i volcanoes of the Kula basin in y Stephens Y-, ashing ton 8S3H THE GIFT OF FLORENCE V. V. DICKEY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE DONALD R. DICKEY LIBRARY OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIF. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA 3Inawgut:al J^f FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG PRESENTED BY HENRY STEPHENS WASHINGTON OF NAVESINK, N. J., U. S. A. July 26, 1893 NEW YORK ROBERT DRUMMOND, PRINTER 1894 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA Inaugural FOR THE ATTAINMENT OP THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG PRESENTED BY f HENRY STEPHENS WASHINGTON OF NAVESINK, N. J., U. S. A. July 26, 1893 NEW YORK ROBERT DRUMMOND, PRINTER 1894 Geol,,,,, Library I INTRODUCTION. Ix the course of the writer's studies at the "University of Leipzig during the winter semester of 1891-92, the volcanic district in Asia Minor known to the ancients under the name of the Katakekau- mene in Lydia was spoken of by Prof. Dr. Zirkel as promising a good field for petrographical work, and it was decided to visit it in the spring. Accordingly, after a two months' stay in Greece, the writer was able, in April, to pass over "into Asia Minor, where nearly two weeks were spent in visiting, with friends, sites of archaeo- logical interest. Unfortunately, an important matter unexpectedly called the writer away, leaving only eight days for an examination of the region named above. The shortness of the time is re- gretted, but it is hoped to visit the place again in the spring of 1894, when a map will be drawn, and as complete an exploration of the whole region as possible be made. In the meanwhile this paper will give a short preliminary sketch of part of the district, and the results of a petrographical examination of the rocks collected, undertaken in the Mineralogical Institute of the Univer- sity of Leipzig, under the guidance of Geheimrath Prof. Dr. Zirkel, to whom the writer desires to return his warmest thanks and to express his sense of the great obligations he is under for the constant and invaluable aid and advice and the never-failing kindness shown him. 550894 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. THE chief town of the district,* and the one that the writer made his headquarters, is Kula,f the seat of a large carpet industry a place with 12,000 inhabitants, of whom 8500 are Turks, and the rest Greeks. It is situated in 38 33' N. Lat. and 28 42' E. Long., in the eastern part of the vilayet (province) of Aidin, or what was anciently called Lydia, some 125 kilometres E. by N. of Smyrna, in a straight line. It is reached by travelling by rail to Ala Shehir (ancient Philadelphia), a trip of 169 kil. (6^ hours), where one spends the night. From Ala Shehir one drives over a good road across the Konfirja Mountains, and reaches Kula in about 5 hours. As the only regular accommodation for travellers is a very dirty, noisy, and public khan, one must either bring letters to some of the inhabitants, or trust to someone's hospitality for a lodging. The writer was most kindly received and courteously treated by a Greek named Haji Moise, who several times acted as guide to various places of interest, and to whom the writer wishes to return his thanks. It may be remarked that a knowledge of modern Greek or * As some Turkish topographical words will be used in the course of this and other papers, the following short vocabulary will be found of use : Bunndr = Spring. Chai = River. Dag = Mountain. Ool Lake. Hissdr = Castle. Kale Fortress. Koi= Village. Koprii = Bridge. Shehir = City. Sit = Water, Brook. TasJi = Rock. Tepe = Hill. The plural is formed by adding the syllable lar 01 far, according as the vowel of the word is strong or weak. The accent of Turkish words falls as a rule on the last syllable. f The name Kula (also written Koulah) is derived from the Turkish Kiile = a tower. The Byzantine fortress of Opsikion stood on this site. Cf. Ramsay. Hist. Geog. As. Miu. p. 123. 5 6 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KTJL.A BASIN IN LYDIA. Turkish is almost indispensable, though one can get along with a dragoman. Ancient History. The extant historical notices of the region are extremely scanty, being confined practically to three writers. Strabo (born ca. 54 B.C.), in his famous geography, is the first to mention it. He speaks as follows :* " After these (Mysia and Philadelphia) is the country called Katakekaumene (Burnt Country), 500 stadia f in length and 400 in breadth, which belongs to either Mysia or Maeonia, for it is ascribed to both; . . . entirely bare of vegetation, except for the vine which produces the Katakekaumene wine, which is not inferior to any other of the famous wines.! The appearance of the plains is ashy, and of the mountainous part stony and black, as if from a conflagration. Some represent this as having happened from thunderbolts and lightning strokes, and do not hesitate to make it the scene of the fable of Typhon. . . . But it is unreasonable to suppose that so large a district wassail at once consumed, by lightning and thunderbolts ; it is more natural to think that the effect was produced by fire generated in the soil, the source of which is now exhausted. And three pits are shown, which they call blow-holes ((f>vb>tt. The extinction angle of this greenish core is about the same as that of the colorless border, in 'some cases a few degrees more. The angle of extinction of the colorless augite varies from 26 to 43, most of the measurements lying between 37 and 39. The augite is always clear and does not show the prismatic cleavage very distinctly, as a rule. Inclusions are not very common, and are generally either clear, mostly brown, glass, or groundmass. Some crystals were seen with a core of groundmass, of the shape of the surrounding crystal. Hornblende is occasionally included, and magnetite is very rare. It was noticed that in some crystals in which the plane s(lll) was present, small -opaque black grains were included, forming a narrow line parallel, and close, to this plane alone, none of them being present m the rest of the crystal. Twins are not common, and are almost all to be referred to the usual twinning plane, a(100). Some "augite stars" and groups of crystals, apparently twinned about the planes y(101) and W(I2'2), were seen, and one large augite crystal had two thin twinning lamellae at an angle of 27 with the cleavage cracks, the twinning plane being perhaps TF(122).f ' In many of the more glassy varieties, especially in some of the semi-vitreous basalts, the augite showed the well-known "hour- glass " structure,}; in some cases with interesting modifications, two * The crystallographic positions, symbols, and lettering adopted throughout this paper are those given iu Dana's Mineralogy, 6th Ed. 1892. t Cf. Rosenbuseh, 11. 662. tThis was first observed by v. Werveke (Beitrag zur Kenutuiss der Lim- burgite. Neues Jahrb. 1879, p. 488). Descriptions are also given later by Ver* 20 THE VOLCANOES OF THK KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. of which are here shown. In the one (Plate III, Fig. 3) the section parallel to 6(010) shows under crossed nicols a division into five parts, i.e., four border trapezoids and a central rhomboid. These do not extinguish alike, the end divisions extinguishing in one direction at an angle of 42 10', while the central and side divisions extinguish at just about the same angle, but in an opposite direction. The central and side parts do not, however, extinguish precisely to- gether, there being a barely perceptible difference, and the effect of the whole is to give the augite section the appearance of a low, truncated, rhombic pyramid. A rather more complicated, but analogous, form is shown in Fig. 4. Dannenberg observed the same structure in nepheline basalt from the Leilenkopf, near the Laacher See, and gives a figure, but his observed extinction angles differ materially from mine. In fact none of the recorded observa- tions agree in this respect among each other, as is to be expected from the mode of formation of the structure. Besides these regular structures, augite crystals were seen built up of many, most irregu- larly-shaped, segments, which have straight edges and are sharply defined under crossed nicols, but most unsymmetrically arranged. A regular zonal structure is also frequent, the outer zones having, as a rule, a larger extinction angle than the inner. The zones are often sharply distinguished from each other, in other cases not so, the darkness sweeping without a break, like a wave, from, the centre to the circumference. The last-formed augite consists of very small microlitic crystals, their length being from four to ten times their thickness. They are clear and generally colorless, but occasionally show a faint greenish tinge. It was at times hard to distinguish them from plagioclase laths, and some of the microlites which are grouped under the head of augite are almost certainly to be referred to apatite, judging from the amount of P a O, found in the basalt. These microlites are thickly scattered through the basis of color- less or brown glass, and give to many of the rocks their hyalopilitic structure. Hornblende. Of all the minerals composing the basalts of this beck and Fennema (Neue geol. Entdeckungen auf Java. N. J. II., Beil.- Bd., 1883, p. 21.2), Petzold (Basaltgesteine der Rbou. Inaug. Diss. Halle, 1883. p. 20). C. A. Mttller (Die Diabase aus dem liegenden des Osttbiiring- iscben Unterdevons. Inaug. Diss. Gera, 1884, p. 21), Dannenberg (Der Leilen- kopf, etc. Jabrb. d. k. preuss. geol. Landanstalt, 1891, p. 110). THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 21 reigon the hornblende offers the most interesting features and is the most characteristic and most constant in its presence. Its con- stancy, in fact, is perfect, it being present as the prominent con- stituent in all the Kula basalts ; those of the earliest and those of the latest streams, those with arid those without leucite, those with much olivine and those with little, in the purely glassy tachylytes as well as in the basalts of a normal structure. It is, in fact, the stamp and seal of the Kula basalts. Megascopically it is much more frequent and prominent than either the augite or the olivine, and occurs as black phenocrysts, from 2 to 4 mm. long, some few reaching a length of 6 to 8 mm. The larger crystals have their surfaces pitted and corroded, and the crystallographic planes present do not admit of even approxi- mately exact measurement. The smaller crystals and needles are very bright and fresh-looking. Microscopically it is seen that the hornblende invariably occurs as porphyritical crystals, never as a constituent of the groundmass. It is, as a rule, well crystallized, showing combinations of the planes, c(OOl), rt(100), 7n(110), and r(011), occasionally elongated parallel to 6 l , but usually in stout, thick crystals. The long prisms reach a length of 5-8 mm., and the short, stout crystals a length of 3-4 mm., but they commonly vary from 1-2 mm., and from this run gradually down to 0.2 mm. Twins are not common and have the usual twinning plane, (10Q). Some intergrown crystals may represent other twinning laws, which, however, could not be. deter- mined. The cleavage is very well marked, though in some of the more glassy rocks the cracks seem to be less easily developed in making the slide than in the less glassy. The color is generally yellowish brown, as is the case "with basaltic hornblende, but some greenish-yellow individuals were seen, often both present in the same slide. This green variety shows a marked fondness for the more glassy rocks. Both varieties are strongly pleochroic, the brown as follows : c = dark yellowish brown, b = yellowish brown, a = very pale fawn-gray, with c > b > a. The green variety shows the following pleochroism : c = dark brownish green, b light greenish brown, a pale fawn-gray, the absorption being the same as before. The extinction angle varies from 4 to 14 30', in one case being as high as 23. The hornblende crystals very commonly show a zonal arrange- 22 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. . ment of color. , This is more frequent in the large crystals, the small ones being generally of one (light) color. It is t also more common in the more glassy rocks, though perhaps an explanation of this is that in the less glassy the hornblende has undergone pro- found alteration, thus obscuring the original structure. These zonally built crystals show a dark core, and, surrounding this, a light border, both being of the same color, but of different depths of tint, as the zonal arrangement is seen in both the brown and the green varieties. Occasionally the dark core is lighter towards the centre, and very rarely the darker zone is the outer one. Only in a few cases were four or five alternately dark and light zones observed. While instances occur where the extinction angle is the same in both zones, yet there is, as a rule, a small difference, gen- erally from 3-5, in one case as much as 9 40', the extinction angle of the dark zone being the greater. This zonal structure of hornblende has been frequently ob- served,* and appears to be analogous to the zonal development of the triclinic feldspars, i.e., due to superposed growths of differ- ent minerals of the same group. Oebbeke expresses the opinion "that the border is not monoclinic, but triclinic." (According to the figure he gives, it would seem that the inner dark core is meant.) As far as my observations go, this seems not to be the case, at least in the Kula basalts, as in sections parallel to a(100) both zones extinguish parallel to the single system of cleavage lines, and in horizontal sections the direction of extinction in both exactly bisect the angles of the cleavage rhombus. One exception must, however, be noted, where the lighter centre and outer border extinguished parallel to the cleavage cracks, in a section parallel to a(100), while the dark zone between has an extinction angle of 10. 30'. An interesting feature is that the dark inner core frequently shows a corroded outline, and then the outer edge of the surround- ing light zone follows this line very exactly, the small curves and irregularities of the inner line being often faithfully reproduced in the outer, the result being a band of equal width around the dark core. This proves that the dark hornblende was first formed and * Of. Rosenbusch, op. cit. 3te Auf. i. 558 ; Hyland, Gesteine des Kilimand- jaro, Miu. pet. Mitth. x. 243 ; Oebbeke, Beitrage z. Petrographie d. Philip- pinen, etc., N. Jahrb. Beil.-Bd. I. 1881, p. 451 ; Rudolph, Petrographie d. Amlen v. Peru u. Bolivia, Min. pet. Mitth. ix. 296. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 23 suffered corrosion, and at a later stage a hornblende containing less iron was crystallized about this. Inclusions are not very common, being chiefly glass, either colorless or clear brown, or, more frequently, containing microlites, like the glassy groundmass. These glass inclusions are frequently arranged in a definite way, either parallel to the crystallographic boundaries of the crystal, or in a similarly-shaped cluster or kernel in the centre. One long crystal has a line of small brown glass in- clusions down the central line. Here and there four or six-sided sections are seen, which show a large similarly-shaped glass core, occupying nearly the whole of the crystal space, and leaving only a thin shell of hornblende around it. Augite is also a not infre- quent inclusion in hornblende, this being much more often the case than the converse. Magnetite is rarely seen as an inclusion in hornblende, though as an alteration product it is very common, as will be seen later. In one or two large hornblende crystals inclu- sions of long colorless needles were seen, but their optical proper- ties could not be determined, and no cross-sections were found. They are probably apatite, being jnuch longer and larger than the microlites of the groundmass. There is no doubt that in the Kula basalts the hornblende is an essential, original constituent, though in the case of some other basalts this does not seem to be quite so certain. Here, however, its constant presence much more constant than that of either the olivine or the plagioclase its well crystallized form and uniform method of alteration, and the inclusions of augite and ground- mass, are all against any other interpretation of its presence. Alteration of Hornblende. The changes undergone by the horn- blende subsequent to its crystallization .fall under the three heads of mechanical deformation, simple corrosion and magmatic altera- tion. The first two may be passed over with a few words, but the consideration of the latter will occupy more of our space. It may be mentioned that decomposition due to atmospheric influences was not noticed in the hornblende, and is not here spoken of. Several distorted crystals were seen, and the larger crystals are frequently broken, though this latter is not as common as is the case with the augite and olivine. Simple corrosion, or disappearance of part of the crystal through magmatic resorption, is quite common, deep bays and pockets being often formed, which are now filled with ground- 24 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. mass. In all these cases of simple resorption a production of new- formed substance has not taken place. This form of corrosion, again, is not as common in the case of the hornblende as with the olivine or augite. Another change which may be ascribed to corrosion is what has been called a " melted appearance " of the crystal, when the sharp edges are rounded and the crystal reduced to an ellipsoidal or approximately spherical shape. This " melted appearance " is al- ways accompanied by profound alteration of the crystal, and will be spoken of later in connection with the latter. The corrosion of the inner dark core has been already referred to. We now come to what is perhaps the most interesting and characteristic feature, not only of the hornblende, but of the basalts as a whole the magmatic alteration and alteration products of the hornblende. These are of three kinds: a. The change of the light-colored hornblende into a dark reddish-brown, almost,. opaque variety, without any evident change of form. b. The formation of a border or mass of augite and opacitic grains. c. The formation of a reddish-brown mineral, occurring in long so-called "club-shaped" (keulenformig) crystals, accompanied by augite and opacite grains. The first form of alteration may be dismissed with a few words. It is seen almost exclusively in the scoriaceous specimens, and the darkening takes place on the outer parts of the crystal or along cracks. There is no change of form or separation (ausscheidung) of other minerals, and the result seems to be identical with that observed by other writers, and that produced by the action of molten magmas on hornblende in some experiments.* The second mode of alteration is very frequent in all eruptive rocks, f and has been described by many writers, J so that it will * Oebbeke, loc. cit. p. 474; Lagorio, Die Andesite des Kaukasus (Dorpat, 1878), p. 25; Becker, Ueber d. dunkleu Umraudung der Horubleuden, etc., K Jahrb. 1883, n. 3; Belowsky, loc cit. p. 37. f It is rare amoug the plutonic rocks, but common in Ilie volcanic rocks, especially in tbe more basic of tbem, being frequent in the basalts and au- desites, and almost unknown in tbe rbyolites. JHyland, Gesteine d. Kilimandjaro (T. M. P. M., 1888, x. 240), gives an almost complete list of tbe literature of this and tbe following form of altera- tion. To this may be added tbe following: THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 25 not be described in detail here. (Cf. PL IV, Fig. 2.) Suffice it to .say that the hornblende becomes changed into a mass of colorless Augite and black opaque grains, in many cases accompanied by a rounding of the sharp edges, but in the Kula basalts generally with the preservation of its original form. The black grains, called pro- visionally opacite, are commonly held to be magnetite, a view with which Becker does not agree. I am inclined to think them at least the greater part magnetite, on account of their exactly correspond- ing appearance with the undoubted magnetite of the ground mass The question is a hard one to settle definitely, owing to the great difficulty of separating these minute particles from the containing minerals. That most of the colorless grains are augite * there is no doubt, as they offer the same optical characters as the larger augite crystals in the groundmass, and augite crystals included in the hornblende, showing the same peculiar blue and yellowish polariza- tion colors, and being often but not always orientated like the hornblende. There are also seen between the augite and opacite grains some particles of a colorless mineral the nature of which is unde- termined. Lenk, in the case of some Khone basalts, compares it to nepheline, but shows that it cannot be that mineral. A similar oc- currence in audesitic hornblende from Chapultepec he calls feld- .spar, as does C. Vogelsang in hornblende - andesite from the Roseubusch, Mikr. Pliys. 11. passim. Streng, Ueber d. Hornblendediabas v. Graveneek. XXII. Ber. d. Oberh. Ges. f. Nat. u. Heilk. p. 241. Renard, Notice s. 1. Roches d. 1'isle de Kantavu. Bull. Acad. Roy. d. Belg. (3) xr. No. 3. Leak, Geol. Kenntn. d. sildl. Rhon. Verlmndl. d. phys.-medic. Gesell. z. Wiirzburg, N. F. xxi, 1887. Lenk, Geol.-petrog. Miltbeil. u. d. Vulle de Mexico. Habilit Schrift {Leipzig, 1890), p. 17. Reriard, Petrology of Oceau. Islands (London, 1889), 129. C. Vogelsang, Tracbyte u. Basalte d. Eifel. Zeit. d. d. geol. Gesell. XLII. 1, 1890. p. 13. Osnnu, Beitr. z. Kenntu. d. erupt. Gest. d. Cabo d. Gata. II. Zeit. d. d. geol. Gesell. XLIII, 1891, p. 688. Osanu, Basalt fr. Southern Texas. J. of Geol. i. 344. Kiich, loc. cit. p. 55; Belowsky, loc. cit. p. 44; Herz (ditto,, p. 11G. * Koto (Studies of some Japanese Rocks, Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1884, p. 439) was the tirst to show that these grains were really augite. 26 THP: VOLCANOES OF THE KU.LA BASIN IN LYIHA. Kelberg, in the Eifel. Doss * also observed it, but expressed no opinion as to its nature. It seems to me probable that it is feld- spar, but I can give no definite proof one way or the other. The third effect of alteration may be regarded in most cases as a first stage of a process of which the formation of an augite-opacite aggregate is the second and final one. The characteristic feature of this alteration, which lias been previously observed several times, is the presence of a reddish-brown mineral, occurring in long crys- tals, sometimes thicker towards one end, whence the name " keu- lenformig " (club-shaped) applied to them. (Cf. PI. IV, Fig. 1.) Their terminations, while pointed, do not seem to be strictly crystal- lographic, and the cross-sections observed were irregular in outline, and as far as could be seen not bounded by crystallographic planes. In length they vary from 0.16-0.05 mm. by 0.03-0.005 mm. thick. Some appear to show cleavage parallel to the long axis. In color they are reddish brown to greenish brown, and are strongly pleochroic ; parallel to the long axis olive-green, and at right angles to this light brown and dark red-brown respectively, the last showing the greatest absorption, and the first the least. They are thus shown to be biaxial, as is also indicated by the fact that no isotropic sections were seen. The extinction appeared, in every case, to be parallel to the long axis. In many cases the brown individuals are so light in color, and so sharply developed and sep- arate from each other, that I had excellent opportunities for ob- servation. This is remarked, inasmuch as, in regard to the extinction, my results differ from those of most other observers, as will be seen later. These crystals lie, not in an irregular and confused way, but the majority of them arranged parallel Jto the 6 axis of the horn- blende crystal, while others cross these at angles of about 60 in either way, the measurements varying from 57 to 67. These ob- liquely-lying crystals are generally found along the sides of the hornblende crystal, those in the interior being mostly parallel to the 6 axis. . In horizontal sections of hornblende crystals most of the small crystals lie in planes parallel to the pinacoids and prisms of the hornblende. Occasionally at the ends of large hornblende crystals, seen in section parallel to 6, the brown crystals are *Doss, Die bnsaltischen Laven, etc., der Hauran, etc. Min. pet. Mittlu vn, 1886, 514. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 27 grouped in tufts, shaped like a half-opened fan, and spreading towards the interior of the hornblende. The brown crystals at the sides of the hornblende individual lie at angles of about 60 wsth the vertical edge. Filling the interstices between the brown crystals are magnetite and colorless augite grains, with a few grains of the undetermined mineral spoken of above. The brown aggregate (which for the sake of convenience we shall call this mixture of brown mineral, augite and magnetite) is formed along the outer surfaces of the original hornblende, and also on the sides of cracks, and on some broken or corroded surfaces. In a few cases large fragments of hornblende crystals show this alteration on the original planes, while the fracture edge runs across both the fresh and the altered substance. It seems to show a preference for the brown variety of hornblende, and especially for the dark form of this. In many cases the inner dark core is altered to brown aggregate, while the outer light zone is unchanged, showing that the dark hornblende was first altered and the lighter colored hornblende subsequently deposited on the surface. It is to be remarked that this alteration to brown aggregate has taken place in nearly every case without marked change of the original form or surfaces of the hornblende crystal, though in some cases the altered hornblende has undergone corrosion, like the un- altered, but not to as great aii extent. It has been already stated that the two last-described alterations are apparently separate stages of one process, and the following facts may be adduced in favor of this view. The hornblende crystals which have been altered to brown aggregate near the outer surface or along cracks have the rest of their substance perfectly unaltered. (PL IV, Fig. 1.) Sometimes the alteration has pro- ceeded so far that only a small kernel of the original hornblende is left, and again none remains, the whole of the hornblende being altered. Very often an augite-opacite border is seen around the brown aggregate, though it also happens, but more rarely, that the augite-opacite border is present without the brown aggregate. In the former case the hornblende crystal is made up of a kernel of unaltered hornblende, around this a zone of brown aggregate, and again outside this a ring of augite-opacite aggregate, with gener- ally the line of demarcation between the last two very ill-defined. This may be called the second stage, the third being where all the 28 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. hornblende substance has disappeared, giving place to a core of brown aggregate and an outer zone of augite-opacite. The last stage is where the brown aggregate has entirely disappeared and there remains of the hornblende nothing but a so-called " pseudo- crystal " of augite-opacite aggregate, with or without change of form. (PI. IV, Fig. 2.) These last two stages are beautifully shown in the second- period basalts, especially in that from a well-digging in the town of Kula, to be spoken of later. It must, however, be remarked that an alteration to brown aggregate seems to be not necessary to the formation of the augite-opacite aggregate, but that the hornblende itself is readily changed into the latter without the preliminary formation of brown aggregate. This observation agrees with those of other observers, and an explanation of it is given on a following page. The most striking fact in connection with these two alterations is the perfect manner in which the original hornblende crystal has as a rule preserved its form, notwithstanding the great chemical changes it has undergone. Taking into consideration the fact that the new product is granular and not compact, the outlines are wonderfully sharp, allowing of quite exact measure- ments of the angles presented by the sections. Doelter and Hussak * mention the same fact in regard to hornblende which was subjected to the action of a molten basaltic magma in two of their experiments, and several instances of the same phenom- enon in nature will be found in the literature on the subject. There are, however, exceptions, chiefly in the last stage, and in the second-period basalt. Here, as already mentioned, the altered hornblende crystals are rounded and present an appearance which, Sommerlad f graphically says, looks as if they had melted and run, or, as Hylaud puts it, looks as if they had been "washed." These rounded forms chiefly occur in the case of the smaller crystals, and almost always when they have been completely altered to an augite-opacite aggregate. Some cases were seen where the brown aggregate has evidently been disintegrated and scattered through the substance of the rock. In two cases a large augite (one with * Doelter and Hussak, Ueber die Eiuwirkung geschmolzener Magmeu auf verschiedene Mineralien. K Jahrb. 1884, i. p. 24. f Sommerlad, jj.Ueber bornblendefilhrende Basaltgesteiue. N. Jahrb. II. Beil.-Bd. 1886, 141. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 29 an accompanying olivine crystal) had surrounding part of it (and of the olivine) a " mantle " or fluid ally arranged covering of brown aggregate, and in other cases particles of brown aggregate are scattered as inclusions through large clear augite crystals. In one or two instances inclusions of well-shaped hornblende crystals altered to brown aggregate were seen in augite crystals. All these cases are exceptional, but taken together seem to show that the augite was formed at about the same time that the alteration of the hornblende was taking place, in the first cases the augite having evidently been formed before or at the same time, and in the others subsequently. It must be also noted that no instance was seen of an augite inclosing hornblende altered to augite-opacite. The Kula basalts are all very glassy, yet it was observed to be the rule that the more glassy the rock the less the alteration, the last stages being reached only in the least glassy varieties. This fact has also been observed by many writers, including Rosenbusch, Hyland, Lenk, Petzold, and Kiich. To return to the brown aggregate stage of alteration, there is given in a note * the literature on the subject so far as the writer's knowledge of it extends. From an examination of this it will seen that, first observed by Zirkel in 1870 in the basalt of the Niirburg in the Eifel, it has subsequently been found in basalts of * Zirkel, Basal tgesteine, p. 26. Rosenbusch, Mik. Phys. 8te Aufl. i. 560. M5bl, Die Basalte u. Phonolithe Sachsens(1873), p. 130. Van Werveke, Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Gesteine d. Insel Palma. Neues Jahrb. 1879, p. 825. Backing, Jahrb. d. geol. Landesanstalt, 1880, p. 160. Sommerlad, Ueber hornblendeftihrende Basalte. Neues Jahrb. 1882, n. Beil.-Bd. p. 150. Petzold, Basaltgesteine der RhOn. Inaug. Diss. Halle, 1888. p. 26. Doss, Die basaltische Laven und Tuffe der Haurfin. Min. pet. Mitth. vn, 1886, p. 515. Lenk, Zur geol. Kenntn. der sudl.-RhOn (Wurzburg, 1887), p. 79. Hyland, Ueber die Gesteine des Kilimaudjaro. Min. petr. Mitth. x, 1888. p. 238. Hatch, On the Characters of Rocks collected in Madagascar. Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1889, p. 349. C. Vogelsang, Trachyte und Basalte der Elfel. Zeit. d. deutsch geoL Gesell. XLII, 1890, p. 19. Osann, Beitr. z. Kenntn. der. Gesteine des Cabo da Gata. II. Ditto, 1891, p. 688. Zirkel, Lehrbuch d. Petrographie, 1893, i, 719. 30 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. Saxony, Palma, the Khone, the Hauran in Syria, Kilimandjaro, Madagascar, and Gabo.de Grata. All these hornblende .basalts seem to have been poor in glass, and most of them to have con- tained nepheline, as is usually the case in hornblende basalts, though in the present instance none was found. The descriptions of the brown mineral agree perfectly, except in one point, with my own observations. Through the kindness of Prof. Dr. Zirkel and Dr. Lenk, I was also able to examine slides of the basalts from the Eifel, and the Spahler Berg and Sparbrod on the Ehon, and establish the identity of these occurrences with my own. The exception spoken of is the oblique extinction which almost all the writers observed, varying from " parallel or little inclined " (van Werveke) to maxima of 20 (Hyland) and 25 (Doss), the usual extinction angle lying between 7 and 15. It is to be noted that Doss (p. 515) observed in one or two specimens from the Tell Sfech that the altered hornblende contained not only small, dark-brown, club-shaped " hornblende " crystals, but also small " rod-like," yellowish-red to yellow crystals which have par- allel extinction and whose chemical nature is undetermined. Similar contradictory statements are made in regard to the be- havior of the brown crystals towards hydrochloric acid, some of the authors stating that they are, others that they are not, acted on by it. The general opinion is that these "club-shaped" bodies are also hornblende, though Petzold, Hyland, and Lenk are inclined to doubt this, and leave the question an open one. The smallness of the crystals, their intimate mixture with the other alteration prod- ucts, and the consequent difficulty, nay, impossibility, of complete separation, render a chemical analysis of the pure material out of the question, and their nature must, to a large extent, at least as far as the occurrences observed up to the present time are con- cerned, be determined on other grounds than chemical ones. All the non-chemical means of investigation seem to me to point to the conclusion that these small reddish-brown crystals are in reality hypersthene, and the reasons for this opinion are now given. It must be premised that I do not regard the point as proved and the question definitely settled, the arguments I am pro- ceeding to bring up going to show the great probability of the mineral being hypersthene, and not amounting to positive proof. The result of an unsatisfactory chemical analysis will.be given later. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LBYIA. 31 a. In the first place, the investigations of a number of ob- servers * on melted hornblende show that on cooling (at least under the laboratory conditions chosen) it cecrystallizes as augite. This is the unanimous result of all their experiments, and no case is known where hornblende recrystallized as hornblende. As Hyland pertinently says, " One cannot well explain theoretically how this tendency of melted hornblende to crystallize out as augite can be overcome." The results of the above-cited experiments seem* to me also a strong ground for doubting the hornblende nature of the body in question, and for supposing it, on a priori grounds, to be- long to the pyroxene group. b. The pleochroism of the crystals agrees perfectly with that of hyperstheue, which is givenf as o or a brownish red, b or b reddish yellow, c or b green. Hyperstheue is usually elongated or prismatic parallel to 6, and taking the long axis of our crystals as 6, we find an absolutely identical pleochroism. Some of the crystals also show a tendency to become tabular parallel to J(010), judging from the pleochroism, which is quite frequent in hypersthene, but not the usual habit. c. The constant parallel extinction observed by me (cf. Van Werveke, Doss, and Osann) points to a rhombic mineral, taken in connection with the pleochroism, and strengthens the idea that we have to do with hypersthene. In contradistinction to my observations stands the almost unani- mous testimony of the various observers that the mineral extin- guishes obliquely. That this is a serious objection to the hypersthene theory I must admit; yet it can, I think, be explained in two ways. It must be remembered that in almost all the cases quoted the crys- * Mitscherlich and Berthier, Pogg. Ann. 1831, xxn. 338. G. Rose, ibid. Fouque and Michel-Levy, Synth^se des Mineraux et des- Roches (Paris, 1882), pp. 61-78. Becker, Dunkle Umraudungen der Horublenden. Neu. Jahrb. 1883, n. 8. Doelter and Hussak, Einwirkuug geschuiolzeuer Magmeu. Ibid. 1884, i. 24. Becker. Schmelzversuche mit Pyroxnen und Ampuibolen, Zeit d. d. geol. Ges. xxxvii. 1885, p. 10. Cf. Ramnjelsberg, Mineralchemie . u. 394. t Dana, Mineral. 6th ed. 1892, p. 349. Cf. Blaas, Jilngere Eruptivges- tei'ne Persians (Min. pet. Mitth., in., 1880, p. 482), and Hatch, Gesteiue d. Vulcan Gruppe von Areqiiipa (ibid., VH, 1886, 339). 32 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LY1HA. tals are spoken of as being "very dark/' or "almost opaque." and " only allowing of optical examination in thin parts of the slide." I conclude from this that the slides were relatively thick, especially in the case of the earlier investigators, and so the oblique extinction might have been caused by augite grains, unaltered hornblende, or particles of feldspar, lying above or below the brown mineral. It also seems possible that, unconsciously, a personal bias may have- entered into the question; i.e., that the observers had the idea that the mineral was hornblende, and thought they saw an oblique ex- tinction when it was in reality parallel. The illusion would have been heightened by the form of the crystals, which are often thicker at one end than at the other. However this may be, I can only say that, in my slides of the Kula basalts, the mineral was, in most cases, light colored, large, and well formed enough to admit of exact opti- cal examination; that only such crystals were relied on; that they all extinguished parallel; and that this parallel extinction was ob- served and noted while I still thought the mineral hornblende, and before the idea of its be'ing hypersthene had occurred to rne. d. It will be remembered that in sections parallel to b of the horn- blende most of the crystals are arranged parallel to this, with others crossing them at angles of 60, while in sections perpendicular to the vertical axis the crystals are mostly perpendicular to the pina- coids and prisms of the hornblende. On the supposition that these crystals are hornblende in the latter case the arrangement can be ex- plained as analogous to the network of rutile needles crossing at angles of 60 in mica; but for the other case no such explanation, based on the crystallographic properties of the host, can be given, the only important angles in hornblende near 60 or 120 being that of the prismatic cleavage, which would only affect the needles seen in horizontal section. The only twinning planes so far known in hornblende are a(WO) and c(OOi), the latter giving rise to twin- ning lamellae. Therefore, as we cannot find the explanation in tho original hornblende crystal, we must look for it in the mineral itself; and here the hypersthene theory comes readily to our aid, and fur- nishes us with a good explanation. We find, in fact, that the dome (101) is a twinning plane of hypersthene, giving an angle between the two 6 axes of 60 58', it being also a twinning plane of the allied mineral enstatite. Becke* observed in andesite from southern * Becke, Ueber Zwillingsverwachsungen Gesteinbildender Pyroxeneu und Ampbibolen. Min. Pet. Mitth,, vn. p. 93. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 33 Bukowina hypersthene needles twinned in accordance witli this law, producing stellate forms, and he compares them with angite twins with the twinning plane W(122). e. It has long been known that augite and hornblende tend to crys- tallize (when together) in parallel position that is, with the 6 axes and the ortho- and cliuo-pinacoids parallel. Hypersthene has been o.bserved* as an inclusion in augite in parallel position, and hence it can be inferred that it would also lie in parallel position in horn- blende. This has, in fact, been observed by Hatch and Osann in cases cited below, and by Lacroix. If now we consider our mineral hypersthene, we find, by means of the pleochroism, that the crystals lying with their long axes parallel to the hornblende 6 have mostly their macro-pinacoids parallel to the brachy-pinacoids of the horn- blende, as is also the case in the parallelism of pyroxene and horn- blende. /. The alteration of hornblende into hypersthene (along with other minerals) has been already several times recorded. f Hatch describes occurrences in andesites from the volcano Pichupichu near Arequipa, where the hornblende has become altered to a mass of feldspar, augite, hypersthene, and magnetite grains and crystals, the augite and hypersthene being in parallel position. Rudolph's and Lenk's examples are not as striking, while Osann refers the rhombic pyroxene observed by him to bronzite. It must be re- marked that in all these cases of rhombic pyroxene as an alteration product of hornblende, it was also present in the rock proper. " (f. On general chemical and mineralogical grounds it seems unlikely that, after the alteration of part of the hornblende to augite and magnetite, the rest of it should again crystallize as horn- blende. The above are my arguments in favor of the hypersthene hypothe- sis. As previously remarked, they are not held to be entirely con- clusive, but as indicating a great probability. The subject seems a difficult one, but the difficulties have so far been chiefly those offered by the unsatisfactory nature of the occurrences. With * Bucca, Le Andesite dell' Isola di Lipnri. Boll. R. Com. Geol. d'ltalia, Nos. 9 and 10, 1885, p. 286. Lacroix. Sur Quelques Roches d'Armenie. Bull. Soc. Geol., 3d, xiv., 1891, p. 744. f Rudolph, op. cit. p. 294 ; Hatch, Arequipa, pp. 352, 354 ; Lenk, Mexico, p. 17 ; Osann, op. cit. p. 688. 34 THE VOLCANOES OF TIIF KTTLA BASIN IN LYDIA. better material, which I hope to obtain, the question can undoubt- edly be definitively settled. In one of the hand specimens from the well-digging before referred to was found a dark spot, some two or three centimetres in diame- ter. On examination under the microscope this proved to be a mass of brown aggregate, magnetite, and some large augite crystals, with very little unaltered hornblende. It was thought that the brown crystals could perhaps be separated, and material enough obtained for chemical analysis, so the dark spot was reduced to a coarse powder, and the groundmass separated by means of Thou- let's solution. It was impossible thus to separate the brown mineral from the augite, and the brown mineral, as well as the magnetite, was attracted by the magnet. An attempt was therefore made to separate the magnetite by digestion with warm dilute HC1. Con- siderable iron was extracted, but it is to be feared that some of the brown mineral was itself decomposed, and hence the analytical results partially vitiated. However, an analysis of the resulting material was made with the following result, the alkalies not hav- ing been determined: H 8 0(Ign.) 0.50 SiO, 49.00 Al a 3 - 7.78 Fe 2 s 7.62 FeO 2. 93 CaO 19.60 MgO 10.44 K a O,Na,0 _ 97.87 This result, it will be seen, is against the theory of hypersthene being present in any considerable quantity. For, hypersthene being a ferrous magnesium meta-silicate with a percentage of FeO, vary- ing from 10.04 to 28.40 %* we would expect in the material analyzed not only a much larger percentage of FeO than was found, but also that the quantity of FeO present would be greater than that of the Fe 2 3 . The very large percentage of CaO is striking, and seems only explicable on the theory that a much larger quantity * Dana, op. ell. p. 350. ' THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 35 of augite was present than the microscopical examination seemed to show. It is remarkable that this analysis is almost identical with analy- sis of augites from Kircheip and Naurod, and shows much resem- blance to those of augites from the Vogelsberg and Greenwood Furnace.* I am inclined to say that much of the iron was lost through the treatment with HC1, though I must admit that this would not necessarily alter the relative proportions of ferrous and ferric iron, unless the ferrous iron present is more easily dissolved. It is much to be deplored that the result obtained is so unsatis- factory, but I hope on my next visit to Kula to obtain more appropriate material. Theories of Alteration. We are next confronted with the prob- lem of the formation of this brown aggregate, and the augite- opacite aggregate, which has engaged the attention of many investigators, but which seems to be still in an unsettled and unsatisfactory condition. While agreeing with Hyland and Som- merlad as to the difficulty of the explanation, I think it worth while to examine the question and to offer my quotum toward its solution. It must be remembered that we have two processes to consider, or, what is perhaps more correct, two stages of one process. It is true that in most cases of similar alteration of hornblende and biotite the formation of brown aggregate has not been observed (never in the case of biotite); but the evident close connection of the two methods of alteration in the rocks under discussion makes it seem probable that they are, at least partially, due to the same cause or causes. It is possible that one of the causes to be brought forward later may explain the difference in the two, but they will at present be discusse^ together. It may be well to state first, in compact form, the various phe- nomena which must be explained by any theory proposed. The brown hornblende seems much more subject to these alterations than the green. The hornblende is generally, but not necessarily, changed first to a brown aggregate, and next to an augite-opacite aggregate; in the process some of the Fe a 3 being reduced to FeO. This change takes place first near the surface of the crystal and works inward, or else, especially in the case of the brown aggregate, * Daua, op. tit. p. 360, Nos. 71, 72. 36 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. along cracks, and here without contact with the surrounding rock magma. The alteration, especially that to brown aggregate, often occurs without any change of form in the hornblende crystal. A layer of unaltered hornblende substance can be deposited on horn- blende altered to brown aggregate, but it was not observed around the augite-opacite. The augite-opacite alteration is seldom, and the other never, met with in the plutonic or more acid volcanic rocks, and both alterations seem to be more common the less glassy the groundmass. The brown aggregate seems to have been formed at a comparatively early period. We shall first state the various theories and ideas that have been advanced on the subject, as by a general view and comparison we can more readily determine what is of value and what may be re- jected. It must be stated that the theories attributing this altera- tion to atmospheric action and decomposition, and the views that the magnetite, etc., are inclusions, are not considered, as numerous facts observed since their proposal have effectually disposed of them. Zirkel,*as the cause of the formation of the augite-opacite border,. says "that the dark opacite border is the product of the caustic- chemical action of the surrounding, still half-molten magma on the already crystallized hornblende crystals." Kosenbusch, describing the so-called pseudomorphs of mag- netite after hornblende and biotite, says I : " Such pseudomorphs appear to be conditional on resorption of the older porphyritical crystals, which, in certain stages of development of the magma, are not able to exist." In describing the dark border of biotite J he re- marks that it is less developed the more glassy the groundmass, " since here the solidification was completed before conditions could enter which would endanger the existence of the biotite." In another place he attributes the alteration to the action of the magma during the eruption, there being at this period a great change in the chemical constitution of the magma, " and loss of water through sudden, or at least rapid, diminution of pressure, and the consequent considerable increase of its acidity." * Zirkel, Ueber die krystalliuischen Gesteiue langs des 40te Breitgrades in Nordwest-Amerika. Ber. d. k. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. 1877. p. 197. f Rosenbusch, op. cit. 8te Aufl. i. p. 285. i Ditto, i. p. 583. Ditto, 2te Auti. ir. p. 660. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 37 Sommerlad,* after remarking that an explanation seems hard to find, goes on as follows: " Perhaps the original crystals were here melted, either only on the borders, or else completely, and the microlites were produced during quick cooling, and at the same time particles of the groundmass penetrated between them." Petzold f speaks thus: " Perhaps one can form the following conception of their genesis [of the brown crystals] : The early crys- tallized hornblende underwent the solvent action of the molten magma, out of the solution there separated later augites, together with feldspar and the brown, hornblende-like mineral. From a chemical point of view there is nothing against this theory." Siemiradzki J thinks that " hornblende is produced in the depths in circumstances of strong saturation of the magma by superheated steam, and great pressure, while augite separates at the surface on cooling of the dry magma. The opacitic border of the hornblende crystals arises through action of the dry (freed from the crystal- forming H.,0 vapor) molten magma on the crystals floating in it, while the augite is unacted on." Lagorio says : " The cause of the corroding action of the molten mass on the already crystallized ingredients is to be looked for, primarily, in the changed chemical composition, which the still fluid part undergoes through separation of successive generations of ingredients. But this change is not yet, it appears, enough for an effective assault on the already formed minerals. There is necessary for this still another circumstance." This other circum- stance he takes to be the heat developed through diminution of volume on solidification, and he goes on : "This explains suffi- ciently well the frequent occurrence of opaque borders, and other corrosion appearances in crystals in rocks, in which, after separa- tion of the primary ingredients, further crystallization took place." Kiich, I after stating Zirkel's, Rosenbusch's, and Lagorio's views on the subject, admits that a corrosive action of the magma has undoubtedly taken place where the original contours of the horn- * Sommerlad, op. cit. p. 150. f Petzold, op. cit. p. 29. | Siemiradzki, Geologiscbe Reiseiiotizen aus Ecuador. N. Jahrb. Beil.-Bd. iv, 1886, 207. Lagorio, Ueber die Natur der Glasbasis. Miu. pet. Mittb. vui, 1887, 462. || Kiicb, op. cit. pp. 56. 57. 38 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. blende are more or less changed. He contends, however, that in the case of hornblende crystals which have preserved their original forms, and also where a separation of magnetite grains has taken place in the interior of the crystal, that no such corrosive action is possible. His explanation is that the alteration is due to a " simple action of heat." Belowsky,* while admitting that Kiich's theory explains many appearances, yet does not admit that it will explain all. " Accord- ing to my opinion, the solvent and decomposing activity of the molten magma is to be put in the first rank." It is seen on examination of these various theories that all the writers quoted, with the exceptions of Sommerlad, Petzold, Kuch r and Belowsky, follow Zirkel in attributing the alteration to a cor- rosive action of the molten magma, differing in details, and in their explanations of the action. Exactly what sort of action this is sup- posed to be is not clear, though most seem to imagine a chemical reaction of some sort between the magma and the hornblende. Rosenbusch and Lagorio introduce certain physical conditions a& necessary the one diminution of pressure, the other a sudden rise in the temperature on solidification, the latter being also invoked by Sommerlad to account for the melting of the hornblende after solidification. Petzold and Belowsky both suppose a solution of the hornblende crystal by, and subsequent deposition of augite and opacite from, the molten magma. Kiich, on the other hand, at- tributes the change entirely to the simple influence of heat, without fusion of the crystal. Zirkel's explanation that the action of the molten magma i& one of a " caustic-chemical " nature may stand as the general state- ment of this class of explanations, though the phrase is rather a vague one, and with no very definite meaning. Lagorio rightly objects to Rosenbusch's theory that it is not clear what " Umstande " are meant, but that probably the quicker cooling in glassy rocks is thought of. He disproves this by an experiment of plunging a biotjte crystal into a molten acid and alkali-rich magma, and then allowing the mass to cool. The solid mass is perfectly glassy, but the biotite crystal shows in the section an opacitic bor- der, though the action of the molten magma was-almost momentary. The high percentage of SiO, (in this case ca. 69$) would seem to * Belowsky, op. cit. p. 45. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 39 favor Roseubusch's idea that the acidity of the basis has to do with the corrosion. Against this it may be urged that the Kula basalts are basic rocks with a percentage of silica of 47.5-48. We learn from some analyses of basalt and their glass bases by Lagorio* that the difference in acidity of a basic rock, poor in alkalies, and its glass basis is practically nothing, in two cases the glass being even slightly more basic than the basalt. It is there- fore safe to assume that the glass basis of the Kula basalts and hence the molten magma at all stages was a basic one, and yet we have here the alteration extremely well marked and very constant. An objection to Sommerlad's theory is that one would expect, in accordance with his idea of quick cooling, to find the brown crys- tals, and augite and opacite grains, as frequently in the very glassy rocks as in the less glassy, which we know net to be the case. Pet- zold remarks that this theory is forced, and justly says that if this were the case one would expect to find the microlites, and so forth, in the neighborhood of such altered hornblende crystals, which we do not. This objection would also lie against Petzold's theory itself, against which perhaps no chemical objection can be brought, but grave physical ones. But it seems to me that the strongest argument against these or similar theories involving a fusion or solution of the hornblende crystal is the fact that so many cases occur where the hornblende is altered in substance and yet not in form. One cannot say that in the one case the alteration in sub- stance is due to one cause and in the other case to another, as Kiich seems to do, since the alteration product in both is identical, but we can logically attribute the alteration of substance and alteration of form to different causes. To me it is impossible to conceive of any body preserving its sharp outlines if existing in a fluid or semi-fluid state in a moving molten magma; and that the magma was in mo- tion after (and hence during) the alteration is shown by the fluctu- ation structure of the microlites about all the larger altered crys- tals. That after the solidification of the surrounding magma the hornblende could have become fused without losing its form ispos- ble, but that such should happen before solidification of the magma I hold is impossible. Belowsky exclaims, " Why should not the sharp contours of the crystals be retained on a solution of the hornblende and immediate separation of augite- and ore-grains ?" * Lagorio, op. cit. p. 479. 40 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYIHA. But it seems to me much more proper to ask, Why should they be retained ? Such an occurrence would run counter to all our experi- ence. The idea also of immediate separation of augite and mag- netite which he has to suppose, and which Sommerlad is also com- pelled to bring in, seems decidedly forced, unnatural, and unneces- sary. So I shall exclude from consideration as an explanation of the alteration of substance any fusion or solution of the crystal, as being not in accordance with the observed facts. The change of form often seen, in some cases very profound and amounting to a complete scattering of the altered crystal through the rock sub- stance, is not necessarily due to fusion, but is much more probably simple mechanical disintegration, the granular pseudomorph not being as coherent as the unaltered crystal. Siemiradzki's view that the hornblende was formed at a consid- erable depth under conditions of great pressure and saturation of the magma with superheated steam seems to me to have much to recommend it. It js chiefly based on the fact that so far we have been unable to produce hornblende under conditions of dry igne- ous fusion, while augite is readily so produced.* I cannot, how- ever, agree with him in regard to the period of formation of the augite. In the Kula basalts the augite is frequently an inclusion often in large crystals in the hornblende, this being much more often the case than the converse. Indeed part of the augite seems to have been formed at the same time as, if not before, the hornblende, and the formation of the two apparently went on hand- in-hand for some time, the formation of hornblende finally ceasing, while that of the augite as rnicrolites still continued. It is per- fectly possible that augite may be formed in a moist molten magma as well as in a dry one. His explanation of the cause of the altera- tion is a general one and, with the exception of the magma being supposed dry, apparently identical with Zirkel's. An objection to his theory that the alteration is dependent on the dryness of the magma lies in the fact that steam is usually present in the lava when it reaches the surface, and hence the magma is hardly ever in his supposed waterless condition. This objection, however, lies only against his explanation of the alteration, not of the formation, of the hornblende, his view of the latter seeming to me to be a very probable one. *Cf. Fouque et Levy, Syuthese cles Miueruux et des Roches, p. 102. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 41 That Lagorio's " changed chemical constitution of the magma " due to loss of some of the constituents as minerals crystallized out is not always a necessary condition, seems to be shown by the fact that zones of unaltered hornblende are seen around altered sub- stance. The rise in temperature due to solidification which has in fact been observed * may enter as a factor, and will be spoken of again. To sum up: Though the process under discussion is strictly a chemical, or physico-chemical, alteration, yet, as crystallization of the newly formed bodies takes place, it may, I think, be justly assumed that factors of simple crystallization would also play a role in the present process. Michel-Levyf gives the three factors of temperature, pressure, and mineralizing agents, as bringing about crystallization in molten magmas. He further remarks that in basic rocks pressure and mineralizing agents are of little importance, and the minerals we can ascribe to them biotite and basaltic hornblende are rare in basic magmas, and in the last phases of rock formation are often absorbed and changed to augite and magnetite. Iddings J in an able paper gives the following list, the factors being arranged in the order of their importance : " Cooling, and a certain amount of Time, or the Rate of Cooling. Chemical Composition of the magma. Mineralizing Agents. Pressure." Some, or all, of these may enter into the problem, and I would further propose two additional ones. But we must now take up for consideration the two modes of alteration separately, as the conditions of the formation of the two aggregates produced are evidently not quite the same. We will first consider the brown aggregate, as this is the first formed, and, to a certain extent, leads to the other. *"Scacchi, Palmieri, and Guariui observed this phenomenon during the eruption of Vesuvius in 1855 in the lava of the Fossa della Vetrana. Cf. Roth, Der Vesuv und die Umgegeud von Neapel. Berlin, 1857, pp. 293 and 304." Note in Somuierlad, op. cit. p. 142. f Michel-Levy, Structure et Classification des Roches eruptives. Paris, 1889. pp. 5 and 9. t Iddiugs, On the Crystallization of Igneous Rocks. Bull. Phil. Soc. Washington, xi. 1889, pp. 106, 113. 42 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. For the formation of this (the brown aggregate) I would intro- duce a factor, the effect of which seems, heretofore, to have been un- recognized, namely, the chemical action of gas occluded, or otherwise present, in the molten magma. Hydrogen is, of all gases, the most easily occluded by a molten magma, and that it is abundant in the gases given off during eruptions is well known. Its presence is un- doubtedly due to the dissociation of water at the high temperature- of the fluid lava. If we adopt Siemiradzki's theory we must sup- pose that the crystallization of the hornblende started at' a consider- able depth, when the lava was saturated with water vapor, due to the ingress of water which started the eruption. As the lava as- cends the conduit this water vapor becomes partially dissociated, the- dissociation of steam taking place gradually, as shown by experi- ments. Whether Siemiradzki's theory is correct or not, hornblende is present (as shown by the broken and distorted crystals) in the- moving mass of magma containing occluded hydrogen at a high temperature. This hydrogen, occluded and hence in close molecu- lar contact with the ingredients of the mass, would exert a power- ful reducing action on the hornblende (which seems especially sub- ject to certain forms of alteration), reducing the Fe 3 3 to FeO, with the production of hypersthene, magnetite, and some augite. The hydrogen, it will be observed, could penetrate crevices that the molten magma would be unable to do, and so account lor the fre- quent alteration we observe in such places. That this action should take place only in basaltic rocks seems at first, perhaps, an objec- tion. But when we remember that it is almost solely in these rocks that brown hornblende occurs, that this variety is the only one that contains Fe a 8 to a large extent, and that in the Kula basalts, as well as in other instances, this is the only variety altered, the green generally remaining unchanged, we have, I think, found the ex- planation. It is only in these rocks that the hornblende contains iron in a reducible condition. It would seem from this that it re- quires the reduction of Fe a 3 to FeO, and not merely the presence of FeO, for the formation of the brown (hypersthene) aggregate. In this alteration it would seem that the chemical constitution of the magma may be left out of account as a direct factor, it having, of course, to do in the first place with the formation of a brown hornblende rather than a green. However this may be, it is cer- tain that a high temperature is necessary, not only for the dissoci- ation of the water, but for the reducing action of the resultant THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 43 hydrogen. That pressure is necessary seems probable, but of this we cannot be certain. It will have been noticed that for all this process no fusion or solution of the hornblende is necessary, and hence the crystal may retain its shape and sharp edges, as we find to be the case. As the dissociation of water begins at a temperature considerably above that of the melting-point of basalt, at a higher point of the conduit much of the dissociated hydrogen and oxygen would recombine, producing a moist magma, and hence, through the absence of free hydrogen, preventing further alteration, and al- lowing the production of fresh hornblende, which would either be deposited on the already altered crystals, or else separate out as smaller crystals. The formation of an augite opacite aggregate is a different, and perhaps a simpler, process. It must be borne in mind that, as shown previously, it invariably takes place at a later stage than the alteration into brown aggregate. Of Iddings' list of factors given above we can safely eliminate those of pressure and mineralizing agents, on the ground of La- gorio's, Becker's, and Doelter and Hussak's experiments, which show that hornblende can be altered to an augite-opacite aggregate under ordinary atmospheric pressure, and in a dry magma, without the presence of mineralizing agents. In this I am at one with Michel r Lev3% though, as will have been gathered from foregoing remarks, I cannot admit the resorption of hornblende, in this case. It would perhaps seem reasonable to exclude also the chemical constitution of the magma, since we find the same alteration tak- ing place in acid and basic, and alkali-rich and alkali-poor, magmas. Against this can be urged the undoubted fact that the alteration is more frequent in the basic vulcanic rocks. Perhaps an explanation similar to that brought forward for the same factor in the brown- aggregate formation could be found, but at present it seems best to retain this factor, though with some hesitation. That a high temperature is necessary is certain, but that the rate of cooling enters in is rather doubtful, since arguments can be brought forward on both sides. However, on the ground, chiefly, of the more frequent occurrence in the less glassy rocks, it must I think be retained, though, like the preceding, with some hesitation. Into this process I would also introduce a new factor, a molec- ular change similar to that occurring in many bodies under certain conditions, as the change of monoclinic to orthorhombic sulphur, 44 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. and that of many organic compounds into isomers or polymers. I suggest then that this alteration is due to a chemical action of the magma the nature of which is not very clear on the hornblende crystal, either unaltered or changed to brown aggregate, in the lat- ter case the brown mineral (hypersthehe) alone being affected. This obscure chemical action is aided, or perhaps superseded, by a molecular change going on in the crystal itself due to a long-con- tinued high, but gradually diminishing, temperature, or a slow rate of cooling. This molecular change splits up the hornblende mole- cule, the ferrous and ferric oxides present going chiefly to form magnetite and the CaO and MgO forming (with a small pro- portion of the iron) a colorless pyroxene, which is probably a diopside. It seems probable that the composition of amphibole is a more complicated one than that of pyroxene, and " Tschermak* has shown reason for writing the amphibole formulas as double the corresponding ones for pyroxene." It is also to be seen that the formula of an aluminous hornblende containing Fe 2 3 is more complicated than that'of a (probably) non-aluminous pyroxene con- taining little or no iron. Hence the molecule is much more readily split up, and subject to alteration under conditions which would not affect the augite molecule. The same reasoning applies in the case of the brown aggregate alteration. The above explanation of what is, it must be confessed, a diffi- cult subject is roughly given, and may not be completely satisfac- tory. Still it seems to me to be fully as reasonable as, and more definite than, any of the theories heretofore proposed, and gives an explanation for all the observed phenomena. My time and space do not permit me to go into the details of this last point, or to enter into a longer discussion of the subject, but enough has, I think, been said to make the theory clear, and the reader can follow out its application at his leisure. Olivine. One of the characteristic features of the Kula basalts is the relatively small quantity of olivine present, which, while very constant in its occurrence, forms but a very small proportion of the component minerals. It is always, like the hornblende, porphy- ritic. The largest oli vines vary from 0.5-3.0 mm. and are nearly all fragmentary. The smaller. crystals vary from 0.05-0.4 mm. in length by nearly the same in thickness, and are, in contradistinc- * Tschermak, Miii. pet. Mittb. xxxvin, 1871. Cf . Dana, Miner, p. 388. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 45 tion to the larger, usually well formed. They show the planes fl(100), 5(010), wi(110), rf(101), and (021). Frequent rect- angular sections are seen, indicating the absence of prisms or domes on many of the crystals. Though the largest oli vines are bright greenish yellow as seen macroscopically, in sections they are both colorless and are remarkable for their perfect clearness and freedom from alteration. With the exception of two specimens from A'i Tepesi, where the olivine is colored a clear reddish yellow on the border, the olivine is without a trace of decomposition of any sort. This freshness of appearance and the colorlessuess, taken together with the imperfect way in which the augite shows its cleav- age, rendered it a matter of great difficulty at times to distinguish the two minerals. Though the smaller olivines are, as a rule, well formed, yet here and there peculiar forms due to irregularities of growth and devel- opment, to which olivine is very prone, were seen, in some cases the angles being developed more than the faces. What is probably due to a similar cause is shown in PL III., Fig. 5, though it may be a corrosion phenomenon. There we have a section parallel to a(100), showing the brachypinacoid 6(010) and the dome (021). It is seen that the angles are sharp, while piercing all the domes are holes leading to shallow cavities filled with groundmass. The bottoms of these cavities are not flat but convex, and their comparatively great width and narrow mouth are very striking. A crystal similar to these is seen in the sideromelan nucleus of a manganese nodule from the bed of the South Pacific.* Another inclusion form which seems to be a consequence of growth is shown in Fig. 6. Here two large spots of clear brown glass are seen at each end of an olivine crystal. This arrangement, which is quite often met with, is probably due to the formation of a crystal forked at the two ends, as is so common in olivine, the filling of the open spaces with groundmass at that period apparently free from microlites or magnetite and the subsequent growth of olivine substance be- yond and around them, completing the crystal form, and isolating the two masses of glass. In another case (Fig. 7) a hexagonal sec- tion is seen with four bands of brown glass lying parallel to the prisms, and in still another we have a lozenge-shaped section of * Report of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger": Deep-sea Deposits. London, 1891. PI. XVI., Fig. 1. 46 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. oliviue, about this a zone of ground mass, and about this again a shell of olivine of the same shape as the core (Fig. 8). Inclusions are, however, not very common and are mostly of brown glass or groundmass, each crystal containing but one or two. They are oc- casionally relatively large, and are also sometimes of the same shape as the host. Besides these glassy inclusions there were seen two olivine crys tals containing peculiar trichite inclusions, such inclusions being, it may be stated, of rare occurrence in basaltic hornblende. The first is in a hyalopilitic basalt from one of the knolls, and is shown in Fig. 9. Here there are two olivine crystals, one 1.2 X 0.4 mm. and of rectangular outline, and another of about the same size, but broken, adjoining it. In these are seen very fine, hair-like black lines, which by the aid of high powers are resolved into rows of extremely minute black grains, sometimes looking as if strung along a fine black hair. In the larger crystal these margarites do not lie irregularly, but' the majority of them are perfectly straight and parallel to the long sides of the crystal, often curving about at the ends so as to enclose an oblong space. In the broken crystal they are mostly curved, and do not lie as regularly, but still are generally in groups of individuals parallel to one another. At the junction of the two crystals is a narrow black border on each, from which many small trichites emanate. The second case, occurring in the upper scoriaceous part of a " knoll," is of an olivine crystal, 0.55x0.45 mm., shown in Fig. 10. It is of an ovoidal shape, with flat ends, and is sharply divided into two parts along a line running across it at its widest part. The larger half shows a colorless mass of olivine, containing numerous coarse black lines, which can be readily resolved into rows of black grains. These margarites are all curved and lie in groups of mem- bers parallel to one another. The smaller half looks under low powers almost perfectly black and opaque, but the higher powers show it to be also made up of colorless olivine substance, with numerous black grains and trichites, mostly arranged in parallel straight and curved lines. Both these occurrences resemble the trichite inclusions in the olivine of a gabbro from Mull described and figured by Zirkei.* * Zirkei, Mikroskopische Beschaffenkeit de Mineraliern (Leipzig, 1873), p. 214. Cf. Renard, Petrol. Oceau. Islands (London, 1889), p. 57. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 47 The olivine also frequently shows signs of corrosion, which has generally acted irregularly, forming deep bays and pockets. In many cases the original outline has been entirely lost and only a small part of the original crystal is left. It also happens that one end of a crystal will be perfectly unacted on and show sharp angles and straight lines, while the other end will be deeply eaten away. All these appearances are so common and have been so often de- scribed and figured that it was not thought worth while to illus- trate them. One special case, which may however be due to growth, is here shown (Fig. 11). It is a rectangular section, 0.2 X 0.14 mm., from one angle of which runs a small prolongation of the side. This extinguishes exactly like the body of the crystal and is not an ad- hering fragment. Magnetite. This occurs both in the groundmass and, as already described, as an alteration product of hornblende. In size the grains vary from 0.005-0.03 mm., a few attaining a diameter of 0.1 mm. when the sub-metallic lustre in reflected light is easily seen. These large grains are irregular in shape, but the smaller ones fre- quently show sharp outlines, representing sections of octahedra. A very interesting observation was made in regard to its occur- rence in the groundmass, which has an important bearing on the question of its period of formation. It will be remembered that the Kula basalts can be divided as regards their structure into normal, hyalopilitic, semi-vitreous, and tachylytic varieties, and it may be further stated that all these varieties possess practically the .same chemical composition. In the first two types the least glassy the magnetite is very abundant and the glass basis colorless. In the semi-vitreous variety the magnetite is only sparingly present and the glass basis a light cinnamon-brown. In the tachylytes which are almost pure glass the magnetite is almost entirely absent and the glass a dark choco- late-brown. Here we have a beautifully shown transition series, the magnet- ite content varying inversely as the glass content and as the depth of color of the glass basis. This seems very good proof that the magnetite is, in these basalts, not one of the first minerals to crys- tallize out as is generally held to be the case,* but that it was among, * Cf. Roseubuscli, op. cit. 3te Aufl. i. 287., n. 342. It is interesting to note 48 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. if not quite, the last. The facts that magnetite is very rarely seen as an inclusion in the other minerals,* and the numerous inclu- sions of clear brown glass, point the same way. It may be objected that an explanation of this lack of magnetite in the more glassy basalts is to be found in a reabsorption by the magma. This, however, seems forced and impossible, it being diffi- cult to explain a reabsorption in the quickly cooled-rocks, Avhile such an action did not take place in the slowly-cooled ones. It has also been pointed out by Iddingsf that the first mineral to separate out is the last to be reabsorbed, and vice versa.. The above observations are quite contrary to the generally held views on the subject of the relative age of the magnetite in a given rock, but there can be no doubt of the facts stated. They form one of the prominent characteristics of the whole series of slides, and hardly an exception was to be found to the general rule. It may be mentioned that Vogt has shown in a recent workj that in the case of some slags the magnetite is crystallized out after the olivine. Leucite. This mineral was observed only in the lava of the northeast and southeast streams, and in only one specimen of lapilli from the crater of Kula Devlit out of half a dozen exam- ined. The crystals are all small, from 0.05-0.3 mm. in diameter, perfectly colorless, and only occasionally show anomalous double refraction. The outlines are generally rounded, but here and there some distinct octagonal sections are seen. They contain, as usual, microlitic inclusions of augite and magnetite, the former being much the more common. These augite microlites are generally arranged in one or two rings, concentric with the outline of the crystal, while the magnetite is more irregular. A few are seen with a nucleus of dusty opaque grains occupying the centre of the crystal, and an augite-microlite ring surrounding this. These resemble the leucites in a leucite-basanite from Kilimandjaro described by Hyland. that Judd (Scot. Gabbros, Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1886, 79) observed exactly the op- posite state of affairs in the basalts of western Scotland. * The magnetite which occurs as an alteration product of hornblende is, of course, not referred to in this connection. f Iddings, Crystal. Ign. Rocks, loc. cit. p. 105. t Vogt, Mineralbildung in Schmelzmassen (Kristiania, 1892), p. 210. Hyland, op. cit. p. 261. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 49 The occurrence of leucite in connection with hornblende basalts is interesting, the combination never before having been observed. It may be also mentioned that this is only the second recorded occurrence of leucite in Asia Minor, La Croix* having observed it in rocks brought from Trebizonde, and which he identified as leucite tephrites and leucitites. These leucite rocks seem to have their eastern continuation in Persia, f Apatite. This was only seen once or twice in the second-period basalt from a well-digging in Kula. In this rock hexagonal sec- tions were observed, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, pale gray in color, and with lines of very fine dust-like grains crossing each other at angles of GO . These few crystals, however, are not integral parts of the rock, but are undoubtedly derived from enclosures of foreign rock brought up from below. One such enclosure of plagioclase containing many identical apatites was seen in the same slide. The rather large percentage of P 2 B , in one case 0.97$, equiva- lent to about 2.5$ of apatite, is to be explained on the supposition that some of the microlites present in the groundmass are in reality apatite. Many of them do extinguish parallel to the long axis, but also many obliquely. The latter may be considered augite, and part of the former apatite. Melanite and Spinel Only three crystals of the former were found ; one, 0.01 mm. in diameter, in the groundmass of a hyalo- pilitic " knoll " basalt, and two smaller crystals as inclusions in a large augite, in a specimen from the northeast stream. They are all dark brown in color, with high relief. All three are almost undoubtedly derived from inclusions which have been altered by contact with the basalt, and do not form essential ingredients of the rock. A few crystals of green spinel were seen in the ground- mass, but they are so evidently derived from enclosures of foreign rock that further remarks on them will be deferred to a later page. Biotite. Two crystals of dark-brown biotite were seen, both undoubtedly derived from foreign rock. One, in a glassy knoll basalt, is a brown crystal fresh in the interior but altered in the outer part to a border of augite and opacite grains, and a brown * Lacroix, Sur les Roches a Leucite de Trebizonde. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xix. 1891, p. 732. t Steinecke, Leucitbasalte u. a. Leucitgesteine in Peisien. Z. f. Naturwiss. Halle, 4, vi, 1887, p. 1. 50 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. minenil which looks extremely like the brown mineral found in the hornblende. The crystals are similar in shape, but the pleoch- roism is not as well marked here, and the two colors observed were dark brown parallel to the long axis and light brown at right angles to this. The extinction was parallel. I think it probable that these crystals are the same mineral as in the hornblende, and if so it will be the first case in which it has been found in biotite. The second biotite crystal was in the lava of Kara Tepe, dark brown, and showed no signs of alteration. Here the rock was more glassy than in the other case. GrENEKAL DESCRIPTION OF BASALTS. Having described the various minerals that enter into the com- position of the Kula basalcs, we may now take up the general description of the rocks from the various localities, and for this purpose an arrangement in accordance with their chronological succession, as far as is possible to determine it, will be the best to follow. As I did not collect any specimens of the basalts of the first period, we shall pass that over and begin with the Second-period Basalts. These are represented by specimens from a well-digging in the northeast part of the town of Kula, from the eastern slope of Ai Tepesi, from the end of its southeast lava stream, and from the second-period stream which underlies the northern Kula Devlit stream, at the Gediz Bridge. The well dig- ging is, according to my host, about 35 metres deep, sunk through lava, and the specimens obtained came from the lowest level whence they had been newly dug. Below the lava they find " baked earth," and strike water some 10 metres down in this. This lava is of sp. gr. 2.733, rather rough in texture, but fine- grained, with few gas pores, and perfectly fresh. Its color is light ash-gray, and scattered through the rock are seen greenish-yellow, glassy, augite and olivine phenocrysts, but very few hornblende phenocrysts. The other specimens of this period are similar, except that they are more compact and the Ai' Tepesi ones darker. The sp. gr. of the piece from the slope of the cone is 2.813, and of that from the end of its lava stream 2.721. This last lava showed a lamellar structure resembling that of phonolite. TEE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 51 Under the microscope they are all seen to belong to the " nor- mal " basaltic type, the groundmass being a mixture of colorless glass and leptomorphic feldspar, with quite abundant colorless au- gite microlites, plagioclase laths and magnetite grains, which often show a fluctuation structure. The porphyritical generation is rep- resented by augite and olivine in generally small crystals", and hornblende. The last is in all these rocks most completely altered, not a particle of unaltered hornblende having been seen. The crystals have all gone over either into a mass of brown aggregate surrounded by an augite-opacite border or, most frequently, com- pletely into a mass of augite and opacite grains, with very com- monly a ring of larger opacite grains near the edge. (Cf. PI. IV, Fig. 2.) The form of the crystal is not as well preserved as in the later lavas, and most of the smaller crystals have been reduced to rounded forms. The relative proportion of glass is not as great as in any of the later rocks, and this, the larger-grained structure, the leptomorphic feldspar, and the perfect alteration of the hornblende may serve to distinguish the basalts of the second period from those of the third. The chemical composition is shown in Analysis I, page 57. Ttiird-period Basalts. We shall take up first of these the ba- salts of " Tlie Knolls." The lava of which these are composed presents three distinct types of structure, which show a gradual transition into one another, they being all glassy. These three types may be called hyalopilitic, semi-vitreous, and tachylytic. a. Hyalopilitic. These are all dark iron - gray rocks, of a very compact texture, and with few or no gas pores. The sp. gr. of one of them is 2.704. Scattered through the mass of the rock are numerous small, glistening, black hornblende phenocrysts. while augite and olivine are seldom to be seen. Rounded grains of clear colorless quartz enclosures are not uncommon, one of these having a length of 15 mm. A few feldspar enclosures are also to be seen in the specimens examined, and one much-decom- posed piece has cavities filled with a white zeolitic mineral. This piece is decomposed on the surface to a dull chocolate brown mass, and veins of the same color are seen running through it. The large majority of the specimens, though, are quite fresh and unaltered. Under the microscope these rocks show a highly typical hyalo- 52 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. pilitic groundmass, of which the basis is a colorless glass. This is very thickly strewn with small plagioclase laths, colorless microlites, and magnetite grains, the last two being especially abundant. In ad- dition to these is also seen a considerable quantity of black straight trichites. In some places the groundmass is colored brown in long streaks which run though the colorless mass. A fluidal arrangement of the plagioclase laths and augite microlites, especially about the large phenocrysts, is not uncommon, but not as well developed as in the more glassy varieties to be next described. Phenocrysts are quite abundant, consisting of hornblende, augite, and olivine. The hornblende is generally brown, these rocks being quite deficient in the green variety. The hornblende is almost invariably altered, but generally only as far as the second stage, where brown aggregate and a narrow augite-opacite border surround a core of still unaltered substance, and the outlines are well preserved. The augite and olivine present no special features of interest. For chemical composition see Anal. II, page 57. b. Semi-vitreous Type. In this type of the knoll basalts are included two specimens from the " ropy " stream east of Kara Tepe, which is considered to belong to the same period on the ground of the character of its flow, and its great resemblance under the micro- scope. These rocks are all iron-black, occurring both in compact and somewhat vesicular varieties, the pores of the latter being small and not very abundant. They have not the dull lustre of the pre- ceding rocks, but present a rather shining fracture, with a pitchy sub-resinous lustre. The sp. gr. of one is 2.647. As phaenocrysts are seen many small glistening black hornblende crystals, which, as well as the pores, are arranged in lines of flow. Crystals of augite or olivine visible megascopically are very rare. Though some of the specimens are decomposed on the surface, yet at a depth of a few mm. they are perfectly fresh, moisture apparently not having been able to penetrate at all. Microscopically these rocks show a largely preponderating light cinnamon-brown glass basis, often mottled light and dark, and oc- casionally with streaks of a much darker color. In this glass basis are many augite microlites, plagioclase laths, and magnetite grains, the microlites being by far the most abundant, while the magnetite is present in very much smaller quantity than in the preceding. The bearing of this fact on the crystallization period of the mag- netite has been already discussed. The plagioclase crystals, while THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 53 fewer in number than in the hyalopilitic variety, are rather larger and better developed. The black trichites seem to be entirely wanting. The microlites and plagioclase crystals show frequent flnidal structure. (Of. PI. IV, Fig. 1.) The pheuocrysts are hornblende and augite, with only rarely olivine. The hornblende is commonly brown, but green crystals are also seen. Both are usually fresh, and when alteration has taken place it has nearly always only reached the brown-aggregate stage. The augite is in small colorless and very bright crystals, fairly well developed, An analysis of this type was not made, but compare Analysis VI. of a Kara Tepe lava, which very closely resembles this type. c. The tachylytes* occur chiefly as streaks in the semi-vitreous lavas, often forming the upper surface, but one " knoll" was com- posed almost entirely of this variety. They are very compact jet- black rocks, with a vitreous lustre. In some places they have ac- quired through slight surface oxidation an iridescent tarnish, which, with their color and lustre, gives them an anthracitic appearance. The sp. gr. of two specimens was found to be 2.695 and 2.747. The latter is strangely high for so glassy a rock, and a mistake is possible. As crystallizations are to be seen microscopically a few small black hornblende crystals, and very rarely a small augite. One specimen contains on the surface a few spots of white zeolitic mineral, and a small quartz enclosure. Under the microscope they are seen to consist almost entirely of a clear dark chocolate-brown glass, with streaks of a darker and dusty material which show the fluidal structure very finely. There are also present a few augite microlites, very few small plagioclase and augite crystals, and streaks of dark dusty-brown material which aid in bringing out the fluidal structure. Magnetite is practically entirely absent, and no perlitic cracks are seen. As phenocrysts there are present hornblende in rather large crystals, both brown and green, often showing zonal structure, but always clear and un- altered. Large crystals of colorless augite, but very little olivine, are also present. These rocks on the whole are beautiful examples of tachylytes, and form Borne of the prettiest slides of the series. An analysis of one is given in No. Ill, page 57. * They are decomposed by hot HC1 with separation of gelatinous silica on cooling, and so are true tachylytes. 54 ' THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. Southwest Stream. This stream is composed of a dark ash- gray, very compact and tough basalt, showing few or no pores. The sp. gr. of one specimen proved to be 2.613. A few very small hornblende crystals and still fewer augite-olivine crystals are to be seen, and the specimens are all perfectly fresh. Under the microscope they are all, with one or two exceptions, of the regular hyalopilitic structure, with a colorless glass basis. Microlites and magnetite grains are very abundant, the plagioclase less so. The hornblende is dark brown and most of it has under- gone alteration to brown aggregate, occasionally having reached the last stage. The remarks made under the head of the hyalopilitic knoll basalts apply equally well here, as the 'rocks seem almost identical. The two exceptions above spoken of belong to the semi-vitreou& type, with brown glass basis, and are like the corresponding knoll rocks except for one peculiarity. This is the presence of spots of colorless glass, from 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter, generally round in shape, but often quite irregular. These spots contain, besides microlites and magnetite grains, many straight black trichites, which are commonly arranged in a roughly radial manner. This colorless glass is surrounded by a ring of brown glass much darker than the rest of the groundmass, but shading gradually into it, and containing the usual groundmass microlites, etc. These spots might be mistaken for leucite, but their size, the irregularity of their form, the fact that plagioclase needles were seen lying both in the colorless glass and in the brown ring, and the brown ring itself all show that they are not leucite. Hatch * observed and figured similar objects from a Madagascar basalt. They are appar- ently due to small local development of iron-rich black trichites,. with concomitant repulsion of the unused iron from their midst, forming the ring. North Stream. This and the following stream offer a special feature of interest inasmuch as they are both leucitic. The rock of which this stream is composed is light gray and compact, but mostly with numerous small gas-pores arranged in streaks, showing the flow structure. The sp. gr. of one specimen is 2.711. Practically no hornblende is to be seen macroscopically, but augite and olivine phenocrysts are abundant. * Hatch, Rocks from Madagascar, loc. cit. p. 350. THE VOLCANOES. OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 55 Under the microscope they show a hyalopilitic structure, the glass basis being always colorless. Microlites and magnetite grains are very abudant, but plagioclase is rare compared with the pre- ceding hyalopilitic rocks. These small bodies frequently show a fluctuation structure, especially around the large phenocrysts. These phenocrysts are hornblende, which is always altered, gen- erally to the last two stages, augite and olivine in clear colorless crystals and fragments, and leucite, which is quite abundant in streaks and patches. The crystals are small, but very characteristic and unmistakable. The description given farther back covers all the points of interest, so nothing further need be said here. Analysis IV shows the composition of these rocks. Southeast Stream. This stream, as before mentioned, seems to be made up of two distinct streams, one above the other, which have been poured out since the period of the knolls, the lower one being more compact and with a tendency to columnar structure. How- ever, as the two seem identical petrographically, they will be described together, a few words sufficing, as they greatly resemble the rocks of the north-stream. These rocks are dark gray, those of the lower, stream quite compact, those of the upper vesicular. They show few crystals of hornblende, but macroscopic crystals of augite and olivine are rather abundant. Three different specimens had sp. grs. of 2.712, 2.715, 2.736. Microscopically they are hardly to be distinguished from the north-stream basalt, being of the same hyalopilitic structure and containing leucite in addition to the usual constituents. The leucite calls for no special comment, exactly resembling the occur- rence just described. Analysis V is of a specimen from this stream. Kara Tepe Stream. Specimens Avere collected from the well- defined lava stream of Kara Tepe at three different points : at the bottom of the crater, at a point about one hundred metres down the stream, and again some fifty metres below this. No difference however, is to be seen among them, either megascopically or micro- scopically. They are all iron-black compact rocks with numerous fine pores and a sub-greasy lustre. The sp. gr. of one is 2.604. Small shining black hornblendes are very abundant, and are gener- ally arranged in lines of flow. Augite and olivine are rarely seen. Microscopically they show a groundmass of light, unmottled, cinnamon-brown glass, with numerous colorless augite microlites, some magnetite grains, and not very abundant small plagioclase 56 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. crystals. These last are much larger than usual and better crystal- lized. They nearly all show twinning lamellae, and it was in these rocks that optical investigation of the plagioclase was possible. Otherwise the groundmass resembles closely that of the semi-vitreous knoll basalts. The phenocrysts are mostly hornblende, which is here fre- quently green, these rocks being far richer in this variety than any of the others. The hornblende is generally unaltered, but Avhen such is not the case the alteration generally only reaches the brown-aggre- gate stage, with a kernel of hornblende. The augite and olivineare not common, but in these rocks the hour-glass and similar struct- ures are very common among the augites, most of them showing phenomena of the sort. The chemical constitution is shown in Analysis VI. ScoricB. Specimens of scoriae and lapilli were collected from the craters of Kula Devlit and Kara Tepe. They are generally black^but sometimes red or brown from decomposition. They are, of course, very vesicular and spongy. Megascopical crystals are rarely to be seen. They all show under the microscope a basis of dark-brown occasionally red-brown glass containing many augite microlites and plagioclase laths. Magnetite is very rare, but occasionally a fine brown "dust" is present. Hornblende occurs in large crystals both brown and green, frequently zonally colored, and often showing the alteration to a dark red-brown variety. Augite and olivine crystals are also present, and in one specimen from Kula Devlit leucite, in crystals exactly resembling those described above, was found. It was noticed that the inner surface of many of the vesicles was coated with a thin layer of colorless or light-yellow substance, which showed in some places a weak aggregate polarization. Chemical Analyses. The analyses on p. 57 were made for me by Dr. A. Rohrig of Leipzig. From these analyses it will be seen that these rocks belong to the more acid basalts and that they show a most marked similarity with one another. The composition is a normal basaltic one, the Si0 2 being rather high, the A1 2 S (also in rather high percentage) coming next in relative amount, the percentage of MgO being less than that of CaO, and that of K 2 less than that of Xa 2 0. The generally high percentagetof Na 2 points to the presence of nephe- line, but treatment of some of the slides with acid gave negative THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 57 I. II. ni. IV. V. VI. H 2 O (Ignit) 0.02 SiO 2 . 48.24 A1 2 O 3 2064 0.46 47.50 19.32 0.12 47.79 18 52 0.48 47.97 20 04 0.04 47.74 20 95 0.30 47.58 20 36 Fe s O, 4.63 FeO . 5 55 4.75 5 20 4.65 5 47 4.45 5 50 3.29 6 32 3.78 5 45 CaO ... 7 94 8 37 8 34 7 64 7 56 8 31 MgO ... 5 02 4 36 5 31 5 54 5 16 5 28 Na 2 O . 5 08 763 7 66 5 14 71'-* 6 49 K Q O 1 88 2 31 69 1 99 1 21 1 33 P 2 O 6 97 21 13 99.97 100.11 98.55 98.75 99.52 98.88 Sp.gr j 2.733 i 2.704 2.695 $.711 2.736 2.604 results, and this mineral seems to be absent, contrary to the usual composition of hornblende basalts. That all the specimens were fresh is shown by the very small ignition loss. With the above analyses I, II, III, and VI may be compared the analyses of basalts from the Cascade Mountains, Oregon; Ferdinandea Islands; and the ^Etna lavas of 1766 and 1802, as quoted by Roth.* A striking feature is the very small percentage of K 2 shown in analyses IV and V of the leucitic north and southeast streams. The leucite is seen under the microscope to be present in not very great abundance, yet a higher percentage of K a O was expected. Zirkelf in his work on basalts describes similar cases, and remarks that it is not absolutely necessary for a leucitic basalt to be distinguished by a high K 2 percentage. A word in regard to the specific gravities: While they are all rather low for basalt, yet this is to be explained by their very large glass content. It will have been noticed also that, with the excep- tion of the tachylytes, whose specific gravities are curiously high, the figures show a pretty regular gradation from the least to the most glassy. For the purpose of more ready comparison the table on p. 58 is inserted. The determinations were all made with a Thoulet's solution and a Westphal's balance at 15 C. * Roth, Beitr. z. Petrog d. pluton. Gesteine. Berliu, 1884. Dolerit uud, Dolerit basalt, Nos. 11, 15, 31, and 29. f Zirkel, Bt-sultgesteiue, p. 191. Cf. Iddiugs, Origin Ign. Rocks, I. c. p. 166. 58 VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. ^^ariety. Specific Gravities. Average. 2.813, 2.733, 2.721 2.736, 2.715, 2.712, 2.711 2.704, 2.647, 2.613 2.604 2.747, 2.695 2.756 2.719 2.655 2.604 2.721 Hyalopilitic bnsalt Hyalopilitic Semi-vitreous " Tachylytes s (Leucitic) (Leucite-free) . . General Conclusions. -Having now described the Kula basalts it remains for us to make a few general remarks on them : That they form a good example of a "petrographical province," as before spoken of, the reader will now see for himself, but, of course, this fact come* out more clearly from a microscopic exami- nation of the rocks themselves than from any description. The most striking feature about them is the unfailing presence of basal- tic hornblende, and its peculiar alteration products. As stated before, the hornblende, as regards constancy, invariability, and quan- tity, surpasses the augite, olivine, or feldspar, and here plays the leading role, and not a subsidiary one as in other hornblende-bearing basalts. So much so is this the case, that here I feel justified in grouping the Kula and similar basalts together as a sub-group, and giving them a separate name, although thinking that a too free use- of new names is rather a hindrance than a help to science. The name which first suggests itself, and which on consideration seems most appropriate, is Kulaite. By this we understand a sub-group of the basalts either plagioclase-, nepheline-, or leucite-, which is characterized by the invariable presence of hornblende as an essen- tial constituent, which also, both in quantity and invariability, sur- passes the augite; in other words, to a large extent replaces the latter. We can have the further subdivisions of leucite-kulaite, and nepheline-kulaite. The gradual transition shown from the least to the most crystal- line, and the constancy of the chemical composition in all of them, are also interesting. The leucite-kulaites seem, however, to have been among the last poured out by Kula Devlit, though from Kara Tep6, a very short distance off, came at a probably later date a leu- cite-free kulaite. The whole region must, however, be more care- fully examined before entering into a discussion of this and other points. The writer therefore defers further remarks and the bring- ing up of other points till after an exploration of the region in the spring of 1894, which he hopes to accomplish. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 59 ENCLOSURES.* But besides the kulaites we must describe the quite numerous enclosures of foreign minerals and rock which were found in them. These fall under two heads: 1st. Generally small enclosures, chiefly of quartz and plagio- clase, which show signs of great alteration, and are rather in- timately associated with the basalt, perhaps endogenous enclosures. 2d. Masses of foreign rock which have to a large extent pre- served their original form and structure, and which do not show intimate association with the kulaite, exogenous enclosures. These two groups represent different original rocks, and are in no way connected with one another. Endogenous (?) Enclosures. These all have rounded outlines, and many have been melted after being enclosed in the stream. The ma- jority of them are quartz and plagioclase, but enclosures of orthoclase and a fibrous mineral were also seen. Enclosures of one or the other of these kinds were found in specimens from all the streams, except tho'se of the second period. As fewer specimens of these were col- lected, it is possible that they will also be found here on further search. About twenty were to be found in the slides, and about a dozen were seen megascopically. Quartz Enclosures. These are quite numerous, and most of the megascopically visible enclosures belong here. One of them meas- ures 15 mm. long. They are perfectly clear, colorless or with a tinge of yellow, rounded in shape, and much cracked. Under the microscope they show the usual features of quartz en- closures in eruptive rocks. They are clear, somewhat cracked, and are frequently melted to a colorless or rarely light-brown glass. Occasionally a kernel of unmelted quartz remains in the centre, but most of them are completely melted. The glass has the usual fringe of greenish augite needles round the edge, all of them point- ing radially inward. The extinction-angle of these microlites is about 40. One such enclosure contained inclusions of many small * As a distinction seems advisable between essential mineral components of a rock which are included in larger crystals, and fragments of foreign bodies either altered or not which have become enclosed in the lava stream during its flow, I use throughout this paper the words "inclusion" for the former ciise and "enclosure" for the latter. 