;-NRLF a GIFT OF Class of 1887 Verses and Illustrations - By "Robert WtUiams Wood. "How ToTell The Birds Trom Th Copyright 1908 BIJ Paul Elder and Company. Page TheBee -TheBeet-TheBeetle. t. The /tol The Pheas-ant . i. The Bunny -The Tunny. 3. The Eel -The Eelephant. *. The Puss -The Octo-pUS. 5. The Gnu The Newt. 6. The Hare -The Harrier. 8. The fipe-jish-The Seaman 9. The Cow The Cowry. /o. The Doe The Dodo. 11. The Ray The "Raven. n. The Coot- The Bandicoot. 14. 745199 The Ape -The Grape. 16. The ElK -The Whelk. 17. The Cross-Bill-TheSiveet-William. 18. The Pitcher-PianI-Therii/-Catc)ier 19. The flntelope The Cantelope. 20. The P-Cock -The p- Cumber 22. The Pen-suin The Sword-Jish.23. The Yellow-Hammer- The 5aw-/ish.a The Pansy. The Chim-pansi/. 26. Naught Tlr^onciut. 21 Authors Aid- end- em. Good Mi? Darwin once contended That Beetles were jromBees descended; And as my pictures shotuj think, The Beet mast be the missing-link. The Sugar-Beet and Honey- Bee Supply the Beetle s pedigree: The family is now complete,- The Bee , the Beetle and the Berf. Th Theflnt is known by his ant-ennae, Where-as the pheas-ant hasrit any, flnd that is w)\]j he wears/mstead, /I small red cap upon his head: Without his Fez, indeed the pheasant Would be quite bald and quite un- _ pleasant. ~ - y The superficial naturalists have ojtenbeeia misled, BM falling to dis-crim-mate betu/een J 3 the tail and head: Itreallu is unfortunate such J carelessness prevails, Because the Bunnies have their heads whereTunmeshave their tails, i! The marked aversion which we feel, When in tile presence of the Eel , Mates many view tuith consternation, The Elephants front ele-vation. Such folly must be clearly due To their peculiar point of view. The Octo-pus or Cuttle-fish ! I m sure that none oj us u/ould wish To have him scuttle round the house, Lite puss, when she espies a mouse: When you secure your house-hold pet, Be very sure you do not set The Octo-pus, or there may be Dom-es-tic in-telis-ltij. -5- Tln)(c The Gnu conspicuously wears His coat of ^numerous bristling hairs, White,as we see, the modest Newt Of such a coat is destitute. (Im onlu teUing this to you, /Ind it is strictly "entre gnu .) In point of fact the Newt is nude, flnd therefore he does not obtrude, Put hides in some secluded nook, Beneath the surface of the brook: -6- Its almost more than he can bear, To slyly tate his breath of air, His need of which is absolute, v jit* Because, you see, he is a DneiL-u *TVus stands Jor a\r, like aero -static, CjreeK-"pneuwo5 w - air- comp-air *pieu-matic*! -7- The Harrier, harassed by the Hare, Presents a picture of despair; ^Itho as far as Im concerned, . . love to see the tables turned The Harrier flies u/ith all his migh It is a harum- scar^m flight; Im not surprised he does not care To meet the fierce pursuinsHare -8- r. To smoke a herring is to make fl most lamentable mistake, Particularly since there are The pipe-jish and the lon Sea-gar: Bear this in mind when next you u/ish To smote (jour after-dinner fish. -9- The Cowry seems to be, somehow, A sort of mouth-piece for the Coiu: A speaking UXeness one might say, Which IVe endeavored to portray. The Doe and her peculiar double JVo longer are a source of trouble, Because the Dodo, it appears, Has been extinct for many years. She was too proud to disembark With total stransers in Noah s /Me, flnd u/e rejoice because her pride Our Nature book has simplified. -11- 1* The Raven is a kind oj crotu, Immortalized by Mr. Poe, And we are often led astray By its re semblance to the Ray; The one tuhkh I denominate, Is termed by fisher-men the Sxate; I much prefer the latter phrase, There are so many Kinds of Rays: There re Rays o] hope, and Bays .oj light. X Kays, and Rays more re-con-dite Which, thoujh of interest to Science With Ravens have but small alliance. -13- donolwlsh