" 2 7 1997 HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS EDITED BY J. S. AMES, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY VI. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING LIBRARY AUG 2 7 1997 PHYSICS COLLECTION UCLA THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS MEMOIRS BY CARNOT, CLAUSIUS AND THOMSON TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY W. F. MAGIE, FH D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN PRINCKTON UNIVERSITY NEW YORK AND LONDON HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1899 HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS. XDITKO BT J. S. AMES, PH.D., i-Boruwok op riiTsioa IN JOHNS HOPKINS VNIVKEBITY. KOW READY: T1IK KKKK KXI'ANSION OF OASES. Memoir* by Gtty- I.iiiiiic, Joule, and Joule unit Thommin. Editor, Priif. .1. S. AMK*, Ph.D., John* Hopkins Unlverpity. TAcenla. PUISMATIC AND DIFFRACTION SPKrTKA Memoir* by J.wfph von Frminhof.-r. Editor, Prof. J. S. AMIOS Ph.D., Johus Hopkins Univ.TMty. cent*. UiiN'KJKN KAYS. Memoir* by RfiiitKeii, Stoke*, :u,il .1. .!. ThoMi*.!.. K.!it..,. |'i,,i. Qn HAKKKK, Uiiiveifity of Punnoylvuiilu. CIIT|,N. \|, molraby Pf.-fT.-r. Vnu't l|.,fr. Anl.rniu-. an.l KaoulU Kliii.r, Dr. II. C. JONJ>, Joluut Hopkliia Ulilversily. TUB LAWS OF ({ASKS. Memlra by Boyle nod AIIIH^.H. K.lilor, I'mU'AKi. HAKI m Hn.WnfnivprFily. TIIK >K< -nM) LAW UK -i HI:I:M<>I>YN.\MI< > tnot.CIawlM.udTlKMMaa Editor, Prof. W. F. MAUIK, Princeton t'lilvon-liy. /V 1-KKPA RATIOS: TIIK Ki M.\MI:M \l LAW! Of i-:i MTM I.YTlr (ONDl't 'II l.y Fanulay, liittorf, m..l Kohln.'ii.. : h. K.lii..r. D'. II M WIN, Mni'i.iichilKolti. IllMlllltV oriVchllolotry. TIIK KK !(: i is I.K A MAGNETIC FIELD ON I!AIU\'II"V M.-nioin. l.y K.irc),iv, Krrr, mid itur, Dr. K P. LKWIR, Unlvcny the powerful machines of all kinds tho use of which it either facilitated or made possible. Iron and fire, as every one knows, are the mainstays of the mechanical arts. Perhaps there is not in all England a single industry whose existence is not dependent <>n these agents, and which does not use them extensively. If England were to-day to lose its steam-engines it would lose also its coal and iron, and this loss would dry up all its sources of wealth and destroy its prosperity ; it would annihilate this colossal power. The destruction of its navy, which it considers its strongest support, would be, perhaps, less fatal. The safe and rapid navigation by means of steamships is an One may wifely say that the mining of coal has increased tenfold since the Jnv.-nti. f tho steam engine. Tin* mining of copper, <>f tin. mid <>f iron has increased almost as much. The effect produced half n century ago in the mines of Knd.ind i> imw IH-III^ r< \ -uted in the irnld and -liver mines of the New W. .1- UP'. I. as it well known, by the product of the weight ami the In ijiii to which it is raised. f We distinguish hen- between the stcnm-cnginc and the heat-engine in general. which can be worked by nny agent, and uot by water vapor only, to realize the motive power of heat. 6 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS We shall take for granted in what follows a knowledge, at least a superficial one, of the various parts which compose an ordinary steam-engine. "We think it unnecessary to describe the fire-box, the boiler, the steam -chest, the piston, the con- denser, etc. The production of motion in the steam-engine is always ac- companied by a circumstance which we should particularly no- tice. This circumstance is the re-establishment of equilibrium in the caloric* that is, its passage from one body where the temperature is more or less elevated to another where it is lower. What happens, in fact, in a steam-engine at work? The caloric developed in the fire-box as an effect of combus- tion passes through the wall of the boiler and produces steam, incorporating itself with the steam in some way. This steam, carrying the caloric with it, transports it first into the cylinder, where it fulfils some function, and thence into the condenser, where the steam is precipitated by coming in contact with cold water. As a last result the cold water in the condenser receives the caloric developed by combustion. It is warmed by means of the steam, as if it had been placed directly on the fire-box. The steam is here only a means of transporting caloric ; it thus fulfils the same office as in the heating of baths by steam, with the exception that in the case in hand its motion is ren- dered useful. We can easily perceive, in the operation which we have just described, the re- establishment of equilibrium in the caloric and its passage from a hotter to a colder body. The first of these bodies is the heated air of the fire-box ; the second, the water of condensation. The re-establishment of equilibrium of the caloric is accomplished between them if not complete- ly, at least in part ; for, on the one hand, the heated air after having done its work escapes through the smoke-stack at a much lower temperature than that which it had acquired by the combustion ; and, on the other hand, the water of the con- denser, after having precipitated the steam, leaves the engine with a higher temperature than that which it had when it entered. The production of motive power in the steam-engine is * [Caloric u lieat considered as an indestructible substance. T/ie word is used by Carnot interchangeably with fen, fire, or heat.] 7 MKMOIRS ON therefore not due to a real consumption of the caloric, but t //> transfer from a hotter /<> a n>1tli>r fault/ that is to say, to tin- iv- establishment of its equilibrium, which is assumed to have been destroyed by a chemical action such as combustion, or by some other cause. We shall soon see that this principle is applica- ble to all engines operated by heat. According to this principle, to obtain motive power it is not enough to produce heat ; it is also necessary to provide cold, without which the heat would be useless. For if there exist- ed only bodies as warm as our furnaces, how would the con- densation of steam be possible, and where could it be sent if it were once produced? It cannot be replied that it could be ejected into the atmosphere, as is done with certain engines,* since the atmosphere would not receive it. In the actual state of things the atmosphere acts as a vast condenser for the steam. because it is at a lower temperature ; otherwise it would soon be saturated, or, rather, would be saturated in advance.f Everywhere where there is a difference of temperature, and where the re-establishment of equilibrium of the caloric can lie effected, the production of motive power is possible. Water vapor is one agent for obtaining this power, but it is not the only one ; all natural bodies can be applied to this purpose, for they are all susceptible to changes of volume, to successive contractions and dilatations effected by alternations of heat and cold ; they are all capable, by this change of volume, of over- coming resistances and thus of developing motive power. A * Some high -pressure engines eject vapor into the atmosphere of condensing it. They are used mostly in places where it is difficult to procure a current of cold water sutn.-i.-ni t ctTcct condensation. t The existence of water in a liquid state, which is here necessarily as- sumed, since without it the steam engine could not be supplied, presup- poses the existence of a pressure capable of preventing it from evaporating, and consequently of a pressure equal to or greater than the tension of the vapor at the temperature of the water. If such a pressure were not ex- erted by the atmosphere a quantity of water vapor would instantly be pro- duced sufficient to exert this pressure on itself, and this pressure must always be overcome in ejecting the steam of the engine into the new at- mosphere. This is evidently equivalent to overcoming the ton-inn whi.-ii is exerted by the vapor after it has been condensed by the ordinary means. If a very high temperature were to prevail at the surface of the earth, as it almost certainly does in its interior, all the water of the oceans would exist in the form of vapor in the atmosphere, and there would be no water in a liquid state. 8 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS solid body, such as a metallic bar, when alternately heated and cooled, increases and diminishes in length and can move bod- ies fixed at its extremities. A liquid, alternately heated and cooled, increases and diminishes in volume and can overcome obstacles more or less great opposed to its expansion. An aeriform fluid undergoes considerable changes of volume with changes of temperature ; if it is enclosed in an envelope capa- ble of enlargement, such as a cylinder furnished with a piston, it will produce movements of great extent. The vapors of all bod- ies which are capable of evaporation, such as alcohol, mercury, sulphur, etc., can perform the same function as water vapor. This, when alternately heated and cooled, will produce motive power in the same way as permanent gases, without returning to the liquid state. Most of these means have been proposed, several have been even tried, though, thus far, without much success. We have explained that the motive power in the steam-engine is due to a re-establishment of equilibrium in the caloric ; this statement holds not only for steam-engines but also for all heat- engines that is to say, for all engines in which caloric is the motor. Heat evidently can be a cause of motion only through the changes of volume or of form to which it subjects the body ; those changes cannot occur at a constant temperature, but are due to alternations of heat and cold ; thus to heat any sub- stance it is necessary to have a body warmer than it, and to cool it, one cooler than it. We must take caloric from the first of these bodies and transfer it to the second by means of the intermediate body, which transfer re-establishes, or, at least, tends to re-establish, equilibrium of the caloric. At this point we naturally raise an interesting and important question : Is the motive power of heat invariable in quantity, or does it vary with the agent which one uses to obtain it that is, with the intermediate body chosen as the subject of the action of heat ? It is clear that the question thus raised supposes given a cer- tain quantity of caloric* and a certain difference of temperature. * It is unnecessary to explain here what is meant by a quantity of ca- loric or of heat (for we use the two expressions interchangeably), or to de- scribe how these quantities are measured by the calorimeter ; nor shall we explain the terms latent heat, degree of temperature, specific heat, etc. The reader should be familiar with these expressions from his study of the elementary treatises of physics or chemistry. 9 M HMO IRS OX For example, we suppose that we have at onr disposal a body. . I . maintained at the temperature 100 degrees, and another Im.ly. B, at degrees, and inquire what quantity of motive power will be produced by the transfer of a given quantity of caloric for example, of so much as is necessary to melt a kilogram of ice from the first of these bodies to the second ; we inquire if this quantity of motive power is necessarily limited ; if it varies with the substance used to obtain it; if water vapor offers in this respect more or less advantage than vapor of alcohol or of mercury, than a permanent gas or than any other substance. We shall try to answer these questions in the light of the con- siderations already advanced. We have previously called attention to the fact, which is self- evident, or at least becomes so if we take into consideration the changes of volume occasioned by heat, that wherrrrr ///>/> {.* a difference of temperature tkt production ns*i/i/,: Conversely, wherever this power can be employed, it is possible to produce a difference of temperature or to destroy the equili- brium of the caloric. Percussion and friction of bodies are means of raising their temperature spontaneously* to a higher degree than that of surrounding bodies, and consequently of destroying that equilibrium in the caloric which had previously existed. It is an experimental fact that the temperature of gaseous fluids is raised by compression and lowered by expan- sion. This is a sure method of changing the temperature of bodies, and thus of destroying the equilibrium of the caloric in the same substance, as often as we please. Steam, when used in a reverse way from that in which it is used in the steam- engine, can thus be considered as a means of destroying the equilibrium of the caloric. To be convinced of this, it is only necessary to notice attentively the way in which motive power is developed by the action of heat on water vapor. Let us consider two bodies, A and B, each maintained ut a constant temperature, that of A being higher than that of />' : these two bodies, which can either give up or receive heat without a change of temperature, perform the funetions of two indefi- nitely great reservoirs of calorie. We will call the first body the source and the second the refrigerator. If we desire to produce motive power by the transfer of a * [ That it, without the communication of heat.] 10 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS certain quantity of heat from the body A to the body B we may proceed in the following way : 1. We take from the body A a quantity of caloric to make steam that is, we cause A to serve as the fire-pot, or rather as the metal of the boiler in an ordinary engine ; we assume the steam produced to be at the same temperature as the body A. 2. The steam is received into an envelope capable of enlarge- ment, such as a cylinder furnished with a piston. We then in- crease the volume of this envelope, and consequently also the volume of the steam. The temperature of the steam falls when it is thus rarefied, as is the case with all elastic fluids ; let us assume that the rarefaction is carried to the point where the temperature becomes precisely that of the body B. 3. We condense the steam by bringing it in contact with B and exerting on it at the same time a constant pressure until it becomes entirely condensed. The body B here performs the function of the injected water in an ordinary engine, with the difference that it condenses the steam without mixing with it and without changing its own temperature.* The operations which we have just described could have been performed in a reverse sense and order. There is nothing to prevent the for- * It will perhaps excite surprise that B, being at the same temperature as the steam, can condense it. Without doubt this is not rigorously possi- ble, but the smallest difference in temperature will determine condensa- tion. This remark is sufficient to establish the propriety of our reasoning. In the same way, in the differential calculus, to obtain an exact result it is sufficient to be able to conceive of the quantities neglected as capable of being indefinitely diminished relative to the quantities retained in the equa- tion. The body B condenses the steam without changing its own temperature. We have assumed that this body is maintained at a constant temperature. The caloric is therefore taken from it as fast as it is given up to it by the steam. An example of such a body is furnished by the metallic walls of the condenser when the vapor is condensed in it by means of cold water applied to the outside, as is done in some engines. In the same way the water of a reservoir can be maintained at a constant level, if the liquid runs out at one side as fast as it comes in at the other. One could even conceive the bodies A and B such that they would re- main of themselves at a constant temperature though losing or gaining quantities of heat. If, for example, the body A were a mass of vapor ready to condense and the body B a mass of ice ready to melt, these bodies, as is well known, could give out or receive caloric without changing their temperature. 11 MEMOIRS ON mat ion of vapor by means of the caloric of the body B, and its compression from the temperature of 11, in such a way that it acquires the temperature of the body A, and then its condensa- tion in contact with A, under a pressure which is maintained constant until it is completely liquefied. In the first series of operations there is at the same time a production of motive power and a transfer of caloric from the body A to the body R ; in the reverse series there is at the same time an expenditure of motive power and a return of the caloric from B to A. Hut if in each case the sumo quantity of vapor has been used, if there is no loss of motive power or of caloric, the quantity of motive power produced in the first case will equal the quantity expended in the second, and the quantity of caloric which in the first case passed from A to B will equal the quantity which in the second case returns from B to A, so that an indefinite number of such alternating oper- ations can be effected without the production of motive power or the transfer of caloric from one body to the other. Now if there were any method of using heat preferable to that whieh we have employed, that is to say, if it were possible that the caloric should produce, by any process whatever, a larger quan- tity of motive power than that produced in our first series of operations, it would be possible, by diverting a portion of this power, to effect a return of caloric, by the method just indi- cated, from the body B to the body A that is, from the refrig- erator to the source and thus to re-establish things in their original state, and to put them in position to recommence an operation exactly similar to the first one, and so on : there would thus result not only the perpetual motion, but an indef- inite creation of motive power without consumption of caloric or of any other agent whatsoever. Such a creation is entirely contrary to the ideas now accepted, to the laws of mechanics and of sound physics ; it is inadmissible.* We may hence con- * The objection will perhaps here be made that perpetual motion has only been demonstrated lo be impossible in the case of mechanical actions, and that it may not be so when we employ the agency of lira: iricity ; but can we conceive of the phenomena of heat ami <.f !< triciiy a* due lo any other cause than some motion of bodies, nml, as such. slnmM they not be subject to the general laws of mechanics? 15- -i ! -. snmed to In-. at the beginning, at the temperature of the \\\ . I. i-. at the end of the operation, at the temperature of the hody IS that is. it is colder. If we wish to recommence an operation similar to the first, to develop a new quantity of motive power with the same instrument and the same steam, we must first re-establish 14 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS the original state of things and bring the water to the temper- ature which it had at first. This can no doubt be done by placing it immediately in contact with the body A ; but in that case there is contact between bodies of different temperatures and loss of motive power.* It would become impossible to perform the reverse operation that is, to cause the caloric used in raising the temperature of the liquid to return to the body A. This difficulty can be removed by supposing the difference of temperature between the body A and the body B infinitely small ; the quantity of heat needed to bring the liquid back to its original temperature is also infinitely small and negligible relatively to that finite quantity which is needed to produce the steam. The proposition being thus demonstrated for the case in which the difference of temperature of the two bodies is infinitely small may easily be extended to cover the general case. In fact, if we desire to produce motive power by the transfer of caloric from the body A to the body Z, the temperature of the latter body being very different from that of the former, we may imagine a series of bodies B, C, D . . .at temperatures interme- diate between those of the bodies A and Z, and chosen in such a manner that the differences between A and B, B and C . . . shall be always infinitely small. The caloric which proceeds from A arrives at Z only after having passed through the bodies B, C, D . . . and after having developed in each of these trans- fers the maximum of motive power. The reverse operations are here all possible, and the reasoning on page 11 becomes rigor- ously applicable. According to the views now established we may with pro- *This kind of loss is always met with in steam-engines. In fact,, the water which supplies the boiler is always colder than that which it already contains, and hence a useless re-establishment of equilibrium in the ca- loric takes place between them. It is easy to see a posteriori that this re- estjiblishment of equilibrium entails a loss of motive power if we reflect that it would be possible to heat the water supply before injecting it by using it as water of condensation in a small accessory engine, in which stenm taken from the large boiler could be used and in which condensation would occur at a temperature intermediate between that of the boiler and that of the principal condenser. The force produced by the small engine would entail no expenditure of heat, since all that it would use would re- cuter the boiler with the water of condensation. 15 MEMOIRS ON priety compare the motive power of heat with that of a water- fall; both have a maximum which cannot be surpassed, whatever may be, on the one hand, the machine used to receive the action of the water and whatever, on the other hand, the substance used to receive the action of the heat. The motive power of fulling water depends on the quantity of water and on the height of its fall; the motive power of heat depends also on the quantity of caloric employed and on that which might be named, which we, in fact, will call, its descent* that is to say. on t he dif- ference of temperature of the bodies between which t he exchange of caloric is effected. In the fall of water the motive power is strictly proportional to the difference of level between the higher and lower reservoirs. In the fall of caloric the motive power doubtless increases with the difference of temperature between the hotter and colder bodies, but we do not know whether it is proportional to this difference. We do not know, for example, whether the fall of the caloric from 100 to 50 degrees furnishes more or less motive power than the fall of the same caloric from 50 degrees to zero. This is a question which we propose to ex- amine later. We shall give here a second demonstration of the funda- mental proposition stated on page 13 and present this propo- sition in a more general form than we have before. When a gaseous fluid is rapidly compressed its temperature rises, and when it is rapidly expanded its temperature falls. This is one of the best established facts of experience ; we shall take it as the basis of our demonstration, f When tin tem- perature of a gas is raised and we wish to bring it back to its The matter here treated being entirely new. we are obliged to employ expressions hitherto unused and which are not perhaps as clear as could be desired. f The facts of experience which best prove the change of temperature of a gas by compression or expansion are the following : 1. The fall of temperature indicated by a thermometer placed under tin- receiver of an air pump in which a \.n mini is produced. This is very p< t rrptililr with a Bregucl thermometer ; it may amount to upwards of 40 or 50 degrees. The cloud, which is formed in this operation seems to in tin to ii,c cii< rapidly compressed. 8. The fall of temperature indicated by a thermometer placed in a re- 16 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS original temperature without again changing its volume, it is necessary to remove caloric from it. This caloric may also be removed as the compression is effected, so that the temperature of the gas remains constant. In the same way, if the gas is rarefied, we can prevent its temperature from falling, by fur- nishing it with a certain quantity of caloric. "We shall call the caloric used in such cases, when it occasions no change of tem- perature, caloric due to a change of volume. This name does not indicate that the caloric belongs to the volume; it does not be- long to it any more than it does to the pressure, and it might equally well be called caloric due to a change of pressure. We are ignorant of what laws it obeys in respect to changes of volume : it is possible that its quantity changes with the nature of the ceptacle in which air has been compressed, and from which it is allowed to escape by opening a stopcock. 4. The results of experiments on the velocity of sound. M. de Laplace has shown that to harmonize these results with theory and calculation we must assume that air is heated by a sudden compression. The only fact which can be opposed to these is an experiment of MM. Gay-Lussac and Welter, described in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique. If a small opening is made in a large reservoir of compressed air, and the bulb of a thermometer is placed in the current of air escaping through this opening, no perceptible fall of temperature is indicated by the thermometer. We may explain this fact in two ways : 1. The friction of the air against the walls of the opening through which it escapes may perhaps develop enough heat to be noticed ; 2. The air which impinges immediately upon the bulb of the thermometer may re- cover by its shock against the bulb, or rather by the detour which it is forced to make by the encounter, a density equal to that which it had in the receiver, somewhat in the same way as a current of water rises above its level when it meets a fixed obstacle. The change of temperature in gases occasioned by a change of volume may be considered one of the most important facts in physics, because of the innumerable consequences which it entails, and at the same time as one of the most difficult to elucidate and to measure by conclusive experi- ments. It presents singular anomalies in several cases. Must we not attribute the coldness of the air in high regions of the at- mosphere to the lowering of its temperature by expansion ? The reasons hitherto given to explain this coldness are entirely insufficient ; it has been said that the air in high regions, receiving but a small amount of heat reflected by the earth, and itself radiating into celestial space, would lose caloric and thus become colder ; but this explanation is overthrown when we consider that at equal elevations the cold is as great or even greater on elevated plains than on the tops of mountains or in parts of the atmosphere distant from the earth. B 17 MEMOIRS ON gas, or with its density or with its temperature. Experiment has tanght us nothing on this subject; it has taught us only that this caloric is developed in greater or less quantity by the compression of elastic fluids. This preliminary idea having been stated, let us imagine an elastic fluid atmospheric air, for example enclosed in a cylin- drical vessel abed (Fig. 1) furnished with a movable diaphragm or piston cd; let us assume also the two bodies A, B both at constant tem- peratures, that of A being higher than that of B, and let us consider the series of operations which follow : 1. Contact of the body A with the air contained in the vessel //// <>r with the wall of this vessel, which wall is supposed to be a good conductor of caloric. By means of this contact the air attains the same temperature as the body .4; cd is the position of the pis- ton. 2. The piston rises gradually until it takes the position ef. Contact is al- ways maintained between the air ami flKrr^ ^ the body A, and the temperature thus 1 remains constant during the rarefac- tion. The body A furnishes the ca- loric necessary to maintain a constant Fig. i temperature. 3. The body A is removed and the air is no longer in contact with any body capable of supply- ing it with caloric; the piston, however, continues to move and passes from the position ef to the position gh. The air is rarefied without receiving caloric and its temperature falls. Let us suppose that it falls until it becomes equal to that of the body />'; at this instant the piston ceases to move and occupies the position ////. 4. The air is brought in contact with the body /.' : it is com- pressed by the piston as it returns from the position //// to the position nl. The air, however, remains at a constant tempera- ture on account of its contact with the body B, to which it gives up its caloric. 18 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 5. The body B is removed and the compression of the air con- tinued. The temperature of the air, which is now isolated, rises. The compression is continued until the air acquires the temperature of the body A. The piston during this time passes from the position cd to the position ik. 6. The air is again brought in contact with the body A\ the piston returns from the position ik to the position ef, and the temperature remains constant. 7. The operation described in No. 3 is repeated, and then the operations 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, and so on, successively. In these various operations a pressure is exerted upon the piston by the air contained in the cylinder ; the elastic force of this air varies with the changes of volume as well as with the changes of temperature ; but we should notice that at equal volumes that is, for similar positions of the piston the tem- perature is higher during the expansions than during the com- pressions. During the former, therefore, the elastic force of the air is greater, and consequently the quantity of motive power produced by the expansions is greater than that which is consumed in effecting the compressions. Thus there remains an excess of motive power, which we can dispose of for any purpose whatsoever. The air has therefore served as a heat-en- gine ; and it has been used in the most advantageous way pos- sible, for there has been no useless re-establishment of equilib- rium in the caloric. All the operations described above can be carried out in a direct and in a reverse order. Let us suppose that after the sixth step, when the piston is at ef, it is brought back to the position ik, and that, at the same time, the air is kept in con- tact with the body A ; the caloric furnished by this body dur- ing the sixth operation returns to its source that is, to the body A and the condition of things is the same as at the end of the fifth operation. If now we remove the body A and move the piston from ef to cd, the temperature of the air will fall as many degrees as it rose during the fifth operation and will equal that of the body B. A series of reverse operations to those above described could evidently be carried out ; it is only neces- sary to bring the system into the same initial state and in each operation to carry out an expansion instead of a compression, and conversely. The result of the first operation was the production of a cer- 19 MKMOIRS ON tain quantity of motive power and the transfer of the caloric from the body -1 to the body B ; the result of the reverse opera- tion would be the consumption of the motive power product- 1 and the return of the caloric from the body B to the body .1 : so that the two series of operations in a sense annul or neutralize each other. The impossibility of making the caloric produce a larger quantity of motive power than that which we obtained in our first series of operations is now easy to prove. It may be de- monstrated by an argument similar to that used on pa ire 11. The argument will have even a greater degree of rigor : the air which serves to develop the motive power is brought back, at the end of each cycle of operations, to its original condi- tion, which was, as we noticed, not quite the case with the steam.* We have chosen atmospheric air as the agency employed t.. develop the motive power of heat; but it is evident that the same reasoning would hold for any other gaseous substance, and even for all other bodies susceptible of changes of temperature by successive contractions and expansions that is, for all bodies in Nature, at least, all those which are capable of develop- ing the motive power of heat. Thus we are led to establish this general proposition : The motive power \ of /iei->nlrnt of the ay> We implicitly assume-, in our demonstration. tli.-U if a body experi- cnces any changes, ami returns exactly to its origin tl stair. vt. t a certain numtterof transformations thnl is to say, to its original Mate determined by its density, its temperature, and its mode of aegrcpitioii : \v. a-Mime. I say, that the body contains the same quantity of hc:it as it contained nl first, or. in other words, thatthcqtinniitiesof heat absorbed and te|.-as< d in ii- transformations exactly compensate one another. Thi fact has never IN-CM called in question ; it was ftt first admitted wiihoul consider iti-m and after wanis verified in many cases by exporimcnts with the ralorim- -IIT. To deny it would he to overthrow UK* entire theory of heat, of wliich it is die i foundation. It may IK; rcmarkc.l, in passinp. that tin- fiinf M M. all elastic fluids, and in virtue of which the same relation- exist in all these fluids between the volume, expansive force, ami temper- ature. Since two different gases, taken at the same tempera- ture and under the same pressure, should liehave alike under the same circumstances, they should produce eijual quantities of motive power when subjected to the operations above de- scribed. Now this implies, according to the fundamental proposition which we have established, that two equal quanti- ties of caloric are employed in these operations that is, that the quantity of caloric transferred from the body A to the body THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS B is the same whichever of the two gases is used in the opera- tions. The quantity of caloric transferred from the body A to the body B is evidently that which is absorbed by the gas in the increase of its volume, or that which it afterwards emits during compression. We are thus led to lay down the follow- ing proposition : When a gas passes without change of temperature from one defi- nite volume and pressure to another, the quantity of caloric ab- sorbed or emitted is alivays the same, irrespective of the nature of the gas chosen as the subject of the experiment. For example, consider 1 litre of air at the temperature of 100 degrees and under the pressure of 1 atmosphere*, if the volume of this air is doubled, a certain quantity of heat must be supplied to it in order to maintain it at the temperature of 100 degrees. This quantity will be exactly the same if, instead of performing the operation with air, we use carbonic acid gas, nitrogen, hydrogen, vapor of water, or of alcohol that is, if we double the volume of 1 litre of any one of these gases at the temperature of 100 degrees and under atmospheric pressure. The same thing would be true, in the reverse sense, if the volume of the gas, instead of being doubled, were reduced one- half by compression. The quantity of heat absorbed or set free by elastic fluids during their changes of volume has never been measured by direct experiment. Such an experiment would doubtless pre- sent great difficulties, but we have one result which for our pur- poses is nearly equivalent to it ; this result has been furnished by the theory of sound, and may be received with confidence be- cause of the rigor of the demonstration by which it has been established. It may be described as follows : Atmospheric air will rise in temperature 1 degree centigrade when its volume is reduced by y|^ by sudden compression.* The experiments on the velocity of sound were made in air under a pressure of 760 millimetres of mercury and at the tem- perature of G degrees ; and it is only in these circumstances that Poisson's statement is applicable. We shall, however, for the * M. Poisson, to whom we owe this statement, has shown that it agrees very well with the results of an experiment by MM. Clement and Desormes on the behavior of air entering into a vacuum or rather into slightly rare- fied air. It agrees also, very nearly, with a result obtained by MM. Gay- Lussac and Welter. (See note, p. 32.) MEMOIRS ON sake of convenience, consider it to hold at a tcmperatnre of degrees, which is only slightly different. Air compressed by -pj-y and so raised in temperature 1 degree differs from air heated directly by the same amount only in its density. If we call the original volume V, the compression 1>\ Y^-y reduces it to V 'j\j V. Direct heating under constant pressure, according to the law of M. Gay-Lussuc, should in- crease the volume of the air by ^ of that which it would have at degrees; thus the volume of the air is in one process re- duced to V -rfj T", and in the other increased to V+ 5^-7 T. The difference between the quantities of heat present in tin- air in the two cases is evidently the quantity used to raise its temperature directly by 1 degree ; thus the quantity of heat ab- sorbed by the air in passing from the volume I' , ],., V to the volume r+^Tis equal to that which is necessary to raise its temperature 1 degree. Let us now suppose that, instead of heating the air while sub- jected to a constant pressure and able to expand freely, we en- close it in an envelope not capable of expansion, and then raise its temperature 1 degree. The air thus heated 1 degree dif- fers from air compressed by yfy, by having its volume larger by y^. Thus, then, the quantity of heat which the air gives up by a reduction of its volume by jfa is equal to that which is re- quired to raise its temperature 1 degree at constant volume. As the differences, V T fyJ r , F, and F+ ? $ T I . are .-mall in comparison with the volumes themselves, we may consider the quantities of heat absorbed by the air in passing from the first of these volumes to the second, and from the first to the third. M sensibly proportional to the changes of volume. \\ e thus obtain the following relation : The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of air under constant pressure 1 degree is to the quantity required to raise it 1 degree at constant volume in the ratio of the numbers rir + jfr to rfy, or. multiplying both terms by 11G.2G7, in the ratio of the nnin- ;7+116 to 267. This is the ratio between the capacity for heat of air under constant pressure and its capacity at constant volume. If tin- first of these two capacities is expressed by unity the other will be expressed by the number - - " < . approximately, 0.700. Ji THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Their difference 10.700 or 0.300 will evidently express the quantity of heat which will occasion the increase of volume of the air when its temperature is raised 1 degree under constant pressure. From the law of MM. Gay-Lussac and Daltou this increase of volume will be the same for all other gases ; from the the- orem demonstrated on page 23 the heat absorbed by equal in- crements of volume is the same for all elastic fluids; we are thus led to establish the following proposition : The difference between the specific heat under constant pressure and the specific heat at constant volume is the same for all gases. It must be noticed here that all the gases are assumed to be taken at the same pressure for example, the pressure of the atmosphere and also that the specific heats are measured in terms of the volumes. Nothing is now easier than to construct a table of the specific heats of gases at constant volume with the aid of our knowl- edge of their specific heats under constant pressure. We present this table, the first column of which contains the re- sults of direct experiments by MM. Delaroche and Berard on the specific heat of gases under atmospheric pressure. The second column contains the numbers in the first diminished by 0.300. TABLE OF THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF GASES GASES SPECIFIC HEAT UN- DER CONSTANT PRESSURE SPECIFIC HEAT AT CONSTANT VOLUME Atmospheric air 1 000 700 Hydrogen 903 603 Carbonic acid . 1 258 958 Oxygen . . 0.976 676 Nitrogen . . . . 1 000 700 Nitrons oxide 1 350 1 050 Olefiant gas 1.553 1 253 Carbonic oxide . . 1.034 0.734 The numbers in the two columns are referred to the same unit, to the specific heat of atmospheric air under constant pressure. The difference between the corresponding numbers in the two columns being constant, the ratio between them should be 25 MEMOIRS ON variable ; thus the ratio between the specific heats of gases un- der constant pressure and at constant volume varies for the different gases. \\ f have seen that the temperature of the air when it under- goes a sudden compression of t f ff of its volume rises 1 degree. That of other gases should also rise when they are similarly roiii|>ivss<_- // in each case. The heat taken from the body A and given to the body /.' i> nothing other than the heat absorbed by the expansion of the gas and afterwards set free by < onipn-iuii. We are thus led to establish the following theorem : II lit'ii (lie I'olnitli' of an flitxtir jlinil rlminiis. without r}/n)irjt< nf tim/ierature, from I' to I". "//// tin- /<v////- fn,ij r,tf >//. clntnx from IT 1 toV', the quantities of heat ali.^,rl,,;l or .^7 f !<> from nn-li will be equal when the ratio of U' to I /> /mtl to tint! of U toV. This theorem may be stated in another form, as follows: When a gas changes in volume without change of fi-m/H-ratiin- the quantities of heat which it absorbs or gives KI> an- in arith- metical progression when the increments or reductions of volume are in geometrical /;/-o///v /'///. When we compress one litre of air maintained at a tempera- ture of 10 degrees and reduce its volume to J a litre, it gives out a certain quantity of heat. This quantity will bo al\\a\- the same if we further reduce the volume from J to {, from J to 1 . and so on. If, instead of compressing the air, we allow it to expand to 2 litres, 4 litres,8 litres, etc., successively, we must supply it \\iih equal quantities of heat in order to keep its tomporuturc c,nst ant. This easily explains why the temperature of air risrs \\-hrn it is suddenly compressed. We know that this temperature is sufficient to ignite tinder and even to cause the air to become luminous. If we assume for the time lieing the specific heat of air as constant, in spite of changes of volume and tempera- ture, the temperature will increase in arithmetical pm^ressinn as the volume is diminished in geometrical progression. Start- ing with this as given, and admitting that an elevation of inn perature of 1 degree corresponds to a compression of ^{ r . it i> easy to conclude that when air is reduced to fa of its original volume its temperature should rise about 300 degrees, which is enough to ignite tinder.* When the volume l mlur<>1 16 A .I'M .' ! '.' 0.580 ,886 64 0.496 i .'.'">'.' US 0.411 I '[.;. : , 1 .084 51SJ ii > | j 1 .000 M'.'l o!l60 From the experiments of MM. Gay-Lussac and WclU-r. tlie ratio of the specific heat of atmospheric air under constant pressure to tint ai rn stant volume is 1.8748, a uumtx-r \\lii< h is nearly constant for all pr. and for all temperatures. In the previous iliHriivsion we have l>c<>n lid, by other considerations, to the number ~~na-j =1.44, \\ hieli dilTers fnun this by fo, and we have used this number to construct a table of thesperiiic hents of gases at constant volume. Neither this taM.- nr (lie tai.l.- uivrn on page 88 should lie considered as accurate. Tln-y an- intcmlr.1 mainly to set forth the laws followed by the specific heats of aeriform fluids. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The numbers in the first column are in geometrical progres- sion, while those in the second are in arithmetical progression. We have carried the table out to extreme compressions and rarefactions. It is to be supposed that air, before attaining a density 1024 times its ordinary density that is, before becom- ing more dense than water would be liquefied. The specific heats vanish, and even become negative if we prolong the table beyond the last number given. It seems probable that the numbers in the second column decrease too rapidly. The ex- periments on which we based our calculation were made within too narrow limits to enable us to expect great exactness in the numbers obtained, especially in the extreme values. Since, on the one hand, we know the law by which heat is evolved by the compression of a gas, and, on the other, the law by which the specific heat varies with the volume, it will be easy for us to calculate the increase of temperature of a gas compressed without loss of caloric.* In fact, the compression can be considered as consisting of two successive operations : 1, compression at a constant temperature, and, 2, restoration of the caloric emitted. In the second operation the tempera- ture will rise in the inverse ratio to the specific heat which the gas acquires by the reduction of its volume. "We can de- termine the specific heat by means of the law above demon- strated. From the theorem on page 28 the heat set free by compression should be represented by an expression of the form s = A + B log v, s being the heat, v the volume of the gas after compression, A and B arbitrary constants dependent on the original volume of the gas, on its pressure, and on the units which are chosen. The specific heat, which varies with the volume in accordance with the law just demonstrated, should be represented by an expression of the form, A' and B' being arbitrary constants different from A and B. The increase of temperature which the gas receives by com- pression is proportional to the ratio -, or to the ratio -p " . * [This demonstration is erroneous in that it assumes tJie, materiality of heat, and also tfie change of specific heat with volume. The conclusions are invalid.] MEMOIRS ON It may be represented by this ratio itself; tlins, if we represent it by /, we shall have A + li log r ~ A ~ /' io If the original volume of the gas is 1 and the original u-nipt'ni- ture zero, we shall have at the same time / = 0, log y = 0, ami hence A ; t will then express not only the increase of tem- perature, but the temperature itself above the thermometric zero. We must not think that we can apply the formula just given to very large changes in the volume of the gas. We have taken the rise of temperature to be in the inverse ratio to the specific heat, which implies that the specific heat is constant at all tem- peratures. Large changes of volume in the gas occasion large changes of temperature, and there is no evidence that the specific heat is constant at different temperatures, especially when these temperatures are widely separated from each other. This con- stancy of specific heat is only an hypothesis assumed in the case of gases from analogy, and verified fairly well for solids and li(j aids within a certain range of the thermometric scale, but which the experiments of MM. Pulongaml Petit have shown to IK- inexact when extended to temperatures much above 100 degrees.* We sec no reason to assume a priori the constancy of the specific heat of bodies at various temperatures that is to say, to assume that equal quantities of heat will produce equal increments in tin- temperature of a body, even when neither the state in>r tlic density of the body U clinnired ; as. for example, in the case of an elastic fluid enclosed in n riirul envelope. Direct experiments on solid and liquid bodies have proved that between zero and 100 degrees equal im -r. im-nt* of heat produce nearly equal increments of temperature ; but the more recent experiments of MM Dulong and Petit (see AnnaU* de Cliimi, ,t . and let us suppose also that the differences of temperature l>e- of M. Biot (vol. i., pp. 272 mid 531). The third is calculated by menus of the above formula, mid from tin- expuriincntul fact that tin- vapor of water under atmospheric pressure occupies a volume 1700 times us gn -at a> ili.it which it occupies when in the liquid state. By using three numbers from the first column and the corresponding numbers from the third, we can easily determine the constants of our equation t _ A + n lotr logc We shall not enter into the dotnils of the calculation necessary to de- termine tin-si- quantities; it will be enough for us to say that the following B = - 1000. & = 8.80. satisfy sufficiently well the prescrilted conditions, so that the equation = 19.04 expresses very approximately the relation existing between the volume of the vnpor and its temperature. It is to be noticed that the quantity IT is positive and very small. \\ hirli tends to confirm the proposition tint the specific heat of an elastic fluid in- with the volume, but at a wry slow rate. 80 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS tween the bodies A and B are the same in both cases ; thus, for example, the temperatures of these bodies will be in one case 100 and 100 h (h being infinitely small), and in the other, 1 and 1 h. The quantity of motive power produced is in each case the difference between that which the gas fur- nishes by its expansion and that which must be used to restore it to its original volume. Now this difference is here the same in both cases, as >ve may satisfy ourselves by a simple argument, which we do not think it necessary to give in full ; so that the motive power produced is the same. Let us now compare the quantities of heat used in the two cases. In the first case the quantity used is that which the body A imparts to the air in order to keep it at a temperature of 100 degrees during its ex- pansion ; in the second, it is that which the same body imparts to it to maintain its temperature at 1 degree during an exactly similar change of volume. If these two quantities were equal it is evident that the law which we have assumed would follow. But there is nothing to prove that it is so ; we proceed to prove that these quantities of heat are unequal. The air which we first supposed to occupy the space abed (Fig. 2) and to be at a temperature of 1 degree, may be made to occupy the space abef, and to acquire the temperature of 100 degrees by two different methods : TL. It may first be heated without change of volume, and then expanded while its temperature is kept constant. 2. It may first be expanded while its temperature is kept constant, and then heated when it has acquired its new vol- ume. Let a and b be the quantities of heat used successively in the first of the two operations, and b' and ' the quantities used in the second ; as the final result of these two operations is the same, the quantities of heat used in each should be equal ; we then obtain from which we have a'a=b b'. We represent by a' the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the gas from 1 to 100 degrees when it occupies the volume abef, and by a the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the gas from 1 to 100 degrees when it occupies the volume abed. 37 MEMOIRS ON The density of the air is less in the first case than in the sec- ond, and from the experiments of MM. Delaroche and Beranl. already cited on page 32, its capacity for heut should be a little greater. As the quantity a' is greater than the quantity a, b should be greater than b', consequently, stating the proposition generally, we may say that : The quantity of hrat the clntmjr of volume of a gas be- comes greater as the teiiifn nttiirc /"> rai*nl. Thus, for example, more caloric is required to maintain at 100 degrees the temperature of a certain quantity of air whose volume is doubled than to maintain at 1 degree t)ie tempera- ture of the same quantity of air during a similar expansion. These unequal quantities of heat will, however, as we have seen, produce equal quantities of motive power for equal de- scents of caloric occurring at different heights on the thermo- metric scale; from which we may draw the following conclu- sion : The descent of caloric prmlnn's more motive power at lower de- ffftU of temjH'raturr limn tit higher.* Thus a given quantity of heat will develop more motive power in passing from a body whose temperature is kept at 1 degree to another whose temperature is kept at zero than if the temperatures of these two bodies had been lul and loo respectively. It must be said that the difference should lie very small ; it would be zero if the capacity of air for heat remained constant in spite of changes of density. According to the ex- periments of MM. Delaroche and Beranl. this capacity \arie> very little, so little, indeed, that the differences notiee ../.,.../ t-> th, heat vted hould be equal to the difference of tempernt'tr, i,,lied by a eon- tfiint. I/if ' C>i run (' fnitftiini." At M note kiunr, (hit / / Con- t.ii.t. but it the reciprocal of the abtolute temperature of the touree of htat. ] THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS the motive power of heat varies at different degrees of the thermometric scale. It is connected with the law of the varia- tions of the specific heat of gases at different temperatures, which has not been determined with sufficient exactness.* We * If we admit that the specific heat of a gas is constant when its volume docs not change, but only its temperature varies, analysis would lead us to a relation between the motive power and the therraometric degree. We shall now examine the way in which this may be done; it will also give us an opportunity of showing how some of the propositions formerly estab- lished should be stated in algebraic form. Let / be the quantity of motive power produced by the expansion of a given quantity of air changing from the volume 1 litre to the volume v litres at constant temperature. If v increases by the infinitely small quan- tity dv, r will increase by the quantity dr, which, from the nature of mo- tive power, will be equal to the increase of volume do multiplied by the expansive force which the elastic fluid then has. If p represents the ex- pansive force, we shall have the equation (1) dr=pdv. Let us suppose the constant temperature at which the expansion occurs to be equal to t degrees centigrade. Representing by q the elastic force of the air at the same temperature, t, occupying the volume of 1 litre, we shall have from Mariotte's law = , from which p = -- lp v Now if Pis the elastic force of the same air always occupying the volume 1, but at the temperature zero, we shall have from M. Gay-Lussac's law T> If, for the sake of brevity, we represent by N the quantity ~, the equa- tion will become by using which we have, from equation (1), v Considering t constant, and taking the integrals of the two terms, we ob- If we suppose that r=Q when c=l, we shall have (7=0, from which (2) r = ^V(< + 267)logc. This is the motive power produced by the expansion of the air at the tem- perature t, whose volume has changed from 1 to . If instead of working MHMOIRS OX shall now endeavor to determine definitively the motive power of heat, and in order to verify our fundamental proposition at the temperature t we work in exactly the same way at the temperature t+dt, the power developed will be r + / = y (t + (It + 2G7 1 log r. Subtracting equation (2) we obtain (8) Sr = N log oft. Let be the quantity of heat used to keep the temperature of the gns constant during its expansion. From the discussion on page 21 ir will be the power developed by the descent of the quantity of heat < from the degree t + dt to the degree t. Let represent the motive power developed by the descent of a unit of heat from t degrees to zero; since from the gi-m ml principle established ou page 21 this quantity n should depend only on t, it may be represented by the function J-'t, fn.ni which u = Ft. When t increases and becomes i-\- ^ oirg x 10.40 meters in height. As for the increase of volume, it is, by hypothesis, 1 1 + jii of the original volume that is, of the volume occupied by 1 kilogram of air at zero, which is equal to 0.77 cubic meters, if we take into account the specific gravity of air; thus the product, ( Tl + lW O.T7 II * 1 l\ tilt- increase of the volume. We shall assume the volume atn-t to be large enough to contain all the water in a state of vapor ; x'. Removal of the body A, contact of the vapor with the body B, precipitation of a part of this vapor, decrease of its elastic force, return of the piston from efto ab, and liquefaction of the rest of the vapor by the effect of the pressure combined with the contact of the body B; 3. Removal of the body B, new contact of the water with the body A, return of the water to the temperature of this body, a repetition of the first operation, and so on. The quantity of motive power developed in a complete cy- cle of operations is measured by the product of the volume of the vapor multiplied by the difference between its tensions at the temperatures of the body A and of the body B respec- tively. The heat used that is, that transferred from the body A to the body B is evidently the quantity which is required to transform the water into vapor, always neglecting the small quantity necessary to restore the water from the tempt -rature of the body li to that of the body A. Let us suppose that the temperature of the body A is 100 degrees and that of the body B 99 degrees. From 1C. Dahoifs table the difference of these tensions will be 26 millimetres of mercury or 0.36 meter of water. The volume occupied by tin- vapor is 1700 that of the water, so that, if we use l kilo-ram, it will be 170Q litres or 1.700 cubic meters. Thus the motive power developed is 1.700x0.36 = 0.611 unit of the sort which we used before. The quantity of heat used is the quantity required to trans- form the water into vapor, the water beini: already at a ti-m- |H-rature of 100 degrees. This quantity has !><. u d< t< rmiind I >y experiment ; it has been found equal to A.*>< decrees, or, -leaking with greater precision, to 550 of our units of heat Thus it. c,i i unit of motive power result from the use of 550 units of heat. 44 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The quantity of motive power produced by 1000 units of heat will be given by the proportion 550 1000 . , . , 611 = , from which x = - = 1.112. 0.611 x ' 550 Thus 1000 units of heat transferred from a body maintained at 100 degrees to one maintained at 99 degrees will produce 1.112 units of motive power when acting on the water vapor. The number 1.112 differs by nearly ^ from 1.395, which was the number previously found for the motive power developed by 1000 units of heat acting on air ; but we must remember that in that case the temperature of the bodies A and B were 1 degree and zero, while in this case they are 100 and 99 degrees respectively. The difference, is indeed the same, but the tem- peratures on the thermometric scale are not the same. In order to obtain an exact pomparison it would be necessary to calculate the motive power developed by the vapor formed at 1 degree and condensed at zero, and also to determine the quantity of heat contained in the vapor formed at 1 degree. The law of MM. Clement and Desormes, to which we referred on page 35, gives us this information. The heat used in turning water into vapor (chaleur constituante) is always the same at whatever temperature the vaporization occurs. Therefore, since 550 degrees of heat are required to vaporize the water at the tem- perature of 100 degrees, we must have 550 4-100, or 650 degrees, to vaporize the same weight of water at zero. By using the data thus obtained, and reasoning in other respects quite in the same way as we did when the water was at 100 degrees, we readily see that 1.290 is the motive power developed by 1000 units of heat acting on water vapor between the temperatures of 1 degree and zero. This number approaches 1.395 more nearly than the other. It only differs by y 1 ^, which is not outside the limits of prob- able error, considering the large number of data of different sorts which we have found it necessary to use in making this comparison. Thus our fundamental law is verified in a par- ticular case.* * In a memoir of M. Petit (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, July, 1818, page 294) there is a calculation of the motive power of heat applied to air and to water vapor. The results of this calculation are much to the advan- tage of atmospheric air ; but this is owing to a very inadequate way of considering the action of heat. 45 MEMOIRS ON We shall now examine the case of heat acting on alcohol vapor. The method used in this case is exactly the same as in the case of water vapor, but the data are different. Pure alcohol boils under ordinary pressure at 78.7 centigrade. According to MM. Delaroche ami P.t'-rard, 1 kilogram of this substance absorbs 207 units of heat when transformed into vapor at this same temperature, 78.7. The tension of alcohol vapor at 1 degree below its boiling- point is diminished by .,'.,. und is J. less than atmospho it- pressure (this is at least the result of the experiments of M. Hi-tancour, an account of which was given in the second part of M. IVony's An-h i/tff /< lliidrnnUque, pages 180, !!">).* We find, by use of these data, that the motive ]u>\vrr de- veloped, in acting on 1 kilogram of alcohol at the temperatures 77.7 and 78.7, would be 0.251 unit. This results from the use of 207 units of heat. For 1000 units we must set the proportion 207 1000 . - = , from which Z= 1.230. ''. J ' 1 *C This number is a little greater than 1.112, resulting from the use of water vapor at 100 and 99 degrees ; but if \vi- assume the water vapor to be employed at 78 and 77 degrees, we find, by the law of MM. Cli'ment and Desormes, 1.212 for the motive power produced by 1000 units of heat. As we see, this number ap- proaches 1.230 very nearly ; it only differs from it by -j^. * M. Dalton thought that he hiul discovered thnt the vapors of different, liquids exhibited equal tensions tit temperatures on tlie tin -rm.mn -trie scale equally distant from their boiling-points ; this law Is, however, not rigor- ously, but only approximately, correct. The same is true of tlie law of the ratio of the latent heat of vapors to their densities (see ex from a memoir of M. C. Despreiz. Annale* de Chimit et de Ptiyrique, vol. xvi.. p. 105. and vol. xxiv.. p. 828). Questions of this kind are closely con- nected with those relating to the motive power of heat Davy and Km .<>., \ recently tried to recognize the changes of tension of liquefied gases for small changes of temperature, after having made excellent experiments on the liquefaction of gnses by the effect of a considerable pressure, had In view the use of new liquids in the production of motive p>\\, t (see Annale* de Chimie et fa Physiqnt, January. 1*24. p. 80). From the theory given above we can predict that the use of these liquids presents no advantage for the economical use of heat. The advantage could only be realized at the low temperature at which it would be possible to work, and by the use of sources from which, for this reason, it would become pos- sible to extract caloric. 46 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS We should have liked to have made other comparisons of this kind for example, to have calculated the motive power de- veloped by the action of heat on solids and liquids, by the freez- ing of water, etc. ; but in the present state of Physics we are not able to obtain the necessary data.* The fundamental law which we wish to confirm seems, however, to need additional verifications to be put beyond donbt; it is based upon the the- ory of heat as it is at present established, and, it must be con- fessed, this does not appear to us to be a very firm foundation. New experiments alone can decide this question; in the mean time we shall occupy ourselves with the application of the the- oretical ideas above stated, and shall consider them as correct in the examination of the various means proposed at the pres- ent time to realize the motive power of heat. It has been proposed to develop motive power by the action of heat on solid bodies. The mode of procedure which most naturally presents itself to our minds is to firmly fix a solid body a metallic bar, for example by one of its extremities, and to attach the other extremity to a movable part of the machine ; then by successive heating and cooling to cause the length of the bar to vary, and thus produce some movement. Let us endeavor to decide if this mode of developing motive power can be advantageous. We have shown that the way to get the best results in the production of motion by the use of heat is to so arrange the operations that all the changes of tem- perature which occur in the bodies are due to changes of vol- ume. The more nearly this condition is fulfilled the better the heat will be utilized. Now, by proceeding in the manner just described, we are far from fulfilling this condition ; no change of temperature is here due to a change of volume ; but the changes are all due to the contact of bodies differently heated, to the contact of the metallic bar either with the body which furnishes the heat or with the body which absorbs it. The only means of fulfilling the prescribed condition would be to act on the solid body exactly as we did on the air in the operations described on page 18, but for this we must be able to produce considerable changes of temperature solely by the change of volume of the solid body, if, at least, we desire to * The data lacking are the expansive force acquired by solids and liquids for u given increase of temperature, and the quantity of heat ab- sorbed or emitted during changes in the volume of these bodies. 47 MKNh'IRS ON use considerable descents of caloric. Now this seems to be impracticable, for several considerations lead ns to think that the changes in the temperature of solids or liquids by compres- sion and expansion are quite small. 1. We often observe in engines (in heat-engines particularly) solid parts which are subjected to very considerable forces, some- times in one sense and sometimes in another, and although those forces are sometimes as great as the nature of the substances employed will permit, the changes in temperature are scarcely perceptible. 2. In the process of striking medals, of rolling plates, or of drawing wires, metals undergo the greatest compressions to which we can subject them by the use of the hardest and most resisting materials. Notwithstanding this the rise in tempera- ture is not great, for if it were, the steel tools which we u.<- in these operations would soon lose their temper. 3. We know that it is necessary to exert a very great force on solids and liquids to produce in them a reduction of volume comparable to that which they undergo by cooling (for ex- ample, by a cooling from 100 degrees to zero). Now, cooling requires a greater suppression of caloric than would be n><|iiiiv' is 100 or 1000 decrees. In a steam-engine working under a pressure of 6 atmospheres the temperature of the boiler is 100 degrees. This is the tempera- ture of the body A ; it is maintained by contact with the fur- nace at a constant temperature of lH" decree*, ami affords a continual supply of the heat necessary to the formation of steam. The condenser is the body /?; it is maintained by means of a current of cold water at an almost constant temperature of 4<> degrees, and continually absorbs the caloric which is rarrie.l t<> it by the steam from the body A. The difference of tempera- ture between these two bodies is 16040, or 120 degrees ; it is for this reason that we say that the descent of caloric is in this case 120 doL' 1 il i< capable of producing by combustion a higher t -m- peratlire than lIMM) decrees, ami the temperature, of the e.uld water which we ordinarily use is about 1<> decrees, so that we can easily obtain a descent of caloric of 1000 degrees, of which only 50 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 120 degrees are utilized by steam-engines, and even these 120 degrees are not all used to advantage ; there are always con- siderable losses due to useless re-establishments of equilibrium in the caloric. It is now easy to perceive the advantage of those engines which are called high-pressure engines over those in which the pressure is lower : this advantage depends essentially upon the power of utilizing a larger descent of caloric. The steam being produced under greater pressure is also at a higher tempera- ture, and as the temperature of condensation is always nearly the same the descent of caloric is evidently greater. But to obtain the most favorable results from high-pressure engines the descent of caloric must be used to the greatest ad- vantage. It is not enough that the steam should be produced at a high temperature, but it is also necessary that it should attain a sufficiently low temperature by its expansion alone. It should thus be the characteristic of a good steam-engine not only that it uses the steam under high pressure, but that it uses it under successive. pressures which are very variable, very dif- ferent from each other, and progressively decreasing.* *This principle, which is the real basis of the theory of the steam-engine, has been developed with great clearness by M. Clement in a memoir pre- sented to the Academy of Sciences a few years ago. This memoir has never been printed, and I owe my acquaintance with it to the kindness of the author. In it not only is this principle established, but applied to va- rious systems of engines actually in use ; the motive power of each is cal- culated by the help of the law cited on p. 35 and compared with the results of experiment. This principle is so little known or appreciated that Mr. Perkins, the well-known London mechanician, recently constructed an engine in which the steam, formed under a pressure of 35 atmospheres, a pressure never before utilized, experienced almost HO expansion, as we may easily be convinced by the slightest knowledge of the engine. It is composed of a single cylinder, which is very small, and at each stroke is entirely filled with steam formed under a pressure of 35 atmospheres. The steam does no work by expansion, for there is no room for the expansion to take place : it is condensed as soon as it passes out of the small cylinder. It acts only under a pressure of 35 atmospheres, and not, as the best usage would require, under progressively decreasing pressures. This engine of Mr. Perkins does not realize the hopes which it at first excited. It was claimed that the economy of coal in this machine was T 9 ff greater than in the best machines of Watt, and that it also possessed other advantages over them. (See Annales de Ghimie et de Physique, April, 1823, p. 429.) These assertions have not been verified. Mr. Perkins's engine may never- theless be considered a valuable invention in that it has proved it to be 51 MEMOIRS ON In order to show, to a certain extent, a /W^r/Wi the advan- tage of high-pressure engines, let us assume that the strain formed under atmospheric pressure is contained in H cylimln- feasiblc to use steam under much higher pressures than ever before, and because when properly modified it may lead us to really useful tesults. Wait, to whom we <>\v.- almost nil the great improvements in the strum engine, and who has brought these machines to a state of perfection which can hardly IK? surpassed, was the first to use steam under pr.>i:i-e**ivrly decreasing pressures. In many cases he checked the introduction of the steam into the cylinder at one-half, one-third, or one-quarter of tin- stroke of the piston, which was thus completed under a picssiirc which constant ly diminished. The first engines working on this principle dale from 177s Walt had conceived the idea in 1769, and took out a patent for it in 17^,' A table annexed to Watt's patent is here presented. In it lie supposes the vapor to enter the cylinder during the first quarter of the stroke of the piston, and he then calculates the mean pressure by dividing the stroke in;. . twenty parts: l-ARTW Or TIIK PATH FRO* TUB HBAD OF THK CYLINDER DKRKA8IKO PRKMfRK Or TlUt VAPOK, TH TOTAL PMK881-HK RUM. 1 0.05 \ 0.101 Steam entering i) i:> freely from ,1.000} \1 no,,/ 1. 000 V Total pressure. o-jo the boiler. M. -00, Quarter .0.25 ; i.ooo ) 0.80 0.810 085 0.714 0.40 0625 0.45 o 560 Half. .0.50 ' 0.500. .Half the original pressure. ii V, 060 0.65 0.70 a. 78 The steam cut off. and moving the piston by expan- sion aloue. o :, 0417 0.885 0875 0.888.. One third. OSO 0.811 0.85 o IM 0.90 Bottom of 095 cylinder .1.00 0.250. .One-quarter. Total 11 588 Mean pressure, 11 ' 888 = 0.579. On this showing he remarks that the mean pressure is more thnn half of the original pressure, so that a quantity of steam equal t ne quarter \\ dl produce an effect greater than one-half [freely intrmlncctl fmm tin hnlrr until the end of the ftrolce}. Watt here assumes that the i \p:m-in <>f the steam is in accordance with Mariotte's law. This assumption should not be considered correct, be- THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS cal vessel, abed (Fig. 5). under the piston cd, which at first touches the base ab; the steam, after moving the piston from ab to cd, will subsequently act in a manner with which we need not occupy ourselves. Let us suppose that after the piston has reached cd it is forced down to ef without escape of steam, or loss of any of its caloric. It will be compressed into the space abef, and its density, elastic force, and temperature will all increase together. If the steam, instead of being formed under atmospheric pressure, were produced exactly in the state in which it is when compressed into a abef, and if, after having moved the piston from #%. 5 ab to ef by its introduction into the cylinder, it should move it from ef to cd solely by expansion,- the motive power produced would be greater than in the first case. In fact, an equal movement of the piston would take place under the influence of a higher pressure, although this would be va- riable and even progressively decreasing. The steam would require for its formation a precisely equal quantity of caloric, but this caloric would be used at a higher temperature. It is from considerations of this kind that engines with two cylinders (compound engines) were introduced, which were in- vented by Mr. Hornblower and improved by Mr. Woolf. With cause, on the one hand the temperature of the elastic fluid is lowered by ex- pansion, and on the other there is nothing to show that a part of this fluid does not condense by expansion. Watt should also have taken into ac- count the force necessary to expel the steam remaining after condensa- tion, whose quantity is greater in proportion as the expansion has been carried further. Dr. Robinson added to Watt's work a simple formula to calculate the effect of the expansion of steam, but this formula is af- fected by the same errors to which we have just called attention. It has, however, been useful to constructors in furnishing them with a means of calculation sufficiently exact to be of use in practice W T e have thought it worth while to recall these facts because they are little known, especially in France. Engines have been constructed there after the models of in- ventors but without much appreciation of the principles on which these models were made. The neglect of these principles has often led to grave faults. Engines which were originally well conceived have deteriorated in the hands of unskilful constructors, who, wishing to introduce unim- portant improvements, have neglected fundamental considerations which they did not know enough to appreciate. 53 MEMOIRS ON respect to the economy of fuel, they are considered the best en- gines. They are composed of a small cylinder, which at each stroke of the piston is more or less and often entirely tilled with steam, and of a second cylinder, of a capacity usually fonr times as great, which receives only the steam which has already been used in the first one. Thus the volume of the steam at the end of this operation is at least four times its original volume. It is carried from the second cylinder direct- ly into the condenser; but it is evident that it could he carried into a third cylinder four times as large as the second, where its volume would become sixteen times its original volume. The chief obstacle to the use of a third cylinder of this kind is tin- large space which it requires, and the size of the openings which are necessary to allow the steam to escape.* We shaU say nothing more on this subject, our object ii<>t being to discuss the details of construction of heat-engines. These should be treated in a separate work. No such work exists at present, at least in France, f * It is easy to perceive the advantages of having two cylinders, for when there is only one the pressure on the piston will vary very much he! ween the beginning and end of the stroke. Also, all the portions of the machine de signed to transmit the action must be strong enough to re-ist tin- first im- pulse, and filled together pcifectly so as to avoid sudden motions by \\liii-h they might be damaged and which would soon wear them out. Tins \\onld be specially true of the walking beam, the supports, tin- conm< -ting-rod, the crank, and of the first cog-wheels. In these parts tin- irreirnlarity of the impulse would be roost felt and would do tin- most damage The steam-chest would also have to lie strong enough to resist tin- i pressure employed, and large enough to contain the v:i|>or when its volume is increased. If two cylinders are used the capacity of the first need not be great, so that it is easy to give it the strength required, while the second must be large but need not be very strong. Engines with two cylinders have been planned on proper principles hut have often fallen far short of yielding a good iwulis n.s miL'lit have been expected of them. Thi- is the case principally IK-CM u*e the dimer>- the different parts are difficult to arrange and are often not in proper pro- portion to each other. There are no good models of the-e engines, while there are excellent ones of those constructed after Watt's plan To this is due the it regularity which we observe in the effects produced by the former. whil those produced by the latter are almost uniform. 4 In the work entitled De la fifc*MM Vintral. by M. Heron de V ill, .fosse, vol. iii , p. .V) itq., we find a good description of the steam ermine- M..W used in mining. The subject Ir.s b. en treated wilh sufficient ful England in the Kneyflnptnlia Brittinnica. Some of the data which we have employed have been taken from the latter work. 54 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS "While the expansion of the steam is limited by the dimen- sions of the vessels in which it dilates, the degree of conden- sation at which it is possible to begin to use it is only limited by the resistance of the vessels in which it is generated name- ly, of the boilers. In this respect we are far from having reached the possible limits. The character of the boilers in general use is altogether bad; although the tension of the steam is rarely carried in them beyond 4 to 6 atmospheres, they often burst and have caused serious accidents. It is no doubt quite possible to avoid such accidents and at the same time to make the tension of the steam greater than that commonly employed. Besides the high - pressure engines with two cylinders of which we have been speaking, there are also high-pressure en- gines with one cylinder. Most of these have been constructed by two skilful English engineers, Messrs. Trevithick and Viv- ian. They use the steam under a very high pressure, some- times 8 or 10 atmospheres, but they have no condenser. The steam, after its entrance into the cylinder, undergoes a certain expansion, but its pressure is always greater than that of the atmosphere. When it has done its work, it is ejected into the atmosphere. It is evident that this mode of procedure is en- tirely equivalent, with respect to the motive power produced, to condensing the steam at 100 degrees, and that we lose a part of the useful effect, but engines thus worked can dispense with the condenser and air-pump. They are less expensive than the others, and are not so complicated ; they take less room, and can be used where it is not possible to obtain :i current of cold water sufficient to effect condensation. In such places they possess an incalculable advantage, since no others can be used. They are used principally in England to draw wagons for the carriage of coal on railroads, either in the interior of mines or on the surface. Some remarks may still be made on the use of permanent gases and vapors other than water vapor in the development of the motive power of heat. Various attempts have been made to produce motive power by the action of heat on atmospheric air. This gas, in com- parison with water vapor, presents some advantages and some disadvantages, which we shall now examine. 1. It has this notable advantage over water vapor, that since for the same volume it has a much smaller capacity for 55 MEMOIRS <>N heat it cools more for an equal expansion, as is proved by what we have previously said. We have seen the importance of effect- ing the greatest possible changes of temperature by changes of volume alone. 2. Water vapor can be formed only by the aid of a boiler, while atmospheric air can be heated directly by combustion within itself. Thus a considerable loss is avoided, not only in the quantity of heat, but also in its thermometric degree. This advantage belongs exclusively to atmospheric air ; the other gases do not possess it; they would be even more difficult to heat than water vapor. 3. In order to produce a great expansion of the air, and to cause thereby a great change of temperature, it would be neces- sary to subject it in the first place to rather a high pressure, to compress it by an air-pump or by some other means before heat- ing it. This operation would require a special apparatus which does not form a part of the steam-engine. In it the water is in a liquid state when it enters the boiler, and requires only a small force-pump to introduce it. 4. The cooling of the vapor by the contact of the refrigerat- ing body is more rapid and easy than the cooling of air could be. It is true that we have the resource of eject inn it into the. atmosphere. This procedure would have the further advan- tage that we could then dispense with a refrigerator, which is not always at our disposal, but in that case the air must nt expand so far that its pressure is lower than that of the a; phere. 5. One of the most serious drawbacks to the employment of steam is that it cannot be used at high temperatures except with vessels of extraordinary strength. This is not true <>f air. for which there is no necessary relation between its tempera- ture and elastic force. The air, then, seems bettor fitted than steam to realize the motive power of the descent of caloric at high temperatures; perhaps at low temperatures water vapor would be preferable. We can even conceive of the possibility of making the same heat act successively in air and in water vapor. All that would be necessary would be to keep the tem- perature of the air sufficiently high, after it had Wn nsi-d. and instead of ejecting it immediately into the atmosphere, to sur- round a steam-boiler with it, as if it came directly from the fire-box. N THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The use of atmospheric air for the development of the mo- tive power of heat presents very great practical difficulties which, however, may not be insurmountable. These difficulties once overcome, it will doubtless be far superior to water vapor.* As for other permanent gases, they should be finally rejected ; they have all the inconveniences of atmospheric air without any of its advantages. The same may be said of other vapors in comparison with water vapor. * Among the attempts made to develop the motive power of heat by the use of atmospheric air, we should notice particularly those of MM. Niepce, which were made in France several years ago by means of an apparatus, called by the inventors pyreolophore. This instrument consists essentially of a cylinder, furnished with a piston, and tilled with atmospheric air at ordinary density. Into this is projected some combustible substance in a highly attenuated form, which remains in suspension for a moment in the air and is then ignited. The combustion produces nearly the same effect as if the elastic fluid were a mixture of air and combustible gas of air and carburetted hydrogen, for example a sort of explosion occurs and a sudden expansion of the elastic fluid, which is made use of by causing it to act altogether against the piston. This moves through a certain dis- tance, and the motive power is thus realized. There is nothing to prevent a renewal of the air and a repetition of the first operation. This very in- genious engine, which is especially interesting on account of the novelty of its principle, fails in an esseniial particular. The substance used for the combustible (lycopodium powder, that which is used to produce flames on the stage) is so expensive, that all other advantages are outweighed, and unfortunately it is difficult to make use of a moderately cheap combustible, for it requires a substance that is very finely pulverized, in which the igni- tion is prompt, is propngnted rapidly, and which leaves little or no residue. Instead of following MM. Niepce's operations it would seem to us better to compress the air by air-pumps and to conduct it through a perfectly sealed fire-box into which the combustible is introduced in small quan- tities by some mechanism which is easy to conceive of; to allow it to de- velop its action in a cylinder with a piston or in any other envelope capable of enlargement ; to eject it finally into the atmosphere, or even to pass it under a steam-boiler in order to utilize its remaining heat. The chief difficulties which we should have to meet in this mode of operation would be the enclosure of the fire-box in a sufficiently solid en- velope, the suitable control of the combustion, the maintenance of a moder- ate temperature in the several parts of the engine, and the prevention of O; rapid deterioration of the cylinder and piston. We do not consider these difficulties insurmountable. It is said that successful attempts have been made in England to develop motive power by the action of heat on atmospheric air. We do not know what these are, if, indeed, they have really been made. 57 MEMOIRS ON It would no doubt be preferable if there were an abundant supply of a liquid which evaporated at a higher temperature than water, the specific heat of whose vapor was less for equal volume, and which did not injure the metals used in the con- struction of an engine ; but no such body exists in natim-. The use of alcohol vapor has been suggested, and engines have even been constructed in order to make it possible, in \\hii-li the mixture of the vapor with the water of condensation is avoided by applying the cold body externally instead of in- troducing it into the engine. It was thought that alcohol vapor possessed a notable advan- tage on account of its having a greater tension than that of water vapor at the same temperature. We see in this only an- other difficulty to be overcome. The principal defect of water vapor is its excessive tension at a high temperature, and this defect is still more marked in alcohol vapor. As for the ad- vantage which it was believed to have with respect to a larger production of motive power, we know from the principles stated above that they are imaginary. Thus it is with the use of water vapor and atmospheric air that the future attempts to improve the steam-engine shun 1.1 be made. AH efforts should be directed to utilize by means of these agents the largest possible descents of caloric. We shall conclude by showing how far we are from the reali- zation, by means already known, of all the motive power of the combustibles. A kilogram of coal burned in the calorimeter furnishes a quantity of heat capable of raising the tempi-rat uru of about 7000 kilograms of water 1 degree that is, from the definition given (page 43) it furnishes 7000 units of heat. The largest descent of caloric which can be realized is measured by the dif- ference of the temperature produced by combustion and that of the refrigerating body. It is difficult to see any limit to the temperature of combustion other than that at which the com- bination of the combustible with oxygen is effected. Let us assume, however, that this limit is 1000 degrees, which is cer- tainly within the bounds of truth. We shall assume the t< m peratnre of the refrigerator to be degrees. \\ have calculated approximately (page 4. r >) the quantity of motive power developed by 1000 units of In at in passing from the temperature 100 to the temperature 99, and have found THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS it to be 1.112 units, each equal to 1 meter of water raised 1 meter. If the motive power were proportional to the descent of caloric, if it were the same for each thermometric degree, nothing would be easier than to estimate it from 1000 to degrees. Its value would be 1.112 x 1000 = 1112. But as this law is only approximate, and perhaps at high temperatures departs a good deal from the truth, we can only make a very rough estimate. Let us suppose the number 1112 to be reduced one-half that is, to 560. Since one kilogram of coal produces 7000 units of heat, and since the number 560 is referred to 1000 units, we must multi- ply it by 7, which gives us 7 x 560 = 3920, which is the motive power of one kilogram of coal. In order to compare this theoretical result with the results of experiment, we shall inquire how much motive power is actu- ally developed by one kilogram of coal in the best heat-engines known. The engines which have thus far offered the most advanta- geous results are the large engines with two cylinders used in the pumping out of the tin and copper mines of Cornwall. The best results which they have furnished are as follows : Sixty- five million pounds of water have been raised one English foot by the burning of one bushel of coal (the weight of a bushel is 88 Ibs.). This result is equivalent to raising 195 cubic meters of water one meter by the use of one kilogram of coal, which consequently produces 195 units of motive power.* * The result given here was furnished by an engine whose large cylin- der was 35 inches in diameter, with a 7-foot stroke ; it is used to pump out one of the mines of Cornwall, called " Wheal Abraham." This result should in a way be considered as an exception, for it only was accomplished for a short time during one month. A product of 30 million Ibs. raised one English foot by a bushel of coal weighing 88 Ibs. is generally consid- ( ered to be an excellent result for a steam-engine. It is sometimes reached by the engines made on Watt's system, but has rnrely been exceeded. This result expressed in French units is equal to 104000 kilograms raised one meter by the burning of one kilogram of coal. By what we ordinarily understand as one horse- power in the calculation MEMOIRS ON 195 units are only one-twentieth of 3920, the theoretical max- imum ; consequently only ^ of the motive power of the combus- tible has been utilized. We have, moreover, chosen our example from among the best steam-engines known. Most of the others have been vrry inferior. For example, G'haillot's engine raises '-.'<> cubic meters of water 33 meters in consuming 30 kilograms of coal, which is equivalent to 22 units of motive power to 1 kilogram, a result nine times less than that cited above, and one hundred and eighty times less than the theoretical maximum. We should not expect ever to employ in practice all the mo- tive power of the combustibles used. The efforts which one would make to attain this result would be even more harmful than useful if they led to the neglect of other important con- siderations. The economy of fuel is only one of the conditions which should be fulfilled by steam-engines ; in many cases it is only a secondary consideration. It must often yield the prece- dence to safety, to the solidity and durability of the engine, to the space which it must occupy, to the cost of its construction, etc. To be able to appreciate justly in each case the consider- ations of convenience and economy which present themselves, to be able to recognize the most important of those which are only subordinate, to adjust them all suitably, and finally to reach the best result by the easiest method such should be the power of the man who is called on to direct and co-ordinate the labors of his fellow-men, and to make them concur in attaining a useful purpose. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NICOLAS-LEON A RD-S ADI CARXOT was born in Paris on June 1, 17% ; the son of the illustrious engineer, soldier, and states- man who played so prominent a part in the history of France during the Revolution. He was educated at the Keolc I'i.l\ - of the efficiency of steam-engines, a 10 horse-power engine should raise 10 x 75, or 750 kilograms 1 meter iu a second, or 750 x 8600 = 3700000 kilograms 1 meter in an hour. If we suppose eacli kilogram of coal to raise 104000 kilograms, it is necessary to divide 2700000 by 104000 to find the coal burned in one hur by the 10 horse-power engine, which gives us YoY = 28 kilograms. Hut it is very rare that a 10 horse-power engine consumes less than 26 kilograms of coal an hour. 60 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS technique, and served for several years as an officer of engineers and on the general staff. His inclinations towards the study of science were so strong that they controlled the whole course of his life. While still engaged in his profession he devoted such time as he could spare to scientific investigations, and he at last resigned from the army in order to obtain more leisure for studious pursuits. He died of the cholera on August 24, 1832. The memoir on the "Motive Power of Heat" is the only one which he published. It shows that he possessed a mind able to penetrate to the heart of a question, and to invent general methods of reasoning. The extracts from his note-book, pub- lished by his brother, indicate that he was also fertile in devis- ing experiments. It is interesting to note that the doubt of the validity of the substantial theory of heat, expressed by him in his memoir, developed later into complete disbelief, and that he not only adopted the mechanical theory of heat, but planned experiments to test it similar to those of Joule, and calculated that the mechanical equivalent of heat is equal to 370 kilogram- meters. ON THE MOTIVE POWER OF HEAT, AND ON THE LAWS WHICH CAN BE DEDUCED FROM IT FOR THE THEORY OF HEAT BY R. CLAUSIUS (Poggendorff's Annalen, vol. Ixxix., pp. 376 and 500. 1850) CONTEXTS MM Work of Carnot and Clapeyron 65 Dynamical Theory of Heat 66 Equivalence of Heat and Work 67 Camot't Cycle Application to Change of State 78 Second Late of Thermodynamics 88 Carnot't /*/|.|rr body. In the steam-engine, for example, by means of the steam which is developed in the boiU'r and precipitated in the condenser, heat is transferred from the grate to the eonden> T. This transfer he considered as the heat change, correspond in;: to the work done, lie says expressly that no heat is lost in tin- process, but that the quantity of heat remains unchanged, and adds : " This fact is not doubted ; it was assumed at first with- out investigation, and then established in many cases by calori- metric measurements. To deny it would overthrow tin- whole theory of heat, of which it is the foundation." I am nut a wan-. however, that it has been sufficiently proved by experiment that no loss of heat occurs when work is done ; it may, perhaps. on the contrary, be asserted with more correctness that even if such a loss has not been proved directly, it has yet been sh>wn by other facts to be not only admissible, but even highly prob- able. If it be assumed that heat, like a substance, cannot diminish in quantity, it must also be assumed that it cannot increase. It is, however, almost impossible to explain the heat produced by friction except as an increase in the quantity of heat. The careful investigations of Joule, in whieh heat is produced in several different ways by the application of me- chanical work, have almost certainly proved not only the pos- sibility of increasing the quantity of heat in any ciivumst but also the law that the quantity of heat developed i- propor- tional to the work expended in the operation. To this it mu.-t be added that other facts have lately become known \\hich support the view, that heat is not a substance, but con>i.-i> in a motion of the least parts of bodies. If this view is correct, it is admissible to apply to heat the general mechanical principle that a motion may be transformed into work, and in siu-h a manner that the loss of //.-> rira is proportional to the work ac- complished. These facts, with which Carnot also was well acquainted, and the importance of which he has expressly re -oirnixi-d. almost compel us to accept the equivalence between heat and work, on the modified hypothesis that the accomplishment of work re- quires not merely a change in the >iistribution of heat, hut also an actual consumption of heat, ami that, conversely, heat can be developed again by the expenditure of work. ' M THE SECOXD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS In a memoir recently published by Holtzmann,* it seems at first as if the author intended to consider the matter from this latter point of view. He says (p. 7) : " The action of the heat supplied to the gas is either an elevation of temperature, in conjunction with an increase in its elasticity, or mechanical work, or a combination of both, and the mechanical work is the equivalent of the elevation of temperature. The heat can only be measured by its effects ; of the two effects mentioned the mechanical work is the best adapted for this purpose, and it will accordingly be so used in what follows. I call the unit of heat the heat which by its entrance into a gas can do the me- chanical work a that is, to use definite units, which can lift a kilograms through 1 meter." Later (p. 12) he also calculates the numerical value of the constant a in the same way as Mayer had already done,f and obtains a number which corresponds with the heat equivalent obtained by Joule in other entirely different ways. In the further extension of his theory, how- ever, in particular in the development of the equations from which his conclusions are drawn, he proceeds exactly as Clapey- ron did, so that in this part of his work he tacitly assumes that the quantity of heat is constant. The difference between the two methods of treatment has been much more clearly grasped by W. Thomson, who has ex- tended Carnot's discussion by the use of the recent observations of Regnault on the tension and latent heat of water vapor. J He speaks of the obstacles which lie in the way of the unrestricted assumption of Carnot's theory, calling special attention to the researches of Joule, and also raises a fundamental objection which may be made against it. Though it may be true in any case of the production of work, when the working body has re- turned to the same condition as at first, that heat passes from a warmer to a colder body, yet on the other hand it is not gener- ally true that whenever heat is transferred work is done. Heat can be transferred by simple conduction, and in all such cases, if the mere transfer of heat were the true equivalent of work, there would be a loss of working power in Nature, which is hardly conceivable. Nevertheless, he concludes that in the * Ueber die Warme und Elasticit&t der Oase und Dampfe, von C. Holtz- mann, Mannheim, 1845 : also Pogg. Ann., vol. 72a. f Ann. der Chem. und Pfiarm. of WOhler and Liebig, vol. xlii., p. 239. J Transactions of Uie Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xvi. 67 MEMOIRS ON present state of the science the principle adopted by Carnot is still to he taken as the most probable basis for an investigation of the motive power of heat, saying : " If we abandon this prin- ciple, we meet with innumerable other difficulties insuperable without further experimental investigation, and an entire it-- construction of the theory of heat from its foundation."* I believe that we should not be daunted by these difficulties, but rather should familiarize ourselves as much as possible with the consequences of the idea that heat is a motion, since it is only in this way that we can obtain the means \\here\\iih to confirm or to disprove it. Then, too, I do not think the difficulties are so serious as Thomson does, since even though we must make some changes in the usual form of presentation, yet I can find no contradiction with any proved facts. It is not at all necessary to discard Caruot's theory entirely, a step which we certainly would find it hard to take, since it has to some extent been conspicuously verified by experience. A careful examination shows that the new method does not stand in contradiction to the essential principle of Carnot, but only to the subsidiary statement that no hmt /> l^t, sim-e in the production of work it may very well be the case that at the same time a certain quantity of heut is consumeti and another quantity transferred from a hotter to a colder body, and hoth quantities of heat stand in a definite relation to the work that is done. This will appear more plainly in the sequel, and it will there be shown that the consequences drawn fmm the two assumptions are not only consistent with one another, but are even mutually confirmatory. 1. CONSEQUENCES OF THE PRINCIPLE OP THE EQl'IY \U.\- K OF HEAT A Xli \\oKK We shall not consider here the kind of motion which ran lie conceived of as taking place within bodies, further than to as- sume in general that the particle-; of l>odie>an- in motion, ami that their heat is the measure of their ris viva, or rath, r still more generally, we shall only lay down a principle condition.-.! by that assumption as a fundamental prineiple, in the words: In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of li.at. a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the * Math, and Phyt. I\ijr, vol. I., p. 119, note. 68 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS work done ; and, conversely, by the expenditure of an equal quantity of work an equal quantity of heat is produced. Before we proceed to the mathematical treatment of this principle, some immediate consequences may be premised which affect our whole method of treatment, and which may be understood without the more definite demonstration which will be given them later by our calculations. It is common to speak of the total heat of bodies, especially of gases and vapors, by which term is understood the sum of the free and latent heat, and to assume that this is a quantity dependent only on the actual condition of the body considered, so that, if all its other physical properties, its temperature, its density, etc., are known, the total heat contained in it is com- pletely determined. This assumption, however, is no longer admissible if our principle is adopted. Suppose that we are given a body in a definite state for example, a quantity of gas with the temperature t and the volume t' and that we subject it to various changes of temperature and volume, which are such, however, as to bring it at last to its original state again. According to the common assumption, its total heat will again be the same as at first, from which it follows that if during one part of its changes heat is communicated to it from with- out, the same quantity of heat must be given up by it in the other part of its changes. Now with every change of volume a certain amount of work must be done by the gas or upon it, since by its expansion it overcomes an external pressure, and since its compression can be brought about only by an exertion of external pressure. If, therefore, among the changes to which it has been subjected there are changes of volume, work must be done upon it and by it. It is not necessary, however, that at the end of the operation, when it is again brought to its original state, the work done by it shall on the whole equal that done upon it, so that the two quantities of work shall counterbalance each other. There may be an excess of one or the other of these quantities of work, since the compression may take.place at a higher or lower temperature than the ex- pansion, as will be more definitely shown later on. To this excess of work done by the gas or upon it there must corre- spond, by our principle, a proportional excess of heat consumed or produced, and the gas cannot give up to the surrounding medium the same amount of heat as it receives. MKMnlRS OX The same contradiction to the ordinary assumption about the total hi-at may be presented in another way. If tin- gas at / and i' is brought to the higher temperature /, and tin- larger volume t>j, the quantity of heat which must be imparted to it is, on that assumption, independent of the way in which the change is brought about ; from our principle, however, it is dif- ferent, according as the gas is first heated wink- its vohun is constant, and then allowed to expand at the << instant tem- peratnre /,, or is first expanded at the constant temperature/,,. and then heated, or as the expansion and heating aiv inter- changed in any other way or even occur together, since in all these cases the work done by the gas is different. In the same way, if a quantity of water at the temperature / is changed into vapor at the temperature /, and of the volume r,. it will make a difference in the amount of lu-at needed if the water as such is first heated to /, and then evaporated, or if it is evaporated at / and the vapor then brought to the required volume and temperature. /-, and /,. or finally if the evaporation occurs at any intermediate tempera- ture. From these considerations and from the immediate applica- tion of the principle, it may easily be seen what conception must he formed of luti-nt heat. I'sing again the example al- ready employed, we distinguish in the quantity of heat which must be imparted to the water during its changes the t'rtr and the Inti-nt heat. Of these, however, we may consider only the former as really present in the vapor that has l.ecii formed. The latter is not merely, as its name implies. r//, >/,/,,/ from our perception, hut it is n a certain amount of work done in overcoming the mutual attrac- tions of the particles of the water, and in M -parating them to such a distance from one another. that they are in the Mate of vapor. Secondly, the vapor during its evolution iyu>t push back an external pressure in order to make room for itself. The former work we shall call the i/i/rnml. the latter the t- ln-H'il work, and shall partition the latent heat accordingly. It can make no difference with respect to the //,/, / W work whether the evaporation goes on at / or at /,, or at any intcr- 70 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS mediate temperature, since we must consider the attractive force of the particles, which is to be overcome, as invariable.* The external work, on the other hand, is regulated by the pressure as dependent on the temperature. Of course the same is true in general as in this special example, and there- fore if it was said above that the quantity of heat which must be imparted to a body, to bring it from one condition to an- other, depended not merely on its initial and final conditions, but also on the way in which the change takes place, this statement refers only to that part of the latent heat which cor- responds to the external work. The other part of the latent heat, as also the free heat, are independent of the way in which the changes take place. If now the vapor at t l and v, is again transformed into water, work will thereby be expended, since the particles again yield to their attractions and approach each other, and the external pressure again advances. Corresponding to this, heat must be produced, and the so-called liberated heat which appears during the operation does not merely come out of concealment but is actually made new. The heat produced in this reversed opera- tion need not be equal to that used in the direct one, but that part which corresponds to the external work may be greater or less according to circumstances. We shall now turn to the mathematical discussion of the sub- ject, in which we shall restrict ourselves to the consideration of the permanent gases and of vapors at their maximum density, since these cases, in consequence of the extensive knowledge we have of them, are most easily submitted to calculation, and besides that are the most interesting. Let there be given a certain quantity, say a unit of weight, of a permanent gas. To determine its present condition, three magnitudes must be known : the pressure upon it, its volume, ' * It cannot he raised, as an objection to this statement, that water at t, has less cohesion than at. t t , and that therefore less work would be needed to overcome it. For a certain amount of work is used in diminishing the cohesion, which is done while the water as such is heated, and this must be reckoned in with that done during the evaporation. It follows at once that only a part of the heat, which the water takes up from without whilfe it is being heated, is to be considered as free heat, while the remainder is used in diminishing the cohesion. This view is also consistent with the circumstance that water has so much greater a specific heat than ice, and probably also than its vapor. 71 MEMOIRS ON and its temperature. These magnitudes are in a mutual re- lationship, which is expressed by the combined laws of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac*, and may be represented by the equation : (I.) pv=R(a+t), where p, v, and t represent the pressure, volume, and tem- perature of the gas in its present condition, a is a constant. the same for all gases, and /,' is also a constant, which in its complete form is ~^i if jo *><> ant * 'o are tne corresponding values of the three magnitudes already mentioned for any other condition of the gas. This last constant is in so far different for the different gases that it is inversely proportional to their specific gravities. It is true that Regnault has lately shown, by a very careful investigation, that this law is not strictly accurate, yet the de- partures from it are in the case of the permanent gases \erv small, and only become of consequence in the case of those gases which can be condensed into liquids. From this it seems to follow that the law holds with greater accuracy the more removed the gas is from its condensation point with respect to pressure and temperature. We may therefore, while the ac- curacy of the law for the permanent gases in their ordinary condition is so great that it can be treated as complete in most investigations, think of a limiting condition for each gas. in which the accuracy of the law is actually complete. We shall. in what follows, when we treat the permanent gases as sin-h. assume this ideal condition. According to the concordant investigations of Regnault and Magnus, the value of - for atmospheric air is equal to 0.003G65, if the temperature is reckoned in centigrade degrees from the freezing-point. Since, however, as has been mentioned, the gases do not follow the M. and G-. law exactly, the same value of - will not always be obtained, if the measurements are made in different circumstances. The number here given holds for the case when air is taken at under the pressure of one atmosphere, and heated to 100 at constant volume, ami the * This law will hereaflcr. for brevity, be called tin- M. ami <} law, anil Muriuiu-'a law will be called the M. law. 78 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS increase of its expansive force observed. If, on the other hand, the pressure is kept constant, and the increase of its volume observed, the somewhat greater number 0.003670 is obtained. Further, the numbers increase if the experiment is tried under a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure, while they diminish somewhat for lower pressures. It is not there- fore possible to decide with certainty on the number which should be adopted for the gas in the ideal condition in which naturally all differences must disappear ; yet the number 0.003665 will surely not be far from the truth, especially since this number very nearly obtains in the case of hydrogen, which probably approaches the most nearly of all the gases the ideal condition, and for which the changes are in the opposite sense to those of the other gases. If we therefore adopt this value of we obtain In consequence of equation (I.) we can treat any one of the three magnitudes p, v, and t for example, p as a function of the two others, v and t. These latter then are the independent variables by which the condition of the gas is fixed. We shall now seek to determine how the magnitudes which relate to the quantities of heat depend on these two variables. If any body changes its volume, mechanical work will in general be either produced or expended. It is, however, in most cases impossible to determine this exactly, since besides the external work there is generally an unknown amount of internal work done. To avoid this difficulty, Carnot employed the ingenious method already referred to of allowing the body to undergo its various changes in succession, which are so arranged that it returns at last exactly to its original condition. In this case, if internal work is done in some of the changes, it is exactly compensated for in the others, and we may be sure that the external work, , which remains over after the changes are completed, is all the work that has been done. Clapeyron has represented this proc- ess graphically in a very clear way, arid we shall follow his pres- entation now for the permanent gases, with a slight alteration rendered necessary by our principle. In the figure, let the abscissa oe represent the volume and the ordinate ea the pressure on a unit weight of gas, in a con- dition in which its temperature = t. We assume that the gas 73 MEMOIRS ON Fig. I is contained in an extensible envelope, which, however, cannot exchange heat with it. If, now. it is allowed to expand in this envelope, its temperature would fall if no heat were imparted to it. To avoid this, let it be put in contact, during its ex- pansion, with a body, A, which is kept at the constant tempera- ture t, and which imparts just so much heat to the gas that its temperature also remains equal tot. During this expansion at constant temperature, its pressure diminishes according to the M. law, and may be repre- sented by the ordinate of a curve, ab, which is a por- tion of an equilateral hy- perbola. When the volume of the gas has increased in this way from oe to of, tin- body .1 is removed, and the expansion is allowed to continue with- out the introduction of more heat. The temperature will then fall, and the pressure diminish more rapidly than before. The law which is followed in this part of the process may In- represented by the curve be. When the volume of the gas has increased in this way from of to Of/, and its temperature has fallen from t to T, we begin to compress it, in order to restore it again to its original volume oe. If it were left to itself its temperature would airain rise. This, however, we do not per- mit, but bring it in contact with a body, li, at the constant tem- perature r, to which it at once gives up the heat that is pro- duced, so that it keeps the temperature T ; and while it is in contact with this body we compress it so far (by the amount ////) that the remaining compression he is exactly sufficient to raise its temperature from T to /. if during this last coinpn -<-ion it gives up no heat. During the former compression the piv.-smv increases according to the M. law. and is represented l,\ tic portion cd of an equilateral hyperbola. During the latter, on the other hand, the increase is more rapid and is represented by the curve da. This curve must end exactly at n. for since at the end of the operation the volume and temperature have again their original values, the same must be true of the pressure also, which is a function of them both. The gas is 74 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS therefore in the same condition again as it was at the begin- ning. Now, to determine the work produced by these changes, for the reasons already given, we need to direct our attention only to the external work. During the expansion the gas does work, which is determined by the integral of the product of the dif- ferential of the volume into the corresponding pressure, and is therefore represented geometrically by the quadrilaterals eabf and fbcg. During the compression, on the other hand, work is expended, which is represented similarly by the quad- rilaterals (jcdk and hdae. The excess of the former quantity of work over the latter is to be looked on as the whole work pro- duced during the changes, and this is represented by the quad- rilateral abed. If the process above described is carried out in the reverse order, the same magnitude, abed, is obtained as the excess of the work expended over the work done. In order to make an analytical application of the method just described, we will assume that all the changes which the gas undergoes are infinitely small. We may then treat the curves obtained as straight lines, as they are represented in the accompanying figure. \Ve may also, in determining the area of the quadrilateral abed, consider it a par- allelogram, since the error arising there- from can only be a quantity of the third order, while the area itself is a quantity of the second order. On this assumption, as may easily be seen, the area may be repre- sented by the product ef.bk, if k is the point in which the ordinate bf cuts the lower side of the quadrilateral. The magnitude bk is the increase of the pressure, while the gas at the constant volume of has its temperature raised from r to t that is, by the differential t T = dt. This magnitude may be at once expressed by the aid of equation (I.) in terms of v and t, and is 75 Fig. 2 MEMO IKS ON W * T If, further, we denote the increase of volume ef by dv, we ob- tain the area of the quadrilateral, and so, also, (1) The work done = We must now determine the heat consumed in these changes. The quantity of heat which must be communicated to a gas, while it is brought from any former condition in a definite way to that condition in which its volume = v and its temperature = t, may be called Q, and the changes of volume in the above process, which must here be considered separately, may l>e rep- resented as follows: efby dv, fig by d'v, eh by St>, and fgby 3'r. During an expansion from the volume oe v to the volume of v 4- dv at the constant temperature /, the gas must receive the quantity of heat di- and correspondingly, during an expansion from oh v + 2t to og = v + 2r + d'v at the temperature t dl, the quantity of heat, [8^-K-l* In the case before us this latter quantity must be taken as negative in the calculation, because the real process was a com- pression instead of the expansion assumed. Pnrini: tin- expan- sion from of to og and the compression from oh to oe, the gas h:is neither gained nor lost heat, and hence the quantity of heat which the gas has received in excess of that which it has given up that is, the heat m, ,*,,,/ The magnitudes Iv and d'v must be eliminate'! fn"n this ex- pression. For this purpose we have first, immediately from the inspection of the figure, the following equation : l-'r<>in the condition that during the compression from // to ml therefore also conversely during an expansion from <>< to oh occurring under the same conditions, and similarly dur- 76 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS ing the expansion from of to og, both of which occasion a fall of temperature by the amount dt, the gas neither receives nor gives up heat, we obtain the equations Eliminating from these three equations and equation (2) the three magnitudes d'v, cv, and I'v, and also neglecting in the development those terms which, in respect of the differentials, are of a higher order than the second, we obtain (3) The heat consumed = -L- ( ( - 1 4- ( ( -rr I dvdt. L d t \ dv } dv \ a t } J If we now return to our principle, that to produce a certain amount of work the expenditure of a proportional quantity of heat is necessary, we can establish the formula The heat consumed _ . The work done where A is a constant, whicli denotes the heat equivalent for the unit of work. The expressions (1) and (3) substituted in this equation give R.dvdt v or (IL) dt \dv) dv \dt We may consider this equation as the analytical expression of our fundamental principle applied to the case of permanent gases. It shows that Q cannot be a function of v and t, if these variables are independent of each other. For if it were, then by the well-known law of the differential calculus, that if a function of two variables is differentiated with respect to botji of them, the order of differentiation is indifferent, the right- hand side of the equation should be equal to zero. The equation may also be brought into the form of a complete differential equation, 77 MK MM IKS ON in which r is an arbitrary function of v and /. This differen- tial equation is naturally not integrable, but becomes so only if a second relation is given between the varial>K-s. by which / may be treated as a function of t'. The reason for this is found in the last term, and this corresponds exactly to the >.rlirnal work done during the change, since the dilTerential of this work is ]>, heat that has entered and the heat consumed in doing internal work, if any such work has been done, has the properties which are com- monly assigned to the total heat, of being a function of / and /. and of being therefore fully determined by the initial and final conditions of the gas, between which the transformation has taken place; while the other part, which comprises the heat consumed in doing external work, in dependent not only on the terminal conditions, but on the whole course of the changes between these conditions. Before we undertake to prepare this equation for further conclusions, we shall develop the analytical e\|iiv-.-ion of our fundamental principle for the case of vapors at their maximum density. In this case we have no right to apply the M. and (i. law, and so must restrict ourselves to the principle alone. In order to obtain an equation from it, we again use the method given by Carnot and graphically presented by Clapcyion. \\ith a slight modification. Consider a liquid contained in a \c-el impen- etrable by heat, of which, however, only a part is filled by the liqni I. while the rest is left free for the vapor, \\hirh is at the maximum density corresponding to its temperature./. Tho total volume of both liquid and vapor is represented in the ac- companying figure by the abscissa oe, and the pressure of the 78 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS vapor by the ordinate ea. Let the vessel now yield to the pressure and enlarge in volume while the liquid and vapor are in contact with a body, A, at the constant temperature /. As the volume increases, more liquid evaporates, but the heat which thus becomes latent is supplied from the body A, so that the temper- ature, and so also the press- ure, of the vapor remain unchanged. If in this way the total volume is increased from oe to of, an amount of Fi ff- 3 external work is done which is represented by the rectangle eabf. Now remove the body A and let the vessel increase in volume still further, while heat can neither enter nor leave it. In this process the vapor already present will expand, and also new vapor will be produced, and in consequence the temperature will fall and the pressure dimin- ish. Let this process go on until the temperature has changed from t to r, and the volume has become oy. If the fall of press- ure during this expansion is represented by the curve be, the external work done in the process =fbcg. Now diminish the volume of the vessel, in order to bring the liquid with its vapor back to its original total volume, oe; and let this compression take place, in part, in contact with the body B at the temperature r, into which body all the heat set free by the condensation of the vapor will pass, so that the temper- ature remains constant and = r, in part without this body, so that the temperature rises. Let the operation be so managed that the first part of the compression is carried out only so far (to oh) that the volume he still remaining is exactly such that compression through it will raise the temperature from r to t again. During the former diminution of volume the pressure remains invariable, = gc, and the external work employed is equal to the rectangle gcdh. During the latter diminution of volume the pressure increases and is represented by the curve da, which must end exactly at the point , since the original pressure, ea, must correspond to the original temperature, t. The work employed in this last operation is = hdae. At the 79 MEMOIRS ON end of the operation the liquid and vapor are again in the same condition as at the beginning, so that the excess of tin- fj-tt-nml work done over that employed is also the total work done. It is represented by the quadrilateral abed, and its area must also be set equal to the heat consumed during the same time. For our purposes we again assume that the changes just de- scribed are infinitely small, and on this assumption represent the whole process by the accompanying figure, in which the curves ad and be which occur in Fig. 3 have become straight lines. So far as the area of the quadrilat- eral abed is concerned, it may again be considered a parallelogram, and may be represented by the product ef.bk. If, now, the pressure of tin; vapor at the temperature t and at / a ' its maximum tension is represented Pig 4 by/?, and if the temperature ditTcr- ence t T is represented by */-. hftve =$*. The line ef represents the increase of volume, which occurs in consequence of the passage of a certain quantity of liquid, which may be called dm, over into vapor. Representing now the volume of a unit weight of the vapor at its maximum i-l impermeable hy heat, it remains at its maximum .im.-itv. \\\\\ sinee Ki-nault* has corrected Watt's law by substituting for it the approximate relation ,/.. the equation (8) gives for 7* the value 0.305. It would there- fore follow that the quantity of vapor formerly considered in mm. de rAcad.. t. xxl., the 9tb and 10.1, M, moires. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS the vessel impermeable by heat would be partly condensed by compression, and on expansion would not remain at the maxi- mum density, since its temperature would not fall in a way to correspond to the diminution of pressure. It is entirely different if we replace equation (8) by (III.). The expression on the right-hand side is, from its nature, always positive, and it therefore follows that h must be less than 0.305. It will subsequently appear that the value of this expression is so great that h is negative. We must therefore conclude that the quantity of vapor before mentioned is partly condensed, not by compression, but by expansion, and that by compression its temperature rises at a greater rate than the density increases, so that it does not remain at its maximum density. It must be admitted that this result is exactly opposed to the common view already referred to ; yet I do not believe that it is contradicted by any experimental fact. Indeed, it is more consistent than the former view with the behavior of steam as observed by Pambour. Pambour* found that the steam which issues from a locomotive after it has done its work always has the temperature at which the tension, observed at the same time, is a maximum. From this it follows either that A=0, as it was once thought to be, because this assumption agreed with Watt's law, accepted as probably true, or that h is negative. For if h were positive, the temperature of the vapor, when released, would be too high in comparison with its tension, and that could not have escaped Pambour's notice. If, on the other hand, h is negative, according to our former statement, there can never arise from this cause too low a temperature, but a part of the steam must become liquid, so as to maintain the rest at the proper temperature. This part need not be great, since a small quantity of vapor sets free on condensation a relatively large quantity of heat, and the water formed will probably be carried on mechanically by the rest of the steam, and will in such researches pass unnoticed, the more likely as it might be thought, if it were to be observed, that it was water from the boiler carried out mechanically. The results thus far obtained have been deduced from the fundamental principle without any further hypothesis. The equation (II. a) obtained for permanent gases may, however, be * Traite des Locomotives, secoud edition, and Theorie des Machines d Vupeur, second edition. MEMOIRS ON made much more fruitful by the help of an obvious subsidiary hypothesis. The gases show in their various relation pecially in the relation expressed by the M. and (J. law be- tween volume, pressure, and temperature, so great a regularity of behavior that we are naturally led to take the view that the mutual attraction of the particles, which acts within solid ami liquid bodies, no longer acts in gases, so that while in the case of other bodies the heat which produces expansion must over- come not only the external pressure but the internal attraction as well, in the case of gases it has to do only with the external pressure. If this is the case, then during the expansion of a gas only so much heat becomes latent as is used in doing ex- ternal work. There is, further, no reason to think that a gas. if it expands at constant temperature, contains more ir<-<- heat than before. If this be admitted, we have the law : a per- manent gas, when expanded at constant frt/t/irrti/nrr, tnkcs / only xo much heat ns /.< mnsumed in tl the equation, and so make it integrable. We shall here < .n.-ider only a few simple examples of this sort, which are eiiher in- teresting in themselves or become so by comparison with other theorems already announced. 84 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS We may first obtain the specific heats of the gas at constant volume and at constant pressure if in (II. b) we set #=const., and j3 = const. In the former case, dv=Q, and (II. b) becomes In the latter case, we obtain from the condition j9=const., by the help of equation (I.), , Rdt *>= , or dv tit v and this, substituted in (II. b), gives if we denote by c' the specific heat at constant pressure. It appears, therefore, that the difference of the two specific heats of any gas is a constant magnitude, AR. This magni- tude also involves a simple relation among the different gases. The complete expression for R is - ) , where p , v , and t are any three corresponding values of p, v, and t for a unit of weight of the gas considered, and it therefore follows, as has already been mentioned in connection with the adoption of equation (I.), that R is inversely proportional to the specific gravity of the gas, and hence also that the same statement must hold for the difference c' c=AR, since A is the same for all gases. If we reckon the specific heat of the gas, not with respect to the unit of weight, but, as is more convenient, with respect to the unit of volume, we need only divide c and c' by v , if the volumes are taken at the temperature t and pressure j . Des- ignating these quotients by / and y, we obtain (11) y ' I'o In this last quantity nothing appears which is dependent on the particular nature of the gas, and the difference of the specific heats referred to the unit of volume is therefore the same for all gases. This law was deduced by Clapeyron from Carnot's theory, 85 MEMOIRS ON though the constancy of the difference c' c, which we have deduced before, is not found in his work, where the expression given for it still has the form of a function of the temperature. If we divide equation (11) on both sides by y, we have (12) *-l=-.-J^-, in which k, for the sake of brevity, is used for the quotient , or, what amounts to the same thing, for the quotient. This quantity has acquired special importance in science from the theoretical discussion by Laplace of the propagation of sound in air. The excess of fin's quotient over unity is therefore. /f< mil lo tin unit ,,f ruhnne. This law has, in fact, been found by Dulong from experiment* to be so nearly accurate that he has assumed it, in view of its theoretical probability, to be strictly accurate, and has there- fore employed it, conversely, to calculate the specific heats of the different gases from the values of k determined by obser- vation. It must, however, be remarked that the law is only theoretically justified when the M. and G. law holds, whii-h is not the case with sufficient exactness for all the gases employed by Dulong. If it is now assumed that the specific heat of gases at con- stant volume f is constant, which has been stated al>ove to bo very probable, the same follows for the specific heat at con- stant pressure, and consequently the quotient of the tir heats C k is a constant. This law, which Poisson has already c assumed as correct on the strength of the experiment! of (lay- Lussac and Welter, and has made the basis of his investigations on the tension and heat of gases, f is therefore in ^<><\ agree- ment with our present theory, while, it would not bo possible on Carnot's theory as hitherto developed. If in equation (II. A) we set @=const., we obtain the follow- ing equation between v and / : Ann. df Chim. et de Phyt., xli.. and Po^g. Ann., xvi. f Traiti de Mecanique, second edition, vol. ii., p. 646. M THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS (13) which gives, if c is considered constaiit, v '.(a+t)=const., AH c' or, since from equation (10),^ = 1 = # 1, C C v*~ l (rt-M)=const. Hence we have, if v , t , and j are three corresponding values of M, and/,, a +j /, o (14) a + t-\v If we substitute in this relation the pressure p first for v and then for t by means of equation (I.), we obtain These are the relations which hold between volume, temper- ature, and pressure, if a quantity of gas is compressed or ex- panded within an envelope impermeable by heat. These equa- tions agree precisely with those which have been developed by Poisson for the same case,* which depends upon the fact that he also treated k as a constant. Finally, if we set t = const, in equation (Il.b), the first term on the right drops out, and there remains (17) dQ=AR f ^dv, from which we have Q = AR (a + t) log v + const., or, if we denote by v , p , t , and Q the values of v, p, t, and Q, which hold at the beginning of the change of volume, (18) Q-Q =AR(a + t )\og?-. From this follows the law also developed by Carnot : If a gas changes its volume without changing Us temperature, the quanti- ties of heat evolved or absorbed are in arithmetical progression, while the volumes are in geometrical progression. * Traite de Mecanique, vol. ii., p. 647. 87 M KM outset equal volumes, t' , it becomes in all its parts indt-pen- tlent of the special nature of the gas, and agrees with the well-known law which Dulong proposed, guided by the ahuve- nientioned simple relation of tin- magnitude k 1, that nil gases, if equal volumes of tin in art' taken at tin' sunn' /////r expanded by an equal fraction <>f their minims, fill- absorb an equal quantify <>f heat. Kipiation (19) is, however, much more general. It states in addition, that the quantity of heat is independent of tin- temperature at irhieh flu- ml nine oftkt yas is altered, if only the quantity of tin- gas employed is always determined so that the original volume r is always the same at the different temperatures ; and it states further, that if fhf original pressure is ilijt'in-nf in the . //// quantities <>f heat are proportional to it. II. CONSEQUENCES OP CARNOT's PRIN'lIM.i: IX rnxxr.i THx WITH THE ONE ALREADY IXTISiMH I l> Carnot assumed, as has already ln-i-n nifiitiuncd, that tin- equivalent of the work done by In-at is fnnn much given to the body A as was before taken from it, whence it follows not only that the same amount of heat is produced as was formerly consumed, but also that the heat which in the former process was transferred from A to B now passes from B to A. If we now suppose that there are two substances of which the one can produce more work than the other by the transfer of a given amount of heat, or, what comes to the same thing, needs to transfer less heat from A to B to produce a given <|ii;mtity of work, we may use these two substances alternately by pro- ducing work with one of them in the above process, and by e\- pending work upon the other in the reverse process. At the end of the operations both bodies are in their original condi- tion ; further, the work produced will haVe exactly count er- balanced the work done, and therefore, by our former principle, the quantity of heat can have neither increased nor diminished. The only change will occur in the ttixtrilmtion of the heat, since more heat will be transferred from B to A than from A to B, and so on the whole heat will be transferred from B to A. By repeating these two processes alternately it would be possible, without any expenditure of force or any other change, to trans- fer as much heat as we please from a cold to a hot body, and this is not in accord with the other relations of heat, since it always shows a tendency to equalize temperature differences and therefore to pass from hotter to colder bodies. It seems, therefore, to be theoretically admissible to retain the first and the really essential part of Carnot's assumptions, and to apply it as a second principle in conjunction with the first ; and the correctness of this method is, as we shall soon see, established already in many cases by its consequences. ' On this assumption we may express the maximum of work which can be produced by the transfer of a unit of heat from t lie body A at the temperature t to the body B at the temperature r, as a function of / and r. The value of this function must naturally be smaller as the difference tr is smaller, and when this is infinitely small (=dt) it must go over into the pni.l- uct of dt and a function of t only. For this latter case, with which we will concern ourselves for the present, the work may be expressed by the form ( ,-d(, where C is a function of / only. 90 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS In order to apply this result to the permanent gases, we re- turn to the process represented in Fig. 2. In that case the quantity of heat, passed during the first expansion from A to the gas, and by the first compression the part of it expressed by or by (dQ\ [d/(lQ\ (I S or, If, in the second place, we make a similar application to the process represented in Fig. 4 relating to vaporization, we have for the quantity of heat carried from A to B or rdm i^-4-c h \dmdt, \dt I for which, by neglecting the term of the second order, we may set simply rdm. 91 .MEMOIRS ON The work produced was and we therefore get the equation or, (v.) rs -a ( ,_.)& These are the two analytical expressions of Carnot's principle, as they are given by Clapeyron in his memoir, in a somewhat different form. For vapors he stops with this equation (V.) and some immediate applications of it. For gases, on the other hand, he makes the equation (IV.) the basis of a more extended development. It is in this development that the partial dis- agreement appears between his results and ours. We shall now connect these two equations with the results of the first principle, first considering equation (IV.) in connec- tion with the consequences formerly deduced for the case of permanent gases. If we restrict ourselves to that result which depends only on the fundamental principle that is, to equation (II. a) we can use equation (IV.) to further define the magnitude /', which appears there as an arbitrary function of -v ami /, and our equa- tion becomes (II.c) d where B is now an arbitrary function of / only. If we also accept as correct the subsidiary hypothetic, then equation (IV.) is not necessary for the further definition of (Il.a) ; since the same end is more completely attained by e. | nation (9), which followed as an immediate consequence of this hypothesis in connection with the first principle. \\ , gain, however, an opportunity to subject the results of the two principles to a comparative test. Equation (9) reads : dQ\ R.A(a+t) and if wo compare this with (IV.), we see that they both ex- press the same result, only the one in a more definite way than 92 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS the other, since for the general temperature function denoted in (IV.) by C, the equation. (9) gives the special expression A (a + t). To this striking agreement it may be added that equation (V.), in which also the function C appears, confirms the view that A (a + t) is the correct expression for this function. This equation has been used by Clapeyron and Thomson to calculate the values of C for several temperatures. Clapeyron chose as the temperatures the boiling-points of ether, alcohol, water, and oil of turpentine, arid by substituting inequation (V.) the values of -~, s, and r for these liquids, determined by experi- ments at these boiling-points, he obtained for C the numbers contained in the second column of the table which follows. Thomson, on the other hand, considered water vapor only, but at different temperatures, and thence calculated the value of C for every degree between and 230 Cent. For this purpose Kegnault's series of observations have given him an admissible basis so far as the magnitudes -j- and r are concerned ; but the magnitude s is not so well known for other temperatures as for the boiling-point, and about this magnitude Thomson felt him- self compelled to make an assumption, which he himself rec- ognized as only approximately correct, and considered as a temporary aid, to be employed until more exact data are de- termined namely, that water vapor at its maximum density follows the M. and G. law. The numbers which follow from his calculation for the same temperatures as those used by Clapeyron are given in the third column reduced to French units : I 1 t IN CENT. DEGRKE8 2 C ACCORDING TO CLAPEYKON 3 C ACCORDING TO THOMSON 35.5 78.8 100 156.S 0.733 0.828 0.897 0.930 0.728 0.814 0.855 0.952 It appears that the values of found in both cases in- crease slowly with the temperature, similarly to the values IfKMOIBS OH of A (a+t). They are in the ratio of tlic numbers in the fol- lowing rows : i:i.i:>:i.- :!.; 1 : 1.12 : 1.17 : 1.31 and if we determine the ratios of the values of A (a + /) corre- sponding to the same temperatures, we obtain 1 : 1.14 : 1.21 : 1.39. This series of relative values diverges from the two others only so far as can be accounted for by the uncertainty of the data which underlie them. The same agreement will be shown later in connection with the determination of the constant A, in respect to the absolute values. Such an agreement between results which are obtained from entirely different principles cannot be accidental ; it rather serves as a powerful confirmation of the two principles and the first subsidiary hypothesis annexed to them. Returning again to the application of equations (IV.) and ( V. i. we may remark that the former, so far as relates to the per- manent gases, has only served to confirm conclusions already obtained. In the consideration of vapors, and of all other sub- stances to which Carnot's principle will In- applied in the future. it furnishes, however, an essential improvement, in that it per- mits us to replace the function C, which recurs everywhere, by the definite expression A (+/). Uy this substitution equation (V.) becomes and we therefore obtain for a vapor a simple relation between the temperature at which it is formed, the pressure, the vol- ume, and the latent heat. This we can use in drawing further conclusions. If the M. and G. law were accurate for vapors at their maxi- mum density, wo should have <,, / = /?( p l ^.#(a-HlOO)(rt-M) or if we set/ -100 = r, + 100 = a, and -.- A. This equation cannot, of course, be accurate, since the two assumptions made in its development are not accurate ; but since these, at least to a certain extent, approach the truth, the quantity -~- will roughly represent the value of the quantity log . .We may explain in this way how it happens that this relation, if the constants a and /3, instead of having values given them depending on their definitions, are considered as arbitrary, may serve as an empirical formula for the calculation of vapor tensions, without our being compelled to consider it as fully proved by theory, as is sometimes done. The most immediate application of equation (V.) is to water vapor, for which we have the largest collection of experi- mental data, in order to investigate how far it departs, when at its maximum density, from the M. and G. law. The magnitude of this departure cannot be unimportant, since carbonic acid and sulphurous acid, even at temperatures and tensions at which they are still far removed from their condensation points, show noticeable departures. Equation (V.) may be put in the following form : The expression here found on the left-hand side would be very nearly constant, if the M. and G. law were applicable, since this law would give immediately, from (20), and s a can be substituted for s in this equation with approxi- mate accuracy. This expression is, therefore, especially suited 95 M KM "I us ON to show clearly any departure from the M. and G. law, from tlie examination of its true values as they may be calculated from the expression on the right-hand side of (22). I ha\e carried out this calculation for a series of temperatures, fur / and p the numbers given by Regnault.* First with respect to the Intrnt heat: Regnanlt states f that the quantity of heat X. which must be imparted to a unit of weight of water, in order to heat it from to t and then \<> evaporate it at that temperature, may be represented with tolerable accuracy by the formula : (23) X = GOG. 5 +0.305 t. But now, from the significance of X, (23) \ = r+ I < and for the magnitude c, the specific heat of water, which ap- pears in this formula, Regnault has given the formula : J By the help of these two equations we obtain for the latent, heat from equal ion (23) the expression : (24) r = G06.5 0. 695. *-0. 00002. /' 0.0000003./'. 5? Second, with respect to the pressure : in order to obtain from his numerous observations the most probable values. lleirnaultjl made use of a graphic representation, by construct- ing curves, of which the abscissas represented the temperature and the ordinates the pressure />. and which arc drawn in sec- tions from 33 to +230. From 100 to 230 he has al.-o * Mem. de VAcad, de I'Intt. de France, vol. xxi. (1847). f Ibid.. Mem. ix.; also Fogg Ann.. lid. 98. f Ibid.. M'm. x. In most of his investigations Ri-gnaiill lias not so much C>I fnrina- tion. tbe question may arise, whether such differences may not ba\< in tered in Ib-cnniilt's experiments, so that tin- formula given for r would IM-COIHC in idinidsiblc. I b-li(-vc that we may answer this question in tin- negative, since Itegnault BO arranged his experiments that tin- >n.|.nvi. tion of the vapor occurred under the same pressure as its formation that U. nearly under the pressure which corresponded as a maximum to th<- observed teni|>erntiire. and in tb is case Just us much ln-at IIIUM hi- volvi-,1 by condensation as is absorbed by evaporation. | Ibid., .!/M QC ATIOX (37) Dirriarccn -15 -5 5 15 25 85 45 .v, 65 75 OB 95 105 115 125 100 145 155 165 175 185 195 m 215 225 00.S1 8098 00.00 ::n in :t.Mii 00.40 J'.t -s OO.SO 30^00 J'.t ss J'.t 7J j'.. .;.-, 29.47 2950 00.10 00.00 j* ss -J'.l 1,1 J* III J'.l 1 7 js '.t't J* M, 08.01 J-' i'. 27.84 27.90 27.76 27.67 03 r. WIM j.; :,; -jr, 711 j.j :,u 28.14 J7 -'. J7 t;-j J7 :u J7 n-j j.; .is 0.00 + 1 :::: -11 17 -0.10 -0.08 0.00 + 002 0.00 0.00 -0.02 - 0.01 -0.14-0.17 + 0.01 +015 + 0.10 + 006 -0.08 " Jl - 0.05 + 0.20 + 0.18 + 0.05 - 0.01 -0.14-0.05 -0.12+0.18 + 0.18 + 0.08 + 0.12-011 -0.82-0.18 H THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS It appears at once from this table that Ap (so) ^-7- is not constant as it should be if the M. and Gr. law were applicable, but diminishes distinctly as the temperature rises. Between 35 and 90 this diminution appears to be very uniform. Under 35, especially in the region of 0, there appear noticeable irregularities, which, however, may be simply explained from the fact that in that region the pressure p and its differential coefficient ~ are very small, and therefore small errors, which (it fall quite within the limits of the errors of observation, may become relatively important. It may be added that the curve by which the separate values of p are determined, as mentioned above, is not drawn in one stroke from 35 to 100, but, to economize space, is broken at 0, so that at this temperature the progress of the curve cannot be determined so satisfactorily as it can within the separate portions below and above 0. From the way in which the differences occur in the foregoing table, it would seem that the value 4.60 mm. taken iorp atO is a little too great, since if that were so the values of Ap (sa) - for the temperatures just under would come out too small, and for those just over too large. Above 100 the values of this expression do not diminish so regularly as between 35 and 95; and yet they show, at least in general, a corresponding progress ; and especially if we use a graphic representation, we find that the curve, which within that interval almost exactly joins the successive points determined by the numbers contained in the table, may be produced beyond that interval even to 230 quite naturally, so that these points are evenly distributed on both sides of it. Within the range of the table the progress of the curve can be represented with fair accuracy by an equation of the form (20) Ap (s - a) - = m - ne", where e is the base of the natural logarithms, and m, n, and k are constants. If these constants are calculated from the values which the curve gives for 45, 125, and 205, we obtain ; (26fl) i=31.549, 7* = 1.0486, =0.007138, MKMOIRS ON and if for convenience we introduce the Briggsian logarithms, we obtain 0.0206 + 0.003 100 /. Log [31.549- Ap(s-v) -^-1 =0. L .+ *J The numbers contained in the third column are calculated from this equation, and in the fourth are given the differences between these numbers and those in the second column. From the foregoing we may easily deduce a formula by which we can more definitely determine the way in which the behavior of a vapor departs from the M. and G. law. By as- suming this law to hold, and denoting by px a the value of ps at 0, we would have from (20), po a and would have, therefore, for the differential coefficient {^) a constant quantity namely, the well-known coeffi- cient of expansion - = 0.003665. Instead of this we have from (26), if we simply replace * a by *, the equation : m n pg - m _ M and hence follows : / 8fl) d .(pL\-*.> dt \psj~a The differential coefficient is, therefore, not a constant, but a function of the temperature which diminishes as the tempera- ture increases. If we substitute the numerical values of ///. //. and k, given in (26), we obtain, among others, the following values for this function : IV 1 itta t i(S) t 5() ixg. 10 20 80 40 50 60 0.00842 0.00888 0.00884 0.00839 0.00825 0.00819 0.00814 i>,, 70 80 '.H. 100 110 120 130 0.00807 0.00800 0.00298 0.00385 0.00276 0.00266 0.00256 iiiiiii? 000244 160 0.<*' 0.001-7 0108 o.omr.t 100 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS It appears from this table that at low temperatures the de- partures from the M. and G. law are only slight, but that at higher temperatures for example, at 100, and upwards they can no longer be neglected. It may appear at first sight remarkable that the values found for 4- ( ) are smaller than 0.003665, since we know that in dt \psj the case of gases, especially of those, like carbonic acid and sulphurous acid, which deviate most widely from the M. and G. law, the coefficient of expansion is not smaller, but greater, than that number. We are not, however, justified in making an immediate comparison between the differential coefficients which we have just determined and the coefficient of expan- sion in the ordinary sense of the words, which relate to the increase of volume at constant pressure, nor yet with the num- ber obtained by keeping the volume constant during the heating process, and then observing the increase in the expansive force. We are dealing here with a third special case of the general differential coefficient -7-1 ) namely, with that which arises dt \p8j when, as the heating goes on, the pressure increases in the same proportion as it does with water vapor when it is kept at its maximum density ; and we must consider carbonic acid in these relations if we wish to institute a comparison. Water vapor has a tension of l m at about 108, and of 2 m at 129. We will, therefore, examine the behavior of carbonic acid if it is heated by 21, and if the pressure upon it is at the same time increased from l m to 2 m . According to Reg- nault * the coefficient of expansion of carbonic acid at the con- stant pressure 760 mra is 0.003710, and at the pressure 2520 ram is 0.003846. For a pressure of 1500 mm (the mean between l m and 2 m ), if we consider the increase of the coefficient of expansion as proportional to the increase of pressure, we obtain the value 0.003767. If carbonic acid were heated at this mean pressure from to 21, the magnitude would increase from 1 to 1 + 0.003767x21.5 = 1.08099. Now from others of Regnault' researches f it is known that if carbonic acid, taken at a tem- perature near under the pressure l m , is subjected to the * Mem. de PAcad., Mem. i. f Ibid. , Mem. vi. 101 MEMOIRS ON pressure 1.98292 m , the magnitude ps decreases in the ratio of 1 : 0.99146 ; so that for an increase of pressure from l m to 2 m there would be a decrease of this magnitude in the ratio of 1 : 0.99131. If, now, both operations were performed at once that is, the elevation of temperature from to 21$ and the in- crease in pressure from l m to 2 m the magnitude would in- crease nearly from 1 to 1.08099x0.99131 = 1.071596, and lienee we obtain for the mean value of the differential coefficient =0.00333. It appears, therefore, that in the case now under consideration. :v value is obtained for carbonic acid which is less than 0.003665, and therefore a similar result for a vapor at its maximum deit*i/i/ should not be considered at all improbable. If, on the other hand, we were to determine the real coefficient of expansion of the vapor that is, the number which expresses by how much a quantity of vapor expands if it is taken at a certain temperature at its maximum density, and then removed from the water and heated under constant pressure we should certainly obtain a value which would be greater, and perhaps considerably greater, than o.i"i;;r,t;:,. From equation (26) we easily obtain tin- rcla/in- volumes of a unit of weight of vapor at its maximum density for e assigned with sufficient accuracy to permit its use as a starting- point in the calculation of the other absolute values fn.m the relative values. Muny investigations of the specific weight f water vapor have been carried out, the results of which, ln\v- cver. are not, in my opinion, conclusive for the case with which we are now dealing, in which the vapor is at its maximum density. The numbers which arc ordinarily given, especially tin- one obtained by Qay-Lnssac O.f>235 agree very well with the theoretical value obtained lv a>-umin^ that 'I parts of hydrogen 102 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS and 1 part of oxygen combine to form 2 parts of water vapor that is, with the value 2x0.069264- 1.10563 = U.D^/i. These numbers, however, are obtained from observations which were not carried out at temperatures at which the resulting pressure was equal to the maximum expansive force, but at higher temperatures. In this condition the vapor might nearly conform to the M. and G. law, and the agreement with the theoretical value may thus be explained. To pass from this result to the condition of maximum density by the use of the M. and G. law would contradict our previous conclusions, since Table IV. shows too large a departure from this law, at the temperatures at which the determination was made, to make such a use of the law possible. Those experiments in which the vapor was observed at its maximum density give for the most part larger numbers, and Regnault has concluded * that even at a temperature a little over 30, in the case in which the vapor is developed in vacuum, a sufficient agreement with the theoretical value is reached only when the tension of the vapor amounts to no more than 0.8 of that which corresponds to the observed temperature as the maximum. A definite conclusion, however, cannot be drawn from this observation, since it is doubtful, as Regnault remarks, whether the departure is really due to too great a specific weight of the vapor formed, or whether a quantity of water remained condensed on the walls of the glass globe. Other experiments, which were so executed that the vapor did not form in vacuum but saturated a current of air, gave results which were tolerably free from any irregularities,! yet even these results, important as they are in other relations, do not enable us to form any definite conclusions as to the be- havior of vapor in a vacuum. In this state of uncertainty the following considerations may perhaps be of some service in filling the gap. Table IV. shows that the vapor at its maximum density conforms more closely to the M. and G. law as the temperature is lower, and it may hence be concluded that the specific weight will approach the theoretical value more nearly at lower than at higher temper- atures. If therefore, for example, we assume the value 0.622 * Ann. Oe Chim. et de Phys. t III. Ser., t. xv., p. 148. f Ibid., p. 158 ff. 103 MEMOIRS OX as correct for and then calculate the corresponding value *--5T. By means of this equation we may determine the magnitude h, which has already been stated to be negative. If we set for c and r the expressions given in (23b) and (24), and for a the number 273, we obtain : 606. - 0. 695 / - 0. 00002 P - 0. 0000003 1 3 (33) *=: ordinarily given for other vapors. We must therefore con- clude that the values of -j calculated from them are for tin- A most part a little too great. If we take for water vapor the 100 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS number 0.645 given in Table V., from which s=1.638, we obtain i z= 421 - This value is also perhaps a little, but probably not much, too great. We may therefore conclude, since this result should be given the preference over that obtained from atmos- pheric air, that the work equivalent of the unit of heat is the lifting of something over 400 kilogrammes to the height 0/l m . We may now compare with this theoretical result those which Joule obtained in very different ways by direct observation. Joule obtained from the heat produced by magneto-electricity, 1=460;' from the quantity of heat which atmospheric air absorbs during its expansion, l ^=438, t and as a mean of a large number of experiments, in which the heat produced by friction of water, of mercury, and of cast- iron, was observed, -i Z =5.t The agreement of these three numbers, in spite of the diffi- culty of the experiments, leaves really no further doubt of the correctness of the fundamental principle of the equivalence of heat and work, and their agreement with the number 421 con- firms in a similar way the correctness of Carnot's principle, in the form which it takes when combined with the first principle. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH RUDOLF JULIUS EMAJTUEL CLAUSIUS was born on January 2, 1822, at Coslin, in Pomerania. He was educated at Berlin, and became Privat-docent in the University of Berlin and In- structor in Physics at the School of Artillery. In 1855 he was appointed to the Professorship of Physics in the Polytechnic School at Zurich, and in 1857 he was appointed to a similar * Phil. Mag., xxiii., p. 441. The number, given in English units, is re- duced to French units. f Ibid., xxvi , p. 381. \ Ibid., xxxv., p. 534. 107 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS position in the University of Zurich. In 1869 he was appointed 1'rufessor of Physics in the University of Bonn, where lu- re- mained until his death, on August 24, 1888. Clausius was a prolific investigator and writer on physical subjects. The line of thought suggested by the discoveries in heat contained in the memoir given in this volume was fol- lowed out by him in a series of papers on the thermodynamic properties of bodies and on the general theory of thermody- namics. These papers were collected and published in a volume in 1864; and ten years later he recast these papers and others which had appeared after the collection was first published into a systematic treatise on the mechanical theory of heat. The concept of the entropy, which Clausing introduced and de- veloped, is the most important single contribution made by him to science. Clausius's investigations also extended into radiant heat, in connection with which he proved that radiance also conforms to the second law of thermodynamics. Clausius was the first to apply the doctrine of probabilities, in any systematic way, to the kinetic theory of gases ; and by so doing he laid the foun- dations for the brilliant applications of that doctrine to the kinetic theories which have been made by Maxwell and Boltz- mann. He also contributed something to the theory of elec- tricity. His writings are characterized by simplicity of form and profundity of thought. They deal much with fundamental questions, but by such direct and simple methods that the ideas under discussion are rarely obscured by the difficulties of the analysis. ON THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF HEAT, WITH NUMERICAL RESULTS DEDUCED FROM MR. JOULE'S EQUIVALENT OF A THERMAL UNIT, AND M. REGNAULT'S OBSERVA- TIONS ON STEAM BY WILLIAM THOMSON (LORD KELVIN) (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, March, 1851 ; Philosopliical Magazine, iv., 1852; Mathematical and Physical Papers, vol. i., p. 174) CONTENTS MM Introductory Notice Ill Fundamental Principle* 114 Carnot'i Cycle 116 Carnot't Function 128 Jt Detenni 'nation 183 Tktrmoilyiuiinic Relation* . . 186 ON THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF HEAT BY WILLIAM THOMSON INTRODUCTORY NOTICE 1. SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, by his experiment of melting two pieces of ice by rubbing them together, established the follow- ing proposition : " The phenomena of repulsion are not de- pendent on a peculiar elastic fluid for their existence, or caloric does not exist." And he concludes that heat consists of a motion excited among the particles of bodies. " To dis- tinguish this motion from others, and to signify the cause of onr sensation of heat," and of the expansion or expansive press- ure produced in matter by heat, "the name repulsive motion has been adopted."* 2. The dynamical theory of heat, thus established by Sir Humphry Davy, is extended to radiant heat by the discovery of phenomena, especially those of the polarization of radiant heat, which render it excessively probable that heat propagated through "vacant space," or through diathermanic substances, consists of waves of transverse vibrations in an all-pervading medium. 3. The recent discoveries made by Mayer and Joule, f of the * From Davy's first work, entitled An Essay on H&it, Light, and the Com- binations of Light, published in 1799, in " Contributions to Physical and Medical Knowledge, principally from the West of England, collected by Thomas Beddoes, M.D .," and republished in Dr. Davy's edition of his brother's collected works, vol. ii., Loud., 1836. f In May, 1842, Mayer announced in the Annalen of Wohler and Liebig, that he had raised the temperature of water from 12 to 13 Cent, by agi- tating it. In August, 1843, Joule announced to the British Association 111 MEMOIRS ON generation of heat through the friction of fluids in motion, and by the magneto-electric excitation of galvanic currents, would either of them be sufficient to demonstrate the immateriality of heat ; and would so afford, if required, a perfect continua- tion of Sir Humphry Davy's views. 4. Considering it as thus established, that heat is not a sub- stance, but a dynamical form of mechanical effect, we jn-rcrive that there must be an equivalence between mechanical work and heat, as between cause and effect. The first published statement of this principle appears to be in Mayer's J: knnyen ilfar '//' AV<>/"/V % alolutc numerical relations/' according to which heat is connected with mechanical power; verifying experimentally, that when- ever heat is generated from purely mechanical action, and no other effect produced, whether it be by means of the friction of fluids or by the magneto-electric excitation of galvanic cur- rents, the same quantity is generated by the same amount of work spent; and determining the actual amount of work, in foot-pounds, required to generate a unit of heat, whirh he calls "the mechanical equivalent of heat." Since the publica- "Tbat heat is evolved by the passage of water through narrow uiU>s ; ' and that he hat] "obtained one degree of heat per pound of water fn.m a UK < iiaiiic:il force capable of raising 770 pounds to the height of one f.-.t ." and that heat is generated when work is spent in turning a magneto-elec- tric machine, or an electro magnetic engine. (See his paper "On the Calorific Effects of Magm-io KI- ttiriiy, and on tli- M<-< li.mirul Value of Heat." Phil. Mag., vol. xxiii.. 1848.) * AnnaUn of Wol.ler and Liebig. May. 1842. f British Association, August, 1848; and Phil. Mag., September, 1848. Ill THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS tion of that paper, Mr. Joule has made numerous series of ex- periments for determining with as much accuracy as possible the mechanical equivalent of heat so defined, and has given accounts of them in various communications to the British Association, to the Philosophical Magazine, to the Royal So- ciety, and to the French Institute. 5. Important contributions to the dynamical theory of heat have recently been made by Rankine and Clausius ; who, by mathematical reasoning analogous to Carnot's on the motive power of heat, but founded on an axiom contrary to his funda- mental axiom, have arrived at some remarkable conclusions. The researches of these authors have been published in the Transactions of this Society, and in Poggendorff's Annalen, during the past year ; and they are more particularly referred to below in connection with corresponding parts of the investi- gations at present laid before the Royal Society. 6. The object of the present paper is threefold : (1) To show what modifications of the conclusions arrived at by Carnot, and by others who have followed his peculiar mode of reasoning regarding the motive power of heat, must be made when the hypothesis of the dynamical theory, con- trary as it is to Carnot's fundamental hypothesis, is adopted. (2) To point out the significance in the dynamical theory, of the numerical results deduced from Regnault's observations on steam, and communicated about two years ago to the So- ciety, with an account of Carnot's theory, by the author of the present paper ; and to show that by taking these numbers (subject to correction when accurate experimental data regard- ing the density of saturated steam shall have been afforded), in connection with Joule's mechanical equivalent of a ther- mal unit, a complete theory of the motive power of heat, within the temperature limits of the experimental data, is ob- tained. (3) To point out some remarkable relations connecting the physical properties of all substances, established by reasoning- analogous to that of Carnot, but founded in part on the con- trary principle of the dynamical theory. MEMOIRS ON PART I Fundamental Principle* in the Tlteory of tlie Motive Power of 7. According to an obvious principle, first introduced, how- ever, into the theory of the motive power of heat by Carnot. mechanical effect produced in any process cannot be said to have been derived from a purely thermal source, unless at the end of the process all the materials used are in precisely the same physical and mechanical circumstances as they were at the beginning. In some conceivable " thermo- dynamic en- gines," as, for instance, Faraday's floating magnet, or Barlow's "wheel and axle," made to rotate and perform work uniformly by means of a current continuously excited by heat communi- cated to two metals in contact, or the thermo-electric rotatory apparatus devised by Marsh, which has been actually construct- ed, this condition is fulfilled at every instant. On the other hand, in all thermo -dynamic engines, founded on electrical agency, in which discontinuous galvanic currents, or pieces of soft iron in a variable state of magnetization, are used, and in all engines founded on the alternate expansions and contrac- tions of media, there are really alterations in the condition of materials ; but, in accordance with the principle stated above, these alterations must be strictly periodical. In any such en- gine the series of motions performed during a period, at the end of which the materials are restored to precisely the same condition as that in which they existed at the beginning, con- stitutes what will be called a complete cycle of its operations. Whenever in what follows, the tmrk ilnnc or tin iiit'r/ttinir>tl tf- fect produced by a thermo-dynamic engine is mentioned with- out qualification, it must be understood that the mechanical effect produced, either in a non-varying engine, or in a com- plete cycle, or any number of complete cycles of a periodical engine, is meant. 8. The source of heat will always be supposed to be a hot body at a given constant temperature put in contact with some part of the engine ; and when any part of the engine is to be kept from rising in temperature (which can only he done by drawing off whatever heat is deposited in it), this will be supposed to be done by putting a cold body, which will be 114 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS called the refrigerator, at a given constant temperature in con- tact with it. 9. The whole theory of the motive power of heat is founded on the two following propositions, due respectively to Joule, and to Carnot aild Clausius. PROP. I. (Joule). When equal quantities of mechanical ef- fect are produced by any means whatever from purely thermal sources, or lost in purely thermal effects, equal quantities of heat are put out of existence or are generated. PROP. II. (Carnot and Clausius). If an engine be such that, when it is worked backwards, the physical and mechanical agencies in every part of its motions are all reversed, it pro- duces as much median ical effect as can be produced by any thermo-dynamic engine, with the same temperatures of source and refrigerator, from a given quantity of heat. 10. The former proposition is shown to be included in the general "principle of mechanical effect," and is so established beyond all doubt by the following demonstration. 11. By whatever direct effect the heat gained or lost by a body in any conceivable circumstances is tested, the measure- ment of its quantity may always be founded on a determination of the quantity of some standard substance, which it or any equal quantity of heat could raise from one standard temper- ature to another ; the test of equality between two quantities of heat being their capability of raising equal quantities of any substance from any temperature to the same higher temper- ature. Now, according to the dynamical theory of heat, the temperature of a substance can only be raised by working upon it in some way so as to produce increased thermal motions within it, besides effecting any modifications in the mutual dis- tances or arrangements of its particles which may accompany a change of temperature. The work necessary to produce this total mechanical effect is of course proportional to the quantity of the substance raised from one standard temperature to an- other ; and therefore when a body, or a group of bodies, or a machine, parts with or receives heat, there is in reality me- chanical effect produced from it, or taken into it, to an ex- tent precisely proportional to the quantity of heat which it emits or absorbs. But the work which any external forces do upon it, the work done by its own molecular forces, and the amount by which the half vis viva of the thermal motions of 115 MEMOIRS ON all its parts is diminished, must together be equal to the mc- chanical effect produced from it: and, consequently, to tin- mechanical equivalent of the heat which it emits (which will be positive or negative, according as the sum of those term.- is positive or negative). Now let there be either no molecular change or alteration of temperature in any part of the body. or, by a cycle of operations, let the temperature and physical condition be restored exactly to what they were at the begin- ning ; the second and third of the three parts of tin- \\>ik which it has to produce vanish ; and we conclude that the heat which it emits or absorbs will be the thermal equivalent of the work done upon it by external forces, or done by it against ex- ternal forces; which is the proposition to be pio\ed. 12. The demonstration of the second proposition is founded on the following axiom : It is impossible, by means of intnnint,' mult rial <"j< nry, to i/i-rirr iitirliinnntl cfft-rl fnnn nnij jmrtinii of ///////// //// nmlimj it beloir //it- tt'iiijH'ratnrc of tin- mli/rsf <>/ ///> snrmitnilimj uljn-t*.* 13. To demonstrate the second proposition, let . I and /' l>c two thermo-dynamic engines, of which B satisfies the condi- tions expressed in the enunciation ; and let, if possible. .1 de- rive more work from a given quantity of heat than />', when their sources and refrigerators are at the same trmpcratu: spectively. Then on account of the condition of complete re- /lilittf in all its operations which it fulfils. />' m:iy In- worked backwards, and made to restore any quantity of heat to its source, by the expenditure of the amount of work which, by its forward action, it would derive from the same quantity of heat. If, therefore, B be worked hackuards. and made t.> re- store to the source of A (which we may suppose to be adjust- able to the engine B) as much heat as has been drawn from it during a certain period of the working of A, a smaller amount of work will be spent thus than was gained by tin- working , of .1. Hence, if such a series of operations of ./ forward-; and of // backwards be continued, either alternately or simulta- neously, there will result a continued production of work with- * If this axiom be denied for all temp, nitun *. it would him: to be ndmiilcil I hut a self acting mnrhim- miiilit he set to work and produ., m<- chanical effect by cooling the sea or nirth. with tu> limit hut the t<>i:il I- of heat from tbc earth and sea. or, in reality, from the whole n world. 116 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS out any continued abstraction of heat from the source ; and, by Prop. I., it follows that there must be more heat abstracted from the refrigerator by the working of B backwards than is deposited in it by A. Now it is obvious that A might be made to spend part of its work in working B backwards, and the whole might be made self-acting. Also, there being no heat either taken from or given to the source of the whole, all the surrounding bodies and space except the refrigerator might, without interfering with any of the conditions which have been assumed, be made of the same temperature as the source, what- ever that may be. We should thus have a self-acting machine, capable of drawing heat constantly from a body surrounded by others at a higher temperature, and converting it into me- chanical effect. But this is contrary to the axiom, and there- fore we conclude that the hypothesis that A derives more mechanical effect from the same quantity of heat drawn from the source than B is false. Hence no engine whatever, with source and refrigerator at the same temperatures, can get more work from a given quantity of heat introduced than any en- gine which satisfies the condition of reversibility, which was to be proved. 14. This proposition was first enunciated by Carnot, being the expression of his criterion of a perfect thermo - dynamic engine.* He proved it by demonstrating that a negation of it would require the admission that there might be a self- acting machine constructed which would produce mechani- cal effect indefinitely, without any source either in heat or the consumption of materials, or any other physical agency ; but this demonstration involves, fundamentally, the assumption that, in "'a complete cycle of operations," the medium parts with exactly the same quantity of heat as it receives. A very strong expression of doubt regarding the truth of this assumption, as a universal principle, is given by Carnot himself ;f and that it is false, where mechanical work is, on the whole, either gained or spent in the operations, may (as I have tried to show above) be considered to be perfectly certain. It must then be admit- ted that Carnot's original demonstration utterly fails, but we cannot infer that the proposition concluded is false. The truth of the conclusion appeared to me, indeed, so probable * "Account of Carnot's Theory," 13. f Ibid., 6. 117 MEMOIRS ON that I took it in connection with Joule's principle, on account of which Caruot's demonstration of it fails, as the foundation of an investigation of the motive power of heat in air-cnuincs or steam-engines through finite ranges of tempi -ratuiv, and ob- tained about a year ago results, of which the substance is ijivcn in the second part of the paper at present communicated t<> the Royal Society. It was not until the commencement of the present year that I found the demonstration given above, by which the truth of the proposition is established upon an axiom ( 12) which I think will be generally admitted. It i.s with no wish to claim priority that I make these statements, as tin- merit of first establishing the proposition upon correct princi- ples is entirely due to Clausius, who published his drnnmst ra- tion of it in the month of May last year, in the second part of his paper on the motive power of heat.* I may be allowed to add that I have given the demonstration exactly as it occurred to me before I knew that Clausius had either enunciated or demonstrated the proposition. The following is the axiom on which Clausius's demonstration is founded : // /x iiii/HHtxible for it .rlf- null it;/i nnj, /o convey heat from one bmly 1<> unot/irr at a liiyln-r It is easily shown that, although this and the axiom I have used are different in form, either is a consequence of the other. The reasoning in each demonstration is strictly analogous i.. that which Carnot originally gave. 15. A complete theory of the motive power of heat \\uuld consist of the application of the two proportions dcm..n>ir:it.-d above to every possible method of producing mechanical elTect from thermal agency, f As yet this has not been clone for tin- electrical method, as far as regards the criterion of a perfect engine implied in the second proposition, and pmliaMy < ann..i be done without certain limitations ; but tin- application <>! tin- first proposition ha.- been very thoroughly investigated, and \crified experimentally by Mr. Joule in his researches "On the PogRendorfTs Annalen, referred to above. f "Tin-re irc at present known two. and only two. distinct ways in which mechanical effect can br nlnnim-d fr..m lu-at. One of these is by the alterations of volume whiHi \\\, -s , -\\ THMH through the action of in ni . the other is through the medium of electric agency."" Account <>! ( n not's Theory, ' 4. (Transaction*, vol. xvi.. part 5.) THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Calorific Effects of Magneto-Electricity ;" and on it is founded one of his ways of determining experimentally the mechanical equivalent of heat. Thus from his discovery of the laws of generation of heat in the galvanic circuit,* it follows that when mechanical work by means of a magneto - electric machine is the source of the galvanism, the heat generated in any given portion of the fixed part of the circuit is proportional to the whole work spent ; and from his experimental demonstration that heat is developed in any moving part of the circuit at ex- actly the same rate as if it were at rest, and traversed by a cur- rent of the same strength, he is enabled to conclude : (1) That heat may be created by working a magneto-electric machine. (2) That if the current excited be not allowed to produce any other than thermal effects, the total quantity of heat pro- duced is in all circumstances exactly proportional to the quan- tity of work spent. 16. Again, the admirable discovery of Peltier, that cold is produced by an electrical current passing from bismuth to anti- mony, is referred to by Joule, f as showing how it may be proved that, when an electrical current is continuously produced from a * That, in a given fixed part of the circuit, the heat evolved in a given time is proportional to the square of the strength of the current, and for different fixed parts, with the same strength of current, the quantities of heat evolved in equal times are as the resistances. A paper by Mr. Joule, containing demonstrations of these laws, and of others on the relations of the chemical and thermal agencies concerned, was communicated to the Royal Society on the 17th of December, 1840, but was not published in the Transactions. (See abstract containing a statement of the laws quoted above, in the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xviii., p. 308.) It was published in the Philosophical Magazine in October, 1841 (vol. xix., p. 260). f [Note of March 20, 1852, added in Phil. Mag. reprint. In the intro- duction to his paper "On the Calorific Effects of Magneto-Electricity," etc., Phil. Mag., 1843. I take this opportunity of mentioning that I have only recently become acquainted with Helmholtz's admirable treatise on the principle of mechani- cal effect ( Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft, von Dr. H. Helmholtz. Berlin. G. Reimer, 1847), having seen it for the first time on the 20th of January of this year ; and that I should have had occasion to refer to it on this, and on numerous other points of the dynamical theory of heat, the mechanical theory of electrolysis, the theory of electro -magnetic induction, and the mechanical theory of thermo-electric currents, in various papers communi- cated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and to this Magazine, had I been acquainted with it in time. W. T., March 20, 1852.] 119 MI: MO i us ox purely thermal source, the quantities of heat evolved electri- cally in the different homogeneous parts of the circuit arc nnlv compensations for a loss from the junctions of the different nu'tals, or that, when the effect of the current is entirely ther- mal, there must be just as much heat emitted from the pans not affected by the source as is taken from the soun -. 17. Lastly,* when a current produced by thermal agency is made to work an engine and produce mechanical effect, there will be less heat emitted from the parts of the circuit not af- fected by the source than is taken in from the source, 1>\ an amount precisely equivalent to tin- mechanical effect produced ; since Joule demonstrates experimentally that a current from any kind of source driving an engine, produces in the enirin.- just as much less heat than it would produce in a fixed win- exercising the same resistance as is equivalent to the mechani- cal effect produced by the engine. 18. The quality of thermal effects, resulting from equal causes through very different means, is beautifully illustrate'! * This reasoning was suggested to me by the following pasture eon. tained in a letter which I received from Mr. Joule on the 8ih of July, is 1 7. "In Peltier's experiment on cold produced at the bismuth ami aniimony solder, we have an instance of the conversion of heat into tin- mechanical force of the current." which must have been meant as an answer to a re- murk I had made, that no evidence could be adduced to show that In MI is ever put out of existence. I now fully admit the force of that answer ; hut it would require a proof that there is more heat put out of existence at iln> heated soldering [or in this and other parts of the circuii] than is < at the eold soldering [and the remainder of the circuit, when a machine is driven by the current] to make the "evidence" be rr/ riim nff i H> in the tr\i lire demonstrated consequences of the first fundamental ju.|Mitinn ; hut it is Mill to he remarked that neither in this nor in any other case of the production of mechanical effect from purely thermal agency, has :!.' ing to exist of an equivalent quantity i>f heat leen dem. .titrated otherwise than theoretically. It would I* a very great step in the e\pei inn -ntal illus t rat ion (or r, ririrN r without the medium's being allowed to either emit or absorb heat. its temperature may be exactly /: it may ho considered as constituting a thermo-dynamic engine which fulfils Carnot's condition of complete reversibility. Hence, by Prop. II., it must produce the same amount of work for the same quantity of heat absorbed in the first operation, as any other substam similarly operated upon through the same range of temper- atures. But T.di' is obviously the whole work done in tin- complete cycle, and (by the definition of M in $ 20) Mdv is the quantity of heat absorbed in the first operation. Hence the value of ,//, dp dt r ' dv ft must be the same for all substances, with the same values of / and r; or, since r is not involved except as a factor, we must have 4 v//7/W*. entitled "Theoretical Considerations on the Effect of Pressure in Lower- ing the Kreexing-point of Water," by my elder brother, still hold. Also, we sec that Carnot's expressii-n for the mechanienl eiT.-.-t derivable from a given quantity of heat lv means of a perfect 124 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS engine in which the range of temperatures is infinitely small, expresses truly the greatest effect which can possibly be ob- tained in the circumstances ; although it is in reality only an infinitely small fraction of the whole mechanical equivalent of the heat supplied ; the remainder being irrecoverably lost to man, and therefore " wasted," although not annihilated. 23. On the other hand, the expression for the mechanical effect obtainable from a given quantity of het entering an en- gine from a "source" at a given temperature, when the range down to the temperature of the cold part of the engine or the "refrigerator" is finite, will differ most materially from that of Carnot ; since, a finite quantity of mechanical effect being now obtained from a finite quantity of heat entering the engine, a finite fraction of this quantity must be converted from heat into mechanical effect. The investigation of this expression, with numerical determinations founded on the numbers de- duced from Regnault's observations on steam, which are shown in Tables I. and II. of my former paper, constitutes the second part of the paper at present communicated. PART II On the Motive Power of Heat through Finite Ranges of Temperature 24. It is required to determine the quantity of work which a perfect engine, supplied from a source at any temperature, 8, and parting with its waste heat to a refrigerator at any lower temperature, T, will produce from a given quantity, //, of heat drawn from the source. 25. We may suppose the engine to consist of an infinite num- ber of perfect engines, each working within an infinitely small range of temperature, and arranged in a series of which the source of the first is the given source, the refrigerator of the last the given refrigerator, and the refrigerator of each inter- mediate engine is the source of that which follows it in the series. Each of these engines will, in any time, emit just as much less heat to its refrigerator than is supplied to it from its source, as is the equivalent of the mechanical work which it produces. Hence if t and t + dt denote respectively the tem- peratures of the refrigerator and source of one of the inter- 125 MK M(> IRS ON mediate engines, and if q denote the quantity of heat which this engine discharges into its refrigerator in any time. ami q + dq the quantity which it draws from its source in the same time, the quantity of work which it produces in that time will be Jdq according to Prop. I., and it will also be qpdt according to the expression of Prop. II., investigated in '! : and there- fore we must have Hence, supposing that the quantity of heat supplied from the first source, in the time considered is //. we timl hy integration But the value of q, when /= T, is the final remainder dis- charged into the refrigerator at the temperature T; and there- fore, if this be denoted by R, we have from which we deduce R = m-jf'l>" (r.) Now the whole amount of work produced will be the mechani- cal equivalent of the quantity of heat lost ; and, therefore, if this be denoted by II . we have \\' = J(/I-R), (7) and consequently, by (C), ir = J//{l-f-i/J^// ( 26. To compare this with the expression II J f lt. for the duty indicated by Carnot's theory,* we may expand the e\po. nential in the preceding equation, by the usual series. We thus find M I where 6 = , / JT v , J This shows that the work really produced, which always falls short of the duty indicated by Carnot's theory, approaches * "Account," etc.. Equation 7, HI. 126 THE SECOND LA^y OF THERMODYNAMICS more and more nearly to it as the range is diminished ; and ul- timately, when the range is infinitely small, is the same as jf Carnot's theory required no modification, which agrees with the conclusion stated above in 22. 27. Again, equation (8) shows that the real duty of a given quantity of heat supplied from the source increases with every increase of the range ; but that instead of increasing indefinitely in proportion to / \idt, as Carnot's theory makes it do, it never reaches the value JH, but approximates to this limit, as / * pelt is increased without limit. Hence Carnot's remark* regarding the practical advantage that may be anticipated from the use of the air-engine, or from any method by which the range of temperatures may be increased, loses only a part of its impor- tance, while a much more satisfactory view than his of the prac- tical problem is afforded. Thus we see that, although the full equivalent of mechanical effect cannot be obtained even by means of a perfect engine, yet when the actual source of heat is at a high enough temperature above the surrounding objects, we may get more and more nearly the whole of the admitted heat converted into mechanical effect, by simply increasing the effective range of temperature in the engine. 28. The preceding investigation ( 25) shows that the value of Carnot's function, /u, for all temperatures within the range of the engine, and the absolute value of Joule's equivalent, J, are enough of data to calculate the amount of mechanical effect of a perfect engine of any kind, whether a steam-engine, an air- engine, or even a tbermo - electric engine ; since, according to the axiom stated in 12, and the demonstration of Prop. II., no inanimate material agency could produce more mechanical effect from a given quantity of heat, with a given available range of temperatures, than an engine satisfying the criterion stated in the enunciation of the proposition. 29. The mechanical equivalent of a thermal unit Fahrenheit, or the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a pound of water from 32 to 33 Fahr., has been determined by Joule in foot-pounds at Manchester, and the value which he gives as his best determination is 772.69. Mr. Rankine takes, * "Account," etc. Appendix, Section iv. 127 MEMOIRS ON as the result of Joule's determination, 77--J, which he estimates must be within yfa of its own amount, of tin- truth. If \\c take ??2f as the number, we find, by multiplying it by |, i:>'."> as the equivalent of the thermal unit Centigrade, which is taken as the value of J in the numerical applications contained in tin- present paper. 30. With regard to the determination of the values of /< for different temperatures, it is to be remarkrl that equation (4) shows that this might be done by experiments upon any sub- stance whatever of indestructible texture, and indicates exactly the experimental data required in each case. For instance, l>v first supposing the medium to be air ; and again, by supposing it to consist partly of liquid water and partly of saturated vapor. we deduce, as is shown in Part III. of this paper, the tw<< \- pressions (G), given in 30 of my former paper (" Account of ('arnot's Theory"), for the value of p. at any temperature. A< yet no experiments have been made upon air which afford the required data for calculating the value of ^ through any exten- sive range of temperature; but for temperatures between .~>n and 60 Fahr., Joule's experiments* on the heat evolved 1>\ tin- expenditure of a given amount of work on the compression of air kept at a constant temperature, afford the most direct data for this object which have yet been obtained ; since, if Q be the quantity of heat evolved by the compression of a fluid subject to "the gaseous laws" of expansion and compressibility, IT the amount of mechanical work spent, and / the constant temper- ature of the fluid, we have by (11) of 49 of my former paper. n. /: which is in reality a simple consequence of the other expression for ft in terms of data with reference to air. Remark! upon the determination of fi by such experiments, and by another class of experiments on air originated liy Joule, are reserved for a separate communication, which I hope to be able to make to the Royal .Society on another occasion. 31. The second of the expressions (6), in 30 of my former paper, or the equivalent expression (32), given below in the * "On the Change* of Temperature produced by Hn- Rarefaction and Condensation of Air," Phil. Mug., vol. xxvi , May, 1845. in THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS present paper, shows that /* may be determined for any tem- perature from determinations for that temperature of (1) The rate of variation with the temperature, of the press- ure of saturated steam. (2) The latent heat of a given weight of saturated steam. (3) The volume of a given weight of saturated steam. (4) The volume of a given weight of water. The last mentioned of these elements may, on account of the manner in which it enters the formula, be taken as constant, without producing any appreciable effect on the probable accu- racy of the result. 32. Regnault's observations have supplied the first of the data with very great accuracy for all temperatures between 32 Cent, and 230. 33. As regards the second of the data, it must be remarked that all experimenters, from Watt, who first made experiments on the subject, to Regnault, whose determinations are the most accurate and extensive that have yet been made, appear to have either explicitly or tacitly assumed the same principle as that of Carnot which is overturned by the dynamical theory of heat ; inasmuch as they have defined the " total heat of steam" as the quantity of heat required to convert a unit of weight of water at into steam in the particular state considered. Thus Reg- nault, setting out with this definition for "the total heat of saturated steam," gives experimental determinations of it for the entire range of temperatures from to 230 ; and he de- duces the " latent heat of saturated steam " at any temperature, from the "total heat," so determined, by subtracting from it the quantity of heat necessary to raise the liquid to that tem- perature. Now, according to the dynamical theory, the quan- tity of heat expressed by the preceding definition depends on the manner (which may be infinitely varied) in which the speci- fied change of state is effected ; differing in different cases by the thermal equivalents of the differences of the external me- chanical effect produced in the expansion. For instance, the total quantity of heat required to evaporate a quantity of water at 0, and then, keeping it always in the state of saturated va- por,* bring it to the temperature 100, cannot be so much as * See below (Part III., 58), where the "negative" specific heat of sat- urated steam is investigated. If the mean value of this quantity between and 100 were -1.5 (and it cannot differ much from this) there would i 129 MEMOIRS ON three-fourths of the quantity required, first, to raise the tem- perature of the liquid to loo , ami then evaporate it at that temperature , and yet either quantity is expressed by what is generally received as a definition of the " total heat" of the saturated vapor. To find what it is that is really determined as "total heat" of saturated steam in lleirnault's researches, it is only necessary to remark, that the measurement actually made is of the quantity of heat emitted by a certain weight of water in passing through a calorimetrical apparatus, which it enters as saturated steam, and leaves in the liquid state, the result being reduced to what would have been found if the final temperature of the water had been exactly 0. For there bein^ no external mechanical effect produced (other than that of sound, which it is to be presumed is quite inappreciable), the only external effect is the emission of heat. This must, there- fore, according to the fundamental proposition of the dynam- ical theory, be independent of the intermediate agencies. It follows that, however the steam may rush through the calo- rimeter, and at whatever reduced pressure it may actually he condensed,* the heat emitted externally must be exactly t he be 150 units of heat emitted by a pound of saturated vapor in having its temperature raised (by compression) from t<> 1(M . Tin- latent ln-at <>l the vapor at being 606.5. the tiiml quantity of heat required to OOB1 pound of water at into saturated steam at 100 , in tin* first <>f tli> mentioned in the text, would consequent])' he 456.5. which is only about J of the quantity 687 found us " the total heat" of the saturated vapor at 100, by Regnault. * If the steam have to rush through a long flne tulic, or through a small aperture within the calorimctrical apparatus, it- pressure will In dimin- ished l>efore it is condensed ; and there will, therefore, in two parts <>f ihe calorimeter be satuntrd Meani at different trmperatuic* (a. for invfirce. would be the case if steam from a high pressure holler were distilled into the open air); yet. on account of the heat developed l>y the tluiul>l the opinion that ill.- latent heat of saturated steam will he truly found fr-m K ^naull's "total heat." hy deducting " the sensible heat ;" ami give* as i\ reason that, in the actual experiments, the condensation must have token place "under the same pressure, or nearly under the same pressure." as the evaporation The question is not, Did the condensation take place at a lover prettui-f /',.n, MO THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS same as if the condensation took place under the full pressure of the entering saturated steam ; and we conclude that the total heat, as actually determined from his experiments by Reg- nault, is the quantity of heat that would be required, first to raise the liquid to the specified temperature, and then to evap- orate it at that temperature ; and that the principle on which he determines the latent heat is correct. Hence, through the range of his experiments that is, from to 230 we may con- sider the second of the data required for the calculation of /j. as being supplied in a complete and satisfactory manner. 34. There remains only the third of the data, or the volume of a given weight of saturated steam, for which accurate exper- iments through an extensive range are wanting ; and no ex- perimental researches bearing on the subject having been made since the time when my former paper was written, I see no reason for supposing that the values of p which I then gave are not the most probable that can be obtained in the present state of science ; and, on the understanding stated in 33 of that paper, that accurate experimental determinations of the den- sities of saturated steam at different temperatures may indicate considerable errors in the densities which have been assumed according to the "gaseous laws," and may consequently render considerable alterations in my results necessary, I shall still con- tinue to use Table I. of that paper, which shows the values of H for the temperatures , H, ... 230$, or, the mean values of p for each of the 230 successive Centigrade degrees of the air-thermometer above the freezing-point, as the basis of nu- merical applications of the theory. It may be added, that any experimental researches sufficiently trustworthy in point of ac- curacy, yet to be made, either on air or any other substance, which may lead to values of p. differing from those, must be admitted as proving a discrepancy between the true densities of saturated steam, and those which have been assumed.* that of the entering steam ? but. Did Regnnult maketJie steam work an engine in parsing through the calorimeter, or was there so much noise of steam rush- ing through it as to convert an appreciable portion of tJie total heat into ex- ternal mechanical effect? And a negative answer to this is a sufficient reason for adopting with certainty the opinion that the principle of his determina- tion of the fatent heat is correct. * I cannot see that any hypothesis, such as that ndopted by Clausius fundamentally in his investigations on this subject, and leading, as he shows, to determinations of the densities of saturated steam at different temper- 131 MEMOIRS ON 35. Table II. of my former paper, which shows the values of f pit for t = l, t = 2, / = 3, ... / = 231, renders the calcula- tion of the mechanical effect derivable from a given quantity of heat by means of a perfect engine, with any given range in- cluded between the limits and 231, extremely easy : since the quantity to be divided by J* in the index of the exponential in the expression (8) will be found by subtracting the number in that table corresponding to the value of T, from that corre- sponding to the value of S. 36. The following tables show some numerical results which have been obtained in this way, with a few (contained in the lower part of the second table) calculated from values of f nf mutter at Paris, and the unit <>f force in terms of which ./ is expressed Is the wcipht of a pound at Man- chester. these numbers ought in strictness to be modified so as to express the values in terms of a common unit of force ; but as the force of gravity at Parii differs by less than ^j of its own value from the force of gravity at Manchester, this correction will be much less Minn the probable errors from other sources, and may therefore be neglected. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Column IV. shows the true duty of a unit of heat, and a com- parison of the numbers in it with the corresponding numbers in Column III. shows how much the true duty falls short of Carnot's theoretical duty in each case. Column VI. is calculated by the formula = t~ 1390/2' /'*#> the successive values shown where e = 2. 71828, and for / v in Column III. are used. Column IV. is calculated by the formula W= 1390 (l-R) from the values of 1 R shown in Column V. 38. Table of the Motive Power of Heat. Range of Temperatures III Duty of a unit of beat through the whole range IV Duty of a unit of heat sup- plied from the source V Quantity of heat converted into mechanical effect VI Quantity of heat wasted I II S T S r fS IP l-R R a ft. Ibs. ft. -Ibs. 1 31.08 30 4.960 4.948 .003.56 .99644 10 40.86 30 48.987 48.1 .0346 .9654 20 51.7 30 96656 93.4 .067 .933 30 (1 62.6 30 143.06 136 .098 .902 40 73.6 30 188.22 176 .127 .873 50 84.5 30 232.18 214 .154 .846 60 954 30 27497 249 .179 .821 70 106.3 30 316.64 283 .204 .796 80 117.2 BO 357.27 315 .227 .773 90 128.0 30 396.93 345 .248 .752 100 138.8 30 435.69 374 .269 .731 110 149.1 30 473.62 401 .289 .711 120 160.3 30 510.77 427 .308 .692 130 171.0 80 547.21 452 .325 .675 140 181.7 BO 582.98 476 .343 .657 150 192.3 30 618.14 499 .359 .641 160 2030 30 652.74 521 .375 .625 170 213.6 30 686.80 542 .390 .610 180 Q 224.2 3(1 720.39 562 .404 .596 190 190 753.50 582 .418 .582 ' 200 200 (1 786.17 600 .432 .568 210 210 818.45 619 .445 .555 220 220 850.34 636 .457 .542 230 (1 230 88187 653 .470 .530 MKMnlKS ON 39. Supplementary Table of the Motive Power of 11 ///. III IT V VI Range or Temperatures Duty of a unit IMHV of unit of beat or beat sup- Quantity of lie*l convened Into Quantity of I II whole range the source effect L- M! \\ i.-tr-: / s T ** W \-R R - ft Ita. ft It*. 101.1 140 M ::; 11 877 .271 105.8 II 280 LOO 446.2 882 .275 800 800 (i 1099 757 .64B .455 400 400 n 1 :!'.>:, 879 .682 M 500 500 n 1690 979 .704 M 600 600 1980 LOW .762 888 00 00 (1 30 1890 1.000 .000 40. Taking the range 30 to 140 as an example suitable to the circumstances of some of the best steam-engines that have yet been made (see Appendix to " Account of Carnot's Theory," sec. v.), we find in Column III., of the supplementary table, 377 ft. -11)8. as the corresponding duty of a unit of heat instead of 440, shown in Column III., which is Carnot's theoretical duty. We conclude that the recorded performance of the Fowey-Con- sols engine in 1845, instead of being only ."?i per cent, amounted n-ally to 67 per cent., or \ of the duty of a perfect engine with the same range of temperature; and this duty being .Mil (rather more than J ) of the whole equivalent of the heat used ; we conclude further, that ^ or 18 per cent, of the whole lu-at supplied was actually converted into mechanical effort In that steam-engine. 41. The numbers in the lower part of the supplementary table show the great advantage that may be anticipated from the perfecting of the air-engine, or any other kind of thermo- iynamic engine in which the range of the temperature can be increased much beyond the limits actually attainable in steam- engines. Thus an air-engine, with its hot part at 600, and it- cold part at Cent., working with perfect economy, would convert 76 per cent, of the whole heat used into median i( -al t f- or working with such economy as has been estimated for the Fowey-Consols engine that is. producing <>7 per cent, of the theoretical duty corresponding to its range of temperature LM THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS would convert 51 per cent, of all the heat used into mechanical effect. 42. It was suggested to me by Mr. Joule, in a letter dated December 9, 1848, that the true value of p. might be "inversely as the temperatures from zero ;" * and values for various tem- peratures calculated by means of the formula, were given for comparison with those which I had calculated from data regarding steam. This formula is also adopted by Clausius, who uses it fundamentally in his mathematical inves- tigations. If p. were correctly expressed by it, we should have and therefore equations (1) and (2) would become ir = j^, (12) 43. The reasons upon which Mr. Joule's opinion is founded, that the preceding equation (11) may be the correct expression TJT * If we take /*=A;T - where k may be any constant, we find 1 "T~ J^t k J I '(&' which is the formula I gave when this paper was communicated. I have since remarked that Mr. Joule's hypothesis implies essentially that the co- efficient k must be as it is taken in the text, the mechanical equivalent of a thermal unit. Mr. Rankine, in a letter dated March 27, 1851, informs me that he has deduced, from the principles laid down in his paper communi- cated last year to this Society, an approximate formula for the ratio of the maximum quantity of heat converted into mechanical effect to the whole quantity expended, in an expansive engine of any substance, which, on comparison, I find agrees exactly with the expression (12) given in the text as a consequence of the hypothesis suggested by Mr. Joule regarding the value of p at any temperature. [April 4, 1851.] 135 MEMOIRS ON for Carnot's function, although the values calculated by means of it differ considerably from those shown in Table I. of my former paper, form the subject of a communication which I hope to have an opportunity of laying before the Royal Society previously to the close of the present session. PART III. Applications of lite Dynamical '/'// ///// fn >*/n/tli./i Hrtations be- lii'fi'ii the ritysicul J'n>/rfi>s of all >W/*A- 44. The two fundamental equations of the dynamical theory of heat, investigated above, express relations between quanti- ties of heat required to produce changes of volume and tem- perature in any material medium whatever, subjected to a uni- form pressure in all directions, which lead to various remarkable conclusions. Such of these as are independent of Joule's prin- ciple (expressed by equation (2) of g SJO), being also indepen- dent of the truth or falseness of Carnot's contrary assumption regarding the permanence of heat, are common to his theory and to the dynamical theory ; and some of the most important of them* have been given by Carnot himself, and other writers who adopted his principles and mode of reasoning without modification. Other remarkable conclusions on the .-a me MI!>- / I/ / V ject might have been drawn from the equation ' - '-j- o. expressing Carnot's assumption (of the truth of which experi- mental tests might have been thus suggested); hut 1 am nt aware that any conclusion deducible from it, not included in Carnot's expression for the motive power of heat through finite ranges of temperature, has yet been actually obtained and pub- lished. 45. The recent writings of Rankine and Clausing contain some of the consequences of the fundamental principle of the 'lyiiiiinical theory (expressed in the first fundamental proposi- tion above) regarding physical properties of various substances ; among which may be mentioned especially a \< t \ remarkable discovery regarding the specific heat of saturated strain (in- vestigated also in this paper in g 58 below), made independent ly See aboTr in THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS by the two authors, and a property of water at its freezing- point, deduced from the corresponding investigation regarding ice and water under pressure by Clausius ; according to which he finds that, for each ^ Cent, that the solidifying point of water is lowered by pressure, its latent heat, which under at- mospheric pressure is 79, is diminished by .081. The investi- gations of both these writers involve fundamentally various hypotheses which may be or may not be found by experiment to be approximately true ; and which render it difficult to gather from their writings what part of their conclusions, es- pecially with reference to air and gases, depend merely on the necessary principles of the dynamical theory. 46. In the remainder of this paper, the two fundamental propositions, expressed by the equations -=& - and .. , Jf=l.f, (8) of g SI are applied to establish properties of the specific heats of any substance whatever ; and then special conclusions are deduced for the case of a fluid following strictly the " gaseous laws " of density, and for the case of a medium consisting of parts in different states at the same temperature, as water and saturated steam, or ice and water. 47. In the first place it may be remarked, that by the defi- nition of J/and N in 20, JVmust be what is commonly called the " specific heat at constant volume" of the substance, pro- vided the quantity of the medium be the standard quantity adopted for specific heats, which, in all that follows, I shall take as the unit of weight. Hence the fundamental equation of the dynamical theory, (2) of 20, expresses a relation be- tween this specific heat and the quantities for the particular substance denoted by Jfand p. If we eliminate M f rom this equation, by means of equation (3) of 21, derived from the expression of the second fundamental principle of the theory cf the motive power of heat, we find dN _ \fidt 1 ]_dp < u > 137 M K M I R S OX which expresses a relation between the variation in the specific heat at constant volume, of any substance, produced l>y an al- teration of its volume at a constant temperature, and tin- vari- ation of its pressure with its temperature when the volume is constant; involving a function, , of the temperature, which is the same for all substances. 48. Again, let K denote the specific heat of the substance under constant pressure. Then, if dv and dt he so related that the pressure of the medium, when its volume and temperature are v + dr and / -|- dt respectively, is the same as when they are r and t that is, if we have Kdt = M = -_, - s rf. (21) N fi nK VKe* 50. The first of these expressions for shows that, when the substance contracts as its temperature rises (as is the case, for instance, with water between its freezing-point and its point of maximum density), its temperature would become lowered by a sudden compression. The second, which shows in terms of its compressibility and expansibility exactly how much the tem- perature of any substance is altered by an infinitely small alter- ation of its volume, leads to the approximate expression if, as is probably the case, for all known solids and liquids, e be so small that B.VKB is very small compared with pK. 51. If, now, we suppose the substance to be a gas, and intro- duce the hypothesis that its density is strictly subject to the "gaseous laws," we should have, by Boyle and Mariotte's law of compression, d /=-l, (22) dv v and by Dal ton and Gay-Lussac's law of expansion, dv Ev . di^r+m' from which we deduce MKMOIRS ON Equation (14) will consequently become r/.V _ d {(! + A7)~7 ~fo- ~7t a result peculiar to the dynamical theory and equation (1C), which agrees with the result of 53 of my former paper. If V be taken to denote the volume of the gas at the tem- perature under unity of pressure, (25) becomes 52. All the conclusions obtained by Clausius, with reference to air or gases, are obtained immediately from these equations by taking which will make j- = 0, and by assuming, as he does, that N, thus found to be independent of the density of the gas, is also independent of its temperature. 53. As a last application of the two fundamental equations of the theory, let the medium with reference to which M and \ are defined consist of a weight 1 a; of a certain substance in one state, and a weight x in another state at the same trm- perature, containing more latent heat. To avoid circumlocu- tion and to fix the ideas, in what follows we may suppose the former state to be liquid and the latter gaseous ; but tin- in- vestigation, as will be seen, is equally applicable to the case of ft solid in contact with the same substance in the liquid or gaseous form. 54. The volume and temperature of the whole medium !<- ing, as before, denoted respectively by / and /. we shall have if X and y be the volumes of unity of weight of the substance in tlu> liquid and the gaseous states respectively: ami /-. tin- pressure, may be considered as a function of /, depending solely on the nature of the substance. To express M and .V for this mixed medium, let L denote the latent heat of a unit of weight of 140 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS the vapor, c the specific heat of the liquid, and li the specific heat of the vapor when kept in a state of saturation. We shall have Mdv = L-r-dv, Ndt = c(l-x)dt + lixdt + L C ^dt. Now, by (27), we have 7 (y-\)~ = l, (28) dv and ( y -X)~ + (l-s)^ + *|| = 0. (29) Hence M = ^, (30) N = c(l-x) + hx-L, y-\ 55. The expression of the second fundamental proposition in this case becomes, consequently, / = I- (32) which agrees with Carnot's original result, and is the formula that has been used (referred to above in 31) for determining p. by means of Eegnault's observations on steam. 56. To express the conclusion derivable from the first funda- mental proposition, we have, by differentiating the preceding expressions for M and N with reference to t and v respectively, ^__1_ ^_ L d(y-\] dv ~-\ dt \' dt _ dN (.. di~didx - ( y _ \ (y _ \) Hence equation (2) of 20 becomes dL Jdt MEMOIRS ON Combining this with the conclusion (32) derived from tho sec- ond fundamental proposition, we obtain +<-= <"> The former of these equations agrees precisely with one which was first given by Clausius, and the preceding in gation is substantially the same as the investigation by which he arrived at it. The second differs from another given by Clausius only in not implying any hypothesis as to the form of Carnot's function ^i. :>',. If we suppose p and L to be known for any temperature. equation (32) enables us to determine the value of -f- for that temperature ; and thence deducing a value of dt, we have dt = *^ame sub- stance in the liquid state. This agrees with the conclusion ar- rived lit by my elder brother in his " Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Pressure in Lowering the Pressing-point of Water." His result, obtained by taking as the value for / that derived from Table I. of my former paper for the temperature 0, is that the freezing-point is lowered by .0075 Cent, by an additional atmosphere of pressure. Clausius, with the other data the same, obtains .oo^:53 as the lowering of temperature by the same additional pressure, which differs from my brother's result only from having been calculated from a formula which J0 implies the hypothetical expression J ' for /i. It was by applying equation (33) to determine -tr for the same case that ClansiiH arrived at the curious result regarding the latent heat of water muler pressure mentioned above (i 58. Lastly, it may be remarked that every quantity which appears in equation (33), exeept //. is known with tolerable ac- curacy for saturated steam through a wide ranije of tempera- ture; and we may therefore use this equation to liu.l //. which has never yet been made an object of experimental research. 142 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Thus we have ^ /z For the value of y the best data regarding the density of sat- urated steam that can be had must be taken. If for different temperatures we use the same values for the density of saturated steam (calculated according to the gaseous laws, and Regnault's observed pressure from y^, taken as the density at 100), the values obtained for the first term of the second member of the preceding equation are the same as if we take the form derived from (34), and use the values of p shown in Table I. of my former paper. The values of h in the second column in the following table have been so calculated, with, besides, the following data afforded by Regnault from his observations on the total heat of steam, and the specific heat of water L = 006.5 + .305/ - (.00002/ 5 + .OOOOOOO- The values of h shown in the third column are those derived by Clausius from an equation which is the same as what (34) ri would become if /- -- =- were substituted for /u. 1 4- &t t. - A nccordingto Table I. of ' Account of Carnot's Theory " -ft according to Clausius 1.863 1.916 50 1.479 1.465 100 1.174 1.133 150 0.951 0.879 200 0.780 0676 59. From these results it appears, that through the whole range of temperatures at which observations have been made, the value of h is negative ; and, therefore, if a quantity of sat- urated vapor be compressed in a vessel containing no liquid water, heat must be continuously abstracted from it in order that it may remain saturated as its temperature rises ; and con- versely, if a quantity of saturated vapor be allowed to expand 143 MEMOIRS ON in a closed vessel, heat must be supplied to it to prevent any part of it from becoming condensed into the liquid form as the temperature of the whole sinks. This very remarkable conclu- sion was first announced by Mr. Runkine, in his paper com- municated to this Society on the 4th of February last year. It was discovered independently by Clausing, and published in his paper in Poggendorff's Annalen in the months of April and May of the same year. 60. It might appear at first sight, that the well-known fact that steam rushing from a high -pressure boiler through a small orifice into the open air does not scald a hand exposed to it, is inconsistent with ^,he proposition, that steam expanding from a state of saturation must have heat given to it to prevent any part from becoming condensed ; since the steam would scald the hand unless it were dry, and consequently above the boil- ing-point in temperature. The explanation of this apparent difficulty, given in a letter which I wrote to Mr. Joule last Oc- tober, and which has since been published in the Philfisnjihintl Magazine, is, that the steam in rushing through the orifice pro- duces mechanical effect which is immediately wasted in fluid friction, and consequently reconverted into heat ; so that the issuing steam at the atmospheric pressure would have to part with as much heat to convert it into water at the teni pi-rat im- 100 as it would have had to part with to have been condensed at the high pressure and then cooled down to loo . which for a pound of steam initially saturated at the temperature / is, by Regnault's modification of Watt's law, .305 (t 100) more heat than a pound of saturated steam at 100 would have to part with to be reduced to the same state ; and the issuing steam must therefore be above 100 in temperature, and dry. PAW IV On a Method of discovering txpfrimfntnllij t1i>< AV//f//;/ ////./< the Mechanical Work spent untl the JIif ]<>l\v