and ferric compounds, and it is also employed in the preparation of blue paints. Like iron, cobalt also forms interesting- series of cobalto 2 9 4 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and cobalticyanides, and most of the metals of the iron and platinum groups behave in a similar way. The platinocyanides are among the most beautiful compounds known to chemistry. With oxygen and sulphur, cyanogen forms two quite similar acids namely, cyanic acid, CNOH, and sulphocyanic acid, CNSH. Potassium sulpho- cyanate, CNSK, is a white salt which yields a mag- nificent red coloration with ferric solutions. It gives no reaction with ferrous salts, and serves as a very delicate reagent for the detection of ferric iron. Some of the cyanogen compounds display in a remarkable degree the power of polymerization. For example, hydrocyanic acid, CNH, readily changes into a solid compound, C 3 N 3 H 3 , called tri- hydrocyanic acid. Cyanic acid, CNOH, similarly is related to cyanuric acid, C 3 N 3 O 3 H 3 , and to a third polymer of unknown molecular weight called cy- amelide. So, also, there are two chlorides of cyano- gen, one a liquid, CNC1 ; the other a solid, C 3 N 3 C1 3 . On account of this tendency to polymerize, the de- rivatives of cyanogen are very numerous and com- plicated. When ammonium cyanate, NH 4 CNO, is heated, its atoms undergo a peculiar rearrangement, and it is transformed into the isomeric compound, carba- mide or urea : H 2 N H 2 N Ammonium cyanate. Carbamide. CN-0-NH 4 = CO \H 2 N The latter compound, as will be seen, may be re- garded as derived from two atoms of ammonia, by replacing one hydrogen-atom from each by the bivalent radicle CO. This radicle, known in inor- CYANOGEN AND CARBON YL COMPOUNDS. 295 ganic chemistry as carbon monoxide, is called car- bonyl for brevity, and occurs in many organic com- pounds. Some of its simpler derivatives are as fol- lows : co.o. coo, co< co<*- Carbonyl oxide, or Carbonyl Carbonic acid. Carbamic acid, carbon dioxide. chloride. Carbamide is a white solid which is found in many animal juices, and has great theoretical inter- est. It was the first organic compound ever pro- duced by synthesis from inorganic matter. It acts like a weak base, uniting with nitric and oxalic acids to form a nitrate and an oxalate, and it also yields many complex derivatives. If we heat ammonium sulphocyanate, NH 4 CNS, instead of the cyanate, a sulphocarbamide or sulpho- urea will be formed. CN-S-NH* = CS Methyl ether. Ethyl ether. Amyl ether. Methylethyl Ethylamyl ether. ether. The fourth and t fifth of these formulae represent mixed ethers. Many such compounds are possible. Besides these there are similar bodies containing sulphur, most of which are liquids of exceedingly nauseous odor. Their derivation may be illustrated thus: Ethyl sulphide. Amyl sulphide. Ethyl hydrosulphide. Amyl hydrosulphide. The hydrosulphides resemble the alcohols in struct- ure, and are called mercaptans. * Erroneously called " sulphuric ether " in commerce. The true sulphuric ether is ethyl sulphate, (Ca 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. By the action of hydrochloric acid on the alco- hols, the chlorides of the corresponding radicles may be produced. With bromine and iodine, in pres- ence of a little phosphorus, the alcohols yield simi- lar bromides and iodides. Methyl chloride, CH 3 C1, is a gas ; but the other chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the commoner radicles of this series are volatile liquids resembling chloroform in odor. These compounds are often of use as steps in the preparation of others. When methyl or ethyl alcohol is heated with bleaching-powder, chloroform is produced. This compound, CHC1 3 , is a clear liquid of specific grav- ity 1.52, and an agreeable smell. It boils at 62. Like ether, it is an important anaesthetic, but is less safe. lodoform, CHI 3 , is a yellow solid of some value in medicine. Both of these compounds are simple derivatives of methane : H Cl I H-C-H H-C-C1 H-C-I. i i i H Cl I Methane. Chloroform. ' lodoform. CHAPTER XXXV. THE FATTY ACIDS. BY the action of oxidizing agents upon the fore- going alcohols, two new series of compounds may be obtained. The reactions, with any given alcohol, are as follows : First, two atoms of hydrogen are withdrawn, forming water, and leaving a compound called an aldehyde : C 2 H 6 O + O = C a H 4 O + H 3 O. By further oxidation the aldehyde takes up an atom of oxygen, and an acid is produced : C a H 4 O + O = C 2 H 4 O 3 . The relations of these sets of compounds to each other, and to the methane series, may be repre- sented structurally : H OH H OH i i i i H-C-H H-C-H C = c=o i i r 1 H H H H Methane. Methyl alcohol. Formaldehyde. Formic acid. H OH H OH i i i i H-C-H H-C-H C = c=o i i i 1 H-C-H H-C-H H-C-H H-C-H i i i i H H H H Ethane. Ethyl alcohol. Acetaldehyde. Acetic acid. 14 304 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Thus, corresponding to every hydrocarbon in the methane series, we have an alcohol, an aldehyde (al- cohol ^v^/rogenatum), and an acid. The aldehydes are quite unstable bodies, and the one derived from common alcohol is the best known. It is a very volatile liquid, having a peculiar odor, which may be recognized whenever alcohol is dropped upon chromic acid. Its uses are few. The acids of this series, however, are important. The lower members are volatile liquids, the higher, above QoH^Oa, are waxy or greasy solids. Inas- much as some of them are essential constituents of fats and oils, the entire series has been named the fatty acids. The more important among them are the following : Formic acid, CH 2 O 2 , or HCOOH. Boils at 100. Acetic " C 2 H 4 O 2 , " CHsCOOH. " " 1 1 8. Propionic " C 8 H 6 2 , " CaH 6 COOH. " " 140. Butyric " C 4 H 8 O 3 , " C 8 H 7 COOH. " " 163. Valeric C 5 H 10 O a , " C 4 H 9 COOH. " 185. Stearic " Ci 8 H 36 O 2 , " Ci 7 H 86 COOH. Melts at 69. In each of these acids we find the group COOH, or, in detail, O=C OH, which is characteristic of organic acids. In monobasic acids like these, it occurs once ; in bibasic acids, twice ; in tribasic acids, three times, etc. In the formation of salts from these acids, it is only the hydrogen of the COOH group which is replaceable by metals or by bases. Several of the fatty acids are important, either by themselves or in their salts or ethers. Stearic, margaric, and palmitic acids, are especially useful in fats, oils, and soaps, and will be considered in THE FATTY ACIDS. 305 another chapter. Acetic acid, or vinegar, merits a detailed notice here. It is commonly prepared by FIG. 52. Manufacture of Vinegar. the oxidation of dilute alcohol, such as cider, wine, or weak whisky. In cider and wine the alcoholic stage of fermentation is followed by an acetous stage, and the change from alcohol to acetic acid takes place without artificial assistance. This transforma- tion of cider into vinegar is a matter of every-day observation ; but only a small part of the vinegar in use is made in this way. On a large scale, very weak alcohol, such as the fermented mash from which spirit is to be distilled, is allowed to trickle slowly through large casks filled with wood-shav- ings. The alcohol, diffused over the shavings, ex- poses a very large surface to the oxidizing action of the air, which latter enters the cask freely through holes in the sides, and escapes through other holes in the top. The oxidation from alcohol to acetic acid is thus effected much more rapidly than by the tedious process of fermentation which was previ- ously referred to. 3 o6 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. EXPERIMENT 103. Distill a little vinegar from a glass retort. The distillate will be a weak acetic acid free from the impurities which gave the vine- gar its color. Pure acetic acid may be prepared by distilling an acetate with sulphuric acid. A sul- phate will be formed and acetic acid set free. Perfectly pure acetic acid is a colorless liquid which solidifies to an ice-like mass at 17. It has the odor of vinegar to an increased degree, and has all the properties of a strong acid. Dissolve sodium or calcium carbonate in vinegar, and you will obtain, with vigorous effervescence, a solution of sodium or calcium acetate. Sodium acetate is a useful labora- tory reagent ; lead acetate is the well-known " sugar of lead"; copper acetate is "verdigris." These salts (omitting water of crystallization) are formed from acetic acid by substitution of hydrogen, pre- cisely as in the domain of inorganic chemistry. Thus : Acetic acid, C 2 H 4 Oa. Sodium acetate, C 3 H 8 O a Na. Potassium " C a H 3 O a K. Lead " (C 3 H 3 O 2 ) a Pb. Copper " (C 2 HsO a )aCu. With the alcohols of the methane series the fatty acids yield a large number of compound ethers. These are interesting, both because of their proper- ties and on account of their bearing upon the sub- ject of isomerism. Practically, several of them are made for use in the manufacture of flavoring ex- tracts. For instance, ethyl butyrate has the taste and odor of pineapples; amyl acetate affords a close imitation of bananas ; amyl valerate is made as " apple-oil," etc. The peculiar flavors of many THE FATTY ACIDS. 307 fruits are doubtless due to the existence, naturally formed, of some of these same ethers. Each ether is isomeric with one of the acids, and in some cases several ethers are isomeric with each other. The cause of the isomerism, however, is easily under- stood, as the following formulae for the compounds C 7 H 14 O 2 will show : (Enanthylic acid, C 6 Hi 3 , COOH = C 7 H 14 Oa. Hexyl formate, CeHu, CHO 2 = Amyl acetate, C B H n , C 2 H 3 O a = Butyl propionate, C 4 H 9 , C 3 H 5 O 2 = Propyl butyrate, C 3 H 7 , C 4 H 7 O 2 = Ethyl valerate, C 2 H 6 , C 5 H 9 O 2 = Methyl caproate, CH 3 , C 6 HnO 2 = In these ethers the hydrocarbon radicles replace hydrogen-atoms exactly as if they were univalent metals. If the first compound in the column, which is an acid, is treated with a solution of caustic soda, its sodium salt is formed and water is set free. The second compound, similarly treated, would give so- dium formate and hexyl alcohol ; the third, sodium acetate and amyl alcohol ; the fourth, sodium pro- pionate and butyl alcohol, etc. So then, although the seven compounds have the same percentage composition and molecular weight, it is easy to demonstrate experimentally that they differ in chemi- cal structure, and to show wherein the differences lie. Some cases of isomerism are less easily ex- plained ; but all are explainable in some such gen- eral way. If from acetic acid, C 2 H 4 O 2 , we withdraw a hy- droxyl group, OH, a compound radicle called acetyl, C 2 H 3 O, will remain. This radicle does not exist in the free state, but some of its compounds are inter- 308 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. esting. Thus, it forms a chloride, C 2 H 3 OC1, which is well known, and several amides. These resemble the amines, with this difference, that whereas in the latter compounds the hydrogen of ammonia is re- placed by basic or positive radicles, in the amides the replacement is effected by acid or negative groups. Thus : ( C 3 H 6 ( C 2 H B ( C 2 H 6 N ] H N \ C 2 H 6 N \ C 2 H 6 ( H ( H ( C 2 H 6 Ethylamine. Diethylamine. Triethylamine. ( C 2 H 3 O ( C 2 H 3 O ( C 2 H 3 O N 1 H N 1 C 2 H 3 N 4 C 2 H 3 ( H ( H ( C 2 H 3 O. Acetamide. Diacetamide. Triacetamide. From the other acids of the series, by withdrawal of hydroxyl, other acid radicles are formed ; and these have properties similar to acetyl. The amines are all strong bases, the amides are neutral or acid. By the action of chlorine upon acetic acid, three substitution acids may be obtained. All are strong acids, and yield important derivatives: C 2 H 4 O 3 , acetic acid. C 2 H 3 C1O 2 , monochloracetic acid. C 2 H 2 C1 2 O 2 , dichloracetic " C 2 HC1 3 O 2 , trichloracetic " The fourth atom of hydrogen belongs to the COOH group, and, although replaceable by metals, can not be replaced by chlorine. This fact adds to the proof that it is differently combined from the others. Just as aldehyde is related to acetic acid, so also there is a trichloraldehyde related to trichloracetic acid. It is a liquid of formula C 2 HC1 3 O, and is more briefly known as chloral. It combines with water to form THE FATTY ACIDS. 309 a solid crystalline hydrate which is much used in medicine for producing quiet sleep. One other compound may be noticed here as the type of an important class. Whenever an ace- tate is subjected to dry distillation, a volatile liquid called acetone is formed. This compound, C 8 H 6 O, is the first of a large series, members of which may be obtained by a variety of reactions. They are all known as ketones, and are structurally formed by the union of two univalent radicles with bivalent carbonyl, CO. Acetone may be called dimethyl- ketone : CH S CH 3 C a H* i i i c=o c=o c=o CHs CaH 6 CaH 6 Etc. Dimethyl-ketone. Ethylmethyl-ketone. Diethyl-ketone. The ketones are isomeric with the aldehydes, but have entirely different constitution. CHAPTER XXXVI. THE OLEFINES. THE C n H2n series of hydrocarbons is known as the olefine series, from " olefiant gas " or ethylene, its first member. Some of its relations to the me- thane series and to the alcohol radicles are indicated in the following formulas and the accompanying nomenclature : O Han + a. Ale. radicles* OH an . CH 4 , methane. CH 3 , methyl. CH 2 , methylene.* C a H 6 , ethane. C a H 8 , ethyl. C a H 4 , ethylene. CsH 8 , propane. C 3 H 7 , propyl. C 3 H 8 , propylene. C 4 Hio, butane. C 4 H 9 , butyl. C 4 H 8 , butylene. CeHia, pentane. C 5 H U , amyl. C 6 Hi , amylene. C 8 Hu, hexane. C 6 Hi 3 , hexyl. CeHia, hexylene. C 7 Hi6, heptane. C 7 Hi 6 , heptyl. C 7 Hi 4 , heptylene. CsHis, octane. C 8 Hi7, octyl. C 8 Hi 6 , octylene, etc. The most important one of these olefines is ethylene, which has already been described as a constituent of coal-gas. In it the two carbon-atoms are united by a double bond of affinity, as shown in the sub- joined formula. The second formula is merely a convenient abbreviation of the first. H-C-H C = H a ii or ii H-C-H OH a . * Known only in compounds ; can not exist free. THE OLEFINES. 3 1 1 These defines all behave as if they were biva- lent radicles. Each one unites with two chlorine- atoms to form a chloride, one oxygen-atom to form an oxide, etc. They also take up two hydroxyl groups to form a series of alcohols, which are some- what better known as glycols. In all these deriva- tives, however, the carbon-atoms are united by a single bond only, the other bond, which is fixed in the hydrocarbons themselves, being released to new uses. Thus : C=H a . C = H 3 C1. OH 3 OH. Ethylene. Ethylene chloride. Ethylene alcohol. CnHaNOa OH 2 C 2 H 3 O a C = H a ' i i \O Ethylene nitrate. Ethylene acetate. Ethylene oxide. By the action of oxidizing agents the alcohols of the olefine series, like the alcohols of the methane se- ries, yield acids. Only, instead of a single set of acids, each glycol yields two such derivatives. Thus : CH 2 OH CH 2 OH COOH i i i CH 2 OH. COOH. COOH. Ethylene alcohol. Glycollic acid. Oxalic acid. Glycollic acid and its homologues, having but one COOH group, are monobasic ; the acids of the ox- alic series, on the other hand, are bibasic : CH 2 OH COOH COOK COOK. COOK. COOK. Potassium Hydrogen potas- Neutral potas- glycollate. sium oxalate. sium oxalate. Some of these acids and their derivatives are compounds of very great importance. In the gly- collic series, for instance, we find lactic acid, which 312 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is the acid of sour milk ; while from oxalic acid the more important acids of various natural fruits may be rationally derived. Lactic acid, C 3 H 6 O 3 , may be regarded as derived from glycollic acid, C 2 H 4 O 8 , by the addition of CH 2 . In reality, an atom of hydrogen in glycollic acid is replaced by a methyl group, CH 3 . This is equiva- lent to adding CH 2 , and all homologous series, either of hydrocarbons or of their derivatives, are built up by this process of substitution. Lactic acid is a sirupy liquid, having a specific gravity of 1.215, an d is easily decomposed by heat. It may be formed synthetically, but it is generally prepared from sour milk. When the latter is used in cookery, the free acid is neutralized by sodium bicarbonate, and a soluble lactate of sodium is produced. Sev- eral of the lactates are used medicinally, and all of them are soluble in water. A baking-powder con- taining lactic acid has recently been patented. Oxalic acid, H 2 C 2 O 4 , is found in the juice of cer- tain plants, such as the sorrel and rhubarb. It may be prepared synthetically by a variety of methods, but on a commercial scale only two processes are used. One of these may be verified experimentally : EXPERIMENT 104. Pour strong nitric acid over a few grammes of white sugar contained in a large flask or beaker. When the action has ceased, and red fumes are no longer given off, evaporate the liq- uid to a small bulk. On cooling, oxalic acid will crys- tallize out. Starch may be used instead of sugar. The second process, which is cheaper, and which of late years has quite supplanted the first, is as follows: When sawdust is heated with caustic pot- ash, potassium oxalate is formed. This, treated THE OLEFINES. 313 with milk of lime, yields an insoluble calcium ox- alate. The latter, treated with sulphuric acid, gives calcium sulphate, while oxalic acid is set free, and may be purified by recrystallization. Oxalic acid is readily soluble, and crystallizes with two molecules of water in prisms which re- semble Epsom salt. It is intensely sour, a very strong acid, and quite poisonous. Chalk or mag- nesia, suspended in water, neutralizes the acid, and is a good antidote in cases of poisoning. In the household, oxalic acid is often used for removing ink-stains or iron-rust from linen or clothing. As, however, the acid attacks the fiber of the cloth, it should be washed out as soon as it has produced the desired bleaching effect. The oxalic acid which was made in Experiment 104 may be used for veri- fying its solvent property, either upon a rag spotted w^ith ink or upon a sheet of written paper. On a large scale, oxalic acid is used by calico-printers as a means of discharging certain colors. Oxalic acid is the first term of a long homologous series. The second term, malonic acid, C 3 H 4 O 4 , is unimportant ; but the third member, succinic acid, C 4 H 6 O 4 , is interesting. This acid is obtained from amber, and is noteworthy on account of its struct- ural relations to two fruit-acids, malic and tartaric. Succinic acid, C 4 H 6 O4. Malic " C4H(,O6. Tartaric " C 4 H 8 O fl . COOH COOH COOH CH a CHOH CHOH CH a CH a CHOH COOH. COOH. COOH. Succinic acid. Malic acid. Tartaric acid. 314 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Malic acid is the acid of apples, pears, and eral other fruits and vegetables. It is a white, crys- talline body, which may be derived from succinic acid by artificial means, but is more cheaply pre- pared from mountain-ash berries. Tartaric acid is the acid of grapes, and has considerable practical importance. During the fermentation of wine its potassium salt is deposited in an impure condition on the sides of the wine-casks, and from this crude tartar the acid itself may be obtained. It has also been prepared synthetically from succinic acid. Tartaric acid occurs in white crystals * having an intensely sour taste. It is readily soluble in water, and its solution effervesces strongly with carbonates. In Seidlitz or Rochelle powders it forms the con- tents of the smaller papers, while the other papers contain a mixture of sodium hydrogen carbonate and a tartrate known as Rochelle salt. The acid is also used in the preparation of a variety of efferves- cent drinks, and by calico-printers as a discharge for certain mordants. There are two sets of tartrates, a neutral and an acid series, and some of these salts are practically important. They may be represented in their rela- tions to the acid by condensed formulas like the fol- lowing : C 4 H 4 6 . ^ C 4 H 4 6 . C 4 H 4 8 . ^ a C 4 H 4 0. Tartaric acid. Hydrogen potas- Potassium Rochelle salt. sium tartrate. tartrate. The acid potassium tartrate is the well-known cream of tartar, which is much used in cookery, and as an ingredient of baking-powders. With a few * Commercial tartaric acid occurs oftener as a white powder than it does in the form of crystals. THE OLEFINES. 3x5 exceptions, the latter preparations are simply mixt- ures of cream of tartar with sodium hydrogen car- bonate, and when they are acted upon by the moist- ure of dough, the following reaction takes place : NaHCOs + KHC 4 H 4 8 = KNaC^Oe + CO a + H a O. The carbonic-acid bubbles, escaping, render the bread or cakes light ; the double tartrate, Rochelle salt, remains behind.