WRITE YOUR NAME IN Tttl.5 K IN -t-'JOK L^'O 1' R I N T F. I > A N I ) li N G RAVE D B Y S U N S F. T PRESS SAN FRANCISCO THE Stories of El Dorado BY FRONA EUNICE WAfff' Happiness is found only in El Dorado, which no one yet has been able to reach. Spanish Proverb Copyrighted 1904, by Frona Eunice Wait San Francisco, California This book is dedicated to dear little Jack Morgan Gillespie, with the most affectionate and sincere regards of his devoted friend, FRONA EUNICE WAIT Bancroft Library Preface "It has only recently been recognized as a fact," says Prof. A. F. Bandelier, "that on the whole American continent, the mode of life of the Q primitive inhabitants was formed on one socio- ^ logical principle, and consequently the culture of 2 these peoples has varied, locally, only in degree, not in kind. The religious principles were funda- O mentally the same among the Sioux and the Bra- D zilians, and physical causes more than anything < else have been at the bottom of the local differ- ences." Such has been my own experience in Q studying the stories of El Dorado which form the subject of this book, and in presenting a man a culture hero who came by sea from the East, I am justified by a more complete set of records than is known to the superficial student. As this man's - principles of life were the same, we are forced to the conclusion that all the heroes were one concep- tion, handed down by oral tradition, but widely separated as to locality, by the lapse of time, by migrations and commercial relations of the dif- ferent tribes. As to where these myths originated, or how old they are, I have nothing to suggest, since in presenting these simple variants, it is no concern of mine. It is sufficient for my purpose to know that they exist. To me they lend a dignity to our coun- try by investing it with a misty past, replete with a mythology as rich and sublime as that of any of the races of antiquity. Not only will the study of 6 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO them inspire patriotism and make us better acquainted with the inner lives of the red men, but it will tend to create an interest in our sister republics which cannot fail to be of lasting practical benefit. We know much more of Europeans than we do of the peoples of this continent. If mythology is to be taught in the schools at all, surely our own should have consideration, and in familiarizing ourselves with the traditions of El Dorado, we shall have one more incentive for higher living. We shall learn that the great souls of the races that have preceded us, in the Americas, have faced the same problems of life, which are the heritage of our common humanity ; that within its dark shadows they too have struggled, hoped, and prayed. No words incorporated into the English lan- guage have been fraught with such stupendous con- sequences as El Dorado. When the padres attempted to tell the story of the Christ, the natives exclaimed "El Dorado, " or what the imperfect translations have made El Dorado the golden. As the ignorant sailors and adventurers had been kept from mutiny by Columbus' promise of gold, it is no wonder that they seized upon the literal meaning instead of the spiritual one. The time, being that of Don Quixote and of the Inquisition, accounts for the childish credulity on one side and the unparalleled ferocity on the other. The search for El Dorado, whether it was believed to be a fabulous country of gold, or an PREFACE 7 inaccessible mountain, or a lake, or a city, or a priest who anointed himself with a fragrant oil and sprinkled his body with fine gold dust, must always remain one of the blackest pages in the history of the white race. The great heart of humanity will ever ache with sympathy for the mel- ancholy and pitiful end of the natives, who at the time of the conquest of Mexico were confidently expecting the return of the mild and gentle Quet- zalcoatl, the Mexican variant of this universal myth. None of the cruelties attributed to the Indian had its origin in resistance to the acceptance of a new faith. On the contrary he fought solely in defense of his home, and from Patagonia to Alaska was always willing to listen to the Christian ideas of God and the hereafter. I have devoted the first seven variants to the original myth, while the others pertain to the tran- sitions to, and misconceptions of, the name El Dorado. A lust for gold acquired by conquest was the underlying motive of the discoveries and explo- rations made in the western hemisphere, and is the beginning of all American history. We have uncon- sciously added some variants to it in California, where the mythical kingdom of Quivera became the land of gold of the '49 eppch. El Dorado has long been a household word for anything rich and golden. I begin by bringing the Golden Hearted from an island in the east, the Tlapalla, from whence he came, and to which he returned in the legend. In 8 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO all variants he gave a distinct promise of return. This accounts for the awe inspired by Europeans in the minds of the natives, causing them every- where to fall easy victims to the unscrupulous adventurers swarming into their country. That there should have been confusion seems unavoid- able under the circumstances, but certainly Fate never played a more cruel prank than to have one race of men speak and act constantly from the standpoint of tradition and religious belief, while the other thought solely of material gain. Only in Hiawatha and the Pueblo Montezuma have I taken liberty with the original. The former is based on the recent researches into Algonquin and Chippewa myths of Michabo, the great White Hare. In the Pueblo Montezuma I have followed Prof. Bandelier as to the latest conceptions of the Wrathy Chieftain. My authority for making the Amazon Queens degenerate priestesses of the sun, is J. A. Von Heuvel, the defender of Sir Walter Raleigh's connection with the South American version of the El Dorado legend. To Hubert Howe Bancroft's abridgement of Father Sahagan's translation of the Popol Vuh am I much indebted. In all accessories I have utilized the products or characteristics of localities visited by the myth- ical hero, but have avoided investing him with a religious character or surrounding him with supernatural phenomena. It will be wise to make a distinction between the purely mythical, and that which led to history. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE THE HAPPY ISLAND 11 ZAMNA, THE EYE OF THE SUN 18 VOTAN, THE PEOPLE'S HEART 31 LOUD OF THE SACRED TUNKEL 39 THE STARS' BALL 45 THE NATIONAL BOOK 52 MANCO-CAPAC, THE POWERFUL ONE 61 BOCIITCA AND THE ZlPA 71 THE SONG OF HIAWATHA 78 MICH ABO, THE GREAT WHITE HARE 80 THE BIRTH OF CORN 90 THE WRATHY CHIEFTAIN 99 QUETZALCOATL, THE PLUMED SERPENT 109 CHOLULA, THE SACRED CITY 117 TULLA, THE HIDING NOOK OF THE SNAKE 125 DEPARTURE OF THE GOLDEN HEARTED 132 EL DORADO, THE GOLDEN 140 BIMINI, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH 151 MONTEZUMA AND THE 1 J ABA 161 THE CHILD OF THE SUN 176 THE GILDED MAN 189 THE WHITE SEA OF THE MANOAS 197 THE MOUNTAIN OF GOLD 207 THE AMAZON QUEENS 219 THE SEVEN CITIES OF CIBOLA 228 THE KINGDOM OF QUIVERA 240 THE LAND OF GOLD 250 THE NEW EL DORADO 262 APPENDIX . 271 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE LEAVING THE HAPPY ISLAND (Drawing by Xavier Martinez) 17 "EACH STITCH MUST BE COUNTED" (Painting, The Weaver, by Amadee Joullin) 21 THE BALL PLAYER (Drawing, Xavier Martinez) 30 "WHO ART THOU?" (Painting, Alexander Para, Mexico City) 35 "AN OLD-FASHIONED ALMANAC" (Photograph, Calendar Stone, Mexico City) 48 "BEHOLD THE FIRST WORD" (Painting, The Hieroglyph Maker, A. Joullin) 55 THE TAPIR (Tail-piece) 60 A SUSPENSION BRIDGE (Drawing by Xavier Martinez).... 64 "THE PEOPLE SHOUTED 'HAILLE'!" (Painting, The Sun Worshippers, E. Narjot) 69 "THE FLOWER-LADEN BALSA" (Tail-piece) 77 "THE HOUSE OF WUNZII" (Tail-piece) 89 THE WRESTLING MATCH (Tail-piece) 93 "THE WRATHY CHIEFTAIN" (Painting by J. W. Clawson) .. 104 THE POTTERY MAKER (Drawing, X. Martinez) 107 "THE HUMMING-BIRD ALIGHTED" (Drawing, X. Martinez) .. Ill "THE SNAKESKIN CANOE" (Drawing, X. Martinez) 124 "HERE Is MEDICINE FOR You" (Drawing, X. Martinez).. 129 "A SONG OF FAREWELL" (Drawing, X. Martinez) 137 THE TORCH BEARERS (Tail-piece) (Drawing, X. Martinez) 139 "ON, AND ON THE CARAVELS SAILED" (Official photograph) 147 "LAND! LAND AHEAD!" (Official photograph) 148 "THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" (Drawing, X. Martinez).... 159 "THEIR NAKED BODIES HACKED TO PIECES" (Drawing, X. Martinez) 185 DRYING INDIA RUBBER 201 "THE OLD WITCH, MONELLA 214 "A FLOWER OFFERING" (Sketch by X. Martinez) 224 "ONE OF THE SEVEN CITIES" (Sketch by X. Martinez) 235 "FRAY MARCOS" 239 "AN OLD COMMUNITY HOUSE" 249 "DISCOVERY OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY" (Painting, Arthur Matthews, by courtesy of S. F. Art Association) 253 "A PRAIRIE SCHOONER" 261 The Happy Island LONG time ago there was a beautiful island close by the place in the east where the sun rises. The sea was all around it, and at noonday the sun in the sky seemed to slant just above it. Being near the equa- tor and in a tropic clime the winds were soft and warm and full of the odor of sweet flowers. Sometimes the sea was smooth and clear as glass and then the goldfish and sea mosses floated near the surface and glittered in the sunlight. At night the moon came out big and round like a silver ball and the stars shone very clear because there was no smoke nor fog in the air. In the moon- light the queer little flying fish would jump up out of the water and dart forth and back in the fun- niest way as if they were playing some kind of game. Their tiny wet wings glistened like silver gauze, and, when everything else was still, made a peculiar whirring sound by all flapping at once. The beach was strewn with quantities of conch and abalone shells, also other species of all shapes and sizes and they were as dainty in color as it is possible to imagine. The children of the Happy Island often held the larger ones to their ears to listen to the murmurs and complaints of the insects and other forms of life living inside them. This was only a fancy, but many sea shells do have a soft musical cadence if we care to hear it. Some 13 THE STORIES OE EL DOKADO poets believe that they were the first musical instruments, and that the inhabitants of the sea send messages ashore in this manner. The ferns grew almost as tall as the trees and there were hundreds of birds skimming through the air, or flitting through the branches singing and chattering and having a very happy time. They were not afraid because no one threw stones at them or tried to frighten them. Everybody was glad to see them put up their little bills and ruffle up their throats in singing, or else spread out their wings and splash water all over their backs while they stood on a pebble or twig taking a morning bath. The people said that when the birds were twittering and chirping they were talking to each other. When they were singing they were telling God how thankful they were for the warm sunshine and plenty to eat. There was a wonderful city in the center of the island named the City of the Golden Gates because it was surrounded by a high wall of very thick stones, with a great number of gates of gold through which the animals and people passed in and out. Here lived the Old Man of the Sea, as the king was called, and his son was a beautiful youth known as the Golden Hearted because he was so gentle and kind. He was a swift runner and could shoot well with a bow and arrow and was strong enough to wrestle with a big man, but he preferred to make gold ornaments and vessels for his father and was often permitted to go into the king's treasure house to watch the workmen polish THE HAPPY ISLAND 13 the precious gems which they found in great abundance by digging into the mountains near the city. The people knew all about white and black pearls and how to get them from the bed of the ocean. In full sight of the island was a large reef of pink and white coral and the young prince went there many times to see the curious little insects building their graceful, airy houses over some rock hidden by the water. He sometimes imagined that he heard the mermaids calling to him. What he really did hear was the wind dashing the waves in and out of the coral chambers as if it were deter- mined to wash them away. The reef was an excel- lent place to fish, and the Golden Hearted and his companions had many a fine day's sport there while the divers were searching for the pearl oys- ters. He fished with a drag-net made by himself, and he could let it out and haul it in again like a regular sailor. He never killed any of the fish, and the divers would not give him the pearls they found because they were compelled to kill the oysters to get them, and this they said made the pearls unlucky and was the reason why they are round and shining like tear drops. The miners brought him all the emeralds they could find, because this was the happiness-bringing stone. Its color is like the soft grass in the springtime, and they wanted him to be always young and have everything his heart desired. The royal gardens were his special care and in them he was allowed to cultivate any kind of 14 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO tree or plant or grain. Then from them he must learn the names and habits of the trees producing the best wood for building houses, what plants were good to heal the sick, and all about the grains useful for food either for man or animals. Every flower that had a perfume grew in a separate part of the garden, and those shedding their fragrance at night only were in a bed by themselves. He was required to know the difference between single and double species and why there is such a difference in the same family of plants. Honey bees, big-winged butterflies, crickets and beetles hid in the flowers or flew above them, and these all taught a lesson to the young prince who had no other books. The honey bee was an industrious little fellow continually building a piece of comb or else filling it with honey. The butterfly, on the other hand, did not work at all but changed from an ugly grub into a caterpillar and finally into a gorgeous butterfly with spotted wings and bright eyes. The king told his son that the butterfly was like a soul the immortal part of ourselves and he wished him to be as busy as the bee, and to do no more harm to other creatures than does the pretty butterfly. The cricket was a cheerful, merry chap, usu- ally singing at the top of his voice, and the beetle- tried to push all of the dirt out of the garden. If he found anything he did not like he would roll and tumble with it, even if it were much bigger than himself. This amused the Golden Hearted very much, and when he grew tired of his own THE HAPPY ISLAND 15 occupations he would run out into the garden and watch the beetles. One day he went into the splendid throne- room where his father was giving audience to some wise old men who were foretelling what was going to happen to the king and the people of the Happy Island. They urged the king to send some member of his household to the strange land over the sea, toward the setting sun, where the people were in barbarism. The Golden Hearted was much interested and thought here was an opportunity to do some good for the weak and helpless. Springing forward he said: ' * Dear father, let me go. I am able to sail the seas and am willing to devote my life to teaching these poor people how to live like brothers. " The king felt proud of the young prince, but he loved him so dearly that it was hard to let him go, and also hard to refuse such a noble, manly request. "Do you know, my son, this will entail a great deal of hardship and self-denial?" he asked. "Yes, father, but God intends us to earn all the good things in life ; He will not give them to us for nothing. That is His good law, which makes us healthy, happy and wise three of the most precious possessions in the world." "Go, my Golden Heart, and may God bless and keep you always," said the king. "Take a green-throated humming-bird for your guide, and when you find the land, journey on until you come 16 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO to a place where a cactus grows at the base of a rock and there is a golden eagle soaring in the air above it. Halt there and found a city, and name it in honor of the sun." Then all the wise men begged to go with him, and for days after there were great prepara- tions made for the departure of the king 's son. At daybreak one morning he set sail in a snake-skin boat, and all the inhabitants came with the king to throw flowers and emeralds into the sea because they wished to show respect to the Golden Hearted. It was their method of blessing him and wishing him good luck. The whole shore line, as far as he could see, was lighted up by bonfires where the people burned resin and perfume to commemorate his going. At the water's edge stood the old sea king with his long white hair and beard blowing in the wind. By his side was a cream-white horse with three plumes in the top of its bridle reins and a square, red blanket edged with deep fringe on its back. Crowns and moons and stars of gold and silver were scattered over the blanket to show that the horse belonged to the royal prince. Back of the king was a long line of young warrior priests mounted on white horses, with red blankets, and carrying reversed spears in their hands. They bowed their heads when the poor old father leaned over on the horse's neck and cried as if his heart would break as the boat with his only son in it pushed off from the shore. Snatching a torch from the hand of an attendant, the Golden Hearted THE HAPPY ISLAND 17 waved it on high. Fire with them was a symbol of wisdom, and when the king saw it, he answered the signal by waving a torch, and the warrior priests flashed their spears in the bright sunlight, and the people sent up a deafening shout. This meant that they were willing to sacrifice their future king for the good of a strange race of men who needed a teacher to show them how to cultivate the land and how to build cities and live civilized. The people of the Happy Island would not send a common man for a teacher. No, indeed ; they gave the best they had their dearly loved prince with the golden heart to help their less fortunate neighbors. And he gave up all luxury and comfort because he would rather be useful, than live in ease as a king. The name of the island was Atlantis, and the new country was our own America. LEAVING THE HAPPY ISLAND Zamna, the Eye of the Sun THERE ! Who comes to us in a canoe ! ' ' cried the people in the strange land when the Golden Hearted and the wise men arrived from the Happy Island. Many of the natives ran away and others hid in the bushes because they were afraid they were going to be killed. None of them were ever so badly frightened in their lives, and none had ever seen white men before. ' * Do you come to fight us ? Are you warriors ? ' ' they asked. "I am your friend, not your foe," answered the young prince kindly, and holding a white flag high over his head. "To be a warrior is to have been in many battles, and I never marched a day under the banner of the king, my father. I come wholly in peace." "He is only a lad. Surely we need not fear him," said the people coming back to crowd around him on shore and to examine his boat and clothes with much curiosity. "Why, then, are you here?" they finally asked. ZAMNA, THE EYE OF THE SUN 19 * ' I am sent by my father to teach you the Good Law." "We already know how to shoot an arrow through the heart of an eagle. We have taken many captives in battle, and are a scourge to our ene- mies, ' ' they answered proudly. They were still sus- picious of their visitors. "You crush a worm without mercy, never thinking it has the same right to live as you have, and that in itself it is more wonderful than all these things," said the Golden Hearted, reprovingly. The natives were greatly astonished. Never had they heard any one speak like this, and they could not imagine what sort of young man he was. If he did not like the chase, and was not a warrior, and did not believe in killing things, they could not understand him at all. "What do you mean by the Good Law? What is it anyhow?" "It is to be gentle and kind to all creatures, and to treat your neighbor as if he were your brother. You must be just to the plant, to the bull, to the horse and to the dog. The earth too has a right to be cultivated. Neglect it, and it will curse you; fertilize it, and it will show gratitude in a thousand ways. May your fields bring forth all that is good to eat, and may your countless villages abound with prosperity. ' ' The Golden Hearted was so modest and sin- cere in speech and so well mannered that they were pleased with him, and were beginning to feel quite 20 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO friendly. The wise men also said many nice things to them and did all they could to make the situation pleasant. To show appreciation and to welcome the young prince, the natives gave him a handful of fireflies, because light with them was a symbol of order, peace and virtue. This was a delicate, pretty compliment and so delighted the Golden Hearted that he scattered them all over his head. When they lit in his soft, wavy, yellow hair, their bulging eyes and gauzy wings sparkled like dia- monds and they did not try to fly away because he sang to them : "Firefly, firefly ! bright little thing, Light me to bed and my song I will sing. Give me your light as you fly o'er my head That I may merrily go to my bed. Give me your light o'er the grass as you creep That I may joyfully go to my sleep. Come little firefly, come little beast, Come and I'll make you tomorrow a feast; Come, little candle, that flies as I sing, Bright little fairy bug Night's little king. Come, and I'll dance as you guide me along, Come, and I '11 pay you, my bug, with a song." Each fly has four spots, one back of each eye and under each wing w T hich it can make as bright as candle light when it chooses. Its body is about an inch and a half long. When the prince put the fireflies in his hair, the natives present touched the ground with their 22 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO right hands and placed them over their hearts in token of respect. He, in turn, gave them the white flag he carried because it was an emblem of peace, friendship, happiness and prosperity, as well as purity and holiness, and he intended to bring them all of these things. "What is your wish!" asked the natives of each of the wise men. "We desire to bathe in the warm surf of these shores and then to make a thank offering for our safe arrival and your kindly greeting," they answered. Criers with shrill trumpets and drums ran up and down the beach to call in the fishing boats. "The men wearing skirts are coming into the sea," they shouted, and the Golden Hearted and his followers looked at each other with a smile when they heard what the criers said. The natives wore only breech clouts and feather and shell ornaments, much like the Indians of today. Never before had they seen men wearing long white robes, beards and high-crowned hats without rims, and having a square black cloth hanging over the shoulders in the back like a veil. "Is there something else needed to make you more content and comfortable ? ' ' asked the criers when the fishermen had all come ashore. "We need wood and stones to build an altar for our sacrifice," replied the Golden Hearted. While the newcomers were splashing in the surf, the porters brought arms full of wood, and ZAMA T A, THE EYE OF THE SUX 23 stones large and small and piled them near the boat and waited to see what the visitors would do with them. "Why do you wear skirts like women?" they next inquired, as the bathers were putting on their robes after a long swim. "Because we work for humanity," said the young prince. "No man is really great who has not developed a woman's tenderness in his heart, and that our fellows may know that we have this qual- ity, we wear skirts and robes." This is why in our day the king and priest and judge wear long gowns. The king rules men, women and children alike; the judge administers the law for all of them, and the minister prays for the good as well as the bad. For this reason we should respect their robes when we see them. The natives did not know the name of the young prince but when they saw him take a piece of mica and hold it over a bit of cotton until the sun set it on fire, they exclaimed * ' Zamna ! ' ' meaning * ' Eye of the Sun, ' ' and this was what they called him while he lived in that country. The wise men had placed some copal on top of the altar they had made of wood and stone and it was not long before the cotton and copal began to burn. As it did so, the Golden Hearted pointed with his finger to a ray of the midday sun. First he and his followers held their arms high overhead, then they sat in a squat- ting position and recited all the incidents of their journey. Finally they all prostrated themselves 24 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO on the ground and returned thanks for their safety and good health. Rising to their feet, the wise men began to chant with bared heads and faces > turned toward the east. The natives thought this a very strange per- formance and debated among themselves whether it could be part of the Good Law they were soon to learn. "Do you come to destroy our old faiths, and to bring us a new god!" they asked as the wood on the altar burned low and the chanting ceased. "To attack any form of worship is like fight- ing darkness with a stick. The only way to over- come the blackness of night dwelling in men's hearts is to kindle a light and the light of the world is love," responded the Golden Hearted as he slipped his arm through that of the native who had asked him the question. "I did not come to quarrel with you. I want you to think of me as a brother ready and willing to serve you always. In my father's kingdom, the man who serves faithfully in any capacity is the one most honored. Take this cross to the chief of your village and say to him that He who is the Dew of Heaven, Lord of the Dawn, and of the Four Winds, sends his only son with a message of peace and good will to all his people. Show him the red hand painted in the center and tell him that it is not meant to convey strength, power and mastery, but that it is raised thus as an act of supplication." As the swiftest courier in the group was gird- ing a red sash tightly around his waist making ZAMNA, THE EYE OF THE SUN 25 ready for a quick run, the fishermen came up from their huts and invited the travelers to come and share their humble noonday meal. The Golden Hearted was glad to accept the extended hospital- ity, not because he had no provisions of his own, but because he valued their good opinion and was ready to do whatever he thought would please them. They were a gentle, kindly folk, these simple fishermen. Not only were they industrious, but they were polite and reverential to their superiors and as happy as a lot of children when they found the strange prince under their roof. In all the after years they would have been willing to die for him. The wise men of his company were so strict in their habits that they refused to eat the flesh of any animal, and their simple meal was soon finished. But while every one else was at the table they per- formed a sacred dance in a pompous and solemn style, circling around the Golden Hearted who sat by himself. They had green palms in their hands and every once in a while they would bow to the prince. In a peculiar sing-song way they chanted a long poem telling about the history of the Happy Island. Imagine how funny they must have looked whirling round and round with their long robes, black veils and wide sleeves filled with the wind. They kept on their high hats and with their long beards and hair flying in every direction, it was no 26 THE STORIES OE EL DOEADO wonder that the fishermen and other people laughed and thought it was some kind of game. The dancers were not at all offended, and when the natives asked if they know how to play ball, they answered good naturedly: "No, but we would like very much to learn. M "Come out here into the alley and we will teach you. By and by you may give us lessons in many things, but we are go : ng to give you the first one." Then they all laughed, a^d so did the young prince and the wise old men. The alley where they played ball was one hun- dred feet long and had smooth, white-washed walls about twelve feet high in the center, but lower at each end where there was a ^ectangular nook for the players to rest. The walls were quite thick at the base but tapered toward the top which was finished with battlements and turrets. Before the game began, the oldest player among them threw the small, solid, India-rubber ball four times around the alley muttering some words to himself all the time. The owner of the ground made the old man a trifling present, and then the game began in good earnest. The rule was to hit the ball only with the knee, elbow or shoulder, not with the hands nor feet. The wise men with their long gowns and veils had a hard time keeping up with th< native players, who wore very little clothing and were quick and sure footed. Two on each side played at a time, and ZAMNA, THE EYE OF THE SUN 27 the great point was to send the ball against the opposite wall or else over it is often as possible without allowing it to touch the ground. There were two referees; one being the Golden Hearted and the other, the oldest player. Everybody shouted and laughed at the clumsy playing of the wise men who tried ever so hard to imitate the things they saw tho others doing. It was a great effort for them and they panted and blowed as they ran. Very often the^ tumbled heels over head by stepping on their skirts in front. Then they would all go down together in a heap, one on top of the other, and the refero^s would have much to do before they could get them all straightened out again. It was jolly good fun, but required con- siderable time and patience even for an expert player to send the ball over the wall with either his elbow, knee or shoulder. In the center of the wal 1 on each side was a huge stone carved with images, having a hole in the center barely big enough for the ball to go through. Whoever was skilful enough to make a drive through one of them, not only won the game for his side, but was entitled to the cloaks of all those present. Of course, this was a very difficult feat to accomplish and made quite a hero of the man who succeeded, so every player tried for the honor. This day the young native who first hailed the Golden Hearted when he landed, by a lucky toss of the elbow sent the ball flying through the hole on 28 THE STORIES OF EL DOKADO the wise men's side. In a moment the spectators scrambled down from their seats and ran away as fast as they could go. The wise men stood looking after them in wide-eyed astonishment, and before they had time to get out of the alley the victor stripped them of their veils and then their tall hats looked like a piece of stove pipe with a cover over one end of it. The Golden Hearted insisted that each man should give back whatever he had won in a bet on the game, and for each loss of this kind he gave both winner and loser a present, and promised to teach their sons and daughters how to weave cloth having figures in it. In such a way he taught them how to count, and to this day they have no other method of reproducing a pattern perfectly. Each stitch must be counted and only a certain number of each color put in, and all this must be carried in the head. The weavers are not allowed to write it down. At nightfall the runners came in breathless with haste to say that the chief of the village was sending a councilor and official guide to welcome and escort the strange white men to his dwelling. But the Golden Hearted was not in a hurry to leave the fishermen and common people with whom he had spent the day, except for a short visit. When he returned he taught them how to make sun-dried bricks with which to build houses, also to shape the round water jars of brown pottery and how to ornament them and the gourds they drank from. ZAMNA, THE EYE OF THE SUN 29 The wise men assisted him in all this, and in time, the natives not only built comfortable houses for themselves but learned how to fashion many pretty designs of cornices and wall decorations out of stucco which they tinted many colors. The first thing he did when he went to the vil- lage was to make the chief king, and then he ordered some of the wise men who were architects and engineers to lay out a splendid city and help the natives to build it. Before he came there were nothing but trails from one part of the country to the other and the simple tradesmen did not know how to exchange their wares. The Golden Hearted became the patron of the builders and traders and lived many years with the people of Aztlan. While in that country, he occupied himself with the building of a sacred temple dedicated to those who served the Good Law. It had four beautiful halls facing the four cardinal points of the com- pass. That on the east was the Hall of Gold and its walls were almost covered with plates of the precious rretal having delicately-chased pictures over its shining surface. To the west w T as the Hall of Emeralds arid Turquoises where many gems were studded into the plaster. Tho south hall was finished in silver while the northern hall was made of jasper stuck with colored shells in curious pat- terns. In each room there was a tapestry of yellow, blue, white and red feather mosaic that was as fine as a painting and in some cases perfectly repre- sented men and animals. In front of the main 30 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO entrance for many years stood a winged lion cut out of granite holding an image of the Golden Hearted in his mouth. The name of the city was Mayapan and the king who had been merely a village chief was the celebrated Cocomes of the olden times. THE BALL PLAYER Votan, the People's Heart NE evening the Golden Hearted saw a ball of fire rise in the East just about where the Happy Island was located, and it followed the course of the sun. Then he knew it was time for him to take some of the wise men and go into a new place, so he lay awake long into the night and thought how best to begin to get ready. He knew the people loved him very much, but he remembered his oath to his father, the king, and though he was sad at heart, he determined to leave the next day but one. He had not yet spoken to anybody about his intention, but it must have been right else it would not have happened that a whole lot more wise men came to the city that very day. ' * Now, ' ' he said to himself, ' ' I can leave these wise men to help the poor natives, and I will take seven of their families with me." Seeing that it was daybreak and the sun about to rise, the Golden Hearted sprang out of bed and hastily washing his face and hands, threw the win- dow wide open and lifting his arms high overhead said: "Hail! Beauty of the Day! Homage to thee who riseth above the horizon. I come near to thee. 32 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO Thou openest the gates of another day. Great Illuminator out of the golden, place thyself as a protector behind me. Guide and keep me safe on the journey that 1 am about to undertake. Then he dressed himself as quickly as possible and went out to find the wise men and tell them what he was going to do. They were willing to go with him, but King Cocomes was greatly disap- pointed, though he felt more contented when the Golden Hearted promised to come back again. "Quiet thy heart, great king, and trust in my love," was what the young prince said to him. The travelers had to pass through the country of the Quinames who were a very wild people. They went about naked with long matted hair hanging over their shoulders, and they ate raw meat, fruits and herbs. They knew nothing about cooking, but could make pulque, a kind of beer, out of maguey plant, a cousin of the cactus family. On this they often got very drunk. Then they were fierce and quarrelsome. At all times these people were proud of their strength and cunning in battle and in hunting the ferocious beasts roaming over the hills and plains. The Quinames were really a dreadful set of men, but the Golden Hearted was not afraid of them. He heard all kinds of stories about their cruelty and savage ways of living, but he went quietly among them and parceled out the land and showed them how to cultivate it. The Quinames lived entirely by hunting and fishing and had no houses. When one place did not suit them any VOTAN, THE PEOPLE'S HEART 33 longer, they moved to another, and would never have learned how to live civilized except for the coming of the prince and the wise men. And what a terrible journey it was! It was in a tropic country where there was so much warm rain that everything grew rank and luxuriant. For whole days the Golden Hearted marched in the shadow of ferns as big as trees and the ground was covered with briers and nettles. Sometimes he had to go around muddy swamps or right through bushes filled with snakes. Then, too, he had to swim across wide rivers and climb steep, rocky mountains. In the tangled leaves and vines hundreds of parrots screamed and screeched at them, while on all sides the monkeys threw sticks from the branches of the trees. Gnats and other poisonous insects stung his hands and face. He traveled like this many days. Whenever he went into camp, the Golden Hearted would invite the Quinames to dine with him in order that he might teach them how to eat cooked food out of dishes. They could not understand the use of cups and basins, because they drank out of cocoa- nut shells and had never seen a napkin or table- cloth. They had always been in the habit of taking the food in their fingers and pulling it apart, and were not very nice about keeping their hands clean either. Of course, all this was very disagreeable to the Golden Hearted, but he was as patient and kind as possible and those fierce Quinames would not have 34 THE STOEIES OF EL DOKADO harmed a hair in his head. When they asked him where he was going he always answered, ' ' To seek my brothers, the Culebra, of whom thou shalt know more by and by. ' ' "And from where contest thou!" "From the mountain of Little Descent, and where I tarry, there will I build Nachan, the city of Serpents." The ignorant barbarians did not know that the word serpent meant wisdom in the language of the Happy Island, but the wise men were much pleased because they knew that this city was to be a great seat of learning and that they would have charge of the temples and schools when it was completed. "Who art thou and thy followers!" was often asked of them on the way. ' t We are Chanes and the sons of Chanes, ' ' but this did not mean anything to the savages either, because they did not know that "Chane" was the name of the wise men in their own country. One day a culprit was brought before the Golden Hearted accused of stealing a curious look- ing stick with yellow grains fastened all around it. The Quinames said it was good food and they pulled off its green wrappings and held it before the fire until it was browned and then ate it. The Golden Hearted and the wise men had never seen this plant before and were very much interested in their discovery. But they did not think it well to say so. 36 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO "Dost thou say this man is a thief !" asked the Golden Hearted. 1 i Yes, yes ; we knew where the bush grew, but we were waiting until it should be more yellow before giving it to thee, ' ' said the captors. i i I will prove thee, ' ' said the Golden Hearted to the accused. He took a piece of finely-polished black stone from his breast pocket and held it up before the prisoner saying, "Look into its shining face and beholding thine own image, swear by the Heart of Heaven to speak the truth. ' ' The poor savage nearly died of fright when he saw himself because he thought it was an omen of instant death. He quaked and trembled and his eyes were as big and round as walnuts. < < From whence came this goodly seed ? ' ' asked the Golden Hearted kindly. "From the edge of the wood where a silver band of water rots an old tree," answered the man, still pallid with fear. * ' Take thy share, and leave me what thy accus- ers intended for me. ' ' The prisoner stared at him stupidly for a moment then his better nature spoke and he took only one grain, and would have fled into the jungle if the Golden Hearted had not caught him by the mantle. "Look again into the mirror of truth." This time the savage was not so afraid and he gazed curiously at the stone for some time. Its sur- face was perfectly blank. VOTAN, THE PEOPLE'S HEAKT 37 "Tell me what thou seest?" " Nothing hut its own dark face speaks to the eye of thy servant," responded the accused. ''Then know, my brothers," said the Golden Hearted turning to the astonished Quinames, ' ' this man is innocent and must go free." ' ' Thou art welcome to my life, ' ' exclaimed the accused joyfully ; ' ' thou hast saved it and it is thine to command." "Use it to perfect the growth of this strange seed so that thy fellows and all grain-eating crea- tures may profit hy thy labors. ' ' The grain found in this manner is known to the people of that country to-day as maize. We call it Indian corn. When the wise men heard about it, they beg- ged the Golden Hearted to let them build a white house where any one accused of crime would be safe until the judges could decide whether they were guilty or not. The prince thought it was a very good plan and said : i 1 1 will put the black stone in it and will make a law that no man shall be called guilty if the sur- face of the stone does not change when he is made to look into it. And to commemorate our safe passage through this wild country, I will order several white houses built, and each one shall be called Refuges Against Fear." In those days no one seemed to think it was wrong to kill a person who was said to be a thief or had done anything his neighbors did not 38 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO like, so it was very necessary for the Golden Hearted to teach them to be just to each other. He told the Quinames that they must be sure about a thing before they acted harshly, and he cautioned them to be careful about believing or repeat- ing unkind remarks they heard. It was quite a long time before the Quinames would even try to do this, but finally they helped to build the houses and were honorable enough not to harm any one once inside the walls. Many a useful life was saved in this manner, but sometimes a poor refugee was overtaken and beaten to death with clubs before reaching the house. Because the Golden Hearted succeeded in per- suading the warlike Quinames to live peaceably with their neighbors and to treat each other well, he was called in that and many other countries, Votan, The People's Heart, to distinguish him from the Heart of Heaven which was their name for God. His was truly a great work because it was done without a selfish motive and for no reward except the good of his fellow men. Lord of the Sacred Tunkel one living can tell how many (years ago it was that the Golden Hearted built Nachan, the city of wise men, nor how many years it took to do the work, but it has always been said to be a very beautiful place. Anyhow, it was after he left the Quinames, and it was in a country very much more civilized. The Golden Hearted had many happy days there. Even if he was a grown man and a great prince, he was very fond of children and one day he visited the Temple of the Sun where the pupils from school were having a holiday. They all had on their best clothes, and their faces and hands were clean, but they were shouting, and singing and playing games, very much like the boys and girls we know. They felt sure that the Golden Hearted was their good friend and when they saw him coming they ran out into the courtyard and crowded around him as thick as flies. 40 THE STOKIES OF EL DOKADO ' ' A story ! a story ! ' ' they said ; ' * Please, good Prince, tell us a story. " "What shall it be about?" asked the Golden Hearted with a pleasant smile. ' ' Something very perfect and beautiful, ' ' they said. ' ' Let me think what we have in the world that is both perfect and beautiful. Which would you prefer, something man has made, or that God has made?" The children were very much puzzled to know which to choose. They tried hard to think what man had made that was without any faults and could not be imitated or improved, either in appearance or quality, but they were not satisfied with anything. Then they began to think about the trees, the flowers, the precious stones, the sky and the sea, and were getting more and more con- fused all the time when the Golden Hearted laughed and said: "I will tell you what we will do. We will send for the wise men and ask them to choose. ' ' The wise men thought it was great fun, so they hurried as fast as they could and were quite out of breath when they got near enough to speak to the Golden Hearted. "Tell me something you know in the world that is both perfect and beautiful, ' ' he said to the wise man who had charge of the Temple of the Sun, and was first to arrive. "The great, blazing, glorious sun, 77 he replied. LORD OF THE SACKED TUNKEL 41 "None but God could have made it, and we adore it and sacrifice to it because it is the mask behind which God hides His ever-smiling face." Many of the children shaded their eyes with their hands and took a quick look at the sun over- head, and thought that was a good answer. "What do you know in the world that is both perfect and beautiful!" asked the prince of the next comer, who was a man wise in the art of work- ing metals. He had not heard the first answer, but, without stopping a minute to think, said : "Gold; because it is like the substance of the sun and cannot be made by putting any metals together nor by any mixture of chemicals." The Golden Hearted knew that was a cor- rect answer but he wanted the children to be sat- isfied, and he was not sure that all of them under- stood it. "Do you know that way down in the earth gold is created, and yet it is shining and bright and yellow like the light of the sun! This accounts for its beauty, and it is perfect because it is abso- lutely pure in itself." The next man that came along was wise, but he looked like a farmer. "What have you seen in your life that cannot be improved or made prettier ! ' ' "Wheat," was his quick reply, "because it is not a blend of any of the grains or grasses but grows out of the ground perfect. It is beautiful in every phase of its life whether it waves in the wind 42 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO like a sea of emeralds or ripens into great sheaves of gold, or its plump grains tempt you to satisfy hunger. It is the best friend man has,- and it would be very hard for him to live without it. ' ' That was such a sensible answer, that the children all clapped their hands with delight because they knew at once that it was correct. Just then the Golden Hearted looked up and saw one of his best perfumers in the group of wise men. "Will you give us an answer to this ques- tion!" he asked. "I should differ from all the others" began the man. "Never mind, tell us what in your line is the most perfect and beautiful thing you know." "A jasmine blossom," replied the perfumer, "because its delicate odor cannot be imitated no matter what combination of oils or extracts we make. I cannot say that of any other flower in the world." The children could have answered that ques- tion themselves if they had only thought quickly enough. They were quite familiar with the dainty little white flowers and tender vine of the jasmine as well as its sweet smell, because it grew wild in their country. While the perfumer was talking, the Golden Hearted picked up a shining pebble near his feet. "Now, children," he said, "in this small rough stone I find something perfect and beautiful. It is an opal, the only one of the precious gems I LORD OF THE SACRED TUNKEL 43 do not know how to counterfeit. Join hands, as many of you as can, and dance around me while I sing you a song about the birth of the opal. One of the wise men gave him a Sacred Tunkel, a kind of guitar which he brought from the Temple of the Sun, and this was what he sang : The Birth of the Opal A dew drop came with a spark of flame He had caught from the sun's last rays To a violet's breast, where he lay at rest Till the hours brought back the day. The rose looked down with a blush and a frown But she smiled all at once to view Her own bright form with its coloring warm Reflected back by the dew. Then the stranger took a stolen look At the sky so soft and blue, And a leaflet green with its silver sheen Was seen by the idler too. A cold north wind, as he thus reclined, Of a sudden raged around, And a maiden fair, who was walking there Next morning an opal found. Some of the pupils were inclined to think that the singing of the Golden Hearted was the most perfect and beautiful they had ever heard and they all liked to listen to the low plaintive notes of the 44 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO Tunkel. Those that could not take part in the dance gathered around their teachers and asked: "What shall we do to honor the good prince and show him how much we appreciate his efforts to amuse and please us?" "Ask him to allow you to answer your own question/' they said, "and then tell him some- thing about your feathered friends. Have you for- gotten the hermit of the woods with its rainbow plumes three feet long and its gay scarlet breast ? ' ' The name of this bird is the Quetzal, and it lives on the high mountain tops all alone and is only about the size of a pigeon. When the Golden Hearted finished singing and the dancers were all standing still, a bright- faced boy approached and said, ' * We have an answer to our own question, good prince." "Say on, my little man, I am listening to you." i l It is the Quetzal, the rarest bird in the world, and the most perfect and beautiful of all feath- ered creatures. With its brilliant luster plumes I crown you Lord of the Sacred Tunkel, as a reward for your sweet singing. May the children of every land know and love you as we do." The Golden Hearted was much surprised and pleased with his new crown and ever after wore the feathers of the Quetzal in his head dress. So long as he remained in Nachan, he was called the Lord of the Sacred Tunkel because he could play so well upon this queerly-shaped guitar. The Stars' Ball was not so very long after the children had crowned him Lord of the Sacred Tunkel until the Golden Hearted planned to have them all with him again. He made up his mind to spend his lifetime teaching because he thought that was the most useful thing he could do, but he was determined to make the lessons for the children as pleasant as possible. He and the wise men taught the older people how to divide the days into weeks, months and years, and how to make a calendar, and all about the sun and the moon and the stars, but this was too hard for the children. So he decided to take them up on the roof of the Temple of the Sun in the moonlight and tell them some simple pretty story about the sky at night. In that country, the houses were built with flat roofs covered with red tiles, and there was either a ladder or a winding staircase from the ground, so it was not much trouble to get up on the roof. In fact, many of the dwellings had beautiful potted plants up there, and it was really a pleasant place to go of a warm summer even- ing. This night there was not a breath of air, and the children did not need anything on their heads 46 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO nor any wraps. Only around the lower edges of the sky were there clouds and these were soft and white like big piles of cotton. The whole heavens looked like a bright blue veil thickly sprinkled with diamonds. It was very still and quiet and there were so many flowers in bloom that the very atmosphere was fragrant with them. In the mill pond close by the frogs croaked, and around the eaves of the houses the crickets and katydids were singing an evening hymn. It was just a lovely night to go out and nearly every one was in the street. The doors and win- dows were wide open, and the people went about bareheaded and laughed and chatted to their heart's content. "The goodness of this perfect night be upon my little friends," said the prince, when he came up on the roof of the Temple and found a lot of children he knew. "I have invited you to witness the stars ' ball to-night, but before we begin, I must introduce you to the most prominent ones." Then he pointed out the milky way with its millions of stars that looked like little pin heads in a band of light because they were so far away. Below the handle of the big dipper, and off to one side was the north star. Jupiter with his broad dark bands and tiny moons was there, and so was Saturn with his three rings. Over in another place was Mars twinkling and batting his eyes as if he wanted to fight something. The Dog Star was still lower down and quite by himself. THE STARS' BALL 47 "I will first make you acquainted with the big-faced, silver moon,' 7 said the prince. "She is sailing along as if she were in a great hurry, but there will be time enough for you to see the man up there if you look sharp about it." The children knew there was not a surely man in the moon so they all laughed and clapped their hands and then threw kisses at the beautiful queen of the night. "I cannot show you Mercury, the messenger of the sun, because he is such a sleepy head he has already gone to bed. He never stays up long after the sun goes down, but he is an industrious little fellow and often gets up first in the morning. " The children thought that was a very funny way to speak of a star, but they saw the prince was in a good humor and they enjoyed listening to what he said. "Venus is our evening star," he continued, pointing to the brightest object in the western sky, "and she is winking and smiling at us. Look closely now, and see if you can find her. ' ' When all the children had seen her, the Golden Hearted turned to another part of the heavens and said, "Here is old Father Time, who frowns and scowls, and finally grinds the life out of our bodies." He was speaking about Saturn because it rolls and tumbles one way while its three rings whirl around the other way, and all the people in olden times believed that the stars could give good or bad luck and could make our lives long or short. AN OLD-FASHIONED ALMANAC THE STARS' BALL 49 There were a number of this kind of fortune tellers among the wise men, so of course the prince knew what they thought about the stars. The children understood it too, and when he pointed out Saturn, they said to each other in a whisper, "It is the death star; let us hope it will not shine upon us nor upon those we love. ' ' ' * If we have need to fear the Master of Time, we have every reason to love the broad-belted planet with its sturdy little companions. It has been rightly named 'The Beneficent,' ' said the prince indicating the position of Jupiter among the stars. "Its children pop in and out behind it as if they were playing hide and seek. 1 ' For ages people thought that Jupiter gave them good luck and made them wise, tender and kind. This is why the children said, "The big, white, shining star has a heart like our prince." Mars is the nearest planet to us, and he sput- ters and fumes as if he really had as bad a temper as these people credited him with. All the wars and troubles they had came from him, they said, and the children did not care to look at him very long. He gives out a beautiful red light, while Jupiter is bluish white, and the Dog Star has all colors like the rainbow. "Now," said the prince, "I will show you the most important group in the sky. It is the Pleiades, directly over our heads at this time. There are seven of these sisters, and the pale, dim one is the center of the whole system of stars because all the rest of them circle around her." 50 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO Then he explained to them how each star and planet, as well as the earth, turns over and over of its own accord, besides going around the sun in a very wide circle. All the stars are wonderful tumblers and they spin around just like tops, and this whirling motion was what made the prince say that they were having a ball. When they twinkled and sparkled, he said they were dancing. As soon as he sat down, one of the children got the Sacred Tunkel, and then some took hold of his hands, others held on to his mantle and still others put their arms around his neck and begged him to sing for them. He did not wish to refuse them, but he did not know any song suitable for the occasion so he made this up as he went along : Oh! the stars one and all They had a great ball One night way up in the sky ; They invited the earth To join in their mirth But it feared to go up so high. No fiddler had they Their music to play, And the stars were afraid 'twould fail ; But the man in the moon He whistled a tune And the comet kept time with his tail. THE STABS' BALL They danced and they danced, And they pranced and they pranced, Till the moon said 'twas all he desired, For his lips were so sore He could whistle no more, And the comet began to get tired. So they faded away In the dim light of day The moon and the stars from the ball. But, sad to relate, Next night they were late, And came near not shining at all. 51 The National Book EC A USE it is possible for persons to do both good and evil in their lives, and to think good and bad thoughts, the wise men and the Golden Hearted studied how to keep these ideas before the people all the time. In those days, the natives of that country had no books and no way of writing and it was necessary to select some familiar object to represent the meaning of many things. Whatever is used for such a purpose, is called a symbol. The hippopotamus, the crocodile and the tapir are to this day said to be symbols of humanity because they have two natures. They can live in the water or on the land, and search for food either in the day or night time. Of the three animals, the wise men selected the tapir because it is a shy, inof- fensive creature, not much larger than a sheep and lives on green grasses and herbs. During the day it sleeps quietly in the water or on the bank of a stream and at night comes on land to get food. When its coat is dry, it is of a dark brown color, THE NATIONAL BOOK 53 but when wet, it is black and shining. A tapir looks very much like a fat donkey except that its ears are not so long and its nose not quite so stumpy. At Nachan the wise men raised great herds of them as an example and illustration of our good and bad self. The Golden Hearted realized that he must do more than found a large city and teach the chil- dren, so he had a Dark House built away under ground where he could store treasures and all the records of his journey. This was a secret passage- way, and in its halls and labyrinths he had quanti- ties of statuary and pottery put for safe keeping. While this was being done, he wrote a book called in his language "The Popol Vuh" but we would say it is a national book because it tells all about the beginning of the world and is divided into four parts. It is a most singular story, and has been translated so we can read it for ourselves. It is said to be the oldest book in America, and the Golden Hearted kept an order of wise men in the Dark House underground to guard it from one generation to another. The Popul Vuh This is the beginning of the history of things which came to pass long ago ; of the division of the earth, the property of all; its origin and its foun- dation, as well as the narrative of our life in the land of shadows, and of how we saw the light. It 54 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO is the first book written in the olden times, but its view is hidden from him who sees and thinks. Behold the first word and the first discourse. There was as yet no man, nor any animal, nor bird, nor fish, nor crawfish, nor any pit, nor any ravine, nor green herb, nor any tree. Nothing was but the firmament. The face of the earth had not yet appeared only the peaceful sea and all the space of heaven. There was nothing yet joined together, nothing that clung to anything else; nothing that balanced itself, that made the least rustling, that made a sound in the heaven. There was nothing that stood up; nothing but silence and darkness and night time. Alone were those that engender, those that give being ; they were upon the waters like a grow- ing light. They consulted together and meditated ; they mingled their words and their opinions. ' ' Earth ! ' ' they said, and on the instant it was formed ; like a cloud of fog was its beginning. Then the mountains rose over the water like great lobsters. In an instant the mountains and plains were visible and the cypress and the pine trees appeared. The Heart of Heaven cried out and said: "Blessed be thy coming. Our work and our labor has accomplished its end." The earth and its vegetation having appeared, it was peopled with the various forms of animal life. And the makers said to the animals, "Speak BEHOLD THE FIRST WORD See opposite page 56 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO now our name. Honor Him who begets and Him who gives being. Speak, call on us, salute us." But the animals could not answer. They could only cluck and croak, each murmuring after its kind in a different manner. This displeased the creators, and they said to the animals: "Inasmuch as ye cannot praise us, neither call upon our names, your flesh shall be humiliated. It shall be broken with teeth. Ye shall be killed and eaten. ' ' The first man was made of clay, but he was watery, had no strength and could not turn his head. His face looked one way all the time. He was given a language, but he had no intelligence, so he was consumed in water. "Let us make an intelligent being who shall adore and invoke us," said the Thunderbolt and the Lightning Flash. It was decided that a man should be made of wood and a woman of a kind of pith. They were made but the result was in no wise satisfactory. They moved about perfectly well it is true; they increased and multiplied and peopled the world with little wooden manikins like themselves, but the heart and intelligence were wanting. They had no memory of their Maker; they lived like the beasts and forgot' the Heart of Heaven. They had neither blood nor substance, nor moisture nor fat. Their cheeks were shriveled; their feet and hands dried up. THE NATIONAL BOOK 57 Then was the Heart of Heaven very wroth, and he sent ruin and destruction upon these ingrates. He rained upon them night and day with a thick resin and the earth was all dark. The men went mad with terror. They tried to mount up on the roofs, but the houses fell with them. They tried to climb the trees, but the trees shook them from their branches. They tried to hide in the caves and dens of the earth, but these closed against them. Then their heads were cut off, and their bones broken and bruised, and their eyes picked out by the birds, and their flesh eaten by wild beasts. Thus were they all devoted to chastisement and destruction save only a few who were pre- served as memorials of the wooden men. These now exist in the forests as little apes. In the night the gods counseled together again. "Of what shall we make man!" they said. Then the Creator made four perfect men out of white and yellow corn. The name of the first one was The Tiger With the Sweet Smile, the sec- ond one was called The Tiger of the Night, the third one was The Distinguished Name, and the fourth was The Tiger of the Moon. They had neither father nor mother, but their coming into existence was a miracle wrought by the special intervention of Him who is pre-eminently the Creator. At last were there found men worthy of their origin and their destiny. Verily the gods looked 58 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO on beings who could see with their eyes and handle with their hands and understand with their hearts. Grand of countenance and broad of limb, the four sires of our race stood up under the white rays of the morning star. Their great, clear eyes swept rapidly over all. They saw the woods, the rocks, the lakes and the sea ; the mountains and the valleys, and they gazed up into heaven not knowing what they had come so far to do. Their hearts were filled with love, obe- dience and fear. Lifting up their eyes, they returned thanks saying: "Hail! Creator, Thou that lovest and understandest us ! We offer up our thanks. We have been created abandon us not, forsake us not! Give us descendants and a posterity as long as the light endures. Give us to walk always in an open wood in a path without snares; to lead quiet lives free of all reproach.' 7 But the Gods were not wholly pleased with this thing. Heaven, they thought, had overshot its mark. These men were too perfect; knew, under- stood and saw too much. "What shall we do with man now?" they said. "This that we see is not good. Let us contract man's sight so he may see only a little of the sur- face of the earth and be content." Thereupon, the Heart of Heaven breathed a cloud over the pupils of the eyes of the men, and a veil came over each eye as when one breathes on the face of a mirror. Thus was the globe of the THE NATIONAL BOOK 59 eye darkened, nor was that which was far off clear to it any more. Then they fell asleep and when they woke up, the gods had brought each one of them a wife. They lived tranquilly together for a long time waiting for the rising of the sun, because they had nothing but the morning star for a light. But no sun came, and the four men and their families grew uneasy. "We have no one to watch over us, no one to guard our symbols, " they said. So they all set out for the Seven Caves. Poor wanderers. They had a cruel way to go, many forests to penetrate, many high mountains to climb, and a long passage to make through the sea. Much hail and cold rain fell on their heads, and when their fires all went out they suffered from hunger as well as cold. At last they came to a mountain and here they rested. While there they were told that the sun was coming very soon. Then they shook their incense pans and danced for very gladness. As the sun commenced to advance, the animals, great and small, were filled with delight. They raised them- selves to the surface of the waters, they fluttered in the ravines, and gathering at the edge of the mountains, turned their heads together toward that part from which the sun came. The lion and the tiger roared, and the first bird that sang was the Quetzal. All the animals were beside themselves at the sight. The eagle and 60 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO the kite beat their wings, and the men prostrated themselves on the ground. The sun and the moon and the stars were all established. Yet was not the sun the same as now. His heat wanted force, and he was but as a reflec- tion in a mirror. Nevertheless he dried up and warmed the surface of the earth and answered many good ends. There was another wonder when the sun rose. The tribal gods who had punished these poor peo- ple so were turned into stone. And so were all the mammoth lions, tigers, vipers, and other fierce and dangerous animals. Manco-Capac, the Powerful One T is time for us to go away from this place," said the wise men to the Golden Hearted one day when they were finishing the Dark House, where they were going to leave the National Book. ' i Why do you think so ? " asked the prince, laying down an axe made of copper and tin which he was sharpening for one of the workmen. " Because we have yet to find the spot where the gold wedge your father, the king, gave you will sink into the earth of its own accord." ' ' That is to be in the Place of Gold, and among the Children of the Sun." "Yes; and we are not far from the country known as the "Four Quarters of the World" where they live. We must go to them at once, and there we will build Cuzco, and make it the navel or center of all their possessions. Under the name of Manco- Capac, the powerful one, you will be the first Inca or ruler, and your banner will be a rainbow, to show that you serve the Children of the Sun." The Golden Hearted did not wish to become a ruler but he did not see how he could refuse obe- dience to the faithful old wise men, so he said: ' i I will go with you and do as you say, but tell 62 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO me how you intend to build this wonderful city of Cuzco?" "You must not feel that we compel you to go, " said the wise men, looking ready to cry, because they thought the young prince was not pleased with them. "It was your father's com- mand, and our promise to him. ' ' "I know that," said the prince impatiently, * * but how are you going to make Cuzco the center of everything ? ' ' ' ' By building the streets on the four points of the compass, and by connecting it with royal road- ways to the four corners of the kingdom. We shall have no trouble doing so, for our reports say that the natives are mild and gentle, and that there are stones in that country as broad and long as a room. ' ' When he and the wise men started to make the journey over the mountains, they put all of their belongings on the backs of the llamas a kind of little camel not much larger than a sheep and which is used in that country to-day for pack animals, instead of burros or mules. They put the load on the llama's back without any girt or pack saddle, and its long, bushy wool holds all the things in place. It has a sharp-pointed, horny toe like a hook, which it fastens in the steep rocks, and then it can climb over rough places without much trouble. When a llama gets angry he does not spit like an ordinary camel, but lies down like a stubborn mule. No matter what you do to him, he MANCO-CAPAC, THE POWERFUL ONE 63 will not budge an inch, and then the load has to be taken off, and he must be coaxed and fed before he will go any farther. One day the wise men and the Golden Hearted came to a wide rocky chasm in the side of the moun- tain hundreds of feet deep, having a swift-running river at the bottom. There were so many sharp rocks sticking up and the water dashed over them so fast that it was all in a white foam, and nothing could have swam across it. The native servants and workmen did not know what to do. ' ' How are we to cross this deep canyon ? ' ' they asked. "We will help you make a suspension bridge," said the wise men. "But we have no tools" they began. "You have your two hands and some copper axes and that is sufficient." "We can fell trees and bring stones, but there are not enough to span such a dangerous place," they said, still doubtful about the outcome. "Take your axes and cut all the maguey you can find, ' ' said the wise men. ' ' Bring it here and pile it up ; then we will tell you what next to do. ' ' The wise men and the Golden Hearted made some heavy clubs out of the hard wood they found growing near by. With these in a short time they beat the maguey until its fibers fell apart in coarse strands, which the sun dried. Then they helped the natives braid it into heavy, thick ropes. When they got enough of these made, they wove 64 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO them together into a stout cable chain, long enough to stretch across the river. ' * What shall we do with the ends 1 ' ' asked the natives. ' ' We cannot tie them to a tree. ' ' "Certainly not, but you can gather big and little stones for us," answered the wise men. With these they built immense buttresses on the bank of the river, wide at the bottom and nar- row at the top so they would not tumble down nor slip into the waters. Of course they had to leave holes in the sides to fasten the cables into. It took several strands to make the bridge wide enough, MANGO-CAP AC, THE POWERFUL ONE 65 and even then the natives were afraid they would fall into the water. ' ' We need a railing at each side, ' ' they said. ' * Very well ; make one out of the ropes, ' ' said the wise men. When this was done the natives were still unwilling to try to go across. "We cannot take a single step. Our feet get tangled in the meshes of the cable. ' ' * ' Overcome this by making some rough boards and laying them all the way over. " It was indeed a novel suspension bridge, for when the planks were put onto the cable it sagged in the middle and swayed forth and back in the wind like a swing. Imagine how frightened the natives must have been at first, but in that moun- tainous country they never build any other kind of bridges and they use them now all of the time. "In this open stretch of valley and plain we will plant sweet-smelling trees and shrubs by the roadside so that travelers may be refreshed by the shade and enjoy the perfume, and we will also teach the Children of the Sun to build tambos or post houses," said the Golden Hearted, when once they were over the mountains. This they did at every point where they stopped to rest, and at each one they left a band of chasquis, or runners in charge. The word chasqui means "one who makes an exchange," and these men and boys not only carried the news like our postmen and mes- sengers, but they traded news with each other and with every one else they met. Before allowing any of the runners to go out the Golden Hearted 66 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO said: "I will make you keepers of the Quippos, or knotted cords. The red ones mean war, or other bad news, while the white ones are for peace and prosperity. In the springtime if the crops are good, you must carry bands of green cords. If you wish to spread the reports of gold and silver use that kind of quippo, so that the people seeing you far off may know the import of your message. Count them always by tens and twenties, and use dili- gence and care to be accurate and quick in your calculations. " This was a queer kind of arithmetic but it was astonishing how soon the boys learned it. In after years there were bands of strolling singers and poets who went about the country, and they used the quippos to recall the things they wanted to remember, such as the brave deeds of their ancestors and the names of their heroes. So long as the inhabitants of this country were called Chil- dren of the Sun, they had no other books and they trained young men to be experts in reading them. The language of the Quippos is said to be very correct and elegant. The first thing the Golden Hearted did when he arrived at the end of his journey was to divide the land into three parts one for the sun, one for the king and one for the people. Then he appointed beautiful young girls to be Virgins of the Sun and placed them in charge of elderly women, who taught them how to spin and weave the fine hair of the vicuna into hangings for the Place MANGO-CAP AC, THE POWERFUL ONE 67 of Gold which the wise men had already commenced to build. The girls knew how to embroider beau- tifully, and it was a part of their duty to keep the sacred fires always burning on the altar. The Golden Hearted lighted the fire himself, and it was kept burning night and day for hundreds of years. In the Houses of the Virgins no man, not even the king, could go, and if any one ever did, the people not only killed him but tore down his house. When they did anything of this kind they called it "sowing the ground with stones," and ever afterward his family and friends wore mourning on account of the terrible disgrace. The Place of Gold was a temple in the center of Cuzco so named because the gold wedge sunk immediately into the ground when it was tried, and the wise men said it was appropriate because "gold was the tears wept by the sun." It is said that no building in the world was ever more beautiful than this wonderful temple. The wise men and the Golden Hearted did the best work they knew how, and there was plenty of gold and precious stones in the mountains, so they could use as much as they liked. In front of the eastern entrance was a huge sunburst made like a human face, with rays of light starting out in every direction. Each ray was thickly set with emeralds, and when the sun rose in the morning, the reflection of the shining gold and the sparkle of the emeralds lighted up the whole temple. Besides this they had burnished plates and cornices -and vases and animals and 68 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO flowers of gold all around the walls, and the water urns and incense pans were also of the bright yel- low metal. " We will celebrate a great festival of Eami; the renewal time, when the sun is coaxing the earth back to fertility; when the buds and leaves are putting forth, and the birds are beginning to nest, ' ' said the Golden Hearted, as soon as the temple was completed. ' ' Show the Children of the Sun that we honor the soil by turning the first sod yourself, ' ' said the wise men, when told about the coming celebration. "I will," said the prince, who was now called Manco-Capac, and was the ruler of the kingdom, "and the Virgins of the Sun shall drop the seeds. Let every one come in holiday clothes and with songs and dancing and feasting we will commem- orate the day." The next morning all the people came together to watch the sun rise. The Virgins were dressed in white with wreaths of flowers on their heads and every one wore ornaments and jewels and was as blithe and gay as if he were going to a picnic. Just as the sun peeped up over the edge of the horizon and smiled "good morning" to them, the Golden Hearted poured a libation on the ground from a golden goblet, and the people all shouted * ' Haille ! Haille ! ' ' meaning triumph. The prince, the wise men and everybody faced the risen sun with bared heads and bowed three times. Then the prince said: THE PEOPLE SHOUTED HAILLE HAILLE See opposite page 70 THE STORIES OP EL DORADO * ' Many think that the Sun is the Maker of all things. But he who makes should abide by what he has done. Now many things happen when the sun is absent ; therefore he cannot be the universal creator. And that he is alive at all is doubtful for his trips do not tire him. Were he a living thing he would grow weary like ourselves. Were he free he would visit other parts of the heavens. He is a tethered beast who makes a daily round under the eye of the Master. He is like an arrow which must go whither it is sent; not whither it wishes. I tell you that he, our father and master, the Sun, must have a lord more powerful than himself who con- strains him to his daily circuit without pause or rest." The Golden Hearted spoke like this because he did not wish the Children of the Sun to believe it was really their father or God either. All the assemblage took off their sandals and went into the Place of Gold and prayed ; then came out to the court yard and offered up sacrifice of perfumes, fruits and flowers. When this was done they hurried to the fields and after the Golden Hearted turned the first sod every one else began to Wprk. They had no plows, and those who did not break the ground with a dull saber, dropped seeds all day long. As the sun went down they laid aside their toil, and marched home shouting and sing- ing, because now they were going to have a feast, with bonfires and dancing as late into the night as they wished. Bochica and the Zipa the Cinnamon country not far from Cuzco lived the Muscas, a rich and powerful nation who were less civilized than the Chil- dren of the Sun and were so quarrel- some that they constantly disputed among themselves. Finally the Zipa, or king, died and then there was great danger of war breaking out between the different factions as to who should be the new ruler. At last the oldest son of the dead Zipa came to Cuzco to ask the Golden Hearted to decide who should inherit the kingdom. 1 i This is a matter of grave moment, ' ' said he, 4 'and I must warn you that my time of ruling the Children of the Sun is near an end. Soon must I go to build the temple of Guatavita, the Good Life, and then must I leave this part of the world for another clime where much work awaits me. ' ' 72 THE STORIES OE EL DOKADO "Come to us and build the temple of Good Life, and I promise you that both I and my brave Muscas shall be the guardians of your teachings. You shall be a demi-god among us. ' ' "I have no wish to be anything more than an elder brother to you and your people, ' ' replied the Golden Hearted. "I am come from my home to serve humanity and must go with you if you need me not because you wish to honor me." The son of the Zipa then offered him many presents of gold, rich cloth, and precious stones, but the Golden Hearted refused to accept any of them. Finally the young man said: "I am greatly disappointed, good prince, and have only this piece of bark and a strange kind of fruit to offer you. The bark is royal in my country because it cures the hated fever and is worthy your best confidence. As to the fruit, taste it for your- self." To his surprise the Golden Hearted and the wise men were much pleased with the bark which we know to-day as Peruvian and from which quinine is made , and the pineapple tastes as sweet to us as it did to the Golden Hearted. The son of the Zipa and his nobles conducted the wise men and the Golden Hearted over one elevated table-land after another until they came to one of the highest lakes in the world, where people can live, and its name is Gautavita. "These terraced mountain sides show that your example has been well profited by the Chil- BOCHICA AXD THE ZtPA 73 dren of the Sun, ' ' said the son of the Zipa, as they trudged along the royal roadway leading from Cuzco to the cinnamon country. "The instruction of the wise men in building canals and aqueducts has turned this into a garden spot even though nature intended it to be barren. 7 ' The Golden Hearted thought this would be a good opportunity to let his new friend know that he did not approve of war, and that the adherents of the Good Law, must not fight among themselves, so he said gently : "All that you see before you is the working out of a fixed principle. Universal kindness is the secret of our success. Treat the earth gently and with consideration and she blesses you seven fold. Dig into her bosom and she yields her choicest treasures, and the beasts and birds respond to your affectionate touch. The heart of the man is the same, my friend. The obedience and allegiance of your subjects must come from the heart. If when I go among them they tell me they wish you to be their Zipa then will I go to your opponent and persuade him to relinquish his claim in your favor." "And if he does not consent" "Then must you yield to him peaceably. I will not allow any blood shed on either side." The son of the Zipa knew by the firm tone of the Golden Hearted that he meant what he said and his face turned a bright red, because he thought his own selfish purpose was known to his guest. Down in his heart he was planning to go 74 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO into the capital city with a grand flourish and pre- tend that the Children of the Sun had sent their ruler and wise men to help him capture the throne. Now he knew very well he would not dare do anything of the kind. "But you do not know my people, good prince/ 7 he said. "They will never obey a Zipa they do not fear." "I am not familiar with the faces of your subjects, but I know the heart of all mankind, and whether he be white or black, young or old, the child of fortune or the opposite, he is amenable to the law of love. Win his affection and he will serve you as faithfully and obediently as a dog. ' ' "I am afraid my turbulent warriors would not respect such a policy," replied the son of the Zipa, shaking his head. "Remember in dealing with either man or animal that fear degrades while love ennobles." By this time they were coming in sight of the calm peaceful waters of the lake stretched out like a sheet of glass before them. "Water," said the Golden Hearted, "is like a pure mind limpid and clear. It permits us to look into its depths for hidden treasures, or to see our own image reflected back from its surface. Let your heart and mind be such a mirror, and trust your people to make the right selection. ' ' With this he laid his hand upon the shoulder of his young companion and as their eyes met, the son of the Zipa felt certain that he had a loyal and BOCHICA AND THE ZIPA 75 disinterested friend who would help him in the right way. The next morning the prince and the wise men called the nobles and warriors together, and listened patiently to all they had to say for and against the two candidates. As he came into the audience chamber the strange one scowled and frowned at the visitors, but to his surprise the Golden Hearted took his hand and said: * ' We have made a long, wearisome journey, my brother, in order to serve your own and your state's best interest. Speak freely that we may be able to judge fairly between the two." "There is nothing to tell that my warriors do not already know," was the curt reply. "I am able to crush opposition and to command respect and obedience. I do not need your assistance, sir. ' ' For a moment there was a look of pain on the face of the Golden Hearted. Then he said gently: "You, more than any one else need help, because you are unable to govern yourself much less a rich and prosperous nation." When it became known that the representa- tives of the Children of the Sun would not compel the people to accept a Zipa they did not like, they came out of their houses where they had been hid- den all day for fear of violence, and marched up and down the streets playing on shell trumpets, gongs and kettle drums, and shouting the name of the oldest son of the Zipa who was in due time crowned as the rightful heir to the throne. 76 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO His first official act was to pierce the upper part of the ear of his subjects and put in gold wheels of fine filigree work, as large around as an orange. As he did so he said to each one : ' ' Swear by Him who gives and sustains life in the Universe, that you will faithfully keep the Good Law brought to us from the sea, by Bochica, our deliverer." This was the name the Zipa gave the Golden Hearted, and as each man passed by him he gave them a little cake made of corn meal, and continued : "To-morrow our good friends leave us for many days to come, but Bochica will return again, and to show him that we will do his bidding will- ingly let us take balsas or rafts with sails and go out on the lake where he may see the intent of our minds reflected in the water. Put wreaths of many colored flowers on the balsas, and carry with you gold and emeralds which we will cast into the lake in token of our pledge to him. ' ' For hundreds of years afterwards, the Mucas and their descendants kept this holiday as an anniversary of the departure of the prince and the wise men. They knew that he was called the Golden Hearted in the Happy Island, and every year they selected a young priest from the temple of Gautavita, to impersonate him. After his bath the priest smeared himself all over with a fragrant oil, and then his attendants blew gold dust through reeds onto his body until he looked like a solid BOCH1CA AND THE ZIPA 77 statue. They put him in the center of the flower- laden raft, and with chants and hymns rowed out on the lake and threw emeralds and gold dust into it. The young men wore white shirts with a red cross on the breast, and tied a red sash around their waists. On their heads were crowns of flow- ers and evergreen leaves to show that their virtues would continue as long as they lived, and that they were followers of the teachings of the Golden Hearted. They were always hoping and praying for his return. We shall hear more of this ceremony and what came of it when we read the story of the Gilded Man. Song of Hiawatha who love the haunts of nature, Love the sunshine of the meadow, Love the shadow of the forest Love the wind among the branches, And the rain-shower and the snow-storm And the rushing of great rivers Through their palisades of pine trees, And the thunder in the mountains Whose innumerable echoes Flap like eagles in their eyries; Listen to these wild traditions, To this song of Hiawatha ! Ye who love a nation's legends, Love the ballads of a people, That like voices from a far off Call to us to pause and listen, Speak in tones so plain and child-like, Scarcely can the ear distinguish Whether they are sung or spoken Listen to this Indian Legend, To this song of Hiawatha! SONG OF HIAWATHA 79 Ye whose hearts are fresh and simple, Who have faith in God and nature, Who believe that in all ages Every human heart is human, That in even savage bosoms There are longings, yearnings, strivings For the good they comprehend not That the feeble hands and helpless, Groping blindly in the darkness, Touch God 's right hand in the darkness And are lifted up and strengthened Listen to this simple story To this song of Hiawatha! Ye, who sometimes in your rambles Through the green lanes of the country, W^here the tangled barbary bushes Hang their tufts of crimson berries Over stone walls gray with mosses, Pause by some neglected grave-yard For a while to muse, and ponder On a half -effaced inscription, Written with little skill of song-craft, Homely phrases, but each letter Full of hope and yet of heart-break, Full of all the tender pathos Of the Here and the Hereafter Stay and read this rude inscription, Read this song of Hiawatha! Henry W. Longfellow. Michabo, the Great White Hare NLESS you know what river was called the "Father of Waters" it will be a secret as to where the Golden Hearted and the wise men went when they took leave of the Zipa. There are many quaint stories told about this river, and also about the queer mounds and earthworks built by a strange race of men who lived ages ago in that part of our country. Their descendants are not very civilized and seem to have forgotten much that their ancestors knew although they have some very pretty ideas. For instance, they imagine that they hear voices in the growing branches and whispering leaves of the trees, and they see little vanishing men in the cliffs everywhere. They say that the Great Spirit makes the Indian summer by puffing smoke out of his cheeks, from his great peace pipe. Before the Golden Hearted came they built a medicine lodge a kind of temple facing the sun- rise, in a place called the ' ' Moon of Leaves. ' ' When it was finished, Wunzh, a youth of noble char- acter and tender heart, summoned the spirits of the MICHABO, THE GREAT WHITE HARE 81 four quarters of the world and the day maker to come to his fire and disclose the hidden things of the distance and future. No one can tell why they named the Golden Hearted, "Michabo, the Great White Hare," unless it was because he came in the time of the year represented in their calendar by a rabbit. They kept a record of the seasons by crude pictures drawn on the inside bark of trees, and with them the months were called moons. No one blames them for saying the wise men were jossakeeds or prophets, because they really did look peculiar in their long robes, beards and tall black hats, especially to men who had on buf- falo robes and feather head dresses. Wunzh and his tribe received the Golden Hearted with solemn faces and much respect when they heard that he came from the Four Quarters of the World, which we know was the land of the Inca, very far south. "Welcome, great white chief," they said, "come and sit by our council fire. Our hearts have long been weary waiting for you." When they were all seated Wunzh handed the Golden Hearted a peace pipe shaped like a toma- hawk filled with tobacco and already lighted. Not a word was spoken until every one present had taken three whiffs out of the pipe. Then the Golden Hearted said: "I come to speak for my brothers, the fish, the animals, the creeping things and the feathered 82 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO messengers of the air. I often listen to their com- plaints and they charge you with slaying them for food when the grains and fruits would serve you better. " "We are not disdainful of the grapes and berries concealed in our forests," replied Wunzh, "but we have no grain save rice and this must be carried on our backs for many days. Our snows and chill winds kill the plant before its seeds appear." "Whatever the reason may be you will never do any real good in the world until you learn how to fast days at a time and can live without eating so much flesh. Even your vaunted skill with bow and arrow is not genuine. I am a better shot. ' ' The wise men were alarmed for a moment fearing that Wunzh would be angry and that his followers would be offended also. Besides they had never heard the Golden Hearted speak boastfully before, and they were puzzled to know what would happen next. * 1 1 am willing to try the bow with my friend, ' ' said Wunzh, with a flash of the eye and a toss of the head, which showed that he was vain and had an uncertain temper. "When will it suit you to make the contest," quietly asked the Golden Hearted, as he arose and turned to leave the council fire. "To-morrow's sun," answered Wunzh, haughtily, "and when it is so high," indicating a space in the sky that would make it quite early in the morning. MICHABO, THE GREAT WHITE HAKE 83 "Let it take place in the large square sur- rounded by your lodges, ' ' said the Golden Hearted, carelessly as he walked toward the one assigned for his use. To the wise men he said: "Leave me for a little time, I wish to be alone. ' ' They wondered what he could mean by such language and such actions. It was evident that he did not intend to make any explanation to them, so they could only wait to see what the outcome would be. Once inside the tent the Golden Hearted began to work on a plaited disc of straw. As soon as it was finished, he drew rings of red, blue, black and white all around the big yellow center, and was propping it up to dry when Wunzh appeared c.t the door of the lodge. "I have come to show you the center pole where you may hang up the target, and we will then step off the distance between the different shooting stations," he said. "The rule requires each of us to speed two dozen arrows from the nearest point, twice that many from the middle ground, and seventy-two from the outside post." While in the Happy Island, the prince had learned all about the use of the bow and arrow, but this was the first time he had an opportunity to show his skill, and the wise men were anxious that he should not fail, because they knew that 84 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO the friends of Wunzh would not have much respect for him if he did. They could not under- stand how he could be so smiling and unconcerned. The fame of Wunzh as a bowman was known far and wide and the descendants of the Mound Builders were certain he would win. At daybreak the next morning there was a solid line of warriors around the ring where the trial was to be made, and they were as motionless and stolid looking as if they had been carved out of wood. No one could tell by their faces what they were thinking and they would not have turned their heads for any- thing. Some of them made a kind of music on a tom-tom or Indian drum and Wunzh and the Golden Hearted marched in step like soldiers, and smiled and bowed to everybody as they came into the ring. The Golden Hearted knew all the time that he was the doubtful one, and just for a moment he glanced at the anxious faces of the wise men. Though not sure in their hearts they nodded encouragingly and before he had touched a bow every eye in the crowd was upon him. The keepers of the bows arid arrows were very fair minded, and were careful to see there were no knots or gnarls or cracks in the waxy brown hunting bow made of straight grained mulberry wood. The one to be used was six feet long and its tips were of polished elk horn, and there was a buckskin handhold in the center. The hickory arrows were as smooth as glass with very sharp saw-teeth edges on the flint heads. Around the MICHABO, THE GREAT WHITE HARE 85 notch end there were three vanes of eagle feathers. The descendants of the Mound Builders were courteous enough to give their guest the first shot. As the Golden Hearted pulled a buckskin shield over his right hand he looked up at the wise men, and his eyes said: " Trust me! I shall not fail." Then he stooped quickly and raised the bow from the ground and placed it against his knee cap to get a good purchase. With an upward body movement he drew the long bow as far as he could, faced the painted disc target and let fly. Like the arrow that sped so swiftly that it caught fire as it flew, this one sang through the air and imbedded itself in the blue ring where it rocked and shook violently. 1 i The Great White Hare has won five points ! ' ' shouted the tally keepers in the Judge's corner. i i What skill!" said one pointing to the still quivering arrow. "What strength!" said another, while the wise men began to feel very proud indeed. It was such hard work that the face of Golden Hearted was flushed but he shut his teeth together hard, and was determined to make a still better effort. His second shot sent the arrow into the red ring nearly opposite the blue, and this scored him seven points. "There is fine aiming!" said the judges to each other, while the other people leaned over in their seats and watched intently. 86 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO There was just a shadow of a smile on the lips of the Golden Hearted, as he made ready for the final shot from the first station. "Ping!" and the third arrow fairly whistled as it hit the exact center of the yellow spot. Instantly the whole crowd were on their feet, all talking at once and making so much noise that the tally keepers could not be heard. "Five seven nine are the points; twenty- one for final score, ' ' they shouted. The Golden Hearted flung down his bow and stepped to one side to make room for Wunzh. He stood wiping the perspiration off his forehead and was pleased because he saw that every one felt kindly toward him. " Now the jossakeeds will learn how to shoot !" exclaimed the men who had backed Wunzh. "He will never equal the first score," said others who were skillful with a bow and arrow themselves and knew how hard it was to make such fine shots. Wunzh sent his first arrow with a vim and energy that showed he had been in constant prac- tice, but all three of his darts sped feebly and barely indented the black ring. "The jossakeeds hold the first station," announced the judges. ' ' Move on to the next one. ' ' Now came the real test of skill, and every man was interested because they all made use of the bow and arrow, in hunting and in war, and had no other kind of weapon except a knife. Hundreds MICHABO, THE GREAT WHITE HARE 87 of the spectators left their seats and crowded around the contestants. The heavy hunting bow was laid aside now and one made of elastic but tough yew was sub- stituted. The arrows had finely-pointed obsidian heads, matched and smooth but sharp as a needle. The Golden Hearted was careful to see that the yew was properly seasoned and when satisfied, he placed the arrow on the left side of the bow with its notch set on the string. He drew the string back to just below the chin, aimed over the arrow tip and let fly. The spectators were quick to see that his aim, draw, finish and loose was perfect even in speeding the arrows so fast they could scarcely be seen. When shooting three at a time he drove all of them into the yellow center within a quarter of an inch of each other! The friends of Wunzh shouted and screamed : * * It is not fair ! He uses too many arrows. Give us justice!" until the judges were compelled to order the warriors to drive the crowd back again with the points of their spears. In the noise, confusion and excitement every one forgot the birds perched on a cross bar at the top of the pole supporting the target. There was a blue jay, a raven, a white dove and a green parrot. Each had a string attached to one leg. Now of course they remembered and crowded around to hear what the judges would say. "Will the prince of the jossakeeds take a shot 88 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO at the birds before being crowned with the Yew wreath of valor?" As soon as the Golden Hearted could make himself heard he said: "I am willing to comply with your request, but I hope I shall not hurt any of the birds. ' ' "The parrot shall cry your aim, and must remain unharmed. You may kill the blue or the black bird, but you must release the peaceful dove uninjured. Will you remember these conditions ? ' ' The Golden Hearted came within range and waited for a favorable opportunity. By a sudden jerk of the cord coming down the side of the pole the cross bar was set to whirling rapidly and this frightened the birds until they tried to fly away. The parrot was chained fast and to make the aim more difficult, the other birds were fastened by strings of different lengths. The marksman must free each one of them and then hit it before it could escape. The first liberated was the blue jay. The Golden Hearted cut the cord neatly and wounded the bird while it was still rising. The arrow fell near the base of the pole bringing the right wing with it. This won him the wreath, and he now turned to the wise men for a signal. They could demand the last three shots. Would they do it! He inclined his head toward them as one of the number picked up a black flag and waved it. There was an answering shout and a cheer, and the Golden Hearted prepared to shoot again. This time he M1CHABO, THE GKEAT WHITE HAKE 89 aimed at the raven and cut the string near the pole. Its weight caused the captive to fly in an oblique line downward for a moment. Quick as a flash the second arrow sped and the raven fell to the ground pierced through the heart ! Without looking to see what had happened the Golden Hearted shot at the dove and as it flew up in a circle everybody saw that it was unharmed. Then they fought and struggled with each other for the privilege of carrying the victor off the grounds, but the Golden Hearted escaped through a side door and ran away as fast as he could. He did not wish to speak to any one nor have them see how unhappy he felt. He really was heartbroken because he had killed the raven. THE HOUSE OF WUNZH The Birth of Corn UNZH was greatly disturbed and downcast over his defeat because he thought the Great Spirit had sent the Golden Hearted in answer to his supplications, and he now felt certain that he was in disfavor. He lay awake all night thinking what he could do to win a token of good will from the Great Spirit. He knew better than to ask anything for himself, but begged and implored that it should be something for the benefit of his tribe. "Michabo says I eat too much flesh, and that I must learn to fast before any good will come to me," he said over and over to himself. "He shall see that I know how to obey even if my arrows do go wide of the mark. ' ' There was a great lump in his throat and to tell the truth there were a few tears trickling down his cheeks, but he brushed them away quickly as he rose to his feet and shook out the buffalo robes which had answered for his bed. THE BIRTH OF CORN 91 "I will go to a secret place in the forest and build me a lodge, and there I will stay and fast until the Great Spirit grants my wish." He told no one of his intention and was gone several days before he was missed at the council fires where the wise men were instructing the med- icine men in the use of a wampum belt made of different colored beads. The colors were the same as the Quippos and the counting with them was done in the same manner. While the women were weaving a very handsome wampum belt to be used as a council brand of authority, the wise men helped build a Long House in the center of the confederation of tribes to put it in. Then they ordered four other Long Houses built on the north, east, south and west corners of the country, so that the runners would have some place to stay when they started with the wampum belt to let the out- side tribes know the will of the council. The Golden Hearted did not seem to take any interest in this work at all, but went among the people playing all kinds of pranks. Sometimes he frightened them nearly to death, and then again he would set them into roars of laughter by the funny things he did. He invented so many tricks and was so full of mischief that every one was on the look- out and attributed all the happenings they could not account for in any other way to him whether he did them or not. "What has become of Wunzh! Has anybody seen him!" began to be constant queries, and his 92 THE STOIUES OF EL DOftADO family looked very sad indeed. The Golden Hearted knew where he was and that he was fast- ing, so he waited until nightfall and then dressed himself in rich garments of green and yellow shad- ing into light and dark tints. Putting on his crown with the long green Quetzal plumes he slipped off into the woods to find Wunzh. Approaching the lodge he said: "I am sent to you, my friend, by that Great Spirit who made all things in the sky and on the earth. He has seen and known your motives in the fasting. He sees that it is from a kind and benev- olent wish to do good to your people and to procure a benefit for them and not for strength in war or the praise of warriors. I come to show you how to do your kindred good, but you must rise and wrestle with me. ' ' Wunzh knew that he was weak from fasting, but felt his courage rising in his heart, and he got up immediately determined to die rather than fail. He instantly clinched with the Golden Hearted and wrestled with him until nearly exhausted. "My friend, this is enough for to-day. I will come again to try you to-morrow at the same hour. ' ' The Golden Hearted came dressed in the same fashion and wrestled with Wunzh for three suc- cessive evenings. Each day the f aster's strength grew less and less, but he was more determined than ever. ' ' To-morrow will be your last trial. Be strong, THE WRESTLING MATCH 94 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO my friend, for this is the only way you can over- come me and obtain the boon you seek." The next day the poor youth exerted his utmost power and after awhile the Golden Hearted ceased wrestling. "I am conquered," he said/and went into the lodge and began to teach Wunzh. "You have wrestled manfully and have fasted seven days. Now you must strip off my clothing and throw me down. Clean the earth of roots and reeds; make it soft and bury these garments here. When you have done this be careful never to let the grass grow over the spot. Once a month cover it with fresh earth. If you follow these instructions you will do great good to your fellow creatures." In the morning the father of Wunzh came with some slight refreshments, saying: "My son, you have fasted long enough. If the Great Spirit intends to favor you he will do it now. It is seven days since you tasted food and you must not sacrifice your health. That the Master of Life does not require of you." ' ' Wait, father, until the sun goes down. I have a particular reason for extending my fast until that hour." "Very well," said the father, kindly. "I will wait until you feel inclined to eat. ' ' Even though he was hungry the young man felt strangely renewed and strengthened and when it was night he was ready to wrestle with the Golden Hearted again. When he thought he had THE BIRTH OF CORN" 95 killed the prince he took off his garments and plumes and buried them as he had been told to do. Afterwards he returned to his father's lodge and partook sparingly of food, but he never for a moment forgot the new-made grave. Because he was so full of pranks and tricks, the descendants of the Mound Builders saw some- thing mysterious and strange in everything the Golden Hearted did, and when he built a boat to go down the great river in, they said it was a magic canoe and expected almost anything to happen. However before he and the wise men went away, they made him the father and guardian of their nation, and they have considered him as such ever since. Weeks went by and the summer was drawing to a close when Wunzh returned after a long absence in hunting. Going to his father he invited him to come to the quiet lonesome spot where he had fasted so long. There in a circle freed from weeds stood a tall graceful plant with bright col- ored silken hair surmounted by nodding plumes, luxuriant green leaves and clusters of golden grain on each side. "It is my friend, and the friend of all man- kind. It is Mondamin, the spirit of corn. We need no longer rely on hunting alone for so long as this gift is cherished and taken care of the ground itself will give us a living. See, my father, ' ' said Wunzh, pulling off an ear, "this is what I fasted for. This is why Michabo put me through so many 96 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO trials. But the Great Spirit has listened to my voice and sent us something new. Our people need no longer depend upon the chase and the water for food." Then he told his father how he had wrestled with the Golden Hearted, and how he had torn off his garments. "He said I was to treat the ear in the same manner, and when it was stripped I must hold it to the fire until the outer skin becomes brown while all the milk is retained in the grain/' The whole family of Wunzh joined in a feast on the roasted ears, and were very grateful for such a rich blessing. And this is the way the Indians say corn came into the world. We learned its use from them, and also to hold the old-fashioned husking bees where all the young people got together and pulled off the husks after the ripe ears of corn had been gathered into the barn. It was always great fun, especially when they found red ears, but let us see what the Indians used to say about it : Then Nokomis, the old woman, Spake and said to Minnehaha: " "Tis the moon when leaves are falling All the wild rice has been gathered And the maize is ripe and ready ; Let us gather in the harvest, Let us wrestle with Mondamin, Strip him of his plumes and tassels, Of his garments green and yellow." THE BIRTH OF CORN 97 And the merry Laughing Water Went rejoicing from the wigwam, With Nokomis old and wrinkled, And they called the women round them, Called the young men and the maidens, To the harvest of the cornfields, To the husking of the maize ear. On the border of the forest, Underneath the fragrant pine-trees, Sat the old man and the warriors Smoking in the pleasant shadow In uninterrupted silence Looked they at the gamesome labor Of the young men and the women; Listened to their noisy talking, To their laughter and their singing Heard them chattering like the magpies, Heard them laughing like the blue- jays, Heard them singing like the robins. And whene'er some lucky maiden Found a red ear in the husking Found a maize-ear red as blood is, "Nuska!" cried they all together, "Nuska! you shall have a sweetheart, You shall have a handsome husband ! ' ' "Ugh!" the old men all responded From their seats behind the pine-trees. And whene'er a youth or maiden Found a crooked ear in husking, Found a maize-ear in the husking Blighted, mildewed or misshapen, 98 THE STOEIES OF EL DORADO Then they laughed and sang together, Crept and limped about the cornfields, Mimicked in their gait and gestures Some old man bent almost double, Singing singly or together Till the cornfields rang with laughter, "Ugh!" the old men all responded, From their seats behind the pine-trees. The Indians have many pretty stories about the birth of corn. When the two little slender green leaves come up through the ground they say that it is the long green plumes of the crown buried by Wunzh and when it is ready for harvest they think the green and gold of the leaves and grain are the rest of the garments turned into a plant. They say that if you stand near a cornfield in the moon- light you can hear Mondamin, the corn spirit, mur- muring and complaining of the way we treat him to the wind, the stars, and the little insects hidden in the glossy leaves and silken tassels. The Wrathy Chieftain ter sailing down the great river for many days the Golden Hearted and the wise men came into a trackless waste with no means of finding their way out except by watching where the sun rose and shooting an arrow ahead of them. This was very slow work and they all grew quite discouraged over it. "It is altogether too bad that for fear of get- ting lost we must halt each time and speed another arrow before we overtake the last one," said the Golden Hearted one day when they were nearly worn out with the heat and dust of a country not much better than a desert. ' 1 1 have a feeling, ' ' he continued, "that we will not be well treated by the people we find here. I do so wish we might come to the cactus and the rock with a serpent at its base 100 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO where my father commanded me to found a city in honor of the sun." "We are going in the right direction, " answered the wise men, ' ' but the end of our search is not yet. ' ' " And much as my heart yearns for the Happy Island I will not return to my father until all his wishes have been fulfilled/' Through the murky gray clouds the stars did not make much light, and there was only a thin crescent moon, which gave a sense of utter lone- liness to the Golden Hearted when he went to bed that night. The coyotes all around him howled and that made it worse, but he finally fell asleep. By. and by he was awakened by a cold, wet nose touching his hand, and when he raised up on his elbow to see what it was, there stood a coyote. They are not very dangerous animals but they are sneaking and treacherous. Now we know that the Golden Hearted was gentle and kind to all creatures, and the coyote must have known it too, for it rubbed its head on his hand and did not seem in the least afraid. "Come, my good fellow, let us be friends," said the Golden Hearted. ' ' I will not hurt you, and you can guide me to my brethren. I have never seen their faces, but wish very much to find them. ' ' The coyote wrinkled up his nose and made a funny little sneezing sound as if he were talking, and he wagged his tail as friendly as a dog. Maybe he did not understand what was said to him, THE WRAT.HY CHIEFTAIN 101 but any how he felt safe enough to lie down close to his new friend and go sound asleep. When the wise men saw him the next morning, they said: "It is a good omen and means that we shall soon come to a stopping place where strange events will happen. ' ' This put the Golden Hearted into a better humor because he felt less doubtful and discour- aged and he was much interested in the antics of the sagacious little companion that trudged by his side all day long. The coyote was enterprising enough to kill as many birds as it needed for food, without going far out of the way and was not a whit of trouble to anybody. There was not a tree nor a shrub to hide the nakedness of the dusty plains, nor was it possible to rest with any comfort until after the sun went down. All of a sudden the coyote stopped short, pricked up its ears and listened intently. "Yelp! yelp! yelp!" was what the Golden Hearted heard, and it sounded as if there were hun- dreds of young puppies everywhere. Looking closely he discovered little heaps of earth with a smooth-headed animal sitting on all fours beside it and yelping a protest to being disturbed. They were right in the midst of a village of prairie dogs, which are about the size of a jack-rabbit, but not nearly so destructive. ' ' Come and see what I have found, ' ' called out the Golden Hearted to the wise men who were com- ing up behind him. At the sound of his voice the 102 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO prairie dogs gave a quick, short yelp, their heels twinkled in the air for a second, and they fairly turned a somersault diving into their holes. By the time the wise men were ready to look there was not a whisker of an inhabitant to be seen. "What is it?" they said, "Where! we do riot see anything." "Watch these fresh piles of dirt, and you will see something come out of them, ' ' said the Golden Hearted. * * Yes ; ' ' said one, i i there are some rattle- snakes. ' ' "And here are some owls," said another. "Is it possible that you have never seen these creatures before?" and the wise men laughed at the Golden Hearted and thought they had a good joke on him. 1 ' Let us keep quiet for a while. I tell you there is something else in those burrows besides snakes and owls," he insisted seriously. Not hearing any more noise, one after another of the little prairie dogs put its head up out of the hole, and then stole forth cautiously to talk the matter over with its next door neighbor. There were regular beaten pathways or lanes from one burrow to another and they were evidently on very friendly footing with each other. "These are indeed curious little animals," said the wise men, now much interested. * l They not only live in communities, but keep the peace with their brothers, the snake and the owl. There is certainly no greater source of knowledge than the THE WEATHY CHIEFTAIN 103 book of nature. Here God puts before us the thing He wishes us to learn." At the very first words of the wise men the prairie dogs scampered back into their holes ; and before they showed themselves again a party of husbandmen came along on their way to a harvest field which they said was a day's journey ahead. "Why do you linger in this desert?" they asked of the Golden Hearted. "There are habita^ tions farther on where the earth is watered. ' ' "We are seeking those who need our assist- ance and must only tarry where we are welcome, ' ' he answered. * i Then come to our commune. We have no one to show us how to heal the sick nor to coax fertil- ity out of this barren soil," they said. "If you will go, we will remain for the night and lead the way." So it was arranged and to everybody 's comfort and joy it began to rain shortly after and then the air was much more cool and pleasant. The little prairie dogs were not so well pleased with this arrangement. They stuck their noses up into the moist air and whined and yelped half of the night. There can be no doubt that they were holding an indignation meeting, and were having a noisy and windy debate. May be they were com- paring notes about the tall hats and veils of the wise men, or they may not have thought their long beards becoming. Or who shall say that they were not in their own peculiar fashion devising plans : . . " THE WRATHY CHIEFTAIN THE WRATHY CHIEFTAIN 105 for safety, and to vindicate their offended dignity ! They may have objected seriously to having strange men intruding upon their privacy, and it must not be considered a reflection on their courage because they scampered out of sight at the sound of a human voice. It was quite enough to frighten inoffensive little animals like these. It is said that Katzimo, the enchanted Mesa, was the first stopping-place of the Golden Hearted, and it is certain that the wise men taught the hus- bandmen in that part of the world how to make irrigating ditches and canals all through their inhospitable country, because there are many remains of these waterways still to be seen. Some say, too, that these people got the idea of living in pueblos or villages from studying the habits of the prairie dogs and to this day the coyote is thought to be a good friend by the descendants of these ancient husbandmen. ' ' The hunters are angry with you for teaching the tillers of the soil how to make the land fertile without making it easier for the men of the chase to get food for themselves and families," said an old woman to the Golden Hearted, one day as he stood watching her make a water jar of clay. She would not have spoken had he not shown her how to make a pretty design and also how to orna- ment it differently from anything she had seen before. ' ' I am willing to teach them to weave blankets and baskets," he replied. "The Good Law spares the life of every creature and forbids our eating its 106 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO flesh for food. The hunters should give up the chase and fighting. ' ' "They say that only women should do these things," said the old pottery maker, "and they disdain to carry the rocks and mud to make our dwellings. ' ' "In this they are wrong," said the Golden Hearted, kindly, as he turned to greet some of the wise men. "We must hasten our task for already is discontent showing itself among the tribes," he said to them. ' * We must kindle the sacred fires and build the temple at once, ' ' they said. ' ' We have heard mur- murings and complaints of late and know your words are true. ' ' As soon as possible they began the work of construction of what is now known as the Casa Grande long since in ruins, of which we shall hear more in the story of the Kingdom of Quivera. The wise men kindled and guarded the sacred fires, and when leaving appointed warriors to take turns in watching them. "You must serve for two successive days and live during that time without food, drink or sleep, ' ' they said, and that mandate has been kept to this day. In the meantime the Golden Hearted busied himself with teaching them the use of herbs and plants for medicine and had them go into estufas or sweat houses when they were ill or wished to purify themselves of a sin or fault. Tradition says that the hunters lured the THE WKATHY CHIEFTAIN 107 Golden Hearted away from his comrades and tried to kill him, and that they threw the wise men over the edge of the cliff, but it has been so long ago that no one can remember what it was they did that wounded and hurt him. One day he planted a tree upside down and calling all the people about him said : "Many, many years from now a strange nation will oppress you, and there will be no more rain. I charge you to guard the sacred fires well until the tree I have planted falls. Then I will come back and bring a white race that will overcome your enemies. After that the rain will fall, and the earth will be fertile again." The simple, frugal husbandmen and weavers are still looking for his return and they believe he 108 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO will descend from the sky by the columns of smoke they guard. It has been so long ago that they think he lives in the sun now, and build their houses with an opening to the east which is never closed. "We do this that he may find a welcome when he comes, ' ' they say. Once every fifty years they put out all the sacred fires and go up on the high mountain tops just before dawn, and wail and mourn and break pottery, imploring the shining orb to bring back him "Who dwelt up in the yellow sun And sorrowing for man's despair Slid by his trailing yellow hair To earth to rule, by love and bring The blessedness of peace." The Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl AR as the eye could reach stretched the beautiful valley of Anahuac, where the air was sweet with the breath of flowers, and the earth seemed to melt perfectly into the sky. ' * Oh ! that mine eyes should see the splendor of this vision," said Mexi, the oldest of the wise men and the most learned, clasping his hands in rapture. " Oh ! that I have been spared to see the fruition of thy will, great king and brother. Now may I go hence in peace. ' ' As he ceased speaking he tottered and would have fallen had not one of the tamanes or porters, seated on mats under the shade of a giant oak, hastily risen, and caught him as his head fell for- ward on his bosom. "The elements have undone thee, " cried the Golden Hearted, kneeling hurriedly by his side and supporting the drooping head on his knee. "Thou art sadly in need of rest," he continued, alarmed at the pallor overspreading Mexi's finely wrinkled face. The old man pushed the thin white locks of hair off his forehead, let the mantle slip back from his throat, and seemed to breathe easier. 110 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO ' ' I am come to my final rest, ' ' he replied with a feeble smile. "It is not given me to enter the promised land." . The tawny, broad-shouldered, half-clad tamanes, laid down the thin cakes of ground corn they were eating and came near to the stricken old man, while the other wise men took off their hats and listened with bowed heads to what their com- rade and leader said. They had stopped to rest and refresh themselves with food under the cool inviting shade of the trees where they could listen to the murmur of waterfalls, and feast, the eyes on the landscape surrounding them. "There!" said Mexi, attracted by the buzzing of tiny wings, "is the green-throated humming- bird thou wert to follow as thy guide to the spot where a city is to be built in honor of the sun." The Golden Hearted held up his hand with the forefinger extended and in a moment the little humming-bird lighted on it and looked at him curiously, as though obeying the will of some one. He did not touch it nor attempt to move for a few moments. Then he said: "Little brother, spend the remainder of thy days with me. I need thee sorely, and have long waited for thy guidance." In the meantime the wise men had given Mexi a cup of chocolate, not in a thin liquid like we know it, but thick like a cold custard, and with whipped goat's cream on top. ' ' Thou art kind, ' ' he said growing weaker and THE HUMMING-BIRD ALIGHTED ON HIS FINGER" See opposite page 112 THE STOEIES OF EL DORADO more faint all the time, "to try to prolong a life already spent." Turning his eyes toward the Golden Hearted he continued: "Lying next my heart thou wilt find a bundle of mystery. Carry it without opening until the time of thy departure from this strange land is at hand. Open then and thou wilt find directions for thy special work.' 7 He did not speak again and when they tried to rouse him there was a smile of infinite peace on his face, hut nothing save the lifeless hody was before them. The gentle, sweet spirit of the old man had gone back to God. "We will neither weep nor mourn for him," said the wise men to the Golden Hearted. "It would not be his wish, and we will show our love by obeying him." And so they left him sleeping in a dell of ferns and mosses, in sight of Anahuac, the land by the side of water, as its name indicates, and continued their journey southward. On the way the wise men found a little creature, looking like a black currant with neither head, legs nor tail, so far as they could see. It is fat and dark and round, but if you squeeze him his blood is a brighter color than currant juice, and much more valuable because we get cochineal red of one, and currant jelly from the other. It was in the valley of Anahuac that the cochineal bug was first found, and it lives on the leaves of the prickly pear, or tuna cactus the common kind with leaves shaped like a ham, and covered with long sharp needles. THE PLUMED SERPENT 113 The young cochineal bugs are so stupid that they must be tied on the leaves of the prickly pear to keep them from falling off and starving. In this way, too, they keep dry and warm in winter, but as soon as they are grown they are ruthlessly shaken to death and dried in the sun. Then the queer, shriveled dead bugs are put up in bags and sold. "In the hot lands far to the south, the woods are full of rare orchids and other gems of the flower kingdom," said the Golden Hearted one day after a search for plants by the wayside, ' ' but the vanilla bean is the only one fit for food. It will be well worth our while to study this strange branch of husbandry as soon as possible." It was a long time before they came to a place near the seashore where a number of women were picking the ripe pods from vanilla vines which overran the trees and shrubs completely. The younger women had on bright-colored petticoats and gay scarfs over their long black hair, and they were storing the bean pods in wide-mouthed baskets strapped across their foreheads. "What next do you do with these pods!" he asked of a young girl passing him with a full basket. "We carefully assort them and then plunge the packages into hot water, before laying them out on mats to drain. For a week the beans are exposed to the heat of the sun, laid between woolen blankets. After this we pack them in ollas and keep 114 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO them warm so as to promote fermentation while drying. This makes them soft, pliable, free from moisture, and of a dark chocolate color thickly frosted with needle-like crystals of acid." And to this day if you buy vanilla beans they come in packages wrapped in silver foil, and have a delicious odor. The bean is from six to nine inches long, and must be ground fine before it can be used in mak- ing the chocolate we are all so fond of, but it is dried and packed in the same manner as that described to the Golden Hearted. It was not many days after leaving the wooded plains, that the travelers came in sight of four beautiful lakes with the frowning cliffs of Chapul- tepec outlined against the sky. Always on the alert for a sign the wise men said to each other in awe-stricken whispers: "We must be near the place." "Do you not see the rock with the flowering cactus ! ' ' "And an eagle circling in the air with a ser- pent in its claws ! ' ' ' ' Oh ! thou seen and unseen powers ! search our hearts that thou mayst know all our gratitude," cried the Golden Hearted, falling on his knees and then prostrating himself on the ground, as did all the wise men. "I am Guatamo, " said a voice, and when the Golden Hearted looked up, a man old as Mexi stood blessing him. "Rise and receive word from thy THE PLUMED SERPENT 115 father, the king from whom I am come. Fear me not; these hands have guided thy baby footsteps. Now must thou lend ear to my counsel. ' ' The Golden Hearted was overjoyed to see some one from his father's court, and also glad to know that his wanderings in search of the place to honor the sun was over. "This is not a promising outlook," said Gua- tamo, "but in the parchment scroll thou wilt find ample instructions to drain and render this a gar- den spot of exceeding loveliness. Hasten thy task since thy father is no longer living, and thy native land longs to see thee again." Acting upon this advice the Golden Hearted and the wise men set to work at once to build the city, and to teach the willing natives to cultivate the land, and to make handsome mosaics out of the bright-colored feathers of the birds found in the forests in such numbers. Of course the birds were not killed to get their feathers, but in the royal gardens there were thousands of them kept during the moulting season, and then the feathers were picked up and assorted for use. Not only could they make perfect representations of birds and animals with them, but whole landscape scenes, including mountains, sea and sky. When finished it was nec- essary to touch them to know that feathers instead of paint had been used. "The Nahuas have come from Aztlan, the white country, and must be obeyed, ' ' was the word carried from one tribe to the other by the runners, 116 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO and the wise men could only smile when they heard themselves called Nahuas, or wizards. The simple natives thought them capable of performing mira- cles because they were wise in the arts and knew how to heal the sick. The name of the Golden Hearted became Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent in their language, but we must remember that he wore the Quetzal plumes in his head-dress, the same as a king wears a gold and jeweled crown, and that a serpent in many of the languages of the ancient people meant a very wise man. In English we would say that the Golden Hearted was the wise king, which was not only true but a very simple name for him. The wonderful city he built was called Tenochtitlan, which signified "in honor of the sun, ' ' as his father had commanded him to do, and on the spot where it stood is the City of Mexico to-day. We shall hear very interesting things about the teocalli, or temple he built in Tenochtit- lan, when we come to the story of ' ' Montezuma and the Paba, ' ' for this is one of the most famous places in the new world, and no one can afford to be ignorant of its traditions and history. Cholula, the Sacred City T was in the Tonituah, or great sun age, that the wise men and the Golden Hearted built the Memento for Generations, on the plains of Puebla. It is not so high, but is twice as long as any other pyramid in the world, and is truncated, that is to say, it has four terraces which are reached by long circular staircases. On top there is an acre of ground on which once stood a wonderful teocalli or temple, built by the wise men, and dedicated to the Golden Hearted. Each generation added some- thing to the beauties of the Sacred City, Cholula, which sprang up near the pyramid, and for all time it will be one of the most wonderful things ever done by primitive men, who did not have our kind of implements to work with. The Golden Hearted lived in Cholula twenty years, and during that time he taught so many men how to make fine filigree work in gold and silver that there were whole streets filled with them, and the ornaments they made were famous for delicacy of design and finish. There was also a mountain of outcry, where the laws enacted by him were proclaimed by run- ners, but it is difficult to say whether this was Orizaba, with her conical snow-capped head far to the east, or whether it was huge Popocatepetl, or his twin sister who stood like colossal sentinels to guard the enchanted regions. 118 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO 4 'It is necessary to construct a calendar stone, so that the people will know when to hold festivals, and what ceremonies to perform/ 7 said the son of Guatamo to the Golden Hearted, one day while the long line of men were passing bricks by hand from the lower to the upper terrace of the pyramid which they were trying to finish. "I have been thinking about it," he replied, i ' and have decided to ask a certain old woman, and her husband, to help select the signs." "Be sure to make them plain to the people and appropriate to the subject," said the son of Guatamo, who had now become the chief adviser of the Golden Hearted. All of the wise men were still called Nahuas, or wizards, and the Golden Hearted was their plumed serpent, or wise king. In the evening of that day, the Golden Hearted approached the hut of a famous soothsayer and story-teller the old woman he wished to consult about the calendar. Standing in front of the door of the hut he said : "A humble applicant claims thy assistance in a matter of great import to thy fellows now and for all time. Wilt thou kindly hear me?" 1 ' Since it is always for thy brothers and never for thyself thou art constrained to invoke aid, I am honored by thy confidence," she said. "I have long been expecting thee." "Then thou knowest that I wish to invent a calendar which can be cut in enduring stone?" he asked, considerably surprised that she should already know his thoughts. CHOLTTLA, THE SACRED CITY 119 "Yes," she said, "and so well do I under- stand thy wishes and needs that I have the first sign ready for thee. ' ' Motioning him to follow her into an inner room, she showed him a water-snake she had painted on a piece of parchment, and continued : "Make it the sign of the serpent, the symbol of wisdom, since thou art come to teach brother- hood to all our tribes." A queer hunchbacked old man sat huddled up in a corner looking over a set of parchment leaves lying on a table before him, and muttering to him- self in a low tone. "My husband must make the next selection," said the old crone, going up to him and taking a paper out of his hands. "He makes it two cones," she continued, examining the design closely. ' * Now it is my turn to choose, ' ' said the Golden Hearted, "and I will select the three houses from this pile, and make that the third sign." They took turns about until twelve signs were chosen, then the Golden Hearted said: "] will make the last design myself, but not until my time of departure is at hand." "Before going, do not forget to inscribe the face of the pyramid, and also to explain its import fully," said the story-teller as the Golden Hearted was leaving her hut. "Thou art better able than I am to tell the hidden significance of that wonderful pile," he answered. 120 THE STORIES OF EL DOEADO "But it is thy duty; shirk it not/' she said with decision. Not long afterward he called all the workmen and their families together and said : 1 * There has now come a time in my life when I must live in seclusion away from the thoughts and occupations of my associates. But before going up on top of the pyramid to live alone until the altars in its temples are ready to receive the sacred fire, I will tell you why we have tarried so long and made such a wonderful structure. It is really a pillar of the Cosmos, or world, and is a center of fire which is the essence of all life." The name pyramid means a place of fire or a volcano, and the Goddess Pele, of the native Hawaiians, is the spirit of the volcano. "A pyramid," continued the Golden Hearted, "is the ideal form of the principle of stability because it cannot be destroyed. An earthquake will not shake it down, nor can it be set on fire. Being so big at the bottom and so heavy it is secure from floods of water, nor can the wind possibly blow it over. Neither time nor the elements will have any influence on this cunningly constructed pile, and for this reason it is like a noble character, which no adverse circumstance ever changes." Approaching the front of the pyramid, he pulled down a cloth hanging over the inscription cut in symbols on the face of a huge piece of granite. BEFORE THE LIGHT WAS OBSCURED THIS MEMENTO FOR GENERATIONS WAS CHOLULA, THE SACKED CITY 121 BUILT BY SERPENT KINGS. THEY WERE SCATTERED OVER THE EARTH TO CAR- RY TRUTH AND WISDOM. THEY WILL COME AGAIN TO RECEIVE THE TREAS- URES HIDDEN IN MY BOWELS. THEN ALL MEN WILL SPEAK AND HEAR THE GREAT IMPERISHABLE TRUTH. The next morning the Golden Hearted called his little band of wise men around him and said: 4 ' In the Bundle of Wonderful Things given me by Guatamo, I find my father's final command. It imposes seclusion upon me in this spot. The temple requires a central spire and I shall build and cover it with pure gold. Go thou to the valley and make thy life apart from me. I love thee well, and shall miss thee sadly, but I have need to be alone." 4 * What wilt thou have us do?" asked the son of Guatamo. "Go thou amongst thy fellows and teach them the arts of peace. Show them how to coax fertility anew out of the soil, and strengthen civil power until I call thee." It was several months before the spire was finished, and then it required several days to make a llama of beaten silver as an emblem of suffering innocence to put on the altar. The llama seated upon the back of an eagle was rescuing a rabbit from the fangs of a- rattlesnake. "This quaint symbol shall represent the une- qual conflict between the good and bad things in life, but the llama compelling the serpent to give up its prey means that good shall finally triumph," 122 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO said the Golden Hearted, to himself, as he put the offering in place on the altar. ' ' I have only a few days more in this beautiful spot, then must I return to good King Cocomos, my life-long friend and follower. Well indeed has he kept his promise to me, and not only are his subjects blessed with all the arts of civilization, but they are a shining example to other less favored races. I must offer a fitting sacrifice, " he contin- ued, "on this newly erected altar before I go." There were eight altars in the temple on top of the pyramid, and at sunset on the last day of his stay, the Golden Hearted placed the llama on the one facing the east. At the same time the son of Guatamo headed a procession of wise men at the base of the pyramid, who slowly climbed to the top. They performed sacrifice on each terrace as they ascended, and did not reach the temple until midnight. The Golden Hearted was alone in the great dark structure intently watching the constellation of the Pleiades directly overhead. As Alcyone, the dim star in the center of the group, approached the zenith, he sprang forward with a glad cry and vig- orously swinging a copper hammer made the sparks fly from a piece of flint. The son of venera- ble Guatamo held the bit of cotton over it and carefully nursed the fire into a blaze. As the light streamed up toward the heavens shouts of joy and triumph burst forth: "Once more the children of men receive a CHOLULA, THE SACRED CITY 123 direct ray from the spiritual sun ! Awake ! awake ! and hear the glad tidings ! ' ' Runners with torches lighted at the blazing beacon sped in every direction carrying the cheer- ing element to all parts of the country. Long before sunrise it was brightening the altars and hearth- stones in every house. The Golden Hearted prayed before the eastern altar, and then took an affec- tionate farewell of the young priest of the Order of Quetzalcoatl left in charge, but before descend- ing, he gazed long at the matchless scenery below. Soft spring verdure lay on all sides, and he drew courage and inspiration from that fact. At the foot of the pyramid he said : "Be of good cheer. A long era of peace and prosperity is for thee and thine. Let this knowl- edge be thy secret refuge lest thou be tempted to depart from the way. Grieve not for me, in the full- ness of time I will come again. " Then he set out for the Kingdom of Tlapalla, accompanied by four youths of noble birth. At the water 's edge he took leave of them saying : " Guard well the temple and the sacred fires, for when I come again, I will bring disciples with me who shall possess and rule the land." When the four youths returned to Cholula and told all their master had said to them, the people divided their province into four principalities and gave the government to the four young nobles. Ever after, four of the descendants of these youths con- tinued to rule as priests of the Order of Quetzal- coatl in the sacred city until the Spaniards came, THE STORIES OF EL DORADO which we will know all about when we read the story of " El Dorado, the Golden." One of the first things done by the noble youths when they became rulers was to make a statue of the Golden Hearted in a reclining position, because they said that he had gone to sleep in the bosom of the sun. When the wind blew they said he was sweeping the roads, and that he was the god of fer- tility. Not any place else in the new world was there so much reverence and respect paid to a statue as to this one of the Golden Hearted which was for ages kept in the temple he built on the top of the pyramid. For hundreds of miles around people came to do reverence to it, and even if it did have a black face, the ancient Aztecs always called him their -"Fair God." And to this day the calendar stone and many other wonderful things in Mexico are said to have been made by him. Tulla, the Hiding Nook of the Snake doubt you remember that the wise men built a Dark House in Nachan to hold the National Book, and such other treasures as the Golden Hearted did not wish to carry with him. And you also remember that he left a number of wise men in charge, and that he promised to return. The great pyramid at Cholula was not all finished, but it was far enough along so he could leave the son of Guatamo to go on with the work while he paid a visit to his old friends in Nachan. When he arrived there, he found a splendid city having whole houses of silver, others of tur- quoise, some of white and red shells and some of rich feathers. Cotton grew there in all colors, so it was not necessary to dye it, and the people were rich and prosperous. A great and mighty king ruled them, but he finally grew jealous because the people seemed to think that all their good fortune came from obeying the commands given them by the Golden Hearted when he visited them as a mere youth. 126 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO They did everything in their power to honor the good prince. When he promulgated a new law, they ran to the mountain tops and proclaimed it in a loud voice, and then the swift-footed cou- riers dashed through the country with lighted torches and repeated it to every one they met. One day a young man came to him and said : "Good prince, be on your guard. The king no longer loves you." "Why do you say this to me!" asked the Golden Hearted. "Because I know he plots to injure you. He. is angry because you are helping the wise men build Tulla. He calls it the Hiding Nook of the Snake to show contempt for you." "Again I ask why do you say such things to me?" There was so much reproach in the tones of the voice of the Golden Hearted that the young man hung his head and stammered: * ' Forgive me, but I wanted you to know there is danger for you here, and I am ready to serve you faithfully." The Golden Hearted made no reply, but tak- ing a thoroughly-dried cactus needle from a shelf, stuck it through his ears and was beginning to pierce his tongue when the young man sprang for- ward and caught his hand. "Why, good prince," he cried in a startled voice, "do you maltreat your poor ears and tongue! It is I who have spoken evil, not you." * ' But I listened, and that is an offense against TULLA, HIDING NOOK OF THE SNAKE 127 the Good Law. Do you think I will not punish myself for disobedience!" * i Oh, ' ' said the young man, with tears stream- ing down his face, "the sight of blood makes my heart ache, and I, too, will be punished. ' ' And with that he stuck cactus needles through his ears and tongue. "My friend," said the Golden Hearted, "I thank you for your kind thought of me, but I must beautify Tulla even if it does displease the king, and he is right in calling it the Hiding Nook of the Snake, because it will be a treasure-house of the wisdom inherited from the philosophers and wise men of your race. You should always bear in mind that a serpent is a symbol of wisdom, and not a thing to despise. The king compliments me, even though he knows it not." The young man went out of the room with the thorns still sticking in his ears, .and when he spat blood, his companions said : "Why does your mouth bleed?" and he answered : "Because I have been speaking evil of some one." "Open your mouth and let us see," they said. "It is only needful to examine the tongue. I have pierced it with the sharp needle of the cactus. ' ' i i Who gave you leave to do such a thing ? ' ' "No one," he answered, "but when the Good Prince inflicted that penalty on himself for merely hearing what I said, I could do no less than follow his example." 128 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO ''And we will do likewise," they said, and in after years, every devotee of the teachings of the Golden Hearted punished himself in this manner for evil speaking or listening to others saying unkind things of a fellow creature. Of course we know that the king really was jealous of the Golden Hearted, and was determined that he should not stay long in Tulla, which bade fair to rival his own city with which it was connected by the secret passageway containing the Dark House. During the years of his absence, the wise men left in Nachan had been at work on this won- derful city, and it was very beautiful indeed, even before the Golden Hearted saw it at all. When he came the inhabitants received him with great rejoicing, and then the king of Nachan began to be afraid that he would have too great a following. The king had no excuse to fight the Golden Hearted, because he always put his fingers in his ears when they talked of war in his presence, and under no circumstances would he have been made king himself. He only wanted to teach and help the people in a peaceable and kind way. The king knew all this, but he was uneasy and wanted the Golden Hearted to go away. So he hired a native wizard to play a cunning trick upon the Golden Hearted. Disguising himself as one of the wise men, the wizard went to his house and said to his servant : 1 ' I wish to see and speak to your master. ' ' "Go away, old man, you cannot see the prince TULLA, HIDING NOOK OF THE SNAKE 129 for he is sick. You will annoy him and cause him heaviness. ' ' ' l But I must see him, ' ' persisted the pretended old man. * ' Wait a moment and I will ask him, ' ' said the servant, and he went and told the Golden Hearted that a strange old man was determined to see him. "Let him come in," said the sick man. Tottering up to the bedside as if he were very feeble, the intruder said with well-feigned sympathy : "How are you, my lord! Here is a medicine I have brought for you." HERE IS MEDICINE FOR YOU 1HO THE STORIES OF EL DORADO 1 i You are welcome ; I have been expecting you for many days," and the Golden Hearted held out his hand in a friendly manner. * ' How is your body, and how is your health f ' ' again asked the visitor, seating himself by the bedside. "I am exceedingly sick. All my body is in pain, and I cannot move my hands nor my feet." "The medicine I have is good and wholesome. If you will drink it you will be healed and eased at heart." As he said this, the wizard held up a small silver cup and put a white powder in it. "Drink this and you will then have in mind the toils and fatigues of death, and of your departure. ' ' "Where have I to go!" cried his listener in surprise. "To Tlapalla (which was their name for the Happy Island), where The Old Man of the Sea is waiting for you. He has much to tell you, and when you return you will be young and handsome. Indeed you will be a mere boy again." Seeing that the Golden Hearted merely stared at him, he said : ' ' Sir, drink this medicine. ' ' But the sick man did not wish to do so. "Drink, my lord, or you will be sorry for it hereafter," urged the wizard. 4 ' No, no ; I will not drink it. ' ' "At least rub some on your brow and taste a sip. ' ' So the Golden Hearted drank a little to try it, saying: "What is this? It seems to be a thing very TULLA, HIDING NOOK OF THE SNAKE 131 good and savory. Already I feel myself healed. I am well." i 'Drink some more, my lord, since it is good. The more you drink, the better you will feel." The sick man swallowed considerable more and then he was drunk. It was not medicine at all that the wizard gave him, but a white wine made from the maguey plant and the powder he put in it was to make the Golden Hearted believe that he must go away. For days after he was very sad and wept con- tinuously, but he began to get ready to leave Tulla. No matter what was said to dissuade him, he could never get rid of the idea that he must take all of his followers and go as quickly as possible. The wise men, seeing that he was determined, gathered up all the picture writings they had made as a record of their journeys, and putting them into an ark, carried it swung on a pole with them. Before leaving, they called the people together and said: "Know that the Golden Hearted commands you to remain here in these lands of which he makes you master and gives you possession. He goes to the place whence he and we came, but he will return to visit you when it shall be time for the world to come to an end. You must await him in these lands, possessing them and all contained in them since for this purpose came we hither. Remain, therefore, for we go with the Golden Hearted." The Departure of the Golden Hearted e poisoned wine worked in the brain of the Golden Hearted and caused him to do many singular things. For instance he burned all the beautiful houses built for him by the wise men and ordered much of his treasure to be buried in the mountains and ravines. When he left Tulla, he took all the bright-plumaged singing birds with him, and would only allow nineteen of the wise men to go with him. Two of these knew all about fishing, and two knew about farming, and one was a weather prophet who studied the clouds and winds, and could foretell storms, while all the rest were priests who kindled the sacred fires and taught the people the Good Law. As soon as the King of Tulla found he was leaving, he took an army and followed after him, laying the country waste and taking captive as many of the people as he could find. THE DEPARTURE 133 ' * Good prince, why do you not let us make war upon your and our enemy f" the warriors often asked him, but he always put his fingers in his ears and replied sadly: "You do not understand the Good Law, my friend. The only way to overcome hate is with love. It is fully time for me to return to Tlapalla. ' ' He traveled on until he came to a place where there was a great tree, high and very thick. Here he sat down to rest. "Bring me a mirror," he said to his servant, and when he saw his face reflected in it, he cried out: ' ' Take it away. I am already old. ' ' Then the wise men knew that the drug in the wine was mak- ing him mad again and they did not try to hinder him when he began throwing stones at the tree. "I will make these stones stick into your bark until you look like a porcupine and the wind cannot blow them out, ' ' he said, and for a long, long time, the tree was pointed out to travelers as being enchanted, because the god of wind had hurled his wrathful breath upon it. From all accounts the tree was full of sharp rocks from top to bottom and must have looked very queer indeed. The flute players tried to divert his attention as they marched along the wood, but he was very weary and finally sat down to rest on a stone by the roadside. "0, Thou of infinite mercy and compassion, dry the hot tears that flood and burn my face, ' ' he 134 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO said brokenly as he looked toward Tulla. People now say that his tears marked and ate into the stone, and that the print of his hands is still to be found on it. After he had reached a very wide river and had commanded his followers to help build a bridge across it, he was met by some men who tried to stop him. "Where are you going?" they asked, "and why do you leave your city! To whose care will you commend it, and who will do penance in it?" The Golden Hearted answered them firmly: t i You can in no w T ise hinder me, for I must go. ' ' "But where are you going!" they insisted. "To Tlapalla," he answered. "For what purpose are you going!" ' ' The sun calls me, ' ' he said. "Go then," they replied, "but leave behind all the mechanical arts, the melting of silver, the working of precious stones and of masonry, picture writing, feather work and other crafts." And then they would have robbed him, but he threw all his rich jewels into a fountain. Among his tormentors was the pretended old wizard who tried to induce him to drink more wine. "No, I can not drink it. I can not even taste it again," he said, and that night in his sleep he turned his head from side to side and tore his hair with his hands. The next morning in passing between a vol- cano and the snowy mountain tops, all his servants THE DEPARTURE 135 being hunchbacked, died of cold, and he had no way to get down the steep mountain side except to slide in a squatting position with his feet close together. In one place he stopped and built a square stone court for ball play, and taught the people how to play the game. Now it is said that he drew a line through the center of the court, and that made the deep gash in the mountains still to be seen. In another place he threw a dart at a tree and pierced it in such a manner that it looked like a cross, and after that a cross was called "The Tree of Our Life, ' ' in memory of this event. Some say that he built houses with certain underground passageways where he hid picture writing and records of his teachings, and just before arriving at the water's edge, he set up and balanced a great stone so that it could be moved with one's little finger, but a whole multitude could not displace it. No doubt you remember the village chief where the Golden Hearted went when he first arrived from the Happy Island, and also that he sent this chief a cross with a hand in the center. Now that he was going home again, the Golden Hearted thought he would visit the chief and see how he and his people were progressing. Imagine his surprise in finding that they had dedicated a temple to him, and that in the middle of the square tower was a terra cotta statue of him- self dressed as a warrior holding an arrow in his hand, and because the statue was hollow they thought it was an oracle. His name in their language 1M THE STORIES OF ED DORADO was Cukulcan, but the common people called him "The Working Hand/ 7 and had great respect for a huge stone cross erected in the turreted court- yard in front of the temple, which had a big red hand in the center. When the Golden Hearted went among the peo- ple, he found that they remembered everything he had told them, and that on the anniversary of his coming great crowds of people came on a pilgrim- age to the oracle statue in the temple. It did no good for him to tell them that he was simply an elder brother and teacher come to give them aid in a simple, kindly way. They believed he was sent by God, and for ages after the people made pil- grimages to this shrine, and held it in very great esteem. Realizing that it was time for him to go down to the sea coast among the fishermen he had first seen, he went to the temple service one morning, and after praying before the altar, picked up a sacred Tunkel and sang them a prophetic song of farewell : "Ye men of Itza hearken to the tidings Listen to the forecast of this cycle's end, Four have been the ages of the world's progressing Now the fourth is ending and its end is near, A mighty lord is coming, see you give him honor, A potent lord approaches to whom all must bow I, the prophet, warn you, keep in mind my boding, Men of Itza mark it, and await your lord." l:*8 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO "Waste not your time in idle repining," he said in farewell, "I go for purification, but will surely come again." He only spent time enough on the seashore to build and provision a balsa, or boat with sails, and then he said "good bye" to the fisherfolk, and sailed away toward the east with a few of the wise men for companions. Just before he stepped into the boat he turned to the wise men, who were to remain and said : "It wrings my heart to part from you, but there is need for you to stay here in order to com- plete the tasks already begun." As he embraced and kissed each one on the cheek he named their special duty, and had no fear that his orders would not be fully carried out. i i You must go 'to the son of Guatamo, and tell him my work is finished." To another he said : "You must go about and teach in my stead. I will come again, but at another time." It was difficult for him to persuade the fisher- man not to accompany him. "Have no fear. Mine is a staunch bark capa- ble of riding the storm and stress of the angry sea. Farewell, beloved, I will return to you, when the time and seasons are propitious." The people on shore turned again and again to throw kisses to him, while the fishermen in their little boats put out to sea with him, and strained their vision to catch a last glimpse of his flower- laden balsa. THE DEPARTURE 139 The wise men and priests in the temples where- ever he had been, began at once to guard the sacred fires and to watch and pray for his safe return. Lest they should forget his sayings they engraved them on stone, and taught them to the people so that his name was a household word for genera- tions. His was the only civilization known in the Americas before the advent of the white men. THE SNAKE-SKIN CANOE ' El Dorado, the Golden have read somewhere that "in 1492 Columbus sailed the waters blue, ' ' and we know that the big Exposition held in Chi- cago in 1893 was to commemorate the four hun- dredth anniversary of the discovery of America, but no one can possibly tell how long it was after the Golden Hearted sailed away, until Columbus came. And nobody knows where the Golden Hearted went. He said he was going to Tlapalla, which we know meant the Happy Island, but no one can find it any more, and there are traditions which say that the island, with all its inhabitants, sank in the ocean. This may be why the Golden Hearted never came back again. Of course the wise men and the primitive people in the Americas believed that he would return because he said he would, and they watched and waited all the long years from one generation to another. Many times bright and promising young men, just out of the universities, or fresh from victories on the battle fields, would take the vows of a priest, and give up all their hopes EL DORADO, THE GOLDEN 141 and ambitions to serve in the temples erected in honor of the Golden Hearted. They did not know anything more about him than we do, but they had faith in him. They said: "All the good we know comes from him, and when he returns all wrongs will be righted and every heart made to rejoice. He will give us every- thing we wish for. ' ' Several times during the year whole nations would fast and do severe penance to induce him to come quickly. Not one of them could be made to believe that he was dead. i i No, no, ' ' they said, ' ' he is asleep in the bosom of the sun. He will surely come again; he prom- ised us he would." Then they would get the idea that he was offended, and the kings would order great sacrifice to be made to appease him. In some places I am sorry to say they offered the quivering, bleeding hearts of human beings by the hundreds, but still he did not come. In other places they remembered his gentleness and only laid fruit, flowers and per- fumes on the sacred fire altars which they still kept burning. There were many places where they care- fully preserved his sayings by cutting them in sign language on the stones of the temples, and every child was taught to imitate his virtues and follow his example. For several years before Columbus arrived the priests and wise men had been prophesying 142 THE STORIES OF EL DORADO that the Golden Hearted was soon to return, that the sun was bringing him back, accompanied by companions like himself, who would rule over them. Not even the great-great-grandfathers of the men then living had seen the Golden Hearted, so they did not know how he looked, but their traditions said that he was a bearded white man, and we shall see by and by what a curious mistake this led them to make about the first white men who came to them after the discovery of America. Before we can understand how such things could happen, we must remember that the people in Europe did not know there was an America, and that many of them had very queer ideas about the shape of the earth. Some said it was four-cornered and square like a dry goods box, and others thought it was round and flat like a plate, surrounded by water which finally changed into vapor and mist, and that whoever ventured far out into the misty clouds fell through and went heaven knows where ! In the quaint old Italian city of Genoa was born a little boy named Christopher Columbus, who was to change all this, and be the innocent cause of much suffering to the descendants of the races who had been visited by the Golden Hearted. When a mere lad at school, he was greatly interested in boats, and he not only studied geography and his- tory, but read all the books of travel he could find, and dreamed night and day of a great long voyage he was going to make on the ocean some time. He did not waste his time fishing and playing on the beach EL DORADO, THE GOLDEN 143 like other boys, but picked up the chips that washed ashore and examined them very carefully, because he believed that if there was an unknown land some vvhtre in the west, that the waves would bring some- thing ashore from there. He was really quite an old man before he found anything, but one day he picked up some strange chips at Cadiz that had been cut by hand, and then he knew he was right. Sailors always do have wonderful tales to tell about the sea, and in those days they were so super- stitious that they w^ere sure that there were huge li'onsters living in the distant waters just waiting to eat up any sailor foolish enough to venture near them. There was not one of them willing to listen to Columbus, when he tried to explain that the en 1 , th is round like an orange, and that we live on the outside of it. He said to them repeatedly : "If we sail west steadily, we shall in time arrive back at the place from which we started." Finally, riot only the sailors, but the people in the streets pointed their fingers at him and said : "There goes the crazy old man, who thinks the world is as round as an apple/' The more he talked and reasoned and argued and even drew maps to prove that he was right, the more everybody shook their heads and called him crazy. Columbus was about to give up in despair because he was very poor, and there seemed to be no way by which he could demonstrate that Ms theory of the shape of the earth was correct. And now comes a curious coincidence. 144 THE STORIES OF EL DOliADO He was a very devout Christian, and felt cer- tain that the inhabitants of this strange country in the west had never heard of our God nor of his beloved son Jesus, and his heart was fired with zeal to reach these poor heathens and tell them the story of the Christ. About this time some influential friend secured