60 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. (0.005-0.01 mm.), sharply crystallized green octahedra of spinel. Another completely vitrified and with large augite microlites was seen as an inclusion in a large augite crystal. Plagioclase Enclosures, These are also numerous and quite large, some reaching a diameter of 4 or 5 mm., when they can be readily distinguished without the lense. Under the microscope they appear as colorless masses of irregular outline. They all show twinning lamellae, and two of these which had nearly symmetrical extinction gave angles of 7 30' and 8 10', corresponding to labra- dorite of about the composition Ab 3 An 5 . In some cases these plagioclase masses have apparently been melted, as one or two were seen containing crystals of hornblende exactly similar in size, color, and stage of alteration reached to the neighboring ones in the kulaite. Others, again, show at the edges a narrow border of secondary feld- spar crystals arranged radially. Here the periphery of the plagio- clase enclosure has evidently been melted, and has recrystallized in a new form in accordance with its changed conditions. This fusion may have taken place at the moment of solidification, when a rise in temperature took place. Several of them contain apatite in short colorless or bluish-gray prisms, often with dusty inclusions. In addition to the hornblende and apatite most of these enclos- ures include several minerals of secondary origin, their formation being due to the metamorphic action of the molten basalt. These secondary minerals are dark olive-green spinels, which are very common, sillimanite needles, and biotite. One plagioclase enclos- ure deserves especial description on account of the number and va- riety of its secondary inclusions. This was in a specimen from the latest southeast stream, and consists of a clear mass of plagioclase showing very few twinning lamellae. Green spinels are scattered through it, but are chiefly clustered together in a long streak. Near this is a group of small violet-gray isotropic crystals of perof- skite. Through a great part of the feldspar runs a stream of silli- manite needles, lying parallel to one another and the direction of the streak. A few irregularly shaped brown biotite flakes are scat- tered through the mass, and in one corner are seen two or three glass inclusions of probably secondary origin, consisting of a ring of very pale-brown glass (0.02 mm. in diameter) with a bubble in the centre. Ortliodase and Fibrous Enclosures. Of the former only two were seen. They are rounded in outline, and the feldspar is THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 61 mostly clear, but is cloudy and opaque on the edges and along cracks. Several small rounded masses of colorless fibres were "ob- served, which show aggregate polarization. What this mineral is could not be determined, but it is neither sillimanite nor zoisite. In one case a few brown spinels were included, and some clear light-brown glass was seen between the fibres. These enclosures may represent a primary separation of some constituents of the magma, though the habit of the quartz grains points rather to exogenous enclosures. In this latter case the original rock would have been a quartz diorite. No such rock is mentioned by Tchihatcheff as occurring in the vicinity, and none was seen by me. For occurrences of quartz in basalt see note.* Exogenous Enclosures. Several cases were seen of fragments of foreign rock enclosed in the lava, and of these three specimens were brought back for examination. One comes from the west inner wall of the Kula Devlit crater, and the other two from blocks in the latest southeast stream. Though the last two are much decomposed by the action of the atmosphere, they all seem to be fragments of the same original rock, and we shall describe the crater specimen as the typical and best-preserved example. Macroscopically this is a fine-grained compact rock, of general grayish color, though on closer examination it is seen to be made up of white, greenish-gray, and brownish grains. Microscopically it is seen to be holocrystalline, with medium- grained granitic structure, composed chiefly of rounded xeno- morphic augite, quartz, and orthoclase grains, and seems to be an augite granite. The augite grains are colorless, but here and there colored yel- lowish green through chloritic decomposition. The cleavage is very well marked, the relief high, and the polarization colors the usual bluish gray and yellowish. Inclusions of small zircons were some- times seen. The quartz is sometimes cracked, but clear, and much of it acts as a cement for the other grains. As inclusions were seen small magnetite grains and a few glass specks, but no liquid inclusions or bubbles were noticed. A few small augites and zircons are also included. *Iddings, Am. J. Sci. xxxvi, 1888, 208; Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 66, 1890. 62 THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. The orthoclase grains are perfectly fresh, as a rule, and present no specially interesting features. In some places it is kaolinized and cloudy. Besides the orthoclase, a few clear plagioclase grains were seen, distinguishable by their twinning lamellae. In addition to the above, zircon and iron ores are present. The former is in small hair brown crystals, some showing the bi-pyramid a;(311). The pleochroism is very distinct, being colorless, or of a very faint greenish tinge parallel to 6, and dark brown parallel to a. The ores are magnetite and ilmenite, the latter being distinguished by the mantle of leucoxene. They form irregular black grains and show the lustre very distinctly. In one place in the slide is seen a fissure filled with colorless glass which contains some zircons and is much crack-eel. The rock on the whole shows extremely few signs of alteration due to the action of the basalt. The weathered specimens have been altered to masses of calcite and kaolin, with here and there augite and quartz grains. Some spots of extremely pale brown glass with a network of fine veins of colorless glass running through them were seen in these specimens. Like the diorite no such rock is known in the vicinity as a sur- face occurrence, but to judge from the slight alteration it has un- dergone both in form and structure, it is probable that this rock lies quite close to the surface. On further consideration it has occurred to me that K. Mallet's theory of the origin of volcanic energy may explain the difference in the state of alteration of the two kinds of enclosures on the sup- position that the so-called "endogenous" enclosures are in reality exogenous. Mallet* ascribes the heat shown in volcanic phenomena to pressure between two parts of the earth's crust, caused by tan- gential strains consequent on the'contraction of the crust during the earth's secular cooling. He shows that this heat would be most developed along cracks or other lines of weakness, and further that the heat would be greater the greater the resistance to pressure ; for instance, the crushing of a granite evolving much more heat than that of a sand-stone. He further shows that sufficient heat is developed by the secular cooling of the globe to much more than account, with the presence of water at the point of origin, for all the volcanic phenomena observed. Here, it seems to me, we have * R. Mallet, On Volcanic Energy. Phil. Trans. 1873, 147. THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. t)3 n possible explanation of the greatly altered and disintegrated con- dition of the so-called " endogenous " enclosures, they being remains of the rock which was crashed and melted at or near the point of greatest pressure, where, on the entrance of water, the eruption was started. They would hence have been subjected to peculiar condi- tions, entirely different from the " exogenous " enclosures, which may be supposed to come from the walls of the conduit, fragments caught in the lava stream during its ascent. The above idea is put forward as a possibility, and no stress is laid upon it. MISCELLANEOUS EOCKS. Besides the lavas of the region some other rocks were collected and may now be briefly described. Mica Schist. This was obtained from the foot-hills to the west of Kula, and is an ordinary yellowish-gray, glistening foliated schist. Under the microscope it is seen to be composed almost entirely of muscovite flakes, with some orthoclase between the crystals act- ing as cement, and in grains, and a few zircons and quartz grains. Several long greenish-gray tourmalines were also seen. It calls for no further remark. Hornblende Schist. The specimen was obtained from near Azi Koi, about an hour and a half from Ala Shehir, on the south slope of the Konurja Mountains. It is a very fine-grained, compact rock, banded in structure, the bands being alternately dark green and white. Under the microscope the white bands are seen to be composed of many rounded orthoclase and some quartz grains, a few plagio- clase grains with twinning lamellae, and many small colorless zir- cons which are arranged parallel to the banded structure. Small flakes of brown biotite are also met with. The dark bands, on the other hand, show an abundance of dark grayish-green hornblende grains, mixed with the orthoclase grains. These are strongly pleochroic as follows: c = dark grayish green ; b = yellowish green ; a = pale greenish gray. These grains are arranged with their c axes parallel to the bands. Some of them are of a blue color, and may be referred to glaucophane. Small zircons abound and somej colorless garnets, generally arranged in 64 THK VOLCANOES OF THE KTILA BASIN IN LYDIA. clusters and often showing crystal! ographic planes, are present. The biotite flakes are also not wanting, but they are scarce. Diabase. About fifteen minutes below the first Turkish guard- house on the southern slope of the Konurja Mts. was found a dike about 5 metres wide in the schist. The rock is of a dark greenish color, very fine grained and compact. Some crystals of brown diallage and white feldspar are to be seen. Under the microscope the rock seems to be a much-altered diabase, containing diallage, and shows the following composition : The structure was originally rather porphyritic, and what was the groundmass and augite has now become a mass of pale grayish green, slightly pleochroic hornblende grains, grouped irregularly and bedded in a mass of feldspar, most of which is plagioclase, but of which some is orthoclase. In the hornblende clusters are large irregular grains of magnetite, and through all this groundmass are scattered needles of apatite and clusters of colorless garnets. A few brown biotite flakes are also present. The porphyritical crystals of feldspar, while preserving their form fairly well, have suffered much alteration ; being filled with a felt of sillimanite needles, which is especially thick towards the centre. Between the needles are many grains of zoisite showing a fine blue polarization color. Biotite flakes and a few small magnetic grains are included. The diallage occurs in crystals from 2-4 mm. long of a gray- brown color. They are frequently filled with thick, dust-like inclusions, and some show a dark-brown core, then a lighter zone, and at the outside a dark-gray border filled with "dust."' One crystal has as an inclusion a large unaltered plagioclase crystal. The extinction angle in one case was 30. The crystals are generally surrounded by a ring or border of green hornblende grains. This diallage seems to be about the only mineral which has not undergone profound alteration and is not secondary the horn- blende, sillimanite, zoisite, biotite, magnetite, and probably the garnet and some of the feldspar being of secondary origin. The completeness of the change is striking the augite having com- pletely disappeared, and being changed into the masses of granular hornblende, and the feldspar undergoing an alteration similar to saussuritization, though with less loss of form. The rock reminds one of an altered diabase from Assnan, in Egypt, where also the THE VOLCANOES OF THE KULA BASIN IN LYDIA. 65 uugite has been changed into the same green granular hornblende, with some uralite, and the feldspar to zoisite, but no sillimanite. Serpentine. A narrow vein of light green serpentine was found in the limestone near the end of the north stream. It offers, how- ever, no special features of interest, showing under the microscope a mass of colorless or pale green serpentine fibres, with a few mag- netite grains. No olivine was seen. VITA. I, HENRY STEPHENS WASHINGTON, was born on January 15, 1867, in Newark, New Jersey, United States of America, my parents being George Washington and Eleanor Washington (nee Stephens). After due preparation at home and at school I entered Yale College (now University) at New Haven, Conn., from which, at the end of the regular four years' course, I graduated, with a special honor in Natural Sciences, as B. A. in 1886. I spent the following two years in study at Yale University, during which I held for a year the Silliman Fellowship in Physics, and took the degree of M.A. in June 1888. The next four years were spent chiefly in travelling in the West Indies, Europe, Egypt, Algeria, Asia Minor, etc., parts of four winters and springs being passed in Greece, where I became a member of the American School of Classical Studies, and assisted in and conducted excavations in Attica and at Plataea, Argos, and Phlius. The winter semesters of 1891-92 and 1892-93 I passed at Leipzig, studying at the Univer- sity. In Yale College and University I studied under Professors J. D. Dana, Brush, E. S. Dana, A. W. Wright, Newton, Wells, Pen- field, and numerous others. In Athens I heard the lectures of Drs. Waldstein and Dorpfeld, and Profs. Gardiner and Tarbell. In Leipzig I have attended the lectures of Professors Overbeck, Zirkel, Wiedemann, Credner, Schreiber, and Lenk. To all these teachers of mine I owe the greatest thanks, but above all to Professor E. S. Dana of New Haven, under whom for three years I studied mineralogy and petrography, and to Geheim- rath Bergrath Prof. Dr. Zirkel, under whose direction this paper was written and for whose friendly counsel and aid I feel deeply grateful. 67 . . . . ' . PLATO 1. . BASALT F^ SCHIST Hfg-2N.i>PER. . El]- LIMESTONE I I- ALLUVIUM. SCALE , f . f , f * PLATE II. FIG. 1. KI:LA DEVLIT FUOM THE S. W. ; PIIJKSIK DEVMT ON RIGHT. PIG 2. "KNOLL" WITH LAYA STREAM, S. E. OF KULA DEVLIT. PLATE III. PLATE IV. FIG.?!. FROM S. W c ~ STREAM, SHOWING HORNBLENDE PARTIALLY ALTERED TO BROWN AGGREGATE. FIG. 2. FROM SECOND PERIOD STREAM (WELL DIGGING), SHOWING HORN- BLENDE COMPLETELT ALTERED TO AUGITE OPACITE AGGREGATE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9 15m-10,'48(B1039)444 V basin in Lydia, QE 527 V27v UC SOUTRN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAOUTY I 111 II II III! Ill 111 A 001 392160 6