* Several other tartrates are used in medicine, and one of them, tartar emetic, is particularly im- portant. It is a double salt containing potassium and antimony, and is commonly represented as con- taining the latter metal so united with oxygen as to form a univalent radicle Sb m = O. Upon this TC ) basis, tartar emetic would be written, CUQ [ C 4 H 4 O 6 ; but recent investigations show that its constitution is more complicated. The salt is a powerful emetic, and in large doses is poisonous. One other fruit-acid, although not derived from the foregoing acids, may fairly be described here. Citric acid, C 6 H 8 O 7 , is found in oranges and lemons, and, with malic acid, in such fruits as the currant and gooseberry. It forms white, soluble crystals, which contain three COOH groups, and therefore three atoms of replaceable hydrogen. Hence it can form various salts, thus : ( H ( K ( K ( K C 6 H 6 7 \ H C 6 H 6 7 \ H C 6 H 5 7 \ K C 6 H 6 O 7 \ K (H (H (H (K Citric acid. Monopotassic citrate. Dipotassic citrate. Tripotassic citrate. Etc. * Mrs. Richards's little book on " The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning " may be profitably read in connection with this and the fol- lowing chapter. CHAPTER XXXVII. GLYCERIN AND THE FATS. IN preceding- chapters we have become acquaint- ed with two classes of alcohols, derived from univ- alent and bivalent hydrocarbon radicles respect- ively. These alcohols, we have seen, are simply hydroxides, which, though very different in their outward properties, may be compared as to struct- ure with the hydroxides of the metals. Still other series of alcohols are known, some of which cor- respond to radicles of higher valency ; and these we may compare with inorganic hydroxides, thus : I. II. III. IV. KOH. Ca(OH) 3 . Bi(OH),. Si(OH). CHsOH. C 2 H 4 (OH) 2 . C 8 H 6 (OH) 3 . C 4 H 6 (OH) 4 . There is also an alcohol, mannite, which is de- rived from a sexivalent radicle. Its formula is C 6 H 8 (OH) 6 ; but its description, as well as that of the compound cited in the fourth column above, erythrite, must be looked for in some of the larger treatises upon organic chemistry. The trivalent alcohol C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 , or C 3 H 8 O 3 , is, however, a body of great practical and theoretical importance. It is commonly known as glycerin ; GLYCERIN AND THE FATS. and from it all the natural fats and fatty oils are sys- tematically derived. In Chapter XXXV it was shown that when a compound ether is treated with caustic alkalies it is decomposed, an alcohol being set free and an alka- line salt formed. For example, ethyl acetate and caustic soda yield sodium acetate and ethyl alcohol, as follows : C 2 H 6 C 3 H 3 O 2 + NaOH = NaC 2 H 3 O 2 + C 2 H 6 OH. Now, the natural fats are simply ethers correspond- ing to glycerin, and they may be decomposed in precisely the same way. If we take stearin, which is a tristearate of glyceryl, C 3 H 5 , sodium stearate will be formed and stearic acid will be liberated. C 3 H 6 (C i8 H 36 O 2 ) 3 + sNaOH = C 3 H 6 (OH) 3 This method of decomposition is known as saponifi- cation, from the fact that the alkaline salts produced by it are ordinary soaps. On a large scale, glycerin is prepared either by saponifying a fat or oil with lime or lead oxide, which yield insoluble calcium or lead soaps and set the glycerin free, or else by acting on fats under great pressures with superheated steam. The latter process readily decomposes a fat, and separates it at once into glycerin and an acid in such a way that both products are immediately recoverable. In the preparation of stearic acid this method of decompo- sition is practically applied, and both glycerin and the acid are saved. The latter is used in the manu- facture of candles.* * For details about the stearine industry, see Wagner's " Chemical Technology," pp. 620-636. 3 i8 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Glycerin is a colorless, sirupy liquid, of specific gravity 1.28. It solidifies at low temperatures, and distills, with partial decomposition, at 275-28o. It distills more perfectly in a vacuum. It has a very sweet taste, and mixes readily in all proportions with water and alcohol. It has a great variety of uses, as a solvent or as a lubricator, and its household appli- cation to chapped lips or hands is universally famil- iar. With feeble oxidizing agents it yields gly eerie acid, C 8 H 6 O 4 . The ethers derived from glycerin are numerous, and, at first sight, complicated. Since the alcohol itself is derived from a trivalent radicle, and has three hydroxyl groups, it follows that with any given monobasic acid it may form at least three derivatives. Thus, with acetic acid, HC 2 H 3 O 2 , gly- cerin yields three ethers, to which are given the names that are written below the subjoined for- mulae: ( OH ( C 2 H S O 2 C 3 H 6 \ OH C 3 H B ] OH (OH (OH Glycerin. Monacetin. ( C a H 3 2 ( C a H 3 3 C 3 H 6 \ C 2 H 3 O a C 3 H 6 ] C 2 H 3 2 ( OH ( C 2 H 3 O a Diacetin. Triacetin. With hydrochloric acid three compounds are obtained, namely : (9 ( cl ( cl - C 3 H 6 1 OH C 3 H 6 1 Cl C 3 H 6 ] Cl (OH (OH ( Cl Chlorhydrin. Dichlorhydrin. Trichlorhydrin. In fats and oils we generally encounter the triple ethers of stearic, margaric, palmitic, or oleic acids. GLYCERIN AND THE FATS. 319 Stearic, margaric, and palmitic acids belong to the regular fatty series, oleic acid stands in another group. Stearic acid is the chief acid in beef-suet, and has the formula QsHggOg ; margaric acid is one step lower in the series ; and palmitic acid, C 16 H32O 2 , is derived both from animal fats and from palm-oil. Oleic acid, QsH^O^ is found in olive-oil and in sev- eral other fatty substances. All these fats and oils may be represented by the subjoined formulae : ( C 16 H S1 2 ( C 17 H, 3 O a C 3 H 6 \ C 16 H 3 iO a C 3 H 8 \ C 17 H 33 O a ( Ci 8 H 81 O a ( Ci 7 H 33 O a Tripalmitin. Trimargarin. C 18 H 35 2 ( C 18 H 33 O a Ci 8 H 3 6O a CsHs -s CisH 33 Oa C 18 H 35 O a ( C 18 H 33 O a Tristearin. Triolein. They are commonly called by the briefer names of palmitin, margarin, stearin, and olein, respectively. The more stearin a natural fat contains, the more solid it is ; the fluid or pasty fats are richer in olein. Other glycerin ethers are often found, but they need no full description here. Soap is a mixture of the alkaline salts of the fore- going acids, and is prepared by the direct action of caustic soda or potash upon fats. A soap which contains mostly soda salts and little of the oleate is a hard soap ; potash soaps, or soaps containing much oleic acid, are soft soaps. Sometimes, in making cheap soaps, rosin is added ; and in some cases, a solution of sodium silicate, or water-glass, is also used. A pure soap is completely soluble in alcohol. All soaps contain a considerable quantity of water. When glycerin is treated with a mixture of strong 3 20 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, nitric and sulphuric acids, an ether is formed which is commonly known as nitroglycerin. This trini- trin, as it is more properly named, is a yellow, oily liquid having the formula C 3 H 5 (NO 3 ) 3 , and possesses extraordinary explosive properties. When kindled by a flame, it burns rather quietly ; but when struck by a hammer, or ignited by a percussion-cap, it ex- plodes with terrific violence. This explosion is sim- ply a sudden decomposition, one effect of which is to develop instantaneously a very large volume. of gas, in accordance with the following equation : 4C 3 H 6 N 3 O9 = I2CO 2 + I2N + 20 + ioH 2 0. Dynamite and several other explosive agents much used in blasting are mixtures of nitroglycerin with silica, fine sand, sawdust, or some other solid pow- der. The oil itself is also used directly as an ex- plosive. Nitroglycerin is a substance which should only be handled with extreme care, for it is not merely explosive but also very poisonous. A sin- gle drop placed on the tongue will produce intense headache ; and similar discomfort may arise from mere contact of the liquid with the fingers. When glycerin or any fat is heated to the point at which decomposition begins, acrid vapors are given off. These are produced by a substance called acrolein, the odor of which may be recognized in the unpleasant fumes emitted from the wick of an imper- fectly quenched candle. Its formula is C 8 H 4 O, and it is the aldehyde corresponding to allyl alcohol and acrylic acid. These three compounds are related to each other in the same way as are common alcohol, aldehyde, and acetic acid, as the subjoined formulae will show : GLYCERIN AND THE FATS. 321 Ethyl alcohol, C a H 6 O. Aldehyde, C 2 H 4 O. Acetic acid, C 2 H 4 O a . Allyl " C 3 HO. Acrolein, C 3 H 4 O. Acrylic " C 3 H 4 O 2 . Allyl alcohol, C 3 H 5 , OH, is interesting in several ways. It is the hydroxide of a univalent radicle, C 3 H 5 , which is isomeric with the trivalent radicle of glycerin. These two radicles differ in structure, however, as the following formulae for the alcohols indicate : CH 2 OH CH 3 CHOH CH CH 2 OH. CHaOH. Glycerin. Allyl alcohol. A good many derivatives of allyl are known, and some of them are important. Allyl sulphide, (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S, is the natural oil to which garlic owes its odor ; and allyl sulphocyanate, C 3 H 5 , CNS, is the oil of mustard. The radish, horseradish, etc., also owe their pungency to organic compounds of sulphur. CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE CARBOHYDRATES. IN sugar, starch, and a number of allied com- pounds, the hydrogen and oxygen are combined in just the proportions necessary to form water. By reagents having very strong affinity for water this hydrogen and oxygen may be removed, and char- coal is left behind. For instance, strong sulphuric acid reacts in this manner upon either sugar or starch, as the pupil may easily discover by experi- ment. Hence the term carbohydrates, or hydrates of carbon, has been adopted as a convenient general name for this class of substances, notwithstanding the fact that it is somewhat misleading as to their real chemical structure. A considerable number of carbohydrates are known, but, as some of them are isomeric with others, all may be classed in three groups under three simple formulae. These groups are known as the sucroses, or sugars proper ; the glucoses ; and the amyloses, or starches and gums : Sucroses. Glucoses. Amyloses. CiaHaaOn. C 6 H 12 O 8 . C 6 H 10 O6. Cane-sugar. Grape-sugar. Starch. Milk-sugar. Levulose. Dextrin. Maltose. Etc. Gum. Etc. Cellulose, etc. THE CARBOHYDRATES. 323 Cane-sugar, or sucrose, C^H^Ou, is found in the sap of many plants, such as the sugar-cane, sorghum, Indian corn, beet-root, sugar-maple, etc. From all these sources, and perhaps from others, it may be profitably extracted ; but sugar-cane is the most important. Beet-root sugar is extensively made in France, and maple-sugar in this country ; and the manufacture of sugar from sorghum is an industry which promises great development in the future.* In the extraction of sugar from sugar-cane the latter is first crushed between heavy iron rollers so as to express the juice. To the latter a little lime is immediately added, to neutralize certain vegetable acids and to precipitate certain fermentable or de- composable impurities. The liquid is next heated to boiling, carefully skimmed, evaporated in copper pans to near the crystallizing point, and filtered through bags of cotton or linen. On cooling, a crys- talline mass of moist brown sugar is deposited ; and the remaining syrup, upon further evaporation, yields still more. When the second crop of crystals has been removed, a dark, thick molasses, rich in uncrystallized sugar, remains behind. This is either sent into market as it is, or else fermented and dis- tilled into rum. Brown sugar owes its color to organic impuri- ties, which are removed by the following process of refining : The sugar, dissolved in very little water, is first heated in a copper pan. Albumen, generally in the form of blood, is then added, which, coagu- lating, carries down the impurities of the sugar in a * The United States Department of Agriculture at Washington has issued very valuable reports upon this industry, and also upon the sub- ject of sugar from beets. 324 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sort of dense clot. The liquid is next heated to the boiling-point with a little animal charcoal, and, after running through a charcoal filter, is concentrated to the point of crystallization. This concentration is now generally effected in a vacuum-pan. Finally, the purified sugar is drained of adhering syrup and dried. Pure sugar is a white, crystalline solid, of spe- cific gravity 1.59. It melts at 160, forming the amber-colored mass known as barley-candy. At higher temperatures it turns brown, loses water, and is converted into a substance called caramel, which is somewhat used for coloring alcoholic liquors. In rock-candy, sugar is highly crystal- lized ; in granulated sugar the crystals are small and separate ; in loaf or lump sugar the crystalline character is evident throughout the mass. In all of these forms sugar is easily soluble, and very sweet. If a sample of commercial sugar fails to dissolve completely in hot water, the insoluble resi- due may be regarded as evidence of adulteration. Chemically considered, sugar is the alcohol of an octad radicle. Its eight hydroxyl groups may be replaced by eight NO 8 groups, to form an explo- sive octonitrate, or by eight acetic groups to pro- duce an octoacetate. These derivatives, however, have been incompletely studied. Lactose, or milk-sugar, is obtained from the whey of milk, and is isomeric with sucrose. It forms hard, white crystals, which grit between the teeth, and are less sweet than cane-sugar. They contain one molecule of water of crystallization, so that their formula is written C^H^On, H 2 O. Lac- tose is used in preparing the little globules of the THE CARBOHYDRATES. 325 homoeopathic pharmacy. Several other isomers of sucrose and lactose are known. Cane-sugar itself does not undergo fermenta- tion ; but by the action of yeast it is converted into a mixture of two glucoses, both of which ferment readily. In this transformation it takes up one molecule of water, so that the whole change may be written out as follows : CiaHaaOi, + H 2 O = C 6 H 12 O 8 + C 8 H 12 O. One of these glucoses is termed dextrose or grape- sugar ; the other is called levulose or fruit-sugar. The latter is the more readily soluble of the two, and is uncrystallizable. Dextrose, together with sucrose, occurs in many fruits ; with levulose it is found in fruits and in honey. Commercial glucose is commonly a mixture of both substances. On a large scale, glucose is made by the action of very dilute sulphuric acid upon starch. EXPERIMENT 105. Add one cubic centimetre of strong sulphuric acid to one hundred cubic cen- timetres of water, and heat in a flask to boiling. Mix ten grammes of starch to a thin paste with water, and pour it very slowly into the acid, so as not to check the boiling. Continue to boil for about three hours, and then add powdered chalk until all free acid has been neutralized. Filter off the insoluble calcium sulphate thus formed, and evaporate the filtrate to the consistency of a thick syrup. The latter will be sweet, and will deposit crystals of dextrose if left standing. By essentially this process immense quantities of glucose are now made from the starch of Indian corn. The prod- uct is cheaper than cane-sugar, though less sweet, 326 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and is largely used to adulterate sugars and syrups, in the manufacture of candies, by brewers for modi- fying the quality of beer, and for a variety of other more legitimate purposes.* Starch, which has the formula C 6 H 10 O 5 or some multiple thereof, is found in all grains, in such vege- tables as the potato, in unripe fruits, and to a greater or less extent throughout the whole plant-kingdom. Beans, peas, and rice are especially rich in it ; sago and tapioca are varieties of it ; and, in short, the nutritive value of nearly all vegetables depends in great part upon the amount of starch which they contain. Pure starch is prepared chiefly from wheat- flour or from potatoes. It consists of a white pow- der made up of microscopic granules (Fig. 53), which FIG. 53. -Starch Granules, Magnified. are insoluble in water. If heated with water to above 60, however, they burst, and form the jelly- like starch-paste which is so familiar to the house- keeper. With tincture of iodine starch forms a blue compound ; and by this reaction it may be distin- guished from all isomers.f * The question whether artificial glucose is wholesome or not is still under discussion. At the worst, it is not a dangerous article of diet. f The pupil may profitably apply this test for starch to flour, rice, bread, potatoes, etc. Boil each article with a little water, and then add a drop of the tincture. THE CARBOHYDRATES. 327 By heating to about 205 starch is converted into an isomeric compound, dextrin. This sub- stance is soluble in water, yielding a gummy solu- tion which is applied to the backs of postage- stamps and used for other similar purposes. Dex- trin is largely manufactured under the name of " British gum." Most of the natural gums are isomers of starch and dextrin. Gum-arabic, how- ever, is a mixture of the potassium and calcium salts of arabic acid, (C 6 H 10 O 5 ) 2 . Pectin, which is found in most fruits, and which enables their juice to form jellies, is allied to the gums and starches ; but its exact character is not yet definitely under- stood. Cellulose, (C 6 H 10 O 5 ) 3 , is the substance which chiefly constitutes all vegetable fiber. Wood con- sists mainly of cellulose, and cotton is cellulose practically pure. By sulphuric acid cellulose may be converted into glucose ; and the latter may be made from old rags, or even from sawdust. When cellulose is treated with a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids it is transformed into nitrocellulose or pyroxylin. This compound, C 6 H 7 (NO 2 ) 3 O 5 , is commonly known as gun-cotton, and is remarkable for its explosive properties. Outwardly, by the change from cotton to gun-cot- ton, the vegetable fiber remains the same ; and it may be spun into thread, woven into cloth, or made into paper, the same as before. It explodes, how- ever, either by percussion or upon the touch of a flame, more violently than gunpowder; and it is somewhat used as an explosive agent. Gun-cotton dissolves easily in a mixture of al- cohol and ether, forming a solution which is known 15 328 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as collodion. This liquid evaporates rapidly, leav- ing- a film of gun-cotton behind ; and it is used for a variety of surgical purposes and for photography. The latter use was described in a previous chapter ; its surgical value is due to its power of covering raw or inflamed surfaces, as in the case of scalds and burns, with a sort of artificial skin, and thereby protecting them from contact with the air.* * Details concerning many of the bodies described in this chapter may be read up to advantage in Wagner's " Chemical Technology." CHAPTER XXXIX. THE BENZENE DERIVATIVES. BENZENE,* C 6 H 6 , is a hydrocarbon of remark- able interest. It has been prepared by synthesis from acetylene, C 2 H 2 , and by several other meth- ods ; but it is chiefly obtained from the coal-tar which accumulates in the gas-works. The benzene is purified by several distillations, and forms a col- orless liquid, lighter than water, and having a pe- culiar odor resembling coal-gas. It boils at 80, and solidifies at 3. Its vapor, as well as the liquid, are highly inflammable. Benzene is chiefly useful in the preparation of its derivatives ; and these are of the highest impor- tance. They are all derived from benzene by the substitution of other elements or radicles for the hydrogen, while the six carbon-atoms remain as a permanent nucleus. These are supposed to be ar- ranged in the form of a ring or closed chain, each having three bonds of affinity satisfied. Thus, each carbon-atom is still able to hold one hydrogen-atom, as the following diagram will show : f * Often called benz0/. The benzine of the shops is usually a mixt- ure of volatile hydrocarbons of the C n H 2n + 3 series. It is obtained from petroleum, and is very different from benzene proper. f Other structural formulae are possible, but this one is the best for present purposes. 330 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. H i C H-C X C-H ii i H-C C-H i H From this formula the formulas of the derivatives are easily deduced, as a few examples will indicate : H H i i / C \ C \ U-C \-CH 3 H-c' % C-OH H-C C-H H-C C-H \ # \ / C C I I H H Methyl-benzene, C 7 H 8 . Phenol, C 6 H 7 O. H H i i C C H-C X C-NH a H-C C-COOH ii i ii i H-C C-H H-C C-H \ # \