toat-tri-bute mportance to the common Cool, )r mud-hen, whom most persons scorn, te cause she chanced to be^ "Earth-born ! [he small Australian Bandicoots -14- /Ire said to spring from Karga-roots, Which roots, as you of course foresee, /Ire those of their ancestral tree, The motto of which vegetable Is just "0 possum"*(I am able). X V? A / \_AAs_ x \ The Bandicoot and Kangaroo, As well as the Opossum too , Hre relatives because all three Belong to the same family . -15- The Apes, from whom we are descended, Hang apex down from trees suspended, /Ind since u/e find them In the trees, We term them arbor- iginees. We all have seen the monKey- shines, Cut up by those who pluck from vines The Grape and then subject its juices To Baccha-nattan abuses. -Ifi- A roar of welcome through the u/elkin Is certain proof you ll find the Elk In; Bui if you listen to the shell , In which the Whelk is said to dwel flnd hear a roar, beyond a doubt It indicates the Whelk is "out". No- body but an imbecile Mistakes Sweet William for Cross Bill; And even I can scarcely claim The skill to make them look the same, Which proves there s nothing in | a name. -18- The Pitcher Rant we may define, The flower oj the base-ball nine; This name perhaps the plant belies, For Pitcher Plants sometimes catch f lie The "fli) 1 Catcher we educate To firmly stand behind the plate, To stop,and treat with circumspect^ Whatever comes in his direction. -19- The Metope and Cantelope Lie side by side upon the slope, And careless persons might, I fear, Mistake the melon {or the deer. Ij you unit tap the Cantelope, reposing on the ground, -20- It does not move, but just emits a melon-choly sound; But should you try, however, to apply a stethoscope, And attempt this auscultation on the antlered Melope, Tlnd should see an imitation of a very rapid jlijht, flnd should say / It is the fln- telope! I think you would be right. -21- M? *&<f&jft & The striking similarity of this P-p-tiar pair, No longer need en-cumber us or fill us with despair; The P-Cock and the 0- Cumber you never need confus If you pjy attention to the Is and mind your Ps and 9 >s - -22- iSunraf We have {or many years been bored JBy that old saiv about the sword Tlnd pen, and now we all rejoice, To see how Nature made her choice: She made, regardless of oftendirf, The Sword-jish mishtier than thePensui -23- The Saw- Ftsk The Yetioui-Haiwier,orthe Flicker, nore briefly f Go1den-wined Wood- picker;* M\j drawing oj uihich strMng bird nay seem to you perhaps absurd, You even may suspect I stole The idea from some Totem-pole: -24- But when you aze upon the Fish, You lose all patience and sajfRsh ! I doiit believe you ever saw A Saw-jish look like this, Oh Pshau/ ! There certainlij is some mistake, This is a saw-did Nature fake, In fact a perfect cata-clysm Of fishy Yetlow-journalismr I u ^ )bserve how Natures necromancies lave clearly painted on the Pansies these almost human counte-nances, [n yellow, blue and black nu-ances. The face,hou/ever, seems to me To be that of the Chimpanzee, A fact which makes the gentle Pansy Appeal no longer to my fancy. -26- [he Arsonaul or Nautilus , th habits quite adventurous, combination oja snail, jelly-fish and paper sail, Fhe parts oj htm that did not jell Rre packed securely in his shell . [t is not strange thai u/hen I -sought Co find his doable, I found naught -27- Ij you have read my former words, And learned to recognize the Birds, flnd how to tell them from Iheflowen flnd know these Analogues of ours, You never need be led astray By Daruin,fludubon,or Gray , Whose writinftthoush considered classic, Savor some-ujhat of the Jurassic. Your work though is but just begun, While mine, fm lad to say, is done. To you the field I now leave clear, Upset my ink, and disappear! -28- L OF i YC 16744 745199 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY