m INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE 3mmran Htferarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY I* OF HARTFORD, CONN. COMPILED BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER, A.M. Librarian of Amherst College HARTFORD, CONN. PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1 893 INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE Emmratt Htfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY M Sib lhthecq Rt*\ OF HARTFORD, CONN. BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER, A.M. Librarian of Amherst College HARTFORD, CONN. PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1893 EXPLANATION. The entries in this Index are primarily under authors, but title and subject entries are introduced whenever they seem likely to be of use. Noteworthy imprints are referred to under the name of the place. SMALL CAPITALS are used for subject headings under which a considerable number of titles are entered. Some of the miscellaneous pamphlets of little importance, cata logued in Parts IV and V, have not been individually entered in the Index, but it is believed that every entry has been made which is likely to be of practical utility. INDEX. 61 155 I5< 697 Abbot, A. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, i8oq. . 191 Artil. elec. sermon, 1802. . . . 1576 Abbot, G. Abbot family genealogy. . 5111 Abbot, Mos., Cooper s fun. sermon on, 1734. 1892 Abbott, Geo. Description of the world. . Abbott, J. S. C. Artil. elec. sermon, 1842. 1576 Abel, T. Subtensial plane trigonometry. 6654 Abenteuerliche Ereignisse. . .Lebend.er- sten Ansiedler im Westl. Staaten. . 4446 Abercrombie, R. & Boston presbytery. . 1731 Abert, J. W. New Mexico, 184.8. . 4714, 8696 Abington, Conn. SeePomtret. Abington, Mass. Hobart. Hist, sketch. . 1558 Abnakis, Hanson s history of. . . . 2604 Languages . . . . . 5693-96 Maurault. Histore de 5428 Abolitionist, The ; ed. Garrison. . . 732 Acadia. Remarks on French memo., 7756. 8038 Account of French settlements, 1746. of Brit. Colonies in No. America, 7775. of Spc. for Encour. of Brit, troops, 7760. Acontius, J. Satan s stratagems. Acosta, J. de. History of the Indies, 1604. Acrelius, I. Beskrifmngomde.. Penn. 7759. Acton, Mass. Swift. Fast sermon, 7767. Adams. Cent l address, 1833. . . . 1561 Acton, Me. Fullonton. History, 184.7. . 2612 Acts of the Elders. Boston, 7^7. . . 2366 Ack worth, N. H. Cooke, dedica. ser.,7&2. 2473 Adair, J. Hist, of Amer. Indians. . 5352, 53 m German Adam, G. Adv. of emig. to Calif., 1850. Adam, M. Vitse Germ. Theologorum. Adams, Miss Abigail, Journal, etc. Ripley s funeral sermon on, 1813. . Adams, Mrs. Abigail. Letters. . Whitney s funeral sermon on. Adams, Amos. Hist, of New England. 271, 72 Adams, C. B. Geology of Vermont. . 8906 Adams, Eliph. Sermon and lecture, 7706. 694 Sermon at execu. of K. Garret, 1738. . 2256 Adams, Hannah. Compendium of sects. 7422 History of New England. . . 273, 274 Memoir 5133 and J. Morse, controversy. . . . 1776 Adams, John. Bancroft. Ser. on death of. 4754 Canon and federal law. Collection of State papers. . Correspondence, from Bost. Patriot. Corresp. with W. Cunningham. . Defense of Constitution of U. S. . Inadmissible principles, etc. i8oq. Letters to Dr. Calkoen. . . . 3931,4174 Colman s sketch of 4754 Cranch s memoir of 4755 Eulogies on 4756,57 Pamphlets on 4952 Sermons on death of . 1826. . . . Tggs Wood s History of Admin, of. . . 494 8 See Novanglus 4093 Adams, Rev. John. Poems. . . 6767, 68 Ordina. ser. [of himself J.Newport, 1728. 2411 Adams, J. Q. Annv. disc. Plymouth, 1802. 1915 Corresp. rel. to alleged design to dis solve the Union 5069, 974 Dermot MacMorrough 6767 Inaug. as Boylston Prof. H. C. i8ob. . 1773 53 55 : 133 5*32 1995 4765 5131 4955 . 4178 4752 4753 4748-51 4953 Adams, J. Q. Jubilee of the constitut n. - Letter to H. G. Otis. 1808. 4758/59, 4953, 5072,74 4761 Letters on masonry 6696 Review of works of Fisher Ames. 4760, 4953 Lowell s remarks on 4764 Treaty of Ghent and fisheries. . . 4953 Colman, W. Criticism on. . . . 4762 Eulogies on 4953 Quincy s Life of 4763 Adams, N. An Is of Portsmouth, N.H. 2493, 8686 Adams, Sam. Appeal to the world. 7769. 1571,72 ......... 4182, 9106 Thacher s fun. ser. on. 1804. . . . 1994 Adams, Wm. Mass. Election ser. 1685. . 693 Adams, Zabdiel. Ans. to Chaplin, 7772. . 1570 Ser. on Chr n. Unity, Bolton, Ms. 7772. 1570 Addison, Alex. Analysis of Report on proceedings of other States. . . 3716 Address of freemen confin d in Mason s lodge, Phila. 7777 4 i 7S to citizens of Mass. 1808. .... 4953 to inhabitants of. .. Boston. 77^7. . . 1573 to people of Gt. Brit, on Amer. indep. 4178 to Prot. Dissenters. 7774. . . 4173, 8039 to the States by Congress, 1783. . . 4174 Adventures of Uncle Sam in search of his lost honor 4957 Adye, R. W. The bombardier. . . 8638 Adye, S. P. Treatise on courts martial. 4958 JEsop. Fables 7088 Agassiz, L. Introd. to study of nat. hist. 6643 Lake Superior 8040 Agathocles (pseud.) Popish hierarchy. . 1741 Agriculture 6601-28 Aiken, S. Addr. to fed l clergymen, 1813. 5070 Ainsworth, H. Animadv. to R. Clifton. . 509 Communion of Saints 509 Counterpoyson. 511 Akerly, S. Geol. of Hudson river region. 2741 Alabama. Heads of Legislature. 1842-3. 4335 Holcombe. Baptists in 4336 Hist. Soc. Transactions. 1851. . . 4334 Pickett. History. 7^7 4340 Royall. Letters from. 1830. . . . 4341 Survey, Geolog. Brunley on. 1845. . 4342 Synod of, Nail s Disc, on dead of. 1851. 4342 Albany, Acts relating to basin. 1848. . 2924 Barnard. Disc, on S. Van Rensselaer, and sketch of Rensselaer wyck. iSjq. 2921 Bridge over Hudson, 6 pamphlets, 1841. 2922 Charter. 7777 2916 Chester. Hist. disc. 1820. . . . 1915 City guide, 1845 2917 Laws and ordinances. 7777. . . . 2916 Munsell. Annals 1000, 2918 Collections on hist. of. . . . 2919,20 Narrative of revival. 1820. . . . 2924 Rogers. Hist. disc, on Ref . Prot. Dtch. ch. 2923 Smith. Missionary Sermon. 7797. . . 2924 Sprague. 3oth Anniv. Ser. 1846. . . 2924 25th Anniv. Ser. 1834 2924 Sermons on Atl. Telegraph, 1838. . 2924 Albany Institute. Transactions. . . 6652 Albee, Amos. Norfolk collection of sacred harmony 5897 Alden T. Amer. epitaphs. 5112,13, 8041,42 Missions among Senecas & Munsees. . 5584 225817 INDEX. J 9 6 9 2047 2I 7 6 6 3 1737 520 4960 2933 8068 5 X 39 3968 Backus, I. MS. Biography of Pres. J. Manning 2399, 2625 Tracts 6203-05, 7453 Backus, L. S. Important Indian MSS. . 5633 Bacon, John. Conjectures on prophecies. 5858 Bacon, L. Hist. disc, isoth anniv. So. Ch. Wore. Ms., 1863 Hist, discourse. Ct. Hist. Soc., 1843. . Thirteen hist, discour. N. Haven, rffr). Bacon, T. Sermons on duty of Christian masters 3663,64 Bacqueville dela Potherie. Hist del Am- erique septentrionale Badger, S. Ordin. as Miss, to Natick Ind. Bagshaw, E. Kingdom of Christ. Bailey, I. Amer. naval biography . Bailey, J. T. Hist, sketch of Br kl n.N.Y. I .alley, N. Eng. dictionary, 1728. . Bailey, Robert. Life and adventures. Bailey. W. Records of patriotism. . Bailey s Almanac, 1800 3 -^ Baily, John I., Mather s fun. sermon on. 957 Baine. History of late war (of 1812). . 4964 Baker, Rachel. Devotional somnium. . 6533 Surprising case of 6534 Balch, T. Papers on Maryland line in the Revolution 4 I 4 Baldwin, E. Annals of Yale College. 2190, 8219 Baldwin, E. W. Memoirs. . . . 5140 Baldwin, L. Thoughts on study of polit. economy. jSoc>. ..._.. 4953 Baldwin, Moses. Sermon, execution of W. Shaw, Springfield, 7770. . . 1996 Baldwin, Roger S., Dutton sfun. ser. on. 2326 Baldwin, S. An. disc. Plym th, Ms. 7775. 1915,16 Baldwin, T., Chessman s Memoir of. . 5141 Baldwin, T., Massacre of family of. 5477, 5581 Balfour, W. Letter on term Gehenna. . Ball, I. Analytic l view of animal econ y. Ball, John. Treatise of faith. . Trial of grounds of separation. Ballantine, J. Sermon to Soldiers, West- field, 7756 259 Ballou, Adin. Doctrine of Sec. Advent. . 7677 Ballston Spa, N. Y. Imprint, 1816. . . 473 Baltimore, Lord, and Penn. Indenture. . 9166 Baltimore, Events of Revol. war in. Pur- viance 3685 Griffith. Annals 3679,80 Early history 3680 Mob of 1812 3682,83,8517 Periodicals 3686-89 . 3684 6586 2OI 35 Picture of Varle. Complete view of. Baltimore Weekly Magazine. . . . 3687 Bancroft, A. Life of Geo. Washington. . 4240 - [Six occas. sermons] 1984 Sermon on death of. .... 4754 Bancroft, G. History of the U. S. . 4771,72 Poems. 6781 Bangor, Me. Manual of ist Cong. Ch. i8$b. 2594 Bank of Credit, Model for Erecting, 7774. 1430 Dudley, P. Objections to. 7774. . . 1431 Bank of North America. Addr. on abo lition of, 1785 3108, 4187 Bank of U. S. Enq. on principles of. 7794. 4956 Bankruptcy, Reflections on law of. New Haven, 1755 2187 Banks, H. Memorial to Congress. . . 4174 Banks, Some consid. on sev. sorts of. 7776. 1432 State, Argts. in favor of. Conn. 1805. . 2141 Banneker, B. Letter to Jefferson. . . 7304 Banvard, J. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 1902 Baptism and the Baptists. . . . 6191, 6261 and Consociat n; Bost n Synod, 7662. 844-46 Bulkeley. Debate at Lyme, 1729. . . 2044 Davenport, J. Another essay. . 752, 1345 Jenks, Jos. Reply toW. Wilkinson, 7779. 2360 Mather, C. Essay upon. . . . 1252 Mather, I. Discourse concerning. . 967 Baptism; Mather I. First principles. .986,87 Morgan. Portsmouth disputation on. . 3439 Propositions cone, by Bost. Synod. 7662. 844-46, 1345 St. Nicholas, J. History of. . . .658 Terry, Ezek. Candid opinion. . .1897 Baptist churches. Jacob, H. Reasons. . 603 Baptists, Confession of Faith of. Frank lin, 1743 3274 Edwards. History of 349 in Alabama. Holcombe 4336 C. Mather s ordin. ser., E. Callender. 1076 Barbadoes. Acts of Assembly, 1648-1718. 5329 Caribbeana 533 Barbarities of the enemy exposed. 1813 4965,66, 5058, 8069 Barbary War. Blyth. History. . . 4972 Barbe-Marbois, F. Complot d Arnold. 3961,62 History of Louisiana 439 1 Barber, J. W. Amistad captives. . . 8053 Hist. Collections of Conn. . . . 2037 of Mass 1462 Hist, of N. Eng., N. Y., and N. J. . 278 Hist, and Antiq. of New Haven. . . 2177 Interesting events in U. S. Hist. . . 4773 N. England scenes 344 Views in New Haven 2177* and H. Howe. Hist. Collec. of N. Y. . 2742 Barclay, R. Anarchy of the ranters. 3485, 3558 Apolo. der wahren.. .Gottesgelehrheit. 7441 Apol. for the true Divinity, 7729. . . 2412 Apology for . . .Quakers. . 3481-84, 3556 Catechism and Confession. . 3381,3486-90 Barefoot, Isa c. Moh wk ps lms & hymns. 5732 Baring, Alex. Inq. into Orders in Coun cil, 4953, 5069 Barker, Jos. Century ser. Middleboro, Mass., 7795 1875 Barlow, Joel. Advice to priv l g d Orders. 4775 Columbiad. 4154 Letter on Advantages of Fr. Revol. . 4775 Letter to Nat l Conv. of France, 7797. . 4775 Letters on Comm l Policy, 1800. . . 4775 Poetical works 6782-90 Political writings 4774 Prospect of Peace, 777^. .... 4775 Strictures on Watson s Apology for the Bible 4775 Two Letters from Paris, 7799. . . 4775 Vision of Columbus. . . . 8070-71 Watts s Psalms 6072-80 Notice sur la vie de. .... 4775 Barnard, J. Ashton s Memorial, 7725. . 1871 Conven. Sermon, Boston, 1738. . . 1737 Mass. Elec. Sermon, 1734. . . . 1485 Psalms of David 5989 Sermons 7436-40 Barnard, T. Ordin. of J. Bayley, 7757. . 2499 Barnard, Vt. Imprint, 1812. . . . 6268 Barney, Comm. Joshua, Memoir of. . 4967 Barnstable, Mass. Centennial, 1840. . 1563 Stone. Assize Sermon, 1728. . . . 1989 Barnstable Co.,Descript. of E. Coast, 1802. 1563 Survey of Canal through, 1826. . . 1563 Barnum, H. L. Spy unmasked. . 3969-71 Barnwell, R. G. New Orleans book. Barr, J. History, by himself. . Barratt, J. American willows. . Etchemin language. Indian of N. England. Indian Prop rs of Mattebeseck. 4435 5*4* 6586, 8072 5633 5476, 5693 5633 Barre, Mass. Sprague. Dedica. Ser. 7<?9. 156 Thompson, J. W. Anniv. Ser.,7<S/7,7<%v. 1563 Barrere, P. Nouv. relation de la Guiane. 5338 Barrett, S. Artill, Elec. Sermon. 1831. Barren, Capt. J., Court-martial of. . Barrow, Sir J. Life of Earl Howe. . Barry, J. S. Hist of Hanover, Mass. History of Mass. Barry, T. Captivity with Monsipi Ind ns. ^482 Barry, W. Hist of Framingham, Mass. . 1830 4989 5018 1838 1463 INDEX. Barstow, G. Hist, of New Hampshire. . 2444 Bartlet, W. Ichnographia. . . . 1345 Bartlett, J.R. Bibliography of R. I. . 2346, 7921 Destruction of the Gaspee, 1772. . . 2347 Literature of the rebellion. . . . 7922 Bartlett, R. Preserva. of public archives. 7923 Barton, Andrew. The disappointment ; comic opera 7045 Barton. B. S. Materia medica for U. S. . 6536 Origin of tribes of America. . . . 5359 Barton, T. Serm. on Braddock s defeat. 3275 Barton, Gen. W., Life of 3972 Bartram, J. Description of E. Florida. Lond. 7769 4343i 64 Travels in No. & So. Carolina, etc. . 3841 Travels in Florida, etc. Lond. 7792. . 4344 and Kahn. Travels in America, 1751. . 2969 Bass, J., Handcock s Ordin. ser. for. . 1737 Batavia, N. Y. Imprints, 1827-28. . 471, 6735 Seaver, Hist, sketch, 1849. . . . 2925 Bates, W. Mysterious stranger, conf. in. | , Simsbury Mines for Burglary. j 7 Bath-Kol. A voice from the wilderness. 6327 Baudry des Loziers, L. N. Voyages a la Louisiane 4392, 93 Baxter, J. Mass. Elec. Sermon, 7727. . 1484 Journal of visits to Kennebec Indians. 5478 Baxter, R. Gildas Salvianus. . . .524 Wehkomaonganoo ; Call, etc. . . 782 Baxter, Mr., baptized in bloud. . . 523 Bay Psalm-Book 847-51 Bayard, F. M. Voyage dans. . . Etas-Unis. 3718 Bayard, Nich. Trial for high treason, N. Y., 1703 2743 Bayley, D. American harmony. . 5892, 93 Essex harmony 5893 Introduction to music 5891 Baylie, R. Dissuasive from errors, 1643. 37 2 Baylies, F. History of New Plymouth. . 1901 Bayly s Practice of piety in Indian lang. 795-97 Beach, J. Eternal life, God s gift. . . 2417 Friendly expostulation 6119 Modest enquiry into state of dead. . 6118 Second familiar conference. . . . 6120 [Pamphlets.] 7445 Mansfield s funeral sermon on. . . 2324 Beadle, W. Murder, Wethersfield, 1782. . 2286 Beale, R. Trial of Comm. D. Porter. . 5056 Beardsley, L. Reminiscences of Otsego Co., N. Y 2976 Beatty, C. Journ l of miss n am ng Ind s. 5586 Beaumont, John. Treatise on Spirits. . 1349 Beauties of Brother Bull Us. . . . 8076 Beaver City, Pa., Account of. . . . 3333 Bechteln, J. Kurzer Catechismus. Franklin, 1742 3276 Beck, L. C. Gazetteer of Illinois. . . 4618 Becket, Mass. Cooley. Dedica. serm. 1850. 1568 Mill. loth Anniv. Sermon, 7<5 67. . . 1568 Beckwith, Geo. Sermons. . . . 7443,44 Bedford, N. H. Barnes. Centennial ad dress, 1850 2473 Centennial history, 1851. . . . 2474 Beecher, E. Narrative of riots at Alton. . 4617 Beecher, L. Anniv. Disc., Plymouth, 1827. 1915 Plea for the West 4450 Sermons 8077 Belcher, Gov. Jona., Burr s fun.serm. on. 3595 Controversy as to salary. . . . 1500 Belcher, Jos. Artill. Elec. Sermon, ibqS. . 2626 Worst enemy conquered. ... 724 Belcher, S. Assize Sermon, 7702. 725, 1848, 7446 Harmony of Maine 5899 Belcher, Mrs. W., Prince. Fun. serm. on. 5142 Belchertown, Mass. Doolittle, M. Hist y. 1564 Eccles. Council, 1723 1568 Belden, E. P. Sketches Yale Coll. . . 8222 Belden, L. W. Jane Rider, somnambulist. 6537 Belfast, Me., White. History of. . . 2596 Belisle, D. W. Independence Hall, Phila. 3 n6 Belknap, D. Evangelical harmony. . . 5900 Belknap, D. Harmonist s companion. . 5923 3elknap, Jere. Amer. biography. . . 5088 Charac. etc. of Jesus Christ. . . . 8079 Eclogue on death of Rev. A. Cum- ming 6848 The foresters ; an American tale. 7073,74 Discourse on discov. of Amer. . . 8078 Hist, of New Hampshire. . 2445-46, 8674 -Sacred poetry 5990^)5 Life of 5143 Bell, S. [pseud.] Tales of travel West. . 445 i Bellamy, J. Benedict s fun. ser. on, Beth lehem, 7790 2320 True religion and other works. . 7447-50 Bellenger, J. M. Micmac grammar. . . 5631 Bellingham, Mass. Fisher s Cent, serai s. 1822 1568 Belsham, T. Hist, of Unitarian churches in America 6357 Beltrami, J. C. Decouverte des sources du Mississippi 4452 Letter in defense of his Discovery. 1823. 2899 Pilgrimage in Europe and America. . 4453 Beltran de Santa Rosa Maria, P. Idioma Maya Benbrigge, I. Usura accomodata. Benedict, D. Hist, of Baptist in America Benezet, A. Account of the Quakers. Caution [etc. on Slavery,] 7762. Guinea and Slave trade. . Memoirs, by R. Vaux. " la 5780 679 6206 3582 8080 349 1 Obs. on inslaving of negroes. . . 3353 Obs. on slavery, liquors, and Quakers. 3579 Pennsyl. Spelling book 7200 Plainness and simplicity of Christian religion. . . . . . . 3493,3579 Serious considerations on war, slav ery, and liquor 3492 Short account of. . .Quakers. . . . 3493 Slave trade 3354 Works on Slavery 7305-07 Benham, A. Federal harmony. . . . 5901 Benjamin, Jona. Harmonia Ccelestia. . 5902 Bennington, Vt. Avery. Narrative of ch. diffic., 77<f? 2567 Battle of, Butler s Address. 1848. . . 2568 Imprint, 1784 2535,36 1817 5249 Benson, E. Memoir on names of places. 2744, 3146 Vindica. of captors of Major Andre. Benson, Jos. Hymns for children. . . 5096 Benson, N. S. His. of Herkimer Co., N.Y. 2954 Bentalon, P. Vindica. of Count Pulaski. 4111,15 Benzoni. Mondo Nvovo 10 Berendt, C. H. Alphabet of Mex. lang. . 9138 Berkeley, G. Alciphron 8081 Proposal for college in Bermudas. . 5587 Berkley, Mass. Eccles. Council. 1831$). . 1568 Berkshire Co., Mass. Addr. to Inhab. of on oppos. to Civil Govt., 777^. . . 2617 Allen, Hist. Sketch. 1808. . . . 1981 Dewey, C. History 1565 Jubilee, 1844 1566, 8554 Berlin, Ct. Manual 2d. Cong ch. 1857. . 2227 Worthington Parish. Woodworth s ser. on firing of church, 1848. . . .2217 Bernard, D. Light on Masonry. 6706,07, 8053 Bernard, Sir F. Letters on America, 7774. 3973,87, 8082 Bernard, R. Isle of Man 745 i Bernard, T. C., Mather on death of. . 1262 Bernardston, Mass. Moor. Dedication sermon. 1850 1568 Davis. Address, Cushman Library, 1863. 2568 Berrain, W. Sketch of Trinity ch., N. Y. 2843 Berwick, Me. Ordina. of M. Merriam, 7765; 2597 Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, N. Nederl. etc., 7657 2716 INDEX. Besse, J. Sufferings of Quakers. . . 3494 Bethany, Ct. Jones, Farewell ser. 1809. . 2217 Bethlehem and Nazareth, Pa. J. C. Og- den. 3334,35 Beveridge, J. Poems 6791 Beverly, R. Hist, and present state of Virginia 3719-22 Beverly, Mass. Remarks on recent Or dination, 1824 1568 Stone. Dedica. sermon. 1838. . . . 1568 History of 2d Parish, 1834. . . 1568, 1984 History of 1567 Beyerd and Lodowick. Journ. of Actions of French in Canada, 7693-. . . . 4289 Beza, T. Two sermons, tfSS. . . . 525 BIBLE [and parts thereof]. . . . 5790-5848 English, Lond., 1653. .... 5841 Oxford, 7725- 5842 Phila., 1782. Vol. 1 5801 Trenton, 7797 5808 Worcester, 7797 5809,10 I7Q3 58" Trenton, 1793-4. 5812 Phila. 779^. 5818 Worcester, 1798,09-1800. . . . 5817 Boston, 1802 5821 N. Y., 1800 5819 Phila., 1806 5824 Hartford, 1809,10 5825,26 New York, 1831 5833 New Haven, 1833 5834 1841; N. Webster s Amendments. 5835, 8084,85 Concord, N. H., 1836 5837 French. Cologne, 7759 5844 German, Germantown, C. Sauer, 7747. 5791 3d ed., 7776 5800 Hawaiian 5846-48 Hieroglyphick, Worcester, 1788. . . 5805 -Indian . 786-90,5682-84,8434,35 Latin; Gutenburg or Mazarm. . . 5839 Lond., 1640 5 8 40 New Hieroglyphical, Bost., 779^?) . 5814 Bible History. Boston, [1782.1 . . . 5802 [Various editions.] . . . c8^i Bible Story Book 8086 Bibliography 792I , 8037 Bibliotheca Americana. [Homer?] 77,59. . 7924 Bibliotheque Americaine. Paris, 1807. . 4776 Bickerstaff, I. Almanacs. Prov. 1781-1800. 2392 Biddeford, Me.,Folsom s Hist.of Saco &. 2608 -Trial of J. Hill for heresy, 779J. . . 2612 Bid well, B. Mercenary match; a tragedy. 7058 Susquehannah title, 1796. . . . 2128 Bigelow, J. Plants of Boston. . Bigelow, T. *BK Oration, H. Coll. 7796. . Biglow, W. Hist.of Natick, Mass. . Bigot, J. V. Relations. Cramoisy series. . Billerica, Mass. Bi-Cent l Celebr. 1835. Cumming. Half-century serm., 1813. . Farmer. Hist. Memoir. 7c?76. . Bills of Credit, Considerations on. 7697. . Letter on present state of. 7756, Old tenor. Inquiry into. . . . i Mournful lamentation for. Billings. W. Farewell sermon, Hampton, 1577 1882 1568 1568 1568 726 1449 5^52 J 459 2235 5903,04 2926 Singing master s assistant. . Binghamton, N. Y. Wilkinson. Annals!" Binney, Capt. A., Courtmartial of. . . 4 qoo Conduct of 49 68 Binney, B. Plea for priv te judgm t, 777^. 2400 Biographia Americana, 1825. . ^80 BIOGRAPHY, American. . . 5087-5302 8087 Bioren s Penn. Pocket Remembrancer. . 3 i Q4 Birch Harvey. Barnum s Spy unmask d. 3969,71 Birchley, W. Christian Moderator. . 677 Bird, S. Military Sermon, N. Haven, 7759. 259 Birkbeck, M. Letters from Illinois. 4 6in Journey in America 4619-21 Bishop, Cap. Pilot for Windward pas geT 4367 Bishop, Abr. Conn. Republicanism, Oration, N. Haven, 1800. . 2038, 2140 Three letters to, on [the above]. . 2140 Georgia speculation unveiled. . . 8338 Oration on acquis. of Louisiana, 1804. 4445 Proofs of a conspiracy 4777 Thanksg. Oration for election of Jef ferson, 7&>7 2038, 4777 Bishope, Geo. Book of warnings. . . 3495 Last trump 3497 New England judged, 7667. 2627, 3498,99, 7452 Bisset, G. Fun. Ser. on Mrs. A. Wanton, Newport, 7777. 2431 Salutation of love 3496 Bisset, Jas. Maryland Assembly acts. . 3659 Black Hawk, Drake. Life of. . 5384 Life of, by himself 5505 Wakefield. History of war with. . . 5504 Black Rock, N. Y., Concise view of, 1836. 2927 Blackstone,W., Appendix to commenta- taries of 6451-53 Black Warrior, Case of 8088 Blackwell, T. Forma sacra, 7774. . . 2506 Bladensburgh, Battle of. Armstrong. . 5073 Blades, W. Catalogue of Caxtoniana. . 7925 How to tell a Caxton 7926 Blagden, G. W. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, 1834 1915 Blair, John. Essays on the sacraments. . 7453 Blair, S. Consid. of. . .The Querists. . 4315 Doctrine of predestination. . . . 3277 Revival in New Londonderry, Pa., etc. 6329 Blake, F. Constitutionality of embargo laws 5074 Blake, J. Annals of Dorchester. . . 1818 Blake, W. J. Hist, of Putnam Co., N. Y. 2978 Blanchard, A. Amer. Music l primer, 1808. 5906 European music 1807 Newburyport collection. . . . 5905 Bland, R. Letter to clergy of Virginia, 1759- ........ 3723 Bland, Theo. Papers of. . . . 3724, 8089 Blandford, Mass. Gibbs, W. H. Histor. Addr., 1850 1569 Blatchford, John. Captivity. . . . 472 Blatchford, T. W. Feigned diseases. . 6538 Bleecker, Ann E. Posthumous works. 6792,93 Bleeker, L. Order Book, Clinton s exped. 7779 3974 Bliss, G. Addr. to Bar of Hamp., etc.,7<?6. 1982 Bliss, L. jr. Hist, of Rehoboth, Mass., 1921, 8609 Blodget, S. Battle of Lake George, 1755. 209, 8073,74 Blois, J. T. Gazetteer of Michigan. . Blome, R. Amerique anglois, itiSS. . Blood, Eating of. I. Mather. . Bloodgood, S. DeWitt. The Sexagenary. Bloody Brook, Deerfield. Everett s Ad dress, 1335. Bloomfield, O. B. F. (pseud.), Life of. 4641 158 954 3975 1815 8090 5360 4972 Blunt, J. Sketch of formation of confed eracy Blyte, S. C. War with Tripoli. Beckett, E. Poem to memory of Aquila Rose Boen, W. Memoirs of. ... Boissard and DeBry. Bibliotheca sive Thesaurus Bolingbroke, H. Letters on Patriotism! Bolivar, S. Ducoudray Holstein. Me moirs of Bollan, W. Coloniae Angliae illustrate 1702 .159 - Continued corruption, 776,2 . . 160, 203 - Importance of Cape Breton, 7746. . 70 Petition as agent for Mass tt s. 7774. 358i ii 334 5340 1774. 203, 3976 Bolles, Jas. A. Bolles, Jo. Half-cent, sermon. /#< Opposition to Rogerenes, To Worship God in Spirit, &c., 77}$. !73 6 2IOO 2099 INDEX. Bolles, John, and J. Walterhouse. Chris. Sabbath 2100 Bolles, Jos. Add n to Spirit of Mart s. 1758. 2101 Bollman, E. Improved system of money. 6515, 8092 Bolton, Mass. Adams, Z. Serm. on Chr. Unity, 7772 1570 Chaplin, E. Church trouble, 7772. . 1570 Adams, Z. Answer to above, 7772. 1570 Chaplin. Second treatise, 7772. . . 1570 Church manual, 1830 1738 Edes s Re-dedica. serm., 1845. . . 1738 History i st Cong-. Ch., 1845. . . . 1738 Result of Council, 777J 1570 Bolton, R. jr. Hist, of Westchester Co., N. Y 2998 Bond, H. Hist, of Watertown, Mass. . 1957 Bonnell, G. W. Description of Texas. . 4717 Bonnycastle, R. H. Newfoundland in 1842. ........ 115 Books, Knox s Catalog, of. Boston, 7772. 1585 Boone, D. Flint s memoir of. . . . 5147 Life and adventures of, 1823. . . 4585 Military discipline. .727,28 Booth, J. C. Geolog. survey of Delaware. 3649 Boscawen, N. H. Price s chronol. reg ister 2473 Bossu, F. Travels through Louisiana. . 4394 Nouveaux Voyages dans 1 Amerique. 4395 BOSTON. 8556-72 Adams, S. Vindication of. 7769. . 1571,72 Anc. and Hon. Artill. Co. . . 1692,93 Bi-Cent l Celebra., 1830 1733 Bigelow, J. Plants of. . . . . 1577 Bowen, A. Picture of 1581 Bridge to Charlestown, 1827. . . 1733,34 Bridges to Dorchester & So. Boston. . 1732 Bridgman, T. Epitaphs. . . . 1582 Pilgrims of 1583 Cadets, cent, celebra. Lathrop s addr. 1734 Census, 1845 1589 Churches: ist 1588-91 2d 1592-96 I.Mather s Covenant serm., i6So. 1021 -Willard s Covenant sermon. . 892 3d. Willard s Covenant sermon. . 896 i3th Congregational 1735 -Baptist 1605 Bowdoin Square 1600 Brattle St 1603,04 Christ 1607,08 Church of the Advent. . . . 1736 Church of the Disciples. . . . 1609 Church of the Saviour. . . . 1610 Essex St. 1611,1732 Franklin St 1612 Hanover St 1613 Hollis St 1614-16 Indiana St. Chapel 1617 King s Chapel 1618 New Brick Meeting-House in No. part. Dedica. 7727, C. Mather s serm. 1264 New Meet.-House on Church Green. Dedication, 7777. C. Mather s serm. 1280 New North 1599-1602, 1984 Old South 1597, 98, 1982 Covenant, 1680 742 Park St 1619 Presbyterian. 1620 Trinity 1621,22 West 1623 Colman, B. Reasons for Markets, 7779. 1624 Common, Case of, 1843 1734 Croswell, A. Narra. of New Church, 77^9. 1628, 1731 Dana, J. F. & S. L. Geology. . . 1629 Dearborn, N. Boston Notions. . . 1630 - Derby School, Deed etc., 1806. . . 1987 Directory 1578-80 Drake, S. G. History. . . . 1631-33 Boston: Evening Post, 1765-66. . - Fire in, 7777. I. Mather s Sermon on. . Fire in Province Court House, 1748. . Fire of 7760 ....... Fire in Broad St. 1821 ..... - Fires in, Attempts to set. 7797. Fire Alarm System for. 7<-7. Channing. 1735 1732 Fire Society. 1733-4. Frothingham, R. Siege of. . Hales, J. G. Survey of. .. Harbor, Chart of, i686Q). Homans, I. S. History of. . Imprints, ist book, 1675. Job How and John Allen. 1687. . J. Franklin, 1722 ..... Bennet Loz>e, 1728. Income tax-list, 1866. Knapp, S. L. Travels. . Local loiterings. 1845. Masonic procession. 1749. Massacre, March 5, 1770. Lathrop s Fun. ser. on victims. -- Orations. ..... 7775. O. Noble, Newburyport. -- Short N 1735 1634 l6 39 . 1642 . 9316 l6 4 3 2669, 7610 697 7849 7699 : Pi . 1052 . 1641 1 655-65 2OOO 8565,66 . l8QO 3987 arrative of. Trial of the soldiers Merch. Exchange. Laying cor. stone. . 1734 Municipal Register. 1851. . . . 1666 Newest Keep-Sake. 1839. . . . 1666* Occas. sermons. 1728-53. . . . 1737 Pilgrims of. Bridgman. . . . 1583 Port Bill 181, 1667, 8567 Chauncy, C. Sufferings of Boston. 1587 Quincy, J. jr. Observ. on. . 4173,4184 Serious addr. to inhab. of N. Y. 7774. 2807 Prize poems 6794, 8568 Quincy. Bi-centen. address. 1830. . 2292 Municipal History 1670 Rules and By-Laws 729 Sargent, W. Boston: a Poem. . . 1673 Shaw, C. Description 1674 Shawmut, 1847. 1674* Shurtleff, N. B. Description. . . 1675 Sketches of. [Homer.] .... 1675* Snow, C. H. History. . . . 1676,77 Stock Market. Martin s 21 Years of. . 1736 Synod of Churches. 7662. 821, 22, 44, 45, 46 Defense of Answer, etc. . . .936 Propositions cone. Baptism. 844-46, 1345 Synod of. 7679 869 Tax List, 1822 1679 Tea-Party, 7773-. . . 1680-82, 8571, 9130 Thatcher, B. B. Boston book. . . 1683 Tontine Association. 779^. . . . 1731 Town Meeting, 7772. Votes, etc. . . 1536 Vade Mecum for America, and Streets of Boston. 1686 View of. [774-.?] 9298 Votes and Proceedings. 7772. . 1687,88 Water, Eddy s Report on introd. of 1836 Celebra. of introduction. 1848. . Papers on, 1838. Report of board, 1852. Boston & Lowell R. R., Report on. 1837. . Boston Athenaeum. Kirkland s memo. 1732, 1807, 1988 Poetical illustr. of gallery, 1827. . . 1733 Boston Chronicle, 776< . . . 1721, 9233 Boston Gazette, 1762-78. . . . 1717-19 1765-66. 1720, 9234 Boston Magazine. 1783-86. . . . 1799, 9235 Boston Monthly Magazine. . . . 1714 Bostwick, D. Right of infants to bap tism 6224 Vindication of infant baptism. 1764. . 2846 Bosworth, B. Signs of Apostacy. . . 730 Bosworth, N. Hochelaga. . . 64, 8123 Botany 6585-6600 Botello de Moraes y Vasconselos, F. El nueva mundo. 6795 1734 J 735 1734 1735 1985 10 INDEX. Boturini Benaduci, L. Idea de una ) nueva historia de la America V 5361 Septen ) Botta, C. History of Am. Revolution. 3977. 7^ Hi iiieher, Jona. View of Amer. revoluti n. 397- Bouchette, J. Brit. Dominions in N. Am. 6 Lower Canada 812 Boudinot, E. Address to the Whites. . 5622 Lost tribes of Israel 5362 & S. A. Worcester. Cherokee hymns. 5757 Boulton, D Arcy. Sketch of U. Canada. 66 Boundary, North-Eastern. . . . 2481-84 Bouquet s Expedition. W. Smith. . 5506, Bourbon Conti, Memoirs of. . . . 8093 Bnwden, J. Apostol. orig. of Episcopacy. 612" Letter to E. Stiles on church govt. . 6122 Bowditch,N. New Amer. prac. navigat r. 6656 Bowditch. Memoir of 5145 Eulogies on, bv Pickering, etc. . . 5146 Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk Surnames. . 1466 Bowdoin, J. Paraph, on economy of life. 6796 Thatcher s Funeral sermon on, 7790. . 1993 Bowdoin and Temple families. . . . 5119 Bowen, A. Picture of Boston. iSzq, 1838. 1581 Bowen, 1 . Fun. Ser. on S. Checkley, 7770. 1994 Bowen s Boston News Letter, 1826,27. 1715 Bowman, J. Chauncy s ord. ser. for, 1762. 562 Bownas, S. Life and Ministry. . . 3500 Boxford,Mass. i st Church difficult y, 1825. 1738 Boyd, Gen. J.P. Even. of late war(of 1812). 5073 Boyd, W. Orat. death of J. Russell, 7795. 1775 Boyer/Z^tt/. Journal or Wayne s N. W. campaign 5513 Boyle, R., Birch. Life of 5148 Boylston, Z. Inoculation in N. Eng., 7776. 1646 Boylston, Mass. Case of Howe, defam. of Rev. S. Russell 1738 Davenport s Historical Sketch. . . 1738 Boynton, E. C. Hist, of West Point. . 4278 Boyse, J. Sermon on Death of Q. Mary. 634 Bozman, J. L. History of Maryland. 3665,66 Brackenrtdge,H.H. Bat. of Bunk r sHill. 1787 Death of Gen. Montgomery, & poems. 6798,99 Gazette publications 6797 Insurrec. in Penn., 779^. . . . 3032 Brackenridge, H. M. Hist, of late war (of 1812) 4973,74 3d ed 8094 In French 49 75 Recollections of the West. . . . 4455 Views of Louisiana. . . . 4396,97, 8488,89 Voyage up the Missouri. . . . 4454 Bradbury, C. Hist, of Kennebunk Pt.,Me. 2602 Braddock. See Fort Braddock. Braddock s defeat, Barton. Sermon on. 3275 Chauncy 2I3 Davies 2I n Etat present de la Pensilvanie. 7756. . 225 Vinal s Ser. on. Newpt., 7755. . . 2428 Braddock s expedition. Brief stat. 77/6 4307 Bradford, A. Anniv.Disc. Plym th,Ms. 1804 iqir -Battle of Bunker s Hill. . . 1792,99:4186 Distinguished men of N. Eng. . . 50 n Hist, of the federal govt. . . 477 8 - Hist, of Mass I4 6 7 ,68 New Eng. Chronology 279 Bradford, A. W. Amer. antiquities. 5363, 8095 Bradford, W. Dialogue, or 3 d confer nce. 9139 Bradford, W. Enquiry [on capital] pun ishment oioq Bradford, W. Works from press of. 3*67-1478 Bradford, W.J. A. Notes on the N rthw st. 56 Bradford, Mass. Dutch s Dedi. ser., 770=- 1738 Rogers Acad., Rogers. Dedi. addr., 7&?7. m & Bradford Club. I. Northern invasion. . 280? II. The Croakers 2857 Bradley, Abr. New theory of the earth. 547 =: Bradley, C. W. Essay on surnames. . 2292 Bradley, Josh. Beauties of freemasonry. 670? Declar. of Bapt. ch., Windsor, Vt. . 6208 Bradley, S.R. Verm nt sapp l, 77^.2515,68, 2628 Bradman, A. Sufferings of R. Forbes. . 5581 Bradstreet s Expedition, 7759. . . . 210 Bradstreet, Mrs. A. Poems. . . 6800-02 Brady and Tate. Psalms.. . . 597 1 - 8 ? Brainerd, D. Mirabilia Dei inter Indices. 5588-90, 5621 Life, by Jona. Edwards. . . 2294,95 Life, by J. Styles 2296 Pemberton s Ordin. sermon for. . 460,5621 Brainard, J. G. C. Literary remains. . 6803 Brainerd Family. Field 2061 Braintree, Hancock s Century sermons, 77^9 1738 Sage s Farewell sermon, 7^09. . . 1738 Brandy wine, Battle of, Papers on. . .3110 Branford, Ct. Gillett. Semi-cent, ser. 1858. 2217 Todd. Case of P. Robbins, 77^?. . . 2144 Brant, Jos. Principal events in life of. . 5582 Stone. Life of 5457 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Collec. de doc. dans langues indigenes. . . . 5781 Brattle, W., Colman s fun. Serm. on, 1717. 1991 Brattleboro, Vt. Wells. Address at ist communion, iSib 2567 Bray, T. Acts of [his] visitation. . . 3668 Letter to Contrib. for Propag. Chr. Knowledge 3669 Memo, on state of relig., 7707. . . 8096 Sermon before Assent of Maryl d, 7700. 3667 Bray, W. Ordina. of Missionaries, 7697. . 161 Brayton, Patience, Life and labours of. 3581 Brazer, S. Address on cession of Louisi ana, 1804 4445 Brazilian language, Figueira. Arte de. . 5787 Breck,E. Answer to a Scandalous Paper. 526 Breck, R. Sermon at Shrewsbury, 1720. 1939 Sermon, Springfield, 7775. iooth Anniv. of burning by Indians. . . . 1944,9092 Breck, S. Inter." improv. in Penn. 1818 Breeden-Raedt aende Nederl. Provintien 76^9 Brereton, J. Gosnold s Voyage. 7602. Brereton, J. A. Flora Columbiana. Bressani, F. G. Breve Relatione de mis- 3033 2714 280 6587 sioni, 76j-j> Breton, R. Catechisme caraibe. 67 5783-85 5783-85 . 8639 53 6 4 Dictionnaire frangois-caraibe. Breton, W. Militia Discipline, 1733. Brett, W. H. Indian tribes of Guiana. . Brevoort, J. C. Verrazano. Brewer, D. War sermon, Springfield, Ms. 7724 Brewster, C. W. Rambles about Ports mouth, N. H. ... Brewster, Jas. & M., Golden wedding. ! Brewster, Martha. Poems Brewster, W., Steele, A Life of. BrtekelLJ. Nat. hist, of No. Carolina. . Bridge, T. Artill. Elec. Sermon. 7705-. Character of. I. Mather. . Jethro s Advice Mind at ease; a fun. sermon. 7772. What faith can do Sermons Bridgewater, Mass. Hunting-ton. Hist Disc. 1820 Meech. Farewell Serm. 7^77. . Mitchell, N. History. . ? ooth Anniv. celeb. 1856. . . . ^ Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp s Hill. ..... Inscriptions, Northampt. etc. Pilgrims of Boston. Bridgton, Me. Cram s Address de d of I own Ho. iSj)2. Brief Account of. . . Province of Mass. Brief State of the Province of Pennsy? ^ vania. 3 d ed. 1756. . . . yJ Brief answer to Brief State, i 755 30 2494 515 6804 5149 3843 7455 7455 7836 I 9 I 5 1741 1582, 8559 1895 1583 2612 38, 37s INDEX. II 8099 3278 Brief Conduct of Pennsylv. in 1755. Sequel to Brief State ..... 3036,37 Briefe description of Carolina. 1664. . 3842 Bright, T. Treatise of Melancholy. . 527 Brimfield, Mass. Eccles. Council, ijqS. 1741 Vaill s Hist. Sermon, 1821. . . . 1741 Brinsley, J. Church-Remedie. . . 676 Brinley, J. Impostures of Witches. 1350,51 Brissot de Warville. Commerce with Europe ........ 8097 Bristed, J. Society of Friends examined. 3501 Bristol, Ct. Hist, sketch of Cong. ch. 1852 ......... 2218 Bristol, Mass. Petition to Legislat. 1811. 1741 Bristol, R. I. Ace. of Cong. ch. 1783. . 2439 Burt. Sermon on Fall of Quebec. 7759. 2403 Britaine, W. de. Humane prudence. . Britain s remembrancer. 5th ed. Franklin ,174^ ......... Britannia in tears. ..... British & Amer. Register. 177.4-76. . . 1526 British influence on U. S. affairs. 1804. 4906,52 British Spy. W. Wirt ..... 4945 Broadsides ...... 8266, 8786, 9325 Mass. Proclamations, etc. . . . 8548 rela. to New York hist., A. Burr, etc. Brodhead, J. R. Doc. rela. to col. hist. of N. Y ....... Rept. on doc. in Eur. on his. of N. Y. . Bromley, T. Way to the Sabbath of rest. ....... 3353 Bromley, W. Appeal to Indians. . . 5481 Brook, Mary. Reasons for waiting in worship ....... 3580,82 Brookfield, Mass. Case of Sacramental Furniture. 1832 ...... 1745 Fiske, N. Remark, providences. 1742,43 Imprint, iSir ....... 49 i MacCarty s Sermon at exec, of mur derers. 1778. ...... Ordin. of T. Cheney, 77/7. Wheeler, T. God s Mercy at. North. Snell s 4 oth Anniv. Serm. 1838. Snell s Half-cent. Sermon. 1848. Snell s Century Sermon. 1854. South. Stone s Dedica. Ser. 1828. Stone s 8oth birthday Serm. 1850. Brookhaven, L. I. Buel. Ser. at ordina. of Benj. Tallmadge. 775-5. Brookline, Mass. Pierce s Address, Opening Town Hall. 1846. . -- Century S. 1805 ...... Dedica. Sermon. iSod. Cent l Sermon. 1817 ..... -- 4pth Anniv. Sermon. 1837. -- Semi-Cent l. 1847 ..... Brooklyn, Ct. Devotion. Fun. Ser. on E. Avery. 1754 ...... Whitney. Half-cent. Ser. iSob. Wilson. Rev. of eccles. Proceed. 1818. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bailey, Hist. Sketch of, r&tg ......... Drowne. Commem. S. Trin. ch. iSb8. Fish. St. Ann s church, 1784-1845. Furman. Notes on. 1824. Greenwood cemetery, Plan, &c., 1839. Jones. Histor. Sketch of L. Island. 1863 ......... Lewis. Ser. opening Trinity ch. 1847. Brooks, C. T. Old Stone Mill at New port. ....... 2436* Brooksop, Jone. Invitation of love. . 3502 Brothers, R. God s Awful Warnings. - . 8100 Brower, H. Reyse naer de Custen van Chili ........ 2720 Brown, B. Columbian & European har mony ........ 5907 Brown, C. Brockden, Dunlap s Life of. 5151 Brown, H. Anti-masonic excitement. 6708 4622 8711 8699 8608 1745 1744 84,85 *745 1745 1845 2928 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 2218 2218 2218 2930 2932 2931 2929 2901 2932 2932 j Brown, John. Brief concordance. N. Y. lSl2 5858 Brown, John. Elements of medicine. . 6539 Brown, Dr. John. Rab and his friends. 9141 Brown, J. M. First settle, of Schoharie Co., N. Y 2992 Brown, S. R. Campaigns of N. W. Army 4976,77 History of the war (of 1812). . 4978,79, 8102 Western gazetteer. . . . 4457, 8101 Brown, Thos. Account of the Shakers. 6400 Indian captivity 469 Brown, W. History of tnissions. . . 5623 Brown family of Nottingham, Pa. . . 5119 Brown University 2395-2407 Alison. State of the College. 7767. . 2398 Backus, I. Ms. Biog. of Pres. J. Manning. 2399 - Binney, B. Commenc. Oration. 7774. 2400 Burges, T. Comm t. Oration. 7796. . 2401 The Brunonian. 1829-31 2405 Catalogues. . . . . . 2395,96 Celebra. of tooth Anniv. 1864. . . 2404 Commencement Theses. History of Illinois 2 397 Maxcy, J. Discourse on Atonement. 7796 2402 Pamphlets, 1800-43. . . 2406,07, 1088 1780-1860. 88 ro Browne, Arth. Sermons, various. Ports mouth, N. H. 1757-58. . . . 2497,98 Browne, D. J. Sylva Americana. . . 6588 Brownell, C. DeW. Indian races. . . 5365 Brownell, Bp. T. C., Burgess s funeral address on 2327, 9140 Pamphlets. 6158 Browmsts, Confutation of. W. Rath band. 647 Brownson, O. Select harmony. . . 5908 Brunley, R. T. Letters on Geol. Surv. of Ala. 1843 4342 Brunswick, Me. Defence of Plymouth Company 1540 Description of, 1823. .... 2612 Plymouth Co. & Kennebec Claims. 2585,98 Bruyas, J. Mohawk radical words. . 5631 Bryan, D. Mountain muse. . . 6805, 8103 Bryant, W. C. The embargo. i8og. . 6806 Bucaniers. Esquemeling. . . . 26 Buchanan, J. History of Indians. . . 5366 Buckingham, J. Expedition to Canada. 77/0 320 Buckingham, J. T. Spec, of Newspaper Liter 1584 Bucktail Bards 8104 Budd, T. Good order established in Pa. and N. J. 1685 3042 Budge, R. Case of, 7709 3596 Budington, W. I. Hist, ist Ch. Charles- town. 1781 Buell, S. Revival in East Hampton, L. I. 1706. ...... 2941,42 Buffalo, N. Y. in 1825. .... 2943 Harbor Com ee report. 7^7. . . 2943 Sheldon, ist Ser. in St. Paul s ch. 7^-7. 2943 Bugg, F.sr. Picture of Quakerism. . 3503 Pilgrim s progress from Quakerism. . 3504 Bulkeley, E. Thanksgiving Sermon. 7676 884,85 Bulkeley ? Gershom. People s Right to Election of Gov. in Conn. i6Sg. . . 2043 Bulkeley, J. and J. Cummins. Voyage to South Seas. 1740,41. . . . 3118, 8105 Bulkley, John. Debate at Lyme on Baptism, etc. 7729. . . . 2044, 6207 Bulkley, P. Gospel Covenant. . . 528 Bull, Amos. The reponsary. . 5909,10,8106 Bullinger, H. Sermpnum decades V. . 1331 Bullock, W. Virginia examined, 1640. . 3725 Bully, The; Specimen of a surprising performance. 7762. .... 2144 Bunker Hill, Battle of. . . 1786-99, 8967 Emmons. Sketches. . . . 1795-96 12 INDEX. Bunker Hill, Battle of. Brackenridge. Drama on ....... 1787 Bradford. History of. . . . 1792199 Carter, Win. Genuine Detail, etc. 1784 ......... 1789 Clarke. Narrative. 7775. . . . 1786 Cookings. Amer War; a Poem. 7776. . 1788 Coffin, C. History of ..... 1791 Dawson and " Selah " Correspondence. 1798 Dearborn. Account of. . . i79 T >99 Ellis. Oration. 1X44 ..... 1799 Emmons. Oration. 1827. . . . 1799 Everett, A. H. Hist. Address. iSjd. . 1799 Frothingham. Command in. . . 1799 Hudson. Doubts concerning. . -1797 Humphreys. Life of Putnam. . .1790 Pamphlets on ....... 4186 Swett. History of. ... 1790,92, 93 Trumbull s painting. Precis hist. 1792,94 Bunker Hill Mon t. Act of incorp. B. H. M. Assoc. ...... 1799 Packard. History of ..... 1799 Panoramic view from ..... 1800 Webster s Orations. 1825, 1843. . . 1799 Bunn, M. Indian Captivity. . . 470,71 Bunyan, J. Writings. . . . 7458-61 Burbank, G. Court martial of. . . 4984 Burcler, G. Welch Indians. . . . 5367 Burdick, W. Massachusetts Manual. . 1470 Burges, B. Solar system, and comets. . 6660 Burges, T. Battle of Lake Erie. . . 4970 Cause of Man. Oration at Brown Univ. 7796 ......... 2401 Poem before Philol. Soc. Middleboro , Mass. 7797 ....... 2350 Bowen s Memoir of. .... 2349 Burgess, G. Eccles. Hist, of Maine. . 6124 Eccl. hist, of N. Eng ..... 8109 Burgoyne, Gen. J. Orderly Book. 7777. 4901 -- Repr. 1860 ....... 3981 Letter on his resignation. 7779. . . 4176 Speech in Ho. of Commons. 7775. . .4179 State of expedition from Canada. 3980, 8107 Burk, J. Bunker Hill. . . 6807,08, 8108 Dramas ........ 7059 History of Virginia. . . . 3726-27 Burke, JEd. Address to freemen of So. Car. 77c9? ...... 3894, 4955 Consid. on Soc. of Cincinnati. . . 4187 Letter on affairs of America. 7777. . 3987 Speech on Amer. taxation. 777*7.. . 4101, 4179 -- 3 d ed. 7775 ....... 3987 Speeches at Bristol, 777.7. . . . 203 Burke, W. Soldier of Revol. Memoir of. 5152 Burke and Alvord families. . . . 5115 Hurkitt, W. Notes on New Testament. . 5849 Burlington, N. J. Doane. Jubilee ser mon. rSsr ........ 3646 Introd. lee. at Burl. Coll., 1848. . 3646 Burlington, Vt. Pierce. Dedica.Ser., 1817. 2567 Burnap, G.W. Disc, on origin of Democ. in Amer ........ 3690 Burnet, G. Fast Sermon to Ho. of Com mons, ibSo ....... 1346 Thanksgiving Sermon, ibSS. . . . 732 Burnet, J. Notes on the Northwest. . 4532 Burnet, J. R. Tales of deaf & dumb. . 8110 Burnet, Gov. W. MS. Letters. . . 1329 Burnham, Col. Jona. Life and revol. ser vices. ....... 4274 Hums Justice of the Peace. Abridgt. . 5454 Burns, R. Poems. Phila., 1788. . . 6809 Burnyeat, T., Truth exalt d in writ gs of. 3505 Burr, A. Cheetham. Narra. of his sup pression of the Hist, of Adams s Ad ministration. ... Cheetham. Polit. conduct of. Conspiracy of, exposed. .. Memoirs of. M.L.Davis. . . 4770,11- Pamphlets on ...... .4952 Private journal in Europe. . . 4780, 8m 4795 Burr, A. Trial of 4783*84 VanNess. Exam, of charges. 4781,82,8113,14 Burr, Rev. Aaron. Fun. Serm. on Jona. Belcher 3595 Sermon before N. Y. Synod, 7756. Livingston s fun. sermon on. Smith s fun. sermon on. . Burrillville, R. I., Keach s History of. Burritt, E. (ed.) Literary Geminse. . 3605 3605 2438 1976 Burroughs, J. Gospel Conversation. . 529 Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs. . 5153-55, 8115 Burroughs, W. Variati. of the comp., 1585. 19 Burt, J. Serm. on Fall of Quebec. Bristol, R. I., 7759. . . . ... . 2430 Burton, H. Conformatie s deformity. . 1345 Vindication of Independ. churches. . 1345 Vindicae veritatis; Ans. to Bostwick. . 1345 Burton, R. English Empire in America. 162 Bushnell, C. I. Tokens, Medals, etc. . 8116 Bushnell, H. Address on N. Porter. . 2308 Age of homespun. Hist, addr., 7cSy7. . 2238 Pamphlets by 8117 <I>BK oration, Camb. 1848, . . 1774,78 Speech for Connecticut 2291 Bushnell, W. C. Memoirs and remains. 5156 Butler, F. History of the U. S. . . 4785 Modern atlas, 1825 8066 Butler, M. History of Kentucky. 4586,87, 8461 Butler, S. Hudibras. ist Amer. ed. Troy, iSob 6810 Buxton,Me. Williams s Cent. Addr., 1850. 2612 Buxtorf, J. Exercit. ad. historiam, etc. . 1333 Instit. epist. Hebraica 1332 By field, N. Chauncy s fun. ser. on, 7767. 1996 Late Revol. in N. Eng., 76^9. 52, 281,282, 2629 Byles, Mather. Artill. elec. serm., 77^0. . 1576 Fun. sermon on C. Mather. . . . 1283 Funeral sermons on W. Dummer and J. Gould 7463 Poem on death of George I., etc. . . 68n Sermon. Execu. of murderers, 7757. . 1737 Byng, Admiral, Trial of 211 with his Defence 212 Byrd, W. Westover MSS. . . 3728, 8916 Byrdsall, F. Hist, of Loco-Focos. . .8118 Cabinet of Momus 6812 Cabot, Geo., Kirkland s fun. ser. on. 1823 1999 Cabot, Seb. Biddle s memoir of. . . 13 Cabrera, P. F. History of Americans. . 5380 Cadogan, G. Spanish Hireling, 1743. .249-52 Cadogan, W. On the gout. . . . 1585 Cadwalader, J. Conduct of S. Chase, 777^. ATTA Cahoone, S. S. Visit to grandpa s. . Calamy, E. Ace. of his life. Nonconformists memorial. . Calcott, W. Principles and practices of masons Caldwell, C. Life of Gen. N. Greene. . Calef, R. Wonders of the Invisi. World. More wonders. 1352,53, 1378,79, 2 - Some remarks upon [his] book. . Calhoun, J. C. Jenkin s Life of. California. Constit. Convention, 7^9. - Farnham. Travels in, 1844. . Fremont. Expeditions to. . - Greenbow. History of - Pamphlets on - Parkman, F. Cal. and Oregon trail. . -Pioneer s Society Proc., 1854. . Pres. Message on, 1850 State Almanac, 1856. Venegas. History. . California Monthly Magazine, 1854, Calkoen, Dr., Letters from J. Adams to. Callender,Ehsha, Mather s Ord. Ser. for. Callender, J. Fun. serm. on N. Clap. . 2410 Hist. disc, on aff. of R. I., 7779. . ai,w,7i Ordin. sermon for J. Condy, 7779. 6209 Callender, J. T. Am. Ann. Register, 7796. 4787 2436 8120 509* 6709 2356 1354 5 5 2710 1381 5 * 57 4675 . 4680 4683-85 . 4688 . 8199 T 3 4675 4674 4675 . 4708 3931 1076 INDEX. Callender, J. T. Hist, of the U. S., for 7796 4788 Prospect before us 4789,30 Calliope ; a collec. of poems. . . . 6891 Calvert, G. H. Oration 4oth ann. battle of L. Erie 5078 Calvet, P. du., Case of 64 Calvinistic Clubs, View of. . . . 2209 Cambridge. Baldwin. Dedica. serm. Bap tist M. H. 1818. 1750 Christ-Church. Apthorp. Occas. Ser. 1749 City Documents. 1846-50. . . . 1751 Harris. Epitaphs. .... 1748 Harvard College. See Harvard College. Holmes, Controv. of ist Parish with, i82Q. ........ 1750 37th Anniv. Sermon. i82q. . . 1750 History. 1747 Hist. Disc. 1820 1915 Installation of. 170/2 1750 Ser. Opening of Alms house. 1818. 1750 Imprint, S. Daye. 1645 754 Almanacs. 1646, etc. . . . 699-718 G. Green, etc. 1664. . . . 698, 7606 7675. ...... 7607-10 Mt. Auburn. See Mount Auburn. Muzzey. Dedica. Sermon. 1834. . 1751 Newell. Farewell S. in old M.-H. 1833. Hist. Sermon, ist ch. 1846. Cambridge Platform, ist ed. ad ed. . Lond. 1653. . Boston, ib8o. N. Y. 77/7. Other editions. Cambridge selection of hymns. 1751 1751 733)34 735, 5877 53> I 345, 26 3 875 3382 . 7464-68 6037 Camden, N. J. Fisher s Local history. 1838. 3646 Campanius, J. Lutheri catechismus, of- wersatt pa Amer.-Virginiske Spra- ket 5698,99 Campanius, T. Kort Beskrifning om N. Swerige. 7702 3043,44 Campbell, C. Introd. to hist, of Colony of Va. 3729 Campbell, J. Lives of Brit, admirals. . 4980 Campbell, J. W. Biog. sketches, etc. . 5092 Case of the planters of tobacco. . 3731,32 History of Virginia. . . . 3730, 8917 Campbell, W. W. Annals of Tryon Co. N . Y 2996, 8723 Camus, A. G. Memoire sur la Collec. de Bry, etc 7927 Canaan, Me. Hanson. History. . . 2604 CANADA, Nova Scotia, etc. . 61-154, 8121-29 Charleyoix, Nouv. France. 1744. . . 2632 Geological Survey. .... 88 Lower, Map of. 109 Morgan s Bibliotheca 112 Canals, New York 2754-65 Report of Surveys in Mass. 1828. . . 1471 Canandaigua, N. Y. Imprint, 1812. . 2932,33 Onderdonk. Appeal against Rev. W. Bacon. 1818. 2943 Plain Truth. 1822-23. .... 2932 Candia, N. H. Eaton s History. 1852. . 2475 Candid Remarks on Dr. Witherspoon s Address to inhab. of Jamaica. 7772. . 3119 Candid retrospect of Amer. war. 1780. . 3982 Caner, H. Christian preaching. . . 2418 Disc, on public worship. . . . 2420 Fun. serm. on Rev. T. Cutter, 7765. . 1607 Sermon at King s Chapel, 7767. . . 6125 Canker worm, Peck s History of. . . 9109 Canterbury, Ct. Manual of ist church. Meech. Farewell Ser. 1822. Statement on Miss CrandalFs school. 1833 Trial of Dr. Crandall. 1836. . Canton, Ct. Hallock. Dedica. ser. 1815. 2218 2218 2218 2218 2218 Canton, Ct. Phelps. History. 1845. 2275 Cape Breton. Bollan on 7<D Importance and advantage of. . . 60 Pichon, T. History of. ... 7 i Prentice, T. Thanksgiving Serm. on. 1737 Siege of. Gibson. Cape Cod, Freeman s History of. 230 1780 Pamphlets on. . . . . . . 1563 Capen, N. Admin, of Hawes Charity. . i 734 Capital Punishment. Mass. Report on, r O-.O 7o/o. ........ IQO5 Captivity of Hannah Swarton. . . . n 3 g Captivities with the Indians. 469-508, 5540-82, 8408-18 Care, H. English liberties. . 6455, 8130,31 Utrum horum. $$ 7 Carey, M. Ace. of malig. fever in Phila. I7Q3 3120 Same. In German 3 i 2 i Miscellanies 707 6 77 The Olive Branch 3I22 Plagi-Scurriliad 6814 Reflections on plan for college in Phila 32I4 Tracts on nullification, etc. . . . 3896 Vindiciae Hiberniae. .... 3123 Carey s Amer. Atlas. .... 8059 Pocket atlas 8065 Carib language. Catechisme et diction- naire 5783-85 Caribbeana. Letters and papers on W. Indies 5330 Caribs. Expedition against. 1773. . . 203 Carli, J. R. Lettres Americaines. . . 5368 Carlisle, Pa. Imprints, 1806. . . 5337,38 Carlisle College, Pa 3339,40 Carmina sacra quese condidit America. 6815 Carochi, H. Arte de la lengua Mexicana. 5769 Carolina, Wilson, S. Account of. . . 8132 See North and South Carolina. Caroline, Queen. S. Mather s ser. on death of Carpenter, S. C. Memoirs of Jefferson. Select Amer. speeches Carragain, P. Map of New Hampshire. Carre, E. Sermon in French Church, Boston, ibSg Carroll, B. R. Hist. coll. of So. Carolina. Carroll, J. Amer. criterion of Eng. lang. Carter, W. Engag m nts in Amer., 1775,76. 1780 Carter, W. C. Hist, of York Co., Pa. . 3045 Cartier, J. Voyage au Canada, etc. Paris, 7*5-67 72 Cartwright, J. Amer. indepen., 7775. 3 98 3 ,4ioi Cartwright, T. Confut. of Rhemists. . 550* Harmonia evangelica 5850 Carver, J. Travels in N. America, 4458-64, 8133 Cary, M. No. Bridgewater families. . 5119 Caryl, Jos.(?) Fun. ser. on Hugh Peters. 637 Case, Wheeler. Poems. . . . 6816-19 Cases of Conscience. C. Mather, et al. . 124 s Casket, The. Phila. 1827-29. Cass, L. Addr. before Amer. Hist. Soc. Wash. 1836 Remarks on N.A.Indians. . . ,-, Castell, W. Petition for prop, gosp., 1641. 9501 , N. Y. Reply of St. Paul s ch. 2318 4 8 73 4791 2448 3844 7216 3192 2292 5369 2943 7996-8023 8024-37 7969-95 5496 . 6126 Castleton to a pam., 1849. Catalogues. Auction. . Booksellers, etc. of Public Libraries. . Catawbas, Treaty with, 7756. Catechism, Church, Key to. New England -53 r ,32 T. Shepard .664 S. Stone .867 Westminster Shorter, 1683. . . 739 Catechisms, etc s86i- 7 6, 7473-74 Catechisme du Diocese de Quebec, 1702. 73 Catechizing, Briefe method of. . . . 581 Catlin, G. Catalogue of Indian gallery. 5428 INDEX. Gate s Moral distichs. Franklin, 7775. . Caton, R. Manag-. of Carroll estate. Catskill, N. Y. Catskill Associat n, iSjb. Imprint, iSoS. r&x) Caucuses, Legislative, Mischiefs of, 1819. Caulkins, Miss F. M. Hist, of N. London, Hist of Norwich, Ct Cavelier,M. Relation. [Cramoisy series.] 3 2 79 3690 2934 7*39 6254 2142 2252 2262 146 Cavendish, Sir H. Deb t s on Canada, 7774. 7, Cawdry, D.(?) Depths of Satan. . . 679 Caxton. Arte and crafte to knowe well to dye, 1491 7928 Blades. Catalogue of books pr. by. . 7925 How to tell a 7926 Game of the Chess. Facsimile. . . 7 g2g Cazenovia, N.Y. Leonard. Ded. ser. 7^06. 294 Census of U. S. (first), 7797. . . . 47g2 Century sermons. {See also names of towns.] 1984, 9069 Ceylon, Success of Gospel in. I. Mather. 964 Chadwick, Paul. Murder of, Malta,Me.7eSbo. 4 Q Chalkley, T. Journal Works. 3507, 432^ Chalmers, G. Introd. to hist, of Am, rev. Life of T. Ruddiman Political annals of the Colonies. . Chalmers, L. Weather and diseases of So. Carolina Champigny, Chev. de. Louisiane ensan- glantee 439 8 Champion, R. Consideration on situa tion of Gr. Brit. & U. S., 1784. . Champlain. Voyages. Paris, 7627. . Paris, 1632 1830 Champlain Valley. Watson. Pioneer his. Chancery jurisdiction in Mass. . . . Chandler, T. B. Appeal for Ch. of Eng. 6127-30 Chandler, W. Brief apol gy for Quakers. 3383 Chanler, 1. Doctrines of grace. . 6210, 7469 Channing, W. E. Catechism. Bost., 1831. 5876 Chap-books 7152-98, 9129 Chapin, W. Missionary gazetteer. . . 5624 Chapin family meeting, 1862. . . .5119 Chaplin, E. Church trouble at Bolton, Mass. 7772 I570 Chaplin, J. Life of Pres. Dunster. . . 1761 Chaplin, Ct. Manual of ist Cong, ch., 1840. 2218 Chapman, Eunice, Treatment of, bv Shakers Chapman, I. A. History of Wyoming. Chapman, N. & Patterson, G. S. Contro versy Chappell, E. Voyage to Hudson s bay. Charles I. and the Parliament. Tracts. Charleston, S. C., Charleston book, 1845. - Furman. Hist, of Bapt. Assoc. . Hamilton. Intended insurrection of blacks. 1822 Imprint, 7736 Library Soc. Rules & Catalogue, 7750 Lining. Yellow fever at, 77^. Palladium of knowledge. Shecut. Essays and sketches of. - Smyth. Sermons on great fire, 181$. 1x7:11. : _ T !. _!_ T~> , **"** 3506 7475 1984 8820 163 35 4178 75 76 2631 2935 1491 6409 3363 6576 5 6 47 3856 3851 3886 3846 3849 3847 3850 3852 . . Wilkinson. Letters during- Brit, occu 38 ^4 Charlestown ; Artill.Elec. Ser.C. Mather", Budington. History ist church. Bunker s Hill. See Bunker s Hill. Dedica. of Bapt. M. H.. 1801. . - Everett, E. Bi-cent. address, 1830 Frothingham. History. . Ursuline convent. . . . i 7 8 4 85 Walker. Farewell sermon, 7c??9. . 1172 1781 1783 1783 Willard s Fiery tryal. Charlestown, N.H. Crosby. Ded. sen, 1843. 2473 1783 895 Charlevoix. Hist, of N. France. Shea. V Dublin, Journal of Voyage to No7"Amer" 7767! 78 80 Charlevoix. Nouvelle France. 77^. . 2632 Voyage to Canada, etc. 7765-. . . 79 Charnock, S., Johnson s fun. sermon on. 575 Charters of Provinces of No. America. 7776 .185 Chartres, Fort, Affairs at. . . . 9134 Chase, G. W. Hist, of Haverhill, Mass. 1841 Chase, S. P. History of Ohio. . . 4533 Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Atala. . . 54 8i Chatham, Earl. Plan for settling trou bles in America. 7775 203 Chatham, Conn., Imprint, S. Kollock, 7779 7320 Chatterton, Aug. (pseud.} Buds of beauty. 6820 Chaumonot, P. J. M. Vie. Cramoisy ser. 146 Chauncy, C. Antisynodalia. . . . 847 Battle of Lake George 8075 Chandler s Appeal answered. . 6129,30 Compleat view of Episcopacy. . . 6131 Earthquake sermons, 7755-56. . 293, 1989 Fun. Serm. on Mrs. A. Foxcroft. 7749. 1992 Funeral sermons 1996,97,98 God s mercy in schooles of learning. . Lee. serm. on Rebellion in Eng. 77^6. Letters on Bp. of Llandaff s Sermon, 7767 Letter on sufferings of Boston. 7774. 1587, 4184, 8 5 6 7 Nepnomiamsm unmask d. . . . 535 Ohio defeat 213, 265 Ord. serm. for J. Bowman, 7762. . 5621 Re-dedica. ser. ist Ch. Boston. 1785. . 1591 Retractation Sermon on Cape Breton, 7745. Sermon at exec, of W. Wieer. 7754. Sermon, Stamp-act Sermons, etc. 740 1989 182 Victory at Lake George. Chauncy, I. Divine Institu. of Cong. Churches. ...... 534 259 . 1990 195 747 -74 214 536 536 508 2063 2936 - Doctrine according to Godliness. Funeral sermon for John Williams. Chatincy family. Fowler. . Chautauqua Co. Warren. Sketches. Chebacco. See Ipswich. . . . 1849, 2657 Checkley, J. Defence of his Modest proof 6132 Speech of, upon his tryal. . . .6133 Writings. . 7477 Checkley, S. Bowen s fun. ser. on. 7770. . 1994 Fun. ser. on Mad. Lydia Hutchinson. 1748. 1904 - Little children bro t to Christ. . . 747 8 Military sermon. 7745 350 Sermons to criminals. 775^. Antidote to John Wood s Cheetham, J. Poison. Life of Thos. Paine. . . . . Narra. of Burros suppr. of History of 2895* 4794> 4952 4796 4799 Adams s admin. 1802. Reply to Aristides. - Trial for libel. . . . . View of conduct of A. Burr. . Cheever, Ezekiel. Latin accidence, 7700 Life, etc. of C. Mather s fun. sermon on. . Cheever, G. B. Journal of Pilgrims at Plymouth . Cheever s Latin accidence. . 7 4I ^helmsford, Mass. Wilkes. History. 1802,03 helsea, Mass. Langworthy. 25th anniv. 4779 4798 4795 74i 5156 1096 sermon. 1866 Robbins. Dedica. sermon. 1840. . Tuckerman. 2 oth ann. sermon. 7&>7 Cherokee Almanac, 1830. . herokee. Campbell. Memorial for - Controversy of Georgia with. - Drake. Hist, of Georgia. Language of. - Peters. Case of. Relations of U. S. with . 1804 . 1804 . 1804 5633 . 5622 5437 5387 5744-47 5432 INDEX. Cherokees, Ross. Letter on affairs of. 5439 Some observa. on campaigns against. 1760,61 3889 Treaty with, 1756 5496 Vindication of claims of. ... 5476 " Chesapeake," Affair of the. . 5071,72,73 and Shannon, Action between. . 5035,36 Cheshire, Ct. Beardsley. Histor. disc. St. Peter s Ch. 1839. . . . 2219,93 5oth anniv. of Episc. Acad. 1844. . 2219 Disc, at Academy. iSbj. . . .2219 Chester, Mass. Excom. of M. Phelps. i8oq 1804 Chester, N. H. Bell. Early history. fS&j. 2473 Chester, Vt. Sullivan. Dedica. ser. /<&<?. 2567 Chetham, Jas. Angler s Vade mecum. 8135 Cheverus, J. Donbourg. Life of. . . 5158 Cheves, L. Letter to Charl. Mercury, 1844. 3896 Chicachas, Journal de la guerre contre. Cramoisy series 146 Checkering, J. View of popula. of Mass. 1472 Chicopee, Mass. Clark. Centennial Dis course. 1852 1983 Child, D. L. Conduct of Putnam at Bunker Hill 4186 Orat. bef. Repub. of Boston, iSsb. . 1638 Child, J. New England s Jonas cast up. 1473 Child, L. M. First settlers of N. Eng. . 382 Child s Bible. N. Y., n. d. [/&*?] . . 5836 Chimera; French way of paying na tional debts 4425 Chinook language & jargon. Gibbs. . 5631 Chipman, Nath. Principles of gov t. . 8136 Vermont Reports 6480 Chipman, R. M. Hist, of Harwinton, Ct. 2236 Chippeway Indians. See O jib way. Chippeway, Battle of, Treat s defence. . 5075 Choctaw language. . . . 5743,48-53. 57 Cholera in Boston, 1849 9068 Christian History. Boston. 1743,44. 2616 Christian s Magazine. Portsmouth, N. H. i8o<; 2501 Christie, R. Operat ns in Canada, 1812-3. 4981 Chronological table of events in Mass. Bay, 1602 to 7770 5482 Church, T. King Philip s war. . 383-87 ed. Drake 5514,15 Church-Covenant. Apol. for. R. Mather. 517 Church government, Tracts on. . . 676 Churchman, John. Gospel labors. . . 3508 Cicero. Cato major. Franklin, 1744. 3281-85 Ciec.a de Leon. Chronica del Peru. . . 5345 Cincinnati, Cist. Cincin. in 1841. . . 4538 Cincin. miscellany 4539 Directory 4535,36 Drake. View, 1815 4534 Drake & Mansfield. Cincin. in 1826. . 4537 Pamphlets 4540 Cincinnati. Society of. Cistj C. Cincinnati, in 1841. Cincinnati miscellany Claggett, Wm. Looking-glass for Elder Clarke, 7727 Claiborne, J.F.H. Life of J. A. Quitman. Claiborne, N.H. War of 1812 in the South. Clallam and Lummi vocabulary. Gibbs. Clap, N. Sermon at execution of mur derer, Newpt., 7775 Callender s fun. Serm. on, 7746. Clark, Peter. Artil. Elec. sermon, 77^6. . Defence of. . . infant baptism. Mass. Elec. sermon, 77^9. Scripture grounds of infant baptism. 1576 6223 1485 6222 1737 7479 . 4800-08", 8137-41 4538 4539 2409 5057 4982 5631 2408 2419 Clap, Roger. Memoirs. 1817,18. 5159,60, 8142 Clap, Thos. Annals of Yale College. 2189, 8218 Essay on moral virtue, 7765. . . . 2337 History and vindication. . . . 283 Terrestrial comets 6659 Daggett s Fun. Sermon on, 7767. . . 2207 Claremont, N. H. Ordination of John Tappan. 7796 2476 Clark, A. Manual of N. Y. Assem. 1816. 2766 Clark, D. Proofs of corrup. of Gen. Wil kinson 5081 Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga and Oswego. 2971 3734 52 4542 454 1 4543 Sermons, 1728-1744. . Works on baptism Clark, S. A. Hist, of St. John s church, Eliz. Town 3634, 8603 Clark, T. Sketches of Nav l hist, of U.S. 4983 Clarke, Geo. Voyage to America, 7707. 2806 Clarke, J. Artill. Elec. sermon, 1768. . 1576 Thacher s fun. ser. on, 779^. . . . 1998 Clarke, Jas. F. Sermons 1609 Clarke, John. Letters to a Student in Harv. Coll., 7796 1762 Clarke, Lieut. John. Narra. of Battle of Bunker s Hill. 1786 Clarke, McDonald. Poems. . . . 68n Clarke, Sam. Lives of eminent divines. 2633 Clarke, W. French encroachments, 7755. 215 Clarkson, M. Addr. on govt. of youth, 7795 4187 Clarkson, T. Life of W. Penn. . . 4302,03 Portraiture of Quakerism. . . . 3509 Clay, H., Colton. Life and times of. . 4810 Prentice s Life of 4809 Clayton, J. Flora Virginica. . . . 3733 Letter to Royal Soc., ibSS. [Misc. curi- osa, Vol. III.] Clear sunshine of the Gospel. Cleaveland, John, Pickering s Bad omen in his ordination Clery. Occurrences in the Tower. . Cleveland, O. City Doc ts., iSbo. Directory, 7^7 Whittlesey. Early History. . Clifton, S.I. Abercrombie. Farewell ser. 1856 2943 Description, 1838. 2943 Clinton, De W., Campbell s Life of. . 4812 Hosack s Memoir of 4811 Letters to, by Marcus 2897 Pamphlets 4281,82 Removal as Canal Commissioner. . 2765 Tribute to 5161 Vindica. of T. Jefferson 8449 Clinton, Sir. H. Narra. of conduct in America 3985, 4187 Clinton, N. Y. Williams Early hist. 1848. 2943 See Hamilton College. Clopper, J. Bawlfredonia. . . . 8323 Cobb, A. Anniv. disc. Plm th, Ms., 1831. 1915 Cobbet, T. Civil magistrate s power. . 539,40 Covenant of children 537 Discourse on prayer 538 Cobbett, W. Bloody buoy thrown out. . 4817 Letters on war of 1812 4985 Life of A. Jackson 4869 Obs. on Emigration of Priestley. . . 4813 Porcupine s Gazette 4816 Porcupine s Polit. Tracts of 7794-95. . 4814 Pride of Britannia humbled. . . . 4984 The Rush-Light, 1800 4815 Le Tuteur anglais 7217 Cockings, G. American War; a poem. . 1788 War; heroic poem 216,217 Cod-fishery in America, 7770. . . . 208 Coddington, W. Demonst. of true love. 541 Coffin, C. Hist, of batt. of Breed s Hill. 1791,94 Lives of Thomas, Knowlton, etc. . . 5093 Coffin, Joshua. Geneal. notes. . . .5119 History of Newbury, Mass. . . 1885, 8603 Coghlan, Mrs. Memoirs. . . . 2851, 5162 Cogswell, J. Milit ry ser., Pomfret, 7757. 259 Cohasset, Mass. Flint. Cent, disc., 7<?7. 1804 Cohen, M. M. Notices of Florida. . . 4372 Coit, G. S. Conn. Conven. sermon, iSjq. 6189 Coit, T. W. Puritanism 6134 Coke, T. Journals & visits to America. 5163 Colburn, Z. Memoir 5164 Colby, J. Life and travels of. . . . 5165 i6 INDEX. Colchester, Ct. Adams, fun. ser. on Rev. T. Bulkley, 1731 2255 Skinner. Disc, after fun. of his wife, 1745- 2219 Colden, C., Conduct of, (stamp-act). 2776,2895 Explication of first causes, etc. . 2774,75 History of the Five Nations. 2770-73, 5370,71 Papers on an Act on Indian trade, 1724. 3384 Colden, C. D. Memoir on completion of N. Y. canals 2852 Cole, S. Freemason s library. . 6710,11,8144 2219 Colebrook, Ct. Lee. Farewell ser., 1828. Coleman, Seth. Memoirs. . 5166 Coleman, W. Exam, of Pres. Jefferson s Reply to N. H. remonstrance, iSoi. . 4906 Collection of Indian anecdotes. . . 5372 Collection of memorials of Quakers. . 3510 Collection of Tracts on Ameri. Bishops. 6135 Colleges in Conn. Fr ndly Rem ks on, 7799. 2I 39 Colles, C. Survey of roads in the U. S. . 4818 Collier, Sir Geo. See Detail of services. Collier, Jeremy. Stage condemned. . 666 Collier, W. New selection of hymns. . 5997 Collinges, J. Fynch s fun. sermon on. . 575 Collingwood, Vice Adm. Corresp. . . 5167 Collins, L. Hist. Collections of Kentucky. 4588 Collins, Nath l., C. Mather on Death of. . 1106 Colman, Benj. Artill. elec. sermon. 1738. 1576 Divine compassion declared. . . 1233 Earthquake sermons. 7727. . . . 300 Fun. serm. on G. Hirst. 7777. . . . 1991 W. Brattle & E. Pemberton. 7777. . 1991 Gov. J. Dudley. 7720 1002 Rev. Sol. Stoddard. 7729. . T. Hollis. 775-7. Inoculation. 7727. Lecture sermons (Five), 1737. Mass. Elec. Sermons, 777<?, 1723. Poems. ..... Reasons for Markets in Boston. Sermons Sermon on death of T. Bridge. Death of C. Mather. . Early Piety Execution of D. Willis. To Pirates. 7726. . Writings. . 1992 *994 1645, 9109 . 1989 . 1484 6823 . 1624 . 1604 1070 . 1285 . 1267 . 1217 1990 7480-89 F^clogue on Death of, by O. E. 7747. . i 994 Colman, H. Sketch of John Adams. . 4754 Colman, J. Bills of credit, Project for. 1720 I437 Distressed state of Boston, Bank question, 1720. . . . 1435,39,1625 Letter from one in the country [in re ply to "Distressed state"], etc. 1435,36,1625 Columbia, Mollien. Voyage dans. . . Colonial History. See names of differ ent states. Colonial laws. N. Trott. 7727. . Colt, J. B. Work on government. . Colton, C. Life of H. Clay. Columbia, Ct. Manual "of Cong. Ch. 5343 204 9142 4810 iSfo. 2855 2854 2855 2855 2853 2855 4677 Columbia College, Blatchford. Alumni address, iSbi Jay. Letter on coll. in Eng. for. 777^. . and others. Circular and letters 1762-74 Tones. First century of. 1863. Moore. Hist, sketch. 1846. Statutes, with hist, sketch. 1843. . Columbia River. Cox. Adventures on. Columbian Magazine. ijSb-Sq. . . 3 i 75) 0236 Columbian Phoenix and Bost. Review. 1800 _ I70r . Columbian tragedy, The . Columbus, C. Harrisse s Notes. j, Irving s Life x g Letters, 7497 T i Letter to L. de Santangel, 1493. . . Qiq o I Memorials. 15 Columbus, O. Directory. 1843-4, 1845-6. 4544 7710 7711 673 203 1864 1806 1806 1806 1864 1806 1806 1864 1805 2 477 2477 2477 2478 2 477 Colver, R. Answer to S. Harker. . . 2100 Comets 6657-60 Mather, I. KOMHTOrPA1>IA. . 998-1000 Willard s Fiery tryal. . . . 895 Winthrop s Lectures on. 7759. . . 1770 Commerce, Brig. Robbins s Journal. . 2093 Common Prayer. .... 6103-14 ist Amer. ed. 7770 3450 - N. Y. 7795 Hartford. 1841 Survey of. Common sense; in 9 conferences. 7775. Conant, S. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Ms. 7776 1915,16 Letter on death of Mrs. A. Conant. 7759 226 5 Muster-Day sermon. 7759. . . . 259 Concord, Mass. Battle of. 7775-. . 1859-64 Emerson, R. W. Bi-cent. addr. 1835. . 1806 Everett. Oration. Apr. 19, yfe>. Frost. Dedica. sermon. 1841. . Green. Appeal to public. 1828. Dedica. sermon. 1826. . . . . Imprint, 1827 Ripley. Half-century serm. 1828. Histor. discourse. 7792. History of the fight. 1827. . Shattuck. History. .... Concord, N. H. Bouton. Centen l Ser mon. 1830. Eckley, S. at instal. of I. Evans. 77^9. . Hist. Catal. of ist Church. 1830. . Imprint, 779^. ...... Moore. Annals. 1824. . . . . Munic. register, 1854 2477 Proc. on internal improvement. 1823. . 2477 Condie, T. Biogr. Memoirs of Geo. Washington 4241,45, 8934 Conduct of the late Administration. 7767. 185*, 8146 Conductor generalis. . . . 3606,07, 6456 Franklin & Hall, 1749,50. . . 3286,87 Phila., 777.2 3385 Coney, John. Cooper s Sermon on, etc. 7495 Confederation, Articles of. 7777. . . 3965 Conferences with the Indians. . 431-44*, 8402 Confession of Faith, Boston synod. ibSo. 7491-94 With Indian transl. by G. Rawson. 784 Confession of Faith. [Saybrook Plat form] 2104 -OQ Congregational Discipline. I. Mather. . 1041 Congregationalism, etc., in New Eng land. 500-602 - Bartlet, W. Ichnographia. . . . I345 Stone, S. Cong l Church is Catholike. i3 4 5 Congress, Continental, Address to States. Declaration on taking up amis. 777j. I7 . 4 7 3og? -Proceedings 3988-00 Votes and Proc., 777^. i 73 o, 4 i 7 3, 75, 84, 87 Comingoe, B.R. Ordin of, at Halif x 7770 121* CONNECTICUT 2001-2340 Ace. of Number of Inhab., 77j6, 7/ 2035 - Acts and laws. . . 2001-30, 6460-62, 8147-49 Colonial Records 203334 - Barber. Histor. Collections. . . 20^7 Bishop. Conn. Republicanism ; Ora tion, 1800 20 8 Blue-Laws ; Code of 7650, etc. . 2039-42 Bulkeley, Gershom. People s right to election &c., 76^9. .... 2043 Colonial records. . 20 ,o H - De Forest. Hist, of Indians of. . . 2053 1294 1301 2072,73 ib74. J- -.- iLwu. 7725. A. Mather. . 77<?7.- M. Mather. . 7697. G. Saltonstall. . -ibSs. Wakeman. . - Gen. Assoc. and Gen. Conference! INDEX. Connecticut, Geology of. C. U. Shep- ard Goodrich. History of. . . . 2074,75 Governor s proclamations, etc. . . 8152 Heads of Inquiry, etc., 777.?. . . 2035, 9071 Hinman. Antiq. or Letters and Doc. 2077 Conn, in War of Revolution. . . 2078 Puritan settlers 2066,69 Hollister. History 2079 Laws. See above, Conn. Acts. Mather, C. Serm. on Mortal Sickness in 1711 2082 Militia of, New exercise for, 77/7. . 2< Pease & Niles. Gazetteer. . . . 2086 Percival. Rept. on geology. . . . 2087 Peters. History 2088-91 Public documents 2031,32 Statutes, revised, iSoS. .... "2141 Tabular state of popula. etc., 1851. . 0071 Towns in 8179-8266 Tracts. Political, etc. 1744-1854. . 2139-44 Trumbull. History. . . . 2132,33 vindicated, ibq4 743 Wolcott, R. MS. History, 7759. . . 2137 Conn.Acad. of Arts & Sciences. Memoirs. iSio 2045 Conn. Agricul. Soc 2115 Transactions, 1834. 2036 Conn. Civil Officer s Asst. J. Goodrich. 2076 Connecticut Courant. . . . 2166, 9237-40 Conn. Dissenter s Strong-Box, 7c5b7. . 2140 Conn. Gazette, New Haven, 7755-37. 2186, 9243 Conn. Gazette, New London. . 2258, 9241-42 Connecticut Gore claim. 2123-31, 8172-75, 9070 Connecticut Harmony 5917 Conn. Histor. Society Collections. . . 2046 Act of Incorp., 1825 2047 Hist, disc s. L. Bacon & T. Day, 1843. 2047 Connecticut Journal 9245 Conn. Law Reports. Kirby. ijSq. 2027, 6478,79 Connecticut Mirror 9246 Conn. Missionary Society 2084 Connecticut Register. . . 2048-50, 7382-87 Connecticut River, Navigation, etc. of. . 2051 Conn. Soc. for Prom, of good morals, 7^75. 2141 Conscience, Liberty of, Tracts on. . . 677 Consid. on Measures with resp. to Brit. Colonies, 7774 i 73 o Consid. on Treaty with America, 777^. . 4175 Consociation of Churches. J. Davenport. 752 Boston Synod, 7662. . . . 821,44-46 Constable s Pocket-book. Boston. 7770. 1626,27 Constitution of the U. S. . . . 4819-24 Debates on. Elliot 4831,32 Federalist 4833 and of Mass. &c 1421-23 Declar. of Independ., etc. . . 4188, 4825 Cook, Wm. Poetical works. . . . 6827 Cooke, Elisha. Vindica. of affairs in Gen. Assembly, Boston, 7720. . . . 1474 Cooke, P. P. Froissart ballads. . . 6828 Cooke, S. Fun. serm. on J. Davenport, 77J7 3387 Cooper, Rev. Mr. Hist, of No. America. 18, 4827, 8267 Cooper, J. F. American Democrat. . 4826 Battle of Lake Erie 4971 Chronicles of Cooperstown, N. Y. 2938, 8720 Lives of naval officers 4987 Naval hist, of U. S 4986 Cooper, M.(?) Addr. from Clergy of N. Y. 6116 American querist, 7774. . . . 2896 Friendly address, etc., 7774. . . 2897, 4187 Poems 6829 What think ye of the Congr. now? 7775. 2896 Cooper, Samuel, D.D. Artill. Elec. Ser. 7757 i 57 6 The Crisis, 7754 1492, 2655 Sermon before Gov. etc., 77<5b. . . 8525 Death of George II., 7767. . . . 1994 on reduc. of Quebec, 7757. . . . 1989 Cooper, Samuel, D.D. Clarke s fun. ser. on, 1784 i 999 Colman s Ordin. serm. for, 1746. . . 1604 Cooper, Samuel, Lieut. Regula. for mil itia, fSjd 8640 Cooper, T. Geology and the Pentateuch. 6632 Cooper, Thos. Mystery of Witchcraft. . 1355 Cooper, Thos. Informa. resp. Amer. . 8268 Cooper, Thos., D.D. Manual of political economy 6516 Cooper, Wm. Fun. ser. on M. Abbott, 7754. 1992 Mass. Elec. sermon, 7740. . . . 1485 Reply to Obj. against inocul. 1722. 1645-50 Sermon on early piety. .... 1267 Colman s ordin. serm. for 7776. . . 1604 Cooperstown, N. Y. Cooper. Chron. of. 2938 Imprint, 7796 2974 Coos Country. Powers. Hist. sket. 2479, 8682 1582 5373 5374 575 6540 2480 81 See No. 2450. Copp s Hill Epitaphs. Bridgeman. . Cop way, G. Hist. etc. of O jib ways. Recoil, of forest life Corbet, J. Baxter s fun. sermon on. Cornaro, L. Long life. .... Cornish, N. H. Rem. on doings of eccles. convention, 77^2 Cornutus. Canad. plantarum historia. . Cornwall, Ct. Case of Rev. H. Gold,77c9?. 2219 Cornwallis, C.F. Expos, of com n errors. 9144 Cornwallis, Lord. Ans. to Clinton s narr. 3985 Corresp. rela. to America. Lond., 7^77. . 4988 Cortes, M. Arte of navigation, 1584. . 19 Corry, J. Life of G. Washington. 4246-48, 8935 Cosmopolite (ps.) Cry from the wildern s, 8269 Cotton, J. Abstract of Lawes of N. Eng. 545,62 Bloudy tenant washed. . . . 555)55* Briefe exposition of Canticles. . -556,57 Briefe exposition of Ecclesiastes. . . 560 Certain queries tending to accomoda. . 561 Christ the fountaine of life. . . . 559 Churches resurrection 546 Civil magistrates power. . . . 561 Controv. cone, liberty of conscience. 552,53 Covenant of grace 561,61* Earthquake sermons, 7727. . . . 292 Exposit n of the i3th chap, of Revela. 563 God s mercie mixed with his justice. . 544 God s Prom, to his Plant n. 542, 744, 2634,35 Holinesse of church-members. . . 558 Keyes of the kingdom of heaven. . 549,49*50 See Vindiciae Clavium. Letter. [Narrag. Club, No. i.] . 2365, 5681 Milk for babes, in Indian dialect. . 5686 Modest. . . answer to Ball on prayer. . 547 Nashauanittue ; Spiritual milk. 783, 804 Prefatio apologetica 820 Singing of Psalms. .... 554 Sixteen questions and answers. . . 550* True constitution of a church. . . 548 Way of the churches in N. E. . . 551 Way of life. 543 C.Mather s Memoir of. . . . 1145,46 Norton s Life of. ... 618, 5168,69 See Davenport, J. Civil government. Cotton, Josiah. Vocab. of Mass. Indian language. 5689 Cotton, Rowland. Generation of light. 7500 Cotton, Mrs. Rowland. C. Mather on Death of. _ . 1104 Councils, Ecclesiast., Mather, I. Disquis. concerning 971,71* Courier de Boston. 77^9. . _ . . . 1701 Court de Gebelin. Monde primitif. . 5632 Court martial of Indians, 7676. . . .419 Courts martial. Adye, S. P. . . 4958 1807-35. 4989,90 Coustos, J. Suff. from Inquisition. 6718,19 Covenant. Solemn league and. . . 9204 See Half- Way Covenant. Coventry, Conn., North. Calhoun. Hist. addr. 1845. X 9^3 i8 INDEX. Cox, F. A. and Hoby. Baptists in America 6211 Cox, R. Adven. on Columbia River. . 4677 Coxe, D. Descr. of Louisiana. 1727. 4399,4400 Coxe, Tench. Federalist 8270 View of the U. S. . . . . 4828 Cozzens, I., jr. Geolog. history of N. Y. Island 2856 Crafts, W. Selection from writings of. . 5170 Craig, N. B. Hist, of Pittsburgh. . 3360, 877, [Cramer, Z.] Navigator [of Western rivers] 4465-68 Cramoisv series 146 Cranch, W. Memoir of J. Adams. . 4755 Crandall, Prudence, Trial of. . . . 9070 Cranz, D. History of United Brethren. 559 Crawford, C. Propag. of gospel among Indians 5375 Crawford, W. H., andintrod. of Africans into Georgia 5171 Cree language 5647-55 Creek Indians. Controversy of Georgia with. ... 5360, 5477 - Payment of claims of 5582 Language of -5743,54-56 Creek-Indian s speech against [intem perance]. 5454 Creighton, J. O., Court martial of. . . 4989 Cresap, Capt. M., Life of. . . . 5512,13 Crevecosur, J. H. & J. de. Lettres d un cultivateur 8271 Letters from an Amer. farmer. . . 4306 Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie. . 4037 Criminals. Execution of Jas. Morgan. I. Mather s sermon. . . . 1025,26 of Murderer. Sermon by B. Colman. 1217 Harris s sermon at. 1801. . . 1813* Sermon at. C. Mather. 1233, 1237, 1253 Sermon. M. Byles. 1751. . . 1737 MacCarty s sermon. 1778. . . 1745 of Pirates. C. Mather s sermon at. . 1095 of Sarah Smith. Williams s Ser. . 927 of Sarah Threeneedle. I. Mather s Sermon 9 88 of two men. 7674. I. Mather s Ser mon. I027 Life of J. Quasson, exec, at York, Me. 1726 2611 Life of S. Smith, murderer. 1827. . . 2278 Lives of 6 5I4 Sermons to I99 o, 2153 Clap, N. Newport, 1715. . . . 2408 MacCarty, T. on W. Linsley. 7770. . i QQ2 Occom, S. to M. Paul. 7772. . 2^8 Crisis; addr. to People of Conn. 1818. . 2142 - S Cooper. Bost. 7754. . . . I493 , 2 6 5S Nos. 1-6. 7775-. . . 4I7 2 - Vol. i. Lond., repr. N. Y. 7776. . 3992 Crisp, S. Epistle of tender love. - Epistle to Friends. . . . 35^ Faithful warning ,.8o Croakers, The. (Bradford Club, No. 2). . 28^7 Crockett, D. Life of M. Van Buren. 4930,31 Sketches and eccentricities. . . r I?2 Cromwell, O. Reported embarkation for N. Eng. . . 2 g, Crosby T. History of Engl. Baptists! 6212 Cross, J. L. Masonic Chart, etc. . 6720-22 Crosswell, Tos., Life and Journals. . SI?2 Croswell, A. Narrative of founding of New Cong. Ch. Boston. 77^9.. . t 6 2 8, 1731 Profaneness of public disputes. , . - Satyricall drollery at Camb. 7777. ii - What is Christ to me ? Crouch, W. Postuma Christiana. . Crown and Glory of a Christian. 74, Crown Point, Plan of, March, 776?. . . 2939 Crowther, T. Portraiture of Methodism. 6262,63 Croydon, N. H. Cooper. Hist. Sketch. 2481 . 6830 JOJ)*f. . Cruz, J, I. de la. Poenias. Cub new lick d. Bost. 773^. . . . 1496 Culman, L. Sententiae. . . anglo-latinae. 746 Culpeper, N. Medical works. . . 6541 Cumberland, R. Origines gentium. . 8272 Cumberland, Me. Weston. Hist, of Cong. Ch ....... 2599 Cuming, F. Tour to West. . . . 4469 Cumings, H. Sermon, Stamp-Act. . 195 Cumings, S. Western Pilot. . . 4470,71 Cunningham, Laetitia. Case of the whigs. 1783. , ...... 4174 Cuoq, [J. A.]. Etudes sur langues sau- vages, ..... 5626,33, 60 Jugement errone de Renan sur langues sauvages ..... 5626,33 Cupid and Psyche, from Apuleius. . . 6831 Currie, W. Fast sermon in Radnor, 7747. 4318 Lawfulness of defensive war. . . 4321 Curtis, G. T. and others. Mass. Constit. of 1853 ........ 1426 Curwen, S., Loyalist refugee, Letters from. ....... 3993 Curzon, H. Compend. of laws, etc. of Gr. Brit ........ 6457 Cushing, Abel. Letters on ist charter of Mass ....... 1475, 8526 Cushing, Caleb. Address, Laying Cor ner stone City Hall, Newb pt. . . 1886 Address on masonry, Lynn, 1826. . 6766 Address to Sen. Class. Harv. Coll. 1821 1775 4 th July Orat. Coloniz. Soc. Bost. 1833. 163 Hist, of Newburyport, Mass. . 1887, 8604 Lecture on Oregon 47 oo Cushing, L. S. Contested elec. cases in Mass I47 6 Cushman, R. Self-love; sermon, Ply mouth. 1621 1903-07 Cusick, D. History of the Six Nations. 5376, 77> 5478 Explan. of map of Federal H. Caner s fun. serm. 5728 2052 146 2141 2339 2995 1562 1334 Cusick, J. N. Sacred songs in Iroqu ois. Culler, J. Topogr. descr. of Ohio, Ind Terr. etc. Cutler, M. Lands. Cutler, Timo. on. 7765. Sermon before Conn. Gen. Ass. 7779. . Dablon, C. Relations. Cramoisy ser. Dabney, J. P. Remarks on Harv. Trien nial. 1848. Daggett, D. Argt. in case of Just, of Peace. 1804 Eulogium on Gov. Roger Griswold. . Daggett, H. Rights of Animals. Ora. at Brown Univ. 7797. Daggett, J. History of Attleboro , Mass Daille, J. Sermons on Epist. to Coloss. . Dakota Indian language. . . S7s8-6 4 Dalcho, F. Episc. church in So. Caro lina. 8 - Dallas, A. J.(?) Causes etc. of late war (of i8i2\ . . . .-o-j. Dallas, A. R. C. Felix Alvarez. ! ! 7079 Dalrymple, Sir J. Address of people of Gr. Brit, to Amer. . . . :, Q94 , 95 - Rights of Gr. Brit, asserted. 4101 Dammartin. Pierre de Taunton (Digh- ton rock). . ___g Oamon, S. C. Hist, of Holden/Mas s. . 1845 Dana, E. Bounty lands in Illinois, 4623, 8391 Geog. sketches of the West. . . . 4472 Dana, Jas. Fun. sermon, on C. Whittle- sey. 7764. . . . -on Pres. E. Stiles. , 7QS . . . \ * - [Pphs. on settl t of. Wallingford, Ct. Ko e / m ? n T mu ^ e ,T bv - W. Beadle. 1782. "286 1629 INDEX. Dana, R. H. jr. Address on E. Everett. 1865 ......... 1752 Danbury, Ct. Imprint, 1800. . . . 5930 Proc. against Rev. Mr. White. 7764. . 2220 -- Vindication of Proceed. 7764. . . 2220 Robbins. Cent, sermon. 1801. . . 2220 Scott. 1841. ...... 2220 Wooster monument dedica. 1854. . 2220 Dancing-, Arrow against. I. Mather. . 941 Dane, J. Providences in my life, and pedigree ....... 5119, 5172 Danforth, John. Blackness of sins against light ....... 748 Earthquake sermon. 1727. . . . 294 Judgment begun ...... 7505 Kneeling. . . at taking leave. . . . 747 Prophanations of prosperity. Fast sermon. 1704, ...... 922 Danforth, Sam., of Taunton. Artillery election sermon. 770^. .... 750 Sermons by I. Mather in Indian. . Sermon. Execution of 2 Indians. . Visits to Indians. See No. 833, note. Danforth, Samuel, of Roxbury. Election sermon, 7670. 785 Dangers of the Country, 7&>7. . Daniel, Capt. T., Moodey s fun. sermon 749 4939 825 Dankers and Sluyter. Voyage to New York, 7679 4284 Danson vs. Trott and others. . . . 3858 Danvers, Mass. Butler. Farewell. 1852. 1809 Centennial celebration, 1852. . . . 1808 Hanson. History 1807 King. Hist, address. 1835. . . . 1864 Proctor. Centen. address. 1852. . . 1809 Review of Result of council. 1852. . 1809 Wadsworth. Dedica. sermon. i8ob. . 1809 Danville, Vt. Dudley. Half-cent, dedic. Sermon. 1852 1983 Darby, W. Descr. of Louisiana. . . 4401 Emigrant s guide to West. . . . 4473 Geog. and nat. hist, of Florida. 1821. . 4345 Tour from N. Y. to Detroit. . 4642, 8273 Darien, Letter from, 7699 810 Darien ship canal, Pitman. Practicabil. of 5328 Wheelwright. Observations and map. 5328 Dark day, 1780 6661 Darlington family, isoth anniv. gather ing. 5119 Dartmoor prison. Andrews. Prisoners, memoirs. 4993 Journal of prisoner in 4992 Pres. Monroe s message. . . . 4991 Dartmouth College. . . . 2449-55, 8683 and State of New Hamp. 1828. . . 2455 Case of. vs. W. H. Woodward. i8iq. 2452,55 Catalogue. 1771-02, q8. . . . 2451,54 1807 1988 Charter. 7769 2449,49^55 Cohos. A new song. [Wheelock]. 7774 (?) Freeman. Refut. of aspersions. 1815. Prof. Hale and D. C. 1833. Laws. i8iq. M. Farland. $BK Oration. 1802. . Narrative of ch. difficulties. 7^75-. . Peabody. Addr. to lit. soc. 1843. . Sketches of history. 1813. Candid analyt. rev. of the Sketches. Vindica. of Trustees. 1813. Washburn. Two discourses. 7795. Webster. Fun. Ora. on E. Simonds. 7<5b7. . Wheelock. School 2454 See Lebanon, Conn. Indian Charity-School. Davenport family. Davenport. . . 2062 Davenport, James. Writings, etc. . 7501,02 Davenport, John. Another essay, etc. 752, 1345, 2636, 7503 . 2450 2455 2455 2455 2453 2455 2455 2454,55 2454,55 2454,55 2455 Narra. of Ind n Charity 2455 Davenport, John. Answer of the elders in N. E. ...... 517, 930 Apologeticall reply to J. Paget. . . 565 Civil government 751 God s call; Fast sermons, 7669. . . 753 Essay [on] baptism and consoc n. . 752 Knowledge of Christ required. . . 567 Profession of faith 566 Saints anchor-hold 568 Cooke s fun. ser. on. Stamford, 77^7. 2322 C. Mather s Memoir of 1145 Davidson, Robert. Ser. at Carlisle, Pa. on Freedom of U. S. 7794. . . . 3336 Davidson, Rob t, 2d. Excur. to Mammoth Cave 4589 Davies, B. Account of Philadelphia, 7794. 3131 Davies, R. Ace. of his services & travels. 3512 Davies, S. Curse of cowardice. . . 220 State of relig. among dissenters in Va. 3735 Religion and patriotism, 7755. . . 218 Virginia s danger, 7756 219 Davis, A. Antiq. of Cent. America. . 5475 Davis, J. History of Welsh Baptists. . 6214 Davis, Jas. Almanac for 7755. N. Lond. 2340 Davis, John. Americ n marin rs: a poem. 4994 Capt. Smith and Pocahontas. . . 3738 First settlers of Virginia. . . 3736,37 Davis, Josh. Narrative 8274 Davis, P. M. History of war of 1812. . 4995 Davis, R. B. Poems 6832 Davis, S. Shekomoko; Moravians in Dutchess County, N. Y. . . . 2826 Davis, Samuel. Presbytery sermon, 775-2. 4325 Dawson, H. B. Corresp. with "Selah. r . 1798 Current fictions 9145 Declar. of Independ. of Mass. . . 1477 Sons of liberty 9146 Dawson, M. Life of W. H. Harrison. 5010,11 Day, Descendents of Robert. . . . 2069 Day, Martha. Literary remains. . . 6833 Day, R., and his descendants. . . .5119 Day, Thos. Disc. Ct. Hist. Soc.,7^. 2047, 8276 Tracts 8275 and Murdock. Mem. of class of 7797, Yale C 8226 Day-breaking of the Gospel. . . . 52,445 Day of doom. W. Wigglesworth. . . 889 Deacons. Ordina. sermons for. 77^7. . 1589 Deaf and dumb, Education of. . . 7279,80 Dean, James. Gazetteer of Vermont. . 2570 Dean, Capt. John. Shipwreck of. . . 1093 Deane, C. Commun. on Seal of . . . N. E. 9149 Forms in issuing letters-patent. . . 9151 Memoir of R. Waterston. . . . 9150 Deane, Samuel. N. Eng. farmer. . 6603,04 Deane, Rev. Samuel. History of Scitu- ate, Mass 1937, 2637 Deane, Silas. Address to U. S.; added, Letter to R. Morris 4000 Address to citizens of U. S. . . 3999, 4178 Memor ls to Congress. AUTOGR. 777.?, 2138 Papers on. ...... 4001, 4140 Paris papers, 1762. ... . 3998 Dearborn, H. Battle of Bunker s Hill. 1791,99 Dearborn, H.A.S. Ace. of bat. of Bunk er s Hill 4186 Letters on the West 4474 Dearborn, N. Boston Notions. . . . 1630 De Bow s Review, I-IV 8277 De Bry. Graphic sketches of Ind ns from. 5483 Great voyages. Part II. ... 4359 Debt, Impnsonm nt for, Letter on. 7770. 2139 Decalves, A. Travels to the Westward. 473 Decatur, S., Waldo. Life of. . . . 4996 Declar. by repres. of colonies. 7775. . . 4175 Declaration or independence. Goodrich. Lives of signers 4144 Judson. Lives of signers. . . . 4145 Sanderson. Lives of signers. . 4!3 8 ,39 Declaration of Passages with the Nar- rowgansets 754 20 INDEX. Declaration of reasons for appearing in arms in Maryland, 76^9 .... 3670 Declarat n of the state of Virginia, 7620. 3739,40 Dedham, Mass. Cogswell. Hist, sermon So. church, i8ib 1814 Valedic. disc.. 7?9 1814 Dana. Dedica. sermon, 7<?79. . . 1814 Dexter. Cent, disc., 1738. . . 1810,14 Durfee. Centen. disc. So. chur., 1836. . 1814 ist Church, Proceedings in. 1818. . .1814 Haven, S. 4oth Anniv. sermon, 1818. . 1814 4th July oration, 7*9. . . . 1813* Haven, S. F. Bi-cent. addr., 1836. 1814,1981 Imprint, 7799 Lamson. Hist, disc., 1851. . . . -- Hist, ist church ...... Mann. Annals ....... Richardson, J. 4th July oration, iSoS. So. church. Manual, 1827. . . . Thacher. Dedica. sermon, 7<$7O. . . -- Hist, disc., iSoq ...... West. Fun. sermon, 1785. . . . Worthington. History ..... Deerfield, Mass., Attack on. F. B. Hough. See No. 1044, note. Chandler s Review of Willard s ser mon, I$5Q. ...... Cheeyer s Sermons, etc., jSjj. . . Dickinson s Geog. <x statis. view, 7<frj, 7<?77 ......... Everett s address, Bloody Brook, 1835. Fessenden. Serm. to Indians, 1837. . Lyman s Disc, open g Acad. 7799. . . Petition for annex, to Greenfield, 1850. Results of councils, etc. 1813. . , . Sketch of first settlement, 1833. . . Taylor. Cent l sermon, 1804, & Fare well, 1806 ........ Willard s soth Anniv. sermon, 1857. . Defense of Legislature of Mass. 1804. 4906,52 DeFoe, D. Robinson Crusoe. . . 7196-98 2 73 1951 1812 1813 1813* 1814 1814 1813* 1814 1811 . 391 815 815 815 815 982 815 815 815 815 True-born Englishman. See Party tyranny. .... De Forest, J. W. Hist, of Ind ns of Conn. De-Hass, W. Early settle t of W. Virg. Delafield, J. jr. Descr. of Wash. Co., O. -.-: 3882 2053 374 1 4546 5379 Origin of American antiquities. Delaplaine s Repository of lives and por traits 5094, 8279 De I.aune, T. Plea for Non-conformists. 7506 Del Rio & Cabrera. Ruins of Palenque. ^380 DELAWARE 3648-56 Land titles in, 7777,26. . . . 4332,33 Laws. 1752-75 3648, 6463 Delaware Co., Pa., Smith. History of. Delaware Indians, Alienation from Brit. Conferences with 5#?Lenni Lenape. Delaware river. Ferris s Settlement on. Military operations on, 1812-15. De-la-Warre, T. Relation as Governor of Virginia, 7677 Delepierre, O. Analyse des travaux des Philobiblon de Londres. Dell, W. Trial of spirits Deming, L. Collec. of ... events. Democrat, The: adven. of J. LeNoir. Demonology. Thacher, J. Essay on. . Denison, Gen. D. Hubbard sFun. ser. on. Irenicon, 1684 Denison, F. Baptists of Norwich, Ct. Dennie, Jos. Lay preacher, Walpole, N. H. 7796 Spirit of Farmer s Museum, 7&>7. . Dennis, L. P. Ad. to people of Maryl nd. Denton, D. Brief descript. of N. Y. 7670. Deplorable state of New England. 1708. Derby, Ct. Scott. Cent, sermon, 7<*7. 2220,03 Derry, N. H. Parker. History. . 24 oo Desborow, C. Humble address. . . 8283 Detail of services in America, 7776-79. . 4002 394 5460 5497 8280 5042 3742 7930 3288 8281 8282 1382 781 755 2263 2503 2504 8515 2778 Detroit. Directory and History, 1837. . 4643 Siege of, in Pontiac s War. . . . 4901 War at, 7^72 9089 Devens, S. A. Sketches of Martha s Vine yard 1873 D Eres, C. D. R. Memoirs of Indian cap tivity 5546 Devil s shaving mill 6836 Devotion, J. Sermon on blowing up of schoolnouse, Hartford, 7766. . 2145,57 DeVries, D. P. Voyages ; by Murphy. 9147,48 Dewey, C. Herbaceous plants of Mass. 1478 and others. History of Berkshire Co., Mass i5 6 5 Dexter, H. M. Ecclesiastical councils. . 286 Dexter, Rev. Sam l. Century discourse, Dedham, Mass., 1738. . . . 1810,14 Dexter, Sam. Progr. of science: a poem. 6837 Dexter, Tim. Pickle for knowing ones, 1805. 1891 Dialogues of devils. Leominster, 1808. . 1857 Dickinson, John. Ess. on const, power of G. B. over colonies. 4003, 4004, 4183, 8285 Late regula. on colonies, 1765. . . 3987 Letters from farmer in Penn. 164, 1730, 4182 New essay, etc 3987, 4005 Political writings 4006 Speech on change of govt. of Pa., 7764. 3108 Dickinson, Rev. Jonathan. Defence of Presbyt. ordination 6136 Praslaticus triumphatus 6152 Rem ks on Gale on Wall s Infant bap. 3392 Remarks on Overture to dissenting Synod 3393 Sermon at Conn. Farms, Elizabeth- Town, N. J 3394 Sermons, etc 6330-32 Pierson. Fun. sermon on. . . . 3598 Dickinson, Jonathan. Shipwreck and captivity. ..... 3390,91, 5540-42 Dickinson, R. Geog. and statis. view of Mass 1479, 8527 Dickinson College. Proc. of trustees. 1821-30 3340 Dictionaries 7205-13 Diereville. Voyage del Acadie, 7770. . 83 Dighton rock, Dammartin. Explication de. 5378 Dilworth, W. H. Present war. 7760. . 221 Dippers dipt. D. Featley. 1646. . . 372 Discipline. Mather, C. Ratio disciplinse. 1203,04 Disosway, G. P. Earliest churches of N. Y. 2836 Disputation cone. Church-members & Children. 1345 Dispute with America. 1812. . . . 4997 Disserta. on pol. union of 13 states. 1783. 4174 on rise, etc. of Whigs, Tories, etc. . 4183 District of Columbia 3823-29 Divorce, Trumbull, B. Unlawfulness Of. 1788. 1788, 2128 Dixon, G. Voyage. . . to N. W. Coast of America. 1785. 4678 Dixon, H. English instructor. . . 7109 Dixon, W. H. Life of W. Penn. . . 4304 Doane, G. W. Address before N. J. Hist. Soc. 1846. . ... 3608 N. J. Convention Sermon, 1847. . . 6189 Dobell, J. Selec. of evangel, hymns. 5998,99 Dobson, J. Annals of the war. 776?. . 222 Dod, John. Old Mr. Dod s sayings. . 756 Dodd, S. Dod family record. . . . 5119 East Haven Register 2223 Doddridge, J. Notes on Virginia and Pennsylv. ... . o 74 o, ^16 Dodge, D. L. Autobiography. . 5173 Dodsley, R. Chronicle of Kings of Eng land. 24gi Dolphin, T. Travels and captivity. . S54 ? Domenech, E. Manuscrit pictograph- " IQUC. .... CoSl Verite sur le livre des sauvages. . 5382 INDEX. Domingo de S. Thomas. Arte de lengua Quiche 5786 Donck, A. van der. Beschryvinghe van N. Nederl 2718-20 Donne, J. Sermon to Hon. Co. of Va. Plantation Doolittle, M. Hist, of Belchertown, Mass. Doolittle, T. Earthquakes explained. . Dorchester. Mass. Account of Old Book or Records. 1834. Allen. 4oth Anniv. serm. 1848. Blake, J. Annals Codman. 37th Anniv. serm. 1846. . Clap, Roger. Memoirs. . - Davenport s Sexton s monitor. Eccles. controversy. 1813,14. . Eccles. council, 7774. Harris. Account of D. 1800. . Bi-cent l disc. 1830. Century sermon. 7799. Dedica. sermon. iSob. . Farewell sermon. 1836. Fast sermon. 1798. Fun. sermon on his mother. 7<ft?7. Memo, ist church. 1830. New year s sermon. 7796. . Sermon to young people. 1804. . Valedic. & dedica. ser. iSib. History, by Committee. R. Mather s farewell. 7657. Means, soth. anniv. sermon. 1858. Mt. Hope cemetery. Consecr. Pierce. Bi-cent l disc. 1830. Gathering of 2d Church. 1808. . Proc. of 2d Ch. (on Dr. Codman). 1812. Dorr, B. Hist. ace. of Christ church, Phila Dorr, E. Conn. Elec. sermon. 7765". . Fun. ser. on D. Edwards. Hartf. 7765. . Douglass, W. Inoculation. 1722. . 1645,49 Paper money of Brit. Plantations, 7740. 1450-53 Summary of Brit. Colonies. . 165,66, 8287 Dover, N. H. Noyes. Address. 7677. . 2481 Palmer, Ded. sermon. 1811. . . . 2481 Root. Bi-centen. ser. 1818. . . . 2481 Dover, N. Y. Imprint, 1792. . . . 2826 Dow, Lorenzo and Peggy. Writings. 6309-16 Downing s Letters 7081-83 Dowse, T., Proc. of Mass. Hist. Soc. rela. to Doyle, W. Universal prayer. . Dracutt, Vt. Aiken. Appeal agt. eccles. councils. 1821 Drake. B. Life of Black Hawk. Life of Tecumseh Drake, D. Cincinnati and Miami Co. 4534, and Mansfield. Cincinnati in 1826. Drake. Sir F., Barrow. Life and exploits of Clark s Life and death of. ... Expeditio. Leyde, 1388. World encompassed. 1628. revived. P. Nichols. 1628, 1821 3744 757 1821 . 1821 . 1818 . 1821 1817,18 1819,21 . 1820 . 1820 1820 1820 1821 1820 1820 1982 1820 1820 1821 1816 935 1821 1821 1984 1820 2146 47 9152 122 2567 5384 5383 8731 4537 23 Drake, J. R. and F. G. Halleck. The Croakers, N. Y. iSbo 2857 Drake, S. G. Address before N. E. Hist. -Gen. Soc. 1858. .... 289 Annals of witchcraft 1359 Early history of Georgia. . . . 5387 French and Indian war. . . . 223, 389 History of Boston 1631-33 Indian biography 5385,86 Memoir of C. Mather 1291 Narr. & crit. on N. E. Hist. -Gen. Soc. 8288 Narratives of Indian captivities. 5544,45 Old Indian chronicle. . . . 388, 5517 Result of researches. . . . 287,88 Witchcraft delusion. . . 1356-58 Drake family genealogy 5 ng Drama, The. 7045-69 Draper, J. History of Spencer, Mass. . 1942 Dray ton, J. Letters during a tour in No. & E. States 3860 Memoirs of Am. revol. in So. Caro lina 3862 View of So. Carolina. . . . 3861, 8845 Drayton, W. H. Letters of Freeman. . 3876 Drelincourt. Christian s defence. . . 7509 Dresden, Me. Miles. Dedica. ser., 1833. 2612 Dresden, Vt. Imprint, 7779. . . . 2519 Dreuillettes, G. Voyage p. la mission des Abnaquois. Albany, 1853. . .no, 9176 Dring, T. Recoil, of Jersey prison ship. 2 347, 4008 Drown, S. Oration at Marietta, O. 77^9. 4572 Duane, Jas. New Hampshire encroach ments, 777.? 2799 Duane, W. Debate in U. S. Senate on Mississippi question, 1803. . . 4402,03 Dublin, N. H. Leonard. 2sth Anniv. ser. 1846 2481 DuBois, W. E. Pledges ; coins in U. S. mint 8289 Dubuisson, M. Official report of Indian war, 7772 547 6 Duche, J. Caspipina s letters. . . 3135,36 Discourses. 6139 Fun. sermon on Richard Penn, 7777. . 3134 Sermon, fun. of E. Morgan. . . . 3289 Sermon before ist Battalion of Phila., 7775 3137 Ducoudray-Holstein. Memoirs of S. Bolivar 5340 Du Creux, F. Hist. Canadensis,Paris,766^. 82 Dudley, Gov.Jos. Colman sfun. ser. on. . 1992 Dudley, Paul. Essay on merchandize of slaves 7308 Dudley, T. Let r to Countess of Lincoln. 820 Modest enquiry [in defense of]. . . 327 Dudley genealogy 5116 Duer, W. A. Life and corresp. of W. Al exander 3932 and Golden, C. D. Steamb t navig. 6682, 8290 Dulaney, D. Propriety of impos g taxes in Brit. Colonies. 7765. . . 187,88, 3987 Dummer, Jere. Defence of N. E. Char ters 290,91, 3987, 8291 Disputatio. . .de Christo ad inferos. . 8292 Holiness of the Sabbath. . . . 758 Letter cone, exped. to Canada. . 8291,93 Dunbar, Moses. Execution of, for High treason. Hartf. 7777 2153 Dunbarton, N. H. Putn m. Ded. ser. 1836. 2481 Thanksg. ser. 1843. .... 2481 Duncan, J.M. Rep. to Dr. Miller s letter. 7510 Dunlap, A. Oration before Republicans of Boston. 1822 1638 Orat. to Wash. Soc. Bost. July 4, 1832. 1638 Dunlap, Jane. Poems 6838 Dunlap, Wm. Andre ; a tragedy. . . 3942 Darby s return 7054 History of American Theatre. . . 2783 Hist, of arts of design in U. S. . . 2784 Hist, of New Netherlands. . . . 8700 History of New York. . . . 2781,82 Dunlavy, J. Plain eviden. [for Shakers]. 6402 Dunmore, Lord, Exped. against Scioto Indians 5476 Dunn, T. Oregon Terr. & fur trade. . 4679 Dunn, Sam. Word in season : poem. . 6839 Dunstable, Mass. Fox. History. . . 1822 Dunstable, N. H. Moore. Ded. Ser. 1812. 2481 Dunster. H. Chaplin s Life of. . . 1761 Dunton, Rev. John, Remains of. . . 5175 Dunton, John. Hue and cry after consci. 7511 Letters from N. Eng. ibSb. . . . 1480 Life and errors 5176,77 Duponceau, P. S. Systeme gramm. des langues indiennes 5627 22 INDEX. Duponceau, P.S., and Fisher. Penn s In dian treaty 5476 Dupont, Chev. Voyages and advent. . 85 Duquesne, Ft. Registres. Cramoisy ser. 146 Durand, J. R. Life and adventures. . s 1 ? 8 Durfee, C. History of Williams College. 1962 Durfee, Job. Complete works. . . 6841 Whatcheer ; or R. Williams in banish ment 68 4 Durham, Ct. Fowler. Dedica. ser. 1847. 2221 History 2222 Dury, J. Epist. disc, to T. Goodwin, et al. 678 Letter to, by N. C. ministers. . . 830 Duvallon, B. Travels in Louisiana. . 4405 Vue de . . . Louisiane en 1802. . . 444 Duxbury, Mass. Landing of French ca ble, fSbg 1824 Winsor, J. History 1823 Dwight, Theo. Hist, of Hartford Con vention 2148, 5014 Dwight, Theo. jr. Sketches of scenery, etc 4921 Dwight, Timo. Century sermon, N. Ha ven. 1801 2328 Conquest of Canaan. . . . 6842, 8294 Decisions of questions discussed by Senior class, Yale Coll. 1813-14. . . 2192 Greenfield Hill; a poem. . . . 6843 Remarks on Rev. of Inchiquin s lett rs. 4829 Sermon on duelling. 1803. . . . 4856 Sermons 2216 Statis. ace. of New Haven. . . 2178,81 Watt s Psalms. .... 6081-88 Chapin. Fun. sermon on. . . . 5179 Silliman. Eulogy on 2216 Dyer, D. Characteristics of Puritans. . 345 Dyer, Giles, Harris. Fun. Sermon on. . 5180 Dyer, M. Portraiture of Shakeristn. 6405,106 Sufferings of, occa. by Shakers. . 6403,04 Dyer, S. New selec. of sacred music. 1827 59" Eachard, L. Gazetteer s interpreter. . 24 Eager, S. W. History of Orange Co., N. Y 2973 Early piety, Sermons on 7752 Earthquakes explained. T. Doolittle. . 757 in New England 292-301 in 77.27 1242 Mather, I. Discourse on. . . . 962 Sermon on, C. Chauncy, 7756. . . 1989 Sermons, etc. on 6665 Winthrop s Lecture on. 7755. . . 1770 East Bridgewater, Mass. Letter from Bridge water, Eng., on slavery, and Answer. 1847. 1741 Pierce s Ded. ser. 1845 1741 Sanford, Century sermon. 1835. . . 1984 Eastburn, B. Doctrine of reprobation. . 6379 Eastburn, Jas. W. and Sands, R. C. Yamoyden 6844 Eastburn, Jos. Memoirs. . . . 472 Eastburn, Robert. Indian Captivity. 472,74 Easterbrooks, Jos. Mass. Election ser. 770f yen East Haddam, Ct. Field. History. . 2234 Parsons. Quarter-cent, sermon. 1841. 2221 Eastham, Mass. Pratt. History. . . 1825 E. Hampton, L. I. Beecher. Hist, ser mon. iSod. 2943 - Bi-centen l celebration, 1849. . . 2943 Buell. Revival. 7766. . . . 2941,42 Half-cent, sermon. 1792, . . . 2943 Darbe. Fun. ser. on Mrs. E. Gardiner 1754- 2940 Easthampton, Mass. Williston. Half- cent, ser. iSjq. I9 82 East Hartford, Conn. Merritt. Camp- meeting, disc. 7<?76. .... 1897 King. Farewell ser. Oxford Soc. iSio. 2221 Manual ist Cong. Ch. 1836. . . .2221 359 1 2785 2541 6723, 8295 .5388 East Haven, Ct. Dodd. Register. . 2223, 8182 - Manual Cong. Ch. 1833 2221 East Jersey proprietors. . . . Eastman, F. S. History of N. York History of Vermont. . . Eastman, L. Masonick melodies. . Eastman, Mrs. M. Dahcotah. . Easton, J. King Philip s war. 390, 2353, 4901 Eastport, Me. Weston. Histor. lecture. East ^Windsor, Ct. Extr. fr. Records, ist church. 1833 Hist, ist Eccles. Soc. 1752-1834. Imprint, 1800 iSoi Theolog. Institute. Inaug. addresses. 1851,54 Laying corner stone or. 1834. Eaton, Amos. Index to geol. of northern States Eaton, C. Annals of Warren, Me. Eaton, F. B. History of Candia, N. H. . Eaton, Gen. W. Life, from his MSS. Eccentric biography Echo, and other poems. 2612 2221 22^4 7527 6042 2225 2221 6629 26lO 2475 4998 5095 . 68 45 I57 6 . 2656 6663,64 . 4009 4 6 3 7281-89 47 l8 Eckley, J. Artill. Elec. Sermon. 1792. Eclipse, The [on Excise Bill]. 1754. . Eclipses. Eddis, U. Letters from America. . Edensburgh, 111., Tour to. Education Edward, D. B. History of Texas. . Edwards, B. Proc. of Govt. on W. I. trade with the U. S. 1784. . . . 4830 Edwards, B. B. Biogr. of self-taught men. 5096 Edwards, Jona. the elder. Dism. from Northampton, 7750. . . 1894,94* Humble inquiry, etc 9072 Life of D. Brainerd. . . . 2294,95 Writings 7513-18 Life and character. . . . 5181-84 Edwards, J ona. , the younger. Lang, of Muhhekaneew Indians. . . 5690, 5742 Writings 7519-21 Edwards, Morgan. Customs of primitive 6215,16 3049, 6217 . 6218 569 . 676 5636 5634 5 6 35 5185 I0 43 3395 2831 1602 churches. . Hist, of Amer. Baptists. . Res Sacrae; an academ. exercise. Edwards, Thos. Gangraena. Reasons against Independency. . Egede, Paul. Catechismus. Dictionarium Gronlandicum. Grammatica Gronlandica. Elbridge, Eleanor, Memoirs of. Elders, Ruling, Authority of. I.Mather. Election Sermons: See Artillery ; Connec ticut; Massachusetts; Plymouth. Eleutherius enervatus Elevat. railroad, Sullivan s cheap. 7<?7. Eliot, E. Hist. New No. Ch. Boston. . Eliot, Rev. Jared. Essays on field-hus bandry. . . . 2057-60, 6605,06, 8296 Eliot, Jared, M. A. Making iron from sea sand. 7762. 2056 Eliot, John. Answer to J. Norcot on In fant baptisme 764 Christian commonwealth. . . 570, 2638 Communion of churches. . . . 760 Dying speeches of Indians. . . .765 Further ace. of prog, of gospel. . . 5592 -Harmony of the Gospels. . . .761-63 Hatchets to hew down . . . sin. Indian version 792 -Indian Bible. . . 787-90,5582-84,8434,35 Catalogues containing copies of. . 8035 Indian Grammar begun. . . 791,5685 - Indian New Testament 786 - Indian Primer 793*94 Progress of the gospel. . . . 446-52 and May hew, T. Glorious progress. 452 INDEX. Eliot, John, and May hew, T. Tears of repentance and Pierson, A. Further accompt. Life of. Francis Mather, C 1254-56, Moore, M 5187,89 Eliot, John, D.D. N. Eng. Biog. Diction ary 33 8297 Eliot, S. A. Address at opening Odeon. Bost. 1835 1734 Hist, of Harvard College. Eliot, W. H. Geneal. of Eliot family. Elizabeth-Town, N. J. Clark. Hist, of St. John s church Controv. with E. Jersey Proprietors. 1752 Imprint, 7797 7792 44 6 44 8 5188 5186 1763 8298 3 6 34 2750 6250 6036 7676 3634 7094 Murray, N. Notes on Eliza Wharton, History of. ... Ellery, Chris., or Haman hung upon his own gallows 2385 Ellicott, A. Journal as Boundary Com missioner. 1700-1800. . . . 4475, 8299 Obs. on river Potomac & Wash. 779^. 4187 Ellington, Ct. Manual Cong. ch. 1860. 2227 Brockway. New Year s sermon. 1828. 2227 Elliot, Geo. Collection of hymns. . . 6003 Elliot, Jona. Debates on Federal Con stitution 4831,32 Hist, sketches of Dis. of Columbia. . 3823 Elliot, S. Address to Lit. & Philos. Soc. of S. Car. 1814 3863 Sketch of botany of S. Car. & Georgia. 3864 Elliott, Chas. Indian missionary reminis. 5593 Elliott, Clark. Conn. Almanac. 1767.68.70. 2340 Elliott, las. Poetical works. . . . 6847 Elliott, Comm. Jesse D. Address at Hag- erstown ; 1843 5074 Biog. notice of 4999 Elliott, John, & S. Johnson. Dictionary. 7207,09 Elliott, Wm. Carolina sports. . . . 3865 Ellis. New Britain [in Missouri Valley]. 4476 Ellis, C. M. History of Roxbury, Mass. 1925 Ellis, G. E. Oration, Bunker s Hill, 1844. 1799, 4186 Ellis, John, jr. Vindiciae Catholicae. . 1345 Ellis, Jona. Ser. to soldiers, Newp t 7755. 2427 Ellsworth, H. L. Illinois in 1837. . . 4629 Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of Upper Wa- bash 4624,25, 8-300 Ellsworth, O., Rowland s fun. ser. on. . 2319 Ellwood, J. Davideis 3514 Epistle to Friends 3513 Life 3515 Elmira, N. Y., Southwick. Views of , 1836. 2955 Elton, R. Life of Roger Williams. . . 2383 Ely, E. S., & sd Pres. ch. of Phila. 7<y7^. 3138 Embargo laws, 7*9 5072 beneficial to Gr. Brit. Holroyd. 7^09. . 4865 Blake. Constitutionality of. . . . 5074 Reply of Repres. to Legis. of Mass., 1808. 1987 President s Message and documents. 1808. 1987 Emblems 7084-87 Emerald, The. Bost., 1806-08. . 1711,12, 1983 Emerson, Mrs. Eleanor, Worcester. Fu neral sermon on 5190 Emerson, G. B. Trees of Mass. . 1490, 8536 Emerson, R. W. Address Harv. Div. School, i8jS. 1774 $BK Oration, Camb. 1837. . . . 1774 Emerson, W. Hist, of istCh., Bost n. 1590, 8560 Emery, S. H. Ministry of Taunt n, Mass. 1954 Emigrant in U. S. & Canada. Pickering. 125 Emlyn, T. Inquiry into ace. of J. Christ. 6358 Emmons, E. Quadrupeds of Mass. . . 1478 Emmons, N. Discourse on the judgment. 6380 Serm., Ordina. of C. Chaddock. . . 1922 Emmons, R. Battle of Bunker Hill ; a poem ........ 6848 Emmons, W. =;th of March Oration. 1823, 1665 Oration, Bunker s Hill, 1827. . 1799,4186 Sketches of Bunker s Hill. . . 1795,96 Emory, W. H. Mil. Reconn. to San Diego. 4719 Encarnacion prisoners. 1848, . . 4720, 8301 Enciso. Suma de geographia. 1546. . 25 Engel, E. B. d . Comment Amerique a ete peuplee ........ 5389 English advice to freeholders of Mass. 1446, 7838 English dictionaries ..... 7205-13 English Pilot ....... 8061 ENGRAVINGS AND PORTRAITS. . . 9280-9306 Entick, J. Late war. 7765. . . .224 Ephrata Press, 1765 ...... 3341 Epictetus. Morals. Phila. 77.29. . . . 3396 Episcopacy. Livingstone, W. Independ ent reflector ....... C. Mather ........ Squire. Answer to [Indep. Whig.] 773^. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Epitaphs and elegies. N. Y. iSib. Barton s, of Worcester 2894 1232 2895 6102-6190 5097 1971 , Copp s Hill. Bridgman. . . . 1582 Granary Burying-ground, Boston. . 1583 See Inscriptions. Erasmus, D. Moriae encomium. C. and S. Mather s autographs. . . . 1281 Erie canal ...... 2756-65, 2832 Erie, Lake, Battle of. Burges. . . 4970 Calvert. Oration on, 1853. . . . 5074 Cooper, J. F. ..... 4971 Erondelle, P. Lescarbot s Voyages. 106, 107 Erskine, R. Gospel sonnets. . . . 6004 Eskimo language ..... 5634-44 Esquemeling. Bucaniers. . . . 26,8783 Essay on agitations of the sea, 7755. 293, 295 Essex Co., Mass. Contrib. to eccles. hist. 1827 Newhall. Essex memorial. r$j6. . . 1826 Essex Gazette. Salem, Mass. 1770-73. . 1934 Essex Harmony. D. Bayley. . 5894, 6051,52 Essex resolutions on the embargo. iSoS. 4953 Essex, U. S. Ship. Porter. Voyage to Pacific in ....... 5053, 54 Essex witches ....... 1360 Estaugh, J. Call to unfaithful profesors. 3290, 3516 Etat present de la Pensilvanie. 7756. . 225 Etchemin Indian language. Barrat. 5476, 5693 Eugenius and Selima. West Springfield. 1948 3146 8304 2837 4322 3291 6849. 5 Sermons. 7524)25 Eustaphieve, A. Memorable predic. 1814. Reflec. & anec. on Peter the Great. . Evangelical churches in N. York city. . Evans, D. Law and gospel. . . . Evans, L. Geog. and other essays. Evans, N. Poems ..... Evarts, Jer. Crisis in cond. of Am. In dians. ...... 539 I 5582 Removal of the Indians Evening Fireside. 1806. .. Everard,!. Gospel treasures. . . . Everest, C. W. Babylon ; a poem. . . Poets of Connecticut ..... Vision of death ; a poem. . . . Everett, A. H. Hist, address, Charles- town, 1836. . . ... . . New ideas of population. 5392 9248 335^ 2158 6851 2158 1799 6521 Everett, D. Daranzel ; original drama. 7047,55 Common sense in dishabille. . . 7089 Everett, E. Addr. at Bloody Brook. 1835. 1815 Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Ms. 1824. . 1915 Bi-cent. addr. Charlestown, 1830. . 1783 Defence of Christianity. . . . 8306 Letter to J. Lowell on Harv. Coll. . 1776 $BK oration. Camb. 1812. . . 1773,78 -- Yale. 1833 ....... 8227 $BK Poem. Camb. 1824. . . . 1774 Addr. at Inaug. of. Harv. Coll. 184(3. 1777 INDEX. 1725 5191 4350 437 6 2118 2139 6252 2482 2 4 8l 2481 119 57 1 24 Everett, E. Dana s Eulogy of. Tribute to, by N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. . Everglades of Florida. Congres. Kept. on. /</ Harney s Exped. through. . Examine r examined. 7766 Excise Act. See Massachu., Excise act. Excise Laws. Attention! or New tho ts on, /7<ty. . . : Executions. See Criminals. Exeter, N. H. Imprint, 1792. . . . M Clure. Oration at opening Phillips Acad. 1783 Nason. Record of events. 1861, 62, 63. Result of council. 1744. . . 1842 _ Eyes, Vaughan on diseases of, rtm. . Eyre, W. Vindiciae justificationis gra- tuitae Fabricius, O. [Greenlandish dictionary]. 5638 [Greenlandish grammar). . . . 5 6 37 Fairbanks, G. R. Early hist, of Florida, 1857 435 1 Fairbanks, Jason, Trial of, for murder. 8308 Fairfield, Ct Atwater s Bi-cent. ser. 1839. 2227 Davies. Bi-cent. ser., Green s Farms. fSjQ 222 7 Hist, of Fairfield East Assoc. 1859. . 2227 Falckner, J. Grondlycke Onderricht, etc. 3397 Falconer, R. Voyages; Laws, &c., of Indians 5393 Faldo, J. Vindication of Quakerism vs. Christianity 35*7 Fall River, Mass. Case of Rev. E. K. Avery l828 Fowler. Hist. Sketch 1831 Fallsburg,N.Y. Duryee sRe-dedica. ser. I&JQ 2 955 Falmouth, Me. Smith. Journals, 1720-88. 2600 Family Religion. C. Mather on. 1115-17, 1206 Faneuil Hall. See Boston. Fanning, Capt. N. Memoirs. . . . 2297 Fan for Fanning, etc. By Regulus. 7777. 3866, 4183 Faribault, G. B. Catalogue des ouvrages sur 1 Amerique 7931 Farmer, A. W. Controv. with Gr. Brit. 7774. 2 8g6 Farmer, J. Catechism of history of N. Hampshire 24,57,58 Eccles. Register of N. Hamp. . 2459, 8675 Genealog. register of N. Eng. . 5117,18 List of N. Y. & N. J. coll. grad. . . 8309 and Moore. Collec. on N. Hamps. 2618, 8676 Gazetteer of N. Hamp. . . 2460, 8677 Farmer s Museum 9249 Spirit of . 8310 Farmington, Ct. Porter. Hist. disc. 1820. 1915 1840 2226, 27,92 Half-cent, ser. 1856 2227 Thanksg. ser. 1822 2227 Richards. Sketches. 1832 . . . 2227 Farmington, N. H. Randel s fun. serm. on M. F. Herrick. 1803 2483 Farnham, B. Dissertations on the proph ecies 7527 Farnham, L. Glance at priv. libraries. . 7933 Farnham, T.J. Trav ls in the Calif rnias. 4680 Fast-day sermons. . . , . . 9121,22 Fauchet,J. Rapports avecles Etats-Unis. 7797 5072 Fauquier, F. Speech to Va. Gen. Assem. 3745 Faux, W. Memorable days in America. 4477 Fay, H. A. Official ace. of battles in war of 1812 5000 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America. . 4478 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor 4647 Geol. reconnois nce in the Northwest. 1835 4650 4547 3611 3610 86 1985 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geol. Rept. on Missouri country. .... 453 Maps of Indian Country. . . 4479 Featley, D. Dippers dipt. 76^6. . 37 2 Federal Harmony ..... 59 OI > 12 Federalist, ist edition ..... 433 and Pacificus ..... . 454 Letter to a, in defence of pres. admin. 4952 __ Quincy, V. H. Parody on. . . 495 2 Why are you a? . .... 4952 Fedix.L Oregon et les cotes de Pacifique. 4681 Felt, J. B. Ann ls of Salem, Mass. 2929-30. Customs of New England. . . 3 02 Hist. ace. of Mass, currency. . . . 1501 Hist, of Ipswich, Mass ..... 1847 Female education ..... 7285-88 Fenelon. On pure love. . . . 3346,47 Fennell, J. Apology for his life. . . s*9 2 Plan of proposed salt works. 779..?. . 3050 Fenwick, E. Besch. v.d. Zendelingschap Fen wick, John. Case with J. Eldridge and E. Warner ...... Proposals for planting of N. Jersey. . Ferland. Cours d hist. du Canada. Ferries in Boston harbor, Rep t on. 1833. Ferris, B. Hist, of settl. on the Del ware. 3650, 8280 Fessenden, J. Serm. bef. Indians, Deer- field, 1837 ...... . igS 2 , 5478 Fessenden, T. G. Democracy unveil d. 8311,12 Ladies Monitor [poem]. . . . 8313 Pills, poetical, etc ...... 8314 Poems ........ 6856-59 Terrible tractoration ..... 8315 Feuchtwanger, L. Treatise on gems. . 6630 Few remarks on votes of Cont. Congress. 4174,75,84 Fidfaddy, Fred. Aug. Adventures of Uncle Sam ....... 4957 Field, Rev. David D. Brainerd Family. 2061 Centen. addr. Middletown, Ct. 1853. . 2243 History of Haddam, Ct ..... 2234 Hist, of Pittsfield, Mass. . . . 1898 Statis. Ace. of Middlesex Co., Ct. . 2242 Field, T. W. Indian bibliography. . . 7932 Figueira, L. Arte de lingua Brasilica. . 7787 Fille>, Win. Indian captivity. . . 5547 Fillmore, J. Captivity with Pirates. . 475 Filson, J. Discov., settlement, etc., of Kentucky. ... . 4590, 8462 Histoire de Kentucke ..... Findley, W. Hist, of insurrec. in Penns. ......... Finley, J. B. Hist, of Wyandot mission. Finley, R., Brown. Memoirs of. Finley, S. Charit ble plea for the speech less. . 459 J 305i 5594 5193 3478 43 i 7) 6 333 6334 3478 3478 5i94 573 57 2 57 2 6227 Clear light put out ; a sermon. Curse of Meroz. 7757 Madness of mankind Rem ks on def nee of Hemphill s Obs. Satan stripped of his angelick robes. . Firmin, G. Dean. Memoir of. . Review of Davis s Vindication. . Separation examined Serious question ; [Infant baptism]. . Fish, Elisha. Japheth dwelling in tents of Shem Fish, F. G. St. Ann s ch., Brookl n, N. Y. 2931 Fish, Jos. Church of Christ a firm house. 6219 Examiner ex min d. N. Lond. 7777. 2338, 8317 Sermons, etc Fisher, G. American instructor. Fisher, W. Travels among Indians. Fisheries, Sabine s Report on. 1853. Fisherman, C. Mather s Essay on. . Fishkill, Imprint, 1777. .... Fiske, Nathan. Moral monitor. Oration at Brookfield, on surrender of Cornwallis, 1781 4179 43 2 3 . 4682 . 4916 1118,19 7845 7092 INDEX. Fiske, Nathan. Remark, providences in Brookfield, Mass 1742,43 Sermon at Brookfield, Mass. 7775. . 8574 Sermons 7533 Fitch, A. Essay on the wheat-fly. . . 6631 Fitch, Eben. Baccalaureate disc. 7799. Williams Coll 1963 Fitch, Elijah. Beauties of religion ; a poem 6860, 8318 Fitch, James. .Conn, elect n ser. 1674. 767, 8153 Explanation of Adv. of Conn. Council. 769 First day the Sabbath 769 First principles. 768 Fun. sermon, Mrs. Anne Mason. . . 766 Fitch, John. Orig. steamboat support d. 6679 Fitch, Thos. Expl. of Saybrook Platf rm. 2149 Fitch, Gov. Thos. Reasons [against] In ternal taxes. 776^ 2117 Reasons [why he did] take the Stamp Act Oath 2117 Eaton. Farewell serm. 1823. . . . 1831 Fitchburg, Mass. Bullard Dedica. s. 1845. 1831 Facts & doc ts on eccl. affairs. iSob. 1829,31 Mason. Argt. against half-shire. 1832. . 1831 Narra. of relig. controv. 1804. . . 1831 Pettibone. Dedica. serm, 1844. . . 1831 Torrey. History. fS?6 1831 Fitz, J. Mod. Presbyter nism unmask d. 6335 Fitzroy, A. Discov., etc., of Kentucke. 4592 Five nations. See Iroquois. Flatbush, N. Y. Strong. History. . . 2944 Flat-Head grammar. Mengarini. . . 56^1 Flavel, John. Husbandry spiritualized. 771 Sacramental meditations. . . . 770 Works 7534 Fleet s Mass. Register 1526 Fleming, Wm. & Eliz. Indian captivity. 5548 Fletcher, Eben. Captivity. . 473, 75, 2549 Fletcher, Giles, and Lee. Israel Redux. . 609 Fletcher, Judge. Charge to Wexford grand jury against Orange Soc. . 5052 Fletcher, W., vs. W. V assail. Bost., 1752. 1636 Flint, Rev. Jas. Anniv. disc., Plymouth, Mass., 1815 1915 Flint, Jas. Letters from America. . . 4480 Flint, M. P. Hunter and other poems. . 6861 Flint, Timo. Condensed geog. and hist. of Western States 4482,83 Francis Berrian 7093 Indian wars of the west. . . . 5518,19 Recollec. of Mississippi Valley, . 4481,8319 Florida, Account of East. 7766. . . . 4347 -Bartram, J. Descrip. of East. 7769. 4343,64 Bartram, W. Travels. 7792. . . . 4344 Case of inhab. of East. 1784. . . . 4346 Darby, W. Geog. and nat. hist. of. 1821. 4345 Everglades, Congres. Rep t on. 1848. . 4350 Harney s Exped. through. . . 4376 Forbes, J. G. Sketches of 7^27. . . 4352 Garcilasso de la Vega. Conquete de. 4354 Florida del Ynca 4353 Hackley s Titles to lands in East. 7<fe6, 31 4348,49 Impartial inquirer. 7<?77 4355 Irving. Conquest of 4356 Laudonniere et Gpurgues. Histoire. 4357,58 Le Moyne. Brevis narratio. . . . 4359 Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. Relacion. 7555. 4360 Offic. cor. of L. de Onis & J. Q. Adams. 4363 Oglethorpe s exped. Impartial acc t. 4362 Roberts. Account of 4364 Romans. Natural history of. . 4365,66 Pilot for Gulf passage. . . . 4367 Soto. Conquest of. ib8b. . . 4377-80 Verscheyde scheeps togten na. 7706. . 4381 Vignoles, C. History of. ... 4382 Williams, J. L. Topography of. . . 4384 View of 4383 Florida Historical Soc. Const n, etc., & Fairbanks s Addr. 1857. . . . 4351 Florida War. See Seminole War. D Flynt, H. Serm. at Harv. College. 773-6. . i 775 Appleton s fun. ser. on. 7760. . 1996,97 Folsom, G. Hist, of Saco, Me. . . . 2608 Foot, G. Address on early hist, of Dela ware 3651,52 Foote Family. Goodwin 2064 Forbes, J. G. Sketches of the Floridas. 7<fo7. 4352 Forbes, R. Sufferings journeying thro Maine. 779^ 2614 Force s Tracts 167 Foreign relations of U.S., Inquiry into. 1806 495 2 Forrest, E. 4 th of July oration. 1838. . 9077 Forrest, W. S. Sketches of Norfolk, Va. 3746, 8919 Fort Braddock letters. . . . 5394 Fort Nassau, N. J. Armstrong, E. His tory. 1853 1983 Foss, J. Captivity in Algiers. . . . 8320 Foster, Mrs. H. The coquette. . . . 7094 Foster, Isaac. Holiness of infants. . . 6225 Foster, Hon. John, I. Mather s funeral sermon on 961 Foster, Rev. John. Artill. elec. ser. 1800. 1576 Foster, John W. and Whitney, J. D. Ge ology of Lake Superior District, 4648,49 Fotherby [?]. Narr. of Voyage to Spitz- bergen 8850 Fothergill, J. Life & travels in ministry. 3518 Four kings of Canada 5395 Four Sargent prize medal dissertations. 7766 1 68 Fourth of July Orations. . . 2329, 9077,78 Boston 1637,38 1798. T. Dwight, New Haven. . . 2216 1803. S. Bugbee, jr.,Wrentham, Mass. 1813* 1805. E.French. Boston. . . . 1813* 1808. J.Richardson. Dedham. . . 1813* 1809. S. Haven. Dedham. . . . 1813* 1853. C. Hammond. Mashapaug Lake, Conn. 1983 Fowle, D. Total eclipse of liberty. . 1497, 8321 Appendix 1498 Fowler, Amb. & Wm., Descendants of. 2069 Fowler, W. C. Chauncey memorials. . 2063 History of Durham, Conn. . . . 2222 Success in genealogical investigations. 5119 Fox, C. J. Hist, of Dunstable, Mass. . 1822 Fox, Eben. Revolutionary adventures. 4010 Fox, Geo. Answer to laws of Boston. . 3520 and J. Burnyeat. N. Eng. fire-brand. 3521 Great mystery of the great whore. . 3519 Instruct, for spelling 8322 Fox, J. Earthquake sermons. 7727. . 300 Fox, John. Door of Heaven. Newport, 77J7 2413, 7539 Foxboro , Mass. Rock-Hill Cemetery. Consecra. 1853. 1831 Williams. Dedica. sermon. 1823. . . 1831 Foxcroft,Fra., Appleton s fun. ser. on. 772* 1996 Foxcroft, T. Century sermon. Boston ist Ch. 77jo 1588, 9107 Earthquake sermon. 7727. . . 296, 300 Eusebius inermatus. . . . 6141-52 Fun. ser. on W. Waldron. 7727. . . 1993 Like precious faith. 7756. . . . 1989 Power of Cong, bishops defended. . 6140 Rise of New England 305 Ser. at ord n of Dea. Thayer. Boston. 773-7 1589 Death of John Loring. . . . 1070 On death of B. Wadsworth. 7777. . 1994 on early piety 1267 Sermons, etc 7540-43 Chauncey s fun. ser. on. 7769. . . 1997 Foxe, L. Northwest Fox. 7675. . . 27 Frame, R. Short descr. of Pennsylvania. 9154 Framingham, Mass. Barry. History. . 1830 Trask. Farewell sermon. 1836. . . 1831 Frampton, J. Joyfull newes. 7577. , . 46 26 INDEX. France. Actes et memoires cone, nego- ciations. i 7 Q3-r8oo 4 Official corresp. with. i 7 qS. . , . Reformed churches in, Eccles. disci pline of Relations with. 178*03. . . 4834,4836 Francis, C. Anniv. disc.Plym th,Ms. 1832. Francis, J. W. Observations on Avon Springs, N. Y. . Old New York. . . 4 Franck, A.H. Nicodemus. Fear of men Vita. S. Mather. ... , Franklin, Benj. Ace. of new invented Pennsyl. fire-places. Autobiography. -- Catalogue of books to be sold. Cool thoughts on present situation of public affairs. 776^ Enskildta Lefwerne. Essays. -Exam, of, rela. to Stamp Act. -Exner. and observ. on electricity. In French. Father Abraham s speech - General Magazine, Vol. I. 77^7. Histor. review of Pennsylvania -Idea of the English school. - Inauguration of statue of. 3 3232-37, 5 3 3 3 2 32 S 2 3203 3 2 3207 32 43 3265, -Life and essays. -- Host., 1811. . N. Y Tiebout & Obrian, n. d. . -- JN . Y . , 7<tej-. -Marginalia. Inquiry into nature and Ca r U r, SeS w 41 ^?^ with the Colonies. . -Knox W. Claim of the colonies. . of 3238- 5i 5i 5i 322 3= -Mauduit. Hist, of col y of Mass. Bay HI -True constit. means for ending dis- putes, etc. motion 8 f Wkh review of hi s " Infor- : In French. . . _ 3268 ^ 6 3 63 - Observ. on Indian ac, improved 7 7 4 2 .6 ennsvl Weems. Life of. S&2S& : Antichrist. 3070 , 3213 3226,27, 43IO 3 J 97i 3270 3258,59,64 1346 2228 2227 : S? ^ahss4ss : - Frederi ~ , in & s - -//j. . Freeman, S. Emigrant s guide to Wis consin. ... , Freeman, Sam. Amer. clerk s magazine I7Q4 . Probate auxiliary Portland. 770? Town officer. Portland. 7707. Freeman, Letters of. 7777. Freeman s Journal. 1-785. FREEMASONRY. Bernard s Light on. . Cole, S. Freemason s library Const, of Masons. Franklin. 1734. . . Green, J. Entertainment for a winter s evening. . Masonic Sermons. Poem on. Fre M Ont, J. C. Expl. exped. to Rocky -Memoir on Upper California . . 3876 3 T 73 6696-6766 8144 8519 3292 1641, 6870 7773-74 6862 5914 8326,27 FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS. . . 6 ! S Sermon on reduc - of -Extractff Act for raising ^ 100,000 to invade Canada, N. Y. 775-0. . - Livingston. Review of. -Maccarty, T. Fast ser. i 759 . exten. of f efforts . T? s of Amer - merchants. . Command ai Bun k : p- / Charlestown, Mass. Rise of the republic Siege of Boston. 2186 1782 4012 2612 51:96 4652 -~--"-i. Cent l address il Duller, Andrew, Rvland f i ^Illl^r Q A/T o iv J lctI1( -l. Li\i_^ uj.. . tnn B "-Summer on the Lakes. Itpn, R., Colden. Life of. . ^Kwa 1 ? CaMl ^vigat n. ^: 2754 nd, P S eve V ra s renting to. , 5 86 66SS $ : n 52, 772 3001,02 3004 5859 a INDEX. Galloway, Jos. Candid exam, of claims of Gr. Brit, and the colonies. 1773, . 4175 Collec. of his tracts 4013, 4180 Letters to Lord Howe on conduct or the war. . . . 3987, 4014, 4174,77, 8331 Observ. on conduct of Sir W. H e at White Plains 4177 Reply to observ. of Sir Wm. Howe. . 3987 Exam, of, by com ee of Ho. of Com ns. 4140 Galvano. Discoveries. Hakluyt. iboi. . 29 Gambold, J. Works 8332 Gano, J. Memoirs 5*99, 5 2 o Garcia, G. Origen de los Indios. . . 5396 Garcilasso de la Vega. Conquete de Florida 4353,54 Garden, Alex. Anecdotes of Revol. war. 4015-17, 8333 Gardener, L. Relation of Pequot warres. 416 Gardiner, Abigail. Indian captivity. 5574,81 Gardiner, Mrs. E., Darbe s fun. ser. on. IJ54- 2940, 4286 Gardiner, James, Col. Life of, etc. . 8334,35 Gardiner, John and Hepburn. Ameri can gardener 6607 Gardiner, R. Exped. to W. Indies. 7759. 228 Siege of Quebec. 7767. . . . 228, 2639 Gardiner vs. Flagg, Case of. 1768-9. . . 1731 Gardiner, Me., Hanson. History. . . 2601 Gardner, Maj. C. K., Court-martial of. . 5001 Gardner, Mass. Glazier. History. . 1832 Gardyner, G. Desc. of New World. 7667. 30 Garrad, L. H. Wah-to-Yah and the Taos trail. 4722 Garrison, W. L. (ed.). The Abolitionist. 7321 Gaspee, Ship, Destruc. of. W.R. Staples. 2376 Gaspesie. Leclercq 102 Gay, Eben. Artill. elec. sermon. 1728. . 1574 Dudleian lecture. 7759 1989 Mass. elec. sermon. 1743. . . 1737 Training-day sermon. 1738. . . , 259 Gayarre, C. Histoire de Louisiane. 4408-10 Gazetteer, American. Morse s. . 4899, 4900 of Upper Canada 87 Gee, Joshua. Fun. ser. on C. Mather. 1283, 1994 Genealogy and Family history. 2061-71,5111-30 General Armstrong, Brig, Attack on. 1814 5002 General Magazine. Franklin. Phila. 1741-42 3200, 4314 Generals of the revolution, and war of 1812. Wilson 5083,84 Wyatt 5085 Genesee Country, N. Y., Descrip. of. I7q8. 2945,46 Monro. Description of. 1804. . 2949-52 Turner. Phelps and Gorham purch. 2953 Williamson. Descrip. of settle, of. 7799. 2947,48,52 Genet, Citizen. Corresp. with U. S. Govt. 4834 Gentleman and Lady s Town and Coun try Magazine. 1784, qo. . . .1700 Genuine account of exped. to coast of France. 7737 229 Geographies, School 7272-76 Geography, Morse s 4896,98 GEOLOGY, etc. . . . . 6629-53 George L, C. Mather on accession of. . 1127 George II., Caner s Ser. on death of. . 2318 George, Lake, Battle of. Blodget. . 209 Chauncey 214 Georgia. Drake. Early history of. . 5387 Pamphlets, etc., rela. to. . . . 8337-42 Western Territory 9089 Germantown, Pa. Imprints, Sower s. Gerry, Elbridge, Life of 4841 Gesner, A. Geology of Nova Scotia. . 89 Gibbon & Herndon. Val. of the Amazon. 5341 Gibbons, Edw. Causes of rise and fall of lakes 6666 Gibbs, G. Chinook jargon dictionary. . 5631 Chinook vocabulary ..... 6631 Callam and Lummi vocabulary. . . 5631 Gibbs, H. Artill. elec. sermon. 7704. . 1574 Gibbs, W.H. Hist, address, Blandford, Mass. 1850. ...... 1569 Gibson, J. Atlas minimus. . . . 8064 Gibson, Jas. Siege of Louisbourg. 7745. 230 Gilbert, Benj. Indian captivity and suf ferings. ...... 5532,49,50 Gilbert,Sir H. New pas ge to Cataia. 7576. 31 Gilliland, W. Hist. of settle, of Hillsboro , N. Y ......... 2935 Gillman, Caroline. Recollec. of a south ern matron ....... 3867 Gilman, D. C. Bi-centen. address, Nor wich, Conn. iSjQ ..... 2264,70 Gilmanton, N. H. Lancaster. History. 2484 Gilmer, F. W. Sketches, etc. . . . 7096 Gilpin, T. Exiles in Virginia. . . . 3522 Gin and rum. 7760 ...... 203 Girard Coll. Adresses, Girard s will, etc. 3130 Giraud, J. P., jr. Birds of Long Isl. 1834. 2960 Glanvil, J. Essays, witchcraft, etc. . 1362 Modern Sadducism ...... 1361 Plus ultra ........ 1361 Sadducismus triumphatus. . . 1363,64 Glass, Fraser. Life of G. Washington. . 4249 Glastqnbury, Ct. Bi-centen l. 1853. 2229,30 Indignation meeting, Curtisville. 1834. 2230 Manual ist Church. 1834, iSjjq. . . 2230 Glazier, L. History of Gardner, Mass. . 1832 Gleig, G. R. Campaigns of Washington and N. Orleans ...... 5005 Subaltern in America. War of 1812. . 5006 Gloucester, Mass. Appeal of Chr n Inde- dependents. 1785 ...... 1833 Answer to Appeal, etc. 77^-. . . . 1833 Forbes. Serm. at dedica. of gramm. school. 7795 ....... 1833 Hildreth. Serm on and statement. 1830. 1833 Gloucester Co., N.J., Mickle. Reminis.of. 3637 Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, Pa. Mem oirs of ....... 3i4 ,57 Gnadenhutten massacre. . . 4548,49, 6582 Goddard,!. Collec. of hymns. . . . 6005 Goddard Genealogy ...... 5119 Godfrey, Mrs. M. Escape from Indians. 5581 Godman, J. D. Amer. natural history. . 6633 Rambles of a naturalist ..... 6634 Godwin, Mary W. Memoirs of. . . 8343 Godwyn, M. Negro and Indian s advo cate ........ 5595,96 Sermon on the plantations. 1685. . . 169 Goldsborough, C. W. U. S. Naval Chron icle ......... 5007 Goldsmith, J. Ace. of N. A. Indians. . 5481 Goldsmith, L. Conduct of France to ward America ...... 4840 Gomara. Conquest of West India. . . 32 Good news from England. . . . 306 Goodale, Maj. -Gen. E. Court-martial of. 4989 Goodenow, S. Topog. and descriptive manual of N. York ..... 2827 Goodhue, Sarah. Copy of a writing. . 9156 Goodrich, Chas. A. Hist, of Connectic t. 2074,75 History of the U. S ..... 4842, 8344 Lives of the signers ..... 4144 Goodrich, E. Dwight sfun. ser. on. 7797. 2320,21 Goodrich, J. Civil officer s assistant. . 2076 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of Indians. . . 5474 [Goodrich s] Guide in New England. . 307 Goodwin, J. Theomachia. . . . 677 Twelve weightie queries. . . . 677 Goodwin, N. Foote family. . . . 2064 Genealogical notes ...... 2065 Olcott family ...... 2069, 8345 INDEX. Goodwin, P. A. Biog. of A. Jackson. . 4870 Goodwin, T. Childe of light. . . -577 - Dury, J. Epistolary discourse to. . 678 Sermon on death of William III. 575> 6 34 World to Come ; sth Monarchy. . . 1335 etal. Apologetical Narration. . 678, 1345 Gookin, D. Hist, collec. of N. E. Indians. 5397 Gookin, N. Earthquake sermons. 7727. . 297 Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of N. Jersey. . 3615 Gazetteer of New York 2787 History of New Jersey 3 6l 4 History of Pennsylvania. . . . 353 Gordon, W. Hist, of independence of U. S 4018-20, 8346,47 Plan of soc.for widows. Bos n. 1772. 1649, 8348 Gorges, F. Amer. painted to the life. 308, 2740 Briefe narration 308,309 Gorham, Maine. Pierce. Centennial ad dress. iSjd 2292, 2613 Gorton, S. Incorruptible key; noth Psa. 579,81 Saltmarsh ret rn d fm. the dead. 580,2371,2641 Simplicitie s defence 57 8 Notices of. Deane Qi57iS8 Goshen, Ct. Powers. Cent. addr. 183$. 2230,92 Goshen, Mass. Whitman. Rev. of ch. proceed. 1824 1833 Gosnold, B. Voyage. Brereton. 1602. . 280 Gospel order revived. 7700. . . 773, 3398) 7548 Green, B., Advertisement concerning. . 774 See Mather, 1 956 Gouge, W. Whole armor of God. . . 582 Works 7549 Gouge, W.M. Short hist, of paper money. 6518 Gould, A. A. Invertebrata of Mass. . 1502 Gould, B. A., jr. $BK address. 1836. . 8227 Gourlay, R. Upper Canada. . . . 90,91 Gout, Honor of. Franklin, pr. 1732. . 3296 Grafton,Mass. Brigham. Cent. addr. 1835. 1833 Searle. Farewell ser. 1832. . . . 1833 Willson. Hist. ser. 1846. . . 1833, 1983 Sermon at Cemetery. 1851. . . 1833 Graham, J. A. Descrip. sketch of Vt. 7797 2544, 8907 Grahame, T. Colonial hist, of U. S. . 170 Gram, H. Sacred lines for thanksgiving. 1793 5Qi6 Grammars, English 7214-25 Granby, Ct. Phelps. History. 1845. . 2275 Granger, G. Address to people of N. E. i So Q 4953) 5072 [ ] Vmdica. of meas. of pres. adm. 180,3. 4932 Grant, Mrs. Memoirs of Amer. lady. . 5275 Granville, Mass. Cooley. Half-cent. sermon. 1846 1833 Jubilee. 184$ 1834, 8595 Granville, Ohio. Little. New- Year ser mon. 1838. 4550 2sth anniv. sermon. 7^5-2. . . . 4550 Robbins. Ord n ser. for T. Harris. 1808. 4550 Gratton, J. Journal of his life. . . 3523 Grave, J. A song of Sion. 1662. . . 3747 Gravier, J. Relations. 7697, 7700. Cra- moisy ser I4 6 Gray, E., Chauncey sfun. ser. on. 7757. 1996,97 Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada. . 92 Graydon, A. Memoirs. 7<?77. . . . 3054 Ed. by J. L. Littell. iSjb. . 3055, 5201, 8349 Great Barrington, Mass. Centen. of Cong. Ch. 1843 !8 33 Greek Testament. Editio milliana. Amst. i?" 5843 Worcester. 1800 5 8 2 o Greek and Latin text-books. . . 7253-67 Green, Ashbel. Disc, in Coll. of N. J. 3604 Green, Barth. Printer s Advertisement cone. "Gospel order revived." . . 774 Green, Benj. True believer s vademecum. 6407 Green, F. H. Might and Right. Prov.7<#. 2358 Green, Jacob. Sinners faultiness. . . 6336 Green, Joseph. Entertainment for a win ter s evening. [Masonic Procession. Bost. 77^9.] I(5 4i) 6870 Green, S. Anniv. dis. Pl m th, Mass. 1828. 1915 Green, S. A. Franklin s autobiography. School histories Green, T. J. Journal of Texan exped. . Greene, John P. Facts on expulsion of Mormons from Missour 60 4723 Greene, M. Kanzas Region. /<&6. . . 4666 Greene, Gen. N., Life of, by C. Caldwell. 2366 Life of, by W. J ohnson. . .J57 Greene, Thos., Hooper s fun. s. on. 7767. 1621 Greenfield, Mass, imprint. iSoj. . . 473 -- 1824 ......... 392 Willard. History ...... 1835 Greenhow, R. N. W. Coast of Amer. . 4687 Greenland. Grammar and diction y of. 5634-37 LaPeyrere. Relation. 76^7. . . .154 Greenland, N. H. Langdon. Ord. s. 7756. 2496 McClintock. Sermon. 7759. . . . 2500 Greenleaf, Jona. Eccles. Hist, of Me. 2578, 8501 Greenleaf, M. Statis. view of Dist.of Me. 2579) 8502 Survey of State of Maine. . . . 2580 Greenleaf, S. Inaug., Harv. Coll. 1834. . 1773 Origin, etc., of freemasonry. . . . 6727 Greenville, N. Y. Parker. New- Year ser. 2955 Greenwich, Mass. Imprint. 1803. . 6010 Greenwood, F. W. P. Artill. elec. ser mon. 1826 ........ 1576 Hist, of King s Chapel, Boston. . . 1618 Gregg. J. Commerce of the prairies. . 4724 Gregoire, H. Faculties and literature of negroes ........ 7311 Grenada, Letter to Earl Hillsborough on. 7769 ......... 533 1 Grew, T. Descr. and use of the globes. 3351 Griffin, Edmund D., McVickar. Life of. 5202 Griffin, Edward D. Dedica. serm. Park St. ch. 7<y7o ....... 1619 Griffith, J. Life and labors in ministry. 3524,25 Griffith, T. W. Annals of Baltimore. 3679,80 Early history of Maryland. . . . 3671 Sketches of early history of Bait. . 3680 Grimes, Wm. Runaway slave. . . 8350 Grimke, T. S. Letter to people of So. Car. 3895,96 Griswold, E. and T. Skinner. Connecti cut harmony ....... 5917 Griswold, Matthew, C. Mather s Sermon on death of son of. ... 1211,12 Griswold, Roger, Daggett s Eulog m on. 2339 Groom, S. Glass for people of N. Eng. . 3526 Grotius, H. et al. Dissert, de studiis. . 1336 Groton, Ct. Brainerd. Address, Ft. Gris wold. 7c?25 ....... 2230 Descrip. of monument. 1845. . . . 2230 Rathbun. Narrative, Ft. Griswold. 1840. 2231 Tuttle. Sermon at Ft. Griswold. 7<?7. 2230 Groton, Mass. Butler. History. . . 1836 Catalogue of Lawrence Academy. 1848. 1833 Result of council, etc. 1827. . . . 1833 Grubb, Sarah S. Life and relig. labors. 3527,28 Grynaeus. Novus Orbis ..... 50 Guadaloupe, Reasons for not restoring. i7(x> ......... Guarani language, Ruiz de Montoya. Tesoro de ....... Guest, M. Poems ...... Guiana, Barrere. Nouvelle relation de. Indians of. Brett ...... Publication of G. s plantation. 1632. . Guild, R. A. (fid.). Williams, R. Letter of J. Cotton s examined. . . . Guilford, Ct. Elliot. Hist, sermon. 1802. - Lamentation on sickness and mortality. Letters on removal of Rev. J. Sproat. 5789 8351 5338 5364 5337 690* 2232 8191 2233 INDEX. Gumilla, J. Historia natural del Orinoco. 5398 Gunnison, J. W. Mormons, or Latter-day Saints 6434 Gurnall, Wm., Burkitt s fun. sermon on. 575 Gutenberg Bible 5839 Guy, Fr. Letter to Eliz. Walker. . .3581 Gyles, J. Captivity 476 Hackley s Titles to lands in East Flor ida. 1 826, 31 4348,49 Haddam, Conn. Field. History. . 2234, 8193 Hadley, Mass. Austin. Dedic. ser. 1808. 1839 Bi-cent l celebration. 1859. , . . 1839 Hopkins. Half-cent, sermon. iSoj. . . 1839 Judd & Boltwood. History.. . . 1837 Report on school fund. 1832. . . 1983 Woodbridge. Hist. disc. 1820. . . 1915 Hagerstown, Md. Elliot. Addresses. 1843. 5074 Hagiomastix. 677 Hague, W. Hist. disc. 2ooth anniv. ist Bapt. ch. Providence, R. I. iSjq. 2389, 8805 Hailstorm of 1799 6667 Hakluyt. Voiages. ist ed. i^Sg. . . 33 Halcyon Itinerary. Marietta, O. 1807. . 4574 Halcyon Luminary 9250 Hale, David. Memoir, by J.P.Thompson. 2299 Hale, J. Nature of witchcraft. . 1365-67 Hale, Sir M., Tryal of witches before. 1383,84 Hale, Capt. Nathan. Autographs of. . 8903 Stuart. Life of. ... 230x3,01, 4158 Hale, Nathan. Excursion to N. Hamp. 1833 2462 Northeastern boundary. . . . 2582 Hale, S. Annals of Keene, N. H. . 2487, 8685 Hales, J. G. Survey of Boston. 1821. . 1642 Half-pay and commutation, Collection on. 1783 4179,95 Half-way covenant. Ashley, J. Churches of saints. ...".... 7434 M. Mather 1299, 1300 [Pamphlets on.] 6250 Haliburton, T. C. Nova Scotia. . . 93 Halifax, N. S. Imprint, 1753. . . . 5492 Seccombe. Ordin. sermon. 7770. . . 121* Halkett, J. Hist, notes on Ind ns of N.A. 5399 Hall, A. O. Manhattaner in N. Orleans. 4438 Hall, B. H. Bibliogr. of Vermont. . . 2570 History of Eastern Vt. . . . 2545 Hall, Edwin. Hist, records of Norwalk, Ct 2261 Hall, Eliakim, Williams s fun. ser. on. . 2320 Hall, Misses Frances and Almira. Capt ure by the Indians. . . . 5551,81 Hall, Fred. Catalogue of minerals in Vt. 2546 Letters from the East and West. . . 4484 Hall, Col. J. C., Court-martial of. 7779. . 4021 Hall, Judge James. The harpe s head: a legend of Kentucky 4593 Legends of the West 4485 Letters from the West 4486 Notes on the West 4488 Public services of W. H. Harrison. . 5012 Statistics of the West 4487 The West: its commerce and navigat n. 4189 Wilderness and the war-path. . . 8395 Hall, Prof. James, and Meek, F. B. Creta ceous fossils from Nebraska. . . 6635 Hall, John, D.D. Hist, of Presb. church in Trenton, N. J 3645 Hall, Theoph. Ordin. ser. for M. Mer- riam. Berwick, Me. 7765-. . . . 2597 Hall, Thos., D.D. Funebria Floree. . 583 Pulpit guarded. 584 Hall family of Medford, Mass. . . . 5119 Hallowell, Me. Imprint, 1801. . . . 6275 Hamilton, Alex. Exam, of the Pres. Mes sage. 1801 4853, 4906 Farmer refuted. 7774 2896 Full vindica. of Congress. 777^. . . 4187 Letter on public conduct of J. Adams. 1800. .... 2832, 2897, 4851, 4952 Hamilton. Alex. Letters from Phocion. 2832, 4843,44 Observ. on history of U. S. for 1796. . 4850 Report on manufactures. 7797. . . 4847 Report on public credit. 7790. . 4845,46 Report on public debt. 1792. . . . 4 8 4 8 Works ... 4854 Coleman on death of 4855 Eulogies on 4856.57 Exam, of proc. in Cong. on. 779.7. 4956 Hamiltomad, The. . . . 4858,59,6871 Letter to, on Pres. Adams. N. Webster. 4852 Hamilton, S. History of the U. S. flag. . 5008 Hamilton, Mass. Cutter. Century s. 1815. 1839 Hamilton Coll. Davis. Decline of. 1833. Farewell address. 1833. Hamlin, Jabez, Huntington. fun. serm. on. 7797. ....... Hammon, B. Indian captivity. Hammond, H. Of conscience. Hampshire, Hampd. & Frank. Co., Mass. Bar. Bliss. Address. 1826. . Hampton, Ct. Billings. Farewell fast ser. 772? Hampton, N. H. Dow. Hist. addr. 1838. 2481 Hampton Falls, N. H. Ordin. of J. Bay- 2937 2 937 2245 477 677 2235 ley. 7757. nafoi 2499 1917 1484 7550 1996 1738 3295 J 995 Hanaford, J. L. Hist, of Princeton, Mass. Hancock, Rev. John, of Lexington. Mass. Elec. Sermon. 77=-.?. .... Prophet Jeremiah s resolution. Appleton s fun. ser. on. 1753. Hancock, Rev. John, of Braintree. Cent. sermons. Braintree, Mass. 77^9. The examiner; Gilbert agnst. Tennent. Fun. serm. on E. Quincy. 1738. Ordin. serm. for J. Bass. Ashford, Ct. Hancock, Gov. John. $th of March Ora tion. 1774 1661 Ten chapters in life of. . . . 4881,82 Thacher s fun. ser. on. 7797. . . 1998,99 Hanover, Mass. Barry. History. . . 1838 Cutler s Hist. St. Andrew s Ch. 1848. . 1839 Hanover, N. H. Imprint, 1795. . . . 7317 1802 2453 Hanson, A. C. Remarks on plan of pa per money in Maryland. 1787. . . 3690 Hanson, Eliz. Indian captivity. 473,78,79 156 8353 5552 4860, 8354 2863, 8712 6728 2864, 8713 . 2861 5098 Hanson, J. W. Hist, of Danvers, Mass. . 1807 History of Gardiner, Me. . . . 2601 Hanway, Jonas (ed.). Acct. of Soc. for Encouragement of British Troops in America. 7760 ....... Remarkable occurrences in life of. . Harbison, M. Sufferings from Indian barbarity. ...... Hardie, J. Amer. remembrancer. Description of New York city. Freemason s monitor Hist, and statis. view of N. Y. Malignant fever in N. Y. 7799. Univ. biogr. diet, and Amer. remem brancer ........ Yellow fever and other epidemics in N. Y ......... 2862 Harding, B. Tour through the West. 4490, 4530, 8355 Hardwick, Mass. Cooke. Addr. corner stone of meet. ho. 1828. .... 1981 Diffic. in Bapt. ch. 7^75 ..... 1839 Paige. Centen. address. 1838. . 1839, 1981 Hariot, T. Admiranda narratio de riti- bus Virginias. .. ... 3749 Harlakenden, Rich., Shepard s Letter to. 661 Harlan, R. Fauna Americana. . 6636, 8356 Harleian miscell., Selec. from. . . 9161 Harmar, Gen. J. Court of inquiry on. . 5009 Harmon, D. W. Travels in No. America. 4689 Harmon, Joel. Musical primer. . . 5918 Harper, R. G. Dispute between U. S. and France. 7797 ..... 4862, 5069 INDEX. Harper, R. G. Letter to constituents. iSoi. 389 Reflexoens sobre a questrao, etc. . 4863 Select Works 4 S6j Harrington, T. Serm., Lancaster, Mass. 7756 Harriott. J. Struggles through life. . 5203 Harris, C. Fiske. Index to Amer. poetry. 9162 Harris, T. M. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Mass. 180$. 1915 Artill. elec. sermon. /Ay. . . . 1576 Biog. memorial of T. Oglethorpe. . . 8729 Dictionary of the Bible 5851 Discourses on freemasonry. . . 6729,30 Journal of a tour West. 1803. . . . 4553 Minor encyclopaedia 8357 Natural history of the Bible. . . 5851, 8358 Occas. sermons. Dorchester. . 1820,21 Sermon. Exec, of J. Fairbanks. iSoi. 1813* Harris, W. T. Cambridge epitaphs. . 1748 Notice of [by Childs] 9163 Harrisburg, Pa., Speeches on insurrec. at. 1838. 3355 Harrison, Susannah. Songs in the Night. 6099 Harrison, W. H. Dawson. Services of. 5010,11 Discourse on Ohio aborigines. . . 5476 Hall. Pub. services of 5012 Hildreth s Life of 8359 Harrise, H. Bibliotheca Amer. vetustiss. 7934 Notes on Columbus 17 Hart, A. M. Paper money in the colonies. 9164 Hart, C. W. Essays on war of 1812, etc. 5072 Hart, J. Hymns 6006,07 Hart, Wm. [Pphs. on church troubles. Wallingford.] 7759 2144 Hartford, Conn 8194-8203 American Asylum for D. and D. Re ports. iSj^-JQ 2l6o, 2163 Austin. Dance of Herodias. 7799. . 2157 Beach. Answer to Sigourney on Phoe nix Bank. 1837 2158 Bi-centen. celebra. Order of Ex. 1840. 2158 Bishop s fund and Phoenix bk. bonus. iSib Boiler explosion at Car factory. 1854. Brewster. Picture of. 1832. . Burgess. Consecra. serm. St. John s ch. 1842 Bushnell. Farewell sermon. i8$q. Fast sermon. 1844 By-laws. 7797 1844. Catalogues of ist & No. churches. 1852. Chapin. Rev. of Hawes s Trib. to Pil grims. 7<y?6 Charter oak. 1851 Chittenden. Reply to charge of her esy. 1845 City water. 1853 Crawford. Hist. ser. Meth. ch. 1840. . 2157 2159 2158 2158 2159 2I S 8 2I 57 2158 2159 2158 2159 2159 2159 Dedica. of Charter Oak Hall. Devotion. Ser. on blowing up of school- house. 7766 2I4t; C7 -Directories 21 55^56 Explosion of Steamboat New Eng.7<?j>. 2158 Hawes. Bi-cent. anniv. addr. 1835. . 2150 -Centen. addr. ist Ch. 1836. 2158, 2292 Dedica. ser. North ch. 1823. Hist, discourse. 1859. . Two 3oth anniv. disc. 1848. Imprint, 1763. [7766.] . . /775 (ist book of more than 100 pp.) 777^. 2157 I 9 I 5 2I 59 2146,49 . 2117 Location of H. & Springf ld R. n -Lmsley. Dedica. serm. So. Ch. 1827. Manual i st church. 1822. . . . - 2d church. 1838, 1846. . . . -- ist Bapt. church. 1838. . - Newspapers and magazines. 2 Parsons, F. Affair at Granby. 2160 70, 9239-52 o. . 2159 Hartford, Conn. Perkins. Fast sermon. 1812 2157 Perry. Fun. ser. on N. Hooker. 7770. 2151 Porter. H. in 1640. 1842. . . . 2152, 2292 Reasons for secess. fr. Bapt. Ch. 1824. 2157 Rept. of stockholders com. on Phoenix bank. 1837 Retreat for the Insane. 1821,24. School com. reports. 1840,41. School visitors report. 1851. . Strong. Cent, sermon. iSoi. . Serm. Consecra. of Brick ch. 1807. Execution of M. Dunbar. 7777. Stuart. H. in olden time. 1853. . Trinity College. See Trinity College. Turnbull. Memo, of ist Bapt. Ch. 1871. Wadsworth. Ser. opening new M. H. 2158 2164 2160 2159 2328 2157 2153 2154 2159 I73Q- 21 57 Hartford collection of hymns. I7qq-i8i8. Hartford convention. Dwight. Hist. 2144, 5014 Otis s Letters on 4908,5013 Pamphlets on 8204 Short account of 5013 Hartford Co. Court Records (MS.). 1718-36. 2136 Hartford Daily Courant 9239 [Hartford] Daily Whig 9247 Hartford Evening Journal. . . . 9251 Hartford Evening Press 9252 Hartford Gazette. 779^ 2165 Hartford Pocket Register. Ace. of Re ception of Lafayette. 1823. . . . 2156 Hartley, D. Let rs on Amer. war. /77< 203,4022 Hartley, T. Disc, on mistakes in relig. 3353,54 Hartlib, S. Reformed common-wealth of bees 3750 Hartman & Millard. Le Texas. . . 4725 Hartwell, J. Jesus on the colt. . . 1897 Hartwick, N. Y. Benedict. Fun. serm. on Rev. W. Griswold. 1815. . Griswold. Dedica. ser. /c?77. 2955 2955 . 5828 8576-80 I 77374 1760 Imprint, 1813 Harvard College. 7755-79. . Addresses, Orations, and Poems. Annual Reports. Botanic Garden. Peck. Catalogue. . 1764 Boyd, W. Ora. on Death of J. Russell. 7795 177 Catalogues, Triennial. . . . 1755,5 Catalogues of library. . I7S7-5Q -Chaplin. Life of Pres. Dunster. . Clarke. Letters to student in. Croswell, A. Public disputes. Commt. Satyricall drollery at Cam b. 7777. . Gushing, C. Addr. to sen. class. 1821. Dabney. Remarks on Triennial. 1848. Documents relative to. 1820. . Don Quixots at college. 1807. Dudleian lectures. 1756-1846. Elliot. Sketch of history. Everett, E. Addresses at inaug. of. 1846. Letter to J. Lowell on gov t of. Farmer, J. Graduates Flynt, H. Ser. at Harv. college. 77^6. Gray, F. C. Lett, to Gov. Lincoln. 1831. - Hollis & others. Facts and doc. 1829. Laws. 7775. Law School. Dedica. 1832. Library, Rept. of com ee on. 1831. Lowell, J. Further remarks on memo. 1824 Mather, I. Sermon on death of two scholars. 7696 Morse, J. Reasons for oppos. Prof. Hol lis. 1805 and Adams, Hannah. Controversy! Norton, A. Speech in behalf of Pro fessors. 1823 -Pamphlets - Parsons & Pearson. Debate on Slav- 1761 1762 1731 J 73i 1775 1775 1776 1775 1771 1763 1777 1776 1775 1775 1777 1775 1773 1777 1776 1776 1776 ery. 7773-. Peirce, History. 1775 1765 INDEX. Harvard College. $ B K. members. Orations and poems. Pietas et gratulatio. 7767. Catalogues of . 1776 I773i74 1766,67, 2894 Porcellian Club. Catalogue. 1850. Prince, N. Constit. and Govern t of. . 1776 1768 Proc. rela. to holding Gen. Ass. at. 7770. 1536 Sewall, S. Fun. ora. on Prof. J. Win- throp. 7779 1769 Story, J. Inaug. discourse. 1829. . 1777 Strictures on. 779^. 1775 Theses. ijjb-iSro. Broadsides. . . 1772 Ticknor, G. Rem ks on changes. 1825. 1777 Webster, D. Rept. on rights, etc., of. 1821 1776 Winthrop, Prof. J. Lectures. Harv. 1770 1775 2230 6408 6009 2547 39 1 1839 240 5400 310 college. 7755-69. Wood, S. Letters on. 1837. . Harwinton, Ct. Chipman. History. Haskett, W. J. Shakerism unmasked. . Hastings, T. and W. Patton. Christian Psalmist. . Haswell, A. Adventures of Capt. Phelps. 1802 Hatfield, Mass., Attack on. F. B. Hough. Sermon. Bridge opening. 7c5b7. . Havana, Siege of. Mackellar. 7762. . Haven, R. Descendants of. ... Park. Address to descendants of. Haven, S. F. Archaeology of U. S. . Grants under Great Council. Haverhill, Mass. Brown on remarkable deaths of children. 77j< . . . 1842 Chase. History 1841 Choate. Defence against judgment of council. 7767 1842 Dodge. Hist, discourse. 1820. . . 1915 Mirick. History 1840 Hawaiian Bible. Oahu. 1838,43. . 5846,47 New Test. Am. Bib. Soc. iSbo. . . 5848 Rochester, 1828, etc 5832 Hawaiian Hymns 6100 Hawes, B. Tales of N. A. Indians. . 5402 Hawes, J. Bi-centen. addr. Hart. 7^5. 2150 Cent. addr. ist ch. Hartf. 1836. . 2158, 2292 Dedica. ser. North ch. Hartf. 7<fe5. . 2157 Hist, discourse. 7^9 1915 Two 3oth anniv. disc. 1848. . . . 2159 Tribute to Pilgrims. . . 311, 8361-63 Hawkins, A. Picture of Quebec. . . 131 Hawkins, J. Hist, of a voyage to Africa. 8364 Hawks, F. L. Convers. on history of Va. 3751 (L. Lilly, pseud. ). Early history of So. States 3780 - History of N. Eng 324 - Prot. Epis. church in Virginia. . . 3752 Report on Univ. of Louisiana. . . 4445 Hawle, J. Englishman s right. . . 8365 Hawley, Z. Tour through Conn., Mass., West, etc 4554, 8730 Hayes, J. Rural poems 6872 Hayman, R. Quodlibets from Newfound land. 1628. 116 Haynes, L., Cooley. Life of. . . . 5204 Hayward, J. Christian Advocate. . . 8366 Haywood, J. Aborig. hist, of Tennessee. 4594 Civil and pol. hist, of Tenn. 4595, 8867-69 Hazard, E. Histor. collections, U. S. . 171 Head, F. B. Narr. of admin, in Canada. 94 The emigrant 95 Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen ls. 4265 Heads of inquiry rela. to Conn. 7777. . 9071 Health, Vaughn on. 1633 119 Healthes, Drinking of. W. Prynne. . 680* Hearne, S. Journey from Hudson s Bay. 96 Heath, Gen. Wm. Memoirs of the Rev olution 4023, 8367 Heath, Mass. Miller. Hist. disc. 1832. . 1842 Heaton, N., jr. Pleasing library. . . 7098 Hebert, W. Visit to colony of Harmony, Ind 4626 Hebrew Bible. Phila. 1814. . . . 5829 Hebrew grammars 7268,69 Hebrew Psalter. Cambridge, Mass. 7<5b9. 5827 Hecke welder, J. Hist, of Ind. nations. 8368,69 Indians of Pennsylvania. . . . 5402 In French ; tr. Du Ponceau. . . 5403 Lenni Lenape names 5628 Missions of Un. Breth. to Dela wares. 5597, 8370 Rondthaler. Life of. SSQ&. Hellier, Thos., Life and execu. of. 7660. . 3809 Helton, John. Reasons for quitting Meth. 3580 Hemphill, Rev. Samuel. Vindication of Synod in case of 6337 Hempstead, L. I. Carmichael. Hist. of St. George s church. 1841. . . 2955 Henderson, Patrick. Truth armor of Quakers 3529 Henmg, W. W. Statutes at large of " Virginia 3707 Henley, Col. D., Court-martial of. 777.?. 4024,25, 4141 Henley, S. Candid refutation of heresy. 3755 Claims of govt. and religion. . . . 3753 Sermon for clergymen s widows fund. 3754 Hennepin, L. Descrip. de la Louisiane. . 8371 New discovery of a vast country. 769& 4492 Nieuwe Ontdekkinge van een groot Land. 7702 4493 Nouvelle decouverte d un tres grand pays. 7697 4491 Henry, Alex. Canada and Indian terri tories 5404 Henry, J. J. Sufferings of heroes who traversed wilderness to Quebec in 1775. 4026 Henry, Patrick, Wirt. Life of. . . 4027 Henshaw, B., Shipwreck of two sons of. 1788. Henshaw, D. 4th of July ora. Bost. 1836. Heraldic Journal Herbert, T. Zee-en-Lant Reyse. Heriot, G. Travels through Canada. Herkimer Co., N. Y. Benson s History. Herle, C., Answer to. R. Mather & W. Tompson 931132 Herndpn & Gibbon. The Amazon. . 8372,73 Herodiani Hist, sui temporis. . . . 1337 Heroine du Texas 4721 Herrick Family genealogy. . . . 5121 Hervev, J. Romaine sfun. ser. on. 7759. 1997,98 Heustis, J. W. Obs. on topog. and dis eases of Louisiana 4411 Heve language, Grammar of. . . . 5631 Hewatt, Alex. Hist, of Colonies of S. C. and Ga 3868, 8846 Heylyn, P. Microcosmus. 76.29. 34 Hibbard, B. Life and travels. . . 5205 Hickox, J. H. Hist, of Am. coinage. . 8374 Hist, of bills of credit 8375 Hickeringill, E. Jamaica viewed. 7707. . 5333 Hieroglyphick Bible. Worcester. 1788. . 5805 Hiett, W. Lye s Fun. Sermon on. . . 575 Higginson, F. New Eng. s Plant n. 76jo. 312 Higginson, John. Cause of God in New Eng 775, 981 Dying Savior s legacy. . . 776,7555 Higginson, S. (?). Writings of Laco. 77^9. 4881,82 Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer hist, of O. val. . 4555 Pioneer settlers of Ohio. . . 4556 Hilhouse, W. Indian notices. . . 5481 Hill, Ira. Antiq. of America. . . 5405 New theory of the earth. . . 8376 Hill, Isaac, Biography of. . . 5206 Hill, Urik. Solfeggio Americano. 5919,20 Hillhouse, J. A. $BK oration. Yale 1826. 8227 Hilliard d Aubertenil. Essais sur Anglo- Americains. 1782 4028 Hilliard, T, Serm. ordin. of B. Howard. Springfield. 77^ 1945 2245 1638 5120 2720 97 2954 INDEX. Hillsboro , N. H. Chapin. Farewell dis course. fStx? 2485 Smith. Annals. 1841 Hillsboro , N. Y. Gilliland. Hist, of sett. Hilton, W. Relation of discov. on coast of Florida. /66? Hines, D. T. Life, adventures, and opm. Hingham, Mass. Gay. Old man s cal endar. i-jSi Gleason. 4th July oration. 1807. . Hill. Hist, sermon, ist Ch. 1850. . Lincoln. Bi-cent. address. 1835. . History Proc. in No. parish. 1807. Vindica. of. / 2485 293S 3869 5207 1844 IQ8 7 1849 184" 1844, 1987 1844, 1987 Richardson. Complaint of Bay Assoc. i8iS. 144 Half -cent, sermon. 1856, . . . 1844 Letter on pulpit exchange. 1847. . . 1844 Hinman, R. R. Blue Laws of Conn. 8160, 61 Catalogue of Pur. settlers. 2066,69, 8162,63 Conn, in War of Revolution. . . . 2078 Letters from kings to Gov. of Ct. 2077, 8160 Hirst, G. Colman s fun. ser. on. 77/7. . 1991 Hirst, Sam. C. Mather on death of. . 1141 Historical Magazine 35, 9253 Historical Review and Directory of N. A. 1788. 4864 History of Kingdom of Basarnah. . 7556,57 Hitchcock, C. Artill. elec. ser. 1841. . 1576 Hitchcock, D. Poetical works. . 6874, 8377 Hitchcock, Edward. Econ. geol. of Mass. 1985 Geology of Mass 1505,06 Plants in vie. of Amherst College. . 6589 Hitchcock, Enos. Bloomsgrove family. 7099 Hitchcock, Gad. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Mass. 7774 1915516 Military sermon. 77^57 259 Hoadly, B. Inquiry into cond. of G. B. . 8302 Hoar, "L. Sting of death. . . . 777,78 Hobart, A. Hist, sketch of Abington. . 1558 Hobart, Bp. J. H., Onderdonk. Fun. ser mon on 5208 Hobart, N. Absence of Comforter. -7558,59 Hobart, Noah. Serious address to Epis. Separation 6142 Second address. 7560 Hobby, W. Self-examination. . . 7561 Ser. to troops, Reading, Mass. 1738. 233, 259 Hochelaga. Bosworth, N 64 Hoffman, C. Longevity 6543 Hogan, J. S. Canada 8028 Hohburg, C ; _Sprtiche aus Postilla mystica. 3343 5209 4336 5921 1845 353 I 57 2325 1680 4726 Holcombe, Henry. Autobiog. letters of. Holcombe, Hosea. Hist, of Baptists in Alabama Holden, O. Union harmony. . Holden, Mass. Damon. History. Holder. C. Faith and testimony of [Qua ker] meetings. Holland, J. G. Hist, of Western Mass. . Holley, H., Caldwell s Life of. . Holley, I. Sermon on destruc. of tea at Boston. Suffield, Conn. 1773. Holley, Mrs. M. A. Obs. on Texas. Hollis. Thos. Colman s fun. ser. on. 77J7. 1994 Rudd s Poem on death of. 77^7. . . 1992 Hollis, Thos., d. 1774, Memoirs of. . . 8370 Hollis, N. H. Powers. Centen. addr. 1830. 2485 Worcester. Letters on ex-parte coun cil. 1812 2485 Hollis Assoc., N. H. Davis. Centen. Dis course. 1862 2486 Hollister, G. H. History of Connecticut. 2079 Hollister, Isaac. Indian captivity. 473, ecc, Hollister, O J. Hist, of ist Regt. Colo. . 4727 Holhston, Mass. Fitch. Century s. iSab 1846 Wheaton. Dedication s. 1823. 1846 Holme, N. (?). Gospel musick. 1644. . 5 88o Holmes, Abiel. Annals of America. . 36 Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Mass. iSob. . 1915 Holmes, Abiel. Fun. serm. on Pres. Jos. Willard. 1804 J 995 History of Cambridge, Mass. . . 1747 Life of Ezra Stiles. . . . 2317 Holmes, John. Letter of directions. . 2067 Holmes, Rev. John. Miss, of Un. Breth. 5599 Halroyd, J.B. Orders in council beneficial. 4865 Holstein. See Ducoudray-Holstein. . 5340 Holyoke, Pres. Edward. Convention ser mon. Boston. 7747 1737 Mass. elec. sermon. 1736. 148*5 Appleton s fun. ser. on. 7769. . . 1996,97 Holyoke, Edward, of Lynn. Doctrine of life 585 Holyoke, Edward A. Memoir of. _ . 5210, 8380 Holyoke, Sam. Christian harmonist. . 5925 Columbian repos. of sacred harmony. 5924 Harmonia Americana. . . . 5922,23 Vocal companion. ..... 5926 Homans, I. S. History of Boston. . . 1643 Homer, J. L. Nahant and No. Shore. 1848. 1877 Notes on seashore [near Boston]. . 1644 Homer, N. Y. Bennett. Hist. disc. Bap. Ch. 1844 2955 Cortland Acad. Jubilee. i8#b. . . 2955 Keep. Hist, of Cong, church. 1833. . 2955 Homes, W. Proposals for Church Gov t. Newburyport. 1774 1889* Sermons, etc 7562,63 Homestead. Hartford. 1858. . . . 9254 Hood, G. Hist, of music in New Eng. . 5884 Hooke, W. Disc, on the Witnesses. 587, 1346 New England s teares 586 Hooker, Nath., Perry s fun. serm. on. Hartf. 7770 2151 Hooker, T. Application of redempt n. 588, 88* Comment on Christ s last prayer. . . 589 Danger of desertion. Farewell serm. at Chelmsford, Eng. . . . 590, 2642 Faithful covenanter 591 Letter on compl. of Winthrop. Poor doubting Christian. Saint s dignitie and dutie. Soules exaltation Soules humiliation. Soules implantation. Soules vocation. .... Survey of summe of church discipline. Unbeleevers preparing for Christ. Hooker s Life of. 9*65 7564 59 2 595 594 596 593 597 598 . 2302 1145,46 . 1194 7838 6519 C. Mather s Johannes in Eremo. . Life of Hoop petticoats arraigned. 1722. Hooper, S. Currency or money. Hoornbeek, Joh. De conyersione Indorum. 51 Socinianismi confutati, T. iii. . . 6360 Hopkins, M. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Mass. 1846 1915 Hopkins, Sam., of Springfield. Addr. to people of N. Eng. ... on the Indians. Franklin. 1757. 3298 Housatunnuk Indians. . 453, 54, 54*, 1950, 3297, 5601 Hopkins, Sam., of Newport. Writings. 7565-72 Life of, etc 5211,12, 8381 Hopkins, Stephen. Grievances of the Col onies. 7766 3987 Rights of Colonies. 7765 Hopkinson, F. Advantages of Union with Gr. Brit Commenc t Exercise on Accession of Geo. III. Phila. College. 1762. . . .,__ Miscell. essays 710 Perpetual union between Gr. Brit, and her Colonies. 7766 168 Hopkintpn, Mass. Howe. Cent. serm. (.3 editions). 1813 1846, 1984 Horace ; transl. by J. Parke (?). . . 6910 Hornius, G. De originibus Americanis. 5407,08 Horsmander, D. Detec. of conspiracy for burning New York city. 1744. 2865,66 190* 190 3148 3127 INDEX. 33 2788 42* 4287 2803 Hosack, D. Elgin botanic garden. . 6590,91 Hoskins, N. History of Vermont. . 2548, 8908 Notes on the Western Country. . 4494, 4530 Hotchkin, J. H. Hist, of purchase, etc., of Western New York. Hottinger, J. H. Analecta hist.-theol. . Hough, F. B. Hist, of Lewis Co., N. Y. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N. Y Invasion of New York from Can. 1780. Papers rela. to Nantucket, etc. . . 1880 Papers on Pemaquid, Me. . . . 2606 Proc. in exting. Ind. titles in N. Y. 2790, 4901 (ed.). Attack on Hatfield. . . .391 Houghton, G. F. Addr. on N. H. grants contro. 1848. 2568 Housatonic Indians. Hopkins. 1753. 453,54, 54*i JQS ) 3 2 97) 5 601 House of wisdom in a bustle. N. Y. 779* 2897 Houstoun, J. Memoirs 5213 Houstoun, Mrs. Texas and Gulf of Mex. 4728 How, David. Diary in Army of Revol. 4033 How, N. Captivity 481, 2643 Howard, A. C. Directory of Indianapo lis. iSj7 4633 Howard, John, Aikin s Life of. . . 8382,83 Howe, E. D. History of Mormanism. . 6435 Howe, Jemima. Captivity. . . . 480 Howe, H. Historical collections of Va. . 3756 of the West 4495 Howe, R. Earl, Barrow. Life of. . . 5018 Howe, Solo. Divine hymns. . . . 6010 Farmer s evening entertainment. . 5928 Worshipper s assistant 5927 Howe, Capt. Thos. Court-martial of. . 4990 Howe, Timo. Hist, of Spgs. at Saratoga. 2984 Howe, Sir Wm. Narrative, on his Con duct in America. 1780. . . . 203, 3980 Howell, Reading, and others. Report on rivers of Pennsylvania. i7Qf. . . 3107 Howell, Robt. B. C. Early Baptists of Va. 3757 Howgill, F. Heart of N. Eng. hardened. 353 1 , 8384 Tracts 8384 Howison, R. R. History of Virginia. . 3758 Howse, J. Cree grammar. . . . 5648 Hoxse, J. Yankee tar 5214 Hoyt, E. Antiq n Researches. 392, 5521,22, 8385 Rules . . . for drill of cavalry. . . 8642 Treatise on military art. . . . 8643 Hiiasteca language 5776 Hubbard, J. Benefactors of Yale Coll. [Poem.] 8220 Hubbard, W. Funeral Sermon for Maj. D. Denison 781 History of New England. . . . 313 Indian Wars. . 393-405,780,5523-28,8397-99 Mass. Election Sermon. 7676. . . 779,80 Hubbell, H. Treas n of Arnold; a Tragedy. 3964 Hubbell, L, Captivity of 5582 Hubbell, Seth. Sufferings in settlement of Wolcott, Vt 2549, 5580 Hubley, B. Hist, of Amer. revol. . 4034, 8386 Hudson, C. Catechism of evidences. . 5876 Doubts cone. Battle of Bunker Hill. . 1797 History of Marlboro , Mass. . . . 1871 Hudson, D. Hist, of Jemima Wilkinson. 6409 Hudson, S. Church Catholike. . . 676 Hudson River. Akerly. Geology of. . 2741 Letters about. iSjj^b 2789 Obstructions in. ..... 4901 Sketches of. iSjS. 2789 Huggins, J. R. D. Hugginiana. . . 6875 Hughes, J. T. Doniphan s expedition. . 4729 Huit, Ephtn. Anatomy of conscience. . 599 Prophecie of Daniel explained. . . 600 Hull, John, Willard s fun. sermon on. . 897,98 Hull, Gen. W. Defence. . . . 5020, 8387 Memoirs of N. W. army. . . 5021, 8388 Campbell. Life of 5022 Pamphlets on 8389 Hull, Gen. W., Trial of. ... 4989, 5019 Humble apology for Quakers in Pa. 7756. 3041 Humboldt, A. v. Vues des Cordilleres. . 5411 Hume, S. Exhor. to inhab. of So. Car. 1747. 3870 Humes, T. W. Address on semi-centen. of Knoxville. 1842 4601,13 Humphrey, H. Indian rights. . . . 5481 Humphreys, Daniel. Amer. grammar in verse. 7218 Humphreys, David, D.D. Hist, account - of Soc. Prop. Gospel 6143 Humphreys, Col. David. Address on Conn. Agric. i8ib 2141 Improving the Militia. 1803. . . . 2140 Life of Gen. Putnam. . 1790, 2309,10, 8795 Miscellaneous works. . . 6879,80, 8390 Poems. 6876-78 Hunt, C. H. Life of Edw. Livingston. . 4885 Hunt, G. J. Historical reader. . . . 5024 The late war. 1812-15 5023 Hunt, John, M.D. Hours of reflection. Poems 6882 Hunt, Rev. John. Hooker s fun. serm. on. 7776 1998 Hunt family genealogy 5122 Hunter, J. D. Captivity among Indians. 5410 Indian tribes W. of Mississippi River. 5409 Hunting of the Fox. 1648. .... 679 Huntington, Mrs. Faith Trumbull. Wil- liams s Fun. Sermon on. 7777. . . 2318 Huntington, John. Sermons. . . . 7573 Huntington, Joseph. Plea for Mrs. Fisk. 7574 Sermon. 777^ 7574 Huntington, Gov. Sam. Strong s fun. sermon on 2318 Huntington, Wm. God, poor man s guar dian 7575 Huntington Family. Huntington. . . 2068 of Norwich, Ct 2265 Huntington, L. I. Prime. Sermon to Pro vincials. 77i"o. ...... 2956 Hurlbutt, S. Hymns 6010 Hurons. Sagard Voyage. . . . 143,44 Huske, J. Present State of N. Amer. 7755. 255 Hutcheson, Geo. Exposition of 12 small Propets 601 Hutchins, J. N. Almanac. N. Y. 1760-1853. 3006 Hutchins, T. Descrip. of Va., Penn., etc. 3759, 4558,59 Hutchison, F. Hist, essay on witchcraft. 1368 Hutchinson, S. Future glorious estate. 602 Hutchinson, Hon. T., Mather s fun. ser mon on. 77^0 1992, 2318 Hutchinson, Gov. T. History of Mass. 1508-16, 2644-46, 8539-41 MS. Letters 1329 Projection for regula. vahie of gold and silver coins 1460 Speeches 4183 to Gen. Assembly, Mass. . . . 1730 Witchcraft delusion 1369 and others. Letters to England. . . 1730 and T. Oliver. Letters. 7774. . 1518,3987 Hutchinson, W. Spirit of Masonry. . 6731 Hutchinson and Oliver genealogy. . . 5123 Hyde, E. Hist, of Winchendon, Mass. . 1964 Hyde, Nancy M. Writings. . . . 5215 Hymnology 6051, 6101 Ichneumon, The : an essay on politics. 7t?7^. 5069 Illinois. Beck. Gazetteer. . . 4618, 4636 Birkbeck. Journey to. . . . 4619-21 Letters from. 4619 Brown, H. History of 4622 Dana, E. Bounty Lands in. . . . 4623 Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of Upper Wabash 4624,25 in 1837 4629 Pamphlets 4630 Peck. Emigrant s guide. . . . 4635 Shepard. Geology 4637 34 INDEX. Illinois. VanZandt. Desc. of mil. lands. 4639 Welby. English settlements in. . . 4480 Woods. Two years residence. . . 464 Illinois College. " 4631 Illinois Land Co. Smith s Account of. . 4627 Imlay, G. Descr. of Western Territory ; Laws of Kentucky. . _ . 4596-98, 8463 Impartial inquirer. . . . invasion of W. Florida. iSn 4355 Impressment of Seamen. Boston. 7747. . 1573 Report of Mass. Committee on. . . 4953 Tracts on S ? 1 !? 2 Independence Hall, Phila. Belisle. Hist. of. 3116 Independency, Anatomy of. 1644. 676,78,1345 Antidote against contagious air of. . 1345 Mather, R., and Tompson, W. . 93 r ,3 2 Independent Churches. Burton, H. Vin dication of 1345 Burton, H. Answer to Bostwick on. . 1345 Conformities deformity. . . . 1345 Independent reflector. W. Livingston. . 2894 Independents. Tracts oil 678 Indians. Beltrami. Pilgrimage to Amer. 4453 Captivities with. 469-508, 4552, 5477, 5540-83 Conferences and Treaties with. . 431-44 Conferences of Quakers and the Six Nations. . 3038 DeForest. Indians of Conn. . . . 2053 Fisher. Travels among. . . . 4682 Gospel amongst 445-68 Mather, I. De Successu Evangelii. 1038 Mayhew. Indian Converts. . . 1342 Orpin, of S. Badger, missionary to Natick Indians. 1753 1737 Harmj n. Travels among. . . . 4689 Hostile, Report on. iSi2. .... 5071 Languages of. . . . 782-805, 8421-38 Williams, R. Key. . . 2365,71,80,81 Massacre of, at Gnadenhiitten. ." 4548,49 Missions among. . . 1950, 5584, 5624 Parker. Tour beyond Rocky Mts. . 4702 Portraits of, Catalogue of. ... 5581 Selling strong drink to. C. Mather. . 1175 Treaties with 5484-5503 Walker. Campaigns against. 1810. 4526,27 - Wars with. . 382-430, noi, 1230, 5504-39 Mather, I. Troubles with Indians. . 1019 Indiana. Hebert. Colony of Harmony. 4626 Indiana proprietors, Title of. . . . 4632 Indianapolis. Howard, A. C. Directory and sketch. 1837 4633 Inducements to settle in W. Indies. . . 52 Infant Baptism. Bostwick. Right of. . 6224 Strictures on Bostwick s treatise. Clark. Defence of. Scripture grounds of. . eland. I. B. from heaven. 6224 6223 Cleaveland. "l. B. from heaven. . . 6236 - Dickinson. Divine right of. . . . 6236 Eliot, J. Answer to Norcot. . . 764 Finley. Charitable Plea for. . . 347 8 Firmin, G. Serious question. . . 572 -Fish. Japheth in tents of Shem. . . 6227 Foster. Holiness of infants. . 622=; -Gill. [Pphs. against] 622 J - Huntmgton. Address to Anabap. . 6229 - Inglis. Essay on 6144 - Lewis. Covenant int. of children. . 6229 Lord. Reason why, etc. . . 6221 Marshall, S. Sermon on. o 72 Mather, I. Divine right of. . . q 74 Norton. Careful inquiry. . . 6236 Phillips. G. Reply to confutation. 642 Shepard, T. Church-memb. of infants. Smith, Heze. Baptism by immersion. 6224 Steele. Discourses on. . Strong. Church of Christ one Tenney. Baptism of infants. Webster. Discourses on. Worcester. [Pphs. on]. . Ingalls, J. Christian harmony. 6233 6229 6235,36 . 6228 6234 5929 Ingersoll, C. J. Inchiquin s letters. . 4866 Sketch of War of 1812 5025 Ingersoll, Jared. Letters on Stamp Act. 2116, 4181 Inglis, C. Infant baptism. . . . 6144 Ingram, R. Ten tribes of Israel in Amer. 5475 Innocencie s triumph ; ans. to W. Prynne. 677 Inoculation for small-pox. Bost. 1720-30. 1645-49 Condamine. History of. ... 6572 Franklin on 3213 Waterhouse. Information on. . . 6573 Prospect of extermina. small-pox. . 6573 Inquiry into foreign rela. of U. S. iSob. 4867 Inscriptions. Bridgman. Northamp., etc. 1895 Interest of New Jersey considered. . . 3616 Ipswich, Mass. Belcher. Assize ser. 7702. 1848 Chebacco narrative rescued. 77^. 849, 2657 Crowell. Hist, sermon 2d Church. .1850* Felt. History 1847 Kimball. Cent, discourse ist Ch. 1834. 1850* Last serm. in old, and ist in new M. H. 1847 1850* Sketch of eccles. history. . . 1850* Parsons. Result of convention of del egates. 777c 1850 Pickering. Bad omen ; ordin. of J. Cleaveland at Chebacco. 77^7. . 1849, 2657 Plain narra. of proceed. 77^9. . . 2657 Vindica. of result of council. iSod. . 1850* Reply to [above] Vindica. iSob. . 1850* Ipswich Conven., 1812. Declaration of. . 4953 Ireland, Rebellion in, 1643. Declaration of the Commons 680* Iroquois. Golden. Hist. of. . 2770-73, 5370,71 Cusick. History of. . . 5376,77, 547 8 Map of country of 3446 Morgan. League of 5429 Propos. to Gov. of N. Y. 769^. . . 3400 Schoolcraft. Notes on 5443 Treaties with 5486-91 Iroquois languages 5708-57 Irving, Theo. Conquest of Florida. . 4356 Irving, W. Astoria 4690 Columbus 16 Knickerbocker s New York. . . 2728,29 Rocky Mountains 4691 Tour on the Prairies 4496 and Wm. Salmagundi. . . . 2885,86 Isaiah. Lowth s Translation. Alb. 779^. 5813 Israel, J. & Lundt. Cruise of the Delaware. 8439 Ithaca, N. Y. King. Early hist. of. 1847. 2955 Views of. 1835 2955 Izard, Gen. G. Offic. corresp., opera, in 1814-15 5026 Izard, R. Corresp. of. 1774-1804. . . 4037 Jachin and Boaz 6732-34 Jackson, A., Brief and impartial hist. of. "4868 Corbett, N. Life of 4869 Goodwin. Biography of. ... 4870 [Smith, J. V. C.] Memoirs of. . . 5029 Trial and execution of six militiamen -J?y- -..,-. 503)73 Waldo. Life of 5027,28 Jackson, C. T. Geol. Survey of R. Island. 2359 Reports on geology of Maine. 1837^38. 1985 Report on Geology of New Hampshire. 2463 Jackson, F. History of Newton, Mass. . 1893 Jackson, H. 2 i 5 th Anniv. Disc, ist Bapt. Ch. Providence, R. I. 1854. ackson, James, jr. Memoir and letters, ackson, R. Interest of Great Britain. . acob, E. Epistle in true love. . acob, H. Reasons for Reforming Ch. . acob, J. Jew turned Christian. acob, J. J. Sketch of Life of Capt. M. Cresap Jacquemin. Memoire sur la Louisiane. Jamaica. Hickeringill. J. viewed. - Book of contin. of foreign passages. . - Humble petition of. 777^. Laws. ibSi-1737 2390 6544 8440 3532 603 55i3 44 i 3 5333 5332 8441 5334 INDEX. 35 Jamaica, L. I. Macdonald. History of Presb. Church 2957 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Gray. Half-cent. Sermon. 1842 1851 James I. Letter to Co. of Virginia on silk works. ib22 3760 James, T. Voyage for N. W. Passage. 1631. 44 oo James, W. Milit. occurrences, war of 1812. 5032 Naval occurrences, war of 1812. . . 5031 Jameson, W. Nazianzeni Querela. . . 604. amestown, N. Y. Imprint. 1846. . . 2936 aneway, Rev. Jas. Fire in Lond. 7666. . 1635 Token; with C. Mather s additions. 1249,50 Writings 7577, 78 Janeway, Jas., Ryther s fun. ser. for. . 575 Japanese language. Oyanguren. Arte de. 5312 Jarrett, D. Life of 5216 Jarvis, A. Bp. Pamphlets. . . .6158 Jarvis, S. F. Disc, on relig. of Indians. 5412 Sermons 6189 Jarvis, W. C. The republican. 1820. . 4 87i Jay, Sir Jas. Letter. . . on collections. for colleges of N. Y. and Phila. 777^. . 2854. Jay, John. Letters . . . Littlepage, etc. 8442-45 Lite and correspondence. . . . 4 o38 Second letter on Dawson s Federalist. 9167 Jefferson, T. Memoir, etc., ed. Randolph. 4 o 4 o Notes on Virginia. . . 3761-72, 8.446-48 Proc. of U. S. Gov t at N. Orleans ag nst intrusion of E. Livingston. . . . 4430 Reports on Weights and Measures. . 4872 Summary view of rights of Brit. Amer ica. 7774 4038 Claims of, to Presidency exam. . . 4878 Clinton. Vindication of. . . . 8449 Cursory reflections on consequences . of equal votes for Burr and. . . 4879 Eulogies on 4756,57 Pretensions, of examined. . . . 4877 The Federalist : strictures on the pretentions, etc 4877 Lee. Observ. on writings of. . . 4041 Life of. Carpenter, S. C. . . . 4873 Linn 4 8 75 Rayner 4 8 74 Tucker 4 8 7 6 Jefferys, T. American Atlas. . . . 8062 French dominions in America. . . 9 8 Jenison, Mary. Indian captivity of. . 5477 Jenkins, W. Ohio gazetteer. . . . 45 6o Jenks, Jos. Reply to Wilkinson on bap tism. 7779 Jenks, S. Laus Deo ; rules of music, etc. Royal harmony of Zion complete, .ennings, D. Life of C. Mather. 1287-90, 2687 ennings, S. Truth rescued from forgery. 3401 enyns, S. Internal ev. of Christ n relig. 3579 erome, C. American clock business. . 2303 _ ersey Prison Ship. Andros. . . 3959, 8450 Dring s Recollections of. . 2347, 4008, 8452 Taylor. Martyrs 8451 Jessey, H. Convers. of 5,900 E. Ind., etc. 5602 Jest-books, etc 7103-17 Jesuit Relations i Cramoisy series O Callaghan Jevons, T. Remarks on criminal law. . Jewett, C. C. Duties on books. Public libraries in the U. S. . Jewett, J. R. Narra. of ship Boston. 2304, Jews, Calling of. S. Willard. . . . 920 Conversion of. C.Mather. . . . 1113 I. Mather 972, 972* lewes in America 9086 Jacob, J. Jew turned Christian. . . i 34 6 Mather, I. Mystery of Israel s salva tion 1007,08 Jocelin, S. Collection of Psalm tunes. . 5933 and A. Doolittle. Chorister s comp n. 5932 Togues, I. Novum Belgium. Cramoisy ser. 146 John donkey, The. N. Y. 1848. . . 2915 2360 5930 5931 39,40 146 123 6459 7935 7935 Johns, Mrs. Jane. Captiv.with Seminoles. 5477 Johnson, C. B. Letters from . . . Penn sylvania 3060, 8454, 8748, Johnson, E. Hist, of New Eng. 7654. 314, 314* Wonder-working Providence. ib$4, 314, 314* f ohnson, John. Married state. Spgfld. 779^. 1947 ohnson, R. G. Hist. ace. of Salem, N. J. 3643 ohnson, Sam., LL.D. Political tracts. . 4 o 4 2 Taxation no tyranny. 7775. . . 3987, 8,455 Johnson, Pres. Samuel. Elementa phil- osophica 330 o Letters to dissent g parishioners. 3^2,03, 6145 Noetica 3299 Chandler. Life of 5218,8456 Learning s fun. ser. on 2323 Johnson, Sam., jr. School dictionary. . 7209 Johnson, Stephen. Everlast g punishm t. 6381, 7579 Johnson, Mrs. Susannah. Ind. captivity. 472,82 Johnson, Wm. Life of Gen. N. Greene. 2357 Johnson, Sir Wm. Stone s Life of. . . 2820 Johnston, C. Indian captivity of. . 5555,56 Johnston, John, M.D. Hist, naturalis, plates 9168 Johnstone, Rev. John. Early Presbyte- rianism E. of the Hudson. . . . 2826 Johonnot, J. Captiv. with Kickapoos. . 473, 5554.580, 8 4 o8 Jones, Miss E. F. Stockbridge, past and present 194.9, 8616 Jones, G. Hist, of ancient America. . 5413 Jones, H. Present state of Virginia. 3773,74 Jones, J. P. Lives of. . 4043-47, 5583 Jones, J. S. Defence of revol. history of No. Car 3871 Memorials of No. Carolina. . . . 3872 Jones, N. A. Indian bulletin. . . . 5633 Jordan, R. Life and relig. labors. . . 3533 Josselyn, J. New England s rarities. 315,16,17 Voyages to New England. 7677. . 315,18 Jouet, Cavalier. Letter to Dr. Beach. . 8458 Journal of the Times 3688 Journal of American Silk Society. . . 3689 Joutel, M. Journal du dernier voyage de M. de la Salle. 777j 44.97 Journal of the last voyage of La Salle. 4498 ubilee Coll. Bp. Chase s Review. 1843. 4584 udah, S. B. H. Tale of Lexington. . 8450 udd, J. Military sermon. 7759. udd udd, T., and his descendants. . . . 5119 udd, W. Addr. to people of Conn. 1804. 2i 4 i udgment cone, pastor s power in another church 806 udson, D. Church discipline. 7770. . 2i 44 udson, L. C. Lives of the signers. . 4 i 4 5 ukes. Excursions in Newfoundland. . 117 ung-Stilling, J. H. Pneumatology. . . 6545 unius. ....... 7119-22 ust rebuke to a dialogue between Simon and Timothy. Phila. 7726. . . . 3404 Juvenile Magazine. Phila. iScj. . . 3185 Kalendarium Pennsilvaniense. ibSb. . 3367 Kalm, P. Cataracts at Niagara. 7757. . 2969 Travels into No. Am 8460 Kansas. Greene. Kansas Region. rSjb. 4666 Kansas City, Spalding, C. C. Annals of. 4672 Karigal, H. I. Sermon in synagogue, Newport. 1773. .... 24.32,37 Keach, B. Travels of true godliness. . 7580 War with the Devil. 777^. . . . 3 4 o5 Keating, W.H. Exped. to St.Peter s River. 4.653 Keene, N. H. Hale. Annals. . . . 2487 Hall. Oration on ratif. of U. S. Const. 1788. 2488 Livermore. Farewell disc. 1850. . . 2488 Keith, Geo. Ace. of a nat l ch. . 3419, 3542 Ace. of Quakers politics. . . . 3539 Answer to Sam. Willard. . . . 3424 Arguments of the Quakers. . . . 3536 iviiiiLcn v ci niuii. //jjy. . . 259 Boltwood. Hist, of Hadley, Mass. 1837 INDEX. Keith, Geo. Christian catechism. . . 3537 Christian Quaker 34 11 Deism of Wm. Penn 353 8 Doctrine of Apostles and prophets. . 3542 Heresie and hatred returned on the guilty 34*6, 8753 Immediate revelation 3534 Journal of travels from N. H. to Cara- tuck 3544 Judgm ts against, and answers thereto. 3409 More divisions among the Quakers. . 3417 Necessity and use of sacraments. 34 2 5) 26 Notes of the true church. . . 3422,23 Power of the gospel. 770?. . . 3672,8516 Presbyt. and Ind. churches brought to the test 3i9) 34 6 > 3535 Proceedings at Turners-Hall. . . 3540 Reasons of separa. betwixt Quakers. . 3412 Reply to I. Mather s remarks on his sermon. 7702. . . . _ . . . 34 21 Standard of Quakers examined. . . 3541 Truth advanced. 769^ 3418 Vision cone, separ. among Friends. . 3408 and Bradford, Faith of Quakers vind. 3407 and E. Evans. Some false . . . asser tions of W. Davis 3420 and others. Further ace. of divisions among Quakers 3413 Budd, J., and others. Appeal from 28 judges 34 10 Remarks on sermon of I. Mather. . 1036 Tryals of P. Boss, G. Keith, and other Quakers 3414, 15 Willard s Brief reply to. . . .926 Keith, I. S. Sermons and memoir. . . 5219 Keith, Sir W. Collection of papers. 77^0. 3061 History of Brit, plantation in Va. 3775,76 Vindication of [Satirical]. . . . 4299 Kempis, T. a. Christian pattern. . 3344,45 Kendall, J. Artill. elec. sermon. 7&>6. . 1576 Kennebec, Me. Plymouth Co. and. . 2585 Kennebec river. Surveys of. 182$. . . 2614 Kennebunkport, Me. Bradbury. Hist. 2602 Kennedy, A. Observa. on importance of northern colonies 4181 Kennedy, P. Spelling-book. . . . 7203 Kennedy, T. Poems 6882 Kennett, Bp. W. Bibliothecae Amer. pri- mordia 7936,37 Kent, Ct. Andrews. Sermon on leaving Cong, ministry. 1831. .... 2237 Kentucky 8461-66 Butler. History of. . . 4586,87,8461 Collins. Histor. Collections. . . . 4588 Davidson. Excurs. to Mammoth cave. 4589 Filson. Discov., settle., etc., of. 4590,8462 Historic de Kentucke. . . . 45gi -Fitzroy. Discov., etc., of Kentucke. . 4592 Hall. The harpe s head : a Legend of. 4593 Imlay. Descr. of Western territory. 4596-98, 8463 -Marshall. History. . . . .4603,04 Morehead. Address on ist settlement of. Boonesborough. 1840. . . 4605, 8465 Owen. Geolog. survey of. . . 4 6o6 - Pamphlets 4600 Rafinesque. Anc. history of. . . 4607 -Spalding. Early Catholic missions in. 4614 Statute law, etc 6464 Toulmin. Acts of Gen. Assem. . ! 4615 -[Toulmin?] Descrip. of Kentucky. 4500 -Ward. Mammoth cave. . . . 8466 Kentucky revival. .... 7820 Kenyon College. Bp. Chase. 7c??7. . ! 45 8 4 Ker, H. Travels through the West and Mexico. Ker, J. Memoirs of. . Kercheval, S. Hist, of Valley of Va. 3777, 8920 KettL 11, S. Spec, of Amer. poetrv. . . 688^ Keyens, O. Kurtzer Entwurff van N. Nie- Kickapoo Indians. Johonnot s captivity. 473) 5554) 80, 8408 Kidd, Adam. Poems 6884 Kidd, Capt. W. Trial for piracy. 1701,2791-93 Kidder, D. P. Frontier sketches. . . 5474 Mormonism 6436 Kidder, F. Lovewell s expedition. 406,07 Kilbourn, J. Ohio Gazetteer. . . 4561-66 Public docs, on Ohio canals. . . 4567 Killingly, Ct. Hist, of Cong, conven. 77<?7. 2237 Killingworth, Ct. Case of P. Crocker. 1825. 2237 Church difficulties. 1828. . . . 2237 Kimball, Horace. See Naval battles. . 5045 Kimball, Jacob, jr. Rural harmony. . 5934 King, J. Bp. Serm. at Paules Crosse. 1620. 3778 99 Kingdom, W., jr. America and Brit. colo. Kingsboro, N. Y. Yale. Farew. ser. 1855. Kingston, J. Life of G. Washington. New Amer. biogr. dictionary. Kingston, Mass. Maccarty. Farew. s. 7745-. Kip, W. I. Bp. Few days at Nashotah. derland. 7672. 2722 2955 4250 599 1851 4664 Jesuit missions in N. America. . . 5603 Kippis, A. Consid. on provis. treaty. 1783. 4048 Kirby, E. Connecticut reports. 2027, 6478,79 Kirkland, J. T. Memoir of Boston Ath enaeum. 1807 1988 $BK Oration. Camb. 1798. . . 1773,78 Kirkpatrick, J. Loyalty of Presbyt ns. . 604* Kirtland, D., A. Mather s ordin. ser. for. 1293 Knapp, S. L. Account of Boston. 1818. . 1651 Biographical sketches 5100 Female biography 5101 Life of D. Webster 4941 Kneeland, Abner. Columbian miscell. . 7123 Knight, Dr., Glover, J., and Scott, Mrs. Captivities 5557)58 [Knight, H. C.] Letters fr. So. & West. 4501 Knight, Sarah. Autographs. . . . 8468 Journey to New York. 1704. . 320,21, 8467 Knowles, J. D. Mem. of Roger Williams. 2382 Knowlton. Trial of Rev. D. Barclay. . 3638 Knox, Henry. Books for sale by. Bost. 7772 1585 Knox, Gen. Henry, Plan for U.S. militia. 4802 Knox, Hugh. Moral and relig. miscell. 7581,82 Knox, J. Journal of campaigns. 7757-60. 234 Knox, W. Claim of the colonies consid. 3218 Contro. betw. Gr. Brit, and colonies. . 4049 Knox College, Illinois. .... 4631 Knoxville, Tenn. Semi-Centennial of. 4601,13 Koch, A. Descr. of the Missouri levia than 6637 Kort Verhael van N. Nederlant. 7662. . 2721 Kunze, J. C. Einige Gedichte. . . . 6885 Lackington, J. Confessions. . . . 8469 Laco. Writings of. 1789 4881 Lacombe, A. Dictionnaire Crise. . . 5655 Grammaire Crise 5655 Lactantius. Divinae institutiones. . . 1339 Ladd, J. B. Lit. remains and life. 5221, 6877 Ladies Magazine. Phila. I7Q2. . . .3179 Laet, J. de. Notas ad Grotii de orig. Amer. 5414 Novus Orbis. 1633 37 Responsio ad Dissert, secund. Grotii. . 5415 Lafayette, G. de M. Foster. Sketch of his tour in U. S 5222 Historical sketches of 5222 Holstein. Memoirs of 5223 Impeachment of 5229 Levasseur. Lafayette en Amerique. . 5227 Memoirs of. Hartford. 1825. . . . 5226 Memoires, correspondence, etc. . . 5228 Recep. at Hartford, 1824. . 2156 -Wain. Life of 5225 Lafitau, J. F. Moeurs des Sauvages. . 5416,17 In German 5418 Lafitte, Memoirs of 7124 LaHarpe, B. de. Etablissement des Fran- yais a la Louisiane. .... 4414 INDEX. 37 Lahontan. Voyages dans 1 Amerique. Amst. 1728. ioo Voyages to No. America. . . 101,01* Lakanal, J. Pres. du College d Orleans, asesconcitoyens de la Louisiane. 1822. 4431 Lake George, Battle of. Blodgett. 209, 8073,74 Chauncy 8075 Lakes, Great. Fuller. Summer on. . 4652 Lamb, Gen. John. Memoir of. . . . 4050 Lamb, Joshua, Death of. C. Mather. . 1231 Lambert, E. R. Hist, of N. Haven Col ony. 1838. 2175 Lambrechtsen, N. C. Korte Beschrijving van. N. Nederland. .... 2723 Lamentatio civitatis. 1665 1346 Larnson, A. Hist, ist ch. Dedham, Mass. 1812 Lampson, D. R. Two yrs. amg. Shakers. 6411 Lancaster, D. Hist, of Gilmanton, N. H. 2484 Lancaster, Mass. Case of Dea. Carter. 1832 1855 Goodwin. Oration, isoth anniv. Indian attack. 1826 1855 Harrington s cent, serin. 1733. 1737, 1852,52* Sermon. 7756 1989 Imprint. 1828. 491 Mellen. Disc, on late mortal sickness. /7J6 1855 Thayer. Last serm. in old M. H. iSib. 1855 Willard. Bi-cent l Address. 1853. . 1854 Topog. and hist, sketches. . 1853, 1980 Lancaster, Pa. Imprint. 1757. . . . 3108 Juliana Libr. Co., Catalogue, etc. . 3356 Lancaster Co., Pa. Massacre of Indians. 1764 3062-70, 3215 Land-bank in Mass. 1741. . . . 1454,55 Langdon, S. Fun. serm. on Prof. J. Win- throp. 7779 1770 Ordination sermon for S. McClintock, Greenland, N. H. 7756 2496 Sandeman s Letters on "Theronand Aspasia," etc 7583,84 Lanman, C. Letters fm. Allegheny Mts. 4500 Summer in the Wilderness. . . . 4654 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. . 4645 Lansingburgh, N. Y. Imprint. 1735. . 18 7796 6252 iSoj 2999, 6232 La Peyrere, I. Relation du Greenland. it>47 154 Lapham, I. A. Wisconsin: geog. & hist. 4655,56 Larkin, S. The nightingale. . . . 8470 La Salle, Dernier voyage de. Joutel. . 4497 Last expedition. H. de Tonty. . . 4524 Last voyage of. Joutel 4498 Las Casas. Cruautez des Espagnols. Rouen. 1630 39 Narratio regionum Indicarum. De Bry. ibr4 38 Lathrop, J. Bost. lecture. 7797. . 1731, 7585 Fun. ser. for victims of Boston massa cre. 7770 2000 Occasional sermons. .... 7585 Sermon on eclipse. iSob 6664 Lathrop, R. Hymns and spir. songs. . 6011 Latin and Greek text-books. . . 7253-67 LaTrobe, B. Missions of United Breth. 5622 Latour, A. L. War in W. Flor. and Lou isiana. 1814-13 5 33,34 Laudonniere et Gourgues. Histoire de laFloride. Paris. 75*. repr. Paris. 1833 Laurens, Henry. Correspondence. Laurens, Col. John. Army corresp. Lauzun, Due de. Memoires. Law, Andrew. Art of singing. Collection of hymn tunes. Harmonic companion. Musical magazine. . Musical primer. Rudiments of music. Select harmony. 4357 4358 4085 4052 405! 5940-42 5934-37, 8471 5944 5939 5943 5938 5945 Law, J. Address to Vincennes Histori cal Society. iSjg S47I - Law, W. Ext. fm. his "Spirit of Prayer." 3301 Humble . . . address to the clergy. . 7S 86 Law and government. . . . 6451-6514 Lawrence, Abb t. Prescott. Mem. of. 5230, 9169 Lawrence, I. Ancestors and posterity of. 5119 Lawrence, Capt. J. Life of. . . 5035,36 Lawrence, R. F. New Hamp. churches. 2464 Lawrence, W. B. Colonization, etc., of New Jersey 3617 Lawrence, Mass. Sanitary survey. 1850. 1983 Whiting. Dedication sermon. 1849. . 1855 Lawson, D. Christ s Fidelity. Lee. -ser. at Salem Village at exam, for witch craft. ibq2 1370, 2711,12 Sermon. Charlestown. ibq2. . . 807 Lawson,J. New voy ge to Carolina. 7709. 3873,74 Lay-preaching. Hall, T. Pulpit guarded. 584 G. Workman. 76^6 692 Leacock, J. Fall of Brit, tyranny ; tragi comedy 7046 Learning, A., and Spicer, J. Grants, con cessions, etc., of prov. of N. Jersey. . 3584 Learning, Jere. Evidences of Christian y. 6188 Fun. sermon on Pres. S. Johnson. . 2323 Leavitt, Jona. Mass, laws rela. to paup rs. 1427 Lebanon, Conn. Cogswell. Fun. serm. for Sol. Williams. 7776 2237 Dewey on hail-storm. 7799. . . . 2237 Impartial rela. of hail-storm. . . 22^7 Indian charity-school. . . . 467,2454 Pamphlets 8206 Williams, Sol. Half-cent, ser. 1773. . 2237 Williams, Sol. (2d). Farewell ser. 777^. 2237 Le Beau, C. Avantures parmi les sau- vages, 5420, 8473 Le Cene, C. Conversations. . . . 91^ \ Lechford, T. (?) Censure of Dr. Bost- wicke, etc. ...... 680* Plain dealing 322,23 Leclercq, C. Nouv. relation de la Gas- pasie. 102 Lederer, J. Discov. in 3 marches fm. Va. 3875 Ledyard, J. Journal of Captain Cook s last voyage 2080,81 Lee, A. Appeal to justice, etc., of Great Britain 3987, 8474 Life and papers. . . . . . 4055 Second appeal on measures with Amer. 4054 Speech intended, etc., on petition of Congress. 7775- 4053 Lee, Gen. Chas. Court-martial of. . . 4056 Memoirs of 4057,58 Stric. on pph. entitled "Friendly Ad dress." 4175 Letter to General Burgoyne, etc. . . 4175 Treason of. Moore. .... 4086 Lee, Chauncey. Trial of virtue: a poem. 6886 Lee, D., and J. H. Frost. Ten years in Oregon . 4692 Lee, Gen. Henry. Account of Baltimore mob of 1812 3683 Memoirs of the war. . . . 4059,60 Lee, Mai. Henry. Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas 4061 Lee, Rev. John, Life of, by his brother. . 5231 Lee, Richard H. Memoir and corresp. . 4062 Lee, Samuel. Antichristi Excidium. . 606 Contemplations on mortality. 607, 809,09* Joys of faith 808,2647,7587 Orbis miraculum 605 Triumph of mercy 608,09 Writings 7588-90 Lee, Thos., jr. Sacred harmony. . . 5946 Lee family 5119 Lee, Mass. Hyde. Hist. disc. 1820. . 1915 Leeds, D. Almanacs. 1700-1730. . 336^-78 News of a trumpet sounding. . . 3427 Lagare, H. S. Writings 4883 INDEX. Leggett, W. Leisure hours at sea; poems. 6888, 9170 Legislative power Christ s. W.Aspinwall. 517* Le Grand d Aussy. Fabliaux. . . 9171 Leicester, Mass. Catal. of academy. 1854. 1855 __ Snell. Sermon, dis n of Moore. iSu. . 1855 Walker. Ded. ser. ad Cong. ch. 1834. . 1855 Washburn, A. H. Address, dedica. of Academy Hall. 7<%j. . . . 1855 Washburn, E. Hist, sketches. 1826. 1855, 1980 --- L. in the Revolution, 1849. . . 1855 Wright. Addr. Dedica. of acad. 1^34. 1855 Leigh, E. Systeme of divinity. . . 134 Leigh, J. Merlin s prophecy and Chesa peake affair ....... 57 2 Leland, John. Virginia chronicle. 7790. . 3779 Leland, Rev. John. Writings. . . 7591,92 Le Mascrier, L Abbe. Memoires sur la Louisiane ....... 44 2 4 Le Mercier, A. History of Geneva. . 7593 MS. sermons ...... 354 2 7595 Treatise against detraction. . . 7594,8475 Le Moyne, J. Brevis narratio ... in Flor ida. 7597, ibix) ....... 4359 Lempster, N. H. Fisher. Ded. ser. 1822. 2488 Lendrum, John. ion History of American revolution 4063, 8476 Lenni-Lenape language. ... 5700-07 Lenox, J. Early eds. of K. James s Bible. 7163 Shakespeare s plays in folio. . . . 9194 Lenox, Mass. Shepard. Half-cent, ser mon. 1845. 1858 Leominster, Mass. Gardner. Half-cent. sermon. 1813 1856* Hubbard. Sermon, re-opening Evang. church. 7<%Y 1856* Imprint. 7797 1857,5274 S. Wilder. 1805 1857 Stebbins. Cent l disc, ist Cong, church. 1843 1856* Sermon, ist Cong, society. 1849. . 1856* Wilder. History. 1856 Leonard, D. Massachusettensis. . 1521, 4175 See Novanglus 4093 Leonard, D. A. Oration on cession of Louisiana. 1804 4 44 5 Le Page du Pratz. Hist, de la Louisiane. Le Raye, C. Journal of captivity with Sioux Lescarbot. Hist, de la Nouv. France. Paris, 7672 Reprint. iSbb Nova Francia. Augsburg, 7677. . Erondelle s translation. 7709. . 106, Leslie, C. Method with the deists. W ms- burg, Va. 1733. . . 342 8, 3818, 6146-49 vSnake in the grass. ..... L Estrange, H. Americans no lewes. . L Estrange, R. The observator. Letchworth, T. Morning and evening meditations Twelve discourses Letter from clergyman in the country on Quakers 342g from gentleman in Bost; Land-bank. i 44 r to Earl Chatham on his motion, May to a M. P. on dispute between Gr. Brit- 4 * 77 ain and colonies. ..... on importance of the colonies. 7757. to two great men on prospect of peace 7760 Remarks on the letter, etc. . . Letters betw. Theophilus and Eugenio. 3302,01 of Freeman. 7777. . . . .3876 to Gov. Caleb Strong. . IC IQ to yeomanry on funding, etc. 4Q r6 Letter-writers. . . 7246^2 Level, The ; Le Niveau. Ed. by P. Ergon? 3180 4552 103 104 105 06* 3545 54 21 8477 3309 3546 4064 235 4181 4181 Leveret, Gov. John, Willard s fun. ser mon on Leverett, Mrs. Sarah. C. Mather s fun. sermon on Leverett, Mass. Proc. of Bapt. ch. towards Dea. Hubbard. 1824 Wright. Farewell sermon. 1820. . North. Andrews. Hist, sermon. 1847. Lewis, A. History of Lynn, Mass. . Picture of Nahant. 1845 878 Lewis, Mrs. Harriot. Captivity of. . 5482 Lewis, Mrs. Jane. Captivity in Black Hawk war 5581 Lewis, W. Valedic. addr. to N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc 5119 Lewis & Clarke s expedition. . . 4696 Fisher. Compilation of. ... 4682 Gass. Journal of 4694,95 History of. P. Allen 4697 Pres. message with report. . . . 4693 Lex Parliamentaria. N. Y. & Phila. 7770. 3430 Lexington, Battle of. 7775. . . . 1859-64 Emmons, W. Addr. on battle. 1826. 1864 Everett, E. Hist, address. 1833. . 1864 King, D. P. Addr. at Danvers. iS&. 1864 Phinney, E. Hist. of. 1825. . . 1864 Sermons. Anniversary of. . . 1862 Lheritier, L. F. Le champ d asile: Texas. 4.731 Liberty of conscience, Tracts on. . . 677 Liberty and property vindicated. 7766. . 2118 Lieder-Samlung. Germant n. 77^6, 1811. 6012,13 Lilly, Lambert, pseud. See Hawks, F. L. Lincoln, A., Family of. ... 2069, 5119 Lincoln, Barnabas. Capt re & suffer gs. 8 4 82 Lincoln, S., jr. Hist, of Hingham, Mass. 1843, 8598 Lincoln, W. Hist, of Worcester, Mass. . 1968 Lincoln family. Lincoln. . . . 2069, 5119 Lind, Jona. Answer to declara. of Amer ican Congress. 4066 Remarks on acts of i 3 th Parl t. . . 4065 Lindsey, T. Two dissertations, etc. . 6361 Lining, J. Yellow fev r at Charlest n. 1748. 3849 Linn, J. B. Writings. . . . 6889,90 Linn, Rev. Wm. Discourses. . . 6338,39 Linn, Wm. Life of Jefferson. . . . 4875 Linschoten, J. H. Navigatio in Orient- alem 8483 Lisbon, Ct. Lee. Half-cent, ser. iSiq. . 2237 Manual of 2d church. 1831. . . . 2237 Nelson. Half-cent, sermon. 1854. . 2237 Litchfield, Ct. Champion s Fast ser mon. 7770. 2239, 8208 Festival. iSob 2141 Imprint. 1770 (?) 7453 1785 (?) 8851 77cS 9 2027 /796 470 I7QQ 124 Jones. Cent, sermon Epis. ch. 1845. 2239, 8208 Woodruff. History. 1845. . . 2239, 8207 Litchfield Co., Ct. Brown. 2d addr. 1818. 2239 Centennial celebration. iSji. . . 2238,91 - Hpllister. Historical address. 1856. . 2239 Ministerial associations 2239 Morris. State s acc t. 1815. . 2239,91,8208 Literary Casket. Hartford. iSsb-7. . . 2169 Literary Gerninae. 1976 Literary Magazine; ed. by C. B. Brown. 3186 Literary Museum. Phila. 7797. . . 3181 Literary and Philos. Repository. Middle- bury, Vt. 1812-17 2550,51 Literary World. N. Y. 1833. . . . 9255 Little, O. State of trade in northern col onies. 174Q. ... 170 Little, W. Hist, of Warren, N. H. . . 2505 Little book for little children. . . .811 Livermore, Geo. Negroes as slaves, cit izens, etc. .... 7312 OI72 , 922 6 -.bac-simile of memo, stones. . . 9173 Remarks on public libraries. . . 7938 INDEX. 39 Livermore, Geo. Soldier s pocket Bible. 9205,06 | Deane. Memoir of 5232,9174 Lives of highwaymen, robbers, etc. 1338. 5103 ! Livingstone, E. Address to people of U. S. on Batteau at N. Orleans. . . 4429 Code of prison discipline for Louisiana. 4418-21 I Hunt. Life of 4885 | Livingston, W. Independent Reflector. 2894 Letter to Bp. of Llandaff on his ser mon. ijbS. 4182, 8484* j Military operations. 1758. 236-38, 2648, 8484 Philosophic solitude (poem). . 6891-93 Sedgwick. Life of 5233 j Livius, P. Memorial. 7777. . . . 2509 I Lloyd, J. Speech in U. S. Senate on na val estab. iSis. ^673 i Lloyd, T. Congres l Register. ijSq-qo. 4886 I Loadstone, Wonders of. 1640. . . . 683 j Logan, James. The antidote. . . . 4300 i Charge to grand inquest. 1733. . . 4301 i /7J6 3305 j Charge to grand jury, Sept. 2, 1723. . 3431 i London. Great fire in "1666. . . . 16351 Londonderry, N. H. Parker. Century sermon. iSiq 2489 History 2490 ; Long, J. Travels of Indian interpreter. . 5661 j Long, S. H. Exped. to Rocky Mts. . 4698 Long Island. First book. (.-). . . . 2995 | Furnam. Antiquities 2959 | Giraud. Birds 2960 ! Jones. Historical sketch. iSbj. . . 2932 Prime. Ecclesiastical history. . . 2961 Thompson. History. . . . 2962,63 Wood. First settlement. . . 2964,65 Long Island Hist. Soc. reports. iSb6-6q. . 2932 Longbotham, B. T. Treatise on dentistry. 8487 Loomis, A. W. Oration, centennial of Ft. Duquesne. 3362 Lord, Benj. Sermons. . . 2267, 75,97-99 Lord, Jos. Reason why, etc. [Inf. bap m.] 6221 Loring, Israel. Mass. elec. ser. 12.77. 1485 Sermons at Rutland, Mass., after Ind. attack. 772? 1928 Sermons 7601 Loring, Jos., jr., court-martial of. . . 4990 Loskiel, G. H. Mission of Un. Brethren to Indians 5604 Lothrop, Col. I. Speeches on d th of. 7750. 1912 Lothrop, S. K. Address to cadets. Bos ton. 1841 1734 Artill. elec. sermon. 1838. . . . 1576 Hist. Brattle St. ch., Boston. . . . 1603 Louaillier, L. Appeal against crime of high treason at New Orleans. . . 4433 Loudon, A. Narratives of Indian out rages 5529,30, 8400 Wonderful Magazine 3338 Loudon, J. C., Earl of, Conduct of, in America 3987 Louisbourg. Journal of the landing. 7756 . 239 Letter to a great M. . . r on. 7767. . . 265 Siege of. Gibson 230 Niles, S 246 Shirley, Gen. W 261 Louisiana, Account of. 1803. . . 4387-90 Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung des. 1720. 4422 - Barbarous treatment of two females. . 4445 - Barbe-Marbois. History of. . . 4391 Baudry des Lozieres. Voyages. . 4392,93 Bishop, A. Oration on acquisition of. 4445, 8491, 9089 rsossu. Nouveaux voyages. . . . 4395 Travels through 4394 Brackenridge. Views. . 4396,97, 8488,89 - Brazer. Address on cession of. . 4445, 8491 -Bullard. Disc, to L. Hist. Soc. . 4412,45 Champigny. Louisane ensanglantee. 4498 Coxe. Description. . . . 4399, 4400 Louisiana. Darby. Description. . . 440 i - Debates in Congress on treaty. 1804 . 4445 Duane. Debate in U. S. Senate. 1803. 4402,03 Duvalion. Travels in 440 c -Vuede ^04 French. Historical collections of. 4406,07 Gayarre. Histoire de 4408 History of 4409,10 -Heustis. Physical observations. . . 4411 Impartial inquiry into right of French king to. . .... 4425 Jacquemm. Memoire sur. . . . 4413 La Harpe. Etabl. des Frangais a. . 4414 Leonard. Oration on acquis. of. . 4445, 8491 Le Page du Pratz. Histoire de. . . 4415 History of 4416,17 Livingston. Penal code for. . 4418-21 Martin. History of. .... 4423 Memoires historiques sur. 17^3. . . 4424 Mississippi company tracts. . . 4425,26 Present state of. 77^ 4440 Quincy. Speech in Congress. 7<5>7. . 4445 Ramsay. Oration on cession of. . . 4445 Robin. Flora Ludoviciana. . . . 4442 Voyages dans 4441 Sketches of life and character in. . 4435 Stoddard. Sketches of. . . . 4443, 8490 University of. Hawks s report on. 1848. 4445 Vergennes. Memoire sur. . . . 4444 Louisiana Nat. Amer. Assoc. Addr. i8jg. 4445 Louisville, Ky. McMurtrie. Sketches of. 4604, 8464 Love, C. England s distemper. . . 634 Lovejoy, E. P. Riots and death of. 4616,17 Lowell, j. Fun. oration on P. Faneuil, Boston. 1653 1653,54 Lovewell s expedition. F. Kidder. . 406,07 Symmes, T. Battle at Piggwacket. 422,23 Lowber, J. C. Ordinances of corp. of Phila 3142 Lowell, C. Artill. elec. sermon. 1810. . 1576 Lowell, John. Anal, of corresp. with Gr. Britain and France. iSoq. . . 4953, 5069 Supplement to analysis. . . . 4953 Appeal to people on war with Gr. Brit ain. 1811 4953 5080 Impartial inquirer. 7cS>7 4953 Mr. Madison s war. 1812. . . 4953, 5073 N. Eng. patriot. Administration of Washington and Jefferson. 1810. . . 4953 Peace without dishonor. 7&>7. . . 5071 Perpetual war Madison s policy. . 5038,73 Remarks on Adams s letter to Otis. . 5069 Remarks on Adams s review of Ames. 4953 Remarks on memo, of H. coll. 1824. . 1776 Road to peace. 1812 4953 Ten hints to wise men. 1810. . . . 4953 Lowell, Mass. Cary. Result of manu factures. 1843 1867 Eddy. Hist, of Middlesex canal. 1843. 1867 Letters on Unit. ch. troubles. 1844. . 1867 Miles. Lowell as it was, etc. 761/5. ^65 Whittier. Stranger in. 1845.. . . 1866 Lowndes, W. T. Bibliog. manual. Bohn. 7939 Loyalists, Amer. direction to, in Eng. 77^. 4178 Lozere P. de la. Precis de 1 hist. des E.U. 4887 Lucas, Margaret. Convincement and call of 3548,81 Ludewig, H. E. [Bibliogr. excerpts from the u Serapeum."] 7943 Liter, of Amer. local history. 7940-42, 8494 Ludwick, Chris. Rush. Life of. . 4067,68 Lummus, Aaron. Life and adventures of Dr. Caleb 7128 Lunenburg, Mass. Damon. Farew. s. 1827. 1869 Lurting, T. Fighting sailor turned Christian. 3432 Luther, M. New Testament. German- town, Sauer. 7763- 5793 Psalter. Philadelphia. 7762. . . . 5792 Lutheran catechism. 7706". .... 3397 INDEX. 610 4290 6 1 1 8496 2361 1769 1869 1878 1868 Lydius, Jac. Historic der Beroerten van Engelandt Lvdius, J. H. Disputes between N. York, N. H., and. 1764. . . 25?7>^> Lvford, W. Plain man s senses exercised. Lvman, T. Mayor s address. Bost. 1835. "Trial of Lynch, Annie C. Rhode Island book. A?-//. Lvnn, Mass. Adams. Half-cent, ser mon Methodist church, iftjr. Colman. Ser. opening of Cong. en. IS23 Imprint. 184$ Lewis. History Review of. 1821 1869 Shackford. Ser. consecra. of cem. 1850. 1869 Lyddeker, G. Discourse 2842 Lyon, G. F. Jour, of voyage of Hecla. . 8497 Lyon, James. Scourge of aristocracy. . 4888 Lyon, Tas., A.B. Urania: collection of psalm tunes 5889 Lyon, Gen. N., Woodward s life of. . . 2305 McAfee, R. B. War in western country. 1812-15 539 Macauley, J. Hist, of state of N. Y. iS2q. 2794 MacCabe, J. P. B. Detroit directory. 1837. 4643 Maccarty, T. Farew. ser. Kingston, Mass. 1745- ^s 1 Fast sermon. 7759 260, 1989 Sermon, exec, of W. Linsey. 7770. . 1992 Sermon, exec, of murderers. 777^ . 1745, 1990 McClenachan, W. Christian warrior. 7745. 260 M Clure, Gen. G. Campaign of 1813. . 5072 McCoy, I. Ann. register of Indian affairs. 1836^38. 5621 Baptist Indian missions 5605 Indian advocate. 1846 5621 Practicability of Indian reform. . . 5476 M Culloch, J. R. Hist, of commerce. . 6521 M Culloh, J. H., jr. Aborig. history of America 5423 Researches in America. . . . . 5422 McDonald, J. Biog. sketches of Massie and others. ..... 4568,69 Macdonald, J. M. Hist, of Presb. church, Jamaica, L. 1 2957 M Donell, A. Narrative, Red River coun try. iSiQ 136 Mace, F. Dialogues on Shakerism. . 6413 Machias, Me. Brown. Introd. ser., etc. 7796, 97 2613 Mclntosh, J. Origin of Amer. Indians. . S427 Mack, Eben. The cat fight ; a poem. . 6894 Mackellar, P. Siege of Havannah. 7762. 240 McKenney, T. L. Tour to lakes ; Chip- peway Indians 5424, 8500 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages through No. America 107 McLeod, D. History of Wiskonsan. . 4657 McMurtrie, H. Sketches of Louisville. . 4602 M Nemar, R. Kentucky revival. . . 6414 Macsparran, Jas. America dissected. . 2362 Sermon at Narragansett, Mar. 15, 1741. 2363 Mactaggart. Three years in Canada. . 108 Macv, O. Hist, of Nantucket and whale fishery !8 7 g Maddox, Bp. I. Sermon on small-pox hospital, London. 775-2 1645 Madison, J. Letters on impressments. . 5071 Reply to Rose, on Chesapeake affair. . 5073 Letter to. 1808. 4889 Madison agonistes 6895 Madison, O. Ordination sermon of J. A. Woodruff. 1834. . . . 4q?o Madison, Wis. . . . 466364 Maffit, J. N. Tears of contrition. . . 5234 Magical vision ; fallacies of witchcraft. . 1371 Maine, Ace. of. See Wood. Mass. comp. 1556 Constitutional convention. 7<?7<p. . . 2571 Eastern lands of Mass. . . i^i Maine. Freeman. Town officer, etc. 2572-76 General conference. 7^7-6?. . . _. 2577 Greenleaf, J. Sketches of eccles. hist. 2578, 8501 Greenleaf, M. Statis. view. iSid. 2579, 8502 Survey of the state 2580 Jackson. Geology of. 1837, j6\ . . 1085 Lincoln Co. difficulties. iSu. . . . 8503 Pamphlets, various. . . 2614, 8506-09 Piggwacket, Battle of . . . . 406,22,23 Plymouth Co. and Kennebec purchase: 1540, 2585 Sullivan. History 2589, 8505 - Vinton, J. A. Settlem t of lower Ken nebec 2 5QQ Waldo, S. Defence of title of. . . 1553 Whipple. History of Acadia and. . 2591 Williamson. History. . 2592,93 See Massachusetts, Eastern lands. . 1481 Maine Monthly Magazine. Vol. I. 7c??7. . 2595 Makemie, F. Answer to G. Keith s libel. 812 Malanguele, Bataille de. Cramoisy ser. 146 Maiden, Mass. Bi-cent l book. 1850. . 1870 Malham, J. Naval gazetteer. . . . 5040 Mall, T. History of the martyrs. . . 7603 Mammoth Cave, Description of. 1850. . 4600 Excursion to. Davidson. . . . 4589 Ward s description of. . . . 8466 Manchester, Mass. Parsons. Truth es poused. 1823. . 1869 Manheim, F., and others. [Captivities.] 8409 Manitowompae Pomantamoonk. . 795-9? Mann, Elias. Northampton collection of sacred harmony 5947 Mann, Herman. Historical annals, Ded- ham, Mass 1813 Mann, Horace. 4th July oration. Bos ton. 1842 1638 Massachusetts system of schools. . 1520 and others. School controversy. [4 pph.] 1734 Mann, J. Cholera infantum. . . . 6546 Manning & Loring s Mass, register. . 1526 Mansfield, E. D. Mexican war. . . 4732 Mante, P. Late war. 7772 241 Manton, Thos., Bates s fun. ser. on. . 575 Manufactures and inventions. . . 6685-90 Man waring, C. Essaj^s 8511 Mapleson, T. W. G. Handbook of her aldry 9775 Marban, P. Arte de lengua Moxa. . . 5788 Marblehead, Mass. Ashton s memorial. 7725- 1871 Bartlett s dedication sermon. 1833. . 1869 Dana. Hist, sermon ist church. iSib. . 1869 Marburger Gesang-Buch. . . . 6014,15 Marcet, Mrs. J. John Hopkins on politi cal economy 6520 March, D. Yankee land 8512 Marcoux, Jos. Lettres aux chefs Iroq. . 5739 Marcy, R. B. and G. B. McClellan. Red River 4733 Mardochai, Nathan. Meir Netib. . . 1341 Marestier. Bateaux a vapeur des Etats U. 6684 Marietta, O. Drown. Ora., Apr. 7, 1789. 4572 Halcyon itinerary. rSo7 4574 Shepard. Tho ts on the prophecies. . 4575 Story. Ordination ser. for D. Story. Aug. 15, 1798 4573 Varnum. 4th of July oration. 1788. . 4571 Wickes. Hist. disc. Cong. ch. 1846. 4576,84 Marietta College. Catalogue. 1837-8. . 4584 Markham, G. Souldier s exercise. . . 8646 Markoe, P. Miscellaneous poems. . . 6897 Maryborough, Ct. Ordination of D. Hunt- ington. 7776 2240 Marlboro , Mass. Hudson. History. . 1872 Mather, R. Ordination sermon. 765-9. 93 8 Result of council. 1834 2492 Marquette, J. Voyages et decouvertes. Albany. 1855 no, 9176 INDEX. Marquette, J. et Joliet. Voyage et de- couverte de 1 Amerique Septentrion- ale. Repr. 1845. 4503>4, 8513 Marrant, J. Narrative 8514 Marriage of wife s sister. /6<?f. . . . 722 Marryatt, F. Travels of M. Violet. 5425,26 Marsh, Pres. J. Remains and memoir. . 5235 Marshall, C. Pas ges fm. Remembrancer. 3143 Marshall, Humphrey, d. iSoi. American forest trees 6592,93 Marshall, Humphrey, d. 1841. History of Kentucky 4603,04 Marshall, S. Baptizing of infants. 1645. . 372 Funeral sermon on John Pym. . . 634 Marshall, W. Catechism. Phila. 1783. . 5875 Martha s Vineyard, Indians of. Mayhe\v.457,s8 Martin Luther. Modern gratitude. . . 3681 Martyr, P. De orbe novo. ... 42 De rebus Oceanicis. 1533. ... 40 Trauayle in W. and E. Indies. 7577. . 41 Mary, Queen, Abp. Tenison s fun. ser. on. 575 Bates s funeral sermon on. . . . 575 Maryland. Declar. of reasons for appear. in arms. ibSq 3679 [Dennis.] Address on French aggres sion. 1798. 3662 Hawks. P. E. church in. ... 3671 History of. Bozman. . . . 3665,66 Griffith 3680 McMahon 3673 Laws 3657-61 Pamphlets 3690 Present state of. IT&J 3675 Scott, J. Geog. description of. . . 3676 Vallette. Dep. commissary s guide in 3677, 6465 Maryland Gazette 9256 Maseres, F. Pro v. of Quebec. 7772, 75- 129,130 Mason, Chas., and J. Dixon. Obsery. for deter, length of a degree of latitude in Pennsylvania. 7769 3071 Mason, Cyrus. History of Duane Street church, N. Y 2847 Mason, Maj. J. Pequot war. . 408,16, 2649 Mason, Rev. John. Select remains. . 7605 Mason. N. H. Hill. Two historical lect ures. 1846. 2492 Massachusettensis. D. Leonard. . . 1521 Massachusetts. Banks and currency, co lonial. 1430-61, 1501 Barber, J. W. Hist, collections. . . 1462 Barry, J. H. History 1463 Boundary question with N. Y. 1764-68. 1464,65, 2751,52, 8523 Northeastern. 183$. .... 1985 Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk surnames. . 1466 Bradford, A. History. . . . 1467,68 Brief account of. 7777. . . . . 2651 Burdick, W. Manual of. ... 1470 Canals, surveys for. 1828. . . . 1471 Charter granted 1628. ibSq. . . 813, 2650 7699 . 818,19 Cushing s letters on 1475 Chickering, J. View of population of. 1472 Claim for militia services in war of 1812. 5074 Constitutional Conventions. 1778-1833. 1414-26, 1986, 8520,22 Dawson, H. B. Declar. of independ. of. 1477 Dewey, C. Herbaceous plants of. . 1478 Dickinson, R. Geog. and statis. view. 1479 Eastern lands, Resolves respecting. . 1481 Election sermons. . . 1482-89, 8528-35 1667. 1670. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1676. 1679. 1683. --1685. 6 Jona. Mitchell. . S. Danforth. T. Shepard. U. Oakes. . S. Torrey. . W. Hubbard. . Jas. Allen. . S. Torrey. . W. Adams. 822 749 863 834 872 779,80 695,96 873,74 693 Massachusetts. Elec. ser. 1690. C. Mather. 1224 I. Mather. ...... JJJ S. Willard. . . Q O Q C. Mather ^44 N. Noyes 833, 2695 1. Mather 1039 S. Stoddard. . . . 866, 2703 J. Easter brooks. . 7^0 E. Gay. 1693. 1694. 1696. 1698. 1699. 1705. 1745. !/. vjay I737 Emerson, G. B. Trees of. . . . i 49 o Emmons, E. Quadrupeds of. . . 1478 Excise Act. Cooper, Sam. The crisis. J 7Sf- 14931 2555 - The eclipse. 775^ 2656 Freedom the first of blessings. 775^. 2654 Letters from common honesty to common sense. ..... 1499 Monster of monsters. . . . 1494-98 Some observations on. 775^. . 1492, 2653 Voice of the people. 775^. . . . 2656 Governors speeches, etc. 7765-75. . 1411 History: colonial, local, and state. 1391-2000, 8539-8623 Hitchcock, E. Geology of. 1505,06, 1985 Holland, J. G. History of Western. . 1507 Hutchinson, T. Hist. 1508-16, 2644-46, 8539-41 Journals of provincial congress. . . 1410 Laws. . 814-17,1391-1407,1412,13,6466-68 . 1427 1987 , . 6469 1538 iS 1 ?^ 6 . 1518 1528, 8542 relating to pauper Legislature of, defence of. 1804. . Journal of the House of Reps. . Patriotic proceedings of. i8oq. . Letters of Gov. Bernard et al. 7769. of Gov. Hutchinson et al. 1774. . Mauduit, I. History of colony. . Minot, G. R. Contin. of history of. 1532, 8543 History of insurrections. . . 1533, 8544 Political situation of 1531 Moore, G. H. History of slavery in. 1534,35 Remonstrance to Cong, on war of 1812. 5074 Reports on [natural history] of. . . 1478,90, 1501,05,06, "Smith, J. V. C. Fishes of. . . 1543 Statistics of industry of. ... 1546 Washburn, E. Judicial history of. . 1554 Wood. Mass, compendium. . . 1556, 8547 Young, A. Chronicles of. . . . 1557 Massachusetts Bay records. . . . 1541 Mass. Char. Fire Soc., act of inc., etc. . 8524 Mass. General Association. . 1503,04, 8537 Mass. General convention, sermons. . 8538 Massachusetts harmony 5948 Mass, health report. L. Shattuck. 1850. . 1542 Mass. Histor. Soc., acts of incorp., etc. . 1523* Collections, in Amer. Apollo. . . 1523 Mass. Humane Soc. Reports, etc. . . 1524 Massachusetts Magazine. ijSg-Sb. . . 1702 Mass. Miss. Soc. Sermons. 1800-12. . 1525, 8545 Mass. Pastoral Assoc. Sermons. . . 8546 Mass. Register. 7779-7^7 1526 Mass. Synods. 1648, 1662, 1680. . 1551, 7380,81 Massacre by negroes, Southampton Co., Va. 7<5 ?7 3822 Martha s Vineyard. Devens. Sketches. 1873 Mather, Azariah. Conn. elec. ser. 1723. . 1294 Funeral ser. on Rev. M. Noyes. 1296, 7658 Gospel minister described ser. at or dination of D. Kirtland, Newent. 7735". 1293 None but Christ 1292 Sabbath day s rest 1295 Mather, Cotton. A B C of religion. . 1059 Adversus libertinos. .... 1060 Advice from Taberah ; Bost. fire. 77/7. 1061 Advice from the watch-tower. . 1062,63 Advice to the churches. . . . 1064, 7637 Agricola ; or, the Religious husband man 1065 American tears [for] the Greek churches. 1066,66* Autograph 1281,82 Awakening thoughts on ... death. . 7642 INDEX. Mather, Cotton. Balance of the sanctu ary ....... 1067, 7648,49 Baptistes ; a conference. . . . 1068 Barnabas. See No. 1092. Batteries upon kingdom of the devil. . 1069 Benedictus ; fun. ser. on T. Bridge. . 1070 Best ornaments of youth. . . . 1070 Bethiah ; glory [off daughters of God. 1070 Blessed unions ....... 1072 Boanerges ; essay on earthquakes. . 1073 Bonifacius ; essay upon the good. . 1074 Boston Ephemeris. ibj. . . . 709, 1075 Bostonian Ebenezer ..... 1139 Brethren dwelling together. Ordin. of E. Callender in Baptist church. . 1076 Case of a troubled mind. . . . 1077 Christian at his calling ..... 1078 Christian conversing, etc., on the Trin ity ........ I 79, 267 1 Christian funeral ...... 1080 Christian philosopher. . . . 1081,2672 Christian thank-offering. . . . 1082 Christianus per ignem. . . . 1083,2673 Christodulus ; commen. of T. Walker. 1084 Ccelestinus ; conversa. inheav n. 1085, 2674,75 (?) Collection, etc.; answer to "Order of the Gospel revived." . . . 1086 Columbanus ....... 1087 Comfortable chambers ; death of P. Thatcher ...... i Comforter of the mourners. . . . 1090 Companion for the afflicted. . . . 1092 Companion for communicants. . 1091,2676 Compassions called for ; on a shipwreck. 1093 Concio ad populum. .... 1094 Converted sinner ; sermon to pirates. 1095 Corderius Americanus ; fun. sermon on E. Cheever. ..... 1096 Cure of sorrow. ..... 1139 Decennium, etc. Indian war. ibS8-q8, 1097 Decus ac tutamen ; commen. of G. Saltonstall ...... 1098, 7646 Desideriusj commen. of Jas. Keith. . 1099 Detur digmori ; death of Jos. Gerrish. iioo, 7645 Duodecennium Luctuosum ; history of Indian war ....... noi Durable riches ...... 1102,2677 - Dust and ashes ; essay on repentance. 1139 - Duty of children ...... 97 8 Early piety ; life of Nathaniel Mather, 2d edition ....... II03 Ecclesiae Monilia ; death of Mrs. Eliz. Cotton ...... - Ecclesiastes ; life of Rev. J. MitcheL . - Echoes of devotion. 77/6. Elegy on death of Nathaniel Collins. . Essays to do good. Euthanasia ; death of J. Frizell. Everlasting gospel ..... - Fair dealing betw. debtor and creditor. 1104 1105 7 6 43 1106 1107,08, 7650 09 in - Faith of the fathers. Faithful man ; death of M. Wiggles- worth - Faithful monitor, etc. 1704. , - Fall of Babylon ; a catechism. - Family religion excited. . . , - Family religion urged. . - Family well-ordered. 7699. - Fisherman s calling. - Flocks warned against wolves. Fying roll ; theft detected - Free grace. - Frontiers well defended. \ . Genethlia pia ; thoughts for birthday 1087 ~ ^""V 1 ? Christianity ; death of Mrs. r. Webb. .... Glorious espousal. . Glorious throne ; accession of Geo. I. . 3 III4 7638 1124 o 935 1118,19 II2O 1121,22 II2 3 I,,., II2 S 1126 1127 Mather, Cotton. Golden curb; against swearing 1128 Good evening for Lord s Day. . 1129,29* Good old age 1130 Good old way ; on primitive Christ ns. 1131 Good souldiers. Artill. elec. sermon. 7697 1132 Gospel of the rainbow 1246 Grace defended ; Christmas serm. 1133,33* Grata bre vitas. 1134 Greatest concern 1135 Hades look d into ; funeral of W. Win- throp! 1136,37 (?) Hatchets to hew down . . . sin. . 792 Hor-Hagidgad ; death of Rev. W. Wal- dron 1138 Humiliations, etc.; captivity of Han nah Swarton 1139 Icono-clastes ; essay upon idolatry. . 1140 Ignprantia scientifica ; dth. of S. Hirst. 1141 India Christiana. . . . 455, 1142,43 Insanabilia ; essay on incurables. . n 44 Johannes in eremo ; lives of John Cot ton, John Norton, etc. . . . 1145,46 Juga Jucunda 1147 Just commemorations. . . 456, 1148,49 Late memorable providences. 1150, 1372, 2707 Letter of advice to Non-conformists. . 1151 Letter on disputes about Trinity. . 1152 Letter to ungospellized plantations. 1153, 7637 Little flocks guarded ag nst. . . Quakers. 1154 Lord high-admiral of all the seas. . 1155 Love triumphant ; ordin. of W. Wal- dron 1156 Magnalia Christi Americana. 1157-59, 2684 Malachi ; grand maxims to be united on. 1160 Man eating food of angels. . . 1161 Man of his word. ... . 1162 Manuductio ad ministerium. 1163 63*, 1139,40 MS. letters Marrow of the gospel. Maschil ; or, The faithful instructor. See No. 1092. Meat out of the eater ; fun. sermons. 1167,68 Memoirs of I. Mather. . 1055-57, 1189, 2670 Memorable providences. . . 1169,70 See Late memorable providences. Memorials of early piety in Mrs. J. Oliver n 7 i Midnight cry 1173 Military duties. Chariest own artill. elec. 1686 1172, 2678, 7629,30 The minister ; convention ser. 1722. 1173* Monica Americana: funeral sermon on Mrs. S. Leverett n 20 Monitor for communicants. . . 1174,74* Monitory letter [against] selling strong drink to the Indians u 75 Mystical marriage Nails fastened Nehemiah ; death of Judge Sewall s daughter Nepenthes evang.; death of Mrs. M! Rock Nets of salvation New Year well begun Nuncio bona e terra longinqua. . Old pathes restored Ornaments for daughters of Zion. 1183-85, 763 Orphanotrophium nge Palm-bearers ; persecutions in Scotl d. 1187 - Parental wishes and charges. n88 Parentator. Life of I. Mather. 1055,57 1189, 2670 Pascentius ; how to live in hard times. 1190,91 Pietas matutina; funeral sermon on Mrs. Eliz. Cooper. . . . 1070 Pietas in patriam ; life of Sir. W. Phips. . 1329 . 1164 1165,66 7649 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 INDEX. 43 Mather, Cotton. Piety and equity united. 1193 Pillar of gratitude ; elec. serm. 7700. . 7636 Piscator evangelicus ; life of T. Hooker. 1194, 7634 Poem dedicated to memory of Urian Oakes 1195 Present state of N. Eng. 7690. 326, 1196, 7650 Principles of Prot. religion; against Quakers 1197? 2679 Private meetings animated. . . .1198 Protestant armed 1124 Psalterium Americanum. 7771?. 1199, 1290, 5790, 7644 Quickened soul. .... 1201,02 Ratio disciplinse. . . . 1203,04,2680 Reason satisfied ; resurrec. of Jesus. . 1205 Reasonable religion; family religion. 1206, 2681, 7647 Religion of the closet. . . . 1207,08 Religion of the cross ; funeral of his wife. ....... 1070, 1209 Religion of an oath 1210 Repeated warnings. . . . 1211,12 Resolved Christian 1213 Right way to shake off a viper. . 1214,15 Rules of a visit. 1216 Sad effects of sin ; murder of B. Stol- wood. 1217 Sailour s companion 1218 Salvation of the soul 1219 Saviour with His rainbow. . . 1220,46 Seasonable thoughts upon mortality. 1221,22, 2082 Serviceable man. Mass. elec. ser. 7690. 1224 Several sermons on walking with God. 1225 Signatus ; sealed servants of God. . 1226,27 Small offers 1228,29 Sober consid.; [on] abuse of rum. . 1230 Sober sentiments ; death of Joshua Lamb . 1231 Some seasonable enquiries [concern ing Episcopacy] 1232 Sorrowful spectacle ; [case of child- murder] 1233 Soul upon the wing. .... 7651 Soul well anchored 1234 Souldiers counselled. i68g. . . 1235,36 Speed} repentance urged ; sermon at execution of murderer. . . . 1237 Spirit of life 1238 Student and Preacher. See Manuduc- tio ad Ministerium. Suspiria vinctorum 1241 Terror of the Lord ; earthquake, 1727. 1142 Theopolis Americana; corruptions of the market-place 1243 Things for a distress d people to think upon ; Mass. elec. sermon. 7696. . . 1244 Thoughts for the day of rain. . . 1246 Thoughts of a dying man. . . 1247,48 Token for children of New England. 1249,50 Town in its truest glory. . . . 1251 - Tree planted by the rivers. . . . 1252 Tremenda; ser. atexecu. of murderer. 1253 Triumphs, etc.; life of J. Eliot. 1254,55,56 True riches 1257 Undoubted certainties ; death of Mrs. A. Sewall 1258 Unum necessarium ; [on] regeneration. 1259 Valerius; or, Soul prosperity. . . 1260 Valley of Baca ; dth. of Mrs. Sewall. . 1261 Vanishing things ; dth. of T. Bernard. 1262 Very needful caution. Lecture. 7706. . 7639 Victorina ; fun. ser. on Mrs. K. Mather. 1070 Vigilius ; or, The awakener. . . 1263 Vision in the Temple ; ser. at opening of new Brick Meeting-^., Bost. 7727. 1264 Warning to the flocks against wolves. 1265 Way of truth ; a catechism. . . . 1266 Way to prosperity 1274, 7631 What the pious parent wishes for. . 1267 Mather, Cotton. Wholesome words [in] sickness I2 68 Will of a Father ; funeral sermon. . 1269 Winter meditations. . . 1270,70*, 2682 Winter piety; Boston Lect. 7777. 1271,71* Winthropi justa ; fun. of J. Winthrop. Wonderful works of God. . . 1274, 2683 Wonders of the invisible world. . 1275, 1373 78,79, 2708, 7632, 8630 Work upon the ark. . . . 1276,7631 Work within doors 1277, 7640 World alarm d; Ignivomous mount ns. 1278 Wussukwhonk ; epistle to Indians. . 802 Young man spoken to 1279 Zelotes ; serm. at dedica. of new meet ing-house on Church Green. . . 1280 and others. Serious address [on] fre quenting taverns 1223 Thirty important cases. . . . 1245 and witchcraft. Poole 9177 Gee s funeral sermon on. 1728. . . 1994 Life of. D. Jennings. . . 1287-90, 2687 S. Mather. . . 1283,84,86, 1320, 2686 Memoir and genealogy. Drake. . . 5237 Prince s funeral sermon on. 1728. . . 1994 Mather, Eleazer. Serious exhortation. 1297,98 Mather, Increase. Address . . . prefixed to letter from some aged Non-con forming ministers. .... 1051 Advice to children of godly ancestors. 939 Angelographia. . . . 940, 1375, 7620 Arrow against ... dancing. . . .941 [Autograph sermons and notes.] . 1052-54 Awakening soul-saving truths. . . 942 Believer s gain. Funeral sermon on [his daughter-in-law.] . Blessed hope and glorious appearing. Brief account cone, agents of N. Eng. 1070 943 Eng. 944 Brief discourse on Common Prayer worship, etc 945 Burnings bewailed ; ser. on fire. 7777. ist edition 7625,26 2d edition 951,7626 Call from heaven 952,2659 Call to the tempted ; on self-murder. . 953 Case of conscience ; eating of blood. . 954 Cases of conscience ; evil spirits, etc. 955,90 Collection, etc.; answer to "Order of Gospel." 956 David serving ; fun. ser. on J. Baily. 957 Day of trouble near ; Fast ser. 767J. 958,59 De successu evangejii. . . . 1038, 7618 Diatriba de Signo Filii Hominis. . . 960 Discourse cone, baptisme. 967, 2662, 7608,09 Disc. cone, courage. Artill. elec. 7770. . 965 Disc. cone. . . . death of John Foster. . 961 Discourse concerning earthquakes. 962, 2660 Discourse cone, existence of God. . 963 Discourse cone, faith in prayer. . . 964 Discourse concerning maintenance of preachers 966, 266 Disc. cone, uncertainty of times. . 968 Disc, proving Christian religion. . 969 (?) Disputation cone, church members. 970 Disquis. cone, eccles. councils. . 971,71* Disserta. cone, conversion of Jews. 972,72* Dissertation [on] strange doctrine [of S. Stoddard]. . . . 973, 7623,24 Divine right of infant baptisme. 974, 7612 Doctrine of divine providence. . 975)76 Doctrine of singular obedience. . . 977 Duty of parents to pray. . . .978 Dying legacy ; three last sermons. . 979 Early hist, of New Eng. ed. by Drake. 411, 8401 Earnest exhort, to children of N. E. . 980 Essay for recording illus. providences. 983,84, 7616 Excellency of public spirit. Election sermon. 7702 9 8 5)8<? 44 INDEX. Mather, Increase. First principles of New Eng 986,87, 7607,09 Folly of sinning ; execution of Sarah Threeneedle 988 Four sermons. 7702. .... 7621 7706 . 9 8 9 Five ser. in Indian, tr. by Danforth. 801, 5687 Further account of tryals of New England witches 99> 2 79 Glorious throne. . . . 9 8 9>9 6 > 79 21 Great blessings, etc. Election ser mon, ibqs 99 T > 76*9 Heaven s alarm to the world. . 992-94 History of King Philip s war. 409-11, 948,49 History of Pequot war 95 See Relation of troubles. . . . 1019 Ichabod; Glory of the Lord depart ing 995>97> 7621 Judgment of sev. divines [on] pastor s power ... in another ch. ibgj. 806, 2663 KOMHTOrPAfclA. . . . 998, 1000, 7615 Life of Richard Mather. . . . 1001 Meditations on death 1002 Meditations on glory of Christ. . . 1003 Meditations on glory of Heavenly world 1004 Meditations on sanct. Lord s Day. 1005, 2664 Morning star 985,89 Mystery of Christ opened. . . 1006, 2665 Mystery of Israel s salvation. . 1007,08 Now or never is the time. . . . 1009 Order of the gospel in N. E. churches. 1010, ii, 7620 Ans-wer to 773 (?) Original rights of mankind. . . 1012 Plain discourse ; entering kingdom of Heaven 1013 Practical truths plainly delivered. 1014,15 Practical truths ... to promote . . . Godliness 1017, 7614 Practical truths ... to promote holi ness. 1016, 7622 Pray for rising generation. . . 1018,2666 Preface to Willard s Covenant keeping. 894 Relation of troubles with the Indians. 1019 See Hist, of Pequot war. . . . 950 Remarkable providences. . . . 1020 Remarks on sermon by G. Keith. 1702. 3543 Returning unto God. Covenant ser mon 2d church in Boston. ibSo. 1021, 2667, 7613 (?) Revolution in New Eng. 7697. 354, 1022 Righteous man a blessing. . 985,89, 7621 Sermon [on] the Beatitudes. 1029-31, 2668 On death of [his wife]. . . . I0 24 Execution of Jas. Morgan. . 1025,26 Execution of two men. . . . 1027 Fast, on persecution. 1682. . . . 1032 Shewing . . . ministers need prayers. 1033 Shewing . . revelations . . at hand. . 1028 . .- . that God is willing to be recon ciled I0 i 3 Several sermons, [and] character of T. Bridge I034 Some important truths about conver sion I035 Some remarks on sermon by G. Keith. 1036 Some remarks on [Bp.] William s [An swer to him.] I03 7 Surest way to honour. Elec. ser. 7600. 10^9 Synod of 1679 869 Times of men in God s hand. Sermon on blowing up of a vessel. 7675.1040,40* 7611 Two discourses : I. Prayer. II. Aged Servants. 1041 Two plain discourses: I. Hardness of heart. II. Sin of disobedience. . . 1042 Vindica. of author, of ruling elders". . 1043 Voice of God in stormy winds. . . 1044 Wicked man s portion. Execution of two men. . . . 1027,45,46, 2669, 7610 Mather, Increase. Wo to drunkards. 1047-50 Writings, various 7627 and others. Elijah s mantle. . 981,82 Seasonable testimony to good order. 1023 Life of. C.Mather. . 1055-57,1189,2670 Reply to, on Lord s Supper. Stoddard. 866* W. H. Whitmore on, as agt. of Mass. . 1058 Mather, Moses. Conn. elec. ser. 1781. . 1301 Divine sovereignty displayed. . . 1303 Systematic view of divinity. . . . 1302 Visible church. . . . 1299,1300,7659 Mather, Rev. Nathanael. Believers on Christ 975, 976 [and I. (?)]. Disputa. cone. ch. memb. 970 Righteousness of God thro faith. 1306,06* Sermon on exercise of grace. . 975, 1304 Sermon on pastor s acting in other churches i35 MS. sermons 1307 Mather, Nathaniel. [H. C. 1685.] Boston. Ephemeris. 1683-6. . . . 79i i3 8 >9 Life and death of . C.Mather. . .1103 Mather, Richard. Ans. to apologet. pref. 821 Apologie of churches in N. E. . . 517 Church gov t and church cov t. . 517, 930 Defence of the . . . Synod of 1662. . 936, 7606 Farewell exhortation, Dorchester. 7657. 935 Justification by faith 934 MS. ser. Ordin. at Marlboro. 7659. . 938 Two MS. sermons 937 and W. Tompson. Ans. to C. Herle. 931,32, 2658 Heart-melting exhortation. . . 933 Life of, by I. Mather 1001 Mather, Samuel, of Dublin. [H. C. 1643.] Figures or types of Old Testament. . 1312 Life of T. Shepard. See No. 664, note. Testimony from the Scripture against idolatry. . . . 1310,11, 2685, 7654 Mather, Samuel, of Windsor, Ct. Dead faith anatomized 1313 Self- justiciary convicted. . 1314-16,7657 Mather, Samuel, of Witney, Eng. His tory of the Reformation. . . . 1318 Observation on Holy Scriptures. . . 1317 Vindication of the Bible. . . . 1319 Mather, Samuel, D.D., of Boston. Amer ica known to the ancients. . . . 1327 Apology for liberties of New England churches 1323, 2688, 7655 Essay concerning gratitude. . . . 1320 Fun. ser. on Welsteed and Gray.- . . 7656 Life of C. Mather. . 1283,84,86, 1320, 2686 Lord s Prayer 1324 MS. letters. 1329 - MS. sermon 1328 Name of Jehovah 1326 Serm. on Hon. T. Hutchinson. 1740. . 1992 on Prince of Wales. 7757. . . 1992, 7656 on death of Q. Caroline. 1738. . 1994, 7656 Vita B. Aug. Hermanni Franckii. . 1322 Walk of the upright 1325 Mather, W. W. Geology of New London and Windham Co.s, Ct. 2250, 6632, 9071 Reduction of iron and silver ores. ". 6632 Reports on geol. survey of Ohio. . . 4577 Mather family. E. Pond 8631 I. Mather . 5124 Mather library, Books from. . . 1330-48 Matson vs. Thomas, Case of. . . . 1527 Matthews, Mordecai. Christian s daily exercise 2415 Matthias and his impostures. . . . 5238 Maude, J. Visit to Falls of Niagara. iSoo. 2968 Mauduit, I. Hist, of Col. of Mass. Bay. 1528, 8542 Maurault, J. A. Hist, des Abenakis. . 5428 Maxcy, Jona. Discourse on atonement. Brown University. 7796. . . . 2402 Literary remains 2364 Maxim, A. Oriental harmony. . . 5949 INDEX. 45 May, Sam. See No. 1265, note,. May-games, Downfall of. T. Hall. . 583 Maya language. Beltran de Santa Rosa Maria. Arte de 5780 Maybe, The ; Observa. on speech [of J. Dickinson]. 7764. ..... 3072 Mayer, B. History of Mexican war. . 4734 Mayhew, Experience. Grace defended. 7660,61 Indian converts. .... 458, 1342 Indian narratives 5474 Indian Psalter 798-800 Letter on question of saving grace. . 7662 Ser. 777e?/ Martha s Vineyard Indians. 457 Mayhew, Jona. Fun. sermon on Stephen Sewall. 7760 1995 Submission and non-resistance. 1750. . 1529 Writings 7663-69 Browne, A. Rem. on reflec. on Church of England by 7670 Browne, J. Funeral sermon on. 7766. 1997 Chauncy s funeral sermon on. 7766. 1996,97 Mayhew, T. See Eliot, John, and Mayhew, T. Maylem, J. Conquest of Louisburg. . 265 Mayo, Richard. Sermon, and Taylor s "funeral sermon on 575 Mayo, Robt. Polit. sketches of 8 years in Washington 4890 Mazarin Bible 5839 Mead, M. Almost Christian discovered. 7671 Meade, Wm., Bp. Conv. sermon. fSjS. . 6189 I Meade, Wm., M.D. Properties of Sara toga waters 2985 Meadville, Pa. Alleghany magazine. . 3357 ( Meares, J. Voyages to N. W. coast. . 8632 i Mease, J. Geolog. ace. of U. S. . . 6638 j Picture of Philadelphia. 1811. . . 3144 i Mechanic s Magazine. 1830. . . . 1716 Medfield, Mass., Granger. Dedication sermon, 1832 1874 : Sanders. Ser. i66th anniv. 1817. . . 1874 j Medford, Mass. Stetson. Dedication sermon. 1840 1874 | 5S3 2 6670 MEDICINE. 6531-84 Medina. Arte del Navegar. Ven. 1555. , 43 j Medway, Mass., Greene. Farewell ser mon. J7Q3 1874 Manual of 26. church. 1825. . . . 1874 ! Sanders. Dedica. ser. ist ch. iSib. . 1874 j Wright. Cent, sermon. 1813. . . 1874 Mein, John. Sagittarius s letters. . 4134,88211 Mein & Fleeming s New Eng. register. . 1526 ! Melish, J. Information to emigrants to West. the Map of the U. S. 1820. Mellen, J. Muster sermon. 77,56. Sermons Melmoth, C. (pseud.). See Pratt, S. J. Melton, E. Zee- en Land-Reizen. 7705. . 2724 Memorables of the Montgomeries. . 9178,79 Memorial containing summary views, etc. 7757 242, 243, 244 Memoirs of principal transactions of last war. 1758. Mendon, Mass. Foster. Letter. to Pre served Smith. 1803 3d Parish and Mr. Balch. 777j>. Mendoza, J. G. de. Hist, del China. . Mengarini, G. Selish or Flat-Head grammar. Mercer, A. L. Washington Territory. Mercer, Gen. H. K - 8L ~ mains of. 1840. Re-interment of re- 455 4891 260 7672 265 1875 1875 8633 563! 4699 3146 Mercer, J. Abridgment of Va. Acts. 3695,97 Mercuric Peruano. 7797-9^. . . . 8634 Mercurius Rusticus 613 Meriden, Ct. Ord. of J. Hubbard. 1768. 2248 Perkins. Hist, sketches. . . . 2241 Merrick, J. Psalms, in English verse. . 6016 Merrill, E. & P. Gazetteer of N. Hamp. 2465 Merrimack, N. H. Allen. Centennial Address. 1846. 2492 Metcalf, S. L. Narratives of Indian warfare Meteor seen in 7779 Meteors, conjectures on 9109 METHODISM 6262-6316, 7673-75 Methodist hymn book. . . . 6017, 19,26 Mexican language 5766, 78 Mexican war, Furber. Journal of. . 5-07 Mayer, B. History of 4734 Mexico. Campos Martinez, J. G. de. Am- orosa contienda de Francia, etc. (Poems.) 5-03 Clavigero, F. S. History of. 77^. . 5304 Diaz, B. Conquest of, tr. by Keating. 5306 tr. by Lockhart. . . . . 530=; Gage, T. New survey of W. Indies. 765-5. 5324 Reyse door de Span. West Indien. . 5325 Gilliam, A. M. Travels in. . . . 5^,08 [Gomara]. Conquest of W. India. . 5309 Ker. Travels in 4499 Latrobe, C. J. Rambler in. . . . 5310 Moreno, J. B. Relacion del funeral ... Arzobispo Rubio 5311 Oyanguren de S. Ines, M. Arte de la Lengua Japona 5312 Pamphlets relating to 863=; Poinsett, J. R. Notes on. . . 5313,14 Popular description of 5315 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of. . . 5316 Ranking, J. Histor. researches. See No. 5348 Rikel, D. Este es un compendio . . . las processiones. 1544 5317 Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of Mexican revolution 5318,19 Rodriguez, P. J. Relacion . . . de el Jubileo y Arzobispado. . . . 5320 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in. . . 5^21 Solis, A. de. Conquest du Mexique. . 5322 Conquest of Mexico, tr. by Town- send 5323 Miami Indians. Harmar s exped. ag nst. 5000 Miami village, Indian battle at. . . 8394 Michaux, F. A. Travels to westward. . 4506 Voyages a 1 Quest 4507,8036 Michigan. Blois. Gazetteer of. . . 4641 Darby. Tour to. 7^79 4642 Historical Society. Discourses. . . 4644 Lanman. History 4645 Pamphlets 4646 Micmac Indians. Treaty with. 775^. . 5402 Micmac grammar. Bellenger. . . . 5631 Micmac language. Barrat. . . . 5693 Middleboro , Mass. Barker. Cent, ser mon. 7795 1875 Book of ist church. 1852 1875 Catalogue of ist church. 1854. . . 1875 Manual of ist Cong, church. 1825. . 1875 Paine. Farewell sermon. 1822. . . 1875 Prince. Revival of 1741. . . . 1875 Proceed, of eccles. council. 1834. . . 1875 Putnam, I. W. Ser., etc. isoth anniv-. ist ch. 1854 1876 Tompkins. Sermon, J. Alden s iooth birthday. 1818. 1875 Middlebury, Vt. Hall. Statis. ace. 1821. 2567 i Middlebury College, Vt. . . . 2552,53 ! Middlefield, Mass. Nash. 2ist anniver sary sermon. 1813 1875 Middlesex Co., Ct. Field. Statis. account. i8iq 2242,92 Middlesex collection of church music. . 5950 Middlesex harmony. S. Babcock. . . 5898 Middleton, Peter. Histor. med. disc. 7769. 6547 Middletown, Conn. Appeal for Wesleyan University. 1839 2248 Berkeley Div. School. Ser. atord. 1838. 81,12 Dedication of Indian Hill Cemetery. 1850 22^8, 8212 Devotion. Sermon, ordination of E. Huntington. 1762 2244 Field. Centennial address. 1853. . 2243,8211 4 8 INDEX. Nakskow, P. S. Articles of faith of evan gelical church. 2838 Nail. Discourse on dead of Synod of Alabama, jftf 434 2 Nancarrow, J. Letter to Elias Hicks. . 3582 Nantasket, Mass. Lincoln. Sketch. 1830. 1884 Nantucket, Mass. Bank robbery. 7795. . 1884 Hough. Papers relating to. 1X56. . 1880 Macy. History. 1835 1879 Maffett. Dedication sermon. 1823. . 1884 Narragansett, R. I. Macsparran. Ser mon. 174.1. 2363 Potter. Early history 2371 Updike. Episcopal church in. . . 2378 Narragansett Club publica. 690*, 2365, 5681 Narragansett Indians. Declaration of passages 754 Narragansett Indian language. . 5679,81 Narrative of miseries of New Eng. 33 8 i39 Nashua, N. H. Osgood. Farewell dis course. 1841 2492 Nason, E. Dedic. ser. Natick, Ms. 1854. 1883 Notes of Joshua Coffin 5119 Natick, Mass. Badger will case. 1824. . 1883 Biglow. History. 1650-1830. . . . 1882 Lowell. Dedica. sermon. 1828. . . 1883 Moore. Sermon and history. . . 1881 Nason. Dedication sermon. 1854, . 1883 National Intelligencer 9258 National Magazine. Richmond, Va. . 3829 National Police Gazette. 1845-46. . .2913 National portrait gallery 5105 Natural history, etc 6629-53 Naval battles. 1^4-1837 5045 Naval biography, Bailey s American. . 4963 Naval monument. iSib 5046 Naval temple. Boston. iSib. . . . 5044 Navigation, American 6676 Navy, U. S. See U. S. Navy. . Neal, D. History of New Eng. 340,41, 8672 Success of inoculation. 1722. . . 1645 Neal, John. Battle of Niagara ; poem. . 6906 Negroes. See slavery. .... Negus, W. Treatise of faith. . . .615 Neill, E. D. Hist, of Minnesota. . . 8655 Nelson, John. Letter to Prot. dissenters. 7690 Nettleton, A. Village hymns. . . . 6020 Neueroffnetes Amphitheatrum. . . 48 Neve y Molina, L. de. Arte del idioma Othomi 5772 Nevin, A. Churches of the [Cumber land] Valley 3075 New news fm. Robinson Cruso s Island. 1720 1440 Newark, N. J. Directory. . . . 3641 Griffin. Farewell sermon. i8oq. . . 3646 Henderson. Centen. discourse. 1846. . 3646 New Bedford, Mass. Codman. Dedica tion sermon. 1818. 1884 Mayor s address and doc ts. 1850. . . 1884 Sharp. Dedication sermon. 1826. . 1884 New Braintree, Mass. Fiske. Half-cen tury sermon. 184.6. ... . . 1884 Rev. of proc. at Foster s ordina. 777,?. . 1884 New Britain, Conn. Andrews. History. 2249 - Bushnell. Speech for Conn. 1851. . 2291 Skinner. Dedication sermon. 1823. . 2248 Newburgh, N.Y. Case of Miss J ones. 1817. 2955 Newbury and Newburyport, Mass. Bass. Account of his treatment. 77^6. . . 1885 Cary & Andrews. Ded. ser s. 7<5b7. . 1886 - Dana, soth anniversary sermon. 1845. 1886 Dimmick. Dedication sermon. 1827. . 1886 Great Fire. 7^77 X 886 Miltimore. Dedica. s., Belleville. 1807. 1886 Morss. Hist, ser., Epis. church. 1837. . 1886 Observations on Jona. Parsons. 7757 1886 Occ. in church at Parker River. 1837. . 1886 Popkin. Dedica. sermon. iSob. . . 1886 Stearns. Anniv. sermon. 1844. 1886 Cent l S. ist church. 1843. . 1886 Newbury and Newburyport. Tucker. Appeal, and account of Council, 1767. 1886 with Chandler and Controversy Hutchinson. 7767. .... Newburyport, Mass., Cushing. Ad dress, City Hall corner stone. 1850. . History ........ Imprint. 1774. - 77*7? 7796 1886 1887 7848 889,89* 7129 6251 Noble. Sermon on music. 777^. . . 1888 Newburyport collec. of sacred music. . 5905 Newburyport resolutions. 1809. . . 4953 Newcome, W. Harmony in Greek of the gospels ....... 5853 New Echota, Ga., Imprint. 1829. . . 5757 Newell, C. Revolu. in Texas, 1835-36. . 4737 Newell, E. F. Life and observations. . 5242 NEW ENGLAND. . . . 270-1390, 2620-2713 Books printed in. 1640-1709. . . 695-929 New England Galaxy. 1817. . . . 9259 New England Hist. Gen. Soc. Lewis. Ad dress. iS66 ....... 5119 Whiting. Address. 1853. . . . 5119 New England primer. . . . 5865-71 New England psalm book. . 851, 5964-69 Prince s revision ...... 5970 New England Psalter. . . 5794-99, 5803 New Eng. Quarterly Magazine. 1802. . 1706 New Eng. Register. Mein & Fleeming s. 1526 New England Review. Hartf. 1830-32. . 9260 New England societies. . . . 345, 9125 New England s faction discovered. . . 342 New England s first fruits. . . 52, 343, 459 New England s Jonas. J. Child. . . 1473 New England s prospect. W. Wood. 377-81, 2713 Newent, Conn. Ordina. of D. Kirtland. 1293 Newfoundland. Anspach s history. . 14 Bonnycastle s ....... 15 Hayman. Quodlibets. 1628. . . . 16 Jukes. Excursions. . . . . 17 Vaughn. Golden Fleece. 1626. . . 18 Whitbourne. Discourse. . . 120, 21 Newgate Prison of Ct. See Simsbury. 2276-78 NEW HAMPSHIRE. . . 2441-2506, 8673-89 Acts and laws ...... 2441,42 Admin, and the opposition, by Alg. Sidney ........ 2470 Barstow. History ...... 2444 Belknap. History. . . . 2445,46, 8674 Bouton. Hist. disc, on ministry of. . 2470 Carragain, P. Map. 1816. . . . 2448 Constitution. 1783 ...... 2443 Cummings. Annals of Bapt. churches. 2470 Election sermons ...... 2456 Farmer. Catechism of history. . 2457,58 Ecclesias. Register. 1821. . . 2459, 8675 History ........ 2447 and Moore. Collections. . . 2618, 8676 Gazetteer ...... 2460, 8677 - Fast and Thanksg. proclamation, etc. 8678 French. Historic notices Piscataqua association ....... 2470 Hale, N. Excursion to Highlands of. 2462 Jackson. Geology. .... 2463 Lawrence. N. H. churches. . . . 2464 Merrill. Gazetteer ..... 2465 Remarks on Toleration Act. 1823. . 2470 Thanksgiving proclamation. 777< . 2471 Webster. Speech at festival of Sons of. 1849 ....... . 2470 Whiton. Sketches of history. . . 2472 New Hampshire book. 1842. . . . 2467 New Hampshire Gen. Assoc. minutes. . 2461 New Hampshire grants. See Vermont. New Hampshire Histor. Soc. Address ^before. Atherton, 1831; Bouton, 1833. 2470 Collections. ..... . 2468 Public documents ...... 2469 INDEX. 49 New Hampshire Register. . . . 2466 New Haven colony. Lambert. History of 2175, 8213 New Haven s settling, etc. . 2171-73, 9182 New Haven, Ct. As it is. 1845. . 2182, 9071 Ailing. Weather register for 25 years. iSio. 2181, 8217 Bacon. Thangsgiving sermon. I$SQ. . 2188 Thirteen hist. disc, ist church. iSjg. 2176 25th anniversary sermon. 1850. 2188, 8217 Baldwin. Rev. of statement. Howe street church. 1846. . . . .2182 Barber. Hist, and antiq s. 1831. . 2177, 8214 Views in N. H. 1825 2177* Bishop, A. Oration. Connecticut Re publican. iSoo 2038, 8217 Carroll. 2d anniversary sermon of South Congregational church. 1864. . 2183 Catalogue of Mix s museum. 1812. . 2181 of phenogamous plants. 1831. . . 2181 of i st church. 1834 2183 Charter. 1784. Bye-laws. 1787. . . 2184 1 86s 2*83 Cleaveland. Dedication sermon 3d Congregational church. 1841. . 2182, 6317 Daggett. Instal. sermon for N. Sher man. ifbS. 2181 Dutton. History of North ch. 1742. 2182, 2293, 8217 Rededica. ser. 1850 2183 25_th anniv. ser. 1863 2183 Dwight. Cent. ser. 1801. . 2216,2328,8217 Statis. account. 1811. . . 2178,81,8215,17 Eustis. 2oth anniv. disc. 1858. . 2183, 8217 Farnham. Letter on water supply. 1837 2181 First book. 1755 2188 Hill. Ser. dedica. Bapt. M. H. 1824. . 2181 Imprint. 1755 2186,97, 2205 1764-66. ...... 2116,17 Jarvis. Address laying corner stone Trinity church. 1814 2181 Kingsley. Hist. addr. 1838. 2182, 2291, 8216,17 Love. Hist. disc. 1850 1915 Manual ist church. 1820. . . . 2181 1847 2183 United Congregational Soc. 1842. . 2182 Mechanic Library Society cata. 7792. . 2181 New burying-ground. 1822. . . . 2181 Newspapers and periodicals. 2185,86, 9243,44 9261,2 Phelps. Sermon reopening Baptist church. 1850 2183, 8217 Proposed coll. for colored youth. 1831. 2181 Records. 1638-64 2174 Report on burying-ground. 1839. . . 2182 Report on city bank. 1837. 2181 Republican festival. 1803. . . . 2181 St. Paul s mission. 3d anniv. 1855. . 2183 t. ch. 1842. 2182, 8217 Trial of Elder Joshua Bradley for for gery. 1812. 2182 Woodruff. History of Methodism in New Hampshire. iS^q 2183 New Haven Gazette. 1786-9. . . 9261-2 Newington, Ct. Brace. History of the church. 1835 2248 New Ipswich, N. H. Imprint. 1827. . . 473 NEW JERSEY. . . . 3583-3647, 8690-95 Acts of General Assembly. . 3583-88, 4296 Ans. to council s two publications. 3441,42 Bill in chancery. 77^7 3441,42 Boundary with New York. . . 2745-50 College of. See Princeton. East Jersey proprietors. . . . 3591,92 Jenings. Truth rescued. 7699. . . 3401 Laws 3589,90 Palmer, O., and others against Cort- land and Philipse. 7727. . . . 3443 Proprietors. Jenkin, G. Brief vindi cation of purchasers against. . . 3440 Teasdale. Hist, disc., ist Bapt. NEW JERSEY. Votes and proceedings. . 359 New Jerusalem church. Doct. of. 770?. . 760 New London, Conn. Adams, Eliph. Or- 7691 dination sermons (3). 1723-27. . . 2254 Adams, Eliph. Ser. on thunder-clap. 735- 22 53, 8241 Sermons, var. 1723-38. . . 2254,56, 8241 Caulkins. History 2252, 8240 Conn. Gazette. 779^-96. . . 2258, 9241,42 Dialogue between Mr. Byles and the church. 776,?. Hallam. Ser., re-open. Epis. ch. 1836. 2: Imprint. 1723-41 1725 1727 1729. McEwen. Half-cent, sermon. 1866. Ser. on leaving old meeing-ho. 1830. Pamphlets Reasons why Mr. Byles left. 777< Remarks on result of council. 1733. New London Co., Conn. History of Baptist Association Mather. Geology New London, N. H., Disfranch. of. 7<?77. Newman, J. B. Origin of red men. Newman, S. Concordance to Bible. . . New Mexico. Albert. Report on. 1848. Doniphan s expedition Emory. Mil. reconnoissance. Gregg. Commerce of the prairies. Pres. message on. 1830 New Netherland. 2253 53>93 7753 2134 7597 2044 2253 2253 8241 2253 2253 2251 2250 2492 5475 5854 47M 4729 4719 . 4724 . 4674 2714-29 -Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, etc. 7657. 2716 Breeden-Raedt aende Nederl. Provin- tien. 7649 2714 Donck, A. vander. Beschryvinge van. 1655. . . . . . . . 2718-20 2728,29 . 2722 . 2721 . 2723 . 2724 2725 2726 2727 Irving. Knickerbocker s N. York. Keyens. Kurzer Entwurff von. 7672. . Kort Verhael van. 1662 ..... Lambrechtsen, N. C. Beschrijving. . Melton, E. Zee-en Land-Reizen. Murphy. Anthology of. ... O Callaghan. History of. ... -- Register of. 1626-74 ..... Vertoogh van Nieu-Neder-Land. 7650. 2715 Vries, D. P. de. Korte historiael. 765-5. 2717 New Orleans, battle of, Wilson. Ser. on. 5072 Concise narra. of Jackson s defence. . 5073 Directory of. 1822 ...... 4432 Faithful picture of political situation of. 1807 ....... 4427,28 Imprint. 1822 ....... 4432 New Orleans batture ...... 8656 Newport, R. I. Bartlet. Yellow fev. 1801. 2437 Brooks. Old stone mill. . . . 2436* Cahoone. Visit to grandpapa. . . 2436 Choules. Thanksg. ser., 2d Bapt. ch. 2437 Claggett, Wm. Looking-glass for Elder Clarke, etc. 1721 ...... 2409 Clap, N. Ser. at execu. of murderer. 7775- Dehon. Thanksg. sermon. 1803. . Ellis. Sermon to soldiers. 1733. . Imprint. 1728, etc ..... i73o Kangal. Ser. in synagogue. 777^. Manual of United Cong. ch. 1^34. . 2408 . 2433 . 2427 2410-32 2342 2432,37 . 2437 Patten. Disc, before Female lent Society. 1803 2433 Discourse before African Benevo lent Society. 1808. 2433 Ser. on death of Miss A. Potter. . 2434 Pollen. Sermon to troops. 7755. . 2425,26 Review of report on ist Bapt. ch. . 2437 Rev. J. Sayre and Trin. ch. (3 pph.). 77^9. 2437 Vinaf. Ser. on Braddock s deft. 7755. 2428 Washingtoniana 4224 New Rochelle, N. Y. Guide to. 1842. . 2966 New Rowley, Mass. Braman. Centen nial discourse. 1833 1892 INDEX. Norton, John, of Bernardston. Redeemed captive 43 Norton, John (Iroquois chief). Address to Six Nations. ..... 574 2 Norton, John P. Memorials of. . . 5243 Norwalk, Ct. Bouton. Hist. addr. 1851. 2259 Hall. Historical records. . . . 2261 Norwich, Ct. Bond. Cent, sermon, 2 d church. iSbo 22 7 Historical discourse. 1843. . . . 2270 Dedication sermon. 1846. . . . 2270 By-laws. 1837 22 7 Caulkins. History 2262 Church covenant. 7675 709 Denison. Notes on Baptists. 1857. . 2263 Oilman. Bi-Centennial addr. iS^q. 2264,70 Graves. 2sth anniv. ser. 1865. . . 2270 Hart. Ser. at ord. of Benedict. 7777. . 8244 Imprint. 1774 22(56 King. Dedication sermon. 7795. . . 2270 Farewell sermon. 7^77. . . . 2270 Lord. Ser. various. 1827-83. . 2267,70, 8244 Mitchell. Re-dedi. ser. 2d ch. 1830. . 2270 Sermons 8244 Morgan. Centen. of Epis. ch. i&ff. . 2270 Nott. Fun. ser. on J. Hunt. 1786. . 2270 Oppos. to Rogerenes at. 7767. . . 2100 Pamphlets 8244 Proposals new water power co. 1831. . 2270 Smith. Sermon on introduction of or ganization of Episcopal ch. 7797. 2270, 8244 Stedman. Norwich Jubilee. 1859. . 2268 Strong. Century sermon. 7&>7. . . 2335 Half-centennial sermon. 1828. . . 2270 Ordination of I. L. Skinner. 7794. . 2335 Whitman. Farewell ser. 1846. . 2270,8244 East. Ordina. of J. Wight. 7727. . 2267 West Farms. Williams. Fast ser mon. 7750 2422 Norwich, Vt. Excursion of Partridge s cadets. 1822 2567 Norwood, Abraham (?) Acts of the Elders 2366 Norwood, Capt. E. Court mar l of. 7779. 4021 Note-maker noted, etc 3621 Nott, Eliph. Disc, on d th of Hamilton. 4856 Nourse, J. Psalms, metrically arranged. 5838 Novanglus and Massachusettensis. 4093, 8727 Nova Scotia. Acts of general assemblies. 6471 Exiles of. Mrs. Williams. ... 153 Geographical history 26 Geology of. 89 Haliburton. Account of. ... 93 Little s description. 77^9. . . -17; Moorsom s Letters Novus Orbis. Gryna?us 50 No well, S. Artill. elec. ser. 767^. . 831,32 Noyes, Jas. Short catechism. Bost. 7774. 5861 Temple measured 6n Noyes, Moses. A. Mather on death of. . 129 Noyes, Nich. Mass. elec. ser. 769^. 833, 269 Nullification, State papers on. . . . 388 Pamphlets on 3896 Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. Relacion y com ment. 7555 43 6c Nuttall, T. Travels into Arkansas. 7^79. 4667 Nye, P., and Robinson, J. Lawfulness of hearing ministers Oakes, Urian. Artillery election sermon. ^677 839,40, 7693,9, Elegie on death of T. Shepard. . 835,31 Fast sermon, Cambridge. 1682. 837,38, 769 Mass, election sermon. 767^. . . .83! Poem on. C.Mather. . . . .119 Gates, Titus. Mystery of iniquity. . . i 34 Observ. on American revolution. 7779. . 417 on justificative memorial of court of London 409 O Callaghan, E. B. Am. Bibles. . 5855, 794 Documentary hist, of New York. 2804,0 O Colligghan, E. B. Docts. on col. hist. of New York. 2780 History of N. Netherland. . . . 2756 Jesuit relations. ..... 123 New York colonial tracts. . . . 2806 Reg r of N. Netherland. 1626-74. 2727, 9184 Occom, S. Collec. of hymns. . . 6022-24 Sermon at execution of M. Paul. New London. 1772. . . 2338, 5478, 5742, 9111 O Connor, T. Hist, of war of 7^7.2. . 5047 Odiorne, T. Poems 6908 Oehler, A. Life and adventures. . . 5244 Ogden, G. W. Letters from the West. . 4510 Ogden, J. C. Excursion to Bethlehem, Pa 3334>35> 8771 Tour through Canada. 7799. . .124 Ogden, U. Letter to Hamilton on his letter on Adams 495 2 Theological preceptor. . . . 7696,97 Oglethorpe, Gen. J. Expe. to St. Augus tine, Impar. ace. of. 1742. . . 248, 4362 Replies to 2 49-5 2 Harris. Memorials of. . . . 5245, 8729 Ohio. Atwater. History. . . . 453 1 Chase. History 4533 Cutler, J. Description of. 1812. . . 455 2 Delaneld. Descr. of Washington Co. 4546 Fenwick. Besch. v. d. Zendeling- schap van 4547 Harris. Journal of a tour in. . . 4553 Hawley. Tour to 4554) 8 73 Hildreth. History of Ohio valley. . 4555 Memoirs of Ohio settlers. . . . 4556 Hutchins. Topogr. descr. of Va., etc. 4558,59 Jenkins. Gazetteer of 4560 Kilbourn. Gazetteer of. . . 4561-66 Public doct s on canals of. . . 4567 McDonald. Biogr. sketches of. . 4568,69 Mather. Geolog. survey. . . . 4577 Pamphlets 4584 Repts. of Lords comm rs on petition of T. Walpole and others for a grant of Ohio 4578 Topographical description of. . . 4582 Ward, N. Brief sketch of. . . . 4583 Ohio Hist. Soc. Gallagher s disc. 1850. . 4584 Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Journal. . 4557 Ojibway Indians, Copway. History of. 5373 McKenney. Customs and vocab. . 5424 Ojibway language, books in. . . 5663-77 - Howse. Analysis of 5648 Long. Vocab. of 5661 Olcott family. Goodwin. . . . 2069, 5119 Old-style, Defense of 9087 Olden time. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1846-48. . 3359 Oldmixon. British empire in Am. 77^7. 174 Britannische Ryk in Amerika. 1721. . 175 Oldys, W. British librarian. . . . 7946 Olive Branch, Ship. Allen s narra. 2539,40 Oliver, A., jr. Essay on comets. . . 6658 Oliver, J. Present for teeming women. 1087 Oliver, Mrs. J. C. Mather on death of. . 1171 Olmsted, D. Life of Eli Whitney. . . 2316 Olmsted, T. Musical olio. . . 595^52 Olney, Stephen. Life of 3972 Onderdonk, H., jr. Revolutionary inci dents of Queen s company. . . 4095 Oneida Co., N.Y. Men and events of. 1838, 2999 Onis, L. de, & J. Q. Adams. Fla. corres. 4361 Onondaga Co. Clark. Reminis. of. . 2971 Report on salt springs. 1823. . . . 2972 Onandaga language. Shea. Diet. of. 5631, 5741 Orange, Ct, West Haven village. Cha- pin. Centennial sermon. i8jg. . 2285,93 Colton. Historical discourse. 7^-9. . 2285 Orange, N. J. Gillett s historical dis course ist Presbyterian church. . 3646 Orange Co., N. Y. Eager. History of. . 2973 Ordeal, The. Boston. iSoq. . . . 1713 Order of the gospel revived. C. Mather s answer to. . 1086 INDEX. S3 Orderly books of American revolu. Ordination sermons Oregon. Gushing. Lecture on. Dunn. Oregon territory. 1845. Fedix. Apergu. gepgr. etc. . diti 4097, 4901 9098-9100 4700, 8734 . 4679 . 4681 . 4683 . 4686 4687,88 . 4692 4682, 92-97 4701 8734 4702 . 4703 . 4706,07 4709 4712 4713 Fremont. Expedition to, 1842. Gallatin. Oregon question. . Greenhow. History of. . Lee & Frost. Ten years in. . Lewis & Clarke s expedition. Palmer. Tour to Pamphlets on Parker. Tour to Parkman. Oregon trail. . Twiss. Question of. . . White. Ten years in ..... Wilkes. History ...... Wyeth. Journey to ..... O Reilly, H. Settlement in Western N. Y. 1838. ...... 2982, 8722 Original rights of mankind. I. Mather (?). 1012 Orinoco. Gumilla. Historia de naciones del ......... 5398 Orleans, Mass. Pratt. History of. . . 1825 Ormerod, O. Picture of a Puritane. . 621 Osage first book ...... 5757563,64 Osage Indians, Histoire de. Paris. 1827. 5431 Osborn, Mrs. S. Hopkins. Memoirs of. 5246 Osborn, Selleck. Poems. . . . 6908, 8735 Osgood, D. See Sullivan, Jas. Altar of Baal ......... 1548 OswegoCo., N. Y. See Clark. Onondaga. 2971 Otis, H. G. Eulogy on A. Hamilton. . 4856 Letters on Hartford convention. 4904, 5013 Otis, James. Latin prosody. 7760. . . 1668 Rights of the colonies. 1704. 1536, 3987, 4181 Tudor. Life of ...... 4098 Otis, W. F. Ora. bef. yg. men. Bost. 1831. 1638 Otomi language. Catechismo con vocab- ulario ........ 5778 Neve y Molina. Arte del. . . . 5772 Otsego, N. Y. Imprinf. iSoS. . . . 5438 Otsego Co. Beardsley, L. Reminis cences. 1852 ....... 2976 Centen. celebra., Cherry Valley. 1840. 2977 Political wars of . 1706. . . . 2974,75 Ouabi : an Indian tale. Mrs. S. W. Mor ton ......... 1986 Ouseley, W. G. Statistics, etc.. of U. S. 4905 Owen, D. D. Geplog. survey of Kentucky. 4606 of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minn. . . 6639 Owen, Jas. T. Travels, and captivity by Agiguans ....... 5562 Owen, John, d. 1662. Epigrammata. . 9182 Owen, John, D.D., d. 1683. Church of Rome no guide ...... 1346 Diatriba de justitia diyina. . . . 623 Divine originall of Scriptures. . . 1343 Eshcpl. 7th edition. 1744. . . . 7698 Inquiry into . . . evangel, churches. . 622 [Power of magistrate about religion.] 1345 Oxenbridge, J. Quickening word for sluggish ........ 841 Oxford Co., Me. Stone. Sketches of. . 2605 Pacific R. R. Whitney. Project for. 1849. 47 10 Pagitt, E. Heresiography. . . 624, 680* Paine, Nath. Early paper currency o Massachusetts ...... 1537 Notice of library and catalogue of Am. Antiq. Society ...... 1978 Paine, R. T. Works ...... 6909 Paine, Rev. Thos. Earthquake ser s. 77.27. 299 Paine, Thomas. Common sense. . 2896, 3987, 4099-4101, 4176 The crisis ....... 4105,74 Letter to Abbe Raynal. 1782. . . . 4104 Letter to G.Washington. . . . 4271 Works (and replies thereto). 4099-4105, 6442-59 Life of . Cheetham ..... 4799, 5248 -- Oldys ........ 5247 Paine, Thomas, Life of. Rickman. . 5249 Vale 5250 Palairet, J. Concise descrip. of N. Am. 265 Palenque, Ruins of. Del Rio. Desc. of. 5380 Palfray, W. Evangelical psalmody. . 5953 Palfrey, J. G. Historical society Brattle street church, Boston. 1824. . . 1604 History of New England. . . 346,47 Palmer, A. H. Memoir ... of Siberia. 8737 Palmer, Joel. Travels to Columbia riv. 4701 Palmer, John. Impartial account of . . . New England. 7690. . . . 349, 8738 Present state of New England. ib8q. . 348 Palmer, T. H. Hist. reg. of U. S. 1812-13. 5048 Palmer, Mass. Imprint, ab. 1801. . . 4261 7c?7O. 7592 ab. 1812 1897 Wilson. Centennial address. 1832. . 1896 Panama ship canal. See Darien. Pandpsy, M. C. Yakama grammar and dictionary ^631 Panoplist. The. Boston 1710 Paper currency of Am. colo s. Phillips. 176 Paper money. Hanson. Remarks on plan for. 1787 3690 SeeNos 1430-61,1537 Paraenetick ... for Christian libertie. 625,25* Paredes, I. de. Promptuario manual Mexicano. 5773 Park, R. Sketch of hist, and topog. of West Point 3000 Parke, John. Lyric works of Horace. . 6910 Parker, A. A. Trip to the West & Texas. 473 8 Parker, D. Proscription delineated. . 2274 Parker, E. L. History of Londonderry, N. H. Parker, Jas. Conductor generalis. Sir P. . 2490 3606,07 5049 4702 . 626 627 6025 2848-50 7700 Parker, Sir P. Memoir of. Parker, S. Tour beyond Rocky Mts. Parker, Thos. Daniel expounded. . Letter to his sister Parkinson, W. Hyms and spir. song. Sermons, etc. ist. Bapt. ch. N. Y. Parkman, Eben. (?) Zebulun advised. Parkman, Rev. Francis. Sermons, new No. ch. Boston 1602 Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pon- tiac 5534 Oregon trail 4703 Parmale, H. Key to Masonic chart. . 6743 Parsons, John. Good news, ... at New- buryport, Mass. 8687 Lecture sermon, Bost. 77^2. . . . 1737 Sermons, etc 6344,45 Parsons, M. Tappan s fun. ser. on. 1784. 1999 Parsons, T., and E. Pearson. Debate on slavery. 777^. Parsons, U. Indian names in R. I. 1775 5633 3882 3642 Party tyranny ... in Carolina. 7705. Passaic Falls. Archdeacon. Sketch of. Pastorius, F. D. Beschreibung d. Pen- sylvaniae. 7700 3077 Patterson, Wm. (?) Letters from Darien. 810 Path to riches. 7792 4956 Patriot, The. Stonington, Ct. 1801-2. . 2282 Patriot and Democrat. Hartford. . . 9269 Patten, Mrs. Ruth. Patten s memoir of. 2307 Patten, W. Sermon, stamp-act. . . 195 Patterson, Alex. Petition for compensa tion . . . Susquehannah claim. . . 2129 Patterson, S. Narr. of adv. in Pacific O. 8739 Pattie, J. O. Narrative of captivity. . 5563 Pattilo, Henry. Sermons. .. . . 6346 Pattison, G. S., and N. Chapman, contro versy of 6576 Patton, J. M. Arguments on Ohio and Virginia boundary. 184(3. . . . 3821 Paulding, J. Affairs and men of North Amsterdam. 1843 2882, 8714 Pauw, C. de. CEuvres philpsophiques. 8741 Recherches sur les Americains. . . 8740 INDEX. News from the moon. 1720. . . H4 1 News from New England; present bloody wars. 7676 ...... 4 12 Newspapers. Boston. . . 1717-22 and periodicals. . . 3 l6 5-Q6, 9232-80 New Switzerland, 111. Grundung von. . 4634 Newton, John. Olney hymns. . . . 6021 Newton, Roger. Bidwell s fun. ser. on. 2318 Newton, Mass. Davis. Appeal and his tory. 1847 ....... 1892 Gilbert. Dedica. sermon. 1848. . . 1892 Homer. Cent, sermon. 1792. . 1892 Jackson. History ...... 1893 Leavitt. Historical discourse. 1850. . 1915 Ritchie. Dedica. sermon. 1828. . . 1892 Newtown, Ct. Ser. on ch. gov t. 7774. . 2259 Newtown, N. Y. Riker. Annals. . . 2967 New York city. Account of fire. 1835. . 2900 Annals of corporation. iSor. . . 2898 As it is in 1833, in 1834, in 1835, in 1837. 2878 Auchmuty. Sermon, opening of St. Paul s chapel. 7766 ..... 2844 Bayley. Letters from health office. . 2898 Berrian. Hist, sketch of Trinity ch. . 2843 Blunt. Stranger s guide. 1817. . . 2877 Bridges. Expla. remks. on map. 1811. 2835 Channing. Dedi. ser. 2d Unita. ch. 1826. 2899 Charter. 1735. .... 2833,34, 3447 Churches and ministers. . . 2836-50 Clark. Half-centennial sermon. 1851. 2902 Clinton, DeW. Addr. to free school society. 1810 ....... 2899 Comptroller s annual statement. 1841. 2901 Cozzens. Geological history of. . . 2856 Craig. Dedication sermon. 1851. . . 2902 Davis. Account of epidemic fever. 779^. 2898 DeForest. Olden time in N. Y. 1833. . 2900 Description of Crpton aqueduct. 1842. 2901 Dewey. Dedication sermon. iSjq. . 2901 Directory. 1786, 93, 99, 1810. . . 2879,80 Disosway. Earliest churches. . . 2836 during the Revolution. . . . 2874, 4091 Eddy s map of country round. 1812. . 2858 Electoral frauds. 1838, JQ. ... 2901 - Episcopal church in. . . 2894, 95 Everett. Dedication sermon. 1821. . 2899 French. History of evang. churches. 2837 Glance at. 1837 ....... 2860 Hardie. Ace. of malig. fever. 7799. 2861,98 Description of. 1827 ..... 2863 Hist, geog., and statis. view of. 1836. 2864 Yellow fever in. 1822. . . . 2861,62 Hist, notices of St. Mark s church. . 2901 Horsmanden. Detection of conspiracy to burn. 1744 ...... 2865,66 Hosack. Improv. of med. police. 1820. 2899 Imprints. W. Bradford. 1685-1750. . . 773, --J. P. Zenger. 1731. . . . ^"ftf* --H35 ........ 2833 Jewish prayers. 776*. ..... 2883 King. Progress of N. Y. in 50 yrs. 1852. 2902 Lancaster. Free school of. 7<ft>7. . . 2870 - Laws of Clinton bank. iSjg. . . . 2QOI - Laws and ordinances. 7&>7. . . . 2898 Manual of common council. 7841-65. . 2872 Mason. Hist, of Duane St. Presb. ch 2847 Memoirs of Mrs. Eliza Fisher. 1808 or 9. 2899 Memorial of chamber of commerce on tariff. 1824 ....... 2 8gg Memorials of merchants, 1806. and Wi l- liams s letter on defence of harbor. . 2898 -Moulton. N. Y. in 1763. 1843. .2873,2901 287-3 . . . . . Municipal doc., various. 1800-27. Murphy. Repres. of N. Netherland iti 1650. 1849 ....... Nakskow. Articles of faith of evang churches 2Q02 28,0 ....... Newspapers and magazines. . . 2903-15 -Noah. Disc., consecra. synagogue. 1818. 2800 Occur, in church of Puritans. 7^7. . 2902 New York city. Parkinson. Sermons, etc., ist Baptist church, N. Y. . 2848-50 Paulding. New Amsterdam. . . 2882 Picture of. 1807, 1828. . . . 2875,76 Proc. of corpora, on cemeteries. 1823. . 2899 Report of committee on fire, Dec., 1845. 2902 Report of deaths. 7c$76. 7<?77. . . . 2889 Resources of. 1827 2884 Revolutionary pamphlets. . . . 2896 Spencer. Sermon on the fire. 1836. . 2900 Spring, G. Brick Ch. memorial. 1861. 2845 Statement on resignation of officers of artillery. 7797 2898 Torrey. Plants of 2888 Townsend. Yellow fever in. . . 2889 Valentine. History of 2890 View of New Orange in 1673. 1825. . 2899 Vindication of S. Leggett. 1831. . . 2900 Water from river Bronx, rept. on. 7799. 2873 Watson. Annals and occurrences of. 2892 Historic tales of olden time. . . 2861 Wealthy citizens. 1842. .... 2901 New York State. Acts and laws. 2730-40, 3444,45, 6470 Akerly, S. Geology of Hudson river region 2741 Barber & Howe. Historic collections. 2742 Bayard, N. Trial of. 7707. . . . 2743 Benson. E. Memoir on names of places. 7c$76 2744 Boundary, East 2751,52 New Hampshire encroachments. 2799 with New Jersey. . . . 2751,52 Brodhead. Report on doct s in Eu rope 2753, 8698 Canal commiss rs, Reports of. 1817. . 4280 Canals 2754-65, 2852 Clinton. Antiq es of west, part of. 2767, 68 Letters on natural history and inter nal resources 2769 Golden, C., Conduct of, on stamp- duty. 7767 2776 History of Five Nations. . . 2770-73 Colonial MS., Calendar of. . . . 4279 Constitution. 1821 2766-77 Denton, D. Brief descr. of. 7670. 2778, 79 Dttnlap, W. History. . . . 2781,82 Eastman, F. S. History. . . . 2785 Geological reports. 1820-21. . . . 2827 Geological survey. 1838-41. . . . 2786 Goodenow. Descrip. manual of. . 2827 Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of. . . 25787 Hotchkin, J. H. Purchase and settle ment of Western 2788 Huntington. Map of. 1835. . . . 8701 - Hough. Northern invasion. 77<5b. . 2803 Indian titles, extinguishm t of. Hough. 2790 Internal improve., pamphlets on. 2830,31 Macauley, J. History. 1820,. . . 2994,95 Manual of Assembly. Clark. . . 2766 Maps of 2796,97, 8701,06 Miller, J. Description of. 7695. . . 2798 O Callaghan. Colonial tracts. . . 2866 Doct s on colonial history. . 2780, 8699 Documentary history. . . 2804,05 Pamphlets, various. . 2826-32,8708-11 Political pamphlets. 7777-99. 2828 1800-1846. 2829 Smith, S. R. Sketches of Universal- ism in 2808 Smith, W. History, to 1732. . . 2809-13 continued to 1814 2814 to 1762 2815 Spafford. Gazetteer of. . . . 1816,17 Pocket guide 8703 Speeches of governors of. . . . 2818 Squier. Antiquities of 2819 State cabinet of nat. hist. . . . 5480 State library. Catal. 7^9. . . . 8697 Report. 1845 2753 Sullivan s campaign in Western. . .2821 INDEX. New York State, register. 1821. . University of State of. in. 1838. Wappinger. Indian controversy. Williams. Annual Reg. 1830-37,40,4.5. Williams. Tourist s map of. Yates and Moulton. History of. . Thalhimer. Annual 2822 Controversy 2901 2823 . 2800 . 8706 2824,25 j New York Herald. 7796-7. . . . 9264 New York Histor. Soc. Addresses. . 4292 Collections. 2801, 8707 Proceedings 2802 Public fund series 4291 New York Hospital 2867,68 New York Journal. 1774-83. . . . 9265 New York Lit. and Philos. soc. trans. . 2881 New York Lottery Magazine. 7776. . . 2871 New York Magazine. 1700-07. . . 2907, 8717 New York Magdalen society first an nual report. 1831. . . . . . 2900 New York Missionary soc. constitu. 7796. 2898 New York Mercury. 1764-66, 69, 70. . 2903,04 New York Robin Hood society. De bates. 777^ 2896 New York Seamen s Fund and Retreat. 2887 New York Tammanial Tontine associa tion. 7792. 2895 New York Tribune, weekly. 1846. . . 9266 Niagara campaign of 1814 5073 Niagara Falls. De Veaux, S. Guide to. 2970 2970 2969 2970 2970 2970 6643 3783 3838 558o 9183 j Hulett. Guide to. 1846 Kalm. Account of. 7757. Johnson. Statistics of. 1846. . Maude. Visit to. 1800 Parsons. Book of. 1836. A summer month; recollection of a visit to. 1823 Nichol, J. P. Views of astronomy. Nicholson, F. Account of actions, as governor of Virginia Apology, as gov. So. Carolina. 772^. . Nicholson, T., Algerine captivity of. Nicolaus Modrusiensis. Oratio in funere, etc Nieuhoff, J. Ambassade . . . vers 1 em- pereur de la Chine. .... 8724 Nightingale, The. Boston. 7796. . . 1703 Niles, H. Principles and acts of the American revolution 4092 Niles, Nathaniel. Two discourses on Liberty. Newburyport. 7774. . . 1889 Niles, S. Reduction of Louisbourg. . 246 True doctrine of original sin. . . 7692 Wars in New England 413 Nipissing Indian language. . . 5656, 5757 No standing army. New York. 7775. . 2826 Noah, M. M. Indians descendants of lost tribes 5475 Noble, O. Fifth of March oration, New buryport, Mass. 7775. . . . 1665, 1890 Music sermon. Newb p t, Mass. 777^. 1888 Nodal, B. G. and G. de. Relacion del viaje 5344 Norfolk, Ct. Miner. Defence of poly gamy. 77^7 2259 Robbms. Half-cent, sermon. 1812. . 2259 Roys. History. 1847 2259 Norfolk, Va. Forrest. Sketches of. . 3746 Norfolk collection of sacred tunes. A. Albee 3746, 5897 Norman, B. M. N. Orleans and environs. 4434 Norman, R. Loadstone. 1585. ... 19 Norridgewock, Me. Allen. History. . 2603 Hanson. History 2604 Norris, I. Friendly advice to inhabi tants of Pennsylvania 3076 North, S. 1>BK oration. Yale, 7^7. . 8227 Northampton, Mass. Allen. Bi-cent. address. 1854 1894, 1983 Bridgman. Inscriptions. 1850. . . 1895 Northampton, Mass. Imprint. 7799. . 5927 1801 ......... 7675 Manual of i st church. 1832. . . . 1894 [Pphs. on] council for dismission of Jonathan Edwards. 7750. . . 1894,94* Statem t rel. to call of M. Tucker. 1824. 1894 Ware. Dedication sermon. 1825. . . 1894 Willard. Serm., bridge opening. 1808. 1894 Williams. Hist. Thanksg. ser. 1813. . 1894 Northboro , Mass. Allen. Topog. and historical sketches. . . . 1896, 1980 2sth anniv. sermon, 1841, and centen nial address, 1846 ...... 1896 Houghton. Dedication sermon. 1848. 1896 Whitney. Half-cent, sermon. 7796. . 1896 No. Branford. Wood. Hist. ser. 1850. . 2259 No. Bridgewater, Mass. Gary. Families. 5119 Gary s history ....... 1741 Huntoon. Dedication sermon. 1826. . 1741 No. Carolina. Act for surrender of title of seven of the Lord s proprietors. . 3831 Brickell. Natural history of. . . 3843 Charters ........ 3830 Laws ........ 3832-36 and So. Carolina. Archdale, J. De scription of. 7707 ...... 3839 Ash, T. Carolina. . 3840 Bartram, W. Travels. . . . 3841 Briefe description of. 7664. . . 3842 Gilman. Recol. of a southern matron. 3867 Hilton. Relation of discov. 1663. . 3869 Lawson. New voyage to. 7709. 3873,74 Lederer. Discoveries. 1660-70. . 3875 Moultrie. Memoirs of Am. revol. in. 3880 Party tyranny. 1705 ..... 3882 Purry. Memoire sur. 772^. . . 3883 -Wilson. Account of ..... 3891 No. Coventry, Ct. Calhoun. Centennial address. 1845 ....... 2259 Celebra. of his settlement. 1859. . 2259 Northeastern boundary. . . . 2581-84 Northford, Ct. Mansfield. Weather, &c. 1814-20 ....... 2259 North Granville, Vt. Trial of Rev. E. W. Rossiter. 1823 ...... 2567 North Hampton, N. H. French. Half- centennial sermon. 7^7. . . . 2492 North Haven, Ct. Manual Bap. ch. 1846. 2182 Trumbull. Centennial sermon. 1801. 2293 North Leverett, Mass. Andrews. 8oth anniversary South Baptist church. . North Stonington, Ct. Hubbell. Ser 1896 2259 2259 mon on J. Fish. Morris. Dedica. sermon. 7^9. Palmer. Cent. disc, ist Bapt. ch. 1843. 2260 Northwest. Featherstonhaugh. Geolog ical reconnaissance 4650 Lanman, C. Summer in. ... 4654 N. W. coast of Am. Dixon. Voyage to. 4678 N. W. passage. James. Voyage for. . 4400 Northwest Terr. Burnet. Notes on. . 4532 Cutler, M. Explana. of map of. . . 4545 N. W. Indians, MS. vocabularies. . . 5765 North Yarmouth, Me. History of dis sensions. 1824. 2613 Manual of First church. 1848. . . 2613 Northmore, T. Washington; a poem. 6907, 8936 Norton, A. Speech, behalf of professors, Harvard College. 1825 1777 Norton, Jacob. Humble attempt, etc. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. . . 6363 [Pphs. on Unitarianism.] . . . 6364 Things as they are 6362 Norton, John, of Boston. Heart of New England rent. 7659. . 2693, 828,29, 3550 Life of John Cotton. .... 618 Orthodox evangelist 617 Sufferings of Christ. . . . 616, 2692 Three last sermons, etc 830 C. Mather s memoir of 1145 52 Norton, John, of Bernardston. Redeemed Norton, John (Iroquois chief). Address to Six Nations Norton, John P. Memorials of. . . Norwalk, Ct. Bouton. Hist. aaar. 1x51. Hall. Historical records. Norwich, Ct. Bond. Cent, sermon, 2d church. i8bo Historical discourse. 1843. . Dedication sermon. 1846. . - By-laws. 1877, 3. rll INDEX. Caulkins. History Church covenant. 7675 Denison. Notes on Baptists. 1857. Oilman. Bi-Centennial addr. /#<?. _ Graves. 25th anniv. ser. 1865. Hart. Ser. at ord. of Benedict. 7777. Imprint. 1774 ...... King. Dedication sermon. 7795. . -- Farewell sermon. 7c?77. 483 5742 5243 2259 2261 2270 2270 2270 2270 2262 . 2263 2264,70 . 2270 . 8244 . 2266 2270 . 2270 Lord. Ser. various. 1827-83. 2267,70, 8244 2270 8244 2270 2270 2IOO 8244 2270 Mitchell. Re-dedi. ser. 2 d ch. 1830. Sermons. . . Morgan. Centen. of Epis. ch. 7^9. . Nott. Fun. ser. on J. Hunt. 1786. Oppos. to Rogerenes at. 7767. Pamphlets. Proposals new water power co. 1831. . Smith. Sermon on introduction of or ganization of Episcopal ch. 7797. 2270, 8244 Stedman. Norwich Jubilee. 7<y>~9. . 2268 Strong. Century sermon. 7*7. . . 2335 Half-centennial sermon. 1828. . . 2270 Ordination of I. L. Skinner. 7794. . 2335 Whitman. Farewell ser. 1846. . 2270, 8244 East. Ordina. of J. Wight. 7727. . 2267 West Farms. Williams. Fast ser mon. 7750. . . . . . . 2422 7750. Norwich, Vt. Excursion of Partridge s cadets. 1822 2567 Norwood, Abraham (?) Acts of the Elders 2366 Norwood, Capt. E. Court mar l of. 7779. 4021 Note-maker noted, etc 3621 Nott, Eliph. Disc, on d th of Hamilton. 4856 Nourse, J. Psalms, metrically arranged. 5838 Novanglus and Massachusettensis. 4093, 8727 Nova Scotia. Acts of general assemblies. 6471 Exiles of. Mrs. Williams. . Geographical history. Geology of. 89 Haliburton. Account of. ... 93 Little s description. 77^9. . . 173 Moorsom s Letters 113 Novus Orbis. Grynseus 50 Nowell, S. Artill. elec. ser. 1678. . 831,32 Noyes, Jas. Short catechism. Bost. 7774. 586 Temple measured 61 Noyes, Moses. A. Mather on death of. . 1290 Noyes, Nich. Mass. elec. ser. 769^. 833, 2695 Nullification, State papers on. . Pamphlets on 3896 NuHez Cabega de Vaca. Relacion y com ment. 7555 4 Nuttall, T. Travels into Arkansas. iSiq. 4 Nye, P., and Robinson, J. Lawfulness of hearing ministers 62c Oakes, Urian. Artillery election sermon. 7677. ...... 839,40, 7693,9 Elegie on death of T. Shepard. . 835,3 Fast sermon, Cambridge. 1682. 837,38, 769 Mass, election sermon. 767^. ... 83 Poem on. C. Mather n 9 Gates, Titus. Mystery of iniquity. . . 134 Observ. on American revolution. 7779. . 417 on justificative memorial of court of London 409 O Callaghan, E. B. Am. Bibles. . 5855, 794 Documentary hist, of New York. 2804,0 ) Colligghan, E. B. Docts. on col. hist. of New York 2780 History of N. Netherland. . . . 2756 Jesuit relations. ..... 123 New York colonial tracts. . . 2806 Reg r of N. Netherland. 1626-74. 2727, 9184 Occoin, S. Collec. of hymns. . . 6022-24 Sermon at execution of M. Paul. New London. 777^?. . . 2338, 5478, 5742, 9111 ) Connor, T. Hist, of war or 1812. . 5047 )diorne, T. Poems 6908 Oehler, A. Life and adventures. . . 5244 Ogden G W. Letters from the West. . 4510 Ogden, J. C. Excursion to Bethlehem, Pa 3334,35, 8771 Tour through Canada. 7799. . . .124 Ogden, U. Letter to Hamilton on his letter on Adams 49S 2 Theological preceptor. . . . 7 6 9 6 >97 Oglethorpe, Gen. J. Expe. to St. Augus tine, Impar. ace. of. 77^2. . . 248, 4362 Replies to 249-52 Harris. Memorials of. . . . 5 2 45. 8729 Ohio. Atwater. History. . . . 453* Chase. History 4533 Cutler, J. Description of. 1812. . . 455 2 Delafield. Descr. of Washington Co. 4546 Fenwick. Besch. v. d. Zendeling- schap van 4547 Harris. Journal of a tour in. . . 4553 Hawley. Tour to 4554 8 73 Hildreth. History of Ohio valley. . 4555 Memoirs of Ohio settlers. . . . 4556 Hutchins. Topogr. descr. of Va., etc. 4558,59 Jenkins. Gazetteer of 4560 Kilbourn. Gazetteer of. . . 4561-66 Public doct s on canals of. . . 4567 McDonald. Biogr. sketches of. . 4568,69 Mather. Geolog. survey. . . 4577 Pamphlets 45 8 4 Repts. of Lords comm rs on petition of T. Walpole and others for a grant of Ohio. . . . . . 457 8 Topographical description of. . . 4582 Ward, N. Brief sketch of. . . . 4583 Ohio Hist. Soc. Gallagher s disc. 1830. . 4584 Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Journal. . 4557 Ojibway Indians, Copway. History of. 5373 McKenney. Customs and vocab. . 5424 Ojibway language, books in. . . 5663-77 Howse. Analysis of 5648 Long. Vocab. of 5661 Olcott family. Goodwin. . . . 2069, 5119 Old-style, Defense of. .... 9087 Olden time. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1846-48. . 3359 Oldmixon. British empire in Am. 1741. 174 Britannische Ryk in Amerika. 7727. . 175 Oldys, W. British librarian. . . . 7946 Olive Branch, Ship. Allen s narra. 2539,40 Oliver, A., jr. Essay on comets. . . 6658 Oliver, J. Present for teeming women. 1087 Oliver, Mrs. J. C. Mather on death of. . 1171 Olmsted, D. Life of Eli Whitney. . . 2316 Olmsted, T. Musical olio. . . 5951,52 Olney, Stephen. Life of 3972 Onderdonk, H., jr. Revolutionary inci dents of Queen s company. . . 4095 Oneida Co., N.Y. Men and events of. iSjS. 2999 Onis, L. de, & J. Q. Adams. Fla. corres. 4361 Onondaga Co. Clark. Reminis. of. . 2971 Report on salt springs. 1823. . . . 2972 Onandaga language. Shea. Diet. of. 5631, 5741 Orange, Ct., West Haven village. Cha- pin. Centennial sermon. iSjq. . 2285,93 Colton. Historical discourse. 7^-9. . 2285 Orange, N. J. Gillett s historical dis course ist Presbyterian church. . 3646 Orange Co., N. Y. Eager. History of. . 2973 Ordeal, The. Boston. rSoQ. . . . 1713 Order of the gospel revived. C. Mather s answer to. .... . 1086 INDEX. 53 Orderly books of American revolu. 4097, 4901 j Ordination sermons 9098-9100 Oregon. Gushing. Lecture on. . 4700, 8734 Dunn. Oregon territory. 1845. . . 4679 Fedix. Apercu. gepgr. etc. . . . 4681 Fremont. Expedition to, 1842. . . 4683 Gallatin. Oregon question. . . . 4686 Greenhow. History of. . . 4687,88 Lee & Frost. Ten years in. . . . 4692 Lewis & Clarke s expedition. . 4682, 92-97 Palmer. Tour to 4701 Pamphlets on 8734 Parker. Tour to 4702 Parkman. Oregon trail. . . . 4703 Twiss. Question of. ..." 4706,07 White. Ten years in 4709 Wilkes. History 4712 Wyeth. Journey to 4713 O Reilly, H. Settlement in Western N. Y. r8jS. 2982, 8722 Original rights of mankind. I. Mather (?). 1012 Orinoco. Gumilla. Historia de naciones del 5398 Orleans, Mass. Pratt. History of. . . 1825 Orrnerod, O. Picture of a Puritane. . 621 Osage first book 5757163,64 Osage Indians, Histoire de. Paris. 1827. 5431 Osborn, Mrs. S. Hopkins. Memoirs of. 5246 Osborn, Selleck. Poems. . . . 6908, 8735 Osgood, D. See Sullivan, Jas. Altar of Baal 1548 OswegoCo.,N. Y. See Clark. Onondaga. 2971 Otis, H. G. Eulogy on A. Hamilton. . 4856 Letters on Hartford convention. 4904, 5013 Otis, James. Latin prosody. 7760. . . 1668 Rights of the colonies. 1704. 1536, 3987, 4181 Tudor. Life of 4098 Otis, W. F. Ora. bef. yg. men. Bost. 1831. 1638 Otomi language. Catechismo con vocab- ulario 5778 Neve y Molina. Arte del. . . . 5772 Otsego, N. Y. Imprint. 1808. . . . 5438 Otsego Co. Beardsley, L. Reminis cences. 1852 2976 Centen. celebra., Cherry Valley. 1840. 2977 Political wars of . ijqb. . . . 2974,75 Ouabi : an Indian tale. Mrs. S. W. Mor ton 1986 Ouseley, W. G. Statistics, etc.. of U. S. 4905 Owen, D. D. Geplog. survey of Kentucky. 4606 of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minn. . . 6639 Owen, Jas. T. Travels, and captivity by Agiguans 5562 Owen, John, d. 1662. Epigrammata. . 9182 Owen, John, D.D., d. 1683. Church of Rome no guide 1346 Diatriba de justitia diyina. . . . 623 Divine originall of Scriptures. . . 1343 Eshcpl. 7th edition. 1744. . . . 7698 Inquiry into . . . evangel, churches. . 622 [Power of magistrate about religion.] 1345 Oxenbridge, J. Quickening word for sluggish 841 Oxford Co., Me. Stone. Sketches of. . 2605 Pacific R. R. Whitney. Project for. 1849. 47 Pagitt, E. Heresiography. . . 624, 680* Paine, Nath. Early paper currency of Massachusetts 1537 Notice of library and catalogue of Am. Antiq. Society 1978 Paine, R. T. Works 6909 Paine, Rev. Thos. Earthquake ser s. 77.27. 299 Paine, Thomas. Common sense. . 2896, 3987, 4099-4101, 4176 The crisis 4105,74 Letter to Abbe Raynal. 1782. . . . 4104 Letter to G.Washington. . . . 4271 Works (and replies thereto). 4099-4105, 6442-59 Life of . Cheetham 4799, 5248 Oldys 5247 Paine, Thomas, Life of. Rickman. Vale Palairet, J. Concise descrip. of N. Am. Palenque^Ruins of. Del Rio. Desc. of. 5380 5953 5249 5250 265 i t*iv-j.ii_ u.c, XN.U.111O \JL. j_/ci XVILJ. j_ye^ Palfray, W. Evangelical psalmody. Palfrey, J. G. Historical society Brattle street church, Boston. 1824. . . 1604 History of New England. . . 346,47 Palmer, A. H. Memoir ... of Siberia. 8737 Palmer, Joel. Travels to Columbia riv. 4701 Palmer, John. Impartial account of ... New England. 7690. . . . 349, 8738 Present state of New England. ib8q. . 34 8 Palmer, T. H. Hist. reg. of U. S. 1812-15. 5048 Palmer, Mass. Imprint, ab. 1801. iSio. ab. 1812 Wilson. Centennial address. 1852. Panama ship canal. See Darien. Pandpsy, M. C. Yakama grammar and dictionary Panoplist. The. Boston Paper currency of Am. colo s. Phillips. Paper money. Hanson. Remarks on plan for. 1787 3690 See Nos 1430-61,1537 Paraenetick . . . for Christian libertie. 625,25* Paredes, I. de. Promptuario manual Mexicano. Park, R. Sketch of hist, and topog. of West Point Parke, John. Lyric works of Horace. . Parker, A. A. Trip to the West & Texas. 4738 Parker, D. Proscription delineated. . 2274 Parker, E. L. History of Londonderry, 4261 75Q2 1897 1806 5631 1710 176 5773 3000 6910 Parker, Jas. Conductor generalis. . Parker, Sir P. Memoir of. , 2490 3606,07 5049 47 2 626 . 627 6025 Parker, S. Tour beyond Rocky Mts. Parker, Thos. Daniel expounded. . Letter to his sister ..... Parkinson, W. Hyms and spir. song. Sermons, etc. ist. Bapt. ch. N. Y. 2848-50 Parkman, Eben. (?) Zebulun advised. . 7700 Parkman, Rev. Francis. Sermons, new No. ch. Boston ...... Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pon- tiac ......... Oregon trail ....... Parmale, H. Key to Masonic chart. . Parsons, John. Good news, ... at New- buryport, Mass ...... Lecture sermon, Bost. 1742. . . . Sermons, etc ...... 6344,45 Parsons, M. Tappan s fun. ser. on. 1784. 1999 Parsons, T., and E. Pearson. Debate on slavery. 777j Parsons, U. Indian names in R. I. . Party tyranny ... in Carolina. 7705". Passaic Falls. Archdeacon. Sketch of. 1602 5534 4703 6743 1737 i 775 5633 Pastorius, F. D. Beschreibung d. Pen- 3642 sylvanias. 7700. Patterson, Wm. (?) Letters from Darien. Path to riches. 7792 Patriot, The. Stonington, Ct. 1801-2. Patriot and Democrat. Hartford. . Patten, Mrs. Ruth. Patten s memoir of. 2307 Patten, W. Sermon, stamp-act. . . 195 Patterson, Alex. Petition for compensa tion . . . Susquehannah claim. . Patterson, S. Narr. of adv. in Pacific O. Pattie, J. O. Narrative of captivity. Pattilo, Henry. Sermons. Pattison, G. S., and N. Chapman, contro versy of 6576 Patton, J. M. Arguments on Ohio and Virginia boundary. 1846. . . . 3821 Paulding, J. Affairs and men of North Amsterdam. 1843 2882, 8714 Pauw, C. de. CEuvres philosophiques. 8741 Recherches sur les Americains. . . 8740 3077 810 4956 2282 9269 2129 8739 5563 6346 54 INDEX. Pawtucket, R. I. Newman. Address Blackstone monument assoc. 1853. . 2439 Paxton, J. A. New Orleans direc. 1822. 4432 Payne, J. French encroachments. 7756. 265 Payson, S. Dang. tend, of illuminism. . 6744 Peabody, Geo. Dinner to. 1851. . . 5251 Peace of Versailles. 77^7 3966 Peale s portrait of Washington. . . 4276 Pearsall, R. [Life of] Mrs. Housman. . 7698 Pease, T. C., and Niles, J. M. Gazetteer of Connecticut 2089, 8164 Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. . . 4636 Guide for immigrants 4635 Peck, P. V. Adventures in Florida war. 5581 Peck, W. D. Catal. of plants, bot. gar den, Harvard College. . . . 1764 Nat. hist, of the slug worm. . . . 1522 Peirce, B. Hist, of Harvard University. 1765 Peirce, Jas. The curse causeless. . . 1790 Vindication of dissenters. 777< . . 6150 Pelby, W. Letter on Tremont Theatre, Boston 1733 Pelham, Mass. Conkey. Centen l ad dress. 1843 1896 Pemaquid, Me. Hough. Papers on. . 2606 Pemberton, Ebenezer, ist. Artill. elec. sermon. 7707 1574 Catalogue of library. 77/7. . . . 1669 Funeral sermon on S. Willard. . 842, 925 Mass, election sermon. 7770. . . . 1484 Sermons 7701 Colman s fun. sermon on. 7777. . . 1991 Pemberton, Ebenezer. 2d. Sermon, ordin. of D. Brainerd 460, 5621 Sermon, Yale College. 7747. . . . 2210 Pemberton, T. Hist, journal of Am. re vol. 4106 Pembroke, N. H. Holt. Dedica. ser. 7<5&o. 2492 Pemigewasset Indians 2505 Penhallow, S. Wars with eastern In dians ... . . 4 1 4>i5> 5535 Penington, Isaac. Select pieces. . . 3542 Penington, John, d- 1710. Apostate ex posed 3551 Penington, John, d. 1867. Exam, of B. Plantag t s descr. of New Albion. 3146, 3622 Scraps osteologic, etc 3146 Penn, Richard, Duehe s fun ser. on. 7777. 3134 Penn, W. Address to Protestants. 7679. 3078 Brief account of ... Quakers. . 3556,58 Fruits of solitude 2421 Further ace. of Pennsylvania. 1685. . 3081 Invalidity of J. Faldo s vindication. . 3553 Letter, cont. descrip. of Penn. 1683. . 3080 No cross, no crown. .... 3557 Paper to, for perusal in Pennsylvania. 3082 Plantation work. 1682 3079 - Primitive Christianity revived. . 3554,55 Reflections and maxims. . . . 35-9 Speech to assembly. 7707. etc. . . 3448 Works. London. 7726 3083 Clarkson. Life of. .... 430203 Dixon. Biography of. . . . . 4304 Duponceau & Fisher. Indian treaty - Hughes . Life of. 43 7 PENNSYLVANIA. 3009-3366, 4I97-433L 8 74 3-75 Acrehus. Beskrifmng. 7759. . 3030 Address to people of . 7777. . . . 3II4 Archives _ 02q Arfwedson. De colonia N. Svecia. . -wi - Boundary controv. with Va. 1843. . 3110 - Brackenridge. Insurrection in. 7794. . 3032 -Breck, S. Internal improvem ts. 1818. 3033 Brief state of, 1755-6 [with answer and Good orer estab in. Campanius, T. Kort Beskrifning om. Canals, Pamphlets on. -Clay. Annals of Swedes on Del. . . 3046 PENNSYLVANIA. Colonial records. . 3038 Conferences with the Six Nations. . 3028 Conn, claims in. Smith, W. Exam. of. 3096,97 Constitution ; added, report of com tee to inquire whether constitution has been kept, etc. 1784 3114 Conventions of 1776 and 1790. . . 3025 Convention of 1787 on U. S. Constitu tion. Debates 3026 Crevecosur. Voyage dans. . . . 3047 Day, S. Historical collections of . . 3048 Dickinson. Letters from a farmer. . 164 Etat present. 7756 225 Fennell. Plan of salt works. 779^. . 3050 Findley. Hist, of insurrection. 779^. . 3051 Franklin, B. Hist, review of. . . 3057 General Assembly. Proceed. 1787-88. 3027 Geology of, various reports, etc. . . 3112 Gordon. History of 3053 Gray don. Memoirs. . . . 3054,55 Heckewelder. Indians of. . . 5402,03 Hist, review of the constit. and gov t. 3056 House of Representatives. Votes and proceedings. 1682-1764. . . 3021-24 Howell, R. Map of 4298 and others. Report on rivers of . . 3107 Humble apology for Quakers. 7756. . 3041 Lancaster county massacre. 776^. 3062-70 Laws and charters 3009-20 Minutes of Providence council. . . 8743 Mittelberger, G. Reise nach. . . 3073 jMoore and Jones. Traveller s direc y. 3074 Nevin, A. Churches of the Cumber land valley 3075 Norris, I. Friendly advice to inhab. of. 3076 Pamphlets on internal improvements, geology, etc 3107-12 Pastorius, F. D. Geogr. Beschreibung der 3077 Penn, W. Addr. to Protestants. 7679. 3078 Further account of. 1685. . . . 3081 Letter . . . cont. a descrip. of. 1683. 3080 Paper to, for his perusal in Pennsyl. 3082 Plantation work. 1682. Pleasant peregrination through. . Proud, R. History of Repudiation, pamphlets on. 1843,44. Roberts, J. Pennsylvania farmer. Royall, Anne. Travels. Rupp, I. D. Hist, of Berks and Leb anon counties. ..... Hist, of Dauphin [and other Go s]. . Hist, of Lancaster Co. Hist, of Northampton [and other Co s] Schlatter, M. Herderloze Gemeentens. 7757. Surgy, R. de. Historic de. . . . __,_.,_ Swedberg, J. Amer. illuminata. 1732. 3100 Swedberg, J. H. Dissert, grad. de svionum in America colonia. 7709. . 3099 - Ternaux Compans. Nouvelle Suede. 3101 - Thomas, G. Hist, and geogr. acct. of. 3102-5 True and impartial state of. 7759. 3040, 8751 -Turnbull, W. P. Birds of east . 3106 Pennsylvania Chronicle. Phila. 7767-69. 3168,69 Pennsylvania Evening Post. Phila. Pennsylvania Gazette. 1728-30. . . . 3449 r ?6/ 3214 7775 9 27I Pennsylvania Geolog. Soc. Trans . 8746 Pennsylvania Hall, Phila. History of. . 3150 Penn. Histor. Soc. Memoirs, etc. 3058,59, 8747 Pennsylvania Hosp l, Acct. of. 1754-61. . 3083 Pennsylvania Journal 9270 Pennsylvania Magazine. 7775-76. 3170 Pennsylvania Packet. Phila. 1785 -i 74 , 9271 Penobscot exped. Proc. of Gen. Assem.on. 1539 Pensacola, Fla. Sale of town lots. 7<??6. . 4363 Pensioners, Census of. . . . . 4793 3086 3110 3087 3088 3089 3092 3090 3091 393 INDEX. 55 Pepperell, Sir W. Stevens. Funeral ser mon on. 7759 2588 Pepperell, Mass. Andrews. Centennial address, 26. church. 7^7. Rev. of Butler s eccles. hist. 1849. . Babbidge. Centen. addr., ist ch. 1847. Butler. Review reviewed. 1850. . Pequot War. L. M. Child. Gardener, L Mason, J Mather, I. Brief history. Underbill, J Vincent, P Percival, J. G. *BK poem, Yale, 1825. Poems. 1896 1896 1896 1896 * 416 408,16 . 416 . 416 . 8227 6912,13 Report on geology of Conn. . . 2087,8165 Perez, F. M. Catechismo en Castellano y Mexicano 5774 Perme, Miss. Narrative of Indian Key massacre. 5582 Periodicals 9232-80 See also, Newspapers and periodicals. Perkins, B. D. Metallic tractors. . . 6583 Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West. . 4511 Perkins, S. Hist, of late war. 1812-15. 55, 8776 Hist, sketches of U. S 4906* Jackson s conduct in Seminole war. . 5623 Perkins, F. H. Address, c. stone of Ex change, Boston. 1841 1734 Perkins, W. Foundations of Christian religion 531 Perkins family. F. B. Perkins. . . 2069 Perry, D. Recollec. of an old soldier. 4107, 8777 Perry, O. H., Court martial of. . . . 4989 Difficulties with Capt. Elliott. . . 5073 Heath s charges against. Miles s life of Perry, W. Royal standard dictionary. - - Sure guide to English tongue. Persecution in America. 7<5Y7. . Tracts on Person, W. Life and letters of. Perth-Amboy, N. J. Chapman. Hist. of St. Peter s church Peru. Cieca de Leon. Chronica del. Constituciones synodales de La Paz. . Ranking. Conquest by Mongols, isth cent Rivero and Tschudi. Antiq. of. Zarate. Historia del Peterboro , N. H. Morison. Centen. ad dress. 7<T?9. 5051,52 2367,68 7210 . 7201 - 2983 . 677 5253 3646 5345 5347 5348 5349 5346 2492 Peters, Hugh. Dying father s legacy. 636, 7702 God s doings and man s duty. . 628,29 Last report of English wars. . . 630 Sermon before his death. . . 634,35 Tales and jests of 640, 8778 Word for the armie. . . . 631,32 Felt. Memoir or defence of. . . 5256 -Hist, and critical account of. . 641, 5257 Peters patern : funeral sermon on. . 637 Peters, S. History of 5254 Upham. Character of 5255 Word to Mr. Peters [by N. Ward?] . 633 Yonge, W. Life and death of. 638,39, 2696 Peters, Rev. Richard, d. 7776. Ser. on educa. and sketch of Phila. academy. 3310 Peters, Richard, d. 1848. Case of Chero- kees vs. Georgia 5432 Peters, S. History of Conn. . 2088-91, 8166 History of H.Peters 5254 Sermon in Newgate. 1788. . . . 7703 on death of T. Moffatt. 1787. . 2092, 7703 - to conven. of clergy. Litchfi d. 7770. 6151 Petersham, Mass. Foster. On opposi tion to him. 7<5>7 1898 Willson. Centennial address. 1858. . 1983 Peterson, E. Hist, of Rhode Island. . 2369 Petit, E. Droit public des colonies. . 84 Phelps, M. Memoirs and adven. 2547, 5258 Phelps, N. A. Hist, of Simsb y, etc. Ct. 2275 3116 3"3 3142 3132 3*33 Phelps, R. H. History of Newgate of Connecticut ...... 2277,78 PHILADELPHIA ...... 3113-3002 Address of [Quakers] confined in the Mason s Lodge. 7777 ..... 3 ii 4 as it is. 1833 ....... 3 i 5I Belisle, D. W. Hist, of Independ. Hall. 3116 Charter. 1742 ....... Ordinances, etc. J. C. Lowler. 1812. Davies. Account of. 7794. Directory. 1804, 1817. .... -Dorr, B. Hist, of Christ church, etc. . Duche. Caspipina s letters. . . 3135,36 Funeral sermon on R. Penn. 7777. . 3134 Sermon to soldiers, Julv 7, 1775. . 3137 Duel between C. G. Hunter and W. G. Miller. 1830 ....... 3162 Ely, E. S., and 3 d Pres. ch. Eccles.proc. 3138 Girard Coll. Addr., Girard s will, etc. 3130 Guide to lions of. 1837 ..... 3151 Imprints. 1685-1750 ..... 3367-3478 W. Bradford. ibSq, sdgj. . 319, 2043, 3386 -- ? o eil 5f r J 7 2 *- 2S 3477, 7725, 7796 A. Bradford. 77^?. .... 3009 Franklin. 77^0, etc. 3010-13,21, 6239, 6333 in 1824. ....... 3151 Laurel Hill cemetery. Regula. 1846. . Life of A. Wilson, hermit. Marshall. Remembrance. Mease. Picture of ...... No. Amer. Land Co. Plan of Assoc. 2162 3162 3M3 70S -- Obs Observa. on. 7796. Pennsylvania Hall. History of. Prison of. Turnbull. Visit to. Reed, J. Explan. of map of. 7774. 3161 3161 2150 3158 3i53 Reed, W. Oration, reinterment of Gen. H Mercer. 1840 3146 Riots of 1844, Cause of 3162 1848, Account of 3154 Ritter. Hist, of Moravian church. . 3155 Rush. Reply to W. B. Reed, repr. 1867. ........ 3162 Schuykill Fishing Co. Memoir of. . 3157 Statement of ist Bapt. ch. 1818. . . 3162 Strangers guide to. 1835. . . . 3151 Tanner s new picture of . . . . 3151 University of Penn. Catalogues. . 3129 Watson. Annals of. . . . .3159 Historic tales of olden time. . . 3160 Yellow fever in. 1793, Carey. Ace. of. 3161 Minutes of committee on. . . 3145 Rush. Account of 3156 Domestic origin of. . . . 3161 Observa. on 3161 Wight s ser. on, at Bristol, R. I. . 3161 Philadelphia Acad. of Nat. Science. Trans. 3115 Philadelphia Aurora. . 9273 Philadelphia Baptist Association, isoth anniversary. 7^7 3162 Philadelphia City Cavalry, ist Troop. By-laws, etc 3125 Philadelphia College. Candid remarks on Dr. Witherspoon s address. 7772. . 3119 Carey. Commenc t ora., etc. 7757-65. 3126-28 Reflexions on plan for. . . . 3124 Philadelphia Friendly Sons of St. Pat rick, Account of 3139 Philadelphia Libr. Co. Charter, etc. 3141, 3312 Philadelphia newspapers and magazines. 3165-96, 3214, 3449 Philip, King. Apes, W. Eulogy on. . 5478 Philip s War. T. Church. . . . 383-86 ed. Drake 387,5514,15 Drake. Old Indian chronicle. . . 5517 Easton, J. Causes of . . . 390,2353,4901 I.Mather 409-11,948,49,5531 Present state of N. E. . . . 417,18,30 Record of court-martial of Indians. . 419 D. Strock 421 Warr in N. Eng. ended 430 INDEX. Phillips, Geo. RInfant baptism. . . 642 Phillips, H., jr. Paper currency of Am. colonies J 7 6 Phillips, J. Inland navigation. . . 6678 Phillips, Rev. Sam. Artill. elec. ser. 77.^7. 1576 Sermons, etc 774>5 Phillips, Lieut.-Gov. Sam. Tappan and Baldwin s funeral sermon on. . . 2320 Phillipston, Mass. Lowell. Dedica. ser. / t ??7 l8 9 8 Philobiblion, N. Y. 1862-63. . . . 7947 Phipps, Jos. Address to youth of Nor wich 359 1 Dissert, on baptism, etc. . . . 3580 Orig. and pres. state of man. . 3560,61 Phips, Spencer. Appleton s fun. ser. on 7757 996,98 Phips, Sir W. Life of C. Mather. . . 1192 Phyle, F. A. J., the hermit, Account of. 3623,24 Pichon, T. Cape Breton 71 Pickaway Co., O. Hist, sketch of. 1844, 4584 Pickering, John. Essay on Indian or thography 5629 Memoir on ... Lord North s stand. . 8779 Vocab. of [Americanisms.] . . . 8780 Pickering, Jos. Emigrant s inquiries. . 125 Pickering, Theop. Bad omen; J. Cleve land s ordination at Chebacco. 7747. . 1849 Pickering, Timo. Corresp. with Gov. Sullivan 4953, 507^74 Danger of unnecessary war. iSoS. . 4907 Easy plan of militia discipline. . . 4084 Political essays 4909 Picket, A. and J. W. Academician. . 4294 Pickett, A. J. History of Alabama. 1851. 4340 Pierpont, James. False hopes of Heaven. 7772 2179, 7706 Pierpont, John. Artill. elec. ser. 1828. . 1576 and Hollis St. ch. Boston. . . 1614,15 Pierson, Abra. Helps for the Indians. 5692, 9186 Memorial. 1870 2069 Pierson, J. Funeral sermon on Pres. J. Dickinson 3598 Pietas et gratulatio colleg. Cantab. 7767. 1765,67, 6914 Piggwacket, Battle at. T. Symmes. 422,23 Pike, J. Epistle to national meeting of Friends 3556,58 Pike, S., and Haywood, S. Cases of con science 7707 Pike, Z. M. Expeditions to sources of Mississippi, etc 4512 Voyage au N. Mexique. . . . 4739 Pilgrims, Landing of, Discourses on. . 9115 Pilpay s Fables 7I33 Pima language, Grammar of. . . . 5631 Pinchbeck, W. F. The expositor. . . 8782 Pinkney, W., Wheaton s Life of. . . 4910 Pioneer, or California Mo. Maga. 1834. . 2185 Pirates. Colman, B. Sermon to. 77^6. . 1990 History of 8783,84 - C. Mather s sermon at execution of. . 1095 Trials of. Boston. 1703-4, . . . ^85 Piscataqua asso. N. H. French. Hist. 1850. 2470 Piscataqua Evangel. Magazine. Ports mouth, N. H. 7&>5. . . 2>2 Pitkin, T. Pol. and civil hist, of U S 4911 Pitman, R. B. Joining Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 5 o 2 8 Pittman, P. Present state of European settlement on the Mississippi. 4 r T , Pittsburgh, Pa. Craig. History of. 3360 Directories 3358 61 Loomis. Oration, centennial of Ft. Duqnesne. 1858. . . ,o6 2 -Olden times. 1846-48. . X Pittsfield, Mass. Allen, T. Hist, sketch. 1808. j g T - Allen, W. Ace. of separation. 1800. Field. Historv. 1814. . . l8 Q 8 Humphrey. Hist. disc. 1820. . . \ ,J Plain Dealer Nos. II, III. 7764. . . . 4305 Plain facts [rela. to] Six Nations. 77^7. . 3784 Plain truth. 7776 . 4 IQ 8 Plainfield, Mass. Porter. Hist, sketch. 1834 1898, 1982 Plantin press. (An vers.) 1558. . . .150 Platonis Gnomologia Graeco-Latma. . i 344 Platte, Gabr. Discov. of subterranean treasure 4955 Plattsburgh, N. Y. Moore. Address on battle. 1845 2994 Skinner. Address on battle. . . 2994 Plea for the ministers. 7706. . . . 7836 Plea for the poor soldiers. 7790. . .4179 Plumbe, J. Jr. Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin 4659 Plymouth, Ct. Lyman. Farewell ser. 1851 { 2271 Warren. Farewell ser. 1856. . .1 2271 Plymouth, Mass. Anniv. discourses.[ 1773-1855 igi5>i6 BatfVard. P. and the pilgrims. . . 1902 Baylies. Contes. election. iSoq. . . 1898 Cheever. Journal of pilgrims. . . 1911 Cushman. Sermon on self-love. 1621. 1903-07 Monument to, Consecra. of. 1858. . 1915 Election sermon. 7669. T. W alley. 881,82 Kendall. Half-cent, sermon. 1850. . 1898 Porter. Half-cent, sermon. 1851. . . 1898 Sever and Oliver. Speeches on death of Col. Lothrop. 7756 1912 Thacher. History 1913,13* Plymouth Colony. "Baylies, F. History. "1901 Compact, charter, and laws. Bost. 1836. 1899 Laws, ibjs 843 Morton. Memorial. . . . 827, 1908 Mourt. Relation. 1622 1909 Boston. 1865 1910 Records 1900 Young. Chronicles. 7^7. . . . 1914 Plymouth Company ; Kennebec purchase. 1540, 2585,98 Portent of 2697, 9187 Poe, E. A. Conchologist s first book. . 6640 Poems. 6915 POETRY 6767-7044 Pointis. Taking of Cartagena. 7697. . 4400 Political analysis of the war. 776.?. . . 247 Political debates. Paris [Lond.]. 7776. . 1730 POLITICAL ECONOMY 6515-30 Politique danois. 7759 253 Pollen, Thos. Ser.totroops,Newp t.77j5. 2425,26 Polyanthos. Boston. 1806-14. . . 1708,09 Pomfret, Ct. Hunt. Historical Thanks giving sermon. 1840. . . . 2271,93 Abington Par. Smith. Historical ser mon. 18*13 2217, 2271 Poole, W. F. Claims of Popham col y. 2586,87 List, of prop rs of Boston Athenaeum. 9188 Mather papers 1376,9177 C. Mather and witchcraft. . . 1376,77 Poor man s advice to his poor neigh bors ; a ballad. 7774 2896 Pope, J. Unveiling of anti-christ. . . 679 Popham Colony, Me 2586,87 Popish hierarchy at Brimfield, Ms. ijqS. 1741 Popul Vuh. Livre sacre des Quiches. 5781,82 Porcupine, Peter. See Cobbett, W. Port-Bill. See Boston Porter, D. Courts of inquiry on. . 5055,56 Cruise of the Essex. . . . 5053,54 Expedition to Foxardo 5055 Porter, Noah, Sen., Memorial of. . . 2308 Porter, Noah, jr. Historical address Farmington, Conn. 1840. . . . 2226 Porter, W. S. Hist, notices of Conn. . 2152 Portland, Me. Directory 2607* Imprint. 7797 2588 Kellogg. Dedication sermon. 1858. . 2613 Willis. History 2607 PORTRAITS and engravings. . . 9281-9306 INDEX. 57 Portsmouth, N. H. Adams. Annals. . Alden. Account of relig. society. 1808. Centennial sermon. iSoi. . Farewell sermon. 1805. French s ser. on dismission of. Brewster. Rambles about. . Holt. Dedication sermon. 1838. . Imprints, ijjd-jg. . . . 2496-2500, 8687 Ogden. Addr. at opening Acad. 7797. 2495 Prospectus of Lyceum. 1828. . . . 2495 Post, Chr. F. 2d. Journal on mission to Ohio Indians. .... 5433>34 Post, T. M. Disc, on Congregationalism, St. Louis. 1852 Potawotomi language. Matthew and Acts in 5678 Potter, C. E. Hist, of Manchester, N. H. Potter, Elam. Writings Potter, E. R. Early history of Narragan- sett. [R. I. Hist. Soc.l .... 2371 Potter, Israel R. Life and adventures. . 5259 Potts, W. S. Sermon after fire at St. Louis. iS4Q Pouchot. Late war, 7760. Hough, i8bb. . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Waldo. Half.-cent. sermon. iSji Poultney, Vt. Imprint. 1824. Powers, G. Coos county, N. H. . 2479, 8682 Powers, Peter. Vermont elec. ser. ijjS. 2542 Pownall, Gov. T. Principles of polity. . Topogr. descr. of middle colonies. Transl. of the memorial to sovereigns of Europe. ijSr Poyntz, J. Present prospect of Tobago. Pratt, E. Hist, of Eastham, etc. Mass. Pratt, O. Remark, visions [Mormonism], 6437 Pratt, Peter. Prey taken from the strong 2097 Pratt, P. P. Voice of warning; faith and practice of Mormons. . Pratt, S. J. [C. Melmoth, pseud .] Emma Corbet Prayer. Form of, for fast. 1758. Prayer-book. See Common prayer. Prentice, A. Tour in the United States. 4912 Prentice, G. D. Life of H. Clay. Prentice, J. Mass. elec. sermon. 1735. . Sermon, court opening. Wore. 1731. . Prentice, T. Boston. Lecture ser. 7756. Fast sermon after burning of court house. Boston. 1748. .... Thanksgiving sermon. Reduction of C. Breton Prenties, S. W. Shipw ck on C. Breton. Prentiss, C. Collection of fugitive es says. Leominster. 7797. 2493 2495 2495 2495 2495 2494 2495 4671 2491 7708 4671 254 2994 6244 3625 8787 4109 5339 1825 7709 6438 713 6102 4809 1485 1989 293 1737 1737 5260 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1857 6317-755, 77 I 3) I 4 676 Presbyterian ordina., Reasons against. Presbyterianism, Early, E. of the Hud son. J. Johnston Presbyterians. Kirkpatrick, J. Loy alty of Tracts on Prescott, Benj. Free and calm consid. of disputes betw. Gr. Brit, and colonies. 4011 Prescott, Col. W. Report to Massachu setts legislat. on monument to. 1852. Prescott, W. H. Ticknor. Life of. Present melancholy circumstances, etc. [Bank question in Mass. 7779.] . Present state of Louisiana. 1744. Present state of Maryland. 7767. Present state of the nation. 7761?. Present state of New England; Philip s War Present state of N. Eng.; Indian war. 7675! 5536 Present state of New Eng. Palmer. 76^9. 348 Present state of North America. 7755. . 255 Presidents of the U. S. Speeches and messages. 4913 Preston, J. New covenant. . . . 643 2826 604* 678 1792 5261 1433 4440 3 6 75 177 King 417,18,30 Preston, W. Illustrations of masonry. 6745-47 Preston, Ct. Hart. 3oth anniv. ser. 7792. . 2271 Pretensions of New England to commer cial pre-eminence 3 o 4 Price, R. Observa. on civil lib. 7776. 2896, 3987 Add l observa. on civil liberty, etc. . 3987 Observa. on import, of Am. revol. 4111, 4178 Two tracts on civil liberty. 777<f. . . 4 i IO Priest, J. American antiquities. . 54-3=;, 36 Captivity of I. Hubbell. . . . 5582 Capt. of F. Schermerhorn by Mohawks. 5564 Stories of early settlers 5582 Stories of the Revolution. . . . 5582 Wonders of nature, etc 7134 Priestley, J. Letters to the Jews, etc. 6365,66 Tracts 5860 Prime, B. Y. Patriot muse, etc. . 6917-20 Prime, Eben. Sermon to provincials, Huntington. L. I. 7759 2956 Prime, N. S. Eccles. history of L. I. . 2961 Prime, W. C. Coins, medals, etc. . . 8788 Prince, N. Construction and govern ment of Harvard College. 7747. . . 1768 Prince, T. Annals. . . 350-53*, 8789,90* - Earthquake fast sermon. 7727. . . 300 Earthquake sermon. 7755. . . . 293 Funeral sermon on Mrs. H. Fayer- weather. 7755 i 992 Funeral sermon on C. Mather. . 1283, 1994 Fun. sermon on Mrs. E. Oliver. 1733. . 1992 Funeral sermon on S. Se wall. 77jo. . 1994 Massachusetts election sermon. 1730. . 1485 Morning health no security. . . . 1070 Revival in Boston. 1740-43. . . 1731,32 Sermon. Choice of colleague. . . 1593 Sermon on early piety 1267 Sermon, own ordina. 2dch., Bost. 777.?. 1592 Works 7715-20 Prince society publications. . . . 8791 Princeton, Mass. Bancroft. Vindication of result of council. 1818. . . . 1919 Review of Bancroft s vindication. . 1919 Fuller. Rmks. on Thacher s pph. 7776. 1919 Hanaford. History 1917 Russell. History. 1838. . . . 1919,81 Princeton college 3597-36055 8690 Prindle, C. Methodist hymns. . . 6026 Prior, T. Narr. of success of tar water. 6549 Prisoners, exch. of, 1777, narrative of. . 3967 Pritts, J. Mirror of border life. . . 3785 Privateers. Extracts from journals of Congress relating to 4112 Probasco, H. Catalogue of his books. . 9189 Prodigies in New England. C. Mather. 1274 Profanity, Declaration against. 1704. . 922 Proposals for preservation of relig. 7702. 1245 Proud, R. History of Pennsylvania. . 8750 Proudfit, A. The one thing needful. . 3644 Providence, R. I. Adlam, S. ist Baptist church not oldest. 1850 2435 Almanacs. 1767-1802. . . . 2392-94 Answer to "Demens egomet." 1822. . 2387 Benev. Cong. ch. Incorporation, etc. 2387 Brown University. See Brown Univ. Butler Hosp. for Insane. Report. 1854. 2388 Charter of assoc. of mechanics. 1780.. . 2387 Difficulties in Pacific Cong. ch. 1823. . 2387 Directory. 1826 2391 Eddy. Reasons for his opinions. iSi8. 2387 Review of Eddy s Reasons. 7^79. . 2387 Farley. Dedication sermon. iS2Q. . 2387 Hague. Bi-cent. discourse, ist Baptist church. 1830, 2389 Hall. Cent, disc., ist Cong. ch. 1836. . 2387 Hitchcock. New- Year s sermon. 7797. 2387 Imprint. 1763 7599 Jackson. 2isth anniv. ist Bapt. ch. 1854. 2390 Manual of ist Baptist church. 7^5. . 2388 Parker. Farewell sermon. 1843. . . 2388 Pitman. Centennial discourse. 1836. . 2387 Report on gas. 1848. .... 2388 INDEX. Providence, R. I. 1824. . Staples. Annals of. Riot-itHardscrabble I QUAKERS. Keith. New England spirit Kiot at ndiubuiciuuit. .^,,4-,-^T, , n pprmQvlvania. 2387 2371 2388 2388 2338 . 680* . 685 677 7723^24 7721,22 5964-6101 847-51 6027-30 Statement on ordm. at Grace ch. i8tf. Swan Pt. cemetery. Manual. 1848. . Tucker. Centennial sermon. 1845. Wayland. Disc. bef. Athenaeum. 1838. Provi ce Athenaeum. Ann. rept. 1846-7. . Provi. reform school. Ann. rept. 1854. . Provost, Bp. S. Moore s sermon at con secration of. 1787. Prvnne, W. Drinking of healthes. Fresh discovery, Answer to. Full reply, Answer to. . Writings Psalmody PSALMS AND HYMNS. . Bay Psalm-book. in metre Mather, C. Psalterium Amencanum. 1002, IIQQ Nourse s metrical arrangement. . . 5838 Psalter. Boston. 77,57 5804 Hebrew. Cambridge. iSog. . . . 5827 New England 5794"99i 5oo3 Psalterium Americanum. C. Mather. . 5790 Psalterspiel der kinder Zions. . . . 6033 Public characters 5 106 Pugh, E. Salutation to the Britains. 1727. 345 1 ) 77 2 5 Pulaski, Count, vindicated. Bentalon. . 4114 Pulteney, W. State of public affairs. 1779. 4116 Puritanism in New England. . . 509-692 Purry, J. P. Memoire sur 1 etat present de la Caroline. . . ... Purviance, R. Events of revolutionary war in Baltimore Pusey, C. The bomb searched. Satan s harbinger encountered. 7700. . Putnam, A. W. Hist, of middle Tenn. . Putnam, Gen. I. Humphreys. Life of. 790, 2309,10, 5262 Hum- 3883 3685 3453 3452 4607 231 Veil removed; criticisms on phrey s life Whitney s funeral sermon on. Putnam, O. Kingsbury s 2sth anniver sary sermon. i8do. .... Putnam Co., N. Y. Blake. History of. Pym, John. Marshall s funeral ser. on. . Pynchon, Col. J. Stoddard s funeral sermon on 865, 5263 Pynchon, W. First Sabbath. . . .646 Jewes synagogue. 1652. . . . 645, 2698 Price of our redemption. . . . 644 Quabaug. See Brookfield . . . 1884. Quaker s caveat. ibS8. .... 3562 QUAKERS 3479-3582, 7726-30 Adamson. Friendly epistle. . . 3479 and Indians of Pennsylvania. . 5450,51 Ancient testimony revived. . Apology for Barclay. Anarchy of Ranters. . Apology for Catechism and confession. 3381 Bishope, G. New England judged. Chandler. Brief apology for. Christian s duty [to pay taxes]. . Confession of faith of. ibqj. . Crisp. Epistle of tender love. Faithful warning Humble apology for, in Penn. 7756. Keith. Ace. of a national church, etc. Answer to Sam. Willard. . Appeal from 28 judges. Christian Quaker Further account of divisions among. 34 Heresie and hatred, etc. . . . 34 i6 Judgments against him, etc. . . 3409 More divisions among Q. . . . 3417 Necessity and use of sacraments. 3425,26 338o 3480 3485 3481-84 3486-90 2627 3389 3041 3419 3424 3410 34" of persecution in Pennsylvania. . 3414 Notes of the true church. . . 3422,23 Presb and Indep. churches tested. . 3406 Reasons for separa. betwixt Quakers. 3412 Reply to Mather s remarks on his sermon. 1702 34 2 i Truth advanced 3418 Tryals of P. Boss, G. Keith, etc. Vision cone, separ. among Friends. and Bradford. Faith vindicated. . and E. Evans. Asser. of W. Davis. and others. Further account of di visions among Leeds. News of a trumpet sounding. Letter from clergyman in the city on. Makemie, F. Answer to Keith. . Maule. For the service of truth. New Eng. persecutors mauled. Tribute to Caesar Neue Schwarmgeister Brut. . Pike. Epistle to Dublin meeting. 7757. Proceedings against J. Evans. Rutty. Liberty of the spirit. Sewel. History of. . Smith. Doctrine of, vindicated. . Trial of, at Steubenville, O. . Vindication of. Philadelphia. 7765. . Wigan, J. Antichrist s strongest hold. euarles, F. Emblems uatermayne, R. Conquest over Can- terburie Quebec, City of. Cooper, S. Sermon on reduction of. 7757 Fall of. Burt s sermon on. 7759. Gardiner, R. Siege of. 7767. Hawkins. Picture of Imprint. 1767 Siege of. Journal of. 7759. . by a nun Ouebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Transac. uebec, Province of. Abstracts of laws and regulations. 7772. Maseres, F. Commissions, etc. 1760-72. Proceedings of British. 7775. Ordinances. 7767 Plan of code of laws. 777^. ueenstown, Batt. of. Van Rensselaer. uerela Cantabrigiensis uiche language. Brasseur de Bourbourg. 5781 - Domingo de S., Thomas. Arte de. . 5786 Quincey, V. H. Parody on letter to a Federalist 4952 Quincy, Hon. Edmund, d. 1738. Han cock s funeral sermon on. 1738. . . 1995 Quincy, Col. Edmund, d. 1698. MS. lett rs. 1329 Quincy, Josiah, d. 1775. Observations on Boston port-bill. 777^. . . . 4173,84 Life, by his son. .... 4117,4914 Quincy, Josiah, d. 1864. Address on leav ing mayoralty. 1829 1733 Bi-centennial address. Boston. 1830. . Dedication Dane Law School. 1832. History of Boston Athenaeum. Memoir of J. Q. Adams. 34 1 5 3408 3407 3420 3413 3427 3429 812 3434 3433 3435 7726 3485 6499 4329 3315 4320 6500 8744 9086 7087 680* 2430 2639 I3 * 126 207 265 127 130 129 126 128 5078 613 Municipal history of Boston. . Speech on fortification bill. iSob. Speech on Louisiana. 1811. Buincy, Sam. Twenty sermons, uincy, Mass. Clark. Re-ded. ser. 1853. Cranch. Bi-centennial poem. 1840. Deeds of Pres. Adams s gift. 1833. Lunt. 2ooth anniv. discourse. 1840, Whitney. History, 1827, and bi-cent. address. 1840 Quiripi Indian language. Pierson. Cat echism in. ...... Quitman, J. A. Claiborne. Life of. Radical, The. N. Y. 1821 Rafinesque, C. S. Analysis de la nature. 1733 1773 1671 4703 1670 4954 4445 773 T )3 2 1919 1919 1919 1981 1919 5692 5057 2766 6641 INDEX. 59 Works bj The world ; a poem. Rafinesque, C. S. Annals of Ken. 4608, 5633 Botanical works 6595-99 Travels and researches in North America and Europe. . . . 6642, 8798 s by 8708-8800 rorld ; a poem. .... 6921 Rafn, C. C. Aborigines of America. . 5475 America discovered in zoth century. . 5475 in French 5475 Antiq. Americanae 9 Ragueneau, P. Jesuit relation. . . 139 Railroads. Rept. on public use of. 1837. 1985 Raleigh, Sir W. Cayley. Life of. . . 5266 Drake. Brief memoir of. ... 5268 Life. London. 7740. . ... 5265 Life and tryal of. Lond. 7677. 5264 Tytler. Life of 5267 Ralph, J. Use and abuse of parliaments. 6477 Rambler s Magazine. . . . 6922 Ramsay, D. Eulogium on t. . . 6553 History of American revolution. 4120-22 History of South Carolina. . . 3885 History of United States. . . . 4915 Life of George Washington. . 4253-55,8937 Oration on cession of Louisiana. . . 4445 Revolution of S. Carolina. 3884, 4118,19, 8847 Ramsey, J. G. M. Address to East Tennessee society. 1834. . . . 4613 Annals of Tennessee 4609 Ramusio. Navigation: 51 Rand, I. Phthisis pulmonalis. . . . 6550 Randel, B. Fun. sen on F. M. Herrick. 1803 2483 Randolph, E. Commencement oration, Wm. and Mary College. 7777. . . 3815 Randolph, J . Lett, to a young relative. 8801 Speeches on the war. 7c?7^. . . . 5072 Two speeches on non-importation. . 4954 Rankin, A. Review of Kentucky revival. 6416 Ranking, J. Conquest of Pennsylvania, etc., by Mongols 5348 Raritan, N. J. Messier. History of Re formed church 3646 Rathband, W. Brief e narration. . 648, 680* Confutation of the Brownists. . . 647 Rathbun, D. Letter to Shakers. . 6417,18 Rathbun, J. Narrative of Groton Fort and massacre 2231 Rathbun, V. Relig. scheme at Nisqueunia. 6419 Rawson, G. Cotton s Milk for babes, in Indian 804 Indian confession of faith. . . . 784 C. Mather s Just commen. . . . 1148 Skinner s ordination ser. for. 7757. . 2928 Visits to Indians. See No. 833, note. 8647 5119 Ray, Nicholas". Import, of the colo. 7766. 192 Raymond, D. Thoughts on polit.econ my. 6521 Raymond, H. J. Oration, dedication of monument to Andre s captors. . . 3948 Raynal, Abbe. Revolution of Amer. 4123,78 Rayner, B. L. Life of Jefferson. . . 4874 Raynham, Mass. Sanford. History ist church. 1832 1919 Read, D. Columbian Harmonist. . 5955,56 Read; W. G. Oration, commemorative of landing of Maryland pilgrims. 3690 Reading, Mass. Bi-cent. celebra. 1844. . 1920 Pickett. Final answer. 1848. . . . 1920 Proc. against Emily Richardson. 1832. 1920 Result of council. 7c?^7 1920 Review of Pickett s reply. 1848. . . 1920 Stone. Historical sermon. iSii. . . 1920 Reasons of dissenting brethren. . . 676 Rebellion of 1745. Tracts on. . . . 8802 Reckitt, W., and J. Gough. Lives and labors of 3563 Recueil d estampes. [Plates of scenes in American revolution.] . . . 4124 Red Jacket. Stone. Life of. . . . 5458 Rawson, J. Compendium of mil. duty. Rawson family genealogy " Red River. Marcy & McClellan. Explora. 4733 M Donell, A. Narrative. iSiq. . . 136 Narrative of occurrences. 7&7. . . 134 Selkirk s Kildonan settlement. . 133,135 Letter to Earl of Liverpool. 7<?77. . 134 West. Missionary journal. . . 137,38 Redfield, W. C. Meteorological works. . 6669 Reed, J. History of Rutland, Mass. 1927, 86n Reed, John. Expla. of map of Phila. 777^. 3153 Reed, Jos. Life and correspondence. . 4125 Remarks on Gov. Johnstone s speech. 7779 3152 Reed, Miss R T. Six mos. in a convent. 1784 Reeve, John See Muggleton, L. . . 3549 Reflections . correspondence between Secretary Smith and Brit. min. 1810. 4953 Reflections on courtship and marriage. . 3313 Reformation in England. S.Mather. . 1318 Reformed Dutch Ch. Constitution, etc. 6355 Psalms an 1 catechism 6354 Regulator fi.r Crazy Will s death watch. 1768. 2 ii8 Rehoboth, Mass. Bliss, L., jr. History. 1921 Ellis. Late law suits. 7795. . . . 1920 Facts rel. to 36. ex-parte council. 1823. 1920 Thompson. Centen. sermon. 1821. 1920,81 Relation de ... la mission de la Nou- velle France. 1649-50 139 Relations de la Nouv. France. 7656, 60, 76, 77. Albany. 1854-66. . . 140, 9190 Relly, J. and J. Christian hymns. . 6034,35 Remarks on Dissertation on political union of united colonies. . . . 4178 Remks. on pph. called Plain truths. 7776. 4176 Remembrancer. J. Almpn. . . 3934,36 Remer, J. A. Amerikanisches Archiv. . 8803 Remmele, John. Atonement. . . . 2565 Rensselaer, S. van. Barnard s disc. on. 2921 Rensselaerwyck Manor. Pepper. Sketch of. 1846 2994 Report of committee on disputes be tween S. Carolina and Georgia. 1736. 3886 Republican crisis ; Jesuitism of Madison. 5073 Resolves of Congr. concern, trade. 7777. 4176 Revivals. 7734-37, 7820 of 1743-44. Christian history. . . 2616 Revolution in New England justified. 7697. repr. 1773 354, 2699 Reynolds, John. Recollections of Wind sor, Vt., prison 2566 Reynolds, T. Practical religion exempli fied in Mary Terry and Mrs. Clissold. 7738 Rhetoric, logic, ethics. . . . 7277-78 RHODE ISLAND. . . . 2341-2449, 8804-11 Acts and laws. . . . 2341-45*56472,73 Bartlett. Bibliography of. . . 2346, 7921 Boundary with Mass. Doc. Callender. Hist. disc. on. 77^9. Efforts for exten. of suffrage. 2348 2351,52 Frieze. Efforts for exten. of suffrage. 2355 Green, F. H. Might and right in. 1844. 2358 Jackson, C. T. Geolog. survey of. . 2359 Macsparran, J. America dissected. . 2362 Paper money of. Potter. . . . 2385 Peterson, E. History of. ... 2369 Rebellion of 1842. Various pph. . . 2386 Reports to U. S. Ho. of Rep. on inter ference of Exec, in affairs of. 1843. . 2370 Richmond. Repudiation of. . . . 2373 Ross. Civil and religious liberty in. . 2374 Tracts, various political. . . 2386,86 Updike. Bar. of 2377 Williams. Annals of aristocracy. . 2384 Rhode Island book. Lynch. . . . 2361 R. Island Eyang. Assoc. Minutes, etc. . 2354 R. Island Histor. Society. Collections. . 2371 Addresses before, 2372 Rhodes, John. Captivity in So. Amer. 5565,66 The powow. Otsego, N. Y. iSoS. . 5483 Rich, O. Bibliotheca Amer. nova, etc. 7948-50 Rich, R. Newes from Virginia. . . 3786 [Richards.] Politics of Conn. 1817. . 2142 <5o INDEX, Richards, C. Thoughts and remarks. . 8812 Richardson, Maj. John. Eight years in Canada , HI Richardson, Rev. John. Artillery elec tion sermon. 767.5 8 5;: reprinted. iSjq. . . . . I 57 b Richmond, J. W. R. Island repudiation. 2373 Richmond, Va. Burn g of theatre. 1821. 3787 Richmond Co., N. Y. See Staten Island. 2979 Rider, Jane, somnambulist, Belden s Account of 6537 Riedesel, Baroness. Berufs-Reise nach America 4126 Letters, etc 88l 3 Riggs, S. R. My own book, in Dakota. 5759 Rights of the colonies stated and de fended. 7774 4i79 Riker, Jas., jr. Annals of Newt n, N. Y. 2967 Rippon, J. Selection of hymns. . . 6036 Rittenhouse, D. Barton. Memoirs of. . 5269 Ritter, A. History of Moravian church in Philadelphia 3^55 Rivero&Tschudi. Peruvian antiquities. 5349 Rivetus, A. Critici sacri specimen. . 1344 Rivington s Royal Gazette. 1781. . . 2905 Roach, J. Captivity in So. America. . 5567 Robbins, A. Loss of brig Commerce. . 2093 Robbins, Chandler, d. IJQQ. Anniver sary disc. Plymouth, Ms. 779?. 1915,16 Robbins, Chandler, d. 1882. Dedication sermon. Boston. 1845. . . . 1595 History 2d church. Boston. 1596, 8561,62 Two hi stor. sermons. Boston. 1844. . 1595 Robbins, T. Planters of New Eng. 355, 8814 Roberts, G. Strictures on sermon by N. Williams 6269 Roberts, N. Account of Florida. 7767. . 4364 Robertson, J. Secession church mission to Nova Scotia 142 Robie, T. Meteor seen in 1719. . . . 6670 Robin, C. C., Abbe. Flora Ludovica. . 4442 New travels through No. Amer. . 4128, 8815 Nouveau voyage dans 1 Amer. 1781. . 4127 Voyages dans 1 inter. de la Louisiane. 4441 Robin Hood Soc. of New York. Debates. 7774 2896 Robinson, Conway. Discoveries in the West to 1519 270x3 Robinson, Rev. John, of Leyden. Appen dix to Perkins his six principles. . 531 (?) Essayes or observations. . . 651,8816 Justification of separation. . . . 650 New essayes 650 See Nye, P., and Robinson, J. . . 620 Robinson, Rev. John, M. A. Birth of a day. 653 Robinson, John, M.D. Triumph and unity of truth. 654,55 Robinson, M. Considerations on meas ures with colonies. . 3987, 4129, 73, 83 Further exam, of measures, etc. . 3987, 4130 Peace the best policy. 7777. . . 3987,4131 Robinson, W., and Leddra, W. Several epistles 3564,65 Robinson Crusoe 7198 Robison, J. Conspiracy of freemasons. 6749 Rocchietti, J. Lorenzo and Onalaska. . 7135 Rochambeau, Count de. Memoirs on American revolution 4132 Roche, H. M. Vicar of Lansdowne. . 7138 Rochefort, C. Histoire des Antilles. . 5335 Relation de 1 isle de Tobago. . . 5336 Rochester, Mass. Emmons. Sermon at ordination of C. Chaddock, 1703. . i 922 Rochester, N. Y. Church. Address at dedication of Mt. Hope Cemet. 1831. 2994 Directory and history 2980 Edwards. Thanksgiving ser. 1837. . 2994 in / 827 208! O Reilly. Sketches of. 1838. . . . 2982 Rock, Mrs. M. C. Mather on death of. . n 7 8 Rock way, N. J. Ch. hist, and manual. 3646 Rocky Hill, Ct. Manual of Congrega tional church. 1843 2271 Rocky Mountains. Irving, W. . . 4691 Lewis & Clarke s expedition. . 4682, 4693-97 Long. Expedition to 4698 Wislizenus. Ausflugnach. 1840. . . 4529 Rocque, M. A. Set of plans and forts in America. 7765 178 Rodgers, Comm. J., Court of inquiry on. 4989 Rogerenes 2094-2101 Rogers, Ammi. Memoirs. . . . 5270 Rogers, D. Practicall catechisme. . . 532 Rogers, E. P. Hist. disc, on Protestant Reformed Dutch church in Albany. 2923 Rogers, Geo. Experience as university preacher 4 2 7 X Rogers, H. D. Geology of N. Jersey. . 8692 Geology of Penn., 2d report. . . 6632 Rogers, John. Answer to Pratt s Prey taken, etc 2098 Epistle to Quak rs and 7th Day Baptists. 2094 Midnight cry. ab. 1702 2094 The shepherds. 7776 2100 Servant of Jesus Christ 2095 Rogers, John, 2d. Answer to [C. Math er s] monitory letter. 7726 (?) . . 2096 Rogers, Nath. Cause of God s wrath. . 656 Rogers, R. Journals in French war. 256,257 Rogers, T. J. New Amer. biogr. dict y. 5107 Romans, B. Annals of troubles in Neth erlands 2102,03, 88l 7 Natural history of Florida. 7775. . 43 6 5> 66 Pilot for Gulf of Florida. . . . 4367 Ronde, L. de. De gekruicigde Christus. 3454 Principles of Christian religion. . . 2842 Roots, P. P. Letter to Pasdobaptist ch. . 6240 Rosewell, T. Mead s funeral ser. on. . 575 Rosier, J. Waymouth s voyage. 7605. . 280 Ross, Alex. Philosophical touchstone. . 679 Ross, Arthur A. Disc, [on] hist, of R. I. 2374, 8806 Ross, J. Letter to J. H. Paine on Cher- okees. 5439 Ross, R. Plain address to Quakers. . 3582 Ross, Z. Oration, Attleboro, Mass. 77741. 4174 Rous, ].etal. New England a degener ate plant 3566 Rowe, Mrs. E. Friendship in death. . 7740 Rowland, D. S. Sermon, stamp act. . 195 Sermons 7741 Rowlandson, Mary. Indian captivity. . 472 484-91, 2701, 5568, 8410 Rowley, Mass. Balch. Sermon gather ing 2d church. 7755 1924 Bradford. Centennial address. 1840. . 1924 Gage. History. 1923 Tucker. Letter to Rev. J. Chandler. 7767 1924 Rowson, Susanna. Poems. . . 6924, 8818 Slaves in Algiers ; a play, etc. . . 7049 Works 7137-41 Roxbury, Mass. Cemetery act. 1848. . 1924 Dearborn. Bi-cent. address. iSjo. . 1926 Mayor s address. 1847. . . . 1926 Ellis. History. 1925 Mather, I. Sermon, ordination of T. Walter. 1718. 1033 Observ. on Gordon s Thanksg. s. 7775. 1924 Parker. Historical sketch grammar school. 1826 1924 Putnam. Address consecration of cemetery. 1848. 1924 Report on cemetery. 1847. . . . 1926 Report on Shire town. 1847. . . . 1924 Royal adventurers trading into Africa. 157 Royal Amer. Magazine. Boston. 1774-73. 1698 Royal Gazette, Rivington s. N. Y. 77^7. 2905 Royall, Mrs. A. Letters from Ala. 1830. 4341 Pennsylvania 8819 Sketches in United States. . . .8819 Southern tour. ..... 3788, 8819 INDEX. 6l Royalston, Mass. Lee. Half-cent, ser mon. iSiS. 1924 Rudd, S. Poem on death of T. Hollis. 1731. 1992 Ruiz de Montoya, A. Tesoro de lengua Guarani 5789 Ruling elders. See Elders. Rum, Abuse of. C. Mather. . . . 1230 Rumsey, J. Applica. of steam to boats. 1788. 6679,80 Rupert, Vt. Case of church discipl. 1815. 2567 Rupp, I. D. History of Berks and Leb anon counties, Pa 3089 Hist, of Dauphin Co. [and others], Pa. 3092 History of Lancaster county, Pa. . . 3090 Hist, of Northamp. Co. [and others], Pa. 3091 History of York county, Pa. . . . 3090 Rural Magazine. Hartford. iSiq. . . 2167 Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Controversy on assim. rank in U. S. navy. . . 4969 Rush, B. Account of yellow fever in Philadelphia. IJQJ 3156 Medical works 6551,52 Medicine among Indians. . . . 5440 W. B. Reed, expert in exhumation. 9191,92 Ramsay. Eulogium on 6553 Russel, J. Brief narrative . . . Anabap tist church, Boston 6241 Russell, B. Hist, of the late war. 1812-15. 5059-60 Russell, C. T. Centennial addr., Prince ton, Mass. iSbo 1918 History of Princeton, Mass. . . 1919,81 Russell, Noadiah. Verses on death of. 1714 2246 Russell, Robert. Sermons. . . . 7742 Russell, W. Military sermon. 7760. . 260 Russian victories, Celebra. at Bost. 1823. 1678 Rutherford, S. Spirituall Antichrist. . 657 Rutland, Mass. Loring. Sermons after Indian attack. 1723 Reed. Historv. 4671 6 5 8 5344 1932 1932 1933 T 933 J 933 1933 J 933 Rutland, Vt. Imprint. 1793. Rutledge, E. History of ch. of Eng. 1928 1927, 8611 2527 6153 Rutledge, J. Who w rote forged letters attributed to ? 4952 Rutty, J. Liberty of spirit and flesh. . 4329 Ruxton, G. F. Life in the far West. . 4514 Rye, N. H. Porter. Half-cent, ser. 1835. 2495 Porter. Sermon on remarkable mor tality. 1803 2495 Ryves, B. Mercurius rusticus. . . 613 Sabbath. J. Bolles and J. Walterhous. 1757 2100 First day the. J. Fitch. . . . 769 Mather, A. Sabb. day s rest. . . 1295 Mather, I. Sanctification of. . . 1005 Sabbath evening, C. Mather on obser vance of 1129,29* Sabin, J. American Bibliopolist. . . 7951 Diet, of books relating to America. . 7952 Reprints 52 Sabine, L. Loyalists of Am. revolution. 4133 Report on fisheries 4916 Saco, Me. Folsom. History. . . . 2608 Greenwood. Dedication ser. 1827. . 2613 Sad and dreadful news from New Eng land. ibS4. 356 Baffin, J. Ans. to "Selling of Joseph." 853 Sag Harbor, L. I. Imprint. 1792. . . 2995 Sagard. Voyage du pays des Hurons. it>32 143 Reprints. 144 Sagean, M. Relation. (Cramoisy ser.) 146 Sagittarius s letters. Mein. . . . 4134 St. Albans, Vt. Disc, on education. 1846. 2567 St. Augustine, Fla. Sewall. Sketches of. 4368 Whitney. Brief account of. . . 4369 St. Clair, Gen. A. Camp n ag. Indians. . 5537 Court martial of 4135 Expedition of. U. S. report on. . . 5061 I St. John de Crevecoeur. See Crevecceur. i St. Louis, Mo. Directory. . 4 668 60 Pamphlets . j St. Nicholas, J. History of baptism. ! St. Peter s River. Keating. Expedi. to. i St. Vincent, Strait of. Nodal. Viaje. i Salem, Mass. Answer to Prescott. 1736. Catalogue Mus. of E. I. Me. Soc. 7<?7. Conclu. of Salem controv. 1834. . Corresp. bet. ist and Taber. chs. 1832. on Third church of 1735. 7^7. Claims of Tabern. ch. as 3d ch. 1847. Review of the corresp. 1847. Emerson. 2 8th anniv. sermon. 1843. . Felt. Annals 1929,30 Flint. Sermon leaving old M. H. 1843. 1933 Forbes. Sermon, and result of coun cil. 1784. 1932 Inscriptions. 1837 1933 - Letter on div. in ist. church. 1734. . 1932 Memo, of merchants to Cong. 1820. . 1932 Mr. Cheever convic. of ignorance. 1834. 1932 Narrative of council. 7757 1931 - Prescott. Exam, of cert, r m ks. 77^5. 1933 Report on estab. manufac. 1826. . . 1932 Review of Colman s sermon. 1825. . 1932 Review of result of council. 1849. . . 1933 Richards. Dedication sermon. iSoq. . 1932 Saltonstall. Mayor s inaug. 1836. . 1933 School committee report. 1835. . . 1933 Story. Discourse to Histor. Soc. 1828. 1932 Stuart. Ser., Fern. Charita. Soc. 1823. 1932 Upham. Dedication sermon. iS2b. . 1932 ad centennial lecture. iS2Q. . . 1932 Whitaker. History of 3d church and tyranny of council. 1784. . . . 1932 Sermon before Presbytery, etc. 77^3-. 1932 Worcester. Cent, ser., T~abefna.ch./<5j>5. *933 Memo, of old and new taberna. 1833. 1933 Salem Witchcraft. See Witchcraft. Salem, N. J. Johnson. Hist. ace. . Salisbury, J. H. Hist, of Indian corn. . Salisbury, Ct. Church. Centennial ad dress. 7c^7. 3 6 43 6612 . 2273 Grossman. New- Year s sermon. 1803. 2273 Reed. Ser. at church centennial. 1844. 2273 Rem. on result of council. 7770. . . 2272 Salisbury, N. H. Worcester. Appeal to public. 1824 1935 Letter on ex-parte council. 1815. . 5249 Salmagundi 2885,86 Saltmarsh, J. Groanes for liberty. . . 677 Antichristian doct. of. S.Rutherford. 657 Saltonstall, G. Conn. elec. ser. 7697. . 854 Saltonstall, L. Mayor s address. Salem, Mass. 1836 1933 Saltzburg emigrants. Urlsperger. Nach- richt. 5615 Sampson, Deborah. Female review. 4136,37 Sampson, Ezra. Beauties of the Bible. 5857 Sham patriot unmasked. . 4919,20, 8833 Sampson, Wm. Memoirs and history of Ireland 5272 San Francisco. Willey. Hist. ser. 1859. 4711 Sanders, D. C. Artill. elec. ser. 1817. . 1576 Sanderson, J. Lives of signers. . 4138,39 Sandisfield, Mass. Hartwell, J. Alle gorical discourse 1897 Sands, R. C. Writings 7143 Sandwich, Mass. Cobb. Two ser. iSoS. 1935 Griffin. Dedication sermon. 1813. . 1935 Merrick. Dedication sermon. 1833. . 1935 Result of council. 1817 1935 Sanford, Enoch. Sketch of the Pilgrims. 357 Sanford, Ezekiel. History of United States before Revolution. . i?9 8900 Sangerfield, N. Y. Persecution in Amer ica ! 7,577 2983 Sansom. Sketches of Lower Canada. . 145 Saratoga, N. Y. Howe. History of springs at 2984 62 INDEX. 22y2 2272 2272 2272 2272 Saratoga. Meade. Prop s of springs. . 2985 North. Saratoga waters. . . 2960 - Seaman. Mineral waters of. iSog. . 2986 _ Steele. Analysis of waters of. . . 2986 Sargent, L. M. Poems. . . 6926,27, 88: Sargent, Winthrop. Boston : a poem. . 1673 Life of Major Andre. . . 395 Polit intolerance in removal of. 7cfc>7. 49 6 >5 2 Sargent prize medal dissertations. 7766. . 168 Saunders, D., jr. Journal on ship Com merce ...... , 5273i74 Savage, Eliz., Extraordinary cure of. _ . 8823 Savage Jas., of Boston. Geneal. diction ary of New England. . . ... 5^6 Savage Jas., of London. The librarian. 7$D8-OQ ...... . .- . 7953 Sav T., Compila. of life and writings of. 3567 Saybrook, Ct. Guion. Apology for ch. t$34 ......... Hist, sketch of Bapt. churches. 1849. . Hotchkiss. Farewell discourse. 1838. . -- Half-cent, sermon. 1833. . Manual of 2d Bapt. church. 1828, 1841. . Saybrook platform. . . 2104-09, 7743 4 6 Scales, W. Confusion of Babel. . . 7747 Scarlet fever. Allen. Treatise on. . 6572 _ Sims. Observations on. , . . 6555 Scheffer, A. Histoire des Etats-Unis. . 4 9*7 Schenectady, N. Y. Toll. Hist, of first settlers. 1847 ....... 2994 See Union College. Scherer, J. B. Recherches sur le nouveau monde ........ 544 1 Schermerhorn, F. Captivity. . . . 5564 Schermerhorn, J. F., and Mills. View of the West ........ 453 Schoharie, N. Y. Imprint. 1823. . . 2992 Life of T. Murphy ...... 2993 Schoharie Co., N. Y. Brown. First set tlement of ....... 2992 Simms. History of. .... 2991 SCHOOL BOOKS ...... 7199-7280 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic researches. . 5442 Catalogue of Indian books. . . . 5630 Expedition to Itasca lake. . . 4516,8824 Lead mines of Missouri. . . . 4670 Notes on the Iroquois ..... 5443 Oneota. No. i ....... 5633 Sources of the Mississippi river. . . 4515 Thirty years with Indian tribes. . . 5444 Travels in Mississippi Valley. . . 4517 Schroeder, W. Grammaire turque. . 8825 Schultz, C. jr. Inland voyage. . . 4518 Schuylkill Fishing Co., Phila. Memoir of. 3157 SCIENCES AND ARTS ..... 6531-6696 Scillacio, N. De insulis merid. . . 9193 Scioto Co. Avis de. lyfy ..... 4579 Nouveau prospectus de. 7790. . . 4580 Scipio s Reflections on Monroe s view. . 4839 Scituate, Mass. Deane. Dedication ser mon. 1830 ....... 1936 History ....... 1937, 2637 Turner. Letters on history of ist parish, 2d series. 184$ ..... 1936 Scotland, Prosecutions in. C. Mather. . 1187 Scott, Job. Baptism of Christ. . . 3568 Life and gospel labors ..... 3569 Scott, Jos. Geological description of Maryland and Delaware. . . . 3676 Scottow, J. Planting of Mass. . 856,56* Rise of anabaptists. .... 855 See No. 820, note. Scranton family. E. Scranton. . . 2069 Scudder, H. Christian s daily walke. . 564 Sea-serpent ........ 6644 Seabury, S., Bp. Address of clergy of Conn, to ........ 6155 Discourses ..... 6156,57,8826 - (Pamphlets by and on.] .... 6158 Sermon at N. London. 1741-2. . . 6154 (?) View of controversy with Gr. Brit. 6827 Searson, J. Mt. Vernon : a poem. . . 8828 Seasonable account of dying words of W. Fletcher, et al. . . 3455 Seccomb, Jos. Writings... . .7748,49 Seccombe, John. Ordination ser., Hali fax. 7770 I21 * Seeker, T., Abp. Answer to Mayhew on Soc. Prop. Gospel 6160 Letter to Walpole, Commentary on. . 6121 Sermons 6159 Secretary s guide. . . 345 6 , 7246-48 Sedgwick, C. F. Hist, of Sharon, Ct. . 2273 Seguenot, Father. Let. to Mrs. C. Baker. 7750 Selby, W. Two anthems 5957 Self-denial, Treatise of 679 Selfridge, T. O. Controversy with B. Austin. 7*7 i9 88 Trial for killing C. Austin. iSob. . 1988, 8830 Selkirk, Earl of. Red River settlem t. 133,34 Seller, J. Atlas minimus 8063 Seminole war, Authentic narra. of. 5470, 5476 Causes of, and its history. . . . 437 1 Cohen. Notices of 437 2 Harvey s expedition thro Everglades. 4376 Massacre at Indian Key village. 1840. 4376 Perkins. Jackson s conduct in. . . 5622 Sketch of 4373 Sprague. History of 4374 Tracts on 5479 U. S. public documents 4375 Vindica. of President, etc. . . . 4370 Semple, R. B. Hist, of Baptists in Va. . 8831 Seneca Indians in N. Y., Case of. . 5445, 5622 Pamphlets on. . . _ . . . 5477> 5622 Seneca language, Luke in. ... 5740 Separates 775 l Separation. Answer to Stillingneet on. E. Owen 622 Ball, T. Grounds of. . . . 522 Firmin, G. Separation examined. . 572 Justification of. J.Robinson. . . 652 Sergeant, J. Letter on education of Indian children 5608,21 Serious address to inhabitants of New York on Boston port act. 7774. . . 2807 Serious letter to young people of Boston. 1783 1731 Sermons [Warham Williams s coll. of.] 7753 Collections of. . . 7754-779i 79 I0 i 12-19 Miscellaneous occasional. . . . 1984 Seventy-six society. Publications of. . 4140 Sever, N., and P. Oliver. Speeches on d th. of Col. I. Lothrop. Plym th. 7750. 1912 Severals relating to the fund. ibSs. . . 857 Sewall, Mrs. A., C. Mather on deat.li of. . 1258 Sewall, Mrs. H., C. Mather on death of. . 1261 Sewall, Jona. M. Poems. . . . 6930, 8832 Sewall, Jos. Fun. sermon on B. Wads- worth. 77J7 1993 Fun. sermon on W. Winthrop. . . 1139 Mass, election sermon. 772^. . . . 1484 On day of prayer for revival. 1742. . 1989 Sermon on death of George I. . . 1994 Sermon on early piety 1267 Sermons 7791,92 Chauncy s funeral sermon on. 7769. 1996,97 Sewall, R. K. Sketches of St. Augustine. 4368 Sewall, Judge Samuel. Phsenomena . . . novi orbis 858-61, 7794 Proposals touching prophesies. . . 7793 (?) Verses, Jan. i, 1701. . . . 860, 7794 Prince s fun. sermon on. 1730. . . 1994 Sewall, Rev. Samuel, jr. History of Wo- burn, Mass 1965 Sewall, Sam., sr. and jr. MS. letters. . 1329 Sewall, Judge Stephen, d. 1760. May- hew s funeral sermon on. 7760. . . 1995 Sewall, Stephen, d. 1804. Account of the shechinah. 5858 Fun. ora. on Prof. J. Winthrop. 7779. ^7^9 Scrip, hist, of Sod. and Gomorrah. 5858, 7795 INDEX. Sewall, T. Lecture, opening of medical department of Columbia College. . 6554 Seward, Anna. Monody on Maj. Andre. 3951-53 Seward, W. H. Anniv. discourse, Ply mouth, Mass. A^-JT 5191 Sewel, W. Hist, of "Quakers. 3315, 3570, 7796 Sexagenary. Bloodgood 3075 Seybert, A. Statis. Annals of U. S. . 4918 Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota. 4660 SHAKERS 6399-6427 Shakespeare. Lenox, J. Plays in folio. 9194 Celebra. of -^ooth anniv. of birth. 1864. 9195 Shapleigh, Me. Loring. History. 1854. 2613 Sharan, J. Adventures and travels, on, Ct. 5276 2339 2274 2273 Sharon, Ct. Ordina. of O. Lyinan. iSij. Parker. Proscription delineated. iSig. Sedgwick. History Sharon, Vt. Cooke. Sermon, installation of S. Morse. 7^6 2567 Sharp, D. Artill. elec. sermon. 1840. . 1576 Sharp, Granville. Letter Md. Abol. Soc. 3690 People s natural right. 777^. . . . 4173 Plan for laying out towns. . . . 8834 Sharp, J. Symphonia prophetarum. . 659 Shattuck, L. History of Concord, Mass. 1805 Report on ... public health. . . 1542 Shaw, Benj. and others. Trial of. . . 3582 Shaw, C. Topographical and historical description of Boston. . . 1674, 8570 Shaw, O. Providence collec. of tunes. . 5958 Shays s rebellion, Minot s history of. . 1533 Shea, J. G. Early voyages up Missis sippi river 4519, 4901 (Cramoisy series). .... 146 French-Onondaga dictionary. . . 5741 Library of Amer. linguistics. . . 5631 Shecut, J. L. E. W. Essays. Charles ton. I$iq. 3850 Sheffield, Lord. Obs. on commerce of United States. 4955 Letter from American on. . . . 4955 Sheffield, Mass. Bradford. Quar.-cent. sermon. iSjq. ...... 1936 Shelburne, Mass. Packard. Half.-cent. sermon. iS^q 1936 Sheldon, Col. Elisha, Court-martial of. . 4141 Shepard, C. U. Geolog. survey of Conn. 2113, 6632 Geology of Upper Illinois. . . . 4637 Shepard, E. Thoughts on the prophesies. 4575 Shepard, Jere. Sermons 7797 Shepard, Thos., of Cambridge. Autobi ography 5277, 7802 Certain select cases. . . 661,64,7798 Church-membership of children. 862, 1345, 6220,26, 7799 Clear sunshine of the gospel. 461,62, 5609 Day-breaking of gospel 445 First principles. [Catechism.] . 661,664 Four necessary cases of conscience. . 661 Parable of ten virgins 667 Sincere convert. . . . 664-66,7800,01 in Indian 803-5 Sound believer 660,64,7801 Subjection to Christ 664 Theses Sabbaticas 662,63,64 See Allin, J., and Shepard, T. Shepard, Thomas, of Charlestown, Mass. Election sermon. 1672. . . . . 863 Sherburne, Andrew. Memoirs of. 4147,43, 5278 Sherburne, H. Oriental philanthropist. 7345 Sherburne, Mass. Clark. Plain state ment. 1842 1936 Sherburne, N. Y. Imprint. 1805. . . 6233 Sheridan, T. English dictionary. . . 7212 Sherman, Roger. Almanacs. 1753-5(1. 2340 7760-67 2340, 7363 Astronomical diary. 1753. . . . 7362 Caveat against injustice. 1752. . . 2180 Edwards s Funeral sermon on. . . 2320 Sherwood, A. Gazetteer of Georgia. . 8340 Sherwood, S. Fast sermon (against Tories). 777^ ....... Shewen, W. Brief testimony against tale-bearers, etc. . . Shipley, Jona., Bp. Sermon before So- ciety Propagation Gospel. . . . 8835 Speech on bill for altering charters of Massachusetts. 1774. 3087 4147 11 TA Shipwrecks, captivities, etc. . 39 ? 4 4 . 7 ?i3 Shirley, W. Siege of Louisburg. 7746. 261, 265 Conduct of, briefly stated. 77,-.?. 262, 3987 Shirley, Mass. Ballou. Dedic. ser. 1817. 1936 Hartwell. Fire in S. (metaphoric). i8?2. 1936 Short, T. Hist, of increase of mankind. 8836 Medicina Britannica ..... 33I 6 Short direc. for an unregen. sinner. 77^9. 3450 Short-hand, etc ...... 7246-52 Short view of Lord High Admiral s jurisdiction. 7775 ...... ^ Q Shower, J. Fun. ser. on N. Taylor. 575, 634 Shrewsbury, Mass. Allen. New- Year s sermon. 1822 ....... I940 - Breck. First sermon in S. 7720. . . 1939 Manual of Cong, church. 1850. . . 1940 Sumner. Half-cent, sermon. 7<5>7^. . i 940 Ward. History. 7&>6. . . 1938,40,80 Shurtleff, N. B. Mayflower passengers. 9105 - Notice of W. Shurtleff. ... 9^6 Perpetual calendar ..... 9193,94 Thunder and lightning at Marshfield. 9200 Topog. and hist, descr. of Boston. . 1675 Shute, D. Artill. election sermon. 7767. . 1576 Sibley, J. L. History of Union, Me. . 2609 Siegvolck, P. Everlast g gospel, etc. 3349, 6382 Sigfrid, I., and D. Wittenbach. Theolog ical theses ...... 2842, 7803 Sigourney, L. H. Poems. . . . 6931,32 Sketch of Conn. 40 years ago. . . 2114 Sigourney family genealogy. . . . 5I27 Silk. Hartlib. Reformed Va. silk-worm. 3750 Journal of American Silk Society. . 3689 Williams. Va. discov. of silk- worms. 3817 Silk Culturist. Hartford. 1835-7. 2170 Silliman, B. Modern geology and sacred history ........ 6632 Tour to Quebec ...... 35 s Travels in Eng., Holland, and Scotl nd. 8837 Simcoe, J. G. Journal of Queen s rangers. 4146, 8837 Simeon, C. Excellency of the liturgy. . 6161 Simes, T. Military guide. 7776. . 4075,76 Simms, J. R. History of Schoharie Co., N.Y ......... 299I Simms, W. G. Hist, of So. Carolina. . 3887 So. Carolina in the revolution. . . 3888 Simpson, T., Life and Arctic advent, of. 5279 Sims, J. Obser. on scarlatina anginosa. 6555 Simsbury, Ct. McLean. Half-century sermon. 7<5j<? ....... 2275 Newgate Prison. Bates. Mysterious stranger ........ 2276 Baxter. Ser. to Tory prisoners. 77c?7. 2278 Life of S. Smith, murderer. 1827. . 2278 -- Report of legis. committee. 1826, . 2278 Phelps. History. . . . 2277,78 Phelps. History. 1845 ..... 2275 Sioux. Eastman. Life and legends of. . 5388 Language of. See no. 5358. Sitgreaves, L. Expedition to Zuni and Colorado rivers ...... 4740 Sitjar, B. Vocabulary of language of S. Antonio mission ..... 5631 Six nations. See Iroquois. Skillman, I. Beauties of liberty. . 8838,39 Skinner, I. Hist, of revol. war, in verse. 4148 Skinner, O. A. Artill. elec. ser. rSjq. . 1576 Slafter, E. F. Memoir of Sir William Alexander ....... 2621 Slater, S. White. Life of. ... 2375 Slaughter, P. History of St. George s parish, Va ..... . 3821 6 4 INDEX. Slave-Trade. Answer of Co. of royal adventurers . . . trading into Africa to the petition, etc. 7667. *57 SLAVERY. 7302-28 _ Benezet. Inslaving of negroes. . . 3353 Letter from Bridgewater, Bng., to Bridgewater, Mass. rSff. 1 74 I in Massachusetts 8 S3 -G H. Moore. . i534,3:> Parsons and Pearson. Debate on. /77J- *775 Woolman. Considerations on. . 3332,4331 Slocum, Joshua. Life of. . . . 4i49,5o Slover, John. Captivity of Miami Ind s. 5569 Small-pox, Coleman on inoculation for. . 9109 Cow-Pox Act. Boston. iSio. . i97 Inoculation for. Boston. 1720-30. 1645-49 Smellie, W. Practice of midwifery. . 6556 Smet, P. J. de. Oregon missions. 1845-40. 5612 Smetiiurst G Escape from Indians. . 492 Imfth A Compend P of duty of artillery. 8648 Smith, Aaron. Fast ser. on drought. i?4Q. i99 Smith, Ashbel. Letter on University of Memphis. iSjg. Smith, C. American war. i775~ 8 3- Gentleman s political almanac. /7<?> . Monthlv military repository Smith, Elias. Life, preaching, etc. View of the H ebrews. . 4 6l 3 4*5! 3005 5 6 3 5281 5459 7804 6896 55 8 3 3094 6522 Smith, Ethan. Smith, Eunice. Writings. . . ... Smith, E. H. Black Hawk and scenes in the West ........ History of Black Hawk ..... Smith, Geo. Hist, of Delaware Co., Pa. Smith, Henry. Examination of usury. . Smith, Hezekiah. Baptism by immersion only ......... 622 4 Smith, Horace W. Andreana. . 3943,44 Nuts for future historians. . . . 4152 Smith, Col. Jas. Captivity. . . 557, 8411 Smith, James, D.D. Commonwealth s man. iSob ....... 2897 Smith, Jerome V. C. Fishes of Massa chusetts ....... i543i 66 45 Memoirs of A. Jackson ..... 5029 Smith, Capt. John. Advertisements for unexperienced planters. . . . 366 Description of New England. . 359-9 1 -- in German. 76/7 ...... 362 General historic of Virginia. . 364,65 Last will ........ 9201 New England s trials. . . . 363, 9202 Sea grammar ...... 367,68 True relation. Deane ..... 3789 True travels. /6j>o ..... fr 365 Richmond. iSrq ..... 3690, 8922 Smith, John. Doctr. of Quakers yindica. 4320 Smith, John. Mystery of rhetoric. . 7277 Smith, Joshua. Hymns. . . . 6038,39 and S. Sleeper. Hymns. . . . 6010 Smith, Joshua H. Authentic narrative [on] Maj. Andre ..... 3954-57 Smith, Joshua T. Northmen in New England ..... . 369 Smith, Josiah. Sermon at Charleston, S. C. 1728. ...... 300 Sermons ........ 7805 Smith, L. History of Job. Utica. 1806. 5859 Smith, Mary. Captivity. . . 475, 5571,72 Smith, Michael. Descrip. of Upper Can. 147 Twelve sermons ...... 6162 Smith, Moses. Adventures in Miranda expedition ....... 5280 Smith, N. Medical and surgical memoirs. 6557 Smith, O. H. Early Indiana trials. . 4638 Smith, Robert. Address to the people of the United States. 7cS>7. . . . 507 Smith, Sam l. History of New Jersey. . 362 Necessary truth ...... 884 Smith, Rev. Sam l. The great assize. . 7806 Smith, Sam l S. Causes of variety in human species ..... 5446,47 Smith, Sarah. Williams s sermon at ex ecution of. . 9 2 7 Smith, Seba. Jack Downing. . . 7081-83 Smith, Stephen R. Universalism in N.Y. 2808 Smith, Sir Thos. Commonwealth of Eng. 668 Smith, Thos. Emigrant s guide to U. S. 4520 Smith, Rev. Thos. Extracts from his journals, Falmouth, Me. 1720-88. 2600, 8504 Ordination ser. for S. Lombard. . . 1737 Smith, W. Examina. of Conn, claim to lands in Pa. 1774. 2I2 4> 3096,97 Smith, Win., D.D. Disc s in Amer. 7762. 3095 Ser., Phila., 775^, on death of a pupil. . 3317 Ser. on situation of Amer. affairs. 7775. 4175 Sermon to Masons. 7755 43 2 7 Sermon to soldiers, Phila. 7775. . . 4*53 (?) Trial of episcopacy. . . . 6163 Smith, Judge Wm. History of N. York t07 7 J2 2809-14 to 7762 2815 Smith, Wm., of Peterboro, N. H. Gene alogy of family of. . . . 5 II 9 [Smith, Wm.] Proc. of Illinois and Oua- bache Land Companies. 1773,75- 4627 Smith, Wm. Recom. to Univ. of Oxford. 9203 Smith, Wm. H. Canada, Vol. I. . . 148 Smyth, D. W. Descrip. ... of Up. Can. 8127 Smyth, Thos. Sermons on fire in Charles ton, S. C. 1838. 3852 Snake Indians. Marryatt. M. Violet. 5425,26 Snelling, W. T- Tales of the Northwest. 5448 Snow, C. H. "History of Boston. _ . _ 1676,77 Snowden, R. American revolution ; in scriptural style 4 X 54 History of America. . . -53. 49 2 2 Society for Benefit of Indians. . . . 5449 Society for Prop. Gospel ... in No. Am. 1544 Society for Prop. Gospel in foreign parts. Sermons, etc 6164,65,66 Soc. of Northern Antiquaries. Annals. . 5453 Memoires 545 2 Solemn league and covenant. 1643- repr. 1852 9204 Sotners, J. Zee- en Landt-Reyse. . . 2720 Somers, Lord. Judgment of whole king doms. .... 2337, 4184, 8842-44 Somers, Ct. Backus. Fun. sermon on M. Chapin. 7794 2279 Century sermon. 1801. . . . 2328 Strong. Centen. sermon. 1828. . . 2279 Somerville, Mass. Ellis. Ded. ser. 1845. 1940 Hodge. Addr., cornerstone ist ch. 1844. 1940 Song books 6934-45 Sonmans, P. Order of King in Council on petition of. 3628 Sorrel, John. Smith s fun. sermon on. . 575 Soto, F. de. Conq. of Florida. ibSb. 4377>7 8 ,79 Garcilasso de la Vega. Historia del. . 4353 Narratives of career of. B. Smith. . 4380 Travell and discov. in Fla. 7609. . . 3810 Souldiers Pocket Bible. 7647, reprinted iSbt 9205,6 Soules, F. History des troubles de 1 Amerique 4155 SOUTH AMERICA 5337-51 South American languages. . . . 5789 Southampton, Mass. Edwards. Cen tennial address 1940,82 Southboro , Mass. Parker. Centennial sermon. 1827 1940 SOUTH CAROLINA 8845-49 Apology of Gov. F. Nicholson. 1724. . 3838 Carroll. History. Collection of. . 3844 Chalmers. Weather and diseases of. . 3845 Dalcho. Episcopal church in. . . 3857 Drayton. Memoirs of revolution in. . 3862 view of. 1802. Elliot, S. Sketch of botany of. . - Hewatt. Rise and progress of. . Hume. Exhortation to inhab. of. Laws. . 3861 3864 3870 3837 INDEX. South Carolina. Mills. Atlas of. . . 3878 Statistics of. ... . 3879 Notices of early history of. . . 3839 Nullification in. . . . 3881,96 Pamphlets . 3894,95 Ramsay. History of. . 3885 Revolution in 3884 Simms. History of 3887 South Carolina in revolution. . . 3888 Weston. Doc. connected with hist. of. 3859 Yonge. Narra. of proceedings in 7779. 3893 See also N. Carolina and S. Carolina. So. Dennis, Mass. Dedica. sermon. 1835. 1940 Southey, R. Exped. of Orsua, etc. . . 8849 South Hadley, Mass. Mt. Holyoke Fern. Sem. 25th anniversary. . . . 1941 Southington, Ct. Manual ist Cong. ch. 1828, 1851 2280 Ogden. Farewell sermon. 1836. . . 2280 So. Reading, Mass. Eccles. record. 1832. 1940 South Sea bubble, Houstoun s memoirs. 5213 Southwest, The : by a Yankee. . . 4521 Southwick, Mass. Manual Bapt. ch. n.d. 1940 Spaff9rd, H. G. Gazetteer of N. York. 2816,17 Guide to canals in New York. . 2763, 8703 Spalding, C. C. Annals of Kansas City. 4672 Spalding, John. Ace. of convincement of. 3582 Spalding, Joshua. The Lord s songs. . 6040 Spalding, M. J. Early Catholic missions in Kentucky 4614 Spangenberg, A. G. Un. Breth. missions. 5613 Spanish hireling. Cadogan. 1743. . 249-52 Sparks, J. Corresp. of the Amer. revo. 4218 Diplomatic corres. of Am. revolution. 4156 Speeches in Congress. 1788-1850. . . 4923 i8ob-i4. . . . . . . . 4954 Spelling books and dictionaries. . 7199-7213 Spencer, O. M. Captivity. . . 5573,83 Spencer, Mass. Draper. History. . . 1942 4th July celebration. 1846. . . . 1940 Packard. Dedication sermon. 1838. . 1940 Spilberger & LeMaire. Speculum Indiae navigationis 5350 Spirit Lake massacre. . . . 5574,81 Spiritualism, etc 9120 Spofford, J. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. 1545 Spotted fever 6560,61 Sprague, C. Ode. Boston bi-cent. 1830. 1733 Sprague, J. T. Hist, of Florida war. . 4384 Sprague, P. Anniversary discourse. Plymouth, Mass. 1835 1915 Sprague family memorial. . . .5128 Spring, Gardiner. Brick ch. memo. N. Y. 2845 Sermon, N. E. Soc. of New York. . 345 Remarks on charges in. . . 345 Spring, Samuel. Writings. . . . 7807 Springfield, Mass. Bliss. Address open ing of Town Hall. 1828. . . 1946,82 Breck, S. looth anniversary Indian attack. 7775 1944,46 Brewer. War sermon. 7724. . . . 1943 Hilliard. Sermon ordination of B. Howard. 1785. 1945 Imprints. [/7#], 7794. . . . 1945,47 1786, 94 8614,15 Incorp. of Aqueduct Co. 1848. . . 1946 Lathrop. Ser., comple. of bridge. 1805. 1946 Narrative and defence. Settlement of. R. Breck. 7776. 1946 Breck. Answer to Narrative. . . 1946 Letter to author of answer. 77^7. . 1946 Peabody. Address at consecration of cemetery. 1841 1946 Reply to defence of Maj. Ripley. 1846. 1946 Springs, Mineral, of New York. . . 2827 Squier, E. G. Aborig. mon. of Miss. Val. 5475 American ethnology 5633 Antiquities of New York. . . . 2819 Monuments of New Mexico and Cal. . 5478 and Davis, E. H. Ancient monuments of Mississippi Valley 5456 181-196 3987 3217 2116-18 . 4181 3219 . 8852 9090 4181 7586 Stafford, Ct. Heresy of Rev. John Fos ter. 77<?7 2281 Answer by church. 1781. . . . 2281 Woodward. Hist, sermon. 1843. . . 2281 Stage condemned. J. Collier. . . .669 Stage plays, Extracts from treatises by Prince of Conte on. Phila. 775-4. . 3161 Short treatise of 680* Stamford, Ct. Alvord. Bi-cent. addr.7<Sjf7. 2281 Ordination of D. Smith. 1703. STAMP ACT Collection of tracts on. Examination of. B. Franklin. in Conn Ingersoll. Letters on. 7766. . Lords protest against repeal of. New collection of verses. Pamphlets. Reasons that influ d Gov. of Conn., etc. See No. 1720, note. Stamford in Nine Partners, N. Y. Im print. 1803 Stansbury, H. Valley of Great Salt Lake. 4704,05 Stansbury, J. and J. Odell. Loyal verses. 4901, 5947 Staples, W. R. Annals of Providence. 2371 Destruction of the Gaspee. . . . 2376 Stark, Gen. John. Life and mili. serv s. 257 Memoir and correspondence. . . 5064 State of Brit, and French colonies. 7755. 263 State triumvirate. 6922 Staten Island. Tysen. Lecture on his tory of. 1842 2979 See Clifton, N. Y 2943 Steady habits vindicated. 1805. . . 2141 Steamboats 6679-84 Stearns, J. G. Nature of speculative free masonry. .... 6750-52 Stearns, S. American herbal. . . . 6584 Tour from London to Paris. . . . 8854 Stebbins family. 1707-71. Hartf. 7777. . 2070 Stedman, C. History of Amer. war. . 4157 Stedman, J. W. Norwich (Ct.) Jubilee. 1859 2268 Steele, A. Chief of the Pilgrims. . . 5149 Steele, Elijah. Disc s on infant baptism. 6233 Steele, Joshua [?]. Account of a confer ence. [Stamp act.] 7766. . . . 184 Steele, R. Antidote against distractions. 7808, 8855 Husbandman s calling. . Religious trader Steele, Z. Indian captivity. Steendam, J. Memoir, by H. C. Murphy. Stephen, J. Dangers of the country. Call from death to life. 7808 7808 493 9207 5069 Stephenson, M in Dutch 3572 Sterry, C. Masonic burial formalities. . 6753 Stetson family. Barry 5119 Steuart, Adam. Duply to M. S., alias Two Brethren 676 Observa. on the Apologeticall narra. 676,78 M. S. to, on liberty of conscience. . 678 Steuben, F. W. Regulations for United States troops. . . . 4078,79, 8649,50 Stevens, H. American nuggets. . 7955 Bibliotheca geographica. 1872. 7958,59 Bibliotheca historica. 1870. . . 7957 Seb. Cabot T. Cabot = o. . . 54 Catalogue of books sold. iSbi. . 7956 Catalogue of English library. . 7954 Historical and geographical notes. . 55 Schedule of 2,000 Amer. hist, nuggets. 7960 Tehuantepec 8856 Stevens, J. W. Ace. of Algiers. . 8857 Stevens, W. System of disc, for artill. . 8651 Stevenson, R. Military instructions. 7775. 4080 Steward, Rev. Jas., pseud. See Trum- bull, Henry. Stewart, John. Prospectus of lectures. 8858 66 INDEX. 260 2429 670 622 195 2994 5872 393 2 1950 7804 6252 1949 8490 923 Stickney, J. Gentleman and lady s mu sical companion 5895,96 Stiff, E. Texan emigrant. . . . 4741 Stiles, Ezra. Election sermon. 77^. . 8860 History of the [regicide] judges. 7794. 2119, 5108, 8859 Stiles s ordina. ser. for. Newpt. 7755. . 2429 Dana s funeral sermon on. 7795. 2191, 2320 Holmes. Life of 2313, 5282 Stiles, H. R. Hist, of anc. Windsor, Ct. 2288 Stiles, I. Military sermon. 1755. Ser. at ordina. of Ezra Stile. 1755. Stillingfleet, E. Irenicum. Answer to J. Owen Stillman, S. Sermon, stamp-act. . Stillwater, N. Y. Reminiscenses of Con gregational church. 1850. Stinton, B. Short catechism. . Stirling, Earl of. See Alexander, W. Stirredge, Eliz. Strength in weakness ... in life of 3460 Stith, W. History of Virginia. . 3796,97 Sermon bef. Gen. Assem. of Va. 775^. 3798 Stockbridge, Mass. Eccles. controversy, 1780-82. 1951 Field. Hist, sketch of Cong. Ch. 1853. 1951 Hopkins. Housatunnuk Indians. 1753. Imprint. 1703 7794. Jones. Records Keep, T. Ser., ord. of T. Woodbridge. Stoddard, A. Sketches of Louisiana. Stoddard, Simeon. Ser s on murder of. Stoddard, Solo. Answer to cases of con science 860, 7815 Doctrine of instituted churches. . 671, 7816 Fun. sermon on Col. J. Pynchon. . . 865 Guide to Christ 7812 Lecture sermon, Boston. 7707. . . 865 Boston. 7779 7814 Mass, election sermon. 1703. . . 866, 2703 Ordin. sermon for Jos. Willard. . . 865 Question whether God is not angry. . 463 Right to Lord s supper. . 866*, 7810,11,18 Safety of appearing. . . 864, 2702, 7817 Sermon, ordination of T. Cheney. . 1744 Strange doctrine of. I. Mather. . . 973 Treatise concerning conversion. . . 7814 Coleman s fun. sermon on. 1729. . . 1992 Stoddard family genealogy. 1849. . . 5119 Stokes, A. Constitution of Brit. colo. 1783. 201 Stone, E. M. Hist, of Beverly, Mass. . 1567 Stone, N. Assize ser., Barnstable. 1728. 1989 Mass, election sermon. 7720. . . . 1484 Stone, S. Cong, church is Catholike. . i 345 Short catechism 867 5862 Stone, T. M. Sketches of Oxf d Co., Me. 2605 Stone, W. L. Lett, on animal magnetism. 6559 Letters on Masonry 6754 Life of J. Brant 545 *7 Life of Sir Wm. Johnson. . . . 2820 Life of Red Jacket 545 8 Poetry and history of Wyoming. . . 3364 Tales and sketches 7 i 4 6 Stoneham, Mass. Cleveland. Farewell sermon. 7794 10CQ Dean. Brief history. 1843. Stonington, Ct Eells, N., Ordination of. 1733 The Patriot. 7*7-2 Union Baptist Association. . . \ Storrs, R. S. Anniv. discourse, Plymouth, Mass. 1826. Story, I. Ordination sermon for D. Storv Marietta, O. 779^. . . . J Story, Jos. Inaug. disc., Harv. Coll. 182^. 1777 Power of solitude : a poem. . . 6o 8861 Stoughton, W. Asser. for ch. policie. 672,76 - New England s true interest. Q 8i Willard s Funeral sermon on. . . 926 *953 8250 2281 Stoughton, Mass. Richmond. Ded. S. 1808. 1953 Stow, Mass. Cross. Dedica. ser. 1840. . 1953 Stowe, C. E. Report on public instruc tion in Europe 1985 Strachey, W. History of travaile into Virginia. Hakluyt Soc. . . . 3799 Stratford, Ct. Paddock. Hist, sermon Epis. church. fS$s 2281 Strength out of weakness. ib$2. . 52, 464-66, 5610,11 Strict Congregationalists of Conn. 1781. . 2112 Strock, D., jr. Hist, of Kg. Philip s war. 421 Strong, Mrs. Anna McC., Channing sfun. sermon on 2319 Strong, Caleb, Gov. Speeches to legisla. 1547 Letters to, on capital punishment, etc. 1519 Strong, Cyprian. Ser., ordination of Jed. Bushnell as missionary. 1800. . . 2084 Writings 7819 Strong, Jona. Anniv. discourse, Plym th, Mass. 1803 1915 Strong, Jos. Sermons, various. Norwich. 7797-7.S/-7 2335 Strong, Nathan, of Coventry. Wilhams s Fun. sermon on, Coventry. 7795. . 2320 Strong, Nathan, D.D., of Hartford. Hart ford collection of hymns. . . . 6008 Ser. at execu. of M. Dunbar. 7777. . 2153 Perkins s fun. sermon on. . . 2319,39 Strong, Nathan, jr. Spotted fever. . 6560 Strong, T. M. Hist, of Flatbush, N. Y. . 2944 Stuart, G. View of society in Europe. . 8862 Stuart, I. W. Hartford in olden time. . 2154 Life of Nathan Hale 4158 Stubbes, H. Conscience the best friend. 868 Stubs, Henry. Watson s fun. ser. on. . 575 Sturbridge, Mass. Clark. Hist. sk h. 1838. 1953 Substitutes in continen. army. 7777. 4176, 4955 Sudbury, Mass. Loring. Misund. with Rev. T. Hilliard. 1817 1953 Swift. Fast sermon. 7767. . . . 1953 Tax-list. 7cS^7 1953 Suffield, Ct. Granger. 4th of July ora tion. 1787 8250 Holley. Sermon on three young men killed by lightning. 7766. . . . 8250 Imprint. 1801 8250 1803 473 Lathrop. Fun. sermon on Mrs. Mary Gay. 7796. 8250 Sermons on suicide. 1803. . . 2281,8250 Leland. Fast Day sermon. 7&>7. . . 8250 Ruggles. isoth anniv. of death of. 1859. 8250 Sugar. Massie. State of sugar colony trade. 203 Sugar act. Reasons agt. renewal. 7764. 202 Suicide. Sermon on. I. Mather. . . 053 - Sym, J. Self-killing 6 74 Sullivan, James. Altar of Baal thrown down 1548 History of land titles in Mass. . . 1549 History of Maine 2589, 8505 Path to riches 1461 Sullivan, Gen. John. Campaigns in New York 2821, 4159 Regulations for N. H. militia. . . 4082 Sullivan, John L. Steamboat naviga tion in New York. .... 6683 Sullivan, W. Anniversary discourse Plymouth, Mass. 7<&9 1915 Familiar letters 4925,26 History of United States. . . . 4924 Summer Islands, Petition of. 1644. . . 8863 Summerfield, J. Chippeway grammar. 5667 Sumner, C. *BK addr. Camb. 1846. 1774,78 Sumner, Inc. Thacher s Funeral ser mon on. 7799 1998 Superior, Lake. Land district, Geology of 4648,49 Surgy, Rousselet de. History de Pen- sylvanie 3098 INDEX. 6 7 Surinam, Warren. Impartial descr. of. 5339 Surnames. Bradley, C. W. Essay on. . 2292 Survey of the Book of Common Prayer. 673 Susquehannah and west rn lands of Con necticut. . . . 2123-31, 8172-75, 9070 Sutton, Mass. Hall. Half-cent, ser. 7779. 1953 Imprint. f8io-ii 6246,47 Tracy. Hist, sketch, ist ch. 1842. . 1953 Swampfield, Mass. Ordination of J. WiUlard. 1718. 865 Swan, J. National arithmetick. . . 1550 Swan, Maj. Death of, and captivity of his family. .... 473, 5580 Swan, T. New England harmony. . 5960 Village harmony 5959 Swarton, Hannah, Captivity of. . . 1139 Swearing and Common Prayer worship. I. Mather. 945 Profane. C. Mather s Golden curb. . 1128 Willard. Fear of an oath. . . . 926 Laying hand on Bible. . . 686*, 902 Swedberg, Jesper. America illuminata. 1732 3100 Swedberg, Joh. D. Disserta. gradualis de Svionum in America colonia. 7709. 3099 Swedenborgianism, Tracts on. . . 7825 Swett, S. Battle of Bunker Hill. 1700,92,93, 4186 Who commanded at Bunker Hill? . 4186 Swieten, Baron van. Diseases of armies. 4081 Swift, John. Fast sermon, Acton. 7767. 1561 Swift, Zeph. System of Laws of Conn. 2025 Sym, J. Self-killing 674 Symmes, J. C., and concentric spheres. . 6672 Symmes, T. Artill. elec. sermon. 7720. . 1575 Battle at Piggwacket. . . . 422,23 Disc, on prejudice in religion. . . 5882 People s interest in one article. . . 7821 Brown s Funeral sermon on. 1723. 1575, 5283 Symmes, W. Lecture serm. on singing. 5883 Symonds, W. Sermon before Virginia Co. 7609 3800 Synod of 1646. See Cambridge Platform. of 1662. .... 845,15=51,7822-24 Synods of 1648 and 1680. . . 1551, 7823,24 Tactics. 1773-1800. .... 4072-82 Taggart, S. Fourth of July oration at Conway. 1804 4906 Tahitian New Testament, etc. . . . 5845 Tailfer, P. Narra. of col. of Georgia. . 8341 Taintor family genealogy 5129 Talcott, Maj. John. MS. account book. 1074-88. 2135 Tallmadge, Benj. Buel s ordina. sermon for. Brookhaven, L. I. 7753-. . . 2928 Tallmadge, O. Whittlesey. Sketch of. . 4581 Tanguy de la Boissiere, C. C. Observa. on Pickering s dispatch. 7797. . . 5069 Tanner, H. S. American traveller. . 8901 Tanner. J. Indian captivity. . . . 5575 Tapia Zenteno. Arte de lengua Mexicana. 5775 Noticia de la lengua Huasteca. . . 5776 Tappan, D. Address to younger mem bers of Harvard College. 779^. . . 1773 to Senior Class. 779< . . . 1773175 Tappin, John. Wakeman s fun. ser. on. 879 Tar water as a medicine. T. Prior. . 6549 Tarleton, J. History of campaigns of 1780 and 1781 8864 Taunton, Mass. Benedict. Poem, Philan- drian Society. 1807. .... 1987 Bent. Hist, of St. Thomas ch. 1844. . 1955 Bigelow. Seventh anniversary 1840, and farewell sermon. 1842. . . . 1955 Emory. Ministry 1954 Hamilton. Dedication sermon. 1830. . 1955 Maltby. 2sth anniversary ser. 1851. . 1955 Taverns, Addr. agt. frequenting. 7726. 1223 Tax on furniture and watches. 1813. . 5074 Taylor, Jas. B. Lives of Virginia Bap tist ministers 3801 260 5383 955 1955 3461 3467 3471 Taylor, John. Arator 6613 Taylor, Nathaniel, d. 1702. Fun. ser. on R. Mayo. 7695. N. Vincent. 7697. . 575 Shower s Funeral sermon on. . 575 674 Taylor, Nathaniel, d. 1800. Sermon Crown Point. 7762. Tecumseh. Drake. Life of. . Temple, J., and W. Whately. Affair of honor of Temple and Bowdoin families. . Templeton, Mass. Adams. Centennial sermon. 1857 Wellington. Half-cent, ser. 1857. Tennant, G. Danger of forgetting God. 1735 Discourses on several subjects. . Eighteen sermons in Phila. 1738. . The espousals 3462,68 Examiner, or, Gilbert against Ten nant. Hancock 7827 Examiner examined. . . . 3464,65 Late assoc. for defence encouraged. . 3469 Necessity of religious violence. . . 3463 Remarks on a protestation to Synod of Philadelphia. 7747 3318 Sermon. Fall of Louisburg. 7745 . . 264 Serm on on justification 43 i6 Sermons. . . . 3466-68, 6347-52, 7827 Thanksgiving sermon. 7749. . . . 3470 Tennent, J. Epidemical diseases of Va. 3802 Tennent, W. Address at Charleston, S. C. 7774 8866 Boudinot. Memoirs of. . . . 5284, 7827 Tennessee. Haywood. Hist. of. 4594,95, 8867-69 Putnam. History of 4607 Ramsey. Annals of 4609 Short description of. . . . 4610,11 Troost. ist, 2d, and 3d geol. reports. . 4612 Tenney, C. J. Baptism of infants. . . 6235 Tenney, Mrs. T. Female Quixotism. . 7091 Ternaux-Compans, H. Bibliotheque Americaine 7961,62 Nouvelle Suede 3101 Terry. Ezek. Candid opinion on Univer- salism 1897 Hymns 6042 Memoir of Rev. G. Atwell. 1813. . . 1897 Texas. Bonnell. Description of. . . 4717 Edward. History 4718 Encarnacion prisoners 4720 Green. Expedition against Mier. . 4723 Hartmann & Millard. Champ d asile. 4725 Heroine du 4721 History of ; or, Emigrant s guide. . 4730 Holley, Mrs. Observations on. . . 4726 Houstoun, Mrs. Yachting in the New World. 1845 4728 Lheritier, L. F. Champ d asile. . . 4731 Moore. Map and description. . . 4736 Newell. Revolution in 4737 Pamphlets 4742 Parker. Trip to 4738 Sketches by Milam. .... 4735 Thorpe. Army on the Rio Grande. . 4744 Visit to. 1834 4745>46 War in, instiga. by slaveholders. iSjb. 4742 Woodman. Guide to 4747 Thacher, James. American medical bi ography 6564 Demonology, ghosts, etc. . . .1382 History of Plymouth, Mass. . 1913,13*, 8607 Hydrophobia 6563 Military journal. . . . 4160,61,8872 Thacher, Peter, of Milton, d. 1727. Divine riddle ; a sermon. 7777. . . . 7829 C. Mather s Funeral sermon on. . 1088,89 Unbelief detected 871 Thacher, Peter, of Boston, d. 1738. Mass. election sermon. 7726 1484 Ser. on death of Mrs. Gee, 7720. . . 1993 and New No. church, Boston. 7720. 1599, 1600 68 INDEX. Thacher, Peter, D.D. d. iSos. Centennial sermon. Boston. iSoo. .... 1604 Funeral sermon on J. Bowdom. 7790. . *993 Funeral sermons by J 99 8 Thacher, Thos. Fast of God s chusing, 870,70*, 7828 Funeral sermon on Sam. Adams. 1804. 1994 Thalhimer, B. Annual register of N. Y. 2822 Thanksgiving and Fast sermons. . 9121,22 Thatcher, B. B. Boston Book. . . 1683 Indian biography 5466 Tales of the Indians 5465 Thayer, C. Chauncey s funeral sermon on. 1745 *998 Thayer, Eben. Christ the subject of preaching 783* Mass, election sermon. 1725. . . . 1484 Theller, E. A. Canada in 1837-38. . . 149 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. . 7422-7919 Theophilus and Eugenio. Letters be tween 33 02 >3 Thevet, A. Singularitez de la France Antarctique. 15^8. 15 Thevenot. Recueil de voyages. 1681. . 4522 Thomas, David. Travels in Western country 45 2 3 Thomas, Rev. David. Virginia Baptist. 3803 Thomas, E. S. Reminis. of 65 years. . 5285 Thomas, Gabr. Province and country of Pensilvania 3 I02 -5 Thomas, I. Almanacs. . _. . 7369-70 History of painting in America. . 7963,64 Mass. Kalendar for 7772. . . . 1552, 7369 Specimen of types ; cata. of books. . 7965 Thomas, R. B. Farmer s almanac. 7371-76 Thompson, B. F. Hist, of L. Island. 2962,63 Thompson, D. History of war of 1812. . 5065 Thompson, Daniel P. History of Mont- pelier, Vt 2554, 8913 Thompson, Geo. Prison bard. . . 6955 Thompson, Geo. A. New theory of two hemispheres 5462 Thompson, J. L. Hist, sketches of war of 1812 5066,67 Thompson, T. Missionary voyages to New Jersey 3629 Thompson, Z. Gazetteer of Vermont. . 2556 History of Vermont. . . 2557-59, 8910 Thompson, Ct. Dow. Half. -cent. ser. 184(3. 2281 Thomson, C. Causes of alienation of In dians from British interests. . 5460,61 Thomson, las. Seasons, ist Am. ed. . 8874 Thomson, John. Descendants of. . . 2071 Thorburn, Grant. 40 years res. in Am. 5286 Laurie Todd on Virginia. . . . 3804 Thornton, J. W. First records of Anglo- American colonization. . . . 3805 Thornton, W. Origin of steamboats. . 6679 Thorowgood, T. lewes in America. 5463,64 Thorpe, T. B. Army on the Rio Grande. 1848. 4744 Three letters of thanks to the Protestant reconciler 6 7 5 Throop, B. Thanksgiving ser. on repeal of Stamp Act, New Concord, Conn. . 196 Throop, Wm. Fun. ser. on B. Sylvester. 7833 Tickell, R. Anticipation. 1778. . . . 4I 6 2 Ticknor, G. Changes in Harv. Coll. 1823. 1777 Ticonderoga. Amherst sexped. 7759. 267, 4901 Chittenden s address on. 7c$72. . . . 2568 Orderly book of northern army. . . 40 q6 Tilden, Stephen. Miscell. poems. . . 60^7 Tilghman, W. Golder. Life of. . 5287 Tinmouth, Vt. Osborn. Farew. ser. 77<5>- 21567 Tissot, S. A. D. Advice on health. . fcft Tobago, Poyntz. Present prospect of. . MM Rochefort. Relation de in* Todd, Jona. [Pphs. on Wallingford ch . case. 7759.] .... 2144 Tolland, Conn. Waldo. Early history. 2287 Tompson, Edw. Heav n the best countV 7834 Tompson, W. See Mather, R. and Tomp son, W. Tonty, H. de. LaSalle s last voyage. ibqS. 4524 Topsfield, Mass. Cleaveland. Centen. address. 1832 J 955 Torfaeus. Historia Vinlandiae. . . 56 Tories, Black list of. 1802 3 I0 9 Torpedo war. R. Fulton^ . _. _ 5086, 6688,5 Cruise of U. S. S. Ohio. , jr. Portraitures of do- 5 u. Torrey, F. B. Torrey, J< mestic slavery 739 Torrev, John. Flora of Northern and Middle U. S 6600 Plants of N. Y. and vicinity. . . . 2888 Torrey, S. Mass, election sermon. 7674. 872 1683 873,74 Torrey, W. Discourse cone, futurities. 7835 Toulmin, H. Acts of General Assembly of Kentucky 4615 Description of Kentucky. . . . 4599 Town, S. Syst. of specula, masonry. 6756,57 Townsend, P. S. Yellow fever in N. Y. 2889 Townsend, Shippie. [Works.] . 6383-87 Tracey, W. Addr. to freemen of Conn. 1803 2140 Tracts. Theological and religious. 7836-48, 7906-19 Trade and commerce inculcated. . . 1448 Traill, Mrs. Backwoods of Canada. . 151 Tranchepain, St. A. de. Relation. (Cra- moisy ser.) 146 Transit of Venus. Winthrop s voyage to Newfoundland to observe. 7767. . 1770 Travis, D. Almanac. 7709-77. . . . 3369 Treat, J. Vindication against Brown s report of battle of Chippewav. . . 5075 Treat, R. Almanac for 1753. N. London. 2340 Treaties. General collection. 1710-32. . 57 between France and U. S. 7779. . 4173,74 with the Indians 43 J -44 Treaty with America. Consid. on. 7779. 4173 between Gr. Brit, and U. S. 7795. . 4927 Debates in Ho. of Repr. 7796. . . 4928 Trenton Falls, N. Y. Description. 7c?7. 2994 Trials 6485, 6514, 9124 New York. 1773-1813. .... 4283 Trinity. Mather, C. Mystery of. . . 1079 Trinity college 2161,62 Tripoli, War with. Blyth. . . . 4972 Troost, G. Geological reports. . . 4612 Trott, N. Laws of Brit, planta ns. 7727. 204 Troy, N. Y. Buell. T. for 50 years. 1841. 2999, 4295 Imprint. i8ob 6810 True and impartial state of Penn. 7759. . 3040 True interest of Great Britain with respect to her colonies. 7766. . . 199 True sentiments of America. 1768. . . 4163 Trumbull, B. Centennial sermon No. Haven, Conn. 1801. . . . 2293, 2328 Eulogy on George Washington. 1800. 2321 Fun. sermon on Noah Williston. 1812. 2320 History of Connecticut. 2132,33, 8169-71 History of United States. . . . 205 Letter in vindic. of Yale Coll. 7766. . 2206 Unlawfulness of divorces. 1788. . . 2128 Vindica. of Conn, title. [Susquehan- nah] 2125,26, 8891 Trumbull, Faith. Stone s funeral ser mon on. 1780 2318 Trumbull, H. History of discovery of 420, America. . . . 424-28, 8404, 8892 Trumbull, J. Hammond. Algonquin names for man 9215 Algonquin vers. of Lord s prayer. 5697, 9215 Best method of study g Amer. lang. 9217,18 Compos, of Ind. geog. names. . . 9208 Defence of Stonington. . . . 9209, 10 Extr. from rec. of United Colonies. . 9211 Hist, notes on constitutions of Conn. 9212 (ed.) Hooker s letter 9165 INDEX. 6 9 Trumtmll, J. Hammond. Mistaken no tions of Algonkin grammar. . . 9216 Name of Massachusetts. . . . 9213 On the word Shawmut 9219 Origin of exped. against Ticonderoga. 9222 Origin of M Fingal 9221 Origin, etc., of Ind. missions in N. E. 9220 Translation of so-called Catechism. . 9223 (ed.) R. Williams s key. . . . 690* Trumbull, Jas. (pseud?) Life of Geo. Washington 4256 Trumbull, John, LL.D. M Fingal. (Los- sing.) 6978, 9224 Poetical works. . . 6959-78, 8894-97 Trumbull, Col. John. Autobiog. . 2314, 8893 Trumbull, Gov. Jona., d. 1785. Address declining election. 1783. . . . 2133* Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, d. iSoq. Dwight s Funeral sermon on. . 2216, 2320 Ely s Funeral sermon on. . . 2318-20 Trumbull, Col. Jos. White s fun. ser. on. 2318 Truxton, T. Remarks on lati. and long. 6674 Tryal of witches, before Sir M. Hale. 1383,84 Tryon, Gen. W. Address to, on his ex pedition. I77Q. 2139 Tryon Co., N. Y. Campbell. Annals. . 2996 Tucker, Geo. Essays. . . . 3807, 8303 Letters from Virginia 3806 Life of Jefferson 4876 Tucker, Josiah. Answer to objection to separation from colonies. . . . 3987 Cui bono ? 4166 Humble address, etc. 7775. . . . 4164 Letter from merchant in Lond. 7766. . 200 Tract V 4165 Tracts. 4167, 8542 Tucker, St. Geo. Disserta. on slavery. . 3808 Tuckerman, J. Artill. elec. ser. 1804. . 1576 Tudor, W. Letters on Eastern States. . 370 Turell, D. Fast sermon. 77^. . . . 1737 Turell, Mrs. Jane. Coleman. Funeral sermon on 5288 Tufts, J. Introduction to art of singing psalm tunes 5885 Tufts, M. Shores of Vespucci. . . 7148 Tuke, H. Faith of Quakers. . . . 3581 Tulley, John. Almanacs 7330 Turnbull, R. J. Visit to Phila. prison. . 3158 Turnbull, W. P. Birds of East Penn. . 3106 Turner, C. Anniv. disc. Plymouth, Mass. 777J 1915,16 Turner, G. Traits of Indian character. 5467 Turner, J. B. Mormonism in all ages. . 6439 Turner, O. History of Phelps and Gor- ham purchase. 2953 Twiss, T. Oregon question. . . 4706,07 Tyler, Royal. Algerine captive. . . 7150 Tyler, T. P. Artill. elec. sermon. 1848. . 1576 Tysen, R. M. Lecture on hist, of Staten Island. 1842 2979 Tyson, J. R. Surviving remnant of Indian race 5476 Udall, J. Key of the Holy tongue [He brew] 1347 Ulloa, A. de. Noticias Americanas. . 5468 Umphraville, A. Siege of Baltimore. . 8518 Underbill, J. News from America ; Pe- quot war. 416 Union, Me. Sibley. History. . . . 2609 Union Village, N. Y. Imprint. 1844. . 6260 Union College. Catalogues and addr. 2987-90 UNITARIANISM 6356-78 United Bretheren. [Conferences, etc.] 3319-23 Cranz. History of 5591 Kohlmeister & Kmoch. Journal. . 5622 Missions of, to Indians. . . . 5481 5622 Missions. Latrobe. Loskiel. Periodical accounts of Spangenberg. 1801-17. . 5604 . 5614 5 6l 3 5046 544 4983 4984 4986 4987 United Brethren. Ogden. Excursion to Bethlehem, Pa 3334,35 United States. Acts of ist sess. of Cong. 6475 Annals of Congress 6481 Army. Laws and regulations. . . 5037 Registers. 1815-21 5077 Journal of 3d sess. of sth Congress. . 6476 Naval battles. 1794-1837. . . , 5045 Naval monument. 1812-15. Naval temple. 1704-1816. . Navy. Clark. History of. Cobbett. Britannia humbled. . Cooper. History of. . Lives of officers. Davis. American mariners: a poem. 4994 Goldsborough. Naval chronicle. . 5007 James. Naval occurrences, 1812-15. 5031 Lloyd, J. Speech on. 1812. . . 5073 Ruschenberger. Contro. on rank in. 4969 Waldo. Biographical sketches. . 5079 Senators. 1837-8. 5109 U. S. Magazine. Newark. 7794!. . . 3640 Universal Asylum and Columbian Mag azine. 3178 Universal biogr. dictionary. 182(3. . .5110 UNIVERSALISM 6379-98 Updike, W. Hist of Episcopal church in Narragansett 2378 Memoirs of Rhode Island bar. . 2377, 8807 Upham, C. W. Artill. elec. ser. 1832. . 1576 Lectures on witchcraft. . . 1385, 8956 Salem witchcraft 1386,87 Upton, Mass. Wood. Centennial ad dress. 1835, and Half-cent, ser. 1846. . 1955 Urania: Coll. of psalm tunes. J. Lyon. 5889 Urlsperger, S. Aufuhrliche Nachricht v. d. Saltzburgischen Emigranten. . 5615 Ursulins, Vovage des. (Cramoisy ser.). 146 Useful miscellanies 3573 Usher, J. Annales vet. Testamenti. . 1348 Usury. Smith. Examination of. . . 6522 Utah. Stansbury. Exploration. . 4704,05 Utica, N. Y. Bacon. Recollections of 50 years. 1843 2999 Imprint. 1800 5859 Manual of ist Presbyterian ch. 1829. . 2999 Vade Mecum for America. 7759. l686 Vail, E. A. Notice sur les Indiens. . 5469 Valentine, D. T. History of the city of New York 2890 Valentine, John. Argument in Matson vs. Thomas 1527 Vallett, E. Department commissary s guide in Maryland. . . . 3677, 6465 Van Buren, M. Crockett. Life of. 4930,31 Holland. Life of 4929 Van Dam, Rip, Arg ts in case of. 1733. . 3472 Vandeleur. Indian captivity. . . . 473 Travels on western continent. . . 5583 Vanderbilt, C. Golden wedding memor. 5289 Van Driessen, P. De aanbiddelyke Wegen Gods. 3473 Vanleason, J. Voyage to China, etc. . 473 Van Ness, W. P. Examina. of charges against Burr 4952 Van Rensselaer, C. Memorial of. . . 5290 Van Rensselaer, Solomon. Affair of Queenstown 5078 Van Rensselaer, Stephen. Survey of district along Erie canal. . . . 2764 Vans, W. Life and conduct of the Cod- mans. 5292 Van Schaack, P. Life of 5291 Van Zandt, N. B. Description of mili tary lands in Illinois 4639 Varlo, C. Floating ideas of nature. . 3631 Nature displayed. . . . . . 3632 New system of husbandry. . . . 3630 Varnum, J. M. Oration at Marietta, July 4, 1788. 4571 INDEX. 119 118 6695 5777 4708 6673 ^ 2546,70 2570 2548, 8908 2522,23 2 57 2507-17.68 Vaughan, Sir William. Directions for health. 1633 Golden fleece. 7626 Vaux, C. Villas and cottages. . Velasquez de Cardenas, C. C. Regimen del Confessionario de Indios, en Mexicano. Venegas, M. History of California. Venus, Transit of. 7769 Vergennes, C. G. Comte de. Memoire sur la Louisiane 4444 Verite du cap francais 6766 VERMONT 2507-70, 8905-14 Acts and laws. 7779- 1858. . . 2519-21 Adams. Geolog. repts. 1845-48. 2528,70,8906 Allen, E. Narrative of captivity. 2529-34,37 Allen, Ira. History 2538 Chipman. Supreme court reports. . 2527 Constitution. 7777. . . . 2518 Constit. conventions. 1828^36^50. 2524,25, 25* Dean. Gazetteer. 1808. .... 2570 Eastman. History 2541 Election sermons 2542 General convention of Congregational and Presbyterian ministers. . . 2543 Graham. Descriptive sketch. . 2544, 8907 Hall, B. H. Bibliography. iSbo. . . 2570 History of Eastern 2<u<; Hall, F. Catalogue of minerals. Hitchcock. Geolog. report. 1857. Haskins. History. . Journals of General Assembly. Natural history. Pamphlets on. New Hampshire grants. Public documents 2569 Reynolds. Recoil, of state prison. . 2566 Slade. State papers. . . . 2526, 8909 Statutes. 1787 2705 Thompson. Gazetteer 2556 History 2557,59, 8910 Williams. History. . . 2563,64,8911 Vermont Almanac, Daton s. 1747-52. . 2560 Vermont Directory, Atwater s. 1855, 56. 2561 Vermont Historical Society. Addresses and proceedings 2568 Vermont horticult 1 conventions. 7<%-o, 57. 2570 Vermont officers in Rev. war. Deming. 2568 Vermont Register and Walton s Reg. 2562, 7388 Vernon collec. of pph. on Amer. revol. . 4180 Verrazano. Brevoort. .... 12 Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten na Florida. 7706 43 8i Vertoogh van Nieu-Neder Land. 7650. 2715, 9225 Vesey, H. Scope of the scripture. . . 531 Vetromile, E. Indian good book. . Viets, R. Sermon, Simsbury, Good Fri day, 1784. . . . . . Vignoles, C. History of the Floridas. . Vinal, W. Sermon on Braddock s defeat Newport. 7755. Vincent, Nathaniel. Writings. Taylor s Funeral sermon on. Vincent, P. Relation of [Pequot war]. Vincent, T. Explicatory catechism Writings Vindiciae clavium Vinton, J. A. Thos. Gyles and his neigh bors. ibbq-8q 2590 Virginia. Bayard. Voyage dans. . . 37 i8 Beverly. Abridgment of laws. . 6474 History 3719-22 - Bullock. Virginia examined. i(>4Q. . 3725 Burk. History. . . . 1726,27 -Byrd. WestoverMSS. . . . 3728 8916 - Campbell, C. History. . . o 72Q - Campbell, J. W. History. . . 3730 , 8917 - Case of tobacco planters. Campbell. Clayton. Flora Virginica. 3731-32, 8918 Miscellanea curiosa 3734 Convention of 1788 3711-13 5696 6167 4382 2428 575 416 5863 7851 676,80 Virginia. Convention of 1829. Convention of 1850. . Davies. State of religion. 7757. De Hass. Early history. De-la- Warre. Relation. 7677 Declaration of state of. 7620. Doddridge, J. Settlers and wars of West. .... Hamor, R. Dreyzehnte schiffahrt. Hariot. Admiranda narratio. Hawks. Ecclesiastical History. . History of Howe. History collections. . Howison. History. .... 3758 37*4 3715 3735 3742 _ 3739.40 Indian 3743 3748 3749 3752 3751 3756 3759 3761-72 3773.74 37^0 379 3775-76 8920 Hutchins. Topog. description. Jefferson. Notes. . Jones. Present state of. Journal of House of Delegates. Journals of Senate. 1878-00. . Keith. History. Kercheval. Hist, of valley of. . Lilly. Early history 3780 Martin. Gazetteer 3781 Nicholson. Present state of. 7705. . 3783 Rich. Newes from 3786 richly valued 3811,8923 Smith, John. True relation. . . 3789 True travels. .... 3790, 8922 Springs of 3791-95,8921 Stith. History 3796,97 Strachey. Travaile into. Symonds. Sermon on Tennant. Epidemical diseases of. Thorburn. Laurie Todd s notes on. . Tucker. Letters from Williams. Virgo triumphans. Virginia Chronicle. Leland. Voice of the people. Boston. 1754. . Volcanoes. C. Mather Volney, C. F. Climate and soil of U. S. Tableau des Etats-Unis. Vondenyelden and Charland. Extraits des titres dans le Bas-Canada. i8oj. Voyages d un Francois en Virginie. 1687. Vries, D. P. de. Korte Historiael ende Journaels. 7655 3799 3800 3802 3804 3806 3816 3779 2656 1278 4525 547 o 3812 2717 875 1070 876 923 1267 877 875 Wabash College 4631 Wabash Land Company. . . . 4627,28 Wadsworth, Benj. Boston lecture ser mon on Indian war. 1722. . . . 429 Day of judgment 878 Exhortations to early piety. . Ministers caring for souls. Publick worship Sermon, murder of S. Stoddard. . Sermon on early piety. . Sermons Wonders of divine goodness. Writings 7852-60 Funeral sermons on. . . . 1993,94 Wahlstedt, J. J. Iter in Americam. " 58 Wakefield, J. A. War . . . with Sac and Fox nations 8405 Wakeman, S. Conn. elec. ser. 1685. . 880 Ser. on death of John Tappin. . . 879 Walcot, J. New pilgrim s progress ; In dian convert 5618 Walden, Isaac. Travels in king s service. 473 Waldo, L. P. Address on early history of Tolland, Ct. ..... Waldo, Sam. Defence of title of J. Lev- erett to eastern lands. 77.76. . Waldo, Sam. P. Amer. naval heroes. . Life of S. Decatur Waldron, W., Foxcroft s Fun. ser. on. 7727. Wales, Mass. Gardner. Cent. addr. iSbb. 195 Walker, A. Oration to young men, Bos- ton, July 4 , 1833 1638 Walker, Clem. Rela. and observa. 1648. 680* Walker, H. Expedition to Canada. 7720. 266 2283 J553 579 4996 993 INDEX. Wallace, J. W. Address, 2 ooth birthday of W. Bradford 7966 Walley, T. Plymouth elec. ser. 7669. 881,82 Wallin, B. Evangelical hymns. . . 6043 Wallingford, Ct. Bishop. Thanksgiving oration. Election of Jefferson. 1801. 2038 Case stated. 7767 2144 Dana. Century sermon. 7770. . . 2284 Hart. [Two pphs. on case of] Rev. J. Dana. 7759, do 2144 Pamphlets 8253* Todd & Hart. Narrative of settling of J. Dana. 7759 2144, 8253 Walpole, Mass. Ace. of town treas. 1844. 1956 Walpole, N. H. Dennie. Lay preacher. 7796 ... 2503 Spirit of the Farmers Museum. 1801. 2504 Imprint. 7796 482, 2503 7799 7075 7&>7 6005 Walshj R. Appeal from judgment of Gr. Britain 4933-35 Genius and dispos. of French gov t. 4936,53 Walter, Nathaniel. Sermon, fall of Lou- isbourg. 1745 260 Walter, Nehemiah. Discourse on 55th chapter of Isaiah 8925 Unfruitful hearers detected. . . .883 Writings 7861-63 Walter, T. Grounds and rules of musick. 7727. Reply to Checkley on Episcopacy. Sermon at singing-lecture. 1722. . Mather, C. Commen. of. Mather, I. Ordin. sermon for. 777^*. Walton, I. Lives Walton, J. Essay on fevers. i, V. 6168 588! 1084 1033 Walton, A. . 6566 Trial, etc., of J. A. Murel. 5581 Wantage, N. J. Kanouse. Hist. ser. 1844. 3646 Wanton, Mrs. A. Bisset s Fun. sermon on. Newport. 7777 2431 Wappinger Indians. Controv. with. 17(38. 2823 War of 1812. Account of battles of ; ad ventures of S. Stubbs 5072 Aiken. Address to federal clergymen. 5070 Armstrong. Notices of. ... 4959 Baine. History 4964 Barbarities of the enemy. . . 4965,66 Boyd. Events of 5073 Brackenridge. History. . . 4973,74,75 Brown. Campaigns of N. W. army. 4976,77 History 4978,79 Christie. Operations in Canada. . . 4981 Clairborne. War in the South. . . 4982 Corbett. Letters on 4985 Compendious history of. ... 5073 Concise narr. of Jackson s campaigns. 5073 Correspondence relating to Amer. 1810. 4988 Courts-martial in 4989 Dallas. Causes and character of. . 5071 Davis. History of 4995 Fay. Official accounts of battles. . 5000 General view of 5003 Gilleland. History of 5004 Gleig. Campaigns of Wash n and N. O. 5005 Subaltern in. 5006 Hart. Essays on 5072 History of. New York. 1832. . . 5017 Hunt. Late war 5023,24 Ingersoll. Sketch of 5025 James. Military occurrences. . . 5032 Naval occurrences 5031 Latour. War in W. Flpr. and Louis a. 5033,34 Lowell. Appeal (against). 1811. . 4953, 5070 Mr. Madison s war. . . . 4953, 5073 Peace without dishonor. 1807. . . 5071 Perpetual war 5038,73 McAfee. War in western country. . 5039 M Clure. Northern campaign. 1813. . 5072 Message of Pres. on failure of northern campaign 5041 War of 1812. Military operations on the Delaware S042 Naval battles. See U. S. navy. O Connor. History of 5047 Palmer. Hist, register 504 8 Pamphlets on. . . 4953,54, 5069-74 Perkins. History of 5050 Pickering, T. Letter on danger of. . 4907 Randolph. Speech on. 1812. . . . 5072 Russell. History of. ... 5055,60 Sketches of 5062 Thompson, D. History of. . . . 5065 Thompson, J. L. Sketches of. . 5060,67 The war. N. Y., 1812-14. . . . 5080 Ware s poem on the peace. 7<?75 . . . 1774 Winder, W. H. Occur, on Niagara frontier. 1812 5 o 73 Wars of America: in poetry. . . . 4170 Ward, A. H. Hist, of Shrewsbury, Mass. 1938 Ward, E. Writings of author of London Spy 37I Ward, Nahum. Sketch of Ohio. 1822. . 4533 Ward, Nathaniel. Simple cobler of Aga- wam 681,82, 7864,65, 9226 Word to Mr. Peters. .... 633 Dean. Memoir of 5294 Ward, Rev. Samuel. Sermons. . . 683 Ward, Hon. Samuel. Stillman s funeral sermon on. 7776 2379 Warden, D. B. Bibliotheca Amer.-Septen. 7967 Description of District of Columbia. . 3825 Ware, H., jr. Poem at Camb. celebra tion of peace. 1815. .... 1774 Two century sermons. Boston. 1821. . 1594 Ware, Mass. Coburn. Histor. serm. 7^7. 1956 Ely. Ser. const, ch. at Fact. Vill. 7<?6. 1956 Hyde. Hist. addr. Town Hall. 1847. . 1956 Wareham, Mass. Nott. 16 years preach ing. 1845 i Q5 6 Warner, Seth. Chipman s Life of. . 2619, 5295 Warren, E. F. Sketches of history of Chautauqua Co. . . . . . 2936 Warren, Eliz. Old and good way. . . 679 Spiritual thrift 679 Warren, G. Impartial descrip. of Suri nam. ........ 5339 Warren, John. Conchologist. . . . 6646 Warren, Dr. John. Eulogy on T. Rus sell. Boston. 7796 1689 Warren, John C. Great tree on Boston Common. ....... 1690 Warren, Gen. Jos. Biogr. sketch of. . 4168 Frothingham. Life of 1801 Warren, Mercy. The group ; a farce. . 7061 History of American revol. . . 4169, 8927 Poems. 6981 Warren, Me. Eaton. Annals. . . . 2610 Warren, N. H. Little. History. . . 250=; Warren, R. I. Chessman. Address to his scholars. 7799 2439 Farewell sermon. 1820. . . . 2439 Fessenden. History 2440 Tustin. Hist, dedication sermon. . 2440 Washburn, Edward A. Conn, conven. sermon. 1857 6189 Washburn, Emory. Address, bi-centen- nial. Bridge water, Mass. . . . 1740 Judicial history of Mass. . . . 1554 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. . . . 4189-4276 Corresp. of Am. revolution. Sparks. . 4218 Epistles 4199-4201 Fac-simile of accounts of expenses. . 4202 Farewell address. . . 4205-13,8930,31 Journal of exped. to the Ohio. 238, 4189,90,91, 8929 Last official address to colonies. 4195-97 Last will and testament. . . . 4219 Letters in June and July. 7776. . . 4198 Letter to Sir J. Sinclair on agriculture. 4214 Letters to Arthur Young, etc. . . 4217 Official letters during revolution. 4191-94 INDEX. 2320 2216 425 4 2 5 I i5 2 . 9172 4 22 4 4 2 53"55 . 2000 4261 4256 4 22 5. 2 6 4 2 57- 6 4268 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Political lega cies. 4220-23, 8932 Selection from correspondence with James Anderson 42i5- 16 Speeches and addresses. . . 4 20 3)4 Bancroft, A. Life of 4 2 4 Condie. Memoirs of. ... 4 2 4 I -45 Corry. Life of 4246-48 Eulogies on. ... 4 22 3i2q,39) 9 I2 6,27 T. Alden, jr. Portsmouth, N. H. J. Dwight. New Haven. . J. Strong. Norwich 2335 N. Strong. Hartford. . . . 2319 B. Trumbull. North Haven. . . 2321 Glass. Life of 4 2 49 Headley. Washington and his gen s. 4265 Kingston. Life of. . . . " r " Marshall. Life of. . Memorial stones of ancestors. Memory of Ramsay. Life of. . Sermons and eulogies on. Sketch of life of. ... Trumbull. Life of. . Washingtoniana. Weems. History of. Worster. Poetical epistle. . Washington Benev. Soc.; Orations, etc. 4267 Washington Benevolents. Third book of. 4273 Washington s birthday, Orations on. . 4266 Washington monument. Laying corner stone. 1815 4275 Washington, D. C. Morrison s guide to. 3824 Pamphlet on location of seat of govt. 3828 Watterston. Picture of. ... 3826 Washington Terr. Mercer. . . . 4699 Water, Curing cholera, etc., by. J. Smith 6558 Waterbury, Ct. Fowler. Farewell s. 7799. 2284 Waterbury (Conn.) Almanac. 1853-74. . 7377 Waterford, N. Y. Close. Serm. on holi ness. 1803. 2999 Waterhouse, B. Medical pamphlets, . 6567 Waterhouse, S. Proposals for printing History of V. Adm. Sir T. Brazen [Satire]. Boston. 7760. . . 1691, 8794 Waterton, C. Wanderings in So. Amer. 5351 Watertown, Ct. Richardson. Historical sketch. 1845 2284 Watertown, Mass. Bond. Geneal. and Historical 1957 Francis. Historical sketch. 1830. Dedication Sermon. 1836. . 3 sermons on leav. old M. H. 1836. Watertown, N. Y. Directory. 1840. Watson, E. History of canals in N. Y. 2761,62 Watson, John, and his descendants. . 5 n 9 Watson, John F. Annals and occur rences of New York 2892 Annals of Philadelphia. . . . 3IS9 Historic tales of olden time. 2891, 3160, 8715 Watson, Capt. S., et al. Court-martial of. 4080 Watson, W. C. Pioneer hist, of Cham- plain valley 2Q35 Watterston, G. Letters from Wash ton. 4884 Picture of Washington 3 8 2 6 Watts, I. Catechisms. . . . 5872-7; Psalms and hymns. . . . 6044-07 Watts, S. Perpetual union between Gr. Brit, and her colonies. 7766. . Z 68, 3148 Wawasink and vicinity. Indian massa cres in c .g 2 Ways and means for inhabitants of Del aware to become rich. . . . 3474 Waymouth, Geo. Voyage. Rosier. 7605! 2 8o Wayne, Gen. A. Campaign of, against Northwest Indians. . . ,., Weatherwise s Almana Weaver, W. L. ham, Conn. Webb, Mrs. F. C. Mather on death of. \ 1956, . 1956 . 1956 2997 cs. . . . 3193-94 Geneal. of Anc. Wind- Webb, J. Sermon on early piety. . . 1267 Sermon 7868,69 Webb, Thos. Military treatise. 7769. . 8652 Webb, Thos. S. Freemason s monitor. 6760,61 Webster, D. Address at laying corner stone Bunker Hill Monument. . . 4186 Anniv. disc. Plymouth. 1820. . . 1915 Orations. B. Hill mon t. 1823 and 43. 1799 Report on Harvard College. 1821. . 1776 Reception of. Boston, 1852. . . . 1735 Webster, John. Display, of Witchcraft. 1388 Family of 2069 Webster, N. Bilious fevers. . . 6552,68 Compendious Engl. dictionary. . . 7213 Dictionaries, histories, etc. . . 7229-31 Errors in common version of Bible. . 5858 Grammars. .... 7222-24, 28 History of epidemic diseases. . . 6569 Letter to Hamilton on his letter on Adams 4952 Readers 7226,27 Rod for the fool s back. 1800. . . 2140 Writings 7290-7301 Webster, Pelatiah. Political essays. . 6524 Webster, S. Discourses on infant bapt. 6228 Wedgwood, W. B. Conn, statutes, in question and answer 2026 Week in Wall street 2893 Weekly Inspector; edited by T. G. Fes- senden. 1806-7. 2910 Weekly Magazine. Philadelphia. 779,?. . 3184 Weems, M. L. Bad wife s looking glass. 3163 Drunkard s looking glass. . . . 3164 God s revenge against adultery. . 3163,64 against duelling 3163,64 against gambling. . . . 3163,64 against murder 3163,64 History of Geo. Washington. . 4257-60 Hymen s recruiting sergeant. . . 8940 Immortal mentor 3264 Life of Franklin 3258,59 Welby, A. Visit to North America. . 4480 Weld, N. Serm. on death of Q. Mary. . 634 Welde, Thos. Answer to R[athban]. . 8941 Rise, etc. of Antinomians. 1644. . . 372 Wellfleet, Mass. Pratt. History of East- ham and 1825 Wells, S. A. Oration before Republi cans of Boston. 7.S/-9 1638 Welsh Indians. G. C. Burden . . . 5367 Williams, J. Enquiry concerning. 5471,72 Welsted, W. Funeral sermon on. . . 1325 Wendell, Mass. Wilbur. Historical dis course. 1820 1915 Wenham, Mass. Mansfield. Dedication sermon. 1843 1958 2d centennial sermon. 1845. . . 1858 Wesley, E. Epis. to Rev. Mr. Whitefield. 6272 Wesley, J. Sermon on free grace. . . 6271 Thoughts on slavery. . . . 7314,15 Wesleyan University. Middletown, Ct. Catalogue, etc 821,2 West, Sir Benjamin. Discourse to Royal Academy. 779? 8442 Gait. Life of 5296 West, Prof. Benj. Almanacs. 1763-1800. 2392,94 West, Benj. Scriptural cautions against Shakers 6424 West, M. Treatise concern, marriage. . 3478 West, Sam. Anniver. disc., Plymouth, Mass. 7777 1915,16 West, Stephen. Essay on moral agency. 7772 2337 West. Appleton s guide to. ... 4528 Ashe. Travels. .... 4447,48 Atwater. Writings on 4449 Beecher. Plea for 445 o -Bell, Sol. [pseud.} Tales of travel west. 4451 Beltrami. Sources du Mississippi. . 4452 Pilgrimage in Europe and America. 4453 Brackenridge. Voy. up the Missouri. 4454 INDEX. West, The. Brackenridge. Recoil, of. 4455 Bradford. Notes on Northwest. . . 4456 Brown. Gazetteer of 4457 Carver. Travels through. . . 4458-64 Cramer. Navigator in. . . 4465-68 Cuming. Tour in 4469 Cumings. Western pilot. . . 4470,71 Dana. Geographical sketches in. . 4472 Darby. Emigrant s guide to. . . 4473 Dearborn. Letters on com ce, etc., of. 4474 Ellicott. Journal as boundary com r. 4475 447 6 447 4478 4479 . 44 8o . 44 8i 4482,83 . 4484 44 8 5 44 86 . 4489 449i 453 . 449i . 449 2 4493 4494) 453 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 452 Ellis. New Britain. 1820. Faux. Memorable days in. . Fearon. Sketches of. . Feather stonhaugh. Maps of. Flint, J. Letters from America. Flint, T. Recollections of. . Condensed geogr. and history of. Hall, F. Letters from. . Hall, J. Legends of. Letters from. .... Statistics of 4487,455 Notes on 44 Commerce and navigation of. . Harding. Tour through. Hennepin. Nouvelle decouverte. New discovery Nieuwe Ontdekkinge. Hoskins. Notes on. Howe. Historical collections. Irving. Tour on the prairies. Joutel. Journal du dernier voyage de La Sale Journal, etc. [English], . Ker. Travels through Knight, H. C. Letters from. M Clung. Sketches of adventure. Marquette et Joliet. Voyage et de couverte 4503,04 Melish. Information to emigrants. . 4505 Michaux. Travels to 4506 Voyages a 4507 Miller, A. New states and territo. 4508,09 Ogden. Letters from 4510 Perkins. Annals of. . . . .4511 Pike. Exped. to sources of Miss ppi. 4512 Pittman. Present state of settlement on Mississippi. 4513 Ruxton. Life in 4514 Schultz. Inland voyage. . . .4518 Smith. Emigrant s guide to. . . 4520 Thomas. Travels through. . . . 4523 Welby. Visit to 4480 Westboro , Mass. Rockwood. Dedica tion sermon. 1835 1958 Washburn. Address dedication of State Reform school. 1848. . . . 1958 West Boxford, Mass. Eaton. Dedica tion sermon. 1844 1958 West Boylston, Mass. Boardman. Ded ication sermon. 1832. .... 1958 West Brookfield, Mass. Foot s history discourse. 1828. 1745 Stone s semi-centen. sermon. 1851. . 1745 Wheeler, Capt. T. Narrative. 7676. . 1745 Westchester Co., N. Y. Bolton. Hist. 2998 Westerly, R. I. Park. Sermon and nar rative. 7767 2439 Westfield, Mass. Alden. Hist. ser. 1851. 1958 Atwater. 2oth anniv. sermon. 7&>7. . 1958 Davis. History sketch. 1826. . 1958,82 Lathrop. Funeral sermon on S. Atwater. 1802. 1958 Ser. dedic. of acad. 1800. . . . 1958 Westfield, N. J. Huntting. Historical sermon. 1839 3646 Westford, Mass. Adams. Conference sermon. 1782 1958 West Hartford, Ct. Manual of Baptist church. 1839 2284 West Haven, Ct. See Orange, Ct. 1958 1958 1345 649 739 2 599 3859 1958 4278 WEST INDIES 5326-36 Darien, Humble address of parl t on. 5326 Defence of Scots abdicating. . . 5327 Languages of 5770-89 Westminster, Mass. Centen. celeb. 1859. " Hudson. History. 1832. Westminster Assem. Humble advice. . Reasons . . . by dissenting brethren. Westminster catechism. 1683. . Westminster confession and catechism. Weston, I. History of Congregational church at Cumberland, Me. Weston, P. C. J. Doctrine connected with history of South Carolina. Weston, Mass. Kendal. Cent. ser. iSij. West Point, N. Y. Boynton. Hist. of. Expose of facts concerning recent transactions. i8ig 3000 Guide book. 1844 3000 Park. Hist, and topography. 1840. . 3000 Report of Sec. of war on. i8iq. . . 2999 West Springfield, Mass. Centennial celebr. of ordin. of J. Lathrop. 1856. 1959 Imprint. 1797 8618,19 -I7Q8. I94 8 Lathrop. 4oth anniv. ser. 1796. . . 1959 Centennial sermon. 1801. . . 1959, 2328 5oth anniversary sermon. i8ob. . 1959 6oth anniversary sermon. 1816. . 1959 Sprague. Historical disc. 1823. 1959,81,82 Ser. fun. of S. Leonard. 1826. . . 1959 Farewell sermon. 1829. . . . 1959 Vermilye. Farewell sermon. 1833. . 1959 Wethersfield, Ct. Marsh. Half-century sermon. 1823 2287 Sermon on murder by W. Beadle of his wife and four children. 1782. . 2286 Wetmore, A. Gazetteer of Missouri. . 4673 Wetmore, R. G. Address to Episcopal congregations. ijqS. .... 6171 Weymouth, Mass. Norton. Farewell sermon. 1824 1959 Rep. of com. of So. Ch. 1817. . . 1959 Town reports. 1853 1959 Wharton, C. H. Proofs of Christ s di vinity 6368 Whately, Mass. Fisk. Address open ing of academy. 1823 1959 Temple. Eccles. history. 1849. . . 1959 Wheatley, Phillis. Odell. Memoir of. . 6991 -Poems . . . . 6983-89,91-93,8943 Thatcher. Memoir of 6990 Wheaton, H. History of the North men. 8944 Wheeler, T. God s mercy . . . atB kfi d. 884,85 Wheeler s Rhode Island almanac. 1786- 1802 2393,94 Wheelock, E. Brief narrative of Indian charity school. . . . 467, 5617, 8420 Sermon. Ordin. of C. J. Smith mis sionary to Indians. 776j. . . . 5616 Memoirs of 2315 Wheelwright, John. Fast-day ser. 1636. 9227 Wheelwright, Jno., jr. Mercurius Amer- icanus 684 Wheelwright, W. Isthmus of Panama and canal 5328 Whelpley, S. Letters of Philadelphus. . 8945 Whipple, J. History of Acadie and Maine 2591 Whiskey Rebellion. Breckenridge. His tory. 30, 32 Findley. History 3051 Proceedings of U. S. Executive. . . 3109 Report of committee to confer with insurgents 3109 Whitbourne, R. Discourse of New foundland. 7620 120 1623. 121 White, Alex., murderer. Life and con version of. 1784 1990 White, E. Ten years in Oregon. . . 4709 74 INDEX. White, Geo. S. Memoir of S. Slater. . 2 37 j White, H. Early history of New Eng. 3 73* White, Rev. John, of Dorchester. Plan ters plea. ibjo. . -373,2704 White, Rev. John, of Gloucester. New England s lamentation, etc. 7872-74) 8946 White, N. Truth gloriously appearing. 685 White, R. G. National hymns. . . 6994 White, Win. Historv of Belfast, Me. . 2596 White, Wm., Bp. Episcopal church in United States 6172,73 Wilson. Life of. ..... 5297 White, Wm. C. Orlando ; a tragedy. . 7060 White Mts. Southwick s tour to. 1841. . 2470 Guide book to. 1848. .... 2470 WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. . . . 6278-6308 Journals, etc. Franklin. 1739-56. 33 2 4 3 r Letter to a divine in Boston. . . 4319 Sermon on suppr. of rebellion. 1746. . 3314 Sermons 7867 Gillies. Memoirs of 7876 Pamphlets on 97 2 Sermons on 2000 Tracts on and by 7 8 75 Yale College declara. against. 1745. . 2210 Whitehead, G. Antidote against Snake in the grass 3574 Christian epistle to friends. . . . 3475 Whitehead, W. A. Early history of Perth Amboy. 3633 Whitfield, H. Helps to stir up. . . 686 Light appearing. ... 52, 468, 8419 Whitfield, T. Doctr. of the Arminians. 572 Liberty of conscience 677 Whiting, John. Way of Israel s welfare. 888 Whiting, S. Abraham s intercession for Sodom 887 Last judgement. 1664 886 Whiting, W. Address before New Eng land Historical General Society. 1833. 5119 Whitman, B. Artill. elec. sermon. 1829. 1576 Whitman, Z. G. History of A. & H. Artillery Company. . . . 1692,93 Whitmore, F. Descendants of. . . 5119 Whitmore, W. H. Cavalier dismounted. 5119 Geneal. of Payne and Gore. . . . 8791 Increase Mather 1058 Whitney, Eli, Olmsted s Life of. . . 2316 Whitney, John F. Brief account of St. Augustine 4369 Whitney, John P. Silver-mining regions. 9228 Whitney, Jpsiah. Funeral sermon on Gen. I. Putnam 2311 Whitney, P. History of Worcester County, Mass. .... 1967, 8621 Whiton, J. M. Sketches of history of New Hampshire 2472, 8679 Whittaker, J. Principles of true church ^Shakers] 6425 Whittier, J. G. Stranger in Lowell. . 1866 Whittlesey, Chas. Dana s funeral ser mon on. 1764. ...... 1992 Whittlesey, Col. Chas. Early history of Cleveland 4543 Justice to memory of J. Fitch. . . 6679 Sketch of Tallmadge, Ohio. 4581,84, 9089 Wigan, J. Antichrist s strongest hold. 9086 Wigglesworth, Edward, D.D., d. 7765. Dudleian lecture. 7757. . . . 9074 Fun. ser. on B. Wadsworth. 77.77. 199^ Lectures, etc 7877 Sober remarks on a modest proof. 6169,70 Chauncey s funeral ser. on. 7765-. . 1007 Q 8 Wigglesworth, Edward, D.D., d. 1794 Calculation on American population. 9106 Wigglesworth, M. Day of doom. 889, 6995-7000 -Meat out of the eater. . . .889,7001 Dean. Memoir of 7000 C. Mather on life of. . . i II4 Wigglesworth, S. Earthquake ser. 7727" QOO -Massachusetts election sermon. 77^. 1485 Wilberforce, S. History of Episcopal church in America. . . . . . 6174 Wilcox, Carlos. Remains and memoir. . 2317 Wilder, D. Hist, of Leominster, Mass. 1856 Wildes, G. D. Artillery elec. ser. 1855. 1576 Wilkes, C. Meteorology of United States exploring expedition. . . 6675 Narr. of U. S. explor. expedition. . 8947 Wilkes, G. History of Oregon. . . 4712 Wilkins, I. Congress canvassed. 7774. 4184,87 (?) Controversy between Great Britain and colonies. 777^ 2896 Letters from Charles- 3853,54 Annals of Bingham- 8948 1835 865 1995 Wilkinson, Eliza, ton, S. C. . Wilkinson, J. B. ton, N. Y Wilkinson, James. Memoirs. . Willard, D. Hist, of Greenfield, Mass. Willard, Jos. Stoddard s ordin. ser. for. Willard, Jos. Pres. of H. Coll. Holmes s funeral sermon on. 1804. Willard, Jos., d. 1863. Address bar Wor cester county. 7<?9 1967* Willard, Samuel, D.D., vice-pr. H. Coll. Artillery election sermon. 7676. 7878,86 7699 9 12 , 7886 Barren fig tree. 903 Best priviledge. Boston lecture. 7707. 926 Boston lecture sermon. 7692. . . .905 Brief reply to George Keith. . . 926 Brotherly love 921 Checkered state of ch. Fast ser. 7707. 926 Child s portion. . . . 899,900,7884 Compleat body of divinity. . . 7888,89 Christian s exercise by temptation. . 921 Covenant keeping 894 Directions to divinity scholar. . 926, 7890 Discourse of justification. . 901, 2706, 7885 Doctrine of covenant of redemption. 906,7 Evangelical perfection 920 Fast sermon. 1682 899, 7884 Fear of an oath ; Boston lecture. 7707. 926 Fiery tryal no strange thing. 895,95*, 7882 Fountain opened. . . . 860,920,20* Funeral ser. on Gov. J. Leveret. . 891, 7879 on Major T. Savage. . . . 899,7884 on Gov. W. Stoughton. . . . 926 Impenitent sinners warned ; on case of infant murder Israel s safety ; fast sermon. 7794. Law estab. by gospel. Lect. ser. 769^. Laying the hand on the Bible. Love s pedigree. Lect. ser. 7700. Mass, election sermon. 1682. . 911 922 910 686*, 902 914, 7887 899, 7884 909, 7886 Mercy magnified Morality not to be relied on. Lecture sermon. 7700 ...... 915,16 Mourner s cordial ...... 904 Ne sutor ultra crepidam: animadv. on N. E. Anabaptists narrative. . 893, 6242 (?) Observa. on debates on witchcraft. 1389 Peril of the times ...... 919 Reformation the great duty ; fast ser mon ....... 908, 1694, 7886 Sacramental meditations. . 924,25, 7890 Sermon on death of John Hull. . . 897 on murder of S. Stoddard. . 923,26 to 2d church in Boston. 1680. 892, 7880,81 to 3d church in Boston. ib8o. . . 896 Spiritual desertions discovered. 913, 7886 Thanksg. ser. on return of a gentle man from his travels. Boston. 7705. 1989 Truly blessed man ..... 917,18 Useful instructions. .... 890 Colman s Poem on death of. . . 7391 Pemberton s Funeral ser. on. 842, 925, 7891,92 Willard, Sam l, D.D., Deerfield. Hymns. 6010 Willard, Sidney. Memories of youth. . 5298 Willes, H. Lord s ser. on d th of. 7759. . 2267 Willett, Col. M. Military actions of. . 4171 INDEX. 75 Willett, W. M. Scenes in the wilderness. 5619 Willey, S. H. Historical discourses. San Francisco. 1859. . . . 4676, 4711 William III. Norris s and Goodwin s Funeral sermons 575, 634 William and Mary Coll., Charter, etc. 3813,14 Williams, Mrs. C. R. Annals of aristoc racy of Rhode Island 2384 Exiles of Nova Scotia 153 Williams, Edward. Virginia s discov ery of silk-worms. 1650. . . . 3817 Virgo triumphans; or, Va. valued. 7650 3816 Williams, Eleazer, of Mansfield, d. 1742. Sensible sinners invited. . . . 7893 Sermons 7753 Williams, Eleazer, d. 1858. Good news, etc., in Iroquois 5720,42 Iroquois spelling-book 5742 Williams, Eliph. Earthquake ser. 1744. 292 Williams, Ehsha. Plea for liberty of conscience. 1744 2139 Ser. before Ct. Gen. Assem. 77.27. . 7753 Williams, Eunice. Williams, S. Ser mon on captivity 507 Fessenden, J. Sermon. . . 1982, 5478 Williams, John, Bishop of Chichester. Answer to I. Mather on Common Prayer worship 946147 I. Mather s answer to 1037 Williams, Rev. John, of Deerfield. Cap tive in Canada 472 God in the camp 507 Redeemed captive. . . .494-505,8412,17 Sermon after return 7893 at execution of Sarah Smith. . . 927 Chauncey s funeral sermon for. . . 508 Memoir of 472 Williams, Rev. John, of Sydenham. En quiry cone. Welsh disc, of Amer. 5471,72 Williams, John, Bp, of Conn. Conven tion sermon. 1856 6189 Williams, John L. View of W. Florida. 4383 Topography of Florida 4384 Williams, Mrs. Mary. Elegy on death of. 2269 Williams, Nath. Rules for inocula. 2752. 1645 Williams, Roger. Bloudy tenent. . . 688 Bloody tenent yet more bloody. . 689,89* Cotton. Letter to 690* Examined and answered. . . 687,5681 Experiments of spirituall life. . . 690 Reprint 8949 Key into language of America. 1643. . 2380 Ed. J. H. Trumbull. . . 690*, 2365,81 [Rhode Island Historical Society]. . 2371 Elton s life of 2383 Guild. Bibliog. introd. to writings of. 5681 Knowles s Life of 2382 Williams, Sam. History of American revolution, as a reading book. . . 4172 Williams, Prof. Sam l. History of Ver mont. ..... 2563,64, 8911 Williams, Solo. Duty of Christian sol diers. /75jr 260 Fast sermon. Norwich, Ct. 1750. . 2422 Sad tendency of divisions. . . 7893,94 Sermon. Fall of Quebec. 7759. . . 260 Sermons. ...... 507, 7753 True state of the question. . . . 846 Cogswell s funeral sermon on. 7776. . 2237 Williams, Solo., jr. Farewell sermon Lebanon, Ct. 1778. .... 2237 Williams, Stephen. Captivity. . . 472 Williams, Stephen W. Am. med. biog. 6570 Williams, Thos., or Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen. 8470 Williams, W. Appleton s Southern and Western guide 4528 Williams, Win., of Hatfield. Danger of not reforming. Fast. 7707. . . 928 Massachusetts election sermon. 77/9. . 1484 [Various] 7753 , 7895,96 . 301 5130 1960-63 Ti- Williams, Wm., of Weston. Earthquake fast sermon, 7727 Williams family genealogy. Williams College. Williamsburgh, Mass. Lusk. History sermon. 1836 i 95g Williamsburg, Va. Imprint. 1733. . . 3818 Hunter. 7756 2 i 9 Williamson, C. Description of settle ment of Genesee country. . . 2947,48,52 Williamson, H. Climate and aborigines. 59,59* History of North Carolina. . . 3890, 8725 Williamson, P. Captivity. . . . 5578 Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. 2502,93 Willis, D., murderer. C. Mather and B. Colman Willis, W. History of Portland, Me. Wilmington, Del., Almanac. 7774. McCullough. Historical sermon. Montgomery. Reminiscences of. Wilmington, N. C. Imprint. 1788. . Wilson, Commissary. Orderly book. conderoga. 7759 Wilson, Jas. Apostolic church govern ment and M. E. Church. Wilson, Rev. John, d. 1667. C. Mather s memoir of. Watchword against dreams. Wilson, John, Trial of, for mutiny. Wilson, R. G. Sermon on victory at New Orleans 5072 Wilson, S. Account of province of Car olina. 1682 3891,92, 8132 Wilson, Bp. Thos., d. 7755. Essay to wards instructions for Indians. . . 5620 Wilson, Thos., d. 1828. American mili tary and naval heroes. . . . 5083,84 Wilton, N. H. Discourses on separation in church. 1824 2495 Peabody. Centennial address. i8jq. . 2495 Wimer, J. Events in Indian history. . 5390 Winchell, J. M. Watts s psalms. . 6089-91 Winchendon, Mass. Hyde. History. . 1964 Winchester, Elhanan. Ora., 3ooth anniv. of disc, of Am. Lond. 7792. 3827, 4270, 6391 Tracts. 6891,92 Univeral restoration. . . 6388,89,8950 Rem. on address of Baptist church in Philadelphia [relating to.] . . . 3161 Windham, Ct. Imprint. 7795". . . . 2025 Pamphlets. 8255,56 Tyler, isoth anniv. sermon. 1850. 2287,8255 Waterman. Cent, sermon. iSoo. 2287, 8255 Weaver. Genealogies of. ... 2069 Whiting. Thanksg. ser. 7727. repr. . Windham, Me. Smith. Cent. addr. iSjQ. Windham, N. H. Blackwell. Forma- 1217 2607 3656 3655 3 6 54 6346 267 6273 "45 929 4989 2287 2613 tion Sacrament. 777^ Windsor, Ct. Ordin. of D. Foster. 7777. 2506 2290 2289 Perry. Fun. ser. on R. Wolcott. 7767. Stiles. History. Windsor, Vt. Imprint. 1785. . . 2519 1786. Livermore. Dedication sermon. 1846. Reynolds. Recollec. of state prison. 1834 Wines, E. C. Trip to Boston. 1838. Wingfield, E. M. Discourse of Virginia. 2565 2567 2566 1694 9229 691 1823 Winslow, E. Danger of tolerating. Winsor, J. Hist, of Duxbury, Mass. Winsted, Ct. Bulkley. sth anniversary sermon. iS$q 2287 Winthrop, Jas. [Tracts on prophecy]. . 5858 Winthrop, John, Gov. of Mass. History of New England 375>76 Journal 374, 8952,53 and Welde. Rise, etc., of Antinomians. it>44 37 2 Winthrop s Life and letters of. . . 1555 Winthrop, John, Gov. of Conn. C. Ma ther s Funeral sermon on. . 1272,73,7641 7 6 INDEX. Winthrop, John, Prof. Lectures on com- ets. 7759 177, 6658, 8954 Lecture on earthquakes. 1755- 293, ^77 on parallax of sun. 7769. . . 1770, 0673 Voyage to Newfoundland for transit of Venus. 7767 *77<> Langdon. Funeral sermon on. . 1770,1990 Sewall, S. Funeral oration on. . . 1769 Wigglesworth. Disc, on death of. . 1770 Winthrop, R. C. Address to Historical Society Bowdoin College. 1849. . . 2614 Life of John Winthrop i555 Winthrop, Wait. C. Mather s Funeral sermon on "3 6 ,37 J. Sewall s Funeral sermon on. . 1136, 5300 Wirt, W. Address on triumph of liberty in France. 1830 3 6 9 Letters of British spy 4Q45 Life of Patrick Henry 4027 Wisconsin. Freeman. Emig t s guide to. 4.651 -*- Home of the Badgers. . . . 4661,64 Lapham. Geography and hist. of. 4 6 55)5 McLeod. History of 4 6 57 Pamphlets 4664 Plumbe. Sketches of 4659 Sketch of Dane county. . . . 9089 Wisconsin State Hist. Soc. Addr s, &c. 4665 Wisconsin University. Inauguration of J. H. Lathrop 4664 Wisdom and policy of the French. 7755. 265 Wise, Jere. Mass, election sermon. 7729. 1485 Wise, Jno. Churches quarrel espoused. 3476, 7897)98, 7900 (?) Friendly check ... to chief can noneer 1444 (?) Letter from gentleman in Mt. Hope. 1443 Vindication of government of New England churches. . . 7899, 7901,02 (?)Word of comfort to melancholy country 1445 Wislizenus, F. A. Ansflug nach Felsen- gel 45 2 9 Wisner, B. B. Anniversary discourse Plymouth, Mass. 1830 1915 Hist, of Old South ch., Boston. 1597, 1982 WITCHCRAFT 1349-90 Dialogues of devils. 1808. . _ . . 1857 Lawson. Sermon at examination for witchcraft Salem-Village. 7692. 2711,12 Mather, C. Memorable providences. 1150,69,70, 2707 Wonders of the invisible world 1275, 2708 Mather, I. Cases of conscience. 955)9 Further account of tryals. . 990 Willard, S. Sermon on. . . 890 Witches, English trials of. . . 1383,84 Witches, The : a tale of New England. . 1390 Withers A. S. Chronicles of border warfare 3819, 5538.39 Witherspoon, J. Address to inhabitants of Jamaica 3600 Essays and sermons 3601 Legis. authority of Parliament. 7774. . 4173 Works 3602,03 Withy, G. Farewell address to friends. 3581 Witten, H. Dissert, geog. de Ophir. . 60 Woburn, Mass. Bennett. 25th anniver sary sermon. 1846. .... 1966 Chickering. Dedication sermon. iSoq. 1966 Sewall. History. Wolcott, Oliver, Gov. of Conn. Backus s Funeral sermon. . . 2 Wolcott, Oliver, Sec. of Treas. Letter on direct taxes Currency, credit, commerce, etc. . Wolcott, R. Letter to N. Hobart. . . MS. history of Connecticut. 7759. . Poetical meditations. . . 21^4,7007,04 Perry. Funeral sermon on. . 2280 Wolcott, W. Grateful reflections on surrender of Burgoyne ; poem. . 7005 1965 i8,ig 4946 7904 2137 Wolcott, Vt. Hubbell. Sufferings in settlement of . . . . . 2549 Wolfe, J. Instruc. to young officers. 1768. 268 Poem to memory of. 7759. . . . 7 6 Woltersdorf, E. G. Samtliche neue Lie- der 6098 Wonderful appearance of an angel, &c. Boston. 7774 1695 59 61 1556 4948 495 4947 4949 1775 4747 6099 5962 Wood, Abraham. Divine songs. Wood, I. Massachusetts compendium. Wood, J. Admin, of John Adams. Expos, of the Clintonian faction. Letter to Alex. Addison. Statement of sources of his history. Wood, Rev. S. Letters on Harvard College. 1837 Wood, Silas. Sketch of first settlement of Long Island 2964,65 Wood, W. N. England s prospect. 377-81,2713 Woodbridge, Benj. Church members set in joint 572 Epistle to the reader, etc. . . . 627 Woodbridge, N. J. Imprint. 1756. . 220* 7766 6249 Woodbury, Conn. Cothren. Bi-centen- nial address. i8$q 2287 History. . . . . . . 8258 Sherman. Bi-centen. sermon. 1859. . 2287 Woodman, D., jr. Guide to Texas emi grants Woodruff, H. Exposition of the Psalms. Woodruff, M. N. Devotional harmony. Woods, L. Address committee Harvard College. 7796 1773,75 Artillery election sermon. 1808. . . 1576 Woodstock, Conn. Lyman. Two ser mons. 7797 2287 West. Underwood. Half-centennial sermon. 1831. 2287 Woodville, W. Reply to letter of J. Creighton. 1822 3690 Woodward, W. E. List of Washington medals 9230 Woolman, J. Consideration on keeping negroes 3332, 3575, 4331 Consideration on pure wisdom, etc. . 3581 Journal of life and labors. . . 3577, S3 01 Works 3576 Woolsey, T. D. Historical discourse. ijoth anniver. Yale Coll. 1850. . 2193, 8223 Woolston, T. Free gift to the clergy. . 3477 Woonsocket, R. I. Newman. Statistics. 1846 Worcester, Noah. Address to Trinita rian clergy Worcester, S. [Pphs. on infant baptism.] Worcester, S. B. Watts s Psalms. Worcester, S. M. Anniversary course, Plymouth, Mass. 1848. . . 1915 Worcester, Thos. [Various]. . _ . . 7905 Worcester, Mass. American Antiq. So ciety. See American Antiq. Soc. Austin. Protest against proceedings of ist church. 7<fe7. . . . 1970, 8622 Bacon. Centu. disc. So. church. 1863. 1969 Bancroft. Century sermon. 1836. . 1971 Consoc. sermon. i8ib 1970 Prayers for families. 1832. . . . 1971 Barstow. Remarks on two sermons of Bancroft. 1821 1970 Exam, of Barstow s remarks. 1822. 1970 Barton. Epitaphs. 1848. . . 1971,8622 Blake. Oration, July 4, 7796. . . 8622 Blue-laws revived, n. d. . . . . 1970 Caldwell. Oration, July 4, 1803. . . 8622 Catal. of members of ist ch. 186%. . 8622 Commu. on ordin. of L. Hoadley. 1824. 1970 Constitution of Mechanics Asso. 1849. 1971 Davis. Address dedication Town Hall. 1825 1970,80, 8622 Difficulty in ist church. 1820. . . 1970 2439 7905 6234 6092-97 dis- INDEX. 77 Worcester rcester, Mass. Difficulty in ist ch. Remarks on [the preceding.] 1821. . _ __ 197 Fiske. Oration, July 4, 7797. . . 8922 Imprint, ist book. 1773. . . . 1859 Hill. Dedication sermon. 1851. . 1971,8622 2sth anniversary sermon. 1852. . 1971 Hopkins. Speeches on Holy Cross College 8622 Lincoln. Address consecration of cemetery. 1838. 1971 History 1968 Manual of Baptist church. 1822. . . 1970 Manual of ist church. 1864. . . . 1971 Mayor s address, etc 8622 Ministry at large, 3d ann. rep. 1852. . 1971 Proceedings of meeting about railroad depot. 1847 1971 Proposed canal to Providence. 1822. . 1970 Result of council. 1820 1970 State Lunatic Hospital. Reports, etc. 1837 1972 Tax-list. 1846 1971 Thing. Letter to Rev. |E. Pond. 1817. 1970 Washburn. Bar address. 1856. . . 1971 Worcester Almanac and Directory. 1844. 1977 Worcester collec. of sacred harmony. . 5963 Worcester Magazine. . . . 1973-75, 8623 Worcester County, Mass. Whitney. History 1967, 8621 Willard. Address to members of bar. iS2q 1967*, 8622 Word in season. By Mylo Freeman. . 1456 Word to Federalists. 1810 4953 Workman, G. Private men no pulpit men 692 Worlidge, J. Treatise of cider. . . 6614 Worsley, I. View of Amer. Indians. . 5473 Worster, C. H. Poetical epistle to G. Washington 4268 Worthington, E. Hist, of Dedham, Ms. 1811 Worthington, Mass. Bisbee. History. 1853 1979, 8622 Wortman, T. Address on inauguration of T. Jefferson 2897 Wrentham, Mass. Imprint. iSoi. . . 7098 Bean. Centennial sermon. 777^. . 1979, 8622 Ferguson. Letters to Thacher. . . 8622 Fisk. Anniversary sermon, 1846, and semi-centennial sermon. 1850. 1979, 8622 Manuals of ist Cong. ch. 1818, 1845. . 1979 Wright, J. Late war. 1765. . . . 269 Wyatt, T. Manual of conchology. . . 6647 Wyeth, John B. Oregon 4713 Wyeth, Jos. Anguis flagellatus. . . 3578 Wynne, Jas. Private libraries of N. Y. 7968 Wynne, John H. Brit. Empire in Amer. 206 Wyoming, Pa. Chapman. Sketch of. . 3363 Miner. History of 3365 Stone. Poetry and history of. . . 3364 Yakama grammar and diet. Pandosy. . 5631 YALE COLLEGE. . . . 2188-2216, 8218,39 Alumni addresses 2201* Baldwin. Annals 2190, 8219 Catalogues 2194-06 Clap. Annals. . . . 2189, 8218 Class records. . Commencement theses. Funeral discourses. . Gale. Letter on taxes. Vindication. . Graham, J. Answer. 22OO . 2198 22O7 8221,30 . 8230 8230 Reply to A. Z 8230 - Hubbard. Benefactors. . . . 8220 Laws. 1755 - Library. Catalogues, etc. . Phi Beta Kappa Orations, etc. Societies. . . 2188 . 2197 2202, 8227 22O2-94 Subject to Gen. Assembly. 1784. . 2144 Tracts and Pamphlets. 2205-16, 8230-38, 9128 Valedictory Poems and Orations. . 2201 Woolsey. isoth anniversary address. 1850 1983, 2193 Yale College Almanac. 7767. . . . 2208 Yankee spy. 7794 6243 Yarmouth, Mass. Alden. Dedicatory sermon. 7795 1979 Yates, J. V. N. and J. W. Moulton. His tory of New York. . . . 2824,25 Yellow fever 6577-80 Yepes, J. L. Catecismo en lengua Otomi. 5778 Yonge, F. Proceedings of So. Car. 7779. 3893 York, Me., Attack on, by Indians. . . 1112 Moody s Life of J. Quasson, Indian murderer. 1726 2611 York Co., Pa. Carter and Glossbrenner. History of 3045 Young, A. Chronicles of Mass. 1623-36. 1557 Young, D. Morristown ghost. . . 3639 Young, Solo. Hymns 6099 Youngs, B. S. Transactions of Ohio mob against Shakers 6426 Youngs, J. Methodism in America. . 6274 Zarate, P. de. Descubrimiento y con- quista del Peru 5346 Zeisberger, D. Del. Ind n spelling-book. 5700 Epistles of John in Delaware. . . 5704 Grammar of Delaware language. . 5703 Hymns in Delaware language. . . 5701 Lieberkuhn s Hist, of Jesus in Del. . 5705 Luckenbach s Scripture narratives in Delaware. 5706,07 Sermons to children, in Delaware. . 5702 Zenger, J. P. Trial of. ... 6505-07 Zinzendorf, N. L., Count. . . . 3320-23 Spangenberg. Life of 5302 INDEX OF MAPS, ENGRAVINGS, POR TRAITS, AND AUTOGRAPHS. [When only a name is given, an autograph is intended.] Adams, Hannah 9318 Albany, N. Y., Map of. 1818. . . . 9313 Allen, Col. Ethan 9319 America. Map of. 7799 9313 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. Portrait of. . 9296 Andre, Maj. John, Capture of, En graving of 9499 Arnold, Benedict. 9320 Asgill, Capt. Chas. Portrait of. . . 9303 Avery, Rev. David 9396 ] Granger, Gideon 9357 I Greene, Mrs. Catharine 0060 1 Greene, Gen. Nathaniel. . . . 9358,59 Griffin, Rev. E. D g39 6 Griswold, Gov. Matthew. . . . 9361, 9447 9362 9306 9496 Baldwin, Col. Jeduthan. Bangor, Me. St. John s church, En graving of Barlow, Joel. Bellows Falls, Plan of. ... Bloomfield, Gov. Jos Blount, Gov. Wm Boston, Mass., Harbor, Chart of. . View of Bowen, Jabez Bowie, Gov. Robert Brown, Nicholas. Burnet, Wm. Burr, Aaron. . 9321 9306 . 9322 9313 9356 9323 93i6 9 2 97 9324 9356 9324 9326,27 . 9328 Hancock, fifes. John I Hartford, Conn., Engraving of. | Hawley, Joseph Hawthorne, N., Portrait of. ... 9290 Hazen, Gen. Moses 9364 Henry, John V 9367 Hillhouse, Jas 9346,53,65,89 Hobart, Bp. John H. . . . . 93 66 Hobart, John S 9367 Canfield, John. . . 9330-34,40, 9405 Carey, Matthew. 9324 Chagre, W. I., Capture of, 1840, View of. 9298 Charter Oak, Engraving of. . . . 9306 Chaunceyj Rev. Elnathan 9489 Chester, Col. John 9335,36,80 Clap, Rev. Thos 9337 Clark, JBp. T. M., Portrait of. . . . 9303 Cleveland, Rev. John, of Chebacco. . . 9399 Clinton, Gen. Geo. 9338 Cobb, Col. David. 9339 Connecticut River, Maps of. . . 9307,13,15 Cooper, Rev. Robert 9396 Cornell, Ezek 9340 Craik, Dr. Jas 9341 Daggett, Rev. Naphtali. Dallas, Alex. J Deane, Silas De Saussure, H. W Detroit, Mich., View of. ... Dickinson, John Dickinson, Rev. Moses. Duer, Wm D wight, Rev. Timo., Pres. Yale Col. 9396, 9455 . 9402 9343 9344 . 9306 9345 9337 9346,47 939 6 Edwards, Pierpont. Eliot, Rev. John, D.D. . I. Roger. . Enos, Col. 933 6 ,47,48,53 9349 935 Fitzgerald, Col. John. Five Nations, Map of country of. , 9466,76 d . 9308 naval charts of. . . 9314 Gansevoort, Leonard 9353 Gardiner, Rev. J. S. J., Portrait of. . . 9303 Gilman, Nicholas. 9354 Goodrich, Chauncey 9355 Hosmer, Titus. Humphreys, Col. David. Huntington, Col. Ebenezer. Huntington, Gen. Jedediah. Huntington, Pres. Samuel. Hutchinson, Gov. Thos., Portrait of 9368 9369 937 9371-73 9374-76 943 Indian chiefs. 9377 Ingersoll, Jared 9378 ay, Pres. John. . ohnson, Richard M. . ohnson, Sir Wm., Portrait of. ones, J. P., Comm., Portrait of ones, Joseph. Kirkland, Rev. Samuel. 9379,80 947 . 9286 9303 9382 Lafayette, Marquis de, Portraits of. 9287,88 Lawrance, Col. John 9383,84 Ledyard. Col. Wm 9385 Lee, Richard H 9386 Lewis, Col. Morgan 9388, 9408 L Hommedieu, Ezra 9389 Livingston, Rob t R 9353, 9485 Livingston, Walter 9390 Livingston, Gov. Wm 9391 Long Island Sound, Chart of, 1803. . . 9313 Lovell, James 9392 Lowell, Mass., Plan of. 1832. . . . 9313 Lyman, Daniel 9393 McClure, Rev. David 9395, 9 6 MacDonough, T., Comm. Portrait of. . 9289 McDonough s victory, 1814, Engraving of 9299 McDougall, Gen. Alex 9397 Madison, James 9398 Mather, Cotton 94 Portrait of 933 Mather, Increase. .... 9400,01 Mifflin, Gen. Thos 9402,03 Milledge, Gov. John 9356 Mississippi River, Maps of. ... 9309 Mitchell, Stephen M 9405 Monroe, James 9398, 946,7 Montgomery, Mrs. Janet 948 Morgan, Dr. John 949 Morse, Jedediah 93 2 4 94 28 8o INDEX. Moultrie, Gen. Wm 94 Moylan, Gen. Stephen. . 9384. 94 1I ~ I 4.74 New Orleans, Plan of, 1803. . . 93*3 New York Harbor, etc. Maps of. . 9310,11,17 Nott, Pres. Eliphalet 94*5 Olffood, Samuel, P.M. Gen. . . . 939 Parker, Bp. Samuel 94*6 Parsons, Gen. Sam. H 94 r 7 Pendleton, Nathaniel 9360 Pendleton, Maj. Nathaniel. . . 9418-21 Pennsylvania, Map of N. boundary. . 9403 Perry, O. H. Comm., Portrait of. . . 9303 Peters, Richard 93 8l > 9423 Peters, Rev. Samuel 9424-26 Pettit, Charles. . . 9360,89, 9405,27,54,57 Philadelphia Exchange, Engraving of. 9306 Pike, Nicholas 9428 Pinckney, Chas 9429 Pitkin, Timothy 9367 Platt, Col. Richard 9446 Plattsburgh, N. Y., Plan of siege of. . 9299 Porto Bello, W. I., Harbor, town, and forts, View of 9298 Portsmouth, N. H., Map of. 1813. . . 9313 Putnam, Gen. I., Portrait of. . . 9291 Quebec, Engraving of 9298 Revere, Paul 9430 Rogers, Wm., D.D., Portraits of. . . 9292 Root, Jesse 9390, 9434.35 Russell, Nathaniel, Portrait of. . . 9293 Rutledge, Edward 9436-41 Saltonstall, Comm. Dudley. . . . 9442 Saltonstall, Gen. Gurdon 9445 Saltonstall, Gov. Gurdon. . . . 9443,44 Sargent, Col. Paul D 9446 Sevier, Gen. John. 9447 Sewall, Chief-Justice Samuel. . . . 9448 Sewall, Samuel, jr 9448 Shippen, Dr. Wm., jr 9449 Sigourney, Lydia H. 9450 Sinclair, Sir John. 9451 Smith, Melancthon 9452 Stewart, Col. Chas. . . . 9453,54 Stiles, Pres. Ezra 9455 Stoddert, Ben. . . . gory Strong, Gov. Caleb 9416 Strong, Jedediah. . . . Q3 6 S , 9456,57 Sullivan, James. . Sumner, Gov. Increase. Swan, Col. James. 9435.58 < 945 2 9460,96 Tallcott, Gov. Joseph. . . . 9461,62 Tallcott, Matthew 9463 Tallmadge, Col. Benj. 9383, 9414,64,66,73,77,91 Thomas, Isaiah 9467 Thomas, Robt. B 9468 Thomson, Charles. . . . 9379, 9469,70 Thurston, Rev. Gardner, Portrait of. . 9294 Trumbull, Rev. Benj. . . 9329, 9426,31,71,72 Trumbull, Col. John 9473.74 Trumbull, John, Drawings by. . . 9302 Trumbull, Gov. jona 9475 Trumbull, Col. Jona. jr. . . 9466,76,85,90 Trumbull, Col. Jos. 9340,46,47,9430,52,57,69,78-80 Turner, Gov. Jas 9356 Turner, Dr. Philip 9481 United States, Map of, 1813. 93*3 9367 9482 Van Vechten, Abraham. . Varnum, Gen. James M. Vermont, Map of. ijSq 9313 Wadsworth, Col. Jere. 9353,60,84,87,9408,32,83,84 Wadsworth, Peleg 9485 Ward, Henry 9487 Ward, Col. Samuel. . . . 9355,60, 9488 Warham, Rev. John 9489 Washington, G., Portraits of. . . 9280-84 Washington family, Engraving of. . . 9285 Webb, Col. Samuel B 9490,91 Webber, Samuel, D.D 9492 Webster, Noah 9493 Welles, Rev. Noah, of Stamford. . . 9399 West Point, N. Y., Map of. ... 9312 Views of 9494 Wheelock, Pres. Eleazer 9495 Wheelock, Rev . John, Pres. of Dartmouth college 9342 Williams, Gen. Jona. . . . . 9496 Wilson, Tames 9497,98 Wolfe, Gen. Jas., Portrait of. . . . 9295 Woodbridge, Rev. John 9396 Worcester, Mass., Map of, 1833. . .9313 Wright, Gov. Robert 9356 Yale college, etc., Engraving of. . . 9306 York and Gloucester, Va., Plan of in vestment of, 1781 9301 CATALOGUE Emmrait OF THE I.ATK MR. GEORGE BRINLEY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. FIRST PART. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT -THE CLINTON HALL SALE-ROOM, ASTOR PLACE AND EIGHTH .STREET, NEW YORK, ON Monday, March 10th, and the following days, TWO SESSIONS DAILY, Commencing at 3.3O and 7.30 P. M. Hie books will be on view for a week previous to the sale. Cards of admittance may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers. GEO. A. LEAV1TT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS. PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS ETC. IN THE FIRST PART OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY WERE SOLD March ioth-i5th 1879 AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. GEORGE A. LEAVITT & CO. NEW YORK Nos. 1-247. 1 5.50 51 13.50 101 10. 149 1. 198 10.50 2 29. 52 12.50 101* 12.50 150 23. 199 2.25 3 16.50 53 .50 102 21. 151 .50 200 3. 4 2. 54 1.63 103 100. 152 3.50 201 3. 5 8. 55 10.50 104 30. 153 1. 202 2.25 6 1.20 56 10. 105 2. 154 10. 203 16. 7 5.85 57 9. 106 50. 155 2.75 204 33. 8 2.25 58 5.50 106* 75. 156 3.25 205 3. 9 14. 59 1.75 107 4. 157 14. 206 5. 10 20. 59* 1.50 108 1. 158 1. 207 3.50 11 32. 60 4. 109 2. 159 7. 208 3.75 12 4.50 61 1.50 110 out. 160 5. 209 62.50 13 2.50 62 3. 111 .50 161 5. 210 13.00 14 13.50 63 21. 112 4. 162 2.50 211 3. 15 3.25 64 out. 113 .60 163 18.50 212 4.50 16 1.50 65 2. 114 1.50 164 1.50 213 19. 17 26. 66 3.75 115 1. 165 12. 214 11. 18 1.38 67 35. 116 45. 166 6.50 215 5. 19 45. 68 1.75 117 1.50 167 22. 216 4.25 20 110. 69 1.25 118 20. 168 6. 217 3. 21 33. 70 2.50 119 4. 169 .63 218 2.75 22 26. 71 6.50 120 17. 170 10. 219 13. 23 11. 72 15. 121 10.50 171 40. 220 1.25 24 1.25 73 40. 121* 7.50 172 43. 220* 6. 25 11. 74 .50 122 .50 173 2. 221 4. 26 21. 75 90. 123 1.50 174 5. 222 5.25 27 23. 76 280. 124 3.75 175 1.75 223 2.25 28 10. 77 30. 125 1. 176 7.50 224 5. 29 40. 78 3.50 126 17. 177 3.50 225 1.50 30 95. 79 2.25 127 2.50 178 12. 226 4. 31 255. 80 8.50 128 2. 179 3.50 227 5.25 32 32.50 81 3.50 129 4. 180 3.50 228 8. 33 132.50 82 60. 130 3. 181 7.50 229 1. 34 5. 83 5. 131 2. 182 3.88 230 7.25 35 45.50 84 1.50 132 2.50 183 1.87 231 .50 36 12. 85 10.50 133 1.75 184 1.50 232 .63 37 10. 86 5. 134 3.50 185 6. 233 .50 38 7. 87 2.25 135 2.50 185* 3. 234 16. 39 6. 88 1. 136 4. 186 1.50 235 3.50 40 100. 89 1. 137 3. 187 4.50 236 7. 41 29. 90 .50 138 1.75 188 4.25 237 6. 42 15. 91 1. 139 55. 189 1.63 238 9.50 43 10. 92 2.50 140 out. 190 15. 239 6.25 44 12. 93 3. 141 2. 190* 6.50 240 12. 45 6.50 94 1. 142 .50 191 1. 241 38. 46 27. 95 .50 143 57.50 192 3.75 242 20. 47 11. 96 3.25 144 33. 193 2. 243 17. 47* 85. 97 5.25 145 .50 194 2. 244 1. 48 6. 98 8.50 146 49.88 195 3. 245 1. 49 18. 99 1. 147 1. 196 10. 246 22. 50 10.50 100 2.50 148 .50 197 16.50 247 3.25 Nos. 248-493*. 248 3. 299 8. 348 52.50 396 14. 444* 11. 249 3. 300 10. 349 15. 397 1.50 445 15. 250 3.25 301 3.50 350 20. 398 2.50 446 41. 251 5. 302 5.50 351 42. 399 1.75 447 62. 252 3.50 303 11.50 352 4.50 400 1.25 448 115. 253 3.50 303* 5.50 353 4. 401 2.25 449 65. 254 10.50 304 .50 353* 2.75 402 2. 450 45. 255 4.50 305 3. 354 3. 403 3.50 451 1. 256 9.25 306 135. 355 2. 404 4. 452 29. 257 2.50 307 3.50 356 50. 405 3.50 453 26. 258 2. 308 225. 357 1.50 406 1.50 454 39. 259 15.13 309 .50 358 3.25 407 2. 454* 27. 260 15.12 310 .50 359 110. 408 85. 455 11. 261 3.25 311 2. 360 100. 409 18. 456 20. 262 4. 312 55. 361 4. 410 37.50 457 19. 263 4.50 313 2. 362 5. 411 4.75 458 21. 264 12. 314 150. 363 110. 412 2.25 459 15. 265 27. 314* 80. 364 1800. 413 3. 460 12. 266 4.50 315 37.50 365 230. 414 130. 461 20. 267 8.50 316 27. 366 2. 415 30. 462 10. 268 2. 317 2.50 367 50. 416 2.50 463 8. 269 4.50 318 2.50 368 16. 417 36. 464 13. 270 15.00 319 55. 369 3.50 418 25. 465 11. 271 5. 320 8. 370 1. 419 2.13 466 17. 272 3. 321 1.50 371 5.50 420 7.50 467 45. 273 3.25 322 60. 372 26. 421 .75 468 6.50 274 .50 323 2.75 373 50. 422 215. 469 30. 275 8. 324 .60 373* .70 423 55. 470 8.50 276 68. 325 .05 374 10. 424 1.75 471 3. 277 1.50 326 19. 375 5. 425 1. 472 14. 278 2.75 327 35. 376 4. 426 1.50 473 30. 279 .50, 328 1.50 377 80. 427 1.38 474 7. 280 1600. 329 21. 378 40. 428 1. 475 9. 281 30. 330 8. 379 20. 429 7. 476 37. 282 19. 331 6. 380 8. 430 80. 477 10. 283 10. 332 21. 381 7. 431 21. 478 5. 284 .50 333 2.75 382 2.25 432 24. 479 2. 285 12. 334 4. 383 150. 433 81. 480 26. 286 .50 335 4. 384 20. 434 27. 481 25. 287 3. 336 180. 385 9. 435 17. 482 13. 288 2.25 337 37.50 386 4.50 435* 7. 483 1. 289 .50 338 1. 387 1. 436 6. 484 11.50 290 3. 339 1. 388 1.50 437 37. 485 3.13 291 3.25 340 6. 388* 2.25 438 19. 486 5. 292 13.50 341 5. 389 out. 439 25. 487 4.25 293 7.50 342 50. 390 18. 440 15. 488 5. 294 1.50 343 21. 391 16. 441 5. 489 3. 295 1.50 344 .50 392 8.50 442 11. 490 7. 296 1.50 345 10.50 393 25. 443 6. 491 2.13 297 2.75 346 12. 394 57.50 443* .75 492 8. 298 10. 347 2. 395 36. 444 14. 493 6. Nos. 494-732. 494 106. 543 3.50 589 14. 638 10.50 687 120. 495 11. 544 5.50 590 20. 639 5. 688 72.50 496 5.25 545 25. 591 13. 640 3.50 689 150. 497 6.50 546 5.50 592 9. 641 2. 689* 145. 498 7.50 547 5. 593 13.50 642 8. 690 .50 499 3. 548 13. 594 8.50 643 1.75 690* 3. 500 4.25 549 6. 595 9. 644 205. 691 90. 501 8.25 549* 8. 596 11. 645 20. 692 13.50 502 3. 550 5. 597 11.50 646 15. 693 10.50 503 2.50 550* 7.25 598 9. 647 4. 694 8. 504 3.50 551 17. 599 8. 648 10. 695 16. 505 2. 552 26. 600 3. 649 5.50 696 19. 506 11. 553 10.50 601 out. 650 12. 696* out. 507 15. 554 12.50 602 5.50 651 2. 697 36. 508 6. 555 50. 603 8. 652 3.50 698 55. 509 13. 555* 30. 604 6. 653 3. 699 52.50 510 4. 556 4. 604* 1.25 654 5. 700 80. 511 50. 557 3. 605 9.50 655 1. 701 52.50 512 9.50 558 7.50 606 5. 656 5. 702 45. 513 3.75 559 7. 607 1. 657 2. 703 52.50 514 2.25 560 4. 608 1.50 658 4.50 704 156. 515 2. 561 14. 609 3. 659 1.50 705 125. 516 2. 561* 2.50 610 4.25 660 1. 706 15. 517 15. 562 20. 611 2. 661 . 12. 707 84. 517* 18. 563 1. 612 2.25 662 .50 708 17. 518 5. 564 1. 613 12. 663 4. 709 144.50 519 16. 565 25. 614 5. 664 10. 710 6.50 520 5.50 566 12. 615 2.50 665 .50 711 3. 521 3. 567 33. 616 25. 666 1. 712 3. 522 5. 568 10.50 617 1.75 667 2.25 713 .50 523 16. 569 29. 618 22. 668 1.25 714 .50 524 4.50 570 55. 619 16. 669 1. 715 .50 525 3.50 571 2. 620 5. 670 .50 716 .50 526 17. 572 20. 621 8. 671 3. 717 .50 527 2. 573 17. 622 4.50 672 2. 718 14. 528 4.75 574 8. 623 1,50 673 5. 719 5. 529 6.50 575 17.50 624 8.50 674 1.50 720 10. 530 32. 576 5. 625 10. 675 .50 721 5.25 530* 10. 577 1.50 625* 6.50 676 10. 722 13. 531 24. 578 55. 626 2.50 677 16. 728 50. 532 3.25 579 81. 627 12.50 678 11. 724 7. 533 5. 580 30. 628 2.50 679 11. 725 1.75 534 10.50 581 15. 629 2.50 680 5. 725* 2. 535 2. 582 5. 630 3.50 680* 14. 726 21. 536 .50 583 15. 631 4.25 681 24. 727 13.75 537 1.50 584 9. 632 3.13 682 15. 728 3. 538 2. 585 3.50 633 2.25 683 12. 728* .50 539 41. 586 13.50 634 13.50 684 25. 729 1. 540 20. 587 32. 635 4.50 685 8.50 730 17. 541 70. 588 16.50 636 5.25 686 6.50 731 4. 542 36. 588* 9.50 637 5. 686* 2.25 732 1. Nos. 733-975. 733 155. 784 70. 831 17. 879 24. 928 4.25 734 50. 785 22. 832 20. 880 24. 929 57.50 735 70. 786 700. 833 20. 881 20. 930 12.50 736 10. 787 1000. 834 16. 882 18.50 931 11. 737 10. 788 550. 835 57.50 883 11.50 932 4. 738 13. 789 500. 836 41. 884 95. 933 20. 739 21. 790 500. 837 17. 885 36. 934 90. 740 65. 791 57.50 838 17. 886 57.50 935 35. 741 15. 792 40. 839 16.50 887 52.50 936 22. 742 6. 793 110. 840 11. 888 22. 937 5. 743 10. 794 25. 841 45. 889 23. 938 8.50 744 5. 795 205. 842 2. 890 25. 939 7. 745 10. 796 42.50 843 130. 891 15. 940 12. 746 3. 797 50. 844 2.50 892 10. 941 26. 747 15. 798 135. 845 26. 893 29. 942 15. 748 1.25 799 50. 846 24. 894 .75 943 8. 749 22. 800 5. 847 1200. 895 17.50 944 25. 750 6. 801 110. 848 37. 895* 10.50 945 10. 751 90. 802 35. 849 31. 896 3. 946 8.50 752 70. 803 40. 850 435. 897 17.50 946* 4. 753 55. 804 100. 851 90. 898 12. 947 3.50 754 215. 805 21. 852 20. 899 15. 948 260. 755 7. 806 20. 853 47.50 900 5. 949 26. 756 15. 807 3.50 854 18. 901 11. 950 4. 757 5. 808 13. 855 40. 902 out. 951 6. 758 2. 809 7.50 856 44. 903 8.50 952 15.50 759 3. 809* 8. 856* 11. 904 12. 953 10. 760 110. 810 20. 857 43. 905 15. 954 21. 761 40. 811 2.50 858 24. 906 5. 955 65. 762 115. 812 65. 859 10. $07 6. 956 31. 763 80. 813 40. 860 33. 908 2. 957 10. 764 130. 814 130. 861 7. 909 9.50 958 out. 765 145. 814* 77.50 862 32. 910 5. 959 35. 766 40. 815 50. 863 20. 911 5.50 960 4.25 767 38. 816 50. 864 15. 912 6. 961 19. 768 26. 817 42.50 865 19. 913 6. 962 23. 769 37.50 817 b 50. 866 5. 914 8. 963 4.50 770 2. 817 25. 866* 5. 915 9. 964 17. 771 2. 818 135. 867 60. 916 .50 965 2. 772 41. 819 105. 868 9. 917 5. 966 15. 773 25. 820 32.50 869 20. 918 2. 967 22.50 774 40. 821 16. 870 16. 919 7. 968 36. 775 40. 822 35. 870* 13. 920 3.75 969 5. 776 15. 823 20. 871 4.25 920* .63 970 37.50 777 45. 824 12. 872 22. 921 2. 971 10. 778 37.50 825 12. 873 11. 922 4.50 971* 3.50 779 17. 826 15.50 874 10. 923 6.50 972 21. 780 30. 827 150. 875 5. 924 .75 972* 10. 781 12.50 828 110. 876 1.50 925 .80 973 17. 782 135. 829 52.50 877 21. 926 17. 974 20. 783 50. 830 25. 878 .50 927 13.50 975 13. Nos. 976-1222. 976 1. 1027 10. 1076 15. 1126 16. 1173* 3. 977 6. 1028 10. 1077 13. 1127 13. 1174 14. 978 17. 1029 18. 1078 20. 1128 16. 1174* 6. 979 13. 1030 10. 1079 16. 1129 3.50 1175 10. 980 13. 1031 10. 1080 14. 1129* 5. 1176 12. 981 30. 1032 19. 1081 6. 1130 14. 1177 12. 982 5. 1033 9. 1082 17. 1131 14. 1178 21. 983 53. 1034 6. 1083 21. 1132 3. 1179 12. 984 34. 1035 9. 1084 2.50 1133 10. 1180 13. 985 7.50 1036 18. 1085 3. 1133* 10. 1181 11. 986 22. 1037 18. 1086 21. 1134 17. 1182 12. 987 24. 1038 5. 1087 16. 1135 15. 1183 13. 988 9. 1039 19.50 1088 18. 1136 13. 1184 3. 989 15. 1040 45. 1089 2. 1137 4. 1185 1.25 990 42. 1040* 34. 1090 11. 1138 5. 1186 7. 991 17. 1041 14.50 1091 10. 1139 18. 1187 12. 992 20. 1042 5.00 1092 13. 1140 14. 1188 12. 993 21. 1043 18. 1093 23. 1141 9. 1189 25. 994 10. 1044 15. 1094 18. 1142 10. 1190 5. 995 11. 1045 140. 1095 19. 1143 6. 1191 5. 996 10. 1046 92.50 1096 25. 1144 17. 1192 19. 997 9.50 1047 20. 1097 105. 1145 55. 1193 13. 998 18. 1048 37. 1098 12.50 1146 30. 1194 20. 999 18. 1049 8. 1099 17. 1147 19. 1195 300. 1000 13. 1050 5. 1100 15. 1148 25. 1196 18. 1001 40. 1051 6. 1101 60. 1149 25. 1197 30. 1002 9. 1052 4.50 1102 17. 1150 52.50 1198 14. 1003 11. 1053 1.50 1103 17. 1151 20. 1199 30. 1004 6. 1054 4. 1104 12. 1152 11. 1200 80. 1005 13. 1055 18. 1105 11. 1153 13. 1201 8. 1006 16. 1056 10. 1105* 29. 1154 28. 1202 21 1007 26. 1057 8. 1106 205. 1155 15. 1203 6. 1008 11.50 1058 .75 1107 1. 1156 7. 1204 5. 1009 13. 1059 25. 1108 1. 1157 41. 1205 12. 1010 18. 1060 5.50 1109 7.50 1158 110. 1206 17. 1011 8. 1061 17. 1110 10. 1159 4. 1207 8.50 1012 15. 1062 10. 1111 11. 1160 6. 1208 14. 1013 13. 1063 17. 1112 25. 1161 6. 1209 15. 1014 8. 1064 21. 1113 20. 1162 9. 1210 20. 1015 2.50 1065 11. 1114 20. 1163 5. 1211 19. 1016 8. 1066 20. 1115 10. 1163* 1.75 1212 16. 1017 11. 1066* 5. 1116 9.50 1164 10. 1213 22. 1018 24. 1067 10. 1117 8. 1165 16. 1214 10. 1019 59. 1068 20. 1118 16. 1166 10. 1215 14. 1020 1.50 1069 14. 1119 11. 1167 10. 1216 21. 1021 38. 1070 45. 1120 13. 1168 10. 1217 8. 1022 28. 1071 14. 1121 8. 1169 160. 1218 20. 1023 13. 1072 5. 1122 7.50 1170 50. 1219 16. 1024 26. 1073 5. 1123 8. 1171 11. 1220 12. 1025 25. 1074 43. 1124 25. 1172 20. 1221 27. 1026 8. 1075 31. 1125 15. 1173 15. 1222 26. Nos. 1223-1473. 1223 20. 1272 19. 1322 2.25 1373 40. 1423 .50 1224 12. 1273 20. 1323 3.50 1374 16. 1424 .50 1225 12. 1274 37.50 1324 2.25 1375 12. 1425 1.65 1226 12. 1275 100. 1325 .50 1376 5.50 1426 .50 1227 12. 1276 12.50 1326 .50 1377 2.25 1427 .50 1228 23. 1277 10. 1327 12. 1378 2. 1428 .50 1229 9. 1278 15. 1328 1. 1379 3.25 1429 .50 1230 16. 1279 14. 1329 125. 1380 8. 1430 25. 1231 19. 1280 21. 1330 1.75 1381 23. 1431 10. 1232 15. 1281 57.50 1331 1.25 1382 2.50 1432 27. 1233 4. 1282 5. 1332 1. 1383 10.50 1433 27. 1234 14. 1283 29. 1333 1.25 1384 26. 1-434 11. 1235 22. 1284 26. 1334 3.25 1385 2. 1435 11. 1236 3.25 1285 5. 1335 1.25 1386 12. 1436 21. 1237 9.50 1286 19. 1336 4.25 1387 17. 1437 10.50 1238 11. 1287 5. 1337 3. 1388 36. 1438 16. 1239 10. 1288 5. 1338 1.25 1389 4.75 1439 25. 1240 4. 1289 .50 1339 7.50 1390 9.50 1440 26. 1241 13. 1290 .50 1340 6. 1391 2.25 1441 10. 1242 15. 1291 2.63 1341 5.25 1392 7. 1442 16. 1243 27. 1292 12.50 1342 9.50 1393 12. 1443 11. 1244 21. 1293 15. 1343 1. 1394 11. 1444 11. 1245 40. 1294 3.25 1344 1.50 1395 11. 1445 21. 1246 10. 1295 22. 1345 155. 1396 17. 1446 10. 1247 15. 1296 4. 1346 out. 1397 15. 1447 10. 1248 19. 1297 35. 1347 30. 1398 11. 1448 7. 1249 20. 1298 20. 1348 3. 1399 10. 1449 5. 1250 6. 1299 5. 1349 12.50 1400 5. 1450 6. 1251 20. 1300 5.50 1350 16. 1401 5. 1451 4. 1252 18. 1301 1.50 1351 19. 1402 11. 1452 4. 1253 23. 1302 1.50 1352 190. 1403 2.50 1453 7.50 1254 40. 1303 1. 1353 2.50 1404 4.25 1454 6. 1255 42. 1304 13. 1354 5. 1405 14. 1455 8. 1256 13. 1305 3. 1355 21. 1406 14. 1456 8.50 1257 19. 1306 1.50 1356 9. 1406* 5. 1457 4.50 1258 15. 1306* .50 1357 10.50 1407 8. 1458 3.50 1259 16. 1307 9. 1358 9. 1408 7.50 1459 10. 1260 16. 1308 19. 1359 8.75 1409 30. 1460 3.50 1261 14. 1309 6. 1360 25. 1410 1.50 1461 3. 1262 22. 1310 28. 1361 8. 1411 1. 1462 6. 1263 17. 1311 3.25 1362 4.25 1412 1.50 1463 7.13 1264 15. 1312 2. 1363 5. 1413 1.50 1464 13.50 1265 23. 1313 17. 1364 18. 1414 7. 1465 25. 1266 34. 1314 6. 1365 105. 1415 3.75 1466 1.50 1267 11. 1315 2. 1366 120. 1416 .60 1467 3.25 1268 17. 1316 2.25 1367 90. 1417 2. 1468 16.50 L269 12. 1317 3. 1368 2.50 1418 4.50 1469 10.50 L270 16. 1318 3.25 1369 .50 1419 1. 1470 1. L270* 16. 1319 1. 1370 10.50 1420 .60 1471 2. L271 10. 1320 27. 1371 15. 1421 1. 1472 .50 [271* 17. 1321 .50 1372 46. 1422 .50 1473 2.50 Nos. 1474-1720. 1474 1.50 1524 11.50 1573 3.50 1624 17. 1673 4.50 1475 .50 1525 2.20 1574 21.50 1625 26. 1674 6. 1476 .50 1526 22.80 1575 2. 1626 2.50 1674* .63 1477 .50 1527 2.50 1576 3.60 1627 1.50 1675 8. 1478 1. 1528 7.50 1577 3.50 1628 3. 1675* .50 1479 .50 1529 out. 1578 14. 1629 1.25 1676 15. 1480 5. 1530 5.50 1579 5. 1630 4.25 1677 11. 1481 4.50 1531 2. 1580 4. 1631 9. 1678 1. 1482 13. 1531* .50 1581 1. 1632 14. 1679 .60 1483 1. 1532 4. 1582 3.25 1633 13. 1680 22. 1484 10. 1533 2. 1583 4.50 1634 7.50 1681 3.25 1485 5. 1534 5.50 1584 3. 1635 1. 1682 3. 1486 68.25 1535 4.50 1585 1. 1636 4.25 1683 1.50 1487 52.50 1536 3. 1586 J 3.75 1636* 3.50 1684 9. 1488 9. 1537 4. 1587 f 3.75 1637 8.50 1685 9.50 1489 25.25 1538 .50 1588 4.50 1638 5. 1686 6. 1490 1. 1539 5. 1589 .75 1639 2. 1687 4.50 1491 .60 1540 11. 1590 2. 1640 1.88 1688 3. 1492 5. 1541 21. 1591 .50 1641 20. 1689 .50 1493 7.50 1542 .50 1592 2.50 1642 1. 1690 1.25 1494 22. 1543 2. 1593 3.75 1643 2.25 1691 13. 1495 17. 1544 23.10 1594 .50 1644 1. 1692 2. 1496 16. 1545 1. 1595 .50 1645 120. 1693 5. 1497 13. 1546 .50 1596 1. 1646 40. 1694 1. 1498 14. 1547 .25 1597 1.50 1647 3. 1695 8. 1499 9. 1548 1. 1598 .70 1648 26. 1696 75. 1500 2.50 1549 1. 1599 2.25 1649 28. 1697 16. 1501 1.25 1550 .50 1600 3.50 1650 25. 1697* 2.50 1502 1.25 1551 13. 1601 1. 1651 .50 1698 30. 1503 14. 1552 9. 1602 2. 1652 1.25 1699 63. 1504 10.75 1553 9.50 1603 1.50 1653 3.50 1700 6.50 1505 .50 1554 3. 1604 5.60 1654 1. 1701 12. 1506 3.50 1555 1.50 1605 1. 1655 3.25 1702 56. 1507 6.25 1556 1.25 1606 1. 1656 2.75 1703 6.50 1508 28. 1557 4.50 1607 1.75 1657 2.25 1704 out. 1509 1. 1558 1.50 1608 1.40 1658 7. 1705 2. 1510 8. 1559 2. 1609 1. 1659 16. 1706 2.50 1511 21. 1560 10.50 1610 .38 1660 1.25 1707 18. 1512 4.75 1561 2.80 1611 .75 1661 3. 1708 17. 1513 14.50 1562 3. 1612 .50 1662 26. 1709 9. 1514 10.50 1563 3.30 1613 ) 1663 5. 1710 14. 1515 120. 1564 1.63 1614 f .75 1664 5.50 1711 3. 1516 21. 1565 3.25 1615 2.10 1665 7.50 1712 3.50 1517 6. 1566 1. 1616 .25 1666 .60 1713 4.50 1518 4.50 1567 3.50 1617 .25 1666* .30 1714 4.25 1519 .50 1568 13. 618 2.50 1667 10. 1715 6. 1520 1.25 1569 2.25 619 .50 1668 11.50 1716 2. 1521 1.25 1570 2.50 620 1. 1669 13. 1717 35. 1522 2.50 1571 4.50 621 .50 1670 1.50 1718 25. 1523 2.13 1572 3. 622 1. 1671 2.75 1719 39. 1523* .50 1572* 2. 623 .50 1672 1.25 1720 31. Nos. 1721-1962. 1721 9. 1770 2.50 1818 1.10 1865 .50 1913* 1.75 1722 160. 1771 10.50 1819 out. 1866 2 1914 6.50 1723 3.50 1772 5.10 1820 6. 1867 1.50 1915 25.50 1723* 9. 1773 5. 1821 5.50 1868 3.50 1916 2.50 1724 4. 1774 10. 1822 2.50 1869 4. 1917 5.50 1725 2.50 1775 9.50 1823 4. 1870 3.75 1918 .75 1725* 2. 1776 7. 1824 .50 1871 21. 1919 5. 1726 14. 1777 5.50 1825 1.75 1872 3.50 1920 2.25 1727 7.50 1778 2.25 1826 .50 1873 4.25 1921 3. 1728 13.50 1779 4.05 1827 5.25 1874 3.50 1922 .60 1729 21.50 1780 8. 1828 3. 1875 6.50 1923 9. 1730 12.50 1781 3.75 1829 1.75 1876 1. 1924 4.50 1731 8.25 1782 12. 1830 7.75 1877 .50 1925 4. 1732 7.20 1783 1.80 1831 9.75 1878 .50 1926 1. 1733 7.20 1784 .80 1832 5.25 1879 2.50 1926* .50 1734 1.25 1785 15. 1833 7.70 1880 12. 1927 9. 1735 3.25 1786 13. 1834 2.25 1881 1. 1928 11.50 1736 .50 1787 23. 1835 3. 1882 1.25 1929 7. 1737 out. 1788 7. 1836 5. 1883 1. 1930 10. 1738 4.50 1789 45. 1837 7. 1884 3.60 1931 2. 1739 5.75 1790 5. 1838 3.25 1885 4. 1932 3.75 1740 1. 1791 8.25 1839 4. 1886 5.70 1933 3.75 1741 6.30 1792 7. 1840 3. 1887 2.50 1934 52. 1742 4. 1793 .75 1841 3.50 1888 3.50 1935 1.25 1743 3. 1794 2 1842 2. 1889 4.50 1936 1.75 1744 5.50 1795 1. 1843 5.25 1889* 1.50 1937 7.75 1745 6.60 1796 .50 1844 5. 1890 2.25 1938 4.50 1746 1.20 1797 .50 1845 6. 1891 6.50 1939 4. 1747 1.50 1798 45. 1846 1.25 1892 3. 1940 5.20 1748 2.75 1799 10. 1847 6.25 1893 6. 1941 .50 1749 5.50 1800 .50 1848 out. 1894 8. 1942 .60 1750 1.80 1801 1.75 1849 out. 1894* 1.75 1943 6.75 1751 3. 1802 12. 1850 out. 1895 3.50 1944 3.25 1752 1.50 1803 11. 1850* 4. 1896 6. 1945 3.75 1753 .50 1804 3.50 1851 .60 1897 2.60 1946 6.75 1754 7.50 1805 9.50 1852 2. 1898 2.40 1947 1. 1755 32.50 1806 3.85 1852* .50 1899 2. 1948 1. 1756 7. 1807 8. 1853 3.75 1900 27.50 1949 4.25 1757 7.75 1808 1.25 1854 .50 1901 4. 1950 22. 1758 1. 1809 2,80 1855 6.30 1902 .50 1951 6. 1759 3.75 1810 9. 1856 2.50 1903 1. 1952 .50 1760 3. 1811 4. 1856* 2. 1904 .40 1953 6.60 1761 2. 1812 1. 1857 3. 1905 .50 1954 2. 1762 .50 1812* 2. 1857* .50 1906 .30 1955 2.50 1763 1. 1813 3.50 1858 12.50 1907 .30 1956 4.50 1764 1.25 1813* 11. 1859 45. 1908 30. 1957 8. 1765 2. 1814 22. 1860 25. 1909 195. 1958 7.20 1766 20. 1815 8. 1861 8. 1910 4.75 1959 4. 1767 22.50 1816 3.50 1862 21.75 1911 3. 1960 1. 1768 5.50 1817 out. 1863 .75 1912 1.63 1961 7.20 1769 1. 1817* .50 1864 15. 1913 2. 1962 2. Nos. 1963 2208. 1963 14. 2012 25. 2062 2 2113 1. 2163 4.20 1964 K 2013 10. 2063 3. 2114 3.50 2164 .50 1965 3. 2014 5. 2064 4.50 2115 1. 2165 15. 1966 .50 2015 5. 2065 2.50 2116 10. 2166 18. 1907 n 2016 5. 2066 18.50 2117 10. 2167 4. 1967* 2. 2017 18. 2067 1. 2118 8.50 2168 4. 1968 3.50 2018 1.75 2068 3. 2119 60. 2169 3.75 1969 .50 2019 10. 2069 17. 2120 61. 2169* 3. 1970 6.50 2020 1. 2070 30. 2121 32, 2170 2.75 1971 3. 2021 .50 2071 5.25 2122 25. 2171 380. 1972 .50 2022 5.25 2072 21. 2123 28. 2172 310. 1973 30. 2023 2. 2073 .50 2124 16. 2173 5. 1974 3. 2024 1. 2074 1. 2125 5. 2174 10. 1975 8.50 2024* 2.50 2075 1. 2126 6. 2175 3. 1976 1. 2025 6. 2076 .50 2127 32. 2176 3. 1977 .50 2026 .60 2077 .50 2128 32.50 2177 4. 1978 3.50 2027 6. 2078 7. 2129 3. 2177* 4.50 1979 4.20 2028 2.25 2079 8. 2130 33. 2178 1. 1980 4.50 2029 1.13 2080 5. 2131 22. 2179 16. 1981 7. 2030 3. 2081 .50 2132 6.50 2180 100. 1982 11. 2031 .75 2082 21. 2133 8. 2181 3.50 1983 11.50 2032 1.20 2083 3.50 2133* 1. 2182 2.75 1984 out. 2033 30. 2084 10. 2134 40. 2183 2.10 1985 5. 2034 4. 2085 115. 2135 105. 2184 2.50 1986 5.25 2035 26. 2086 2.25 2136 10. 2185 11.50 1987 3. 2036 .50 2087 2.50 2137 52.50 2186 160. 1988 5. 2037 5.50 2088 65. 2138 45. 2187 5. 1989 13. 2038 4.00 2089 27.50 2139 6. 2188 26. 1990 10.50 2039 3.50 2090 17. 2140 5.50 2189 27. 1991 4. 2040 2. 2091 3. 2141 3.75 2189* 12. 1992 15. 2041 1. 2092 8. 2142 2.50 2190 7. 1993 5.50 2042 1. 2093 .50 2143 .90 2191 .60 1994 9. 2043 235. 2094 10. 2144 11. 2192 1.50 1995 6. 2044 45. 2095 5. 2145 1.75 2193 1.25 1996 5.50 2045 3.50 2096 5. 2146 .50 2194 11. 1997 10. 2046 6. 2097 7. 2147 3.25 2195 7.50 1998 10. 2047 .60 2098 9. 2148 2.50 2196 4.10 1999 11. 2048 12.40 2099 3. 2149 5. 2197 3.15 2000 12. 2049 .60 2100 6. 2150 1.25 2198 7.35 2001 300. 2050 5.20 2101 14. 2151 3. 2199 2.50 2002 20. 2051 2.63 2102 41. 2152 2. 2200 1.95 2002* 16. 2052 3. 2103 2 2153 2. 2201 4. 2003 210. 2053 1.50 2104 100. 2154 2.50 2201* .60 2004 125. 2054 57. 2105 75. 2155 17.55 2202 3.80 2005 37.50 2055 24.25 2106 75. 2156 .65 2202* 1.62 2006 17. 2056 31. 2107 5. 2157 9.63 2203 1.88 2007 16. 2057 6.50 2108 1. 2158 7.50 2204 .60 2008 11. 2058 6.75 2109 .50 2159 4.39 2205 6.50 2009 8. 2059 1.25 2110 6. 2160 .50 2206 7.50 2010 5. 2060 13. 2111 3. 2161 8.75 2207 13. 2011 24. 2061 2.50 2112 2.50 2162 2. 2208 2.75 Nos. 2209-2458. 2209 3. 2260 .50 2311 15. 2360 14. 2410 35. 2210 3. 2261 1.75 2312 1. 2361 .50 2411 7. 2211 3.50 2262 2.50 2313 3.25 2362 40. 2412 13.50 2212 4.20 2263 .50 2314 3.25 2363 11. 2413 10. 2213 2.75 2264 .50 2315 2. 2364 1.13 2414 4.25 2214 1.40 2265 1.75 2316 .60 2365 6. 2415 6. 2215 3.60 2266 1.25 2317 1. 2366 .80 2416 3. 2216 1.25 2267 out. 2318 5.50 2367 1. 2417 8. 2217 7.65 2268 1. 2319 2. 2368 .75 2418 9.25 2218 4.50 2269 7. 2320 11. 2369 1. 2419 6.50 2219 3.90 2270 7.20 2321 3. 2370 2.75 2420 11. 2220 3.50 2271 1.80 2322 7. 2371 10. 2421 4. 2221 -3.50 2272 3. 2323 2. 2372 2. 2422 8. 2222 2. 2273 5.75 2324 2.75 2373 .75 2423 3. 2223 10.25 2274 2.50 2325 .50 2374 1.25 2424 1.25 2224 3.25 2275 3. 2326 .75 2375 .30 2425 3. 2225 1. 2276 2. 2327 .55 2376 .30 2426 2.75 2226 .50 2277 2. 2328 1.25 2377 1.50 2427 10.50 2227 3. 2278 1.50 2329 6.50 2378 10. 2428 12. 2228 .50 2279 .70 2330 2.63 2379 2.50 2429 2. 2229 1.25 2280 .75 2331 1.25 2380 105. 2430 6. 2230 4. 2281 6. 2332 1. 2381 5. 2431 2. 2231 1.50 2282 3.25 2333 out. 2382 2.38 2432 1.50 2232 4. 2283 1.75 2334 1. 2383 .80 2433 2.50 2233 4.50 2284 1.80 2335 3.50 2384 1.63 2434 .50 2234 6.00 2285 .70 2336 10. 2385 3.90 2435 .50 2235 7.50 2286 2.50 2337 1.50 2386 5.75 2436 3.50 2236 4. 2287 2.70 2338 out. 2387 2.40 2436* 2. 2237 6.50 2288 6.50 2339 out. 2388 4.05 2437 5. 2238 1.50 2289 3. 2340 99. 2389 1. 2438 .60 2239 8. 2290 1.50 2341 1.50 2390 .50 2439 6.75 2240 1.25 2291 2.50 2342 130. 2391 2.50 2440 .50 2241 2.25 2292 8.25 2343 40. 2292 7.60 2441 25. 2242 1.25 2293 3. 2344 60. 2392* 1. 2442 10. 2243 1.25 2294 2.25 2345 52.50 2393 4. 2443 1.50 2244 .50 2295 1.38 2345* 15. 2394 1.40 2444 2. 2245 2. 2296 1. 2346 5. 2395 2. 2445 9. 2246 7. 2297 6.50 2347 9.75 2396 3.20 2446 6.75 2247 .80 2298 .90 2348 .50 2397 1.80 2447 6. 2248 2.25 2299 .90 2349 3.50 2398 2.75 2448 5.50 2249 2. 2300 1.50 2350 8. 2399 out. 2449 .50 2250 1.25 2301 1. 2351 14.50 2400 1. 2449* .50 2251 .88 2302 2.87 2351* 5. 2401 .50 2450 5. 2252 6. 2303 .25 2352 1. 2402 .25 2451 1.50 2253 5.40 2304 1. 2353 8. 2403 .25 2452 1. 2254 2. 2305 .25 2354 1.40 2404 5. 2453. .75 2255 2.25 2306 .25 2355 1.25 2405 5. 2454 5. 2256 3.50 2307 .75 2356 2. 2406 6.50 2455 7. 2257 5.25 2308 .75 2357 10. 2407 3.80 2456 3.60 2258 20. 2309 3. 2358 1. 2408 2.25 2457 .50 2259 3. 2310 3.25 2359 1.63 2409 25. 2458 2.13 Nos. 2459-2619. 2459 2.37 2492 3.60 2523 7.30 2555 3. 2588 1.38 2460 .80 2493 2.75 2524 .50 2556 1.50 2589 5. 2461 4.05 2494 3. 2525 1. 2557 .75 2590 .25 2462 1.75 2495 3.60 2525* 1. 2558 2. 2591 4. 2463 2.25 2496 4. 2526 1.75 2559 1. 2592 7. 2464 3. 2497 .75 2527 4.50 2560 .80 2593 8.50 2465 2. 2498 1.20 2528 2.25 2561 .40 2594 5. 2466 20. 2499 .75 2529 22.50 2562 37.50 2595 2. 2467 .75 2500 .60 2530 20. 2563 1.25 2596 3.75 2468 13.50 2501 1.25 2531 3. 2564 4. 2597 1.75 2469 6.40 2502 8.50 2532 9.25 2565 1.25 2598 3. 2470 4.50 2503 2.50 2533 2. 2566 .50 2599 .60 2471 .25 2504 2. 2534 1.75 2567 7.20 2600 4. 2472 1.25 2505 3.25 2535 15. 2568 6.30 2601 1. 2473 7.70 2506 1. 2536 8. 2569 2.55 2602 5.25 2474 3.25 2507 28. 2537 9.50 2570 7.20 2603 3.50 2475 .75 2508 26. 2538 8. 2571 1. 2604 6. 2476 .60 2509 26. 2539 2.25 2572 .50 2605 5.50 2477 1.50 2510 65. 2540 .50 2573 .25 2606 1. 2478 .60 2511 26. 2541 1.38 2574 .25 2607 2.75 2479 3.50 2512 100. 2542 9.75 2575 .25 2607* 2.80 2480 1.50 2513 105. 2543 2.55 2576 .25 2608 5. 2481 4.20 2514 50. 2544 2.75 2577 3.15 2609 1. 2482 1.25 2515 40. 2545 7. 2578 2.50 2610 1.25 2483 .75 2516 49. 2546 1.25 2579 .63 2611 9.50 2484 1.25 2517 40. 2547 11.50 2580 1.12 2612 8.25 2485 5.75 2518 2. 2548 3. 2581 1. 2613 7.65 2486 .60 2519 . 20. 2549 5. 2582 .63 2614 5. 2487 1. 2519* 33. 2550 6. 2583 1. 2615 55. 2488 1.05 2520 15. 2551 5.50 2584 .60 2616 20. 2489 1.25 2520* 4. 2552 3. 2585 16. 2617 3. 2490 4. 2521 47.25 2553 .60 2586 .50 2618 21. 2491 3.50 2522 29.75 2554 1. 2587 .25 2619 10.75 Total, $48,785.27 Printed by The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford. CATALOGUE OF THE Sthrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. PART I. AMERICA IN GENERAL NEW FRANCE CANADA ETC. THE BRITISH COLONIES TO 1776 NEW ENGLAND HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1878 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the purchase-money, if req^l^red, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the buyer s expense and risk within three days from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. In preparing the Catalogue, care has been taken to make the description of every book full and accurate, and every deficiency and imperfection which was discovered has been noted : but the sale of any Volume or Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. The books will be exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and will be sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle ment of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. PREFACE. In compliance with positive directions given by the late Mr. George Brinley, his whole collection of books relating to America will be offered for sale by auction. The Catalogue of the First Part of this collection is now submitted to the public. Few of those into whose hands it is likely to fall need be informed that within the field it covers it comprises a greater number of volumes remarkable for their rarity, value, and interest to special collectors and to book-lovers in general, than were ever before brought together in an American sale-room. The titles of the books and tracts, though rarely given without abbreviation, will be found sufficiently full to distinguish the edition or impression, and accuracy of description as regards binding and general condition has been aimed at, throughout. All imperfec tions discovered by the compiler of the catalogue have been pointed out; though a rigorous collation of every volume was, under the circumstances, impossible. Some critical readers may object to the frequent recurrence of the terms "scarce," "rare," "superlatively rare," and so on; and if such terms have been misapplied the objection is certainly a valid one. But it is believed that a thorough examination of the catalogue will show that reference to the rarity of a book or tract has been omitted when it might fairly have been made, ten times as often as it has been made without warrant of critical bibliography. Turn, for example, to the collection of "Books printed in New England, 1640-1709" (pages 87-126), and to that of the "Works of the Mathers" (pp. 127- 176), and of the six hundred and fifty consecutive titles there are scarcely twenty that any American bibliographer could hesitate to mark " rare," or " very rare." VI PREFACE. The general plan of the Catalogue is indicated, as regards the First Part, by the table of Contents, prefixed. The arrangement it can hardly be called a classification is substantially that which was adopted by Mr. Brinley himself, for his book-shelves. A strictly alphabetical arrangement, by authors names or titles, would perhaps have been more acceptable to bibliographers, but the extent of the library rendered such an arrangement impracticable, and it seemed inappropriate to the sale-catalogue of a library which is not less remarkable for the completeness of its collections in special depart ments, than by the number of its titles. The Second Part will comprise books relating to New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, with special collections of works printed by William Bradford, Reynier Jansen, A. Bradford, S. Keimer, Christopher Sauer, Benjamin Franklin, and other early printers, and a collection of works relating to the Quakers ; Maryland, Virginia, and the Southern colonies and states ; the American Revolution ; Washingtoniana ; the United States, since the establishment of Inde pendence ; the West, California, and the Pacific coast ; Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America ; the American Indians, and their Languages ; American Biography ; American Poetry ; and Books printed in America from 1709 to 1776. The Third Part will include American Bibles; Psalmody, and Music; books relating to Episcopacy in the U. States, Methodism, the Baptists, and other denominations; Arts and Sciences; Educa tion, including early School Books ; Chap Books (a large and curious collection); Bibliography, Catalogues, etc.; Miscellaneous Works; Almanacs; Broadsides; Maps, Prints, and Autographs. * =H= =K= HARTFORD, CONN., Jan. i, 1879. CONTENTS. AMERICA, in general. Discovery, Exploration, General History, Historical Collections, etc., ..... page i CANADA AND NEW FRANCE, NEWFOUNDLAND, NOVA SCOTIA; THE RED RIVER COUNTRY, etc., . . . . .6 THE BRITISH COLONIES in North America, to 1776, . . .19 THE STAMP ACT, AND TAXATION OF THE COLONIES, . . 21 WARS WITH FRANCE AND SPAIN, . . . . .24 NEW ENGLAND, . . . . . . . .31 WARS WITH THE INDIANS, . . . . . -44 TREATIES AND CONFERENCES WITH INDIAN TRIBES, . . 50 THE GOSPEL AMONG THE INDIANS, . . . .52 BOOKS PRINTED IN THE INDIAN LANGUAGE, . . . 102 NARRATIVES OF CAPTIVITIES, ... -57 PURITANISM, NONCONFORMITY, AND INDEPENDENCY : CONGREGA TIONALISM IN N. ENGLAND (including books by New England authors, printed in England, etc.), . . . -63 BOOKS PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE AND BOSTON, 1640-1709, . 87 The Bay Psalm Book, No. 847 : The Cambridge Platform (1649), No. 733: Almanacs, 1646-1707, Nos. 699-721 : Eliot s Indian New Testament, No. 786: The Indian Bible, Nos. 787-790: Massachusetts General Laws, 1672, No. 814 : Morton s N. E. Memorial, 1669, No. 827 : Capt. Thomas Wheeler s Thankful Remembrance of God s Mercy to Brookfield, No. 884. THE MATHERS, . . . . . . .127 Works of RICHARD MATHER, p. 127: INCREASE, 129: COTTON, 144: AZARIAH, 172: ELEAZER, MOSES, and NATHANAEL, 173: SAMUEL, of Dublin, 174: SAMUEL, of Windsor, 174: SAMUEL, of Witney, 175: SAMUEL, of Boston, 175. Books from the MATHER LIBRARY, 177. WITCHCRAFT, in Old and New England, . . . .180 COLONIAL, STATE, AND LOCAL HISTORY: MASSACHUSETTS, . ... 185 CONNECTICUT, ... .245 RHODE ISLAND, . .281 NEW HAMPSHIRE, ... 290 VERMONT, .... - 296 MAINE, . 33 ADDENDA, ... ..... 306 CATALOGUE. 1 ABBOTT (GEORGE) Archbp. of Canterbury. Briefe Description of the whole World, engraved title-page (by Marshall), russia gilt, good copy. sin. 12 T. H.for Will. Shear es, 1636 2 prel. 11., pp. 350, (3). The description " Of America, or the new World," begins on p. 253. The Archbishop had picked up some curious facts : e. g., on p. 266, he notes that the Indians " had amongst them no good nor wholsome food, for even that maiz, whereof they made their bread, had in the root thereof a most vencmous kinde of liquor, which is no better than deadly poyson." 2 ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE) The Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies . . Written in Spanish, by Joseph Acosta, and translated into English by E. G., fine copy, mor. extra, gilt, RARE. sm. 4 London, Val: Sims, 1604 3 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archaeologia Americana; Transactions and Collections, 4 vols. uncut. 8 Worcester and Boston, 1820-60 4 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, boards, uncut. 8 Worcester, 1837 5 Account of the Am. Antiq. Society, incorporated Oct. 24, 1812. Boston, Nov. 1813. Laws, list of members, etc. Jenks (W.) Address at the First Anniversary, Oct. 1813. Bost., 1813. Thomas (I.) Communication to the Members, Oct. 1814: with the Laws of the Society. Holmes (A.) Address at the 2d Anniversary. Bos ton, 1814. Address to the Members, Laws, etc., Worcester, 1819. Goodwin (I.) Address at opening of Antiquarian Hall, Worcester, 1820. Lincoln (W.) Address, rel. to character and services of C. C. Baldwin. (8) 8 Worcester, 1835 6 53d Semi-annual Report of Council, etc., May 29, 1839. Wore., 1839. Proceedings, 31 st Annual Meeting, Oct. 1843, with Address of Hon. J. Davis (2 copies). Proceedings, Oct. 23, 1849, w ^ n Memoir of Albert Gallatin, by E. E. Hale. Proceedings, [semi annual,] 1850-55. (12) 8 7 Proceedings [semi-annual and special meetings,] 1857-74, want ing April, 1873. (38) 8 So nearly complete a series of the Am. Antiq. Society s publications has seldom been offered for sale. Several of the early Addresses, Proceedings, &c., are VERY SCARCE, and some of the more recent issues are already out of print. ^ BOOKS RELATING TO 8 AMERICAN GAZETTEER (The), maps, 3 vols. 16 London, 1762 9 ANTIQUITATES AMERICANS, sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America, ed. C. C. Rafn, pro Soc. Antiq. Septemtr., maps and plates, including facsimiles of Old Norse Mss., VELLUM PAPER, calf extra. 4 Hafnice, 1837 10 BENZONI (G.) La Historia del Hondo Nvovo, vellum (Pratt}, 4 prel. and 175 (numbered) leaves. sm. 8 Venetia, Fr. Rampazetto, 1565 FIRST EDITION, fine copy, with good impressions of the curious wood-cuts. RARE. 11 BOISSARD (J. J.) & DE BRY (J. T.) Bibliotheca sive Thesavrvs Virtvtis et Gloriae ; in quo continentur illvstrivm Ervditione & Doc- trina Virorvm Effigies & Vitse. 4 vols. in 2, calf extra, backs full gilt (Riviere}. sm. 4 Francoforti, 1628-31 Fine impressions of the portraits, including those of Columbus, Seb. Munster, Peter Martyr, Grynaeus, Linschoten, Mercator, &c. That of S. Purchas, with pp. 295-6 of the first volume, is wanting. 12 BREVOORT (J. C.) Verrazano the Navigator, or Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano, and on a Planisphere of 1529 illustrating his Amer ican Voyage in 1524. With a Reduced Copy of the Map. A Paper read before the Am. Geographical Society of New York, Nov. 28, 1871, cloth, uncut. r. 8 New York, 1874 Two hundred and fifty copies printed. 13 CABOT (SEBASTIAN) Memoir of ; with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. [By Richard Biddle.] Half calf, gilt. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 14 [COLUMBUS.] Eyn schon hiibsch lesen von etlichen insslen die do ^in kurtzen zyten funden synd durch de kiinig von hispania. vnd * sagt vo grossen wunderlichen dingen die in de selbe insslen synd. {Colophon .] Getruckt zu Strassburg vff gruneck vo meister Bartlo- mess kiistler ym iar. M.cccc.xcvij. vff sant Jeronymus tag. 7 11. morocco, gilt sides and edges. sm. 4 " One of five copies reproduced in marvellous facsimile by (the elder) John Harris." " The first book in the German language relating to the discoveries in the New World. It is apparently made up from Columbus first letter of 1493." H. Stevens. 15 COLUMBUS (C.) Memorials of Columbus ; or a Collection of Authentic Documents of that celebrated Navigator, now first pub lished from the original manuscripts. Preceded by a Memoir. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. Portrait. 8 London, 1823 1 6 COLUMBUS (C.) History of (his) Life and Voyages, by Washington Irving, boards, uncut. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1831 17 (COLUMBUS.) NOTES ON COLUMBUS. [By H. Harrisse.] With photographic facsimiles and illustrations, pp. vii, 227, UNCUT. sm. folio. New York, Privately Printed, 1866. For a description of this "MAGNIFICENT and almost UNATTAINABLE book, of which ninety-five copies only were printed exclusively for PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION," see the Menzies Catalogue, No. 894. " It is to the munificence of S. L. M. Barlow, Esq., of New York, that the possessors of this grand work are indebted for its production." 1 8 COOPER. The History of North America. By the Rev. Mr. Cooper, curious copperplates. 12 Lansingburgh, 1795 19 CORTES (MARTIN) The Arte of Navigation. .. Exemplified by manye Demonstrations. . .Translated out of Spanjshe into Engljshe by Richard Eden, various wood-cuts, movable diagrams, and a map of the New World. 4 London, lohan lugge, Wydowe, 1584 AMERICA. 3 NORMAN (ROBERT) The New Attractive ; containing a short Dis- covrse of the Magnes or Loadstone, and amongst other his vertues, of a new discovered secret and subtill Propertie, concerning the Declining of the Needle, [with] Necessarie Rules for the Art of Navigation. London, T. East for R. Ballard, 1585 A Discourse of the Variation of the Cumpas, or Magneticall Needle, made by W. Burroughs] and is to be annexed to The New Attractive of R. N., diagrams. London, 1585 Three VERY RARE -volumes in one, blaek-Icttrr, good copies, half russia. 4 From the library of the Duke of Sussex, with book-plate. A volume of extraordinary interest to more than one class of collectors. " The treatise of Martin Cortes is the most important work upon navigation that had yet appeared in the world. The science was revolutionized by it. Very few copies have the map, on which the New World is delin eated on the same sheet with the western parts of Europe and Africa." B. Quaritch^s Gen. Catalogue, 9530 d. Robert Norman, in The New Attractive, announced his discov ery of the dip of the magnetic needle; and Burroughs s important observations of the declination of the needle, followed up by Gunter, led to the discovery (by Gillebrand?) of the cycle or change of the variation in declination. 20 DRAKE (Sir FRANCIS) Expeditio Francesci Draki Eqvitis Angli in Indias Occidentals A. M.D.LXXXV. Qua vrbes, Fanum D. lacobi, D. Dominici, D. Augustini & Carthagena, captae fuere. Additis passim regionum locoriimque omnium tabulis Geographicis quam accuratissimis. With the 4 large folded maps, lined with linen, red levant morocco extra, full gilt, sides paneled and filleted, rich inside borders, g. e. (by F. Bedford}. 4 Ley dee, Apud Fr. Raphelengium, M.D.LXXXVIII. The relation of Drake s second Voyage, in the original Latin edition, WITH THE MAPS COMPLETE, is of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. Leclerc s copy, in plain vellum, without the maps, sold in 1869 for 205 francs. Neither Leclerc nor Sabin notes the sale of more than one copy with the maps, since Hibbert s almost fifty years ago. 21 DRAKE (Sir FRANCIS) The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, Being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted ; carefully collected out of the notes of Master Francis Fletcher, Preacher in this imployment, and divers others his fol lowers, etc., no map, russia gilt, gilt edges. sm. 4 London, for Nich. Bourne, 1628 First edition, VERY RARE. A second edition was published in 1635, and another in 1652 which last makes part of "Sir Francis Drake Revived" (No. 48). See Stevens s Nuggets, No. 921, and Sabin s Dictionary, No. 20853, for the collation. 22 DRAKE. Sir Francis Drake Revived. . . Being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West-Indies. . . Collected out of the Notes of the said Sir Francis Drake, Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher, . . . carefully compared together, the Four Parts complete, portrait, and another (by W. Marshall) inserted, diamond russia, tooled and gilt, g. e., a fine copy, wide margins except the second part, which is too close trimmed on the front, touching the side-notes. 4 London, for Nicholas Bourne, 1652-53 pp. (6), 87; The World Encompassed, pp. (2), 108 ; A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir F. D. s West-Indian Voyage, pp. 41 ; A Full Relation Of Another Voyage, pp. [43]-6o. See Rich, 294 ; Stevens, Nuggets, No. 924 ; Sabin s Dictionary, 20840. 23 DRAKE. Clark (Samuel) The Life & Death of the Valiant and Renowned Sir Francis Drake, His Voyages and Discoveries in the West Indies, etc., portrait (by Vaughan), fine clean copy, russia tooled, g. e. (C. Bering}. sm. 4 London, for S. Miller, 1671 4 BOOKS RELATING TO 24 EACHARD (L.) The Gazetteer s or Newsman s Interpreter. Part i, Europe : Part 2, Asia, Africa, and America, 2 vols. in i. 12 London, 1716-18 25 ENCISO (MARTIN FERN. D ) Suma de geographia que trata de todas las partidas y prouincias del mundo : en especial de las indias. y trata largame^te del arte del marear jimtamente con la espera en romance : con el regimiento del sol y del norte : agora nuevamente emendada de algunos defectos que tenia en la impres sion passada, title-page slightly injured, wanting fol. 7 and^, old vellum. folio, Sevilla, Andr. de Burgos, 1546 Enciso s "Compendium of Geography," comprising an account of America, written principally from his own observation ; a corrected reprint of the first edition, of 1519, " apparently the first book printed in Spanish, relating to America." See Rich Nos. 4 and 16; Harrisse, pp. 168, 420. 26 ESQUEMELING (JOHN) Bucaniers of America: Or, a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of late Years upon the Coasts of the West-Indies, By the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French, [With the] Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan. . . The Second Edition, . . with two Additional Relations, of Captain Cook, and Captain Sharp, maps, portraits, and plates, old paneled calf . 4 London, for Wm. Crooke, 1684-85 A FINE COPY of the BEST EDITION, the FOUR PARTS complete, making two volumes bound in one. SCARCE. " This work contains the narrative of Oexmelin, somewhat altered and condensed, fol lowed by an anonymous buccaneer s account of Sharpe s Voyages ; and concludes with the full and correct history of this latter part by Basil Ringrose. . . The Maps are from Captain Sharpe s sketches, and EXTREMELY VALUABLE. They differ from the plates in any other edition." B. Quaritch, Gen. Catalogue, 9474. 27 Foxe (Luke) North- West Fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage. Beginning with King Arthvr, Malga, Octhvr, the two Zeni s of Iseland, . . . following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, etc. . . With the Author his owne Voyage, being the xvi th . . . By Captaine Lvke Foxe of Kingstone vpon Hull, Capt. and Pylot for the Voyage, etc., good copy, plate of sphere, no map, 6 prel. II., pp. 272 (169-172, repeated}. 4 London, B. Alsop and Tho. Fawcet, 1635 EXTREMELY RARE. In a note on Mr. Menzies s copy, with the map, Mr. Sabin remarked : " We are unable to record the Public Sale of a Perfect Copy in the United States." 28 Frobisher (M.) Historia Navigationis Martini Forbisseri . . . A. C. 1577 . . ex Anglia, in Septemtrionis & Occidentis tractum susceptae, ... in latinum sermonem a J. T. Freigio translata, etc., engraved frontispiece, very large and fine copy, nearly uncut, calf, g. e. (by Hay day). 4 Hamburgi, Joh. Naumanni & Georgi Wolffii,\ 675 " This Hamburgh reprint of the Latin translation of Frobisher s Voyage, contains some augmentations, and is VERY RARE." F. M^^ller. 29 GALVANO (ANT.) The Discoveries of the World from their first originall vnto the yeere of our Lord 1555. Briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, . . . Corrected, quoted, and now published in English by RICHARD HAKLUYT, Matli-ktter, red morocco extra, sides elegantly gilt, g. e. (Riviere), RARE. sm. 4 London, G. Bishop, 1601 " The worke, though small in bulke, containeth so much rare and profitable matter as I know not where to seeke the like, within so narrow and streite a compasse." Hakhiyt. 30 GARDYNER (George) of Peckham, in the County of Surrey, Esq. A Description of the New World. Or, America Islands and Conti- AMERICA. 5 nent : and by what people those Regions are now inhabited, etc., green str. gr. morocco extra, g. e. ( W. Pratt\ 7 prelim, leaves ; Text, pp. 187, (i). sm. 8 London, for Robert Leybourn, 1651 " A volume of EXTREME RARITY." Sabirts Dictionary, vol. vii, p. 170. A copy in Stevens s Nuggets (1862) is marked 21. The work is dedicated to Sir Henry Vane, junior. The author had been taken prisoner by " the Flemmings and Irish, in his coming from those remote parts of America." 31 GILBERT (Sir HUMPHREY) A Discovrse Of a Discouerie | for a new Pas-lsage to Cataia. Written by Sir Hvm-|frey Gilbert Knight. | Quid non ? | With a folded General Map made onelye for the particvler Declaration of this Discovery; \Title, Epistle to the Reader (by George Gascoine) 16 pp., Sonnet, Letter of Sir H. G. and The Table, 10 pp., Text, 58 pp., Faultes and Advertisement, 2 pp.], red morocco, g. e. sm. 4 Imprinted at London by Henry Middleton for Richarde Ihones, 1576, Aprilis 12 VERY RARE. Heber s copy, LARGE, CLEAN, and FINE. 32 GOMARA (FR. LOPEZ DE) The Pleasant Historic of the Conquest of the West India, now called new Spaine. Atchieued by the most woorthie Prince Hernando Cortes, Marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade. Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by T[homas] Npcholas] Anno. 1578, red straight- grained morocco extra, sides panel-gilt, with corner ornaments, g. e. (Pratt), sm. 4 London, Thomas Crede, 1596 Title and 5 prel. leaves, pp. 405, (6). FINE COPY of the second English edition. 33 HAKLUYT (R.) The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discov eries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, ... at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres, calf gilt. folio, London, Geo. Bishop and Ralfe Newberie, Deputies to C. Barker, 1589 The FIRST EDITION of Hakluyt s famous collection. This copy contains the six suppressed leaves of Sir F. Drake s Voyage (inserted after p. 643), and the Voyage of Sir Jerome Bowes (after p. 490) "printed this second time . . . for the correction of the errours in the former impression." 34 HEYLYN (P.) Microcosmus ; a Description of the Great World. The Fourth Edition, pp. 809. sm. 4 Oxford, 1629 This copy has the autograph of John Danforth (Minister of Dorchester, 1682-1730), on the title-page, and, on the verso, an anagram and verses (by him?) on " Mr. Thomas Fitch," 48 lines. 35 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE (The), and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. [First Series, 1857-66, 10 vols. Second Series, 1867-69, 6 vols.] 16 vols. in 13. Half green str. gr. morocco, (Roxburghe), UNCUT. Boston, and New York, 1857-69 36 HOLMES (A.) Annals of America, Second Edition, half calf gilt, 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1829 37 LAET (J. de) Novvs Orbis seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis Libri xvm, 14 maps, and many wood-cuts, fine copy, vellum. folio, Lugd. Batav., apud Elzevirios, 1633 The best edition of De Laet s Description of America. 38 LAS CASAS (B. de) Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima, title in engraved border, and 17 plates (designed by lodocus a Winghe), half calf, pp. 138. sm. 4 Oppenheimii, y. T. de Bry, 1614 6 BOOKS RELATING TO 39 Las Casas. Tyrannies et Crvavtez des Espagnols commises es Indes Occidentales, . . . traduitte en Francois par lacques de Miggrode, title in red and black, old French calf gilt, g. e.,fine copy, pp. (22), 214. VERY RARE. sm. 4 Rouen, J. Cailloue\ 1630 40 MARTYRIS (PETRI) ab Angleria Mediolanen. . . . de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe nouo decades tres : quibus quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupidum lectorem retinere possit, copiose, fideliter, erudite q^r doceter. Eiusdem praeterea Legationis Babylonicae Libritres, etc. Basileae, apud loannem Bebel- ium, 1533. Pn PONT. MAX. [^Eneae Silvii] Decadum Epitome Blondi, qva omnis ab inclinato Romanoruw imperio historia . . . complectitur. Basilice, apud loannem Bebelium, 1533. In one vol., old calf. folio. A volume of remarkable interest to American collectors. It contains RICHARD EDEN S copy of Peter Martyr, and the one, manifestly, which he used in translating " The Decades of the Newe Worlde," printed in 1555. It has his autograph on the title- page, and its margins and two blank pages are full of his MANUSCRIPT NOTES, explana tions, and references, among which he has, here and there, roughly sketched little outline maps of islands, etc., mentioned in the text, e. g. " Insula Canibalrm vel Caribuw." On a guard-leaf, he has drawn " Hispaniola," on a somewhat larger scale than the margin permitted, writing the designations of prominent features of the coast. This edition of Peter Martyr was tion (11. 68-75) of an abstract of Tromel, No. 5 ; Harrisse, pp. 301 , edition (same date and press) of Biondo s Epitome of the historical Decades of ^Eneas Sylvius (Pope Pius II.). The volume has the book-plates of Thomas Robinson, Fellow of Merton College, and " Joannis Milner, A. M. e Coll. Sti. Petri, Cantab.," and the autographs of several other B>ssessors, the latest being that of " Jno. Davis" (of Plymouth). At the sale of Judge avis s library, 1847, it was purchased by Mr. Geo. F. Guild, from whose library it came to Mr. Brinley, in 1853. 41 [MARTYR (PETER)] The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by RICHARDE EDEN. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes. Title mounted, first two leaves and II. 2338 extended, otherwise a large and fine copy, calf neat. sm. 4 London, Richarde lugge, 1577 The leaves which have been extended were taken from the first edition, of 1555. 42 MARTYR (PETER) De orbe novo Petri Martyris Anglerii Medio- lanensis, Decades octo, diligenti temporum obseruatione, & vtilis- simis annotationibus illustratae . . . Labore & industria Richardi Haklvyti, fine clean copy, large margins, green morocco extra gilt, g. e., no map. 8 Parisiis, Gvill. Avvray, 1587 8 prel. 11., pp. 605, 12 11. " Edition fort rare." Tromel, No. 40. " This, and that of 1530, are the only complete editions of Peter Martyr s Decades." Rich, No. 68. The map mentioned by Rich is seldom found in the book. 43 MEDINA (PEDRO DE) L Arte del Navegar, in laqual si contengono le regole, dechiarationi, secreti, & avisi, alia bona nauegation necessarii, MAP of the New World, and wood-cuts, fine copy, broad margins, nearly uncut, paneled calf gilt. 8 Vinetia, Aurel. Pincio, 1555 The VERY RARE Italian translation of P. de Medina s " Art of Navigation" (which was first published in Spanish, at Valladolid, 1545). The author was the official examiner of pilots for the Indies, in the service of Spain, and acquired high repute as a cosmographer and historian. Harrisse. 44 MONARDES (N.) Primera y Segvnda y Tercera Partes de la His toria Medicinal de las Cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales que siruen en Medicina. Tratado de la piedra Bezaar, AMERICA. y de la yerua Escuerconera. Dialogo de las grandezas del Hierro, y de sus vertudes Medicinales. Tratado de la Nieve y del beuer frio. Wood-cuts, old Spanish calf, rebacked, gilt. sm. 4 Sevilla, Alonso Escriuano, 1574 LARGE and FINE COPY of the FIRST Spanish edition, containing the collected treatises of Monardes. "Elle est belle, et est restee inconnue a N. Antonio." LECLERC. 6 leaves, n. n., 206 leaves, i 1., n. n. ; separate title-pages to each treatise and part (11. 40, 97, 125, 157, 1 86). At the end, a page in (Italian) mamiscript, " Modo d usan la Trh di smeraldi," etc., and " Modo di sanan e prepar. losmeraldo." 45 MONARDES (N.) Delle Cose che vengono portate dalP Indie Occidental! pertinenti all vso della Medicina. . . Nouamente recata della Spagniola nella nostra lingua Italiana. Doue ancho si tratta de Veneni, & della lor cura. Two parts in i vol., handsome old calf gilt, rebacked, wanting pp. 3-16 of the 2 d part. sm. 4 Venetia, Giordano Ziletti, 1575 " The original Italian translation, by Annibale Briganti, VERY RARE. Not cited by Ternaux, nor by Haym." LECLERC. " Parte Prima," 8 1., n.n., pp. 140; " Parte Seconda," 8 /. prel.,pp. 17-159, 8 /., n. n. 46 [MONARDES.] loyfvll Nevves ovt of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, etc. . . . Also the portrature of the saied Hearbes, very aptly discribed : Englished by Jhon Frampton Marchaunt, old blue morocco, sides paneled, inside borders, g. e., title mounted. sm. 4 Imprinted at London, in Poules Churche-yarde, by Willy am Norton, 1577 A good copy of the FIRST EDITION of this RARE book, in a well-preserved and hand some binding of the last century. Collation, as in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 1924. 47 MONTANUS (Arn.) America. De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld : of Beschryving van America en t Zuid-land, many maps and plates, including maps of New Belgium and New England, and a VIEW OF NEW AMSTERDAM, splendid copy, vellum. folio, Amsterdam, y. Meurs, 1671 The engraved view of New Amsterdam " is, without any doubt, the handsomest, and at the same time offers us the most agreeable view of the Dutch New York, of those which have come down to us." Asher, Bibliogr. Essay, p. 23. 47* MUNOZ Q. B.) Historia del Nuevo Mondo, escribiala D. Juan Baut. Munoz. Tomo I. Portrait of Cohimbus, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. Madrid, Viuda de Ibarra, 1793. Tomo II, as far as it was prepared for publication by the author, in MANUSCRIPT, beautifully written, 190 pages. 2 vols. half red morocco extra, gilt tops, UNCUT. 4 " The death of the author prevented the completion of this important work. He was for many years employed in examining the archives of Spain and Portugal, and in procur ing copies of all the documents to be found relating to the early history of the New World. These copies are now in the library of the Academy of History at Madrid. I possess a copy of all that was written of the second volume." Rich, Bill. Am. Nova, pt. I. p. 384. This is the copy mentioned by Mr. Rich. It was sold by him to Mr. Geo. F. Guild, of Boston, and was purchased by Mr. Brinley, at the sale of Mr. Guild s Library, in 1853. 48 Neu-eroffnetes Amphitheatrum [I.] TURCICUM, worinnen der Kern Tiirckischer Geschichten, mit vielen Figuren, versehen wird. II. Aus dem gantzen AFRICA, alle Nationen nach ihrem Habit, in saubern Figuren reprasentiret, etc. III. Aus dem gantzem AMERICA, alle nationen reprasentiret, etc., curious wood-engrav ings, old calf , gilt. folio, Erfurt, Jo. Mich. Funcken, 1723-24 pp. 172, (4) ; (4), 96 ; (4), 120. The third part contains 33 half-page illustrations, por traits of Columbus, Vesputius, Magellanes, and representations of American Indians. 8 BOOKS RELATING TO 49 NICHOLS (PHILIP) Sir Francis Drake Reuiued : Calling upon this Dull or Effeminate Age, to follow his Noble steps for Gold and Siluer. By this Memorable Relation, of the rare occurrences (neuer yet declared to the World) in a third Voyage, made by him into the West-Indies in the yeeres 72 and 73. . . Reviewed by Sir F. Drake himselfe before his Death, . . Set forth by Sir F. Drake Baronet (his nephew) now living, vignette portrait on title, mor. extra, g. e. sin. 4 London, 1628 Nice copy, with good margins, except the last four leaves, which have been close cut by the binder, losing a line at the bottom. 50 Novvs ORBIS Re-|gionvm ac Insvlaram Vete-|ribvs incognitarvm vna cvm Tabvla Cos-]mographica, & aliquot alijs consimilis argument! libellis, mine no-|uis nauigationibvs auctus, etc. . . . \ Adiecta est hvic postremae Editioni | Nauigatio Caroli Caesaris auspicio in comi-|tijs Augustanis instituta. Large map ("Typvs Cosmographicvs Vniversalis "), old calf, repacked with vellum. folio, Basilece, apud To. Hervagivm, 1555 Title, and 25 prel. leaves, pp. 677. A very LARGE, and CLEAN copy of the BEST and ONLY COMPLETE edition of this important collection, compiled by John Huttich, but commonly attributed to Simon Grynaeus, who wrote the Preface : with a fine impression of the genuine Map (of the type distinguished by Harrisse as B). A few worm holes in the first four leaves and in the margins of the first and last parts, scarcely deserve mention. See Harrisse, No. 171, p. 295 ; B. Quaritch s Gen. Catalogue, No. 34104. 5 1 RAMUSIO. Navigation! et Viaggi, numerous engravings on wood and woodcut maps, including Canada and other parts of America, fine large copy, vellum, new backs, 3 vols. folio, Venetia, Giunti, 15 63, -7^-65 The third volume (the largest of the three) is almost wholly devoted to America. 52 SABIN S REPRINTS of Rare Books relating to America, 10 vols. uncut. sm. 4 New York, 1865-68 Comprising the following works : 1. Byfield s Late Revolution in New England. 1689. 2. Relation of Maryland. 1635. 3. H. Whitfield s Light Appearing, &c. Present State of the Indians. 1651. 4. Inducements to settle in the West Indies. 1643. 5. Strength out of Weakness. Further Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of N. England. 1652. 6. Further Accompt of the Progress of the Gospel. 1659. 7. New England s First Fruits. 1643. 8. Further Queries upon New English Affairs. 1690. 9. Day Breaking of the Gospel among the Indians. 1647. 10. Clear Sunshine of the Gospel upon the Indians. 1648. 53 SNOWDEN (R.) History of North and South America, 2 maps-> 2 vols. in i. 12 Phila., 1815 54 STEVENS (HENRY) Sebastian Cabot John Cabot = O. Endeav oured by Henry Stevens, G. M. B., etc., cloth, uncut. 32 Boston, 1870 Twenty copies only, PRIVATELY PRINTED, on Whatman s paper. 55 STEVENS (H.) Historical and Geographical Notes on the earliest Discoveries in America, 1453-1530, with Comments on the Earliest Charts and Maps ; the Mistakes of the early Navigators and the Blunders of the Geographers, etc. Illustrated by [a] Map of the World on Mercator s Projection and photo-lithographic facsimiles of many of the earliest Maps and Charts of America, frontispiece, map of the World, and sixteen of the earliest maps of America, in facsimile, cloth extra, UNCUT. 8 New Haven, 1869 Only 75 copies printed for sale, on Whatman s paper. CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, ETC. 9 56 TORF^EUS (Thormod) Historia Vinlandise antiqvae, seu Partis Americae Septentrionalis, old calf , gilt. sm. 8 Havnice, 1705 A beautiful copy of this scarce book, in which Torfesen presents, for the first time, the evidence of the discovery of America by the Northmen. 57 TREATIES, &c. A General Collection of Treatys, Declarations of War, Manifestos, and other Publick Papers, relating to Peace and War (1638-1731), 4 vols. calf, neat. 8 London, for J. Darby, 1710-32 58 WAHLSTEDT (J. J.) Iter in Americam, //. 48, half morocco neat. 1 6 Upsalice, s. a. [1725] A Dissertation, before the University of Upsala, on the evidences of visits of the Northmen to America. Curious and SCARCE. 59 WILLIAMSON (H.) Observations on the Climate in Different Parts of America, . . with some account of the Aborigines. 8 New York, 1811 59* The same, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1811 60 WITTEN (H.) Dissertatio geographica de Ophir, half morocco. sm. 4 Wittebergce, [1658] The author devotes one chapter to the question whether Ophir was in America, and whether it was a name for Hispaniola, or Peru, or Peru and Mexico together. CANADA, NEW FRANCE. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEWFOUND LAND. RED RIVER COLONY. GREENLAND. 6 1 ACCOUNT of the French Settlements in North America, . . . and the two last unsuccessful Expeditions against Canada, and the present on Foot. By a Gentleman, etc. (pp. 26). 8 Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1746 62 ALEXANDER (SrWM.) Copies and Translations of Royal Charters (confirmed in Parliament) by which the Territories of Nova Scotia and Canada, etc., were granted in 1621, 1625, and 1628, to Sir Wm. Alexander (afterwards Earl of Stirling), hf. calf. fol. London, 1831 63 BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE. Histoire de I Amerique Septen- trionale, plates, vellum, 4 vols. 12 Paris, 1722 This work is, chiefly, a history of the Indian nations of Canada, particularly the Iroquois, Abnakis, Hurons, and Illinois ; and of the relations between these Indians and the French. Most of the twenty-seven plates are illustrative of scenes or peculiarities in Indian life. Field s Bibliography, No. 66. 64 BOSWORTH (N.) Hochelaga Depicta: Early History and Present State of City and Island of Montreal, plates. 1 2 Montreal, 1839 65 BOUCHETTE (Jos.) The British Dominions in North America ; or, a Topographical and Statistical Description of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, etc., 33 plates, 2 vols. half morocco. 4 London, 1831 66 BOULTON (D ARcv) Sketch of Upper Canada, map, half calf, pp. 99. 4 London, 1805 IO CANADA, CAPE BRETON. 67 BRESSANI (P. Francesco Gioseppe) Breve Relatione d alcvne mission! de PP. della Compagnia de Giesu nella Nuoua Francia, calf extra, g. e. (W. Pratt}, pp. (4), 128. sm. 4 Macerata, 1653 A BEAUTIFUL COPY. " Father Bressani, a Roman by birth, was one of the most illustrious missionaries of Canada, where he suffered a severe captivity and unheard of torments. He speaks but little of himself in his History, which is well written, but is confined mainly to the Huron mission in which he labored with much zeal as long as it continued." Shea s Charlevoix, i. 80. See O Callaghan s New Motherland, i. 336. 68 CALVET (P. DU), Case of, containing an Account of the Imprison ment he suffered in the Province of Quebec, by the Order of Gen. Haldimand, sewed, uncut. 8 London, 1784 69 CAPE BRETON. The Importance and Advantage of Cape Breton Considered ; in a Letter to a Member of Parliament, from an Inhabitant of New England,^. 73, wants title and one leaf (pp. 69, 70), hf. mor., SCARCE. 8 [London, 1746] 70 [BOLLAN (WM.) ] The Importance and Advantage of Cape Breton truly stated and impartially considered, map, hf. calf. 8 London, 1746 7 1 [PICHON (T.) ] Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the History of Cape Breton and St. John, by an Impartial Frenchman. 8 London, 1760. [The same, in French]. Lettres et Memoires pour servir a 1 Histoire du Cap Breton. 12 La Haye, 1760. (2 vols.) 72 CARTIER. Voyage de Jaques Cartier av Canada en 1534. Nou- velle edition, d apres Ted. de 1598 et d apres Ramusio, par M. H. Michelant, 2 maps in facsimile. Documents Inedits sur Jacques Cartier et Le Canada. - Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la Navigation faite en 1535 et 1536 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux lies de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, et autres. Reimpres- sion figuree de Pedition originale RARISSIME de 1545, avec les variantes, etc. Prece dee d une Introduction Historique, par D Avezac. Relation Originale du Voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534 (publiee d apres le MS.). Documents Inedits sur Le Canada, communiques par M. Alfred Rame. 2 me Serie. 3 vols. ,fine paper, half dk. green levant morocco extra, gilt tops, (David,} UNCUT. sm. 8 Paris, Tross, 1863^67 73 CATECHISME du Diocese de Quebec, par Jean de la Croix de Saint Valier, Eveque de Quebec, fine large copy, olive lev. morocco, full gilt, corner ornaments and inside borders, g. e. ( W. Pratt). 12 Paris, Urbain Coustelier, 1702 Title, verso blank ; Mandement de PEveque, 7 pp. ; Fautes d Impression, i p. ; Grand Catechisme, pp. 522 ; Table, 14 pp. ; Priere av S. Esprit, i p. A beautiful copy of a VERY RARE book. 74 CAVENDISH (Sir H.) Debates of House of Commons in 1774 on the Government of Canada ; ed. by J. Wright, maps, uncut. 8 London, 1839 75 CHAMPLAIN (S.) Voyages et Descovvertes faites en la Novvelle France, depuis Pannee 1615, iusques a la fin de Pannee 1618, &c. Seconde Edition. Engraved title and 6 plates, 8 prel. leaves and 1 58 leaves [255 ppl\, maroon levant morocco, sides bordered and panel-gilt, g. e. (Zaehmdorf). 8 Paris, chez Claude Collet, 1627 A FINE COPY, with wide margins (except at top). " Copies of any of the editions of Champlain in perfect condition are exceeding rare, and have, within a few years, risen to almost fabulous prices." Field. "EXCESSIVELY RARE." Quaritch. Gen. Catalogue. NO. 9841. CANADA. II 76 CHAMPLAIN. Les | Voyages | de la | Novvelle France | Occi- dentale, dicte | Canada, | faits par le S r de Champlain | Xaincton- geois, etc . . . Ensemble vne Carte generalle de la description dudit pays, etc., map "Faicte Tan 1632 par le sieur de Champlain," two sheets joined in one, old French mottled calf gilt, not rubbed. 4 Paris, chez Clavde Collet, 1632 An EXCEPTIONALLY FINE copy of the Best Edition of Champlain. It was obtained, a few years ago, from a private library in France, in which, apparently, it had rested undis turbed since it received its 1 7th century binding. The description and collation agree with Sabin s {Dictionary, No. 11839) and Field s (Ind. Bibliog., No. 268), except in two particulars. The map has the inscription : " Faicte 1 an 1632 par le sieur de Champlain," and, its two sheets having been joined in one, it is inserted in its proper place, after p. 210 of the Second Part, and immediately before the " Table povr cognoistre les lievx remarqvables enccste Carte." (It is usually found when found at all at the end of the volume, separated from its Table of Reference, by the " Traitte de la Marine" and specimens of the Indian Languages.) The " blank leaf " after page 210 (the 4th leaf of Qq.) has been removed, or cut down to form a guard. The united sheets of the map measure 33^ by 2o inches, between the outer lines of the border. The impression is excellent; and so are the impressions of theyfzv copper-plates, pp. 245, 259, 265, 291, and 304. 77 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X.) History and General Description of New France. Translated, with Notes, by John Gilmary Shea, maps and plates, 6 vols., cloth, UNCUT. 4 New York, 1866-72 78 CHARLEVOIX (F. X. de) Journal of a Voyage to North America, containing the Description of that Country, particularly Canada, calf gilt, 2 vols. 8 London, 1761 79 CHARLEVOIX (F. X. de) Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres, giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vast country and Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, etc., old calf. 8 London, 1763 80 CHARLEVOIX (F. X. de) Voyage to North America, containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of Canada and Louisiana, maps and plates, 2 vols. in i, calf. 8 Dublin, 1766 " VERY RARE edition ; not in Rich. Portraits of Indian chiefs and several maps, not in any other edition." G. B. 81 CORNUTI (J. P.) Canadensium Plantarum Historia, plates, fine copy, old calf rebacked, neat, SCARCE. 4 Paris, 1635 82 CREUXIUS [Du Creux](/>. Francis) Historic Canadensis, sev Novae-Franciae Libri Decem, Ad Annum vsque Christi 1656, dark mottled calf, sides paneled gilt, with centre ornaments, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Parisiis, Seb. Cramoisy, et Seb. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1664 pp. (28), 810, (6) ; map and 13 plates, including a fine impression of the large folding plate, at p. 526, representing the martyrdom of Jesuit Fathers in Canada, which is often wanting. A SPLENDID COPY of this VERY RARE book. 83 DIEREVILLE (M.) Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1 Acadie, ou de la Nouvelle France, engraved frontispiece, calf, neat, pp. (18), 236, (7). 12 Amsterdam, P. Humbert, 1710 84 DISSERTATIONS sur le Droit Public des Colonies Frangoises, Espagnoles, et Angloises, [by E. Petit,] old red calf, gilt, arms (of Stuart) on the covers. 8 Geneve, 1778 85 DUPONT (Le Chevalier), Voyages and Adventures of ; trans, from the French, new half mor., 4 vols. sm. 12 Lond., 1772 " A curious work, mostly relating to America, and, from the minute particulars given of the French settlements on the Lakes, the Indians, etc., it is evidently an authentic narrative." Sabin, NO. 21,386. ERONDELLE (P.) See LESCARBOT, Nos. 106, 107. 12 CANADA. 86 FERLAND (J. B. A.) Cours d histoire du Canada, irepartie, 1534- 1663 ; 2de partie, 1663-1759, sewed, 2 vols. 8 Quebec, 1861, 67 87 GAZETTEER of Upper Canada, with an Appendix on Lower Canada, plan of Quebec, and maps, half calf . 8 New York, 1813 88 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Reports of Progress, 1847-8, 1850-1, 1851-2, 1852-3, 4 parts, sewed. 8 Montreal and Quebec, 1849-54 89 GESNER (A.) Remarks on Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, map and plate. 8 Halifax, 1836 90 GOURLAY (ROBERT) General Introduction to Statistical Account of Upper Canada, map, bds. uncut. 8 London, 1822 91 GOURLAY (R.) Statistical Account of Upper Canada, maps, boards, uncut, 2 vols. 8 London, 1822 92 GRAY (HUGH). Letters from Canada, 1 806-8, map, half calf . 8 London, 1809 93 HALIBURTON (T. C.) Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia, map, half bound, 2 vols. 8 Halifax, 1829 94 HEAD (Sir F. B.) A Narrative [of his Administration in Canada], uncut. 8 London, 1839 95 HEAD (Sir F. B.) The Emigrant. 5th edition. 8 London, J. Murray, 1847 96 HEARNE (S.) Journey from Hudson s Bay to the Northern Ocean, 1769-72, maps and plates, fine copy, autograph and book plate of Robert Southcy. $> Dublin, 1796 97 HERIOT (Geo.) Travels through the Canadas, map and numerous engravings, calf. 4 London, 1807 98 JEFFERYS (Thos.) Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America, Illustrated by Maps and Plans of the principal Places. (Part I. Canada and Louisiana : Part II. St. Domingo, St. Martin, St. Bartholomew, Guadaloupe, etc.) 1 8 maps and plans, fine copy, calf, neat, 2 vols. in i. fol. London, 1760 99 KINGDOM (Wm. jr.) America and the British Colonies ; an Abstract of Useful Information relative to the United States and the British Colonies. 2d edition, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1820 100 LAHONTAN (Baron de) Voyages dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale, maps and plates, fine copy, old calf , 3 vols. in 2. 12 Amsterdam, 1728 1 01 LAHONTAN (Baron de) New Voyages to North-America ... A Geographical Description of Canada, etc. . . To which is added, A Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, maps and cuts. 2 vols. in one, old calf . 8 London, 1703 1 01* LAHONTAN (Baron de) New Voyages to North America, [with] a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language. 2d edition, maps and plates. 2 vols., old calf gilt. 8 London, 1735 102 LECLERCQ^ (Chrestien) Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, qui contient les Mceurs & la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte- Croix, adorateurs du soleil, & d autres Peuples de . . Canada, old French calf, gilt. sm. 8 Paris, Amable Auroy, 1691 " Important for its information relative to Northeastern Canada and the Province of New Brunswick." See Sabin s Dictionary, NO. 39649. CANADA. 13 103 LESCARBOT (Marc) Histoire de la Novvelle France, . . . Sec- onde Edition, reveue, corrigee, & augmente e par FAutheur. Les Muses de la Novvelle France. A Monseignevr Le Chancellier. Three folded maps, brown morocco extra, g. e. (Hay day). sm. 8 Paris, Chez. Jean Millot, 1612 24 prel. 11., pp. 877; Les Muses, pp. 66 [76]. A beautiful fresh copy of this VERY RARE work. The edition is that which Tross selected for reprinting, but, of all the three (or four editions it is equally true that "les exemplailtes en sont devenus tellement rares qu on ne les rencontre qu avec un extreme difficulte " even in France. 104 LESCARBOT (Marc) Histoire de la Nouvelle-France ; Suivie des Muses de la Nouvelle-France. Nouvelle Edition, publiee par E. Tross, avec quatre cartes geographiques, 3 vols., half dk. green levant morocco extra, gilt tops, (David,) LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. 8 Paris, Libraire Tross, 1866 Literal reprint of the edition of 1612, with facsimiles of the maps. The binding is uniform with that of Sagard s Histoire and Grand Voyage (NO. 144). 105 [LESCARBOT.] Nova Francia. Griindliche History von Erf iindung der grossen Landschaft Noua Francia, oder New Franckreich genannt, auch von Sitten vnd Beschaffenheit derselben wilden Volcker. Aus einem zu Paris gedruckten Franzosischen Biich summarischer weisz ins Teutsch gebracht. //. (8), 86, vellum, uncut, (Pratt). sm. 4 Augsburg, Chrysost. Dabertzhofer, 1613 Abridged translation of the first edition of Lescarbot s History of New France. RARE. 1 06 [LESCARBOT.] Nova Francia: or the Description of that part of New France which is one continent with Virginia, . . . Translated out of French into English by P. Efrondelle], red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Pratt), a fine copy. sm. 4 Londini, Georgii Bishop, 1609 1 06* [LESCARBOT] Nova Francia, &c. Translated by P. E[rondelle]. ANOTHER COPY, very large and fine, elegantly bound, dk. blue levant morocco, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 Londini, Georgii Bishop, 1609 107 MACKENZIE (ALEX.) Voyages from Montreal through, the Conti nent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans ; in 1789 and 1793 , with an Account of the Fur Trade, portrait and maps, fine copy, tree calf gilt. 4 London, 1801 1 08 MACTAGGART (John) Three Years in Canada, 1826-28, boards uncut, 2 vols. 12 London, 1829 109 MAP of the Province of Lower Canada, from Surveys by Sam l Holland and Wm. Vondenvalden, 3 sheets mounted and folded in sm. /(to, SCARCE. London, 1803 no MARQUETTE and DREUILLETTE. Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes du R. Pere Jacques Marquette de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1 annee 1673 et aux suivantes \ La Continuation de ses Voyages, par le R. P. Claude Alloiiez, et le Journal Autographe du P. Marquette en 1674 & 1675, Avec la Carte de son Voyage trace e de sa main. Imprime d apres le Manuscrit Original restant au College Ste Marie a Montreal. Facsimile of Marquette V map, Title, 4 prel. //., pp. 169, (i). Narre du Voyage faict pour la Mission des Abnaquois et des Connaissances tirez de la NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE, etc., es annees 1650 & 1651. Par Le R. Pere Gabriel Dreuillette . . Imprime d apres la Copie . . du Bureau des Biens 14 CANADA, NEWFOUNDLAND. des Jesuites, a Quebec, title, i prel. leaf, pp. 33. Two vols. in one, half morocco (Roxburghc], top gilt, uncut. 12 [Albany, 1855] VERY RARE. One of a few copies privately printed for Mr. James Lenox for pre sentation : with his autograph inscription. in MONTREAL DIRECTORY (Doige s). 12 Montreal, 1820 112 MORGAN (H. J.) Bibliotheca Canadensis ; a Manual of Canadian Literature, cloth. 8 Ottawa, 1867 113 MOORSOM (W.) Letters from Nova Scotia, map, boards uncut. 12 London, 1830 114 NEWFOUNDLAND: Anspach (L. A.) History of Newfoundland, 2d ed., 2 maps, half calf . 8 London, 1827 115 -- BONNYCASTLE (Sir R. H.) Newfoundland in 1842, map and plates, 2 vols., uncut. 8 London, 1842 n6 HAYMAN (ROBERT) Qvodlibets, lately come over from New Britaniola, OldNewfovnd-land. Epigrams and other small parcels, both Morall and Diuine. The first foure Bookes being the Authors owne : the rest translated out of that Excellent Epigram matist, Mr. lohn Owen, and other rare Authors : With two Epistles of that excellently wittie Doctor, Francis Rablais : . . . All of them Composed and done at Harbor-Grace in Britaniola, anciently called Newfound-Land. By R. H. Sometime Gouernour of the Plantation there, old vellum, gilt, g. e., FINE COPY. sm. 4 London, Elizabeth All-de, for Roger Michell, 1628 pp. (8), 64, (6), 58. There are two other titles, prefixed to the second and third parts, with imprints of Felix Kyngston for Roger Michell. The author dedicates his "few bad unripe Rimes" to King Charles L, " being the first fruits of this kind that ever visited this Land out of that Dominion of yours." One of the complimentary poems addressed to the author is by William Vaughan, whose " Golden Fleece " was printed two years earlier. Another is by George Wither, the emblematist and satirist, and another (an Acrostic) by John Vicars. The names of George Sandys and William Vaughan are found in every notice of early American poetry. That of Hayman. their contemporary, seems almost unknown even to bibliographers. It is unnecessary to add that his book is EXTREMELY RARE. 117 JUKES (J. B.) Excursions in and about Newfoundland, 1839-40 2 vols. 8 London, 1842 118 -- [VAUGHAN (WILLIAM)] The Golden Fleece, Divided into three Parts, Vnder which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, etc. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos ; out of the Southermost Part of the Hand, commonly called the NEWFOVND- LAND, By Orpheus Junior, . . . map in facsimile, fine old russet calf paneled and gilt, g. e., broad inside borders, richly tooled. 4 London, for Francis Williams, 1626 pp. (28), 149, 105, 96. VERY RARE. " The map, by Capt. John Mason, who spent seven years in the country, is very rarely found with the book." Rich, 177. " This very rare book is a curious composition of the puritan way of thinking engrafted on the old classic machinery of Apollo and his court. It has sense, shrewdness, some poetry, and much downright railing." Duyckinck. 119 [VAUGHAN (Sir WM.)] Directions for Health, Naturall and Artificiall : Derived from the best Physicians, as well Modern as Ancient. Seventh edition reviewed by the Author. Whereunto is annexed Two Treatises on Diseases of the Eyes, clean copy, old &tff> sm. 4 London, 1633 NOVA SCOTIA, QUEBEC. 15 120 -- WHITBOURNE (RICHARD) A Discovrse and Discovery of Nevv-fovnd-land, With many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, etc. ; corners of first three leaves mended, green morocco, antique, g. e. (Hay day), pp. (18), 74. sm. 4 London, Felix Kyngston, 1620 The FIRST and VERY RARE edition of Whitbourne s Discourse. 121 WHITBOURNE (RICHARD) A Discovrse and Discovery of Nevvfovnd-land, with many Reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, etc., half calf, neat. sm. 4 London, Felix Kingston, 1623 pp. (18), 97, (5), 15. EXTREMELY SCARCE. See Menzies s Catalogue, No. 2118. This copy is of good size, but needs cleaning. The inside margin of one leaf (A i) has been mended. On the blank page preceding " A Loving Invitation " (L 2) is written (in the author s autograph probably), "For my good Freind Will Sanders." 121* NOVA SCOTIA. SECCOMBE (John) of Chester. A Sermon Preached at Halifax, July 3d, 1770, At the Ordination of the Rev. Bruin Romcas Comingoe, To the Dutch Calvinistic Congregation at Lunenburg. Being the First preached in the Province of Nova Scotia, on such an Occasion. To which is added An Appendix, PP (6), 3 J > Z 6, # corner torn from title-leaf. 8 Halifax, A. Henry, 1770 Anthony Henry was, in 1770, the only printer in Nova Scotia, and books with his imprint are RARE. This tract is of special interest, as "the Sermon, and the Proceedings in the Ordination, [were] the First Efforts of the kind to promote the Dissenting Interest in this Province." 122 DOYLE (Wm.) The Universal Prayer, To which is added, The Form of Anointing the Sick, as prescribed in K. Edward the Vlth s, and Q. Elizabeth s First Common Prayer Books ; [with] a Critical Discourse on that Rite, wants one or more leaves, ending with p. 82, clean, uncut. 16 Halifax, Anthony Henry, n. d. ALLINE (Henry) A Sermon preached on the igth of Feb., 1783, at Fort-Midway, pp. 44, nice copy, though trimmed rather close. 1 6 Halifax, A. Henry, n. d. [1783] (2) 123 O Callaghan (E. B.) Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other Occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union, 1632-1672. From the Proceedings of N. Y. Histor ical Society, Nov. 1847. 8 pp. 22, New York, 1847 124 [OGDEN (Rev. John Cosens)] Tour through Upper and Lower Canada, by a Citizen of the U. S.,//. 120, good copy. 12 Litchfield [ Conn . ] 1799 SCARCE. The author was son-in-law of Gen. David Wooster, and resided in New Haven, 1771-1785: afterwards, (Episcopal) minister in Portsmouth, N. H. 125 PICKERING (Jos.) Inquiries of an [intending] Emigrant in the United States and Canada. 16 London, 1832 126 QUEBEC. Ordinances made for the Province of Quebec, by the Governor and Council, since the establishment of the Civil Gov ernment, half vellum. fol. Quebec, 1767 " Printed by Brown & Gilmore, near the Bishop s Palace." (pp. 81.) ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS PRINTED IN CANADA. EXTREMELY RARE. There are two title-pages, English and French, and each Ordinance is followed by a French translation. A VERY LARGE and good copy notwithstanding some scribbling on the title-page and margins, and some stains by water and age. 1 6 QUEBEC, RED RIVER COLONY. 127 QUEBEC. Abstract of those Parts of the Custom of the Viscounty and Provostship of Paris, which were practised in the Province of Quebec, in the time of the French Government. Abstract of the Loix de Police, that were of Force, [etc. ut supra]. Abstract of the Royal Edicts, and Provincial Regulations and Ordinances that were of Force, [etc. ut supra}. Three in one vol., dean copy, calf, RARE. fol. London, 1772 1 28 QUEBEC. Plan of a Code of Laws for the Province of Quebec, reported by the Advocate-General [James Marriott], //. 292, fine clean copy, mottled calf. 8 London, 1774 129 QUEBEC. MASERES (Baron F.) Account of the Proceedings of British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck, in order to obtain an House of Assembly in that Province, with the Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebeck. 2 vols., calf, author s autograph. 8 London, 1775, 1776 130 QUEBEC. MASERES (F.) A collection of Commissions, . . . and other Papers relating to the Province of Quebec, since the conquest of it by the British arms in i76o,//. xv, 311. 4 London, 1772 131 QUEBEC. Hawkins (Alfred) Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections, plates, uncut. 12 Quebec, 1834 132 QUEBEC. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Transac tions, vol. \.plates, SCARCE. 8 Quebec, 1829 133 RED RIVER. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk s Settle ment of Kildonan, its Destruction and the Massacre of Gov. Semple and his Party, map. 8 London, 1817 134 RED RIVER. Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America since the connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson s Bay Company, London, 1817. Selkirk (Earl) Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the Red River Settlement, \London, 1819.] Two in one vol., boards, uncut, AUTOGRAPH of Lord Selkirk. 8 135 RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk s Settlement and its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, with Observations on "A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries," map, pp. viii, 194, 100, bds. uncut. 8 Lond., 1817 136 RED RIVER. M Donell (Alex.) Narrative of Transactions in the Red River Country, [with other pieces, as under,] map, half calf. 8 London, 1819 Report of the Proceedings connected with the Disputes between the East of Selkirk and the North-West Company, at the Assizes held at York in U. Canada, 1818. London, 1819. (pp. 225.) Trial of John Siveright, Alex. Mackenzie, and others [for the murder of Governor Semple], pp. 225, Appendix, pp. 48. 137 RED RIVER. West (Rev. John) Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony, British North America; and Excursions among the N. W. Indians, 1820-23, plate, half morocco, uncut, pp. xii, 210. Journal [Second] of a Mission to the Indians of the British Provinces, etc., map, boards, uncut, 3 prel. II., pp. 209-326. (2 vols.) 8 London, 1824, 1827 138 RED RIVER. West (John) Substance of a Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony, 1820-23. 2d ed., frontispiece, 8 London, 1827 NEW FRANCE, CANADA. If 139 RELATION de ce qvi s est passe en la mission des Peres de la Compagnie de lesvs, aux Hurons, & aux pai s plus has de la Nouuelle France, depuis FEste de Fannee 1649, jusques a FEste de FAnne e 1650, . . . Par le R. P. Pavl Ragveneav, original binding, 2 prel. leaves, pp. i79,(i). 8 Paris, Seb. Cramoisy, 1651 A very fine copy of the Relation for 1649-50, one of the RAREST of the series. 140 [RELATIONS de la Nouvelle France, 1656, 1660, 1676-77.] Copie de Devx Lettres envoie es cle la Novvelle France [par le R. P. F. Le Mercier]. Paris, Seb. et Gabr. Cramoisy, 1656. [Reprinted from a copy in the possession of Mr. James Lenox, which is perhaps unique.]//. 28. Lettres envoie es de la N. F. au R. P. J. Renault, Prouincial, etc., par le R. P. HIER. LALLEMANT Superieur des Missions etc. Paris, Seb. Cramoisy, 1660. [Printed from a MS. copy of the Relation, formerly in the Library of Parliament of Canada, and which was burned in 1854, and of which no other copy is known to have been preserved.] pp. 49, (3). Relation cle ce qui s est passe de plvs remarqvable . . en la Novvelle France es annees 1676 & 1677. Imprimee, pour la premiere fois, selon la Copie du MS. Original restant a FUniversite-Laval, Quebec, pp. 165. Three vols. in one, cloth, uncut. 12 {Albany, 1854-66] A few copies, only, of these Relations were printed for Mr. James Lenox, for presen tation. They are now VERY RARE. 141 RICHARDSON (Maj. J.) Eight Years in Canada, cloth. 8 Montreal, 1847 142 ROBERTSON (J.) History of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia and P. E. Island. 12 Edinburgh, 1847 143 SAGARD THEODAT (F. Gabriel) Le Grand Voyage dv Pays des Hvrons, situe en FAmerique vers la mer douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada . . . Avec vn Dic- tionaire de la langue Huronne, etc., engraved title-page prefixed, red levant morocco, extra, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 a Paris, chez Dcnys Moreau, 1632 Engr. title and n leaves n. n. ; Voyage, pp. 1-380: 2 blk. leaves; Dictionaire de la langue Huronne (with full title-page), pp. 12, and 132 n. n. (sigs. a;-i8; Table, 14 pp. n. n. A VERY LARGE and FINE copy of this EXTREMELY RARE book, " one of those precious curiosities of literature which book -lovers seek with extreme avidity but find it difficult to procure even at high price." E. Tross. 144 SAGARD THEODAT (G.) Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons Situee en FAme rique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France dite Canada : Avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne. Nouv. eel. publiee par E. Chevalier. 2 vo\s.,engr. fron tispiece. Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la Conversion des Infideles, depuis Fan 1615. Nouv. ed. publiee par E. Tross. 4 vols. 6 vols., half dark green levant morocco extra, gilt tops, UNCUT, LARGE PAPER. 8 Paris, Libraire Tross, 1864, 1865 Admirable reprints of the excessively rare original editions of Sagard s Grand Voyage (1632), & Histoire du Canada (1636), with the Huron Dictionary. A critical notice of Sagard and his works, by M. H. E. Chevalier (pp. Ixiv) is prefixed to the first volume of the History. The binding (by David) is uniform with that of L Escarbot, No. 104. 145 SANSOM (J.) Sketches of Lower Canada. 12 New York, 1817 1 8 NEW FRANCE, CANADA, GREENLAND. 146 SHEA (J. G.) editor. CRAMOISY SERIES of Jesuit Memoirs, Rela tions, etc., relating to the French Colonies in America. 20 vols. in 19, doth (one in sheets folded), UNCUT. sm. 4 and ft*, New York, 1858-65 " This series is now out of print. Complete sets, whether on large or small paper, can no longer be obtained." For the full titles of the several volumes, see Field s Indian Bibliography, and the Menzies Catalogue, No. 1811. Mr. Brinley s set consists of the following works : Bigot (J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1684. Bigot (J.) Copie d une Lettre escrite, Fan 1684. Bigot ( J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1685. Bigot (V.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1701. Cavelier (M.) Relation du Voyage, 1685-7. Chaumonot (P. J. M.) La Vie, ecrite par lui-meme, 1688. Chaumonot. Suite de la Vie, 1693. Tranchepain (St. A. de) Relation du Voyage des Ursulines, 1727. Registres des Baptesmes et Sepultures, au Fort Duquesne, 1753-56. Journal de la Guerre du Micissippi centre les Chicachas. Gravier (J.) Relation du Voyage a 1 embouchure du Mississippi, 1700. Dablon (C.) Relation de la Notiv. France, 1672-73. Dablon (C.) Relation, pour les annees 1673-79. Relations sur la Bataille du Malanguele, 1755. Relation de la Mission du Missisipi, en 1700. Jogues(I.) Novum Belgium Description de Nieuw Netherland, etc. Sagean (M.) Extrait de la Relation des Avantures, &c. Milet (P.) Relation de sa Captivite" parmi les Onneiouts, en 1690-1. Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696. Gravier (J.) Relation de la Mission au Pays des Ilinois, 1693-94. 147 Smith (M.) Geographical Description of Upper Canada, half calf, neat. 12 New York, 1813 148 SMITH (W. H.) Canada; Past, Present and Future. Vol. i. maps. r. 8 Toronto, n. d, 149 THELLER (E. A.) Canada in 1837-38, 2 vols, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1841 . 150 THEVET (F. Andre ) Les Singvlaritez de la France Antarctiqve, avtrement nomme e Amerique, & de plusieurs Terres & Isles decouuertes de nostre temps : many wood-cuts, morocco, g. e. (Hay- day). 8 Anvers, Chr. Plantin, 1558 8 prcl. II., 163 leaves numbered, \ I. n. n. A fine large copy of this VERY RARE book. The illustrations are, some of them, very curious ; e. g. the Bison, fol. 144, and the Patagonian S-u, fol. 106. " Elle doit etre PLUS RARE que la premiere edition [de Paris, 1558], car TERNAUX n en fait pas mention." Leclerc. 151 [TRAILL (Mrs. C. P.)] Backwoods of Canada, being letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer, plates. 12 London, (Lib. of Entert. Knowl.), 1836 152 VONDENVELDEN (Wm.) and CHARLAND (L.) Extraits des Titres des anciennes concessions de terre en fief et Seineurie, dans le Bas-Canada, folded table, hf. calf. 12 Quebec, 1803 153 WILLIAMS (Mrs.) The Neutral French; or, the Exiles of Nova Scotia. 12 Providence, [1841] 154 Relation dv Greenland [par Isaac La Peyrere], map and folding plate, polished calf, gilt back, g. e. (Pratt), RARE. sm. 8 Paris, Aug. Courbe, 1647 pp. (16), 278, (4). A LARGE and BEAUTIFUL COPY. " Cette curieuse relation, datee de La Haye, 1646, et addressee a M. de la Mothe le Vayer, est RARE." Leclerc. BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. IQ THE BRITISH COLONIES IN NORTH AMERICA. THE UNITED STATES: COLONIAL PERIOD. 155 ACCOUNT (Concise Historical) of all the British Colonies in North- America, comprehending their rise, progress, and modern state ; particularly of Massachusetts-Bay, the Seat of the Present Civil War. 8 London, 1775 156 ACCOUNT of the Society for the Encouragement of the British Troops in Germany and North America, with the Motives to the making a Present to those Troops, etc., edited by Jonas Hanway, calf gilt. 8 London, 1760 157 ANSWER of the Company of ROYAL ADVENTURERS of England trading into Africa, to the Petition and Paper . . . exhibited to the Honorable House of Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Ferdi- nando Gorges \et #/.], concerned in His Majesties Plantations in America,//. 18, half mor. sm. 4 [London], 1667 RARE and CURIOUS. The Petitioners, alleging that the English Plantations in America, "were at first raised, .... and now do, and did alwaies most principally subsist by the labour of Negro Servants, and a plentiful supply of them," complain that the new Company of Adventurers Trading into Africa, by monopolizing the Trade for Negroes on the Guinea Coast, and by " putting an unreasonable price upon Negroes," had greatly prejudiced the Plantations, which, "unless a timely remedy be provided, will speedily be brought to inevitable destruction." 158 [BLOME (R.)] L Amerique Angloise, ou Description des Isles et Terres du Roi d Angleterre dans PAmerique : traduit de PAnglois, 7 folded maps, old calf gilt. 16 Amsterdam, 1 688 159 [BOLLAN (Wm.)] Colonias Angliae Illustrate; or, the Acquest of Dominion, and the Plantation of Colonies made by the English in America, etc., (pp. x, 441). 4 London, 1762 With four other tracts, in i vol. hf. russia. Autograph note by the Hon. John Davis. " A very learned work, but of which, unfortunately, no more was published. The author was Wm. Bollan, the Massachusetts agent in England, 1745-1762." Rich. 1 60 [BOLLAN (Wm.)] Continued Corruption, Standing Armies, and Popular Discontents considered; and the Establishment of the English Colonies in America . . . examined, with a fine engraving by Bartolozzi, half mor., pp. 82, SCARCE. 4 London, 1768 " An important tract, written by Bollan." Rich. 16 1 BRAY (Thos.) A Discourse preached at St. Paul s, Dec. 19, 1697, at the Ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Plantations ; to which is Prefixt, A General View of the English Colonies in America, new half mor., gilt edges, clean copy. sm. 4 London, 1700 162 B[URTON] (R.) The English Empire in America ; or, a Prospect of their Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies, Namely New foundland, New England, New York, etc. The Third edition, maps and cuts, morocco, neat, pp. (2), 178, (10). sm. 12 London, f or N. Crouch, 1698 A used copy. The first map, facing the title, is mounted. 163 CHALMERS (GEORGE) Political Annals of the United Colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763, Book I. (all that was published), fine copy, half calf. 4 London, 1780 20 THE BRITISH COLONIES IN 164 [DICKINSON (JOHN)] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, old calf. 12 New York, repr., J. Holt, 1768 165 DOUGLASS (W.) Summary, historical and political, of the Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. Rev. Noah Welles s copy, with MS. index by him. 8 Boston, 1749-53 First published in numbers. The first 248 pages of Vol. I. were reprinted about May, 1749. The 2d vol. was published in 1753. 1 66 - - The same. 2 vols., colored map, old calf gilt. 8 London, rcpr. 1755 167 FORCE S TRACTS. Tracts and other Papers relating to the Origin, etc., of the Colonies in North America, to the year 1776. Col lected by Peter Force, new half mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 4 vols. r. 8 Washington, 1836-46 1 68 FOUR DISSERTATIONS on the reciprocal advantages of a Perpetual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies, written for Mr. Sargent s Prize Medal, [i. By John Morgan. 2. By Stephen Watts. 3. Anonymous. 4. By Francis Hopkinson.] With the Eulogium [by Dr. Wm. Smith] spoken on the delivery of the medal, May 20, 1766 [to John Morgan]. Half russia, pp. x,i2,ii2, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1766 169 GODWYN (MORGAN) Trade preferr d before Religion, and Christ made to give place to Mammon : represented in a Sermon relating to the PLANTATIONS, first preached in Westminster-Abbey, wrapper, uncut. 4 London, for B. Took, 1685 170 GRAHAME (J.) The History of the United States, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. 4 vols., cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1836 171 HAZARD (BEN.) Historical Collections ; State Papers and other authentic Documents ; intended as materials for an History of the United States. 2 vols., boards, UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, 1792, 94 172 The same, 2 vols., UNCUT. 4* Phila., 1792, 94 173 [LITTLE (Otis)] The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered ; with a description of Nova Scotia, half mor. 8 Lond., repr. Boston, 1749 174 [OLDMIXON (J.)] British Empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement, etc., of the British Colonies in America, maps by H. Moll, old calf rebacked, gilt. 2 vols. 8 London, 1741 "First printed in 1708. The first volume describes the British possessions on the continent of North America, and the second those in the West Indies." 175 [OLDMIXON (J.)] Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika; uit het Engelsche. 2 vols. in one, maps, good copy, vellum, red edges. 4 Amsterdam, 1721 Dutch translation of Oldmixon s British Empire in America, to which is added " an Account of Coffee and the Coffee Plantations." 176 PHILLIPS (H.) Jr. Historical Sketches of the Paper Currency of the American Colonies, 2 vols. uncut. sm. 4 Roxbury,for W. E. Woodward, 1865 NORTH AMERICA. STAMP ACT. 21 177 PRESENT STATE (The) of the Nation: particularly with respect to its Trade, Finances, &c. &c. half mor. London, J. Almon, 1768. Observations on a late Pamphlet entitled, The Present State of the Nation, etc. 4th edition, half mor. London, J. Dodsley, 1769. (2 vols.) 8 178 ROCQUE (MARY ANN) A Set of Plans and Forts in America, Reduced from Actual Surveys, 1765, calf extra, red edges. obi. 4 [London, M. A. Rocque, 1765] (including folding Plan of NEW YORK city, by T. Engraved title-page, and 30 plates (i Maerschalckin, 1763), and engraved Index. Fine clean copy. VERY SCARCE. 179 SANFORD (EZEKIEL) A History of the United States before the Revolution : with some account of the Aborigines, calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 The Account of the Aborigines occupies nearly half the volume (pp. ix-cxcii); "a very excellent resume of what is known of them." Field. 180 SHORT VIEW of the Lord High Admiral s Jurisdiction, and of several Acts for regulating and restraining the Trade of the British plantations, half mor. 8 London, 1775 STAMP ACT, AND TAXATION OF THE COLONIES. 181 STAMP- ACT (The) An Act for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, &c. London; repr. New London, 1765. [BOSTON PORT-BILL], London^ 1774. In Provincial Congress, Cambridge, [Resolutions on Boston Port-Bill, and Address to Ministers of the Gospel,] Dec. 6, 1774, 2 broadsides. Names of Addressers to the late Gov. Hutchinson and Protesters against the Solemn League and Covenant, broadside. Five VERY RARE pieces in one vol. half Ford. folio 182 STAMP ACT. Authentic Account of the Proceedings of the Con gress held at N. York, 1765, on the subject of the American Stamp Act, half mor. 8 n. p., 1767 183 Application of some general Political Rules to the present state of Great-Britain, Ireland and America; in a letter to Earl Temple,//. 86, half mor. 8 London, J. Almon, 1766 184 Account of a late Conference on the Occurrences in America, half mor. 8 London, 1766 "An imaginary conference, managed with decency and good sense. . . The author is supposed to be Joshua Steele, esq." Rich. 185 CHARTERS of the following Provinces of North America; viz. Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay and Georgia; [with] a Faithful Narrative of the Proceedings of the North American Colonies in consequence of the STAMP- ACT, half vellum, uncut, SCARCE. 4 London, 1766 185* Conduct of the late Administration examined; with an Appen dix, containing original and authentic documents,//. 160, liv, half morocco. 8 London, J. Almon, 1767 By some, attributed to C. Jenkinson; by others, to C. Lloyd. "One of the most formidable attacks that hath as yet been made on the late administration, and seems to be the production of some well-instructed writer, strongly attached to Mr. Grenville. Month. Review. " The au.hor of A Letter to G. G. (1767) calls this Mr. G\renville\* elaborate pamphlet on the Stamp Act." Rich. 22 THE BRITISH COLONIES. !86 CONSIDERATIONS on Behalf of the Colonists in a Letter to a noble Lord, 2d edition, half sheep. 8 London, y. Almon, 1765 Signed, F. A., and dated, Boston, Sept. 4, 1765. jgy [Dulaney (Daniel)] Considerations on the Propriety of impos ing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament, pp. 55, kf. morocco. North America : Printed by a North-American, 1765. RARE. The same. 20! edition, /if. mor. London, repr.for J. Almon, 1766. (2 vols.) 8 j88 [DULANEY (Daniel)] Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament, half green mor. uncut. 8 North America; repr. N. York, y. Holt, 1765 This edition (which is not mentioned by Mr. Sabin) is VERY SCARCE. 189 Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of Great Britain, considered,//. 42. 8 London, 1766 Advocates conciliatory measures with the colonies. 19 _ [HOPKINS (STEPHEN)] The Rights of Colonies Exam ined. Published by Authority. //. 24. Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1765. A Defence of the Letter from a Gentleman at Halifax to His Friend in Rhode-Island. With an Appendix. Newport, Samuel Hall, 1765. 2 in one vol., half Ford, uncut. 8 The original edition of Gov. Hopkins s " Rights of the Colonies " is EXTREMELY RARE, | See Sabirfs Dictionary, NO. 32966. The "Defence" of the Halifax Letter, against J. Otis s "Vindication of the British Colonies" (see No. 198, below,) is also VERY RARE. The margins of this copy are covered with manuscript notes, which seem to have been made as memoranda for a rejoinder." JQO* _ _ [HOPKINS (STEPHEN)] The Grievances of the American Colonies candidly examined. Printed by Authority at Providence, in R. Island, //. 48, hf. green morocco, SCARCE. 8 London, repr.for y. Almon, 1766 jgj __ PROTEST against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Act of last Session, half mor., pp. 16. 8 Paris [London ?], 1766 192 -- RAY (NICHOLAS) The Importance of the Colonies, and the Interest of Great Britain with regard to them, considered; with Remarks on the Stamp-Duty, half morocco, cut close. 4 London, repr. N. York, y. Holt, 1766 " By Nicholas Ray, now of London ; a native and formerly a Citizen of New York." RARE. The original edition, London, 1766, was without the name of the author, and was attributed to VV. Bollan, by Allen and Rich. 193 -- The Regulations lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them, considered, half mor., pp. 114. 8 London, y. Wilkie, 1765 194 Rights of Parliament vindicated, on occasion of the late Stamp Act, half morocco. 8 London, y. Almon, 1766 195 --THANKSGIVING SERMONS on the Repeal of the Stamp Act: by Ch. Chauncy, Boston ; H. Cuinings, Billerica, Mass.; Wm. Patten, Halifax, Mass.; D. S. Rowland, Providence, R. I.; S. Stillman, Boston. (5) 8 1766, 67 196 - - THROOP (BENJ.) of Southold, L. I. A Thanksgiving Ser mon, Upon the Occasion, of the glorious News of the repeal of the Stamp Act ; Preached in New-Concord, in Norwich [Conn.], June 26, 1766, hf. red mor., pp. 16, SCARCE. sm. 4 New London, T. Green, 1766 THE STAMP ACT. 2$ 197 TRACTS. [FRANKLIN (B.)] Interest of Great Britain, considered with regard to her Colonies. 2d Boston edition, Boston, repr. 1760. A Letter addressed to two Great Men [the Duke of New castle and W. Pitt], Boston, repr. 1760. Remarks on the Letter to Two Great Men, Boston, repr. 1760. Detection of False Reasons and Facts in "Reasons for keeping Guadaloupe," etc., London, 1761. Interest of Great Britain in the approaching Congress London, 1761. Considerations upon the Rights of the Colonists to the Privileges of British Subjects, N. Y., 1766. [Dickinson (John)] Address to the Committee of Correspondence in Barba dos, Phila. 1766. Necessity of repealing the Stamp- Act demon strated, Boston, repr. 1766. The Englishman Deceived. A political piece, wherein important Secrets of State are recited, Salem, repr. 1768. The same, N. York, repr. 1768. Examination of B. Franklin, before an August Assembly, relating to Repeal of the Stamp- Act, //. /. p. or imprint. Bradbury (Thos.) The Ass, or the Serpent, Boston, repr. 1768. [Dickinson (John)] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Boston, 1768. The same, 30! edition, Phila. 1769. Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Commodore Hood, etc., Boston, 1769. Letter to Earl of Hillsborough on Affairs in America, Boston, repr. 1769. Extract of a Letter from the House of Representatives of Mass., to D. De Berdt, London, 1770. 16 in i vol., new half mor. (Rox- burghe], several uncut. 8 198 .TRACTS. [Thatcher (O.)] Sentiments of a British American, Boston, 1764. Considerations upon the Rights of the Colonists to Privileges of British Subjects, N. Y. 1766. [Dulaney (D.)] Considerations on the propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, N. Y. repr. 1765. Bancroft (E.) Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colo nies, Neiv London, repr. 1771. Objections to Taxation of Colonies briefly considered, London, 1765. Two Papers on Taxing the Colonies, London, 1767. OTIS QAMES) Rights of British Colo nists asserted and proved, Boston, 1764. Brief Remarks on the Defence of the Halifax Libel on the British-American-Colonies, Boston, 1765. [OTIS (JAMES)] Vindication of the British Colonies against Aspersions of the Halifax Gentleman, Boston, 1765. Quincy (Josiah) jr. Observations on the Boston Port-Bill, etc., Boston, repr. London, 1774. 10 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 8 199 --True Interest of Great Britain with respect to her American Colonies, stated and considered, half mor. 8 Londo?i, 1766 200 [TUCKER (Jos.)] Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in North America on the present Posture of Affairs in the Colonies, half mor. 8 London, 1766 201 STOKES (A.) Ch. Justice of Georgia. View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North-America and the West Indies, at the Time the Civil War broke out, book-label and autograph of Peter S. Du Ponceau. 8 London, 1783 24 THE BRITISH COLONIES. 202 SUGAR ACT. Reasons against (its) renewal, as it will be prejudi cial to the trade, not only of the Northern Colonies but to that of Great Britain also,//. 19, half red mo r. sm. 4 Boston, for T. Leverett, 1764 203 TRACTS. Massie (J.) State of the British Sugar-Colony Trade. London, 1759. Short Animadversions on the Difference now set up between GIN and RUM, and our Mother Country and Colonies. London, 1760. Authentic Papers relative to the Expedition against the CHARTERS, Wcl the Sale of Lands in the Island of St. Vincent. Land. 1773. Bollan (W.) Agent for Massachusetts, Petition of, to the King and Council, Jan. 26, 1774. Lond. 1774. Burke (Eclm.) Speeches at Bristol, Oct. & Nov., 1774. Lond. 1774. Common Sense ; in Nine Conferences between a British Merchant and a Candid Merchant in America, (//. 117). Lond. 1775. Plan offered by the Earl of Chatham to the House of Lords, for settling the Troubles in America. Lond. 1775. AMERICA POIS D IN THE BALANCE OF JUSTICE. With an Elegiac Frontispiece and a recon- cUiatory Tail-Piece. By P-oplicola H-istoricus, 2 engravings. Lond. n. d. [1776]. Hartley (David) * Letters on the American War, with the Author s AUTOGRAPH signature to each Letter. Lond. 1778. [Bollan (Wm.)] Continued Corruption, Standing Armies, and Popular Discontents Considered ; and the Establishment of the English Colonies in America, examined, etc. (pp. 82). Lond., 1768. HOWE (Sir WM.) The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir W. Howe, relative to his Conduct, in North America : [with] Observa tions upon a pamphlet, entitled, " Letters to a Nobleman." 2d edition, (//. no). Lond. 1780. n in i vol. 4 204 TROTT (N.) Ch. Justice of So. Carolina. Laws of the British Plantations in America, relating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning,//, x, (12,) 435,7??^ clean copy, old calf gilt. fol. London, 1721 l A scarce and valuable collection, in the preface to which is given an account of all ttic different collections of colonial laws which had been printed at the time." Rich. 205 TRUMBULL (Rev. Dr. Benj.) General History of the United States. Vol. I., to the year 1765 (all published}, half russia, neat. 8 New York, 1810 206 WYNNE (J. H.) General History of the British Empire in America, map, 2 vols., old calf neat. 8 London, 1770 Autograph of OLIVER ELLSWORTH (the Chief Justice) on title. WARS WITH FRANCE AND SPAIN. 207 Accurate Journal of the Siege of Quebec; by a Gentleman in an eminent Station on the Spot,//. 341, new half mor. 12 Dublin, 1759 208 Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of the Late War; with a MAP of the lands, islands, gulphs, seas, and fishing-banks, com prising the Cod-fishery in America, annexed, etc., somewhat water- stained, half calf neat, SCARCE. 4 London, 1770 209 BLODGET (SAMUEL) A Prospective-Plan of the BATTLE near LAKE GEORGE, on the Eighth Day of September, 1755, with an Explanation thereof; Containing A full, tho short, History of WAR WITH FRANCE. 2 5 that important Affair, Plan folded, backed with linen, a portrait of Sir Wm. Johnson inserted, hf. blue levant mor. gilt top (F. Bedford), pp. 5, UNCUT. 4 Boston, Richard Draper, 1755 EXTREMELY RARE with the original Plan, engraved by Thos. Johnston. It was reprinted, and the plan re-engraved, not very accurately, by T. Jefferys, London, 1756. The facsimiles given in the Doc. History of New York, vol. IV., Dr. Hough s transla tion of Pouchot s Memoir, and elsewhere, are from Jefferys copy. 210 BRADSTREET S EXPEDITION. An Impartial Account of Lieut. Col. Bradstreet s Expedition to Fort Frontenac. To which are added, A few Reflections on the Conduct of that Enterprize, and the Advantages resulting from its Success ; by a Volunteer on the Expedition, half morocco, SCARCE. 8 London, 1759 211 BYNG (Admiral) The Trial of, at a Court-Martial, as taken by Mr. Charles Feme, Judge Advocate . . . with an Account of (his) Behaviour in his last moments, etc., pp. 36, stitched, UNCUT. London, Printed. 8 New York, repr. J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1757 212 BYNG (Admiral John) Proceedings of the Court-Martial on (his) Trial. To which is added, The Admiral s Defence as presented by Him, and read in the Court, Jan. 18, 1757, etc. 2 in i vol., half vellum, pp. 28, 48. sm. 4 Reprinted, Boston, 1757 213 [CHAUNCY (CHARLES)] Letter to a Friend; giving a concise, but just, Account ... of the Ohio-Defeat .... To which is added, Some general Account of the New-England Forces, with what they have already done, counter-ballancing the above Loss, //. 15, half mor. UNCUT, RARE. sm. 4 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1755 Signed "T. W.," Boston, Aug. 25, 1755. 214 [CHAUNCY (CHARLES)] Two Letters to a Friend, on the Present Critical Conjuncture of Affairs in North America; Particularly on the Vast Importance of the Victory gained by the New England Militia . . at Lake-George, pp. 54, fine copy. 8 Boston, Printed ; London, reprinted, 1755 215 [CLARKE (WM.)] Observations on the Late and Present Conduct of the French with regard to Encroachments on the British Colo nies in North America . . . Added, by another Hand : Observa tions concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c., half mor., pp. (8), iv, 47, 15. 8 Boston, 1755 Reprinted in London, the same year: "by William Clarke, M. D., of Boston." See Rich, 1755, no. 4. 216 COCKINGS (GEORGE) War: an Heroic Poem, From the Taking of Minorca by the French, to the Reduction of the Havannah, The second edition ; To the raising the Siege of Quebec, calf. 8 Boston, repr. 1762 "A rare and curious production." Sabin s Dictionary, No. 14110. 217 COCKINGS (G.) War: an Heroic Poem .... The second edition; To the raising the Siege of Quebec. 8 Boston, 1762 With additional poems (" Britannia s Call," &c.) separately paged, pp. 46. 218 DAVIES (Samuel) Religion and Patriotism The Constituents of a Good Soldier. A Sermon preached to Capt. Overton s Indepen dent Company of Volunteers, in Hanover County, Virginia, Aug. 17, 1755, y^ copy, new hatf mor., UNCUT. 8 Phila. repr. London, 1756 With the prophetic foot-note which everybody knows, about " that heroic youth Col. Washington," p. 12. So fine a copy, UNCUT, is VERY RARE. 26 THE BRITISH COLONIES. 219 DAVIES (Samuel) Virginia s Danger and Remedy. Two Discourses occasioned by the severe Drought in sundry Parts of the Country ; and the Defeat of Gen. Braddock, half mor. neat. 12 Williamsburg, W. Hunter, 1756 Autograph presentation, on title-page, " To the Rev d William Gor[don] in Ipswich." A nice copy, though somewhat close-trimmed at the front. SCARCE. 220 DAVIES (Samuel) The Curse of Cowardice: a Sermon preached to the Militia of Hanover County, Virginia, at a General Muster, May 8, 1758, with a View to raise a Company for Capt. S. Mere dith, stitched. 12 London, 1758 220 * The same, uncut. 8 Repr., Woodbridge, James Parker, 1759 221 DILWORTH (W. H.) History of the present War, between France and Great Britain, to the conclusion of the year 1759, nice copy. 12 London, 1760 222 DOBSON [John] Chronological Annals of the War. ... In Two Parts [1755-63], old red ca^, gilt sides, back and edges, pp. xv, 327, (8), SCARCE. 8 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1763 Book plate of J. Burton, Esq., designed by Gravelot. A large and fine copy. 223 DRAKE (Samuel G.) History of the Five Years French and Indian War in New England and Parts Adjacent . . . With a memoir of Major General Shirley, portrait and wood cuts, cloth, top gilt, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1870 224 ENTICK (J.) The General History of the Late War, 2d edition. 5 vols., portraits, maps, and plans, old calf . 8 London, 1765-66 " The greater part relates to the war in America." 225 Etat pre sent de la PENSILVANIE, ou Ton trouve le detail de ce qui s y est passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusqu a la prise d Oswego, map, old French calf, gilt. 12 n. p. \Paris\, 1756 Translated from "A Brief View of the Province of Pennsylvania for the year 1755" (London, 1756). 226 FINLEY (SAMUEL) The Curse of Meroz ; or, the Danger of Neutrality in the Cause of God, and our Country. Sermon, 2d of October, 17 57 , prefatory note by Gilbert Tennent, half mor. sin. 4 Phila., J. Chattin, 1757 227 FRENCH POLICY DEFEATED: being an Account of all the hostile Proceedings of the French against the Inhabitants of the British Colonies in North America for the last Seven Years, two maps. 8 London, 1755 228 GARDINER (Capt. Richard) Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, capital of all Canada, etc. . . . from the Journal of a French Officer, on board the Chezine frigate. London, 1761. HISTORICAL MEMO RIAL of the Negotiation of France and England, in 1761. London, 1761. GARDINER (R.) Account of the Expedition to the West Indies. London, 1759. LINDSAY (J.) [Voyage to Coast of Africa in 1758, with Keppel s Expedition, maps and plates. London, 1759. 4 in i vol., mottled calf , rebacked. 4 229 GENUINE ACCOUNT (A) of the late Grand Expedition to the Coast of France, under Admirals Hawke, Knowles and Broderick, General Mordaunt, &c. [1757]. Added, Several humorous Songs, Epigrams, &c. 6th Edition, By a Volunteer in the said Expedi tion, //. 24, uncut. 8 London, repr. Boston, Green 6 Russell, n. d. WARS WITH FRANCE. 2/ 230 GIBSON QAS.) Journal of the late Siege by the troops from North America, against the French at Cape Breton, Louisbourg, etc., half morocco. 8 London, 1745 231 History of the Late War from 1749 to 1763, imperfect, wanting after p. 308, poor copy. 12 Glasgow, 1765 232 History of the Origin and Progress of the Late War, Vol. 2 (pp. 3 5 9~7 7 T ) 8 London, for J. Knox, 1764 233 HOBBY (Wm.) Sermon at Reading, April 30, 1758, on Occasion of an Expedition against Canada ; in the Audience of Col. Nichols and a Part of his Regiment, wanting after p. 18, half mor., SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1758 234 KNOX (Capt. JOHN) An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the years 1757-60, map, and portrait of Sir Jeffery Amherst, 2 vols. 4 London, 1769 "A very valuable collection of materials ... Of real importance and of the most interesting nature, particularly the ever-memorable sieges of Quebec, c." Month. Rev. See Rich, 1769, No. 3. 235 LETTER (A) to a Member of Parliament, on the Importance of the American Colonies, and the best means of making them Useful to their Mother Country, half mor. 8 London, 1757 236 [LIVINGSTON (WM.)] A Review of the Military Operations in North America ; from the Commencement of The French Hostili ties, ... in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the i4th of August, 1756 . . . In a Letter to a Nobleman, LARGE and fine copy, new half red morocco, pp. (4), 144, VERY SCARCE. 4 London, f or R. 6^ J. Dodsley, 1757 237 [LIVINGSTON (W.)] A Review of the Military Operations in North America, etc., yellow calf extra, top gilt, nearly UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 4 London; repr. [Boston,~\ 1758 238 [LIVINGSTON (W.)] A Review of the Military Operations in North America, etc. . . . To which are added, Colonel WASHING TON S JOURNAL of his Expedition to the Ohio, in 1754, and several Letters and other Papers of Consequence, found in the Cabinet of Major General Braddock, after his Defeat near Fort Du Quesne, etc., good copy, old calf repacked, pp. 276. 12 Dublin, 1757 RARE. "Washington s Journal commences at page 191, and with Braddock s Papers occupies the remainder of the volume (pp. 276). This portion of the work is a transla tion of the Memoire contenant le Precis des Faits, etc., printed by the French Court (Paris, 1756) charging Washington with the assassination of Jumonville." Field. See, below, "Memorial containing a Summary View of Facts," etc. (Nos. 242, 243, 244). A fine copy of the ORIGINAL EDITION of Washington s Journal, printed at Williamsburg, Va., 1754 one of the rarest of American books will be found among the Washingtoniana, in the Second Part of this Catalogue. 239 LOUISBURG. A Journal of the Landing of His Majesty s Forces on the Island of Cape-Breton, and of the Siege and Surrender of Louisbourg : Extracted from Major General Amherst s and Admiral Boscawen s Letters. 3d edition, half calf . 1 6 Boston, [1758] 240 MACKELLAR (P.) Correct Journal of the Landing of His Ma jesty s Forces on the Island of Cuba, and the Siege and Surrender of the Havannah, Aug. 13, 1762, pp. 19, good copy. 8 Boston, 1762 VERY SCARCE. The British troops on this expedition were reinforced by New Englanders under Putnam and Lyman. 28 THE BRITISH COLONIES. 241 MANTE (Tnos.) History of the Late War in North- Am erica and the Islands of the West-Indies, 18 maps and plates, handsome old calf, gilt. 4 London, 1772 pp. (4), viii, 542, (i). A VERY LARGE and FINE COPY of this SCARCE book, with all the maps. " It is probable that but few copies were printed, though the large and beautiful plans and military maps, which give it so great value, must have made its production a work of much expense." Menzies Catalogue, No. 1322. 242 MEMORIAL (A) Containing a Summary View of Facts, with their Authorities. In Answer to The Observations sent by the English Ministry to The Courts of Europe. Translated from the French, scarce portrait of Washington (engr. by J. Norman) inserted, pp. iv, 190, calf extra (R. W. Smith), UNCUT, RARE. 8 New York, H. Game, 1757 A translation of the " Memoire Contenant le Precis des Faits," published by the French Court, in 1756. It comprises Washington s Journal and the Braddock Papers. See [LIVINGSTON (W.)J A Review, etc., No. 238. 243 MEMORIAL (A) Containing a Summary View of Facts, etc. . . . Translated from the French, pp. iv, 338, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, (F. Bedford}, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, J. Chattin, 1757 244 MEMORIAL (A) Containing a Summary View of Facts, etc. . . . Translated from the French, imperfect (wanting after p. 144), a piece torn from inner corner of title, UNCUT, RARE. 8 New York, J. Parker 6* W. Weyman, 1757 245 [MITCHELL (Dr. JOHN)] The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance, etc. By an Impartial Hand,//, xlix, (i), 19-244, hf. Russia, neat. 8 London, 1757 246 NILES (Rev. SAMUEL) of Braintree, Mass. A Brief and Plain Essay on God s Wonder-working Providence for New-England, in the Reduction of LOUISBURG and Fortresses ... on Cape-Breton, . . . with the Names of the Leading Officers in the Army, etc. [in Verse],//. (4), 34, VERY SCARCE. 16 New London, T. Green, 1747 247 Political Analysis of the War: Principles of the present Political Parties examined, and a Coalition proposed between Two Great Men, 2d edition, with appendix, half mor. 8 London, 1762 248 OGLETHORPE S EXPEDITION. An Impartial Account of the late Expedition against St. Augustine, under Gen. Oglethorpe. Occa sioned by the Suppression of the Report made by a Committee of the General Assembly in South Carolina,//. 68, sewed, (no plan). 8 London, 1742 249 Cadogan (Lieut. G.) The Spanish Hireling Detected : being A Refutation of the Calumnies and Falshoods, in a Pamphlet-enti tled "An Impartial Account of the Late Expedition," etc., sewed, pp. 68. 8 London, 1743 A name has been cut from top of title-leaf. 250 A Full Reply to Lieut. Cadogan s Spanish Hireling, &c., and Lieut. Mackay s Letter. By the Author of the Impartial Account, //. viii, 63. 8 London, 1743 251 Cadogan (Geo.) The Spanish Hireling detected: being A Refutation of the Calumnies and Falshoods in a late Pamphlet entituPd An Impartial Account of the Late Expedition against St. WARS WITH FRANCE. 2 9 Augustine under General Oglethorpe, London^ 1743. Both Sides of the Question : an Enquiry into a Certain Doubtful Character [Gen. Oglethorpe] lately whiten d by a C t M 1. The Second Edition. RARE. London, n. d. Two in one vol., dean copies, new half calf. 8 252 Hireling Artifice Detected : or, the Profit and Loss of Great Britain in the present War with Spain, sewed. 8 London, 1742 "With an Appendix, containing a List of the Ships taken since Nov. 16, 1741," and "Corrections." (pp. 76.) 253 POLITIQUE DANOIS (Le) 2de Edition, refondue, corrige e aug- mente e par 1 Auteur, nice copy, scarce. 12 Copeiihague, 1759 The first edition, published in 1756, has the additional title, "ou 1 Ambition des Anglais demasquee par leur Pirateries," etc. " The meddlesome arrogance and encroachments on the rights and repose of other nations by the English government are fiercely rebuked in this rare little book . . . The author narrates the struggle between the French and English forces on the Monongahela in 1754, between Contrecceur and Jumonville against Wash ington when Fort Necessity was surrendered to the commander of Fort Du Quesne." H, Stevens, He denounces (pp. 11-14) tne killing of Jumonville as an act "centre les droits des gens," and avers that even the savages " furent outres de 1 assassinat qui avoit ete commis sous leurs yeux." 254 POUCHOT. Memoir upon the Late War in North America between the French and English, 1755-60. . . Translated and edited By F. B. Hough, maps, portraits, and plans. 2 vols., UNCUT. imp. 8 Roxbury,for W. E. Woodward, 1866 255 PRESENT STATE (The) of North America, [by JOHN HUSKE.] Part I. (all published), half mor.,pp. 64, RARE. 8 London, printed 1755 ; Boston, repr. by D. Fowle, 1755 The compiler, a native of New Hampshire, became a member of the British Parliament in 1764, and was one of the first to propose the taxation of the Colonies by parliament, and the Stamp Act. 256 ROGERS (Maj. ROBERT) Journals of Major Robert Rogers; con taining an Account of the several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America during the late War, fine copy, old calf , neat, SCARCE. 8 London, for the Author, 1765 257 ROGERS and STARK. Reminiscences of the French War: con taining Rogers Expeditions with the New England Rangers under his Command, as published in London in 1765; with notes and illustrations. To which is added, an Account of the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. J. Stark, portrait of Stark, boards uncut. 12 Concord, N. H., Luther Roby, 1831 258 Scheme (A) to Drive the French out of all the Continent of America, Humbly offered to the Consideration of - , Esq ; halfmor.,pp. 20. 8 {London /] repr. Boston, D. Fowle, 1755 259 SERMONS on the War, to Military Companies, etc. (n) 8 Amos Adams, at Roxbury, on the reduction of Quebec, 1759. J. Ballantine, to Capt. Mosely s Company, Westfield, 1756. S. Bird, to Col. D. Wooster s Company, New Haven, 1759. C. Chauncy, on reduction of Cape Breton, Boston, 1745. S. Checkley, to Capt. Stoddard s Company, Boston, 1745. J. Cogswell, to Capt. Israel Putnam s Company, Pomfret, 1757. S. Conant, on General Muster Day, at Middleborough, 1759. E. Gay, on a Training Day, at Hingham, 1738. J. Judd, to Soldiers, at Southampton, L. I., 1759. G. Hitchcock, before a Military Company, Pembroke, Mass., 1757. Wm. Hobby, before Col. Nichols and his Regiment, 1758. go THE BRITISH COLONIES. 260 SERMONS on the War, etc. T. Maccarty, Fast, before Canada Expedition, Worcester, 1759. W. McClenachan, The Christian Warrior, Boston, 1745. T. Mellen, at a General Muster, Sterling, Mass., 1756. I. Morrill, to Caut. P. Osgood and his Company, Wilmington, 1755. W. Russell, at the request of Capt. J. Sumner, New London, 1760. I. Stiles, to Capt. Whitney s Company, New Haven, 1755. N. Taylor, at Crown Point, at close of the Campaign, 1762. N. Walter, on the reduction of Louisburg, Boston, 1745. S. Webster, to Col. Bagley s Regiment, at Salisbury, Mass., 1756. S. Williams, Duty of Christian Soldiers, at Lebanon, Conn., 1755. , N Q o S. Williams, on the reduction of Quebec, at Lebanon, Conn., 1759. ^1 1; 261 SHIRLEY (Gov. WM.) Letter to the Duke of Newcastle: with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Operations of the Forces, during the Expedition against Cape Breton ; Published by Authority, pp. 31, new half morocco, SCARCE. 8 Boston, repr., 1746 262 SHIRLEY. The Conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, late General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty s Forces in North America briefly stated, half calf, fine copy. 8 London, 1758 " Apparently written by Gen. Shirley himself " (Rich} ; but more probably, the work of his aid-de-camp and secretary, William Alexander, "Lord Sterling." 263 STATE of the British and French Colonies in North America, with respect to number of people, forces, forts, Indians, trade, and other advantages. . . In Two Letters to a Friend, half red morocco. 8 London, 1755 See Rich, 1755, No. 3. 264 TENNENT (GILBERT) A Sermon occasion d by the Success of the late Expedition (under Gen. Pepperel and Com. Warren,) in reduc ing the City and Fortress of Louisburgh to the Obedience of His Majesty King George the Second, preach d at Philadelphia, July 7, 17 45, half broivn morocco, SCARCE. 12 Phila., W.Bradford, [1745] 265 TRACTS. 13 Scarce Tracts on the " Old French War," (as under,) in one vol., new half morocco (Roxburghe). 8 SHIRLEY (Gov. Win.) Letter to the Duke of Newcastle : with a Journal of the Siege of Louisburg. Published by Authority. London, 1746. Present State of North America (ad Boston edition). Boston, 1755, UNCUT. [CHAUNCY (C.)] Letter to a Friend giving an Account of the Ohio-Defeat, with some general Account of the New England Forces, with what they have already done, counter-ballancing the above Loss. Bristol, [Eng.] repr., 1755. Examination into the Value of Canada and Guadaloupe . . . in answer to a late Pamphlet [by Benj. Franklin] entitled " The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies," UNCUT. London, 1761. [Payne (J.)] French Encroachments Exposed : or, Britain s original Right to all that Part of the American Continent claimed by France, asserted, map. London, 1756. [FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN)] Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. 2d Boston edition, UNCUT. Boston, 1760. Letter to a Great M .... r, on the Prospect of a Peace ; wherein the Demolition of the Fortifications of Louisburg is shown to be absurd, the Importance of Canada fully refuted, etc. By an Unprejudiced Observer. (//. 148.) London, 1761. MEMOIRS of the Principal Trans actions of the Last War between the English and the French in North America. Third Edition. London; repr. Boston, 1758. Wisdom and Policy of the French in the Con struction of their Great Offices . . . with some Observations on the Disputes between the English and French Colonies in America, //. 133. London, 1755. MAYLEM (JOHN) The Conquest of Louisburg, a Poem,//. 10, UNCUT. [Boston, 1758]. PALAIRET (J.) Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North America. 2d edition, UNCUT. London, 1755. Geographical History of Nova Scotia,//, in. Lon don, 1749. SIEGE OF QUEBEC and Conquest of Canada in 1759; by a Nun of Quebec, map and plates. Quebec, 1855. 266 WALKER (Sir HOVENDEN) A Journal : or full Account of the late Expedition to Canada. With an Appendix, etc., pp. (4), 304, good copy, old calf . 8 London, 1720 SCARCE. Sir Hovenden Walker was the naval commander of the great expedition against Canada, which sailed from Boston, in 1711 ; but which proved a complete failure. ... He published this account in his own vindication. Rich. NEW ENGLAND. 3! 267 WILSON S (Commissary) Orderly Book. Expedition of the British and Provincial Army, under Major-General Amherst, against Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, 1759, map, half brown mor. antique, top gilt, UNCUT. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1857 Notes by Dr. E. B. O Callaghan. Munsell s Historical Series, No. i. 268 WOLFE S (Gen.) Instructions to Young Officers : . . . with a Placart to the Canadians. . . . Prefixed, the Resolution of the House of Commons for his Monument, and his Character, etc., old calf. 12 London, 1768 SCARCE. The volume contains Wolfe s General Orders, in America, from April 3oth, to Sept. 1 2th, 1759. 269 WRIGHT (J.) History of the Late War; or, Annual Register of its Rise, Progress and Events, portraits (some wanting), views and maps. 2 vols., old calf . 8 London, 1765 The plan of Louisburg is imperfect. NEW ENGLAND. 270 SVn Ut For the promoting and propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New England. [Seal of the Commonwealth on title- page,] Mark letter, 6pp. (title moimted], hf. mor., neat. fol. London, E. Husband, Printer to the Parliament, 1649 271 ADAMS (AMOS) A concise historical view of the perils, hardships, etc., which have attended the planting and progressive improvements of New-England ; with a particular account of its long and destruc tive wars, expensive expeditions, &c. In Two Discourses, at Rox- bury, on the General Fast, April 6, 1769. pp. 66. VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1769 272 ADAMS (AMOS) A Concise Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils, which attended the Planting, &c., of New England, half mor., UNCUT. 8 Boston; repr. London, 1770 An abridged reprint of the preceding. Dr. Eliot complains that " the evangelical senti ments were much curtailed " by the London publisher. 273 ADAMS (HANNAH) A Summary History of New England, from the First Settlement at Plymouth, . . . comprehending a General Sketch of the American War, old calf, neat. 8 Dedham, 1799 274 ADAMS (HANNAH) Abridgment of the History of New-England. 2d edition, hf.bd. 12 Boston, 1807 " The candid reception which the public have given to the Abridgment of the History of New-England, has induced the compiler to print another edition, -with some additions, which she hopes will be received with equal candor." Preface. 275 ANDROS TRACTS (The) A Collection of Pamphlets and Official Papers issued during the period between the Overthrow of the Andros Government and the Establishment of the Second Charter of Massachusetts. With Notes and Memoir of Sir Edmund An dros, by W. H. Whitmore. Portraits. 2 vols., uncut. sm. 4 Boston, Prince Society, 1868, 69 3 2 BACKUS BYFIELD. 276 BACKUS (ISAAC) A History of New-England, with particular reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. 3 vols. Boston, and Providence, i777,-84 ? ~96. Abridgement of the Church History of New-England, 1602-1804; with a Concise Account of the Baptists in the Southern parts of America. Boston, 1804. 4 VQ\S., polished calf extra, gilt backs, yellow edges, (P. Bed ford}, FINE COPY. 8 277 BACKUS (I.) Church History of New England from 1620 to 1804; with a Memoir of the Author, portrait, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 278 BARBER (J. W.) The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey ; illustrated by numerous Engravings, marbled sheep, gilt. 8 Worcester, 1841 279 BRADFORD (ALDEN) New England Chronology, from 1497 to 1800, cloth. 12 Boston, 1843 " THE VERIE TWO EYES OF NEW ENGLAND HISTORIES 280 BRERETON (JOHN) A Briefe and true Relation of the Dis- couerie of the North part of Virginia ; being a | most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile. | Made this present yeere 1602, by | Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Cap-|taine Bartholowmew Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats, by the per mission of the honourable knight, | Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Written by M. John Brereton, | one of the voyage. | Whereunto is annexed a Treatise, | of M. Edward Hayes, etc., pp. 48, dk. green grosgrain levant mor. , broad inside borders elegantly tooled and gilt on polished red morocco, g. e. (IV. Pratt). sm. 4 London, Geor. Bishop, 1602 ROSIER (JAMES) A | True Relation of the most prosperous voyage I made this present yeere 1605, ] by Captaine George Way- mouth, | in the Discouery of the land j of Virginia : | Where he discouered 60 miles of j a most excellent River - } to-jgether with a most | fertile land. | Written by lames Rosier | a Gentleman em ployed | in the voyage. 20 leaves, not numbered, red grosgr. levant mor., broad inside borders tooled and gilt on polished green morocco, g. e. (W. Pratt). sm. 4 Londini, Impensis Gcor. Bishop, 1605 2 vols., in an olive-green morocco pull-off case, gilt and lettered " THE VERIE TWO EYES OF NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIE. GOSNOLD S AND WAYMOUTH S VOY AGES." EXCESSIVELY RARE, SEVERALLY, and, when UNITED, of MATCH LESS RARITY. 281 BYFIELD (NATHANIEL) An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent. April 18 1689. Licensed, June 27, 1689. J. Eraser, pp. 20, straight grained olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 London, for Ric. Chiswell, 1689 The FIRST London edition ; VERY RARE. 282 BYFIELD (NATH.) An Account of the Late Revolution in New- England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Mer chants, and Inhabitants of Boston and the Country adjacent. April 18, 1689. Licensed, June 27, 1689. J. Eraser. //. 7, polished blue calf gilt, sides with broad gilt borders, g. e. (Pratt). 4 Edinburgh, Re-printed in the year 1689 This Edinburgh re-print is even RARER than the first London edition. NEW ENGLAND. 33 283 CLAP (THOMAS) President of Yale College. A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrines received and established in the Churches of New-England. The Second Edition. //. 44, uncut. 8 New Haven, James Parker, 1755 284 CROMWELL S Reported Embarkation for New England. (Re printed from the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register.) pp. n, uncut. 8 Boston, 1866 285 DEPLORABLE STATE (The) of New-England, By Reason of a Covetous and Treacherous Governour, and Pusillanimous Coun sellors. With a Vindication of the Hon. Mr. Higginson, Mr. Mason, and several other Gentlemen from the Scandalous and Wicked Accusation of the Votes, Ordered by Them to be Published in their Boston News-Letter . . Added, An Account of the Shame ful Miscarriage of the Late Expedition against Port-Royal,//. (8), 39, half calf , neat. 8 London, [?] 1708 Only a tolerably good copy of this EXTREMELY RARE tract. A (blank) corner is torn from the Title-leaf and the bottom line slightly cut into by the binder ; and the 2d and 3d prelim, leaves have lost their inner corners, at the bottom, the missing words having been supplied in manuscript ; a few words and letters are gone from the outer margin of pp. 15-16. For some account of this remarkable publication, " arraigning [Gov.] Dudley, with unbounded severity," see Palfrey s Hist, of N. England, iv. 304-310. The Dedication is signed, A. H. probably, for Alexander Holmes, one of the subscribers to the Memo rial against Dudley, to the Queen. The absurdity of attributing the authorship of this tract to the Rev. John Higginson of Salem aged 92 will be apparent to any one who reads a single page of it. Dr. Palfrey, with more probability, suggests (p. 310) that " Cotton Mather was concerned in the composition : " but " the smartness and pedantry of the style " are as characteristic of Rev. John Wise of Chebacco (who had an old grudge against Dudley) as of Mather. 286 DEXTER (H. M.) A Glance at the Ecclesiastical Councils of New England,//. 68, uncut. 8 Boston, 1867 Only 48 copies reprinted, from the New Englander for April, 1867. 287 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) Result of Researches among the British Archives for Information relative to Founders of N. England, map. 4 Boston, 1860 288 The same, UNCUT, folded map, and portraits of Sir F. Drake and Capt. y. Smith. 4 Boston, 1860 289 DRAKE (S. G.) Address at the Annual Meeting of the N. E. Historical and Genealogical Society, Jan. 25, 1858, //. 20, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1858 290 DUMMER (Jer.) Defence of the New-England Charters, half calf extra. 8 Boston, 1745 291 Another copy, half mor. Boston, 1745. The same, half mor. London, y. Almon, n. d. 2 vols. 292 EARTHQUAKES, in New England; 1727 and 1755 : Mix (STEPHEN) The Substance of Two Sermons Occasioned by a Terrible Earth quake in New-England, and other parts of Northern America, October 29, 1727 ; delivered in Wethersfield, Nov. 5th and i2th,//. 2, 36. 16 New London, T. Green, 1728 WILLIAMS (ELIPHALET) A Discourse delivered at East-Hartford, Nov. 23, 1755, the next Sabbath after the late Terrible Earthquake ; [with "An Account of the most remark- efore 1755,] uncut, pp. 71. 16 New London, Timothy and John Green, 1756 able Earthquakes in New England" before 1755,] imcut,pp. 71. i, Tin, ALLIN (JAMES) Sermon, at Brooklyn [Mass.], Nov. ist, upon a Special Fast, Occa- sion d by the Earthquake [of] Oct. 29th, 1727. Second Edition, pp. 49. 8 Boston, Gamaliel Rogers, 1727 COTTON (JOHN) Sermon, at Newton, Nov. 3, 1727, on a Day of Fasting and Prayer, Occasion d by the Terrible Earthquake that shook New-England . . . With an Appendix 34 NEW ENGLAND. containing a Remarkable Account of the Extraordinary Impressions made on the Inhabi tants of Haverhill, &c.,//. (4), xvi. 24, 7. 8 Boston, B. Green, jun., 1727 COTTON (JOHN) A Sermon preach d at the Publick Lecture in Boston, Feb. 8, 1728, after Repeated Shocks of the Earthquake, [with Preface by Rev. B. Colman,] //. viii, 42. 8 Boston, Gamaliel Rogers, 1 728 Five VERY SCARCE tracts in one volume, half green morocco (Roxburghe), v. y. 293 EARTHQUAKES. PRINCE (T.) Earthquakes the work of God, and Tokens of his just Displeasure. A Discourse on that subject. Boston, 1755. An Essay on the Agitations of the Sea, and other Remarkables attending the Earthquakes of the year 1755. With Some Thoughts upon the Causes of Earthquakes. Boston, 1761. WINTHROP (John) Lecture on Earthquakes, read at Harvard College, Nov. 26, 1755. Boston, 1755. CHAUNCY (Chas.) Ser mon occasion d by the late terrible Earthquake; preached in Boston, Nov. 18, 1755. Boston, 1755. PRENTICE, (Thos.) Ser mon at Boston, Lecture, Jan. ist, 1756, (autograph of Rev. Thos. Foxcroft). Boston, 1756. Five in one vol. (the last two uncut}, new hf. morocco extra. 4 and 8 294 DANFORTH (JOHN) Sermon occasioned by the late great Earth quake. . . Delivered at a Fast in Dorchester, Nov. 7, 1727, half morocco. 8 Boston, Gam. Rogers, 1728 295 An ESSAY on the Agitations of the Sea, and other Remarkables attending the Earthquakes of 1755. With Some Thoughts OH the Causes of Earthquakes,//. 40, half morocco. 8 Boston, 1761 " A crude copy of this Essay was printed in the new American Magazine, in 1758." Advertisement. 296 FOXCROFT (THOMAS) The Voice of the Lord from the Deep Places of the Earth. A Sermon at the Thursday Lecture in Boston, before the General Court, Nov. 23, 1727, three weeks after the Earthquake, half calf, stained. 8 Boston, S. Gerrish, 1727 297 GOOKIN (NATH L) Three Sermons preached in Hampton, N. H., Oct. 29, and Nov. 16, 1727^0 which is added an Appendix, giving some Account of the Earthquake, as it was in Hampton, etc., pp. (6), 75, half mor. 8 Boston, D. Henchman, 1728 298 LINES made after THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE, In 1755, which shook North and South America, with great destruction in Cales, in Lisbon, and most of the adjacent kingdoms. 36 verses, in three columns , folio broadside, mounted on linen, folded and bound, calf extra ( W. Pratt). 8 n. p. [Boston ? 1755] 299 PAINE (THOMAS) The Doctrine of Earthquakes; two Ser mons, at a particular Fast in Weymouth, Nov. 3, 1727, the Friday after the Earthquake, //. 87, half mor. 8 Boston, D. Henchman, 1728 300 SERMONS on the Earthquake of 1727. COLMAN (B.) Four Sermons, in Boston. PRINCE (T.) Two Sermons at the particu lar Fast in Boston, Nov. 2, and the general Thanksgiving, Nov. 9, 1727. FOXCROFT (T.) Sermon at the Thursday-Lecture in Boston, before the General Court, Nov. 23, 1727. SMITH (Jos.) Sermon at Charlestown, S. C., Feb. 4, 1728. Very Rare. WIG GLES WORTH (S.) Sermon at Ipswich, Nov. i, 1727. Fox (J.) Two Sermons at Woburn. Very Rare. MORRILL (Nathaniel) NEW ENGLAND. 35 Sermon at Rye, N. H., Nov. 16, 1727, a day of Publick Fasting. VERY RARE. Seven in i vol., old calf . 8 Boston, 1727-30 " The [sermon] of Mr. Morrill, being a New Hampshire production, particularly inter ested me," wrote John Farmer, Esq., to a former owner of this volume, in 1833: "I knew not before seeing this that Mr. M. ever published anything. The good man, if now living, might with as much propriety assail the enormous sleeves of the present day, as he did the hoop d coats of our great grandmothers." MS. note. Mr. Merrill s Sermon was printed at "Boston in New England, for Richard Jenness and Joseph Lock in the Parish of Rye, 1 728." ( The allusion to " hoop d-coats " is on p. 27. The preacher " looked upon it to be very unseemly and unbecoming, for Persons to dress themselves up in their forlorn Hoofd-Coats, to appear before God in his House.") 301 WILLIAMS (WM.) Divine Warnings To be received with Faith and Fear. . . A Discourse in Weston [Mass.] on the publick Fast, Dec. 21, 1727, on occasion of the terrible Earthquake, Oct. 29, 30; added, a Discourse on Prov. 2 . 1-6, the latter imperfect after p. 130. 12 Boston, S. Gerrish, 1728 302 FELT (Jos. B.) The Customs of New England,//. 208, paper. 8 Boston, 1853 303 Eliot (John) D.D. Biographical Dictionary of New England, beautiful copy, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt (F. Bedford), UNCUT. 8 Salem, 1809 VERY RARE, in such condition. 33^ The Same, fine copy, old calf . 8 Salem, 1809 304 Examination of the Pretensions of New England to Commercial Pre-eminence, Jialfcalf. 16 Phila., 1814 305 FOXCROFT (THOMAS) Observations Historical and Practical on the Rise and Primitive State of New-England. With a special refer ence to the Old or first gather d Church in Boston. A [Century] Sermon, Aug. 23, 1730, //. (8), 46, fresh clean copy, sewed, UNCUT. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1730 In such condition, VERY RARE. 306 GOOD NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND : with An exact relation of the first planting that Countrey ; . . . Together with a briefe, but true discovery of their Order both in Church and Common-wealth. . . With The names of the severall Towns and who be Preachers to them, pp. (2), 25, green levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. {Bedford). sm. 4 London, Matthew Simmons, 1648 EXTREMELY RARE. 307 [Goodrich s] Traveller s Guide in New England, bds. 12 New York, 1823 308 GORGES (FERDINANDO) America Painted to the Life, etc., Por trait (^ America") and map, pp. (6), 51. London, for Nath. Brook, 1659. IL A Briefe Narration of the Originall Undertakings, etc. Shewing the beginning, progress, and continuance of that of New- England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, etc., Title, and pp. 57. London, E. Brudenell, for Nath. Brook, 1658. m. America Painted to the Life. A True History of the Original undertakings, etc.. Title, pp. (2), 236, Advertisement, ^pp. London, E. Brudenell for Nathaniel Brook, 1658. iv. America Painted to the Life. The History of the Spaniards Proceedings in America, etc., Title, pp. (2), 52, Table (^ pp.), Advertisement (3 pp.). London, T. J. for Nath. Brook, 1659. sm. 4 THOMAS PRINCE S copy, with his autograph (1720) on back of title. The FOUR PARTS COMPLETE, with fine impressions of the folding plate (the so-called " portrait of a young 36 NEW ENGLAND. Indian woman," as "America") and the Map, the former backed with linen. A superb copy of this EXTREMELY RARE book; elegantly bound, by Mr. Bedford, in light fa^vn-colored levant morocco, the sides richly ornamented in the Venetian style, edges gilt. For the full titles and description of the four parts, see Rich, no. 314, Sabin s Dictionary, no. 28020, or the Menzies Catalogue, 816. 309 GORGES (Sir F.) A Brief e Narration of the Originall Undertak ings of the Advancement of Plantations into the parts of America. Especially, shewing the beginning, progress and continuance of that of New-England. London, 1658. hf. M. 8 \Repr. Boston, 1837.] From Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, 3d Ser. vol. 6. 310 HAVEN (S. F.) History of Grants under the Great Council for New England: a Lecture, before the Lowell Institute, Jan. 15, 1869, //. 36. 8 Boston, 1869 311 HAWES QOEL) A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a Vindication of the Congregational Churches of New England, with the author s autograph presentation, roan gilt. 12 Hartford, 1830 312 HIGGINSON (FRANCIS) New-Englands Plantation. Or, A Short and Trve Description of the Commodities and Discommodities of that Countrey. Written by Mr. Higgeson a reuerend Diuine now there resident. . . . Added, a Letter, sent by Mr. Graues. The second Edition enlarged; (i Cleaves, not paged,} crushed green levant morocco, paneled and filleted sides, rich inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), EXTREMELY RARE. sm. 4 London, T. 6^ J?. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, 1630 313 HUBBARD (W.) A General History of New England, from the Discovery to 1680, pp. vi, (8), 676. 8 Mass. Historical Society, 1815 314 [JOHNSON (EDWARD)] A History of New-England. From the English planting in the yeere 1628, untill the yeere 1652. pp. (4), 236, (4), etc., dk. red levant morocco extra, g. e. ( W. Pratt), UNCUT, sm. 4 London, for Nath: Brooke, 1654 Best known, by its alternate title, "WONDER-WORKING PROVIDENCE OF SIGNS SAVIOUR, IN NEW-ENGLAND." EXTREMELY RARE, in any condition, and an UNCUT copy may be regarded as almost UNIQUE. The margins of the first two and last three leaves have been restored, and some words of the title-page supplied in admirable facsimile. 314* [Johnson (Edward)] A History of New-England. Another fine copy, the last line of imprint (" in Corn-hill, 1654") restored in fac simile, olive morocco extra, back and sides gilt, g. e. ( W. Pratt). sm. 4 London, 1654 315 JOSSELYN QOHN) New England s Rarities Discovered : in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country, etc. . . Illus trated with Cuts, pp. (4), 114, (2). London, G. Widdowes, 1672. An Account of Two Voyages to New-England, pp. (8), 215, and (with separate Title) Chronological Observations of America, . . to the year of Christ, 1673, pp. 223-279, (3). London, G. Wid dowes, 1674. Two vols. in one, old calf, neat. sm. 8 Fine copies of both of these RARE works. The volume belonged to Wm. Musgrave (the antiquary, and Secretary of the Royal Society), whose name and stamp are on the backs of the Titles. The autographs of Sir Henry Blount (the traveller) and his son, Charles Blount, (the author of " Anima Mundi," &c.) are on the title-page of the " Voyages/ A name has been cut from the top of the leaf preceding the title of the Rarities," but without injury to the printer s mark (" the Green Dragon"). NEW ENGLAND. 37 316 JOSSELYN (J.) New-Englands Rarities Discovered, . . The Second Addition [sic\. Illustrated with Cvts. The leaf with the printer s mark (a Dragon} before the Title, and folding plate (at p. 54); red crushed levant morocco extra, full gilt back, sides with broad gilt borders, and inside borders, g. e. sm. 8 London, for G. Wicldoives, 1675 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of the Second Edition of the " Rarities " which is not less RARE than the First. 317 JOSSELYN (J.) New-England s Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants, etc., with Introduction and Notes by Edw. Tuckerman, M.A., cloth, beveled boards, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. med. 4 Boston, W. Veazie, 1865 Only 75 copies printed on this paper. 318 JOSSELYN (J.) Account of Two Voyages to New England, 1638, 1663 With Introduction and Notes by Edw. Tuckerman, cloth, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. med. 4 Boston, W. Veazie, 1865 Only 75 copies printed on this paper. 319 KEITH (GEORGE) The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New-England And else-where, Brought to the Test, and examined according to the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures, etc., and found to be No True Church of Christ. . . . With A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New-England, to Repent, &c. And two Letters to the Preachers in Boston ; and an Answer to the Gross Abuses, Lyes and Slanders of Increase Mather and Samuel Norton, ^LC., fine copy, out of binding, 6 prel. II., pp. 232. sm. ^Philadelphia, Will. Bradford, 1689 "EXCEEDINGLY RARE." See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1122. 320 KNIGHT, (Madam [Sarah]) Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York in 1704. BUCKINGHAM (Rev. John) Private Jour nals of the Expedition against Canada, in 1710-11, (a library stamp on title-page, and another^) boards, UNCUT. 12 New York, 1825 The First Edition of Madam Knight s Journal, now SCARCE. 321 KNIGHT (Madam Sarah) The Private Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York, in the Year 1704, kept by Madam Knight, //. 92, UNCUT. 4 Albany, F. H. Little, 1865 322 LECHFORD, (THOMAS) Plain Dealing: Or, Nevves from New- England . . A short View of New-England s present Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, etc., pp. (8), 80, calf gilt. sm. 4 London, W. E. and I. G.for Nath. Butter, 1642 The VERY RARE Original Edition, of a work of much interest and of high authority. Lechford s "short view" was a comprehensive one; and his "plain dealing" renders his book all the more valuable for the study of New England s early history and institutions. 323 LECHFORD (T.) Plain Dealing, or News from New England; with an Introduction and Notes by J. H. Trumbull, uncut. 4 Boston, 1867 324 Lilly (Lambert) pseudon. History of New England, engravings. 1 6 Boston, 1831 325 MITCHELL S MAP of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, folded in cover. 16 Phila., 1831 326 MATHER (COTTON) The Present State of New-England. Considered in a Discourse On the Necessities and Advantages of a Public Spirit In every Man ; Especially, At such a time as this. Made at the Lecture in Boston, 20. d. i.m. 1690. Upon the News 38 NEW ENGLAND. of an Invasion by bloody Indians and French-men, begun upon us, pp. (2), 5 2, smooth calf gilt, ( W. Pratt), VERY RARE. 8 Boston, Samuel Green, 1690 327 MODEST ENQUIRY (A) into the Grounds and Occasions of a Late Pamphlet, intituled a Memorial of the Present Deplorable State of New-England. By a Disinterested Hand. //. 30, hf. mor., neat, UNCUT. 4 London, 1707 " A violent pamphlet in defence of Gov. Dudley." See a curious letter from Cotton Mather (Oct. 2, 1706), pp. 10-13, with the answer (13-16) accusing Mather of improper intimacy with " a Gentlewoman" of Gayety near Boston," his resolutions " to avoid her conversation, being frustrated by Vicious Inclinations." ! CURIOUS and VERY RARE. 328 MORSE (J.) and PARISH (E.) Compendious History of New England ; 2d edition, map, engraved book-plate of Isaiah Thomas, sheep. 12 Newburyport, Thomas 6- Whipple, 1809 329 MORTON (NATHANIEL) New-England s Memorial: or, A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England in America: With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, Called New-Plimouth, . . . pp. (10), 248, (i), dark green levant morocco, filleted sides, back full gilt, rich inside borders, g. e. (F. Bed ford), sm. 8 Boston, Reprinted for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the BIBLE in Cornhill, 1721 VERY SCARCE. This copy has, at the end, the leaf sometimes wanting, containing an Advertisement of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, " printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, and Daniel Henchman." The reprint of Morton s Memorial also by Allen appears to have been shared between Boone and Henchman (see the next number). . 330 MORTON (N.) New-England s Memorial. Another large, fine, clean copy, in the original binding, autograph of (Rev.) War ham Williams, 1731. sm. 8 Boston, Reprinted for Daniel Henchman, at the Corner Shop over-against the Brick-Meeting-House, 1721 331 MORTON (N.) New England s Memorial: good sound copy, pp. (10), 248, (i). 8 Boston, Reprinted \by yohn Allen} for Nicholas Boone, 1721 332 MORTON (N.) New-England s Memorial : or, A brief Relation of the most memorable and remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England, in America, etc., brown levant mor. extra, sides filleted, with corner ornaments, inside borders, back full gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford), pp. viii, 208, (8). 4 Newport, repr. by S. Southwick, 1772 333 MORTON (N.) New-England s Memorial, another copy, (covers removed, for re-binding). 8 Newport, repr. S. Southwick, 1772 334 MORTON (N.) The New-England s Memorial : or, A Brief Rela tion, etc., pp xii, 204, fine clean copy, hf. levant mor. gilt, top gilt, UNCUT. 12 Plymouth, A. Danforth, 1826 335 MORTON (N.) New England s Memorial; 5th edition, with large additions in marginal notes, and an Appendix, by John Davis, facsimile of Hubbard s map, sprinkled roan, neat. 8 Boston, 1826 336 MORTON (THOMAS) New English Canaan or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England, Composed in three Bookes. . . Written by Thomas Morton of Cliffords Inne gent, upon tenne yeares knowledge and experiment of the Country, //. NEW ENGLAND. 39 1 88, (3), red grosgr. levant morocco, extra, filleted and paneled sides, g. e. (W. Pratf). 4 Amsterdam, Jacob Frederick Stam, 1637 "A book of such EXTREME RARITY that Mr. Frederik Muller, the eminent bookseller of Amsterdam, remarks : Although this book is printed in my native place, Amsterdam, / have never seen nor heard of it here." 1 We know of only ONE OTHER COPY [besides Mr. Menzies s] in the United States." The Menzies Catalogrie (no. 1440), which see, for a good account of this curious work. 337 MORTON (THOMAS) New English Canaan or New Canaan con taining an Abstract of New England, etc. Another copy, half blue morocco, pp. 188, (3). 4 Amsterdam, Jac. Fred. Stam, 1637 This copy was badly bound, some sheets having been set too high, so that they were cut too close at the top, touching the running-title on a few pages. The title-page is somewhat soiled, and a small hole in it has been mended. The fore and bottom margins are broad, and, with the exceptions noted which would disappear under the hands of a competent binder the copy is CLEAN and GOOD. 338 NARRATIVE (A) of the Miseries of New-England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government Erected there, [Part X. of A Sixth Col lection of Papers Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England,] pp. 29-34, hf. green mor. neat. 4 London, R. Janeway, 1689 339 NARRATIVE (A) of the Miseries of New-England, by reason of An Arbitrary Government Erected there. Printed in the Tyranic Reign of Sir Edmund Andross, pp. 8, hf. morocco. 8 Reprinted, Boston, 1775 340 NEAL (D.) History of New England, ... to the year, 1700, map, 2 vols., old calf gilt. 8 London, 1720 341 NEAL (D.) History of New England. 2d edition, with many additions, map, 2 vols., old calf ". 8 London, 1747 342 NEW-ENGLAND S FACTION DISCOVERED; or, A Brief and True Account of their Persecution of the Church of England; the Beginning and Progress of the War with the Indians ; and other late Proceedings there, in a Letter from a Gentleman of that Country, to a Person of Quality. Being, an Answer to a most false and scandalous Pamphlet lately Published; Intituled, News from New-England, etc., 8 pp. double columns, half red morocco extra (Pratt). 4 London, y. Hindmarsh, 1690 No title-page. The Letter is signed, C7D. The copy was somewhat mutilated and had been close cropped, but the margins have been skilfully restored and the missing words supplied in facsimile. EXTREMELY RARE. 343 NEW ENGLAND S FIRST FRUITS ; in respect, First of the Conver sion of some, Conviction of divers, Preparation of sundry, of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massacusets \_sic\ Bay. With Divers other Speciall Matters concerning that Countrey, pp. (2), 26, maroon morocco, g. e. sm 4 London, R. O. and G. D. for Henry Overtoil, 1643 VERY RARE. Autograph of "Cotton 3 Mather-", 1678," on guard leaf. 344 NEW ENGLAND SCENES, or Events which have taken place since the first settlement of New England, illustrated by engravings. 12 New Haven, 1833 345 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY ADDRESSES, etc. Remarks on Charges against the Religion and Morals of People of Boston by Rev. G. Spring, D.D. in a Sermon before the N. E. Society of New York, Dec. 22, 1820. New York, 1820. Spring (G.) A Tribute to N. 4<3 NEW ENGLAND. England : Sermon before the N. E. Society of New York, Dec. 22, 1820. JV. Y. 1821. Other Addresses before the same Society, as follows: Romeyn (J. B.), 1821. Whelpley (P. M.), 1822. Bacon (L.), 1838. Winthrop (R. C.), 1839. Cheever (G. B.), 1842. Marsh (G. P.), 1844. Upham (C. W.), 1846. Hall (J. P.), 1847. Bushnell (H.), 1849. Webster (D.), 1850. Hadduck (C. B.), 1841. Evarts (W. M.), 1854. Sixtieth Anni versary Celebration of the N. E. Society of New York, Dec. 22, 1865. N. Y. 1866. Bond (H.), Address before N. E. SOCIETY of PHILADELPHIA, May, 1824. Ripley (Geo.), Oration before Pilgrim Society of Louisville, Dec. 22, 1838. Breck (S.), Discourse before Society of Sons of New England in Phila. Dec. 21, 1844. Sumner (Geo.), Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden. Cambridge, 1845.- Dyer (D.), Discourse on the Characteristics of the Puritans, Dor chester, Dec. 21, 1845. Boston, 1846. 20 in i vol. new half morocco (Roxburghe}. 8 346 PALFREY (John G.) History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty, 3 vols., LARGE PAPER, cloth, beveled boards, UNCUT. imp. 8 Boston, 1865 One hundred copies only, printed on this paper. 347 PALFREY (J. G.) History of New England, Vols. i, 2. 2 vols. cloth. roy. 8 Boston, 1859-60 348 [PALMER (JOHN)] THE PRESENT STATE OF NEW ENGLAND Impartially Considered, In a Letter to the Clergy, pp. 44, red morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 n. p., n. d. [Philadelphia, W. Bradford } 1689] EXCESSIVELY RARE. 349 PALMER (JOHN) An Impartial Account of the State of New England : or, the Late Government there, Vindicated. In Answer to the Declaration which the Faction set forth, when they Over turned that Government. With a Relation of the Horrible Usage they treated the Governour with, and his Council, &c. ; in a Letter to the Clergy there, //. 49, dk. blue morocco, RARE. 4 London, for JEdw. Poole, 1690 350 PRINCE (THOMAS) A Chronological History of New-England in the Form of Annals, Vol. I, (Introduction, Part I., and Part II.), original binding, old paneled calf, re-backed, neat, 2 portraits inserted. 8 Boston, Kneeland 6 Green, 1736 PRINCE S COPY, with numerous important MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS in his England. Author s MS. Corrections. Boston, 1736." UNIQUE. 351 PRINCE (THOMAS) A Chronological History of New-England In the Form of Annals, etc. Vol. I. and Numbers i, 2, and 3 (all pub lished) of Vol. II., portrait inserted, 2 vols, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1736, [i755] A fine, clean copy of Prince s Annals, complete as far as published, and ABSOLUTELY UNCUT, is of SUPERLATIVE RARITY. The three Numbers of the unfinished Second Volume, pp. 1-96, are in their original covers, except the first, which has only part of the first leaf of cover. The First Volume has never been bound. 352 PRINCE (T.) A Chronological History of New England in the form of Annals, Vol. I., portrait inserted, half blue calf gilt, fine copy. 8 Boston, 1826 NEW ENGLAND. 4! 353 PRINCE (T.) A Chronological History of New-England in the Form of Annals. Vol. \., paneled calf , neat. 8 Boston, 1736 With the autograph of John Fleet. Probably one of the six copies for which " Mr. Thomas Fleet, Printer," of Boston, subscribed. 353* The same, Vol. I., paneled calf. 8 Boston, 1736 Autograph of Jonas Clark, 1736 (a subscriber). 354 REVOLUTION (The) IN NEW ENGLAND Justified, and the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. [By INCREASE MATHER ?] Printed, 1691 ; Repr. Boston, I. Thomas, 1773. RARE. Locke (John) An Essay concerning the Original Extent and End of Government. Boston, Repr., Edes 6 Gill, 1773. 2 in i vol. 8 355 ROBBINS (T.) Historical View of the First Planters of New England, calf, gilt. 12 Hartford, 1815 356 SAD AND DREADFUL NEWS from New-England, being A True Relation of the Barbarous Cruelty lately committed by the Span iards upon the English, n. t. p., full blue morocco, neat, pp. 4. folio, London, for Langley Curtis, 1684 VERY RARE. Not in Rich or Ternaux. 357 SANFORD (ENOCH) Sketch of the Pilgrims who founded the Church of Christ in New England,^. 71, hf. mor. plain. 1 6 Boston, 1831 358 SILLIMAN (B.) Tour from Hartford to Quebec, plates, boards uncut. 12 New Haven, 1820 359 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) A Description of New England: or The Observations, and discoueries, of Captain lohn Smith (Admi- rall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 1614, etc., with a fine impression of the MAP of New England, half red morocco, gilt top, 9 prel. leaves, and pp. 61, (2). sm. 4 London, Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke, 1616 RARE. The map has the date " 1614" under the scale of leagues, and the Arms of the Great Plymouth Company, as in its later editions, and has probably been taken from another copy. 360 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) A Description of New England. ANOTHER COPY, red morocco, g. e. sm. 4 London, Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke, 1616 The map is of an earlier issiie than that in the preceding copy; having the date, 1614, under the scale of leagues, and Smith s arms in the lower corner, but -without the arms of the Plymouth Company. 361 SMITH (Capt. John) Description of New England, in the year of our Lord 1614, cloth, uncut, LARGE PAPER. 4 [Repr.~\ Boston, W. Veazie, 1865 Only twenty-five copies reprinted, in this paper, with the Map, in facsimile. SCARCE. 362 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) Viertzehende Schiffart, oder Griindliche vnd wahrhaffte Beschreibung dess Neuwen Engellandts, einer Land- schafft in Nordt Indien, eines Theils in America, vnter dem Capitein Johann Schmidt. . . Durch einen Liebhaber der Historien ausz dem Englischen. . versetzt, pp. (8), 62, map, a?id plate of animals (p. 28), new vellum. sm. 4 Franckfurt am Mayn, Inverlegung der Hulsischen, 1617 FIRST EDITION of the i<}th Voyage of the Collection of Hulsius. The Map of New England is accurately re-engraved from the English original of 1614. A FINE COPY; from the library of Maximilian. (Catalogue Andrade, 1951). 6 42 NEW ENGLAND. 363 SMITH (JOHN) New Englands Trials. Declaring the successe of 80 Ships | employed thither within these eight yeares ; | and the benefit of that Countrey by Sea | and Land | The Second Edition. Red levant morocco extra, rich inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), 1 6 leaves, n. n. sm. 4 London, William Zones, 1622 VERY RARE. THE DEDICATION COPY OF SMITH S GENERAL HISTORY, LARGE PAPER. 364 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) The General Historic of Virginia, New- England, and the Summer-Isles : with the names of the Adven turers, Planters, and Governours from their first beginning An : 1584. to this present 1624. With the Proceedings of those Severall Colonies and the Accidents that befell them in all their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of all those Countryes, their Commodities, people, Government, Customes, and Religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe Bookes. By Captaine lohn Smith sometymes Governour in those Countryes & Admirall of New England. folio, London, Printed by I. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624 Engraved title, pp. (12), 96, 105-248. 4 Maps. LARGE PAPER, measuring 8.6 by 12.9 inches on the leaf, nearly. The DEDICATION COPY, of th,e FIRST EDITION ; in the ORIGINAL BINDING, dark blue morocco, gilt edges, sides paneled, wide gilt borders, the panel semee of fleurs-de-lis and corners richly gilt, having in the center, on one side, the royal arms (James I.) and on the other, the arms of the DUCHESS OF RICHMOND AND LENOX, to whom the work was dedicated, and whose portrait (with that of Matoaka) was inserted in some later copies. This UNIQUE volume is in the finest possible condition, with excellent impressions of the engraved title-page and maps. It is enclosed in a dark- blue str. grained morocco case, sides and back gilt, and lettered. Mr. Menzies s copy of the edition of 1632 (Menzies Catalogue, no. 1851) measured 7^ by 1 1^ inches, and was properly described as " unusually large." The Brinley copy is an inch and a quarter wider, and an inch and Jive-eighths taller. 365 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) The Generall Historie of Virginia, New- England, and the Summer Isles : . . from their first beginning An : 1584. to this present 1626, etc., engraved title, 4 maps, pp. (12), 96, 105-248. London, I. D. and I. H. for Edward Blackmore, 1632 THE TRUE TRAVELS, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine lohn Smith, In Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from Anno Domini 1593. to 1629, large folded plate, and engraved coat of arms on back of title, 6 prel. IL, pp. 60. London, y. H. for Thomas Slater, 1630 Two vols. in one, richly bound in levant red morocco super extra, full gilt, sides double? paneled (Harleian}, inside borders (P. Bedford). LARGE and FINE copies. 366 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England, or anywhere, etc. London, 1631. Fac simile of the original map, cloth, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. med. 4 [Repr.] Boston, W. Veazie, 1865 Seventy-five copies only printed on this paper, d with the facsimile map. SCARCE. 367 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) A Sea Grammar, | With | The Plaine Expo sition | of Smiths Accidence for young | Sea-men, enlarged. | Diuided Jnto fifteene Chapters : what they are you | may partly conceiue by the Contents. | Written by Captaine lohn Smith, sometimes | Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of | New-England. | Green levant morocco extra, gilt,g. e. (Bedford), 6 prel. leaves, pp. 86. sm. 4 London, lohn Haviland, 1627 A FINE COPY of this VERY SCARCE book. NEW ENGLAND. 43 368 SMITH (Copt. JOHN) The Sea-mans Grammar and Dictionary, Explaining all the difficult Terms in Navigation : and the practical Navigator and Gunner : In Two Parts. . . By Captain John Smith, Sometime Governour of Virgmia, and Admiral of New England. Now much Amplified and Enlarged, etc. [by B. N.], folding plate of a ship, and woodcuts, good copy, half calf . 4 London, 1692 369 SMITH (J. Toulmin) Northmen in New England, or America in the Tenth Century, maps, cloth. 12 Boston, 1839 370 TUDOR (Wm.) Letters on the Eastern States. Second Edition, half calf , marbled edges. 8 Boston, 1821 371 [WARD (EDWARD)] Writings of the Author of the London-Spy [including " A Trip to Jamaica, with a true Character of the People and Island ; " and " A Trip to New-England, with a Character of the Country and People, both English and Indians;"^. The Second Edition,^. 40 \, good copy (a name cut from title-leaf} old calf. 8 London, 1704 " Ned Ward " was a graceless scamp. His " Trip to New-England" fairly matches if it does not surpass the Rev. Sam. Peters s "History of Connecticut." The latter seems to have taken a hint for one of his " blue-laws " from Ward s story (p. 173) of " a Captain of a ship, who had been a long voyage, happened to meet his wife, and kissed her in the street [of Boston], for which he was fined 10 shillings," the offences of "open kissing and of fornication being both of a price ; and another inhabitant of the town was fin d ten shillings for kissing his own wife in his garden," and was whipped for refusing to pay the fine. Drake (Hist, of Boston, 515, 516) makes some extracts from this naughty (and very scarce) book. 372 [WELDE (THOMAS) and WINTHROP (JOHN)] A Short Story of the Rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists & Libertines that infected the Churches of New-England, //. (i8),66. London, Printed for Ralph Smith at the Signeof the Bible, &c., 1644. BAYLIE (Robert) A Dissvasive from the Errours of the Time : Wherein the Tenets of the principall Sects, especially of the Independents, are drawn together in one Map, etc., pp. (24^252. London, for Sam. Gellibrand, 1645. FEATLEY (Daniel) The Dippers dipt, or, The Anabaptists Dvck d and Plvng d Over Head and Ears, at a Disputation in Southwark. The Fourth Edition. Portrait of Featley, by W. Marshall (slightly injured^) and two plates (one par tially defaced], pp. (16), 135. London, 1646. MARSHALL (Stephen) A Sermon of the Baptizing of Infants preached in the Abbey- Church at Westminster, pp. (4), 61. London, 1645. Four in one vol., old calf, somewhat stained. 4 373 WHITE (Rev. JOHN) The Planter s Plea, Or The Grovnds of Plantations examined, and vsuall Objections answered, Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New-England : for the satisfaction of those that question the lawfulnesse of the Action, //. (4), 84, levant citron morocco, sides panel-gilt, inside borders, g. e. (F. Bedford}, LARGE AND FINE COPY. RARE. 4 London, William Tones, 1630 373* WHITE (H.) Early History of New England. 8th edition, sheep. 12 Concord, N. H., 1843 374 WINTHROP QOHN) A Journal of the Transactions and Occur rences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New 44 NEW ENGLAND. England Colonies, from the year 1630, to 1644 ; now first published from a correct copy of the original manuscript,//. (6)^64, old calf , neat. 8 Hartford, Elisha Babcock, 1790 Isaac Backus s copy, with his autograph. For this first printed edition of this cele brated Journal we are indebted to the energy, enterprise, and liberality of Noah Webster, the Lexicographer. Copies are now SCARCE." H. Stevens. 375 WINTHROP (J.) The History of New England, from 1630 to 1649 > fr m m s Original Manuscripts. With notes by J. Savage, portrait, 2 vols., sheep. 8 Boston, 1825, 26 376 The same. Anew edition; with Additions and Corrections by the former Editor, portrait, 2 vols., cloth. 8 Boston, 1853 377 WOOD (WILLIAM) New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New-England, &c., folding map, green levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford], pp. (8),8 3 ,(5), RARE. sm. 4 London, Tho. Cotes, for John Bellamie, 1635 378 WOOD (WILLIAM) New-England s Prospect. A true, lively, and experimental description of that part of America, commonly called New-England, &c., original map, fine clean copy, Forel. 4 Tho. Cotes, for John Bellamie, 1635 From the library of the Marquis of Hastings ; with autograph of Sir John Rawdon. 379 WOOD (WM.) New-England s Prospect. The Third Edition, dark green crushed levant, top gilt (Pratt, ) UNCUT. 8 Boston, repr., Thomas and John Fleet, 1764 With an Introductory Essay (18 pp.) and notes by the editor. A BEAUTIFUL COPY. EXTREMELY RARE, in this condition. 380 WOOD (WM.) New-England s Prospect. The Third Edition. UNCUT. 8 Boston, repr. Thomas and John Fleet, 1764 With the exception of water-stains on a few pages which can easily be removed this is an UNUSUALLY FINE copy of a VERY RARE book. This edition "is said to be MUCH MORE RARE than the (London) original" of 1635. (See the Mcnzies Catalogue, no. 2188.) 381 WOOD (WM.) New England s Prospect. [Edited by Charles Deane.] Map. Uncut. sm. 4 Boston, Prince Society, 1865 SCARCE. Only 150 copies published. WARS WITH THE INDIANS, IN NEW ENGLAND. 382 [CHILD (Mrs. L. Maria)] The First Settlers of New England; or, Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansets and Pokanokets. By a Lady of Massachusetts, frontispiece. 1 8 Boston, Munroe 6 Francis, n. d. \ab. 1822] 383 CHURCH (THOMAS) Entertaining Passages relating to Philip s War which Began in the Month of June, 1675. As also of Expeditions More lately made Against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern Parts of New-England : with Some Account of the Divine Providence towards Benjamin Church, Esqr; By T. C. Interleaved, pp. (4), 120, portrait of B. Church inserted, half russia, neat. sm. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1716 " This is one of the RAREST BOOKS of its class. I have never seen a copy for sale." J. Sabin, Dictionary, no. 12996. This copy .once belonged to Mr. Samuel G. Drake, who interleaved it and gave it a plain binding. It cannot be called a very fine copy, but it is the best which Mr. Brinley could get in forty years trying and it may be doubted, if any collector of this generation will again have the opportunity of buying one so good as this. INDIAN WARS. 45 384 CHURCH (THOMAS) The entertaining History of King Philip s War, Which began in the month of June, 1675, as a ^ so f Expedi- ditions more lately made against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern Parts of New-England : With some account of the Divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church. By Thomas Church, Esq. his Son. The Second Edition, portrait Oj Col. Church, red gros grain levant morocco extra, sides filleted and paneled, g. e. (Bedford), pp. iv, 198, (i). 8 Boston, printed, 1716; Newport, repr., Solomon Southwick, 1772 FINE COPY. VERY SCARCE. 385 CHURCH (T.) The Entertaining History of King Philip s War, . . . Another copy. Portraits of B. Church and King Philip ; half morocco, pp. iv, 198, (i). 8 Newport, repr., 1772 The (fictitious) portrait of Col. Church (engraved by Paul Revere) is loosely inserted, having been taken from another copy. There is a good impression of Revere s engraving of " Philip, King of Mount Hope" (pp. 86), and a modern copy of it is added. 386 CHURCH (T.) History of King Philip s War, and of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689-1704 against the Indians and French; edited by H. M. Dexter, 2 vols. uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1865-67 387 Church (Thos.) History of the Great Indian War of 1675-6; also, the Old French and Indian Wars, 1689-1704; with notes and appendix by Samuel G. Drake, engravings, embossed morocco, gilt. 8 Hartford, 1854 388 DRAKE. The Old Indian Chronicle ; being a Collection of Ex ceeding Rare Tracts, written and published in the Time of King Philip s War ; with Introduction and Notes by Samuel G. Drake, map, LARGE PAPER, uncut. 4 Boston, 1867 388* The same, cloth, top gilt, UNCUT. med. 4 Boston, 1867 389 DRAKE (S. G.) A Particular History of the Five Years French and Indian War in New England and Parts adjacent, 1744-49, Portrait of Gov. Shirley, and other engravings, cloth, top gilt, uncut. 4 Boston, 1870 390 EASTON (JOHN) A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War of 1675 and 1676; with other Documents concerning this event, in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York. With an Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough, map, half calf, antique. 4 Albany, J. Munsdl, 1858 Munsell s Historical Series, No. II. "Edition limited to one hundred copies." " The RAREST of this Series." SABIN S Dictionary, no. 21694. 391 HATFIELD AND DEERFIELD. Papers concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield, by a Party of Indians from Canada, Sept. 19, 1677 : [edited by F. B. Hough], map, uncut. roy. 8 New York, 1859 BRADFORD CLUB Publications, No. I. Edition of 100 copies. 392 HOYT (E.) Antiquarian Researches; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the country bordering Connecticut River and parts adjacent, and other Interesting Events, etc., half green morocco extra, top gilt (F. Bedford), UNCUT. 8 Greenfield, Mass., 1824 46 NEW ENGLAND. 393 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England . . . to this present year, 1677 To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637, with (Stevens s) facsimile of the original map, and also a facsimile of the map belonging to the LONDON edition, both mounted on linen, dk. green grosgrained levant morocco extra, back full gilt, paneled sides, g. e. (F. Bedford), sm. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1677 pp. (14), 132, (8), 7-12; Narrative, 88. 394 HUBBARD (WM.) The Present State of New-England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the INDIANS in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677 ; But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years 1675, and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the War with the Pequods in the year 1637, original map, red leva?it morocco super extra, full gilt ( W. Pratt ) . sm. 4 London, for Tho. Parkhurst, 1677 A BEAUTIFUL COPY, with the book plate and autograph of "Robert Southcy, Keswick> May 3, 1811." Fine impression of the original (London) MAP. See Field s Indian Bibliography, no. 730, for the collation, &c. VERY RARE. 395 HUBBARD (WM.) The Present State of New-England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the INDIANS, etc. Another copy, with the MAP ; in the original binding, calf, paneled sides, red edges. sm. 4 London, for Tho. Parkhurst, 1677 An EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE and FINE copy, the pages measuring 7.75 inches nearly, by 5.9. The Map is in perfect condition. 396 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, etc., fine copy, elegantly bound in dark red smooth calf extra, back and sides gilt, g. e. (IV. Pratt). 12 Boston, John Boyle, 1775 The second American edition ; with a Preface (4 pp.)- VERY SCARCE. 397 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, etc., good copy, pp. 410. 12 Worcester, Mass., D. Greenleaf, for Jos. Wilder, 1801 398 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, etc., pp. 228, good copy, boards. 12 Norwich, J. Trumbull, n. d. [1802] A VERY SCARCE edition. It was advertised as " just published," May, 1802. 399 The same, 7^. 274, good copy, boards. 12 D anbury, Stiles Nichols, 1803 SCARCE. Reprinted with scrupulous retention of every typographical error from the Norwich edition of the preceding year. 400 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, etc.; pp. 375, 6, old calf , gilt, good copy. 8 Stockbridge, Mass., Heman Willard, 1803 4 01 The same,//. 359, nice clean copy, original binding, neat. 12 Brattleborough, Wm. Fessende?i, 1814 402 HUBBARD (WM.) The History of the Indian Wars in New Eng land. With an Historical Preface, Life, and Notes, by S. G. Drake. Map in facsimile. 2 vols., LARGEST PAPER, UNCUT. 4 Roxbury, Mass., 1865 Printed for W. E. Woodward, in an edition of 350 copies, of which 50 were on LARGE PAPER. " The best reprint ... It is a splendid specimen of typography." Field. 43 The same. 2 vols., LARGEST PAPER, UNCUT. 4 Roxbury, 1865 INDIAN WARS. 47 404 The same. 2 vols., LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. imp. 8 Roxbury, 1865 405 - - The same. 2 vols., UNCUT. sm. 4 Roxbury, 1865 406 KIDDER (F.) The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians, including a particular account of the Pequauket Battle, . . . with a reprint of Rev. T. Symmes s Sermon, dot/i, extra, beveled boards, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1865 407 KIDDER (F.) The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians ; Including an account of the Pequau ket Battle, etc., Map, LARGE PAPER (only 25 printed}, UNCUT. 1. 4 Boston, 1865 See SYMMES (T.) Historical Memoirs, Nos. 422, 423. 408 MASON (Major JOHN) A Brief History of the Pequot War: Especially of the memorable Taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637. Written by Major John Mason, A principal Actor therein, etc. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prince, (three plates inserted], red levant morocco, extra, full gilt, inside borders (F. Bedford}, UNCUT. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1736 An UNCUT copy of Mason s Pequot War is EXCESSIVELY RARE. "One was recently sold at private sale, for $160," as Mr. Sabin notes, in the Menzies Catalogue (no. 1338). 409 MATHER (INCREASE) A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New-England. From June 24. 1675. (when the first Englishman was Murdered by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the War, was slain, etc., front margin close cut, trenching slightly on the type on a few leaves, in other respects a GOOD COPY, half dark morocco, neat. 4 London, for Richard Chiswell, 1676 Half title ("The Wars of New-England"), Title, License, and "To the Reader," 4 11., "A Brief History," pp. 51, (i blk.), Postscript, pp. 8. Has the autographs of George Bancroft, 1839, and James J. Jarves. EXTREMELY RARE. 410 MATHER (INCREASE) A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New-England. From June 24. 1675. (when the first Englishman was Murdered by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, . . was slain. . . Together with a serious Exhortation, etc., LARGE and FINE copy, 3 prel. II., pp. 5 1, i blk., and Postscript, pp. 8, half red morocco, neat. 4 London, for Rich. Chiswell, 1676 41 1 MATHER (INCREASE) The History of King Philip s War : also, a History of the same War, by Cotton Mather. With Introduction and Notes by Samuel G. Drake, Portraits of Increase and Cotton Mather. Albany, J. Munsell, 1862. MATHER (Increase) Early History of New England . . and a full Narrative of Hostilities to the close of the War with the Pequots, in 1637, [ and ] of the Origin of the War with King Philip : Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Boston, 1864. 2 vols., cloth, gilt tops, UNCUT. 4 412 NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND, being A True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians and Converted Indians of New England, etc., cloth, (z copies.) sm. 4 Lo?idon, 1676.- repr. Boston, for S. G. Drake, 1850 48 NEW ENGLAND. 413 NILES (SAMUEL) Summary Historical Narrative of the Wars in New England with the French and Indians, [from Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, 3d Ser., vol. vi, pp. 154-279], n. t.p., str. grained red morocco gilt. 8 \Boston.\ From the Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his book-plate. 414 PENH ALLOW (SAMUEL) The History of the Wars of New- England, With the Eastern Indians. Or, a Narrative Of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from the loth of August, 1703. To .... 1726,^. (2), iv, (2), 134, (i), FINE COPY, in the original binding, not worn. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1726 "This work, in any condition, ranks AMONG THE RAREST OF NEW ENGLAND imprints, while a perfect copy, with good margins, is very difficult to obtain." Field. With the exception of some very slight water-stains, this copy is in as good condition, even in its binding, as when it came from the publishers. 415 PENH ALLOW (SAMUEL) The History of the Wars of New- England, With the Eastern Indians. ANOTHER COPY, very large, loose in the original binding. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1726 This copy has excellent margins, the page measuring 61- by 4 inches, very nearly. A bit has been torn from the corner of the title-leaf (without touching the print). The first leaf of sign. E (pp. 25-6) has lost a piece from its outer margin. This has been restored, not very skilfully, and the few missing words and parts of words are supplied by the pen. The last three or four leaves are stained. Cleaned, mended, and bound, its possessor will have one of the finest copies extant of this EXTREMELY RARE book. 416 PEQUOT WAR. UNDERBILL (Copt. John) Newes from America, [with] History of the Pequot War. 1638. MASON (John) Brief History of the Pequot War. GARDENER (Lion) Relation of the Pequot Warres. [VINCENT (P.)J True Relation of the late Bat- tell fought in New England, etc. [From the Mass. Hist. Collections, 2d Ser., vol. viii ; 3d Ser., vols. iii and vi.] 4 in one volume, half mor. 8 417 PRESENT STATE (The) OF NEW-ENGLAND, With Respect to the Indian War. Wherein is an Account of the true Reason thereof, (as far as can be Judged by Men.) . . . With most of the Remark able Passages . . . till the loth of November, 1675. Faithfully Composed by a Merchant of Boston, and Communicated to his Friend in London. Licensed Decemb. 13. 1675. half russia extra, pp. 19. folio, London, for Dorman Newman, 1675 Rich, 1676, no. 370. It is reprinted in Drake s Old Indian Chronicle. 418 A Continuation of the State of New-England ; Being a Farther Account of the Indian Warr, and of the Engagement betwixt the Joynt Forces of the United English Collonies and the Indians, on the i gth of December, 1675 Together with an Account of the intended Rebellion of the Negroes in the Barbadoes, pp. 20, /if. brown mor., neat. folio, London, T. M.for Dorman Neivman, 1676 VERY RARE. See "The Warr in New-England Visibly Ended," No. 430. 419 RECORD OF A COURT MARTIAL held at Newport, R. I. in August, 1676, for the Trial of Indians charged with being engaged in Phil ip s Designs. [With Notes.] sheets folded, pp. 18, n. t. p. 4 {Albany, J. Munsdf\ n. d. 420 STEWARD (Rev. JAMES) D.D. [pseudon. for TRUMBULL (HENRY)] History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Fore fathers, at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians, in New England, From their first landing in 1620, INDIAN WARS. 49 until the final subjugation of the Natives in 1669. To which is annexed, the Defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer & St. Clair, by the Indians at the Westward, &c., folding plate, fine dean copy, UNCUT,//. 176. 8 Brooklyn (L. /.), Grant & Wells, for J. W. Carew, n. d. [1809] The first and SCARCE edition of a compilation which, in later issues, acquired wide popularity as " Trumbull s Indian Wars." In a part of this first edition, the title-page was changed. Instead of "the Rev. James Steward D.D.," "A Citizen of Connecticut" stands as author, and the imprint is: "NORWICH: Published for the Author, (With Priv ilege of Copy-Right.) iSio." The two title-pages were printed from the same types these changes excepted, and the substitution of a short for a long /, in the third line. (This second is site oi the first edition seems to have escaped the notice of bibliographers. It is very scarce.) 42 1 STROCK (D. Jr.) Pictorial History of King Philip s War. 8 Boston, 1851 422 SYMMES (THOMAS) HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF THE BATTLE AT PIGGWACKET. Lovewell Lamented. | Or, A | Sermon | Occasion d by the Fall | Of the Brave Capt. John Lovewell And Several of his Valiant Company, In the late Heroic Action at Pigg- wacket. Pronounc d at Bradford, May 16 1725 | By Thomas Symmes, V. D. M. . . . [ With An Historical Preface, or Memoirs of the Battle at Piggwacket,] //. (4), xii, 32, crushed red levant morocco, back gilt, sides filleted and paneled, inside borders, gilt top, {F. Bedford, ) UNCUT. 8 Boston, B. Green Junr. for S. Gerrish, 1725 A FINE COPY of the SUPERLATIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION of the " Memoirs of a Battle at Piggwacket." " Only one perfect copy, and that OF THE SECOND EDITION, has been sold at public auction for many years, and this one has been [four] times offered in that manner. At the last public bidding [before the Menzies Library sale] it was bought for $175." Field. (See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1940.) An UNCUT copy of the First edition may be regarded as nearly if not absolutely UNIQUE. 423 SYMMES (THOMAS) Historical Memoirs of the Late Fight at Piggwacket ; with a Sermon Occasion d by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Lovewell, and several of his Valiant Company. . . . The Second Edition Corrected,//. (4), xii, 32, half russia. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green junr., 1725 A large copy, yellowed by age and use, but otherwise in excellent condition. When cleaned and bound, it will make one of the best copies extant, of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book. Inserted, in an envelope, is an original deed, from John Lovewell of Dunstable (father of Capt. John, the hero of the Fight at Pigwacket) to Zaccheus, his eldest surviving son, dated Sept. 5, 1729, conveying part of his land in Dunstable. 424 [TRUMBULL (HENRY)] History of the Discovery of America, etc. and of ... Engagements with the Indians ... By a Citizen of Connecticut, two folded plates (torn, but no portion lost}, good copy, pp. 184. 8 Norwich, for the Author at his Office, 1810 Second edition. (See STEWARD (Rev. J.) No. 420.) The date "1669" was altered to "1679," m the title; the Preface omitted, but considerable additions made to the text; and a second copperplate inserted (p. 155). The certificate of copyright, Dec. 24, 1810, has the name of Henry Trumbull, as Author. 425 The same, two plates, pp. 184. 8 Norwich, for the Author, 1811 TJiird (Norwich) edition. 426 Trumbull (Henry) The same. 8 Norwich, Jas. Springer, 1812 Fourth (Norwich) edition, pp. 184, and Appendix, 8 pp., with account of "Gen. Har rison s engagement with the Savages on the Wabash." 427 The same. 8 Boston, 1819 428 The same. 8 Boston, 1828 50 NEW ENGLAND. 429 WADSWORTH (BENJ.) True Piety the best Policy for Times of War; A Sermon preacht at Boston Lecture on August 16, 1722. soon after a Declaration of War against the Eastern Indians & Rebels,//. (2), 2 6, half mor., uncut. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1722 430 The Warr in New-England Visibly Ended. King Philip that Barbarous Indian now Beheaded, and most of his Bloudy Adhe rents submitted to Mercy, etc. Being a True and Perfect Account brought in by Caleb More, Master of a Vessel newly Arrived from Rhode-Island, etc., title and 2 leaves. folio, London, y. B. for Dorman Newman, 1677 Signed R. H. (for Richard Hutchinson, probably). A Continuation of the [Present] State of New-England ; Being a Farther Account of the Indian Warr, and of the Engagement betwixt the Joynt Forces of the United English Collonies and the Indians, on the igth. of December 1675, etc. Together with an Account of the Intended Rebellion of the Negroes in the Barba- does,//. 20. London, T. M. for Dorman Newman, 1676 A New and Further Narrative of the State of New-England, being A Continued Account of the Bloudy Indian-War, From March till August, 1676, etc. [subscribed, N. S.j Title, pp. 14. London, y. B. for Dorman Newman, 1676 Three in one vol., half morocco, neat. (See Present State of New England, no. 417.) CONFERENCES AND TREATIES WITH INDIAN TRIBES IN NEW ENGLAND. 431 [THE GEORGETOWN CONFERENCE.] George Town on Arrowsick Island Aug. Qth. 1777. Annoque Regni Regis Georgii Magnae Britanniae, &c. Quarto. A Conference of His Excellency the Governour [Shute], with the Sachems and Chief Men of the EASTERN INDIANS, //. 13, fine copy, hf. rose calf extra, gilt top, UNCUT. sm. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1717 The collector needs no reminder of the EXCESSIVE RARITY of this tract, the authorized relation of Gov. Shute s Conference with the Eastern Indians. The copy, though yellowed by age, is as perfect as when it came from the press. In this condition, and UNCUT, it may be regarded as nearly, if not absolutely, UNIQUE. ^ The Conference was held for the ratification of the Treaty (Gov. Dudley s) of 1713. Capt. John Gyles, the famous, was one of the interpreters, and among the twenty saga mores present were some whose names are among the most prominent in the story of the Eastern Indian wars, Moxus, Bommazeen, Wiwurna, Adeawando of Fegwackit, &c. 432 THE CONFERRENCE with the EASTERN INDIANS, at the Ratification of the PEACE, held at Falmouth in Casco-Bay, in July and August, I726,//. 23, good copy, hf. bd., neat. 4 Boston, for Benj. Eliot, [1726] EXTREMELY RARE. " Nearly all succeeding Conferences refer to this one, as the original and most binding treaty between Massachusetts and the Eastern Indians. Hutch inson regarded it as the most judicious which, in his time, had been made with the Indians." 433 THE CONFERENCE with the EASTERN INDIANS at the further Rati fication of the Peace, Held at Falmouth in Casco-Bay, in July 1727, //. 3 1 , half green calf extra, top gilt. 4* \_Boston, 1727] "At the Treaty of 1726, at Falmouth, some tribes were not represented: therefore, another treaty became necessary, this year." A large, nearly uncut copy of this EXTREMELY RARE Conference. (The marks of the Indian sachems are given, p. n.) CONFERENCES WITH INDIANS. 5! 434 THE CONFERENCE With the EASTERN INDIANS, at the Ratification of the Peace, held at Falmouth in Casco-Bay, in July and August, 1726,^. 20. THE CONFERENCE with the Eastern Indians, at the further Ratification of the Peace, held at Falmouth, in July, 1727, //. 27. Two in one volume, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, UNCUT. 4 Boston, reprinted, S. Kneeland, 1754 Beautiful, clean and bright copies, of these VERY RARE tracts. 435 A CONFERENCE of His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq.; Gov- ernour etc. of the Massachusetts-Bay . . . with Edewakenk, Chief Sachem of the PENOBSCUT Tribe, Loron one of the Chief Captains of the same Tribe, Toxus Chief Sachem of the NORRIDGEWOCK Tribe, Adiawando Chief Sachem of the PIGWACKET Tribe, and Medaganesset Chief Sachem of the AMERESCOGGIN Tribe, with other chief men of the said Indian Tribes, at Falmouth, in Casco- Bay, July, 1732. //. 23, with the slip of Errata, UNCUT. 4 (n. t. p.) Boston, B. Green, 1732 EXTREMELY RARE. "This Treaty was considered so important, that it was imme diately re-printed in London." G. B. A slip containing important Errata is pasted over the imprint, on p. 23. 435* A Conference between his Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; Captain-General and Governour, . . . and the Chief Sachems of Several Indian Tribes ... at Falmouth, in Casco-Bay, July, 1732, //. 28, (3), good copy, wide margins, cloth, 8 London, for N. Cholmondeley, n. d. [1732 ?] A re-print of the preceding. VERY RARE. 436 A CONFERENCE of His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq ; . . . Governour . . of the Massachusetts Bay, etc., with Edewakenk Chief Sachem of the PENOBSCUT Tribe, [and others,] at Falmouth, in Casco-Bay, July, I732,//. 23, half calf extra. 4 n. t. p. {Boston, B. Green, 1732] Another copy of the original edition, -wanting the Errata, and colophon, the lower half of the last leaf, which contained these, having been lost. The leaf has been neatly restored, but in blank. 437 A CONFERENCE Held at DEERFIELD, in the County of Hampshire, the 27th day of August [to Sept. ist] 1735, by His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq ; Governour, etc., and OUNTAUSSOOGOE and others, Chiefs of the Cagnawaga Tribe, [and] a number of the St. Francois Indians, CUNCAUPOT, Captain, [with others,] of the Hous- satonnoc Indians &c., MARLEQUUNT [and others] Chiefs of the Scautacook Tribe, etc., pp. \<$,fine, fresh copy, hf. red mor., UNCUT. 4 [Boston, 1735] EXTREMELY RARE, in such condition. At this Conference, Aug. 31, the Rev. John Sargeant was ordained to the ministry among the Ilousatonnuc Indians, of whom more than forty were present, with their famous captain Kunkapot. 438 A CONFERENCE Held at DEERFIELD, in the County of Hampshire, etc., pp. 19. Another fine copy, nearly uncut. 4 [Boston, 1735] 439 CONFERENCE at DEERFIELD, 1735. Another copy (see No. 437) with writing on the margins of some pages, otherwise good. CON FERENCE at FALMOUTH, Casco Bay, 1726, another copy (see No. 432) wanting the first leaf , (pp. 3-23,) UNCUT, Boston, B. Eliot, [1726] EXTREMELY RARE. The two in one vol., half dk. green levant morocco extra. 4 {Boston, 1726, 1735] 52 NEW ENGLAND. 440 CONFERENCE held at the FORT OF ST. GEORGE S, in the County of York [Aug. 4, 1742], between Governor Wm. Shirley and the Chief Sachems and Captains of the Penobscott, Norridgewock, Pigwaket or Amiscogging [and other] Indians,//. 17, half red morocco, neat. 4 Boston, J. Draper, 1742 EXTREMELY RARE. " This Conference was occasioned by alleged infraction of pre vious treaties, especially, the celebrated treaty of 1725, with Gov. Dummer. G. B. MS. note. 441 A JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed for Managing a Treaty of Peace : . . at Falmouth, the 27th of September, A. D. 1749, between Thomas Hutchinson, John Choate [and others], Commissioned by [Gov.] Phips, and the EASTERN INDIANS, pp. 16, good copy, but wants the last leaf, EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Boston, John Draper, [1749] 442 A JOURNAL of the Proceedings of Jacob Wendell [and others] Commissioners appointed by [Governor] Phips, to Treat with the several Tribes of EASTERN INDIANS, in order to Renew and Con firm a general Peace, pp. 16, fine clean copy, half bound, UNCUT. 4 Boston, John Draper, 1752 A Journal of several Conferences, at St. George s, concluded by the ratification of a Treaty of Peace, Oct. 20, 1752. RARE. 443 A JOURNAL of the Proceedings of Jacob Wendell [and others] Commissioners, etc. Another copy, fine, though trimmed close at top, touching a few of the page-mimbers, hf. bound. A? Boston, 1752 443* INSTRUCTIONS for treating with the Eastern Indians given to the Commissioners appointed for that Service, by the Hon. Spencer Phips . . . in 1752. Printed from the Original Manuscript,//. 8, folded. 4 Boston, 1865 Fifty copies only printed, for Samuel G. Drake. 444 CONFERENCE (A) held at ST. GEORGE S, in the County of York, on the Twentieth day of September, 1753, between [the] Commis sioners appointed by [Gov.] Shirley . . . and the Indians of the Penobscott [and Norridgewock] Tribe[s], //. 26, fine clean copy, half bound. 4 Boston, Samuel Kneeland, 1753 See full title in SABIN S Dictionary, no. 15436. VERY RARE. 444* A JOURNAL of the Proceedings at Two Conferences Begun to be held at Falmouth in Casco-Bay, . . on the Twenty-Eighth Day of June, 1754, between His Excellency William Shirley, Esq ; . . and the Chiefs of the NORRIDGEWALK Indians ; And [July 5th] between His Excellency and the Chiefs of the PENOBSCOT Indians, //. 27, fine clean copy, half bound, neat. folio, Boston, John Draper, 1754 THE GOSPEL AMONGST THE INDIANS. Other publications relating to Indian Missions in New England will be found, on subsequent pages, among " BOOKS PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE AND BOSTON, before 1710," "THE WORKS OF THE MATHERS," and " BOOKS IN INDIAN LANGUAGES." The Reports, &c., of the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America," are placed under " MASSACHUSETTS." 445 THE | DAY-BREAKING, if not The Sun-Rising | of the | Gospell | with the INDIANS in New-England, |//. (2,) 25, vellum, red edges. sm. 4 London, Rich. Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, 1647 A FINE COPY of this VERY RARE tract, usually reckoned the second in the " Progress of the Gospel " series. " It is one of the most curious, interesting, and valuable of that THE GOSPEL AMONGST THE INDIANS. 53 series ; containing Relations of four meetings with the Indians, and describing their habitations, manner of living, language, laws, &c." Mcnzics Catalogue, no. 1815. "it was, probably, written by Thos. Shepard. 446 ELIOT QOHN) and MAYHEW (THOMAS) Tears of Repentance : | Or, A further | Narrative of the Gospel Amongst the Indians in New-England : ... Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers | in that Work of the Lord, vellum, ( W. Pratt]. sm. 4 London: Printed by Peter Cole, 1653 Title (verso blk.), i leaf; To His Excellency, the Lord General Cromwell (2 pp.); To the much Honored Corporation in London, signed Thomas Mayhew (i^ pp. & i p. blk.); To His Excellency the Lord General Cromwell, by John Eliot (2 pp.) ; To the Reader, by John Eliot (4 pp.); To the Christian Reader, by Richard Mather (n pp. & i blk.); A brief Relation, pp. 47. A FINE COPY. 447 ELIOT QOHN) A Late and Further | Manifestation | of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the | Indians in New-England. .... Being a Narrative of the Examinations of the Indians, about their Knowledge in Religion, by the Elders of the Churches, | Re lated by Mr. John Eliot, | Published by the Corporation ... for Propagating the Gospel there,//. (8), 23, calf antique, g. e. (Riviere). sm. 4 London, Printed by M. S., 1655 A Fine copy of one of the RAREST of the "Progress of the Gospel" series, all of which are VERY RARE. 448 [ELIOT (JOHN) and PEIRSON (ABRAHAM)] A further Accompt of the Progresse of the | GOSPEL | amongst the Indians | in New England, | etc. . . \ Set forth | in certain Letters sent from thence declaring a | purpose of Printing the Scriptures in the Indian Tongue, etc. With ... an Epitome of some Exhortations delivered by the Indians at a Fast, etc. As also some helps directing the Indians how to improve naturall reason unto the knowledge of the true God. 4 London, M. Simmons, 1659 Title, & 4 prelim, leaves; pp. 35, (i). Olive levant morocco, elegant, ?. e. (Bedford}. Autograph of N[athanicl} Mather, on title page. Another of the RAREST of the " Progresse of the Gospel" series. It comprises, pp. (22^35, a reprint of the first sheet of Peirson s Indian Catechism, "SOME HELPS FOR THE INDIANS," &c., which was then in press at Cambridge. The portion reprinted ends in the middle of a sentence (p. 35), and has the catch-word of the following sheet, which was not yet received in England. See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, Oct. 1873, p. 46. 449 ELIOT QOHN) A further Account of the progress of the | Gospel Amongst the Indians | In New England : j Being a Relation of the Confessions made j by several Indians, etc. Sent over to the Cor poration .... by Mr. John Eliot, etc., pp. (io),y6, red straight-grained morocco, extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 London, John Macock, 1660 450 ELIOT QOHN) A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670. Given in By the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, Minister of the Gospel there, In a Letter, to the Right Worshipfull the Commissioners, etc., pp. n, good copy. 4 London, for John Allen, 1671 " One of the RAREST of the series." Field. " Of the GREATEST RARITY." Sabin. 451 ELIOT (JOHN) A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians. 1670. With Introductory Notes by W. T. R. Marvin,//. 36, UNCUT. sm. 4 Boston, 1868 452 THE GLORIOUS PROGRESS of the Gospel, amongst the Indians in New England. Manifested by three Letters, under the Hand of that famous Instrument of the Lord Mr. JOHN ELIOT, And another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew jun : . . . Together with an Appendix 54 NEW ENGLAND. to the foregoing Letters, ... by I. D. Minister of the Gospel. Published by Edward Winslow, //. (8), 28, calf, red edges, (Hay day) . London, for Hannah Allen, 1649 1\xt third of the " Progress of the Gospel " series. VERY RARE. 453 HOPKINS (SAMUEL) Historical Memoirs relating to the Housa- tunnuk Indians : or, An Account of the Methods used, and Pains taken, for the Propagation of the Gospel among that Heathenish- Tribe, etc., pp. (2), iv, 182, half red levant morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. 4 Boston, S. Knecland, 1753 A Fine copy. In such condition, EXCESSIVELY RARE. "Mr. Hopkins s Memoir is one of the rarest of works relating to New-England, as it is one of the most intrinsically valuable." Sabiu. 454 HOPKINS (SAMUEL) Historical Memoirs, relating to the Housa- tunnuk Indians,//, iv, 182, red gros grain- levant morocco extra, full gilt, sides filleted and paneled, gilt top, (Bedford}, UNCUT. 4 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1753 A MATCHLESS copy, in rich and elegant binding. 454* HOPKINS (SAMUEL) Historical Memoirs Relating to the Housa- tunnuk Indians. Another copy, Title and last leaf in excellent fac simile, calf extra, full gilt back, inside borders, g. e. (F. Bedford}. 4 Boston, 1753 455 MATHER (COTTON) India Christiana. A Discourse, delivered unto the Commissioners, for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians, etc., pp. (4^94, (52-55, doubled,} original binding, good copy. 1 6 Boston, B. Green, 1721 RARE. A specimen of the Indian language of Massachusetts (the dialect of Eliot s Bible version) is given, pp. 52-55, with the translation in English. 456 [MATHER (COTTON)] Just Commemorations : The Death of Good Men considered . . . unto which there is added a brief Account of the Evangelical Work among the Christianized Indians of New England, mor. extra (F. Bedford}. 8 Boston, n. d. [1715] " The Appendix contains an account of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians from Eliot s death to 1715." 457 MAYHEW (EXPERIENCE) A Discourse showing that God dealeth with Men as with Reasonable Creatures. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 23, 1718. With a brief account of the State of the Indians on Martha s Vineyard, & the Small Islands adjacent, from 1694 to 1720, //. (2), 34, 12, brown morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1720 458 MAYHEW (EXPERIENCE) Indian Converts : or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of ... Christianized Indians of Martha s Vineyard ; . . . [with] some Account of the English Min isters who have presided over the Indian Work, by Mr. Prince, polished calf gilt (F. Bedford}. 8 London, for S. Gerrish, Boston, 1727 459 NEW ENGLANDS FIRST FRUITS ; in respect, First of the Conver sion of some, Conviction of divers, Preparation of sundry of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massacusets (sic} Bay. With Divers other Speciall Matters concerning that Countrey, etc., a fine clean copy, good mar gins, pp. (2), 2 6. 4 London, R. O. and G. D.for Henry Overtoil, 1643 " The FIRST and one of the RAREST of the series of reports sent from New England relative to the conversion of the Aborigines." Sabin. THE GOSPEL AMONGST THE INDIANS. 55 460 PEMBERTON (EEENEZER) A Sermon preached in New-Ark, June 12, 1744, at the Ordination of David Brainercl, a Missionary among the Indians, etc. With an Appendix touching the Indian Affairs, PP- 39> half for el, gilt, uncut. 4 Boston, 1744 The Appendix contains (pp. 24-39) a narrative by David Brainerd of the commence ment and progress of his Mission among the Indians, 1743-4; and an account of the Rev. Azariah Horton s labors among the Indians of Long Island. 461 SHEPARD (THOMAS) The Clear Sun-Shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the INDIANS in New-England, pp. (14), 38, crimson morocco, g. e. 4 London, R. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1648 VERY RARE. A large copy; many leaves uncut, except at top. A portion of the title page has been skilfully restored and the few missing words are supplied in facsimile. 462 SHEPARD (THOMAS) The Clear Sun-Shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the INDIANS in New- England. Another copy, half red morocco (Mathews). 4 London, R. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1648 A leaf (to precede title), with commendation by Joseph Caryl, is loosely inserted. 463 STODDARD (SOLOMON) Question whether God is not Angry with the Country for doing so little towards the Conversion of the Indi ans ? Spoken to, in a Discourse [at] North-Hampton,//. 12, n. t.p., half calf, neat, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, 1723 464 STRENGTH | OUT OF | WEAKNESSE ; | Or a Glorious MAN IFESTATION Of the further Progresse of | the Gospel among the Indians \ in NEW-ENGLAND. | Held forth in Sundry Letters | from divers Ministers and others to the | Corporation, etc. \ . . . . since the last Trea-|tise to that effect, Pulished [sic] by Mr. Henry Whitfield, late Pastor of Gilford in New-England, etc., pp. (16), 40, calf, g. e. (Bedford}. ^London, M. Simmons for John Blague and Samuel Howes, , 1652 The First of three issues or editions of this tract, distinguished by peculiarities of the Title page, and by the subscriptions to The Epistle Dedicatoric, and address To the Reader. In this edition, The Epistle Dcdicatoric is signed by twelve ministers (John Owen and Tho : Goodwin, at the head), and the address To the Reader, by fourteen (W. Gouge and Phillip Nye, at the head). Another address, "To the Christian Reader," is unsigned. VERY RARE. 465 STRENGTH | OUT OF WEAKNESSE ; | Or a Glorious j MAN IFESTATION | Of the further Progresse of j the Gospel among the Indians \ in NEW-ENGLAND. | Held forth in Sundry Letters | . . . since the last Trea-|tise to that effect, formerly set | forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield \ late Pastor of Gilford in New-England. Pub lished by the aforesaid Corporation. | pp. (12), 40, calf extra, r. e. 4 London, M. Simmons <&c., 1652 The Second issue. The Epistle Dedicatoric is subscribed by William Stccle, President (of the Corporation) ; To the Christian Reader, by the fourteen ministers, as before ; and the additional address To the Christian Reader is omitted. 466 Strength out of Weakness. Or a Glorious | Manifestation Of the further Progresse of the | GOSPEL | amongst THE INDI ANS | in NEW-ENGLAND. Held forth in Sundry LETTERS | etc. Blue levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 London, M. Simmons, &c., 1652 The Third edition. The Address To the Reader has eighteen names subscribed (Wil liam Gouge and Henry Whitfield, at the head). This is not merely a rc-issitc, but a re print, throughout , of the preceding edition, though the two agree page for page and, generally, line for line. A good copy, though close-cropped at the top, the page numbers and head-lines of the Dedicatory Epistle being cut into. All three editions are VERY RARE. 56 NEW ENGLAND. 467 WHEELOCK (ELEAZAR) A plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress, and present State of the Indian Charity-School at Lebanon in Connecticut,//. 55, fine copy, hf. mor., neat, UNCUT. 4 Boston, R. 6 S. Draper, 1763 A Continuation of the Narrative Of the State, &c. of the Indian Charity-School, from Nov. 27th, 1762, to Sept. 30!, I765,//. 23, and Appendix,/. ^^ fine copy, uncut, half mor., neat. Boston, R. &> S. Draper, 1765 A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, in Connecticut, New England. Founded and Carried on by That faithful Servant of God, The Rev. Mr. Eleazer Wheelock, pp. 48. 8 London, J. and W. Oliver, 1766 The first edition of the (London) Brief Narrative, complete, ending, with Finis, on page 48. It was re-printed the next year, with an Appendix, and this Appendix (pp. 49-63) was stitched to some copies of the first edition. A Brief Narrative, etc. The Second Edition, with an Appendix, //. 63. 8 London, J. and W. Oliver, 1767 Pages 1-48 correspond with the former edition. "Since the First Edition of the foregoing Narrative, ... it is judged proper not only to publish a Second Edition, but also by way of Appendix, to make mention," etc. (p. 49). A Continuation of the Narrative, etc. With an Appendix, con taining The Declaration of the Trustees of that Charity ; A List of the Names of the Subscribers ; An Account of Monies, etc., pp. 145, (+ i, Adv.}, half vellum. 8 London, J. and W. Oliver, 1769 A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., from the year 1768, to the Incorporation of it with Dartmouth College, and Removal and Settlement of it in Hanover, in the Province of New Hampshire, 1771. By Eleazer Wheelock, D.D. President of Dartmouth Col lege,//. 6 1, half morocco, UNCUT. 8;z./. [Hartford, Eb. Watson} 1771 A Continuation of the Narrative, etc. [from May 6, 1771, to Sept. 10, I772],//. 40, half mor., fresh copy, UNCUT. 8 New- Hampsi hire, 1772 A Continuation of the Narrative, etc. [from Sept. 26, 1772, to Sept. 26, 1773 ; with an Appendix, containing an Abstract of the Journal of a Mission to the Delaware Indians, West of the Ohio, by the Rev. D. McClure and L. Frisbie,] hf. vellum, pp. 68, clean, UNCUT. 8 Hartford, 1773 An autograph letter from Mr. Frisbie to Mr. McClure, dated, Fort Pitt, Sept. 22, 1772, is inserted. - A Continuation of the Narrative, etc., [from Sept. 26, 1773, to Feb. 20, 1775,] with a Dedication to the Honorable Trust in Lon don. Added, An Account of Missions the last year, etc., large copy, PP 54- 4 Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1775 Autograph letter from Rev. Levi Frisbie to Rev. D. McClure (4 pp.) inserted. 9 vols. 8 and 4 468 WHITFIELD (HENRY) The Light appearing more and more to-| wards the perfect Day. Or, A farther Discovery of the present state | of the INDIANS in New-England, Concerning the Pro- gresse of the Gospel | amongst them. | Manifested by Letters from such as preacht | to them there. | Published by Henry Whitfeld (so), CAPTIVITIES. 57 late Pastor to the | Chuch (so) of Christ at Gilford, $.preL leaves and pp. 46, half red morocco. sm. 4 London, T. R. & E. M.for John Bartlett, 1651 Needs cleaning, and repairs of the upper corners of two or three leaves, to make it a handsome copy of this VERY RARE tract. NARRATIVES OF CAPTIVITIES. 469 BROWN (THOMAS) A Plain Narrativ[e] of the uncommon Sufferings and Remarkable Deliverance of Thomas Brown, of Charlestown, in New-England ; Who returned to his Father s House the Beginning of Jan. 1760, after having been absent three years and about eight months : Containing An Account of the Engagement between a Party of English commanded by Major Rogers, and a Party of French and Indians, in Jan. 1757, in which Capt. Spikeman was kill d ; and the Author . . . left for dead on the Field . . . How he was taken Captive by the Indians, and car ried to Canada, and from thence to the Mississippi, etc., etc. The Second Edition,//. 27, stained by age and worn by use, very neatly bound. 8 Boston, Fowle 6 Draper, 1760 Perhaps the RAREST of all Narratives of Indian Captivities. The title has escaped both Mr. Sabin and Mr. Field, and is not to be found in any catalogue I have consulted, except in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) in ^jich it was entered from Mr. Brinley s copy. It is apart from its extreme rarity a hig^Jp interesting tract. 470 BUNN (MATTHEW) Journal of the Adventures of Matthew Bunn, a Native of Brookfield, Mass., who enlisted [from] Providence, 1791, on an Expedition into the Western Country, was taken by the Savages, and made his escape into Detroit, April, 1792, //. 24, half mor., UNCUT. 8 Providence, Printed : Litchfield, \Con?i.\ Reprinted, Thomas Collier, 1796 EXTREMELY RARE. Re-printed from the first Providence edition. The earliest edition noted in Sabin s Dictionary, is one of 1797 (n. p.). 471 Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Matthew Bunn, (of Providence, R. I.) in an Expedition against the North- Western Indians. 7th edition, revised. //. 59, new half morocco, UNCUT. 8 Batavia, for the Author, 1828 The Affidavit of the Author, Oct. 30, 1826, sworn before "Millerd Fillmore, Com r &c. for Erie County," is appended. 472 Captivities. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. JOHNSON. With an Appendix containing the Sermons preached at her Funeral, and that of her Mother, etc. Third Edition, enlarged. //. 178, the first few leaves worn, and water-stained. Windsor, Vt., 1814. Good fetch d out of Evil, in Three Short Essays. I. A Pastoral Letter of Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, of Deerfield ; now detain d a captive in Canada, etc. II. The conduct and constancy of the New English Captives, when strongly tempted unto Popish Idolatries, etc. III. An Account of memorable deliverances, etc., pp. 34. n.p. 1784. Narrative of Remarkable Occurrences in the Life of JOHN BLATCHFORD, of Cape- Ann, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Containing An Account of his treatment and sufferings while a prisoner in the late War, etc. Second Edition, pp. 22. New London, Timothy Green, 1794. VERY RARE. Williams (Stephen W.) Biographical Memoir of the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS [the " Redeemed Captive "] ; with a Sketch of 8 58 NEW ENGLAND. Ancient Deerfield ; the Journal of the Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow, during his Captivity, etc., pp. 127. Greenfield, Mass., Narrative of the Captivity &c. of Mrs. MARY ROWLANDSON, //. 122. Boston, 1856. Memoirs of Rev. JOSEPH EASTBURN, of the Manner s Church, Philadelphia. By Ashbel Green, D.D. [With an Appendix, containing] A Faithful Narrative of the many Dan gers &c. of ROBERT EASTBURN during his Captivity among the Indians, &c. [repr. from Philadelphia edition of 1758]. Portrait, pp. vi, 208, Phila. 1828. Six volumes and tracts, bound in one vol. blue half-morocco (Roxburghe). 12 473 Captivities. WALDEN (ISAAC) Narrative of his Travels, in the King s Service, his Sufferings and Temptations,//. 12, uncut, n. p. [New London] 1773. HOLLISTER (Isaac) Narration of (his) Captivity by the Indians, 1763, pp. 12. Suffield, 1803. DECALVES (Don A.) Travels to the Westward, or unknown Parts of America, 4th edition,//. 35, UNCUT. New London, 1796. The same work, 7th edition, //. 48. Greenfield, Mass., 1805. FLETCHER (EBEN.) Narrative of (his) Captivity and Sufferings, 4th edition, revised and enlarged. New Ipswich, S. Wilder, 1827. JOHONNOT (J.) Remarkable Adventures and Captivity among the Kickappo Indians, //. 24, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. Greenfield, Mass., Ansel Phelps, 1816. Narrative of Voyage of Capt. JAMES VANLEASON from Amsterdam to China, and from thence to the Western Coast of North America; also, an Account of Mr. Vandeleur s being left behind on the Continent, almost seven Years, his Marriage with a Sachem s Daughter, etc., pp. 45, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. BallstonSpa, 1816. HANSON (ELIZABETH) Account of (the) Cap tivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New England, who was taken captive by the Indians, &c., new edition. London, 1787. Tragical Death of Major SWAN, and Captivity of Mrs. Swan and infant Child, by the Savages, in April, 1815, //. 24, UNCUT. Boston, [1815]. Nine in one volume, clean copies, half brown morocco (Roxburghe). 12 474 EASTBURN. A Faithful Narrative of the Many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as wonderful and surprizing Deliverances of Robert Eastburn, during his late Captivity among the Indians; Together with some Remarks upon the Country of Canada, etc. . . With a recommendatory Preface, by the Rev. Gilbert Tennent, //. 34, (i), half morocco, UNCUT. 8 Boston, reprinted, 1758 A reprint of the Philadelphia edition of the same year. "Both editions are RARE." SABIN. " One of the RAREST of Indian Captivities." FIELD. 475 FILLMORE (JOHN) Narration of (his) Captivity and his Escape from the Pirates. Suffield, 1802. Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. MARY SMITH, cuts. Providence, n. d. [1815?] FLETCHER (Es.) Narrative of (his) Captivity and Sufferings, [as] prisoner among the British and Indians. New Ipswich, N. H., S. Walder, n. d. Three in one vol. half brown morocco (Roxburghe). 12 The Narrative of Capt. John Fillmore (the great grandfather of President Fillmore) is EXCESSIVELY RARE. In thirty years search for Connecticut imprints, I have not found a second copy. It was unknown to Mr. Samuel G. Drake, who refers (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. xi. 62) to the Aurora (N. Y.) reprint of 1837. The " cuts " on page 8 of this edition of Mrs. Smith s Captivity deserve notice. The rendering of the group of Indians, about to assail the peaceful home of the Smiths, is inimitable. CAPTIVITIES. 59 476 GYLES (JOHN) Memoirs of Odd Adventures, Strange Deliv erances, &c. In the Captivity of John Gyles, Esq ; Commander of the Garrison on St. George s River. Written by Himself, etc., pp. (4), 40, (4), . . fine large and clean copy, the last leaf mended and a few lines supplied in admirable facsimile, brown levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford ) . 4 Boston, S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1736 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book. "Only one copy has ever been offered for sale, to my knowledge, and that was contained in the Collection of Mr. S. G. Drake." Field. 477 HAMMON. A Narrative of the Uncommon Suffering and Sur prizing Deliverance of Briton Hammon, a Negro Man, Servant to General Winslow, Of Marshfield, Who returned to Boston, after having been absent almost Thirteen Years. Containing An Account of the many Hardships he underwent . . . how he was Cast away in the Capes of Florida . . . Inhuman barbarity of the Indians, etc., etc., pp. 14, nice copy, half mor., neat, UNCUT. 1 6 Boston, Green 6 Russell, 1760 EXCESSIVELY RARE. Not in Field s Bibliography or Sabin s Dictionary. 478 HANSON (Euz.) An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, Late of Kachecky in New England : Who, with four of her children, and Servant-Maid, was taken Captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. ... A New Edition. Taken in substance from her own Mouth by Samuel Bownas, fine copy, hf. mor. neat, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 London, 1787 479 The Remarkable Captivity and Surprising Deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson, etc. Reprinted from a copy of the Third Edition, printed, 1780; hf. bound, autograph presentation to John Farmer, by A. A. Tufts, and autogr. notes of John Farmer and Samuel G. Drake, on guard leaf , SCARCE. 12 Dover, 1824 480 HOWE (JEMIMA). A genuine and correct account of the Captivity, Sufferings & Deliverance of Mrs. Jemima Howe, of Hinsdale, N. H. Taken from her own mouth by the Rev. Bunker Gay. ... In this account the mistakes of Col. Humphreys, relating to Mrs. Howe, in his "Life of Gen. Putnam," are rectified,//. 20, UNCUT, Boston, Belknap and Young, 1792. The Remarkable Adventures of JACK SON JOHONNET, of Massachusetts, who served as a Soldier in the Expedition under General Harmar and Gen. St. Clair, containing an Account of his Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape from the Kick- apoo Indians. Written by himself, and published at the earnest request and importunity of his Friends for the benefit of American Youth, pp. 15, UNCUT, Lexington (Ky^}, repr. Providence, 1793. In one vol., half morocco, neat. 8 Fine copies of two VERY SCARCE tracts. 481 How. A Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How, Who was taken by the Indians at the Great-Meadow-Fort above Fort Dummer, Oct. n, 1745. Giving an Account of what he met with in his travelling to Canada, and while he was in Prison there. Together with an Account of Mr. How s Death at Canada,//. 22, (2), half morocco extra, UNCUT. 16 Boston, 1748 VERY SCARCE. This copy has the autograph of [the Rev. Dr.] Edward Wiggles- worth, 1748. 6O NEW ENGLAND. 482 JOHNSON (Mrs.) Narrative of (her) Captivity ; containing an Account of her Sufferings during Four Years with the Indians and French,//. m,fine clean copy, green morocco extra gilt, g. e. (F. Bed ford). 12 Walpole, N. H., D. Carlisle, Jr., 1796 First Edition, VERY SCARCE. 483 NORTON S Redeemed Captive. A Narrative of the Taking and Carrying into Captivity the Rev. Mr. John Norton, when Fort Massachusetts surrendered to a large body of French & Indians, Aug. 20, 1746. Boston, 1748; [rejpublished, with Notes, by S. G. Drake, (only 100 copies printed), UNCUT. (2 copies.) 4 Albany, Joel Munsell, 1870 484 ROWLANDSON (Mrs. MARY) A True History of the Captivity & Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, A Minister s Wife in New- England. Wherein is set forth, The Cruel and Inhumane Usage she underwent amongst the Heathens, for Eleven Weeks time : And her deliverence from them. Written by her own Hand. . . Whereunto is annexed, A Sermon of the Possibility of God s Forsaking a People that have been near and dear to him. Preached by Mr. Joseph Rowlandson, . . It being his Last Sermon, 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 46, good copy, half mor. neat. 4 Reprinted, London, 1682 485 ROWLANDSON (Mrs.) The Soveraignty and Goodness of God, Together with the Faithfulness of His Promises Displayed : being a Narrative Of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Row landson, Commended by her, to all that desire to know the Lords Doings to, & Dealings with her, etc. The Second Edition, Care fully Corrected, etc., pp. 80. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, for Sam. Phillips, 1720 486 A Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings and Removes, of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. . . Written by her own Hand, etc., pp. 48, full-page cut, extraordinary ! on back of title, nice copy, morocco, g. e. (F. Bedford). sin. 8 Boston, N. Coverly, 1770 487 The same, pp. 40, wood-cut on title-page, paneled sides, red edges. 8 Boston, John Boyle, 1773 488 The same, curious cut on title-page, pp. 48, half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 New London, Timo. Green, 177 [4] 489 - - The same, //. 64, hf. vellum. 8 Amherst, N. H., Nath. Coverly, [1792] 490 The same,//. ^, fine fresh copy, morocco extra, g. t. (Bedford), UNCUT. 8 Boston, S. Hall, 1794 491 The same. 6th edition. Second Lancaster edition. [Preface and Appendix, by Rev. Jos. Willard.] With manuscrip tcorrections and occasional notes, for a new edition (by S. G. Drake ?) pp. 100, half calf ", gilt. 24 Lancaster, Carter, Andrews 6* Co., 1828 - The same. Brookfield, 1811. See Williams (John), No. 505. 492 SMETHURST (GABRIEL) A Narrative of an Extraordinary Escape put of the Hands of the Indians, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence ; interspersed with a Description of the Coast, and Remarks on the Customs and Manners of the Savages there : also, A Providential CAPTIVITIES. 6l Escape after a Shipwreck, in coming from the Island of St. John, in said Gulph ; with an Account of the Fisheries round that Island : Likewise, A Plan for reconciling the Differences between Great Britain and her Colonies,//. 48. 4 London, for the Author, 1774 The author was with Capt. M Kenzie, who was charged with the removal of the Aca- dians, from about the Bay of Chaleurs, in 1761. 493 STEELE (ZADOCK) The Indian Captive ; or a Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Zadock Steele. . . To which is prefixed, an Account of the Burning of Royalton, good copy, sheep. 12 Montpelier, Vt., 1818 Swarton (Hannah) Narrative of her Captivity. See No. 1139. 494 WILLIAMS (JOHN) The Redeemed Captive, Returning to Zion. A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Cap tivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield, who, in the Desolation which befel that Plantation, by an Incursion of the French & Indians, was by them carried away, with his Family, unto Canada. [With] A Sermon preached by him, upon his Return, at Boston, Dec. 5, 1706, //. (6), 104, dk. red levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (F. Bedford}. 1 6 Boston, B. Green, 1707 A FINE COPY of the FIRST EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE. 495 WILLIAMS (JOHN) The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion, etc. THE SECOND EDITION,//. (6), 98. 16 Boston, T. Fleet, 1720 496 Williams (John) The Redeemed Captive, Returning to Zion . . . THE THIRD EDITION. As also an Appendix : Containing an Account of those taken Captive at Deerfield, February 29, 1703-4. Of those kilFd after they went out of town ; those who returned ; and of those still absent from their native Country ; of those who were slain at that time in or near the Town ; and of the Mischief done by the enemy in Deerfield, from the beginning of its settle ment to the Death of the Rev. Mr. Williams in 1729. With a Con clusion to the whole, By the Rev. Mr. [Stephen] Williams of Springfield, and the Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston,/^, iv, 104. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1758 497 The Redeemed Captive, Returning to Zion . . . THE FOURTH EDITION. [With] an Appendix, containing an Account of those taken Captive at Deerfield, Feb. 29, 1703-4; of those killed, etc. . . . With a Conclusion to the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Williams of Springfield, and the Rev. Mr. Prince, fine fresh copy, engraving of the Old House in Deerfield inserted, hf. morocco, neat, UNCUT. 8 Boston, printed; New London, repr., T. Green, n. d. [1773] This edition, UNCUT, is EXTREMELY RARE. It is without date, but was adver tised by the printer, as " just published," in April, 1773. 498 The same. The FIFTH Edition. [With Appendix, etc.] Fine clean copy, calf gilt (F. Bedford), SCARCE. 8 Boston, John Boyle, 1774 499 The same. Another copy, nearly uncut, a corner torn from first two leaves (without loss of any words of text], hf. vellum. 8 Boston, 1774 500 The same. The Fifth Edition, hf. vellum. 8 New London, reprinted, T. Green, n. d. [1780?] 62 NEW ENGLAND. 501 WILLIAMS (JOHN) The Redeemed Captive, etc. [With the Sermon,] also, an Appendix by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Spring field. Likewise, an Appendix, by the Rev. Mr. [John] Taylor, of Deerfield. With a conclusion to the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston. The Fourth Edition, with Additions,//. 6, 154, beautiful clean copy, maroon levant morocco, g. e. 12 Greenfield, Mass., T. Dickman, 1793 A SCARCE EDITION. Mr. Taylor s valuable Appendix (pp. 121-151) includes an account of the FULL FIGHT, of May, 1676. 502 The same. The SIXTH Edition, fine fresh copy, hf. morocco, neat, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, S. Hall, 1795 503 The same. The Sixth Edition, with Additions, original binding, nice copy. 12 Greenfield, T. Dickman, 1800 This edition, which is VERY SCARCE, in good condition, contains the Rev. Robert Breck s Century Sermon, at Springfield, Oct. 16, 1775, in commemoration of the burning of the town by the Indians. 504 -- The same. [Re-printed, apparently, from the Fifth Edition ;] with Mr. Taylor s Appendix, etc.] Clean copy, dk. blue morocco, gilt, red edges, SCARCE. 12 Neiv Haven, Wm. W.Morse, 1802 505 The Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, ... of Deerfield, and Mrs. Mercy Rowlandson, of Lancaster, who were taken, together with their families and neighbors by the French and Indians, and carried into Canada. Written by themselves, pp. 1 1 6, 80, good copy, calf. 12 Brookfield, Hori Brown, 1811 506 WILLIAMS (JOHN) God in the Camp : or the only Way for a People to engage the Presence of God with their Armies ; Sermon before the General Assembly, Boston, March 6, 1706-7, calf extra. 1 6 Boston, B. Green, 1707 The original chintz-paper wrapper is bound in, with an inscription (in the autograph of the author?) "for the Rev. Mr. James Pierpoint pastour of a Church att New-Haven." 507 WILLIAMS (JOHN) God in the Camp. Sermon, before the Gen. Assembly, in Boston, March 6, 1706-7,^. 22, close trimmed. Bos ton, B. Green, 1707. Williams (Solomon) Sermon at Mansfield [Conn.], at a time set apart for Prayer ... on the behalf of Mrs. EUNICE, the daughter of Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, who was then on a Visit there from Canada ; where she has been in a long Captivity, pp. (2,) 28, UNCUT. Boston, 1742. WILLIAMS (SOLOMON) The More Excellent Way ... A Sermon, at Goshen in Lebanon, Dec. 21, 1741, pp. 39, UNCUT. New London, T. Green, 1742. Three VERY RARE tracts, in one vol., half morocco. 16 508 -- Chauncey (Isaac) Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Mr. John Williams, Pastor of the Church in Deerfield,//. 32, fine clean copy, calf extra (W. Pratt}, RARE. 8 Boston, 1729 PURITANISM, CONGREGATIONALISM, ETC. 63 PURITANISM, NONCONFORMITY, AND INDEPENDENCY: CONGREGATIONALISM IN NEW ENGLAND, ETC. INCLUDING WORKS OF NEW ENGLAND A UTHORS PRINTED IN ENGLAND. 509 AINSWORTH (HENRY) An Animadversion to Mr. Richard Clyf ton s Advertisement. . . . [Wherein] the true Causes of the lamentable Breach that hath lately fallen out in the English exiled Church at Amsterdam [are] manifested,//. (8), 138, polished calf gilt (F. Bed ford*}, RARE. 4 Amsterdam, Giles Thorp, 1613 From the Mather library. Autograph of INCREASE MATHER, "Crescentii Matheri Libc-r ex dono Thomaj Schermandini, Londini, 1691." 510 AINSWORTH (HENRY) The Commvnion of Saincts, A Treatise . . . gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, //. (14), 494, (6), old vellum, fine copy. sm. 8 n. p., Reprinted in the year e 1615 511 AINSWORTH (Henry) Counterpoyson. Considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the Sepa ration. . . Mr. Bernard s Book intituled the Separatists Schisme, [and] Mr. Crashawe s Questions, in his Sermon preached at the Crosse, examined and answered, fine copy, vellum (W. Pratt). 4 n. p., 1642 Prefixed to the " Considerations " is " A Trve Description ovt of the Word of God of the Visible Church," 8 pp., dated at the end, 1589. 512 ALLEN (Tnos.) A Chaine of Scripture Chronologic, engraved title-page, by W. Hollar, and folding tables, old calf rebacked, gilt. 4 [London, 1659] Mr. Allen was pastor of the church in Charlestown, 1639-51. He married the widow of John Harvard. " The most esteemed of this celebrated nonconformist s works." Lffwndes. 513 AMES (WM.) Medulla Theologica. Editio 2 da. Amstelod. 1628. The same, Editio 4ta [Liber I.] Lond., 1630. The same, Editio novissima, orationibus duabus auctior. Amst., J. Jansson, 1652. 3 vols. 8 and 12 514 AMES (WM.) Anti-Synodalia Scripta, vel Animadversiones in Dogmatica ilia, quae Remonstrantes in Synodo Dordracena exhib- uerunt, half calf neat. sm. 12 Amstelodami, J. Jansson, 1633 515 AMES (WM.) Lectiones in CL Psalmos Davidis,//. 472, old calf . 4 Amstelodami, J. Jans son, 1635 With a Latin dedication by Hugh Peters, to the Magistrates and Senate of Rotterdam. 516 Lectiones in omnes Psalmos Davidis, etc. (with Hugh Peters s dedication),//. 556. 8 Amsterdam, apud Gul. Blavivm, 1635 517 APOLOGIE (An) of the Chvrches in New-England for Chvrch- Covenant. Or, A Discourse touching the Covenant between God and men, and especially concerning Church-Covenant, etc., [by RICHARD MATHER.] Sent over in Answer to Master Bernard, in the Yeare 1639. AN ANSWER OF THE ELDERS of the Severall Chvrches in New-England unto Nine Positions, sent over to them (By divers Reverend and Godly Ministers in England) . . Written in the Yeer, 1639, [ b 7 J OHN DAVENPORT.] Two tracts, with separate title-pages, but continuous paging, pp. (2), 78. 64 NEW ENGLAND. LETTER (A) of Many Ministers in old England, Requesting The judgement of their Reverend Brethren in New-England concerning Nine Positions. Written Anno Dom. 1637 -With their Answer, Anno 1639. And the Reply made unto the said Answer, and sent over unto them, Anno 1640. Now published . . By Simeon Ash, and William Rathband. //. (12), 90. Church-Government and Church-Covenant Discvssed, In An Answer of the Elders of . . New-England to two and thirty Questions, sent over to them by divers Ministers in England [by RICHARD MATHER.] pp. (4), 84. 2 vols., new limp vellum, red edges. 4 London, 1643 517* A[SPINWALL] (W[ILLIAM]) The Legislative Power is Christ s Peculiar Prerogative, Proved from the gth of Isaiah, vers. 6, *j.pp. 4, 52. 4 London, for Livewel Chapman, 1656 VERY RARE, and almost unknown to American bibliographers. The author was William Aspinwall, of Boston in 1637, a follower of Mrs. Hutchinson; afterwards, for a short time, Secretary of R. Island, then at New Haven, and again at Boston in 1643. He returned to England, and joined the Fifth Monarchy men. In 1655, he re-published, in London, Cotton s "Abstract of Laws and Government" (see No. 562), to which he refers in the present tract (p. 31), and gives his own digest of "the Laws of Judgment," of Christ s Kingdom, " whereof some do appoint Capital punishments ; some, corporal punishments; some, pecuniary punishments" (pp. 30-32): with "the intention, not to Judaize, but to show the perfection of the whole Word of God, to direct in matters of Civil Judgments, as well as in Church affairs." 518 ASPINWALL (WM.) A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome that shortly is to come into the World. . . Added, a Prognostick of the time when this fifth Kingdome shall begin, pp. (2), 14, nice copy, new half morocco. 4 London, 1653 519 ASPINWALL (WM.) A Premonition of sundry Sad Calamities yet to Come ; grounded upon an Explication of the 24th chapter of Isaiah, half morocco, neat. 4 London, 1655 RARE. Pages 37 and 39 are addressed to the author s "Brethren in New England," telling them that all their troubles have arisen from not adopting the System or Body of Laws prepared by John Cotton, and which was published by Aspinwall in 1641 (and again in 1655). 520 BAGSHAW (Eow.) The Doctrine of the Kingdom and Personal Reign of Christ asserted and Explained, pp. (4), 34, half dk. blue levant morocco. 4 n. p. [London], 1669 From the Mather Library : with autograph of Increase Mather. The author was imprisoned for nonconformity, and died in Newgate, 1671. 521 BALL (JOHN) A Treatise of Faith, divided into two Parts. The Second Edition,//. (36X428, (50). 4 London, Geo. Miller, 1632 522 BALL (JOHN) A Friendly Triall of the Grounds tending to Sep aration j In a plain and modest Discourse touching the Lawfulnesse of a stinted Liturgie and set form of Prayer, etc., pp. xvi, 314, iv, autograph of Rev. Isaac Backus, the historian, fine copy, old calf . 4 Cambridge, Roger Daniel, 1640 523 BAXTER (BENJ.) Mr. Baxter Baptiz d in Bloud, or, A Sad His tory of the Unparallel d Cruelty of the Anabaptists in New-England. Faithfully Relating the Cruel, Barbarous, and Bloudy Murther of Mr. Baxter an Orthodox Minister, who was kill d by the Anabap tists, and his Skin most cruelly flead off from his Body .... Published by his mournfull Brother Benjamin Baxter, living in PURITANISM, CONGREGATIONALISM, ETC. 65 Fen- Church-Street, London, //. 6, polished calf, g. e. (F. Bedford}, VERY RARE. 4 London, 1673 A " sensation story, got up by some enterprising bookseller of the time. A contem porary MS. note on the title-page tells us that "This was prou d before the King & Council to be a meer fiction, & the Licenser [was directed] to retract it, May 2, 1673." The information that the story was "meer fiction" may strike a modern reader, as superfluous. 524 BAXTER (RICHARD) Gildas Salvianus; The Reformed Pastor. With the autographs of Thos. Shepard, Thos. Prince (1706), Sam. Greenwood (1707), Rich. Salter (1742), and James G. Percival. 8 London, 1656 525 BEZA (T.) Two very lerned Sermons of M. Beza, . . whereunto is added a treatise of the substance of the Lord s Supper, by T. W, Marfelemr,//.(8),2 S o,( 5 ). sm. 8 London, Robert Walde-graue, 1588 526 BRECK (EDWARD) An Answer to a Scandalous Paper, wherein were some Queries given to be answered. And likewise, therein is found many Lies and Slanders, and false Accusations against those people whom he (and the World) calls Quakers. Dated from Dorchester in New-England, Aug. 17. 1655. subscribed, Edward Breck, which was directed to a People at Rainforth in Lancashire, which he calls A Church of Christ . . . His Paper and Quaeries answered by those people called Quakers, half mor. neat, UNCUT. 4 London, for Giles Calvert, 1656 A cutting from the Boston Transcript, Aug. 1871, is inserted, containing a long notice of this work, by the late Samuel G. Drake, who describes it as " not only a rare but a VERY RARE book, which we venture to affirm has remained unknown to the present gen eration, and perhaps to two or three preceding ones," and says that Mr. Brinley s is "the only known copy." Mr. Brack s letter "to the Church of Christ at Rainforth," dated from Dorchester, Aug. 17, 1655, occupies ii pp. (n. n.), and is followed by "An Answer," etc.. pp. 2-24. 527 BRIGHT (T.) A Treatise of Melancholy, Containing the Cavses Thereof, And Reasons of the strange effects it worketh in our minds and bodies. 16 London, Wm. Stansby, 1613 " It has been supposed by some that Burton took the hint of his Anatomy of Melancholy from this treatise." Allibone. 528 BULKLEY (Rev. PETER) The Gospel-Covenant; or the Covenant of Grace Opened ; . . . Preached in Concord in New-England, pp. (16), 384, (8), old hf. calf. 4 London, 1646 The only published work of the first minister of Concord, Mass. It is dedicated to (his nephew) "the Right Worshipfull Oliver St. John Esq: Solicitor General! to his Majestic." 529 BURROUGHS QEREMIAH) Gospel Conversation; . . . also, Miserie of Men that have their Portion in this Life. Two in i vol., continuous paging. 4 London, Peter Cole, 1648 On the back of the title-page is a MS. " Hymne with Anagrams" on the name of Mrs. ABIEL FITCH, March 25, 1701, by the Rev. John Danforth, of Dorchester, whose auto graph appears on page i. (See No. 34.) 530 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church-Discipline: Gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cam bridge in New-England, etc., smooth calf, g. e. (W. Pratt). 4 Printed in New-England; Reprinted, London, for Peter Cole, 1653 Prefatory Epistle (2 pp.) by Edw. Window. VERY RARE. For the First and subsequent (Cambridge) editions, see Nos. 733-737. 66 CARTWRIGHT. CATECHISMS. 540* CARTWRIGHT (THOMAS) A Confutation of the Rhemists Trans lations, Glosses and Annotations on the New Testament, vellum. fol. n. p. \Leyden, WILLIAM BREWSTER,] 1628 This well-printed folio of about 850 pages is the "magnum opus" of the press set up in Leyden by the Father of the Pilgrims. 531 CATECHISMS:- Perkins (Wm.) The Foundation of Christian Religion, gathered into Six Principles,//. (8), 39. London, 1682. ROBINSON (JOHN) An Appendix to Mr. Perkins his Six Princi ples of Christian Religion,//, (i 6). n. p., 1636. Vesey (H.) The Scope of the Scripture, containing an Exposi tion of the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, By short Questions and Answers, etc., pp. (2), 40, (2). London, B:A.for Samuel Man, 1651. A SHORT CATECHISM Containing the Principles of Religion; Very Profitable for all sorts of People. The Fifty One Impression, 48 pp. n. n. London, E. Crowch for John Wright at the Globe in Little Brittain, 1671. So Short a Catechisine that whosoeuer cannot or will not learne, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lords supper, ^laitt letter,//. 6. n. p., n. d. ~ The ABC. [and] The Catechisme : That is to say, An Instruc tion to be taught and learned of every Childe, before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop, glflrfc |f rttcr t n. t. p.,//. 14 ; at foot of p. 13, these lines, by way of colophon : " This little Catechisme learned by heart (for so it ought) The PRIMER next commanded is for Children to be taught. 1636." Six in one volume; portrait of Rev. Wm. Perkins inserted ; sprinkled calf gilt, red edges ( W. Pratt}. 16 532 R[OGERS] (D[ANIEL]) A Practicall Catechisme ; or, A View of those principall truths according to Godlinesse, which are con- tayned in the Catechisme, etc. 8 prel. leaves, pp. 268, 135, old calf broken. 4 London, I. N.for Samuel Man, 1632 533 (CHARLES I. and the Parliament.) His Majesties Reason why he cannot in conscience consent to abolish the Episcopall Government. With The Answer of the Divines to His Majesties Reason, no title- page, pp. 14. The Kings Majesties Answer to the Paper delivered in by the Reverend Divines attending the Honourable Commission ers concerning Church-Government, //. 8. The Humble Answer of the Divines . . at the Treaty at Newport in the Isle of Wight, to [the King s] Second Paper, about Episcopall Government, pp. 40. His Majesties Finall Answer concerning Episcopacie, deliv ered into the Commissioners of Parliament, ist of Novemb. 1648, pp. 29. His Majesties Concessions to the Bill of Abolition of Arch-Bishops and Bishops, &c. stated and considered,//. 8. Five scarce tracts, stitched together. 4 London, 1648 CHAUNCY. COBBET. CODDINGTON. 6/ 534 CHAUNCY (CHARLES) The Retractation of Mr. Charles Chancy formerly Minister of Ware in Harfordshire. Wherein is proved the unlawfulnesse and danger of Rayling in Altars or Communion Tables, Written with his own hand before his going to New England, in the yeer 1637, etc.,. pp. (8), 39, vellum wrapper, fine copy, RARE. 4 London, Printed 1641 CHAUNCY (CHARLES) Antisynodalia Scripta Americana. See PROPOSITIONS concerning the Subject of Baptism, etc. No. 847. 535 CHAUNCY (ISAAC) Neonomianism Unmask d : or, the Ancient Gospel pleaded against the other, called a New Law or Gospel. The same; 26. Part, and Continuation, and 3d Part. Rejoynder to D. Williams his Reply to the First Part of [the above]. A Friendly Examination of the Pacifick Paper, etc. Five in one vol., pp. (8), 40, 336, 104, 48, 22. 4 London, 1692-3 536 CHAUNCY (I.) Divine Institution of Congregational Churches asserted and proved from the Word of God,Jtne copy. Lond. 1697. The Doctrine, which is according to Godliness, . . . [with] A brief Account of the Church Order of the Gospel according to the Scriptures. Lond. 1737. (2 vols.) 8 537 COBBET (Tnos.) A Jvst Vindication of the Covenant and Church- Estate of Children of Church-Members ; as also of their Right unto Baptisme, old calf neat, nice copy, pp. (12), 296. 4 London, 1648 538 Cobbet (Thos.) A Practical Discourse of Prayer,//. (14), 551, old calf . 8 London, 1654 "Of all the works written by Mr. Cobbet, none deserves more to be read by the world, or to live till the general burning of the world, than that of Prayer." C. Mather. 539 COBBET (THOMAS) The Civil Magistrates Power In matters of Religion Modestly Debated, Impartially Stated according to the Bounds and Grounds of Scripture. . . . Together with A Brief Answer to a Certain Slanderous Pamphlet called /// News from New-England ; or, A Narrative of New-Englands Persecution, By John Clark of Road-Island, Physician. Fine copy, red levant morocco extra, full gilt (F. Bedford}. 4 London, W. Wilson for Philemon Stephens, 1653 Title, i /. ; Dedication "To the Right Honourable OLIVER CROMWELL, Captain Gen eral," etc., 3 //.; "To the Reader," 2 //.; The Table, Errata, and License, 2 //.; "A Discourse concerning the Nature and Latitude of Civil Powers," etc., pp. 108; "A brief Answer to ... lohn Clark," pp. 44, and Postscript, pp. 45-52. VERY SCARCE. 540 COBBET (T.) The Civil Magistrates Power In Matters of Relig ion. . . With A Brief Answer, etc. Another copy, large and fine, the old binding removed. 4 London, 1653 541 CODDINGTON (WILLIAM) A Demonstration of True Love unto You the Rulers of the Colony of the Massachusets in New-England ; Shewing To you that are now in Authority the unjust Paths that your Predecessors walked in, etc. Written by one who was once in Authority with them ; but always testified against their perse cuting Spirit, who am calPd WILLIAM CODDINGTON of Road Island, pp. 20, calf extra (W. Pratt}, UNCUT. 4 n. p. {London f\ Printed in the Year 1674 A perfect and splendid copy of this VERY RARE tract. 68 COTTON. 542 COTTON QOHN) Gods Promise to His Plantation. ... As it was delivered in a Sermon by JOHN COTTON, B.D. and Preacher of Gods Word in Boston ; pp. (4), 20, red levant mor. extra, paneled sides, ins. borders (Pratt}, fine copy. A? London, Wm. Jones for J. Bellamy, 1630 "To the Christian Reader" (4 pp.) signed, I. H. (John Humphrey), is omitted in the Boston edition of 1686. 543 COTTON QOHN) The Way of Life ; or, God s Way and Course, in bringing the Soule into, keeping it in, and carrying it on, in the wayes of life and peace, etc., pp. viii, 481, good copy, old half calf . 8 London, 1641 Prefatory epistle " To the Reader," 6 pp., by William Morton. 544 COTTON (JOHN) Gods Mercie mixed with his Ivstice, or, His Peoples Deliverance in times of danger, laid open in severall Ser mons, pp. (8), iZ* good copy ) old calf neat, nearly uncut. 4 London, 1641 545 [COTTON QOHN)] An Abstract or \sic\ the Lawes of New- England, as they are now established, pp. (2), 15, (3), half brown mor., neat, some of the marginal references cut into in trimming. 4 London, f or F. Coules 6 W. Ley, 1641 VERY RARE. The author s name is supplied in the second edition, by W. Aspinwall, 1655 (see No. 562). These " Laws " were never " established," or in force, in N. England. The code was drawn up by Mr. Cotton, for Massachusetts, and "presented to the General Court," but was not adopted. See note to No. 519. 546 COTTON QOHN) The Churches Resurrection, or the Opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 2oth Chap, of the Revelation,//. 30, clean copy, morocco. 4 London, 164.2 547 COTTON QOHN) A Modest and Cleare Answer to Mr. Ball s Discourse of Set Formes of Prayer, pp. (4), 49, (i), clean copy, half morocco extra, nearly UNCUT. 4 London, R. O. 6 G. D. for H. Over- ton, 164.2. Another edition; good copy, half calf neat. 8 London, for H. Overton, n. d. (2 vols.) 548 COTTON QOHN) The Trve Constitution of a particular visible Church, proved by Scripture, pp. (2), 13, elegant polished calf gilt, paneled sides (Morrelf). 4 London, 1642 549 COTTON QOHN) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the Word of God, pp. (12), 59, with the autograph of Rev. John Higginson (of Salem) and some marginal notes in his hand, half blue morocco. 4 London, M. Simmons for Henry Overton, 1644 549* COTTON (JOHN) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, etc. The second time Imprinted. Autograph of Rev. THOMAS PRINCE, and a list of important errata, in his hand, " taken from a printed paper pasted at the end of another of these Tracts w ch I have seen," smooth calf gilt. 4 London, 1644 550 COTTON QOHN) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, etc. London, 1644. The Doctrine of the Church To which are com mitted the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven. Wherein is demon strated by way of Question and Answere, What a Visible Church is, etc. . . The Second Edition. . .pp. (2), 13. London, 1643. Two in one VQ\.,forel, neat. 4 Fine clean copies. The second tract, Mr. Cotton s Catechism on " The Doctrine of the Church, and its Government" is VERY SCARCE. COTTON. 69 550* COTTON QOHN) Sixteene Questions of Seriovs and Necessary Consequence, propounded unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston, in New-England, Together with his Answers to each Question : printed according to Order,//, ii, 14, dark calf antique, nearly uncut, RARE. 4 London, 1644 With (the Author s autograph?) presentation " to Mr. Jno. Leverit Senior, this present," and a MS. correction of the text (on p. 8). 551 COTTON (JOHN) The Way of the Churches of Christ in New- England,//. (8), 1 1 6, (4), vellum, neat. 4 London, M. Simmons, 1645 552 COTTON QOHN) The Controversie Concerning Liberty of Con science in Matters of Religion, Truly stated, and distinctly and plainly handled by Mr. John Cotton. . . By way of answer to some Arguments to the contrary sent unto him, etc., pp. (2), 14, half mor. extra, RARE. 4 London, for Thomas Banks, 1646 This is Mr. Cotton s letter to Roger Williams, in reply to the " Scriptures and Reasons written by a ... prisoner in Newgate," etc. It was first printed by Williams in " The Bloudy Tenent" (pp. 1-24). 553 The same : Another edition, half mor. extra. 4 London, Robert Austin for T. Banks, 1649 554 COTTON (JOHN) Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-Ordinance, //. (2), 72, morocco, red edges, RARE. 4 London, M. S.for Hannah Allen, 1647 555 COTTON QOHN) The Bloudy Tenent, Washed, And made white in the bloud of the Lambe : . . . whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. WILLIAMS Answer, to Mr. Cotton s Letter,//. (2), 195, (i), 144, dk. blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides (Bedford], RARE. 4 London, Matthew Symmons,for Hannah Allen, 1647 LARGE and FINE copy. 555* The same. Another copy, polished calf extra, back and edges gilt (Bedford). 4 1647 556 COTTON (JOHN) A Brief e Exposition of the whole Book of Canti cles, or Song of Solomon,//. 256. 8 London, J. Young for Ch. Green, 1648 557 Another copy ; with which is bound: Utrum Horum, or the Nine and Thirty Articles of the Church of England . . . compared with the Doctrines of the Presbyterians, and the Tenets of the Church of Rome. . . by Henry Care. London, 1682. Old half calf, neat. 8 COTTON (JOHN) The Way of Congregational Churches Cleared. See No. 598. 558 COTTON QOHN) Of the Holinesse of Church-Members,//. (4), 95, good copy, half mor. 4 London, F. N.for Hanna Allen, 1650 Dedicated by the author to his "honored, worshipfull, and worthy Friends, the Major, and Justices, etc., together with the whole Congregation and Church at Boston " in England. 559 COTTON QOHN) Christ the Fountaine of Life, or sundry choice Sermons on part of the fift Chapter of the first Epistle of St. John, //. (8), 2 56, fine clean copy, morocco, red edges. 4 Lo?idon, 1 65 1 560 COTTON QOHN) A Briefe Exposition with Practicall Observa tions upon the Whole Book of Ecclesiastes ; published by Anthony Tuckney, D.D., Master of St. John s Colledge in Cambridge, //. (8), 278, good copy, original binding. 8 London, T. C. for Ralph Smith, 1654 7<D COTTON. DAVENPORT. 561 COTTON (JOHN) The Covenant of Grace : discovering the Great Work of a Sinner s Reconciliation to God ; whereunto are added, Certain Queries tending to Accommododation (sic) between the Presbyterian and Congregationall Churches, by the same author ; Also, A Discussion of the Civill Magistrates Power in matters of Religion, by some Elders of divers Churches in N. E., old calf neat. 8 London, J. Allen, 1655 These three tracts have separate title-pages and pagination, and were separately pub lished, in 1654. In this collection they are preceded by a general title-page, (as above,) an Epistle dedicatory by Wm. Retchforde, and " To the Reader " by Thos. Allen ; //. (34), 198 ; (2), 22 ; (2), 75, (i). The first title-page is mounted. The third tract is " The Result of a Synod at Cambridge in New-England, Anno. 1646. Concerning the Power of Magistrates in matters of the First Table, [and] the Nature & Power of Synods," etc. It is VERY RARE. 561* COTTON (JOHN) A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, as it is dispensed to the Elect Seed, effectually unto Salvation. . . . The Third edition, Corrected, and much enlarged, by the Authour s own Hand,//. (16), 223. sm. 8 London, 1671 562 COTTON (JOHN) An Abstract of Laws and Government. Where in as in a Mirrour may be seen the wisdome & perfection of the Government of Christs Kingdome. Accommodable to any State or form of Government in the world, that is not Antichristian or Tyrannicall. Collected and digested . . . by . . Mr. John Cotton, of Boston . . in his Life-time, and presented to the Generall Court of the Massachusets. And now published after his death, by Wil liam Aspinwall, pp. (8), 35, (3), half vellum, neat. 4 London, M. S.for Livewel Chapman, 1655 VERY RARE. For the former edition, see No. 545. 563 COTTON QOHN) An Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelation,//. (8), 262, (6), wants the title-page. 4 \_London, 1655] 564 (DAVENPORT.) Scudder (Henry) The Christian s Daily Walke in holy Secvritie and Peace, with An Epistle to the Reader by JOHN DAVENPORT,//. (24), 777, (26), title-page and first leaf torn. 12 [London, 1627] 565 DAVENPORT QOHN) An Apologeticall Reply to a Booke [by J. Paget] called an Answer to the unjust complaint of W. Bfest]. Also an Answer to Mr. I. D. Touching his report of some passages, etc., pp. (20), 326, (8), old vellum, FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 4 Rotterdam, Isaack van Waesberghe, 1636 566 [DAVENPORT QOHN)] The Profession of the Faith of that Rev erend and Worthy Divine Mr. J. D. sometimes Preacher of Stevens Coleman-Street, London ; Made publiquely before the Congrega tion at his Admission into one of the Churches of God in New- England, //. 8, cut too close in trimming, half morocco, neat, RARE- 4 London, John Handcock, 1642 567 DAVENPORT QOHN) The Knowledge of Christ Indispensably required of all Men that would be Saved, etc., pp. (6), 87, brown calf neat (Hay day), FINE COPY, RARE. 4 London, for L. Chapman, 1653 568 DAVENPORT QOHN) The Saints Anchor-Hold, in all Storms and Tempests, old calf. 12 London, W. L.for Geo. Hurlock, 1661 DAVENPORT (J.) Answer unto Nine Positions, &c. See No. 517 EDWARDS. ELIOT. FIRMIN. <J\ 569 EDWARDS (Tnos.) Gangraena, or a Catalogue of many of the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of the Sectaries of this Time. The Second edition, enlarged, the three parts complete in i vol., fine copy, old calf neat. 4 London, 1646 570 ELIOT (JOHN) The Christian Commonwealth : or The Civil Policy of The Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written Before the Interruption of the Government, by Mr. John Eliot, Teacher &c. at Roxbury in New-England. And now published (after his consent given) by a Server of the Season,//. (22), 35, bhie str. gr. morocco, full gilt, sides double-paneled and elegantly tooled, Roger Payne style, ( W. Pratt), sm. 4 London, for Livewell Chapman, n. d. [1659] EXTREMELY RARE. The General Court of Massachusetts ordered that all copies of it within the jurisdiction should be "cancelled and defaced," or delivered to the Magistrates. 571 EYRE (W.) Vindiciae Justificationis Gratuitas. Justification with out Conditions ; or the Free Justification of a Sinner, Explained, Confirmed, and Vindicated, . . . More especially, from the Attempts of Mr. B. Woodbridge, in his Sermon, entituled, Justification by Faith, etc. 2d edition. 8 London, \>^$ At the end is a remarkable " Advertisement of Four Miraculous Cures," wrought by faith, in 1693 and 1694, attested by Charles Doe. (3 pp.) 572 FIRMIN (GILES) Separation Examined : or, a Treatise wherein the grounds for Separation from the Ministry and Churches of England are weighed and found too light, etc., pp. (12), in. Lond. 1652. FIRMIN (G.) A Serious Question stated: viz. Whether the Ministers of England are bound to Baptize the Chil dren of all Parents which say they believe in Jesus Christ, etc., pp. (24), 38, (i). Lond. 1651. With other tracts, in one volume. 4 This volume also contains: Church-Members set in Joynt ... An Answer to a Book entituled Preaching without Ordination. By Filodexter Transilvanus [BENJAMIN WOODBRIDGE, the first-born of Harvard? See Sibley s Harv. Graduates, p. 27. Mr. Sibley notes only an edition of J 656, 57,] pp. (7), 32. (Lond. 1648); and T. WHITFIELD S Doctrines of the Arminians and Pelagians answered. (Lond. 1652). 573 FIRMIN (GILES) A Brief Review of Mr. Davis s Vindication; ... to which is added Remarks upon some Passages of Mr. Crisp in his Book entituled, Christ Alone Exalted,//. (4), 32, fine copy, new half morocco, neat, RARE. 4 London, 1693 The Rev. Giles Firmin married a daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward of Ipswich (" The Simple Cobler"), and resided for several years in New England. He sailed for England in 1644, and in 1651 became rector of Shalford, in Essex. All of his controversial publications are SCARCE. The two contained in this volume are specially important, on account of the historical and biographical details introduced in the prefatory epistles. 574 FRANCK (R.) A Philosophical Treatise of the Original and Pro duction of Things, Writ in America in a Time of Solitudes, //. (26), 170, sprinkled calf gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford}. 4 London, John Gain, 1687 "A VERY SCARCE and singular work." Salinas Dictionary, no. 25467. 575 FUNERAL SERMONS. Ryther (John) Funeral of JAMES JANEWAY, 1784. Smith (Benj.) Funeral of JOHN SORREL, of Waltham, Essex, 1675. Bates ( W Funeral of Dr. THOS. MANTON, 1677. Watson (Thos.) Funeral of HENRY STUBS, 1678. Burkitt (Wm.) Funeral of WM. GURNALL, 1679. Johnson (John) Funeral of STEPHEN CHARNOCK, 1680. Baxter (R.) Funeral of Sir HENRY ASHHURST, 1680. Baxter (R.) Funeral of JOHN CORBET, 1681. 72 GILLESPIE. GORTON. HALL. Lye (Thos.) Funeral of W. HIETT, 1681. Fynch (M.) Funeral of JOHN COLLINGES, D.D., 1690. Mead (M.) Funeral of THOS. ROSEWELL, 1692. Tenison (Thomas) Abp. of Canterbury. Fune ral of QUEEN MARY, 1695. Bates (Wm.) On the Death of QUEEN MARY, 1695. Mayo (R.) Two Sermons on Strife and Divisions, 1695. Taylor (N.) Funeral of R. MAYO, 1695. Taylor (N.) Funeral of NATH. VINCENT, 1697. Norris (R.) Funeral of WILLIAM III., 1702. Goodwin (Thos.) On the death of WILLIAM III., 1702. Shower (J.) Funeral of NATH. TAYLOR, 1702. 19 in one vol., not bound. 4 London, 1674-1702 576 GILLESPIE (GEO.) Aaron s Rod Blossoming, or, the Divine Ordi nance of Church-Government Vindicated, pp. (22), 590, sound old calf. 4 London, 1646 With two autographs of Governor Simon Bradstreet of Massachusetts (1671). 577 GOODWIN (Tnos.) A Childe of Light walking in Darknesse. The Returneof Prayers, (imperfect, ending at p. 144). Two in i vol., old calf . 4 London, 1636 Autographs of Samuel Checkley (1688), S. Checkley (1738), and Isaac Backus (1769). 578 GORTON (SAMUEL) Simplicities Defence against Seven-Headed Policy, or Innocency Vindicated, being unjustly Accused, and sorely Censured, by that Seven-headed Church Government United in New-England, etc., pp. (16), in, red levant morocco extra, full gilt, (Pratf). 4 London, John Macock, 1646 Fine clean copy, of this VERY RARE book. See WINSLOW (Edward), No. 691. 579 GORTON (SAMUEL) An incorruptible Key Composed of the CX. PSALME, wherewith You may open the rest of the holy Scrip tures ; ... By Samuel Gorton, Gent, and at the time of the penning hereof, in the place of ludicature (upon Aquethneck, alias Road Island} of Providence Plantations in the Nanhyganset Bay New England,//. (32), 120, 119, red levant morocco extra, full gilt, inside borders, (PRATT), RARE. 4 n. p. Printed in the Yeere 1647 580 GORTON (SAMUEL) Saltmarsh Returned from the Dead, In Amicus Philalethes. Or, The Resurrection of JAMES The Apostle, Out of the Grave of Carnall Glosses, . . . Appearing in the comely Ornaments of his Fifth Chapter in an Exercise, June 4. 1654, . . . pp. (14), 198, red levant morocco extra, full gilt, inside borders (Pratt), FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 4 London, for Giles Calvert, 1655 581 GORTON (SAMUEL) An incorruptible Key Composed of the CX. Psalme, etc. Another copy, original binding, broken. 4 n. p., 1647 582 GOUGE (W.) The Whole Armour of God ; to which is added, a Treatise of the Sin against the Holy Ghost. The 6th time pub lished, pp. (36), 642, (22). 1647. A Briefe Method of CATECHIZ ING. Wherein are briefly handled the fundamentall principles of Christian Religion. The Eighth edition, pp. 20. 1637. Two in one vol. 4 London, 1647, 37 583 HALL (THOS.) Funebria Florae ; The Downfall of May-Games. The Second edition, pp. (4) , 48, maroon morocco. 4 London, for Henry Mortlock, 1661 LARGE and FINE copy. RARE. See the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 921, where this curious tract is priced 3. 33. HALL. HOOKE. HOOKER. 73 584 HALL (Tnos.) The Pulpit Guarded with XVII Arguments proving the Unlawfulness, Sinfulness and Danger of suffering Private persons to take upon them Publike Preaching . . . Occa sioned by a Dispute at Henley in Arden in Warwickshire, Aug. 20, 1650, against Lawrence Williams, a Nailor-Publique Preacher, Tho. Palmer, a Baker-Preacher, Tho. Hinde, a Plow-wright-Publike Preacher, etc. Composed and compiled by a friend to Truth and Peace, 12 prelim, leaves, pp. 70, sewed. 4 London, J. Cottrel, 1651 VERY SCARCE. Not mentioned by Lowndes (who refers to Wood s Athenae Oxon. and Calamy s Account of ejected or silenced ministers, for notices of this eminent non conformist and his works). A good sound copy, though the yellowed paper and title-page would be improved by washing. In his dedicatory epistle (to Dr. John Trapp), Dr. Hall excuses the severity and coarse ness of his invective against the Anabaptists and all the " Pistores, nuncpastores, textores & tonsores, sutores & sartores, coquinarii & cupedinarii, milites & mulieres, puelluli & puel- lulse, &c., quos vulgo vocamus Gifted Brethren. Hem ! lingua utendum est belluina, ne belluae istse nos dilacerunt. Dotati sane & donandi rude." 585 HOLYOKE (EDWARD) of New England. The Doctrine of Life, or of Man s Redemtion .... with the true nature of our Lord s Sufferings, etc., pp. (18), 426, (\ ), fine copy, old calf . 4 London, 1658 SCARCE. The author (who was of Lynn, Mass.), by his will, executed Dec. 25, 1658, gave a copy of this book to each of his sons-in-law, " as their best legacy," and "doubts not to say, it will give them a heart of all sound doctrine." The work is dedicated to the author s brother [in-law] "John Bridges of Hackney, Esquire," his wife, and their sons, Col. John, Capt. Robert, Major William, Matthew, Brook, and Francis Bridges, Esquires. 586 HOOKE (WILLIAM) New Englands Teares for old Englands Feares. [Fast] Sermon, July 23. 1640. By William Hooke, Min ister of God s Word ; sometime of Oxmouth in Devonshire, now of Taunton in New-England ; pp. (4), 23, half morocco, neat. 4 London, E. G.for lohn Bothiu ell and Henry Overton, 1641 VERY SCARCE. The author removed from Taunton to New Haven, where he was the colleague of John Davenport, and thence returned to England, in 1656, to become one of the domestic chaplains of Oliver Cromwell, with whom he was in high favor. 587 HOOKE (WM.) A Discourse concerning The Witnesses, Relating to the Time, Place, and Manner of their being Slain. By William Hooke, Late Preacher of the Gospel,//. (2), 48, \with other tracts, as under -.] 4 London, 1679 OWEN (J.) The Church of Rome no Safe Guide. London, 1679. GATES (Titus) An Exact Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity . . amongst the Jesuits. Land., 1679. BURNET (G.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 22, 1680. Land., 1681. FRANKLIN (RiCH.) A Discourse on Antichrist, and the Apocalyps. Lond., 1675. JACOB (John) The Jew Turned Christian. Lond., 1678-9. Lamentatio Civi- tatis, or, Londons Complaint against her Children in the Countrey. Lond., 1665. A Rare . . Relation of a Town in . . Piedmont, sunk under Ground, etc. Lond., 1679. Eight in one vol., old calf. From the MATHER LIBRARY. With a MS. table of contents by Increase Mather, and his autograph on the title-pages of the 5th, 6th, and 7th tracts. 588 HOOKER (THOMAS) The Application of Redemption ... for the bringing home of lost Sinners to God. [The first Eight Books.] . . With an Epistle by Tho. Goodwin and P. Nye, pp. (46), 451, old calf rebacked. 8 London, 1657 " The work is rarely found complete, this first volume, in 8vo, being almost unknown." - Salinas Dictionary. 588* The Application of Redemption . . The Ninth and Tenth Books . . . Printed from the Author s Papers . . With an Epistle by T. Goodwin and P. Nye. Second Edition, pp. (20), 702, (28), small piece torn from title-page, 4 London, P. Cole, 1659 10 74 HOOKER. HUIT. 589 Hooker (T.) A Comment upon Christ s Last Prayer, in the Seventeenth of John . . . (With an Epistle by Thomas Goodwin and Philip Nye), 13 prel. leaves, pp. 532. 4 London, Peter Cole, 1656 "Mr. Hooker s Seventeenth Book Made in New-England." 590 HOOKER (T.) The Danger of Desertion : or, A Farvvell (sic) Ser mon of Mr. Thomas Hooker, Sometimes Minister of Gods Word at Chainsford in Essex ; but now of New England : preached immediately before his Departure out of Old England,//. (4), 28, russet calf (Hay day), RARE. 4 London, 1641 A quotation from this sermon, and some interesting remarks relating to it, may be found in Increase Mather s Ichabod. G. B. 591 HOOKER (T.) The Faithful Covenanter, A Sermon preached at the Lectvre in Dedham in Essex, //. (2), 43, purple morocco gilt (Hay day). 4 London, Chr. Meredith, 1644 592 HOOKER (T.) The Saints Dignitie and Dutie, together with The Danger of Ignorance and Hardnesse : in severall Sermons, //. (6), 245, (3), good copy, calf repacked, gilt. 4 London, G. D.for Francis Eglesfield, 1651 Seven Sermons, with separate title-pages, but paged continuously. " To the Reader," 4//., subscribed, T. S. [Thomas Shepard ?] 593 H[OOKER] (T.) The Sovles Vocation, or Eifectval Calling to Christ, 12 prelim, leaves, pp. 668, old calf , neat. 4 London, J. H.forAndr. Crooke, 1638 594 [HOOKER (T.)] The Sovles Hvmiliation, 2d edition,//. 223, (9), large and fine copy, paneled roan, neat. 4 London, I. L.forAndr. Crooke, 1638 595 H[OOKER] (T.) The Sovles Exaltation : A Treatise containing The Soules Vnion with Christ, The Soules Benefit from Vnion, etc., The Soules Justification, //. (16), 311. The Sovles Preparation for Christ, Or, a Treatise of Contrition,//. 242. 2 in i vol., fine copy, old calf neat, brass clasps. 4 London, 1638 596 [HOOKER (THOMAS)] The Soules Implantation. A Treatise con taining, The broken Heart, on Esay 57. 15. The Preparation of the Heart, on Luk. i. 17. The Soule s ingrafting into Christ, on Mai. 3. i. Spirituall Love and Joy, on Gal. 5. 22. pp. 266, old calf rebacked. 4 London, R. Young, 1637 597 HOOKER (T.) A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline, four parts, separately paged. COTTON (JOHN) The Way of Con gregational Churches cleared, in two Treatises. Two in i vol., original binding. 4 London, 1648 598 H[OOKER] (T.) The Vnbeleevers preparing for Christ,//. 204, (4), 119, (5), fine copy, paneled roan, neat. 4 London, Tko. Cotes, for Andr. Crooke, 1638 599 HUIT (EPHRAIM) The Anatomy of Conscience, or The Svmme of Paul s Regeneracy, //. (32), 405, calf, neat, VERY RARE. sm. 12 London, 1626 This little volume is so rare that it has escaped the notice of American bibliographers and collectors. The author " Preacher of God s Word at Knoll, in Warwickshire," in 1626, was, afterwards, the colleague of Mr. John Warham in the first church at Windsor, Conn. HUIT LEE. 75 600 HUIT (EPHRAIM) The whole Prophecie of Daniel explained, by a Paraphrase, Analysis, and briefe Comment, ... By Ephraim Huit, sometime Preacher at Roxall in Warwickshire, now Pastor to the Church at Windsor in New-England, pp. (4), Z*fi, folding tables, good copy, old calf , SCARCE. 4 London, for H. Overton, 1644 Published under the patronage of the Earl of Manchester, and Dedicated to the widow of Robert Lord Brooke, (by Simeon Ash, S. Clarke, and W. Overton,) in behalf of the author, "who, by the Tyranny of the Prelatical party, was diverse years since driven into New England." 601 HUTCHESON (GEORGE) Exposition on the XII smal Prophetes, Vol. I., (Hosea, Joel & Amos), imperfect. 8 London, 1655 602 HUTCHINSON (SAMUEL) A Declaration of a Future Glorious Estate of a Church to be here upon Earth, at Christ s Personal Appearance for the Restitution of all things, a Thousand Year before the Ultimate Day of the General Judgement, etc. By S. H. of Boston,//. 36, half mor. extra. 4 London, 1667 " The author of this extraordinary and rare compilation was a brother of William (the father of Anne) Hutchinson, the strong-minded, of New-England. He was a Fifth-Mon archy man." H. Stevens, See Sabin s Dictionary, no. 34067. Only the initials of the author are on the title-page, but his name in full is subscribed to the prefatory epistle (p. 8). 603 JACOB (HENRY) Reasons taken ovt of God s Word and the Best Hvmane Testimonies proving a Necessitie of Reforming ovr Chvrches in England,//. (8), 78, (5), paneled calf, neat. sm. 4 n. p. [London,] 1604 RARE. u The First distinct Baptist Churches in our Nation was formed out of the independent Church in London whereof Mr. Henry Jacob was Pastor." Backus, i. 106. 604 JAMESON (WM.) Nazianzeni Querela et Votum justum. The Fundamentals of the Hierarchy examin d and disprov d, old calf. 4 Glasgow, Rob. Sanders, 1697 In the Introduction, Mr. Jameson reviews the controversy between the " Keithians " and the "Foxonians," and quotes the writings of George Keith, "a prime pillar of Quakerism." 604* [Kirkpatrick (James)] An Historical Essay upon the Loyalty of Presbyterians in Gr. Britain and Ireland from the Reformation to 1713. In Three Parts. //. xvi, 564, (10), old calf . 4 n. p. ^Edinburgh, } 1713 605 LEE (SAMUEL) Orbis Miraculum, or the Temple of Solomon pourtrayed by Scripture-Light, curious engraved title-page (mounted} and numerous copperplates, old calf rebacked, neat. folio, London, John Sir eater, [1659] SCARCE. Printed at the expense of the University of Oxford. The author one of the most learned men of his day came to New England in 1686, and was chosen pastor of the first church organized in Bristol, R. I. This copy has numerous manuscript notes in the margins, and on the guard leaves some of which will be read with interest by members of the Masonic fraternity (See pp. 245, 246, 220, and guard-leaf at the end). A former owner perhaps Ezra Bullinger, whose name is on one of the blank leaves appears to have diligently studied the -work of the Temple. 606 [LEE (SAMUEL)] Antichristi Excidium, last leaf slightly defective, otherwise a fine copy, old vellum wrapper. 8 Londini, Joh. Streeter, 1664 " Hardly ever a more universally learned person trod the American strand. Live, O rare Lee flive, if not in our works, yet in thine own . . . Above all, thy book De Excidio Antichristi shall survive and assist the funeral of the monster, whose nativity is therein with such exquisite study, calculated." C. Mather. This was the Mather copy. The title-page has the autograph of Increase Mather, and there are two manuscript notes by him, on a guard leaf. 76 LEE MITCHELL. 607 [LEE (SAMUEL)] Contemplations on Mortality, pp. (12), 145, good copy, old calf . 8 London, 1669 With a long and interesting dedicatory epistle to the author s " highly honoured Father, Mr. S. L." 608 LEE (SAMUEL) The Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praise, pp. (10), 200, fine copy, half calf \ neat. 12 London, for John Hancock, 1677 609 LEE (SAMUEL) The Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praise. (With Giles Fletcher) Israel Redux : or the Restaura- tion of Israel. Superaddition to former Dissertation. Ecclesia Gemens : Two Discourses on the mournful State of the Church. Four in i vol., old calf , neat. 12 London, for John Hancock, 1677 "Israel Redux" contains two treatises ; the first, by Giles Fletcher, is designed to prove that " the present Tartars near the Caspian Sea are the posterity of the ten tribes of Israel " ; the second, by S. L., is a dissertation concerning the place and state of the dis persed tribes, and the scripture evidence of their future conversion. "A Superaddition" contains an account of the Land of Promise, pp. (6), 131, 124. 6 10 [LYDIUS QAC.)] Historic der Beroerten van Engelandt, aengaende de veelderley Secten, die aldaer in die Kercke lesu Christ! zijn ontstaen, nice copy, unbound, RARE. 16 Dordrecht, 1647 History of the Dissensions in England [and New England] among the various sects of the church. A long account of the trouble with the Antinomians, and divisions among the Independents in New England, is given, //. 50-80, and after. 611 LYFORD (WM.) The Plain Mans Senses Exercised to Discern both Good and Evil : or, a Discovery of the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these Times, and the Toleration of them, ... By William Lyford, B.D. and late Minister . . at Sherbourn in the West of England,//. (20), 347, (5). 4 London, 1655 612 MASON (Rev. JOHN) Impartial Account of Mr. John Mason of Water-Stratford and his Sentiments ; by H. Maurice, title-page neatly mounted, fine copy, half calf , SCARCE. 4 London, 1695 " Mr. Mason had been a stiff Asserter of our Saviour s Reign a Thousand Years on Earth, and had drawn a scheme of it in a Discourse call d The Mid-night Cry. . . The Reign upon Earth was to commence in England, and Water- Sir at ford was the very spot where His Standard was to be set up. . . All other parts of the Nation would infallibly be expos d to Fire and Sword" (p. 4). His "two witnesses" testified that the Saviour appeared in person to Mr. Mason, on the i6th of April, 1694, and promised "to save Sion," that is, Water-Stratford and its Borders. 613 MERCURIUS RUSTICUS ; or, the Countries Complaint of the bar barous Out-rages committed by the Sectaries, [by Dr. BRUNO RYVES,] frontispiece by Marshall, pp. (16), 224. QUERELA CANTA- BRIGIENSIS ; or, a Remonstrance byway of Apologie for the banished Members of the University of Cambridge. MERCURIUS BELGI- cus ; or, A briefe Chronologic of the Battails, Sieges and Conflicts of this Rebellion. Three vols. in one, calf, neat, RARE. sm. 8 Oxford, 1646 The first two volumes, though separately paged, have the signatures continuous, and the <;th part (with the Table) of "Mercurius Rusticus" is at the end of " Querela Cantabrig- lensis." The "Mercurius Belgicus," has separate title-page, paging, and signatures (without place or printer s name) but it is mentioned in the general title-page of the volume. 614 MITCHELL QONA.) of Cambridge, Mass. A Discourse of the Glory to which God hath called Believers by Jesus Christ,//. (14), 263, (21), good copy, old calf neat. sm. 8 London, 1677 The first edition. RARE. A Letter of Counsel to [his brother] is appended. Epistle to the Reader (11 pp.) by Rev. John Collins. NEGUS. NORTON PAGITT. 77 615 N[EGUS] (W[n].) Treatise of Faith, old calf, airgraph of Thos. Prince. 4 London, 1654 616 NORTON QOHN) of^Ipswich. A Discussion of that Great Point in Divinity, the Sufferings of Christ And the Questions about his Righteousness . . . and the Imputation thereof. Being an Answer to a Dialogue intituled The Meritorious Price of our Redemption,^. [by Wm. Pynchon], pp. (16), 270, (4), wide, clean copy, polished calf gilt (F. Bedford}. 8 London, A. M.for Geo. Calvert, 1653 Autographs of Col. John Pynchon, of Springfield, and of Rev. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow. There is an error in the pagination, page number 243 following 240. 617 NORTON QOHN) The Orthodox Evangelist . . . wherein many great Evangelical Truths ... are briefly discussed, cleared, and confirmed, [Preface by John Cotton,] old calf . 4 London, John Macock, 1654 618 NORTON (JOHN) Abel being Dead yet Speaketh ; or, the Life & Death of that deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. JOHN COT TON, Late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston,//. 51, (5), dk. green levant morocco gilt, inside borders, g. e. ( W. Pratt}, RARE. 4 London, Tho. New comb for Lodowick Lloyd, 1658 The last five pages (n. n.) contain a Catalogue of Books printed for L. Lloyd, including several by N. England divines. 619 NOYES QAMES) of Newbury, Mass. The Temple Measured: or, A brief Survey of the Temple Mystical, which is the instituted Church of Christ, //. (6), 95, fine copy, elegantly bound in crushed levant black morocco, gilt, inside borders, (by Matthews,} RARE. 4 London, f or Edm. Paxton, 1647 620 NYE (PHILIP) and ROBINSON QOHN) The Lawfulnes of Hearing the Publick Ministers of the Church of England Proved, pp. (4), 40, calf extra {Bedford}. 4 London, for Jona. Robinson, 1683 The second Treatise, pp. 13-40, is by the Rev. John Robinson; reprinted from the first (Leyden) edition, of 1634. SCARCE. 621 ORMEROD (OLIVER) The Picture of a Puritane, or, A Relation of the opinions, qualities, and practises of the Anabaptists in Germanie wherein is firmely prooued, that the Puritanes doe resemble the Anabaptists in aboue fourscore seuerall thinges, half calf , curious and SCARCE. 4 London, 1605 622 OWEN QOHN) An Enquiry into the Original, Nature, etc., of Evangelical Churches. The First Part ; with an Answer to the Discourse on the Unreasonableness of Separation by Dr. Edward Stillingfleet, and Vindication of the Non-Conformists from the guilt of Schisme,//. (14), 365. 4 London, 1681 Rev. Isaac Backus s copy, with his autograph (1771) and MSS. notes. 623 OWEN (J.) Diatriba de Justitia divina. 8 Oxonice, 1653 Autographs of Rev. Samuel Willard (President of Harvard College), 1693, and of Rev. Wm. Williams, D.D., 1709. 624 PAGITT (EPHRAIM) Heresiography, or a Description of the Heretickes and Sectaries sprang up in these latter times. The sixt edition, engraved title, and seven " bras se plates of the most eminent sectaries" old calf rebacked. 8 London, 1661 is delightful study till he had written several volumes, a great part of them in Latin ; whereof no part was ever published but one upon Daniel, which he wrote in English." 78 PARAENETICK. PARKER. PETERS. 625 PARAENETICK (A) or Humble Addresse to the Parliament and Assembly for (not loose, but) Christian Libertie. The second Impression,//. (2), 14, dk. blue levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 4 London, Matthew Simmons for Henry Over ton, 1644 " In the Catalogue of Mr. John Carter Brown s library this tract is attributed to ROGER WILLIAMS." G. B. 625* Paraenetick (A) or Humble Addresse. Another copy, new half morocco, fine. 4 London, 1644 626 PARKER (THOMAS) The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel Expounded: Wherein the Mistakes of former Interpreters are modestly discovered, and the true meaning of the Text made plain, &c. By Thomas Parker of Newbery in Berkshire, and now Pastor to the Church at Newbery in New-England, pp. (4), 156, old calf, re-backed, neat. 4 London, 1 646 " It was with an assiduous conjunction of meditations and supplications that he followed this delig :reof no part C. Mather, Life of Mr. T. Parker. 627 PARKER (THOMAS) The Copy of a Letter Written by Mr. Thomas Parker, Pastor of the Church of Newbury in New-England, to His Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Avery, Sometimes of Newbury in the County of Berks, Touching Sundry Opinions by her Professed and Main tained. Novemb. 22, 1649. Imprimatur John Downame. With an Epistle to the Reader, 2 pp. by BENJAMIN WOODBRIDGE (the first graduate of Harvard), pp. (4), 20. 4 {London, 1649] EXTREMELY RARE. It seems to have escaped the search of even Mr. Sibley, who puts Woodbridge s tract on " Justification by Faith," 1652, as first in the brief list of his publications, and remarks that that "is probably the second work printed by any Harvard graduate." (The imprint has been cut from the title-page, but the leaf has been neatly mended, so as to conceal the loss.) 628 PETERS (HUGH) Gods Doings, and Mans Duty. Sermon before Parliament . . at the last Thanksgiving Day, April 2, 1645. For the recovery of the West, etc., pp. (12), 38, hf. calf. 4 London, 1646 629 PETERS (HUGH) Gods Doings, and Mans Duty. Another copy, clean, UNCUT. 4 London, 1646 630 PETERS (HUGH) Mr. Peters Last Report of the English Wars, Occasioned by the Importunity of a Friend pressing an Answer to seven Quaeres,//. 15. 4 London, M. S. for If. Overton, 1646 631 PETERS (HUGH) A Word for the Armie, and Two Words to the Kingdome, to clear the one, and cure the other,//. 14, cropped close at top, half morocco. 4 London, M. Simmons, for G. Calvert, 1647 632 PETERS (HUGH) A Word for the Armie, and two Words to the Kingdome, fine copy, nearly uncut. 4 London, 1647 633 - - A Word to Mr. Peters, and Two Words for the Parliament and Kingdom ; or, An Answer to a Scandalous Pamphlet entituled " A Word for the Annie," etc., subscribed by Hugh Peters, //. 3-38, unbound, wants first leaf after title. 8 London, 1647 This reply has been attributed to the Rev. Nathaniel Ward, author of " The Simple Cobler." See J. W. Dean s Memoir of N. Ward, pp. 174-5. 634 PETERS (HUGH) A Sermon by Hugh Peters : preached before his Death : As it was taken by a faithful hand. Portrait (satirical) of Peters inserted, pp. (4), 28. Land., John Best, 1660. MARSHALL (S.) PETERS. PHILLIPS. 79 Threnodia. The Churches Lamentation for the Good Man his losse. Sermon at the Funerale of John Pym, pp. (4), 34. Lond., 1644. BOYSE (J.) and WELD (Nath l) Two Sermons, on a Day of Fast ing, kept by the Protestant Dissenters in Dublin, on the Death of the Queen, pp. (6), 49. Dublin, 1695. LOVE (Christopher) Eng land s Distemper . . A Sermon, at Uxbridge, Jan. 3oth, //. 43. Land., J. Macock, 1651. SHOWER (J.) A Funeral Sermon, for the Rev. Mr. Nathanael Taylor, pp. (4), 44. Lond., 1702. GOOD WIN (Tho.) A Sermon, on occasion of the Death of William III., pp. (4), 27. Lond., 1702. Six in one volume, brown levant mor. extra, sides filleted, blind and gold, top gilt (Bedford}, UNCUT. 4 From the MATHER LIBRARY. The first (Peter s) sermon has the autograph of Samuel Mather (of Dublin) and several manuscript corrections in his hand. The others have autographs of Nathanael, Samuel, and Increase Mather. 635 PETERS (HUGH) A Sermon by Hugh Peters : Preached Before his Death : As it was taken by a faithful hand, And now published for publick Information, pp. (4), 28. 4 London, John Best, 1660 636 PETERS (HUGH) A Dying Father s last Legacy to an onely Child, or Mr. Hugh Peters Advice to his Daughter ; written dur ing his Imprisonment in the Tower, rare portrait, calf, neat. sm. 12 London, for G. Calvert, 1661 637 (PETERS.) Peters Patern Or the perfect path to Worldly Happi ness. As it was delivered in a Funeral Sermon preached at the interrment of Mr. Hugh Peters lately Deceased, By I. C. [i. e. Joseph Caryl] Translator of Pineda upon Job, and one of the Triers,//. 13, half mor. plain, UNCUT. 4 London, 1659 VERY RARE. This was Dr. Philip Bliss s copy, given him in 1845 ^Y T. B. Pooley, whose autograph letter, 4 pp., is bound in. The tract is extremely scurrilous, and to attribute its authorship to good Joseph Caryl (the ponderous expositor of Job) was the height of impudence. 638 (PETERS.) England s Shame : or the Unmasking of a Politick Atheist : being a Relation of the Life and Death of that Grand Impostor, Hugh Peters, by William Yonge, the whole inlaid, and illustrated by the insertion of many rare portraits and other engravings, calf gilt (Riviere). 4 London, 1663 639 England s Shame, etc. Another copy, with the rare portrait of Peters in the pulpit, calf antique, red edges. 16 London, 1663 640 (PETERS.) The Tales and Jests of Mr. Hugh Peters . . . Dedicated to Mr. John Goodwin and Mr. Phillip Nye. With his sentence, and the manner of his execution. Prefixed, a short account of his Life, satirical portrait of Peters preaching, pp. xx, (4), 51, half red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. roy. 8 London, 1660 ; repr.for J. Caulfield, 1807 LARGE PAPER. One of 50 copies printed in royal octavo. 641 (PETERS.) Historical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters. After the manner of Mr. Bayle, portrait, half red morocco, gilt edges. 4 London, 1751 ; Reprinted by G. Smeeton, 1818 642 PHILLIPS (GEORGE) A Reply to a Confutation of some Grounds for Infants Baptisme : as also, Concerning the form of a Church, put forth against mee by one Thomas Lamb, etc. ["To the Reader," 10 pp., by Thos. Shepard,]//. (16), 154, good copy. 4 London, M. Simmons for H. Over ton, 1645 VERY RARE. The only published work of the first minister of Watertown, Mass. It is not in the catalogue of the Mass. Hist. Society s or of the Prince Library. 8O PYNCHON ROBINSON. 643 PRESTON (JOHN) The New Covenant, or the Saints Portion . . . In fourteen Sermons. The Ninth edition ; pp. (16), 590, (18), sound old calf , neat. 4 London, I. D. for Nicholas Bourne, 1639 "To the Reader," 4 pp., by Richard Sibs and John Davenport, who also subscribe the Latin Dedication to the Earl of Lincoln and Lord Say and Sele. 644 PYNCHON (WILLIAM) of Springfield. The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, Justification, &c. Cleering it from some common Errors, etc. By William Pinchin, Gentleman, in New-England, pp. (12), 152, dark blue levant morocco extra, full gilt, rich inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 London, J. M.for George Whittington and James Moxon, 1650 Autographs of Crescentius Matherus, 1653, an< ^ Cottoniis Mathents, 1673, on guard leaf. A FINE CLEAN COPY of the EXTREMELY RARE First Edition, which the General Court of Massachusetts so "utterly disliked and detested," and ordered to "be burned by the executioner in the market-place in Boston" (Mass. Records, III. 216). The author dared to maintain the "damnable heresy," that "Christ did not suffer for us those unut terable torments of God s wrath, that commonly are called Hell-torments." The Second Edition was printed in 1655 (see Stevens s "Nuggets," no. 2270). The margins of this copy are good except at the bottom, where a few leaves are close-cropped, one line is cut into, on the last page of the preface, and a few catch-words have been touched. 645 PYNCHON (WILLIAM) The Jewes Synagogue : or, A Treatise concerning The ancient Orders and manner of Worship used by the Jewes, etc., pp. (8), go, polished black calf, sides with centre orna ments, g. e. (W. Pratt), RARE. 4 London, John Bellamie, 1652 646 PYNCHON (WM.) i. The Time when the First Sabbath was Ordained. . . n. The Manner how the First Sabbath was Ordained. . . Part II. in. A Treatise of Holy Time.//. (16), 143, (16), 120, fine copy, old calf neat, VERY RARE. 4 London, 1654 Part II. has a separate title-page : " Holy Time : or, The True Limits of the Lords Day," etc. 647 RATHBAND (WM.) A Most Grave and Modest Confutation of the Errors of the Sect, commonly called Brownists, or Separatists, //. (22), 71, half blue morocco, neat. 4 London, 1644 648 R[ATHBAND] (W[M].) A Briefe Narration of some Church Courses held in Opinion and Practise in the churches lately erected in New-England,//. (8), 55, nice copy, russia calf (Hay day). 4 London, 1644 649 Reasons presented by the Dissenting Brethren against certain Propositions concerning Presbyteriall Government, and the Proofs of them voted by the Westminster Assembly, together with the Answer of the Assembly to those Reasons,//. (8), 40, 211, (3). Papers Given in to the Committee of Lords and Commons and Assembly of Divines, . . for Accommodation. 1644. //. (2), 123. Two in one vol., old calf , rebacked, neat. 4 London, 1648 650 ROBINSON (JOHN) New Essayes or Observations Divine and Morall, etc., pp. (6), 324., fine copy, old calf , rebacked. 4 n. p. 1628 The FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 65 1 - - Essayes, or, Observations Divine and Morall, etc. The second Edition,//. (32), 566, old calf. 8 London, I. D.for I. Bellamie, 1638 652 ROBINSON (JOHN) A Jvstification of Separation from the Church of England, Against Mr. Richard Bernard, his invective intituled The Separatists Schisme,//. 383, (5), old calf . 4 n. p. 1639 ROBINSON SHEPARD. 8 1 ROBINSON (JOHN) A Treatise of the Lawfulness of hearing the Publick Ministers in the Church of England. Sec NYE (P.) and ROBINSON (J.), No. 620. 653 ROBINSON (JOHN) Mr. of Arts and Preacher of God s Word. The Birth of a Day : Being A Treatise Theologicall, Morall and His- toricall, Representing (as in a Scene) the Vicissitudes of all Humane things, etc., pp. ( 1 4), 1 02 , old calf, neat. 8 London, Roger Daniel, 1655 654 ROBINSON (JOHN) The Triumph and Unity of Truth, in two Treatises ; Intended As a Preservative against the many Errors, and unhappy Divisions of these times in point of Religion, with the rare emblematical frontispiece of the Three Furies, by W. Hollar ; 7 prelim, leaves, pp. 172, (7), half calf , RARE. 1 6 London, for Thomas lohnson, 1657 655 ROBINSON (JOHN) Triumph and Unity of Truth, fine copy, no frontispiece, old calf , neat. 8 London, 1657 656 ROGERS (NATHANIEL) of Ipswich. A Letter discovering the Cause of God s continuing Wrath against the Nation . . Directing To the Meanes of appeasing that wrath . . Written . . By Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, a godly and Learned Divine now in New-England, To a worthy Member of the House of Commons, Dec. 17, 1643, //. (2), 10, J "orel, neat, RARE. 4 London, 1644 657 RUTHERFURD (SAMUEL) A Survey of the Spirituall Antichrist, Opening the Secrets of Familisme and Antinomianisme, in the Antichristian Doctrine of John Saltmarsh, and Will. Del, etc. . . In Two Parts, pp. (48), 354, 239, old calf rebacked, neat. 4 London, 1648 658 ST. NICHOLAS] (J[OHN]) The History of Baptism, or One Faith, One Baptism. With an Appendix [entitled, Baptismus Redivivus ; by Eusebius Philadelphia], pp. (8), 129; (6), 108, (29), calf rebacked, neat. 8 London, 1678 This volume, which is now RARE, is dedicated to the Governors and Ministers of New- England by J. St. N., "An Adventurer in the first Plantation." The author was rector of Lutterworth, in Leicestershire; a friend of the Rev. Ephraim Unit, who came to N. E. in 1639, and became Mr. Warham s colleague at Windsor (Conn.), to which place Mr. St. N. intended to follow him. He decided, however, to remain in England, where, in 1657, he married a daughter of Anthony Grey, the puritan rector of Burbach, afterwards Earl of Kent. See Palmer s Calamy, ii. 119; Crosby s Hist, of Engl. Baptists, iii. 34; Nichols s Hist, of Leicestershire, iv. 463, 269. On the inside of the cover of this copy is the autograph, partially erased, of [President] "Ezra Stiles, 1760. E libris Rev. Edwardi Taylor de Westfield." 659 SHARP (J.) Symphonia Prophetarvm et Apostolorvm, . . Avthore D. M. lohanne Scharpio, Scoto-Britanno, etc., old calf, neat. 4 Genevce, P. & J. Chouet, 1625 660 SHEPARD (THOMAS) The Sound Beleever, a Treatise of Evan- gelicall Conversion, roan, neat. 8 London, 1649 66 1 SHEPARD (T.) Certain Select Cases Resolved. With The First Principles of the Oracles of God,//. (8), 112. n. p. [London], 169$. Four Necessary Cases of Conscience, of Daily Use. Re solved in a Letter of Mr. T. Shepheard, to a Dear Friend of his ; now published by that Friend, with an addition of something of his own . . By R. H. //. (24), 101, (21), 133, (4). London, n. d.^ Two in one vol., old binding. 24 Dedicated by R. H. " To his dear and only Son, R. H. now a Student of . . Grayes Inne." "To the Reader " (10 pp.) contains a brief memoir of Shepard. Shepard s, II 82 SHEPARD STODDAKD. letter occupies pp. i-ioi. It is followed by a Discourse on John 6. 27, by R. H. (pp. J 3^)> with a dedicatory epistle to his "two daughters Margaret and Elizabeth." The names of the daughters and their ages ("the elder drawing neer to sixteen years," and the younger "now thirteen years,") sufficiently identify R. H., the "dear friend" to whom Shepard s letter was addressed, with RICHARD HARLAKENUEN, Esq., of Earls- Colne in Essex, the elder brother of Roger Harlakenden who came with Mr. Shepard to New England and became a member of his church in Cambridge. Their sister Mabel married John Haynes, governor of Massachusetts and first governor of Connecticut. During Mr. Shepard s ministry at Earls Colne the Harlakenden family had been his warm friends, and had done all in their power to protect him from the persecution which finally drove him from England. Richard Harlakenden s first wife was Alice, daughter of Sir Henry Mildmay, by whom he had the son Richard to whom this volume is dedi cated. By his second wife, Mary Denny, he had three daughters, Margaret, Mary, and Elizabeth. Mary died young. The others were about sixteen and thirteen years of age, respectively, in 1651 which fixes, nearly, the date of publication. The volume must be VERY RARE. It seems to have escaped the notice of English and American bibliographers, of the editors of Shepard s works, and of all his biographers. It is not named in the catalogues of the Prince, Am. Antiquarian Society s, Harvard Col lege, or Mass. Hist. Society s libraries, nor in any other which the writer of this note has consulted. 662 SHEPARD (T.) Theses Sabbaticae, or, The Doctrine of the Sab bath, good copy, old calf . 4 London, 1649 663 - - The same work ; with Certain Select Cases Resolved, smooth calf extra, beveled boards, red edges. 2 vols. in one. 8 London, 1650 664 SHEPARD (T.) The Sincere Convert. The Saints Jewel, etc. The Sound Beleever. Theses Sabbaticae. Certain Select Cases resolved. The First Principles of the Oracles of God fa Cate chism]. Subjection to Christ in all his Ordinances, etc. Seven in i vol., old calf , rebacked, back gilt. 8 London, 1653-57 In the last named treatise (Subjection to Christ), the address "To the Reader" (9 pp.) signed William Greenhill, Samuel Mather, contains memoirs, by the latter, of Shepard s life and ministry. This work of Mather s has escaped Mr. Sibley, though he quotes Cotton Mather s mention of it in the Magnalia (Harv. Graduates, p. 79). "To the Christian Reader" (3 pp.) is by Jonathan Mitchell. 665 SHEPARD (T.) The Sincere Convert ; whereto is now added, The Saint s Jewel and the Souls Invitation unto Christ, half bound. 8 London, 1659 666 SHEPARD (T.) The Sincere Convert, etc., 1672. The same, 1680. (2 vols.) 8 London. 667 SHEPARD (T.) The Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and applied, old binding. folio, \London\ repr. 1695 " Re-printed and carefully corrected," from the first (London) edition of 1660. 668 SMITH (Sir THOS.) The Commonwealth of England, and the manner and Gouernement thereof, engraved title-page by W. Marshall, containing portrait of Charles I, some worm-holes, sm. 8 London, 1 635 669 STAGE (The) Condemned, and the Encouragement given to the Immoralities and Profaneness of the Theatre by the English Schools, Universities, and Pulpits censured. [By Jeremy Collier.] 8 London, 1698 Autograph of Rev. Samuel Willard, and another, on title-page. 670 STILLINGFLEET (Edward) Irenicum. A Weapon-Salve for the Churches Wounds, or the Divine Right of Particular Forms of Church Government. The Second Edition. 4 London, 1662 671 STODDARD (SOLOMON) of Northampton, (Mass.) The Doctrine of Instituted Churches Explained and Proved from the Word of God, PP- ( 2 )> 34, Jialf morocco extra, UNCUT. 4 London, for Ralph Smith, 1700 STOUGHTON TRACTS. 83 672 STOUGHTON (WM.) An Assertion For true and Christian Church- Policie, Wherein certaine politike obiections made against the planting of Pastours and Elders in Every Congregation, are suffi ciently aunswered, etc. [Added,} Speaches vsed in the Parleament by Sir Francis Knolles : and after written by my L. Treasurer, Sir William Cecil, old red morocco gilt, g. e. 8 n. p. [London], 1604 Title, pp. 1 6, 439, (7). The name of the -author, subscribed to the Preface (p. 16) has been carefully obliterated. It appears on the title-page of the edition of 1642. (See Tracts, No. 676.) 673 SURUEY (A) OF THE BooKE OF COMMON PRAYER, By way of 197. Quaeres grounded upon 58. places, ministring iust matter of ques tion, with a view of London Ministers exceptions. . . . [Second edition,] Reviewed, corected, and augmented, pp. (8), 204, (36), new half vellum, gilt. sm. 8 n. p., 1610 From the Mather Library. Autograph of Increase Mather. RARE. 674 SYM (JOHN) Life s Preservative against Self-Killing, or an Useful Treatise concerning Life and Self-Murder, 4 London, 1637 On a guard leaf, much worn, is the author s autograph presentation " Dno. Johanni Wardo Ecclesise Hadleighensis apucl Castrum pastori fideli, affini et amico stio," etc. Also, the Autograph of Richard Saltonstall, 1713. The Rev. John Ward of Hadleigh, Essex, was the eldest son of Rev. John of Haverhill. 675 Three Letters of Thanks to the Protestant Reconciler, i. From the Anabaptists at Munster. 2. From the Congregations in New- England. 3. From the Quakers in Pensilvania, pp. (2), 26, boards. 4 London, 1683 676 Tracts. (CHURCH GOVERNMENT.) Stoughton (W.) Assertion for True and Christian Church Policie. 1642. (See No. 672). Refor mation of Church Government in Scotland cleared from Mistakes and Prejudices. 1644. An Anatomy of Independency, 1644. Reasons of Dissenting Brethren against the Third Proposition concerning Presbyterial Ordination. 1645. [Steuart (A.)] Obser vations upon the Apologeticall Narration. 1643. Steuart (A.) First and Second Parts of the Duply to M. S. alias Two Brethren. 1644-5. Vindiciae Clavium ; Animadversions on [John Cotton s] "The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven." 1645. Hudson (S.) The Essence and Unitie of the Church Catholike Visible. 1645. Edwards (Tho.) Reasons against Independent Government of Particular Congregations. 1641. Brinsley (J.) Sacred and Sov- ereigne Church-Remedie. 1645. Ten in-one vol., old calf , neat. 4 London, 1641-45 677 TRACTS. (On LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE, etc.) The Ancient Bounds, or Liberty of Conscience tenderly Stated . . and mildly Vindicated. 1645. Musgrave (J.) Conscience Pleading for its own Liberty. 1647. Birchley (W.) The Christian Moderator, or Persecution for Religion Condemned. 1651. Hammond (H.) Of Conscience. 1645. Whitfield (T.) Liberty of Conscience. 1649. Liberty of Conscience Asserted and Vindicated ; by a Protestant. 1668. Goodwin (J.) Twelve Weightie Queries. 1646. Goodwin (J.) Theomachia, or, the Imprudence of Fighting against God. 1644 ; Innocencies Triumph, or an Answer to W. Prynne s "A Full Reply," &c. 1644; Hagiomastix; or, The Scourge of the Saints. 1646. Saltmarsh (J.) Groanes for Liberty. 1646. Eleven scarce tracts in one vol., half brown mor., red edges. 4 London, 1644-68 84 TRACTS. WALKER. WARD. 678 TRACTS. (INDEPENDENTS AND PRESBYTERIANS.) An APOLOGET- ICALL NARRATION hvmbly svbmitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament. By Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye, Wm. Bridge, Jer. Burroughes, Sidrach Simpson, \prelim. leaf, title, and pp. 31. 1643. Some Observations and Annotations upon the Apologeticall Nar ration, by A. S. (Alex. Stuart), 8 prel. leaves, pp. 71. 1643. M. S. to A. S. with A Plea for Libertie of Conscience in a Church Way . . . With some touches on the Letter from Zealand, and Mr. Parker s from New-England,//. (2), no. 1644. An Anatomy of Independency, or, A Briefe Commentary . . upon the Apologeticall Narration, pp. (2), 52. 1644. Dury (John) An Epistolary Dis course . . to Mr. Tho. Goodwin, Mr. Philip Nye, [and] Mr. S. Hartlib, pp. (2), 41. 1644. Five scarce pieces in one volume, new limp vellum, red edges, large and fine copies. 4 London, 1643-44 679 Tracts. (MISCELLANEOUS.) Treatise of Self-Denial, wants title- page. 1646. Acontius (J.) Satan s Stratagems, or the Devil s Cabinet-council Discovered. 1648. Ross (Alex.) Philosophical Touchstone. 1645. Benbrigge (I.) Usura Accommodata, 1646. Warren (Elizabeth) Old and Good Way Vindicated (1646) and SpiritualThrift. 1647. ~ Tne Hunting of the Fox, or the Sectaries Dissected. 1648. Pope (J.) Unveiling of Antichrist. 1646. Relation of several Heresies. 1646. [Cawdry (D.) ?] Depths of Satan Discovered. 1649: and others. Twenty-three scarce tracts, in one vol., old calf . 4 London, 1645-49 680 VINDICLE CLAVIVM : or, a Vindication of the Keyes of the King dom of Heaven, into the hands of the right Owners . . . Animad versions upon a Tract of Mr. I[ohn] Cfotton], by an Earnest Weil-Wisher to the Truth,//. (24), 90, half vellum extra, gilt. 4 London, 1645 680* [WALKER (Clem.)] Relations and Observations upon the Par liament . . i. The Mysteries of the Two Juntos. 11. The History of Independency. 1648. PAGITT (E.) Heresiography. 4th edi tion, engr. title-page. 1647. Declaration f tne Commons concern ing the Rebellion in Ireland, etc. 1643. Short Treatise of Stage Plays, imperfect. R[ATHBAND] (W.) A Briefe Narration of some Church Courses in New England. 1644. QUATERMAYNE S (Roger) Conqvest over Canterbvries Covrt, etc. 1642. Briefe Relation of certain speciall . . passages in the Starre-Chamber, at the Censure of Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne. . . by one present at the sayd censure [Thomas Lechford ?] n. p. 1637. Prynne (W.) Healthes : Sicknesse. Discourse [against] Drinking and Pledging of Healthes. 1628. Eight in one vol., old binding. 4 London, v. y. 68 1 [WARD (NATHANIEL)] The Simple Cobler of Aggavvam in America. Willing To help mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take ... By Theodore de la Guard, //. (4), 80, russet calf gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford.} 4 London, John Dever & Robert Ibbitson,for Stephen Bowtell, 1647 A LARGE and FINE copy of the RARE FIRST EDITION, nearly UNCUT except at top. It was Bishop White Kennett s copy, and has his autograph on the title-page. WARD R. WILLIAMS. 85 682 [WARD (Nath.)] The Simple Cobler of Aggavvamm in America ... By Theodore de la Guard. The Fourth Edition, with some Amendments, 2 prel. II. , //. 89, fine copy, half mor., nearly UNCUT, RARE. 4 London, J. D. and R. I. for Stephen Bowtell, 1647 Book plate of Edward Tuckerman, Jr. (Boston), with a long manuscript note by him, on fly-leaf. 683 WARD (SAMUEL) Sermons. Christ is All in All, n. d. Woe to Drvnkards, 1622. Coal from the Altar, 1622. Balme from Gilead to recouer Conscience, 1622. lethro s Ivstice of Peace, 1623. Life of Faith, 1622. Life of Faith in Death, 1622. Happinesse of Practice, 1621. (8 in i vol.) vellum, The Wonders of the Load-Stone [Translated from the Latin by Harb. Grimeston,] calf, neat, RARE. 1640. (2 vols). 8 and 12 London, v. y. " Samuel Ward, that famous divine, and the glory of Ipswich," was the son of the Rev. John and elder brother of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward, " the Simple Cobler." 684 WHEELWRIGHT (JOHN) Junior. Mercurius Americanus, Mr. Welds his Antitype, or, Massachusetts great Apologie exam ined, Being Observations upon a Paper styled, A short story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruine of the Familists, Libertines, &c. which infected the Churches of New-England, &c.,//. (2), 24, half morocco extra, too close cropped on front margin, the text touched, with loss of some letters on several leaves. 4 London, 1645 EXTREMELY RARE. Though mercilessly dealt with by some old-time binder, Mr. Brinley s copy is, as to the text, substantially complete; and was the only complete copy the Prince Society could discover, from which to supply a portion wanting in the one from which their reprint was made in 1875. 685 WHITE (NATH.) Truth gloriously Appearing, from under The sad and sable Cloud of Obloquie. Or, A Vindication Of the Practice of the Church of Christ in the Summer-Islands, in an Apologetical Answer unto some Letters and Papers lately sent from the Summer-Islands, by Richard Beake and Mr. Norwood, lately published by Master Prynne, in his Fresh Discovery, etc. Published not for Offence, but Defence, by Nath. White, Bachelour of Divinity, and Pastor of the Church of Christ at Summer- Islands,//. (12), 1 68, (8). 4 London, for G. Calvert, n. d. This took must have been printed in 1646 the year in which Prynne s " Fresh Dis covery" was published or very early in 1647. The author was father of the Rev. Nathaniel White who graduated at Harvard in 1646. See Sibley s Haru. Graduates, 138-140. 686 WHITFIELD (HENRY) Some Helpes to stirre up to Christian Dvties. Second edition,//. (20), 228, clean copy, old calf . 8 London, 1634 RARE. The Rev. Henry Whitfield was one of the first planters of Guilford, Conn., and minister there, 1637-50. 686* WILLARD (S.) A Brief Discourse Concerning that Ceremony of Laying the Hand on the Bible in swearing, //. (4), 8, good copy, though close trimmed. 4 London, Printed by j. A., 1689 An address to the Reader, 2 pp., signed M. I. [Increase Mather] has escaped Mr. Sibley s notice. 687 WILLIAMS (ROGER) Mr. Cottons Letter Lately Printed, Examined and Answered, //. (4), 47, dk. blue levant morocco extra, sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford), 4 London, 1644 VERY RARE. 86 WILLIAMS. WINSLOW. 688 [WILLIAMS (ROGER)] The Blovdy Tenent, of Persecution, for cause of Conscience, discussed, in A Conference betweene TRVTH and PEACE,//. (24), 247, red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 n. p., Printed in the year 1644 The FIRST EDITION of the two published the same year; with the Errata. A fine, large, and clean copy, of this VERY RARE book. " But eleven copies of the two editions of 1644 are said to be now known," two of which are in England. Dexter s Bibliography of Congregationalism. 689 WILLIAMS (ROGER) The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody : By Mr. Cotton s endevour to wash it white in the Blood of the Lambe, 20 prel. leaves, pp. 320, (16), dk. red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bed ford}, FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 4 London, for Giles Calvert, 1652 689* - - The same. Another fine copy, dk. blue levant mor., filleted and paneled sides, ins, borders, g. e. (Bedford}. London, 4 1652 690 WILLIAMS (ROGER) Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, pp. x, 59, boards. 4 London, 1652 ; repr. Providence, 1863 690* Williams (Roger) A Key into the Language of America. Lon don, 1643. [A literal reprint,] with an Introduction and Notes, by J. H. Trumbull. A Letter of Mr. John Cotton s to Mr. Williams (Lond. 1643), tf# ^ Mr. J. Cotton s Letter lately printed Examined and Answered by Roger Williams (Lond. 1644); Edited by R. A. Guild. With a Biographical Introduction to the Writings of R. Williams, by R. A. Guild. [Narragansett Club Publications, Vol. I.] cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Providence, 1866 691 WINSLOW (EDWARD) The Danger of Tolerating Levellers In a Civill State : Or, An Historicall Narration of the dangerous perni cious practices and opinions, wherewith SAMUEL GORTON and his Levelling Accomplices so much disturbed and molested the severall Plantations in New-England, etc., pp. (4), 103, dark red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford*}. 4 London, Rich. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1649 Good clean copy ; the upper corners of the last few leaves have been mended and some missing words supplied in excellent fac-simile. VERY RARE. [WOODBRIDGE (BENJAMIN) H. C. 1642] Church-Members set in Joynt, etc., 1648. See FIRMIN (G.) Separation Examined, No. 572. 692 [WORKMAN (G.) Private-men no Pulpit men : or, A Modest Examination of Lay-men s Preaching. Discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God : nor allowed by the Judgement, or Practise of the Churches of Christ in New-England, in answer to a Writing published by J. Knowles,] pp. (4), 28, calf extra. 4 London, 1646 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND (AT CAMBRIDGE AND BOSTON) 1640-1709. In this section will be found the INCUNABULA of the Anglo-American press. It comprises Mr. Brinley s unrivalled collection of books printed in Massachusetts, from the establishment of the first press in 1639, to the establishment of the first press in Connecticut (the third, in New England) in 1709 from THE WHOLE BOOKE OF PSALMS, Imprinted 1640, by Stephen Day, to the Saybrook Platform, the first book printed in Connecticut, not including the works of the MATHERS (whicli are separately catalogued) and the works relating to WITCHCRAFT. There is not a book named in this section (Nos. 693-929) which may not properly be desig nated RARE. At least three-fourths of the whole number are VERY RARE; not a few are of EXCESSIVE RARITY, and several are the ONLY KNOWN COPIES, if not UNIQUE. 693 ADAMS (WILLIAM) of Dcdham. God s Eye on the Contrite or A Discourse shewing That True Poverty and Contrition of Spirit and Trembling at God s Word is the Infallible and only way for the Obtaining and Retaining of Divine Acceptation. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 27, 1685, pp. (2), 41, brown levant morocco, sides filleted, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Boston, Richard Pierce for Samuel Seiv all, 1685 694 ADAMS (ELIPHALET) A Discourse putting Christians in Mind to be Ready to Every Good Work. Delivered in Boston, Octob. 2oth, 1706. [With] A Lecture in Boston, Nov. 29, 1806. Dedication in Latin to Rev. Nehem. Hobart, pp. (4), 60. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1706 The first published discourses of the author, who was minister at New London, Conn. 1709-1753. 695 ALLEN (JAMES) of Boston, New-Englands choicest Blessing and the Mercy most to be desired by all that wish well to this People, Cleared in [an ELECTION] SERMON, May 28, 1679,7^. (4), 14, citron levant morocco extra, richly paneled sides and inside borders, g. e. (Bedford^), a very fine, large copy, nearly UNCUT. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679 696 ALLEN (JAMES) New-Englands choicest Blessing, &c. Another fine, clean copy, large margins, but not quite so tall as the preceding, best dk. blue levant morocco, sides filleted, with centre ornament, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679] 696* ALLEN (JAMES) Serious Advice to Delivered Ones of Sickness, or other Dangers threatening Death : or, The Healed Ones Pro- phulaction, wants title, pp. (2), 30. 4 [Boston, John Foster, 1679 697 ALLEN (JAMES) Neglect of Supporting and maintaining the pure Worship of God, by the Professing People of God : is a God-provoking and Land-Wasting Sin. [Fast] Sermon, at Rox- bury, //. (4), 1 6, crimson mor. extra (Bedford). 4 Boston, for Job How and John Allen; sold at Mr. Samuel Green s, 1687 EXTREMELY RARE. Not in the Prince, Mass. Historical Society, or Boston Athe naeum Catalogues. I. Thomas had "seen no book with John Allen s name in the imprint earlier than 1690" (Hist, of Printing, i. 285), and does not mention Job How, in his list of Boston booksellers. (See Mr. Brinley s note, on guard-leaf.) The Sermon " was preached on a solemn Fast-Day occasioned by the afflictive Provi dence of God in sending Worms and Caterpillars, whicli in some places, as God s great Army, marched in numerous Companies, and devoured all before them," hence called Army Worms. 88 ROOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 698 ALLIN (JOHN) of Dedham. Animadversions upon the Antisyno- dalia Americana, a Treatise Printed in Old England, in the Name of the Dissenting Brethren in the Synod held at Boston, 1662, pp. (6), 82, crushed levant green mor. extra, full gilt, paneled sides, inside borders (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, S. G\reen\ and M. J\phnson\ for Hezekiah Usher, 1664 EXTREMELY RARE. Large, clean, and bright copy. ALMANACS, PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE, 1646-1650. These five Almanacs (Nos. 699-703) every one of -which is believed to be UNIQUE belonged to the Rev. Samuel Hough (Haugh), Minister of Reading, Mass., whose name appears on the title-page of the Almanac for 1649. They were interleaved by him, and contain many manuscript entries, some of which are of much historical value, and nearly all are of interest to New England antiquaries. They passed into the possession of Judge Sewall (the guardian of Mr. Hough s grand-children), and remained in the Sewall family until they were purchased, not many years ago, by the late Mr. John K. Wiggin of Boston, who sold them to Mr. Brinley. An endorsement on the cover of one of them shows that they were loaned to Mr. John Farmer in 1824, and again in 1833. Mr. Farmer commu nicated to Mr. Savage some of Mr. Haugh s notes particularly, the one which records, against June 15, 1648, theyfrj/ ex.ecution in New England for Witchcraft (see Savage s Winthrop, ii. 326, note}. Thomas (Hist, of Printing, i. 234), names Danforth s Almanacks for i647,-8,-9, and Oakes s "Astronomical Calculations," "1648, about," among books printed by Stephen Day. It is plain, however, that he had not seen all if any of them. The Almanac for 1646 (which has lost its title-page), was doubtless by STEPHEN DAY the first printer at the first Anglo-American press. That of 1647 has the UNIQUE imprint of MATTHEW DAY, the son of Stephen, a printer not mentioned by Thomas; and the Almanac for 1648 must also have been his work, though his name does not appear in the imprint. (These two almanacs have the title within a border made up of figures representing the phases of the moon.) Matthew Day died in May, 1649. No printer s name appears on the Almanacs for 1649 and l ^S- On the latter, the name of Samuel Danforth, as author, is omitted, and in its place stands the Latin line, " Parrmm farva decent" This identifies the Almanac with the "little parcel of astronomical calculations, with this apposite verse in the title-page," which, as Cotton Mather states, was published by URIAN OAKES, while a student at Harvard. (Thomas, misled by Mather s title, enters "Astronomical Calculations. By a Youth [Urian Oakes]," as of "1648, about," and says it is not ascer tained when or by whom it was printed.) There is no doubt that the Almanacs for 1649 and 1650 which are precisely alike, typographically, were printed by SAMUEL GREEN; and the former is the FIRST work known to be his, the Cambridge Platform, printed late in 1649, being the first work having his name (or initials) in the imprint. Thus, the five tracts comprise specimens of the work of the FIRST THREE PRINTERS in English America; the ONLY known work of one, and the FIRST work of another of the three. 699 [MDCXLVI. An Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1646.] Title, second, and last leaf wanting, MSS. notes. \Cambridge, Stephen Day, 1646] 700 -- MDCXLVII. | An | Almanack | for the Year of our | Lord | 1647 I I Calculated for the Longitude of 3 15 degr. and Elevation of the Pole Ar-|ctick 42 degr. & 30 min. and may ge-|nerally serve for the most part of New-England. | By Samuel Danforth of Harvard Colledge Philomathemat. Cambridge | Printed by Matthew Day. \ Are to be sold by Hez. Usher at Boston. \ 1647 (*6 PP-} 701 - - MDCXLVIII. An | Almanack | for the Year of our Lord | 1648 | ! Calculated \ctc., as in Almanac for 1647]. -By Samuel , Danforth [etc.] Printed at Cambridge. 1648. 702 - - MDCXLIX. | An Almanack | for the Year of our Lord | 1649 | | Calculated [<?fc]. By Samuel Danforth . . . | Philomathe mat : | Printed at Cambridge. \ 1 649 703 MDCL. | An | Almanack | for the Year of | our Lord | 1650 | ALMANACS. 1659-75. 89 Being the third after Leap year | and from the Creation 5582. | Calculated \etcl\ . . . Parvum parva decent : sed inest sua | gratia parvis. | Printed at Cambridge. 1650 704 ALMANACS. 1659-1665 (except 1664): An Almanack of the Coelestial Motions for this present Year of the Christian ^Era 1659, By Zech: Brigden Astrophil: Cambridg^ Samuel Green, 1659 An Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1660. By S. C. [Sam uel Cheever] Philomathemat : Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1660 An Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1661. By S. C. Cambridg, S. G. and M. L, 1661 An Almanack for the year of our Lord, 1662. By Nathaniel Chauncy. Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1662 An Almanack for the year of the Christian ^Era, 1663. By Israel Chauncy ^iXo^a^jjc Cambridge, S. Green and M. Johnson. An Almanack of Coelestial Motions for the year of the Christian Epoch 1665. By Alex. Noivell ^tXo^touo-oc. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1665 6 vols., one in dk. blue (1659) and five in red levant morocco extra, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 These copies all belonged to the Rev. Henry Flint, of Braintree (brother-in-law of Dr. Leonard Hoar, President of Harvard), and contain occasional notes and memoranda in his autograph usually disguised in Greek letters. Thus, Nov. 4, 1659, he notes that LOVO-OV vvevr 6/u.e, and Nov. 6, Sii ea-oi /ca/xe a new pupil, probably. Against April i3th, same year, " Mr. Shepheard ordained," and, May 5, " Mf. Eliot, i Kings 18. 21 " naming the preacher and text of the Election Sermon. 705 ALMANACS, printed at Cambridge, 1671-1675 : For 1671. By D. R. [Daniel Russell ?] UNCUT. S. G. and M. J\_ohnsoti\. - 1672. An Ephemeris of the Ccelestial motions &c. By Jere miah Shepard <pi\opa$rie. UNCUT. Samuel Green. 1673 By N. H. \HobartT] Samuel Green. This contains a continuation (from the Almanac for 1669) of the "Chronological Table of Memorable Occurrences happening in New-England" 1668-1672. (Among these are: " 1669. 4. 18. Old B ather Boniface Burton aged 113 years dyed; " " 1670. 1. 16. Mr. John Davenport Pastour of the first Church of Boston dyed.") An Almanack, &c., for the year, 1674. By J. S., nearly uncut. Samuel Green. An Almanack, &c., for the year, 1675. By J. F. [John Foster]. Samuel Green. John Foster succeeded Green as conductor of the press, and in 1675 opened the first printing office in Boston, where he published Almanacs annually, to 1680. This, of 1675, was SAMUEL SEWALL S copy, and contains many entries in his hand. It belongs to the well-known "Sewall Almanac" series, invaluable to N. E. historians and antiquaries. 5 vols., green morocco extra, full gilt (F. Bedford}. 8 Cambridge, 1671-75 706 ALMANACS. An Almanack of Ccelestial Motions for the Year of the Christian ^Era, 1673. By N. H. [Nehemiah Hobart?] Cambridge, Samuel Green. Interleaved with blank-paper guards, .best levant blue morocco extra, gilt back, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). Contains the important "Chronological Table of Memorable Occurrences happening in New England," 1668-1672. 12 90 ALMANACS. 1676-83. 707 ALMANACS. Cambridge and Boston, 1676-79. 1676. By J. S. Cambridge, Samuel Green. "By y e Reverend Mr. John Sherman," is noted, by Judge Sewall, on the title-page. 1676. By J. F[osterj. BOSTON, John Foster. " Februarii ir. 75. Ex dono D. Johannis Foster Typographi." Sewall, on title-page. It contains a great many memoranda and weather-notes, by Judge Sewall, but it has a greater interest to collectors as, probably, the FIRST PRODUCTION OF THE BOSTON PRESS, and bearing the first imprint of the FIRST BOSTON PRINTER. See Thomas, Hist, of Printing, i. 276. 1677. By J. Spierman]. Cambridge, S. Green. 1678. By T. B[rattle]. Cambr: S. Green and S. Green. "Sam. Sewall his Calendar, ex dono amici Mri. Dan. Gookin, Nov. 23, 1677." The full name of the compiler, " Thomas Brattle " is written, in Sewall s hand, on the title- page. 1678. By J. F[oster]. Boston, J. Posterior John Usher. "Samuel Sewall e dono Johan. Foster." With entries in MS. 1679. By J. D[anforth]. Cambridge, S. Green. "John Danforth s Almanac." "Samuel Sewall, ex dono Mr. Gookin jun. March 13, 1678-9." The last page contains "A Brief Memorial of some few Remarkable Occur rences" in N. E., 1673-78. 1679. By J. F. Boston, John Foster. "Samuel Sewall, ex dono Authoris." On the back of the title-page, Mr. Sewall has entered the vote for governor and magistrates, given April 8. Many other MSS. entries. 7 vols., best levant green and blue morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 708 ALMANACK of Ccelestial Motions for the Year of the Christian ^pocha, 1680, best levant citron morocco extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 [Boston ;\ Printed for Henry Phillips. Judge Sewall s copy, with many manuscript entries. On the title-page, he has written, " Johanne Foster , authore." UNCUT. 709 ALMANACS (17), printed at Cambridge and Boston, 1681-1690. SAMUEL SEWALL S copies with numerous MANUSCRIPT NOTES AND MEMORANDA on additional leaves and in the margins. With "which is bound, Trigg s (Oxford) Alma nack for 1689, interleaved, and with paper added, used as a POCKET DIARY by Judge Sewall, when travelling in England, containing 45 pages in his handwriting. These 18 Almanacs are from the volume of Judge Sewall s "Interleaved Almanacs," once in the possession of Mr. Frederic Kidder, by whom extracts from their printed and manuscript pages were communicated to the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register, vols. vii. & viii. As originally bound, the volume began with the (Cambridge) Almanac for 1671. This and the Almanacs for the following years to 1680, inclusive, have been removed by Mr. Brinley and bound separately, in 13 vols. (Nos. 705-708). The remaining half of the volume contains the following Almanacs : 1 68 1. An Almanack, &c. By John Foster, Astrophil., uncut; interleaved, with numerous entries in shorthand. Boston, J. F. for Samuel Phillips. At the end: "Of Comets," with "Observations of a Comet seen" 1680-81, (6 pp.), and a woodcut of " The Copernican System," with verses, signed T. Street. 1 68 1 . The same, another impression ; with change of imprint, and "T. S." inplaceof"^. Street," on last page. Boston, Printed by J. F. 1682. An Ephemeris, &c. By W. Brattle, Philomath. Appended: An Explanation of the Preceding Ephemeris (pp. 9), uncut. Cambridge, Samuel Green. Numerous MSS. ENTRIES, and, on last page, this note: " The last half sheet was printed w th my Letters, at Boston. s. s." 1683. The Boston Ephemeris. "By Mr. Cotton Mather," is written in Judge Sewall s hand on the title-page. Fine, large and clean copy. At end: To the Reader, and " Description of the Last Years Comet," 9 pp. Boston, S. G.for S. Slewall^. [One of the earliest imprints of Samuel Green Junior. See Thomas, i. 280.] ALMANACS. 1681-90. 9! (ALMANACS, Cambridge and Boston, 1681-1690) 1684. Cambridge Ephemeris. By N. Russel, Astrotyr. Curi ous full-page woodciit of David (?) playing the harp, and Observations " Concerning Lightning and Thunder," i /. Cambridge, Samuel Green. Many MSS. NOTES. On the cover: "For my Hono r d Friend Mr. Samuel Sewall," in autograph of Rev. John Rogers, President of Harvard College, and note by Sewall of the death of President Rogers, July 2, 1684. 1684. The Boston Ephemeris. By Benjamin Gillam, Philo- nauticus. SewaU s MSS. Notes. Boston, S. Green for S. Phillips. 1685. Cambridge Ephemeris. By W. Williams, Philopatr. Sew- alVs MSS. NOTES in margins and MANUSCRIPT DIARY (5 pp., closely written] March loth May ^d, on leaves added, uncut. Cambridge, Samuel Green. 1685. The Boston Ephemeris. " By Nath. Mather, Philomath," in SewalPs hand, on title-page, uncut. Boston, Samuel Green. 1686. The New-England Almanack. By S. D. [Samuel Dan- forth] Philomath. Many MSS. Notes. Cambridge, Samuel Green Sen. Printer to Harvard Colledge. 1686. The Boston Ephemeris. By Nathaniel Mather. MSS. Notes, uncut. Boston, Samuel Green. 1687. Cambridge Ephemeris. " Rec d Feb. i, 1686-7, ex dono Authoris " who has addressed it, on wrapper, " For the Worship- full Sam ll Sewall Esq.," clean, uncut. Cambridge, S. G. 1687. Tulley. An Almanac, &c. By John Tulley. Atend^rog- nostica Georgica : or the Country-man s Weather-Glass, 2 pp. MSS. Notes. Boston, S. Green for Benj. Harris. [John Tulley s first Almanac : " Rec d Dec. 6. 1686."] 1688. An Almanack, etc. By John Tulley. Added: "A Com pendious Chronology of Memorable Things," [ending with "the Arrival of Sir Edm. Androsse Knight" &c. Dec. 20, 1686], and "A Prognostication for the Year 1688," 8 pp. "No Cambridge Almanack this year," notes Judge Sewall. 1689. An Almanack, etc. By Tho. Trigg. Interleaved, and with additional leaves at beginning and end ; used as a POCKET DIARY and MEMORANDUM BOOK, by Judge Sewall, while in England, Jan. i3~May 21, 1689 ; 45 PAGES, MANUSCRIPT, and occasional notes on calendar pages. Oxford, for Thomas Guy. Judge Sewall s first entry was made for "Sabbath Jan. 131*1, 168$. Through God s Grace landed at Dover about 9 or 10 o clock with Mr. Newgate, Mr. Tuthill & his sister Mary, & Monsieur Odell." Under Wednesday, June 26, 1689, is an account of expenses, &c., of a "Journey to Cambridge, Mr. Increase Mather, Sam. Sewall, Edward Hull, Sam. Mather." 1689. An Almanack &c. By John Tulley. Uncut. Boston, Samuel Green. 1690. Harvard s Ephemeris. By H. Newman, nice, clean copy. Cambridge, Samuel Green. 1690. An Almanack &c. By John Tulley. Last leaf mutilated, many MSS. NOTES by Sewall. Boston, Samuel Green. 710 An Almanack of Ccelestial Motions for the Year 1671. . . By D. R. [Daniel Russell ?] Philomathemat. Clean and complete, first two leaves torn. Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. 1671 92 ALMANACS. 16/9-93. 711 An Almanack of Ccelestial Motions for ... 1679. [%] J- F[oster]. Boston, J. Foster, Sold by Henry Phillips in the west end of the Exchange, 1679 Henry Phillips is not named in Thomas s list of Boston book-sellers. He was proba bly the elder brother of the " young and witty " Sam. Phillips, whom John Dunton found doing business at the same stand, or near it, in 1680. 712 An Almanack or Register of Ccelestial Configurations &c : for ... 1679. By J. D[anforth], Philomath. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1679 Wants the last leaf, probably, though the Calendar is complete. 713 ALMANACS. An Ephemeris of Ccelestial Motions, &c. for 1682. By W. Brattle, Philomath. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1682 714 The Boston Ephemeris. An Almanack for the Year 1684. By Benjamin Gillam, Philonauticus. Boston, Samuel Green for Samuel Phillips, 1684 Capt. Benjamin Gillam, a shipmaster, of Boston, was the father-in-law of the bookseller Samuel Phillips, who was, probably, a younger brother of Henry Phillips. See Almanac of 1679. 715 Cambridge Ephemeris An Almanack . . for the Year . . 1685. By W. Williams, Philopatr. Cambridge, Samuel Green for Samuel Phillips, 1685 716 The New-England Almanack for the Year of our Lord, 1686. And of the world, 5635. Since the planting of Massachusetts Colony in New-England, 58. Since the found, of Harv. Coll. 44. . . By S. D. [Samuel Danforth ?] Cambridge, Samuel Green, sen., Printer to Harvard Colledg, 1686 The author has two pages of verse " Ad Librum," and at the foot of the calendar pages gives a useful "Memorial of some Remarkable Occurrences in N. E. since 1678." In his verses, he alludes to himself as a " Harvardine." (The inner corners of the last three leaves, torn; but nothing lost.) 717 Harvard s Ephemeris. Or Almanack . . . for . . 1690. By H. Newman. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1690 718 ALMANACS. TULLEY QOHN) An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord, 1687 . . Unto which is annexed a Weather-Glass, whereby the Change of Weather may be foreseen. Boston, S. Green for Benj. Harris. The first of the very popular series of Almanacs made by John Tulley. They are all but especially the earlier years EXTREMELY RARE. This Almanac for 1687 was the first New-England almanac in which the holidays of the Episcopal church were entered in the calendar, and the first that began the year with the month of January. Opposite to Jan. 30, is the entry, " King Charles murdered." Tulley (John) An Almanack for ... 1688. (Imprimatur Edw. Randolph Seer.) Boston, Samuel Green, 1688 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . . 1689. (Imprimatur Edw. Randolph Seer.) Boston, Samuel Green, 1689 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for ... 1690. Boston, Samuel Green, 1690 Tulley (J.) An Almanack . . . for 1691. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1691 Samuel Green J^ln., the Boston printer, died, July, 1690. The Almanac for 1691 was printed by his father and younger brother (Bartholomew) in Cambridge. Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1692 . . Amplified with Astro nomical Observations (pp. 8). Cambridge, Samuel Green and Bar th. Green, 1692 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for ... 1693. Boston, Benj. Harris, for Samuel Buttolph, 1693 ALMANACS. 1696-1707. 93 (ALMANACS.) Tulley (J). An Almanack, for . . 1696. Licensed by Authority. Boston, Barthol. Green and John Allen, for John Usher, 1696 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1697. Licensed by Authority. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, for John Usher, 1697 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1698. Licensed by Authority. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1698 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1699. Licensed etc. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1699 Interleaved, and used as a diary by the Rev. Gershom Bulkeley of Wethersfield, Conn. Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1700. Licensed, etc. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1700 Tulley (J.) An Almanack for . . 1701. Licensed etc. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1701 TULLEY S FAREWEL 1702. An Almanack For the Year of our Lord 1702. . . By John Tulley; Who dyed as he was finishing this Almanack ; and so leaves it as his last Legacy to his Country-men. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1702 On the last page is an " Epitaph upon John Tulley," and advertisements of two books by Increase and Cotton Mather. The Preface was probably written by Cotton Mather. 14 Tulley s Almanacs, from his first, for 1687, to his Farewell, 1702, except 1694 and 95. 719 Tulley (John) An Almanac for the Year of our Lord, MDCXCII. 8 Cambridge, S. and B. Green, 1692 Interleaved, and containing many memoranda and curious notes in the hand-writing of the Rev. JAMES PIERPONT, minister of New Haven (1685-1714). "[Dec.] 21. 5 persons were admitted fellows/ p with ye chh. in N. Hav^w, whereof Mr. Davenport was one. The evening after, two Dracones Volantes of unusual dimen- tions were seen. Att ye extinguishing of one, a nois like a great gun was heard. Both light & nois were affrighting to many." 720 News from the Stars. An Almanack. . . For the Year of the Christian Empire, 1691. . . Respecting the Meridian of Boston, in New-England. By Henry Newman, Philomath. R. Pierce for Benj. Harris, 1691. Boston Almanack for the Year of our Lord God, 1692. By H. B. [On the last page is a bookseller s puff of Cotton Mather s " Ingenious Piece which turns George Keith inside outwards," etc^\ Title-page in red and black, and calendar pages rubri cated. A poetical address to King William and Queen Mary (printed in red). Boston, Benj. Harris and John Allen, 1692 721 Clough (1700-1707). The New-England Almanack, For the Year[s] 1700, and 1702-07. . . By Samuel Clough, A Lover of the Mathematicks, (7) good copies, one UNCUT. 8 Boston, B. Green 6- J. Allen. JUDGE SEWALL S COPIES, with his MANUSCRIPT ENTRIES, on the wrappers and mar gins. The Almanac for 1700 was dough s FIRST. His last was published, after his death, in 1708. In 1705 (the year that N. Whittemore s first Almanac was published), the imprint has "B. Green for Benj. Eliot," and in 1706 and 1707, " B. Green for Benj. Eliot and Nich. Boone." Mr. Brinley s set comprising seven of the nine published in Clough s name is more nearly complete than any other known. Its interest, as well as its intrinsic value, is much enhanced by Sewall s manuscript memoranda. 722 AN ANSWER of -Several Ministers in and near Boston, to that Case of Conscience, Whether it is Lawful for a Man to Marry his Wives own Sister ? pp. 8, blue str. grained mor. extra (Bedford). 8 Boston, Barth. Green, 1695 Signed by Increase Mather, Charles Morton, James Allen, Samuel Willard, James Sher man, John Danforth, Cotton Mather, and Nehemiah Walter. 94 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 723 AN APPEAL | To the Men | of New-England, with a short Account of | Mr. Randolph s Papers | n. t. p., pp. 15, best levant dk. red mor. extra, sides filleted, with corner ornaments ( W. Pratt), EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4 [Boston,"] Printed in the Year 1689 Reprinted, from this copy, in the third volume of The Andros Tracts, edited for the Prince Society by Mr. Wm. H. Whitmore. In his Introduction, Mr. Whitmore observes that this pamphlet "is of considerable bibliographical importance, as being HERETOFORE UNKNOWN, and as being the precursor of Further Quaeries, " (No. 772. On p. 208, he gives good reasons for believing "that Cotton Mather was intimately connected with the preparation of this tract," which may have been written by the Rev. Charles Morton, of Charlestown. 724 BELCHER (JOSEPH) of Dedham. The Worst Enemy Conquered. A Brief Discourse on the Methods and Motives to pursue a Victory over those Habits of SIN, which War against the Soul. Artillery Election Sermon, pp. 38, olive straight grained morocco extra (Bed ford}. 8 Boston, B. Green and y. Allen, 1698 725 BELCHER (SAMUEL) of Newbury. Concio ad Magistratum, or, An Assize Sermon, Before the Superiour Court, at Ipswich, May 21, 1702,^. (3), 13, half morocco, plain. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1707 725* Another copy, sewed. I 77 726 BILLS OF CREDIT. Some Considerations on the BILLS OF CREDIT, now passing in New-England. [And] Some Additional Considera tions, By a Gentleman that had not seen the foregoing Letter, n. t. p., pp. 23, calf gilt (Bedford), EXCESSIVELY RARE. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris and John Allen, 1691 In favor of the Bank of Credit and Paper Money. "It is strange to think that New- Englanders, who dwell in such a keen air, should not have sharpness enough to perceive the prudence, j^lstice, and universal benefit of paying and saving publick charges, by these Bills of Credit" (p. 17). 727 BOONE (NICHOLAS) Military Discipline. The Compleat Souldier, or Expert Artillery-Man : containing The several Postures and Exercises of the Musket & Firelock, etc. . . To which is added, The Duties of all the Officers in a Private Company: As also, the MILITARY LAW of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay . . Being A Collection from Col. Elton, Banff, and others, pp. 96, old binding, 8 Boston, for N. Boone, 1701 728 BOONE (NICHOLAS) Military Discipline. The Compleat Soldier . . . Added, The Military Law of the Province. The Second Edition with Additions,^. (4), 124, old binding. 8 Boston, B. Green for Benj. Eliot, 1706 The Military Laws have a separate title-page (p. 86). 728* The same, wants pp. $-6,forel, neat. 729 BOSTON. Several Rules, Orders, and By-Laws made and agreed upon by the Free-Holders and Inhabitants of Boston of the Massa- chusets, At their Meeting May 12 and Sept. 22, 1701 ; [with Rules and Orders adopted at various subsequent dates, to 1727, paged continuously] pp. 43, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, B. Green 6- y. Allen, 1702 730 BOSWORTH (BENJAMIN) Signs of Apostacy Lamented [a Poem, ] with A Caution to prevent Scandal, 4 pp., dark blue morocco extra, EXTREMELY RARE. 8 n. p. 1693 No title-page. Signed, on p. 4, by " Benjamin Bosworth of New-England. In the 8ist Year of My Age, 1693." Th e author was a planter of Hingham, Mass., as early as 1635. BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 95 His son, of the same name, married a daughter of Secretary Nathaniel Morton, author of the Memorial. The special signs of apostasy by which the poet s spirit was darkened were periwigs and top-knots : "When Perriwigs in Thrones and Pulpits get, And Hairy Top-knots in high Seats are set ; Then may we Pray, have Mercy LORD on us, That in New-England it should now be thus ! " 731 BRIDGE (THOMAS) Jethro s Advice Recommended to the Inhab itants of Boston, Viz. To Chuse Well-qualified Men and Haters of Covetousness, for Town Officers. A Lecture on Exodus 18. 2.\,pp. 32, half morocco, neat. 8 Boston, John Allen, 1710 732 BURNET (GiLB.) Bishop of Sarum. A Sermon, before the House of Commons, 3ist of January, 1688. Being the Thanksgiving-Day For the Deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power,//. (2), 1-20, imperfect. 4 \_Repr .] Boston, S. Green, 1689 733 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A PLATFORM OF CHURCH-DIS CIPLINE gathered out of the Word of God : and agreed upon by the Elders : and Messengers of the Churches | assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England To be presented to the Churches and Generall Court for their consideration and accept ance, in the Lord. | The Eight Moneth Anno 1649. I {.Scripture texts, 7 lines .] 4 Printed by S. G\_reen~\ at Cambridge in New England and are to be sold at Cambridge and Boston Anno Dom: 1649 The FIRST EDITION of the famous Cambridge Platform, and (so far as appears) the first work with the imprint of SAMUEL GREEN. A particular description of it is given by Thomas (Hist, of Printing, I. 252-4). A fine copy, good margins, elegantly bound, by F. BEDFORD, in best grosgr. levant green morocco, sides ornamented, inside borders, g. e. In such condition, INEXPRESSIBLY RARE. Collation: Title, verso blank; The Preface [by John Cotton], pp. 10; [The Platform], pp. 29 ; i blk. page ; " A Table " and " Errata," i p. ; and i blk. page. 734 A Platform of Church Discipline, etc. Another copy : red levant mor. extra, full gilt back, sides filleted and inside borders ( W. Pratt). 4 Cambridge, S. G., 1649 This copy had met with rough usage before rebinding. Its first three and last two leaves were much soiled and somewhat mutilated. These have been skilfully mended, lost fragments restored, and missing letters supplied in facsimile. If the pages are not so fair as a fastidious collector might desire, yet it is certainly ONE of the (two) best copies that has been or is likely to be offered for sale in this generation. 735 A Platform of Church-Discipline gathered out of the Word of God, etc., pp. (12), 33, (3), blue levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1671 Good copy of the SECOND (American) EDITION. VERY RARE. For the First English edition (1653), see No. 530, ante. 736 A Platform of Church- Discipline &c. //. (24), 64, (3), levant dk. green morocco extra (R. W. Smith). 8 Boston, John Foster, 1680 737 A Platform of Church-Discipline, agreed upon by ... the Synod at Cambridge, Anno 1649, //. (25), 64, 6, calf extra. 8 Boston, Barth. Green and J. Allen, 1701 Before the Title is the order of the Gen. Court, March 19, 1680, for reprinting the Confession and Platform. An Appendix (5 pp.) contains "Some Collections For the Information of those that are not acquainted with the Principles and Practices of the First and most Eminent Leaders, in the Churches of New-England." For later editions (Bost. 1717, 1731, 1757, 1772, 1808, 1819, etc.) see "Books printed in New England, 1710-1775." The New York edition of 1711 (Wm. and Andrew Bradford} will be found in a Second Part of this Catalogue, among BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW YORK, etc. g6 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 738 CARRE (EZECHIEL), formerly Minister of Rochechalais (sic) in France, now Minister of the French Colony in Narrhaganset. The Charitable Samaritan. A Sermon on the tenth Chapter of Luke, ver. 30-35, Pronounced in the French Church at Boston. Translated into English by N. Walter, blue mor., UNCUT. 4 Boston, Samuel Green, 1689 Title, i leaf; Advertisement, i leaf; To Mr. John Pastre, French Merchant, Refugee in Boston (2 pp.) signed, Carre Minister; Prefatory Recommendation (4 pp.) by Cotton Mather; Sermon, pp. 25. VERY RARE. 739 CATECHISM (Westminster) The Shorter Catechism composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, with the Proofs thereof out of the Scriptures, in Words at length, etc., pp. (2), 54, blue levant morocco extra, full gilt back, inside borders (Bedford), UNCUT. sm. 8 Boston, Samuel Sewall, 1683 For other early Catechisms, see COTTON, J., No. 550 and 1165 ; FITCH, J., No. 768; MATHER, C., Nos. 1059, 1165, and 1266; PERKINS, Wm., No. 531; ROBINSON, J., No. 531; Rogers, D., No. 532; SHEPARD, T., No. 664; STONE, S., No. 867; and among "Books printed in New England, 1710-1775," see CATECHISMS; NEW ENGLAND PRIMER; NOYES, J, ; PHILLIPS, S. ; VINCENT, T. ; WADSWORTH, B. ; WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, etc. 740 CHAUNCY (CHARLES) President of Harvard Colledge, Gods Mercy, shewed to his People in giving them a faithful Ministry and Schooles of Learning for the continual supplyes thereof. Com mencement Sermon, pp. (4), 57, best dk. brown levant mor., paneled sides, the panels elegantly latticed in gold (Bedford). 8 Printed by Samuel Green, at Cambridg in New-England, 1655 EXTREMELY RARE. In this discourse President Chauncy introduces (pp. 24-28) an argument against long hair as "contrary to the Word of God, & to nature, & shame- full," and shows that "the Scripture seems plainly to prescribe unto men the length of their hair, Ezek. 44. 20, compared with Lev. 19. 27. & 21. 5. . . Now every one understands what is meant by foiling of the head, it signifies the cutting of the hair short, and all alike," etc. Chauncy (Charles) Anti-Synodalia. See PROPOSITIONS, No. 847. 741 (CHEEVER S Latin Accidence.) A Short Introduction to the Latin Tongue, For the Use of the Lower Forms in the Latin School. Being the Accidence Abbridg d and Compiled in that most easy and accurate Method, wherein the Famous Mr. Ezekiel Cheever taught ; and which he found the most advantageous by Seventy years experience, //. (2), 46 ; A Catalogue of Verbs in common use,//. 15 ; Mistakes, i/., dk. green morocco, gilt(F. Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green for Benj. Eliot, 1709 How EXCESSIVELY RARE the earliest school books of this kind are, every collector knows. 742 The Church Renewed Covenant, June 29. 1680, //. 6. (2 blk.)> calf extra, gilt (Bedford). 8 n. p., n. d. {Boston, 1680] The Covenant of the Third (Old South) Church of Boston. See WILLARD (S.), No. 896. [CONNECTICUT. The Book of the General Laws For the People within the Jurisdiction of Connecticut. Cambridge, 1673 See, in a subsequent section (State and Local History), CONNECTICUT. LAWS. [CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of his Majesties Colony of Con necticut. Boston, 1702. See CONNECTICUT. LAWS. 743 CONNECTICUT. Their Majesties Colony | of Connecticut | in New-England | Vindicated, From the Abuses | of a Pamphlet, Licensed and Printed | at New- York 1694, Intituled, Some Sea sonable Considerations for the | Good People of Connecticut. | BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. Q/ By an Answer Thereunto. | Imperfect, wanting the upper half of the last seven leaves, pp. 43. 4 Boston, Bartholomew Green, 1694 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The only complete copy known to the writer is in the library of the Mass. Hist. Society. 744 COTTON (JOHN) God s Promise to his Plantations; 2 Sam. 7, 10 ... As it was Delivered in a Sermon,//. (2), 20, new half morocco, neat. 4 London, 1634; Repr. Boston, Samuel Green, 1686 For the First (English) edition, see No. 542, ante. 745 The Crown and Glory of a Christian, consisting in a Sound Con version and Well Ordered Conversation. The Third Edition,/^. (4), 78, olive mor. extra, back and top gilt, UNCUT, (Bedford). 8 Boston, Samuel Green for John Griffin, 1684 A Fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE in this condition. 746 CULMAN (LEONARD) Sententiae Pueriles Anglo-Latinae . . Sen tences for Children, English and Latin : Translated by Charles Hoole, for the first Entrers into Latin, pp. (2), 34, 34, last leaf wanting, worn copy, RARE. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1702 747 DANFORTH (JOHN) of Dorchester. Kneeling to God, At Parting with Friends. Setting forth and recommending the Primitive Mode of taking Leave,//. (4), 72, dk. blue levant morocco, paneled sides and back, full gilt, ins. borders, (Bedford). 12 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 Appended are Poems, by J. D. "Upon the Triumphant Translation of a Mother in Our Israel, viz. Mrs. ANNE ELIOT," and " To the Blessed Memory of Mr. JOHN ELIOT, Teacher to the Church in Roxbury." 748 DANFORTH (JOHN) The Blackness of Sins against Light. Or, Men s offering Violence to their Knowledge, etc. (To the Reader, 2 pp., by Increase Mather.) Wants the last page, pp. (4), 1-34, UNCUT. 12 Boston, Timothy Green, 1710 749 DANFORTH (SAMUEL) of Roxbury. A Brief Recognition of New- Englands Errand into the Wilderness. (Massachusetts Election Ser mon, May, 1670), pp. (6), 23, levant green mor., gilt back, paneled sides, ins. borders (Pratt). 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1671 "To the Christian Reader" (4 pp.) by Thomas Shepard. VERY RARE. 750 DANFORTH (SAMUEL) The Duty of Believers to oppose the Growth of the Kingdom of Sin, Pressed. (Artillery Election Sermon, 1708.) pp. 36. 12 Boston, John Allen, 1708 751 [DAVENPORT (JOHN)] A Discourse about Civil Government in a New Plantation whose Design is Religion Written many years since, By that Reverend and Worthy Minister of the Gospel JOHN COTTON B.D. And now Published by some Undertakers of a New Plantation, for General Direction and Information, //. (2), 24, elegantly bound, in best brown levant morocco, gilt, paneled sides, with center ornaments (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663 " In the Title page whereof, the Name of Mr. Cotton, is, by mistake, put for that of Mr. Davenport. 1 1 C. Mather s Magnalia. 752 DAVENPORT (JOHN) Another Essay for Investigation of the Truth, in Answer to Two Questions, Concerning i. The Subject of Baptism, n. The Consociation of Churches, red levant mor., richly gilt back, side and ins. borders, (Bedford), UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, S. Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663 "An Apologetical Preface to the Reader" [by Increase Mather], 16 pp. n. n.; Certain 98 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. Positions premised, [and] the ensuing Discourse, pp. 1-64 : Considerations upon the Seven Propositions concluded by the Synod, by the Reverend NICHOLAS STREET, pp. 65-71. Two portraits (one rare) of Davenport, inserted. At the foot of the title-page : " John Cotton his booke given him by his brother Mr. Increase Mather." EXTREMELY RARE. Mr. Davenport wrote two Essays of which the second only was printed. Hence the title, "Another Essay." In the " Apologetical Preface" (A4) Increase Mather refers to " the first Essay of this Reverend Author, in manuscript? 753 DAVENPORT QOHN) Gods Call to His People To Turn unto Him ; Together with His Promise to Turn unto them. Opened and Applied in II. Sermons, at two Publick Fasting-dayes, pp. 27, dk. blue levant morocco, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford], large, dean, and fine copy. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J.for John Usher, 1669 SUPERLATIVELY RARE. 754 A | DECLARATION OF FORMER I Passages and Proceed ings betwixt the English | and the Narrowgansets, with their confederates, Wherin the grounds and iustice of the ensuing warre are opened | and cleared. Published, by order of the Com missioners for the united Colonies : At Boston the 1 1 of the sixth month 1645. //. 7, best levant red morocco, paneled sides, rich inside borders ( W. Pratt). 4 n. p., n. d. [Cambridge, STEPHEN DAYE, 1645] Probably UNIQUE. This Declaration of War against the Narragansets is subscribed by " Jo: Winthrop President, In the name of all the Commissioners," &c. Hutchinson, who printed it, in his Collection of Papers (138-146) from a manuscript copy, had "never met with it in print." It was again printed, from the MSS. Records of the Commissioners, (with many errors) in Hazard s Collection, ii. 45-48. The following entry, in an "Account of Expenses layd out for the County," Aug. 1645 * Oct. 1646 (Mass. Archives, xxx. doc. 9), shows the number of copies printed: "First, for y e printing of five hundred Declarations, \l. oo. oo." Of the five hundred, Mr. Brinley s is the ONLY KNOWN COPY. It is one of the EARLIEST productions of the Cambridge press; the THIRD, in order of time, of which any copy is extant preceded only by the Bay Psalm Book and the list of Theses at the Commencement of the (Harvard) College, in 1643, f which the single known copy (imperfect) is in the Library of the Mass. Historical Society. 755 DENISON (DANIEL) Irenicon, or a Salve For New-England s Sore, pp. (8), 177-218, nice copy. 8 {Boston, S. Green,] 1684 Originally bound with Hubbard s Discourse on the Death of Major-General Daniel Denison. It is EXCESSIVELY RARE. " New England s Sore," in the diagnosis of Major Denison, was the contention between " Independents or Congregational men, and those that are called by them Presbyterians." New England had suffered by "the Antinomi- ans" " the Gortonians, Miiggietonians, and other Elves and Hobgoblins, 1 and now, " by our dear Friends, Presbyterians, Semi-Presbyterians, Apostates on the one side, Independents, Separatists, Morellians, Semi- Anabaptists, and less offensively, Anastates on single other side," . . " Brother sharpening his Sword against Brother." 756 [DoD (Rev. JOHN)] OLD MR. DOD S SAYINGS; or, A Posie gath ered out of Mr. Dod s Garden. Collected by R. T., //. 13, brown levant morocco, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1673 RARE. Not in I. Thomas s list of books printed by Johnson. 757 DOOLITTLE (T.) Earthquakes Explained and Practically Im proved : Occasioned by the late Earthquake on Sept. 8. 1692. in London, many other parts in England, and beyond Sea, pp. (8), 1-56, imperfect, old binding. Repr. Boston, B. Harris, 1693 On the back of title : " IMPRIMATUR, Increase Mather. Boston, New-England, August 25. 1693." This copy belonged to John Tully, of Saybrook (the Almanac-maker), and has his autograph on the title page and inside of cover. 758 DUMMER (JEREMY) A. L. M. 6- Philosoph. Doct. A Discourse on the Holiness of the Sabbath-Day. Sermon at Boston, Oct. 29, 1704. (With prefatory address to the Reader, by Increase Mather.) pp. (8), 54, corners cut, name on title. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1704 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 99 759 EASTERBROOKS (JOSEPH) Abraham the Passenger his Privilege and Duty. An ELECTION-SERMON at Boston, May 30. 1705, pp. (2), 22, margins cut dose. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1705 760 ELIOT (JOHN) COMMUNION OF CHURCHES : or, The Divine Management of Gospel-Churches by the Ordinance of COUNCILS, Constituted in Order according to the Scriptures, etc. Written by John Eliot, Teacher of Roxbury in N. E.,//. (2), 38, light brown levant morocco, sides filleted and paneled, center and corner ornaments, inside borders, gilt top (Bedford), UNCUT. sm. 8 Cambridge, Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1665 "Although a few copies printed, yet it is NOT PUBLISHED." Preface. " This copy is the one referred to by Dr. Francis, in his Life of J. Elict, in Sparks American Biography." G. B. It formerly belonged to the Rev. Dr. Thaddeus Mason Harris of Dorchester, Mass., who has left this note, on a guard leaf : "As this little book was not published, and but very few copies printed, it has become so scarce that this may be considered the only copy. The like may be said of the tract which contains The Dying Speeches of some Indians. " (See No. 765.) The only other known copy of this book was in the library of Mr. Menzies, and was then believed by Mr. Sabin to be UNIQUE. See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 666. It is, doubtless, " THE FIRST PRIVATELY PRINTED AMERICAN BOOK." 761 ELIOT (JOHN) The Harmony of the Gospels, in the Holy His tory of the Humiliation and Sufferings of Jesus Christ, from his Incarnation to his Death and Burial,^. (4), 131, red levant morocco extra, elegantly paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 Fine clean copy, with good margins, of this VERY RARE book. 762 ELIOT (JOHN) The Harmony of the Gospels. Another copy. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 A LARGE and VERY FINE copy, which well deserves its splendid binding, in Mr. Bed ford s best style, russia-red levant morocco, the sides richly gilt, in exquisite designs, in the English Harleian style, inside borders, g. e. In a note which accompanied this vol ume, Mr. Bedford writes : "I have bestowed my utmost care on this book, to make it a perfect specimen of elegant Early English binding. It has been much admired here, by all who have seen it." 763 ELIOT (JOHN) The Harmony of the Gospels. Another copy, blue leva?it morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford), A SPLENDID COPY, UNCUT. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 The lower part of the title-leaf and the lower inside corner of the following leaf have been skilfully mended, and a very few words restored in facsimile. 764 ELIOT (JOHN) A Brief Answer To a Small Book written by John Norcot against Infant-Baptisme. This Answer is written by John Eliot for the sake of some of the Flock of Jesus Christ who are ready to be staggered in point of Infant-Baptisme by reading his Book, //. (2), 27, (i), str. -grained olive morocco, back full gilt, sides filleted, corners ornamented, Roger Payne s style, (Bedford), EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Boston, John Foster, 1699 765 ELIOT QOHN) The Dying Speeches of several Indians. 8 n. p., n. d., \Cambridge, 168-] Title, verso blank (2 pp.), Preface by John Eliot, i p., verso blank ; Dying Speeches, pp. 2-12 ; i p. blank. The Title is printed lengthwise of the first page (from top to bot tom). In his prefatory note, Eliot says: "These things are Printed not so much for Publishment, as to save charge for writeing out of Copyes for those that did desiere them." This is the ONLY KNOWN COPY. It is in perfect condition, clean and bright, elegantly bound (by P. Bedford) in dark-blue levant morocco, full gilt back, pa/ieled sides, with center and corner ornaments, and rich inside borders. The Am. Antiquarian Society s Catalogue gives the title under the year 1663. This is considerably too early. The tract contains several references to matters that occurred after the termination of the Indian War, in 1677. It probably was printed^at about the same time with the second edition of the Indian Bible, between 1680 and 1683, or a little later. 100 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 766 FITCH (JAMES) Pastor of the Church at Norwich \Conn.\ Peace, the End of the Perfect and Upright . . A Sermon, upon the Death of . . Mrs. ANNE MASON, sometime Wife to Major Mason, who not long after finished his Course and is now at rest, red morocco extra, top gilt (Bedford}, UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1672 Fine copy of this EXTREMELY RARE Sermon. I know of but one other copy which is in the Am. Antiquarian Society s library. "Major Mason" is, of course, the famous Major John, the commander in the Pequot War, whose daughter Priscilla was the wife of Mr. Fitch. 767 FITCH (JAMES) An Holy Connexion, Or a true Agreement Between Jehovahs being a Wall of Fire to his People, and the Glory in the midst thereof, pp. (4), 20, red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1674 The FIRST CONNECTICUT ELECTION SERMON printed. The prefatory Address to the Christian Reader is subscribed by the Rev. John Whiting and Rev. Joseph Haines. EXTREMELY RARE. 768 FITCH (JAMES) The First Pinciples (sic) of the Doctrine of Christ : Together with stronger Meat for them that are skil d in the Word of Righteousness. Or ... the Body of Divinity, briefly and methodically handled by way of Question and Answer. Published . . for the use of the Church in Norwich, pp. (8), 76, (i), brown morocco elegant, sides paneled, with center ornament, g. e. (Bedford), autographs of Increase Mather and Mather Byles. 8 Boston, John Foster, 1679 Introduction "to the Reader" by Increase Mather (6 pp.). This was Increase Mather s copy, and has his autograph in two places. 769 FITCH QAMES) An Explanation of the Solemn Advice, Recom mended by the Council in Connecticut Colony, to the Inhabitants, in that Jurisdiction, Respecting the Reformation of those Evils, which have been the Procuring-Cause of the late Judgments. [Also,] The Covenant which was Solemnly Renewed by the Church in Norwich, March 22, 1675. [And, with separate title-page,^ A Brief Discourse Proving that the First Day of the Week is the Christian Sabbath, [against] the Anti-Christian Sabbatarians of late risen up in Connecticut Colony. (To the Reader, by Increase Mather.) pp. (8), 133, dk. red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Boston, S. Green for J. Usher, 1683 Autographs of I. Mather and [Mather] Byles, on title-page. 770 FLAVEL (JOHN) Sacramental Meditations Upon divers Select Places of Scripture. 6th edition, good copy, pp. 162 (4). 12 Boston, B. Green, 1708 At the end is a catalogue (4 pp.) of " Books sold by Benj. Eliot, at his Shop under the West-End of the Town-house, in Boston." 771 FLAVEL QOHN) Husbandry Spiritualized : or, the Heavenly Use of Earthly Things. loth edition, pp. (20), 284, old binding. % Boston, repr. J. Allen, 1709 772 Further Quaeries Upon the Present State of the New-English Affairs. [Signed S. E.] pp. n, red morocco extra, g. e. (Pratt). sm. 4 n. t. p. n. p. n. d. [Boston or Cambridge, 1690] A prefatory note to Mr. Sabin s reprint of this EXTREMELY RARE tract describes it as "printed in London, during the latter part of 1689 or the beginning of 1690." The internal evidence that it was printed either at Boston or Cambridge, between February and May, 1690, seems conclusive. The sack of Schenectady by the French and Indians (Feb. 8, 1690) is alluded to, p. n. The fact that all the depositions printed on pages 12-14 are made by Salem men, and the suggestion, in the last paragraph, that it "would be convenient for Salem, the oldest town in the Colony," to take the lead" in establishing a provisional government under the old Charter, may perhaps furnish a clue to the authorship. BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1646^-1769. 773 GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED, Being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge, &c., Entituled The Order of the Gospel, &c. . . By sundry Ministers of the Gospel in New-England, 6 prelim, leaves, pp. 40, half dk. blue levant mor. extra, top gilt, (Bedford), UNCUT. 4 n. p. [NEW YORK, WILLIAM BRADFORD,"} 1700 On the verso of a leaf preceding the Title is the ADVERTISEMENT : " The Reader is desired to take Notice that the Press in Boston is so much under the aw of the Reverend Author, whom we answer, and his Friends, that we could not obtain of the Printer there to print the following Sheets, which is the only true Reason why we have sent the Copy so far for its Impression, and where it was printed with some Difficulty." See Thomas s History of Printing (ist ed.), ii. 90, 458, and the Menzies Catalogue, no. 817. The authorship of this pamphlet has been attributed to the Rev. Messrs. John Woodbridge, Benj. Colman, and Simon Bradstreet (Sibley>s Harvard Graduates. 455). EXCES SIVELY RARE, and, in such condition, perhaps UNIQUE. [Though this book was not " printed in New England," yet considering its authorship, its relation to Mather s " Order of the Gospel" (see No. 1010), and to the anonymous "Collection of some of the Offensive Matter" &c. (No. 1086), and its connection with the history of the Boston press, it seems proper to place it here.] 774 GREEN (BARTHOLOMEW) The Printers Advertisement (Dec. 21, 1700), concerning "A late pamphlet, entituled, Gospel Order Revived, printed at New York," with Depositions, contra, of Thomas Brattle, Zechariah Turtle, and John Mico, and Depositions of Green and others, in reply, pp. i o, polished calf extra (Bedford^, UNCUT. 4 Boston, 1701 No title-page. First leaf blank. "The Printers Advertisement," p. 3; Remarks [by Cotton Mather], p. 4; Depositions of Brattle and others, reprinted (including colophon, "Boston, Printed by John Allen, 1700.") pp. 4-6, ; Depositions of Green and others, pp. 7-10, with colophon, "Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1701." VERY RARE. See Thomas s Hist, of Printing" (ist ed.), ii. 90, 458, and Haven s Catalogue, p. 38. 775 HIGGINSON (JOHN) of Salem. The | Cause of God | and his People in New-England, | as it was Stated and Discussed | in A Sermon Preached before the Honourable General Court of the Massachusets Colony, | on the 27 day of May 1663. Being the Day | of ELECTION at Boston,//. (4), 24, br. levant morocco extra, sides gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1663 The FIRST MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION SERMON which was printed. On a guard-leaf, Mr. Brinley has quoted, from Cotton Mather, "It is I suppose the First Born by the way of the Press, of all the Election Sermons that we have in our Libraries." EXCESSIVELY RARE. 776 HIGGINSON QOHN) Our Dying Saviour s Legacy of Peace to His Disciples . . . from John 14. 27 ... Also a Discourse on the Two Witnesses. . . Added, Some Help to Self-Examination. Auto graph of Rev. Warham Williams, 1720, 7 prel. leaves, pp. 205, (i), dk. red levant mor. extra, full gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, Samuel Green, for John Usher, 1686 The prefatory address contains an autobiographical sketch of the author. Fine, clean copy, of an extremely rare and teste Cotton Mather "a most savoury book." 777 HOAR (LEONARD) M.D. Sometime Preacher of God s Word in Wanstead [and President of Harvard College. } The Sting of Death and Death Unstvng, in Two Sermons, on the occasion of the Death of the truely noble and virtuous The Lady Mildmay, pp. (6), 24, crushed levant brown mor. extra, sides paneled, blind and gold, center ornament (F. Bedford}. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 Dedicated " To Mris. Bridget Usher, my ever honoured Aunt," by Josiah Flint [nephew of President Hoar]. EXTREMELY RARE. 40,2 1 BOOKS IN THE INDIAN LANGUAGE. 778 HOAR (LEONARD) The Sting of Death and Death Unstung, etc. Another Fine Copy, crushed levant red mor. extra, full gilt back, rich inside borders, sides filleted, corners ornamented, g. e. (Bedford*). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 779 HUBBARD (WM.) The Happiness of a People In the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending Unto what Israel ougho (sic) to do : [Election] Sermon, at Boston, May. 3d. 1676. pp. (8), 63, VERY LARGE and FINE copy, olive morocco, back full gilt, sides filleted, with corner ornaments, g. e. (Bedford*). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1676 The greater part of the edition of this Sermon seems to have been bound up with copies of the author s " Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians." Separate copies are EXTREMELY RARE. It has possessed a high bibliographical interest, having been regarded, on the authority of Thomas, as THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN BOSTON. The present Catalogue, however, compels us to assign precedence to two tracts by Increase Mather (Nos. 1045 and 1040), printed in 1675, and to the (Boston) Almanac for 1676 (see No. 707). 780 HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians, in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607. to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the last two years, 1675. an ^ 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. Published by Authority. sm. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1677 [Also .-] The Happiness of a People In the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ougho (sic) to do (Election Sermon, Boston, May 3, 1676). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1676 In the original binding, a very large copy (7% by 5 % inches on the leaf), but wants the map except the upper (inner) corner. 781 HUBBARD (WM.) A Funeral Meditation from those Words of the Prophet Isaiah, Chap. 3. i, 2, 3 verses ; Occasioned by the Interrment of Major Daniel Denison, On September 22, 1682. n.t. p. pp. m-i75,yf^<? copy, unbound. 8 ^Boston, S. Green, 1684 One of the copies printed for binding up with Hubbard s Fast Sermon of 1682, and Denison s Irenicon (see No. 755). INDIAN LANGUAGE OF NEW ENGLAND. *jit* This section of the Catalogue includes, only, those books in the language of the Indians of New England, which were printed (or of which the first edition was printed) at Cambridge or Boston, before 1710. The Second Part of the Catalogue will contain the titles of a more general collection of works relating to the American Indians and their Languages. 782 BAXTER (Richard) WEHKOMAONGANOO ASQUAM PEANTOGIG kah asquam Quinnuppegig, tokonogque mahche woskeche Peantam- wog . . . Kah Yeuyeu qushkinnumun en Indiane Wuttinnontoowa- onganit, &c. [Baxter s Call to the Unconverted, translated into the Indian language by John Eliot.] //. 188, best brown levant morocco, sides paneled and elegantly ornamented, g. e. (Bedford*). sin. 8 Cambridge, S. G\reeri\ for the Corporation in London for the Indians in New-England, 1688 The second edition of this translation, which was first printed in 1663-4. 783 COTTON (JOHN) Nashauanittue Meninnunk wutch Mukkiesog, . . . qushkinnumun en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit, wutch oonenchik- qunaout Indiane Mukkiesog, nashpe Grindal Rawson. [Cottons " Spiritual Milk for Babes," translated into the Indian language, ELIOT S INDIAN NEW TESTAMENT. IO3 for the use of Indian children, by Grindal Rawson,]//. 13, brown levant morocco extra, g. e. (Pratt), very large and beautiful copy. sm. 8 Cambridge, Samuel Green kah Barth. Green, 1691 EXCESSIVELY RARE. See Proceedings Am. Antiq. Society, Oct., 1873, PP- 55-6- 784 A CONFESSION OF FAITH owned and consented unto by the Elders & Messengers of the Churches assembled at Boston in New England, May 12. 1680. Boston, B. Green and John Allen, 1699. WUNNAMPTAMOE SAMPOOAONK {etc., translated into the Indian language, by Grindal Rawson, &c.], 8 prelim, leaves, pp. 161, (4), dark blue levant mor., filleted and paneled sides, full gilt back, inside borders (Bedford). 8 MUSHAUWOMUK. Printeuun nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen, 1699 English and Indian on opposite pages. (See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, Oct. 1873, p. 57.) A beautiful copy, with autographs of Rev. Eliphalet Adams, March 4, 1699, and James Bowdoin, 1827. 785 DANFORTH (SAMUEL) The Woful Effects of Drunkenness. A Sermon at Bristol, Oct. 12, 1709, when two Indians, Josias and Joseph, were Executed for Murther, pp. (2), iv, 52, half vellum, UNCUT. sm. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1710 At the end, pp. 43-52, are " A few words addressed to the poor condemned murderers," in the Indian language, a manuscript translation of which, in modern handwriting, has been inserted by Mr. Brinley. ELIOT S NEW TESTAMENT. 786 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated into the Indian Language, and Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New-England, At the Charge, and with the Consent of the Corporation in England For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New- England. Cambridg : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmakuke Johnson, MDCLXI. WUSKU WUTTESTAMENTUM NUL-LORDUMUN JeSUS Christ NuppO- quohwussuaeneumiin. (Lozenge ornament.} Cambridge : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. MDCLXI. 4 English title (verso blank); The Epistle Dedicatory to Charles II., 4 pp. (A 3, A 4) ; Indian title (verso blank) ; Text, A 2 to L 4, A a to Xx 3, in fours, and i leaf (Xx 4) blank. In a binding of the last century, mottled calf, well preserved, the back and sides neatly filleted : enclosed in an olive morocco Solandcr-case, lettered (F. BEDFORD). A NOBLE COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book, the First Edition of Eliot s version of the New Testament in the Massachusetts Indian language. ELIOT S BIBLE. FIRST EDITION, WITH THE DEDICATION. WHITE KENNETT S COPY. 787 The j Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New. Translated into the j Indian Language, j and | Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New- England, | At the Charge, and with the Consent of the | Corpora tion in England | For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New-England, j Cambridge : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. MDCLXIII. Mamusse | Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD nanees- we | Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. | Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ | noh asoowesit | IO4 ELIOT S INDIAN BIBLE. John Eliot. | Cambridge : Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green kah Marmaduke Johnson. \ 1663. | 4 i blank leaf; English title (verso blk.); DEDICATION *to Charles II., 4 pp. (A 3, A 4); Indian title (verso blk.); Names of the Books, i leaf (recto blk.); Text, A to Mmmmm 2, in fours; Indian Title of N. T. (as in No. 786; -with the lozenge ornament}, verso blk; Text, A 2 to verso of Xx 3 ; i blank leaf (Xx 4); Wame Ketoohomae &c. (the Psalms in Metre), 50 leaves, n. n. (A to verso of N 2); Catechism, i leaf; i blank leaf. The autograph of Bishop White Kennett is at the foot of the English title-page. Mr. B. Quaritch, from whom Mr. Brinley purchased this copy, wrote, in 1869, "I believe it must be the finest copy in the world." Certainly, in completeness, size, and condition, it leaves nothing to be desired. It has not only the Dedication, which was inserted in very few (probably not more than twenty-five) copies, but it has both the English and the Indian titles. The leaf measures 7 % by 5 % inches. The binding is one of Mr. F. BEDFORD S masterpieces ; in best levant grosgrained brown morocco, sides double paneled, blind and gold, with centre ornaments ; gilt edges ; enclosed in a Solander case of blue morocco, lettered. ELIOT S BIBLE. FIRST EDITION. THE PETIT COPY. 788 Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God, etc. 4 Cambridge : Samuel Green kah Marmaduke Johnson, 1663 Indian title, i leaf (verso blank) ; Names of the Books, i leaf (recto blank) ; Old Testa ment, A to Mmmmm 2, in fours; Indian title of N. T. (with lozenge ornament), i leaf Text A to Xx 3 ; i blk. leaf ; Psalms in Metre, A to N 2 ; Catechism, i leaf. A VERY TALL and EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY, in handsome binding, russia extra, back gilt, sides Jileted, with ornamented corners. It was bought by Mr. B. Quaritch, from the Library of L. H. Petit, Esq., in 1869, and the same year, was added to Mr. Brinley s collection. The name of H. [Sir Henry ?] Hobart is written on the title-page. It is absolutely complete, and in the best condition, through out. The leaf measures ; T 7 ^ by 5| inches. ELIO rS BIBLE. SECOND EDITION, WITH THE DEDICATION TO ROBERT BOYLE. THE MARQUIS OF HASTINGS S COPY. 789 -- Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkin- numuknashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. Cambridge, Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green, 1685. [New Testament:] Wusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordumun lesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propogation (sic) of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England 1680. 4 Title (Indian), i leaf; Dedication to the Hon. Robert Boyle, Governor, and to the Com pany for the Propagation of the Gospel, &c. i leaf (verso blank); Old Test., A to Ppppp, in fours; names of the Books, i leaf (recto blank) ; N. Test. Title (as above), i leaf, verso blank; Text, A 2 to Kk 2 ; Psalms in Metre, 53 leaves, n. n.,Kk 3 to Yy 4; Catechism, i leaf ; and i blank leaf. From the Library of the late Marquis of Hastings, Donnington Park, Leicestershire. In the original calf binding, well preserved, back gilt, lettered "ss. BIBLIA INDICA NOV.E ANGLI/E." The leaf measures 7^ by 5^ inches. In all respects a REMARKABLY FINE copy, to which the Dedication to Boyle imparts EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. Only three copies containing this Dedication are known, and two of these are in public libraries. BOOKS IN THE INDIAN LANGUAGE. IO5 ELIOT S BIBLE. SECOND EDITION. GRINDAL RAWSON S COPY. 790 Mamusse Wunnutupanatamwe Up-Biblum God . . Ne quoshkin- numuk nashpe . . John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1685, 1680 A NOBLE COPY, which is probably rendered UNIQUE by a happy blunder of the original binder. It wants the " Catechism " (a single leaf) at the end ; but it has the General Title, in duplicate, one at the beginning of the volume, and the other at the end of the Old Testament. Mr. Henry Stevens, of whom this copy was purchased by Mr. Brinley in 1871, explains the presence of the second title, in this way: " Sheet Ppppp, the end of the Old Testament, is bound up as originally printed ; that is, Ppppp i is the end of the O. T., ending on the reverse ; Ppppp 2 is a blank leaf ; Ppppp 3 is the title to the Old and New Testament, reverse blank ; and Ppppp 4 is blank on the recto, and has the List of the Books on the verso. The cut-out of the two middle leaves of this sheet, then makes the blank leaf and the title at the front of the book. In this copy, these two leaves are in duplicate, and as clean and fresh as they were in 1685. With these excep tions (and the absence of the Dedication), the collation is the same as for No. 789. The leaf measures / inches tall by very nearly 6 inches wide. In the upper corner of the (first) title is the autograph of "Jo. Baily. Jan. i. [i6]8f N. E." (the Rev. John Baily, minister of Watertown, and assistant minister of the First Church, Boston, 1693-97). On the blank leaf preceding the title, is the fine autograph of "Grindall Rawson | His Indian Bible | Given him By his Father | 1712." The writer, minister of Mendon, Mass., 1680-1715, was much engaged in the Indian work, and was able to preach to the Indians in their own language. He translated for them Cotton s Milk for Babes (No. 783) and the Confession of Faith of 1680 (No. 784). He was a son of Secretary Edward Rawson, who gave him this Indian Bible. The binding, executed under Mr. Stevens s direction, is in the best style, in blue gros- grain levant morocco, sides filleted and paneled, blind and gold, -with centre ornaments, the back paneled, broad inside borders of elegant design, on a lining of red levant morocco; enclosed in a dark green morocco. box, lined with white velvet, gilt and lettered. 791 - - ELIOT (JOHN) The Indian Grammar Begun : or, An Essay to bring the Indian Language into Rules, &c., pp. (4), 66, best levant dk. blue morocco, paneled sides, corners ornamented, inside borders (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Marmadtike Johnson, 1666 EXCESSIVELY RARE. For collation, etc., see Proceedings of the Am. Antiqua rian Society, No. 61 (Oct. 1873), p. 51. The last two leaves are in facsimile by Burt. 792 THE HATCHETS, to hew down the Tree of Sin, which bears the Fruit of Death. Or, The LAWS, by which the Magistrates are to punish Offences, among the Indians, as well as among the English. Togkunkash, tummethamunate Matcheseonganc meh- tug, etc. (English and Indian in alternate paragraphs),//. 15, half red morocco. 8 n. t. p. Boston, B. Green, 1705 See Proceedings Am. Antiq. Soc., No. 61, p. 58. " Ascribed to Cotton Mather in Prince MS." (Haven s Catalogue, p. 47.) 793 INDIANE PRIMER Asuh Negonneyeuuk. Ne nashpe Mukkiesog Wohtauog wunnamuhkuttee ogketamunnate Indiane Unnontoo- waonk. Kali Meninnunk wutch Mukkiesog. (i. e. Indian Primer or First [Book]. By which Children know correctly to read the Indian language. Also Milk for Babes.) pp. 84, 84, blue levant morocco extra, full gilt, Roger Payne s style (F. Bedford}. sm. 12 Mushauwomuk \Boston~\, B. Green, 1720 See the Collation, &c. in Proceedings Am. Antiq. Society, No. 61, p. 62. 14 IO6 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709, 794 [INDIAN PRIMER asuh Negonneyeuuk.] Another edition, much earlier ; wants title-page, and pp. 1-17, pp. 80-84, &t the ena> -> an( l X 6 other leaves ; russet calf neat, top gilt {Bedford }, sm. 12 \Boston~\ ? This seems to be the edition from which that of 1 720 was reprinted. The two agree, page for page, and line for line nearly, but there is a difference in the type. As this contains Rawson s translation of Cotton s " Milk for Babes," it was probably printed after or not long before 1691. It may be of the edition of 1687, mentioned in Isaiah Thomas s list of books printed by Samuel Green (Hist, of Printing, I. 263.) It is, so far as is known, UNIQUE. 795 MANITOWOMPAE | POMANTAMOONK : Sampwshanau | Chris- tianoh Uttoh woh an | Pomantog | Wussikkitteahonat God. | // 397? (s)? b 65 * levant red morocco, full gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}, A SPLENDID COPY. 8 Cambridge, 1665 The FIRST EDITION of Eliot s (abridged) translation of Bishop Bayly s " Practice of Piety." See Proceedings Am. Antiq. Society, Oct. 1873, p. 51. One of the RAREST of Eliot s works. This copy was described by Mr. B. Quaritch, in 1873, as "EXCESSIVELY RARE (PERHAPS UNIQUE) and apparently unknown to all or most of the American bibliographers." He " could not trace the existence of any other copy." See his General Catalogue, no. 18670. /96 Manitowompae Pomantamoonk Sampwshanau Christianoh Uttoh woh an Pomantog Wussikkitteahonat God. Blue levant morocco extra, paneled sides (Bedford}. sm. 8 Cambridge, Printed for the right Honer able Corporation in London for the Gospelizing the Indins, in New- England, 1685 SECOND EDITION of Eliot s translation of the " Practice of Piety" : pp. 333, (3), page- numbers 273-288 being repeated by mistake. The margins of several leaves have been carefully restored. The volume -wants 7 leaves (pp. 195-204 & 231-234. VERY RARE. 797 - - MANITOWOMPAE POMANTAMOONK Sampwshanau Christianoh Uttoh woh an Pomantog Wussikkitteahonat God. ANOTHER COPY, red morocco extra, gilt edges (by Thompson, of Paris}. sm. 8 Cambridge, 1685 LARGE AND FINE COPY, from the library of Charles Nodier, with his book-plate and autograph. 798 MASSACHUSEE PSALTER : asuh, Uk-kuttoohomaongash DAVID Weche Wunnaunchemookaonk ne ansukhogup JOHN, Ut Indiane kali Englishe Nepatuhquonkash. c. The Massachuset Psalter : or, Psalms of David with the Gospel according to John, in Columns of Indian and English, &c., blue str. grained morocco extra, Roger Payne style, back full gilt, sides filleted, with corners ornamented (Bedford}. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Printer, 1709 "Indian Title, on verso of first leaf; English Title, on recto of second leaf; "The Book of Psalms," A3 to verso of P4, in fours, Indian and English on the same page, in columns separated by a rule ; " The Gospel according to John," begins on Qq i and ends on recto of Eee 3. Six lines of Errata, on verso of Eee 3. A blank leaf (Eee 4) at the end. " Next to Eliot s Bible, this is the most important monument of the Massachuset language." See Proceedings of Am. Antiquarian Society, Oct. 1873, PP- 60, 61. The translation was made by Experience Mayhew. Perfect copies are VERY RARE. The Indian Title-page, facing the English, is often wanting. This is a REMARKABLY FINE copy, and in exquisite binding. 799 MASSACHUSEE PSALTER. ANOTHER COPY, in the original bind ing well-preserved. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Printer, 1709 FINE SOUND COPY, from the library of the late Rev. Wm. Tenks, D.D., to whom it was presented by "his venerable friend, Mr. Thomas Wallcut, 1837." 800 - - MASSACHUSEE PSALTER. Another copy, imperfect, wants title and all before Psalm vn. 3, and all after John ix. 4 ; about three- fourths of the whole volume is in fair condition, new bound in forel, neat. 1709 IN THE INDIAN LANGUAGE. 80 T MATHER (INCREASE) and DANFORTH (SAMUEL) Masukkenu- keeg MatcheseaenvogWequetoogkahWuttooanatoog Uppeyaonont Christoh kah ne Yeuyeu teanuk, etc. Nashpe Increase Mather. Yeush kukkookootomwehteaongash qushkinnumunash en Indiane unnontoowaonganit nashpe S. D[anforth], pp. 164, dk. blue levant mor. extra, back and sides gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 8 Bostonut, Printeuoop Bartholomew Green kah John Allen, 1698 Five Sermons by Increase Mather, translated into the Indian language by Samuel Dan- forth. The first Indian book printed in Boston. See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society. No. 61 (Oct. 1873), P- 5 6 - 802 MATHER (COTTON) [Wussukwhonk] En Christianeue asuh pean- tamwae Indianog, &c. [An Epistle to the Christian Indians, &c.] //. 14, 14, Indian and English on opposite pages ; calf gilt (Pratt). sm. 8 Mushauwomuk [Boston], Printeim nashpe Bartholomew Green, 1706 The second edition. Imperfect, wanting the English title, the first word of the Indian title-page (which has been neatly mended), and the first page of the Epistle. In other respects, a good copy. 803 -- SHEPARD (Thomas) and ELIOT (John). SAMPWUTTEAHAE QUINNUPPEKOMPAUAENIN. Wahuwomook oggussemesuog Samp wutteahae Wunnamptamwaenuog, Mache wussukhumun ut English- Mane Unnontoowaonk nashpe Ne muttae-wunnegenue Wuttinne- umoh Christ noh asoowesit THOMAS SHEPHARD. Quinnuppenumun en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit nashpe Ne Quttianatamwe wuttin- neumoh Christ noh asoowesit JOHN ELIOT, Kah nawhutche ut aiyeuongash oggussemese ontcheteauun nashpe GRINDAL RAW- SON, pp. (4), 1 6 1, dk. blue levant mor. back and sides gilt, rich inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 8 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1689 Shepard s "Sincere Convert," translated into the Indian language of Massachusetts by John Eliot, and revised by Grindal Rawson. This was the last of Eliot s translations printed in his life-time. See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, Oct. 1873, p. 55. A very fine, clean copy; from the Mather Library. Autograph of C. [Crescentius] Mather on gTiard leaf. VERY RARE. 804 SHEPARD (T.) and ELIOT (J.) Sampwutteahae Quinnuppe- kompauaenin, etc. Another copy, Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1689. COTTON (John), and RAWSON (Grindal) Nashauanittue Menin- nunk wutch Mukkiesog, Wussesemun wutch Sogkodtunganash Naneeswe Testamentsash, etc. [John Cotton s Milk for Babes, drawn from the Breasts of both Testaments. Translated into the Indian Language by Grindal Rawson.] Cambridge, Samuel Green kah Bartholomew Green, 1691. sm. 8 The two in one volume, blue str.-grained mor. extra, double-paneled, ornamented, Roger Payne s style (F. Bedford}. See No. 783. 805 SHEPARD (T.) and ELIOT (J.) Sampwutteahae Quinnuppekom- pauaenin, etc. Another copy ; title and next leaf in perfect facsimile (by Burt), str.-grained olive morocco, back full gilt, ins. border (F. Bedford}. 8 Cambridge, S. Green, 1689 806 JUDGMENT (The) of Several Eminent Divines of the Congrega tional Way, concerning a Pastor s Power occasionally to exert Ministerial Acts in another Church, besides that which is His Own Particular Flock, pp. (2), 13, str.-grained blue morocco extra (Bedford}. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 " Drawn up by Mr. Increase Mather." Prince. See Sibley s Haru. Graduates, \. 452. 108 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 807 LAWSON (DEODAT) The Duty & Property of a Religious Hous- holder opened in a Sermon Delivered at Charlestown, December 25. 1692, //. (8), 64, the first 12 leaves have a worm hole in fore margin, and a small piece is torn from lower outer corner of title. 8 Boston, Barth. Green, [1693] 808 LEE (SAMUEL) Xapa rr?c IltTtwe. The Joys of Faith, or a Treatise opening the true Nature of Faith, &c.,//. (18), 249 (5 blk.), red levant morocco extra, full gilt (Bedford ). 8 Boston, Samuel Green, 1687 Autographs of Increase Mather ("Crescentii Matheri Liber, Londini, 1691") and " Enoch Greenleafe his Book, 1691." 809 LEE (SAMUEL) Contemplations on Mortality. Wherein The Terrors of Death are laid open, for a Warning to Sinners \ etc., pp. (10), \^, polished calf extra, g. e. {Bedford). 8 Boston, B. Green &> J. Allen, for S. Phillips, 1698 809* LEE (SAMUEL) Contemplations on Mortality, dark red levant mor. extra, gilt back and edges, ins. borders (Bedford}, fine copy. 8 Boston, 1698 Autographs of Jeremiah Dummer and Benjamin Wadsworth (President of Harvard). 810 LETTER (An Abstract of a) From a Person of Eminency and worth in Caledonia [Darien] to a Friend at Boston in New Eng land, pp. 2, 4, best brown levant mor., sides filleted and paneled, blind and gold (Bedford). 4 Boston, Printed May i$th, 1699 With the autograph of Elisha Plutchinson, May, 1699, and, above, "S m S" [Samuel Sewall]. Appended to the Letter is : "Caledonia. The Declaration of the Council con stituted by the Indian and African Company of Scotland," &c. The Letter was, undoubt edly, written by WM. PATERSON, the founder of the Bank of England, and projector of the Darien Company. EXTREMELY RARE. 811 A Little Book for Little Children, Wherein are set down several Directions for Little Children : And several Remarkable Stories both Ancient and Modern, of Little Children, Divers whereof are of those who are Lately Deceased, pp. 94, soiled and worn. 12 Boston, repr. T. Green, 1702 812 MAKEMIE (FRANCIS) An Answer to George Keith s Libel against a Catechism published by Francis Makemie. To which is added, by way of Postscript, A Brief Narrative of a Late Difference among the Quakers, begun at Philadelphia. Fine clean copy, in the original binding, not rubbed, with autograph of Samuel Mather, on guard leaf, pp. (12), 104. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1694 Preface (3 pp.) signed by Increase Mather, James Allen, S. Willard, John Baily, and Cotton Mather; and Epistle to the Reader, signed, "Francis Makemie, at Rehoboth in Pocamok, Maryland, 26 July, 1692." VERY RARE. 813 MASSACHUSETTS. A Copy | of the | Kings Majesties | Char ter, | For Incorporating the Company of the Massachusets Bay in New-England in America. | Granted . . 1628, wood-cut of the Massachusetts Seal on title-page, pp. (2), 26, green levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford), EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4 Boston, S. Green, for B. Harris, 1689 814 MASSACHUSETTS. The General | LAWS and Liberties | of the | Massachusetts Colony : Revised & Re-printed. | By Order of the General Court Holden at Boston, | May 151)1, 1672. | Ed- MASSACHUSETTS LAWS. IOQ ward Rawson Seer. | (Rom. 13. 2., 2 lines.) Brown levant morocco extra, blind and gold, filleted back and sides, g. e. (F. Bedford). folio, Cambridge, Samuel Green, for John Usher of Boston, 1672 One leaf, before the Title, with wood cut of the Colony Seal on verso ; Title ; Laws, pp. 1-161 (and i blk.); Presidents & Formes, pp. 162-170 (and i p. blk.); Table, 14 leaves. At the end, Several Laws and Orders made by the General Court Holden at Boston the i$t/i of May, 1672," pp. 6. A SPLENDID COPY, with large margins, of this EXTREMELY RARE volume. Bound uniform with the Province Laws of 1692, etc., and the Plymouth Colony Laws. 814* MASSACHUSETTS. THE GENERAL LAWS AND LIBERTIES of the Massachusetts Colony : Revised & Re-printed. By Order of the General Court holden at Boston, May i5th, 1672. [With " Several Laws and Orders" etc. of the Court, i5th of May, 1672, 6 pp.] folio, Cambridge, 1672 ANOTHER LARGE and FINE copy, elegantly bound (by F. Bedford) in levant red morocco, full gilt back, filleted and paneled sides, inside borders, gilt edges. The original wood cut of the Colony Seal, opposite the title, has been inserted in a fresh leaf. 815 Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the Sessions of the General Court [ Held at Boston the i3th of October 1675. As also at the Sessions of Court I held at Boston, the 3d. of Novemb. 1675. | And Printed by their Order, | Edward Rawson Seer. | Title, pp. 25-40, and i blk. leaf, best grosgrain levant red morocco, full gilt, sides filleted and paneled, ins. borders ( W. Pratt), UNCUT. folio, Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1675 In perfect condition and of SUPERLATIVE RARITY. 816 MASSACHUSETTS. ACTS and | LAWS, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Their Majesties Prov-jince of the Massachusets-Bay, in | New-England. Begun at Boston, the Eighth Day of June, 1692. And Continued by Adjournment, unto Wednesday the Twelfth | Day of October following : Being the Second Sessions. | . . . 3 prel. II. , pp. 90, brown levant morocco extra (F. Bedford), uniform with the General Laws 6/1672, etc. folio, Boston, Benjamin Harris, Printer to His Excellency, the Governonr and Council, 1692 A LARGE and FINE copy, containing the laws passed at the 2d Session of the First Gen eral Court held under the Provincial Charter of 1692. It has the autograph of John Hathorne (Ch. Judge, 1702-15), and valuable manuscript notes, in the lower margin, very neatly written, in the hand of Judge Samuel Putnam (of Salem). 817 An Act | Passed by the Great and General Court | . . | Begun at Boston the Eighth Day of June, 1692, and Con-jtinued . . unto Thursday the Second | of March following, being the Fourth Ses sions. | . . pp. (2), 2, brown levant morocco extra, uniform with the preceding. short folio, Boston, Benjamin Harris, 1693 817 b. Acts | and I Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court | . . Convened and held at Boston, the Thirty-first | Day of May, 1693, [and in the following years, at the several Sessions, to and including the September Session of the General Court of 1696,] continuously paged, pp. 180, brown levant morocco, uniform with the preceding, folio, Boston, Bartholomew Green and John Allen, 1693-6 Col. John Hathorne s copy, nearly unciit. A complete series of the Sessions Acts, with the Title leaves, as originally issued. There is some irregularity in the paging. The session of May, 1693, has Title and//. 3-15, i blk.; the Second (July) Session has Title and//. 3, 4; the Court of November, 1693, has Title, pp. 18-48 ; and after this the paging is continuous. The Acts, May, 1693, to May, 1695, were printed by Bartholomew Green; from May, 1695, to Sept., 1696, by B. Green and John Allen. IIO BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 8170. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court . . Begun at Boston [May 27th] 1696. and continued by several Adjournments until [Nov. i8th] following. Title, pp. 181-194, wants the last leaf. Boston, Barth. Green and John Allen, 1696 With which is bound an imperfect copy of the Acts and Laws passed by the . . General Court . . begun at Boston, the Eighth Day of June, 1692, [the FIRST SESSION, under the Provincial Charter,] wanting Title and first four leaves, folio, [Boston, Benj. Harris, 1692. Half brown levant morocco extra, to match the preceding volumes. 818 MASSACHUSETTS. The CHARTER | Granted by Their Majesties King William and j Queen Mary, To the Inhabitants | of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay] in*| New-England.]//. 15! Boston, Bartholomew Green and John Allen . . for, and sold by Michael Perry and Benj. Eliot, 1699. ACTS | AND LAWS, | of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-] Bay, in | New- England, wood-cut of the Royal Arms, pp. (8), 158, Table (4). Boston, Barthol. Green and John Allen, etc., 1699. With the Acts ancl Laws of subsequent sessions (paged continuously) to and including the 3d (October) Session of 1713, pp. 159-406. Table of Contents (8 //.) prefixed, comprising the Acts and Laws to p. 357 (Oct. Session, 1710). folio, Boston, 1699-1713 A LARGE, SOUND, and FINE copy of the FIRST REVISION of the Province Laws, with the original editions of the Sessions-Acts, to 1714. In old paneled calf, well preserved, with engraved book-plate of "Joseph Murray Esq. of the Inner Temple." EXCESSIVELY RARE and, with regard to condition and completeness, perhaps UNIQUE. In the Preface to the new edition of the Province Laws (1869), the Commis sioners, Messrs. Ames and Goodell, speak of " the extreme scarcity of the early impressions. . . The editions of 1699 and 1714 are among the rarest of rare books ; and the copies of them now extant are usually found without the supplements." The collection in the Secretary s office of Massachusetts, which "is probably more nearly perfect than it is pos sible to make another," " does not include original impressions of the sessions-acts printed from and after the May session of 1711-2 until the May session of 1714, "which are not known to be extant." Preface, p. xvii. 819 MASSACHUSETTS. The CHARTER Granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary To the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England,//. 15. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1699. ACTS AND LAWS of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England,//. (8), 158, and Table, \pp. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1699. In one vol., levant brown morocco extra, blind and gilt filleted back and sides, g. e. (F. Bedford}. folio, Boston, 1699 The FIRST REVISION of the Province Laws, with the Charter. "Among the RAREST of RARE books." See note on No. 818, preceding. This copy, which is in fine condition, contains, in addition to its proper Table of Contents, the general Table (8 pp.) comprising the Laws enacted at sessions subsequent to the revision, to October session, 1710. 820 MASSACHUSETTS or The first Planters of New-England, The End & Manner of their coming thither, and Abode there : in several Epistles,//. (2), 56, red levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford); EXTREMELY RARE. 1 6 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1696 Contents: " The Humble Request of His Majesties Loyal Subjects, the Governour and the Company late gone for New-England" (April 7, 1630); T. Dudley s Letter to the Countess of Lincoln (Mch. 12, 1630); J. Allin and T. Shepard s Preface to "Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions"; John Cotton s "Prsefatio Apologetica" to Norton s Answer to Appolonius. " It is not unlikely that [this volume] was printed at the suggestion of Joshua Scottow, who seems to have been the earliest person in the Colony who had an antiquarian turn of mind." Young s Chron. of Massachusetts, 340, note. This was the first appearance in print of Dudley s Letter, "the most interesting as well as the most authentic document in our early annals." BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. Ill 821 [Mitchell (Jonathan)] A Defence of the Answer and Arguments of the Synod met at Boston in the Year 1662, against the reply made thereto, by the Rev. John Davenport, . . . With An Answer [By Richard Mather] to the Apologetical Preface, set before that Essay,//. (2), 46, 102, large copy, RARE. 4 Cambridge, S. Green and M. Johnson, for Hez. Usher, 1664 This copy is inscribed, in the autograph of Richard Mather, "For Mr. John Cotton" - who has written, below, "from his father Mather." 822 MITCHELL (JONATHAN) Nehemiah on the Wall, in Troublesom Times. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 15, 1667, //. (4), 34, blue levant morocco, sides and top gilt, UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1671 A beautiful copy of this VERY RARE Election Sermon. 823 MOODEY QOSHUA) of Portsmouth. St)uldiery Spiritualized, or the Christian Souldier Orderly, and Strenuously Engaged in the Spir itual Warre, and So fighting the good Fight. Artillery Election Sermon, Boston, June i, 1674, pp. (4), 47, best levant red morocco gilt, ins. borders (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1674 824 MOODEY (JOSHUA) The Great Sin of Formality in God s Wor ship : . . The Subject of a Sermon preacht on the Weekly Lecture in Boston, crushed levant red morocco, full gilt, g. e. (Pratt). 12 Boston, Benj. Harris and J. Allen, 1691 825 MOODEY QOSHUA) posthumous. The Believers happy Change by Dying, A Sermon preached on the occasion of the Death of Capt. Thomas Daniel Esq., who was interred the day before, November 1 7th, i683,//. 32, purple morocco, gilt top, VERY RARE. sm. sq. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 826 MORTON (CHARLES), Minister at Charlestown. The Spirit of Man : or, Some Meditations (by way of Essay) on the Sense of that Scrip ture, i Thes. 5. 23. //. (8), 100, blue str.-grained morocco, back full gilt, sides ornamented, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 Boston, B. Harris for D. Campbell, 1693 At the end is an Advertisement of " some little Treatises formerly published by this Author" (2 pages). 827 MORTON (NATHANIEL) NEW-ENGLAND S MEMORIALL \ or, | A brief Relation of the Most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the | Planters | of New- England in America ; | With special reference to the first Colony thereof, | Called NEW-PLIMOUTH, | etc., pp. (12), 198, (10), calf, neat. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. for John Vsher of Boston, 1669 A SOUND and PERFECT copy, good margins. No American collector need to be informed that the original edition of Morton s Memorial one of the corner-stones of New England history is EXCESSIVELY RARE. 828 NORTON (JOHN) The Heart of N-England rent at the Blasphe mies of the Present Generation. Or A brief Tractate concerning the Doctrine of the Quakers, etc. By John Norton, Teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston, Who was appointed thereunto by the Order of the General Court,//. (2), 58, brown levant mor. extra, sides paneled, centre ornaments, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1659 A FINE COPY of this tract, which is of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. 112 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 829 NORTON QOHN) The Heart of New-England Rent &c., pp. (4), 96, (pp. 8 1, 82, repeated^) Hue morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 London, J. H. for John Allen, 1660 With "The Copie of a Letter sent from New-England, to a Friend in London, by way of Defence, for their dealing with the Quakers" (pp. 81-83, and i blk. page), and the important APPENDIX (pp. 81-96) which is wanting in some copies, of "Matter coming from New-England since this Book was printed." Scarcely less RARE than the original edition. 830 NORTON (JOHN) Three Choice and Profitable Sermons Upon Severall Texts of Scripture; viz. Jer. 30. 17. John 14. 3. Heb. 8. 5. The First being the LAST SERMON which he preached at the Court of Election at Boston. The Second was the LAST which he preached on the Lord s-Day. The Third was the LAST which he preached on his Weekly-Lecture-Day. [Poems, with three ana grams, by Rev. John Wilson (4 pp.), prefixed.] In the same volume, with continuous signatures, but independent paging and title- page-. A Copy of the Letter Returned by the Ministers of New- England to Mr. John Dury about his Pacification. Faithfully trans lated out of the Original Manuscript written in Latine By the Reverend Author of the Three former Sermons, With some Con siderations premised, etc. By a Lover of Truth and Peace, pp. (6), 38, (6), 12, levant red morocco extra, full gilt back, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. for Hezekiah Vsher of Boston, 1664 831 NOWELL (SAMUEL) Abraham in Arms; Or The first Religious General with his Army engaging in A VVar for which he had wisely prepared, etc. Artillery Election Sermon, 1678. //. (4), 19, dk. red levant morocco extra, sides paneled, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 A good copy of this rare tract, the only published work of "excellent Samuel Nowell, never to be forgotten" the fighting chaplain of the Massachusetts troops in Philip s War. 832 NOWELL (SAMUEL) Abraham in Arms. Artillery Election Ser mon. Another copy, russia-red levant morocco, gilt back, borders, g. e. (Bedford}, FINE COPY. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 833 NOYES (NICHOLAS) Teacher of the Church at Salem. New-Eng land s Duty and Interest, to be an Habitation of Justice and Mountain of Holiness. Election Sermon, pp. (12), 99, dk. brown levant morocco, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1698 Epistle Dedicatory to the Earl of Bellomont, by Rev. John Higginson (8 pp.). "Ty- pographus Lectori " (pp. 89-99) giving an account by the Rev. Grindal Rawson and Rev. Samuel Danforth, of their visits, May and June, 1698, to the several Indian Plantations in Massachusetts. 834 OAKES (URIAN) New-England Pleaded with, And pressed to consider the things which concern her Peace, at least in this her Day. Election Sermon, May 7. 1673, pp. (6), 64, dk. ? ed grosgr. levant morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1673 Fine copy, of this VERY RARE Sermon, the first published work of President Oakes. 835 OAKES (URIAN) AN ELEGIE | upon | The Death of the Rev erend | Mr. THOMAS SHEPARD, | Late Teacher of the Church at | Charlstown in New-England : By a great Admirer of his Worth, and true Mourner for | his Death. \pp. 16, str.gr. red morocco extra, BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 113 back and sides gilt, corner and center ornaments, Roger Payne style, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1677 The margins of several leaves and the lower portion of the last leaf have been skilfully repaired and one verse (50) has been supplied in (Burt s) admirable fac-simile; EXCES SIVELY RARE. 836 OAKES (URIAN) An Elegie upon the Death of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Shepard. ANOTHER COPY, purple morocco, sides filleted, g. e. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1677 Very large copy ; but the front margins of the title and several leaves have been ex tended, and the title mended. 837 OAKES (URIAN) President of Harvard Colledge. A Seasonable Discourse Wherein Sincerity & Delight in the Service of God is ear nestly pressed upon Professors of Religion. Delivered on a Publick Fast, at Cambridge, pp. (6), 23, best grosgr. leva/it brown morocco, back and corners gilt.g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1682 With a biographical preface (4 pp.) by Increase Mather. " How doth New-England shake since this Oak whom Christ had made a pillar in the Temple of his God, is removed." VERY RARE. 838 OAKES (URIAN) A Seasonable Discourse, &c. Another copy, brown levant morocco, sides paneled, blind and gold, center ornaments, g. e. {Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1682 839 OAKES (URIAN) The Sovereign Efficacy of Divine Providence ; Over ruling and Omnipotently Disposing and Ordering all Humane Counsels and Affairs. Artillery-Election Sermon at Cambridge, Sept. 10. i677,//. (6), 40, (i), dk. red levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Boston, for Samuel Sewall, 1682 To the Reader, 3 pp., by Rev. John Sherman. (Autograph of William Colman, 1682.) 840 OAKES (URIAN) The Sovereign Efficacy of Divine Providence, &c. Another copy, green levant morocco extra, g. e. (Pratf}. 4 Bos ion, for Samuel Green, 1682 On the title-page and last leaf, autographs of the Rev. William Adams (of Dedham), "exdono Reverendissimi Authoris," and an autograph Latin poem of 40 lines, by Mr. Adams (a Carmen Funebre, on President Oakes,) is beautifully written on the reverse of the Title. 841 [OXENBRIDGE (JOHN)] A Quickening Word for the hasten ing a Sluggish Soul to a seasonable Answer to The Divine Call. Published by a poor Sinner that found it such to him. Being the last Sermon Preached in the First Church of Boston Upon Isaiah 55. 6. By the Pastor there, on the 24th of the fifth Month, 1670. pp. 21, str. -grained blue morocco, full gilt, Roger Payne s style, (Bed ford}. 8 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1670 SUPERLATIVELY RARE, if not UNIQUE. Cotton Mather (Magnolia, bk. m, pt. iv, c. 6) says with his habitual inexactness that Mr. Oxenbridge "published a Sermon about Seasonable seeking of God." It is evident that Eliot (Biogr. Dictionary), Allen, Sprague (Congr. Annals, i, 171), Emerson (in Hist, of First Church), and others have taken the fact and the title from Mather, without having seen the Sermon itself. The title has not been found in any published catalogue (except the Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary Publications, to which it was communicated by Mr. Brinley), and the writer has not seen or heard of any second copy. Mr. Brinley had entered it as anonymous, not having identified it with Mather s " Sermon about Seasonable Seeking." T. 542 PEMBERTON (EBEN.) Funeral Sermon on Rev. Samuel Willard, to which is added, (with separate title and paging, ) a Poem on the same Occasion, by Benj. Colman, autograph of Benj. Wadsworth, Pres. of Harvard College. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1707 114 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. [Principles (The) of the Protestant Religion Maintained, and Churches of New-England . . defended, against the Calumnies of one George Keith. Boston, 1690. See MATHER (C.), No. 1197. 843 PLYMOUTH LAWS. The Book of the General LAWS Of the Inhabitants of the Jurisdiction of New-Plimouth ; | Collected out of the Records of the General Court And lately revised, and with some Emendations and Additions, Established and Disposed into such Order as they may readily conduce to ge-jneral use and benefit, | And published by the Authority of the General Court for that | Jurisdiction, held at Plimouth, the sixth of June, | Anno Dom. 1671. Brown grosgr. levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}. folio, Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1672 Title ; " To our Beloved Brethren and Neighbours, the Inhabitants of New-Plimouth," by the General Court, signed, Nathaniel Morton Seer., 2 pp. ; The Generall Laws and Liberties, pp. 1-47 ; The Table, 8 pp. A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE volume. 844 [PROPOSITIONS concerning the Subject of Baptism and Consocia tion of Churches, Collected and Confirmed out of the Word of God, by a Synod of Elders and Messengers of the Churches . . . Assembled at Boston, . . . In the Year 1662,] pp. 1-28, wants title, preface, and last two leaves (pp. 29-32) of "The Answer of the Elders." 4 [Cambridge, S. G. for Hezekiah Usher at Boston, 1662] An imperfect copy of the EXTREMELY RARE original edition of the result of the Synod of 1662. For the reprint, with the "Answer of the Dissenting Brethren" annexed, see the following number. 845 PROPOSITIONS concerning the Subject of Baptism and Consocia tion of Churches ; collected and confirmed out of the Word of God, by a SYNOD OF ELDERS and MESSENGERS of the Churches in Massachusets-Colony, . assembled at Boston according to the Appointment of the Honoured General Court, In the Year 1662. . . Whereunto is anext the ANSWER of the DISSENTING BRETHREN, &c., best blue levant morocco extra, g. e. {Bedford^). 4 n. p. \London\ Printed in tJie Year, 1662 Title, i leaf; The Preface to the Christian Reader, 12 pp. ; The Answer of the Elders &c., pp. 1-18; Anti Synodalia Scripta Americana, or a Proposal of the Judgment of the Dissenting Messengers, &c. [by President Charles Chauncy,] pp. 1-38. This is the English reprint of the "Propositions" with the addition of Chauncy s Anti-Synodalia, separately paged, but without a special title-page. Thomas (Hist, of Printing, i. 255) puts this edition of the Anti-Synodalia ("4to. 38 pages," 1662) in the list of books printed at Cambridge by Samuel Green, and says it "was reprinted in London." It is nearly certain that no American edition had been printed when, in Feb ruary, 1664, the Rev. John Allin published his " Animadversions upon the Anti-Synodalia Americana, a Treatise printed in Old England." In his preface Mr. Allin mentions the Antisynodalia which "came to our hands" and "another Essay [John Davenport s] of the same nature [which j was here published." The type of the n. p. volume of 1662 differs from that of the Cambridge edition of the " Propositions" (see No. 844) and is unlike any that Green is known to have used in Cambridge. The Massachusetts edition has the full imprint: "Cambridge: Printed by S. G. for Hezekiah Usher at Boston in New-England. 1662." This copy has, at the foot of the title-page, the autograph inscription of " John Cotton his booke, given him by his Brother Mr. Increase Mather." 846 PROPOSITIONS concerning the Subject of Baptism etc. . . . Where unto is anext the ANSWER of the Dissenting Brethren, &c. An other copy, brown levant mor., gilt, rich inside borders, g. e. {Bedford). 4 n. p. Printed in the Year, 1662 BAY PSALM BOOK. 115 THE BAY PSALM BOOK. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE ANGLO-AMERICAN COLONIES. 847 The Whole | Booke of Psalmes | Faithfully | Translated into English | Metre. | Whereunto is prefixed a discourse de-|claring not only the lawfullnes, but also | the necessity of the heavenly Ordinance | of singing Scripture Psalmes in | the Churches of | God. | 8 [Cambridge, Stephen Daye^\ Imprinted 1640 A BEAUTIFUL and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT copy ; having the additional page of "Faults escaped in printing." The binding one of Mr. F.BEDFORD S master-pieces is in dark brown crushed levant morocco, the sides studded ivith gold stars, within broad gilt borders, with corner and center ornaments ; and the volume is enclosed in a Solander case of blue, straight-grained morocco, lettered. For a description and collation, see Thomas s Hist, of Printing, i. 231, 2^2, and the Prince Library Catalogue. To offer any remarks on the RARITY or the IMPORTANCE of this precious volume would be sheer impertinence. The acquisition of a copy of the original edition of the Bay Psalm Book must always be the crowning triumph to which every American collector aspires, while the chances of acquisition are constantly diminishing. It is by no means probable that another copy will be offered for competition within the next quarter of a century, at least. 848 BAY PSALM BOOK. A Literal Reprint of the Bay Psalm Book, being the Earliest New England Version of the Psalms and the First Book Printed in America. [Fifty copies for Subscribers, of which this is No. 50,] dk. blue morocco, sides elegantly tooled ; broad inside borders tooled and gilt, on morocco lining, with parchment guard leaves, g. e. (Paw son and Nicholson). 8 Cambridge, for Charles B. Richardson, New York, 1862 849 PSALMS. A Literal Reprint of the Bay Psalm Book being the Earliest New England Version of the Psalms and the First PJook printed in America, boards, uncut. 8 Cambridge, for C. B. Richardson, 1862 ONE OF FIFTEEN COPIES PRINTED ON THICK PAPER; with Mr. George Liver- more s autograph presentation to " George Brinley, Esq., with the best regards of George Livermore. This is one of fifteen extra copies printed for me on thick paper for presentation. Fifty copies were printed on common paper for subscribers. Five copies on India paper; and one copy on parchment. G. L." 850 PSALMS. The Whole Book | of Psalmes, | Faithfully trans lated into | English Metre ; \ Whereunto is prefixed a discourse, declaring not | onely the lawfulnesse, but also the necessity of the heavenly Ordinance of singling Scripture Psalmes in the | Churches of God. sm. 12 n. p. [Cambridge .?] Imprinted 1647 Elegantly bound (by BEDFORD) in blue straight-grained morocco extra, back and cor ners richly gilt, (Roger Payne s style,) g. c., and enclosed in a brown morocco Solander case, lined with velvet, lettered on back: "THE BAY PSALM BOOK. 2nd ED. CAM BRIDGE. 1647." " A reprint, without additions, of the first edition (in a smaller size) with some changes of spelling. . . Mr. Brinley s copy with the date of 1647, wherever printed, may fairly be regarded as the second edition, and, so far as known, is UNIQUE . . The changes of spelling would, perhaps, be more likely to occur if the book was printed in England, which may have been the case, though some experts there think otherwise." (Haven s Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary Publications. ) Il6 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 851 The Psalms, j Hymns, j and J Spiritual Songs j of the Old and New Testament, ! Faithfully Translated into | English Metre. | For the use, edification and comfort of the j Saints in publick and private, espe- cially in New-England, j 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17. Col. 3: 1 6. j [Quotation, 4 lines. ~\ Ephes. 5: 18, 19. Be filled with, &c. | James 5: 13. pp. (14), 106, double columns ; old calf , rebacked, neat. At the beginning, 6 pages of shorthand manuscript. 12 Cambridge, \ Printed for Hezekiah Usher, of Bostoo (sic), n. d. EXTREMELY RARE. The New England version (Bay Psalm Book), as revised and improved by Dunster and Lyon, in 1650. Mr. Thomas believed this to be the third edition of the revision, and the fifth including all from 1640. "The printing," he observes, "is executed by a good workman, and is the best that I have seen from the Cambridge press. I conclude, therefore, it could not be printed by Green before the arrival of Marmaduke Johnson in 1660; I have no doubt it was printed under Johnson s care; and, probably, soon after the Indian Bible came from the press in 1663." See his long note, in History of Printing, i. 257-8 ; and compare a note in Mr. Haven s (Am. Antiq. Society s) Catalogue, under the year 1665, suggesting that "it is doubtful whether the printing was done in this country or in England . . Mr. Lenox thinks this may be the fifth edition, and the first that was printed in two columns." 852 R[ICHARDSON] Q[OHN]) The Necessity of a well Experienced Souldiery, or, A Common Wealth ought to be well Instructed and Experienced in the Military Art. Artillery Election Sermon, June 10, 1675, best levant red mor., paneled sides, g. e. (Pratt}, EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1679 853 SAFFIN (JOHN) A | Brief and Candid Answer to a late Printed Sheet, Entituled, | The Selling of \ JOSEPH | Whereunto is annexed, | A True and Particular Narrative by way of Vindication of the ! Author s Dealing with and Prosecution of his Negro Man servant, for his vile and exhorbitant Behaviour towards his Master, and his | Tenant, Thomas Shepard ; which hath been wrongfully Represented | to their Prejudice and Defamation, | By John Saffin, Esqr. //. (2), 1-12, wanting after p. 12, half brown mor., UNCUT. 4 Boston, 1701 For an account of this "EXTREMELY RARE and valuable, if not UNIQUE tract," see Dr. Geo. H. Moore s Notes on Slavery in Massachusetts ^ pp. 88 and 251. Judge Sewall s "printed sheet" on "The Selling of Joseph" was reprinted by Dr. Moore (pp. 83-87) and in the Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Society, 1863-4, pp. 161-5. 854 SALTONSTALL (GURDON) of New London. A Sermon preached before the General Assembly . . of Connecticut, . May 13, 1697. being the Day for Electing the Governour, &c., brown levant morocco extra, sides gilt, g. e. (Bedford], a scarce old portrait of Gov. Salton- s tall inserted. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 VERY RARE. Mr. Saltonstall, settled as the minister of New London in 1691, was elected governor of Connecticut in 1707, and continued in office till his death, 1724. 855 S[COTTOW] (J[OSHUA]) The Rise, Spring and Foundation of the Anabaptists, or Re-Baptized of our Time. Written in French by Guy de Brez, 1565, . . . and Translated for the use of his Countrymen by J. S. pp. (4), 58, dk. brown crushed levant morocco, paneled sides, with center ornaments, g. e. 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1668 EXCESSIVELY RARE. A good clean copy (the margins of the title-leaf restored), bound in Mr. F. BEDFORD S best style. 856 [SCOTTOW (JOSHUA)] A Narrative of the Planting of the Mas- sachusets Colony Anno 1628. With the Lords Signal Presence the First Thirty Years. Also a Caution from New-Englands BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 1 1/ Apostle, the great COTTON, etc. Published by Old Planters, the Authors of the Old Mens Tears, pp. (4), 76, (i), brown morocco extra , sides panel-gilt, with center ornamejits, EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Boston, Benjamin Harris, 1694 856* -- A Narrative of the Planting of New-England etc. Another copy, wants pp. 75-6 and the errata, elegantly bound in str.-gr. blue mor., double paneled sides, corners ornamented, g. e. (Bedford). 1694 857 Severals relating to the | FUND | Printed for divers Reasons, as may appear. Imperfect, ends with p. 8, n. t. p.,forel, lettered. 4 [Boston, Samuel Green, 1682] Probably UNIQUE, and of EXTRAORDINARY INTEREST, imperfect as it is. At the top of the first page is written, in the hand of Thomas Prince: " By page 6, was written in 1681. Mr. B. Green sen r says this was printed at Boston by his bro. Samuel s letter [i. e. types]." On the page referred to, the author speaks of what he did, "having by accident, some respite time this year 1681," in September, and on p. 7, mentions the result "in 6 months" which brings the date of publication as late as March, 1681-2. It contains information, not elsewhere to be found, respecting the origin and history of the project for a Land Bank of Credit, and the introduction of Paper Money. (See No. 726.) 858 SEWALL (SAMUEL) Phenomena quaedam Apocalyptica ad Aspec- tum NO VI ORB IS configurata. Or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven, as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. By Samuel Sewall, sometime Fellow of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge, French grosgr. blue morocco extra, full gilt, inside borders {Bedford). 4 Boston, B arth. Green and John Allen, 1697 Title; a dedicatory epistle to Sir William Ashhurst, 2 pp.; another dedicatory address to Governor S tough ton, 3 pp. ; Psalm 139, 7-10 (in metre), i p. ; Some Few Line.s,&c., pp. 60. The FIRST EDITION of Sewall s very curious and in spite of its title amusing book, is EXTREMELY RARE. The learned and pious author labors "to expose the antick fancy of America s being Hell 1 1 the " Sedem Inferorum" to which Christ descended, or even the Apocalyptic Gog and Magog; but he honestly confesses (p. 40) that " there is so much Confusion in the discourses upon this subject, that a man cannot tell -when he Is in Heaven and when he is in Hell" and that " so near an approach to, so com pleat a resemblance of Hell, was not to be found in reriim natura" as in America. 859 SEWALL (SAMUEL) Phenomena quaedam Apocalyptica ad Aspec- tum Novi ORBIS configurata. Another copy ; autograph of 27wmas Prince, 1708, front margins too close and unevenly cut, but top and bot tom uncut. 4 Boston, Barth. Green and John Allen, 1697 860 SEWALL (SAMUEL) Phaenomena qucedam Apocalyptica Ad As- pectum Novi Orbis configurata. Or some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven As It makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. . The Second Edition, pp. (8), 64. [To which is appended, separately paged,] The Fountain Opened, etc. By Samuel Willard. The Third Edition (//. 1-15) ; and Appendix {pp. 16-24). Large and fine copy, nearly uncut. Boston, Barth. Green, 1727. An Answer to Some Cases of Conscience Respect ing the Country. By Solomon Stoddard, uncut, pp. 15, n. t. p. Boston, B. Green, 1722. Verses, (by S. Sewall?) "Wednesday, January i, 1701. A little before Break-a-day, at Boston," n. p., n. d., i p. Pour in one vol., half mor., neat. 4 Boston, v. y. Almost as RARE as the earlier edition. Seethe Menzies Catalogue, no. 1794. Judge Sewall has appended to his own work, Willard s Sermon on " the National Conversion of the Jews," first published in 1700, but already "for some time out of print." In the accompanying tract, the Rev. Solomon Stoddard closes his examination of "Cases of Conscience," touching the "wearing of long Hair]" 1 "thoughts concerning Periwigs," &c., with the suggestion that " There be many other Practices that are plainly contrary to the Light of Nature. HOOPED Petticoats have something of Nakedness ; Mixt Dances are Incentives to Lust ; Compotations in Private Houses, is a Drunken Practice." Il8 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 86 1 SEWALL (SAMUEL) Phenomena quaedam Apocalyptica, etc. The Second Edition. With The Fountain Opened, etc., by S. Willard, pp. 64, 24, very LARGE copy, nearly uncut. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1727 This copy needs little more than washing, for the removal of slight water stains, to make it one of the finest possible. 862 SHEPARD (THOMAS) of Cambridge. The Church-Membership of Children and their Right to Baptisme, //. (22), 26, levant brown mor. extra, paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), A BEAUTIFUL COPY. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1663 Title; A Preface to the Reader by Thomas Shepard (the Author s son), 18 pp.; four anagrams, with verses, on Shepard, by John Wilson, 2 pp. ; Text, pp. 1-26. " It was written by the Author s own hand : and not three months before the time of his Dissolution, and sent to one who, before the receipt thereof, was not so clear in the point of Infant-Baptisme, but was hereby recovered, and stablished in the truth." To the Reader. 863 SHEPARD (THOMAS) of Charlestown. Eye Salve, Or A Watch- Word from our Lord lesus Christ unto his Churches ; Especially those within the Colony of the Massachusets In New-England, To take heed of Apostacy . . (Election Sermon, at Boston, 1672), pp. (4), 52, best levant brown mor., blind and gold, sides paneled, g. e. (Bedford}, FINE COPY. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1673 To the Reader, 2 pp., by Thomas Thacher. 864 STODDARD (SOLOMON) The Safety of Appearing at the Day of Judgement, in the Righteousness of Christ, pp. (8), 352, (2), best levant dk. blue mor., sides filleted, ins. borders, back full gilt, g. e {Bed ford}. 8 Boston, S. Green, for Sam. Phillips, 1687 The last leaf contains a list of " Books to be Sold by Samuel Phillips, at the West end of the Town-House in Boston." 865 STODDARD (SoL.) The Necessity of Acknowledgment of Offences, in order to Reconciliation. [Lecture] Sermon at Boston, July 3rd. i7oi,//. 34. T. Green, 1701. God s Frown in the Death of Use- full Men. A Sermon at the Funeral of the Hon. Col. John Pyn- chon Esq., pp. (2), 28. B. Green, 1703. The Presence of Christ with the Ministers of the Gospel. A Sermon at Swampfield, at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Willard. \To which is appended} An Examination of the Power of the Fraternity, pp. 29, 16. 1718. Three in i vol., half brown mor. (Roxburghe). 8 Boston, v. y. 866 STODDARD (SoL.) The Way for a People to Live Long in the Land that God Hath given them. [Election] Sermon, 26. of May 1703. pp. (2), 25, dose cropped on front margin, in other respects a good copy. 4 Boston, B. Green and y. Allen, 1703 866* Stoddard (Solomon) An Appeal to the Learned. Being a Vin dication of the Right of Visible Saints to the Lord s Supper . . against the Exceptions of Mr. Increase Mather, pp. (6), 98, fresh clean copy, in the original binding, neat. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1709 867 STONE (SAMUEL) A Short Catechism Drawn out of the Word of God. By Samuel Stone, Minister of the Word at Hartford, in Connecticot, //. 15, UNCUT. 8 Boston, Samuel Green, for John IVadsworth of Farmington, 1684 EXCESSIVELY RARE. Only one other copy is known, in any American library. 868 STUBBES (HENRY) Conscience the Best Friend upon Earth, //. (20), 64, calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 12 Boston, Reprinted, B. Green &> y. Allen, 1700 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 1 19 [SYNOD of 1646. See COTTON (J.) The Covenant of Grace. No. 561 ; CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM, Nos. 530, 733-737. [SYNOD of 1662. See PROPOSITIONS etc., Nos. 844 and 845 ; ALLIN (J.) Animadversions, No. 698 ; Mitchell (Jona.) A Defence &c., No. 821 ; DAVENPORT (John) Another Essay, No. 752. 869 SYNOD of 1679. The Necessity of Reformation. With the Ex pedients subservient thereunto, asserted ; in Answer to two Ques tions .... Agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the SYNOD at Boston . . Sept. 10, 1679. //. (8), 1 6, dk. brown levant morocco, elegant, sides paneled, blind and gold, center ornaments (Bedford}. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679 Preface and the Result (drawn) by INCREASE MATHER. Fine copy of this VKRY RARE tract. Autograph of (Rev. Dr.) Benjamin Cohnan. 870 THACHER (THOMAS) of Boston. A Fast of God s chusing, Plainly opened. (Fast Sermon) 26. i. 74. pp. (6), 25, dk. blue grosgrained levant mor., extra, g. e. {Bedford}, FINE COPY. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 " To the Reader" (4 pp.) by Increase Mather. 870* The same, cut close at bottom, the first line of title in facsimile (by Burt), half brown levant mor., g. e. (Bedford). 1678 871 THACHER (PETER) Unbelief Detected and Condemned . . To which is added, The Treasure of the Fathers Inheritable by their Posterity,//. (12), 190, old binding. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1708 872 TORREY (SAMUEL) An Exhortation unto Reformation. Massa chusetts Election Sermon, May 27. 1674. pp. (8), 44, claret str. gr. morocco, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1674 Autograph, at head of title-page, of "John Cotton ex dono Amici Grindalli Rawson." Address To the Reader (6 pp.) by Increase Mather. VERY RARE. 873 TORREY (SAMUEL) A Plea for the Life of Dying Religion, from the Word of the Lord. (Massachusetts Election Sermon), May j 6. 1683,^. (8), 46, (i), GOOD COPY, olive morocco, back and sides gilt, g. e. (Bedford.). 4 Boston, Samuel Green for S. Seivall, 1683 To the Reader (6 pp.) by Increase Mather. On a leaf at the end (n. n.) is an Adver tisement of I. Mather s "Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences," in press. 874 TORREY (SAMUEL) A Plea for the Life of Dying Religion, etc. Another copy, brown levant mor. extra, sides filleted, with center orna ments (Bedford}. 4 Boston, Samuel Green for S. Sewall, 1683 875 WADSWORTH (B.) Exhortations to Early Piety (1702): and The Wonders of Divine Goodness and Patience. 1702. PLATFORM of Church Discipline. [The Cambridge Platform.] Rcpr. J. Foster, 1680. Three in i vol., old binding. 16 Boston The Cambridge Platform, edition of 1680, is VERY RARE. This is a fine copy to p. 56 : the last four or live leaves are entire, but the margins are worn. 876 WADSWORTH (B.) Publick Worship a Christian Duty, in two Sermons ; and Now or Never, the Time to be Saved, in one Ser mon, imperfect. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1704 877 WADSWORTH (B.) The Bonds of Baptism,//. (2), 31. 1717. The Saint s Prayer to escape Temptation, a Lecture Sermon, Jan. 6, 1714-5. Fraud and Injustice Detected and Condemned. 1712. Hearty Submission and Resignation to the Will of God under Afflictions, //. (4), 123. 1716. An Essay on the Decalogue, //. (2), iv, 133. 1719. Considerations to Prevent Murmuring, a I2O BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. Lecture Sermon [on the Murder of Simeon Stocldard], pp. (4), 25, 1706. King William Lamented in America,//. (2), 30. 1702. Essay to Do Good ; by a Disswasive from Tavern-haunting and excessive Drinking, pp. 44. 1710. Mutual Love and Peace among Christians,//. (2), 30. 1701. The Lord s Day proved to be the Christian Sabbath,//. (2), iv, 63. 1720. Ten in i vol., fine dean copies, half morocco (Roxburghe) by F. Bedford. 12 Boston, v. y. 878 WADSWORTH (B.) The Great and Last Day of Judgment ; in several Sermons, imperfect, wants all after /. 130, and four other leaves. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1709 879 WAKEMAN (SAMUEL) of Fairfield, Conn. A Young Man s Leg acy to The Rising Generation : Being a Sermon Preached upon the Death, and at the Desire of JOHN TAPPIN of Boston; Who deceased at Fairfield, the loth of October 1672. being in the Nine teenth year of his Age,//. 45, olive str.-gr. morocco, back and sides gilt, Roger Payne style, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1673 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The title-page has been slightly faded by washing, but (as Mr. Brinley has noted on the guard leaf) is " warranted genuine." 880 WAKEMAN (SAMUEL) of Fairfield. Sound Repentance the Right Way to escape deserved Ruine ; or A Solid and awakening Dis course, Exhorting the People of God to comply with his Counsel, etc. [CONNECTICUT ELECTION SERMON,] May i4th, 1685. ^prelim. leaves, and pp. 44, brown levant mor. antique, paneled, blind and gold, center ornament on sides (Bedford}. 4 Boston, Samuel Green, 1685 A leaf precedes the Title, on the verso of which is the vote of thanks, &c., of the Gen eral Court ; Title (i leaf) ; To the Christian Reader (4 pp.) signed by J. Bishop (probably the Rev. John Bishop of Stamford); Sermon, pp. 44. This is the third printed Conn. Election Sermon, and is EXTREMELY RARE. 88 1 WALLEV (THOMAS) of Barnstable. Balm in Gilead to heal Sions Wounds : or, A Treatise wherein there is a clear Discovery of the most Prevailing Sicknesses of New-England, both in the Civill and Ecclesiasticall State. [PLYMOUTH ELECTION SERMON, June i, 1669.] //. (6), 20, red morocco extra, corners ornamented, g. e. {Pratt.) 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1669 FIRST IMPRESSION. Fine clean copy of a VERY RARE tract. 882 WALLEY (THOMAS) Balm in Gilead. A Second Impression, fine, tall copy, citron levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford^, VERY RARE. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1670 The title-page differs from the issue of 1669 only in the date. On the last page (20) appears an advertisement (not in the earlier issue) of Michael Wigglesworth s Meat out of the Eater, " now going to the Press." The preliminary leaf (before the title, in the first impression,) containing the Imprimatur is omitted. 883 WALTER (NEHEMIAH) of Roxbury. Unfruitful Hearers Detected & Warned : or a Discourse [on] the Danger of, and by, Unprofit able Hearing, str. -grained olive morocco extra (F. Bedford}, UNCUT. 12 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1696 884 WHEELER (CAPT. THOMAS) A Thankefull | Remembrance | of Gods Mercy | To Several Persons at Quabaug or j Brookfield : | Partly in a Collection of Providences about them, and Gracious Appearances for them ; and partly in a | Sermon Preached by Mr. Edward Bulkley, \ Pastor of the Church of Christ at Concord, BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. 121 upon a | day of Thanksgiving, kept by divers for their Wonder-|full Deliverance there. | Published by Capt. THOMAS WHEELER. pp. (6), 14, 32, red levant morocco, extra, sides paneled, top gilt, (Bedford,} UNCUT. sm. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1676 In such condition, one of the VERY RAREST of American books. The inner corner of the second leaf of the preface has been restored, and a few missing words supplied in facsimile ; and the margins of the title and first leaf, and a few lower corners have been skilfully extended, uniform with the rest of the volume, which is absolutely uncut. 885 WHEELER (Capt. THOMAS) A Thankefull Remembrance of Gods Mercy To Several Persons at Quabaug or Brookfield : etc. AN OTHER COPY, title-page in admirable facsimile (by Burt\ olive morocco extra, back and sides gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1676 This copy has good margins except at bottom, where it has been cut close, taking the catch-words, and on some pages a shaving from the bottom line (but no word} of text. 886 WHITING (SAMUEL) Pastor of the Church of Christ at Lynne in N. E. A Discourse of the Last Judgement : or, Short Notes upon MATT. xxv. from Ver. 31. to the end of the chapter, &c.,pp. (14), 1 60, blue levant morocco extra, full gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J\ohnson~\, 1664 Autograph of Dudley Bradstreet. "To the Reader," 6 pp., by Rev. John Wilson (Sen.) and Jonathan Mitchell. Neither this nor the following work of Mr. Whiting has been found in any library cat alogue that has been consulted. Cotton Mather (Magnalia, b. 3, pt. 2, ch. 28) gives some account of both these books, and the Rev. Messrs. Wilson and Mitchell, in their preface, assure us that " he that shall take time to pause upon what he reads (where great truths are but in few words hinted at) will find such truths concisely delivered, to be like marrow and fatness, whereof a little does go far, and feed much" 887 WHITING (SAMUEL) Pastor of the Church of Christ at Lynn, in N. E. Abraham s | Humble Intercession for Sodom, | and the Lord s gracious Concessions | in Answer thereunto : | Containing sundry j Meditations upon Gen. xvm, from Ver. xxm. | to the end of the Chapter. [Autograph, on guard leaf, of " Henry Flint Anno Dom. 1690," to whom "Mr. Henry Newman bequeathed this monument of his love, upon his designed voyage : " on back of title, autograph of " T. Prince, Lyn, July 13, 1719."] pp. (8), 349, (i), brown levant morocco extra, blind and gold, paneled sides, old English style (Bedford), EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Cambridge, \S. Green,~] 1666 888 WHITING (JOHN) of Hartford. The Way of Israel s Welfare ; or an Exhortation to be with God, that He may be with us. CON NECTICUT ELECTION SERMON, May 13, 1686, pp. (8), 38, half brown morocco. 4 Boston, Samuel Green, 1686 VERY RARE. The fourth of the series of (printed) Connecticut Election Sermons. 889 WIGGLESWORTH (MICHAEL) Meat out of the Eater or Medita tions Concerning the Necessity, End and Usefulness of Afflictions unto God s Children . . The Fourth Edition. //. 208, wants part of pages 7-10, two leaves (pp. 35, 55), and a small portion of another (p. 83). Boston, R. P. for John Usher, 1689 The Day of Doom : or, A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement . . The Fifth Edition, enlarged, .pp. (12), 80, wants part of the last leaf. 8 Boston, B. Green 6* J. Allen, 1701 The two in one volume, old calf. Early editions of Wigglesworth s famous poems are of the VERY HIGHEST RARITY. " Meat out of the Eater"" was first published in 1670 (see No. 882, note), but no copy of 16 122 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. the first, second, or third edition appears in any American catalogue. Mr. J. W. Dean, in his memoir of Wigglesworth (IV. E. Hist. <S Geneal. Reg., xvii. 145) says that "the earliest edition of which we have been able to obtain any information is the 4th ; " and of this, only one copy, besides Mr. Brinley s, is known to the writer. " The Day of Doom" was first printed in 1662. " It is not known that a copy of either of the first three editions is extant" (Siblcy, Harv. Graduates, 284). Neither Mr. J. W. Dean nor Mr. Haven (Cat. of Ante-Revol. Publications} could find a copy of any American edition earlier than the sixth, of 1715. " This work," says Mr. Sibley, "represented the theology of the day, and for a century, with the exception perhaps of the Bible, was more popular throughout New England than any other that can be named." Copies of subsequent editions (1715, -51, 1811, -28, -67 ; and " Meat out of the Eater," 1770,) will be found in the Second Part of this Catalogue, under the head of AMERICAN POETRY. 890 WILLARD (Samuel), Vice-President of Harvard College. Useful Instructions | for a professing People in Times of great Security and Degeneracy : Delivered in several | Sermons | on Solemn Occasions;^. (4), 80, half morocco, neat, VERY RARE. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1673 " The second Sermon is upon the Witchcraft delusion in Groton, the case of Elizabeth Knap being the most prominent. See Mather s Magnalia, b. vi. ch. 7 ; Butler s Hist, of Groton, p. 254; Willard s Diary, in 4 Mass. Hist. Coll., viii. 570." Note by Mr. Brinley. 891 W[ILLARD] (S.) A Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of the much honoured John Leveret Esq ; Gouernour of the Colony of the Mattachusets, N. ~5L., pp. (2), 13, best br. levant morocco, sides paneled, blind and gold, gilt edges {Bedford), a beautiful copy ; portrait of Gov. Leveret inserted. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679 892 WILLARD (S.) The Duty of a People that have Renewed their Covenant with God . . A Sermon preached to the Second Church in Boston, March 17, 1679-80, pp. (2), 13, blue str. -grained mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 893 WILLARD (S.) Ne Sutor ultra Crepidam. Or Brief Animadver sions upon the New-England Anabaptists late fallacious Narrative, etc., pp. (8), 27, best green levant morocco, full gilt, inside borders (Bed ford). 4 Boston, S. Green, upon Assignment of S. Sew all, 1681 To the Reader, 6 pp., by Increase Mather. 894 [WILLARD (S.)] Covenant Keeping the Way to Blessedness, in several sermons ; with a Preface by I. Mather, title and preface (except last page) wanting. 12 \Boston, J. Glen for S. Sewall, 1682] 895 WILLARD (S.) The Fiery Tryal no strange thing ; Delivered in a Sermon preached at Charlestown, February 15, 1681. Being a Day of Humiliation,^. (4), 20, fine copy, exquisitely bound in citron levant morocco, paneled sides, with center ornaments, inside borders, g. e. - (Bedford}. 4 Boston, for S. Sewall, 1682 The last page contains a report, to the " Friendly Reader" of "the terrible Inundation that the Low-Countries lately smarted under; and which was looked upon as one awful consequent of the late formidable BLAZING STAR." 895* WILLARD (S.) The Fiery Tryal no strange thing ; etc. Another copy, olive morocco elegant, sides filleted and paneled, with center orna ments, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Boston, for S. Sewall, 1682 This copy had been cut too close at bottom, taking a line or part of a line from some leaves. These leaves have been skilfully extended, and the few missing words restored in facsimile so perfect that none but an expert can detect it. 896 Willard (S.) The Necessity of Sincerity, in Renewing Covenant. Opened and urged in a Sermon Preached to the Third gathered WILLARD. 123 Church in Boston, June, 29. 1680. On the Day wherein they Sol emnly renewed Covenant, title and pp. 131-150. 8 Boston, James Glen, for S. Sewall, 1682 See The Church Renewed Covenant, No. 742. The paging of this copy shows that it was one of those which were printed for binding up with Willard s "Covenant Keeping the Way to Blessedness " (No. 894). 897 WILLARD (S.) The High Esteem Which God hath of the Death of his Saints. A Sermon preached October 7. 1683. Occasioned by the Death of the Worshipful John Hull Esq; pp. (2), 20, best levant blue morocco, filleted and paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Boston, S. Green, for Samuel Sew all, 1683 On the last two pages, a Latin Elegy " in obitum . . . Johannis Hull, Armigeri," by Elijah Corlet. 898 WILLARD (S.) The High Esteem Which God hath of the Death of his Saints. A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of the Wor shipful John Hull Esq: br. levant mor. extra, sides filleted and pan eled, g. e. (Bedford), fac-simile of Hull s MS. inserted. 4 Boston, S. Green, for Samuel Sewall, 1683 899 WILLARD (S.) The Child s Portion : Or the unseen Glory of the Children of God, . . . Together with several other Sermons,//. (6), 227, exquisitely bound (by Bedford) in blue sir. -grained morocco, double paneled sides and back, Roger Payne s style, g. e. EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Boston, Samuel Green, 1684 Contains The Child s Portion, //. 144 ; The Righteous Man s Death (Fun. Sermon for Major Tho. Savage), //. (2), 145-163; ELECTION SERMON, 1682, //. 163-198; All Plots against God and his People Detected and Defeated, Fast Sermon, Jan. 25, 1682, //. 199-227. 900 The Child s Portion, . . . with other Sermons,/^. (6), 227, good copy, out of binding. 8 Boston, 1684 901 WILLARD (S.) A Brief Discourse of Justification . , in several Sermons on this Subject, pp. (6), 168, crushed grosgrain blue levant morocco, paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Boston, S. G. for Samuel Phillips, 1686 902 WILLARD (S.) A Brief Discourse Concerning that Ceremony of Laying the Hand on the Bible in Swearing, pp. 8. 4 London, J. A\Uen\, 1689 The preface (2 pp.) is signed M. I. (Increase Mather). 903 WILLARD (S.) The Barren Fig Trees Doom. . . The Substance of Sixteen Sermons preached on Christ s Parable of the Fig-Tree, pp. (6), 300, best brown levant morocco, filleted and paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Boston, Benj. Harris 6- J. Allen, 1691 904 WILLARD (S.) The Mourners Cordial against Excessive Sorrow, etc., pp. (4), 137, black levant mor. extra, full gilt back, paneled sides, inside borders (Bedford). 8 Boston, B. Harris 6 John Allen ; "very suitable to be given at Funerals," 1691 905 WILLARD (S.) Rules for the Discerning of the Present Times. Recommended to the People of God, in New-England. In a Ser mon preached on the Lecture in Boston; Nov. 27th, 1692, //. (2), 30, autographs of \_Mather\ Byles and Jere. Belknap, on title; cut close on front margin, morocco. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 Samuel G. Drake s copy, with his book plate. 124 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1/09. 906 WILLARD (S.) The Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption, briefly opened, //. (8), 165, str. -grained blue morocco, elegant, g. e. (.Bedford). 12 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 Address to the Reader, by Increase Mather, 7 pp. 907 WILLARD (S.) The Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption, brown levant morocco extra, sides filleted and paneled, blind and gold, g. e. (Bedford). 12 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 908 WILLARD (S.) Reformation The Great Duty of an Afflicted Peo ple. [Fast] Sermon, in Boston, August 23d. 1694, pp. 76, good copy, nearly uncut. 8 Boston, Barthol. Green, 1694 909 WILLARD (S.) The Character of a Good Ruler. [Election] Ser mon, preached, May 30, 1694, brown morocco, inside borders gilt, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1694 910 WILLARD (S.) The Law established by the Gospel. Sermon preached on the Lecture in Boston, Sept. 20, 1694. //. 39, olive levant morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green, f or M. Perry, 1694 911 WILLARD (S.) Impenitent Sinners- Warned of their Misery and Summoned to Judgment . . Two Sermons . . Occasioned by the Amazing Instance of a Miserable Creature, condemned for Mur dering her Infant, etc., pp. (8), 1-48, wanting the last two leaves, half calf. 8 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1698 912 WILLARD (S.) The Man of War. A Sermon preached to the Artillery Company at Boston, June 5, 1699, Being the anniversary day for their Election, //. 30, red levant mor.,full gilt back, filleted sides, inside borders, gilt top, UNCUT. 8 B. Green 6* y. Allen, 1699 913 WILLARD (S.) Spiritual Desertions Discovered and Remedied, being The Substance of divers Sermons preached for the help of dark Souls, etc., pp. 144, crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 12 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1699 914 WILLARD (S.) Love s Pedigree. Or A Discourse shewing the Grace of Love in a Believer to be of A Divine Original. [Boston Lecture,] Feb. 29, 1699-1700. pp. 28, str. -grained olive morocco, back and corners gilt, gilt top, UNCUT. 8 B. Green 6* y. Allen, 1700 915 WILLARD (S.) Morality not to be Relied on for Life. Or, A Brief Discourse, discovering the One Thing Wanting, etc. [Boston Lecture,] May 23, 1700, pp. 28, str.-grained blue morocco, g. e. (Bed ford). 8^. Green 6- J. Allen, 1700 916 Another copy, imperfect, hf. calf, neat. 917 WILLARD (S.) The Truly Blessed Man: or, The Way to be Happy here, and For Ever : Being the Substance of Divers Ser mons Preached on Psalm xxxn. pp. 652, 4, brown calf extra, g. e. (Bedford). 12 B. Green 6- y. Allen, for Mich. Perry, 1700 918 WILLARD (S.) The Truly Blessed Man, etc., good copy, in the original binding. 12 B. Green 6 y. Allen, 1700 "Elizabeth Sparhawk Her Book. Given her by y e Honourable Samuel Sewall Esqr. 1700. September ioth." "Jn Sparhawk s Book, 1700-1." " Guil. Williams [Rev. Wm. Williams of Hartfield.] 1719. Bo t of Mr. Nath Sparhawk." WILLARD. 125 919 WILLARD (S.) The Peril of the Times Displayed. Or, The Danger of Mens taking up with a Form of Godliness, But denying the Power of it. Being the Substance of Several Sermons, pp. 68, polished calf , gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 12 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1700 Epistle "To the Reader" (pp. 3-12) by Increase Mather. On a guard leaf is written: " Timo : Edward s Book, Bought as I rem[embe]r of Mr. Elkanah Pembrook." 920 WILLARD (S.) The Fountain Opened : or, The Great Gospel Privilege of having Christ exhibited to Sinfull Men. Wherein Also is proved that there shall be a National Calling of the JEWS, From Zech. xm. i. [To which is appended,] Evangelical Perfec tion. Or How far the Gospel requires Believers to Aspire after being completely Perfect. Boston Lecture, June loth. 1694. good sound copy, pp. (4), 208, (2). 8 B. Green and J. Allen, 1700 920* The Fountain Opened, etc. Appendix, by Samuel Sewall, Sept. 21, 1712. pp. (2), 40, wants title-page, and a corner of first two leaves. 8 Boston, repr. 1722 921 WILLARD (S.) The Christian s Exercise by Satan s Temptations; The Substance of several Sermons. To which is appended, Broth erly Love Described and Directed, as It was Casuistically handled in Two Sermons, Boston Lecture, 1701. pp. (4), 268, good copy, in the old binding. 12 B. Green and J. Allen, 1701 922 WILLARD (S.) Israel s true Safety. A Fast Sermon before the Gov ernor and Assembly, March 15, 1704. DANFORTH (JOHN) The Vile Prophanations of Prosperity by the Degenerate; Fast Sermon, March 15, 1703-4. A Declaration against Prophaneness and Immoralities by His Excellency the Governour, Council and Assembly of Massa chusetts-Bay, March 24, 17$!. Three in i vol., worn copy, slightly imperfect, the corners of some leaves wormed. 12 Boston, 1704 923 WILLARD (S.) The Just Man s Prerogative ; A Sermon [occa sioned by the Death of] Simeon Stoddard, who was Barbarously Murdered, near London, May 14, 1706. WADSWORTH (Benj.) Considerations to Prevent Murmuring . . A Lecture Sermon [on the same occasion]. Two in one vol., good copies, old calf, with skull and cross-bones stamped on the sides. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1706 Contains MSS. biographical notes [by Samuel G. Drake]. 924 WILLARD (S.) Some Brief Sacramental Meditations, preparatory for Communion. (To the Reader, by Eben. Pemberton), fine fresh copy, in the original binding, neat. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1711 925 The same ; with Rev. EBENEZER PEMBERTON S Funeral Ser mon on the Death of S. Willard, pp. (16), 80. Boston, 1707. Two in one vol., old calf. 8 " By his Printed Works He has Erected himself a Monument that will Endure when the Famed MAUSOLEUM S of the World shall Moulder down, and be buryed in their own Ruines." Pemberton s Fun. Sermon. 926 WILLARD (S.) Seven Tracts, bound in one volume, half olive mor. (Roxburghe]. 16 Boston, 1701-35 Prognosticks of Impending Calamities. Sermon, occasioned by the death of Lieut. Governor Wm. Stoughton. pp. 32. B. Green & J. Allen, for N. Boone, 1701 The Fear of an Oath. Or, Some Cautions to be used about Swearing. Boston Lecture, Jan. 30, 1700-01. //. 30. Printed for Nicholas Boone, 1701 126 BOOKS PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND, 1640-1709. The Best Priviledge. Boston Lecture, June 19, 1701. pp. (2), 30. B. Green & J. Allen, for Benj. Eliot, 1701. A Brief Reply to Mr. GEORGE KIETH (sic), in Answer to a Script of his, Entituled, A Refutation of a Dangerous and Hurtful Opinion, maintained by Mr. Samuel Willard, &c. //. (2), 66. For Samuel Phillips, 1703 The Just Man s Prerogative. A Sermon preached Privately, Sept. 27, 1706. On . . the death of Mr. SIMEON STODDARD, who was found murdered, in Chelsea Fields, near London, May 14. //. (2), 28. B. Green, 1706 The Checkered State of the Gospel Church. Fast Sermon, Sept. 18, 1701. //. 64. B. Green &> jf. Allen, for S. Scivall Jun., 1701 Brief Directions to a Young Scholar designing the Ministry, for the Study of Divinity. [Preface by Joseph Sewall and Thomas Prince.] //. iv, 7. J. Draper, 1735 927 WILLIAMS QOHN) of Deerfield \the future "Redeemed Captive"]. Warnings to the Unclean ; a Discourse, at Springfield Lecture, August 25, 1698, at the Execution of Sarah Smith,//. 64, red levant morocco, full gilt back, filleted sides, inside borders (Bedford). 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, for M. Perry, 1699 To the Reader (5 pp.) by Rev. Wm. Williams of Hatfield. 928 WILLIAMS (WM.) The Danger of Not Reforming Known Evils, or, The Inexcusableness of a Knowing People Refusing to be Reformed. As it was set forth on a Day of Publick Fasting, April 16, 1707, at Hatfield, //. (2), 30. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1707 His first published sermon. It is not mentioned by Dr. Sprague, and has not been found in any library catalogue. 929 WILSON (JOHN) Sometime Pastor of the Church of Christ in Bos ton. A Seasonable Watch-Word unto Christians against the Dreams and Dreamers of this Generation : Delivered in a Sermon November i6th, 1665. And being the last Lecture which was Preached by that Reverend, Faithful, and Eminent Man of God. (Prefatory epistle, by the Rev. Thomas Thacher.) //. (4), 19, red levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. {Bedford*}. 4 Cambridge, S. Green 6 S. Green, 1677 VERY LARGE and FINE copy of the only published work of the First Pastor of Boston. It is EXCESSIVELY RARE. This sermon "was preached on occasion of the Anabaptists first setting up in opposition to the Churches of Christ," says Increase Mather (On Infant Baptism, 1680, p. 277). A Baptist church had been organized, in Charlestown, May 28, 1665. Five of their members had been disfranchised by the General Court (Oct. nth), a few weeks before this Lecture was preached. Mr. Wilson, says Cotton Mather, " had the Zeal of a Pharisee, I had almost said of a Seraphim, in testifying against every thing that he thought offensive to God," and, "in his sight," adds Mr. Frothingham, "among things most offensive was Anabaptists and Quakers." (Hist, of Charlestown, p. 69.) THE WORKS OF THE MATHERS. For the purposes of this Catalogue, it has been found convenient to arrange the works of the several members of the Mather family extending nearly to four hundred and fifty titles (exclusive of duplicates) in the following order: (i) RICHARD, of Dorchester. (2) INCREASE, of Boston, son of Richard. (3) COTTON, of Boston, son of Increase. The others follow in the alphabetical order of their Christian names : (4) AZARIAH, of Saybrook, son of Samuel (of Windsor). (5) ELEAZER, of Northampton, son of Richard. (6) MOSES, of Middlesex, Conn., gr. gr. grandson of Richard. (7) NATHANAEL, of Dublin and London, son of Richard. (8) NATHANAEL, of Boston, son of Increase. (9) SAMUEL, of Dublin, son of Richard. (10) SAMUEL, of Windsor, Conn., son of Timothy and grandson of Richard, (n) SAMUEL, of Witney (Engl.), son of Increase. (12) SAMUEL, of Boston, son of Cotton. The works of INCREASE and COTTON Mather (Nos. 939-1282) are arranged in the alpha betical order of their titles : all the others, in the order of time of publication. An obelisk (f) prefixed to a title indicates that the work was published anonymously. In giving the sizes, the signatiires have been the guide. Signatures in eights (or half-sheets, in fours) are marked 8; in sixes or twelves, 12. Where no place of publication is named, it will be understood that the book was printed in Boston, uhless specially marked as of no place (n. p.) 930 MATHER (RICHARD) f Church-Government and Church-Cove nant discvssed, In an Answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New-England To two and thirty Questions, sent over to them by divers Ministers in England . . Together with an Apologie of the said Elders in New-England for Church-Covenant . . As also in an Answer [By JOHN DAVENPORT] to Nine Positions about Church Government. (Address To the Reader, by Hugh Peters.) pp. (4), 84, (2), 78, maroon morocco, g. e. 4 London, 1643 " The 32 Questions, the Answerer whereof was Mr. Richard Mather, and not any other Elder or Elders in New England ; who is likewise the Author of the Discourse con cerning Church Covenant printed therewith, . . as he writes in a letter to a Son of his now ngland." Preface to a Disputation concerning Church -Members, etc., London, 1659. The 9 Positions (though written by Mr. Davenport] had the Approbation of the rest of the Elders in New England." I. Mather s Discourse coticerning the Unlawfulness of Common Prayer, p. 14. "An Apologie" and " An Answer . . unto Nine Positions" have separate title-pages, but continuous paging. 931 MATHER (RICHARD) and TOMPSON (WILLIAM) A Modest & Brotherly Answer To Mr. Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches, etc., pp. iv, 58, calf, gilt, large and fine copy, SCARCE. 4 London, for Henry Overton, 1644 932 The same. Another copy, a few leaves cut close at top, touching the head-line, dk. brown levant morocco, paneled sides. 4 London, 1644 933 MATHER (R.) and TOMPSON (W.) An Heart-Melting Exhorta tion, together with a Cordiall Consolation, Presented in a Letter from New-England, to their dear Countreymen of Lancashire, pp. (2), 84, and Postscript, 5 pp., n. n., brown mor. extra (F. Bedford), RARE. sm. 12 London, 1650 A fine copy, from the Mather library, with the autograph of Increase Mather : " Ores- centii Matheris liber, Londini,Maii (?) 23, 1689." 128 MATHER (RICHARD). 934 MATHER (R.) The Summe of Certain Sermons upon Genes : 15.6. Wherein Not only the Doctrine of Justification by Faith is Asserted and Cleared, And sundry Arguments for Justification before Faith, discussed and Answered, But Also The nature and the meanes of Faith, with the Imputation of our Sins to Christ, and of Christs Righteousness to us are briefly Explained and Confirmed,//. (12), 47, best levant brown morocco, sides double paneled, centre ornaments, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1652 To the Christian Reader, by John Cotton and John Wilson, i p. A FINE COPY, with good margins, of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE book; the FIRST WORK of Richard Mather s PRINTED IN NEW ENGLAND (except a Catechism, of which no copy is extant). 935 MATHER (RICHARD) A Farewell Exhortation to the Church and People of Dorchester in New-England, pp. (4), 27, dk. red morocco extra, g. e. (Pratt). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1657 SUPERLATIVELY RARE. This copy has suffered somewhat, at the hands of a former binder. The outer margin of pp. 3, 4, and the bottom margins throughout have been cropped too close, taking off one line from pp. 17-21, and three or four words from p. 26. The margins have been skilfully restored, and the few lost words can easily be supplied in facsimile. 936 f A Defence of the Answer and Arguments of the Synod met at Boston in the year 1662, against the Reply made thereto by the Reverend John Davenport. . . Together with AN ANSWER [by the Rev. Jonathan Mitchell] to the Apologetical Preface set before that Essay. By some of the Elders who were members of that Synod, //. (2), 46, 102. Elegantly bound in dk. blue grosgrain lev ant morocco, gilt back and paneled sides (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, On the margin of the title-page, is written, in the Autograph of Richard Mather : " For the Rever d M r Shepard;" also, "Thomas Shepard s Booke, y e gift of y e Rev d . Author [Mr. Richard] Mather, Teacher of the Church in Dorchester," and " Ben. Wadsworth s, 1717." There are several marginal notes (in the "Answer") by Mr. Shepard who has also written, at the beginning of each part of the work, the name of the author. RARE. 937 Two MANUSCRIPT Sermons: (i) "2 Cor: 5: i. At Good- wife Wilkens funerall, Dec r . 6th, i64[8?]" ^ pp. (2) " Psal. 90: 12. At Mr. Toogoods funerall, Dec r . 12: 1653." ^pp> (wants one page.) Eleven neatly written pages. Good autographs of Richard Mather are EXTREMELY RARE. Additional interest is given to these choice specimens by their mention of two names not found in the records of Dorchester or in Savage s Genealogical Dictionary. " Goodwife Wilkens " may have been the wife or the mother of Bray Wilkins, of Dor chester and Lynn : but who was the " Mr. Toogood " who died in 1653 ? 938 MANUSCRIPT SERMON, from Heb. 13. 17, preached "At an Ordina^ oTz at Marleborough. Apr: 7: 1659." 16 pages, 8 A most desirable AUTOGRAPH, but of higher interest as an unpublished discourse of Richard Mather, on the duty of obedience and submission of church-members, to their min isters and officers. (" Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves," etc.) " He wrote a treatise to prove that whatever frimledge and liberty may belong to the fraternity, the rule of the church belongs only to its Presbytery." Magnolia. The occasion and the date of this Sermon deserve notice. The town of Maryborough was not incorporated until May, 1660, and the Rev. William Brinsmead (a native of Dor chester, and doubtless a member of Mather s church) is said to have been the first minister, but he was not installed until October 3, 1666. That he (or any other) minister was ordained at Marlborough as early as April, 1659, seems to have been unknown even to Mr. Hudson, the local historian. MATHER (INCREASE). 129 939 MATHER (INCREASE) Advice to the Children of Godly Ances tors. Given July 9. 1721. And taken in Short-Hand, by one of the Hearers,//. 16, [In A Course of Sermons on Early Piety, by the Eight Ministers who carry on the Thursday Lecture in Boston.] clean and sound, in the original binding. 1 2 S. Kneeland, 1721 The Preface to this volume is also by I. Mather. The first sermon is by Cotton Mather : "What the Pious Parent wishes for." The sermons are separately paged. An alphabet ical arrangement reverses, in this instance, the order of time, giving the first place, in the catalogue of Increase Mather s works, to one of his latest (No. 149 of Mr. Sibley s list). The " Advice " was given in his 83d year, " without using any notes ;" " nor could we have come at this particular Sermon, if we had not been beholden to the Pen of a pious Gentle woman belonging to his Flock, who gives us this Copy of what the Ready- Writer took from him, as he delivered it." C. Mather s Mantissa. 940 Angelographia, or A Discourse concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels . . Delivered in several Sermons : To which is added, A Sermon concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels : Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical-Appari tions, pp. (16), 132, 44, dark red grosgrain levaiit morocco, gilt back, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. B. Green and J. Allen, for S. Phillips, 1696 The Disquisition concerning Angelical Apparitions is separately paged, and has the imprint: Boston, for Samuel Pliilips, 1696. An Answer of Several Ministers to that Case of Conscience (concerning Marrying a Wife s sister). See No. 722. 941 t An Arrow against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing. Drawn out of the Quiver of the Scriptures. By the Ministers of Christ at Boston in New-England,//. 30, olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). VERY RARE. 8 Samuel Green, 1684 The motto of the title-page (taken from William of Paris) is : " Chorea est Circulus cujus Centrum est Diabolus," the Dance is a circle whose Centre is the Devil ! " Such Church-Members in N. E. as have sent their Children to be Practitioners or Spec tators of mixt Dancing between Young Men and Maidens," says the Reverend author (p. 29), "have cause to be deeply humbled. But stand still a while! what a word is here ! Church-members and their Children in N. E. at mixt Dances ! Be astonished, O ye Heavens ! without doubt, Abraham is ignorant of us, and Israel knoweth us not ! In November, 1684, the Ministers of Boston "come to the Court and complain against a Dancing Master [Mr. Francis Stepney] who seeks to set up here, and hath mixt Dances, and his time of meeting is Lecture-Day, and tis reported he should say that by one Play he could teach more Divinity than Mr. Willard or the Old Testament. Mr. Moody said twas not a time for N. E. to dance. Mr. Mather struck at the Root, speaking against mixt Dances." (SewalPs Diary.) Mr. Stepney was ordered not to keep a dancing school. Disregarding the prohibition, in February, 1685-6, he was prosecuted and fined .100, for " speaking blasphemous words," but the payment of all but 10, was remitted on condition that he should leave Boston before the last of March. Just then, a second impression of " The Arrow against Dancing " was published. 942 Awakening Soul-Saving Truths, Plainly delivered in several Ser mons [on the Called and the Chosen], pp. (2 }, ii, 100, (i), a corner torn from last leaf. 12 S. Kneeland,for B. Gray &* j. Edwards, 1720 VERY RARE. " Not in C. Mather s list or in any library catalogue." Mr. Sibley gives the title (No. 145) from Mr. Brinley s copy, and mentions no other. [ The Believers Gain by Death. Sermon, Nov. 22, 1713, on the death of [his daughter-in-law]. Bound with C. Mather s Best Ornaments of Youth, etc. No. 1070. )43 The Blessed Hope, and the Glorious Appearing of the Great God our Saviour, Jesus Christ- Opened & Applied, in [six] seve ral Sermons,//. 142, good copy, half bound, neat. 12 Timothy Green, for N. Boone, 1701 The Address "To the Reader" is dated Dec. 18, 1700. 130 MATHER (INCREASE) 944 MATHER (INCREASE) A BRIEF ACCOUNT concerning Several of the Agents of New-England, their Negotiation at the Court of England: With some Remarks on the New Charter, &c.,//. 24, olive morocco, full gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford), RARE. 4 Lo?idon, Printed in the Year 1691 Signed, "Increase Mather. London, Novemb. 16. 1691." Reprinted in The Andros Tracts, ii. 271-96. 945 -j- A Brief Discourse concerning the unlawfulness of the Com mon Prayer Worship, and Of Laying the Hand on, and Kissing the Booke in Swearing. By a Reverend and Learned Divine, //. (4), 21, hf. calf , plain. 8 n. p. Printed in the Year &>c. [1689] " Ye author, Mr. I. Mather, and Dr. C. Mather says Printed in 1689." T. Prince. See Mr. Sibley s list, No. 45. The preface " To the Reader" (2 pp.)- is signed, T. P. 946 [WILLIAMS (JOHN) Bishop of Chichester\ A Brief Discourse Concerning the Lawfulness of Worshipping God by the Common- Prayer. Being in Answer To a Book, Entituled, A Brief Discourse concerning the Unlawfulness of the Common-Prayer Worship. Lately Printed in New-England,//. (4), 36. 4 London, Ric. Chiswell, 1693 This first edition of Bishop Williams s reply to Mather is VERY RARE ; and the second, (1694) seems to be UNKNOWN to the bibliographers. See MATHER S Some Remarks on a pretended Answer, &c., No. 1037. 946* Williams (J.) A Brief Discourse, etc., pp. (4X35, the first two leaves stained, and a small piece torn from corner of title-leaf , UNCUT. 4 London, 1693; Reprinted, Boston, 1712 S. Green and M. Johnson, f or Hezekiah Usher, of Boston, 1664 947 [Williams, (John)] A Brief Discourse concerning the Law fulness of Worshipping God by the Common Prayer; &c. The Second Edition, corrected,^. (4), ^,fine clean copy, half mor. neat. 4 London, 1694 948 A | Brief History of the | Warr With the Indians in NEW- ENGLAND. (From June 24, 1675. when the first English-man was mur-jdered by the Indians, to August 12, 1676. when Philip, alias | Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the Warr, was slain.) Wherein the Grounds, Beginning, and Progress of the Warr, | is summarily expressed. | Together with a serious EXHORTA TION | to the Inhabitants of that Land, By INCREASE MA THER, Teacher of a Church of Christ, in Boston in New-England. | (Quo tations, 8 lines.) 4 Boston. Printed and Sold by John Foster over against the Sign of the Dove. 1676 Title (i leaf), To the Reader (4 pp.), A Brief History &c. //. 1-51, (i blk. p.), Post script, and Errata, pp. 8. Title, " An Earnest Exhortation," &c., pp. (4), 26. A good, sound copy of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE book. No epithet can be too strong to characterize the scarcity of the one introuvable which so long escaped the search of Amer ican collectors ; so rare, that Prince did not secure it for his New England Library, though he could pick up half a dozen Bay Psalm Books ; so rare that S. G. Drake, the most inde fatigable and successful of collectors, could not find it for his reprint, in 1862, and was obliged to copy even his title page from the London edition ; and so rare that Mr. Sabin himself, when noting the fact (in the Menzies Catalogue) that " trie New England edition is not mentioned by Lowndes, nor elscrvhere, so far as we have been able to ascertain," makes the reluctant admission that " perhaps, no copy of it exists." Mr. Brinley s copy is in fine condition, clean throughout, except inconsiderable water- stains, easily removable. It is in the original marble-paper wrapper. In trimming, one line of the Errata, on the last page of the Postscript and the Exhortation, was cut into, and a few of the signatures and catch-words were touched: but the injury is so slight that in a volume of less rarity and bibliographical importance, it would not be worth mention. MATHER (INCREASE) 131 949 MATHER (INCREASE) A Brief | History | of the WAR | with the | INDIANS | in | New-England. | From June 24. 1675. (when the first Englishman was Murder-ed by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, | alias Metacomet, the principal Author and | Beginner of the War, was slain. | . . Together with a serious Exhortation to the Inhabitants of that Land, \prelim. leaves, pp. 51, (i), 8, smooth calf extra, large copy. 4 London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1676 EXTREMELY RARE. This copy has the leaf preceding the title-page, with half title, in large type : " The Wars of New-England." (The " Serious Exhortation " though named in the Title, is not given in this edition.) 950 A Brief History Of the War with the PEQUOT INDIANS in New- England ; Anno 1637. [The second part of "A Relation of the Troubles " etc., stitched separately,] pp. 27-76, large copy, needs wash ing and some slight repairs. 4 n. t. p. \Boston, John Foster, 1677] 951 Burnings Bewailed: In a Sermon, Occasioned by the Lament able FIRE Which was in Boston, October 2d. 1711. . . The Second Edition, pp. (4), 36, fine unused copy, in the original wrapper. 8 Timothy Green, 1712 952 A Call from Heaven, to the Present and Succeeding Gen erations. The Second Impression, pp. (8), 198, str.-grained olive morocco extra, back and sides gilt (Bedford}. 8 . P. for I. Brunning, 1685 The first impression of this compilation was made in 1679. It comprises four sermons, with separate title-pages, (viz.) : A Discourse wherein is shewed that the Children of Godly Parents are under special Advantages to seek the Lord ; A Discourse concerning the Dan ger of Apostasy (ELECTION SERMON, 1677); That Young Men ought to Remember God their Creator ; and, Pray for the Rising Generation (Fast Sermon, 3d day of 5th month, 1678), the Third Impression. 953 (posthumous) A Call to the Tempted. A Sermon on the horrid Crime of Self-Murder, Preached on a Remarkable Occasion, by the Memorable Dr. Increase Mather. And now Published from his Notes, for a Charitable Stop to Suicides,//, ii, 17, green str.-gr. morocco. 8 B. Green, March 12 th, 1723-4 At the end is "Boston, 23d. V.m. 1682." " The Occasion of the Publication," 2 pages, prefixed, was written by Cotton Mather, evidently. 954 f A Case of Conscience concerning Eating of Blood, Consid ered and Answered, //. 8, n. t. p., russia-red grosgr. levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 No. 62, Sibley s list, on authority of Prince s MS. Catalogue. 955 Cases of Conscience | Concerning evil | Spirits | Personating Men, | Witchcrafts, infallible proofs of | Guilt in such as are accused with that Crime, etc., pp. (6), 67, (7), str.-gr. olive morocco, sides double paneled, with corner ornaments, in Roger Payne s style, full gilt back, g. e. (F. Bedford). 8 Benjamin Harris, 1693 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book. ^56 A Collection of some of the Many Offensive Matters, contained in a Pamphlet, entituled, The Order of the Gospel Revived,/^. 24, brown morocco extra, UNCUT. 8 T. Green, 1701 The prefatory address "To the Reader" (3 pp.) Dec. 13, 1700, is signed, Increase Mather. He attributes the " Collection," to " a Friend " his son Cotton, probably. See GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED, No. 773. 57 David Serving His Generation. A Sermon . . . Occasioned by the Death of the Reverend Mr. JOHN BAILY, at Boston, Dec. 12. 1697, pp. 39, dk. brown levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 B. Green and J. Allen, 1698 132 MATHER (INCREASE) 958 MATHER (INCREASE) The Day of Trouble is near. Two Ser mons wherein is shewed What are the Signs of a Day of Trouble being near. And particularly, What reason there in for New-Eng land to expect A Day of Trouble. . . Preached the nth day of the i2th moneth, 1673, a day of Humiliation, pp. (2), 31, EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1674 959 The Day of Trouble is near. Two Sermons . . . Preached on a day of Humiliation [Feb. u, 1673-4]. Another copy, blue gros- grain morocco extra, gilt back and edges, LARGE and FINE. 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1674 "For Mr. Nath. Collins," in the author s autograph, at the head of the title-page. 960 Diatriba de Signo Filii Hominis, et de Secundo Messiae Ad- ventu,//. (8), 98, (6), good copy, old calf . sm. 8 Amstelodami, apud Mercy Browning, 1682 The preface is dated, " e musaeo meo, Bostonise," Dec. 15, 1682. This copy has the auto- raphs of Benj. Pier font, "ex Dono Dom: C: Matheri," Ezra Stiles, 1791, and A\biel~\ 961 A Discourse concerning the Death of the Righteous. Occa sioned by the Death of the Honourable Mr. John Foster Esqr. . and of his Pious Consort, Mrs. Abigail Foster, pp. (2), 29, clean copy, russet calf , gilt (W. Pratt). 8 B. Green, 1711 962 A Discourse concerning Earthquakes ; . . also, two Sermons [preached Sept. 9, 1705] shewing, That Sin is the Greatest Evil; and, That to Redeem Time is the Greatest Wisdom,//. 131, green mor., full gilt, elegant, (Bedford. ) 12 Timo. Green, for B. Eliot, 1 7 06 963 A Discourse concerning the Existence and Omniscience of God, . . The Substance of several Sermons, pp. (6), 86, (i), imper fect, several leaves injured, and lower half of title gone. 12 [1716] VERY RARE. Mr. Sibley (No. 125) refers to Mr. Brinley s copy, only. It is not in the catalogues of the Prince, Am. Antiq. Society, or Mass. Hist. Society libraries. The Preface is dated, Oct. 10, 1716. 964 A Discourse concerning Faith and Fervency in Prayer . . . Several Sermons . . . with a True Account of the late Wonderful and Astonishing Success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar, pp. (2), xix, (i), 112, (6), wants a leaf of Preface, clean copy, calf, gilt (Bedford*). 12 B. Green for Samuel Gerrish, 1710 965 A Discourse concerning the Grace of Courage . . Preached at Boston (Artillery Election), June 5, i7io,//. (4), 44, half mor. 8 B. Green, for S. Phillips, 1710 On the title-page is the autograph of the Rev. "Joseph Marsh, July y 6" 1710, Ex Dono Rev di Authoris." 966 A Discourse concerning the Maintenance Due to those that Preach the Gospel,//. (2), 60, (i), good copy, half morocco, neat. 8 B. Green, 1706 The dedication is dated, Oct. 26, 1706. The Discourse gives some interesting facts concerning the small salaries paid to eminent divines, in New England John Cotton, Charles Chauncy, and others. 967 A Discourse concerning the Subject of Baptisme Wherein the present Controversies, that are agitated in the New English Churches are from Scripture and Reason modestly enquired into, //. (4), 76, brown levant morocco extra, sides paneled, top gilt, (Bed ford), UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1675 A SPLENDID COPY. In such condition, of the HIGHEST RARITY, and perhaps UNIQUE. MATHER (INCREASE) 133 968 MATHER (INCREASE) A Discourse concerning the Uncertainty of the Times of Men. . . A Sermon preached at Cambridge, Decemb. 6. 1696, On Occasion of the Sudden death of Two Scholars belong ing to Harvard College,/^. 40, olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 B. Green and J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips, 1697 EXCEEDINGLY RARE. The scholars were John Eyre, son of John Eyre Esq. of Boston (not of Simon, of New Haven, as Mr. Savage conjectured), and Maxwell. (Sibley, No. 63.) 969 A Discourse proving that the Christian Religion is the only True Religion, . . in several Sermons,//. (4), 96, good copy, clean, and well preserved in the old binding. 12 T. Green, 1702 Rev. Warham Williams s copy, " Don. Rev. Authoris." 970 [MATHER (INCREASE ? and NATHANAEL)] A | Disputation | con cerning | Church-Members | and their Children, in Answer to | XXI. Questions : | Wherein the State of such Children when Adults, | Together with their Duty towards the Church, | And the Churches Duty towards them is Discussed. | By an | Assembly of Divines | meeting at Boston in New England, | June 4th, 1657. pp. 8, 31. 4 London, J. Hayes, for Samuel Thomson, 1659 This VERY RARE tract was published by the agency of Nathaniel and Increase Mather. The former wrote the prefatory Epistle "To the Reader" (see Incr. Mather s Life and Death of Richard Mather, p. 32). Increase, who sailed for England a few weeks after the meeting of the Council of 1657, probably compiled and carried over the report of the " Disputation." This copy has his autograph (cut into by the binder) and the text is corrected in two or three places in his hand. It has also the autograph of the Rev. " John Cotton, his booke, given him by his Brother Mr. Increase Mather." 971 A Disquisition Concerning Ecclesiastical Councils. Proving, that not only Pastors, but Brethren delegated by the Churches, have equally a Right to a decisive Vote in such Assemblies. To ^ which is added, Proposals concerning Consociation of Churches, pp. (2), xx, 47, (i), nice copy, str.-gr. brown morocco extra, UNCUT. 12 Printed for N. Boone, 1716 The Preface is dated Oct. 30, 1716. In the preface to "Two Discourses" (No. 1041), published in (July) 1716, Mather says : " Some years ago, I wrote a Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils . . In suppressing the Publication of it so long, I have attended the Old Advice, In nonum prematur ad Annum . . I have designed that Discourse as my Last and Dying Advice to the Churches in New-England." (p. ix.) 971* The same, original binding, neat. 972 A Dissertation Concerning the Future Conversion of the Jew ish Nation, //. (4), 35, (i), dark calf antique, red edges, LARGE and FINE copy, RARE. 4 London, R. Tookey, 1709 In Chap, vni, are Some curious " Conjectures about the Americans? the probability that "the Apocalyptical Gog and Magog" will come from America, &c. (pp. 32, 33). Compare Sewall s Phenomena Afocalyptica, No. 858. 972* A Dissertation Concerning the Future Conversion of the Jewish Nation. Another copy, portrait of Mather inserted, maroon levant morocco, antique, top gilt, part of a line cut from foot of p. 23, by a former binder. 4 London, 1709 973 A Dissertation, wherein the Strange Doctrine lately published in a Sermon [by Solomon Stoddard] is examined and confuted, . . With an Appendix, shewing what Scripture Ground there is to Hope, that within a very few years there will be a Glorious Refor mation of the Church,//. (12), 135, fine clean copy, old calf . 12 B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1708 See STODDARD (S.) An Appeal to the Learned, No. 866*. 134 MATHER (INCREASE) 974 MATHER (INCREASE) The Divine Right of Infant-Baptisme Asserted and Proved from Scripture and Antiquity. (To the Reader, 5 pp., by Urian Oakes.) pp. (8), 27, blue levant morocco, sides filleted, corners ornamented, back and edges gilt (Bedford}. 4 John Foster, 1680 975 The Doctrine of Divine Providence opened and applyed ; Also, Sundry Sermons on Several other Subjects, pp. (8), 148. MATHER (NATHANAEL) A Sermon wherein is shewed that it is the Duty, and should be the Care of Believers on Christ to live in the constant Exercise of Grace,//. (2), 28, (2). Two vols. in one, dk. red morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 R. Pierce, for Jos. B running \and Browning\, 1684 A few -words wet lost from inside lower corners of the preface (2 leaves) to the first tract : the missing portions of the leaves have been skilfully restored, and are ready for the facsimile. 976 [The Doctrine of Divine Providence opened and applied : Also, Sundry Sermons on Several other Subjects,] imperfect, want ing prelim, leaves and pp. 1-8, and some other leaves torn. The Same. With Nathanael Mather s Sermon " Believers on Christ " &c., old binding, front margins wormed (scarcely touching the text}. 3 in 2 vols. 8 \JR. Pierce, 1684] 977 The | Doctrine | of | Singular Obedience, | As the Duty and Property | of the True Christian : | Opened & Applied, pp. 1-36, wants one or more last leaves, water-stained, uncut, EXTREMELY RARE. 12 Timothy Green, 1707 Mr. Sibley gives the title from Mr. Brinley s copy, and had seen no other. 978 -- The Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children . . A Sermon, preached May 19. 1703. [on a Day of] Prayer with Fasting for the Rising Generation. The Second Impression,//, vi, 40. MATHER (COTTON) The Duty of Children Whose Parents have Pray d for them. Or, Early and Real Godliness Urged ; Especially upon such as are descended from Godly Ancestors. A Sermon [on the same occasion as the preceding]. The Second Impression, pp. 41-99. Two in one volume, continuous paging, dk. red str.-gr. morocco. 12 y. Allen, for John Edwards, 1719 979 A Dying | Legacy | of a Minister | to his Dearly | Beloved People, | ... Being the THREE LAST SERMONS preached by him. (Preface, dated June 2ist, 1722, } pp. (6), 90, good copy, (a bit torn from corner of pp. 7-8,) old binding, neat. sm. 12. 1722 980 An Earnest Exhortation to the Children of New-England, to Exalt the God of their Fathers, Delivered in a Sermon,//. (4), 39, fine copy, maroon mor. (Bedford}. 12 Printed for B. Eliot, 1711 " To the Reader," dated Nov. 9, 1710. 981 and others. ELIJAH S MANTLE. A Faithful Testimony, to the Cause and Work of God, in the Churches of New-England. And The Great End and Interest of these Plantations, Dropt and Left by Four Servants of God, Famous in the Service of the Churches, etc., pp. (2), ii, 17, (2), fine clean copy, UNCUT, with MSS. NOTES AND ADDITIONS BY THE REV. THOMAS PRINCE. 8 S. Kneeland,for S. Gerrish, 1722 This tract, as published, contains, after a prefatory address " To the Reader " [probably by Cotton Mather,] 2 pp. ; I. The Great End and Interest of New-England, by Jonathan MATHER (INCREASE) 135 Mitchel; II. The Cause of God, and His People in New-England; a Sermon of Mr. John Higginson ; III. New-England s True Interest, [by] William Stoughton ; IV. The Tes timony Finished, by INCREASE MATHER dated Nov. 10, 1722 his LAST PUBLISHED WORDS, written "in the Eighty-fourth year of [his] Age, and under a Feebleness in the Valley of the Shadow of Death." The first Article, by Jona. Mitchel, is " extracted from an Instrument of his which bears date, Dec. 31, 1662." In "extracting" very great liber ties, it appears, were taken with the original. Mr. Prince notes : " N. B. The following Piece of Mr. Mitchel s was wrote in answ r to a letter of Mr. Higginson of Salem, who being to preach the Election Sermon, wrote to Mr. Mitchel to give his Thoughts upon the subject." " N. B. Having compar d the follow g Extract, with the Original MS. of Mr. Mitchel, I find these variations." The variations are noted, and the large omissions supplied, in Prince s very neat chirography, on the margins, blank pages, and on two leaves inserted. There is scarcely a sentence without a correction, and the additional matter is nearly equal, in amount, to the printed extract. The tract is in beautiful condition. 982 Elijah s Mantle. A Faithful Testimony to the Cause and Work of God in New England, etc., pp. 31, fine fresh copy, half mor. gilt, UNCUT. 8 Reprinted, Nath. Cover ly, 1774 This reprint has escaped Mr. Sibley s notice. 983 An | Essay | For the Recording of | Illustrious Providences, | Wherein an Account is given of many Remarkable and very Me-|morable Events, which have hap-|pened in this last Age ; Especially in | New-England. \pp. (22), 372 (8), in elegant binding, dk. green morocco extra, back and sides gilt, g. e. ( W. Pratt). 8 Printed by Samuel Green, for Joseph Browning [&c.], 1684 FIRST EDITION and EARLIEST ISSUE. EXCESSIVELY RARE. The title-page was at least twice reprinted. See Sibley s list, No. 36. 984 An | Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences : | . . . ! especially in | New-England. //. (22), 372 (8), dark blue morocco, gilt back, paneled side, g. e. (Bedford^, sm. 8 Printed at Boston in New-England, and are to be Sold by George Cal- vert, at the Sign of the Half-Moon, in Pauls Church-yard, London, 1684 985 The Excellency of a Publick Spirit Discoursed. [Election] Sermon, May 27. 1702. (With a Dedication to Gov. Joseph Dud ley.)//. (12), 38, Boston, 1702. The Righteous Man a Blessing: or, Seasonable Truths Encouraging unto Faith and Prayer, in this Day of Doubtful Expectation, in Two Sermons. \_A third sermon, The Morning Star, is added : beginning on p. 64.] pp. (2), 41-84. 12 B. Green and J. Allen, for N. Boone, 1702 The signatures and paging are continuous. In an Epistle To the Reader, prefixed to the second tract, Mather says that these two sermons "are the last Lecture Sermons Preached or intended to be Preached by" him, and alludes to "the ill treatment which [he had] had from those whom [he] had reason to have expected better." 986 The First Principles of New-England, Concerning The Sub ject of Baptisme & Communion of Churches, \to which is added, by way of Postscript, separately paged, two letters, one from the Rev. John Allin, of Dedham, the other from the Rev. Jonathan Mitchel, of Cambridge^ pp. (8), 40, 7, brown levant morocco, sides paneled, center ornaments, top gilt, UNCUT, and apparently LARGE PAPER. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1675 The upper corner of the title-leaf has been skilfully restored. A NOBLE COPY of this RARE book. 987 The First Principles of New-England, Concerning The Subject of Baptisme & Communion of Churches, etc. Another copy, large and fine, dk. blue levant mor. extra, back full gilt, paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford ). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1675 136 MATHER (INCREASE) 988 MATHER (INCREASE) The Folly of Sinning ; Opened and Applied, In Two Sermons occasioned by the Condemnation of one [Sarah Threeneedle] that was executed at Boston, Nov. 17, 1698 [for child- murder], pp. 95, inner lower corners injured by acid, but the text is nearly complete, old calf. 12 B. Green and J. Allen, for M. Perry, 1699 989 Four Sermons, viz., I. The Glorious Throne. II. The Excel lency of a Public Spirit. III. The Righteous Man a Blessing. IV. The Morning Star. pp. (2), 97-122, 84, afresh copy, in the orig inal binding. 12 Printed for N. Boone, 1708 " The Glorious Throne," which has a separate title-page, was printed in 1 702, appended to "Ichabod" (see No. 996). The other three sermons were published together, in 1702 (see No. 985). This volume, made up by the publisher, under a new general title, is not in Sibley s list or in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) catalogue. This copy has the autograph of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, Don. Autoris -venerabilis, Jan. 8, 1722-3." 990 A Further Account of the Tryalls j of the | NEW-ENGLAND WITCHES. | . . To which is added, CASES OF CONSCIENCE concern ing Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits. . . by Mr. Increase Mather, Presi dent of Harvard College, etc. (With A Postscript.) //. (2), 10, (4), 39 (5)5 polished calf gilt. 4 London, for John Dunton, 1693 The first part of the work (pp. i-io) is Deodat Lawson s "True Narrative" etc., taken from Cotton Mather s " Wonders of the Invisible World." [ The Glorious Throne. See Ichabod, No. 996. 991 The Great Blessing of Primitive Counsellours. (Election Ser mon, May 3ist, 1693.)^. 23, black grosgrain levant morocco, filleted sides, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Benjamin Harris, 1693 992 Heavens Alarm to the World. Or A Sermon wherein is shewed, That fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven are the Presages of great Calamities at hand,//. (6), 17, brown levant morocco extra, gilt, sides double paneled, corner ornaments, {Bedford,} FINE COPY, UNCUT. 4 John Foster, 1681 Thomas had seen no book printed by John Foster after 1680 (Hist, of Printing, i. 276). Foster died Sept. gth, 1681. This was probably his last work. The preface is dated Feb. 6, 1680-181. 993 Heavens Alarm to the World. A Sermon, &c. Another copy, polished calf extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 John Foster, 1681 994 Heaven s Alarm to the World. Or a Sermon, wherein it is shewed, That Fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven, are the Presages of great Calamities at hand. (Boston Lecture, Jan. 20, 1680.) The Second Impression, pp. (8), 38. The Latter sign Discoursed of, in a Sermon (Boston Lecture, Aug. 31, 1682), pp. (2), 32. Two in one volume, best gros grained blue levant morocco, gilt (Bedford). 8 [Samuel Green] for S. Sewall, 1682 Some copies of these Sermons were bound up with KOMHTOrPA*IA. See No. 998. 995 -- Ichabod. Or, A Discourse, shewing what Cause there is to Fear that the Glory of the Lord, is departing from New-England. Delivered in Two Sermons, pp. 92, red levant morocco, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). 12 Timothy Green, 1702 "To the Reader," dated Nov. 14, 1701. 996 - - Ichabod. Or, A Discourse, Shewing what Cause there is to Fear that the Glory of the Lord is departing from New-England. The Glorious Throne : a Sermon [preached Nov. 16, 1701] concerning The Glory of the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. Two in i vol., paging continuous, pp. 12 2, smooth black calf extra. 12 T. Green, 1702 MATHER (INCREASE) 137 997 MATHER (INCREASE) Ichabod. pp. 88, smooth black calf extra, RARE. 12 [Re-sprinted, for N. Boone, 1729 The Judgment of Several Eminent Divines, etc. See No. 806. 998 KOMHTOrPA$IA, Or a Discourse concerning Comets: Wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars is Enquired into : etc. . . Also, Two Sermons occasioned by the late Blazing Stars; pp. (12), 143, fine large copy, dark red morocco, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. 8 S. G\reeii\for S. S\ewatt~\, 1683. An Address to the Reader, 4 pp., by Rev. John Sherman. The two Sermons have separate title pages and paging, but the signatures are continuous : Heaven s Alarm to the World, &c. The Second Impression (pp. 8, 38). [S. Green] for Samuel Sewall, 1682 ; and The Latter Sign Discoursed of (pp. 2, 32). 999 KOMHTOrPA<MA, Or a Discourse Concerning Comets. Also Two Sermons, &c. Another fine copy, best scarlet morocco gilt, sides filleted, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 S. G.for S. S., 1683 1000 KOMHTOrPA4>IA, Or a Discourse Concerning Comets. Also, Two Sermons, &c. Another copy, blue morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford }, the title-page in facsimile, beaittifully executed. 8 S. G.forS. S., 1683 i oo i The Life and Death of that Reverend Man of God, Mr. RICHARD MATHER, Teacher of the Church in Dorchester in New- England, pp. (4), 38, brown levant mor. extra, paneled sides (Bed ford). 4 Cambridge, S. G\ree?i\ and M. J\phnsori\, 1670 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The second of Increase Mather s acknowledged publica tions. (His name does not appear on the title-page, but is signed to the dedicatory address.) See Sibley s catalogue, No. 2. [ Masukkenukeeg Matcheseaenuog, Wequetoog kah Wuttooana- toog, etc. (Five Sermons translated into the Indian Language by S. Danforth.) See No. 801. 1002 Meditations on Death, Delivered in several Sermons, pp. v, 171, (5), olive mor. gilt, elegant (Bedford). 12 T. Green, 1707 A slight deficiency in one leaf (A 2) and a portion of another (B i) have been skilfully restored. 1003 Meditations on the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ ; delivered in several Sermons,/^. (2), viii, 166, beautiful copy, dk. blue polished calf extra ( W. Pratt). 12 B. Green, for N. Buttolph, 1705 In the Epistle Dedicatory, to his Congregation, April 2, 1705, the Author says: "You are to look upon these as the Last Words, which I shall ever, by the Press, Speak and Dedicatate (sic} unto you." Nevertheless, he lived to publish more than thirty works after this (besides prefaces, dedications, &c.) 1004 Meditations on the Glory of the Heavenly World. I. On the Happiness of the Souls of Believers, at the Instant of their Separation from their Bodies. II. On the Glory of the Bodies of God s Children, in the Resurrection . . III. On the Glory of both Soul and Body . . after the Day of Judgment,//. (2), v, 276, (4). sm. 8 T. Green, 1711 [005 Meditations on the Sanctification of the Lord s Day . . To which is added, Seasonable Meditations both for Winter and Sum mer, being the Substance of Two Sermons. Two in one vol., separately paged, pp. (2), x, 71 ; (3), iv, 51, nice fresh copy in the original binding well preserved. 1 2 T. G[reen~\ for Benj. Eliot, 1712 The second tract was printed by John Allen. 18 138 MATHER (INCREASE) 1006 MATHER (INCREASE) The Mystery of Christ opened and ap- plyed. In several Sermons, pp. (2), 6, 214, dark red grosgramed levant morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 1686 1007 THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL S SALVATION Explained and Ap- plyed, Or, A Discourse concerning the General Conversion of the Israelitish Nation . . By Increase Mather M.A., Teacher of a Church in Boston in New England, . .fine clean copy, large margin, pp. (46), 181, (10), old calf , neat, EXTREMELY RARE. 8 n. p. \LondonT\ Printed in the year 1669 A second title-page, placed after the Preface, has the imprint : London, Printed for John Allen in Wentworth Street, near Bell Lane, 1669. This is the FIRST of Increase Mather s acknowledged publications. It stands as No. i in Mr. Sibley s catalogue of Mather s works (Harvard Graduates, 438.) Isaiah Thomas (Hist, of Printing, i. 286) says : " There is in an ancient library in Boston, a copy of Increase Mather s Mystery of Israel s Libation (sic] printed in London, by John Allen. It is supposed he came to Boston by encouragement from the Mathers." But Allen s name does not appear on the first title-page, and on the second the imprint is "for" not as Thomas has it by Allen. The work may have been printed by Green at Cambridge, and some copies may have been provided with a special title-page for the London market. It is certain that both title-pages were printed from the same types. Collation: Epistle to the Reader, by John Davenport, 1667(11 pp.); To the Reader, by W. G. (4 pp.); To the Reader, by W. H[ooke] (14 pp.); The Author s Preface (14 pp.) ; Text, pp. 181 ; Table, &c. (9 pp.) 1008 The Mystery of Israel s Salvation. Another copy, clean and sound, in the original binding, well preserved. 8 London, for yohn Allen, 1669 This copy has only one title-page, which has the London imprint in full. In a penciled note, Mr. Brinley quotes what Thomas says of the printer (or publisher} John Allen, and adds : " The two most complete collections of the Mathers writings are those of Harvard College and the Am. Antiq. Society. Neither of these includes this work." It is not in the Prince or the Mass. Hist. Society s Catalogue. t A Narrative of the Miseries of New-England, etc. See No. 338. 1009 Now or Never is the Time for Men to make Sure of their Eternal Salvation. Several Sermons, pp. (4), 113, good copy, polished calf gilt (Bedford}. 12 T. Green, 1713 VERY RARE. Not in the Am. Antiq. Society s, the Prince or the Mass. Hist. Society s Library. Mr. Sibley (No. 116) had seen no other copy than Mr. Brinley s. 1010 The Order of the Gospel Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New-England, Justified, by the Scripture and by the Writings of many Learned Men, etc., pp. 143, (i), brown levant mor. extra, g. e. 12 B. Green and J. Allen, for Benj. Eliot, 1700 More commonly cited by its running title, " The Order of the Churches in N. England Vindicated." See GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED, No. 773, and A COLLECTION, etc. (No. 1086). i oi i The Order of the Gospel, Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New England, Justified, <?&.,//. (2), viii, 86, russet calf gilt. 8 Boston, repr. London, 1700 This London reprint is VERY RARE. It is not in Mr. Sibley s list. i oi 2 ? The Original Rights of Mankind Freely to Subdue and Improve the Earth. Asserted and Maintained. By I. [or J.] M. pp. (6), 22, UNCUT. 8 Boston, for the Author, 1722 Attributed to Mather, in the Am. Antiq. Society (Haven s) catalogue, and by Mr. Sibley (No. 157), on the authority of a copy on which I. M. is extended to "I. Mat/ier, D.D." in a nearly contemporary hand-writing. Mr. Brinley s copy is so inscribed, and is probably the one to which Mr. Sibley refers. The main argument of the tract is, that " Monopolizing dormant lands subjects the Colony to Slavery," and that all " dormant (unimproved) Lands ought to be Taxed for the support of government," and it appeals to the General Assembly to " undo heavy Burdens, break every Yoke, make us a free People, to Enjoy -without Price or Purchase -what God hath freely given us," &c. It is EX TREMELY RARE. If by Mather (which seems very doubtful) it is the last work MATHER (INCREASE) 139 1013 MATHER (INCREASE) A Plain Discourse, shewing who shall, & who shall not, Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. A Sermon Wherein is Declared that the Blessed God is Willing to be recon ciled to the Sinful Children of Men. Preached at Dorchester . . Two in i vol., separate title-pages, but paging continuous, (2), vi, 132 (2), blue mor. extra. 16 B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1713 1014 Practical Truths plainly delivered. [Four Sermons],//. (4), 96, str. -grained brown morocco. 12 B. Green, 1718 Wants the Fourth Sermon (" The Work of the Ministry Described : At the Ordination of Nath l Appleton.") 1015 Another copy, pp. 1-138. Wants the first title-page and Preface, but has the Four Sermons complete. See Sibley s list, No. 135. oi 6 Practical Truth s Tending to Promote Holiness in the Hearts & Lives of Christians. In several Sermons, //, (2), 102, (4), old binding. 12 B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1704 The address "To the Reader" is dated Feb. n, 1703-4. 1017 Practical Truths, Tending to Promote the Power of Godli ness . . Delivered in Sundry Sermons, pp. (14), 220, forel. 8 Samuel Green upon \assign\ment o\_f Samuel Se~\wal, [1682] The title page was mutilated. It has been admirably restored, by Bedford, but wants a few letters (and date) in the imprint. The volume also wants one leaf, pp. 193-4. In other respects, it is a good copy. 1018 Pray for the Rising Generation, or a Sermon Wherein Godly Parents are Encouraged, to Pray and Believe for their Children, Preached [on a Fast in Boston, July 3, 1678], pp. 23, olive str.-gr. mor. extra, gilt, (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1678 1019 A Relation | Of the Troubles which have hapned in | New- England, | By reason of the Indians there. From the Year 1614. to the Year 1675. Wherein the frequent Conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the English, and the wonderfull providence of God, in disappointing their devices, is declared. | Together with an Historical Discourse concerning the Prevalency of | Prayer ; | shewing that New-Englands late deliverance from the Rage of the Heathen is an eminent Answer of Prayer. | By Increase Mather, | Teacher of a Church in Boston in New-England. | EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4 Printed and sold by John Foster, 1677 Title, and To the Reader, 3 leaves ; A Relation &c., pp. 76. Title, An Historical Discourse &c. ; To the Reader (2 pp.), and pp. 19. Interleaved throughout with white paper, and stitched for binding; a clean, wide copy, some leaves cut close at top, but nowhere so as to touch the text. 1020 Remarkable Providences Illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonisation; With Introductory Preface by George Offor, portrait, cloth, uncut. cr. 8 London, J. R. Smith, 1856 1 02 1 Returning unto God, the great Concernment of a Covenant People. Or A Sermon Preached to the second Church in Boston, March 17. 1679-80, [on their Renewal of their Covenant.] pp. (6), 1 8, (2), olive str. -grained morocco, back and corners gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 4 John Foster, 1680 Title leaf (2 pp.); To the Second Church (4 pp.); Sermon, pp. 19; The Covenant (2 pp.) At the end, a manuscript note, by Thomas Prince: "/ have the ist rough draught of this Covenant, drawn by Mr. Increase Mather in his own Hand-writing. T. Prince" 140 MATHER (INCREASE) 1022 [MATHER (INCREASE)?] The Revolution in New-England Justi fied, and the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions Cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. . . . To which is added, A Nar rative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Accomplices, etc., By several Gentlemen who were of his Council, fine fresh copy, UNCUT, pp. 59. 8 1691 ; repr. Is. Thomas, 1773 FOUR FINE PORTRAITS, intended for binding with this RARE TRACT, are loosely inserted. Three of Increase Mather: i. Aetatis Suce 49, 1698, by Vanderspirit, engraved by R. White; 2. sEtatis suce 80. 1719; 3. Engraved [by J. Swaine] for John Russell Smith s reprint of Mather s Remarkable Providences, proof, "The ONLY ONE taken BEFORE THE LETTERS, J. R. S." The fourth, is a PROOF of the portrait of Sir Edmond Andros, engraved for the Prince Society. [As to the authorship, formerly assigned to Mather, see The Andros Tracts, ii. 2.] 1023 and others. A Seasonable Testimony to Good Order in the Churches of the Faithful. Particularly Declaring the Usefulness & Necessity of Councils, in Order to Preserving Peace and Truth in the Churches, pp. (4), 20, str. -grained mor. tincut, some corners mended. 16 B. Green, 1720 1024 A Sermon concerning Obedience & [Resignation] to the Will of God . . . Occasion d by the Death of that Pious Gentlewo man Mrs. Mari[ah Mather,] late consort of Increase Mather, D.D. . . on the Lord s Day, April 4, 1714, pp. (2), vi, 40, good copy, a portion of the title-page restored, str.-gr. blue morocco gilt, elegant (Bedford}. 12 T. Green, 1714 The running title is : " Let the Will of the Lord be Done." EXTREMELY RARE. Mr. Sibley (No. 121) had seen no other copy than Mr. Brinley s. 1025 A Sermon Occasioned by the Execution of a man [James Morgan] found guilty of Murder : Preached at Boston, March nth, 1685-6. (Together with the confession, Last Expressions, and Solemn Warning of that Murderer, 6^.,) pp. (4), 44, a small piece torn from corner of title. 8 Printed for Joseph Br tinning, 1686 The FIRST Edition. Sible) (No. 39) notes only the Second edition of 1687. Bound in the same volume, are the following tracts : YEARWOOD (RANDOLPH) The Penitent Murderer. An Exact Narrative of the Life and Death of Nathaniel Butler [who murdered] John Knight, with the several Confessions held with the said Butler in Newgate, &c. London, T. Newcomb, 1657. MATHER (COTTON) The Call of the Gospel Applyed to all Men in general, and unto a Condemned Malefactor in particular, in A Sermon preached on the 7th d. of the ist m. 1686, at the Request and in the Hearing of a man [James Morgan] under a just Sentence of Death for the horrid Sin of Murder. Boston, JR. P\ierce\, 1686. [This is the First work named in Samuel Mather s list of his father s publications.] MOODY (JOSHUA) An Exhortation to a Condemned Malefactor, Delivered March 7th, 1685-6. Boston, [R. Pierce], 1686. Four in i vol., calf, neat. 1026 A Sermon Occasioned by the Execution of a Man found Guilty of Murder, etc., pp. 32. London, for John Dunton, 1691. [Appended to] The Wonders of Free Grace, Or, A Compleat His tory of all the Remarkable Penitents that have been executed at Tyburn, and elsewhere, for these last Thirty Years,//. (8), 180. London, 1690, half calf. sm. 8 1027 A Sermon, (Preached at the Lecture in Boston, the i8th of the i. moneth 1674. When two men were Executed, who had Murthered their Master.) Wherein is shewed That Excess in Wickednes doth bring Untimely Death. The Second Impression, pp. (2), 38, black levant morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 8 R. P\ierce\,for J. B running, 1685 The first impression was in 1675. & ee The Wicked Man s Portion, No. 1045. MATHER (INCREASE) 141 1028 MATHER (INCREASE) A Sermon shewing That the present Dis pensations of Providence declare that wonderful Revolutions in the World are near at Hand ; with An Appendix, shewing some Scripture Ground to hope, that within a few Years, glorious Proph ecies and Promises will be fulfilled,//. 32, half brown morocco. 4 Edinburgh, 1710 Reprinted from the first edition (1708) appended (pp. 115-135) to A Dissertation &c. (No. 973.) 1029 Sermon wherein those Eight Characters of the Blessed Com monly called the Beatitudes are Opened & Applyed . . Added, A Sermon concerning Assurance of the Love of Christ,//. (2), iv, 2<fi,fi?ie copy, brown levant mor., full gilt (Bedford). 8 B. Green, for Dart I Henchman, 1718 1030 Sermon on the Beatitudes. The Second Edition,//. (6), 211, old paneled calf , neat. Reprinted, Dublin, 1721 Not known to Mr. Sibley, and not in the Prince, Mass. Hist. Society s, or Am. Antiq. Society s catalogues. With it are bound: BOYSE (J.) Sermon on the Accession of George I. Dublin, 1715 ; and BURKITT (W.) Discourses of Infant Baptism. Land., 1712. 1031 Sermons on the Beatitudes. The Second Edition. Another copy, blue polished calf extra (Pratt]. Dublin, repr., 1721 1032 A Sermon wherein is shewed that the Church of God is sometimes a Subject of Great Persecution ; Preached on a Publick Fast, at Boston, pp. (6), 24, mssia-red levant mor. extra, back and edges gilt (Bedford}. 4 Printed for Samuel Sewall, 1682 Autograph of (Rev. Dr.) Benjamin Colman, on the last leaf. Mr. Sibley notes but one copy besides Mr. Brinley s. 1033 A Sermon wherein is Shewed, I. That the Ministers of the Gospel need, and ought to desire the Prayers of the Lord s People. II. That the People of God ought to Pray for his Ministers. Preached at Roxbury, Oct. 29. 1718. when Mr. Thomas Walter [the Author s grandson] was Ordained. (Right hand, by Cotton Mather.)//. (2), ii, 35, new half mor., nearly uncut. 8 S. Kneelandfor J. Edwards, 1718 Preface dated Nov. 6, 1718. See the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT NOTES of this Sermon, in the autograph of the author, No. 1054. 1034 Several Sermons . . . With a Preface in which there is a brief and true Character of the Rev. Mr. THOMAS BRIDGE, //. (2), xi, (i), 126, good copy, half bound. 12 B. Green, 1715 1035 Some Important Truths about Conversion, delivered in sundry Sermons,//. (28), 248, beautiful copy, blue levant morocco extra, ins. borders (Pratt}. 8 Lo?idon,for R. Chisivell, 1674 " To the Reader," by John Owen, 4 pp. 1036 Some Remarks On a late Sermon, Preached at Boston, in New England, by George Keith M.A. Shewing That his pretended Good Rules in Divinity, are not built on the foundation of the Apostles & Prophets,//. (2), $>,fine copy, uncut, VERY RARE. 8 Printed for Nicholas Boone, 1702 1037 t Some Remarks, on a Pretended Answer [by J. Williams, Bp. of Chichester], to a Discourse concerning the Common-Prayer. Worship. With An Exhortation to the Churches of New-England, to hold fast the Profession of their Faith without Wavering. Added, (ivith special title-page^) An Appendix, containing Some 142 MATHER (INCREASE) Remarks on a Book written by the Bishop of Deny,//. (2), 36, 10, str.-gr. brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. 8 Printed for Nath. Hillier, in London, and for the Booksellers in Boston, [1713] The Appendix is dated, Dec. 2, 1712. Its title-page has the imprint: " Sold by Several of the Book-sellers in Boston, MDCCXIII. See, before, Nos. 94=5, 946. 1038 De Successu Evangelii apud INDOS Occidentales, in Nova- Anglia ; Epistola. Ad Cl. Virum D. Johannem Leusdenum . . A Crescendo Mathero,//. 16, forel, lettered (W. Pratt], 8 Ultrajecti, apud Wilh. Broedeleth, 1699 Reprinted from the (first) London edition ("Typis J. G." 1688) and "Successu Evan gelii apud Indos Orientates aucta." 1039 The Surest way to the Greatest Honour. (Election Sermon, May 31, 1699.) pp. (8), 42, blue levant mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 B. Green and J. Allen, for S. Phillips, 1699 This volume, which had been close cropped at the top, by a former binder, cutting into the black-letter head-lines, has been skilfully restored by Mr. Bedford. Every leaf has been extended at the top, and the injured head-lines perfected in facsimile by Burt. 1040 The Times of Men are in the hand of God. Or A Sermon occasioned by that awfull Providence which hapned in Boston in New-England, the 4th day of the 3d month, 1675, (when part of a Vessel was blown up in the Harbour, and nine men hurt, etc.} pp. (6), 21, brown levant grosgr. morocco extra, sides filleted and paneled, corners ornamented, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 BOSTON, JOHN FOSTER, 1675 A large and clean copy of the SECOND WORK PRINTED IN BOSTON. (See No. 1045.) EXTREMELY RARE. 1040* The Times of Men are in the hand of God. Or a Sermon, etc., another copy, unbound. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1675 1041 Two Discourses shewing I. That the Lord s Ears are open to the Prayers of the Righteous. II. The Dignity & Duty of Aged Servants of the Lord. Also, A Preface in which the Congrega tional Discipline of the Churches in New-England is Vindicated, with the Author s Dying Testimony there-unto, //. (2), x, 141, (i), old binding, a small piece torn from the title. 12 B. Green, for D. Henchman, 1716 The Preface (pp. ix.) is dated July 26, 1716. " Nine and Fifty Years are Lapsed, since I began to Preach the Gospel, in my Youth, in lands afar off ... Since God brought me to Boston, Five and Fifty Years are within a few Weeks expired. What Changes have I lived to see !" 1042 Two Plain and Practical Discourses, Concerning I. Hard ness of Heart . . II. The Sin and Danger of Disobedience to the Gospel,//. 187, good copy. 12 London, for J. Robinson, 1699 " To the Reader," 2 pp. dated from Boston, Nov. i, 1698. 1043 A Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Elders in the Churches of Christ, Asserted by the Ministers & Elders met together in a Provincial Assembly, Novemb. 2d. 1649. And Printed in London, 1650. Whereunto is added, An Answer to the Ques tion [concerning the Authority of the Elders,] by the Rev. Mr. Increase Mather, in his Book entituled The Order of the Gospel, &c.,//. (2), 28, red morocco extra (Bedford}, UNCUT. 8 Reprinted for Publick Good, n. p. [Boston], n. d. 1044 The Voice of God in Stormy Winds. Considered, in Two Sermons, Occasioned by the Dreadful and UnparallePd Storm, in the European Nations. Novemb. 27th. 1703. T. Green, 1704. MATHER (INCREASE) 143 A Brief Discourse Concerning the Prayse Due to God, for His Mercy, in giving Snow like Wool. T. Green, 1704. Two in one volume, separate title-pages, but continuous page numbers, pp. 66, (2), 69-95, old binding. 12 The Rev. John Williams (the " Redeemed Caftive") wrote on a blank leaf of this volume: " Dono dedit Reverendus Author, Johanni Williams, 1707," and sixty-four years afterwards, his great-grand-daughter wrote : " Eunice Williams Her Book, Jan ry ist 1771. A New Year s Gift By Her Hon rd Grand-Father the Rev d Stephen Williams " (of Longmeadow). It is in good condition, and has evidently been carefully preserved. In the first tract, the address " To the Reader" contains a brief notice of the attack on Deerfield and the capture of Mr. Williams and his family, with two marginal corrections, probably by his pen. The discourse makes frequent allusions to recent events : the great snow, oif Dec. 1703, and the loss of a Boston ship, in the harbor (p. 8), the storm of April 7th and 8th, 1704, which wrecked the French privateer " designing to do us hurt" (p. 28), the terrible "windy tempest" at Cambridge, in 1682 (pp. 63-4), etc. 1045 The Wicked Mans Portion. Or A Sermon (preached at the Lecture in Boston, the i8th day of the i. moneth, 1674. when two men were executed who had murthered their Master.)//. (4), 25, straight-grained blue morocco extra, back and corners gilt, g. e. (.Bed ford }. 4 BOSTON, JOHN FOSTER, 1675 EXCESSIVELY RARE. This appears to have been the FIRST WORK PRINTED IN BOSTON. The preface is dated "15. of 2. moneth" (April 15) 1675. No - IO 4> " The Times of Men are in the Hand of God," has the same date of imprint, but the preface is dated gth of 4th month (June 9th) 1675, and the accident which occasioned it occurred May 4^, 1675. See Sibley s Catalogue, Nos. 10, n, and Haven s, p. 12. On back of title : "Thomas Prince his Book," and " Deborah Prince her Book 1730." 1046 The Wicked Mans Portion. Another copy, large and fine. 4 John Foster, 1675 ]? or y e R ev a M r Higginson in Salem " at the head of the title-page, is in the Author s autograph. This is of a later issite than the preceding. Two lines are added to the Errata, on the last page (25) and an error in a marginal note on the same page is corrected. 1047 Wo to Drunkards. Two Sermons Testifying against the Sin of Drunkenness . . .pp. (4), 35, elegantly bound, in mottled calf , sides filleted, back full gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1673. And sold by Edmund Ranger Bookbinder in Boston. LARGE and FINE copy. The third of Mather s published works. {Hebrew type is used, in a marginal note, p. 9, and Greek type, on p. 3. 1048 Wo to Drunkards. Another copy, best levant olive morocco extra, sides paneled and filleted, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson, 1673 VERY LARGE and FINE copy, clean and bright. It ought perhaps, to be described as LARGE PAPER. With the author s autograph address " For Mr. Nath. Mather in Dublin " (on the last leaf), and, on title, the autograph of " N [athanael] Mather, Rec d 4th. 18. 74." The binding is in Bedford s best style. 1049 Wo to Drunkards. Two Sermons Testifying against the Sin of Drunkenness . . The Second Edition,//. (4), 58, VERY SCARCE. 8 Timo. Green, 1712 "To the Reader," 2 pp., dated May 7, 1712: " Cyder, and a Spirit Extracted out of it, has been much abused to Intemperance. Some observe, that since it has been so, a strange Blast has been upon the fruit Trees, in many Places ; so as that some whose Orchards have yielded 500 Barrels of Cyder in a Year, now produce very little. But there is another sort of Strong Drink imported from the Sugar Islands, which has been of all others the most fatal. It is now called Ritm, but it once had another name, and a ridicu lous one, viz. Kill Devil. Renowned Mr. Wilson said, it should rather have been called, Kill Men for the Devil." :c>5o The same, two imperfect copies, which together will make one good complete copy, by adding a few words or letters in facsimile. 8 T. Green, 1712 144 MATHER (INCREASE) 1051 MATHER (INCREASE) [Address To the Reader, prefixed to] A Letter from some Aged Nonconforming Ministers . . . touching the Reasons of their Practice, Aug. 24, 1701. Fourth edition, pp. (2),iv, 72, (i Adv^} half brown mor. extra. 8 1712 The Work of the Ministry Described. (Ord. Sermon for N. Appleton.) See Practical Truths Plainly Delivered, No. 1015. - A Private Letter, in answer to the Question, " Whether it be Law ful for a Church-Member among us, to be frequently in Taverns ?" See MATHER (C.) A Serious Address, c. No. 1223. 1052 AUTOGRAPH Notes of Sermons, preached in Boston, 1666 and 1667. 14 pp. 4 The first part (pp. 1-14) of a volume in which Mather wrote abstracts or full notes of special sermons. It comprises four sermons: (i) from Ps. iv. 4, "Pr ched at Boston 9^ . 8. 1666. Thanksgiving day for harvest, health, otinuance of liberty, peace, &c." ; (2) " Pr ched at Boston 9 bri u mo 1666," from the same text ; (3) from Ezekiel i. 15, 16 : (4) from Rev. iii. 4, " Prch d at Boston 4* 21. 1667. Lecture day." The last is incomplete. The manuscript is well preserved, and is a characteristic specimen of Mather s autograph. 1053 __ AUTOGRAPH SERMON, fromPsalm Ixv. 2. 4 pp. 8 n. d. 1054 AUTOGRAPH Notes of Sermons: (i) from Heb. xiii. 18, preached at "Roxbury Oct. 29. 1718. Ordination;" (2) for "Thanks giving throughout y c Province Dec 1 " 1 1 1, 1718." Four leaves, written on one side. 8 The Ordination at Roxbury was that of Mather s grandson, the Rev. Thomas Walter. The sermon was printed (see No. 1033). It was written in Mather s eightieth year. 1055 Mather (C.) Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of the Ever-Memorable Dr. INCREASE MATHER. Who Expired, August 23, 1723, portrait (engraved by P. Sturt}, fine copy, old calf , neat. 8 B. Green for N. Belknap, 1724 In the same volume : COLMAN (BENJAMIN) The Prophet s Death Lamented and Improved, in a Sermon, on the Lords Day after the Funeral of INCREASE MATHER, D.D. T. Fleet, 1723 Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, chiefly collected out of her own Diary, with her Funeral Sermon, by the Rev. Mr. William Tong, and her Elegy, by the Rev. Mr. Isaac Watts. , Bristol, J. Penn, 1721 Alleine (Joseph) Rules for Self-Examination, pp. 4. 1056 Memoirs of the Life of the late Rev. Increase Mather, D.D. With a Preface by the Rev. Edm. Calamy, D.D., portrait (engr. by R. White), brown mor. extra, large copy. 8 London, 1725 I0 57 The same; a large and fine copy in the original marbled wrapper, portrait. 8 London, 1725 1058 -- Whitmore (W. H.) Increase Mather, the Agent of Massachu setts Colony in England, for the Concession of a Charter. Reprinted from the "Andros Tracts." pp. 24, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1869 1059 MATHER (COTTON) f The A, B, C, of Religion. Lessons relating to the Fear of God, Fitted unto the Youngest & Lowest Capacities, and Children suitably instructed in the Maxims of Religion, pp. (2), 42, red levant mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Pratt~). 12 Boston, Timo. Green, 1713 At the end, pp. 37-42, "Instructions for Children," in verse, including "The Body of Divinity Versifyed." VERY RARE. Not in the Am. Antiq. Society s, Prince, Harvard College, or Mass. Hist. Society s catalogues. MATHER (COTTON) 145 1060 MATHER (COTTON) Adversus Libertinos. Or, Evangelical Obe dience Described and Demanded;/^. (4), 49, (i), maroon str.-gr. morocco, uncut, but the lower margins of last half have been nibbled by mice. 8 B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1731 1061 Advice from Taberah. A Sermon preached after the terrible Fire, which . . on Oct. 2, 3, 1711, laid a considerable part of Bos ton in ashes,//, iv, 33, green mor. extra. 16 1711 1062 Advice from the Watch Tower. In a Testimony against Evil Customes. A brief Essay To declare the Danger & Mischief of all Evil Customes, in general ; And Offer a more particular Cata logue of Evil Customes growing upon us ; etc., //. 40, a fine copy, though the title-page needs washing, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 8 J. Allen, for N. Boone, 1713 "Liberavi Animam Meam," says Mather, by way of Finis. Doubtless it was a great comfort to him, to "free his mind," about the "Infamous RUM" which was "the usual Entertainment of a Friend at our Houses," the " Flood of Strong Drink," the too great frequency of " Games of Hazard, such as Cards and Dice, among pur Children " [in Boston!] ; "Christmas-Revels, beginning to be taken up;" the "diversions at many Wed dings improved into such Revels, as are not well consistent with the Sobriety of Chris tianity ; " the "very common usage" of Drinking Healths, " even among professors of our Holy Religion," and the whole " Black List of some Evil Customes which begin to appear among us." 1063 Advice from the Watch Tower. In a Testimony against Evil Customes, etc., another copy, calf gilt (Pratt], fine, UNCUT. 8 1713 1064 t Advice to the Churches of the Faithful; briefly reporting, The Present State of the Church, throughout the World, //. 16, str.-gr. olive mor. extra (F. Bedford}, VERY RARE. 8 B. Green & J. Allen, 1702 1065 t Agricola. Or, The Religious Husbandman: The Main Intentions of Religion, Served in the Business and Language of Husbandry, //. (6), 221, (i), original binding well preserved. 8 T. Fleet, 1727 1066 American Tears upon the Ruines of the Greek Churches. A Compendious, but Entertaining History of the Darkness come upon the Greek Churches in Europe and Asia. Composed by an American. . . . With, An Appendix containing a Relation of the Conversion of a Jew, named Shalome Ben Shalomoh, //. 80, half morocco, gilt, too close cropped at top, front and bottom, uncut. 8 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1701 The Appendix has (p. 56) a separate title, and imprint, with a Preface (3 pp.) signed, Cotton Mather. 1066* American Tears upon the Ruines of the Greek Churches. Another copy, about one-third of the title-page lost, in other respects a good copy. 1067 t The Balance of the Sanctuary . . A Lecture, in the Audi ence of the General Assembly, at Boston, Oct. 5, 1727, //. 24, green str. -grained morocco, UNCUT. 12 1727 The running title is : " The Balance adjusted." [068 t Baptistes. Or, A Conference about the Subject and Man ner of Baptism. The Second Edition, //. (3), 32, str. -grained morocco extra. 8 T. Fleet, for J. Phillips, 1724 146 MATHER (COTTON) 1069 MATHER (COTTON) Batteries upon the Kingdom of the Devil. Seasonable Discourses upon Some Common, but Woful, Instances, wherein Men Gratifie the Grand Enemy of their Salvation. By Mr. Cotton Mather, Author of The Late Memorable Providences relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, and of Early Piety exem plified,//. (16), 192, good copy, VERY RARE. 8 London, Nath. Hitter, 1695 An Epistle Dedicatory, "To my Worthy Nephew, Mr. Cotton Mather," and an address "To the Reader," by Nath. Mather, the former, dated, London, Dec. 15, 1693. The first sermon in the volume, " Sacred Exorcisms: Or, The Case and Cure of Persons Pos sessed by the Devil," alludes (p. 21) to cases "we have seen," of "bodily molestations by Evil Spirits." Benedictus. Good Men described, with some Character and His tory of Mr. Thomas Bridge. 1715. Bound with The Best Ornaments of Youth, etc. See No. 1070. 1070 The Best Ornaments of Youth. A Sermon to a Religious Assembly of Young People,//. 36. Timo. Green, 1707. MATHER (I.) The Believer s Gain by Death. Funeral Sermon on the death of a relative [his Daughter-in-Law], //. 34. B. G.for S. Gerrish, 1713. MATHER (C.) The religion of the Cross. Funeral Sermon on his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Mather, pp. 48, cut close. J. Allen, 1714. MATHER (C.) Benedictus. Good Men described, . with some Character and History of One. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Bridge,//. 58. B. Green, 1715. WADS- WORTH (B.) Ministers naturally Caring for Souls. A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Tho. Bridge,/^. 28. 1715. COLMAN (B.) Devout and Humble Enquiry into the Death of Good Men . . Meditated on the Death of the Rev. T. Bridge,//. 36. 1715. MATHER (C.) f Victorina. A Sermon, on the Decease and at the Desire of Mrs. Katherin Mather [his Daughter]. . Added, a further Account, By another Hand, //. (2), viii, 86. B. Green, 1717. [FOXCROFT (T.) ?] A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Elder John Loring, of Hull, cut close, pp. 43. 1720. MATHER (C.) t Pietas Matutina. One Essay more to Bespeak Early Piety; made on occasion of the Early Departure of (his daughter) Mrs. Eliza beth Cooper. (With a Poem by Samuel Mather), //. (2), 46. 1720. PRINCE (Tho.) Morning Health no Security. A Sermon occasioned by the Sudden Death of two Young Gentlemen. The Second Edition, //. (8), 37, (2). 1727. Ten in one volume, old paneled calf . sm. 12 1071 - - t Bethiah. The Glory Which Adorns the Daughters of God. And the Piety, Wherewith Zion wishes to see her Daughters Glo rious, //. 60, nice copy, red str.-grained mor. extra (J 7 . Bedford), VERY RARE. i2 J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish, 1722 1072 Blessed Unions. An Union with the Son of God by Faith, And, an Union in the Church of God by Love, Importunately Pressed; in a Discourse, etc., imperfect, pp. (10), 1-48, forel, lettered, (Bedford}. 12 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1692 10 73 t Boanerges. A Short Essay to preserve and Strengthen the Good Impressions Produced by Earthquakes. . Address d unto the Whole People of New-England, who have been Terrified with the Late Earthquakes, etc.,//. 52, water-stained, wants part of title and last page of Appendix, VERY RARE. 8[i72y] MATHER (COTTON) 147 1074 MATHER (COTTON) f Bonifacius. An Essay Upon the Good, that is to be Devised and Designed, by those who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life. With proposals of Methods to do Good. pp. (2), 206, blue morocco gilt (F. Bedford}. 8 1710 The original and RARE edition of the famous " Essays to Do Good : " with an "Appen dix concerning the Essays that are made for the Propagation of Religion among the Indians." Also an Advertisement and prospectus (7 pp.) of Mather s Biblia Americana. 1075 f THE BOSTON EPHEMERIS. An Almanack for The (Dyo- nisian) Year of the Christian ^Era. MDC.LXXXIII. And of the Worlds Creation 5632. Anno Oppidi inchoati 53. ... Boston in New-England, Printed by S. G[reen~] for S. S(ewall\ 1683 EXCESSIVELY RARE. "By Mr. Cotton Mather," written by Judge Sewall on his own copy of this Almanac, removes all doubt as to the authorship, if any could remain after a glance at the nine pages addressed to the Reader, in style notably Matherese. A letter from Rev. Simon Bradstreet of New London, written early in 1683, to Increase Mather (printed in The Mather Papers, p. 479) returns thanks to him and his son, for " the verses and Almanacks " sent, and a manuscript note, on this letter, by Prince, says : " Mr. Cotton Mather published an Almanack for 1683, beginning with March." This is the SECOND it has hitherto been regarded as the FIRST work published by Cotton Mather. The earliest publication ascribed to him in the list given by his son is " The Call of the Gospel," 1686. But see, below, Nos. 1195 and 1106. The Bostonian Ebenezer. 1698. Bound with Humiliations fol lowed, No. 1139. 1076 Brethren Dwelling together in Unity. The True Basis for an Union among the People of God ; . . A Sermon Preach d at the Ordination of [Elisha Callender] in the Church of the Baptists, at Boston. . Preface by Dr. I. Mather, pp. (2), iv, 42, fine copy, dk. green levant mor., gilt (Bedford). 8 Printed for S. Gerrish, 1718 The running-title is "Good Men United." - A Brief History of Some Impostors, etc. Appended to A Warn ing to the Flocks, No. 1265. - The Call of the Gospel Applyed. (1686.) See MATHER (I.) Sermon occasioned by the Execution of J. Morgan, No. 1025. 1077 f The Case of a Troubled Mind, pp. (2), 27, mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford). 12 B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1717 1078 t A Christian at his Calling. Two brief Discourses. One Directing a Christian in his General Calling ; Another Directing him in his Personal Calling,//. 72, dk. green levant mor. extra, pan eled sides, uncut, RARE. 12 B. Green 6- J. Allen, for S. Sewall, Jun., 1701 1079 t A Christian Conversing with the Great Mysteiy of Chris tianity. The Mystery of the Trinity . . practically Improved, and Applied, //. 56, str. -grained olive mor. extra (Bedford}, clean, UNCUT. 12 T. Green, 1709 1080 t A Christian Funeral. A brief Essay, On that Case, What should be the Behaviour of a Christian at a Funeral ? //. (2), 36, (i), calf extra, g. e. (Pratt). 12 Timothy Green, 1713 VERY RARE. Not in the Mass. Hist. Society s, the Prince Library, or the Am. Antiq. Society s catalogues, nor in Mr. Haven s catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary publications. 1 08 1 The Christian Philosopher : A Collection of the Best Discov eries in Nature, with Religious Improvements,//. (8), 304, old calf. 8 London, for Eman. Matthews, 1721 148 MATHER (COTTON) 1082 MATHER (COTTON) The Christian Thank-Offering. A Brief Discourse . . Made on a Solemn Thanksgiving, kept in a Private Meeting of Christians, on the Occasion of some Deliverance, //. 32, brown crushed levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 B. Green 6- y. Allen, for Michael Perry, 1696 RARE. A versified paraphrase of the io3d Psalm, by Mather, is prefixed. Autograph of Jerusha Mather (sister of Cotton ; married Peter Oliver). 1083 f Christianus per Ignem. Or, A Disciple warming of Him self, and Owning of his Lord : With Devout and Useful Meditations, Fetch d out of the Fire, By a Christian in a Cold Season, Sitting before it. (A Prefatory Poem by Nicholas Noyes),//. 198, (2), good copy, dk. brown mor. gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Matthews). 8 B. Green & J. Allen, for Benj. Eliot, 1702 One of the most curious volumes in the Mather library: "Meditation iv. On the Mending of the Fire" . . " vm. On the Lighting of a Candle at the Fire" . . " x. On Green Wood" . . " xi. On throwing a piece of Leather into the Fire". . "xx. On the Blowing^of the Fire " (with " the Belloives, whose name I suppose comes from the old Saxon Bilig, which was perhaps from the Latin Bulga, a Satchel.") . . " xxxn. On the Smoke . . xxxm. On the Tongs . . XL. On throwing my Pen into the Fire . . Appendix, On a Stove." 1084 Christodulus. A Good Reward of a Good Servant. . With some Commemoration of Mr. Thomas Walter, of Roxbury, pp. (3), iii, 33, half morocco. 8 F. Fleet, 1725 The Rev. Thomas Walter was a grandson of Increase and a nephew of Cotton Mather. 1085 f Ccelestinus : A Conversation in Heaven, Quickened and Assisted, with Discoveries of Things in the Heavenly World. . . Introduced by Agathangelus, Or, An Essay on the Ministry of the Holy Angels ; and Recommended . . by Dr. Increase Mather, pp. (2), viii, 27, ii, 162, original binding. 8 S. Kneeland, 1723 1086 ? A Collection of Some of the Many Offensive Matters, Con tained in a Pamphlet, entituled, The Order of the Gospel Revived, ("To the Reader," 3 pp., by Increase Mather,)//. 24, smooth calf extra, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 T. Green, 1701 " I have thought it not worth while for me to take notice of the impotent Allatrations of so little a thing as that Youth is, who is famed to be the Author of their Pamphlet. But a Friend of mine having, as he perused it, set a Remark on some of the Scandalous viola tions of the third, fifth, and ninth Commandments which he observed therein, I supposed it might be a service to the Churches to have them set before them," &c. /. Mather. 1087 f Columbanus. or, The Doves flying to the Windows of their Saviour. A Sermon, to a Religious Society of Young People, June 4, 1722, //. (2), 22, stained. S. Kneeland, 1722. f Genethlia Pia; Or, Thoughts for a Birth-Day,//. (2), 37, uncut. 1719. OLIVER (J.) Present for Teeming Women, imperfect. [Boston, if ] FRANCK (A. H.) Nicodemus : or, a Treatise against the Fear of Man; translated from the High Dutch. 3d edition,//. 180. 1744. Four in i vol., sheep. 12 1088 --The Comfortable Chambers, Opened and Visited, upon the Departure of that Aged and Faithful Servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher, The Never-to-be-forgotten Pastor of Milton, who made his Flight thither, on Dec. 17. 1727, //. (2), 32, (4), calf extra. 8 Printed for J. Edwards, 1728 Cotton Mather s LAST SERMON ; printed after his death. An " Advertisement," at the end, is signed S. M. (Samuel Mather). "Addenda," 4 pp., with a biographical notice of Mr. Thatcher. MATHER (COTTON) 149 1089 MATHER (COTTON) The Comfortable Chambers Opened and Visited, upon the Departure of that Aged and Faithful Servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher,//. 28, UNCUT. 8 Reprinted by T. Fleet jun., 1796 " A short account of the Town of Milton" (2 pp.), is appended to the Sermon. 1090 f A Comforter of the Mourners. An Essay for the Undoing of Heavy Burdens, etc., calf gilt (Pratf), VERY RARE. 16 T. Green, 1704 1091 A Companion for Communicants. Discourses upon The Na ture, the Design, and the Subject of the Lord s Supper, etc., pp. (8), 167, straight-grained olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 S. Green, for B. Harris, 1690 1092 f A Companion for the Afflicted. The Duties and the Com forts of Good Men, under their Afflictions. Two Discourses. (MASCHIL, or, Lessons to be learn d in the School of Affliction ; and BARNABAS, or Cordials to be taken in a time of Affliction;) pp. 56, calf gilt (Pratt). 1 6 T. Green, for Samuel Sewall Junior, 1701 10 93 t Compassions Called for. An Essay of Profitable Reflec tions on Miserable Spectacles. To which is added, A Faithful Relation of Some Late, but Strange Occurrences, . . Especially, The Surprising Distresses and Deliverances, of [Capt. JOHN DEAN, and] a Company lately Shipwreck d on a Desolate Rock, on the Coast of New-England, pp. 60, UNCUT, requires washing and some slight repairs, and will make a good copy. 12 . Green, for E. Phillips, 1711 EXTREMELY RARE. The FIRST EDITION of Capt. John Dean s Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, on Boone Island ; appended to Mather s Boston Lecture, Dec. 28, 1710. The narrative has a half title (p. 49) : "The Mariner Call d .upon." 1094 Concio ad Populum. A Distressed People entertained with Proposals for the Relief of their Distresses. Sermon at Boston, [before the Governor and General Assembly,] i2d. im. 1719, pp. (2), 29, calf gilt (Pratt). 8 B. Green, 1719 Running Title: " The Valley of Vision in the Valley of Achor." 1095 f The Converted Sinner. The Nature of a Conversion to Real and Vital Piety . . A Sermon preached in Boston, May 31. 1724. In the Hearing of certain PIRATES, a little before their Execution. Added, A more Private Conference of a Minister with them, pp. (4), 49, str.-gr. brown morocco. 8 Printed f or Natti I Belknap, 1724 These pirates, John Rose Archer and William White, executed June 2, 1724, belonged to the crew of the dreaded Capt. John Phillips. See Drake s Hist, of Boston, p. 570. Phillips was killed and his vessel captured by a few young men whom he had compelled to sail with him. One of these (whom Mather names) "John Philmorcoi Ipswich," was the great-grandfather of President Millard Fillmore. 1096 t Corderius Americanus. An Essay upon the Good Educa tion of . Children. . In A Funeral Sermon upon Mr. EZEKIEL CHEEVER, The Ancient and Honorable Master of the Free-School in Boston. With an ELEGY and an EPITAPH upon him, By one that was once a Scholar to him, pp. (6), 34, crushed levant brown mor., full gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 y. Allen, f or JV. Boone, 1708 150 MATHER (COTTON) MATHER (COTTON) The Curbed Sinner. A Sermon after the Con demnation of David Wallis. See No. 1217. The Cure of Sorrow, 1709. Bound with Humiliations Followed, No. 1139. 1097 fDECENNiUM LUCTUOSUM. | An I History of | Remarkable Occurrences, | In the Long War, which | New-England hath had with the Indian Salvages, | From the year 1688. j to the Year 1698. Faithfully Composed and Improved. \pp. 254, (i), red levant morocco extra, sides double-paneled and elegantly tooled, rich inside bor ders, g. e. {Bedford). 8 B. Green 6- J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips, 1699 After p. 198, a second title-page : " Observable Things. | The | History | of | Ten Years | Rolled away under the great | Calamities of | A WAR, | with | Indian Salvages : | Re - peated and Improved, in a Sermon, | at Boston-Lecture, zjd. jm. 1698. I ... Boston, Printed for Samuel Phillips, at the Brick Shop, 1699." EXTREMELY RARE. 1098 Decus ac Tutamen. . . A Brief Essay . . in Commemoration of that Good and Great Man the Honourable GURDON SALTON- STALL, late Governor of Connecticut Colony, pp. (4), iv, 34, fine russet calf . 8 New London, T. Green, 1724 1099 Desiderius. Or, a Desireable Man describ d. . In some Com memoration of Mr. James Keith, late Minister of the Gospel in Bridgwater, pp. (2), 34, brown levant mo r. (Bedford ). 12 1719 1 1 oo Detur Digniori. The Righteous Man Described & asserted as the Excellent Man. . A Sermon upon the Death of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Gerrish, //. 29, beautiful copy, morocco extra (Bedford). 8 B. Green, 1720 noi t Duodecennium Luctuosum. | The History of a Long | War | with Indian Salvages, | And their Directors and Abettors ; | From the Year, 1702. To the Year, 1714. . . A Recapitulation made in the Audience, of His Excellency the Governour, and the Gene ral Assembly of the Massachusetts Province ; at Boston | 30 d. vii. m. 1714. //. (2), 30, best levant red morocco, sides paneled and richly gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). sq. 8 B. Green for Samuel Gerrish, 1714 1 1 02 Durable Riches. Two Brief Discourses, Occasioned by the Impoverishing Blast of Heaven, which the Undertakings of Men, both by Sea and Land have met withal. The One, handling, The true Cause of Loosing; The other, giving, The True Way of Thriving, pp. (2), 33, (i), 34, (2), str.-gramed olive mor., back and sides gilt, Roger Payne style, g. e. (Bedford). 12 John Allen, for Vavasour Harris, 1695 Autographs of John Tullcy, " Eltas Tulley, set to him in the distribution of his Father s Estate," and Samuel Tully ( 1 785 ). The sermons are paged separately, but the signatures are continuous. Dust and Ashes. 1710. Bound with Humiliations Followed, No. 1139. The Duty of Children whose Parents have prayed for them. The Second Impression (1719). With I. MATHER S The Duty of Parents c., No. 978. 1103 Early Piety Exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who, Having become at the Age of Nineteen, an Instance of more than Common Learning and Virtue, Changed Earth for Heaven, Oct. 17, 1688. . The Second Edition. With a MATHER (COTTON) 151 Prefatory Epistle by Mr. Matthew Mead,^. 14, 60, fine copy, brown morocco extra, g. e. {Bedford). 8 London, J. Astivood,for John Dunton, 1689 To the Reader, 4 pp., by M. Mead ; To the Reader, 3 pp., by Samuel Mather. Cotton Mather s name is signed at the end of the work (p. 59) : " Finished Octob. 29, 1688." On the last page (60) are verses on the deceased, by "One that had an Acquaintance with him," signed R. Hale, Robert (son of the Rev. John) Hale of Beverly, doubtless, who was at Harvard College in the next class to Nathanael Mather. The name of Samuel Mather, signed to the prefatory address, probably occasioned the error in the Mass. Historical Society s, and the Prince Library catalogues, by which the authorship of the book is assigned to him instead of to Cotton Mather. This copy ends with " Finis," and is complete in itself. It was designed, however, as the title-page shows, to be accompanied by a reprint of "Some Discourses on the true Nature &c. of a Walk with God." 1104 | Ecclesicz Monilia. The Peculiar Treasure of the Almighty King opened ; and the Jewels in it, Exposed. At Boston Lecture, July 14, 1726. [On the Death of] Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton, [with] Certain Instruments and Memorials of Piety, written by that . . Gentlewoman,//. (2), 42, str.-gr. brown morocco extra, UNCUT. 8 Printed f or D. Henchman, 1726 Mrs. Cotton was the widow of Rev. Roland Cotton of Sandwich, Mass., and a sister of Gurdon Saltonstall, Governor of Connecticut. 1105 Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Reverend & Excellent Jona than Mitchel ; A Pastor of the Church, and A Glory of the Col- ledge, in Cambridge. (The Epistle Dedicatory, pp. 3-32, by Increase Mather.) pp. in, (i), nice copy, unbound. 8 B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 VERY RARE. At the end of the Sermon are two Elegies, in verse, one by Cotton Mather, the other, with an " Epitaphium," signed F. D. [Francis Drake.] 1105* Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Reverend & Excellent JONA THAN MITCHEL. Another copy, str.-grained olive morocco extra, full gilt, Roger Payne style, g. e. (F. Bedford}, A BEAUTIFUL COPY. 8 B. Green and J. Allen, 1697 Of a later issue than the preceding copy, having five lines of " Errata " on the last page, not given in the first impression. 110 6 f AN ELEGY j on The Much-to-be-deplored Death | of that Never-to-be-forgotten Person, The Reverend | Mr. NATHANAEL COLLINS ; Who After he had been many years a faithful | Pastor to the Church at Middletown of Connecticut in New-England, | about the Forty-third year of his Age Expired; | On 28th. 10. moneth 1684. | {Mottoes, 4 lines.} pp. (4), 20, red levant morocco extra, g. e. 8 Printed by Richard Pierce for Obadiah Gill, 1685 SUPERLATIVELY RARE. Mr. Brinley, in a pencilled note, writes : "Not in any public library. Have never heard of another copy. Not in Samuel Mather s List of C. Mather s publications where the earliest is of 1686." "To the Reader," 2 pp., is signed, C. M. 1107 Essays to Do Good ; a new edition, improved, by Geo. Bur- der, nice copy. 12 Johnstown [N. Y.], Asa Child, 1815 See Bonifacius, No. 1074. 1 1 08 Essays to do Good, hf. bd. 12 Dover, [N. H.] S. C. Stevens, 1826 1109 Euthanasia. A Sudden Death made Happy and Easy to the Dying Believer. Exemplified in John Frizell, Esq : who so Expired, April 10. 1723, pp. (2), 27, calf gilt ( W. Pratt}. 8 S. Kneeland, 1723 On p. i, in the handwriting of Dr. Samuel Mather: " Donum Dominse Dorothy, viduae D. Johan. Frizel defuncti." 152 MATHER (COTTON) 1 1 10 MATHER (COTTON) The Everlasting Gospel. The Gospel of Justification by the Righteousness of God, As tis Held and Preach d in the Churches of New-England, //. (32), 76, margins and corners restored, brown levant morocco extra, sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 12 B. Green 6 J. Allen, for N. Buttolph, 1700 Dedicated " To the Reverend Ministers . . in London, sometimes honoured with the Name of United Brethren." Addresses to the Reader by Increase Mather (2 pp.), John Higginson (9 pp.) and Samuel Willard (4 pp.)- RARE. 1 ii i Fair Dealing between Debtor and Creditor. A very brief Essay upon The Caution to be used, about coming into DEBT, and getting out of it. Boston Lecture, [Jan. 5,] 1715-16, //. (2), 30, fine calf gilt (Pratt). 8 B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1716 1 1 12 Fair Weather. Or Considerations to Dispel the Clouds, & Allay the Storms of Discontent. . . Whereto there is prefixed a Catalogue of Sins against all the Commandments, etc., pp. (2), 93, citron levant morocco extra, sides paneled and gilt, rich inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 12 B. Green &> J. Allen, for N. Buttolph, 1691 Appended (pp. 83-92) is "A Narrative of a Very Tragical Accident, which happened while the foregoing Treatise was in the Press," the assault on York, by the Eastern Indians ; with an Epitaph on Rev. Shtibael Dummer, who was killed. 1113 -- The Faith of the Fathers. Or, The Articles of the True Religion, . . Exhibited in the Express Words of the Old Testa ment . . Chiefly, To Engage the Jewish Nation, unto the Religion of their Patriarchs, etc. [A Catechism],//. 24, crushed brown levant mor., sides paneled, gilt top (Bedford), FINE FRESH COPY, UNCUT. 8 B. Green & J. Allen, 1699 1114 A Faithful Man, Described and Rewarded. Some Observa ble & Serviceable Passages in the Life and Death of Mr. MICHAEL WIGGLESWORTH, late Pastor of Maldon . . And Memorials of Piety, left behind him among his Written Experiences. With a Funeral- Sermon preached (for him) at Maiden; June 24. 1705, //. (6), 48, wants pp. 43, 44, levant brown morocco extra, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, 1705 " The Dedication " (4 pp.) is by Increase Mather. t The Fall of Babylon. See Frontiers Well Defended, No. 1124. 1115 f Family-Religion, Excited and Assisted. The Second Im pression,//. 23, calf gilt (Pratt). 12 B. Green, 1707 First printed in 1703, "A Family Sacrifice," etc. The early editions are VERY RARE. There was a fourth impression, at Boston, in 1720, and another in 1727. The Third edition, 1747, has the title, " Family Religion Urged" etc. (No. 1117.) 1116 f Family Religion excited and assisted. The Third Impres sion,//. 1 6, mor. extra. 8 Newport, Widow Franklin, [1740] 1117 Family Religion Urged. . . To which is added, A select num ber of choice Hymns, collected, &c. The Third Edition, pp. 23, mor. extra, uncut. 8 D. Henchman, 1747 in8 The Fisher-man s Calling. A Brief Essay to Serve the Great Interests of Religion among our FISHER-MEN, pp. (2), iv, 49, (i), calf gilt (Pratt). 8 T. Green, 1712 RARE and CURIOUS. " I have done something like what Peter did ; / have girt a Fishers Coat about me" Preface. "Your Fish don t always come so soon as you would have them ; you must Bait & Wait ; your Patience must be Exercised. In like manner you must be willing to Pray & Wait for the Desired Mercies of God." MATHER (COTTON) 153 1119 MATHER (COTTON) The Fisher-mans Calling. Another copy, unbound. 8 T. Green, 1712 1 1 20 The Flocks warned against Wolves in Sheep s Clothing, with a History of Impostors, and a Lecture on their Occasion, and a Faithful Advice against Impostors (signed by Thirteen Minis ters), title-page wanting, \Boston, 1700.] f Monica Americana. Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Sarah Leverett, with an Elegy, imperfect, wants title-page. Boston, 1705. Two in i vol., preceded by a fragment (pp. 23-53) of a third, without title. 12 1 12 1 - - A Flying Roll. Brought forth, to Enter into the House and Hand of the Thief . . The various Wayes of Theft Detected and Exposed . . A Sermon preached at Boston, n d. n m. i7i2,//. (2), 34, maroon morocco extra, uncut. 8 B. Green, 1713 1 1 22 - - The same, dk. red levant morocco, paneled sides. 8 1713 1123 -- f Free Grace, Maintained & Improved: Or, The General Offer of the Gospel, Managed with Considerations of the Great Things done by Special Grace . . In Two Discourses, pp. (2), 70, brown str. -grained morocco. 8 B. Green, 1706 1124 -- f Frontiers well Defended. An Essay to Direct the Frontiers of a Countrey Exposed unto the Incursions of a Barbarous Enemy, How to behave themselves in their Uneasy Station ?//. 50. In same volume, without separate title-page : The Protestant Armed from the Tower of David. The Fall of Babylon, [A Catechism,] //. (2), 20, morocco extra, gilt (Bedford). 12 T. Green, 1707 See note on "The Way of Truth," No. 1266. f Genethlia Pia, or Thoughts for a Birth Day, 1719. Bound with Columbanus, No. 1087. 1125 Genuine Christianity. Or, A True Christian . . A Sermon on the Departure of Mrs. Frances Webb, the Vertuous Consort of [the Rev.] Mr. John Webb,//. (4), 20, brown mor. extra, uncut. 8 S. Kneeland, 1721 1126 t A Glorious Espousal. A Brief Essay to Illustrate the Marriage, wherein Our Great Saviour offers to Espouse unto Him self the Children of Men ; And there upon to Recommend . . a Good Carriage in the Married Life. An Essay . . Seasonably to be presented, where a Marriage is upon a Celebration,/^. (2), 46, beautiful copy, red levant morocco gilt (F. Bedford), uncut, VERY RARE. 12 S. Kneeland, f or B. Gray, 1719 1127 The Glorious Throne. A Short View of Our Great Lord- Redeemer, Ordering by His Providence, all the Changes in the World : Particularly . . in the Death of our Sovereign, and the Legal Succession of the British Crown, to the House of Hanover. A Sermon [on the Accession of George I.] 23d. viim. 1714, //. (2), 37, half morocco, fine copy. 16 B. Green, 1714 1128 t A GOLDEN CURB, For the Mouth, which with an Headstrong Folly, Rushes into the Sins of Profane Swearing and Cursing, //. 12, n. t. p., calf gilt (Pratt), EXTREMELY RARE. 12 John Allen, 1709 " You Disguise, you Curtail, you Abbreviate your Swearing: As Dod ; and many other such Strokes in the Jargon of Oath-mongers . . This is a poor Evasion. What is it, that these Fictitious words Originally Signify? In these Mongrel Oathes, your God so, is as 20 154 MATHER (COTTON) much as to say, By God s Sou!. Your Ods me, is as much as to say, As God sees me. Slife, is as much as to say, By God s Life. Zounds, is as much as to say, By God s Wounds. Yea, when you say, Marry, tis, By Saint Mary. And thus for the rest." (p. 10.) " The Golden Curb : or, Sober Checks given to Rash Passions," was the title of another work of Mather s (published in " Batteries upon the Kingdom of the Devil," 1695). 1129 -- A Good Evening for the Best of Dayes. An Essay to Man age an Action of Trespass, against Those who Mispend the Lords- Day Evening. Sermon [before] the General Assembly, Boston, 4d. 9111. 1708. (Address To the Reader, by Increase Mather,)//. (6), 26, fine copy, UNCUT. 8 B. Green, 1708 1129* - - The same, brown str. -grained morocco, UNCUT. 1130 t A Good Old Age. A Brief Essay on the Glory of Aged Piety, //. (4), 42, calf gilt (Pratt}. 8 S. Kneeland 6- T. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1726 1131 |The Good Old Way, or, Christianity described, . . in the Lives of the Primitive Christians, //. (2), 94, maroon mor. extra (Bedford}. 12 B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1706 1132 Good Souldiers a Great Blessing. Artillery Election Ser mon, 1691, wants title, pp. 3-28, VERY RARE. 8 \Boston, 1691] 1133 -- Grace Defended. A Censure on the Ungodliness, By which the Glorious Grace of God is too commonly Abused. A Sermon preached December 25, 1712. With a Dissertation on the case of the Penitent Thief, //. (2), 35, (2), calf gilt (Pratt}, VERY RARE. 8 B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1712 " We lay the charges of God upon you, that if any People take this Time, for any thing of a riotous tendency, you do not associate with them in such Ungodliness. . . The Grace of God in sending us a Great Saviour calls for more Pious Acknowledgments" (p. 20). One of the earliest perhaps the first Christmas Sermon preached from a puritan pulpit in New England. 11 33* Grace Defended. Another copy, fine, dk. green levant morocco (Bedford}. 8 1712 Autograph of the Rev. "Wm. Cooper, ex dono Authoris." 1134 Grata Brevitas. An Essay made in a Few Words, To demon strate that a Few Words may have Much comprised in them, pp. 20, maroon morocco extra, g. e., corners of leaves mended and a missing fragment supplied (pp. 9, 10), somewhat soiled, VERY RARE. 8 B. Green, f or S. Gerrish, 1712 IJ 35 ~~ t The Greatest Concern in the World. A Short and Plain Essay to answer [the] Enquiry, What must I do to be Saved ? The Second Edition,//. (2), 22, morocco extra, UNCUT. 8 New London, T. Green, 1718 The first edition was printed in 1707. See S. Mather s list. No copy of either edition is in the Prince or Mass. Hist. Society s Catalogue. 1136 Hades Look d into. The Power of Our Great Saviour Over the Invisible World, and the Gates of Death. . Sermon, at the Funeral of the Honourable WAIT WINTHROP Esq; (With Preface by Increase Mather, 6 pp.) pp. (2), vi, 46. T. Crump, 1717. Sewall (Joseph) The Character and Blessedness of the Upright. A Sermon Occasional by the Death of the Honourable Wait Winthrop Esq; //. (2), 48. T. Crump, 1717. Two in one vol., fine clean copies, original black wrapper, RARE. MATHER (COTTON) 155 1137 MATHER (COTTON) Hades Look d into. Sermon at the Funeral of the Honourable Wait Winthrop Esq; Another copy. Title and first six pages, and inside margins of pp. 1-16, badly wormed, the rest of the volume in excellent condition. 8 T. Crump, 1717 - The Hatchets to hew down the Tree of Sin. (Laws for the Indi ans, in Indian and English.) See No. 792. 1138 Hor-Hagidgad. An Essay upon an Happy Departure. Occa sioned by the Decease of the Rev. William Waldron, Sept. n, 1727, //. (2), 28. 1727. With it are bound, Sermons by Webb (J.), Foxcroft (T.), and Checkley (S.), On the Death of the Rev. Wm. Waldron. Boston, 1727. Four in one volume. 8 1139 t Humiliations followed with Deliverances . . With an Appen dix containing a Narrative of Wonderful Passages relating to the Captivity and Deliverance of HANNAH SWARTON, //. 5-72 (wants title and first four pages}. [ 1 697 .] THE BOSTONIAN EBENEZER. Some Historical Remarks on the State of Boston, etc., pp. 82. B. Green and y. Allen, 1698. The Cure of Sorrow. An Essay directing Persons under Sadness, what Course to take, that they may be no more Sad, //. 46. B. Green, 1709. Dust and Ashes. An Essay upon Repentance to the Last, pp. (2), 34. B. Green, 1710. Four VERY RARE /my in one vol. 12 The last two tracts are in very good condition, though somewhat yellowed. The first shows marks of use, and, besides the missing leaves, needs some small repairs. The second wants 12 leaves (pp. 13-34) and a small piece of p. 35-6; the Lecture "on House hold Religion " (pp. 44-82) is complete, and in good order. " The Bostonian Ebenezer " is one of the RAREST of Cotton Mather s works. The Captivity of Hannah Swarton is not less rare. No one of the four tracts is in the catalogue of the Prince Library, the Mass. Historical Society, or the Boston Athenaeum. 1140 -- Icono-clastes. Essay upon the Idolatry too often committed under the Profession of the most reformed Christianity, //. 37, nice copy, crushed levant morocco (F. Bedford), nearly UNCUT. 12 y. Allen, for D. Henchman, 1717 1141 t Ignorantia Scientifica. A Brief Essay on Man s not Know ing his Time . . Upon a Special and Mournful Occasion [the death of Mr. Samuel Hirst],//. (4), 24, half bound. 8 B. Green, 1727 1 142 INDIA CHRISTIANA. A Discourse Delivered unto the Commis sioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians, etc. By Cotton Mather, D.D., and F.R.S.,//. (4), 88 [92], Jonathan Edwards s copy, with his autograph (1751), original binding, with the rare slip of Corrigenda pasted inside of cover, SCARCE. 1 6 B. Green, 1721 " That the more Curious may have a Taste of the Language wherein" the Indians are instructed in Religion, Mather prints (pp. 52-55, doubled,} "The Religion which all good men are united in," in Indian, with English translation opposite. 1143 India Christiana. Another copy, from which the cover has been removed, for rebinding ; a small bit torn from corner of pp. 89-90, otherivise in excellent condition. 8 B. Green, 1721 1144 t Insanabilia. An Essay upon Incurables; Handling that Case, What shall People do under their Griefs, when there is no Curing of them ? pp. 48, dk. blue grosgr. levant mor., sides paneled, g. c. (Bedford). 12 T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, 1714 156 MATHER (COTTON) 1145 MATHER (COTTON) JOHANNES IN EREMO. Memoirs Relating to the Lives, of the Ever-Memorable, Mr. JOHN COTTON, . Mr. JOHN NORTON, . Mr. JOHN WILSON, . Mr. JOHN DAVENPORT, . and Mr. THOMAS HOOKER, . straight-grained blue morocco extra, Roger Payne style, g. e. (F. Bedford), A BEAUTIFUL COPY. 8 Printed for Michael Perry, 1695 The lives are separately paged: pp. 32, 80, 39, 46, 30, 45, (2). Preface by Increase Mather (pp. ^5-12). At the end, " a Catalogue of some (34) other Books," by C. Mather. "To the Reader," 10 pp., by Increase Mather. After the Introduction, is the Advertise ment of the author s projected " Church History of New England" (the Magnalia), with "A Schaeme of the Whole Work" (pp. 28-32). 1146 - - Johannes in Eremo. Another copy, clean and fine, in the orig inal binding, restored, gilt, very neat. 8 1695 1147 Juga Jucunda. A Brief Essay to obtain from Young People, an Early and Hearty Submission to the Yoke of their Saviour, and his Religion. With a Relation of ... the Dying Hours of Mrs. ABIEL GOODWIN. The Second Edition, //. (4), 36, calf gilt (Pratt). 8 For D. Henchman, 1728 This copy has the leaf before the title, with a half-title: "Dr. Mather s Remarkables on the Peaceful and Joyful Death of Mrs. Abiel Goodwin ;" which was the title of the first edition, printed in 1727. 1148 -- Just Commemorations. The Death of Good Men, Consid ered . . . Added, A brief Account of the Evangelical Work among the Christianized INDIANS of New-England,//. (2), 58, sir -grained blue morocco extra, sides paneled, with corners ornamented, Roger Payne style, g. e. (Bedford). 8 B. Green, 1715 Includes memoirs of Rev. John Cotton (Jim.) and Rev. Grindal Rawson. "The Appen dix contains an account of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians, from Eliot s death to 1715." G. B. The date of publication is on page 58, after "Finis:" "Printed off April gth, 1715." 1149 Just Commemorations. Another impression, best levant dk. brown morocco, sides paneled, blind and gold, g. e. (Bedford). 8 . Green, n. d. [1715] This copy has not the date of publication on the last page, and is probably of an earlier impression than the one preceding. A MS. note by Rev. Thomas Prince, on the back of the title, establishes the date, 1715. 1150 LATE MEMORABLE PROVIDENCES Relating to | Witchcrafts and Possessions, Clearly Manifesting, | Not only that there are Witches, but that Good Men (as well as others) may possibly have their Lives shortned by such evil Instruments of Satan. | . . | The Second Impression. Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard | Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New-England. | pp. (22), 144, dk. green sir. -grained morocco, full gilt back, sides paneled, with ornamented corners, Roger Payne s style, g. e. ( W. Pratt). 8 London , Thomas Parkhurst, 1691 A SPLENDID and IMMACULATE copy of "one of the Earliest and RAREST books relating to the subject." (For the original (Boston) edition of 1689, and the Edinburgh edition, of the same year, see Nos. 1169, 1170.) 1151 - - f A Letter of Advice to the Churches of the Non-conformists in the English Nation : Endeavouring their Satisfaction in that Point, Who are the True Church of England? pp. (4), 30, (2), dark red grosgrain levant morocco, sides paneled and tooled, elegant. 4 London, A. Baldwin, 1700 Autograph of Increase Mather (" Matheri") on title-page; and inscribed, in hand writing of Thomas Prince, "By Cotton Mather." The letter is signed (p. 30) " Phila- lethes," under which Mr. Prince has again written " Cotton Mather." MATHER (COTTON) 157 1152 MATHER (COTTON) A Letter on the late Disputes about the Trinity. Prefixed to Rev. Thomas Bradbury s " Necessity of Con tending for Revealed Religion," half maroon mor., neat. 8 London, H. Wood/all, 1720 This is the publication named in S. Mather s list, under 1720, "American Sentiments on the Arian Controversy." 1153 t A Letter to the Ungospellized Plantations, representing the Excellency and Necessity of a People s enjoying the Gospel,//. 1 6. t An Advice to the Churches of the Faithful : Briefly report ing the Present State of the Church, Throughout the World,//. 16. B. Green &> J. Allen. Two in one vol., calf extra. 8 1702 1154 Little Flocks guarded against Grievous Wolves. An Address unto those Parts of New-England which are most Exposed unto Assaults, from the Modern Teachers of the misled Quakers .... With just Reflections upon the extream Ignorance and Wicked ness, of GEORGE KEITH,//. (2), no, crushed citron levant morocco, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. (Bedford}, RARE. 8 Betij. Harris and John Allen, 1691 1155 The Lord-High-Admiral of all the Seas, Adored. A Brief Essay, upon the Miracle of our Saviour Walking upon the Water. (A Sermon preparatory to a Voyage; June 7, 1723,) //. (2), 22, green straight-grained morocco. 12 1723 1156 Love Triumphant. A Sermon at the Gathering of a New Church, and the Ordaining of their Pastor [Wm. Waldron], in the North Part of Boston; May 23, I722,//. (4), 39, half morocco. 8 S. Kneeland,for N. Belknap, 1722 The Charge, by Increase Mather ; Right Hand by Benjamin Wadsworth. 1157 - - Magnalia Christi Americana: or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books, good copy, map in fac simile, polls -lied calf gilt, red edges. fol. London, for Thomas Parkhurst, 1702 At the end a leaf with a list of " Books Printed for Thomas Parkhurst." It has not the leaf of Errata, which is found in few copies. 1158 Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England, etc. MAP, brown grosgrained levant morocco, sides bordered and paneled, blind and gold, raised bands, g. e. ( W. Pratt), LARGE PAPER. fol. London, for T. Parkhurst, 1702 A MAGNIFICENT COPY. The page measures 13^ inches by 8^ inches wide. The MAGNALIA, in LARGE PAPER, and in such condition, is of SUPERLATIVE RARITY. 1159 -- Magnalia Christi Americana. The First American edition. 2 vols., sheep, gilt. 8 Hartford, Silas Andrus, 1820 1 1 60 t Malachi. Or, The Everlasting Gospel Preached unto the Nations. And those Maxims of Piety which are to be . . The Only Terms of Communion, and The Happy Stops of Controversy, etc., //. (2), 93, elegant blue calf gilt ( W. Pratt), FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 1 2 T. C. for Robert Starke, 1717 The running title is : " The Grand Maxims to be United on." 1161 Man Eating the Food of Angels. The Gospel of Manna, To be Gathered in the Morning With diverse famous & wondrous Examples of Early Piety, Especially, the History of Chrislieb 158 MATHER (COTTON) Leberecht Von Extor, late Son to the Physician of the King of Prussia, //. (2), 86, fine clean copy, wants part of the last leaf (con taining three verses of one of Watts s Lyric Poems]. 12 Printed for Benj. Eliot, 1710 RARE. The running title is : " The Religion of the Morning." 1162 A Man of his Word. A very brief Essay, on Fidelity In Keeping of Promises and Engagements . . Boston-Lecture, ud. 4m. I7i3,//. (2), 22, calf gilt (Pratt}. 8 John Allen, for N. Boone, 1713 1163 - - Manuductio ad Ministerium. Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry,//. (2), xviii, (2), 151, old paneled sheep, good copy. 8 Printed for T. Hancock, 1726 A gratulatory poem by Samuel Mather, on pp. 148, 149. 1163* The same, tall copy, but the last two leaves stained, and one slightly torn, original binding. 1726 See Student and Preacher, No. 1239. 1164 The Marrow of the Gospel. A very brief Essay, on the Union between the Redeemer and the Beleever, //. 25, fine clean copy, calf gilt (Pratt}. 8 Printed for N. Belknap, 1727 1165 - - f Maschil, Or, The Faithful Instructor. Offering, Memorials of Christianity In Twenty-Six Exercises upon the New-English Catechism [John Cotton s Milk for Babes] ; . . With several other Essayes, to Promote Knowledge and Practice . . With an Addition . . of the like operation upon The Assemblies Catechism, pp. 192. B. Green & J. Allen, 1702. The Old Principles of New-England. Or, Thirty-Three Articles Extracted from, and Contracting of, The [Cambridge] Platform of Church-Discipline,//. 16, n. t. p. \_Boston, 1700 ?] Two in one vol. in the original binding, well preserved, VERY RARE. 8 This book is given to Mather, on the authority of Prince s MS. Catalogue. 1166 -- t Maschil, or, the Faithful Instructor. Another copy, pp. 192, russet calf gilt. 8 B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1702 1167 Meat out of the Eater. Or, Funeral-Discourses, Occasioned by the Death of Several Relatives,//. (6), 222, large and good copy, old binding. 12 Printed for B. Eliot, 1703 This volume contains Six Sermons : i. A Tryed Faith, Offering an Only Son. Preached Apr. 2, 1693. 2 - The Fear of God, under Tryals. Preached Oct. 8, 1693, af tcr tne F U ~ neral of his daughter Mary. 3. Good News from A Far Country. Feb. 29, 1695(6), after the Funeral of his dau. Mehetabel. 4. Light arising in Darkness. Feb. 9, 1 700, on the death of his son Samuel. 5. The Living Redeemer . . Preached when his son lay a Dying. 6. An House of Mourning. Occasioned by the Death of [his wife] Mrs. Abigail Mather: -with A Consolatory Poem (4 pp.) by Nicholas Noyes. 1 1 68 Meat out of the Eater. Another copy, elegantly bound in blue polished calf, sides filleted, back full gilt, g. e. ( W. Pratt}, a beautiful copy, though close cropped on the fore margins, on some leaves. 1169 MEMORABLE PROVIDENCES, | Relating to | WITCHCRAFTS | and Possessions. | A Faithful Account of many Wonderful and Sur-j prising Things, that have befallen several Be-|witched and Pos sessed Persons in New-England. | Particularly, A Narrative of the marvellous Trouble and Releef Experienced by a pious Fa-|mily in Boston . . . Added, A Discourse delivered unto a Congregation in | Boston, on the Occasion of that Illustrious Pro-|vidence. As also, | A Discourse unto the same Congregation; on the Occasion MATHER (COTTON) 159 of an horrible Self-Mur-|der Committed in the Town. With an Appendix, in vindication of a Chapter | in a late Book of Remark able Providences, from | the Calumnies of a Quaker at Pen-silvania. | . . Recommended by the Ministers of Boston and Charleston. | PP- (10), 75> 21, 40, (2), 14. 8 R. P\ierce\ 1689 EXTREMELY RARE. The copy, though yellowed by age, is well preserved. There is an ink-stain on the title-page, and the leaf (which is now mounted) has lost a very small bit from the upper and outer corner. For " the second impression " ( London, 1691,) see No. 1150. The first of the two appended Discourses is " On the Power and Malice of the Devils ; " the second is "A Discourse on Witchcraft." The Appendix (pp. 14) contains a reply to George Keith s " Churches in New-England brought to the Test," &c. 1170 MEMORABLE PROVIDENCES, | Relating to | WITCHCRAFTS and POSSESSIONS : A Faithful Account of many Wonderful and Sur prising Things, that have befallen several Bewitched and Pos-| sessed Persons in New-England, | &c., green levant morocco extra, ins. borders, g. e. (Pratt). 12 Reprinted, Edinburgh, [1689] EXCESSIVELY RARE. This copy shows marks of hard usage, and is not quite com plete, wanting one leaf and parts of two others. It has been carefully repaired, the worn corners restored, and the torn leaves nicely mended (without facsimile of the missing words). - Memoria Wilsoniana. See Johannes in Eremo, No. 1145. 1171 t Memorials of Early Piety. Occurring in the Holy Life & Joyful Death of Mrs. Jerusha Oliver . . With some account of her Christian Experiences, Extracted from her Reserved Papers . . //. (4), 54, (i), calf extra gilt (Pratt), VERY RARE. 12 T. Green, 1711 Mrs. Jerusha (wife of Peter) Oliver was Cotton Mather s sister. 1172 -- Military Duties, recommended to an Artillery Company; at their Election of Officers, in Charls-Town, 13. d. 7.111. i686,//. (8), 78, (2), dk. red grosgr. levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Rich. Pierce, 1687 1173 -- A MIDNIGHT CRY. An Essay for our Awakening out of a Sinful Sleep ... A Discourse given on a Day of Prayer, kept by the North-Church in Boston,//. 72, frown levant morocco, elegant, paneled sides, center and corner ornaments, g. e. {Bedford). 12 John Allen, for Sam. Phillips, 1692 " I have ordered a Small Impression ... So that perhaps I may say of this Book, as the Philosopher did of his, Tis Published, biit Scarce made Publick." Preface. EXCES SIVELY RARE. Not in the Prince, or Mass. Hist. Society s catalogues, nor in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) list. The last page contains "A Catalogue of some (29) other Books" "All by The Authour." 1173* - The Minister. A Sermon. Offer d unto the Anniversary Convention of Ministers . . at Boston, 31 d. mm. 1722. By One of their Number,//. (2), 45, half calf neat. 8 1722 The half-title is : " Dr. Cotton Mauler s Sermon at the Anniversary Convention." &c. The running-title: "The Services of an useful Ministry." - Monica Americana. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Sarah Leverett. Bound "with The Flocks warned against Wolves, No. 1120. 1174 t A Monitor for Communicants. An Essay to Excite and Assist Religious Approaches to the Table of the Lord. The Third Edition,//. 24, blue str.-gr. morocco extra (F. Bedford). 12 I 7 I 5 1174* - The Same. The Fourth Edition,//. (4), 18. 8 New London, T. Green, 1732 160 MATHER (COTTON) 1175 MATHER (COTTON) fA Monitory, and Hortatory Letter To those English, who debauch the Indians, by Selling Strong Drink unto them,//. (2), 16, half red morocco, neat, RARE. 8 1700 1176 t Nails Fastened. Or, Proposals of Piety Reasonably and Seasonably complyed withal. A Brief Essay, etc., pp. (2), 22, brown morocco, g. e. (Bedford}. 12 for Joseph Edwards, 1726 1177 Nehemiah. A Brief Essay on Divine Consolations . . . Offered, at the Lecture in Boston, 30 d. 9 m. 1710, [on the Death of a Daughter of Judge Sewall,]//. (4), 24, a matchless copy, calf extra (Pratt), UNCUT. 4 B. Green, 1710 1178 f Nepenthes Evangelicum. A brief Essay, upon A Soul at Ease . . A Sermon occasion d by the Death of a Religious Matron, Mrs. Mary Rock,//. 48, extra calf gilt, g. e. (Pratt), VERY RARE. 12 Thomas Fleet, for D. Henchman, 1713 Mrs. Rock was the daughter of Rev. John Wilson of Boston, and "one of the First-born, if not the very First of her Sex that was born in this famous Metropolis of the English - America : and who deserves to be honourably mentioned as long as Boston shall endure, which, I hope, will be unto the Second Coming of our Saviour" (p. 4). The Rev. Samuel Danforth, of Roxbury, was her first husband. 1179 t The Nets of Salvation. A Brief Essay upon the Glorious Designs & Methods of Winning the Minds of Men unto Serious Religion,//. 56, calf gilt (Pratt}. 8 Timothy Green, 1704 At the end, a poem: "The Language of a Soul taken in the Nets of Salvation," 2 pp. 1 1 80 f A New Year Well-begun. An Essay offered on A New- Years-Day; to provide a Good Work for such a Day, and- Advise, How a Good Year may certainly follow the Day,//. (4), 29, i, calf gilt (Pratt), RARE. 16 New London, T. Green, 1719 Dedicated to John Winthrop, Esq. 1181 Nuncio Bona e Terra Longinqua. A Brief Account of Some Good & Great Things a doing for the Kingdom of God, in the midst of Europe, /A (2), 14, fine copy, mor. extra (Macdonald). 8 B. Green, f or S. Gerrish, 1715 1182 - - tThe Old Pathes Restored. In a brief Demonstration, that the Doctrines of Grace hitherto preserved in the Churches of the Non-Conformists, are not only asserted in the Sacred Scriptures, but also in the Articles and Homilies of the Church of England; etc.,//. (2), 25, calf gilt (Pratt}, RARE. 12 T. Green, 1711 "Reprinted at London, 1713, with a Preface by Wm. Whiston." Haven. - f The Old Principles of New England, etc., 1 700. Bound with Maschil, or The Faithful Instructor, No. 1165. 1183 -- Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion. Or The Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman: etc., pp. 104, i, old-red crushed levant mor., paneled sides, inside border, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Cambridge, S. G. 6 B. G.,for Samuel Phillips at Boston, 1692 A copy in the Prince Library Catalogue has the date, 1691. It was advertised on the last page of Tulley s Almanac for 1692, as to be " speedily published." 1184 Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion. Or the Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman, much worn, title mounted, and many leaves torn, but the text nearly complete. 12 London, for T. Parkhurst, 1694 1185 -- The Same. Third Edition, //. (4), 116, last leaf slightly imperfect on fore margin. 12 Boston, repr. 1741 MATHER (COTTON) 161 1 1 86 MATHER (COTTON) Orphanotrophium. Or, Orphans Well-pro vided for. An Essay on the Care taken in the Divine Providence for Children when their Parents forsake them. A Sermon, on a Day of Prayer, kept with a Religious Family, [28 d. i m. 171 1,] whose parents [John and Abigail Foster] were lately taken from them, pp. (4), 68, dk. red morocco extra, UNCUT. 8 B. Green, 1711 1187 t The Palm-Bearers. A Brief Relation of Patient and Joyful Sufferings ; and of Death Gloriously Triumphed over ; in the His tory of the Persecution of the Church of Scotland, from 1660 to 1688, //. (2), viii, 58, calf gilt (Bedford). 8 T. Fleet, 1725 1 1 88 t Parental Wishes and Charges. Or, The Enjoyment of a Glorious Christ, Proposed, as the great Blessedness which Christian Parents desire for themselves, and for their Children, (with a poem, entitled, The Consent,) //. 60, str.-gr. olive morocco, elegant, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. 12 T. Green, 1705 1189 Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of the Ever-Memorable Dr. Increase Mather, portrait, fine copy, best blue levant morocco, full gilt, rich inside borders (Bedford). 8 B. Green, for N. Belknap, 1724 See also, Nos. 1055-57. 1190 Pascentius. A very Brief Essay upon the Methods of Piety, Wherein People in whom the Difficulties of the Times have caused Anxieties, may have a Comfortable Assurance of being At all Times Comfortably Provided for. [Boston Lecture] 23 d. X m. 1714, pp. (2), 33, calf gilt (Pratt], RARE. 8 B. Green, for Benj. Eliot and Joanna Perry, 1714 It may be, that the rarity of this tract has prevented such a " comfortable assurance " as it offers, from being universally entertained. The running title is: " How to live in Hard Times." A reprint, at this time, would not be unseasonable. 191 Pascentius : A very Brief Essay upon the Methods of Piety, etc., another copy, mor. extra, UNCUT. 8 1714 - A Perfect Recovery . . after a sickly Winter. Bound with A Token for Children. No. 1250. 192 t Pittas in Patriam: The Life of his Excellency Sir WILLIAM PHIPS, Knt., late Captain General, and Governour in Chief of the Province of the Massachuset-Bay, New England . . Written by one intimately acquainted with him,//. (12), no, (8), brown levant morocco, full gilt (Bedford), FINE COPY. 8 London, 1697 Dedication to the Earl of Bellomont, by Nathanael Mather, April 27, 1697. On the verso of a leaf before the title, is an attestation, signed by Nath. Mather, John Howe, and Matth. Mead. Sect. 16 (pp. 66-82) contains " A remarkable History of the strange Witchcrafts and Possessions in New-England." - Pietas Matutina. . . On occasion of the Early Departure of Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, 1726. Bound with Best Ornaments of Youth, etc., No. 1070. 193 Piety and Equity United. In Two Essays,//. (2), 44, 42, mor. extra (Bedford). 12 J. Allen, for Rob. Starke, 1717 Running titles : " The Desires of Piety," and " The Measures of Equity." 194 Piscator Evangelicus. Or, The Life of Mr. THOMAS HOOKER^ The Renowned, Pastor of Hartford-Church, and Pillar of Connec_ 21 1 62 MATHER (COTTON) ticut-Colony, pp. 45, (2), best levant red morocco extra, paneled sides, g.e. (Bedford), RARE. 8 n. p. [Boston,"] Printed in the year 1695 The last two pages have " A Catalogue of some other Books, all by this Author/ comprising 34 titles. 1195 f A POEM Dedicated to the Memory | of The Reverend and Excellent Mr. URIAN OAKES, | the late Pastor to Christ s Flock, | and Praesident of Harvard-Colledge, in Cambridge, Who was gathered to his People on 25 d 5 1681. In the fifty th Year of his Age. i Sam. 25. i. (3 lines ; followed by 4 lines of Latin verse]. sm. 4 Boston in New-England, Printed for John Ratcliff, 1682 Title, verso blank; Verses "To the Reader" (2 pp.); "Memoirs | of the Life and Worth : | Lamentations | for the Death, and Loss | of | the every way admirable | Mr. Vrian Oakes:" pp. 1-16. At the foot of p. 16, an Advertisement of Oakes s Fast Ser mon at Cambridge, from Eccl. 9. 1 1 [to which Increase Mather prefixed a biographical memoir.] White morocco, antique. The initials N. R., subscribed to the Poem, (p. 16) are the last letters of the name Cotto?* Mather. This poem was, probably, Cotton Mather s FIRST PUBLISHED WORK. It was printed three years before the Elegy on Collins (see No. 1106) and four years before the first work named in Samuel Mather s list, the Sermon before the Execution of J. Morgan (see No. 1025). Mr. Brinley s is the ONLY COPY KNOWN, and is believed to be UNIQUE. In May, 1683, Nathanael Mather of Dublin wrote to his brother Increase: " The last I had from you was dated gber 15. 82. & with it Mr. Oaks his Sermon on Eccles. (see No. 837) and two of your son s Poems on him, for which I thank you." The Mather Pa pers (4 Mass. Hist. Coll., viii.) /. 55. This is probably one of the two copies mentioned. It has the autograph of N\athanaet\ Mather on the last page. 1196 The Present State of New-England. Considered in a Dis course on the Necessities and Advantages of a Public Spirit in every Man. [Boston Lecture, March 20, 1690.] Upon the news of an Invasion by bloody Indians and French-men, begun upon us, PP" ( 2 )j 5 2 > & es t levant red mor., filleted sides, gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 S. Green, 1690 1197 - - |The Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained, and Churches of New-England, in the Profession and Exercise thereof defended, against the Calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker. . By the Ministers of the Gospel in Boston,//. (10), 156, olive morocco extra, back and sides full gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 R. Pierce, 1690 The Preface is signed by James Allen, Joshuah Moodey, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather. The last was, probably, the principal author. 1198 - - t Private Meetings Animated and Regulated. A Short Essay, To Preserve and Revive the Ancient Practice of Lesser Societies, Formed among Religious People, to Promote the Great Interests of Religion,//. 23, calf extra, gilt (Pratt}, UNCUT, RARE. 12 T. Green, 1706 1 199 f PSALTERIUM Americanum. The Book of Psalms, In a Trans lation Exactly conformable unto the Original ; but all in Blank Verse, Fitted unto the Tunes commonly used in our Churches ; . . Added, Some other Portions of the Sacred Scriptures, to enrich the Cantional, A BEAUTIFUL COPY, //. (2), xxxvi, 426, crushed levant brown morocco, back and sides paneled (F. Bedford], SCARCE. 8 1718 See the Menzies Catalogue, No. 1354. 1200 -- MANUSCRIPT. PSALTERIUM AMERICANUM. The author s AUTOGRAPH copy, as prepared for the press. In fine condition; bound in a thick quarto volume, brown morocco, antique. MATHER (COTTON) 163 1201 MATHER (COTTON) f The Quickened Soul. A Short and Plain . Essay on, The Withered Hand Revived & Restored, water-stained, in other respects a fine copy, pp. (2), 30, UNCUT. 12 B. Green, 1720 " Aimed, more Particularly at the Direction of them whose Conversion to Piety may be in Danger, thro wretched and foolish Pamphlets, which the Enemies of Grace & of Souls, industriously scatter about the Country." This perhaps refers to John Checkley s (anon ymous) " Choice Dialogues between a Godly Minister and an Honest Countryman, concerning Election and Predestination," published in 1720. 1202 Another copy, olive morocco gilt (P. Bedford ). 1720 1203 Ratio Discipline Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Ac count of the Discipline Professed and Practised in the Churches of New-England, //. (2), iv, 207, (3). 8 Printed for S. Gerrish, 1726 1204 The same ; with Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry, bound in. 1726 1205 t Reason Satisfied: and Faith Established. The Resurrec tion of a glorious Jesus Demonstrated, //. 47, good copy, half morocco, plain. 1 2 y. Allen, for N. Boone, 1712 1206 Reasonable Religion: or, the Truths of the Christian Reli gion demonstrated . . With the Religion of the Closet, and Family Religion Urged. Preface, by Rev. Dr. [Daniel] Williams, fine copy, large margin, pp. (20), 136, calf gilt (Pratt). 8 London, 1713 From the Boston edition of 1700. 1207 t The Religion of the Closet. An Essay on the Holy Em ployments proper for a Christian in his Daily Retirements, or A Christian furnished with a Companion for Solitude. 2d edition, pp. 42, (2), clean copy, limp vellum, RARE. 12 T. Green, 1706 1208 f The Religion of the Closet. 4th edition, pp. 44, nice copy, blue mor. extra (Bedford}. 12 T. Fleet, 1715 1209 t The Religion of the Cross. A Brief Essay upon the Cross, . . Occasioned by . . the Death of [the author s wife] Mrs. Elizabeth Mather, pp. (4), 47, (i), calf gilt,g. e. (Pratt]. 12 John Allen, 1714 1 2 10 t The Religion of an Oath : Plain Directions how the Duty of Swearing may be Safely Managed, . and Strong Persuasives to avoid Perjury,//. 30, brown morocco extra. 8 B. Green, f or D. Henchman, 1719 12 1 1 Repeated Warnings. Another Essay, to Warn Young People against Rebellions that must be Repented of. . With a Pathetical Relation, of what occurr d in the Remarkable Experiences of a Young Man, who made an Hopeful End lately at Lyme in Con necticut, //. (2), 34, calf gilt (Pratt), UNCUT, VERY RARE. 12 B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1712 "A copy of a Letter to the Author," is appended, from the father of the young man mentioned, signed, M. G. [Matthew Griswold]. 12 1 2 Repeated Warnings. Another copy, unbound. 1712 1213 The Resolved Christian ; Pursuing the Designs of Holiness and Happiness, etc., pp. (2), 128, red levant morocco extra, g.e. (Bed ford), last leaf mended at lower corner, a few letters in fac-simile, RARE. 8 Sold by Nicholas Boone, 1700 This is identical the title-page and the omission of the errata and dedication excepted with " Small Offers " &c. (No. 1228), printed in 1689. 164 MATHER (COTTON) 1214 MATHER (COTTON) f The Right Way to Shake off a Viper. An Essay upon a Case Too commonly calling for Consideration ; What shall Good Men do, when they are Evil Spoken of ? With a Preface of Dr. Increase Mather. The Second Impression, //. (2), xiv, 64. 12 S. Kneeland, 1720 " The Essay now to be offered unto the Reader was printed at London Nine Years ago. Preface. 1215 f The Right Way to Shake off a Viper. Another copy, morocco extra. 8 1720 1216 -- t The Rules of a Visit. An Essay upon that Case, How the Visits of Christians, may be so .Managed, as to Answer the Noble Designs of Christianity,/^. 40, calf extra, g. e. (Pratt], VERY RARE. 12 Timo. Green, 1705 12 17 - - The Sad Effects of Sin. A True Relation of the Murder com mitted by David Willis, on his Companion Benj. Stolwood. Added, [The Curbed Sinner] The Sermon preached after his Condemnation ; and [another by Benj. Colman] on the Day of his Execution, Sept. 24, 1713. Three separate tracts, pp. (2), 14; (2), 64; 34, the first imperfect, and the last leaf of the third injured. 12 J. Allen, 1713 1218 f The Sailours Companion and Counsellour : An Offer of Considerations for the Tribe of Zebulun ; Awakening the Mariner to Think and to Do those things that may render his Voyage Pros perous,//. (2), 62, red mor. extra (Bedford), UNCUT. 8^. Green, f or S. Gerrish, 1709 1219 t The Salvation of the Soul considered . . With Directions , . and Incentives, pp. (2), 22, fine copy, brown mor. gilt (Bedford), RARE. 12 B. Green, 1720 1220 The Saviour with his Rainbow. A Discourse concerning the Covenant which God will remember in the Times of Danger pass ing over his Church. (Dedication by Samuel Mather.) //. 23, clean and fine copy, half dark calf, antique, UNCUT. 8 London, 1714 This London edition is VERY RARE. It is not in the Am. Antiquarian Society s, Mass. Hist. Society s, Prince, or Harvard Library Catalogues, and not mentioned by Lowndes or Stevens. Reprinted from the Boston edition of 1712. See Thoughts for the Day of Rain, No. 1246. 1 22 1 Seasonable Thoughts upon Mortality. A Sermon occasioned by the raging of a Mortal Sickness in the Colony of Connecticut, and the many Deaths of our Brethren there. Delivered at Boston- Lecture, 24 d. nm. 1711-12, //. (2), 26, (2), dark brown levant mor. antique, ins. borders, top gilt, UNCUT. 12 T. Green, 1712 VERY RARE. Mr. Haven gives the abbreviated title from Samuel Mather s list (as of 1711), but apparently had not seen the book. It is not in the Prince, Mass. Hist. Society, or Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogues. 1222 -- Seasonable Thoughts upon Mortality. Another copy, best levant brown mor., paneled sides, elegant, g. e. (Bedford). 12 1712 1223 and others. A Serious Address to those who unnecessarily frequent the Tavern, and often spend the Evening in Publick Houses ; by several Ministers. [The Preface is signed by C. Mather, and 22 others.] . . Added, a Private Letter on the Subject, by the late Rev. Increase Mather, pp. (2), iv, 30, str. -grained brown mor. extra, uncut. 8 Printed for S. Gerrish, 1726 I. Mather s Letter (pp. 27-36) is in answer to the Question, " Whether it be Lawful for a Church-Member among us, to be frequently in Taverns ? " MATHER (COTTON) 165 1224 MATHER (COTTON) The Serviceable Man. A Discourse made unto the General Court . . at the Anniversary Election, 1690, //. (4), 1-58, wants the last three leaves, calf gilt (Bedford). 8 S. Green, for Jos. Browning, 1690 1225 Several Sermons concerning Walking with God, and that In the Dayes of Youth,//. (2), &b,fine copy, brown mor. extra (F. Bed ford), nearly uncut. 8 London, J. Astwood,for John Dunton, 1689 Three Sermons. The last is entitled, " The Duty and Interest of Youth : or, The Thought of an Elder, on the Death of a Younger Brother, Uttered Oct. 28, 1688" (a funeral sermon for Nathanael Mather). 1226 t Signatus. The Sealed Servants of our God, Appearing with Two Witnesses, etc. . . Boston Lecture, 1726-7, pp. 40, calf gilt (Pratt), RARE. 8 Printed for Daniel Henchman, 1727 1227 f Signatus : The Sealed Servants of our God, appearing with Two Witnesses, etc. The Second Edition, //. viii, y^fine copy, green mor. extra, uncut. 8 Rogers &* Fowle, 1748 Preface and Appendix by Rev. Andrew Croswell. 1228 Small Offers towards the Service of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Four Discourses accommodated unto the Designs of Practical Godliness,/^. (8), 128, brown levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford), fine copy, VERY RARE. 8 R. Pierce, 1689 "Published by a Gentleman [John Philips, Esq., to whom the work is dedicated,] lately restored from threatening Sickness. (See No. 1213.) 1229 Small Offers towards the Service of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Another copy, wants pp. 23-4 and 45-6 (two leaves) otherwise perfect ; forel, lettered (Bedford). 8 R. Pierce, 1689 1230 t Sober Considerations, on a growing Flood of Iniquity. Or, An Essay, To Dry up a Fountain of, Confusion and every Evil Work ; and to Warn People, particularly of the Woful Conse quences [of] the Prevailing Abuse of RUM, pp. (2), 20, straight- grained red morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 John Allen, [1708] Close cropped; some letters cut into, on the front margin. Interleaved with white paper. 1231 f Sober Sentiments. In an Essay upon the Vain Presump tion of Living and Thriving in the World. . . Produced by the pre mature and much lamented Death of Mr. Joshua Lamb. With an Appendix by another Hand [Rev. Thomas Walter],//. 37, calf gilt (W. Pratt}, VERY RARE. sm. 8 T. Fleet, 1722 See MS. note on p. 32. Joshua Lamb, a Harvard student, was killed by falling from Stoughton Hall. The names " Dr. Cotton Mather " and " Mr. Thomas Walter," as the respective authors of the sermon and the appendix, were entered by Samuel Sewall, Jr., in his copy. See N. E. Hist. &> Gen. Register, viii. 261. 1232 f Some Seasonable Enquiries [concerning Episcopacy] And for the establishment of the Reformed Churches. Offered, For the Consideration and Satisfaction of them that are willing to Weigh things in Even Balances, pp. 12, n. t. p., calf gilt (Pratt), RARE. 12 n. p. [Boston,] 1723 12 33 t A Sorrowful Spectacle. Two Sermons on the Execution of a Woman for the Murder of her Spurious Offspring : and, with separate title-page and imprint : COLMAN (BENJ.) The Divine Com passion Declar d and Magnified, //. (2), vii, 3-92. 12 1715 The first tract is imperfect, wanting title, part of Preface, and one leaf (85-6) ; the second, Dr. Colman s sermon, is a good copy, slightly water-stained. 1 66 MATHER (COTTON) 1234 MATHER (COTTON) f A Soul Well-Anchored. A Little Manual for Self-Examination ; To assist a Christian In Examining his Hopes of a Future Blessedness,//. 24, calf extra, gilt (Pratt), RARE. 12 B. Green, 1712 Prefixed : " A Short Hymn To Assist the Pauses of a Self-Examination." 1235 Souldiers Counselled and Comforted. A Discourse delivered unto some part of the Forces engaged in the just War, against the Northern & Eastern INDIANS. Sept. i. i689,//. 38, crimson morocco extra, RARE. 8 Samuel Green, 1689 Some leaves of the dedicatory epistle, which had been too close cropped on the fore margin, have been carefully repaired and extended. 1236 Souldiers Counselled and Comforted. A Discourse delivered to Forces engaged in the just War against the Indians. Another copy, cut close in places, wants last two leaves, str-gr. morocco extra. 8 S. Green, 1689 1237 Speedy Repentance Urged. Sermon preached at Boston, Dec. 29, 1689, in the Hearing and at the Request of one Hugh Stone [of Andover], . . under Sentence of Death, for Murder. . . Added, certain Memorable Providences relating to some other Mur ders, //. (6), 87, (i blk.), 1 6, title-page and next three leaves stained and slightly imperfect, otherwise a good copy. 8 S. Green, 1690 1238 f The Spirit of Life entering into the spiritually dead. An Essay, To bring a Dead Soul into the Way, wherein the Quicken ing Spirit of God & of Grace, is to be Hoped and Waited for, pp. 40, calf extra {Pratt), RARE. 12 Timo. Green, 1707 1239 -- Student and Preacher, entituled, Manuductio ad Ministerium ; or Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry ; republished by John Ryland, clean copy, polished calf gilt. 8 London, 1781 See Manuductio ad Ministerium, No. 1163. 1240 The same work ; Added, a Literal translation of Dr. Cotton Mather s famous Latin Preface : with an Abridgement of Mr. Ryland s Preface to his edition, half calf gilt. 12 London, 1789 1241 t Suspiria Vinctorum. Some Account of the Condition to which the Protestant Interest in the World is at this Day reduced, pp. (2), 22, calf gilt (Pratt), UNCUT. 12 T. Fleet, 1726 1242 The Terror of the Lord. Some Account of the Earthquake that shook New England in the Night, Oct. 29-30, 1727. With a Speech made unto the Inhabitants of Boston the next Morning. The Third Edition, pp. (4), 42, brown str.-gr. morocco, uncut. 8 S. Kneeland, 1727 This edition has an Appendix, written Nov. 4, and a Further Appendix (pp. 39-42), Nov. 1 6. 1243 - - t THEOPOLIS AMERICANA. An Essay on the Golden Street of the Holy City ; publishing a Testimony against the Cor ruptions of the Market-Place ... In a Sermon to the General Assembly, 1709, pp. (4), 51, (2), levant russia-red morocco, top gilt (Bedford], clean, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 12 B. Green, 1710 1244 Things for a Distress d People to think upon. Offered in the Sermon to the General Assembly of the Province of the Mas sachusetts-Bay, at the Anniversary ELECTION, May 27, 1696, MATHER (COTTON) 167 2), 1-84, wants the last leaves of the Postscript, dk. blue morocco, g. e. Bedford), VERY RARE. 1 6 B. Green <5r y. Allen, for Duncan Campbel, 1696 With a Postscript, containing "A Relation of no less than SEVEN MIRACLES, within this little while wrought by the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ." 1245 and others : Thirty Important Cases Resolved, with Evidence of Scripture and Reason. [Mostly,] By several Pastors of Adja cent Churches, meeting in Cambridge. With some other memora ble matters, pp. 78, (2), r us sia-red levant morocco, g. e. (Bedford). 8 B. Green 6- y Allen, 1699 "Advertisement" (2 pp.) by Cotton Mather, prefixed. On verso of title-page, an addi tional Case resolved, IN MANUSCRIPT, by INCREASE MATHER: "Qu. Whether the publick reading of the Scriptures in order, to our Congregations, without preaching thereupon (?), be not an Ordinance." At the end (pp. 71-77), the "Proposals made by the President and Fellows of Harvard Colledge " &c. "to Observe and Record the more Illustrious Discoveries of the Divine Providence," etc., signed Increase Mather, President, James Allen [and six other] Fellows. In same -volume : PROPOSALS For the Preservation of Religion in the Churches, by a due Trial of them that stand Candidates of the Ministry, 4 //. n. d. (These are the Proposals agreed upon by the Massachusetts Association, July, 1702.) 1246 Thoughts for the Day of Rain : Two Essays, I. The Gospel of the Rainbow. II. The Saviour with his Rainbow, //. (2), vi, 64, brown mor. 8 B. Green, 1712 Before the second Essay, is a " Carmen Gratulatorium " (2 pp.) addressed to the Author, signed R. H. (Robert Hale?) The second Essay was reprinted in London, in 1714. See, before, No. 1220. 1247 t The Thoughts of a Dying Man. A Faithful Report of Matters uttered by many, in the Last Minutes of their Lives, etc., pp. 47, (i), four pages (17-20) in admirable fac-simile, by Burt, calf extra, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 12 B. Green &> y. Allen, for J. Wheeler, 1697 1248 f The Thoughts of a Dying Man. Another copy, blue levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). 12 1697 1249 |A Token for the Children of New-England. Or, Some Examples of Children in whom the Fear of God was Remarkably Budding, before they Dyed, In Several Parts of New-England . . . Added as Supplement, unto the Excellent JANEWAYES Token for Children : Upon the Re-printing of it, in this Countrey, pp. 36, [Appended to Janeway s Token,//. (12), 132,] best dk. blue levant mor., full gilt, ins. borders (Bedford). 12 Timo. Green, f or B. Eliot, 1700 1250 - - t A Token for the Children of New England. . . Added, as a Supplement, unto the excellent Janewayes Token for Children, wants the last leaf, worn copy. T. Green, 1700. A Perfect Recov ery . . A Brief Discourse to the Inhabitants of a Place that had passed thro a very Sickly Winter, and a Time of much Adversity, //. 60, a piece gone from the bottom of the title. [1714.] Two in one vol., old binding, neat. 12 1251 t A Town in its truest Glory. A Discourse wherein the State of all our Towns is Considered, pp. 58, brown mor. extra (Bedford), RARE. 12 B. Green, f or D. Henchman, 1712 [252 f A Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water. Or, An Essay, upon the Godly and Glorious Improvements, which Baptised Christians are to make of their Sacred Baptism, pp. (2), 69, calf gilt (Pratt), RARE. 12 Barth. Green, for Samuel Phillips, 1704 1 68 MATHER (COTTON) 1253 MATHER (COTTON) f Tremenda. The Dreadful Sound with which the Wicked are to be Thunderstruck. In a Sermon Deliv ered unto a Great Assembly, in which was present a Miserable African [Joseph Hanno] just going to be Executed for a most Inhumane and Uncommon Murder at Boston, May 25, 1721. Added, A Conference between a Minister, and the Prisoner, pp. (2), 41, sir. -grained brown mor. extra, UNCUT. large 12 B. Green, 1721 1254 The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion, in America. The Life of the Renowned JOHN ELIOT ; a Person justly Famous in the Church of God, pp. (8), 152, foe-simile of Eliofs handwriting, and an engraving (Eliot s visit to Wauban) inserted ; best levant dk. blue morocco, paneled sides, g.e. (Bedford}. 8 Benj. Harris d John Allen, for Jos. B running, 1691 " This copy belonged to the Rev. John Eliot s son, the Rev. Joseph Eliot, pastor at Guilford, Conn." G. B. 1255 The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion in America. The Life of the Renowned JOHN ELIOT. Another copy, elegantly bound in sir. -grained blue morocco extra, sides double paneled, back full gilt, Roger Payne s best style, g. e. (Bedford). 8 B. Harris 6- J. Allen, 1691 1256 The Life and Death of the Renown d Mr. John Eliot . . . The Second Edition carefully corrected,//. (6), 138, fine copy. 8 London, for John Dunton, 1691 1257 t The True Riches. . . A brief Essay on the Unsearchable Riches of Christ,//. (2), vi, 31, green mor. extra. 8 1724 In the Dedication " To the Flock of God whereof the Author is the Servant," the words " particularly, to Mr. Grafton Fevriere" are interlined, in Mather s autograph: and the autograph of " Grafton Feveryeare " is on the title-page. 1258 Undoubted Certainties. . . A Sermon preached on the Death of Mrs. ABIGAIL SEWALL, pp. (2), 28, calf extra (Pratt), RARE. 8 B. Green, 1720 1259 Unum Necessarium. Awakenings for the Unregenerate, or, The Nature and Necessity of Regeneration, //. (6), 154, dk. blue morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 16 B. H., for Duncan Campbel, 1693 Close cropped, particularly on front margin of the first four leaves, where the print is slightly cut into ; a corner torn from pp. 79, 80, has been skilfully restored, without fac simile of the text. VERY RARE. 1260 t Valerius ; or Soul Prosperity. The Prosperity of the Soul proposed and promoted,//. 24, green mor. extra, VERY RARE. 8 T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, 1723 1261 The Valley of Baca. The Divine Sovereignty, Displayed and Adored ... A Sermon, on the Death of Mrs. Hannah Sewall, the . . Consort of Samuel Sewall Esq; //. (4), 28, calf gilt (Pratt], large and fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE. 8 B. Green, 1717 1262 Vanishing Things. An Essay on Dying Man, . . In A Sermon Preached on the Departure of . . Mr. THOMAS BERNARD, the late Pastor of a Church in Andover,//. (2), 35, (i), calf gilt (Pratt), EXTREMELY RARE. 1 6 S. Kneeland,for D. Henchman, 1718 Mr. Haven (Ante-Revol. Publications) enters the title from S. Mather s list ; but evidently had not seen the book. It is not in the Prince, Harvard College, Mass. Hist. Society s, or Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogues. MATHER (COTTON) 169 MATHER (COTTON) f Victorina. A Sermon on the Decease of [his daughter] Mrs. Katharine Mather, 1717. Bound with Best Ornaments of Youth, etc. No. 1070. 1263 fVigilius. Or, The Awakener. A Brief Essay, to Rebuke first the Natural Sleep . . . and then the Moral Sleep, etc.,^. (2), 14, morocco extra. 8 J. Franklin, 1719 1264 -- A Vision in the Temple. The Lord of Hosts, Adored; and the King of Glory Proclaimed; On a Day of Prayer [May 10, 1721] at the Opening of the New Brick Meeting House in the North part of Boston,^. (2), 45, mor. extra (Bedford}, fine copy. sm. 12 Printed for Robert Star key, 1721 1265 A Warning to the Flocks against Wolves in Sheeps-Cloathing. Or, A Faithful Advice from several Ministers of the Gospel, . . relating to the Dangers that may arise from Impostors, pretending to be Ministers. With a Brief History of some Impostors, etc., pp. 78, crown levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford}, VERY RARE. 1 6 Printed for the Booksellers, 1700 "A Letter Containing a Remarkable History of an Impostor" [Samuel May], dated 25 d. 10 m. 1699, signed by C. Mather, pp. 29-52 ; A Postscript, " Something to be Known by all the Churches," etc. " A Faithful Advice from Several Ministers," dated Boston, Dec. 28, 1699, is signed by Increase Mather and twelve others (pp. 3-10). 1266 THE WAY OF TRUTH laid out. A Catechism which, as with Supplies from the Tower of David, Arms Christians of all Ages, to Refute the Errors which most commonly assault the Cause of Christianity : and To Preserve the Faith once delivered unto the Saints. In Seven Essays . . The Second Edition, pp. (2), 8, 95, (2), marbled wrapper. 12 S. Kneeland, 1721 One of the VERY RAREST of Mather s works. The title is not in S. Mather s list, nor in any library catalogue which has been consulted. It seems to be the second edition, with additions and change of title, of " The Man of God furnished with Supplies from the Tower of David," named by S. Mather, under the year 1706. Of the Seven Essays, the first, entitled "The Fall of Babylon," was appended to "Frontiers well Defended," printed in 1707, with a prefatory note headed " The Protestant Armed from the Tower of David." (See No. 1 1 24. ) At the end of the volume is " The Body of Divinity Versified " (2 pp.), which was (first?) printed in " Mascliil," 1702 (No. 1165). "An Addition," pp. 91-95, contains "A Short Catechism for the Conscience, on the Condition of Ungos- pellized Plantations." - The Way to Prosperity. Convention Sermon, 1689. Sound with The Wonderful Works of God, etc. No. 1274. 1267 -- What the Pious Parent wishes for. Boston-Lecture, 23d. i m. \*]2.\,pp. 34. \_The first Sermon in A Course of Sermons on Early Piety, by the Eight Ministers who carry on the Thursday Lecture in Boston. /;/ the original binding, a good copy. ~\ 8 1721 The Preface to this volume, and the closing Discourse, are by Increase Mather : the other Sermons, by the Rev. B. Wadsworth, B. Colman, J. Sewall, T. Prince, J. Webb, W. Cooper, and T. Foxcroft. This copy has the autographs of Benj. Wadsworth, 1721 ; Edward Langdon jun., 1745-6; Win. Whitwell " bd t at Vendue" 1771; James Foster, 1776; John W. Foster, 1809; and Samuel G. Drake, 1836. 268 | Wholesome Words. A Visit of Advice, Given unto Fam ilies that are Visited with Sickness ; by a Pastoral Letter, etc., pp. (2), 24, calf gilt (Pratt). 12 Printed for D. Henchman, 1713 VERY RARE. Not in Am. Antiq. Society s, Mass. Hist. Society s, Harvard College, or Prince Library catalogues. In S. Mather s list, the title is given under 1702 which may be the date of the first edition. 269 - - f The Will of a Father submitted to. The Duty of Patient Submission . . In a very brief Discourse, made with a special 22 170 MATHER (COTTON) regard unto a Religious Family, burying an Only Son, and at a Time of much Affliction in the Neighborhood, //. 40, calf gilt (Pratt), RARE. 8 T. Fleet, for D. Henchman, 1713 1270 Winter Meditations. Directions how to employ the Liesure (sic) of the Winter for the Glory of God . . With a Preface of the Reverend Mr. John Higginson, pp. (12), 82, fine portrait of Cotton Mather inserted, brown levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Benj. Harris, 1693 1270 * Winter Meditations, another copy, brown levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Benj. Harris, 1693 1271 -- Winter Piety . . A Sermon at Boston-Lecture, 27 d. lorn. \^\\,pp. (2), 33, lower part of title-page, restored in fac-simile, brown morocco extra (Bedford), uncut. 12 B. Green, 1712 1271* Winter Piety. Another good copy, str.-gr. crimson morocco extra (Bedford). 12 B. Green, 1712 1272 Winthropi Justa : A Sermon At the Funeral of the Hon ble JOHN WINTHROP, Esq. Late Governour of the Colony of Connec ticut . . . Who Died at Boston, Nov. 27, 1707, in his 69th year . . . Dedicated to the Right Honorable, The Lady Rachel Russel, By Sir Henry Ashurst, Bar., sound, clean copy, pp. 19. 8 Boston; Repr. London, B. Harris, 1709 " To the Reader," by Increase Mather. First printed, Boston, 1708, pp. 40. RARE. 12 73 ~~ Winthropi Justa: A Sermon at .the Funeral of the Hon ble John Wjnthrop, Esq., etc. A Second Impression, large and fine copy, but has lost the first two lines (three words) of the title-page. 8 Boston; Repr. London, B. Harris, 1710 1274 The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated. Praises Bespoke for the God of Heaven, In a Thanksgiving Sermon; delivered on Decemb. 19, 1689 With a Postscript giving an Account of some very stupendous Accidents, which have lately happened in France. To which is Added a Sermon preached unto the Convention of the Massachuset Colony, With a short Narrative of several Prodigies, which New-England hath of late had the Alarms of Heaven \n,pp. (8), 62, 7, 26 [36], 5, 7, str.-grained olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 S. Green, 1690 The second Sermon has a separate title, imprint, and paging : " The Way to Prosperity. A Sermon preached to the Honourable Convention of the Governour, Council, and Repre sentatives of the Massachuset-Colony," May 23, 1689. Richard Pierced/or Benj. Harris, 1690. (See S. Mather s Life of C. Mather, p. 43.) The Appendix (and its introductory "Mantissa") "touching Prodigies in New-Eng land," are also separately paged. Some of the prodigies narrated are very striking : " In the summer of the year 1688, just before the first eruption of our unhappy War, we had growing in Boston a Cabbage-Root, out of which there sprouted three very wonderful Branches, one of them exactly resembling a Curtlace [Cutlass], another of them as exactly resembling a Rapier, and a third, extreamly like to the. Club used by the Indians in their barbarous Executions. I was myself one among the many who visited this Curiosity." This work of Mather s is of peculiar interest, as containing (in the dedicatory epistle to Sir Henry Ashurst) a copy, cut in wood or type metal, of a portion of the famous DIGHTON ROCK INSCRIPTION. 1275 The Wonders of the Invisible World : | Being an Account of the | Tryals of | Several Witches, Lately Executed in | New- England: | And of several remarkable Curiosities therein Occur ring. | Together with, | I. Observations upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. | II. A short Narrative MATHER (COTTON) 171 of a late outrage committed by a knot of Witches in | Swede-Land [etc.] | III. Some Councels directing a due Improvement of the Terrible things lately done . . in New-England. | IV. A brief Discourse upon those Temptations which are the more ordinary Devi- ces of Satan. By Cotton Mather. Published by the Special Command [etc.], | polished calf gilt, UNCUT, A BEAUTIFUL COPY. 4 Printed first at Boston ; repr. London, for John Dunton, 1693 In such condition, VERY RARE. This is the FIRST (and only complete) London edition. The last page is numbered 98, but the pagination is irregular, the number of pages being, in fact, 106, exclusive of the four preliminary leaves not numbered. A leaf preceding the Title, has the Half-Title: "The Tryals of Several Witches, Lately Exe cuted in New-England: Published by the Special Command of the Governour; " and, on the verso, is the "Imprimatur, Dec. 23, 1693," by Edmund Bohun. 1276 Work upon the Ark. Meditations upon the Ark as a Type of the Church ; Delivered in a Sermon at Boston, [Nov. 17, 1689,] //. (10), 54, calf gilt (Pratt], RARE. 8 Samuel Green, 1689 1277 t Work Within-Doors. An Essay To Assist the Serious in the Grand Exercise of Conversing with Themselves, and Commun ing with their own Hearts, pp. 40, calf extra, gilt (Pratt), VERY RARE. 12 T. Green, 1709 The running title is : "A Christian Conversing with himself." 1278 f The World Alarm d. A Surprizing Relation of a new Burning-Island lately raised out of the Sea near Tercera ; . . and A Brief History of other Ignivomous Mountains . . In a Letter to an Honourable Fellow of the Royal Society at London, From a Member of the same Society, //. 16, (2), dk. brown levant mor. extra (F. Bedford). 8 B. Green, 1721 1279 The Young Man Spoken to. Another Essay, to Recommend & Inculcate the Maxims of Early Religion, unto Young Persons . . . In a Sermon preached unto them on a Special Occasion,//. (4), 43, calf gilt (Pratt), uncut, VERY RARE. 1 2 T. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, 1712 Occasioned by the death of Mr. Peter Oliver, " an Hopeful, and a Pious Young Man, One well beloved in the Vicinity " (p. 38). Not in the Prince, Am. Antiq. Society s, Mass. Hist. Society s, or Harvard catalogues. 1280 Zelotes. A Zeal for the House of God; Blown up, in a Ser mon unto an Assembly of Christians ; in the South-Part of Boston 8.d. xi. m. 17^7 a t their First Entrance into a New Edifice for Publick Worship, pp. 44, mor. gilt extra (Bedford), a beautiful copy, nearly uncut. 12 J. Allen, for Nich. Boone, 1717 "Sermon at the Dedication of the New Meeting House on Church-Green" [Summer Street]. 1281 -- AUTOGRAPH. Erasmi (Desid.) Moriae Encomium, cum Gerardi Listrii Commentariis. With autographs of COTTON and SAMUEL MATHER ; pp. 381, elegantly bound in brown levant morocco, back and sides filleted and paneled, g. e. (Bedford). 14 Oxonia, W. Hall, 1668 On the guard-leaf preceding the title, is a neat autograph : " Cottoni Mathcri Liber. 1678. Valeat res Ludicra." ( ! ! ) On the reverse of the leaf, is an extract " Ex Heidfeld : Sphinx, de Artib. Liberal." beginning: "Quis primus Stultitiae Encomium scripsit? Dic tator rei literariae, Erasmus, Moriam in lucem edidit, cui non plus quam septem dierum operam impendit" &c. At this place Cotton Mather put an asterisk, and wrote, below, "*Credat Jiidaeus Apella, \ non ego" But, subsequently, a line was drawn through this note. Another autograph of " Cotton Mather," on title, and " S. Matheri," above : and on the opposite guard-leaf, in Dr. Samuel Mather s hand, the Epigram : " Stultitiae Laudem scripsisti primus, Erasme, Indicat Ingenium Stultitia ista tuum. Audoeni Epigrammata, p. 28." 172 MATHER (COTTON, AZARIAH) 1282 MATHER (COTTON) AUTOGRAPH. Manuscript Sermon : "God, our Father;" from Phil. iv. 20. Preached, Sept. i5th, 1723. Neatly written, 12 pages, small octavo. 1283 Mather (Samuel) The Life of the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., F.R.S. Boston, 1729. To which are appended, the Funeral Sermons on Cotton Mather, by Thomas Prince, Joshua Gee, Samuel Mather, and Mather Byles. Five in one vol., calf. 8 1728-29 A Subscriber s copy, with autograph of Samuel Knceland, the printer. 1284 Life, by Samuel Mather. With Funeral Sermons by Prince, Gee, S. Mather, and Mather Byles, original binding, sound and dean, 8 1728-29 Autograph (A Henry Bromfield. (One of the seven copies subscribed for by " The Hon. Edward Bromfield Esq.") 1285 -- COLMAN (B.) The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch. Sermon on the Death of Cotton Mather, UNCUT. 8 1728 1286 Life, by Samuel Mather : with Funeral Sermons by T. Prince, J. Gee, S. Mather, and M. Byles, out of binding. 8 1728-29, 1287 Jennings (David) An Abridgement of the Life of the late Reverend and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather . . Recommended by I. Watts, D.D.,//. xii, (4), 144, calf gilt (Bedford}. 12 London, 1744 1288 The same, calf gilt (Bedford}. 32 Leeds, E. Baines, 1802 1289 The same. 12 \London,\ Religious Tract Society, n. d. 1290 The same. \2 Q Philadelphia, n. d. 1291 Memoir of the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., with a Genealogy of the Family of Mather, by Samuel G. Drake, pp. 16, folded, tincut. 8 1051 1292 MATHER (AZARIAH) of Saybrook (Conn.) None but Christ. A Discourse on John vi. 67, 68. Preach d Privately, to a Religious Society in Say-brook, //. (2), 22, uncut. 8 New London, T. Green, 1722 Rev. Azariah Mather, minister of Saybrook, 1710-1732, was a son of the Rev. Samuel of Windsor, and grandson of Timothy (son of Richard and elder brother of Increase). 1293 The Gospel-Minister Described: Sermon at Newent in Nor wich Dec. roth. 1723, at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Kirt- land There, pp. 32, (i). A Discourse concerning the Death of the Righteous. Funeral Sermon for Rev. Moses Noyes, of Lyme, //. (4), 24. 2 Sermons, sewed. 16 New London, T. Green, 1725, 1731 1294 Good Rulers a Choice Blessing. Connecticut Election Ser mon, May i3th, 1725. Published . . by Order of Authority, //. (2), 50, uncut. 8 New London, T. Green, 1725 1295 The Sabbath-Day s Rest Asserted, Explained, Proved, and Applied. [Attestation, by Cotton Mather, prefixed.] //. (2), 4, 38, (i), calf gilt (Pratt). sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, Jim., for S. Gerrish, 1725 A leaf of the Attestation is misplaced by the binder. VERY RARE. 1296 A Discourse Concerning the Death of the Righteous; at Lyme, Occasion d by the Decease of the Rev. Mr. Moses Noyes, who dyed November loth, 1729, //. (4), 24, clean, uncut. 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1731 _ Bfe MATHER (ELEAZER, MOSES, NATHAN AEL) 173 1297 MATHER (ELEAZER) of Northampton (Harv. Coll. 1656), elder brother of Increase; A Serious Exhortation to the Present and Succeeding Generation in New-England, . . Being the Substance of the Last Sermons Preached By Eleazer Mather, late Pastor, etc. pp. (8), 31, gr os grain levant red mor., paneled sides, gilt back, rich ins. borders (Bedford], UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1671 Address to the Church and Inhabitants of Northampton, by Increase Mather, 5 pp. The First Edition, EXTREMELY RARE. 1298 A Serious Exhortation to the Present and Succeeding Gen eration in New-England, etc. . . The Second Edition, pp. (2), 31, best sir. -grained blue morocco, gilt back and corners, g. e. (Bedford]. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 Letter to the Reader, 2 pp., by Increase Mather. VERY RARE. 12*99 MATHER (MOSES) of Middlesex^ Conn. The Visible Church in Covenant with God : or, An Inquiry into the Constitution of the Visible Church of Christ. Wherein the Divine Right of Infant Baptism is defended, etc., pp. 60. 8 New York, H. Game, 1759 A defence of the " Half-way Covenant," against the Rev. Dr. Bellamy. The Rev. Moses Mather, D.D. (Yale, 1739), minister of Middlesex, (a parish in Stam ford, now the town of Darien,) was the great-great-grandson of Richard of Dorchester. 1300 The Visible Church in Covenant with God Further Illus trated. Also, A brief Representation of some other Gospel-Doc trines, which affect the Controversy, etc., pp. 84, first leaves water- stained, uncut. 8 New Haven, 1770 1301 Connecticut Election Sermon, May 10, 1781, uncut. 4 New London, 1781 1302 posthumous. Systematic View of Divinity, bds. uncut. 12 Stamford, Ct., 1813 1303 - - Divine Sovereignty Displayed by Predestination ; or the Doctrine of the Decrees considered, uncut. 8 Nonvalk, Conn., Reprinted, 1820 1304 MATHER (NATHANAEL) of Dublin and London, son of Richard ; (Harv. Coll. 1647). A Sermon wherein is shewed That it is the Duty and should be the care of Believers on Christ, to Live in the Constant Exercise of Grace,//. (2), 28, olive morocco, full gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, R. P\ierce~\,for Jos. Browning, Stationer, 1684 This is his first work independently published. For an earlier publication, see No. 970, A Disputation, etc. 1305 A Discussion of the Lawfulness of a Pastor s acting as an Officer in other Churches besides that which he is specially called to take the Oversight of. The Second Edition, //. (2), x, 83, a small corner torn from last leaf, original binding. 12 Boston, repr. by T. fleet, 1730 First printed in London, 1698. 1306 The Righteousness of God through Faith upon All without Difference who believe. In Two Sermons on Romans 3. 22. PP (4)> T^, hf* bound. 4 London, for N. Hiller, 1694 1306* - - The same. Second Edition, two or three leaves torn (but complete) and misplaced. 12 London, 1718 174 MATHER (NATHAN AEL, SAMUEL) 1307 MATHER (NATHANAEL) of Dublin and London, son of Richard: 17 MANUSCRIPT Sermons, "preached by Mr. Nathanael Mather at his meeting house in London," in his AUTOGRAPH, handsomely written out, in a quarto volume, 26 >o pages, old vellum, neat. The first Sermon was preached, Oct. 27, 1689 ; the last March 12, i689[9o], on a Pub lic Fast. 1308 [MATHER (NATHANAEL) son of Increase; (If. C. 1685)] The Boston Ephemeris. An Almanack . . . for the Year of the Christian .4ra 1685. i6//. Boston, by and for Samuel Green, 1685 " By Nath. Mather, Philom." is written by Judge Sewall on the title-page of his copy. " He died at the Nineteenth Year of his Age; was a Master of Arts ; began to preach in private. His Piety and Learning was beyond his Years. The History of his Life and Death was written by his Brother [Cotton], and there have been Three Editions of it printed at London. He dyed here at Salem, and over his Grave there is written, The Ashes of an Hard Student, a Good Scholar, and a Great Christian." Rev. John Higginson, in his Attestation to the Magnalia. 1309 - - The Boston Ephemeris. An Almanack . . . for . . . 1686. Boston, Samuel Green, 1686 1310 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Dublin, son of Richard, (Harv. Coll. 1643). A Testimony from the Scripture against Idolatry & Superstition, In Two Sermons ; Upon the Example of that Great Reformer, Hezekiah. . Preached, Sept. 27 and 30, 1660. //. (6), 75, a very large, tall copy (8-J by 6 inches), in dark red grosgr. levant mor. extra, g. e. (F. Bedford), UNCUT. 4 n. p., n. d. [Cambridge, 1670] In such condition, of EXTREME RARITY. Thomas, Hist, of Printing, ii. 259, assigns the date of 1670, and quotes perhaps from a MS. note "reprinted at Cam bridge." This volume however is not a reprint, but was published from the autiior s manuscript by his brother, Increase Mather, whose reversed initials, M. I., are subscribed to the prefatory Address. Mr. Sibley notes (ffarv. Graduates, i. 86) that on the title- page of the copy in the Boston Athenaeum is written : " ffor the publike Library at Boston, 1674." For an earlier publication by Samuel Mather, see SHEPARD (T.) Subjection to Christ, No. 664. 1311 A Testimony from the Scripture against Idolatry Supersti tion, etc.,//. (6), 88. 8 n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1725] " Printed in 1725, according to a MS. note," in the Prince Library copy. This copy has, at the top of the title-page, the inscription, " Donum Dom. Rev di Joh. W[isc?J I72[ ]," the last numeral having been cut off in trimming. 1312 - - The Figures or Types of the Old Testament . . Explained and Improved in sundry Sermons. Second edition,/^, vii, (i), 540, (16), old calf . 4 London, 1705 The first edition was printed in 1683, n. p. [Dublin ?] 1313 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Windsor, Conn., Son of Timothy. A Dead Faith Anatomized. A Discourse on the Nature, and the Danger, with the Deadly Symptoms of a Dead Faith in those who profess the Faith of Christ,//. 24, 108, crimson morocco extra, gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, Barth. Green and J. Allen, 1697 Preface (pp. 3-24) by COTTON MATHER. 1314 - - The Self-Justiciary Convicted. Or, A Discourse Concerning the Difficulty and Necessity of Renouncing our own Righteousness, etc., pp. (2), 27, (i), 94. 8 Boston, B. Green, for N. Porter at Windsor, 1707 " A Testimony to the Order of the Gospel, in the Churches of New-England," by John Higginson and Win. Hubbard, follows the Epistle Dedicatory, pp. 19-27. MATHER (SAMUEL) 175 1315 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Windsor, Conn., son of Timothy. The Self- Justiciary Convicted. Another copy. 8 Boston, 1707 1316 The Same. [Second Edition,]//. (2), 14, 82. 12 Boston, y. Draper, 1740 1317 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Witney, England, son of Increase, f Observa- ations on the Holy Scriptures,//. (10), 164, (4), calf extra. 12 London, 1707 1318 f A Compendious History of the Rise and Progress of the Reformation of the Church here in England, from Popish Darkness and Superstition. Together with an Account of Nonconformity . . Also, King Charles II s Declaration about Religion, October, 1660, etc. By a Gentleman,/^. (16), 148. 8 London, 1715 " N. B. A great part of this book is (almost Verbatim) a Transcript of Dr. Cotton Mather s Eleuthcria or History of the Reformation & Nonconformity, Printed at London, anno 1698 ; with some Extracts from Dr. Calamy s Abridgement. And by the Stile of the Preface, as well as upon other Considerations, I guess that this Compendious History was put forth by Mr. Samuel Mather, in England, Brother to the Doctor." MS. note by the Rev. Thomas Foxcroft. 1319 A Vindication of the Holy Bible, Wherein the Arguments for, and Objections against the Divine Original, Purity, and Integ rity of the Scripture, are Proposed and Considered,//. (4), iv, 405, old calf , gilt. 8 Londo?i, 1723 Dedicated to the Rev. Edm. Calamy, D.D. Dr. Samuel Mather s copy, with his mar ginal notes. 1320 MATHER (SAMUEL) D.D., of Boston, son of Cotton; (Jfarv. Coll., 1723) The Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, old binding, Rev. Isaac Backus s copy, with his autograph. 8 Boston, 1729 1321 An Essay concerning Gratitude. Written by Samuel Mather, M.A. and Chaplain to His Majesty s Castle William,//. (8), 1-48, wants the last three leaves, uncut. 8 Boston, 1732 1322 Vita B. Augusti Hermanni Franckii, cui adjecta est, Narratio Rerum Memorabilium in Ecclesiis Evangelicis per Germaniam, //. 31, n, half mor. uncut; autograph of Benjamin Colman. 8 Bostoni, 1733 1 3 2 3 Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, fresh copy, paneled sheep, lettered, neat. 8 Boston, 1738 1324 The Lord s Prayer : or, A New Attempt to recover the right Version, and genuine Meaning of that Prayer,//. (4), iv, 67, half str. -grained morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1766 1325 The Walk of the Upright, with its Comfort. A Funeral Discourse after the Decease of the Rev. William Welsted . . and Mr. Ellis Gray . . Colleague Pastors of a Church in Boston,//. 34, in the original black wrapper. 8 Boston, for Michael Dennis, 1753 1326 A Dissertation concerning the most venerable Name of JEHOVAH,//. (6), 101, trimmed close. 8 Boston, 1760 1327 j- An Attempt to shew, that America must be Known to the Ancients ; made at the Request, and to gratify the Curiosity of an Inquisitive Gentleman. To which is added an Appendix concerning 176 MATHER (SAMUEL) the American Colonies, and some Modern Managements against them. By an American Englishman, Pastor of a Church in Boston, //. 35, Boston, J. Kneeland, 1773. [Prout (Timothy)] Diana s Shrines turned into Ready Money, by Priestly Magic ; or, Virtue given up. Being Remarks on Remarks on the Northern Priest s Pamphlet, entitled, A a Known to the A ts. In a Letter to the Author. [With] an impartial Appendix, setting forth the Right of the British Parliament, etc., pp. 23, New York, 1773. RARE. Two in one vol., half mor., neat. 8 1328 MANUSCRIPT Sermon on Job xxiii. 10, "And Heknoweth the Way, that I take," etc. " Preacht at Home, Sept. 28, 1777, A.M." 7 leaves (n closely written pages), foolscap octavo. 1329 -- MANUSCRIPT. LETTERS from Samuel Mather, D.D., to his son Samuel, 1759-1785. With others, from COTTON MATHER, SAMUEL SEWALL (Senior and Junior), Col. EDM. QUINCY, Gov. W. BURNET, THOMAS HUTCHINSON, &c. Bound between guard-leaves, in an elegant quarto volume, morocco extra, paneled sides, gilt edges, with clasp. A volume of remarkable interest. The letters of Dr. Mather (about 50 in number) were written from Boston to his son, during the latter s service as deputy-commissary at Fort Edward and in Canada, and his subsequent residence in Quebec, until his appoint ment to a clerkship in the customs at Boston. The son, remaining loyal to the crown became a refugee in England. His correspondence with his father was renewed after the peace, and this volume contains three letters addressed to him in 1783 and 1/84, when Dr. Mather was in his seventy-eighth year. To these are added, thirteen letters from THOMAS HUTCHINSON to Samuel Mather, the younger, written while both were in England, 1779-83 ; a letter from Judge SAMUEL SEWALL, from London, Aug. 3, 1689, to his wife in Boston; a letter from Samuel Sewall (junior) to his brother, Nov. 26, 1713 (giving an account of the sickness and numerous deaths in Boston) ; one from COTTON MATHER (imperfect), sent with the manuscript of his " Nehemiah " (printed in 1721) to Judge Sewall ; and another, of higher interest to historians, the original draught (four closely-writtcd pages, with numerous corrections) of COTTON MATHER S LETTER TO GEORGE VAUGHAN, Agent for New Hampshire, March 3, 1708, concerning the genuine ness of the instrument known as the Wheelwright Deed of 1629. (This letter was printed in the Appendix to Belknap s History of New Hampshire, and has been frequently referred to by writers who have taken part in the Wheelwright deed controversy.) A letter from Col. Edmund Quincy of Braintree, to Judge Sewall, Jan. 1721, replying to a question concerning the order of march of the Israelites in the wilderness, one from Gov. Wm. Burnet to S. Sewall, 1728 (injured), two or three from Mrs. Hannah Mather, wife of Dr. Samuel (and sister of Gov. Hutchinson) to her son, and several others are included in the collection. This volume was formerly in the possession of Mr. Samuel G. Drake, who printed brief extracts from two or three of the letters, in the Introduction to his edition of Mather s History of Philip s War (pp. 18-22). BOOKS FROM THE MATHER LIBRARY. 1/7 BOOKS FROM THE MATHER LIBRARY, CONTAINING AUTOGRAPHS OF INCREASE, COTTON, AND SAMUEL MATHER, WITH OCCASIONAL NOTES. 330 Adam (Melchior) Vitae German. Theologorum, ad annum 1618 deductae, old calf. thk. 8 Haidelbcrgcz, 1620 Autogr. of Dr. Samuel Mather, on title, and a note in the hand of Richard Mather, on guard-leaf. 331 Bullinger. Sermonvm Decades Qvinqve, de Potissimis Christ. Religionis Capitibvs, Authore Heinricho Bullingero. Tomi III. in one volume, good copy, (42) and 496 ff. 8 Londini, Henr. Midletomis, [1584] Autogr. " Crescentius Matherus" " S. Mathcri 1720," and MSS. notes. The first English edition of Bullinger s Decades in Latin. RARE. 332 Buxtorfii (J.) Institutio Epistolaris Hebraica, cum Epistolarum Hebr. famil. Centuria. vellum. 8 Basilcce, Conr. Waldkirchi, 1610 Autogr. " Crescentii Matheri Liber" on title. 333 Buxtorfii (J.) Fil. Exercitationes ad Historiam, I. Arcae Fce- deris, II. Ignis Sacri et Ccelestis, III. Urim et Thummin, IV. Man- nae, etc., old calf , sound. 4 Basilece, 1659 Autogr. " Cottoni Matheri Liber, 1683." 334 Daille (J.) XLIX Sermons upon the Epistle to the Colossians. In Three Parts. Translated by F. S., paneled calf, sound. fol. London, 1 6725-71 Autographs of Increase and Samuel Mather, and a MS. Index by /. Mather. 335 Goodwin (Thos.) World to Come ; or, the Kingdom of Christ asserted, in two Sermons on Eph. 1:21, wa?its title and pp. 1-2. Goodwin (Thos.) Sermon of the Fifth Monarchy. London, 1654. Two in one vol. 4 Autograph note of Increase Mather. 536 Grotius (H.) et al. Dissertationes de Studiis instituendis, en graved title. 8 Amsterdami, Lud. Elzevir, 1645 Autogr. "Crescentii Matheri Liber" (with MSS. notes and references in his hand, on fly-leaf), " Samuelis Matheri, 1727," and (partly erased) Mather Byles. ;37 Herodiani Historiae sui Temporis libri vm. In Linguam Latinam conversae ab Aug. Politiano; ed. Dan. Pareus, calf. 8 Londini, Th. Harper, 1639 " Cottonus Matherus" (autogr.) on title and on p. 30, and a few MSS. notes. 38 Hottinger (J. H.) Analecta Historico-Theologica, sound old calf . 8 Tiguri, J. Bodmer, 1652 Autogr. of Increase and Samuel Mather. 39 Lactantius (L. C. F.) Divinarum Institutionum Libri vii. etc., old stamped leather on thick oak boards, clasps, large, well preserved copy. 4 Basileaz, Andr. Cratander, 1521 A SCARCE edition. Title, -within curious -wood-cut border. Autographs (and MSS. notes on fly-leaf) of Increase and Samuel Mather. 4.0 Leigh (Edw.) A Systeme or Body of Divinity. 2d edition, old calf, well preserved. fol. London, 1662 Autographs of Increase, Cotton, and Samuel Mather ; several marginal notes by Increase Mather. 2 3 BOOKS FROM THE MATHER LIBRARY. 1341 Mardochai Nathan. Meir Netib. Concordantiarvm Hebraicarvm Capita : translata per Ant. Reuchlinum Isnensem, old calf. folio, Basilece, Henr. Petri, [1556] Autograph, " Crescentii Matheri Liber, London, 1691." The Meir Netib (Light to the Path) of Rabbi Mardochai b. Nathan was "the first Hebrew Concordance compiled by a Jew. It was the origin of the concordances of Calesio and Buxtorf." Darling. Reuchlin s Latin translation is SCARCE. 1342 MAYHEW (EXPERIENCE) Indian Converts : or, Some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of Christianized Indians of Martha s Vineyard. Added, Some Account of the English Min isters who have presided over the Indian Work, by Mr. Prince, old paneled calf, fine copy. 8 London, for Sam. Gerrish, Boston, 1727 On a guard-leaf, in the autograph of a former possessor whose signature is illegible the inscription : "Ex Dono Amici Integerrimi Samuelis Matheri? A.M. V.D.M. Bos ton! Nov-Anglise, July 16, 1732, Cottoni Mather Filius, Increase Mather Nepos, Amici mei . . . honorandi & colendi." 1343 Owen (John) Of the Divine Originall of the Scriptures [and other tracts]. 8 Oxford, 1659, 58 Autogr. (Increase) Mather. 1344 Platonis Gnomologia Graeco-latina, vellum. 16 Colon. Allobr. 1613. (Autogr. [7!] Matheri, and a few MSS. notes.) Rivetus (Andr.) Critici Sacri Specimen. Hoc est Censurae Doctorum, etc. Dordrechti, 1619. (Autogr. Crescentius Mather us ; and Sam 11 Mather s Book, 1723.) 2 vols. 1345 TRACTS. Seventeen RARE tracts, bound in one volume, from the library of INCREASE MATHER, with a manuscript table of con tents in his handwriting ; having his name (autograph) on several of the title-pages, and occasional marginal notes. The binding is much worn, but the tracts are, throughout, in fine condition. 4 London, and Cambridge, N. E., v. y. (1643-1663) Contents : 1. The humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Now . . sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Confession of Faith, &c. [Opposite the title is the Order of Parliament, Dec. 7, 1646, to print " sixe hundred copies and no more," for the use of the Members, and enjoining the printer "at his perill, not to print more, or to divulge or publish any of them."] VERY RARE. //. (4), 54. Lond., n. d. [1647] 2. Owen (John) [Answer to two Questions sent to him (by the Assembly of Divines?) concerning the Power of the Supreme Magistrate about Religion, etc. //. 8, n. t. p. 1659 3. The Ecclesiasticall Discipline of the Reformed Churches in France . . Faithfully transcribed into English, //. (4), 48. Lond., n. d. (Autogr. on title, " Crescentius Math- erus, Londini, Decemb. 24, 1659. pret. 6d.") 4. A Platform of Church Discipline . . agreed upon at Cambridge, etc., //. (2), 8, 30. Repr. London, 1653. (On the back of the title is pasted a copy, in Increase Mather s writing, of the Vote of the General Court, Oct. 14, 1651, approving the Platform.) 5. A Disputation concerning Church-Members and their Children, in Answer to XXI. Questions, &c. [See No. 970, ante.} pp. (8), 31. Land., 1659 The name of " Nathaniel Mather " is subscribed to the preface, in Increase Mather s hand. 6. Propositions concerning the Subject of Baptism and Consociation of Churches . . Confirmed by a Synod of Elders . . at Boston, in 1662 . . Whereunto is anext the Answer of the Dissenting Brethren [Anti-Synodalia Scripta Americana,] //. (14), 1 8, 38. n. p. Printed in the Year, 1662. See No. 845, ante. This copy has a slip of " Errata," pasted on the last page, and one or two additional errors of the press have been corrected with the pen. 7. DAVENPORT (JOHN) Another Essay For Investigation of the Truth, in Answer to Two Questions, concerning i. The Subject of Baptism, n. The Consociation of Churches. //. (16), 71, EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Cambridge, S. Green and M. Johnson, 1663 At the head of the " Apologetical Preface" is written, in the hand of Cotton Mather: " By Increase Mather, who afterwards altered his Sentiments. Vid. his Life, p. ," and several marginal references. See No. 752, ante. BOOKS FROM THE MATHER LIBRARY. 1/9 S. SHEPARD (T.) The Church-Membership of Children and their Right to Baptisme . . Cleared up in a Letter, etc.,//. (22), 26. Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1663 9. GOODWIN (T.) and others. An Apologeticall Narration, Humbly Svbmitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, //. (2), 31. Lond., 1643 10. An Anatomy of Independency, or A Briefe Commentary on the Apologeticall Nar ration, //. (4), 52. Land., 1644 11. An Antidote against the Contagious Air of Independency . . By D. P. P. //. 24. Land., 1644 12. ELLIS (JoHN)/. Vindiciae Catholicae, or The Rights of Particular Churches Rescued : and Asserted against that . . Notion of One Catholick, Visible, Governing Church, etc.,//. (8), 86. Land., 1647 13. BARTLET (W.) Ichnographia. Or A Model of the Primitive Congregational Way: etc.,//. (20), 144. Lond., 1647 14. STONE (SAMUEL) A Congregational Church Is a Catholike Visible Church, etc., //. 51, not numbered. Land., 1652 15. BURTON (HENRY) A Vindication of Churches commonly called Independent, //. (4), 72. Land., 1644 16. BURTON (H.) Vindiciae veritatis : Truth Vindicated against Calumny. In a Brief Answer to Dr. Bastwick s Independency not God s Ordinance, etc., //. (4), 34. Lond., 1645 17. BURTON (H.) Conformities Deformity. In a Dialogue between Conformity and Conscience, . concerning Church-Government, //. (S), 28, (4). Lond., 1646 1346 TRACTS. Owen (John) Church of Rome no Safe Guide, 1679. HOOKE (WM.) Discourse concerning the Witnesses, 1681. Gates (Titus) Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity as it is now in Practice amongst the Jesuits, 1679. Burnet (Gilbert) Fast-Day Sermon, Dec. 22, 1680, before House of Commons, 1681. Frank lin (Richard) Discourse on Antichrist and the Apocalypse, London, 1675. Jacob (John) The Jew turned Christian; or the Corner- Stone, 167!. Relation of a Town in Piedmont sunk under Ground, London, 1679. Lamentatio Civitatis, or London s Com plaint against her Children in the Country, 1665. Eight in i vol., good clean copies, old calf. 4 London, v. y. Three of the tracts have the autograph of I. Mather, who also wrote the table of contents at the beginning of the volume. 1347 UDALL (JOHN) The Key of the Holy Tongve : Wherein is conteineid, first The Hebrue Grammar . . out of P. Martinivs. Secondly, A practize upon the first, the twentie fift, and the syxtie eyght Psalmes, . . . Thirdly, A short Dictionary, conteining the Hebrue woords that are found in the Bible with their proper sig nifications. All Englished ... By lohn. Udall. Mottled calf, extra, full gilt elegant (Bedford}. sm. 8 Leyden, Francis Raphelengius, 1593 On the title-page are the autographs of William Stoughton and Increase Mather. This first edition of the first Hebrew Grammar in English. The Hebrew Dictionary was omitted in the second edition. Udall died towards the end of 1592, in the Marshalsea prison, where he had been five years a prisoner, for having written " A Demonstration of Discipline," which gave offence to the hierarchy. See Brooks s Lives of the Puritans, ii. 1-23. 348 Usher (J.) Annales Vet. Testament!. folio, Londini, 1650 Autographs of /. Mather and Samuel Mather, 1723. WITCHCRAFT. 1349 BEAUMONT (JOHN) Treatise on Spirits, Apparitions, Witch crafts, and other Magical Practices. 8 London, 1705 Beaumont s work includes an account of Witchcraft in New England. 1350 BRINLEY QOHN) A Discovery of the Impostures of Witches and Astrologers,//. (16), 127, old calf , RARE. sm. 8 London, 1680 1351 - - The same, calf. i68c 1352 CALEF (ROBERT) More Wonders of the Invisible World : Or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Display d in Five Parts. PART i. An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule, Written by the Rev. Mr. C. M. P. n. Several Letters to the Author, etc. And his Reply relating to Witchcraft. P. in. The Differences between the Inhabitants of Salem- Village, and Mr. Parris, their Minister, in New-England. P. iv. Letters of a Gentleman uninterested, Endeavouring to prove the received Opinions about Witchcraft to be Orthodox. With short Essays to their Answers. P. v. A short Historical Accout (sic) of Matters of Fact in that Affair. To which is added, A Postscript relating to a Book intitled, The Life of Sir William Phips, pp. (12), 156, dk. green levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 London, 1700 Fine large and clean copy, of this VERY RARE book. " Mr. Woodward s copy sold, in 1 869, for $130" (Sabin) ; and the same copy brought $145, at the sale of Mr. Menzies s library in 1875. 1353 CALEF (R.) More Wonders of the Invisible World, fresh and clean copy, sheep. 12 Salem, jf. D. and T. C. Cushing, Jr., 1823 The Second Salem edition : with the addition of an article on " Giles Cory." 1354 CALEF (R.) The Wonders of the Invisible World Displayed. In Five Parts, etc. A New Edition, //. xvi, 333, frontispiece, mar bled roan, gilt. 24 Boston, 1028 1355 COOPER (THOMAS) The Mystery of Witchcraft. Discovering, the Truth, Nature, Occasions, Growth and Power thereof. Together with the Detection and Punishment of the same. As also, the Seuerall Stratagems of Sathan, ensnaring the poore Soule by this desperate Practize of annoying the Boclie . . Very necessary for the redeeming if these atheistical and secure times, pp. (32), 368, old vellum wrapper. 12 London, 1617 This work, now VERY SCARCE, is frequently referred to by Cotton and Incr. Mather. 1356 DRAKE (S. G.) The Witchcraft Delusion in New England : its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. COTTON MATHER, in The Wonders of the Invisible World ; and by Mr. ROBERT CALEF, in his More Wonders of the Invisible World. With Preface, Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake, uncut, 3 vols. 4 Roxbury,for W. E. Woodward, 1866 Nos. v, vi, vn, of Woodward s Historical Series. 1357 The same work, LARGE PAPER (70 copies printed}, 3 vols., uncut. imp. 8 Roxbury, 1866 WITCHCRAFT. l8l 1358 DRAKE (S. G.) The same work, LARGEST PAPER, 3 vols., uncut. roy. 4 Roxbury, 1866 1359 DRAKE (S. G.) Annals of Witchcraft in New England and elsewhere in the U. States, pp. 306, portrait of Hon. John Went- worth, cloth extra, uncut. 4 Boston, 1869 No. vin. of Woodward s Historical Series ; edition of 250 copies. 1360 ESSEX WITCHES. A true and exact Relation Of the severall Informations, Examinations, and Confessions of the late Witches, executed in the County of Essex [England], . . arraigned and con demned at Chelmesford, . . 29 of July, 1645. Published by An thoritie,//. (8), 36, sprinkled calf , gilt ( W. Pratt). sm. 4 London, M. S. for Henry Overton and Benj. Allen, 1645 VERY SCARCE. Mr. Quaritch ( Gen. Catalogue, no. 662) marks a copy at 3. 33. The (fifteen) offenders were arraigned before Robert, Earl of Warwick. The witchcraft delu sion was at its height, in England, at this period. Sixteen persons were condemned at Yarmouth in 1644, nearly sixty in Suffolk, and about as many in Huntingdonshire, in 1645 and 1646. 1361 GLANVIL (Jos.) A Blow at Modern Sadducism in some Philo sophical Considerations about Witchcraft, with an Account of the Famous Disturbance at the House of M. Mompesson, Lond., 1668. GLANVIL (J.) Plus Ultra, or the Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since the days of Aristotle, Lond., 1668. Two in one vol., both SCARCE. 12 1362 GLANVIL (J.) Essays on several Important Subjects, good copy, old binding. 4 London, 1676 The Sixth Essay is against Witchcraft. SCARCE. 1363 GLANVIL (J.) Saducismus Triumphatus, or full and plain Evi dence concerning Witches and Apparitions. In Two Parts. With a Letter of Dr. Henry More, on the same subject, 2 plates by W. Faithorne, tree calf gilt. 8 London, 1681 1364 - - The same. The Fourth Edition, with additions, large and very fine copy, 2 plates by Faithorne, str.-gr. red morocco extra, g. e. 8 London, 1726 " No book published after the Restoration of Charles the Second was more influential in reviving the waning belief in witchcraft none supplied the magistrates at Salem with so many authoritative precedents on none did the Mathers draw more largely for won ders of the invisible world, than the Sadducismus Triumphatus of the Rev. Joseph Glanvil a Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the Chaplains of Charles II., rector of the Abbey Church at Bath, and subsequently a prebendary of Worcester." 1365 HALE (JOHN) A Modest Enquiry | Into the Nature of | Witch craft, and How Persons Guilty of that Crime | may be Convicted: And the means used for their Discovery Discussed, j both Nega tively and Affirmatively, according to Scripture and Experience. | By John Hale, | Pastor of the Church of Christ in Beverley, | Anno Domini 1697. | (With a prefatory Epistle to the Reader, by John Higginson, of Salem.) //. (2), 176, sheep. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, for Benj. Eliot, 1702 A FINE COPY, in the original binding, well-preserved, of a book which Mr. Sabin notes (in the Menzies Catalogue, no. 854) as "EXCESSIVELY RARE, indeed the rarest of all the works relating to the New-England Witchcraft Delusion." 1366 HALE (JOHN) A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft. Another copy, str. -grained dk. red morocco, inside borders, full gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1702 Mr. Brinley was perhaps the only collector, in the present century, who has had the good fortune to secure two fine copies of this EXTRAORDINARILY RARE book. 1 82 WITCHCRAFT. 1367 HALE (JOHN) A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft, etc., pp. 158, russet calf extra, gilt, UNCUT, FINE FRESH COPY. 8 \Repr -.] Boston, Kneeland &> Adams, 1771 This re-print is EVEN MORE RARE than the original edition. It is not mentioned in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue, or in Sabin s Dictionary. 1368 HUTCHINSON (FRANCIS) An Historical Essay concerning Witch craft. The Second Edition, with considerable additions, fine clean copy. 8 London, 1720 Chap. V. "The Witchcrafts at Salem, Boston, and Andover, New England" (pp. 95-122). 1369 HUTCHINSON (T.) The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692. By Gov ernor Thos. Hutchinson. From an unpublished Manuscript in the Mass. Archives. With notes by Wm. F. Poole,//. 43, uncut. 4 Boston (Privately Printed}, 1870 1370 LAWSON (DEODAT) Christ s Fidelity the only Shield against Satan s Malignity. A [Lecture] Sermon at Salem-Village, the 24th of March, 1692 . . a time of Publick Examination of some Sus pected for Witchcraft. The Second Edition,//. (12), 120, old calf , restored, neat, LARGE and FINE copy. 8 Reprinted, London, R. Tookey, 1704 VERY RARE. This edition has a special Dedication to Sir Henry and Lady Diana Ashhurst ; and an Appendix (pp. 93-120) containing " Remarkable Things relating to the Afflicted" "to the Accused" and "to the Confessing Witches." 1371 A MAGICAL VISION, Or a Perfect Discovery of the Fallacies of Witchcraft, As it was late represented in a pleasant Sweet Dream to a Holy sweet Sister, etc., pp. (6), 22, (3), half green morocco, gilt, UNCUT. sm. 8 London, for Thomas Palmer, 1673 SCARCE and CURIOUS. The pretended powers of Necromancers and Witches are facetiously set forth. The book can hardly be recommended for family reading, but its enumeration of popular superstitions will interest students of folk-lore. 1372 MATHER (COTTON) Late Memorable Providences j Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, | Clearly Manifesting, | Not only that there are Witches, but | that Good Men (as well as others) | may possibly have their Lives shortned | by such evil Instruments of Satan. The Second Impression. Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard | Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of | Boston and Charlestown in New-England. | //. (22), i^, good copy, smooth russet calf , neat. 8 London, Tho. Parkhurst, 1691 "One of the EARLIEST and RAREST American works relating to the subject." Menzies Catalogue, no. 1350. 1373 MATHER (COTTON) The Wonders of the Invisible World : | Being an Account of the | Tryals I of | Several Witches | Lately Executed ] in New- England : | And of Several Remarkable Curiosi ties therein Occurring. By Cotton Mather. | Published by the Special Command of his Excellency the Governour of the Prov ince of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | The Second Edition. | 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 9-62, irregular pagination, good copy, hf. mor. VERY RARE. 4 Boston, printed : Repr. London, for John D union, 1693 Title, i leaf; The Author s Defence, 4 pp.; Enchantments Encounter d, pp. 9-15! i blk. page ; The Wonders of the Invisible World, pp. 17-62. The signatures are regular, and the volume is complete, but the pagination is a curious medley, the page numbers being arranged or rather, afoarranged, as follows: 9-15, (i blk.), 17-24, 43-50, 31-56, 47-62. WITCHCRAFT. 183 1374 [MATHER (COTTON)] Pietas in Patriam. The Life of Sir William Phips, Knt, Governor of Massachusetts. sm. 8 London, 1697 The Chapter contains [Mather (C.) Memorable Providences relating to Witchcraft and Possessions. Edinburgh, 1689. See No. 1170. The Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1693. See No. 1275. Mather (I.) Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits. Boston, 1693. See No. 955. A Further Account of the Tryalls of the New England Witches. ^ Lon don, 1693. See No. 990.] 1375 MATHER (INCREASE) Angelographia, or A Discourse Concern ing the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, and the Great Benefit which the True Fearers of God Receive by their Ministry : . . in several Sermons : added, A Sermon concerning . . the Fallen Angels : Also, a Disquisition concerning Angelical- Apparitions. //. (16), 132, 44, black morocco, paneled and tooled, antique, red edges. 8 Boston, B. Green 6- J. Allen, for S. Phillips, 1696 The " Disquisition " has a separate title-page, and is separately paged. 1376 [PooLE (Wm. F.)] The Mather Papers. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Reprinted [100 copies, only,~\ from the Boston Daily Advertiser, Oct. 28, 1868, pp. 23, uncut. POOLE (Wm. F.) Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Reprinted [100 copies, only,] from the North American Review, for April, 1869, //. 63, uncut. 2 tracts. 8 Boston, 1869 1377 [POOLE (Wm. F.)] Cotton Mather & Witchcraft. Two Notices of Mr. Upham his Reply. //. 30, uncut. sq. 16 Boston, 1870 1378 SALEM WITCHCRAFT, Comprising [Calef s] More Wonders of the Invisible World, and [Cotton Mather s] Wonders of the Invisible World : With Notes, etc., by S. P. Fowler, cloth. 12 Salem, 1861 1379 SALEM WITCHCRAFT : Comprising [Calef s] More Wonders of the Invisible World, and [C. Mather s] Wonders of the Invisible World : With Notes and Explanations, by S. P. Fowler, //. 450, cloth uncut. sm. 4 Boston, Wm. Veazie, 1865 Only 250 copies printed. 1380 SALEM WITCHCRAFT. Records of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Original Documents. 2 vols. imcut,pp. 279, 287. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1864 Woodward s Historical Scries, Vols. I, II. 1381 SOME FEW REMARKS upon a Scandalous Book, against the Gov ernment and Ministry of New-England, Written by one Robert Calef. Detecting the UnparralleFd Malice & Falsehood of the said Book. . . Composed and Published by several Persons belong ing to the Flock of some of the Injured Pastors, stained and imper fect, wanting pp. 65-71, which have been supplied in manuscript (by the late Samuel G. Drake), half calf, neat, uncut. 8 Boston, T. Green, 1701 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The postscript (pp. 67-71) is signed by Increase and Cot ton Mather, who disavow their authorship of the work, which purports to have been drawn up by Obadiah Gill and six other members of the Old North church. 1382 THACHER (J.) An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts, and Appari tions, and Popular Superstitions. Also, an Account of the Witch craft Delusion at Salem, in 1692, cloth, uncut, SCARCE. 12 Boston, 1831 184 WITCHCRAFT. 1383 TRYAL OF WITCHES at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds for the County of Suffolk, March, 1664, Before Sir Matthew Hale, Kt., LARGE tfM/FINE COPY,//. (4), 59. 8 London, 1682 With this VERY SCARCE tract is bound: "A Short Treatise Touching Sheriffs Ac- compts," by Sir Matthew Hale, London, 1683. 1384 Tryal of Witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, March, 1664 : Before Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. . . Reprinted verbatim from the Original Edition of 1682. Only 100 copies printed, at Charles Clark s Private Press, Great Totham, Essex ; pp. 29. Lon don, 1835. Account of the Trial, Confession, & Condemnation of Six Witches at Maidstone, in the County of Kent, July, 1652. Added, the Trial, Examination, & Execution of Three Witches at Faversham, Sept. 1645. 20 copies reprinted verbatim from the original edition,//, vi, 3-9. London, 1837. True and Exact Relation of the severall Informations etc. of the late Witches con demned at the Sessions at Chelmesford, [in Essex,] 29 July, 1645, only 200 copies reprinted, at C. Clark s Private Press, Great Totham, pp. iv, 34, portrait of Matthew Hopkins the Witch-finder. London, 1837. 3 m * v l-> calf gilt, SCARCE. 8 1385 UPHAM (C. W.) Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692, cloth, UNCUT. 12 Boston, 1831 1386 UPHAM (C. W.) Salem Witchcraft, with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions upon Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects, 2 vols., map and plates, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. imp. 8 Boston, Wiggin 6 Lunt, 1867 50 copies only, printed on this paper. 1387 The same. 4 vols. uncut, sm. 4 Boston, Wiggin 6 Lunt, 1867 100 copies printed on this paper. 1388 WEBSTER (JOHN) The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, wherein it is affirmed that there are many sorts of Deceivers and Impostors, . . But that there is a Corporeal League made betwixt the Devil and the Witch, or that he sucks on the Witches Body, . or that Witches are turned into Cats, Dogs, raise Tempests, or the like, is utterly denied and disproved, etc., large and fine copy, in the original calf , VERY RARE. folio, London, 1677 1389 [WILLARD (SAMUEL)?] Some Miscellany Observations on our Present Debates respecting Witchcrafts, in a Dialogue between S. and B. By P. E. and J. A. Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, for Hezekiah Usher, 1692. sm. 4 Reprinted, Boston, 1867 " Congregational Quarterly " Reprint, No. I., pp. 24. Only 100 copies printed. The original tract is of extraordinary rarity. 1390 The Witches : a Tale of New-England, curious woodcuts, pp. 72, elegant tree calf, full gilt back, filleted sides (Matthews}. 18 Bath [Me.~\, R. L. Under/till, 1837 COLONIAL, STATE, AND LOCAL HISTORY. MASSACHUSETTS. ACTS AND LAWS. [For the COLONY LAWS, and the PROVINCE LAWS, 1692 to 1708, see Nos. 814-819.] 1391 -- Acts and Laws Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay, May 29, 1706 to May 30, 1711, pp. 291-363. Reprinted for the State. folio, [Boston, 1869] 1392 - - The Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary Acts and Laws of the Province. [With additional Acts of May and October Sessions, 1714,] large and fine copy, pp. 13, vi, 252, old calf. folio, Boston, B. Green, 1714 J 393 ~ The same. With Session Acts, May, i7i4~Nov. 1719 (pp. 241-328) added, good copy. folio, Boston, 1 714^20] 1394 The Charter and The Explanatory Charter: Table : and Acts and Laws of the Province. With Session Acts to April, 1735 (p. 534) added, good copy, old calf . folio, Boston, B. Green, 1 726^34] 1395 The same. With Session Laws to July, 1737 (p. 626), with some manuscript " Justiciarie Records " of Thomas Barton, Esq., of Salem, 1746-51, on leaves at the end. folio, Boston, 1726^37] 1396 - - The Charter and Explanatory Charter. Table. Acts and Laws of the Province. With Session Acts, Nov. 1726 -Jan. 1738-9, added, pp. (2), 14; 17; (2), 684. folio, Boston, B. Green [and J. Draper], 1 726[ 38] T 397 Acts and Laws Passed by the General Court, (at the several Sessions) November, 1738,10 May, 17 42, inclusive, continuous paging, pp. 667-789, wanting pp. 763-70, all UNCUT. folio, jF. Draper (to p. 735) and S. Kneeland &> T. Green, 1739-42 1398 - - The Charter, &c. Explanatory Charter. Table. Acts and Laws of the Province. With Session Acts, May, 17 42 -Nov., 1752, added, pp. 14, 28, 432, {pp. 411-432, inserted loose ,) old calf . folio, Boston, S. Kneeland 6 T. Green, 17 42 [-5 2] 1399 The Charter, &c. Acts and Laws of the Province. With Session Acts to Jan., 1762, added, pp. 14, 24, 429. folio, Boston, S. Kneeland, 17 59 [-62] 1400 Temporary Acts and Laws, 1742. Additional Laws, May, i742-Aug., 1747, pp. (2), 4, 74 ; 75-254 ; mostly uncut, paper covers. folio, Boston, S. Kneeland 6 T. Green. 1401 Temporary Acts and Laws, 1755. Additional Laws, to Jan., 1758, inclusive,//. 8, 326. folio, Boston, S. Kneeland. 24 1 86 MASSACHUSETTS. 1402 ACTS AND LAWS. Temporary Acts and Laws. Boston, Green &* Russell, 1763 Additional Laws, May, i763~June, 1773, pp. (2), x, (2), viii, 507, wanting pp. 265-8, 295-392, 403-16, 439-44, j&W, clean copy, autograph of John Pickering, binding broken. folio, Boston, Green 6* Russell. 1403 Temporary Laws. The Acts Contained in this Book were ordered to be left out of the last Impression of Temporary Laws and printed by themselves, viz., Impost Act, [1762], Act for grant ing an Excise upon Spirits, &c. [1762], Act for providing and maintaining two armed Vessels, &c. [1756], and four others, (pp. 52). fol. Boston, Green 6 Russell, 1763 1404 -- Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province, with Appendix, law calf. r. 8 Boston, 1814 1 405 - - Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth, From the Commence ment of the Constitution, [Oct., 1780 -May, 1789,] Boston, Adams and Nourse, 1789. Laws of the Commonwealth, Vol. II. [17^9-96], Boston, Adams <5j Nourse, T. Adams, and Adams and Larkin, large and fine copy, calf. 2 vols., folio 1406 -- Acts and Laws of the Commonwealth. 1781, Sept. (pp. 87- 108); 1784, Jan., March, (pp. 49-129); May Nov. (pp. 197-218); 1785, Oct., Nov. (//. 314-343); 1786, May-July (//. 435~486); 1786, June, to 1788, June, (pp. 437-715); 1792, Jan., Mch. (pp. 121-189) ; J 795> Jan., Feb. (pp. 435~9 2 ) ; J 797, Jan. to 1798, June (pp. 41-236); 1800, Jan., Mch. (pp. 341-410); 1801, May, June (pp. 483-518). Session Laws, as published, uncut. folio, Boston, 1781-1801 1406* - Acts and Laws, May, 1802, to Jan., 1803, PP* I " 2 34 with Title of Vol. IV; Nov. i8o4-Mch. 1805, (pp. 543-698). Session Laws, as published, uncut. folio, Boston, 1802-05 1407 Resolves of the General Assembly of the State. Sessions, 1779, May 26-Sept. (pp. 3-94); of the Commonwealth, Sept., 1781, to 1782, Mch. (//. 73-209) ; 1785, Jan.-Mch. (//. 93-112; Table, 12 pp.) ; 1786, May, July (pp. 86) ; 1788, May-Nov. (//. 70) ; 1790, May, to 1791, Mch. (//. 81); 1791, May, June (//. 32) ; 1793, May-Sept, (pp. 32); 1795, May, June, (//. 23) ; 1797, May, to 1798, Mch. (//. 76) ; 1799, May, to 1800, Mch. (//. 80, Table, vi); 1800, Nov.-i8oi, Mch. (//. 29-86 ; Index); 1801, May,-i8o2, Mch. (//. 87); 1802, May (//. 23); 1803, Jan. (//. 33-78); 1804, Jan., Mch. (pp. 37-98) ; May (//. 40) ; 1804 Nov.-i8o5, Mch. (//. 41-96, and Index.) As published, uncut. folio, Boston, 1779-1805 1408 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE of Representatives. May, 1717,^. 22, B. Green. Oct. 29 to Nov. i, 1718. 4 pp. (pp. 35-38) imperfect. B. Green. May, 1719, pp. 34, uncut. B. Green. Dec., 1719, pp. n, uncut. Printed by N. Boone, at the Request and Appointment of the Representatives of Boston ; Mr. Bartholomew Green, the former Printer to the House, Refusing to print the same. Dec. 14, 1719." Aug. and Sept., 1723, //. 91, wants first leaf, uncut. B. Green 6" S. Kneeland. 5 pieces. folio, 1717-1723 MASSACHUSETTS. l8/ 1409 Journal of the House of Representatives; May, 1760 -April, 1761, //. 371. ^. Knedand. May, 1763 -Feb., 1764, //. 276. To which is annexed : The Case of the Provinces of Massachusetts- Bay and New- York, respecting the Boundary Line, //. xxx. Green 6 JRussell. May, 17 64 -March, 1765,^. 312, uncut. Green &* Russell. May -July, 1769 (including the Petition to the King for the Removal of Gov. Bernard), pp. 88, uncut. Edes 6* Gill. 4 vols. folio, 1761-1769 1410 Journals of the Provincial Congresses, 1774-75, law calf. 8 Boston, 1838 1411 SPEECHES OF THE GOVERNORS of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1775, and other Public Papers relating to the Dispute between this Country and Great Britain. 8 Boston, 1818 1412 Collection of Acts or Laws passed in the State of Massachusetts Bay relative to the American Loyalists. 8 London, 1785 1413 The same, half mor. 8 London, 1785 1414 [Parsons (T.)] Result of the Convention of Delegates at Ips wich to take into Consideration the Constitution proposed by the State Convention, hf. mor., uncut. 12 Newburyport, J. Mycall, 1778 1415 Another copy, last leaf imperfect. Address of Convention for framing a Constitution. 1780. Constitution, agreed upon by the Delegates, at Cambridge, Sept. 1779. 1780. 3 in one vol. half bound. 8 1416 Journal of the Convention for framing a Constitution for Massa chusetts, 1779-80, law sheep. 8 Boston, 1832 1417 Constitution agreed upon by the Convention, 1779-80, and ratified by the People, Oct. 25, \^o>,fine copy, old calf . 1 6 Worcester, I. Thomas, [1780] 1418 Address from the General Court to the People of Massachusetts, half calf , neat, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1786 1419 Debates, Resolutions, and other Proceedings of the Convention convened Jan. 9, 1788, to ratify the [Federal] Constitution; with the Constitution prefixed, law calf. 12 Boston, 1788 1420 The same. With the Amendments which have been added. 12 Boston, 1808 1421 Constitution of the State and of the United States, Declaration of Independence, and Washington s Farewell Address, printed by Order of the General Court, and by them recommended to be read as a School Book. 12 Stockbridge, H. Willard, n. d. 1422 The same. 12 Boston, 1805 1423 Constitutions of Massachusetts and of the U. S., Declaration of Independence, and Washington s Farewell Address, bds. 12 Brookfield, E. Merriam 6 Co., 1807 1424 Constitutional Convention, 1820-21. Journal of the Debates and Proceedings, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1821 1425 Constitutional Convention, 1853. Official Report of the Debates and Proceedings, 3 vols., cloth. r. 8 Boston, 1853 1 88 MASSACHUSETTS. 1426 [CURTIS (G. T.) and others]. Discussions on the Constitution proposed to the People of Massachusetts by the Convention of 1853. 8 Boston, 1854 1427 LEAVITT (Jona.) Summary of the Laws of Massachusetts rela tive to Paupers. 8 Greenfield, 1810 1428 The Overseer s Guide; or, a History of the Laws of Massachu setts respecting Paupers. 8 Brookfield, 1815 1429 [Ames (Ellis)] Qualification for Voting in the Provincial Char ter of Massachusetts, pp. 6. 8 n. p., n. d. BANK OF CREDIT, LAND BANK, BILLS OF CREDIT, CURRENCY, ETC. [See Severals relating to the Fund (1681), No. 857; Some Considerations on the Bills of Credit (1691), No. 726; FELT (J. B.) Account of Mass. Currency, No. 1501 ; PAINE (N.) Remarks on Early Paper Currency, No. 1537.] 1430 A | Model for Erecting a | Bank of Credit; with a | Dis course | in Explanation thereof. Adapted to the Use of any Trading Countrey, where there is a Scarcity | of Moneys : More Especially for his Majesties Plantations | in America. | Quo Com- munius eo Melius. pp. (2), 30, VERY RARE. 1 6 London; Printed in the Year, 1688.- Reprinted at Boston, 1714 The preface, dated Feb. 26, 1713-14, announces that, "a scheme of a Bank of Credit, founded upon a Land Security, has been projected ; and will be humbly offered to the Con sideration of the General Assembly, at their next Session." The tract "sets forth in a plain and familiar way, not only the Nature, but the Feazibleness and Utility of such a Fund of Credit." This seems to have been the first gun fired in the Land Bank war of 1714-21. 1431 DUDLEY (PAUL) Objections to the Bank of Credit lately projected at Boston. Being a Letter upon that Occasion, to John Burrill, Esq; Speaker to the House of Representatives for the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, pp. $2, fine clean copy. \tf Boston, T. Fleet, 1714 The name of the author is signed at the end of the Letter, which is dated Oct. 22, 1714. 1432 -- Some | Considerations | Upon the several sorts of BANKS | Propos d as a Medium of Trade : | and | Some Improvements that might be made in this Province, hinted at, | //. 16, clean, uncut. 8 Boston, T. Fleet and T. Crump, 1716 An EXCESSIVELY RARE tract, apparently unknown to American bibliographers. Only its abridged title is given in the Havens (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue, on the authority of Thomas Prince s MS. It is one of the few publications bearing the imprint of " T. Fleet and T. Crump." (See Thomas, Hist, of Printing, i. 301.) The author was opposed both to the private and public Bank projects, and advocated the issue of public bills, to be loaned to the several towns, at five per cent. 1433 The Present Melancholy Circumstances of the Province Consider d, and Methods for Redress humbly proposed, in a Letter from one in the Country to one in Boston, //. 16. [Dated, March 6th, 1718-19.] 1 6 Boston, for B. Gray and J. Edwards, 1719 No title-page; the date is in a colophon. Quoted by Felt, Mass. Currency, p. 71. 1434 [COLMAN QOHN)] The Distressed State of the Town of Boston, &c. Considered. In a Letter from a Gentleman in the Town, to his Friend in the Countrey,//. (2), 10. 16 Boston, for Nicholas Boone, Benjamin Gray, and John Edwards, 1720 EXTREMELY RARE. April i2th, 1720, Gov. Shute called the attention of the Council to this pamphlet, and it being regarded as tending to disturb the administration of the Gov ernment, as well as the public peace, by reflecting on acts and laws of the Province, the Justices of the Peace were directed to inquire after the author and publisher, and proceed BANK OF CREDIT, BILLS OF CREDIT, ETC. 189 therein, &c. Pelfs Hist, of Mass. C^lrrency, p. 74. The writer was a prominent sup porter of the Private Bank project, and declares that "it was a very wrong step to crush [it] and set up this Publick Bank in its place" &c. (p. 7). He sees no remedy for hard times but inflation ; thinks the Government should " go on some great and expensive work, and Emit Bills to carry it on ; " " if there was a Bridge built over Charles River, if Fifty Thousand Pounds were expended to make it durable &c., this would help us by imploying the Poor, and the circulation of the Bills would be a great service to every body," &c. 1435 -~ A Letter from One in the Country to his Friend in Boston, containing some Remarks upon a late Pamphlet, entituled, The Distressed State of the Town of Boston, &c.,j^. (2), 22, uncut, except a bit cut from (a blanK) corner of title-leaf. 12 Boston, y. Franklin, for D. Henchman, 1720 The letter is dated, at the end, April 23, 1720, and was printed, probably, before ]. Franklin was succeeded by S. Kneeland, as printer of the Boston Gazette, which was at this time the organ of the Governor s, Council s, and "Public Bank "party. Like all others of this series of tracts, it is EXTREMELY RARE. 1436 A Vindication of The Remarks of One in the Country, upon The Distressed State of Boston, from some Exceptions made against em in a Letter to Mr. Colman, pp. 20, a fine copy, without blemish, and UNCUT. 16 Boston, S. Kneeland, for D. Henchman, 1720 Dated, May 24th. By the author of " the Letter from One in the Country " in reply to "Some Remarks, of the i6th of May," on that Letter. [" A Letter from a Gentleman, containing Some Remarks upon the Answers to Mr. Colman," &c. Boston, pp. 15.] He promises, in a short time, to submit to the public, a Project he had hit upon, for emitting an hundred thousand pounds of bills. (See the next following number.) 437 A Project for the Emission of an Hundred Thousand Pounds of Province Bills, in such a Manner as to keep their Credit up Equal to Silver, and to bring an Hundred Thousand Pounds of Silver Money into the Country in a few Years, pp. 16, no title-page, date and printer s name at the end, UNCUT. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, 1720 By the author of the " Letter from One in the Country" and " A Vindication." Dated, July i8th. Appended, pp. 14-16, is a brief reply to Mr. Colman s second tract (No. 1439). 438 Reflections On the Present State of the Province of Massachu- set-Bay in General, and Town of Boston in Particular ; Relating to Bills of Credit and the Support of Trade by Them : As the same has been lately represented in several Pamphlets,//. 22, fine clean copy, UNCUT, with nearly 2 pages of MSS. criticisms, on an unprinted leaf, at the end, and a long note in margin of pp. 13, 14. 12 Boston, for B. Eliot and D. Henchman, 1720 Dated, July 2d. VERY RARE. The manuscript notes in the same hand as in No. 1439, are by a determined opponent of inflation. "This work," he writes "supposeth that in unbalanced Extravagant Trade, managed by a Paper Medium let the prices of things rise never so high, yet the Medium shall keep its prime Value, even when every thing else alters, which is an utter impossibility. All the power and wisdom of this World cannot make a 2os/i. bill, wch was once equal in value to a yard of Cloath, equal to it when the same or a like yard of Cloath comes to be 40 skill, in value," etc. 39 -- COLMAN (JOHN) The Distressed State of the Town of Bos ton Once more Considered. And Methods for Redress humbly proposed. With Remarks on the pretended Country-man s Answer to ... The Distressed State of Boston &c. With a Schaeme for a Bank laid down : And Methods for bringing in Silver Money, Proposed, pp. (2), 22, uncut, with cotemporary manuscript notes and adverse comments [by the Reverend Country-man ?], filling the mar gins of several pages . 1 6 Boston, for Benjamin Gray, [1720] Dated, at the end, July 2oth. Colman alludes (p. i) to the high " character of him who is accounted the Author " of " the pretended Country-man s" Letter; charges him with "forgetting the Scriptures, though (if I am not out in my guess) his Profession is to Study them" (p. 3); and "advises the Gentleman to stick to Divinity for the future." "I like MASSACHUSETTS. him," he says (p. 16) "much better in the Pulpit, there I ll willingly receive his Instruc tions ; but now he is out of his sphere." J440 New News from Robinson Cruso s Island, in a Letter to a Gentleman at Portsmouth, (n. /./.) pp. 8. 1 6 Cruso s Island [Boston], 1720 Dated, at end, Dec. igth, 1720. Written by an advocate of a larger emission o~f bills of credit, and against the majority in the Council and the supporters of Gov. Shute in his contest with the popular party. It abounds in allusions, serious and satirical, to prominent men and measures of the time. A hit at " the great DON DAGO, the Primate-wou d-be of our Island (like the famous Dr. S 1 [Sacheverel] ) " and his "old Itch of Scribbling," seems intended for Cotton Mather, and so, perhaps, is one at a "Clergy-man who (Com- median-like} will stand belabouring his Cushion and intermixing his Harrangue with THUNDER-BOLTS, while he is entertaining \i\s peaceable Congregation with things whereof he is almost as Ignorant as I am of the Saddle Balaam rode on when his Ass spoke," etc. When Gov. Shute, in his speech at the opening of the session, March 15, 1721, recom mended measures to punish the authors of factious and seditious papers, the House answered that few or none would dare to publish such papers " if proper measures had been taken to discover and punish the authors of a libel, called, News from Robinson Cruso s Island, wherein the members of the House are grossly reflected upon " (HuiCH- INSON, ii. 223). To that libel, the " New News " &c., was perhaps a rejoinder. Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue has, on the authority of the Prince MS., the title of " Reflec tions upon Reflections : or More News from Robinson Cruso s Island," attributed (with a query) to Elisha Cooke, the leader of the popular party in the House. 1441 - - News from the Moon. A Review of the State of the British Nation, Vol. 7. Numb. 14. Page 53. Tuesday, May 2. 1710. pp. 8, without title-page, or printer s name, good dean copy. 1 6 n.p., n. d. [Boston, J. Franklin, 1721 ?] A satire aimed, apparently, at the House of Representatives, for their proceedings against the publisher and printer of " New News from Robinson Cruso s Island." 1442 A Letter to an Eminent Clergy-Man in the Massachusetts Bay, Containing some Just Remarks, and necessary Cautions, relating to Publick Affairs in that Province, //. (2), 13, UNCUT, except at top. 16 n. p. [Boston,~\ Printed in the year i72o-[2i] This pamphlet, now EXTREMELY RARE, was printed for Benj. Gray, Feb. 1720-21. At a meeting of the Council, Feb. 28, it was read and considered, and was declared to con tain " many vile, scandalous, and very abusive expressions, which greatly reflect on His Majesty s Government and People of this Province, and tend to disturb the public peace." B. Gray, the publisher, was summoned, and "acknowledged that he had caused the same to be printed, and that the original in manuscript was delivered to him by an unknown hand," Feb. 8th. The Council directed the Attorney-General (Paul Dudley) " to prosecute the said Gray, or any other person that may have been concerned in the making or pub lishing the said Pamphlet." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, 11.425. "I believe," says Thomas, " the affair was terminated by a compromise." An " Advertisement," p. 12, notices the article in the " last Week s Gazette]" 1 " by a cer tain railing Rabshakeh," who has " attempted to stain the unblemished reputation of a Worthy Gentleman, and a hearty Friend to his Country" ("Americus Patrise"); and a second Advertisement is dated from "Cruso s Island, 1721," promising for the press "a small Tract intituled, The Saddle set on the right Horse." 1443 -- A Letter from a Gentleman in Mount Hope, to his Friend in Treamount, pp. 7, nearly uncut. 16 n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1721] The Letter is dated, Feb. 27, 1721. It was occasioned by an article in the Boston Ga zette of Feb. 20, dated " N. E. Castle William, February, 1720, 21," imputing interested motives to a writer ("Americus Patrice?} who had advocated a larger emission of bills of credit. The Gazette writer had designated "Americus Patriae " as " Worldly Wise Man." This allusion, and the account given in the "Letter," pp. i, 2, of that "Reverend and Worthy Gentleman s " treatment by Andros, point unmistakably to the Rev. John Wise of Ipswich (Chebacco). See Nos. 1442 and 1445. 1444 A Friendly Check, from a Kind Relation, To the Chief Can noneer, Founded on a Late Information, Dated N. E. Castle Wil liam, 1720, 21. pp. 7, no title-page or name of printer, fine clean copy. 1 6 n.p., n. d. {Boston, J. Franklin, 1721] In this EXTREMELY RARE tract "Amicus Patrise " [Rev. John Wise] essays " to answer a fool according to his follow," and then, in "a Letter from Amicus Patrice, to his son, Feb. 23, 1720-21," replies, more seriously, to the imputation of interested motives. The offensive article in the Boston Gazette of Feb. 20, is reprinted, p. 7. BANK OF CREDIT, PAPER MONEY, ETC. IQI 1445 A Word of Comfort to a Melancholy Country. Or the Bank of Credit . . . fairly Defended by a Discovery of the Great Bene fit, accruing by it to the Whole Province, etc., By Amicus Patrise [Rev. John Wise], fine clean copy, pp. (4), 68. 16 Boston [y. Franklin\, 1721 " Humbly Dedicated to the Merchants in Boston." A well-managed and witty plea for paper money and "inflation." It is, for general readers, the most interesting of all the tracts published in the Bank of Credit controversy, while its frequent references to trade, manufactures, industries, and home-life in Boston and in the country towns, give it, to the historian and antiquary, an exceptional value. For the evidence on which I have attributed this work to Mr. Wise, the witty author of " The Churches Quarrel Espoused," and "A Vindication of the Government of N. E. Churches," see No. 1443. T- 1446 English Advice To the Freeholders, &c., of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, //. (2), 6, uncut. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, 1722 EXTREMELY RARE. Not in the Am. Antiquarian Society s, the Prince, or the Mass. Hist. Society s catalogues. It is an earnest appeal to the Freeholders &c., to consult and prepare for the election of "able and faithful PATRIOTS," to sit in the General Assembly, in May, 1722, and men who are able "to project schemes for reviving the sinking condi tion of the Province " ; and they are urged to mark the " three or four misguided gentlemen that were active in promoting and drawing up the two Acts, in 1720," for preventing Riots &c., and "for preventing Libels and scandalous Pamphlets, &c.,"both of which Acts were " so justly rejected by the House." It is dated, April iSth, and subscribed " Brutus" and " Cato." The pretence that it was received from England was, of course, intended merely as a blind. 1447 Money the Sinews of Trade. The State of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay Considered, with respect to its Trade for want of a Medium of Exchange wherewith to manage it. Recom mended . . . more especially to the Merchants and Traders in the Town of Boston. By a Lover of his Country,//. 16, good copy. 8 Boston, S. Kmeland & T. Green, 1731 The author proposes that Merchants and Traders shall enter into copartnership for issuing bills or notes for circulation, to be loaned on land security, &c. He dwells on the bad effects that have resulted from giving currency in Massachusetts to Rhode Island bills : " We have given the bread out of our own mouths, and enrich d them, who now despise us for so doing." 1448 Trade and Commerce Inculcated; in a Discourse, Showing the Necessity of a Well-governed Trade, in order to a Flourishing Common-Wealth. With some Proposals for the bringing Gold & Silver into the Country for a Medium of Trade, [and] for support ing the Credit of the Paper-Currency. By Amicus Reipublicae, //. 58, uncut. 8 n. p. \_J3oston,~] Printed for the Author, 1731 Yellow by age and smoke, but may easily be cleaned, making a fine copy of a VERY SCARCE tract. 1449 -- A Letter to a Member of the Hon. House of Representatives, On the present State of the Bills of Credit,//. (2), 9, good copy, a corner, with a very few words of print, torn from the last leaf. 8 Boston, 1736 Signed, Philopatria. The writer favors the emission of Bills of a New Tenor. 1450 -- DOUGLASS (Dr. Win.) A Discourse concerning the Curren cies of the British Plantations in America, with regard to Paper Money, etc., pp. 3-46, wants title and last page, otherwise a fine copy, uncut. 8 Boston, 1740 1451 An Inquiry into the Nature and Uses of Money; more espe cially of the Bills of Publick Credit, Old Tenor. With a Proposal 192 MASSACHUSETTS. of some proper Relief in the present Exigence. [And] A Reply to the Essay on Silver and Paper Currences (sic), pp. (2), 78, fine copy, uncut. 8 Boston, 1740 1452 -- Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Uses of Money; More especially of the Bills of Publick Credit, Old Tenor, etc. Another copy, uncut. 8 Boston, 1740 1453 -- Observations occasion d by reading a Pamphlet, intituled, A Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America,//. 23, hf. mor., uncut. 8 London, T. Cooper, 1741 1454 -- A Letter to - Merchant in London, Concerning a late Combination in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, to Impose or Force a Private-Currency called Land- Bank-Money, pp. 14, clean copy, but wants one leaf (pp. 3, 4), VERY RARE. 8 n.p. [Boston] Printed for the Public Good, 1741 Dated, Boston, Feb. 21, 1740-41. Against the Land-Bank, or " Manufactory Scheme." The members of this association, which the writer regards as a " pernicious grand Bubble," " value themselves as being formidable by their numbers, 2000 principals, as they publish, and many thousand abettors." See HUTCHINSON, ii, 352-354; FELT S Hist, of Mass. Currency, p. 106, and after. 1455 -- A Letter from a Gentleman in Boston, To his Friend in Con necticut,//. 15, uncut. 4 ./., n. d. {Boston, 1743] The Letter bears date, Feb. 27, 1743-4. It contains a reply to "Heads proposed for an Act of Parliament, to regulate and" finally suppress Paper-Currencies in the N. E. Colonies," in which Rhode Island for her enormous emissions of paper money, and " that infamous combination called Land Bank," in Massachusetts, were severely censured. The writer aims to show that there is no necessity for such an Act. 1456 A Word in Season to all True Lovers of their Liberty and their Country ; both of which are now in the utmost Danger of being forever lost. By Mylo Freeman, &c.,//. 16, (4), uncut. 1 6 Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1748 In opposition to Hutchinson s plan for appropriating the money received from England in repayment of the expenses of Massachusetts in the Cape Breton expedition, to the redemp tion of Old Tenor bills of credit. See HUTCHINSON S History, ii. 392-5. 1457 -- Some Observations relating to the Present Circumstances of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay; Humbly offered to the Consideration of the General Assembly, pp. 20, autograph of Prof . Edward Wigglesworth, fine fresh copy, uncut. 4 Boston, D. Fowle, 1750 1458 Table for the ready turning of any old Tenor Sum into Law ful Money, at the Rate of 6^. per Piece of Eight. In Four Parts . . . [with] other useful Tables, 12 leaves not paged, corners worn. 8 Boston, y. Bus hell, for S. Kneeland, 1750 1459 -- [GREEN (JOSEPH)] A Mournful Lamentation For the sad and deplorable Death of Mr. Old Tenor, A Native of New-England, who, after a long Confinement, by a deep and mortal Wound which he received about Twelve Months before, expired on the 3ist day of March, 1750 ... To the mournful Tune of Chevy-Chace. Folio broadside, torn, but complete, except a bit of lower margin. Sold at the Heart and Crown [T. Fleet~\, Boston, n. d. Yellowed by age and smoke, but will come out, after washing and repair, a good copy of this Extremely Rare broadside. 1460 -- HUTCHINSON (THOMAS) A Projection, for regulating the value of Gold and Silver coins, published in the Boston Evening Post, Dec. i4th, 1761; re-printed, to be prefixed to "Considera- MASSACHUSETTS. IQ3 tions on Lowering the Value of Gold Coins, within the Province of Massachusetts-Bay; "] pp. 8, uncut. 8 n.p., n. d. [Boston, 1762] The tract to which this was prefixed was in reply to Gov. Hutchinson s proposition. 1461 - - [SULLIVAN (JAMES)] The Path to Riches. An Inquiry into the Origin and Use of Money ; and into the Principles of Stocks and Banks. [With] Thoughts respecting a Bank for the Common wealth. By a Citizen of Massachusetts,//. 77, uncut. 8 Boston, 1792 1462 BARBER QOHN W.) Historical Collections of Massachusetts, map and 200 engravings, roan gilt. r. 8 Worcester, 1844 1463 BARRY (J. S.) History of Massachusetts : Colonial, Provincial, and Commonwealth Periods. 3 vols., cloth, gilt. 8 1855-7 1464 BOUNDARY. The Case of the Provinces of Massachusetts-Bay and New York, respecting the Boundary-Line between the two Provinces. [By Thomas Hutchinson.] pp. 30, uncut, half mor., neat. fol., 1764 1465 -- A Conference between the Commissaries of Massachusetts- Bay, and the Commissaries of New- York ; at New-Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, 1767,^. 26, (i), very fine copy, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 4 Richard Draper, 1768 1466 BOWDITCH (N. I. ) Suffolk Surnames. 2d Edition, enlarged, cloth. 8 1858 1467 BRADFORD (A.) History of Massachusetts for Two Hundred Years, 1620-1820, map, half calf, gilt. 8 1835 1468 BRADFORD (A.) History of Massachusetts, 1764-75, 1775-89, 1790-1820. 3 vols., half morocco extra, uncut. 8 1822-29 1469 Brief Account of the State of the Province of the Massachu setts-Bay, in New-England, Civil and Ecclesiastical. By a Lover of his Country, pp. 8, hf. morocco, uncut, RARE. 8 T. Crump, for G. Phillips, 1717 1470 BURDICK (W.) The Massachusetts Manual; or, Political and Historical Register, 1814-15. 12 1814 1471 CANALS. Report of Commissioners on Routes from Boston to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers, map. 8 1828 1472 CHICKERING (Jesse) Statistical View of the Population of Mas sachusetts, 1765-1840. 8 1846 1473 CHILD {Major John) New-England s Jonas Cast up at London. 1647. Reprinted, with an Introduction and Notes by W. T. R. Marvin, uncut. sm. 4 W. P. Lunt, 1869 Edition of 170 copies. 1474 COOKE (ELISHA) Just and Seasonable Vindication respecting some Affairs transacted in the late General Assembly at Boston, Second Impression corrected, pp. 22, wants half of last leaf . 12 n. p. \Bostoti\, 1720 1475 CUSHING (Abel) Historical Letters on the First Charter of Massachusetts Government. 16 1839 2 5 194 MASSACHUSETTS, 1476 GUSHING (L. S.) Reports of Contested Election Cases in Mass. House of Representatives, 1780-1834, law calf. 8 1834 1477 DAWSON (H. B.) Declaration of Independence of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, May i, 1776, pp. 12. S[Mw York, 1862] 1478 DEWEY (C.) Report on Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Mas sachusetts ; and Emmons (E.) Report on the Quadrupeds, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1840 1479 DICKINSON (R.) Geographical and Statistical View of Massa chusetts. 8 Greenfield, 1813 1480 DUNTON (JOHN) Letters written from New England, 1686. From the original Manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Edited by W. H. Whitmore, uncut. sm. 4 Prince Society, 1867 Edition of 150 copies. 1481 EASTERN LANDS. Resolves of the General Court, respecting the Sale of Eastern Lands, with the Reports of the Committees, 1781-1803, pp. 287, itncut.. 8 1803 1482 ELECTION SERMON, 1667. MITCHEL QONA.) Nehemiah on the Wall in Troublesom Times,//. (4), 34. sm. 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J., 1671 1483 ELECTION SERMON, 1683. TORREY (S.) A Plea for the Life of Dying Religion, //. (8), 46. 4 Boston, S. Green, for S. Seivall, 1683 For other Election Sermons before 1 700, see No. 830 J. Norton, 1661. No. 695 T- Allen, 1679. 775 J. Higginson, 1663. 899 S. Willard, 1682. 749 S. Danforth, 1670". 693 W. Adams, 1685. 863 T. Shepard, 1672. 1274 C. Mather, 1689. 834 U. Oakes, 1673. 1224 C. Mather, 1690. 872 S. Torrey, 1674. 1244 C. Mather, 1696. 779 W. Hubbard, 1676. 833 N. Noyes, 1698. 952 Incr. Mather, 1677. 1039 I. Mather, 1699. 1484 ELECTION SERMONS : E. Pemberton, 1710. B. Colrnan, 1718. .Wm. Williams, 1719. N. Stone, 1720. J. Hancock, 1722. B. Colman, 1723. J. Sewall, 1724. E. Thayer, 1725. P. Thacher, 1726. J. Baxter, 1727. 10 Sermons (5 uncut). 8 1710-27 1485 ELECTION SERMONS: J. Wise, 1729. T. Prince, 1730. S. Wigglesworth, 1733.;. Barnard, 1734. }. Prentice, 1735.- E. Holyoke, 1736. I. Loring, 1737. P. Clark, 1739. W. Cooper, 1740. N. Appleton, 1742. 10 Sermons (nine uncut). 8 1729-42 1486 ELECTION SERMONS, 1701 to 1749, inclusive, wanting 1704, -08, -ii, -15, (1713 and 1717 were not printed). 42 Sermons, 20 separately bound, half morocco, uniform, 22 unbound. v. s. The Sermon for 1707 (S. Belcher s) wants the title. A few others may require slight repairs, but the copies generally, bound and unbound, are in excellent condition, and several are uncut. 1487 ELECTION SERMONS, 1750 to 1854, inclusive; the series complete, as printed, including S. Langdon s Sermon before the Provincial Congress at Watertown, May 31, 1775, and W. Gordon s Sermon before the General Court, July 19, 1775 : s ^ ecte ^ copies, nearly all uncut. 105 Sermons. 8 The Sermons of 1780 to 1792, inclusive, are bound in one volume half russia, neat, the margins lightly trimmed. The others are sewed, as published. No Election Sermon was preached in 1752, or 1764. MASSACHUSETTS. 195 1488 ELECTION SERMONS: 179310 1850 inclusive; 58 Sermons, fine clean copies, handsomely bound in 3 vols., half russia, nearly uncut. 1.8 1489 ELECTION SERMONS: 1750 to 1851, inclusive, (with Langdon s and Gordon s Sermons, of 1775,) T 8S4, -56, -58, -61, -63, -67. 107 Sermons, 25 separately bound, half morocco, uniform, the rest sewed, many uncut. 4 and 8 1490 EMERSON (G. B.) Report on Trees and Shrubs of Massachu setts, iincut, scarce. r. 8 1846 1491 ESSAY on the Establishment of a Chancery Jurisdiction in Mas sachusetts, boards, uncut. 8 n. d. 1492 EXCISE ACT. Some Observations on the Bill intitled, An Act for granting to His Majesty an Excise upon Wines, and Spirits distilled, sold by Retail or consumed within this Province, and upon Limes, Lemons, and Oranges, half calf . 16 1754 1493 -- [COOPER (Rev. Samuel)] The Crisis,//. 16. 8 [Boston] Printed in June, 1754 In opposition to the Excise Bill. On the last page is advertised, as "now in the press," " The Monster of Monsters" &c. 1494 THE MONSTER of MONSTERS: A true and faithful Narrative of a most remarkable Phenomenon lately seen in this Metropolis ; to the great Surprize and Terror of His Majesty s Good Subjects : Humbly Dedicated to all the Virtuosi of New-England. By Thomas Thumb, Esq.,//. 24, blue calf , extra gilt, UNCUT. 8 n. p. [Bos ton, ~\ Printed in July, 1754 A beautiful copy of this VERY RARE tract, which gave such offence to the legislature of Massachusetts that it was ordered to be burnt by the common hangman, and Daniel Fowle, suspected of having printed it, was arrested and imprisoned. See Thomas s History of Printing, i. 333-339. It gives a satirical account of the debate on the Excise Bill, in the Council, after its passage by the House. The reputed author was Samuel Waterhouse. Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, No. 12982) says : " Of this work . . . not more than three or four copies are known," to have escaped the fire to which it was condemned by the General Court. 1495 The Monster of Monsters. Another copy, half morocco. 8 n. p. [Boston], 1754 1496 The Cub new Licked ; or, a New Story of an Old Monster, clean copy, pp. 16, half morocco. 8 n. p. [Boston], 1754 Even MORE RARE than the preceding, which it exceeds in license not to say, scurrility. 1497 - - FOWLE (DANIEL) A Total Eclipse of Liberty: an Account of the Arraignment and Imprisonment of Daniel Fowle, on Suspi cion of his being concerned in Printing and Publishing a Pamphlet, intitled "The Monster of Monsters." Written by himself, good copy, half mor., pp. 24. 12 Boston, 1755 1498 -- [FOWLE (DANIEL)] An Appendix To the late Total Eclipse of Liberty, Being some Thoughts on the End and Design of Civil Government ; also the inherent Power of the People asserted and maintained; etc., pp. 24, UNCUT. 8 Boston, [D. Fowle,~] 1756 1 499 Letter from Common Honesty to Common Sense, good copy, half morocco, pp. 12. 12 Boston, T. Fleet, [1756] 1500 Extract from the Political State of Great Britain, for the Month of December, i73o,//. 16, uncut. 8 n. t. p., n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1731] Relates to the controversy between Gov. Belcher and the House of Representatives, on the subject of settling the salary of the Governor, by law. SCARCE. 196 MASSACHUSETTS. 1501 FELT (J. B.) Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency, cloth. 8 1839 1502 GOULD (A. A.) Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1841 1503 General Association of Massachusetts. Minutes, 1811, 1815, 1817 to 1870, inclusive, 56 pamphlets, sewed. 8 1811-70 Minutes, 1821 to 1862, inclusive. Minutes of the Gen. Confer ence of Congregational Churches, 1861. ^pamphlets. 8 1821-62 1505 HITCHCOCK (E.) Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts, wants title and 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 692, uncut. 8 Amherst, 1833 1506 -- Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, map, 2 vols. in one, cloth, uncut. 4 Northampto?i, 1841 1507 HOLLAND (J. G.) History of Western Massachusetts, map, 2 vols., cloth. 12 Springfield, 1855 1508 HUTCHINSON (THOMAS) Governor. The History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1691, best green levant morocco extra, paneled sides, full gilt ( W. Pratt}, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1764 A SPLENDID COPY, with the Author s AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION TO THE EARL OF HALIFAX. 1509 The same. Second Edition. 8 London, MDCCLX [for 1765] 1510 The same : with The History of the Province of Massachu setts, from . . 1691 to 1750. Vol. II. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8 London, 1765, 1768 1511 The same. 1628-1750. Third Edition, with additional Notes and Corrections. 2 vols., half morocco, gilt, marbled edges, very large and fine copy. 8 Salem and Boston, 1795 1512 The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from . . 1750 until June, 1774. Edited by the Rev. John Hutchinson, boards, UNCUT. 8 London, J. Murray, 1828 1513 A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, half bound, A VERY FINE COPY, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1769 1514 -- A Collection of Original Papers, &c. Another copy, clean and Jtne, old binding. 8 Boston, 1769 1515 - - The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay (1628-91). The Second Edition. London, 1765. The History of the Prov ince of Massachusetts-Bay (1691-1750). The Second Edition. London, 1768. The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1750, until June, 1774. Vol. III. London, 1828. A Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1769. 4 vols., best grosgrain levant red morocco, backs full gilt, inside borders, gilt tops ( W. Pratt,} UNCUT. 8 London, and Boston, 1765-1828 A SUPERLATIVELY FINE set, and, in such condition, of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY, all four volumes being absolutely UNCUT. 1516 A Collection of Original Papers, etc. A new edition, cor rected from the original manuscript : With notes. Portrait, 2 vols., sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1865 Edition of. 150 copies, published by the PRINCE SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS. 197 1517 Letters to the Right Honorable The Earl of Hillsborough, From Governor Bernard, General Gage, and The Honorable His Majes ty s Council For the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. With An Appendix containing Divers Proceedings referred to in the said Letters, fine copy, pp. 83, uncut. folio, Edes and Gill, 1769 1518 Letters of Gov. Hutchinson and Lieut. Gov. Oliver, &c., printed at Boston, and Remarks thereon ; with the Assembly s Address, and the Proceedings of the Lords Committee of Council, pp. 126, half morocco. 8 London, 1774 1519 Letters addressed to Caleb Strong, late Governor of Massachu setts [on] Retaliation, Capital Punishments, and War. 3d edition. 8 Providence, 1818 1520 MANN (H.) The Massachusetts System of Common Schools; an enlarged edition of the Tenth Annual Report of the First Secretary of the Mass. Board of Education. 8 1849 1521 Massachusettensis : or a Series of Letters on the Present Trouble in Massachusetts Bay, [by Daniel Leonard.] Second Edition. 8 Boston*; repr. London, 1776 1522 Massachusetts Agricultural Society. Peck (W. D.) Natural History of the Slug Worm, plate, 1799 ; Inquiries by the Agricul tural Society [1800]; Papers on Agriculture, i8oi,-o3,-o4,-o5,-o7 ; Georgick Papers, 1809; Papers for 1810. Nine in one vol., calf , neat, SCARCE. 8 1523 Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections, Vol. i. as orig inally published in The American Apollo, Part i. Vol. r. wanting pp. 145-154, 165-180, 197-200, 209-224. With The American Apollo, Part IT. Vol. i. (39 numbers, Jan. -Sept. 1792,) wanting Nos. 17, 32, 35, 36. Prefixed to the volume is the Circular Letter of the Hist. Society, Nov. i, 1791 ; Contents of Vol. i. ; the Con stitution, and Introductory Address, half bound, some sheets too close cut at bottom. 8 The Apollo Press, Belknap 6- Hall, 1792 1523* Massachusetts Historical Society. Acts of Incorporation, Laws, and Circular Letter, //. 14, uncut. Jos. Belknap, [1794.] Collec tions. No. III. Vol. V. (pp. 149-220), wrapper, uncut. Samuel Hall, [1798]. 8 This number contains the reprint of [Cotton s] " Abstract of the Laws of New-Eng land, printed in London in 1641." 1524 Massachusetts Humane Society. The Institution of the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; with the Rules, Methods of Treatment, &c., 1788. History of the Society, List of Premiums awarded, List of Members, &c., //. 96, 1845. Statement of Premiums, 1817-1829. Extracts from Correspond ence, &c., //. 60, 1829. Annual Discourses before the Society, 1787-1808, and 18 n, nearly all uncut. 23 Pamphlets. 1787-1811 1525 Massachusetts Missionary Society. Sermons before the Society, at their Annual Meetings: by A. N. Emmons, 1800; S. Niles, 1801 ; S. Spring, 1802; S. Austin, 1803; A. Holmes, 1804; P. Litchneld, 1805 ; J. Barker, 1806 ; E. Parish, 1807 ; J. Strong, 1808 ; J. Norton, 1810; L. Woods, 1812. n Pamphlets. 8 198 MASSACHUSETTS. 1526 MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER. Mein & Fleeming s New England Register, 1767-69, 1772 (autograph of J. Quincy, Jr^ Mills & Hick s British and American Register, 1774-76 ; Fleet s Mass. Reg ister, 1779, 1780, 1782-1800 (with dupl. of 1796); Manning & Lo- ring s Mass. Register, 1801-39, 1841-47 (1802 imperfect; 1813 dupl.}; 76 annuals, the last 40 in half sheep, the others sewed. 16 and 12 A REMARKABLE COLLECTION of these annuals. All the earlier volumes are VERY SCARCE, and some of them EXTREMELY RARE. 1527 Matson vs. Thomas. Superior Court for the Counties of Ply mouth, Barnstable, &c. The Case of Nathaniel Matson against Nathaniel Thomas. Arguments for the Defendant, on a Special Verdict. (John Valentine, Attorney for Defendant.) //. 20, n.t. p., RARE. sm. 4 [1720] The last leaf is torn, but may easily be repaired, without loss of a word of text. "John Valentine of Boston was a lawyer of distinguished learning and integrity. An argument of his in the case of Matson vs. Thomas is preserved, in which he manifested great famil iarity with legal principles, as well as ability as an advocate." Washburri s Judicial History, 186. 1528 MAUDUIT (I.) Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their Charters and Constitution, half mor. 8 London, 1774 1529 MAYHEW (Jona.) A Discourse concerning Unlimited Submis sion and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers : with some Re flections on the Resistance made to King Charles I. . . In which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince s Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled, etc., pp. (6), 55, half mor., neat, LARGEST PAPER, UNCUT. 4 Boston, D. Fowle, 1750 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this famous Sermon; EXTREMELY RARE, on this paper, UNCUT. Fresh and clean throughout, a slight water-stain on the lower margin of one sheet, excepted. 1530 MILITIA. Exercise for the Militia of the Province of the Mas sachusetts-Bay, clean uncut copy. fol., 1758 1531 [MINOT (G. R.)] Thoughts on the Political Situation of the United States, in which that of Massachusetts is more particularly considered, portrait of the author inserted, half mor. 8 Worcester, 1788 I 53 I * Another copy, uncut. 1532 MINOT (G. R.) Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, from the year 1748, boards, UNCUT. 2 vols. 8 1798-1803 The second volume has Hannah Adams s autograph presentation to John Adams. 1533 MINOT (G. R.) History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786. 2d edition, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1810 Monster of Monsters (The) See Excise Act, No. 1494. 1534 MOORE (GEO. H.) Notes on History of Slavery in Massachu setts, uncut. . 8 N. York, 1866 1535 MOORE (GEO. H.) Additional Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts,//. 15, uncut. Moore (G. H.) and Davis (Geo. T.) Slavery in Massachusetts. Two Letters from the Historical Magazine, Sept. and Oct., 1866, pp. 12, uncut. (2) 8 N. York, 1866 MASSACHUSETTS. 199 1536 OTIS (James) Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved, 1764. Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Com. Hood, etc., original edition, VERY SCARCE [Boston], 1769. Proceedings of the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay relative to holding the General Assembly at Harvard College, etc., 1770. Continuation of (the above), 1770. Votes and Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Boston in Town Meet ing assembled (Oct. 28 -Nov. 2, 1772), [1772]. Five VERY SCARCE tracts in one vol., old calf. 8 Boston 1537 PAINE (NATHANIEL) Remarks on the Early Paper Currency of Massachusetts. Read before the Am. Antiq. Society, April, 1866, photographs of Massachusetts bills. 1. 8 Cambridge, J. Wilson, 1866 One of 50 copies, printed for the author, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. A valuable contri bution to the history of American paper money. Paper Money. See BANK OF CREDIT, CURRENCY, etc., No. 1430, and following. 1538 Patriotick Proceedings of the Legislature of Massachusetts, Jan. 26 to March 4, 1809. 8 1809 1539 Penobscot Expedition. Proceedings of General Assembly of Massachusetts relating to, with Report of Committee on the Failure of said Expedition, pp. 26, half mor., neat, uncut. sm. 4 1780 1540 PLYMOUTH COMPANY. (Kennebeck Purchase.) A Defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company, on the Plans and Extracts of Deeds published by the Proprietors (as they term themselves) of the Township of Brunswick,//. 50, clean, uncut, hf. mor. 4 1753 1541 RECORDS of the Governor and Company of Mass. Bay, 1628- 1686 ; edited by N. B. Shurtleff, 5 vols. in 6, cloth , gilt. 4 1853-54 1542 Sanitary Commission. Report of a General Plan for the Pro motion of Public and Personal Health, [by Lemuel Shattuck,] uncut. 8 1850 1543 SMITH (J. V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massachu setts ; with a Practical Essay on Angling, cloth. 12 1833 1544 SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL among the Indians and others in North America. Gary (R.) Letter to the Members of the Society, [relating to the Alford estate,] pp. 9, n. t. p. 4 [1789]. -Brief Account of the Society, pp. 7. 4 [1798]. SERMONS before the Society : by J. Lathrop, Jan. 19, 1804; L. Frisbie, Nov. i, 1804; J. Eckley, 1805 ; T. Barnard, 1806; Eliph. Porter, 1807 ; A. Holmes, 1808; J. Morse, 1810; J. Kendall, 1811; J. Bates, 1813; E. Parish, 1814; J. Foster, 1817; C. Lowell, 1820; J. Tuckennan, 1821; T. M. Harris, 1823; J. Codman, 1825; ED. Porter, 1827 ; B. B. Wisner, 1829. REPORTS of the Select Com mittee, i8i9,-22,-24,-26,-3i,-32,-33,-40,-43,-44,-46,-47,-48,-5o. All clean and uncut. ^Pamphlets. 8 1789-50 1545 SPOFFORD (J.) Gazetteer of the State, map. 12 Newburyport, 1828 1546 STATISTICS of Industry, for the Year ending April i, 1837, pre pared by J. P. Bigelow. The same, for the Year ending April i, 1845, by J. G. Palfrey. 2 vols., uncut. 8 1838, 46 2OO MASSACHUSETTS. 1547 STRONG (Gov. Caleb) Speeches to the Senate and House of Representatives of Massachusetts, with their Answers, etc., 1800- 1807, portrait, bds. uncut. 12 Newburyport, 1808 1548 [SULLIVAN (Hon. JAMES)] The Altar of Baal thrown down ; or, the French Nation defended, against the Pulpit Slander of David Osgood . . . Par Citoyen de Novion, dean, tmcut. 8 Boston, Chronicle- Press, 1795 1549 SULLIVAN QAS.) History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. r. 8 1801 I 55 [SWAN (J.)J National Arithmetick : or, Observations on the Finances of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8 [1786] 1551 SYNODS. The Results of Three Synods Held by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches of Massachusetts Province, New- England. Containing, I. The Platform of Church Discipline, in the year 1648. II. Propositions concerning the Subject of Baptism, in 1662. III. The Necessity of Reformation, etc., in Answer to two Questions, in 1679. pp. (2), vi, 118. A Confession of Faith, Owned and Consented unto . . . May 12. 1680. Being the Second Session of that Synod,//. (4), iv, 49, original binding. 8 1725 1552 Thomas (Isaiah) Massachusetts Kalendar, or an Almanac for 1772 ; a wood-cut of Boston Massacre ; also inserted, fine portrait of Is. Thomas, and an autograph letter by him; beautiful clean copy, morocco extra (Bedford}. 8 1772 1553 WALDO (S.) Defence of the Title of John Leverett to a Tract of Land in the Eastern Parts of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, commonly called Muscongus Lands,//. 41. fol., 1736 1554 WASHBURN (E.) Sketches of the Judicial History of Massa chusetts, 1630-1775, cloth. 8 1840 1555 WINTHROP QOHN) Governor of Massachusetts. Life and Letters of; by Robert C. Winthrop, portrait, cloth. 8 1867 1556 WOOD (I.) Massachusetts Compendium; Stating the Bounda ries of the several Counties and Towns, and a Description of the District of Maine, bds. 16 Hallowell, 1814 1557 YOUNG (ALEX.) Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Mass. Bay, 1623-1636, portrait of Winthrop. 8 1846 * TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 1558 Abington. Hobart (A.) Historical Sketch of Abington, Ply mouth Co. 8 1839 1559 Andover. Abbot (A.) History of Andover, uncut. 12 Andover, 1829 1560 Andover. Phillips Academy: Address to the Students, July 18, 1791; Tappan s Address, 1794; Morse s Address, 1799; Consti tution and Statutes of the Theolog. Seminary, with Pearson s [Hist] Sketch, 1808, //. 68 ; Dwight s Sermon at the Opening, and ^at Ordin. of E. Pearson, 1808 ; Review of Constitution, and Pear son s Sketch, from Monthly Anthology, 1808 ; Griffin s Oration at Induction as Bartlett Professor, 1809 ; Sprague s Discourse, to Porter Rhetor. Society, 1850 ; White s Baccal. Addresses, 1849, MASSACHUSETTS. 2OI and 1851 ; Stuart s Serm. on completion of New College, 1821 ; Griffin s Oration, 1809. Ainherst College. Report of Committee to inquire into facts rel. to the Institution, 1825 ; Statement by the Trustees, [1825 ?]; E. Everett s Address before the Literary Soci eties, 1835 A. H. Everett s Disc, on Social Improvement, before the Lit. Societies, 1833 ; Pres. Humphrey s Valedictory Address, 1845 ) Statement of the Affairs of the Amherst Institution, Oct., 1824; Statement by the Trustees, [1832 ?] ; Calhoun s (and others) Addresses at Dedic. of Cabinet and Observatory, 1848 ; Hum phrey s Inaugural Address, 1823 ; C. Cushing s Oration to Lit. Societies, 1836 ; Hitchcock s Inaug. Address, 1845 j C. Sumner s Address to Lit. Societies, 1847. 24 pamphlets, in one vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 v. y. 1561 PAMPHLETS (8). Acton. Swift s Fast Sermon, 1761 Adams s Centennial Address, 1835. Amherst. Catalogue of Mt. Pleasant School, 1828 ; Installation of Pres. Stearns, 1855. Asliburnham. Cushing s Half-century Sermon, 1818. Ashfield. Shepard s 4oth anniv. Sermon, 1859. Athol. Clarke s Centennial Sermon, 1850. Attleboro . Crane s Centennial (26. Cong. Church) Sermon, 1849. 1562 Attleborough. Daggett (J.) Sketch of the History of Attlebo- rough, to the present time. 8 Dedham, 1834 1563 PAMPHLETS (n). Earre. Sprague s Dedica. and Ordin. Ser. 1829 ; Thompson s 37th Anniv. Discourse, 1841, and Half-century Sermon, 1854. Barnstable Co. Davis s Description of Eastern Coast, 1802 Survey of canal from Buzzard s Bay to Barnstable Bay, 1826. Barnstable. Cape Cod Centennial, 1840; Palfrey s 2d Centennial Address, 1840; Histor. Sketch of Churches of B. Conference, 1846; ist celebration of Cape Cod, 1851; Report of Commissioners on Cape Cod, 1854 (2 copies). 1564 Belchertown. Doolittle (M.) Historical Sketch of Congrega tional Church, and Early History of the Town, doth. 12 Northampton, 1852 1565 Berkshire Co. Dewey (C.) and others. History of the County, map, roan. 12 Pittsfield, 1829 J 5 66 Jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, 1844. 8 Albany, 1845 1567 Beverly. Stone (E. M.) History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, doth. 12 Boston, 1843 1568 PAMPHLETS (13). Becket. Mills s loth Anniv. Discourse, 1816 ; Cooley s dedica. Ser., 1850. Belchertown. Proceed, of Eccles. Council, (broadside?) 1723. Bellingham. Fisher s two Century Ser mons, 1822. Berkley. Review of Proceedings of Eccles. Council, [1831 ?]. Bernardston. Moor s dedica. S., 1850; Davis s Address at Dedication of Cushman library, 1863. Beverly. Remarks on recent ordination, 1824; Stone s History of 2d Parish, 1834, and Dedica. Ser., 1838. Billerica. Cummings s Half-century Sermon, 1813 ; Farmer s historical memoir, 1816 ; Second Centen l celebra tion, //. 152, 1855. 1569 Blandford. Gibbs (Wm. H.) Historical Address, pp. 76, paper. 12 Springfield, 1850 26 202 MASSACHUSETTS. 1570 Bolton. Adams (Zabdiel) Sermon on Christian Unity, preached August 26, 1772. [Chaplin (E.)] Treatise on Church-Govern ment; Narrative of the late Trouble in the Church at Bolton, [with] Remarks on Mr. Adams s Sermon, preached Aug. 26, 1772. Adams (Z.) Answer to [the preceding] Pamphlet. [Chaplin (E.)] Second Treatise on Church-Government (pp. 78). Obser vations upon the Congregational Plan of Church Government. Result of Eccles. Council at Bolton, Aug. 3, 1773. 6 in i vol. 8 1772-3 1571 BOSTON. [ADAMS (SAM.)] Appeal to the World; or, a Vin dication of the Town of Boston, half bound, upper corners of last two leaves mended. 8 Boston, 1769 1572 The same, new hf. morocco, uncut. 8 Reprinted, London, by Direction of D. De Berdt, 1769 1572* The same. London, Repr.for J. Almon, 1770. (2) 1573 An Address to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Mas sachusetts-Bay, more especially, to the Inhabitants of Boston; occasioned by the late . . Attack upon their Liberties, and the Confusion and Disorders consequent thereon. By a Lover of his Country, pp. 8, fine copy, uncut, RARE. 4 Rogers and Fowle, [1747] Dated, Nov. 23,1747, and subscribed "Amicus Patrise." It relates to the riots in Boston, occasioned by the Impressment of Seamen by Commodore Knowles, Nov. i;th. 1574 ARTILLERY ELECTION SERMONS: 1675, and from 1701 to 1859, inclusive, the series of printed sermons very nearly complete, 86 Sermons, selected copies, the greater part uncut. The series includes the Sermons for 1675, J. Richardson (repr. 1839); 1701, E. Pem- berton (first three leaves imperfect): 1704, H. Gibbs ; 1705, THO. BRIDGE; 1728, Eben. Gay, and, from 1728 to 1855, inclusive, every sermon known to have been printed, except seven (1748, 1765, 1788, 1791, 1799, I 834> and 1844). With very few exceptions, the copies are tmcut and in fine condition. The Rev. Thomas Bridge s Sermon, in 1705, is EXCEEDINGLY RARE. It is not in the Mass. Hist. Society s catalogue, and is not marked as printed in the list appended to Mr. Wilde s Sermon in 1855. [For Sermons printed before 1710, see Nos. 823, J. Moodey, 1674; 852, J. Richardson, 1675; 831, S. Nowell, 1678; 724, J. Belcher, 1698; 912, S. Willard, 1699; 750, S. Danforth, 1708. See also, No. 965, I. Mather, 1710.] 1575 ARTILLERY ELECTION SERMONS. Symmes (Thomas) Good Soldiers Described and Animated. Artillery Election Sermon, in Boston, June 6, 1720. (Preface by Benj. Colman.) Boston, S. Kneeland, 1720. Brown (John) Divine Help Implored. Fune ral Sermon, at Bradford, Oct. 31. 1725, after the Death of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Symmes, etc. [with] A Particular Plain and Brief Account of the Rev. Mr. T. S. etc., pp. (2), 31 ; (2), 70, (2). Boston, T. Fleet, 1726. Two in i vol., half bound. sm. 8 1576 Artillery Election Sermon. J. Richardson, 1675 (repr. Bos ton, 1839); P.Clark, 1736; B. Colman, 1738; M. Byles, 1740; 3d ed., 1769; S. Phillips, 1741; S. Cooper, 1751; D. Shute, 1767, last 4 pages in manuscript; J. Clarke, 1768; J. Eckley, 1792 A. Abbot, 1802 ; J. Morse, 1803 ; J. Tuckerman, 1804; T. M. Harris, 1805; J. Kendall, 1806; L. Woods, 1808; J. Foster, 1809; C. Lowell, 1810 ; D. C. Sanders, 1817; N. L. Frothingham, 1825 ; F, BOSTON. 203 W. P. Greenwood, 1826 ; J. Pierpont, 1828 ; B. Whitman, 1829 ; The same, 2d ed. ; S. Barrett, 1831; C. W. Upham, 1832; J. G. Palfrey, 1835; C. Robbins, 1836; A. B. Muzzey, 1837; S. K. Lothrop (2d Centennial, with List of Preachers &c.), 1838 ; O. A. Skinner, 1839; D. Sharp, 1840 ; C. Hitchcock, 1841; J. S. C. Abbott, 1842 ; H. A. Miles, 1843 ; T. P. Tyler, 1848 ; G. D. Wildes, 1855 (with List of Commanders and Preachers, 1638-1855). 36 Sermons, the greater part uncut. 8 1736-1855 1577 BIGELOW (J.) Plants of Boston. Second Edition, enlarged, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1824 1578 Boston Directory, 1796 (map torn], 1800, 1803, 1809, good copies, 4 vols. 12 1579 The same, 1798, -L^Q^J, bound with I. Thomas s Almanack, 1805 ; and Catalogue of Books in The Boston Library, 1805, hf. bd. 12 1580 The same, 1806, bound in vol. with Catalogue of Books in Library of Amer. Academy, 1802 ; Catalogue of Books in the Bos ton Library, 1805 ; CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRINTED IN THE U. States, with prices, and places where published, 1804; Catalogue of R. I. College, 1801, and others. 12 1581 Bowen (A.) Picture of Boston, or Citizen s and Stranger s Guide, engravings, dean, uncut, 1829. The same, 3d edition, 1838. (2 vols.) 16 1582 BRIDGMAN (T.) Epitaphs from Copp s Hill Burial Ground, doth. 12 1851 1583 Bridgman (T.) The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descend ants. Introduction by Edw. Everett. Also, Inscriptions from Granary Burial Ground, portraits, and other plates, pp. xvi, 406, doth, gilt. r. 8 New York, 1856 1584 -- BUCKINGHAM (J. T.) Specimens of Newspaper Literature, with Personal Memoirs and Reminiscences, portraits and cuts, 2 vols., cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 1585 CADOGAN (Wat.) A Dissertation on the Gout, and all Chronic Diseases, jointly considered, as proceeding from the same Causes, etc., portrait of Major- Gen. Knox inserted, half mor., pp. 76. 8 London: repr. Boston, for Henry Knox, 1772 Appended is a list of Books (3 pp.), medical and other, imported and to be sold at the "London Book-Store, a little Southward of the Town-House, in Cornhill, Boston, by HENRY KNOX." 1586 Census Report for the Year, 1845, by L. Shattuck, map, uncut. 8 Boston, 1846 1587 [CHAUNCY (C.)] Letter to a Friend, giving a representation of Sufferings the town of Boston is exposed to, in consequence of the [Port Bill] ; by T. W. a Bostonian, half mor. extra, uncut, top edges gilt. 8 Boston, 1774 CHURCHES : 15 88 First Cliurch. Foxcroft (T.) Rise and Primitive State of New England, with special reference to the Old or First Gather d Church in Boston; a Century Sermon, half mor. extra, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 1730 204 MASSACHUSETTS. I5 8o First Church. Foxcroft (T.) The Divine Right of Deacons. Sermon on the Ordination of Zech. Thayer, to the office of Deacon, in the First Church, May, 1731; with the Charge; pp. 43. Webb (J.) Discourse at the Ordination of a Deacon, pp. 20. Two in one, stained, uncut. 8 1731 Emerson (W.) Historical Sketch of the First Church ; with Two Sermons, sheep, fine copy. 8 1812 Chauncy (C.) Sermon on the Return of the Society to their House of Worship. 1785. Frothingham (N. L.) Sermon on the close of the Second Century. 1830. * 8 Second Church. (Old North.) Prince (T.) Sermon at his own Ordination, Oct. i, 1718, (Charge by I. Mather, R. Hand by C. Mather,) and a Serin, on Ordination of Presbyters, by E. Pem- berton, at Ordin. of Mr. Sewall, 1713, separate titles and paging, half mor. uncut. 8 J. Franklin, 1718 1593 Prince (T.) Sermon, before the choice of a Colleague Pastor, to succeed Cotton Mather. 1732 _ _ Ware (H.) Two Century Discourses; History of the Old North and New Brick Churches,//. 60. 8 1821 1595 Robbins (C.) Two [Historical] Sermons, March 10, 1844, pp. 76. Dedication Sermon, Sept. 17, 1845, pp. 40. I59 6 Robbins (C.) History of the Second or Old North Church, With a History of the New Brick Church, fine portraits, cloth. 8 1852 _ old South Church. Wisner (B. B.) History of the Old South Church,//. 122, uncut. 8 1830 1598 Old South. The Confession of Faith, and Form of Covenant; with Lists of the Pastors, etc., and the Members. //. 88, doth. 12 1841 1599 New-North Church. An Account of the Reasons Why a Con siderable Number, (about Fifty, whereof Ten are Members in full Communion) Belonging to the New North Congregation in Boston, could not Consent to Mr. Peter Thacher s Ordination there, etc., pp. (6), 56, (i), calf gilt. 8 n. p. \_Boston~\, Printed in the year 1720 For some account of this and the next following RARE tracts, and of the controversy which occasioned them, see Drake s History of Boston, pp. 545-6. 1600 A Vindication of the New-North-Church in Boston, from Several Falshoods spread in a Pamphlet Lately Published, Tending to their Defamation, Entituled, An Account of the Reasons etc., . . . By several of the Members of that Church, //. (2), 14, dk. blue calf, uncut. 1 6 Boston, J. Franklin, 1720 1601 Eliot (Andrew) Sermon, after the Funeral of the late Rev. John Webb, who died April 16, 1750, uncut, autograph note by Rev. T. Foxcroft. 8 Boston, Daniel Fowle, [1750] Appended is a catalogue of " the Books published by Mr. Webb." 1602 - Parkman (F.) [Century] Sermon, Nov. 27, 1814. [Eliot (E.)] Hist. Notices of the New North Religious Society, 1822. Parkman (F.) Histor. Discourses, Dec. 1838, on the completion of the 25th year of his pastorate, 1839 : Hist. Sermon, on resigning his pastoral charge, 1849. 4 pamphlets. BOSTON. (CHURCHES.) 205 1603 Brattle Street Church. Lothrop (S. K.) History of the Church in Brattle Street, cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 1604 Colman (B.) Sermon, Aug. 2, 1715, on Day of Prayer, for Election of a Pastor. 1715. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Wm. Cooper, With Mr. Cooper s Conf. of Faith. 1716. Sermon, March 4, 1736-7, after the Preservation of the Town from Fire. 1737. Sermon, at an Evening Lecture in Brattle Street, Oct. 21, 1740. Sermon at the Ordin. of Samuel Cooper, as (Col league) Pastor. 1746. Thacher (P.) Century Sermon, Dec. 29, 1799. 1800. Palfrey (J. G.) Sermon, July 18, 1824, with Histor. and Biographical Notes, pp. 8 1. 1825. 7 pamphlets. 1605 Baptist. Baldwin (T.) Discourse, Jan. i, 1811, at opening New Meeting House of 2d Bapt. Church, n. d. [iSn]. Winchell (J. M.) Histor. Sketch of First Bapt. Church, 1665-1818. 2 cl ed. 1820. (2) 8 1606 Bowdoin Square (Baptist) Church Book; History and Manual. By Rev. R. W. Cushman, cloth. 16 Boston, 1843 1607 Christ Church. Caner (Henry) A Sermon, at Christ Church in Boston, August 20, 1765, at the Funeral of the Rev. Timothy Cutler, D.D., late Rector of said Church, large paper. 4 Boston, T. 6- J. Fleet, 1765 1608 Eaton (Asa) Historical Account of Christ Church. Discourse, Dec. 28, 1823. 1824. St. Paul s. Jarvis (S. F.) Narrative of Events connected with the acceptance and resigna tion of the Rector, //. 108. [1825]. 2 pamphlets. 1609 Church of the Disciples. Clarke (J. F.) Sermon on the Principles and Methods of the Church, 1845 ; Dedication Sermon, 1848. (2) 1610 Church of the Savior. Waterston s Dedication Discourse. 1847. 1611 Essex Street (Union). Sabine (J.) Sermon at Dedication of the House. 1819. Ecclesiastical Memoir of Essex St. Religious Society,//. 128. 1823. 2 pamphlets, uncut. 1 6 12 Franklin Street. Origin and Formation &c., with Names of Members. 1836. 1613 Hanover Street. Stuart (M.) Dedication Sermon, March i, !826. Recent Attempt to defeat Constitutional Provisions, by the Trust Conveyances of Hanover St. Church. 2d ed. 1828. Review of Pamphlet on Trust Deed. 1828. Hollis Street. Proceedings of Eccles. Council, in case of the Proprietors and Rev. John Pierpont ; prepared by S. K. Lothrop, pp. 383. 1841. Pierpont (J.) Sermon, after the Church was struck by Lightning. 1837. (13) Pamphlets relative to the Controversy between the Church and Rev. J. Pierpont, 1839-46. 14 pamphlets. Fosdick (D.) Anniversary and Farewell Sermons. 1847. Indiana St. Chapel. Fox (B.) Dedication Sermon. 1847. 206 MASSACHUSETTS. 1618 King s Chapel. Greenwood (F. W. P.) History of Kings Chapel, the First Episcopal Church in America, bds,, uncut. 12 1833 1619 Park Street. Griffin (E. D.) Dedication Sermon, Jan. 10, 1810, uncut. 1620 Presbyterian, First. Sabine (J.) Dedication Sermon, Jan. 31, 1828, uncut. Suffolk St. Chapel. Sargent s Dedication Sermon, 1840. Summer St. Thacher s Dedication Sermon, 1815. Twelfth Congregational. Barrett s 25th Anniversary Discourses, 1850. 5 pamphlets. 1621 Trinity Church. Hooper (Wm.) Sermon in Trinity Church, at the Funeral of Thomas Greene, Esq ; August 5, 1763, fine copy, uncut. 4 -R- an( i & Draper, 1763 Six pamphlets relating to the Greene Foundation, Report on proceedings of Trustees, sale of Pews, etc., in one vol. 8 1846-47 West Church. Lowell (C.) Historical Discourse. 1820. Quarter of a Century Sermon, Jan. 2, 1831. (2) 1624 [COLMAN (Rev. BENJAMIN)] Some Reasons and Arguments Offered to the Good People of Boston and Adjacent Places, for The setting up Markets in Boston,//. (2), 14, green calf gilt, UNCUT. 8 Boston, y. Franklin, 1719 1625 COLMAN (JOHN) The Distressed State of the Town of Bos ton Once more Considered . . . With a Schseme for a Bank Laid down ; And Methods for bringing in Silver Money, Proposed. Printed for Benj. Gray [1720]. A Letter from One in the Country to his Friend in Boston, containing some Remarks upon a late Pamphlet, Entituled, the Distressed State of the Town of Boston, &c., pp. 22. y. Franklin, 1720. Two very scarce tracts, on the Land Bank project, Sc. 1626 The Constable s Pocket-Book : or, a Dialogue between an Old Constable & a New, Being a Guide, In their Keeping the Peace, &c. By N. B. a late Constable in the Town of Boston, //. (2), 70, half vellum, gilt, VERY SCARCE. 12 Printed for JE leaser Phillips, 1710 1627 The Constable s Pocket-Book. 2d edition. 12 1727 1628 CROSWELL (ANDREW) Narrative of the Founding and Set tling the New-gathered Congregational Church in Boston ; to which is added, The Defence of that Doctrine of Justifying Faith, which hath been so much condemned in New-England, etc., never before printed in New-England,//. 38, uncut. 4 Rogers &> Foiule, 1749 1629 Dana (James F. and S. L.) Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and Vicinity, map, uncut. 8 Boston, 1818 1630 DEARBORN (N.) Boston Notions, 1630-1847, engravings, morocco, nice copy. 16 Boston, 1848 BOSTON. 2O7 1631 BOSTON. DRAKE (S. G.) The History and Antiquities of Boston, from its Settlement in 1630, to the year 1770, etc., pp. x, 840, portraits, plates, and wood-cuts, half morocco extra, top gilt, UNCUT. imp. 8 Boston, 1856 1632 - - DRAKE (S. G.) The History and Antiquities of Boston, etc. LARGE PAPER, Portrait of the Author, and EXTRA PORTRAITS, folded, uncut. 4 Boston, 1856 100 copies only printed. J 633 DRAKE (S. G.) The History and Antiquities of Boston, etc., plates, with the EXTRA PORTRAITS, half morocco extra, top gilt, uncut. r. 8 Boston, 1856 1634 FIRE SOCIETY. Articles of Association, March 7, 1733-4, of the " Society first incorporated September 30, 1717," for mutual aid " in case it should please Almighty God to permit the breaking out of FIRE in Boston (where we live)." Printed on parchment, folio, with 28 (manuscript} signatures of the members ; folded and bound in smooth calf, gilt ( W. Pratt). sq. 16 Boston, 1733-4 The Society was limited to twenty members. Nine of the names subscribed to these Articles have been crossed out, as new members were added. For a list of the names, see Drake s Boston, p. 557, note. Probably UNIQUE. 1635 FIRE of 1760. Janeway s Address to the Citizens of London soon after the Dreadful Fire in 1666, to which is added a Relation of the Great Fire in Boston, March 20, 1760, half calf. 1 6 Boston, 1760 1636 FLETCHER vs. VASSALL. The State of the Action brought by William Fletcher against William Vassall, for Defaming him : Tried at Boston, August, 1752, and now Pending by Appeal to His Majesty in Council,//. (4), 39, uncut, RARE. 4 Boston, 1753 1636* Fletcher vs. Vassall. Another copy, with slip of (additional) Errata, pasted on back of title, title slightly stained, uncut ^37 Fourth of July Orations, 1787-1811, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, twenty-four tracts in one vol., law calf. 8 Boston, 1787-1811 The Orations for 1806 and 1812 were not printed. 1638 Fourth of July Orations, 1813-1854, complete except 1842, the greater part uncut, and generally fine, clean copies. (41) Orations before the Republicans of Boston : S. A. Wells, 1819 ; A. Dunlap, 1822; D. L. Child, 1826; W. F. Otis s Oration before the Young Men of Boston, July 4, 1831 ; A. Dunlap s, to the Washington Society, 1832 ; C. Cushing s before the Colonization Society, 1833 ; A. Walker s, to the Young Men of B., 1833 ; D. Henshaw s at Faneuil Hall, 1836; H. Mann s before the Authorities of B., 1842 The same, another edition. 50 pamphlets. 8 1639 FROTHINGHAM (R.) History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, maps and plates, cloth gilt. 8 Boston, 1849 1640 -- GORDON (Rev. Win.) Plan of a Society for making Provi sion for Widows by Annuities, good copy, half calf. 8 1772 [GREEN (JOSEPH)] Entertainment for A Winter s Evening: being A Full and True Account Of a very strange and wonderful Sight seen in Boston on the twenty-seventh of December At 208 MASSACHUSETTS. Noon-Day. The Truth of which can be attested by a great Number of People, who actually saw the same With their own Eyes. By Me, the Hon ble B. B. Esq ; . .//. 15, clean, UNCUT. 4 Boston, G. Rogers, n. d. [1749-50] A MATCHLESS COPY of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of this curious satirical poem for some account of which see Duyckinck s Cyclop. Am. Lit., i. 120, and Drake s Hist, of Boston, 629. The "wonderful sight" was a Masonic procession, on St. John s Day, and the Boston wit bids his muse "in verse declare Who were the men, and what they were, And what their names, and what their fame, And what the cause for which they came To house of God from house of ale, And how the parson told his tale : How they return d, in manner odd, To house of ale from house of God." j642 HALES (J. G.) Survey of Boston and its Vicinity. 12 Boston, 1821 [HOMANS (I. S.)] History of Boston, from 1630 to 1856. 16 Boston, 1856 [HOMER (J. L.)] Notes on the Sea-Shore. Sketches descrip tive of Hull, Nahant, and South and North Shores, Islands in Boston Harbor, Vicinity of Boston, etc. 8 Boston, 1851 1645 INOCULATION. [DOUGLASS (Wm.) M.DI\ Inoculation of the Small Pox As practised in Boston, Consider d in a Letter to A S [Alex. Stuart] M.D. & F.R.S. in London,//. 20, UNCUT, J. Franklin, 1722. COLMAN [Benj.] Some Observations on the New Method of Receiving the Small-Pox by Ingrafting or Inocu lating, pp. 1 6, Boston, 1721. NEAL (Daniel) A Narrative of the Method and Success of Inoculating the Small Pox in New-England by Mr. Benj. Colman. With A Reply to The Objections made against it from Principles of Conscience, In a Letter from [Rev. Wm. Cooper] a Minister at Boston. To which is now prefixed, An Historical Introduction, pp. 48, UNCUT, London, 1722. [COOPER (Wm.)] A Reply to The Objections made against . . Inoculation, from Principles of Conscience. . . By a Minister in Boston. The Third Impression, pp.iv, 14, (2), UNCUT, Boston, 1730. [WIL LIAMS (Dr. Nath l) General Rules to be observed, etc., pp. 1-16. n. t. p. [Boston, 1752 ?]. DOUGLASS (Wm.) A Dissertation con cerning the Inoculation of the Small Pox, pp. (4), 28, wants title- page, [Boston, 1730]. [MADDOX (Isaac)] Bishop of Worcester, Sermon before the President &c. of the Hospital for the Small-Pox and for Inoculation, March 5, 1752, pp. (4), 15. 4 London; repr. Boston, 1752. Seven in one volume, half morocco (Roxburghe). 4 and 8 v. y. A remarkably complete collection of these VERY SCARCE tracts. 1646 - - BOYLSTON (Zabdiel) An Historical Account of the Small- Pox Inoculated in New-England, With some short Directions to the Unexperienced in this Method of Practice. Humbly dedicated to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, By Zabdiel Boylston, F.R.S. The Second Edition, Corrected, pp. (4), vi, vi, 53. Lon don, Printed, 1726.- Repr. Boston, for S. Gerrish, and T. Hancock, 1730. A Letter to Dr. Zabdiel Boylston; Occasion d by a late Dissertation [by Dr. DOUGLASS] concerning Inoculation, Printed BOSTON. 2O9 at Boston, pp. 14. Boston, for D. Henchman &c., 1730. Two in one volume, autograph letter of Dr. Z. Boylston inserted, polished calf extra, g. e. (F. Bedford). 8 Boston, 1730 1647 INOCULATION. [A Friendly Debate, between Mun-Dungus Sawney and Academicus], wants title-page and last two leaves, pp. ii, 1-18. 8 [Boston, 1722] EXTREMELY RARE. Manifestly inspired by Cotton Mather, and perhaps written by his nephew Thomas Walter. Mun-dungus Sawney is, of course, Dr. Douglass, the opprobrious epithet being suggested, apparently, by his " M.D." It is dedicated " To my very Worthy Physician, Mr. Zabdiel Boylston." 1648 [DOUGLASS (Dr. Wm.)] The Abuses and Scandals of some late Pamphlets In Favour of Inoculation of the Small Pox, Mod estly obviated, and Inoculation further consider d in a Letter to A S M.D. & F.R.S. in London, uncut, pp. (4), n. 8 y. Franklin, 1722 In this rejoinder to "A Vindication of the Ministers," &c. and "A Friendly Debate," Dr. Douglass treats Cotton Mather "with a philosophical freedom," as he terms it. "The University of Glasgow .... gratify d his Vanity with a D.D. . . Perhaps he may oblige this his Alma Mater to disown him for a Son, as it seems the Royal Society have already done, by omitting his name in their yearly Lists." 1649 Inoculation of the Small Pox as practised in Boston, Consider d in a Letter to A S M.D. & F.R.S. in London. [By Dr. Wm. Douglass], pp. 20, uncut, a small piece torn from lower corner of last leaf . 8 y. Franklin, 1722 1650 COOPER (Rev. Wm.) A Reply to the Objections made against taking the Small Pox in the Way of Inoculation etc., The Third Impression [with a Preface, dated March 4, 1729-30], pp. iv, 1 6. 8 1730 1651 KNAPP (S. L.) Extracts from a Journal of Travels in North America, consisting of an Account of Boston and its Vicinity. By Ali Bey, boards, uncut. 12 1818 1652 Local Loiterings, and Visits in the Vicinity of Boston; by a Looker-on. 12 1845 1653 LOVELL (JOHN) A Funeral Oration Deliver d At the Opening of the Annual Meeting of the Town, March i4th, 1742. in Faneuil- Hall in Boston : Occasion d By the Death of the Founder, PETER FANEUIL, Esq;//. 14, beautiful copy, UNCUT. 4 Green, Bushell, and Allen, 1743 1654 The same, good copy, wants the preliminary half-title. 4 1743 1655 MASSACRE. A Short Narrative of The horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, by Soldiers of the xxixth Regiment; . . with some Observa tions on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe, frontispiece (inserted}, half calf extra, antique. 8 Printed by Order of the Town of Boston, 1770 1656 A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, by Soldiers of the xxixth Regiment, . . With some Observations on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe, frontispiece, pp. 166, hf. mor. 8 London, repr. 1770 27 2 TO MASSACHUSETTS, 1657 BOSTON MASSACRE. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, etc., With SQme Observations on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe, frontispiece. 2 copies, cloth. 8 Boston, 1770; repr. N. Y., J. Doggett, Jr., 1849 1658 A Fair Account of the late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England ; . With an Appendix, containing Affidavits and other Evidences . . not mentioned in the Narrative published at Boston,//. 28, 31, new half brown morocco, uncut. 8 London, B. White, 1770 1659 - - Trial of W. Wemms, J. Hartegan, W. M Cauley [and others,] Soldiers in his Majesty s 2gth Regiment of Foot, for the murder of C. Attucks, Samuel Gray [and others], on Monday evening, March 5th, 1770. . Taken in short-hand by J. Hodgson, pp. 217, half blue morocco, gilt, marbled edges. 8 J. Fleeming, 1770 1660 Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Regt. of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray [and others], March 5, 1770, sheep. 12 Wm. Emmons, 1824 1661 - - HANCOCK (JOHN) Oration delivered March 5th, 1774, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to com memorate The Bloody Tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770, new half morocco, uncut. 8 Newport, S. Southwick, 1774 1662 FIFTH OF MARCH ORATIONS, (original editions^] 1771- 1783; Oration on the Re-interment of Warren s Remains, 1776; and Fourth of July Orations, 1783-86 \fine, large and clean copies, nearly uncut, 18 in one vol., half bound. 4 1771-86 COMPLETE SETS of the Boston Massacre Orations (as originally published), in fine and well-preserved copies, are VERY RARE. In this volume the series is supplemented by the Oration of Perez Morton, April 8, 1776, on the Re-Interment of the Remains of General Warren, and i\\e first four of the Boston Fourth of July Orations. All are of the first editions, except the Fifth of March Oration of Dr. Benjamin Church (1773), which is of the Third edition, corrected by the Author. 1663 Orations delivered in Boston [1771-83] to commemorate the 5th of March, 1770, brown grosgr. levant morocco, antique, red edges. 1 6 Peter Edes, [1785] 1664 Orations delivered (in) Boston [1771-83] to commemorate the 5th of March, 1770 ; Second Edition, W. T. Clap, 1807, uncut. The Trial of the British Soldiers, for the Murder of C. Attucks, Samuel Gray [and others], March 5, 1770,^1807. Two in one vol., half green morocco (Roxburghe). sm. 8 1665 - - Noble (O.) Oration in Commemoration of March ijth, Newburyport, 1775. Emmons (W.) Address in Commemoration, Boston, 1825 (stained). 2 in i vol., half mor., uncut. 1666 Municipal Register for 1851 (large folded plan\ and 1852, cloth. (2 vols.) 8 Boston, 1851-2 1666* - Newest Keep-Sake for 1839; containing the Doings of a recent Benevolent Convention. 12 1830 1667 Observations on Several Acts of Parliament, . and also on The Conduct of the Officers of the Customs, since those Acts were passed . . Published by the Merchants of Boston. Edes 6- Gill, 1769. State of the Importations from Great Britain into the port of Boston, Jan. -Aug., 1769, &c.,/^. i$o,Mein 6 Fleeming, 1769. BOSTON. 211 Copies of Letters from Gov. Bernard, &c. to the Earl of Hills- borough, pp. 1 6, no title-page. The Speech of Th-m-s P-wn-11, Esq;. in the H-se of C-m-ons, in favor of America, no title-page. Four tracts in one vol., new half morocco (Roxburghe). sin. 4 1769 1668 OTIS (JAMES) Rudiments of Latin Prosody; with a Disserta tion on Letters, and the Principles of Harmony in Poetick and Prosaick Composition,//. *j 2, fine copy. 12 1760 VERY SCARCE. Only a few months after its publication, Otis, " with a tongue of flame and the inspiration of a seer," was arguing the question of Writs of Assistance in the council-chamber in Boston, and "leading the van of American patriots." 1669 (Pemberton). Catalogue Of Curious and Valuable BOOKS, belonging to the late Reverend & Learned, Mr. Ebenezer Pember ton, Consisting of Divinity, Philosophy, History, Poetry, &c. generally well Bound : To be Sold by Auction, At the Crown Coffee-House in Boston, the Second Day of July, 1717, Beginning at Three a Clock afternoon, and so, De Die in Diem, until the whole be Sold. Also a valuable Collection of Pamphlets will then be exposed to Sale. The Books maybe viewed from the 25th Day of June, until the Day of Sale, at the House of the late Reverend Mr. Pemberton, where Attendance will be given, pp. (2), 28, UNCUT. 8 Boston : Printed by B. Green, and may be had Gratis, at the Shop of Samuel Gerrish, Bookseller, near the Old Meeting- House, 1717 VERY RARE. " Perhaps the first instance in New England of a printed catalogue of Books at auction." The Catalogue comprises 159 titles of books in folio, 163 in quarto, and 678 in octavo; in all, 1,000 lots. 1670 QUINCY (J.) Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during Two Centuries, 1630-1830, engravings, doth. 8 1852 1671 QUINCY (J.) History of the Boston Athenaeum ; with Bio graphical Notices, cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1851 1672 Railroad Jubilee in 1851, Account of, map, f till morocco, auto graph of John P. Bigelow (Mayor). 8 1852 1673 SARGENT (WINTHROP) Boston : a Poem. 2d edition, half morocco. 12 1803 1674 SHAW (C.) A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston, engravings, bds. uncut, fine fresh copy, SCARCE. 12 O. Spear, 1817 1674* Shawmut : or, the Settlement of Boston by the Puritan Pilgrims. 16 1847 1675 SHURTLEFF (N. B.) Topographical and Historical Descrip tion of Boston, Maps, pp. x, 720, cloth. 1. 8 1871 1675* Sketches of Boston, past and present, and of some places in the Vicinity, [by J. L. Homer,] map and numerous cuts. 16 1851 1676 SNOW (C. H.) History of Boston. 2d edition, map and plates, boards, fine copy, UNCUT. 8 1828 !6^y __ SNOW (C. H.) History of Boston. 2d edition, map and plates, calf, VERY SCARCE. 8 1828 1678 - - Solemnities at the Stone Chapel and Festival at the Exchange, in honour of the Russian Achievements over their French invaders, hf. bound. 12 1813 212 MASSACHUSETTS. 1679 Tax List. List of Taxpayers, showing the amount of Real and Personal Estate, etc., pp. 206, half bound. r. 8 1822 !68o Tea (Destruction of) HOLLEY (ISRAEL) Sermon preached at Suffield, [Conn.] Dec. 27, 1773, the next Sabbath after the Report arrived, that the People at Boston, had destroyed a large quantity of Tea, etc., by Israel Holly, half red morocco, uncut, UNCUT. 4 Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1774 1 68 1 A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, by a Citizen of New York, portrait of Hewes, (engraving of Destruction of the Tea, inserted^) cloth. 12 New York, 1834 1682 Traits of the Boston Tea Party, being a Memoir of Geo. R. T. Hewes with a History of that Transaction. By a Bostonian, portrait, cloth, uncut. 16 New York, 1835 1683 THATCHER (B. B.) The Boston Book: being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. 12 Boston, 1837 1684 THURSDAY LECTURE SERMONS. 1701-1797. 17 Sermons, including S. Willard s The Best Priviledge (B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1701) with autograph of B. Wadsworth ; N. Walter s The Body of Death Anatomized, 2d ed., 1706 B. Wadsworth s The Imitation of Christ, 1722 and Christ s Fan in His Hand, &c., 1722 ; D. Lewes s The Joy of Children Walking in the Truth, &c., 1723 ; H. Flynt, 1729; B. Colman, 1734, and 1742; C. Chauncy, 1741, 1773, and 1778 ; J. Sewall, 1742 ; M. Byles, 1745, &c. 8 v. y. 1685 - - TRIALS OF PIRATES. Arraignment, Trial, and Condemnation of Capt. John Quelch and others of his Company, for sundry Pira cies, Robberies and Murder, at the Court-House in Boston, June 13, 1704. Perused by [Gov.] Joseph Dudley, etc. \repr^\ London, 1705. Tryals of Col. R. Kirkby, Capt. John Constable, Capt. C. Wade, Capt. S. Vincent, and Capt. C. Fogg, for Cowardice and other Crimes committed in a Fight at Sea, Aug. 19, 1702, London, 1703. 2 in i vol., half mor. fol. 1686 VADE MECUM for America: or a Companion for Traders and Travellers. . . To which is added, the Names of the Streets in Boston, good copy, in the original binding, with autograph of Artemas Ward, 1759, VERY SCARCE. tall 8 S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1732 1687 Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhab itants in Town Meeting assembled, Oct. 28 and Nov. 2, 1772, new half mor., uncut. 8 [1772] 1688 The same, half red mor., good copy, a small corner to^n from title-leaf. 1689 -- WARREN (JOHN) An Eulogy on the Hon. Thomas Russell, Delivered, May 4, 1796; with A Monody, sung after the Eulogy, PP- 3 1 (3 ) , uncut, fine. 4 1796 1690 WARREN (J. C.) The Great Tree on Boston Common, auto graph letter of the author laid in. 8 1855 BOSTON. 2I 3 1691 [WATERHOUSE (SAMUEL)] Proposals for Printing by Subscrip tion the History, etc. of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Brazen [i. e. Pownal], Commander of an American Squadron in the last Age . . In three Volumes in Quarto, Adorn d throughout with Cuts. By Thomas Thumb, Esq ; good copy, pp. 18, half morocco, VERY RARE. 8 n. p. [Bostori\ 1760 1692 -- WHITMAN (Z. G.) Historical Sketch of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, boards, uncut. 8 1820 1693 - - The same. 2d edition,//, iv, 463, cloth. 8 1842 1694 WINES (E. C.) A Trip to Boston, in a series of Letters, cloth. 12 1838 1695 WONDERFUL (The) APPEARANCE of an Angel, Devil & Ghost, to a Gentleman in the Town of Boston, In the Nights of the i4th, 1 5th, and i6th of December, 1774. To whom in some Measure may be attributed the Distresses that have of late fallen upon that unhappy Metropolis, wood-cuts of (a very diabolical} Devil and a pair of (ideal} Angels, pp. 24, half morocco, neat. 8 New York, John Anderson, [1775] First printed in Boston, Dec., 1774. The reprint and the original edition are both VERY RARE. MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, ETC. 1696 THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and Historical Chronicle. MlSccxLin. MDCCXLVI. Vols. i. - in. 3 vols., polished calf extra (Bedford). 8 Rogers 6- Fowle, 1744-46 //. (4), iv, 704, (5) ; (4), 4, 566, (6) ; (4), 579, (5). The Title-page of Vol. i. has a View of Boston, and two scenes of Indian life, engraved on copper, by J. Turner. So fine a set of the FIRST NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE is of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. 1697 The AMERICAN MAGAZINE, Jan.-August, Nov., and Dec., 1744, and Jan., 1745. n numbers, all biit one uncut. 8 1697* The same, January, June, and August, 1744. 3 numbers, sewed. 8 1698 THE ROYAL AMERICAN MAGAZINE, or Universal Repository of Instruction and Amusement. Vol. i. For the Year 1774 [Jan. Dec.]; Vol. n. Jan.-March, 1775. 22 plates (two wanting) engraved by Paul Revere and y. Callender, including a fine impression of the folding View of the Town of Boston, and the portraits of Hancock and S. Adams. Bound in polished calf extra, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. r. 8 Isaiah Thomas, and y. Greenleaf, 1774-75 A SPLENDID COPY. The fifteen numbers complete, except pp. 9-12 and 25-33 f tne first volume. HUTCHINSON S HISTORY, as far as published with this Magazine (pp. i- 152, without a title-page,) is bound at the end, and five of the covers are bound in. " The first number, for January, 1774, was published at the close of that month. . [Isaiah Thomas] after having been at considerable trouble and expense in bringing the work before the public, published it six months, and then was obliged first to suspend and, afterward, to relinquish it ; but Joseph Greenleaf continued the publication until the April following, when the war put a period to the Magazine." Thomas s Hist, of Printing, ii. 260-1. BOSTON MAGAZINE (The) Vols. i-m. (Oct. 1783-0^. 1786), portraits and engravings, some of the original covers bound in. 3 vols., polished calf, gilt backs, yellow edges ( W. Pratt}. 8 1783-86 VERY SCARCE. The First Volume contains engraved portraits, by J. Norman, of Washington, Franklin, John Adams, Gen. J. Warren, Rev. Dr. Cooper, H. Laurens, and others. The jd volume wants one leaf (pp. 45-7) and ends with the number for October, 1786 (pp. 408). 214 MASSACHUSETTS. - The Gentleman and Lady s Town and Country Magazine. Vol. I. May-Nov. 1784, incomplete, 5 numbers, uncut except the first. Weeden and Barrett, 1784. The Gentlemen and Ladies Town and Country Magazine. Vol. II. Feb.-Aug. 1790, wanting the July number, and some plates, uncut. Nath. Coverly, 1790. In one vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 1701 -- Courier de Boston; Affiches, Annonces, et Avis. Nov. 1-26, April-Oct, 1789 (all published }, hf. bound. 4 De VImprimerie de Samuel Hall, 1789 THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE. Vols. i-vin., many engrav ings, half bound. 8 vols. 8 1789-96 In vol. 8, no. 2 is wanting, but is supplied separately, uncut. The set wants nine plates (Vol. i, i ; Vol. in, 3 ; Vol. v, 3 ; Vol. vin, 2). I 73 ~~ THE NIGHTINGALE or a Melange de Litterature, a Periodical Publication [Weekly] ; edited by J. Lathrop, jun. Vol. I. May to August, 1796. Prospectus, with subscribers names in MS. inserted ; pp. (12), 432, half mor. extra, uncut, top gilt. 12 1796 !yo^ Columbian Phoenix and Boston Review, Vol. i. 8 1800 r yo5 New England Quarterly Magazine, Nos. 2, 3, bound separately. 2 vols. 8 1802 1707 -- Monthly Anthology, complete, 10 vols. in 8. Vol. i. uncut, fine set. 8 1803-11 This magazine was the precursor of the North American Review, and received the con tributions of Win. Tudor, John Q. Adams, J. S. Buckminster, George Ticknor, *d other of the best writers of Boston. 1708 The Polyanthos; a monthly Magazine; edited by J. T. Buckingham. 4 vols. 16 1806-12 1709 The Polyanthos; enlarged; edited by J. T. Buckingham, portraits and plates : 4 vols., hf. mor. plain. 8 1812-14 1710 The Panoplist. 16 vols. 8 1806-20 1711 - - The Emerald, or Miscellany of Literature. 2 vols. 8 1806-7 1712 - - The Emerald; (New Establishment.) Vol. I., hf. bound. 8 Oliver C. Greenleaf, 1807-8 In this copy, the names of the authors of many of the essays and poems have been written, against the respective articles, by a former owner. 1713 - - The Ordeal; a critical Journal of Politicks and Literature, 26 numbers (all published ), in one vol. 8 y. T. Buckingham, 1809 1714 BOSTON MONTHLY MAGAZINE ; edited by S. L. Knapp. Vol. I. and Nos. i, 2, of Vol. II. (all published}, portraits, and other plates, in one vol., half russia. 8 1825-26 The lithographic illustrations, by John Pendleton, are among the earliest American speci mens of the art. See Vol. i. pp. 383, 384. 1715 -- Bowen s Boston News Letter and City Record, Jan. 1826 to Jan. 1827. Edited by J. V. C. Smith, boards, uncut, 2 vols. 8 1826 1716 -- Mechanic s Magazine. Vol. i. r. 8 1830 1717 NEWSPAPERS. THE BOSTON Gazette, (Edes & Gill), one num ber (146) in 1758, and continuous from March, 1762, to Dec., 1764, 20 numbers wanting, clean, uncut, in one volume. folio BOSTON. 215 1718 Newspapers. THE BOSTON GAZETTE, Jan. i768-Dec. 1769 (Nos. 666-768), 5 numbers wanting. 2 vols. in one, half bound, uncut. 1719 The same, Jan. 13, 1777-060. 28, 1778 (Nos. 1130-1270), 5 numbers wanting, and two imperfect, in one vol. 1720 BOSTON GAZETTE and EVENING POST, the two papers bound in one file, Jan. 1765-060. 1766, about thirty numbers wanting in all, good clean copies, some uncut. folio Full of Stamp-Act matter. The Gazette for Oct. 7, 1765, has in a lower corner a place ruled off for affixing the stamp, in which is a cut of a skull and cross-bones. Both papers for Feb. 24, 1766, have a cut of the effigy of the Devil and the Stamp Master at the gal lows, which was displayed in the streets. 1721 BOSTON CHRONICLE, for the year 1768, (Vol. i.) with the title-page and index, pp. 492, (6). 4 Mein d^ Fleeming 1722 Boston Newspapers, 1764-82, 4 vols. folio A very valuable collection, covering the period of the Revolution. It is made up from the various Boston papers, the Massachusetts Gazette (Draper s), Boston Gazette, Inde pendent Chronicle, Evening Post, Post Boy, etc., with supplements and extras, arranged in one file. There is only one paper for 1764, five for 1765, forty-nine for 1766 and 1767; from 1771 to 1782, the file is more nearly continuous. *7 2 3 ~~ ALMANACS. Travis (Daniel) An Almanack of Coelestial Motions, etc. for . . 1709. The same, for 1711. Both clean and uncut. America printed, Sold by N. Boone. 1723* ALMANACS. An Almanack of the Ccelestial Motions, etc., for the year of the Christian ^Era, 1712 .... Fitted to the meri dian of the Island of BARBADOES ... By Edward Holyoke, M.A. of Harvard College at Cambridge, yfr^ clean copy, UNCUT. 8 Boston, B. Green, for Benjamin Marston, Merchant in Salem, for the use of the Island of Barbadoes, 1712 EXCESSIVELY RARE, if not UNIQUE. It is not in the Am. Antiq. Society s, Mass. Historical Society s, Boston Athenaeum, or Prince Library catalogues, and is unnoticed by Mr. Sabin. 1724 An Almanack for the Year 1713 . . By a Lover of the Math- em aticks, clean, UNCUT. 8 America: Printed for the Year, 1713 1725 The Farmers Almanack (Corrected and Amended) For the Year 1714. By N. W[hittemore], A Lover of the Truth, Head of Queen Anne on Title-page, clean, UNCUT. 8 America printed : Sold at the Booksellers Shops at Boston in New-England, 1714 1725* - - The Young American Ephemeris For the Year 1715. . . By Increase Gatchell, Etat. 16, Apprentice to George Brownell School-Master, who Teacheth Writing, Cyphering, Navigation &c. Also Musick, Dancing &c., clean copy, nearly uncut. 8 Boston, for George Brownell, 1715 1726 -- An Almanack, for the Year, 1718. By Thomas Paine, B.A. Boston, T. Crump, 1718. An Almanack, for the Year, 1719. By Thomas Paine, B.A. Boston, T. Fleet, 1719. Interleaved, and con taining numerous entries by Judge Sewall. Some of these entries relate to matters before the Courts ; others to public affairs, and many to occurrences of personal interest. On one page, in 1719, the Judge enters the result of the Boston election of Representatives, with the numbers of votes cast ; on another, against Oct. 2gth, is, in a word, ("Conjugium") the record of his second marriage, and " Epulae," next day. Dec. 9, " Judges Sewall, Davenport, Dudley, Quincey, go in to the House of Deputies, at y e West door, and move for an Augmentation of y r Salary," and "31. 3 [March] Mr. Benjamin Faneuil dyes at New York." 2 i6 MASSACHUSETTS. 1727 (Robie.) An Almanack . . for the Year, 1714 .. By Thomas Robie, M.A. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1714 Interleaved, and containing a manuscript diary of the weather, and matters of personal history, by the Rev. Stephen Williams (Harv. Coll. 1713), who, this year, began to preach at Longmeadow. 1728 INTERLEAVED ALMANACS. (Nine) Almanacs, with Inter leaved record of the weather, &c., by Rev. STEPHEN WILLIAMS, of Longmeadow : T. Paine s Almanack for 1719. T. Fleet. N. E. Diary. By A Native of N. England [N. Bowen], for 1728, and 1729. N. Ames s Astronomical Diary, 1729, 1741. N. Ames s [Jun.] Astronomical Diary, 1765, 1768. BickerstafFs Boston Almanack, 1775. Mills d- Hicks. Nath l Low s Astronomical Diary, 1782. T. 6- J. Fleet. 1729 Almanacs, various, dough s, 1701, 1706, 1707 (impft.) Travis s 1710 (impft.), 1716, 1720, 1721 (impft), 1722; Robie s, 1710; Whittemore s, 1714, 1718, 1719, 1721-27, 1729, 1738 (3 impft.) ; Holyoke s, 1709 (impft.), 1715 (impft.) ; Bowen s, 1725 (impft), 1727, 1728; Douglas s, 1743; Stafford s, 1744 (impft.) ; Wheten s 1753 (impft.}; Federal, 1788, 1789 (2), 1791; Folsom s Pocket, 1789; Massachusetts, 1790 (impft.} ; Carleton s, 1792, 1793, 1795, 1797; Pope s, 1793 (2), 1794, 1795; N. Eng. Callendar, 1795. 43 numbers. 1730 TRACTS. Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain by Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver and others, and returned to America, and laid before the House of Representatives of Massachusetts. 1773. Resolves of Committee appointed to consider [the above] Letters. 1773. Allen (John) Oration on the Beauties of Lib erty, delivered in Boston, Thanksgiving, Dec. 3, 1772. New Lon don, 1773. The same, 4th edition. Boston, 1773. Hutchinson (Thos.) Speeches to the General Assembly, with the Answers of His Majesty s Council and the House of Representatives. Boston, 1773. Free and Calm Consideration of the Misunderstandings between Great-Britain and the Colonies. Salem, 1774. Consid erations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies. N. Y., repr. 1774. Extracts from the Votes and Pro ceedings of the Continental Congress, Phila., repr. Hartford, 1774. Political Debates. Paris [London], 1776. [Dickinson (John)] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania. Boston, 1768. Consid erations on the Measures carrying on, etc. Hartford, repr. 1774. ii in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe), mostly uncut. 8 1731 -- PAMPHLETS: 1740-1800. T. Prince s Account of the Revi val of Religion in Boston, 1740-43. Repr. 1823. A. CroswelPs Narrative of the Founding of the New Congreg. Church, &c. 1749. J. Moorhead, and others, Fair Narrative of Proceed, of Presbytery of Boston, against Mr. Rob. Abercrombie. 1756. A. CroswelFs Testimony against the Profaneness of Publick Dis putes, on Commencement Day, at Harv. College. 1760. A. CroswelPs Brief Remarks on the Satyrical Drollery at Cam bridge. 1771 (2 copies, one impft.). Short Vindication of the BOSTON. 217 Referees in the case of Gardiner vs. Flagg. n. d. [1768 ?]. Let ter to (the Referees) E. Payne and H. Inches, in the case aforesaid. n. d. [1769]. Serious Letter to the Young People of Boston, by Mathetees Archaios. 1783, slightly impft. Constitution of the Boston Tontine Association. 1791. J. Lathrop s Discourse at Boston Lecture, March 16, 1797, with Appendix, containing account of Attempts to set fire to the Town, &c. 1797. (n) 8 and 4 1732 Pamphlets, 1801-1825. By-laws and orders, 1801. Facts &c. on bridge to [Dorchester Neck], 1806. The Changery ; an allegor. memoir of the Exchange office, 1805. [Kirkland s] Me moir of the Athenaeum, 1807. Sabine s dedica. Ser., Essex St. Church, 1819. Brown s Poem to the inhab ts of the harbor Islands, 1819. Incorp. of Bost. and Roxb. Mill Co., 1820. Acco t of the fire in Broad st., uf, 1821. Minutes of a council, 1822. Prince s acco t of Revival of 1740-43, repr. 1823. Quincy s Mayor s Ad dress, 1824. Appeal for new bridge to So. Boston, 1825. (12) 1 733 ~~ Pamphlets, 1827-1832. Review of case of the bridge to Charlestown, pp. 106, 1827. Poet, illustrations of Athenaeum gallery, 1827. Candid address to Unitarians, 1829. Otis s Mayor s address, 1829. Maiden bridge, to the people, 1829. Quincy s address on leaving the mayoralty, 1829. Otis s address on removal of municipal gov t, to the old State House, 1830. Quincy s 2d century address, 1830. Pelby s Letters on Tremont theatre, 1830. Sprague s Ode at bi-centennial celebration, 1830. Poem, on view from State House dome, 1832. Account of Port society, 1832. (12) 1734 Pamphlets, 1835-1844. Eliot s address at opening Odeon, 1835. Lyman s Mayor s address, 1835. Eddy s report on intro ducing Water, 1836. Opinions in case of Charlestown bridge, 1837. Papers on introd. water, 1838. Perkins Address at laying corner stone of Exchange, 1841. Lothrop s Address to the Cadets, centennial celebration, 1841. Bost. Common, case and opinions, 1843. Appeal on the Texas question, 1844. Remarks on H. Mann s report (and 3 others, in same controversy), 1844-5. Capen, on administr. of Hawes charity. (12) 1735 Pamphlets, 1848-1854. Coolidge s dedica. Sermon, i3th Congr. church, 1848. Celebration of introd. Cochituate water, 1848. Remarks on incorpor. of College of the Holy Cross, 1849. Population, etc., in 1850. Commerce of Bost. and Canada, 1851. Separation of wards 6, 7, 8, from Roxbury, 1851. Constitution &c. of Episc. Charit. Society, 1851. Channing on Municipal Fire Alarm System, 1851. Bost. committee in Canada (Holbrook s Letters), 1852. Water board Report, 1852. Tax List, 1852. Reception of Daniel Webster, 1852. Randall s loth anniversary Sermon, 1854. (13) 1736 Pamphlets, 1856-1866. Martin s 21 years of Bost. Stock Market, pp. 86, 1856. Bishop [Eastburn s] corresp. with Rectors of parish of the Advent, 1856. Bolles s half-century Sermon, 1859. Income-tax list, 1866. (4) 1737 Occasional Sermons. Barnard (J.) at Convention of Minis- isters, 1738. Holyoke (E.) Convention Sermon, 1741. Appleton 28 2l8 MASSACHUSETTS. (N.) Convention Sermon, 1743; on Justification, 1749; and at Ordination of Stephen Badger as Missionary to the Natick Indians, Boston, 1753. Clark (P.) Witness of the Spirit, 1744; at Con vention, 1745; and at Ordination of W. Jenison, Salem, 1728; Edwards (Jona.) Funeral of David Brainerd, 1747. Byles (M.) before Execution of Negro Servant, for Poisoning an Infant, 1751. Gay (E.) Mass. Election, 1745. Turell (D.) Fast, 1748. Prentice (T.) Thanksgiving for Reduction of Cape Breton, at Charlestown, 1745; Fast, after Burning of the Province Court-House, 1748. Hancock (J.) Ordination of J. Bass, at Ashford, Conn. 1743. Parsons (Jona.) Lecture-Sermon, 1742. Smith (T.) at Ordination of S. Lombard, Gorham-town, 1751. Harrington (T.) Century- Sermon at Lancaster, 1753. 18 in i vol. 8 Boston, 1728-53 1738 PAMPHLETS (n) Bolton. Manual of Evangel. Church, 1830; Edes s Re-dedication Sermon, 1845 > Histor. Sketch of ist Cong. Church, 1845. Boxford. Difficulty in First Church, 1825. Boylston. Davenport s Histor. Sketch, 1831 ; Russell s Review of Howe s trial for defamation of Rev. S. Russell, 1831. Bradford Dutch s Dedica. Sermon, 1792 ; Rogers s Dedica. Address, Rogers Academy, 1841. Braintree. Hancock s Two Century Sermons, 1739; same, repr. 1811 ; Sage s Farewell Sermon, 1809. 1739 Bridgewater. Mitchell (N.) History of the Early Settlement ; with an extensive Family Register,//. 400, hf. doth. 8 1840 1740 Celebration of the 2ooth Anniversary of Incorporation, June 3, 1856 (including an Address by Hon. Emory Washburn), portrait and plate. 8 1856 1741 PAMPHLETS (9) Bridgewater. Meech s farewell Sen, 1811; (North.) Gary s geneal. and history, 1824; and Huntoon s dedica. Ser., 1826 ; (East) Pierce s Dedica. Ser., 1845 Letter from Bridge- water, Eng., on Slavery, with Answer, 1847. Brimfield. [Brown s] Popish hierarchy in a late Eccles. Council, 1798; Remarks on late Eccles. Council, 1801 ; VailFs histor. Sermon, 1821. Bristol (and other towns in Lincoln Co.). Petition to the legislature, 1811. 1742 Brookfield. Fiske (N.) Remarkable Providences &c. A Ser mon preached on the last Day of the Year 1775, together with some Marginal Notes, giving an account of the First Settling of the Town, 1660, its desolation by the Indians, 1675, etc., pp. 31, v, uncut. 8 T. 6- J. Fleet, 1776 *743 Another copy, half morocco. 8 1776 1744 Stoddard (Solo.) Sermon preached at Brookfield, Oct. 16, 1717, the Day the Church was Gathered and Mr. Thomas Cheney was ordained Pastor,//. 25, VERY SCARCE. 12 S. Phillips, 1718 1745 PAMPHLETS (n) Brookfield. Maccarty s Sermon at execution of murderers of J. Spooner, 1778. (South Br.) Stone s Dedication Ser., 1828 ; Decision in Sacramental-furniture case, 1832. (North Br.) SnelPs 4oth Anniv. S., 1838 ; Half-Cent. S., 1848 ; and Century S., 1854; Stone s Both birthday Ser., 1850. (West Br.) Foot (J. S.) Historical Discourse, Nov. 27, 1828; The same, with Capt. THOMAS WHEELER S NARRATIVE (1676) and Additions,//. 96, 1843 j Stone s Semi-Centennial Discourse, and other Exercises, 1851. CAMBRIDGE. HARVARD COLLEGE. 2IQ 1746 Brookline. Pierce s Century Sermon; and Dedica. S., 1806; Church Centennial Sermon, 1817 ; 4oth Anniv. Sermon, 1837 > Address at opening Town Hall, 1846 ; and Semi-Centennial Address, ist Congr. Church, 1847. 6 Pamphlets. 1747 Cambridge. Holmes (Abiel) History of Cambridge, pp. 67, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 l8oi 1748 Harris (W. T.) Epitaphs from the old Burying-Ground. With notes, half cloth, uncut. 12 Cambridge, 1845 1749 APTHORP (EAST) Missionary at Cambridge. On Sacred Poetry and Music. Discourse at Christ-Church, Cambridge, at the open ing of the Organ, 21 August, 1764, pp. vii, 22. Boston, 1764. The Felicity of the Times. A [Thanksgiving] Sermon [on the Peace], at Christ-Church, n August, 1763, pp. viii, 26. Boston, 1763. The Constitution of a Christian Church, a Sermon at the Opening of Christ-Church, Cambridge, 15 October, 1761, pp. (4), iv, 27. Boston, 1761. Three in one volume, fine copies, half brown morocco extra (Roxburghe), SCARCE. 4 1761-64 1750 PAMPHLETS (6) Dana s Sermon at Install, of A. Holmes, 1792 ; Baldwin s Dedica. Ser. at Opening a new Baptist meeting house, 1818; Holmes s Ser. at opening of Alms House, 1818; Controversy of ist Parish, with Rev. Dr. Holmes, pp. viii, 103, 1829 ; Account of the Controversy (by the Church), 1829 ; Holmes s 37th Anniv. Sermon, 1829. 1751 -- PAMPHLETS (12) NewelPs Farewell S. in old Meeting House, 1833 ; Muzzey s Dedica. S., 1834; List of prop rs of Mt. Auburn, 1834; Same revised, 1838 ; Newell s Histor. Sermon, First Church, 1846 ; Act to establish City Gov t, 1846 ; Mayor s address and City doc s, 1846-50 ; Stearns s Dedication Sermon, 1852. 1752 - - Dana (R. H.) Jr. An Address upon the Life and Services of Edward Everett, delivered before the Municipal Authorities and Citizens of Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1865, thick paper, UNCUT. 4 Cambridge, 1865 One of " 50 copies printed for private presentation ; " with autograph of Geo. Livermore. 1753 Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Guide through, 60 wood engravings, 1839. Stranger s Guide Book, 1849. ( 2 v l s -) I 6 1754 Literary Miscellany (The). Vols. i, 2, all published. 2 vols., half mor. neat. 8 Cambridge, W. Hilliard, 1805-6 ^ijtj HARVARD COLLEGE. TRIENNIAL CATALOGUES. Catalogus eorum qui in Coll. Harv. quod est Cantabrigias Nov-Angl., ab anno 1642 . . alicujus Gradus Laurea donati sunt. The series complete, from 1776 to ^z, inclusive; selected copies ; those from 1776 to 1827, UNCUT. 34 Catalogues, arranged for binding in 5 vols. 8 Boston and Cambr., 1776-1872 1756 Catalogus eorum etc. ab anno 1642, ad annum 1761, alicu jus Gradus Laurea donati sunt, large folio broadside. A fine clean copy of the VERY RARE triennial of 1761. Cantabngice, 1761 1757 Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse Collegii Harvardini, quod est Cantabrigiae in Nova Anglia, half vellum; supplements to 1725 bound in. 4 Bostoni Nov-Angl., Typis B. Green, 1723 & 1725 22O MASSACHUSETTS. I75 8 Harvard College. Catalogus Bibliothecae Harvardianae. Bost., 1790. Prof. W. D. Peck s Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the Botanic Garden. Cambridge, 1818. Laws of Harvard College. Bost,, 1790. 3 in i vol., hf. bound. 8 Catalogue of the Library at Harvard University, Index and Catalogue of Maps and Charts. 4 vols., boards, uncut. First Supplement, bds. 5 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1830-34 I7 6 Annual Report of the President to the Overseers : 1825-6, 1827-8, 1828-9, 1835-6, 1849-50, 1850-51. 6 Reports. !y6i CHAPLIN (J.) Life of Henry Dunster, first President of Harvard College, doth. 12 1872 1762 - - CLARKE (J.) Letters to a Student in the University at Cambridge, bds., uncut. 12 1796 ^63 ELIOT (S. A.) Sketch of the History of Harvard College, and of its Present State, bds. 12 Boston, 1848 1764 - - PECK (W. D.) Catalogue of Plants in the Botanic Garden, pp. iv, 60, sewed, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1818 PEIRCE (B.) History of Harvard University, to the Am. Revolution, plates. 8 Cambridge, 1833 1766 PIETAS ET GRATULATIO Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos, //. xiv, (2), 106, and slip of Errata, inserted. 4 Bostoni-Massachusettensium, Typis J. Green 6 J. Russell, MDCCLXI A collection of (31) poems, Latin, Greek, and English, by graduates of Harvard, cele brating the death of George II. and the accession^ of George III. The authors were Stephen Sewall, John Lovell, James Bowdoin, Gov. Francis Bernard, Benjamin Church, Samuel Deane, Samuel Cooper, John Lowell, and one or two others; Gov. Bernard or Hutchinson supplying a prefatory prose address, and President Holyoke contributing a Latin ode. See Duyckink s Cycl. Am. Literatiire, i. 11-14, and Quincy s Hist, of Harv. College, ii. 104. A BEAUTIFUL COPY, bound (by F. Bedford) in dark blue grosgrain levant morocco, back ftdl gilt, sides filleted and paneled, inside borders, g. e. 1767 PIETAS ET GRATULATIO, etc. ANOTHER COPY, old red morocco, sides with broad gilt borders and the royal arms in the center, re-backed, g. e., 4 Bostoni-Massachusettensium, &c. " This is one of the few copies on THICK PAPER, intended for presentation to the Royal Family." G. B. VERY RARE, on this paper. The binding, in excellent preservation, is a fine specimen of old English. 1768 - - PRINCE (NATHAN) The Constitution and Government of Harvard College from 1636 to 1742, with MSS. CORRECTIONS AND A MS. NOTE by Rev. THOMAS PRINCE, pp. 27, half red levant mor. extra, top gilt, uncut. 4 1743 " Reasons to prove that the Overseers have no Independent Power over the Corpora tion." 1769 SEWALL (S.) Oration delivered May 8, 1779, at the Funeral of the Hon. JOHN WINTHROP, Esq., Professor of Mathematics and Nat. Philosophy at Cambridge,//. 8, uncut. 4 Boston, 1779 [770 WINTHROP (Prof. JOHN) Lecture on Earthquakes, 1755. -Two Lectures on Comets, 1759. Relation of Voyage to New foundland to observe Transit of Venus, 1761. Two Lectures on Parallax and Distance of the Sun, 1769. Langdon (S.) Funeral Sermon on Prof. J. Winthrop, 1779. Wigglesworth (Edw.) Dis course on Death of Prof. J. Winthrop, 1779; and one other pamphlet. Seven in one vol. 8 Boston, 1755-79 HARVARD COLLEGE. 221 1771 -- Harvard College. DUDLEIAN LECTURES. 1756, (the First) by J.Barnard. 1757, by E. Wigglesworth. 1759, by E. Gay. 1762, by C. Chauncy. 1765, by J. Mayhew. 1771, by A. Eliot. *773> by S. Cooper, slightly imperfect. 1775, by S. Langdon. 1 777? ^7 E. Wigglesworth. 1778, by J. Tucker. 10 in i vol. - DUDLEIAN LECTURES. 1779, by G. Hitchcock. 1788, by T. Hilliard. 1793, by J. Lathrop. 1795, by T. Barnard. 1796, by N. Fiske. 1798, by S. Haven. 1799, by J. Mellen, jr. 1802, by D. Osgood. 1805, by T. Thacher. 1806, by J. Eckley. -1808, by R. Puffer. 18 10, by A. Holmes. 1821, by W. E. Channing. 1821, by J. Pierce. 1829, by H. Hildreth. 1830, by W. Allen. 1846, by A. Young. 17 in i vol. 2 vols., new half mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 8 1772 THESES quas in Coll. Harv. defendere . . conabuntur Juvenes in Artibus initiati . . in Comitiis Academicis, 1771. Theses, 1776-90, 1797, 1799, 1801-05, 1807-10. 17 folio broad sides (one, slightly imperfect]. 1771-1810 So considerable a series of these scarce broadsides is noteworthy. The first (for 1771) was printed at Boston by Isaiah Thomas, on paper manufactured at Milton, Mass. "in Papyrum MILTONI in Nov-Anglia confectam," as the imprint has it. 1773 Orations and Addresses. Woods (L.) Commencement, 1796. Tappan (D.) To Younger Members of the University, 1794. Bigelow (T.) *I> B K, 1796. Tappan (D.) To Senior Class, 1798. Kirkland (J. T.) $ B K, 1798. Adams (J. Q.) Inaugural, as Boylston Professor, June 12, 1806. Richardson (James) * B K, 1818. Buckminster (J. S.) $ B K, 1809, n. /./. Crafts (W.) jr. <!> B K, 1817. Frisbie (L.) Inaugural, 1817, stained. Everett (E.) 4> B K, 1824. Story (Jos.) $ B K, 1826. Sprague (C.) <I> B K, (Poem), 1829. Dewey (O.) <f> B K, 1830. Quincy (J.) Dedication of Dane Law College, 1832. Greenleaf (Simon) Inaugural, Aug. 26, 1834. Parsons (Theoph.) <I> B K, 1835. Hillard (G. S.) $ B K, 1843 ( 2 copies). 19 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 1774 Poems and Orations. Biglow (W.) Poem before <& B K Society, Salem, 1799. Everett (E.) Poem before $ B K Soci ety, Aug. 27, 1812, n. t.p. Oration by J. T. Cooper and Poem by R. Hooper, Camb., 1811. [Biglow (Win.)] Commencement; <I> B K Poem, Salem, 1811. [Biglow (Win.)] Re-re-commence ment; a Kind of a Poem, Salem, 1812. Ware (H.)jr. Poem at Cambridge at Celebration of Peace with Great Britain, Camb., 1815. Ware (H.) jr. Vision of Liberty, <I> B K Poem, Bost., 1824. Sprague (C.) <& B K Poem, Bost., 1829. Mellen (G.) # B K Poem, Bost., 1830. Winslow (B. D.) Class Poem, Class of 1835, Bost., 1835. [Biglow (W.)] Classology, an Anacreon tic Ode, repr. Bost., 1843. Story ( w - W -) * B K Poem, Bost., 1844. Taylor (B.) <L> B K Poem, Camb., 1850. White (D. A. Address before Society of Alumni, Camb., 1844. Peabody (A. P. <& B K Poem, Aug. 28, 1845, Bost., 1845. Sumner (C.) Ad dress before $ B K Society, Bost., 1846. Emerson (R. W.) Address before Senior Class in Divinity College, Bost., 1838. Gray (F. C.) <I> B K Poem, Bost., 1840. Marsh (G. P.) Dis course before $ B K Society, Bost., 1847. Emerson (R. W.) 222 MASSACHUSETTS. Oration before $ B K Society, Boston, 1837. Bushnell (H.) <I> B K Oration, Camb., 1848. Sprague (W. B.) <I> B K Oration, Albany, 1851. 22 in i 2W/., <?/ half mor., many uncut. 8 !775 Harvard College. Strictures on Harvard University, by a Senior, Bost., 1798. Facts and Documents rel. to Harv. Col lege, by Hollis and others, Bost., 1829. [Dabney (J. P.)] Re marks on the Triennial, n. t. p. [1848]. [Parsons (T.) and Pear son (E.)] Forensic Dispute on legality of enslaving the Africans, Boston, 1773. Flynt (H.) Sermon preached in College Hall, Bost., 1736, Boyd (W.) Oration on Death of J. Russell, senior Sophister, Bost.. 1795. Woods (L.) Commencement Oration, 1799. Tappan (D.) Disc, to Senior Class, 1798. Don Quixots (sic) at College ; or, History of Gallant Adventures of Students, by a Senior, 1807. Farmer (J.) Memorials of Graduates, com mencing with the first class, Concord, N. H., 1833. Laws of Har vard College 1790. The same, 1798. The same, 1807. Wood (S.) Letters [to the Christian Reformer} on Harv. University, n.t.p., 1837. [Gushing (C.)] To the Members of the Senior Class, [1821]. 1 6 in i vol., neiv half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 1776 Miscellaneous. Catalogue of Members of the Society of <I> B K, Cambr., 1806. The same, Cambr., 1823. Morse (J.) Reasons for opposing Election of Hollis Prof, of Divinity, Charles- town, 1805. Remarks on the Controversy between Dr. Morse and Miss Adams, 2d edition, Bost., 1814. Adams (Hannah) Narra tive of (her) Controversy with Rev. J. Morse, D.D., Bost., 1814. Review of Dr. Morse s "Appeal to the Public," \Bost., 1814]. Morse (J.) Appeal to the Public on the Revolution in the Col lege, Charlestown, 1814. Documents relating to Harv. College, Bost., 1820. [Webster s] Report upon the Constit. Rights and Privileges of the College, and upon the Donations made to it by the Commonwealth, Bost., 1821. Statement of Course of Instruc tion, Expenses, &c., Camb., 1823. Everett (E.) Letter to J. Lowell in reply to Remarks on a pamphlet touching the right of the (Faculty) to the exclusive Government of the College, Bost., 1824. [Lowell (J.)] Further Remarks on the Memorial of the Officers of Harvard College, Bost., 1824. Catalogue of Members and Library of the Porcellian Club, Camb., 1850. 12 in i vol., new half mor., mostly uncut. 8 1777 Miscellaneous. Ticknor (G.) Remarks on Changes in Harvard University, 2d ed., 1825. Norton (Andrews) Speech before the Overseers, in behalf of the resident instructors, 1825. Story (J.) Inaugural Discourse, 1829. Gray (F. C.) Letter to Gov. Lincoln, 1831. Report of Committee of the Overseers, (with accomp. Statements,) Cambridge, 1825. Proceedings of the Overseers relative to late Disturbances, 1834. Addresses at Inauguration of Edward Everett, 1846. Remarks before Legisl. Com. on Education, on the Memorial of the Colleges, Cambridge, 1848. Donations to Harvard College from its foundation, 1848. Quincy (]*) Speech to Overseers, on [Bancroft s] Minority Report of the Com. of Visitation, 1845. Report on filling Vacancies in Board of Overseers, 1845. Report of Com. of Overseers on HARVARD COLLEGE. CHARLESTOWN. 223 Requirements for Admission, Salem, 1845. Report of Committee on the Library, 1851. Report of Com. of Overseers (on division of time for recitations, etc.), 1845. Memorial to Legislature, on recent History and Constitutional Rights of the College, Cambridge, 1851. The same, Boston, 1851. 18 in i vol., new half mor. 8 1778 Orations before the 4> B K, at Cambridge : T. Bigelow, 1796; J. T. Kirkland, 1798; J. Richardson, 1808; Edw. Everett, 1824; Jos. Story, 1826; O. Dewey, 1830; G. Putnam, 1844; Ch. Sumner, 1846, 2d ed. ; Hor. Bushnell, 1848. ^pamphlets. 8 Bost. and Cambr. 1779 ~ - Pamphlets (18) Miscellaneous, mostly duplicates of copies bound in Nos. 1775-77, including several scarce tracts. 8 1780 Cape Cod. Freeman (F.) History of Cape Cod. The Annals of Barnstable County, including the District of Mashpee, portraits and other illustrations. 2 vols., cloth. 1. 8 1860 1781 Charlestown. Budington (W. I.) History of the First Church, in nine Lectures, portr. of John Wilson. 8 1845 1782 Frothingham (R.) History of Charlestown, Mass., sub scription copy as published in numbers {Parts 17), covers bound at the end, half mor. extra, gilt, uncut. 8 1845-49 1783 Pamphlets (3) Dedication of Bapt. Meeting-house, 1801 ; Everett s Bi-Cent. Address, 1830 ; Walker s Farewell Sermon, 1839. 1784 Reed (Miss R. T.) Six Months in a Convent at Mt. Bene dict. 2 copies. 1 8 1835 1785 Pamphlets (TO) Burning 1 of the Ursuline Convent, 1834. Account of the Conflagration ; Stetson s Sermon ; Rept. of Com mittee app. at Fanueil Hall ; Trial of J. R. Buzzell (and 2 pts. in dup.) ; Answer to " Six Months in a Convent," by the Lady Supe rior ; Review of [the Answer] ; Documents relating to the Con vent, 1842. 1786 -- BUNKER S HILL. CLARKE QOHN) First Lieutenant of Ma rines. An Impartial and Authentic Narrative of the Battle Fought on the i7th of June, 1775, between His Britannic Majesty s Troops and the American Provincial Army, on Bunker s Hill, near Charles Town, in New-England, etc. The Second Edition, With Extracts from Three Letters lately received from America, etc., good copy. 8 London, for the Author, 1775 " This interesting contemporary report is a volume of MUCH RARITY." Menzies Cat alogue, no. 395. I7 87 [Brackenridge (H. H.)] The Battle of Bunkers-Hill; a Dramatic Piece, of five Acts, in heroic measure. By a Gentle man of Maryland. Frontispiece of " The Death of Warren " engraved by Norman, fine copy, red mor. extra, gilt {Bedford}. 8 Phila., Robert Bell, 1776 1788 [Cockings (Geo.)] The American War, a Poem; in six books, frontispiece of Battle of Bunker s Hill, fine copy, old mottled calf, gilt. 8 London, 1781 1789 CARTER (Wn.) A Genuine Detail of the several Engage ments, Positions, and Movements of the Royal and American Ar mies, during the years 1775 and 1776 ; with an Accurate Account 224 MASSACHUSETTS. of the Blockade of Boston, and a Plan of the Works on Bunker s Hill, at the time it was abandoned by his Majesty s Forces on the 1 7th of March, 1776. In a series of Letters to a Friend, By Wil liam Carter, Late a Lieutenant of the 4oth Regiment of Foot. Engraved plan, LARGE FINE COPY, with 18 ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRA TIONS./^- insertion, pp. (2), 50, hf. calf , plain. 4 London, for the Author, 1784 Accompanying this VERY SCARCE volume is an envelope enclosing illustrations which Mr. Brinley had selected for binding with it. They include two scarce Plans of Boston (one a woodcut published in 1776; the other, engraved for the Boston Magazine, 1784), rare portraits of Washington ("Marshal of France &c."), Montgomery (J. Norman sc.\ Artemas Ward, Samuel Adams (Harris sc.), Putnam; Lord and Gen. Howe, Gen. Gage, Lord North, Gen. Knox, etc.; Plan of the Action at Breed s Hill (. Smith, N. Y.) ; and an AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Lieut. SAMUEL B. WEBB, of Capt. John Chester s Company, from the Camp in Cambridge, Oct. 16, 1775, to Silas Deane, in Congress, pointing out an important error in " the representation of the Battle of Charlestown lately struck off in Philadelphia." 1790 Bunker s Hill. Putnam (I.) Essay on the Life of, by D. Humphreys; with Notes and Additions, [and] an Appendix con taining a Sketch of the Battle of Bunker Hill, by S. Sweet, portrait inserted, half green morocco {Roxburghe), UNCUT. 12 1818 1791 - - Dearborn, (H.) Account of the Battle, map. Phila., 1818. - Coffin (C.) History of the Battle of Breed s Hill, compiled [from the Accounts byj Major-Generals W. Heath, H. Lee, J. Wil kinson, and H. Dearborn. Saco, 1831. 2 in i vol., half mor. extra. 1792 - - Swett (S.) History of the Battle. 2d edition, with a plan, 1826. Swett (S.) Notes to his Sketch, 1825. Pre cis historique sur la Bataille, pour servir d explication du Tableau peint par le Col. Trumbull, London, 1786. Bradford (A.) History of the Bat tle, 1825. Report to Mass. Legislature on Monument to Col. Prescott, 1852. 5 in i vol., half mor. extra, top gilt. 8 T 793 " ~ Swett (S.) History of Bunker Hill Battle. 3d edition, map, half mor. 8 1827 1794 - - History of the Battle of Breed s Hill, by Gens. W. Heath, H. Lee, J. Wilkinson and H. Dearborn ; compiled by C. Coffin, hf. bound. 8 Saco, 1831 T 795 [Emmons (W.)] Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Mon ument, 2d edition, cloth. 16 Charlestown, 1843 1796 The same, 4th edition, cloth. 16 Charlestown, 1844 J 797 ~ Hudson (C.) Doubts concerning the Battle, addressed to the Christian Public. 12 Boston, 1857 1798 (Dawson and "Selah" Correspondence.) Major-General ISRAEL PUTNAM. A Correspondence of this Subject, with the Editor of the " Hartford Daily Post." By " Selah," of that city, and Henry B. Dawson. of White Plains, N. Y., with FORTY-SEVEN ENGRAVINGS inserted, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, UNCUT ( W. Mathews]. imp. 8 Morrisania, N. Y., 1860 No. 101 of 250 copies "printed as manuscript," of which 117 were destroyed by fire. The illustrations include fine impressions of scarce portraits, views, battle scenes, etc. T 799 - ~ [Bradford (A.)] Particular Account of the Battle by a Citizen of Boston, 1825. Dearborn (H.) Account of the Battle, with [D.Putnam s] Letter to Gen. Dearborn, 1818. Frothingham BUNKERS HILL DEDHAM. 225 (R.) The Command in the Battle, with a reply to S. Swett, author s autograph, 1850. Webster (D.) Address at laying Corner Stone of Bunker Hill Monument, 1825. The same, in Spanish, N. Y., 1825. Emmons (W.) Oration, June 18, 1827. Webster (D.) Address on Completion of the Monument, June 17, 1843. Ellis (G. E.) Oration, June 17, 1844. Everett (A. H.) Hist. Address at Charlestown, June 17, 1836. Packard (A. S.) History of Bunker Hill Monument, Portland, 1853. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, etc., of the B. H. Monument Association, Boston, 1830. ii in i vol., half mor. extra, top gilt. 8 1800 Bunker s Hill. Panoramic View from Bunker Hill Monu ment, folded plate with (i6//.) description. sm. 4 Boston, 1848 1801 - - Warren. Life and Times of Joseph Warren. By Richard Frothingham. Portrait, pp. 558, cloth. 8 Boston, 1865 1802 Chelmsford. Allen (Wilkes) History, from 1653 to 1820 ; with a Memoir of the Pawtuckett Tribe of Indians, pp. 192, boards, uncut. 8 Haver hill, 1820 1803 Another copy, half mor. extra, uncut. 1804 Chelsea. Tuckerman s 2oth Anniv. Sermon, 1821; Robbins s Dedica. Sermon, 1840; Langworthy s 25th Anniv. Serm. 1866. Chester. Excommunication of M. Phelps, 1809. Cohasset. Flint s Centennial Discourses, 1821. 5 Pamphlets. 1805 Concord. Shattuck (L.) History of Concord, pp. viii, 392, map, cloth. 8 1835 1806 Pamphlets (7) Ripley s Historical Discourse (Re-dedication Sermon), 1792 (2 copies); Green s Dedica. Sermon 1826; Ripley s Half Century Discourse 1828 ; J. C. Green s Appeal to public, 1828 ; R. W. Emerson s 2d Cent. Address, 1835 ; Frost s Dedication Sermon, 1841. 1807 Danvers. Hanson (J. W.) History of the Town. 12 Danvers, 1848 1808 Danvers Centennial Celebration, June 16, 1852, portraits. 2 copies. 8 1852 1809 Pamphlets (4) Wadsworth s Dedication Sermon, 1806 ; But ler s Farewell Sermon, 1852 ; Proctor s Centennial Address, 1852 ; Review of Result of Council, 1852. 1810 Dedham. Dexter (S.) Century Discourse, at Dedham, on the Foundation, Rise, and Growth of the Settlements in New England, Nov. 23, 1738, half mor., uncut. sm. 8 1738 The original edition, VERY SCARCE. 1811 Worthington (E.) History of Dedham, bds. uncut. 8 1827 1812 Lamson (Alvan) History of the First Church, (Cent. Dis courses,) //. 104, uncut. 8 Dedham, 1839 1812* Another copy, hf. mor. 1813 Mann (H.) Historical Annals,//. 136. 8 Dedham, 1847 29 2i6 MASSACHUSETTS. 1813* Dedham. Tracts Printed in Dedham. Fourth of July Orations, by J. Richardson, Dedham, 1808, (with notice of Fisher Ames who died there that morning) ; S. Haven, Dedham, 1809; S. Bugbee, Jr., Wrentham, 1803; E. French, Boston, 1805. Thacher (T.) Two Historical Discourses at Dedham, 1809. Harris (T. M.) Sermon after Execution of J. Fairbanks, 1801. And n others ; 18 in i vol; all printed in Dedham, by H. Mann, 1801-1809. Dexter s Century Discourse, 1738, with Supplement, repr. 1796; West s Fun. Sermon, 1785; Haven s 4oth Anniv. Sermon, 1796; Thacher s Hist. (Dedication) Sermon, 1810; Cogswell s Hist. Discourse, South Church, 1816; Proceed, in ist Church, 1818; Dana s Ded. Serm., ist Church, 1819; Manual of South Church, 1827 ; Cogswell s Valedictory Disc., So. Church, 1829 ; Durfee s Centennial Discourse, South Church, 1836; Haven s Bi-Centennial Address, 1836. u Pamphlets. 1815 Deerfield. Lyman s Discourse at Opening the Academy, 1799; Taylor s Centennial Sermon, 1804; Taylor s Farewell Sermon, 1806 ; Results of Eccles. Councils, 1813 ; Address to the Christian Public on [the Councils], 1813 (2) ; Willard s Comments on the Address, 1813, and Remarks on J. Lyman s Strictures, n. d. ; Dickinson s Geogr. and Statist. View, 1815 ; The same, 1817 ; Brief Sketch of First Settlement, 1833 ; Cheever s Sermons, with Acros tics on Public Characters, 1833 ; Everett s Address at Bloody Brook, 1835; Petition for Annex, to Greenfield, 1850; Willard s Hist. (5oth anniv.) Sermon, 1857 ; Chandler s Brief Review of Willard s Sermon, 1859. 15 Pamphlets. 1816 Dorchester. History of the Town, by a Committee of the Dor chester Antiquarian and Historical Society, cloth. 8 1859 1817 Clap (Roger) Memoirs of Capt. Roger Clap, relating some of God s Remarkable Providences to Him in bringing him into New-England, etc. (Preface by Thomas Prince, and Appendix by James Blake.) pp. 39. 8 Boston, 1807 1817* Clap (Roger) Memoirs. Another edition, pp. 36, uncut. 8 Pitts field, 1824 1818 Clap (Roger) Memoirs. Blake (J.) Annals of the Town, 1750. 2 in i vol. 12 Boston, 1844 1819 [Davenport s] Sexton s Monitor, and Dorchester Cemetery Memorial, 3d edition, sewed. 12 1845 1820 Pamphlets (12) Votes of Church, before Eccles. Council, 1774; Harris s New Year s Sermon, 1796, Fast Sermon, 1798, Century Sermon, 1799, Account of Dorchester (ab. 1800), Funeral Sermon on his Mother, 1801, Sermon to young people, 1804, and Ded. Sermon, 1806; Pierce s gathering of 2d Cong. Church, 1808 ; Proceedings of 2d Church (on Dr. Codman), 1812 ; Memorial of prop rs of New So. Meeting-house, 1813 ; Review of two pamphlets on the Eccles. Controversy, 1814. 1821 Pamphlets (10) Harris s Valedictory and Dedica. Sermons, 1816; Davenport s Sexton s Monitor, and Cemetery Memorial, 1826 ; Same, 3d ed. 1845 > Pierce s Bi-Centennial Discourse, 1830 ; DUNSTABLE GROTON. Harris s Bi-Cent. Discourse, 1830, Farewell S. 1836, Account of the Old Book of Records, 1834 ; Codman s 37th Anniv. Sermon, 1846 ; Allen s 4oth Anniv. Sermon, 1848 ; Consecration of Mt. Hope cemetery, 1852 ; Means s Hist. (5oth Anniv.) Sermon, 1858. 1822 Dunstable. Fox (C. J.) History of the old township of Dun- stable, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H. ; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass., //. 278, cloth. 12 Nashua, 1846 1823 Duxbury. WiNSOR (J.) History of the Town of Duxbury ; with Genealogical Registers; pp. 360, cloth. 8 1849 1824 The Landing of the French Atlantic Cable, July, 1869, 6 photographs, pp. 57, cloth. 8 1869 1825 Eastham. Pratt (E.) History of Eastham, Wellfleet, and Or leans, 1644-1844, cloth. 8 Yarmouth, 1844 1826 Essex Co. Newhall (J. R.) The Essex Memorial for 1836 ; embracing a Register of the County. 12 Salem, 1836 1827 -- Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Essex County. //. 396, cloth. 8 Boston, 1865 1828 Fall River. An Authentic Narrative [of the case of Miss S. M. Cornell and Rev. E. K. Avery] by the author of " Tales, National, Revolutionary, &c." frontispiece. 16 Providence, 1833 1829 Fitchburg-. Facts and Documents concerning Ecclesiastical Affairs lately Transacted, boards, uncut. 12 1802 1830 Framingham. Barry (W.) History of Framingham with a (Genealogical) Register of the Inhabitants before 1800,^. iv, 456, cloth. 8 1847 [831 PAMPHLETS (13) Exeter. Review of results of Council, 1842. Fall River. Fowler s Histor. Sketch, 1841. Fitchburg. Wor cester s Facts and Documents on Eccles. affairs, pp. 118, uncut, 1802 ; Narrative of Religious Controversy (Answer to Worcester), 1804; Eaton s farewell S., 1823; Torrey s History,//, in, 1836; Pettibone s Dedication Sermon, 1844; Bullard s Dedica. S., 1845 ; Mason s Argument against petition for half-shire, 1852. Fox- borough. Williams s Dedication Sermon, 1823 ; Consecration of Rock-Hill cemetery, 1853. Framing-ham. Trask s Farewell Ser mon, 1836. Franklin. Emmons s Sermon on gift of books from Dr. B. Franklin, for a Library, 1787. 1832 Gardner. Glazier (L.) History, from first Settlement to 1860, half green calf . 12 Worcester, 1860 1833 PAMPHLETS (14) Gloucester. Appeal to public by Christian Independents, 1785 ; Answer to the Appeal, 1785 ; Forbes s Serm. at Dedication of Grammar School, 1795; Hildreth s Sermon and statement, 1830. Goshen. Whitman s Review of proceedings in dismission of minister, 1824. Grafton. Searle s farewell S., 1832 ; Brigham s Centennial Address, 1835 ; Willson s Histor. Sermon, 1846, and Serm. at Riverside Cemetery Consecration, 1851. Granville. Cooley s Half-Century Sermon, 1846. Great Bar- rington. Centennial Anniv. of Congr. church, 1843. Groton. Result of Eccles. Council, 1827 ; Facts and documents relating to Eccles. Affairs, 1827; Catalogue of Lawrence Academy, 1848. 228 MASSACHUSETTS. 1834 Granville. Jubilee, celebrated at Granville, Mass., Aug. 7-28, J ^45) portrait, cloth. 16 Springfield, 1845 1835 Greenfield. Willard (D.) History of Greenfield, cloth. 12 Greenfield, 1838 1838 Groton. Butler (C.) History of Groton, including Pepperel and Shirley, map and plates, pp. 499, cloth. 8 1848 1837 Hadley. Judd (S.) History of Hadley; with Genealogies by L. M. Boltwood. 8 Northampton, 1866 1838 Hanover. Barry (J. S.) Historical Sketches of the Town, with Family Genealogies,//. 448, cloth. 8 1854 1839 PAMPHLETS (8) Hadley. Hopkins s Half-Century Sermon, 1805 ; Austin s Dedica. Sermon, 1808 ; Bi-Centennial Celebration, //. 98, 1859. Hamilton. Cutler s Century Sermon, 1815. Hanover. Cutler s History of St. Andrew s Church, 1848. Hardwiok. Difficulties in Bapt. church, 1815 ; Paige s Centen l Address,//. 76, 1838. Hatfield. Serm. at Bridge opening, 1807. 1840 Haverhill. Mirick (B. L.) History of Haverhill, frontispiece, bds., uncut. 12 Haverhill, 1832 1841 Chase (G. W.) History of Haverhill, 1640-1860, maps, plates, and other illustrations, pp. 664, 20. 8 Haverhill, 1861 1842 Brown s Account of remarkable deaths of children, and Address to the Bereaved, 2 copies, imperfect, 1738 ; Choate s Defence of his dissent from Judgment of Council, 1761. Heath. Miller s Histor. Discourse,//. 80, 1852. 4 Pamphlets. 1843 Hing-ham. Lincoln (S. jr.) History of the Town, bds., uncut, author s autograph. 12 Hingham, 1827 1844 PAMPHLETS (10) Hingham. Gay s Old Man s Calendar. Birthday Sermon, 1781, Reprinted, Hingham, 1838 ; Proceedings in North parish,//. 138, 1807 ; Vindication of the Proceedings, etc., pp. 80, 1807 (2) ; Richardson s Complaint of the Bay Association, 1818; Lincoln s Bi-centennial Address,//. 63, 1835 > Richardson s Letter on pulpit exchanges, 1847 > Hill s Historical Sermon, First Church, 1850; Richardson s Half-Century S., 1856. Hinsdale. Sprague s Address at Dedica. of Academy, 1849. Holden. Da- vis s Half-Century Sermon, 1793. 1845 Holden. Damon (S. C.) History of Holden, 1667-1841, cloth. 8 Worcester, 1841 1846 PAMPHLETS (5) Hopkinton. Howe s Century Sermon, 1815 ; Same, 3d ed., uncut, 1825 \ Same, ed. by E. Nason, with Memoir, 1851. Holliston. Wheaton s Dedica. Sermon, 1823; Fitch s Century Sermon, 1826. 1847 Ipswich. Felt (J. B.) History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamil ton, cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1834 1848 Belcher (Samuel) of Newbury. Concio ad Magistratum, or, An Assize Sermon preached Before the Honourable . . Superiour Court . . at Ipswich, the 2ist. of May, 1702. RARE. 8 Barthol. Green, 1707 IPSWICH LEOMINSTER. 1849 Ipswich. Pickering (Theoph.) A Bad Omen To the Churches of New-England : In the Instance of Mr. John Cleaveland s Ordina tion, so termed, over a Separation in Chebacco-Parish in Ipswich . . . 25th of Feb. 1746-7, uncut, pp. 12, half mor. Rogers <5- Fowle, 1747. The Chebacco Narrative rescu d from the Charge of False hood and Partiality. In A Reply to the Answer [of] the Second Church in Ipswich, etc. By a Friend of Truth, pp. 20, uncut. Kneeland &> Green, 1738 [for 1748]. (2) sm. 4 1747-48 1850 [Parsons (T.)] Result of the Convention of Delegates holden at Ipswich, to take into Consideration the Constitution proposed by the State Convention, half mor., uncut. 8 Newburyport, 1778 1850* PAMPHLETS (7). Vindication of Result of Council, 1805 ; The same, 2d ed., 1806 ; Reply to [the above,] by Marcus, 1806 ; CrowelPs Histor. Ser. (2d parish), n. d. ; Kimball s Sketch of Eccles. History, 1823; Kimball s Cent. Discourse, ist Church, 1834, and his Last S. in old, and first in new meeting-house, 1847. 1851 Jamaica Plain. Gray (T.) Half Century Sermon, 1842. Kingston. Maccarty s Farewell Sermon, 1745. Boston, 1804. 1852 Lancaster. Harrington (Timo.) Century Sermon, May 28th, 1753, PP. 29- 8 S. Kneeland, 1753 1852* The same, 2d ed., last leaf (Appendix) imperfect, pp. 25, (i). uncut. 8 Leominster, 1806 1853 Willard (Jos.) Topographical and Historical Sketches of Lancaster, pp. 90, uncut. 8 Worcester, 1826 1854 Willard (Jos.) Address on the 2ooth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town; with Appendix,//. 230. 8 1853 1855 PAMPHLETS (14) Lancaster. Mellen s Discourse on late mortal sickness, list of subscribers, 1756 (impft.) ; Thayer s last Sermon in old Meeting-house, 1816; Goodwin s Oration, on i5oth anniv. of destruction of the town by Indians, 1826 ; Church records in case of Dea. Carter, 1832; Dea. Carter s answer; and Review of letter of N. Thayer, pp. 136. Lawrence. Whiting s Dedica. Ser mon, Congr. Church, 1849. Leicester. Snell s S. at dismission of Z. S. Moore, 1811; Washburn s Histor. Sketches,//. 66, 1826; Wright s Address at Dedication of Academy, 1834; Walker s Dedica. S., 2d Congr. Church, 1834; Washburn s Address on L. in the Revolution, 1849 > A. H. Washburn s Hist. Address at Dedica. of Academy hall, 1853 ; Catalogue of Academy, 1854. 1856 Leominster. Wilder (D.) History of Leominster, 1701-1852, cloth . 12 Fitchburg, 1853 1856* Gardner s Half-Cent. Sermon, 1813; Stebbins s Centennial Discourse to First Congr. Church, (Histor. Appendix,) 1843, VERY RARE; Stebbins s Ser., ist Congr. Soc., 1849; Hubbard s Sermon at re-opening the Evangelical church, 1851. 4 Pamphlets. 1857 Prentiss (Charles) A Collection of Fugitive Essays, in Prose and Verse, //. 204, sheep, worn. 12 Leominster, by and for the Author, 1797 Charles Prentiss, "editor and wit," graduated at Harvard in 1795, an d the same year began to edit The Rural Repository, at Leominster. 230 MASSACHUSETTS. 1857* Leominster. Mahomet and his Successors, Lives of, Selected from Gibbon s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Leominster, Salmon Wilder, 1805. Infernal Conference, or Dialogues of Devils ; by the Listener,//. 288. Leominster, S. 6 y. Wilder, for Is. Thomas, 1808. (2 vols.) 12 1858 Lenox. Shepard s Half-Century Sermon, 1845. Leverett. Wright s Farewell Discourse, 1820; Proceedings of Bapt. Church towards Dea. E. Hubbard, 1824; (North.) Leverett. Andrews s Hist. Sermon, 1847. Littleton. Foster s Centenn. Sermon, 1815. 5 Pamphlets. 1859 LEXINGTON and CONCORD. A Narrative of the Excursion and Ravages of the King s Troops, Under the Command of General Gage, On the nineteenth of April, 1775. Together with the Depo sitions Taken by Order of Congress, To support the truth of it. Published by Authority. Fine copy, nearly uncut, with 7 prints (some ofivhich are VERY SCARCE) selected for insertion. 8 Worcester, Is. Thomas, [1775] RARE. The first book printed in Worcester. 1860 General Gage s Instructions of 22d February, 1775, to Cap tain Brown and Ensign D Berniere, . . with a Narrative of Occur rences during their Mission, wrote by the Ensign ; . . an Account of their doings in consequence of further Orders, to proceed to Concord, etc., Also, an Account of the Transactions of the British troops, from the time they marched out of Boston, till their con fused retreat back on the ever memorable nineteenth of April, 1775, and a return of their killed, wounded, and missing on that inspiring day, etc., pp. 20, half mor., RARE. 8 y. Gill, 1779 1861 Military Journals of two Private Soldiers, 17581775, with Notes and a Supplement containing Official Papers on the Skir mishes at Lexington and Concord. 8 Poughkeepsie, 1855 1862 -- Anniversary Sermons, preached at Lexington, April 19, 1776, by J. Clark, 1777, by S. Cooke, 1778, by J. Gushing, 1779, by S. Woodward, 1780, by I. Morrill, 1783, by Z. Adams. 6 vols., half mor. extra. 8 1776-78 1863 Williams (A.) Century Discourse at Lexington, 1813, //. 34. 8 1813 1864 Phinney (E.) History of the Battle at Lexington, 1825. Ripley (E.) History of the Fight at Concord, Concord, 1827. Everett (E.) Hist. Address at Lexington, Apr. 19, 1835, 2d ed -> Charlestoivn, 1835. Kin g ( D - p -) Address at Danvers, commemor. of Seven Young Men slain in the Battle of Lexington, Salem, 1835. Emmons (W.) Address in Commem. of Lexington Battle, 1826. Everett (E.) Oration at Concord, April 19, 1825. Cel ebration at Concord, Apr. 19, 1850, with Oration by R. Rantoul, jun.,//. 135, Boston, 1850. 7 in i vol., fine copies, half mor. extra, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 1865 Lowell. Miles (H. A.) Lowell as it was and as it is, plan and view, cloth. !6 Lowell, 1845 1866 -- Whittier (J. G.) The Stranger in Lowell. 2d ed.,//. 156. 12 1845. LOWELL MONSON. 33! 1867 Lowell. [Eddy s] History of Middlesex Canal, 1843 ; Letters [on Unit. Church troubles], 1844 ; Gary s Result of Manufactures, 1845. 3 Pamphlets. 1868 Lynn. Lewis (A.) History of Lynn, including Nahant. 2 d edi tion, plates. 8 1844 1869 PAMPHLETS (8) Lynn. Review of Lynn, 1821, scarce; Col- man s Sermon at opening Cong, church, 1823 ; Adams s Half-Cent. Sermon, Meth. church, 1841 ; Shackford s Ser. at consecra. of Cem etery, 1850. Lunenburg. Damon s Farewell Sermon, 1827. Manchester. [Parsons s] Truth Espoused (on Eccles. Difficulties), 1823. Marblehead. Dana s Hist. Discourse, ist Church, 1816; Bartlett s Dedica. Sermon, 1833. 1870 Maiden. Bi-Centennial Book; containing the Oration, Poem, etc., on the 2ooth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, //. 251, cloth. 12 1850 1871 Marblehead. Barnard (Rev. John) ASHTON S MEMORIAL. An History of the Strange Adventures and Signal Deliverances, of Mr. Philip Ashton, who, after he had made his Escape from the Pirates, liv d alone on a Desolate Island for about Sixteen Months, &c. With A short Account of Mr. Nicholas Merritt, who was taken at the same time. Added, A Sermon on Dan. 3. 17. pp. (4), 66, fine clean copy, half vellum, UNCUT. 8 Boston, for Samuel Gerrish, 1725 EXTREMELY RARE, in such condition. As long ago as 1814, Mr. Alden (Coll. of Epitaphs, iii. in) wrote : " It is presumed that not more than three copies of this interest ing work remain in existence." Philip Ashton was a native of Marblehead. In 1722, he and his kinsman, Nich. Mer ritt, were taken prisoners by the pirate Low, at Port Rossaway, Cape Sable, and carried to the West ladies. He made his escape to an uninhabited island, near the Main, from which he at last obtained a passage to New England, and landed at Salem, May i, 1725. Mr. Barnard preached a Sermon, on his return, and published this narrative of his adven tures. " The book is full of incident, and little known to the book collectors of New England," says Mr. Stevens, in a note on the English reprint, in his Nuggets, p. 40. 1872 Marlborough. Hudson (C.) History of Marlborough, with a Sketch of Northborough, portraits. 8 1862 1873 Martha s Vineyard. Devens (S. A.) Sketches of Martha s Vineyard, etc., cloth. 12 1838 1874 Medfield. Sanders s Ser. on i66th anniv. of the Town, 1817; Granger s Dedica. Sermon, 1832. Medford. Stetson s Dedica. Sermon, 1840. Medway. Greene s Farewell Sermon, 1793, poor copy; Wright s Cent. Sermon, 1813; Manual of 2d Church, 1825; Sanders s Dedica. Sermon, ist Church, 1816. 7 Pamphlets. 1875 PAMPHLETS (13) Mendon. Third Parish and Mr. Balch, 1773 ; Foster s letter to Rev. Preserved Smith, 1805. Middleboroug-h. Prince s Great Revival of 1741, repr. 1842 ; Barker s Century Dis course, 1795; Tompkins s Sermon on J. Alden s looth birthday, 1818 ; Paine s Farewell Sermon, 1822 ; Manual of First Cong, church, 1825; Proceedings of eccles. Council, 1834; Book of ist church, 1852; Catalogue of ist church, 1854. Middlefield. Nash s 2ist Anniv. Sermon, 1813. Milton. Lowell s Dedication Sermon, 1829. Monson. Ely s Histor. Sermon, 1843. 232 MASSACHUSETTS. 1876 Middleborough First Church. Putnam s (I. W.) Century and half Discourses ; Historical Account ; and Catalogue of Members, etc.,//. 124, 53, (2), cloth. 8 1854 1877 Nahant. Homer (J. L.) Nahant and other places on the North Shore,//. 48- 8 l8 4S ^78 Lewis (A.) Picture of Nahant, //. 14, cuts. 8 Lynn, 1845 1879 Nantucket. Macy (O.) History of Nantucket; with the Rise & Progress of the Whale Fishery, map. 12 1835 j88o Hough (F. B.) Papers relating to the Island of Nantucket, with Documents relating to Martha s Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, while under the Colony of New York, half morocco. 4 Albany, 1856 "Edition 150 copies. Printed for Private Distribution." 1881 Natick. Moore (M.) Sermon, Jan. 5, 1817 ; containing a His tory of the Town from 1651,^. 27, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1817 1882 - - Biglow (W.) History of Natick from the days of Eliot, 1650 to 1830, //. 88, uncut. 8 1830 1883 -- Statement of Facts relative to the Badger Will case, 1824. Review of Report of the Evidence in [that] Case, Dedham, n. d. Lowell (Charles) Dedication Sermon, (Hist. Appendix,) 1828. Nason (E.) Dedication Sermon, 1854. ^pamphlets. 8 1884 PAMPHLETS (9) Nantasket, [Lincoln s] Sketch of, 1830. Nantucket. Bank robbery in 1795, pr. 1816; Maffitt s Dedica. S., 1823. New Bedford. Codman s Dedica. Sermon, 1818; Sharp s Dedica. S., 1826; Mayor s address, 1850; City reports, 1850. New Braintree. Review of Proceed, at Ordina. of D. Foster, 1778; Fiske s Half-Century Sermon, 1846. 1885 Newbury. Coffin (J.) History of Newbury, including New buryport and West Newbury, 1635-1845, portraits, cloth. 8 1845 1886 Newbury and Newburyport. Pamphlets (19) Observations on the doctrines and uncharitableness of Jona. Parsons, pp. 70, 1757 ; Tucker s Appeal to his hearers, 1767, and Account of eccles. Council, 1767 ; Chandler s Answer to Tucker s letter, 1767 j Hutchinson s reply to Tucker s Remarks, 1768 ; Tucker s Answer, 1768 ; Bass s Account of his treatment, 1786 ; Gary and Andrews s Dedica. Sermons, 1801 ; Popkin s Dedica. Sermon, ist Parish, 1806 ; Miltimore s Dedica. S., at Belleville, 1807 ; Morss s Histor. Sermon, Episc. church, 1811 ; Account of great Fire, 1811 ; Dim- mick s Dedica. S., 1827 ; Morss s Histor. Sermon, Episc. Church, J 837 ; Occurrences in church at Parker River village, 1837; Stearns s Anniversary S., 1844; Dana s 5oth Anniv. Sermon, 1845 \ Stearns s Centennial Discourse, ist church, 1846 ; Cushing s Ad dress at laying Corner Stone of City Hall, 1850. 1887 Newburyport. Gushing (C.) History and Present State of the Town, boards, uncut. 12 Newburyport, 1826 1888 NOBLE (OLIVER) Regular and skilful Music in the Worship of God, Founded in the Law of Nature, etc. A Sermon, at the North Meeting-House, Newbury-Port, Feb. 8, 1774. . . Printed at the Desire of the Musical Society, in Newbury-Port, etc., pp. 46, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Boston, Mills and Hicks, for Daniel Bay ley, Newbury-Port, 1774 NEWBURYPORT PEPPERELL. 233 1889 Newburyport. Early Printing. Niles (Nath l) Two Discourses on Liberty, at Newburyport, June 5, 1774,^. 60. 4 Neivburyport, 1774 The first press in Newburyport was established by Isaiah Thomas and H. W. Tinges, late in 1773. Before the end of a year, Thomas sold out to Ezra Lunt. Hist, of Print ing, i- 399- The first book printed there was the Rev. J. Parsons s Fifth of March Dis course, 1774. This is probably the second issue of the press. 1889* HOMES (WM.) of Chilmark. Proposals of some Things to be done in Church Government . . . First Printed A.D. 1732, (With a Preface [by Rev. Jona. Parsons?], Nov. 30, 1774.) pp. 43. RARE. . 8 Newburyport, E. Lunt and H. W. Tinges, 1774 1890 NOBLE (OLIVER) Some Strictures upon the Sacred Story recorded in the Book of Esther, shewing The Power and Oppres sion of STATE MINISTERS, etc. In a Discourse, at Newbury-Port, March 8, 1775, in Commemoration of the Massacre at Boston, pp. 31, (i). 8 Newbury-Port, E. Lunt and H. W. Tinges, 1775 SCARCE. 1891 Dexter (Timothy) A Pickle for the Knowing Ones : or Plain Truths in a Homespun Dress. 2d edition,//. 28, hf. roan. 1 6 n. p. Printed for the Author, 1805 1892 PAMPHLETS (5) New Kowley. Braman s Cent. Discourse, 1833. Newton. Homer s Cent. Sermon, 1792 Ritchie s Dedica. Sermon, 1828 ; Davis s Appeal to the Citizens, and History, map, 1847 j Gilbert s Dedica. Sermon, 1848. 1893 Newton. Jackson (F.) History of the Early Settlement of Newton, 1639-1800; with a Genealogical Register; map, pp. 556, doth. 12 1854 1894 Northampton. Pamphlets (8). Result of Council (for dismis sion of Jona. Edwards), and Protest, [^75] j Hobby s Vindication of the protest [1751] ; Willard s Sermon at Bridge opening, 1808 ; Williams s Histor. Thanksg. Sermon, 1815 ; Statement relat. to the call of Rev. M. Tucker, 1824 ; Ware s Dedica. Sermon, 1825 ; Manual of ist church, 1832 ; Allen s 2d Cent. Address, 1854, //. 56. 1894* The Result of a Council of Nine Churches, met at North ampton, June 22, 1750, with A Protest against the same, pp. 8, half mor., neat. 8 n. p. \Boston, 1750] 1895 Bridgman (T.) Inscriptions from the Grave Yards of North ampton and other towns in the Valley of the Connecticut, portr. of Jonathan Edwards. 12 Northampton, 1850 1896 PAMPHLETS (12) Northborough. Whitney s Half -century Ser mon, 1796; Allen s Topogr. and Histor. Sketches, 1826, 25th Anniv. Ser., 1841, and Centen l Address, 1846; Houghton s Dedica. S., 1848. No. Leverett. Andrews s 8oth Anniv. S. of Bapt. church, 1847. Palmer. Wilson s Histor. Address (Centen nial), 1852. Pelham. Conkey s Centennial address, 1843. Pep- perell. Andrews s Centen l Address, 2d Parish, 1847 ; Babbidge s Centen l Address, ist Church, 1847 \ [Andrews s] Review of But ler s history of Eccles. affairs, 1849; Butler s Review reviewed, 1850. 1897 Palmer. Early Printing. Terry (Ezekiel) Elder in the Church of Christ. A Candid Opinion of the Nature and Tendency of Universalism. Palmer, E. Terry s Press, n. d. [ab. 1812]. Hart- 3 234 MASSACHUSETTS. well (J.) Jesus on the Colt. An Allegorical Discourse. By Jesse Hartwell, Elder in the first baptized Church in Sandisfield. Palmer, E. Terry, n. d. Terry (Ez.) Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Rev. Geo. Atwell [of Enfield, Conn.], sheep, Palmer, E. Terry, 1815. Merritt (Timo.) Camp Meeting Discourse at East Hart ford. Palmer, E. Terry s Press, 1816. (4) 1898 PAMPHLETS (8) Petersham. Foster, on the opposition to him, 5817. Phillipston. LovelPs Dedica. Sermon, 1837. Pittsfield. Allen s account of Separation, //. 96, uncut, 1809 ; Field s history, //. 80, 1814. Plainfield. Porter s Histor. Sketch, 1834. Plym outh. Baylies, on contested election case, 1809 \ Kendall s Half- Century Sermon, 1850; Porter s Half-Century Sermon, 1851. 1899 PLYMOUTH COLONY. The Compact; with the Charter and Laws, and other valuable Documents, edited by Wm. Brigham, law sheep. 1. 8 Boston, 1836 1900 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth. Vols. I. VIII., 1633-1689; edited by N. B. Shurtleff ; Vols. IX., X., Records of the Comm rs of the U. Colonies of New England, edited by D. Pulsifer. 10 vols., cloth gilt. 4 1855-60 1901 Baylies (F.) Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Ply mouth. 2 vols., half russia. 8 1830 With the author s autograph presentation to Samuel G. Drake. 1902 Banvard (J.) Plymouth and the Pilgrims, engravings, doth. 12 I8 5 I 1903 Cushman (Robert) The Sin and Danger of Self-Love described, in a Sermon Preached at Plymouth, in New-England, 1621, pp. viii, 30. 2 copies, uncut. 8 Plymouth, repr. N. Cover ly, 1785 VERY SCARCE. One copy has the autograph of [Rev.] Isaac Backus, the Baptist his torian. In each copy, one or two leaves have been cut close at the bottom, all the others being UNCUT. The two are sold together, so as, by exchange of sheets, to make up one fine uncut copy, and another, trimmed. 1904 Cushman (Rob.) A Sermon preached at Plymouth, A.D. 1621 . . Being the First Sermon ever preached in New-England, etc. 8 Boston, repr., T. G. Bangs, 1815 1905 Cushman (R.) A Sermon describing the Sin and Danger of Self-Love. Preached at Plymouth in N. E., 1621. 8 Stockbridge, Chas. Webster, 1822 1906 Another copy, soiled. Stockbridge, 1822 1907 Cushman (Rob.) Self-Love: 1621. "The First Sermon preached in New England ; and the oldest extant of any delivered in America." Fac-simile of signatures. 12 New York, J. E. D. Corns fock, 1847 1908 MORTON (NATHANIEL) New-England s Memorial ; or, A brief Relation of the most memorable and remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England, in America : With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New Plymouth, 6<r., pp. viii, 208, (8), best crimson levant morocco, full gilt, sides paneled, with center ornaments, top gilt, (Bed ford), UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, printed : Newport, reprinted, and sold by Solomon Southwick, 1772 For the First edition (Cambridge, 1669) see No. 827. PLYMOUTH. 235 1909 Plymouth. MOURT (G.) A | Relation or lournall of the begin ning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English Aduenturers both Merchants and others. ... | As also a Relation of Fovre | seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident. | &c., 7 prel. leaves and pp. 72, dk. green str. -grained morocco, sides panel gilt, with corner ornaments, elegant, ( W. Pratt.) sm. 4 London, for lohn Bellamie, 1622 The Original Edition of "MOURT S RELATION," which has been called "the CHIEF CORNER STONE of a New England Library." (See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1447.) EXTREMELY RARE. This is a FINE COPY. The margins of the^rst two leaves have been skilfully repaired and part of a line in the imprint supplied in perfect fac-simile. 1910 MOURT (G.) Relation or Journall of the beginning and pro ceedings of the English Plantation at Plymouth ; with Introduc tion and Notes by Henry M. Dexter, uncut. 4 Boston, for J. K. Wiggin, 1865 1911 Cheever (G. B.) Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620 ; with historical and local illustrations. 2d edition, cloth, uncut. 12 New York, 1849 1912 Sever (Nicholas) and Oliver (Peter) Speeches on the Death of Col. Isaac Lothrop, delivered in the New Court-House in Plymouth, May 15, 1750,^. (4), 2, (2), 12, uncut. 4 D. Fowle, 1750 1913 Thacher (J.) History of the Town of Plymouth. 12 1832 1913* The same, 2d edition, map. 12 1835 1914 Young (Alex.) Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, 1602 to 1625, portrait of Winslow, scarce. 8 1841 1915 Anniversary Discourses at Plymouth. Turner (C.) 1773; Hitchcock (Gad) 1774; Baldwin (S.) 1775 ; Conant(S.) 1776; West (S.) 1777; Robbins (C.) 1793; Allyn (John) 1801 ; Judson (Adon.) 1802; Adams (J. Q.) 1802 and repr. Plymouth, 1820; Strong (Jona.) 1803; Bradford (A.) 1804; Holmes (A.) 1806; Harris (T. M.) 1808 ; Abbot (A.) 1809 ; Flint (J as O l8l 5 \ Webster (D.) 1820, 2d edition, Boston, 1821. 17 in i vol. Anniversary Discourses at Plymouth. Webster (D) 1820 ; Ev erett (E.) 1824; Storrs (R. S.) 1826; Beecher (L.) 1827; Green (S.) 1828 ; Sullivan (Wm.) 1829 ; Wisner (B. B.) 1830 ; Cobb (A.) 1831; Francis (C.) 1832; Blagden (G. W.) 1834; Sprague (P.) 1835 j Hopkins (M.) 1846 ; Worcester (S. M.) 1848 ; Seward, (W. H.) 1855 (2 copies). 15 in i vol. Discourses on the Landing of the Pilgrims. Church (J. H.) Andover, 1810; Porter (Noah) Farmington, 1820; Holmes (A.) Cambridge, 1820; Stetson (S.) Plymouth, 1806; Sketch of the Pilgrims, 1820; Chester (J.) Albany, 1820; Woodbridge (J.) Had- ley, 1820; Wilbur (H.) Wendell, 1820; Humphrey (H.) Pittsfield, 1820 ; Emmons (N.) Franklin, 1820 ; Hyde (A.) Lee, 1820 ; Dodge (J.) Haverhill, 1820; Ely (A.) Monson, 1820; Sabine (Jas.) Bos ton, 1820; Huntington (D.) Bridgewater, 1820; Love (Wm. D.) New Haven, 1850 ; Hawes (J.) Hartford, 1859 ; Leavitt (W. S.) Newton, 1850; Cheever (Geo. B.) New York, 1850; Lamson (A.) Dedham, 1851; Clark (J. S.) Plymouth, 1855; Dillingham (W. MASSACHUSETTS. H.) Philadelphia, 1847 ; Skinner (Mark) Chicago, 1847 ; (T. D.) San Francisco, 1852 ; Cordner (J.) Montreal, 1856 ; Pro ceedings at Consecration of the Cushman Monument, Plymouth, Sept. 16, 1858, Boston, 1859. 27 in i vol. 3 vols., new half morocco (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 1916 Plymouth Colony. Sermons on Dec. 226., at Plymouth. By C. Turner, 1773 ; G. Hitchcock, 1774; S. Baldwin, 1775 ; S. Conant, 1776 ; S. West, 1777 ; C. Robbins, 1793. 6 in i vol., half bound, good copies. 8 See, also, NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY ADDRESSES, No. 345. 1917 Princeton. Hanaford (J. L.) History, Civil and Ecclesiastical. 12 Worcester, 1852 1918 Celebration of looth Anniversary of Incorporation of the Town of Princeton ; with Address by C. T. Russell, etc. 8 Worcester, 1860 1919 PAMPHLETS (10) Princeton. T. Fuller s remarks on Mr. Thacher s pamphlet relat. to his controversy with people of P., [1776]; A. Bancroft s Vindication of result of council, 1817 ; Re view of Bancroft s Vindica., 1817 ; Russell s History, //. 130, 1838. ftuincy. Deeds of Pres t Adams s gift, 1823; Whitney s History,^. 64, [1827,] and Bi-Centen l Address, pp. 71, 1840; Cranch s Bi-Centen l Poem, 1840; Clark s re-dedica. Sermon, 1853. Raynham. Sanford s History of ist church, 1832. 1920 PAMPHLETS (9) Reading. Stone s Historical Sermon, 1811; Proceedings against Emily Richardson, 1832 ; Bi-centennial Cele bration, pp. 131, 1844; Result of council, //. 94, 1847; Review of Rev. A. Pickett s reply, 1848; Pickett s final answer, 1848. Rehoboth. Ellis s Narrative of late law suits, 1795; Thomp son s Centen l S., 1821 ; Facts relating to 3d ex-parte Council, 1825. 1921 Rehoboth. Bliss (L. jun.) History of Rehoboth. 8 1836 1922 Rochester. Emmons (Nath l) Sermon, Oct. 10, 1793, at Ordi nation of C. Chaddock. 4 New Bedford, John Spooner, 1794 1923 Rowley. Gage (T.) History of the town ; with Address at the 2ooth Anniversary, by Rev. J. Bradford. 12 1840 1924 PAMPHLETS (9) Rowley. Balch s Sermon at gathering 2d Church, 1735 ; Tucker s Letter to Rev. J. Chandler, 1767 ; Brad ford s Centennial Address, 1840. Roxbury. Observations on the Rev. [W. Gordon s] Thanksgiving Sermon, 1775 ; Parker s histor. sketch of Grammar School, 1826; Report on Shire town of Norfolk Co., 1847 ; Act relating to a Cemetery, 1848 ; Putnam s address at Consecration of Forest Hills cemetery, 1848. Roy- alston. Lee s Half-Century Sermon, 1818. 1925 Roxbury. Ellis (C. M.) History of Roxbury Town, cloth. 8 1847 1926 Dearborn (H. A. S.) Address at 2d Centennial Anniver sary, Oct. 8, 1830. Gray (T. jr.) Poem at [the same]. Dear born s Mayor s Annual Address, 1847 ; Report on Public Cemetery, 1847. 4 pamphlets, stitched together. 8 Roxbnry, 1830-47 1926* Municipal Register, 1847-48. 12 Roxbury, 1847 RUTLAND -SANDWICH. 237 1927 Rutland. Reed (J.) History of Rutland, with Biography of its First Settlers, plan, doth. 12 Worcester, 1846 1928 Loring (Rev. Israel) of Sudbury. Two Sermons at Rutland, Sept. 8th, 1723, After the Indians had been there and KilPd the Rev. Joseph Willard, with Two of Mr. Joseph Stevens s Children, and Captivated other Two,//. (2), 44, half vellum. 1 6 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1724 RARE. This copy is yellowed by age and use, the title has been mended, and the mar gins of some leaves strengthened by tissue-paper, but no word is lost, and with careful cleaning and repair the volume may be put in excellent condition. 1929 Salem. Felt (J. B.) Annals of Salem,//. 611, bds., uncut. 8 Salem, 1827 1930 Annals of Salem. 2d edition. 2 vols., portraits and other engravings, cloth. 12 Salem, 1845-49 SALEM WITCHCRAFT, see Nos. 1378-80; see, also, CALEF (R.), Nos. 1352-54; LAWSON (D.), No. 1370; THACHER (J.), No. 1382; UPHAM (C. W.), Nos. 1385-87. 1931 Faithful Narrative of Proceedings of Eccles. Council in 1734, occasioned by Divisions in the First Church, //. vi, 94, hf. mor. plain. sm. 8 Boston, 1735 1932 PAMPHLETS (15) Letter on divisions in ist Church, 1734; Prescott s Examina. of certain Remarks, 1735 ; Answer to Mr. Prescott, 1736; Forbes s Sermon, and Result of council, 1784; Whitaker s History of 3d Church, and of tyranny of a council, 1784; and his Serm. before Presbytery, with Minutes of his case, 1785 j Richards s Dedica. Sermon, 1809 ; Stuart s Ser. before Fern. Char. Society, 1815; Memorial of Merchants to Congress, 1820; Catalogue, &c., of Museum of E. I. Marine Soc., //. 100, 1821 ; Review of Colman s Sermon, 1825 ; Upham s Dedica. Sermon, 1826 ; Report on establishing manufactures in Salem, 1826 ; Story s discourse to Histor. Society, 1828, //. 90, uncut; Upham s 2d Centennial Lecture,//. 72, 1829. 1933 -- PAMPHLETS (15) Corresp. between ist church and Tabernacle church,//. 178, 1832 ; Mr. Cheever convicted of ignorance,//. 72, 1834; Conclusion of the Salem controversy, 1834; Worcester s Centen l Sermon, Tabernacle church, 1835 ; Saltonstall s Inaugural as mayor, 1836 (2) ; Inscriptions from burying-grounds, 1837 ; Emerson s 28th anniv. Sermon, 1843 ; Flint s Ser. on leaving old church, 1845; Correspondence on "3d church of 1735," 1847; Review of the Correspondence, 1847 ; Claims of Tabernacle church to be considered the 3d church, 1847 ; Review of Result of Council, //. 144, 1849 > Report of school committee, 1855 ; Worcester s Memorial of old and new Tabernacles, 1855. 1934 The ESSEX GAZETTE, July 24, 1770 -Dec. 28, 1773 (Vols. 1 1 1. -VI.), 19 numbers wanting, 3 others impft. 4 vols. (3 uncuf) in 2 vols., in excellent condition. fol., Salem, Samuel Hall, 1770-73 The first number of the Essex Gazette the first newspaper printed in Salem was published Aug. 2, 1768. 1935 PAMPHLETS (5) Salisbury. T. Worcester s appeal to the public, on proceed, of Hopkinton Association, 1824. Sandwich. Cobb s two Sermons, 1808; Result of Eccles Council, 1817; Griffin s Dedica. Sermon, 1813; Merrick s Dedica. Sermon, 1833. 238 MASSACHUSETTS. 1936 PAMPHLETS (7) Scituate. Deane s Dedica. Sermon, 1830; [Turner s] Letters on history of ist Parish, 2d Series, 1845. Sheffield. Bradford s Quarter-Century Sermon, 1839. Shelburne. Packard s Half-Century Sermon, with historical appendix, 1849. Sherburne. Clarke s Plain Statement of facts, 1842. Shirley. Ballou s Dedica. Sermon, 1817; Hartwell s Fire (metaphoric) in Shirley, 1832. 1937 Scituate. Deane (S.) History of Scituate from its first Settle ment to 1831, cloth, uncut. 8 1831 1938 Shrewsbury. Ward (A. H.) History of Shrewsbury, portrait of Gen. Artemas Ward, pp. 508 half roan. 8 1847 1939 -- Breck (Robert) The Surest Way to Advance a People s Happiness and Prosperity. A Sermon at Shrewsbury, a New Plan tation, June 15, 1720. Being the FIRST that was ever Preached there,//. (4), 20, half morocco, neat. 8 S. Kneeland,for J. Edwards, 1721 1940 PAMPHLETS (13) Shrewsbury. Sumner s Half-Century Sermon, 1812; Allen s New Year s Sermon, 1822; Ward s History, 1826; Manual of Cong. Church, 1850. Somerville. Hodges s Address at laying Cor. Stone of ist Cong. Ch., 1844; Ellis s Dedica. Ser. 1845. Southampton. Edward s Centennial Address, 1841. Southborough. Parker s Centen l Sermon, 1827. Soxith Dennis. Dedica. Sermon, 1835. South Heading Eccles. record, 1832. Southwick. Manual of Bapt. Church, n. d. Spencer. Packard s Dedica. Sermon, 1838. Spencertown. 4th July celebration, 1846. 1941 South Hadley. Memorial of the 25th Anniversary of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, cloth. 12 South Hadley, 1862 1942 Spencer. Draper (J.) History of Spencer. Including a brief sketch of Leicester, to the year I753,//. 159. 8 Worcester, 1841 1943 Springfield. Brewer (Daniel) God s Help to be Sought in Time of War, with a Due Sense of the Vanity of what Help Man can afford : shewed, [in a Sermon] at Springfield, March 26, 1724, half mor. extra, pp. (4), 19, RARE. 8 B. Green, 1724 1944 Breck (Robert) Sermon delivered in the first Parish in Springfield, Oct. i6th, 1775, J ust O ne Hundred Years from the Burning of the Town by the Indians, half mor., uncut. sm. 4 Hartford, 1784 1945 Hilliard (Timothy) of Cambridge. Sermon, April 27, 1785, at the Ordination of Rev. Bezaleel Howard, to the First Church in Springfield, uncut, SCARCE. 4 Springfield, Stebbins and Russell, [1785] A good copy, but with some scribbling on the title-page. 1946 PAMPHLETS (9) Narrative and Defence of ministers who disapproved of settlement of R. Breck, pp. 93, 1736 ; Breck s An swer to the Hampshire Narrative, //. 94, 1736 (2 leaves wanting); Letter to the author of the Answer, //. 84, 1737 ; Lathrop s Ser. on completion of the Bridge, 1805 ; Breck s Centennial Sermon on the burning of the Town by the Indians, 1775 ; Bliss s address at opening of Town Hall, 1828 ; Peabody s Address at consecra. of Cemetery, 1841 ; Reply ,to defence of Maj. Ripley, 1846 ; State ment on incorporation of Aqueduct Co., 1848. SPRINGFIELD WATERTOWN. 239 1947 Springfield. Early Printing. Johnson (Rev. John) The Advan tages and disadvantages of the Married State, . in the Similitude of a Dream. loth ed. 12 Springfield, Edward Gray, 1794 1948 Eugenius and Selima ; or the Fatal Effects of Parental Tyranny,//. 12. 12 West Springfield, 1798 1949 Stockbridg-e, Past and Present; or Records of an old Mission Station ; by Miss E. F. Jones. i 2 Springfield, 1854 1950 - - HOPKINS (SAMUEL) Historical Memoirs relating to the Hou- satunnuk Indians : or, an Account of the Methods used for the Propagation of the Gospel among that Heathenish Tribe, under the ministry of the late Rev. John Sergeant, old calf, good copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 1753 1951 PAMPHLETS (8) Stockbridge Controversy. [Huntington s] Plea before Eccles. Council, 1780, and Letters of Friendship, //. 134, uncut, 1780; West s Vindication of Ch. in Stockbridge, with appendix by J. Bacon, uncut, pp. 99, 1780 ; [Huntington s] A Droll, A Deist, and John Bacon, gently reprimanded, 1781 ; Bacon s Illus trations Illustrated, 1781 ; Letters of Gratitude to the Conn. Pleader, 1781 ; Bacon s letter to Huntington, 1782. Field s Histor. Sketch of Cong. Church, 1853. 1952 - - Keep (John) Sermon, July 23, 1817, at Ordination of Rev. T. Woodbridge, as an Evangelist, uncut. 4 Stockbridge, 1817 1953 PAMPHLETS (n) Stoneham. Cleveland s Farewell Sermon, 1794; Dean s brief History, 1843. Stoug-hton. Richmond s Dedica. Sermon, 1808. Stow. Cross s Dedica. Sermon, 1840. Sturbridge. Clark s Historical Sketch, 1838. Sudbury. Swift s Fast-day Sermon, impft., 1761; Loring, on misunderstanding be tween the Town and Rev. T. Hilliard, 1817; Tax-list, 1851. Sutton. Hall s Half-Century Sermon, 1779 ; Tracy s Histor. sketch of ist Church, 1842. 1954 Taunton. Emery (S. H.) The Ministry of Taunton. 2 vols. portraits, cloth. 12 1852 1955 PAMPHLETS ( i o) Taunton. Hamilton s Dedica. Sermon, 1830 ; Bigelow s 7th Anniv. Ser., 1840, and Farewell Ser., 1842 ; Bent s history of St. Thomas s Church, 1844; Maltby s 25th Anniv. Ser., 1851. Templeton. Adams Centennial Sermon, ist Cong. Ch., //. 175, 1857 > Wellington s Half-Cent. Sermon, 1857. Topsneld. Cleaveland s Centennial Address, notes, and portraits, pp. 113, 1852. Upton. Wood s Centennial Address, 1835, and Half-Century Sermon, 1846. 1956 PAMPHLETS (9) Wales. Gardner s Centennial Address, 1866. Walpole. Accounts of Town Trearurer, 1844. Ware. Ely s Sermon at constituting a Church at Factory village, 1826 ; Hyde s Histor. Address, (opening of Town Hall,) 1847 ; Coburn s Histor. S., 1851. Wareham. Nott s 16 Years Preaching,//. 192, 1845. Watertown. Francis s Historical Sketch, 1830; Three Sermons on leaving old Meeting-house, 1836 ; and Dedica. Sermon, 1836. 1957 Watertown. Bond (H.) Genealogies and History. 2 vols. in one, cloth. Thick 8 1855 24O MASSACHUSETTS. 1958 PAMPHLETS (16) Wenham. Mansfield s Dedica. Sermon, 1843, and 2d Century Sermon, 1845. Westborough. Rockwood s Dedica. Sermon, 1835 ; Washburn s address at dedica. of State Reform School, 1848. West Boxford. Eaton s Dedica. Sermon, 1844. West Boylston. Boardman s Dedica. Sermon, 1832. Westfield. Lathrop s Sermon at dedica. of Academy, 1800 ; Atwa- ter s 2oth Anniv. Sermon, 1801 ; Lathrop s fun. Ser. on S. Atwater, 1802 ; Davis s Histor. Sketch, 1826; Alden s Hist. Sermon, 1851. Westford. Adams s Serm. before Conference, 1782. West minster. Hudson s History, 1832 ; Centen l Celebration, 1859. Weston. Kendal s Century Sermon, 1813. 1959 PAMPHLETS (16) West Springfield. Lathrop s 4oth anniversary Sermon, 1796; Same, with c;oth anniv. Sermon, 1806; Century Sermon, 1801 ; and 6oth anniv. Sermon, 1816; Sprague s Histor. Discourse, notes, pp. 91, 1825 ; Ser. at funeral of S. Leonard, 1826, and Farewell Sermon, 1829 ; Vermilye s Farewell Sermon, 1835 > Centen l celebration of ordina. of J. Lathrop, pp. 102, 1856. "Weymouth. Report of Committee of inquiry of South Ch. (bur lesque), 1817 ; Norton s Farewell Ser., 1824; Town Reports, 1853. Whately. Temple s Eccles. history, 1849 > Fisk s Address, opening of Academy, 1825. Williamsburg-h. Lusk s histor. Ser., 1836. 1960 Williams College. Laws, clean, uncut. sm. 4 Stockbridge, Lor ing Andrews, 1795 With the admittatur of David W. Taylor, and autograph of President E. Fitch, 1795. 1961 Williams College. Triennial Catalogues, 1799 {Pittsfield, typis Chester Smith ; folio broadside; the FIRST published}, 1802, -05, -08 ; Annual Catalogue of Students, i8oi,-o2,-o4,-o5,-o6, (5 broadsides); Griffin s Serm. at Dedication of Chapel, 1828 ; Hopkins s Address to Alumni, 1843 ; Wells and Davis s Sketches of Williams College, pp. 100, 1847. I2 Broadsides and pamphlets. 1962 Durfee (C.) History of Williams College, portraits and engravings, cloth. 8 Boston, 1860 1963 TRACTS. Fitch (E.) Baccalaureate Discourse, 1799 ; Cata logue (Triennial), 1802 ; Laws, 1805 ; Olds (G. S.) Inaugural, 1806; Dewey (C.) Sermon occas. by Revival, 1812; Orations before Adelphic Union Soc. by J. Nelson (1826), D. D. Barnard (1831), E. Everett (1837); Griffin (E. D.) Baccalaureate Sermon, 1827 ; Addresses to Alumni, by T. Robbins (1843), M. Hopkins (1843), Jos. White (1855); Hopkins (M.) Sermon on Science and Religion, 1856 ; Triennial Catalogue of the Philo-Technian Society, 1844. 13 in i vol., half mor. (jRoxburghe). 8 Laid into the vol. is : Leland (A. W.) The Fatal Error, a Tragedy, exhibited at Wil liams College. 12 Pittsfield, 1807. 1964 Winchendon. Hyde (E.) History in the town, from the Grant of the Township in 1735, sheep. 12 Worcester, 1849 1965 Woburn. Sewall (S.) History of Woburn, 1640-1860, portrait, pp. 657, cloth. 1. 8 1868 1966 -- Chickering s Dedication Sermon, 1809; Bennett s 25th Anni versary Sermon, 1846. 2 pamphlets. 1967 Worcester County. Whitney (P.) History of the County of Worcester, map. 8 Worcester, 1793 WORCESTER YARMOUTH. 24! 1967* - - Willard (Jos.) Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Oct. 2, 1829, //. 144. 8 Lancaster, 1830 1968 Worcester. Lincoln (W.) History of Worcester, map, half russia. 8 Worcester, 1837 1969 Bacon (L.) Historical Discourse in the Old South Meeting House, Sept. 22, 1863, the Hundredth Anniversary of its Erection ; with Appendix; pp. 106, cloth. 8 Worcester, 1863 1970 PAMPHLETS (13) Blue-laws revived ; or, an Inside view of the W Inquisition; n. d. ; Bancroft s Consociation Sermon, 1816; Thing s Letter to Rev. E. Pond, 1817 ; Difficulties in ist Church, //. 88, 1820; Remarks on [the preceding], pp. 103, 1821 ; Result of Council, 1820; Austin s Protest against Proceed, of ist Ch., 1821 ; Barstow s Remarks on two Sermons by A. Bancroft, 1821 ; Examination of Barstow s Remarks, 1822 ; Manual of Bapt. Ch., 1822; Proposed Canal to Providence; 1822; Communication on Ordination of L. I. Hoadly, 1824 ; Davis s address at Dedication of Town Hall, 1825. 1971 PAMPHLETS (12) Bancroft s Prayers for family devotion, 1832, and Century Sermon, 1836 ; Lincoln s Address at consecra tion of Cemetery, 1838 ; Tax-list, 1846 ; Proceedings of meeting about the Railroad depot, 1847 \ Barton s Epitaphs from the Cem etery, 1848 ; Constit n of Mechanics Association, 1849 > Hill s Dedication Sermon, 1851, and 25th Anniv. Sermon, 1852 ; 3d Ann. Report of Ministry at large, 1852 ; Washburn s Address to the Bar, 1856; Manual of ist Church, 1864. 1972 Reports and other Documents relating to the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. 8 1837 973 ~ The Worcester Magazine ; containing Politicks, Miscella nies, Poetry and News. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols in 2. RARE. 8 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1786-88 1974 The Worcester Magazine, Vols. 3, 4, in one vol. 8 Worcester, L Thomas, 1787-8 T 975 " " The Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal, Vols. i, 2, fresh clean copy, boards, uncut. 2 vols. 8 Worcester, 1825-26 Edited by Wm. Lincoln and C. C. Baldwin. 1976 The Literary Geminae; articles in French and English. Edited by Elihu Burritt. Twelve numbers (all published} in one vol. 8 Worcester, 1839-40 1977 Worcester Almanac and Directory, 1844. 12 1978 Paine (N.) Brief Notice of the Library and Cabinet of the American Antiquarian Society. Portrait of Isaiah Thomas, and photographs, pp. 59. (One of a few copies printed for private distri bution^ 8 Worcester, 1873 1979 PAMPHLETS (7) Worthington. Bisbee s History of the Town, //. 72, 1853. Wrentham. Bean s Centen. Serm., 1774; Manual of ist Congr. Church, 1818, and 1845 ; Fisk s Anniv. Sermon, 1846, and Half-Century Serm., 1850. Yarmouth. Alden s Dedic. Sermon, 1795. 242 MASSACHUSETTS. 1980 TOWN HISTORY. Allen (J.) Topogr. and histor. Sketches of Northborough, //. 66. Ward (A. H.) History of Shrewsbury, pp. 36. Washburn (E.) Hist. Sketches of Leicester, pp. 66. Willard (J.) Hist. Sketches of Lancaster, //. 90. Davis (J.) Address at dedica. of Town Hall in Worcester, 1825, pp. 36. In one vol., half calf. 8 Worcester, 1825-26 1981 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. Pittsfield. Allen (T.) Historical Sketch of Berkshire Co. and town of P., 1808. Rehoboth. Thompson (O.) Century Sermon, Taunton, 1821. West Spring field. Sprague (W. B.) Historical Thanksgiving Discourse, 1824, pp. 91, Hartford, 1825. Dedham. Haven (S. F.) Bi-Centennial Historical Address, 1836. Hardwick. Cooke(P.) Address at Lay ing Cor. Stone of Meeting-House, 1828, Brookfield, 1828 ; Paige (L. R.) Address at Centen. Celebration, 1838, Cambridge, 1838. Princeton. Russell (C. T.) History of Princeton, 1838, pp. 130. Q,uincy. Lunt (W. P.) Two Discourses at 2ooth Anniv. of ist Congr. Church, 1840, //. 147. 8 in i vol., half calf , neat. 8 1982 - - Edwards (B. B.) Centennial Address at Southampton, 1841. Williston (P.) Half-cent. Sermon, Easthampton, 1839. Bliss (Geo.) Address to Members of the Bar of Counties of Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden, 1826. Sprague (W. B.) Hist. Thanks giving Discourse at West Springfield, 1824. Bliss (Geo.) Address at Opening of Town Hall, Springfield, 1828, with Sketches of the Early History of the Town, 1828. Davis (E.) Histor. Sketch of Westfield, 1826. Wisner (B. B.) History of Old South Church, Boston, in four Sermons, 1830. Harris (T. M.) Memorials of ist Church in Dorchester, 1830. Francis (C.) Histor. Sketch of Watertown, 1830. Porter (J.) Historical Sketch of Plainfield, 1834. Fessenden (J.) Sermon in Deerfield, in the hearing of several Indians supposed to be Descendants of Eunice Williams, 1837. ii in i vol., half roan. 8 1983 -- Allen (W.) Bi-Centennial Address, Northampton, 1851. History of Worthington, N. Y., Albany, 1853. Report on School Fund in Hadley, 1852. Clark (E. B.) Cent. Discourse, ist Congr. Society, Chicopee, 1852. Willson (E. B.) Histor. Sermon, Congr. Church, Grafton, 1846. Willson (E. B.) Centen. Address in Petersham, July 4, 1858, pp. 133. Calhoun (Geo. A.) Histor ical Address in North Coventry, Conn., Oct. 9, 1845. Hammond (Chas.) Fourth of July Address at Temper. Celebration, Masha paug Lake, Conn., 1853. Sanitary Survey of Lawrence, 1850.- Woolsey (T. D.) Historical Address, i5oth Anniversary of Yale College, New Haven, 1850. Weston (N.) Centen. Address at Augusta, Me., 1854. Dudley (J.) Half-Cent. Dedication Sermon, Danville, Vt, 1852. Armstrong (E.) History of Fort Nassau, upon the Delaware, Newark, 1853. 14 *>z i vol., half roan. 8 1984 CENTURY SERMONS. F. Parkman, New North Ch., Boston, 1814; N. Howe, Hopkinton, 1815; J. Pierce, Dorchester, 1830; E. M. Stone, Beverly, 1834; B. Sanford, East Bridgewater, 1835. Occa " sional Sermons, by J. Buckminster, J. Cumming, S. Stearns, W. Cotton, P. Dean, R. Puffer, A. Bancroft (6), C. Stetson, and others. 27 in one vol. 8 TRACTS. MISCELLANEOUS. 243 1985 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, etc. Report on North-Eastern Boundary, 1838; on Incompetency of Witnesses because of Reli gious Belief, 1838 ; on Abolition of Capital Punishment, 1838 ; on the Public Use of Rail-Roads. 1837 ; on Boston & Lowell R. Road, 1837 on the Seekonk Branch R. R., 1838 ; on Rights of the Com monwealth to Ferries in Boston Harbor, 1833. Jackson (C. T.) ist and 2d Reports on Geology of Pub. Lands in Maine, 1837, 1838. Hitchcock (E.) Report on the Economical Geology of Mass., 1838. Stowe (C. E.) Report on Elementary Pub. Instruc tion in Europe, 1838 ; and others. 16 in one vol. 8 1986 TRACTS (Miscellaneous) Inquiry into Origin and Use of Money, 1792. Address of Convention for framing new Constitution for the State [with the proposed Constitution], 1780. Ouabi : or, the Virtues of Nature, an Indian Tale, by Philenia (Mrs. Sarah W. Morton), frontispiece, 1790; and four others ; eight in one vol. 8 Boston. 1987 TRACTS (Miscellaneous) Deed of Sarah Derby, to Trustees of Derby School, etc., Bost., 1806. Catalogus Univ. Harvard., 1809. Laws of Harv. College, 1807. Hing-ham. Gleason s Fourth of July Oration, Bost., 1807 ; Vindication of ist Church in settling Rev. J. Richardson, Bost., 1807 ; Narr. of Proceedings in North Parish, Salem, 1807. Taunton. Benedict (D.) Poem at Election of Philandrian Society, Bost., 1807. Cow-Pox Act, Bost., 1810. Reply of Representatives from Mass, in Congress to Instruc tions of the Legislature on the Embargo Laws, Wash., 1808 President s Message and Doc ts on Neutral Rights, Wash., 1808 President s Message and Doc ts on Affairs with Great Britain, Wash., 1809. Defence of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the Rights of N. England vindicated, Bost., 1804. 12 in i vol. 8 1988 TRACTS (Miscellaneous) Self ridge (T. O.) Controversy with B. Austin, Chariest, 1807. Trial of T. O. Self ridge for killing Chas. Austin, Bost., 1806. Address of Mass. Legislature to the Citi zens, 1807, n. t.p. [Kirkland (J. T.)] Memoir of Bost. Athenaeum, 1807. Dartmouth College Catalogue, 1807. The Emerald, Nos. 1-16, and 46. 17 numbers, n. t.p., Bost., 1806-7. In i vol. 8 1989 SERMONS (Occasional) Willard (S.) Thanksgiving Sermon on the Return of a Gentleman from his Travels, Boston, Dec., 1705, London, 1709. Stone (N.) Concio ad Magistratum, at Opening of Court of Assize, at Barnstable, 1728. Colman (B.) Lecture- Sermon, on Preservation from Fire, 1737. Prentice (J.) Opening of Court at Worcester, 1731. Sewall (J.) On a Day Prayer for Revival, 1742. Foxcroft (T.) The Like precious Faith of all Saints, 1756. Gay (E.) Dudleian Lecture, on Natural Religion, 1759. Chauncy (C.) Lecture-Sermon on the Rebellion [in Eng land], 1746. Chauncy (C.) On the Earthquakes, 1756. Smith (Aaron) Fast on Occasion of extreme Drought, 1749. Maccarty (T.) Annual Fast, before the Expedition against Canada, 1759.- Cooper (S.) On the Reduction of Quebec, 1757. Harrington (T.) Discourse at Lancaster, 1756. 14 in i vol., old calf . 8 Boston, 1709-1756 244 MASSACHUSETTS. 1990 SERMONS TO CRIMINALS. Colman (B.) Sermon preached to some miserable Pirates, July 10, 1726, uncut, last few leaves imper fect. Checkley (S.) Sermon to a Prisoner under Sentence of Death, Mar. 4, 1732-3, uncut, 1733. Checkley (S.) Another Ser mon, on the same occasion, uncut, 1733. Checkley (S.) Sermon to a Condemned Prisoner, March 18, 1732-3, uncut, 1733. Chauncy (Chas.) Sermon on Execution of William Wieer, for Murder of William Chism, Nov. 19, 1754. Narrative of Life and Conversion of Alexander White, executed at Cambridge for Murder at Sea, Nov. 18, 1784. Maccarty (T.) Sermon at Exec, of Four Murderers of Joshua Spooner, July 2, 1778, Worcester, 1778. Baldwin (Moses) Sermon at Springfield, at Execution of William Shaw for Murder, Dec. 13, 1770. Eight in one vol., half morocco. sm. 8 Boston (except one}, 1726-84 1991 FUNERAL SERMONS. Colman (B.) Sermon on the Death of Grove Hirst, Esq., with extracts from his private Writings,^/. 136 : Sermon after the Funerals of Rev. Wm. Brattle and Rev. Ebene- zer Pemberton, pp. 46. 2 in i vol., old calf . 12 1717 1992 FUNERAL SERMONS. B. Colman, on Gov. Jos. Dudley, 1720; on Rev. Sol. Stoddard, 1729. W. Cooper, on Moses Abbot, 1734. T. Prince, on Mrs. E. Oliver, 1735 ; on Mrs. H. Fayerweather, I 75S- S. Mather, on Hon. T. Hutchinson, 1740; on the Prince of Wales, 1751. C. Chauncy, on Mrs. A. Foxcroft, 1749. J. Dana, on Ch. Whittlesey, 1764. T. Maccarty, at Execution of W. Linsey, at Worcester, 1770. S. Rudd, (Poem) on Death of Thos. Hollis, Lond., 1731. ii in i vol. 8 Boston (except the last), 1720-1731 1993 - - T. Foxcroft, on Rev. W. Waldron, 1727. P. Thacher, on Mrs. S. Gee, 1720. J. Sewall, N. Appleton, and E. Wigglesworth, on Benj. Wadsworth, Pres. Harv. College, 1737. P. Thacher, on Hon. J. Bowdoin, 1790; and 18 others. 1994 J. Sewall, on George I., 1727. T. Prince, on Sam. Sewall, 1730; on Cotton Mather, 1728. J. Gee, on C. Mather, 1728. B. Colman, on T. Hollis, 1731. S. Mather, on Queen Caroline, 1738. O. E. An Eclogue on the Death of B. Colman, 1747. T. Foxcroft, on Pres. B. Wadsworth, 1737. S. Checkley, on Mad. Lydia Hutch inson, 1748. S. Cooper, on George II., 1761. P. Bowen, on S. Checkley, 1770. T. Thacher, on Samuel Adams, 1804; and 9 others, in i vol. 8 Boston, v. y. *995 ~~ J- Hancock, on Hon. Edm. Q,uincy, 1738. J. Mayhew, on Hon. Steph. Sewall, 1760. A. Holmes, (with Eulogy by S. Web ber,) on Pres. Jos. Willard, Cambr., 1804. E. Ripley, on Abigail Adams, 1813. A. Bancroft, H. Ware, and S. Clarke, on John Adams, 1826 ; and 20 others, in i vol., half russia. 1996 N. Appleton, on Hon. Francis Foxcroft (title mutilated}, 1728; on Rev. John Hancock, 1753 ; on Hon. Spencer Phips, 1757 ; on H. Flynt, 1760; on E. Holyoke, 1769. C. Chauncey, on Hon. Nath l Byfield, 1763; on Edw. Gray, 1757 ; on Jona. Mayhew, 1766; on Jos. Sewall, 1769. H. Caner, and Jona. Mayhew, on George II., 1761 ; and 10 others, in i vol. 8 Boston, v. y. CONNECTICUT. LAWS. 245 1997 FUNERAL SERMONS. W. Romaine, on J. Hervey, 1759. C. Chauncey, on E. Gray, 1757 ; on Jos. Sewall, 1769; on Rev. T. Foxcroft, 1769 ; on Rev. Jona. Mayhew, 1766. N. Appleton, on H. Flynt, Esq., 1760; on Rev. E. Wigglesworth, 1765; on E. Holyoke, 1769. J. Sewall, and T. Prince, on Jos. Willard, 1756. J. Browne, on Rev. J. Mayhew, 1766. n in i vol. 8 Boston, 1756-69 1998 - - P. Thacher, on John Hancock, 1793 ; on Increase Sumner, 1799 > on R CV - J - Clarke, 1798. S. Langdon, on Prof. J. Winthrop, 1799. N. Appleton, on Lt. Gov. Spencer Phips, 1757 ; on E. Wig- glesworth, 1765 ; on Pres. E. Holyoke, 1769. J. Hooker, on Rev. J. Hunt, 1776. W. Romaine, on Rev. J. Hervey, 4th ed., 1759. C. Chauncy, on C. Thayer, 1745 ; and 5 others. 15 in i vol. 8 os ton, 1745-99 1999 J. Clarke, on Rev. S. Cooper, 1784. D. Tappan, on Rev. M. Parsons, Newburyp., 1784. P. Thacher, on Gov. John Hancock, J 793- J- T. Kirkland, on George Cabot, 1823 : and 21 others, in T vol. 8 2000 -- SERMONS AND EULOGIES : on G. Washington/ by C. Tufts, H. Ware, S. Niles, and P. Thacher, 1800 : on Rev. G. Whitefleld, by J. Sprout, Philadelphia, and N. Whitaker, Salem, 1771 ; on the Victims of the Boston Massacre, by J. Lathrop, 1770: and 14 others. 21 in i vol. 8 v. p. 1770-1800 CONNECTICUT. 2001 The | Book of the General j LAWS | For the People within the Jurisdiction of | Connecticut ; | Collected out of the Records of the | General Court, Lately Revised, and with some Emendations and Additions, Established and Published by the Authority of the General Court of Connecticut, [ holden at Hartford in October, 1672. j (Seat) \ Rom. 13. i, 2. ^quotation, 4 lines^\ pp. (4), 71, (4), brown levant morocco extra, blind and gilt filleted sides and back, g. e. (Bedford). folio, Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1673 With a fine autograph of " Simon Bradstreet. D[ono] D[edit] Major Edward Palmes. 1676." The FIRST EDITION of the Colony Laws. EXCESSIVELY RARE. Not more than two, or possibly three, perfect copies are known to be extant, and this is probably the only one which has been offered at public sale in the present century. The binding is uniform with that of the Massachusetts and Plymouth Colony Laws (Nos, 814, 816, 843,) and with the Connecticut Laws of 1702 (No. 2003). 2002 - - The same. An Exact Reprint of the Original Edition of 1673, With a Prefatory Note by George Brinley. 4 prelim, leaves, Title and Preface, 4 //. ; The General Laws, //. 7 1 ; Table, 4 pp. uncut. folio, Hartford, Printed for Private Distribution, 1865 " This edition of the Laws of Connecticut, as revised in 1672, consists of one hundred and fifty copies, and is reprinted (page for page and line for line) from a copy of the orig inal edition in the possession of Mr. Geo. Brinley." Note on -verso of Title. 2002* The Same. Another copy. 246 CONNECTICUT. 2003 ACTS AND LAWS, | of His Majesties Colony of Connecticut j in New-England. | (Royal Arms.) pp. (2), 118, brown levant morocco extra (uniform with No. 2001), gilt top (Bedford}, UNCUT. Boston, Barth. Green and John Allen, 1702 The SECOND published revision of Connecticut Laws, scarcely less RARE than the first. This copy has the autograph of William Pitkin, Assistant, [Chief Justice 1713-23,] and 10 pages of his AUTOGRAPH RECORD OF THE INFERIOR COURT, Hart ford County, 1709-11. 2004 ACTS AND LAWS of His Majesties Colony of Connecticut in New-England [to the October Session, 1715, inclusive],//. 210. folio, New London, Timothy Green, 1715 To which are added, with continuous paging : Acts and Laws passed by the General Court, at each consecu tive session, (the original editions of the Session Acts,) May, 1716 to October, 1748, inclusive (pp. 211-570). New London, 1716-48 Prefixed to the volume, is : The Charter Granted by His Majesty King Charles II. to the Governour and Company of . . Connecticut, title, and pp. 6. New London, 1718. With The Table, and An Abridgment of the Titles of all the Laws in this Book [to p. 372], 12 //. New Lon don, T. Green, 1729. Cambridge calf extra, full gilt back, sides double-paneled in gold, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). A LARGE and FINE copy of the VERY RARE compilation of 1714-15, the FIRST CONNECTICUT EDITION of the Colony Laws, and the SECOND book printed in Connecticut, (Sermons and Primers excepted,) the Saybrook Confession and Platform being the First. 2005 Acts and Laws of the Colony, 1715. To which is prefixed, The Charter granted by His Majesty King Charles II., 1718. With //^Session Laws, to 1747 (//. 211-561) added; the title and first few leaves of the prefixed Charter, injured ; autograph of Thomas Clap, President of Yale College; binding broken. folio, New London, 1715-47 2006 Acts and Laws, 1715. With the Session Laws to 1745 (//. 211- 542), added, and Table ; worn copy. folio, New London, 1715-45 2007 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, concerning the Plantations in America, 1706-57, as under: Anno Regni, Annae Reginae . . Sexto, at the Parliament begun, 1706. [An Act for Ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coins &c.}, Title 6-> \ pp. London, 1706; New-London, repr. T. Green, 1751 Anno Regni Georgii . . . Octavo. At the Parliament begun, 1714. [An Act giving further Encouragement for the Importation of Naval Stores, etc!} pp. (5)-n. London, 1722; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno Regni Georgii II. .. Secundo. At the Parliament begun, 1728. [Act for better Regulation of His Majesty s Woods in America, etc.] pp. (i3)-i5. London, 1728 ; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno Regni Georgii II. . . Quinto. At the Parliament begun, 1732. [An Act for the more Easie Recovery of Debts ... in America.] //. (i7)-2o. London, 1732 ; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno Regni Georgii II. . . Decimo Tertio. At the Parliament begun, 1740. [Act for the more effectually Securing and Encouraging the Trade, etc.] pp. (2i)~32. London, 1740; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno Regni Geo. II. . . Vicesimo secundo. At the Parliament begun, 1747. [An Act for encouraging the People known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, &c. ; An Act for the further Encouragement &c. of the Whale Fishery, etc.] pp. (33)-42. London, 1749; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno Regni Geo. II. . . Vicesimo tertio. [An Act for Encouraging the Growth and Culture of Raw Silk . . in America. An Act to encourage the Importation of Pig and Bar Iron from . . America. An Act for extending and improving the Trade to Africa.] // (43H>4- London, 1750; repr. N. London, 1751 ACTS AND LAWS. Anno Regni Geo. II. . . Vicesimo quarto. [Acts to regulate and restrain Paper Bills of Credit . . in America. Act for continuing . . the Praemiums upon . . Masts, Tar, etc. Act for encouraging the making of Pott Ashes and Pearl Ashes . . in America.] //. 16. London, 1751 ; repr. N. London, 1751 Anno R. Georgii II. . . Secundo. [An Act for the better Preservation of His Majesty s Woods in America, etc. ] pp. 9. London, 1752 ; repr. N. London, 1753 Anno R. Georgii II. . . Vicesimo quinto. [An Act . . for encouraging the Growth of Coffee . . in America, etc.] pp. (n)-i4. London, 1752; repr. N. London, 1753 Anno R. Georgii II. . . Vicesimo quarto. [An Act for avoiding . . Questions relating to the Attestation of Wills, etc. ] pp. (i5)-2i. London, 1752 ; repr. N. London, 1753 Anno R. Georgii II. . . Tricesimo. [An Act to prohibit, for a limited Time, the Expor tation of Corn, Grain, etc.] pp. 7. London, 1757 ; repr. N. London, 1757 14 (in 4 series, the paging of each continuous, pp. 64, 16, 21, 7) in one vol., half vellum, UNCUT. folio, Repr. New London, T. Green, 1751-57 2008 ACTS AND LAWS. Revision of 1750 ; with Session Acts to 1776, continuously paged, pp. 257-456. folio, New London, 1750-77 2009 - - The same ; with Session Acts to 1753, pp. 257-271. folio, New London, 1750-53 At the end, 7 pages MSS. records of Abraham Chittenden, Justice of the Peace, Guil- ford, 1795-1806. The record includes several marriages in Guilford; and several convic tions and fines for " prophane cursing," and " the crime of drunkenness." 2010 - - The Same; with Charter, and Table, and Session Acts to 1769, //. 257-345, autograph of \Rev. Dr.~\ Benjamin Trumble, 1769; very fine copy. folio, New London, 1750-69 201 1 ACTS AND LAWS. New London, 1754. With Session Acts to 1756, pp. 273-297. folio, New London, 1754-56 Title mounted; wants one leaf (//. 5, 6) of the prefixed Charter. The Table extends to p. 284 (1755). 2012 ACTS AND LAWS. New London, 1769. With Session Acts to 1777 (// 3S7~47 I ) added, title page scribbled with ink. folio, New Haven, T. 6 S. Green, and New London, T. Green, 1769-77 2013 ACTS AND LAWS of the STATE of Connecticut (Charter, and Articles of Confederation, prefixed), good copy, old law calf. folio, New London, T. Green, 1784 The first Revision after the establishment of Independence. ROGER SHERMAN and RICHARD LAW were the committee of revision, appointed, May, 1783. 2014 - - The same: good copy, unbound; autograph of Judge John Trumbull (" McFingal"}. folio, 1784 2015 The same: With the Session Acts, 1784-1792, pp. 317-470, added. folio, 1784-92 2016 ACTS AND LAWS of the State of Connecticut. Reprint of Revi sion of 1784, with Session Acts, May 1784- May, 1786, and new Index: and Session Acts, Oct. 1786 to May, 1790, bound in (the First octavo edition]. 8 Hartford, Elisha Bab cock, 1786-90 2017 Acts and Laws, &c. Revision of 1784, with Session Acts (pp. 317-499) to 1795. folio, New London, T. Green, 1784-87 Hartford, N. Patten, and E. Babcock, 1787-95 This is the copy which was used by the Revising Committee of 1795, an d was marked by them, throughout, for the printers. On the fly-leaf is written : " This book belongs to Hudson & Goodwin, and accompanies the Report of the Committee appointed to revise the Statutes, Octob r , 1795." 248 CONNECTICUT. 2018 ACTS AND LAWS, &c. [Revised, 1795, by J onn Treadwell, Chaun- cey Goodrich, and Jona. Brace] ; with the Session Acts (continuous paging, 439-454) of May and October, 1796, law sheep. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1796 2019 Acts and Laws, &c. (Revision of 1796.) With Session Acts, May 1796 to Oct. 1806, inclusive, law sheep, clean and fine copy. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6* Goodwin, 1805 [-06] 2020 THE PUBLIC STATUTE LAWS of the State of Connecticut. Book I. Published by Authority, law sheep. 8 Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1808 The excellent compilation of 1808 (by Gov. Treadwell, Enoch Perkins, and Thomas Day). The analytical Index (118 pages) and copious historical notes give it permanent value, in every law library. 2021 PUBLIC STATUTE LAWS &c., as Revised and Enacted, May, 1821, law sheep. 8 Hartford, 1821 The standard revision, during twenty-eight years (till 1849). 2022 Public Statute Laws. Book II. Oct. 1808- May, 1819, pp. 379, with Index to p. 309. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6 Co., 1808-19 The annual session laws, subsequent to the revision of 1808, paged consecutively. 2023 Public Statute Laws [Session Acts] 1827-33, *>z i vol., continuous paging. 8 Hartford, 1827-33 2024 PUBLIC STATUTE LAWS, &c. Compiled in obedience to a Resolve of the General Assembly, May, 1835, law sheep. 8 Hartford, 1835 2024* PUBLIC STATUTE LAWS, (Session Acts,) 1836, 1837, 1839, X 839~ 43, 1845-50, 1854. (10) 8 Hartf. and N. Haven, 1836-54 2025 Swift (Zeph.) System of the Laws of Connecticut. 2 vols. law sheep, neat. 8 Windham, 1795 2026 WEDGWOOD (W. B.) Statutes of Connecticut, reduced to Ques tions and Answers for Schools and Families. (2 copies.) 12 Hartford, 1844 2027 Kirby (E.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court, with some determinations in the Supreme Court of Errors (1785- 88), old law calf. 8 Litchfield, 1789 A good copy of the FIRST VOLUME OF REPORTS OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS, PUB LISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. An autograph letter of the reporter, Col. Kirby, is inserted. 2028 RESOLVES and PRIVATE ACTS of the State of Connecticut, 1789-1836, //. 1590. 2 vols., law sheep. 1. 8 Hartford, 1837 2029 Resolves and Private Acts, May Session, 1837, to Ma y Session, 1846, inclusive ; published annually ; bound in one volume, law sheep. 8 Hartf. and N. Haven, 1837-46 2030 PUBLIC ACTS. Sessions 1871-73. 3 vols. 8 Hartford, 1871-73 2031 GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Public Documents of the Legislature of Connecticut, 1871, 1872, and 1873. 3 (thick) vols., new half bound. 8 Hartford, 1871-73 2032 -- SENATE JOURNAL, i866,-7i,~72,-73 ; House Journal, 1865,- 68,-7i,-72,~73 ; Special Acts, 1871-73. 12 vols., half sheep, cloth, and paper. 8 COLONIAL RECORDS. 249 2033 COLONIAL RECORDS of Connecticut: 1636-1689, edited by J. Hammond Trumbull. (3 vols.) 1689-1716, edited by C. J. Hoadly. (2 vols.) 5 vols., four in doth, the last in sheeets folded. r. 8 Hartford, 1850-1870 2034 COLONIAL RECORDS, 1636-65 ; edited, with notes, by J. H. Trumbull, cloth. r. & Hartford, 1848 [Their Majesty s Colony of Connecticut in New-England Vindicated. 1694. See No. 743. 2035 Account of the Number of Inhabitants in the Colony of Con necticut, Jan. i, 1774, with an Account of the Number of Inhabi tants, taken Jan. i, 1756. Hartford, 1774. Heads of Inquiry relative to the Present State of His Majesty s Colony of Connecti cut, 1773, with the Answers thereto. New London, 1775. 2 in i vol., both RARE, fine uncut copies, half mor. extra {Bedford}. fol. 2036 Agricultural Society of Conn. Transactions for 1854. 8 Hartford, 1855 2037 BARBER (J. W.) Historical Collections of Connecticut, map and engravings. r. 8 New Haven, [1838] 2038 BISHOP (ABRAHAM) Connecticut Republicanism. An Oration delivered in New Haven, Sept. 1800. Philadelphia, 1800. An Oration in Wallingford, Mar. n, 1801, at the Thanksgiving for the Election of Thomas Jefferson. N. Haven, 1801. 2 in i vol. bds. 8 2039 Blue Laws. The Code of 1650, to which is added some Extracts from the Laws of New Haven Colony, commonly called, Blue Laws, frontispiece of" The Constable seizing a Tobacco-taker." hf. bd. 12 Hartford, 1822 2040 -- Another copy, without frontispiece, uncut. 2041 The same, with frontispiece, a few leaves imperfect. 12 Hartford, 1825 2042 - - The same, a later edition, new law sheep. 12 Hartford, n. d. 2043 BULKELEY (GERSHOM) tf/" Wethersfield, Conn. The People s | Right to Election or Alteration of Goverment in Connecticott Argued, | In a Letter ; | By Gershom Bulkeley, Esq; one of their Majesties Justices of the peace | In the County of Hartford. Together with a Letter to the said Bulkeley, from a Friend of his in the Bay, &c. //. 1 8, brown levant morocco extra, back, sides, and edges gilt, {Bedford.} sm. 4 Philadelphia, Printed by Assignes oj WILLIAM BRADFORD, 1689 EXTREMELY RARE. See Conn. Hist. Society s Collections, Vol. I. (pp. 57-81). 2044 BULKLEY (JOHN) An Impartial Account of a late Debate at Lyme, in Connecticut, (On the three following heads, viz., I. The Subjects of Baptism. II. The Mode of Baptizing. III. The Maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospel.) . . To which is added, A Narrative of one lately Converted from Dreadful Errors: By Another Hand. //. (4) 200, blue crushed levant morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford}, fine copy, RARE. sm. 8 New London, T. Green, 1729 2045 Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs, Vol. I. Part I., //. viii, 216; boards. Part II, pp. 217-309 (and Errata), sewed. 8 New Haven, 1810 3 2 25O CONNECTICUT. 2046 Connecticut Historical Society. Collections, 2 vols. (all published} one uncut, doth. 8 Hartford, 1860, 1870 2047 -- Act of Incorporation, 1825. | L. Bacon s Discourse on the Constit. History of Conn., May, 1843. I T. Day s Historical Dis course, Dec. 1843. I 3 pamphkts. 8 Hartford. 2048 CONNECTICUT REGISTER (Green s), 1785, 1786, and 1789 to 1848, inclusive. 62 vols., sewed. 12 N. London and Hartford, 1785-1848 The Register for 1785, by Nathan Daboll, published by T. Green, is the first of "Green s Registers ;" but in 1830, Col. Samuel Green, the publisher, began to number the series, from 1791, the year in which his name first appeared (with his father s) in the imprint. The Register for 1830 is " No. 40," and that for 1848 (the last published for Samuel Green) is No. 58. The earlier numbers of the Register are VERY SCARCE, and few Connecticut collectors have succeeded in making a set complete. 2049 CONNECTICUT REGISTER (Norton &> Russell s), 1827, 1828, 1829, 3 vols., (all published?) sewed. 12 Hartford, 1827-29 2050 CONNECTICUT REGISTER (Bradley s}, 1847 to 1856, inclusive, 1859, 1861, 1862. 13 vols. cloth. 16 Hartford, 1847-62 The volume for 1847 (the first) was compiled by the Rev. C. W. Bradley, Secretary of the State. The volumes for 1848 and 9 retained the name of " Bradley s Conn. Register." Since 1849, it has been published as " The Connecticut Register," by Brown & Parsons, F. A. Brown & Co., and Brown & Gross. 2051 CONNECTICUT RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Act to incorporate Conn. River Co. 1824. Journal of Convention at Windsor, Vt, for improvement of Conn. River navigation, 1825. Facts connected with improvement of Conn. R., 1825. Report to Mass. Legisla ture, n. d. Report of directors of C. R. Co., 1826. Remarks before Com ee on rivers and canals, 1828 (2). Report on canal from Enfield to Hartford, 1847. Report on suspension bridge at Middletown, 1848. Statement on do., 1848; and others. 21 Pam phlets, 8. 2052 CUTLER (TIMOTHY), Rector of Yale College. The Depth of the Divine Thoughts : and the Regards due to Them. A Sermon delivered in the Audience of the General Assembly ... at New- Haven, Octob. i8th, 1719, RARE. 16 New London, T. Green, 1720 2053 DE FOREST (J. W.) History of the Indians of Connecticut, engravings, cloth. 8 Hartford, 1851 2054 ELECTION SERMONS: 1713 to 1830 (inclusive), in good order for binding, except the Sermon for 1727, which wants the last leaf. 114 Sermons. 16, 4, and 8 The Election Sermons of 1729, 1735, *739> an< ^ J 743> were not printed. Five sermons were printed in Cambridge and Boston, before a press was established in Connecticut. Of these five, four will be found elsewhere in this Catalogue: namely, J. Fitch s, 1674 (the FIRST PRINTED), No. 767; S. Wakeman s 1685, No. 880; J. Whiting s, 1686, No. 888; and G. Saltonstall s, 1697, No. 854. Only three (1710-12) were printed in Connecticut before that of T. Bulkeley, 1713, with which this series begins. Mr. Brinley began this collection of these Sermons nearly forty years ago, and allowed no opportunity of completing and perfecting it to escape. His success is almost unexam pled. Many of the earlier sermons are EXTREMELY RARE, and nearly all, before 1790, are scarce. It is unnecessary to remark on the importance of a series of the Election Ser mons, to any historical library. There is scarcely any source from which so much light is thrown on colonial institutions, civil and political, as well as religious. From 1713 to 1 764, inclusive, the Election Sermons were printed at New London: 1765-1770, alternately at Hartford and New London; 1771-74, N. London; 1775-1818, Hartford, except 1778, N. Haven; 1818-1830, alternately, Hartford and New Haven. The size was, from 1710 to 1764, 16 (hf. sheet 8) ; from 1765 to 1784, various, 4 and ELECTION SERMONS GENEALOGIES. 251 2055 ELECTION SERMONS : 1717 to 1830 inclusive, but wanting thirteen years of the series. 97 Sermons, bound and unbound. 16, 4, and 8 v. p. The Sermons wanting are for the years i7ig,-22,-23,-24,-28,-4o,-4i,-44,-46,-66,-7i, i8i9,-2o. The collection contains several duplicates, not counted. 2056 ELIOT (JARED), M.A., of Killingworth. An Essay on the Invention, or Art of making very good, if not the best IRON, from black Sea Sand, pp. 34, half morocco, neat. 12 New York, John Holt, 1762 Though rather close trimmed at top, a good copy of this EXTRAORDINARILY RARE tract. The author, Dr. Jared Eliot, was a friend and correspondent of Franklin. His discovery of a process of "making malleable Iron from American Black Sand" was rewarded by a gold medal from the London Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Man ufactures, and Commerce. 2057 ELIOT (Jared) An Essay upon Field-Husbandry in New-England, As it is or may be Ordered, uncut, title-page slightly injured, pp. iv, 25, (3). 16 New London, 1748 2058 A Continuation of the Essay upon Field-Husbandry . . The Fourth Part, clean, uncut, pp. (2), 33. New York, J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1753. A Continuation, etc. The Fifth Part, //. 44, uncut. Ibid., 1754. The Sixth Essay on Field-Husbandry, etc., uncut, pp. 34. New Haven, J. Parker 6 Co., 1759. (Three Pamphlets). 16 2059 The Sixth Essay on Field-Husbandry. 16 New Haven, 1759 This Essay is exclusively devoted to the propagation of mulberry trees, and Silk Culture. 2060 ELIOT (JARED) Essays upon Field-Husbandry in New England, autograph of James Otis, RARE. 8 Boston, 1760 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 2061 BRAINERD Family in the United States, Genealogy of, by Rev. D. D. Field, D.D.,//. 303, cloth. 8 New York, 1857 2062 DAVENPORT Family, History and Genealogy of, by A. Bene dict Davenport, cloth. 12 New York, 1851 2063 CHAUNCEYS, Memorials of the, by Wm. Chauncey Fowler, with Appendix loosely inserted; portrait of Pres. Chauncey; cloth. 8 Boston, 1858 2064 - - FOOTE Family ; or, the Descendants of Nathaniel Foote, one of the First Settlers of Wethersfield, Conn., by Nathaniel Goodwin, cloth. 8 Hartford, 1849 2065 GOODWIN (NATHANIEL) Genealogical Notes, or Contribu tions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts, cloth. 8 Hartford, 1856 2066 HINMAN (R. R.) Catalogue of Puritan Settlers of Connecticut, [new edition,]//. 1-884 (all published}, portraits, new half morocco, Roxburghe, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1852-56 2067 HOLMES (John) Letter of Directions to his Father s birth place ; with Notes and a Genealogy, by D. Williams Patterson, unbound. 8 New York, U. Q. Club, 1865 2068 HUNTINGTON Family, Genealogical Memoir of, by Rev. E. B. Huntington, cloth. 8 Stamford, 1863 252 CONNECTICUT. 2069 GENEALOGY. Hinman (R. R.) Catalogue of First Puritan Set tlers of Connecticut, Nos. 1-5 (all published}, pp. 336, portrait, Hartford, 1846-48. Memorial of Abraham Pierson, Hartf. 1870. Scranton (E.) Descendants of John Scranton, pp. 104, Hartf. 1855. Minor Jubilee, Woodbury, Conn., Oct. 10, 1860, Hartf. !86o. Goodwin (N.) Descendants of T. Olcott, pp. 64, Hartf. 1845. Lincoln (S.) Lincoln Family of Massachusetts, and Family of Abraham Lincoln, Boston, 1865. Webster (N.) Family of John Webster, n. t. p. Descendants of Robert Day, New Haven, 1840. Descendants of David Atwater, N. Haven, 1851. De scendants of Ambrose and Capt. Wm. Fowler, Bost. 1857. Perkins (F. B.) Perkins Family of Connecticut. Weaver (W. L.) Genealogies of Ancient Windham, Conn. Part i. (all published}, pp. 112, Willimantic, 1864. n in i vol. new half morocco. 8 2070 -- STEBBINS. A Genealogy of the Family of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Stebbins, from 1707 to 1771, //. 24, fine copy, half vel lum, gilt, UNCUT, EXCESSIVELY RARE. 8 Hartford: E. Watson, 1771 2071 - - Thomson (John) Genealogy of [the descendants of], by Ignatius Thomson, cloth. 16 Taunton, 1841 2072 GENERAL ASSOCIATION of Connecticut. Address to the Conso- ciated Pastors, etc., N. York, 1776. Acts and Proceedings, 1801. Minutes and Proceedings, 1802-1866. 70 pamphlets, arranged for binding in 4 vols. 8 Hartford 6 N. Haven. 2073 -- Minutes of the Gen. Conference, ist and 3d Ann. Meeting, with Minutes of Gen. Association, 1869, 1871. 2 pamphlets. 8 2074 GOODRICH (C. A.) Stories on the History of Connecticut. 16 Hartford, 1829 2075 GOODRICH (C. A.) History of Connecticut. 16 Hartford, 1833 2076 GOODRICH (JOHN) Civil and Executive Officer s Assistant, with the Power and Duty of Justices of the Peace [according to] the Laws of Connecticut, good copy. 8 New Haven, A. Morse, 1793 2077 HINMAN (R. R.) Antiquities, or Letters from English Kings and Queens to Governors of the Colony of Conn., with their Answers, and other Documents. 12 Hartford, 1836 2078 HINMAN (R. R.) Historical Collection from Records, &c., of the Part sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revolution, cloth. r. 8 Hartford, 1842 2079 HOLLISTER (G. H.) History of Connecticut, portraits, half green mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 2 vols. 8 Hartford, 1857 2080 LED YARD QOHN) Journal of Capt. Cook s Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 1776 to 79, fine clean copy, map mounted, half mor. 8 Hartford, 1783 2081 LED YARD (John) Journal of Captain Cook s Voyage. No. II. (pp. 8 1 -i 60), in original printed wrapper, as issued. 8 Hartford, N. Patten, 1783 2082 MATHER (C.) Seasonable Thoughts upon Mortality. A Sermon occasioned by the raging of a Mortal Sickness In the Colony of Con necticut . . . Boston Lecture, 24. d. n.m. 1711-12, calf gilt (W. Pratt), uncut except at top, VERY RARE. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1712 MILITIA PETERS (SAM.) 253 2083 MILITIA. New Exercise of Firelocks and Bayonets. Published by a Lover of the Art Military. 12 New London, T. Green, 1717 2084 MISSIONARY SOCIETY of Connecticut. (Vol. I.) A Narrative of Missions, 1793-4, 1794-5, 1796-7. N. Haven, 1794-97. Con stitution &c. with Narr. of Missions. Hartf. 1800. C. Strong s Sermon at Ordin. of Jed. Bushnell as a Missionary. Hartf. 1800. Address from Trustees, with Narrative of Missions. Hartf. 1801. Narrative &c. Hartf. 1802. Act of Incorporation, with Nar rative. Hartf. 1803. (Annual) Narratives &c., 1803 to 1814, incl. J. F. Schermerhorn and Sam l J. Mills, Narrative of that part of the U. States west of the Allegany Mountains with regard to Religion, &c. 8 Hartf. 1814. (Vol. II.) Annual Narratives of Missions, 1815 to 1829, incl. Address to Inhabitants of New Settlements. N. Haven, 1795. (Another) Address, same title. Hartf. 1801. Address to Emi grants from N. England. Hartf. 1817. Summary of Christian Doctrine, for use in New Settlements. Hartf. 1804. 3d Ann. Report of Directors of Domestic Miss. Society. N. Haven, 1819. 40 in 2 vols., new half mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 8 2085 MOHEGAN CASE. Governor and Company of Connecticut, and Mohegan Indians, by their Guardians. Certified Copy of Book of Proceedings before Commissioners of Review, MDCCXLIII., with Chandler s map of the Mohegan Country (lined with linen}, large and fine copy, green levant morocco extra, back full gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}, scarce. 4 London, W. 6 J. Richardson, 1769 Printed for the use of the judges and counsel, in the final trial of the " Mason Case," on appeal from the judgment of the Court of Commissioners in 1743, to the Km i n Council. It includes a reprint of Mason s History of the Pequot War. 2086 PEASE (J. C.) and NILES (J. M.) Gazetteer of Connecticut and Rhode Island, maps, and portraits of Governors Wolcott and Knight, good copy. 8 Hartford, 1819 2087 PERCIVAL (J. G.) Report on the Geology of Connecticut, maps, scarce. 8 New Haven, 1842 2088 [PETERS (The Rev. Sam.)] A General History of Connecticut. By a Gentleman of the Province.//, x, 436, crushed levant mor. full gilt ( W. Pratt}, UNCUT. 8 London, 1781 Uncut copies of this famous history- are VERY RARE. See the Menzies Catalogue no. 1590. 2089 The same, another copy, nearly uncut. 8 London, 1781 2090 ---A General History of Connecticut ... By a Gentleman of the Province. SECOND EDITION, large copy, autographs of Jas. Pol- green and J. Bowdoin, on title-page. 8 London, for the author, 1782 2091 The same. First American Edition, with life of the Author, additional notes, curious engravings, SCARCE. 12 N. Haven, 1829 2092 PETERS (SAMUEL) A Sermon, preached at Charlotte Chapel, Pimlico, the 25th of March, 1787, on the death of Thomas Mof- fatt, M.D. Late of New London, in Connecticut,//. 28, uncut, the lower margin of last leaf torn (without touching the text]. 4 London, D. 6- D. Bond, 1787 VERY RARE. Addressed in Peters s autograph, to his friend and townsman "Syl vester Gilbert Esq r , Hebron." The Sermon is dedicated to Gen. Gage, as a mark of the 254 CONNECTICUT. Author s gratitude to him "for his generous support of the Pious, the Loyal, and Brave." Dr. Moffatt was a reputable physician of New London, and held the office of Controller of the Customs, at the beginning of the Revolution, when, says his reverend eulogist " the Libertines gnashed on him with their teeth, as the Cyrenians did on Stephen, because he was loyal to his King, . . and like the deaf Adder, they stopped their Ears, ran upon him, and cast him out of the City " (p. 24). 2093 ROBBINS (ARCHIBALD) Journal, containing an Account of the Loss of the brig Commerce, and of the Slavery and sufferings of the Author, and the rest of the crew upon the Desert of Zahara. 12 Hartford, 1817 2094 Hogerenes. ROGERS (JOHN) A Midnight Cry from the Tem ple of God, to the Ten Virgins, "Awake, awake, arise, and gird your Loins, and trim your Lamps, for behold the Bridegroom com- eth," etc. n. t. p., n. p., n. d. \_prob. New York, Wm. Bradford, about 1702]. Rogers (John) Epistle to the Church of Christ called Quakers, and to the Seventh-Day Baptists, n. t. /., the last leaf wanting, and the next imperfect. [New York, about 1705?] Two in one vol., half-morocco. sm. 8 For full and impartial accounts of John Rogers of New London, the founder of the sect of " Rogerenes," sometimes called " Rogerene Baptists," and " Rogerene Quakers," see Backus s History of N. E. Baptists, i. 473-480 ; ii. 105-108 ; and Miss Caulkins s History of N. London, pp. 202-221. John Rogers, senior, who died in 1721, published numerous books and pamphlets, nearly all of which were without date, place, or name of printer. "A Midnight Cry " was several times reprinted. The editions, probably, were small, and as the circulation of the books was restricted to the sect, copies of the earlier impressions are now VERY RARE, and are still more rarely found complete or in tolerable condition. 2095 - - ROGERS (JOHN) Servant of Jesus Christ, Giving a Descrip tion of the True Shepherds of Christ s Flock, And also of the Anti-Christian Ministers ; . . . Also Something touching Baptism and the Lord s Supper. Third Edition, worn and imperfect, want ing 6 leaves (pp. 69-79) at en ^ title-page injured. 8 Newport, J. Franklin, 1754 2096 - - ROGERS QOHN) the second. Answer to a small Pamphlet [by Cotton Mather] entituled, A Monitory Letter about the Mainte nance of an Able and Faithful Ministry, half mor. sm. 4 n. p. n. d. \_New York? 1726] 2097 PRATT (PETER) The Prey taken from the Strong; or, An Historical Account of the Recovery of One from the Dangerous Errors of Quakerism. By the Subject of that Mercy. Added, an Account of the principal Articles of the Quaker s Faith, and A Brief Answer to John Rogers Boasting of his Sufferings, [also some Poems], pp. 69, polished calf, uncut. 12 New London, T. Green, 1725 Peter Pratt was the step-son, and had been one of the disciples, of John Rogers (senior). 2098 - - ROGERS (JOHN) Answer to a Book by Peter Pratt, entitled, The Prey taken from the Strong, half vellum, uncut, title-page slightly imperfect. 8 Pr.for the Author \by W. Bradford, N. Y. ?] and sold at his house in New-London, 1726 2099 ~ ~ BOLLES (JOHN) To Worship God in Spirit, & in Truth, is to Worship Him in the True Liberty of Conscience. With an Answer, by Jacob Johnson,//. 127, 29, 74. 12 n. p., 1756 ^ Johnson s "Answer" is followed by "A Reply ... by J. Bolles" addressed "To the General Court at Boston," May 29th, 1754, opposing their Confession of Faith, on " Your first-Day Sabbath," " Swearing," " Baptism," and " Civil Government; " with much matter on the persecution of the Quakers. Prince Libr. Catalogue. ROGERENES. SAYBROOK PLATFORM. 255 2100 Bogerenes. BOLLES (JOHN) and WALTERHOUS QOHN) Concerning the Christian Sabbath, also some Remarks upon a Book by Eben. Frothingham, uncut, pp. 16, n. p. 1757. Relation of the Opposition which some [Rogerene] Baptist People met with at Norwich, 1761, [By John Bolles] uncut, pp. 24, n. p. [1761]. COLVER (ROBERT) Answer to part of a Book put forth by Samuel Harker, uncut, pp. 14, n. p., n. d. ROGERS (J.) Description of the True Shepherds of Christ s Flock ; and also of the Antichristian Ministers, uncut, pp. 36, Norwich, 1776. Four in i vol. half morocco (Roxburghe). 8 2101 [BOLLES (JOSEPH)] An Addition to the Book, Entituled, The Spirit of the Martyrs Revived. It being a short Account of some remarkable Persecutions in New-England, etc. n. t.p.,pp. 20, uncut, VERY RARE. 4 n. p., n. d. \New York? 1758] " In 1758, the Rogerenes published an abstract of the history of ancient persecutions in N. E., with high encomiums upon those Quakers who returned and were hanged at Boston, after they had been banished on pain of death ; and a reproof to their own society and others for declension from that temper and spirit. Many were hereby stirred up to travel from town to town, and to interrupt others in their worship." Backus, Hist, of N. England, ii. 107. 2102 ROMANS (BERNARD) Annals of the Troubles in the Nether lands, from the Accession of Charles V., a proper and seasonable Mirror for the present Americans. 2 vols. in one, good copy calf. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6^ Goodwin, 1778-82 The First volume of this work is believed to have been the first book printed in Hartford, of more than a hundred pages. The Second vol. is of EXCESSIVE RARITY. " During twenty-five years of book-collecting I have never seen a copy, and I have never heard of but one, to which my attention was called by the late E. B. Corwin. It is in the library of the New York Historical Society. G. B." 2103 ROMANS (BERNARD) Annals of the Troubles in the Nether lands, Vol. i, sewed, uncut. Autograph of Rev. Benj. Trumbull. 8 Hartford, 1778 SAYBROOK CONFESSION AND PLATFORM: 2104 -- A | CONFESSION OF FAITH Owned and Consented to by the | Elders and Messengers | Of the Churches | in the Colony of Con necticut in | New-England, | Assembled by Delegation at Say-Brook \ September gth. 1708. New-London in N. E.\ Printed by Thomas Short. 1710. To which is appended : THE HEADS OF AGREEMENT Assented to by the United Ministers formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational, And also Articles for the Administration of Church Discipline, &c. New London, Thomas Short, 1710 sm. 8 //. (2), 116, dk. blue mar., gilt back and sides, g. e, (T. Aitken}. A FINE COPY, nearly UNCUT, of the first edition of the Saybrook Platform, and the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN CONNECTICUT. In such condition, EXTREMELY RARE. "So rare that we are unable to record the public sale of a copy." Menzies Catalogtie, no. 452. 2105 A Confession of Faith, &c. ANOTHER COPY, citron levant morocco, sides panel-gilt, g. e. {Bedford}. sm. 8 New London, Thomas Short, 1710 2 1 06 - - A Confession of Faith &c. ANOTHER COPY, olive levant morocco, extra, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 8 New London, Thomas Short, 1710 256 CONNECTICUT. 2107 SAYBROOK PLATFORM. A Confession of Faith, &c., old calf . 1 6 Reprinted, Neiv London, 1760 2108 -- A Confession of Faith, &c. 12 Bridgeport, 1810 2109 A Confession of Faith, &c., unbound, uncut. 12 Hartf. 1831 2 1 10 Separatists. FROTHINGHAM (EBENEZER) Articles of Faith and Practice, and Covenant of the Separate Churches in this Land. Also, a Discourse on the Privileges of the Church of Jesus Christ, //. 432, sheep, VERY RARE. 12 Newport, J. Franklin, 1750 21 1 1 FROTHINGHAM (Eben.) A Key to unlock the Door, that leads in, to take a fair View of the Religious Constitution established by Law in the Colony of Connecticut,//. 250, sheep, RARE. 12 n. p. [Boston?] 1767 2 1 12 STRICT CONGREGATIONALISTS. An Historical Narrative and Declaration, shewing the Cause and Rise of the Strict Congrega tional Churches in the State of Connecticut, and their present Views, etc. Also, a Profession of their Faith and several Heads of Argument respecting Church Discipline, agreed upon, at Killingly, Sept. 19, 1781. To which is added, An Address to the Churches, etc., pp. 44, uncut, somewhat stained. 8 Providence, Bennett Wheeler, 1781 One of the RAREST of Connecticut tracts. 2113 Shepard (C. U.) Report on the Geological Survey of Connecti cut, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 New Haven, 1837 2114 [SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. H.)] Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years since. 12 Hartford, 1824 2115 Society for Promoting Agriculture in Connecticut. Transac tions,/^. 22, SCARCE. 4 New Haven, 1802 2116 Stamp-Act. INGERSOLL QARED) Letters relating to the Stamp- Act, //. (2), iv, 68, autograph of Rev. Dr. Benj. Trumbull, half vellum, RARE. sm. 4 New Haven, 1766 2117 - - New Collection of Verses applied to the ist of Nov. 1765, including a Prediction that the S p A-t shall not take place in North America, etc. UNCUT, VERY RARE. New Haven, n. d. [1765] Reasons why the British Colonies in America should not be charged with Internal Taxes, humbly offered for Consideration, in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut. [By Governor Trios. Fitch.] UNCUT. New Haven, 1764. [Fitch (Thomas)] Some Reasons that influenced the Governor to take . . the Oath required by the Stamp Act, autograph letter of Gov. Fitch inserted, UNCUT, RARE. Hartford, [1766] Three in one vol. half mor. extra. 8 2118 - - Liberty and Property vindicated and the St . . pm . n burnt. A Discourse on burning the Effige of the St pm-nin New London. Boston, repr. 1766. The Examiner examined, in a Letter to a Friend in London, New London, 1766. Liberty and Property vindicated [etc. as above], New London, 1765. The original edition. A Regulator for Crazy Will s Death-Watch; or, P-- J a s Witchcraft explain d, no place or printer, 4 //. 5, 1761. Four VERY RARE tracts in one vol. half mor. sm. 4 SUSQUEHANNAH COMPANY. 257 2119 STILES (EZRA) A History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I., a beautiful copy, unused, and absolutely UNCUT. An other copy, portrait and 8 plates, clean and fresh, original binding, not rubbed. (2 vols.) 12 Hartford, Elisha Babcock, 1794 Prints &c. for illustrating Stiles s Judges, including portraits of President Stiles, John Davenport, Gov. John Winthrop, Gov. Saltonstall, and others, View of West Rock, &c. (9) in envelope. Plan for seizing and carrying to New York Coll. Wm. Goffe, the Regicide, As set forth in the Affidavit of John London, Apr. 20, 1678. Published by F. B. Hough. With other documents,^. 17. Albany, 1855 An UNCUT copy of Stiles s Judges is, as every collector knows, of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. It is believed that no copy containing the plates remained uncut. Mr. Brinley copies, with the Illustrations, &c., in one lot. 2120 SUSQUEHANNAH COMPANY. GALE (BENJ.) Letter to J. W. Esquire, containing a Narrative of the principal matters which were Subjects of the Debates and Resolves of the General Assem bly of Conn. Colony, in May, 1769, Hartford, 1769. D[YER] (E[LIPHALET]) Remarks on Dr. Gale s Letter to J. W., n. p., 1769. GALE (B.) Observations on [Dyer s] Remarks, Hartford, n. d. [1769]. 3 in i vol., half vellum. 12 Three VERY SCARCE tracts, which relate, chiefly, to the Susquehannah Company, of which Col. Dyer was the agent and principal manager. 2 12 1 SUSQUEHANNAH COMPANY. State of the Lands said to be once within the Bounds of the Charter of the Colony of Connecticut, west of New York, autograph of Wm. Williams (the Signer), 1775, //. 1 6, half morocco. 8 New York, 1770 2122 Right of the Governor and Company of Connecticut to the Lands within the Limits of their Charter, stated and considered, in a Letter to J. H., Esq., pp. 47, half morocco, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1773 2123 SUSQUEHANNAH AND WESTERN LANDS. Report of the Commis sioners appointed by the General Assembly [of Conn.] to Treat with the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, pp. 36, half mor., uncut, VERY RARE. 4 Norwich, 1774 2124 [SMITH (W.)] Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania, with an Appendix, map, polished calf ( W. Pratt), UNCUT, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, 1774 2125 [TRUMBULL (B.)] Plea in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to the Contested Lands West of New York, nearly uncut. 8 New Haven, 1774 2126 Another copy, uncut. 2127 The Susquehannah Case, n. t.p. [Norwich, 1774?]. Act of the General Assembly of Connecticut, incorporating the Proprietors of the Sufferers Land, so called, New Haven, 1796. 2 in i vol., half morocco. sm. 4 2128 [BIDWELL (B.)] The Susquehannah Title Stated and Exam ined, Catskill, 1796. Brief, Decent, but Free Remarks and Observations on several Laws passed by the Legislature of Con- 33 258 CONNECTICUT. necticut, since 1775, Hartford, 1782. With which is bound, Trum- bull (B.) Appeal to the Public on the Unlawfulness of Divorces, New Haven, 1788. 3 in i vol., half calf . 212 9 PATTERSON (ALEX.) Petition to the Legislature of Penn sylvania for Compensation for Monies Expended and Services Rendered in Defence of the Pennsylvania Title against Connecticut Claimants,//. 34, uncut. 8 Lancaster, Pa., 1804 2130 CONNECTICUT GORE. Articles of Agreement for Conducting the Business of the Conn. Gore I^and Company, uncut, 1796. State ment of Facts relative to Connecticut Claims to Susquehannah Lands, n.t.p. [Phila.] 1801. 2 in i vol., half vellum. 12 CONNECTICUT GORE. Rise, Progress, and Effect of the Claim of the Proprietors of the Conn. Gore, uncut, Hartford, 1802. Enquiry concerning the Grant to A. Ward and J. Halsey, Hartford, 1829. Connecticut Gore Title stated and considered, Hartford, 1799. 3 in i vol., half vellum. 8 2132 TRUMBULL (Benj.) History of Connecticut. Vol. I., all published, portraits. 8 Hartford, 1797 21 33 History of Connecticut. 2 vols. 8 New Haven, 1818 2133* TRUMBULL QONA.) Address of His Excellency Governor Trum- bull, to the General Assembly etc., Declining any further Election to public Office, With the Resolution of the Legislature thereon, pp. 10. 4 New London, T. Green, 1783 2134 WOLCOTT (ROGER) Poetical Meditations, being the Improvement of some Vacant Hours . . With a Preface by the Reverend Mr. [John] Bulkley of Colchester, dk. blue morocco, sides gilt, broad inside borders, g. e. (Pawson & Nicholson), pp. (4), Ivi, ii, 78, (4). 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1725 Fora description of and extracts from this curious and VERY RARE book the first volume of verse, printed in Connecticut see Duyckinck s Cyclop, of Am. Lit., 1.79. The greater part of the volume (pp. 19-78) is occupied with "A Brief Account of the Agency of the Honourable John Winthrop, Esq ; in the Court of King Charles the Second, Anno Dom. 1662, When he obtained for the Colony of Connecticut His Majesty s Gracious CHARTER ; " in which the author relates the early history of the Colony, the Pequot war, etc. MANUSCRIPTS. ACCOUNT BOOK OF MAJOR JOHN TALCOTT. 2135 TALCOTT QOHN) MANUSCRIPT ACCOUNT BOOK, 1674-88; includ ing his accounts with the Colony, of his receipts and disbursements, as Treasurer, during the INDIAN WAR, 1675-6. Continued by his son, Samuel Talcott, to 1728. Elegantly bound, in full dark brown levant morocco extra (by Bedford}. cap folio. Major Talcott was Colony Treasurer from 1659, until his death, in 1688 ; an Assistant, from 1662; and Commander-in-chief of the Connecticut forces in the Indian War, in 1676. This volume contains his public as well as his personal accounts, for about 15 years. Every page has matter of interest to students of Connecticut history, and there are many entries sufficiently curious to attract even the most cursory reader. Here is one account, as it stands on opposite pages of the ledger (pp. 54, 55) : " 1676. Capt. John Stanton of Stonington, DR. To sundry Commissions gave Capt. Stanton to proceed ag ; y e Indians : by which he gained much on sales of captives." " CONTRA. 1677, April 30. Per received an Indian Girll of him, about 7 : years old, which he gave me for Commissions on the other side, or at best, out of good -will for my kindness to him." MANUSCRIPTS. 259 That Major Talcott was careful to save all the property of the Colony for which, as magistrate or treasurer, he was in any measure responsible, the following entry bears testimony : "1679. J an - * COUNTRY, DR. To so much paid Wm. Edwards, for taking Henry Green out of the Dungeon, being dead, cutting off his legs to save his Irons, & seeing to his buriall, for which I promised & p d him 00.10.00." HARTFORD COUNTY-COURT RECORDS, 1718-19. 2136 The Original Records of the Hartford County Court, April 8th, 1718, to June 9, 1719. Also, Records of the Court for the Trial of Small Causes, in Hartford, [before Hezekiah Wyllys Esq. J. P.,] June 21, 1727 -May 17, 1731 : and of the Court of Chancery or Equity, holden at Hartford, May -Aug. 1736, [for the decision of cases growing out of the repeal of the act of Incorporation of the New London Society United for Trade and Commerce.] Half dk. brown levant morocco extra (F. Bedford). folio. This volume rescued a few years since from a paper-mill is of much interest to Connecticut historians and antiquaries. It fills a gap which, certainly, ought never to " the " have been made in the original records of both the Hartford County Court and the Colonial Courts of Equity. Col. Hezekiah Wyllys, of Hartford, was Secretary of the Colony, from 1712 to 1735, and a Judge of the County Court. GOV. WOLCOTT S MANUSCRIPT HISTORY OF CONNECTICUT. 2137 WOLCOTT (ROGER) A Manuscript Outline History of Connecti cut : being a narrative " of what hath fallen within [his] remem brance and observation," 1 1 pp., cap folio, hf. brown morocco extra (F. Bedford). 1759 This highly interesting and valuable historical sketch is addressed to the Rev. Thomas Clap, President of Yale College, at whose solicitation it was written, when the author was in his 8ist year. It is dated from Windsor, July 12, 1759. SILAS DEAN&S MEMORIALS. 2138 DEANE (SILAS) Memorial to Congress, Dec. 21, 1778 ; with the Documents by which it was supported ; the Proceedings of the Committee of Secret Correspondence on his appointment (Mch. 2, 1776) as Agent and Commissioner to France, and his Instructions; Statement of his Accounts, etc. (77 pp.). Also, his last Application to Congress, for a Settlement of his Accounts, Philadelphia, May 22, 1779 (io//.). All in Mr. Deane s AUTOGRAPH, handsomely engrossed. Bound, by Mr. F. Bedford, in dark brown levant mo rocco extra. folio. 2139 TRACTS (Political) 1744-1799. (10) [Williams (Elisha)] A Seasonable Plea for Liberty of Conscience,//. 66. Bost., 1744 Letter to the Legisl. Authority, on imprisonment for debt. n. p., 1770 Sherwood (S.) Fast Discourse, [against Tories,] Aug. 31. A". H., 1774 Regimental Orders for Review of 3d Conn. Regiment, February, 1775 Address to Gen. Tryon, on his Expedition into Conn. n. p. \Hartf.~\, 1779 Brief, decent, but free remarks on several Laws, &c. Hartf., 1782 Attention! or New Thoughts on the Excise Laws. 1789 Address to the People, on districting the State, pp. 37. N. H., 1791 Friendly Remarks to the People, on their Colleges & Schools. n. p., 1799 2140 TRACTS (Political) 1800-1803. (n) Abraham Bishop s Oration on political delusion. N. //., 1800 Three Letters to A. Bishop (on his Oration), by Connecticutensis. 1800 A Rod for the Fool s back. [By Noah Webster.] 2 copies. n. p., 1800 Plan for the Education of Children. 1800 Conn. Dissenter s Strong-Box. No. I. N. London, 1801 Address to the Freemen of Connecticut. [Hartf.], 1803 Republican Address to the Freemen. 1803 Uriah Tracey s Address to the Freemen of Connecticut, Sept. 6. 1803 Facts are Stubborn Things. Plain Questions by Simon Holdfast. 1803 [D. Humphreys] Considerations on improving the Militia. 1803 2 60 CONNECTICUT. 2141 TRACTS (Political) 1804-1816. (15) Address to the People of Conn., by Jona. Steadfast. 2 copies. 1804 W. Judd s Address to the People of Connecticut. 1804 D. Daggett s Argument in the case of the Justices of the Peace. 1804 Steady Habits vindicated. 1805 Brief view of arguments in favor of a State bank. 1805 Address [of Federal Convention] to the Freemen. 1806 Sixth of August, or the Litchfield festival. Address to the People. 1806 Reports of Comptroller of public accounts. 1807, 1808 Public Statute Laws of Conn. (Revision of 1808.) Letter to the President, on prosecutions in the Circuit Court. r8o8 Address intended to have been delivered at town meeting. 1809 Address of Conn. Society for promotion of good morals. 1814 Report on taxation. 1815 D. Humphreys s Discourse on the agriculture of Connecticut. 1816 2142 TRACTS (Political, &c.) 1816-1830. (ip) Modern Toleration, Tyranny in disguise. 1816. [Richards.] Politics of Conn. 1817. Constitution of Conn. 1818. The Crisis; addressed to the people of Conn, (impft.). 1818. Mischiefs of legislative Caucuses. By Trumbull (pseudon.} 1819. A. T. Jud- son s Letter to Comptroller Thomas. 1819. Militia Laws. 1821. Address to the people of Conn. 1828. State Prison report. 1830. 2143 TRACTS (Political, &c.) 1834-1854. (9) Pension Roll, //. 72. [1834?]. Report on State Prison, pp. 11.9. 1834. Inquiry into nature and utility of corporations. [1835]. To old Republicans. [1835]. Review of Gov. Toucey s Message. 1846. Dr. Maine s (poetical) Tax-list for 1850, 2 copies. Clark s Address to the Legislature, on State Reform School. 1854. Goodwin s legisla tive Statistics, 1854. 2144 Tracts (Ecclesiastical Controversies, etc.) 1737-1800. [Todd (Jona.)] Defence of N. Haven Co. Consociation and Association in the case of Rev. P. Robbins, of Branford, //. 118, last leaf ^mutilated, n. p., 1748. Todd (J.) and Hart (W.) Faithful Narrative of Proceedings, in settling Rev. James Dana, in Walling- ford. N. Haven, 1759. Hart (Wm.) Remarks upon the Ordination of Mr. Dana, etc, N. Haven, 1759. Hart (Wm.) Remarks on Mr. Hobart s " Principles of Congregational Churches," etc. N. Haven, 1760. Hart (Wm.) Letter to Rev. N. Whitaker, etc. New London, 1771. Judson (David) On Church Discipline; Reasons for renouncing part of Saybrook Platform. N. London, [1770]. [Dickinson (Moses)] Answer to A Letter from an Aged Layman. N. Haven, 1761. The Wallingford Case stated. N. Haven, 1761. Plan of Consociation adopted by a Convention of Churches in Windham County. Wind/iam, 1800. Yale College subject to the General Assembly. N. Haven, 1784. Letter to the Author of An Answer to the Hampshire Narrative, wants pages after 82. Bost., 1737. Specimen of a Surprizing Performance shortly to be sent to the Press: being A Scene from a new Play call d the BULLY,//. 8. n. t. p., [1762]. 13 in i vol., hf. bound. 8 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 2145 Hartford. Devotion (John) Discourse, May 25th, 1766, occa sioned by that Alarming Providence, the Demolition of the School- House, by Gun Powder,//. 24. 12 Hartford, [1766] 2146 -- Dorr (Edward) The Duty of Civil Rulers to be nursing Fathers to the Church of Christ. Election Sermon, May IXth, 1765. 4 Hartford, Thomas Green, at the Heart and Crown, opposite the State House, 1765 One of the earliest Hartford imprints. 2147 Dorr (Edward) A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of the Honorable Daniel Edwards, Esq ; of Hartford, . . . Who Departed this Life, (at New-Haven,) September 6th, 1765, uncut, SCARCE. 4 Hartford, Thomas Green, [1765] 2148 -- DWIGHT (T.) History of the Hartford Convention; with a Review of the Policy of the U. S. Government, which led to the war of 1812, //. 447, doth - 8 New York, 1833 HARTFORD. 26 I 2149 Hartford. [FITCH (THOMAS)] An Explanation of the Say-brook Platform ; or, The Principles of the Consociated Churches in the Colony of Connecticut, //. 39, uncut. 4 Hartford, Thomas Green, 1765 This is believed to be the FIRST BOOK printed in Hartford. Thomas Green set up the first press there, near the end of 1764. 2150 -- Hawes (Joel) Address delivered Nov. 9, 1835, at tne dose of the Second Century from the first Settlement, cloth, uncut. 12 Hartford, 1835 2151 Perry (Jos.) Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Nathanael Hooker, Pastor of the fourth Church in Hartford, (comprising a biographical sketch,) uncut. 4 Hartford, Green 6 Watson, 1770 2152 -- Porter (W. S.) Historical Notices of Connecticut; No. i. Hartford in 1640, pp. 24, 12. 12 Hartford, 1842 21 53 ~~ Strong (Nathan) Sermon, delivered before the People who were collected to the Execution of Moses Dunbar, Who was con demned for High Treason against the State of Connecticut, and executed March igth, A.D. 1777, uncut, scarce. 4 Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1777 2154 [Stuart (I. W.)] Hartford in the Olden Time, by Scseva. 8 Hartford, 1853 2155 -- DIRECTORIES. Hartford Pocket Register [and Business Directory], 1825. Hartford Directory (Ensign s), 1828. Direc tory (Geer s), 1838-41, 1843-49, 1852-54, 1856. Directory and Guide-Book (Belles ), 1842-47. Directory (Wells ), 1848-51. 27 vols. var. sizes. 2156 Hartford Pocket Register, with a Sketch of the Reception of Gen. La Fayette. 18 Hartford, B. H. Norton, 1825 Containing the first published Hartford Directory. 2157 Pamphlets (12) Wadsworth (D.) Sermon at the Opening of a New Meeting House [First Church], Dec. 30, 1739, uncut, RARE, N. London, 1740. Devotion (J.) Discourse, May, 1766, on the Demolition of the School House, by Gun-powder, VERY SCARCE, Hartford, 1766. City By-Laws, clean, uncut, 1797. [Austin (David)] Dance of Herodius through the Streets of Hartford, &c., scarce, 1799. Strong (N.) Serm. at Consecration of New Brick Church, 1807, Hartf., 1808. Perkins (N.) Fast Sermon, July 23, Hartf., 1812. The Bishops Fund and the Phcenix Bank Bonus, 1816. Manual of First Church, 1822. Reasons for Secession from the Bapt. Church, 1824. Hawes (J.) Sermon at Dedic. of North Church, (Hist. Appendix,) 1825. Linsley (J. H.) Serm. at Ded. of South Church, 1827 (2 copies). 2158 - - Pamphlets (15) Abel Brewster s Brief Memoir, with a Pict ure of H. 1832. Report on explosion of Steamboat N. England, 1833. [Chapin s] Review of Hawes Tribute to the Pilgrims, 1836. Hawes s Hist. Sketches of First Church, 1836. Geo. Beach s answer to C. Sigourney, on Phcenix Bank, 1837. Report of Com ee of stockholders of Phcenix Bank, 1837. C. W. Ever est s Vision of Death ; a poem, 1837, an d Babylon ; a poem, 1838. 262 CONNECTICUT. Manuals of ist Bapt. church, and 2d Cong, church, 1838. Charter and by-laws of Conn. Hist. Society, 1839. Order of Exercises at Bi-Centennial celebration, 1840. Burgess s Sermon at consecration of St. John s Church, 1842. BushnelPs Fast Ser mon, 1844. By-Laws of City of Hartford, //. 121, 1844. 2159 Hartford. Pamphlets (17) Chittenden s Reply to charge of heresy, 1845. Manual of 2d church, 1846. Hawes s Two Dis courses, (3oth anniv.) 1848. Crawford s hist. Sermon, Meth. church, 1849. Affair of F. Parsons at Granby, 1850. The Char ter Oak, 1851. Report of School Visitors, 1851. Catalogues of North church, and of ist church, 1852. Report of Water Com mittee, 1853. Remonstrance against Water Loan, 1853. Bush nelPs 2oth anniv. Discourse, 1853 (2). Account of Boiler explo sion at the Car Manufactory, 1854. Dedica. of Charter-Oak Hall, maps and col. plate, 1856. TurnbulPs Memorials of ist Bapt. church, 1857. BushnelPs Parting Words, a Farewell Sermon, 1859. - Programme of " Conflagratio Conicorum," Trinity College, n. d. 2160 -- Pamphlets. Amer. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb; Reports, 1835 to J839, Hartford. Report on Conn. State Prison, 1839. Engineer s Report on Location of Hartford and Springfield R. R. map, Hartford, 1841. Second and Third Reports of Board of Comm rs of Com. Schools, Hartford, 1840-41 ; and three others ; 12 in one vol., half calf . 8 2161 -- Trinity College. Considerations on the Establishment of a Second College in Connecticut, 1824; Remarks on Washington College and on the "Considerations" etc., ut supra, 1825 ; Exami nation of the Remarks etc. 1825 ; Laws, n. d.; Benjamin (P.) Poem before Alumni Association," 183 2 ; Coxe (A. C.) Poem to the same, 1840 ; Thompson (J. H.) Oration to the same, 1840 ; Clinch (J. H.) Poem to the same, 1841 ; Nichols (J. H.) and Tyler (T. P.) Poems to the same, 1842, 1846 ; Burgess (G.) Poem to House of Convo cation, 1847 ; Wainwright (J. M.) Address to the same, 1847 ; Rider (G. T.) Poems to Parthenon Society, etc. 1848, 49 ; Williams (J.) Inaugural, 1849 j Woodbury (L.) Address to House of Convo cation, 1851 ; Beardsley (E. E.) Historical Address, 25th Anniver sary, 1851 ; Hopkins (Bp. J. H.) Address to House of Convocation, 1854; Catalogue of Officers and Graduates from its Foundation, 1855 ; Gould (B. A. jun.) Oration to & B K Society, 1856 ; Kidney (J. S.) Poem, to House of Convocation, 1856 ; Noble (L. L.) Poem, to the same, 1857 ; Brown (T. M.) Address, to the same, 1859. 21 m i vol. new half mor. (Roxburgh*). 8 2162 - - Catalogue of Delta Phi Fraternity Society, 1851. Cata logue of Chi Psi Society, 1852. Catalogue of Washington Col lege (Annual), Hartford, 1843. Calendar of Trinity College, 1850 (Portrait of "Professor Jim"}, 1851, 1852, 1853; Triennial Catalogue, 1842; Catalogue of Library, 1832. Constitution of Church Scholarship Society, Hartford, 1827. Statutes of Trinity College, 1845, l8 5 2 ; Poems before the Alumni, by J. H. Clinch, 1841, and C. W. Everest, 1838. Bushnell (H.) Discourse on Human History, before Yale College Alumni, 1843. 15 in i vol., half calf. 8 HARTFORD NEW HAVEN COLONY. 263 2163 Hartford. American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Gallaudet s Sermon at the opening of the Conn. Asylum, April 20, 1817; Laurent Clerc s Address, at the public examination, 1818; Gallaudet s Sermon on the Duty of instructing the D. & D., 1824; Annual Reports, ist to 38th (1817-1854) inclusive, and 5ist (1867). 42 Pamphlets. 8 1817-67 2164 Retreat for the Insane. Report of Com. of Conn. Medical Society, Constitution, &c., 1821 ; T. Robbins Address at Dedica tion of the Retreat, 1824. 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS : 2165 The Hartford Gazette, Vol. i. (Jan. 13 -June 26, 1794), hf. bound. 4 Hartford, 1794 Published, twice a week, by Beach & Storrs, and (from no. 29) L. Beach & Co. 2166 The Connecticut Courant, Jan. i, i8io-Dec. 28, 1813. 4 vols. in 2, half bound. folio, Hartford, 1810-13 2167 Rural Magazine and Farmer s Monthly Museum. Edited by S. Putnam Waldo. Vol. i. (all published], portrait of President Monroe, boards, uncut. 8 Hartford, J. 6* W. Russell, 1819 2168 -- The Museum; a [weekly] Miscellaneous Repository of In struction and Amusement. Vol. i. (all published}, half bound. 1. 8 Hartford, Geo. W. Kappel, 1825 2169 The Literary Casket : devoted to Literature, the Arts, and Sciences. (Semi-Monthly), 1826-7. Vol. i. (all published}, half bound. 4 Hartford, Norton 6- Russell, 1826-7 2169* Another copy. 2170 The Silk Culturist and Farmer s Manual. F. G. Comstock, Editor. Monthly. Vols. I. and II. in one vol., half roan, neat. 4 Hartford, 1835-7 2171 NEW HAVEN COLONY. New-Haven s j Settling in New- England. | And some j LAWES | for Government : | Published for the Use of that Colony, j Though some of the Orders intended for present convenience, may probably be hereafter altered, | and as need requireth other | Lawes added. | pp. (2), So, best levant red morocco, extra gilt, paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 London, M. S.for Livewell Chapman, 1656 A very LARGE and BEAUTIFUL copy, nearly uncut, of this SUPERLATIVELY RARE book. The margins of the title and inner margin of the next leaf have been extended. Previous to the acquisition of this copy by Mr. Brinley, the one in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester was regarded as UNIQUE, at least for this side of the Atlantic. A third copy was subsequently discovered, which also came into Mr. Brinley s possession. 2172 New Havens Settling in New-England. And some LAWES for Government, &c. ANOTHER COPY, dark blue levant morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford} ; Title and portions of the first two leaves in facsimile, admirably executed (by Hurt}. sm. 4 London, 1656 A FINE COPY, though the margins of some pages have been close-cut, occasionally touching the marginal notes. 264 CONNECTICUT. 2173 New Haven Colony. New Havens Settling in New England. And some LA WES for Government, etc. 1656, sewed, uncut. 4 \Repr. Hartford, 1858.] An accurate and beautiful reprint, made by Mr. Charles J. Hoadly, State Librarian, of which an edition of only 20 copies -was separately printed, on thick paper. 2174 -- Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, 1638- 1664; ed. by C. J. Hoadly, 2 vols. half green morocco (Roxburghe), UNCUT. 8 Hartford, 1857-8 2175 Lambert (E. R.) History of New Haven Colony. Illus trated by 50 engravings, cloth. 12 New Haven, 1838 2176 New Haven. Bacon (L.) Thirteen Historical Discourses, on the completion of Two Hundred Years from the Beginning of the First Church,^. \QQ, frontispiece of portraits, cloth. 8 New Haven, 1839 2177 -- Barber (J. W.) History and Antiquities of N. Haven, map, colored plates, and wood-cuts, half mor. 12 New Haven, 1831 2177* Barber (J. W.) Views in N. H. and Vicinity, with descrip tions, six colored plates, pp. n, SCARCE. 16 New Haven, 1825 2178 D wight (Timo.) Statistical Account of the City of New Haven, uncut. " 8 New Haven, 1811 2179 -- Pierpont (Rev. James) Sundry False Hopes of Heaven, Discovered and Decryed. In a Sermon in Boston, 3d. 4m. 1711. With a Preface by the Rd. Dr. [Cotton] Mather, pp. (2), xxiv, 46, sir. -grained, olive morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford^). 12 Boston, T. Green, 1712 2180 [SHERMAN (ROGER)] A| Caveat against Injustice, or an | Enquiry into the evil Consequences | of a Fluctuating | Medium | of Exchange, | Wherein is considered, whether the Bills of Credit on | the Neighbouring Governments, are a legal Tender in | Pay ments of Money, j In the Colony | of | Connecticut, j For Debts due by Book, and otherwise, where the Con-|tract Mentions only Old-Tenor Money. By Philoeunomos. Clean, uncut copy, with the author s autograph, " By Roger Sherman," on the title-page and addressed, in the same hand, " For Mr. Edward Wigglesworth," pp. 15, fine clean copy, UNCUT, 1 6 New York, Printed by Henry De Foreest in King-Street, 1752 EXCESSIVELY RARE, if not UNIQUE. Its title is not in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue, in Sabin s Dictionary, or in any other Catalogue that has been consulted. It was perhaps privately printed. This, the only known copy, has several corrections of the text, which seem have been made by the author. When this tract was written, Roger Sherman was in business as a country-merchant, in New Milford, but was prosecuting the study of law. He was not admitted to the bar until December, 1754. This is not only the earliest but (with the exception of his Alma nacs} the only work published by the man whom Jefferson pointed out as one "who never said a foolish thing in his life." Not long after this publication, in his Almanac for 1753, he " fills up a vacant page " (2 pages), with " Thoughts upon the loss and damages which the Inhabitants of the Colony of Connecticut have sustained by the depreciations of the Bills of Credit of Rhode Island and New Hampshire, since the year 1750." 2181 - - Daggett s S. at installa. of Nath l Sherman at Mt. Carmel, 1768. Constitution of Mechanic Library Society, and Catal. of books, 1792. Republican festival and New Jerusalem [by David Austin], 1803. Register of weather for 25 Years, by Jer. Ailing, //. 84, 1810, SCARCE. Dwight s Statistical account of the City, NEW HAVEN. 265 1811, pp. 84, uncut. Catalogue of Mix s Museum, 1812. Jar- vis s Address at laying cor. stone of Trinity church, 1814. Con fession, Covenant, etc., of ist church, with catal. of members, 1820 (2). New Burying-Ground, plan, 1822. Hill s Dedica. Ser. Bapt Meeting House, 1824. Catalogue of phenogamous plants in N. Haven and vicinity, 1831. College [proposed] for Colored Youth, 1831. Report on City bank, 1837. Farnham s letter on Water-supply, 1837. 14 Pamphlets. 2182 New Haven. Kingsley s Histor. Address, 2ooth Anniv., 1838, pp. 116. Report on Burying-ground, 1839. Cleaveland s dedica. Ser. 3d Cong, church, 1841. Button s history of North church, 1842, pp. 128. Manual and Catalogue of United Cong. Society, 1842. Teasdale s histor. Discourse, ist Bapt. church, 1842. N. Haven as it is, map and cuts, 1845. Manual of Bapt. church at No. Haven, 1846. Trial of (Elder) Joshua Bradley, on a charge of Forgery, 1812. Baldwin s review of Statem t about Howe St. church, 1846. 10 Pamphlets. 2183 Manual of ist church (with cat. of members, 1758-1847), 1847. Button s re-dedica. Sermon, 1850. Phelps s Ser. at re-opening ist Bapt. church, 1850. Bacon s 25th anniv. Sermon, 1850; and Thanksg. Sermon, 1859. Catalogue of ist church, (1685-1757,) 1854. Third Anniv. of St. Paul s Mission. Soc., 1855. Eustis s 2oth anniv. (histor.) Biscourse, Chapel St. church, 1858. Woodruff s history of Methodism in N. H., 1859. But ton s 25 anniv. Ser. 1863. Carroll s 2d anniv. Sermon, So. Cong. Church, 1864. City charter and by-laws, pp. 152, 1865. 12 Pamphlets. 2184 Charter of the City of New Haven, uncut, last leaf slightly injured, n. d. [1784] Bye Laws of the City of New Haven, as revised etc. since May gth, 1787, uncut, first and last leaf slightly injured. 1790. 2 Pamphlets. 4 New Haven. 2185 -- American Historical Magazine and Literary Record, Vol. i, Nos. 1-6 (all published ?) J. W. Barber s autograph, covers bound in, uncut, VERY SCARCE. New Haven, 1836. The Pioneer, or California Monthly Magazine ; edited by F. C. Ewer. Vol. I., covers bound in. San Francisco, 1854. Two vols. in one, half mor. 8 EARLY PRINTING in New Haven. See Nos. 2188 (the first book printed), 2197, and 2205. 2186 CONNECTICUT GAZETTE (The) No. i, April 12, 1755, to No. 100, March 5, 1757. 2 vols. in one, old calf , nearly uncut. 4 New Haven, J. Parker [6- Co. ], 1755-6. The FIRST NEWSPAPER printed in Connecticut. "James Parker, in 1754, obtained from Franklin the first appointment of postmaster in New Haven, associated with John Holt. . . Parker, who was then the principal printer at New York, sent a press to New Haven at the close of the year 1754. . . Holt directed the concerns of the printing house and post-office in behalf of James Parker and Co." Thomas, Hist, of Printing, i. 410. The imprint, from April 12 to October 4, 175 5, is "James Parker, at the Post-Office, near the Sign of the White-Horse," and, October 4 to November 29, "near the Hay-Market;" afterwards, "James Parker and Company." Copies of this paper, even in single numbers, are VERY SCARCE. So long a series as this, in good condition, is of EXTREME RARITY. 2187 Some Reflections on the Law of Bankruptcy; wrote at the Desire of a Friend : shewing, That such a Law would be beneficial 34 266 CONNECTICUT. to the Publick, and analogous to Reason and our Holy Religion, and by Him humbly recommended to the Consideration of the Publick,//. (2), n, uncut. 4 New Haven, James Parker, 1755 2188 -- YALE COLLEGE. Collegii Yalensis, quod est Novo-Portu, Connecticutensium, Statuta, a Praeside et Sociis sancita. In Usum Juventutis Academicae. Fine dean copy, calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Novo-Portu, Eoccudebat Jacobus Parker, MDCCLV. \Liber Primus Novo-Portu impressus.~\ fames Parker, of New York, established the second printing-house in Connecticut, at New Haven, in 1754, and this edition of the Laws of the College was, as the imprint shows, the first work from that press and the "First book printed in New Haven." VERY SCARCE. 2189 - - Clap (T.) Annals or History of Yale College, fine copy, polished calf {Bedford}, SCARCE. 8 New Haven, 1766 2189* Another copy, original binding; autograph of Rev. Dr. Benj. TrumbulL 2190 Baldwin (E.) Annals of Yale College, to the year 1831, pp. 324, half morocco, gilt. 8 New Haven, 1831 2191 Dana (James) The Heavenly Mansions. A Sermon preached May 14, 1795, at the Interment of the Rev. Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College, uncut. 8 New Haven, [1795] 2192 Dwight (Pres. T.) Decisions of Questions discussed by the Senior Class in 1813 and 1814. 12 New York, 1833 2193 Woolsey (T. D.) Historical Discourse, 150 Years after the Founding, boards. 8 New Haven, 1850 2194 - - Triennial Catalogues. Catalogus Eorum qui in Collegio- Yalensi, quod est Novo-Portu Connecticutensium ab Anno 1702, ad Annum 1769, alicujus Gradus Laurea donati stint. E typis T. et S. Green [1769]. Catalogus, etc., ad Annum 1772. 2 Broadsides. The Catalogue ad Annum 1765, is printed at the end of Clap s Annals of Yale College (No. 2189). 2195 Triennial Catalogues. 1778-1868. 26 in 2 vols., half calf, uncut, and 6 (i vol.] unbound. 3 vols. 8 New Haven. The first volume contains, also, the Catalogue (in English] of the Graduates from 1702 to 1827, the names alphabetically arranged, &c. New Haven, 1827. 2196 - - Annual Catalogues of the Members of Yale College, 1801, 02, 04, 05, 06; 1814, 1817-1848, (wanting 1829), 1850, 59, 61, 64, 67. 41 Catalogues; the first five, on folio broadsides, the others in octavo. One of the broadsides (1805) is slightly defective, but the catalogue is complete. 2197 - - Library. Catalogue of the Library of Yale College, //. (2), 44, (4). N. London, 1743. Catalogue, &c. New Haven, James Parker, 1755. Catalogue, &c., 1791, 1808, 1822. New Haven. Historical sketch, 1860. 6 Pamphlets. 8 2198 - - Commencement Theses. Theses, quas in Coll. Yal. defen- dere conabuntur Juvenes Artibus initiati, in Comitiis Publicis, J 747> !75 2 > 1757, 1763-68, 1770, 1773, 1774, 1785, 1786, 1790, T 793> X 797- Scheme of Exercises for the Public Commencement, 1804, 1808, 1812. 21 Broadsides. 1747-1812 YALE COLLEGE. 267 2199 New Haven. Yale College. Quaestiones pro Modulo Discu- tiendae, in Comitiis Publicis a Laureae Magistralis Candidatis, 1763, 1764, 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1774, 1782, 1786, 1787. 10 Broadsides, half -sheet folio. 1763-87 2200 - - Class Records. Classes of 1816, 1819, 1833, 1837 (4), 1849 ( 2 )> l8 5> l8 5 6 > l8 5 8 > I ?62. 13 Pamphlets. These class records are privately printed, for the members of the class only, and, as every Yale graduate knows, are very scarce. 2201 Valedictory Poems and Orations, 1836-43, 1845, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1858-62, 1864. 20 Pamphlets. 8 2201* Addresses to Alumni, by Spring, 1817; Silliman, 1842 ; Bushnell, 1843 ; Bacon, 1848 ; Dana, 1856 ; Sprague, 1860. 6 Pamphlets. 8 2202 Phi Beta Kappa Orations: by E. G. Marsh, Mar., 1797 ; Chauncey, 1797; Jarvis, 1805; Gould, 1825; Percival (Poem), 1825; Hillhouse, 1826; Kent, 1831; Everett, 1833; Bushnell, 1837; Mellen, 1839; Barnes, 1840; Dickson, 1842; Hall, 1844; Wright, 1845 ; Barnard, 1846 ; North, 1847 ; Ray (Poem), 1847 ; Smith, 1849 ; Seward, 1854. 19 Pamphlets. 8 2202* Catalogues of the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, i8i3,-i8,-26,-32,-35,-38,-4i,-47,-52. 9 Pamphlets, 8 New Haven, 2203 Societies. Lineman. Catalogue of members, 1841 ; Cata logues of Library, 1834, 1837, 1841 ; Andrews s Oration, 1841. Brothers in Unity. Catalogue of members, with history, 1841 ; Library, 1829, 1838, 1846 ; Stille s Valedictory Address, 1839 ; Robinson s Valedictory, 1841. Calliope. Catalogue of members, 1839; Cat of Library, 1826, 1841. Catalogue of Libraries of Linonian, Brothers, and Moral Society, 1822. 15 Pamphlets. 2204 Alpha Delta Phi, Eells s Oration, 1839. Psi Upsilon, Catalogue, 1849. Alpha Kappa Epsilon, Catalogues, 1855, 1858. Kappa Sig-ma Epsilon, Songs, 1866. 6 Pamphlets. 2205 TRACTS. The Present State of the Colony of Conn, con sidered. A Letter &c. [by Dr. Benj. Gale], n. p., 1755. Answer of the Friend in the West to a Letter &c. [by President T. Clap.] N. Haven, J.Parker, 1755. Reply to a Pamphlet entitled an Answer &c., by A. Z. [Dr. B. Gale.] n. p. 1755. Three in one vol., half mor., UNCUT. sm. 4 1755 The first tract was probably printed in New London. The second is one of the earliest issues of the first press in New Haven. 2206 TRACTS. Gale (Benj.) Calm and Full Vindication of a Letter to a Member of the Lower House, [on the] Taxes imposed on the Students of Yale College, N. Haven, 1759. Graham (John) Answer to Mr. Gale s Pamphlet, N. Haven, 1759. Gale (Benj.) A Few Brief Remarks on Mr. Graham s Answer, 1860. Graham (J.) A Few Remarks on the Remarker, 1760. [Graham (John)] Letter to a Member of the House of Reps, in Vindication of Yale College against the false Aspersions of an anonymous Letter to a Member of the Lower House, 1759. [Trumbull (Benj.)] Letter to [a Member] of the Council-Board [in vindication of] Yale Col lege, 1766. Six in one vol., all uncut, half mor. {Roxburghe}. sm. 4 & 8 New Haven, 1759-66 268 CONNECTICUT. 2207 New Haven. Yale College. TRACTS. Mortuary, 1764-95. Dag- gett (N.) Sermon on Death of President Clap, Jan. 8, 1767. Baldwin (Eben.) Funeral Oration for Jonathan Lyman, late Tutor, 1767. Bray (T. W.) Funeral Oration on Samuel Hyde, 1764. Daggett (N.) Sermon on Death of Job Lane, 1768. Nott (S.) Funeral Oration on Death of S. Gurley, 1778. Austin (S.) Fune ral Oration on David Ripley, 1782. Denison (Jos.) On Simeon Bristol, 1782. Hitchcock (R.) On Elizur Belden, 1786. Ely (H.) On Reuben Wilcox, Norwich [1788]. Ely (H.) On Eli Kelsey, 1788. Ely (H.) On Sylvanus Graves, Middletown [1796]. Whit- tlesey (C.) On Mrs. Mary Clap [1769]. Lewis (D. W.) On Eli Kelsey, 1788. Bidwell (B.) On Roger Newton, 1789. Lathrop (S.) On Prof. Samuel Wales, jr., 1791. Whitney (Eli) On Robert Grant [1792]. Dana (James) On Pres. Ezra Stiles [1795]. Hine (Homer) On Jabez Backus [1794], 18 in one vol., mostly uncut, new half morocco (Roxburghe). New Haven (except two), 1763-95 2208 Almanac. The College Almanack, for the year 1761. By a Student of Yale College. New Haven, 1761 2209 - - A View of the Calvinistic Clubs in the United States, //. 23, uncut. 12 n. p., n. d. [ab. 1800] " Connecticut is almost totally an ecclesiastical state, ruled by the President of the Col lege [Dr. Dwight], as by a Monarch" (p. 14). "Time only can determine who have done most injury to Christianity, Paine, or the Calvinistic clubs." The name of the author of this tract (which is now SCARCE) seems to have remained unknown. Mr. Brinley s copy has, on the first leaf, the name of " J. Andrews, from L. Andrews," and below the half- title, in the same hand-writing, " J. C. Ogden," i. e. the Rev. John C. Ogden, of New Haven, 1770-85, afterwards rector of the Episc. Church in Portsmouth, N. H., and again, for a time, in Connecticut, after 1793. I m ^ er that the tract was printed by Loring Andrews in Stockbridge, about 1800. 2210 Pamphlets (10) Pemberton s Sermon at Yale College, 1741. Whittlesey s Ser. before Commencement, 1744. Declar. of Rector and Tutors against Whitefield, 1745. Pres. Clap s letter to friend in Boston (rel. to Jona. Edwards, and Whitefield), 1745 (2) ; and Letter to J. Edwards, 1745. Statuta, etc., 1748 (2). Clap s Religious Constitution of Colleges, 1754. Letter to a Clergyman [Rev. J. Bellamy] in Connecticut, 1757. Clap s De fence of Doctrines of New England churches, 1755 (2). Remarks on Clap s defence [by T. Darling], 1757. v. p. 1741-57 221 1 - - Pamphlets (13) Letter to the Clergy of Conn., 1760. Statuta, 1764. Clap s Essay on Moral Virtue, pp. 68, 1765. Daggett s funeral Ser. on Job Lane, 1768. Commencement Essay on Fine arts [by J. Trumbull], 1770, and on History, Eloquence and poetry of the Bible [byT. Dwight], 1772. Dwight s Valedic tory Address, 1776. Pres. Stiles s Oratio Inauguralis, 1778. Prof. N. Strong s Astronomy Improved, 1784. [J. Barlow s] Commencement Poem, 1781. Y. C. subject to the General Assem bly, 1784. Laws, 1787. Smalley s Sermon after Commence ment, 1787. v. p. 1760-87 2212 - - Pamphlets (14) Laws, 1795. Stebbins s Commencement Address, 1796. The Suicide, a commencement dialogue [byT. Day], 1797. Marsh s Oration on Mosaic History of Creation, 1798. Dutton s Commencement Poem, 1800. Marsh s Supple- YALE COLLEGE CANTERBURY. 269 merit to Priestly s Lectures on History, 1801. Dana s Funeral Ser. on E. G. Marsh, 1803. Griswold s Sermon before Court, 1803. Dwight s Sermon on Duelling, 1805. Laws, 1811. Address at Formation of Lycurgan Association, 1820 (2). Junior Exhibition Exercises, 1822. [Kingsley s] Remarks on Present Situation, 1823 (2). 2213 New Haven. Yale College. Pamphlets (u) Fitch s Discourses on Sin; and Thanksgiving Ser., 1828. Silliman s Introductory Lecture, 1828. Taylor s Concio ad clerum, 1828. Outlines of Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 1829. Circular of Sophomore Class, 1830. Reports on Course of Instruction, 1830. Walker s Funeral Sermon on J. A. Barrett, 1833. The Medley, a Periodical, Vol. i,No. i, 1833. Order of Commencement Exer cises, 1838. Knight s Introductory Lecture, 1838. Miner s Ad dress to Medical Institution, 1839. 2214 - - Pamphlets (14) Brainerd s Address to Medical Institution, 1840. Ticknor s Address to Med. Instit., 1840. Triennial Cata logue of the Theol. Dept, 1841. Willis s Address to Beethoven Club, 1841. Grant s Address to Medical Institution, 1850. Woolsey s Funeral S. on A. Hebard, 1851, and on J. L. Kingsley, 1852. Catalogue of Paintings, 1852. Fisher s Baccalaureate Sermon, 1855. Burr s Address to Medical Institution, 1864. Yale Banner, 1871 (and Supplement). Woolsey and Pierrepont, Addresses at 5oth Anniversary of the Law School, 1874. 2215 Pamphlets (12) Subscriptions to $100,000 fund, 1833. [Kingsley s] Sketch of History of Y. C., 1835. Ordination and inaug. of Pres. Woolsey, 1846. Woolsey s Histor. Discourse, i5oth anniv.,//. 128, 1850. Fisher s centen l Discourse, College Church, //. 98, 1858. Obituary record of Alumni, 1860-64 an d 66. Commemorative celebration, 1865. 2216 - Sermons by Timo. Dwight, D.D., Pres. of Yale College. Nature and Danger of Infidel Philosophy, 1797 ; Fourth of July, 1798 ; Eulogy on Washington, 1800; Century, 1801 ; Death of E. G. Marsh, 1803 ; (also, one on the same by B. Fowler ;) on Duel ling, 1804; Death of Gov. Trumbull, 1809 ; The Charitable Blessed, 1810 ; Fast, 1812 ; Eulogy on Pres. Dwight, by B. Silliman, 1817. 1 1 in i vol. 8 New Haven. 2217 Abington. Smith s Hist. Discourse, 1850. Andover. Sprague s Cent l discourse, 1849. Asnford. Hancock s S. at ordina. of J. Bass, 1743. Avon. HubbelPs review of 12 years ministry, 1853. Avon, (West) Centennial of Cong, church, 1851. Bethany. Jones s Farewell S., 1809. Berlin. Manual and Hist. Memoir of So. (2d) Cong, church, 1857. Berlin (Worthington). Woodworth s Two Sermons on firing of the Church, 1848. Branford. Gillett s semi-centennial Sermon, 1858. 9 Pamphlets. 2218 Bristol. Hist, sketch of Cong, church, 1852. Brooklyn. De votion (Eben.) Discourse, Oct. 22, 1754, at the Funeral of Rev. Eph. Avery (4 Boston, J. Draper, 1755) ; Whitney s half -century S., 1806; Willson s Review of Eccles. proceedings, 1818. Can- 2/O CONNECTICUT. terbury. Meech s Farewell S., 1822 ; Statement on Miss Crandall s colored school, 1833 ; Trial of Dr. Crandall at Washington, D. C., 1836; Manual of ist Cong, church, 1853. Canton. Hallock s dedica. S., 1815. Chaplin. Manual of ist Cong, church, 1840. 10 Pamphlets. 22 19 Cheshire. Beardsley s Hist. Discourse, St. Peter s church, 1839 > 5oth aftniv. of Episc. Academy, 1844 ; and Disc, at Academy, 1863. Colchester. Skinner (Rev. Thomas) Discourse, at Westchester in Colchester, Dec. 8, 1745, after the Funeral of [his Wife] Mrs. Mary [Newhall] Skinner, uncut, 4 Boston, 1746. Colebrook. Lee s farewell Sermon, 1828. Columbia. Manual of Cong, church, 1860. Cornwall. Sedgwick s Impartial narrative of case of Rev. H. Gold, 1783, and Gold s reply, 1783. Coventry. Reply to A. Abbot s statement of proceedings in ist church, 1812 (2); Proceedings rela. to A. Abbot, 1812 ; (South Cov.) Address to Hale Monument Assoc. by A. T. Judson, 1836. 13 Pamphlets. 2220 Danbury. Narrative of proceedings against Rev. Mr. White, N. Haven, 1764; Vindication of Proceedings, 1764; Robbins s Cent. Sermon, 1801 ; The same, repr. 1828 ; The same, repr. 1846 ; Dedication of Wooster Monument, (Deming s oration,) 1854. Derby. Scott s Cent. Sermon, 1841. 7 Pamphlets. 2221 Durham. Fowler s dedica. Ser., 1847. E. Haddam. Parsons s Quarter-century Sermons, 1841. E. Hartford. Manual of ist Cong, church, 1836; (Orford Soc.) King s Farewell Ser., 1810. E. Haven. Manual of Cong, church, 1833. E. Windsor. Lay ing c. s. of Theol. Sem., 1834 ; Extracts from records of ist church, 1833. 9 Pamphlets. 2222 Durham. Fowler (W. C.) History, from 1662 to 1866. 8 Hartford, 1866 2223 East Haven. Dodd (S.) East Haven Register, sheep. 12 New Haven, 1824 2224 East Windsor. History of the First Ecclesiastical Society from 1752 to 1854, with Sketch of the Life of the second Pastor, Rev. S. Bartlett, and his Farewell Discourse. 12 Hartford, 1857 2225 Theological Institute. Prof. N. Gale s Inaug. Address, 1851 ; Prof. E. A. Laurence s Inaug. Address, 1854. 2 Pamphlets. 2226 Farmington. Porter (N.) Historical Discourse, Nov. 4, 1840, pp. 99. 8 Hartford, 1841 2227 Ellington. Manual of Cong, church, 1860; Brockway s New Year s S., 1828. Fairfield. Atwater s bi-cent. Sermon, 1839; Da- vies s bi-centen l S. at Green s Farms, 1839 ; History, &c., of Fairfield East Association, 1859 (2). Farming-ton. Porter s Thanksgiving Ser., 1822, Bi-Cent. Ser., 1840, and Half-Century Ser., 1856 ; [Richards s] Sketches by an inhabitant, Windsor, Vt., 1832. Franklin. Nott s Half-Cent. Sermon, 1832; and 6oth anniv. Ser., 1842. 12 Pamphlets. 2228 Franklin. Celebration of One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniver sary of the Congregational Church, Oct. 4, 1868, (with Woodward s Hist. Address,) portraits and map. 8 New Haven, 1869 GLASTENBURY MARLBOROUGH. 2/ 1 2229 Glastenbury for Two Hundred Years. Chapin (A. B.) A Cen tennial Discourse, May 18, 1853, with an Appendix, doth, pp. 252. 8 Hartford, 1853 2230 Glastenbury. Manual of ist Church, 1834, and 1859; Centenn l Celebration, 1853 ; (Curtisville) Indignation meeting, 1854. Goshen. Powers s Centennial Address, 1838. Groton. Turtle s S. at Fort Griswold, 1821; Brainerd s address at Fort Griswold, 1825 ; Description of the Monument, 1845. 8 Pamphlets. 2231 Groton. Rathbun (Jona.) Narrative of Capture of Groton Fort, and of the Massacre. 12 n. p. [1840] 2232 Guilford. Elliot (John) [Historical] Discourse on the first Sab bath of the year. 8 Middletown, 1802 2233 Two Letters to a Friend on the Removal of the Rev. Mr. J s S t [James Sproat] from a Church in G If d to one in P Ip a [Philadelphia],//. 32, RARE. 8 n. p. 1769 2234 Haddam. Field (D. D.) History of Haddam and East Had dam, SCARCE. 8 1814 2235 Hampton. BILLINGS (Wm.) A Warning to God s Covenant People. [Fast] Discourse, in Windham-Village [Hampton], the 1 8th of April, 1733, it being the last day of his Preaching. (Pre face by Rev. James Hale, of Ashford.) pp. (6), 29, uncut. 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1733 VERY SCARCE. Not in Haven s Catalogue, or the Conn. Hist. Society s. 2236 Harwinton. Chipman (R. M.) History of Harwinton, pp. 152. 8 Hartford, 1860 2237 Killingly. Histor. narrative of Congreg. Convention, 1781. Kent. Andre ws s Ser. on withdrawing from Cong, ministry, 1831. Killingworth. Inquiry into case of Rev. P. Crocker, 1825; Statement relating to difficulties, 1828. Lebanon. S. Williams s half-cent Sermon, 1773 ; Cogswell s Fun. Ser. for Sol. Williams, 1776, stained; Williams (Solo. 2d.) farewell S., 1778; Dewey on the Hail-Storm, ^799 ; Impartial relation of the Hail-Storm, 1799; Lyman s Dedica. Sermon, 1807. Lisbon. Lee s half-cent. Ser., 1819; Manual of 2d church, 1831; Nelson s half-century Ser., 1854. 13 Pamphlets. 2238 Litchfield Co. Centennial Celebration, Aug. 13 and 14, 1851, pp. 212, frontispiece. 8 Hartford, 1851 Contains Hist. Address by Ch. Just. S. Church ; Poem by Rev. J. Pierpont ; " The Age of Homespun," Discourse by Rev. Dr. H. Bushnell, &c. 2239 Litchfield. Champion s Hist. (Fast) Sermon, 1770; Woodruff s History, 1845, SCARCE; Jones s cent. Ser., Episc. church, 1846. Litchfield county. Griswold on proceedings of L. South assoc. 1798; Morris s Statistical account, 1815; Brown s second address to people, 1818; Histor. sketch of No. Assoc n, 1852; Centen l celebration of North and South Consociations, 1852 ; Hollister s address before Hist, and Antiq. Society, 1856. 10 Pamphlets. 2240 Marlborough. Huntington (Jos.) Sermon at the Ordination of David Huntington, May 29, 1776, uncut. 4 Norwich, 1776 2241 Meriden. Perkins (G. W.) Historical Sketches, map. 12 N. Meriden, 1849 272 CONNECTICUT. 2242 Middlesex Co. Field (D. D.) Statistical Account of the County of Middlesex,//. 154 (with a MS. account of the " Moodus " noises), uncut, scarce. 8 Middletown, 1819 2243 Middletown. Field (D. D.) Centennial Address, with Histori cal Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle-Haddam, Middletown and its Parishes. 12 Middletown, 1853 2244 -- Devotion (Eben.) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Enoch Huntington, Jan. 6, 1762, uncut. 4 New Haven, Jas. Parker and Comp., 1762 2245 - - HUNTINGTON (Enoch) Funeral Sermon on Hon. Jabez Hamlin, Middletown, 1791 ; Huntington (E.) Discourse occasioned by the Death by Shipwreck of two sons of Benj. Henshaw [with an Appendix giving some Account of Joseph and John Henshaw, etc.], Middletown, 1788. Lathrop (Jos.) Christ s Warning to the Churches, Springfield, 1791. Lathrop (John) Sermon before Humane Society, Boston, 1787. 4 in i vol. 8 This volume was the property of Benj. Henshaw whose name is written on each of the tracts. Hon. Jabez Hamlin was the father of Mrs. B. Henshaw. 2246 RUSSEL (Rev. NOADIAH) [Verses] On the much Lamented Death of the Reverend Mr. Noadiah Russel, Late Pastor of the Church of Christ in Middletown, who had his Clayey Tabernacle Dissolved and his Mortality Swallowed up of Life, December 3d, 1713. ./Etatis Suae, 55. Broadside, curious cut at the head, three col umns divided and bordered by black rules, in fine condition. folio, n. p., n. d. \_New London, 1714] EXCESSIVELY RARE. The longest poem, occupying two of these columns, is signed N. C., probably for the Rev. Nathaniel Collins, of Enfield (H. C. 1697). 2247 - - Journal of a Tour of Cadets from the A. L. S. and Military Academy, Middletown, to Washington, D. C., sewed. 8 Middletown, 1827 2248 Meriden. Transactions at Ordma. of J. Hubbard, N. Haven [1768] ; Letter from Assoc. of H. H. Co. on Mr. Hubbard s Con fession of Faith, 1769. Middletown. Pyne s eulogy on Wash ington, 1832 ; Appeal for Wesleyan university, 1839 ; Dedication of Indian Hill cemetery, 1850. Milford. Brace s histor. Thanks giving S., 1858; and isth anniv. Sermon, 1860. New Britain. Skinner s dedica. Sermon, 1823. Newington. Brace s history of the church, 1835. 9 Pamphlets. 2249 New Britain. Andrews (A.) Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History, portrait, pp. 538. 8 Chicago, 1867 2250 New London Co. Mather (W. W.) Sketch of the Geology and Mineralogy of N. L. and Windham Counties, pp. 36, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Norwich, 1834 2251 - - History of Baptist Association, 1851. 2252 New London. Caulkins (Miss F. M.) The History of New London, 1612-1652, cloth. 8 New London, 1860 2253 -- Adams s Sermon on the Thunder-Clap which struck the meeting-house, 1735 ; Remarks on Result of Council, 1735, corners injured; Reasons why Mr. Byles left, by T. S., 1768; Dialogue between Mr. Byles and the church, by A. Z., 1768 ; Hallam s Ser. NEW LONDON NORWICH. 2/3 on re-opening of Episcopal church, 1836 (2) ; McEwen s Sermon on leaving the old Meeting House, 1850 ; and his half-cent. Ser mon, 1857 (2); Marsh s Temperance Ser., 1866. 9 Pamphlets. 2254 New London. ADAMS (ELIPHALET) of New London. Sermons preached at the Ordinations of Rev. Wm. Gager, Lebanon, 1725, Rev. Thomas Clap, Windham, 1726, Rev. John Owen, Groton, 1727. 3 in one vol. 16 New London, T. Green, 1725-30 2255 -- ADAMS (Eliphalet) A Discourse Delivered at Colchester, June i3th, 1731, The Day of the Funeral of the Rev. Mr. John Bulkley, pp. (4), 46. 16 New London, T. Green, 1734 2256 Adams (Eliphalet) Sermon on the Execution of Katherine Garret, an Indian-Servant .... for the murder of her Spurious Child, on May 3, 1738 . . With her Dying Warning and Exhor tation, Left under her own Hand, dean copy, calf gilt ( W. Pratt ), uncut. 1 6 N. London, T. Green, 1738 2257 Moulton (Wm.) Sea Journal of, on board the Onico, in a Voyage from New London to Staten Land in the South Sea, 1799- 1804, clean copy. 8 Utica, 1804 2258 Connecticut Gazette. Vol. xxxi-xxxm, Jan. 2, 1794, -Aug. 4, 1796, half calf neat, uncut. folio, New London, 1794-6 2259 Newtown. Sermons on church government. Appendix, on con duct of the Consoc., [1774]. Norfolk. Dr. Miner s Defence against church process, for professing doctrine of Polygamy, pp. 83, uncut, SCARCE, 1781 Robbins s half -century Ser., 1812 ; Roys s History, pp. 89, scarce, 1847. No. Branford. Wood s Historical Sermon, 1850. No. Coventry. Calhoun s Centen l address, 1845, and Celebration of his settlement, 1859. No. Milford. Pinneo s Dedica. Ser., 1811. No. Stonington. HubbelPs Ser. commemo rative of Rev. J. Fish; Morris s dedica. Sermon, 1849. North- ford. Mansfield s Memoranda of Weather, remarkable events, etc., 1814-29. Norwalk. Bouton s Hist, address, 2ooth Anniversary, and appendix, //. 80, 1851. n Pamphlets. 2260 North Stonington. Palmer (A. G.) Centennial Discourse, First Baptist Church, 1843, //. 72, cloth. 16 Boston, 1844 2261 Norwalk. Hall (E.) Ancient Historical Records, map and plates, cloth. 12 Norwalk, 1847 2262 Norwich. Caulkins (Miss F. M.) History of Norwich, from 1660 to 1845, plates. 12 Norwich, 1845 2263 Denison (Rev. Fred.) Notes on the Baptists and their Prin ciples in Norwich. 12 Norwich, 1857 2264 Gilman (D. C.) Bi-Centennial Discourse, 1859, 2d edition, with additional notes, cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 2265 Huntington Family. Conant (Silvanus) A Letter Occa sioned by the Death of Mrs. Abigail Conant, late of Middleborough, pp. 8, uncut. 4 New London, T. Green, 1759 Mrs. Conant was a daughter of the Hon. Hezekiah Huntington, to whom the Letter is addressed. 35 2/4 CONNECTICUT. 2566 Norwich. Huntington (Jos.) The Vanity and Mischief of pre suming on things beyond our Measure. A Sermon at Norwich, May 22, 1774, uncut, first and last leaves soiled. 4 Norwich, Robertsons 6- Trumbull, 1774 A very early imprint. The firm of Robertsons & Trumbull began printing in Norwich in October, 1773. 2267 Lord (Benj.) Sermons. True Christianity explained and enforced, title-page wanting, [1727]. The Necessity of Regenera tion, Lecture Sermons at Norwich, Boston, 1738. Ordination of Rev. Jabez Wight, at East Norwich, 1727. Funeral of his wife, 1751. Death of Rev. Henry Willes, 1759. Instalment of Rev. N. Whitaker, at Chelsea, 1761. Six in i vol. 8 New London, 1727-61 2268 Stedman (J. W.) Norwich Jubilee; a Report of the Bi- Centennial Celebration, Sept. 7 and 8, 1859, map, half-calf. 8 Norwich, 1859 2269 Williams Family. The Dying Mother s Advice and Fare well ... an Elegy on the lamented Death of Mrs. Mary Williams, (formerly Wife of Capt. John Williams, Merchant, late of Norwich deceased,) who [died] March 9, 17 $>-<}, folio, broadside, 64 Verses, in four columns ; mounted on linen, folded, and bound in polished calf (Pratt]. 12 n. p., n. d. \_New London, 1749?] 2270 Lord s 6ist anniv. S. 1783; Nott s Sermon at Interment of Dea. J. Hunt, 1786; Smith s S. on introduction of organ in Episc. church, 1791; King s dedica. S. 1795, and farewell Disc. 1811; Strong s half-cent. Sermon, 1828 ; Mitchell s re-dedica. Ser., 2d Cong, church, 1830; Proposals of Norw. Water Power Co., 1831 ; By-Laws, 1837 > Bond s hist, discourse, 1843, ano ^ dedica. Sermon, 1846 ; Whitman s farewell S. 1846 ; Morgan s Centenary of Epis. church, 1849; Oilman s bi-centen l Discourse, 1859,^. 128; Bond s Centennial Sermon, 2d Cong, church, 1860 ; Graves s 25th Anniv. S. 1865. l6 Pamphlets. 2271 Plymouth. Lyman s farewell Ser., 1851; Warren s farewell Ser., 1856. Pomfret. Hunt s historical Thanksg. Sermon, 1840; (Abington) Smith s histor. Sermon, 1853. -Preston. Hart s 3oth anniv. Ser. 1792. Rocky Hill. Manual of Cong, church, 1843. 6 Pamphlets. 2272 Salisbury. Remarks on result of eccles. Council, 1770; Cross- man s New Year s Sermon, 1803 ; Church s Centen. Address, 1841 ; Reid s Ser. at Church Centennial, 1844. Saybrook. Manual of 2d Bapt. church, 1828, and 1841 ; Hotchkiss s half-cent. Sermon, 1833, and his Farewell Discourse, 1838 ; Guion s Apology for the Church, 1834 ; Hist. Sketch of Bapt. Churches, 1849. 10 Pamphlets. 2272 Sharon. Sedgwick (C. F.) History of the Town, very scarce. 1 6 Hartford, 1842 2274 Parker (Rev. D.) Proscription delineated ; or, a Develop ment of . . Arbitrary and Oppressive Proceedings of the North Association of Litchfield Co. in relation to the Author, late pastor in Sharon, boards, uncut, 12 Hudson, N. Y., 1819 SIMSBURY WINDHAM. 2/5 2275 Simsbury. Phelps (N. A.) History of Simsbury, Granby, and Canton, from 1642 to 1845 1> McLean s half-cent. Sermon, 1859 ( 2 copies). 3 Pamphlets. 8 Hartford, 1845 2276 Simsbury Mines (Newgate Prison). Bates (W.) The Mys terious Stranger ; or, Memoirs of Henry More Smith, alias H. F. Moon alias W. Newman, confined in Simsbury Mines for Burglary. 16 New Haven, 1817 2277 - - Phelps (R. H.) History of the Newgate of Connecticut, its Insurrections and Massacres, etc. Also, some Account of the State Prison at Wethersfield. sm. 4 Albany, 1860 2278 Baxter s Tyrannicide proved lawful; Sermon to Loyalists, 1781 -j Report of Legislative Committee on Newgate Prison, 1826; Life and adventures of S. Smith, confined for murder, 1827 ; Phelps s Newgate of Conn., 1844; Phelps s History of Copper mines and Newgate Prison, 1845. 6 Pamphlets. 2279 Somers. Backus (Charles) Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Moses Chapin, 1794; Strong s centen l S. 1828. 2 Pamphlets. 2280 Southington. Manual of ist Cong, church, 1828 and 1851; Ogden s farewell Sermon, 1836. 3 Pamphlets. 2281 Stafford. Woodward s historical Sermon, 1843 j Rowland s and Hinsdale s Heresy of Rev. J. Foster detected, 1781, pp. 63, uncut; Answer to above by church and pastor, 1781. Stamford. C. M. Smith s Sermon at Ordin. of Daniel Smith, 1793 ; Alvord s bi-cen- ten l address, 1841. Stonington Union Bapt. Association, 73d anniversary, 1845. Stratford. Paddock s histor. discourse, Epis. church, 1855 (2). Suffield. Lathrop s Two Sermons, on a Suicide, 1805. Thompson. Dow s half-cent. S. 1846. 10 Pam phlets. 2282 Stonington. The Patriot, or Scourge of Aristocracy. Vol. i, Nos. 14-51, no title-page, boards. 8 Stonington-Port, Conn., 1801-2 2283 Tolland. Waldo (L. P.) Address on Early History of Tolland, 1861. 8 Hartford, 1861 2284 Wallingford. Dana s Century S. 1770. Waterbury. Fowler s farewell Sermon, 1799. Watertown. Richardson s histor. sketch, 1845. West Hartford. Manual of Bapt. church, 1839. ^Pam phlets. 2285 West Haven. Century Sermon, Christ church, 1839; Colton s histor. Discourse, 1859. 2 Pamphlets. 2286 Wethersfield. Beadle. Marsh (John) Sermon at Wethersfield, Dec. 13, 1782, at the Funeral of Mrs. Lydia Beadle, wife of the late William Beadle, and their Four Children, all murdered by his own Hands, on the nth instant. With a Narrative of the Life of Wm. Beadle, etc., pp. 39, uncut. 8 Hartford, [1782]. Dana (J.) Discourse at Wallingford, Dec. 22, 1782, occasioned by the tragical exit of Wm. Beadle, etc., pp. 27, uncut. 4 New Haven, [1783]. 2 VERY SCARCE Sermons. 2287 Wethersfield. Marsh s half-cent. S. 1823. Winsted. Bulke- ley s 5th anniv. S., 1859. Windham. Whiting s S. on Thanks giving for revival, 1721, repr. 1800; Waterman s century Sermon, 2/6 CONNECTICUT. 1800; Tyler s Sermon on 1 5 oth anniversary, 1850. Woodbury. Sheman s bi-centen l S. 1859 > Cothren s Address, at bi-centen l celebration, 1859,^. 223. Woodstock. Lyman s Two Sermons, 1793- (West) Underwood s half-century Ser. 1851. 9 Pamphlets. 2288 Windsor. Stiles (H. R.) History of Ancient Windsor, including East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, with Genealogies, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1859 2289 -- Perry (Jos.) Discourse Occasioned by the Death of the Honorable ROGER WOLCOTT of Windsor, who, for several years, was Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, And died May 17, 1767, in the 891)1 Year of his Age,//. 28, uncut, SCARCE. 4 Hartford, Thomas Green, [1767] 2290 Foster (Isaac) Sermon at the Ordination of [his son] the Rev. Mr. Dan Foster, in Windsor Second Society, June 12, 1771, pp. 28. 4 Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1774 2291 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. Morris (J.) Statistical Account of Litchfield Co., no title-page, [ab. 1814] SCARCE. Litchfield County Centennial Celebration, Hartford, 1851. Kingsley (J. L.) Bi-Centen. Address, at New Haven, 1838. Bushnell(H.) Speech for Connecticut, New Britain, June 4, 1851, Hartford, 1851. Statement of Books, Manuscripts, and Documents, belonging to the Public Archives of Massachusetts ; and three others in one vol., half roan. 2292 Field (D. D.) Statistical Account of Middlesex County, Conn. Middletown, 1819. Porter (Noah) Historical Address, Bi-Centennial of Farmington, Conn. Hartford, 1841. Powers (G.) Centennial Address, Goshen, Conn. Hartford, 1839. Hawes (J.) Centennial Discourse, First Church in Hartford. Hartford, 1836. Hinman (R. R.) Catalogue of Puritan Settlers of Con necticut. Hartford, 1846. Pierce (Josiah) Centennial Address, Gorham, Me. Portland, 1836. QuincyQ.) Bi-Centennial Address, Boston, 1830. Bradley (C. W.) Essay on Surnames, Baltimore, 1842. Cass (L.) Address before Amer. Historical Society, Washington, 1836. Porter (W. S.) Historical Notices of Hartford and W. Hartford, No s i, 2. Hartford, 1842, uncut. 10 in i vol., half roan. 8 2293 -- West Haven. Chapin s Centennial of Christ Church, 1839. Derby. Scott s Century Sermon, 1841. Cheshire. Beardsley s Historical Sermon, 1839. New Condon. Hallam s Sermon at Re-opening of St. James s Church, 1836. North Haven.^ Trum- bull s Century Ser., 1801. Pomfret. Hunt s Historical Thanks giving Sermon, 1840. New Haven. Dutton s Three Historical Sermons, 1842, and Yale College Triennial, 1838. 8 in i vol. BIOGRAPHY. 2294 -- BRAINERD (DAVID) Life, by Jonathan Edwards, autograph letters of Jona. Edwards and John Brainerd (brother of David), inserted. 8 Boston, 1749 2295 - - Life, by Jonathan Edwards, with Extracts from his Journal, old calf. 8 Worcester, 1793 BIOGRAPHY. 277 2296 BRAINERD (DAVID) Life, with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal, by John Styles. 2d American edition, old calf , broken. 12 Boston, 1821 2297 FANNING (Capt. NATH.) Memoirs of the Life of [by himself], with sketches of the Lives of John Paul Jones, Capt. Parsons, and Lieut. Dale, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 12 New York, 1808 2298 GALLAUDET (Tnos. H.) Tribute to, by Henry Barnard, portrait, cloth. 8 Hartford, 1852 2299 HALE (DAVID) Memoir, by J. P. Thompson, cloth, uncut. 12 New York, 1850 2300 HALE (Capt. NATHAN) the Martyr Spy. Life, by I. W. Stuart, with illustrations, cloth. 12 Hartford, 1856 With the author s autograph presentation. 2301 Another copy. 2302 HOOKER (Rev. THOS.) Life, by E. W. Hooker. 16 Host., 1849 2303 JEROME (CHAUNCEY) History of the American Clock Business, and Barnum s Connection with (it), cloth. 12 New Haven, 1860 2304 JEWITT. Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt, only survivor of the crew of the Ship Boston, during a Captivity . . . among the Savages of Nootka Sound, with an Account of the Manners, etc. of the Natives, boards, uncut. 12 Middletown, 1815 2305 LYON (Gen. NATHANIEL) Life, by Ashbel Woodward, cloth. 12 Hartford, 1862 2306 MILLS (SAMUEL J.) Memoirs, by Gardiner Spring. 8 New York, 1820 2307 PATTEN {Mrs. RUTH) Memoirs, by W. Patten. 12 Hartford, 1834 2308 PORTER (NOAH), D.D. Memorial of (with Address by Rev. Dr. H. Bushnell, etc.), cloth. 8 Farmington, 1867 2309 PUTNAM (ISRAEL) Essay on the Life of, by Col. David Hum phreys, law calf. 12 Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1788 "The first effort in biography that has been made on this continent." Author s Dedication. 2310 Memoirs of the Life of Gen. Israel Putnam, by Col. D. Hum phreys, Phila. 1798 The same, Brattleboro* \Vt.~\ 1812 ; The same, New York, 1815; The same, New York, 1834, cuts; The same, Ithaca, N. Y., 1834. Five in i vol. new half morocco. 16 2311 - - WHITNEY QOSIAH) of Brooklyn, Conn. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Honourable Major-General ISRAEL PUT NAM, dk. blue morocco extra, sides paneled, g. e. (Bedford}. 12 Windham, John Byrne, [1790] Portrait of Gen. Putnam, inserted; and his AUTOGRAPH signed to a receipt for pay of his Company in the French War, endorsed on an order given by Jonathan Trumbull. A LARGE, CLEAN COPY of this VERY SCARCE Sermon. 2312 The Veil Removed, or Reflections on Humphrey s Life of Putnam, by John Fellows, cloth. 12 New York, 1843 2313 STLLES (EZRA), D.D. Life by Abiel Holmes, portrait, old calf, gilt ; autograph letters of President Stiles and the Rev. Dr. Holmes, inserted. 8 Boston, 1798 2/8 CONNECTICUT. 2314 TRUMBULL (Col. JOHN) Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters, from 1756 to &^\, portrait, and other engravings, doth. 8 New York, 1841 2315 WHEELOCK (E.) Memoirs of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D., Founder and President of Dartmouth College, by David M Clure and Elijah Parish, portrait, autograph presentation of Dr. M Clure, calf. 8 Newburyport, 1811 2316 WHITNEY (ELi) Memoir of, by Prof. Denison Olmsted, por trait, paper. 8 New Haven, 1846 2317 WILCOX (CARLOS) Remains, with a Memoir, boards, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1828 2318 FUNERAL SERMONS. T. Stone, on Madam Faith Trumbull, wife of Gov. Trumbull, Hartf., 1780. S. Williams, on Mrs. Faith [Trumbull] Huntington, Norw., 1777. Z. Ely, on Gov. Jona. Trumbull, Hartf., 1786. S. White, on Col. Jos. Trumbull, Hartf., 1779. J. Strong, on Gov. Samuel Huntington, Hartf., 1796. A. Backus, on Gov. Ol. "Wolcott, Litchf., 1797. S. Mather, on Hon. T. Hutchinson, Bost., 1740. H. Caner, on George \\.,Bost., 1761. S. Mather, on Queen Caroline, Bost., 1738. B. Bidwell, on Roger Newton, N. Haven, 1789; and another, n in i vol., half bound, good copies. 8 v. p. 2319 Z. Ely, on Gov. Jona. Trumbull, 1786. H. Channing, on Mrs. Anna [McCurdy] Strong, 1789. A. Backus on Oliver Wolcott, 1797. N. Strong, .on Geo. Washington, at Hartford, 1800; on Lt. Gov. C. Goodrich, 1815. H. A. Rowland, on Oliver Ellsworth, 1808. N. Perkins, on Rev. N. Strong, D.D., 1817 ; and 20 others in i vol. 8 v. p., 1786-18 2320 - - J. Edwards, on Roger Sherman, 1793. N. Williams, on Rev. N. Strong, Coventry, 1795 ; on Eliakim Hall, Wallingford, 1794. Z. Ely, on Jona. Trumbull, Lebanon, 1786 (uncuf). T. Pitkin, on Rev. S. Newell, Bristol, 1789. T. Dwight, on E. Goodrich, Durham, 1797. Timo. Alden, Jr., on G. Washington, Portsmouth, N. H., 1800. N. Benedict, on J. Bellamy, D.D., Bethlem, 1790. D. Tappan, on Lt. Gov. S. Phillips, Andover, 1802 ; T. Baldwin, on the same, Boston, 1802. S. Buell, on his dau., Mrs. J. Conkling, East Hampton, L. I., 1783. J. Dana, on Pres. Ezra Stiles, New Haven, 1795. A. Chase, on his wife, Litchfield, 1792. Z. Ely, on Gov. Jona. Trumbull (the 2d), Lebanon, 1809 ; T. Dwight, on the Same, N. Haven, 1809. Benj. Trumbull, on Rev. Noah Williston, N. Haven, 1812. And others, 30 in i vol. 8 v. p., 1783-18 2321 - - B. Trumbull, on Geo. Washington, at N. Haven, (with the scarce portrait engr. by Doolittle,) 1800. T. Dwight, on Rev. E. Goodrich, 1797. J. Devotion, on Rev. W. Hart, 1785. T. Dwight, and B. Fowler, on Eb. G. Marsh, 1814. D. D. Field, on Mrs. Eliz. Brainerd (with histor. notes), 1814. W. Lockwood, on Jerusha Woodbridge (histor. notes), 1799. And 10 others, in i vol. 8 2322 -- Cooke (Samuel) Funeral Sermon on the Rev. John Daven port, of Stamford, Feb., 1730-31, pp. 62, good copy, morocco extra, SCARCE. 1 6 New York, J. P. Zenger, 1731 BIOGRAPHY. SERMONS. 279 2323 FUNERAL SERMONS. Learning (Jerem.) Sermon, at Christ s- Church, in Stratford, at the Funeral of the Reverend Samuel Johnson, D.D. . . late President of King s-College, in New York, //. 18. 4 New Haven, [1772] " For one of our departed Brethren, who was not only the first Missionary in Point of Time, but first in Point of Learning of every Sort, both human and divine, in this Colony" (p. 13). 2324 Mansfield (Rich.) Funeral Sermon upon the Decease of the Reverend John Beach, A.M., uncut. 4 New Haven, [1782] 2325 Caldwell (C.) Discourse on the Genius and Character of Horace Holley, with copious biographical notes, portrait, hf. cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1828 2326 Dutton (S. W. S.) Funeral Address on Hon. Roger S. Bald win, cloth. 8 N. Haven, 1863 42327 Burgess (Geo.) Bp. Address at the Funeral of the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, Third Bishop of Connecticut, Jan. 17, 1865, beautifully printed, on thick paper, purple borders. 4 Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1865 2328 CENTURY SERMONS, 1801. Trumbull (B.) North Haven; Lath- rop (Jos.) West Springfield ; Dwight (Timo.) New Haven ; Strong (N.) Hartford ; Backus (C.) Somers. 5 in i vol. 8 2329 FOURTH OF JULY Orations, 1788-1802: by Simeon Baldwin, Wm. Brown, D. Daggett, Tho. Day, Theo. Dwight (3), Timo. Dwight, D. Edmond, Z. Lewis, Benj. Silliman, J. C. Smith, E. Waterman ; in Massachusetts, by J. Lathrop, J. Lowell, Jos. Quincy ; with other orations. 25 in i vol. 8 2330 Tracts. Election Sermons: 1769, E. Williams; 1748, N. Eells; 1754, J. Lockwood; 1749, J. Todd; Eliph. Huntington s Disc, at Freemen s Meeting, in Killingworth, 1768. 5 in one vol. 16 2331 Tracts. Election Sermons; by N. Strong, 1790; T. Stone, 1792 ; J. Marsh, 1796; I. Lewis, 1797 C. Backus s Ordin. Sermon for Azel Backus, Litchfield, 1791. Address of the Conn. Gen. Asso ciation, on a Missionary Society, Norwich, 1797 ; and 2 others. 8 in one vol. 8 2332 Tracts. Election Sermons; by B. Trumbull, 1801 ; Z. Ely, 1804; A. Hooker, 1805 ; W. Lyman, 1806 ; A. Bassett, 1807. H. Weeks s Fun. Ser. on Thos. Lewis, N. H. 1804. W. F. Miller, on Gospel Baptism, Htfd. 1806; and six others. 13 in one vol. 8 2333 Tracts. Election Sermons; 1816, by A. Flint; 1824, by S. Luckey. A. Yates s Ser. at Funeral of Mrs. A. Flint, Htfd. i8 IO ; and three others. 6 in one vol. 2334 Sermons. Election Sermons, by J. Marsh, 1796 ; J. Strong, 1802 ; M. Burnet, 1803. C. Backus s Cent. Sermon, Somers, 1801 ; and Sermon [Historical] on Godly Fear, 1802. N. Strong, On Death of Washington, 1799; and five others. 12 in one vol. 8 2335 Sermons, by JOSEPH STRONG, D.D., of Norwich. At Funeral of Dr. J. Lathrop, 1807 ; Funeral of Jas. Cogswell, D.D., 1807 ; Conn. Election, 1790 ; Female Benef. Soc., 1809 ; Obituary of Washington, 1799; Century, 1801 ; Thanksgiving, 1797 ; Fast, 1798 ; Ordination 280 CONNECTICUT. of I. L. Skinner, 1794; On the Use of Time, 1813; Fast, 1812; Thanksgiving, 1800; Mutability of Human Life, 1811, 13 in one vol. 8 Hartford. 2336 Tracts. 25 scarce tracts, of historical and antiquarian interest, collected by the late Rev. Dr. A. B. Chapin, bound in 5 vols. half- calf (labeled "The Antiquary," vols. 1-5) some imperfect. 12 2337 Tracts, Miscellaneous. Clap (Thos.) Pres. of Yak. Essay on Moral Virtue, New Haven, 1765. West (S.) Essay on Moral Agency, New Haven, [1772]. Day (Jere.) Sermon before Litch- field Association, New Haven, 1774. Somers (Lord) Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations concerning the Rights, etc. of Kings, 1 2th edition, Newport, 1774. Four in one vol. 8 2338 Tracts, Miscellaneous. Occom (Samson) Sermon at the Execu tion of Moses Paul, an Indian, for the Murder of Moses Cook, New London, [1772]. Wetmore (Izrahiah) Conn. Election Ser mon, 1773, Norwich, 1775. Fish (Jos.) The Examiner examined ; Remarks on Mr. I. Backus s Answer to Mr. Fish s Nine Sermons, New London, 1771. And eight others ; eleven in one vol. 8 2339 Tracts, Miscellaneous. Daggett (D.) Eulogium on Gov. Roger Griswold, New Haven, 1812 ; Porter (D.) Sermon at Ordination of Rev. O. Lyman, Sharon, Conn. Hudson, 1813 ; Perkins (N.) Ser mon at Funeral of Rev. Nathan Strong, Hartford, 1817 ; and others. 22 in i vol. 8 2340 Early Almanacs. TREAT (ROBERT) An Almanack of the Caeles- tial Motions, &c. For the Year . . 1753. . Calculated for the Meridian of Yale College at New-Haven. . Licensed by his Honour the Gov- ernour. New-London, T. Green, 1723 SHERMAN (ROGER) An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack for . . 1753. Calculated for the Meridian of New-London. N. London, T. Green, 1753 The last two pages are devoted to "some tho ts upon the Loss and Damage which the Inhabitants of the Colony of Connecticut have sustain d by the depreciation of the Bills of Credit of R. Island & N. Hampshire, since the year 1750." (See No. 2180.) SHERMAN (ROGER) An Astronomical Diary, etc., for the Year 1754. Calculated for the Meridian of New-London. 2 copies, one wanting the last leaf . N.London, T. Green, 1754 The same, for the Year 1755. . For the Meridian of Boston. (Contains "A Poem on Drunkenness.") Boston, D. Fowle. THE CONNECTICUT DIARY : or, Almanack for the Year . . 1756 . . for the Meridian of New-Haven. New Haven, J. Parker. An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack for the Year[s] 1760, and 1761. . For the Meridian of Boston. Boston, 1760, 1761 DAVIS (JAMES) An Astronomical Diary : or, an Almanack For the Year, 1755 Meridian of New London, first and last leaves soiled. New London, T. & J. Green, 1755 " This is the First Off -Spring of a young Parent ; destroy it not therefore, if it be not quite perfect in every part." To the Reader. ELLIOTT (CLARK) Phil. The Connecticut Almanack, For the Year[s], 1767 (his First), 1768, 1770. N. London, T. Green. 12 Almanacs (including six of Roger Sherman s), all VERY RARE. RHODE ISLAND. 28 1 RHODE ISLAND. 2341 ACTS AND LAWS. CODE OF 1647. Proceedings of the First General Assembly of The Incorporation of Providence Plantations, and Code of Laws adopted by that Assembly in 1647, with notes, by Wm. R. Staples, pp. 64. 8 Providence, 1847 2342 ACTS AND LAWS of His Majesty s Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in America. (With the Charter prefixed.) //. (2), 12, (12), 210, paneled calf extra, red edges, FINE COPY, VERY RARE. folio, Newport, James Franklin, 1730 Autographs of Geo. Dunbar, Rich. Ashfield, and Robert H. Morris (Ch. Just, of N. Jersey), on title-page. The imprint shows that Mr. Thomas was in error, in stating that " the press was first established in Newport in the year 1732" (Hist, of Printing, i. 419). But see Nos. 2410 2411, 2412, and 2413. 2343 ACTS AND LAWS of His Majesty s Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, (with Charter prefixed,) pp. 15, (15), 308, FINE COPY, old calf . folio, Newport, Widow Franklin, 1744-45 2344 ACTS AND LAWS, etc. From Anno 1745 to Anno 1752, //. (8), no, brown levant morocco extra (Bedford\ FINE COPY. folio, Newport, J. Franklin, 1752 2345 Acts and Laws of the English Colony of Rhode Island, etc. Charter, //. 15, and pp. 46, 272, (\),fine copy, half red mor. extra. folio, Newport, Samuel Hall, 1767 2 345* The same ; without the Charter ; //. (2), 46, 272, (i), stained, last leaf mutilated, and several preceding leaves water-stained, hf. sheep. folio, Newport, 1767 This copy has the Table (Index), 45 pages, which is not in the preceding. The edition is VERY RARE. Only 200 copies were printed. (Hayes, Revision of the Statutes.) 2346 BARTLETT (J. R.) Bibliography of Rhode Island. A Catalogue of Books and other publications relating to the State of Rhode Island. With notes. //. 287, LARGE PAPER, uncut. imp. 8 Providence, 1864 2347 BARTLETT (J. R.) History of the Destruction of the Gaspee, in Narragansett Bay, June 10, 1772, Providence, 1861. Dring (T.) Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship ; edited by H. B. Dawson, (125 copies printed~) two portraits, Morrisania, 1865. 2 in i vol., LARGE PAPER, half green mor. (Roxlurghe), uncut. royal 8 2348 Boundary with Massachusetts, Documents relating to, //. 64, stained. 8 Fall River, 1847 2349 BURGES (TRISTAM) Memoir by H. L. Bowen, with Selections from his Speeches and Writings, portrait. 8 Phila., 1835 2350 BURGES (TRISTAM) Solitude and Society contrasted. Oration at the annual meeting of the Philological Society, in Middleborough, [Mass.] June 7, 1797. (With an Address to the Society, and two Odes sung at the Anniversary.) pp. 24, VERY SCARCE. 8 Providence, Carter 6 Wilkinson, 1797 The first published composition of Mr. Burges, after his graduation at R. I. College (Brown University) in 1796. It is not included in the list of his works in J. R. Bartlett s Bibliography of Rhode Island, or, in the still longer list given by Mr. Sabin, Dictionary, No. 9235 (vol. in. p. 122). 36 282 RHODE ISLAND. 2351 CALLENDER (J.) Historical Discourse on Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations from 1638 to 1700, polished calf (Bedford), fine copy, uncut. 8 Boston, 1739 2^51* The same, large copy, a few leaves stained, hf. red mor. plain. 2352 The same. With a Memoir of the Author, annotations, and illustrative documents, by Romeo Elton, D.D. Third Edition, pp. 270, cloth. 8 Boston, 1843 CODDINGTON (WM.) A Demonstration of Free Love, etc., 1674. See No. 541. 2353 EASTON QOHN) A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War of 1675 and 1676 ; with other Documents concerning this Event . . . With an Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough, map, pp. xxiii, 207, paper, uncut, sm. 4 Albany, J Munsell, 1858 Munsell s Historical Series, No. II. " The rarest of this series." Sabin. 2354 Evangelical Association. Minutes, &c., 1847-49, 1851-55, 1857-62. (Includes reports of Home Missionary Society, and Statistics of the Churches.) 14 Pamphlets. 8 Providence, 1847-62 2355 FRIEZE QACOB) History of efforts to obtain an Extension of Suffrage, 1811-42. 12 Providence, 1842 GORTON (SAMUEL) See Nos. 578, 579, 580, 581. 2356 GREENE (Gen. NATH L.) Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of, by C. Caldwell, portrait, autograph letter of Gen. Greene inserted, calf, marbled edges. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 2357 GREENE (NATHANAEL) Life and Correspondence, by William Johnson. 2 vols., portraits, maps, and plans, uncut. 4 Charleston, 1822 2358 Might and Right, by a Rhode Islander [F. H. Green], por trait of T. W. Dorr. 12 Providence, 1844 HOPKINS (STEPHEN) The Rights of Colonies Examined. Provi dence, 1765. See No. 190, and for the London reprint, same year, see No. 190.* 2359 JACKSON (C. T.) Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of R. Island. 8 Providence, 1840 2360 JENKS (JOSEPH) A Reply To the most Principal Arguments con tained in a Book, Entituled, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with out Elementary Water, etc., Signed William Wilkinson. In which Reply . . . both Water-Baptism and the Lord s Supper [are] Plainly proved to be the Commands of Jesus Christ,//, v, 70, (i), polished calf extra, back full gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford}. sm. 8 n. p. [Boston, J. Franklin? ], Printed in the year 1719. The author of this EXTREMELY RARE book was deputy-governor and, 1727-32, gover nor of Rhode Island. It was written by way of rejoinder to Wm. Wilkinson s Answer to a tract by John Hammet (of Providence) entitled, " The Baptism of Water plainly proved to be a Command of Jesus Christ," &c. The type seems to be that of James Franklin s office not yet removed from Boston to Rhode Island. 2361 LYNCH (ANNE C.) The Rhode Island Book: Selections from Writings of Citizens of R. I., frontispiece. 12 Providence, 1841 2362 [MACSPARRAN (Rev. JAS.) D.DI\ America Dissected; [being a full and true Account of all the American Colonies, shewing the intemperance of the climate, excessive heat and cold, and sudden violent changes of weather ; terrible and mischievous thunder and RHODE ISLAND. 283 lightning ; bad and unwholesome air, destructive to human bodies ; badness of money ; danger from enemies ; but above all, to the Souls of the poor people that remove thither, from the multifarious wicked and pestilential heresies that prevail in those parts. In Several Letters from a Reverend Divine of the Church of England, Missionary to America, and Doctor of Divinity. Published as a Caution to unsteady people who may be tempted to leave their Native Country.] pp. 48, wants title. 8 {Dublin, S. Powell, 1753] " This work was written in the Narragansett Country, R. I., where Dr. MacSparran resided as a missionary, for upwards of thirty years. Brief descriptions are given of all the British Colonies, but of Rhode Island his descriptions are [more full. The original pamphlet is VERY RARE." J. R, Bartletfs Bibliogr. of R. I. It was reprinted thirty years ago by Mr. Updike, "having become EXTREMELY RARE." Mr. Brinley s copy wants the title (which is here taken from Updike s reprint), but is, in other respects, good. 2363 MACSPARRAN QAS.) Sermon preached at Narragansett, March 15, 1 7 4, polished calf (F. Bedford). 4 Newport, Widow Franklin, 1741 2364 MAXCY (JONA.) D.I}. Literary Remains, with a Memoir by R. Elton. 8 New York, 1844 2365 Narragansett Club Publications. Vol. I. Containing : Roger Williams s Key into the Language of America ; edited by J. H. Trumbull. Letter of John Cotton. Mr. Cotton s Letter Examined. With a Bibliographical Introduction, by R. A. Guild. Cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Providence, 1866 2366 [NORWOOD (ABRAHAM) ?] The Acts of the Elders, commonly called the Book of Abraham ; containing a Revelation made to him at a Protracted meeting, to which is appended a Chapter from the Book of Religious Errors . . Calculated for the Meridian of Rhode Island. 8th edition,//. 160, front. sq. 16 Boston, 1847 2367 PERRY (OLIVER HAZARD) Life, with an Appendix comprising Biographical Sketches of General Pike and Capt. Lawrence, and a View of the Navy of the U. S., by John M. Niles, portrait, roan gilt. 12 Hartford, 1820 2368 PERRY (O. H.) Life, with an Appendix comprising a Memoir of Capt. James Lawrence, with Sketches of Commodores Bainbridge, Decatur, Porter and Macdonough, and Generals Pike and Harri son; by John M. Niles, portraits, sheep. 12 Hartford, 1821 2369 PETERSON (E.) History of Rhode Island and Newport, plates, cloth. 8 New York, 1853 2370 Reports (Majority and Minority) to U. S. House of Representa tives of Select Committee on the Interference of the Executive in the Affairs of Rhode Island. 2 in i vol. 8 Washington, 1845 Congress. Docs., 28th Congr. ist Session; pp. 1075, 172. 2371 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. 8 Providence, 1827-43 " Vol. I. Williams (Roger) Key into the Language of America. II. Gorton (Samuel) Simplicity s Defence. III. Potter (E. R.) Early History of Narragansett. IV. Callender (John) Historical Discourse ; ed. by Elton. V. Staples (W. R.) Annals of Providence, to 1832. 2372 Addresses before the R. I. Historical Society; by W. Gam- mell, 1844; J- Durfee, 1847 (3 editions); R. G. Hazard, 1848; G. W. Greene, 1849; E - R - Potter, 1851; S. G. Arnold, 1852. 8 pamphlets. 8 284 RHODE ISLAND. 2373 RICHMOND (J. W.) Rhode Island Repudiation; or, History of the Revol. Debt of R. I., 2d ed.,//. xvi, 208. 8 Providence, 1855 2374 Ross (A. A.) Discourse on Civil and Religious Liberty of Rhode Island, half calf, neat. 12 Providence, 1838 2375 SLATER (SAMUEL) The Father of American Manufactures, Me moir of, and History of Cotton Manufacture, by Geo. S. White. 2d edition, portrait. 8 Phila., 1836 2376 STAPLES (W. P.) The Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee, pp. 56. r. 8 Providence, 1845 2377 UPDIKE (WILKINS) Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar, cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 2378 UPDIKE (W.) History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett ; with a History of other Episcopal churches in the State, portrait of Rev. J. McSparran, cloth, VERY SCARCE. 8 New York, 1847 2379 WARD. Stillman (Sam.) Sermon preached before the Continen tal Congress, Mar. 27, 1776, on the Death of Hon. Samuel Ward, one of the Delegates from Rhode Island, stained. 8 Phila., 1776 2380 WILLIAMS (ROGER) A Key into the | Language of | America : or, An help to the Language of the Natives in that part of America, called | New-England. | etc., //. (16), 197, (3), elegantly bound, in blue straight-grained morocco extra, gilt back and sides, g. e. {W. Pratt), RARE. sm. 8 London, Gregory Dexter, 1643 2381 Williams (Roger) A Key into the Language of America. Re printed, with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Hammond Trumbull, cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Providence, 1866 Narragansett Club Publications, Vol. I. The volume also contains, John Cotton s Let ter ; R. Williams s Mr. Cotton s Letter Answered; and a Bibliographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Williams, by R. A. Guild. Cloth, uncut. For other works of Roger Williams, see Nos. 687-690. 2382 Knowles (Jas. D.) Memoir of Roger Williams. 12 Boston, 1834 2383 Elton (Romeo) Life of Roger Williams, cloth, uncut. 12 London, [1852] 2384 WILLIAMS (Mrs. C. R.) Annals of the Aristocracy [of Rhode Island.] First (only?) Number,//. 80. 8 Providence, 1845 2385 TRACTS (Political) Address to the People [in favor of election of Greene], 1802. Defence of J. Rutledge against calumny, or, Haman, in the shape of Chris. Ellery, hung upon his own gallows, SCARCE, //. 64, 1803. Observations on Petitions of various mer chants, 1803. Report on Farmer s Exchange Bank in Glocester, 1809. Jackson s & Potter s Address to constituents, 1812. Address on coal-mines, 1825. T. Williams s Bi-cent l Sermon, 1837 ( 2 )- [Potter,] Paper-money of R. I. colony, 1837. Consti tution adopted by Convention of Nov. 1841 (2). The same, Nov. 1842. J. Q. Adams. The Social Compact; a Lecture at Provi dence. 13 Pamphlets. 2386 TRACTS (Troubles of 1842.) Durfee s charge to grand jury; Report of com ee on the Constitution; Cowell s letter to Gov. King ; Wayland s Discourse of affairs of R. I. ; Review of Way- land s discourse; Proclamation of Gov. King, broadside; Providence PROVIDENCP:. 285 Daily Journal, May 26, 1842 ; Close of late rebellion ; Vinton s Thanksgiving sermon ; Facts of the R. I. controversy j Goodell s Rights and wrongs of R. I. ; The Close of the late Rebellion in R. I., 2d ed. ; Bo wen s Recent contest in R. I. j Trial of T. N. Dorr and 7 others. 23 Pamphlets. TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 2387 Providence. Act of Incorp., Rules, etc., of Benev. Congr. Soc., 1771 and 1802. Charter of Prov. Assoc. of Mechanics, 1789. Hitchcock s New Year s Sermon, 1797. S. Eddy s Reasons for Opinions for which he was dismissed from Bapt. church, for het erodoxy, 1818, poor copy. Review of Eddy s Reasons, 1819. Answer to a Providence lawyer, alias "Demens Egomet," 1822. Difficulties in Pacific Cong. Church, 1823. Riot at Hardscrabble, 1824, stained. Farley s Dedica. Sermon, 1829. Hall s centen l Discourse, ist Cong, church, 1836. Pitman s centen l Discourse, //. 72, 1836. Wayland s discourse before Athenaeum, 1838. 12 Pamphlets. 2388 Parker s farewell Sermon, 1843. Tucker s centen l S., 1845. Annual Reports of Athenaeum, 1846, 47. Statement of facts relative to Ordin. at Grace church, 1847. Swan Point cemetery manual, 1848. Report of Butler Hospital for the Insane, 1854. Report on Gas, 1848. 3d ann. rept. of Reform School, 1854. Manual of ist Bapt. church, 1855. 9 Pamphlets. 2389 Hague (W.) Historical Discourse at Bi-Centennial Anniver sary of ist Baptist Church, Nov. 7, 1839, pp. 192. 12 Prov., 1839 2390 Jackson (Henry) Discourse in commemoration of the 21 5th Anniversary of the First Baptist Church in America, pp. 32. 8 Providence, 1854 2391 Providence Directory. 12 Prov., Carlile 6 Brown, 1826 2392 ALMANACS. The New England Almanac, 1763-1780, by Benj. West; 1781-1800, by "Isaac Bickerstaff." (1774 imperfect, and 1776 wants title.} 38 Almanacs. 12 Providence, 1763-1800. The Almanac for 176^, "Printed and sold by William Goddard," was the first compiled by West, and the first printed in Providence. 2392* The same, 1767-71, -74, -75, -78, -80, -83. 10 Almanacs (one impft^). 12 Providence, 1767-83 2 393 Wheeler s North- American Calendar : or, the Rhode Island Almanack, 1786, -89, -93, -95, -96, -98, 1802. 8 Almanacs. Providence, B. Wheeler. 2394 The North American Calendar, and R. I. Register, for 1782. The Astronomical Calculations by the ingenious Benjamin West, A.M., etc. Prov., Bennett Wheeler. Wheeler s N. A. Calendar, or, R. I. Almanack, for 1784. By B. West. Newport, B. Wheeler. The same, for 1786, -87, -88, -89, -96, -98. Providence, B. Wheeler. 8 Almanacs. 2395 Brown University. Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio Rhod. Ins. et Prov. Plant. Nov. Anglorum, ab anno 1769 ad annum 1775, alicujus Gradus Laurea donati sunt, small folio broadside. Provid., Typis J. Carter, 1775 The FIRST catalogue of alumni, published by the College. 286 RHODE ISLAND. 2396 Providence. Brown Univerity. Triennial Catalogues; 1798, 1801, 1808, 1814. AT Pamphlets. 12 Providence, 1798-1814 2397 - - Commencement Theses, 1776, 1788, 1789. 3 folio Broad sides. 2398 Alison (Francis) State of the College in Rhode Island, pp. 8, n. t. p., half red mor. 8 London, 1767 2399 - - BACKUS (ISAAC) MANUSCRIPT. Biographical sketch of JAMES MANNING D.D. President of Brown University, appended to a copy of " A Charge given to the Graduates at Providence, September 2, 1789," by President Manning, "carefully copied from the original by Isaac Backus, April 28, 1796." Followed by bio graphical sketches of Solomon Sprague, Joshua Morse, Samuel Fletcher, 6 Eleazer Brown, and " A Concise View of the State of Religion in New-England " (1796). All in the AUTOGRAPH of the Baptist Church historian, with his signature in two places (on pp. 6 and 30), 30 //., polished calf, gilt (Pratt). 4 2400 - - Binney (Barnabas) Oration at the Commencement at Rhode Island College, Sept. 1774; being a Plea for the Right of Private Judgment in Religious Matters, half morocco. 4 Boston, 1774 2401 BURGES (TRISTAM) The Cause of Man : an Oration : with Valedictory Addresses, at the Commencement of Rhode Island College, Sept. 7, 1796. 8 Providence, 1796 2402 - - MaxcyQona.) Discourse designed to explain the Doctrine of Atonement, delivered in the Chapel of Rhode Island College, nth and 25th of November, 1796, stained, UNCUT. 8 Providence, 1796 2403 - - Thompson (Otis) Funeral Oration, delivered in the chapel of R. I. College, Mch. 29, 1797, on the death of Mr. Eliab King- man, a member of the Junior Class, a small piece torn from the bottom of the title leaf . 8 Providence, 1797 2404 Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the founding of Brown University, Sept. 6, 1864, Portrait of Rev. Jas. Manning, LARGE PAPER, imcut. 4 Providence, 1865 2405 - - THE BRUNONIAN. Edited by Students of Brown Univer sity. 12 numbers (no more published) in one vol., half mor. 8 Providence, 1829-31 2406- - Pamphlets (2 6)> Binney s oration at commencement, 1774; Park s oration on death of N. Merrick, 1788; Manning s charge to graduates, 1789; Russell, On death of N. Hayward, 1790; Maxcy s Sermon on death of Pres. Manning, 1796; Address to Graduates, 1794 ; 4th of July oration, 1795 ; Sermon on the Atone ment, 1796; and dedica. Ser. at Cumberland, 1796; Burges Com mencement oration, 1796, and Oration to Philological Society, 1797 ; Doggett s sermon on way to life, 1796; Allen s commence ment oration, 1797 Thompson s poem at senior exhibition, 1797 ; and 8 others. 2407 Pamphlets (19) Thompson s Funeral S. on Capt. J. Bliss, 1800. Burges, Oration before Prov. Mechanics Assoc. 1800. Allen, Oration before Federal Adelphi, 1800. Maxcy, Baccalau- NEWPORT, j. FRANKLIN S PRESS. 287 reate S. 1801, and Addresses at Commencement 1801, 1802. Thomas, Poem at Election of Philandrian Society, 1802. Laws, 1803. Messer, Commencement Address, 1803. Emmons, Ora tion on Death of L. Hoppin, 1805. Fisk, Eulogy on S. S. Adams, 1812. Order of Commencement Exercises, 1813, 1814. Hunt- ington, Poem before United Brothers Soc., 1819. Kinnicutt, Ora tion before United Brothers Soc, 1840. History and laws of the Library, 1843 ; an d 3 others. 2408 Newport. CLAP (Nathaniel) The Lord s Voice crying to His People ; in a Sermon . . occasioned by [some] Terrible Tragedies. With some account of the poor [criminal], and Some of the Last Words of several Dying Persons ; a Discourse on Luke xxiii. 39-43, wants the four last leaves of the Discourse, and one other, VERY RARE. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1715 Occasioned by the execution of a murderer, at Newport, April 12, 1715. Mr. Clap was minister of the First Congregational church in Newport. See Bartletfs R. L Bibliography, P- 77- 2409 CLAGGETT (WILLIAM) A Looking-Glass for Elder Clarke and Elder Wightman, And the Church under their Care. Wherein is fairly Represented the very Image of their Transactions. It being a brief but true Relation of the Cause and Prosecution of the Differences between the Baptized Church, under the Pastoral Care of the aforesaid Elders, and John Rhodes, Capt. John Rogers, William Claggett, and several others that were Members of the aforesaid Church, pp. 26, 230, mottled calf, full gilt back, filleted sides, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 n. p. [Boston, J. Franklin.} Printed for J. Rhodes, J. Rogers, and W. Claggett, &c. And are to be sold by J. Rhodes, Shop-keeper in Newport, 1721 A very curious and an EXTREMELY RARE book, which, though it chiefly relates to per sonal grievances of the author and his friends, contains some matter of larger interest. The parties all belonged to the second (Six Principle) Baptist Church in Newport, of which James Clarke and Daniel Wightman were pastors. The type is certainly James Franklin s. It is the same that was used for his edition of Hodder s Arithmetic (Boston, 1719) and one of the initial ornaments, p. 3, was used in his reprint of "The Isle of Man," 1719. PRINTED BY J. FRANKLIN, AND THE WIDOW FRANKLIN. 2410 MDCCXXVIII. The Rhode-Island | Almanack, For the Year 1728, | . . Carefully fitted, and exactly calculated to the Meridian of Newport on Rhode-Island . . . Being the first ever published for that Meridian. By Poor Robin. 7 leaves (one wanting?} UNCUT. 8 Newport, J. Franklin, at his Printing- House on Tillinghasfs Wharf, near the Union-Flag Tavern, 1728 Of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY. The FIRST WORK PRINTED IN RHODE ISLAND, four years before the date which Thomas (i. 419) gives as that of the establish ment of the First Press in Newport. A most desirable acquisition to every Rhode Island collector, it will be scarcely less attractive to collectors of FRANKLINIANA, in other states, since James s " Poor Robin " manifestly gave the hint for Benjamin s " Poor Richard," first printed in 1 732. The calendar pages contain many pithy remarks and quaint proverbs, much in the vein of " Richard Saunders, Philom." Mr. Brinley s copy is well-preserved, but probably wants one leaf at the end, though the calendar is complete. 2411 Adams (Rev. John) Sermon preach d on the Day of his Ordination [as Pastor of a Church in Newport], //. (10), 71, half mor. extra. 16 Newport, J. Franklin, 1728 The Charge, by the Rev. Jos. Baxter, and Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. Richard Brown, are appended. EXTREMELY RARE. Not in the Mass. Hist. Society s or Boston Athenaeum s Catalogue, in Sabin s Dictionary, or in Bartlett s Bibliography of R. Island. 288 RHODE ISLAND. 2412 Newport. J. Franklin s Press. Barclay (Robert) An Apology for the True Christian s Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the People called in Scorn, Quakers. 6th edition in English, //. (12), 524, 31, mottled calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Newport, J. Franklin, 1729 VERY RARE. Not in J. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books, or in Bartlett s Bib liography of R. Island. 2413 Fox (John) The Door of Heaven Opened and Shut. A Discourse Concerning the Absolute Necessity of a Timely Prepar ation for a Happy Eternity, pp. ijo,Jtne clean copy, crushed levant morocco, leveled boards, sides paneled and richly tooled, red edges. sm. 4 (sq. 8), Newport, J. Franklin, at his Printing- House under the Town School-House, 1731 2414 The Rhode-Island Almanack For the Year, 1733. . . Fitted to the Meridian of Newport. . By Poor Robin, uncut. 8 Newport, J. Franklin, at his Printing- House under the Town School-House, 1733 EXTREMELY RARE. The first and last pages are soiled, and several names are scrib bled on the margins, but these can be removed by a careful cleaner. 2415 -- MATTHEWS (MORDECAI) The Christian s Daily Exercise [in verse],//. 12, mor. extra (Macdonald). 12 Newport, Widow Franklin, 1738 2416 [DODSLEY (ROBERT)] The Chronicle of the Kings of Eng land, Written in the Manner of the Ancient Jewish Historians. By Nathan Ben Saddi, a Priest of the Jews, UNCUT,//. 56. 1 6 London, Printed; repr. Newport, Widow Franklin, 1744 This edition is VERY RARE. It is not in Haven s Catalogue of Ante-Revol. Publica tions (which notes a Philadelphia edition of the same year). Mr. Sabin mentions it, but by a slip of the pen assigns it to the year 1774 (Dictionary, vol. v, p. 473). 2417 BEACH QOHN) Sermon, shewing that Eternal Life is God s Free Gift, mor. extra, uncut, RARE. 1 6 Newport, Widow Franklin, 1745 The Rev. John Beach was Episcopal Missionary at Newtown and Reading, Conn. In 1750, he was invited to become minister of the Episcopal church in Newport, as the suc cessor of Rev. James Honyman, but declined the appointment. 2418 CANER (Henry) The True Nature and Method of Christian Preaching. A Discourse at Newport, June xiith, i745,/#. 40, str.- grain mor. extra, UNCUT, RARE. 1 6 Newport, R. f., Widow Franklin, 1745 Autograph presentation, by Rev. James Honyman to Rev. Dr. E. Wiggles worth. This sermon is the first published work of the Rev. Dr. Caner, the Society s missionary at Fairfi eld, Conn., and, from 1747, rector of King s Chapel, Boston. It was answered by Jonathan Dickinson, in his "Vindication of God s Sovereign Free Grace." 2419 CALLENDER (JOHN) Sermon at Newport on the death of Rev. Nathaniel Clap, //. 36, mor. extra, uncut. 12 Newport, Widow Franklin, 1746 2420 CANER (HENRY) Discourse concerning the Publick Wor ship of God, the Liturgy of the Church of England, etc., fine copy, with the autograph of, and MSS. notes by, Rev. Thos. Foxcroft; mor. extra, UNCUT. 16 Newport, Widow Franklin, [1748] This Sermon is VERY RARE. It is not named in Dr. Sprague s list of Dr. Caner s pub lications, in the Am. Antiq. Society s, Prince, or Mass. Hist. Society s catalogues, or in Sabin s Dictionary. NEWPORT. 289 PRINTED BY JAMES FRANKLIN, THE SECOND. 2421 Newport. [PENN (WM.)] Some Fruits of Solitude, in Reflec tions and Maxims relating to the Conduct of Human Life ; in Two Parts. 8th edition,//. (12), 158, (8); (6), 108, (2); RARE. 12 Newport, J. Franklin, 1749 The first volume with the imprint of James Franklin, the younger. Thomas (i. 420) says "he began printing about the year 1754." 2422 WILLIAMS (SOLOMON) The Sad Tendency of Divisions and Contentions in Churches, a [Fast-day] Sermon at the West-Farms, in Norwich [Conn.], Feb. 28, 1750, dk. green lev ant mor. uncut, pp. 29. 1 6 Newport, Jas. Franklin, [1751] 2423 -- Poor Job, 1752. An Almanack, For the Year of our Lord 1752 ... Fitted to the Meridian of Rhode-Island, etc. By Job Shep herd, Philom., 2 copies, one imperfect. 8 Newport, James Franklin. With a preface of 3 pages by " Job Shepherd," and a long note in the calendar, on the Change of Stile, introduced in September, this year. 2424 Poor Job, 1755. An Almanack, etc. 8 Newport, James Franklin. 2425 POLLEN (THOMAS) A Sermon, in Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., May 29, 1755, Upon Occasion of the Embarkation of some of the Colony s Troops, in order to go against the Enemy, //. 13, fine clean copy, UNCUT. 4 Newport, J. Franklin, 1755 RARE. Not in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) list, or Mass. Hist. Society s Catalogue. 2426 The same. Another copy. 2427 E[LLIS] Q[ONA.]) The Justice of the Present War against the French, and the Principles that should Influence us in this Undertaking. Sermon, to the Soldiers, Sept. 22, 1755. Also, The Law condemning Man s Righteousness, a Sermon from Gal. ii. 19. pp. 24, clean and uncut, red mor. extra (F. Bedford). 4 Newport, J. Franklin, [1755] 2428 - - VINAL (W.) A Sermon on the Accursed Thing that hinders Success and Victory in War, occasioned by the Defeat of [Gen.] Braddock, pp. 25, half vellum, uncut. sm. 4 Newport, J. Franklin, 1755 2429 -- STILES (ISAAC) A Sermon at the Ordination of his Son, Ezra Stiles, A.M. To the Pastoral Charge of the Church in Clark Street, Newport, Oct. 22, 1755, pp. (4), 33, uncut. 4 Newport, J. Franklin, [1755] 2430 BURT (JOHN) Sermon preached at Bristol, R. I., Oct. 25, 1759, upon a Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Quebec, mezzotint portrait of Wolfe inserted, calf extra. 8 Newport, J. Franklin, [1759] VERY RARE. Not in Haven s (Am. Ant. Soc.) Catalogue, in Sabin s Dictionary, or in any other Catalogue to which I have access. 2431 Bisset (George) Sermon, in Trinity Church, Newport, June 3, 1771, at the Funeral of Mrs. Abigail Wanton, late Consort of Hon. Joseph Wanton, jun., stained, uncut. 4 Newport, S. Southwick, 1771 2432 Karigal. A Sermon preached at the Synagogue, in Newport, R. I., called "The Salvation of Israel :" On the Day of Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks, . May 28, 1773. By the Venerable Hocham, the learned Rabbi, Haijm Isaac Karigal, of the City of Hebron, near Jerusalem,//. 19. 8 Newport, S. Southwick, 1773 37 2QO RHODE ISLAND. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2433 Newport. Dehon (T.) A [Thanksgiving] Discourse delivered in Trinity Church, Nov. 27, 1805, pp. 14. Patten (Wm.) Discourse in 2d Cong. Church, Aug. i, 1805, at request of Fern. Benevolent Soci ety, //. 1 8, uncut (3 copies). Patten (Wm.) Discourse delivered at the request of the African Benev. Society, (with the Constitution, &c.) pp. 15, uncut. 6 Pamphlets. 4 Newport, Mercitry Office, 1805-08 2434 Patten (Wm.) Sermon in the Second Congregational Church, Newport, Nov. 9, 1806, [after] the Death of Miss Abigail Potter, [with an Appendix,] uncut. sm. 4 Newport, Mercury Office, 1807 2435 ~~ Adlam (Rev. S.) The First Church in Providence not the Oldest of the Baptists in America,//. 28. 8 Newport, 1850 2436 - - Visit to Grandpapa ; or, a Week at Newport. Historical Sketches, pp. 213. 12 New York, 1840 2436* - - Old Stone Mill. The Controversy touching the Old Stone Mill in the town of Newport. With Remarks, &c. [by Rev. Charles T. Brook. Illustrations, SCARCE. 12 Newport, 1851 2437 PAMPHLETS ( i o) Karigal (Rabbi) Sermon at Synagogue on Day of Pentecost, 1773. Sayre. Affairs in Trinity church, 1788. Bours. Answer to above, uncut, 1789. Address to J. Sayre on his leaving Newport, and his answer, 1789. Bartlet s account of the yellow fever, 1801. Chonles s Thanksgiving S. and history of 2d Baptist church. Manual of United Cong, church, 1834. Review of Report on age of .ist Bapt. church, 1850 ; and 2 others. 2438 Burrillville, as it was, and as it is. By Horace A. Keach, 12 Providence, 1856 2439 Bristol. Account of the Settlement, and of the Cong. Church therein, Prov., 1785. Pawtucket. Newman s Address at forma tion of Blackstone Monument Assoc., 1855. Warren. Chess man s farewell Sermon, 1820 ; Address of School-master to his scholars, 1799. Westerly. Rev. Jos. Park s Sermon, and Narra tive, 1761, SCARCE. Woonsocket. Newman s Numbering of the Inhabitants, Statistics, etc., 1846. 6 Pamphlets. 2440 Warren. TUSTIN (J. P.) Historical Dedication Sermon. Fes- senden (G. M.) History. 2 in i vol. 16 Providence, 1845 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2441 ACTS AND LAWS Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of New-Hampshire [in New-England,] lower part of title-page wanting, pp. 7, 60, \_Boston, B. Gree?i, 1716.] Additional Laws, May, 1718 {pp. 61-131), May, I7i9-Oct. 1721 {pp. 133-163). folio, Boston, B. Green, 1716-1721 Three leaves (//.6i, 133, 157,) and the general title are mutilated by tearing out the Royal Arms. With these exceptions, a good copy of this VERY RARE volume. It has the autograph of Judge George Jaffrey. 2442 ACTS AND LAWS of His Majesty s Province of New-Hampshire. In New-England. With Sundry Acts of Parliament. By Order of the General Assembly. To which is prefix d the Commissions of Presi dent John Cutts, Esq; and His Excellency John Wentworth, Esq; fine, clean copy, pp. (2), 6, 8, iv, 272 ; Temporary Laws, pp. 5 1 ; Table, pp. xii. RARE. folio, Portsmouth, Daniel and Robert Fowle, 1771 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. 2QI 2443 Constitution agreed upon by the Convention held at Concord, June, 1783, pp. 47, good copy, half calf. 12 Portsmouth, 1783 2444 BARSTOW (GEO.) The History of New Hampshire, from its Dis covery in 1614, to the passage of the Toleration Act, in 1819, //. 456, portraits. 8 Concord, 1842 2445 BELKNAP (JEREMY) The History of New Hampshire, calf. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia 6* Boston, 1784-92 2446 The History of New Hampshire. 2d edition, map, boards, uncut. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1813 2447 The History of New Hampshire. With notes and illustrations by John Farmer. Vol. I. (all published), portrait, pp. 512. 8 Dover, 1831 2448 CARRAGAIN (P.) Map of New Hampshire, colored, mounted and folded in covers . 4 Concord, 1816 2449 Dartmouth College. The Charter of the College, 1769, (n. t. p.) //. 14, half mor. 4 n. p., n. d. 2449* Another copy, clean, uncut. 2450 -- COHOS. The Wilderness shall Blossom as the Rose. [A Poem, addressed] To His Excellency John Wentworth, Captain- General, Governor . . of New Hampshire, On his Grant of a very generous CHARTER of Incorporation of Dartmouth College. [By] A Member of Dartmouth College. A New SONG. Upon the flourishing State of the Settlement at COHOS. To the Tune of "Indulgent Parents dear." On a folio Broadside (in two columns], worn and stained, but complete, except a few letters in one line. Printed and Sold in New-London, n. d. [ab. 1774?] The lor"" 11-1 -^ i___ T_l ITTI , i r ,1 Rev. Dr. Eleazer Wheelock VERY RARE. The longer poem was probably written by John Wheelock, son of the ~~ ~ieelock, and his successor in the presidency of the College. "In humble Youth our Seminary smil d; Weak as an Infant, helpless as a Child ; Slowly it grew, while Charity, from far, Shed her mild Beams like some propitious Star. ****** To us her Lap the fertile Hampshire spread, And on her Bosom bid us rest our Head." 2451 Dartmouth. College. Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio Dart- muthensi . . ab anno 1771, ad annum 1792, alicujus gradus Laurea donati sunt. Broadside, upper margin slightly mutilated (without injury to the text). folio, Typis I. Thomas et E. T. Andrews, Boston, 1792 2452 Report of the Case of Dartmouth College vs. W. H. Wood ward, by T. Farrar, board s, uncut. 8 Portsmouth, [1819] 2453 M Farland (Rev. A.) Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Hanover, Aug. 25, 1802, //. 24, stained. 4 Hanover, Moses Davis, 1802 2454 Wheelock (El.) Narrative of the Indian Charity-School at Lebanon, Conn., Bost., 1763. Continuation of the Narrative, from 1768 to the incorp. of the School with Dartm. Coll., n.p., 1771. Contin. of the Narrative, 1772-73, Hartf., 1773. Trien nial Catalogue, 1798. [J. Wheelock s?] Sketches of the hist, of Dartm. College and Moor s Charity School, to 1815, //. 88, n.p., 2Q2 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hf t f t [Parish s] Candid Analytical Review of the " Sketches," n. p., n. d. Vindication of the Conduct of the Trustees, n. t. p., pp. 104, [Concord, 1815.] 7 in i vol., half calf. 8 For Wheelock s " Narrative," and the series of " Continuations," separately bound, see No. 467. 2455 Dartmouth College. Charter from Geo. III., 1769, n. p., n. d. A. Washburn s Two Discourses, 1795. Daniel Webster s Funeral Oration on E. Simonds, 1801. Narrative of Church Difficulties, Hanover, 1815. The Charter, Hanover, 1816. Opinion of Sup. Court in Case of Dart. Coll. vs. W. H. Woodward, 1818. Laws, 1819. Dart. Coll. and State of N. H., 1828. Prof. Hale and Dart. Coll., n. d. [1835.] Peabody s Address to Lit. Societies, 1843 ; [Wheelock s] Sketches of the History of the College, to 1815, n. d. ; [Parish s] Candid Analytical Review of the " Sketches," n. d. ; Vindication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees, 1815; Free man s Refutation of Aspersions in the "Vindication." 14 Pam phlets. Mr. Webster s Funeral Oration on his classmate his first published composition is VERY RARE. 2456 Election Sermons: Wm. Morison, 1792; Rob. Gray, 1793; N. Bradstreet, 1807; W. F. Rowland, 1809; R. Shurtleff, 1810; M. Bradford, 1812; P. Holt, 1814; Wm. Allen, 1818; N. Parker, 1819. 9 Sermons (uncut). 2457 FARMER (JOHN) A Catechism of the History of New Hamp shire. 1 8 Concord, 1829 2458 A Catechism of the History of New Hampshire. 2d edition, pp. 108. 18 Concord, 1830 2459 An Ecclesiastical Register of New Hampshire ; with a cata logue of the Ministers, 1636-1822, etc. 1 8 Concord, Hill 6- Moore, 1821 2460 and Moore (J. B.) Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire, map, pp. 276. 12 Concord, J. B. Moore, 1823 2461 General Association. Minutes, 1811 (Bost., 1811), 1813, -14, 1817, 1818-24, 1826, -27, -29, -36, 1842-44, 1851, 1855-62. 27 Pamphlets. 8 Concord, 1813-62 2462 [Hale (Nathan)] Notes of an Excursion to the Highlands of New Hampshire, and Lake Winnipiseogee. By a Gentleman of Boston,//. 184, uncut. 12 Andover, 1833 2463 JACKSON (C. T.) Final Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of N. Hampshire, plates. 4 Concord, 1844 2464 LAWRENCE (R. F.) The New Hampshire Churches : Histories of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in the State, with notices of other fenommatioris, frontispiece. 8 Claremont, 1856 2465 MERRILL (E. and P.) Gazetteer of the State of New Hamp shire. (The first N. Hampshire Gazetteer.) 8 Exeter, Norris 6* Co., 1817 2466 New Hampshire Annual Register, 1812, -13, -16, -17, 1819- 1856, 1858. Concord. U. S. Repository and N. H. Register, 1800. Portsmouth. Curtis s Pocket Almanac, 1800. Exeter. N. Hamp shire Register, 1812, -14, -15, -16, -18. Exeter. (50) TOWNS. ACWORTH CONCORD. 2Q3 2467 New Hampshire Book (The) ; being Specimens of the Litera ture of the Granite State, pp. 391. 12 Nashua, 1842 NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. See Nos. 2507-2512. 2468 New Hampshire Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 15, boards, uncut; vol. 6, doth. 6 vols. 8 Concord, 1824-1850 2469 PAMPHLETS (8) Journal of Senate, 1786, uncut, Boston, 1787. Compend. of Mil. Discipline, 1794. Journal of Ho. of Reps., 1804, and of Senate, 1806. Federal Catechism metamorphosed, 1805. Address of Graf ton Co. Committee, 1812. Opinions of Justices on Act establishing a Supreme Ct, 1813. Statement of Facts rel. to Removal of E. Eastman from office of major, 1818. 2470 PAMPHLETS (9) Remarks on the Toleration Act, 1823. The Administration and The Opposition, by Algernon Sidney, 1826. Atherton s and Bouton s Addresses before Histor. Soc., 1831, and 1833. Cummings s Annals of the Bapt. churches,^. 52, 1836. South wick s Tour to White Hills, 1841. Bouton s Histor. Dis course on N. H. Ministry, 1848. Guide-Book to White Mts., 1848. Webster s Remarks at Festival of Sons of N. H., 1849. French s Hist. Notices of Piscataqua Assoc n, 1850. 2471 Thanksgiving Proclamation, Dec. 1778. (M. Weare, President, John Langdon, Speaker.) Small folio broadside, with two or three MSS. alterations. Exeter, Zech. JFowle, 1778 2472 WHITON (J. M.) Sketches of the History of New Hampshire, 1623 to 1833, //. 222. 12 Concord, 1834 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 2473 Acworth. Cooke s Dedication Sermon, 1822. Amherst. Holmes s Letter to the Church, 1823 ; Farmer s Histor. Sketch, 1820; The same, 2d ed. enlarged, 1837. Andover. Moore s Hist. Sketch, 1822. Antrim. Whiton s Half Century Sermon, 1838; Whiton s History of the Town, to 1844, Concord, 1852. Bedford. Barnes s Cent l Address, 1850. Boscawen. Price s Chronological Register, to 1820, //. 116, 1823. Charlestown. Crosby s Dedica. Sermon, 1843. Chester. Bell s Early History, 1863. ii Pamphlets. 2474 Bedford. History of, compiled on the Occasion of the looth Anniversary of the Incorporation. 8 Boston, 1851 2475 Candia. Eaton (F. B.) History of Candia, once known as Charm- ingfare, pp. 151, sewed, map and three plates. 8 Manchester, 1852 2476 Claremont. Barnard (Jerem.) of Amherst. Sermon, March 7, 1796, at Ordination of Rev. John Tappan, in Claremont. sm. 4 Amherst, S. Gushing, n. d. 2477 Concord. Eckley s Sermon at Installation of Isr. Evans, margins of title torn, scarce, Concord, 1789; Moore s Annals, pp. 112, uncut, 1824; Proceed, on Internal Improvement, 1825 ; Histor. Catalogue of ist Church, 1830; Bouton s Cent l Sermons, 1830; Municipal Register, 1854. 6 Pamphlets. 2478 Priestly (T.) The Christian s Looking Glass, or the Timo rous Soul s Guide, etc., pp. 89, (i). 12 Concord, Natttl Coverly, 1794 294 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2479 Coos Co. POWERS (G.) Historical Sketches of the Coos Country and Vicinity, //. 240, SCARCE. 12 Haverhill, 1841 2480 Cornish. [Fessenden (T.) of Walpole} Remarks on the Doings of a Convention held at Cornish, N. H., Feb. 20, 1782, consisting of the Rev. Grafton Presbytery, Windsor Association, and others, pp. 34 (wants the last leaf], uncut, but water-stained. 4 Westminster, Judah P. Spooner, 1782 2481 Croydon. Cooper s Hist. Sketch, 1852. Dover. Noyes s Ad dress and Palmer s Ded. S., 1811 ; Root s Bi-Cent l Sermon, 1838. Dublin. Leonard s 25th anniv. (Histor.) Sermon, 1846. Dun- barton. Putnam s Ded. Ser., 1836, and Thanksg. Ser., 1845. Dunstable. Moore s Ded. Ser. 1812. Exeter. Result of Coun cil of ten churches, etc., 1744; Nason s Record of Events, 1861, 62, 63. Hampton. Dow s Histor. Address, 1838. 1 2 Pamphlets, 2482 Exeter. M Clure (David) Oration, at Exeter, May i, 1783, at the opening of the Phillips Exeter Academy, with the Author s autogr. presentation, uncut. 4 Exeter, 1783 2483 Farmington. Randel (Benj.) of New Durham. A Discourse, delivered extempore, at Farmington, N. H., Feb. 27, 1803, at the Interment of Murmoth Fortune Herrick, son of Hollibut and Sally Herrick ; Who were journeying from the Westerly part of Massa chusetts to Portland, Maine, etc., uncut. 8 Dover, N. H., John P. Wendell, 1803 2484 Gilmanton. Lancaster (D.) History of Gilmanton, //. 304, map. 8 Gilmanton, 1845 2485 Hillsborough. Chapin s Farewell Discourse, 1809 ; Smith s Annals of the Town, 1841. Hollis. J. Worcester s Letters on the ex-parte Council, 1812 (2) ; Powers s Centennial Address, 1830. 5 Pamphlets. 2486 Hollis Association. Davis (Jos. G.) Historical Discourse on the looth Anniversary of the Hollis Association of Ministers, May 6, 1862 ; With sketches of deceased members ; //. 76. 8 Concord, 1862 2487 Keene. Hale (S.) Annals of Keene, 1734-1815, pp. 120. & Keene, 1851 2488 Keene. Hall s Oration on the Ratification of U. S. Constitution, 1788 ; Livermore s Farewell Discourses, 1850. Lempster. Fish er s Dedication Sermon, 1822. 3 Pamphlets. 2489 Londonderry. Parker (E. L.) Century Sermon, April 22, 1819, pp. 44. 8 Concord, 1819 2490 Parker (E. L.) History of Londonderry, comprising the towns of Derry and Londonderry, portrait, pp. iv, 358. 12 Boston, 1851 2491 Manchester. Potter (C. E.) History of Manchester, boards, uncut. 8 Manchester, 1856 2492 Marlborough. Result of Council, 1834. Mason. Hill s Two Hist. Lectures, 1846. Merrimack. Allen s Cent l Address, 1846. Nashua. Osgood s Farewell Discourse, 1841. New London. Disfranchisement of Inhabitants, 1817. No. Hampton. French s PEMBROKE WARREN. 2Q5 Half-Century Sermon, 1851. Pembroke. Holt s Ded. Sermon, 1806. Peterborough. Morison s Centennial Address, 1839. 8 Pamphlets. 2493 Portsmouth. Adams (N.) Annals of Portsmouth, for 200 Years, fine copy, pp. 400, half bound. 8 Portsmouth, 1825 2494 Brewster (C. W.) Rambles about Portsmouth. 8 Portsmouth, 1859 2495 Portsmouth. Ogden s Add. at Opening of Academy, 1791 ; T. Alden s Century Sermon, 1801, Farewell Ser., 1805, and Account of Relig. Societies, 1808; French s Sermon after Dismission of T. Alden, 1805 ; Prospectus of Lyceum, 1828; Holt s Dedica. Sermon, 1838. Rye. Porter s Sermon on late remarkable mortality, 1803, and Half-Century Ser., 1835. Salisbury. Worcester s Letter on Ex-Parte Council, 1815. Wilton. Docs, relating to separation in Church,//. 109, 1824; Peabody s Centennial Address,//. 103, 1839. I2 -Pamphlets. 2496 Portsmouth. Early printing in Portsmouth. Langdon (Samuel) The Excellency of the Word of God, in the Mouth of a Faithful Minister. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Samuel M Clintock, Col league with the Rev. William Allen, in Greenland, N. H., Nov. 3, I 756,// 47- 8 Portsmouth, Daniel Fowk, 1756 The first press in New Hampshire was established at Portsmouth, by David Fowle, in July or August, 1756, and this is probably the first book which was printed throughout in New Hampshire. 2497 - - Browne (Arthur) The Doctrine of Election fairly stated. A Sermon at Portsmouth, //. 23. 8 Portsmouth, Daniel Fowle, 1757 2498 Browne (Arthur) The Necessity of Reformation. A [Fast] Sermon at Portsmouth, May 9, 1757, pp. 21. Portsmouth, Daniel Fowle. 1757. The Advantages of Unity. Sermon in Portsmouth, before the R. W. Lodge of F. and A. Masons, on the 24th of June, 1748 [misprint, for 1758], //. 21. Portsmouth, Daniel Fowle, [1758]. 2 Pamphlets. 2499 - - Barnard (Tho.) of Salem, Mass. The Christian Salvation. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Josiah Bayley, in Hampton-Falls, Oct. i9th, 1757, //. 35. 8 Portsmouth, Daniel Fowle, 1757 2500 - - McClintock (S.) Sermon preached at Greenland (N. H.), Feb. 25, 1759. 8 Portsmouth, D. Fowle, 1759 2501 PERIODICALS. Christian s Magazine ; Edited by Elias Smith. Vol. i. 12 Portsmouth, 1805 2502 Piscataqua Evangelical Magazine. Vols. i, 2. 8 Portsmouth and Amherst, N. H., 1805-6 2503 Walpole. [Dennie (Jos.)] The Lay Preacher; or Short Ser mons for Idle Readers. 8 Walpole, N. H., 1796 2504 -- [Dennie (Jos.)] Spirit of the Farmer s Museum; being a judicious selection of productions in that paper, good copy. 12 Walpole, N. H., 1801 2505 Warren. Little (Wm.) History of the town of Warren, N. H., to the year 1854, including a sketch of the Pemigewasset Indians. 12 Concord, N. H., 1854 296 NEW HAMPSHIRE. VERMONT, 2506 Windhain. Blackwell (Thos.) Forma Sacra, or, A Sacred Platform of natural and revealed Religion . . To which is now added, an Introduction . . by Simon Williams, A.M. Minister of the Gospel in Windham, N. H., pp. xviii, xviii, 340. sm. 8 Boston, Wm. M Alpine, for the Rev. Mr. Williams, 1774 A List of Subscribers in New Hampshire, arranged by towns, fills eighteen page.s. Mr. Williams, who was ordained in Windham, in 1765, was a native of Ireland. He graduated at the college of New Jersey in 1 763. VERMONT. NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS: 2507 - - Some Reflections on the Disputes between New-York, New- Hampshire, and Col. John Henry Lydius of Albany . . . To these Reflections are added, Some Rules of Law, fit to be observed in purchasing Land, &c., //. 21, (i), dk. green crushed levant mor., ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 New Haven, Benjamin Mecom, 1764 Advocates the claim of and probably was written by Col. John H. Lydius. See H. Hall s Early History of Vermont, pp. 495-497. UNCUT; FINE CLEAN COPY, except the title-page, in which a slight defect has been skilfully repaired. RARE. 2508 A PETITION to His Majesty King George the Third [by Grantees of New Hampshire, asking to be continued under the jurisdiction of that Province,] Title and pp. 5 : sm. 4 n. p. 1766. Power of Attorney, dated November, 1766, to Samuel Robinson Esq. and others, to act for the subscribers, to obtain confirmation of their grants, i page. With the AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES to the Petition, and also to the Power of Attorney, of 57 grantees. In one volume, dk. green levant morocco extra, top gilt, uncut (Bedford). The Petition and Power are re-printed in Doc. Hist, of N. Y., iv. 619, 621, and in Ver mont Hist. Soc. Collections, i. 277 and after. Most of the subscribed copies of these instruments were discovered by Mr. Henry Stevens, among the W. S. Johnson Papers, at Stratford, and are now in the Vermont State Library. 2509 - - The Memorial of Peter Livius, Esq. One of his Majesty s Council for the Province of New Hampshire, in New England, to the Lord s Commissioners for Trade and Plantations ; with the Governor s Answer, and the Memorialist s Reply, printed Article by Article, also Their Lordship s Report thereon to His Majesty, and the Opinion of the Attorney, and Sollicitor General, in 1752, referred to by the Governor, pp. 50, dk. gr. crushed levant morocco, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 n. p. 1773 Large and clean copy. VERY RARE. 2510 -- ALLEN (ETHAN) A Brief Narrative of the Proceedings of the Government of New- York, relative to their obtaining the Juris diction of that Large District of Land to the Westward from* Con necticut River, which . . . had been patented by ... the Govern ment of New-Hampshire, etc. With Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled " A State of the Right of the Colony of New-York," &c., By Ethan Allen, Bennington, 23d September, 1774, //. 211, dk. green crushed levant morocco, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Hartford, Eben. Watson, near the Great Bridge [1774] A VERY LARGE, FINE, CLEAN COPY, of this RARE book. VERMONT. 297 2511 ALLEN (ETHAN) An Animadversory Address to the Inhabitants of the State of Vermont ; with Remarks on a Proclamation, under the Hand of his Excellency George Clinton, Esq; Governor of the State of New York,//. 24, dk. green crushed levant mor., ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Hartford, Watson &> Goodwin, 1778 VERY SCARCE. FINE, LARGE, AND CLEAN copy. 2512 A Public Defence of the right of the New-Hampshire Grants (so called) On both sides Connecticut-River, to associate together, and form themselves into an INDEPENDENT STATE. Containing Remarks on sundry paragraphs of Letters from the President of the Council of New-Hampshire, &c. [Also, separately paged^\ Resolves of a Convention held on the New-Hampshire Grants (at Cornish, Dec. 1778), pp. 56, 4, dk. green crushed levant mor., ins. borders, top gilt, UNCUT. 16 Dresden, Alden Spooner, 1779 A FINE COPY of this VERY RARE tract, as fresh as if just now from the press, and (except at the head) absolutely UNCUT. The "Defence," dated Dec. i, 1778, is signed by Jacob Bayley, Elisha Payne, and Beza Woodward, a majority of the Committee appointed by the Assembly of Vermont to prepare it. See Belknap s Hist. N. Hamp shire, ii. 441 ; H. Hall s Early Hist, of Vermont, 282, 283. 2513 ALLEN (ETHAN) A Vindication of the Opposition of the Inhab itants of Vermont to the Government of New- York, and of their Right to Form an Independent State. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Impartial World, pp. 172, dk. green levant morocco, ins. borders, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. 8 \Dresden\, Alden Spooner, 1779 FINE FRESH COPY, on dingy blue paper. VERY RARE The Appendix is a re-print of Allen s Arguments in favor of the Validity of the New Hampshire Grants, &c., published with his " Brief Narrative " of 1774. 2514 ALLEN (Ethan) and FAY ( JON AS) A Concise Refutation of the Claims of New-Hampshire and Massachusetts-Bay, to the Terri tory of Vermont ; 6r. Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont, Bennington, Jan. i, 1780, pp. 29, dk. green crushed levant morocco, inside borders, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6* Goodwin [1780] FINE FRESH COPY. "Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont, and EXCEEDINGLY RARE." Hall. 1515 BRADLEY (STEPHEN R.) Vermont s Appeal to the Candid and Impartial World. Containing a fair Stating of the Claims of Mas sachusetts-Bay, New-Hampshire, and New-York, The Right of the State of Vermont to Independence, &c., pp. 50, i, dk. green crushed levant morocco, inside borders, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6- Goodwin [1780] VERY FINE CLEAN COPY, with the Author s autograph presentation to the Rev. Dr. Benj. Trumbull. 2516 [ALLEN (ETHAN)] The Present State of the Controversy between the States of New- York and New-Hampshire on the one part, and the State of Vermont on the other, pp. 16, dk. green crushed levant mor., inside borders, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1782 FRESH, CLEAN COPY. RARE. " Although it appeared anonymously, it is accredited with certainty to Ethan Allen." B. H. Hall. 2517 A Copy of a Remonstrance of the Council of the State of Ver mont, Against the Resolutions of Congress of the 5th of December 38 298 VERMONT. last, which interfere with their internal Police, pp. 20, dk. green crushed levant morocco, ins. borders, gilt top, (Bedford), UNCUT. 00 Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, r Subscribed by Thomas Chittenden, Governor, Bennington, Jan. 9, 1783. A FINE CLEAN COPY, which seems fresh from the press. VERY RARE. 2518 CONSTITUTION of the State of Vermont, as established by the General Convention at Windsor, July 2d, 1777, and continued by adjournment to December 25, 1777, pp. 24, nearly uncut, VERY RARE. 8 Hartford, Watson 6 Goodwin, n. d. [1778] 2519 ACTS AND LAWS passed by the General Assembly of the Repre sentatives of the State of Vermont, at their Session at Bennington. Feb. n, 1779. To which is prefixed, the Constitution of the State. Wants title and six last leaves, and the first five leaves (containing the Constitution] are mutilated ; pp. 12, (2), i-ioo. folio, \_Dresden, Judah-Padd~\ock 6 Alden Spooner, 1779 An imperfect copy of an EXCESSIVELY RARE volume, the first general code of Laws of Vermont. The first part of the imprint (the portion included in brackets above,) is gone, but the last three letters of the first name show that it came from the press of Judah Paddock Spooner, the first printer in Vermont, and his brother Alden. ( Hutchinson s Con vention Sermon of 1777 has the same imprint. See Coll. Verm. Hist. Soc., i. 7.) 2519* Revised Laws of the State of Vermont, passed . . at the Ses sions in June and October, 1782, pp. 38, title-leaf slightly defective, water-stained, uncut, n. p., n. d. Acts and Laws passed . . at Rutland, Oct., 1784, pp. 12, UNCUT, first leaf mutilated. Windsor, Hough 6 Spooner, 1785. Acts and Laws passed . . at Windsor, Oct., 1875, PP- 9> UNCUT, n. p., n. d. {Windsor, Hough 6 Spooner, 1785.] 3 Pamphlets. EXTREMELY RARE. folio 2520 STATUTES of the State of Vermont. Passed by the Legislature in February and March, 1787, pp. 171, fine copy, old calf, sound, VERY RARE. 4 Windsor, George Hough and Alden Spooner, 1787 2520* Acts and Laws passed . . Oct., 1789,^. 19, wants title and first leaf, UNCUT. 4 {Windsor, Hough 6 Spooner, 1889] 2521 ACTS AND LAWS passed at the several sessions, from 1801 to 1858, inclusive. (Two editions of the Laws of 1802 ; two copies each of 1807 an d 1808.) 63 vols., sewed. 8 v. p. 1801-1858 A remarkably complete series of the Session Laws of Vermont. The volumes are gen erally in excellent condition. Those for 1812 and 1818 are injured by damp ; three or four want the title-page; many are UNCUT. 2522 Journals of the General Assembly of Vermont, 1784, 1785, 1786, (jmpft., wants after p. 124), 1790, 1791 (wants first two leaves, last leaf imperfect), 1793, 1795. 7 Pamphlets. fol. & 4 Windsor, 1783-95 2523 Journals of the General Assembly of Vermont, 1810, 1811, 1813- 1835. House Journal, 1836-1858. Senate Journal, 1836-1858, incl., and Extra Session, 1857. 74 vols., part in half cloth, the rest stitched. 8 v. p. 1810-1858 2524 CONSTITUTION. Convention, at Montpelier, June, 1828, [to con sider amendments to the Constitution.] Journal, //. 22. 8 Royalton, [1828] 2525 Convention, at Montpelier, 1836. Journal; with the Consti tution, and the Amendments adopted by the Convention. 8 St. Albans, 1836 2 5 2 5* Convention of 1850. Journal, sewed. 8 Burlington, 1850 ETHAN ALLEN. 2526 SLADE (Wn.) ed. State Papers : being a Collection of Docu ments connected with the assumption and establishment of Gov ernment by the People of Vermont, half calf . 8 Middlebury, 1823 2527 CHIPMAN (N.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Vermont, 1789-91, and Dissertations on the Common Law, etc., old law calf, VERY SCARCE. 16 Rutland, 1793 2528 ADAMS (C. B.) First, Second, Third, and Fourth Annual Reports on the Geology of the State of Vermont,//. 92 ; iv, 267 ; 32 ; 8, (the third is water-stained.) 4 in one vol., hf. cloth. 8 Burlington, 1845-48 2529 ALLEN (THAN) A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen s Cap tivity, from the time of his being taken by the British, near Mon treal, Sept. 25, 1775, to the time of his Exchange, May 6, 1778; containing his Voyages and Travels, etc. .... Interspersed with some Political Observations. Written by himself, and now pub lished for the Information of the Curious in all Nations, //. 40, crushed red levant extra, top gilt (Bedford}, UNCUT. 8 Phila., Printed ; Boston, Re-printed by Draper 6 Folsom, 1779 Three or four deficient words have been supplied in fac-simile on page 6, and as many are wanting at the foot of page 5. This is the second of three editions printed the same year. All three are EXCESSIVELY RARE. 2530 The same edition. Another copy, polished calf gilt (Bedford"], NEARLY UNCUT. 2531 A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen s Captivity, etc. 2 copies. 8 Phila., printed ; Repr. Boston, Draper and Folsom, 1779 One of these copies wants half the title-leaf; the other has a good title-page, but several leaves are cropped too close at top, destroying the head-lines. One good copy can be made from the two. 2 S3 2 A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen s Captivity, etc.,//. 80, mottled calf extra {Bedford}, top gilt, UNCUT. 8 Newbury, John Mycall, for N. Coverly, 1780 A portion of the last leaf is restored in fac-simile. 2533 The same. To which are now added a considerable number of Explanatory and Occasional Notes, together with an Index, etc., pp. 158, (i). 12 Walpole, Thomas and Thomas, 1807 This edition contains a list of subscribers. It is VERY SCARCE. 2534 The same. Another edition, //. 144, half bound. 12 Albany, Pratt & Clark, 1814 2 53 5 ALLEN (ETHAN) Reason the only Oracle of Man, or a Com- penduous System of Natural Religion, //. 477, crushed levant mo rocco extra, g. e. {Bedford ) . 8 Bennington, Haswell and Russell, 1784 FIRST EDITION. "This singular book is the RAREST of Allen s publications, and is remarkable as being the first work published in America in direct opposition to the Christian Religion." SABIN. Nearly all the copies, it is said, were burned (as they richly deserved to be) by the conscience-stricken publisher. 2 536 The same. ANOTHER FINE COPY, sheep. Bennington, 1784 2537 Oracles of Reason, As formed by the Deists are Husks for Deistical and Heathen Swine, etc. A concise, but plain Answer to Gen. Allen s Oracles of Reason. By Common Sense. Litchfield, n. d., uncut. A Sermon to Swine, by Common Sense. Litchfield, 1787, uncut. Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen s Captivity, written by himself, Fourth Edition, with Notes. Burlington, 1846. Three in one vol., half morocco, top gilt. 12 3OO VERMONT. 2538 ALLEN (!RA) The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, map, pp. vii, 300, boards, UNCUT, fine copy (autograph of Oliver Ellsworth, on title). 8 London, 1798 " RAKE in uncut condition." Sabin. 2539 ALLEN (!RA) Narrative of the Transactions relative to the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch, pp. (2), 368, n. t. p., RARE. 8 n. p., 1804 The unfinished second volume of the " Particulars of the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch," etc. (London, 1798). "Pages i to 368 were printed and distributed without a title the want of documents having then stopped the publication." Sabiris Dictionary, no. 820. Another volume was published, as Vol. II., in 1805. 2540 ALLEN (!RA) Concise Summary of the Second Volume of the Olive Branch . . . with Letters and Memorials, pp. 24. 8 Philadelphia, 1807 2541 EASTMAN (F. S.) History of Vermont for the use of schools, //.no. 1 8 B rattleb or o* , 1828 2542 ELECTION SERMONS. Powers (Peter) A Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the State of Vermont on the day of their FIRST ELECTION, March 12, 1778, at Windsor,//. 40, VERY RARE. 8 Newbury-Port, John My call, 1778 - Lyman (G. C.) Election Sermon, 1782, uncut, RARE. 4 Windsor, Hough 6 Spooner, 1784 Burton (A.) Election Sermon, 1785, RARE. 4 Windsor, Hough 6^ Spooner, 1786 - Merrill (T. A.) 1806; Gross (T.) 1807; Peck (P.) 1817. 6 Sermons. 2543 General Convention of Congregational and Presbyterian Minis ters. Minutes, 1813, -17, 1819-22, 1825, 1827-30: 1846, -52, -57, -59, -61, -62. 17 Pamphlets. 8 v. p., 1813-1862 2544 GRAHAM (John A.) A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, portrait, pp. viii, \^, fine copy. 8 London, for the Author, 1797 2545 HALL (B. H.) History of Eastern Vermont, from its earliest Settlement to the Close of the i8th Century. 2 vols., LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. royal 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1865 No. 26, of fifty copies printed on this paper. 2546 HALL (FRED.) Catalogue of Minerals found in the State of Vermont, and the adjacent States, etc.,//. 44, uncut ; (with author s autograph presentation^) 8 Hartford, 1824 2547 HASWELL (ANTHONY) Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps ; formerly of Harwington in Connecticut, now resi dent in Newhaven, Vt. Particularly in two Voyages from Con necticut to the River Mississippi, 1773-80, pp. 210, 64, (2), xii. 1 2 Bennington, Vt., A. Haswell, 1802 2548 HOSKINS (N.) A History of the State of Vermont, to the close of the year 1830, //. 316. 12 Vergennes, J. Shedd, 1831 2549 HUBBELL and FLETCHER. Narrative of the Sufferings of SETH HUBBELL and Family in his beginning a Settlement in the Town of Wolcott, Vt., Danville, Vt., 1826. Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of EBENEZER FLETCHER, of New Ipswich, wounded MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. WILLIAMS S VERMONT. 30! at the Battle of Hubbardston, 1777, and taken prisoner, etc., Wind sor, Vt., 1813. Two SCARCE TRACTS, fine dean copies, UNCUT, in one volume, half morocco. 12 2550 Literary and Philosophical Repertory. Vols. i, 2, in one vol., pp. 476, 486, new half mor., covers bound in, uncut. 8 Middlebury, Vt., 1812-17 2551 Another copy. 2 vols. 1812-17 2552 Middlebury College. Davis s Inaugural Oration, 1810; Olds s Statement as to his appt. as Prof, of Chemistry, 1818 ; Bates s Inaug. Oration as Pres., 1818, and Semi-Cent l Address, 1850 ; Lawrence s Address on behalf of the college, Boston, 1851. 5 Pamphlets. 2553 Middlebury College. Addresses and Proceedings at the Semi- Centennial Celebration of Middlebury College, Aug. 20-22, 1850, pp. viii, 179, sewed. 8 Middlebury, 1850 2554 Montpelier. Thompson (D. P.) History of the Town, from 1781 to 1860, portrait of S. Prentiss. 8 Montpelier, 1860 2555 Monthly Miscellany or Vermont Magazine. Vol. I. Nos. 1-3 (April -June, 1794), stitched, UNCUT,//. 168. 8 Bennington, Anthony Haswell, 1794 2556 THOMPSON (ZADOCK) A Gazetteer of the State of Vermont, map, pp. 312. 12 Montpelier, 1824 2557 History of the State of Vermont, to the close of the year 1832, //. 252. 12 Burlington, 1833 2558 History of Vermont, Natural, Civil and Statistical, in Three Parts, map and 200 illustrations, pp. iv, 224, 224, 204. 8 Burlington, 1842 2559 Appendix to the History of Vermont, map, pp. 64. 8 Burlington, 1853 2560 Vermont Almanac, by H. Doton, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1852. ^num bers, sewed. 16 Woodstock, Haskell 6 Palmer. 2561 Vermont Directory, by W. W. Atwater, 1855, 1856, 2 numbers, sewed. 1 6 Burlington 2562 Vermont Register and Almanac, for the Year 1795 (impft.*). Vermont Register and Almanac, 1803-1806, 1808 (impftl}, 1809- 1822, Middlebury and Burlington. WALTON S Vermont Register and Farmer s Almanac, from 1818 (the first published) to 1858, incl. (1823, impft.}, Montpelier. 62 vols. bound in 14 vols., hf. sheep, and (the last) five unbound. 1 6 1795-1858 This set belonged to Professor Zadock Thompson, who made the astronomical calcula tions for the Vermont Register and Walton s Register, for 34 years. It includes both the Middlebury (S. Swift and Swift &> Fillmore) and the Burlington (S. Mills) Registers for 1813, -14, -i 5, and -17; and the Burlington and Walton s, for 1818, -19, -20, -21, and -22. 2563 WILLIAMS (SAMUEL) Natural and Civil History of Vermont, map, fine copy. 8 Walpole, N. H., 1794 2564 The same. 2d edition, map. 2 vols. 8 Burlington, 1809 302 VERMONT. 2565 Windsor. Early printing. Remmele (John) The Design and Nature of Atonement. Three Sermons, pp. 42. 4 Windsor, Hough &> Spooner, 1786 George Hough purchased the press and type of Green and Spooner, and removed them to Windsor, where, in company with Alden Spooner, he began printing in 1783. Thom as s Hist, of Printing, ii. 1 73. 2566 REYNOLDS (J.) Recollections of Windsor [State] Prison, uncut, 12 Boston, 1834 2567 PAMPHLETS^Local History.) Bennington. Avery s Narrative of church difficulties, 1783. Brattleboro . Wells s Addr. at first communion, 1816. Burlington. Pierce s Dedica. Ser., 1817. Chester. Sullivan s Ded. S., 1829. Dracutt. Aiken s Appeal against Eccles. Councils, //. 120, 1821. Tinmouth. Osborn s Farewell S., 1787. Middlebury. Hall s Statist. Account, 1821. Montpelier. Gridley s History, 1843. No - Granville. Trial of Rev. E. W. Rossitter, 1823. Norwich. Excursion of Partridge s Cadets, 1822. Bupert. Case of church discipline, 1815 (2). St. Albans. Discourse on Education, 1846. Sharon. Cooke s Ser. at Installation of S. Morse, 1836. Windsor. Livermore s Ded. Sermon, 1846 (2 copies). 15 Pamphlets. 2568 PAMPHLETS (Historical) [Lydius (J. H.)?] Reflections on the N. H. Land Grants Dispute, New Haven, 1764, n. t. p., VERY RARE. - Bradley s Vermont s Appeal to the Candid and Impartial World, Hartford, 1779. Houghton s Address on the N. H. Grants Con troversy, with Life of S. Warner, 1848 (2). Butler s Address on Battle of Bennington, 1848. Deming s Catalogue of Vt. Officers, 1778-1851, pp. 112. Historical Society: Addresses by Butler, 1846 ; Thompson, 1850 ; White and Hager, 1858 ; Proceedings, 1860-62 ; White s Memoir of Galusha, 1866 ; Chittenden s Address on Capture of Ticonderoga, 1872. (14) 2569 PAMPHLETS (Miscellaneous) Act for regulating the Militia, 1793. U. S. Assessment Act, 1798. Address of Council of Censors, 1807. Marsh, on Amendments to Constitution, 1814. Proceed ings of Convention on Improvement of Conn. River, 1825. Amendments to Const n proposed by Censors, 1842. Reports of Supt. of Schools, 1846-51. Williams s Sketches of Rutland Co. Bar, 1847. Governor s Messages, 1848, 1851. Reports on State Lib., 1850. Reports on Claims of Iroquois Indians, 1854, 1855. (16.) ^ 2570 PAMPHLETS (Miscellaneous) B. H. Hall s Bibliography of Ver mont, 1860. Dean s Gazetteer, 1808. F. Hall s Cat. of Minerals, 1824. Adams s ist~4th Geol. Reports, 1845-1848. Hitch cock s Geol. Rept., 1857. Thompson s Address on Nat. History, 1850. Young s Prelim. Report on Nat. History, 1856. Horti cultural Conventions, 1850, 1851. (12) MAINE. 303 MAINE. [^^MASSACHUSETTS; Eastern Lands, No. 1481; Penobscot Expedi tion, No. 1539; Waldo (S.) Defence of the Muscongus Land s Title, No. I S535 Wood (I.) Massachusetts Compendium, No. 1556.] 2571 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1819. Debates and other Pro ceedings of the Convention of Delegates assembled at Portland, Oct. nth-29th, for forming a Constitution. To which is prefixed the Constitution. By J. Perley. pp. 201, boards, uncut. 12 Portland, 1820 2572 FREEMAN (SAMUEL) The Town Officer, 2 copies. 12 Portland, 1791 2573 The same. 3d edition. 12 Boston, 1794 2574 FREEMAN (SAMUEL) The Probate Auxiliary, good copy. 12 Portland, 1793 2575 FREEMAN (SAMUEL) American Clerk s Magazine. 12 Boston, 1794 2576 The same. 2d edition. 12 Boston, 1795 2577 General Conference. Minutes, 1837, 1842-1863. 21 Pamphlets. 8 Portland, and Bangor, 1837-63 2578 GREENLEAF QONA.) Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of Maine, from the Earliest Settlement to the present time ; //. 293, 78. 12 Portsmouth, N. H. 1821 2579 GREENLEAF (MOSES) A Statistical View of the District of Maine, boards, uncut, pp. 154. 8 Boston, 1816 2580 A Survey of the State of Maine, pp. 468. 8 Portland, 1829 GYLES QOHN) Memoirs of Odd Adventures, etc. See No. 476. INDIANS. See Wars with the Indians, Nos. 383-429; Conferences and Treaties, Nos. 431-444 ; Captivities, Nos. 473, 474, etc. ; Penhallow s Wars with the Eastern Indians, Nos. 414, 415 ; Symmes s Battle of Piggwackett, Nos. 406, 422, 423 ; etc. See also, Hanson s History of Gardiner, No. 2601 ; Hanson s and Allen s Histories of Norridgewock, Nos. 2603 and 2604. 2581 NORTH-EASTERN BOUNDARY. Documents relating to the history of the North-Eastern Boundary, pp. 275. 8 Boston, 1828 2582 [Hale (N.)] The North-Eastern Boundary of the United States. 16 Boston, 1832 2 5 8 3 Gallatin (A.) Right of the United States to the North- Eastern Boundary claimed by them. With an Appendix, and 8 Maps. 8 New York, 1840 2584 Documents relating to, 1826. Notes on, Quebec, 1830. Remarks on, 1838, pp. 115, map. Lee s Letter to Pres. of U. S., 1839. Report to Maine Legislature, 1841. Gallatin s Memoir and Webster s Speech, with Jay s map, 1843. 6 Pamphlets. 2585 PLYMOUTH COMPANY, and Kennebec Purchase. Defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company on the Plan published by the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick, being a Reply to their Answer, etc., pp. 50, Boston, 1753. Remarks on the Plan &c. 304 MAINE. published by the Proprietors of Brunswick, //. 8, 4, n. t. p. 1753. Acts and Laws affecting the Titles of Lands in the Eastern Part of the Province of Maine, etc., pp. 4, n. t. p. 1753. Answer to the Remarks of the Plymouth Company on the Plan, etc., pp. 33, Boston, 1753. Patent for Plymouth in New England, to which is annexed, Extracts from the Records of that Colony, Boston, 1751, uncut. Another copy of the same, n. t. p. Statement of the Kennebeck Claims by a Committee of the General Court, Boston, 1786. 7 in i vol. half mor., Roxburghe. sm. 4 The tracts relating to the conflicting claims of the Plymouth and Pejepscot Companies are EXTREMELY RARE. (See Brunswick Proprietors.) 2586 POPHAM COLONY (The) A Discussion of its Historical Claims, with a Bibliography of the Subject [by W. F. Poole], //. 72, UNCUT. 1. 8 Boston, Wiggin &* Lunt, 1866 2587 -- A Discussion, etc. Another copy. 2588 STEVENS (BENJ.) A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Sir William Pepperrell, Bart . . . Who died at his Seat in Kittery, July 6th, 1759, uncut, pp. vi, 24. 4 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1759 VERY SCARCE. This copy has the autographs of "J. Winthrop. From the Rev. Dr. Chauncy," and " Isaiah Thomas." 2589 SULLIVAN (J.) History of the District of Maine, Map. 8 Boston, 1795 SYMMES (THOMAS) Memoirs of the Battle of Piggwacket. See Nos. 422, 423, 406. 2590 VINTON (J. A.) Thomas Gyles and his Neighbors, 1669-1689 : or the Settlement of the Lower Kennebec. First Printed in the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register, //. 14, uncut. 8 Boston, 1867 2591 WHIPPLE (J.) History of Acadie, Penobscot Bay and River, with a Geographical and Statistical View of the District of Maine, pp. 102. 8 Bangor, 1816 2592 WILLIAMSON (W. D.) The History of the State of Maine, from its first Discovery, 1602, to the Separation, 1820, inclusive. 2 vols., calf, pp. 660, 714, FINE COPY. 1. 8 Hallowell, 1832 2593 - - The same. 2 vols., boards, UNCUT. 8 Hallowell, 1832 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 2594 Bangor. Historical Sketch and Catalogue of the ist Congr. Church. 12 Bangor, 1856 2595 Maine Monthly Magazine ; edited by C. Gilman, Vol. L, wants a few leaves. 8 Bangor, 1837 2596 Belfast. White (Wm.) History of Belfast, with introductory remarks on Acadia. 12 Belfast, 1827 2597 Berwick. Hall (Theoph.) of Wallingford, Conn. Sermon at the Ordination of Matthew Merriam, Berwick, Sept. 25, 1765, //. 24, clean, uncut. 4 Portsmouth, \N. H.} Furber &> Russell, 1766 2598 Brunswick Proprietors. A Defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company, on the Plan and Extracts of Deeds published by the Proprietors . . of Brunswick, fine copy, uncut, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, 1753 See Plymouth Company and Kennebec Purchase, No. 2585. CUMBERLAND YORK. 305 2599 Cumberland. Weston (I.) History of the Congregational Church and Society. 12 Portland, 1861 2600 Falmouth. Smith (Rev. Thomas) Extracts from his Journals. 1720 to 1788, with a variety of other matters, edited by S. Free man, uncut. 12 Portland, 1821 Southey s copy, with his autograph : " Robert Southey, from Professor Ticknor, Oct. 25, 1822." It is neatly covered with colored calico, put on by Southey himself. 2601 Gardiner. Hanson (J. W.) History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, plates, pp. 343. 12 Gardiner, 1852 2602 Kennebunk Port. Bradbury (C.) History of Kennebunk Port from its Discovery in 1602, plate. 12 Kennebunk, 1837 2603 Norridgewock. Allen (W.) The History of Norridgewock, com prising Memorials of the Aboriginal Inhabitants, Jesuit Missiona ries, etc., pp. 252. 12 Norridgewock, 1849 2604 Norridgewock and Canaan. Hanson (J. W.) History of the old towns, Norridgewock and Canaan, including a Sketch of the Abnakis Indians. 12 Boston, 1849 2605 Oxford County. Stone (T. M.) Sketches of Oxford County, pp. 112. i6~ Portland* 1830 2606 Pemaquid. Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present State of Maine, when under the Colony of New- York. Compiled from Official Records, by F. B. Hough, //. (8), 136, UNCUT. 1. 8 Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1856 2607 Portland. Willis (Wm.) The History of Portland, from its first Settlement. Part I. [Maine Hist. Soc . Collections, Vol. I.] Port land, 1831. Part II. 1700-1833, Portland, 1833. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 2607* Portland Directory, 1827 (2d issue), and 1831. 2 vols. 12 2608 Saco. Folsom (G.) History of Saco and Biddeford, pp. 331, map and plate, fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Saco, 1830 2609 Union. Sibley (J. L.) History of the Town of Union, with a Family Register of the Settlers and their Descendants, portrait, pp. x, 540. 12 Boston, 1851 2610 Warren. Eaton (C.) Annals of the Town, with the Early His tory of neighboring Settlements on the Waldo Patent, pp. xi, 437. map. 12 Hattowell, 1851 2611 York. Moodey (Samuel) Summary Account of the Life and Death of Joseph Quasson, Indian ; who [was Executed for Murder at York, June 29, 1726], wanting pp. 29-36, mor. extra, g. e. (F. Bed ford), FINE COPY. 16 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1726 The narrative part of this VERY RARE tract is complete. The missing signature con tains a portion of the author s "Observations and special remarks. " 2612 LOCAL HISTORY. Acton, Fullonton s (J.) History of, 1847. Augusta. Lamson s Ded. Sermon, 1827 ; Judd s Ser. before Unit n Assoc n, 1854. Biddeford. Trial of J. Hill, by church, for heresy. May 2, 1793. Bridgton. Cram s Addr. at Ded. of Town House. 1852. Brunswick, Description of, [by H. Putnam,] 1823. Buxton. Williams s Cent l Address, 1850. Dresden. Miles s 39 306 MAINE. ADDENDA. Dedica. Ser., 1833. Eastport. Weston s Hist. Lecture, 1834, Fryeburg. Davies Hist. Address, 1825 ; Souther s Cent l Address. 1863. ii Pamphlets. 2613 LOCAL HISTORY. Gorham. Pierce s Cent l Addr. 1836. Machias. Brown s Introd. S. 1796, and Proceed, on his Settlem t, Z 797- ^ Ot Yarmouth. History of late Dissensions, 1824; Man ual of ist church, 1848. Portland. Kellogg s Ded. S. 1858. Saco. Greenwood s Ded. S. 1827. Shapleigh. Loring s History, 1854. Windham. Smith s Cent l Address, 1839. 9 Pamphlets. 2614 TRACTS (Miscellaneous) Address to Inhab. of Dist. of Maine, 1791. Resolve for Districting the Commonwealth [of Mass.], 1792. Bradman (A.) Sufferings of R. Forbes and family, jour neying through Maine, Phila., 1794, SCARCE. Appeal to People on Separation, 1816. Constitution, 1819. Cochranism deline ated, 1819 (2 editions). Story s Charge to Gr. Jury, First Sess. of Circuit Court in Portland, 1820. Surveys of Kennebec River, 1828. Holmes s Exploration of Arostook Territory,//. 78, 1839. Winthrop s Address to Historical Society, at Bowdoin College, 1849. (10) ADDENDA. 2615 CALEF (ROBERT) More Wonders of the Invisible World: Or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Display d in Five Parts, . . To which is added, A Postscript relating to a Book intitled, The Life of Sir William Phips, //. (12), 156, smooth calf extra, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 London, 1700 A clean and fine copy, though rather close cut, touching the head-lines on a few leaves. (See No. 1352.) 2616 The Christian History, containing Accounts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great-Britain & America, 1743 and and 1744. 2 vols. in one (with the Indexes), pp. vi, 416, vi, 416, original paneled calf, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 Boston, Kneeland 6* Green, for T. Prince, jun., 1744-45 The first number of this periodical work was published on Saturday, March 5, 1743. The editor was the son of Rev. Thomas Prince, the Annalist. It was regularly published, weekly, for two years. See Thomas s History of Printing, ii, 254. 2617 BERKSHIRE COUNTY, Mass. An Address to the Inhabitants of the County of Berkshire, respecting their present Opposition to Civil Government. (Dated, Great-Barrington, October, I778.)//. 28, RARE. 8 Hartford, Watson 6* Goodwin, [1778] 2618 NEW HAMPSHIRE. FARMER & MOORE S Collections, Topograph ical, Historical, and Biographical. 3 vols., half russia, neat, SCARCE. 8 Concord, Hill 6- Moore, and J. B. Moore, 1822-24 Samuel G. Drake s copy, with many corrections in the handwriting of John Farmer. 2619 VERMONT. Ethan Allen s Narrative. Editions of Boston, 1845 ; Burlington, C. Goodrich, 1846; Dayton, O., B. F. Ells, 1849; 5th ed. with notes, Burlington, 1849. Sparks s Life of Ethan Allen, Burlington, 1858. Chipman s Life of Col. Seth Warner, Burl, 1858. Six ^(various sizes) in one vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS IN THE SECOND PART BRINLEY LIBRARY WERE SOLD March 22d-25th 1880 AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. GEORGE A. LEAVITT & CO, NEW YORK Nos.1 2620 -2850. 2651 13. 2701 .75 2751 15. 2801 5. 2652 9.50 2702 11. 2752 13. 2802 .40 2653 5. 2703 3.50 2753 2.25 2803 4. 2654 10. 2704 50. 2754 25. 2804 2. 2655 5. 2705 13.50 2755 1.25 2805 2. 2656 14. 2706 10. 2756 .50 2806 14.25 2657 6. 2707 55. 2757 2.25 2807 6.25 2658 3. 2708 122.50 2758 2.50 2808 1.50 2659 8.25 2709 52.50 2759 .75 2809 15.50 2660 18.50 2710 120. 2760 1.93 2810 8.50 2661 8. 2711 12. 2761 1. 2811 1. 2662 6.50 2712 10. 2762 1. 2812 1.50 2663 12.00 2713 27.50 2763 2. 2813 1.50 2664 2. 2714 90. 2764 1.13 2814 2.13 2665 12. 2715 112.50 2765 4. 2815 6. 2666 9. 2716 165. 2766 2.88 2816 .50 2667 11. 2717 165. 2767 5.50 2817 1.13 2668 5. 2718 85. 2768 .50 2818 1. 2669 150. 2719 62.50 2769 1. 2819 6.25 2620 5.25 2670 4. 2720 190. 2770 320. 2820 2.75 2621 4.75 2671 13.50 2721 180. 2771 3.75 2821 4. 2622 65. 2672 2. 2722 10. 2772 3. 2822 1.50 2623 115. 2673 27. 2723 5. 2773 3. 2823 32. 2624 37.50 2674 1.50 2724 10. 2774 112.50 2824 9. 2625 17.50 2675 .75 2725 3.50 2775 4.50 2825 5. 2626 11. 2676 10. 2726 5.50 2776 8. 2826 3. 2627 33. 2677 12.50 2727 2.50 2777 1. 2827 2.70 2628 25. 2678 14. 2728 5.25 2778 385. 2828 3.30 2629 17. 2679 7. 2729 9.25 2779 1.50 2829 3.50 2630 31. 2680 2 2730 17. 2780 5.50 2830 1,10 2631 6.50 2681 8.50 2731 24. 2781 4. 2831 1.20 2632 33. 2682 9.50 2732 5. 2782 .60 2832 11.50 2633 2.25 2683 40. 2733 3. 2783 1. 2833 140. 2634 5.50 2684 19. 2734 10.25 2784 16. 2834 2. 2635 6. 2685 17. 2735 5. 2785 1.13 2835 .25 2636 77.50 2686 3.75 2736 26. 2786 1.50 2836 1.75 2637 8.50 2687 1.50 2737 19. 2787 2. 2837 5.25 2638 77.50 2688 2. 2738 13. 2788 1.75 2838 16.50 2639 10.50 2689 5. 2739 6. 2789 .30 2839 3.50 2640 130. 2690 5. 2740 4. 2790 4.50 2840 2.50 2641 20. 2691 115. 2741 1. 2791 105. 2841 2.75 2642 2.50 2692 14. 2742 4.25 2792 12. 2842 3.50 2643 12. 2693 112.50 2743 125. 2793 10. 2843 1.38 2644 25.50 2694 5. 2744 4.50 2794 8.25 2844 2. 2645 14.25 2695 21. 2745 40. 2795 15. 2845 2.50 2646 21. 2696 8. 2746 72.50 2796 3.75 2846 5.50 2647 6. 2697 3. 2747 20. 2797 4.50 2847 1.75 2648 5.50 2698 10. 2748 92.50 2798 6.25 2848 4.50 2649 82.50 2699 2. 2749 42.50 2799 190. 2849 .50 2650 110. 2700 2.50 2750 34. . 2800 1.50 2850 7. Nos. 2851-3100. J851 5.50 2901 1.50 2951 10. 3001 32. 3051 11. J852 7.50 2902 1.10 2952 2. 3002 3. 3052 7.50 5853 .13 2903 210. 2953 4. 3003 2. 3053 2.75 5854 .75 2904 100. 2954 3. 3004 11. 3054 2. 5855 5. 2905 51. 2955 4.55 3005 1.25 3055 4. 5856 2.13 2906 6.25 2956 11. 3006 9.62 3056 4.50 5857 5. 2907 44. 2957 3. 3007 2. 3057 2.25 ,858 2.38 2908 5.25 2958 3.50 3008 4.50 3058 19.50 ,859 2.25 2909 5.50 2959 3. 3009 30. 3059 2.70 ,860 1.12 2910 3.75 2960 9. 3010 6. 3060 1. ,861 2. 2911 6. 2961 1.50 3011 1. 3061 8.50 862 1. 2912 7.50 2962 1.50 3012 25. 3062 8.50 863 2. 2913 9. 2963 10. 3013 10.50 3063 34. 864 .50 2914 4.50 2964 9. 3014 17. 3064 17. 865 330. 2915 5. 2965 5. 3015 11. 3065 18. 866 14. 2916 20. 2966 1.13 3016 5.50 3066 9. 867 1. 2917 1. 2967 2 3017 11. 3067 11. 868 .50 2918 8. 2968 4. 3018 18. 3068 430. 869 10. 2919 2.50 2969 7.50 3019 15. 3069 75. 870 .10 2920 2.50 2970 2.50 3020 2.50 3070 22. 871 5. 2921 1.25 2971 3. 3021 15. 3071 30. 872 36. 2922 .60 2972 .88 3022 3. 3072 10. 873 6. 2923 .50 2973 4. 3023 15. 3073 8. 874 4.50 2924 .70 2974 22 3024 5.50 3074 9.25 875 1. 2925 5. 2975 4.50 3025 3. 3075 3. 876 3.50 2926 5. 2976 2. 3026 3.75 3076 4.25 877 .25 2927 2.25 2977 .87 3027 4. 3077 50. 878 2.40 2928 12. 2978 1.25 3028 3.75 3078 2.75 879 2. 2929 4. 2979 2.25 3029 3. 3079 12. 880 15.75 2930 5. 2980 3.50 3030 80. 3080 12. 881 1. 2931 1. 2981 3.25 3031 12. 3081 10. 882 1. 2932 .60 2982 2. 3032 15.50 3082 6. 883 20.50 2933 5.25 2983 2.50 3033 5. 3083 22. 884 .25 2934 .60 2984 2.50 3034 2.50 3084 15. 885 2. 2935 1. 2985 2.13 3035 5.25 3085 1. 886 1.10 2936 1. 2986 2.50 3036 2.50 3086 12. 887 .50 2937 .50 2987 .40 3037 10. 3087 1.63 888 4.25 2938 5.50 2988 1.50 3038 18. 3088 out. 889 3. 2939 3. 2989 2.75 3039 2.50 3089 14. 890 1.50 2940 12. 2990 2.50 3040 9.50 3090 9. 891 5. 2941 6. 2991 3. 3041 21. 3091 5. 892 3/25 2942 2. 2992 5.50 3042 160. 3092 12.50 893 .25 2943 16.50 2993 3. 3043 85. 3093 17. 894 60. 2944 5.50 2994 3.37 3044 80. 3094 3. 895 13. 2945 24. 2995 4. 3045 18. 3095 .75 896 85. 2946 16. 2996 2. 3046 2.25 3096 5.25 897 5. 2947 5.50 2997 3.50 3047 3. 3097 6.50 898 5. 2948 9. 2998 14.50 3048 4. 3098 3.50 899 6. 2949 10. 2999 1.50 3049 26. 3099 20. 900 1.50 2950 5. 3000 3. 3050 1.50 3100 15. Nos. 3101-3350, 3101 8.50 3151 8.13 3201 60. 3251 1. 3301 2.50 3102 150. 3152 70. 3202 9. 3252 1. 3302 8.50 3103 100. 3153 1.50 3203 67.50 3253 .50 3303 6. 3104 65. 3154 1.13 3204 10.50 3254 .50 3304 6.50 3105 2.25 3155 1. 3205 1. 3255 .65 3305 9.50 3106 4. 3156 1. 3206 36. 3256 .50 3306 90. 3107 5. 3157 6.50 3207 38. 3257 1.68 3307 10. 3108 8. 3158 .50 3208 38. 3258 2.38 3308 7.50 3109 8.75 3159 5. 3209 35. 3259 .60 3309 8.50 3110 1.80 3160 3. 3210 30. 3260 .25 3310 13. 3111 .90 3161 3.50 3211 7.50 3261 6. 3311 2.25 3112 3.15 3162 3.85 3212 1.75 3262 17.50 3312 3. 3113 10. 3163 5.25 3213 30. 3263 10.75 3313 40. 3114 5. 3164 3.50 3214 48. 3264 3.50 3314 9. 3115 3. 3165 460. 3215 34. 3265 .50 3315 40. 3116 3.25 3166 27.50 3216 2.25 3266 1.13 3316 8. 3117 10. 3167 28. 3217 5. 3267 85. 3317 3.75 3118 3. 3168 26. 3218 75. 3268 11.50 3318 5.75 3119 .75 3169 21. 3219 75. 3269 8.50 3319 38.50 3120 1.25 3170 21. 3220 75. 3270 out. 3320 5.50 3121 .50 3171 38. 3221 75. 3271 6.50 3321 8.25 3122 1.50 3172 38. 3222 75. 3272 50. 3322 7. 3123 .80 3173 19. 3223 .50 3273 6.50 3323 33. 3124 .25 3174 26. 3224 3. 3274 9. 3324 16.50 3125 .50 3175 60. 3225 40. 3275 8. 3325 12.50 3126 5. 3176 7.80 3226 13. 3276 14. 3326 11. 3127 6. 3177 .50 3227 10. 3277 5.50 3327 3. 3128 1. 3178 27. 3228 3. 3278 5. 3328 2. 3129 .10 3179 3. 3229 .75 3279 125. 3329 13.50 3130 1.40 3180 3. 3230 2.50 3280 50. 3330 2.50 3131 2.25 3181 3. 3231 2. 3281 30. 3331 5.50 3132 4.50 3182 16. 3232 2.75 3282 55. 3332 6.50 3133 1.25 3183 7.50 3233 .50 3283 260. 3333 3.25 3134 2.75 3184 4.50 3234 1.25 3284 110. 3334 1.50 3135 .50 3185 1.75 3235 .75 3285 1. 3335 1.25 3136 3186 8.50 3236 1.50 3286 4. 3336 2.50 3137 .88 3187 10.50 3237 1. 3287 2.75 3337 3. 3138 .80 3188 16.50 3238 3. 3288 3. 3338 11.50 3139 .38 3189 8. 3239 1.63 3289 2. 3339 1. 3140 .25 3190 4.25 3240 .40 3290 5.50 3340 1. 3141 5.25 3191 6.50 3241 .25 3291 100. 3341 15. 3142 1.25 3192 12.75 3242 .50 3292 275. 3342 7. 3143 .60 3193 1.75 3243 1.12 3293 10. 3343 6. 3144 .75 3194 5.18 3244 .50 3294 8. 3334 2.50 3145 4.25 3195 14.50 3245 .50 3295 7.25 3335 2.50 3146 6. 3196 2.40 3246 .50 3296 7. 3346 3. 3147 9.50 3197 30. 3247 2.13 3297 22. 3347 4.50 3148 10. 3198 54. 3248 .10 3298 8. 3348 3.50 3149 out. 3199 52. 3249 .75 3299 3. 3349 2.50 3150 3.50 3200 30. 3250 1. 3300 10. 3350 1.63 Nos. 3351-3600. 3351 2. 3401 60. 3451 6. 3501 1.38 3551 25. 3352 2.50 3402 15. 3452 170. 3502 5. 3552 1. 3353 3.13 3403 13. 3453 50. 3503 5.50 3553 5. 3354 4. 3404 28. 3454 10. 3504 8. 3554 2. 3355 3. 3405 85. 3455 30. 3505 31. 3555 2. 3356 1.50 3406 41. 3456 4.50 3506 3.50 3556 2. 3357 9. 3407 30. 3457 50. 3507 2.75 3557 2. 3358 6.25 3408 35. 3458 22. 3508 1.50 3558 1.50 3359 18. 3409 54. 3459 15. 3509 6.38 3559 1. 3360 1. 3410 77.50 3460 7.50 3510 2.25 3560 .50 3361 6.38 3411 15. 3461 14. 3511 2. 3561 .25 3362 1.25 3412 50. 3462 17. 3512 .50 3562 5. 3363 2.25 3413 20. 3463 18. 3513 16. 3563 1. 3364 1. 3414 130. 3464 25. 3514 1.75 3564 30. 3365 4.25 .3415 35. 3465 5. 3515 4.50 3565 22. 3366 3.25 3416 50. 3466 11. 3516 8.50 3566 36. 3367 555. 3417 20. 3467 6.50 3517 3.25 3567 .25 3368 out. 3418 72.50 3468 23. 3518 2.50 3568 .75 3369 out. 3419 65. 3469 15. 3519 51. 3569 1. 3370 8. 3420 25. 3470 8. 3520 25. 3570 2. 3371 6. 3421 42. 3471- 9.50 3521 90. 3571 39. 3372 1.50 3422 15. 3472 115. 3522 5. 3572 6. 3373 3.25 3423 16. 3473 75. 3523 1. 3573 .50 3374 9. 3424 27.50 3474 100. 3524 3.25 3574 3. 3375 1.25 3425 47.50 3475 26. 3525 1. 3575 4.50 3376 7. 3426 12. 3476 62.50 3526 50. 3576 1.50 3377 5.50 3427 185. 3477 20. 3527 2.25 3577 1.38 3378 8. 3428 1. 3478 81. 35S8 1.50 3578 1.50 3379 3.50 3429 21. 3479 2. 3529 13. 3579 3. \ 3380 6.50 3430 27.50 3480 1. 3530 115. 3580 2.75 3381 4.63 3431 7. 3481 1.50 3531 67.50 3581 17. 3382 55. 3432 10. 3482 1.75 3532 10. 3582 20. 3383 55. 3433 45. 3483 17. 3533 1. 3583 51. 3384 685. 3434 35. 3484 1. 3534 5.25 3584 44. 3385 6. 3435 45. 3485 9. 3535 28. 3585 30. 3386 50. 3436 35. 3486 7.50 3536 2.50 3586 22.50 3387 25. 3437 5. 3487 5. 3537 10. 3587 25. 3388 17.50 3438 26. 3488 1. 3538 8.50 3588 26. 3389 18. 3439 16. 3489 .63 3539 10. 3589 17.50 3390 340. 3440 205. 3490 .50 3540 10. 3590 10. 3391 87.50 3441 94. 3491 5.25 3541 11. 3591 220. 3392 7. 3442 80. 3492 5.50 3542 24. 3592 14. 3393 13. 3443 24. 3493 3. 3543 11. 3593 1. 3394 30. 3444 1600. 3494 16. 3544 . 25. 3594 1. 3395 13. 3445 67.50 3495 7.50 3545 5.50 3595 26. 3396 7. 3446 77.50 3496 7.50 3546 1.75 3596 2. 3397 40. 3447 75. 3497 8. 3547 1.25 3597 58. 3398 45. 3448 6. 3498 210. 3548 1. 3598 5.50 3399 13. 3449 560. 3499 25. 3549 14. 3599 55. 3400 410. 3450 350. 3500 3.50 3550 20. 3600 5.50 Nos. 3601-3850. 3601 2.50 3651 2.75 3701 11. 3751 .50 3801 4. 3602 1.50 3652 2.63 3702 6. 3752 7. 3802 2.25 3603 .50 3653 1.12 3703 26. 3753 2. 3803 8.50 3604 9. 3654 15.50 3704 11. 3754 1. 3804 1.50 3605 81. 3655 1. 3705 5. 3755 2.63 3805 .50 3606 1. 3656 4. 3706 5.75 3756 8. 3806 1. 3607 1. 3657 42. 3707 32.50 3757 3. 3807 1.50 3608 1.50 3658 42. 3708 1.50 3758 9. 3808 2.50 3600 5.25 3659 40. 3709 7. 3759 9.50 3809 7.50 3610 21. 3660 28. 3710 8. 3760 56. 3810 .25 3611 8. 3661 28. 3711 8.50 3761 38. 3811 31. 3612 12. 3662 5. 3712 1. 3762 31. 3812 9. 3613 4. 3663 6.50 3713 .50 3763 5. 3813 11. 3614 4.25 3664 10.25 3714 2.25 3764 1.25 3814 .25 3615 1.50 3665 3.75 3715 4.75 3765 1. 3815 6. 3616 25. 3666 3.50 3716 1. 3766 2. 3816 87.50 3617 2.13 3667 72. 3717 3.50 3767 2. 3817 30. 3618 11.50 3668 11. 3718 4. 3768 2. 3818 8. 3619 2.50 3669 6.50 3719 10. 3769 2.25 3819 11. 3620 3.75 3670 42. 3720 2.50 3770 1. 3820 1.25 3621 8.50 3671 2.50 3721 5.50 3771 1.63 3821 6.75 3622 1. 3672 25. 3722 6.50 3772 1.50 3822 5. 3623 2.75 3673 6.75 3723 5.25 3773 26. 3823 1.50 3624 1.88 3674 37. 3724 3.50 3774 1.25 3824 3. 3625 3.25 3675 7. 3725 115. 3775 25. 3825 2.75 3626 2.12 3676 14. 3726 132. 3776 20. 3826 2.75 3627 25. 3677 4.50 3727 60. 3777 9.50 3827 3.75 3628 4.25 3678 4. 3728 2. 3778 1. 3828 3. 3629 4.75 3679 2.50 3729 2.50 3779 5.50 3829 5. 3630 6.50 3680 3.75 3730 1.50 3780 . .80 3830 7. 3631 14. 3681 11. 3731 1. 3781 6. 3831 7. 3632 14. 3682 2^75 3732 3. 3782 5.75 3832 30. 3633 1.25 3683 6.50 3733 2.50 3783 10. 3833 11. 3634 1. 3684 13. 3734 1. 3784 41. 3834 5. 3635 1.25 3685 2 3735 1.50 3785 10. 3835 .75 3636 7. 3686 33. 3736 2. 3786 8.75 3836 2.50 3637 9.50 3687 12. 3737 1. 3787 5. 3837 5. 3638 1.50 3688 11. 3738 2.25 3788 6.50 3838 8.50 3639 1.75 3689 11. 3739 50. 3789 1.50 3839 2.75 3640 5.75 3690 12. 3740 25. 3790 7. 3840 10. 3641 4.75 3691 6.50 3741 3.50 3791 1.50 3841 3.50 3642 2.13 3692 25. 3742 76. 3792 5.75 3842 82.50 3643 6.25 3693 13.50 3743 7. 3793 5. 3843 5. 3644 1.13 3694 20.50 3744 26. 3794 3.25 3844 3.25 3645 2.87 3695 8. 3745 5. 3795 5.10 3845 4.25 3646 36. 3696 17. 3746 3. 3796 21. 3846 5.50 3647 10.20 3697 4. 3747 18. 3797 4.25 3847 .50 3648 82. 3698 11." 3748 12. 3798 10. 3848 5. 3649 2.75 3699 11. 3749 16. 3799 9. 3849 5. 3650 8.25 3700 9.50 3750 3. 3800 36. 3850 3.50 Nos. 3851-4100. 3851 4.75 3901 11.25 3951 2. 4001 4. 4051 4.75 3852 3.75 3902 1.25, 3952 1. 4002 3. 4052 5.50 3853 1. 3903 1.25 3953 1. 4003 3. 4053 2.25 3854 .60 3904 1.63 3954 5. 4004 2.25 4054 1.50 3855 1. 3905 3. 3955 9.50 4005 2. 4055 3. 3856 3. 3906 7. 3956 2.25 4006 5. 4056 50. 3857 2.50 3907 36. 3957 .75 4007 4057 3, 3858 1.13 3908 18. 3958 8. 4008 8. 4058 1.50 3859 20. 3909 10. 3959 2.75 4009 11. 4059 10. 3860 26. 3910 21. 3960 6. 4010 3. 4060 1.25 3861 13. 3911 35. 3961 4. 4011 6.25 4061 5.50 3862 21. 3912 15.50 3962 4.25 4012 2.75 4062 4. 3863 2. 3913 4.25 3963 1. 4013 30. 4063 2. 3864 20. 3914 10.50 3964 .50 4014 2.50 4064 5.75 3865 .50 3915 8. 3965 7. 4015 7.50 4065 6.50 3866 25. 3916 6.50 3966 3. 4016 5. 4066 2.50 3867 .50 3917 40. 3967 8.50 4017 9. 4067 1. 3868 8. 3918 34. 3968 1. 4018 12. 4068 out. 3869 125. 3919 4.50 3969 6. 4019 1.80 4069 6.50 3870 2.75 3920 .10 3970 4.50 4020 1.50 4070 .50 3871 1.75 3921 4.25 3971 1.75 4021 15. 4071 12.50 3872 1.75 3922 29. 3972 .25 4022 2.50 4072 1.75 3873 250. 3923 11. 3973 3. 4023 9. 4073 3.75 3874 37.50 3924 24. 3974 1.50 4024 14.50 4074 1.75 3875 435. 3925 86. 3975 2.50 4025 10. 4075 10. 3876 14. 3926 102. 3976 out. 4026 1. 4076 1. 3877 11. 3927 1. 3977 .50 4027 1. 4077 1.38 3878 18. 3928 2. 3978 1. 4028 20.50 4078 1.50 3879 2. 3929 3. 3979 5.25 4029 3. 4079 3880 14. 3930 15. 3980 15. 4030 7. 4080 3.50 3881 5. 3931 5.50 3981 1. 4031 3.50 4081 3. 3882 6.50 3932 1.50 3982 3.75 4032 18. 4082 10. 3883 16.25 3933 4. 3983 4.25 4033 .85 4083 10.50 3884 10. 3934 228. 3984 4. 4034 50. 4084 1. 3885 12.50 3935 3. 3985 7. 4035 10.50 4085 3. 3886 100. 3936 144. 3986 7. 4036 10. 4086 5.50 3887 2. 3937 40. 3987 66. 4037 3.50 4087 130. 3888 4.25 3938 17. 3988 29.25 4038 4. 4088 4. 3889 18. 3939 5.25 3989 2.25 4039 3.75 4089 2. 3890 26. 3940 8.50 3990 2.50 4040 4. 4090 6. 3891 77.50 3941 3.50 3991 1. 4041 2.25 4091 4. 3892 3942 11. 3992 6. 4042 4. 4092 2.50 3893 30. 3943 4.25 3993 4.25 4043 16.50 4093 .50 3894 .60 3944 10.50 3994 1. 4044 3.25 4094 3.50 3895 2.80 3945 6. 3995 1. 4045 2. 4095 3. 3896 10.40 3946 4.50 3996 2. 4046 1. 4096 3. 3897 32. 3947 5.25 3997 out. 4047 2.75 4097 3. 3898 13. 3948 1.13 3998 25. 4048 3.25 4098 3.75 3899 2. 3949 5. 3999 1.50 4049 2.50 4099 1. 3900 5.25 3950 4.50 4000 3. 4050 .50 4100 2.63 Nos. 4101-4333. 4101 6. 4151 20. 4201 3. 4251 2.40 4301 6. 4102 3. 4152 1.50 4202 7. 4252 6. 4302 1. 4103 6. 4153 2.25- 4203 1.25 4253 1. 4303 .50 4104 .50 4154 2.50 4204 4254 .60 4304 .50 4105 .50 4155 4. 4205 4.25 4255 .75 4305 14. 4106 3.25 4156 6. 4206 2.25 4256 1.25 4306 1. 4107 6. 4157 44. 4207 1.50 4257 6.50 4307 3. 4108 2.75 4158 1.13 4208 5. 4258 6. 4308 2.63 4109 2.25 4159 4. 4209 3. 4259 2. 4309 5.50 4110 2.25 4160 5.50 4210 5. 4260 1.63 4310 .50 4111 1.13 4161 9. 4211 .50 4261 2. 4311 7. 4112 3.25 4162 2.50 4212 4. 4262 8.75 4312 5. 4113 1.75 4163 2.75 4213 .20 4263 .50 4313 10. 4114 5. 4164 1.25 4214 5. 4264 5.50 4314 1.25 4115 3.50 4165 1.50 4215 .50 4265 1. 4315 5.50 4116 1.25 4166 1.50 4216 .25 4266 14.80 4316 6.50 4117 3.38 4167 9. 4217 .25 4267 18.20 4317 10. 4118 11. 4168 2.25 4218 11. 4268 10.50 4318 5. 4119 1.88 4169 6. 4219 .50 4269 5. 4319 2.75 4120 5.50 4170 7.50 4220 1.25 4270 6.50 4320 3.25 4121 5. 4171 5.50 4221 1. 4271 1.25 4321 7.25 4122 2. 4172 1.50 4222 1. 4272 .50 4322 7.50 4123 .50 4173 9.50 4223 1.50 4273 7. 4323 7.50 4124 4. 4174 10. 4224 15.50 4274 3.50 4324 5. 4125 2. 4175 9. 4225 10. 4275 5. 4325 4.50 4126 1.25 4176 8.50 4226 5.50 4276 1. 4326 4.25 4127 2. 4177 9. 4227 11. 4277 5. 4327 7.50 4128 7. 4178 13. 4228 24. 4278 5. 4328 7. 4129 1. 4179 18.50 4229 20. 4279 2. 4329 3.50 4130 2.25 4180 335. 4230 20. 4280 .30 4330 10. 4131 4. 4181 10.50 4231 46.13 4281 2 4331 13.25 4132 11. 4182 4.80 4232 47.50 4282 .50 4332 5. 4133 4.50 4183 15.75 4233 28.50 4283 51. 4333 7. 4134 8. 4184 7. 4234 55.75 4284 3. 4135 50. 4185 6.75 4235 54.75 4285 11. 4136 2.50 4186 6.50 4236 43.75 4286 11.50 4137 5. 4187 22. 4237 33.76 4287 2.25 4138 15.75 4188 11.25 4238 31. 4288 1.25 4139 9.25 4189 560. 4239 22.50 4289 4.25 4140 26. 4190 80. 4240 2. 4290 20. 4141 16. 4191 25. 4241 21. 4291 12.75 4142 1. 4192 1. 4242 6. 4292 3.30 4143 1. 4193 3.20 4243 4.25 4293 13. 4144 1.50 4194 3.50 4244 1.63 4294 1.50 4145 1.88 4195 1. 4245 2. 4295 5. 4146 2.25 4196 1. 4246 8.50 4296 13.50 4147 3. 4197 3. 4247 4.50 4297 2. 4148 8.50 4198 .25 4248 2. 4298 10. 4149 4.38 4199 3.25 4249 .30 4299 9. 4150 3. 4200 2.50 4250 14. 4300 3. Total, $32,690.24 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise betwen two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the buyer s expense and risk within three days from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. In preparing the Catalogue, care has been taken to make the description of every book full and accurate, and every deficiency and imperfection which was discovered has been noted : but the sale of any Volume or Lot is not to be set aside on account. of any error in the description. The books will be exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and will be sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle ment of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CATALOGUE OF THE 3mmnitt Htfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD CONN. PART II. ADDENDA TO PART I. THE MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN STATES NEW YORK TO GEORGIA THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION WASHINGTONIANA INCLUDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS OF FRANKLIN S WRITINGS AND IMPRINTS BOOKS BY AND RELATING TO THE QUAKERS AND BOOKS PRINTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK BEFORE 1750 HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE LOCKWOOD & BRATNARD COMPANY 1880 PREFACE. When the First Part of this Catalogue was issued, a year ago, the compiler believed that the whole library could be conveniently disposed of in three sales, not exceeding a week each. The number of volumes and titles is found to be greater than was supposed, and it has seemed best to divide the catalogue into four parts. The Second Part, now presented, comprises 1714 lots, and more than 3000 titles. These include the books and pamphlets relating to the Middle States; the Southern States, from Maryland to Georgia the youngest of the Thirteen Colonies ; the American Revolution ; Washingtoniana ; and such other special collections as naturally come within the range indicated. The collection relating to the Middle Colonies and especially, the series of books printed in Philadelphia and New York before 1750 will be found not less remarkable than that of early New England imprints in the First Part of the Catalogue. It is needless to point out, in a prefatory note, the rarities which readers will not be long in discovering for themselves ; but, chiefly for convenience of reference, a list of some of the most important works is appended, and to a few of these the compiler may be allowed to direct special attention. In First Works, the collection is wonderfully rich. It includes (No. 3367) the First work of the First printer in the Middle Colonies William Bradford s Kalendarium Pennsilvaniense, Philadelphia, 1685 \ the First book printed in New York (3444) ; the First American edition of the Book of Common Prayer (3450); the First Map engraved in New York (3446); the First book known to have been printed in Delaware (3648); probably, the First two books printed in Maryland (3667, 3672 : see also, 3670, 3658); and the First two of Virginia (3694, 3818); the First book, the Laws excepted, printed in the Carolinas, or south of Virginia (3886) ; an imprint of the First press and the First printer in Georgia (3929); the First printed collections of the Laws of New York (3444), Delaware (3648), and Virginia, from an American press (3694) ; etc. VI PREFACE. Of the productions of William Bradford s press, in Philadelphia and New York, forty-five will be found in the Catalogue, seventeen of which were printed before 1700. Four others bear the rare imprint of William and Andrew Bradford : and Andrew Bradford s press in Philadelphia is represented by eleven of its issues. There are twelve works printed by REYNIER JANSEN, three of which were published in 1699, the first year of the re-establishment of a press in Philadelphia (see No. 3452); thirteen printed by SAMUEL KEIMER ; and one with the imprint of DAVID HARRY. Of the second press in New York, JOHN PETER ZENGER S, there are twelve specimens, including several of his earliest and rarest works; one, with the exceptionally rare imprint of J. ZEN- GER Jun. (3440), and two with that of the Widow Catharine Zenger (3441, 3442). A glance through the pages of the catalogue is enough to show how large a proportion it comprises of the productions of the presses of James Parker, Henry De Foreest, Wm. Weyman, Hugh Gaine, John Holt, and James Rivington, of New York, and of the third William Bradford, and Thomas Bradford, Anthony Armbruster, James Chattin, Andrew Steuart, William Dunlap, Robert Bell, and other ante-revolutionary printers of Philadelphia. The collection of the writings of FRANKLIN, books and pamphlets printed by him and his partners, and other Frankliniana, is the largest that has ever been offered in a single catalogue, and, probably, the largest ever gathered in a private library. It comprises more than 200 imprints, in 168 lots. Many of these are of remarkable rarity, and several are rendered unique, by Franklin s autograph notes : see Nos. 3203, 3292, 3323, and, above all, the five Tracts on the Stamp Act and Taxation of the Colonies, Nos. 3218-3222. Especially notewor thy are Sewel s History of the Quakers (3315), the volume on which Franklin and Meredith worked with Keimer in 1728; the first two volumes of the PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, 1728-30, published, after No. 40, by Franklin and Meredith (3449) ; and John Meredith s " Short Discourse " (3197), one of the first works of Franklin s press ; " Some Observations " by Franklin in defence of Mr. Hemphill (3197), a tract so rare that Mr. Sparks was unable to find a single, copy ; the " Con stitutions of the Free Masons," with twenty-five pages of manuscript, in Franklin s autograph, bound in; Arndt s "Wahre Christenthum," with the imprint of Franklin and Boehm (3272) ; Renouard s own copy of his elegant edition of Franklin s "Opuscules" (3225) ; and among the Frankliniana the satirical " Epitaph on a certain Great Man" (3267). Mr. Brinley, like Heber, liked to have duplicates of good books. Four copies of the translation of the Cato Major, printed by Franklin three of which are exceptionally fine will be found in this Cata- PREFACE. Vll logue (3281-84). Most collectors would be satisfied with one good copy of Gabriel Thomas s Account of Pennsylvania and New Jersey : Mr. Brinley retained three (3102-04). There are two copies of Frank lin s Narrative of the Massacres at Lancaster (3063, 3215); and two of the original privately-printed edition of Jefferson s " Notes on Vir ginia" one of which (3761) has the author s autograph presentation to David Rittenhouse. But who ever saw or is likely to see again two copies of Dickinson s "God s Protecting Providence" in an auction- room, at the same time ? The most careless reader will not overlook certain rarissima whose titles are familiar to, and possession of which is coveted by, every collector, such as the series of Dutch publications concerning New Netherland (2714-2723) ; Bradford s Laws of New York (3444) and Book of Common Prayer (3450) ; the original editions of Colden s History of the Five Nations (2770) and " First Causes of Action in Matter" (2774), and his still rarer "Papers relating to An Act," etc. (3384), containing the engraved Map of the Country of the Five Na tions ; Horsmanden s History of the Negro Plot (2865); Budd s " Good Order Established " (3042) ; Lord De-La-Warre s Relation (3742) ; Bullock s Virginia (3725) and Jones s Present State of Vir ginia (3773); "Virginia richly valued" (3811), and Williams s "Virgo Triumphans" and "Discovery of Silke-Wormes " (3816-17); Hilton s Relation (3869) ; Lederer s Discoveries (3875) ; the Brief Description of Carolina (3842) ; McCall s History of Georgia (3908) ; etc., etc. But a more thorough examination of the Catalogue will bring to notice a good many volumes and tracts, not less rare than those which have been mentioned, or less necessary to the completeness of an American library, yet less known to collectors and nearly unnoticed by bibli ographers. See, for examples, Holder, 3530 ; Maule, 3434, 3435 ; Leeds, 3427; Jenkin, 3440; Pusey, 3452, 3453; Fenwick, 3610; Varlo, 3630-32 ; Bray, 3667-69 ; A Fan for Fanning, 3866 ; Purry, 3883 ; and others, of which one of the least known, but not the least interesting, is Bradford s reprint of Reach s "War with the Devil" (3405), with commendatory verses prefixed, by " W. B." and " E. B." William and Elizabeth Bradford. The writings of the erratic and indefatigable George Keith and the replies made to them occupy 34 numbers of the Catalogue, comprising 42 pieces. The greater part of these will be found on pages 89-91 ; the others on pp. 105-107 and 119. It would be inexcusable to pass over, even in these desultory notes, the collection of WASHINGTONIANA. In extent and importance this collection is believed to be unequalled by any other, public or private, in this country. It contains nearly 400 distinct publications ; vill PREFACE. including both editions of "The Journal of Major Washington," in discharge of his first public trust, the original, printed at Williams- burgh, 1754, and the London reprint, of the same year; "A Memorial" (containing Washington s second Journal), Hugh Game s edition, 1757 ; the first editions of Condie s Biographical Memoirs and Corry s Life of Washington : the London and Philadelphia editions of Marshall s Life ; the Boston, New York, and Trenton collections of the " Political Legacies;" the Newport, Baltimore, and Lancaster Washingtoniana; 1 80 Orations, Sermons, Eulogies, etc., occasioned by the Death of Washington ; 37 Birthday and other Commemorative Addresses, etc., etc. Dr. F. B. Hough s " Bibliographical List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Death of Washington," contains 252 titles; of which, 177 are in Mr. Brinley s collection, with three others not found in that List. Both the Third and Fourth Parts of the Catalogue will, it is hoped, be printed before the end of the current year, so that the sale of all that remains of the Library may be had in the course of next winter, at latest. # # # February ist, 1880. ABRIDGED TITLES OF SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS. 2622 Allen (Ethan) Narrative of Proceedings of N. York. 2623 Allen (E.) Vindication of the Opposition of Vermont. Dresden, 1779 2625 BACKUS (Isaac) Autograph manuscript, 30 pages. 2627 Bishop. New-England Judged. Boston, 1702 2630 Cambridge Platform. London, 1653 2636 DAVENPORT (J.) Another Essay for Invest, of the Truth. Cambr., 1663 2638 ELIOT (John) The Christian Commonwealth. London, 1659 2640 GORGES (Ferd.) America Painted to the Life, etc. London, 1658-59 2649 MASON. Brief History of the Pequot War. Boston, 1736 2650 Massachusetts Charter, of 1628. Boston, 1689 2658-2688 Works of the MATHERS. 1644-1729 2669 MATHER (I.) The Wicked Man s Portion. First Boston imprint, 1675 2691 Morton (T.) New English Canaan. Amst., 1637 2693 NORTON (J.) The Heart of New England rent. Camb., 1659 2698 PYNCHON (Wm.) The Jewes Synagogue. London, 1652 2707 WITCHCRAFT. C. Mather s Late Memor. Providences. London, 1691 2708 C. MATHER S Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1693 2709 I. MATHER S Further Account of Tryalls of Witches. London, 1693 2710 CALEF S More Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1700 2713 Wood (W.) New England s Prospect. London, 1635 NEW YORK. 2714 BREEDEN-Raedt. Antwerp, 1649 2715 VERTOOGH VAN NIEU-NEDER-LAND, uncut. Graven-Hage, 1650 2716 BESCHRYVINGHE VAN VIRGINIA, NIEUW NEDERLANDT. Amst., 1651 2717 DE VRIES. Korte Historiael. / Hoorn, 1655 2718 VANDER DONCK. Beschryvinge v. N. Nederlant. ist ed. Amst., 1655 2720 VANDER DONCK. Beschryvinge, etc. Second edition. Amst., 1656 2721 KORT VERHAEL van N. Nederlants Gelegentheit, etc. ;/. p., 1662 2743 BAYARD (N.) Trial for High Treason. London, 1703 3384 COLDEN. Papers relating to an Act, etc., with MAP. New York, 1 724 2770 COLDEN. History of the Five Indian Nations. New York, 1727 2774 COLDEN. First Causes of Action in Matter. New York, 1745 2778 DENTON. Brief Description of New York. London, 1670 3397 FALCKNER (Justus) Catechism, in Dutch. N. Y., W. Bradfordt, 1708 3398 GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED. Answer to Inc. Mather. \N. Y.,~\ 1700 2865 HORSMANDEN. History of the Negro Plot. New York, 1744 3400 INDIANS. CONFERENCE with the FIVE NATIONS. N. York, 1698 3405 KEACH. War with the Devil : Verses by W.B.,and E. B.,[N. Y., 1714] 2791 KIDD (Capt. Wm.) Trial and Condemnation, etc. London, 1701 3444 LAWS of the Province. First Book printed in N. Y. W. B., 1693-4 2730 Acts of Assembly, 1691-1718. London, J. Baskett, 1719 3445 Acts of Assembly, 1691-1725. New York, 1726 2894 LIVINGSTON (Wm.) The Independent Reflector, etc. N. Y., 1752-3 3446 MAP of Country of the Five Nations, Corrected Plate. N. Y., 1 724 2833 New York City. Charter, etc. New York, J. P. Zenger, 1735 X LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 2799 N. Hamp. Boundary. [Duane s] State of the Right, etc. N. Y., 1773 2745-50 New Jersey Boundary disputes. 1754-69 3450 PRAYER BOOK. istAm. Ed.of Book of Common Prayer. W.B., 1710 3472 RIP VAN DAM S Case. Argument of Counsel. New York, 1 733 2823 Wappinger Indians. Narrative of Controversy. Hartford, 1768 2916 Albany. Charter of the City, and Laws. N. Y., and Albany, 1773 3473 VAN DRIESSEN (P.) Sermons (in Dutch}. N. Y., J. P. Zenger, 1726 2945 Genesee Country, [C. Williamson s] Description of. Albany, 1798 2949 [R. Monro s] Description of the Gen. Country. New York, 1804 2974 Political Wars of Otsego. Cooperstown, 1796 2995 Daggett (H.) Oration, at Providence College. Sagg Harbour, L. /., 1792 PENNSYLVANIA. 3009 Laws of the Province. Phila., A. Bradford, 1728 3030 ACRELIUS. (Description of New Sweden.) Stockholm, 1759 3032 BRACKENRIDGE. Incidents of the Whiskey Insurrection. Phila., 1795 3034-41 Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, etc. London, 1756 3042 BUDD (T.) GOOD ORDER ESTABLISHED in Pennsilvania. London, 1685 3043 CAMPANIUS. BESKRIFNING om Prov. Nya Swerige. Stockh., 1702 3049 EDWARDS (Morgan) History of the Baptists. Phila., 1770, 1792 3051 Findley (Wm.) History of the [Whiskey] Insurrection. Phila., 1796 3062-69 Lancaster Massacre; and the PAXTON MEN. !?^4 3063 NARRATIVE of the Massacres. [By B. FRANKLIN.] Phila. 1764 3070 The Substance of a Council at Lancaster. [Phzta.,] 1764 3072 The MAYBE or Some Observations, etc. Phila., [1764] 3073 Mittelberger s Reise nach Pennsylvanien. Frankf., 1756 3077 PASTORIUS. Beschreibung der Provintz Pensylvanias. Frankf., 1700 3080 PENN. Letter to Committee of Free Soc. of Traders, etc. London, 1683 3081 PENN. Further Account of the Province of Pennsylvania. Lond., 1685 3152 REED (Joseph) Remarks on Gov. Johnstone s Speech, etc. Phila., 1779 3099 SWEDBERG (J. H.) Dissertatio de Suionum Colonia. Upsalice, 1709 3100 SWEDBERG (Jasper) AMERICA ILLUMINATA. Skara, 1732 3102 THOMAS (G.) Account of Pennsylvania, etc. London, 1698 FRANKLIN. 3197 Observations on Proceedings against Mr. Hemphill. B. Franklin, 1735 3198 Poor Richard s Almanack, for 1736. " " 1736 3200 General Magazine and Historical Chronicle. " 1741 3204 Experiments on Electricity, etc. Franklin s own copy. Lond., 1751-74 3218-21 Five Tracts on Taxing America, FRANKLIN S MSS. NOTES. 1765-69 3225 Opuscules. The Way to Wealth, etc. Renouard^s copy. Paris, 1795 3267 AN EPITAPH on a certain Great Man [Franklin]. Phila., 1764 3268 MEMOIRS of the late Dr. B. Franklin. London, 1790 FRANKLIN S PRESS. 3272 ARNDT S Wahre Christenthum. B. Francklin undj. Bohm, 1741 3276 Bechteln s Kurzer Catechismus. Franklin, 1742 3279 Cato s Moral Distichs Englished [by J. Logan?] Franklin, 1735 3281-4 CICERO S CATO MAJOR. Four copies. Franklin, 1744 3291 EVANS (Lewis) Geographical Essays, Map. Franklin &* Hall, 1755 . LIST OF RARE BOOKS. XI 3292 Constitutions of the FREE MASONS ; manuscript records prefixed. 1734 3296 The Honour of the Gout. Franklin, 1732 3302 Letters between Theophilus and Eugenio. Franklin, 1747 3306 MEREDITH (J.) Disc, on the Sabbath. Franklin & Meredith, 1729 3307 MORGAN (Abel) Anti-Pasdo-Rantism. Franklin, 1747 3315 SEWEL. History of the Quakers. Keimer [&* Franklin], 1728 3319 United Brethren. Relations, etc., 7 vols. Franklin, 1742 3324-31 Whitefield s Journals, Sermons, etc. 1739-56 3341 EPHRATA Press. Dissertation on Man s Fall. Ephrata, 1765 3342-3354 GERMANTOWN Press. Books printed by C. SOWER. 1747-1760 PRINTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750. 3367 KALENDARIUM PENNSILVANIENSE, Almanack for 1686. The FIRST WORK printed by Wm. Bradford. Phila., 1685 3368-73. Almanacs. LEEDS. N. Y., Wm. Bradford, 1700-1715 3375-7 TAYLOR S Almanack, 1726-1728. Phila., S. Keimer, 1726-28 3381 BARCLAY S Catechism and Confession. S. Keimer, 1726 3382 Cambridge Platform. New York, 1711 3386 Confession of Faith of the Quakers. Phila., 1693 3388 CRISP. Epistle of Tender Love. Phila., 1692 3389 CRISP. Faithful Warning. Phila., 1692 3390 DICKINSON. GOD S PROTECTING PROVIDENCE. Phila., Jansen, 1699 3396 EPICTETUS his Morals. Phila., Keimer, 1729 3401 Jenings (Samuel) Truth Rescued. Phila., Jansen, 1699 3404 A Just Rebuke to a Dialogue, etc. Phila., Keimer, 1726 3406-3426 KEITH (George) Tracts by, and concerning him. 1689-1704 3427 LEEDS (DANIEL) News of a Trumpet. New York, 1697 3429 Letter from a Clergyman in the Country. Phila., Jansen, 1 702 3433 MAULE (T.) New England Persecutors Mauled. [New York, 1699?] 3434 MAULE (T.) For the Service of Truth. [Phila., Jansen?] 1703 3435 MAULE (T.) Tribute to Caesar. [Phila., ab. 1712] 3440 JENKIN. Vindication of the Purchasers. N. Y.,J.Zenger, Jr., 1745-6 3443 PALMER vs. VAN CORTLAND and PHILIPSE. N. York, 1727 3449 PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE. Keimer, and Franklin, 1728-30 3451 PUGH. Salutation to the Britains. Phila., Keimer, 1727 3452 PUSEY (C.) Satan s Harbinger Encountered. Phila., Jansen, 1700 3453 PUSEY (C.) The Bomb Search d, etc. Phila., Jansen, 1705 3455 Seasonable Acc t of Dying Words of Young Men. Phila., Jansen, 1700 3474 WAYS AND MEANS for the Inhabitants of Del. Phila., Keimer, 1725 3476 WISE (J.) THE CHURCHES QUARREL ESPOUSED. N. Y. Bradford, 1713 QUAKERS. 3498 BISHOPE (Geo.) New England Judged. First edition. Lond., 1661, 1667 3499 Bishope (Geo.) New England Judged; with Whiting s Truth and Inno- cency Defended. London, 1702-03 3504 Bugg(Fr.) Pilgrim s Prog, from Quakerism to Christianity. Lond., 1700 3005 Burnyeat (J.) The Truth Exalted. London, 1691 3514 Elwood (T.) Davideis; a Sacred Poem. Phila., 1754 3519 Fox (G.) Great Misteryof the Great Whore. Autographs. Lond., 1659 Xii LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 3520 Fox (G.) Answer to new Laws by the Rulers of Boston. n.p., 1678 3521 Fox (G.) and Burnyeat (J.) N. E. Fire-Brand Quenched. Land., 1678-79 3536 Groom (S.) Glass for the People of New England. n.p., 1676 3530 HOLDER (Chr.) Faith and Testimony of the Martyrs, n.p. \ab. 1670] 3531 Howgill (Fr.) Heart of New England hardened. London, 1659 3534-44 KEITH (George) Various works. London, 1671-1706 3549 Muggleton (Lod.) Various works. London, 1653-68 3564 Robinson and Leddra. Several Epistles. London, 1669 3566 Rous (John) New England a Degenerate Plant. London, 1659 3571 Stephenson (Marm.) A Call from Death to Life. London, 1660 3572 Stephenson (Marm.) Een Roep van Doot to Leven. Amst,,\662 NEW JERSEY. 3583 ACTS of the Gen. Assembly. Phila., W. &> A. Bradford, 1732 4296 ACTS passed May, 1722. n. t.p., 1722 3584 Learning and Spicer s Grants, Concessions, etc. Phila., 1752 3591 East Jersey Proprietors. Bill in Chancery, MSS. Notes. N.York, 1747 3610 FENWICK (John) Proposals for planting New Jersey. Lond., 1675 361 1 Fenwick (J.) State of the Case cone. Lands in West Jersey. Phila., 1 765 3621 The Note Maker Noted. n.p., 1743 3443 Palmer vs. Van Cortland and Philipse. Decree in Chancery. N.Y., 1727 3630-32 VARLO (C.) Governor of" New Albion." Works. London, 1785-96 DELAWARE. 3648 LAWS. First book printed in Delaware ? Wilmington, 1 763 4332 Address of the Gen. Assembly to Sir Wm. Keith. [Phila., 1717] 4333 The Honest Man s Interest, in Lands on Delaware. [Phila., 1726] MARYLAND. 3657 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, 1692-1715. London, J. Baskett, 1723 3658 Complete Collection of the Laws. Annapolis, 1727 3660 Bacon s Revision of the Laws. Annapolis, 1765 3667 BRAY S Sermon before the Assembly. First book printed. Annap., 1700 3670 DECLARATION for present Appearing in Arms. Mary I. ; repr. Lond.,\ 689 3672 KEITH (Geo.) Sermon at Annapolis. Annapolis, 1703 3674 MAKEMIE (F.) Answer to Geo. Keith s Libel. Boston, 1694 VIRGINIA. 3692 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, 1662-1715. London, J. Baskett, 1727 3694 (PARK S) COLLECTION of all the Acts, etc. Williamsburg, 1733 3700 (Jefferson s) Report of the Committee of Revisers. Richmond, 1784 3707 Hening s Statutes at Large. 13 vols. 1819-23 3719-22 Beverly s History of Virginia. Four editions. 1705-22 3725 BULLOCK. Virginia Impartially examined. London, 1649 3726-7 Burk. History of Virginia. 4 vols. Two copies. Petersb., 1804-16 3739 DECLARATION of the State of the Colonie, etc. Orig. ed. Lond., 1620 3740 DECLARATION of the State of the Colonie, etc. Additions. Lond., 1620 3742 RELATION of Lord DE-LA-WARRE. London, 1611 3743 Doddridge s Notes on the Settlement and Ind. Wars, etc. Wellsb., 1824 LIST OF RARE BOOKS. Xlli 3744 Donne s Sermon to the Virginia Company. London, 162.2 3747 GRAVE (John) A Song of Sion. London, 1662 3748 HAMOR S Virginia : German Translation. Hanau, 1617 3749 HARIOT. Admiranda Narratio, etc. Frank/. De Bry, n.d. 3750 HARTLIB (S.) Reformed Commonwealth of Bees, etc. London, 1655 3759 Hutchins (T.) Topogr. Description of Virginia, etc. London, 1778 3760 JAMES I. Letter commanding the setting up Silke-Works, ) , , BONOEIL (J.) Treatise on the Art of making Silk, j jL 3761, 62 JEFFERSON. Notes on Virginia. Original edition. Paris, 1782 3763-72 Jefferson. Notes on Virginia. Various editions. 1787-1832 3773 JONES (Hugh) Present State of Virginia. London, 1724 3776 Keith {Sir Wm.) History of Virginia, unciit. London, 1738 3782 Mercurius Politicus (with Surrender of Virginia). London, 1652 3783 Nicholson. Account of his Actions while Governor. London, n. d. 3784 Plain Facts : Rights of the Indians, etc. Phila., 1781 3786 Rich. Newes from Virginia, 1610. Repr. London, 1865 3796 STITH. History of Virginia. Williamsb., 1747 3798 Stith. Sermon before the Gen. Assembly. Williamsb., 1753 3800 SYMONDS. Sermon before the Adventurers for Virginia. Lond., 1609 3802 Tennent (J.) Epis. to Dr. Mead, on efficacy of Snake-Root. Edinb., 1742 3809 VAIN PRODIGAL Life and Death of Thomas Hellier. London, 1660 3811 VIRGINIA richly valued. London, 1609 3812 Voyages d un Francois exile pour la Religion. La Haye, 1687 3813 William and Mary College, Charter and Statutes. Williamsb., 1758 3816 WILLIAMS (Edw.) Virgo Triumphans. London, 1650 3817 WILLIAMS. Virginia s Discovery of Silke-Wormes, etc. Lond., 1650 3818 LESLIE S Short Method. One of the First printed books. Wmsb.,^^ 3819 Withers. Chronicles of Border Warfare. Clarksburg, 1831 CAROLINA. 3830 The Two Charters granted by Charles II. London, [1705 ?] 3831 ACT OF SURRENDER of the Proprietors. London, 1729 3832 (Davis s) Revisal of the Laws of No. Carolina. Newbern, 1773 3837 Grimke s Public Laws of So. Carolina. Phila., 1790 3838 Apology or Vindication of Gov. F. Nicholson. London, 1724 3840 ASH. Present State of Carolina. London, 1682 3842 BRIEF DESCRIPTION of Province of Carolina. London, 1666 3843 Brickell. Nat. History of North Carolina. Dublin, 1737 3858 DANSON vs. TROTT. Case before House of Lords. London, 1728 3859 Documents (So. Carolina), ed. by P. C. J. Weston. London, 1856 3860 DRAYTON (J.) Tour through the Northern States. Charleston, 1794 3861 Drayton. View of South Carolina, uncut. Charleston, 1802 3866 A Fan for Fanning (Account of the Regulators). Boston, 1771 3869 HILTON. Relation of a Discovery. London, 1664 3873 LAWSON. New Voyage to Carolina, Large Paper. London, 1709 3875 LEDERER. Discoveries in three Marches from Virginia. Lond., 1672 3876 Letters of Freeman (W. H. Drayton) and others. [London ] 1771 3882 Party Tyranny . . as practiced in N. Carolina. London, 1705 Xiv LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 3883 FURRY (J. P.) Memoire sur 1 etat de la Caroline. London, 1724 3886 REPORT OF COMMITTEE on Disputes with Georgia. Charleston, 1736 The First book printed in the Carolinas. 3889 Observations on Campaigns against the Cherokees. Charleston, 1762 3891 WILSON. Account of Carolina. London, 1682 3893 Yonge. Narrative of Proceedings in 1719. London, 1726 GEORGIA. 3906 Impartial Inquiry; and A Brief Account, etc. London, 1741, 43 3908 M CALL. History of Georgia. 2 vols. Savannah, 1811, 16 3909 Martyn. Reasons for establishing the Colony. London, 1733 3910 MOORE, Voyage to Georgia, uncut. Lond., 1744 3911 MOUNTGOMERY. Discourse concerning a New Colony. London, 1717 3916 Stephens. State of the Province of Georgia. London, 1742 3917 Stephens. Journal of Proceedings. 2 vols. London, 1742 3922 TAILFER. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia. Charleston, 1741 3925 Urlsperger. Nachrichten. 2 vols. Halle, 1739-44 3926 Urlsperger. American Ackerwerkes Gottes. Augsb., 1754-67 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3934 Almon s Remembrancer; and Prior Documents. 19 vols., itticut. 3937 ANDRE. Trial, etc. Original Edition. Phila., 1780 3938 Andre. Trial, etc. Hartford, 1780 3967 Facts rel. to exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars. Lond., 1777 3987 Collection of Tracts. 8 vols. London., v. y. 3998 Deane (Silas) Paris Papers. N. York, 1782 4013 Galloway (Jos.) Collection of his Tracts. 2 vols. London, 1780 4021 HALL (Col. J. C.) and NORWOOD (Capt. E.) Courts-Martial. Annap., 1779 4024 HENLEY (Col. D.) Trial by Court-Martial, uncut. Boston, 1778 4025 Henley (Col. D.) Trial by Court Martial. London, 1778 4032 History of the War in America. 3 vols. Dublin, 1779, 85 4034 HUBLEY (B.) History of the Am. Revolution. Northumb., 1805 4039 [Jefferson] Summary View of the Rights of America. Phila., 1774 4047,.,Paul Jones, ou Propheties sur 1 Amerique, etc. 1781 4056 LEE (Gen. CHARLES) Trial by Court Martial. Orig. ed. Phila., 1778 4127 ROBIN (Abbe) Nouveau Voyage dans FAmerique. Phila., 1782 4135 ST. CLAIR (Gen. A.) Trial by Court Martial. Phila., 1778 4136 Sampson (Deborah) The Female Review. Dedham, 1797 4141 Sheldon (Col. E.) Trial by Court Martial. Hartford, 1780 4151 Smith (C.) The American War, 1775-1783. New York, 1797 4157 Stedman. History of the Am. War, 2 vols. Lond., 1794 4163 The Sentiments of America. Lond., 1768 4170 The Wars of America. Bait., 1839 4180 Collection of Pamphlets, 20 vols. Lond., v. y. WASHINGTON. 4189 THE JOURNAL of Major Washington. Original ed. Williamsb. 1754 4190 THE JOURNAL of Major Washington. Repr. Lond., 1754 4191 Memorial containing a Summary View of Facts. N. Y.H. Gaine, 1757 CONTENTS. ADDENDA TO PART I. (Books omitted and Duplicates), . page i THE MIDDLE STATES: NEW YORK. New Netherland, . . . . .13 Province and State, . . . . .16, 194 New York City, ... .27 County, Town, and Local History, etc., . 35, 196 PENNSYLVANIA, . . . . . . 42, 197 Philadelphia, . .55 Franklin s Works, and Press, . . . 71, 199 Town and Local History, etc., . . . . -79 Saur s Press, at Germantown, . . . -79 BOOKS PRINTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750, 82, 2OO FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : The Quakers and their Opposers, 100, 199 NEW JERSEY, . . . . . . m, 197 DELAWARE, . . . . . . 117, 200 THE SOUTHERN COLONIES: MARYLAND, ... .118 VIRGINIA, .... .121 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, . .136 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, . .136 GEORGIA, . . H4 Georgia Western Territory, . .148 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, - H9 WASHINGTON; Life, Writings, and WASHINGTONIANA, . .179 ADDENDA. . . J 94 Xiv LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 3883 PURRY (J. P.) Memoire sur 1 etat de la Caroline. London, 1724 3886 REPORT OF COMMITTEE on Disputes with Georgia. Charleston, 1736 The First book printed in the Carolinas. 3889 Observations on Campaigns against the Cherokees. Charleston, 1762 3891 WILSON. Account of Carolina. London, 1682 3893 Yonge. Narrative of Proceedings in 1719. London, 1726 GEORGIA. 3906 Impartial Inquiry; and A Brief Account, etc. London, 1741, 43 3908 M CALL. History of Georgia. 2 vols. Savannah, 1811, 16 3909 Martyn. Reasons for establishing the Colony. London, 1733 3910 MOORE, Voyage to Georgia, ^mcut. Lond., 1744 3911 MOUNTGOMERY. Discourse concerning a New Colony. London, 1717 3916 Stephens. State of the Province of Georgia. London, 1742 3917 Stephens. Journal of Proceedings. 2 vols. London, 1742 3922 TAILFER. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia. Charleston, 1741 3925 Urlsperger. Nachrichten. 2 vols. Halle, 1739-44 3926 Urlsperger. American Ackerwerkes Gottes. Augsb,, 1754-67 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3934 Almon s Remembrancer; and Prior Documents. 19 vols., uncut. 3937 ANDRE. Trial, etc. Original Edition. Phila., 1780 3938 Andre. Trial, etc. Hartford, 1780 3967 Facts rel. to exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars. Lond., 1777 3987 Collection of Tracts. 8 vols. London., v. y. 3998 Deane (Silas) Paris Papers. N. York, 1782 4013 Galloway (Jos.) Collection of his Tracts. 2 vols. London, 1780 4021 HALL (Col. J. C.) and NORWOOD (Capt. E.) Courts-Martial. Annap., 1779 4024 HENLEY (Col. D.) Trial by Court-Martial, uncut. Boston, 1778 4025 Henley (Col. D.) Trial by Court Martial. London, 1778 4032 History of the War in America. 3 vols. Dublin, 1779, 85 4034 HUBLEY (B.) History of the Am. Revolution. Northumb., 1805 4039 [Jefferson] Summary View of the Rights of America. Phila., 1774 4047 v ,,Paul Jones, ou Proprieties sur 1 Amerique, etc. 1781 4056 LEE (Gen. CHARLES) Trial by Court Martial. Orig. ed. Phila., 1778 4127 ROBIN (Abbe) Nouveau Voyage dans 1 Amerique. Phila., 1782 4135 ST. CLAIR (Gen. A.) Trial by Court Martial. Phila., 1778 4136 Sampson (Deborah) The Female Review. Dedham, 1797 4141 Sheldon (Col. E.) Trial by Court Martial. Hartford, 1780 4151 Smith (C.) The American War, 1775-1783. New York, 1797 4157 Stedman. History of the Am. War, 2 vols. Lond., 1794 4163 The Sentiments of America. Lond., 1768 4170 The Wars of America. Bait., 1839 4180 Collection of Pamphlets, 20 vols. Lond., v. y. WASHINGTON. 4189 THE JOURNAL of Major Washington. Original ed. Williamsb. 1754 4190 THE JOURNAL of Major Washington. Repr. Lond., 1754 4191 Memorial containing a Summary View of Facts. N. Y.H. Gaine, 1757 CONTENTS. ADDENDA TO PART I. (Books omitted and Duplicates), . page i THE MIDDLE STATES: NEW YORK. New Netherland, . . . . .13 Province and State, . . . 16, 194 New York City, . . . . . -27 County, Town, and Local History, etc., . 35, 196 PENNSYLVANIA, . . . . . . 42, 197 Philadelphia, . -55 Franklin s Works, and Press, . 71, 199 Town and Local History, etc., . . . . -79 Saur s Press, at Germantown, . . . -79 BOOKS PRINTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750, 82, 2OO FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : The Quakers and their Opposers, 100, 199 NEW JERSEY, . . . . . . .in, 197 DELAWARE, . . . . . .117, 200 THE SOUTHERN COLONIES: MARYLAND, ... .118 VIRGINIA, .... .121 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, . .136 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, . .136 GEORGIA, . . *44 Georgia Western Territory, . .148 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, . H9 WASHINGTON; Life, Writings, and WASHINGTONIANA, . .179 ADDENDA, . v .... . 194 2 NEW ENGLAND. and Council of Vermont, Bennington, Jan. i, 1780, pp. 29, calf extra, top gilt {Bedford}, UNCUT. 8 Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, [1780] FINE COPY. " Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont, and EXCEEDINGLY RARE." HALL. 2625 BACKUS (ISAAC) MANUSCRIPT. Biographical sketch of JAMES MANNING D.D. President of Brown University, appended to a copy of "A Charge given to the Graduates at Providence, Septem ber 2, 1789," by President Manning, "carefully copied from the original by Isaac Backus, April 28, 1796." Followed by bio graphical sketches of Solomon Sprague, Joshua Morse, Samuel Fletcher, 6^ Eleazer Brown, and "A Concise View of the State of Religion in New-England" (1796). All in //^AUTOGRAPH of the Baptist Church historian, with his signature in two places (on pp. 6 and 30), 3 o pp., polished calf, gilt (Pratt). 4 2626 BELCHER (JOSEPH) of Dedham. The Worst Enemy Conquered. A Brief Discourse on the Methods and Motives to pursue a Victory over those Habits of SIN, which War against the Soul. Artillery Election Sermon, pp. 38, maroon morocco, neat. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1698 2627 BISHOPE (GEORGE) New-England Judged, Not by Man s, but the Spirit of the Lord. Being A Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those Parts of America, from the beginning of the 5th month, 1656, etc. ... In Answer To a certain Printed Paper, Intituled, A Declaration of the General Court of the Massachusetts, . the i8th of October, 1658 . .//. 498 WHIT ING (JOHN) Truth and Innocency Defended ; against Falshood and Envy : And the Martyrs of Jesus . . Vindicated. In Answer to Cotton Mather (a Priest of Boston) his Calumnies, Lyes and Abuses of the People called Quakers, etc., pp. 212 ; Index, n //., Errata, i /., levant blue morocco, g. e., fine copy. 8 London, Printed in the Year 1661. And now Re-printed, 1702-3. 2628 BRADLEY (Stephen R.) Vermont s Appeal to the Candid and Impartial World. Containing a fair Stating of the Claims of Massachusetts-Bay, New-Hampshire, and New- York, The Right of the State of Vermont to Independence, &c.,//. 50, i, calf extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford), GOOD COPY. 8 Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, [1780] 2629 BYFIELD (NATHANIEL) An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent. April 1 8 1689, pp. 20, morocco extra, g. e. sm. 4 London, for Ric. Chiswell, 1689 The FIRST London edition ; VERY RARE. 2630 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church-Disci pline : Gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New-England, etc., smooth mottled calf, g. e. ( W. Pratt). 4 Printed in New- England ; Reprinted, London, for Peter Cole, 1653 Prefatory Epistle (2 pp.) by Edw. Winslow. VERY RARE. NEW ENGLAND. 3 2631 CHAMPLAIN. Voyages du Sieur de Champlain, ou Journal es Decouvertes de la Nouvelle France. 2 vols. half calf , marbled edges. 8 Paris, 1830 2632 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. de) Histoire et Description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d un Voyage fait, par ordre du Roi dans PAmerique Septentrionnale. 3 vols. maps and plates, calf gilt, LARGE and VERY FINE COPY. 4 Paris, 1744 2633 CLARKE (SAMUEL) A Collection of the Lives of Ten Eminent Divines, famous in their Generations . . Whereunto is added, the Life of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sueden, . and of some other Eminent Christians, portrait, old calf , gilt, good copy. thk. 4 London, 1662, 64 Contains the Life of the Rev. JOHN COTTON, of Boston (pp. 55-84). 2634 COTTON (JOHN) Gods Promise to His Plantation. ... As it was delivered in a Sermon by IOHN COTTON, B.D. and Preacher of Gods Word in Boston.; //. (4), 20, polished calf \ extra, g. e. (Pratt}, fine copy. 4 London, Wm. Jones for J. Bellamy, 1630 RARE. The address "To the Christian Reader" (4 pp.) signed, I. H. (John Hum phrey), is omitted in the Boston edition of 1686. 2635 COTTON (JOHN) God s Promise to his Plantations ; 2 Sam. 7, 10 ... As it was Delivered in a Sermon,//. (2), 20, crimson levant mor. extra, gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford"), fine copy. 4 London, 1634; Repr. Boston, Samuel Green, 1686 2636 DAVENPORT (JOHN) Another Essay for Investigation of the Truth, in Answer to Two Questions, Concerning i. The Subject of Baptism, n. The Consociation of Churches, blue levant mor., gilt back, filleted sides with center ornaments, ins. borders (Bedford], large and fine copy (Title in facsimile], EXTREMELY RARE. 4 Cambridge, S. Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663 "An Apologetical Preface to the Reader" [by Increase Mather], 16 pp. n. n. ; Certain Positions premised, [and] the ensuing Discourse, pp. 1-64 : Considerations upon the Seven Propositions concluded by the Synod, by the Reverend NICHOLAS STREET, pp. 65-71 2637 DEANE (S.) History of Scituate from its first Settlement to 1831, sheep, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1831 2638 ELIOT (JOHN) The Christian Commonwealth : or The Civil Policy of The Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written Before the Interruption of the Government, by Mr. John Eliot, Teacher &c. at Roxbury in New-England. And now published (after his consent given) by a Server of the Season,//. (22), 35, smooth red calf, extra, g. e. (F. Bedford). sm. 4 London, for Livewell Chapman, n. d. [1659] EXTREMELY RARE. The General Court of Massachusetts ordered that all copies of it within the jurisdiction should be "cancelled and defaced," or delivered to the Magistrates. 2639 GARDINER (Capt. RICHARD) Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, . and of the Retreat of M. De Bourlemaque, from Carillon to the Isle aux Noix in Lake Champlain. From the Journal of a French Officer . . compared with the Accounts transmitted Home by Major Gen. Wolfe, etc. pp. 39, new half mor., fine copy, SCARCE. 4 London, 1761 2640 GORGES (FERDINANDO) America Painted to the Life, etc., pp. (6), 51. London, for Nath. Brook, 1659. n. A Briefe Narration 4 NEW ENGLAND. of the Originall Undertakings, etc. Shewing the beginning, progress, and continuance of that of New-England. Written by Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges, etc., Title, and pp. 57. London, E. Brudenell,for Nath. Brook, 1658. in. America Painted to the Life. A True History of the Original undertakings, etc., Title, pp. (2), 236. London, E. Brudenell for Nathaniel Brook, 1658. iv. America Painted to the Life. The History of the Spaniards Proceedings in America, etc., Title, pp. (2), 52, Table (17 pp.), Advertisement (3 pp). London, 2". J. for Nath. Brook, 1659. sm. 4 The FOUR PARTS COMPLETE, but wants the so-called "portrait of a young Indian woman" and the Map. A fine copy of this EXTREMELY RARE book; elegantly, bound, by Mr. Bedford, in levant red morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. For the full titles and description of the four parts, see Rich, no. 314, Sabin s Dictionary, no. 28020, or the Menzies Catalogue, 816. 2641 GORTON (SAMUEL) Simplicities Defence against Seven-Headed Policy, or Innocency Vindicated, being unjustly Accused, and sorely Censured, by that Seven-headed Church Government United in New-England, etc., pp. (16), in, sprinkled calf , neat. 4 London, John Macock, 1646 A good copy of this RARE book, though cut rather close on a few leaves. 642 HOOKER (THOMAS) The Danger of Desertion: or, A Farwell (sic) Sermon of Mr. Thomas Hooker, Sometimes Minister of Gods Word at Chainsford in Essex ; but now of New-England : preached immediately before his Departure out of Old England, pp. (4), 28, half morocco, RARE. 4 London, 1641 2643 How. A Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How, Who was taken by the Indians at the Great-Meadow-Fort above Fort Dummer, Oct. n, 1745,^. 22, (2), half morocco. VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Boston, 1748 2644 HUTCHINSON (THOMAS) The History of the Colony of Massa chusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1691 The History of the Province, etc., 1691-1750 A Collection of Original Papers, etc. 3 vols., old calf , yellow edges, large and fine copy. 8 Boston, 1764, 1767, 1769 First editions of the three volumes. SCARCE. 2645 HUTCHINSON (T.) The History of Massachusetts, 1628 to 1750. 3d ed. 2 vols. Salem and Boston. 1795 History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1749 to 1774. London, 1828. 3 vols. half calf gilt, marb. edges, large and fine copy. 8 2646 HUTCHINSON (T.) A collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, LARGE AND FINE COPY, brown levant mor. extra, paneled sides and back, g. e. ( W. Pratt). 8 Boston, 1769 2647 LEE (SAMUEL) Xapa r?;c m^we. The Joys of Faith, or a Treat ise opening the true Nature of Faith, &c., //. (18), 249 (5 blk.), smooth calf extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Boston, Samuel Green, 1687 2648 [LIVINGSTON (WM.)] A Review of the Military Operations in North America from the Commencement !of The French Hostili ties, ... in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the i4th of August, 1756 ... In a Letter to a Nobleman, LARGE AND FINE copy, half mor., pp. (4), 144, SCARCE. 4 London, for R. 6- J. Dodsley, 1757 NEW ENGLAND. 5 2649 MASON S PEQUOT WAR. A Brief History of the Pequot War : Especially of the memorable Taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637. Written by Major John Mason, A princi pal Actor therein, etc. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prince, brown str. grained morocco, extra, g. e. (P. Bedford), VERY RARE. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland 6- T. Green, 1736 A cut of Mason s soldiers resting at Porter s Rocks, inserted. 2650 MASSACHUSETTS. A Copy | of the Kings Majesties Char ter, | For Incorporating the Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England in America. | Granted . . 1628, wood-cut of the Massachusetts Seal on title-page, pp. (2), 26, red levant mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}, EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4 Boston, S. Green, f or B. Harris, 1689 2651 Brief Account of the State of the Province of the Massachu setts-Bay, in New-England, Civil and Ecclesiastical. By a Lover of his Country, //. 8, somewhat water-stained, green calf, RARE. 8 T. Crump, for G. Phillips, 1717 2652 (MASSACHUSETTS.) Money the Sinews of Trade. The State of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay Considered, with respect to its Trade for want of a Medium of Exchange wherewith to manage it, etc. By a Lover of his Country,//. 16, SCARCE. sm. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland 6 T. Green, 1731 The writer advocates a private Land Bank and paper-money. 2653 EXCISE BILL. Some Observations on the Bill entitled "An Act for granting to His Majesty an Excise upon Wines, and Spir its distilled, sold by Retail or consumed within this Province, and upon Limes, Lemons, and Oranges,"//. 12, uncut, lower part of title-leaf wanting. 16 [Boston, 1754] 2654 FREEDOM The first of Blessings, n. /./. //. 7, UNCUT. 4 Boston, Sold at the Heart and Crown, [1754] " Shall not we make as ridiculous a Figure in the Eyes of our Neighbors, with our Liberty curtail d in the Manner which is threatned, as David s Messengers [to the Ammites] did with their excised Beards and circumcised Shirts? For it seems to me, a grave Councellor of the Massachusetts, holding up his venerable Hand, before an imperious Deputy Exciseman, and solemnly declaring upon Oath, whether he laid in his Wine by the Pipe, or bought it by the single Jugg from Hamock, is as whimsical a Sight, as an old Israelite, with naked buttocks and half a beard." p. 4. 2655 The Crisis [by Rev. Samuel Cooper],//. 16. sm. 8 [Boston. ,] Printed in June, 1754 Against the Excise Bill. " This is only the beginning of Sorrows Your Windows it has already been propos d to Tax Your Cyder, your Sugar, your Candles and Soap, your Molasses, even your small Beer must be Excis d anon, when the restless Politicks of your French Neighbours create a Necessity for more Armaments." p. 10. On the last page is an announcement of " The Monster of Monsters," "now in the Press, and will be publish d with all Speed." 2656 The Voice of the People, n. /./.,//. 8, VERY RARE. sm. 8 n. p., n. d. \_Boston, 1754] " The penetrating, the gentle S-h-l-y [Shirley] can never heartily acquiesce in a Scheme so fruitful of Mischiefs Perhaps he may make a successful stand against it, and in all the Glory of publick Love, once more emerge the FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY ! " p. 7. THE ECLIPSE,//. 8. sm. 4 n. p. [Boston, ] 1754 Written after the bill, having received some amendments, had again been passed by both Houses and had been signed by Gov. Shirley. The author denounces the Act as uncon stitutional, and counsels an immediate application to the King, for redress. TWO RARE TRACTS. 6 NEW ENGLAND. 2657 (MASSACHUSETTS.) Ipswich Church Controversy. Pickering (Theoph.) A Bad Omen To the Churches of New-England : In the Instance of Mr. John Cleaveland s Ordination, so termed, over a Separation in Chebacco-Parish in Ipswich ... 25th of Feb. 1746-7, uncut, pp. 12, half red mor. Boston, 1747. A Plain Nar rative of the Proceedings which caused the Separation of a num ber of aggrieved Brethren from the Second Church in Ipswich, //. 16. Boston, 1749. The Chebacco Narrative rescu d from the Charge of Falsehood and Partiality. In A Reply to the Answer [of] the Second Church in Ipswich, etc. By a Friend of Truth [Rev. John Cleaveland], pp. 20, uncut. Boston, 1738 [for 1748], (3) sm. 4 Boston, 1747-48 2658 MATHER (RICHARD) and TOMPSON (WILLIAM) A Modest & Brotherly Answer To Mr. Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches, etc.,//, iv, 58, Forel, large and fine copy, SCARCE. 4 London, for Henry Overton, 1644 2659 MATHER (INCREASE) A Call from Heaven, to the Present and Succeeding Generations. The Second Impression, //. (8), 198, old paneled calf gilt, g. e., good sou?id copy ; the front margins of last three leaves trimmed close, but without loss of text, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, R. P. for I. Brunning, 1685 The first impression of this compilation was made in 1679. ^ comprises four sermons, with separate title-pages, (viz.): A Discourse wherein is shewed that the Children of Godly Parents are under special Advantages to seek the Lord; A Discourse concerning the Dan ger of Apostasy (ELECTION SERMON, 1677) ; That Young Men ought to Remember God their Creator; and, Pray for the Rising Generation (Fast Sermon, 3d day of 5th month, 1678), the Third Impression. 2660 A Discourse concerning Earthquakes ; . . also, two Sermons [preached Sept. 9, 1705] shewing, That Sin is the Greatest Evil; and, That to Redeem Time is the Greatest Wisdom, pp. 131, smooth calf extra, full gilt (Bedford). 12 Boston, Timo. Green, for B. Eliot, 1706 The margins of the title and the last leaf have been restored, and a few letters supplied in fac-simile. 2661 A Discourse concerning the Maintenance Due to those that Preach the Gospel,//. (2), 60, half morocco, neat, a small piece torn from upper corner of title-leaf (which can easily be restored). 8 Boston, B. Green, 1706 The dedication is dated, Oct. 26, 1706. The Discourse gives some interesting facts concerning the small salaries paid to eminent divines, in New England John Cotton, Charles Chauncy, and others. 2662 A Discourse concerning the Subject of Baptisme Wherein the present Controversies, that are agitated in the New English Churches are from Scripture and Reason modestly enquired into, //. (4), 76, smooth calf, gilt, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. 4 Cambride, Samuel Green, 1675 The last leaf is in admirable fac-simile (by Burt). 2663 [ ] JUDGMENT (The) of Several Eminent Divines of the Con gregational Way, concerning a Pastor s Power occasionally to exert Ministerial Acts in another Church, besides that which is His Own Particular Flock,//. (2), 13, polished calf extra, g.e. (Bed ford), nice copy. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 " Drawn up by Mr. Increase Mather." Prince. See Sibley s Harv. Graduates, i. 452. NEW ENGLAND. 7 2664 Meditations on the Sanctification of the Lord s Day . . To which is added, Seasonable Meditations both for Winter and Sum mer, being the Substance of Two Sermons. Two in one vol., separately paged, pp. (2), x, 71 ; (2), iv, 45, original binding. 12 Boston, T. G\reen\ for Benj. Eliot, 1712 The second tract (printed by John Alien) wants pp. 46-51, at the end. 2665 - - The Mystery of Christ opened and applyed. In several Sermons, pp. (2), 6, 214, best levant dk. blue morocco, filleted sides, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1686 2666 Pray for the Rising Generation, or a Sermon Wherein Godly Parents are Encouraged, to Pray and Believe for their Children, Preached [on a Fast in Boston, July 3, 1678], pp. 23, bluestr.gr. mor. extra, filleted sides, gilt back, g. e. (Bedford), GOOD COPY, VERY RARE. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1678 2667 Returning unto God, the great Concernment of a Covenant People. Or A Sermon Preached to the second Church in Boston, March 17. 1679-80, [on their Renewal of their Covenant.]//. (6), 1 8, (2), calf extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford), FINE COPY. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 Title leaf (2 pp.); To the Second Church (4 pp. ); Sermon, pp. 19; The Covenant (2 pp.) 2668 Sermons wherein those Eight Characters of the Blessed Com monly called the Beatitudes are Opened & Applyed . . Added, A Sermon concerning Assurance of the Love of Christ, //. (2), iv, 298, old binding. 8 Boston, B. Green, for D. Henchman, 1718 THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN BOSTON. 2669 The Wicked Mans Portion. Or A Sermon (preached at the Lecture in Boston, the i8th day of the i. moneth, 1674. when two men were executed who had murthered their Master.)/^. (4), 25, grosgr. levant blue morocco extra, sides filleted and paneled, g. e. (Bed ford). 4 BOSTON, JOHN FOSTER, 1675 A GOOD COPY, though it has not been perfectly cleaned (the title page is a little grimy), of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book, which appears to have been the FIRST WORK PRINTED IN BOSTON. The preface is dated "15. of 2. moneth" (April 15) 1675. " The Times of Men are in the Hand of God," has the same date in the imprint, but the preface is dated gth of 4th month (June 9th) 1675, and the accident which occasioned it occurred May %th, 1675. See Sibley s Catalogue, Nos. 10, n, and Haven s, p. 12. 2670 MATHER (COTTON) Memoirs of the Life of the late Rev. Increase Mather, D.D. With a Preface by the Rev. Edm. Calamy, D.D., half calf , gilt. 8 London, 1725 2671 [ ] A Christian Conversing with the Great Mystery of Chris tianity. The Mystery of the Trinity . . practically Improved, and Applied,//. 56, dk. blue mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford), clean, UNCUT. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1709 2672 The Christian Philosopher : A Collection of the Best Discov eries in Nature, with Religious Improvements,//. (8), 304, old calf . 8 London, for Eman. Matthews, 1721 2673 [ ] Christianus per Ignem. Or, A Disciple warming of Him self, and Owning of his Lord : With Devout and Useful Meditations, Fetch d out of the Fire, By a Christian in a Cold Season, Sitting 8 NEW ENGLAND. before it. (A Prefatory Poem by Nicholas Noyes), pp. 198, (2), grosgr. levant pale-red mor. extra, full gilt, filleted and paneled sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Boston, B. Green &> J. Allen, for Benj. Eliot, 1702 One of the most curious volumes in the Mather library : " Meditation iv. On the Mending of the Fire". . "vm. On the Lighting of a Candle at the Fire". . " x. On Green Wood". . "xi. On throwing a piece of Leather into the Fire". . "xx. On the Blowing of the Fire " (with the Bellowes, whose name I suppose comes from the old Saxon Bilig, which was perhaps from the Latin Bulga, a Satchel"). . . "XXXH. On the Smoke . . xxxin. On the Tongs . . XL. On throwing my Pen into the Fire . . Appendix, On a Stove." 2674 [ ] Ccelestinus : A Conversation in Heaven, Quickened and Assisted, with Discoveries of Things in the Heavenly World. . . Introduced by Agathangelus, Or, An Essay on the Ministry of the Holy Angels; and Recommended . . by Dr. Increase Mather,//. (2), viii, 27, ii, 162, original binding re-backed, gilt, good copy, but wants last leaf . 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1723 2675 [ ] The same, sound copy. 2676 A Companion for Communicants. Discourses upon the Na ture, the Design, and the Subject of the Lord s Supper, etc., pp. (8), 167, (i), best levant brown morocco, full gilt, filleted and paneled sides, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 8 S. Green, for B. Harris, 1690 2677 Durable Riches. Two Brief Discourses, Occasioned by the Impoverishing Blast of Heaven, which the Undertakings of Men, both by Sea and Land have met withal. The One, handling, The true Cause of Loosing ; The other, giving, The True Way of Thriving. //. (2), 33, (i), 34, (2), calf extra, g. e. (Bedford). 12 Boston, John Allen, for Vavasour Harris, 1695 The sermons are paged separately, but the signatures are continuous. The last leaf (containing mottoes and an Advertisement) is in beautiful facsimile, by Burt. 2678 Military Duties, recommended to an Artillery Company; at their Election of Officers, in Charls-Town, 13. d. 7. m. i686,//. (8), 78, (2), dk. blue morocco, elegant, sides paneled, with corners ornamented, back full-gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 8 Boston, Rich. Pierce, 1687 2679 [ ] Tne Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained, and Churches of New- England, in the Profession and Exercise thereof defended, against the Calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker . . By the Ministers of the Gospel in Boston,//. (10), 156, smooth calf extra, g. e. (Pratt), FINE COPY. 8 Boston, R. Pierce, 1690 The Preface is signed by James Allen, Jpshuah Moodey, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather. The last was, probably, the principal author. On the back of the title, is the autograph presentation by the Rev. David D. Field, to Mr. Brinley, 1849. 2680 Ratio Discipline Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Ac count of the Discipline Professed and Practised in the Churches of New-England, old calf , neat. 8 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1726 2681 Reasonable Religion: or, the Truths of the Christian Reli gion demonstrated . . With the Religion of the Closet, and Family Religion Urged. Preface, by Rev. Dr. [Daniel] Williams,//. (20), 136, calf gilt; good copy. 8 London, 1713 From the Boston edition of 1700. 2682 Winter Meditations. Directions how to employ the Liesure (sic) of the Winter for the Glory of God . . With a Preface of the R.everend Mr. John Higginson, //. (12), 82, good copy, calf extra, gilt edges. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1693 NEW ENGLAND. 9 2683 MATHER (COTTON) THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD Commemorated. Praises Bespoke for the God of Heaven, In a Thanksgiving Sermon delivered on Decemb. 19, 1689 . . . With a Postscript giving an Account of some very stupendous Accidents, which have lately happened in France. To which is Added a Ser mon preached unto the Convention of the Massachuset Colony, With a short Narrative of several Prodigies, which New-England hath of late had the Alarms of Heaven in,//. (8), 64, 7, 36, 5, (7), calf gilt, (Pratt), FINE COPY. 8 Boston, S. Green, 1690 The second Sermon has a separate title, imprint, and paging: " The Way to Prosperity. A Sermon preached to the Honourable Cunvention of the Governour, Council, and Repre sentatives of the Massachuset-Colony," May 23, 1689. Richard Pierce, for Benj. Harris, 1690. (See S. Mather s Life of C. Mather, p. 43.) An error of the printer makes the last page number 26, instead of 36. The Appendix (and its introductory "Mantissa") "touching Prodigies in New-Eng land," are also separately paged. Some of the prodigies narrated are very striking: "In the summer of the year 1688, just before the first eruption of our unhappy IVar, we had growing in Boston a Cabbage-Root, out of which there sprouted three very wonderful Branches, one of them exactly resembling a Curtlace [Cutlass], another of them as exactly resembling a Rapier, and a third, extreamly like to the Club used by the Indians in their barbarous Executions. I was myself one among the many who visited this Curiosity." This work of Mather s is of peculiar interest, as containing (in the dedicatory epistle to Sir Henry Ashurst) a copy, cut in wood or type metal, of a portion of the famous DIGHTON ROCK INSCRIPTION. 2684 MAGNALIA CHRISTI AMERICANA: or, The Ecclesiastical His tory of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books, old calf . folio, London, Thos. Parkhurst, 1702 A large and sound copy. Wants the map, as usual, but has the four pages of " Books printed for Tho. Parkhurst," at the end. 2685 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Dublin, son of Richard, (Harv. Coll. 1643), A Testimony from the Scripture against Idolatry & Superstition, In Two Sermons ; Upon the Example of that Great Reformer, Hezekiah. . . Preached, Sept. 27 and 30, 1660. pp. (6), 75, a fine copy, sir. grained olive mor. extra, sides filleted, with ornaments at cor ners, back full gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 4 n. p., n. d. ^Cambridge, 1670] VERY RARE. Thomas, Hist, of Printing, \\. 259, assigns the date of 1670, and quotes perhaps from a MS. note "reprinted at Cambridge." This volume, however is not a reprint, but was published from the author s manuscript by his brother, Increase Mather, whose reversed initials, M. I., are subscribed to the prefatory Address. Mr. Sib- ley notes (Harv. Graduates, i. 86) that on the title-page of the copy in the Boston Athe naeum is written : "ffor the publike Library at Boston, 1674." 2686 MATHER (SAMUEL) D.D. The Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, old paneled calf, rebacked, neat. 8 Boston, 1729 2687 Jennings (David) An Abridgement of the Life of the late Reverend and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather . . Recommended by I. Watts, D.D.,//. xii, (4), 144, calf neat, fine copy. 12 London, 1744 2688 Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, old calf , good copy. 8 Boston, 1738 2689 MORTON (CHARLES), Minister at Charlestown. The Spirit of Man : or, Some Meditations (by way of Essay) on the Sense of that Scripture, i Thes. 5.23, pp. (8), 100, original binding, well pre served, good sound copy, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, B. Harris for D. Campbell, 1693 Rev. Thos. Foxcroft s copy, with his autograph, and a manuscript note on guard-leaf. At the end is an Advertisement of "some little Treatises formerly published by this Author" (2 pages). 2 IO NEW ENGLAND. 2690 MORTON (NATHANIEL) New-England s Memorial; or, A brief Relation of the most memorable and remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England, in America : With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New Plymouth, &>c.,pp. viii, 208, (8), new hf. calf neat, good copy. 8 Boston, printed : Newport, rep. by S. Southwick, 1772 Autogr. of " Wm. Woodbridge " on title. 2691 MORTON (THOMAS) New English Canaan or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England, Composed in three Bookes. . . Written by Thomas Morton of Cliffords Inne gent, upon tenne yeares knowledge and experiment of the Country, //. 1 88, (3), grosgr. levant dk. green morocco, extra, filleted sides, inside borders, full-gilt back, g. e. (Bedford), FINE COPY, last page of Contents in facsimile by Burt. 4 Amsterdam, Jacob Frederick Stam, 1637 " A book of such EXTREME RARITY that Mr. Frederik Muller, the eminent bookseller of Amsterdam, remarks : Although this book is printed in my native place, Amsterdam, I have never seen nor heard of it here." 1 We know of only ONE OTHER COPY [besides Mr. Menzies s] in the United States." The Menties Catalogue (no. 1440), which see, for a good account of this curious work. (See, also, Part I. of this Catalogue, nos. 336, 337.) 2692 NORTON (JOHN) of Ipswich. A Discussion of that Great Point in Divinity, the Sufferings of Christ; And the Questions about his Righteousness . . . and the Imputation thereof. Being an Answer to a Dialogue intituled The Meritorious Price of our Redemption, &c. [by Wm. Pynchon],//. (16), 270, (4), sprinkled calf , gilt, red edges, good copy, RARE. 8 London, A. M.for Geo. Calvert, 1653 There is an error in the pagination, page number 243 following next to 240. 2693 NORTON (JOHN) The Heart of N-England rent at the Blasphe mies of the Present Generation. Or A brief Tractate concerning the Doctrine of the Quakers, etc. By John Norton, Teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston, Who was appointed thereunto by the Order of the General Court, pp. (2), 58, str. grained olive mor. extra, centre and corner ornaments, g. e. (Bedford). 4 Cambridg, Samuel Green, 1659 A GOOD COPY of this EXTRAORDINARILY RARE tract. 2694 NOYES (JAMES) of Newbury, Mass. The Temple Measured : or, A brief Survey of the Temple Mystical, which is the instituted Church of Christ,^. (6), 95, half blue morocco, neat, RARE. 4 London, for Edm. Paxton, 1647 2695 NOYES (NICHOLAS) Teacher of the Church at Salem. New-Eng land s Duty and Interest, to be an Habitation of Justice and Mountain of Holiness. Election Sermon, pp. (12), 88, grosgr. light brown levant morocco, full gilt, g. e. (Bedford), FINE COPY. 8 Boston, B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1698 Epistle Dedicatory to the Earl of Bellomont, by Rev. John Higginson (8 pp.). 2696 (PETERS.) England s Shame : or the Unmasking of a Politick Atheist : being a Relation of the Life and Death of that Grand Impostor, Hugh Peters, by William Yonge, with the RARE PORTRAIT of Peters in the pulpit, sound old calf neat, large and fine copy (two names written on title-page}. 16 London, 1663 2697 [PLYMOUTH COMPANY.] A Patent for Plymouth in New-England, to which is annexed, Extracts from the Records of that Colony, etc., pp. (2), 20, uncut, SCARCE. , sm. 4 Boston, John Draper, 1751 NEW ENGLAND. 1 1 2698 PYNCHON (WILLIAM) The Jewes Synagogue : or, A Treatise concerning The ancient Orders and manner of Worship used by the Jewes, etc., pp. (8), 90, calf gilt, yellow edges (Bedford}, cut close at the foot, a few lines touched, but nothing lost from text; otherwise a fine copy. RARE. 4 London, John Bellamie, 1652 2699 REVOLUTION (The) IN NEW ENGLAND Justified, and the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. hf. calf neat, SCARCE. 8 Printed, 1691; Repr. Boston, I. Thomas, 1773 2700 ROBINSON (CONWAY) An Account of Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of N. America, from 1520 to i573,//- xv, 491, cloth. 8 Richmond, Va., 1848 2701 ROWLANDSON (Mrs. MARY) A True History of the Captivity & Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, A Minister s Wife in New- England. Whereunto is annexed, A Sermon ... by Mr. Joseph Rowlandson, 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 46, cropped close, Ford. 4 Reprinted, London, 1682 2702 STODDARD (SOLOMON) The Safety of Appearing at the Day of Judgement, in the Righteousness of Christ,//. (8), 350, ($},grosgr. levant red mor., extra, full gilt, g. e. {Bedford}. 8 Boston, S. Green, for Sam. Phillips, 1687 The last leaf contains a list of " Books to be Sold by Samuel Phillips, at the West end of the Town-House in Boston." 2703 STODDARD (SOL.) The Way for a People to Live Long in the Land that God Hath given them. [ELECTION] Sermon, 26. of May I 73-//- ( 2 )> 2 5? good copy, a small piece of the title leaf having been restored and a few letters supplied in facsimile, brown mor. gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1703 A RARE ELECTION SERMON. 2704 [WHITE (Rev. JOHN)] The Planter s Plea, Or The Grovnds of Plantations examined, and vsuall Objections answered, Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New-England : for the satisfaction of those that question the lawfulnesse of the Action,//. (4), 84, levant dk. blue morocco, gilt, paneled sides and back, g. e. (Bedford}, RARE. 4 London, William Zones, 1630 2705 VERMONT. STATUTES of the State of Vermont. Passed by the Legislature in February and March, 1787,^. 171, FINE COPY, old calf, sound, RARE. 4 Windsor, George Hough andAlden Spooner, 1787 On the guard-leaf is the following memorandum, in the hand-writing of Chief-Justice Daggett, of Connecticut: " This book was taken by the Subscriber out of the office of Ephraim Kirby, Esq., at Litchfield, but I hope this will not induce any one to take it from mine. DAVID DAGGETT." 2706 WILLARD (S.) A Brief Discourse of Justification .. in several Sermons on this Subject,//. (6), i6S,gr0sgr. levant red morocco, full gilt, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}, FINE COPY, RARE. 8 Boston, S. G.for Samuel Phillips, 1686 2707 WITCHCRAFT. MATHER (COTTON) Late | Memorable Providences | Relating to | Witchcrafts and Possessions, | Clearly Manifesting, | Not only that there are Witches, but | that Good Men (as well as others) | may possibly have their Lives shortned | 12 NEW ENGLAND. by such evil Instruments of Satan. The Second Impression. | Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New-England. | pp. (22), 144, good copy, dk. blue morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e., title mounted, losing four or five letters. 8 London, Tho. Parkhurst, 1691 "One of the EARLIEST and RAREST American works relating to the subject." Menzies Catalogue. 2708 MATHER (COTTON) The Wonders of the Invisible World : | Being an Account of the | Tryals of Several Witches, Lately Executed in New-England : | And of several remarkable Curiosi ties therein Occurring. | Together with, | I. Observations upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. | II. A short Narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of Witches in | Swede-Land [etc.] III. Some Councels directing a due Im provement of the Terrible things lately done . . in New-England. | IV. A Brief Discourse upon those Temptations which are the more ordinary Devi- ces of Satan. By Cotton Mather. | Published by the Special Command [etc.], | polished calf gilt, g. e. (Pratt), good copy, though some leaves are cut too close at the top. 4 Printed first at Boston; repr. London, for John Dunton, 1693 VERY RARE. This is the FIRST (and only complete} London edition. The last page (before the leaf of "Advertisements") is numbered 98, but the pagination is irregu lar, the number of pages being, in fact, 106, exculsive of the three preliminary leaves not numbered. The leaf which in some copies precedes the Title, containing a Half-Title, and copy of the " Imprimatur," is wanting. 2709 MATHER (INCREASE) A Further | Account of the | Tryalls of the | NEW-ENGLAND WITCHES. | . . To which is added, CASES OF CONSCIENCE concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits. . . by Mr. In crease Mather, President of Harvard College, etc. (With A Post script.) //. (2), 10, (4), 39, (5), half brown mor. extra, red edges (Matthews ], fine copy. 4 London, for John Dunton, 1693 The first part of the work (pp. i-io) is Deodat Lawson s " True Narrative" etc., taken from Cotton Mather s " Wonders of the Invisible World." 2710 CALEF (ROBERT) More Wonders of the Invisible World: Or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Display d in Five Parts To which is added, A Postscript relating to a Book intitled, The Life of Sir William Phips,//. (12), 156, grosgr. levant red morocco extra, sides filleted, with corner ornaments, inside borders, g. e. (Pratt). 4 London, 1700 A good copy, of this VERY RARE book. " Mr. Woodward s copy sold, in 1869, for $130." (Sabin); the same copy brought $145. at the sale of Mr. Menzies s library in 1875; and a copy in the First Part of this Catalogue (No. 1352 which see for full title, etc.) brought $190. in 1879. 2711 - - LAWSON (DEODAT) Christ s Fidelity the only Shield against Satan s Malignity. A [Lecture] Sermon at Salem-Village, the 24th of March, 1692 .. a time of Publick Examination of some Sus pected for Witchcraft. The Second Edition,//. (12), 120, old calf , gilt, good copy. 8 Reprinted, London, R. Tookey, 1704 VERY RARE. This edition has a special Dedication to Sir Henry and Lady Diana Ashhurst ; and an Appendix (pp. 93-120) containing " Remarkable Things relating to the Afflicted " "to the Accused " and " to the Confessing Witches." 2712 Another copy, old binding, large and fine. 2713 WOOD (WILLIAM) New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New-England, &c., folding map, calf extra, g. e. (Pratt), pp. (8), 83, (5), RARE. sm. 4 London, Tho. Cotes, for John Bellamie, 1635 THE MIDDLE STATES. NEW YORK. NEW NETHERLAND. 2714 BREEDEN-RAEDT | aende | Vereenichde Nederlandsche Provin- tien. | .... | Gemaeckt ende gestelt uyt diverse ware en waerachtige j memoriin Door I. A. G. W. C. \pp. 24, n. n. (sigs. A F, in fours} best grosgr. levant red morocco, sides paneled, gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 Tot Antwerpen, Francoys van Duynen, 1649 [" Homely-Advice to the United Netherlandish Provinces. . . . Made and arranged from divers true and trusty memoirs."] " This EXCESSIVELY RARE pamphlet is, no doubt, the most important document existing, on New-Netherland." FRED. MULLER. "Affording us some facts not known from any other source. It was unquestionably written by Cornells Melyn, or under his dictation." HON. H. C. MURPHY. (Contra, see ASHER S Bibliogr. Essay, pp. 183-200.) A FINE COPY, mostly UNCUT, except at top, where it had been close-cropped, but the margins have been skilfully restored by Mr. Bedford. 2715 VERTOOGH | VAN NIEU-NEDER-LAND, Weghens de Gheleghent- heydt, Vruchtbaerheydt, en Sobe- ren Staet desselfs. [Repre sentation of New-Netherland, concerning the Situation, Fruitful- ness, and Sad Condition thereof,] pp. 49, vellum, UNCUT. 4 In s Graven-Hage, Michiel Stael, 1650 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of a book which is EXTREMELY RARE in any condition, and when uncut may be regarded as PRESQUE UNIQUE. "Its rarity in Europe may be inferred from the fact that the illustrious Ebeling mentions it as probably a printed docu ment, and Lambrechtsen, the late Dutch historian of New Netherland, says, that notwith standing repeated efforts he had been unable to obtain possession of it." Hon. H. C. Murphy. The author was, probably, Adrian vander Donck. See O Callaghan s Hist. N. Neth. ii. 90-99, 111-126 ; Brodhead s Hist. N. York, i. 506; Asher s Bibl. Essay, no. 5. 2716 BESCHRIJVINGHE | van VIRGINIA, | NIEUW NEDERLANDT, NIEUW ENGELANDT, | En d Eylanden Bermudes, Berbados, en S. Chris- toffel. Dienstelyck voor elck een derwaerts handelende en alle voort-planten . 88, with folding map and van nieuw Colonien. fine copper-plates, levant red morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 t Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1651 "One of the most interesting, scarcest, and first books on New-Netherland. See on it, at large, Asher s Essay, no. 6." FRED. MULLER. The plates include THE FIRST ENGRAVED VIEW OF " Fort New Amsterdam, at the Manhatans" (p. 21). A BEAUTI FUL COPY of this EXTREMELY RARE book. 2717 VRIES (DAV. PIETERSZ. DE) Korte Historiael ende | Journaels aenteyckeninge, | Van verscheyden Voyagiens in de vier deelen des Wereldts-Ronde, als Europa, | Africa, Asia, ende America gedaen, | etc., original vellum, neat. 4 t Hoorn, voor David Pieterz. de Fries, 1655 Title (with arms of the author, on verso) : portrait, by Corn. Visscher ; 3 prel. leaves, n. n., pp. 190, and i leaf of Errata; numerous plates. A BEAUTIFUL, LARGE AND CLEAN COPY, in its original state, except that the portrait (a fair impression) is detached. " EXTREMELY SCARCE." Fred. Muller. " Son extreme rarete etant seulement sur- passee par 1 interet qu il offre a 1 historien." Trornel, no. 279. " The book is one of the rarest to be found." H. C. Murphy (1853). 14 NEW YORK. 2718 DONCK (ADRIAEN VANDER) Beschryvinge | Van | Nieuw-Neder lant, (Ghelijck het tegenwoordigh in Staet is) | Begrijpende de Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt en vrucht-|baer heyt van het selve Lant, etc. . . Als mede De maniere en onghemeyne eygenschappen | vande Wilden ofte Naturellen vanden Lande. Ende Een bysonder verhael vanden wonderlijcken Aert ende het Weesen der Bevers,| etc., Afprel. leaves, pp. 100, 3 n. n., half red morocco, red edges. 4 f Aemsteldam, Evert Nieuwenhof, 1655 A VERY LARGE AND FINE COPY (;g by 6 inches) of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of Vander Donck s Description of the New Netherland, containing the second engraved view of New York, "tTortNieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatans." (For the first engraved view, see BESCHRIJVINGHE -van Virginia, &c., No. 2716). See Asher s Essay, no. 7. 2719 DONCK (ADR. VANDER) Beschryvinge \ Van | Nieuw-Nederlant, | etc. Another copy, fine, with good margins, grosgrain levant red morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back, ins. borders, g. e. (Pratt). 4 f Aemsteldam, Evert Nieuwenhof , 1655 2720 DONCK (ADR. VANDER) Beschryvinge | Van Nieuw-Nederlant, | .... En hier achter by gevoegt Het voordeeligh Reglement vande Ed : Hoog. Achtbare | Heeren de Heeren Burgermeesteren deser Stede, betreffende de saken van Nieuw Nederlandt. Den tweeden Druck. Mit een pertinent Kaertje van tzelve Landt verciert, | en van veel druck-fouten gesuyvert. \pp. (8), 100, (12), Map. With seven other rare tracts (as below}, in one volume, vellum, neat. sm. 4 t Aemsteldam, Evert Nieuwenhof , 1656 Large and fine copy of the second (and best) edition of Van der Donck s Description of New Netherland, with the MAP (which does not appear in the first edition) and the addi tion of " the Advantageous Regulations [Conditien] of the Most Worshipful the Burgo masters of this City [Amsterdam], regarding the affairs of New Netherland." Asher, no. 8. "Very scarce and of invaluable importance." F. MULLER, 1872. The appendix (Conditien, &c.) is often wanting. The volume also contains, (i.) TH. HERBERT S Zee- en Lant-Reyse, na verscheyde Deelen Asia en Africa . . . Uyt het Engels in de Nederl. Tale overgeset door L. V. Bosch, curious plates. Dordrecht, 1658,^. (12), 192. " Pp. 188-192 contain an account of the Discovery of America by Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth, 300 years before Columbus." (2.) Beschrijvinge van t Koninckrijck Congo, met t aenpalende Landt Angola, [Getrocken uyt de schriften van den Heere EDUART LOPEZ Portugees], pJates. Amsterdam, 1658,^.96. (3.) JAN SOMERS Zee en Landt-Reyse, gedaen naer de Levante, &c., plates. Amsterdam, i66i,pp. 94. (4.) Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant, &c. (as above). (5.) Journael ende Historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet le Maire, naer de C usten van Chili, onder het beleyt van den Heer Generael HENDRICK BROUWER, inden Jare 1643, etc. Als mede Een beschryvinge van het Eylandt Eso by Japan, etc., maps and plate. Amsterdam, [c. 1660,] /A 104. "Rare. Very interesting Journal. . The description of the Island of Eso, near Japan, written by M. G. Vries, is of the highest interest." F. MULLER. (6.) Journael ofte gedenkwaerd. beschryv. van de Oost-Indische Reyse van WILL, YSBRANTSZ BONTEKOE van Hoorn . . . Waer by gevoeght is het Journael van DIRCK ALBERTZ RAVEN, naer Groenlandt, in den Jare 1639, curious plates. Amst., 1639, pp. (2), 78. " The most popular of all Indian Voyages, for its great perils and its charm of narra tion." F. MULLER. NEW YORK. 15 (7.) Korte Beschryvinge van de Ongeluckige Wederom-Reys van het Schip Aernhem . . . Beschr. door ANDRIES STOKRAM, curious wood-cuts. Amst., [1663 ?],//. 1 6. (8.) Jaer-Boek der Gedenkwaerd. Geschiedenissen in Europa, in Asia, in Africa, in America, etc. van t begin des Jaers 1661 ; door PETRUS DE LANGE. Amst., i66i,pp. 167, (5), RARE. 2721 KORT VERHAEL | van Nieuw Nederlants Gelegentheit, Deugh- den, Natuerlijke Voorrechten, enz. Mitsgaders eenige Requester!, Vertoogen, Deductien, enz., original vellum, ^prel. leaves, pp. 84. sm. 4 n. p. [Amsterdam?], Ghedrukt in V jaer, 1662 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this important and EXTREMELY RARE book, " one of the most interesting and one of the scarcest of all books on New Netherland." FRED. MULLER, (1872) no. noi. He adds: "I found only 3 copies in the course of 20 years, and sold my last at 200 florins." For full description, see Asher s Essay, no. 13. 2722 KEYENS (OTTO) Ktirtzer Entwurff von NEU-NIEDERLAND und GUAJANA einander entgegen gesetzt, umb den Unterscheid zwischen warmen und kalten Landen herauss zu bringen, etc. Auss dem Hollandischen ins Hochteutsche versetzt durch T. R. C. S. C. S., //. (20), 144, (7), vellum (W. Pratt}, UNCUT, fine copy, RARE and VALUABLE. 4 Leipzig, 1672. A German translation of Otto Keye s "Beschryvinge," 1660 (ASHER, no. 12.) "The contrast between a warm and a cold country is brought out," by " the comparison of Guiana with New Netherland " greatly to the advantage of the former. 2723 LAMBRECHTSEN (N. C.) Korte Beschrijving van de Ontdekking en der verdere Lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, map, pp. (4), 102, half -morocco, gilt top, uncut. 8 Middelburg, 1818 2724 [MELTON (EDWARD)] Aenmerkenswaardige en Zeldzame | West- Indische | Zee- en Land-Reizen, | door de Caribische Eylanden, NIEUW-NEDERLAND, Virginien, en de Spaanische West-Indien : | . . . Met Koopere Platen Verciert. | Door een Voornaam Engels Heer E. M. en andere, Opmerkelijk beschreven, pp. 96, plates (after De Vries) vellum ( W. Pratt), fine clean copy, rare. 4 f Amsterdam, Weduwe van Gysbert de Groot, 1705 " Very rare ! . . Infinitely more scarce than the preceding editions of Melton." F. MUL LER, 1872. See ASHER, No. 18. 2725 (MURPHY.) Anthology of New Netherland. Translations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York ; with Memoirs ; by Henry C. Murphy. [Bradford Club Publications, No. 4.] Portrait, uncut. r. 8 New York, 1865 Edition of 200 copies. Subscriber s Copy, No. 28. 2726 O Callaghan (E. B.) History of New Netherland, maps and plates, 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1846, 48 2727 O Callaghan (E. B.) The Register of New Netherland; 1626- 1674, //. xx, 198, new half morocco, uncut, LARGE PAPER. r. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1865 2728 [IRVING (WASHINGTON)] A History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch dynasty, ... By Diedrich Knickerbocker, 2 vols., cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 2729 IRVING (W.) Knickerbocker s History of New York, with illus trations by F. O. C. Darley, morocco, extra, g. e., scarce. sq. 8 New York, 1850 With the folding print, from a drawing by Wm. Heath, of "Peter Stuyvesant s Army entering New Amsterdam," and India-proof impressions of Barley s illustrations. 1 6 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. PROVINCE AND STATE. LAWS : [The First and Second compilations of Laws, printed by Wm. Bradford, 1693-4 and 1726, will be found among " BOOKS PRINTED IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750."] 2730 Acts of Assembly, passed in the Province of New York, from 1691, to 1718, old calf, fine copy. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1719 2731 Laws of New York, from 1691 to 1751 inclusive. (Preface by Wm. Livingston and Wm. Smith, Jun.,) 5 prel. II., pp. 488, (i), folio, New York, James Parker, 1752 The same, 1752 to May 22d, 1762. The Second Volume, with a Table common to both Volumes. Digested by Wm. Livingston and Wm. Smith Jun., ^prel. leaves, pp. 268. folio, New York, Wm. Weyman, 1762 2 vols., old law sheep, sound. 2732 Laws of New York from the year 1691, to 1751, inclusive; pp. iv, 488, old calf . folio, New York, 1752 2733 Laws of New York, from the nth Nov. 1752,10 22d May, 1762. The Second volume, with a Table common to both Volumes Digested by Wm. Livingston, and Wm. Smith, jun. old calf, excel lent copy, folio, New York, 1762 2734 Laws of New York from 1691 to 1773 inclusive. Published according to an Act of the General Assembly. Volume the First [and Second]. 2 vols. in i, paging continuous, pp. iv, ^^,fine copy, old calf , gilt. folio, New York, Hugh Gaine, 1774 2735 Laws of the Province of New York, 1691-1773 ; Another good copy, old law calf, 2 vols in i. folio, New York, H. Gaine, 1774 On the title : " Peter Jay Munro, 1808. Bought of Gould, the Book-seller." 2736 Laws of the State of New York, commencing with the First Session of the Senate and Assembly, after ... the organization of the New government, 1777, [to and including the fourth Session, 1781],^. 206. Poughkeepsie, John Holt, 1782. Laws etc. passed at the 5th, and 6th Sessions, 1781-83, pp. 207-300. Laws, etc. passed at the 7th, 8th, and gth Sessions, 1784-1786, pp. 127, 104, 137, old binding, good copy, folio, Poughkeepsie, and New York, v. y. 2737 Laws of the State of New York, Passed at the 7th Session, First meeting, Elizabeth Holt, 1784 8th Session, ist Meeting, " 1784 2d Meeting, S. London, 1785 9th Session, . 6^ J. London, 1786 In i vol., half bound, folio, New York, 1784-6 2738 Laws of the State of New York, passed by the Legislature, at their gth Session \Contents torn, and wants pp. 1-8], loth and nth Sessions. folio. S. & J. Loudon, 1787, 1788 2 739 Laws of the State of New York, comprising the Constitution, and the Acts of the Legislature since the Revolution, from the First to the Twelfth Session, inclusive. 2 vols. in i, old calf , large and fine copy, folio, New York, H. Gaine, 1789 NEW YORK. 17 2740 LAWS of the State of New York, comprising the Constitution, and Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, from the ist to the 1 5th Session, inclusive, 2 vols., calf, gilt. 8 New York, T. Greenleaf, 1792 2741 AKERLY (S.) Essay on the Geology of the Hudson River, and the adjacent regions : illustrated by a Geological Section of the country, boards, unalt. 12 New York, 1820 2742 BARBER (J. W.) and HOWE (H.) Historical Collections of the State of New York . . . Illustrated by 230 engravings. Full bound, marbled edges. 8 New York, 1841 2743 (BAYARD S Trial.) An Account of the Commitment, Arraign ment, Tryal and Condemnation of Nicholas Bayard Esq ; for High Treason, in Endeavouring to subvert the Government of the Prov ince of New York in America, etc. . . . Collected from several Me morials taken by Divers Persons privately, the Commissioners hav ing strictly prohibited the taking of the Tryal in open Court, etc., pp. 32, half black mor. neat, RARE. folio, Printed at New- York by Order of his Excellency the Lord Cornbury, and reprinted at London, 1703 2744 BENSON (EGBERT) Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, Dec. 31, 1816, [on Names of places, etc.] Second edition, with notes. Judge Furmarts copy, interleaved, with his manuscript notes, half russia-calf, scarce. 12 Jamaica, 1825 BOUNDARY WITH NEW JERSEY : 2745 [Reports of a Committee of the Council, Joseph Murray, Chairman, to Lieutenant Governor DeLancey, on the claims of the Patentees of Minisink and Wawayanda; and on a Letter from Gov. Belcher of New Jersey, relating to the disputes concerning Lands ; and on the establishment of a Line of Peace between the Inhabitants of both Provinces ; March 18, 1754, and Dec. 17, 1754 ; with affidavits, etc. n. t. p., pp. 22, uncut. folio, \New York, J. Parker 6 W. Weyman\ 1754 2746 Memorial of the Council of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey, To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher . . Governor of the Province of New Jersey, Nov. 20, 1753 : with documents annexed (in support of their title to the lands in controversy be tween the two Provinces of New York and New Jersey) : and the Report made to the General Assembly of New Jersey, Aug. 20, 1755, by David Ogden, chairman of the Committee upon the sub ject of the New York Line: n. t.p.,pp. 118, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, RARE. folio, \_New York, J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1755] 2747 A Memorial [to the House of Representatives of New York] of Some of the Part-Owners and Proprietors of the Patents of Minisink and Wawayanda, bordering on The Crown-Lands in the Colony of New- York, that lie between those Patents and the true Boundaries of New Jersey. In Behalf of themselves and the Other Owners of the Patents ranging with the said Patents of Minisink and Wawayanda, betw. Hudson s and Delaware Rivers. Respecting 1 8 NEW YORK. (BOUNDARY.) the Controversy between the Colonies of New-York and New- Jersey. (Published by Order of the Gen. Assembly.) //. 20, clean, uncut, hf. mor. extra, top gilt. folio, New York, J. Parker &> W. Weyman, 1757 The Memorial is dated, New York, Feb. 10, 1756. 2748 A Brief of the Claim, On the Part of the Province of New- Jersey, and of the Proof offered in Support of it, before the Com missioners, appointed by his Majesty, for settling the Boundary Line, . . From the Station on Hudson s River, to the Stations on Delaware River; with Observation upon, and Answers to, the Objections made by the Agents of New-York, n. t.p.,pp. 44, half mor. extra, gilt top, uncut. folio, n. p., n. d. [1769] Dated Sept. 28, 1769, and signed by John Stevens, James Parker, and Walter Ruther ford, Agents for New Jersey. 2749 An Argument Delivered on the Part of New-York, at the Hearing before His Majesty s Commissioners, appointed ... to Settle and Determine the Boundary Line, between the Colonies of New- York and New-Jersey, pp. 80, hf. mor. extra, gilt top, uncut. 4 n. p. \_New York\, 1769 Signed by John Morin Scott, Jas. Duane, and Benj. Kissam, of Counsel for New York. Some leaves are printed on one side only, and the page-numbers from 47 to 80 have been added with a pen. Probably only very few copies were printed, for the use of the Commissioners and the Counsel. 2750 A plain and full State of the Demands and Pretensions of his Majesty s Colony of New- York, against the Proprietary Colony of Nova-Caesaria or New Jersey, respecting the Boundary Line . . [Addressed] To His Majesties Commissioners for settling the Partition-Line between the Colonies . . July 18, 1769, pp. 4. [An Amendment of their Claim, by the Managers on the Part of New York,] July 26, 1769, i page. [Statement presented to the Commis sioners by the Agents on the part of New-Jersey, pp. 9.] A Letter from a Gentleman of New-Brunswick to his Friend in Elizabeth- Town ; On the first Point in Controversy between the Proprietors and Elizabeth-Town, Aug. 31, 1752, //. 4. Report of the Commis sioners appointed by an Act of the Gen. Assembly of New York, April, 1807, entitled "An Act respecting a claim for the extension of the Eastern Boundary of the State of New Jersey;" with a mes sage of Gov. Tompkins transmitting the Report to the Assembly, 1808. //. 42. 5 in i vol. hf. morocco extra, gilt tops. folio, v. y. The fourth piece in this volume properly belongs elsewhere with the documents relat ing to the controversy between the Proprietors of East Jersey and the people of Elizabeth Town. 2751 BOUNDARY (East) A CONFERENCE between the Commissioners of Massachusetts-Bay and the Commissioners of New- York ; at New-Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut, [Sept. 28-Oct. 8.] 1767, //. 26, (i), half mor. neat, uncut, SCARCE. 4 Boston, Rich. Draper, 1767 2752 -- A Conference, etc. Another copy, hf. mor. neat. 4 1767 BOUNDARY (East) See New Hampshire Encroachments, No. 2799. 2753 BRODHEAD (J. R.) Final Report [as] Agent to procure and transcribe Documents in Europe on the Colonial History of New York, pp. 375. Report of Trustees of the State Library, 1845, PP- 55- i vol. half calf. 8 Albany, 1845 NEW YORK. IQ 2754 CANALS. FULTON (ROBERT) A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation ; exhibiting the numerous Advantages to be derived from Small Canals, and Boats of Two to Five feet wide. . . . Including Observations on the great Importance of Water Commu nications, with Thoughts on, and Designs for Aqueducts and Bridges of Iron and Wood,//, xvi, 144, 17 copper plate engravings, portrait inserted, calf, SCARCE. 4 London, 1796 " But few of Mr. Fulton s admirers are aware that he wrote such a book, a few copies only (of a small number printed) having reached this country." The Menzies Catalogue, no. 772. 2755 Treatise on Internal Navigation : with the Report of Albert Gallatin on Roads and Canals,/^, xii, 152, 115. 12 Ballston Spa, 1817 2756 Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners, respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean ; with perspicuous Maps and Profiles, large folding map of proposed Canal, half sheep, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Newburgh, 1817 2757 The same, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1817 2758 LAWS of the State of New York in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and other Documents requisite for a complete Official History of those Works ; maps and plans, 2 vols. uncut. 1. 8 Albany, 1825 2759 Public Documents relating to the N. Y. ,&&2\s, folding maps, pp. 485, hf. bound. 8 N. York, 1821 2760 Reports of Canal Commissioners and Committees, 1820-31. ii Pamphlets. 8 v. y. 2761 WATSON (ELKANAH) History of the Western Canals in the State of N. Y. ; with the Rise and Progress of modern Agricultural Societies, 1807-1820, author s autograph presentation, pp. 212, map and engravings, hf. bound, neat. 8 Albany, 1820 2762 Another copy, boards, uncut. 2763 SPAFFORD (H. G.) Pocket Guide for the Tourist along the line of the Canals, //. 72. 16 N. Y., 1824 2764 VAN RENSSELAER (S.) Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal, Pt. I, geological map and profile, boards, uncut. 8 Albany, 1824 2765 Troup s Vindication of E, Watson s and P. Schuyler s claims as originators of the Lake Canal Policy, 1821 ; and Letter on Ca nal Policy, 1822, //. 119 Public Proceedings on the removal of Clinton from the office of Canal Commissioner, N. Y. 1824 Facts on the Erie Canal, 1825 (2) View of the Grand Canal, 1825, frontispiece, uncut Long Island Canal Company, Documents, 1826 Review of Canal Commissioners Report, 1828 Letters of Gov. Clinton and Col. L. Baldwin . . on the Extension of Hamp shire and Hampden Canal, 1828 Tower s Appeal in favor of 2O NEW YORK. Chenango Canal, 1830 Seward s Address at Commencement of Auburn and Owasco Canal, 1835 Campbell s Report on direct route for Eastern Terminus of Erie Canal, 1836 ; and 4 others. 1 6 Pamphlets. 8 v. y. 2766 CLARK (A.) Manual for the use of the Assembly, Albany, 1816 Manual of Constitutional Convention, N. Y., 1821 The Rad ical, Nos. i, 2. N. Y., 1821 Constitution of New York, N. Y. 1822. 4 in i vol., half calf . 12 2767 CLINTON (DE WITT) A Memoir on the Antiquities of the West ern Parts of the State of New York,//. 16. 8 Albany, I. W. Clark, 1818 RARE. "In the first edition, of this pamphlet, dated 1818, of which but one copy (now in the State Library of New York) seems to have survived to our day, Gov. Clinton stated, with some degree of positiveness, that there were evidences of a Spanish colony having existed in the Onondaga Valley among the Six Nations. Nothing of this appears in the second edition (1820), and probably the rarity of the first is occasioned by its destruc tion at the hands of the author." FIELD S Ind. Bibliography, no. 330. It seems that two editions were printed in 1818, for in this copy the statement which Mr. Field men tions does not appear. 2768 CLINTON (DEWirr) A Memoir on the Antiquities of the West ern Parts of the State of New York, wants title, pp. 3-16. 8 {Albany, 1818] 2769 [CLINTON (DE WITT) ] Letters on the Natural History and In ternal Resources of the State of New York. By HIBERNICUS. Boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1822 2770 GOLDEN (CADWALLADER) The History of the | Five Indian Nations Depending on the Province | of | New- York | in America, | best levant red morocco, back and sides full gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford), Map and portrait of the Author inserted. sm. 8 New York, William Bradford, 1727 Title ; Dedication ; pp. i-xvii ; Errata, i p.; The History, pp. 119. " A volume of the GREATEST RARITY, not more than six copies being known in the United States." Mr. J. SABIN, in the Menzies Catalogue). The Map is taken from the London edition of 1747. The binding is a beautiful specimen of Mr. F. Bedford s best style. 2771 COLDEN (C.) The History of the Five Indian Nations of Can ada which are dependent on the Government of New- York, etc. . . To which are added, Accounts of the several other Nations of In dians in North America, etc., pp. xvi, (4), 204, 283, map, old calf, gilt. 8 London, T. Osborne, 1747 2772 The same work. The Second Edition, //. xvi, (4), 204, 283, map, old calf , neat. 8 London, J. Whiston (and others], 1750 2773 The same work. The Third Edition. 2 vols., map, old calf . 12 London, Lockyer Davis, 1755 2774 GOLDEN (C.) An Explication | of the | First Causes | of Action In Matter, | And, of the | Cause of Gravitation, \pp. vi, 43, (i), por trait inserted, grosgrain levant green morocco extra, filleted sides, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 16 New York, James Parker, 1745 " This is a volume of the GREATEST RARITY. I have seen but one copy, which belongs to Mr. William Menzies." J. SABIN, Dictionary, iv. 221. 2775 The same,//. 75, half morocco, neat, RARE. 8 London, repr. for J. Brindley, 1746 NEW YORK. 21 2776 (GOLDEN) The Conduct of Cadwallader Golden, Esquire, late Lieutenant-Governor of New York, relating to the Judges Com missions, Appeals to the King, and the Stamp-Duty, pp. 66, new half morocco. 8 n. p. [New York ] 1767 2777 CONSTITUTION. Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821, for the purpose of Amending the Consti tution of the State of New Vork ... By N. H. Carter, Win. L. Stone, and M. T. C. Gould, Engraved plan of the Assembly Cham ber, pp. 703, boards, uncut. 8 Albany, 1821 2778 DENTON (DANIEL) A | Brief Description | of | NEW- YORK : | formerly called New-Netherlands. With the Places thereunto Adjoyning. &c. //. (4), 21, levant green morocco, extra, filleted sides, g. e. (W. Pratt). sm. 4 London, [for John Hancock, 1670] A FINE CLEAN COPY of " the first account of New York, printed in English." The date and printers name have, as in most copies, been trimmed off by the binder, from the over-large title-page. EXCESSIVELY RARE. Mr. Sabin, in the Menzies Catalogue, stated that he " had sold but one copy of this work, for which he obtained $275. and for which its present owner had since refused an offer of $400." Mr. Menzies copy sold for $220. 2779 DENTON (D.) A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands. New edition with Introduction and Notes by G. Furman, cloth. 1. 8 New York, Wm. Gowans, 1845 2780 Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, procured in [Europe] by John R. Brodhead ; edited by E. B. O Callaghan ; with the Index. n vols., cloth. 4 Albany, 1856-61 2781 DUNLAP (WM.) History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York, and State of New York, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols, portrait of Peter Stuyvesant, and plan of New York (1782), half green calf, raised bands, large and fine copy. 8 New York, 1839, 4 2782 DUNLAP (W.) A History of New York, for Schools, engravings. 2 vols., cloth. 18 New York, 1837 2783 DUNLAP (W.) History of the American Theatre,//, viii, 420, cloth. 8 New York, J. 6- y. Harper, 1832 2784 DUNLAP (W.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols., hf. cloth. 8 New York, 1834 2785 EASTMAN (F. S.) A History of the State of New York. . . A new edition, engravings, pp. 455, (i). 12 New York, 1833 2786 Geological Survey of the State. Reports by Beck, Conrad, Emmons, Mather, Vanuxem, and Hall, on the progress of the Survey, 1838 (Assembly Doc. No. 200) ; 1839 (Ass. Doc. No. 275); 1840, with DeKay s and Torrey s (Ass. Doc. No. 50) ; and 1841 (A. Doc. No. 150); in 2 vols. hf. sheep, scarce. thk. 8 [Albany, 1838-1841] 2787 GORDON (T. F.) Gazetteer of the State of New York; with a Map of the State and a Map of each County, and Plans of the Cities and principal Villages, sheep. thk. 8 New York, n. d. 2788 HOTCHKIN (J. H.) History of the purchase and settlement of Western New York, and of the rise, progress, and present state of the Presbyterian Church in that section, //. xvi, 600, plate, cloth. 8 New York, 1848 22 NEW YORK. 2789 HUDSON RIVER. Letters about the Hudson River and its Vicinity in 1835 and 1836, cloth. Sketches of the North River, map, pp. 119. (2 vols.) 16 New York, 1836, 1838 2790 INDIAN TITLES. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York; Edited by F. B. Hough, with an Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. paper, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1861 2791 (KiDD.) The Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Cap tain William Kidd, for Murther and Piracy, Upon Six several Indictments, at the Admiralty Sessions, held at the Old Baily, 8th and gth of May, 1701. who, upon full Evidence, was found Guilty, receiv d Sentence, and was accordingly Executed at Execution Dock, May the 23d. As also, The Tryals of Nicholas Churchill, James Howe, Robert Lamley [and six others], at the same Time and Place for Piracy . . . To which are added, Captain Kidd s Two Commissions, One under the Great Seal of England, and the other under the Great Seal of the Court of Admiralty, //. 60, uncut. Folio, London, y. Nutt, 1701 This is the original authorized publication of the Trial. An abridgement of it was printed in London, in 1703, in "An Exact Abridgement of all the Tryals" &c. (See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1156.) It is bound in a thick folio volume, which contains many other pamphlets and pieces in folio, some of which (relating to affairs in England, 1700-1712) are scarce and curious. 2792 A Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Capt. Kidd. In two Letters. Written by a Person of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland,//. (8), 51, new half morocco, red edges. 4 London, 1701 2 793 A Full Account of the Actions of the Late Famous Pyrate, Capt. Kidd. With the Proceedings against Him, and a Vindica tion of the . . Earl of Bellomont . . and other Honourable Persons, from the Unjust Reflections cast upon them. By a Person of Quality, pp. 4, 42, calf extra, sm. 4 Dublin, repr. for M. Gunn, 1701 2794 MACAULEY (J.) The Natural, Statistical, and Civil History of the State of New- York. 3 vols, roan, gilt, fine copy. 8 New York, 1829 2795 MACAULEY (J.) The Natural, Statistical, and Civil History of the State of New York. 3 VQ\., polished calf extra, gilt, g. e. (Pratt}, ELEGANT COPY. 8 New York, 1829 2796 MAP of the State of New York. By Simeon De Witt, Surveyor General. Colored, folded and bound, half morocco, torn at the joints some of the folds, but complete. 8 New York, 1804 2797 MAP of the State of New York, with part of the States of Penn sylvania, New Jersey, etc. By Amos Lay, 1817. 2d ed., revised, 1820. Backed with linen, and folded i?i case, half mor. neat. r. 8 2798 MILLER (Rev. JOHN) A Description of the Province and City of New York ; with the Plans of the City and several Forts as they existed in the year 1695. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. To which is added, a Catalogue of books relating to America, etc. //. 43, boards, uncut. 8 London, T. Rodd, 1843 NEW YORK. 23 2799 (NEW HAMPSHIRE Encroachments.) A | State | of the Right of the Colony of New-York, with respect j To it s Eastern Boundary on Connecticut River, | So far as concerns the late Encroachments under The Government of NEW-HAMPSHIRE. | And also, | a State | of the Rights of the Colony of New-York, | So far as concerns the Grants formerly made j by the French Government of Canada, Of Lands on Lake-Champlain, | And at and to the Southward | of CROWN-POINT. | Agreed to and published by the General Assem bly of the Colony of | New-York, at their Sessions in 1773. //. 28. New York, H. Gaine, 1773 A NARRATIVE of the Proceedings Subsequent to the Royal Adjudication, | Concerning the | Lands To the Westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by NEW- HAMPSHIRE, | With Misrepresentations, REMARKS On the | Claim, Behaviour, and of the Intruders under that Government. | Intended as an Appendix to the General Assembly s State of the Right, etc., pp. 28, (66). New York, John Holt, 1773. 2 in i vol. best grosgr. levant green morocco, inside borders, gilt edges (Bedford). folio, 1773 Large, clean, and beautiful copies of these EXTREMELY RARE publications. On a guard leaf, at the beginning of the volume is the autograph of James Duane, the reputed author both of the "Assembly s State of the Right" and the " Narrative, with Remarks " : " Presented to the honourable William Smith Esqr. by his most obedient humble Serv t JAS. DUANE." The volume is bound uniform with the series of publications relating to the New Hampshire Grants and the organization of State Government in Vermont, contained in Part I. of this Catalogue, Nos. 2507-2517. 2800 New York Annual Register (Williams s), 1830-37, 1840, 1845, (not published in the intervening years.} 10 vols., half roan. 12 New York, 1830-45 2801 NEW YORK, HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, 1809-21. 3 vols. half sheep. Second Series, Vols. i, 2, half calf . (5 vols.) 8 New York, 1811-49 2802 Proceedings, for 1844, -45, -46, and -47 ; Jan.-April, 1848, and Jan. 1849. (4 vols.) 8 New York, 1844-49 2803 Northern Invasion (The) of October, 1780; a Series of Papers relating to the Expeditions from Canada against the Frontiers of New York : with Notes and Introduction by F. B. Hough. [BRAD FORD CLUB Publications, No. 6.] roy. 8 New York, 1866 155 copies printed. Subscriber s copy, No. 28. 2804 O CALLAGHAN (E. B.) ed. Documentary History of the State of New York. 4 vols., maps and plates, cloth. 4 Albany, 1850-51 2805 The same. 4 vols. cloth. 8 Albany, 1849-51 2806 O Callaghan (E. B.) ed. New York Colonial Tracts. 3 vols. uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1866-7 Edition of 100 copies. 1. Journal of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary from Quebeck, with an Account of her Wreck off Montauk Point, L. I, 1701. Introduction and Notes, by E. B. O Callaghan. 2. Voyage of George Clarke Esq. to America, 1703. 3. Voyage of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659, 1663. 2807 SERIOUS ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of the Colony of New York, containing a full and minute Survey of the Boston-Port Act, /if. morocco, uncut, 4 New York, John Holt, 1774 24 NEW YORK. 2808 SMITH (S. R.) Historical Sketches of Universalism in New York State. 16 Buffalo, 1843 2809 SMITH (WILLIAM) The History of the Province of New- York, from the First Discovery to the Year M.DCC.XXXII. To which is annexed, A Description of the Country, with a short Account of the Inhabitants, etc., folding plate of The South View of Oswego, fine impression, pp. xii, 255, original calf , sound. 4 London, Thomas Wilcox, 1757 A splendid copy, large enough to pass for LARGE PAPER, measuring io by 8 inches on the page. 2810 SMITH (WILLIAM) The History of the Province of New- York, from the First Discovery to the Year M.DCC.XXXIT. Another copy, pp. xii, 255, folding plate (The South View of Oswego}, and, inserted, " The South Prospect of the City of New York," engraved for the London Magazine, 1761 ; a fine copy, in the original binding, well preserved. 4 London, Thos. Wilcox, 1757 2811 SMITH (Wm.) Histoire de la Nouvelle-York . . . . traduite de PAnglois par M. E *** , pp. xvi, 415, old French calf, gilt, fine copy. 12 Londres, 1767 " The translator was M. Eidous." Rich. 2812 SMITH (WM.) The History of the Province of New- York, from the first Discovery,/^, viii, 334, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 London, J. Almon, 1776 2813 SMITH (WM.) The History of the Province of New- York, to the year 1732. The Second Edition, old calf gilt. 8 Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1792 2814 SMITH (Wm.) History of New York. With a Continuation from the year 1732, to 1814, sheep. 8 Albany, 1814 2815 SMITH (WM.) The History of the Province of New- York, from its Discovery, to the appointment of Governor Golden, in 1762. 2 vols, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1829 " Edited by the author s son, and forms the most complete edition of a highly esteemed standard work." Menzies Catalogue, no. 1865. 2816 Spafford (H. G.) Gazetteer of the State of New-York . . With an accurate Map of the State,//. 334, (2), sheep. 8 Albany, 1813 2817 - - The same. With a new Map, and Profiles of the Canals,//. 620, sheep, neat. 8 Albany, 1824 2818 Speeches of the different Governors to the Legislature, com mencing with those of Gov. Clinton, uncut. 8 Albany, 1825 2819 SQUIER (E. G.) Antiquities of the State of New York. With a Supplement on the Antiquities of the West. Illustrated by plates, cloth. 8 Buffalo, 1851 2820 STONE (W. L.) Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart. 2 vols., portrait, cloth. 1. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1865 2821 Sullivan s Campaign, Notices of; or, the Revolutionary Warfare in Western New York. 16 Rochester, 1842 2822 THALHIMER (B.) Annual Register and Military Roster of the United States and of the State of New York, boards, uncut. 12 Albany, 1821 NEW YORK. 25 2823 (WAPPINGER INDIANS.) A geographic, historical Summary ; or, Narrative of the Present Controversy, between the Wappinger Tribe of Indians, and The Claimants [Messrs. Robert Morris, Bev erly Robinson, and Philip Philipse, of New York], under the original Patentee of a large Tract of Land, in Philips s Upper Patent, so called, etc., plan, pp. 54, str. grained olive mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford^. sm. 8 Hartford, Green 6- Watson, 1768 An EXCESSIVELY RARE tract, unfortunately not quite complete, wanting (one page?) after p. 54. 2824 YATES (J. V. N.) and MOULTON (J. W.) History of the State of New York. Vol. I. Part I., Ante-Colonial Annals, and Part II., Novum Belgium. 2 vols. in one, maps and plate, sheep, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1824, 1826 2825 YATES (J. V. N.) and MOULTON (J. W.) History of the State of New York, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Vol. I. Part I. (Ante-Colonial), boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1824 2826 PAMPHLETS (10) Pres t Burr s Sermon before the Synod of N. Y., Sept. 30, 1756. Boston, 1757 Extract of an Act for raising ioo,oooZ. for an Army to invade Canada,//. 18. N. Y., W. Wey- man, 1759. Wilson (Rachel) Discourse at the Friend s Meeting House, in Beekman s Precinct, Duchess Co., Aug. 10, 1769. Dover, E. Ladd, 1792 No Standing Army in the British Colonies ; an Address to the Inhabitants of N. York, 1775 Address of the Committee of Safety, N. Y., J. Holt, 1776 Address of the Con vention, of New York to their Constituents, repr. Norwich, 1776 J. McDonald s Letters criminating the Presbytery of Albany, with Answers by Jonas Coe, 1801 Emerson s Letter to the Genesee Consociation, 1829 Narrative of Revivals in the Geneva Presby tery, 1832 Davis (Rev. S.) Shekomoko; or The Moravians in Duchess County, 1858 Johnston (Rev. John) Early Presbyterian- ism East of the Hudson, n. d. 2827 PAMPHLETS (8) [S. Goodenow s] Topographical and descriptive Manual of the State, Albany, 1811 and 2d edition, enlarged, N. Y. 1822 Van Rensselaer s Geological Survey of Albany and Rensselaer Counties ; and Steel s Report on Geol. of Saratoga County (3), 1820, 1822 John Preston s Statistical Report of Albany Co., 2d ed. 1824 J. W. Francis s Observations on Avon mineral waters, 1834 Mineral Springs of Bellevue de laCataracte. Buffalo, 1842 Salisbury s Analysis of Avon Springs, 1845. 8 2828 PAMPHLETS (n) Political. State Constitution. Fishkill, 1777 ; another copy, uncut, impft. ; another edition, N. Y., 1785 Militia Law, Poughkeepsie, 1780 Debates and proceedings in the State Convention of 1798, //. 144, uncut Address in favor of the re election of Gov. Geo. Clinton, 1789 (2 copies) Address [by Alex. Hamilton] against the re-election of Gov. Clinton, n. d. Election Controversy in Otsego Co., 1792 (2 pamphlets.) Letter to T. Treadwell, urging reduction in Congressmen s Salaries, 4//. 4 n. d. Road- Act, 1797 Report of Inspectors of State Prison, 1799. 2829 PAMPHLETS (14) Political. J. Cheetham, Dissertation concerning Political Equality, and the Corporation of New York, 1800 26 NEW YORK. Address [Federalist] to Electors of N. Y., 1802 Corresp. between E. Foot and Ambrose Spencer,//. 48, 1802 Jas. Smith, The Commonwealth s Man, 1806 Republican Address to Electors, 1808 [Another], 1817 Mclntyre s Letter to Ex-Gov. Tompkins, pp. 146, 1819 Lane s Five Years in the State Prison, 1835, i m Pft- Republican Address, 1836 J agger (W.) Cause of change of business, 1837 Legal Reform. Two Acts of 1840 Jagger s Address to people of Suffolk [Co.] 1842 N. Y. Political Manual, 1843 New and old Constitutions, 1846. 2830 PAMPHLETS (n) Internal Improvements. Reports of Western and Northern Inl. Lock Navigation Companies, 1792, and 1796(3) Observations on proposed State Road, 1800 Letter on Com merce, by Agricola, 1807 Report on Explor. of route for Inland Navigation, 1811, and Eddy s Map of proposed Route Con siderations on the Great Western Canal, 1818. (2) Memorial on Obstructions at the head of Navigation of Hudson River, 1818 (2) Act of N. Y. Legislature, on Navigable Communications, 1819 Expediency of Establishing a Board of Agriculture, 1819. 2831 PAMPHLETS (6) Internal Improvements. Considerations in favor of State Road, 1827 Report on Road from Angelica to Hamil ton, 1827 Gaspard Richards, New Plan of Int. Improvements, 1827 Sullivan s Description of a cheap [ELEVATED] Railroad, 1827; and Prospective Economy in future Public Works, 1827 Brewerton s Report on Improvement of Hudson River Navigation, 1839- 2832 PAMPHLETS. COLLECTION OF LETTERS and other Papers, that have been published at Different Times, relating to the Proceedings of His Majesty s Commissioners, . to treat ... of quieting the Dis orders, etc., pp. 55, (19), RARE. N. York, Jas. Rivington, 1778. Proposed Appendix . . by a Well-wisher to the Prosperity both of Gr. Britain and N. America, //. 8. [HAMILTON (Alex.)] A Sec ond Letter from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of N. York, //. 43. N. Y. 1784. A Vindication of Mr. Randolph s Resigna tion. Phil. 1795. Hamilton (Al.) Letter concerning the Public Conduct . . of John Adams, 4th ed. N. Y. 1800. CHEETHAM (Jas.) Remarks on the Merchant s Bank. N. Y. 1804. Statement of the Correspondence between the Banks in N. York. [1805] IMPARTIAL ENQUIRY into the conduct of Governor Lewis. By Politicus. N. Y. 1806. Report of Commr s on Inland Navigation from Hudson River to the Lakes. Alb. iSn. Report of Commr s etc. Alb. 1811. Advantages of the Proposed Canal. 1814. Report of Commr s on Internal Improvement. 1814. Account of Miranda s Expedition. N. Y. 1808. PLAN of Col. J. Williams, for Fortifying the Narrows. 13 Pamphlets, in i vol. 8 NEW YORK CITY. 2? NEW YORK CITY. *#* All printed in New York, except those of which other places of impression or publi cation are noted. 2833 The $ tot** I o f th e | City | of | NEW- YORK ; Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recor-|der, Aldermen and Commonalty of | the City aforesaid. | To which is annexed, | The Act of the General Assem bly Confirming the | same. | pp. 52, grosgr. levant red morocco, back full-gilt, sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford^. folio, New- York, John Peter Zenger, 1735 EXTREMELY RARE. A FINE, FRESH COPY. 2834 The Charter of the City of New York, with Notes thereon. Also, A Treatise on the Powers and Duties of the Mayor, Alder men, and Assistant Aldermen, and The Journal of the City Con vention. Prepared at the Request of the Common Council, by Chancellor Kent,//. 370, (i), cloth. 8 1836 2835 BRIDGES (WM.) Explanatory Remarks and References accom panying the Map of N. Y. City and Manhattan Island, list of sub scribers. 8 1811 CHURCHES and MINISTERS : 2836 DISOWAY (G. P.) The Earliest Churches of New York City and its Vicinity, plates, cloth extra, uncut. 8 1865 2837 [FRENCH (B.)] History of the Evangelical Churches of New York,//. 222, cloth. 16 1839 2838 NAKSKOW (P. S.) Articles of Faith of the Holy Evangelical Church, according to The Word of God, and the Ausburg Confession, Set forth in Forty Sermons, . . Transl. into English by Jochum Melchior Magens. 1754. Whole System of the xxvm Articles of the Evangelical Confession (of) Ausbourgh. 1755. Two in one volume. sm. 4 Parker 6 Weyman, 1755 2839 AUGSBURG CONFESSION. Whole System of the xxvm Articles presented to Charles V. at Ausbourgh, compared with the Trans lations of the Moravians printed at London in 1749, wherein most the Half hath been left out, half mor. 4 Parker &* Weyman, 1755 2840 RONDE (LAMBERTUS de) A System, containing the Principles of the Christian Religion, suitable to the Heidelberg Catechism, pp. vi, v, 186, iv, author s autograph presentation, fine copy. 12 H. Gaine, 1762 " Viro admodum venerando ..... English hunc librum Lambertus DeRonde." Qu. Rev. Dr. Charles Inglis, of Trinity Church, afterwards Bishop of Nova Scotia ? 2841 RONDE (LAMBERTUS de) The True Spiritual Religion, or Delightful Service of the Lord, as distinguished from Idolatrous Heathenism, Legal Judaism, and Lofty Pharisaism. 8 J. Holt, 1767 2842 SIGFRID- (I.) and WYTTENBACH (D.) Theological Theses, containing the chief Heads of the Christian Religion. (Translated from the Latin.) To which is added a Discourse by GERRIT LYDDEKER, with separate title and paging, good copy, pp. (12), 55 ; 113, 4. 12 Samuel Brown, 1766 28 NEW YORK CITY. 2843 (Churches, and Ministers.) BERRIAN (Wm.) Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, New York, plates, cloth gilt. 8 1847 2844 AUCHMUTY (Samuel) Sermon preached at the Opening of St. Paul s Chapel in the City of New York, Oct. 13, 1766, half morocco. sm. 8 [1766] 2845 " " PRESBYTERIAN. Brick Church Memorial. Discourses deliv ered by Dr. Spring on the closing of the Old Church in Beekman Street, and the opening of the New Church on Murray Hill, etc., pp. 2$, plates, cloth extra. 8 1861 2846 BOSTWICK (DAVID) Vindication of the Right of Infants to the Ordinance of Baptism, the Substance of several Discourses from Acts xi, 39. By David Bostwick, A. M. Late Minister of the [First] Presbyterian Church, in the City of New-York, half levant morocco, top gilt (W. Pratt), uncut. sm. 4 John Holt, 1764 The Preface (6 pp.) contains an interesting memoir of Mr. Bostwick, who died, Nov. 12, 1763. 2847 MASON (CYRUS) Brief History of the Duane Street, late Cedar Street, Presbyterian Church, engraving, cloth. 16 1835 2848 BAPTIST. Parkinson (W.) Sermon in ist Bapt. Church, Aug. 20, 1812, the Day of Fasting on account of the War. Ser mon at 5oth Anniversary of ist Bapt. church, Jan. i, 1813. Narra tive interspersed with Remarks, all relating to Reports concerning W. P. 3 in i vol. 8 1812-13 2849 Parkinson (Wm.) A Jubilee Sermon, containing a His tory of the origin of the First Baptist Church in the City of New York;. . delivered, Jan. i, 1813, cloth. 12 New York, republished, 1846 2850 - Inglesby (J.) Letter to W. Parkinson, pastor of the Bap tist Church in Gold St. Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Eben-Ezer Baptist Church in New York, shewing the Call of John Inglesby to the Ministry, and . . . Elder Parkinson s Con duct towards the above Church, etc. 2 in i vol. pp. 70, 100. 8 1808 2851 COGHLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs of Mrs Coghlan, (Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe,) Written by herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation; being interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War, etc. pp. xix, 184, fine fresh copy. 12 T. & J. Swords, 1795 This copy contains the -yz^/?-^.^ " Preface by the Editor of the New York Edition," which appeared in but few copies. 2852 GOLDEN (CADWALLADER D.) Memoir, Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals,//. (8), 408, (2), colored maps, portraits and other plates, boards, UNCUT. 4 W. A. Davis, 1825 A fine fresh copy of this handsome volume, of which uncut copies are SCARCE. It con tains portraits of C. D. Golden, DeWitt Clinton, Samuel L. Mitchell, Philip Hone, and Richard Riker, engraved by Durand. The narrative was written by Col. Wm. L. Stone. 2853 Columbia College. MOORE (N. F.) Historical Sketch of Colum bia College in the City of New York, cloth. 12 1846 NEW YORK CITY. 29 2854 JAY (Sir James) Letter to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, &c. In respect to the Collection that was made for the Colleges of New York and Philadelphia, half morocco. 8 London, 1774 With Autograph of Sir John Temple, Bart. 2855 Wm. Smith and James Jay s Circular, for collections (in Eng land) for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, Sept. 1762, pp. 4, (4) Jay s Letter to Governors of the College of New York, on the Collections made in England, in 1762 and 1763; and his Letters to the Univ. of Oxford and Cambridge, on the same matter, etc. 1774 Statutes, with Histor. Sketch, 1843 Blatchford s Ad dress to the Alumni, 1861 Jones s First Century of Columbia College, 1863. 5 Pamphlets. 2856 COZZENS (I.) Jr. Geological history of Manhattan or New York Island, together with a Map of the Island, etc. cloth. 8 1843 2857 CROAKERS (THE). By J. R. Drake and Fitz Greene Halleck. First complete Edition. [Bradford Club Series, No. 2.] Portraits, cloth, uncut. royal 8 1860 257 Copies printed. 2858 (EDDY S) MAP of the Country Thirty Miles round the City of New York. Designed and drawn by J. H. Eddy, 1812 : engraved by P. Maverick. Scale, i inch to 3 miles. Handsomely colored. 2859 EUSTACE. The Adventures of Thomas Eustace. Shipwrecked 18 Jan y, 1809. By a Clergyman. Plates, hf. mor. extra, uncut. 8 London, 1820 Portrait, and View of the "Shipwreck, off Long Island, near New York." 2860 A Glance at New York, embracing City Government, Theatres, Hotels, Churches, Mobs, etc. pp. vi, 264, cloth. 16 1837 2861 HARDIE (J.) Account of the Malignant Fever lately prevalent in New York. 8 1799 2862 HARDIE (J.) An Account of the Yellow Fever which occurred in the City of New- York, in the year 1822, to which is prefixed, A brief sketch of the different Pestilential Diseases, in 1798, 1799, 1803, and 1805, etc. half sheep. 12 1822 2863 HARDIE (J.) Description of the City of New York, ... to which is prefixed, a brief account of its first settlement by the Dutch, etc., new map of the city, good copy. 12 1827 2864 - - Historical, Geographical, and Statistical View of N. Y. City, //. 48- 16 1836 2865 [HORSMANDEN (DANIEL)] A | Journal | of the | Proceed ings | in | The Detection of the Conspiracy j formed by Some White People, in Conjunction with Negro and other Slaves, for Burning the City of New- York in America, And Murdering the Inhabitants, etc. . . Containing, | I. A Narrative of the Trials, Condemnations, Executions, and Behaviour of the | several Crim inals, etc. . II. An Appendix, wherein is set forth some additional Evidence . . . come to Light since their Trials and Executions. III. Lives of the several Persons (Whites and Blacks) committed on Account of the | Conspiracy, etc. . . \ By the Recorder of the City of New- York, j Title; pp. vi, 205 ; Errata, i p. ; Appendix, pp. 16 ; a 3O NEW YORK CITY. facsimile of Ly He s Plan of the City, 1728, inserted ; best grosgr. levant red morocco, gilt back, filleted sides, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford^. 4 New York, James Parker, 1744 A LARGE and BEAUTIFUL COPY of this SUPERLATIVELY RARE book. For the full title, and a note of the rarity of the volume see SABIN S Dictionary, viii, 448-9, or the Menzies Catalogue, no. 971. Prior to the sale of Mr. Menzies copy (which brought $240.00), "the only copy sold in New York during many years, was one, damaged by water, belonging to Mr. Bruce, at whose sale it was bought for Mr. Rice ; it was resold with his Collection for $140.00." 2866 HORSMANDEN (DANIEL) The New-York Conspiracy, or a His tory of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New-York in the years 1741-2, etc. pp. 385, (7), old calf , yellow edges, fine, clean copy, scarce. 8 1810 2867 HOSPITAL. [Eddy (T.)] Account of N. Y. Hospital, folded plans, 1811 The same, 1820. (2 vols.) 8 2868 -- Ely (E. S.) Second Journal, as stated Preacher to the N. Y. Hospital and Almshouse for 1813, boards, uncut. 12 Philadelphia, 1815 2869 JONES (JOHN) Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures ; with an Appendix on Camp and Military Hospitals, pp. viii, 92, (2), 3. 8 J. Holt, 1775 Dr. Jones (Professor of Surgery in King s College) is, says Dr. Francis, "ever to be remembered as the physician of Franklin and the surgeon of Washington." 2870 LANCASTER (Jos.) Improvements in Education, as it respects the Industrial Classes ; with a Sketch of the N. Y. Free School, boards, uncut. 12 1807 2871 The Lottery Magazine, for August and September, 1776. [Con taining,//. 134, 135, an "Account of the City of New York," with a ^ Plan of the City" and the adjacent country, engraved on copper.] Half green morocco, plates, and a scarce portrait of General Carleton. 8 London, 1776 2872 Manual of the Common Council of the City of New-York, for the years 1841-4 to 1865 (inclusive). 24 vols., numerous maps, portraits and other plates, cloth, A FINE SET. 24, 16, and 12 1841-45 2873 NEW YORK CITY. MOULTON (J. W.) View of the City of New- Orange, (now New-York,) as it was in the year 1673 ; with explan atory notes, folded plate, 1825. The Charter of the City of New- York, John Montgomerie, Esq. Governor, 1801. Report of Com mittee on the Memorial of the Freeholders and Lessees of Real Estate in the City of New York. In Common Council, Feb. 19, 1821 [and a second Report, Sept. i, 1823], Manuscript (9 pages). Act to alter the Organization of the Common Council of the City of New-York (proposed, 1823), with MSS. "Amendments made to the Annexed Project of a Law, in the Common Council, Dec. 26, 1823." --Report of William Weston, Esq. on the practi cability of introducing the Water of the River Bronx into the City. New York, Printed by John Furman, M,DCC,XIX [for 1799]. Cheetham (J.) A Dissertation concerning Political Equality, and the Corporation of New- York. N. Y. 1800. Laws and Ordi nances of the City of New York, etc. N. Y. 1817. Review of the Trade and Commerce of New York, from 1815 to the present Time, etc. N. Y. 1820. Memorial of the Mayor, Aldermen and NEW YORK CITY. 3 I Commonalty, on the subject of the Marine and Justices Courts, in that City. N. Y. 1823. Census of the New Buildings erected in this City, in the year 1824, etc. Also, a number of Statistical Documents. By James Hardie. N. Y. 1825. Sketch of the Resources of the City of New York. With a View of its Municipal Government, Population, etc. N. Y. 1827. In one volume, half- bound, neat. 8 2874 NEW YORK CITY during the American Revolution : being a Collection of Papers from MSS. in possession of the Mercantile Library Association of New York City, Plan of the city, half russia, gilt top, uncut. 4 1 86 1 2875 Picture of New York, and Stranger s Guide to the Commer cial Metropolis of the U. States, /to. 16 /. Riky 6* Co. 1807 2876 - Picture of New York and Stranger s Guide, plan, map, 8 en gravings of public buildings, etc., and wood-cuts, pp. viii, 492, boards, uncut. 18 Published by A. T. Goodrich, [1828] " This scarce volume, the first descriptive guide to our city, of any importance, is valuable for the Historical and Chronological Account of the Origin and Progress of the City, from p. i to p. 135." 2877 Blunt s Stranger s Guide, no plates, uncut, pp. 3 1 1 . 18 1817 2878 New York City as it is in 1833, in 1834, in 1835 (with a Hudson River Guide), in 1837 (with a Commercial Directory); edited by E. Williams. 4 vols., morocco. 18 and 16 1833-37 2879 The New York Directory for 1786. By David Franks. New York, Printed by Shepard Kollock, 1786. Map of the City in 1789. (2 copies.) 1 6 Republished by John Daggett, Jr. 1851 2880 Longworth s New York Directory, for 1793 (with Plan of the City,engr. by Tiebout) Almanac, Register, and Directory for 1799 Am. Almanac and N. Y. Register for 1810. 3 vols. 12 2881 New York Literary and Philosophical Society. Transactions. Vol. i. (all published), half russia. 4 1815 2882 PAULDING (J.) Affairs and Men of New Amsterdam, in the time of Governor Peter Stuyvesant. Compiled from the Dutch Records of the period,//. 161, (2), cloth. 12 1843 2883 Prayers for Shabhath, Rosh-Hashanah, and Kippur, or the Sab bath, the Beginning of the Year, and The Day of Atonements, etc., According to the Order of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Translated by Isaac Pinto,//, iv, 190, (i), polished calf extra, gilt, (Bedford). sm. 4 7- Holt, 5526 [1765] 2884 Resources of the City of New York (Sketch of the). With a view of its Municipal Government, Population, &c. uncut. 8 1827 2885 SALMAGUNDI, or the Whim-Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff. [The original edition.] 2 vols. in i, engravings (by Anderson}. 1807-08. The Second Series. 2 vols. in i, hf. mor. Phil. &> IV. Y. 1819. 4 vols. in 2. 18 2886 The same. A new edition. 2 vols., old calf gilt. 1814 2887 Seamen s Fund and Retreat (Reports and Testimony relating to the). By Samuel Stevens. Assembly Doc. No. 214, Feb. 1840, half calf. 8 {Albany, 1840] 32 NEW YORK CITY. 2888 TORREY (JOHN) A Catalogue of Plants growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New York,//. 101, hf. mor., scarce. 8 (Lye. of Nat. Hist^ 1819 2889 TOWNSEND (P. S.) M. D. Account of the Yellow Fever as it prevailed in the City of New York, in 1822, //. 384, bds. 8 1823 2890 VALENTINE (D. T.) History of the City of New York. Maps and plates, cloth. 8 1853 - Manual of the Common Council. See No. 2872. 2891 WATSON (J. F.) Historic Tales of Olden Time ; concerning the early settlement and advancement of New York City and State. Illustrated with Plates, half cloth, (2 copies.) 12 1832 2892 WATSON (J. F.) Annals and occurrences of New York City and State ; with pictorial illustrations, sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1468 2893 A Week in Wall Street ; by One who Knows ; hf. cloth. 12 1841 2894 [LIVINGSTON (WILLIAM)] The Independent Reflector : or Weekly Essays on Important Subjects. Nov. 30, 1752 -Nov. 22, 1753, 52 numbers (all published). N. Y., James Parker, 1752-53. (Inserted is the RARE Title page and Preface,//, iv, 31, folio, n. p., dated Jan. 19, 1 753 -by mistake, for 1754.) Letter from a Right Hon. Person, and the Answer to it, translated into Verse, with Notes, etc. London, 1761. Letter from the Anonymous Author of the Letter (in Verse) to the Author of the Monitor. Lond. 1761 PIETAS ET GRATULATIO Collegii Cantab, in Novanglos. Boston, 1761. In i vol., hf. bound. 4 In the " Independent Reflector," Livingston vigorously opposed the establishment of an American Episcopate and the incorporation of an Episcopal college in New York. In the Preface which is so rare as to have nearly escaped notice by the bibliographers he gives some account of the means employed to suppress the Reflector. James Parker refused to print it, after the end of the first year, and no other printer in New York dared undertake its publication. When the Preface was printed does not appear. The imprint of the general title is: "New York (until tyrannously suppressed) in 1753." On the back of the title is an Advertisement, apologizing for errors of the press, "which were not amended pursuant to the author s corrections : for which, by the necessity to which he was reduced, by the arts and influence of his Adversaries, of applying to the most inartificial of the occupation, will, he hopes, be a sufficient Atonement." It will be observed that this volume also contains a copy of the scarce : Pietas et Gratulatio" of Harvard College. 2895 TRACTS. Squire (Rev. F.) Answer to some late Papers entitled, The Independent Whig so far as they relate to the Church of England, pp. xii, 132. (Reprinted) N. York, H. Gaine, 1753. [With an "Advertisement," giving the motives of its republication. It was intended as an antidote to Livingston s " Independent Reflector."] The Conduct of CADWALLADER GOLDEN, Esq. Lieutenant Gov ernor . . relating to the Judges Commissions, Appeals to the King, and Stamp Duty, pp. 55, (impft.) n.p. 1767 Plan of the N. Y. TAMMANIAL Tontine Association.//. 12, uncut. N. Y. 1792 [Cheetham (J.)] Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams. N. Y. Dennistoun 6 Cheetham, 1802 Correspondence between Eben. Foote and Am brose Spencer. Albany, 1802 Rev. R. G. Wetmore s Valedictory Address, to Campbell s M. M. Lodge, in Duanesburgh. Albany, C. R. &> G. Webster, 1800 Letter to Mr. Nicholas Chester., wherein the Doctrine of the Eternity of HELL TORMENTS is proved etc. By a Student ["Alex. Gunn, of Columbia College." MS.} NEW YORK CITY. 33 IV. Y. 1803 Constitution of the N. Y. Society for promoting Christian Knowledge and Piety. N. Y. 1794. 9 in i vol., half boitnd. 8 and 12 2896 TRACTS. Debates at the Robin Hood Society in the City of New York, July 19, 1774. \_J. Rivington^ N. Y. [1774.] Short Address to the Counties of N. Y., by a Country Gentleman. J. Rivington, N. Y. 1774, RARE Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, N. Y. 1774 List of the Officers of the several Regi ments serving in North America and of His Majesty s Provincials, (with MS. list of the Staff of the Continental army, and of N. Y. officers in Continental service in 1775). N. Y. 1778 [Myles Cooper s] The American Querist ; or some Questions relative to the present Disputes, roth ed. N. Y. 1774 POOR MAN S ADVICE to his Poor Neighbors : a Ballad to the Tune of Chevy Chase, [y. Rivington^\ N. Y. 1774, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE R. Price s Observ. on Civil Liberty. N. Y. 1776 [Isaac Wilkins ?] View of the Controversy between Gr. Britain and her Colonies, by A. W. Farmer. N. Y. 1774 [Alex. Hamilton] The Farmer refuted ; in answer to (the preceding "View"). N. Y. 1775 Myles Cooper s What think ye of the Congress Now? etc.,//. 48. N. Y. 1775 T. Paine s Common Sense. N. Y. repr. John Anderson, [1776]; and others. 13 in i vol., new half morocco (Roxburghe), all UNCUT. 8 Nearly all these tracts are scarce, and several of them are VERY SCARCE. Nine or ten of the number are from Rivington s press. 2897 PAMPHLETS: Letters to De Witt Clinton, by Marcus. n. d. Smith (James, D.D.) The Commonwealth s Man : in a Series of Letters to the Citizens of New York. N. Y. 1806 Wortman (Tunis) Address on the Inauguration of T. Jefferson. N. Y. 1801 Mitchell (Samuel L.) Address to the Citizens of New York [July 4, 1800], N. Y. 1800 Hamilton (Alex.) Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams. The Second Edition. N. Y. 1800 The House of Wisdom in a Bustle. A Poem descriptive of the noted Battle lately fought in C-ng-ss. By Geoffry Touchstone. Stained. N. Y. 1798 A Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans on the Subject of our Political Confu sions [By Dr. Myles Cooper.] N. Y. 1774 In i vol. 8 half bound. 2898 PAMPHLETS (10) Sharp s Funeral Sermon on Lady Cornbury, London, 1706 Davis s Account of the Epidemical Fever, 1795. Constitution of N. Y. Missionary Soc., 1796. Statement on Resignation of Officers of Artillery, 1797 Bayley s letters from Health Office,//. 100, uncut Hardie s account of the Malignant Fever, 1799, //. 144, uncut Laws and ordinances, 1801, //. 84, uncut Annals of the Corporation, i8oi,//. 88, uncut Memorial of Merchants, 1806. Col. J. Williams s Letter on Defense of N. Y. harbor, 1807. 2899 PAMPHLETS (12) FISHER (Mrs. ELIZA [Munro]) Memoirs, [1808 or 9] SCARCE Clinton, DeW. Address to Free School So ciety, 1810 View of State Prison, i8i5,//. 89, uncut Report of Deaths in 1816, and 1817 (2) Noah s Discourse at consecration of Synagogue, 1818 Hosack s Improvement of Medical Police, 1820, //. 79, uncut Everett s dedication Sermon, 1821 (2) Pro ceedings of Corporation, on Cemeteries, 1823 Memorial of Cham ber of Commerce, on Tariff, 1824 View of City of New Orange 5 34 NEW YORK CITY. in 1673, 1825 Beltrami s Letter in defense of his "Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi," 1825 Channing s Dedica. Ser mon, 2d Unita. church, 1826. 2900 PAMPHLETS (n) ist Annual Report of N. Y. Magdalen So ciety, 1831 Vindication of S. Leggett, Pres. of Franklin Bank, 1831, //. 87 De Forest. Olden time in New York, 1833 Chipman s Report on Poorhouses, Jails, etc., 1834, //. 96 do. do. 3d ed. 1835, PP- 94 U. S. Naval Lyceum, Constitution, etc., 1834, and ist Annual Report, 1835 Account of the Fire of Dec. 16, 1835 Spencer s Sermon on the Fire, Brooklyn, 1836. McDow ell s Charges against Female Benev. Soc., answered by himself ! 1836. 2901 PAMPHLETS (10) History of Controversy in the University of N. Y., 1838 Dewey s Dedica. Sermon, 1839 Laws of Clin ton Bank, 1839 Plan and objects of Greenwood Cemetery, 1839 - Glentworth. Electoral frauds, 1838 & 39 (2) Annual State ment of the Comptroller, 1841, pp. 132 Jervis s Description of Croton Aqueduct, 1842 Wealthy Citizens of New York, 1842 Moulton s N. Y. in 1763, 1843 Hist. Notices of St. Mark s Church,//. 45. 2902 PAMPHLETS (n) Report of Committee on the Fire, Dec. 1845, pp. 183 Regulations of Greenwood cemetery, 1845 Amend ments to City Charter, 1846 Representation of New-Netherland in 1650, transl. by H. C. Murphy, 1849, //. 88 Craig s Dedica. Sermon, 1851 Celebration of 3d semi-centen l Jubilee of Soc. for Prop, of the Gospel, 1851 Tax-list, 1851, //. 99 Clark s Half-Century Sermon, 1851 King s Progress of N. Y. in 50 years, 1852, //. 80 Occurrences in Church of the Puritans, 1857 Morgan s Sermon before St. George s Society, 1858. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. 2903 NEW YORK MERCURY, Printed by Hugh Game, 1764, 65, and 66 (Nos. 636-790; 23 numbers wanting), in one vol. uncut, in good condition. folio, 1764-66 2904 The same 1769-70 (Nos. 896-1001), two years complete, with many of the Supplements, one-half of one number wanting, in very fine condition, uncut. folio, 1769-70 The above two volumes formerly belonged to Dr. J. W. Francis. 2905 ROYAL GAZETTE [RIVINGTON S], Jan. 3~Dec. 29, 1781 ; pub lished semi-weekly ; one or two numbers somewhat defective, otherwise in the best condition, i vol., half bound. folio, 1781 2906 MONTHLY MILITARY REPOSITORY, by C. Smith ; Vols. i and 2, portraits and maps, half r us sia gilt, maps mounted, 2 vols. in i. 8 1796-97 2907 NEW YORK MAGAZINE; Vols. 1-6, and New Ser. i, 2, the last vol. uncut, some plates wanting, 8 vols. 8 1790-97 2908 AMERICAN MORAL AND SENTIMENTAL MAGAZINE ; (edited by Thos. Kirk ;) Vols. i and 2, paged continuously, in i vol. .8 1797, 1798 2909 MONTHLY MAGAZINE and AMERICAN REVIEW ; [edited by Chas. Brockden Brown;] Vol. i (all published). 8 1800 ALBANY. 35 2910 WEEKLY INSPECTOR (The); [edited by T. G. Fessenden ;] 52 numbers (all published T) in i vol. 8 18067 2911 AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE and CRITICAL REVIEW; Vols. 1-4, in 2 vols., half calf, neat. 8 1817-19 2912 ATLANTIC MAGAZINE; [Edited by R. C. Sands;] Vols. i, 2, in one vol., new half morocco, covers bound in, uncut. 8 1824-5 2913 NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE; Vol. i, with Index, wanting one number; Vol. 2, complete. 2 vols., half bound. folio, 1845-46 2914 AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL, Vol. I. (Jan.-Dec., 1832), half bound. 4 D. K. Minor, 1832 2915 JOHN DONKEY (The) Vol. i. (Jan.-June, 1848), half calf . 4 1848 COUNTY, TOWN, AND LOCAL HISTORY. 2916 Albany. The ($toartet of the City of Albany, Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City aforesaid. New York, H. Gaine, 1771. Laws and Ordinances, of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the City of Albany. Albany, Alex, and J. Robertson, 1773. pp. 24, 64, (2), half bound. 4 2917 -- Albany City Guide, map, and cuts. 18 Albany, 1845 2918 MUNSELL (J.) Annals of Albany, 10 vols. new half morocco (Roxburghe), uncut. 12 Albany, 1850-59 Vol. i. wants in fact, never had //. 27-36. 2919 MUNSELL (J.) Collections on the History of Albany. Vol. I. LARGE PAPER, uncut. imp. 8 Albany, 1865 2920 Another copy, LARGE PAPER, uncut, imp. 8 Albany, 1865 50 copies only printed. 292 1 - - Barnard (D. D.) Discourse on the Life etc. of Stephen Van Rensselaer : with an historical sketch of tjje Colony and Manor of Rensselaerwyck ; half morocco. 8 Albany, 1839 In the volume is inserted an autograph letter (2 pp.) of Stephen Van Rensselaer. 2922 BRIDGE at Albany, The Constitutionality of, shewn, etc. 1841 (2 copies) Remonstrances from Troy; and Resolutions (2) Memorial of Com. Council of Troy, with Appendix, 1841 Report on the Petition for a Bridge, 1841, and Minority Report, 1841. 6 Pamphlets. 8 2 9 2 3 Rogers (E. P.) Historical Discourse on the Reformed Prot. Dutch Church of Albany, plates, morocco. 8 New York, 1858 2924 PAMPHLETS (7) Smith s Missionary Sermon, 1797; Narra tive of Revival of 1820; Sprague s 3oth Anniv. Sermon, 1846 (2); Report on Canal Bank, 1848; Acts in relation to construction of Albany Basin, 1848 ; Sprague s 25th Anniv. Sermon, 1854, and Sermons on Atlantic Telegraph, 1858. 2925 Batavia. Wm. Seaver s Historical Sketch, pp. 56. 8 Batavia, 1849 2926 Binghamton. Wilkinson (J. B.) Annals of Binghamton, and of the country connected with it, sheep. 12 Binghamton, 1840 2927 BLACK ROCK, A Concise View of, including a Map and Schedule of Property belonging to the Niagara City Association, wants map. 16 Black Rock, 1836 36 NEW YORK. 2928 Brookhaven, L. I. BUEL (SAMUEL) of Easthampton, L. I. Ser mon at Brookhaven, Oct. 23, 1754, at the Ordination of Mr. BEN JAMIN TALLMADGE. Together with a Discourse on Ordination [by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime, of Huntington] The Charge ; and Ex hortation to the People [by the Rev. j ames Brown, of Bridgehamp- ton],//. (2), 62, RARE. 4 New York, y. Parker and W. Weyman, 1755 The Discourse on Ordination and the Exhortation have separate title-pages (with the same imprint), but are paged continuously. With these is bound, Skinner (Thomas) of Colchester, Conn. A Sermon preached at the Ma nor of Peace, in the County of Hampshire [Mass.], May 9, 1751, at the Ordination of the Reverend Mr. Grindall Rawson,//. (2), 49, (i). 4 New London, T. Green, 1751 Fine fresh copies, in one volume, half morocco, UNCUT. Portrait of Rev. Samuel Buell, D.D., inserted. 2929 Brooklyn. FURMAN (Gabriel) Notes geographical and descrip tive relating to the Town of Brooklyn, new half morocco, neat, red edges. 12 Brooklyn, A. Spooner, 1824 2930 BAILEY (J. T.) Historical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn ; in cluding the village of Williamsburgh, etc., with plan of the Battle of Long Island, pp. 72, boards, 12 Brooklyn, 1840 2931 FISH (F. G.)- St. Ann s Church, (Brooklyn, N. Y.) from 1784 to 1845, //#/<?, doth. 12 Brooklyn, 1845 2932 PAMPHLETS (6) Lewis s S. at opening of Trin. Church, 1847 ; Browne s Commem. Sermon, Trinity Church, 1868, //. 78, uncut; Jones s Histor. Sketch of Long Island, 1863 ; Long Island Histor ical Society, 3d, 5th, and 6th Annual Reports, 1866-69. 2 933 Canandaigua. Plain Truth. (Semi-monthly.) Vols. i, and 2, in one vol. (Vol. 2 wants Nos. 14-16.) 8 Canandaigua, 1822-3 2934 Catskill Association, formed for the purpose of improving the Town of Catskill, and for other purposes. Dec. 28, 1836. Map and plan, cloth. 12 New York, 1837 2935 Champlain Valley, WATSON (W. C.) Pioneer History of . . , being an account of the settlement of the Town of Hillsborough by Wm. Gilliland, etc.,//. 231, uncut. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1863 2936 Chautauque Co. Sketches of the History of, by E. F. Warren, cloth. 1 6 Jamestown, N. Y., 1846 2937 Clinton. Hamilton College. Davis (Henry) Narrative of the Embarrassment, and Decline of the College, pp. iv, vii, 151, n. p. 1833 Davis s Farewell Address to the Students. N. Y. 1833. 2 Pamphlets. 2938 Cooperstown. The Chronicles of Cooperstown [by J. Fenimore Cooper], cloth. 12 Cooperstown, 1838 See, also, OTSEGO COUNTY, Nos. 2974, 2975. 2939 CROWN POINT. "A Plan of Crown Point Fort, March, 1763," neatly drawn and shaded, on a scale of yoVo ( ne ^ nc ^ to 90 feet), and lettered, giving the names of the several bastions, dates of erection of bar racks, etc. On a sheet measuring 15X12 inches. COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORY. 37 2940 Easthampton, L. I. Darbe (John) The last Enemy Conquered. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Mrs. ELIZABETH GARDINER, Late Consort of JOHN GARDINER, Esq. of the Isle of Wight, De livered at Easthampton [L. I.], Oct. 22, 1754. With a Prefatory Epistle, by Samuel Buell, A. M. &c., //. vi, 38, blue morocco antique, g. e. RARE. 8 New London, T. 6 J. Green, 1755 2941 BUELL (S.) Faithful Narrative of the Remarkable Revival of Religion in East-Hampton, turkey morocco extra, gilt; portrait inserted. 16 New York, 1766 2942 Buell (S.) Faithful Narrative of the remarkable Revival of Religion, in Easthampton, in 1764; with Sketches of the Author s life, etc., portrait, boards, 12 Sag-Harbor, Allen Spooner, 1808 2943 PAMPHLETS (12) Buffalo in 1825, map; Report of Harbor Com mittee, *&qj,map; Sheldon s ist Sermon in St. Paul s Church, 1851 Canandaigua. Onderdonk s Appeal to the Public against Rev. W.Bacon, 1818 Castleton. Reply of St. Paul s church to a Pamphlet, etc. ,//##, 1849 Cazenovia. J. Leonard s Dedica. Ser mon, 1806 Clifton, (Staten Island,) Description of, 1838, plan; Abercrombie s Farewell Ser. 1856 Clinton, O. S. Williams s Early History of, 1848 E. Hampton. BUEL S Half-Century Sermon, 1792; L. BEECHER S (Historical) Sermon, 1806 (2); Bi- Centennial Celebration, 1849, PP- I0 - 2944 Flatbush. STRONG (T. M.) History of the Town, map, cloth. 12 1842 2945 Genesee Country. Description of the Genesee Country, its rapidly progressive population and improvements : in a series of letters from a Gentleman to his Friend, best levant green morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford) ; two folding maps, and a " View of Fort Oswego"; two views on the Genesee River (vignettes) inserted, and autographs of Nathaniel Gorham and Oliver Phelps, making a unique copy of a RARE TRACT. 4 Albany, 1798 2946 Another copy, 2 maps and View of Fort Oswego, hf. green mor. neat, fine copy, RARE. 4 Albany, 1798 2947 Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, in the State of New- York, in a Series of Letters from a Gentleman [Col. Charles Williamson] to his Friend, map, half calf antique, FINE COPY, RARE. 8 New York, T. 6- y. Swords, 1799 Inserted are autograph letters from James Wadsworth of Geneseo, to Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, 1801 (3 pp.), and from Oliver Phelps to the same, 1777 (i p.). 2948 Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, in the State of New York, in a series of Letters from a Gentleman to his Friend, half levant red morocco extra, top gilt, with map of Ontario and Steuben counties (mounted on linen); and autograph letters of James Wadsworth of Geneseo, (3 pp) and Oliver Phelps, and a large plan of the allotment of lots in Fall Township, No. i, loosely inserted. [This township belonged to Col. Charles Williamson, the author of the Description^ 8 New York, T. 6- y. Swords, 1799 2949 [Monro (Robert)] A Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of New- York. To which is added An Appendix, con taining a Description of the Military Land, map mounted on linen, half morocco extra, SCARCE. 12 n. p. Printed for the Author, 1804 38 NEW YORK. 2950 (GENESEE COUNTY.) Munro (Robert) A Description of the Genesee Country, map, new half calf , UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 New York,for the Author, 1804 2951; The same, hf. levant blk. mor. extra, AUTOGRAPH LETTER (3 //) f rom JAMES WADSWORTH, to Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, of Hartford, 1801, inserted. 8 N. Y. 1804 2952 Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, in a Series of Letters from a Gentleman to his Friend. New-York, T. &> J. Swords, 1799. A Description of the Genesee Country, etc. By Robert Munro. New York, 1804. Maps and plates. Re printed for the Documentary History of New York, vol. n,] half morocco. 8 Albany, 1849 A map of Hartford (now Avon) Genesee County, handsomely drawn and colored (about 1799?) is laid in, loose. 2953 Turner (O.) History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham s Purchase, and Morris Reserve, cloth. 8 Rochester, 1851 2954 Herkimer County. Benton (N. S.) Histoiy of Herkimer County, including the Upper Mohawk Valley, maps and plates, cloth. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1856 2955 PAMPHLETS (13) Elmira, Solo. Southwick s Views of, 1836 Fallsburg. Duryee s Re-Dedica. Sermon, 1849 Greenville. D. Parker s New Year s Sermon. Hartwick. W. Griswold s Dedica. Ser., 1811 ; Benedict s Ser. at funeral of Rev. W. Griswold, 1815 Hempstead. Dr. CarmichaePs History of St. George s Church, 1841 Homer, Keep s Origin and progress of Cong. Church and Narrative of Revivals 1833 (2) ; Bennett s Hist. Discourse, Bapt. Church, 1844; Cortland Acad. Jubilee, 1846 (pp. 96) Ithaca, Views of, 1835; King s Early History of, 1847 Kingsboro. Yale s Farewell Sermon, 1855 Newburgh. Case of Miss Jones, dis missed from church (for Swedenborgianism), 1817. 2956 Huntington, L. I. PRIME (Ebenezer) Sermon preached to the Provincials of the County of Suffolk, at Huntington, L. I. May 7, i 1 ] ^ fine clean copy, mor. extra g. e. (Bedford^. 8 1759 VERY SCARCE. Not in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue. 2957 Jamaica, L. I. Macdonald (J. M.) Sketch of the History of the Presbyterian Church,//. 138. 12 1847 2958 Lansingburgh. Antiquarian (The), and General Review ; edited by Rev. Wm. Arthur ; Vols. 3 and 4 (two plates in Vol. 4) 2 vols. 8 Lansingburgh, N. Y., 1837-8 2959 LONG ISLAND. FURMAN (G.) Antiquities of Long Island ; with a Bibliography of Long Island, by H. Onderdonk, Jr. Edited by F. Moore, cloth, uncut. 12 1875 2960 GIRAUD (J. P. Jr.) Birds of Long Island, cloth. 8 1834 2961 PRIME (N. S.) History of Long Island,. .. with special ref erence to its Ecclesiastical concerns, sheep. 12 1845 2962 --THOMPSON (B. F. ) History of Long Island, cloth. 8 1839 2963 THOMPSON (B. F.) History of Long Island. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vols. cloth, map, and engravings. 8 1843 COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORY. 39 2964 (LONG ISLAND.) WOOD (Silas) Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long-Island, etc. Revised Edition, half morocco extra, yellow edges. 8 Brooklyn, Alden Spooner, 1826 2965 WOOD (Silas) Sketch of the First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island. A New Edition, bds. uncut, scarce. 8 Brooklyn, A. Spooner, 1828 2966 New Rochelle, Guide to, pp. 71. 16 New York, 1842 2967 Newtown, Riker (James, Jr.) Annals of Newtown, in Queen s County. 2 maps, cloth. 8 1852 2968 Niagara. MAUDE (John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800, , eight fine plates, ALL PROOFS, half russia, gilt, marbled edges. 1. 8 London, 1826 2969 BARTRAM and KALM. Observations on the Inhabitants, Cli mate, soil, rivers, etc. Made by Mr. John Bartram, in his Travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario in Canada. To which is annex d, a curious Account of the Cataracts at Niagara, by Mr. Peter Kalm. Folding plate, pp. (2), viii, 94, calf gilt, red edges, fine copy. 8 London, 1751 2970 A Summer Month ; or Recollections of a Visit to the Falls of Niagara, and the Lakes. Phila. 1823 The Book of Niagara Falls, by H. A. Parsons. 3d ed., map, Buffalo, 1836 The Falls of Niagara, or Tourists Guide &c. by S. De Veaux, map and en gravings, Buffalo, 1839 Every Stranger his own Guide to the Falls &c., by W. E. Hulett, folded plate, Buffalo, 1846 Statistics of Niagara Falls and Vicinity, by F. H. Johnson, pp. 23, Buffalo, 1846. 5 vols. and pamphlets. 12 and 16 2971 Onondaga County. Clark (J. V. H.) Onondaga ; or Remin iscences of earlier and later times, with notes on the several towns . . and on OSWEGO. 2 vols., map and portraits, cloth. 8 Syracuse, 1849 2972 Report of Commissioners on Salt Springs in county of Onon daga ; with a bill to Regulate the Manufacture of Salt in the town of Salina, title soiled, boards, uncut. 8 Albany, 1825 2973 Orange County. Eager (S. W.) Outline History of Orange County, cloth. 8 Neivburgh, 1846-7 2974 Otsego County. The Political Wars of Otsego ; or, Downfall of Jacobinism and Despotism ; Being a Collection of Pieces, lately published in the Otsego Herald. To which is added, An Address to the Citizens of the United States ; and extracts from Jack Tar s Journals, kept on board the Ship Liberty, etc. By the Author of the Plough-Jogger [Jedediah Peck?], pp. 122, (4), SCARCE. 8 Cooperstown, Printed for the Author by E. Phinney, 1796 2 975 Another copy, imperfect, half vellum. A piece torn from the outer margin of two leaves, taking a few words of the text, of pages 101, 102; and the extracts from Jack Tar s Journal, except the first page (104) are wanting. 2976 BEARDSLEY (Levi) Reminiscences ; Personal and other Inci dents ; Early Settlement of Otsego County, etc., portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1852 4O NEW YORK. 2 977 (OTSEGO COUNTY.) Centennial Celebration at Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. N. Y. July 4th, 1840. The Addresses of Wm. W. Camp bell, and Gov. Wm. H. Seward, etc., cloth. 12 New York, 1840 2978 Putnam County. Blake (W. J.) History of Putnam County, cloth. 12 N. York, 1849 2979 Richmond County: Tysen (R. M.) Lecture on the History of Staten Island. 1. 8 Staten Island, 1842 2980 Rochester. A Directory for the Village of Rochester ... to which is added a Sketch of the History of the Village, from 1812 to 1827 [by Jesse Hawley], with map ; half sheep. 12 Rochester, E. Ely, 1827 2981 Rochester in 1827. With a Map of the Village. 12 Rochester, E. Peck 6- Co., Feb. 1828 2982 -- O Reilly (Henry) Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester; with incidental notices of Western New-York,//. 416, map and plates, cloth. 12 Rochester, 1838 2983 Sangerfield. Persecution in America ! Occasioning Suicide ! ! And the same Persecution continued on others ! ! ! alias, Sangerfield Suicide or Self-Murder ! ! which took place July 4, 1809, on the Wife of Thomas King ; with the subsequent Trials of her Fellow- Sufferers under Oppression, Brought up to this present year, (Aug.) 1811. Including ... The Lamentations of her surviving Partner in a POEM, with a TUNE annexed to the same, etc., etc., pp. iv, 88, boards. 12 Utica, 1811 2984 Saratoga. Howe (Timothy) History of the Medicinal Springs at Saratoga and Ballstown, new half morocco, gilt top, UNCUT, RARE. 12 Brattlebord* , Vt. 1804 2985 - - Meade (Wm.) M. D. Enquiry into the Chemical Properties and Medicinal Qualities of the Mineral Waters of Ballston and Saratoga, etc., with two aquatint views of Ballston and Saratoga in 1817; boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1817 2986 -- Seaman (Dr. Valentine) Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratogo [and] Ballston, map. N. Y. 1809 Steel (Dr. John H.) Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston, etc. Albany, 1817 (2 copies) The same, 2d ed. enlarged; with a Geo logical Map. Albany, 1819 North (Dr. M. L.) Saratoga Waters. 2 d ed. N. Y. 1843. 5 vols. 12 and 16 2987 Schenectady. Union College. Nott s Baccalaureate Address, 1806 ; Potter s Half-Century Address, 1845 \ General Catalogue, 1854; 5oth Anniv. of Dr. Nott s Presidency, 1854. 4 Pamphlets. 2988 Nott (E.) Baccalaureate Addresses, boards, uncut. 12 Schenectady, 1814 2989 Union College. First Semi-Cent. Anniversary, (pp. 186,) Albany, 184.5. with Triennial Catalogue, 1843. Proceedings of Graduates in Organizing their Association, Schenect., 1826. Cata logues of Societies; Delta Phi, 1847 ; Philomathean, 1847 ; Adel- phic, 1846; Kappa Alpha, 1845; Fraternal, 1847 ; Sigma Phi, 1846. Annual Catalogue, 1848. Order of Commencement Exercises, 1837, I ^39> 1842, 1843, I >46, 1847. 1 6 in i vol. half mor. neat. 8 COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORY. 4! 2990 (Schenectady.) UNION COLLEGE. First Semi-Centennial Cele bration, Albany, 1845. First Semi-Centennial of the Philomathean Society, Albany, 1849. 2 in J v l"> half calf . 8 - $ B K Orations at Union College, by S. L. Mitchill, 1821 ; S. Young, 1826. Addresses before Theolog. Soc. at Union Col lege, by E. Halley, 1847 ; L. P. Hickok, 1848 ; W. B. Sprague, 1846. - Holmes (O. W.) Astraea ; Poem before Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, Boston, 1850. And 5 others ; n in i vol., half calf . 8 2991 Schoharie County. Simms (J. R.) History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New York ; illustrated with more than thirty engravings, cloth. thk. 8 Albany, 1845 2992 Brown (J. M.) Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the county, . . by the Germans,//. 23, uncut. 8 Schoharie, L. Cuthbert, 1823 2993 Schoharie. Life of Timothy Murphy, the benefactor of Scho harie, //. 32. 8 Schoharie C. H., 1839 2994 PAMPHLETS (9.) Plattsburgh. Skinner s Address on Battle of P., 1835, revised by author, in MS.; Moore s Address on Anniv. of the Battle, 1843 Poughkeepsie. Waldo s Half-Cent. Sermon, 1851 Henssalaerwyck Manor, Pepper s [Histor.] Sketch, 1846 Rochester. Edwards s Thanksg. Sermon, 1837; Church s Address at Dedica. of Mt. Hope Cemetery, 1839 Schenectady. Toll s History of the First Settlers and their Families, 1847 Stillwater. Reminiscences of Cong. Church, 1850 Trenton Falls. Descrip tion, 1827. 2995 Southampton, L. I. DAGGETT (HERMAN) The Rights of Ani mals : an Oration delivered at the Commencement of Providence College, Sept. 7, i79i,//. 14- sm. 8 Sagg-Harbour [L. /.], David Frothingham, 1792 VERY RARE. The author graduated at Providence College (Brown University) in 1788, and was settled as a pastor at Southampton, L. L, in 1792. This tract is ONE OF THE EARLIEST if not the VERY FIRST work printed on Long Island. 2996 Tryon County. Campbell (W. W.) Annals of Tryon County, or, the Border Warfare of New- York, during the Revolution, fold ing sketch of the Siege of Fort Schuyler, sheep. 8 New York, 1831 2997 Watertown Directory, 1840, with Account of First Settlement of the town. 12 2998 Westchester Co. BOLTON (R.) Jr. History of the County of Westch ester, 2 vols., maps, plates, and folded pedigrees, cloth. 8 New York, 1848 2999 PAMPHLETS (6) Troy. Buell s T. for 50 years, 1841 Utica. Manual of ist Presbyterian Church, 1829; Tracy s Men and Events of Oneida Co. 1838; Bacon s Recollections of 50 years, 1843 Waterford. Close s Sermon on Holiness, Lansingburgh, 1803 West Point, Report from Sec. of War on, 1819. 3000 West Point. Expose of Facts concerning recent Transactions relating to the Corps of Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. Newburgh, 1819. Park (R.) Sketch of History and Topography of West Point, and the U. S. Military Academy. Phila. 1840 West Point Guide-Book, map. N. Y. 1844. (3 vols.) 8 and 16 42 NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. Almanacs : 3001 GAINE S New York Pocket Almanack for 1756, 1759-64, 1766-68, 1770, 1774, 1775, i777- 8 3 ? 1785-1804. (40) 24 Hugh Gaine, 1756-1804 3002 The same for 1767, dean copy, interleaved, with some MS S. Notes. 1772, with "Prospect of the City of New York", dean copy. (2) 24 3003 The New-York Pocket Almanack, For the year 1760. By Thomas Moore, Philo., pp. 48, mounted on white paper, for binding. 1 6 Hugh Gaine, 1760 ^004 GAINE S Universal Register, for 1776 (with engraved plan of City of New York}, and 1787. (2) 18 H. Gaine. 3005 SMITH (Charles) Gentleman s Political Pocket Almanack, for 1795, engraved frontispiece. 12 T. Allen 3006 HUTCHINS (J. N.) Improved: an Almanack and Ephemeris . . for 1760, -63, -65, -67, 1769-74, -76, -78, 1781-1795 (wanting 1784, -89, -93); 1808, -09, -13, -18, -21, -22, -24, -29, -39, -40, -45, -46, -53. 37 Almanacs, of which six are imperfect. 12 1760-1853 Published by Hugh Gaine to 1790; Hodge, Allen, & Campbell, 1790, 1791 ; H. Gaine, 1792-94; Sam. Campbell, 1795; Alex - Min g> 1808-22; C. Bartlett, 1824, 1829; H. & S. Raynor, 1839-40, G. O. Wells, Upper Aqtiebogue, L. /., 1845, l8 4 6 5 G - - Wells, River Head, L. /., 1853. 3007 New York Almanacs, various: Poor Roger, 1762, 1765; Poor Thomas Improved, 1764; Poor Richard, 1784; Poor Will Improved, 1785; Judd s U. States, 1789; Greenleafs, 1792, 1796. (8) v. y. 3008 -- New York Pocket Almanacs, various : De Foreest s, 1755; Freeman s (y. Holt,} 1770 ; Rivington s, 1775 ; Ming s, 1806, 1809. (5) 24 v. y. PENNSYLVANIA. 3009 LAWS. The Laws | of the Province | of | Pennsylvania : Now in Force, Collected into One Volumn. (sic) \ Publish d by Order of the General | Assembly of the aforesaid Province. | (Royal Arms} \ With additional Laws <?/" 1729 and 1730, bound in. folio, Philadelphia, Andrew Bradford, 1728 Title, i leaf; The Table (4 pp.) followed by 9 blank leaves (for the insertion of addi tional titles); pp. 1-352 + 1 blk. leaf; Acts of 1728, pp. 353-387, and i blk. leaf; Acts of 1729 and 1730 (3 & 4 Geo. n.) pp. 1-89. FINE COPY, in sound old law calf. On page i, at the head, is the autograph of "Charles Read, The Gift of Mr. Andrew Bradford;" and on the first guard-leaf, the autographs of Robert Auchmuty (the eminent lawyer of Boston, and Judge of the Court of Admiralty,) and J [ohn] Lowell (Chief Justice of the U. S. Circuit Court for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.) 3010 A COLLECTION OF CHARTERS and other Public Acts relating to the Province of Pennsylvania, //. (2), 46, very fine clean copy, half mor. extra. fol., Phil., B. FRANKLIN, 1740 3011 Another copy, uncut, stained, pp. (2), 46, wanting 2 leaves (pp. 21-24). fol., Phil., B. Franklin, 1740 3012 A Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania; now in force. Published by Order of Assembly, pp. 562. Philadel phia, B. FRANKLIN, 1742. An Appendix; containing a Summary PENNSYLVANIA. 43 of such Acts of Assembly as have been formerly in force within this Province, etc.,//, iv, 24, xi. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1742. The Charters of the Province of Pennsilvania and City of Philadel phia, pp. 30. Philadelphia, 174.2. 3 vols. in i, old calf, rebacked, neat, FINE COPY. folio, 1742 3013 -- [Acts passed] At a General Assembly of the Province (31 and 32 Geo. II.) 1757-8, fine fresh copy, half mor., UNCUT. folio, Phila. B. FRANKLIN, 1758 3014 The Charters and Acts of Assembly of the Province of Penn sylvania, in Two Volumes. Vol. I. Containing the Charters of the said Province, etc. and the Acts of the said Assembly from the year 1700 to 1743, now in force, etc., old binding, Philadelphia, Peter Miller and Comp., 1762. A Collection of the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania, now in force [from May, 1744, to Oct. 1759]. Vol. II. Philadelphia, P. Miller and Co. 1760. Autograph of Richard Penn, on title page. 2 vols., calf. 8 Philadelphia. 3015 The Charters and Acts of Assembly of the Province of Penn sylvania. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Containing the Charters : . . The Titles of all the Laws . . to the year 1700 : The Acts of Assem bly. . 1700 to 1743, now in Force; and the Royal Confirmations and Repeals of the said Acts. Vol. II. Containing the Acts of Assembly . . 1744 to 1759, now in Force ; . Laws formerly in Force, for Regulating Descent etc. . . With an Index. 2 vols. in one, //. (2), 21, 163 ; (2), iii, 116, 18, 32, old law sheep. folio, Philadelphia, Peter Miller and Co. 1762 3016 The Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, etc. Published by Order of Assembly, old calf, good copy. folio, Philadelphia, Hall & Sellers, 1775 3017 Acts of the General Assembly of the COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania . . . and an Appendix containing the Laws now in Force, passed between the 3oth day of September, 1775, and the Revolution, old calf, fine clean copy, presented by " The Printer to the Hon. Edmund Burke, Esq" folio, Philadelphia, Fr. Bailey, 1782 3018 -- Laws enacted by the General Assembly of the Common wealth.. Vol. II. 1781-1782. Hall and Sellers, 1782 Laws enacted, etc. (8th-i2th Gen. Assembly), 1783-1787. T. Bradford. Large, clean copies, many UNCUT, sound old half calf, gilt. folio, Philadelphia, 1782-87 Irregularities of paging render the collation difficult ; and some of the acts have been misplaced by the binder. The Acts of the 6th-9th (3d Sitting) are paged consecutively to p. 704; ioth(3d S.) pp. 1-180; nth (ist, 2d,and 3dS.) pp. 181-400; i2th (ist S.)pp. 401- 404. The completeness of the series is not guaranteed. 3019 Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by ALEX. J. DALLAS. 3 vols. law sheep. Vol. I. Laws from Oct. 14, 1700, to Oct. 1781, with Appendix. Vol. II. " Oct. 2, 1781, to Oct. 1790. Vol. III. " " Dec. 7, 1790, to April, 1795. folio, Philadelphia, Hall 6 Sellers, 1791-1797 3020 READ (Collinson) An Abridgment of the Laws of Pennsylvania, being a complete Digest of all such Acts . . as concern the Com monwealth at large . . Added, an Appendix, containing Precedents, &c.,//. (4), Ivii, 468, (28), boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1801 44 PENNSYLVANIA. 3021 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1682-1726. 3 vols. binding broken, large folio, Phila., B. FRANKLIN &> D. HALL, 1752-54 The 2d part of Vol. I. ends at p. 186, wanting one or more leaves; and a few leaves (pp. 39-46) in second volume have been injured (by paste, apparently). In other respects, a good set. 3022 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the House of Representatives . . met at Philadelphia, i4th October, 1749, etc., pp. 76, fine copy. folio, B. FRANKLIN, 1750 3023 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1753- 1757. 5 vols. new half morocco, FINE COPIES. folio, B. FRANKLIN, 1754-58 3024 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1764, half calf , neat, fine copy. folio, B. FRANKLIN, 1764 3025 (CONSTITUTION.) The Proceedings relative to calling the Con ventions of 1776 and 1790. The Minutes of the Convention that framed the present Constitution of the State, together with the Charter to Wm. Penn, the Constitutions of 1776 and 1790, and a View of the Proceedings of the Convention of 1776, and the Coun cil of Censors,//. 384, iv, bds. uncut. 8 Harrisburg, 1825 3026 (Constitution of the U. S.) Debates of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania, on the Constitution proposed for the Gov ernment of the U. States. . . Taken in short-hand by Thos. Lloyd. Vol. I. pp. 147, (3), boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, Jos. James, 1787 3027 Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania. Taken in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd. Vols. I. -III. (Sept. 1787, to March, 1788). 3 vols. in i, sheep. 8 1787-88 3028 COLONIAL RECORDS. Minutes of the Provincial Council, from its Organization to the termination of Proprietary Government; with Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council. 15 vols. hf. bd. 8 Phila. and Harrisburg, 1851-53 3029 PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Selected and arranged from original Documents in the office of the Secretary of State, by S. Hazard, 1664-1786, with Appendix. 10 vols. hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, 1852-56 3030 ACRELIUS (ISRAEL) Beskrifning om de Swenska Forsamlingars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, uti Det sa kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, Men nu for tiden Pensylvanien, samt nast- liggande Orter wid Alfwen De la Ware, Wast- Yersey och New-Cas tle County uti Norra America ; 10 prel. leaves, pp. 533, (i), polished blue calf, gilt, sides paneled, with center ornaments, inside borders, g. e. (Zaehnsdorf), a LARGE and BEAUTIFUL COPY. sm. 4 Stockholm, Harberg 6 Hesselberg, 1759 " This important work is hardly less rare than that of Campanius, especially when in good condition. It has, besides, the merit of being much more extensive, and of repro ducing a large number of documents, partly unpublished. The author stayed a long time in America, as Provost to the Swedish Congregation, and in his leisure hours he collected the materials of his history." F. MULLER. PENNSYLVANIA. 45 3031 ARFWEDSON (C. D.) De Colonia Nova Svecia in Americam Borealem deducta Historiola, map, pp. (4), 34, new half mor., uncut. 4 Upsalice, [1825] " This scarce little work, which being a Dissertation, is very little known out of Sweden, contains a number of extracts from original documents preserved in the Palmskjold col lection of the Upsala University Library; we find among these, pp. 23-30, a very inter- 1872. 3032 BRACKENRIDGE (Hugh H.) Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794,^. 124 ; 5-84; 5-154. 3 vols. in i. 8 Phila. John M Culloch, 1795 See FINDLAY (WM.) No. 3051. 3033 BRECK (Samuel) Sketch of Internal Improvements already made in Pennsylvania ; with Observations upon her Physical and Fiscal Means for their extension, etc. Second Edition, enlarged. Map, pp. 82, hf. mor. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, M. Thomas, 1818 3034 BRIEF STATE (A) of the Province of Pennsylvania, in which The Conduct of their Assemblies for several years past is impar tially examined, and the true Cause of the continual Encroach ments of the French is displayed, etc. The Third Edition, half calf, SCARCE. 8 London, R. Griffiths, 1756 3035 An Answer To an Invidious Pamphlet, intituled, A Brief State of the Province of Pensylvania. Wherein are exposed The many false Assertions of the Author or Authors, of the Said Pam phlet, with a View to render the Quakers of Pensylvania and their Government obnoxious to the British Parliament and Ministry, etc., pp. 80, half calf. 8 London, S. Bladon, 1755 "This Answer is said to be the production of one + [Cross] formerly an attorney s clerk. He was convicted of forgery, sentenced to be hanged, but after some time obtained the favour of transportation; and did us the honor to take up his residence in this Prov ince." Brief View, p. 13. 3036 A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, for the Year 1755 ; So far as it affected the General Service of the British Col onies, particularly the Expedition under the late General Brad- dock Being a Sequel to a late well-known Pamphlet, entitled, A Brief State of Pennsylvania. In a Second Letter to a Friend in London, //. 88, half calf . 8 London, ft. Griffiths, 1756 337 A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, etc., 3d ed. An Answer To an Invidious Pamphlet intituled, A Brief State, etc. A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania for the year 1755 ; . . . Being A Sequel to a late well-known pamphlet entitled, A Brief State, etc. The three in i vol., half green morocco, fine clean copies, UNCUT. 8 London, 1755, -56 Each of these three tracts is marked by Mr. Sabin as "EXCESSIVELY RARE in uncut condition." The Menzies Catalogue, nos. 1580-82. 3038 A Brief State of the Province, etc. Third Edition. Land. 1756 An Answer to ... A Brief State, etc. Land. 1755 Several Conferences between some of the principal People amongst the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and the Deputies of the Six Indian Na tions . . . To which is prefix d . . Two Addresses from the said Quakers, etc. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1756. 3 in i vol., old calf . 8 The third tract is VERY SCARCE. 46 PENNSYLVANIA. 3039 (Brief State, etc.) ETAT PRESENT de la Pensilvanie, ou Ton trouve le detail de ce qui s y est passe depuis la de faite du General Braddock jusqu a la prise d Oswego, avec une Carte particulaire de cette Colonie, map, pp. 128, half green morocco, fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 16 n. p. 1756 3040 A True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania Containing, An Exact Account of its Government ; . . . With a true Narrative of the Dispute between the Governors and Assemblies, etc. . . The whole being a full Answer to the Pamphlets intitled A BRIEF STATE, and A BRIEF VIEW, &c. of the Conduct of Pennsyl vania,//, v, 3-173, Appendix, 34, (i), new half calf, gilt, fine copy. 8 Philadelphia, W. Dunlap, 1759 " This rare book has never been reprinted. It completes a series relating to one of the most stirring periods in the provincial history of Pennsylvania. We have never before met with the entire series embodied in any sale catalogue." Menzies Catalogue,. 1583. Mr. Sabin rightly marks this tract as "VERY RARE"; but another, still more rare, is required to complete the series. See the following title. ^041 AN HUMBLE APOLOGY for the Quakers, Addressed to Great and Small, Occasioned by certain gross Abuses and Imperfect Vindications of that People, relative to the late Public Fast. To which are added, Observations on a New Pamphlet, intituled, A Brief View of the Conduct of Pensylvania, etc. . . and also, A much Fairer Method pointed out, than That contained in the Brief State of Pensylvania, to prevent the Incroachments of the French, and restore Quiet to the Province, pp. 38, (i), hf. morocco. 8 London, 1756 VERY RARE. A good copy, except that the title-page and last leaf need cleaning. 3042 BUDD (THOMAS) Good Order Established | in | Pennsilvania & New-Jersey in | AMERICA, Being a true Account of the Country ; | With its Produce and Commodities there made. | And the great Improvements that maybe made by | means of HJttfoltJC j$ta-fc0U#jE)! for gjcmpt JlttX, and | ||imtett-l0tJl : also, the Advantages of a |(ttWi*it-*fo00l, the Profits of a f ttWfofc-attfe. and the Proba | bility of its arising, if those directions here laid down are fol lowed. With the advantage of public <$rmwtU$, | Likewise, sev eral other things needful to be understood 6<r., sir. -grained red mo rocco, elegant, double paneled sides, ornamented corners, ins. borders, top gilt, UNCUT,//. 40. 4 n. p. [London, ] Printed in the Year 1685 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of "One of the RAREST of books relating to Pennsylvania," and of EXCESSIVE RARITY, uncut. The genuineness of the last leaf has been questioned. If in facsimile, it is admirably executed. 3043 CAMPANIUS (THOMAS) Holm. Kort Beskrifning om Provin- cien Nya Swerige | uti | America, | Som nu fortjden of the Engelske kallas | Pensylvania, \ etc., frontispiece (with engraved title}, 9 other engravings and maps, and several wood-cuts, 8 prelim, leaves, pp. 190, (i), levant brown morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 Stockholm, 1702 A VERY LARGE and BEAUTIFUL COPY, with fine impressions of Lindstrom s Map and ALL THE PLATES, some of which are wanting in most copies. (Mr. Sabin, Diction ary, in. 257, gives the book only six maps and plates, besides the engraved title, and Mr. Field, Ind. Bibliography, p. 57, marks "4 maps and 3 plates." F. Muller, Books on America, 1872, p. 132, gives a list of the ten engravings and maps, including the title-plate. ) Of the numbered engravings, five (nos. i, 2, 5, 6, and 9,) are on copper, engraved by Campanius; three (nos. 3, 7, and 8,) are on wood. EXTREMELY RARE, in such condition. I PENNSYLVANIA. 47 3044 CAMPANIUS (Thomas) Holm. Kort Beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige, etc. Another fine copy, with the engraved title, and all the plates and maps, grosgr. levant red morocco extra, sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. ( W. Pratt). sm. 4 Stockholm, 1702 3045 CARTER (W. C.) and GLOSSBRENNER (A. J.) History of York County, from its erection to the present time, mottled sheep, gilt. 12 York, A. J. Glossbrenner, 1834 3046 CLAY (J. C.) Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, Portrait of N. Collin, D.D.,pp. 180, cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1835 3047 [CREVECCEUR (H. St JOHN de)] Voyage dans la Haute Pen- sylvanie et dans 1 Etat de New-York, Par un Membre adoptif de la Nation One ida. Traduit et public par 1 auteur des Lettres d un Cultivateur Americain. 3 vols., portrait of Washington, maps and tables, French mottled calf, gilt, a fine copy. 8 Paris, Crapelet, 1801 3048 DAY (Sherman) Historical Collections of the State of Penn sylvania . . Illustrated by 165 engravings,^*. 708, sheep, gilt. 8 Philadelphia [1843] 3049 EDWARDS (MORGAN) Materials towards a History of the Amer ican Baptists. Vol. I. Baptists in PENNSYLVANIA, both British and German, distinguished into Firstday Baptists, Keithian Bap tists, Seventhday Baptists, Tuncker Baptists, Mennonist Baptists. Vol. II. Baptists in JERSEY, distinguished into Firstday, Sev enthday, Tuncker, and Rogerene Baptists. 2 vols.,//. (4), iv, 134 ; vii, 155, (i), unbound, plate, RARE. 12 Philadelphia, 1720, 1792 UNCUT, except pp. 5-40 of Vol. I., which are taken from a smaller copy. 3050 FENNELL (James) Description of the Plan of proposed Salt Works, folded plate, good copy. 8 Phila., J. Bioren, 1798 3051 FINDLEY (Wm.) History of the Insurrection, in the Four West ern Counties of Pennsylvania : in the year 1794, //. 328, sheep. 8 Phila., Saril H. Smith, 1796 See BRACKENRIDGE (HUGH H.), No. 3032. 3052 German Emigrants. A Memorial of the Case of the German Emigrants settled in the British Colonies of Pensilvania, and the Back Parts of Maryland, Virginia, &c., pp. 20, 8, new half morocco. See A Brief History of . . the Charitable Scheme . . for the Relief of poor Germans, etc., no. 3293. 3053 GORDON (Thos. F.) History of Pennsylvania, from its Discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence, in 1776,^. viii, 628, hf. calf gilt, marbled edges. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 3054 [GRAYDON (Alex.)] Memoirs of a Life Chiefly passed in Penn sylvania within the last sixty years ; With Occasional Remarks upon the general occurrences, character and spirit of that eventful period, sheep, neat. 12 Harrisburgh, John Wyeth, 1811 3055 GRAYDON (Alex.) Memoirs of his Own Time. With ^Remin iscences of the Men and Events of the Revolution. Edited by John S. Littell,//. xxiv, [13-] 504, cloth. 8 Philadelphia,]^^ 3056 An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin . . . Founded on Authentic Docu ments, //. viii, (i 8), 444, old calf, neat. 8 London, R. Griffiths, 1759 The First Edition, with the book-plate of (Gov.) William Denny, this work ha s 48 PENNSYLVANIA. been attributed to Franklin, but he explicitly denied the authorship, in a letter to David Hume, in 1760: "The volume was not written by me, nor any part of it, except the remarks in the Proprietor s estimate of his estate, and some of the inserted messages and reports of the Assembly, which I wrote when at home," etc. SPARKS S Works of Frank lin, vn. 208. 3057 An Historical Review of Pennsylvania, from its Origin, etc. By Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. Originally published in London. //. (20,) 444, boards. 8 Phila., E. Olmsted & W. Power, 1812 The sheets of the original London edition of 1757, with a new title-page, and omission of the Dedication. 3058 Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Memoirs, Vols. I. -III. in 6 vols., boards, uncut. 8 Phil. 1826-36 3059 Pettit s Annual Discourse, 1828 Memoir of R. Vaux, 1840 Catalogue of Library, Ft. i., 1849 Collections, Vol. I. Nos. 1-6, 1851-53. 9 Pamphlets. 8 v. y. Humble Apology for the Quakers. See No. 3041. 3060 JOHNSON (C. B.) M. D. Letters from the British Settlement in Pennsylvania,//. 192, map, boards, uncut. 16 Philadelphia, 1819 The author was a member of the British Emigrant Society, established in Susquehanna County. 3061 KEITH (Sir William) A Collection of Papers and other Tracts, written occasionally on Various Subjects, to which is prefixed, by Way of Preface, an Essay on the Nature of a Publick Spirit, pp. xxiv, 228, calf gilt, g. e. (Pratt), beautiful copy. sm. 8 London, y. Mechell, 1740 3062 Lancaster Massacre. Copy of a Letter from Charles Read to the Hon. John Lacld, Esq ; And his Associates, Justices of the Peace for the County of Gloucester, pp. 8, VERY SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, Andrew Steuart, 1764 " Such an inhuman Murder as that at Lancaster, can only serve to convince the World, that there are among us Persons more savage than Indians themselves." p. 3. 3063 [FRANKLIN (B.)] A Narrative of the late Massacres, in Lan caster County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, By Persons Unknown. With Some Observations on the same, pp. 31, half brown morocco extra. 8 n. p. [Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall,} 1764 "Among the RAREST of works relating to the history of Pennsylvania." FIELD, Ind. Bibliography . The massacre it narrates is, says the historian of Pennsylvania, " the most horrible, that ever was heard of in this, or perhaps, any other province." PROUD, n. 326. "So far had the infection spread which caused this action, and so much had fear seized the minds of the people, that neither the printer nor the writer of this publication, though supposed to be as nearly connected as Franklin and Hall were at that time, ... did insert either their names, or place of abode, in it." Id. 328. 3064 A Declaration and Remonstrance of the distressed and bleed ing Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, Presented to ... the Governor and Assembly, Shewing the Causes of their late Discon tent and Uneasiness and the Grievances under which they have laboured, etc., pp. 18, half mor. neat 8 n.p. 1764 " Signed on behalf of ourselves, and by Appointment of a Great Number of the Frontier Inhabitants. MATTHEW SMITH, JAMES GIBSON," Feb. 13, 1764. EXTREMELY RARE. 3065 An Historical Account of the late Disturbance between the Inhabitants of the Back Settlements of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphians &c. Impartially related by a well Wisher gg" The Second Edition, may be called a PIRACY. I said Printed zkRome: I PENNSYLVANIA. 49 meant nothing but *f Printed in Second-Street, by Andrew Steuars- Stockfish. pp. 8, hf. mor. neat. 16 Phila., Anth. Armbruster, 1764 EXTREMELY RARE. 3066 The Conduct of the Paxton-Men Impartially Represented; .... with some Remarks upon the NARRATIVE of the Indian-Mas sacre, lately publish d In a Letter from a Gentleman in one of the Back-Counties, to a Friend in Philadelphia, //. 34, half mor. neat, uncut. 16 Philadelphia, A. Steuart, and sold by John Creaig, Shop-keeper in Lancaster, 1764 Another title-page, prefixed, has only Philadelphia, Andrew Steuart. 3067 An Answer, to the Pamphlet Entituled the Conduct of the Paxton Men impartially represented : Wherein the ungenerous Spirit of the Author is Manifested, &c. And the spotted Garment pluckt off,//. 28. 1 6 Phila., Anth. Armbruster, 1764 3068 The PAXTON BOYS, a Farce. Translated from the Original French, By a Native of Donegall. The Second Edition.//. 16, Phila., Anthony Armbruster, 1764 A Letter from a Gentleman in Transilvania [i. e. Pennsylvania] To his Friend in America giving some Account of the late disturbances that have happen d in that Government . . . Humbly inscribed to Counselor Quondam, By his Friend Isaac Bickerstaff, of the Middle Temple, [Dated Aug. i, I 7 6 4>]//. 12, New-York [Philadelphia, A. Armbruster ?\, 1764 The Paxtoniade, A Poem. By Christopher Gymnast, Esq ; With the Prolegomana and Exercitations of Scriblerus. The Second Edi tion. Printed word for word, from the first Grand Edition. //. 8, Phila. " John Morris, opposite the three Reapers in Third-street." The Squabble; a Pastoral Eclogue. By Agricola. With a curious and well-design d Frontispiece. Printed [from the First Edition] by Andrew Steuart, in Second- Street, Philadelphia, n.d. [1764], //. 8 : the Frontispiece, representing " Thy r sis, with a Pr .sb.t. rian Nose " and " Cotton, with a Q..k. ronian Nose " A Letter from a Gen tleman in Elizabeth-Town to his Friend in New-York,//. 8, UNCUT, Phil., Andr. Steuart, 1764. Eine Historische Beschreibung von den Letzthin geschehenen Unruhen zwischen den Hintern Ein- wohnern d. Provintz Pennsylvanien u. denen zu Philadelphia, . . . aus dem Englischen ins Hochteutsche uebersetzet, //. 8, Phila., Anton Armbruster, 1764 Delap (Samuel), Dissenting Minister at Letterkenny, Remarks on some Articles of the Seceders New Cove nant and their Act of Presbytery, etc., {pp. 47). Belfast Printed: Lancaster, Reprinted and Sold by W. Dunlap, at the New-Printing Office in King-Street, 1754. The Cheat Unmask d : being a Refu tation of that Illegitimate Letter, said to be wrote by A Clergyman in Town : In a true Copy of A Letter from that Clergyman to his Friend, pp. 8, n. /. [Philadelphia, Andrew Steuart ?\ 1764 True Copy of a Letter from a Member of St. P . . 1 s, to an Intimate Friend : Shewing the real Source from which the present Wran- glings in that Congregation have sprung,//. 8, n.p. \Phila.~] 1764 A Letter, from a Clergyman in Town ; Vindicating himself against the Malevolent Aspersions of a late Pamphelteer (sic) Letter- Writer, pp. 8, n.p. [Phila.} 1764 The Plain Dealer : Numb. II. Being a Tickler, for the Leisure Hour s Amusement of the Author of Cool Thoughts, [B. Franklin,] etc. By X. Y. Z. Gentleman. //. 16, UNCUT, 7 $O PENNSYLVANIA. Phila., Printed in Second- Street, {Andr. Steuart,~\ 1764 To the Public, n. /./.,//. 8, dated, Philadelphia, July 16, 1768, signed Pacif- icus. Twelve VERY SCARCE tracts, in one volume, str. gr. crimson morocco extra, UNCUT. 16 Accompanying this volume is a copy of " The Plain Dealer: or, A few Remarks upon Quaker-Politicks, etc. Numb. I." //. 19, uncut. Phila. 1764. 3069 -- The Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians in the Barracks, Vindicated, etc., pp. 16, Philadelphia, Anth. Arm bruster, 1764 The same. Number II. pp. 12, Phil. 1764 The Author of Quaker Unmask d, strip d Start Naked, Or the Delin eated Presbyterian play d HOD With,//. 12. Phil., [A. Armbruster} J76 4 The Quaker Unmask d; or, Plain Truth, addressed to .... the Freemen of Pennsylvania,//. \$,Phil. \Andr. Steuart~\, 1764 The same, Second Edition, //. 15, Phil. 1764 Remarks on the Quaker Unmask d ; or Plain Truth found to be Plain Fa lshood, //. 8, Phila., John Morris, [1764]. Six VERY RARE tracts, in one volume, full morocco, gilt. 16 Philadelphia, 1764 Accompanying this volume is: "A Looking-Glass for Presbyterians. Or A brief examination of their Loyalty, Merit, Merit, etc. With some Animadversions on The Quaker unmask d, Numb. I.," pp. 1-16 (impft. at end}. Phila. 1764. 3070 [FRANKLIN?] The Substance of a Council held at Lancaster, August the 28th 1764. By a Committee of Presbyterian Ministers and Elders deputed from all Parts of Pennsylvania, in order to settle the ensuing Election of members for the Assembly, . .//. 19 halfmor. extra. 16 [Phila. Anth. Ambrusterf\ 1764 VERY SCARCE. A coarse lampoon on the Presbyterians, who sustained the Proprietor, in his contest with the popular party in the Assembly. The Moderator, " Mr. J . . n E . . . g" [Ewing], is represented as offering, at the end of the Council, a prayer, in which occurs the petition : " Lord ! Take the Pistol of thy Vengeance, and the Mortar-Piece of thy Wrath, and pound all our Enemies to Hodge Podge ! But for us, thy Children, feed us with the Pruins and Raisins of thy Promises, and give us the Spurs of Confidence, and Boots of Hope," etc. There is an allusion (p. 6) to "W. . . n [Wilson?], who was put upon writing that stupid Epitaph on Mr. F . . . n " [Franklin]. This tract has been attributed on questionable authority to Franklin. More probably it was the work of his son William who next year published, anonymously, another squib of similar character : " A Humble Attempt at Scurrility," etc., " By Jack Retort." The type is, almost certainly, Ambruster s not Franklin and Hall s. 3071 MASON (Charles) and DIXON (Jerem.) Observations for Deter mining the Length of a Degree of Latitude in the Provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania ; with an Introduction by the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal, map, and diagrams, pp. 67, half mor. uncut, SCARCE. sm. 4 London, 1769 Mason and Dixon, employed to run the line between Pennsylvania and Delaware, Mary land, and Virginia, were commissioned by the Royal Society to "measure a degree of lati- itude in America, in the neighbourhood of Pennsylvania," and the astronomer-royal, Dr. Maskelyne, gave his assistance to the work. The result of these observations was pub lished in the Transactions of the Royal Society (vol. Iviii.). 3072 THE MAYBE or Some Observations Occasion d by reading a Speech deliver d in the House of Assembly, the 24th of May last, by a certain eminent Patriot. . .//. 7, RARE. sm. 8 Philadelphia, Anthony Armbruster, n. d. [1764] The "Speech in the House of Assembly" was John Dickinson s (see Pamphlets, no. 3108), on the Petition praying the King for a change of the government of Pennsylvania. 3073 MITTELBERGER S (GOTTLIEB) Reise nach Pennsylvanien im Jahr 1750. und Riickreise nach Teutschland im Jahr 1754. Enthaltend merit nur eine Beschreibung des Landes . . . sondern auch eine ausfiihrliche Nachricht von den ungliickseligen und betriibten PENNSYLVANIA. 5t Umstanden der meisten Teutschen, die in diese Land gezogen sind, und dahin ziehen, pp. (8), 120, vellum, neat. (Autograph of C. D. Tessin, on titled) 8 Frankfurth u. Leipzig, 1756 " The author was a school -master, music -master, and organist, for three years in the Township of New Providence, Pa., and testimonials to his character, etc., are signed by John Diemer, Capt. Sam. Kennedy, M. D., and Henry Pawling Esq. of New Provi dence." G. B. 3074 MOORE (S. S.) and JONES (T. W.) Traveller s Directory from Philadelphia to New York, and Philadelphia to Washington, fine clean copy, maps. 8 Phila. 1802 3075 NEVIN (Alfred) Churches of the Valley ; or, an Historical Sketch of the old Presbyterian Congregation of Cumberland and Franklin Counties,/^. 338, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1852 3076 NORRIS (Isaac) Friendly advice to the Inhabitants of Pensil- vania, pp. 3, n. t. p. folio, n. p. [Phila., Andrew Bradfordl\ n. d. " Wrote about the year 1710." 3077 PASTORIUS (FR. DANIEL) Umstanclige Geographische Beschrei- bung der zu Allerletzt erfun denen Provintz Pensylvaniae, in denen End-Grantzen Americas In der West-Welt gelegen, pp. (12), 140, smooth blue calf, back and sides richly gilt, g. e. (Zaehnsdorf), RARE. sm. 8 Franckfurth u. Leipzig, 1700 Paxton Men. See LANCASTER MASSACRE, Nos. 3064-3069. 3078 PENN (WM.) An Address to Protestants upon the Present Con juncture,^. 4, (8), 5-148, good copy, calf, rebacked. 4 n. p. 1679 3079 (PENN) Plantation Work the | Work j of this Generation, j Written in True-Love | To all such as are weightily inclined | to Transplant themselves and Fami-| lies to any of the English Plantati-|ons in America j etc.,//. 18, hf. morocco, neat, RARE. sm. 4 London, for Benj. Clark, 1682 Signed, W. L. On pp. 17, 18, "An Abstract of some Passages out of divers Letters from America relating to Pennsylvania," from Lewis Morris, New York, to W. Penn, June 3, 1681 ; Another to W. P. from New York, June 25th; and two others from the Deputy-Governour of Pennsylvania, to his Wife, and to a Friend, in London. 3080 (PENN.) A | Letter from | William Penn Proprietary and Gouv- ernour of | Pennsylvania | In America, j to the | Committee j of the Free Society of Traders \ of that Province, residing in Lon don. | Containing i A General Description of the Said Province its Soil, Air, Water, Seasons, and Produce, | | with an Account Of the Natives or Aborigines, their Language, Customs, and Man ners ... | Of the first Planters, the Dutch, &c. and the present Condition and Settlement of the said Province, and Courts of Justice, &c. To which is added, An Account of the City of | Phil adelphia Newly laid out. | Its Scituation, between two Navigable Rivers, Delaware and Skulkill, | With a Portraiture or Plat-form thereof, etc.,//. 10, -f i blk. leaf, no Plan, hf. cloth. folio. London, Andrew Sowle, 1683 Dated, " Philadelphia, the i6th of the 6th moneth, call d August, 1683." Ternaux copy, with his crest and initials on the cover : (yet, in his Bibliothique Ameri- caine, no. 986, he describes it as in quarto, and gives an inaccurate and very meagre abstract of its title. Rich, no. 403*, has the full title, but makes the number of pages, 14, instead of 10.) The title page is soiled and has received some injury. In other respects, this is a good copy of this tract which is not only VERY RARE, but which has intrinsic value, as one of the corner stones of the history of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. " It is the best account, though only an imperfect sketch, of the original state of the Province, of its IJ2 PENNSYLVANIA. Aborigines, and Natural history, that is to be found in those times." PROUD S HisL of Pennsylv., i., 246. The printer was Andrew Sowle from whom William Bradford learned his trade. Bradford came with Wm. Penn to America in 1682. How long he remained in this country or where he was between 1682 and his second coming from England husband of Sowle s daughter no one seems to know. Did he resume, for a time, his place in the printing office of his old master ? And, if so, is it not more than probable that he put in type this Letter of Penn which has Sowle s imprint? 3081 PENN (Wm.) A Further Account of the Province | of Pen- sylvania, and its Improvements. | For the Satisfaction of those that are Adventurers, and j Inclined to be so. | No title page, pp. 16. (Dated, at the end, from " Worminghurst-Place, i2th of the loth month, 85.") Forel, lettered, neat, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 {London, 1685] 3082 (PENN.) A Paper to William Penn, at The Departure of that Gentleman to his Territory, for his Perusal, in Pensilvania ... By a Friend unknown,//. (4), 24, new half calf , neat. sm. 4 London, T. M.for H. Mortlock, 1700 3083 PENN (Wm.) A Collection of [his] Works ; with a Journal of his Life, calf, gilt. 2 vols. FINE COPY. folio, London, Assigns of J. Sowle, 1726 3084 Pennsylvania Hospital (Some Account of the), from its first Rise, to the beginning of the Fifth Month, called May, 1754, two views of the Hospital inserted, hf. calf. Phila. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1754 Continuation of the Account etc., from May i, 1754, to May 5, 1761, paged continuously with the preceding, but with separate title and imprint. 2 vols. hf. morocco. 4 Phila., B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1754, 1761 3085 Pleasant Peregrination (A) through the Prettiest Parts of Penn sylvania. Performed by Peregrine Prolix, cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1836 3086 PROUD (Robert) The History of Pennsylvania, 1681-1742, por trait of Wm. Penn, and map. 2 vols. half vellum gilt, LARGE and FINE COPY. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 3087 ROBERTS (Job) Pennsylvania Farmer. 12 Phila. 1804 3088 ROYALL (Anne) Pennsylvania, or Travels continued in the United States. Vol. I. Southern Tour, or Second Series of the Black Book, Vol. II. 2 vols. uncut. 12 & 8 Washington, 1829, 31 3089 RUPP (I. D.) History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon, engravings, calf. 8 Lancaster, 1844 3090 RUPP (I. D.) History of Lancaster County, to which is prefixed a brief Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania. History of York County, 1819 to the present time. 2 vols. in i, engravings, sheep. 8 Lancaster, 1844, 45 3091 RUPP (I. D.) History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Car bon, and Schuylkill Counties : containing a brief History of the First Settlers, etc., engravings, sheep. 8 Harrisburg, 1845 3092 RUPP (I. D.) The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cum berland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, and Perry Counties, engravings, sheep. 8 Lancaster City, 1846 PENNSYLVANIA. 53 3093 SCHLATTER (Michael) Predikant te Philadelphia. Getrouw Ver- haal van den waren toestant der meest Herderloze Gemeentens in Pensylvanien, En aangrensende Provintien . . . Met ene aanpryzende Voorrede van de Gecommitteerde des Classis van Amsteldam, pp. xxii, 56, boards, uncut. 4 f Amsteldam, Jac. Loveringh, 1751 This relation, addressed to the Synod of Netherland, includes an account of the author s travels, 1746-51, in New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia; the state of the several Reformed Dutch Congregations, the names of their ministers, etc. ; with observations on the country and the population, the number of houses in Philadelphia and other towns in Pennsylvania, etc. etc. 3094 SMITH (Geo.) History of Delaware County, from the discovery of the Territory . . to the present time ; with a notice of the Geology of the Country, etc., maps and plates, pp. viii, 581, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1862 3095 SMITH (Wm) D.D. Discourses on Public Occasions in America ; second edition ; with an Appendix, containing a Letter on Brad- dock s Defeat, Plan of a College in New York, etc., //. xvi, 724, 1 60. 8 London, 1762 3096 [SMITH (W.)] Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania, with an Appendix, map, half vellum, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1774 3097 The same, half green morocco, fine copy, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1774 3098 [SURGY (Rousselot de)] Histoire naturelle et politique de la Pensylvanie, et de PEstablissement des Quakers dans cette Contree. Traduite de rAllemand, P. M. De S. Censeur Royal. Precedee d une Carte Geographique. pp. xx, 372, (^) folded map, French calf gilt, red edges, fine fresh copy, SCARCE. 12 Paris, Ganeau, 1768 3099 SWEDBERG (Jon. DAN.) Dissertatio Gradualis de Svionum in America Colonia, //. (6), 32, polished blue calf, richly gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Zaehnsdorf). 8 Upsalice, [1709] A LARGE and BEAUTIFUL COPY of this EXTREMELY RARE tract. The author who spent some years in America was a nephew of Bishop Jesper Swedberg, who has prefixed to the Dissertation his commendation, in prose and verse. 3100 SWEDBERG (JESPER) America Illuminata, skrifwen och vtgifwen af Thes Biskop, Doct. Jesper Swedberg, ahr 1732, pp. 164 (4). sm. 8 Skara, Herm. A. Moeller, [1732] " This small volume, printed at Skara, a small town of Sweden, unites for the Collector the merits of GREAT RARITY and HIGH IMPORTANCE . . The author was Bishop of the Swedish Congregations in America, and received in this function all the reports of the various ministers ; the greater part of the book is filled by these authentic documents and letters, which abound with most valuable details ... In no bookseller s catalogue have I found a copy mentioned except in a recent one of Berlin." F. MULLER. 3101 TERNAUX COMPANS (H.) Notice sur la Colonie 2e la Nouvelle Suede, Map (Lindstrow? s), pp. 29, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Paris, 1843 3102 THOMAS (GABRIEL) An Historical and Geographical Account of the | Province and Country of Pensilvania ; j and of West- New-Jersey | in j America. | The Richness of the Soil, the Sweet ness of the Situation, | the Wholesomeness of the Air, the Naviga ble Rivers, and | others, the prodigious Encrease of Corn, the flourishing Condition of the City of Philadelphia and the stately | Buildings, and other Improvements there. The strange Crea tures, . . with the | several sorts of Minerals . . lately discovered. The Natives, Aborogines (sic), their Lan-jguage, Religion, Laws, $4 PENNSYLVANIA. and Customs ; The first Planters, | the Dutch, Sweeds, and English, As also a Touch upon George Keiths \ New Religion, in his - second Change since he left the Countries. | By Gabriel Thomas, Quakers. With a Map of both who resided there about Fifteen Years, Title, pp. (6), 35, (i blk.) ; An Historical Description of the Province and Country of West-New-Jersey in America . . . l^ever made Publick till now. By Gabriel Thomas . . Title, pp. (10), 34, Map of" Pennsylvania and West Jersey"; levant green morocco, gilt, paneled sides, g. e. sm. 8 London, A. Baldwin, 1698 A VERY LARGE and BEAUTIFUL copy of this EXTREMELY RARE book. The page measures 6 by 4 inches. In a note in the Menzies Catalogue (no. 1957) Mr. Sabin says : " The writer paid $300. for a copy at auction in New York, in March, 1873, and has since sold another for a similar sum." 3103 THOMAS (Gabriel) An Historical and Geographical Account | of the | Province and Country of Pensilvania ; | and of | West- New-Jersey | in | America. | Another copy, LARGE and FINE (page 6| by 3! inches), sprinkled calf, gilt. sm. 8 London, 1698 3104 THOMAS (Gabriel) An Historical and Geographical Account, etc. Another copy, in the original binding, old paneled calf, rebacked, complete and sound, but foxed. sm. 8 London, 1698 A VERY LARGE copy (measuring 6 by 4^ full}. It needs only washing to make it EXCEPTIONALLY FINE. To guard against possible misunderstanding, it may be well to state, that Mr. Brinleyhad only these three copies of Thomas s book (in the original edition). 3105 THOMAS (Gabriel) An Historical and Geographical Account of . . Pensilvania and of West-New-Jersey, etc. Reproduced in fac-simile. Lithographed for Henry Austin Brady . . by Francis Michelin, paneled calf gilt, g. e. 12 1848 3106 TURNBULL (Wm. P.) Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey, pp. 62, 20 Illustrations (including three from original drawings by Alex. Wilson}, half mor. neat. 1. 4 Glasgow, 1869 Printed for Private Circulation, 190 copies, of which 50 were in quarto. 3107 TRACTS. Copy of a Report from Reading Ho well [and others], Commissioners appointed to explore the Head-Waters of the Rivers Delaware, Lehigh, and Schuylkill, and the north-east branch of the Susquehanna. Also, the Report of the Comm rs appointed to examine the Western Waters of the State, map, Phil. 1791 Reports of Sundry Commissioners appointed to view and explore Rivers Susquehanna and Juniata, the River Delaware ; the River Schuylkill, &c. &c. Phil. 1791. The two in i vol. with other tracts, as below, half calf neat. 8 A Free and Candid View of a Tract entitled, " Observations on the Commerce of the American States,"//. 108. London, 1784 Official Copies of the Correspondence of Lord Malmesbury . . and the Executive Direc tory of France . . relative to the Negotiations for Peace, //. 82. London, 1796 The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as established by the General Convention . . held at Philadelphia, July i5th, 1776 . . to Sept. 28, 1776, //. 32. 8 Philadelphia, John Dunlap, 1776 3108 PAMPHLETS (8) Rev. Robert Smith s Vindication of Rev. Mr. Delap, etc. Lancaster, 1757 J. Dickinson s Speech in Assembly on Change of the Gov t. W. Bradford, 1764 Read s Letter to John Ladd. Phila. 1764 Regulations for settling land, broadside, 1765 Observations on late popular measures, 1774 Regierungsverf as- sung der Republik Pennsylvanien, 1784 Address on Abolition of Bank of North America, 1785 State Constitution, 1790 (2) PENNSYLVANIA. 55 3109 Pamphlets (7) Black List . . of those Tories who took part with Gr. Britain, in the Revol. War, and were attainted, etc., 1802 Insurgents in Western Counties, Proceedings of Executive of -U. States respecting, //. 130, 1794; Report of Comm rs appointed to confer with the Insurgents, 1794 W.Bradford, Enquiry how far the Punishment of Death is necessary : with Account of Phila. Gaol and Penitentiary, by C. Lownes, pp. 108, 1793 C. Lownes s Account of the State of Penal Laws, etc., 1799 (2 copies.) T. Earle s Essay on Penal Law, in Pennsylvania, 1827. 3110 Pamphlets (6) Craig s Boundary Controversy between Penn. and Virginia, 1843 Spence s Letter on Repudiation, 1843 Let ter of Publius, on Repudiation, 1844 Papers on the Battle of Brandywine, 1846 Latrobe s History of Mason & Dixon s Line, 1854 J. W. Wallace s Hist. Sketch of Corp n for Relief of widows and orphans of Clergymen, 1769-1869, //. 92. 3111 Pamphlets (9). INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. History of Canal Navigation, map, pp. xvi, 77, 1795. Cursory review of Schuylkill Coal, 1823 Report on Chesapeake and Del. Canal, maps, 1825 Oppression suffered by J. Randel, contractor on C. & D. Canal, 1825 First annual Report of Soc. for Promotion of Internal Improve ment. 1826 (2) Jones s Remarks on proposed Breakwater at Cape Henlopen, 2d ed., 1826; 3d ed., 1828 Carey s Brief View of System of Internal Improvement of State of Pennsylvania, 1831. 3112 Pamphlets (7) GEOLOGY, etc. ist, 2d, and 3d Ann. Reports of State Geologist, 1836-1839 Report on Swatara mining district, map, 1839 Bowen s Coal regions of Penn., maps, 1848, //. 104 Resources of Lackawanna Coal Basin, 1854 Smith, on the Mine rals of Wheatley Mine, 1855. PHILADELPHIA. 3113 The CHARTERS of the Province of Pennsylvania and of the City of Philadelphia, //. 30. B. Franklin,\i \<2 Penn and the Indians, a Magazine article, 4 leaves inlaid, n. p., n. d. 2 in i vol., Portrait of Franklin (Cochin, 1777, engr. by St. Aubiri) inserted; also, engrav ing of the " remnant of the Great Tree" under which Penrfs Treaty with the Indians was made; hf. mor. neat. sm. folio. 3114 Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, by Those Freemen of the City of Philadelphia, who are now confined in the Mason s Lodge, by virtue of A General Warrant, Signed in Council, by the Vice-President of the Council of Pennsylvania, //. 52, hf. mor. uncut. Robert Bell, 1777 The Constitution . . of Pennsylvania . . Added, a Report to the Committee appointed to enquire, Whether the Constitution has been preserved inviolate, etc., //. 64. F. Bailey, 1784. (2 pieces.) 8 To the second tract are appended eight pages MANUSCRIPT (in the autograph of Wm. Drinker?) of "Extracts from the Journals of Congress," Aug. 8, to Sept. 8, 1777, relating to the imprisonment of the Quakers. 3115 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Transactions, Vol. I. -III. (1841-47). 3 vols. in one, new half morocco (Rox- burghe], uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1843-48 3116 BELISLE (D. W.) History of Independence Hall, engravings, pp. 396, cloth. 12 J. Challen & Son, 1859 56 PHILADELPHIA. 3117 BOCKETT (ELI AS) A | Poem to the | Memory of | Aquila Rose, | who dy d at Philadelphia, August | the 22d, 1723, ^Etat. 28. pp. 12, hf. mor. neat, RARE. 8 London, for the Author, 1723-4 The author was a Friend. A list of his works may be found in Jos. Smith s Catalogue, vol. I, pp. 289-93. (Franklin, in his Autobiography, says, that on his first visit to S. Keimer s office, he found him " composing an Elegy on Aquila Rose." When the Elegy was in type, Franklin worked it off, on Keimer s press. Rose had been the principal workman in Andrew Bradford s office. ) 3118 BULKELEY (John) and CUMMINS (John) A Voyage to the South Seas, in the Years 1740 and 1741, 2d edition, with additions. [Dedicated to William Denny, Governor of Pennsylvania ; with a list of more than 1200 subscribers in the American Colonies.] pp. xxxii, 306. 8 J. Chaff in, 1757 Contains a narrative of the loss of H. M. Ship Wager which sailed with Anson, on a voyage round the world. First printed in London, 1743. The authors emigrated to Pennsylvania, before the publication of their second edition which is much scarcer than the first. A list of subscribers (17 pages, double columns,) is prefixed. 3119 Candid Remarks on Dr. Witherspoon s Address To the Inhab itants of Jamaica, and the Other West-India Islands, &c. 8 1772 An argument for the superior advantages of city Colleges over country Colleges, and, specially, of the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York over the College of New Jersey. 3120 CAREY (Mathew) A Short Account of the Malignant Fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia . . To which are added Accounts of the Plague in London and Marseilles ; and a List of the Dead, from August i, to the middle of December, 1793. 4th edition, improved,//. 164, sheep. 8 The Author, 1794 3121 CAREY (M.) Eine Kurze Nachricht von dem bos artigen Fieber welches Kiirzlich in Philadelphia grassiret . . . Und eine Liste der Todten. Nach der 4 ten verbesserten Auflage aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Carl Erdmann, //. 176, sheep. 8 Samuel Saur, 1794 3122 CAREY (M.) The Olive Branch; or, Faults on both Sides, Fed eral and Democratic, 6th edition. 8 1815 3123 CAREY (M.) Vindiciae Hibernicae, or Ireland Vindicated. 2d edition, enlarged,//. 512, calf. 8 1823 3124 Carey (M.) Reflexions on the Plan for establishing a College in Philadelphia,//. 22, 4. 8 Carey 6 Lea, 1826 3125 City Cavalry, First Troop. By-Laws, Muster-Roll, and Papers selected from the Archives, 1774-1840 ; //. 64, hf. mor. 8 C. Sherman 6 Co. 1840 3126 College. SMITH (Wm.) A Charge delivered May 17, 1757, at the FIRST Anniversary Commencement in the College and Academy of Philadelphia, to the Young Gentlemen who took their Degrees, [with] a Salutatory Oration in Latin delivered on the Same Occa sion, by (Professor) Paul Jackson, half morocco neat, uncut, SCARCE. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757 3127 [HOPKINSON (FRANCIS)] An Exercise, containing A Dialogue and Ode on the Accession of . . George III., Performed at the Public Commencement in the College of Philadelphia, May i8th, I762,//. 8, new half morocco, uncut, RARE. 4 W. Dunlap, 1762 3128 -- Dialogue [inverse] for the Commencement in the College of Philadelphia, May 3oth, I765,//. 4, ;/. /./., hf. red morocco, neat. 8 [1765] PHILADELPHIA. 57 3129 (COLLEGES.) Catalogue of Medical Graduates of the University of Pennsylvania. $d edition. 1845 (Annual) Catalogues of Med. Graduates, 1845-1851. (i vol.) 8 1845-51 3130 Girard College for Orphans; Proceedings on Laying Corner Stone, (with Nicholas Biddle s Address,) 1833 J. R. Chandler s Address, on Completion, 1846 Description of the College (with Chandler s Address), 1848 Will of Stephen Girard, with a Biog raphy, wood-engravings, 1848. 4 Pamphlets. 3131 DAVIES (Benj.) Some Account of the City of Philadelphia,//. (4), 93, half bound, neat. 12 R. Polwell, 1794 3132 Directory, 1804, 1817. 2 vols. 12 3133 DORR (Benj.) D.D. Historical Account of Christ Church, 1695- 1841 ; and of St. Peter s and St. James s, until their separation, //. xii, 430, doth. 12 New York 6 Phila., 1841 3134 DUCHE QACOB) Human Life a Pilgrimage . . A Sermon occa sioned by the Death of the Hon. Richard Penn, Esq; One of the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania : Preached . . in the City of Philadelphia, April xxi. i77i,//. iv, 19. 8 D. Hall and W. Sellers, 1771 With the AUTHOR S AUTOGRAPH presentation : " For The Rev d Dr. Stonehouse from his affect" Friend & Brother, The Author." 3135 [DUCHE (JACOB)] Observations on a Variety of Subjects, Lit erary, Moral and Religious ; in a Series of Original Letters, Written by a Gentleman of Foreign Extraction, who resided some Time in Philadelphia,/^, x, 241, (i), sheep ; two names written on the title-page. 12 John Dunlap, 1774 The original edition of "Caspipina s Letters." The last letter in the volume, dated, from Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1772, is signed " Tamoc Caspipina" i. e. The Assistant Minister of Christ Church and St. Peter s in Philadelphia in North America. 3136 [ ] Caspipina s Letters j containing Observations on a Variety of Subjects, etc. To which is added, The Life and Character of Win. Penn, Esq. In Two Volumes. 2 vols in i, calf. 8 Dublin, J. Jones, 1792 3137 Duty of standing fast in our Spiritual and Temporal Liberties, a Sermon preached in Christ Church (Phila.) July 7, 1775 before the ist Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, half bound. 8 Phila. repr. London, 1775 3138 ELY (Rev. Ezra Stiles) History of Eccles. Proceedings relative to the Third Presbyterian Church, the Rev. E. S. Ely, and several of the Judicatories of the Church with which they are connected, pp. 170. 12 1814 3139 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. A Brief Account of the Society . . . With Biographical Notices of Members, etc.,//. 112, engraving of the Gold Medal of 1771, cloth. 12 For the Hibernian Society, 1844 Presented to Edw. D. Ingraham, with the respects of Sam. Hood. Inserted (p. 44) is the ORIGINAL BOND (WITH AUTOGR. SIGNATURE) of George Campbell [President of the Friendly Sons, 1781-82] for 4,000 L., to secure his subscription to the stock of the old Pennsylvania Bank, in 1 780, " established for furnishing a supply of provisions for the Armies of the U. States." 3140 Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia (Memoirs of the), 2 engravi7igs. pp. 56, cloth. 8 Phila., Judah Dobson, 1830 8 58 PHILADELPHIA. 3141 LIBRARY COMPANY of Philadelphia. The Charter ; and the Laws, . . made, May 3d, 1742, //. 8, 15. Two in i vol., hf. brown levant morocco, neat. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1746 3142 LOWBER (John C.) Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia; . . The original Charter, Act of Incorporation, and other Acts relating to the City ; with an Appendix, containing . . . the original portraiture of the City as laid out by the Proprietor, &c. &c.,//. 312. 8 M. Thomas, 1812 3143 MARSHALL (Christopher) Passages from (his) Remembrancer, edited by William Duane, Jr., doth. 12 1839 3144 MEASE (Jas.) The Picture of Philadelphia . . An Account of its Origin, Increase, and Improvements, . . View of its Societies, etc., folded view of Philadelphia, pp. xii, 358, roan, gilt. 12 B.& T. Kite, 1811 3145 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed on the 1 4th September, 1793, ..to attend to . . the Afflicted with the Malignant Fever, prevalent in the City and Vicinity, pp. 243, and folded list, hf. cloth. 8 1848 Autograph letter of Charles A. Poulson, inserted. 3146 MISCELLANIES. Oration on the occasion of the re-interment of the Remains of Gen. Hugh Mercer.. Nov. 26, 1840; by Wm. Reed, pp. 44, engraving of the monument ; WITH ADDITIONS (as below}, 1840 Memoir of Roberts Vaux ; by T. M K. Pettit, 1840 Scraps Osteologic and Archaiological ; by John Penington, pp. 16, 1841 Examination of Beauchamp Plantagenet s Descrip tion of New Albion; by J. Penington, 1840 Egbert Benson s Memoir [on Names of Places] read before the N. Y. Historical Society, 1816 Cadmus ; a Treatise on the Elements of Written Language; by Wm. Thornton,//, no, Phila. 1793 Memorable Predictions; by Alexis Eustaphieve, pp. 108, Boston, 1814. In one volume, half calf. 8 From the library of Edw. D. Ingraham, who has added to Mr. Reed s Oration, news paper cuttings, neatly laid down, of the accounts of the Mercer Solemnities, with the ORIGINAL LETTERS sent by President Van Buren, J. R. Poinsett and J. K. Paulding ; AUTOGRAPH LETTERS from W. B. Reed, and Rev. Dr. A. Tudehope (with his Prayer, on the occasion) ; cuttings relating to the Haslett Funeral Ceremonies in Philadelphia, July 2, 1841 ; etc., etc. 3147 MORGAN (John) M. D., F. R. S., etc. A Discourse upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America ; delivered at a Public Anniv. Commencement in the College of Philadelphia, 1765. With a Preface containing, The Author s Apology for attempting to introduce the Regular Mode of practising Physic in Philadelphia, 18 prel. leaves, pp. 63, RARE. 8 Wm. Bradford, 1765 3148 MORGAN (John) and others. Four Dissertations, on the Recipro cal Advantages of a Perpetual Union between Great-Britain and her American Colonies. Written for Mr. Sargent s Prize-Medal. To which (by Desire) is prefixed An Eulogium, spoken [by Wm. Smith, D. D.] on the Delivery of the Medal at the Public Com mencement in the College of Philadelphia, May 20, 1766, old calf. 12 The Prize Dissertation is by Dr. John Morgan ; the others, by Stephen Watts, and Francis Hopkinson. PHILADELPHIA. 59 3149 MORGAN (John) Vindication of his Public Character in the station of the Director-General of the Military Hospitals and Physician-in-Chief of the American Army, 1776, half vellum, uncut. 8 Boston, 1777 [PENN (Wm.) A Letter from William Penn . . . Proprietary and Governor of Pennsylvania Containing A General Description of the said Province, [with] An Account of the City of Philadelphia, Newly laid out, etc. See No. 3080.] 3150 PENNSYLVANIA HALL. History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob, on the i7th of May, 1836, engravings, pp. 200, sheep. 8 Merrihew and Gunn, 1838 3151 Philadelphia in 1824 .. A Complete Guide for Strangers, Plan of the City, View of the Watenvorks, hf. mor. H. C. Carey 6* /. Lea, 1824 Philadelphia as it is, and Citizens Advertising Directory. . . With a new Map of the City, mor. P. J. Gray, 1833 The Strangers Guide to the City of Philadelphia, map. C. P. Fessenden, 1835 A Guide to the Lions of Philadelphia, map. T. T. Ash 6- Co. 1837 H. S. Tanner s New Picture of Philadelphia, map. New York, n. d. (5 vols.) 18 and 16 1824-37 3152 REED (JOSEPH) Remarks on Governor Johnstone s Speech in Parliament; with A Collection of all the Letters and Authentic Papers, relative to His Proposition to engage the Interest of one of the Delegates of the State of Pennsylvania, to promote the Views of the British Commissioners, pp. 61, original marbled wrap per, red edges. 4 Francis Bailey, 1779 A FINE FRESH COPY of this VERY SCARCE tract. It contains Gen. Reed s account of his interview with Johnstone s agent, Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, and her exculpatory Narra tive (pp. 39-58). 3153 REED (John) An Explanation of the Map of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia,//. 24, 8, 23, (9), half mor. neat, scarce. 4 Printed for the Author, 1774 3154 Riots of 1848. A Full and Complete Account of the late Awful Riots in Philadelphia, Embellished with Ten Engravings, //. 62, 36, bds. 16 John B. Perry, 1848 3155 RITTER (Abraham) History of the Moravian Church in Phila delphia, from its foundation in i742,//. 281, portraits, and other illustrations, cloth. 8 Hayes and Zell, 1857 3156 RUSH (Benj.) An Account of the Bilious remitting Yellow Fel low, as it appeared in the City of Philadelphia, in the year 1793, //. x, 248, a stamp on title. 12 Edinburgh, 1796 3157 SCHUYLKILL FISHING COMPANY. An authentic Historical Mem oir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill, from its establishment in 1732, to the present time ; By a Member, //. viii, 127 Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia,/^. 56, i. 2 vols. in i, engravings, cloth. 8 Judah Dobson, 1830 3158 TURNBULL (Robert J.) A Visit to the Philadelphia Prison; Being an accurate Account of the Wise and humane Administra tion adopted in that Building, etc., pp. ii, 93, and folded tables , boards. 8 London, reprinted, 1797 6O PHILADELPHIA. 3159 WATSON (John F.) Annals of Philadelphia ... To which ii added an Appendix, containing Olden Time Researches anc Reminiscences of New York City, engravings, pp. xii, 740, 78, viii sheep. 8 Phila., Uriah Hunt, iSsc 3160 WATSON (John F.) Historic Tales of Olden Time, concerning the Early Settlement and Progress of Philadelphia and Pennsylva nia . . Illustrated with Plates,//. 316, sheep. 12 183- 3161 Pamphlets (10) Extracts of Several Treatises wrote by th< Prince of Conte . . . concerning STAGE PLAYS, pp. 48. Wm. Braa ford, 1754 Remarks upon . . An Address from the Baptist Churcl in Philadelphia, [relating to Elhanan Winchester.] B. Townt 1781 Catalogue of the Medical Library in the Penn. Hospital //. 78. Zach. Paulson, 1790 H. Wight s Fast Sermon at Bristol R. I., on the Distressing Sickness in Philadelphia. Warren, R. 1 1794 M. Carey s Account of the Malignant Fever, 1793, 3d. ed, title in Manuscript Plan of Assoc. of the N. A. Land Compan) Feb. 1795 (2 copies.) Observations on the N. A. Land Co. latel instituted ; with Two Letters from Rob. G. Harper, pp. 149. London 1796 Rush s (Benj.) Observations on the Malignant Bilious, o Yellow Fever, pp. 28, 1799; Rush s Second Address, on th Domestic Origin of the Yellow Fever,//. 40, 1799. 8 3162 Pamphlets (7) Statement of the ist Bapt. Church, withdrawn! from the Bapt. Association, 1818 Investigation of the late Due between C. G. Hunter and Wm. Miller.//. 81, 1830 Life of Amo Wilson, the Penn. Hermit, illustr., 1839 The Truth Unveiled . The Cause of the Riots of 1844 Regulations, etc. of Laurel HL Cemetery, 1846 i5oth Anniv. of Phila. Baptist Association, 1857 //. 87 B. Rush s [Reply to] William B. Reed. Reprinted, 1867. 8 3163 WEEMS (Mason L.) God s Revenge against Adultery. 3d ec 1818 God s Revenge against Duelling, or the Duelist s Looking Glass. 2d ed. 1821 God s Revenge against Gambling. 4th ec 1822 The Bad Wife s Looking Glass. 2d ed. Charleston, S. C 1823 God s Revenge against Murder, nthed. 1823. 5 in i vol all clean fresh copies, uncut, six copperplates. 8 All but one were printed in Philadelphia, for the Author. 3164 The same pieces, except "The Bad Wife s Looking Glass, for which is substituted, The Drunkard s Looking Glass copperplate and wood-cuts], 6th ed. 1818. i vol. hf. roan. PHILADELPHIA. 6l NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. The Pennsylvania Gazette. See Nos. 3214, 3449. 3165 The AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY. Printed by Andrew Brad ford. From Sept. n, 1729^0 Aug. 3, 1732 (Nos. 506-697) wanting 21 numbers, and four others imperfect, For el (Bedford). The same paper, for 1734 (Nos. 731-783) complete, except half of No. 734. Nearly four years, in FINE CONDITION, in 2 vols. folio. 3166 THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and Monthly Chronicle for the British Colonies. By a Society of Gentlemen. Vol. I. (Oct. 1757 Oct. 1758), with the Supplement, Index, and General Title, (all published) 8 Wm. Bradford, 1757-58 A good copy of this VERY SCARCE Magazine, which was edited by the Rev. Wm. Smith. 3167 THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Another copy, bound in 2 vols. half sheep, wants pp. 609-616, of the second volume. 8 Wm. Bradford, 1757-58 3168 The PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE. Vol. I. except the first number; with many of the "Postscript" supplements bound in. folio, Wm. Goddard, 1767-68 A few numbers (three or four) are mutilated ; in other respects the file is in excellent condition, and apparently (except as noted) complete. In this paper, Goddard was in partnership with Joseph Galloway and Thomas Whar- ton. See THOMAS S Hist, of Printing, n. 63, 64, 332. 3169 The Pennsylvania Chronicle. Vol. II. (Feb. i, 1768 to Jan. 23, 1769), with the General Title, clean and well-preserved, hf. bound. 4 Wm. Goddard, [1768-9] This was JOSEPH GALLOWAY S copy. His autograph, partially erased, is on the title. 3170 The PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE ; or, American Monthly Museum : [edited by Thomas Paine.] Vols. I and II. (Jan. 1775 to July, 1776), all published, maps and plates. 2 vols. half bound, RARE. 8 R. Aitken, 1775-76 An engraving has been cut from the General Title of Vol. I. In other respects, the volumes are in excellent condition. Francis Hopkinson, the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, and other able writers contributed to this magazine. Paine wrote for it several noticeable articles, his Ode on Gen. Wolfe, and the Reflections on Lord Clive. See DUYCKINCK S Cyclopedia, i. 198. 3171 The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST: [Tri-weekly ;] Feb. i8th Sept. 4th, 1777 (Nos. 316-400, wanting 5 numbers], clean, UNCUT, new, half rough calf. 4 Benj. Towne, 1777 The Post was the first evening paper printed in Philadelphia. Towne, the publisher, had been the agent of Galloway and Wharton and, for a short time, partner with Wm. Goddard in the Chronicle. He began to print the Evening Post, Jan. 24, 1775. 3172 Pennsylvania Evening Post: Oct. nth, 1777, to Dec. 28th, 1778 (Nos. 409560, wanting 3 numbers), large, clean, and in fine condition, half sheep. 4 Benj. Towne, 1777-78 The issue of the Post was suspended for two weeks, when the British army entered the city. Its publication was resumed, Oct. nth, with No. 409, the first in this volume which comprises the whole period of British occupation. 3173 The FREEMAN S JOURNAL: or, North- American Intelligencer: Jan. i2th Dec. 28th, 1785 (Nos. 195-245), half bound, in good con dition, folio, Francis Bailey, 1785 .3174 The PENNSYLVANIA PACKET and Daily Advertiser : April i4th Dec. 3oth, 1785 (Nos. 1931-2154), not collated, but in good condition, except a few numbers injure I, half bound. folio, y. Dunlap 6* D. C. Claypoole. 62 PHILADELPHIA. 3175 The Columbian Magazine or Monthly Miscellany. Vols. I. III. Sept. 1786 Dec. 1789, portraits, maps, and plates. 3 vols. polished calf, gilt, yellow edges (Bedford}. 8 1 786-1 789 A SPLENDID COPY of this VERY RARE Magazine. Of the numerous plates one or more may be wanting, and the volumes are therefore sold not subject to collation though no deficiency is known to the writer. The First Volume was published by T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Cist, and J. Trench- ard. The Second, was " printed for [the same] proprietors, by W. Spotswood." With the Third Volume, James Trenchard became sole proprietor and publisher. 3176 The AMERICAN MUSEUM, or Repository of . . Fugitive Pieces, &c. 12 vols. half bound, UNCUT, a fine set. 8 Mathew Carey, 1787-92 3177 The AMERICAN MUSEUM : or, Annual Register of Fugitive Pieces, . for the year 1798, boards, uncut. 8 For Mathew Carey, 1799 Printed by W. & R. Dickson, Lancaster. 3178 The UNIVERSAL ASYLUM AND COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE ; containing A History of the American Revolution, for the years 1775-1780, etc. . Illustrated with Copperplates, and a complete Index to each Volume. By a Society of Gentlemen. 6 vols., sheep. 8 Wm. Young, 1790-92 The General Title is as above ; but the first numbers published had the title of " The Columbian Magazine, or, Monthly Miscellany." 3179 The Ladies Magazine and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. I. for 1792 (June-Nov.), wanting some pages, uncut, soiled by use. 8 W. Gibbons, 1792 3180 THE LEVEL Of Europe and North America: or the Observer s Guide Le Niveau de 1 Europe & de 1 Amerique Septentrionalle, etc. [In double columns, French and English.] Edited by Peter Egron, LL. D. Seven numbers, from Feb. 9, I795,//. 126, /if. mor. 4 Wm. W. Woodward, 1795 3181 The LITERARY MUSEUM, or Monthly Magazine, Jan.-June, 1797, plate of HerscheVs telescope, and two others, clean, uncut. 8 Derrick 6 Sharpies, [1797] The last leaf of the General Index is slightly injured, but without loss of text. 3182 AMERICAN UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE: [Bi-monthly.] Vols. I. IV., many portraits and other engravings. 4 vols., hf. bound. 8 S. H. Smith, for Richard Lee, 1797-98 This magazine contains portraits of Wm. Penn, Washington, Franklin, Lafayette, Rittenhouse, John Adams, Benj. Rush, and many other engravings. 3183 AMERICAN UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. Vols. I. and II., plates, 2 vols. calf , fine clean copy. 8 1797 3184 The WEEKLY MAGAZINE. Vol. I. No. 5 (Mch. 3d) to Vol. II. No. 21 (June 23d), 1798. (With appendix of State Papers to each volume.) 2 vols. in i, half bound. 8 James Waiters, 1798 3185 The JUVENILE MAGAZINE. Vol. 3 ; pp. 216, (plates torn,} sheep. 18 Benj. Johnson, 1803 3186 The LITERARY MAGAZINE and American Register [edited by Chas. Brockden Brown.] Vols. I. and II. 2 vols., hf. bound, neat. 8 John Conrad, 1803, 1804 The Second Volume contains portraits of Washington and Jefferson. 3187 The AMERICAN REGISTER, or General Repository, etc. [edited by Chas. Brockden Brown.] Vols. I.-VII. (all published). 7 vols. half bound, neat, uncut. 8 C. &* A. Conrad &* Co., 18061810 PHILADELPHIA. 63 3188 The MIRROR OF TASTE and DRAMATIC CENSOR. Vols. I.-IV. (all published), portraits. 4 vols., roan, good copy, SCARCE. 8 Bradford and Inskeep, 1810, 1811 Edited by Stephen Cullen Carpenter. " It contained some very clever sketches of American actors, which were amongst the earliest productions of the artist Leslie." DUYCKINCK. 3189 AMERICAN REVIEW of History and Politics; [edited by Robert Walsh.] Vols. I. -IV. (all published}. 4 vols., half bound, very neat. 8 Far rand and Nicholas, 1 8 1 1 , 1812 "The First quarterly attempted in America. Eight numbers appeared, carrying the work through two years. Most of the articles were from the pen of the editor." DUYCKINCK, Cycl. of Am. Lit., u. 38. 3190 The AMERICAN WEEKLY MESSENGER, or Register of State Pa pers, History, and Politics. 2 vols., half morocco. large 8 John Conrad, 1813, 1814 Contains many documents relating to the War of 1812-15. 3191 The AMERICAN REGISTER, or Summary Review of History, Pol itics, and Literature, good copy, half russia. 2 vols. 8 7: Dpbson 6- Son, 1817 A valuable statistical publication, edited by Robert Walsh, which was continued for two years only. DUYCKINCK, n. 38. " Contains the only translation of Barbe Marbois Conspiracy of Arnold , and other valuable historical papers." 3192 The CASKET [a Monthly Magazine]. Vols. I.-IIL, numerous portraits, views of scenery, public buildings, etc. 3 vols. 8 ,5*. C. Atkinson, 1827-29 " This copy contains all the plates, which is very unusual." G. B. 3193 Almanacs. Father Abraham s Almanack for 1772 ; by Abraham Weatherwise, Gent., clean copy, half mor. 12 John Dunlap 3194 Pocket Almanacs. Weatherwise s, 1763; Gentleman and Citizen s, by A. Stewart, 1765, 1767, 1770 ; Poor Will s (J. Cruk- shanK), i77i,-74,-8o,-8i, 1810, 1821; Bailey s, 1800; Bioren s Penn. Pocket Remembrancer, 1814, 1818, 1820. (14) 18 v. y. 3195 Poor Richard improved ; By Richard Saunders, Philom. ; for 1783, 1784, 1786, 1792, Hall &* Sellers; Father Tammany s ; By a Son of Tammany; 1788; Poor Will s, 1793; Columbian, 1794 (Poulson s) Town and Country Almanac, 1790-1800, 1802, 1806. (13) 3196 McCnlloch s Pocket Almanacs, for the year 1801. y. McCul- loch Poor Will s Almanack, for the year[s] 1802, 1803. Jos. 6 Jas. Crukshank. Mounted omvhite paper, for binding. (3) 12 64 PHAILDELPHIA. FRANKLIN S WORKS, AND BOOKS PRINTED AT HIS PRESS. The Works of Franklin are arranged, as nearly as possible, in the order of publication of their first editions. For his autobiography under various titles and the Essays which have often been printed with it see Nos. 3230, and following. When no place of impression is named, the volume was printed in Philadelphia. 3197 [FRANKLIN.] Some | Observations | on the | Proceedings against | The Rev. Mr. Hemphill ; | with a Vindication of his Sermons. | The Second Edition. | wants the last 4 leaves (pp. 25-32), half morocco, uncut. 12 B. Franklin, 1735 EXTREMELY RARE. Franklin, in his autobiography, says of Mr. Hemphill and his troubles: " I became his zealous partisan, and finding that though an elegant preacher, he was but a poor writer, / wrote for him two or three pamphlets, and a piece in the Gazette of April, 1735. These pamphlets, as is generally the case with controversial writings, though eagerly read at the time, were soon out of vogue, and I question whether a single copy of them now exists." Mr. Sparks remarks, in a note : " None of these pamphlets has been found. 19 SPARKS S Franklin, I. 126. Two replies to these "Observa tions" will be found in TRACTS, No. 3478. 3198 -- POOR RICHARD. An Almanack for the Year of Christ 1736, . . By Richard Saunders, Philom., sir. grained olive mor. extra, sides filleted, top gilt (Bedford}, UNCUT. 12 B. Franklin [1736] The fourth of the series of Poor Richard Almanacs, UNCUT, and, in that condition, EXTREMELY RARE. The margins of the title leaf and some defective spots in it have been restored by Mr. Bedford. 3199 Poor Richard, 1747. An Almanack for the Year of Christ 1747 ... By Richard Saunders, Philom., clean, UNCUT. 12 B. Franklin, 1747 The preface makes " honourable mention of the late deceased Ornament and Head of our Profession, Mr. Jacob Taylor, who for upwards of 40 years (with some few intermis sions only) supply d the good People of this and the neighbouring Colonies, with the most compleat Ephemeris." etc. 3200 The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle, for all the British Plantations in America, Vol. I. Nos. i & 2, (Jan. and Feb., 1741,) in one vol., polished calf extra, g. e. (Bedford], fine clean copies, VERY RARE. 12 B. Franklin, 1741 3201 - - A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books, consisting of near 600 Volumes, . . to be sold, for ready money only, by Benj. Frank lin, .. beginning April n, 1744, /^. 1 6, polished calf extra, g. e. (Bedford), BEAUTIFUL COPY. 16 n. p., n. d. \B. Franklin, 1744] 3202 [ ] An Account of the New Invented Pennsylvanian Fire- Places, etc.,//. 37, i, and folding plate, half morocco, neat, UNCUT. 8 B. Franklin, 1744 Idea of the English School (Philadelphia Academy), 1751, See Peters (Richard) A Sermon, etc., No. 3310. 3203 Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Phil adelphia in America, by Benj. Franklin, Esq., and communicated in several Letters to Peter Collinson, Esqr., //tffcr, //. (4), 86, (2). London, E. Cave, 1751 New Experiments and Observations, etc. Part I. The Second Edition,//. 86, plate; Part II. The Second Edition, //. 87-110; Part III., //. (4), 1 11-154- London, D. Henry 6* R. Cave, 1754 Dr. BENJ. HOADLY and B. WILSON S Observations on a Series of Electrical Experiments. Lond. 1756 FRANKLIN. 65 (present. " from the Authors to Benj. ffranklyn Esqr.") The same. 2d edition, with additions. Land. 1759 B. WILSON, and others, Observations on Lightning, and the Method of securing Buildings from its Effects. Lond. 1773 B. WILSON S Further observations upon Lightning, with some Experiments, plate, pp. vii, 26. Lond. 1774, (present, "from the Author to Dr. Franklin, 25 May, 1774 ) - The same : another copy, with MSS. marginal notes and a full page "memorandum " prefixed by Wm. Henley (Sec. of the Royal Society). Lond. 1774. 8 in one volume, half bound. 4 London, v. y. This volume is from Dr. FRANKLIN S LIBRARY, and contains MANY MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS AND NOTES by him. In the margin of the first edition of his "Experi ments," he has entered the names of those to whom he was indebted for experiments, or who had verified them, "E. Kinnersley," "Dr. Philip Syng," and others. Some of Henley s marginal criticisms of Wilson which are very sharp have suffered by the binder s trimming knife, but many remain intact. The volume is one of RARE INTEREST to scientific as well as to literary collectors. 3204 New Experiments and Observations on Electricity, etc. Part I, The Third Edition. London, D. Henry, andR. Cave, 1760 Part II, Second Edition. Id. 1754 Part III. Id. 1754 PRIESTLEY (Jos.) Additions to the History and Present State of Electricity, with original Experiments. 2d edition. Plate (stained), pp. iv, 52. Lond. 1772 MARTIN (Benj.) Micrographia Nova; or, a New Treatise on the Microscope . . Added, an Account of the Camera Obscura, and Solar Microscope, etc., pp. viii, 62, 2 plates (one slightly injured). Reading,, 1742 MARTIN (B.) The Nature and Constitution of a Solar Eclipse explained . . in that . . of April i, 1764, plate. Lond. 1764 MARTIN (B.) The Description and Use of a Table-Clock, on a new Construction, plate, n. d. MARTIN (B.) Horologia Nova; or, the New Art of Dialling, copperplate, Lond. 1770 and two others. 10 in i vol. 4 3205 Experiences et Observations sur PElectricite , . . traduites de 1 Anglois ; Par M. d Alibard. Seconde Edition. Tome Second, //. 349, hf. bound. 12 Paris, Durand, 1756 [ ] Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1754, and Continuation of the Account, etc. 1761. See No. 3084. [ ?] A Memorial of the Case of the German Emigrants, etc. I 755- & ee No. 3140. 3206 Poor Richard Improved : Being an Almanack and Ephemeris for the Year[s] 1752, 53, 54, 55, and 56. By R. Saunders. Five in i vol., portrait inserted, levant brown morocco (loose in covers]. 12 B. Franklin and D. Hall For these five Almanacs Mr. Brinley paid at Mr. Rice s sale in 1870, $52.50, which was about one-half their cost to Mr. Rice. An Abridgment of Mr. Hopkins s Historical Memoirs, relating to the Housatunnuk Indians . . [With an Introduction, by Frank lin.] 1757. See No. 3297. [ ?] An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, etc. See No. 3056. 3207 [ ] Father Abraham s Speech to a great Number of People, at a Vendue of Merchant-Goods ; Introduced to the Publick By Poor Richard, (A famous Pennsylvanian Conjuror and Almanack-Maker), 66 PHILADELPHIA. In Answer to the following Questions; Pray, Father Abraham, what think you of the Times ? Won t these heavy Taxes quite ruin the Country ? How shall we be ever able to pay them ? What would you advise us to ? To which are added, several curious Pieces of Writing ? etc., folded frontispiece, "Father Abraham in his Study," rare portrait of Franklin inserted, levant red morocco, extra filleted sides, inside borders, top gilt (Bedford}, UNCUT, except at top. 8 Boston, Benj. Mecom, n. d. [1760] VERY RARE. The first, and best, separate edition of this piece. The printer, Benja min Mecom, was Franklin s nephew, and served his apprenticeship with him, at Philadelphia. He opened a printing-house in Boston, in 1757, and removed from Boston to New Haven, about 1764. THOMAS, i. 349, 411. 3208 [FRANKLIN.] Father Abraham s Speech. Another copy, folded frontispiece, scarce portrait (Goldar st.) inserted, best levant brown morocco, sides filleted and paneled, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT, A SUPERB COPY. 8 Boston, B. Mecom, [1760] 3209 [ ] Poor Richard improved : being an Almanack and Ephemeris .... for the year of our Lord, 1757 .... By Richard Saunders, Philom. The same, for 1761, -625-64 (2 copies), -65,-66. Seven, all fine copies, UNCUT. 12 B. Franklin d> D. Hall, 1757-66 3210 [ ] Poor Richard improved: being an Almanack and Epheme ris .... for the year[s] i767,-68,-69,~72,-74. Five (three uncut}. 12 D. Hall and W. Sellers, 1767-74 3211 [ ]A Pocket Almanack For the Yearfs] 1759, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1768. By Richard Saunders. Mounted on white paper, folded for binding, (5.) 12 B. Franklin and D. Hall. 3212 [ ] A Pocket Almanack For the Year 1776. By Richard Saunders. In original marbled cover. 32 Hall and Sellers. 3213 Some Account of the Success of Inoculation for the Small- Pox in England and America. Together with Plain Instructions by which any Person may be enabled to perform the operation, etc., pp. 8, 12, fresh clean copy, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, RARE. 4 London, W. Strahan, 1759 The " Plain Instructions " have a separate title-page, with the imprint : " London : Printed at the expence of the author to be given away in America." 3214 -- The Pennsylvania Gazette, Jan.i-Dec 31, 1761 (Nos. 1671- 1723) : only one number missing, and one imperfect ; in excellent condi tion, hf. sheep. folio, B. Franklin &> D. Hall, 1761 3215 [ ] A Narrative of the late Massacres, in Lancaster County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, by Persons Unknown. With some Observations on the same,//. 31, fine copy, polished calf, gilt, g. e. (Bedford). 8 n. p. {Philadelphia, B. Franklin 6- D. Hall,] 1764 " Among the RAREST of works relating to the history of Pennsylvania." FIELD, Ind. Bibliography. 3216 [ ] Cool Thoughts on the Present Situation of our Public Affairs. In a Letter to a Friend in the Country. [Dated, Phila delphia, April 12, 1764.] //. 22, RARE. 8 W. Dunlap, 1764 3217 [ ] The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, in 1766, n. /. /., pp. 50, half morocco, SCARCE. 8 n. p., 1767 FRANKLIN S WORKS. 67 TRACTS ON THE STAMP ACT, AND TAXATION OF AMERICA : Dr. Franklin s copies, with his Manuscript Notes. Five volumes, printed in London and Paris, 1765-69, each of which is rendered UNIQUE by copious notes and comments in FRANKLIN S HANDWRITING. Uniformly bound, by Mr. F. Bedford, in grosgrain levant dark red morocco extra, -without gilding, except filleted edges. 3218 (FRANKLIN.) [Knox (Wm.)] The Claim of the Colonies to an Exemption from Internal Taxes imposed by Authority of Parlia ment, Examined,//. (2), 46. 8 London, for W. Johnston, 1765 Franklin has written, on the title page, " By Knox Esq., Agent for Georgia." Of his numerous marginal notes, one may serve for a specimen. The author asserts " that the parliament of Great Britain has exercised supreme and uncontrolled jurisdiction, inter nally and externally, over the properties and persons of the subjects in the colonies." " Highwaymen," comments Franklin, "on Hounslow Heath have for ages past exercised the same Jurisdiction over Subjects here; but does that prove they had a Right so to do ? " 3219 [The Lords ] Protest against the Bill To repeal the American Stamp Act of Last Session,//. 16, uncut, except at top. 8 A Paris, chez J. W. Imprimeur, 1766 Nearly all the margins are crowded with Franklin s comments and suggestions for a more formal reply, which probably was never written. [The Lords "Second Protest, with a List of the Voters," etc., with Franklin s marginal notes, of similar character, is described in the catalogue of Mr. T. H. Morrell s Library, and again in the Menzies Cata logue, no. 745.] 3220 -- The True Constitutional Means For putting an End to the Disputes between Great-Britain and the American Colonies,//. (2), 38. 8 London, for T. Becket and P. A. DeHondt, 1769 Query, Could this be written by Mr. Jackson ? From some Expressions and Argu ments, it should seem so ; but others are so unlike his Precision, that I rather think he is not the Author," wrote Franklin, on the title-page. His marginal notes are copious and racy. When the author alludes (p. 26) to " Virginian luxury," and to the numerous servants "at some entertainments," as evidences of the wealth of the colonists, Franklin remarks : "It has been a great Folly in the Americans, to entertain English Gentlemen with a splendid Hospitality, ill-suited to their Circumstances ; by which they have excited no other grateful sensation in their guests than that of a Desire to tax the Landlord." As additional proof of the ability of the Colonies to sustain taxation, the writer shows that their importations amount to four millions per annum. " This," comments Franklin, " is arguing the Riches of a People, from their Extravagance the very thing that keeps them Poor ! " 3221 [Mauduit (I.)] A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, With Respect to their Original Character and Constitution,//. (4), 71, UNCUT. 8 London, J. Wilkie, 1769 " In all the late Disturbances," says the author, " the people of Massachusetts Bay have taken the lead." Franklin s comment is : " The Virginians claim the Honour of having taken the Lead. But, as they are Episcopalians, & the N. E. People Dissenters, of whom Sedition, Republicanism, & Rebellion are more easily believed, & against whom an Accusation of any sort is more readily believ d, therefore the Ton here [in London] is, to ascribe the Lead to them." 3222 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Present Dis putes between the British Colonies in America and their Mother- Country, wants after p. 74, fine portrait of Franklin inserted. 8 London, for y. Wilkie, 1769 The margins crowded with spirited and characteristic notes, by Franklin. (One of these, on page 40, ends with a curious illustration, in short-hand, which Mr. Sparks has omitted.} 3223 [ ] La Science du Bonhomme Richard, ou Moyen Facile de Payer les Impots \On a joint a cette petite Piece ; L Interrogatoire que M. Franklin subit . . . devant le Parlement d Angleterre La Constitution de la Republique de Pensylvanie, . . Juillet, 1776 68 PHILADELPHIA. L Interrogatoire de M. Penn a la Barre du Parlement, 1776.] Traduit de PAnglois, pp. 151, half French calf, gilt. 12 A Philadelphie, et se trouve a Paris, chez Rualt, 1777 RARE. The FIRST EDITION of this French translation (Quetant s) of "The Way to Wealth." It is not mentioned by Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 25583), who notes Rualt s second edition, Philadelphia et Paris, 1778, u exactement semblable Jt la premiere." The Constitution of Pennsylvania has a long " note d un Amerequain " [Franklin ?] and notes by the editor. 3224 (FRANKLIN.) La Science du Bonhomme Richard. [Precedee de] PHistoire Typographique de PAuteur, pp. xvi, 16, half levant morocco. folio, Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke, 1827 " A splendid edition, and but few printed." SABIN, no. 25584. 3225 (OPUSCULES.) The Way to Wealth or ^Poor Richard improved [La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Lettres de Franklin. Dia logue entre la Goutte et Franklin. Quelques Mots sur PAmerique, etc.,//. 1 8 1, 28, portraits, facsimile, and plate, blue morocco, gilt,g. e. (Bozerian), LARGEST PAPER. 8 Paris \_Dijon, P. Causse,~\for A. A. Renouard, 1795 RENOUARD S OWN COPY, of this exquisite edition, made by a book-lover for book lovers. It has two impressions of the portrait (engr. by Tardieu), one a PROOF before the name. The binding is a fine example of the elder Bozerian s style ; dark blue morocco, back full gilt in tooling as delicate as lace-work, sides bordered, outside and in side, and lined with amber silk, vellum guard-leaves. In every respect, the volume is in FINE CONDITION. 3226 Franklin s Way to Wealth or "Poor Richard Improved," pretty engravings, green mor. extra (Bedford}. 24 Philadelphia, J. Johnson, 1808 3227 The same ; with a German translation on opposite pages ; engravings, green morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford). 12 Philadelphia, Johnson 6 Warren, 1809 3228 Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces, . . . Now first Collected, With Explanatory Plates, Notes, and an Index. [Edited by Benj. Vaughn.] //. xi, 567, (7), portrait inserted, new half morocco (Roxburghe], UNCUT, FINE COPY. 4 London, J. Johnson, 1779 3229 Observations on the Causes and Cure of Smoky Chimneys, . . in a Letter to Dr. Ingen-Housz, Physician to the Emperor at Vienna, copperplate, half blue morocco, neat. 8 Repr. London, Debrett, 1787 3230 Memoires de la vie privee de Benj. Franklin, ecrits par lui- meme, et adresses a son Fils ; suivis d un Precis historique de sa Vie politique, et de plusieurs Pieces, relatives a ce Pere de la Liberte, //. 156, 363 (binding broken), RARE. 12 Paris, chez Buisson, 1791 See note to No. 3268. 3231 Benjamin Franklin s Enskildta Lefwerne [Autobiography, in Swedish], portrait, half mor. 12 Stockholm, 1792 3232 -- The Private Life of the late Benj. Franklin, LL.D Orig inally written by Himself, and now translated from the French. To which are added, some Account of his Public Life, a variety of Anecdotes concerning him, . . . and the Eulogium of M. Fauchet, pp. xvi, 324, bds., uncut. 8 London, J. Parsons, 1793 3 2 33 Life . . . written by Himself. 12 Salem, 1796 3234 The same; 4th American edition. 16 Wilmington, 1799 3235 The same. 12 Montpelier \VtI\, Samuel Goss, 1809 FRANKLIN S WORKS. 69 3236 (FRANKLIN.) Life . . .written by Himself. sm. 12 New York, 1813 3 2 37 Tae same, Montpelier, 1809 Essays, Boston, 1811. 2 in i vol., portrait, sheep. 3238 Works. . Consisting of his Life, Written by Himself, together with Essays, Humorous, Moral & Literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator. 2 vols., engraved titles (with portrait in vignette), calf , gilt. 12 London, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1793 3239 Life and Essays. Engraved title, and Portrait (engr. by P. R. Maverick), pp. 174, 139, (3), old calf, fine copy. 12 New York, Tiebout 6 Obrian, for H. Gaine (and others), n. d. 3240 Works ; consisting of his Life, written by himself, with Essays, Humourous, Moral, & Literary. The Second American Edition. 2 vols. in \, portrait, pp. 206, 142, binding broken. 12 New York, S. Campbell, 1794 3241 - - The same, Portrait (injured), pp. 300. 12 Charlestown, J. Lamson, 1798 3242 The same, Portrait (engr. by Hopewood}. 2 vols. in i, (broken binding) 16 London, 1802 3243 The same, half calf, gilt. 16 JVew York, E. Duyckinck, 1807 3244 The same edition, another copy, sheep, neat. 3245 The same. 12 Easton, [Pa.] H. W. Gibbs, 1810 3246 The Life and Essays. sm. 12 Phila., Johnson 6 Warner, 1812 3247 - - The same. 12 Brattleborough [/>?.] 1814 3248 The same, Portrait. 18 Boston, 1815 3249 - - The same. 18 Philadelphia, B. C. Buzby, 1818 3250 The same. 12 Middletown, 1823 3251 - - The same. 18 N. York, W. Van Norden, 1825 3252 The same, Portrait. 18 Boston, T. Bedlington, 1825 3253 The same edition, different portrait, bd. 1825 3254 The same, Portrait, poor copy. 18 New York, 1830 3255 The same. 18 New York, S. King, 1831 3256 - - The same. 18 N. York, J. Lomax, 1831 3257 Life, written chiefly by Himself, with a Collection of his best Essays. A new Edition, revised ; by Mason L. Weems, portrait, sheep, nice copy. 12 Phila., M. Casey, 1817 3258 Life, by M. L. Weems, 3d edition, sheep. 12 Hagerstown, 1818 3259 The same. 6th edition. (2 copies.) 12 Phila., 1822 3260 Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary, imperfect at end. 12 Boston, 1811 3261 Works .. in Philosophy, Politics and Morals; containing, besides all the Writings published in former Collections, his Diplomatic Correspondence, . . a Variety of Literary Articles, and Epistolary Correspondence, etc., engraved titles, portraits, and other plates. 6 vols., bds. uncut. 8 Phila., Wm. Duane, 1809-18 7O PHILADELPHIA. 3262 (FRANKLIN.) Works; containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former Edition, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto published ; with Notes and a Life of the Author; by JARED SPARKS. 10 vols., doth, uncut. r. 8 Boston, Hillard, Gray, and Co., 1836-40 3263 Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790, portraits, pp. 195, half morocco, top gilt, SCARCE. r. 8 New York, 1859 3264 -- [Weems (M. L.)] The Immortal Mentor, or Man s Unerring Guide to a Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Life; in three parts; by Lewis Cornaro, B. Franklin, and Dr. Scott ; with a recommendatory notice by Geo. Washington. 12 Phila., 1796 3265 -- Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin [in Boston], plates, pp. 412, cloth, uncut. r. 8 Boston, 1857 3266 - The same. LARGE PAPER, uncut. 4 Boston, 1857 3267 (Franklin.) What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a | Gander. Being A Small Touch in the Lapidary Way. | Or Tit for Tat, in your own Way. | AN EPITAPH On a certain great Man. Written by a departed Spirit and now Most humbly inscrib d to all his dutiful Sons and | Children, Who may hereafter chose to dis-| tinguish him by the name of | A PATRIOT. | etc., //. 8, a scarce por trait of Franklin inserted ; levant red morocco extra, full gilt back, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 Philadelphia, printed in Arch-Street, 1764 EXTREMELY RARE. The publication of this brutal attack on Franklin was one of the incidents of the political contest in Philadelphia in 1764, when the proprietary party succeeded in defeating, by a small majority, Franklin s election as representative in the Assembly. See, in "The Substance of a Council," &c. (No. 3070) p. 6, an allusion to " W . . . n [Wilson ?], who was put upon writing that stupid Epitaph on Mr. F . . . n." 3268 Memoirs of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, With a Review of his Pamphlet, entitled " Information to those who would wish to remove to America," Portrait, pp. 24, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, A. Grant, for the Author, 1790 " This anonymous writer endeavors to depreciate the character of Dr. Franklin in these Memoirs which are loose, general, and of course deficient. He flatly contradicts the rep resentations used by the Doctor to encourage emigration to America." Rich. It is perhaps not generally known that these memoirs supplied the continuation of Franklin s autobiography, for the French translation of the " Memoires de la Vie privee," published by Buisson, in 1791 (see No. 3230). The French editor, in a note (2de pte., p. 2) observes that "the observations and reflections" of the author of the continuation "are those of an Englishman, and, consequently, of a zealous defender of the Mother Country, as will easily be discovered"; and that " I 1 Observateur is not in all things the approver of Franklin s conduct and opinions." The most objectionable passages of the English memoir are omitted in the translation: e. g. the statement (p. 34) that Franklin was dismissed from the office of post-master, "for some mal-practice therein." The " Information to those who would wish to remove to America," which was reviewed by the English writer, is given entire in the French translation. 3269 The same, another copy, trimmed. 3270 Franklin (B.) The Interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, //. 59, (5). 8 London ; repr. Boston, B. Mecom, 1760 Not by Franklin, though positively ascribed to him by his nephew, the Boston re-publisher, and included in the list of Franklin s Writings by Mr. Sparks. It was written by Richard Jackson, the agent of Pennsylvania and Connecticut, in England who, probably, was assisted by Franklin in its preparation. FRANKLIN S PRESS. 7 1 FRANKLIN S PRESS. 3271 ALLEIN (Joseph) Alarm to Unconverted Sinners, polished calf extra. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1741 3272 ARNDT S Wahre Christenthum. Des Hocherleuchteten Theo- logi, | Herrn Johann Arndts, | Weiland General-Superintendenten des Furstenthums Liineburg, etc. | Samtliche Sechs geistliche Biicher | Vom | Wahren Christenthum, | Das ist : | Von heilsamer Busse, | Hertzlicher Reue mid Leid iiber die | Siinne, wahrem Glauben, auch heiligem j Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen. Neue Auflage mit Kupfern, Samt | Richtigen Anmerck- ungen, Krafftigen Gebetern | iiber alle Capitel, und | Einem sechs- fachen Register. | 8 Philadelphia, gedruckt und verlegt bey Benjamin Frdncklin \ und Johann Bohm, 1741 Title, 16 prelim, leaves (including eight pages of a list of subscribers), pp. 1356, portrait, and 63 full-page engravings. In the original stamped vellum, brass clasps, in FINE CONDITION. "True Christianity" the most esteemed work of its author, an eminent Lutheran divine (born 1555, died 1621) was first published, in German, in 1605 ; and, before 1700, had been translated into several languages. An English translation of the first book was printed in 1646; and of the whole work, by A. W. Boehm, London, 1711, and again, 1720. The German Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjoining colonies was organized in 1748. The Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg " the patriarch of the Lutheran church in America " came to Philadelphia in 1 742. His name appears in the list of subscribers to this volume, with the names of the other German Lutheran ministers in Pennsylvania Peter Brunnholtz, Joh. Fr. Handschuh, Joh. Nic. Kurtz, J. P. Leydich, Joh. Lischi, J. F. Schaum, T. Wagner, Joh. Alb. Weygant, and Joh. Chr. Hartwig, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., who wrote a preface, giving some account of the work and its author. The editor, the Rev. Philip Boehm, whose name is associated, in the imprint, with Franklin s, as a partner was the first minister of the German Lutherans of Falconer-Swamp Church, Montgomery Co., Pa. In a description of this volume, printed in the Philadelphia Press, Nov. 10, 1870, the writer, G. H. [George Hamilton ?] remarks that Boehm " is not generally known to have been at one time a partner of Benj. Franklin. So far, in fact, from this being gen- erally known, it may perhaps safely be said to be almost unknown, so rarely do we meet with a work with the imprint of Franklin and Boehm. The writer has seen but one such volume [the one here described.] . . . The size of this volume (greater as to the number of pages than any Franklin publication we have seen or known) it might be thought would have secured a good many copies from loss or destruction, . . yet I believe no copies are to be found in our principal public libraries." The 64 curious (emblematic) copperplate engravings were as the Preface informs us great expense to the publisher," from Germany : and to ensure the accuracy of the text (which was reprinted from a Zurich edition of 1746), the proofs had been care obtained, " at of the text (whi fully collated with an edition published for the Magdeburg Evang. Luth. Ministerium. 3273 ARSCOT (Alex.) Some | Considerations Relating to the | Present State of the | Christian Religion, | Wherein the Nature, End and Design | of Christianity, as well as the Principle Evidence of the Truth of it, are explained and recom-|mended, etc.,//. 112 The same. Part II. Wherein the Evidence of the Christian Religion is explain d, etc., pp. 140, (2). 2 vols. in one, original binding, good copy. sm. 8 London, Printed ; Reprinted by B. Franklin at the New Printing- Office, in Philadelphia, 1732 RARE. The edition is not found in Joseph Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books. 3274 (BAPTISTS.) A Confession of Faith . . . Adopted by the Baptist Association, at Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1742, 6th ed., //. 112. (2) A Short Treatise of Church Discipline [compiled by Benj. Griffith],//. 62. 2 vols. in one, dk. blue mor. extra, back full- gilt, sides filleted, g. e., FINE COPY. 16 B. Franklin, 1743 Barclay (R.) The Anarchy of the Ranters. 1757. See No. 3485. 3275 BARTON (Thomas) Unanimity and Public Spirit. A Sermon, at Carlisle [Pa.], and some other Episcopal Churches, . . . soon /2 PHILADELPHIA. after General Braddock s Defeat, . . . Prefixed, A Letter from the Reverend Mr. [Wm.] Smith, Provost of the College of Philadelphia, etc., pp. xx, 1 6, half morocco, neat. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 3276 BECHTELN (Johannes) Kurzer | Catechismus Vor etliche | Ge- meinen Jesu Aus der Reformirten Religion in Pennsylvania, Die sich zum alten Berner Synodo halten : | Herausgegeben von Johannes Bechteln, | Diener des Worts Gottes, |//. 42, (2 blk.) best levant brown morocco, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford], AN ELEGANT COPY. 24 Benjamin Franklin, 1742 3277 BLAIR (Samuel) The Doctrine of Predestination truly and fairly Stated,//. 79. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1742 A GOOD COPY, in the original binding. On the title, in the author s autograph proba bly, is the presentation " To the Rev d Mr. Jonathan Edwards." 3278 BRITAIN S REMEMBRANCER . . . The Fifth Edition,//. 47, morocco, uncut, (a name written on the title.) sm. 8 Reprinted, B. Franklin, [1746] 3279 CATO S MORAL DISTICHS Englished in Couplets [by James Logan]? //. 23, (i), UNCUT. 4 B. Franklin, 1735 The collection of moral precepts, in Latin verse, which have come down to us under the name of an unknown " Dionysius Cato," was a standard text book for young scholars in the middle ages, and until the last century. If they can be regarded as classic, this tract may pass for " the first translation of a classic which was both made and printed in the British colonies." It is VERY RARE. 3280 (CHURCH OF SCOTLAND.) Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture Proofs at Large, . . . Cove nants, National and Solemn League, . . . Directories, Form of Church Government, &c. Of Publick- Authority in the Church of Scotland, etc., pp. 567, (24), best grosgr. levant blue morocco, full gilt back, paneled sides, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford), LARGE AND FINE COPY. 8 B. Franklin, 1745 Eleven separate title-pages, with Franklin s imprint, but with continuous paging and signatures throughout. 3281 CICERO S (M. T.) CATO MAJOR, or his Discourse of Old-Age: With Explanatory Notes,//, viii, 159, rubricated title, original bind ing, paneled calf ~. 8 B. Franklin, 1744 A FINE COPY, with the autograph of President Thomas Clap, of Yale College, " dono . D. Benj. Franklin, 1746." Measures 7 by 4^ inches. 3282 CICERO S (M. T.) CATO MAJOR . . . Another copy, grosgr. levant citron morocco, gilt back, filleted sides, g. e. wide 8 B. Franklin, 1744 A VERY LARGE and BEAUTIFUL copy (formerly Edward D. Ingraham s). It measures 7f large, by 5^ inches. An autograph and two fine portraits of Franklin are inserted. 3283 CICERO S (M. T.) CATO MAJOR . . . Another copy, levant blue mo rocco, back full gilt, sides elaborately tooled, lined with levant red mo rocco, with wide a?id elegant gold borders, gilt top (David), UNCUT. 8 B. Franklin, 1744 A MAGNIFICENT copy. Measures 8 (full) by 6 inches. 3284 CICERO S (M. T.) CATO MAJOR., . Another copy, sir. grained red morocco, beveled boards, sides filleted and elegantly paneled in gold, back full-gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (T. Aitken). 8 B. Franklin, 1744 Measures %\\ by 5 inches, giving it the shape of royal octavo. In SUPERB CONDITION, and in all respects, a MATCHLESS COPY. 3285 CICERO S Cato Major ; or a Discourse on Old Age . . Trans lated, with Explanatory Notes, by Benjamin Franklin LL.D.,/^. 251-357. 8 W. Duane, n. d. [ab. 1808] Intended for insertion in Duane s edition of Franklin s Works, but omitted. 73 3286 CONDUCTOR GENERALIS : Or, the Office, Duty, and Authority of Justices of the Peace, etc. 26. edition,//, xvi, 592, half calf antique. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749 3287 The Same. 2d edition, with large additions,//. (16 ), xvi, 464. 8 B. Franklin 6* D. Hall, 1750 3288 DELL (William) The Trial of Spirits, both in Teachers and Hearers. Wherein is held forth the ... Downfal, of the Carnal and Anti-Christian Clergy of these Nations, //. 55, half vellum, gilt. 8 London, 1666.- Repr. B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1760 3289 DUCHE (Jacob) A Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Evan Morgan, Feb. 13, 1*1^5, portrait inserted, pp. iv, 24, halfmor., uncut, fine copy. 8 B. Franklin &> D. Hall, 1763 3290 ESTAUGH (John) A Call to the Unfaithful Professors of Truth, [with] Divers Epistles of the same author,//. 119, old binding. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1744 The author was of Haddonfield, N. J. 3291 EVANS (Lewis) Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosoph ical and Mechanical Essays. The FIRST, Containing an Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America ; and of the Country of the Confederate Indians, &c., //. iv, 32. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 The same. The SECOND EDITION, //. iv, 32. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 Number II. Contain ing, a Letter representing, the Impropriety of sending Forces to Virginia : The Importance of taking Fort Frontenac, &c., With An Answer. //. 42, i. \^B. Franklin 6 D. Hall], for the Author, &c., i75 6 - 4 The three, bound in one volume, levant green morocco extra, g. e. {Bedford}, with the COLORED MAP (lined with linen) folded. A SPLENDID COPY. 3292 FREE MASONS. The | Constitutions | of the | Free-Masons. Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, &c. of that most Ancient and Right | Worshipful Fraternity. For the Use of the Lodges, | //. 94. With TWENTY-FIVE PAGES OF MANUSCRIPT prefixed apparently in FRANKLIN S AUTOGRAPH ; A FINE COPY, elegantly bound in levant red morocco, full gilt back, rich inside borders, sides filleted and paneled, g. e. {Bedford). 4 London, Printed; Anno 5723. Re-printed by Special Order, \by B. Franklin, ] for the Use of the Brethren in North America. In the Year of Masonry, 5734. Anno Domini 1734 One of the RAREST of Franklin s imprints, and with additions that make the copy UNIQUE. The first Provincial Grand Lodge in America was established at Boston, July 30, 1733. On Franklin s application to this Lodge, a charter was granted for a lodge in Philadelphia, of which he was chosen the first Master. This volume contains a manuscript record of the establishment of the Provincial Grand Lodge ; and of the application for, and the estab lishment and organization of the first Boston Lodge ; its by-laws, a list of its members, votes, etc., to 1736. This record (or transcript of record) is very neatly written, and a comparison with the handwriting of Franklin, of the same period, shows it to be in HIS AUTOGRAPH, made, probably, "for the use of the Brethren," of the new lodge in Philadelphia. 3293 (GERMANS IN PENNSYLVANIA.) A Brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Charitable Scheme, carrying on by a Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen in London, For the Relief and Instruc tion of poor Germans . . settled in Pennsylvania, etc., half morocco, pp. 1 8, clean, UNCUT. 4 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 Signed by Wm. Smith, Secretary of the Trustees-General of this Charitable Society. (See No. 3052.) 10 74 PHILADELPHIA. 3294 HALL (David) A Mite into the Treasury ; or, Some Serious Remarks on that solemn and indispensable Duty of attending Assemblies for divine Worship, etc. [with] An Epistle to Friends of Knaresborough Monthly-Meeting, //. x, 53, paneled calf antique, FINE LARGE COPY. 8 Repr., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1738 3295 [HANCOCK (Rev. John)] The Examiner, or Gilbert against Ten- nent, . A Confutation of the Rev. Gilbert Tennent, and his Adher ents ; by Philalethes. pp. 31, last leaf imperfect, half calf , neat. 12 Boston; repr. Phila., B. Franklin, 1743. 3296 The Honour | of the | Gout; or, | A Rational Discourse, demon- stra-|ting that the Gout is one of the greatest Blessings which can befal Mortal Man ; ... By way of Letter to an Eminent Citizen, Wrote in the heat of a violent Paroxysm, and now publish d for the Common Good. By Philander Misiatrus. //. 65, (5). sm. 12 London printed : Reprinted by B. Franklin in Philadelphia, 1732 First published, London, 1699. Nearly half a century after Franklin reprinted it, it served to suggest his witty "Dialogue between Franklin and the Gout" (written in 1780). 3297 HOPKINS (Samuel) D.D. An Abridgment of Mr. Hopkins s Historical Memoirs, relating to the Housatunnuk or Stockbridge Indians, [With an Introduction by Benj. Franklin,]//, ^o, fine copy, dark red morocco extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757 3298 HOPKINS (Samuel) D.D. An Address to the People of New- England. Representing the very great Importance of attaching the Indians to their Interest .... Printed in Boston, 1753. Being a Conclusion to the Historical Memoirs, relating to the Housatun nuk Indians .... Now recommended to the serious Consideration of the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, etc., pp. 27, calf extra, g. e. (Bed ford}. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757 [Indians, Treaties and Conferences with, (at Philadelphia, 1742, 1744, 1747, 1749; Lancaster, 1744, 1748, 1757; Albany, 1745; Easton, 1757, 1758.) See INDIANS (Treaties and Conferences). 3299 JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D. Noetica : or the First Principles of Human Knowledge. Being a Logick, including both Metaphysics and Dialectic . . . To which is prefixed, A Short Introduction to the Study of the Sciences,//, xxiv, 96, i, and slip of Errata, half bhte morocco, uncut. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752 3300 JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D. Elementa Philosophica : containing chiefly NOETICA, or Things relating to the Mind or Understanding: and ETHICA, or Things relating to the Moral Behavior, //. xxiv, 103, (i); viii, 103. 2 vols. in i, old calf . (2 copies.) 8 Philadelphia, B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1752 3301 LAW (Wm.) Extract from (his) Treatise called The Spirit of Prayer, //. 47, half vellum, gilt. 16 B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1760 3302 Letters between Theophilus and Eugenio, on the Moral Pravity of Man, and the Means of his Restoration. Wrote in the East- Indies, and now first published from the Original Manuscript, //. iv, 64, paneled calf, antique, FINE COPY. 4 B. Franklin, 1747 "EXTREMELY RARE. Probably written by Franklin, and an EARLY SPECIMEN of his press." Menzies Catalogue, no. 741. FRANKLIN S PRESS. 75 3303 Letters between Theophilus and Eugenic. Another copy, inter leaved with larger paper, the pages too close cut, some having lost a line at bottom, richly bound in morocco extra, gilt, lined with claret calf, with broad gilt borders, elaborately tooled. 4 B. Franklin, 1747 3304 Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism ; On the Idea of a Patriot King; and On the State of Parties, at the Accession of King George I. [By Lord Bolingbroke.] pp. 86, paneled calf, nearly uncut. 8 London, printed : repr. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749 3305 [LOGAN (James)] The Charge from the Bench to the Grand Inquest, At a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal- Delivery . . . Philadelphia, April 13, 1736, //. 24, calf antique, FINE FRESH COPY. 4 B. Franklin, 1736 3306 MEREDITH (JOHN) A Short Discourse, | Proving that the | Jewish or Seventh-Day Sabbath | Is Abrogated and Repealed. //. 20, (i), olive morocco extra, gilt, sides filleted and paneled, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 Philadelphia, [B. Franklin &> H. Meredith] at the New Printing- Office in High- Street, near the Market, 1729 EXTREMELY RARE. One of the first works from Franklin s press, after he began business for himself, in partnership with Hugh Meredith, at " The New Printing House near the Market." This tract was advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 10, 1729-30, as "lately published and sold by the Printer." Who was John Meredith? That the publication of the "Short Discourse" was aimed at Keimer Franklin s old employer and present rival seems highly probable. Keimer (as Franklin mentions in his autobiography) " kept the Seventh-Day Sabbath. 3307 MORGAN (Abel) Anti-Paedo-Rantism ; or, Mr. Samuel Finley s Charitable Plea for the Speechless Examined and Refuted : The Baptism of Believers Maintain d ; and the Mode of it, by Immer sion Vindicated,//. 160. An Appendix to the Foregoing Work ; being Remarks on . . a late Pamphlet [by Jonathan Dickinson] entituled, Divine Right of Infant Baptism, &c. ; Written by another Hanc( ; //. 161-174, (i). In one vol., paneled calf antique, red edges (Paw son 6 Nicholson}. 8 B. Franklin, 1747 3308 MORGAN (Abel) Anti-Paedo-Rantism Defended : A Reply to Mr. Samuel Finley s Vindication of the Charitable Plea for the Speechless, etc., pp. 230. good copy, in the original binding, sound. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1750 3309 A Morning and Evening s Meditation, or, a Descant on the Times j a POEM, by T. Lfetchworth], //. 58, paneled calf, antique, nearly uncut. 8 London, repr. B. Ftanklin & D. Hall, 1766 [Pennsylvania Laws. See Nos. 3010-3013. Votes and Pro ceedings of House of Representatives. See Nos. 3021 3024. 3310 PETERS (Richard) A Sermon on Education. Wherein Some Account is given of the Academy established in the City of Philadel phia ; Preach d at the Opening thereof, Jan. 7, 1750-51, //. vii, 48, %, paneled calf , FINE COPY. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1751 Appended to this Sermon, is Franklin s " Idea of the English School, Sketch d out for the Consideration of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Academy," //. 8. 3311 (PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY.) Constitutions of the Publick Academy of the City of Philadelphia,//. 4, n. t. p. (signed, Nov. 13, 1749.) folio, [B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1749] 76 PHILADELPHIA. 3312 PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY. The Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books, //. 26, 150, View of the Franklin Library in 1800, inserted, half morocco, neat, FINE COPY. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1764 3313 REFLECTIONS on Courtship and Marriage : in Two Letters to a Friend ; Wherein a practicable Plan is laid down for Obtaining and Securing Conjugal Felicity, pp. vii, 68, levant green morocco extra, paneled sides, ins. /borders, g. e. (W. Pratt], VERY SCARCE. 4 B. Franklin, 1746 On the last page of the " Advertisement," a torn corner has been restored, but without supplying the few missing letters. 3314 A Sermon preached in Radnor Church, Jan. 7, 1747, the day appointed for a general Fast ... By a Presbyter of the Church of England, pp. 23, wood-cut of St. David s Church, Radnor, Pa., in serted. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Britain s Mercies and Britain s Duty ; A Sermon, in Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1746, occasion d by the Suppression of the late Unnatural Rebellion. Wm. Bradford, 1746. 2 in i vol., half morocco. 3315 SEWEL (WILLIAM) The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress, of the Christian People called QUAKERS: Intermixed with Several Remarkable Occurrences. Written Originally in Low-Dutch, and also Translated into English . . . The Third Edition, Corrected, pp. (12), 694, (16), covers removed for re-binding, VERY RARE. folio, Philadelphia, Samuel Keimer, in Second Street, 1728 A VERY LARGE, SOUND copy, well preserved, though somewhat yellowed by age. Mr. Brinley had removed the old corners, preparatory to placing it in Mr. Bedford s hands, for rebinding. Though this volume bears Keimer s imprint, a considerable part of it and, typograph ically regarded, the best part was the work of Franklin. " Breintnal particularly procured for us [Franklin and Meredith,] from the Quakers, the printing 40 sheets of their history, the rest being to be done by Keimer ; and upon these we worked exceeding hard, for the price was low. It was a folio, pro patria size, in pica, with long-primer notes. I composed a sheet a day, and Meredith worked it off at press ; it was often eleven at night, and some times later, before I had finished my distribution for the next day s work." FRANKLIN S Life. Franklin s work is easily distinguished from Keimer s by the difference of the type. The Title and Dedication, pp. 457 10694, and the Index (16 pp.) are from Franklin s press. These make over sixty (instead of forty) sheets of the whole work. 3316 SHORT (Thos.) Medicina Britannica: or a Treatise on the Physical Plants to be found in Great Britain, [and] an Account of their Nature, Virtues and Uses. 3d edition ; with a Preface [Notes, and an Appendix,] by John Bartram. 8 London; repr. Phila., B. Franklin, 1751 3317 SMITH (Wm.) A Sermon, Sept. i, 1754, in Christ-Church, Phila delphia, Occasioned by the Death of a beloved Pupil [William Thomas Martin],//, viii, 16, (i), morocco ; a name written on title- page. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1754 Verses by Francis Hopkinson, J. Duche, Paul Jackson, and others, are prefixed. 3318 TENNENT (G.) Remarks upon a Protestation presented to the Synod of Philadelphia, June i, 1741 Apology of the Presbytery of New Brunswick to the Synod at Philadelphia. Two in i vol., continuous paging. sin. 8 B. Franklin, 1741 3319 (UNITED BRETHREN.) Avthentische Relation von dem Anlass, Fortgang und Schlusse Der am isten und 2ten Jan. 174^ In Ger- mantown gehaltenen Versammlung Einiger Arbeiter Derer meisten FRANKLIN S PRESS. 77 Christlichen Religionen und Vieler vor sich selbst Gott-dienenden Christen-Menschen in Pennsylvania ; Aufgesetzt In Germantown am Abend des 2ten obigen Monats,//. 15, (i). B. Franklin, [1742] (UNITED BRETHREN.) Avthentische Nachricht Von der Verhand lungund dem Verlass Der am i4den und i5den Jan., 1741? Im sogenannten Falckner-Schwamm . . . gehaltenen ZWEYTEN Versamm- lung . . . Nebst einigen Beylagen,//. [i7]-4o. B. Franklin, [1742] - Zuverlassige Beschreibung der DRITTEN Conferenz der Evangel. Religionen Teutscher Nation in Pennsylvania, 9. 10. u. uten Febr. 174^-, In Oley, gehalten ; Samt Denen dieses mahl verfassten Gemein-Schliissen, pp. [4i]~56. B. Franklin [1742] VIERTE General-Versammlung der Kirche Gottes aus alien Evangelischen Religionen in Pennsylvania, Teutscher Nation ; Gehalten zu Germantown, am 10, u, und i2ten Martii, 174^, pp. [57]-76. B. Franklin [1742] Gruber (J. A.) Griindliche An- und aufforderung an die Ehmahlig ervveckte hier und dar zerstreuete Seelen dieses Landes, In oder ausser Partheyen, zur Neuen Umfassung, Gliedlicher Ver- einigung, und Gebets-Gemeinschaft, Dargelegt . . . im jahr 1736, pp. 14, half calf antique. B. Franklin, 1742 The pages are numbered, 3-14, which is corrected by the Errata to [77]-oo. Extract aus Unsers Conferenz-Schreibers Joh. Jac. JVIjillers Gefiihrten Protocoll bey der FUNFTEN Versammlung der Gemeine Gottes im Geist, in Germantown, 1742, den 6ten April . . . Nebst einer Vorrede [von Ludewig, Graf von Zinzendorff], pp. [91]-! 03. B. Franklin, [1742] Extract aus des Conferenz-Schreiber s Registratur von tier SECHSTEN Versammlung der Evangel. Arbeiter, und der . . . SIE- BENDER General-Synodus, zu Philadelphia, am 2. und 3ten Junii 1742. st. v.,pp. [103] 120. B. Franklin, [1742] 7 vols. ; six uniform, half calf antique, and one in half sprinkled calf, all FINE COPIES, nearly uncut. sm. 4 B. Franklin, 1742 3320 [ZINZENDORF (Ludwig, Count von)\ Etliche zu dieser Zeit nicht unniitze Fragen iiber Einige Schrift-Stellen, vvelche . . . deutlich erortert zu werden gewiinschet hat ein Wahrheit-Forschender im America, im Jahr 1742, etc., herausgegeben von einem Knecht Jesu Christi, pp. 14, hf. calf antique. sm. 4 B. Frankhn, [1742] 3321 - - [ZINZENDORF (Ludwig, Count VOYL)] Bruder Ludewig s Wahrer Bericht, De data Germantown den 2osten Febr. 174^, An seine Hebe Teutsche, und Wem es sonst niitzlich zu wissen ist, Wegen Sein und seinen Bruder Zusammenhanges mit Pennsylvania, . . . Nebst . . einigen Erlauternden Beylagen,//. 26, half calf neat. 4 Phila., B. Franklin, [1742] 3322 -- [ZINZENDORF] The Remarks which the Author of the " Compendions Extract," etc. has friendly desired of the Rev. of Thurenstein, pp. 24, half morocco, nearly uncut. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1742 3323 UNITED BRETHREN. Avthentische Relation von dem Anlass . . der am isten und 2ten Jan., 174^, in Germantown gehaltenen Versammlung, etc.,//. 15, i Avthentische Nachricht Von der am 78 PHILADELPHIA. i4den u. isden Jan., 174^, ZWEYTEN Versammlung, etc.,//. [17^40 Zuverlassige Beschreibung der DRITTEN Conferenz, am 9. 10. u. 1 1 ten Febr. 174:5-, in Oley, gehaltenen, Samt denen dieses Mahl verfassten Gemein-Schlussen, //. [4i]~56 VIERTE General-Ver- sammlung der Kirche Gottes, gehalten zu Germantown am 10. n. u. i2ten Martii, 174!, pp. [57]~76 [Gruber s (J. A.)] Grundliche An- und aufforderung, zur Neuen Umfassung, etc.,//. 77-90 [mis- paged 3-14] Extract aus J. J. Miillers Gefiihrten Protocol bey der FUNFTEN Versammlung, gehalten in Germantown, 1742. den 6ten April, etc. Nebst einer Vorrede [von Zinzendorf], pp. 91-102 Extract aus J. J. Miillers Registratur von dem SECHSTEN Ver sammlung der Evangel. Arbeiter In Pennsylvania, und Der Gemeine Gottes in Geist SIEBENDER General-Synodus, zu Philadelphia am 2 u. 3ten Jun. 1742 st. v. pp. 103-120 [ZINZENDORF] B. Lud- wigs Wahrer Bericht De dato Germantown den 2osten Febr., 174^, An seine liebe Teutsche, etc., Nebst einigen Erlauternden Beyla- gen, //. 26 [Zinzendorf] Etliche Zu dieser Zeit nicht unniitze Fragen, etc., //. 14, with an interleaved English translation by FRANKLIN Proximae Theologorum in Acad. Tubinga celeberri- morvm contra Comitem de Zinzendorff Litterae Responsoriae, nvnc de cavssis iisque legitimis, ex lingva Tevtonica translatae in Lat- inam, //. xxxi. n. p. 1750. Ten tracts, nine of which were printed by Franklin, 1742, in one volume, old calf neat. 4 From the library of the Marquis of Hastings. (See Autograph of " Moira," on page 9 of first tract, and on guard leaf.) This seems to have been Franklin s own copy. The translation of Zinzendorf s " Some at this Time not unprofitable Questions " is, apparently in his handwriting, and was probably made with view to the publication of an edition in English. 3324 WHITEFIELD (GEORGE) A Journal of a Voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia, //. 45. B. Franklin, 1739 A Continuation of Mr. Whitefield s Journal, from his Arrival at Savannah to his return to London,//. [47]-io2. B. Franklin, 1739 A Continuation ... to his Departure, on his way to Georgia, pp. 103-252. B. Franklin, 1739 A Continuation ... during the time he was detained in England (Vol. II.) //. 1-63. B. Franklin, 1740 A Continuation ... to his Arrival at Savannah in Georgia,//. 65-205. B. Franklin, 1740. Two volumes ($ parts) in one, original binding. 1 8 B. Franklin, 173940 3325 - - The same. 2 vols. in i, //. 252, 205, (5), russia-calf gilt, g.e., FINE COPY. 1 8 B. Franklin, 1740 3326 A Continuation of Mr. Whitefield s Journal, During the time he was detained in England by the Embargo [and to his arrival at Savannah], //. 144, 205, mor. (Bedford). 2 vols. str. grained olive mor. extra, g. e. 18 B. Franklin, 1740 3327 Sermons on Various Subjects, Vol. I.,//, iv, 223, old binding. 1 8 B. Franklin, 1740 3328 -- Sermons, etc. Another copy. 3329 - - Three Letters : I. [and II.] To a Friend in London, concern ing Archbishop Tillotson ; III. To the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, concerning their Negroes, //. 1 6, half green levant morocco (W. Pratt), uncut, SCARCE. 8 B. Franklin, 1740 PENNSYLVANIA. TOWN AND LOCAL. 79 3330 (WHITEFIELD.) A Letter from the Rev. George Whiteneld, to the Rev. John Wesley, in Answer to his Sermon, entitled, Free Grace, pp. 24, half calf , a few leaves dose trimmed, sin. 8 B. Franklin, 1741 3331 -- A Short Address to Persons of all Denominations, occasioned by the Alarm of an Intended Invasion. 3d edition, pp. 14, half morocco. 8 London; repr. Phila., B. Franklin 6 D. Hall, 1756 3332 WOOLMAN (John) Considerations on Keeping Negroes; Part Second,/^. 52, clean copy, paneled calf, antique, red edges. 8 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1762 PENNSYLVANIA TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 3333 Beaver City, Account of, [by M. T. C. Gould,] engr. map, pp. 36. 8 [Phila. 1836] 3334 Bethlehem Ogden (John C.) An Excursion to Bethlehem & Nazareth in Pennsylvania, in the year 1799 ; with a Succinct His tory of the Society of United Brethren, commonly called Moravians, //. 167, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 12 Phila., C. Cist, 1800 3335 - - Tne same, hf. sheep. 12 Phil., C. Cist, 1805 3336 Carlisle. DAVIDSON (R.) A Sermon on the Freedom and Happi ness of the U. States, at Carlisle, Oct. 5, 1794. 8 Philadelphia, 1794 3337 -- Imprints. TIZZARD (Samuel) New Athenian Oracle; or, Ladies Companion ; containing an extraordinary variety of Enigmas, Paradoxes, Rebuses, Charades, Mathematical Questions, etc. ; with their Answers and Solutions, in Prose and Verse. 2 vols. in i, pp. 253, 96, old calf . 8 Carlisle, A. London, 1806 3338 - - LOUDON (Archibald) The Wonderful Magazine, and Extra ordinary Museum,//. 504, hf. mor., SCARCE. 8 Carlisle, A. London, 1808 3339 College. Cooper (Thos.) Introductory Lecture, as Professor of Chemistry at Carlisle College ; With Notes and References, pp. viii, 236, calf. 8 Carlisle, 1812 334 ~ ~ Narrative of the Proceedings of the Trustees of Dickinson College, 1821-1830, //. 83. 8 Carlisle, 1830 3341 Ephrata Press. A Dissertation on Man s Fall, Translated from the High-German Original, pp. (2), 37, emblematic wood-cut on title, uncut. 8 Printed: EPHRATA, Anno MDCCLXV. Sold at Philadelphia by Messieurs Christoph Marshal and William Dunlap. EXCESSIVELY RARE, as are all the publications of this press. " Peter Miller, a ven erable leader and teacher among the Tunckers, established a press at Ephrata, before the [revolutionary] war. . . In 1735, ^ e embraced the principles of the Baptists; and in 1744, he received another ordination to be the prior or head of the society at Ephrata. Some years after, he established the press there, perhaps not far from 1760." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, n. 88. Germantown. BOOKS PRINTED BY THE SOWERS: 3342 GEISTLICHES BLUMEN-GARTLEIN Inniger Seelen; Oder Kurtze Schluss-Reimen, Betrachtungen und Liecier Ueber allerhand War- heiten des Inwendigen Christenthums. . . Nebst der Frommen Lotteri, //. 486, (6), old calf, brass clasps. In Teutschland zum 4ten Mahl gedruckt ; und nun in America das erste Mahl. sm. 12 Gedruckt zu Germanton bey Christoph Saur, 1747 So GERMANTOWN PRESS. 3343 Germantown Press. HOHBURG (CHR.) Kurtzer und erbaulicher Auszug oder: Denck-wiirdige Spriiche aus Christian Hohburgs Postilla Mystica iiber die Evangelium. Mit Kurtzen Summarien vor jeden Text, [etc.,]//. 311, original binding, brass clasp, fine copy. 8 Christoph Saur, 1748 3344 -- KEMPIS (Thomas a) The Christian Pattern, or the Imitation of Jesus Christ, being an Abridgment of (his) Works : by a Female Hand. 8 Lond., 1744; repr. Germantown, C. Sowr, 1749 3345 - - Another copy* 3346 FENELON. The Archbishop of Cambray s Dissertation on Pure Love, with An Account of the Life and Writings of [Madame Guion] the Lady, for whose sake the Archbishop was banish d from Court. And the grievous Persecutions she suffer d in France for her Religion .... Together with an Apologetic Preface, etc., //. xcvii, 120, orig. binding. 8 Repr. by Christophor Sowr, 1750 Autographs of "Isaac Wood" and "Martha Wood, 1758"; and, on back of title, a manuscript Epitaph on "Isaac Wood who departed this life the xath day of 4th month, 1757, aged 28 years, . . . wrote by James Chattin, Typographer." 3347 " Another copy, in original binding, clean and fresh. 3348 -- Niitzliche Anweisung oder Beyhiilfe vor die Teutschen urn Englisch zu lernen. Nebst einer Grammatic, vor diejenigen, pp. (4), 288. 8 C. Saur, 1751 An English Vocabulary and Grammar, in the German language. Apparently compiled by (the younger) Saur. The Preface, 2 pp., is signed C. S. A noteworthy and a VERY SCARCE book. / 3349 -- SIEGVOLCK (PAUL) The Everlasting Gospel Commanded to be preached by Jesus Christ. . unto All Creatures, Mark xvi. 15. Concerning the Eternal Redemption found out by Him . . Being A Testimony against the present Antichristian World . . Written in German . . and translated into English by John S. [Sower ?],/^. viii, 152. sm. 8 Christopher Sower, 1753 335 " " T ne Fatal Consequences of the Unscriptural Doctrine of Predestination and Rebrobation ; with A Caution against it. Written in High-Dutch by M. K. and translated an (sic) Desire, //. 14- 8 C. Sowr, 1753 3351 GREW (Theoph.) Description and Use of the Globes, Celes tial and Terrestrial . . . Chiefly designed for the Instruction of the Young Gentlemen at the Academy in Philadelphia, //. 60, marbled wrapper. 16 C. Sower, 1753 3352 - - EVERARD (John) Gospel Treasures, in several Sermons, pp. xi, 268, 280, old calf sound. sm. 4 London, 1653 ; repr. Germantown, C. Sower, 1757 Autograph of Anthony Benezet, on title, and " Richard Price, his book, gave by Anthony Benezet, 4 mo. 6, 1768." 3353 BROMLEY (T.) Way to the Sabbath of Rest; [with] a Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion, by Thos. Hartley. [BENEZET (A.)] Observations on the Inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes. 2d edition. Two in i vol. 8 C. Sower, 1759, 1760 3354 - - HARTLEY (T.) Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion. London, repr. Germantown, C. Sower, 1759 [Benezet (A.)] Short Account of that part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, . . and the Manner by which the Slave Trade is carried on. 2d edition. Phila., 1762. Two in i vol. 8 PENNSYLVANIA. LOCAL. 8 1 3355 Harrisburg. Address of Hon. C. B. Penrose, Speaker of the Senate ; and Speeches of Messrs. Fraley, Williams, and others, on the Insurrection at Harrisburg, at the meeting of the Legislature in December, 1838,^. 207, uncut, scarce. 8 Harrisburg, E. Guyer, 1839 3256 Lancaster. The Charter, Laws, Catalogue of Books, List of Philosophical Instruments, &c. of the Juliana Library-Company, in Lancaster . . . with A Short Account of its Institution, pp. 56, orig. marbled wrapper, fine copy. 4 Phila., D. Hall and W. Sellers, 1766 The library was founded in 1759, and was named "in Honour of Lady Juliana Penn, and as a Testimony of the high Obligations " of the Company to her. 3357 Meadville. The ALLEGHANY MAGAZINE; edited by Timothy Alden. Vol. I (No. 9, wanting), autograph presentation by the editor, and autograph of Isaiah Thomas. 8 Meadville, 1816 3358 Pittsburgh. Harris Pittsburgh Business Directory for the year 1837. [With a Brief Sketch of the History of Pittsburgh, prefixed,] pp. 340, and Advertisements, 128 //. n. n., cloth. 12 Pittsburgh, Isaac Harris, 1837 3359 The Olden Time ; a Monthly Publication devoted to the [History] of the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Edited by N. B. Craig. 2 vols., new half morocco (Roxburghe], uncut, SCARCE. 8 Pittsburgh, 1846-48 3360 CRAIG (Neville B.) The History of Pittsburgh, 2 maps, pp. 312, cloth. 12 Pittsburgh, 1851 3361 Woodward & Rowland s Pittsburgh Directory for 1852, map, half morocco Advantages of Pittsburgh for Manufactures and Commerce, 1845 Thurston s Pittsburgh as it is. 1857. (3) 8 and 12 Pittsburgh. 3362 LOOMIS (A. W.) Oration delivered at the Centennial Cele bration of the Evacuation of Fort Duquesne, Nov. 25, 1858, //. 33, cloth. 1. 8 Pittsburgh, W. S. Haven, 1859 3363 Wyoming. CHAPMAN (Isaac A.) A Sketch of the History of Wyoming. [With] a Statistical Account of the Valley, and adjacent Country, by a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre, pp. 209, boards, scarce. 12 Wilkesbarre, Sharp D. Lewis, 1830 3364 STONE (Wm. L.) The Poetry and History of Wyoming : containing Campbell s Gertrude, with a biographical Sketch of the author by W. Irving, and the History of Wyoming, plates, cloth. 12 N. York, 1841 3365 MINER (Charles) History of Wyoming, maps and illustra tions, pp. 488, (2), 104, cloth. r. 8 Philadephia, 1845 2366 [MINER (Charles)] Essays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe, containing Lessons in Manners, Morals, and Domestic Economy. 12 Doylestown, A. Miner, 1815 ii BOOKS PRINTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. 1685-1750. Bibles, Psalters, Psalms in Meter, books in the Indian Languages, the productions ol FRANKLIN S press, and of C. SAUR S press at Germantown,are not included in this section of the Catalogue. In the list of George Keith s publications, a few London reprints have been admitted, tc fill the series to 1704. His Sermon at Annapolis, July 4, 1703, printed at Annapolis, the same year will be found (under MARYLAND) at No. 3672: and his other works printed in England, are put with books relating to the Quakers (Nos. 3534-3544)- THE FIRST ISSUE OF BRADFORD S PRESS. 3367 KALENDARIUM PENNSILVANIENSE, or, America s Messinger. | Being an j Almanack For the Year of Grace, 1686. | Wherein is contained both the English & Forreign | Account, the Motions of the Planets through the Signs, [&c. 12 lines. ] By Samuel Atkins. | Student in the Mathamaticks and Astrology. And the Stars in their Courses fought against Sesera, Judg. 5.29. | 20 leaves, not paged, UNCUT. 8 Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at Philadelphia in Pennsilvania, 1685 Of SUPERLATIVE RARITY. "The earliest issue of Bradford s press, known to me, is an Almanac for the year 1686, produced of course in 1685. One copy alone seems to have survived to this day, and that one has wandered far from the place of its origin. New England boasts its possession." WALLACE S Commemor. Address, p. 26. This is the "one copy " to which Mr. Wallace referred. It was formerly bound up with a volume of Almanacs belonging to Judge Sewall, which came, some ten years ago, into Mr. Brin- ley s possession. Rich as his library is in monuments of American typography, it contains not many books of so great interest to the collector as this FIRST WORK of the FIRST PRINTER of PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK. An Address "To the Reader," by the Editor, dated "Philadelphia, the 3d of the roth Month (December) Anno 1685," occupies the 2d and half the 3d page, and is followed by one from "The Printer to the Readers," subscribed by "W. Bradford, Philadelphia, the 28th, loth Month." It begins : " Hereby understand that after great Charge and Trouble, I have brought the great Art and Mystery of Printing- into this part of America, believing it may be of great service to you in several respects," &c. 3368 Almanacs. LEEDS (DANIEL) Philomat. An Almanack for the Year of Christian Account 1700, //. 24. sm. 8 Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New York, 1700 " Friendly Readers ; I have now freely served you with an Almanack twice seven years, and as often given you an opportunity to toss my Name to and fro by Censure & Applause," &c. "I have filled the Vacancy on the top of the Moneths with some Country-fashioned Observations." AutJior s Preface. 3369 Travis. An Almanack, of Ccelestial Motions ... for the Year[s] . . 1709 [and 1711]. By Daniel Travis. Two good copies, uncut. 8 America {New York, Wm. Bradford} Printed, and sold by N. Boon, Boston, 1709, 1711 JUDGE S SEWALL S copies; one (1711) having many of his manuscript memoranda. The Almanac for 1709, was, certainly, from Bradford s New York press. (The cut of " the Anatomy of Man s Body " is printed from the same block used by Bradford in Leeds s Almanacs, 1710, 1713, &c., and there are other unmistakable marks of his typography.) It is probable but not quite certain that Travis s Almanac for 1711, and two or three others, with similar imprints, were printed by Bradford for Boston booksellers, 1712-15. 3370 Leeds, 1710. The American Almanack For the Year of Christian Account 1710 ... By Daniel Leeds, Philomat. New York, William Bradford. Addressed (in Bradford s autograph ?) to " Mr. Barth. Green, Printer," of Boston. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1/50. 83 3371 (ALMANACS.) Leeds, 1711. The American Almanack, etc. 2 copies, stained. New York, WM. BRADFORD and ANDREW BRADFORD, 1711 3372 -- Leeds, 1713. The American Almanack, etc., much worn, im~ print wanting. {New York, W. Bradford, 1713] 3373 -- Leeds, 1715. The American Almanack, etc., complete, except a bit of the title leaf, but with two leaves torn, and stained. New York, Will. Bradford, 1715 Contains a list of "Books Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at the Bible in New York." 3374 - - LEEDS, 1724-26. The American Almanack, for the Year of Christian Account . . 1724, [1725, 1726]. By Titan Leeds, Philomat. (3)" 8 Philadelphia, Andrew Bradford, [1724-26] The last wants one or two leaves, at end. 3375 ~ TAYLOR, 1726. A Compleat Ephemeris For the Year of Christ 1726 ... By Jacob Taylor. To which is ,added, by Another Hand, Calculations . . on the Eclipse of the Sun, &c. with a brief Introduction towards learning the Hebrew and other Tongues, etc. (48//.) uncut. 8 Philadelphia, Samuel Keimer. VERY RARE, and one of the most note-worthy productions of Keimer s press. The " Essay towards learning our Youth the Hebrew Tongue " occupies four pages : and in his Preface Keimer offers a prize ("a valuable book of several sheets") to "the first three hundred Youth, of either Sex " who will perfectly learn the Hebrew alphabet and the Rules for pronouncing the letters. 3376 - - LEEDS, 1727, 1728. The American Almanack For the Years of Christian Account, 1727, 1728. By Titan Leeds, Philomat. (1727 wants the last leaf.) Philadelphia, Samuel Keimer. 3377 - - Leeds. The American Almanack For the Year of Christian Account, 1728 ... By Titan Leeds, Philomat., 32 pp. n. n., half green mor., UNCUT. sm. 8 Printed by S. Keimer, in Second Street. Fresh and clean, as if just from the press. 337 8 -~ [LEEDS, 1730.] The Genuine Leeds Almanack For the Year of Christian Account, 1730. By Titan Leeds, Philomat., uncut. Phila., D. HARRY, in Second Street. In "the Author s Preface," dated in Burlington, West New Jersey, 1729, Titan Leeds complains of "an Almanack published last year by W. B. [Bradford], called Titan s New Almanack," etc., and the printer, David Harry, gives notice that Keimer had assigned to him an agreement with Titan Leeds, for the sole copy of his Almanacks for 1730 and 1731. 3379 - - The American Almanack For . . . 1730 . . By Titan Leeds, Philomat., outside leaves soiled. Philadelphia Printed, and to be Sold by Edward Nearegress 6r Daniel Arnot, in Newport, Rhode-Island. Manifestly, a piracy. Was it Bradford s or J. Franklin s? 3380 The ANTIENT TESTIMONY of the People called Quakers Reviv d. By the Order and Approbation of the Yearly Meeting for the Province of Pennsylvania and Jerseys, 1722, half mor., RARE. sm. 8 Phila., A. Bradford, 1723 3381 BARCLAY (ROBERT) A Catechism and Confession of Faith . . . Added, an Expostulation with, and Appeal to, all other Professors. By R. B., pp. vi, (2), 99, old binding, good copy. 1 6 Lond.; repr. Philadelphia, Samuel Keimer, 1726 AN EXTREMELY RARE edition. The first American edition of Barclay s Catechism that is mentioned by Jos. Smith is J. Chattin s of 1753. 84 BOOKS PRINTED IN 3382 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church-Discipline, . . . Agreed upon, at Cambridge, 1649,^. (22), 52, 6, calf extra, inside borders. 8 New York, William and Andrew Bradford, 1711 A Reprint of the (Boston) edition of ,1701 : with the Appendix of "Some Collections" &c. One of the very few and very rare volumes which have the imprint of the two Brad- fords. (See, also, Nos. 3371, 3430.) The partnership lasted little more than a year; Andrew Bradford leaving New York for Philadelphia "about 1712" (THOMAS, n. 30). 3383 CHANDLER (Will.) and others. A Brief Apology In behalf of the People In Derision calPd Quakers. Written for the Informa tion of our Sober and Well-Inclined Neighbours in and about the Town of Warminster in the County of Wilts. By Will. Chandler, Alex. Pyott, Jo. Hodges, And some others, pp. 104, calf extra, full- gilt, g. e. (Bedford), beautiful copy. 1 6 Philadelphia, repr. Andrew Bradford, 1719 3384 COLDEN (CADWALLADER) Papers relating to An Act of the Assembly | of the Province of New- York; | For Encouragement of the Indian Trade, &c. and for Prohibiting the Selling of Indian Goods to the French, | viz. of Canada. | I. A Petition of the Mer chants of London . . against the said Act. j II. His Majesty s Order in Council, Referring the said Petition . . . | III. Extracts of the Minutes of the said Lords, con-!cerning some Allegations of the Merchants before Them. IV. The Report of the said Lords V. The Report of the Committee of Council of the | Province of New- York, in Answer to the said Petition. | VI. A Memorial con cerning the Furr-Trade of New- York, | by C. Golden, Esq; With a Map. Published by authority. | Map, pp. (2), 24, original marbled wrapper, IN FINE CONDITION. folio, New York, Wm. Bradford, 1724 SUPERLATIVELY RARE. Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, iv. 222) gave the title from Mr. H. C. Murphy s (imperfect) copy, which he regarded as "probably UNIQUE." The " Map of the Country of The Five Nations," etc. said to be "the first map en graved in the Province of New York " is in its FIRST STATE. The full (engraved) title is: "A MAP of the Countrey of THE FIVE NATIONS | belonging to the Province of New York and of | the LAKES near which the Nations of FAR INDIANS | live with part of CANADA taken from the Map of the | LOUISIANE done by Mr. De Lisle in 1718." The plate subsequently received some correction, and many Indian names were inserted. The last part of the Title, " taken from the Map " etc. was struck out, and the fourth line filled by inserting, after "Canada," "& River St. Laurence." For this later issue, see No. 3446. The (reduced) copy by an English engraver, for the London edition of Colden s History of the Five Nations, 1747, was made from an early impression. "lagara," as the name appears on the plate of 1724, is " Oniagara," with the word "Falls" added, on the corrected plate ; but the English map makes it " Jagara." Colden (Cadwallader) The History of the Five Indian Nations. New York, 1727. See No. 2770 An Explication of the First Causes of Action in Matter, etc. New York, 1745. See No. 2774. 3385 CONDUCTOR GENERALIS ; or, the Office, Duty, and Authority of Justices of the Peace, pp. (8), xii, 298, half vellum. sm. 4 Phila., A. Bradford, 1722 3386 A CONFESSION OF FAITH, in the most Necessary Things of Chris tian Doctrine, Faith and Practice. Given forth from the Yearly Meeting at Burlington, the 7th of 7th Moneth, 1692, by the despised Christian People, called Quakers,^. 21, maroon morocco, ins. borders, g. e., UNCUT. sm. sq. 8 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1693 A FINE COPY. The title has been neatly mounted. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750. 85 3387 COOKE (Samuel) Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. JOHN DAVENPORT, Stamford, Conn., Feb. 5th, 1730-1, sir. grained blue mor. extra, gilt top (Bedford}, uncut, VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 New York, J. P. Zenger, 1731 3388 CRISP (Stephen) An | Epistle of Tender Love and | Brotherly Advice | To all the | Churches of Christ | Throughout the World, . . pp. 15, VERY RARE. 4 Philadelphia, repr. by Will. Bradford, 1692 First printed, London, A. Sowle, 1690. 3389 CRISP (STEPHEN) A Faithful Warning & Exhortation to Friends To Beware of Seducing Spirits, And to Keep on the Armour of Light, in Sincerity and Simplicity, as their best Armour in all Tryals, //. 20. 4 Philadelphia, reprinted by William Bradford, 1692 EXTREMELY RARE. Not in J. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books, in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary publications, or in Sabin s Dictionary. 3390 DICKINSON (JONATHAN) God s j Protecting Providence | Man s ! Surest Help and Defence In the times Of the Greatest Difficulty and most Imminent Danger; | Evidenced in the | Re markable Deliverance Of divers Persons, | From the devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst which they Suffered Shipwrack. | And also | From the more Cruelly devouring jawes of the inhumane | Cannibals of Florida. | Faithfully related by one of the persons concerned therein, Jonathan Dickenson. | Title, 5 prelim, leaves, and pp. 96, old calf . sm. 4 Philadelphia, Reinier Jansen, 1699 A LARGE and EXCELLENT COPY of this SUPERLATIVELY RARE book, in its original binding. " One of the most costly, as it is certainly one of the RAREST gems of the book-col lector." FIELD S Ind. Bibliog. no. 427. "A book of the GREATEST RARITY. I have seen only one perfect copy." SABIN S Dictionary, no. 20014. (Mr. Sabin s collation gives but three preliminary leaves ; there are, including the title, six.} It will be observed that, although the name is printed " Dickenson " in the Title, in the list of names, page i, it is Dickinson (four times repeated), and so at the end of the nar rative (p. 96). 3391 DICKINSON (Jonathan) God s j Protecting Providence | Man s | Surest Help and Defence | etc. Another copy, Title, 2 prel. leaves (wanting the last part of the preface], pp. 96, each leaf inlaid, in full quarto, bound in grosgr. levant dk. green morocco, broad ins. borders, g. e. sm. 4 Philadelphia, Reinier Jansen, 1699 Fisher s copy, which, as Mr. Sabin notes, brought $87.50, at his sale. It is complete except as noted, and the loss of a bit of the last leaf, deficiencies which may easily be supplied by the facsimilist. An AUTOGRAPH of Jonathan Dickinson, as foreman of the Grand Jury, 1702, (2 pages,) is inserted. 3392 DICKINSON (Rev. Jona.) Remarks upon Mr. Gale s Reflections on Mr. Wall s History of Infant Baptism,//. 87, mor. extra. sm. 8 Printed for and sold by T. Wood, \_New York, W. Bradford?} 1716 The first published work of Mr. Dickinson first President of the College of New Jersey. 3393 DICKINSON (Jona.) Remarks upon a Discourse intituled An Overture, presented to the Synod of Dissenting Ministers Phila delphia, 1728, //. 32, str. grained mor. extra (Bedford}, uncut, BEAU TIFUL COPY. sm. 8 New York, J. Peter Zenger, 1729 3394 DICKINSON (Jona.) A Call to the Weary and Heavy Laden to come unto Christ for Rest. A Sermon, at Connecticut Farms in Elizabeth-Town, [N. J.] Dec. 23, i739,//. 45, half mor., top gilt. 1 6 New York, W. Bradford, 1740 86 BOOKS PRINTED IN 3395 ELEUTHERIUS ENERVATUS : or An Answer to a Pamphlet, [by Jona. Dickinson,] Intituled, The Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordi nation, &>c. argued. Done by way of Dialogue, between Eusebius and Eleutherius, with two Letters upon this subject, sent to the supposed Auther (sic) of that Pamphlet,//. 115, UNCUT. 8 New York, y. Peter Zenger, 1733 SCARCE. The Dialogue is by the Rev. James Wetmore, of Rye, N. Y. : the two Let ters are by the Rev. Samuel Johnson (then) of Stratford, Conn. 3396 EPICTETUS his Morals. Done from the Original Greek, and the Words taken from his own Mouth by Arrian. The Second Edition, pp. 32, half morocco, foxed, name on title. sm. 8 Philadelphia, S. Keimer, 1729 EXTREMELY RARE. The FIRST translation of a Greek or Latin classic, printed in the American colonies. 3397 FALCKNER (JUSTUS) Grondlycke Onderricht | van | Sekere Voorname Hoofd-stucken, der | Waren, Loutern, Saliginakenden | Christelycken Leere, | Gegrondet op den Grondt van de Apo-|stelen en Propheten, daer | Jesus Christus de Hoeck-Steen. Is. | Ange- wesen in eenvoudige, dogstigtlycke Vragen en Antwoorden, . . pp. (8), 126, (2), levant dk. /blue morocco, elegant, filleted sides, gilt back, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}, a beautiful copy, VERY RARE. 1 6 Gedruckt te Nieuw York by W. Bradfordt, 1708 A Catechism on the fundamentals of Christianity, composed by Dominie Justus Falck- ner, " Minister of the Christian Protestant Congregation called Lutheran, in New York and Albany." The Preface is dated at New York, March 25th, 1708. F[ox] (G.) A Vision, etc. See No. 3408. 3398 GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED, Being an Answer to a Book lately set I forth by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather, President | of Harvard College, &c., | Entituled The Order of the Gospel, &c. | . . | By sundry Ministers of the Gospel in New-England, 6 prelim, leaves, pp. 40, str. grained olive mor., back full-gilt, sides filleted, ins. borders, tops gilt (Bedford ), UNCUT. 4 n. p. \_New York, Wm. Bradford^ 1700 In such condition, though it lacks the "Advertisement " opposite the Title, EXTREMELY RARE. The last leaf, only, had its margins impaired, and this has been admirably restored by Mr. Bedford. To supply the "Advertisement," in facsimile, is an easy matter. For the history of the book, see THOMAS S Hist, of Printing, n. 90, and 458-66, and SIBLEY S Harvard Graduates, I. 455. 3399 HALE (Sir M.) Some necessary and important Considerations . . . taken out of the Writings of Sir M. Hales. The Tenth Edition, pp. 24, morocco, uncut. sm. 8 New York, W. Bradford, 1736 Horsmanden (Daniel) History of the Negro Plot. New York, 1744. See No. 2865. 3400 Indians of tlie Five Nations. Propositions made by the Five Nations of Indians, viz. The Mohaques, Oneydes, Onnondages, Cayouges & Sinnekes, to his Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, Capt. General, and Governour ... of New-York, &c. in Albany, the 2oth of July, Anno Dom. 1698, pp. 22, n. t.p., best levant red morocco, gilt back, ins. borders, g. e, (Bedford). folio, New York, Wm. Bradford, 1698 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The imprint is in a colophon, on page 22, and below, in the hand-writing of Judge Samuel Scwall (of Massachusetts) is the memorandum: " Rec d Sept. igth, 1698." The half-title, on p. i, does not indicate the full contents of the tract, which comprises the doings of Governor Bellomont and the Council, in relation to Indian Affairs, up to Aug. 2oth, 1698, "At a Council held at his Majesties Fort in New York." PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1/50. 8 3401 JENINGS (SAMUEL) Truth Rescued | from Forgery & Falshood, being | An Answer to a late Scurrilous piece Entituled | The Case Put and Decided &c. \pp. 10, (i), UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen, 1699 This EXTREMELY RARE tract relates to the controversy between the people of West Jersey and Edward Billings, the governor appointed by the Duke of York. Jenings was elected governor by the General Assembly in 1683, and was sent to England (together with Thomas Budd), in 1684, commissioned to negotiate with Billings. 3402 [JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D., First President of Columbia College} A Letter from A Minister of the Church of England to his Dis senting Parishioners, . . . Containing A brief Answer to the most Material Objections against the Establish d Church, that are to be found in De Laune s Plea, etc., pp. 31, sir. grained blue mor., elegant, sides filleted, with ornaments at corners, back full-gilt, g. e. (Bedford^, UNCUT. sm. 8 New York, jFohn Peter Zenger, 1733 3403 [JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D.~\ A Letter from A Minister of the Church of England to his Dissenting Parishioners, etc. Another copy, grosgr. levant brown morocco, sides filleted and paneled, blank and gold, elegant, g. e. (Bedford). sin. 8 New York, John Peter Zenger, 1733 3404 A JUST REBUKE to a | Dialogue betwixt | Simon and Timothy, | Shewing Whafs therein to be found. Namely, Levity, Perversion, and Detraction . . . | And that short Treatise, entitled Ways and Means, &c. rescued from the Dia-|logist s unjust Charge, etc., pp. 31, (i), str. grained blue morocco, sides paneled with ornament at corners, ins. borders, g. e. (Pratt). sm. 8 Philadelphia, S. Keimer, 1726 VERY RARE. See Ways and Means (No. 3474). 3405 K[EACH] (B[enjamin]) War with the Devil, Or, the Young Man s Conflict with the Powers of Darkness, In a Dialogue [in Verse] . . . To which is added, An Appendix, containing a Dialogue between an Old Apostate and a Young Professor, etc. The Twelfth Edition. 8 n. p., n. d. \New York, Will. Bradford, about 1714] VERY RARE. Title and 2 prel. leaves, pp. 177. In the original binding, broken. The inside of the cover is lined with parts of a Proclamation for Thanksgiving, by Gov. Hunter, dated in August, the i2th year of Queen Anne [1713], which indicates, nearly, the date of publication. There is evidence enough, in peculiarities of typography, that the volume came from Bradford s press, and the fact is established beyond question by four pages of commendatory verses prefixed to Reach s work, " By a Friend in Commendation of these Poems," signed " W. B." (William Bradford), and "To the Reader; in Vindication of this Book" ( 30 lines) by " E. B." Is any other specimen of Mrs. ELIZABETH BRADFORD S verse extant f Her " Vindication of this Book " is, in fact, a vindication of poetry, undertaken " because at this day, All Poetry there s many do gain-say, And very much condemn, as if the same Did worthily deserve reproach and shame." 3406 KEITH (GEORGE) The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New-England And Else-where, Brought to the Test, . . . With A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New-England, to Repent, &c. And two Letters to the Preachers in Boston ; and an Answer to the gross Abuses, Lyes and Slanders of Increase Mather and Samuel Norton, &c.,//. (n), 232, dk. blue levant morocco, extra, full gilt, broad inside borders, g. e., FINE COPY. sm. 8 Philadelphia, Will. Bradford, 1689 The first of Keith s known publications, in this country, and among the earliest issues of Bradford s press. "EXCEEDINGLY RARE." See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1122. 88 BOOKS PRINTED IN 3407 [KEITH and BRADFORD.] The Christian Faith Of the People of God, called in Scorn, Quakers, In Rhode-Island (who are in Unity with all faithfull Brethren of the same Profession in all parts of the World) Vindicated From the Calumnies of Christian Lodowick, . . . As also from the base Forgeries, and wicked Slanders of Cotton Mather, called a Minister, at Boston, etc. . . To which is added, some Testimonies of our Antient Friends to the true Christ of God, etc., pp. \>, fine copy. ^Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1692 EXTREMELY RARE. Not in J. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books. Not more than two copies can be traced in American catalogues, one of which was in Mr. Menzies s library (Catalogue, no. 1129). The Vindication is subscribed by Edward Thurston and twelve other Friends (among them George Keith); the " Testimonies" (pp. 9-16) by Wm. Bradford. 3408 [KEITH (G.)] A | Vision Concerning The | Mischievous Sepe- ration among FRIENDS in | Old England, pp. 7, olive str. gr. morocco, g. e. (Bedford^. 4 Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1692 The Vision is subscribed, G. F., and is followed by "A General Epistle against Sepera- tion." "Collected and arranged under this false title by GEORGE KEITH, for an evil purpose to pass off as George Fox s." Jos. SMITH S Catalogue of Friends 1 Books, n. 26: SABIN, no. 37228. 3409 KEITH (GEORGE) A true Copy of three Judgments given forth by a Party of Men, called Quakers at Philadelphia, against George Keith and his Friends. With two Answers to the said Judgments, n. t.p., pp. 1 6, grosgr. levant dark blue morocco extra, top gilt (Bedford), UNCUT. sm. 4 {Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1692] On the last page is a list of " Books to be sold by William Bradford in Philadelphia, 1692." VERY RARE. 3410 [KEITH (G.), BUDD (Thomas), and others. ~\ An Appeal from the Twenty Eight Judges to the Spirit of Truth & true Judgment In all Faithful Friends, called Quakers, that meet at this Yearly Meet ing at Burlington, the yth month, 1692, pp. 8. sm. 4 n. p., n.d. {Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1692] FINE COPY, brown crushed levant morocco, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. {Bedford). " For printing this book, Bradford was imprisoned and tried for uttering and spreading a malicious and seditious paper. The prosecution drove him from Philadelphia to New York." Mr. Brinley s note on guard-leaf. See Mr. Menzies s Catalogue (no. 1127) where a copy is noted as EXTREMELY RARE; and SABIN, no. 37181. 3411 KEITH (G.) The Christian Quaker; or, George Keith s Eyes Opened : Good News from Pensilvania : containing a Testimony against that False and Absurd Opinion . . viz. ; That all true Be lievers and Saints, immediately after the Bodily Death attain to all the Resurrection they Expect, etc., pp. 12, clean copy, half mor. extra, nearly uncut. sm. 4 Printed in Pensilvania; repr. in London, for Benjamin Keach, 1693 3412 [KEITH (G.)] Some Reasons and Causes of the Late Sepera- tion that hath come to pass at Philadelphia betwixt us, called by some the Seperate Meeting, and Others that meet apart from us With An Account of our Sincere Christian Faith, pp. 36, grosgr. levant red morocco extra {Bedford}. sm. 4 {Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1692.] Named in a list of " Books lately printed, and to be Sold by William Bradford," at the end of Keith s " Some Fundamental Truths," 1692. 3413 [KEITH (G.) and others.] A further Account of the Great Divis ions among the Quakers in Pensilvania, &c. As appears by Another PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750. 89 of their Books lately come over from thence, Intituled, Some Reasons and Causes of the late Separation, &c., //. 23, levant pale red mor. extra gilt, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 London, Printed for John Dunton, 1693 A reprint of the first part of No. 3412. Copies of the original edition having been sent to England for sale, " the chief Quakers here, having notice of, bought them all up in order to stifle them, which occasions their Re-printing here in England, the gth of January, 1692-3." 3414 [KEITH.] New England s Spirit of Persecution Transmitted to Pennsilvania, And the Pretended Quaker -found Persecuting the True Christian-Quaker, In the Tryal of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, At the Sessions held at Philadelphia the Nineth, Tenth and Twelfth Days of December, 1692. Giving an Account of the most Arbitrary Proceedure of that Court, pp. 38, levant red mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 n. p. Printed \by William Bradford~\ in the Year 1693 A FINE copy of this EXTREMELY RARE book. Its title to the honor of being the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN NEW YORK has been disputed, and on strong grounds. Mr. Brinley agreed with Mr. Menzies and Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 3/203, and Menzies Catalogue, no. 1135) in giving it to Philadelphia, and his copy is lettered by the binder, "PHIL., BRADFORD." 3415 [KEITH (G.)] The Tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, Quakers, For several Great Misde meanours (As was pretended by their Adversaries) before A Court of Quakers: at the Sessions held at Philadelphia [Dec. 9, 10, and 12,] 1692, //. 34, paneled calf , LARGE AND FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 4 Printed first Beyond-Sea, and now Reprinted in London, for Richard Baldwin. 1693 3416 KEITH (G.) The Heresie and Hatred which was falsly charged upon the Innocent, justly returned upon the Guilty. Giving some brief and impartial Account of the most material Passages of a late Dispute in Writing, that hath passed at Philadelphia betwixt John Delavall and George Keith. With some intermixt Remarks &c. //. 22, (i), the last page containing - The Printer s Advertisement" 4 Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1693 Elegantly bound, in best grosgrain levant brown morocco, sides panel-gilt -with corner ornaments, inside borders, g. c. {Matthews}. A very fine, NEARLY UNCUT copy of this tract, which Mr. Sabin fairly describes (Menzies Catalogue, no. 1134) as " MOST RARE." 3417 KEITH (G.) More Divisions amongst the Quakers; as appears by the following Books of their own Writing, viz. The Christian Faith of New-England Quakers condemn d. [etc.] 2. The false Judgment of a Yearly Meeting of Quakers in Maryland condemn d by George Keith, Thomas Budd, &c. To which is added, A Dis covery of the Mystery of Iniquity, by George Keith, clean copy, ForeL 4 First Printed beyond Sea ; repr. London, Rich. Baldwin, 1693 3418 KEITH (G.) Truth Advanced in the Correction of many Gross & hurtful Errors ; Wherein is occasionally opened & explained many great and peculiar Mysteries and Doctrines of the Christian Religion . . Whereunto is added [with separate title-page, imprint, and paging] A Chronological Treatise of the several Ages of the World,//. (10), 184, 32, half calf gilt. 4 n. p. \New York, Wm. Bradford^ Printed in the Year 1694 EXTREMELY RARE. A large and fine copy; from the Library of Edward D. Ingraham. Two leaves of the Preface have been mended on the outer margin, a few words and letters on the lower half of these pages being lost. Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 57224) assigns this volume to Philadelphia: but there was no press at Philadelphia in 1694. This 12 gO BOOKS PRINTED IN copy has been lettered, by Mr. Ingraham or an earlier possessor, " London." If printed in America, it certainly was printed by William Bradford, in New York, and must take precedence as the Laws excepted the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN NEW YORK. The type is the same or from the same matrices as Bradford s. The internal evidence that the volume came from Bradford s press it strong, and would be conclusive, were it not for the occurrence of a very few Hebrew letters perhaps a dozen, in all, which I have not found in any other volume printed by him. 3419 Keith (G.) Mr. George Keith s Account of A National Church, and the Clergy, &c. Humbly Presented to the Bishop of London : With some Queries concerning the Sacrament,//. 8. 4 Reprinted at Philadelphia by Reynier jfansen, 1701 A large and fine, nearly UNCUT copy, yellow morocco, sides panel-%ilt, g. e. (Bedford}. "A VERY RARE imprint" (SABIN, no. 37177). Not in the Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogue, nor in Mr. Menzies s collection. THOMAS (Hist, of Printing, n. 26) "had met with only one book with Jansen s name in the imprint." 3420 KEITH (GEORGE) and EVANS (EVAN). Some of the many false, scandalous, blasphemous, & self-contradictory Assertions of Wil liam Davis, faithfully collected out of his Book, printed Anno 1700, etc., pp. 12, no title page ; half morocco. 4 [New York, William Bradford, 1703] See Sabin,no. 37218, and Mr. Menzies s Catalogue, no. 1140. This VERY RARE tract contains (i.) Extracts from Davis s book, entitled: "Jesus the Crucified Man, the Eternal Son of God," (the faithfulness of the quotations being attested March 26, 1703, by George Keith, Clerk, John Talbot, Clerk, and Evan Evans, Rector of Philadelphia, (2.) A declaration, subscribed by Keith and Evans, that Davis s assertions are " anti-scriptural and blasphemous ;" and (3.) "A Publick Advertisement to all Christian People," etc., concerning a public dispute between Keith and Davis, at Philadelphia, March toth, and Davis s public discourses the following day, "in the open street or ground before the Meeting-house [of The Keithian Quakers] that was kept shut, and according to the Quaker Mayor Edw. Shippen s order, the Constable stood by with his Constable s staff, to protect and countenance the said W. D.," etc. It is dated, "Philadelphia, the 26th of March, 1703." 3421 KEITH (G.) A Reply to Mr. Increase Mather s Printed Remarks on a Sermon Preached by G. K. at Her Majesty s Chappel in Boston, the i4th of June, 1702, pp. 35, brown morocco, g. e. (Bedford). 4 New York, William Bradford, 1703 A fine copy of this VERY RARE tract "apparently not seen by Mr. Smith, who gives only five words of the title." J. SABIN, in the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1138. 3422 KEITH (G.) The Notes of the True Church With the Ap plication of them to the Church of England, and the great Sin of Separation from Her. . A Sermon at Trinity Church, New York, Nov. 7, 1703, pp. (8), 20, wants pp. 3-6, hf. mor. UNCUT. 4 New York, William Bradford, 1704 EXCEEDINGLY RARE. See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1142, and Sabin, no. 37204. 3423 - - The Notes of the True Church ... A Sermon preached at Trinity Church in New-York, etc. Another copy, complete ; water stained, but will come out fine after washing and slight repairs of a corner of title leaf . 4 New York, Wm. Bradford, 1704 3424 KEITH (G.) An Answer to Mr. Samuel Willard (One of the Ministers at Boston in New- England) his Reply To my Printed Sheet, called, A Dangerous and hurtful Opinion maintained by him, &c., pp. (4), 41, grosgrain red morocco extra, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 4 New York, Wm. Bradford, 1704 A good copy of this VERY RARE tract. See SABIN S Dictionary, no. 37179. 3425 KEITH (G.) The great Necessity and Use of the Holy Sacra ments of Baptism & the Lord s Supper. (Sermon, at Trinity- Church in New-York, Nov. 28, 1703,) pp. 24, A FINE CLEAN COPY, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1/50. 91 mostly UNCUT, best levant carmine morocco extra, paneled sides, ins. borders, g. e. (Pratt.) 4 New York, William Bradford, 1704 "Of GREAT RARITY ; I have seen only three copies." SABIN, no. 37197. 3426 KEITH (G.) The great Necessity & Use of the Holy Sacraments of Baptism & the Lord s Supper. Another copy, unbound, FINE. 4 New York, William Bradford, 1704 3427 LEEDS (DANIEL) News of a Trumpet Sounding in the Wilder ness. Or, The Quakers Antient Testimony Reviewed, Examined and Compared with itself, and also with their New Doctrines, etc., 8 prelim, leaves, and pp. 151, original binding. EXTREMELY RARE. sm. 8 New York, Wm. Bradford, 1697 See PUSEY (C.) No. 3452. In a chapter " Of Persecution and Prosecution," Leeds mentions, " the imprisoning William Bradford,, and taking away his very Tools that he should get maintenance for his Family by, contrary to the Law of England so justly pleaded by him," etc., " also, their imprisoning Peter Boss, till Providence put the Government into the hands of Coll. Fletcher . . who released him out of Prison" (p. 85). " Well, to Tryal W. B. [Bradford] was brought. D. Lloyd pleaded hard against him, the Jury had their Charge given by S. Jenings, out they went to try this Crime, but it happening so, that there were one or two upon the Jury that were not Quakers, they stood upon the Nicety (as some of their fellow-Jurors call d it) of two Evidences, to prove that W. B. printed said Appeal, which not appearing, after about 48 hours the Jury came into Court, and told the Bench they were not like to agree. To whom A. Cook made this learned speech, viv. "Well, seeing, Friends, that you are not like to agree, you are absolved from your Test (Oath) and are discharged : and -we -will have another Jury that shall agree, and find the Bill. 1 1 But before another Court, the Government was changed, W. Bradford discharged from his Imprisonment, and they disappointed of executing the Vengence which they intended " (pp. 85, 86). On page 134, Leeds cites "A Reply &c. by G. C. (i. e. Gulielmus Calamus, Anglice, William Penri) published after K. James came to the Crown " commending the loyalty of Roman Catholics, etc. 3428 [LESLIE (C.)] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists . . . The Sixth Edition, pp. x, (4), 70, uncut. 1 6 New York,*repr., Henry De Foreest, 1745 3429 LETTER (A) from a Clergy-man in the Country, to a Clergy-man in the City, containing Free Thoughts about the Controversie, between Some Ministers of the Church of England and the Quakers, etc., pp. 12. 4 Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen, 1702 EXTREMELY RARE. Not in Haven s Catalogue, nor in any other to which I have had access. The writer censures the "extreme virulency" of "bold and angry Mr. Keith," in his attacks upon the Quakers. 3430 LEX PARLIAMENTARY : or, a Treatise of the Law and Customs of the Parliaments of England, by G. P. Esq., pp. (6), 184, best levant red morocco, full gilt, elegant, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 8 London: Repr. in New -York and sold by William and Andrew Bradford in New York and Philadelphia, 1710 One of the very few volumes which have the imprint of the two Bradfords, father and son. THOMAS (Hist, of Printing, II. 92) had seen this imprint only on "a pamphlet printed in 1711." 3431 [LOGAN QAMES)] The Charge Delivered from the Bench to the Grand-Jury at the Court of Quarter Sessions, Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1723 ; with their Address; //. 16, clean, UNCUT. 4 Phila., Andr. Bradford, 1723 EXCESSIVELY RARE, in such condition. 3432 LURTING (Thos.) The Fighting Sailor turn d Peaceable Chris tian : Manifested in the Convincement and Conversion of Thomas Lurting, etc., pp. 48, calf antique, paneled sides. 1 6 London: repr. Phila., Samuel Keimer, 1725 This edition is EXTREMELY RARE. Not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books, 92 BOOKS PRINTED IN nor in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Society s) Catalogue of Ante-Revol. Publications. The first (London) edition was printed in 1711. 3433 [MAULE (THOMAS)] New-England | Pesecutors -(sic) Mauled | With their own Weapons. Giving some Account of the bloody Laws made at Boston against the Kings Subjects that dissented from their | way of Worship. Together with a brief Account of the Imprisonment and | Tryal of Thomas Maule of Salem, for publish ing a Book, entituled, Truth held forth and maintained, &c. By Tho. Philathes (sic), pp. iv, 62, large copy, title-page slightly imperfect. sm. 4 n. p., n. d. \New York, Wm. Bradford, 1697 ?] One of the RAREST of American books. Mr. Brinley could learn of but one complete copy, in this country, and that, the title-page excepted, is inferior to his. About an inch and a half has been torn from the bottom of the title leaf taking away about four lines (Italic) of a quotation from Psalm 94. 20, 21. A photographic copy of the full title is inserted in the tract, by the help of which the missing lines may readily be restored, in facsimile. 3434 M[AULE] (Tfhomas]) of Salem. For the service of Truth, By Philalethes or Lover of Truth, T. M. 1703. An Abstract of George Keith s Letter to Thomas Maule, with an Answer by Philalethes there unto, etc., pp. 20, n. t. p. 4 n. p. {Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen f\ Printed for the Author, 1703 SUPERLATIVELY RARE. Not in the Am. Antiq. Society s (Haven s) Catalogue of ante-revolutionary publications, nor in the Mass. Hist. Society s, Prince, Harvard College, or in any other American catalogue which has been consulted. 3435 [MAULE (Thomas)J TRIBUTE | TO | C^SAR, | How paid by the Best Christians, And to what Purpose. | With Some Remarks on the late vigorous Expedition | against Canada. Of Civil Gov ernment, | How Inconsistent it is with the Government of Christ | in his Church, Compared with the Ancient, Just and Righteous Principles of the Quakers, and their Modern | Practice and Doc trine. | With some Notes upon the Discipline of their Church in | this Province, especially at Philadelphia. By Philalethes, Title, and Preface, 3 ll.,pp. 29, dark blue morocco, sides gilt(Pratf], UNCUT, EXTREMELY RARE. sm. 4 n. p., n. d. {Philadelphia, about 1712] The " Tribute to Caesar" was the tax for the Canada expedition of 1711. 3436 MENNONISTS. The Christian Confession Of the Faith of the ... Mennonists, pp. 40, Amsterdam, Printed ; repr., Phila., Andrew Bradford, 1727. An Appendix to the Confession of Faith Of the Christians, called Mennonists. Giving A short and full Account of them ; because of the Immagination of the Newness of our Religion, the Weapon and Revengeless Christendom, and its being. Published Formerly in the Low Dutch, translated .... into High- Dutch, and out of that into the English Language, 1725. \To which is added: A Tender and Christian-like Excusation of Menno Simons.] pp. 44, Phila., Andr. Bradford, 1727. Two in one vol., half calf, neat. 16 The Confession and Appendix are subscribed by sixteen Elders of the Mennonists of "Shipack, Germantown, Canastoge, Great Swamp, and Manatany." 3437 MENNONISTS. The Christian Confession Of the Faith of the harmless Christians, in the Netherlands, Known by the name of Mennonists,//. 40, half mor. 12 Amsterdam; repr. Phila., A. Bradford, 1727 PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1/50. 93 3438 MOLLINEUX (Mary) Fruits of Retirement, or Miscellaneous Poems, Moral and Divine, sir. grained olive morocco, elegant, back full gilt, sides double paneled, with corners ornamented, g. e. (Bedford). 1 6 Philadelphia, S. Keimer, 1729 VERY RARE. The edition is not in Jos. Smith s nor in the Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogue. 3439 MORGAN (Joseph) The Portsmouth Disputation exammed, being A Brief Answer to Arguments used by the Antipasdo-Baptists in Dr. Russel s Narrative of the Disputation held at Portsmouth, between some Baptist and Presbyterian Ministers, //. (5), 82, original binding. sm. 8 New York, W. Bradford, 1713 New Jersey, The Interest of, considered, etc. Wm. Bradford, n. d. See No. 3616. 3440 New Jersey Proprietors. JENKIN (GRIFFIN) A Brief VIN DICATION | OF | THE | Purchassors | Against the PROPRITORS (sic}, \ in A Christian Manner, \pp. xi, 37, olive str. -grained morocco extra (Bedford), UNCUT, clean and fresh as if it had just now come from the press. smallest 4 New- York. Printed, By J. Zenger,jun. 1745-6 EXCEPTIONALLY RARE. "The ONLY COPIES KNOWN are in the library of the late George Brinley and the English State Paper Office. F. Zenger jun, is not among the Printers mentioned by Thomas, and Mr. Sabin (Diet, of Books rel. to America, vol. n. p. 481) has seen no other specimen of his work." Am. Antiq. Society s (Haven s ) Cata logue, p. 171. The rarity of the book is not diminished by the fact that the name in the imprint is J. [John] not F. Zenger jun. John Peter Zenger, the father, died in 1746, the year this tract was printed. His widow continued the business, with the help of her eldest son John, to whom she resigned it in 1748. THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, n. 102. The " Brief Vindication" (p. 1-32) is addressed "to the Inhabitants of Newark and the rest of the American Brethren," and is subscribed by the author (Griffin Jenkin), p. 32. The Preface (pp. iii-vi) is followed by "some few VERSES, presented with an Intention to soften the Heart" of the reader, before coming to "the main Intention of the Letter" (pp. vii-xi), and a few pious "Ejaculations" fill the last five pages (33-37) of the tract. 3441 A Bill in the Chancery of New-Jersey, at the suit of John, Earl of Stair, and others, Proprietors of the Eastern-Division of New-Jersey : against Benjamin Bond, and some other Persons of Elizabeth- Town, distinguished by the Name of the Clinker Lot Right Men. With Three large Maps, done from copper-plates. To which is added ; The Publications of The Council of Proprie tors of East New-Jersey, and Mr. Nevill s Speeches to the General Assembly, concerning The RIOTS committed in New-Jersey, and The Pretences of the Rioters, and their Seducers . . Published by Subscription. folio, New York, James Parker, 1747 Title & Errata, i leaf ; The Bill, with accompanying Schedules, pp. 124, and three maps ; Publications of the Council of the Proprietors, 1746-47, pp. 1-39 (between //. 12 and 13. Mr. Neville s speeches, reprinted from the New York Weekly Post Boy, nos. 174 and 175, 4 pp.); (Parker s) New York Gazette [and] Weekly Post-Boy, No. 268, Mch. 7, 1747-8, with a communication relating to Acts of the Gen. Assembly of New Jersey, (i p.) The Maps were "Engraved and printed by James Turner, Boston," Large, clean, and fine copy. An Answer to the Council of Proprietor s two publications ; sett forth at Perth- Amboy the 25th of March, 1746, and the 25th of March, 1747. As also some Observations on Mr. Nevil s Speech in the House of Assembly, in Relation to a Petition presented to the House of Assembly, at Trentown, May, 1746, (n. t. p.] pp. 13, FINE COPY, UNCUT. New York, Widow Catharine Zenger, 1747 (2 VOls. VERY RARE.) folio. 3442 -- A Bill in the Chancery of New Jersey, etc. N. Y., James Parker, 1747 An Answer to the Council of Proprietor s two 94 BOOKS PRINTED IN publications, etc. N. K, Widow Catharine Zenger, 1747. (2 vols.) folio, New York, 1747 FINE COPIES. The "Answer to the Council " etc., uncut, has been neatly extended, for binding with the Bill. 3443 - - PALMER (Obadiah) and others, Complainants, against Jacobus VAN CORTLAND and Adolph PHILIPSE, Defendants, In Cancellaria Novae Eborac. Decree (for the Complainants), made May 2d, i3th George I. [1727.] pp. 22, uncut, no title page or imprint, VERY RARE. folio, n. p. [New York, Wm. Bradford, 1727] The action was brought to determine the bounds of the "Great Neck" at Mamaroneck, and to establish a partition line between the parties. BRADFORD S LAWS OF NEW YORK. 3444 THE | LAWS & ACTS | of the General Assembly for Their Majesties Province | of NEW-YORK, As they were Enacted in divers Sessions, the first of | which began April, the gth, Annoq ; Domini, 1691.1 At New- York, Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties, King \ William & Queen Mary, 1694. folio. With additional Acts bound in, to those passed by the General Assembly, Sept. and Oct. 1708, inclusive. That the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN NEW YORK and the FIRST COLLEC TION OF THE LAWS OF NEW YORK is a volume of SUPERLATIVE RARITY "goes without saying." The volume is in excellent preservation, LARGE and FINE, in old (but probably not the original) binding. A former possessor has supplied a neat manuscript table of contents of the additional laws (after p. 92) and has re-numbered the pages with a pen. The irregularity of the pagination and signatures with the occasional omission of a law which had ceased to be of force, and the substitution of another in its place renders the giving of an accurate and intelligible collation of the volume almost impossible. The printed Table of Contents prefixed to the volume shows that, as first made up, it ended with the "Catalogue of Fees" established in September, 1693, at the end of which is the colophon : " Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to Their Majesties, | King William and Queen Mary, at the Bible in New-York, 1693." The verso of this leaf is blank. The three following leaves, containing Acts passed in 1694, seem to have been added after the Table of Contents was printed. For so much of the volume, the collation is tolerably plain: Title, i leaf (verso blk.); Table of Contents, i leaf; Acts, pp. 1-92 (sigs. A to Z 2), regular to p. 68 ; between pp. 68 and 69, An Act granting a Rate &c. (Nov. 1692) i sheet, (pp. 1-4) is inserted; pp. 69-84, regular ; then " A Catalogue of Fees" &c., pp. i-n + i blk (sigs. A-C) with the colophon, as above. To this follows sig. Z, pp. 89-92. There is no sig. Y (pp. 85-88). The additions, irregularly paged, are as follow: Acts of 4th Assembly, 2d Session (Oct. 1694) misplaced by the binder 4 pp. n. n.; 5th A., ist S. (Tune, 1695), PP- 101-106, with colophon; 2d Sess. (Oct. 1695 > mis-named "6th Assembly, ist Session," and mis placed by binder), pp. 107-113 + 1 blk.; 3d Sess., (Mch. 1696) 10 pp., n. n., with colophon ; 4th Sess. (Oct. 1696), 6 pp., n. n. ; 5th Sess. (Mch. 1697) 5 pp. n. n. -f i blk. ; 7th Ass., ist Sess. [misprinted, 7th Sess.] Mch. 1699 to en d of 4th [misprinted, 3d] Sess., Aug. 1701, pp. 119-176, with 10 pp. irregularly numbered, between pp. 156 and 157 (bis); ist to 5th Sessions (Regno Annse), Oct. 1702 June, 1705, pages 177-238 (and 233-238 repeated); and Sessions of June and Sept. 1706, and Sept. and Oct. 1708, 3o pp! n. n. This collation has been made with some care and is believed to be nearly correct ; but the auctioneer will not guarantee its accuracy, leaving its revision and amendment to the fortunate acquirer of the volume. 3445 NEW YORK. Acts | of | Assembly | Passed in the | Province of New- York, | from 1691, to 1725, old binding, A LARGE, CLEAN, AND FINE COPY. fol. New York, Printed and Sold by William Bradford, 1726 Title; Index, 4 leaves ; Acts &c. pp. 1-319 ; An Ordinance for Regulating and Estab. lishing Fees, 1710, pp. 1-20, uncut; An Ordinance for Regulating and Establishing Fees for the Court of Admiralty, 1722, uncut, pp. 1-4; An Ordinance for Regulating etc. [1723], 4 pp. ; An Ordinance for Regulating the Recording of Deeds, etc. 1723, 2 pp. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750. 95 3446 MAP (A) of the Countrey of The FIVE NATIONS belonging to the Province of New-York and of the Lakes near which the Na tions of Far Indians live, with part of Canada & River St. Law rence. "The First Map Engraved in the Province of New York." Printed by Wm. Bradford, 1724 A fine impression of this EXCESSIVELY RARE map, mounted on fine paper, and bound (by Mathews) in quarto, half levant green morocco, g. e., with an ornamently title- page, beautifully executed, in colors (by W. L. Andrews, 1868). It was printed after the plate had received its FINAL CORRECTIONS and the additions of many Indian names. Sec No. 3384. A copy of the reduced map, engraved for the London edition of Colden s His tory of the Five Nations, is laid in. 3447 NEW YORK CITY. The | Charter j of the | City | of New-York ; Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recor- 1 der, Aldermen and Com monalty of the City aforesaid. To which is annexed, The Act of the General Assembly Confirming the same. |//. 52, best levant red morocco, back full-gilt, sides paneled and filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford]; a Facsimile of LynJs Plan of the City, 1728, mounted on linen, is inserted. folio, New York, John Peter Zenger, 1735 A name (Howard) is stamped in red on the title and several other pages. 3448 PENN (Wm.) The Governour s Speech to the Assembly, at Philadelphia the 15 September 1701. The Assembly s Address to the Governour. Half sheet, fresh clean copy (from the Penn Pa pers], folio, Philadelphia, Reynier Janson, 1701 Of the HIGHEST RARITY if not UNIQUE. In this Speech, Gov. Penn announces that, " through the Endeavours of the Enemies of the PROSPERITY of this Country," he is obliged "to go for ENGLAND." 3449 PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE (The Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences : and) Nos. 1-39 (Dec. 24, 1728 Sept. 25, 1729), wanting Nos. 4 and 5, only. Printed by Samuel Keimer. The PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Containing the freshest Advices For eign and Domestick. Nos. 40-111 (Oct. 2, 1729-060. 22, 1730), complete. Printed by B. Franklin and H. Meredith. 2 vols. grosgrain, levant russia-red morocco, g. e. (Bedford), IN SUPERB CONDITION. folio, Philadelphia, 1728-30 Such a series of Keimer s and Franklin s first newspaper is of SUPERLATIVE RARITY. The first volume contains Keimer s "Advertisement," dated Oct. i, 1728 (a half sheet), that " there is design d to be publish d the Latter End of November next, a most useful Paper of Intelligence, Entitled, The Pennsylvania Gazette, or tlie Universal Instructor? etc. In the last number in the volume (No. 39), he gives his valedictory, announcing that " he has agreed with B. Franklin and H. Meredith, at the New Printing- office, to continue the Gazette to the End of the Year, having transfer d the Property wholly to them, [Z>. Harry declining it] ;" and that "the said S. K. designs to leave this Province very early in the Spring," etc. No. 40 contains the Salutatory of the new publishers. For the Gazette, 1761 (Nos. 1671-1723), see No. 3214. THE BRADFORD PRAYER-BOOK. THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 3450 The I Book | of j COMMON-PRAYER, j And Administration of the | Sacraments. | And Other | Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, | According to the Use of the | Church of England. | Together with the Psalter, | or j Psalms of David, | Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in | Churches, j sm. 4 Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New- York, 1710 This copy wants the Title leaf, and a leaf preceding the Title having, on its verso, the 96 BOOKS PRINTED IN royal arms. Photographic copies of the two missing pages, taken by permission from the copy (of the first issue) belonging to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, are laid in the volume. In other respects, a GOOD COPY, well preserved, in the original binding. The collation is as follows : [Leaf preceding Title, recto blank, on verso, the royal arms ; Title, verso blank ;] Rules For the more devout Behaviour in the time of Divine Service, etc. 12 leaves, n. n. (sigs. a, b, c, in fours) ; Calendar, 4 11. ; The Order how etc.) 2 11. (sig. d); The Order of Morning Prayer etc. to the Commination, sigs. A-Q4; The Psalter, sigs. R to recto of Cc2 ; Forms of Prayer and Service, for 5th of November, 3oth of January, and 2gth May (Gun Powder Treason, King Charles the Martyr, and the Restoration,) recto of Cc2-recto of Ee2 in twos ; on verso of Ee 2,. the Queen s order for annexing the three last mentioned Forms of Prayer, etc. to the Book of Common Prayer ; "A New Version of the Psalms of David, Fitted to the Tunes Used in Churches. By N. Tate and N. Brady," //. 77 (sigs. A-Y, in twos); Alphabetical Table of the Psalms, Directions, and an Erratum, 2 pp. (verso of Y i and recto of Y 2). I am indebted to Mr. Frederic D. Stone of the library of the Historical Society of Penn sylvania, for the information that there were at least two issues of this edition. Mr. Brin- ley s copy belongs to the earlier of the two. In the Psalter, as Bradford first printed it, Psalms xii.-xvii. were omitted. The signatures are regular. Psalm xi. begins on verso of R 2 and ends (with verse 8) on recto of R 3 and is immediately followed by Psalm xviii. When the omission was discovered, Bradford, it appears, supplied it, by printing the last verse of Psalm xi., and Psalms xii.-xvii. in course, on a single leaf, to be inserted between R 2 and R 3. This made the Psalter complete, but left a doublet^ of Ps. xi. 8, at the beginning of R 3. This extra leaf is inserted in one of the two copies belonging to the Penn. Historical Society, the title-page of which differs in type and arrangement from that of the earlier issue. 3451 PUGH (ELLTS) A Salutation to the Britains, To Call them From the Many Things, to the One Thing needful, for the Saving of their Souls, etc. Translated from the British Language by Row land Ellis, Revis d and Corrected by David Lloyd,//, xv. (i), 222, large fresh copy, in the original binding, neat. sm. 8 Philadelphia, S. Keimer,for W. Davies, Bookbinder, 1727 A fine copy of this VERY RARE book. It is an excellent specimen of Keimer s best work and (probably) of W. Davies s best binding. It has the name of " Lydia Lancaster, her Book, given by her friend David Lloyd Judge of Pencilvainia." There are several manuscript corrections of the text, which were probably made by Chief Justice Lloyd, who is named on the title-page as the reviser of the translation. Ellis Pugh was a Quaker preacher, born in Wales, who settled at Gwynedd, Pa., in 1687. 3452 PUSEY (CALEB) Satan s Harbinger Encountred, | His False | News of a Trumpet detected, His Crooked | Ways in the Wilder- nesse | Laid open to the View of the Impartial and Judicious. Being Something by way of Answer to Daniel Leeds his book, entituled, News of a Trumpet sounding in the Wildernesse &c. . | . pp. (4), 115. 4 Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen,.\>]Qo EXTREMELY RARE. For Leeds s " News of a Trumpet " to which this is a reply, see No. 3427. In this Preface, the author gives some interesting information concerning Jansen and his press. " The substance of this book " he says, " was wrote near two years ago, but being backward in my self to appear in print, as also the press being long expected here before it came, and when come taken up with other important matters intervening, occa sioned the delay of its publication till now .... The chief occasion of there being so many errours, was, that the Printer, being a man of another nation and language, as also not bred to that employment, consequently something unexpert both in language and calling, and the corrector s not being so frequently at hand as the case required," etc. Leeds s book was printed by Bradford in New York, in 1697. Pusey s answer was probably written the same year, when there was no press in Philadelphia; and, after this, the press was " long expected before it came." Thomas supposed (Hist, of Printing, ii. 25) "that when Bradford removed to New York, in 1693, he left Jansen to manage a press in Philadelphia." It seems certain, however, that the new press was not set up before 1699. In that year were printed Jona. Dickinson s "God s Protecting Providence" (No. 3390) and Samuel Jenings s "Truth Rescued" (No. 3401). 3453 [PUSEY (CALEB)] The Bomb Search d And found stuff d with False Ingredients being a Just Confutation of an abusive Printed Half-sheet, call d a BOMB, originally published against the Quakers, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1750. 97 by Francis Bugg, but Espoused and Exposed, and in Print offered to be proved by John Talbot, etc.,//. 32, stained. 4 Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen, 1705 EXTREMELY RARE. 5454 RONDE (Lambertus De) Predikant te Neuw- York. De Gekruicigde Christus, als het Voornaamste Toeleg van Gods Getrouwe Kruisge- santen, in Hunne Prediking, . . in Eene Kerkreede, uit I. Cor. i. 23 ... Uitgesprooke op den 14 October, 1750, pp. 8, 28, orig. mar bled wrapper. 4 Nieuw-York, Hendricus De Foreest, 1751 The First Sermon preached by the Rev. Lambertus De Ronde, as the colleague of the Rev. Gualtherus Du Bois, in the Dutch Reformed Church in New York. Prefixed are commendatory verses by Dominie Du Bois then in the Soth year of his age. 5455 A | SEASONABLE | ACCOUNT | of the | Christian and Dying Words, | of Some Young Men ; Fit for the consideration of all ; but Espe cially of the Youth of this Generation ; viz : | William Fletcher, 17 years of age, | Tudor Brain, 17 years of age, and Rich. Man- liffe. With a short Epistle [by George Whitehead] prefixed, . . //. 19. 4 Philadelphia, Reynier Jansen, 1700 EXTREMELY RARE. Whitehead s Epistle (pp. 9, 10) is prefixed to the Account of Tudor Brain, first printed, London, 1697 (See Smith s Catal. of Friends Books, n. 716). William Fletcher, of Philadelphia, died Feb. 23, 1700. 5456 SECRETARY S GUIDE (The), or Young Man s Companion, to which is added The Family Companion. 5th edition,//. (10), 248, stained, out of binding. 12 Phila., A. Bradford, 1737 Sewel (William) The History of the Quakers. S. Keimer, 1728. See Books printed by Franklin, No. 3315. 5457 SHEWEN (William) A Brief Testimony against Tale-Bearers, Whisperers, and Back-biters,//. 21, str. grained olive morocco, extra, gilt, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 Reprinted at Philadelphia, \Reinier Jansen^\ 1701 EXTREMELY RARE. ;458 SHEWEN (William.) A Brief Testimony against Tale-Bearers, Whisperers, and Back -biters. Another fine clean copy, nearly uncut. 4 Philadelphia, \Reynier Jansen ,] 1701 First printed, London, 1686. See J. Smith s Catalogue of Friend s Books, u. 570. This edition was unknown to Smith, and is not in the Am. Antiq. Society s (Haven s) catalogue. 59 Short (A) Direction for an Unregenerate Sinner, shewing him how he may come to Christ. Written in Dutch by a Lover of the Truth, and Translated into English by a Well-Wisher to all Men, //. 24, str. grained brown mor., filleted sides, gilt back ,g. e. (Bedford). 1 6 New York, John Peter Zenger, 1739 60 STIRREDGE. Strength in Weakness manifest in the Life, Trials, and Christian Testimony of ... Elizabeth Stirredge . . written by her own Hand, title mounted, half morocco, pp. (8), 150. sm. 8 Printed, London; repr. Phtla. S. Keimer, 1726 RARE. Not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue, nor in the Am. Antiq. Society s (Haven s) Catalogue. 6 1 TENNENT (G.) The Danger of forgetting God, describ d, and The Duty of considering our Ways explain d. In a Sermon, at New-York, March, I735,//. 30, str. grained brown mor. extra, filleted sides, g. e. (Bedford). 16 New York, John Peter Zenger, 1735 " Courteous Reader, I was the rather inclin d to make the following Discourse publick, because of the loud Clamours which (as I was informed) were rais d against it," etc. Preface. 98 BOOKS PRINTED IN 3462 TENNENT (G.) The Espousals or A Passionate Perswasive to a Marriage with the Lamb of God . . A Sermon, at N. Brunswick, June the 22d, 1735, pp. 66, (2), str. grained brown morocco, extra, filleted sides and inside, g. e. (Bedford}. 1 6 New York, J. Peter Zenger, 1735 3463 TENNENT (GILBERT) The Necessity of Religious Violence, in Order to obtain Durable Happiness, Preached at Perth-Amboy, June 29, i735,//. 45, polished calf extra (Bedford}. 16 New York, W. Bradford, [1735] 3464 TENNENT (GILBERT) The Examiner examined, or Gilbert Ten~ nent harmonious ; in answer to a Pamphlet entitled, The Examines or Gilbert against Tennent, polished calf extra, g. e. (Bedford), BEAU TIFUL COPY, SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1743 3465 Another copy, stained, and slightly imperfect. 3466 TENNENT (G.) Twenty-three Sermons, preached at Philadelphia, I742,//. aflo>,fine clean copy, green morocco stamped, g. e. 8 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1744 From John Allan s library. 3467 TENNENT (G.) Discourses on several Important Subjects, three separate title-pages, but continuous paging, pp. (4), 358, old calf . 1 6 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1745 These Sermons were preached in Philadelphia, Jan. to March, 1745. 3468 TENNENT (G.) Sermon at Philadelphia, occasioned by a Person s being struck by Lightning, Phila. 1745 Sermon on the death of Rev. John Rowland, Phila. 1745 Sermon at Ordination of Mr. Charles Beatty, Phila., 1744 Sermon at ordination of Mr. An drew Hunter, Phila., 1746 Sermon at the Evening Lecture in Boston, Jan. 27, 1740, Boston, 1741 Sermon; the Espousals or a Persuasive to a Marriage with the Lamb of God, Boston, 1741.- Sermon ; on the Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, Boston, 1742. Seven (various sizes) in one vol. new half morocco extra. 8 3469 TENNENT (G.) The late Association for Defence, encouraged, or The Lawfulness of a Defensive War. Sermon, at Philadelphia, Dec. 14, 1747, pp. 46, (i), half mor. neat. 8 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, [1748] 3470 TENNENT (G.) Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Burlington, N. J., Nov. 23, 1749, half mor. extra, uncut. sm. 4 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1749 3471 TENNENT (G.) Eighteen Sermons on important subjects, adapted to the Perilous State of the British Nation ; lately preached in Philadelphia,^, xxxvii, 425. 8 Philadelphia, Jas. Chattin, 1758 Tribute to Caesar. See MAULE (T.) No. 3435. 3472 VAN DAM S Case. The Arguments of the Council on the part of Rip Van Dam, in Defence of the Plea of the said Van Dam, to the Jurisdiction of the Supream Court of the province of New- York. Published by Rip Van Dam, Esq; n. t. p., pp. 51, uncut, VERY RARE. folio, n. p., n. d. [New York, John Peter Zenger, 1733] The introduction, pp. 1-4, is subscribed by Rip Van Dam. On p. 5, begins the Argu ment : " New-York, supream Court, in the Equity Side of the Exchequer, between The Attorney General Complainant, &.Rip Van Dam, Esq; Defendant." James Alexander and William Smith were Van Dam s counsel. The Argument is dated March 15, 1732-3. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, 1685-1/50. 99 The final hearing was on April 9th. For a history of the controversy between Gov. Cosby and Mr. Van Dam, President of the Council, as to the division of the salary and perquisites of the governor s office in the interval between the death of Gov. Montgomerie and Gov. Cosby s arrival in New York, see Smith s History of New York, vol. n. pp. 4-6. The type and make up are certainly J. P. Zenger s. The rudely-cut tail-piece (on page 51) is an easily-recognized mark of his press. 3473 VAN DRIESSEN (PETRUS) De aanbiddelyke Wegen Gods | in zyne Souveraine Bestieringe. ! Besonder over de Machten deser | Weereld, Verklaart en toegepast | in Drie Predicatien, door j Petrus Van Driessen, V.D.M. | Te Nieuw- Albania, pp. (10), 79, (i), Title in black and red, and, on verso, a dedication "AD IMMOBILE NUMEN," in red and black ; large, fresh copy, grosgr. levant mor. extra, gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 4 Te Nieuw- York, Gedrukt by J. Pieter Zenger, 1726 EXTREMELY RARE. One of Zenger s earliest publications in New York, and a most desirable specimen of his best work. On the title-page is written : " Hanz Bleeckers Boeck hem Vereert van Domine Van Driessen, i o r 1726." (See The Historical Maga zine, vol. v. p. 156.) Dominie Petrus van Driessen was minister of the Reformed Dutch Congregation in Albany from 1712 to 1739. 3474 WAYS AND MEANS | For the Inhabitants of | Delaware | To be come Rich : Wherein | The several Growths and Products of these Countries are demon- | strated to be a sufficient Fund for a flou- rishing Trade, pp. 66, (i), sir. grained blue morocco, extra gilt, Roger Payne style, g. e. (Bedford}. 1 6 Philadelphia, S. Keimer, 1725 VERY RARE. Not in Mr. Haven s Catalogue. See A Just Rebuke, &c. (No. 3404). By Sir William Keith ? 3475 WHITEHEAD (George) A | Christian Epistle | to | Friends | In General Of weighty Concern, for their present | and future Peace, | etc., pp. 15, (i), clean, uncut. 4 Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1691 EXTREMELY RARE. First printed, London, Andrew Sowle, 1689. This reprint is not mentioned in J. Smith s Catalogue, nor in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc.) catalogue of ante-revolutionary publications. On the last page is a list of " Books Sold by W. Brad ford in Philadelphia." 3476 [WISE (JOHN)] The | Churches Quarrel | Espoused, or, a | Reply | In Satyre, to certain Proposals made, in | Answer to this Question, What further Steps are to be taken that the | Councils may have due Constitution and | Efficacy, etc., pp. 152, fine copy, unbound. 16 New York, Wm. Bradford, 1713 EXTREMELY RARE. The FIRST EDITION of this famous book, printed without the name of the author, the Rev. John Wise of Chebacco (Ipswich), Mass. The Epistle Dedicatory, dated May 31, 1710, is subscribed with his initials, J. W. 3477 WOOLSTON (Thomas) Free Gift to the Clergy: or the Hirelyng Priests of what Denomination soever, Challeng d to a Disputation, //. 52, (wants pp. 29-32), hf. sprinkled calf , uncut, VERY RARE. sm. 4 London, 1722, Reprinted at Philadelphia, and sold by S. Keimer, 1724 One of the earliest known productions of Keimer s press in Philadelphia. 3478 TRACTS. West (Moses) A Treatis (sic) concerning Marriage : wherein The Unlawfulness of Mixt-Marriages is laid open, etc. pp. 39. Phila. Andr. Bradford, n. d. Finley (Samuel) Satan strip d of his angelick Robe . . The Substance of several Sermons, at Philadelphia, Jan. 1742-3, [on] Delusion with an application to the Moravians,//, xii, 42. Phila. W. Bradford, n. d. [1743] Finley (S.) A Charitable Plea for the Speechless : Or, The Right of Be lievers-Infants to Baptism, . . and the Mode by Pouring or Sprink ling justified,//, viii, 115. Phila. W. Bradford, 1746 Remarks TOO FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : upon the Defence of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill s Observations, &c. pp. 22, n. t. p. [signed, Obadiah Jenkins, New York, Nov. 24, 1735.] - A Vindication of the Reverend Commission of the Synod : In Answer to Some Observations On their Proceedings against Mr. Hemphill, pp. 63, uncut, Phila., A. Bradford, 1735. Five VERY SCARCE TRACTS in i vol., new half morocco (Roxburghe). 12 "An Extract of the Minutes of the Commission of the Synod, relating to the Affair of Mr. Hemphill," //. 13 (Phila., A. Bradford, 1735,) s l^d m the volume. The fourth tract is a rejoinder to Franklin s Defence of the "Observations" he wrote for Mr. Hemphill, his minister. (See No. 3197.) When the latter was arraigned for heresy Franklin " became his zealous partisan, and combated for him awhile with some hopes of success ; " but " during the contest, an unlucky occurrence hurt his cause exceed ingly." It was discovered that one of his best sermons had been borrowed from a printed discourse of Dr. Foster s. " I stuck by him, however," says Franklin ; " I rather approved his giving us good sermons composed by others, than bad ones of his own manufacture ; though the latter -was the practice of our common teachers." Life (Sparks), p. 126. The author of " Remarks upon the Defence " points out some of Mr. Hemphill s plagiarisms or unconscious appropriations : " His Sermon on Mark xvi. 10. was borrowed (or rather stolen) from Dr. Clarke, an open Arian. His Sermons on Gal. vi. 15., on Rom. viii. 18, and on Psal. xli. 4, from Clarke s assistant, Dr. Ibbots; and his Sermon on Acts xxiv. 25, from Mr. Foster . . . Should our Ministry follow the Advice and imitate the Example of this Rev. Plagiary, a small Degree of Learning would qualify them for this sacred Trust, and a small Expense would supply them with Sermons to retail to their Audience, with equal Applause from Sabbath to Sabbath." p. 18. FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS: THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. 3479 ADAMSON (M.) pseudon. Friendly Epistle to Neighbour John Taylor of the City of Norwich, to which is added, A Short Dialogue between Mr. Timothy Tell-Truth and Obadiah Friendly,//. 23, hf. mor., SCARCE. 8 London; repr. Boston, 1758 First printed in London, 1757. Mr. Jos. Smith seems to have known it only by title, since he was in doubt whether the author was a Friend, or " rather adverse." Cat. of Friends Books, p. 4. 3480 AN APOLOGY for the People called Quakers. Containing some Reasons for their not complying with Human Injunctions and In stitutions in Matters relative to the Worship of God,//. 7, uncut, SCARCE. sm. 8 n. p., n. d. \Phila. 1757 ?] " Published by the Meeting for Sufferings of the said People at Philadelphia; " signed, 2gth of 6th month, 1757. 3481 BARCLAY (Robert) An Apology for True Christian Divinity as held by the People called in Scorn, Quakers. Sixth Edition in English, fine copy, old calf gilt. 8 London, 1736 3482 - - The same; gth Edition in English, good copy, old calf, pp. 574. 8 Philadelphia, J. Crukshank, 1775 3483 The same, in German; crushed levant brown mor. extra, full gilt, g. e. (Pratt), a SPLENDID COPY, RARE. 8 Germantown, Christopher Saur, 1776 3484 An Apology for the People called Quakers ; to which is added an Epistle to the National Meeting of Friends in Dublin, by Jo seph Pike,//. 124. 12 Philadelphia, 1822 This edition is not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue. 3485 - - The Anarchy of the Ranters, and other Libertines ; the Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended Churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold Apology for the Church THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS, IOI and People of God, called in derision, Quakers. Phila. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757 . PIKE (Joseph) Epistle to the National Meet ing of Friends in Dublin. Phila. repr. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1757. Two in i vol. (2 copies.) 8 3486 BARCLAY (Robert) A Catechism and Confession of Faith, Approved of, and Agreed unto, by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, etc., pp. (8), 151, 6, fine copy, dk. blue mor. extra, g. e. {Bedford). 8 Newport, James Franklin, 1752 VERY RARE. Not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue, nor in Sabin s Dictionary. 3487 The same. Eighth edition, //. (10), 200, (3), dk. blue mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford), RARE. 8 Phila., J. Chattin, 1753 J. Smith had not seen this edition, which he puts, with a query, "about 1753 or 1754." 3488 The same ; with Ancient Testimony of the People called Quakers, revived. 8 Philadelphia, 1788 3489 The same; with Ancient Testimony, <?/<:. 12 Troy,N. Y. 1803 3490 The same, 5th Edition. 12 London, 1716 3491 BENEZET (A.) Some Historical Account of Guinea With an Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave-Trade, its Nature, and Lamentable Effects,^. 144; with two other tracts on Slavery ; old calf , sound, fine copy . 12 Phila., J. Crukshank, 1771 Autograph of Richard Cranch, on title. 3492 [ ] Serious Considerations on several important Subjects ; viz. War and its Inconsistency with the Gospel, . . on Slavery, and . . on the Nature and bad Effects of Spirituous Liquors,//. 48, 3. 12 Philadelphia, Jos. Crukshank, 1778 3493 BENEZET (A.) The Plainness and Innocent Simplicity of the Christian Religion Letter from Elizabeth Webb to Anthony Wm. Boehm and his answer BENEZET (A.) Short Account of the People called Quakers. 2d edition. In one vol. 12 Phila., J. Crukshank, 1781, 82 3494 BESSE (Jos.) A Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers, for the Testimony of a Good Conscience. 2 vols. calf, rebacked, FINE COPY. folio, London, Luke Hinde, 1753 3495 BISHOPE (GEORGE) A Book of Warnings, or the Visitation of the Lord s Love, to the King and his Parliament, etc., pp. 30, hf. mor., neat. 4 London, 1661 3496 BISHOPE (Geo.) A Salutation of Love to the Seed of God in the People called Independents and Baptists, Monarchy-Men and Seekers, even the Tender Bowels of the Lord to them all, pp. 8, hf. mor., neat. 4 London, 1661 3497 BISHOPE (Geo.) [The Last] Trump ; or, one Warning more yet to the People of these Nations,/^. 13, close cut at top, losing first two words of title, wormed, new hf. mor., neat. 4 London, 1662 3498 BISHOPE (George) New England Judged, Not by Man s, but the Spirit of the Lord : The Summe sealed up of New-England s Per secutions. Being A Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the Peo ple called Quakers in these Parts of America . . to the later end of the Tenth Moneth, 1660.. . .//. 176, and slip of Errata. Lon don, Rob. Wilson, 1661 An Appendex (sic) to the Book, Entituled, New England Judged : being Certain Writings, (never yet printed) IO2 FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : of those Persons which were there Executed . . . Title, pp. 177-11 - New England Judged. The Second Part . . Beginning with t Sufferings of William Ledra, . . . And ending with the Sufferin of Edward Wharton, the 3d month, 1665 . . .pp. 147. Lond. i6( Three vols. in one, str. grained blue morocco, elegant, back full g. sides filleted and paneled, ornaments at corners, g. e. (Pratt). sm. 4 London, 1661, The complete work, having both parts and the Appendix, with the slip of Err; VERY RARE. For full titles, etc., see STEVENS S Nuggets, i. 70, 71, or the Men; Catalogue, p. 31. This is an ELEGANT COPY, though cut rather close on the front, slig). touching a few of the marginal notes. 3499 BISHOPE (George) New-England Judged by the Spirit of t Lord. In Two Parts . . . Now somewhat Abreviated. With Appendix, Containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers . Also, An Answer to Cotton Mather s Abuses of the said Peop in his late History of New-England,//. (10), 498; 212, (14), polish calf, full gilt, g. e. (Pratt}. 8 London, T. Sowle, 1703,^ A SPLENDID COPY of this VERY SCARCE book, which comprises several distil works, under one general title. The last of these, " Truth and Innocency Defende Against Falsehood and Envy," by John Whiting, in Answer to Cotton Mather s " Calu nies, Lyes, and Abuses" (London, 1702) is separately paged. 3500 BOWNAS (Samuel) Account of (his) Life, Travels, and Christie Experiences in the Work of the Ministry. London; repr. Phila., Not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books. 3501 BRISTED (John) The Society of Friends or People called Quake examined, boards, uncut (Robert Southey s copy with his book-plat 8 London, i8c 3502 BROOKSOP (Jone) An Invitation of Love unto the Seed of Go Throughout the World. With A Word To the Wise in Heart. An A Lamentation For New-England,//. 15, half morocco, neat, VER SCARCE. 4 London, for Robert Wilson, [166 Jone (or Joan) Brooksop was the wife of Thomas Brooksop, of Derbyshire. See Smith s Catalogue, vol i. p. 323. 3503 BUGG (Francis) Sr. Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life.- History of the Rise, Growth, and Progress of Quakerism. Two i. i vol. sm. 8 London, 169 SCARCE. The author deserted the Friends Society, about 1684. In this work, he set forth their principles and practices as " Antichristian, Antiscriptural, Antimagistratica Blasphemous, and Idolatrous," etc., etc. 3504 BUGG (Fr.) The Pilgrim s Progress from Quakerism to Chris tianity. 2d edition,//. Ixiv, 352, folded plate of The Quakers Synoa. RARE. sm. 8 London, R. yaneway, Jr., i7oc 3505 BURNYEAT The Truth Exalted in the Writings of that Eminen and Faithful Servant of Christ, John Burnyeat, pp. (10), 264, olm mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e., FINE COPY. sm. 4 London, T. Northcott, 1691 348-9 Jersey irgmia, etc. Me was in Massachusetts in 1071, and naci a meeting ana a oiessea seasor at Salem, though he " met with some there, that were gone into that foolish notion of John * Parrots, keeping on their hats, when Friends prayed, &c." (p. 50). He spent some time with George Fox, in " Road Island, and had a long dispute with one Roger Williams," &c. 3506 CHALKLEY (Thos.) A Journal of (his) Life, Travels, and Christian Experiences. 3d edition, old calf ". 8 London, Luke Hinde, 1751 THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. IO3 07 CHALKLEY (Thos) A Collection of (his) Works. Second Edition. [Vol. I. A Journal, &c. Vol. II. Epistles and other writings.] 2 vols. 16 Phila., J. Chattin, 1754 08 CHURCHMAN (John) Account of (his) Gospel Labours and Christian Experiences ; to which is added, A short Memorial of Joseph White, late of Bucks County. 8 Philadelphia, 1779 09 CLARKSON (Thos.) Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 vo\s., portrait, old calf gilt, fine set. 8 New York, 1806 10 COLLECTION OF MEMORIALS (A) concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Parts adjacent, to the year 1787. 8 Philadelphia, 1787 511 CROUCH (Wm.) Posthuma Christiana; or, a Collection of some [of his] Papers ; being a brief Account of his Convincement of, and Sufferings for the Truth, [edited, with prefatory memoir, by Rich. Claridge.] 8 London, J. Sowle, 1712 512 DAVIES (Richard) Account of (his) Convincement, Exercises, Services and Travels. 3d edition. 12 Philadelphia, 1770 513 ELLWOOD (THOMAS) An Epistle to Friends, .... warning them to beware of that Spirit of Contention and Division which hath appeared of late in George Keith,//, i^fine clean copy, polished calf gilt (W. Pratt), RARE. 8 London, T. Sowle, 1694 " Ellwood, the friend and pupil of Milton, was one of the early Quakers ; and ... is one of the most distinguished ornaments, both in a literary and a moral point of view, of their primitive history." Rctrosp. Review. 514 ELLWOOD (Thos.) Davideis. The Life of David, King of Israel. A Sacred Poem ; in Five Books. 5th Edition, Corrected,//, viii, 248, old binding, very scarce. sq. 1 6 London; repr. Phila., J. Chattin, 1754 515 The History of the Life of Thomas Ellwood. Written by his own Hand . . Added, A Supplement by J. W[yeth]. Fourth edition, //. 24, 352. 8 Phila., T. Crukshank, 1775 516 ESTAUGH (John) A Call to the Unfaithful Professors of Truth . . . To which is added Divers Epistles of the same Author,//. 119, hf. bound, RARE. sq. 16 Phila., B. Franklin, 1744 517 FALDO (John) Vindication of Quakerism no Christianity, &c., against the very vain Attempts of William Penn in his pretended Answer, wants pp. 9-12, SCARCE. sm. 8 London, 1673 518 FOTHERGILL (Dr. John) Account of (his) Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, pp. iv, 280. sm. 8 Phila. repr., J. Chattin, 1754 519 Fox (George) The Great Misteryof the Great Whore unfolded : and Antichrists Kingdom Revealed unto Destrvction. In Answer to many False Doctrines and Principles, etc. (With an " Epistle to the Reader," by EDWARD BURROUGH, dated, " London, the 9. Mo. 1658.") Autographs of George Fox and Edward Burrough, and some marginal notes, partially erased, (on pp. 150-172 and 306-308) by the Rev. JOHN STATHAM, of Terling, Essex, in reply to Fox s review of his books, morocco, beveled boards, RARE. folio, London, Tho. Simmons, 1659 IO4 FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS I 3520 F[ox] (G.) An Answer to several New | Laws and Orders |made by the Rulers of Boston | in New-England | The Tenth Day of the Eighth | Moneth, 1677. pp. 7, polished calf gilt ,^g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. sm. 4 n. p. Printed in the Year 1678 3521 Fox (George) and BURNYEAT (John) A New-England-Fire-Brand Quenched, Being an Answer unto a Slanderous Book, Entituled ; George Fox Digged out of his Burrows, Printed at Boston in the year 1676, by Roger Williams of Providence in New-England. In Two Parts. As also, An Answer to R. W. s Appendix, etc., 14 prelim, leaves, pp. 233, (2), 256, blue morocco extra, sides paneled, g. e. 4 \Londori\, Printed in the year 1679 The Second Part is dated 1678, in the imprint. RARE. 3522 [GILPIN (Thos.)] Exiles in Virginia, with Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War. Facsimile of Washington s two letters, pp. 302, half mor. 8 Phila.,for the Subscribers, 1848 3523 GRATTON (John) Journal of (his) Life, giving an Account of his Exercises when Young, as also of his Labors, Travels, and Suffer ings. 12 Stanford, N. Y. 1805 3524 GRIFFITH (John) Journal of (his) Life, Travels, and Labours in the Ministry. 8 London, 1779 3525 - - The same, binding broken. 8 Phila. 1780 3526 [GROOM (SAMUEL)] A Glass | for the People of | New-England, | In which | They may see themselves and Spirits, and if not too late, Repent and Turn from their | Abominable Ways and Cursed Contrivances, | &c. By S. G. pp. 43, half green morocco, UNCUT. 4 n. p. Printed in the Year, 1676 A RARE TRACT. In such condition, VERY RARE. 3527 GRUBB (Sarah) Some Account of [her] Life and Religious Labors, etc., [edited by Lindley Murray,]/^. 418. 12 Trenton, Is. Collins, 1795 An edition not in J. Smith s Catalogue. 3528 -- The same, pp. 378, (i). 12 Wilmington, 1795 3529 HENDERSON (Patrick) Truth and Innocence the Armour and Defence of the People called QUAKERS, against the Wiles of Satan and his Emissaries . . . An Answer to part of [Cotton Mather s] Book, entituled, The Man of God furnished, etc.,//. (16), 79, calf extra, g. e. (W. Pratt), RARE. 8 London, J. Sowle, 1709 3530 HOLDER (CHRISTOPHER) The Faith and Testimony of the Martyrs and suffering Servants of Christ Jesus persecuted in New England vindicated, against the lyes and slanders cast on them by NATHANIEL MORTON in his Book intituled New Englands Memorial, pp. (i), n, no title page, date, place, or name of printer. sm. 4 [ab. 1670] EXTREMELY RARE. It seems to be unknown to American bibliographers (though it is named in Mr. Joseph Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books}. For some account of Holder, and the persecution he encountered in New England, see Besse s Sufferings of the Quakers (n. 179-189), and Bishop s New England Judged (pp. 5, 33, 40, 71, &c.). " I am one of those," he says, "that first came among you, and have felt the cruelty of all your Laws, except death." He married, 1660, a daughter of Richard Scott, of Boston (and Providence). THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. IO$ 3531 HOWGILL (FRANCIS) The Heart | of | New-England j Hardened | through | Wickedness : | In Answer to a Book, Entituled the Heart of New-\England Rent, Published by John Norton appointed | there unto by the General Court, j The Doctrine of the Quakers Vindi cated, his Arguments made void, his Ignorance manifested, and his lying doctrines | brought to light, etc., pp. 40, half green morocco extra, paneled sides, g. e. 4 London, for Thomas Simmons, 1659 A postscript (3 pp.) by Edward Burrough. RARE. 3532 JACOB (Elizabeth) An Epistle in True Love, containing A Farewell Exhortation to Friends Families, //. 16, n. t. p., hf. green mor., RARE. 8 Boston: repr. by J. Franklin, 1723 35 ^3 JORDAN (Richard) Journal of (his) Life and Religious Labours. 12 Philadelphia, 1829 3534 KEITH (GEORGE) Immediate Revelation, (or Jesus Christ the Eternall Son of God, revealed in Man and revealing the knowledge of God, or the Holy Ghost, poured forth and inspiring Man, Not Ceased, but remaining a standing and perpetual Ordinance in the Church of Christ ;) writ by Geo. Keith, Prisoner for the Truth in the Tolboothof Aberdein, the 29th of the third moneth, 1665, clean copy, two last leaves slightly impaired, n. p. 1668. KEITH (GEO.) Universall Free Grace of the Gospel asserted, or THE LIGHT of the Glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ shining forth Universally, .... Being Witnessed and Testifyed unto, by us the People called in derision Quakers, n. p., 1671. Two in i vol. sm. 4 3535 KEITH (G.) The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New-England And Else-where, Brought to the Test, . . . With A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New- England, to Repent, &c. And two Letters to the Preachers in Boston ; and an Answer to the gross Abuses, Lyes and Slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c., 5 prelim, leaves, pp. (n), 230, original binding, good copy. sm. 8 London, Thos. Northcott, 1691 3536 Keith (G.) The Arguments of the Quakers, .... and my own, against Baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted, etc., pp. (8), 89, (23), large and sound copy. sm. 4 London, for C. Brome, 1698 3537 KEITH (G.) A Christian Catechism for the Instruction of Youth and others to whom it may be useful in the Grounds of Christian Religion ; wherein the Divine Excellency of the Light Within [is] asserted and vindicated, pp. (14), no, (2), original binding, well preserved. sm. 8 London, Brabazon Aylmer, 1698 A fine fresh copy of this VERY RARE book. A name has been cut from the head of title leaf. 3538 KEITH (G.) The Deism of William Penn and his Brethren, Destructive to the Christian Religion, exposed and plainly laid open,//. (8),i52, old calf, rebacked. sm. 8 London, Brab. Aylmer, 1699 3539 KEITH (G.) Account of the Quakers Politics, pp. 39, half red morocco, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 4 London, 1700 3540 KEITH (G.) An Exact Narrative of the Proceedings at Turners- Hall, the nth of the Month called June, 1696, with the Disputes IO6 FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : and Speeches between G. K. and other Quakers. London, 1696. A Second Narrative of Proceedings at Turners-Hall the 2gth of the month called April, 1697. London, 1697. A Third Narrative of Proceedings at Turners-Hall, 2ist day of April, 1698. London, 1698. George Keith s Fourth Narrative, etc. London, 1700. George Keith s Fifth Narrative, etc. London, 1701. Five in i vol. (part of the $d Narrative is misplaced, at the end of the vol.), clean copies, a few leaves of one tract wormed, half calf, gilt. 4 3541 KEITH (G.) The Standard of the Quakers examined, or an Answer to the Apology of Robert Barclay, pp. (14), 512, old paneled calf, fine copy. 8 London, 1702 3542 KEITH (G.) The Doctrine of the Holy Apostles & Prophets, the Foundation of the Church of Christ . . A Sermon at Her Majesties Chappel at Boston, the i4th of June, 1702, clean and fine copy, UNCUT. Boston, for S. Phillips, 1702. Mr. George Keith s Account of a National Church and the Clergy, &c. Humbly presented to the Bishop of London. London, 1700. Animadver sions on George Keith s Account of a National Church, etc. and on George Keith s Advertisement concerning the same, [by J. A.] UNCUT. London, 1700. LE MERCIER (Andrew) Two Manuscript Sermons (AUTOGRAPH), in French, preached in Boston, pp. 23, 22, very neatly written, n. d. Addition to the Book entitled The Spirit of the Martyrs Revived. It being a short Account of some Remark able Persecutions in New-England, wanting after page 18, n. t. p. Five in one vol., half morocco (Roxburgh), top gilt. sm. 4 Keith s Boston Sermon of 1702 is EXTREMELY RARE. The second tract (Account of a National Church, &c.) was denounced by Keith as "a Quaker Cheat." " Somebody, of what Persuasion I do not know, made a collection of his Sentiments concerning a National Church, etc. from Books and Papers he had published many years before . . to which were added some Queries he once writ concerning what is called The Sacrament of the Lord s Supper." SEWEL S Hist, of the Quakers, p. 672. 3543 -- MATHER (INCREASE) Some Remarks on a late Sermon, Preached at Boston, in New England, by George Keith M. A. Shewing that his pretended Good Rules in Divinity, are not built on the foundation of the Apostles & Prophets,//. (2), 36, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 8 Boston,for N. Boone, 1702 3544 KEITH (G.) A Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck, on the Continent of North America, pp. (4), 92, good copy, half calf. 4 London, 1706 KEITH (G.) See Penington (J.), No. 3551. 3545 [LESLIE (Charles)] The Snake in the Grass ; or, Satan trans formed into an Angel of Light ; discovering the deep Subtilty of many of the Leaders of those People called Quakers, pp. cccxlii, 271, clean and fine copy, old calf . sm. 8 London, 1696 See WHITEHEAD S Antidote, No. 3574; WYETH S Anguis Flagellatus, No. 3578. 3546 LETCH WORTH (Thos.) Twelve Discourses, pp. 248, bds., uncut. 8 Repr. Salem, [Mass.] 1794 3547 A LETTER from a Meeting of the Brethren called Quakers, To the Authors of the Pamphlet called Considerations on the German War, and of the several Pamphlets in Answer to it,//. 6 (wants last leaf), clean copy. 8 London, printed ; repr. Boston, B. Mecom, 1761 THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. IO/ 3548 LUCAS (Margaret) late of Leek, in Staffordshire. Account of (her) Convincement and Call to the Ministry. 12 Stanford, N. Y., 1803 Not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books. 354$ MUGGLETON (LODOWICK) A General Epistle from the Holy Spirit unto all Prophets, Ministers, or Speakers, London, 1653 Letter presented to Alderman Fonke, Lord Mayor of London, n. t.p. A Transcendent Spirituall Treatise. London, n. d. A True Inter pretation of the nth Chapter of the Revelation. London, 1662 The Neck of the Quakers broken. Amsterdam, 1663 Letter sent to T. Taylor, Quaker, in Answer to many blasphemous Sayings of his. London, 1665 Looking-Glass for George Fox and other Quakers, wherein they may see themselves to be right Devils, in Answer to G. Fox his Book called Something in Answer to L. Muggleton. London, 1668. Seven tracts, unbound. sm. 4 The first three of these tracts are by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton "the two last spirituall Witnesses, and alone true Prophets of the Holy Spirit, by Commission of the true God, that ever shall write or speake unto unbelieving Magistrates, Ministers, and People," etc. " If any of the Elect desire to speak with us concerning anything written in this Treatise, they may heare of us in Great Trinity Lane, at a Chandler s shop against one Mr. Millis, a Brown Baker, near the lower end of Bow lane." 3550 NORTON (John) The Heart of N-England rent at the Blasphemies of the Present Generation. Or A brief Tractate concerning the Doctrine of the Quakers, etc.,//. (2), 58, wants four leaves (pp. 31- 38), grosgr. levant red morocco, gilt, g. e. (Pratt), EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1659 3551 PENINGTON (John) An Apostate Exposed: or, George Keith contradicting himself and his Brother Bradford, clean copy, polished calf extra, gilt (Bedford). sm. 8 London, T. Sowle, 1695 3552 PENINGTON (Isaac) Select Pieces on Religious Subjects. 8 Philadelphia, repr. 1783 This reprint is not in Smith s Catalogue. 3553 P[ENN] (WILLIAM) Invalidity of John Faldo s Vindication of his Book, called, Quakerism no Christianity. . . By W. P. who loves not Controversie for Controversie sake, //. (8), 439, old calf rebacked. sm. 8 n. p. [London], 1673 3554 PENN (Wm.) Primitive Christianity revived, in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers. 2d edition, half vellum, RARE. sm. 8 London, T. Sowle, 1699 The first edition was printed in 1696. 3555 PENN (Wm.) Primitive Christianity Revived PENNINGTON (I.) Select Pieces on Religious Subjects. Two in i vol. 8 Phila. 1783 3556 PENN (Wm.) A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers, 6th edition BARCLAY (R.) Apology for the Quakers PIKE (J.) Epistle to National Meeting of Friends in Dublin. Three in i vol., with a general title-page, but separate pagination. 8 Philadelphia, J. Crukshank, 1770 3557 PENN (Wm.) No Cross, no Crown. Seventh edition. 2 vols. in one. 1 6 Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1747 3558 PENN (Win.) Account of the Rise and Progress of the Quakers, 7th edition BARCLAY (R.) Anarchy of the Ranters,^, in an IO8 FRIENDS AND UN-FRIENDS : Apology for the Quakers PIKE (J.) Epistle to National Meeting of Friends in Dublin. Three in i vol., with a general title-page, Three Treatises, etc. 8 Wilmington, Jas. Adams, 1783 3559 PENN (Wm.) Reflections and Maxims, nth edition, old calf . 12 Philadelphia, *794 For other writings of Wm. Penn, see Nos. 3078-3083, and 3448. 3560 PHIPPS (Joseph) The Original and Present State of Man briefly considered, wherein is shewn the sensible Operation of that Divine Principle of Grace and Truth held forth by the People called Quakers. 8 Trenton, Is. Collins, 1793 3561 The same. Another edition. 8 New York, 1788 3562 QUAKER S (The) CAVEAT and Former Testimonies against Popery ; recommended to be reviewed by W. Penn, R. Barklay, G. Fox, etc., pp. 6, half mor. 4 London, 1688 3563 RECKITT (Wm.) Some Account of (his) Life and Gospel Labours, also Memoirs of the Life and Gospel Labpurs of JAMES GOUGH, with separate title-page and pagination, old calf. Phila., 1782-3 ROBERTS (John) Some Memoirs of his Life, by his Son, Daniel Roberts. 4th ed., //. 69, hf. purple mor. Phila., repr. y. Chattin, 1753. (2 vols.} 12 3564 ROBINSON (WM.) and LEDDRA (WM.) Several Epistles given forth by two of the Lord s Faithful Servants, Whom he sent to New-England, to Bear Witness to His Everlasting Truth, and were there . . . put to death, for ... the Testimony of Jesus,//, n, brown morocco extra, blank-paneled sides, ins. borders, top gilt, fine copy, RARE. sm. 4 London, 1669 3565 ROBINSON (W.) and LEDDRA (W.) Several Epistles, etc. Another copy, half mor. neat. 3566 Rous QOHN) and others. New-England A Degenerate Plant. Who having forgot their former Sufferings, and lost their ancient tenderness, are now become famous among the Nations in bringing forth the fruits of cruelty, ... as by these their ensuing LAWS you may plainly see .... The Truth of which we are Witnesses, (who by their cruel hands have suffered) lohn Rous, John Copeland, Strangers, Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, losiah Southwick, Inhabitants, etc. etc.//. 10, half mor. neat. 4 London, 1659 EXTREMELY RARE. It contains the Laws and Proceedings of the General Courts of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and New Haven, against the Quakers, 1656-59: followed by "A true Copy of a Letter which was sent from one who was a Magistrate in New England, to a Friend of his in London." This is the letter of Capt. James Ctidworth, of Scituate, for writing which he was disfranchised by the Plymouth Court. It was reprinted by Bishop, in New-England Jiidged, pp. 168-176. See Palfrey s Hist, of N. England, u. 533, Deane s Hist, of Scituate, 245-248. 3567 SAY (Thomas) A Compilation of the Extraordinary Life and Writings of Thomas Say : in which, is faithfully copied, from the original manuscript, the Uncommon Vision which he had when a Young Man. By His Son. 12 New York, J. Langdon, 1805 3568 SCOTT (JOB) The Baptism of Christ a Gospel Ordinance : being altogether Inward and Spiritual ; not, like John s, into Water, . . //. vii, 185, original binding, sheep. 8 Providence, y. Carter, 1793 A good copy of the FIRST EDITION, VERY SCARCE. Jos. Smith {Catalogue of Friends 1 Books, u. 54.6) notes five English reprints, 1794-1803. THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. IOQ 3569 SCOTT QOB) Journal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of that faithful Servant and Minister of Christ. 12 New York, Isaac Collins, 1797 The FIRST EDITION of this Journal, which has often been reprinted. 3570 SEWEL (William) History of the Quakers. 3d edition. 2 vols., old calf . 8 London, J. Phillips, 1795 3571 STEPHENSON (MARMADUKE) A Call from Death to Life, and out of the Dark wayes and Worships of the World where the Seed is held in Bondage under the Merchants of Babylon, Written by M, S., who (together with another dear Servant of the Lord called William Robinson) hath . . . suffered Death for bearing Witnesse to the same Truth, amongst the Professors of Boston s Jurisdiction in New England. With a True Copy of Two Letters.... Also the True Copy of a Letter from a Friend [Peter Pearson] in New England, which gives a brief Relation of the manner of their Martyrdom, etc., pp. 32, half mor. sm. 4 London, 1660 VERY RARE. See the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1903. 3572 STEPHENSON (MARMADUKE) Een Roep, van de Doot, to the Leven, etc., pp. iv, 28, half morocco extra, VERY RARE. sm. 4 Amsterdam, 1662 A Dutch translation of "A Call from Death to Life," which is perhaps even MORE RARE than the English original. It is not in Jos. Smith s Catalogue of Friends Books. 3573 USEFUL MISCELLANIES, or Serious Reflections respecting Men s Duty to God, and One towards Another, . . By a Well-Wisher to all Mankind. 12 London; repr. Phila., J. Chattin, 1753 By William Dover, of London, a Friend. First printed, 1739. 3574 WHITEHEAD (Geo.) Antidote against the Venom of the Snake in the Grass, or the Book [by Charles Leslie] so stiled, and the Christian People called Quakers, Vindicated, etc. sm. 8 London, for T. Northcott, 1697 3575 WOOLMAN (John) Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes,//. (4), 24, 2, mor., uncut. 16 Phila., J. Chattin, 1754 A fine copy of the First Edition : RARE. (See No. 3332.) 3576 WOOLMAN (John) Works, old calf . 8 Philadelphia, J. Crukshank, 1774 This contains the First edition of his Journal. 3577 WOOLMAN (JOHN) Journal of (his) Life, Gospel Labors, and Christian Experiences, cloth. 12 New York, 1845 "A reprint of Cropper s (English) edition," of 1845. SMITH S Catalogue, n. 963. 3578. WYETH (Jos.) Anguis Flagellatus : or, a Switch for the Snake, being an Answer to the Third Edition of the Snake in the Grass [by Chas. Leslie] ; with a Supplement by G. Whitehead, good copy, old calf, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, T. Sowle, 1699 3579 TRACTS. Benezet (A.) Plainness and Simplicity of the Christian Religion, Phila. 1782 Jenyns (Soame) Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion. 8th edition, Phila. 1780 Boehm (A. W.) Letter to, from Elizabeth Webb, and his Answer, Phila. 1781 Plain Path to Christian Perfection, transl. from the French [by A. Benezet], Phila. 1780 Benezet (A.) Observations on Slavery; Remarks on Spirituous Liquors ; Short Account of the Quakers, Phila. n. d. 7 in i vol. 12 IIO THE QUAKERS, AND THEIR OPPONENTS. 3580 TRACTS. Serious Call to all People to turn to the Spirit of Christ, Phila. 1795 Mason (Benj.) Light rising out of Obscurity; reply to F. Herr s Pamphlet. . . against the Quakers, Phila. 1790 Phipps (Jos.) Dissertations on Christian Baptism, Christian Communion, and Waiting upon God, Phila. repr. 1786 Brook (Mary) Reasons for Silent Waiting in order to the Solemn Worship of God. 4th edition, Phila., repr. 1786 Helton (John) Reasons - for Quitting the Methodist Society. 3d edition, Phila. repr. 1784 Short Account of the Plague in London in 1665, London, 1793. Six in one vol., old calf. 8 3581 TRACTS. Account of the Convincement and Call of Margaret Lucas, of Leek, Staffordshire. Phila. 1800 A Serious Call to the Quakers ... By a Friend. 3d. ed. London; Bost. repr. T. Green, 1709 (RARE) J. Woolnian s Considerations on Pure Wisdom, and Human Policy; on Labour, Schools, etc. Phila. 1768 Stephen Crisp s Epistle to Friends Concerning the Present and Succeeding Times. Lond. 1666; Repr. Phila. 1780 Memorial of the Soc. of Friends, to the Legislature of Virginia, n. d. [1810] J. Pliipp s Address to the Youth of Norwich. N. York, 1794; Another edi tion. Hudson, A. Stoddard, 1799 Memoirs of Wm. Boen, who lived near Mount Holly, N. J. Phila. 1834 Carmen Spirituale : Monita Christiana, In usum Juventutis continens. Olim a Hich. Claridge, Anglice compositum . . nunc Latine Versum ab J. B.,^. 23, uncut. Londini, Assign. J. Sowle, 1728 (RARE.) Life and Labours of Patience Braybon, of Swansey, Mass. N. York, 1801 Account of Sickness and Death of Maria Mott, of Mamaroneck. N. York, 1.817 Fr. Guy s Letter to Eliz. Walker, of State of N. Y. Balti more, 1817 Geo. "Withy s Farewell Address to Friends in N. America. N. York, 1823 Views of Soc. of Friends in relation to Civil Government. Providence, 1840 Views etc. in rel. to Church Government. Prov. 1840 H. Tuke, The Faith of the People called Quakers . . set forth . . from their Writings. Stanford, N. Y. 1802 Serious Address to such of the . . Quakers . . of N. America, as profess scruples relative to the present Government . . Written before the Departure of the British Army from Philadelphia, etc. 2d ed. Phila. Styner 6* Cist, 1778, and others, in i vol., hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe). v. s. (24 to 8) v. y. 3582 TRACTS. Address to the Rev. Dr. Alison, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, and others, Trustees, . . being A Vindication of the Quakers from the Aspersions of the said Trustees, etc. By a Lover of Truth, //. 47. n. p. \PhilaI\ 1765 H. Ross s Plain Address to the Quakers, Moravians, Separatists, Separate-Baptists, Rogerenes, and other Enthusiasts, pp. 214. N. Haven, Parker 6 Co. n. d. [1762] Vindication of the Religious Society called Quakers. Mount- Holly, 1800 Benezet (Antli.) Short Account of the People called Qua kers. N. Bedford, 1799 Narrative of the Sufferings of John Smith, of Chester Co., and of Eich. Seller. Phila. 1800 Account of the Convincement, etc. of John Spalding, of Reading. Phila. 1799 Letter to Hug-h Barton, an excomm. Member from the Soc. of Friends, now a New Light Preacher . . By Notus Nimini (sic), n. p. 1823 Declar. and Testimony of the Yearly Meeting for N. Eng- NEW JERSEY. Ill land, respecting Schism, etc. Providence, 1845 Testimony of the Soc. of Friends on the Continent of America [prepared by the Gen. Committee]. Phila. 1830 Schism among the Quakers ; Shewing the treatment Wm. Dean received . . and his Expulsion, etc. Pough- keepsie, 1823 Mary Brook s Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Waiting, etc. 4th ed. London, 1778 J. Nancarrow s Letter to Elias Hicks. Bait. 1817 Letter on Christian Doctrine. Alexan dria, 1832 Extracts from the Writings of D. Phillips and Wm. Penn, . . shewing the Analogy between Geo. Keith and the opposers of Elias Hicks. N. York, 1830 Trial of Benj. Shaw [and others], for Riots and Disturbance of Public Worship, in the Society of Quakers, at Lynn, Mass. Salem, 1822 Review of the [preceding] Trial, with Remarks, etc. n. p. 1823 Testimony of Monthly Meet ing of Friends, of Jericho, concerning Elias Hicks, deceased. New York, 1830. In i vol., hf. blue morocco. 1. 8 NEW JERSEY. 5583 LAWS. The Acts | of the General Assembly i of the Province of | New-Jersey, i From the Time of the Surrender of the | Govern ment of the Said Province, to the | Fourth Year of the Reign of King | George the Second. | . . . j With a Table of the Principal Matters therein contained. Title, i leaf; Table, 12 //. ; //. 281 ; old paneled calf, sound, FINE COPY, RARE. folio, Philadelphia, Wm. 6 Andrew Bradford, 1732 5584 -- LEAMING (A.) and SPICER (J.) The Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey- The Acts passed during the Proprietary Governments, and other mate rial Transactions before the Surrender thereof to Queen Anne. The Instrument of Surrender. . . Lord Cornbury s Commission, etc. With Proper Tables, . . . //. (4), 763, old calf, fine copy, large and clean, SCARCE. folio, Philadelphia, W. Bradford, n. d. [1752] 3585 - - The Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New- Jersey, From the Time of the Surrender of the Government . . to this present Year (1752). With Proper Tables, and an Alphabetical Index, etc. . . By Samuel Nevill Esq. . .//. (4), 507, old law sheep. folio, n. p. Wm. Bradford, 1752 THOMAS (Hist, of Printing, n. 121) says this edition was printed at Woodbridge by James Parker. 5586 - - The Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New- Jersey, from the Year 1753.. to the Year 1761. With proper Tables, etc. Vol. \\.pp. (4), xii, 401 ; Index,//. 56. An Appen dix, containing Abstracts of . . Acts of Parliament relating to the Army, etc., pp. 64 ; old law calf. folio, Woodbridge, N. J., Jas. Parker, 1761, 1760 3587 - - Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey from 1702 to Jan. 1776. With Three Alphabetical Tables and Index, etc. Compiled by S. Allinson,//. viii, 493, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 15, old calf , fine copy. folio, Burlington, Is. Collins, 1776 112 NEW JERSEY. 3588 LAWS. Acts of the General Assembly of the STATE of New Jersey, from the . . . Declaration of Independence, to ... 24th Dec. 1783 ; with the Constitution and an Appendix, Tables, and Index. Compiled by Peter Wilson,//, x, 389, 28, 4, 4, 30, old binding. folio, Trenton, I. Collins, 1784 3589 Laws of the State of New Jersey. Revised by W. Paterson; law calf, large and fine copy. large folio, New Brunswick, A. Blauvelt, 1800 3590 Revised by W. Paterson, old law calf, very large and fine copy. sm. folio, Newark, Matthias Day, 1800 3591 East Jersey Proprietors. A Bill in the Chancery of New Jersey, etc. To which is added the Publications of the Council of Pro prietors, etc.//. (2), 124, 39, 2 maps (wants one). With large ADDI TIONS, a manuscript index, and MANUSCRIPT NOTES (as below), LARGE and FINE COPY. folio, New York, James Parker, 1747 This copy belonged to the Hon. James Alexander of New York, who was the leading counsel for the Proprietors (and himself a large proprietor), and was used in the prepara tion of the case. Besides numerous marginal notes, in his handwriting, and a manuscript Index (4 pp.), the volume contains these important additions: Nine numbers and supplements of Parker s New York Gazette and Post-Boy, and DeForeest s N. Y. Evening Post, 1747-48 (containing articles relating to the controversy), clean and uncut. The Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of New Jersey, Aug. 20, 1747 [to Feb. 18, 1747-48], pp. 108. Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1747. [Acts of the General Assembly of New Jersey] Anno Regni Georgii II. . Vicesimo primo, [Nov. 17, 1747 to Feb. 18, 1 747-48.] //. 53, (i). Philadelphia, B. Franklin. MSS. " Lecta on the Case. Heads under which the readings are reduced," systemati cally arranged, in 48 pages, neatly written ; partly in Mr. Alexander s hand. All these additions have been neatly extended to the size of the printed Bill in Chancery, and the whole strongly bound. The old binding has been rebacked, and wrongly lettered " New York and New Jersey Boundary Line." 3592 Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey. At a Sitting at Burlington . . July 25, 1758, //. 38, hf. bound. folio, Woodbridge, N. J., James Parker, 1758 Parker s was the FIRST PRESS established in New Jersey. He began to print at Wood- bridge, about 1751. 3593 ALEXANDER (A.) D.D. Biographical Sketches of the Founder and principal Alumni of the Log College, etc. hf. mor. 12 Princeton, 1845 3594 The same. Another edition [enlarged], cloth. 12 Phila. n. d. [1851] 3595 (BELCHER.) A Funeral Sermon, Preached at the Interment of his late Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq ; Governor of . . New- Jersey, &c ... By the late Rev. Mr. Aaron Burr, A.M. President of the College of New Jersey,//. 22, half levant blue morocco. 4 Neiv York, H. Game, 1757 3596 (BUDGE.) The Case of Richard Budge, late Commander of the Ship Hope, etc. 3//. folio, [London, c. 1709] Richard Budge, bound for Holland, with a cargo of logwood from the Bay of Cam- peachy, was compelled by stress of weather to put in to the port of Amboy, N. J., for provisions and other necessaries. By order of Lord Cornbury, the Hope was seized, and the ship and cargo were condemned by a Court of Vice-Admiralty held at New Jersey, and sold. On Budge s appeal to England, the High Court of Admiralty reversed the con demnation and decreed restitution of the ship and cargo . . Before satisfaction was had, Cornbury was removed from his government. Budge petitioned the House of Commons for redress. NEW JERSEY. 113 3597 College of New Jersey. The Military Glory of Great-Britain, an Entertainment, given by the late candidates for Bachelor s Degree, at the Close of the Anniversary Commencement, held in Nassau- Hall, New-Jersey, September 29th, 1762, //. 15, and 4 pages (folded} of music, VERY RARE. sm. 4 Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, 1762 3598 Pierson (John) Sermon on the Death of Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, President of the College of New Jersey,//. 24, half mor. extra, SCARCE. 8 New York, J. Parker, 1748 3599 --An Account of the College of New-Jersey. . . . With a Pros pect of the College neatly engraved. Published by order of the Trustees, &c.,pp. 47, blue polished calf , gilt, g. e. (Pratt). 8 Woodbridge, N. jr., James Parker, 1764 FINE COPY, with the folded plate, in best condition : " A North-West Prospect of Nassau-Hall, with a Front View of the President s House in New-Jersey." ( W. Tennent del., H. Da-whins sculp.) VERY SCARCE. 3600 WITHERSPOON (John) Address to the Inhabitants of Jamaica, and other W. India Islands, in behalf of the College of New-Jersey, //. 27, stained. Phila., 1772 President Davies s Valedictory Ad dress, 1760. N. York, 1761 and another. 3 in i vol., half vellum. 8 3601 - - WITHERSPOON (John) Essays and Sermons on the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace. 5 vols., old calf . 12 Edinburgh, 1768 3602 Works; with an Account of his Life, in a Funeral Sermon by J. Rodgers, D.D. 3 vols. 8 Phila., 1800 3603 Miscellaneous Works, old calf , neat. 8 Phila. 1803 3604 GREEN (Ashbel) Discourses delivered in the College of New- Jersey ; . . with Notes and Illustrations, including an Historical Sketch of the College, to the accession of President Witherspoon, //. xi, 419, bds. uncut. 8 Phila., E. Littell, 1822 3605 Davies (Samuel) Valedictory Address to the Senior Class, September 21, 1760. Portsmouth, N. H., D. Fowle, 1762 Smith (C.) Sermon on the Death of Rev. Aaron Burr, President of the College. New York, 1758 Brief Account of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. Phila. 1822 Livingston (Wm.) Funeral Eulogium on Pres. Aaron Burr. Boston, repr. 1758 Catalogue Collegii Neo-Caesariensis, uncut. Princeton, J. Tod, 1786 [Brackenridge (H. H.)] Poem on Divine Revelation ; delivered at Commencement, 1774 Clay (Jos.) Prize Essay for the Medal given by John Dickinson, uncut. Phila. 1785 Laws of the College, uncut. Trenton, 1794 [Historical] Sketch of the Theol. Seminary, 1817 Linsly (P.) Plea for the Theol. Seminary. 3d ed. 1821 Sprague (Wm. B.) Sermon on the Character of late C. Van Rensselaer, D.D. Albany, 1860 History of the College, 1844: and others. 18 in i vol., new half morocco (Roxburghe). 8 A scarce "Catalogus Eorum qui in Collegio Novae Caesareae Laurea ... donati sunt," 1748-1770, (Broadside; Phila., W. &> T. Bradford^ 1770,) is laid in the volume. 3606 Conductor Generalis : or, the Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, etc., compiled by James Parker, a Justice of the Peace for Middlesex County, New Jersey,//, xvi, 592, old calf . 8 Woodbridge, James Parker, 1764 3607 The same, old mottled calf. New York, J. Patterson, 1788 114 NEW JERSEY. 3608 DOANE (Bp. G. W.) The Goodly Heritage of Jerseymen. First Ann. Address before the N. J. Historical Society, Jan. 1846 The same, 26. edition [with additions]. 2 Pamphlets. 8 Burlington, 1846, 1848 3609 Enquiry into Public Abuses, for want of a Due Execution of Laws for the Suppression of Vice, in New Jersey,//. 22, uncut. 12 Phila., Hall and Sellers, 1784 3610 FENWICK (John) [Proposals for the planting of "NewCesarea or New Jersey " ; with " the character given thereof, by John Ogilby in his AMERICA," Dated, This 8th of the ist Month, 1675.] Half sheet. folio, n. p. \Londoti\ 1675 From the Perm Papers. VERY RARE perhaps UNIQUE. The first page sets forth " The Method I intend for the Planting of all, or so much thereof as I shall reserve to i. myself, my Heirs and Assigns forever." The second page is occupied with " The Descrip tion of a happy Country," from Ogilby. 3611 FENWICK (John) The True State of the Case between John! Fenwick, Esq., and John Eldridge and Edm. Warner, concerning Mr. Fenwick s Lands in West-New-Jersey, pp. 8, SCARCE. 8 London: repr. Phila., 1765 3612 Geological Survey. Rogers (Henry D.) Report. 2d edition,! colored sections-map, pp. 188 Description of the Geology of thef State ; being a final Report, col. map, pp. 301, half mor. 2 vols. 8 Phila. 1836, 1840;, 3613 Geological Survey. Second Annual Report, for the year 1855,! maps and wood-engravings, pp. viii, 248, cloth. 8 Trenton, 1856 3614 GORDON (Thos. F.) The History of New Jersey, from itst Discovery by Europeans, colored map, pp. xii, 339 A Gazetteer of \ the State of New Jersey,//, iv, 265. 2 vols. in i, half calf, gilt. \ 8 Trenton, D. Fenton, 1834! 3615 GORDON (T. F.) A Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey, half\ roan. 8 Trenton, 1834 3616 The | INTEREST OF | NEW-JERSEY | CONSIDERED, | W T ith Regard to j Trade and Navigation, | By laying of [ Duties, &c. //. 20, half red mor. extra (Pratt}, FINE COPY, VERY RARE. 4 Phila., W. Bradford, n. d. [about 1744.]^ Jenings (Samuel) Truth Rescued, etc., 1699 : See No. 3401. 3617 LAWRENCE (Wm. B.) The Colonization and subsequent History! of New-Jersey. A Discourse before the Young Men s Association of New Brunswick,//. 31. 8 Somerville, 1843 3618 [MAP of] The Province of New Jersey, divided into East and! West, commonly called The Jerseys. Second Edition, with con siderable Improvements. Engraved & Published by Wm. Faden, Charing Cross, Dec. i, 1778. Backed with linen, and folded, in sm. quarto. " This Map has been drawn from the Survey made in 1769 by order of the Commis sioners, . . by Bernard Ratzer, Lieut . . . and from another large Survey . . by Gerard Banker. . . In this Second Edition great use has been of several Military Surveys . . communicated by Officers of the British Troops," etc. 3619 MULFORD (I. S.) Civil and Political History of New Jersey, cloth. 8 Camden, 1848 3620 New Jersey Register (Alden s) for 1811, pp. 160, (4), half sheep. 1 6 Newark, W. Tuttle. NEW JERSEY. 115 62 1 THE NOTE-MAKER NOTED, and the Observer observed upon ; or, A Full Answer to some Notes and Observations upon the Votes of the House of Assembly of the Colony of New Jersey . . . Being A Vindication of the present, and some former Governors [etc.]. By a Lover of True English Liberty, //. 31, half sprinkled calf, neat, VERY RARE. Sm. 4 n. p., 1743 Palmer (Obad.) and others, vs. J. Van Cortland and A. Philipse, 1727 : See No. 3443. 522 PENINGTON (John) An Examination of Beauchamp Plantaganet s Description of the Province of New Albion,//. 33. 8 Phila. 1840 523 PHYLE. The Hermit, or an account of Francis Adam Joseph Phyle . . who lived without the use of fire for upwards of twenty- two years, in a small cave . . near Mount-Holly . . Second Edition, pp. 1 08. 1 8 New Jersey, John Atkinson, 1811 524 Another edition, half mor. (same imprint^, impft. at end, 1811. 525 POWNALL (Gov. Thos.) Principles of Polity, being the Grounds and Reasons of Civil Empire; In three Parts, //. viii, 142, (i), old calf . 4 London, E. Owen, 1752 526 (Revolution, in New Jersey.) Selections from the Correspond ence of the Execution of New Jersey, 1776-1786. Published by Order of the Legislature ; //. xvi, 368, cloth. 8 Newark, 1848 627 SMITH (Samuel) The History of the Colony of Nova-Caesaria, or New-Jersey, .to the year 1721. With some particulars since; etc.,//, x, 573, (i), sound old calf , FINE COPY. 8 Burlington, Jas. Parker, 1765 628 SONMANS. Order of the King in Council, on Report of the Lords of the Committee for Hearing of Appeals, etc., on the petitions of Peter Sonmans, of New Jersey, and of Joseph Orm- stone, relating to several Proprietes or undivided Shares of Land in the Eastern and Western Divisions of New Jersey, purchased heretofore by Arent Sonmans, father to said Peter, etc. 3 pages, n. t. p. folio, London, y. Baskett, 1718 629 THOMPSON (Thos.) An Account of Two Missionary Voyages By the appointment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . . . The One to New Jersey, in N. America, the other from America to the Coast of Guiney, //. (4), 87, good copy, half brown morocco. 8 London, Benj. Dod, 1758 630 VARLO (C.) A New System of Husbandry. 2 vols., sheep, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1785 A long list of subscribers 12 pages, close printed in double columns is prefixed. 631 VARLO (Charles) The Floating Ideas of Nature, suited to the Philosopher, Farmer, and Mechanic, etc. 2 vols. SCARCE. 12 London, for the Author, 1796 Charles Varlo " purchased the third part of a charter granted by King Charles the First, of a province called NEW ALBION, but now corruptly known by the name of East and West Jersey," and, in May, 1784, came to America "invested with proper power as gov ernor to the Province of New Albion ; not doubting the enjoyment of his property." In these volumes he has much to say of himself and the grant to Sir Edward Plowden, " Earl of Albion" (Vol. I., pp. 11-16, 82-86, etc.), of agriculture, and of various other matters. He visited Gen. Washington, at Mount Vernon, and gives an interesting account of home-life there. Il6 NEW JERSEY. 3632 VARLO (C.) Nature Display d, A New Work, being A Miscellany, etc. To which is added, Thirteen Lectures on Natural Philosophy, Together with Poetry, &c., &c., pp. 320. 8 London, 1794 The greater part of this volume (the Poetry excepted) was reprinted in " The Floating Ideas of Nature." Chap. xv. (pp. 116-155) contains "The Author s Tour in America." The history of the Plowden grant of New Albion is given, pp. 142-147. 3633 WHITEHEAD (Wm. A.) Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and adjoining country . . . With Maps and Engravings, pp. viii, 428, cloth. 8 New York, 1856 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 3634 Elizabeth-Town. Murray (Nicholas) Notes, Historical and Bio graphical concerning Elizabeth-Town, its eminent Men, Churches, and Ministers, frontispiece, pp. 166, hf. mor. 12 Elizabeth-Town, 1844 3635 Clark (Samuel A.) History of St. John s Church, Elizabeth Town, from the year 1703, engravings, doth. 12 Phila. 1857 3636 Freehold. Morgan (Rev. Joseph) of Freehold. The Nature and Original of Sin Explained . . In a Sermon preach d at Norwich, [Conn.] pp. 24. New London, T. Green, 1727, RARE. Morgan (Jos.) Love to our Neighbour recommended ... A Sermon preached at Freehold in the Jersies, 3d edition. Boston, 1749. 2 Pamphlets. sm. 8 3637 Gloucester County. Mickle (Isaac) Reminiscences of Old Gloucester: or Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic, and Camden,/^. 98, wood-cuts, SCARCE. r. 8 Phila., T. Ward, 1845 3638 Knowlton. Kerr (Jacob) The Several Trials of the Rev. David Barclay before the Presbytery of New Brunswick, with their Judgment, . . an Appeal to the Synod of New York, etc., //. 404, sheep. 12 Elizabeth-Town, for the Author, 1814 3639 Morristown. YOUNG (David) The Wonderful History of the Morristown Ghost; thoroughly and carefully Revised; //. 76, hf. bd. 18 Newark, 1826 3640 Newark. United States Magazine, or, General Repository of Useful Instruction and Rational Amusement. Vol. I. (April-Aug.), pp. 284, good copy, sewed. Newark, John Woods, 1794 3641 - - Newark Directory, 1835-6, with Historical Sketch, //. 102, boards. 12 Newark, 1835 3642 Passaic Falls. ARCHDEACON (Peter) A Sketch of the Passaic Falls, of Paterson, N. J. Illustrated with four engravings, repre senting the Great Falls ; the Heroes of the Revolution, Washington and Lafayette, in Council ; the Cottage on the Cliffs ; and the Nine Witches of the Rocks, etc.,//. 96, cloth. 32 New York, 1845 3643 Salem. JOHNSON (R. G.) An Historical Account of the First Settlement of Salem . . by John Fenwick, Esq. . . with many of the important events . . down to the present generation, pp. 173, cloth. sm. 12 Phila. 1839 3644 PROUDFIT (Alex.) The One Thing Needful, in a Series of short practical Discourses,/^. 74, worn copy. 12 Salem, Henry Dodd, 1804 NEW JERSEY. DELAWARE. 1 1/ 3645 Trenton. HALL (John) D. D. History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, engravings, cloth. 12 New York, 1859 3646 Pamphlets (i 6) Burlington. Doane s Jubilee Sermon, 1851 ; and Introd. Lecture at B. College, 1848 Camden. Fisher s Local History, 1858 Morristown. Fisher s Two Sermons, and Address, 1814 Newark. Griffin s Farewell Sermon, portr., 1809, (2 edi tions) ; Henderson s Centennial Discourse, Trin. Church, 1846 New Brunswick. Stubbs s Records of Christ Church, 1850 Orange. Gillett s Hist. Discourse, ist Presbyt. Church, 1869 Perth-Amboy. Chapman s History of St. Peter s Church, 1825 Raritan. Messler s Hist, of Ref. Dutch Church, 1834 Rockway. Hist, and Manual of Church, 1833 Trenton. Memoir of Del. Falls Co., 1836 ; Starr s Word of Defence (St. Michael s Church), 1850 Wantage. Kanouse s Histor. Sermon, 1844 Westfield. Huntting s Hist. Sermon, 1839. 3647 Pamphlets (12) Burr (A.) Sermon at Newark, before the Synod of N. Y. Boston, 1757 View of Church Gov t. by Morris Co. Presbytery, 1781 (2 copies) Constitution of N. J. Abolition Society, 1793. Proceedings of [Anti-War] Convention at Trenton, July 4, 1812 Report on Delaware and Raritan Canal, 1824 Mitchell s Lecture on Natural History of N. J., 1828 N. J. Pension roll, 1837 Contested Election Case, 1840 Memorial on Hospital for the Insane, 1845. Report on Wrecks on the Monmouth Coast, 1846. 8 DELAWARE. 3648 LAWS of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware. Published by Order of the Assembly, pp. 363. xvii. Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752 The same. Vol. II. //. (4), iv, 357 (//. 287-299 in manuscript, very neat). Wilmington, James Adams, 1763 ; with additions of the session acts, to Oct. 1775, inclusive. 2 vols. new half-russia extra, red edges. folio, 175275 James Adams, the FIRST PRINTER in Delaware, established a press at Wilmington about 1761. He printed for the government, and this collection of the Laws was probably the FIRST BOOK printed in Delaware. 3649 BOOTH (Jas. C.) Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware,//. 188, half morocco. 8 Dover, 1841 3650 FERRIS (Benj.) A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware. . . . Added, An Account of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Swedish Settlers, and A History of Wilmington, to the Present Time, Map and engravings, pp. 312, cloth. 8 Wilmington, 1846 365 1 FOOT (Rev. George) An Address embracing the Early History of Delaware . . and of the Drawyers Congregation, . . delivered in Drawyers Church, May 10, 1842, //. 68, doth. 8 Philadelphia, 1842 3652 The same, paper. 3653 McCuLLOUGH (J. W.) Sacred Reminiscences. A Sermon, Aug. 21, 1842, in the Old Swedes Church, Wilmington; with Historical Notes,//. 33, scarce. 8 Wilmington, 1842 Il8 DELAWARE. MARYLAND. 3654 MONTGOMERY (Elizabeth) Reminiscences of Wilmington, Portr. of Isr. Acrelius and 3 plates, pp, 367, doth. 8 Philadelphia, 1851 3655 Presbytery of New-Castle, Address to the Congregations under their Care. Published by Order of the Presbytery, convened at Upper Octorara, August n, 1784 (Wm. Smith, Moderator), //. 62, hf. mor. neat. 8 Wilmington, James Adams, 1785 3656 The Wilmington Almanack . . for the Year of our Lord 1774 . . By Thomas Fox, Philom. 12 Wilmington, James Adams, [1774] MARYLAND. 3657 LAWS. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Province of Maryland, from 1692, to 1715. The Charter, pp. xi, Index (8 //.), and pp. 183, paneled calf, gilt, LARGE AND FINE COPY, VERY RARE. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1723 Bacon, in his preface to his Body of Maryland Laws, 1765, says: "I have seen (some time before I left England in the Year 1745 ) an Edition printed at London, at Lord Balti more s Expense, as I have been informed, for the Use of the Board of Trade, with the Latin Charter prefixed : But / could never meet with a Copy of it in this Province, nor can I recollect the date it bears." 3658 -- A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE LAWS of Maryland. With an Index and Marginal Notes . . . Compiled and Printed by Author ity, //. (4), 300, (6), old paneled calf, GOOD COPY. folio, Annapolis, Wm. Parks, 1727 " The EARLIEST BOOK I have met with printed in this Colony." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, n. 126. VERY RARE. 3659 - - BISSET (Jas.) Abridgment and Collection of the Acts of Assembly Of the Province of Maryland, At present in Force, With A small choice Collection of Precedents in Law and Conveyancing, pp. (8), 566, old law sheep, name and memoranda written on title, good copy. 8 Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, 1759 3660 (Bacon s Revision.) Laws of Maryland at Large, with proper Indexes. Now first collected into One Compleat Body. . . Together with Notes and other Matters . . Extracted from the Provincial Records. To which is prefixed, The Charter, with an English Translation. By Thomas Bacon, Rector of All-Saints Parish in Frederick County, etc., old rough calf. thk. folio, Annapolis, Jonas Green, 1765 A LARGE, CLEAN and FINE COPY of this scarce volume, which justifies THOMAS S statement that "few, if any, in the Colonies, exceeded Jonas Green in neatness of work." The pages are not numbered. Title, Dedication, and Preface, 4 leaves; The Charter, Latin and English, 9 11. ; Laws (1637-1763) sigs. A to liii 2, in fours; Indexes A to Y, in twos; Errata, i page. 3661 -- (Hanson s Edition.) Laws of Maryland, made since 1763, old binding, large and fine copy, SCARCE. folio, Annapolis, Fr. Green, 1787 Edited by A. C. Hanson. One hundred copies ordered to be printed. It comprises Acts of Assembly under the Proprietary Government, Resolves of Convention, Declara tion of Rights, Constitution, etc., and Acts of Assembly since the Revolution ; with Index. The pages are not numbered. 3662 Address to the People of Maryland, on the Origin, Progress and present State of French Aggression, with a Sketch of the Infamous Attempts to degrade the Government of the U. States, and some MARYLAND. Reflections on the late Proceedings in Congress : By a Member of the House of Representatives. 8 Phila., John Fenno, 1798 On the title: "Presented by the President s Lady to her obliged Brother, Richard Cranch." 3663 BACON (Thomas) Four Sermons upon the Duty of Christian Masters and Mistresses to bring up their Negro Slaves in the Knowledge and Fear of God. Preached at the Parish Chiirch of St. Peter in Talbot County,/^. 142, nice copy, out of binding. 12 London, J. Oliver, 1750 3664 BACON (Thomas) Six Sermons on the Several Duties of Masters, Mistresses, Slaves, &c. Preached at the Parish Church of St. Peter in Talbot County,//. 80, 142, nice copy, covers removed. 12 London, J. Oliver, 1751 The Four Sermons of the preceding Number, and, prefixed, Two Sermons to a Congregation of Black Slaves, in the same Parish. 3665 BOZMAN (J. L.) Sketch of the History of Maryland during the Three First Years after its Settlement ; [with] a Copious Introduc tion, portrait of Lord Baltimore, pp. 387, calf, FINE COPY. 8 Baltimore, E. J. Coale, 1811 3666 BOZMAN (J. L.) The History of Maryland, from its First Settle ment, 1633, to 1660, with a Copious Introduction, Notes, and Illus trations. 2 vols. in one, pp. 314, 728, sheep, neat. 8 Baltimore, 1837 3667 BRAY (Thomas) The | Necessity | of an Early | Religion I Being A Sermon | Preach d the 5th. of May Before The | Honourable | Assembly of Maryland | By Thomas Bray D.D. //. (2), 20, hf. mor. neat. sm. 4 Annapolis. Printed By Order of the \ Assembly By Tho : Reading, For Evan Jones book-\seller, Anno Domini 1700. | EXCESSIVELY RARE. This is, probably, THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN MARY LAND, twenty-seven years earlier than the first Maryland imprint known to Thomas, who says that "the first press was set up in Annapolis, in 1726," and that "before that time the printing for the Colony was donejit Philadelphia" (Hist, of Printing, u. 127). See No. 3672, below, another tract printed by Reading three years later. 3668 The Acts of Dr. Bray s Visitation, held at Annopolis (sic) in Mary-land, May 23, 24, 25, Anno 1700, //. (2), 17, hf. mor. neat. folio, London, Wm. Downing, 1700 3669 A Letter from Dr. Bray, to such as have Contributed towards the Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Plantations,//. 3, n. t. p. folio, n. p., n. d. [1700] Written shortly before his "sudden return for England," and certainly printed in this country; probably by Wm. Bradford, New York. Of HIGHEST RARITY. 3670 The | DECLARATION | of the | Reasons and Motives j For the Present | Appearing in Arms of Their Majesties | Protestant Subjects | In the Province of | Maryland. Licens d, November 28th 1689. J. F. |//. 8, half morocco, neat, FINE COPY, UNCUT. folio, | MARYLAND, Printed by William Nuthead at the City of St. Maries, Re-printed in London, and Sold by Randal Tay-\lor, near Stationers Hall, 1689 EXTREMELY RARE. No title-page. The imprint is in colophon, page 8. 3671 GRIFFITH (Thos. W.) Sketches of the Early History of Mary land,//. 75, (2), hf. mor. 8 Baltimore, 1821 HAWKS (F. L.) Narrative of Events connected with the rise and progress of the Prot. Episcopal Church in Maryland. See No. 3752. I2O MARYLAND. 3672 KEITH (G.) The | Power | of the | Gospel in the Conversion of Sinners, | in a Sermon | preach d at Annapolis in Maryland, | . . . July the 4th ,//. (2), 19. sm. 4 [Annapolis], Printed and are to be sold by Thomas Reading \ at the Sign of the George, Anno Domini, 1703 "Very Rare." Sabin, 37206. Thomas Reading was a printer at Annapolis, as early at least as 1700 (see Bray, Thomas, No. 3667), though Thomas had heard of no press in Maryland before 1726. 3673 McMAHON (J. V. L.) An Historical View of the Government of Maryland, from its Colonization to the present day. Vol. I. (all published),//, xvi, 539, calf. 8 Baltimore, 1831 3674 MAKEMIE (FRANCIS) An Answer to George Keith s Libel against a Catechism published by Francis Makemie. To which is added, by way of Postscript, A Brief Narrative of a Late Difference among the Quakers, begun at Philadelphia,//. (12), 104, original binding, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, 1694 Preface (3 pp.) signed by Increase Mather, James Allen, S. Willard, John Baily, and Cotton Mather; and Epistle to the Reader, signed, " Francis Makemie, at Rehoboth in Pocamok, Maryland, 26 July, 1692." 3675 The Present State of Maryland. By the Delegates of the People, pp. 28, uncut. 8 Baltimore: repr. London, y. Stockdale, 1787 3676 SCOTT (Joseph) A Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and Delaware, Map, pp. 191, boards. 18 Philadelphia, 1807 3677 VALLETTE (Elie) The Deputy Commissary s Guide within the Province of Maryland, engraved title (T. Sparrow, sc.)pp. iv, 248, (i i), law sheep, FINE COPY, SCARCE. 8 Annapolis, Ann Catharine Green 6 Son, 1774 The Author was Register of the Prerogative Office of the Province. 3678 Annapolis, Annals of, comprising sundry notices of that old City, from the first settlements, in 1649, un til the War of 1812, etc. Compiled and edited by David Ridgeley, pp. 283, engraving, cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1841 3679 Baltimore. GRIFFITH (Thos. W.) Annals of Baltimore, //. 240, hf. red mor. 8 Baltimore, Wm. Wooddy, 1824 3680 GRIFFITH (Thos. W.) Sketches of the Early History of Maryland Annals of Baltimore, wood-cut, pp. 293, (8). 2 vols in i, two engraved plans of Baltimore. 8 Baltimore, 1821, 1833 3681 - - MARTIN (Luther) Modern Gratitude, Nos. I. -IV. //. 118, n. p., n. d. [Baltimore, 1802] A Letter from R. R. KEENE, to Luther Martin, Esq. upon the Subject of his " Modern Gratitude," //. 53. Bait., yune, 1802 MARTIN (L.) Modern Gratitude, No. V. //. 119-163, i, n. p., n. d. With others, as below, in i vol. Peter Plymley s Letters on the Subject of the Catholics, ist Am. edition. Bait., 1809 Linn (J. B.) Letter to Jos. Priestley, in answer to his Defence of his Pamphlet, " Socrates and Jesus compared." Phila., 1803 3682 Mob of 1812. An Exact and Authentic Narrative of the Events which took place in Baltimore, on the 27th and 28th of July last . . . To which is added A Narrative of Mr. John Thomson, one of the unfortunate sufferers, &c. //. 71, boards. 24 n. p. Printed for the Purchasers, Sept. i, 1812 MARYLAND. 121 3683 (BALTIMORE.) Mob of 1812. LEE (Henry) A Correct Account of the conduct of the Baltimore Mob, by Gen. Henry Lee, one of the Sufferers. Published by a Particular Friend, C. B. To which is prefixed an Introductory Detail of the Circumstances, //. 20, dean, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Winchester, John Heiskdl, 1814 5684 Picture of Baltimore,//. 249, engraved title, many pretty engrav ings of public buildings, etc., and folded Plan; red morocco, neat. Bait., F. Lucas, Jr. [1832] Varle (C.) A Complete View of Baltimore, with a Statistical Sketch, folded plan, and wood-engravings, cloth, 1833. (2 vols.) 18 5685 - - PURVIANCE (ROBERT) Narrative of Events which occurred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War, cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1849 5686 Periodicals. The MARYLAND JOURNAL and Baltimore Adver tiser, (semi-weekly,) Vol. XII. Jan. 4 -Dec. 30 (Nos. 686-789), nearly complete, /if. bound. folio, Wm. Goddard, 1785 5687 The BALTIMORE WEEKLY MAGAZINE, 1800-1801, com plete in one volume,//. 312. 4 Baltimore, Wm. Peckin, 1801 The first number was published, April 26, 1800; the last, May 27, 1801. It was edited by John B. Colvin. ;688 JOURNAL OF THE TIMES (weekly), Vol. I. (all published ; Sept. 12, 1818, to Mch. 6, 1819), boards, uncut. 1. 8 Baltimore, 1818-19 689 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SILK SOCIETY and Rural Economist; edited by Gideon B. Smith, 2 vols., half sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1839-40 [690 Pamphlets (12) Remarks on the Proposed Plan of an Emission of Paper, and on the Means of effecting it; Addressed to the Citizens of Maryland, By Aristides [A. C. Hanson], //. 43. Annapolis, n. d. [1787] Granville Sharp s Letter to the Maryland Soc. for the Abolition of Slavery, etc. Bait. 1793 Annapolis, as a suitable situation for a Naval Depot. [1818] Wm. Woodville s Reply to a Letter of Jas. Creighton s. \Balt. 1822] The Mary land Resolutions . . considered ; by a Citizen of Maryland [Virgil Maxcy]. Bait. 1822 Proceed, of Ches. and Ohio Canal Conven tions of 1823 and 1826, //. 112. Wash. 1827 Wirt s Address at Baltimore, on the Triumph of Liberty in France (with autogr. presentation). Bait. 1830 Rich. Caton s Statement of Facts, as to Management of Estate of Mr. Carroll of Carrollton, 1832 Bank of Maryland Conspiracy detected, in the Report by Tho. Ellicott, trustee, //. xiv, 134. Phila. 1839 State Armory and Tov/n Hall in Baltimore. [1840] W. G. Read s Oration in com- [mem. of the landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland. Bait. [1842] Geo. W. Burnap s Discourse on the Origin and Causes of Democ racy in America. Bait. 1853. 8 i6 122 VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA. 3691 LAWS. An Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Majesty s Plantations ; viz. of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Mary land, New-England, New-York, Carolina, &c. Digested under proper Heads, etc.,//. (4), 304, old calf . 8 London, 1704 3692 Acts of Assembly, passed in the Colony of Virginia, from 1662, to 1715. Volume I. pp. xxiv, 391, calf, fine large copy. folio, y. Baskett, London, 1727 A duplicate from the Inner Temple Library, whose stamp is on the title and several other pages. This Collection is EXTREMELY RARE. It was not known to Jef ferson or to Hening who had seen no printed revisal or body of Virginia laws, between Purvis s Collection (1682) and the Williamsburg edition of 1733. Hening (Preface to Statutes at Large, vol. I. pp. vi, vii,) alludes to the fact that thousands of the descendants of Indians had been made Slaves, under a decision of the supreme court of Virginia, in the belief that an Act of 1691, "For a Free Trade with Indians," which he printed from a manuscript copy, was not passed before 1705. It is found, in its proper place, with the Acts of 1691, in this volume (p. 160). 3693 An Abridgment of the Publick Laws of Virginia, in force and use, June 10, 1720, etc.,/^. (8), 184, and Table (15), dark brown morocco, antique, rare. 8 London, F. Fay ram and y. Clarke, 1728 By R. Beverly, author of the History of Virginia. The volume is dedicated to Gov. Spotswood. 3694 A | Collection | of all the | Acts of Assembly, | Now in Force, in the Colony of j Virginia. | With the Titles of such as are Expir d or RepeaPd, | etc., //. (6), 622, with additions to 1740 (as below), rough calf. folio, WILLIAMSBURG, WM. PARKS, 1733 A FINE COPY of " The earliest surviving evidence of printing done in Virginia." CAMPBELL S Hist, of Virginia. (See also, LESLIE, No. 3818, printed the same year.) The Acts of subsequent Sessions are bound in : 1734, //. 51; I736,//. 44; 1738, //. 52; I74,//- 2I > 2 - 3695 -- MERCER (J.) An Exact Abridgement of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia, in force and use. Together with sundry precedents, adapted thereto, etc. 8 Williamsburg, Wm. Parks, 1737 3696 The Acts of Assembly, now in force, in the Colony of Virginia. With the Titles of such as are expir d, etc., calf, rebacked, neat, FINE COPY. folio, Williamsburg, W. Hunter, 1752 3697 - - MERCER (J.) An Exact Abridgement of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia, in force and use, Jan. i, 1758 : With a Table; calf. 8 Glasgow, John Bryce and D. Patterson, 1759 3698 The Acts of Assembly, now in force, in the Colony of Virginia. With an exact Table to the whole. Published by Order of the General Assembly,//. 577, law calf, FINE COPY. folio, Williamsburg, 1769 Printed by W. Rind, A. Purdie, and J. Dixon. 3699 The same edition. Another copy, old calf. 3700 Report of the Committee of Revisors appointed by the General Assembly of Virginia in 1776. Published by order of the General Assembly, //. 90, half bound, A FINE COPY, VERY SCARCE. folio, Richmond, Dixon 6- Holt, 1784 This revision was made by THOMAS JEFFERSON, GEORGE WYTHE, and EDMUND PENDLETON. VIRGINIA. 123 3701 (LAWS.) A Collection of all such Public Acts of the General Assembly, and Ordinances of the Conventions of Virginia, passed since the year 1768, as are now in force; with a Table, etc., half bound, fine dean copy. folio, Richmond, T. Nicolson-and Wm. Prentis, 1785 3702 A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force ; with a Table, etc., half bound. folio, Richmond, Aug. Davis, 1794 3703 Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, (9 in i vol.), half bound. folio, Richmond, 1790-98 3704 Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, in 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1800 (wants title and last leaf), 1801-02 ; in one vol., hf. bound. folio, Richmond, 1796-1802 3705 Abridgment of the Public Permanent Laws of Virginia, etc., PP 385 j hatf sheep. 4 Richmond, Attg. Davis, 1796 3706 A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, as are now in force. Richmond, S. Pleqsants, Jun. 6 H. Pace, 1803 Acts passed since the Session of 1801, With an Index to the whole. Richmond, Samuel Pleas ants, Jun., 1808. 2 vols., law calf. large 8 3707 HENING (W. W.) The Statutes at Large: a collection of all the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the year 1619. 13 vols., law calf, A FINE SET. 8 Richmond, Philadelphia, New York, 1819-1823. The first four volumes are of the second (corrected) edition. 3708 Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia, with a General Index. (2 vols.) Supplement to the Revised Code, being a collec tion of all the Acts passed since 1819. (i vol.) 3 vols., old law calf. 8 Richmond, 1819, 1833 3709 JOURNAL of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Oct. 1778; May, 1779; Oct. 1779; Oct. 1785; Oct. 1786; Oct. 1787; Oct. 1788 ; Oct. 1789 ; Oct. 1790 ; 9 vols. in 2, half bound. 8 Richmond, 1827, 28 3710 JOURNAL of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1776-1786. 4 vols., half bound. 4 Richmond, 1827, 1828 3711 CONVENTION of 1788. Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, convened at Richmond, June 2, 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, To which is prefixed, The Federal Constitution. 2 vols. boards, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Petersburg, 1788, 89 3712 Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, at Richmond, June, 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the Federal Constitution. Taken in short-hand by D. Robertson. Second Edition, pp. viii, 477, law sheep, fine fresh copy. 8 Richmond, 1805 3713 Journal of the Convention of Virginia; held in the City of Richmond, June, 1788, pp. 89, half bound. 8 Richmond, T. W. White, 1827 124 VIRGINIA. 3714 CONVENTION of 1829. Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Convention of 1829-30. To which are subjoined the New Constitution of Virginia, and the Votes of the People, pp. iv, 920, calf, fine copy. 8 Richmond, 1830 3715 CONVENTION of 1850. Documents containing Statistics of Vir ginia, ordered to be printed by the State Convention sitting in the City of Richmond, 1850-51, law calf, scarce. 8 Richmond, 1851 3716 ADDISON (Alex.) Analysis of The Report of the Committee of the Virginia Assembly, on the Proceedings of sundry of the other States in Answer to their Resolutions, pp. 54. 12 Phila., Z. Poulson, Jun , 1800 3717 Address (An) to the People of Virginia, respecting the Alien & Sedition Laws. By a Citizen of this State, pp. 64, iv, uncut. 12 Richmond, Augustine Davis, 1798 " By Mr. [Thomas] Evans, member from Virginia," is written, by a contemporary, on the Title. 3718 BAYARD (Ferd. M.) Voyage dans PInte rieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la valle e de Shenandoah, etc., pendant Pete de 1791. 2e dd., augmentee, de descriptions et d anecdotes sur la vie de Georges Washington,//, xxv, 349, half calf, scarce. % Paris Van vi. [1798] 3719 B[EVERLY] (R.) The History and Present State of Virginia . . . By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place, copper-plates, old paneled calf, long manuscript notes (by Edw. Tuckerman) on guard leaves. 8 London, for R. Parker, 1705 3720 Relation historique de la Virginie, par D. S. natif & habitant du Pai s, trad, de 1 Anglois & enrichie de figures, old calf gilt, FINE COPY, RARE. 12 Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1718 3721 Histoire de la Virginie; par un Auteur natif & habitant du Pai s. Traduite de 1 Anglois. Enrichie de Figures, half French calf. 12 Orleans (Paris, P. Ribou], 1707 3722 - - The History of Virginia . . . The Second Edition, revis d and enlarg d by the Author, plates, calf. 8 London, 1722 3723 BLAND (Richard) A Letter to the Clergy of Virginia in which the conduct of the General Assembly is vindicated against the Reflexions contained in a Letter from the Lord-Bishop of London, pp. vi, 20, dark calf, antique. 8 Williamsburg, Wm. Hunter, 1759 3724 The Bland Papers. A Selection from the manuscripts of Col. Theodorick Bland, Jr . . . With an Introduction and Memoir. Edited by Charles Campbell. 2 vols in i, half calf, SCARCE. 8 Petersburg, 1840, 43. 3725 BULLOCK (William) Virginia Impartially examined, and left | to publick view, to be considered by all Judi-jcious and honest men. j Under which Title, is compre-jhended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, \ the now Plantations of Virginia \ and Mary-land . . . . [ 19 April, 1649. Imprimatur, Hen: Whaley. | Title, 5 prelim, leaves, and pp. 66, maroon morocco, g. e. (Hay day}. sm. 4 London, John Hammond, 1649 A GOOD COPY of this EXTREMELY RARE book. VIRGINIA. 125 3726 BURK (JOHN) History of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. 3 vols. With the Continuation, by S- Jones and L. H. Girardin. i vol. 4 vols., grosgr. levant red morocco, extra, g. e. (W. Pratt}. 8 Petersburg, 1804-1816 A VERY LARGE and FINE COPY, nearly uncut, many leaves having untouched edges. 3727 BURK (JOHN) The History of Virginia. 3 vols. With the Con tinuation by S. Jones and L. H. Girardin. i vol. 4 vols., original binding, FINE COPY. 8 Petersburg, 1804-16 3728 BYRD (Wm.) The Westover Manuscripts : containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina ; a Jour ney to the Land of Eden, A.D. 1733 ; and a Progress to the Mines. Now first published,//, iv, 144, half cloth. 8 Petersburg, 1841 3729 CAMPBELL (Charles) Introduction to the history of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia,//. 200, (8), cloth. 1. 8 Richmond, B. B. Minor, 1847 3730 CAMPBELL (J. W.) History of Virginia, from its discovery to the year 1781. With Biographical Sketches, etc., //. 310, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1813 3731 The Case of the Planters of Tobacco, in Virginia, as repre sented by themselves, ... [dated] Williamsburg, June 28, 1732, PP 4> no titfa or imprint {printed for use of Counsel}. folio. 3732 The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as repre sented by themselves ; to which is added a Vindication of the said Representation,//. 64, uncut. 8 London, 1733 3733 CLAYTON (J.) Flora Virginica, J. F. Gronovius descripsit. Pars prima (no more printed}, half sheep. 8 Lugd. Bat., 1739 3734 [Miscellanea Curiosa. A Collection of Curious Travels, etc. Vol. III. Containing ] A Letter from Mr. John Clayton, to the Royal Society, May 12, 1688, on several Observables in Virginia, //. 281-355, sound old calf. 8 London, 1707 3735 DAVIES (Samuel) The State of Religion among The Protestant Dissenters in Virginia. In a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Joseph Bellamy, of Bethlehem, half calf , neat. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1751 3736 [DAVIS (J.)] The First Settlers of Virginia, an historical novel ...The Second Edition considerably enlarged,//. 284, wants pp. 15-22 ; at the end is A Memoir of the Author (by himself),//. 275- 284, used copy, sheep. 12 New York, I. Riley 6 Co., 1805 The memoir does not mention the name of the author, which, however, appears in the commendatory notices prefixed to the later issue of this edition. 3737 [DAVIS (J.)] The First Settlers of Virginia, an historical Novel. The Second edition, considerably enlarged,/^. 284, boards, uncut; fine copy. 8 New York, I. Riley & Co., 1806 A later issue of the second edition, with a new title-page. 3738 [DAVIS (John)] Captain Smith and the Princess Pocahontas. An Indian Tale, //. 90, engraving, boards, scarce. 18 Philadelphia, 1817 This edition has an Appendix containing a Memoir of Capt. John Smith, etc. 3739 A DECLARATION | of the State of | the Colonie and Affaires in Virginia: | with | The Names of the Aduenturors, and Summes adventured in | that Action. | By his Maiesties Counseil for | Vir ginia. 22. lunij. 1620. , cut of the Great Seal of James I., on Title, pp.\ i, 126 VIRGINIA. and, on verso of last leaf, cut of the Seal of the Council for Virginia A Note of the Shipping, Men, and Provisions sent to Virginia, . . 1619,^. 8 A Declaration of the Supplies intended to be sent . . this yeare 1620, //. 9-16 The Names of the Aduenturers, with their seuerall sums . . paid to Sir Thomas Smith, .//. 26 (impft., wants 2pp.} Names of Aduenturers, . . paid to Sir Baptist Hicks, pp. 4 Orders and Constitutions . . for the better gouerning of the Actions and affaires of the said Companie here in England residing. Anno 1619 and 1620, pp. 39. In i vol., hf. mor. neat. sm. 4 London, T. S. \Thos. Snodham,~\ 1620 The ORIGINAL EDITIONS of the several tracts, collected in one volume, before November, 1620. VERY RARE. 3740 A DECLARATION of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Vir ginia. With the names of the Aduenturors, and Summes aduentured in that Action. By his Maiesties Counseil for Virginia. 22 lunij 1620, cut of Great Seal of James I., on title, and of the Seal of the Council for Virginia, on p. 14, perfectly fresh and clean copy, (name of Hamon le Strange, on title,} pp. (2), 92, 95-97, unbound. sm. 4 London, Thomas Snodham, 1620 The "Orders and Constitutions" of the Virginia Company occupy pp. 55-92, ending with " FINIS," on p. 92, verso of M4- Another sheet, sig. N, pp. 93-97, and 3 blank, was subsequently printed and appended to the volume, containing proposals and inducements to planters, etc., made at a Quarter Court held Nov. i5th, 1620. This additional sheet wants the first leaf, pp. 93, 94. 3741 DE-HASS (W.) History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia, illustrated by numerous engravings, cloth, (with three letters from the author to E. D. Ingraham, and newspaper cuttings, enclosed^} * 8 Wheeling, 1851 3742 DE-LA-WARRE (Thomas West, Lord} The j Relation of | the Right Honourable the Lord taine Generall of the De-La- Warre, Lord Governour | and Cap- Colonie, planted in VIRGINIA. | Title, and n. n., maroon morocco, back and sides gilt, g. e. sm. 4 London, William Hall, for William Welbie, 1611 EXCESSIVELY RARE. 3743 DODDRIDGE (Rev. Dr. Jos.) Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1763-1783 ; with a view of the State of Society and manners of the first Settlers of the Western Country, calf, SCARCE. 12 Wellsburgh, Va., 1824 3744 DONNE (John) Sermon upon the vui. verse of the I. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, Preached to the Honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation, 13. Nouem. 1622, pp. (4), 49, morocco, gilt edges. 4 London, A. Mat, for Tho. Jones, 1622 3745 (FAUQUIER.) The Speech of the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty s Lieutenant-Governour, etc. To the General Assembly . . in Williamsburg, on Thursday, the i4th of September, . . 1758, //. 4, clean, uncut. folio, n. p. \Williamsburg, Wm. Hunter, 1758] 3746 FORREST (W. S.) Historical and descriptive sketches of Norfolk and vicinity, including Portsmouth and the adjacent Counties, etc., pp. 496, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1853 3747 GRAVE (John) A | SONG OF SIGN. Written by a Citizen thereof, whose outward Habitation is in Virginia ; and being sent over to VIRGINIA. 127 some of his | Friends in England, the same is found fitting to be | Published, for to warn the Seed of Evil-Doers. | ( Verses, By the Publisher, 10 lines.) With an Additional Post-Script from ano-|ther Hand. | pp. 12, half morocco, VERY RARE. 4 [London] for Robert Wilson, 1662 This curious production is dated in "Virginia, The beginning of the third Month, 1662." The author s name appears in the last line : " Not else I feel that now to say I have, But that I am, your fellow-friend, John Grave" The Postscript (2 pp. in verse) is subscribed, " M. M. 2jth, 6. Moneth, 1662." 3748 HAMOR (RAPHE). Dreyzehnte Schiffahrt j Darinnen | Ein War- hafftiger und | Griindtlicher Bericht, von dem jtzigen | Zustandt der Landtschafft Virginien, | etc. . . \ Erstlichen in Engelischer Sprache durch Raphe Hamor, &c. j Secretarium | daselbst beschrieben, auss deren | durch einen Liebhaber der Historien, in I Teutsch vbergesetzt. , . . .pp. 76, map and plates, vellum, neat, RARE. sm. 4 Gedruckt zu Hanaw, in Verlegung der Hulsischen, 1617 FIRST EDITION of the I3th part of the Hulsius Collection, containing Hamor s Virginia. A FINE COPY, from the library of Maximilian (Catalogue Andrade, 1950), with book plate. It has excellent impressions of Smith s Map of New England (copied from the first issue, 1616,) and of the four full-page copper-plates (at pp. 10, 16, 20, and 50). The first of these plates bears the monogram of the engraver, George Keller. 3749 HARIOT (T.) Admiranda Narratio Fida tamen, de Commodis et | Incolarvm Ritibvs Virginiae, nvper | admodvm ab Anglis, qvi a Dn. Richardo | Greinvile Eqvestris Ordinis viro eb in coloniam Anno. M.D.LXXXV. dedvcti svnt | inventae, svmtvs faciente Dn. VValtero | Raleigh Eqvestris Ordinis viro Fodinarvw | Stanni prae- fecto ex avctoritate j Serenissimas Reginae Angliae. Anglico scripta sermone a Thoma Hariot, eivsdem Walteri Domesti|co, in earn Coloniam misso vt regionis sijtvm diligenter observaret Nvnc avtem primvm Latino donata a | C. C. A. Cvm Gratia et Privilegio Caas. Ma tis Spec 11 | ad Qvadriennivm , engraved title, 29 plates, vellum. folio, n. p. n. d. \_francoforti ad Mnvm\ The first part of De Bry s Great Voyages, in the second (or a later) impression of the second edition. In the engraved title, the space which in the first edition contains the names of Wechel, T. de Bry, and Sig. Feirabend, with date of 1590, is left blank, that part of the plate having, evidently, been covered, in printing: and the colophon is wanting, the volume ending with the second leaf of the Index, of which the reverse is blank (without the Errata). The plate of Adam and Eve is omitted. The 24 plates of Virginian subjects, and the 5 plates of Picts, have the small numbers, and the number and endings of lines of description agree with the last column of Sobolewski s collation (see Sabin s Dictionary, ill. 60, and Brunet, vol. I. col. 1317), except for plate xxn, which has 18 lines, the first ending in " sepulturam" (as in an exceptional copy mentioned by Sobolewski). The Narrative pages (preceding the Plates) are, as usual, discolored. The plates are, generally, well preserved. The volume measures, on the page, 13! by 9 inches. It is believed to be complete, with the exceptions noted, but will be sold not subject to collation. 3750 HARTLIB (Samuel) The Reformed Common-Wealth of Bees. Presented in severall Letters and Observations to Samuel Hartlib Esq. With The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm. Containing Many excellent and Choice Secrets, Experiments, and Discoveries for attaining of National and Private Profits and Riches, new half morocco, good copy, VERY RARE. 4 Printed for Giles Calvert, London, 1655 Two prel. leaves; The Reformed Common-Wealth of Bees, pp. 1-62 ; Some Writers of Bees extant, 2 pp. ; The Reformed Virginian Silk- Worm, Or, a Rare and New Discovery, etc., Title page, and "To the Reader," 2 leaves; and after, pp. 1-40. The second tract (which was the earlier printed) has the imprint "London, Printed by John Streater, for Giles Calvert, . . . 1655." (See STEVENS S Nuggets, no. 1342.) 128 VIRGINIA. 3751 [HAWKS (F. L.)] Uncle Philip s Conversations with Young Per sons. The History of Virginia, 2 engravings, half mor. 1 6 New York, Harper 6* Bros., 1834 3752 HAWKS (F. L.) Narrative of Events connected with the rise and progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, and in Maryland. [Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the U. States, Vols. I. and II.} 2 vols. cloth. 8 New York, 1836, 1839 3753 HENLEY (S.) Professor of Moral Philosophy in William and Mary College. The Distinct Claims of Government and Religion. Sermon before the House of Burgesses, at William sburg, March i, 1772, //. 17, i, the corners of the last four leaves slightly impaired. 4 Cambridge \EngL\for J. Woody er and others, 1772 3754 Sermon at Williamsburg, May 5, 1771, for the benefit of a Fund to support the Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergymen in Virginia,//. (4), 13. 2 copies. 4 Williamsburg, [Cambridge, England} 1781 3755 A Candid Refutation of the Heresy imputed to the Rev. Samuel Henley; by R. C. Nicholas Esq.,//. (6), 72, hf. mor., g. e. sm. 4 Williamsburg, f or B. White in London, (and others^) 1774 3756 HOWE (Henry) Historical Collections of Virginia. To which is appended an historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia. Illustrated by over 100 engravings, full roan, gilt, marb. edges. r. 8 Charleston, S. C., 1845 3757 HOWELL (R. B. C.) D.D. The Early Baptists of Virginia. An Address before the Am. Bapt. Historical Society, in New York, May 19, 1856, //. 120. 8 Philadelphia, 1857 3758 HOWISON (R. R.) History of Virginia. 2 vols, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1846; and Richmond, 1848 3759 HUTCHINS (T.) Topographical description of Virginia, Penn sylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, .... With Plans of the Rapids of the Ohio, a Plan of the several villages in the Illinois Country, a Table of the Distances between Fort Pitt and the Mouth of the Ohio . . . and an Appendix containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy s Journal, etc. London, 1778 Historical Narrative and Topograph ical Description of Louisiana and West Florida. Phila., 1784. 2 vols. in i, half sheep. 8 3760 JAMES I. His Majesties Graciovs Letter to the Earle of Sovth- Hampton, Treasurer, and to the Covncell and Company of | Vir ginia heere. Commanding the present setting vp | of Silke works, and planting of Vines in Virginia. | And the Letter of the Treasurer ... to | the Gouernour and Councell of State there, . . . Also, a Treatise of the Art of making Silke, | etc. By John Bonoeil, Frenchman Published by Authority,//. (10), 88, old stamped calf, a scarce portrait of James I., inserted. VERY RARE. 4 London, Felix Kyngston, 1622 " At Sir Edwin Sandys s Motion, there was likewise translated by some of the Company, a French Treatise (recommended, as excellent in that kind) concerning the Management of Mulberry Trees and Silk ; which was printed at the Company s Expense, and sent over in sufficient Numbers, and distributed amongst the People." STITH S Virginia, 183. VIRGINIA. 129 3761 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia written in the year 1781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the Winter of 1782, for the use of a Foreigner of distinction, //. (2), 391, "An Eye-draught of Madisons cave" (p. 35), and folded Table of Indian Tribes, French calf, gilt. 8 n. p. 1782 [Paris, 1785] A FINE COPY of the ORIGINAL EDITION, PRIVATELY PRINTED, and EX TREMELY RARE." One of the SCARCEST BOOKS in the whole American collection." Menzies Cat., no. 1067. On the first guard-leaf is a note in the handwriting of the Author : " Th: Jefferson having had a few copies of these notes printed to offer to some of his friends and to some other estimable characters beyond that line, takes the liberty of pre senting a copy to Mr. Rittenhouse. Unwilling to expose them to the public eye, he asks the favour from Mr. Rittenhouse to put them into the hands of no person on whose care and fidelity he cannot rely to guard them against publication." On the back of the title is the autograph of Wm. Sergeant, and at the head of page I, that of Jona. D. Sergeant. 3762 Notes on the State of Virginia. . . 1782. Another copy of the ORIGINAL EDITION, with 14 additional pages containing The Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for the Commonwealth of Virginia, separately paged ; pp. (2), 391, 14, old calf gilt. 8 n. p. [Paris, 1785] A SPLENDID COPY. Facsimiles of notes written by Mr. Jefferson in two copies presented by him, are inserted (in an envelope). 3763 Notes on the State of Virginia. With a MAP, including Vir ginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania,//. (4), 382, calf gilt. 8 London, for John Stockdale, 1787 The First English edition. A LARGE and VERY FINE copy; SCARCE. 3764 Notes on the State of Virginia, calf, neat. 8 Philadelphia, Prichard and Hall, 1788 The first American edition. The Rev. Isaac Backus s copy, with his Autograph. 3765 Notes on the State of Virginia. Second American edition, calf, folded plate of the Natural Bridge. 8 Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1 7 49 3766 An Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, Relative to the Mur der of Logan s Family,/^. 51, and map, new half morocco gilt, wood cut, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, S. H. Smith, 1800 Autograph: " George W. Erving from the Author." 3767 Notes on the State of Virginia; with the Appendixes, com plete. To which is subjoined a Sublime and Argumentative Dis sertation on Mr. Jefferson s Religious Principles, calf. 8 Baltimore, W. Pechin, 1800 The " Sublime and Argumentative Dissertation" has a separate title-page: "A Vindi cation of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson, and a Statement of his Services in the Cause of Religious Liberty. By a Friend to Real Religion," //. 21. Baltimore, W. Pechin, for the Editor of the American. 3768 Notes on the State of Virginia. " First Hot-pressed Edition," //. (4), 436, 56, portrait, calf. 8 Philadelphia, R. T. Rawle, 1801 A copy of the colored Map from the London edition of 1787 is laid in. This edition contains Jefferson s Inaugural Speech, March 4, 1801. 3769 Notes on the State of Virginia. Eighth American edition, portrait, map (which needs mending), and wood-cuts, calf. 8 Boston, D. Carlisle, 1801 377 Notes on the State of Virginia. Ninth Am. edition, portrait and map, calf. 16 Boston, H. Sprague, 1802 130 VIRGINIA. 3771 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix relative to the murder of Logan s Family, sheep. 12 Trenton, Wilson 6* Blackwell, 1803 3772 Notes on the State of Virginia. Boston, 1829 The same. Boston, 1832. 2 vols. sheep. 12 3773 JONES (Hugh) The | Present State | of | Virginia . | . . . | From whence is inferred a Short View of | Maryland and North Carolina, | etc.,//. (4), viii, 152, old calf , GOOD COPY. 8 London, for J. Clarke, 1724 "One of the SCARCEST WORKS relating to Virginia, published in this century." RICH. This copy has the book-plate (armorial) of BENJAMIN VAUGHAN, and his autograph initials on the Title. 3774 JONES (Hugh) The Present State of Virginia. r. 8 New York, Repr.for J. Sabin, 1865 One of 50 copies printed on LARGE PAPER ; uncut. 3775 KEITH (Sir William) Bart. The History | of the | British Plan tations in America, | . . . Part I. Containing the History of Virginia ; with Remarks on the | Trade and Commerce of that Colony,//. (8), 187, 2 maps, polished calf extra, yellow edges (Pratt }. 4 London, 1738 A VERY LARGE AND SPLENDID copy of this SCARCE book, the first and only pub lished volume of a projected series of histories of the American Plantations. It was published at the expense of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning. 3776 KEITH (Sir Wm.) The History j of the | British Plantations in America, | . . . Part I. | Containing the History of Virginia. . . 2 maps (and a facsimile of Capt. John Smiths map, inserted}, boards, A FINE COPY, UNCUT. 4 London, 1738 In such condition, VERY RARE. 3777 KERCHEVAL (S.) History of the Valley of Virginia, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 12 Winchester, 1833 3778 [KING (John)] Bishop of London, Sermon at Paules Crosse, on Behalfe of Paules Church, Mar. 26, 1620, bds. 4 London, 1620 A reference to Virginia, on p. 48. James the First called the author "the King of preachers." Lederer (John) The Discoveries of, etc. See No. 3875. 3779 LELAND (John) The Virginia Chronicle : with judicious and critical Remarks, under XXIV. heads, //. 46, (2), new half mor. neat, uncut. 8 Fredericksburg, 1790 3780 LILLY (Lambert) pseud. The Early history of the Southern States : Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, with numerous engravings. By Lambert Lilly, schoolmaster, half roan. 1 6 Boston, 1833 3781 MARTIN (Jos.) New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of Virginia. To which is added a History of Virginia, from its first settlement to the year 1754, etc., Map. 8 Charlottesville, 1835 3782 MERCURIUS POLITICUS, No. 103 (for May 20-27, 1652); containing Articles concluded at James River in Virginia, March 12, 1651 [-52] for the surrendring that Plantation under the Obedience and Government of the Commonwealth of England, half morocco, VERY RARE. 4 London, 1652 VIRGINIA. 131 3783 (NICHOLSON.) A True Copy of Eight Pages out of the History of the Present State of Virginia, written by a Native of the Place, etc., and printed at London, 1705. Containing an Account of the Actions of Francis Nicholson, Esq., while Governor of that place, pp. 1 6, green morocco, gilt edges (Bedford). 8 London, n. d. A few manuscript notes in the hand of Rev. THOMAS PRINCE. 3784 PLAIN FACTS : being an Examination into the Rights of the Indian Nations of America to their respective Countries ; and a Vindication of the Grant from the Six United Nations of Indians to the Proprietors of Indiana, against the decision of the Legisla ture of Virginia . . . With authentic Documents, proving that the Territory, Westward of the Allegany Mountain, never belonged to Virginia, &c.,//. 164, i, hf. calf. 8 Philadelphia, R. Aitken, 1781 SCARCE. " It has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, and to Anthony Benezet." FIELD S Indian Bibliography. 3785 PRITTS (J.) Mirror of Olden Time Border Life, embracing a History of the Discovery of America ; . . . also, Histories of Virginia and the early settlement of Pennsylvania with Personal Narratives of Captivities and Escapes, etc., 13 illustrations, pp. 700, sheep, SCARCE. 8 Abingdon, Va., S. S. Miles, 1849 3786 RICH (R.) Newes from Virginia. The Lost Flocke Triumphant. (1610) A Poetical Tract, describing the Adventures supposed to be referred to in Shakespeare s Tempest. Reprinted from a copy believed to be unique. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, pp. 22, half morocco, uncut, gilt top. sq. 16 London, Chiswick Press, 1865 Twenty-five copies only, printed: "I destroyed Fifteen Copies, 18 Nov. 1865. J. O. H. Ten selected copies only preserved. Number Three. 11 (From Sir Win. Tite s Collection). 3787 Richmond Theatre. Particular Account of the Dreadful Fire, Dec. 26, 1811, which destroyed the Theatre . . . With some Obser vations on Theatrical Performances, etc., pp. 48. Bait. 1812 Calamity at Richmond, being a Narrative of the . . Awful Confla gration of the Theatre, etc. With a Preface, containing appropriate Reflections, pp. 60. N. York, 1812 Repentance, or Richmond in Tears, [a Sermon,] n. p., n. d. Gilman (S.) Monody on the Victims and Sufferers by the late Conflagration, //. 24. Boston, 1812 Dana (Jos.) Tribute of Sympathy. A Sermon at Ipswich, Mass., on the Calamity at Richmond. Newburyport, 1812. 5 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 3788 ROYALL (Mrs. Anne) Mrs. RoyalPs Southern Tour, or Second Series of the Black Book. 2 vols. 8 Washington, 1830 3789 SMITH (Capt. JOHN) A Trve Relation of such occurrences and accidents as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that Collony, which is now resident in the South part thereof, etc., With Introduction by Charles Deane, Map, in facsimile, UNCUT. sm. 4 Boston, Wiggin 6* Lunt, 1866 Reprinted from the VERY RARE original edition of 1608, the first published work of Capt. Smith. SCARCE. 3790 SMITH (Capt. John) True Travels, Adventures and Observations, etc. ; From the London edition of 1629. 2 vols. Map and plates, half gr. morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. 8 Richmond, 1819 132 VIRGINIA. 3791 SPRINGS. [NICKLIN (P. H.)] Letters descriptive of the Virginia Springs, edited by Peregrine Prolix. With a Map of Virginia, hf. mor. 1 6 Philadelphia, 1835 3792 Letters descriptive of the Virginia Springs. Second edition, containing Eight more Letters, half russia gilt, uncut. 12 Philadelphia, 1837 A presentation copy "To E. D. Ingraham, Esquire," with macaronic-Latin couplets, by the Author : " Librum parvum mitto tibi, Cum jocis queeris hie et ibi. Bind it, lege, laugh et plaude, Fac it s dorsum neat non gaudy : Libros inter vestros fix it, Ut contentus P. H. Nick, sit." 3793 Six Weeks in Fauquier. Letters illustrating the scenery, etc., of the White Sulphur Springs; written in 1838, to a gentleman in N. England ; by a Visiter, view of the Springs, doth. 12 New York, 1839 3794 The White Sulphur Papers, or Life at the Springs of Western Virginia. By Mark Pencil, Esq., //. 166, cloth. 12 New York, 1839 3795 Springs. A Trip to the Virginia Springs, or the Belles and Beaux of 1835 ; By a Lady; pp. 47. Lexington, Va., 1843 Huntt (Dr. H.) Visit to the Red Sulphur Spring ; with Observations on the Waters. Boston, 1839 Moorman (Dr. J. J.) Directory for the use of the White Sulphur Springs, with Practical Remarks, etc. Phila., 1839 Goode (Dr. T.) Guide to the Hot Springs of Bath County. Richmond, 1854 Hot Springs, Bath County; Medical Properties, etc. Richmond, 1870 Jordan Alum Springs, in Rock- bridge County, Charlottesville, 1873. 6 Pamphlets. v. s. 3796 STITH (Wm.) The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. [With the] Appendix to the First Part of the History, pp. viii, 331, v, (i), 34, calf, red edges. 8 Williamsburg, Wm. Parks, 1747 A GOOD COPY of this SCARCE book, in the ORIGINAL EDITION, CORRECTED. Like the copy described in Mr. Sabin s bibliographical note (see the next number), two varieties of paper are found in the volume, that used for sign. X and for part of the Appendix, being slightly inferior to the rest, and somewhat discolored. In the title pages, both of the History and the Appendix, the word "Virginia" is in Italic capitals, and the letters are absolutely identical even in their defects with those in which the same word appears in the title of Mercer s Abridgment of the Laws, printed by W. Parks in 1737 : and the same typographical ornaments, made up in the same fashion, for page-heads and initial letters, occur in these two volumes. But the collation does not agree with that of either of the two editions described by Mr. Sabin. The error in page-number 104 (misprinted 410, in his copy) is corrected: sig. S is correctly paged, 257-272, and so on to the end of sig. U, p. 304: but sig. X (on the inferior and yellowish paper) is mispaged, 295-310, and the error runs on through sigs. Y and Z, to the end on recto of Z$, mispaged 331 (for 341), as in the "edition " of 1753 ; moreover, this copy has "signature marks on pages 21 and 119;" the "line across the page, over the foot-note" on page 308, is omitted; and the capital J, on page i. of the Appendix is in Italic as in "the London edition" though this page of the Appendix is in the title-form, and on the sixth leaf of sig. Z, the type and ornaments of which unmistakably mark it as from Parks s press. Sig. Aa (pp. 5-12) and sigs. Cc and Dd (pp. 21-34) of the Appendix are on the same yellowish paper as sig. X.: and the lines across the pages, over the foot-notes, are omitted on pp. 21 and 27, but retained elsewhere. 3797 The same Work. [With a bibliographical note by Joseph Sabin.] r. 8 New York, Repr. for J. Sabin, 1865 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER, uncut. VIRGINIA. 133 3798 STITH (William) President of William and Mary College, The Nature and Extent of Christ s Redemption. A Sermon preached before the General Assemely (sic) of Virginia, at Williamsburg, Nov. nth, i753,//. 32, RARE. 8 Williamsburg: William Hunter, 1753 Richly and curiously bound, in covers of crushed grosgr. levant Hack morocco, beveled edges, sides filleted, inside borders, lined -with crimson -watered silk. A Dedication to Lord Lyttelton (4 pp.) is prefixed. 3799 STRACHEY (Wm.) History of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. Ed. by R. H. Major, cloth. 8 London, Hakluyt Society, 1849 3800 SYMONDS (William) Virginia. | A Sermon | Preached at | White- Chapel, In the Presence of Many, Honourable and | Worshipfull, the Aduenturers and Plan-ters for Virginia. | 25. April. 1609. | Published for the Benefit | And Use Of The Colony, Planted, | And to bee Planted there, . . .pp. (8), 54, a bit torn from the bottom of the last leaf, UNCUT. 4 London, I. Windet, for Eleazer Edgar, and William Welby, 1609 RARE. Not in Rich or Ternaux. " This land, was of old time, offered to our Kings. Q. Elizabeth (whose storie hath no peere among Princes of her sexe) being a pure Virgin, found it, set foot in it, and called it Virginia. Our most sacred Soueraigne, in whom is the spirit of his great Ancestor, Constantin the pacifier of the world and planter of the Gospell in places most remote, desireth to present this land a pure Virgine to Christ. Such as do mannage the expedition are carefull to carry thither no Traitors, nor Papists that depend on the Great Whore." Epistle Dedicatorie. 3801 TAYLOR (J. B.) Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 2d edition, revised, full bound, gilt. 8 Richmond, 1838 3802 TENNENT (John) An Epistle to Dr. Richard Mead, concerning the Epidemical Diseases of Virginia, particularly, A Pleurisy and Peripneumony, . . . Wherein is shewn the surprising Efficacy of the Seneca Rattle-Snake Root, etc. With A Cut of that most valuable Plant; copper plate, pp. 102, half calf . 12 Edinburgh, 1742 The Appendix " demonstrates the highest Probability, that the Seneca Rattle-snake Root will be of more extensive Use than any Medicine in the whole Materia Medica." 3803 THOMAS (David) The Virginian Baptist : a View and Defence of the Christian Religion as it is professed by the Baptists of Virginia,/^. 68, smooth calf, antiqtie. 8 Baltimore, E. Story, 1774 The author was minister of the Broad Run Church, Fauquier County. 3804 THORBURN (Grant) Laurie Todd s Notes on Virginia : with a Chapter on Puritans, Witches, and Friends,//.. 36. 8 New York, 1848 3805 THORNTON (J. W.) The First Records of Anglo-American Colo nization, (with the author s autograph presentation^) pp. 12, cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 3806 [TUCKER (George)] Letters from Virginia, Translated from the French,//. 220, sheep. 24 Baltimore, F. Lucas Jr. 1816 3807 [TUCKER (Geo.)] Essays on Various Subjects of Tastes, Morals, and National Policy. By a Citizen of Virginia, fine copy, calf gilt. 8 Georgetown, 1822 The author s name (autograph) is subscribed to the Preface. 3808 TUCKER (St. George) A Dissertation on Slavery : with a proposal for the gradual Abolition of it in Virginia, boards. 8 Philadelphia, for Mathew Carey, 1796 134 VIRGINIA. 3809 THE | VAIN PRODIGAL LIFE | and | Tragical Penitent Death | of | Thomas Hellier | . . . | who, for Murdering his Master, | Mistress, and a Maid, was executed accord-|ing to Law at Westover, in Charles City, in | the Country of Virginia, . . and was after Hanged up in Chains at Windmill-Point on James River. | pp. (2), 40, russet calf (Pratt ), VERY RARE. 4 London, for Sam. Crouch, 1660 3810 Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society. Collections. Vol. I. pp. 85. % Q * Richmond, 1833 Contains An Address by the President, Jona. P. Gushing, Feb. 4, 1833; a Memoir of Indian Wars, by Col. John Stuart ; Grace Sherwood s Trial for Witchcraft, in Princess Anne County, in 1705 ; etc. 3811 VIRGINIA richly valued, By the description of the maine land of | Florida, her next neighbour : | Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie, | ... of Don Ferdinando de Soto, etc. . . . Written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, . . and translated out of Portugese by Richard Haklvyt,//. (8), 180, stamped calf , last leaf mended, RARE. 4 Felix Kyngston, London, 1609 Ternaux copy, with his crest and initials on the cover. 3812 VOYAGES | D UN FRANCOIS, Exile pour la Religion, avec Une Description de la j Virgine & Marilan | dans | 1 Amerique. | pp. 140, hf. bd. 24 A la Hay e, pour PAutheur, 1687 This compactly-printed little volume must be VERY RARE. It seems nearly unknown to bibliographers. The author, a French protestant, describes himself as a native of Dauphiny and of the family of Durand. The object of the publication appears to have been, to direct French emigration to Virginia. The last four pages are occupied with "Propositions pour la Virginie," signed by Nicholas Hayward, London, May 39, 1687, for " Messieurs les Proprietaires de la terre scitue6 proche la Comte de Stafford en Virginie . . et de la ville qu on a commence d y batir, apel!6e Brenton," for the encouragement of planters. 3813 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. The Charter, Transfer and Statutes, of the College of William and Mary ; in Latin and Eng lish, pp. 164, full red morocco, extra gilt, gilt edges. 8 Williamsburg, Wm. Hunter, 1758 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this RARE volume. It has the autographs of (the Rev.) Samuel Davies [President of the College of New Jersey] " The Gift of the Rev d Dr. Dawson, President of the College of Wm. & Mary," and of John Holt (the printer), June i, 1761. 3814 William and Mary College,//. 48, n. t.p. n. p., n. d. [1848] 3815 RANDOLPH (Edmund) Student. An Oration in Commemora tion of the Founders of William and Mary College, Aug. 15, 1771, pp. 12, half morocco, neat, RARE. 4 Williamsburg, Wm. Rind, 1771 3816 WILLIAMS (Edward) Virgo Trivmphans : or, | Virginia | richly and truly valued ; more especially the South part thereof : viz. The fertile CAROLANA, and no lesse excel-|lent Isle of ROANOAK, of Latitude from [ 31 to 37 Degr. relating the meanes of | raising infinite profits to the Adventu-jrers and Planters : | Humbly pre sented as the Auspice of a beginning Yeare, | To the Parliament of England, And Councell of State. | [wood-cut, of deerl\ 7 prelim, leaves, n. n.,pp. 47, i blk., and Table (%},fine, large copy, vellum, neat. 4 London, Thomas Harper, for jFohn Stephenson, 1650 EXTREMELY RARE. Though Williams s name appears on the title-page, "the whole substance of it was communicated to [him] by a Gentleman of merit and quality, . . . Mr. John Farrer of Geding." This is the FIRST EDITION. The second was published the same year, and some copies of it were bound with Williams s " Virginia s Discovery of Silke Wormes" etc. (see the next title), under the general title of "Virginia: more especially the South part thereof, richly and truly valued," etc. ( T. H. for John Stephen- son, London, 1650). See STEVENS S Nuggets, no. 2867 (the two tracts, with general title), and Quaritch s Gen. Catalogue, no. 10067-8 (Virgo Trivmphans, and the two tracts, as above). Force, Tracts, vol. in., under the general title, has reprinted, only, the second VIRGINIA. 135 edition of the first tract, at the end of which the author gives notice that " a book fully discovering the whole mystery of the Silke-Worme," etc. " will shortly be published." 3817 WILLIAMS (Edward) Virginia s Discovery of Silke-Wormes, with their Benefit. And The Implanting of Mulberry Trees. Also the dressing and keeping of Vines, for the rich Trade of making Wines^ there. Together with The making of the Saw-mill, very usefull in Virginia, for cutting of Timber, etc., five curious full-page wood engravings of silk-worms and the reeling of silk, and of a saw-mill, pp. 78, half morocco. 4 London, T. H.for John Stephenson, 1650 The EXCESSIVELY RARE original edition of Williams s second tract, some of copies of which were bound up with the second edition of "Virgo Trivmphans," (with the addition of two maps,) under the general title: "Virginia; more especially the South part thereof, Richly and truly valued," etc. " One of the SCARCEST BOOKS relating to Virginia." SABIN, Menzies Catalogue, no. 2143. 3818 Williamsburg Press. LESLIE (C.) A Short and Easy Method with the Deists, . . The Fifth Edition,//. 90, half mor. extra. 12 William Parks, 1733 " Printed and Sold by William Parks, at his Printing-offices, in Williamsburg, and Annapolis, 1733." EXTREMELY RARE. One of the FIRST BOOKS with a VIRGINIAN IMPRINT. See No. 3694. " The first printing in Virginia, which I have been able to discover, was per formed at Williamsburg, by William Parks . . . About the year 1 736, he left Annapolis, and made Williamsburg the place of his permanent abode." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, n. 143. 3819 WITHERS (Alex. S.) Chronicles of Border Warfare, or a history of the Settlement by the Whites, of North- Western Virginia : and of the Indian wars and massacres in that section of the State, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 12 Clarksburg, Va., 1831 3820 Pamphlets (5) Letter from Gov. Monroe to the Gen. Assembly. Richmond, 1800 Proceedings of the Assembly, on Answers of sundry States to the Resolutions of 1798. Albany, 1800 Report and Docs, respecting the Univ. of Virginia, 1820 Watkins Leigh s Substitute, to be offered, on the Subject of a Convention, in lieu of the Committee s Report. Richmond, 1824 Opinion of Chancellor H. St. G. Tucker, in the Case of Selden and others agt. the Over seers of the Poor of Loudoun, et al. n. d. 12 and 8 3821 Pamphlets (6) Argument of J. M. Patton in Case of the Com monwealth vs. Garner, et al., on the Boundary between Ohio and Virginia. Richmond, 1846 Address to the People of West Virginia [against Slavery] ; by a Slaveholder of West Virginia. Lexington, 1847 Governor s Message, 1847 Slaughter (Rev. P.) History of St. George s Parish, Spotsylvania Co., engraving, pp . 62. N. York, 1847 Virginia Historical Register, April, 1848 Personal Nar rative of Mrs. Margaret Douglass, imprisoned at Norfolk, for teaching Free colored children to read, portrait. Boston, 1854. 3822 Pamphlets (10) Narrative of a Tragical Scene in Southampton County, when Fifty five of the Inhabitants were massacred by the Blacks, Aug. 22d last, folded engraving, n. p. [New Yorkf\for Warner 6 West, 1831 Tour through Part of Virginia, in the Summer of 1808 . . Account of Harper s Ferry, the Natural Bridge, Weir s Cave, etc. N. York, 1809 Description of Wyer s Cave. Winchester, 1849 Prospectus of the West Virg. Iron Mining Company. 1837 Charter etc. of the Va. and N. England Mining Co., 1838 Report of Ch. Engineer of James River and Kanawha Company, 1848 and four others. 136 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. CAROLINA. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 3823 ELLIOT (Jona.) Historical Sketches of the District of Columbia, with a Picture of Washington, view of the Capitol, pp. 554, hf. calf. 1 6 Washington, 1830 3824 MORRISON S Stranger s Guide to the City of Washington, portrait of Washington, and 17 steel engravings. 16 Washington, 1842 3825 WARDEN (D. B.) A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia, engraved Plan, and a view of the Cap itol, pp. vii, 212, (2), hf. bd. 8 Paris, 1816 3826 WATTERSTON (G.) Picture of Washington, map and plan of the Capitol, 1840 New Guide to Washington, 1842. (2 vols.) 1 6 Washington. 3827 WINCHESTER (ELHANAN) Oration on the 3ooth Anniversary of the Discovery of America, in London, Oct. i2th, 1792 ; 2d edition, with an Appendix containing a Description of the City of Wash ington, with engraved plan, half mor. 8 London, 1792 On pp. 75-76, an Acrostic on " George Washington, President of the United States of North America." 3828 Pamphlets (5) An Essay on the Seat of the Fed. Government. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. Phila. 1789 Observations on a Central and Inland Situation for the Permanent Residence of Congress. (By Phocion.) n. p. 1789 Reasons fora Removal of the Seat of Government [to Philadelphia], 1808 Letter to Con gress from the Commissioner of Public Buildings, 1818 Rev. C. M. Butler s Histor. Account of St. John s Church, Georgetown. Washington, 1844. 3829 National Magazine. By James Lyon. Vol.1. Nos. 1-4 (complete), //397 ) Vol. II. No. 6 (//. 103-198). Richmond, Va. 1799, l8o The National Magazine or, Cabinet of the United States. (Pub lished by the Washington Printing and Publ. Company ; ed. by Richard Dinsmore ; James Lyon, manager.) Nos. 1-8 (all published}, Oct. 1801, to Jan. 1802. Washington. In one vol., half bound. 8 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 3830 THE Two CHARTERS granted by King Charles lid. | To the | Proprietors | of Carolina. | With the First and Last | Fundamental Constitutions | of that | Colony, | //. (2), 60, half morocco, neat, RARE. 4 London, Richard Parker, [1705 ?] 3831 AN ACT for establishing an Agreement with Seven of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, for the SURRENDER of their Title and In terest in that Province to His Majesty. (Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnag Britannias, etc. Secundo. At the Parliament Begun . . the 23d day of January, Anno Dom. 1727,) pp. (2), 543-562, half morocco, neat, uncut, RARE. folio, London, 1729 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 137 3832 LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA. A Complete Revisal of all the Acts of Assembly of the Province of North-Carolina, now in force and use. . .With Marginal Notes and References, etc.,//. (4), x, 566, (9), old calf . folio, Newbern, James Davis, 1773 James Davis was the first printer in the colony of North Carolina. He set up the first press, at Newbern, about 1754. THOMAS, n. 150. This was his second edition of a Revisal of the Laws, " the Sale of the whole [of his first] Impression being very rapid," he says, in the Dedication of his work to Governor Martin. 3833 Laws of the State of North Carolina. Published, according to Act of Assembly, by James Iredell, old calf. folio, Edenton, Hodge 6 Wills, 1791 3834 [A Collection of the Statutes of England, now in force in the State of North Carolina] ; compiled by F. X. Martin, wants title page, pp. xxvi, 424, (3), good copy. 4 Newbern, 1792 3835 CONSTITUTION. Journals of the Convention to amend the Constitution of the State of North Carolina, assembled at Raleigh, June, 1835, hal f cloth - 8 Raleigh, 1835 3836 Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North Carolina, called to amend the Constitution of the State, which assembled at Raleigh, June 4, 1835. To which are subjoined the Convention Act, and Amendments to the Constitution, etc., calf. 8 Raleigh, 1836 3837 LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. The Public Laws of the State of South Carolina ... to the year 1790, inclusive. By the Hon. John Fauchereaud Grimke, Esq., etc., pp. Ixxvii, 504, 43, (56), wants pp. 121-124, old calf, fine copy. 4 Philadelphia, 1790 3838 An Apology or Vindication of Francis Nicholson, Esq; his Majesty s Governor of South-Carolina, etc.,//. 62, smooth calf extra, gilt, RARE. 8 London, 1724 3839 ARCHDALE (J.) A new Description of that fertile and pleasant Province of Carolina, etc. London, 1707. Reprinted, Charleston, 1822. Notices of the Early History of South Carolina, Charles ton, 1822. In one volume, half bound. 8 3840 ASH (Thomas) Carolina \ or a | Description | of the Present State of that Country, and the Natural Excellencies thereof . . . | . . . Published by T. A. Gent., pp. (4), 40, Forel, large and fine copy, RARE. 4 London, Printed for W. C., 1682 3841 BARTRAM (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Exten sive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws, etc., Portrait of Mico Chlucco, map, and plates. 8 Philadelphia, James 6 Johnson, 1791 3842 A BRIEF DESCRIPTION of ] The Province | of Carolina On the Coasts of Floreda. | And | More perticularly of a New-Plantation [ begun by the English at Cape-Feare, on that River now by them called Charles-River, the 2gth of May. 1664. | etc. .. \ Together with | a most accurate MAP of the whole Province, folded map, pp. 10, levant green mor. extra, paneled sides, g. e. (Bedford ]. sm. 4 London, for Robert Home, 1666 A FINE COPY of this VERY RARE tract, with the Map, " Carolina Described." "The FIRST PRINTED DESCRIPTION OF CAROLINA." TERNAUX. 18 138 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 3843 BRICKELL (J.) Natural History of North Carolina, with an account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. Map and plates, old calf. 8 Dublin, Jas. Carson, for the Author, 1737 First edition, SCARCE. 3844 CARROLL (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Carolina, map. 2 vols., sheep. 8 New York, 1836 3845 CHALMERS (Lionel) Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. 2 vols., half calf (a folding table in vol. i. has been cut in two by the binder). 8 London, 1776 3846 Charleston. Rules of the Society for erecting a LIBRARY, And raising a Fund for an ACADEMY At Charles-Town in South- Carolina, //. 12. Charles-Town, Peter Timothy, 1750 A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Charles-Town Library Society, 12 leaves, n. n. London, W. Strahan for the Society, 1750. 2 Pamphlets. 8 3847 The Palladium of Knowledge ; or, The Carolinian and Geor gian Almanac, For. . 1788, 36 pages, clean, uncut. 12 Charleston, Wright & Co. 3848 A Plea for Literature ; More especially the Literature of Free States. By a Member of the Old Congress,^. 119. 12 Charleston, Harrison 6 Bowen, 1793 3849 LINING (Dr. John) A Description of the American Yellow Fever, which prevailed at Charleston in 1748, //. 30, clean, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1799 3850 SHECUT (J. L. E. W.) Medical and Philosophical Essays. Containing: ist, Topographical, historical, and other sketches of the City of Charleston, etc., boards, uncut. 8 Charleston, 1819 " I write of the Seasons, the Medical and other Events of the City of Charleston and its Precincts." 3851 -- [HAMILTON (Jas.) Jun.] An Account of the late intended Insurrection of the Blacks of this City. Published by the authority of the Corporation of Charleston. 2d edition,^. 48, with other scarce tracts, boards, uncut. 8 Charleston, A. E. Miller, 1822 3852 -- SMYTH (Rev. Thos.) Two Sermons on the Great Fire in Charleston, May 6, 1838. With a Narrative, List of Sufferers, etc., pp. 40, map of the city, showing extent of the fire, uncut. 8 Charleston, J. P. Beile, 1838 " One third part of the city, containing one thousand habitations . . was swallowed up in a single night." 3853 WILKINSON (Eliza) Letters written during the invasion and possession of Charleston, S. C. by the British; arranged by Caroline Gilman, cloth. 12 New York, 1839 3854 Letters etc. Another copy, cloth. 3855 The Charleston Book : a Miscellany in Prose and Verse, cloth, gilt. 12 Charleston, 1845 3856 -- FURMAN (W.) History of Charleston Association of Baptist Churches in S. Carolina, with an Appendix, etc., sheep, scarce. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 139 3857 DALCHO (Fred.) Historical account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, to the War of the Revolution, calf, fine copy. 8 Charleston, 1820 3858 DANSON vs. TROTT, and others. Mary Danson, Widow of John Danson, Esq., deceased, Appellant ; Nicholas Trott and Anne his Wife, and Eliz. Moor Widow, Respondents. The Appellants Case, //. 4 The Respondent s Case, pp. 4 ; Heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, May 27, 1728. The same Appellant; Case of James Bertie Esq., Respondent ; and Case of Henry Bertie and Hugh Watson, Respondents. Heard March 26, 1729. The original printed Cases for use of Counsel and the House of Lords. folio. The Appellant, a daughter of (Governor) John Archdale, was, at the date of her Appeal to the Lords, a prisoner in the Fleet-Prison, for non-payment of a charge on her estate in one-eighth the interest of the Proprietors of Carolina, which had been ordered to be paid to Nich. Trott, as her share of expenses in managing the affairs of the proprietors. 3859 Documents connected with the history of South Carolina, edited by Plowden C. J. Weston, and Printed for private distribution only, facsimile, cloth, uncut, SCARCE. 4 London, Chiswick Press, 1856 3860 DRAYTON (John) Letters written during a Tour through the Northern and Eastern States,//. 138, 3 plates, half calf gilt ; author s autograph presentation inserted, VERY SCARCE. 8 Charleston, JFfarrison &> Bowen, 1794 " Mr. Drayton was a district judge, and subsequently Governor of South Carolina. This production is but little known, and is EXTREMELY RARE."Affn*its Cata logue, no. 628. 3861 DRAYTON (J.) A View of South Carolina, as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns, Maps and plate, boards, a FINE COPY, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Charleston, W. P. Young, 1802 3862 DRAYTON (J.) Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its commencement to the year 1776, inclusive, as related to the State of South Carolina ; and occasionally referring to the States of North Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. //. xxvii, 430; (2), 400; Portrait, hf. calf gilt, a fine copy. 8 Charleston, A. E. Miller, 1821 3863 ELLIOT (Stephen) LL.D. An Address to the Literary and Philosophical Society of So. Carolina, Aug. 10, 1874. 4//. 20; An Address at the opening of the Medical College in Charles ton. 8//. 23. 2 Pamphlets. Charleston, 1814, 1826 3864 ELLIOTT (Stephen) A Sketch of the Botany of! South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. plates, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 8 Charleston, 1821, 1824 3865 ELLIOTT (Wm.) Carolina Sports, by Land and Water, including incidents of Devil-Fishing, &c. 12 Charleston, 1846 3866 A FAN FOR FANNING, and a Touch-stone for Tryon, Containing An Impartial Account of the Rise and Progress of the so much talked of Regulation in North Carolina. By Regulus,//. 80, uncut, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, 1771 A Vindication of the Regulators, and of their leader, Herman Husband, of Orange County. It was printed in weekly numbers, ten of which (each of eight pages) make up the volume, bringing the history of the Regulation movement down to 1 769, after Hus band s acquittal at the Hillsborough court, Sept. 1768, and Fanning s conviction on six several indictments, for extortion. The compiler s principal authority was "an account of all the affairs in Orange-County . . written by one who speaks thus of himself : I have been so well acquainted with the whole affair, that I think no Man in the Province could give a better (that is a more authentick) relation of the matter " Husband himself, doubtless. I4O NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 3867 OILMAN (Caroline) Recollections of a Southern Matron, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 3868 [HEWATT (Alex.)] Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols., old calf, good copy. 8 London, 1779 3869 HILTON (WM.) A | Relation of | A Discovery lately made on the Coast of Florida, \ (From Lat. 31. to 33 Deg. 45 Min. North-Lat.) | By William Hilton Commander, and Commissioner with Capt. Anthony Long, | and Peter Fabian, in the Ship Adven ture, which | set Sayl from Spikes Bay, Aug. 10. 1663. and was | set forth by Several Gentlemen and Mer-|chants of the Island of BAR- BADGES , etc., pp. (4), 34, russia-red levant mor. extra, top gilt (Bed ford), UNCUT. sm. 4 London, J. C.for Simon Miller, 1664 EXTREMELY RARE. 3870 HUME (SOPHIA) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South Carolina, To bring their Deeds to the Light of Christ, in their own Consciences. By S. H . . ,pp. 158, original calf , good sound copy. 8 Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, n. d. [1747 ?] "I do not find this edition in any American catalogue G. B." Probably the First Edition. The Exhortation subscribed by the full name of the authoress, whose initials only are on the title-page is dated at " Charles-Town in South-Carolina, the 3oth of the Tenth Month, 1747." An edition was printed by Franklin and Hall, at Philadelphia, in 1748; and it was several times reprinted in Great Britain: Bristol, 1750, and 1751; London, 1752; Leeds, 1752; Dublin, 1754; etc. 3871 JONES (J. Seawell) of Shocco. A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the aspersions of Mr. Jefferson, cloth, uncut. 12 Boston, 1834 3872 JONES (J. Seawell) Memorials of North Carolina, cloth. 8 New York, 1838 3873 LAWSON (JOHN) A New Voyage to Carolina ; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country; Together with the Present State thereof. And A Journal Of a Thousand Miles, Travel d thro several Nations of Indians. . . By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General of North Carolina, Map and plate, pp. (6), 258, red grosgr. levant morocco, filleted and paneled sides, full-gilt back, inside borders, g. e. (Pratt), LARGE PAPER. 4 London, 1709 A SPLENDID COPY of the RARE FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE, in such condition. The page measures 8|-l by 6| inches. 3874 Lawson (John) A New Voyage to Carolina. Another copy. Map and plate, half calf , GOOD COPY. 4 Q London, 1709 3875 LEDERER (JOHN) The Discoveries of John Lederer, In three several Marches from Virginia, To the West of Carolina, And other parts of the Continent; Begun in March 1669, and ended in September, 1670. Together with A General MAP of the whole Territory which he traversed. Collected and translated out of Latine, from his Discourse and Writings, by Sir William Talbot Baronet. 4 prel. leaves, pp. 27, two maps, levant dk. green grosgr. mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford). 8 London, J. C. for Sam. Hey rick, 1672 FINE COPY of this SUPERLATIVELY RARE book; with the GENERAL MAP, and a RARE ADDITIONAL MAP, "Carolina Described," (from the "Brief Description," of 1666), inserted. It has the leaf preceding the title, with the License. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 14! 3876 LETTERS (The) of FREEMAN, &c.,//. 244, half bound. 12 [London^ 1771 This collection is RARE. It was unknown to Rich, and is not found in Sabin s Dictionary. These letters originally appeared in Timothy s South Carolina Gazette, between June 29th and Dec. iSth, 1769. They were occasioned by the Charleston non -importation Association and Resolutions, which were opposed by William H. Drayton (" Freeman ") and William Wragg, and defended by Christopher Gadsden ( a C. G.," and "Member of Assembly"), and John Mackenzie (" Libertas et Natate Solum," and " Member of the General Committee"). The preface is dated from London, Jan. 26, 1771. 3877 MARTIN (F. X.) History of North Carolina. 2 vols., half cloth, SCARCE. 8 New Orleans, 1829 3878 MILLS (R.) Atlas of South Carolina, good clean copy, uncut, SCARCE. atl. folio, Phila., J. 6- W. Kite, [cir. 1825] 3879 MILLS (R.) Statistics of South Carolina, pp. 782, 48, map, boards, uncut. 8 Charleston, 1826 3880 MOULTRIE (Wm.) Memoirs of the American Revolution, so far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina, and Georgia, portrait of the Author. 2 vols., old calf. 8 New York, for the Author, 1802 3881 NULLIFICATION (STATE PAPERS on), including the public acts of the Convention of the People of South Carolina, assembled at Columbia, November 19, 1832, and March u, 1833 ; the Proclama tion of the President of the U. States, and the Proceedings of the State Legislatures which have acted on the subject. Published by order of the Gen. Court of Massachusetts,//, vii, 381, law calf. 8 Boston, 1834 Oglethorpe (J.) New Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia. See No. 3912. 3882 PARTY TYRANNY: or, an Occasional Bill in Miniature; As now practiced in Carolina. Humbly offered to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament,//. (2), 30, new half morocco, scarce. 4 London, 1705 "Attributed to the celebrated Daniel De Foe." RICH. The writer denounces "the famous Exclusive Act" of 1704, requiring all members of the Commons House of Assembly, " to conform to the Religious Worship in this Province, according to the Church of England; and to receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper according to the Rites and Usages of the said Church": "a Law in itself so ridiculous," says the author of this tract, "so partial, so calculated for the Ruine of the Colony, that none but mad men, that depended upon being Superior in Power to all human Authority the People should apply to, would ever have brought upon .the Stage of the World; . . .a Law that having first own d what it Enacts, to be Unchristian and Heterodox, has the face, to begin with a NEVERTHELESS in Capital Letters, damning the Laws of God and of the Church, as well as of the Country, to a positive Submission to a Rabble of Sham-Representatives;" etc. (p. 25). "The worthy and reverend Minister of the Church of England there [the Rev. Edward Marston,] has shared with the deepest, in the Suffering Part, from the Violence and Fury of those People, because he would not join with them . . He has been insulted by them in the most barbarous and villainous manner, even in the Streets, his Gown torn off from his Back, whipt with a Horse -whip, and in a most unseemly manner beaten and abused," etc. (p. 27). 3883 PURRY (Jean Pierre) Me moire presente a Sa Gr. Mylord Due de Newcastle, Sur Petat present de la CAROLINE & sur les moyens de Paineliorer, //. n, n. t. p., half morocco. 4 Imprime a Londres, chez G. Bowyer, 1724 VERY RARE. " I do not find this important tract anywhere referred to," notes Mr. Brinley. Col. John Peter Purry was the founder of Purrysburg (Beaufort Co.,S. C.) on the Savannah River. See, in Carroll s Historical Collections^ n. 121, the "Proposals of Mr. Peter Purry of Newfchatel, for the Encouragement of Swiss Protestants " settling in Carolina, 1731. 142 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 3884 Ramsay (David) The History of the Revolution of South Carolina. 2 vols., Maps, hf. green morocco, UNCUT. 8 Trenton, Is. Collins, 1785 3885 RAMSAY (David) History of South Carolina, to the year 1808. 2 vols., half calf , neat. 8 Charleston, 1809 3886 REPORT j OF THE | COMMITTEE J appointed to examine into the Procee-j dings of the People of | Georgia, with respect to the Prov ince of I South-Carolina, and the Disputes subsisting between the | Two Colonies, pp. 120, clean copy, half mor. 4 Charles-Town, Lewis Timothy, 1736 EXTREMELY RARE. So far as is known, the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE CAROLINAS, OR SOUTH OF VIRGINIA the Laws of South Carolina excepted. The first press in Charleston was set up in 1730, by Eleazer Phillips, who died the next year ; and his successor, Tho. Whitmarsh, survived him only two years. Louis Timothee a French protestant refugee who had been employed in Franklin s printing-office in Philadelphia, removed to Charleston in the beginning of 1734, and was printer to the government till his death in December, 1738. See THOMAS, n. 156, 157. This Report does not appear in Haven s Catalogue of Ante- Revolutionary Publications which names no earlier Charleston imprint, and, in 1736, only the Laws, and a single folio sheet contain ing an account of Importations and Exportations for the year, printed November ist, or after. 3887 SIMMS (W. G.) History of South Carolina. 2d edition, sheep. 12 Charleston, 1842 3888 South-Carolina in the Revolutionary War : being a reply to cer tain misrepresentations and mistakes of recent writers, etc. By a Southron [Wm. Gilmore Simms ?], half morocco. 12 Charleston, 1853 3889 Some Observations on the Two Campaigns against the Cherokee Indians, in 1760 and 1761. In a Second Letter from PHILOPATRIOS, pp. 88, with folded "Scheme of the Transactions" of the Campaigns, calf antique. 8 Charleston, Peter Timothy, 1762 A good copy of a VERY RARE tract, a defence of the S. C. Rangers, against imputa tions on their courage and efficiency, made by Lieut. Col. James Grant, commander of the expeditions of 1760 and 1761. The S. C. Regiment was under the command of Henry Middleton, and among its officers were Henry Laurens, Wm. Moultrie, Francis Marion, and Isaac Huger. The controversy resulted in a challenge from Middleton to Grant, and a duel, which terminated without bloodshed. 3890 WILLIAMSON (Hugh) History of North Carolina. 2 vols., Map, polished calf , extra, full gilt, g. e. (Pratt}, an ELEGANT COPY, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1812 3891 WILSON (Samuel) An | Account of the Province | of Carolina | in | America. Together with | An Abstract of the Patent, etc., pp. 26, smooth calf gilt (Bedford). 4 London, G. Larkin,for F. Smith, 1682 "One of the EARLIEST and RAREST books relating to Carolina." J. Sabin, Menzies Catalogue, 2168. 3892 Wilson (Samuel) An Account of the Province of Carolina, etc. Another copy ; needs cleaning and slight repairs, UNCUT. 4 London, 1682 3893 YONGE (F.,) A Narrative of the Proceedings { of the People of | South-Carolina, in the year 1719 : | and of The True Causes and Motives that induced | them to Renounce their Obedience to the Lords Proprietors, as their Governors, and to put | themselves under the immediate Government of the Crown. | //. 40, half green calf extra, gilt top, fine copy, RARE. 4 London, 1726 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. 143 I 3894 Pamphlets (6) SOUTH CAROLINA. Address to the Freemen. By Cassius [./Edanus Burke], //. 32. Phila. 1 783 Rudiments of Law and Government, deduced from the Law of Nature,//. 56. Charles ton, 1783 Enquiry into Constitutional Authority of the Supreme Federal Court over the Several States ; by a Citizen of Carolina, //. 49. Charleston, 1792 Rob. G. Harper s Letter to his Con stituents, 1801 Constitution etc. of the Congregational Society of So. Carolina, 1802 Military System of S. C. ; Rules and Arti cles of War, Laws of Congress and of the States . . The Patrol Laws of the State, etc. 2d ed.,//. 78, ix. (stained}. Charleston, 1808. 8 3895 Pamphlets (8) SOUTH CAROLINA. Rev. Dr. T. Clarke s Fare well Letter to Presbyt. Church in Ballibay. Salem, 1811 Jona. Maxcy s Fun. Sermon, before the Legislature,, Columbia, 1817 Account of the intended Insurrection of the Blacks. Charleston, 1822 ; Another edition, Boston, 1822 Henry s Farewell Disc, at Columbia, 1824 C. Fraser s Address at laying the cornerstone of A New College in Charleston, 1828 T. S. Grimke / s Letter to People of S. C., 1832 W. Preston s Discourse on Loss of the Steamer Pulaski, 1838. 8 3896 Pamphlets (16) SOUTH CAROLINA NULLIFICATION. [Memming-er (Chas. G.)] The Book of Nullification. By a Spectator of the Past.//. 31, Charleston, 1830. Address of the Washington Society to the People of S. C. 1832 T. S. Grimke s Letter to the People of S. C. 1832 Union and Protection Tracts. No. I.-IH. n. p. Epitaph on the Constitution, 4th ed., 4 pp. [Phila. 1832] [M. Carey s Tracts] Review of the Address of the Free Trade Convention, Nos. I.-HI. 1831; The Dissolution of the Union. A Sober Address .. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 2d ed. 1832; Defence of a Liberal Construction of the Powers of Congress, etc., by Hon. Gen. McDuffie, 1821, with an encomiastic advertise ment by Jas. Hamilton, and a Preface by the Editor. 3d Phila. ed. 1832 ; Letter to Abbot Lawrence, and others, 1832 (to which are annexed eight of Mr. Carey s privately printed circulars, 1827-32); Appeal to the Wealthy, 2d ed. 1833; Prospects on the Rubicon. Part II. On the prevailing excitement in South Carolina. 1832; Prospects beyond the Rubicon. No. I. 1833. Pres. Jackson s Proclamation rel. to Nullification, Counter-Proclamation of Gov. Hayne, and Pres. Jackson s Message. Boston, 1833 Letter of Langdon Cheves, to the Charleston Mercury, 1844. 144 GEORGIA. GEORGIA. 3897 LAWS. Digest of Laws of the State of Georgia . . to the year 1708, inclusive, and the Principal Acts of 1799 : in which is compre hended the Declaration of Independence; the State Constitutions of 1777 and 1789, with the amendments in 1794. Also, the Con stitution of 1798, etc. With a copious Index. By Robert & George Watkins, pp. (8), 836, (28). 4 Phila., R. Aitken, 1800 With a valuable Appendix (125 pp.) "containing the Original Charters and other Documents, ascertaining and defining the Limits and Boundary of the State; all the Treaties with the Southern Tribes of Indians," etc. In the first article of the Appendix "The Boundary and Territorial Right of the State of Georgia examined," the writers endeavor to show that " the government of the United States can have no just claim to any lands lying between the northern boundary of this State and the thirty-first degree of north latitude." 3898 The Constitution of the State of Georgia, ratified the 6th of May, 1789, pp. 24. Augusta, John E. Smith, 1789. [Appended, the Amendments, adopted May i6th, 1795, pp. 7.] With the MSS. certificates of the Secretary of State {John Milton}, 1797, clean, uncut. 12 3899 The Constitution of the State of Georgia, as revised, amended, and compiled, by the Convention of the State, at Louisville, 3oth of May, 1798,^. 24, clean, uncut. 4 Louisville, A. M Millan, 1798 3900 Case (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the U. States, Feb. 1793, in which is discussed the Question "Whether a State be liable to be sued by a Private Citizen of another State ? " pp. 120, i. 8 Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1793 The Case of A. Chisholm, Executor, vs. The State of Georgia. The Argument of Edm. Randolph, the Attorney-General of the U. S., for the Plaintiff, and the Opinions of the Judges, Iredell, Wilson, Blair, and Jay, C. J. 3901 Georgia Historical Society, Collections, Vols. I.-IIL 3 vols., cloth. 8 Savannah, 1840-73 3902 Collections, Vol. III. Part I., pp. 88. 8 Savannah, 1848 Contains Col. B. Hawkins s Sketch of the Creek Confederacy, in 1798 and 1799. 3903 Stevens (W. B.) Historical Discourse, 1841 Bishop Elliott s Address, 1866 S. Cohen s Eulogy on Bishop S. Elliot, 1867 Constitution and By-Laws, 1871 Memorial of Hon. E. J. Harden, 1873. 5 Pamphlets. 8 3904 BARCLAY (Anthony) Wilde s Summer Rose, or The Lament of the Captive. An Explanation of Hon. R. H. Wilde s Alleged Plagiarism. Published by the Georgia Historical Society,^. 70. sq. 8 Savannah, 1871 HEWATT (Alex.) Historical Account &c. See Carolina ; No. 3868. 3905 An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia,//. 104. 8 London, 1741 3906 Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia, //. 104. London, 1741 A Brief Account of the Causes that have Retarded the Progress of Georgia, being a proper Contrast to A State of the Province of Georgia attested upon Oath, and some other Misrepresentations, pp. 1 01. London, 1743. An Account GEORGIA. 145 of the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Extracted from a late Author [Jos. Galloway.] pp. 55. London, 1780, 3 in i vol. 8 See A State of the Province of Georgia, etc., No. 3916. The "Brief Account" appears to have been prepared by Mr. Thomas Stephens, who had been commissioned by the mal contents to petition for a redress of grievances the principal grievance being the prohibi tion of Negro Slavery. " In Spite of all Endeavors to disguise this Point, it is as clear as Light itself," says the writer, "that the Negroes are as essentially necessary to the cul tivation of Georgia, as Axes, Hoes, or any other Utensil of Agriculture;" and "the pretended Content and Satisfaction of the People of Ebenezer [the Salzburgers], without Negroes, will plainly appear to be the Dictates of Spiritual Tyranny, and only the wretched Acquiescence of People, who were in Truth, unacquainted with the Privilege of choosing for themselves." //. 8, 9. 3907 [Le Long (Isaac)] Kort Historic der Evangelische Ballingen dewelke de Goddely ke Voorsienigheit, na veele doorgestaane Verdrukkingen, uyt het Aarts-Bisdom van Saltzburg, 28 fine copper plates, of which six are double-page, old calf gilt, pp. (4), 120. 1 6 Amsterdam, JSrven Van J. Ratelband, 1733 This scarce little volume, which narrates the persecution and sufferings of the Salzburgers till their expulsion from Bavaria, serves as an introduction to the history of the settlement at Ebenezer, in Georgia, and to the Journals published by Urlsperger. 3908 M CALL (Capt. Hugh) The History of Georgia, containing Brief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events, up to the present day. 2 vols.,^. viii, 376 ; vii, 424; half vellum, gilt, FINE COPY. 8 Savannah, Seymour & Williams, 1811, 1816 "One of the RAREST of State Histories." Menzics Catalogue, no. 1290. " The Narrative is suspended with the declaration of peace in 1 783. Both volumes are largely devoted to the history of the border warfare with the Creeks and Cherokees." FIELD, Ind. Bibliography. 3909 [MARTYN (Benjamin)] Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia, With regard to the Trade of Great Britain, the increase of our people, etc. With some Account of the Country, and the Design of the Trustees, pp. 48, Map and plates, new half morocco, fine copy. 4 London, Wm. Meadows, 1733 Seldom found with the plate, and frequently wants the Map. A second edition, printed the same year, has the author s name on the title-page. RICH. Mr. Martyn was the Secretary of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia. 3910 MOORE (Francis) A Voyage to Georgia. Begun in the Year 1725, Containing, An Account of the Settling the Town of Fre- derica, in the Southern Part of the Province ; and a Description of the Soil, Air, Birds, Beasts, Trees, Rivers, Islands, &c. . . . Also, A Description of the Town and County of Savannah, in the North ern Part of the Province, etc.,^. 108, (i), clean copy, half mor., UNCUT. 8 London, 1744 VERY RARE, in such condition. 3911 MOUNTGOMRY (Sir Robert) Baronet. A Discourse | Concerning the design d | Establishment Of a New j Colony [ to the | South of Carolina, in the | Most delightful Country of the | Universe. | Title, pp. 30, folded Plan. 8 London, 1717 A GOOD COPY of this curious and VERY RARE tract. "Sir R. Mountgomry of Skel- morley in the Sheridom of Aire in North Britain, Baronet,"* obtained of the Lords Proprie tors of Carolina the grant of all the lands between the Alatamaha and Savannah Rivers, and gave to this tract the name of the "Margravate of Azilia." In this publication he offers inducements to purchasers and intending settlers on his lands. The engraved plan very ingenious and thoroughly impracticable represents "the Form of setling the Dis tricts or County Divisions in the Margravate of Azilia." See RICH, 1717, no. 2. 3912 [OGLETHORPE (Gov. J.)] New and accurate Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia ; with Observations on 19 146 GEORGIA. the Trade, Navigation, and Plantations of Great Britain, //. 76, cloth. 8 London, 1732 Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia. See MARTYN (B.) No. 3909. Salzburgers. See LE LONG (No. 3907), STROBEL (No. 3921) and URLSPERGER (Nos. 3925, 3926). 3913 Savannah. Official Register of the Deaths, in the Summer and Fall Months of 1820; [compiled by H. P. Russell;]//. 24, uncut. Savannah, 1820 Report of E. C. Anderson, Mayor, for the year 1873. 2 Pamphlets. 3914 Sermons preached before the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, and before the Associates of the late Rev. Dr. Bray for Converting the Negroes in the British Plantation, and for other Good Purposes, at their Anniversary Meetings; by S. Smith, 1731 (with a map}; S. Hales, 1734; Geo. Watts, 1735; W. Best, 1742; T. Francklin, 1750. 5 in i vol., new half mor. ^London, 1733-50 3915 SHERWOOD (A.) Gazetteer of Georgia. 12 Washington, 1837 3916 [STEPHENS (William)] A State of the Province of Georgia, Attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, November 10, 1740, pp. 32, clean, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, W. Meadoivs, 1742 3917 STEPHENS (William) A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia, beginning October 20, 1737. To which is Added, A State of that Province, as attested upon oath, in the Court of Savannah, Novem ber 10, 1740. 2 VQ\S., polished calf extra, g. e. (Pratt). 8 London, for W. Meadows, 1742 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this scarce history. 3918 STEPHENS (William) A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia, etc. Another copy, LARGE. 2 vols., old calf . 8 London, 1742 3919 STEPHENS (Wm.) The Castle-Builders ; or, the History of William Stephens, of the Isle of Wight, Esq; lately deceased. A Political Novel, Never before published in any Language,//, xv, 198; RARE. 8 London, 1759 3920 STEVENS (Wm. Bacon) Discourse before the Georgia Historical Society, Feb. 12, 1841, [on events connected with the Revolution in Georgia,] //. 40. 8 Savannah, 1841 3921 STROBEL (P. A.) The Salzburgers and their Descendants: being the History of a Colony of German Protestants, who emigrated to Georgia in 1734, and settled at Ebenezer, twenty-five miles above Savannah. 12 Baltimore, 1855 3922 TAILFER (Pat.) and others. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia In America, From the first Settlement thereof until this present Period . . Together with His Majesty s Charter, Representations of the People, Letters, &c. By Pat. Tailfer, M.D., Hugh Anderson, M.A., Dr. Douglass, and others, Landholders in Georgia, at Present in Charles-Town in South-Carolina . . .//. xviii, 1 1 8, half morocco, UNCUT. 8 Charles-Town, P. Timothy, for the Authors, 1741 VERY RARE. "It places the conduct of General Oglethorpe in a very different light from that in which it has generally been represented. An old MS. note [in Rich s copyl says that it shows him in his true colors." RICH. The writers attribute "the ruin and GEORGIA. 147 desolation of the Colony," to the misrepresentations and mal -administration of Governor Oglethorpe, and to the unwise restrictions imposed by him on the colonists and "chiefly the Denying the Use of Negroes, and persisting in such Denial after, by repeated Appli cations, we had humbly remonstrated the Impossibility of making Improvements to any Advantage with white Servants." . . "By these and many other such Hardships, the poor Inhabitants of Georgia are scatter d over the Face of the Earth ; her Plantations a Wild ; her Towns a Desert, . .and her Liberties a Jest : An Object of Pity to Friends, and of Insult, Contempt, and Ridicule to Enemies." (See No. 3906, note.) The volume is of typographical as well as historical importance as a very early pro duction of the southern press. The printer, Peter Timothy, was the son of Lewis, and began business on his own account, in 1740. Books with a Charleston imprint, before 1750, are RARE. 3923 TAILFER (Pat.) and others. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, etc., half mor. 8 Reprinted, London, [1741] 3924 TIMBERLAKE (H.) Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake, (Who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in the Year 1762.) .. Map of the Cherokee Country, and copy of a curious Secret journal taken from a French officer, pp. viii, 160. 8 London, 1765 " Poor Lieut. Timberlake and his Indians met with an inhospitable reception in England, where he got himself in debt for their expenses. After undergoing a variety of disap pointments, vexations, arrests, and imprisonments, he died in the flower of his age ; and, we much fear, of a broken heart." RICH (from Monthly Review, xxxiv.). 3925 URLSPERGER (Samuel) Der ausfiihrlichen Nachrichten Von der Koniglich-Grosz-Britannischen Colonie Saltzburgischer Emigrant- en, die sich in America niedergelassen haben, worinnen die Reisediaria des Konigl. Grossbrit. Commissarii und der beyden Salzburgischen Prediger, wie auch eine Beschreibung von Georgien enthalten. 10 Parts, in 2 vols., Map and Portrait of Tomo Chachi, boards. 4 Halle, 1739-44 This important and scarce collection comprises a narrative of the emigration of the per secuted Salzburgers to America ; of their settlement at Ebenezer, in Georgia, about 25 miles from Savannah ; and of the progress of that colony, and other matters of interest to the emigrants and to their friends in Europe, in the form of a Journal written by their two ministers, J. M. Bolzius and I. C. Gronau, and sent to the Rev. Samuel Urlsperger, a protestant minister at Augsburg, by whom they were published, with the addition of many other papers relating to German Protestants in America, to the Indians and missionary labors among them, and to current events in Georgia and Carolina, etc. A full collation of the work (including the eight continuations published after 1744) is given by Leclerc, Bibliotheca Americana, 1867, no. 1510. 3926 URLSPERGER (S.) Americanisches Ackerwerkes Gottes ; oder zuverlassige Nachrichten den Zustand der Amerincanisch Eng- lischen und von Saltzburgischen Emigranten erbauten Pflanzstadt Ebenezer in Georgia betreffend. 4 vols. in 3, half blue calf extra, gilt. 4 Augsburg, 1754-67 Not less scarce than the preceding work, of which it is a continuation and necessary complement. The Fourth volume (published by J. A. Urlsperger, in 1767), is particularly rare. It was wanting in the set of Urlsperger s publications which Leclerc catalogued as a "collection COMPLETE PRECIEUSE" (Bibl. Amer. 1867, no. 1510). The 3d vol. con tains a portrait of Bolzius, the senior minister of the colony at Ebenezer. 3927 WESTON (D. C.) Scenes in a Vestry; Account of a late Contro versy in the South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta. 12 Augusta, 1841 3928 WHITE (Geo.) Statistics of Georgia, map. 8 Savannah, 1849 3929 ZUBLY (J. J.) The Nature of that Faith without which it is impossible to please God. A Sermon . . Also, An Appendix . . against some Animadversions of the Rev. Joseph Bellamy, D.D. etc. By J. J. Zubly, Minister of an English and German Congrega tion at Savannah,//. (2), 70. Savannah, James Johnston, 1772; 148 GEORGIA. The Law of Liberty. A Sermon on American Affairs, preached to the Provincial Congress of Georgia,//. 73, hf. bd. Phila; repr. London, J. Almon, 1775. (2) 8 The first Sermon has the imprint of the FIRST PRESS and the FIRST PRINTER in Georgia. 3930 GEORGIA WESTERN TERRITORY : Acts of the State, Dec. 1794, and Jan. 1795, for the sale of vacant and unappropriated Lands, etc.,//. 10. 4 n. p. \Augustd\ Land Laws of Georgia, pp. 30. 4 A ugusta, 1 794 With 15 pages of manuscript additions, severally certified by the Secretary of State. Grant to the Georgia Mississippi Company; Constitution, etc. 8 Reprinted, n. p. 1796 State of the Facts, Shewing the Right of certain Companies to Lands purchased from the State. 8 n, p., 1795 Act of Feb. 1769, declaring null and void the Act of January, 1795, appropriating the unlocated Territory, //. 6. 4 n. p. Description of the Georgia Western Territory ; with a Map, pp. 24. 8 Boston, 1797 [HARPER (Robert G.)] Case of the Georgia Sales on the Mississippi, considered ; With an Appendix of Records, etc.,//. (4), 109. 8 Phila.,iiw BISHOP (Abraham) Georgia Speculation Unveiled, //. 39 ; Part Second,//. 41-144, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1797, 98 Report of the Atty. General [Chas. Lee] to Congress, containing a Collection of Charters, etc. relating to the Title to Lands in the South Western part of the U. States, claimed under a Law of Georgia,//. 171, uncut. 8 Phila., 1796 Report of U. S. Senate Committee on the South Western Territory. 8 1798 New England Mississippi Land Company; Articles of Association, etc. 8 1798 ANDERSON (J. E.) and HOBBY (Wm. J.) The Contract for the Purchase of the Western Territory, made in 1795, considered,//. 93, itncut. 4 Augiista, 1799 Memorial of the Virginia Yazoo Company, to Congress, 1803. Memorial of the A. E. Mississippi Land Company to Congress; with a Vindication of their Title,//. 109, uncut. 8 Washington, 1804 15 Pamphlets, several of which are VERY SCARCE. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3931 ADAMS (John) [A Collection of State Papers, relative to the first acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States, and the reception of their Minister Plenipotentiary by their H. M. the States-general of the United Netherlands. To which is prefixed the political character of John Adams, etc. With An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law ; by John Adams, Minister Plenipoten tiary, etc., pp. 100. London, 1782,] no title page. Letters [from John Adams to Dr. Calkoen, an eminent civilian at Amsterdam, relating to the American Revolution,//. (4), 74, n. t. p., PRIVATELY PRINTED, London, 1786.] In i vol., half calf . sin. 8 To the letters to Dr. Calkoen, Mr. Adams prefixed a brief " Advertisement," dated, "London, Grosvenor Square, Oct. 12, 1786," stating, in conclusion that "these papers are now printed, in order to preserve them, but by no means to be made public for the present." This caution was omitted in the American reprints. See Novanglus and Massachusettensis, No. 4093, and The True Sentiments of America, No. 4163. 3932 ALEXANDER (Win.) Earl of Stirling, Life and Correspondence of, by his grandson, Win. A. Duer, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1847 3933 ALLEN (Paul) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. calf, scarce. 8 Baltimore, 1817 For his projected History of the Revolution, Allen had obtained a subscription un equalled, at that time, in this country. He had done nothing toward the work, and, after a deal of negotiation, the whole of it was undertaken, and was actually written, by John Neal and Mr. Watkins Allen contributing only a page or two of preface. Neal began with the Declaration of Independence, and finished the first volume. KETTELL, Am. Poets, ii. 1 86. 3934 ALMON (J.) The Remembrancer; or Impartial Repository of Public Events. 17 vols. London, 1775-84 A Collection of Papers . . Shewing the Causes and Progress of the Dispute between Gr. Britain and America, 1764-75, (The Prior Documents,) i vol. Lon- don, 1777 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the Con tinental Congress, at Philadelphia, Sept. 1774; Journal of the Congress; added, a Petition to the King (now first printed by authority) ; Journal of Congress held May 10, 1775 ; Journal of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, 1776. i vol. 19 vols. half bound, UNCUT. 8 A COMPLETE SET of Almon s Remembrancer, that "great magazine of information " CLEAN and FINE ; absolutely UNCUT. 3935 ALMON (J.) The Remembrancer, or Impartial Repository of Public Events. Vol. i. The SECOND EDITION,//. 257, (3), Map of 40 miles round Boston, Plan of Boston, and folded map of the environs. 8 London, J. Almon, 1775 3936 ALMON (J.) The Remembrancer; or Impartial Repository of Public Events. 16 vols. half calf , neat, NEARLY UNCUT. royal 8 London, 1775-1783 A large and very fine Set, complete to the Sixteenth volume, and to the end of the year I5O THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3937 (ANDRE.) Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by Order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, . . Respecting Major John Andre , Adjutant General of the British Army, September 29, 1780. To which are Appended, The Several Letters which passed to and from New- York on the Occasion, &c. Published by Order of Congress. Half Title, i leaf; Title, and pp. 3-21. 8 Philadelphia, Fr. Bailey, 1780 On the half-title is written : " To the Hon ble Roger Sherman this pamphlet is presented by his humble Serv t Samuel Huntington " (President of Congress). The ORIGINAL EDITION. VERY RARE. 3938 Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, etc. Another copy, LARGE AND FINE, nearly UNCUT. 8 Philadelphia, Fr. Bailey, 1780 3939 Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, etc.,//. 32, uncut. sm. 8 Hartford, Reprinted by B. Webster, 1780 This reprint is not less RARE than the original edition. 3940 Another copy, half vellum, UNCUT. sm. 8 Hartford, 1780 3941 - - Minutes of a Court of Inquiry, upon the Case of Major John Andre, with accompanying Documents, published in 1780. .With an Additional Appendix containing copies of the Papers found * upon Major Andre, etc.,yfrz<? Portrait, pp. iv, 66, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Mum ell, 1865 Edition of no copies, reprinted for Mr. John F. McCoy of New York. 3942 Andre : A Tragedy, in Five Acts : [by Wm. Dunlap] ; as now performing at the Theatre in New York. To which is added, The Cow-Chace, a Satirical Poem, by Major Andre : with the Proceed ings of the Court-Martial, and Authentic Documents concerning him,//, no, uncut. 8 London, David Ogilvy and Son, 1799 3943 -- Andreana. Containing the Trial, Execution, and Various Matter connected with the History of Major John Andre. [With an Introduction, by Horace W. Smith.] 12 Engravings, pp. (4), 67, (), folded, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, H. W. Smith, 1865 3944 Andreana. Another copy. Large Paper, half morocco, top gilt. 4 Philadelphia, 1865 3945 -- BENSON (Egbert) Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre , pp. 89, uncut, SCARCE. 12 New York, Kirk and Mercein, 1817 3946 BENSON (Egbert) Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre . Another copy, engraving of the Capture inserted, hf. bound. 12 New York, Kirk and Mercein, 1817 3947 BENSON (Egbert) Vindication of the Captors of" Major Andre . . With Introduction and Appendix,//, ix, 134, uncut. 8 New York, Privately Printed, 1865 115 copies printed, for Mr. Francis S. Hoffman. 3948 RAYMOND (Henry J.) An Oration, on the Completion of a Monument erected to the Captors of Major Andre, at Tarrytown, Oct. 7, 1853, //. 36. 8 New York, 1853 3949 - - Report of Commissioners for Settling a Cartel for the Ex change of Prisoners,//. 20. 8 Philadelphia, D. C. Claypoole, 1779 The American Commissioners were Cols. Wm. Davies and Robert H. Harrison; the British, Col. Hyde and Capt. John Andre. 395 SARGENT (Winthrop) The Life and Career of Major John Andre , portrait, cloth, scarce. 12 Boston, 1861 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 151 395 1 (ANDRE.) SEWARD (Anna) Monody on Major Andre . . To which are added Letters addressed to her by Major Andre in the year 1769. The Second Edition, pp. vi, 49. 4 Lichfield, J. Jackson, 1781 A large and fine copy. To this Edition, Wm. Hayley s " Impromptu, To Miss Seward," is prefixed. 3952 Monody on the Unfortunate Major Andre . . By Miss Seward. To which are added, Major Andre s Letters, etc. The Second New York Edition,//. 48. 12 New York, T. Allen, 1792 3953 ~ ~ Monody on Major Andre. By Miss Seward. Fourth American Edition,//. 22. 12 Boston, 1798 3954 SMITH (Joshua Hill) An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre . . . To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss wax&, fine por trait, map, and plate, pp. vii, 357, (i), old calf, gilt. 8 London, 1808 3955 - - The same, boards, UNCUT. 8 London, 1808 3956 The same, pp. 2 1 4, portrait. 1 6 New York, for E. Duyckinck, 1809 3957 The same, (without the Monody,) //. 176, wants a leaf (pp. 8 1, 82). 1 8 New York, 1809 3958 ANDREWS (John) History of the War with America, France, Spain and Holland, 1775-83, plates, maps, and charts. 4 vols., old calf. 8 London, 1785-6 3959 ANDROS. The Old Jersey Captive ; or A Narrative of the Cap tivity of Thomas Andros . . on board the Old Jersey Prison Ship at New York, 1781, half bound. 16 Boston, 1833 3960 Apocalypse de CHIOKOYHIKOY, chef des Iroquois, . . Ecrite par lui-meme vers 1 an de 1 Ere Chretienne, 1305. Traduite en Fran cois . . Avec un commentaire pour 1 intelligence des endroits les plus difficiles du Texte . . Public par ordre du Congres ge ne ral, halfmor., gilt top, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, [La ffaye?} 1779 "A political satire, in behalf of the Americans against England/ SCARCE. 3961 (ARNOLD.) [Marbois (F. Barbe-)] Complot d Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton centre les Etats-Unis d Amerique, et centre le General Washington, portraits of Washington and Arnold, and Map, half calf gilt, uncut. 8 Paris, Didot, 1816 An autograph of the author (signature to a power of attorney), and a beautiful drawing, in sepia, of the head of Arnold apparently that from which the engraving was made are inserted. 3962 Complot d Arnold, etc. Another copy, half mor. extra, top gilt, uncut. 8 Paris, Delaunay, 1831 An autograph letter of Marbois to Col. Jer. Wadsworth (3 pp.) is laid in the volume. 3963 -- ATWILL (Winthrop) The Treason of Benedict Arnold, a Lec ture . . in Northampton,//. 45, uncut. 8 Northampton, [Mass.], 1837 3964 HUBBELL (Horatio) Arnold, or The Treason of West Point : A Tragedy in Five Acts,//. 75. 12 Philadelphia, 1847 3965 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States,//. 26, halfmor., uncut. folio, Lancaster, F. Bailey, 1777 A clean and fine copy. On the title-page is the autograph of WM. WILLIAMS (the Signer), "York Town, 2;th Nov r, 1777." 152 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3966 Articles of Peace. Authentic Copies of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between His Britannic Majesty and the Most Christian King. His Most Catholic Majesty, and the United States of America, Signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783,^. 28, half calf . 8 London, y. Debrett, 1783 3967 An Authentic Narrative of Facts relating to the Exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars ; supported by the Testimonies of H. M. Officers, . . with Original Papers, etc., //. 50, hf. mor., very scarce. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1777 This exchange was under a cartel between Benedict Arnold and Capt. Geo. Forster. " Arnold stationed Bedel of New Hampshire, with about four hundred men and two cannon, at the narrow pass of the Cedars. This pass was but fifteen leagues above Montreal, and [Gen.] Thomas, at Sorel, was but as many leagues distant below . . . The detachment from Detroit under Captain Forster, . . appeared in sight of the Cedars . . Butterfield [to whom Bedel had abandoned the command] surrendered himself and his garrison prisoners at discretion . . Arnold moved, to recover the captives, by force ; but as the British officer declared that a massacre of the prisoners, 474 in number, would be the inevitable consequence of an attack, he consented to obtain the release of them all, except four captains who were retained as hostages, by promising the return of an equal number of British prisoners. The engagement led to mutual criminations ; the justification of the breach of one treaty by the neglect of another." BANCROFT, Centen. Ed., v. 296. 3968 BAILEY (VVm.) Records of Patriotism and Love of Country, boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1826 Founded on, and in great part a reprint of GARDEN S Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War, with alterations, transpositions, and political reflections, by the English editor, who prefixes a long introduction. The volume title-page excepted seems to have been printed in England. 3969 BARNUM (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked ; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of " The Spy " by Mr. Cooper, portrait of Birch, and other engravings, boards, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 New York, J. 6- J. Harper, 1828 3970 The same, cloth. 2 vols. VERY SCARCE. 12 London, A. K. Newman 6* Co., 1828 3971 The same, 2cl edition, half cloth, portrait of Birch, engraving of" Washington and Harvey Birch," inserted. 12 Cincinnati, A. B. Roff, 1831 3972 BARTON (Gen. Wm.) and OLNEY (Capt. Stephen) Lives of, by Mrs. Williams, cloth. 12 Providence, 1839 3973 BERNARD (Sir Francis) Select Letters on the Trade and Gov ernment of America, and the Principles of Law and Policy applied to the Am. Colonies, written in the Years 1763-68 . . Added, the Petition of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay against Governor e Bernard], his Answer thereto, and the Order of the King in ouncil thereon,//. 130, half mor. 8 London, T. Payne, 1774 3974 BLEEKER (Capt. Leonard) Order Book, in the early part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, against the Indian Settle ments of Western New York, 1779: [Edited by F. B. Hough], uncut. sm. 4 N. York, Jos. Sabin, 1865 3975 [BLOODGOOD (S. DeWitt)] The Sexagenary, or Reminiscences of the American Revolution, half bound. 12 Albany, 1833 The First Edition : SCARCE. 3976 BOLLAN (Wm.) Petition of Mr. Bollan, Agent for the Council of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, lately presented to the Two Houses of Parliament, with a brief Introduction, etc., //. 49, half morocco. 4 London, y. Almon, 1774 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 153 3977 BOTTA (C.) History of the War of the Independence of the United States. Translated from the Italian by Geo. A. Otis. 26. ed. revised. 2 vols., boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1826 3978 History of the War of the Independence of the United States, gth edition. 2 vols., engravings and maps, roan, gilt 8 New Haven, 1839 3979 BOUCHER (Jona.) A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution, in Thirteen Discourses preached in North America, between 1763 and 1775 ; with an Historical Pref ace,//, xciv, (i), 596, half bound, uncut. 8 London, 1797 Dedicated to Washington. The author was an Episcopal clergyman in Virginia, at the outbreak of the Revolution. He was a staunch loyalist, and returned to England, where he became vicar of Epsom, in Surry. In the preface to these Sermons, he reviews the several histories of the American Revolution, and finds them all partial and defective. 3980 BURGOYNE (Gen. John) A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons by Lieut. General Burgoyne . . . With a Collection of Authentic Documents, etc., Maps and plans, pp. viii, 140, Ixii, i. The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir WILLIAM HOWE, in a Committee of the Ho. of Commons, 29th April, 1779 . . . Added, some Observations upon . . " Letters to a Nobleman." Two in i vol., handsome old tree calf gilt. 4 London, Almon, 1780 From Drury s library. In fine condition. 3981 Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the State of New York until his Surrender at Saratoga, Oct. 1 6, 1777. From the Original Manuscript . . Edited by E. B. O Callaghan, map, portrait, and facsimile, cloth, gilt top, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1860 3982 Candid Retrospect (The) ; or the American War examined, by Whig Principles,//. 28, half bound. sm. 8 Charlestown ; repr. N. York, 1780 3983 [CARTWRIGHT (John)] American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. A new edition ; with a copious Appendix . . and a Letter to E. Burke controverting his Speech on American Taxation, delivered April 19, 1774, Map, half morocco, uncut. 8 London, 1775 3984 CHALMERS (G.) Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Boston, 1845 3985 CLINTON (Sir H.) Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America. 6th Edition. CORNWALLIS (Earl) An swer to that part of the Narrative of Sir H. Clinton which relates to the Conduct of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis CLINTON (Sir H.) Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton s Narrative. Three in one vol., new half mor. (Roxburgh e), uncut. 8 London, Debrett, 1783 3986 Collection of Papers, that have been published at different times relating to the Proceedings of His Majesty s Commissioners, [With an Appendix,]//. 55, (19), half vellum, nearly uncut, RARE. 8 New York, J. Rivington, [1778] 20 154 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3987 A COLLECTION OF TRACTS relating to the American Stamp Act, and the Revolution. 8 vols., new half morocco. 8 London, v. y. A contemporary collection; with a manuscript table of contents prefixed to each volume. The tracts are, with very few exceptions, fresh and clean copies. Contents : VOL. I. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, On the Importance of the Am. Colonies, etc. J. Scott, 1757 The Conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, . . briefly Stated [by himself ?] //. 1 3 1 . R. &> J. Dodsley, 1758 The Conduct of a Noble Commander in America [Lord Loudon] Impartially reviewed, etc., pp. 45. R. Baldwin, 1758 The Case of the Canadians at Montreal distressed by Fire, 2d ed. Motives for a Subscription, etc., 2 engravings, pp. 47. n. p. [1765] The Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies, briefly Consider d. 2d ed. J. Wilkie, 1765 The Late Regulations respecting the British Colonies in America, considered [by John Dickinson],//. 12. Phila.; Repr. London, for J. Almon, 1765 A Letter to a Member of Parl t, [on] the Power of the British Legis lature, and the Case of the Colonists.//. 30. W. Faxney, 1765 Proceedings of the Congress at N. York, n. /./., pp. 37. n. p., n. d. Considerations on Behalf of the Colonists. In a Letter to a Noble Lord; [signed, F. A.] 2d ed. J. Almon, 1765 The Late Occurrences in North America and Policy of Great Britain, considered,//. 42. J. Almon, 1766 An Account of a late Conference on the Occurrences in America. In a letter to a Friend,//. 40. J. Almon, 1766 VOL. II. Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Government, Occa sioned by the late Disputes . . Written in ij66,pp. 64. T. Becket, 1767 An Application of some General Political Rules, to the present States etc. In a letter to Earl Temple, pp. 86. J. Almon, 1766 A Plain and Seasonable Address to the Freeholders of Gr. Britain, on the present Posture of Affairs in America,//. 21. Richardson & Urquhart, 1766 Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, etc. [By Dan. Dulaney], //. (6), 69. Reprinted, J. Almon, 1766 The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the Colonies, demonstrated. . . With a Vindication of the Authority of Parliament, //. 36. J. A Imon, 1 766 A Short History of the Conduct of the present Ministry, with regard to the Stamp Act,//. 21, (3). J. Almon, 1766 An Examination of the Rights of the Colonies, upon principles of Law. By a Gentleman of the Bar, //. 42. For R. Dymott, and J. Almon, 1 766 The Rights of Parliament Vindicated, on occasion of the late Stamp- Act,//. 44. J. Almon, 1766 Protest [The Lords ] against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp-Act, //. 1 6. Paris [London], 1766 Second Protest, with a List of the Voters, etc.,//. 15. Paris [London], 1766 The Grievances of the Am. Colonies candidly Examined [by Stephen Hopkins], //. 48. Repr. for J. A Imon, 1 766 The Necessity of repealing the Am. Stamp-Act demonstrated, etc., //. 46. J. Almon, 1766 A Man of Abilities for the Earl of B e, or Scotch Politics defeated in America, //. 56. J. Williams, 1 766 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 155 (Collection of Tracts.) VOL. III. A Short Narrative of The horrid Massacre in Boston, . . March 5, 1770. . . With some Observations, etc., pp. 1 66. Repr.for E. fr C. Dilly, and J. Almon, 1770 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the Am. Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, I774,//. 82. Repr.for J. Almon, 1774 Edm. Burke s Speech on Am. Taxation, 3d ed. J. Dodsley, 1775 Taxation no Tyranny. [By Dr. Johnson,]//. 91. T. Cadell, 1775 An Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the present Crisis of Affairs. By Catharine Macaulay, pp. 29. Bath, R. Crutwell, 1775 Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America: [by Thomas Paine ;] A New Edition, pp. (4), 54, Repr.for J. Almon, 1776 Plain Truth ; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on . . Common Sense : by Candidus. 2d Ed., pp. (4), 47. Phila.: Repr. London, J. Almon, 1776 VOL. IV. The Letters of Gov. Hutchinson, and Lieut. Gov. Oliver, &c. printed at Boston ; and Remarks thereon, etc. 2d Edition, pp. 142. J. Wilkie, 1774 " This edition was published, with Remarks, in exculpation of Gov. Hutchinson, by his friend, Israel Manduit." RICH. An Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Gr. Britain, in the present Disputes, . By an old Member of Parliament [Arthur Lee], PP-(4), 63. J. Almon, 1774 A New Essay (by the Pennsylvania Farmer) on the Constitutional Power of Gr. Britain over the Colonies, . with the Resolves of the Com mittee for Pennsylvania, etc.,//. 126. Repr., J. Almon, 1774 The Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Gr. Britain, in the present Contest, stated and considered,//. 50. T. Cadell, 1774 A Defence of the N. England Charters. By Jer. Dummer, //. 88. J. Almon, [1765] "First printed in 1721. The present edition has no date, but it is mentioned in the Gent. s Mag. among books published this year." RICH. VOL. V. Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the Br. Colonies in No. America, [by Matthew Robinson,]//. 160. R. Baldwin, n. d. [1774] Considerations, etc. The Second Edition, with Additions and an Appendix,//. 176, 45. R. Baldwin (and others), [1774] A Plan to Reconcile Gr. Britain and her Colonies, and to preserve the Dependency of America,//. 40. J. Almon, 1774 Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America . . . Written by Gov. Bernard, at Boston, 1763-68, etc., pp. vii, 130. T. Payne, 1774 A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of Mass. Colony. 3d Edition. [By J. Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph.] //. 36. T. Cadell, 1774 VOL. VI. The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved. By Jas. Otis. 2d Edition,//. 120. Repr. J. Almon, n. d. A Series of Answers to certain Popular Objections against separating from the Am. Colonies ; . being the concluding Tract of the Dean of Glocester [Tucker],/^. 108, (11). Glocester, 1776 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. 5th edition, //. n 8. J. Dodsley, 1775 156 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Considerations on the State of the Sugar Islands, . . in a Letter to Lord North; by a West India Planter,//. 28. S. Bladon, 1773 A Critical Commentary on Archbp. Seeker s Letter to Horatio Walpole, concerning Bishops in America,//, in. E. Or 3 C. Dilly, 1770 The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, &c., //. 50. n. p. {London, 1767] VOL. VII. A Further Examination of our present American Measures ; by [Matthew Robinson] the Author of " Considerations on the Measures " etc., pp. 256. Bath, R. Crutwell, 1776 Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. By Richard Price. 5th ed.,//. (8), 132. T. Cadell, 1776 Price (Richard) Additional Observations on . . Civil Liberty, and the War with America,//, xvi, 176. T. Cadell, 1777 VOL. VIII. A Letter from Edm. Burke, to John Farr and John Harris, Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America, //. 75. T. Dodsley, 1777 Peace the Best Policy. Reflections upon the Appearance of a Foreign War, etc. By Matt. Robinson, pp. 112. J. Almon, 1777 [Galloway (Jos.)] Letters to a Nobleman, on the conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 4th ed., //. viii, 101, Map. G. Wilkie, 1780 [Galloway (Jos.)] A Reply to the Observations of Sir Wm. Howe, on "Letters to a Nobleman,"//. 149. G. Wilkie, 1780 3988 CONGRESS. Journals of Congress, Containing the Proceedings from Sept. 5, 1774, to Nov. 3, 1788. Published by Order of Con gress. 13 vols., uniform in old calf , yellow edges. (Col. Jerem. Wads- worth } s copy, well preserved^} 8 Philadelphia, and New York, 1777-88 Vols. I., II., Phila., R. Aitken; in., New York, John Patterson; IV., v., Phila., David C. Claypoole; vi. [Phila.] John Dunlap ; vn. Journals of Congress and of the United States in Congress Assembled (for 1781), N. York, John Patterson; viii. Journal of the U. S. in Congress Assembled, etc., Phila. D. C. Claypoole; ix.-xm., Phila., J. Dunlap. 3989 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774 ... To which is added (being now first printed by Authority) an authentic Copy of the Petition to the King Jour nal of the Proceedings of the Congress . . May 10, 1775. Two in one vol., pp. 200, (8), half calf gilt. 8 London, J. Almon, 1775, 1776 3990 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774; Containing The Bill of Rights, a List of Grievances, etc., //. 36, hf. bound. 8 Phila.-, 1774 The same, pp. 16, hf. mor. neat. 4 Repr.,New London, 1774 A Circular Letter from the Congress of the U. States of America to their Constituents. Phila., D. C. Claypoole, [1779] The same. Repr. Boston, 1779 The same, Repr. New London, T. Green, [1779]. 5 Pamphlets, (three half bound ^ 8 and 4 3991 Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Congress, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of their taking up Arms, Autograph of Gen. James Warren, half morocco. Phila., W. &> T. Bradford, 1775 The same. Neivport, S. Southwick, 1775. (2) Courts Martial. See Andre, Nos. 3937-41 ; Hall and Norwood, No. 4021 Henley, Nos. 4024, 4025 ; Sheldon, No. 4141 ; Lee, Nos. 4056; St. Clair, No. 4135. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 157 3992 CRISIS (The), Vol. I., containing XXVIII. Numbers, old calf, neat, SCARCE. 8 London; repr. New York, John Anderson, 1776 3993 CURWEN. Journal and Letters of Samuel Curwen, a Loyalist Refugee in England, from 1775 to 1794, comprising Remarks on the Prominent Men and Measures of that Period ; with Biograph ical Notices of many American Loyalists ; by G. A. Ward, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, C. S. Francis 6- Co., 1842 3994 [DALRYMPLE (Sir John)] The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America,/^. 60, half mor. neat. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1775 " This Address is said and believed to have been written by Sir J. D., and printed at the public expense to be distributed in America." Monthly Review. 3995 The same. Another copy, half mor. 3996 [DALRYMPLE (Sir J.)] The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America ; being an Answer to the Declara tion of the General Congress, Tenth Edition, . . Added, a Refuta tion of Dr. Price s State of the National Debt,//. (2), 131, half mor. neat. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1776 "I have a copy of the EIGHTH EDITION (printed in the same year;) to which is now added, a Refutation of Dr. Price s State of the National Debt; which belonged to Sir James Mackintosh, who has written on the fly-leaf, now owned to be by Sir John Dalrymple. " RICH. 3997 The Rights of Great Britain Asserted, etc. Another copy. 8 C London, T. Cadell, 1776 3998 DEANE (Silas) Paris Papers ; or Mr. Silas Deane s late inter cepted Letters, to His Brothers, and other intimate Friends, in America, To which are annexed for Comparison, the Congressional Declaration of Independency in July 1776, and that now inculating \sic\ among the revolted Provinces, etc.//, xii, 141, xxxii, 24, (36). half bound, UNCUT. sin. 8 New York, Jas. Rivington, [1782] VERY RARE. " Mr. Gowans, from whom [Mr. Menzies s] copy was purchased, assured its present owner, that he had never seen another copy, and the compiler of this catalogue knows of only one other ; that in the Boston Athenaeum." Menzies Catalogue, no. 545. 3999 An Address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States of North- America. By Silas Deane, Esquire, //. 30, clean, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1784 4000 An Address to the United States of North America, to which is added, A Letter to Hon. Robert Morris, with Notes and Observations,//. 38, half vellum, UNCUT. sm. 4 London; repr. New London, 1784 "Both [the London edition] and this reprint are equally TRES RARE. " Menzies Catalogue, no. 544. The former, Mr. Sabin observes, is " so scarce that we are unable to record ANY OTHER COPY" than the one in Mr. Menzies s collection. 4001 Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane : published from the Original Manuscripts. [Edited by Edw. D. Ingraham,] half russia, top gilt, uncut. 8 Phila., for the Seventy-Six Society, 1855 4002 Detail (A) of some Particular Services performed in America, 1776-1779 . . . Supposed to be chiefly taken from the Journal kept on board the Ship Rainbow, commanded by Sir Geo. Collier . . Printed for Ithiel Town, from a manuscript obtained in London, in 1830, //. (18), 117, autograph letter of Ithiel Town, inserted. 12 New York, Privately printed, 1835 158 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4003 [DICKINSON (John)] An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America; with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instruc tions to their Representatives,//, vii, 127, half mor., RARE. 8 Phila., Wm. 6- T. Bradford, 1774 4004 - - The same. Another fine copy, calf gilt. This was Secretary Charles Thomson s copy, and has his autograph memoranda, on the fly leaf at the end. 4005 A New Essay by the Pennsylvanian Farmer, on the Consti tutional Power of Gr. Britain over the Colonies in America ; with the Resolves, etc., half mor. 8 Phila.; repr. London, 1774 4006 DICKINSON (John) Political Writings. 2 vols., old calf , gilt, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 Wilmington, Bonsai and Niles, 1801 Drayton (J.) Memoirs of the Am. Revolution . . in South Caro lina, etc. See No. 3862. 4008 DRING (Thos.) Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship, . . from the Original manuscript of the late Captain Thomas Dring, of Providence, R. I. Edited by Albert G. Greene, view and plan of the Prison-Ship, pp. 167, boards. 12 Providence, 1829 First Edition. It is noted in the Menzies Catalogue (no. 630) as EXCESSIVELY RARE. 4009 EDDIS (W.) Letters from America, historical and descriptive, comprising occurrences from 1769 to 1777, pp. (50), 455, old calf , yellow edges, FINE COPY. 8 London, C. Dilly, 1792 " Mr. Eddis s letters are forty in number; the first of them contain an account of the country, the government, trade, manners and customs of the inhabitants, followed by others, giving an account of the progress of the War, till his departure from New York." RICH (from Monthly Review). The author had been surveyor of the customs at Annapolis, Md. His list of Subscribers occupies 35 pages. Female Review (The) See Sampson (Deborah) No. 4136. 4010 Fox (E.) The Revolutionary Adventures, of Ebenezer Fox, of Roxbury, Mass., cloth. 16 Boston, 1838 4011 Free and calm Consideration of the unhappy Misunderstandings and Disputes between the Parliament of Great Britain and the American Colonies [by the Rev. Benj. Prescott, of Danvers, Mass.], half bound. 8 Salem, S. and E. Hall, 1774 4012 FROTHINGHAM (Richard) The Rise of the Republic of the United States,//, xxii, 640. cloth. 8 Boston, 1872 4013 Galloway (Joseph) A Collection of (Ten) Tracts on the American War, &c. written by him, 1775-81. In 2 vols., calf, gilt, yellow edges, VERY RARE. 8 London, G. Wilkie, v. y. From Sir William Pepperell s Library. 4014 [GALLOWAY (Jos.)] Letters to a Nobleman [Lord Howe] on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, 4th edition, very fine copy, half mor. 8 London, 1780 [For other tracts by Galloway, see Collection of Tracts No. 3987, vol. 8 ; and No. 4180, vols. 15, 1 6, and 17. 4015 GARDEN (Alex.) Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War, blue mo rocco, extra gilt, LARGE and FINE COPY. 8 Charleston, A. E. Miller, 1822 4016 The same. Another very large and fine copy, hf. blue morocco, gilt. E. A. Crowninshield s copy, with his book-plate. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 159 4017 GARDEN (Alex.) Anecdotes of the American Revolution, Second Series, boards, UNCUT. 12 Charleston, 1828 4018 GORDON (Rev. Wm.) History of the Rise, Progress, and Estab lishment of the Independence of the United States. Maps. 4 vols., old calf gilt, FINE COPY. 8 London, for the Author, 1788 4019 - - The same. 3 vols. Maps(engr. by C. Tiebout), sheep; good copy. 8 New York, Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, 1789 4020 The same. 2d Am. edition. Maps, 3 vols. sheep ; used copy. 8 New York, Samuel Campbell, 1794 4021 HALL (Col. J. Carvil) and NORWOOD (Capt. E.), Proceedings of several Courts-Martial, held by order of Brig. Gen. Smallwood on the Trials of,//. 105, half calf , neat. 16 Annapolis, F. Green, 1779 In the same volume are : The Letters of Curtius, with a Speech on the British Treaty (by John Thompson), Richmond, 1804 : and The Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania, Phila., 1787. 4022 HARTLEY (David) Letters on the American War. Addressed to the Mayor and Corporation, etc. of the Town of Kingston upon Hull. 2d edition,//. 92, uncut. 4 London, J. Almon, 1778 The Introductory address and each of the four letters have the author s autograph signature. 4023 HEATH (Major Gen. Wm.) Memoirs, during the American War, scarce portrait inserted, sheep, yellow edges, clean and fine copy. 8 Boston, 1798 The portrait, after H. Williams, was engraved by G. R. Smith for the Polyanthos, about 1812. 4024 HENLEY. Proceedings of a Court Martial held at Cambridge Jan. 20, 1778 by order of Maj. Gen. Heath for the Trial of Col. David Henley, accused by Gen. Burgoyne, of 111 Treatment of the British Soldiers, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS/" (707. Henley s (2 pp^} inserted; halfmor. extra, tops gilt, UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1778 VERY RARE, in such condition. 4025 - - The same,//. 147, half calf , red edges, FINE COPY, SCARCE. 8 London, J. Almon, 1778 4026 HENRY (J. J.) An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes, who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775, old calf , the scarce FIRST EDITION. 12 Lancaster (Pa.}, Wm. Greer, 1812 4027 HENRY (Patrick) Life, by William Wirt, portrait, old calf. 8 Phila., 1817 4028 HILLJARD D AUBERTENIL. Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Americains, et sur la Revolution de 1 Amerique Septen- trionale,yfo<? maps and portraits, 2 vols., half bound. 4 Bruxelles, 1782 17 Maps, portraits, and other plates. " The plates are very well engraved, and among them is a full length portrait of Washington, after Trumbull." RICH. 4029 History of the American Revolution, published by the Soc. for DifFn of Useful Knowledge. First American edition, with notes, and cuts, cloth. Boston, 1832 The same. First Am. edition. Columbus, O., 1834. (2 vols.) 12 160 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4030 History of the Civil War in America, Vol. I. The Campaigns of 1775-77 (no more published). By an Officer of the [British] Army. 2d edition, map, half bound, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 London, T. Payne & Son, 1780 " The author said to be Capt. Hall, of General Howe s Regiment" RICH. 4031 HISTORY (The) of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the War in America . . . from its Commencement in the year 1764, to the Time of Gen. Gage s Arrival at Boston in 1774 The History of the Rise and Progress of the War . . from the Time of General Gage s Arrival. 2 vols. in i, old calf, pp. 90, 318, 34. VERY SCARCE. 8 London: Repr. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1780 4032 HISTORY (The) of the War in America, between Gr. Britain and the Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of the year 1778 . . . To which is added, A Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers tending to elucidate the History. In Two Volumes. Map, and folded Table; pp. 399, 427, (4) Vol. in. The History of the War... to its Conclusion, in 1783, pp. xii, 432. 3 vols., old calf, fine fresh copy, 8 Dublin, 1779, 1785 The third volume, which is supplementary, and published six years after the first, is seldom found with the other two. The complete work is VERY RARE. 4033 How. Diary of David How, a private in Col. Paul Dudley Sar gent s Regiment of the Massachusetts Line, in the Army of the Revolution, With a Biographical Sketch, by G. W. Chase, and Notes by H. B. Dawson, uncut. 1. 8 Morrisania, N. Y., 1865 No. 220, of 250 copies printed. Part iv. of Dawson s "Gleanings" &c. 4034 HUBLEY (Benrard) The History of the American Revolution. Vol. I. (no more published), pp. (4), 606, (i), Portrait of Washington inserted, half russia, extra, gilt, UNCUT. 8 Northumberland, Pa., A. Kennedy, 1805 "One of the RAREST and most important Histories of the Revolution." Menzies Catalogue, no. 994. 4035 Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, to the end of the year 1779, //. xi, 608, (Appen dix,) 44, map, \$fiill-length portraits, russia, UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 London, R. Faulder, 1780 4036 Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, [to the end of the year 1779,] n portraits, and view of Battle of Bunker Hill, engraved by J. .Norman. 2 vols. sheep. 8 Boston, 1781 4037 IZARD (Ralph) Correspondence of, 1774-1804; with a Short Memoir, Vol. I. (no more published), Portrait, pp. xiv, 389, (2), cloth. 12 New York, 1844 4038 JAY (John) Life ; with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By his Son, William Jay. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, y. 6- y. Harper, 1833 4039 [JEFFERSON (Thos.)] A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Set forth in some Resolutions intended for the Inspec tion of the Delegates of Virginia, now in Convention,^. 23, por trait of Jefferson inserted, half mor., UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Williamsburgh ; repr. Phila., 1774 The title-page has been neatly mended. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. l6l 4040 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscella nies ; edited by Thos. Jefferson Randolph, Portrait 4 vols., old tree calf. 8 Charlottesville, 1829 4041 (Jefferson.) Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with Particular Reference to the Attack they contain on the Mem ory of the Late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters by H. Lee. Second Edition, with Introduction and Notes by Charles Carter Lee,//, xix, 262, doth. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 4042 JOHNSON (Samuel) Political Tracts, containing The False Alarm ; Falkland Islands ; The Patriot ; and Taxation no Tyranny, //. 264, calf gilt. 8 London, 1776 From the Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his book-plate. 4043 JONES (John Paul) The Life, Travels, Voyages, and daring En gagements of the Celebrated Paul Jones, etc., With The Life and Adventures of Mary Lacy. New York, 1809 The same; with Life and Adventures of Peter Williamson. Albany, 1809 The Same ; With the Life and Adventures of Peter Williamson. Albany, 1813 The same; with Life of Peter Williamson. Hartford, 1813 The same; 2d Edition. Hartford, 1818 The same, folded plate. Philadelphia, 1817. Six VERY SCARCE chap books, in one vol ume, new half morocco (Roxburghe). 18 4044 Life of Paul Jones, from Original Documents in the posses sion of John H. Sherburne, portrait, boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1825 4045 Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman, portrait, and another portrait inserted. 8 New York, 1830 4046 Life of John Paul Jones, by Alex. S. Mackenzie. 2 vols. cloth. 1 6 Boston, 1841 4047 - - Paul Jones ou Prophe ties sur FAmerique, 1 Angleterre, la France, 1 Espagne, la Hollande, etc., par Paul Jones, Corsaire, Prophete, et Sorcier, comme il n en fut jamais. Y joint le Reve d un Suisse sur la Revolution de PAmeVique, dedie a S. E. Mgr. 1 Ambassadeur Franklin, etc. De 1 ere de Independence de FAmerique Fan V.,//. 120, uncut. 8 n. p. {Basle 1\ 1781 RARE. "A very amusing jeu d esprit, the author of which shows himself to be no false prophet." RICH. 4048 [KIPPIS (Rev. A.) >.>.] Considerations on the provisional Treaty with America, and the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain,//. 164, half mor. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1783 See RICH, 1783, no. 19. A manuscript note on Rich s copy states that this pamphlet was composed by the Rev. Dr. Kippis, from materials sent him by the Earl of Shelburne. 4049 [KNOX (Wm.)] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed ; . . . and the Nature of their Connection with Great Britain shewn, pp. 207, Iv, half bound. 8 London, J. Almon, 1769 "An elaborate reply to the Farmer s Letters, for which the Board of Trade furnished the materials, and Grenville himself wrote the constitutional argument. . . Grenville wrote from page 67 to page 86 inclusive." BANCROFT. 4050 LAMB. Memoir of the Life and Times of General John Lamb, an Officer of the Revolution, etc. By Isaac Q. Leake. Portrait, pp. x, 431, cloth. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1850 21 l62 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4051 LAUZUN (Le Due de) Memoires de, pp. xx, 399, half calf gilt: 8 Paris, Barrois Vaine, 1822 A Fine Copy of the first edition, VERY SCARCE. 4052 LAURENS. The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens in the years 1777-8, now first printed from the original Letters addressed to his father, Henry Laurens, President of Congress: With Memoir by W. G. Simms, portrait, uncut. roy. 8 New York, 1867 151 copies printed. Bradford Club Series, no. 7. 4053 [LEE (Arthur)] A Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons in support of the Petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia, half mor. 8 London, J. Almon, 1775 4054 [Lee (Arthur)] Second Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People on the measures respecting America, half mor., fine copy. 8 London, J. Almon, 1775 See RICH, 1774, no. 23 ; 1775, nos. 43, 95. 4055 LEE (Arthur) Life ; with his Political and Literary Correspond ence and his Papers on Diplomatic and Political Subjects ; by Richard H. Lee. 2 vols., half calf . 8 Boston, 1829 4056 LEE (Charles) Proceedings of a General Court Martial, Held at Brunswick, N. J. . . for the Trial of Major General Lee, July 4th, I778,//. 62. folio, Philadelphia, J. Dunlap, 1778 A clean and fine copy of the VERY RARE original edition ; NEARLY UNCUT. - Treason of Charles Lee See Moore (Geo. H.) No. 4086. 4057 - - Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq ... To which are added his Political and Military Essays ; also, Letters to, a,nd from many Distinguished Characters, in Europe and America, [by Edward Langworthy], pp. xii, 439, FINE COPY, SCARCE. 8 London, J. S. Jordan, 1792 4058 The same,//, viii, 284, SCARCE. 12 New York, T. Allen, 1792 4059 LEE (Gen. Henry) Memoirs of the War in the Southern Depart ment of the United States. By Henry Lee, Colonel Commandant of the Partisan Legion. Portraits of Greene and Cornwallis. 2 vols., halfrussia, neat, FINE COPY. 8 Phila., Bradford and Inskeep, 1812 4060 The same. A new edition, with Corrections by the Author, and Notes and Additions by H. Lee. 8 Washington, Peter Force, 1827 4061 LEE (Major Henry) The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas ; with Remarks . . on Johnson s Life of Greene, . . Added, an Appendix of Original Documents relating to the History of the Revolution, old calf, VERY SCARCE. 8 Phila., E. Littell, 1824 4062 LEE (Richard Henry) Memoir and Correspondence ; by his grandson, Richard H. Lee, Portrait. 2 vols., calf, FINE COPY. 8 Philadelphia, H. C. Carey, 1825 4063 LENDRUM (John) A Concise and Impartial History of the Amer ican Revolution, to which is prefixed a General History of North and South America. 2 vols. 12 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1795 A clean and fresh copy of the scarce First Edition, in the original binding well preserved. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 163 4064 Letter to a Member of Parliament on the Present Unhappy Dis pute between Great Britain and her Colonies, half mor. 8 London, J. Walter, 1774 " An advocate for the measures of Government, whose opinion is" that it is safer to enforce a doubtful, or even pernicious measure, than tamely to yield a point." RICH. 4065 [LiND (Jona.)] Remarks on the Principal Acts of the i3th Par liament of Great Britain, by the author of " Letters on the Present State of Poland," Vol. I. (all published), containing Remarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies, with a plan of Reconciliation, pp. xx, 500. 8 London, T. Payne, 1775 The author was a brother-in-law of Gov. Hutchinson. " Dr. Parr said that this was the ablest book he ever read in defence of the American War." RICH. 4066 [LIND (J.)] An Answer to the Declaration of the American Con gress. 4th edition, pp. 132, half morocco, neat. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1776 4067 LUDWICK (Christopher), Baker-General of the Army of the U. S. during the Revolution ; Account of the Life of, by Benj. Rush,//. 61. 12 repr. Phila., 1831 4068 Another copy. 12 Phila., 1831 4069 MACKENZIE (Lieut. Roderick) Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton s "History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces," wherein Military Characters and Corps are vindicated from Injurious Aspersions, etc. . . Added, a Detail of the Siege of Ninety-Six, and the Re-capture of the Island of New-Providence, pp. 1 86, half roan, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, for the Author, 1787 4070 MARION (Gen. F.) Life; by Gen. P. Horry and M. L. Weems. Third Edition improved,//. 257. 12 Baltimore, 1815 4071 Maritime Campaign of 1778 (The). A Collection of all the Pa pers relative to the Operations of the English and French Fleets. Added, Strictures on the Publication made in France, concerning the Engagement of July 27th . . By J. M., a Lieutenant in the Fleet . . with Charts and Plans, on Six Copperplates (one wanting), half calf, RARE. folio, London, for Wm. Faden, 1778 4072 (MILITARY DRILL and Discipline.) Manual Exercise and Evolu tions of the Cavalry, as practised in the American Army,//. 59. 18 Hartford, Nath I Patten, n. d. [ab. 1779] 473 New System of Military Discipline ; by a General Officer, //. 268, sheep, nice copy. 8 Phila., R. Aitken, 1776 4074 MULLER (John) Treatise of Artillery : To which is prefixed An Introduction, with A Theory of Powder applied to Fire-Arms. . . According to the Second London Edition,//, xl, 215, frontispiece and 28 plates (engraved by Norman). % Phila., Styner & Cist, for J. Norman, 1779 4075 -- SIMES (T.) Military Guide for Young Officers. 2 vols., sheep, nice fresh copy. 8 London, repr. Phila., 1776 The 2d volume contains Simes s Military Dictionary, Dalrymple s Essay on Raising and Arming the British Army, and the Manual Exercise as ordered by His Majesty in 1764, each with separate title-page. 4076 Another copy of Vol. 2, (3 vols. in one,) without a general title-page. 164 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4077 (MILITARY DRILL and Discipline.) Rules, Maxims, and Observa tions for the Government, Conduct, and Discipline of an Army ; by a General Officer,//. 26. 12 Norwich, J. Trumbull, n. d. [1774] 4078 [Steuben (Baron F. W.)] Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the U. States, Part i., 8 folded plates , pp. 154, (9), boards, uncut. 12 Philadelphia, Styner and Cist, 1779 4079 The same. Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, [1779] The same. Hartford, N. Patten, [1780] The same. Boston, 1793 The same. Boston, 1794 The same. Exeter, 1794 The same. Portsmouth, 1794 The same. \_Bennington\, Vermont, A. Haswell, 1794 The same. Albany, D. 6 S. Whiting, 1803 The same. Albany, 1807 The same. Phila., 1809. \Qvols.andpamphlets. 12 4080 STEVENSON (R.) Military Instructions for Officers detached in the Field, containing a Scheme for forming a Corps of a Partisan. Illustrated with Plans of the Manoeuvres, 12 plates, pp. (8), vii, 236, old calf. 1 2 Phila. , R. Aitken, 1775 4081 SWIETEN (BaronN-3^) Diseases incident to Armies; published for the use of Military Surgeons in America, //. 164. 8 Philadelphia, 1776 4082 Pamphlets. Abstract of Military Discipline : from Col. Bland. Boston, 1744 The same. Bost., 1743 Rules and Articles for Government of Troops. Phila., 1782 Lamb (L.) The Militia s Guide. Montpelier, Vt., 1807 Plan of Exercise for the Militia of Connecticut. New London, 1772 Sullivan (Gen. John) Regula tions for Order and Discipline of Troops of N. Hampshire. Portsm., 1785 Rules and Regulations for the Mass. Army. Salem, 1775 Mass. Act for regulating the Militia. Bost., 1775 Plan of Exer cises for Militia of Mass. Bay. Bost., 1772 Rules and Articles for Government of Troops of the U. States. Phila., 1776. 10 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe). 4083 MILITIA. The Manual Exercise, as ordered by His Majesty in 1764, folded plate. Boston, T. &* y. Fleet, [1770] The same. Providence, J. Carter, 1774 An Act for regulating and governing the Militia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, 1785 The same, Boston, 1786. Four tracts in one vol., new half morocco, mostly uncut, tops gilt. sm. 4 4084 PICKERING (Timo.) Jr. Easy Plan of Discipline for a Militia, folding table and 14 plates, pp. 169, 3, old calf. 8 Salem, S. 6- E. Hall, 1775 4085 MOORE (Frank) Materials for History, Printed from Original Manuscripts. First Series. Correspondence of Henry Laurens of South Carolina, Portrait, pp. 240, uncut. 4 New York, for the Zenger Club, 1861 250 copies printed. 4086 Moore (George H.) Treason of Charles Lee, Major General Second in Command of the American Army, portrait, and facsimile, cloth, uncut. 8 New York, 1860 4087 MORGAN (John) M.D., F. R. S. etc. A Vindication of his pub lic character in the station of Director-General of the Military THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 165 Hospitals, and Physician in Chief to the American Army, Anno I776,//. xliii, 158, half vellum, uncut : fine copy. 8 Boston, Powars 6 Willis, 1777 An autograph letter of Dr. Morgan s, Oct. 3, 1778, is laid in. 4088 [MORRIS (Gouverneur)] Observations on the American Revolu tion, published according to a Resolution of Congress, by their Committee, //. 122, autograph of \Gen^\ James Warren, on title, half mor. 8 Phila., Styner and Cist, 1779 4089 MORSE (Jedediah) Annals of the American Revolution, engrav ings, old calf . 8 Hartford, 1824 Moultrie (Wm.) Memoirs of the American Revolution, as it related to N. and S. Carolina. See No. 3880. 4090 MURRAY (Rev. Jas.) Impartial History of the Present War in Ameiica., portraits and plans. 2 vols., old calf . 8 London, and Newcastle, n. d. [1778] 4091 New York City during the American Revolution. A Collection of Original Papers, from Manuscripts in possession of the Mercantile Library Association. Plans of the City, and of the adjacent Country, pp. 194, (2), cloth, uncut. 1. 8 New York, Privately printed, 1861 4092 NILES (H.) Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America : or, an Attempt to preserve some of the Speeches, Orations and Proceedings, etc., pp. viii, 495, new half mor. (Roxburghe), uncut, SCARCE in such condition. imp. 8 Baltimore, 1822 4093 Novanglus, and Massachusettensis ; or Political Essays, pub lished in 1774 and 1775, on the principal points of controversy between Gr. Britain and her Colonies. The former by John Adams, . . the latter by Jonathan Sewall \read, Daniel Leonard.] . . Added, Letters lately written by President Adams to Hon. William Tudor,//. 312, half calf , marb. edges. 8 Boston, Hews&> Goss, 1819 At the time the letters of NOVANGLUS were first published (in the Boston Gazette, between Dec., 1774, and April, 1775,) and until after the publication of this revised edition in 1819, Mr. Adams believed that he recognized in MASSACHUSETTENSIS his old friend and correspondent, Jonathan Sewall. John Trumbull, who was studying law in Mr. Adams s office when the first of these letters appeared, made a better guess at the authorship. In the First Canto of " M Fingal" (written in 1772), the tory Squire asks " Did not our Scribbler-gen ral strain hard, Our Massachusettensis Leonard ? Scrawl ev ry moment he could spare, From cards, and barbers, and the fair ; Show, clear as seen in noonday heavens, You did not feel a single grievance ? " 4094 Observations on the Justificative Memorial of the Court of London. Paris; Printed by the Royal Authority, //. 129, half vellum. sm. 4 Phila., F. Bailey, 1781 A large and sound copy of this important and SCARCE volume. About one-third of the pages are somewhat water-stained. 4095 ONDERDONK (Henry) Jr. Revolutionary Incidents of Queen s, Suffolk, and King s Counties, with an Account of the Battle of Long Island and the British Prisons and Prison-Ships at New York. 2 vols. in i, map, cloth. 12 New York, 1846-49 4096 Orderly Book (The) of the Northern Army, at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, Oct. 17, 1776 Jan. 8, 1777 ; with notes, etc. Portrait of Gen. Gates, and Map, paper, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1859 l66 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4097 Orderly Book (The) of that portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, March i8-Aug. 28, 1776. With Notes, etc. by Charles Campbell,//, xi, 100, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. sm. 4 Richmond, Va., Privately Printed, 1860 " Historical Documents from the Old Dominion. No. i. 100 copies, 8. 10 copies, 4" 4098 OTIS (James) Life, by William Tudor, portrait and 2 other engravings, calf gilt, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1823 4099 [PAINE (Thos.)] Common Sense : addressed to the Inhabitants of America; written by an Englishman, half mor. 8 Phila.; repr. Boston, 1776 4100 -- Additions to Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, //. 47, half mor. 8 Philadelphia; repr. London, J. Almon, 1776 With these "Additions," Paine had nothing to do. The pamphlet was made up by Robert Bell, the original publisher, after his quarrel with Paine, to be bound with the Third Edition of " Common Sense," with Paine s own Additions and "Appendix." The publication was a device to help the sale of Bell s edition against the one printed about the same time by W. and T. Bradford, who had become Paine s publishers. 4101 [PAINE (Thomas)] Common Sense. Phila., Repr. New York, J. Anderson, [1776] The same. Repr. Norwich, 1776 Large Addi tions to Common Sense. Repr. Newport, 1776 Common Sense; with the whole Appendix : and the large Additions. Phila., R. Bell, 1776 The same, uncut. Phila., W. 6- T. Bradford, [1776] [Dalrymple (Sir J.) Rights of Gr. Britain asserted. Glasgow, 1776; The same. Phila., 1776 [Cartwright (John)] American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Gr. Britain. Phila., 1776 Burke (E.) Speech on American Taxation, uncut, London, 1775 [Paine] Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery. . and an American Delegate. Phila., R. Bell, 1776. 9 in i vol., half blue morocco (Roxburgh?). 8 4102 Paine (Thos.) The Writings of Thomas Paine, (pp. 517,) sheep, good copy, unused. 8 Albany, C. R. &> G. Webster, [1791-92] Contains Rights of Man, Common Sense, The Crisis, Public Good, Letter to the Abbe Raynal, and Letters to the Earl of Sherburne, Sir Guy Carlton, the Authors of " The Republican," and the Abbe Sieyes. VERY SCARCE. 4103 Political Writings of Thomas Paine; with a brief Sketch of the Author s Life, portrait. 2 vols., half green morocco, gilt. 8 New York, Geo. H. Evans, 1835 4104 Letter to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America, hf. mor. neat, uncut. Philadelphia: repr. London, 1782 The same. Repr. Boston, 1782. (2 vols.) 8 4105 -- The Crisis, half cloth. 8 Granville, Middletown, N. ?., 1839 4106 [PEMBERTON (Thomas)] Historical Journal of the American War, Extracted from the publications of the Massachusetts His torical Society,//. 206, sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, Apollo Press, Jos. Belknap, 1795 4107 PERRY (D.) Life of Captain David Perry, a Soldier of the French and Revolutionary Wars ; written by Himself, //. 55, scarce. 12 Windsor, Vt., 1822 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. l6/ 4108 Plain Truth; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Con taining Remarks on a Late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense ; Wherein are shown, that the Scheme of Independence is Ruinous, Delusive, and Impracticable, etc. By Candidus.//. 84, half mor. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1776 The original edition. SCARCE. It was reprinted in London and Dublin, and, as Dr. Pan- fancied, " produced a -wonderful effect throughout America and England." 4109 (Pownall.) A Translation of the Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe upon the Present State of Affairs between the Old and the New World, into Common Sense and intelligible English,//. 45, half mor. neat. 8 London, J. Stockdale, 1781 The author finds in the "Memorial" (which was attributed to Governor Pownall) "so many quaint words, and dark expressions, intermixed with so many good thoughts and so much knowledge of America, that it seems -worth translating" into intelligible English. Gov. Pownall was not grateful ; declaring that his ideas had been entirely misrepresented by his translator. See RICH, 1781, no. 14. 4110 PRICE (Richard) Two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the War with America, and the Debts and Finances of the Kingdom, with Intro duction and Supplement, pp. xxx, ii2,xiv, 216, and folded Table, old calf gilt. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1778 4111 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World, half roan. 8 London, T. Cadell, 1785 4112 (Privateers.) Extracts from the Journals of Congress relative to the Capture and Condemnation of Prizes, and the Fitting out of Privateers ; with Rules and Regulations of the Navy, etc., pp. 45 Extract uitde Dag-Registers van het Noord-Amerikaansche Congres, Betrekkelyk tot het neemen en verbeurdverklaaren van Scheeps- Pryzen en het uitrusten van Kaapers ; etc., //. 48, hf. mor. neat. (2 vols.) 8 Philadelphia, J. Dunlap, 1777 4113 Prospect (A) of the Consequences of the present Conduct of Great Britain towards America,//. 98, half sheep. 8 London, J. Almon, 1776 4114 (Pulaski.) Count Pulaski Vindicated from an Unsupported Charge in Judge Johnson s Life of General N. Greene. [By Paul Bentalou,] //. 34, iii, hf. bound, VERY SCARCE. 8 Baltimore, 1824 4115 BENTALOU (Paul) A Reply to Judge Johnson s Remarks in the N. A. Review, relating to Count Pulaski,//. 41, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Baltimore, 1826 4116 PULTENEY (W.) Considerations on the present State of Public Affairs, and the Means of Raising the Necessary Supplies,//). 52, half mor. 8 London, 1779 4117 QUINCY (Josiah) Jun. Memoir of the Life of; by his son, Josiah Quincy, //. viii, 498, paneled calf, beveled boards, gilt back and edges. 8 Boston, 1825 An ELEGANT COPY, with a manuscript presentation to "The Right Honorable T. B. Macaulay," May n, 1852. 4118 RAMSAY (David) The History of the Revolution of South Caro lina, from a British Province to an Independent State, engraved maps and plans. 2 vols., old calf . 8 Trenton, Is. Collins, 1785 JOHN HANCOCK S copy, with his AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION (to John Avery) on the title-page of each volume. See, also, No. 3884, another copy. 1 68 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4119 The same work. Vol. I. only, sheep. 8 Trenton, Is. Collins, 1785 JONATHAN EDWARDS S copy, with his autograph, "A present from the Author, 1786." 4120 RAMSAY (D.) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols., old calf. 8 Phila., R. Aitken &> Son, 1789 Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth s (subscription) copy, with his autograph. 4121 The same. A new edition. 2 vols., old calf . 8 London, J. Stockdale, 1793 4122 -- The same. 2 vols. 8 Trenton, J. J. Wilson, 1811 4123 RAYNAL (Abbe) The Revolution of America. New Edition,//, vi, 191. 12 Edinburgh, 1783 4124 RECUEIL D ESTAMPES representat les differents Evenemens de la Guerre qui a procure PIndependence aux Etats unis de PAme- rique, russia (joints broken). obi. folio, Paris chez M. Ponce, Graveur de M. Comte d Artois, et chez M. Godefroy, Graveur de Sa Majeste Imperiale, n. d. Fourteen fine plates representing scenes in the -War with Great Britain, engraved by N. Ponce and F. Godefroy, from the drawings by Fauvel, Le Paon, Le Barbier, and others. Some copies have two maps (numbered as plates 14 and 15) which are not in this copy. The plates are, as usual, slightly foxed, chiefly in the margins. 4125 REED (Joseph) Life and Correspondence ; by his grandson, Wm. B. Reed, Portrait. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1847 4126 RIEDESEL (Baroness) Die Berufs-Reise nach America. Brief e der Generalin von Riedesel auf dieser Reise und wahrend ihres sechs- jahrigen Aufenthalts in America, zur Zeit des dortigen Krieges., 1776 bis 1783, geschrieben. 2te Auflage, pp. 352, uncut. 12 Berlin, 1801 4127 ROBIN (Abbe) Nouveau Voyage dans PAmerique Septentrionale en I anne e 1781 ; et Campagne de Parmee de M. le Comte de Rochambeau, //. ix, 222. 8 A Philadelphe {Paris, Moutard^\ 1782 The ORIGINAL EDITION of the Abbe Robin s New Travels in North America, of which a translation was printed the next year in Philadelphia. VERY SCARCE. 4128 -- New Travels through North America, with a History of the Campaign of 1781, and other particulars of the War in America, pp. 95, half mor., gilt top, nearly uncut. 8 Boston, 1784 4129 [ROBINSON (Matthew)] Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America,//. 64, hf. roan. 8 London; repr. Boston, Edes d^ Gill, 1774 4130 [ ] A Further Examination of our present American Measures, and of the Reasons and Principles on which they are founded, //. 256, half mor., neat. 8 Bath, R. Cruttwell, 1776 4131 - - Peace the best Policy: or Reflections upon the Appearance of a Foreign War, the Present State of Affairs at Home, and the Commission for granting Pardons in America. 2d edition, corrected, // 59? V- mor., neat. 8 London, J. Almon, 1777 4132 ROCHAMBEAU (Marshal Count de) Memoirs of, relative to the War of Independence of the United States. Extracted and trans lated from the French, by M. W. E. Wright. Portrait inserted, pp. (4), 114, half brown morocco extra, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Paris, 1838 With AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION by the Comtesse d Ambrugeac, nee Rochambeau, to " Monsieur Pontois, Ministre Plenipotentiaire aux Etats Unis." THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 169 4.133 SABINE (Lorenzo) Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. 2 vols. doth. 8 Boston, 1864 4134 SAGITTARIUS S Letters and Political Speculations, extracted from the Public Ledger ; inscribed to the very loyal and truly pious Dr. Samuel Cooper, pastor of the Congregational Church in Brattle Street, blue calf gilt, uncut. 8 Boston, 1775 Attributed to John Mein, a Scotchman, who had been publisher of the Boston Chronicle, 1767-69. The volume was "printed by order of the Select Men, and sold at Donation Hall, for the Benefit of the Distressed Patriots." 4.135 ST. CLAIR (Gen. Arthur) Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at White Plains, N. Y., for the Trial of Major Gen. St. Clair, Aug. 25, 1778, pp. 52, with engraved map. io\\o,Phila., Hall and Sellers, 1778 LARGE, CLEAN, and VERY FINE copy, nearly uncut. "One of the RAREST of the series of Revolutionary trials, with the RARE FOLDED PLAN. We are unable to trace the sale of more than one copy." SABIN, Menztes Cata logue, no. 1741. (Mr. Menzies s copy brought $65.) 4.136 [SAMPSON (DEBORAH)] The Female Review : or, Memoirs of an American young Lady ; whose Life and Character are peculiarly distinguished being a Continental Soldier, for nearly Three Years in the late American War, etc. With an Appendix ... By a Citizen of Massachusetts [Herman Mann],//. 258 (7). Two copies. 12 Dedham, N. and B. Heaton,for the Author, 1797 Neither copy is quite perfect, but in Ihe hands of a good binder, one very fine copy can be made from the two. One wants the portrait, has lost a bit of one leaf (pp. 21, 22), and part of the last leaf of subscribers names ; but is, in other respects, the preferable copy. The other is larger, has a good impression of the PORTRAIT, though it needs mending and mounting, and has the additional leafoi subscribers names : but several leaves are injured, more or less, and the volume shows marks of having been much used. 4137 SAMPSON. The Female Review: the Life of Deborah Sampson, the Female Soldier in the War of the Revolution ; with Introduc tion and Notes by J. A. Vinton, portrait, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, Wiggin 6 Lunt, 1866 .4138 SANDERSON (John) Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, Portraits. 9 vols., half calf. 8 Philadelphia, Jos. M. Sanderson, 1820-1827 See Signers to the Declaration of Independence, Nos. 4144, 4145. 4139 - - Sanderson s Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Revised and edited by Robert T. Conrad . . Illus trated with 60 Engravings from original Photographs and Drawings of the Residences of the Signers, etc., on India Paper, mounted, etc. Collected and prepared by Wm. Brotherhead. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY COPIES PRINTED, //. 834, UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, Wm. Brotherhead, 1865 Subscription Copy, No. XIV. 4140 SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY. Publications, comprising the following works, 4 vols., hf. mor. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1855-57 1. Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane. 2. The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by a Committee of the House of Commons. Edited by T. Balch. 3. Papers relating to Public Events in Massachusetts, preceding the American Revo lution. 4. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line, during the Revolution. Edited by T. Balch. A complete set of these publications, now VERY SCARCE. 22 I/O THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4141 SHELDON. Proceedings of a Court Martial on the Tryal of Col. Elisha Sheldon, at Fish-kill, Oct. 25, 1780. Hartford, 1780 General Orders for holding a Court Martial for the Trial of Col. David HENLEY, and Proceedings on the Trial, Jan. 20, 1778, title wanting, \Boston, 1778.] Two VERY SCARCE Trials, in i vol., half vellum, gilt, both UNCUT. 12 4142 SHERBURNE (Andrew) a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolu tion ; Memoirs of, written by Himself, sheep. 12 Utica, Wm. Williams, 1828 4143 The same. 2 d edition, enlarged sheep. 12 Providence, H. H. Brown, 1831 Signers to the Declaration. See SANDERSON, Nos. 4138, 4139. 4144 -- GOODRICH (Chas. A.) Lives of the Signers to the Declara tion of Independence, frontispiece, pp. 460, sheep. 8 New York, and Hartford, 1829 4145 -- JUDSON (L. Carroll) A Biography of the Signers, etc. and of Washington and Patrick Henry ; with an Appendix, containing the Constitution of the U. States, etc.,//. 354, boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 4146 SIMCOE (Lieut. Col. J. G.) A Journal of Operations of [a Parti san Corps, called] the Queen s Rangers [commanded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Simcoe,] in the American Revolution, with a Memoir, Nine engravings, boards, uncut. 8 New York, Bartlett 6 Welford, 1844 4147 [SHIPLEY (Jon.) Bp. of St. Asapti\ Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusett s Bay. London, T. Cadell, 1774 Another copy, larger margin Another edition. London, Goadby and Berry [1774]. 3 vols., half mor. neat. sm. 8 4148 SKINNER (Israel) M.D. A History of the Revolutionary War, IN VERSE, //. 243, i, half bound. 12 Binghampton, N. Y., 1829 A nice unused copy of this SCARCE and curious volume. "Attentive reader, ere thou dost proceed, Consider what thou art about to read. This martial dissertation is designed To aid the crescent virtues of mankind ; The juvenile sensorium to excite In ways of rectitude to take delight," etc. 4149 SLOCUM (J.) An Authentic Narrative of the Life of Joshua Slocum, containing a succinct Account of his Revolutionary Ser vices, etc.,//. 105, cuts, half bound. 12 Hartford, 1844 4150 - - The same, uncut. 12 Hartford, 1844 4151 SMITH (Charles) The American War, from 1775 to 1783, with engraved plans, View of Quebec, and a portrait of Washington (en graved by Tisdale), sheep. 8 New York, for C. Smith, 1797 In a note on "this EXTREMELY RARE work" (in the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1841), Mr. Sabin says : " We have never seen another copy." 4152 SMITH (Horace W.) Nuts for future Historians to Crack ; con taining the Cadwallader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, etc., //. 90, half mor. uncut. large 8 Phila., 1856 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. I/I 4153 SMITH (Wm.) D.D. A Sermon on the present Situation of American Affairs, preached in Christ Church, June 23, 1775, at the request of the Officers of the Third Battalion, half bound. 8 Phila.; repr. London, E. and C. Dilly, 1775 4154 SNOWDEN (R.) The American Revolution ; written in Scriptural, or, Ancient Historical style. The Columbiad ; or a Poem on the American War, in thirteen cantos. Two in one vol. pp. 360, 44, sheep. 12 Baltimore, W. Pechin, n. d. 4155 SOULES (Francois) Histoire des Troubles de PAmerique An- glaise ; awe des Cartes. 4 vols., hf. green vellum. 8 Paris, Buisson, 1787 4156 SPARKS. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revo lution. Edited by Jared Sparks. 12 vols., law sheep. 8 Boston 6* N. York, 1829, 1830 4157 STEDMAN (C.) The History of the origin, progress, and termina tion of the American War. By C. Stedman, who served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwallis. 2 vols., 15 large and fine military maps and plans, tree calf, gilt. 4 London, for the Author, 1794 A VERY LARGE and FINE COPY. There are some slight water-stains on the margin of the Maps in the first volume. An AUTOGRAPH LETTER of JAMES RIVINGTON, the royalist printer and bookseller, to John Pintard Esq., is inserted : " Mr. Rivington s respects wait on Mr. Pintard ; having received one (the only) copy of the best history of the American war, far surpassing all preceding it in Excellence of Diction, unexampled Candour, &c. as will be found from The British Critick (the best Review extant) for the month of December last, has sent it as a most valuable work with the superior advantage of fifteen excellent plates describing the battles, sieges, encamp ments &c. &c. during the several Campaigns of which it consisted, and trusts it will prove a valuable addition to Mr. P. s Library. Aug. 7. 1795." 4158 STUART (I. W.) Life of Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy. With Illustrations,/^. 230, i, cloth. (With the Author s autograph pre sentation.) 12 Hartford, 1856 4159 SULLIVAN S Campaign (Notices of); or the Revolutionary War fare in Western New York, cloth, SCARCE. 1 6 Rochester, Wm. Ailing, 1842 4160 THACHER (James) M.D. A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, . . Added, An Appendix, containing Biographical Sketches of General Officers,//. 603, new halfmor. (Roxburgh*), UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1823 4161 A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783. Second edition, revised and corrected,//. 487, grosgrain levant red morocco extra, paneled sides, top gilt (Pratt), UNCUT. r. 8 Boston, Cottons 6 Barnard, 1827 4162 [TICKELL (Rich.)] Anticipation : containing the Substance of His M y s Speech, on the Opening of the approaching Session. 9th ed. corrected, half mor. neat. 8 London, T. Becket, 1778 " Chalmers, speaking of Tickell, says, That which raised him to immediate celebrity was his admirable political pamphlet, called Anticipation ; in which, with the most success ful humour, he imitated the manner of the principal speakers in Parliament, and defeated the arguments of the opposition by pre-occupying them. " [For the ;th edition (1778), and "La Cassette Verte de M. de Sartine," etc., with its translation, "The Green Box," etc. (1779), by the same writer, see COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS (No. 4180), vols. 13, 15.] 1/2 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4163 The True Sentiments of America, contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to several Persons of high Rank in this Kingdom ; together with certain Papers relating to a Supposed Libel on the Governor of that Province, and a Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law. pp. 158, calf, RARE. 8 London, for I. Almon, 1768 "In Col. Aspinwall s catalogue," says RICH, "this pamphlet is stated to have been written by Thomas Hollis;" and the note has led a good many catalogue-makers into error. The book was undoubtedly printed for Hollis, or at his instance. The volume contains the Massachusetts Petition to the King, of Jan. 20, 1768; with the Letters of the House of Representatives to the Earl of Shelburne, Gen. Conway, Lord Camden. the Earl of Chatham, and others most of which were written by Samuel Adams ; the "supposed libel" on Gov. Bernard, by "A True Patriot" [Joseph Warren] in the Boston Gazette, and the proceedings relating to it ; and John Adams s " Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law," reprinted from the Gazette, and here attributed to Jeremy Gridley. 4164 TUCKER (Josiah) An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal.. Whether a Connection with, or Separation from the Continental Colonies of America, be most for the National Advantage, etc.,//. 93, hf. mor. 8 Glocester\EngI\ R. Raikes, 1775 4165 Tract V. The respective Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country and of the Colonies distinctly set forth, //. 51, half mor., uncut. 8 Glocester, R. Raikes, 1775 4166 Cui Bono? or, an Inquiry what Benefit can arise, from the greatest Victories in the present War ; being a Series of Letters to Mons. Necker. 3d edition, half mor, 8 London, T. Cadell, 1782 4167 TUCKER QOSIAH) Tracts : I. Tracts on Political and Commer cial Subjects, 3d edition. II. Treatise on Civil Government. III. Answers to Popular Objections against separating from the Rebellious Colonies ; Cui Bono ? ; A Plan of Pacification ; Letters to the Earl of Shelburne ; and others. 3 vols., half calf. 8 Glocester [Eng.], 1776-83 4168 WARREN (Gen. Joseph) Biographical Sketch of; by a Bostonian, Portrait, pp. 85. 12 Boston, 1857 4169 WARREN (Mrs. Mercy) History of the American Revolution. 3 vols., sheep, FINE COPY, unused. 8 Boston, E. Larkin, 1805 4170 WARS (The) OF AMERICA: or a General History of all the Im portant Tragic Events that have occurred in the United States, since the Discovery . . by Columbus. By a Revolutionary Soldier; pp. 464, half cloth. 12 Baltimore, Hazard and Bloomer, 1839 A remarkable work! not less CURIOUS than RARE. The author has endeavored to " portray, in detail, the various scenes, . . in a poetical narration, illustrated in prose, moralized and brought home to the senses of all, from the aged to the youth." The greater part of the volume is devoted to the Revolution, beginning at page 153. 4171 WILLETT (Col. Marinus) Narrative of his Military Actions, taken chiefly from his own Manuscript ; Prepared by his son, W. M. Willett, portrait, pp. 162, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1831 4172 WILLIAMS (Sam.) History of the American Revolution, intended as a Reading book for Schools. Stoni?igton, Conn., 1826 The same, i3th edition. New Haven, 1831. (2 vols.) 12 4173 Tracts: 1774. Sharp (Granville) Declaration of the People s Natural Right to a share in the Legislature. Repr. N. York, J. Holt, 1774 Considerations on the Mode and Terms of a Treaty of THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1/3 Peace with America. Hartford, repr. 1779 Treaties of Amity and Commerce and of Alliance between [France] and the U. S. Repr. Hartford, 1779 [Shipley (J.)] Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of Mass. London, 1774 Address to Protestant Dissenters .. with respect to. . American Affairs. Repr. Phila., 1774 Extract from Votes and Proceedings of Congress, Sept. 5, 1774. Boston, repr. 1774 [Robinson (M.)], Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the Colonies. Boston, repr. 1774 The same, 5th edition. Boston, 1774. Address to Protestant Dissenters [etc., as above\. London, 1774. [Witherspoon (Dr. J.)] Considerations on the Nature and Extent of Legislative Authority of Parliament. Phila., 1774 Extracts from Votes and Proceedings of Congress. Repr. Boston, J. Boyle, 1774 [Evans (Rev. Caleb) ? ] Americanus examined; by a Penn- sylvanian. Phila., 1774 [Shipley (Bp. J.)] Speech intended to have been spoken, etc. N. Y. repr. 1774 Lettre Addressee aux Habitans de la Province de Quebec, de la part du Congres Cent ral. Phila., 1774, RARE. Extracts from Votes and Proceedings, etc. New London, 1774 Q,uincy (Jos.) jr. Observations on . . the Boston Port-Bill, etc. Boston, 1774 Address to Protestant Dis senters [etc., as above~\. Boston, repr., 1774 Extracts from Votes and Proceedings, etc. Newport, repr. 1774. 18 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 4174 Tracts : 1774-1783. [Allen (John)J Oration on the Beauties of Liberty, Dec. 3, 1772. By a British Bostonian, Repr. Hartford, 1774 Banks (Henry) A Memorial to Congress, relating to Revol. Events. Frankfort, Ky., 1827 Treaties of Amity, Commerce and Alliance betw. [France] and the U. S. Norwich, 1779 Cunning ham (Letitia) Case of the Whigs who loaned money on the public faith, fairly stated. Phila. 1783 [Galloway (Jos.)] Letters to a Nobleman on the conduct of the War. Lond., 1779. Cadwalader (John) To the Public ; [relative to conduct of S. Chase, charged with breach of trust, while a Member of Congress, in 1778,] pp. 24, n. t. p., VERY SCARCE. A Few Remarks upon some of the Votes of Con. Congress, etc.; by a Friend to Peace and Good Order, n.p. 1775 Extract from Votes, etc., of Cont. Congress. Norwich, repr. 1774 Adams (John) [Twenty Six] Letters [to Dr. Calkoen] re specting the Revolution of America. N. Y. 1789* [Shipley, Bp. of St. Asaph.~\ Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of Mass. Bay. Hartford, repr. 1774 Ross (Zeph.) An Oration upon the gloomy Aspects of the Times, at Attleboro , Mass. Nov. 2, 1774. Springfield. 1795 Crisis (The) ; Nos. I. VI. London; repr. Hartford, 1775 ; The same, No. I. N. Lond., repr. n. d.-, The same, Nos. II. VI. Norwich, repr., n. d. [1775] Address and Recommendations to the States, by the U. S. in Congress assembled. Boston, repr., 1783 Treaties of Amity and Alliance between [France] and the U. S. Hartf. 1779 Dissertation on the Political Union and Constitution of the thirteen United States. Hartf. repr., 1783 [Paine (T.)] The Amer ican Crisis, No. V., Addressed to Gen. Sir Wm. Howe. Hartf., repr., 1778. 23 SCARCE TRACTS in i vol. new half mor., all but two UNCUT. 12 * Three editions of the Letters to Dr. Calkoen, will be found in this Catalogue. The THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. First (No. 3931 ) was PRIVATELY PRINTED, in London in 1786, and is EXTREMELY RARE. It is unnoticed by Rich, or by Sabin. The Second was " Printed for the Sub scribers" (pp. (i), 89, n. p., n. d.,) in New York, in 1789, by John Fenno, but was not published: though the caution against publication, which Mr. Adams had given, in the prefixed "Advertisement," was omitted. The THIRD edition the one contained in this volume has, in the Title, in place of " Printed for the Subscribers," the words : " Never before Published"; and the imprint is: " New York, Printed by John Fenno, at his Office, No. 9. Maiden Lane, 1789" (//. 64). This copy, which is clean and uncut, has lost an inch from the head of the title, taking a line ("Twenty Six") and some letters of the second line ("Letters"). A copy of the VERY RARE second (privately printed) edition is laid in the -volume. 4175 Tracts: 1775-1777. [Galloway (Jos.)] Candid Examination of the mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, with A Plan of Accommodation. N. Y. J. Rivington, 1775 [Leonard (Daniel)] The Origin of the American Contest, or Present Political State of Massachusetts Bay etc. . . Published under the signature of Massa- ehusettensis. N. York, J. Rivington, 1775 Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies, setting forth the Causes of their taking up Arms. Watertown, repr. 1775. [Lee (Chas.)] Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled "A Friendly Address" etc., 2d edition, (with autograph of Rev. Dr. B. Trumbull^) N. London, repr. 1775 - Lee (Charles) Letter to Gen. Burgoyne, with Gen. Bur- goyne s Answer, and a Letter from Gen. Lee declining an Interview. Boston, 1775, VERY RARE. America s Appeal to the Impartial World. Hartford, 1775 Few Remarks on some of the Votes and Resolutions of the Contin. Congress. By a Friend to Peace and Good Order, n. p. 1775 Extracts from Records qf Prov. Congress at Cambridge, Oct.-Dec. 1774; also of the Congress at Cambridge, Feb. 1775. Boston, 1775 Considerations on Mode and Terms of a Treaty of Peace with America. London, 1778 ; repr. Hartford, 1779 Extracts from Proceedings of Contin. Congress at Phila. May-Aug. 1775, pp. 192. N. Y. 1775 Smith (Wm.) Sermon on present Situation of American Affairs. Phila. 1775 Address to Inhabitants of Penn. by those Freemen who are con fined in the Masons Lodge, on a warrant signed by the Vice Pres. of the Council of Penn. Phila. 1777. 12 in i vol. new half mor. (Roxburghe), several of which are RARE ; all but two, UNCUT, sm. 8 4176 Tracts: 1776-1779. Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Plain Truths. By Rusticus [John Dickinson?] Phila. 1776 [Paine (T.)] Common Sense, with the Appendix. Norwich, repr. n. d. [1776]. - The same. London, 1793; The same. Newburyport, 1776 Price (R.) Observations on Civil Liberty, etc. Phila., repr. [1776] -Large Additions to Common Sense. Phila., R. Bell, 1776 Rise and Continuance of Substitutes in the Continental Army. Phila., 1777; very scarce. Burgoyne (Gen. J.) Letter to his Constituents upon his Resignation. 5th ed. London, 1779 Ob servations on the American Revolution, published by a Committee of Congress, pp. 122. Phila. 1779 Resolves of Congress con cerning Trade ; with Act establishing a Naval Office in Massa chusetts. Boston, 1777. 10 in i vol. new half mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 8 4177 Tracts: 1778-1780. [Galloway (Jos.)] Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 2d ed., Engraved Plan, pp. 101, Lond. 1779 ; and additional pages (102-1 1 8), THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 175 in elegant manuscript Lettre d un Officier de 1 armee Navale de France, a M. 1 Amiral Keppel . . Avec le Plan figure des Evolu tions, au combat d Ouessant. Brest, 1778 [Mauduit (Isr.)] Strictures on the Philadelphia MISCHIANZA or Triumph upon leaving America Unconquered, //. 42. Lond. 1779 [Mauduit (Isr.)] Remarks upon Gen. Howe s Account of his Proceedings on LONG ISLAND, pp. 54, title mounted. Lond. 1778 [Galloway (J.)] A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord H e, on his Naval Conduct, pp. 50. Lond. 1779 [Galloway] Observations on the Conduct of Sir W m H e at the WHITE PLAINS, 1776. Map, pp. 44. Lond. 1779 [Galloway] Three Letters to Lord Viscount Howe. With Remarks on Attack at BUNKER S HILL. 26. ed.,//. 48. Lond. 1781 Letter to the Earl of Chatham concerning his motion in the Ho. of Lords, May 30. Lond. 1777. 8 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 4178 Tracts: 1782-1784. Deane (Silas) Address to the Citizens of the U. States. Hartford, 1784 Price (Rich.) Observations on the Importance of the Am. Revolution, Lond. 1784; The same, Repr. Boston, 1784 Raynal (Abbe) The Revolution in America. Salem, 1782 Remarks on "A Dissertation on the Polit. Union and Constitution of the United Colonies." By a Conn. Farmer. n. p. 1784 Adams (John) A Collection of State Papers, relative to the first Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States, etc., pp. 96. At the Hague, 1782 : [Privately printed. SCARCE. See No. 3931.] Address and Recommendations to the States, by the U. States in Congress. Repr. Hartford, 1783 ; with an Appen dix, cont g a Report respecting the Pub. Accounts of Connecticut. Very Scarce. An Address to the People of Gr. Britain, on the Independence of America, pp. 112. London, 1783 Directions to Am. Loyalists [in England], to enable them to State their Cases, by way of Memorial. By a Loyalist,/^. 52. Lond. 1783 [Cham pion (Hich.)] Considerations on the present Situation of Gr. Britain and the U. States ; with a view to their future Commercial Rela tions, pp. 157. Lond., 1784. 10 in i vol., several VERY SCARCE; nearly all UNCUT, new half morocco (Roxburghe). 8 4179 Tracts. A Plea for the Poor Soldiers; or an Essay to demon strate that the Soldiers and other Public Creditors . . have not been paid ! ought to be paid ! can be paid ! and MUST BE PAID ! By a Citizen of Philadelphia,//. 33. N. Haven, repr., 1790 Frisbie (Levi) Oration, at Ipswich, 291)1 April, 1783, on the Restoration of Peace, //. 24. Boston, 1783 A Collection of Papers rel. to Half Pay and Commutation, etc. With a Circular Letter from Gen, Washington to the several Legislatures, //. 24. Boston, 1783 The Manual Exercise, as ordered by His Majesty in 1764: with Plans and Explanations, etc., 2 engraved Plans, pp. 40. Boston, n. d. Address and Recommendations to the States by the U. States. Hartf., repr. 1783 ; with Report of Comm. of Pay-Table, resp. the Pub. Acco ts of Connecticut Fiske (Nathan) Oration at Brook- field, Nov. 14, 1781, on the Capture of Lord Cornwallis and his whole Army. Boston, n. d. [1781] Observations sur la prise du navire Americain, la Juliana, Capitaine Haiward, allant k Breme, 1/ THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. par le corsaire 1 Esperance. Havre, 1797 Edm. Burke s Speech on Am. Taxation, Apr. 19, 1774 Rights of the English Colonies in America stated and defended. London, 1774 The Speech of a General Officer [Burgoyne] in the House of Common, Feb. 20, 1775, n. p. \Lond. 1775] America Pois d in the Balance of Jus tice. Ornamented with an Elegiac Frontispiece and a Reconciliatory Tail-Piece . . By P-oplicola H-istoricus. Two fine Engravings. London, for the Author, n. d. [1776] Petition of Mr. Bollan, Agent for Massachusetts, to the King in Council, Jan. 26, 1774. Published with Illustrations, etc. London, 1774. 1 1 in i vol., nearly all UNCUT ; all except the first, in quarto ; half blue morocco {Roxburghe}. 4 4180 A COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS relating to the American Revolu tion, printed in Great Britain, 1774-1784 (chronologically arranged); comprising 120 select pamphlets, many of which are VERY SCARCE, bound in 20 vols., half morocco gilt, gilt tops, mostly UNCUT. This valuable collection (known as "The Vernon Collection") including many impor tant pamphlets by anti-American writers and in support of ministerial measures, makes an invaluable supplement to Almon s Remembrancer. 4181 Pamphlets. 1750-1766: (8) [Kennedy (Arch.)] Observations on the Importance of the Northern Colonies. N. York, J. Parker, 1750 Letter to two Great Men [the Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Pitt,] on the prospect of Peace. Repr. Boston, B. Mecom, 1760 Remarks on the Letter to two Great Men. Repr. Boston, 1760 Reasons for not restoring Guadaloupe, at a Peace, in reply to . . Letter to two Great Men. London, 1760 [Franklin (B.)] The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies. Repr. Boston, B. Mecom, 1760 [Otis (J.)] Rights of the British Colonies asserted and Proved. Bost. 1764 INGERSOLL (J.) Letters relating to the Stamp Act. Title imperfect; the imprint in manuscript. JV. Haven, 1766 Some Reasons that influenced the Governor [of Conn.] to take . . the Oath required by the Stamp Act, etc. Hartford, 1766 4182 Pamphlets (8) 1767-1770: Chauncy (C.) Letter, containing Remarks on the Bishop of LlandafF s Sermon before the Soc. for Propagation of the Gospel. Bost. 1767 Livingston (W.) Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff, occasioned by his Sermon. Boston, 1768 [Dickinson (J.)] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania. Bost. 1768. Freeholder s Political Catechism (2 copies). London; repr.N. London, 1769. Observations on Several Acts of Parliament, etc., Published by the Merchants of Boston. 4 Boston, 1769 [Adams (Samuel)] Appeal to the World ; or a Vindication of the Town of Boston. Boston, 1769 [Murray (J.)] Sermons to Asses. 12 n. p. 1768 -The same, 5th edition. Phila., 1770 4183 Pamphlets (7) 1770-1774. Trial of the British Soldiers, 1770, pp. 120, stained. Bost., 1807 A FAN FOR FANNING and a Touchstone for Tryon. An Account of the Regulation in No. Carolina,//. 64 (Nos. I-VIII.) RARE. Bost., I77 1 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. MATHER (S.) America known to the Ancients. With an Appendix concerning the American Colonies, etc. Boston, 1773 Hutchinson (Gov. T.) Speeches, with the Answers of the Council and House of Representatives,//. 126. Boston, 1773 Dissertation on the Rise, Progress, &c., of the Parties of Whigs and Tories. Boston, 1773 [Robinson (Matt.)] Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America. 4th ed. Boston, repr. 1774 [Dickinson (John)] Essay on the Constitutional Power of Gr. Britain over the Colonies, (With the Perm. Resolves and Instructions,) pp. 127, (i). Phila. 1774 (.184 Pamphlets (7). 1774. A Faithful Account of the Transactions relating to a late Affair of Honour between J. Temple and W. Whately, Esqrs., containing a par ticular History of that unhappy Quarrel, pp. 38, RARE. London, 1774 [WILKINS (Is.)] The Congress Canvassed ; or an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates, c. By A. W. Farmer, n. /. p. [N. York, J. Rivington.~\ [Chauncy (C.)] Letter to a Friend, giving a concise &c. Representation of the Sufferings of the Town of Boston. By T. W. Boston. Quincy (Jos.) Observations on the Boston Post Bill. Boston. Somers (Lord].} Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations concern ing the Rights &c. of Kings, and the Rights, Privileges &c. of the Peo ple. 1 2th ed. Newport, repr. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Congress, at Philadelphia. Hartford. A Few Remarks upon some of the Votes and Proceedings of the Cont. Congress at Philadelphia, in September, and the Provincial Con gress, at Cambridge, Nov. 1774. By a Friend to Peace and good Order. n. p. Printed for the Purchasers, 1775 4185 Pamphlets (8). 1775-76. [Lee (Charles)] Strictures on a " Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans," pp. 20, unciit. Boston, repr. 1775 What think ye of the Congress Now? pp. 48, uncut. N. Y., J. Rivington, 1775 A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Auchmuty (signed, C. J.), pp. 8. America, 1775 The Far mer Refuted. . In Answer to a Letter from A. W. Fanner, entitled A View of the Controversy, etc., wants after p. 72, unciit. N. Y., J. Riving ton, 1775 Address of the Convention of N. York to their Constituents. Fishkill; repr. Norwich, [1776] Plain Truth ; . . Containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense. By Candidus Additions to Plain Truth . . containing further remarks on " Common Sense ; "pp. 136 ; [between the two parts is sandwiched, the Address of Congress To the Inhabitants of Quebec, 1774, not paged.] Phila., Rob. Bell, 1776. 4186 Pamphlets. The Battle of Bunker Hill. (10) Dearborn (H. A. S.) Account of the Battle ; with Col. Daniel Putnam s Letter. Boston, 1818 [Child (D. L.)] Inquiry into the conduct of Gen. Putnam. Boston, 1819 Bradford (A.) Complete and authentic History. Boston, 1825 [ ] Particular Account of the Battle. Boston, 1825 Webster (D.) Address at Laying the Corner-stone of Bunker-Hill Monument. 5th ed. Boston, 1825 Swett (S.) Notes to his Sketch of the Battle. Bost., 1825 - Who was the Commander at Bunker- Hill ? Bost., 1850 2 3 178 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Emmons (W.; Oration on the Battle. Boston, 1827 Ellis (Geo. E.) Oration in Commemoration of the Battle. Boston, 1841 Frothingham (R.) The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill. With a Reply to S. Swett. Bost. 1850 4187 Pamphlets. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774, pp. 144. Philadelphia, Wm.and Thomas Bradford, 1774. [The rare ORIGINAL EDITION, with the emblematical device on the title, twelve hands sustaining a column resting on Magna Charta and surmounted by the cap of Liberty. An autograph and an obituary notice of Thos. Bradford, inserted.] The Congress Canvassed . . By A. W. Farmer, pp. 28, uncut, n. p. \_New York, J. Rivington^\ 1774 A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress . . In Answer to . . A. W. Farmer. [By Alex. Hamilton.] pp. 35. N. Y., J. Rivington, 1774 A Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans. [By Myles Cooper.] New York \_y. Rivington\, 1774 Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati, etc. By Cassius [^Edanus Burke], pp. 33, uncut (the original edition). Charleston, A. Timothy, 1783 Animadver sions on the Political Part of [Beloe s] Preface to Bellendenus, pp. 49. London, J. Debrett, 1788 An Address to the Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the Abolition of the Bank of N. America, pp. 25, uncut. Phila., 1785 Clarkson (Matt.) Address to Citizens of Philadelphia, on the better Government of Youth. Phila., 1795 Observations on the River Potomack . . and the City of Washing ton. [By Andrew Ellicott ; RARE.] Neiv York, 1794 Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton. . With Appendix. 2d Edition,//. 115. London, y. Debrett, 1783. Ten VERY SCARCE tracts, all fine copies, in i vol., half calf, neat. 4188 The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; the Articles of Confederation between the said States ; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by Order of Congress; //. 226, boards, UNCUT, FINE COPY, VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Philadelphia, Francis Bailey, 1781 With the autograph of OLIVER ELLSWORTH, on the cover. Dec. 29, 1780, Congress appointed a Committee of three (Messrs. Bee, Witherspoon, and Wolcott) " to collect and cause to be published, two hundred correct copies of the Declaration of Independence [etc.,] with the Constitutions or Forms of Government of the Several States, to be bound together in boards." This copy is as fresh as when Mr. Ellsworth (then, a member from Connecticut,) received it. WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. HIS WRITINGS, AND CORRESPONDENCE ; LIFE ; ORATIONS, EULOGIES, ETC., OCCASIONED BY HIS DEATH; AND OTHER WASHINGTONIANA. : 4189 The Journal | of Major George Washington, | Sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; | His Majesty s Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of Virginia f To the | Commandant | of the French Forces | on | Ohio. | To which are added, the Gov ernors Letter, And a Translation of the j French Officer s Answer. | pp. 28, in the original marbled wrapper, clean and fresh. 8 Williamsburgh, Wm. Hunter, 1754 Autograph on title, of Richard Peters (of Pennsylvania). A beautiful copy of the SUPERLATIVELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, "so rare (according to Mr. FIELD) that but two copies are known to exist." 4190 The | Journal | of Major George Washington, sent by the | Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; His Majesty s Lieutenant-Gov ernor, and | Commander in Chief of Virginia, To the Comman dant | of the | French Forces | on Ohio. | To which are added the | Governor s Letter: | and a Translation of the French Officer s Answer. | With A New Map of the Country as far as the | Missis sippi. Map (backed with linen), pp. (4), 32, str. gr. blue morocco extra, filleted and paneled sides, corners ornamented, g. e. (Pratt), UNCUT. 8 Williamsburgh Printed; London, Reprinted for T. Jefferys, 1754 A splendid copy of a book which, in such condition, is EXCESSIVELY RARE. The addition of a MAP, by the London publisher, enhances the intrinsic value of this reprint which ought to have a permanent place by the side of the original edition. 4191 A MEMORIAL containing A summary View of Facts, with their Authorities. In Answer to The Observations Sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. Translated from the French, //. iv, 190. [The Journal of Major Washington,//. 70-96.] New York, H. Gaine, 1757. Remarks upon the Historical Memorial published by the Court of France. In a Letter to the Earl Temple, //. 46. London, G. Woodfall, 1761. 2 in i vol., hf. calf, VERY SCARCE. The Memorial is a translation of the Memoire contenant le Precis des Faits, etc., published by the French Court in 1756, in which Washington was charged with the "assassination" of Jumonville. For other editions of the translation, see (Part I.) Nos. 238, 243, 244. [By a slip of the pen in the note to No. 238, " The Journal of Major George Washington," etc., printed at Williamsburg, 1754 (No. 4189) was referred to as the original edition of the Journal published in this " Memorial." The former narrates his mission to the Commandant of the French forces on the Ohio, Oct. 31, 1753 Jan. 16, 1754; the latter is the Journal (commencing March 31, 1754, with Washington s appoint ment as Lieut.-Colonel of the Virginia Regiment) of the expedition which ended in the surrender of Fort Necessity, July 3d.] 4192 Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress written during the War . . by his Excellency George Washington, . . Now President of the United States. 2 vols., fine copy. 12 Boston, Manning 6 Lor ing, 1795 4193 The same. 2d Boston Edition. Portrait (engr. by Hill). 2 vols., sheep, good copy. 12 Boston, 1796 4194 The same. 2 vols., law calf, neat. 8 London, 1795 Large and fine copy. The volumes have the additional (general) titles, "American State Papers," Vols. i. and n. l8O WASHINGTON. 4195 The Last Official Address of His Excellency General Washing ton, To the Legislatures of the United States, To which is annexed, A Collection of Papers relative to Half-Pay, and Commutation of Half-Pay, Granted by Congress to the Officers of the Army,//. 48, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Hartford, Hudson and Goodwin, 1783 " Includes the celebrated " Newburgh Letters," and is so VERY RARE that we have never seen a copy sold." SABIN, Menzies Catalogue, no. 2053. 4196 The same. Another copy, //. 48. Hartford, 1783 4197 A Circular Letter from George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of the U. States . . to His Excellency William Greene, Esq. Governor of the State of Rhode Island,//, (i), 24, VERY RARE. 8 London, y. Stockdale, 1783 This is the "Last Official Address," or Circular Letter sent to the Governors of the several Colonies, before resigning command of the Armies. 4198 Letters from General Washington to Several of his Friends, in June and July, 1776; in which is set Forth, an Interesting View of American Politics, at that All-Important Period, //. 44, clean copy. 8 Philadelphia: Republished at the Federal Press, 1795 These are the spurious letters, which General Washington declared to be a base forgery. 4199 Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and Official, from General Washington, Written about the Commencement of the American Contest, when he entered on the Command of the Army . . With an Interesting Series of his Letters, . . Orders and Instructions, on important Occasions, to his Aids de Camp, &c. &c. None of which have been printed in the two Volumes published a few months ago, //. xiv, 303, UNCUT. 8 New York, G. Robinson, and J. Bull, 1796 The Spurious Letters occupy pp. 1-66; to which all the rest of the volume serves as an "Appendix." Fine UNCUT copies of this (Rivington s) edition are rare. 4200 The same. Another copy, scarce portrait of Washington inserted, half russia gilt, yellow edges. 8 New York, 1796 4201 The same,//, xvi, 303, boards, uncut, clean and fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, for F. and C. Rivington, 1796 4202 Fac Simile of Washington s Accounts [of Expenses during the Revolutionary War], from June, 1775, to June, 1783, half mor. folio, {Washington, 1833] The original publication ; certified (in autograph) by the Chief Clerk in the Register s Office, U. S. Treasury Department. 4203 WASHINGTON. A Collection of the Speeches of the President of the U. States to both Houses of Congress, with their Answers ; also the Addresses to the President, with his Answer ; with an Ap pendix, containing the Circular Letter of General Washington to the Governors of the several States, his Farewell Orders to the Armies and the Answer, sheep, FINE COPY. 12 Boston, yuly, 1796 4204 Patriot s (The) Monitor : or, Speeches and Addresses of the late Geo. Washington Commander in Chief . . and First President, etc.,//. 144, bds. 24 N. York, G. Bunce, for E. Duyckinck, 1809 4205 FAREWELL ADDRESS. The Presidents Address to the People of the United States, Announcing his design of retiring from Public Life, at the Expiration of the present Constitutional Term of the Presidentship,/^. 16, clean, fresh copy, nearly uncut, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, for the Proprietors, Sept. 20, 1796 WASHINGTON. l8l 4206 (FAREWELL ADDRESS.) The Legacy of the Father of his Country. Address of George Washington, President of the United States, to his Fellow Citizens, on declining being considered a candidate for their future Suffrages. "It is a Legacy worthy such a Father." Shakspeare. pp. 43, clean, in marbled wrapper. 1 6 Boston, John Russell, 1796 4207 (The same title, and motto,)//. 26. Stockbridge, Loring Andrews, 1796.- The same (2 editions),//. 22, and//. 24. n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1800.] (3 Pamphlets.) 8 4208 - - Washington s Farewell Address . . Published for the Wash ington Benevolent Society. 2d ed. Portrait (Leney sc.\pp. 45. N. York, y. Seymour, 1809 The same title, pp. 36, with certificate of membership. Salem, 1811 The same. Publ. for the Worcester W. B. Soc., Portr. (Leney, sc.) pp. 47. Boston, 1812 - - The same. Publ. for the Brimfield W. B. S.,//. 46, and certif. Brookfield, 1812 The same. Publ. for the Washington Benev. Society. Portr. (T. Gimbrede, sc.) Greenfield, 1812. 5 vols. hf. roan. 12 1809-12 4209 -- Washington s Farewell Address.. [To which is appended, The Constitution of the U. States.] Published for the Wash. Be nev. Soc., Portr. (A. Reed, sc.). Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1813 The same, Portr. ("Pro Patria," A. Reed, sc^. Hartford, Hale &> Hosmer, 1813 - - The same edition, different Portrait, Wash ington crowned by Fame, the badge of the W. B. Soc. (A. Reed, sc^) 3 vols. hf. sheep. 12 4210 - - The Farewell Address of Gen. Geo. Washington . . on his retiring from Public Life . . Added, the Constitution of the U. S., with all the Amendments. Portr. 24 Keene, N. H. - - Washing ton s Farewell Address . . Also, the Constitution, etc., Publ. for the W. B. Soc. 18 Windsor [Vt.] 1812 Washington s Farewell Ad dress,//. 47 ; The Constitution,//. 35 ; Portr. (Scoles sc.} 12 Hud son, N. Y. 1813 - - The same; and the Declaration of Independ ence,//. 71. 1 8 Boston, 1827 (poor copy}. 4 vols. v. s. 42 1 1 Washington s Farewell Address . . With an Abstract of his last Will . . Prefixed, A comprehensive Sketch of his Life and Charac ter. Portrait (wood engr.}, pp. 100, sheep, neat, unused copy. 32 Sa lem, Henry Whipple, 1812 - - Washington s Farewell Address to the People of the United States,//. 66. (2) 24 Philadelphia, R. Desilver, 1815 4212 -- A Versification of President Washington s excellent Fare well Address to the Citizens of the United States. By a Gentle man [Jona. M. Sewall] of Portsmouth, N. H., //. 54, RARE. 4 Portsmouth, 1798 4213 Washington s Farewell Address, TV! Y., D. Appleton and Co. 1861 The same ; the Proclamation of Jackson against Nullification ; and the Declaration of Independence. Printed by order of the House of Reps. Washington, 1862. 2 Pamphlets. 8 4214 Letters from His Excellency George Washington, President of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, on Agricultural and other Interesting Topics, etc. Engraved from the Original Letters, so as to be an Exact Facsimile of the Hand Writing, 1 82 WASHINGTON. pp. 56, FIRST IMPRESSIONS, boards, uncut, A FINE COPY; with an AUTOGRAPH NOTE of Sir John Sinclair inserted. ^ London, 1800 In the prospectus of this publication, Sir John Sinclair announced that the profit arising therefrom would be "appropriated to the paying a proper mark of respect to the Memory of Washington." The subscription price of the FIRST IMPRESSIONS was Two Guineas; of Second Impressions, One Guinea. The latter are common, but a copy of the First Impression, free from stains, is not easily found. This was the subscription copy of Gov. Trumbull of Connecticut. 4215 Selections from the Correspondence of George Washington and James Anderson, LL.D., //. 76, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Charlestown, 1800 4216 - - The same. 2 copies, unbound; one uncut. 8 Charlestown, 1800 4217 Letters from His Excellency, George Washington, to Arthur Young, Esq., and Sir John Sinclair ; containing an Account of his Husbandry, with his Opinions on various Questions in Agriculture, etc., boards, uncut. 8 Alexandria, 1803 4218 Correspondence of the American Revolution; being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington ; edited from the Original Manuscripts ; by Jared Sparks. 4 vols., uncut, imp. 8 Boston, 1853 One of two hundred and fifty copies printed on LARGE PAPER. 4219 The Last Will and Testament of General George Washington, //. 23, clean, uncut. 8 Worcester, Is. Thomas, Jun., Feb. 1800 The same ; To which is annexed A Schedule of his Property, directed to be sold. Copied from the ist Edition, printed at Alexandria, from the Record of the County Court of Fairfax, pp. 35. sm. 12 Stonington-Port, Conn., Feb. 1800. (2 vols.) 4220 WASHINGTON S Political Legacies. To which is Annexed an Appendix, Containing an Account of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect paid to his Memory, with a Biograph ical Outline of his Life and Character, //. 203, xiv. 8 Boston, 1800 A biographical sketch (46 pp.) by J. N. Williams. The last 14 pages are occupied by a list of subscribers. 4221 - - The same. Another edition. 12 New York, 1800 4222 - - The same. Another edition. 12 Trenton, N. J., 1800 This edition is not in Hough s Catalogue. 4223 Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of General George Washington, First President, etc., pp. 304, fine copy, scarce. 8 Boston, 1800 4224 MEMORY OF WASHINGTON, comprising a Sketch of his Life and Character ; and the National Testimonials of Respect. Also, a Collection of Eulogies and Orations, with a Copious Appendix. Portrait, pp. 246, and Subscribers* Names, 6 pp., sheep, not rubbed. 12 Newport, JR.. I., Ol. Farnsworth, 1800 A very fine, unused copy of the " Newport Washingtoniana," with an excellent impression of the Portrait (engraved by Wm. Hamlin, after Savage). In such condition, VERY RARE. 4225 WASHINGTONIANA (The) Containing a Biographical Sketch of the late Gen. George Washington, with Various Outlines of his Character, from the pens of Different Eminent Writers, . . and An Account of the Various Funeral Honors Devoted to his Memory ; . . Annexed, his Will and Schedule of his Property. Embellished with a good Likeness. Portr. (after Savage, engr. by Tanner), pp. 298 (by error, for 286), 7, sheep, RARE. 12 Baltimore, S. Sower, 1800 WASHINGTON. 183 4226 WASHTNGTONIANA (The) Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of the late Gen. George Washington, with a Collection of Elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, &c., Sacred to his Memory. Also an Appendix, Comprising all his most Valuable Papers, and his Last Will and Testament, Portrait (engr. by D. Edwin, after Stuart}, pp. 411, calf, VERY SCARCE. 8 Lancaster, Wm. Hamilton, 1802 Edited by F. Johnston and (the publisher) W. Hamilton. 4227 WASHINGTONIANA : or, Memorials of the Death of George Washington, giving an Account of the Funeral Honors paid to his Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes printed upon the Occasion ; and a Catalogue of Medals commemorating the Event, by Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols. uncut. imp. 8 Roxbury, 1865 4228 ORATIONS, EULOGIES, etc. [Vol. i.] Dec. 1799 -Feb. 1800. Morris (Gouverneur) Oration upon the Death of General Washington. Delivered . . in New York, 3ist of December. Lee (Gen. Henry) Funeral Oration, delivered at the request of Congress, Dec. 26. Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1800 Huntington (Gen. J.) Eulogy; and Oration by Lyman Law, at New London, Conn., Jan. n. Jackson (Major Wm.) Eulogium before the Penn. Society of the Cincinnati, in Philadelphia, Feb. 22. Mason (John M.) Funeral Oration, in New York, Feb. 22. Alsop (Richard) A Poem ; Sacred to the Memory of Washington. Adapted to the 22d of February. Hartford. With many manuscript alterations and corrections by the Author. Miller (Samuel) Sermon occasioned by the Death of General Washington, New York, Dec. 29. M Clure (David) Discourse, commemorative, etc., at East Wind sor, Conn., Feb. 22. Linn (William) Funeral Eulogy, before the N. Y. State Soc. of the Cincinnati, New York, Feb. 22. Kirkland (John T.) Discourse occasioned, etc., [at Boston,] Dec. 29. . . Added, the Valedictory Address of the late President. Blake (Geo.) A Masonic Eulogy, before St. John s Lodge, Boston, Feb. 4. With these are bound : Smith (Dr. Elihu H.) Discourse, before the New York Society for promoting the Manumission of Slaves, etc., April n, 1798, //. 30, with the Author s Autograph presentation to his friend Richard Alsop; VERY SCARCE. New York, 1798 Dwight (Timo.) Oration before the Conn. Society of Cincinnati, July 4, 1792 ; with his Autograph presentation. Hartford, 1792 Brown (Wm.) Oration at Hartford, July 4th, 1799. 13 in i vol., old calf , neat, in fine condition. 8 This volume formerly belonged to, and was bound for, Richard Alsop, whose autograph is on the title of several of the Orations. It contains u Orations and Eulogies on Washington, some of which are VERY SCARCE in good condition. The manuscript corrections and alterations made by Mr. Alsop in his own copy of his Poem on Washington, render it UNIQUE. 1 84 WASHINGTON. 4229 ORATIONS, EULOGIES, etc. [Vol. n.] Stillman (Sam l) Sermon, in Boston, Dec. 29, 1799 >West (Sam l) Sermon, in Boston, Dec. 29, 1799 Thacher (Peter) Sermon, before Legislature of Mass., Feb. 22, 1800 Minot (Geo. R.) Eulogy, Boston, Jan. 9 Bigelow (Timo.) Eulogy, before the F. and A. Masons, Boston, Feb. 1 1 Taggart (Sam l) Discourse, at Colrain, Mass., Feb. 22 Story (Isaac) Eulogy, at Sterling, Mass., Feb. 22 Guirey (Win.) Fun. Sermon, at Lynn, Mass., Jan. 7 Cunning ham (Wm.) Eulogy, Lunenburg, Mass., Feb. 22 Wetmore (Wm.) Oration, Castine, Me., Feb. 22 Bascom (Jona.) Oration, Orleans, Mass., Feb. 22 Bradford (Alden) Eulogy, Wiscasset, Me., Feb. 22 Paine (Thos.) Eulogy. Newburyport, Jan. 2 Larzelere (Jacob) Discourse, Northampton, Pa., Feb. 22 Osgood (David) Discourse, Medford, Mass., Dec. 29 Smith (Jerein.) Oration, Exeter, N. H., Feb. 22 Bancroft (Aaron) Eulogy, Worcester, Mass., Feb. 22 Payson (Phillips) Sermon, Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 14 Hitchcock (Enos) Discourse, Providence, R. I., Feb. 22 Tufts (Cotton) Oration, Weymouth, Mass., Feb. 22 Willard (Jos.) Address in Latin, at Cambridge and Tappan (D.) Discourse in English, at Cambridge, Feb. 22 Holmes (Abiel) Sermon, at Cambridge, Dec. 29 Parish (Elijah) Oration, at Byfield, Mass., Feb. 22 Thacher (Thos.) Eulogy, at Dedham, Mass., Feb. 22 Niles (Sam l) Sermon, at Abington, Mass., Feb. 22 Worcester (Sam l) Oration, at Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 22 Alden (Timo.) Sermon, in Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 5 Pierce (John) Eulogy at Brookline, Mass., Feb. 22 Washington s Farewell Address [Bos ton, 1800]. 30 in i vol., half bound. 4230 ORATIONS, EULOGIES, etc. [Vol. in.] Trumbull (Benj.) Discourse at North-Haven, Dec. 29, 1799. With a fine impression of the Portrait^ engr. by Doolittle Morse (Jed.) Prayer and Sermon at Charlestown ; with a Sketch of Washington s Life ; and Proceedings of the Town, Dec. 31 Strong (Nathan) Discourse, at Hartford, Dec. 27 ; with Sketches of the Life of Washington Flint (Abel) Discourse, at Hartford, Feb. 22 Stillman (Sam l) Sermon in Boston, Dec. 29 West (Sam l) Sermon, in Boston, Dec. 29 Alexander (Caleb) Sermon, in Mendon, Dec. Dana (Dan l) Discourse, in Newburyport, Feb. 22 Holmes (Abiel) Sermon, at Cambridge, Dec. 29 Lee (Gen. H.) Fun. Oration, before Congress. Boston Ames (Fisher) Oration, before Mass. Legislature, Feb. 8. Minot (G. R.) Eulogy, in Boston, Jan. 9. 20! Edition Brooks (John) Eulogy, at Medford, Jan. 13 Paine (T.) Eulogy, at Newburyport, Jan. 2 Moseley (J. O.) Oration, at East Haddam, Ct., Feb. 22 Gay (Eben.) Ora tion, at Suffield, Conn., Feb. 22. Suffield, Ediu. Gray Huntington (Gen. J.) Eulogy, and Oration by Lyman Law, at New London, Ct, Jan. ii Isham (Jirah) Oration, at Colchester, Ct., Feb. 22 Marsh (Eben. G.) Oration, at Wethersfield, Feb. 22 Alsop (Rich ard) A Poem ; sacred to the Memory of Washington. 20 in i vol., calf, neat ; all large and fine copies. WASHINGTON. 185 ORATIONS, EULOGIES, POEMS, ETC., OCCASIONED BY THE DEATH OF WASHINGTON; DELIVERED DEC. 26, I799~FEB. 26, l8oo. All these pieces, with the few exceptions noted, were printed in the year 1800. Those marked with a star (*) are UNCUT. An obelisk (f ) shows that the Farewell Address is appended to the Sermon or Oration. A double obelisk (t) marks those which are sepa rately bound, or half-bound, in calf or morocco, neat. The bracketed titles in small type are introduced only for the purpose of reference to bound volumes under other numbers of the Catalogue. As Dr. Hough s excellent "Bibliographical List" is in the hands of, or readily accessible to every collector, it has not been thought necessary to give more than the briefest indica tion of the titles. These are distinguished by bolder type, when the copy is the only one known to Dr. Hough, or is one of only two referred to by him, in public or private collections. The titles of some others, of less remarkable rarity, yet VERY SCARCE, are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. These Orations, etc., 170 in number (exclusive of the bracketed titles) are arranged in eight parcels, Twenty in each, and one parcel (No. 4239), of Ten. The Auctioneers RESERVE THE OPTION OF OFFERING THE ENTIRE COLLECTION, with, or without, the three volumes of collected Orations, Nos. 4228, 4229, and 4230, IN ONE LOT, by the parcel, volume, or single piece, as may be decided at the time of the sale. 4231 Abbott (Abiel) Eulogy, Haverhill, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. t * Haverhill. Adams (Dan l) Oration, Leominster, " " " * Leominster. ALDEN (Timo.) Jr. Sermon, Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 5, 1800. * Portsmouth. ALEXANDER (Caleb) Sermon, Mendon, Mass., [Dec. 1799] * Boston. ALLEN (Jos.) Jr. Oration, Western, " Feb. 22, 1800. 4 Brookfield. Allison (Pat.) Discourse, Baltimore, Md., \ Baltimore. Alsop (Rich.) Poem, to the Memory. [ Another copy : with the Author s MSS. corrections. In ORATIONS, Hartford. No. 4228. Ames (Fisher) Oration, Boston, Feb. 8, 1800. * Boston. [ The same. (Bound with Chaudron s Oration.) Philadelphia. Andrews (John) Eulogy, Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1800. * Newburyport. Baldwin (Thos.) Sermon, Boston, Dec. 29, 1799. * Boston. Bancroft (Aaron) Eulogy, Worcester, Feb. 22, 1800. Worcester. Barnard (Thos.) Sermon, Salem, Mass., Dec. 29, 1799. * Salem. Barnes (David) Discourse, Scituate, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Boston. Bartlett (Josiah) Oration, Charlestown, Mass., " " * Charlestown. Bascom (Ezek. L.) Masonic Discourse, Greenfield, Mass., July I. * Greenfd. BASCOM (Jona.) Oration, Orleans, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. BAYARD (Sam l) Fun. Oration, New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. i, 1800. Portr. ins. \ N. Brunswick. Bedford (Gunning) Fun. Oration, Wilmington, Dec. 27. * \ Wilmington. Two fine Portraits of Washington inserted. (Title mended.) BEERS (W. P.) Oration, Albany, Jan. 9, 1800. * Albany. Belden (Jona.) Oration, Winthrop, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. 4 * Hallowell. 4232 Bigelow (Timo.) Eulogy (Masonic), Boston, Feb. n, " * Boston. Bishop (Sam. G.) Eulogium, Pittsfield, N. H., Feb. 22, " * Repr. Roxbury, 1866 Blake (Geo.) Masonic Eulogy, Boston, Feb. 4, " Boston. Blakslee (Solo.) Oration, East Haddam, Ct, Feb. 22. * Hartford. Boddily (John) Sermon, Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1800. * Newburyp. Bowers (Jas.) Discourse, Pittston, Me., " Hallo-well. [Bradford (Alden)] Eulogy, Wiscasset, Me. In ORATIONS, Vol. n., No. 4229. Bray (Oliver) Masonic Oration, New Haven, Jan. I, 1802. N. Haven, 1802 This was Mr. Bray s own reserved copy. Brooks (John) Eulogy, Medford, Jan. 13, 1800. * Boston. Buckminster (Jos.) Sermon, Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 22, 1799. Portsmouth. Sermon, Portsmouth, Jan. 5, 1800. Second Sermon, Portsmouth, Jan. 5, 1800. Sermon, " Feb. 22, " Buckminster (Jos.) Anniv. Sermon, Portsmouth, Dec. 14, 1800. Chaudron (Simon) Oraison Funcbre, Jan. i, 1800. Philadelphia. 24 1 86 WASHINGTON. Chaudron (Simon) Fun. Oration. Transl. by S. F. Bradford. Philadelphia. With it is bound the Philadelphia edition of Fisher Ames s Oration : Portraits of Chaudron and Ames, and three of Washington inserted : calf, Cincinnati. Proceedings of the Gen. Society of the Cincinnati . . To which are annexed . . The Testimonial to the Memory of Gen. Washington, as adopted [May 7, 1800], pp. 86. * Phila., 1801 CLEAVELAND (Moses) Oration, Windham, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * Wind ham. Collins (Alex.) (Masonic) Oration, Middletown, Ct., Dec. 26, 1799. * Middletowni COOPER (John) Oration, Machias, Me., Feb. n, 1794. * Boston. Croes (John) Discourse, Woodbury, N. J., Feb. 22, 1800. \ Philadelphia. In same -vol., Linn (J. B.) The Death of Washington ; a Poem. 3 Portraits inserted. 4233 Cumings (Henry) Eulogy, Billerica, Mass., Jan. 10, 1800. * Amherst. Cunningham (Wm. Jr.) Eulogy, Lunenburg, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. a. p. * Worcester. Dana (Daniel) Discourse, Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1800. Newburyport. Dana (Jos.) Discourse, Ipswich, Feb. 22, 1800. " Davis (John) Eulogy, Am. Acad. of Arts & Sc., Feb. 19, 1800. 4 Boston. Dehon (Thos.) Discourse, Trin. Church, Newport, Dec. 22, 1799. * Newport. [De la Grange. Discours. Appended to Chaudron s Oraison, No. 4232.] Dunham (Josiah) Fun. Oration, Oxford, Mass., Jan. 15, 1800. * Boston. Dwight (Timo.) Discourse, New Haven, Feb. 22, 1800, Portrait, t New Haven. ELLIOTT (John) Discourse, Guilford, Conn., Feb. 22, 1800. * Hartford. EMMONS (Nath l) Sermon, Franklin, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Wrentham. Everett (Oliver) Eulogy, Dorchester, Feb. 22, 1800. * Charlcstown. FISHER (Nath l) Sermon, Salem, Dec. 29, 1799. Salem. FISKE (Thadeus) Sermon, Cambridge, [Dec. 24,] 1799. Boston. Fitch (John) Sermon, Danville, Vt, Feb. 16, 1800. * Peacham. Flint (Abel) Discourse, Hartford, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * t Hartford. Fontanes (Louis) Eloge Funebre ; Temple de Mars, Paris, Feb. 20, 1800. \ [Paris.} Forbes (Eli) Eulogy Moralized, Gloucester, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Newburyport. FOSTER (John) Discourse, Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 29, 1800. * Boston. Frisbie (Levi) Eulogy, Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1800. * t Ne ivburyport 4 2 34 Gano (Steph.) Sermon, Providence, R. I., Jan. 5, 1800. Providence. [Gay (Ebenezer) Oration, Suffield, Conn., Feb. 22, 1800. In ORATIONS, &c., Vol. in. Gillet (Eliph.) Oration, Hallowell, Me., Jan. 8, 1800. 4 Hallowell. Oration. Another copy. Gleason (Benj.) Oration, Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Wrentham. Glezen (Levi) Oration, Lenox, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Stockbridge. Green (Aaron) Discourse, Maiden, Jan. 8, 1800. * Medford. Greenwood (Andr.) Oration, Bath, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. 4 Hallowell. Griswold (Stanley) Fun. Eulogium, New Milford, Feb. 22, 1800. * Litchfield. [Guirey (Wm.) Fun. Sermon, Lynn, Mass., Jan. 7, 1800. In ORATIONS, Vol. n. Harris (Thad. M.) Discourse, Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 29, 1799. * Charlestown. Fraternal Tribute (Masonic), Jan. 7, 1800. * " Hart (Levi) Discourse, Preston, Ct., Dec. 29, 1799. * Norwich. Hemmenway (Moses) Discourse, Wells, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. Portsmouth. Hitchcock (Enos) Discourse, Providence, R. I., " Providence. Holcombe (Henry) Sermon, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 19, 1800. * \ 4 [Savannah.] Holmes (Abiel) Sermon, Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 29, 1799. * Boston Holmes (Abiel) Discourse, Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. Hopkins (Dan l) Sermon, Salem, Dec. 29, 1799. Salem. Hotchkiss (Fr. W.) Oration, Saybrook, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. New London. Hotchkiss (F. W.) Sermon (Masonic), Lyme, Oct. 7, 1800. * New London. Houdin (Michael G.) My Last Respects and Farewell to . . Geo. Washington ; . . And A Prayer,//. 7. Portrait inserted, full levant morocco, extra. Autograph letter of the Author (^pages ] laid in. Albany, 4th of July, 1800 4235 Huntington (Enoch) Oration, Middletown, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * Middletown. Huntington (Gen. Jed.) Fun. Eulogy, New London, Jan. n, 1800. New London. With the Oration, by Lyman Law. Ireland (John) Fun. Panegyric, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 22, 1800. * London, 1802 Not in Hough s Bibliographical List. Isham (Jirah) Oration, Colchester, Ct., " * New London. [Jackson (Wm.) Eulogium, before Penn. Society of Cincinnati. In ORATIONS, Vol. I. WASHINGTON. l8/ JOHNSON (John B.) Eulogy, Albany, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1800. Albany. Kemp (Jas.) Sermon, Cambridge, Mel., * \ Boston. Kendall (Jonas) Discourse, Plymouth, Mass., * Boston. King- (Walter) Discourse, Chelsea (Norwich), Ct., Jan. 5, 1800. * Norwich. Kirkland (J. T.) Discourse, Boston, Dec. 29, 1799. t * [Boston.} LaFayette (Marquis de) Epistle to Gen. Washington [Verse\,pp. 32. * Edinburgh^ 1800 LANGDON (Chauncey) Oration, Castleton, Vt., Feb. 22, 1800. * Rutland. [LARZELERE (Jacob) Discourse, Northampton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1800. In ORATIONS, Vol. n. Law (Lyman) Fun. Oration, New London, Jan. u, 1800. New London. With Gen. J. Huntington s Eulogy. (Another copy in ORATIONS, Vol. I.) Lee (Gen. Henry) Fun. Oration, before Congress, Dec. 26, 1799. n - P- t The same. Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1800. In ORATIONS, Vol. i. The same. Boston, J. Nancrede, n. d. In ORATIONS, &c., Vol. in. The same : with Judge Minot s Eulogy. * \ London. LEWIS (Eldad) Eulogy, Lenox, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Pittsfield. LINN (John Blair) The Death of Washington. A Poem. Philadelphia. Linn (Wm.) Fun. Eulogy, before N. Y. Soc. of Cincinnati, Feb. 22, 1800. * N. York. MACCLINTOCK (Sam l) Oration, Greenland, N. H., Feb. 22. * Portsmouth. M CLURE (David) Discourse, East Windsor, Ct., * E. Windsor. M Gaw (Jacob) Eulogy, Merrimac, N. H., Feb. 22. * Amherst. MacWhorter (Alex.) Fun. Sermon, Newark, N. J., Dec. 27, 1799. \ Newark. 4236 Madison (Bishop J.) Discourse, Williamsburg, Va., Feb. 22, 1800. 2d ed. * London. The same; 3d edition, with Additions, hf. calf. * Phila., 1831 The same ; 4th edition, with Additions. Richmond, 1844 Marsh (Eben. G.) Oration, Wethersfield, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * Hartford. [Mason (John M.) Fun. Oration, New York. In ORATIONS, Vol. I. Mead (Sam l) Sermon, Danvers, Mass., Dec. 29, 1799. t Salem. Merrick (Pliny) Eulogy, Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Brookfield. MESSINGER (Rosewell) Oration, Old York, Me., Charlestown. [Miller (Sam l) Sermon, New York, Dec. 29, 1799. In ORATIONS, Vol. I. Minot (Geo. R.) Eulogy, Boston, Jan. 9, 1800. 2d ed. * Boston. Mite of Praise (The) [A Poem.] Dated, Christmas, 1799. Dover, Del. Not in Hough s Bibliographical List. MOODY (Silas) Sermon, Aiundel, Me., Jan. 12, 1800. * Portsmouth. Morison (Wm.) Sermon, Londonderry, N. H., Jan. I, 1800. * Newburyport. Oration, Londonderry, N. H., Feb. 22, 1800. " [Morrell (Thos.) Sermon, Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1800. See KINGSTON (J.) No. 4250. Morris (Gouv.) Oration, City of New York, Dec. 31, 1799. * New York. Morris (James) Oration, Litchfield South-Farms, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * Litchfield. Moseley (Jona. O.) Oration, East Haddam, Ct., Feb. 22, 1800. * Hartford. Morse (Jedediah) Prayer and Sermon, Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 31, 1799. t * With a Sketch of the Life of Washington : and, prefixed, Proceedings of the Town of Charlestown. (An AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Dr. Morse, is inserted.) Music performed at Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 2, 1800. Hymns adapted and set to Music by Samuel Holyoke,//. 12. obi. 8 Exeter, N. H. MYCALL (John) Fun. Address, Harvard, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. 4237 Niles (Samuel) Sermon, Abington, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Boston. Osgood (David) Discourse, Medford, " Dec. 29, 1799. * Boston. PAINE (Seth) Eulogy, Friendship Lodge, Charleston, S. C., Feb. 22, 1800. Paine (Thos.) Eulogy, Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 2, 1800. * Newburyport. Parish (Elijah) Oration [and Poem], Byfield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. Newburyport. Parker (Isaac) Oration, Portland, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. * Portland. Patten (Wm.) Discourse, Newport, R. I., Dec. 29, 1799. Newport. Payson (Phillips) Sermon, Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 14, 1800. * Charlestown. Pierce (John) Eulogy, Brookline, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. t * Boston. Porter (Eliph.) Eulogy, Roxbury, " Jan. 14, " * Boston. Prince (John) Discourse, Salem, " Dec. 29, 1799. * Salem. Ramsay (David) Oration, Charleston, S. C., Jan. 15, 1800. * Charlestown. Richards (Geo.) Historical Discourse, Portsmouth, N. H., 1800. 4 * Portsmouth. Contains, also, Hymns on the Death of Washington, by Mr. Richards, 8 pp. 1 88 WASHINGTON Rogers (Wm.) Prayer, Perm. Soc. of Cincinnati, Feb. 22, 1800. * Phila. Sacred Dirges, Hymns, and Anthems commemorative of the Death of Gen. George Washington . . An Original Composition, by a Citizen of Massachu setts. //. 24, 4. obi. 4 Boston, I. Thomas &> E. T. Andrews, 1800 SANDERS (Dan l C.) Discourse, Burlington, Vt. [1800.] 4 * Burlington. SEWALL (Dan l) Eulogy, Kittery, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. Portsmouth. Sewall (Jona. M.) Eulogy, Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 31, 1779. * Portsmouth. [Smith (Jerem.) Oration, Exeter, N. H., Feb. 22. In ORATIONS, Vol. n. Smith (Sam l S.) Oration, Trenton, N. J., Jan. 14, 1800. * Trenton. Spalding (Joshua) Sermon, Salem, Mass., Dec. 29, 1799. Salem. 4238 Spring (Sam l) Discourse, Newburyport, Dec. 29, 1799. Newburyport. Stearns (Elisha) Eulogium, Tolland, Ct., Feb. 20, 1800. * E. Windsor, Ct. Stillman (Sam l) Sermon, Boston, Dec. 29, 1799. * Boston. Stone (Eliata) Discourse, Reading, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. [Story (Isaac) Eulogy, Sterling, Mass. . Feb. 22, 1800. In ORATIONS, Vol. n. Story (Joseph) Eulogy [and Elegy], Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 2, 1800. * Salem. Strong (Nathan) Discourse, Hartford, Dec. 27, 1799. * Hartford. With Sketches of the Life of Washington, 5 pp. Sumner (Chas. P.) Eulogy, Milton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Dedham. Taggart (Sam l) Discourse, Colrain, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Greenfield. [Tappan (David) Discourse, Cambridge. See Willard (J.) Terry (Ezek.) Sketch of the Life and Character of Washington. Palmer, Mass. Thacher (Peter) Eulogy, [before the Gen. Court,] Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. Thacher (Thos.) Eulogy, Dedham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800, impft. * Dedham. [A perfect copy, in ORATIONS, Vol. n. Thacher (Thos. C.) Eulogy, Lynn, Mass., Jan. 13, " * Boston. Tomb (Sam l) Oration, Newbury, Mass., Feb. 22, " * Newburyp. " To which are annexed, Two Odes and an Acrostic, by the same hand." Trumbull (Benj.) Fun. Discourse, No. Haven, Ct., Dec. 29, 1799. * New Haven. A copy, -with the Portrait, is in ORATIONS, Vol. in. Tuckerman (Jos.) Fun. Oration, Bost. Mech. Assoc., Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. Tufts (Cotton) Oration, Weymouth, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Boston. Vander Kemp (F. A.) Lofrede, te Oldenbarneveld, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1800. \ Amsterdam. VINING (John) Eulogium, Dover, Feb. 22, 1800. Phila. Wadsworth (Benj.) Eulogy, Danvers, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800. * Salem. Ware (Henry) Sermon, Hingham, Mass., Jan. 6, 1800. * Boston. 4239 Waterman (Nehem.) Oration, Bozrah, Conn., Feb. 22, 1800. Windham. West (Sam l) Sermon, Boston, Dec. 29, 1799. t * Boston. Wetmore (Rota. G.) Oration, Schoharie, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1800. * Cooperstown. With the Order of Procession (2 pages). This Oration is not in Hough s Catalogue. Wetmore (Wm.) Oration, Castine, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. * Castine. White (Dan l A.) Eulogy, Methuen, Mass., Haverhill, Feb., 1800 WHITE (Capt. Sam l) Oration, to the Union Brigade, Feb. 22, 1800, * Lang s Press. Willard (Jos.) Address in Latin, Cambr. University, Feb. 21, 1800; and Dis course in English by David Tappan, S. T. D. * Cambridge. WILLISTON (Seth) Discourse, Scipio, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1800. Geneva, N. Y. WILSON (Jas.) Discourse, Providence, R. I., Feb. 9, " * Providence. Woodruff (Hez. N.) Sermon, Stonington, Conn., Dec. 29, 1799. Stonington. [Worcester (Sam l) Oration at Fitchburg, Feb. 22. In ORATIONS, Vol. n. BIOGRAPHICAL. 4240 BANCROFT (Aaron) Life of George Washington, portrait, pp. vii, 552, hf. morocco. 8 Worcester, 1807 4241 [CONDIE (Thos.)] Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. Geo. Washington, Late President of the United States of America, &c. &c. Containing A History of the principal Events of WASHINGTON. 189 his Life, with Extracts from his Journals, Speeches to Congress, and Public Addresses : Also, A Sketch of his Private Life,//. 243, best levant blue morocco, full-gilt back, ins. borders, g. c. (Bedford}. 1 8 Philadelphia, Char less 6* Ralston, 1800 The VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of this popular biography. In the preface, dated Moyamensing, Feb., 1800, Mr. Condie says that "the general outlines of the following sketch, was first published in the year 1798, in the Philadelphia Monthly Magazine;" and is now " republished, accompanied with very considerable additions, and in a form more convenient and agreeable." It was " the fullest History of the Life of the General which had yet appeared." 4242 The same. Another copy, orig. bindi7ig. 18 Phila., 1800 4243 The same. Fourth edition. sm. 12 Brattlebord , Wm. Fessenden, 1811 4244 [ ] Memoirs of Gen. George Washington, Late President of the United States of America. Fifth Edition,//. 105, (2), bds. 1 8 Philadelphia, Johnson and Warner, 1811 4245 [ ] Memoirs of Gen. Geo. Washington, First President of the U. States of America. A new Edition, with Corrections and Addi tions,//. 98. (2 copies.) 18 Hartford, W. S. Marsh, 1813 4246 CORRY (John) The Life of George Washington, late President and Commander in Chief . . Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes of the Most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution, //. 228, (3), half calf neat, FINE COPY. sm. 8 London, 1800 Dedicated (April 22, 1800) to the Lord Mayor of London, the R. Hon. H. C. Combe. The FIRST EDITION : RARE. As Condie s " Biographical Memoirs" were protected by copyright, and Corry s offered free plunder to piratical publishers, a great number of editions of it, and of chap-books manufactured from it, were printed in this country in the first quarter of the century, in very few of which, after the First, mention is made of the author. The first sentence of the Life identifies these reprints : " In the history of man, we contemplate with peculiar satisfaction," etc. 4247 - - The Life of George Washington . . By John Corry. Including The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the U. States. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, from the Second London edition, with Corrections, Additions, and Improvements. Portrait, pp. 349, Subscribers 1 Names, pp. vii, sheep, neat. 12 New York, John Low, 1807 A LARGE, CLEAN, and FRESH COPY, in the original binding, not rubbed. 4248 The Life of George Washington, etc. By John Corry . . Por trait (Scoles, sc.),pp. 239, Subscribers Names (i2//.), old binding. 12 New York, McCarty 6- White, 1809 A reprint of Corry, without the (copyrighted) "Additions and Improvements" of his first American editor. 4249 GLASS (Fras.) A Life of George Washington in Latin Prose. Edited by J. N. Reynolds. Portrait; pp. 233, cloth. 12 New York, Harper 6 Bros., 1835 4250 KINGSTON. The Life of General Washington. By John Kings ton. Portrait (Edwin, sc^), pp. 228, embossed morocco, some pages water-stained. 24 Baltimore, J. Kingston, 1813 This work was copyrighted, and the preface, dated at Baltimore, Jan. i, 1813, is signed J. K. ; but the Life begins with the familiar " In the history of man, we contemplate with peculiar satisfaction," etc. It is not, however, merely a reprint of Corry s Life. Besides other additions, it contains a selection of Eulogies and Funeral Orations, including Dr. John M. Mason s Oration in New York, and Major Thomas Morrell s Sermon in Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1800. WASHINGTON. 2451 MARSHALL (John) The Life of George Washington. Portrait. 5 vols., calf, and quarto Atlas, /if. bd. 8 Philadelphia, C. P. Wayne, 1804-1807 4252 MARSHALL (John) The Life of George Washington. 5 vols., mottled calf, gilt, and quarto Atlas. Portrait, maps, and other plates. 8 London, and Phila., 1804-1807 Vols. I.-IV., London, R. Phillips, 1804, 1805; Vol. V.,and Atlas, Philadelphia, C. P. Wayne, 1807. A FINE COPY, in excellent condition throughout, except that a name has been cut from the top of the title-pages. The fine (folded) plates and vignette are not in the American edition. 4253 RAMSAY (David) Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies . . and First President of the U. States, Portrait (Leney sc., after Stuart), pp. viii, 376, calf gilt, large and fine copy. r. 8 New York, 1807 4254 The same. Sixth Edition, with Engravings. 12 Baltimore, Gushing and Jewett, 1825 4255 La Vida de Jorge Washington . . Traducida al Espanol por Eduardo Barry, pp. 270, half roan. 12 Philadelphia, R. Desilver, 1826 4256 TRUMBULL (James) pseudonym ? Life of George Washington, First President, etc. With three Engravings,//. 166, bds. 24 New York, S. 6- D. A. Forbes, 1829 4257 WEEMS (Mason L.) A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of General George Washington. Faithfully taken from Authentic Documents and, now, in A SECOND EDITION im proved, etc. . . By the Rev. M. L. Weems, of Lodge No. 50, Dumfries. Portrait, pp. (2), 82, levant .green morocco, extra, paneled sides, broad inside borders, g. e. (Matthews]. 12 Philadelphia, J. Bioren, for the Author, n. d. [1800] 4258 The same. Third Edition Improved. Portrait (B. Tanner, sc.\ pp. 84. 8 Philadelphia, J. Bioren, n. d. 4259 The same. [Another] Third Edition Improved,//. 61, uncut. 8 Elizabeth-Town, Shepard Kollock, n. d. 4260 The Life of George Washington ; with Curious Anecdotes, equally Honourable to himself and Exemplary to his Young Countrymen. Embellished with Six Engravings,//. 244, sheep. 12 Phila., Joseph Allen, 1840 4261 A Sketch of the Life and Character of Gen. George Washington, //. 64, bds., used copy, RARE. sq. 1 6 Palmer [Mass.], Ezekiel Terry, n. d. \ab. 1801] 4262 Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Wash ington, Late President, etc. . Dedicated to the Youth of America, portrait and vignette, pp. 144, bds. New Haven, Sidney s Press, for I. Cooke 6* Co., 1809 The same. N. Haven, I. Cooke 6 Co., 1810 The same. N. Haven, L Cooke &> Co., 1811 The same. Poughkeepsie, Paraclete Potter, 1812 The same,//. 160, Portr. ("Pro Patria," A. Reed, sc.). Barnard, Vt., Jos. Dix, 1813 The same,//. 108. N. York, Evert Duyckinck, 1815 The same,//. 107. Bridgeport, L. Lockwood, 1815. 7 vols. 24 FINE FRESH COPIES of VERY SCARCE editions. WASHINGTON. IQI 4263 Life of Gen. George Washington, Late President, etc. Portrait (A. Willard, sc.), pp. 160. 32 New York, Johnstone 6* Van Nor den, 1825 "In the history of man, we contemplate," etc. From Corry s Life, with additions. 4264 Leven van George Washington. Een Leesboek voor de Jeugd- Naar het Engelsch. Portrait, pp. iv, 220, new half calf , neat. 12 Haarlem, Wed. A. Loosjes, 1838 4265 HEADLEY (J. T.) Washington and his Generals. Portraits. 2 vols., doth. 12 N. York, Baker and Scribner, 1847 4266 (37) BIRTH-DAY AND OTHER COMMEMORATIVE ORATIONS, Poems, Proceedings, etc., 1796-1863. Bartlett (Josiah.) Address to K. Solomon s Lodge, Charlestown, Mass, [with the : Prayer by Rev. Dr. J. Morse], on the Birth Day of the Presi dent, 1797. Bodman (Noah) Birth Day Oration, Northampton, Mass. 1814 BURROUGHS (Chas.) Oration, at Portsmouth, N. H., on the Moral Grandeur of Washington ; Centenn. Anniv. of Birth Day. 1832 Congressional Banquet in Honor of Washington and the Principles of Washington, Feb. 22, 1852. Reported by Wm. Hincks and F. H. Smith. [With Washington s Farewell Address.] Washington. - The same. Reprinted, [with an Appendix.] Boston. Doane (Bp. Geo. W.) Oration, at Burlington, N. J., Birth Day, 1859. Drown (Solo.) Birth Day Oration, in Providence, R. I., Feb. 23, 1824. Dutcher (Salem) Jr. Commem. Oration, Albany, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1824. D wight (Wm. T.) Oration, Philadelphia (Wash. Benev. Soc.), Feb. 22, 1827. Flint (Jacob) Address, at Cohasset, Mass., on the Character and Services of Washington ; Centenn. Anniv. of Birth Day. Boston, 1832 Fuller (Zelotes) The Tree of Liberty. Birth Day Address, Philadel phia, 1830. Fox (Thos. B.) Oration, to Wash. Lt. Infantry, Newburyport ; Centenn. Celebration of the Birth Day, 1832. Gray (Fras. C.) Oration, before the Mass. Legislature, Centenn. Anniv. of the Birth of Washington, 1832. Jones (John Gale) Oration on the late General Washington, including a Retrospect of his Life, Character, and Conduct, etc. [first delivered in London, in 1796.] 2d ed. revised, half mor. London, 1825 Learned (Wm. L.) Oration, at Washington s Head Quarters, Newburgh, July 4, 1855. Lewis (Gen. Morgan) Oration, New York, Centenn. Anniv. of the Birth, 1832 [with the Proceedings at the Celebration], Lincoln (Solo.) Oration, Plymouth, Mass., Centenn. Anniv. of Birth Day, 1832. Lindsley (Philip) Address, Nashville, Tenn., Centenn. Birth Day, 1832. [Lovett (John)] Washington s Birth Day : an Historical Poem, with Notes and an Appendix [of Odes and Hymns, for the Day]. By a Washingtonian. Portrait of Washington, pp. 55, II. sm. 4 Albany, 1812 Marsh. (Chas.) Essay on Amendments of Constitution of Vermont, delivered at Celebration of Washington s Birth Day, Norwich, Vt, 1814, Hanover, 1814 Otis (Oran G.) Oration, in Albany, by appointment of the Legislature, on the Centenn. Anniv. of the Birth Day, 1832. Pickman (Benj.) Oration, at Salem, Mass., Feb. 22, 1797, to commemo rate the Birth Day of George Washington, President, etc. Salem, 1797 Pitman (John) Oration, in Providence, R. I., Centenn. Anniv. 1832. IQ2 WASHINGTON. Proceedings of the Association of Citizens [in Boston] to erect a Monu ment in honor of Washington. 16 Boston, 1811 - Speeches and other Proceedings at the Public Dinner, in honor of the Centenn. Anniv. of Washington. With his Farewell Address. Washington, 1832 Speeches of Daniel Webster, Jas. Barbour of Virginia, J. W. Huntington, and others. - Of House of Reps, [and Senate] of U. States, on the presentation of the Sword of Washington and the Staff of Franklin, Feb. 7, 1843. Wash., 1843 - Relating to the Centenn. Anniv. of the Birth of Washington, New York, Feb. 22, 1832. (With the Oration by Gen. Morgan Lewis.) New York. Pyne (Smith) Address, Middletown, Conn., Feb. 22, 1832. Raymond (David.) Oration at Washington Hall, New York, before the Hamilton Society, Feb. 23, 1813. Richards (Geo.) The Memory of Washington. Sermon, Litchfield, Ct., Feb. 22. Phila., 1863 Sizer (Nelson) Address on the Life and Character of Washington, East Granville, Mass., Feb. 22, 1842. Smith (Ashbel) Address, Galveston, Texas, Feb. 22, 1848, the Anniv. of the Birth Day of Washington and the Battle of Buena Vista. Sprague (Wm. B.) Address before Y. M. Assoc., Albany, Feb. 22, 1847. Tator (N. H.) Com. Oration, Francisville, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1851. Albany. Thompson (Alex. R.) Christian Patriotism Illustrated in George Wash ington. Sermon, in New York, Feb. 22, 1863. Whitaker (Dan l K.) Birth Day Oration, New Bedford, 1823. Boston. Winthrop (Rob. C.) Oration on laying the Corner Stone of the National Monument to Washington, July 4, 1848. Washington. 4267 (28) ORATIONS, ADDRESSES, and POEMS, delivered before WASH INGTON BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES, in various parts of the United States, 1809-1815; all but two, UNCUT. 8 Andrews (Edw. W.) Poetical Address, Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1816. (Anonymous) Address, Brimfield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1813. Bartlett (Jos.) Address, Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 22, 1813. Bates (Isaac C.) Oration, Northampton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1812. Bemis (Stephen) Address, Lancaster and Sterling, Mass., Feb. 22, 1815. Bigelow (Timothy) Address, Boston, Mass., Apr. 30, 1814. Burnside (Sam l M.) Oration, Worcester, Mass., Apr. 30, 1813. Dana (Rich. H.) Oration, Cambridge, Mass., July 4, 1814. Dunham (Josiah) Oration, Windsor, Vt., Feb, 24, 1812. Dunham (Josiah) Oration, Hanover, Vt., July 4, 1814. Flint (Timo.) Oration, Leominster, Mass., July 4, 1815. Foster (Festus) Oration, Northfield, Mass., July 5, 1813. Hall (John) Oration, Tolland, Ct., Feb. 22, 1814. Harris (Thad. M.) Address, Dorchester. Mass., Feb. 22, 1813. Haskell (Abra.) Oration, Fitchburg, Mass., July 4, 1814. Haynes (Lemuel) Sermon, Brandon, Vt, " 1813. Holmes (Abiel) Address, Cambridge, Mass., July 5, 1813. Hopkins (Sam l M.) Oration, New York, Feb. 22, 1809. Hunt (Jona.) Address, Brattleboro, Vt, " 1812. Kendall (Jonas) Address, Leominster, Mass., Jan. 17, 1814. Lee (Rich. Bland) Oration, Alexandria, D. C., Feb. 22, 1811. Lyman (Elijah) Discourse, Chelsea, Vt., Feb. 22, 1811. Prentiss (Charles) N. E. Freedom, a Poem, Brimfield, Feb. 22, 1813. Prentiss (Charles) Poem, Brookfield, Mass., July 5, 1813. Ouincy (Josiah) Oration, Boston, Mass., April 30, 1813. Sullivan (Wm.) Oration, Boston, " " 1812. Webster (Daniel) Address, Portsmouth, N. H., July 4, 1812. Webster (Noah) Oration, Amherst, Mass., July 4, 1814. WASHINGTONIANA. 1 93 OTHER WASHINGTONIANA. 268 [WORSTER (C. H.)] A Poetical Epistle to His Excellency George Washington, Esquire, Commander in Chief, etc. From An Inhab itant of the State of Maryland. To which is annexed A Short Sketch of General Washington s Life and Character,//. 18, uncut, RARE. 4 London [1780]; Springfield, repr. 1782 " Fifteen Thousand copies of this Poem were sold in the City of London, in about Three Weeks, at Two Shillings and Sixpence sterling, each, and the Money appropriated to the Benefit of the American Prisoners" in England. Advertisement. .269 WASHINGTON en NECKER : Lierzang, //. 7. sm. 4 n. p., 1790 RARE. A eulogy on Washington and Necker, anonymous, but a former possessor has penciled "door Teith" on the half-title. " Uw schepping zonk uw roem bleef leven, Een roem, dien de eeuwen schatting geven, Schoon volk bij volk van de aard verdwijn ; Maar wat gij Sparta waart, voor dezen, Zal WASHINGTON voor t menschdom wezen, Zal NECKER voor den aardboom zijn." 270 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) An Oration on the Discovery of America, delivered in London, Oct. 12, 1792 . . The Second Edition, with an Appendix, containing A Description of the City of Washington, with an accurate Engraving ; [some HYMNS for America, composed during the late War ; a Sketch of the Life and Character of Gen. Washington (//. 57-74); and an ACROSTIC (56 lines) on "George Washington President of the United States of North America."] // 77> (?\ folded Table, and fine engraved Plan of the City of Wash ington, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, [1792] 271 PAINE (Thomas) Letter to George Washington, President of the United States of America: on Affairs Public and Private, //. 76, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, B. F. Bache, 1796 On the last page is a list of " the latest works of Thomas Paine, published at the Office of the Aurora," with a few others, headed by the spurious "Private Letters of General Washington, in June and July, 1776." 4272 A Word to Federalists and to those who love the Memory of WASHINGTON,^. 15 Another edition, imperfect, wanting the last leaf. (2) 8 n. p., n. d. Both editions were printed in Massachusetts (one in Boston) in 1809, to promote the re-election of Governor Gore and Lieut. Governor Cobb. There is less eulogy of Wash ington than denunciation of Jefferson, and of the War with England. 4273 The Third Book of the "Washington Benevolents," otherwise called, The Book of Knaves, pp. 24. 12 \Boston\ Natttl Coverlcy, Jr. [1813] A squib on the other side: "The words of Obadiah the Scribe, concerning the doings of the sect of the tribe of the tories, which are known by the name of The Washington Benevolents ; dedicated to " Corn-yield-us Cool-ledge." There is a Portrait on the Title- page (after no known original, by an anonymous engraver). The preface is dated, October, 1813. In a burlesque "petition or prayer" to George III., said to have been adopted by the federal leaders of the "Benevolents," a party nickname is introduced which has generally been understood to be of more recent origin : " What though the Pious SILVER GREYS Once more have tried the storm to raise, And bells have toll d, and windows broke, The people will not wear the yoke." The quotation is at Dr. J. R. Bartlett s service for the next edition of his Dictionary of Americanisms. 4274 The Life of Col. Jonathan Burnham, now living in Salisbury, Mass. . . Containing a Recital of Highly Interesting Incidents, Relative to the Revolutionary Services and private Life of this dis! 2 5 IQ4 WASHINGTONIANA. tinguished Soldier and Friend of the departed and beloved GEORGE WASHINGTON, fine portrait of Washington inserted, pp. 8, half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Portsmouth, S. W hidden, 1814 4275 WASHINGTON MONUMENT. An Authentick Account of all the Proceedings, 4th of July, 1815, with regard to laying the Corner Stone of the Washington Monument in Baltimore ; with an En graving of the Monument, fac-simile of the engraved plate depos ited under the Corner stone, and a Biographical Sketch of Gen. Washington, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Baltimore, J. H. Pratt, 1815 4276 [PEALE S] PORTRAIT of Washington. [Notices and criticisms of the portraits most remarkable as likenesses or works of art ; with] Letters addressed to Rembrandt Peale . . expressing approbation of his Portrait of Washington,//. 20, uncut. 8 n. p., n. d. [1824] ADDENDA. NEW YORK. 4277 AMERICAN REVIEW (The), and Literary Journal, for the year 1801. [Edited by Chas. Brockden Brown.] Vol. i., pp. 508, ha bound, neat. 8 N. York, T. & J. Swords, 1801 4278 BOYNTON (Copt. Edw. C.) History of West Point, and its Military Importance during the Am. Revolution ; and the Origin and Progress of the U. S. Military Academy, maps, plans, and other illustrations, pp. xviii, 408, cloth, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT. imp. 8 N. York, D. Van Nostrand, 1864 100 copies printed in this size. 4279 Calendar of N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts and Land Papers; in the office of the Secretary of State, 1643-1803, pp. 1087, law sheep. 8 Albany, 1864 4280 Canal Commissioners. Official Reports ; and Acts of the Legis lature respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, with per spicuous Maps and Profiles,//. 112, boards, uncut. 8 Newburgh, B. F. Lewis, and Shelton &> Kensett, 1817 4281 CLINTON (DeWitt) Address at his Installation as Grand Master of the Gr. Lodge of the State of N. York, June 19, 1806 An Account of Atoimelech Coocly and other celebrated Writers of New York : in a Letter from a Traveller to his Friend in S. Carolina. Jan. 1815 Speech of Gov. Clinton to the Legislature, Jan. 6, 1819 Speech, etc., Nov. 7, 1820 Speeches of Gov. Clinton before the Legislature, 1817-1823, //. 78 Message to the Legislature, Jan. i, 1828 Letters of Gov. Clinton and Col. L. Baldwin, on the proposed Extension of the Hampshire and Hampden Canal, Feb. 1828 Knapp (S. L.) Discourse on the Life and Character of De Witt Clinton, March 29, 1828. Washing ton, &?&. 8 Pamphlets. 8 ADDENDA. 1 95 282 (CLINTON.) A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati, etc. . . . with Remarks on Warren s Pamphlet. By John Wood, //. 56, uncut. Newark, 1802 Letters to a Friend at Pittsburg, on the Character and Conduct of Dewitt Clinton, Esq. By MILO, pp. 15, uncut. New York, 1812. 2 Pamphlets. 8 283 CRIMINALS. Last Speech, Confession, etc., of John Smith, executed at Albany, Feb. 5, 1773, for Counterfeiting. Albany ; repr. Hartford, 1773 Narrative and Dying Speech of John Ryer, executed at White-Plains, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1793, for the murder of [Dr.] Isaac Smith, Deputy Sheriff of Westchester county. Printed for, and sold by, the Plying Stationers, n. d. Last Speech, Con fession, etc. of John Smith, executed at Albany, Feb. 5, 1773, etc., another edition. N. Haven [1773] The First Trial of A. Morhouse, for Forgery. Written by Himself. New York, 1789 A Journal of the Life and Travels of Joseph-Bill Packer, now under sentence of Death in the City-Hall of Albany. Albany; repr. Hartford, 1773 Account of the Trial [at Troy] of Winslow Russell, for the Murder of Michael Bockus [of Hosick, N. Y.J ; with his Confession, and Narrative of his Life. n. p., n. d. [1811] Life and Confession of John Tuhi, [an Indian,] a youth of 17 years, executed at Utica, July 25, 1817, for the Murder of his Brother, n. p. Life and Confession, etc., of David D. How, executed at Angelica, N. Y., March 19, 1824, for the Murder of Othello Church . . with a Dis course at the Gallows, by Elder J. Badger, n. p., n. d. Account of the Trial of Jesse Wood, for shooting his Son Joseph ; at a Court in Poughkeepsie, Oct. 28, 1806; with account of his Life, etc. n. p. Sketch of the Life of Miss Ellen Jewett, murdered in New York, April 9, 1836 ; with a Portrait, copied from her Minia ture. Boston, 1836 Life, Trial, and Confession of John Banks, executed [in New York], July u, 1806, for the Murder of his Wife. New York, 1807 Trial, Life, and Confessions of Charles Cook, executed at Schenectada, Dec. 18, 1840, for the Murder of Mrs. Cath. Merry. West Troy, 1841 Life, Trial, etc. of the Three Thayers, executed for the Murder of John Love, at Buffalo, N. Y., June 17, 1825. Buffalo Life and Dying Confession of John Van Alstine, executed March 19, 1819, for the Murder of Wm. Huddleston, Dep. Sheriff of Schoharie county. Cooperstown, 1819 Trial, Life, and Confessions of John F. Van Patten, executed for the Murder of Mrs. M. Schermerhorn, Feb. 25, 1825, at Schenectady. New York. 15 Trials, etc. in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 4.284 DANKERS and SLUYTER. Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679-80, by Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter of Wiewerd in Friesland. Translated and edited by Henry C. Murphy. [Separate issue of Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, Vol. I.], plates, pp. xlvii, 440, viii, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. 8 Brooklyn, 1867 4285 FRANCIS (John W.) Old New York : or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. With a Memoir of the Author, by H. T. Tucker- man. Two portraits (one, India proof), and engraving, LARGE PAPER, cloth, uncut. imp. 8 New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1865 196 ADDENDA. 4286 GARDINER. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Eliza beth Gardiner, late Consort of John Gardiner, Esq. ; of the Isle of Wight, delivered at East-Hampton, the day of her Interment, Oct. 22, 1754. By John Darbe, A. M. With a Prefatory Epistle by Samuel Buell, A. M., pp. vi, 38, LARGE PAPER, half levant morocco , gilt tops, uncut, sm. 4 New London, T". 6 j. Green, 1755 4287 HOUGH (F. B.) History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, Maps, portraits, and other illustrations, pp. 719, (i), cloth. 8 Albany, 1853 4288 HOUGH (F. B.) History of Lewis County. Portraits, pp. iv, 319, half roan. 8 Albany, 1860 4289 Journal (A) of the Late Actions of the French at Canada. With the Manner of their being Repuls d by His Excellency, Benjamin Fletcher . . Governour of New- York. Impartially relateq by Coll. Nicholas Beyerd, and Lieutenant Coll. Charles Lodowick, etc., etc. London, Rich. Baldwin, 1693. sm. 4 [New York, Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1868] 4290 (LYDIUS.) Some Reflections on the Disputes between New York, New Hampshire, and Col. John Henry Lydius of Albany . . To these Reflections are added, Some Rules of Law, fit to be observed in purchasing Land, &c., //. 21, (i), smooth calf extra, gilt top (Bedford*), UNCUT, except the title which has been extended, RARE. 4 New Haven, Benj. Mecom, 1764 4291 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication Fund Series, Vols. I.-V. 6 vols., cloth extra, uncut. 8 New York, for the Society, 1868-74: Vol. I. The Continuation of Chalmers s Political Annals The Golden Letters on Smith s History, 1759-1760 Documents relating to the Administration of Leisler. Vol. II. The Clarendon Papers Tracts relating to New York [1689-1701] Mis cellaneous Documents Gardiner s East Hampton, etc. New York and the New Hampshire Grants. Vol. III. Territorial Rights of New York; the N. Hampshire Grants, etc. Old New York and Trinity Church Rev. Francis Makemie s Sermon [1707]. Vols. IV., V. The Lee Papers, 1754-1778. (2 vols.) 4292 New York Historical Society. Inaugural Discourse of the Presi dent, Gouverneur Morris, Sept. 4, 1816 Anniversary Discourse, Dec. 28, 1820, by Henry Wheaton Anniv. Discourse, Dec. 6, 1823, on the Common Law, by Wm. Sampson Anniv. Discourse, Dec. 6, 1828, by Jas. Kent Inaug. Address, by Albert Gallatin, President, Feb. 7, 1843 Charter, By-Laws* and List of Mem bers, March, 1846 Proceedings, Vol. v. Nos. 6-10 (June i-Dec. 7,1849). ii Pamphlets. 4293 Pamphlets. A Narrative of the New and Unusual Imprison ment of two Presbyterian Ministers, [Francis Makemie and John Hampton] and Prosecution of one of them for preaching one Sermon in the City of New- York pp. (2), 44, wants title and pp. 45-52 Hopkins (Sam l) Historical Memoirs of the Housatonnuk Indians, wants Title, pp. 3-8, and pp. 167-176, imperfect Report of the Case between Thomas Forsey and Waddel Cunningham, [Supreme Court of N. Y., Oct. 1764,] wants a leaf after p. 66 Deed of Settlement of the Mut. Assur. Company, in New York, engr. (by Maverick) on Title. N. Y. 1787 Moore (Benj.) Sermon in St. ADDENDA. George s Chapel, New York, July 15, 1787, at the ordination of Bishop S. Provost. N. Y. 1787 -- The Susquehannah Case - Schuyler (Philip) Remarks on the Revenue of the State of New York. Albany, 1796 Asplunci (J.) Annual Register of the Bapt. Denomination in N. America, to Nov. i, 1790. [1791] Pinckney (Charles) Observations on the Plan of Government submitted to the Federal Convention, May 28, 1787. New York, n. d. [1787]. In i vol. hf. bd. sm. 4 Book-plate of George B. Rapelye. 4294 PICKET (Albert, and J. W.) The Academician, containing the Elements of Scholastic Science, etc. Vol. i. Nos. 1-25 (all pub lished), Feb. 7, i8i8-Jan. 29, 1820. In i vol. hf. bd. r. 8 N. York, C. N. Baldwin, 1820 4295 Troy. Buel (D.) Jr. Troy for Fifty Years ; a Lecture. Troy, 1841 Report of Assembly Committee, 1841, against a Bridge at Albany, (with the Testimony,) pp. 105 Minority Report, on the same subject, 1841 Receipts and Expenditures of City of Troy, 1838-39 Remonstrance of West Troy, against the Bridge, 1841 Memorial of Troy, on the subject of the Bridge ; with Appendix ; and 9 others, i vol. half bound. 8 NEW JERSEY. 4296 An Act for the Support of the Government of His Majesty s Province of New Jersey for Five Years [Sept. 23, 1720 to Sept. 23, 1725]. An Act for the Security of His Majesty s Government of New Jersey An Act for Settling the Militia of this Province, and two others. " The foregoing five Acts were published the fifth of May, 1722," pp. 123-142, n. t. p. folio, \New York, Wm. Bradford, 1722?] The Session Acts of 1722, paged for binding with the compilation of New Jersey Laws printed by W. Bradford (New York, 1717) and its continuations. Clean and fine. No title-page or imprint. Printed either by Wm. Bradford, in New York, or by Andrew Bradford, in Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA. 4297 (Canal Navigation.) An Historical Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of The Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania . . Published by direction of the President [Robert Morris] and Managers of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna, and the Delaware and SchuylkiJJ Navigation Companies, pp. xvi, 77, no map, fresh copy, uncut. sm. 4 Phila., Z. Poulson Jr., 1795 4298 HOWELL S MAP of the State of Pennsylvania, 1792. Dedicated to Governor Mifflin. Colored, mounted on linen, and folded, in small quarto, in case, in fine condition. 4299 A more Just Vindication of the Honourable Sir William Keith, Bart., Against the unparalleled Abuses put upon him, in a Scan dalous Libel call d A just and plain Vindication of Sir William Keith, &c., pp. 4, clean, uncut, EXTREMELY RARE. folio, n. p., n. d. \_Phila., A. Bradford, 1726] A satirical " Vindication " of Sir William, from the imputation which the writer [James Logan?] assumes to be unfounded and malicious of being the author of "A Just and Plain Vindication of Sir William Keith, late Governor," printed in Philadelphia (by Andr. Bradford) in 1726. ADDENDA. 4300 LOGAN QAMES) The Antidote. In some Remarks on a Paper of David Lloyd s, called a Vindication of the Legislative Power. Submitted to the Representatives of all the Freemen of Pennsyl vania. (Dated, Philadelphia, 25 Sept. 1725. )//. 8, n. t. p., uncut. folio, n. p., n. d. [Philadelphia, Andrew Bradford, 1725] A fresh, clean copy of an EXTREMELY RARE tract. For an account of the contro versy of which it made part, see PROUD S History, vol. n.,//. 177-183. " The managers, or chief actors, in this controversy, were principally the Governor [Sir William Keith] and David Lloyd [the Chief Justice], on the one side, and on the other, James Logan, the Secretary, and agent to the Proprietary s family." Mr. Logan begins his "Antidote" with mention of "an extraordinary step in Politicks having been made here last winter "- alluding to Governor Keith s disregard of his instructions, in declaring " that he should pass no laws, nor transact any thing of moment, relating to the public affairs, without the advice and approbation of the Council" "A letter from Sir William Keith . . to Mr. James Logan, . .on occasion of Mr. Logan s having sent to Sir William a copy of his Printed Paper called the Antidote" was printed by Andrew Bradford, the same year. 4301 LOGAN QAMES) The Latter Part of the Charge delivered from the Bench to the Grand Inquest, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery . . at Philadelphia, the 24th day of September, J 733 With their Address, 3 pp. uncut. folio, n. p. [Philadelphia, 1733] VERY RARE. Printed either by Andrew Bradford, or Benj. Franklin; probably, the former. For other Charges by Judge Logan, see Nos. 3431 (1723) and 3305 (1736). 4302 (Penn.) CLARKSON (Thos.) Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. 2 vols.. half calf. 8 London, 1813 433 The same. 2 vols. in one, sheep. 8 Dover, TV. H., J. Mann, 1820 4304 - - William Penn : An Historical Biography ; with an Extra Chapter on the " Macaulay Charges." By Win. Hepworth Dixon, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1851 4305 PLAIN DEALER (The) Number n. Being a Tickler, for the Leisure Hour s Amusement of the Author of Cool Thoughts [B. Franklin]. Wherein the Force of his several Arguments in Favour of a Change of Government is stated in a clear Light, etc. By X. Y. Z. Gentleman, //. 16, uncut, sm. 8 Phila., [May 7,] 1764 The Plain Dealer: or, Remarks on Quaker Politics in Pennsyl vania. Number in. To be continued. By W. D. Author of No. i., //. 24. 8 Phila., [May 12,] 1764. 2 VERY SCARCE Pamphlets. 4306 ST. JOHN (J. Hector) de Crevecceur. Letters from an American Farmer : describing certain Provincial Situations, Manners, and Customs, etc. A new Edition, with an accurate Index, 2 maps, sheep, fine copy. 8 London, 1783 The best edition. The first was printed in London, the preceding year. 4307 Pamphlets (Historical) A Brief State of the Conduct of Penn sylvania, for the year 1755 ; so far as it effected the General Service of the Brit. Colonies, particularly the Expedition under the late Gen. Braddock . . Being a Sequel to A Brief State of Pennsylvania, //. 88. London, 1756 Du Ponceau (P. S.) and Fisher (J. F.) Memoir of the Treaty made by Wm. Penn with the Indians, in 1682, pp. 63, slightly water stained. Phila., 1836 Penington (John) An Examination of Beauchamp Plantagenet s Description of the Province of New Albion. Phila., 1840 Tyson (Job R.) Discourse on 2ooth Anniv. of the Birth of Wm. Penn. Phila., 1845. 4 Pamphlets. 8 ADDENDA. 1 99 4308 FRANKLIN (B.) Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, pp. 32. 8 \B. Franklin and D. ffall,~] 1749 4309 FRANKLIN (B.) Idea of the English School, Sketch d out for the Consideration of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Academy, pp. 8. [Appended to Richard Peters s Sermon on Education, preached at the Opening of the Academy, 7 Jan., 1750-51,^. vii, 48.] 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1751 4310 - - The Way to Wealth. 12 Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1790 4311 - - Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 17511790, fine portraits of Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Bache, uncut, VERY SCARCE. r. 8 New York, C. B. Richardson, 1859 FRANKLIN S PRESS. 4312 The Poor Orphan s Legacy; being A Short Collection of Godly Counsels and Exhortations to a Young arising Generation . . By a Minister of the Gospel, imperfect, wants two leaves, uncut, VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1734 4313 The Querists, Part in. Or An Extract of Sundry Passages taken out of Mr. Tennent s Sermon, at Nottingham, of The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, etc., pp. 150. sm. 8 B. Franklin, in Market- Street, 1740 4314 The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle [No. i.] Jan. 1741, pp. 72 (wanting 73-76); No. II., //. 99-206, imperfect; and No. vi., pp. 399-416, only. 12 B. Franklin, 1741 4315 BLAIR (Samuel) A Particular Consideration of A Piece, entitled, The Querists : Wherein sundry Passages extracted from the Ser mons, etc., of the Rev. Mr. Whiteneld are vindicated, pp. 63, uncut. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1741 4316 TENNENT (Gilbert) A Sermon upon Justification. Preached at New-Brunswick, Aug. 1740, pp. 29. 8 Benjamin Franklin, 1741 4317 FINLEY (Samuel) Clear Light put out in obscure Darkness. An Examination and Refutation of Mr. Thompson s Sermon, entituled, The Doctrine of Convictions set in a Clear Light, pp. 71, uncut. sm. 8 B. Franklin, 1743 4318 [CURRIE (Wm.)] A [Fast] Sermon Preached in Radnor Church, Jan. 7, 1747 . . By a Presbyter of the Church of England, pp. 23, nice copy. 8 B. Franklin and David Hall, 1748 4319 (WHITEFIELD.) A Letter from the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, to A Reverend Divine in Boston ; giving a short Account of his late Visit to Bermuda, //. 7, uncut. sm. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 4320 SMITH (John) The Doctrine of Christianity, as held by the People called Quakers, Vindicated : in answer to Gilbert Tennent s Sermon on The Lawfulness of War, //. iv, 56. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 4321 CURRIE (Wm.) A Treatise on the Lawfulness of Defensive War. In Two Parts,//, xviii, 102. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 4322 EVANS (David) Law and Gospel : or, Man wholly Ruined by the Law, and Recovered only by the Gospel. The substance of Sermons 2OO ADDENDA. at Treclyffryn, in Pennsylvania, and at Pilesgrove, New Jersey, in 1745, pp. 52, uncut. sm. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 4323 FISHER (Geo.) The American Instructor : or, Young Man s Best Companion. Containing Spelling. Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, etc., etc. To which is added, The Poor Planter s Physi cian. . And also Prudent Advice to young Tradesmen and Dealers. Ninth edition, revised, pp. v, 378, old calf. 12 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1748 4324 CHALKLEY (Thos.) A Collection of the Works of Thomas Chalkley; in Two Parts. 2 vols. in one, pp. xiii, (3), 590, old calf , good copy. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749 4325 DAVIS (Samuel) Sermon, before the Presbytery of Newcastle, Oct. ii, 1752, in Hanover, Va.,//. 38. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1753 4326 The Value of a Child ; or, Motives to the Good Education of Children. In a Letter to a Daughter, pp. 30, clean, in original wrapper. 16 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1753 4327 SMITH (Wm.) Sermon, in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the Provincial Grand Master and General Communication of F. and A. Masons, 24th June, 1755, pp. 24, nearly uncut, SCARCE. 4 B. Franklin and D. Hall, [1755] 4328 The Christian s Duty to Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar s, considered ; with regard to the payment of the present Tax of 60,000 Pounds granted to the King s Use . . Addressed to the Scrupulous among the People called Quakers. By a Lover of his King and Country, pp. 27. 8 \B. Franklin and D. Hall } 1756 4329 RUTTY (John) The Liberty of the Spirit and of the Flesh distinguished : an Address to those . . called Quakers, who are commonly called Libertines, pp. 64, clean copy. 8 Repr. by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1759 4330 A Letter to the People of Pennsylvania ; occasioned by . . that Important Act, for Constituting the Judges . . during Good Be haviour. The Second Edition, pp. 39, good copy, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia \B. Franklin and D. Hall,} 1760 433 1 WOOLMAN (John) Considerations on Keeping Negroes. Part Second,//. 52. 8 B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1762 DELAWARE. 4332 Address of the Representatives of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, upon Delaware, in General Assembly met at Newcastle, the i3th day of June, A. D. 1717, to the Honourable William Keith, Esq; Lieut. Governour, etc. [asking for a confirma tion of their titles to lands, etc.], pp. 3, uncut, n. t. p. EXTREMELY RARE. folio, n. p., n. d. [Phila., Andr. Bradford, 1717] 4333 The Honest Man s Interest, As he Claims any Lands in the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, or Sussex, on Delaware,//. 4> n - t - p., clean, uncut, EXTREMELY RARE. folio, n. p., n. d. \Phila., Andr. Bradford, 1726] CATALOGU E OF THE gmm ran Htfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD, CONN. THIRD PART. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE-ROOM, ASTOR PLACE AND EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK, ON Monday, April 4th, and the following days, TWO SESSIONS DAILY, Commencing- at 3.30 and 7.30 P.M. The books will be on view for a week previous to the sale. Cards of admittance may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. Catalogues will be supplied by the Auctioneers : PRICE, ONE DOLLAR FIFTY CENTS: Or, with LIST OF PRICES (when printed) Two DOLLARS. PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS IN THE THIRD PART OF THE BRINLEY LIBRARY WERE SOLD April 4th -8th 1881 AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. GEORGE A. LEAVITT & CO. NEW YORK Nos. 4334-4550. 4351 1.12 4401 .38 4451 2. 4501 .75 4352 1.13 4402 .50 4452 2.25 4502 .75 4353 34. 4403 .50 4453 8. 4503 5. 4354 1.75 4404 3.75 4454 1.75 4504 3.75 4355 2.50 4405 1.63 4455 1.25 4505 .70 4356 2.50 4406 .75 4456 .10 4506 2.75 4357 250. 4407 .30 4457 .50 4507 4. 4358 14. 4408 3. 4458 6. 4508 26. 4359 6. 4409 3. 4459 1.25 4509 6. 4360 34. 4410 1.50 4460 .10 4510 3.75 4361 3.25 4411 .50 4461 .25 4511 1.75 4362 5.25 4412 .10 4462 .10 4512 4.50 4363 .80 4413 6.50 4463 .25 4513 5.50 4364 6.50 4414 4.25 4464 .25 4514 .60 4365 265. 4415 1.13 4465 2.50 4515 1.50 4366 70. 4416 4.50 4466 2. 4516 2. 4367 15. 4417 2. 4467 1.88 4517 2. 4368 .50 4418 .25 4468 1: 4518 5. 4369 1.38 4419 8.50 4469 6. 4519 3. 4370 1.25 4420 2.50 4470 4.25 4520 1.13 4371 1. 4421 .38 4471 3.50 4521 .50 4372 1. 4422 4.50 4472 2.25 4522 150. 4373 1.75 4423 18. 4473 .75 4523 1.25 4374 4.25 4424 3.25 4474 2.75 4524 5. 4375 .45 4425 16. 4475 6.75 4525 3.75 4376 3. 4426 11. 4476 3. 4526 10.50 4377 6. 4427 1. 4477 4.50 4527 14. 4378 3.50 4428 .50 4478 3.75 4528 .25 4379 3. 4429 .25 4479 1. 4529 .25 4380 4. 4430 .50 4480 4. 4530 19.50 4381 2.50 4431 1. 4481 2.50 4531 2.25 4382 1.25 4432 4. 4482 4.50 4532 1.50 4383 1.50 4433 .25 4483 1. 4533 1.50 4334 1.13 4384 2.25 4434 .25 4484 1.25 4534 .50 4335 1.25 4385 .75 4435 .25 4485 1. 4535 1.50 4336 2.25 4386 .50 4436 .25 4486 1.25 4536 .50 4337 1.20 4387 1. 4437 1. 4487 .75 4537 .75 4338 .50 4388 1. 4438 1.25 4488 .80 4538 .13 4339 .70 4389 .50 4439 .25 4489 .75 4539 1. 4340 5. 4390 1. 4440 5. 4490 3. 4540 .20 4341 1.50 4391 o 4441 3.75 4491 12. 4541 4.13 4342 1. 4392 5. 4442 4.25 4492 45. 4542 .50 4343 9. 4393 6.50 4443 1. 4493 10. 4543 2. 4344 4.50 4394 3.50 4444 2 25 4494 6.25 4544 1.50 4345 1.75 4395 4.25 4445 3.50 4495 1.50 4545 32. 4346 42. 4396 1.75 4446 4.50 4496 .50 4546 3. 4347 11. 4397 1.50 4447 1.25 4497 5.50 4547 4. 4348 4.50 4398 7. 4448 1. 4498 11. 4548 2.25 4349 5.50 4399 13. 4449 1.50 4499 3. 4549 1. 4350 1. 4400 10. 4450 .25 4500 1. 4550 1.05 Nos. 4551-4800. 4551 out. 4601 3.75 4651 1. 4701 1.38 4751 .45 4552 10. 4602 5. 4652 1.50 4702 1. 4752 6. 4553 2. 4603 1.75 4653 5. 4703 1.50 4753 1. 4554 3.50 4604 11. 4654 1. 4704 .50 4754 .50 4555 2. 4605 1. 4655 1. 4705 .50 4755 .50 4556 2. 4606 .88 4656 1. 4706 1. 4756 2.25 4557 2.70 4607 9. 4657 3.75 4707 1. 4757 1.65 4558 8. 4608 2.50 4658 2. 4708 6.50 4758 .20 4559 5.50 4609 1.75 4659 2.25 4709 1.38 4759 .25 4560 .75 4610 2. 4660 2. 4710 .50 4760 1.12 4561 1.25 4611 3.75 4661 1.50 4711 1.50 4761 .25 4562 1.25 4612 4.13 4662 2.10 4712 1.75 4762 .70 4563 1. 4613 1.50 4663 .25 4713 3. 4763 1. 4564 .75 4614 4. 4664 2. 4714 .30 4764 1.68 4565 .75 4615 3.50 4665 .15 4715 4.50 4765 1.50 4566 1. 4616 2.75 4666 1. 4716 2.40 4766 1. 4567 1.75 4617 1.50 4667 4.50 4717 4.50 4767 1.50 4568 3.50 4618 7. 4668 9.75 4718 3.50 4768 1. 4569 2. 4619 2 25 4669 2.75 4719 .75 4769 2. 4570 1.25 4620 .75 4670 3.25 4720 7.50 4770 .50 4571 10.50 4621 .75 4671 5.40 4721 3.25 4771 3. 4572 8. 4622 1.25 4672 3. 4722 2. 4772 1. 4573 2. 4623 3.25 4673 1.75 4723 3.50 4773 .75 4574 11. 4624 .75 4674 .50 4724 1.50 4774 .63 4575 1.13 4625 1. 4675 .50 4725 5.75 4775 11. 4576 .80 4626 1.75 4676 1.13 4726 1.50 4776 3. 4577 2. 4627 23. 4677 3.25 4727 3.50 4777 1. 4578 15. 4628 18. 4678 2.75 4728 .50 4778 2. 4579 19. 4629 1.25 4679 .75 4729 1.75 4779 3. 4580 16. 4630 7.20 4680 .60 4730 2.50 4780 3.50 4581 1.25 4631 1.75 4681 3.75 4731 6. 4781 1. 4582 9. 4632 15. 4682 2.50 4732 3.75 4782 2.13 4583 34. 4633 2.50 4683 1. 4733 .50 4783 22.50 4584 10.80 4634 3.50 4684 .25 4734 2. 4784 6.50 4585 55. 4635 1. 4685 .25 4735 4. 4785 3.75 4586 2. 4636 4.25 4686 .25 4736 1. 4786 1.63 4587 9. 4637 2.25 4687 .50 4737 1.50 4787 1.75 4588 2.75 4638 3. 4688 .50 4738 2.25 4788 16. 4589 .50 4639 3.25 4689 5.25 4739 1.50 4789 12.50 4590 120. 4640 4.50 4690 1.25 4740 1.75 4790 15. 4591 2. 4641 1. 4691 .50 4741 2. 4791 5.50 4592 40. 4642 .60 4692 3. 4742 16. 4792 7.50 4593 .25 4643 1. 4693 2.50 4743 2. 4793 3.25 4594 100. 4644 7.50 4694 2.25 4744 1.25 4794 1.25 4595 75. 4645 2. 4695 2. 4745 .75 4795 1.75 4596 1. 4646 6.75 4696 3.50 4746 .38 4796 2.25 4597 8.50 4647 4.25 4697 10.50 4747 1. 4797 3. 4598 5.50 4648 2.25 4698 9.75 4748 1. 4798 1. 4599 13. 4649 .50 4699 .50 4749 .25 4799 1.25 4600 1.50 4650 1.20 4700 .20 4750 1.50 4800 2.25 Nos. 4801-5050. 4801 2. 4851 1.25 4901 52.50 4951 1.50 5001 1. 4802 3.25 4852 1.25 4902 1.13 4952 7.50 5002 1.25 4803 1. 4853 1.13 4903 1.50 4953 30. 5003 .40 4804 .50 4854 4.13 4904 .50 4954 1.50 5004 .50 4805 1. 4855 4.50 4905 .50 4955 3.50 5005 2. 4806 1.25 4856 2.10 4906 6.50 4956 3.50 5006 1.75 4807 1.37 4857 2.50 4907 .50 4957 2.50 5007 .75 4808 9.90 4858 4. 4908 .50 4958 5.25 5008 2. 4809 1.62 4859 3. 4909 3.50 4959 2.25 5009 35. 4810 1. 4860 1.25 4910 1.13 4960 1. 5010 4.50 4811 5.50 4861 1.75 4911 3.50 4961 1. 5011 6.25 4812 1. 4862 .25 4912 1.75 4962 4. 5012 .50 4813 1. 4863 4. 4913 1. 4963 1.50 5013 1.50 4814 3.50 4864 3.50 4914 .50 4964 3.25 5014 3. 4815 5.63 4865 1.75 4915 2.25 4965 .25 5015 1.38 4816 1. 4866 .25 4916 .50 4966 .25 5016 3.75 4817 .63 4867 1.25 4917 1. 4967 .50 5017 1.25 4818 76. 4868 2.50 4918 1.25 4968 1.13 5018 .88 4819 .80 4869 .75 4919 1. 4969 1.13 5019 5. 4820 .50 4870 .87 4920 .25 4970 1.12 5020 2.50 4821 .50 4871 .63 4921 1.50 4971 1.13 5021 1.50 4822 .25 4872 2.50 4922 .80 4972 4.25 5022 2.38 4823 .25 4873 11. 4923 16. 4973 1.13 5023 1.50 4824 2. 4874 .50 4924 1.25 4974 1. 5024 2.25 4825 .25 4875 1.13 4925 1.13 4975 2. 5025 1.13 4826 .50 4876 4.75 4926 1. 4976 2.50 5026 4.50 4827 .75 4877 .75 4927 1. 4977 2. 5027 .75 4828 .50 4878 2. 4928 1.50 4978 5.50 5028 .63 4829 .50 4879 3. 4929 .88 4979 2.25 5029 .37 4830 .50 4880 3. 4930 .25 4980 5. 5030 3.75 4831 2.50 4881 2. 4931 .50 4981 5.25 5031 2. 4832 10. 4882 1.25 4932 .90 4982 5.25 5032 4.50 4833 4.50 4883 7.25 4933 .25 4983 1.50 5033 6. 4834 6. 4884 1. 4934 .25 4984 2. 5034 2. 4835 1.50 4885 1.25 4935 .25 4985 2.25 5035 1. 4836 7.50 4886 16. 4936 .10 4986 3.50 5036 1.50 4837 .25 4887 1.38 4937 .40 4987 10. 5037 .50 4838 2.75 4888 12.50 4938 .35 4988 1. 5038 .62 4839 4. 4889 .50 4939 .35 4989 17. 5039 36. 4840 1.25 4890 1. 4940 2.50 4990 7. 5040 1.50 4841 3.50 4891 2. 4941 1.38 4991 2.50 5041 3.75 4842 .25 4892 1. 4942 1.75 4992 1.75 5042 4.75 4843 3.50 4893 .50 4943 4. 4993 1.13 5043 2. 4844 4.00 4894 .20 4944 1.50 4994 3.75 5044 2.25 4845 1. 4895 2.55 4945 .25 4995 1. 5045 2.50 4846 3.75 4896 5. 4946 3.25 4996 1. 5046 3.25 4847 3.75 4897 2,25 4947 5. 4997 1.25 5047 1.25 4848 4. 4898 .70 4948 12. 4998 .50 5048 4. 4849 2. 4899 4.75 4949 3.25 4999 1.50 5049 6. 4850 22. 4900 1.13 4950 3.25 5000 1.50 5050 1. Nos. 5051-5300. 5051 3. 5101 1.75 5151 4.75 5201 .50 5251 .50 5052 3. 5102 .50 5152 2.50 5202 .25 5252 1.25 5053 2.25 5103 1. 5153 8. 5203 1. 5253 1.50 5054 1.50 5104 .50 5154 1. 5204 1.75 5254 2 5055 2.25 5105 41. 5155 1. 5205 2.75 5255 .63 5056 1. 5106 .25 5156 1. 5206 2.75 5256 2.50 5057 6.25 5107 1. 5157 1.75 5207 2.13 5257 1. 5058 .25 5108 10.50 5158 1.75 5208 .50 5258 5.13 5059 1.25 5109 2.75 5159 .50 5209 1.88 5259 1.62 5060 1. 5110 2. 5160 .10 5210 .50 5260 4. 5061 7.50 5111 1.50 5161 .88 5211 .50 5261 6.50 5062 1.75 5112 13.75 5162 5. 5212 2.50 5262 3. 5063 10. 5113 25. 5163 2.50 5213 4.50 5263 16.50 5064 1. 5114 1. 5164 .25 5214 1.50 5264 3.50 5065 3.25 5115 3. 5165 .60 5215 1.50 5265 3.88 5066 4.25 5116 1. 5166 .50 5216 4. 5266 2.75 5067 1. 5117 7. 5167 .88 5217 .50 5267 .60 5068 .63 5118 6.75 5168 6.75 5218 .38 5268 .75 5069 7.50 5119 20.75 5169 .88 5219 1. 5269 .38 5070 7.50 5120 9.50 5170 1. 5220 6.75 5270 1.25 5071 7.50 5121 5.50 5171 5. 5221 .50 5271 2.13 5072 7.50 5122 1. 5172 1.13 5222 1. 5272 .50 5073 7.50 5123 .50 5173 3. 5223 .63 5273 1.25 5074 7.50 5124 3.50 5174 2.50 5224 1.75 5274 1. 5075 1.25 5125 .50 5175 3.50 5225 .50 5275 3. 5076 1. 5126 44. 5176 10. 5226 1. 5276 1.37 5077 7. 5127 .50 5177 3. 5227 2.75 5277 1.25 5078 1.50 5128 1. 5178 4. 5228 24. 5278 .80 5079 3.25 5129 .63 5179 1. 5229 3. 5279 3.38 5080 9. 5130 4.50 5180 8.25 5230 .50 5280 4. 5081 45. 5131 .50 5181 2.75 5231 2.13 5281 2.50 5082 12. 5132 .88 5182 4. 5232 1. 5282 1.88 5083 4. 5133 .37 5183 1. 5233 1.50 5283 2. 5084 2.50 5134 1.25 5184 1.25 5234 2 25 5284 3.25 5085 2. 5135 1. 5185 1.25 5235 1. 5285 2.75 5086 55. 5136 .50 5186 1.25 5236 8. 5286 .50 5087 1.50 5137 .50 5187 .63 5237 .63 5287 2.50 5088 3. 5138 .25 5188 1.12 5238 .87 5288 5.75 5089 4.25 5139 5. 5189 2.87 5239 1.13 5289 5. 5090 3.50 5140 1.62 5190 .63 5240 .38 5290 1.25 5091 4.50 5141 3. 5191 .50 5241 1.37 5291 1. 5092 1.75 5142 5.50 5192 2.50 5242 2.50 5292 2 5093 2.50 5143 2.13 5193 1. 5243 1.50 5293 2.50 5094 10. 5144 1.50 5194 .25 5244 1.75 5294 1.18 5095 5.25 5145 .50 5195 3. 5245 3. 5295 2. 5096 .50 5146 1.50 5196 .63 5246 1. 5296 1. 5097 7. 5147 2.25 5197 2.25 5247 3. 5297 2.50 5098 15. 5148 1.25 5198 2. 5248 3. 5298 1. 5099 3. 5149 .75 5199 2.50 5249 3.75 5299 2.50 5100 1.75 5150 .60 5200 2.50 5250 1.50 5300 14.50 Nos. 5301-5550. 5301 .50 5351 4. 5401 1.75 5451 3. 5501 20. 5302 3.50 5352 7. 5402 6. 5452 7. 5502 5. 5303 10. 5353 5.50 5403 2. 5453 3.50 5503 2.50 5304 11. 5354 2 5404 3.25 5454 5. 5504 8. 5305 9. 5355 12. 5405 5.50 5455 .25 5505 3. 5306 2. 5356 1. 5406 .75 5456 23. 5506 63. 5307 6.75 5357 .70 5407 4. 5457 4.50 5507 15.50 5308 2.50 5358 1.50 5408 2. 5458 2.50 5408 12.50 5309 34. 5359 9. 5409 2.50 5459 2. 5509 10.50 5310 1. 5360 2.50 5410 2. 5460 6.75 5510 10. 5311 16. 5361 5.50 5411 6. 5461 6. 5511 5. 5312 26. 5362 2.75 5412 1.50 5462 1. 5512 65. 5313 2.50 5363 2.75 5413 3.50 5463 26. 5513 2.13 5314 2.50 5364 2.50 5414 3. 5464 29. 5514 2. 5315 1. 5365 4.75 5415 3.25 5465 2 5515 1. 5316 3. 5366 1.75 5416 9. 5466 2.50 5516 40. 5317 525. 5367 10. 5417 5. 5467 4.50 5517 1. 5318 2.50 5368 2, 5418 2. 5468 3. 5518 .75 5319 1.50 5369 1.50 5419 3.50 5469 2.50 5519 .75 5320 3.50 5370 5.50 5420 3. 5470 .88 5520 10. 5321 1.75 5371 3. 5421 55. 5471 20. 5521 3.25 5322 1.25 5372 1.38 5422 2.25 5472 3.50 5522 3.75 5323 2. 5373 1.75 5423 3.50 5473 1.63 5523 2.50 5324 3.50 5374 2. 5424 2.50 5474 3.50 5524 1. 5325 2.50 5375 4.50 5425 6. 5475 17.50 5525 .50 5326 14. 5376 3.75 5426 2. 5476 13. 5526 .70 5327 5. 5377 2.50 5427 1. 5477 10.50 5527 1.38 5328 4.50 5378 6.25 5428 10. 5478 13. 5528 1.75 5329 10. 5379 8. 5429 4.25 5479 5. 5529 out. 5330 5. 5380 5. 5430 1.75 5480 5. 5530 150. 5331 2.25 5381 10. 5431 4.25 5481 5. 5531 130. 5332 28. 5382 5. 5432 2.50 5482 11. 5532 40. 5333 10. 5383 2.25 5433 12. 5483 2.50 5533 1.25 5334 7. 5384 2.50 5434 8.50 5484 35. 5534 1. 5335 5.50 5385 2. 5435 1.50 5485 12. 5535 .50 5336 5. 5386 7. 5436 3.25 5486 30. 5536 2. 5337 11. 5387 2.50 5437 2.50 5487 27. 5537 5. 5338 5.50 5388 2.25 5438 21. 5488 55. 5538 23. 5339 11.50 5389 4.25 5439 3.75 5489 30. 5539 13. 5340 2.25 5390 10. 5440 9. 5490 34. 5540 2.25 5341 2.50 5391 1. 5441 10.50 5491 48. 5541 2.25 5342 .50 5392 3.50 5442 5.50 5492 55. 5542 6.50 5343 5.50 5393 1.50 5443 2. 5493 38. 5543 27. 5344 240. 5394 6.25 5444 5.25 5494 23. 5544 .50 5345 42.50 5395 42. 5445 1. 5495 39. 5545 2. 5346 10. 5396 5. 5446 2.50 5496 40. 5546 3.50 5347 21. 5397 2.25 5447 1.75 5497 15. 5547 1.25 5348 5.50 5398 12. 5448 6.25 5498 24. 5548 17. 5349 1.50 5399 2.75 5449 .25 5499 27. 5549 15. 5350 10. 5400 2.75 5450 3. 5500 14. 5550 5.50 Nos. 5551-5800. 5551 1. 5601 10. 5651 4. 5701 12. 5751 2.50 5552 4.62 5602 5. 5652 2. 5702 12.50 5752 .25 5553 11. 5603 1.50 5653 3.50 5703 18. 5753 .25 5554 2. 5604 5. 5654 1.75 5704 1.50 5754 .75 5555 1. 5605 2.63 5655 5.50 5705 .63 5755 .75 5556 1. 5606 18. 5656 2. 5706 3.25 5756 .50 5557 6.50 5607 11. 5657 .80 5707 2.25 5757 7.50 5558 .50 5608 2. 5658 .90 5708 50. 5758 .25 5559 2.75 5609 35. 5659 2.25 5709 75. 5759 .63 5560 2.50 5610 26. 5660 .70 5710 40. 5760 .. 5561 .25 5611 10. 5661 5.50 5711 50. 5761 .25 5562 5.25 5612 3.75 5662 2.25 5712 50. 5762 . 5563 3.75 5613 3.75 5663 2. 5713 25. 5763 5564 13. 5614 20. 5664 1. 5714 1. 5764 .50 5565 2.50 5615 11. 5665 1. 5715 A 5765 3. 5566 2. 5616 8.25 5666 6.75 5716 5. 5766 35. 5567 3.75 5617 3. 5667 4. 5717 6. 5767 24. 5568 .88 5618 2.25 5668 6. 5718 40. 5768 42. 5569 2. 5619 1.37 5669 1.50 5719 25. 5769 21. 5570 5.50 5620 .88 5670 1.50 5720 14. 5770 10. 5571 1. 5621 30. 5671 1.50 5721 3. 5771 315. 5572 1. 5622 15. 5672 2.50 5722 1. 5772 18. 5573 1.25 5623 6.50 5673 2.50 5723 7.50 5773 100. 5574 3.50 5624 .50 5674 1.75 5724 5. 5774 65. 5575 4.50 5625 9.50 5675 1.50 5725 .25 5775 10. 5576 1.75 5626 3.75 5676 1.50 5726 1. 5776 40. 5577 .50 5627 2.25 5677 1.50 5727 2.25 5777 30. 5578 5. 5628 1. 5678 13. 5728 2.50 5778 35. 5579 36. 5629 2.25 5679 55. 5729 5. 5779 24. 5580 12. 5630 5. 5680 2. 5730 1. 5780 56. 5581 13. 5631 35.75 5681 5. 5731 1. 5781 30. 5582 19. 5632 20.25 5682 900. 5732 3.50 5782 7. 5583 14. 5633 17. 5683 590. 5733 1.75 5783 20. 5584 2.50 5634 14. 5684 550. 5734 2. 5784 78. 5585 1.25 5635 8. 5685 2.75 5735 1.25 5785 100. 5586 2. 5636 19. 5686 70. 5736 2.50 5786 135. 5587 2. 5637 14. 5687 115. 5737 2. 5787 30. 5588 19. 5638 20. 5688 85. 5738 1. 5788 105. 5589 7.50 5639 8.50 5689 2. 5739 1. 5789 195. 5590 .25 5640 7. 5690 2. 5740 2. 5790 12. 5591 7.75 5641 5.25 5691 24. 5741 2. 5791 350. 5592 130. 5642 8. 5692 4.25 5742 21. 5792 45. 5593 1.75 5643 5.75 5693 4. 5743 10. 5793 40. 5594 4. 5644 10.50 5694 6.50 5744 5.50 5794 3. 5595 12.50 5645 30. 5695 6.75 5745 3. 5795 6. 5596 10.50 5646 20. 5696 2. 5746 1.50 5796 5. 5597 11. 5647 1.75 5697 1. 5747 2. 5797 3.25 5598 .50 5648 2.75 5698 50. 5748 1.25 5798 2. 5599 5. 5649 2.50 5699 25. 5749 1.75 5799 2. 5600 5.50 5650 3. 5700 20. 5750 2.25 5800 25. Nos. 5801-6050. 5801 10. 5851 .50 5901 10.50 5951 1.87 6001 4. 5802 1.75 5852 1. 5902 5. 5952 1. 6002 1. 5803 1.50 5853 1.75 5903 8.50 5953 2.50 6003 1. 5804 1.75 5854 5.50 5904 3. 5954 1.25 6004 .75 5805 10. 5855 7. 5905 2.75 5955 2.25 6005 1.38 5800 4.75 5856 .25 5906 1. 5956 1.38 6006 .25 5807 32. 5857 .75 5907 2.25 5957 1. 6007 .38 5808 10. 5858 3. 5908 7.50 5958 1. 6008 .90 5809 13. 5859 4. 5909 4. 5959 3.25 6009 .80 5810 11. 5860 1. 5910 2.75 5960 1.25 6010 .40 5811 1.75 5861 35. 5911 2. 5961 1.25 6011 1.25 5812 1.50 5862 33. 5912 2.50 5962 3.25 6012 1.50 5813 1.35 5863 2. 5913 2. 5963 5.25 6013 1.25 5814 7.50 5864 34. 5914 1.75 5964 10. 6014 5. 5815 3.50 5865 612. 5915 2. 5965 13. 6015 3.50 5816 5.25 5866 234. 5916 2.50 5966 10. 6016 1.75 5817 2. 5867 2. 5917 5.50 5967 13. 6017 2.10 5818 5. 5868 3. 5918 2.50 5968 11. 6018 1.80 5819 3.50 5869 2.75 5919 2.25 5969 1. 6019 .50 5820 2.25 5870 2. 5920 1.75 5970 2. 6020 .25 5821 1.25 5871 .90 5921 2.50 5971 18. 6021 25. 5822 .50 5872 3. 5922 1.75 5972 1.50 6022 34. 5823 .50 5873 4. 5923 2. 5973 2.25 6023 26. 5824 1. 5874 2.25 5924 2.50 5974 36. 6024 22. 5825 25. 5875 3. 5925 2.25 5975 1.25 6025 .25 5826 5.25 5876 2. 5926 1.88 5976 2.25 6026 .25 5827 5. 5877 31. 5927 1.25 5977 .50 6027 .10 5828 .75 5878 6. 5928 1.25 5978 1.13 6028 1.38 5829 2. 5879 5. 5929 2. 5979 1.12 6029 .60 5830 1.25 5880 11.50 5930 4.25 5980 .25 6030 2.76 5831 5. 5881 16. 5931 2. 5981 2.25 6031 1.87 5832 3.75 5882 9. 5932 3.25 5982 .25 6032 1.75 5833 .50 5883 2.50 5933 1. 5983 .70 6033 5.50 5834 1. 5884 2. 5934 2.50 5984 .20 6034 2. 5835 3. 5885 10.50 5935 4.50 5985 .10 6035 .50 5836 2.25 5886 13. 5936 2. 5086 .10 6036 .50 5837 .80 5887 2.50 5937 3. 5987 .20 6037 .25 5838 1. 5888 9. 5938 2.75 5988 1.88 6038 2. 5839 8000. 5889 4.50 5939 2.75 5989 6.25 6039 1.50 5840 .60 5890 15. 5940 2.25 5990 .50 6040 .50 5841 5. 5891 2.50 5941 4. 5991 .25 6041 1. 5842 1.50 5892 4.50 5942 .25 5992 .10 6042 5. 5843 1.25 5893 2. 5943 4. 5993 .10 6043 3.75 5844 .50 5894 1. 5944 2. 5994 1.25 6044 13. 5845 7. 5895 2.50 5945 2. 5995 1. 6045 13. 5846 2. 5896 1.50 5946 2.25 5996 .50 6046 2.50 5847 2. 5897 2.25 5947 2.75 5997 1. 6047 1.63 5848 1. 5898 2.25 5948 3.50 5998 1. 6048 .25 5849 1. 5899 2.50 5949 .63 5999 1. 6949 .62 5850 1.50 5900 2.75 5950 2. 6000 15. 6950 out. Total, $23,716.33 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise betwen two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the buyer s expense and risk within three days from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. In preparing the Catalogue, care has been taken to make the description of every book full and accurate, and every deficiency and imperfection which was discovered has been noted : but the sale of any Volume or Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. The books will be exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and will be sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle ment of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CATALOGUE OF THE ftftrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD CONN. PART III. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST THE UNITED STATES GENERAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY BIOGRAPHY MEXICO THE WEST INDIES CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA THE AMERICAN INDIANS BIBLES CATECHISMS AND PRIMERS MUSIC AND PSALMODY HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1 88 1 CONTENTS. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST: ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI ; FLORIDA, . . . . p. i LOUISIANA, . . . . . . . 7 WESTERN STATES and Territories, . . . . .12 OHIO, The N. W. Territory, . . . . .18 KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, . . . . . .23 ILLINOIS and INDIANA, . . . . . .25 MICHIGAN, . . . . . . -27 IOWA, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, The LAKES, . . .27 MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, KANSAS, . . . .28 The ROCKY MOUNTAINS, UTAH, CALIFORNIA, . . 29 OREGON, The N. W. COAST, . . . . .29 TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, COLORADO, . . .32 THE UNITED STATES: General Civil, and Political History, . . 35 Military and Naval History, . . . . . .56 Biography, . . . . . . . .69 MEXICO, . . . . . . . . .84 DARIEN, PANAMA, THE WEST INDIES, . - . . .86 SOUTH AMERICA, . . * . . . .88 THE AMERICAN INDIANS: Origin, History, Manners and Customs, . 90 Treaties and Conferences, . . . . . .104 Wars and Expeditions, . . . . . .107 Captivities, 1 1 1 ; Missions, . . . . . . 117 INDIAN LANGUAGES, . . . . . . .123 BIBLES, . . . . ... . .146 ELIOT S INDIAN BIBLE, . . . . . 130,131 SAUR S GERMAN BIBLE, ...... 146 The GUTENBERG BIBLE, . . . . . .152 CATECHISMS and PRIMERS : The NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER, . .158 The CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM, . * . . . * 162 MUSIC and PSALMODY, . . . . . . .163 PSALMS and HYMNS, . . . . .172 PREFACE. The Third Part of the catalogue of Mr. Brinley s library is now offered to the public. It comprises 1717 lots, and about twenty-seven hundred titles. A list of some of the rarest and most important works, is subjoined. Among them will be found several volumes of extraordinary rarity, any one of which would suffice to make the approaching sale noteworthy in the annals of bibliography. First of the first, by double right of primogeniture, stands (No. 5839) the GUTENBERG or " MAZARINE " BIBLE, eldest-born of all the issue of the press ; concerning which, see, in its place, a too-long note. Since that note was in type an imperfect copy of the Gutenberg Old Testament, only, has been sold at Sotheby s (Feb. i5th), for ^760. Next to the first-printed book of the Old World may be named one of the first books printed in the New (RIKEL, No. 5317) ; a volume as fresh and bright as it came from Juan Cromberger s press, in Mexico, in 1544, a land-mark in typography, half-way from Gutenberg and the First Bible, to Stephen Daye and the Bay Psalm Book of 1640. Then follows, only a few years later, from "the house of Juan Pablos," in the same city, the first edition of MOLINA S Mexican Dictionary (No. 5771); a book so rare that even the indefatigable Ludewig doubted its existence, and of which only five extant copies are known to bibliography. Next, in order of time, is (5682) ELIOT S INDIAN BIBLE, represented not merely by a single or an ordinary copy, but by one of the first edition and of the "Royal" type (with the Dedication), in its well-preserved original binding ; a well-known copy, described seventeen years ago as " the crowning glory " of Mr. John Allan s library : and two fine copies of the revised second edition of 1680-85, one of which (5683) formerly belonged to Gov. Stoughton of Massachusetts, the other to Jonathan Edwards. Rarer even than Eliot s, in either edition, is (5791) SAUR S GERMAN BIBLE of 1743, the First Bible printed in America in a European language; and scarcely less rare (5800), its third edition, of 1776. VI PREFACE. Of other exceptional rarities, the two editions of BERNARD ROMANS S History of Florida (4365-6), and (5531) a copy in fact two copies of INCREASE MATHER S Brief History of the War with the Indians, Boston, 1676, will not escape the observation of book-lovers. Like its predecessors, the Third Part of the catalogue will be found rich in First Works and First Editions. Mr. Brinley s collection of Bibles, for instance, though small in number of volumes, includes not only the first printed Bible, and the first American edition (Eliot s), but the first Pennsylvania (Saur s), the first New Jersey (5808), the first New York (5809), the first Connecticut (5825), the first Quarto and Folio (5809) editions the first Greek Testament (5820), and the first Hebrew Bible (5829) printed in this country ; and many of the first editions of the Bible and parts of the Bible in various languages of the American Indians. The catalogue is not less rich in the extent and completeness of special collections : such as that of American Biography and Personal History, Nos. 5087-5302 (to be supplemented, hereafter, by more than twelve hundred Pamphlets) ; of the Military and Naval History of the United States, especially, the history of the last War with Great Britain, 1812-14; of works relating to the American Indians, and their Languages (among which the very rare Mexican imprints deserve special mention) ; of early American Music ; and of American versions of the Psalms, and Hymns (of which about a hundred volumes remain to be catalogued in the Fourth Part) j and, not the least remarkable, the collection of New-England Primers and Catechisms, which is, probably, unequalled in any public or private library. When the Second Part of this catalogue was published, last spring, it was hoped that the Third and Fourth would be printed before the end of the year. This was found to be impossible. The general arrangement of the Fourth (and last) Part is completed, and a portion of the copy is already in the hands of the printers. It \vill comprise small collections in Law, Medicine, Agriculture, and other Arts and Sciences, and Bibliography: and larger collections, on Episcopacy and the history of the Episcopal Church in the United States ; the Methodists, Baptists, and other denominations ; Education, including early School Books ; Chap Books ; American Poetry and the Drama ; General Literature, including early American editions of English authors ; Classified Pamphlets ; ADDENDA to Parts First and Second, and Duplicates ; Broadsides, Maps and Prints, etc. # # * MARCH ist, 1881. ABRIDGED TITLES OF SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS. FLORIDA. 4346 Case of the Inhabitants of East Florida. St. Augustin, 1784 4353 GARCILLASSO de la Vega. La Florida del Ynca. Lisbon, 1605 4357 LAUDONNIERE. L Histoire notable de la Floride. Paris, 1586 4359 LE MOYNE. Brevis Narratio, etc. Frankfort, 1591 4360 NUNEZ CABECA DE VACA. Relacion y Commentarios. Valladolid,i^SS 4365 ROMANS (B.) History of East and West Florida. New York, 1775 4367 The same, (zd edition.) New York, 1776 LOUISIANA. 4399 COXE. Description of the Province of Carolana. London, 1727 4413 JACQUEMIN. Memoire sur la Louisiane. Paris, 1803 WESTERN STATES. VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 4491 HENNEPIN. Nouvelle De couverte, etc. Utrecht, 1697 4492 New Discovery of a Vast Country, etc. London, 1698 4493 Nieuwe Ontdekkinge, etc. Amsterdam, 1702 4508 MILLER (Andrew) New States and Territories. n. p. 1819 4522 THEVENOT. Recueil de Voyages. Paris, 1681 4526 WALKER (A.) Journal of two Campaigns. Keene, 1816 OHIO. N. W. TERRITORY. 4545 [CUTLER (Manasseh)] An Explanation of the Map. Salem, 1787 4579-80 Scioto Company. Avis, etc. Paris, 1789 4583 WARD (Nahum) Brief Sketch of Ohio. Glasgow, 1822 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 4590 FILSON. Discovery, .and Present State of Kentucke. Wilmington, 1784 4594-5 HAYWOOD. History of Tennessee. Nashville, and Knoxville, 1823 4599 (Toulmin s) Description of Kentucky. Land., 1792 ILLINOIS, INDIANA. 4627-8 Illinois and Oubache Land Companies. Phila., 1796-1803 4632 View of the Title to Indiana. n.p. 1775 TEXAS. 4721 L Heroine du Texas. Paris, 1819 4725 HARTMANN et Millard. Le Texas. Paris, 1819 4731 LHERITIER. Le Champ-d Asile .. Tableau du Texas. Paris, 1819 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4752 ADAMS (J.) Correspondence. Boston, 1809-10 4783 BURR (A.) Trial. Wash., 1807-08 4784 Reports of the Trial; and Appendix. Phila., 1808 4786 CALLENDER (J. T.) Political Progress of Britain. Phila., 1794 4788 History of the U. S. for 1796. Phila., 1797 4789 The Prospect before us. Richmond, 1800 Vlll SOME RARE BOOKS. 4794-97 CHEETHAM S publications. N. Y., 1802-07 4798 CHEETHAM S Trial for Libel. N. Y., 1807 4800-08 Cincinnati Society. Proceedings, Addresses, etc. 1783-1864 4815 COBBETT (Wm.) The Rush- Light. N. Y., 1800 4818 COLLES (C.) Survey of the Roads of the U. States. N. Y., 1789 4843-4 HAMILTON (Alex.) Letters from Phocion. N. Y., 1784 4845-9 Reports, as Sec. of the Treasury, (Official Copies} N. Y., 1790-94 4856-7 HAMILTON Eulogies (7). v. p. 1804 4858 The Hamiltoniad ; by a Young Gentleman. Phila., 1804 4873 CARPENTER (Stephen C.) Memoirs of Jefferson. N. Y., 1809 4947 WOOD (John) Letter to Alex. Addison. Phila., 1801 4948 Hist, of the Administration of John Adams. N. Y., 1802 495 Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, uncut. Newark, 1802 4952-53 (McKean) Pamphlets, 5 vols. 1800-13 MILITARY AND NAVAL. 4989 Courts-Martial (Collection of Trials by). v. p. 1807-35 5009 HARMAR (Gen. J.) Proceedings of Court of Enquiry. Phila., 1791 5039 McAFEE. Hist of the War in the Western Country. Lexington, 1816 5961 St. Clair s Expedition. Phila. 1792 5081 WILKINSON S Memoirs, etc. 6 vols., uncut. 1809-1816 5086 FULTON (Robert) TORPEDO WARFARE, uncut. N. Y., 1810 BIOGRAPHY. 5153 BURROUGHS (Steph.) Memoirs (with Autograph}. Hanover, 1798 5162 COGLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs. N. Y., 1795 5168 COTTON (John) Life, by J. Norton. London, 1658 5263 PYNCHON (Col. John) Stoddard s Funeral Sermon for. Boton, 1703 5264 Ralegh (Sir Walter) Life, and Tryal. London, 1677 MEXICO. 5309 GOMARA. Historic of the Conquest of the W. India. Lond. 1596 5312 OYANGUREN DE SANTA INES. Arte de la Lengua Japona. Mexico, 1738 5317 RIKEL. Compendio . . d la manera de como se ha de hazer las processiones, Mexico, Juan Cromberger, 1544 DARIEN. THE WEST INDIES. 5326 Darien. Humble Address of the Lords. London, 1699 5327 Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien. n.p. 1700 5329 Barbacloes Acts of Assembly, 1648-1738. London, J.Baskett, 1732-39 5332 Jamaica. Book of the Continuation of For. Passages. London, 1659 5334 Jamaica Laws, 1681-1737. London, 1738 SOUTH AMERICA. 5337 A Publication of Guiana s Plantation. London, 1632 5339 WARREN (G.) Description of Surinam. London, 1667 5339 Poyntz (J.) Present Prospect of Tobago. London, 1683 5344 NODAL. Relacion del Viaje. Madrid, 1621 5345 CIECA DE LEON. Chronica del Peru. Anv.ers, 1554 5346 ZARATE. Descubrimiento y conquista del Peru. Sevilla, 1577 5350 SPILBERGEN and LE MAIRE. Speculum Navigationis. Lugd. Bat. 1619 SOME RARE BOOKS. IX AMERICAN INDIANS. 5361 BOTURINI. Idea de una Nueva Historia. Madrid, 1746 5378 DAMMARTIN. Explication de la Pierre de Taunston. Paris, n. d. 5395 The Four Kings of Canada, uncut. London, 1710 5398 GUMILLA. Hist, de las Naciones del Orinoco. Barcilona, 1791 5421 L EsTRANGE. (H.) Americans no lewes. Lond. 1652 5441 SCHERER. Recherches historiques, etc. Paris, 1777 5456 SQUIER and DAVIS. Ancient Monuments. N. Y. 1848 5463 THOROWGOOD (T.) lewes in America. London, 1650 5484 Articles of Peace, with the Indians of Virginia. London, 1677 5485 Conference with the Eastern Indians. Boston, 1727 5488 Treaty with the Six Nations, at Lancaster. Williamsburg, Va., 1744 5492 Treaty with the Mickmacks of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1753 5506-11 Hist. Account of (Bouquet s) Expedition. (4 editions.) 1765-69 5512 Life of Col. Cresap, by J. J. Jacob : orig. edition. Cumberland, 1826 5516 DODDRIDGE. Notes on Indian Wars of the West. Wellsburgh, 1824 5529 LOUDON S Selection of Narratives, etc. Carlisle, 1808-11 5531 MATHER (Incr.) Brief History of the Warr. Boston, 1676 5532 METCALF S Collection of Narratives, etc. Lexington, 1821 5538 WITHERS. Chronicles of Border Warfare. Clarksb. 1831 5540 DICKINSON. God s Protecting Providence, etc. London, 1720 5592 ELIOT (John) Further Account of Progress of the Gospel. 1660 5609 SHEPARD (T.) Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel. London, 1648 5610 STRENGTH OUT OF WEAKNESSE. London, 1652 INDIAN LANGUAGES. 5645 Nehiro-Irinui Aiamihe Massinahigan. Quebec, 1767 5667 SUMMERFIELD. Grammar of the Chippeway. Cazenovia, 1834 5679 WILLIAMS (Roger) Key into the Language of America. Lond. 1643 5682 ELIOT S Indian Bible. (John Allan s copy.) Cambridge, 1660-63 5683 2d edition. (Gov. Stoughton s copy.) Cambridge, 1685-80 5684 2d edition. (Jonathan Edwards s copy.) Cambridge, 1685-80 5686 COTTON (John) Spiritual Milk for Babes, in Indian. Cambridge, 1691 5687 MATHER (I.) Sermons, transl. into Indian, by Danforth. Boston, 1698 5688 Confession of Faith, in Indian. Boston, 1699 5694-5 Mareschit and Abnaki Prayer Books (MANUSCRIPT). 5698 CAMPANIUS. Lutheri Catechismus. Stockholm, 1696 5700 ZEISBERGER (D.) Delaware-Indian Spelling Book. Phila. 1776 5701 Collection of (Delaware) Hymns. Phila. 1803 5708 Mohawk Prayer Book. Boston, 1763 5709 Order for Morning and Evening Prayer. New York, 1769 5710 The same. Quebec, 1780 5711 The same. London, 1787 5718 Mohawk Primer. London, 1786 5742 Tracts. Iroquois and Muhhekan. 1789-1813 5765 MSS. Vocabularies, N. W. Coast. 5766 ARENAS. Vocabulario du la lengua Mexicana. Los Angelos, 1793 5768 AVILA. Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1717 X SOME RARE BOOKS. 5771 MOLINA. Vocabulario Mexicano. Mexico, 1555 5772 NEVE Y MOLINA. Arte del Idiomi Othomi. Mexico, 1767 5773 PAREDES. Promptuario Manual Mexicano. Mexico, 1759 5774 PEREZ. Catechisms, traducido en Mexicano. Mexico, i? 23 5775 TAPIA ZENTENO. Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1753 5776 Noticia de la lengua Huasteca. Mexico, 1767 5777 VELASQUEZ DE CARDENAS. Breve Practica, etc. Mexico, 1761 5780 BELTRAN. Arte de el idioma Maya. Mexico, 1746 5783 BRETON. Dictionnaire Caraibe. Auxerre, 1664-6 5786 Domingo de S. Thomas. Arte de la lengua general. Cordova, 1560 5788 M ARE AN. Arte de la lengua Moxa. Lima, 1702 5789 Ruiz DE MONTOYA. Tesoro de la lengua Guarani. Madrid, 1639 BIBLES, ETC. 5791 FIRST Am. edition of the Bible in German. Germantoivn, C. Saur, 1743 The First Bible printed in a European language, in America. 5800 Third edition of Saur s German Bible. Germantoivn, 1 776 5806 New Testament First New Jersey edition. Trenton, 1788 5807 First New York edition. N. York, 1 790 5808 Bible. First New Jersey edition. Trenton, 1791 5809 First Folio, printed in the U. States. Worcester, 1791 5820 First Greek Testament printed in the U. States. Worcester, 1800 5825 Bible. First Connecticut edition. Hartford, 1809 5827 Hebrew Psalter. First American edition. Cambridge, 1809 5829 Hebrew Bible. First American edition. Phila., 1814 5839 BIBLIA LATINA. FIRST PRINTED EDITION. Mentz, J. Gutenberg, 1450-53 CATECHISMS, PRIMERS, ETC. 5861 NOYES (Jas.) A Short Catechism. Boston, 1714 5862 STONE (S.) A Short Catechism. Boston, 1720 5865-6 The NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER (12 editions). 1737-1802 5877 The CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. Cambridge, Marm. Johnson, 1671 Music AND PSALMODY. 5881 WALTER (T.) Sermon on Regular Singing. Boston, J. Franklin, 1722 5885 TUFTS (J.) Introduction to the Art of Singing. Boston, J. F., 1721 5886 WALTER (T.) Grounds and Rules of Musick. Bost. J. Franklin, 1721 5889 LYON (J.) Urania; collection of Psalm Tunes. Phila. 1761 5892 BAYLEY (D.) The American Harmony. Newburyport, 1771 5964 BAY PSALM Book; I3th edition. Boston, 1706 6022-4 OCCOM (Samson) Hymns: Three editions. N.London, 1774-85 6045 WATTS S Psalms : FIRST American edition. Boston, 1741 CATALOGUE PART III. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST. ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI. 4334 ALABAMA Historical Society. Transactions, at First Annual Meeting, 1851, //. 54, i. 8 Tuskaloosa, 1852 4335 Heads of the Alabama Legislature, at the Session of 1842-3. By the Editor of "The Independent Monitor,"//. 178, cloth. 8 Tuskaloosa, 1843 4336 HOLCOMBE (H.) History of the Baptists in Alabama, doth. 12 Phila., 1840 4337 MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY. President s Message on Mississippi Territory, with the Laws, etc., pp. 16. 1801 Mississippi Question fairly stated, by Camillas, pp. 48. 1803. 2 Pamphlets. 4338 MISSISSIPPI. Letter from Gov. Holmes, transmitting the Consti tution &c. of Mississippi,//. 23, uncut. 8 Washington, 1817 4339 Mobile Directory, 1837. I2 Mobile, 1837 4340 PICKETT (A. J.) History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, 2d edition, engravings. 2 vols., cloth. sq. 12 Charleston, 1851 4341 ROYALL (Mrs. Anne) Letters from Alabama, boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1830 4342 Pamphlets (2) ^R. T. Brumley s Letters on a Geological Survey of Alabama. Tu scaloosa, 1845 Nail s Discourse on The Dead of the Synod of Alabama; with Appendix, //. 52. Mobile, 1851. 8 FLORIDA. 4343 BARTRAM (John) Description of East-Florida ; with a Journal kept upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John s, etc. Third edition, enlarged, 2 maps, and plan of St. Augustine, pp. viii, 40 ; xii, 36, large and fine copy, half calf , gilt tops. 4 London, 1769 2 FLORIDA. 4344 BARTRAM (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. . with Observations on the Manners of the Indians, folded map, Portrait of Mico Chlucco, and six other engravings, calf, neat. 8 London, 1792 oooo Berguin-Duvallon. See Nos. 4405, 4406. 4345 DARBY (Wm.) Memoir on the Geography, and Natural and Civil History of Florida, with a Map, etc., bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1821 4346 East Florida. The Case of the Inhabitants of East Florida. With an Appendix, containing Papers, by which all the facts stated in the Case, are supported, half blue morocco, VERY RARE. 8 St. Augustine, John Wells, 1784 One of the EARLIEST OF FLORIDA IMPRINTS. Thomas (Hist, of Printing, ii. 169, 394,) states that John Wells, who had been a printer and bookseller in Charleston, S. C., fled from that city when the British army evacuated it, and established his press at Nassau, N. P., where he published " The Royal Bahama Gazette." It appears that he was for a short time in St. Augustine, before going to Nassau. 4347 East Florida. Account of East-Florida, with Remarks on its Future Importance to Trade and Commerce, //. (6), 90, clean copy, half calf. 8 London, [1766] The First edition. SCARCE. 4348 Titles, and Legal Opinions thereon, of Lands in East Florida, belonging to Richard S. Hackley, [under a deed from the Duke of Alagon,]//. 71, uncut, scarce. 8 Fayetteville, N. C., 1826 4349 Legal Opinions o,n the Title of Richard S. Hackley, to Lands in East Florida, 3 maps, half calf , SCARCE. 8 New York, 1831 " Relates to the grant by the King of Spain to the Duke of Alagon, previous to the cession of Florida to the U. States. It includes nearly half of East Florida." G. B. 4350 Everglades. Report of the Committee on Public Lands (3Oth Congress, ist Session) on the bill to authorize the draining of the Ever Glades in the State of Florida; made to the Senate, Aug. 12, 1848 ; with accompanying documents, pp. 141. 8 {Washington, 1848] The documents include J. Buckingham Smith s report of his Reconnoisance of the Everglades, in 1847. This is one of the extra copies of the Congressional Report, printed for Hon. J. D. Westcott, with additional letters, notes, etc. 4351 FAIRBANKS (Geo. R.) The Early History of Florida. An Introductory Lecture before the Florida Historical Society, April 15, 1857. (With the Constitution and List of Members of the Society,) 4 //. 32. 8 St. Augustine, 1857 4352 FORBES (J. G.) Sketches, historical and topographical, of the Floridas; more particularly of East Florida, maps, half russia. 8 New York, 1821 4353 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA (el Ynca) La Florida | del Ynca. | Historia del Adelanta-|do Hernando de Soto, Gouernador y capi-|tan general del Reyno de la Florida, y de | otros heroicos caualleros Espanoles e | Indies ; escrita por el Ynca Garcilasso | de la Vega, etc., 10 prel. leaves, n. n., 352 leaves, and 6 n. n., best grosgr. levant red morocco extra, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. (Bradford). sm. 4 Lisbona, Pedro Crasbeeck, 1605 VERY RARE. The FIRST EDITION of Garcilasso s narrative of the Conquest of Florida and account of the Indians. FLORIDA. 3 4354 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire de la Conquete de la Florida : ou Relation de ce qui s est passe dans la Decouverte de ce Pai s par Ferdinand de Soto, composee en Espagnol par L Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, & traduite en Francois par Sr. Pierre Richelet. 2 vols. in one, pp. (26), ^2., folded map and plates, old calf gilt, fine copy. sm. 8 Leide, P. Vander Aa, 1731 4355 Impartial Inquirer (The) ; being a Candid Examination of the Conduct of the President of the U. States, in execution of . . the Act of May i, 1810; [with] Reflections on the Invasion of the Spanish Territory of West-Florida ; by a Citizen of Massachusetts, //. 96, hf. bd. 8 \Boston\, 1811 4356 IRVING (Theo.) The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando de Soto. 2 vols. cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1835 4357 LAUDONNIERE et GOURGUES. L Histoire notable de la Flo-|ride sitvee es Indes | Occidentales, contenant les trois voya-jges faits en icelle par certains Capitaines | & Pilotes Francois, descrits par le Capi-|taine Laudonniere .... a lequelle a | e.ste adioustee vn quatriesme voyage fait | par le Capitaine Gourgues. Mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, | leaves, (8), 123, (i), fine copy, in handsome old tree calf gilt, pages red-lined. 8 Paris, Guill. Anuray, 1586 From Heber s library; with engraved book-plate of John [Holies] Duke of Newcastle. "Except the Relac,am [of 1557], this is perhaps the RAREST BOOK RELATING TO FLORIDA." SABIN S Dictionary, 39234. " This RARE little volume is dedicated to Sir Walter Ralegh, in whose praise there are also several Latin poems ; one of them by Hakluyt. It contains an account of Ribaulfs voyage, in 1562, Laudonniere 1 s in 1564, Ribaulfs second voyage in 1565, and Gourgues in 1567." RICH, No. 67. 4358 Histoire notable de la Floride, . contenant les trois voyages . . descrits par le capitaine Laudonniere, etc. mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, pp. xvi, 228, red mor. gilt. 16 Paris, Chez P. Jannet, 1853 This reprint is now VERY SCARCE. The edition was limited to 100 copies. 4359 LE MOYNE (J.) Brevis Narratio eorum quae in Florida Americae Provi/zcia | Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam Nauigatione, du- ce Renato de Laudoniere classis Praefecto : Anno MDLXIIII. | engraved title-page, and 42 engravings by T. De Bry, clean copy, vellum. fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, Typis J. Wecheli, 1591, 1609 The Second Part of De Bry s " Great Voyages," This copy contains good impressions of the 42 plates by De Bry ; but will be sold not subject to collation. 4360 NUNEZ CABECA DE VACA (Alvar) La relacion y Commentaries del gouernajdor Aluar Nunez cabera de vaca, de lo acaescido en las | dos iornadas que hizo a las Indias, | Con priuilegio. . . . [Part ir.] Commenta|rios de Alvar Nvnez Cabe|ca de Vaca, etc. Scriptos por Pero Hernandez scriuano y secre-|tario de la prouincia etc., original vellum. sm. 4 Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1555 A FINE COPY of the EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION of the Commentaries (with the second edition of the Relacion} of Cabeca de Vaca. It is divided into two parts: the first, supposed to have been written by himself, is a recital of his shipwrecks and disasters (Naufragios de Alva Nunez cabeca de vaca) ; the second (Comentarios, etc.) was written by his secretary, Pedro Hernandez, while Nunez was in prison. See FIELD S Indian Bibliography, No. 230, for a full description. Collation: Title, with la large wood-cut of arms (fol. i.); verso, Lkenso, fol. ij. Prohemio (2 pp.): Naufragios, fol. iij liiij (verso): Tabla, fol. Iv, Ivj, (verso of Ivj, blank.) COMMENTARIOS; Title and Prohemio, 2 11. n. n. and fol. Ivij : Text, fol. Iviij cxlij, verso: Tabla, fol. cxliij, cxliv. Colophon, on verso of fol. cxliv. 4 FLORIDA. 4361 Official Correspondence between Don Luis de Onis, Minister from Spain, and J. Q. Adams, Secretary of State, in relation to the Floridas and the Boundaries of Louisiana, etc., pp. 130, half calf , gilt. 8 London, 1818 4362 OGLETHORPE. An Impartial Account of the late Expedition against St. Augustine under Gen. Oglethorpe. Occasioned by the Suppression of the Report made by a Committee of the General Assembly in South Carolina, . . with an exact Plan of the Town, etc., pp. 68, clean copy, half calf . 8 London, 1742 4363 Pensacola. Sale of Town Lots at Pensacola, with a Description of the Place, Climate, &c., pp. 8, Map, and large folded plan of the New City. 8 [New York, 1836] 4364 ROBERTS (W.) Account of the first Discovery and Natural History of Florida, with a map and particular plans by T. Jefferys, London, 1763 BARTRAM (J.) Description of East Florida, with a Journal, etc., Third edition, enlarged, maps, London, 1769. 2 vols. in i, calf. 4 4365 ROMANS (B.) A Concise | Natural History of East and West Florida ; | containing | An Account of the natural Produce of the Southern | Part of British America, in the three Kingdoms of Nature, particularly the Animal and | Vegetable. | Likewise, | The artificial Produce now raised, or possible to be raised, | and manu factured there, with some commercial and po-jlitical Observations in that part of the world ; and a cho-|rographical Account of the same. | To which is added, by Way of Appendix, | Plain and easy Directions to Navigators over the Bank of Bahama, the Coast of the two Floridas, the North of Cuba, and the dangerous Gulph Passage. | Noting also, | the hitherto unknown watering Places in that Part of | America, intended principally for the Use of such Ves-|sels as may be so unfortunate as to be distressed by Weather in that difficult Part of the World. | By Captain Bernard Romans. Illustrated with twelve Copper Plates, | And Two whoje Sheet Maps. Vol. I. | Frontispiece, Dedication, five other copperplate engrav ings and three maps, pp. (2), 4, viii, 342, (2), Ixxxix, (3), half bound, neat. 8 New York, for the Author, 1775 A large and fine copy of this EXTREMELY RARE volume. " No copy has been found with either of the whole-sheet Maps, and all are more or less deficient in the number of Plates referred to in the title page. From the arrangement and tenor of the title, as well as from the sense of the Advertisement at the end of the volume, we are clearly of opinion that it was the Author s design to distribute the twelve copper plates, and two whole sheet maps, throughout the two volumes into which he intended to divide the work." Menzies Catalogue, no. 1722. The second volume was never published : and in copies of the work issued in 1776 (see the following number) " Vol. I." disappears from the title-page. The copperplates were designed and enraved by the author. T " To John Ellis Escjr." the naturalist, "Agent for the Province of West Florida." (3) Avena aquatica Sylvestris (Wild Oats), facing p. 31. (4) " Character istick Chicasaw Head? p. 59. (5) Characterising Chactaiv Busts, p. 62. (6) Treatment of the dead, by the Chactaws, p. 89. (7) Char act eristick head of a Creek War Chief, p. 92. Maps in the Appendix : (8) Entrance of Tampa Bay, p. Ixxviii ; (9) Pensacola Bay, p. Ixxxi; (10) Mobile Bar, p. Ixxxv. 4366 ROMANS (B.) A | Concise | Natural History of | East and West- Florida. Containing, An Account of the Natural Produce of | all the Southern Part of British America, in the | Three Kingdoms of Nature, particularly the Animal | and Vegetable. | Likewise, | The FLORIDA. 5 Artificial Products now raised, or possible to be raised, and | Manufactured there, with some Commercial and Political Obser- va- tions in that Part of the World ; and a Chorographical Account | of the same. By Captain Bernard Romans. Engraved Dedication, six other copperplate engravings, and a folded Table, pp. (2), 4, 342, original binding. 8 New York, sold by R. Aitken, 1776 The sheets of the original edition, with a new title-page and reprinted Introduction (2 pp.)- The Frontispiece, Lists of Subscribers, Appendix, Errata, and final "Advertise ment " are omitted ; but there is one copperplate engraving that is not found in the earlier issue, though mentioned in the text (p. 102). It represents two "Indian hieroglyphick paintings," executed by Choctaws and Creeks. This illustration was probably not engraved in season for insertion in the first issue. 4367 ROMANS (Bernard) and others. Complete Pilot for the Gulf Passage ; or, Directions for Sailing through the Gulf of Florida, //. 74 BISHOP (Capt.) and others. Complete Pilot for the Wind ward Passage,//. 92. 2 in i vol. 8 London, 1789 Two leaves inserted, containing Corrections, Additions, &c. made by Lieut. D. Woodriffe, in 1790. 4368 St. Augustine. SEWALL (R. K.) Sketches of St. Augustine, plates, cloth. 12 New York, 1848 4369 A Brief Account of St. Augustine and its environs. Prepared and compiled by John F. Whitney, Second Edition, //. 32, folded map, and Advertisements (12 pp.). 8 St. Augustine, 1873 4370 Seminole War (1818-19). Vindication of the Measures of the President and his commanding Generals in the commencement and termination of the Seminole War ; by a Citizen of Tennessee. 8 Washington, 1819 4371 Seminole War (1835-36) The War in Florida: an exposition of its Causes, and an accurate history of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. By a late Staff Officer, map (needs mending), cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1836 4372 COHEN (M. M.) Notices of Florida and its Campaigns. By M. M. Cohen (an officer of the Left Wing), cloth, map and picture of Oseola. 12 Charleston, S. C., 1836 4373 Sketch of the Seminole War, and Sketches during a Campaign. By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing, half cloth. 12 Charleston, 1836 4374 SPRAGUE (J. T.) History of the Florida War (1835-42), map and plates, pp. 557, cloth. r. 8 New York, 1848 4375 Report of Senate Committee (Feb. 1819) on the Message of the President relative to the Seminole War; [censuring Gen. Jackson for the execution of Arbuthnott and Armbrister ; ] with accompanying documents, pp. 40 Letter of Sec. of War (Feb. 1819) transmitting information in relation to the destruction of the Negro Fort in East Florida, in July, 1816, //. 26 President Monroe s Message (Feb. 6, 1819) transmitting Gov. Bibb s Letter to Gen. Jackson, concerning Military Operations in Florida, //. 6. 3 Pamphlets. 8 Washington, 1819 4376 Massacre and Destruction of Indian Key Village, Aug. 1840; Col. Harney s Expedition through the Everglades, etc., no title-page, curious wood engravings, half mor., pp. 28. 8 Philadelphia, E. C. Gill & Co., n. d. 6 FLORIDA. 4377 SOTO (Fernando de) Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards under the command of Fernando de Soto ; written in Portuguese, by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Now Englished. To which is subjoined [with separate titles, but continuous paging] Two Journeys of the Emperour of China into Tartary in 1682 and 1683: with Some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California, in the year 1683, 8 prel leaves, and pp. 272, half vellum, extra, gilt. sm. 8 London, John Lawrence, 1686 " Apparently a translation from the French edition, printed in 1685." ^?^, No. 416. 4378 - - The same collection, without the general title, for which is substituted "Two Journeys of the present Emperour of China into Tartary," etc., & prelim, leaves, pp. 272, old calf neat. sm. 8 London, John Lawrence, 1687 Bishop White Kennett s copy (with his autograph on title). Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 24865) mentions this edition (1687) which he had not seen on the sole authority of Kennett s Bibl. Am. Primordia. 4379 ~ " 1 ne Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinando de Soto, written by a Gentlemen of Elvas, translated by Richard Hakluyt. Reprinted from the edition of 1611. Edited . . by W. B. Rye, map, cloth, uncut. 8 Hakluyt Society, London, 1851 4380 Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida. Translated by Buckingham Smith. [Bradford Club Publications, No. 5.] Portrait, uncut. r. 8 New York, 1866 Subscriber s copy (75 printed), No. 28. See GARCILASSO, Nos. 4353, 4354- 4381 Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten na Florida, door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues en andere : gedaan in het Jaar 1512, en verfolgens ; etc., map and fifteen folded plates, pp. 171, (19), scarce. 8 Ley den, P. Vander Aa, 1706 For full title and collation, see SABIN S Dictionary, no. 24902. 4382 VIGNOLES (C.) The History of the Floridas, from.. 1497, to the cession to the U. States, in 18*21, sheep. 8 Brooklyn, N. Y., 1824 4383 WILLIAMS (J. L.) View of West Florida, embracing its geogra phy, topography, &c., large colored map, pp. 178, hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 4384 WILLIAMS (J. L.) The Territory of Florida ; Topography, Civil and Natural History, large colored map, and portrait of Oseola, pp. 304. 8 New York, 1837 4385 Winter in the West Indies and Florida ; by an Invalid. 12 New York, 1839 4386 Amelia Island. Message of the President [Monroe] commu nicating information of the troops of the U. S. having taken possession of Amelia Island, in E. Florida. Washington, 1818 Message of the President transmitting . . . information relative to the occupancy of Amelia Island, St. Marks, Pensacola, etc. Washington, 1819. 2 Pamphlets. 8 LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. *** See, also, JOUTEL, Nos. 4497-8 ; HENNEPIN, Nos. 4491-3; PIKE (Z. M.), No. 4512; SHEA (J. G.), No. 4519; TONTY, No. 4524. 4.387 An Account of Louisiana, being an Abstract of Documents in the offices of the Departments of State, and of the Treasury, pp. 48 Appendix to An Account of Louisiana, etc., pp. Ixxxvii, and folded tables . 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 n. p., n. d. [ Washington, 1803] 4388 An Account of Louisiana, being an Abstract of Documents, etc. Appendix to An Account, etc. (2 vols. half mor.) 8 Philadelphia, 1803 4389 An Account of Louisiana, etc., pp. 42, folded table, uncut. 8 Reprinted, London, 1804 4390 An Account of Louisiana, laid before Congress by direction of the President of the United States, November 14, 1803, //. 72, boards. (2 copies.) 12 Providence, Heaton&* Williams, n. d. 4391 BARBE-MARBOIS (F.) History of Louisiana, particularly of [its] Cession to the United States. Translated from the French, by an American Citizen [Wm. B. Lawrence], //. xviii, 17-455, (i), half vellum, gilt, marbled edges. 8 Phila., 1830 4392 [BAUDRY DES LOZIERES (L. N.)] Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur la Continent de TAmerique Septentrionale, 1794 a 98 ... par B * * * D * * *, fine map (by Collin), pp. viii, 380, hf. bd. 8 Paris, 1802 4393 BAUDRY DES LOZIERES (L. N.) Second Voyage a la Louisiane, contenant un Memoire . . du Coton animal ; un Manuel botanique ; un Vocabulaire Congo, etc. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1803 4394 Bossu (F.) Travels through that Part of North America formerly called Louisiana ; translated by J. R. Forster ; with Notes on Natural History, . . and a Catalogue of the Plants of English North America, fine clean copy. 2 vols., calf, gilt. 8 London, 1771 4395 Bossu (F.) Nouveaux Voyages dans I Amerique Septentrionale, contenant um collection de Letters (fcrites sur les lieux, par 1 Auteur, a son ami, M. Douin, etc., //. xvi, 392, four plates, old French calf, red edges, SCARCE. 8 Amsterdam, (Paris?) 1777 " Bossu s account of his two first voyages to Louisiana were printed in 1768; after which, he made a third voyage, the account of which is given in this volume : which not having been reprinted, nor translated into any other language, is a much scarcer work than the former." RICH, 1777, no. 50. " Very largely devoted to the narration of his personal intercourse with the natives of that portion of New France called Louisiana." FIELD S hid. Bibl., 39. It includes notices of the Allibamons (Alabamas), Arkancas, Cadodaquios, Natchitoches, etc. 4396 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana ; with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811, sheep, nice copy. 8 Pittsburgh, 1814 4397 Views of Louisiana, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1817 4398 CHAMPIGNY (Col. le Chev. de) La Louisiane Ensanglantee, avec toutes les particularites de cette horrible Catastrophe, //. (8), xii, 123, xxxi, (i), 32, hf. vellum, SCARCE. 8 Londres, 1773 8 LOUISIANA. 4399 COXE (D.) A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards call d Florida, and by the French La Louisiane, etc., map, old calf. 8 London, 1727 4400 COXE (D.) Description of the English Province of Carolana, called by the Spaniards Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane, map. London, 1741. With it are bound : The Dangerous Voyage of JAMES (Capt. T.) in his intended Discovery of a N. W. Passage, 1631, 2d edition, map. London, 1740 (Sieur) POINTIS Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French in 1697, 2d edition, map. London, 1740. 3 / i vol., dean copies. 8 4401 DARBY (Wm.) Geographical Description of Louisiana, and the Southern part of Mississippi and Alabama, map, a name torn from top of title. 8 New York, 1817 4402 DUANE (Wm.) Report of a Debate in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 1803, on the Mississippi Question, boards, uncut. 8 Phila. 1803 4403 Another copy, old calf gilt. 4404 DUVALLON (Bferguin]) Vue de la Colorde Espagnole du Missis- sipi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride occidentale en 1802, two colored maps, pp. 318, hf. bd. 8 Paris, 1803 4405 [ ] Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the year 1802 ; translated from the French, by John Davis. 12 New York, I. Riley 6- Co., 1806 4406 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana (Parts I. and II.), map. 2 vols. cloth. 8 New York 6- Phila., 1846, 50 4407 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, New Series, tinted paper, uncut. 8 New York, J. Sabin 6- Sons, 1869 Subscriber s Copy, No. u. 4408 GAYARRE (C.) Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 vols., hf. mor. gilt. 8 Nouvelle- Or leans, 1846, 1847 4409 GAYARRE (C.) Louisiana ; its Colonial History and Romance, [First and Second Series.] New York, 1851 Louisiana; its History as a French Colony. Third Series of Lectures, Plan of New Orleans in 1770. New York, 1852. 2 vols., cloth. 8 4410 GAYARRE (C.) History of Louisiana. The Spanish Domination, cloth. 8 New York, 1854 441 1 HEUSTIS (J. W.) Physical Observations . . on the Topography and Diseases of Louisiana, pp. 165, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1817 4412 Historical Society of Louisiana. Bullard (H. A.) Discourse, Jan. 13, 1836, pp. 30. 8 N. Orleans, 1836 4413 JACQUEMIN (M.) Mcmoire sur la Louisiane, contenant la description du sol et des productions de cette ile, et les moyens de de la rendre florissante en peu de temps ; avec un VOCABULAIRE et un abrdge de la Grammaire de la langue des Sauvages, //. 68, half vellum, VERY SCARCE. 12 Paris, 1803 The reverend author " pendant vingt-dcux ans, MissionairoPrefet-Vicaire-Apostolique de la Guiane Francaise," etc. asks, that, "to perpetuate the glorious memory of the incomparable General and the indefatigable first-magistrate of France," " grateful French men should substitute for the name of la Louisiana, that of la Napoleone." LOUISIANA. 9 4414 LA HARPE (Be nard de) JOURNAL HISTORIQUE de 1 Etablissement des Fran9ais a la Louisiane, //. 412, uncut, scarce. 8 Nouvelle- Orleans, A. L. Boimare, 1831 "Imprime [a Paris] chez Paul Renouard." This work is signed (//. 412) by Benard de la Harpe, who was in Louisiana from 1718 to 1723, at which time the Journal ends." RICH, 1831, no. 44. 4415 LE PAGE DU PRATZ (I Abbe] Histoire de la Louisiana, map. 3 vols., old calf gilt. 12 Paris, 1758 4416 LE PAGE DU PRATZ (fAbbe) History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, with a Description of the Countries that lye on both sides of the Mississipi, maps. 2 vols., calf. 12 London, 1763 4417 - - The same ; new edition, map, old calf , neat. 8 London, 1774 4418 LIVINGSTON (Edw.) Report to the Gen. Assembly of Louisiana, on a Penal Code for the said State, //. 159. 8 New Orleans, 1822 Autogr. presentation, on title: " E. Livingston to H. G. Otis." 4419 System of Penal Law, prepared for the State of Louisiana; comprising Codes of Offences and Punishments, of Procedure, of Prison Discipline, and of Evidence applicable as well to Civil as to Criminal Cases; and a Book of Definitions, etc., pp. 164, 263, (i blk), 27, ( i blk), 65, hf. russia neat, fine copy. sm. folio, New Orleans, 1824, 25 4420 System of Penal Law, etc. Another copy, clean and fine, wanting the Code of Reform and Prison Discipline, pp. 164, 263, (i blk) 27, (i blk.), hf. sheep. sm. folio, New Orleans, 1824, 25 With two autograph presentations " To the Hon. Sam l Lathrop, from his most obed t serv t, Edw. Livingston." 4421 - - Introductory Report to the Code of Prison Discipline, . . being part of the system of Penal Law prepared for the State of Louisiana, pp. 78, boards, uncut. 8 Phila., 1827 4422 Louisiana. Ausfiihrliche Historische und Geographische-Besch- reibung des an dem grossen Flusse Mississipi in Nord-America gelegenen herzlichen Landes Louisiana ; In welches die neu- aufgerichtete Franzosische grosse Indianische Compagnie Colonien zu schicken angefangen ; etc. Andere Auflage, map of old Louisiana, pp. (6), 102, polished green calf extra, g. e. (Zaehnsdorf), VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Leipzig, 1720 At the end (pp. 99-102) is a satirical poem on "La Compagnie de Mississipi:" ^ " Aujourd hui il n est plus question, Ni de la Constitution, Ni de la Guerre centre PEspagne : Un nouveau Pais de Cocagne, Que 1 on nomme Mississipi, Roule a present sur le Tapis." etc. 4423 MARTIN (F. X.) History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. 2 vols., half vellum, gilt. 8 New Orleans, 1827, 1829 4424 MEMOIRES historiques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrive de plus memorable depuis 1 annee 1687. Composes sur les memoires de M. Dumont par M. L. L. M. [1 Abbe Le Mascrier], maps and plates. 2 vols., old calf gilt. 12 Paris, 1753 See Rich, 1753, no. 13. IO LOUISIANA. 4425 MISSISSIPPI COMPANY, (Tracts relating to) Some Considera tions on the Consequences of the French Settling Colonies on the Mississippi, from a Gentleman of America to his Friend in London, map, uncut. London, 1720 The Chimera: or the French Way of paying National Debts laid open. London, 1720 Impartial Enquiry into the Right of the French King to the Territory West of the Mississippi. London, n. d. Full and Impartial Account of the Company of the Mississippi, . . projected and settled by Mr. Law; in French and English. London, 1720. 4 in i vol., new, halfmor. (Roxburghe). 8 4426 [MISSISSIPPI COMPANY.] Lettres Patentes sur Arrest concernant la Commerce de la Nouvelle Colonie de la Loiiisianne Edit du Roy concernant la Ferme Generale du Tabac Arrest du Conseil d Estat concernant les Soldats, etc. engagez au Service de la Compagnie d Occident, & des Habitans qui passent a la Loiiisianne Ordonnance du Roy centre les Vagabondes Arrest [con cernant] les Vaisseaux armez par la Comp. d Occident Lettres Patentes, qui permet an Sieur Crozat, de faire seul le Commerce dans . . la Louisiane Lettres Patentes, portant Etablissement de la Compagnie d Occident Arrest, qui nomme les Directeurs de la Comp. d Occident Arrest, qui nomme des Commissaires pour passer les Contracts de Rentes de la Comp. d Occident. 9 RARE PIECES in i vol., fine dean copies, half vellum. 4 Paris, 1712-20 4427 New Orleans. A Faithful Picture of the Political Situation of New Orleans at . . the beginning of 1807, //. 48, uncut, scarce. 8 Boston, 1808 4428 Another copy, a small piece torn from head of title leaf. 8 Boston, 1808 4429 LIVINGSTON (Edw.) Address to the People of the U. States, on the measures pursued by the Executive with respect to the Batteau at .New Orleans, etc., pp. 50. 8 New Orleans, 1808 4430 JEFFERSON (Thos.) The Proceedings of the U. S. Govern ment in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Mississippi, at New Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edw. Livingston, folded plan, pp. 80, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1812 4431 Addresse de J. Lakanal, President du College d Orleans, a ses concitoyens de la Louisiane, //. 26, uncut. 8 Nouvelle- Or leans, 1822 4432 PAXTON (J. A.) New Orleans Directory and Register ; with Notes [historical and statistical] on New Orleans, fine clean copy, paneled calf , gilt, RARE. 12 New Orleans, 1822 The FIRST New Orleans directory. " The labour attendant on the collection of the names and necessary information for this undertaking, was very great, more particularly so, as it may be said to be the FIRST (complete) publication of the kind, attempted in the State of Louisiana." Preface. Appended is a VOCABULARY, in English and French, of terms of trades, &c. 4433 LOUAILLIER (Lewis) sen. Appeal against the crime of High Treason, and explaining the transactions at New Orleans, pp. 28, used copy, uncut. 8 \New Orleans], 1827 M. Louaillier had opposed, in the Legislature, the suspension of the writ of Habeas Corpus, demanded by Gen. Jackson, in 1815. LOUISIANA. I I 4434 (New Orleans.) NORMAN S (B. M.) New Orleans and Environs ; containing a brief Historical Sketch of Louisiana and New Orleans from the earliest period, plates, pp. 223, doth. 1 6 New Orleans, 1845 4435 Sketches of Life and Character in Louisiana . . By a Member of the New Orleans Bar, pp. 83, (i). 8 New Orleans, 1847 4436 -- "Truth is stranger than Fiction." New Orleans as it is . . By a Resident, //. 79, SCAR CE. 8 Utica, N. K, 1849 4437 BARNWELL (R. G.) ed. The New Orleans Book, [containing Extracts from New Orleans writers], cloth, gilt edges. 12 New Orleans, 1851 4438 HALL (A. Oakey) The Manhattaner in New Orleans ; or, Phases of " Crescent City " Life, pp. x, 190, doth. 12 New York, 1851 4439 Report of the N. Orleans Canal, Jan. 22, 1835 Thoughts on a Railroad System for New Orleans. [1851] 2 Pamphlets. 4440 PRESENT STATE of the country and inhabitants of Louisiana. By an Officer at New Orleans to his Friend in Paris . . . To which are added, Letters from the Governor [Vaudreuil] of that Province, on the Trade of the French and English with the Natives, etc. Translated from the French originals, //. 55, hf. mor., good copy. 8 London, 1744 VERY SCARCE. The Louisiana of this book included Alabama, and the whole of the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, and the Country of the Illinois. For the full title, see SABIN S Dictionary, no. 42283. 4441 ROBIN (C. C.) Voyages dans I lnte rieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidentale et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de St. Domingue, 1802-6 ; . . suivis de la Flore Louisianaise, portrait, and folded map. 3 vols., French calf gilt. 8 Paris, 1807 4442 ROBIN (C. C.) Flora Ludoviciana ; or a Flora of the State of Louisiana ; translated and revised by C. S. Rafinesque, hf. bd. 12 New York, 1817 4443 STODDARD (May. Amos) Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana, calf. 8 Phila., 1812 4444 VERGENNES (M. de) Me moire historique et politique sur la Louisiane, portrait, pp. 315, hf. bound, gilt. 8 Paris, 1802 . 4445 Pamphlets (14) Ramsay s Oration on the Cession of Louisiana, 1804 Abr. Bishop s Oration on the Acquisition of Louisiana, New Haven, 1804 S. Brazer s Address on the Cession of L. to the U. S., Worcester, 1804 D. A. Leonard s Oration [on same subject] at Raynham, Mass, Newport, JR. I., 1804 Debates in U. S. Ho. of Reps, on Louisiana treaty, 1804, pp. 171 Jos. Quincy s Speech in Ho. of Reps, 1811 (2 copies) Bullard s Disc, to Louisiana Hist. Society, 1836 Address of L. Native American Association, 1839 ( 2 copies) Barbarous Treatment of two unfortunate females by two Blacks, 1844 R CV - Dr. Hawks s Report on the Univ. of Louisiana, 1848 and 2 others. 12 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES, THE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES ; AND THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 4446 Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen der Mittleren und Westlichen Staaten. Nebst Histor. Skizzen von den Feldziigen^der Generale Harmar, St. Clair, und Wayne, gegen die Indianer im Nordwesten, etc.; iibersetzt von Benj. S. Schneck, folded engravings, pp, 537, sheep. 8 Lancaster, Pa., 1842 4447 ASHE (Thos.) Travels in America performed in 1806, for the purpose of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi, etc., pp. 366. 12 London, 1808 4448 -- The same, back gilt. 12 New York, 1811 4449 ATWATER (Caleb) Writings of; comprising a Description of the Antiquities discovered in the Western country ; Tour to Prairie du Chien ; thence to Washington ; etc.) pp. 408, plates of ancient earth-works, etc. 8 Columbus, 1833 4450 BEECHER (Lyman) A Plea for the West, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1835 4451 BELL (Solo.) pseudon. Tales of Travel West of the Mississippi. With a Map and numerous engravings, half cloth. 16 Boston, 1830 4452 BELTRAMI (J. C.) La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere Langlante, Description du Cours entier du Mississippi, etc. Observations sur les Moeurs, la Religion, les Superstitions, etc. de plusieurs Nations Indiennes, sewed, uncut. 8 Nouvelle- Orleans, 1824 4453 BELTRAMI (J. C.) A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, lead ing to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, etc., portrait, maps, and other engravings. 2 vols., bds., uncut, fine copy. 8 London, 1828 The second volume is chiefly devoted to the author s observations on the manners and customs, the origin, etc., of the American Indians. 4454 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri in 1811, pp. 247, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1815 4455 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Recollections of Persons and Places in the West, pp. 244. 12 Philadelphia, n. d. [1834] 4456 BRADFORD (Wm. J. A.) Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi, cloth. 12 New York, 1846 4457 BROWN (Samuel R.) The Western Gazetteer: or, Emigrant s Directory, containing a Geographical Description of the Western States and Territories, pp. 300. 8 Auburn, N. Y., 1817 "Contains much curious matter relative to the Indians and Antiquities." SABIN. 4458 CARVER QONA.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Third Edition.. Added some Account of the Author and a copious Index, portrait, 2 maps, and colored plates, pp. (xxii), 543, calf, fine copy. % London? ii%i AND VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 13 4459 CARVER (JONA.) Three Years Travels, etc. [with others, as under.] 8 Phil, 1784 [Select Lives of Foreigners] no title Narrative of the extraordinary case of Geo. Lukins of Yatton, co. Somerset, who was possessed of Evil Spirits. 3d ed. Lond. 1788 Life of Armelle Nicolas. Bristol [Engl.] 1772. 4 in i vol. 4460 Travels,^., binding broken, soiled. 12 Philadelphia, 1792 4461 The same, old calf . 12 Portsmouth, N. H., 1794 4462 The same, hf. bd. 12 Boston, 1797 4463 The same. 4th Am. Edition. 12 Charlestown, Mass., 1802 4464 The same. 12 Walpole, N. H., 1813 4465 [CRAMER (Zadok) ] NAVIGATOR (The), containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, etc., with a Description of the Towns, Villages, etc. and maps of the Ohio and Mississippi ; [with] an Appendix containing an Account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, as discovered by Lewis and Clarke. Sixth edition, improved and enlarged, charts, plan of Pittsburgh, pp. (2), 156. 12 Pittsburgh, 1808 .4466 Another copy, clean and fine, wants plan of Pittsburgh. 4467 - - The same ; 8th edition, enlarged, //. 360. 12 Pittsburgh, 1814 4468 The same; 91)1 edition, pp. 307. 12 Pittsburgh, 1817 See CUMINGS (S.) The Western Pilot, No. 4470. 4469 CUMING (F.) Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country, through the States of Ohio and Kentucky a Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a Trip through the Mississippi Territory, and a part of West Florida (1807-1809), etc., pp. 504. 12 Pittsburgh, 1810 4470 CUMINGS (S.) The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio River, and of the Mississippi, with Directions for Navigating the same, and a Gazetteer, etc., 23 engraved charts, and 2 plates, pp. 104. 8 Cincinnati, 1829 4471 - - Another edition, 23 charts, 3 plates, pp. 151. 8 Cincinnati, 1832 4472 DANA (E.) Geographical Sketches on the Western Country, designed for Emigrants and Settlers, pp. 312, sheep, neat. 12 Cincinnati, Looker, Reynolds 6 Co., 1819 4473 DARBY (Wm.) Emigrant s Guide to Western and Southwestern States and Territories, map, pp. 311, xiii. 8 New York, 1818 4474 DEARBORN (Gen. H. A. S.) Letters on the Internal Improve ments and Commerce of the West, //. 119, (i). 8 Boston, 1839 4475 ELLICOTT (A.) The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late Commis sioner (1796-1800) for determining the boundary between the U. States and the possessions of His Catholic Majesty, containing Remarks on the Situation etc. of the countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico, with Six MAPS . . . Added, An Appendix containing Astronomical Observations, etc., pp. vii, 299, 151, half russia, fine copy . 4 Philadelphia, Wm. Fry, 1814 "The pioneer account of regions then desert, and now teeming with life, activity, and civilization." SABIN. 14 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES, 4476 ELLIS. NEW BRITAIN. Narrative of a Journey, by Mr. Ellis, to a Country so called, discovered in the vast Plain of the Missouri, and Inhabited by a People of British Origin, with some Account of their Constitution, Laws, Institutions, Customs, etc., //. 336, uncut. 8 London, 1820 4477 FAUX (W.) Memorable Days in America; Journal of a Tour to the United States, undertaken to ascertain the Condition and Prospects of British Emigrants, including account of Mr. Birkbeck s settlements in the Illinois, //#/<?,//. 488, half calf . 8 London, 1823 4478 FEARON (H. B.) Sketches of America : a Narrative of a Journey of 5000 Miles, contained in Reports, etc,, with Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck s " Notes " and " Letters." 2d edition, half calf . 8 London, 1818 For Birkbeck s Letters, and Notes, see Nos. 4619-21. 4479 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Maps of the Indian Country East and West of the Mississippi to the 46th Degree of North Latitude, and of the Minnay Sotor River. 2 maps, folded in a case. 12 [1835] 4480 FLINT (James) Letters from America, containing Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, etc. London, 1822 WELBY (A.) Visit to North America, and the English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Residence at Philadelphia, 14 lithographic plates. London, 1821. 2 in i vol., half calf. 8 4481 FLINT (Timo.) Recollections of the last Ten years, passed in . .the Valley of the Mississippi, pp. 395, bds. uncut. 8 Boston, 1826 4482 FLINT (Timo.) Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols., bds. uncut. 8 Cincinnati, 1828 4483 The same ; 2d edition, [to which is appended, a brief Physical Geography of the] United States and other Divisions of the American Continent. 2 vols. in i. 8 Cincinnati, 1832 4484 HALL (Fredk.) Letters from the East and from the West, cloth. 8 Washington, [1840] 4485 HALL (James) Legends of the West, boards, uncut. 12 Phila., 1832 4486 HALL (James) Letters from the West ; containing Sketches of Scenery, Manners, and Customs,//. 385, hf. calf. 8 London, 1828 4487 HALL (James) Statistics of the West, at the close of the year 1836, //. 284, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1837 4488 HALL (James) Notes on the Western States, containing Descriptive Sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery, pp. 304. 12 Phila., 1838 4489 HALL (James) The West : its Commerce and Navigation, pp. 328, cloth. 120 Cincinnati, 1848 AND VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. I 5 4490 HARDING (Benjamin) A Tour through the Western Country, A. D. 1818 & 1819 .. Published for the use of Emigrants, //. (2), 17, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New London, S. Green, 1819 4491 HENNEPIN (L.) Nouvelle Decouverte d un tres grand Pays situe dans FAmerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale, engraved title-page, two maps and two plates, mottled calf, gilt, joints broken. sin. 12 Utrecht, GuilL Broedelet, 1697 The RARE ORIGINAL EDITION of the " Nouvelle Decouverte," dedicated by Hennepin to William III. of England. Fine impressions of the maps and the View of Niagara. 4492 HENNEPIN (L.) A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, Extending about Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico .... With a Continuation : Giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The taking of Quebec by the English ; With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan .... To which is added, Several New Discoveries in North- America, not publish d in the French edition, maps and plates, large and fine copy, old calf . 8 London, for M. Bentley [Mothers], 1698 Pp. (22), 299, (i); Continuation, -p-p. (32) 178; New Discoveries,^. (2), 303-355; 2 Maps, Frontispiece, and 6 Plates. 4493 HENNEPIN. (L.) Nieuwe Ontdekkinge Van een Groot Land, gelegen in America, Tusschen nieuw Mexico en de Ys-Zee Benevens een Aanhangsel, behelzende een Reize door een Gedeette van de Spaansche West-Indien, en een Verhaal van d Expeditie der Franschen op Cartagena, Door L[ouis] de Cfapine ]. Frontispiece, 3 plates, and 3 maps (two backed with linen), large and beautiful copy, polished red calf , full gilt, inside borders, g. e. (W. Pratt). 4 Amsterdam, Andriesvan Damme, 1702 Engraved Title, pp. (26), 220, (44) ; Aanhangsel, pp. 47. This Dutch translation of Hennepin is VERY SCARCE. The supplement contains L. de Capine s Voyage to the West Indies, with an account of the French Expedition to Carthagena, 1697. 4494 HOSKINS (Nathan) Jr. Notes upon the Western Country in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and the Territory of Michigan, //. 108, uncut. 8 Greenfield, Mass., 1833 4495 HOWE (H.) Historical Collections of the Great West, to which is appended Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota, Utah, and California, numerous illustra tions, pp. 440. 2 vols. in i, cloth gilt. 8 Cincinnati, 1851 4496 IRVING (Washington) The Crayon Miscellany No. I. A Tour on the Prairies ; by the author of the Sketch Book. 12 Phila., 1835 4497 Joutel (M.) Journal Historique du dernier Voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver 1 embouchure, & le cours de la Riviere de Missicipi . . Par M. JOUTEL, . redige & mis en ordre par M. de Michel, pp. xxxiv, 386, map, old calf gilt, broken. 12 Paris, Est. Robinot, 1713 Ternaux copy, with his crest and initials on the cover. 4498 A Journal of the Last Voyage perform d by Monsr. de la Sale to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mississippi River, written in French by M. Joutel, pp. xxi, (9), 205, (5), map, clean copy, old calf . 8 London, 1715 1 6 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES, 4499 KER (H.) Travels through the Western Interior of the United States (1808-1816), with a Description of a Great Part of Mexico, sheep, pp. 376. 8 Elizabethtown, N. J., 1816 4500 LANMAN (C.) Letters from the Alleghany Mountains, //. 198, doth. 12 New York, 1849 oooo LA SALLE (R. Cavelier de) See JOUTEL, Nos. 4497, 4498 ; MAR- QUETTE, Nos. 4503, 4504; SHEA (J. G.), No. 4519; THEVENOT, No. 4522 ; TONTY, No. 4524. 4501 Letters from the South and West, by Arthur Singleton [Rev. H. C. Knight],//. 159. 8 Boston, 1824 4502 M Ci/UNG (J. A.) Sketches of Western Adventure, . . Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, 1755-1794, etc., roan, gilt. 12 Cincinnati, 1836 4503 MARQUETTE (Pere J.) et Joliet (le Sieur) Voyage et De couverte de quelque pays et nations de PAmerique Septentrionale, map, red mor. gilt edges. 12 Paris, 1681 ; repr. Paris, 1845 No. 108, of 125 copies reprinted for O. Rich, from Thevenot s " Recueil de Voyages." 4504 -- The same, blue morocco, g. e. Paris, 1845 4505 MELISH (John) Information and Advice to Emigrants to the United States, and from the Eastern to the Western States, bds. uncut. 1 6 Phila., 1819 4506 MICHAUX (F. A.) Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, etc., folded map, pp. xvi, 350, sheep. 8 London, 1805 4507 MICHAUX (F. A.) Voyages a POuest des Monts Alleghanys . . et Retour a Charleston, map, green mor. gilt, fine copy. 8 Paris, 1808 4508 MILLER (Andrew) New States and Territories, or the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, North-Western, Missouri, Louisiana, Missisippi (sic) and Alabama, in their real characters, in 1818, etc., with a Map-Table of the State of Ohio, Tables of Roads, Distances, etc., pp. 96, hf. bd., nice fresh copy, VERY RARE. 24 n. p. 1819 4509 MILLER, (A.) New States and Territories, or Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, etc. in 1818, Map-Table, pp. 32, RARE. 8 n. p., n. d. [1819] 4510 OGDEN (G. W.) Letters from the West, boards, uncut, some pages water-stained. 12 New Bedford, 1823 4511 PERKINS (Jas. H.) Annals of the West, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year 1845, s P r - sheep, autograph of H. Howe, author of Hist. Collections of Ohio, etc. 8 Cincinnati, 1847 4512 PIKE (Z. M.) An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western parts of Louisiana, and a Tour through Interior parts of New Spain, portrait, and atlas of maps and charts. 8 Phila., 1810 4513 PITTMAN (Capt. P.) The Present State of the European Settle ments on the Missisippi, with a Geographical Description of that River, with engraved plans and draughts, pp. viii, 99, hf. calf, neat, large copy. 4 London, 1770 4514 RUXTON (G. F.) Life in the Far West, cloth (a name cut from top of title page). 12 New York, 1849 AND VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. I/ 4515 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Journal of Travels to the Sources of the Mississippi River, with the Expedition under Gov. Cass, in 1820, map and engravings, pp. 424, half mis sia. 8 Albany, 1821 4516 Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi, to Itasca Lake .. in 1832, map, uncut. 8 New York, 1834 4517 Travels in the Central portions of the Mississippi Valley, //. 459, ma P and plates, half russia. 8 New York, 1825 4518 SCHTJLTZ (Christian jun.) Travels on an Inland Voyage through [the Middle, Southern, and Western States and Territories] in 1807 and 1808, portrait, maps and plates, half calf . 2 vols. in i. 8 New York, 1810 4519 SHEA (J. G.) Early French Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier, and Guignes. With Introduction and notes by J. G. Shea, green cloth, top gilt, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1861 4520 SMITH (Thos.) Emigrant s Guide to the United States, including the Substance of the Journal of Thos. Hulme. 2d edition, //. 52, hf. bd. 8 London, 1818 4521 SOUTHWEST (The); by a Yankee. 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, 1835 4522 THEVENOT. Recueil de Voyages de M r Thevenot. | Dedie au Roy. | sir. grained blue morocco, sides double-paneled, and elegantly ornamented, back full-gilt, ins. borders, g. e. ( W. Pratt]. sm. 8 Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, 1681 Collation: Title ; on verso, " Suite de Recueil," etc. (Contents). Avis, pp. 1-11, large folded map (of the discoveries of Abel Tasman). " Relations de ca Reciieil, imprimees jusques a cette heure," pp. 12-16 (with "Extrait du Privilege," on p. 16). Carte de la decouverte faite Pan 1673, dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale. Decouverte de quelques Pays et Nations de 1 Amerique Septentrionale, pp. 1-43, and i p. blank. Folded Map (with Explication) de la decouverte de la Terre d lelmer. Voyage d un Ambassadevr que le Tzaar de Moscovie envoya . . a la Chine, pp. 1-18 (with " Extrait du Privilege," at foot of p. 1 8). Explication des lettres de la Figure suivante, i p. ; verso, the 4 figures, engraved on copper. Discours sur 1 Art de la Navigation, avec quelques Problemes, pp. 1-32. (Title leaf) Les Histoires Naturelles de 1 Ephemere et du Cancellus; verso blank. Text: Histoire naturelle de I Ephemere, pp. 1-20, and 7 plates (2 folded) with Explanations, pp. 1-13, and i blk. page. Histoire naturelle du Cancellus, pp. 1-8, with 5 plates in the text, and a sixth on a separate leaf (verso blank) at the end. Le Cabinet de Mr. Swammerdam, etc., pp. 1-16. Errata, i leaf, n. n., verso blank. A LARGE AND REMARKABLE FINE COPY of this rare collection. Most copies want the page of Errata, and the extra (full) title to the Natural History of the Ephemera and Hermit Crab. The impression of Marquette s Map is clear and line. 4523 THOMAS (David) Travels through the Western Country in the summer of 1816, map wanting. 16 Auburn, 1819 4524 Tonty (H. de) An Account of Monsieur de la Salle s last Expedition and Discoveries in North America . . Published by the Chevalier Tonti . . made English from the Paris original, pp. (2), 211. Bound with others, as below, 3 in i vol., old calf, neat. sm. 8 London, 1698 Froger (T.) Relation of a Voyage made, 1695-97, on the Coasts of Africa, Streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenna, and the Antilles, . under the command of M. de Gennes. By the Sieur Froger. Illustrated with divers strange Figures drawn to the Life, copper plates and maps, pp. (12), 173, (2) A Relation of a Voyage made by the Sieur de Montauban, on the Coasts of Guinea, in the year 1695, //. 44. 4525 VOLNEY (C. F.) View of the Climate and soil of the United States ; to which are annexed some Accounts of Florida, the 3 1 8 OHIO, French Colony on the Scioto, . . and the Savages or Natives, with maps and plates, calf. 8 London, 1804 4526 WALKER (ADAM) A Journal of two Campaigns of . . U. S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana Territories, under the com mand of Col. John P. Boyd, and Lt. Col. James Miller, during the years 1811, & 12. By Adam Walker, late a soldier of the 4th Regiment, //. 143, half mor., plain. 12 Keene, N. H. (Sentinel Press), 1816 "This Journal of a campaign against the Indians and their British allies, although of comparatively recent publication, is MUCH RARER than many of the New England imprints of a century and a half earlier. It is the ONLY COPY I HAVE MET WITH, either in public or private libraries." Field s Ind. Bibliography, no. 1619. 4527 WALKER (ADAM) A Journal of two Campaigns 6<r., ANOTHER COPY, boards, UNCUT. 12 Keene, N. H., 1816 Autograph of Win. D. Fenno, with penciled note : " Adam Walker was brought up as a printer in Worcester, entered the army as a drummer, afterwards worked as a printer in Boston, where he died in 1816." EXTREMELY RARE, in this condition. 4528 WILLIAMS (W.) Appleton s Southern and Western Travellers Guide; with new and authentic maps, pp. 140, cloth. 16 New York, 1852 4529 WISLIZENUS (F. A.) M.D. Ein Ausflug nach den Felsen- Gebirgen im Jahre 1839, //. 126, map. 12 St. Louis, 1840 4530 Pamphlets (6) Schermerhorn (J. F.) and Mills (S. J.) A Correct View of the U. S., west of the Alleganies, //. 52, uncut. Hartford, 1814 Mills (S. J.) and Smith (D.) Report of Mission Tour to that part of the U. S. west of the Allegany Mountains, pp. 64. Andover, 1815 Miller (Andrew) New States and Territories, in their real characters, etc., Map-Table of Ohio, pp. 32. n. p. [1818], RARE Harding (B.) Tour through the Western Country. New London, 1819, RARE Hoskins (N.) Notes on the Western Country, //. 108, uncut. Greenfield, 1833 Featherston- haugh s Geol. Report on country between the Missouri and Red Rivers, //. 97. 1835. 8 OHIO. THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 4531 ATWATER (Caleb) History of the State of Ohio, natural and civil. Second edition, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, [1838] 4532 BURNET (J.) Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- Western Territory, cloth. 8 New York, 1847 oooo CARVER (Jona.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. See Nos. 4558-64. 4533 CHASE (Salmon P.) Sketch of the History of Ohio, //. 40, scarce. 1. 8 Cincinnati, 1833 4534 CINCINNATI. DRAKE (DANIEL) Natural and Statistical View, or Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami country, engraved plan, new half morocco, uncut. 12 Cincinnati, 1815 4535 The Cincinnati Directory, containing the Names, Profession, and Occupation of the Inhabitants of the Town, etc., illustrated by a Copperplate Engraving, exhibiting a View of the City. By a Citizen, pp. 156, sheep, neat, fine copy, RARE. 12 O. Farnsworth, ^Cincinnati], 1819 " The First Cincinnati Directory." AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 1 9 4536 CINCINNATI. The Cincinnati Directory, another copy, no plan, uncut. 12 O. Farnsworth, 1819 4537 DRAKE (B.) and MANSFIELD (E. D.) Cincinnati in 1826, plate of U. S. Branch Bank, pp. 100. 12 Cincinnati, 1826 4538 Cist (C.) Cincinnati in 1841 : its Early Annals and Future Prospects, plates, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1841 4539 Cincinnati Miscellany ; or Antiquities of the West. Com piled from the Western General Advertiser by C. Cist. Vol. i. (Oct. i844-May, 1845), PP- 2 7 2 - 8 Cincinnati, 1845 4540 Gov. Bebb s Anniversary Address before the Y. M. Library Association, April 18, 1848 Cemetery of Spring Grove : Charter, Rules, etc., with Hon. J. M Lean s Address, 1849. (2 Pamphlets.) 4541 CLEVELAND Directory, 1837 (the first one published ; with a History of Cleveland^) 1846, 1850. 3 vols. 12 and 8 4542 Cleveland. City Documents : Mayor s Address, Financial State ment, Reports of Departments, etc./for 1859-60, //. 94. 8 Cleveland, 1860 4543 WHITTLESEY (Col. Chas.) Early History of Cleveland, . . with Biographical Notices, etc., views, plans, and other illustrations, pp. 487, cloth. 8 Cleveland, 1867 4544 COLUMBUS Business Directory, 1843-4 (with a brief History). Kinney s Directory for 1845-6. 2 vols. 12 Columbus. 4545 [CUTLER (Manasseh) ] An | Explanation of the | Map which delineates that part of the | Federal Lands, | Comprehended between Pennsylvania West Line, the Rivers Ohio j and Sioto, and Lake Erie ; confirmed to the United States by sundry Tribes of Indians, in the Treaties of 1784 and 1786, | and now ready for Settlement. | //. 24, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Salem, Dabney and Gushing, 1787 " It is found, by late experiments, that sails are used to great advantage against the currents of the Ohio : And it is worthy of observation, that in all probability STEAM BOATS will be found to do infinite service, in all our extensive river navigation." p. 13. 4546 DELAFIELD (J.) jun. A Brief Topographical Description of the County of Washington, in the State of Ohio, folded plate of the Campus Martius (Marietta), pp. 39, SCARCE. 8 New York, J. M. Elliott, 1834 The first Ohio County History. 4547 FEN WICK (Bishop Edw.) Korte Beschryving van de Zendeling- schap van Pater Fenwich, Bisschop van Cincinnati, in Ohio, . . na de Fransche uytgave, //. 8, uncut, SCARCE. 8 teAntwerpen, n. d. [1824] 4548 GNADENHUETTEN Massacre. A True History of the Massacre of Ninety-six Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuetten, Ohio, March 8th, 1782. Published by the Gnadenhuetten Monument Society, //. u. 8 New Philadelphia, O., 1844 4549 The same. 12 New Philadelphia, 1847 4550 Granville. ROBBINS (S. P.) Sermon at Granville, Dec. 14, 1808, at ordination of the Rev. Timothy Harris,//. 17. Marietta, S. Fairlamb, 1809 Rev. J. Little s New Year s Sermon, 1838, and his Twenty-five New Years Sermon, 1852. 3 Pamphlets. 20 OHIO, 45j$i HALL QAMES) Statistics of the West, at the close of the year 1836, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1837 gjp For other Publications by Judge Hall, See Nos. 4487-89. 4552 [CUTLER (Lieut. Jervase) ] Topographical Description of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, .... and a concise Account of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi ; to which is added an interesting Journal of Mr. Chas. Le Raye while a Captive with the Sioux Nation, etc. By a late officer in the U. S. Army, pp. 219, plates, old calf, neat. 12 Boston, 1812 The Journal of Le Raye, not published elsewhere, is of considerable value. The volume contains (p. 42) an engraved view of Cincinnati in 1812. 4553 HARRIS (T. M.) Journal of a Tour into the Territory west of the Alleghany Mountains, in 1803 ; with an account of the State of Ohio, maps and views (plates somewhat foxed), boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1805 4554 HAWLEY (ZERAH) Journal of a Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, the North part of Pennsylvania and Ohio, including a year s residence in New Connecticut or Western Reserve, boards, uncut, fine copy, RARE. 12 New Haven, 1822 4555 HILDRETH (S. P.) Pioneer History of the Ohio Valley and the N. W. Territory, map and plates, pp. xiii, 525. 8 Cincinnati, 1848 4556 HILDRETH (S. P.) Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, ... to which is annexed a Journal of Occurrences ... at Cambridge, Mass., in A.D. 1775, by Col. R. J. Meigs, portraits and plates, embossed morocco. 8 Cincinnati, 1852 " This is the second volume of the Early History of Ohio, prepared by Dr. Hildreth, and published under the auspices of the Ohio Historical Society." 4557 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Journal, Part I. Vol.1., Columbus, 1838 Transactions, Part Second, Vol. \., sheep, Cincinnati, 1839 Journal, reprinted by R. Clarke &* Co., 1872. (3 vols.) 8 The first edition of the Journal (1838) is slightly water stained. 4558 HUTCHINS (Thomas) A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehending the rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, etc. With Plans engraved on copper : And an Appendix, containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy s Journal, and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians, etc., half morocco. 12 Boston, J. Norman, 1787 The special value of this copy is in several pages it contains of MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS AND NOTES, by a gentleman who visited the Ohio Land Company s tract in 1787, the year before the permanent settlement of Marietta : " 100 men are to go on this fall, and build TOO houses on three sides of the city," etc. 4559 HUTCHINS (Thomas) Topographical Description of Virginia, etc., maps, &*c., uncut. 8 London, 1788 4560 JENKINS (W.) The Ohio Gazetteer, and Traveller s Guide ; revised edition, with Census for 1840, etc., map, pp. 578, sheep. 12 Columbus, 1841 4561 KILBOURN (J.) The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary. 3d edition, improved, map, plans of Columbus, and of Mounds at Circleville, pp. 74. 8 Columbus, J. Kilbourn, (printed by P. H. Olmsted,) 1817 AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 21 4562 KILBOURN (J.) The Ohio Gazetteer and Topographical Dic tionary, 3d edition, improved, //. 180, boards, uncut, clean. 8 Albany, Joshua Fish, 1817 41563 The Ohio Gazetteer and Topographical Dictionary, 5th edition, improved, map, plans of Columbus and of Indian Mounds at Circleville. 12 Columbus, 1818 4564 The Ohio Gazetteer, yth edition, carefully revised and corrected, map. 12 Columbus, 1821 4565 The Ohio Gazetteer, 8th edition. 12 Columbus, 1826 4566 The Ohio Gazetteer, etc., loth edition, revised, enlarged, and corrected, sheep. 12 Columbus, J. Kilbourn, 1831 4567 KILBOURN (J.) Public Documents concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio .River, //. 452, 29, half bound. 8 Columbus, 1832 4568 MCDONALD (J.) Biographical Sketches of General Nath. Massie, Gen. Duncan Me Arthur, Capt. Win. Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton, early settlers in the Western Country, VERY SCARCE. 12 Cincinnati, 1838 4569 The same, illustrated, cloth. 12 Dayton, 1852 4570 MADISON, Geauga County. Sermon by Rev. E. T. Woodruff, at the Ordination of Rev. Jona. A. Woodruff, to the pastoral charge of the United Congregations of Unionville and Centreville, June 25, 1834, //. 14. 8 Painesville, O., E.D. Howe, 1834 4571 MARIETTA. Oration delivered at Marietta, July 4, 1788, by the Hon. James M. Varnum, Esq., . . Speech of his Excellency Arthur St. Clair, Esquire, . . and Proceedings of the Inhabitants of the City of Marietta, //. 14, half red morocco, VERY RARE. 4 Newport (R. /.), Peter Edes, 1788 An AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Gen. Varnum, from New York, March, 1787, is laid in. 4572 DROWN (Sol.) Oration delivered at Marietta, April 7, 1789, in Commemoration of the Settlement formed by the Ohio Company, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, uncut. r. 4 Worcester, Mass., 1789 4573 STORY (Isaac) Sermon, Aug. 15, 1798, at Ordination of Rev. Daniel Story, to the pastoral care of the Church in Marietta, //. 43, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Salem [Mass.], 1798 4574 HALCYON ITINERARY (The), and True Millenium Messenger, [published] monthly, Nos. 1-6, half bound. 12 Marietta [<?.], Samuel Fairlamb, 1807 One of the earliest books printed in Ohio. 4575 -~ SHEPARD (Enoch) Deacon of the First Presbyt. Church in Marietta. Thoughts on the Prophecies ; applicable to the Times, //. 157, sheep. 12 Marietta, Joseph Israel, 1812 4576 WICKES (Rev. Thos.) Historical Discourse, commemorative of the Congregational Church in Marietta, delivered, Dec. 6, 1846, //. 30. 8 Marietta, 1847 4577 MATHER (W. W.) First and Second Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, 2 vols. in i, half calf, plates. 8 Columbus, 1838, 39 22 OHIO J AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. oooo MILLER (Andrew) New States and Territories, or the Ohio, etc. See No. 4509. 4578 Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of the Hon. Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, and their associates ; for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, etc. With Observations and Remarks, half morocco, neat, RARE. 8 London, 1772 4579 SCIOTO COMPANY. [Avis cle la Compagnie clu Scioto, e tablie a Paris pour 1 exploitation & la vente de trois millions d acres anglois de terres, situes dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale], n. t , pp. 15, half mor. 4 Paris, 1789 4580 -- Nouveau Prospectus de la Compagnie du Scioto, avec plusieurs extraits de Lettres, ecrites du Scioto meme, en date du 12 Octobre, 1790, new half morocco, RARE. 8 n. p. [Paris], 1790 4581 Tallmadge. Sketch of the Settlement and Progress of the Township of Tallmadge, Summit Co.; by Charles Whittlesey, pp. 29, scarce. 12 Cleveland, 1842 4582 Topographical (A) Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, . . and a concise account of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. To which is added the Journal of Mr. Chas. LeRaye while a captive with the Sioux nation By a late Officer in the U. S. Army, view of Cincinnati, and other plates, pp. 219, sheep. 11 Boston, 1812 4583 [WARD (NAHUM) ] A Brief Sketch of the State of Ohio, one of the United States of North America ; with a MAP, etc. By a resident of Twelve years at Marietta, Map, pp. 16, half roan. 8 Glasgow, 1822 "This Pamphlet, one of the RAREST relating to the State, .. was published by Nahum Ward, of Marietta, to induce emigration to this section of the State." P. G. THOMSON S Bibliogr. of Ohio, no. 1370. 4584 Pamphlets (18) Articles of an Association by the name of the Ohio Company. Worcester, 1 786 (12 ) Evidence reported to the U. S Senate, in the case of John Smith, a Senator from Ohio (indicted for treason),//. 93, uncut. 1807 State Constitution. 2d ed. Chillicothe, 1803 Report of Canal Comm rs, and Documents, 1824 [Proceedings at] Commencement of Ohio Canal, 1825 Bishop Chase s Defence of Kenyon College, 1831, //. 72 Narrative of late proceedings against the Liberty of the Press in Cincinnati, 1836 Doc ts rel. to the Portsmouth Comp y (Sciota Co.), 1836 Catalogue (etc.) of Marietta College, 1837-8 C. Whittlesey s Hist. Sketch of Tallmadge, 1842 Whittlesey s Discourse rel. to the Exped. against the Indians on the Scioto, in 1774. Cleveland, 1842 Rev. Sam l Chase s Review of Jubilee College, plan, 1843 Hist. Sketch of Pickaway County. [1844] National Magazine, Dec., 1845 (containing an Account of Cleveland, by J. Bar.) Wickes s Hist. Discourse, Congr. Church in Marietta, 1847 Gallagher s Disc, before Ohio Hist. Society, //. 88, 1850 Rev. A. Kingsbury s [25th anniv.] Sermon, Presb. Church in Putnam, 1860; and another. 8 and 12 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 23 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. ACTS AND LAWS of Kentucky; See TOULMIN (H.) No. 4615. 4585 BOONE (Col. Daniel) Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, the First White Settler in the State of Kentucky . . Written by himself . . Annexed, Is an Eulogy on Col. Boon, and choice of Life, by Lord Byron, pp. 36, portrait, fine copy, hf. mor., top gilt, UNCUT, VERY RARE. Brooklyn, for C. Wilder, 1823 The FIRST EDITION of this Pamphlet, of which Field s Indian Bibliography (no. 152) notes the second edition (Brooklyn, 1824), and Sabin s Dictionary (no. 6370) describes the third (Providence, H. Trumbull, 1824), as "a very rare pamphlet." The three editions were printed with the same types as was also the " Rev. James Steward s " History of the Discovery of America (" Brooklyn, L. I., Grant & Wells," n. d.) in 1809, and several editions of H. Trumbull s Indian Wars, at Norwich, Conn., and Boston. 4586 BUTLER (Mann) History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, engravings, pp. xi, 396, fine copy. 8 Louisville, 1834 4587 History of Kentucky. 2d edition, enlarged,//, xvi, xiii-lxxii, 551, portrait, bds., uncut, clean and fine. 8 Cincinnati, 1836 4588 COLLINS (Lewis) Historical Collections of Kentucky, map and numerous engravings, pp. 560, half roan, good copy. 8 Lewis Collins, Maysville, 1847 4589 DAVIDSON (Rev. R.) An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave, and Barrens of Kentucky ; with notices of the Early Settlement of the State, //. 148, cloth. 16 Lexington, Ky., 1840 4590 FILSON (J.) The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke . . To which is added An Appendix, containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, etc., pp. 118, polished calf, gilt, VERY RARE. 8 Wilmington, James Adams, 1784 See IMLAY (G.) Nos. 4597, 4598. 4591 FILSON (J.) Histoire de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a 1 Ouest de la Virginie. . traduit de 1 Anglois . . par M. Parraud, map, pp. (2), xvi, 234. 8 Paris, 1785 4592 FITZROY (Alex.) The Discovery, Purchase, and Settlement of the Country of Kentucke, no map, pp. 15. 8 London, 1786 4593 HALL (James) The Harpe s Head ; a Legend of Kentucky, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1833 4594 HAYWOOD QOHN) The | Natural and Aboriginal | History | of | Tennessee, up to the | First Settlements therein | by the | White People, | in the | year 1768, | //. viii, 390, liv, sheep, fine copy. 8 Nashville, Geo. Wilson, 1823 "EXCEEDINGLY RARE and high prized .. The author describes with great minuteness and care the relics of the race which once inhabited the territory, its utensils, skeletons, crania, and fortifications," etc. FIELD S 2nd. Bibliography. 4595 HAYWOOD (John) The Civil and Political History | of the | State of Tennessee, | from its | Earliest Settlement up to | the year 1796 ; | including the j Boundaries of the State. 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 504, VERY RARE. 8 Knoxville, Tenn., Heiskell and JBrown, 1823 " Only less rare than the Aboriginal History, by the same author." FIELD S Ind. Bibliography. 4596 IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America ; . . added, A delineation of the Laws and Government of the State of Kentucky,//, xv, 247, half vellum, gilt. 8 London, for J. Debrett, 1792 24 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 4597 IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory, etc. . and The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, and An Essay towards the Topography and History of that country, etc. By John Filson. 2 maps and plan, pp. xxiii, 260, 204. 2 vols. 12 New York, S. Campbell, 1793 The second volume contains the reprint of Filson the second edition in English; "being a Supplement to Imlay s description of the Western Territory." 4598 The same. 3d edition, with great additions, 4 maps, pp. xii, 598. (28), calf, gilt. 8 London, 1797 4599 KENTUCKY. A Description of Kentucky in North America ; to which are prefixed Miscellaneous Observations respecting the U. States, map, pp. 121, (3), RARE. 8 n. p. [London], Nov., 1792 " There is a letter at the end from Mr. Imlay, dated Feb. 2, 1793. Said to be written by Mr. Toulmin." RICH, 1792, no. n. 4600 Pamphlets (5) Nicholas (Geo.) Letter to his Friend, justifying the conduct of citizens of Kentucky. Repr., Phila., 1799 Report on state of Education in Louisville. Louisville, 1833 Memorial of Ken. Hist. Society, relating to a Geological Survey, 1847 Dix (D. L.) Review of the condition of the State Penitentiary, etc., pp. 40. Frankfort, 1845 Description of the Mammoth Cave, etc., pp. 44. Boston, 1850. 8 v. y. 4601 Knoxville. The Half-Century of Knoxville. Address and Proceedings at the Semi-Centennial Anniversary, Feb. 10, 1842 . . Added, an Appendix, with Historical Documents, etc., //. 106, SCARCE. 8 Knoxville, Tenn., 1842 4602 McMuRTRiE (H.) M.D. Sketches of Louisville and its Environs ; including a Florida Louisvillensis, map, pp. viil, 255, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Louisville, S. Penn, Jun., 1819 4603 MARSHALL (Humphrey) The History of Kentucky. Including an account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of the Country. Vol. I. (all published), frontispiece, used copy. 8 Frankfort, Henry Gore, 1812 4604 MARSHALL (H.) The History of Kentucky. 2 vols., //. v, 4-7, 465, 9 ; v, 524, sheep, fine copy. 8 Frankfort, 1824 The completed work, the first volume having been revised and rewritten. 4605 MOREHEAD (J. T.) Address in commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky, . at Boonesborough, May 25th, 1840, [with Historical Appendix,] //. 181, SCARCE. 8 Frankfort, Ky., A. G. Hodges, 1841 4606 OWEN (D. D.) Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky, maps and plates, cloth. imp. 8 Frankfort, 1856 4607 PUTNAM (A. W.) History of Middle Tennessee ; or, Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson, illustrated, pp. 668, cloth. r. 8 Nashville, 1859 4608 RAFINESQUE (C- S.) Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky, with a survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, etc., pp. iv, 39, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Fratikfort, for the Author, 1824 4609 RAMSEY (J. G. M.) Annals of Tennessee . . to the End of the 1 8th Century, two maps, pp. 744, cloth. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1853 4610 Tennessee. A Short Description of the Tennassee Government, or the Territory of the U. S. south of the River Ohio, pp. 20, scarce. 8 Phila., M. Carey, 1793 ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 25 4611 TENNESSEE. A Short Description of the State of Tennessee, . . Prefixed, the Constitution of that State, pp. 44, boards. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1796 4612 Troost (G.) Third, Fifth, and Sixth Geological Reports (1835, l8 39> 1841). 3 Pamphlets. 8 Nashville, 1835-41 4613 Pamphlets (4) J. G. M. Ramsay s Address, before the East Tenn. Histor. Society, May 5, 1834 Ett Nytt Kalifornien eller Cherokee-Falten pa Walden s Ridge i Ostra Tennessee, maps, pp. 36. Stockholm, 1849 Ashbel Smith s Letter on establishing a University in Memphis, 1849 Humes (T. W.) Address on the semi-cent. Anniversary of the Settlement of Knoxville, . . Added, an Appendix, etc. Knoxville, 1852. 4614 SPALDING (M. J.) Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions in Kentucky, from 1787 to 1827, pp. 308, cloth. 12 Louisville, n. d. 4615 TOULMIN (H.) Collection of the Public and Permanent Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky now in Force, etc., sheep, nice. 12 Frankfort, 1802 oooo TOULMIN (H.) See KENTUCKY, Description of, No. 4599. ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 4616 ALTON Trials: of W. S. Gilman [and others], and of John Solomon [and others], for a Riot, frontispiece, pp. 158, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 4617 Beecher (E.) Narrative of the Riots at Alton, in connection with the Death of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy. 12 Alton, 1838 4618 BECK (Lewis C.) A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri, map and plates, pp. 352, bds. uncut. 8 Albany, 1823 4619 BIRKBECK (M.) Letters from Illinois, 2d edition. London, 1818 Notes on a Journey in America, 3d edition, map. London, 1818. 2 in i vol., fine copies, half calf . 8 See FAUX (W.) No. 4777; and FEARON (H. B.) No. 4778. 4620 BIRKBECK (M.) Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, title-page ink-marked. 12 Belfast, repr. 1818 4621 The same, 2d edition, 2 maps. 12 Phila., 1819 4622 BROWN (Henry) The History of Illinois, map (needs mending), title-page wanting, pp. 492. 8 New York, 1844 4623 DANA (E.) A Description of the Bounty Lands in the State of Illinois : also, the principal Roads and Routes, through the Territory of the United States, from New Brunswick to the Pacific Ocean, bds. uncut. 12 Cincinnati, 1819 4624 ELLSWORTH (H. W.) Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, map and other plates, pp. 175, sewed. 8 New York, 1838 4625 The same, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 4626 HEBERT (W.) Visit to the Colony of Harmony, in Indiana; with a Sketch for the Formation of a Co-operative Society, //. 35. 8 London, 1825 26 ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 4627 ILLINOIS AND OUBACHE Land Companies. [Smith (Wm.) ] An Account of the Proceedings of the Ilinois and Ouabache Land Companies in pursuance of their Purchases made of the Natives, 1773 and 1775, pp. (16), 55, and others (as under], clean copy, half vellum, RARE. 8 Phila., 1796 Memorial of the I. and W. Land Company [to Congress] Jan. I797,//. 8 Statements to the Committees of the Senate and House, on the I. and W. Memorial, Nos. I, II, III, // 8, 7, 7- 4628 Memorial of the Ilinois and Ouabache Land Companies to Congress, //. 20, 74, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, 1802-03 4629 ILLINOIS in 1837 j a Sketch of the State, with a Letter on the Cultivation of the Prairies by H. L. Ellsworth, map, pp. 143. 8 Phila., S. Augustus Mitchell, 1837 4630 Illinois. Pamphlets (8) Constitution of the State. Washington, 1818 Birkbeck (M.) Extracts from a Supplementary Letter from the Illinois, . Reply to Wm. Cobbett, etc., pp. 29, N. York, 1819 Report of Meeting in Wheeling;, Va., on forming a settle ment in Illinois, pp. 12, n. p., n. d. [1830] Sketches of Illinois, pp. 32. Phila., 1838 N. Y. & Boston Illinois Land Company, Articles of Association, etc. Phila., 1839 Western Emigration. Narrative of a Tour to, and Residence in " Edensburgh " (Illinois), by Major Walter Wilkey, ctirious cuts,^ pp. 24, VERY SCARCE. New York, 1839 Haines (E. M.) Historical Sketches of Lake County, //. 112. 16 Waukegan, III., 1852 Rail-roads and Commerce of Chicago, 1854. v. s., v. y. 4631 Colleges. Hist. Sketch of Illinois College [by Theron Baldwin]. N. York, 1832 (2 copies) Wabash College, Catalogue, 1843, and Baccal. Address Jubilee College, Review of, by Rev. S. Chase, 1843, 2 folded engravings Knox College, . with review of a pamphlet, etc., by Rev. J. W. Bailey, //. 131. 5 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 v. y. 4632 (INDIANA PROPRIETORS.) View of the Title to Indiana, a Tract of Country on the River Ohio, containing Indian Conferences at Johnson-Hall in May, 1765 ; the deed of the Six Nations to the Proprietors of Indiana ; etc., and the opinion of Counsel on the title of the Proprietors of Indiana, half morocco, neat, first and last leaves mended; pp. 24, VERY RARE. 8 n. p., n. d. [1775] 4633 INDIANAPOLIS. Howard (A. C.) Directory of Indianapolis, with a Historical Sketch, FIRST ISSUE, map, pp. iv, 292. 8 Indianapolis, 1857 4634 NEW-SWITZERLAND. Reisebericht der Familie Kopfli & Suppiger nach St. Louis, und Griindung von New-Switzerland im Staate Illinois, sewed, pp. (6), 297, RARE. 16 Sursee, \_Switzer land, \ 1833 4635 PECK (J. M.) Guide for Emigrants, containing Sketches of Illinois, Missouri, and the adjacent parts, map. 16 Boston, 1831 4636 Gazetteer of Illinois in three Parts, pp. 376. 1 6 Jacksonville, 1834 4637 SHEPARD (C. U.) Geology of Upper Illinois, pp. 31, stitched. 8 New Haven, 1838 4638 SMITH (O. H.) Early Indiana Trials : and Sketches, portrait, pp. 640, cloth. r. 8 Cincinnati, 1858 MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. 2/ 4639 VAN ZANDT (N. B.) A Full Description of the Soil, Water, Timber, and Prairies of each Lot, or Quarter Section of the Military Lands between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, //. 127, bds. uncut. 8 Washington, 1818 4640 WOODS (John) Two Years Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, etc., map, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1822 MICHIGAN. 4641 BLOIS (J. T.) Gazetteer of the State of Michigan, with a Succinct History of the State, //. 418, cloth. 12 Detroit, 1838 4642 DARBY (Wm.) Tour from New York to Detroit, 3 maps. 8 New York, 1819 4643 Detroit. MACCABE (J. P. Bolivar) Directory of the City of Detroit for the year 1837, containing an epitomized History of Detroit. 12 Detroit, 1837 4644 Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan, comprising a series of Discourses before the Historical Society of Michigan, and other papers, pp. 215, VERY SCARCE. 16 Detroit, 1834 4645 LANMAN (J. H.) History of Michigan, map, pp. 398, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1839 4646 Pamphlets (6) Schoolcraft s Discourse before Historical Society, 1830 Proceedings on Admission of Tennessee, a precedent for Michigan, 1835 Constitution of 1835 Account of the Town of Huron, 1837 Second annual report of [Douglass Houghton] State Geologist, 1839, pp. 123 Dubuisson s Official report of the War at Detroit in 1712. Detroit, 1845. IOWA. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. THE LAKES. 4647 FEATHERSTONAUGH (G. W.) A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor; with an account of the Lead and Copper Deposits in Wisconsin, etc. 2 vols., maps and plates, cloth, uncut. 8 London, R. Bentley, 1847 4648 FOSTER (J. W.) and WHITNEY (J. D.) Report on the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District. 2 vols. and Maps. 8 Washington, 1850-51 4649 The same, Part II. (Iron Region and general Geology), and Maps. 8 Washington, 1851 4650 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Report of a Geological Recon- noissance in 1835, from Washington, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie, engraved diagrams, pp. 168. (2 copies.) 8 Washington, 1836 4651 FREEMAN (S.) Emigrant s Guide to Wisconsin, //. 148. 8 Milwaukee, 1851 4652 FULLER (S. M.) Summer on the Lakes, in 1843, plates, pp. 256, cloth. 12 Boston, 1844 28 IOWA. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. KANSAS. ARKANSAS. 4653 KEATING (W. II.) Narrative of an Expedition to the source of St. Peter s River, Lake Winnepeek, &c., in the year 1823, under the command of S. H. Long, Major U. S. T. E., engravings. 2 vols., calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 The Appendix contains Say s Reports on Natural History, Indian Vocabularies, etc. 4654 LANMAN (C.) A Summer in the Wilderness ; a Canoe Voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. 12 New York, 1847 4655 LAPHAM (I. A.) Wisconsin; its Geography and Topography, History, Geology, and Mineralogy, map. 12 Milwaukee, 1844 4656 -- The same, 2d edition, map, doth. 12 Milwaukee, 1846 4657 McLEOD (Donald) History of Wiskonsan ; including a Geological and Topographical Description with a Catalogue of Plants, map, pp. 310, doth, scarce. 12 Buffalo, 1846 4658 Minnesota Historical Society. Annals, 1850-51, and 1852. 2 vols. 8 St. Paul, 1851, 52 4659 PLUMBE (John) Jr. Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin, taken during a residence of Three Years, //. 101, scarce. 8 St. Louis, 1839 4660 SEYMOUR (E. S.) Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, map, pp. 281, cloth. 12 New York, Harper 6 Bros., 1850 4661 Wisconsin. Sketches of the West, or the Home of the Badgers : an Early History of Wisconsin. 2d ed., map, pp. 48. 8 Milwaukee, 1847 4662 MILWAUKEE City Directory (the first published ; containing Mac Cabe s History of Milwaukee, the city Charter, etc.), 1847, 1848, 1851. 3 vols. 12 and 8 4663 Statistics of Dane County : with a sketch . . of the Village of Madison, wood cuts, pp. 16. 8 Madison, 1852 4664 - - Pamphlets (8) Sketches of the West, or the Home of the Badgers, 2d ed. Milwaukee, 1849 Cyfansoddiad Talaeth Wisconsin [Constitution, in Welsh]. Madison, 1848 Charter of the Sheboygan and Fond du Lac Road Co. 1848 Kip (Wm. I.) A Few Days at Nashotah, pp. 31. Albany, j. Munsell, 1849 Inauguration [with Address] of J. H. Lathrop, Chancellor of the Univ. of Wisconson. Milw., 1850 Statistics of Dane County, 1852 Catalogue of State Library. Madison, 1852 Wisconsin, pp. 16 [1852]. v. y. 4665 -- State Historical Society. M. L. Martin s Address, 1851 Lewis N. Wood s Annual Address, 1852 Collections, Vol. III., PP- 547- 3 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 MISSOURI. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. 4666 GREENE (Max.) The Kanzas Region : with Incidents of Travel, etc., pp. 192, 2 maps. 12 New York, 1856 4667 NUTTALL (T.) Journal of Travels into the Arkansa Territory in 1819, map and plates, half calf , gilt. 8 Phila., 1821 MISSOURI. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. 2Q 4668 ST. Louis Directory, 1842 (with Historical Sketch), 1847, 1848. 3 vols. 12 and 8 4669 Business Directory, for 1847 ; containing the History of St. Louis, from its first settlement, etc., pp. 176. 8 1847 4670 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) View of the Lead Mines of Missouri ; with some Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, etc., of Missouri and Arkansaw, plates, (foxed) calf. 8 New York, 1819 4671 St. Louis. W. G. Eliot s Address before the Franklin Society, 1836, and Discourse at Dedication of First Cong. Church, 1837 A. Bullard s Hist. Sermon, ist Presb. Church, Jan. 1839 Proceedings of Chamber of Commerce, rel. to Improvement of Navigation, etc. 1842 Report of Celebration of Anniversary of founding St. Louis, 1847 T. M. Post s Discourse on Congrega tionalism, Jan. n, 1852 Win. S. Potts s Sermon, after the Great Fire, May 20, 1849 Annual Review. Hist, of St. Louis, Commercial Statistics, etc., Jan. 1854, map A. Homes s Ded. Sermon, Union Presb. Church, Jan. 1854. 9 Pamphlets. 8 St. Louis, 1836-54 4672 SPALDING (C. C.) Annals of the City of Kansas . . with Statistics of the West and South- West, pp. in, engravings. 8 Kansas City, 1858 4673 WETMORE (A.) Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, map and frontispiece. 8 St. Louis, 1837 THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. UTAH, CALIFORNIA, AND OREGON. THE NORTH-WEST COAST. 4674 California and New Mexico. Message from the President of the U. States, transmitting information on the subject of California and New Mexico, maps, pp. 976, hf. roan. 8 ^Washington, 1850] Exec. Doc. no. 17, 3ist Congress, ist Session. 4675 California. Report of the Debates in the Constitutional Con vention, 1849 > by J. Ross Browne, pp. 479, xlvi, (i), cloth. 8 Washington, 1850 4676 Oration, by E. J. C. Kewen, and Poem, by Frank Soule, before the Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco, Sept. 9th, 1854 California State Almanac and Ann. Register for 1856. Sacramento, 1856 S. H. Willey s Two Historical Discourses, at close of the First Ten Years Ministry in California, San Francisco, March, 1859. 3 Pamphlets. 4677 Cox (Ross) Adventures on the Columbia River, including a Narrative of residence on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, pp. 335, cloth, uncut. 8 New York, 1832 4678 DIXON (Copt. George) Voyage round the World ; but more particularly to the North- West Coast of America, 1785-88; 2d edition, maps and plates, calf, gilt, FINE COPY. 4 London, 1789 30 THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. OREGON. 4679 DUNN (John) The Oregon Territory, and the British North American Fur Trade, etc., cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1845 4680 FARNHAM (Thos. J.) Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean, pp. 96, a bit torn from title leaf, scarce. 8 New York, 1844 4681 FEDIX (M.) L Oregon et les cotes de 1 Ocean Pacifique du Nord ; apercu geographique, statistique, et politique, map, pp. 258, half calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1846 4682 FISHER (Wm.) New Travels among the Indians of North America ; being a compilation, taken partly from the communica tions . . of Captains Lewis and Clark, . and partly from other authors . . With a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. Compiled by William Fisher, Esqr., 2 portraits, pp. 300, sheep, fresh copy. 12 Phila., Jas. Sharan, 1812 4683 FREMONT (J. C.) Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. Printed by order of the Senate, large folded map and plates, pp. 693, hf. russia, uncut. 8 Washington, 1850 4684 Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. 2d edition, pp. 278, half bound. 8 Washington, 1840 [for 1845] 4685 Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, with large folded Map, pp. 40, hf. cloth. 8 Washington, 1849 4686 GALLATIN (A.) The Oregon Question, pp. 75, half red mor. 8 New York, 1846 oooo GASS (Patrick) Journal of Voyages, etc. See No. 4694. 4687 GREENHOW (Robert) Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest Coast of No. America and the adjacent Territories. [Senate Edition,] map, pp. xii, 228, hf. rose calf, gilt. 8 Washington, 1840 4688 History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories of the N. W. Coast of North America, pp. xviii, 482, map, uncut. 8 Boston, 1844 4689 HARMON (D. W.) A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the interior of North America, . . extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean . . To which are added a concise description of the face of the Country, its Inhabitants, their Manners, Customs, Laws, Religions, etc. and considerable specimens of their Languages, etc., portrait, pp. 432. 8 Andover, 1820 It includes An Account of the Indians living west of the Rocky mountain (pp. 279-310) : A General Account of the Indians on the East side of the Rocky mountain (pp. 311-383): Vocabularies of the Cree or Knisteneux and the Tacully or Carrier Tongues (pp. 385-413). 4690 IRVING (Washington) Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains, map. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 4691 The Rocky Mountains; or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West, maps. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1837 4692 LEE (D.) and FROST (J. H.) Ten Years in Oregon, map and wood cuts, pp. 344, cloth. 12 New York, 1844 The Appendix contains "specimens of Indian dialects" of the Northwest coast and Columbia River. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. OREGON. 3! 4693 LEWIS and CLARKE S Expedition. Message from the President, . communicating Discoveries made in Exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Capts. Lewis and Clark, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, . . with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent ; read in Congress, Feb. 19, 1806, //. 128, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1806 " The Message forms the first published account of the Explorations of Lewis and Clarke." SABIN S Dictionary. Dr. Sibley s Sketches of the Indian tribes of the South west is of permanent interest and value. 4694 GASS (Patrick) A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke, calf, large copy. 8 London, repr., 1808 4695 The same. 4th edition, six engravings, hf. bd., nice copy. 12 Phila., for M. Carey, 1812 4696 The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke to the Pacific Ocean ; containing delineations of the Manners, Customs, etc. of the Indians, . . and a Statistical View of the Indian Nations, map, pp. ix, 309, old tree calf, gilt. 8 London, 1809 "Contains some documents not published in any other edition." SABIN. oooo New Travels, etc. Compiled by Wm. Fisher. See No. 4682. 4697 History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains, and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, etc. Prepared for the press by Paul Allen. 2 vols., maps, calf, neat. 8 Philadelphia, Bradford and Inskeep, 1814 The BEST EDITION. " Mr. Allen has paraded his name as the editor, when in fact the work was done by Mr. NICHOLAS BIDDLE from the material left by Captain Lewis." - SABIN S Dictionary. 4698 LONG (S. H.) Account of his Expedition . . to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819 and 20; compiled by E. James. 2 vols. of maps and plates and Atlas, calf, gilt. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 4699 MERCER (A. S.) Washington Territory. The Great North- West, her Material Resources, etc., //. 38. 8 Utica, N. Y., 1865 4700 Oregon. C. Cushings s Lecture on Oregon, Boston, 1845 Lieut. N. M. Howison s Report on the coast, harbors, rivers, etc. of the Territory of Oregon, 1847. 2 Pamphlets. 8 4701 PALMER (Joel) Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the Mouth of Columbia River, etc., with a description of Oregon Territory, scarce. 12 Cincinnati, 1847 4702 PARKER (Rev. Samuel) Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, 1835-37. 2d edition, Map of Oregon Territory, and plate, pp. 400, cloth. 12 Ithaca, N. Y., 1840 An Appendix, pp. 385-398, contains Vocabularies of the Nez Perce, Klicatal, Calapooa, and Chinook languages. 4703 PARKMAN (F.) Jr. The California and Oregon Trail, two illustrations by Darley, cloth, uncut. 12 New York, Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 4704 STANSBURY (Capt. H.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, many engravings; with Atlas of maps. 2 vols. cloth. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1852 4705 The same. 2 vols. cloth. r. 8 Washington, 1853 32 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 4706 Twiss (Travers) The Oregon Question examined in respect to Facts and the Law of Nations, two maps, pp. x, 391, cloth, uncut. 8 London, Longmans, 1846 4707 Twiss (Travers) The Oregon Territory, its History and Discovery ; including an account of the Convention of the Escurial, also the Treaties and Negotiations between the U. States and Gr. Britain, for the settlement of a boundary line, etc., cloth. 12 New York, D. Appleton 6- Co., 1846 " The Oregon Question," reprinted under a new title. 4708 VENEGAS (M.) Natural and Civil History of California, con taining an Accurate Description of that Country, the Customs of the Inhabitants, etc., translated from the Spanish, map and other engravings. 2 vols., old calf , scarce. 8 London, 1759 4709 WHITE (Dr. E. and Mrs.) Ten Years in Oregon [1836-46], compiled by Miss A. J. Allen, pp. 399, portraits, cloth. 12 Ithaca, N. Y., 1848 4710 WHITNEY (Asa) A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific, map, pp. viii, 112, scarce. 8 New York, 1849 4711 WILLEY (Samuel H.) Two Historical Discourses, at the close of the first Ten Years Ministry in California, //. 46, scarce. 8 San Francisco, 1859 4712 WILKES (Geo.) The History of Oregon, geographical .and political. With an examination of the project of a National Rail Road, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, map, pp. 127. 8 New York, 1845 4713 WYETH (J. B.) Oregon; or a short History of a Long Journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the region of the Pacific, by land, etc., pp. 87, half bound, scarce. 12 Cambridge, 1833 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. COLORADO. 4714 ABERT (Lieut. J. W.) Report to the Secretary of War, commu nicating a Report and Map of the Examination of New Mexico, pp. 132, plates, no map. 8 Washington, 1848 4715 Arizona LAWS. The Howell Code, adopted by the First Legis lative Assembly of the Territory, Sept.-Nov., 1864, pp. 491, hf. cloth. 8 Prescott, 1865 4716 Arizona. Pamphlets (6) Message of Gov. Goodwin, 1864 Charter etc. of Arizona Historical Society, 1864 Mining Laws of the Territory, 1864 R- C. McCormick s Oration at Prescott, 4th of July, 1864 Hon. C. D. Poston s Speech in U. S. House of Reps., on Indian Affairs, 1865 Gov. McCormick s Message, 1865. 8 4717 BONNELL (Geo. W.) Topographical Description of Texas.. Added, an Account of the Indian Tribes, bds., nice, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Austin, [Texas, ] Clark, Wing, and Brown, 1840. oooo Champ d Asile (Le) See F n (G.) L He roine du Texas, No. 4721 ; Hartmann et Millard, No. 4725 ; and Lheritier, No. 4731. TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 33 4718 EDWARD (DAVID B.) The History of Texas, Map, pp. 336, sheep, gilt. 12 Cincinnati, 1836 4719 EMORY (W. H.) Notes of a Military Reconnoisance, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, in California, plates, and large folded map, cloth. 8 Washington, 1848 4720 Encarnacion Prisoners : comprising an Account of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande ; with a history of the captivity of the American Prisoners, etc. By a Prisoner, //. 96. 8 Louisville, Ky., 1848 472 1 F N (G...n.) L HeVoine du Texas, on Voyage de Madame * * * aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique, plan of Le Champ d Asile, half mor., SCARCE. 8 Paris, Plancher, 1819 4722 GARRARD (L. H.) Wah-to-yah, and the Taos Trail ; or Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances, pp. vi, 349, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1850 4723 GREEN (Gen. T. J.) Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier, subsequent imprisonment of the Author, etc., plates, pp. 487, cloth. 8 New York, 1845 4724 GREGG (J.) Commerce of the Prairies : or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader, and a residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico, 5th edition, engravings. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1851 4725 HARTMANN et MILLARD (MM.) Le Texas, ou Notice historique sur le Champ d Asile, plan, half red mor., SCARCE. 8 Paris, 1819 4726 HOLLEY (Mrs. M. A.) Texas. Observations . . in a Series of Letters [from] Austin s Colony, map, pp. 167, cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1833 4727 HOLLISTER (O. J.) History of the First Regiment of Colorado Volunteers, //. 80. 8 Denver, T. Gibson 6- Co., 1863 4728 HOUSTOUN (Mrs.) Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or Yachting in the New World, portrait of Santa Anna, pp. 288, cloth. 1 6 Philadelphia, 1845 4729 HUGHES (John T.) Doniphan s Expedition ; containing an account of the Conquest of New Mexico, etc., map, portraits, and other illustrations, cloth. \2. Q Cincinnati, 1848 4730 History (A) of Texas ; or the Emigrant s Guide to the New Republic. By a Resident Emigrant; with Introduction by Rev. A. B. Lawrence, view of Austin, pp\21$, sheep. 12 New York, 1844 4731 LH[ERITIER] (L. F.) Le Champ-d Asile, Tableau topographique et historique du Texas, //. viii, 247, half mor., SCARCE. 8 Paris, Ladvocat, 1819 4732 MANSFIELD (E. D.) The Mexican War: a History of its Origin, a detailed account of the Victories, etc. i oth edition, plates, pp. 365, doth. 8 New York, 1850 4733 MARCY (R. B.) and MCCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, and Atlas. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 5 34 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 4734 MAYER (Brantz) History of the War between Mexico and the United States. Vol. I. Portrait of Santa Anna, and battle plans, cloth. 8 New York, Wiley 6* Putnam, 1848 4735 MILAM (pseudonym.} Texas. Sketches of Character ; Moral and Political Condition of the Republic ; the Judiciary, etc. ; by Milam, pp. 95, doth. 18 Phila., 1839 4736 MOORE (Francis) Jr. Map and Description of Texas, plates, pp. 143, i, doth. 18 Phila., 1840 4737 NEWELL (Rev. C.) History of the Revolution in Texas, particu larly of the War of 1835 an< ^ 3^ ; together with the latest.. Accounts of that Country, map, pp. 215, doth, SCARCE. 12 New York, 1838 4738 PARKER (A. A.) Trip to the West and Texas, in 1834-5, pp. 276, doth, used copy. 12 Concord, N. H., 1835 4739 PIKE (Major Z. M.) Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique, traduit de P Anglais par M. Breton. 2 vols., maps, old tree calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1812 4740 SITGREAVES (Capt. L.) Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, maps and many fine plates, pp. 198, cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 4741 STIFF (Col. E.) The Texan Emigrant ; a Description of the Soil, Climate, Productions, etc., with a Statement of Events in Texas from 1692 to 1840, map, pp. 367, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1840 4742 Texas. Pamphlets (8) Ashbel Smith s Notice sur la geographic du Texas, pp. 24. [Paris, ~\ n. d. The War in Texas, instigated by Slaveholders, etc., pp. 56. Phila. 1836 The Texan Revolution, 1842 Appeal to the People of Massachusetts, on the Texas Question, 1844 Thoughts on the proposed Annexation of Texas. N. York, 1844 J. B. Newman s Texas and Mexico in 1846, map Report of Comm. of Legislature of Texas, on the burning of Brenham. Austin, 1866 S. B. Buckley s prelim, report of Texas Geological Survey. Austin, 1866. 4743 Sketch of the History of Spanish America, [a fragment, pp. 13-36, bound up with a thick volume of blank paper, and a large colored map of Mexico and Texas. The binder s title is "Texian Revolution"]. 12 {Hartford, 1849] 4744 THORPE (T. B.) Our Army on the Rio Grande, engravings, pp. 196. 12 Philadelphia, 1848 4755 VISIT TO TEXAS (A) : being the Journal of a Traveller through those Parts most Interesting to American Settlers, map, and pretty engravings, pp. 264, (4), doth. 12 New York, 1834 4746 The same, second edition. With an Appendix, containing an Account of the Late War, pp. 262, doth. 18 New York, 1836 4747 WOODMAN (David) Jr. Guide to Texas Emigrants, map, pp. 192, doth. 12 Boston, 1835 THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY: LIVES AND WRITINGS OF STATESMEN AND MEN PROMI NENT IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS: DESCRIPTION, TRAVELS, ETC. 4748 ADAMS (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, //. xxiii, 390, (4), hf. bd., name cut from head of title. 12 London; repr. New York, H. Gaine, 1778 4749 The same, pp. xxx, 317, contains a list of subscribers (6 //.), old calf . 12 London; repr. Boston, Edm. Freeman, 1788 4750 The same. 3 vols., calf, gilt, yellow edges, elegant copy. 8 London, 1788 4751 The same. Third Edition. 3 vols. & JMa., W. Young, for Wm. Cobbett, 1797 oooo Essay on Canon and Feudal Law . . to which is annexed, the Political Character of the said John Adams . . By an American. Phila., R. Bell, 1783. See Tracts, No. 4955. 4752 Correspondence of the late President Adams. Originally published in the Boston Patriot. In a Series of Letters. No. I. [-X.], pp. iv, 572, SCARCE. 8 Boston, Everett and Munroe, 1809-10 These letters (63 in number) were published between April icth, 1809 and Feb. loth, 1810; and, immediately reprinted, in pamphlet form, in ten numbers, here bound together, with Introductory Remarks by the publishers. The complete collection is VERY SCARCE. Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, vol. i, no. 231) mentions only the first number "pp. iv., 36." 4753 Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams . . and the late Wm. Cunningham, Esq. 1803-1812, //. x, 219. Boston, 1823 Review of the Correspondence, etc. By Timothy Pickering. Second Edition, //. 140. Salem, 1824. 2 in i vol., calf. 8 The Inadmissible Principles of the King of England s Proclamation of Oct. 16, 1807, considered. By the late President Adams. Originally published in the Boston Patriot, pp. 20. Boston, 1809. See Pamphlets, 1809-13, No. 4953. 4754 COLMAN (H.) Sketch of the Character of John Adams. Delivered in Salem, gth July, 1826, //. 28 BANCROFT (A.) Sermon, in Worcester, July 9th, 1826, on the Death of John Adams, //. 15. 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 1826 4755 CRANCH (Wm.) Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings of John Adams, //. 71. 8 Washington, 1827 4756 ADAMS and JEFFERSON. A Selection of Eulogies, pronounced in the several States, in honor of those Illustrious Patriots and Statesman, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, //. 426, sheep, gilt. 8 Hartford, D. F. Robinson 6- Co., 1826 36 THE UNITED STATES. 4757 ADAMS and JEFFERSON, Eulogies on, and Commemorative Addresses : C. Gushing, Newburyport, July 15, uncut. C. S. Daveis, Portland, Me., Aug. 9, uncut. T. Ford, Charleston, S. C., Sept. 14, uncut. N. L. Frothingham, Boston, July 9. W. R. Johnson, Germantown, Pa., July 20. S. L. Knapp, Boston, Aug. 2. J. Sergeant, Philadelphia, July 24. J. E. Sprague, Salem, Mass., Aug. ro, uncut. Dan l Webster, Faneuil Hall, Aug. 2, uncut. Wm. Wirt, Washington, Oct. 19. 3d ed., uncut. The same, another copy, uncut. ii Pamphlets. 8 v. p. 1826 4758 ADAMS (John Quincy) Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis . . on the present State of our National Affairs ; with Remarks upon Mr. Pickering s Letter to Governor [Sullivan], pp. 32. Boston, 1808 The same. New Haven, 1808. 2 Pamphlets. 8 The same, 2d ed., in Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. 4759 The same, hf. mor. 8 Repr. London, 1808 4760 [ ] American Principles. A Review of the Works of Fisher Ames. First published in the Boston Patriot, pp. 56, scarce Remarks on the Hon. J. Q. Adams s Review, etc. [By John Lowell], pp. 50. 2 in i vol. sewed. 8 Boston, 1809 4761 Jubilee of the Constitution ; Address delivered in New York on the 5oth Anniversary of the Inauguration of Washington, //. 136, hf. mor. 8 New York, 1839 4762 The Treaty of Ghent, and the Fisheries ; or the Diplomatic Talents of John Quincy Adams, candidly examined (by " Massa chusetts "), pp. 27. 8 Boston, 1824 4763 QUINCY (Jos.) Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams, fine portrait, and facsimile, cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 4764 -- Discourses, etc., occasioned by the Death of John Quincy Adams : The Adams Memorial, pp. 46. Boston. Addresses in Congress, and Fun. Solemnities, portrait. Wash. J. H. Allen, Discourse, Washington. Wash. Joshua Bates, Discourse, in Worcester, Mass. Worcester. Edw. Everett, Eulogy, in Faneuil Hall. Boston. S. W. Hanks, Sermon, in Lowell, Mass. Lowell. W. P. Lunt, Fun. Sermon, in Quincy. Boston. Testimonials of Respect, by the Mass. Legislature. Boston. Theo. Parker, Discourse, in Boston. (2 copies.) Wm. H. Seward, Oration, before the N. Y. Legislature. Albany. R. S. Storrs, Address, in Braintree, on the Inauguration of J. Q. Adams to the Presidency, Mch. 4, 1825. Boston. Discourse, in Braintree, Mch. 5, 1848. Boston. R. C. Waterston, Discourse, on the Life and Character. Boston. H Pamphlets. 8 GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 37 4765 ADAMS (Mrs. Abigail) Letters of Mrs. Adams, wife of John Adams : with a Memoir by Charles F. Adams. 2 vols., portrait, doth. 12 Boston, 1840 4766 American Oratory, or Selections from Speeches of Eminent Americans, portrait of F. Ames inserted, pp. viii, 531, marbled calf . 8 Philadelphia, 1836 Compiled by John W. Williams, Esq. 4767 American Remembrancer (The) ; or, an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc., relative . . to the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols., sheep. 8 Phila., for M. Carey, 1795 4768 AMES (Fisher) Works . . To which are prefixed, Notices of his Life and Character, portrait, pp. xxxi, (6), 519, marbled calf , gilt. 8 Boston, 1809 4769 AMES (Fisher) Works ; with a selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Ed. by his son, Seth Ames. 2 vols., Portrait, doth. 8 Boston, 1854 4770 ANDREWS (I. D.) Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British No. American Colonies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers ; with Maps. 2 vols., doth. 8 Washington, 1853 4771 BANCROFT (G.) History of the United States, Vols. I.-VL, portraits and other engravings, 6 vols., doth. 8 Boston, 1838-5 Vol. L, 4th edition ; Vol. II., 3d edition ; Vol. III., 5th edition. The first three, uncut. 4772 -- History of the United States. Vols. I. (3d ed.), and II., . 2 vols., portraits, cloth. 8 Boston, 1838, 1837 4773 BARBER (J. W.) Interesting Events in the History of the United States, map and numerous engravings, calf, yellow edges. 12 New Haven, 1832 4774 BARLOW (Joel) Political Writings, half bound. 12 New York, 1796 4775 BARLOW (Joel) Strictures on Bishop Watson s Apology for the Bible. N. York, 1796 Letter to People of Piedmont on Advantages of the French Revolution. N. York, 1795 Two Letters to the Citizens of the U. S., and one to Gen. Washington, written from Paris in 1799. New Haven, 1806 Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe. London, 1792 Prospect of Peace ; a Political Composition delivered in Yale College. New Haven, 1778 Letters from Paris to the citizens of the United States on their Commercial Policy. London, 1800 Letter to the National Convention of France on Defects in the Constitution of 1791 ; to which is added, The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem. N. Y., n. d. Notice sur la Vie de M. Barlow, Ministre, etc. (Extrait du Mercure de France du 10 Avril, 1813). 8 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe], all but one uncut. 8 4776 Bibliotheque Ame ricaine, contenant des Memoires sur 1 Agricul ture, le Commerce, les Manufactures, les Mceurs, et les Usages de I Amerique, etc. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1807 Scarce, in this complete form. 4777 BISHOP (Abraham) Proofs of a Conspiracy against Christianity and the Government of the United States, exhibited in views of the Union of Church and State in New-England, pp. 166, boards, 4O THE UNITED STATES. 4798 [CHEETHAM (James)] The Trial of the Hon. Maturin Livingston, against James Cheetham, for a Libel, . before the Hon. Judge Spencer. Taken in short-hand by Wm. Sampson, //. 63, uncut, RARE. 8 New-York, S. Gould, 1807 4799 T ne Life of Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, &c., pp. 347, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 New York, Southwick and Pelsue, 1809 4800 CINCINNATI. The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati . . Published by order and for the use of the Members in the State of New York. [With the organization and Proceedings, 1783-84, of the NEW YORK State Society,] pp. 32 (a leaf wanting}, clean, uncut. N. York, S. London, 1784 Extracts from the Proceedings of the N. York State Society, July 4th-Aug. i2th, 1786, pp. 20, clean and fine J. M. Mason s Oration commemorative of Major- Gen. Alexander Hamilton, before the N. Y. Society of the Cincinnati, July 3 1, 1 804,^.40, uncut. N.York, 1804. 3 Pamphlets. The second tract " contains fuller details of the forms and customs of the Society, than any other publication." SABIN, Dictionary, no. 13119. 4801 Proceedings of the PENNSYLVANIA Society of the Cincinnati . . Prefixed, the General Institution of the Order, as originally framed, and afterwards altered at the General Meeting, May, 1784, engraved frontispiece, pp. 88. 8 Phila., John Steele, 1785 4802 The Institution and Proceedings of the Society of the Cincin nati . . With the Proceedings of the MASSACHUSETTS State Society . . 1783-1811, engraved frontispiece, pp. 112, boards, uncut, clean and fine. 8 Boston, T. B. Wait and Co., 1812 4803 Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati ; lately instituted, etc. By Cassius. Supposed to be written by ^Edanus Burke, Esq., //. 23. 8 Hartford [repr.], B. Webster, n. d. [1783] 4804 The same, pp. 16, uncut. 8 Newport, repr. by S. Southwick, n. d. 4805 Observations on a late Pamphlet, entituled, " Considerations upon the Society or Order of the Cincinnati," clearly evincing the Innocence and Propriety of that Honourable and Respectable Institution . . By an Obscure Individual, //. 28, clean, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, Robert Bell, 1783 4806 Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus ; to which are added, as well several Original Papers . . as also A Letter from the late M. Turgot . . on the Constitutions of America; and an Abstract of Dr. Price s Observations, etc., Transl. from the French of the Count de Mirabeau, pp. xii, 284, hf. red mor., unciit. 8 London, J. Johnson, 1785 4807 Proceedings of the Cincinnati, at Philadelphia, May, 1790, Third General-Meeting, //. 7. folio, New York, 1790 4808 Addresses delivered before the Society of the Cincinnati. -1786: E. Hitchcock, Providence, R. I. 1787: Rob. R. Livingston, New York; Wm. Rogers, Phila., portrait inserted; Jno. Brooks, Boston; Joel Barlow, Hartford, Conn. 1788: Wm. Hull, Boston 1789: Samuel Whitwell, Boston; Wm. Rogers, Phila. 1790 : Wm. Smith, Phila.; [Wm. Tudor] Boston 1791 : GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 4! Robert Porter, Phila. (2 copies); Theo. Dwight, Hartford 1794: D. Ramsey, Charleston ; Elijah Waterman, Hartford 1795 : Timo. Dwight, New Haven 1796 : Wm. Smith, Charleston, S. C. 1798 : Thos. Day, Hartford 1799: Zech. Lewis, New Haven 1801 : Timo. Dwight, New Haven 1802: Benj. Silliman, Hartford 1804 : Junius Smith, Hartford. 22 Pamphlets. 8 and 4 1876-1804 4809 CLAY (Henry) Biography of, by Geo. D. Prentice, . portrait, sheep, gilt. 12 Hartford, 1831 4810 Life and Times, by Calvin Colton. 2d edition, portrait. 2 vols., doth. 8 New York, 1846 4811 CLINTON (De Witt) Memoir of, by D. Hosack, portraits and folded map, additional portrait and autograph letter of Gov. Clinton, laid in, mottled calf , gilt, FINE COPY. 4 New York, 1829 4812 Life and Writings, by W. W. Campbell, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1849 4813 [Cobbett (Wm.)] Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, . . with a Comprehensive Story of a Farmer s Bull. The Third Edition A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats ; or, Observa tions on a Pamphlet entitled " The Political Progress of Britain." 2 in i vol., sheep. 8 Phila., 1795 4814 Porcupine s Political Tracts of 1794 and 1795; containing (i.) Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Priestley; (2.) A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, Part I., 4th ed., and Part II. ; (4.) A Kick for a Bite, 2d ed. ; (5.) A Little Plain English : a Defence of the British Treaty ; (6.) A New Year s Gift for the Democrats, 2d ed. ; (7.) A Prospect from the Congress Gallery, 2d z&.^fine copy, half calf, neat. 8 Phila., 1795-97 4815 [ ] The Rush-Light. Nos. I.-V. (Feb. 15 to April 30, 1800). By Peter Porcupine, in the original wrappers, uncut, VERY RARE. 8 New York, 1800 Duyckinck, in Cyclopaedia of Am. Literature, i. 266, mentions this publication, as " a periodical i2mo pamphlet, in /0r numbers." 4816 Porcupine s Gazette, No. 779 (//. 49-72), uncut. . * 12 New York, Wm. Cobbett, 1800 This number contains Cobbett s account of his quarrel with Dr. Rush, of the sale of his press, etc., in Philadelphia, under execution, to satisfy the judgment obtained against him by Dr. Rush, for a libel etc. 4817 The Bloody Buoy thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America; or, a Relation of a Multitude of Acts of Barbarity . . in the French Revolution. By Peter Porcupine. Third edition, with additional notes, and as copious Appendix, frontispiece, pp. 217, sheep. 12 Phila., 1823 oooo [Coleman (Wm.)] An Examination of the President s Reply to the New Haven Remonstrance, pp. 69. New York, 1801. See Pamphlets, No. 4906. A Collection of Tracts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-Gen. Alex. Hamilton. N. York, 1804. See HAMILTON (Alexander), No. 4855. 6 42 THE UNITED STATES. [Coleman (Wm.)] Remarks and Criticisms on the Hon. J. Q. Adams s Letter to Hon. H. G. Otis, Boston, 1808. See Pamphlets (Political) 1807-09, No. 4553. 4818 COLLES (Christopher) A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America. 80 copper-plate maps, (Numbers 34-39 wanting) uncut, loose, in a cover, VERY RARE. sm. 4 \New YorK\, 1789 Each plate contains a delineation of near 1 2 miles of road, on a scale of one and three- quarter inches to the mile, noting all cross-roads, streams, taverns, etc. The collection comprises the roads from New York to Stamford, Conn, (maps 1-8), N. York to Poughkeepsie (9-13), Poughkeepsie to Albany (14, and 21-25), Stratford to Poughkeepsie (15-20), Albany to Newburgh (26-33); New York to Elizabethtown (40), N. Y. to Brunswick (41, 42), to Kingstown (43), to Trenton (44), to Bristol (45), to Cranberry (45*), to Frankfort (46), to Allentown (46*), to Philadelphia (47), to the Blackhouse (47*), to Mount Holly (48), to Philadelphia (49, 50), Phila. to Annapolis (51-61) ; Annapolis to Bladensburgh (62, 63), to Alexandria (64, 65), to Dumfries (66), to Fredericksburg, Va. (67, 68), to Todd s Ordinary (69), to Bowling Green Ordinary (70), to Head Lynch s Ordinary (71), to Hanover C. H. (72), to Hanover and New Castle (73), to New Kent C. H. (74, 75), to Williams- burgh, (76), to York (78, 79); Williamsburgh to Aylett s Warehouse (80, 81), to Sneed s Ordinary (82), to Port Royal (83, 84), to Hove s Ferry (85, 86). " This rare work is referred to in Francis Old New York. " SABIN S Dictionary, iv. no. 14411. Mr. Sabin s description gives the work only 74 Plates. This set, it will be observed, contains eighty ; and if the plates wanting to complete the numerical series (34-39) were ever published, the whole number must have been eighty-six. On the inside of the cover is pasted a copy of Colles s Prospectus and advertisement of the work. 4819 Constitution. Plan of the New Constitution for the United States of America, agreed upon in a Convention of the States. With a Preface by the Editor, //. 30, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, J. Debrett, 1787 4820 The Constitution of the United States of America . . With the Articles of Amendment, as adopted by the Congress of the said States, in 1789, //. 23, a small stain on a few leaves, hf. mor. sm. 4 Windsor \VtI\, Alden Spooner, 1790 Gen. Ira Allen s copy, with his name on the title-page. 4821 of the United States, according to the latest Amendments : annexed, the Declaration of Independence ; and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments thereto, //. 176, old calf neat. 12 Phila., Carey, Stewart, and Co., 1791 Contains the Constitution of Vermont, not in any former edition. 4822 The same, . . with the Ordinance for the Government of the North Western Territory, etc., //. 256, a name torn from head of title, sheep. 8 Phila., W. Duane, 1802 4823 The same: with the Acts for the Government at the Territories, pp. iv, 392, old calf , nice copy. 18 New York, E. Duyckinck, 1813 4824 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; Articles of Con federation ; Declaration of Rights ; Non-Importation Agreement, etc. With an Appendix containing the Treaties [with France and Gr. Britain], and (never before published} an Authentic copy of the Treaty [with the United Netherlands]. Arranged, with a Preface and Dedication, by the Rev. Wm. Jackson. Second Edition, rare portrait of Washington (engr. by W. Sharp}, pp. xxix, (3), 472, good copy. 8 London, J. Stockdale, 1783 4825 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; Articles of Confed- GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 43 eration; Treaties, etc. The Second [American] Edition, pp. 181, 29, sheep) nice copy. 12 Boston, Norman and Bowen, 1785 For the First edition, of which only 200 copies were printed by order of Congress, 1781, see No. 4188 (in Part II.) of this Catalogue. 4826 COOPER (J. Fenimore) The American Democrat; or, Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. 12 Cooperstown, 1838 4827 COOPER (Rev. Mr^) The History of North America; containing A Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, etc. Added, An Appendix, containing the Constitution of the U. S., etc., pp. 264, old calf , nice copy. 12 Albany, S. Shaw, 1818 4828 COXE (Tench) View of the United States of America, in a Series of Papers [1787-1794], //. 13, 513, sheep. Philadelphia, 1794 The same, //. xiv, 439, calf neat, nice copy. Dublin, 1795 (2 vols.) 8 4829 [DwiGHT (Timo.)] Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin s Letters published in the Quarterly Review; addressed to the Rt. Hon. Geo. Canning. By an Inhabitant of New-England, //. 176, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1815 4830 EDWARDS (Brian) Thoughts on Proceedings of Government respecting the Trade of the W. India Islands with the United States, half bound. 8 London, 1784 4831 ELLIOT (Jona.) The Debates in the several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution . . With the Journals of the Federal Convention, etc. 2cl edition, with considerable additions. 4 vols., law calf. 8 Washington, 1836 4832 The same. With a Diary of the Debates of the Congress of the Confederation as reported by JAMES MADISON . . revised and newly arranged . . in one volume supplementary to Elliott s Debates. 5 vols., law sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1859 4833 FEDERALIST: (THE) A Collection of Essays, written in Favour of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. 2 vols., pp. vi, 227 ; vi, 384. 12 New York, J. and A. McLean, 1788 Fine clean copy of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. See Hamilton s Works, (Vols. I., II.) No. 4854; but by the binder s carelessness, Vol. II. wants sig. B (pp. 13-24), having in place of it, the corresponding signature of Vol. I. 4834 FRANCE (Relations with) Correspondence between Citizen Genet . . and the Officers of the Federal Government, . [with] the Instructions from the Constituted Authorities of France to the said [Genet], pp. (4), 26, uncut, Phila., 1793 Arret du Conseil d Etat du Roi, concernant le Commerce Stranger dans les Isles Francoises de PAmerique, n. t. p., Paris, 1784 Scheme of a Convention between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States for regulating the Functions and Privileges of Consuls, etc., n.t.p. 1784. 3 in i vol., half vellum. folio. 4835 Actes et Memoires concernant les Ne gociations qui ont eu lieu entre la France et les Etats-Unis, 1793-1800. 3 vols., sewed, uncut. 12 Londres, 1807 The documents in this collection are in the languages (French and English) in which they were first written. 44 THE UNITED STATES. 4836 FRANCE (Relations with) State Papers relating to the Diplo- matick Transactions between the American and French Govern ments, from 1793, Ito the Conclusion of the Convention, 3oth of September, 1800. Collected by A. G. Gebhardt. 3 vols., half calf , uncut. 12 London, 1816 The " Actes et Memoires," with a new title in Vol. I., and an Advertisement (2 pp.) in English. 4837 American Review of History and Politics, [by Robert Walsh] Vol. II., No. 2 (Oct. 1811), hf. russia, neat. 8 Phila., 1811 Containing An Enquiry into the State of Our Relations with France, and A Memoir on the Conduct of France and England towards Neutrals, etc. : and in the Appendix, The Commercial Code of the French Empire. 4838 A Review of the Administration of the Government of the United States since the year Ninety-three ; or, the Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the French Minister, on that Subject, //. 87, hf. bd., neat. 8 Boston, B. Russell, 1797 oooo Harper (R. G.) Observations on the Dispute, etc. See No. 4862. 4839 Scipio s Reflections on Monroe s View of the Conduct of the Executive . . connected with a Mission to the French Republic. 1794-96, hf. bd. 12 Boston, C. P. Wayne, 1798 These letters, first printed in the Boston " Federal Gazette," have sometimes been attributed to Alexander Hamilton. They were written by the Hon. Uriah Tracy, U. S. Senator from Connecticut, 1796-1807. They attracted the attention of Gen. Washington, and excited his curiosity as to their authorship. In January, 1798, he wrote to Oliver Wolcott : " Mr. Monroe, I am told, appears in a voluminous work ! . . A writer under the signature of Scipio, will, I conceive, work him pretty well. Who is Scipio? 1 am fishing for no secrets, but if the author is known, or conjectured on good grounds, I should like to know who he is." Wolcott replied : " I have good grounds for believing Mr. Tracy to be the author of Scipio ; but this is not, and I believe will not be generally known." 4840 GOLDSMITH (L.) Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America, illustrated by Cases decided in the Council of Prizes in Paris. 2d edition, pp. 99, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1810 4841 GERRY. The Life of Elbridge Gerry. With Contemporary Letters. To the close of the American Revolution. By James T. Austin. Portrait. 2 vols., half calf . Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1828, 29 4842 GOODRICH (C. A.) History of the United States, portraits and other engravings, good copy. 12 Hartford, 1823 4843 [HAMILTON (ALEXANDER) ] A Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, On the Politics of the Day, pp. 23, UNCUT, RARE. 8 New-York, Samuel London, 1784 4844 [ ] A Second Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New- York. Containing Remarks on MENTOR S Reply, pp. 43, UNCUT. 8 New York, S. Loudon, 1784 For Mentor s Reply, see Tracts, No. 4955. 4845 -- Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, to the House of Representatives, relative to a provision for the Support of the PUBLIC CREDIT of the United States . . Presented, the i4th day of January, 1790. Published by Order of the House of Represen tatives, pp. 51, clean, uncut, RARE. folio, New York, Fr. Child s and J. Swaine, 1790 4846 Report relative to further Provision for establishing the Public Credit, Dec. 13, 1790, pp. 22, n. t. p., clean, uncut, RARE. folio, \New York, F. Childs and j. Swaine, [1790] This Report contains the plan of a National Bank, and sets forth its advantages. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 45 4847 HAMILTON (ALEXANDER) Report of the Secretary of the Treas ury . . on the subject of MANUFACTURES. Presented . . Dec. 5, 1791, pp. (4), 58, clean, uncut, RARE. folio, \New York^\ Childs and Swaine, [1791] Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth s copy, with his autograph. 4848 - - Report . . on the subject of the PUBLIC DEBT. Presented, Feb. 7, 1792, pp. 15 Report . . respecting the Redemption of the Public Debt; and the Reimbursement of the Loan made of the Bank, of the United States. Presented, Nov. 30, 1792, pp. 10. 2 Pamphlets, clean, in original wrappers, uncut. folio, New York, Childs and Swaine, [1792] 4849 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, respecting the Tonnage of Vessels. [Presented, Jan. 7, 1794,] pp. 4, with two Tabular Statements, clean and fine, uncut. \New York,~\ Childs and Swaine, 1794 Report . . relative to the establishment of a MINT, pp. 22, n. t. p., clean and fine, in original wrapper, uncut. \_New York^\ Childs and $wame, n. d. 2 pamphlets, folio. oooo An Examination of the late Proceedings in Congress, respect ing the Official Conduct of [Alexander Hamilton] the Secretary of the Treasury. Printed within the United States. [1793.] See Pamphlets, No. 4956. 4850 Observations on certain Documents contained in No. V. & VI. of "The History of the United States for. . 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton . . is fully refuted. Written by himself, pp. 37, Iviii, UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 Phila., for John Fenno, by J. Bioren, 1797 The rare original edition of "the Reynolds pamphlet." 4851 - - Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, Esq., President of the U. States. The Second Edition, pp. 54, uncut. 8 New York, John Lang, 1800 The Third Edition (N. Y., 1800) is in Pamphlets, (Political 1800-1806), No. 4952. 4852 A Letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist, pp. 3-10, n. t. p. 8 n. p., n. d. Signed, ARISTIDES. Written by Noah Webster. There is a copy which has Webster s name in autograph, in Pamphlets, Political (1800-1806), No. 4952. In same volume, see A Letter to Major-Gen. Alex. Hamilton containing Observations on his Letter, etc. By a Citizen of these States [the Rt. Rev. U. Ogden, Bp. of New Jersey.] N. Y., 1802. 4853 The Examination of the President s Message, at the Opening of Congress, Dec. 7, 1801. Revised and corrected by The Author, pp. 127. New York, Office of the N. Y. Evening Post, 1802 4854 Works : comprising his most important Official Reports ; an improved edition of THE FEDERALIST . . and PACIFICUS, on the Proclamation of Neutrality. 3 vols., portraits. 12 New York, Williams and Whiting, 1810 4855 [COLEMAN (Wm.)] A Collection of the Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton ; with Comments : together with . . Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies . . on his Life and Character. By the Editor of the Evening Post, pp. (4), 238, sheep. 8 New York, Hopkins and Seymour, 1804 46 THE UNITED STATES. 4856 HAMILTON Eulogies. OTIS (Harrison Gray) Eulogy on Gen. Alexander Hamilton, pronounced at . . Boston, July 26, 1804. 2d edition, pp. 24. Boston NOTT (Eliph.) Discourse, delivered in . . Albany, occasioned by. . the death of Gen. Hamilton, July 29. (with Appendix, containing his Will, etc.), pp. 87-138, n. p.; The same, pp. 31. Repr. Stockbridge, \MassI\ MASON (J. M.) Oration commem. of the late Major-Gen. Hamilton, before the N. Y. Soc. of the Cincinnati, 3ist July, 1804, pp. 40. New York SPRING (Sam.) Discourse, in consequence of the late Duel, in Newburyport, Aug. 5, //. 28. Newburyport DWIGHT (Timo.) A Sermon on Duelling, preached in the Chapel of Yale College, New Haven, Sept. 9, 1804, and in New York, Jan. 21, 1805, pp. 38. N. York. 6 Pamphlets, ALL UNCUT. 8 1804-05 4857 FURMAN (Rich.) D. D. Sermon on the Death of Major Gen. Hamilton, preached in Charleston, S. C., before the State Society of the Cincinnati, Aug. 15, 1804, pp. 22, new hf. morocco, clean and fine, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Charleston, W. P. Young, [1804] 4858 HAMILTONIAD : or, the Effects of Discord. An original Poem- In Two Books. With an Appendix ; containing a number of interesting Papers relative to the late unfortunate Duel. By a Young Gentleman of Philadelphia, //. 55, UNCUT, fine clean copy, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1804 4859 The Hamiltoniad : or an Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New-England. With copious Notes . . By Anthony Pasquin, Esq., //. 104, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, n. d. [1804] FINE COPY ; with a name and address stamped on title. 4860 HARDIE (Jas.) The American Remembrancer and Universal Tablet of Memory, pp. (8), 259, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1795 4861 HARPER (Rob. Goodloe) Select Works : consisting of Speeches on Political and Forensic Subjects . . and sundry Political Tracts. Vol. I. (the only one published^), pp. iv, 400, (2), half rose calf, marb. edges, nearly uncut, AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER (5 //.) laid in. 8 Baltimore, 1814 4862 Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. 6th edition, pp. 109, half mor. 8 Phila., printed ; London, repr., 1798 4863 - - Reflexoens sobre a Questao entre os Estados Unidos e a Franca, Offerecidas . . aos seus Constituintes em Maio de 1797- Traduzidas em Portuguez, pp. 322, sewed, uncut. sq. 8 Londres, 1798 RARE. This Portuguese translation has escaped Mr. Sabin. oooo Hartford Convention. See Nos. 5013, 5014. 4864 An Historical Review and Directory of North America. 2 vols. (wanting the 3d. vol.), sheep. 16 Dublin, 1788 4865 [HOLROYD (J. B.), Lord Sheffield.] The Orders in Council and the American Embargo beneficial to the Political and Commercial Interests of Great Britain, pp. 51, hf. roan. 8 London, 1809 oooo Observations on the Commerce of the American States . . With Additional Notes to the Second Edition A Letter from an American now resident in London . . containing strictures on Lord Sheffield s Pamphlet. Phila., 1784. See Tracts, No. 4955. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 47 4866 [INGERSOLL (C. J.)] Inchiquin the Jesuit s Letters during a late Residence in the United States, hf. bd., dean. 8 New York, 1810 4867 An Inquiry into the Present State of the Foreign Relations of the Union, as affected by the late measures of Administration, //. 183, hf. bd. 8 Phila., 1806 4868 JACKSON (Andrew) Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. By A Free Man. Portrait, pp. 216, bds., uncut. 12 Boston, 1831 " We hope he will be wise enough to decline a second election, or, if he does not, he will be disappointed. His reign has verified the forebodings of his enemies, and disappointed every hope of his friends." p. 202. 4869 COBBETT (Wm.) Life of Andrew Jackson, portrait, doth. 16 New York, 1834 4870 GOODWIN (Philo A.) Biography of Andrew Jackson, portrait, pp. xi, 422, sheep. 12 Hartford, 1832 4871 JARVIS (Wm. C.) The Republican; a Series of Essays on the Principles and Policy of Free States, having a particular reference to the United States, and the Individual States, pp. 368, bds. 12 Pittsfield [Mass.], P. Allen, 1820 4872 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Report of the Secretary of State, on the subject of establishing a uniformity in the Weights, Measures and Coins of the United States, pp. 49, thick paper, FINE COPY, RARE. 8 New York, F. Childs and J. Swaine, 1790 Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth s copy, with his autograph on the title. 4873 [CARPENTER (Stephen C.)] Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson . . containing a concise History of [the United] States . . With a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country. 2 vols., calf. 8 n. p. Printed for the Purchasers, 1809 A fine copy of this VERY SCARCE work, which the printers suppressed after they were informed by their legal adviser that "he found, on the average, a libel to every page." See the Menzies Catalogue, No. 335. 4874 RAYNER (B. L.) Sketches of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of Thomas Jefferson, with selections of . . his Private Correspond ence, portrait, and view of Monticello, pp. 556, sheep, gilt, marbl. edges. 8 New York, 1832 4875 -- LINN (Wm.) The Life of Thomas Jefferson, portrait, pp. 267, marbl. sheep, fine copy. 12 Ithaca, 1834 4876 TUCKER (Geo.) The Life of Thomas Jefferson . . with parts of his Correspondence never before published, and Notices of his Opinions on Questions of Civil Government, etc., portrait. 2 vols., half calf gilt, fine copy. 8 London, C. Knight 6* Co., 1837 4877 (Jefferson.) The Pretentious of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency examined ; and the Charges against John Adams refuted . . Part the Second, pp. 48, uncut. United States, November, 1796 The Federalist: containing some Strictures upon a Pam phlet entitled " The Pretentions of Thomas Jefferson, . examined," etc., which Pamphlet was first published in the Gazette of the United States, in a series of Essays under the signature of " Phocion." [Part I.] //. 48, dean, uncut. Phila., M. Carey, 1796. 2 Pamphlets. 8 48 THE UNITED STATES. 4878 (Jefferson.) The Claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency, examined at the Bar of Christianity. By a Layman, pp. 54, uncut. 8 Phila., Asbury Dickens, 1800 4879 (Jefferson.) Cursory Reflections on the Consequences which may ensue should Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr have equal Votes from the Electors and States, pp. 25, uncut, RARE. 12 New York, Furman and London, 1801 4880 (Jefferson.) A Letter to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. By Junius Philaenus, pp. 64. 8 New York, P. R. Johnson, 1802 oooo Eulogies on. See ADAMS and JEFFERSON, Nos. 4756, 4757. 4881 LACO. The Writings of Laco, as published in the Massachusetts Centinel, Feb. and March, 1789; with the addition of No. VII. which was omitted, pp. 39, clean, nearly uncut, a small piece torn from head of title leaf , SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1789 Attributed to Stephen Higginson. 4882 - - Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock. Now first published since 1788, pp. 68, cloth. 8 New York, 1857 A reprint of the Letters of LACO. 4883 LEGARE (Hugh S.) Writings : prefaced by a Memoir of his Life. Edited by his Sister. 2 vols., portrait, pp. Ixii, 558; 598, hf. mor. 8 Charleston, S. C., 1846, 1845 oooo Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the U. States, containing some Observations on Funding and Bank Systems. By an American Farmer, pp. 24. Phila., 1793. See Pamphlets, No. 4956 4884 Letters from Washington, on the Constitution and Laws ; with Sketches of some of the Prominent Characters of the U. States. Written during the Winter of 1817-18, by a Foreigner [George Watterston], pp. 139, bds., uncut. 12 Washington, J. Gideon, Jun., 1818 4885 LIVINGSTON. Life of Edward Livingston. By C. H. Hunt, with an Introduction by Geo. Bancroft, portraits (India paper) of Livingston and Gen. Jackson^ hf. mor., gilt tops, uncut. imp. 8 New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1864 4886 LLOYD (Thos.) Congressional Register, or Proceedings and Debates of the First House of Representatives of the United States. 4 vols., new hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe} uncut. 8 New York, 1789-90 The 4th vol. is not quite complete, ending at p. 152. A Supplement contains the Laws passed at the First Session of the First Congress. oooo Lowell (John) : Peace without Dishonour War without Hope . . A Calm and Dis passionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, etc. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston, 1807. In Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration in relation to Gr. Britain and France, . . especially in reference to . . the Attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend of Peace. Boston, 1808. In Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Gr. Britain and France. Boston [1809]. In Pamphlets (Political), 1800-1806, No. 4953 and Tracts No. 5069. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 49 Supplement to the Analysis, etc. (n. t. p. 1809). In Pamphlets, 1809-13, No. 4953. Remarks on the Hon. John Q. Adams s Review of Mr. Ames s Works. Boston, 1809. In Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. The New-England Patriot . . A Candid Comparison of the Principles and Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations, etc., pp. (2), 148, 12, i. Boston, 1810. In Pamphlets (Political), 1810, No. 4953. Ten Hints addressed to Wise Men; concerning the dispute which ended, Nov. 8, 1809, in the dismission of Mr. Jackson,^. 115. [Boston, 1810.] In Pamphlets, 1810, No. 4953. The Impartial Enquirer; a Candid Examination of the Conduct of the President, in execution of powers vested in him by the Act of May I, 1810, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, pp. 96. Boston, 1811. In Pamphlets, 1810, No. 4953. An Appeal to the People on the Causes and Consequences of a War with Great Britain, pp. 36. Boston, 1811. /// Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. Mr. Madison s War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War, etc. By a New-England Farmer, pp. x, 63. Boston, 1812. See No. 5038 ; and Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. Perpetual War, the Policy of Mr. Madison, etc. By a New-England Farmer, pp. 119. Boston, 1812. In Tracts, No. 5073. The Koad to Peace, Commerce, Wealth, and Happiness. By an old Farmer, pp. i8,n. t. p. [Boston, 1813.] In Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. 4887 LOZERE (Comte Pelet de la) Precis de FHistoire des Etats-Unis d Amerique, half calf , gilt. 8 Paris, F. Didot, 1845 4888 LYON (James) The Scourge of Aristocracy, and Repository of important Political Truths, Vol. I., Nos. 1-4, //. 192, new half mor., uncut, VERY SCARCE. 12 \_Castleton, ?.], Oct.-Dec. 1798 4889 MADISON. A Letter addressed to the Hon. James Madison, Secretary of State, [on the Proclamation of July 29, 1807], //. 35. 8 Printed in America, 1808 4890 MAYO (Robert) Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washington, pp. 2 \b, facsimile of a letter of Gen. Jackson, cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1839 4891 MELISH (John) Map of the United States, mounted on linen and folded, in octavo case. Philadelphia, 1820 4892 (Militia.) Plan for the general arrangement of the MILITIA of the United States. [By Gen. H. Knox, Sec. of War.] Published by order of the House of Representatives, pp. 26, mor., neat, clean and fine. folio, New York, 1790 4893 Mitchell s Accompaniment to the Map of the United States containing an Index of all Counties, Districts, Towns, etc., and of the Rivers ; with a general view of the U. States, //. 324, hf. mor. 8 Philadelphia, 1834 4894 [MORRIS (Gouverneur) ] An Answer to "War in Disguise," or Remarks upon the New Doctrine of England, concerning Neutral Trade, pp. 76. 8 New York, 1806 4895 MORRIS (Gouverneur) Life ; with selections from his Corres pondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By Jared Sparks. 3 vols., portrait, hf. cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1832 5O THE UNITED STATES. 4896 MORSE (Jedediah) The American Geography ; or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States . . Illustrated with two Sheet Maps, etc., //. 534, (2), sheep. 8 Elizabeth Town \N. y.], Shepard Kollock, 1789 4897 Remarks on the American Geography. By J. F[reeman], pp. 6 1, i, scarce. 8 Boston, Belknap and Hall, 1793 4898 - - Geography made Easy : being An Abridgment of the American Universal Geography . . 5th edition, maps, sheep, neat. 12 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1796 4899 The American Gazetteer . . with a particular Description of The Georgia Western Territory . . Illustrated with Seven new and neat Maps,, old calf gilt, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1797 4900 - - An Abridgment of the American Gazetteer, map of N. America, pp. 388, sheep. 12 Boston, Thomas 6 Andrews, 1798 4901 MUNSELL S Historical Series. 10 vols., half levant red morocco extra, gilt tops, UNCUT. Albany, y. Munsell, 1857-61 The series comprises the following works : I. Commissary Wilson s Orderly Book. Expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759, Map. 1857 II. Easton s Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War, 1675-6; with other Documents. Ed. by Dr. F. B. Hough, Map. 1858 III. Orderly Book of the Northern Army, Oct. i776-Jan. 1777, with notes, etc. 1859 IV. _ Diary of the Siege of Detroit, in the War with Pontiac. Also, A Narrative of the Principal Events of the Siege, by Major Robert Rogers. Ed. by F. B. Hough. 1860 V. Obstructions to the Navigation of Hudson s River, etc. Ed. by E. M. Ruttenber, Map. 1860 VI. Loyal Verses of Jos. Stansbury and Dr. Jona. Odell; relating to the Am. Revolu tion. Ed. by Winthrop Sargent. 1860 VII. Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, until his Surrender at Saratoga, 1 6th Oct. 1777, Map, portrait, and facsimile. Ed. by E. B. O Callaghan. 1860 VIII. Early French Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavalier, St. Cosme, LeSueur, Gravier, and Guignas. Introduction, etc., by J. G. Shea. 1861 IX., X. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough. Three Maps. 2 vols. 1861 4902 MURAT (Achille) The United States of North America. With a Note on Negro Slavery, by Junius Redivivus. 2d edition, col. map, pp. xxxviii, 402, clean, uncut. 12 London, 1833 4903 - - Brieven over de Zeden en Staat Kunde der Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika; door Achilles Murat; uit het Fransch. 2 vols., half green mor., uncut. 8 Te Zalt-Bommel, 1834 4904 OTIS (Harrison G.) Otis Letters in defence of The Hartford Convention, and the People of Massachusetts, pp. 103, calf, scarce. 8 Boston, Simon Gardner, 1824 4905 OUSELEY (Win. G.) Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States. Added, Statistical Tables, etc. boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1832 4906 Pamphlets. A Defense of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the Rights of N. E. vindicated, //. 28, and 10 pp. manuscript notes. Boston, 1804 British Influence on the Affairs of the U. S., proved and explained [by Marcus ]. Boston, 1804 S. Taggart s Oration at Conway, July 4, 1804. Northampton, 1804 [A. HAMILTON S] Examination of the President s Message. N. Y. 1802 [W. Cole- man s] Examination of the President s (Jefferson s) Reply to the GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 5! New Haven Remonstrance, etc. N. Y. 1801 Political Intol erance, or The Violence of Party Spirit: exemplified in a recent Removal [of Winthrop Sargent] from Office, etc. Boston, 1801. 6 scarce pamphlets, in i vol., sheep. 8 4906 PERKINS (Samuel) Historical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 1815 to 1830, bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1830 4907 PICKERING (Timo.) Letter, exhibiting to his Constituents a View of the Imminent Danger of an Unnecessary and Ruinous War. Addressed to His Excellency James Sullivan, Governor of Massachusetts, //. 16, uncut. 8 Boston, 1808 Another copy, in Pamphlets (Political), 1800-1806, No. 4952. In same volume: Interesting Correspondence between .. Governour Sullivan and Col. Pickering; in which the latter vindicates himself against groundless charges, etc., Boston, 1800; and Mr. Pickering s Speech in the U. S. Senate, Nov. 30, 1808, on the Embargo, etc. 4909 - - Political Essays. A Series of Letters addressed to the People of the U. States, pp. 215, bds. 12 Canandaigua, J. D. Bemis, 1812 4910 PINKNEY. Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. By Henry Wheaton, portrait and facsimile (foxed), pp. 616, hf. cloth. 8 New York, 1826 4911 PITKIN (Timo.) A Political and Civil History of the United States, from 1763 to 1797, portrait of Washington. 2 vols., half mor. gilt. 8 New Haven, 1828 4912 PRENTICE (A.) A Tour in the United States, with two Lectures on Emigration, 6th edition, portrait and map, pp. 217, cloth, gilt. 1 6 London, 1850 4913 Presidents Speeches. The Speeches, Addresses, and Messages of the several Presidents . . Also, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. S., Washington s farewell address, etc., six miniature portraits, and facsimiles, of the Signers, pp. 536, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, R. Desilver, 1825 4914 QUINCY. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy Jun. of Massa chusetts: by his Son, Josiah Quincy, bds., uncut. 8 Boston, 1825 4915 RAMSAY (D.) History of the United States, from . . 1607, to 1808. . . Continued to the Treaty of Ghent by S. S. Smith, and others. 3 vols. calf. 8 Phila., M. Carey, 1816, 17 4916 SABINE (Lorenzo) A Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas, pp. 317, cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 oooo [SARGENT (Winthrop)] Political Intolerance, or The Violence of Party Spirit ; Exemplified in a recent Removal from Office : with a comment upon Executive Conduct, etc. Boston, 1801. See Pamphlets No. 4906, and Pamphlets, Political, (1800-1806,) No. 495 2 - 4917 SCHEFFER (Arnold) Histoire des Etats-Unis, pp. 312, paper, uncut. 12 Paris, 1825 oooo Scipio s Reflections, etc. See No. 4839. 4918 SEYBERT (Adam) Statistical Annals .. of the United States, pp. xxvii, 803, old calf . 4 Philadelphia, 1818 52 THE UNITED STATES. 4919 Sham-Patriot (The) Unmasked; or an Exposition of the fatally successful Arts of Demagogues, etc. Written by Historicus [Ezra Sampson?], and first published in "The Balance," //. 143, clean, uncut. 18 Hudson \_N. K], Sampson, Chittenden, 6* Croswell, 1802 4920 The same. Another edition, pp. 92. 12 Middletown \Conn^\, n. d. [1802] 4921 Sketches of Scenery and Manners in the United States. By the author of the "Northern Traveller," lithographic prints and etchings. 12 New York, A. T. Goodrich, 1829 4922 SNOWDEN (R.) The History of North and South America, . . to the Death of Gen. Washington, 2 maps. 2 vols. in one, pp. 167, 132, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1819 4923 Speeches in Congress. [A collection of (117) noteworthy speeches, on important topics, in both Houses of Congress : alphabetically arranged.] 4 vols., neiv half blue mor. (Roxburghe]. 8 1788-1850 4924 [SULLIVAN (Wm.)] History of the United States . . for the use of schools and families. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, portrait of Washington, pp. 276, sheep. 12 Keene, N. H., J. Prentiss, 1823 4925 SULLIVAN (W.) Familiar Letters on Public Characters, and Events, 1783 to 1815, pp. xi, 468. 12 Boston, 1834 The Appendix (containing the Evidence collected by the sons of Jas. A. Bayard, on Jefferson s calumnies; Jay s Letter on Washington s Farewell Address, etc.) was omitted in the Second Edition. 4926 - - The same. Second edition, pp. xxiii, 345, cloth, uncut. 12 Boston, 1834 Revised and corrected ; with an additional Preface. 4927 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation pending between his Britannic Majesty and the United States, conditionally ratified by the Senate, June 24, 1795. With a Copious Appendix, pp. 283, old calf . 1 2 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1795 " From among the multiplicity of publications, pro and con, the Features of Mr. Jay s Treaty, and the Vindication of that instrument have been selected, as including nearly all the arguments that have been advanced by the writers on both sides." 4928 Debates in the House of Representatives, ist Sess. of the 4th Congress, on the Constitutional Powers of the House with respect to Treaties, and upon . . the British Treaty. 2 vols in i, pp. 386, 362. 8 Philadelphia, for B. F. Bache, 1796 4929 VAN BUREN (Martin) - Life, by W. M. Holland, portrait, cloth, damaged by water. 12 Hartford, 1835 4930 CROCKETT (David) The Life of Martin Van Buren, heir- apparent to the " Government," and the appointed successor of Gen. Andrew Jackson . . . With a concise History of the Events that have occasioned his unparalleled elevation, etc., pp. 209, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 4931 The same, with portrait of Crockett, pp. 209, cloth. 12 New York and Philadelphia, 1845 4932 Vindication (A) of the Measures of the present Administration. By Algernon Sidney [Gideon Granger, of Connecticut,] pp. 32, uncut. 8 Hartford, Luther Pratt, 1803 GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 53 4933 WALSH (Robert) An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States, old calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 4934 The same, bds. uncut. 4935 The same. 2d Edition, old calf . 8 Philadelphia, 1819 4936 [ ] Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government, //. iv, 253, bds. uncut. 4937 War in Disguise ; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, //. (4), 215, half calf, neat. 8 New York, repr. for I. Riley 6- Co., 1806 For an Answer, See Morris (Gouverneur), No. 4894. 4938 -- The same. 2d Amer. edition, pp. 228 [MORRIS (G.) ] An Answer to War in Disguise. 2 in i vol., old calf. 12 New York, for I. Riley 6- Co., 1806 4939 The Dangers of the Country. By the Author of War in Disguise, pp. (4), 227, hf. roan. 8 London, 1807 4940 WARDEN (D. B.) Statistique, historique, et politique Description des Etats-Unis. 5 vols., map (by Tardieu}, and plates, half calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1820 4941 WEBSTER. Knapp (Sam l L.) Memoir of the Life of Daniel Webster, portrait (foxed), pp. 234, cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 4942 - - A Memorial of Daniel Webster, from the City of Boston, [ed. by Geo. S. Hillard,] fine portrait and view of Marshfield, pp. x, 270, cloth. 8 Boston, Little, Brown 6 Co., 1853 4943 WELD (Isaac) Jun. Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-7. 4th edition, 16 maps and plates. 2 vols., diamond calf gilt, fi?ie copy. 8 London, 1807 4944 WILLARD (Simon) Jim. The Columbian Union : Explanations of the Government, and the Columbian Constitution, //. 487, boards, uncut. 12 Hudson, 1814 4945 [WiRT (Wm.)] The Letters of the British Spy. Originally published in the Virginia Argus, 1803. The Third edition, pp. 128, sheep, nice copy. 16 Richmond, S. Pleasants, Jun., 1805 With fine Autographs of HENRY LAURENS (on the title) and Eliza Rutledge Laurens (p. 5), and many of the blanks neatly filled in Mrs. Laurens s handwriting. 4946 WOLCOTT (Oliver) Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying a Plan for laying and collecting Direct Taxes . . Presented, Dec. 19, 1796, //. 68, and Appendix containing Documents \Tabular Statements^, clean, uncut. folio, Published by Order of the Ho. of Reps. [1796] 4947 WOOD (John) A Letter to Alexander Addison, President of the County Courts of Pennsylvania, in Answer to his Rise and Progress of Revolution, pp. 23, hf. mor., RARE. 8 Philadelphia, R. Folwell, 1801 " Being a stranger in America, it cannot be supposed I write either under the influence of party, or from personal pique . . A desire to undeceive all those who may unhappily have been ensnared by the artful forgery of [the Abbe] Barruel is my only motive," etc. 54 THE UNITED STATES. 4948 WOOD (John) The History of the Administration of John Adams, esq. late President of the United States, portraits of Adams and Mrs. Abigail Adams, inserted, pp. 506, old calf . 8 New York, 1802 A FINE COPY of the rare "Suppressed History." 4949 A Correct Statement of the various sources from which The History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled, and the Motives for its Suppression by Col. Burr : with some Observa tions on A Narrative, etc. Second Edition corrected, with Notes, //. 58, uncut. 8 New York, G. 6- R. Waite, for the Author, 1802 For (Cheetham s) " Narrative of the Suppression," etc., and "Antidote to John Wood s Poison," see Nos. 4794, 4/96. 4950 -- A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati ; with an Account of the Writer of the Narrative, . . also, Remarks on WARREN S Pamphlet, PP- 5 6 > fi ne c Py, UNCUT. 8 Newark, for the Author, 1802 4951 WRIGHT. Life and Times of Silas Wright, late Governor of the State of New York. By Jabez D. Hammond, portraits of Governors Wright, Bouck, and Young, pp. 749, cloth. 8 Syracuse, 1848 4952 Pamphlets. Political (1800-1806) 17 in i vol. sheep, neat. 8 ALEX. HAMILTON S Letter concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams. 3d edition. N. York, 1800 [NOAH WEBSTER S] Letter to Gen. Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist. n. p., n. d. [1800] [Bishop U. OGDEN S] Letter to Major Gen. Hamilton, containing Observations on his Letter, etc. By a Citizen of the U. S. N. York, 1800 Political Intolerance, or The Violence of Party Spirit exemplified in the removal from Office [of Winthrop Sargent]. Boston, 1801 A. GALLATIN S Views of the Public Debt, etc. of the U. S. 2d ed. Phila., 1 80 1 [J. CHEETHAM S] Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of J. Adams. N. York, 1802 An Examination of the Question, Who is the writer of two forged Letters to Pres. [Jefferson], attributed to John Rutledge ? n. p., 1803 An Examination of the various charges against Aaron Burr. By Aristides [W. P. Van Ness]. Virginia Edition : with an Appendix by a Gentleman of N. Carolina. RARE. Virginia, 1804 A Defense of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the Rights of New England vindicated. Boston, 1804 British Influence on the Affairs of the U. S. proved. Boston, 1804 The Defence of Young and Minns, Printers to the State [of Mass.] before the Committee of the Ho. of Reps., etc. Boston, 1805 An Answer to the Question, Whv are you a Federalist? [Boston,] 1805 An Address [Republican] to the People of Massachusetts, Feb. 1805. A Letter to a Federalist, [in defence] of the present Administration. Feb. 1805. n. p. A Parody [in verse] on . . passages in . . " A Letter to a Federalist." By Vernon H. Quincey. RARE. Portsmouth, N. H. 1805 An Appeal to the Old Whigs of Massachusetts (Federal). 1806 An Inquiry into the present state of the Foreign Relations of the Union, etc., pp. 183. Phila., 1806 The scarce and valuable pamphlets in this and the four following volumes (No. 4954) were collected by, and bound for, the Rev. Dr. Joseph McKean, of Cambridge, Mass. Each volume contains a manuscript list of the contents. Many of the pamphlets were presentation copies, and several of the anonymous ones have the autographs of the authors. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 55 4953 Pamphlets. Political (1807-1813) 61 Pamphlets (2539 pages] including many which are VERY SCARCE, and of prime importance for the political history of the period over which their publication extends, in 4 vols., sheep, neat. 8 Among the scarce tracts contained in these volumes are the follow ing: Vol. I. (1807-1809) J. O. Adams s Letter to Harrison Gray Otis. 2cl ed., 1808 [Wm. Coleman s] Remarks and Criticisms on Adams s Letter. 1808 [J. Q. Adams s] Review of Works of Fisher Ames, 1809 [J. Lowell s] Remarks on Adams s Review, etc. 1809 [S. P. P. Fay s] Political Sermon to the Electors of Middlesex [1809] Algernon Sidney s Address to the People of N. E. [by Gideon Granger,] 1809. Vol. II. (1808, 1809) Alex. Baring s Inquiry into the Causes, etc. of the Orders in Council, 3d ed. 1808 (pp. iv, 179) Timo. Pickering s Correspondence with Gov. Sullivan, 1808 [J. Lowell s] Analysis of the Correspondence with Gr. Britain and France, 1809 [Rob. Walsh s] Letter on the genius and dispositions of the French Government, loth ed., pp. 252, London, 1810 L. Baldwin s Thoughts on the study of Polit. Economy, etc. Cambridge, 1809. Vol. III. (1810.) The N. E. Patriot. A Comparison of the Adminis trations of Washington and Jefferson, [by J. Lowell,] ^fr. 148, 13 A Word to Federalists and to those who love the Memory of Washington [March, 1810.] [J. Lowell s] The Impartial Inquirer. . Examination of the Conduct of the President, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, 1811 Reflections on the Corresp. between Secretary Smith and F. J. Jackson, the British Minister, pp. 97, Baltimore, 1810 [J. Lowell s] Ten Hints addressed to Wise Men, etc., pp. 115, [1810.] Vol. IV. (1809-1813.) Address to the Citizens of Mass., on the Causes and Remedy of National Distresses, 1808 The Essex Resolutions [on the Embargo, etc.], Oct. 1808 The Newburyport Resolutions; and Memorial, Jan. 1809 [J. Lowell s] Supplement to the Analysis of the Correspondence, etc. [John Adams s] The Inadmissible Principles of the King of England s Proclamation, considered, ^rz?, 1809 Remarks on . . the Murder of Mr. Paul Chadwick, at Malta [Me.], Sept. 7, 1809, pp. 24 [J. Lowell s] Appeal to the People, on the causes and conse quences of War with Gr. Britain, 1811 Declaration of the County of Essex (Ipswich convention), July, 1812 [J. Lowell s] Mr. Madison s War : A Dispassionate Inquiry, etc. By a N. E. Farmer, pp. x, 63, 1812; and The Road to Peace, etc., pp. 18, [1812.] Report of Mass. Committee on the subject of Impressed Seamen, pp. 84, 1812: etc. 4954 Pamphlets. Speeches in Congress, 1806-1814. 21 in i vol. hf. sheep, neat. 8 John Randolph s (Two Speeches) on Mr. Gregg s Non-Importation Resolution White s, in the U. S. Senate, on the Bill prohib. intercourse with St. Domingo, Feb., 1806 Jos. Quincy s, in Com. of the Whole, on the Fortification bill, Apr. 15, 1806 Lloyd s, on Repeal of the Embargo laws, Nov., 1808 Hillhouse s, in the Senate, on the Embargo bill, Nov. 29, and Dec. 21 Gardiner s, on Foreign Relations, Dec., 1808 Dana s on the Resolution concerning F. J. Jackson (the British Minister), Dec. 19, 1810 Jos. Quincy s (on the same subject) and 10 others. 4955 Tracts. Observations on the Commerce of the U. States [by Lord Sheffield] ; also, An Essay on Canon and Federal Law by John Adams . . to which is annexed the Polit. Character of Mr. Adams, by an American. 1783 A Letter from an American, resident on London, containing Strictures on Lord Sheffield s Observations. . Added, Mentor s Reply to Phocion s Letter ; with Observations on Trade, etc. 1783 An Address to the Freemen of So. Carolina; by Cassius [JEdanus Burke]. 1783 The Rise 56 THE UNITED STATES. and Continuation of the Substitutes, in the Continental Army. . With the Opinion of several eminent Lawyers. 1777 PLATTE S (Gabriel) A Discovery of Subterranean Treasure : containing Useful Explorations, concerning all manner of Mines and Minerals, from Gold, to Coal; with Directions and Rules for finding them, etc., etc., pp. 38. 1784. Six in i vol., /if. bd. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1777-84 4956 Tracts. An Examination of the Late proceedings in Congress, respecting the Official Conduct of [Alex. Hamilton] the Secretary of the Treasury, pp. 28. Printed within the United States, n. d. [1793] An Enquiry into the Principles and Tendency of certain Public Measures ; [against the Bank of the U. S., and the Funding System,] pp. 92. Phila., 1794 The Path to Riches. An Inquiry into the Origin and Use of Money, etc. By a Citizen of Massa chusetts, pp. 77. Boston, 1792 Letters to the Yeomanry of the U. S., on Funding and Bank Systems. By an Am. Farmer. Phila., 1793. 4 in i vol., hf. bd. 8 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY: INCLUDING BIOGRAPHY, AND TRIALS BY COURTS-MARTIAL. 4957 Adventures of Uncle Sam in search after his Lost Honor; by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq., //. 142, boards, uncut. 12 Middletown, Conn., 1816 A burlesqued history of the War of 1812-14. The motto on the title-page is : " Taurum per caudam grabbo." 4958 ADYE (S. P.) A Treatise on Courts Martial . . To which is added, An Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards, //. ii, iv, 139, (9), hf. sheep. 12 New York, H. Game, 1769 RARE. The author was a First Lieutenant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and had been appointed Judge-Advocate by General Gage, to whom he dedicates his book. " No author, I believe," he says, "has ever wrote on Courts-Martial before, though something on that subject was much wanting for the Guidance of Officers who may be employed on that duty; therefore, if this Treatise has no other merit, it may certainly claim that of being new." A list of Subscribers (6 pp.) is appended, which is of interest, as giving the full names and rank of nearly all the British officers serving in America in 1769. 4959 ARMSTRONG (Gen. John) Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, 1840 4960 ATHEKTON (Win.) Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the North-Western Army, under Gen. Winchester, //. 152, bds. 12 Frankfort, Ky., 1842 4961 - - The same, fresh copy, bds. 4962 BACHE (Lt. Col. Louis) Proceedings of a General Court Martial for the Trial of Lieut. Col. Louis Bache, commanding a detachment of Volunteers and Militia of Pennsylvania, in Oct. 1814, with an Appendix, pp. 66, 12, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 4963 BAILEY (Isaac) American Naval Biography, pp. 257, sheep. 12 Providence, (R. /.), Is. Bailey, 1815 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 5/ 4964 BAINE S History of the Late War, with a Critical Appendix by E. H. Cummins, //. 167, xlvii, sheep, nice copy, SCARCE. 12 Baltimore, B. Edes, 1820 " It was not expected that the dominions of his late Majesty, George III., contained a British subject who . . . would dare to tell John Bull to his teeth, that Brother Jonathan had broken his nose and spilled his claret ; but the reader will find in the history of Mr. Baines many instances of this daring." Am. Editor s Preface. 4965 Barbarities of the Enemy exposed, in a Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives of the U. S. . . and the Documents accompanying said Report, pp. 192, sheep. 12 Troy, 1813 See Report of the Committee, etc. No. 5058. 4966 The same, pp. 192, sheep. 12 Worcester, L Sturtevant, for R. Dunnell, 1814 4967 BARNEY (Commodore Joshua) Biographical Memoir ; edited by Mary Barney, portrait, pp. xvi, 328, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1832 4968 BINNEY. Documents relative to the Investigation . . of the Official Conduct of Amos Binney, U. S. Navy Agent at Boston . . Published by the Accused, //. iv, 260, uncut, scarce. 8 Boston, 1822 Presentation copy to Hon. Harrison Gray Otis. 4969 A Brief History of an existing Controversy on the subject of Assimilated Rank in the Navy of the U. States. By W. S. W. R., //. 108. 8 Philadelphia, 1850 Relating to the rank of surgeons and pursers. 4970 Battle of Lake Erie. SURGES (T.) The Battle of Lake Erie, and Commodore Elliott s Conduct in that Engagement, diagrams, pp. 132, cloth. 12 Providence, 1839 4971 COOPER (J. F.) The Battle of Lake Erie; or, Answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer and Mackenzie, pp. 117, i, sewed. 12 Cooperstown, 1843 4972 [BLYTH (Stephen C.)] History of^ the War between the United States and Tripoli, and other Barbary Powers, //. 144, bds.,y. e., fresh, clean copy, RARE. 12 Salem, Gazette Office, 1806 4973 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the Late War. 4th edition, corrected, pp. 348, engravings, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1818 4974 - - The same, pp. 298, illustrated, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 4975 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Histoire de la Guerre entre les Etats- Unis d Amerique et TAngleterre, 1812-15 ; trad, par A. de Dalmas. 2 vols., engraved map, uncut. 8 Paris, Corbet, 1820 4976 BROWN (Samuel R.) Views of the Campaigns of the North western Army, etc., pp. 156, fresh copy, boards, uncut. 12 Troy,N. Y., 1814 4977 The same, wood-cut frontispiece, pp. 156, boards. 12 Philadelphia, 1815 4978 BROWN (S. R.) An Authentic History of the Second War for Independence. 2 vols. 12 Auburn, 1815 4679 Another edition, in i vol., pp. 264, 129, (2), clean and fresh, boards, uncut. 12 Auburn, 1815 4980 CAMPBELL (J.) Lives of the British Admirals : containing a new and accurate Naval History : with a continuation to 1779, maps and frontispieces. 4 vols., calf. 8 London, 1781 8 58 THE UNITED STATES. 4981 CHRISTIE (R.) The Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the late War, including also, The Political History of Lower-Canada, 1807-1815, //. 235, uncut. 12 Quebec, 1818 4982 CLAIBORNE (N. H.) Notes on the War in the South [the Creek War], with Sketches of Lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, Gov. Claiborne and others, //. 112, sheep, fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Richmond, Wm. Ramsay, 1819 4983 CLARK (Thos.) Sketches of the Naval History of the United States, with an Appendix of important Documents, frontispiece (Constitution and Guerriere), pp. 107, cxxxix, bds. uncut, slightly foxed. 12 Phila., for M. Carey, 1813 4984 COBBETT (Wm.) The Pride of Britannia Humbled ; or, the Queen of the Ocean Unqueen d, by the " American Cock-Boats," frontispiece (injured\ pp. 215, i, hf. bd. 12 Phila., 1815 4985 Letters on the Late War, //. 407, hf. calf. 8 New York, 1815 4986 COOPER (J. Fenimore) History of the Navy of the United States, 2d edition, with corrections, map and diagrams. 2 vols., half calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 4987 Lives of distinguished American Naval Officers. 2 vols., sheep. 12 Auburn, N. Y., 1846 4988 Correspondence relating to America, presented to Parliament in 1810, pp. 95, (4), calf, SCARCE. 8 London, A. Strahan, 1811 4989 COURTS-MARTIAL : Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry upon Capt. James Barren, of the U. S. Navy, May, 1821, pp. in. Washington, 1822 Letter from the Sec. of the Navy, transmitting . . the Proceedings of a Court Martial, ordered at the instance of Midshipman Marston for the trial of Capt. John O. Creighton : and also, the Memorial of sundry Midshipmen and Officers of the Mediterranean Squadron, etc., pp. 25. Wash ing to n, 1 8 1 8 Proceedings of the Court-Martial ordered, on the Mediterranean Station, for the trial of Capt. Oliver H. Perry ; also, for the trial of Capt. John Heath, of the Marine Corps, pp. 34. Washington, 1818 Defence of Lieut. Col. Gardner Burbank, before the General Court- Martial .. in Worcester, Sept., 1818, against charges preferred by Col. Prentice Gushing and others : [with] all the Evidence adduced upon his Trials, pp. 44. Worcester, 1819 Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry held at the request of Commodore John Rodgers, Aug., 181 1 [on the affair of the " Little Belt."] n. p. Trial of Brig. Gen. William Hull, for Treason, Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, etc. With the Sentence of the Court, and Remission thereof by the President, pp. 28. Boston, 1814 The Trial of John Wilson, alias Jenkin Ratford, for Mutiny, Desertion, and Contempt . . Subjoined, a few Cursory Remarks, pp. 28. 12 Bosion, 1807 Trials by Court Martial of Capt. Samuel Watson, 2d., D. Livermore, D. Kent, and Wm. Prouty, of the . . Mass. Militia, 1810, pp. 104. Worcester, 1811 Minutes and Proceedings of a Gen. Court- Mar rial, at Boston, for the trial of Major Joseph Loring, Jr., on a complaint made by Brig. Gen. Arnold Welles, pp. 130, (2). Boston, 1813 Record of Proceedings of a Gen. Court-Martial, in Salem, Mass., Sept. 28, 1812, on the complaint of Lieut. Col. S. Brimblecom et al., against Major-Gen. Eben Goodale, of the Mass. Militia, pp. 75. Cambridge, 1812 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 59 Trials of Lieut. E. B. Babbit, on charges preferred by Com. J. D. Elliott, before a Naval Court-Martial, at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Oct. 1834, pp. 120. Boston, 1835 ii Pamphlets, all but one uncut, in I vol., new hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe}. 8 See, also, BACHE, No. 4962 ; GARDNER, No. 5001 ; HARMAR, No. 5009 ; HULL, No. 5019; JACKSON, No. 5030; PORTER, No. 5055, 5056. 4990 The Militia Reporter; containing the Trials of Capt. Jos. Loring, Jim., on the charges of Gen. Winslow ; Capt. Jos. Loring, Jim., on the charges of Maj. Davis ; Capt. Amos Binney, on the charges of Maj. Osgood ; Capt. Thos. Howe, on the charges of Maj. Messinger ; pp. 299, hf. bd., neat. 8 Boston, T. Kennard, 1810 " The illegality of the Legionary Brigade [of which Gen. John Winslow was the Commander], arranged as it was in Boston, created dissatisfaction and dissension among the officers, which led to the following Trials. Gov. Gore and his Council have supported these principles, by deranging the Legionary Brigade, and destroying every vestige thereof." Advertisement. 4991 Dartmoor Prison. Message of the President [Monroe], trans mitting a Report of the Secretary of State . . in relation to the Transactions at Dartmoor Prison, pp. 184, folded table, (title-page blotted,} hf.cf. 8 Washington, 1816 4992 Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts captured by the British, folded plan of Dartmoor Prison, sheep. 12 Boston, 1816 4993 ~~ [ANDREWS (Chas.)] The Prisoners Memoirs, or Dartmoor Prison ; containing a History of the entire Captivity of the Ameri cans in England, . . and, of the Horrid Massacre at Dartmoor, Apr. 6, 1815, cloth. 12 New York, 1852 4994 [DAVIS (JOHN)] The American Mariners : or, The Atlantic Voyage; A Moral Poem. Prefixed is a Vindication of the American Character from the Aspersions of the Quarterly Reviewers. To which are added Naval Annals ; or an Impartial Summary of the Actions fought at Sea, and on the Lakes, . . during the Late War [1812-15], PP xn 384> clean, uncut; with autograph of S. T. Coleridge. 12 Salisbury, \Eng.\ n. d. [1822] The book was dedicated to Robert Southey, and this was probably the dedication-copy, for its covering shows the workmanship of Southey s family-bindery, as easily to be recognized as is Mr. F. Bedford s. 4995 DAVIS (Paris M.) An Authentick History of the Late War, . To which will be added, The War with Algiers, and the Treaty of Peace, etc., pp. 360^ sheep. Ithaca, 1829 The same, frontispiece (Battle of New Orleans], hf. mor. gilt. New York, 1836. (2 vols.) 12 4996 DECATUR (Stephen) Life, by S. Putnnm Waldo, portrait, sheep, water-stained. 12 Hartford, 1821 4997 Dispute (The) with America considered ; in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergyman, hf. mor. 8 London, [1812] 4998 EATON (Gen. Wm.) Life, collected from his Manuscripts, portrait, sheep, marbled edges. 8 Brookfield, 1813 4999 ELLIOTT (Com. Jesse D.) Biographical Notice of, containing a Review of the Controversy between him and Com. Perry, and a History of the Figure-Head of the U. S. Frigate Constitution. By a Citizen of New York [Russell Jarvis], boards, water-stained. 12 Phila., 1835 See Tracts, No. 5073. 6O THE UNITED STATES. 5000 FAY (H. A.) Collection of Official Accounts of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, 1812-15, //. 295, sheep. 8 New York, 1817 oooo Florida War. See Seminole War, Nos. 4370-4376. 5001 GARDNER (Major Chas. K.) Trial of, by Court Martial on Charges preferred by Maj. Gen. Ripley. 8 n. p. \Boston\, 1816 5002 General Armstrong (Brig} A Collection of Sundry Publications . . in relation to an Attack . . upon the private armed Brig, General Armstrong, of New York, commanded by S. C. Reid, Sept 26, 1814, at Fayal, //. iv, 46, hf.bd. 12 IV. York, J. Gray, 1833 5003 General View of the Late War between the U. S. of America, and Great Britain, pp. 118, bds. 32 n. p., n. d. 5004 GILLELAND (J. C.) History of the Late War. 2d edition. 12 Baltimore, .1817 5005 [GLEIG (G. R.)] A narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans . . in 1814-15 ; By an Officer who served in the Expedition, //. (4), 377, (i), boards, uncut. 8 London, 1821 5006 [GLEIG (G. R.) ] A Subaltern in America ; comprising his Narrative of Campaigns of the British Army, at Baltimore, Wash ington, etc., during the Late War, pp. 266, boards, uncut. 12 Phila., Carey 6- Hart, 1833 5007 GOLDSBOROUGH (Chas. W.) The U. S. Naval Chronicle, Vol. I. pp. 395, xii, and slip of Errata, half russia, clean and fine copy. 8 Washington City, 1824 5008 HAMILTON (Schuyler) History of the National Flag of the United States, plates, pp. 115, newspaper cuttings laid in, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1852 5009 HARMAR. Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry held [at Fort Washington, Sept. 15, 1791,] at the request of Brig. Gen. Joseph Harmar, to investigate his conduct, [in] the Expedition against the Miami Indians, 1790, //. 31, half mor., UNCUT, RARE. folio, Philadelphia, J. Fenno, 1791 5010 HARRISON. Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Major Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, . . by Moses Dawson, portrait, pp. 464, (8), half bound. 8 Cincinnati, M. Dawson, 1824 5011 Another copy, a different portrait inserted, and a slip of ERRATA, added, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1824 5012 -- HALL (James) Public Services of Wm. Henry Harrison, portrait, pp. 323, water-stained, cloth. 16 l^hila., 1836 5013 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates . . convened at Hartford, Dec. 15, 1814. 2d ed. corrected, pp. 32. Boston, 1815 A Short Account of the Hartford Convention, taken from Official Documents . . Added, an attested copy of Secret Journal of that Body, pp. 36. Boston, 1823 [Harrison Gray] Otis s Letters in Defence of the Hartford Convention, and the People of Massachusetts, pp. vii, 103. Boston, 1824. 3 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 6 1 5014 Hartford Convention. DWIGHT (Theo.) History of the Hartford Convention ; with a Review of the Policy of the U. S. Government which led to the War of 1812, pp. 447. 8 New York, 1833 5015 History of the American War of 1812, portrait of Gen. Z. M Pike, and plates, sheep. 12 Phila., Wm. M Carty, 1816 5016 [The same, in German :] Geschichte des Americanischen Kriegs von 1812, . . ans dem Englischen iibersetzt, portrait and other plates, pp. 273, sheep. 12 Reading, 1817 5017 The History of the Late War, etc., wood engravings, pp. 144, bds. uncut. 12 New York, Lomax 6 Mitchell, 1832 5018 HOWE. The Life of Richard, Earl Howe, K. G., Admiral of the Fleet, etc. By Sir John Barrow, portrait and facsimiles, pp. xvi, 432, cloth. 8 London, yohn Murray, 1838 5019 HULL (Gen. Wm.) Report of the Trial of Brig. Gen. Wm. Hull, commanding the North-Western Army of the U. S. . . by a Court Martial held at Albany, . 3d Jan., 1814. . Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes, pp. (4), 119, 29, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1814 5020 Defence of Brig. Gen. W. Hull . . with an Address to the Citizens of the United States. Written by himself, //. xlvi, 215, boards, uncut. 12 Boston, 1814 5021 Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army, A. D. 1812. With an Appendix, containing .. the Revolutionary Services of the Author, pp. 229, half calf . 8 Boston, 1824 5022 Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen. Wm. Hull : prepared from his Mss., by his daughter, Mrs. M. Campbell; with a History of the Campaign of 1812, by his grandson, James Freeman Clarke, plans of battles, pp. 482, cloth. 8 New York, 1848 5023 HUNT (G. J.) The Late War between the U. S. and Gr. Britain, 1812-1815 : written in the Ancient Historical Style. . Also, a Sketch of the late Algerine War . 3d edition, portrait of Decatur, sheep, gilt. 12 New York, D. D. Smith, 1819 5024 -- The Historical Reader; containing "The Late War," etc.. Altered and adapted for the .use of Schools. 3d edition, boards. 12 New York, J. A. Burtees, 1819 5025 INGERSOLL (C. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain. Embracing the Events of 1814, sewed. 8 Philadelphia, 1849 5026 IZARD (Maj. Gen. George) Official Correspondence with the Department of War, on the Military Operations of the Am. Army under [his] command, on the Northern Frontier, in 1814-15, //. vii, 152, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 5027 JACKSON (Andrew) Memoirs of, by S. Putnam Waldo, portrait, calf , autograph letter of the author laid in. 12 Hartford, 1819 5028 The same, old calf . 12 Hartford, 1818 5029 Memoirs of, compiled by a citizen of Massachusetts [J. V. C. Smith], bds., uncut. 16 Boston, 1828 62 THE UNITED STATES. 5030 JACKSON (ANDREW) Official Record, of the Proceedings of the Court Martial which tried, and Orders of Gen. Jackson, for Shoot ing Six Militia Men, . . showing that these American Citizens were Inhumanly & Illegally Massacred, //. 32, hf. bd., SCARCE. 8 Washington, 1828 See A Dialogue . . in relation to . . the Execution of the Six Militiamen, etc., in Tracts, No. 5073. 5031 JAMES (Wm.) Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States, plates, pp. xvi, 528, ccxvi, (16), half red mor., uncut. thk. 8 \London, 1817 5032 A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of Late War between Great Britain and the United States, maps and plates. 2 vols., fine calf. 8 London, 1818 5033 LATOUR (A. L.) Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15, portrait of Gen. Jackson, half russia, with Atlas in boards, uncut. (2 vols.) 8 Phila., 1816 5034 - The same. Another copy, maps bound in, hf. calf, (wants portrait and one plated) 8 Phila., 1816 5035 LAWRENCE (Capt. James) Biography of, with a Collection of. . Papers, relative to the Action between the Chesapeake and Shannon, //. 244, old calf gilt, no portrait. 1 8 New Brunswick, \_N. ?.] 1813 5036 Life of Capt. James Lawrence, to which is added, a Collec tion of Interesting Papers, relating to the Capture of the U. States Frigate Chesapeake, by his Britannic Majesty s Frigate Shannon : and the Death and Funeral of Capt. Lawrence, //. 81, bds. sm. 12 Hartford, 1814 5037 Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the U. S., in force July i, 1813: with the Regulations for .. the Army.. Annexed, a List of the General Staff, Tables of Pay, etc., with the Fortifications of the U. S., //. 198, sheep. 16 New York, 1813 5038 [LOWELL (Tohn) ] Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madison; by a New England Farmer, //. 78, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1813 See, under No. 4886, references to other (anonymous) tracts by Lowell. 5039 [McAFEE (R. B.)] History of the War in the Western Country, 5 fine portraits inserted, also 46 leaves of mounted newspaper cuttings, and an Autograph Letter of Gen. WM. H. HARRISON (2 //. 4to), fine calf, VERY SCARCE. 8 Lexington, Ky., 1816 " This valuable work is now scarce. It is one of the most authentic books on the sub ject, and is the source from which many subsequent writers have borrowed very freely. SABIN. 5040 MALHAM (J.) The Naval Gazetteer; or Seaman s Complete Guide, illustrated with a Correct Set of Charts. First Amer. Edition, fine clean copy, old calf . 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1797 5041 Message from the President, . .with Documents, . on the Failure of the Arms of the U. S. on the Northern Frontier, Feb. 2, 1814. (Parts I. and II.) pp. 88, 90, sheep. 12 Albany, 1814 oooo The Militia Reporter. See Courts-Martial, No. 4990. 5042 Military Operations (A Brief Sketch of the) on the Delaware, during the Late War : with a copy of the Muster-Rolls . . of the Advance Light Brigade, etc., map, pp. 96, sheep, very scarce. 12 Philadelphia, 1820 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 63 5043 MUHLENBERG (Maj. Gen. Peter), Life of, by H. A. Muhlenberg, portrait, doth. 12 Philadelphia, 1849 5044 Naval Temple (The) : containing a Complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the U. States, from . . 1794, to the present time, engravings, pp. 322. 8 Boston, B. Badger, 1816 5045 Naval Battles (American) : being a complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the U. States from . . 1794, to the present time, pp. 278. 8 Boston, C. Gay lord, 1837 Attributed to Horace Kimball (the proprietor of the copyright). 5046 Naval Monument (The) ; . . Accounts of Battles fought . . during the Late War; and an Account of the War with Algiers. 25 engravings. 8 Boston, A. Bowen, 1816 5047 O CONNOR (T.) An Impartial and Correct History of the War [of 1812-15.] 4th edition, revised, pp. 336, sheep. 12 New York, John Low, 1817 5048 PALMER (T. H.) The Historical Register of the United States, 1812-15. 4 vols., hf. roan. 8 Philadelphia, 1814-16 Second edition of Vols. I. and II. 5049 PARKER (Sir Peter) Biographical Memoir of Sir Peter Parker, Baronet, . killed in action while storming the Am. Camp, at Bellair, near Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1814, by SirG. Dallas. 2d edition, portrait, calf, gilt borders, and blind tooled, fine copy. 4 London, 1 8 1 6 5050 PERKINS (S.) History of the Political and Military events of the Late War, pp. 512, sheep, neat. 8 New Haven, 1835 5051 PERRY. Serious Charges against Capt. O. H. Perry, by John Heath, //. 24, hf. &/.,-RARE. 12 \Washington, 1817] 5052 -- Judge Fletcher s Charge to Grand Jury of Wexford [1815] on Necessity of putting down the Orange Societies ; to which are added, Heath s Charges against O. H. Perry, and Poems on Battles of Lakes Erie and Champlain,//. 96, boards, nncnt. 12 n. p., n. d. See Battle of Lake Erie, Nos. 4970, 4971. 5053 PORTER (Capt. D.) Journal of a Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in the Essex, 1812-15, portrait and 14 plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 Many of the plates were omitted from the Second Edition. 5054 The same; 2d edition. 2 vols. in i, portrait and other engrav ings, half calf. 8 New York, 1822 5055 PORTER. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Courts of Inquiry and Courts Martial in relation to Capt. David Porter, at Wash ington, D. C-, July, 1825. Printed by Authority,//. 576 An Exposition of Facts and Circumstances which justified the Expe dition to Foxardo, and the Consequences thereof : With the Pro ceedings of the Court of Inquiry thereon. By D. Porter, //. 107. 2 in one vol., boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1825 5056 BEALE (Rob.) A Report of the Trial of Commodore David Porter . . before a General Court Martial, at Washington, in July, 1825. To which is added, A Review of the Court s Decision, pp. viii, 244, (68*), boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1825 5057 QUITMAN (John A.) Life of, by J. F. H. Claiborne. 2 vols., portrait, and plan, cloth. 12 New York, 1860 64 THE UNITED STATES. 5058 Report of the Committee [of Congress] relating to the Spirit and Manner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy, pp. 193, uncut. 8 Washington, 1813 Republished, under the title, " Barbarities of the Enemy exposed," etc. See Nos. 4965, 4966. 5059 RUSSELL (B.) Jr. History of the Late War, compiled chiefly from Public Documents, //. 464, sheep. 8 Hartford, 1815 5060 -- The same, sheep. 8 Hartford, 1815 5061 ST. CLAIR S Expedition. Report to the U. S. House of Repre sentatives of Committee appointed to inquire into causes of the failure of the late Expedition under Major-General St. Clair, pp. 13, n. t.p., half mor., uncut. folio, [Philadelphia, 1792] 5062 Sketches of the War [of 1812]. 2 vols. in one, pp. 496, sheep. 8 Rutland , Vt., Fay and Davis on, 1815 5063 SMITH (Charles) The Monthly Military Repository. Respectfully inscribed to the Military of the U. S. of America. 2 vols. in i, PP- 336> 216, portraits of Washington and Greene, engraved maps a?id plans, sheep, neat. 8 New York, for the Author, 1796, 97 5064 STARK (Gen. J.) Memoir and Official Correspondence; by Caleb Stark ; with notices of other officers of the Revolution ; and a biography of Capt. Phmeas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, //. 495, portrait, cloth. 8 Concord, 1860 5065 THOMPSON (D.) History of the Late War, pp. 300, boards, uncut, scarce. 12 Niagara, Upper Canada, 1832 5066 THOMPSON (J. L.) Historical Sketches of the Late War, engraved plans, and 7 portraits, pp. 359, i, boards, imcut. 12 Phila., r r. Desilver, 1816 5067 The same. 5th improved edition, portrait of Gen. Brown, and 5 wood engravings, sheep. 12 Phila., 1818 5068 TORREY (F. B.) Journal of the Cruise of the U. S. Ship Ohio (Commodore Hull,) in the Mediterranean, 1839-41. 12 Boston, 1841 5069 Tracts (Political) Tanguy de la Boissiere (C. C.) Observations on the Dispatch of Mr. Pickering to Mr. Pinkney, Jan. 16, 1797, transl. from the French by Samuel Chandler, Phila. 1797 [LOWELL (J.) ] Remarks on J. Q. Adams s Letter to H. G. Otis. Boston, 1808 HARPER (R. G.) Observations on the Dispute between the U. S. and France. London, repr. 1797 BARING (Alex.) Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, etc. N. Y., 1808 [STEPHEN (James)] Dangers of the Country. Phila. 1807 [LOWELL (John)] Analysis of the Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France. Boston, n. d. Letters under the Signatures of "Senex" and "A Farmer," on the Conduct of our Executive towards France, etc., //. 108. Baltimore, 1809 -A Sermon. The Question of War with Great Britain, examined, etc. Boston, 1808 Desultory Reflections on the New Political Aspects of Public Affairs in the U. S. N. Y. 1800 [LOWELL (John)] Supplement to the late Analysis of the Correspondence, etc. (see above], n. t. p. THE ICHNEUMON; an Essay on Politics. Written in the District of Maine, July, 1814. MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 65 By Don Quixotte, n.p. [1814], RARE ADAMS (J. Q.) Correspond ence with several Citizens of Massachusetts, relative to the alleged design to Dissolve the Union. 2d edition. Boston, 1839. 12 in i vol., new half blue mor., all uncut. This volume will be offered singly, or, -with the privilege of the five following lots (5070-5074, in uniform binding), at the auctioneer s option. 5070 Tracts (Political) Message from the President, with Documents obtained from [John Henry, employed by the British Government] in fomenting dissatisfaction and bringing about resistance to the Laws, etc. Wash., 1812 Address of Members of the House of Reps., to their Constituents, on the War with Great Britain. Alexandria, 1812 Letter to Wm. Roscoe, containing Strictures on his "Considerations on the present War." N. Y. repr. 1808 British Influence on Affairs of the U. S. proved and explained. Boston, 1804 Address of Members of the House of Reps., to their Constituents, etc. (see above]. New Haven, 1812 ; The same. Hartford, 1812 [LOWELL (J.) ] An Appeal to the People on the Causes and Consequences of War with Great Britain. Boston, 1811 AIKEN (Rev. Solomon) Address to Federal Clergymen, on the War. Boston, 1813 Description of British Possessions in North America, n. t. p. Address of the General Assembly of Connecticut, to the People of the State, Feb. 27, 1809, n. t. p. Report of Committee [of House of Reps.] on the Spirit and Manner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy. Wash. 1813 President s Message, with Documents, on the Failure of the Arms of the U. S. on the Northern Frontier. Baltimore, 1814 President s Message, and Documents, relating to the Operation of the Orders and Decrees affecting Neutral Commerce, since Nov. i, 1810. Wash. 1811 Message and Documents, relative to Negotiations for Peace with Great Britain. Wash. 1814 Report of the Sec. of War, on the Amount of Pensions granted to Widows and Orphans of Soldiers of the late War. Wash. 1818. 15 in i vol. new half blue mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all imcut. 8 5071 Tracts (Impressments; Affair of the Chesapeake; etc.) All Impressments Unlawful and Inadmissible. Boston, n. d. [1810] Copies and Extracts of Documents on British Impressments of American Seamen. N. Y. 1813 Report of Committee of Massa chusetts House of Reps, on Impressed Seamen. Boston, 1813 [LOWELL (J.)] Peace without Dishonour War without Hope. . Enquiry into the Chesapeake Question, and the necessity of War. Boston, 1807 [EVERETT (David)] Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to Fugitives from Justice; with ref. to the Affair of the Chesapeake: by an American. Boston, 1807 [DALLAS (A. J.) ?] Exposition of Causes and Character of the late War, n. t. p. [Boston] Report of Com. on For. Relations, with a Bill for Regulation of Seamen on board Public Vessels and in the Merchant Service. Washington, 1813 PICKERING (Timo.) Letter to Gov. J. Sullivan, with Gov. Sullivan s Answer, ist Hartford edition. Hartford, 1808 Message [and Documents] on the Attack on the Chesapeake. Wash. 1808 The same, with a different title-page. Wash. 1808 [MADISON (J.)] Letters from the Secretary of 66 THE UNITED STATES. State to Mr. Monroe, [and other Documents] on the subject of Impressments, etc. Part II. Wash. 1808 Report of Com. on Ind. Affairs, on Excitements of the Indians to Hostility against the U. States, by the British Subjects. Wash. 1812. 12 in i vol. new half mor., a ll uncut. 8 5072 Tracts (Personal and Political) M LEAN (Jas.) Seventeen Years History of (his) Sufferings as an Impressed Seaman in the British Service. Hartford, 1814 HART (Cyrus W.) Essays on Gov t, Parties, the late War, etc. With a Sketch of the Author s Life, n. t. p. Proceedings of Officers of the Late War in refer ence to an Application to Congress for Lands. N. Y. 1826 Account of the Battles of the Late War, with Adventures of Corporal Samuel Stubbs (a Kentuckian). Boston, 1817 WILSON (R. G.) Sermon on the Victory at New Orleans. Chillicothe, John A?idrews, 1815 LEIGH (Jos.) Illustrations of the fulfilment of the Prediction of Merlin, in the Attack on the Chesapeake. 3d edition, Portsmouth, 1807 M CLURE (Gen. Geo.) Causes of the Destruc tion of Towns on the Niagara Frontier, and Failure of the Campaign of 1813. Bath, N.Y., 1817 Official Correspondence between the Envoys of the American States, and M. Talleyrand, on the Disputes between the two Countries. Lond. 1798 The Embargo Laws, with the Message from the President, and an Appendix^ //. 174. Boston, 1809 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to H. G. Otis on National Affairs. Walpole, N. H. 1808 [GRANGER (Gideon)] Address to the People of New England. By Algernon Sidney, n. t. p. RANDOLPH (John) Speech on the British War. May 12, 1812, n. t. p. Considerations on the Embargo Laws, n. t. p. \New Hampshire, 1808] Instructions to the Envoys and Ministers from the U. S. to the French Republic, and their Dispatches. Phila. [1798] FAUCHET (Jos.) Coup d ceil sur 1 Etat actuel de nos Rapports politiques avec les Etats-Unis. Paris, 1797 Important Documents presented to Congress with the President s Message, Nov. 29, 1809. Worcester, 1809 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to H. G. Otis, etc. (see above). Newburyport, 1808. 17 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5073 Tracts (Personal) Review of a Pamphlet purporting to be Documents on Differences . . between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. By a Citizen of Mass. Bost. 1834 The Republican Crisis, or . . Political Jesuitism of James Madison. By a Citizen of the District of Columbia. Alexandria, 1815 Documents relating to the Differences between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. Washington, 1821 ; Boston, 1834 ARMSTRONG (K.) Examination of T. L. McKenney s Reply to the Review of his Narrative of the Battle of Bladensburg, etc. N. Y. 1847 BOYD (Gen. J. P.) Documents and Facts relative to Military Events during the late War. n. t. p. A Dialogue between a Colonel of the Militia and a Militiaman, in relation to the Rights of Militiamen, and the Execution of the six Militiamen shot by order of Gen. Jackson. n. p., n. d. [LOWELL (John)] Mr. Madison s War. Dispassionate Inquiry into reasons alleged for declaring War. Boston, 1812 A Compendious . History of the late War, Boston, J. W. Burditt, MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 67 1815 [LOWELL (John)] Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madi son. Boston, 1812 Official Record of the Proceedings of the Court-Martial which tried, and the Orders of Gen. Jackson, for shooting the Six Militia-Men. Wash. 1828 SMITH (Robert) Address to the People of the U. S. n. t.p. 1811 LLOYD (James) Speech in the U. S. Senate, on the Bill "concerning the Naval Establishment," Feb. 28, 1812. n. t.p. MADISON (James) Reply to Mr. Rose, in discussing the Affair of the Chesapeake. N. Y. 1808 Facts relative to the Campaign on the Niagara in 1814. Boston, 1815 Concise Narrative of Gen. Jackson s First Invasion of Florida, and Immortal Defence of New Orleans, with Remarks. 4th edition, n.p., n. d. WINDER (Wm. H.) Statements of Occur rences on the Niagara frontier in 1812. Wash. 1829. 16 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5074 Tracts (Personal and Political) ELLIOTT (Com. J. D.) [Com memorative and Autobiographical] Address at Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 14, 1843, views and plan. Phila. 1844 CALVERT (Geo. H.) Oration on 4oth Anniversary of Battle of Lake Erie, Newport, Sept. 10, 1853. 2d edition. Providence, 1854 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to Hon. H. G. Otis on National Affairs. 2d edition. Boston, 1808 ADAMS (J. Q.) Correspondence with several Citizens of Mass, concerning an alleged design to Dissolve the Union. Boston, 1829 Defence of Conduct of Com. Morris in the Mediterranean, Map. N. Y. 1804 BLAKE (Francis) Examination of the Consti tutionality of the Embargo Laws. Worcester, 1808 PICKERING (Timo.) Letter to Gov. Sullivan; with his Answer. Hartford, 1808 Acts of Congress relating to Direct Tax and Duty on Furniture and Watches, n. p. 1815 DAVIS (John) Report on Claim of Massachusetts on the U. S., for Militia Services in the last War. Boston, 1831 Public Doc ts of Mass.; including Remonstrance to Congress on the War. Boston, 1813. 10 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5075 TREAT (Capt. Jos.) Vindication, against the Atrocious Calumny contained in Major Gen. Brown s Official Report of the Battle of Chippeway, //. 62, hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 5076 United States. Messages from the President [Madison] to Congress, Nov. 4th, 1812, to March i, 1813, with accompanying documents. [Executive Documents, 2d Sess., i2th Cong.], laivcalf. 8 Washington, 1813 5077 United States Army Registers [Annual], 1815-1821 Organiza tion of the Military Peace Establishment of the U. S., 1815 [Annual] Catalogues of Cadets at the Military Academy at West Point, 1819, 1820. 10 in i vol. The army Registers are certified by the (autograpJi) signatures of D. Parker, Adjt. 6* Inspec. General, and 26 pages of manuscript additions to and alterations of the Registers (by General Orders} are bound in ; calf, neat. 12 Washington, 1815-21 5078 VAN RENSSELAER (S..) A Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown, in the War of 1812, folding map, cloth. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1836 68 THE UNITED STATES. 5079 WALDO (S. Putnam) Biographical Sketches of distinguished American Naval Heroes in the War of the Revolution, . Nicholas Biddle, John Paul Jones, Edw. Preble, and Alex. Murry, etc., portraits of Com. Murray, and President Monroe, and another plate, somewhat foxed, pp. 392, old mottled calf , gilt. 8 Hartford, S. Andrus, 1823 oooo WALKER (Adam) Journal of two Campaigns . . in the Michigan and Indian Territories, 1811-12. See No. 4526. 5080 WAR (The) ; being a [weekly] Record of the Transactions of the War. Vols. I. and II., in one vol., hf. bd. 4 New York, S. Woodworth d^ Co., 1812-14 In ioo numbers, published from June 27, 1812, to June 14, 1814 ; with Title-pages and Indexes. 5081 WILKINSON (Gen. James) Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols., hf. red mor., uncut, and ^to Atlas of diagrams and plans. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 CLARK (Daniel) Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connexion with Aaron Burr, etc., //. 150, 199, boards, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1809 Burr s Conspiracy Exposed ; and General Wilkinson Vindi cated against the slanders of his Enemies, pp. 18, 99, 136, hf. red mor., UNCUT. 8 [Washington City,"] 1811 PRIVATELY PRINTED and "EXTREMELY RARE. . We know of two other copies only in existence. The late Peter Force was in the habit of showing his copy as one of the modern rarities of his immense collection." SABIN, in the Mcnzics Catalogue, no. 2137. (6 vols.) 8 5082 WILKINSON (Gen. J.) Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. and Atlas, boards, uncut. (4 vols.) 8 and 4 Philadelphia, 1816 5083 WILSON (Thos.) The Biography of American Military and Naval Heroes, portraits. 2 vols., sheep. 12 New York, 1817 Portraits of Gens. Warren, Washington, Greene, and Jackson, Commodores Perry and Decatur. 5084 The same. 2d edition, revised. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1821 5085 WYATT (Thos.) Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and Commanders, who distinguished themselves in the Army and Navy during the Wars of the Revolution and 1812, and who were pre sented with Medals by Congress. Illustrated by 82 engravings on steel, from the original Medals, pp. 315, hf. morocco. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1848 5086 FULTON (Robert) Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions, five full-page plates, pp. 57, (3), half turkey morocco, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. obi. 4 New York, Wm. Elliot, 1810 Dedicated to President Madison and Congress. "My conviction," writes Fulton "that this invention, improved and practised to the perfection which it is capable of obtaining, will be of the first importance to our country, has induced me to present you . . a description of my system, with five engravings, and such demonstrations as will give you an opportunity to contemplate its efficacy and utility at your leisure." BIOGRAPHY. 69 BIOGRAPHY. GENERAL AND COLLECTED. 5087 ALLEN (William) American Biographical Dictionary (the First Editioii), forty portraits inserted, boards, uncut. 8 Cambridge, Mass., 1809 5088 BELKNAP (Jer.) American Biography. 2 vols., calf gilt, fine. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. Andrews, 1794, 98 Isaiah Thomas s copy, with his engraved book-plate. 5089 Biographia Americana ; by a Gentleman of Philadelphia, engraved title, portrait of Washington, and ten other portraits, half morocco. 8 New York, D. Mallory, 1825 5090 BRADFORD (Alden) Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England, Statesmen, Patriots, Physicians, Clergymen, and Mechanics, //. 464, cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 509 1 CALAMY (E.) D.D. Nonconformists Memorial ; being an Account of Ministers ejected or silenced after the Restoration ; edited (with additions) by Sam l Palmer, 26 portraits, old half calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1775 5092 CAMPBELL (J. W.) Biographical Sketches, and other Literary Remains, portraits of the Author and Gov. R. J. Meigs, cloth. 8 Columbus, O., 1838 S93 COFFIN (Charles) Lives of Major Gen. J. Thomas, Col. Thos. Knowlton, Col. A. Scammell, and Major Gen. H. Dearborn, cloth. 12 New York, 1845 5094 DELAPLAINE S Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distin guished American Characters. Parts i, 2, and 3, in one vol., pp. v, (2), 106, x, (2), 107-122, (148), engraved titles, emblem, frontis pieces, and portraits, new half mor. (Roxburghe), UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, 1815-16 5095 Eccentric Biography ; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Char acters, including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers, and Vagrants, portraits, sheep, scarce. 12 Worcester, Is. Thomas, Jun., 1804 5096 EDWARDS (B. B.) Biography of Self-Taught Men, portrait of Roger Sherman, pp. li, 312, cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 5097 Epitaphs and Elegies, [selected from monuments in several States, from Maine to Virginia], pp. 72, wood-cuts, fresh copy, scarce. 12 New York, S. Wood 6 Sons, 1816 5098 HARDIE (J.) The New Universal Biographical Dictionary and American Remembrancer. 4 vols. portraits, old calf. 8 New York, 1805 5099 KINGSTON (J.) The New American Biographic Dictionary, portrait of Washington. 16 Baltimore, for John Kingston, 1810 5100 KNAPP (Samuel L.) Biographical Sketches of eminent [American] Lawyers, Statesmen, and Men of Letters, //. 360, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 8 Boston, 1821 76 BIOGRAPHY. GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 5101 KNAPP (S. L.) Female Biography: Notices of Distinguished Women, in different Nations and Ages, pp. 501, 3, cloth, 12 Philadelphia, 1846 5102 Lives of American Merchants ; 5th edition, slightly water-stained, portrait of John Hancock. 16 New York, 1846 5103 Lives and Exploits of Noted Highwaymen, Robbers and Mur derers, to the present time, pp. 288, wood-engravings, used copy. 8 Hartford, Ezra Strong, 1838 5104 MOORE (Jacob B.) Memoirs of American Governors, Vol. I. (all published), portraits. 8 New York, 1846 5105 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans; con densed by J. B. Longacre and J. Herring, fine impressions. 4 vols , half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 8 N. York and Phila., 1835-9 5106 Public Characters, or contemporary Biography, //. viii, 496, old calf. 8 Baltimore, Bensal and Niles, 1803 5107 ROGERS (T. J.) A New American Biographical Dictionary. 4th edition, portraits, pp. 400, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1829 5108 STILES (Ezra) A History of three of the Judges of King Charles I, Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell, etc., portrait of the Author, and plates, fresh and fine copy, in the original sheep, yellow edges, VERY SCARCE. 12 Hartford, E. Babcock, 1794 5109 United States Senators of the Session of 1837-8 (Sketches of) By " A Looker on here in Verona," //. 67, cloth, scarce. 12 Washington, 1839 5110 Universal Biographical Dictionary, frontispiece of 20 (miniature} portraits, old calf gilt. 8 Richmond, Va., Normand White, 1826 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 5111 ABBOT. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley ; etc. Compiled by Rev. Abiel Abbot, D.D., and Rev. Ephraim Abbot, pp. xx, 197, cloth. 1. 8 Boston, 1847 5112 ALDEN (Timo.) Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscrip tions, with Occasional Notes. 5 vols., boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE in such condition. 18 New York, 1814 5113 The same. 5 vols., hf. mor. extra, tops gilt, UNCUT. VERY SCARCE. 18 New York, 1814 5114 ALLEN (Asa W.) Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families, //. 2 51, portrait, cloth. 12 Salem, O., 1872 5115 BURKE and ALVORD Memorial. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Richard Burke, of Sudbury, Mass, [and] of Alexander Alvord, of Windsor, Conn. Compiled by J. A. Boutelle and Wm. A. Burke, //. 239, cloth, scarce. 8 Boston, H. W. Dutton 6- Son, 1864 5116 Dudley Genealogies and Family Records ; by Dean Dudley, view of Dudley Castle, and arms of Dudley, pp. 1 44, cloth. 8 Boston, \ 848 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. /I 5117 FARMER (John) Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, perfectly dean and fresh copy, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE, in such condition. 8 Lancaster, Mass., 1829 5118 The same, another fine fresh copy, boards. 5119 Genealogies and Family History. Dodd (S.) Family Kecord of Daniel DOD, Branford, 1644, {New Haven, ] 1839 Goddard (W. A.) Descendants of E. GODDARD, Worcester, 1833 Pease (F. S.) Ancestors and Posterity of Isaac LAWRENCE, Albany, 1848 Account of the Family of DRAKE [By Samuel G. Drake ; privately printed, Boston^ 1845 Adams (J os -) Descendants of Richard HAVEN of Lynn, Boston, 1843 : with additional pages, and connec tions, pp. 54, 50, Boston, 1849 Park (J. C.) Address at Meeting of Descendants of Richard HAVEN, Framingham, 1844, Boston, 1844 Sesqui-Centennial Gathering of the Clan DARLINGTON, in East Bradford, Pennsylvania, Aug. 20, 1853, Lancaster, 1853 Whitmore (W. H.) Cavalier Dismounted ; Essay on the Origin of the Founders of the thirteen Colonies, Salem, 1864 Barry (J. S.) The STETSON Family, Boston, 1847 Goodwin (N.) Descendants of Thos. OLCOTT of Hartford, Hartford, 1845 Hil1 (W. H.) The LEE Family, Albany, 1851 Whitmore (W. H.) Families of TEMPLE and BOWEOIN, Boston {privately printed), 1856 Whit more (W. H.) The HALL Family of Medford, Mass., Boston, 1856 -Proceedings at Meeting of the CHAPIN Family, Springfield, Mass., Sept. 17, 1862, Springfield, 1862. Genealogies. The Browns of Nottingham, Penn. [by Gilbert Cope], pp. 18, n. t. p. Judd (Sylvester) Thomas JUDD and his Descendants, pp. 112, Northampton, 1856 Genealogy of the Family of W^m. Smith of Peterboro , N. H., Keene, 1852 Morgan (N. H.) Our Family Genealogy. Hartford (priv. printed), 1851 Whitmore (W. H.) Descendants of Francis WHITMORE, Boston, 1855 Genealogy of the Family of Anthony STODDARD of Boston, Boston, 1849 DANE (John) Remarkable Providences in my Life, 1682 ; to which is added, Pedigree of the Dane Family, Boston, 1854 Gary (Moses) Genealogy of the Families in the North Parish of Bridgewater, Mass., pp. 46, uncut, Boston, 1824, very scarce Watson (Thos.) John WATSON, of Hartford, Conn., and his Descendants, portrait, N. Y., U. Q. Club, 1865 Descendants of Robert DAY, of Hartford, 2d edition,//. 129, Northampton, 1848 Rawson (S. S.) The RAWSON Family, 2 portraits, pp. 146, Boston, 1849 Lincoln (S.) Notes on the LINCOLN Families of Massachusetts, and the Family of Abraham Lincoln, Boston, 1865 Nason (E.) Notes of Joshua COFFIN, n. t. p., pp. 4 Will of Rev. R. MATHER, n. t. p., pp. 8 Fowler (W. C.) Conditions of Success in Genealogical Investigations, etc., Boston, 1866 Lewis (W.) Valedictory Address as Pres. of N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Feb. 7, 1866, Boston, 1866 Whiting (W.) Address before N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, Jan. 12, 1853, Boston, 1853. 32 (of which several are privately printed, and VERY SCARCE,) in 2 vols., new half blue mor. (Roxburgh*). 8 v. y. In the 2d vol., is laid in, a genealogy (folio broadside) of the family of Drake.of Hampton, N. IT.: by Samuel G. Drake, Boston, 1867 (privately printed). /2 BIOGRAPHY. 5120 Heraldic Journal (The) ; recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families. Vols. I-IV. 4 vols. in one, half green mor. (Roxburghe}, uncut. 8 Boston, J. K. Wiggin, 1865-68 5121 HERRICK Family, Genealogical Register of, from 162910 1846; by Jedediah Herrick, arms, pp. 69, cloth, gilt. 8 Bangor, 1846 5122 HUNT. Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt : compiled by T. B. Wyman, cloth. sin. 4 Boston, 1862-3 5123 HUTCHINSON and OLIVER. A Brief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver ; by W. H. Whitmore, large paper. 4 Boston, S. G. Drake, 1865 " Reprinted, with additions, from the N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Register for 1865." 5124 MATHER Family. Genealogy of the Mather Family, from about 1500 to 1847 ; with biographical notices. [By John Mather.] Engraved arms, pp. 76, cloth, SCARCE 16 Hartford, 1848 5125 MOODY Family, Biographical Sketches of; by C. C. P. Moody, pp. 168, doth. 16 Boston, S. G. Drake, 1847 5126 SAVAGE (James) Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. 4 vols. cloth, uncut, SCARCE, r. 8 Boston, 1860-62 5127 SIGOURNEY Family, Genealogy of; by Henry H. W. Sigourney, //. 31, cloth. r. 8 Boston, 1857 5128 SPRAGUE Family, Memorial of; with a Poem by Richard Soule, Jr., recited at a Meeting of the Descendants of Seth Sprague, Duxbury, Mass., July 4, 18 46, portraits, views, and facsimiles, pp. xii, 191, cloth. 12 Boston, 1847 5129 TAINTOR Family, The Genealogy and History of, by Chas. M. Taintor, //. 82, corner margin of first five leaves clipped, scarce. 1 6 Greenfield, 1847 5130 WILLIAMS Family, Genealogy and History of, by Stephen W. Williams, M T)., portraits and arms, pp. 424, cloth. 12 Greenfield, 1847 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 5131 ADAMS (Madam Abigail), consort of the Hon. John Adams. Sermon after her interment, Nov. i, 1818 ; by Rev. Peter Whitney; with obituary notices, etc., two or three leaves stained, uncut. 8 Boston, 1819 5132 ADAMS (Miss Abigail) Journal and Correspondence of Miss Adams, daughter of John Adams ; edited by her Daughter [Mrs. C. A de Windt], fine portrait and view at Quincy, pp. xii, 247, cloth. 12 New York, 1841 Miss Adams became the wife of Col. Wm. S. Smith. 5133 ADAMS (Miss Hannah) Memoir, written by herself, portrait, pp. iv, no, cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 5134 ALLEN (Col. Ethan) Memoir of, by Hugh Moore, doth, pp. 252. 12 Pittsburgh, N. Y., 1834 5135 ALLEN (Ethan) and the Green Mountain Heroes of 76. With a sketch of the Early History of Vermont. By H. W. DePuy, map and engravings, pp. 428, cloth, used copy. 12 Buffalo, 1853 BIOGRAPHY. 73 5136 ANDROS {Sir Edmund), Memoir of, by Wm. H. Whitmore. Reprinted from the "Andros Tracts," fine portrait, pp. 49, (i), uncut. 4 Boston, 1868 5137 ANTHONY (Miss Susanna) of Newport, Life and Character of, by Rev. Samuel Hopkins. 12 Worcester, 1796 5138 ASHMUN (Jehudi) Life, by R. R. Gurley, portrait, cloth. 8 Washington, 1835 5139 BAILEY (Robert) Life and Adventures, from his infancy up to Dec., 1821, interspersed with Anecdotes, and religious and Moral Admonitions ; written by himself, //. 348, wood cuts, half russia, neat. 8 Richmond, for the Author, 1822 CURIOUS, and VERY SCARCE. The author was a native of Chester county, Pennsyl vania, a son of Major Wm. Bailey, who fell in the battle at the Cowpens. Inter alia, the work contains many serious reflections on faro playing, criticisms of the Virginia laws prohibiting it, cautions to young men against it, and a final admonition to those who " are determined to indulge in such follies, to see if they play out of a box. They will say, it is Bailey s patent box ; be sure to examine and see that my name is stamped on the box, and then shuffle and cut the cards, and they cannot cheat you." 5140 BALDWIN (Elihu W.) D.D. Memoirs of, by E. F. Hatfield ; with an Introduction by S. H. Cox, D.D. ; portrait, cloth. 12 New York, 1843 Dr. Baldwin was the first Pastor of the Seventh Presbyterian Church in New York, and the first President of Wabash College, Indiana. 5141 BALDWIN (Thos.) D.D. Memoir, by D. Chessman, water-stained. 16 Boston, 1841 BARR (John) History, written by himself. 16 Phila., 1833 BENEZET (Anthony) Memoirs, by Roberts Vaux, engraving, bds., uncut. 12 Phila., 1817. (3 vols.) 5142 BELCHER. Prince (Rev. T.) Sermon on the Death of the Honourable Mary Belcher, Consort of his Excellency the Gov- ernour, author 5 autograph presentation, "To my Dear Mrs. Deborah Prince of Boston : Presented, 1736, pr. T. Prince,"//. (2), 42, half calf extra, SCARCE. sm. 4 Boston, J. Draper, 1736 5143 BELKNAP. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D.D., the Historian of New Hampshire, with selections from his writings ; collected by his grand-daughter, //. 253, portrait, cloth. 16 New York, 1847 5144 BENEZET (A.) Me moires sur la Vie de, par Roberts Vaux, bds., uncut. 12 Londres, 1824 5145 BOWDITCH (Nathaniel) Memoir of, by his Son N. I. Bowditch, portraits (foxed), author s autograph letter inserted, bds. 4 Boston, 1840 5146 BOWDITCH (Nath l) Eulogies on, by John Pickering, D. A. White, and Alex. Young. 3 in i vol., half calf, neat. 8 Boston and Salem, 1838 5147 BOONE (Daniel) Biographical Memoir of, by Timo. Flint: With Incidents of the Early Annals of the Country, curious wood engrav ings, pp. 252, nice copy, SCARCE. 12 Cincinnati, Geo. Conclin, 1841 5148 BOYLE (Robert) Life, by Thomas Birch [with an Appendix, relating mostly to New England affairs], old calf ; two fine portraits inserted. 8 London, 1744 10 74 BIOGRAPHY. 5149 BREWSTER. Steele (A.) The Chief of the Pilgrims; Life of Elder Wm. Brewster, five steel and four other engravings, cloth. 8 Phila., 1857 5150 BREWSTER (James and Mary) Account of their Golden Wedding, Sept. 1 8, 1860, portraits, presentation note to Mrs. Sigourney inserted, doth. 8 New Haven, 1860 5151 BROWN (Chas. Brockden) Life of, by Wm. Dunlap, with Selec tions from his printed Works, Letters, and unpublished Manuscripts. 2 vols., calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 5152 BURKE. Memoir of William Burke [late of East Haddam, Conn.], a Soldier of the Revolution ; from a Journal kept by Himself ; added, an Extract from a Sermon at his Funeral, by Rev. N. Miner, half bound, scarce. 12 Hartford, 1837 5153 BURROUGHS (Stephen) Memoirs of, [by himself,] the ORIGINAL EDITION, long AUTOGRAPH LETTER inserted, sheep, neat, fine fresh copy, RARE. 8 Hanover, N. H., Benj. True, 1798 A copy of his "Sermon delivered in Rutland, on a Hay-mow" (n. t. p., but printed at Suffield, about 1798), is laid in. 5154 BURROUGHS (Stephen) Sketch of the Life of, as given by himself, bds. 1 6 Greenfield, 1812 5155 The same, bds. 12 Hartford, 1818 5156 BUSHNELL (Rev. William C.) Memoirs and Select Remains. New Haven, 1833 CHEEVER (Ezekiel), [formerly, Ezekiel Cheever Whitman; born at Ashby, Mass., 1783.] Sketches of his Life, with his Discourses, and Poetic Effusions,//. 295. Northampton, 1835. (2 vols.) 16 5157 CALHOUN (John C.) Life, by J. S. Jenkins, fine portrait, pp. 454, sheep, fresh copy. 8 Auburn, 1851 5158 CHEVERUS (Cardinal John) Life, by Rev. J. H. Doubourg, translated from the French by R. M. Walsh, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 5159 CLAP (Roger) Memoirs, [1609-1691], Relating some of God s remarkable Providences to him, in bringing him into New England, etc., //. 39, scarce. 8 Boston, W. T. Clap, 1807 With Appendix, containing an Account of the Author and his family, by James Blake, Jun. 5160 The same. [Reprinted, with a Preface, etc., for the Dorches ter Antiq. and Hist. Society,] bds. 12 Boston, 1844 5161 CLINTON (De Witt) Tribute to the Memory of, by a Citizen of Albany, portrait, hf. bd., neat. 12 Albany, 1828 5162 COGHLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs of, written by Herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation ; being Interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War, //. xix, 184, old calf ", large and nice copy. 12 New York, 1795 5163 COKE (Rev. Thomas) D.D. Extracts from his Journals, com prising several (six) Visits to North-America and the W. Indies, etc. Prefixed, a Life of the Doctor, pp. 271, old calf , neat. 12 Dublin, 1816 5164 COLBURN (Zerah) Memoir, by Himself, portrait (at eight years of age), cloth, uncut. 12 Springfield, 1833 BIOGRAPHY. 75 5165 COLBY. Life, Experience, and Travels of John Colby, [Baptist] Preacher of the Gospel, written by Himself. 2 vols. in one,//. 248, 64, cloth. 12 Lowell, Mass., 1838 5166 COLEMAN (Dr. Seth) of Amherst, Mass. Memoirs, //. 288, old calf, water-stained. 12 New Haven, 1817 5167 COLLINGWOOD ( Vice-Admiral) A Selection from his Public and Private Correspondence ; with Memoirs of his Life, by G. L. N. Collingwood. First Am. edition, portrait and plan of Battle of Trafalgar, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1829 5168 COTTON (John) Abel being Dead yet speaketh ; Or, The Life & Death of that deservedly famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton, Late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New-England. By John Norton, Teacher of the same Church, //. 51, (7), hf. calf, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 London, Tho. Newcomb for Lodowick Lloyd, 1658 5169 -- Memoir of John Cotton, by John Norton; with a Preface and Notes by Enoch Pond, cloth. 16 New York, 1842 5170 CRAFTS (Wm.) A Selection, in Prose and Poetry, from the Writings of the late Wm. Crafts (of Charleston, S. C.). With a Memoir of his Life, //. 1, 384, bds. 8 Charleston, 1828 5171 CRAWFORD and CLARK. Considerations on the Purity of the Principles of Wm. H. Crawford, Esq., deducible from his Conduct in connection with that of Charles Tait, Esq., towards the author of this publication. With some Remarks on the Introduction of Africans into [Georgia], contrary to the laws of the U. States. By [Gen.] John Clark, //. 208, VERY SCARCE. 8 Augusta, Ga., 1819 5172 CROCKETT (Col. David) Sketches and Eccentricities of, //. 209, uncut, poor copy. 12 New York, 1833 CROSSWELL (Jos.) Sketches of the Life and Extracts from the Journals, etc. of Joseph Cross- well, for more than forty years [1753-1799] an itinerant preacher, in New England, //. 96, stained. 12 Boston, 1809 DANE (John) A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life; Ipswich, 1682. With a Pedigree of the Dane Family, and a few Notes, by a member of the N. Eng. Historic-Genealogical Society, //. 16. 8 Boston, 1854. (3 vols.) 5173 DODGE (David L.) Memorial of, consisting of an Autobiography; with a few Selections from his Writings, //. 325, cloth. 8 Boston, Published only for the Family, 1854 5174 DRAKE (Sir Francis) The Life, Voyages, and Exploits of, by John Barrow, //. xv, 428, lithographic facsimile, cloth, uncut. 8 London, J. Murray, 1843 5175 DUNTON (Rev. John) Dunton s Remains, or the Dying Pastour s last Legacy. . . Prefixt, the Author s Holy Life and Triumphant Death : and . . his Funeral Sermon. The Second Edition,//. (16), 387, (portrait spoiled^) calf. 8 London, John Dunton, 1684 The father of John Dunton, the Bookseller. 5176 DUNTON (John) Life and Errors, written by Himself in Solitude, with an Idea of a New Life ; together with the Lives and Charac- 76 BIOGRAPHY. ters of a Thousand Persons now living in London, pp. (18), 463, 200-251, polished calf extra, gilt edges (Pratt}, FINE COPY. 8 London, for S. Malthus, 1705 5177 DUNTON (John) Life and Errors. To which are added, Dunton s Conversation in Ireland ; and Selections from his other genuine works, portrait, pp. xxxii, 773, calf. 8 London, 1818 Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. B. Nichols. 5178 DURAND (James R.) Life and Adventures, during a Period of Fifteen Years, from 1801 to 1816; in which time he was Impressed on board the British fleet, and held in detestable Bondage for more than Seven Years, Written by Himself, pp. 129. 12 Rochester, N. Y., 1820 SCARCE. The author was a native of Milford, Conn. He was on board the Pactolus, of Commander Hardy s squadron, during the attack on Stonington, in August, 1814, and gives a good account of the action. 5 179 DWIGHT (Pres. Timothy) Sermon at the Funeral of, by C. Chapin, half roan. 8 New Haven, 1817 5180 DYER (Giles) A Sermon Preach d at the Queen s Chappel at Boston, August i5th. 1713- At the Funeral of Giles Dyer Esq. Late High Sheriff of the County of Suffolk: and Commander of the Troop of Guards. . By Mr. Harris, One of the Ministers of the said Chappel, pp. ^7, smooth calf extra, RARE. sm. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1713 5181 EDWARDS (Jona.) D.D., the Elder. Life and Character of, with a number of his Sermons, autograph of Rev. Dr. Benj. Trumbull, 1770. 8 Boston, 1765 5182 The same. With Two Dissertations; I. Concerning the End for which God created the World ; II. The Nature of True Virtue. 2 vols. in i, //. 279; v, 191, old calf . 8 Boston, 1765 5183 Life and Character, with Extracts from his Diary, and eighteen select Sermons, boards, uncut. 12 Edinburgh, 1799 5184 Life and Character of, with Extracts from his Diary, and seventeen select Sermons, sheep. 12 Northampton, 1804 5185 ELDRIDGE (Eleanor) Memoirs of, portrait, pp. 128. sq. 16 Providence, 1841 Born at Warwick, R. I., 1785. The grand-daughter of a Narragansett Indian Squaw and a native African. 5186 ELIOT (John) the Apostle. Life of, by Cotton Mather; a new edition, half calf, neat. sm. 12 London, 1820 5187 Memoirs of the Life and Character of John Eliot, by Martin Moore, pastor of the Church in Natick, sheep, good copy, SCARCE. 16 Boston, 1822 5188 Life, by Convers Francis. (Sparks Am. Biog., Vol. 5.) 12 Boston, 1836 5189 Memoir of, by Martin Moore; Second edition, revised and corrected, new hf. morocco extra, uncut, top gilt. sm. 12 Boston, 1842 5190 EMERSON. Worcester (Samuel) Sermon, Beverly, Nov. 14, 1808, on the Death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson ; to which are annexed Writings of Mrs. Emerson and a Sketch of her Life, pp. 96, hf. bd. 12 Boston, 1809 BIOGRAPHY. 77 5191 EVERETT (Edward) Tribute to the Memory of, by the N. E. Historic-Genealogical Society, at Boston, Jan. 17 and Feb. i, 1865, portrait, and plate, doth gilt, uncut. 8 Boston, 1865 5192 FENNELL (James) Apology for (his) Life, written by Himself, //. 510, portrait, half calf, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1814 " So great have been the contrarieties of my disposition, that occasionally I was light as the gossamer, suffering myself to be guided by the softer breaths of Nature at their will, till having provided myself a vacuum, I descended, like a feather in the exhausted receiver of an air pump with a celerity equal to that of the most precious metal." Preface. 5193 FINLEY (Robert) D.D. Memoirs of, by Rev. Isaac V. Brown, portrait (silhouette], pp. 370, half bound. 8 New Brunswick, 1819 5194 FIRMIN (Rev. Giles) Brief Memoir of, by John Ward Dean, //. 1 6, uncut. 8 Boston, 1866 One of a few copies, separately printed, for presentation. 5195 FRANKLIN. The Life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Written by by himself. Montpelier, Vt., 1809 (2 copies.) The same ; with The Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary. Boston, 1811 The Works (Life and Essays), portrait. 2 vols in i. New York, Tiebout and Obrian, n. d. ; Another copy, no portrait The Works (Life and Essays), portrait, N. York. 1825. (6 vols.) 12 5196 FULLER (A.) Ryland (John) Life and Death of Rev. Andrew Fuller, sheep. 12 Charlestown, 1818 5197 FULTON. The Life of Robert Fulton, by his friend Cadwallader D. Golden . . With an Appendix, portrait (foxed}, pp. vi, 371, hf. calf. 8 New York, 1817 5198 - - The same, no portrait. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, half mor. r. 8 New York, 1817 5199 GANG (John) Biographical Memoirs, written principally by Himself, boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1806 The Rev. John Gano, minister of the first Baptist church in New York and Chaplain to General Clinton s brigade in the Revolutionary War, died in Frankfort, Ky., 1804. 5200 - - The same, boards, uncut. 5201 [GRAYDON (Alex.)] Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Penn sylvania, bds. uncut. 8 Edinburgh, 1822 5202 GRIFFIN (Rev. Edm. D.) Biographical Memoir, by J. McVickar, D.D., cloth. 12 New York, 1832 5203 HARRIOTT (Lieut. John) Struggles through Life, exemplified in various Travels and Adventures. 2 vols., fine portrait laid in, calf. 12 (Repr.) Philadelphia, 1809 5204 HAYNES (Rev. Lemuel) Sketches of his Life and Character; by Rev. T. M. Cooley, D.D., portrait, cloth. 12 New York, 1839 5205 HIBBARD (Rev. B.) Memoirs of his Life and Travels . . for nearly Thirty Years, //. 368, sheep. 12 New York, 1825 5206 HILL (Isaac) of New Hampshire; Biography, with selections from his Speeches, etc. 18 Concord, N. H., 1835 5207 HINES (David Theo.) of So. Carolina, alias, Dr. Hamilton, Col. Hamilton, Dr. Haynes, Col. Hayne, Dr. Porcher, Col. Singleton, etc., etc. Life, Adventures, and Opinions ; Written by himself, pp. X 95> hf. cloth, clean copy. 12 New York, 1840 In "Letters addressed to his Friends" Mordecai M. Noah, James Gordon Bennett. Jacob Hays, Hon. Richard Riker, et al. ? BIOGRAPHY. 5208 HOBART (Bp. J. H.) Sermon at the Funeral of, by Benj. T. Onderdonk, D.D., Sept. 16, 1830, author s autograph presentation to Bishop Brownell, pp. 91. 4 New York, 1830 5209 HOLCOMBE (Henry) D.D. The First Fruits, in a Series of Letters [Autobiographical], portrait, pp. 228, scarce. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1812 Dr. Holcombe was pastor of the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia. 5210 HOLYOKE (Edward A.) M.D. Memoir of, 2 portraits, pp. 80, cloth. 8 Boston, 1829 5211 HOPKINS (Samuel) D.D. Sketches of the Life of, written by Himself ; added, A Dialogue on . . Christian Submission, and a Serious Address to Professing Christians ; with Dr. Hart s Sermon at his Funeral ; published by Stephen West, D.D., portrait, pp. 240, sheep. 12 Hartford, 1805 5212 -- Life, written by himself, etc., another copy, portrait. Hartford, 1805 Memoir of his Life and Character, by John Ferguson, pp. 196. Boston, 1830. (2 vols.) 12 5213 HOUSTOUN (James) Dr. Houstoun s Memoirs of his own Life time. Containing among other curious particulars, during upwards of Thirty Years Travels, . . i. The Scotch Settlement at Darien, etc., pp. (4), 435, old calf gilt, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 London, 1747 Includes notices of " the Rise and Fall of the Grand South Sea Bubble," and an account of the reduction of Cape Breton (//. 356-367). 5214 HOXSE (John) The Yankee Tar. An Authentic Narrative of the Voyages and Hardships of John Hoxse and the Cruises of the U. S. Frigate Constellation, and her Engagements with the French Frigates Le Insurgente and Le Vengeance ; . . written by Himself, //. 200, cloth. 1 6 Northampton, J. Metcalf, 1840 5215 HYDE (Nancy Maria) of Norwich, Conn. Writings ; with a Sketch of her Life, pp. 252, boards. 12 Norwich, 1816 5216 JARRATT (Devereux), Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie Co., Va. Life, written by himself, pp. 223, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1806 With it is bound : Thoughts on some Important Subjects of Divinity. . By the Rev. Devereux Jarratt, //. 83. 5217 JOHNSON (Col. Richard M.), Authentic Biography of, //. 93, hf. cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 5218 JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D., First President of King s College, New York. Life, by Thos. B. Chandler, D.D., //. (4), 208. 12 New York, 1805 5219 KEITH (Isaac S.) D.D. Sermons, Addresses, and Letters, with a Memoir, portrait, water stained, calf. 8 Charlestown, 1816 Dr. Keith was one of the ministers of the Independent (Congregational) Church, in Charleston, S. C., 1788-1814. 5220 KER (John) of Kersland, Memoirs of, containing his Secret Transactions and Negotiations in Scotland, England, the Courts of Vienna, Hanover, and other Foreign Parts ; published by Himself, portrait, calf. 3 vols. old calf , neat. 8 London, 1726 VERY SCARCE. Vol. 2 contains a map of Louisiana, and much curious information concerning the French dominions in America. For publishing this work, E. Curll was set in the pillory. See ALLIBONE, and SABIN S Dictionary, no. 37,600. Three English editions were published, and it was translated into French and Dutch. The third volume contains " Remarks on the Government of several Parts of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the United Provinces," etc. by William Ker, Esq., late Consul for the English Nation at Amsterdam. Printed in Amsterdam, 1688 ; repr. London, 1727, //. 160, 16. BIOGRAPHY. 79 5221 LADD (Joseph B.) Literary Remains, with a Sketch of his Life, by W. B. Chittenden. 12 New York, 1832 5222 -- LAFAYETTE ([Gilbert de Motier] Marquis de) Historical Sketches illustrative of the Life of, and the leading events of the American Revolution ; by an American, boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1824 5223 Memoirs of, by Gen. H. L. Villaume Ducoudray Holstein ; translated from the French Manuscript; pp. (4), 305, bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1824 5224 Sketch of (his) Tour in the United States, 1824; with Biographical Notices of his Life ; by John Foster, portrait, half bound. 8 Portland, 1824 5225 Life of, by Robert Wain, Jr., portrait, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1825 5226 Memoirs of General LaFayette, Embracing Details of Public and Private Life, Sketches of the Am. Revolution, etc.,^. 455, portrait, water stained. 12 Hartford, Barber <Sr* Robinson, 1825 5227 - - Lafayette (M. de) en Ame rique, en 1824 et 1825, ou Journal d un Voyage aux Etats-Unis, par A. Levasseur. 2 vols. pp. (4), iv, 509 ; (4), 632 ; 12 plates and map, calf. 8 Paris, Baudouin, 1829 5228 - - Me moires, Correspondence, et Manuscrits ; public s par sa Famille. 6 vols., half calf , marbled edges. 8 Paris, 1837-39 This collection was edited by his son, George Washington Lafayette. 5229 Impeachment of Mr. LaFayette: containing his Accusation (to the National Assembly 8 Aug. 1792), supported by Mr. Brissot of Warville ; and his Defence by Mr. Vaublanc ; with a Supplement, etc. Transl. from the French, by Wm. Cobbett, pp. 104, hf. mor., scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1793 5230 LAWRENCE (Abbot) Memoir of, prepared for the National Portrait Gallery, by Wm. H. Prescott, fine portrait, cloth. 4 n. p. Printed for Private Distribution, 1856 5231 LEE (Rev. John) Methodist Minister. Life, by [his brother] Jesse Lee, //. 179, sheep. 18 Baltimore, 1805 5232 LIVERMORE (George) Memoir of, by Charles Deane. LARGE PAPER, uncut. 1. 4 Boston, 1869 5233 LIVINGSTON (William) Life, by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., portrait, half calf, marbled edges. 8 New York, 1833 5234 MAFFIT (Rev. John N.) Tears of Contrition : or Sketches of the Life of John N. Maffit ; with Religious and Moral Reflections, to which are appended Poetic Effusions. Written by himself, pp. 260, 40, bds., scarce. 12 New London, Conn., 1821 " From the romantic retreats of far-famed Erin borne on the fickle winds of adverse fortune a lonely stranger brings his mite of sorrow, and lays the dew-starr d treasure at Columbia s feet." 5235 MARSH (James) D.D., President of the Univ. of Vermont. Remains, with a Memoir [by J. Torrey], 3d edition, pp. 642, cloth. 8 Burlington, Vt., 1852 5236 MATHER (INCREASE). Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of Dr. Increase Mather [by Cotton Mather], portrait, half russia, scarce. sm. 8 Boston, 1724 8O BIOGRAPHY. 5237 MATHER (COTTON) Memoir of, with a Genealogy of the Mather Family, by S. G. Drake, portraits of Cotton and Increase Mather, pp. 1 6, doth. 8 Boston, 1851 5238 MATTHIAS [Robert Matthews] and his Impostures, by Wm. L. Stone, 3d edition, cloth, water-stained. 16 New York, 1835 " These pages will be found to comprise a history that is perfectly unique a delusion sui generis whether arising from individual fanaticism, or enthusiasm, or madness; or combined, or individual imposture. Preface. 5239 MAYHEW (Jona.) D.D. Memoir of his Life and Writings; by Alden Bradford, pp. 484, doth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1838 5240 MONROE (James) President s Tour through the United States, with a Sketch of his Life ; by S. P. Waldo, portrait, sheep. 12 Hartford, F. D. Bolles 6- Co., 1818 5241 MOREAU (Gen. J. V.) Some Details concerning General Moreau, and his Last Moments : with a Biographical Sketch ; by Paul Svinine, half mor. 16 Baltimore, 1814 5242 NEWELL (Rev. E. F.) Life and Observations : portrait, doth. 1 6 Worcester, 1847 Mr. Newell (a native of Brookfield, Mass.) was, for more than forty years, an itinerant minister of the Methodist Epis. Church in the New England conference. This memoir was compiled from his manuscripts, by C. W. Ainsworth. 5243 NORTON (Prof. John P.) Memorials of, portrait, doth. sm. 4 Albany (privately printed}, 1853 5244 OEHLER (A.) Life, adventures, and unparalleled sufferings; written by Himself, curious. 12 Trenton, i8n 5245 OGLETHORPE (Gen. James) Biographical Memorials of, by T. M. Harris, portrait, map, and facsimile, pp. xxii, 424, cloth. 8 Boston, 1841 5246 OSBORN (Mrs. Sarah) Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, R. I., Aug. 2, 1796, by Samuel Hopkins, D.D., sheep. 12 Worcester, 1799 5247 PAINE (Thos.) The Life of Thomas Paine . . With a Defence of his Writings. By Francis Oldys, A.M. [Geo. Chalmers ?]. First Boston edition,^. 40, scarce. 8 Boston, Manning 6 Loring, 1796 5248 Life, by James Cheetham, half green morocco extra, top gilt, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1809 5249 Life, by T. C. Rickman, portrait, boards, uncut, fine copy, scarce. 8 London, 1819 5250 Life, with Observations on his Writings ; by G. Vale, half doth. 8 New York, 1853 5251 PEABODY (Geo.) Proceedings at the Dinner given by (him) to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, Oct. 27, 1851, doth, gilt edges. 8 London, W. Pickering, 1851 5252 PENN (William) The Life of, by Mrs. Hughs, pp. 224, hf. bd. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1828 5253 PERSON (William) a Student of Harvard University. Life and Letters, with Poetical and Miscellaneous Pieces, old mottled calf, gilt. sm. 12 Cambridge, 1820 BIOGRAPHY. 8 1 5254 PETERS (Hugh) History of, by the Rev. SAMUEL PETERS, portrait, (a name cut from head of title?) good copy, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1807 5255 -- [Defence of the] Character of Hugh Peters [by Rev. C. W. Upham], ii pp. (no title-page}, uncut, rare. 8 \Salem, 1829] 5256 A Memoir, or Defence of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt, portrait, pp. 67, scarce. 8 Boston, 1851 5257 An Historical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters, after the manner of Mr. Bayle, pp. 41, portrait. sm. 4 London, G. Smeeton, 1818 5258 PHELPS (Matthew) Memoirs and Adventures, particularly in two Voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi ; compiled from his Journal ; by Anthony Haswell, nice copy. 12 Bennington, A. Haswell, 1802 5259 POTTER (Israel R.) Life and Remarkable Adventures of, portrait, pp. 1 08, half sheep. 1 2 Providence, J. Howard, for /. R. Potter, 1824 First edition : SCARCE. 5260 PRENTIES (S. W.) Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Voyage from Quebec, in 1780, uncu^t, scarce. 12 London, 1782 "An interesting narrative, related with moderation and good sense." RICH. The author, Ensign of the 84th Regiment of Foot, was a bearer of dispatches from Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton. 5261 PRESCOTT. The Life of William Hickling Prescott, by Geo. Ticknor, portrait, LARGE PAPER, top gilt, uncut. 4 Boston, Ticknor &. Fields, 1864 5262 PUTNAM. An Essay on the Life of Major General Israel Putnam. . by Col. David Humphreys, with Notes and Additions. With an APPENDIX, containing a Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, by S. Swett, portrait, old calf, fresh clean copy. 12 Boston, 1818 5263 PYNCHON (Col. JOHN) God s Frown in the Death of Usefull Men. Shewed in a Sermon Preached at the Funeral of the Honourable Col. John Pynchon Esq. Who Deceased January the 1 7th. i7of. By Solomon Stoddard, Pastor of Northampton, //. (2), 28, smooth calf extra, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green and y. Allen, 1703 5264 RALEGH (Sir W.) Life of the Valiant and Learned Sir Walter Ralegh, Knt, with his Tryal at Winchester, old calf, rare. sm. 8 London, 1677 5265 Life, compiled from the most approved authorities, and curious Manuscripts, portrait, pp. 576, old calf , rebacked. 8 London, 1740 5266 Life, by Arthur Cayley, jun. 2 vols. in i, fine portrait, bds. uncut. 4 London, 1805 5267 Life, by P. F. Tytler ; ist Am. edition, boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1833 5268 Brief Memoir by S. G. Drake, fine portrait, pp. 35, cloth, privately printed. sm. 4 Boston, 1862 5269 RITTENHOUSE (David) Memoirs of, by Wm. Barton; With Appendix containing sundry Philosophical and other Papers, portrait, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1813 ii 82 BIOGRAPHY. 5270 ROGERS (Rev. Ammi) Memoirs, written by Himself,//. 264. half bound, slightly injured by water, very scarce. 12 n. p. 1824 5271 [ROGERS (Geo.)] Memoranda of the Experience, Labors, and Travels of a Universalist Preacher, //. 400, sheep. 12 Cincinnati, 1845 5272 SAMPSON (William) Memoirs, Letters, History of Ireland, etc., sheep. 8 New York, for the Author, 1807 5273 SAUNDERS (Daniel) jr. Journal of (his) Travels and Sufferings, as a Mariner on the Ship Commerce of Boston, cast away on the Coast of Arabia, July 10, 1792, sheep. sm. 12 Salem, Mass., 1794 5274 - - The same. sq. 16 Leominster, Mass., Charles Prentiss, 1797 5275 [SCHUYLER Family] Memoirs of an American Lady: with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America . . previous to the Revolution by [Mrs. Grant,] the Author of " Letters from the Mountains," etc. 2 vols. bds. uncut, fine copy. 12 London, 1808 Archdeacon Francis Wrangham s copy, with his autograph. 5276 SHARAN (James) Adventures, compiled from his Journal, written during his Voyages and Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. * 12 Baltimore, 1808 j 5277 SHEPARD (Rev. Thos.) Autobiography; with additional Notices of his Life and Character, by Nehemiah Adams, cloth. sm. 12 Boston, 1832 5278 SHERBURNE (Andrew), a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Memoirs, written by himself. 2d Edition, pp. 312, sheep. 12 Providence, 1831 5279 SIMPSON (Thomas), the Arctic Discoverer. Life and Adventures by Alex. Simpson, portrait and map, cloth. 8 London, 1845 5280 SMITH (Moses) History of (his) Adventures and Sufferings, in the Miranda Expedition, etc., 2 plates, pp. 121, hf. bd., scarce. 12 Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1812 5281 SMITH (Elias) Life, conversion, preaching, travels and suffer ings of, written by himself. Vol. I (all published], portrait, pp. 400, sheep. 12 Portsmouth, N. H., 1816 Elder Smith was a native of Lyme, Conn., born 17 June, 1769. 5282 Stiles (Ezra), President of Yale College; Life, by Abiel Holmes, portrait, calf, gilt. 8 Boston, Thomas 6* Andrews, 1798 5283 SYMMES. Brown (John) Funeral Sermon after the Death of Rev. Thos. Symmes of Bradford, Mass., who died Oct. 6, 1725; to which are added Memoirs of his Life, Ministry, &c., boards, uncut. 24 Newburyport, 1816 5284 TENNENT (Rev. Wm.) Memoirs of (his) Life [by E. Boudinot] ; different editions, as follows : N. York, E. Duyckinck, 1818 ; Salem, [N. J. ?] 1814; Kingston, Zenas Covell, 1813; Poughkeepsie, 1815; Springfield, 1822. Five in one vol., half blue mor. (Roxburghe\ 16 5285 THOMAS (E. S.) Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years, commencing with the Battle of Lexington. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Hartford, 1840 BIOGRAPHY. 83 5286 THORBURN (Grant) Forty Years Residence in America, or a Particular Providence exemplified in (his) Life, portrait, cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 5287 TILGHMAN (Wm.) Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Life, by John Golder, portrait, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1829^ 5288 TURELL (Mrs. Jane) Two Sermons, preach d at Medford, April 6, 1735. By Benjamin Coleman, D.D. . after the Funeral of his beloved Daughter Mrs. Jane Turell. [With] some Memoirs of her Life and Death, by her Consort, Mr. Ebenezer Turell, pp. vi, 129, boards, scarce. 8 Boston, 1725 Includes selections from her writings, in poetry and prose. 5289 VANDERBILT. Memorial of the Golden Wedding of Corneliun and Sophia [Johnson] Vanclerbilt, December 19, 1863, bds., gilt edges. 8 New York (Privately printed}, 1863 5290 VAN RENSSELAER (Cortlandt) Memorial of, portrait, cloth. (2 copies.) 8 Philadelphia, 1860 5291 VAN SCHAACK (Peter) Life, by his son H. C. Van Schaack, //. xii, 490, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1842 Embracing selections from his Writings, during the American Revolution and his exile in England. 5292 VANS (William) Life of, written by himself, stating the conduct of John and Richard Codman, merchants in Paris, two wood cuts, pp. 114, boards, very scarce. 12 n. p., n. d. [1826] 5293 WALLACK (James W.) Sen. Sketch of [his] Life, etc., portrait, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, //. 61 (i). 1. 8 N. York, T. H. Morrell, 1865 " Edition, 250 copies." 5294 WARD (Rev. Nath l.) Memoir of, by John Ward Dean, with Notices of his Family, cloth, uncut. 8 Albany, 1868 5295 WARNER (Seth) Life, by D. Chipman : [with] the Life of Ethas Allen, by J. Sparks, cloth. 16 Middlebury, 1848 5296 WEST (Benjamin) Memoirs of the Early Life of, by John Gait. 2d edition, frontispiece, hf.bd. 16 Boston, 1832 5297 WHITE (Bishop Wm.) Life, by Bird Wilson, portrait, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 5298 WILLARD (Sidney) Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Cambridge, J. Bartlett, 1855 5299 WILSON (A.) Sketch of the Life of Alex. Wilson, author of the American Ornithology; by George Ord, scarce portrait laid in, half cloth, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1828 5300 WINTHROP. The j Character j and | Blessedness | of the | Upright. A Sermon j Occasion d by the Death of the | Honourable | Wait Winthrop Esq ; | Who Expired, Nov. 7. 1717. | ^Etatis 76. By Joseph Sewall, A.M. j Pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston, pp. (2), dark levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford), VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, T. Crump, 1717 5301 WOOLMAN (John) Journal of (his) Life, Gospel Labours, and Christian Experiences, a name cut from title, pp. xii, 339, cloth. 12 Warrington (Eng^), 1840 5302 ZINZENDORF (Count N. L.) Life, by Rev. A. G. Spangenberg, portrait, pp. xxxv, 511, cloth, uncut. 12 London, 1838 MEXICO. 5303 CAMPOS MARTINEZ (J. Greg, de) Amorosa contienda de Francia, Italia y Esparia sobre la Augusta Persona de el Senor Don Carlos III. exaltado al trono espanol. Certamen poetico, metrica palestra, ingenioso combate, a que . . . convoca las Racionales Musas de su docto floreciente Parnaso, la . . Universidad de Mexico, \$ prel. II., pp. 208, basane gilt, fine copy. 4 Mexico, en el Colegio de S. Ildefonso, 1761 Maximilian s copy, with his book plate, and that of J. M. Andrade. A scarce and curious collection of poems, Spanish and Latin, recited by members of the University of Mexico, and others, at a sort of literary tournament in honor of the accession of Don Carlos III. A fine specimen of Mexican typography, of the last century. 5304 CLAVIGERO (F. S.) The History of Mexico. . Illustrated by Charts and Other Copper-Plates. Translated by C. Cullen. 2 vols., tree calf gilt, fine copy. 4 London, 1787 5305 DIAZ (Bernal) Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo ; containing a true and full account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. I. Lock- hart. 2 vols., cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1844 5306 - - The True History of the Conquest of Mexixo. . Translated by M. Keating, engraved plan, calf gilt, fine copy. 4 London, 1800 5307 FURBER (Geo. C.) The Twelve Months Volunteer ; or, Journal of a Private, in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the Cam paign in Mexico, 1846-7. . . Including a History of the War with Mexico, map and engravings, pp. 640, cloth. 8 Cincinnati, 1850 5308 GILLIAM (A. M.) Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico, 1843 an d 44, including the biographies of Iturbide and Santa Anna, map and plates, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1846 5309 [GOMARA.] The | Pleasant Historic of | the Conquest of the | West India, now called j new Spaine. j Atchieued by the most woorthie Prince | Hernando Cortes, Marquis of the Valley of | Huaxacac, most delectable to reade. j Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by | T. N. [Thomas Nicholas] Anno 1578. j fohuli Utter, old English red morocco, full gilt, with crown and cipher of George III. on the sides, g. e. (joints cracked), RARE. sm. 4 London, Thomas Creede, 1596 "The Second Part of Gomara s Chronica de Nueva Espana and the only portion of the works of the Father of American history, in English. . The laudatory verses are by Stephen Gosson, author of The School of Abuse. " SABIN, no. 27752. 5310 LATROBE (C. J.) The Rambler in Mexico, 1834, map, cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1836 MEXICO. 85 5311 MORENO (Juan Becerra) Relacion del Funeral Entierro, y Exequias de el Ill mo Sr. Dr. D. Manuel Rubio | y Salinas I Arzobispo que fue de esta Santa Inglesia Metropolitana de Mexico. ; with an engraving of the Catafalque, designed by " D. Miguel Calvera, Pintor Americano" pp. (10), 155, half vellum, RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, 1766 The Emperor Maximilian s copy, with his book plate. 5312 OYANGUREN DE SANTA INES (El Hermano Pr. Fr. Melchor) Arte | De la Lengua Japona, | dividido en quatro libros ! segun el Arte de Nebrixa, i etc., pp. (20), 200, (2), best gros grain levant russia- red morocco, sides paneled, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 Mexico, per Jos. Bern, de Hogal, 1738 FINE BRIGHT COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book, unknown to Brunet, Rich, and other bibliographers. " It is not a little singular that a Grammar [and Vocabu lary] of the Japanese tongue should have been produced at Mexico." 5313 [POINSETT (J. R.)] Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822, accompanied by a sketch of the Revolution, etc. By a Citizen of the U. States, map, half cloth, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 5314 POINSETT (J. R.) Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822, etc., map, half cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1825 5315 Popular Description of Mexico and Guatimala, geographical, historical, and topographical. 2 vols. in i, plates and map, pp. viii, 350, 301, half russia, neat. 16 Boston, Wells & Lilly, 1830 5316 PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, and the life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. 3 vols., portraits, uncut, cloth. 8 New York, 1843 oooo Ranking (J.) Historical Researches, etc. See No. 5348. 5317 RIKEL (D.) Este es vn cowpemiio breve que tracta d la | manera de como se ha de hazer las pr0cessio|nes : compuesto por Dionisio Richel cartul-xano : que esta e lati e la prz mera parte d sus pra:iosos opuscules : romanac.do para comuw vtilidad. | English vellum. 4 Mexico, 1544 Gothic Letter. No title-page : 12 leaves, not numbered. At the end, is the colophon : " A honors, y gloria de ns o serior Jesu xpo y d la virgew seta Majria su madre: a qiu se acaba este breue cowpendio | que tracta dela | manera que se ha de tener enel hazer de las Processiones. El | qual se imprimio en esta gran ciuidad d Tenuchtitlan Mexico | desta nueua Espaha por mandado del muy reuerewdo sefior don | Fray Juan cummaraga : primer Obispo dela misma ciuidad. Del | cowsejo de su majestad etc. y a su costa. En casa de Juan cromber\gev. Ano de M.D.xliiij." With the book-plate of the Emperor Maximilian ; no. 2667 of the Catalogue Andrade, where it is described as a "volume D UNE RARETE EXTRAORDINAIRE qui est regarde comme le SECOND LIVRE impriml en Mexique. EXEMPLAIRE MAGNIFIQUE." The copy is really " magnificent," bright and clean as when it first came from the press of Juan Cromberger, three hundred and thirty-six years ago almost a hundred years before the Bay Psalm Book was printed at Cambridge. Its title to be reckoned the second book printed in America has been questioned, some bibliographers maintaining that a press was established in Mexico as early as 1541, but as to its EXTRAORDINARY RARITY or the interest which attaches to it as ONE OF THE EARLIEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE PRESS IN AMERICA, there can be no difference of opinion. 86 MEXICO. DARIEN. 5318 ROBINSON (W. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, includ ing the Expedition of General X. Mina ; with observations on the practicability of opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, through the Mexican Isthmus . . and at the Lake of Nicaragua, etc., pp. xxxvi, 396, hf. mor. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 5319 Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution; including a Narrative of the expedition of General X. Mina, etc. 2 vols. portrait of Gen. Mina, and Map, half bound. 8 London, 1821 5320 RODRIGUEZ (P. J.) Relacion de le Acaecido en la celebridad de el Jubileo de el Ano Santo en esta Ciudad, y Arzobispado de Mexico, pp. (6), 82, hf. mor., fine copy, RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, 1753 5321 RUXTON (G. F.) Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Moun tains, cloth. 12 New York, 1848 5322 SOLIS (Antonio de) Historic de la Conqueste du Mexique, trad, de 1 Espanol, par 1 Auteur du Triumvirat. 4me edition. 2 vols., map and plates, old calf , gilt. sm. 8 Paris, 1714 5323 SOLIS (A. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, translated by T. Townsend, revised by N. Hooke. 2 vols. Portrait of Cortes and 2 plates, old binding. 8 London, 1738 5324 GAGE (Thomas) A New Survey of the West Indies . . containing a Journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America, etc. . With a Grammar, or some few Rudi ments of the Indian Tongue, called Poconchi, or Pocoman. Second Edition enlarged, 4 maps, pp. (10), 220, (12), half calf, neat. folio, London, 1655 The best edition, and the first that contains the (copperplate) maps. 5325 Reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien. . van Thomas Gage. . Overgeset door H. V. Q. Tweeden Druk, numerous fine engravings PP ( I 8), 450, (67), vellum, neat. sm. 4 Amsterdam, 1700 DARIEN. PANAMA. THE WEST INDIES. 5326 DARIEN. The Humble Address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to His Majesty, Feb. 12, 1699. And His Majesties most gracious Answer thereunto, //. 4, VERY RARE. folio, London, 1699 The Address urges the abandonment of the Scotch Colony at Darien, it being " incon sistent with the good of the Plantation Trade of this Kingdom." 5327 A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien : Including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there. Authore BRITANNO sed Dunensi, pp. (12), 50, hf. mor. neat, RARE. sm. 8 n. p. Printed in the Year, 1700 " This Pamphlet was ordered to be burnt, by the Parliament of Scotland, Wm. HI., the Ninth Session. See Scotch Acts. P. W." MS. Note. The Epistle Dedicatory is signed PhiL Scot. oooo HOUSTOUN (Dr. James) Memoirs. See No. 5213. PANAMA. THE WEST INDIES. 8/ 5328 PITMAN (R. B.) Succinct View and Analysis of Information on the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus, map, half calf. London, 1825 WHEELWRIGHT (Wm.) Observations on the Isthmus of Panama ; Illustrated with a Map of the various routes proposed for connect ing the Two Oceans, pp. 31, uncut, scarce. London, 1844. (2) 8 5329 BARBADOES. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Barba does, from 1648 to 1718; [and] Part II. Additional Acts, 1717- 1 738 ; old law calf, title-page and first leaf of Index imperfect ; other wise a FINE COPY. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1732, 1739 5330 CARIBBEANA : containing Letters and Dissertations, together with Poetical Essays on various Subjects and Occasions, wrote by several Hands in the West Indies ; also, divers Papers relating to the Trade, Government, and Laws of the British Sugar-Colonies, and of Barbadoes in particular. 2 vols., old calf, rebacked. 4 London, 1741 These volumes are made up of selections from the Barbadoes Gazette, edited by Samuel Keimer, who went to the West Indies, from Philadelphia, about 1733. 5331 GRENADA. A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of H[ills]b[oroug]h, . . on the Present Situation of Affairs in the Island of Gr-n-da, pp. 54, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, 1769 5332 JAMAICA. A Book of the Continuation of Forreign Passages. That is, Of the Peace made between this Common-wealth, & that of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, Apr. 5. 1654. And the Articles of Peace [between England and Sweden, May 9, 1654. The Treaty with France, Nov. 20, 1654, etcl\ Moreover, An Attempt on the Island of J amaica, and taking the Town of St. Jago de la Viga, May 10, 1655, etc. etc., Map of the West Indies and 7 copper-plates by Will. Pass and T. Jenner, fine copy, old red morocco, neat. sm. 4 London, M. S. for Tho. Jenner, 1657 RARE. The Towneley copy, with book-plate. 5333 HICKERINGILL (Capt. Edm.) Jamaica Viewed : with All the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settle ments thereunto belonging. Together, With the Nature of its Climate, &>. With several other collateral Observations and Reflections upon the Island. The Third Edition, Map of Jamaica, ^prel. leaves, pp. 44, polished calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 London, 1707 RARE. The first edition was printed in 1661. 5334 LAWS. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica : from 1681, to 1737, inclusive, pp. xxii, 327 An Abridgment of the Acts of Assembly, passed etc., 1681-1737, //. 328-387, i, binding broken, large and fine copy, VERY SCARCE. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1738 5335 [ROCHEFORT (Cesar de)] Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles d Amerique. Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures des Raretez les plus considerables. . Avec vn VOCABULAIRE CARAIBE, engraved title, fine portrait of J. Amproux dc Lorme (to whom the work is dedicated}, and many copperplates, 8 prel. leaves, pp. 527, (12), old calf , gilt. 4 Rotterdam, Arn. Leers, 1658 The FIRST (and scarcest) edition : from the libraries of the Duke of Sussex, and Hon. John Davis. The impressions of the plates are much superior to those of later editions. Many copies want the Portrait and the Dedication. 88 THE WEST INDIES. SOUTH AMERICA. 5336 ROCHEFORT (Cesar de) Relation de PIsle de Tabago, ou de la Nouvelle Oiialcre, 1 une des Isles Antilles,//. (16), 128, old vellum, VERY RARE. sm. 12 Paris, Lovys Billaine, 1666 SOUTH AMERICA. 5337 GUIANA. A Pvblication j of Gviana s I Plantation. ; Newly under taken by the Right | Hon ble the Earle of Barkshire Knight ... and Company for that most famous River | of the Amazones, in America. ; etc., pp. (2), 24, good copy, sprinkled calf gilt, RARE. sm. 4 London, William Jones, for Tho. Paine, 1632 5338 BARRERE (PIERRE) Nouvelle Relation de la France Equi- noxiale, contenant la Description des cotes de la Guiane ; de 1 Isle de Cayenne, etc. & les Mceurs & Coutumes des differens Peuples Sauvages qui 1 habitent, 3 maps and 16 folded plates, pp. iv, 250, (i), fine copy, old calf gilt. 12 Paris, \Piget, 1743] " Tres-recherchee pour son exactitude." LECLERC. It contains much valuable information concerning the Indians of Guiana, well illustrated by the plates. In this copy a slip with the names of Gogiie fy> Nee de la Rochelle is pasted over the original imprint. 5339 - - WARREN (George) An Impartial Description of Surinam upon The Continent of Guiana, With a History of several strange Beasts, Birds, Fishes, . . . and Customs of that Colony, &c., UNCUT. London, 1667 POYNTZ (Capt. John) The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago : With a Description of the Situation, Growth, Fertility and Manufacture of the said Island. [And] Proposals for the Encouragement of those that are minded to settle there, large copy. London, 1683. Two VERY RARE tracts, in one vol., half blue levant morocco, top gilt. sm. 4 5340 DUCOUDRAY HOLSTEIN ( Gen. H. L. V.) Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, President Liberator of the Republic of Colombia ; and of his principal Generals, etc., pp. 383. 8 Boston, 1829 5341 GIBBON (L.) and HERNDON (L.) Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, with 2 atlases. 4 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1874 5342 MIRANDA (Don F. de) History of (his) Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America, with a Sketch of his Life. 2d edition, sheep. 12 Boston, 1810 5343 MOLLIEN (G.) Voyage dans la Republique de Colombia, en 1823. 2de edition. 2 vols., map and fine plates, half calf. 8 Paris, 1825 5344 NODAL (B. G. and G. de) Relacion j del Viajeqve por | orden de sv Mag d . j y acverdo del Real Consejo de Indias. Hizieron los Capitanes | Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gonc,alo | de Nodal hermanos, naturales de Ponte Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estre- cho | nuebo de S. Vicente, y reconosimj . | del de Magallanes. i A Don Fernando Carrillo | Cauallero del abito de Santiago. Presi- dente | en el mismo Consejo, | engraved title-page with portraits of the brothers Nodal, and the ORIGINAL CHART engraved on copper (want- SOUTH AMERICA. 89 ing in most copies], and several wood-cuts in the text, large and fine copy, in a handsome old binding, red Spanish calf, gilt, arms of Spain on the sides. 4 Madrid, Fernando Correct de Montenegro, 1621 12 prel. 11., engr. title and map and 11. 65. A supplement (not mentioned by Rich or Ternaux), separately paged, contains a " Tabla para saber las horas," (i 1.) and Relacion Svmaria de los Servicios de los Capitanes . . Nodal " (11. 2-15). "La PREMIERE EDITION d un livre du GRANDE RARETE. Leclerc. "Ce volume, TRES RARE, a ete souvent paye un PRIX EXORBITANT." Ternaux, 431. "A book of great rarity, particularly with the original chart." Rich, 158. " Ouvrage rare ; une des plus importantes du commencement du i/me siecle." Tromel, 80. The volume gives the /0g-and daily journal of the voyage made, 1618-19, by command of Philip III. of Spain, to verify the discovery of the Strait of St. Vincent (Le Maire) by Schouten and Le Maire in 1617. 5345 < PER U . CIECA DE LEON (P. de) Parte primera | de la Chro-| nica del Peru, que tra|cta la demarcacion de sus prouincias, la descripcion | dellas, ... los ritos y costumbres de los Indies, y otras co-|sas estranas, etc., ff. (8), 285, (9), curious wood-cuts, morocco gilt, extra, g. e. (Morrell), a BEAUTIFUL COPY. sm. 8 Anvers, en casa de luan Steels io, 1554 This edition is mentioned by Rich (No. 27), Ternaux (66), and Harrisse (p. 318, note), but without giving the colophon: "Anvers, en casa de luan Lacio, M.D.LIIII." Cie9a s Chronicle of Peru is justly characterized as "one of the most remarkable literary produc tions of Spanish conquest in America" (C. R. Markham}. Only this "first part" was published. 5346 ZARATE (A. de) Historia del Descvbrimiento y conqvista de las provincias del Peru, etc., good copy, half bound, ft (3), 117, (4), VERY RARE. folio. Semlla, en casa de Alonso Escriuano, 1577 The second edition, "FORT RARE, publiee d apres celle d Anvers, 1555." LECLERC, Bibl. Amer. (1878), no. 1862. " Ouvrage qui merite d etre 6tudie avec soin." TERNAUX. 5347 CONSTITVCIONES SYNODALES del Obispado de la Cividad de Nvestra Senora de la Paz, en el Peru, hechas y ordenadas por il 111 S. Dr. D. Feliciano de Vega, Obispo . . de la Paz, etc., pp. (6), 78, (6), half russia, g. e., RARE. folio, Lima, Geronymo de Contreras, 1639 Ternaux s copy, with his crest and initials on the side. A fine specimen of early Peruvian typography. See RICH, 1639, no. 223. 5348 RANKING (John) Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, etc., in the i3th Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants, etc., maps, and portraits of the Incas and Montezuma, boards, uncut. 8 London, Longman, 1827 5349 RIVERO (M. E.) and TSCHUDI (J. J. von) Peruvian Antiqui ties; translated by F. L. Hawks, cuts, cloth. 8 New York, 1853 5350 SPILBERGEN (J. van) and LE MAIRE (Jacob) Specvlvm | Orientalis Occidentalisqve Indian Navigationvm ; j Quarum una Georgij a Spilbergen classis cum potestate Praefecti, altera lacobi | le Maire auspicijs imperioque directa, Annis 1614. 15, 16, 17, 18. Exhibens Noui in mare Australe transitus, etc., //. 175, 25 copperplates by De Bry. obi. 4 Lugd. Batav., Nic. a Geelkercken, 1619 The Latin translation of the (Dutch) narrative of the voyages of Spilbergen and Le Maire, published the same year. Not in Rich or Ternaux. " Livre RARE ; avec des planches curieuses." Cat. Sobo- leivski, no. 4098. "EXTREMEMENT RARE." Leclerc, no. 1993. 535 1 WATERTON (C.) Wanderings in South America, the N. W. of the United States, and the Antilles, 1812-24, frontispiece ("A non descript",) slightly foxed, pp. 326, half calf . 4 London, 1825 12 THE AMERICAN INDIANS: THEIR ORIGIN, HISTORY, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, ETC. (INCLUDING AMERICAN PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY.) 5352 ADAIR (James) The History of the American Indians ; particu larly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia : con taining an account of their Origin, Language, Manners, etc. . . With a new Map of the Country referred to in the History, map, pp. (10), 464, boards, UNCUT. 4 London, 1775 5353 Another copy, sheep (broken), name on title. 4 London, 1775 5354 Geschichte der Amerikanischen Indianer;.. aus dem Eng- lischen iibersetzt, half levant green morocco, extra gilt, uncut. 8 Breslau, 1782 5355 Amerique (De 1 ) et des Ame ricains, ou Observations curieuses du Philosophic La Douceur, qui a parcouru cet Hemisphere pendant la derniere Guerre, en faisant le noble me tier de tuer des Hommes sans les manger, pp. 116, hf. bd. neat, SCARCE. 16 Berlin, Samuel Pitra, 1772 In refutation of the statements of De Pauw in his " Recherches philosophiques." " Le but principal de cet Auteur, 6toit de de"montrer que la sol du terrein de cet hemis phere, ses productions, les hommes, & les animaux qui 1 habitent, avoient degeneri et degenerent encore. Le mien, est de demontrer que rien n a deg6nere, au contraire" (p-5) Some of the author s observations are, certainly, " curieuses " : see, in Chap. VII. his " polissoneries philosophiques" (pp. 56-62) in reply to DePauw s assertions of the moral and physical inferiority of the Americans. 5356 APES. A Son of the Forest. The Experience of Wm. Apes, a Native of the Forest, comprising a Notice of the Pequod Tribe of Indians. Written by himself, hf. bd. 18 New York, 1829 Apes was a humbug. He claimed to be " a descendant of one of the principal chiefs of the Pequod Tribe so well known in that part of American history called King Philip s War. This tribe inhabited a part of Connecticut and lived . . in the town of Groton, and was commanded by King Philip." The story helps us to estimate the value of Indian " tradition," so termed. The Pequod tribe was blotted out about forty years before "King Philip s war," and neither King Philip nor his tribe (the Wampanoags) ever lived in or near Connecticut. Apes had, probably, some Narragansett blood ; his father was a half- breed, he says ; and he was born in Coleraine, Mass. He certainly was not a " Pequod." 5357 Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massa chusetts, relative to the Marshpee Tribe . . By William Apes, an Indian and Preacher of the Gospel, frontispiece, pp. 168, cloth. 12 Boston, 1835 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 91 , 5358 ATWATER (Caleb) Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien ; thence to Washington City in 1829, sheep, nice copy. 12 Columbus, O., Isaac N. Whiting, 1831 This (the first) edition contains (pp. 149-172) "Rudiments of Grammar of the Sioux Language," by John Marsh, omitted in the edition of 1833. See Field s Ind. Bibliography r , p. 12. 5359 BARTON (Benj. S.) New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, //. xii, cix, 83, half calf , large fine copy, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 Comparative vocabulary and notes, pp. 1-83. 5360 BLUNT (Joseph) Historical Sketch of the formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the limits and the jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes, //. 120. New York, 1825 Examination of the controversy between Georgia and the Creeks. (From the N. Y. Review, Aug., 1825.) n. t. p. Examination of the Relations between the Chero- kees and the U. S. N. York, 1829 A Statement of the Indian Relations : with a reply to the N. A. Review on the Removal of the Indians. N. York, 1830 Anniv. Discourse before the N. Y. Hist. Society. N. York, 1858. 5 in i vol., hf. calf neat. 8 5361 BOTURINI BENADUCI (Lorenzo) Idea de una Nueva Historia general de la America Septentrional ; [to which is added :] Catalogo del Museo Historico Indiano del Cavallero L. Boturini Benaduci, pp. (38), 167; (6), 96, frontispiece and portrait, vellum, fine copy, scarce. sm. 4 Madrid, 1746 " Nous avons peu de documents aussi curieux et qui offre autant d interet que le cata logue du musee de Boturini." LECLERC. His plan of a history of America, founded on Mexican picture-writing and other aboriginal records was never executed, and his invaluable collection has been dispersed and the greater part of it is lost. 5362 BOUDINOT (Elias) A Star in the West ; or, A humble attempt to discover the lost Ten Tribes of Israel [in America], fine portrait inserted, pp. 312. 8 Trenton, N. J., 1816 5363 BRADFORD (A. W.) American Antiquities ; and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race, //. 435, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 5364 BRETT (Rev. W. H.) The Indian Tribes of Guiana, illustrations, pp. 352, cloth. 16 New York, 1852 5365 BROWNELL (C. De Wolf) The Indian Races of North and South America, illustrations, some colored, pp. 763. thk. 8 Hartford, 1864 An account of the Sioux Massacre (1862), by J. T. Headley, is appended, pp. 717-763. 5366 BUCHANAN (Jas.) Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the N. A. Indians, pp. xi, 371, map, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1824 5367 BURDER (George) The Welch Indians; or, a Collection of Papers respecting a People whose Ancestors emigrated from Wales to America, in the year 1170, with Prince Madoc, , . and who are now said to inhabit a beautiful country on the West side of the Mississippi, //. 35, half mor. neat. 8 London, [1787] "A VERY RARE piece, not included in Mr. Field s Bibliography." SABIN. 92 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5368 CARLI (/<? Comte J. R.) Lettres Americaines, dans lesquelles on examine POrigine, PEtat Civil, Politique, Militaire & Religieux, les Arts, Plndustrie, les Sciences, les Mceurs, les Usages des anciens habitans de PAmerique, etc. . Avec des observations & additions du Traducteur. 2 vols., map, hf. bd. 12 Boston [Paris], Buisson, 1788 "Translated from the Italian, with notes, by M. Lefebure de Villebrune. Count Carli states that his object is to confute the statement of M. de Pauw, in his Recherches Philosophiques, and to show that the Americans were descended from the ancient Atlantides." RICH. 5369 [CASS (Lewis)] Remarks on the Condition, Character, and Languages of the N. American Indians. From the N. American Review, for Jan. 1826, pp. 70, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1826 5370 COLDEN (Cadwallader) The History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York. . Reprinted exactly from Bradford s New York edition (1727). With an Introduction and Notes by J. G. Shea, portrait (India paper], cloth, Large Paper, uncut. imp. 8 New York, T. H. Morrell, 1866 One of 30 copies printed on Large Paper. 5371 The same work, paper, uncut. 8 New York, 1866 125 copies printed. oooo Cherokee Indians (The Case of) See PETERS (R.) No. 5432 : BLUNT (J.) No. 5360 : Report of Committee, No. 5437 : Ross (John) No. 5439 : Cherokee Country. See DRAKE (S. G.) No. 5387. 5372 Collection (A) of Indian Anecdotes, frontispiece, pp. 190, boards. 32 Concord, N. H., 1837 5373 Copway (George), Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation, //. 298, cloth, uncut, fresh copy. 16 London, 1850 Illustrations of Indian picture-writing are given on //. 128 and 134-136. 5374 Recollections of a Forest Life : or, the Life and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, or George Copway, Chief of the Ojibway Nation. 20! edition, cloth, uncut, fresh copy. 16 London, 1851 5375 CRAWFORD (Charles) An Essay upon the Propagation of the Gospel, pp. 60, hf. bd. neat. 16 Philadelphia, 1799 The first edition. In the second (1801) the title was extended: " In which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes." 5376 CUSICK (David) Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations, cuts, pp. 35, hf. mor. interleaved. 8 Lockport, 1848 With manuscript notes by Dr. Joseph Barratt (of Middletown, Conn.) 5377 Another copy, in original paper cover, clean. 5378 DAMMARTIN. Explication de la Pierre de Taunston [Taunton], dans PAmerique Septentrionale, autotype lithograph, pp. 28, and two folded plates, n. t.p., hf. mor. 8 [Paris,} n. d. The name of the author of this explication of the Dighton Rock inscription appears only on the binding :" Dammartin. Pierre de Taunston. Paris." It seems to have been written between 1840 and 1850. The author regards the inscribed rock, as "a fragment of an oriental celestial planisphere, or as an astronomical theme for the 25th of December, at midnight, the epoch of the winter solstice " ; and infers that it is "a monument of some nation foreign to America." 5379 DELAFIELD (John) Jr. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America. . With an Appendix, by Jas. Lakey, M.D., 10 plates (5 colored), and the facsimile of the long "Aztec map," pp. \ ^2, -cloth, gilt, fine copy. 4 New York, J. C. Colt, 1839 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 93 5380 DEL Rio and CABRERA. Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque, in Guatimala, translated from the Spanish report of Captain D. Antonio Del Rio : followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or, a Critical Investigation . . into the History of the Americans, by Dr. Paul Felix Cabrera, 17 plates, pp. xiii, 128, hf. russia, uncut, FINE COPY. 4 London, H. Berthoud, 1822 5381 DOMENECH (I Abbe Em.) Manuscrit Pictographique Americain, precede d une Notice sur 1 Ideographie des Peaux-Rouges, //. viii, 119, and 228 pages of lithographic facsimiles, half levant red mor. extra, gilt top, uncut, SCARCE. r. 8 Paris, Gide, 1860 For a long notice of this remarkable work, which " afforded to the literary world of Europe a sensation not less unusual than universal," see Field s Indian Bibliography, pp. 104, 105. 5382 La Ve rite sur le Livre des Sauvages, par 1 Abbe Em. Dome- nech, //. 54, and 10 leaves of lithogr. facsimiles, hf. calf, gilt tops, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Paris, E. Dentu, 1861 5383 DRAKE (Benj.) Life of Tecumseh, and of his brother the Prophet ; with a Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians, PP- 2 35> doth. 12 Cincinnati, O., 1841 5384 The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk, with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War, (wood-cut) portraits, pp. 252, cloth. 16 Cincinnati, O., 1838 5385 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Indian Biography, containing the Lives of more than 200 Indian Chiefs : . . and a History of their Wars, etc., engravings, calf gilt, fine copy. 12 Boston, Josiah Drake, 1832 5386 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America. . yth edition, numerous engravings and EXTRA PLATES inserted, hf. red morocco, gilt, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1837 "Twenty-seven extra plates. The last copy of the edition, for sale. Sept. gth. 1840. J. G. Roberts, binder." Pencil note, on fly leaf, by the Author. 5387 DRAKE (S. G.) Early History of Georgia, embracing the Embassy of Sir Alex. Cuming to the Country of the Cherokees, I 73 j with a Map of the Cherokee Country, from an Indian draft, pp. 20, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1872 5388 EASTMAN (Mrs. Mary) Dahcotah ; or Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling, etc., illustrations, pp. xi, 268, cloth. 12 New York, 1849 5389 E[NGEL] (E. B. d ) Essai sur cette Question : Quand et com ment 1 AmeVique a-t-elle e^e peuple e d Homines et d Animaux ? pp. xi, (5), 6 10, hf. French sheep, gilt, best edition. 4 Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1768 5390 Events in Indian History, Beginning with an Account of the Origin of the American Indians ; . . and embracing concise Biog raphies of the Principal Chiefs and Head-Sachems. . with Narratives of Captivities, etc. [compiled by J. Wimer,] 8 (folded) lithographs, pp. 633, sheep. 8 Lancaster \Pa^\, 1841 5391 [EVARTS (Jeremiah)] Essays on the Present Crisis in the Con dition of the Am. Indians ; first published in The National Intelli gencer, under the signature of William Penn,//. 112, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1829 C)4 T#E AMERICAN INDIANS. 5392 [EVARTS (Jeremiah)] The Removal of the Indians . . An Exam ination of an Article [by Lewis Cass] in the North American Review, etc., //. 72, hf. mor. 8 Boston, 1830 5393 FALCONER (Capt. R.) Voyages, dangerous Adventures, and imminent Escapes, . . containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America, his Shipwrecks, etc., frontispiece, pp. viii, 72, 136, 179, (i), old calf rebacked. 8 London, 1720 5394 Fort Braddock Letters : or A Tale of the French and Indian Wars, at the beginning of the i8th Century, frontispiece, pp. 98, hf. red mor. 24 Worcester, Dorr 6* How land, 1827 First published in the "Connecticut Mirror" (Hartford). 5395 FOUR (The) KINGS OF CANADA. Being A Succinct Account of the Four Indian Princes lately arriv d from North America. With a particular Description of their Country, [Manners and Customs, etc-,] //. 47, (i), fine clean copy, smooth calf gilt ( W. Pratt), UNCUT. 12 London, John Baker, 1710 An UNCUT copy of this curious tract is EXTREMELY RARE. For its contents, and an interesting extract, see an article by Hon. John R. Bartlett, in The Magazine of American History for March, 1878, "The Four Kings of Canada." 5396 GARCIA (Fr. Gregorio) Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo, e Inclias Occidentales, averiguado con Discurso de Opin- iones . . Segunda Impresion, emendada, 16 prel. leaves, pp. 336, Table (80), large paper, cart., fine copy. folio, Madrid, 1729 5397 GOOKIN (D.) Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. . By Daniel Gookin, Gentleman, one of the Magistrates of Massachusetts Colony, etc. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript, //. 143-232, hf. bd., neat. 8 [Boston, ] 1792 From the first volume of the Mass. Hist. Society s Collections. 5398 GUMILLA (P. Joseph) Historia Natural, Civil y Geografica de las Naciones Situadas en las Riveras del Orinoco . . Nueva Impresion : mucho mas correcta que las anteriores . . Corregido por el P. Ignacio Obregon. 2 vol. in one, folding map, portrait of the Author, and 6 other plates, marbled Spanish roan, gilt, red edges, a large #*/ VERY FINE COPY. sm. 4 Barcelona, 1791 5399 HALKETT (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of N. America ; with Remarks on the Attempts made to convert and civilize them, //. 408, bds. uncut. 8 London, 1825 5400 HAVEN (Samuel F.) Archaeology of the United States. [Smith sonian Contributions to Knowledge.] //. 168, cloth. 4 {Washington, 1856] 5401 HAWES (Barbara) Tales of the North American Indians, frontispiece, pp. xii, 362, cloth. 16 London, Longmans, 1845 5402 HECKEWELDER (Rev. John) An Account of the History, Man ners, and Customs, of the Indians Nations, who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbouring States : [in Transactions of the Hist, and Lit. Committee of the Am. Philos. Society, Vol. I., pp. \, 464, i, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 This volume also contains Duponceau s Report on the Indian Languages, and his Correspondence with Heckewelder; a collection of Words and Phrases in the " Lenni Lenape " language, by Heckewelder ; etc. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 95 5403 HECKEWELDER {Rev. John) Histoire, Mceurs et Coutumes des Nations Indiennes qui habitaient autrefois la Pensylvanie et les Etats voisins ; traduit de 1 Anglais par le Chevalier Du Ponceau, //. (2), 5 2 2 , russet calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1822 5404 HENRY (Alex.) Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, 1760-1776, portrait, pp. vi, 330, sheep. 8 New York, L Riley, 1809 5405 HILL (Ira) Antiquities of America explained, fresh copy, sheep, pp. 131. 12 Hagers-town, \Md.~], W. D. Bell, 1831 A very curious and VERY SCARCE volume. On pp. 71-75 are figures from the Dighton Rock inscription, with Mr. Hill s interpretation. (Not in Field s Indian Bibliography.) 5406 HILL (Ira) An Abstract of a New Theory of the Formation of the Earth, pp. 211, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1823 Dedicated to Gen. Andrew Jackson. 5407 HORNII (Georgi) De Originibus Americanis libri quatuor, fine copy, pp. (20), 282, russia gilt. sm. 8 Hagce Comitis \_Lugduni Batavl\, 1652 First edition. Ternaux copy, with his crest and initials. 5408 The same, engraved title. 1 6 Hemipoli\Halberstadt\ J. Mulleri, 1669 5409 HUNTER (John D.) Manners and Customs of several Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi . . To which is prefixed the History of the Author s Life during a residence of several years among them, //. 402, bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1823 5410 Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians, with their Manners and Customs and an Account of the Soil, Climate and Products of the Territory West of the Mississippi. A new edition [with change of title,] portrait, pp. ix, 447, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1823 5411 HUMBOLDT (A. von) Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I Ame rique, 19 plates, several colored. 2 vols. half calf. 8 Paris, N. Maze, 1816 (1824) Printed in 1816, except the titles, which were printed in 1824. 5412 JARVIS (S. F.) A Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America, delivered before the N. Y. Historical Society, Dec. 20, 1819, //. in, half mor., uncut, scarce. 8 New York, 1820 5413 JONES (George) The History of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus : proving the identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites, etc. The Tyrian yEra. 3d edition, 8 prel. leaves, pp. 461, cloth, uncut. r. 8 London, Longmans, 1843 5414 LAET (J. de) Notae ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, pp. 223, vellum. sm. 8 Amstelodami, L. Elzevir, 1643 Interesting to philologists, for its comparative vocabularies of various European and American languages, pp. 139-151. [Mr. Field mentions a map, but none belongs to the volume, as publisl 96 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5415 LAET (J. de) Responsio ad Dissertationem secundam Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, //. (4), 116, (8), blue mor. antique, g. e. (Hay day). sm. 8 Amstelrodami, Lud. Elzevir, 1644 This second reply by De Laet to Grotius is much scarcer than the first. It contains an Index to BOTH volumes. (Two leaves of this Index have been misplaced by the binder after the Title.) 5416 LAFITAU ( P. Jos. Fr.) Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux Mceurs des Premiers Temps, plates. 2 vols., half calf, gilt, nearly uncut. 4 Paris, 1724 An exceptionally large and fine copy, with excellent impressions of the plates. 5417 The same work. 4 vols. plates, old calf , gilt. sm. 8 Paris, 1724 5418 De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika. . Door J. F. La Fitau, . . in t Fransch beschreven, en nu in zuiver Nederduits vertaalt, plates. 2 vols. in one, half bound, uncut. folio, Amsterdam, 1751 5419 Laws of the Colonial and State Governments relating to Indians and Indian Affairs, from 1633 to 1831 ; . . and the Laws of Congress, 1800 to 1830, on the same subject, pp. xv, 9-250, 72, cloth, scarce. 8 Washington, 1832 5420 LE BEAU. Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, . ou Voyage curieux et nouveau, parmi les Sauvages de PAmerique Septentrionale, map and plates. 2 vols , old calf gilt, g. e., fine copy. 12 Amsterdam, 1738 " How much of truth and how much of fiction are blended in the narratives of the class to which this of Sieur Le Beau belongs, is often not easy to decide. . His work has, it is fair to say, been deemed by good scholars a veracious history." FIELD. 5421 L ESTRANGE (Harmon), Knt. Americans no lewes, | or Improba bilities that the | Americans are of that race. | pp. (4), 80, levant, dk. green morocco extra, sides paneled and ornamented, ins. borders, g. e. (Riviere), FINE COPY, RARE. sm. 4 London, W. W., for Henry Seile, 1652 An Answer to Thorowgood s "Jewes in America" (No. 5463). 5422 [M CuLLOH (J. H. Jr.)] Researches in America: being an Attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborigines of America. By an officer of the U. S. Army; pp. (6), 130, (i), boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1816 5423 M CuLLOH (J. H. Jr.) Researches, philosophical and antiqua rian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America, Map, pp. 535, boards uncut, slightly water stained. 8 Baltimore, 1829 5424 MCKENNEY (T. L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, and of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway Language, 29 lithographic engravings, boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1827 5425 MARRYAT (Capt. F.) Travels and Romantic Adventures of Monsieur Violet, among the Snake Indians and Wild Tribes of the Great Western Prairies. Map. 3 vols. cloth, uncut. 8 London, Longmans, 1843 5426 The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet, in California, Sonora, and Western Texas, pp. iv, 350, cloth, uncut. 1(6 London, R. Bentley, 1849 The same work as the preceding, with change of title. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 97 5427 MclNTOSH (John) The Origin of the American Indians; with a Description of their Manners and Customs, etc. New edition, enlarged, pp. 345, doth. 12 New York, [1846] 5428 MAURAULT (TAbbe J. A.) Histoire des Abenakis, depuis 1605 jusqu a nos jours, //. xi, 631, (8), new turkey mor. gilt, marbled edges, scarce. 8 Sorel, 1866 The author succeeded Father P. Beland, as missionary to the Indians of Saint Francis, in 1847, and had resided among them for twenty-five years when this history was published. 5429 MORGAN (Lewis H.) League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois, map and plates, pp. 477. 1. 8 Rochester, 1851 " The work of a writer more than ordinarily fitted for the task. It is indeed rare that taste and learning so well combine with the experience of a life-time to favor the researches of a historian in examining the scanty records of the Am. Indians." FIELD. 5430 MORSE (Jed.) Report to the Secretary of War on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in 1820, ..for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual condition of the Indian Tribes, portrait and map, pp. 96, 400, half russia. 8 New Haven, 1822 5431 (OSAGES.) Histoire de la Tribu des Osages, ecrite d apres les six Osages actuellement a Paris, par M. P. V., half mor., top gilt, uncut, RARE. 8 Paris, Ch. Becket, 1827 5432 PETERS (Richard) The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia; argued and determined at the Supreme Court of the U. States, Jan. Term, 1831 : with an Appendix, //. 286, boards, uncut, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 This volume contains the arguments of the Counsel, and numerous documents essential to the full development of the Case, not included in the official report (5 Peters). 5433 POST (Chr. F.) The Second Journal of Christian Frederick Post, on a Message from the Governor of Pensilvania to the .Indians on the Ohio, //. 67, calf extra, g. e. (W. Pratt). 8 London, for J. Wilkie, 1759 A BEAUTIFUL COPY, large and clean, of this VERY SCARCE Journal the sequel to the one which was published by Charles Thomson in his " Enquiry in to the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware & Shawanese Indians." 5434 The same, //. 67, good copy, new half green morocco. 8 London, J. Wilkie, 1759 5435 PRIEST (Josiah) American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West. 3d Edition, revised, illustrations (the plate preceding the title is torn at a fold}, sheep. 8 Albany, 1833 5436 The same. 5th Edition, clean fresh copy, sheep. 8 Albany, 1835 5437 Report of Select Committee of the House of Reps., [on the Georgia Controversy, with the Southern Indians,] with Accompa nying Documents, //. 846, sheep. 8 Washington, 1827 oooo Removal of the Southern Indians. See BLUNT (J.) No. 5360 Speeches, No. 5455; Tracts, No. 5479; Ross (J onn )> No. 5439; EVARTS (J.), Nos. 5391, 5392. 5438 RHODES (JOHN) The Powow, being a complete and an exact description of an Indian Banquet, held in the southerly part of North- America, A. D. 1777, pp- 144, crushed grosgr. red levant morocco, gilt, VERY SCARCE. 24 Otsego \N. K], E. Phinney, 1808 9 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5439 Ross (John) Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Letter in Answer to a Friend [John Howard Paine], regarding the Cherokee Affairs with the U. S., pp. 31, hf. mor. 8 {Washington, 1836] 5440 RUSH (Benj.) Oration before the Am. Philos. Soc. at Phila., Feb. 4, 1774, containing an Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicine among the Indians in North America, and a compara tive view of their Diseases and Remedies, pp. 118, half mor. neat. 8 Philadelphia, [1774] 5441 SCHERER (J. B.) Recherches historiques et geographiques sur le Nouveau Monde, map and & plates, pp. xii, (4), 352, old French calf, gilt, fine copy, scarce. 8 Paris, Brunet, 1777 " Copies of this work, -with the plates, are uncommon." RICH. " Ouvrage estinie et important ... La carte et les pi. manquent souvent." LECLERC (1878), no. 5^4. A dissertation on the affinities between languages of the Old and the New World, by Court de Gebelin, occupies pp. 302-345. 5442 SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.) Algic Researches, comprising Inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the N. A. Indians. First Series : Indian Tales and Legends. * 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, Harpers, 1839 5443 Notes on the Iroquois, or Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and Ethnology, pp. xv, 498, two colored portraits, and cuts, cloth. 8 Albany, 1847 5444 - - Personal Memoires of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers, 1812-42, portrait, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1851 oooo Six Nations (The) See COLDEN, Nos. 5370, 5371; CUSICK, No. 5376 ; Four Kings of Canada, No. 5395 ; STONE-, Nos. 5457-58. 5445 Seneca Indians, in the State of New York ; The Case of, illustrated by Facts, pp. 256, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 5446 SMITH (Samuel Stanhope) An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. . . Added, Strictures on Lord Kaims s Discourse on the Original Diversity of Mankind, pp. (2), in, 31, half vellum, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1787 5447 -- An Essay on the Causes on the Variety of Complexion, etc. . . Added, Animadversions on Remarks made on the first edition, by Mr. Charles White, . with an Appendix. 2d edition, enlarged, pp. 410, sheep, fresh copy. 8 New Brunswick, 1810 5448 [SNELLING (Wm. J.) ] Tales of the Northwest ; or, Sketches of Indian Life and Character. By a Resident beyond the Frontier, pp. viii, 288, cloth, uncut, scarce. 16 Boston, 1830 5449 Society (American) for the Benefit of Indians, organized at Washington, 1822. Constitution and By-Laws, hf. mor. 8 {Washington, 1822] 5450 Society of Friends. Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes, in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsyl vania, etc., 2 colored maps, pp. 247, cloth. 8 London, 1844 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 99 5451 A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, etc., for promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives, pp. 48. London^ 1806 A Brief Account, etc. by the Yearly Meeting in Baltimore, //. 47. Lond., 1806. With others (as under], in one vol., hf. bd. 8 v. y. The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke . . to the Pacific Ocean, . 1804-1806 . . And a Statistical View of the Indian Nations, map, pp. ix, 309. London, 1809. [Blodgett (Samuel)] Economica : or a Statistical Manual for the U. States, pp. viii, 202, xiv. Washington, 1806. 5452 Socie te Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Me moires, 1836-39, PP> 385? (3) maps and plates. The same, 1840-44, pp. 439, plates. The same, 1845-49, //. 438, map and plates. In 2 vols., hf. mor. gilt tops, uncut. $> Copenhagen, [1836-50] 5453 Annals. Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-1837, pp. 346, (2), 7 plates and maps, hf. bd., neat. & Kjobenhavn, [1838] 5454 Speech (The) of a Creek-Indian, against the Immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors . . To which are added, i. a Letter from Yariza, an Indian Maid, to the principal Ladies of New York : 2. Indian Songs of Peace : 3. An American Fable : etc., pp. 68, half vellum, scarce, and curious. 8 London, R. Griffiths, 1754 5455 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, in Congress, April and May, 1830, pp. viii, 304, bds. uncut. 12 Boston, 1830 5456 Squier (E. G.) and Davis (E. H.) Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley . . Published for the Authors, pp. xxxix, 306, fine paper, plates and wood-cuts, cloth. 4 New York, Bartlett 6- Welford, 1848 The Author s edition ; VERY SCARCE. " This was the first systematic work published, with descriptions of the Mound-builders. . . The book has been out of print for some years, and the Smithsonian Institution [of whose "Contributions to Knowledge" it was the first volume,] is now buying up all available copies." P. G. THOMSON S Bibl. of Ohio, no. 1094. 5457 STONE (Wm. L.) Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), includ ing the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns, etc., portraits and other plates. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1838 5458 Life and Times of Red Jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha ; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations, portrait, pp. xi, 484, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 5459 SMITH (Ethan) View of the Hebrews ; or the Tribes of Israel in America. 2d edition, improved, pp. 285, sheep. 12 Poultney, Vt., 1825 5460 [THOMSON (CHARLES)] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, etc. Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose negotiations, the Indians on the Ohio, were withdrawn from the Interest of the French. With Notes by the Editor; Map, pp. 184, a fine copy, half calf , absolutely UNCUT, but has been punctuated throughout, and many words under scored, apparently with a view to re-printing the work, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, for J. Wilkie, 1759 9 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5439 Ross (John) Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Letter in Answer to a Friend [John Howard Paine], regarding the Cherokee Affairs with the U. S., pp. 31, hf. mor. 8 {Washington, 1836] 5440 RUSH (Benj.) Oration before the Am. Philos. Soc. at Phila., Feb. 4, 1774, containing an Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicine among the Indians in North America, and a compara tive view of their Diseases and Remedies, pp. 118, half mor. neat. 8 Philadelphia, [1774] 5441 SCHERER (J. B.) Recherches historiques et geographiques sur le Nouveau Monde, map and & plates, pp. xii, (4), 352, old French calf, gilt, fine copy, scarce. 8 Paris, Brunei, 1777 "Copies of this work, -with the plates, are uncommon." RICH. " Ouvrage estime et important ... La carte et les pi. manquent souvent." LECLERC (1878), no. 534. A dissertation on the affinities between languages of the Old and the New World, by Court de Gebelin, occupies pp. 302-345. 5442 SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.) Algic Researches, comprising Inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the N. A. Indians. First Series : Indian Tales and Legends. * 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, Harpers, 1839 5443 -- Notes on the Iroquois, or Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and Ethnology, pp. xv, 498, two colored portraits, and cuts, cloth. 8 Albany, 1847 5444 - - Personal Memoires of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers, 1812-42, portrait, cloth. ^Philadelphia, 1851 oooo Six Nations (The) See GOLDEN, Nos. 5370, 5371; CUSICK, No. 5376 ; Four Kings of Canada, No. 5395 ; STONE-, Nos. 5457-58. 5445 Seneca Indians, in the State of New York ; The Case of, illustrated by Facts, //. 256, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 5446 SMITH (Samuel Stanhope) An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. . . Added, Strictures on Lord Kaims s Discourse on the Original Diversity of Mankind, pp. (2), in, 31, half vellum, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1787 5447 --An Essay on the Causes on the Variety of Complexion, etc. . . Added, Animadversions on Remarks made on the first edition, by Mr. Charles White, . with an Appendix. 2d edition, enlarged, pp. 410, sheep, fresh copy. 8 New Brunswick, 1810 5448 [SNELLING (Wm. J.) ] Tales of the Northwest; or, Sketches of Indian Life and Character. By a Resident beyond the Frontier, pp. viii, 288, doth, uncut, scarce. 16 Boston, 1830 5449 Society (American) for the Benefit of Indians, organized at Washington, 1822. Constitution and By-Laws, hf. mor. 8 [Washington, 1822] 5450 Society of Friends. Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes, in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsyl vania, etc., 2 colored maps, pp. 247, cloth. 8 London, 1844 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 99 5451 A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, etc., for promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives, //. 48. London^ 1806 A Brief Account, etc. by the Yearly Meeting in Baltimore, //. 47. Lond., 1806. With others (as under], in one vol., hf. bd. 8 v. y. The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke . . to the Pacific Ocean, . 1804-1806 . . And a Statistical View of the Indian Nations, map, pp. ix, 309. London, 1809. [Blodgett (Samuel)] Economica : or a Statistical Manual for the U. States, pp. viii, 202, xiv. Washington, 1806. 5452 Societd Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Memoires, 1836-39, PP* 3&5> (3)> maps and plates. The same, 1840-44, pp. 439, plates. The same, 1845-49, //. 438, map and plates. In 2 vols., hf. mor. gilt tops, uncut. 8 Copenhagen, [1836-50] 5453 Annals. Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-1837, pp. 346, (2), 7 plates and maps, hf. bd., neat. % Kjobenhavn, [1838] 5454 Speech (The) of a Creek-Indian, against the Immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors.. To which are added, i. a Letter from Yariza, an Indian Maid, to the principal Ladies of New York : 2. Indian Songs of Peace: 3. An American Fable: etc., pp. 68, half vellum, scarce, and curious. 8 London, R. Griffiths, 1754 5455 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, in Congress, April and May, 1830, pp. viii, 304, bds. uncut. 12 Boston, 1830 5456 Squier (E. G.) and Davis (E. H.) Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley . . Published for the Authors, pp. xxxix, 306, fine paper, plates and wood-cuts, cloth. 4 New York, Bartlett 6- Welford, 1848 The Author s edition ; VERY SCARCE. " This was the first systematic work published, with descriptions of the Mound-builders. . . The book has been out of print for some years, and the Smithsonian Institution [of whose "Contributions to Knowledge" it was the first volume,] is now buying up all available copies." P. G. THOMSON S Bibl. of Ohio, no. 1094. 5457 STONE (Wm. L.) Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), includ ing the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns, etc., portraits and other plates. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1838 5458 Life and Times of Red Jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha ; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations, portrait, pp. xi, 484, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 5459 SMITH (Ethan) View of the Hebrews ; or the Tribes of Israel in America. 2d edition, improved, pp. 285, sheep. 12 Poultney, Vt., 1825 5460 [THOMSON (CHARLES)] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, etc. Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose negotiations, the Indians on the Ohio, were withdrawn from the Interest of the French. With Notes by the Editor; Map, pp. 184, a fine copy, half calf , absolutely UNCUT, but has been punctuated throughout, and many words under scored, apparently with a view to re-printing the work, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, for J. Wilkie, 1759 IOO THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5461 [THOMSON (CHARLES)] An Enquiry, &c. Another copy, large and dean, map backed with linen, sprinkled roan, neat. 8 London, 1759 5462 THOMPSON (G. A.) A New Theory of the Two Hemispheres ; whereby it is attempted to explain . . the Time and Manner in which America was Peopled, half mor. uncut. 8 n. p. [London], 1815 The writer (the translator of Alcedo s Dictionary, etc.) infers "that the grand division of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, . . did not take place till about half a century after the deluge." 5463 THOROWGOOD (Thomas) IEWES IN AMERICA, or, Probabilities That the Americans are of | that Race, etc., brown morocco antique, paneled sides, gilt top, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, W. H. for T. Slater, 1650 FIRST EDITION. The author was the friend and correspondent of John Eliot, and a very efficient promoter of missionary effort among the Indians. The greater part of his book relates to New England, and a full account is given (pp. 104-128) of "the successe of the Novangles in Gospellizing the Indians." The collation is as given by Mr. Stevens (Nuggets, p. 728), but this copy has one additional leaf, immediately preceding the text, containing a table of contents. 5464 THOROWGOOD (Thomas) lewes in America. 4 London, W. H. for Tho. Slater, 1650 Another copy, red levant morocco extra gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Riviere}. This has the licenser s Approbation, on a leaf preceding the Title, which is missing in most copies (and is not noted in Stevens collation). 5465 THATCHER (B. B.) Tales of the Indians, . . from Authentic Sources, plate, pp. 253, cloth. i 6 Boston, 1831 5466 -- Indian Biography: or, an Historical Account of Individuals distinguished among the N. A. Indians. 2 vols. hf. calf, gilt. sm. 12 New York, 1832 5467 TURNER (G.) Traits of Indian Character. . . Drawn from various sources ; partly from personal observation. 2 vols. cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 5468 ULLOA (A. de) Noticias Americanas : Entretenimientos Fisico- Historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional oriental, . . . con una Relacion particular de los Indies de aquellos Paises, sus Costumbres y Usos, etc., pp. (14), 342, Spanish basane, nice copy. sm. 4 Madrid, 1792 " Ouvrage curieux et fort interessant" LECLERC. The last chapter (p. 323) contains observations on the Indian languages and speculations as to how America was peopled. 5469 VAIL (Eugene A.) Notice sur les Indiens de I Amerique du Nord, four finely colored portraits of Indians, drawn from life, and colored map, pp. 244, half calf . 8 Paris, 1840 5470 VOLNEY (C. F.) Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d Ame rique, half calf . 8 Paris, 1822 Contains (pp. 478-492) " Vocabulaire de laLangue des Miamis"; and many interesting particulars concerning the Indians of the West. 5471 WILLIAMS (John) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, concerning the Discovery of America, by Prince Madoc ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170, //. viii, 82, (3) Farther Obser vations on the Discovery of America by Prince Madoc, etc., Containing the account given by General Bowles, the Creek or Cherokee Indian, lately in London, etc., pp. ix, 52. Two vols. in one, new calf, gilt, fine copies, nearly uncut. 8 London, 1791, 1792 _At the end of the first tract, are nearly 2 pages of manuscript notes and additions, with references to other publications concerning the " Welsh Indians." Both tracts are VERY SCARCE. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. IOI 5472 WILLIAMS (John) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, concerning the Discovery of America. By Prince Madoc, etc., pp. viii, 82, (4), half red morocco, neat. 8 London, 1791 5473 WORSLEY (Israel) A View of the American Indians, . shewing them to be the descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel, //. xii, 185, bds. uncut. 12 London, 1828 5474 Lives of Celebrated Indians : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales, illustrations. 16 Boston, 1843 Our Israelitish Origin: by J. Wilson, cloth. 12 Phila., 1851 An Indian Speech, in answer to a Swedish Missionary, at Conestogo, Pa. (1710), //. n, /if. bd., scarce. 12 Stanford, N. Y. 1804 Account of the Behavior of some Indians, mostly of the Minusing [Minnisink] Tribe,//. 22, hf. bd. 12 Stanford, N. Y. 1803 Indian Narratives ..from Martha s Vineyard : by Experience Mayhew. 18 Boston, [1829] Stories of Capt. John Smith, of Virginia, hf. bd. 18 Hart ford, 1829 Frontier Sketches >. ed. by D. P. Kidder, hf. mor. 1 8 New York, 1851. (7 vols.) 5475 Tracts. (Ante-Columbian History.) INGRAM (Rev. Rob t) Accounts of the Ten Tribes of Israel being in America ; recently published by R. Manasseh ben Israel. With Observations thereon, etc.,//. 56. Colchester, [England,] 1792 RAFN (C. C.) America discovered in the Tenth Century,//. 32. N. York, 1838 On the Aborigines of America, //. 6, [privately printed.} Neiv Albany, Tnd., 1841, VERY RARE NEWMAN (John B.) Origin of the Red Men ; an authentic history of the peopling of America, by the Atlantians and Tyrians, portrait of Montezuma, pp. 48. N. Y. 1849 BRADLEY (Abr.) A new Theory of the Earth., shewing, that after the Deluge, it was repeopled by a new Creation of Men and other Animals, //. 63. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1801, very scarce NOAH (M. M.) Discourse on the Evidences of the Am. Indians being the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. N. Y. 1837 DAVIS (A.) Antiquities of Central America, and the discovery of N. England by the Northmen, etc. loth ed. Buffalo, 1842 : The same, 6th ed. N. York, 1842 : The same, i3th ed. Troy, 1845 SQUIER (E. G.) Observ. on the Aboriginal Monu ments of the Mississippi Valley, illustrations, pp. 79. N. Y. 1847 RAFN (C. C.) Memoire sur la Decouverte de 1 Amerique an 10 me Siecle, 2 maps. Paris, 1838. In i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe.) 8 5476 Tracts. (Historical) WHITTLESEY (Chas.) Discourse on the Expedition of Lord Dunmore, against the Indian Towns on the Scioto, in 1774. Cleveland, 1852 LAW (John) Address before the Vincennes Hist, and Antiq. Society, map. Louisville, Ky. 1839 HARRISON (Wm. H.) Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio, plate. Cincinnati, 1838 Official Report, by M. Dubuisson, of the War at Detroit, 1712, between the French and the Indians. Detroit, 1845 Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War : and of the Escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey and her children. N. Y. 1836 Transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsylvania, 1791-2. London, 1792 DUPONCEAU (P. S.) and FISHER (J. F.) Memoir of the Treaty made by Wm. IO2 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Penn with the Indians, //. 63. Phila. 1836 BARRATT (J.) The Indian of N. England. . with [Etchemin] Vocabularies. Middle- town, Ct. 1851 TYSON (J. R.) Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race. Phila. 1836 McCov (I.) Remarks on the Practicability of Indian Reform ; embracing their Colonization. Boston, 1827: The same. 2d edition. With an Appendix. New York, 1829 Constitution etc. of The American Society for promoting the Civilization and Improvement of the Indians. [Washington, 1822] Vindication of the Cherokee Claims, addressed to the Town Meeting in Philadelphia, Jan. u, 1830 Rights of the States: a Reply to Hon. Wm. Wirt s " Rights of the Indians " : by a Member of the Mississippi Bar. n. p. 1830. 14 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5477 Tracts. (Captivities, Travels, and Theories.) Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison . . to her death at the Seneca Reserva tion, near Buffalo, N. Y. 1833, wood-engravings. Rochester, 1840 Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns, who was scalped by Seminole Indians, in E. Florida. Charleston, 1837 Narrative of the Massacre of the wife and children of Thomas Baldwin . . in Kentucky, wood cuts (one folding]. N. York, 1835 Report of a Visit to some Tribes of Indians west of the Mississippi : by John D. Lang and Samuel Taylor, Jr. Providence, 1843 Appeal . . on the condition and prospects of the New York Indians ; in answer to "The Case of the N. Y. Indians," etc. ; by N. T. Strong. N. Y. 1841 Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory : by the Secretary of the Board of Missions of the P. E. Church, 3 maps. N. Y. 1844 Examination of the Controv. between Georgia and the Creeks. From the N. Y. Review, 1825 Narrative of the Committee of Friends of N. York in relation to the Indians. N. York, 1839 Address on the Condition and Prospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of N. A., with particular reference to the Seneca Nation : by M. B. Pierce, a Seneca Chief. Steele s Press, 1838 Report to Council of Mass., on the memorials of the Seneca Indians and others. Boston, 1840 Memorial of Committees of Friends to the President of the U. S., in relation to the Indians of N. Y. State. N. Y. 1840. In i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 Bound in, is : Encarnacion Prisoners : an Account of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry to the Rio Grande, etc. with Incidents and Sketches on the Route and in Mexico. By a Prisoner. Louisville, Ky. 1848. 5478 Tracts. (Apes, Occoin, Cusick, et al.) Thrilling Sketch of the Life of the distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee, alias, Wm. Chubbee, of the Choctaw Nation. By Rev. L. L. Allen. N. Y. 1849 APES (Wm.) The Experiences of Five Christian Indians of the Pequod Tribe. Boston, 1833: The same. 2d edition, Boston, 1837 : Eulogy on King Philip, as pronounced at the Odeon, in Boston, by the Rev. Wm. Apes, an Indian. Bost. 1836 : OCCOM (Samson) Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New Haven. Hartford, E. Watson [1772] 4: The same, N.London, T. Green, n. d. [1772]: The same, 3d edition, New London, T. Green, 1772: The same, 4th edition, ibid. 1772: The same, Boston, J. Boyles, 1773 : The same, Northampton, 1801 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. IO3 CUSICK (David) Ancient History of the Six Nations, wood engravings, Lockport, N. Y. 1848. FESSENDEN (J.) Sermon at Deerfield to Indians, descendants of Eunice Williams, Greenfield, 1837 SQUIER (E. G.) New Mexico and California : The Ancient Monuments, etc., illustrated, n. t. p. [1848] Rev. Jos. Baxter s Journal of Visits to the Indians on the Kennebec River, 1717 : with Notes by E. Nason, (one qfi2 copies repr.from the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register], Boston, 1867. First Ann. Report of the Am. Society for prom, the Improvement of the Indian Tribes, New Haven, 1824. In i vol., /if. blue mor. (Roxburgh?}. 8 5479 Tracts. (Hemoval of the Indians. Seminole War.) Speeches of Messrs. Frelinghuysen, and Sprague, in the U. S. Senate, and Messrs. Edw. Everett, Kensey Johns, J. W. Huntington, and Wilde (of Georgia), in the Ho. of Reps., April and May, 1830, on the Bill for Removing the Indians. (6) Washington, 1830 President s Message, with Report of Sec. of War, of Expenditures for the Civilization of the Ind. Tribes. Wash., 1822 Correspondence betw. Gen. Jackson and J. C. Calhoun, on the course of the latter, in Mr. Monroe s cabinet, on the Seminole War. Wash., 1831 - Speech of Alex. Smyth, of Va., in the Ho. of Reps., January 21, 1819, on the Seminole War. n. t. p. Report of Committee of U. S. Senate on [Gen. Jackson s conduct of the War in Florida], 1819. n. t. p. President s Message, transmitting information in relation to the War with the Seminoles, pp. 165. Wash. 1818. 1 1 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5480 Reports (2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th Annual) of the Regents of the University of New York, on the State Cabinet of Natural History, and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection, plates, many colored, plans of earth works, and wood cuts. 4 vols. in one, hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe\ 8 Albany, 1849-52 5481 Tracts. GOLDSMITH (Rev. J.) View of the Character, Manners, and Customs of the N. Americans, comprehending an Account of the Northern Indians, etc., plates. Phila. 1810 [FRANKLIN (B.)J Observations on the .. Indian Nations of this Continent. Phila. 1784 Catalogue of Catlin s Indian Gallery. N. York, 1838 Atala, or the Amours of Two Indians, in the Wilds of America, pp. 129, plate. London, 1802 Hist. Sketch of the Church and Missions of the United Brethren, pp. 97. BetJilehem, Pa., 1848 BROMLEY (W.) Appeal . . in behalf of the Indians of N. America. Halifax (N. *S.), 1820 HUMPHREY (Heman) Indian Rights and our Duties. 2d ed. Amherst, 1830 HILHOUSE (Wm.) Indian Notices : or Sketches . . of the Several Nations [of British Guiana], pp. 133, with a comparative vocabulary, n. p. \_London\, 1825. 8 in i vol., hf. blue mor. 12 5482 Tracts. Account of a Visit made to the Quakers in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, and other Indians, chiefly of the Minisink Tribe. London, 1761 ATHERTON (Wm.) Narrative of Suffering and Defeat of the North Western Army, under Gen. Winchester, //. 152. Frankfort, Ky. 1842 Chronological Table of remarkable Events in the Province of the Mass. Bay, 1602 to 1770. Containing . . An Account of the Indian Wars, etc., curious wood-cut, scarce. IO4 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Boston, 1771 Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Harriot Lewis and her three children, folding wood-engraving. Boston, 1818 The Indians; or Narratives of Massacres and Depredations on the Frontier, in Wawasink and its Vicinity . . By a Descendant of Huguenots,//. 79. Rondout, 1846 Singular Adventures and Captivity of Thomas Barry, among the Monsipi Indians (1797-99), colored plate, pp. 62, uncut. Sommers-Town, 1802 Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen s Captivity: by himself. 4th ed., with Notes,//. 120. Burlington, C. Goodrich, 1846 7 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5483 Graphic Sketches from old and authentic works, illustrating the Costume, Habits, and Character, of the Aborigines of America. 23 plates, (from DeBry] cloth, slightly water-stained. 8 New York, 1841 TREATIES AND CONFERENCES. 5484 (VIRGINIA.) Articles | of Peace | Between | The Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II. | . . And Several | Indian Kings and Queens, &c. | Concluded the 2gth day of May, 1677. Pub lished by His Majesties Command. |//. 18, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, John Bill, Christ. Barker, [6* others], 1677 These articles were signed " at the Camp at Middle Plantation," by the Queen of Pamunkey, The Queen of Waonoke. the King of the Nottoways, and the King of the " Nancymond" Indians, and by Captain John West, son to the Queen of Pamunkey; and their marks are given on p. 16. VERY RARE. Not known to Rich or Ternaux. 5485 (EASTERN INDIANS.) The Conference with the Eastern Indians at the further Ratification of the Peace, Held at Falmouth in Casco-Bay, in July, 1727, //. 30, wants the last page (containing only a few lines), half bound, VERY RARE. 4 [Boston, 1727] On page u, are the marks of the Principal Chiefs of the Eastern Indians, who sub scribed the Agreement. 5486 (Six NATIONS.) A Treaty with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Philadelphia, in July, 1742, //. 25, fine copy, UNCUT. folio, Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1743 5487 Another copy, half mor., last leaf mended. folio, Philadelphia, 1743 5488 -- The Treaty Held with the Indians of the Six NATIONS, at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, in June, 1744. To which is prefix d, An Account of the first Confederation of the Six Nations, their present Tributaries, etc., pp. xii, 79, polished calf gilt, yellow edges (Bedford*), VERY RARE. 8 Williamsburg^Va], Wm. Parks, n. d. [1744] 5489 A Treaty, Held at the Town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, By the Hon. the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and the Hon. the Commissioners for . . . Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations, in June, I744,//. ^, fine copy, UNCUT. folio, Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744 TREATIES AND CONFERENCES. IO5 5490 An Account of the Treaty Held at the City of Albany, in the Province of New York, By His Excellency, the Governor of that Province, and the Hon. Commissioners for Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, with the Indians of the Six Nations, In October, 1745, //. 20, fine, dean copy. folio, Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1745 5491 A Treaty between the President and Council of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Indians of Ohio, Held at Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1747, pp. 8. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1748 A Treaty held by Commissioners, Members of the Council, of Pennsylvania, at Lancaster, With some Chiefs of the Six Nations at Ohio, and others, for the admission of the Twightwee Nation into the Alliance of his Majesty, &c., July, 1748, pp. 10. Phil., B. Franklin, 1748 [A Treaty held with the Seneca Indians, at Philadelphia, the ist July, 1749,] 5 //. (38-43). (From "Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives.") [Phil., B. Franklin, 1749] Three, in one parcel, fine clean copies, nearly tmcut. folio. 5492 (MICMACS, of Nova Scotia.) Treaty, or, Articles of Peace and Friendship renewed, between His Excellency Peregrine Thomas Hopson, Esq; Captain General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majesty s Province of Nova-Scotia or Accadie, Vice Admiral of the same, etc. and Major Jean Baptiste Cope, Chief Sachem of the Tribe of Mickmack Indians, inhabiting the Eastern Coast of the said Province, and Andrew Hadley Martin, Gabriel Martin, and Francis Jeremiah, Members and Delegates of the said Tribe, for themselves and their said Tribe, their Heirs, and the Heirs of their Heirs forever .... [Subscribed] in the Council Chamber at Halifax, this 22d day of November, 1752. Four pages, folio, English and French, in parallel columns. In colophon, HALIFAX : Printed by JOHN BUSHELL, Printer to the Government, *753 A fresh copy, nearly uncut (neatly bound in half morocco) of an EXTREMELY RARE piece, which, apart from its historical importance, is of extraordinary interest to collectors, as one of the EARLIEST PRODUCTIONS of the FIRST PRESS IN THE BRITISH PROVINCES (outside of the limits of the United States). John Bushell went from Boston to Halifax in 1751, and established the first press in Nova Scotia, in the latter part of that year. In January, 1752, he published the first newspaper in the Province, " The Halifax Gazette," thirteen years before Brown and Gilmor set up the first English press in Canada, at Quebec, and twenty-three years before a press was established in Montreal. 5493 (NEW JERSEY.) A Treaty Between the Government of New- Jersey, and the Indians Inhabiting the several Parts of said Province, Held at Croswicks, in the County of Burlington, Jan. [8th and 9th], 1756, beautiful clean copy, pp. n, nearly UNCUT. folio, Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, [1756] Appended is a MANUSCRIPT account (2 pp.) of " the first and second Conference held with Tedyuscung, in July and November, 1756," which were "not to be met with, being out of print." 5494 Minisink Indians. A Message from His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq. . . Governor of New-Jersey, &c. to the Minisink Indians, and a Conference in consequence thereof, held at Burlington, August the 7th and 8th, 1758, //. 6, n. t. p., hf. bd., RARE. folio, [Phila.1 1758] 14 IO6 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5495 (Six NATIONS, and others.) An Account of Conferences held, and Treaties made, between Sir William Johnson, Bart, and the Chief Sachems and Warriors of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, Tuskaroras, Aughquageys, Skaniadaradighronos, Chugnuts, Mahickanders, Shawanese, Kanuskagos, Toderighronos, and Oghquagoes, Indian Nations, . on different Occasions, at Fort Johnson . . in 1755 and 1756. With a Letter from Rev. Mr. Hawley to Sir Wm. Johnson, written at the desire of the Delaware Indians. And a Preface, giving a short account of the Six Nations, etc., pp. xii, 3-77, hf. mor., VERY SCARCE. 8 London, A. Miller, 1756 5496 (CATAWBAS and CHEROKEES.) A Treaty held with the Catawba and Cherokee Indians, at the Catawba-Town and Broad River, in . . February and March, 1756. By Virtue of a Commission granted by the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie . . Governor . . of Virginia, to the Honorable Peyton Randolph and William Byrd, Esquires. Published by order of the Governor, //. xiv, 25, smooth calf, extra, gilt (F. Bedford}, VERY RARE. 4 Williamsburg, W. Hunter, 1756 5497 Several Conferences between some of the principal People amongst the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and the Deputies from the Six Indian Nations, . . In order to reclaim their Brethren the Delaware Indians from their Defection, etc. . To which is prefix d Two Addresses from the Quakers, to the Lieut. Governor and the General Assembly, etc., pp. 28. 8 Newcastle upon Tyne, 1756 VERY RARE. This publication seems to have been made from a manuscript copy, and is more accurate than the London reprint of " An Account of Conferences " &c., No. 5495. To the " Two Addresses " is appended a copy of Gov. Morris s Proclamation of War against the Delawares, with the offer, "as well to Indians as to Christians" of liberal bounties for Delaware Scalps. 5498 MANUSCRIPT. Part of the Original minutes of the Conferences between the Quakers in Pennsylvania and the Deputies of the Six Nations, in April, 1756. 7 //., hf. mor. neat. 4 The first leaf (2 pp.) contains a speech of Israel Pemberton to the Indians, April 2ist, and the reply of Scarroyada. The remaining five pages comprise the minutes (complete) of the " Conference held y e 23d of y e 4th [April] 1756, in y house of Israel Pemberton." On the sixth page is the mark of the Indian interpreter, Hendrick, alias Andrew Montour. These minutes are printed with many alterations in "An Account of Conferences " etc. London, 1756, pp. 69-77 (No. 5495). 5499 Minutes of Conferences, held with the Indians, at Harris s Ferry, and at Lancaster, In March, April, and May, 1757, //. 22. folio, Philadelphia, B. Franklin, and D. Hall, 1757 5500 Minutes of Conferences, held with the Indians, at Easton, In the months of July, and August, 1757, Phil., B. Franklin, and D. Hall, 1757. Address of the Trustees and Treasurer of the Friendly Association for regaining and preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures, to [Gov.] William Denny, (dated, Philadelphia, i4th of 7th month, 1757,) 4 // Two in one parcel. folio, 1757 5501 Minutes of Conferences, held at Easton, in October, 1758, With the Chief Sachems and Warriors of the Mohawks, Oneidos . . . Tutetoes, Skaniadaradigronos, consisting of the Nanticokes and Conoys, who now make one Nation ; Chognuts, Delaware, Unamies, Mahickanders, [and others,] //. 31, fine copy. folio, Phila., B. Franklin, and D. Hall, 1758 WARS AND EXPEDITIONS. IO/ 5502 Indian Treaties, and Laws and Regulations relating to Indian Affairs : to which is added an Appendix, containing the Proceed ings of the Old Congress, and other State Papers, in relation to Indian Affairs, pp. xx, 661, cloth, uncut. 8 Washington, 1826 Compiled [by S. S. Hamilton] under orders of the Department of War. 5503 Proceedings of an Indian Council held at the Buffalo Creek Reservation, N. Y., April, 1842, //. 83. 8 Baltimore, 1842 This Council was held for the purpose of laying before the Senecas the Supplemental Treaty agreed upon, for the reconveyance to them of a portion of their lands in New York. WARS AND EXPEDITIONS. 5504 (Black Hawk War.) History of the War between the U. S. and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indians, and parts of other disaffected Tribes, in 1828, 1831, and 1832. By John A. Wakefield, Esq, pp. x, 142, cloth, very scarce. 12 Jacksonville, III., C. Goudy, 1834 5505 Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak or Black Hawk, . . with an account of the cause and general history of the late War, his surrender, etc. Dictated hy himself, wood-cut portrait, pp. 155, hf. bd. 12 Boston, T. Abbot, 1845 5506 BOUQUET S EXPEDITION. An Historical Account of the Expedi tion against the Ohio Indians, in the Year 1764. Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq. ; Colonel. . . Including his Transactions with the Indians, . . with an Introductory Account of the Preceding Campaign, and Battle at Rushy- Run, etc. Published from authentic Documents, by a Lover of his Country [Wm. Smith], 2 Maps (mounted on linen], and plan, and a rare engraving inserted, pp. xiii, 71, levant black morocco, full gilt, sides filleted and ornamented, ins. borders {Matthews}. 4 Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, 1765 A VERY LARGE, CLEAN, AND FINE COPY, in which has been inserted, as a frontispiece, a reduced copy by Paul Revere (engraved for the Royal American Magazine, Dec. 1774,) of Benj. West s design of " A Conference held between some Indian Chiefs and Colonel Bouquet," one of the illustrations of the English edition of the "Historical Account;" and a reprint of the rare Narrative of ROBERT EASTBURN, (taken from the same number of the Royal American Magazine) neatly mounted, is bound at the end of the volume. 5507 -- An Historical Account, etc. Another copy, original half- binding, neat. 4 Philadelphia, 1765 From the library of the Marquis of Hastings. The name of the " Earl of Moira " is written on the map (which is slightly torn on the inner fold). 5508 -- An Historical Account, etc., pp. xiii, 71, folded maps, plans, and two full-page engravings from Benjamin Wests designs (engr. by Grignon and Canot), MANUSCRIPT PROCLAMATION, SIGNED BY COL. BOUQUET (1758) inserted, calf, gilt. 4 London, repr. for T. Jejferies, 1766 A VERY LARGE (LARGE PAPER?) and FINE COPY, from the Woburn Abbey library, with splendid impressions of the plates. 5509 An Historical Account, etc. Another LARGE and FINE copy, calf, rebacked, very neat. 4 London, repr. for T. jfefferies, 1766 5510 An Historical Account, etc., calf gilt. 12 Dublin, for John Milliken, 1769 This VERY SCARCE Dublin reprint did not contain the map or illustrations. IO8 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5511 (BOQUET S EXPEDITION.) Relation Historique de 1 Expedition centre les Indiens de 1 Ohio en 1764, commande e par le Chevalier Henry Bouquet, etc. Traduit de PAnglois, par C. G. F. Dumas, //. xvi, 147, (10), folded map, plans, and two full-page engravings, kf. green morocco gilt, top gilt. UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 Amsterdam, 1769 SCARCE. The Translator s Preface (pp. vi.-xvi) contains "a Sketch of the life of the late M. Bouquet," not in the English edition ; and a " Table des Matieres " (9 pages) has been added to the work. 5512 CRESAP. A Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Capt. Michael Cresap [by John J. Jacob], with many manuscript correc tions by the author, pp. 123, i, VERY SCARCE. 12 Cumberland, Md., for the Author, by J. M. Buchanan, 1826 On the guard leaf is written : " A. A. Browne from John }. Jacob, Esq. of Hampshire County, Virginia, late a Captain in the Maryland Line, in the Revolutionary War," and below : " Presented by A. A. Browne to Edw. D. Ingraham, 1832." This account of Capt. Cresap s life, and services in " Dunmore s War," was written in refutation of the charges made against him by Mr. Jefferson (in the Notes on Virginia,} of the murder of Logan s family, and of the statements in Dr. Doddridge s account of Dunmore s War. The author had been from boyhood an inmate of Capt. Cresap s family, and married his widow, in 1781. Two other scarce pieces are bound in the same volume : Memoirs of Andrew Sherburne, a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Written by himself. Utica, Wm. Williams, 1828. WHITE (Samuel) History of the American Troops during the late War [1812-14] under the command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell, Giving an account of the crossing of Lake Erie to Long Point ; the crossing of Niagara by the troops under Gens. Gaines, Brown, Scott, and Porter ; . . the battle of Chippewa ; the imprisonment of Col. Bull, Major Galloway, and the author, etc. Baltimore, 1829. 55 T 3 ~ " JACOB QOHN J.) Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Capt. Michael Cresap. Reprinted from the Cumberland Edition of 1826, with Notes and Appendix. BOYER (Lieut.} A Journal of Wayne s Campaign, against the Northwestern Indians, 1794. Two in one vol., uncut. 4 Cincinnati, O., for Wm. Dodge, 1866 5514 CHURCH (Thos.) The History of King Philip s War :. with some account of the Divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church . . To which is now added, an Index, Notes, and Correc tions, etc., by Samuel G. Drake, engraving of King Philip, pp. 304, sheep, scarce. 12 Boston, 1825 5515 The same. Second edition, with plates, //. 360, mottled roan. 16 Exeter, N. H., 1834 5516 DODDRIDGE (Rev. Dr. Jos.) Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, [1763-83.] With a View of the State of society and manners of the first settlers of the Western Country. By the Rev. Dr. Jos. Doddridge, //. (10), v~3i6, clean, unused copy, sheep. 12 Wellsburgh, Va., for the Author, 1824 VERY SCARCE, and valuable for its pictures of the times within the recollection of the author. The title-page, as given by Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 20490) and Mr. Field, seems to have been re-printed after the author s death (Nov., 1826), describing him as " the late Rev. Joseph Doddridge." " This work is the production of a gentleman who was reared in the wilderness, and was intimately acquainted with the whole subject on which he writes ; it is drawn from original sources, and almost entirely from personal observation." THOMSON S Bibl. of Ohio, no. 331. 5517 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) The Old Indian Chronicle ; a Collection of rare tracts written . . in the time of King Philip s War . . To which are now added, Chronicles of the Indians, from the Discovery of America, wood-cuts, pp. 2.2.2, scarce. 16 Boston, 1836 WARS AND EXPEDITIONS. ICQ 5518 FLINT (Timo.) Indian Wars of the West, . . with a View of the Character, Manners, Monuments, and Antiquities of the Western Indians, pp. 240, sheep. 12 Cincinnati, 1833 5519 The same, another copy, sheep. 5520 History (A) of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the U. States, to the Commencement of The Late War; together with an Appendix, not before added to this history, containing interesting accounts of the Battles fought by Gen. Andrew Jackson. With two plates, pp. 196, half roan, Jine copy, SCARCE. 12 Rochester, N. K, 1828 The plates are by " Cable," and are interesting specimens of that artist s peculiar style. The Account of Gen. Jackson s battles has a separate title (after p. 184) and imprint. 5521 HOYT (E.) Antiquarian Researches; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering on Connecticut River and parts adjacent, etc., engraved title, and view of the Old House in Deer-field, pp. xii, 312, hf. blue calf, neat. 8 Greenfield^ Mass., 1824 5522 Another copy, boards, uncut. 5523 HUBBARD (Wm.) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, from the first Planting thereof in the Year 1607, to the Year 1677. //. 288, unused copy, in the original binding, SCARCE. 12 Boston, John Boyle, 1775 " This edition was edited (with a Preface) by the Rev. Thomas Prince." 5524 A Narrative of the Indian Wars, etc. 12 Worcester, D. Greenleaf, 1801 5525 A Narrative of the Indian Wars, etc.,//. 228, scarce edition. 12 Norwich, J. Trumbull, [1802] 5526 A Narrative of the Indian Wars, etc. 12 D anbury, S. Nichols, 1803 5527 A Narrative of the Indian Wars, etc., sheep. 8 Stockbridge, H. Willard, 1803 5528 A Narrative of the Indian Wars, etc., sheep, nice copy. 12 Brattleborough, W. Fessenden, 1814 5529 LOUDON (Archibald) A | Selection, | of Some of the most interesting | Narratives, | of | Outrages, Committed | by the | Indians, in | their Wars, with the White People. | Also, | An Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, Religious Sentiments, Modes of Warfare, etc. \ Compiled from the best Authorities. 2 vols., //. (12), 5-355 ; (4), 13-269, levant red morocco extra, filleted sides, ins. borders, g. e. {Bedford}. sm. 12 Carlisle, A. London, 1808, 1811 A SURPASSINGLY FINE copy of this "RAREST of books on American history." In condition, it leaves to the most fastidious and exacting of collectors nothing to be desired. The binding is in Mr. Bedford s best style. For the collation, see Field s Indian Bibliography, p. 248, which, by the way, omits mention of the very curious wood-engraving of Delaware "hieroglyphics," on p. 324 of Vol. I. 5530 LOUDON (Arch.) A Selection of Some of the most interesting Narratives, etc. ANOTHER COPY. 2 vols., polished blue calf, extra gilt,g. e. (W. Pratt). sm. 12 Carlisle, A. London, 1808, 1811 A BEAUTIFUL COPY, but, by fault of the original binder it wants a signature (pp. 17-28) of Vol. I. With it is an extra copy of Vol. I. (in the original binding) to supply the missing pages ; the three volumes will be sold as two. I IO THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5531 MATHER (INCREASE) A Brief History of the Warr With the Indians in New-England, (From June 24, 1675, wn ^n the first English-man was murdered by the Indians, to August 12, 1676, when Philip, alias Metacomet, the Principal Author and Beginner of the Warr, was slain,) Wherein the Grounds, Beginning, and Progress of the Warr, is summarily expressed. Together with a Serious Exhortation to the Inhabitants of that Land. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church of Christ, in Boston in New- England . . . Narrative (2 copies) pp. (6), 51, (i blk.), Postcript, 8 ; Exhortation, pp. (2), 26. 3 vols. sold as 2 vols. sm. 4 Boston, John Foster over against the Sign of the Dove, 1676 These two imperfect copies of an EXCEEDINGLY RARE book, are offered, as they were put together by Mr. Brinley to be sent to Mr. F. Bedford for binding, with the following note : " One best copy to be made, which may be the largest, and cleanest (if possible) ; but at least let it be genuine throughout. The Second copy [of the "Brief History"] to have the missing portions replaced by careful facsimile, the missing portions being a piece of the title, pp. i^, 16, and a few words at the end. . I do not care about preserving any of the MSS. notes, if a cleaner piece of work can be made by washing them off : but as they are nearly contemporary, I think they cannot be successfully removed . . I rely more upon the judgment of Mr. Bedford than I do upon my own . . . The " Serious Exhortation," is mentioned in the title-page of the " History," but is rarely found with it. I wish to have it bound uniform with the best copy of the History. " The larger copy of the " Brief History," formerly belonged to the Rev. Zechariah Symmes, of Charlestown (Harv. Coll., 1657,) whose autograph is on the margin of p. i, and the underscoring and marginal notes are doubtless his. This copy was interleaved by the late Samuel G. Drake, and contains several manuscript notes in his hand. The second best copy of the " History " is imperfect, as before mentioned ; but the last page, of the " Postcript," with the Errata, is complete, and supplies the slight deficiency of the other copy. The " Serious Exhortation " is a GOOD COPY, complete throughout (except a name cut from upper margin of Title) and is handsomely half bound, in black morocco. The three volumes will be sold as two; enabling the purchaser to perfect, one copy of one of the RAREST OF AMERICAN BOOKS, and, with the aid of the facsimilist and binder, to secure a second complete and desirable copy of the " Brief History," of which Mr. Sabin {Dictionary, no. 46,640) observes that two copies only are known: Mr. Brinley s and one in England." One of Mr. Brinley s copies was sold with the First Part of his library, in 1879 (No. 948). In the hurried preparation of the Catalogue the other two were overlooked. 5532 METCALF (Samuel L.) A Collection of some of the most interesting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, containing an Account of the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone, . . . also, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Indians, etc. ; . . added, an Account of the Expeditions of Gen ls Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, & Wayne, pp. 270, fine portrait of Boone inserted. Lexington, Wm. G. Hunt, 1821 A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benj. Gilbert and his Family, in 1780. Philadelphia, Jos. Crukshank, 1784. Two in i vol., both large and fine copies ; a selection of newspaper cuttings inserted (in an envelope), half bound, neat. 8 Metcalf s Collection has, (as Mr. Field observes) "become as rare as the works it sought to preserve from oblivion. Every succeeding year brings with it an augmentation of the price at which it is sold ... It will probably always preserve its rank among rare and costly books." Ind. Bibliography, p. 274. Mr. Brinley s copy (formerly E. D. Ingraham s) is exceptionally large and fine, nearly UNCUT. The FIRST EDITION of Gilbert s Narrative is scarcely less rare. 5533 MOORE (Wm. V.) Indian Wars of the United States, from the Discovery to the present time, illustrated, pp. 321, cloth, gilt. 12 Philadelphia, 1840 CAPTIVITIES. lit 5534 PARKMAN (F.) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, etc., Maps, doth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1851 5535 PENHALLOW (Samuel) The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians . . Reprinted from the Boston Edition of 1726, with a Memoir and Notes, //. 129, cloth. 4 Cincinnati, for W. Dodge, 1859 5536 Present (The) State of New-England with respect to the Indian War. (London, 1675.) mor - X 6 Repr. Boston, Josiah Drake, 1833 With notes by Samuel G. Drake and Edw. Tuckerman, Jr. 5537 ST. CLAIR (Gen. Arthur) A Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the year 1791, was conducted under the command of Major-General St. Clair, etc., //. xix, (24), 273, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 5538 WITHERS (ALEX. S.) Chronicles of Border Warfare, or a History of the Settlement by the Whites, of North-Western Virginia : and of the Indian Wars and Massacres, in that Section of the State; with Reflections, Anecdotes, &c., //. 319, (i), original binding, FINE CLEAN COPY, UNUSED. 12 Clarksburg, Va., Jos. Israel, 1831 " Of this scarce book, very few copies are complete or in good condition . . . Most of the copies lack the table of contents." The work " is considered by Western antiquarians the best collection of frontier life and Indian warfare, that has been printed." FIELD. This copy (like the following, and three other copies I have seen in their original binding and in good condition ) has no table of contents, and the make-up of the last signature which has four blank pages after the Advertisement shows that the addition of this table, in a portion of the edition, was an after-thought. " One of the best collections of narratives of frontier life and Indian Warfare. It ranks favorably with Doddridge s Notes, and is even more scarce than that work." THOMPSON S Bibl. of Ohio. 5539 Chronicles of Border Warfare, another copy, (with autograph of Mary J. Withers, on title,} in fair condition, sheep. CAPTIVITIES. 5540 DICKINSON (Jona.) God s Protecting Providence, Man s surest Help and Defence : . . Evidenced in the Deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from the Devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst which they suffered Shipwrack ; and also from the cruel Devouring Jaws of the Indian Canibals of Florida, . . . The Third Edition, pp. (10), 94, new, half morocco, neat, VERY SCARCE. 8 Phila.; repr. London, 1720 5541 The same, another good copy, in the original binding, clean. 5542 Narrative of a Shipwreck in the Gulph of Florida ; shewing God s Protecting Providence, Man s surest Help, etc. The Sixth Edition, //. 96, hf. bd., nice clean copy of a scarce edition. 12 Stanford, N. Y., Darfl Lawrence, 1803 5543 DOLPHIN (James) A Narrative or History of the Travels of James Dolphin; who was born in Liverpool, in England; his Voyages and Travels through a great part of America, being taken by the Indian Savages, and redeemed by a Spanish Lady, in Mexico : . . And his Marriage afterward with his first, or former Lover, Polly Seamour . . In a Letter to his Brother-in-law, 1796, //. 32, uncut, fine copy, except brown stains on first and last leaves. 8 n. p., Printed for the Purchaser, 1800 Fictitious of course : but curious, and EXTREMELY SCARCE. tl2 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5544 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness; or, True and Authentic Narratives of Captives, who have been carried away by the Indians, from our Frontier Settlements, etc., //. 360, wood-cuts, cloth gilt. 12 Boston, 1846 5545 The same, new half green mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 12 Boston, 1841 5546 D ERES. Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D Eres, of Canada, who was with the Scanyawtauragahroote Indians eleven years, With a particular Account of his Sufferings, etc., pp. 176, half calf extra gilt. 12 Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1800 " If there ever existed a tribe of savages who were recognized by such a title, it was sufficient warrant for their extermination. . . . His narrative is one of the RAREST OF BOOKS relating to the Aborigines. FIELD. 5547 FILLEY. Life and Adventures of William Filley, who was stolen from his home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, 1837, and his safe return from Captivity, Oct. 19, 1866, portrait and other illustrations, pp. 112. 8 Chicago, Filley & Ballard, 1867 5548 FLEMING. A Narrative of the Sufferings and Surprizing Deliverance of William and Elizabeth Fleming, who were taken captive . . near Conecochieg, in Pennsylvania, as related by themselves, pp. 28, paneled calf antique. 12 Philadelphia, n. d. [1755-56] 5549 GILBERT. Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family ; who were surprised by the Indians, and taken from their Farms, on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania, in the Spring, 1780, pp. 96, hf. mor. neat, uncut, except a name cut from head of title and first leaf. 8 Philadelphia, Jos. Crukshank, 1784 Fine clean copy of the First Edition, VERY SCARCE. 5550 The same work, pp. 124, hf. green mor., fine fresh copy. 12 Repr. London, J. Phillips, 1790 5551 HALL. Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, [with] a Narrative of the Captivity of Philip Brigdon, [and] an Account of the War with Black Hawk, cuts, pp. 26, half roan. 8 n. p., n. d. [1832] 5552 HARBISON. Narrative of the Sufferings of Massy Harbison, from Indian Barbarity . . , With some Account of the Cruelties of the Indians on the Allegheny River, etc., 1790-94, pp. 66, new, half calf, VERY SCARCE. 12 Pittsburgh, S. Engles, 1825 " Notwithstanding the singular and almost incredible nature of the above narrative, it is considered truthful, by good authorities. The editor of the work, whose initials (J. W.) will be found at the end of the Preface, was John Winter, a citizen of Zelinople, Pennsylvania." THOMPSON S Bibl. of Ohio, no. 502. 5553 HOLLISTER. A Brief Narration of the Captivity of Isaac Hollister, who was taken by the Indians, Anno Domini 1763, //. 8. New London, n. d., [1767] A Very Surprising Narrative of a Young Woman discovered in the Gloomy Mansion of a Rocky Cave, after having been taken by the Savage Indians, in 1787, and seeing no Human Being for Nine Years, title soiled and a portion (below the imprint) torn off, pp. 10. New Haven, 1802. Two VERY SCARCE TRACTS in one vol., half mor. 12 CAPTIVITIES. 113 5554 JOHONNOT. The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, of Massachusetts, who served as a Soldier . . in the Expedition under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair : containing An Account of his Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape from the Kickappo Indians. Written by himself, pp. 24, an unused copy, uncut. 8 Greenfield, Mass., Ansel Phelps, 1816 "VERY SCARCE. Brought $16.00 at Hughes s sale in Cincinnati, 1871." SABIN. 5555 JOHNSTON. A Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of Charles Johnston of Botetourt County, Va., made prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in 1790, etc. To which are added Sketches of Indian Character and Manners, half morocco, uncut. 12 New York, J. 6- y. Harper, 1827 5556 The same, boards, uncut. 5557 Knight, Slover, Scott. Narrative of a late Expedition against the Indians with an Account of the Barbarous Execution of Col. CRAWFORD and the Wonderful Escape of Dr. KNIGHT and John GLOVER from Captivity in 1782. [With] A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. FRANCES SCOTT, pp. 46, clean copy, half red mor. neat, uncut, very scarce. sm. 12 Andover, Ames 6* Parker, n. d. 5558 Another copy, same edition, wanting title-page, uncut. oooo LERAYE (Chas.) Journal while a Captive with the Sioux Nation. See CUTLER (Jervase) Description of Ohio, etc. No. 4552. 5559 (MANHEIM (Fred.) and others?) Affecting History of the dreadful Distresses of Frederic Manheim s Family . . Added, the Sufferings of John Corbly s Family, . . Adventures of Capt. Isaac Stewart, Deposition of Massey Herbeson, Sufferings of Peter Wilkinson [Williamson], Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, Account of the Destruction at Wyoming:, etc., pp. 48, plate, hf. calf, neat, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1800 5560 The same, no plate, hf. bd. 5561 MILET (P.) Relation de sa Captivite parmi les Onneiouts, 1690-1, pp. 56, cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Nouvelle-York, Presse Cramoisy, 1864 One of Mr. J. G. Shea s Cramoisy Series of Jesuit Memoirs. This interesting relation of Father Milet s captivity among the Oneidas is printed from his original manuscript, discovered by the Hon. Henry C. Murphy, in Holland. 5562 OWEN. The Life and Travels of James Tudor Owen ; who . . gives an account of his being in an East Indian Campaign ; . . his Voyage, Shipwreck, etc. . . He is wounded in battle [in America], and taken by the AGIGUANS, a Warlike Nation inhabiting the Wilds of America, etc., copper-plate (" Tudor Owen, with shouts of victorious exultation, leading on the British Forces to charge the Enemy,"} pp. 42. 8 London, S. Fisher, n. d. Possibly fictitious. If authentic, the account of the warlike Agiguans deserves the attention of all American Ethnologists. 5563 PATTIE. The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis ... to the Pacific Ocean, etc. ; in which he and his father . . were made Captives, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint, plates, pp. 300, sheep, fine copy. 8 Cincinnati, 1833 1 14 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5564 PRIEST (Josiah) The Low-Dutch Prisoner ; an Account of the Capture of F. SCHERMERHORN, . by a Party of Mohawks, in the time of the Revolution. Also, The Story of the Hermit, found in a cave of the Allegany Mountains; and of The Miners of the Minisink, etc., illustrations, pp. 32. Albany, 1839. A True Narrative of the Capture of DAVID OGDEN, among the Indians, in the time of the Revolution, illustration, pp. 32. Lansingburgh, 1841. 2 wo in one vol., half morocco, neat. 1. 8 5565 RHODES (J.) The Surprising Adventures and Sufferings of John Rhodes, a seaman of Workington, containing an Account of his captivity and cruel treatment [by] the Indians and in different prisons among the Spaniards in South America, pp. 250, original binding, fine, clean copy. 12 New York, for R. Cotton, G. Forman, 1798 5566 The same, another good copy, sheep. 5567 ROACH. Surprizing Adventures of John Roach, mariner of Whitehaven, containing an Account of his Cruel Treatment during a long Captivity amongst the Savage Indians, and Imprisonment, by the Spaniards, in South- America, etc., pp. 64, clean copy, boards, VERY SCARCE. 8 Whitehaven, \Eng.~\ n. d. [ab. 1783] 5568 ROWLANDSON. A Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings and Removes of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Who was taken Prisoner by the Indians, with several others ; and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile Savages . . Written by her own Hand, etc., pp. 57, hf. calf antique, large and fine copy. 12 Boston, S. Hall, 1794 5569 Stories of the Indians during the Revolution; with a brief Sketch of the Customs of the Sauxes and Foxes, wood-engravings (one folding), half bound. 8 New York, 1836 Contains the Narrative of John Slover, who was taken prisoner by the Miami Indians. From Library of Samuel G. Drake, with a MS. note by him. 5570 SMITH (Col. JAMES) of Bourbon County, Ky. Account of Remark able Occurrences during his Captivity with the Indians, 1755-59, etc., pp. 162, half blue calf, neat, a scarce edition. 1 6 Philadelphia, 1834 5571 SMITH (Mrs. Mary) Affecting Narrative of [her] Captivity and Sufferings, folding plate, half mor. uncut, pp. 24. 12 Providence, for L. Scott, n. d. [1818] The folding frontispiece is from the same plate used for the earlier editions of H. Trumbull s Indian Wars. 5572 The same, wood-cut, pp. 24, new mottled basane, neat. 12 n. p., n. d. 5573 SPENCER (Rev. O. M.) Indian Captivity: a True Narrative of [his] Capture by the Indians [in 1792], in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, woodcuts, half mor. neat. 16 New York, Lane & Scott, 1852 5574 Spirit Lake Massacre (History of) and of Miss Abigail Gardiner s Three months Captivity among the Indians. According to her own account, as given to L. P. Lee, pp. 48, woodcuts, scarce. 8 New Britain, Conn., L. P. Lee, 1857 CAPTIVITIES. 115 5575 TANNER (JOHN) Narrative of (his) Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Years Residence among the Indians; edited by Edwin James, portrait, pp. 426, sheep, neat. 8 New York, 1830 5576 WILLIAMS (J.) The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion : or, A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, etc. . . Also, An Appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. Likewise, an Appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. With a conclusion to the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston, //. 188, sheep. 12 New Haven, W. W. Morse, 1802 5577 The Redeemed Captive, etc. The Fifth Edition, pp. 66, uncut, scarce edition. 8 New London, T. Green, n. d. [ab. 1780] 5578 WILLIAMSON. French and Indian Cruelty exemplified, in the Life and various Vicissitudes of Fortune of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen in his Infancy, and sold for a Slave, in Pensylvania, etc. [with] his Captivity among the Indians, etc. The SEVENTH EDITION, with ADDITIONS, //. vi, 150, portrait of P. W. in the dress of a Delaware Indian, and a folding map of N. America ; fine copy, old calf neat. 12 Dublin, 1766 VERY SCARCE. The additions include an account of the proceedings of the magistrates of Aberdeen against the author. Indignant at his statement that many boys had been kidnapped in Aberdeen to be sold as servants in America, the magistrates ordered the first edition of his book to be seized and the leaves containing the offensive passages to be cut out and burned, and they banished Williamson from the city. He sued them, and recovered .100. damages. The depositions by which he sustained his statements are printed in full, in this edition, pp. 109-133, and are perhaps the most valuable part of the work. 5579 WYOMING Captives. A Narrative of the Capture of certain Americans, at Westmorland, by Savages, and the perilous Escape which they effected ; [with] some Account of the Religion, Govern ment, Customs and Manners of the Aborigines of North America, frontispiece (Massacre of Wyoming) inserted, pp. 24. 8 Hartford, n. d. [about 1779] Fresh and clean copy of an EXTREMELY RARE tract. 5580 Narrative of the Life and Death of Lieut. Joseph Morgan Willcox, massacred by the Creek Indians, on the Alabama River, Jan. 15, 1814, pp. 23. Marietta, O., 1816 Affecting Account of the Tragical Death of Major Swan, and the Captivity of Mrs. Swan and Child in April last (1815). Boston, n. d. [1815] Narrative of the Sufferings of Seth Hubbell and Family, in his beginning of a Settlement in Wolcott, Vt. Danville, Vt., 1829 Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Hannah Lewis and three children, taken prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis, May, 1815. 2d edition, folding woodcut, colored. Boston, 1817 The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, of Massa chusetts . . containing an account of his captivity. . and escape from the Kickappo Indians. Greenfield, Mass., 18 16 Affecting Narrative of the Captivity of Thomas Nicholson, a native of New Jersey, six years a prisoner among the Algerines, woodcut portrait. Boston, 1818. 6 VERY SCARCE tracts, in one vol., new hf. brown morocco {Roxburgh e) ; all fine copies, and all uncut. 8 Il6 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5581 Tracts. BRADMAN (A.) Narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his Wife, and Children, during a Journey through the Wilderness from Canada to the Kennebeck River, in 1784: [added: A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. Frances Scott,] //. 16. Phila., 1794 Dreadful Sufferings and.. Adventures of an Overland party of Emigrants to California, their terrible Conflicts with . . Indians, etc. . From the Journal of Mr. Geo. Adam: by Prof. Wm. Beschke, //. 71, woodcuts. St. Louis, 1850. Narrative of the Capture and . . escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall . . taken prisoners by the Savages, near Indian Creek (1832); added, the Narrative of the Captivity of Philip Brigdon, a Kentuckian, etc., wood- engraving, pp. 24, orig. cover. \New York^\ 1832 Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War; and of the . . Escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey, and her Children, large folded wood-engraving, pp. 24. Providence, 1836 PECK, (Peter V.) Inklings of Adventure in the Florida Indian War, pp. 72, covers. Schenectady, 1846 Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. Jane Lewis . . made prisoner by a party of Sacs and Foxes, commanded by Black Hawk, woodcuts, pp. 24, covers. n. p. 1834 LEE (L. P.) History of the Spirit Lake Massacre, 1857, an d of Miss Abigail Gardiner s Captivity, pp. 48, wood cuts. New Britain, 1857 Narrative of the Massacre . . of the Wife and Children of Thomas Baldwin, folded wood-engraving, pp. 24. New York, 1837 Ross (John) Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation : Letter to a gentleman of Philadelphia, //. 40, n. p., n. d. \Phila., 1837] Catalogue of 115 Indian Portraits .. from the collection in the War Department, most of which were taken from the Life by Mr. King, pp. 24, n. p., n. d. [1836] WALTON (V. A.) History of the Detection, Conviction, etc. of John A. Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate . . with a biographical Sketch of Mr. Virgil A. Stewart, pp. 75. Athens, Tenn., 1835 Ethan Allen s Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga, and of his Captivity and Treatment. 5th ed., with notes. Burlington, 1849 ) an( l one other. 13 in one vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe), mostly uncut. 8 5582 Tracts. PRIEST (Josiah) The Fort Stanwix Captive . . Life and Adventures of Isaac Hubbell, among the Indians of Canada, etc., //. 63, wood cuts. Albany, 1841 PRIEST (Jos.) Stories of the Revolution. With an account of the Lost Child of the Delaware, etc., folded woodcut. Albany, 1836 [Priest (Jos.)] Stories of the Revolution, another edition, n. t. p., wood-engraving PRIEST (Jos.) Stories of early Settlers in the Wilderness; the Life of Mrs. Priest, . Account of Brant, . and of the Massacre of Wyoming, folded wood-engraving. Albany, 1837 True History of the Massacre of 96 Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuetten, O. New Philadelphia, 1847 Narrative of Miss Perine, on the Massacre at Indian Key Village, Aug. 1840, and others, wood cuts. Phila., E. C. Gill 6* Co., n. d. Indian Speeches, by Farmer s Brother and Red Jacket, two Seneca Chiefs. Canandaigua, 1809, rare Principal Events in the Life of the Indian Chief Brant, n. t. p., pp. 8 [EVARTS (Jer.)] Essays on the Crisis in the condition of the Am. Indians, by Wm. Penn, pp. 112. Boston, 1839 Review of an Article [by Lewis Cass] in the N. A. Review for Jan., 1839, on t ^ ie CAPTIVITIES. MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. 1 1/ Relations of the Indians Brief View of the Present Relations between the U. S. and the Indians, pp. 8, n. t. p. The Removal of the Indians . . An Examination of an Article in the N. A. Review, etc., pp. 72. Boston, 1830 Report of the Sec. of War, rel. to the Abolition of Indian Trade Establishment, etc. Wash., 1818 Letter from the Sec. of War, rel. to payment of claims of the friendly Creek Indians. Wash., 1819 Report of the Com rs rel. to the condition of the Indians in Massachusetts, Feb., 1849 \Boston, 1849]. I n I v l-> V* blue mor. (Roxburghe), mostly uncut. 8 5583 Tracts. The Fort Braddock Letters, a Tale of the Old French War . . With the Capture of Capt. Kidd, //. 128. Peekskill, 1832 Narrative of the Travels of John Vandeluer, on the Western Continent, cont. an Account of the Conversion of an Indian Chief and his Family: Written in 1796, //. 87. Hallowell, 1817, very rare Life, Travel, Voyages, etc. of Paul Jones . . To which is prefixed, the Life and Adventures of Peter Williamson, who was kidnapped .. and sold for a Slave in America, pp. 108. Albany, 1813 Indian Narratives: containing. . Sketches of Converted Indian Chiefs and others, on Martha s Vineyard : by Experience Mayhew, wood-cut, pp. 108. Boston, [1829] SMITH (Elbert H.) History of Black Hawk, . with a Description of the Black Hawk War, etc., pp. 120. Milwaukee, 1846, very scarce True Narrative of the Capture of Rev. O. M. Spencer, by the Indians, in the neighbourhood of Cincinnati, pp. 160. N. York, 1852. 6 scarce Tracts v. s. in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe}. 16 MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. 5584 ALDEN (Timothy) Account of sundry Missions performed among the Senecas and Munsees ; with an Appendix, portrait, pp. 1 80, hf. mor., scarce. 24 New York, J. Seymour, 1827 5585 APES (Wm.) The Experiences of Five Christian Indians of the Pequod Tribe, pp. 60. 8 Boston, 1833 5586 BEATTY (Charles) Journal of a Two Months Tour with a view of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsyl vania [and] the Indians to the Westward of the Allegh-geny Mountains j [with] Remarks on the Language and Customs of some particular Tribes among the Indians, etc., large clean copy, pp. 1 10, half mor. 8 London, 1768 "The first [this] edition is quite difficult to procure complete." FIELD S Ind. Bibl. This was Robert Southey s copy, and has his book-plate at back of title. 5587 [BERKELEY (George) D. D. ] A Proposal for the better Supply ing of Churches in our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda, //. 24, RARE. 8 London, 1725 Il8 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5588 BRAINERD (David) Mirabilia Dei inter Indices, or the Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace amongst a number of the Indians in . . New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, justly represented in a Journal, etc., pp. viii, 253. Phil., W. Bradford, n. d. [1746] Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, . . chiefly taken from his own Diary and other writings . . By Jona. Edwards, //. xii, (18), 316, (2). Boston, 1749. 2 vols., hf. calf antique, red edges. 8 5589 Mirabilia Dei inter Indices, etc. Phila., Wm. Bradford, n. d. [1746] An Abstract of the Journal of a Mission to the Delaware Indians, west of the Ohio, entered upon June 19, 1742 ; by the Rev. Messrs. David Maccluer [McClure] and Levi Frisbie, 1773, pp. 44-68; taken from Wheeloctts "A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School" etc., 1773. In one vol., old sheep. 8 The Rev. David McChire s copy, with his autograph, and SEVEN PAGES MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS to the " Abstract of the Journal." 5590 An Abridgement of Mr. David Brainerd s Journal among the Indians. [With a Dedication by P. Doddridge,] //. vi, no, (4), old calf . 12 London, 1748 5591 CRANZ (David) The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren : a Narrative of the Prot. Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum: translated by Benj. LaTrobe, //. (16), 621, and Index, calf neat, fine copy. 8 London, 1780 5592 ELIOT (JOHN) A further Account of the progress of the | Gospel Amongst the Indians | In New England : | Being A Relation of the Confessions made | by several Indians, etc. Sent over to the Corporation .... by Mr. John Elliot, etc., pp. (8), 76 ; Addenda, i leaf; levant red morticco, extra, g. e. {Bedford). 4 London, John Macock, 1660 "This is ONE OF THE RAREST of the series known as the Eliot Tracts." FIELD S Ind. Bibliography. This copy has the additional leaf, rarely found, containing the attestation of President Chauncey and Elijah Corlet, to the proficiency of " five Indian Youths, instructed and educated in the Grammer School at Cambridge." 5593 ELLIOTT (Rev. Charles) Indian Missionary Reminiscences, principally of the Wyandot Nation, //. 216, cloth. 1 6 New York, Lane 6* Scott, 1850 5594 FINLEY (Rev. Jas. B.) History of the Wyandot Mission, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, pp. 432, sheep, fresh copy, scarce. 12 Cincinnati, 1840 5595 GODWYN (Morgan) The Negro s & Indians Advocate, suing for their Admission into the Church, etc. Added, A brief Account of Religion in Virginia, fine copy, calf neat, pp. (14), 174. 8 London, 1680 Sign. I is mis-paged, the page numbers of the preceding signature (97-112) being repeated, instead of 113-128. 5596 The same, original binding, neat. 5597 HECKEWELDER (John) A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren, among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808, portrait of D. Zeisberger, pp. 429, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 MISSIONS. 119 5598 HECKEWELDER (John) Life, by Rev. E. Rondthaler, portrait, doth. (2 copies.) 12 Phila., 1847 5599 HOLMES (John) Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren, pp. (8), 472, boards, uncut. 8 Dublin, 1818 The Mission in North America occupies 122 pages (112-233); in South America and the W. Indies, 136 pages (234-379). 5600 HOORNBEEK (Joh.) De Conversione Indorum & Gentilium, Libri Duo, pp. (54), 265, and Index, vellum. sm. 4 Amstetodami, Jans son, 1669 With the autographs of President EZRA STILES and Rev. Dr. ABIEL HOLMES, and several interesting MANUSCRIPT NOTES by the former : see pp. 62, 70, 103, 153, etc. 5601 HOPKINS (Samuel) Historical Memoirs relating to the Housa- tunnuk Indians, //. iv, 182, last leaf in manuscript, first leaves slightly stained, half mor., UNCUT. 8m. 4 Boston, 1753 VERY SCARCE. See also "A Letter from the Rev. Mr. Sergeant" etc. No. 5608. 5602 JESSEY (HENRY) Of the Conversion | of Five Thousand and Nine Hundred | East-Indians, | in the Isle Formosa, | neere China, | . . By means of M. Ro : Junius, a Minister | lately in Delph in Holland. Related by his good Friend, M. C. Sibellius . . | . . in a Latine Letter . | Translated to further the Faith and Joy of many here, by H. Jessey, a Servant of | Jesus Christ. | With a POST-SCRIPT of the Gospels good | Successe also amongst the | WEST-INDIANS, | in New-England, \pp. (8), 38, (i), the last three leaves mutilated, in other respects a sound copy, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, John Hammond, 1650 VERY RARE. The Post-script fills more than half the tract (pp. 13-38) and comprises a brief account of the beginning of the Indian Work in New England, and abstracts of the first three tracts in the "Progress of the Gospel " series (" The Day- Breaking," "The Clear Sun-shine," and "The Glorious Progress",) and of the Act constituting the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel in New England, etc. On the last page is "part of another Letter writ by Mr. Eliot to Mr. Hugh Peters," from Roxbury, Oct. 12, 1649. The last leaf containing six lines of Errata (verso blank) has lost its lower half, taking only two or three words from the last line of Errata. The inner half of the last seven lines, on pp. 35, 36, is gone, and also a portion of the last seven or eight lines of Eliot s letter on p. 38. 5603 KIP (Win. Ingraham) The Early Jesuit Missions in N. America, map, pp. xiv, 321, cloth. 12 N. York, Wiley and Putnam, 1847 5604 LOSKIEL (Geo. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Indians in N. America ; translated by C. I. LaTrobe, map, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 London, 1793 Fine Autograph of "ROBERT SOUTHEY, Keswick, Sept. 29, 1808," at foot of title, and Southey s (armorial) book-plate on back of title. 5605 McCoY (Isaac) History of Baptist Indian Missions : embracing Remarks on the former and present condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, pp. 611, cloth. 8 Washington and N. York, 1840 5606 MAYHEW (Experience) A Discourse shewing that God Dealeth with Men as with Reasonable Creatures, In A Sermon Preach d at Boston, N. E. Nov. 23, 1718. With a brief Account of the State of the Indians on Martha s Vineyard, the Small Islands adjacent, . 1694 to 1720, pp. (2), 34, 12, crimped morocco, extra filleted sides, g. e. (Bedford}, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1720 I2O THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5607 MAYHEW (Experience) Indian Converts : or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of . . Christianized Indians of Martha s Vineyard . . To which is added, Some Account of those English Ministers who have . . presided over the Indian Work. By [the Rev. Thomas] Prince, //.xxiv, 310, (List of Books) 16, smooth calf gilt, yellow edges, (Bedford?) FINE COPY, SCARCE. 8 London, for S. Gerrish, Boston, 1727 5608 SERGEANT (John) A Letter from the Rev. Mr. Sergeant of Stockbridge, to Dr. Colman of Boston ; containing Mr. Sergeant s Proposal of a more effectual Method for the Education of Indian Children . . . With some general Account of what the Rev. Mr. Isaac Hollis has already done for the Sons of this Indian Tribe of Houssatannoc, etc., pp. 16, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1743 5609 SHEPARD (Thomas) The | Clear Sun-Shine of the Gospel | breaking forth | upon the Indians | in | New-England. | Or, | An Historical Narration of Gods Wonderfull Workings upon sundry of the | Indians, etc., pp. (14), 38, margin of title-page restored, calf extra, g. e. (Riviere). sm. 4 London, R. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1648 VERY RARE. One of the most important of the " Progress of the Gospel " series of tracts ; containing a long letter from John Eliot, giving an account of the beginning of his Indian Mission Work. 5610 STRENGTH | out of \ WEAKNESSE; | Or a Glorious MANI FESTATION | Of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians \ in NEW ENGLAND. Held forth in Sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the | Corporation established by Parliament for | promoting the Gospel among the Hea- | then in New-England ; and to particular Members thereof since the last Trea- 1 tise to that effect, Pulished (sic) by Mr. Henry Whitfield late Pastor | of Gilford in New-England . | . . pp. (16), 40, russia-calf, antique. sm. 4 London, M. Simmons for John Blague and Samuel Howes, 1652 VERY RARE. The FIRST of three issues or editions of this tract, having the Epistle Dedicatorie signed by twelve ministers, the Epistle To the Reader, signed by fourteen, and the additional Address To the Christian Reader. (See, in PART I, Nos. 464-466.) On the front margins of two leaves of the Epistle " To the Reader," two or three marginal reference-notes have been slightly trenched on by the binder. 5611 STRENGTH | out of\ WEAKNESSE; | another copy, clean, with good margins, except at the top which is close cropped though without trenching on the head-lines, pp. (16), 40, For el, neat (W. Pratt). sm. 4 London, 1652 The same edition as the preceding. 5612 SMET (P. J. DE) S. J. Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains in 1845-46, map, portrait of a Flat-head chief, lithograph title-page, and other illustrations, pp. 408, cloth. 12 New York, E. Dunigan, 1847 5613 Spangenberg (Rev. A. G.) An Account of the manner in which the Prot. Church of the . . United Brethren preach the Gospel, and carry on their Missions among the Heathen,//, viii, 127, hf. bound. 8 London, 1788 MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. 121 5614 United Brethren. Periodical Accounts of the Missions of the Church of the United Brethren, among the Heathen. Vols. III.-VI. (1801-1817), 4 vols. hf bd. 8 London, 1802-1817 A great part of this publication was devoted to accounts of the missions to the North American Indians, the West India Islands, and Surinam. 5615 URLSPERGER (Samuel) Ausfiihrliche Nachricht von den Saltz- burgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben, etc., //. (14), 242. Halle, 1735 Erste Continuation der ausfiirl. Nachricht, etc., //. (20), 243-574. Halle, 1738. In i vol., map of " The County of SAVANNAH," and portraits of Tomo Chachi Mico and his brother, nice dean copy, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 5616 WHEELOCK (Eleazer) Sermon, in Lebanon, June 30, 1763, at the Ordination of the Rev. Charles Jeffry Smith, with a view to his going as a Missionary to the remote Tribes of Indians in this Land . . Added, A Sermon, by Nath l Whitaker, D.D., after the ordination, pp. 45. 8 Edinburgh, 1767 At the close of Dr. Whitaker s Sermon is his address to his dear son Joseph," who was to accompany Mr. Smith as his interpreter. This was the young Mohawk chief, Joseph Brandt, " Thayandanega " who had been for two years a scholar at the Indian Charity School in Lebanon. 5617 A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School in Lebanon in Connecticut . . The Second Edition, with an Appendix, pp. 63. 8 London, 1767 Pages 1-48 correspond with the former edition. The Appendix " makes mention of some other fresh important Testimonials as well as some other further Accounts . . which have lately come to hand," etc. SCARCE. 5618 WALCOT (James) The New Pilgrim s Progress; or, the Pious Indian Convert. Containing a faithful Account of Hattain Gelashmin, who was baptis d into the Christian Faith by the name of George James . . Together with a Narrative of his . . Travels among the Savage Indians, etc., pp. 316, old calf, nice copy. 12 London, 1748 Rich (1748, no. 15) notes: "This volume contains the adventures of Mr. Walcot at Jamaica, Charleston, &c. He was a religious enthusiast." " The Journal of George James in his Pilgrimage among the Inland Natives [ the Checkbatoe Indians ] of the Countries adjoyning to South Carolina," begins on p. 252, and doubtless is as authentic and trustworthy as the romantic adventures of the author and his friends in Charleston, which occupy the preceding pages of this very curious book. 5619 WILLETT {Rev. Wm. M.) Scenes in the Wilderness : a Narrative of the Labours and Sufferings of the Moravian Missionaries among the N. A. Indians, frontispiece, pp. 208, hf. roan. 1 8 New York, Lane <Sr* Scott, 1851 5620 WILSON (Thomas) Bishop of Sodor and Man. The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made Easy to the Meanest Capacities : or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians ... In Twenty Dialogues, nth edition, pp. xxiv, 280, old calf . 12 London, J. Rivington, 1770 5621 Tracts. An Essay towards Propagating the Gospel, among the Neighbouring Nations of Indians, in North America . . By a Friend to Church, and Common-wealth, pp. 18, uncut. 16 New London, May 10, 1756 A Letter from Rev. [John] Sergeant of Stockbridge to Dr. Colman of Boston, etc. \_see, before, No. 5608.] Pemberton (E.) Sermon in New- Ark, June 12, 1744, at the Ordin. of Mr. David Brainerd, a Missionary among the Indians . . with an 16 122 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Appendix, touching Indian Affairs. Boston, 1744 Dr. C. Chauncy s Sermon in Boston, at the Ordin. of Joseph Bowman, to the work of the Ministry, . especially among the Mohawk Indians, Aug. 31. Boston, 1762 Sermons at Lebanon, June 30, 1763, by Eleazer Wheelock and Nath l Whitaker, at the Ordin. of Charles J. Smith, a Missionary to the Indians. London, 1767 An Account of some late Attempts by the Comm rs of the Soc. for propagating Christian Knowledge, to Christianize the N. A. Indians, pp. 12. Edinb. 1763 Brainerd (David) Mirabilia Dei inter Indices., represented in a Journal, etc., //. 84. (Repr.) Worcester, 1793 Am. Indian Mission Association, Proceedings, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, & Qth Ann. Meetings. Louisville, Ky., 1845-52 McCoy (Isaac) Ann. Register of Indian Affairs, within the Indian (or Western) Territory : Nos. 2,3, and 4. Shawanoe Bapt. Mission, Ind. Ter. 1836-38 The Indian Advocate [ed. by Rev. I. McCoy], Vol. I., Nos. i, 3, 5. Louisville, Ky., 1846. 19 in i vol., nearly all uncut, hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5622 Tracts. LATROBE (B.) A Succinct View of the Missions established among the Heathen by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. London, 1771 Letter to a Friend, giving an Account of the Brethren s Soc. for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen: by J[as.] Hfutton]. Lond. 1769 Brief Account of Proceedings of . . Yearly Meeting of Friends, at Baltimore, for the Improvement . . of the Indian Natives. (Repr.} Lond. 1806 Proceed, of Com. of Yearly Meeting of Friends of Penn., N. J., &c. (Repr.) Lond. 1806 (Robert Southefs copy, with his book-plate.) Kohlmeister (B.) and Kmoch (Geo.), Missionaries of the U. Brethren : Journal of a Voyage from Okkak, Labrador, to Ungava Bay, to explore the coast and visit the Esquimaux, //: 83, map. Lond. 1814. Boudinott (Elias), a Cherokee: Address to the Whites. Phila. 1826 Memorial of Robert Campbell of Savannah, in behalf of the Cherokees. n. p., 1829 Haensel (Rev. John) Missionary of the U. Brethren : Letters on the Nicobar Islands, //. 78. Lond. 1812 Proceed, of Com. of Yearly Meetings of Friends, for the Civilization, etc. of the Seneca Indians, 1847-50, //. 119. Bait. 1850 Further Illustration of the Case of the Seneca Indians in N. York, (a Review of N. T. Strong s "Appeal,") pp. 84. Phila. 1841 Perkins (S.) General Jackson s Conduct in the Seminole War delineated in a History of that Period, etc. Brooklyn, Conn., 1828. 12 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5623 BROWN (Wm.) History of Missions; or, of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen . . With a Preface and Notes by B. Coles. 2 vols., sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 Anglo-American Missions (New England, New Jersey, Oneida,) Vol. I., pp. 35-137 : Missions of the United Brethren (in America), pp. 283-521 : Methodist Missions, in the West Indies, Vol. II., pp. 117-144 : List of Translations of the Scriptures, pp. 535-556- 5624 CHAPIN (Walter) The Missionary Gazetteer, . . so constructed as to give a particular and general History of Missions throughout the World, sheep. 12 Woodstock, 1825 LANGUAGES. 123 INDIAN LANGUAGES. GENERAL TREATISES, AND COLLECTIONS. 5625 American Ethnological Society. Transactions. 2 vols., plates, half green mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 8 New York, 1845-48 With Vol. II. is bound Dr. J. R. Bartletfs "Progress of Ethnology, an Account of recent Archaeological, Philological and Geographical Researches," //. 151, uncut. 5626 [CUOQ] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de 1 Amerique. Par N. O. Ancien Missionnaire, pp. 157 Jugement Errone de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages : par 1 Auteur des " Etudes Philologiques." 2ne edition, rdfondue, pp. 112, i. (2 vols.) 8 Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1870 5627 DUPONCEAU (P. S.) Memoire sur le Systeme Grammatical des Langues de quelques Nations Indiennes de 1 Amerique du Nord, pp. xvi, 464, hf. levant morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt tops. 8 Paris, 1838 The original French edition of Duponceau s celebrated Memoir ; with an introductory notice by J. B. B. Eyries. 5628 HECKEWELDER (John) Names given by the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to Rivers, Streams, Places, &c. in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, etc. . with their Significations . . Prepared for the press by P. S. Du Ponceau, //. 48, hf. bound, very scarce. 4 Philadelphia, 1833 5629 PICKERING QOHN) An Essay on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America, pp. 42, (foxed, ) half morocco, scarce. 4 Cambridge, 1820 5630 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the U. States, with brief critical notices, //. 28, hf. mor., very scarce. 8 Washington, 1849 Autograph letter of Mr. Schoolcraft, inserted. 5631 SHEA (John G.) Library of American Linguistics. 13 vols., uncut. imp. 8 New York, 1859-1864 This important collection comprises the following works : 1. A French-Onondaga Dictionary, from a MS. of the I7th century ; edited by J. G. SHEA, //. viii, 103. 1859-60 2. A Selish or Flat-Head Grammar ; by the Rev. Gregory Mengarini ; pp. (4), viii, 122. 1861 3. A Grammatical Sketch of the Heve language ; transl. from a Spanish MS., by Buckingham Smith, pp. 26. 1861 4. Grammar of the Mutsun Language, spoken at the Mission of San Juan Bautista, Alta California ; by Father F. Arroyo de la Cuesta, pp. 48. 1 86 1 5. Grammar of the Pima or Nevome language of Sonora, from a Manuscript of the i8th century; edited by Buckingham Smith, pp. 97, 32. 1862 6. Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language, by Rev. M. C. Pandosy : transl. by G. Gibbs and J. G. Shea, pp. 59. 1862 7. Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, California, by Father B. Sitjar, pp. xix, 9-53, i. 1861 8. A Vocabulary or Phrase book of the Mutsun Language, by Father F. Arroyo de la Cuesta, pp. 96. 1862 124 THE AMERICAN INDIAN 9. Grammar of the Mikmaque [Micmac] of Nova Scotia; edited by J. M. Bellenger, from the manuscripts of the Abbe Maillard, pp. 101. 1864 10. Radical Words of the Mohawk Language ; by Rev. J. Bruyas, pp. 123. 1863 11. Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi ; by Geo. Gibbs, pp. 40. 1863 12. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon ; by Geo. Gibbs,//. 44. 1863 13. Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language ; by Geo. Gibbs, pp. 23. 1863 5632 COURT DE GEBELIN. Monde Primitif analyse et compare avec le Monde Moderne, etc., map and many plates, 9 vols. hf. vellum, fine copy. 4 Paris, 1773-1782 Vol. VIII contains (pp. 489-560) an Essay on the relations between the languages of America and the ancient world, and (56i-;68) " Observations on an American monument," the Dighton Rock, with an engraving of the inscription, from a copy communicated to the author by Professor Sewall. 5633 Cherokee Almanac, for 1850. Park Hill, Mission. Press, 1850 " Important Indian Manuscripts; translated by L. S. Backus, Professor of the Sign Language, Editor of the Canajoharie Radii, &c.," wood-cut, pp. 16, curious. Canajoharie, N. K, 1840 - The same. Part Second, pp. 16. Canajoharie, N. Y., 1840 The Indian in New England . . The Life of an Indian Hunter of the Etchemin Tribe, . with Vocabularies, etc. By Joseph Barratt, M.D., pp. 24. Middletown, Conn., 1851 Key to the Indian Language of New England in the Etchemin or Passamaquoddy Language. By Jos. Barratt, No. L, pp. 8. Middletown, 1850 PARSONS (Usher) Indian Names of Places in Rhode-Island, PP- 3 2 > fine portrait, scarce. 8 Providence, 1851 Barrett (Jos.) Indian Proprietors of Mattebeseck (Middletown, Conn.) and their descendants, pp. 4. 8 Middletown, 1850 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Ancient History or Annals of Kentucky ; a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, pp. (4), 39, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Frankfort, Ky., 1824 Jones (N. A.) Indian Bulletin, No. I. A brief Account of the N. A. Indians, and the Interpretation of many Indian Names, //. 1 6, worthless, but curious. 8 New York, 1867 SCHOOLCRAFT, (H. R.) Oneota or the Red Race of America. No. I. Aug. 1844, pp. 64, very scarce. ANDREWS (Lorrin) A Vocabulary of Words in the HAWAIIAN Language, pp. iv, 132, SCARCE. 1. 8 Lahainaluna, 1836 SQUIER (E. G.) American Ethnology, //. 14. 1. 8 [CuoQ (M.)] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de 1 Amerique. Par N. O. pp. 160. 1. 8 Montreal, 1866 - Jugement Errone de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages. 2e ed., //. 113. 1. 8 Montreal, 1869 14 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburgh?). 8 LANGUAGES. (ESKIMO.) 125 ESKIMO. 5634 EGEDE (Paul) Dictionarium Gronlandico - Danico - Latinum, complectens Primitiva cum suis Derivatis, etc., pp. (16), 312, old half calf gilt, fine copy, UNCUT. 8 Hafnicz, G. F. Kisel, 1750 5635 EGEDE (P.) Grammatica Gronlandica Danico-Latina, edita a Paulo Egede, //. (16), 256, half bound, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Havnm, G. F. Kisel, 1760 5636 Catechismus Mingnek D. M. LUTHERIM Aglega Innusuinnut Innungnullo Gum. Okausianik illisimangangitsut, etc., pp. 160, old russia, neat. 8 Kiobenhavn, G. F. Kisel, 1756 Luther s Catechism, with a selection of Hymns, translated into the language of Greenland, by P. Egede. VERY SCARCE. 5637 FABRICIUS (O.) Forsog til en forbedret Gronlandsk Grammatica, ved Otho Fabricius, Sognepraest ved vor Frelsers Kirke paa Christianshavn. Andet Oplag. [Essay to improve Greenlandish Grammar, 2d edition,] pp. 388, polished calf gilt, g. e. 12 Kiobenhavn, 1801 5638 Den Gronlandske Ordbog, forbedret og foroget, udgivet ved Otho Fabricius, etc. [The Greenlandish Dictionary, amended and enlarged ; edited by O. Fabricius, etc.], //. viii, 795, polished calf gilt, g. e. 12 Kiobenhavn, 1804 Indispensable to the student of the Eskimo and related languages. 5639 Nalegapta Jesusib Kristusib Piulijipta Pinniarningit, Anialervinga Nelliutingmet Okautsinnik Tussarnertunnik, etc. [The Life of Christ, in the Labrador-Eskimo dialect], pp. 132, hf. bd. neat. 1 8 Barbime \Barby\, 1800 5640 Imgerutit attorekset illagektunnut Labradoremetunnut, pp. xii, 340, cloth. 1 6 Lobaume, J. A. Durold, n. d. A Collection of Hymns, in the Labrador dialect. 5641 The Gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, translated into the Language of the Esquimaux Indians on the coast of Labrador; by the Missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or, United Brethren, residing at Nain, Okkah, and Hoped ale, //. 416. 12 London, 1813 The gospel of St. John, though named in the title page, was not included in the volume. 5642 Okalloutit Sabbatinne akkudleesiksaet, Evangeliumit sukuiautejt okiokun attuaegeksset, kattersdrsimarsut Kaladlidlo okauzeennut nuktersimarsut Pellesimit Peter Kraghmit. [Prayers and Lessons on the Gospels, for Sundays and Holy-days ; translated by Peter Kragh,] pp. viii, (2), 464, (4). 12 Kjb benhavn, 1833 5643 Eskimaux and English Vocabulary, for the use of the Arctic Expedition, pp. xvi, 160, cloth, scarce. obi. 12 London, 1850 5644 POK, kalalek avalangnek, nunalikame nunakatiminut okalug- tuartok. ANGAKORDLO, palasimik napitsivdlune agssortuissok, etc. [Pok, a Greenlander, who has traveled [in Europe] and after his return relates his adventures to his countrymen. And a Diviner (Wizard) who meets a Priest and disputes with him. After old manuscripts found at Godthaab in Greenland,] curious illustrations, colored, pp. 18, hf. calf extra, gilt top, uncut. 8 Nongme, [Godthaab,] 1857 Written, printed, and illustrated by natives of Greenland. The wood-cuts, and their coloring, are curious specimens of native art. 126 THE AMERICAN INDIAN ALGONKIN. CANADA, and the NORTH-WEST. Montagnais (a dialect of the Cree) : 5645 NEHIRO-IRINIUI | AIAMIHE | MASSINAHIGAN, | Shatshegutsh, Mitinekapitsh Iskuamiskutsh, Netshekatsh, | Misht , Assinitsh, Shekutimitsh, | Ekuanatsh, Ashuabmushuanitsh, Piakuagamitsh, | Gaie missi missi Nehiroirinui Astshitsh j ka tatjits, ka kueiasku aiamihatjits ka utshi, | pp. 96, best levant red mor. gilt, filleted sides, g. e. sm. 8 Uabistiguiatsh, \ Massinahitsetuau, Broun gate Girmor, | 1767 A VERY FINE COPY of this RARE volume A Prayer Book, Catechism, etc., in the language of the Montagnais Indians of Canada (a dialect of the Cree), printed at Quebec, by Brown & Gilmore, who were the first printers in that city and in Canada; and it is one of the earliest, if not the first, productions of their press. It was compiled by Father J. B. de La Brosse (S. J.) whose name, in an Indian translation Tshitshisahigan, i. e. "la brosse" appears in the approbatur of Bishop Briant, prefixed to the volume. 5646 Nehiro-Iriniui | Aiamihe | Massinahigan, | etc. Another copy, original binding, water-stained. [Quebec] 1767 Cree (Knisteneaux, Killisteno) : 5647 CHAPPELL (Lieut. Edw.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson s Bay . . containing some account of the Tribes | inhabiting | that | remote | region, | map and ^engravings, pp. (10), 279, hf. calf, gilt. 8 London, 1817 Contains (pp. 256-279) "A Vocabulary of the Language of the Cree or Knisteneaux Indians inhabiting the Western shores of Hudson s Bay." 5648 HOWSE (Jos.) A Grammar of the Cree Language ; with . . An Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect, pp. xx, 324, half calf , gilt top. 8 London, 1844 With the author s autograph presentation to Dr. Charles Daubeny. 5649 Oo Meyo Achimoowin St. MARK. The Gospel according to St. Mark ; translated into the language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert s Land, North-west America, //. iv, 87, sheep. 12 London, B. and F. Bible Society, 1855 5650 Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, Psalms and Hymns, and the First Epistle General of John, in Cree (syllabic characters), lithographed, pp. v, 52, 13, hf. bd. 8 London, Ch. Mission- House, [1856] The Introductory Observations and appended diagrams supply a key to the " Phonetic Syllabic Symbols " of the text. 5651 Ayumehawe Mussinahikun. The Book of Common Prayer, etc. Translated into the language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert s Land, North-west America, pp. iv, 274, sheep. 12 London, Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge, 1855 Comprises (pp. 249-274) a selection of Hymns. 5652 The Book of Common Prayer . . Translated in the Language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert s Land, " Archdeacon Hunter s Translation," printed in syllabic characters, pp. (4), 190, sprinkled sheep. 12 London, Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge, 1860 5653 Prieres, Cantiques, Catechisme, etc., en Langue Crise, in syllabic characters, pp. 288, cloth. 19 Montreal, L. Perrault, 1857 On the title-page (in characters) "Ayamihe Nehiyawe-Masinahigan," i. c. Christian Cree-Book. LANGUAGES. (ALGONKIN.) 5654 (Cree) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns translated into the language of the York Indians of the Diocese of Rupert s Land, by the Rev. W. Mason, //. 161. 32 London, 1860 Printed in Evan s syllabic characters. The language is Cree. 5655 LACOMBE (le Rev. Pere Albert) Dictionnaire de la Langue des Cris. Grammaire de la langue des Cris. 2 vols. in i, pp. xx, 712 ; iii, 190, paper, uncut. 8 Montreal, 1874 Father Lacombe, a missionary for more than twenty years among the western Crees, has done for their language what Bishop Baraga so well accomplished for the Otchipwo. This excellent dictionary and grammar must be the chief reliance of students of this wide spread language. Algonquin [Nipissing] : 5656 Aiamie TipadjimoSin Masinaigan ka Ojitogobanen kaiat ko NiinaSisi Mekate8ikonaie8igobanen Kanactageng, 8ak8i EnaSindi- banen, pp. 337, (2). Moniang [Montreal}, John Lovell, 1859 Ka Titc Tebeniminang Jezos, ondaje Aking. Oom Masinaigan ki ojitogoban ka ojitogobanen Aiamie TipadjimoSin Masinaigan, 8ak8i EnaSindibanen, //. 396. 18 Moniang, J. Lovell, 1861 2 vols. in one, hf. mor. Old-Testament Stories, and the Life of Christ, in the Algonquin [Nipissing] dialect ; by the missionaries at the Lake of the Two Mountains (Kanactageng). 5657 Aiamie TipadjimSin Masinaigan, etc. [Old Testament Stories,] //. 337, (2), cloth. 1 8 Moniang [Montreal}, J. Lovell, 1859 5658 Catechisme Algonquin avec Syllabaire et Cantiques. Niina Aiamie Kak8edjindi8inimasinaigan ate gaie Kekinoamagemagak . . . Kanactageng, //. 52. 18 Moniang, [Montreal} J. Lovell, 1865 5659 Niina Aiamie Masinaigan ou Recueil de Prieres et de Cantiques, a 1 usage des Sauvages de Temiscaming, d Abbitibi, du Grand Lac, de MataSan et du Fort William, pp. 277, hf. cloth, new. Moniang, y. Lovell, 1866 5660 [CUOQ] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages, de I Amerique, par N. O., ancien missionnaire, //. 160. 8 Montreal, 1866 Comprises the elements of Algonkin and Iroquois grammar, and a comparative view of the two languages ; with critical remarks on the works of Schoolcraft and the Memoir of Duponceau. Chippeway (Ojibua, Otchipwe) . 5661 LONG (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. . . To which is added, A Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, . a List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a Table, shewing the analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway Languages, map, pp. xi, 295, tree calf, yellow edges, a large and exceptionally fine copy. 4 London, 1791 5662 NEW TESTAMENT. Kekitchemanitomenahn Gahbemahjein- nunk | Jesus Christ, | otoashke | Wawweendummahgawin. \pp. 484, sheep, unused. 12 Albany, Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1833 RARE. The FIRST Chippeway version of the (whole of the) New Testament. It was made by Dr. Edwin James, with the help of John Tanner. The translation is by no means a literal one ; in many passages, it is very free to say nothing of other faults. On the last leaf are the Ten Commandments and a Hymn ("Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ") in the Chippeway language. 128 THE AMERICAN INDIAN. 5663 The same, fresh copy, sheep. 12 Albany, 1833 5664 - lu | Otoshki-Kikindiuin au Kitogimaminan gaie Bema- jiinvng Jesus Krist : ima | Ojibue Inueuining giizhitong. The | New Testament, | etc. \ translated into the Language | of the Ojibwa Indians, | //. iv, 643, sheep, fresh copy. 12 N. York, Am. Bible Soc., 1844 Not in O Callaghan s List of Am. Bibles. 5665 - - The same, stamped morocco, good copy. 5666 Ewh | Oowahweendahmahgawin owh Tabanemenung | Jesus Christ, | keahnekuhnootuhbeegahdag Anwamand egewh Ahneshenahbag Ojibway anindjig. pp. 766, SCARCE. thick 8 Toronto, H. Rowsdl, 1854 Published by the London Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge. (Not in O Callaghan s List of Am. Bibles.) 5667 - - SUMMERFIELD (John) alias Sahgahjewagahbahweh. Sketch of Grammar of the Chippeway Language, to which is added, A Vocabulary of some of the most common Words, pp. 35, hf. red mor., VERY RARE. 1 6 Cazenovia, [N. Y.J 1834 "The FIRST ATTEMPT to reduce the Chippeway language to any [grammatical] system." It was written while the author (a full-blood Chippeway) was a student at the Oneida Conference Seminary, in Cazenovia, in the winter of 1833-34. He died, a year or two after this little book was printed. 5668 Nygwnouinyn genyni/gt/mouat igiu Anishinabeg Antmiiajig, [i. e. Hymns to be sung by Praying Indians,] pp. 52. Boston, A. B. C. F. M., 1856 Kishemanito M/jzinaigyn Tezhiuindr;iruin, Josip Tfzhimint, Auesi^g Pineshifg gaie Tfzhimintuag, or Old Testament Bible Stories, Story of Joseph, and Natural History, wood-cuts, pp. 72. Boston, 1835 lu Pitabzm ; gema gaie Okikinoamaguziuiniua igiu Abinojit g The Peep of Day ; or a Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving, //. 144, uncut. Boston, 1844 O-jib-ue Spelling Book, designed for the use of native learners. 2d ed. enlarged, //. 107. Boston, 1835 Gallaudet s Picture Defining and Reading Book: also, New- Testament Stories, in the Ojibua Language, pp. 123. Boston, 1835 Short Reading Lessons in the Ojibwa Language ; translated by Rev. P. Dougherty, aided by D. Rodd, pp. 95. Grand Traverse Bay, for the A. B. C. F. M., 1847 6 in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5669 The Lord s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and Apostles Creed ; also, other portions of the Church Service : together with a Selection of Hymns, in the Ojibwa (or Chippewa) Language, //. 32, (i). 18 Toronto, H. Rowsell, 1840 5670 - Ojibue Spelling Book. Parts Land II., wood-cuts, pp. 64, 96, fresh copy. 2 vols. sq. 16 Boston, 1846 5671 The same, clean, unused. 2 vols. LANGUAGES. I2Q 5672 OJEBWAY NUHGUHMONUN, kanuhnuhguhmowahjin egewh Uhneshenahbaig, kahahnekuhnootuhmobeeungin owh Kahkewa- quonaby, etc. A Collection of Chippeway and English Hymns, for the use of the Native Indians, translated by Peter Jones, Indian Missionary . . Added, a few Hymns translated by the Rev. James Evans and George Henry, pp. vi, 289, sheep, nice fresh copy. 32 ^ York, Lane &> Tippett, 1847 English and Indian on opposite pages. The second edition. Printed for the Miss. Society of the Meth. Episc. Church. 5673 The same, sheep, fresh copy. 32 N. York, Lane and Tippett, 1847 5674 The same, sheep, fresh copy. 32 A^ York, Lane & Scott, 1851 5675 The same, sheep, unused. 32 N. York, Carlton 6* Porter, n. d. 5676 The same, pp. vi, 236, sheep. 1 8 Toronto, for Wesley an Miss. Society, 1860 5677 lu Pitabz/n ; gema gaie Okikinoamaguziuiniua igiu Abinojii/g The Peep of Day ; or, A Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving, wood-cuts, pp. 144, fresh, uncut. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, for A. B. C. F. M., 1844 oooo See HOWSE (J.) No. 5648 : oooo Micmac. See SHEA (J. G.) Library of American Linguistics, (no. 9.) No. 5631. 5678 Potawatomi : The Gospel according to MATTHEW, and the ACTS of the Apostles ; translated into the Putawatomie Language. By Johnston Lykins. Carefully compared with the Greek text. Published . . by the Board of Managers of the Am. Indian Mission Association, //. 240, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 16 Louisville, Ky., W. C. Buck, 1844 NEW ENGLAND. Massachusetts and Narragansett Dialects : 5679 WILLIAMS (ROGER) A Key into the Language | of | America : | or, | An help to the Language of the Natives | in that part of America, called New-England. | etc., pp. (16), 197, (3), large copy, dk. brown levant morocco, extra, sides double panel-gilt, outside and inside borders, g. e. sm. 8 London, Gregory Dexter, 1643 5680 A Key into the Language of America, etc. [Reprinted, in Collections of the R. I. Historical Society, Vol. I.], with a Sketch of the Life of Roger Williams, //. 163, (2), facsimile, hf. mor., neat. 8 Providence, R. I., 1827 5681 A Key into the Language of America. Reprinted, with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Hammond Trumbull, cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Providence, 1866 Narragansett Club Publications, Vol. I. The volume also contains, John Cotton s Letter; R. Williams s Mr. Cotton s Letter Answered; and a Bibliographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Williams, by R. A. Guild. I3O THE AMERICAN INDIAN ELIOT S INDIAN BIBLE. FIRST EDITION, WITH THE DEDICATION. JOHN ALLAN S COPY. 5682 The HOLY BIBLE: | containing the | Old Testament and the New. | Translated into the | INDIAN LANGUAGE, | and | Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New-England, | At the Charge, and with the Consent of the Corporation in England For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New-England. | Cambridge : \ Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. MDCLXIII. Collation : i blank leaf : English Title, within a border of printer s ornaments, acorn pattern; verso blank (i leaf): Dedication, "To the high and mighty Prince, Charles the Second," etc. 4 pp. (A 3, 4): i leaf, recto blank; on verso, Names of the Books: Text, Genesis Malachi (A-Mmmmma), in fours: Indian Title to New Testament, in a border, with lozenge-shaped ornament composed of printer s marks ; verso blk. : Text, Matthew to end of Luke, A 2 to L 4, in fours ; John to end of Revelation, Aa to verso of Xx 3, in fours: i blank leaf (Xx 4); WAME Ketoohomae etc. (the Psalms in metre), 50 leaves, n. n. (A-N 2, verso) : Catechism, i leaf: i blank leaf (N 4). In the original smooth dark blue morocco binding, sides fileted and panel-gilt, gilt edges. Size of leaf, 7^ inches by 5^, full. In a Solander case of maroon morocco, lettered. At the head of the title is the (partially defaced) autograph of Sir Wm. Ashtmrst, who was a prominent member (and became Governor) of the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel in New England. The Allan copy has long been known to collectors, as one of the largest, finest, and most desirable of all known u Royal " or Dedication copies. Only twenty copies of this description were sent to England, by order of the Corporation, for presentation to the Universities and to such persons as the Governor of the Corporation should think fit. These were bound in England, and probably in uniform style. ELIOT S BIBLE. SECOND EDITION. GOV. STOUGHTON S AND THE REV. JOHN DANFORTH S COPY. 5683 Mamusse | Wunneetupanatamwe | UP-BIBLUM GOD | Naneeswe | Nukkone Testament kah wonk | Wusku Testament. | Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ | noh asoowesit | JOHN ELIOT. | Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. | Cambridge. \ Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. [New Testament :] Wusku Wuttestamentum | Nul-Lordumum lesus Christ | Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. | Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable \ Corporation in London, for the propagation (sic) of the Gospel among the In-\dians in New-England 1680. | 4 One blank leaf; Title (Indian), i leaf ; Old Test., A to Ppppp, in fours ; names of the Books, i leaf, recto blank ; N. Test., Title (as above), i leaf, verso blank ; Text, Aa to (recto of) Kk 2 ; Psalms in Metre, 53 n. n., Kk 3 to Yy 4 ; Catechism, i leaf. Elegantly bound (by Mr. F. Bedford) in levant black morocco, extra, filleted and pan eled sides, richly ornamented, gilt edges, double vellum guard-leaves. Size of page, 7^ by 5 inches. On the verso of the blank leaf preceding the Title, are the autographs of two former owners, WILLIAM STOUGHTON (Chief Justice and Lieut. -Govern or of Massachusetts, died, 1701,) and the Rev. JOHN DANFORTH, 1713. (The latter married the neice of Gov. Stoughton.) A VERY FINE COPY, remarkably free from stain and set-off. Only the first few leaves show any evidence of having been used. The head of the title-leaf and of the first leaf of text have been mended (to the width of about a quarter of an inch.) LANGUAGES. 137 While the First Edition of Eliot s Bible is the more attractive to collectors of rare Americana, and deserves the pre-eminence that is accorded to it, as a monument of early American typography and as the first version of the Bible printed in the New World, it should not be forgotten that, to students of the American languages and to the general philologist, the Second is the more valuable ; and that all critical references to Eliot s version are, or should be, made to this revised and corrected edition. ELIOT S BIBLE, SECOND EDITION. JONATHAN ED WARDS S COPY. 5684 -- Mamusse | Wunneetupanatamwe | UP-BIBLUM GOD | etc. 4 Cambridge, 1685, 1680 Title (Indian), i leaf; Old Test., A to Ppppp, in fours; Catechism (misplaced by the binder), i leaf; i blank leaf; Names of the Books, i leaf, recto blank; Title (Indian) to the N. Test., i leaf, verso blank ; Text, A 2 to recto of Kk 2 ; Psalms in metre, 53 leaves, n. n. Kk 3 to Yy 4. Size of page, 7} by 5$ inches. In levant red morocco extra gilt, sides and back elaborately tooled, in an elegant design, gauffered gilt edges, vellum linings and guard-leaves. The binding is one of Mr. Bedford s master-pieces. The volume has been skillfully cleaned throughout, the margins of some short and worn leaves extended, and the deficiencies, if any were found, are supplied in facsimile so perfect as to escape detection. It will be observed, from the collation, that by the binder s mistake, the " Catechism " which belongs at the end of the volume has been inserted at the end of the Old Testament. 5685 ELIOT (JOHN) The Indian Grammar Begun, etc. (Cambridge, 1666) A Grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Language.. A New Edition; with Notes and Observations, by P. S. Du Ponceau, and an Introduction and Supplementary Observations by John Pickering..//. 22, (4), 66, Ivi, half vellum, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1822 One of very few copies separately printed, with title-page from the Mass. Histor. Collections. It has an autograph presentation "To the Hon ble John Davis, LL.D. from his obed t and h ble serv t, Jno Pickering." 5686 COTTON (JOHN) Nashauanittue Meninnunk wutch j Mukkie- sog, ! . . . qushkinniimun en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit, wutch oonenehikqunaout Indiane Mukkiesog, nashpe Grindal Rawson, etc. [Cotton s "Spiritual Milk for Babes," translated into the Indian language, for the use of Indian children, by Grindal Rawson,] pp. 13, blue crimped morocco, elegant, full gilt back, sides double- paneled, corner ornaments, g. e. (Bedford}, beautiful copy. sm. 8 Cambridge, Samuel Green kah Bartholomew Green, 1691 VERY RARE. See Proceedings Am. Antiq. Society, Oct., 1873, PP- 55~6. 5687 MATHER (INCREASE) and DANFORTH (S.) Masukkenukeeg Matcheseaenvog Wequetoog kah Wuttooanatoog Uppeyaonont Christoh kah ne Yeuyeu Teanuk | etc. . . Nashpe Increase Mather. . . Yeush kukkookootomwehteaongash qushkinnumunash en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit nashpe S. D[anforth], //. 164, best levant brown mor. paneled sides, extra gilt, g. e. (Bedford}, ELEGANT COPY. sm. 8 Bostonut, Printeuoop Bartholomew Green kah John Allen, 1698 Five Sermons by Increase Mather, translated into the Indian language by Samuel Danforth. The first Indian book printed in Boston. See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, No. 61 (Oct. 1873), p. 56. 5688 A | CONFESSION OF | FAITH Owned and consented unto by the Elders & Messengers | of the Churches Assembled at Boston in New England, | May 12. 1680. | . . Boston, B. Green and John 132 THE AMERICAN INDIAN Allen, 1699. WUNNAMPTAMOE SAMPOOAONK [etc., translated into the Indian language, by Grindal Rawson, etc.~\, 8 prelim, leaves, pp. 161, (4), levant brown mor. extra, filleted and paneled sides, center ornaments, full gilt back, g. e. (Bedford], FINE COPY. 8 MUSHAUWOMUK \Boston\. Printeuun nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen, 1699 English and Indian on opposite pages. (See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, Oct. 1873, p. 57.) 5689 COTTON QOSIAH) Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian Language, //. 112, half vellum, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1829 With introductory Remarks by J. D[avis] and J. Flickering,] and an Appendix by Mr. Pickering, who edited Cotton s Manuscript for the Mass. Hist. Society. This vocabulary was compiled about 1707. Muhhekaneew (or Mohegan) : 5690 EDWARDS (JONATHAN) D.D. Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians . . Communicated to the Conn. Society of Arts and Sciences, //. 16, uncut, half green morocco. 8 New Haven, Josiah Meigs, 1788 The original edition, VERY SCARCE. This copy, which probably was the author s, has been marked and corrected throughout, for another edition. It is slightly wormed, (only) on the lower margins. 5691 The Assembly s Catechism [in the language of the Mohegan Indians], pp. 31. Stockbridge, Mass., Loring Andrews, 1795 Teyeriwakowata, [a Hymn] in the Mohawk Tongue. By Wm. Alvis, i page. n. p., n. d. Remarks on Some Words in the Language of the St. John s or Wlastukweek Indians ; by H. E. H. [Horatio Hale], pp. 4. n. p., n. d. [Cambridge, 1834.] 3 in i vol., hf. calf. 12 5692 Quiripi (Quinnipiac) : PEIRSON (Rev. Abraham) Some Helps for the Indians : a Catechism in the Language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony. Reprinted from the original edition, of Cambridge, 1658; with an Introduction by J. H. Trumbull, pp. u, 67, facsimile of original title. 8 Hartford, 1873 Only 100 copies were printed. Of the original edition only two copies are known, one in the British Museum, the other in the Lenox Library. Abnaki and Etchemin Dialects: 5693 BARRAT (Joseph) M.D. The Indian of New England and the North-Eastern Provinces . . With Vocabularies in Indian and English, giving the names of the Animals, Birds, and Fish, the most complete that has been given . . in the languages of the Etchemin and Micimacs, pp. 24 Key to the Indian Language of New England, in the Etchemin or Passamaquoddy language, spoken in Maine, and St. Johns, N. B. . No. I. [all published,] pp. 4. 2 in i vol., hf. mor. 12 Middletown, Conn., 1851, 50 5694 MANUSCRIPT BOOK OF PRAYERS, etc., in the Mareschit (or Maliseet) and Caniba dialects. A little volume of 82 pages (measuring 5 by 2^ inches) written by some French mission ary to the Abnakis. It is complete and well-preserved, though its pages bear traces of long and frequent use. It formerly belonged to Dr. John Pickering, to whom it was presented by Bishop (and Cardinal) Cheverus. It contains " Priere du Matin, en Marichit," " Cantique," " Priere du Soir, en Caniba," " Priere avant la Confession," " Interrogation pour la Confession," " Prieres avant [et apres] la Communion," " Catechisme," " Maniere de Baptiser," etc. LANGUAGES. 133 The mission for which this manual was compiled included Indians of at least two tribes, the Canibas, of whose principal dialect Rasles has given us a vocabulary, and the Etchemins and Mareschites, on and near the St. John s River. " We read in the relations of the Jesuits, that the Canibas, the Etchemins, and other Indians of different tribes lived together in one village," under the instruction of the missionary Fathers (Maurault, Hist, des Abenakis, 9); and it is not improbable that this manual contains translations made early in the i;th century, and preserved in manuscript copies by successive missionaries. *#* This will be sold -with the privilege of the following number (5695). 5695 (MANUSCRIPT) Prieres des Sauvages Abnakis de St. Francois. Legibly and neatly written, on 32 pages (7 by 3^ inches), clean and well-preserved. On the first blank-leaf (of which only a portion remains) Mr. Brinley has written . " Purchased at the sale of the Library of Hon. John Pickering, Boston, 1846. This MS. was presented to Mr. Pickering by Bishop Cheverus." The writing resembles that of the preceding volume and is probably by the same hand ; but it shows that the writer has become more familiar both with the language and with the pen. The character used by the French missionaries for on or English w (8) is employed, and the nasals are marked as in Rasles s Dictionary, by h. In addition to the prayers contained in the earlier manual, it has the Litanies of the Virgin, and of the Holy Name of Jesus, the Psalms and Antiphons for Vespers, and the hymns "Lucis Creator" and " Veni Creator." 5696 - - VETROMILE (EUGENE) S. J. Indian Good Book . . for the benefit of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, St. John s, Micmac, and other tribes of the Abnaki Indians. Alnambay Uli Awikhigan, etc., pp. 586, red mor. gilt. 16 New York, 1858 5697 TRUMBULL (J. H.) Notes on Forty Algonkin Versions of the Lord s Prayer. (From the Transactions of the Am. Philological Association, 1872,) pp. 116. 8 Hartford, 1873 One of 100 copies separately printed. THE MIDDLE STATES. New Sweden; and (Mission) Delaware, or "LenniLenape:" 5698 CAMPANIUS QOHN) Holmiensis. Lutheri | Catechismus, | Ofwersatt | pa | American- Virginiske Spraket. engraved title, pp. (16), 1 60, grosgrain levant red morocco extra, filleted sides, ins. borders, g. e. ( W. Pratt}, LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY, RARE. sm. 8 Stockholm, 1696 Copies with the engraved title-page (with "Catechismvs Lutheri Lingva Svecico- Americana ") which precedes the printed title, are EXTREMELY RARE. The translation of the Catechism was revised and some additions made to the appended Vocabulary, by Thomas Campanius, grandson of John. 5699 Lutheri Catechismus, | etc. Another fine copy, (without the engraved title-page), old calf , g. e., RARE. sm. 8 Stockholm, 1696 From Lord Farnham s library. A letter to him, from Alexander Johnston, is inserted, conveying the grateful acknowledgments of Baron Alex, von Humboldt for the loan of the book which "was quite unknown to him," and which " had been of very great use to him in his researches." 5700 ZEISBERGER (David) Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English Spelling-Book, for the Use of the Schools of the Christian Indians on Muskingum River..//. (2), 113, blue calf, gilt, ins. borders. 12 Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1776 5701 ZEISBERGER (D.) A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Christian Indians of the Missions of the United Brethren in North America, //. xii, 358, hf. bd., VERY SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, H. Sweitzer, 1803 Hymns in the Delaware language, revised (and many translated) by Zeisberger. 134 THE AMERICAN INDIAN 5702 ZEISBERGER (D.) Sermons to Children. Translated by David Zeisberger. Ehelittonhenk li Amemensak Gischitak Elleniechsink. Utchi David Zeisberger, //. 115, hf. bd., RARE. 12 Philadelphia, A. & G. Way, 1803 To the Sermons is appended Zeisberger s translation of A. G. Spangenberg s "Some thing of Bodily Care for Children," with a separate title-page, //. 91-115. 5703 ZEISBERGER (D.) Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians. Translated from the German Manuscript of the Author by Peter S. Du Ponceau. With a Preface and Notes by the Translator, pp. 186, (i), boards, UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, 1827 Of Du Ponceau s translation of Zeisberger s grammar, published in the Am. Philosoph ical Society s Transactions, N. S. Vol. III., only a few copies were separately printed. These are now VERY SCARCE. The work with all its defects is indispensable to students of American languages. This was Dr. JOHN PICKERING S copy, and has many penciled marginal notes by him. 5704 - - The Three Epistles of the Apostle John. Translated into Delaware Indian, by C. F. Dencke, pp. 21, 21, Indian and English on opposite pages. (5 copies.) 24 New York, Am. Bible Soc., 1818 5705 -- LIEBERKUHN (S.) The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, comprehending all that the Four Evangelists have recorded concerning Him, etc. . Translated into the Delaware Language by the Rev. DAVID ZEISBERGER, pp. viii, 222, sheep, fine copy, scarce. 12 New York, D. fans haw, 1821 "Printed only for the use of missionaries and is not to be purchased," wrote Mr. Pickering in 1827, in his Introduction to Zeisberger s Grammar of the Lenni Lenape (P- 30- 5706 LUCKENBACH (A.) Forty-six select Scripture Narratives from the Old Testament . . Translated into Delaware Indian, for the use of Indian Youth, illustrated, pp. xvi, 304, sheep. 12 New York, D. Fanshaw, 1838 5707 The same, another copy, fresh and clean, sheep. IROQUOIS. Mohawk : 5708 The Morning and Evening Prayer. | The Litany, and Church Catechism. | | Ne | Orhoengene neoni Yogaraskhagh Yondere- anayendaghkwa, | Ne Ene Niyoh Raodeweyena, neoni | Onoghsa- dogeaghtige Yondadderigh- 1 wanondoentha. | pp. (2), 24, 18, half mor., neat. sm. 4 Boston, New- England : \ Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper. 1 7 63 Title, i leaf ; The Order for Morning Prayer daily throughout the year, pp. 1-16 ; The Litany, pp. 17-24; The Church Catechism, pp. 1-9; [Various] Prayers, pp. 10-18. EXTREMELY RARE. It may have been printed at the instance of the Rev. Dr. Eleazer Wheelock, or by the Boston Commissioners of the (Scotch) Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, for the use of the missionaries and school-masters sent from New England to the Six Nations. Wm. Weyman was employed by Sir Wm. Johnson, in 1762, to print a new edition of the Mohawk Prayer-Book, and began the work early in 1763, under the supervision of the Rev. Dr. Barclay. Its progress was interrupted by the death of Dr. Barclay, in 1764, and less than half the book was printed when Weyman died, in July, 1768. In the meantime several missionaries had gone from. New England to the Six Nations ; Mr. Cornelius Bennett, a catechist of the Episcopal church, was teaching school among the Mohawks in 1764: Mr. C. J. Smith (accompanied by young Joseph Brant) and the Rev. Samuel Kirtland went, the same year, from Lebanon, as missionaries to the same field sent by the Boston Commissioners, and several others were preparing themselves at Lebanon for this mission. This Prayer-Book and Catechism was probably printed for the use of these missionaries and their Indian scholars. It seems to be a reprint, so far as it goes, of the LANGUAGES. 135 first edition (Wm. Bradford, 1715), omitting the " Several Chapters of the Old and New Testament" ; and founded, like that edition, on the translations made "by Mr. Freeman, a very worthy Calvinist minister." See Humphreys Hist. Account, p. 302. 5709 The Order | For Morning and Evening Prayer, And Admin istration of the | Sacraments, | and some other | Offices of the Church, | Together with A Collection of Prayers, and some Sentences of the Holy Scriptures, necessary for Knowledge | Practice. | Ne | Yagawagh Niyadewighniserage Yonderaenayen- dagh- 1 kwa orghoongene neoni Yogaraskha yoghse- 1 ragwegough, etc. . . Collected, and translated into the Mohawk \ Language, under the direction of the late Rev. Mr. William Andrews, the late Rev. Dr. Henry | Barclay, and the Rev. Mr. John Oglivie (sic) j \ etc., Title, i leaf, pp. 204, fine, clean copy, sheep, gilt, fine copy. 8 n. p. \New York, W. Weyman and Hugh Game,] 1769 VERY RARE. Less than 400 copies were printed, and "very few remained among the Mohawks when they retired to Canada in 1777." O CALLAGHAN, in Hist. Mag., i. 15. " The edition . . . consisting of a small number were soon delivered out to the Indians, except a few which were, with the late Sir Wm. Johnson s Library, seized and made away with by the Rebels, in 1776." Advertisement to Quebec edition of 1 780. Pages 1-74 (sigs. A to I) were printed by Weyman, 1763-68 ; the remainder by Hugh Gaine, who finished his work in December, 1768. 5710 The Order For Morning and Evening Prayer, etc. (8 lines.) . . | Ne Yakawea. | Niyadewighniserage Yondereanayendakhkwa Orhoenke ne, | neoni Yogarask-ha Oghseragwegouh ; etc. The Third Edition, Formerly collected and translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois Lan- 1 guage, under the direction of the Missionaries from the Venerable | Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the | Mohawk Indians. Published | By Order of His Excellency Frederick Haldimand, | Captain-general and Com mander in Chief of all his Majesty s Forces in the Province of Quebec, etc., Revised with Corrections and Additions by DANIEL CLAUS, Esq ; P. T. Agent | For the six Nation Indians in the Province of Quebec. | old English red morocco, gilt, FINE COPY. 8 n. p. {Quebec^ 1780 VERY RARE. "As the number then printed was small and some of the copies were unfortunately lost, another impression became necessary." Preface to (London} edition of 1787. This copy belonged to the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, and is inscribed: "For the Rev a Mr. Boucher from his affectionate Brother, John Doty." 5711 The Book of Common Prayer, | And Administration of the | Sacraments, and other | Rites and Ceremonies of the | Church, | according to the use of the Church of England : | . . . A New Edition : To which is added | The Gospel according to St. Mark, | Translated into the Mohawk Language, By Capt r . JOSEPH BRANT, | An Indian of the Mohawk Nation. (On opposite page: ) Ne Yakawea | Yondereanayendaghkwa | Oghseragwegouh, Neoni Yakawea | Ne Orighwadogeaghty | Yondatnekosseraghs neoni | Tekarighwagehhadont, | etc. . . Keagaye ase yondereanayendaghkwa. | Oni tahoghsonderoh | St. Mark Raorighwadogeaghty, | Tekawean- adennyoh Kanyenkehaga Rakowanea T HAYENDANEGEA, Roe- wayats. 19 copper plates (y. Peachey, sc^), Engl. and Indian titles, pp. iii, 505, (i), elegantly bound in old English red morocco, gilt back, sides bordered in gold, with center ornaments, and inlaid label, with the name of " The Right Hortble Lord Lovaine, 1787," g. e., LARGE, CLEAN, AND EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. 8 London, C. Buckton, 1787 This was the fifth edition of the Mohawk Prayer-Book. The English is printed opposite the Indian translation, throughout. The translation of the Gospel of St. Mark 136 THE AMERICAN INDIAN the first translation of an entire Gospel in the Mohawk language occupies pp. 176-341, and on page 341, is "I-Ih Wakhyadon, August 1774. JOSEPH THAYENDANEGEA" (Brant s Mohawk name. ) For the extended title, and history of this edition, see Dr. O Callaghan s paper in the Historical Magazine, i. 15, 16. 5712 Another copy, fine impressions of the plates, ABSOLUTELY UNCUT, For el. r. 8 London, C. Buckton, 1787 In such condition, SUPERLATIVELY RARE. 5713 Another copy, clean and fine, old paneled calf (joints cracked). 8 London, C. Buckton, 1787 5714 A Prayer Book in the Language of the Six Nations of Indians. . Compiled from various translations. . By the Rev. Solomon Davis, Missionary to the Oneidas, at Duck Creek, Wis consin,//. 108, cloth. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1837 5715 The Book of Common Prayer according to the use of the Church of England, translated into the Mohawk language ; com piled from various translations, revised, etc., by the Rev. Abraham Nelles. The Collects etc. translated by John Hill, Jr., appear in Mohawk for the first time in this Edition. Hamilton, 1842 Ne Kaghyadouhsera ne Yoedereanayeadagwha, etc. Oghroewakouh, 1842. English and Indian on opposite pages, pp. viii, 456, green mor., unused. 8 5716 The same, another copy, blue mor. 5717 The Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois language . . by the Rev. Eleazer Williams, V.D.M. Revised edition of his former translation. //. 1 08 ; Selections of Psalms and Hymns, pp. 67 ; blk. embossed morocco, red edges, unused. (2 copies.) 1 6 N. York, P. E. Tract Society, 1853 5718 A Primer, for the Use of the Mohawk Children, To acquire the Spelling and Reading of their OWN, as well as to get acquainted with the ENGLISH, Tongue ; which for that purpose is put on the opposite page, original binding, well-preserved ; frontispiece (engr. by y. Peachey) representing an Indian School ; VERY FINE CLEAN COPY, pp. 98. sq. 1 6 London, C. Buckton, 1786 VERY RARE. Book plate of William Penn. 5719 A Primer for the Use of the Mohawk Children, &c. Another copy, in the original binding. sq. 16 London, C. Buckton, 1786 In this copy, the (mezzotint) frontispiece, engraved by J. Peachey, 1786, has been pasted down over another (and earlier) -woodcut, representing an Indian school, which, probably, was used in the earlier edition of 1781 (see the Bibl. Grenvilliana, II. 574). 5720 WILLIAMS (ELEAZER) Good News to the Iroquois Nation. A Tract [in the IROQUOIS LANGUAGE], on Man s Primitive Rectitude, his Fall, and his Recovery through Jesus Christ, pp. n, half morocco gilt top (Pratt) uncut. 12 Burlington, Vt., Samuel Mills, 1813 VERY RARE. I have seen but one other copy, (see No. 5742.) 5721 -- The Gospel according to Saint John. (In the Mohawk Language), sheep. (2 copies.) iS JV. York, Am. Bible Society, 1818 Capt. John Norton s translation. (Indian and English.) Reprinted from the English edition (of 1805), with such scrupulous accuracy that the typographical errors of that edition are left without correction, and the original page of errata ("Nene Yakowenuan- neren" etc.) is faithfully reproduced. LANGUAGES. 137 5722 The Gospel according to Saint Luke ; translated into the Mohawk tongue, by H. A. Hill, //. 157, 159, Indian and English opposite, sheep. 18 N. York, Am. Bible Society, 1827 5723 MOHAWK. The Gospel of St. Matthew, transl. into the Mohawk language by A. Hill, and corrected by J. A. Wilkes, Jr., Grand River, U. C. N. York, 1836 The Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews, transl. by Wm. Hess, with corrections by J. A. Wilkes, Jr. N. Y., 1836 [The General Epistles of James, Peter (i. and ii.), John (i., ii., in.), and Jude ; the Revelation of St. John ; The Gospel according to St. John. Transl. by Hill and Wilkes, n. t. p.] The Acts of the Apostles ; transl. by Hill, corrected by Hess and Wilkes,//. 121. N. Y., 1835 Paul s Epistle to the Romans; transl. by the same, pp. 56, N. Y., 1835. 8 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe^) 12 5724 The Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew. Translated into the Mohawk language by A. Hill and corrected by J. A. Wilkes, Jr., Grand River, U. C., //. 99. 12 N. Y., Young Men s Bible Soc., 1836 For some sharp criticisms of this translation, see (M. Cuoq s) " Jugement Erron6 de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages," pp. 105, 106: He pronounces it though "il s est penible de le dire" " vraiment pitoyable. Ce n est moins qu une profanation de la parole de Dieu ; " abounding in " incorrections, inexactitudes, solecismes, barbarismes, et contre-sens." [The Gospel of Saint John.] Ne Orighwadogenhty ne Jinityawea- onh ne Royatadogenhty ne John, [Translated by Hill and Wilkes,] //. 91, n.t. p. 12 \N. Y., Young Men s Bible Soc., 1836] The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Transl. by Wm. Hess, with corrections by J. A. Wilkes, Jr., //. 17, 16, 22, 31, n, 7. 12 N. Y., Y. M. Bible Soc., 1836 The Acts of the Apostles in the Mohawk language, transl. by H. A. Hill, with corrections by Wm. Hess and John A. Wilkes, Jr., pp. 121 The Epistle of Paul to the Romans (same translators), pp. 56. i vol., sprinkled sheep. 12 JV. Y., Y. M. Bible Soc., 1835 The [First] Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians ; transl. into the Mohawk language, by Wm. Hess, with corrections by J. A. Wilkes, Jr., pp. 55. 12 N. Y., Y. Men s Bible Soc., 1836 (5 vols.) 12 5725 [Isaiah, in Mohawk.] Ne Kaghyadonghsera ne Royadado- kenghdy Isaiah, //. 243, cloth, unused. 1 6 N. York, Am. Bible Society, 1839 5726 The same, cloth, unused. (2 copies.) 5727 [Mohawk Hymns.] A Collection of Hymns for the use of Native Christians of the Mohawk Language ; to which are added, a number of Hymns for Sabbath Schools. sm. 12 N. York, McElrath 6- Bangs, 1832 Mohawk and English opposite, except Hymns 54-86, which are not translated, and the Hymns for Children, 135-192 (pp. 107-137) which are in English. 5728 The Collection of Sacred Songs, for the use of the Baptist Native Christians of the Six Nations. Revised by James N. 18 138 THE AMERICAN INDIAN Cusick. Ne Konoron ne Teyerihwahkwatha igen Enyontste, etc., pp. 125, sheep, unused, very scarce. 32 Phila., Am. Bapt. Publ Soc., 1846 Title-pages in English and Mohawk. 5729 The same, sheep, unused. (2 copies.) 5730 Ne Kakoron ne Teyerihwahkwatha, etc. A Collection of Hymns for the Use of Native Christians of the Mohawk Language ; etc., pp. 240, English and Indian opposite, sheep, fresh copy. sm. 1 6 N. Y., Lane 6- Scott, 1850 A reprint of the edition of 1832, omitting two Hymns, Nos. 57 and 151 of the earlier edition. Printed for the Miss. Society of the M. E. Church. 5731 The same, pp. 240, sheep, unused. New York, Lane &* Scott, 1850 5732 Collection of Psalms and Hymns in the Mohawk Language . . Translated by Isaac Barefoot. Published by the New England Company, pp. 63, 63, Mohawk and English opposite, sheep. 1 8 Toronto, 1871 "Printed by the Church Printing and Publishing Company." 5733 Karo Ron, ne Te ye rihwahgwatha, pp. 53, paper, uncut. 24 Brantford, 1871 5734 lonteriSaienstakSa ne KariSiioston Teieiasontha, KahnaSak- eha, pp. 48. 24 Tiohtaki (Montreal), L. Perrault, 1854 Catechism, prayers, etc. in Iroquois (Mohawk). The approbation of the Bishop of Montreal is dated 12 Sept. 1843. 5735 Kaiatonserase [ou Vade-Mecum du Chantre Iroquois], pp. 132. 12 Tiotiaki (Montreal) J. Lovell, 1860 5736 Tsiatak NihononSentsiake Onk8eon8e Akoiatonsera, etc. Le Livre des Sept Nations ou Paroissien IROQUOIS, Auquel on a ajoute , pour 1 usage de la mission du Lac de Deux-Montaignes, quelques Cantiques en langue ALGONQUINE, pp. 460, cloth, scarce. 12 Tiohtaki [Montreal], J. Lovell, 1865 In addition to the Iroquois Processional, Livre de Chant for Mass and Vespers, etc., this volume contains a manual of Prayers compiled by the late Rev. Joseph Marcoux, missionary at the Sault St. Louis; a Mass in Algonkin (Nipissing), and nearly a hundred hymns and chants in that dialect. 5737 The same, cloth, unused. 5738 Kaiatonserase Ionte8eienstak8a, //. 24 lontaterihonnien- nitakSa ne Roiatonserison ASennishete Kenha, ou Instruction sur la Foi Catholique, par M. H. Guen, ancien Missionaire, //. 23. (2) 12 and 16 Tiotiaki,J. Lovell, 1857, 1870 5739 Lettres de feu M. Jos. Marcoux, missionnaire du Sault, aux Chefs Iroquois du Lac des Deux Montagnes, 1848-49, pp. 27. 18 Tiohtake, J. Lovell, 1869 Seneca : 5740 The Gospel according to Saint Luke, translated in the Seneca Tongue : by T. S. Harris, English and Indian on opposite pages, pp. 149, 147, sheep. 18 New York, Am. Bible Soc., 1829 In Pickering s orthography. Onondaga : 5741 SHEA (John G.) Editor. A French-Onondaga Dictionary; From a Manuscript of the Seventeenth Century, //. viii, 103, calf, gilt top, uncut. imp. 8 N. York, Cramoisy Press, 1860 No. I. of Shea s Library of American Linguistics. LANGUAGES. 139 5742 Tracts. (Iroquois and Muhhekan.) WILLIAMS (ELEAZAR) Gaiatonsera [ lonteweienstakwa, | Ongwe Onwe | Gawennontakon . | . . | A Spelling Book in the Language of the Seven Iroquois Nations. pp. 24, uncut. Plattsburgh, F. C. Powell, 1813 WILLIAMS (Eleazar) Good News to the Iroquois Nation. A Tract, on Man s Primitive Rectitude, his Fall, and his Recovery through Jesus Christ, (in the Iroquois language^) pp. 12, uncut. Burlington, Vt., 1813 Ne Raowenna Teyoninhokarawen, etc. . . Address to the Six Nations; recommending the Gospel of Saint John, by Teyoninhokarawen [Capt. John Norton] The Translator. London, 1805, //. vii, vii (Iroquois and English], uncut Sermon on the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New Haven. By Samson Occom, a native Indian, and Missionary, etc., . . //. 24. London, repr. 1789 Edwards (Jonathan) Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians . . New Haven, J. Meigs, 1788, pp. (i), 15, (i) fine copy ; The same. London, repr. 1789. 6 in i vol., new half mor. neat. 8 The first three tracts are VERY RARE. Two of these are by Eleazer Williams, the reputed " Dauphin," and the other is by Capt. John Norton, chief of the Six Nations, and the translator of the Gospel of John into the Mohawk language. Iroquois, Choctaw, Muskokee : 5743 Ionteri8eienstag8a ne Tsiatag OriSatogenton Ogonha. [IROQUOIS Catechism, and Prayers,] pp. 72, uncut. 12 Paris, Ononthioke, 1826 WILLIAMS (L. S.) Family Education and Government: A Discourse in the CHOCTAW Language, //. 48. Boston, A. B. C. F. M., 1835 /lla I Katikisma : or Child s Catechism in CHOCTAW : being a translation of Dr. Watts Second Catechism for Children. 2d ed. revised, //. 16. 12 Boston, 1835 Religious Tracts in the CHOCTAW Language. 2d ed. revised, pp. 39. 12 Boston, 1835 Sioux Spelling-Book. Designed for the use of Native Learners, wood-cuts, pp. 22. 12 Boston, 1836 Robertson (W. S.) and Winslett (David) Nakcokz/ es Kerretz Enhz/teceskz/. MUSKOKEE or Creek First Reader. 2d ed., illustrated, pp. 48. 12 New York, 1867 CHAHTA HOLISSO. Ai isht ia z/mmona. 3d ed. revised. [Choctaw Reader,] illustr., pp. 72. 12 Boston, 1835 CHAHTA NA-HOLHTINA; or Choctaw Arithmetic, pp. 72. 12 Boston, 1835 8 in i vol., new hf. morocco (Roxburghf.) 18 SOUTHERN. Cherokee : 5744 The Gospel according to Matthew. 4th edition. 1844. The Gospel .. according to John. 3d ed. 1847. The Acts of the Apostles. 3d ed. 1848. The Epistles of Paul to Timothy. 1844. The General Epistle of James. 1847. The Epistles to Peter. 1848. The Epistles to John. 3d ed. 1848. Select Passages from the Holy Scriptures : [The Creation, and the Fall j The Ten Commandments, the Parables of the Prodigal 140 THE AMERICAN INDIAN Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus, and the Pharisee and the Publican ; The Lord s Supper : Select Psalms ; and five chapters of Isaiah.] n. d. Cherokee Hymns, compiled from several authors and revised. 8th ed. 1848. 9 in i vol., hf. bd. 24 Park Hill, Mission Press, 1844-48 All in Cherokee (Sequoyah s) characters. VERY SCARCE. 5745 -- Genesis or the First Book of Moses, //. 173. 1856 Exodus: or the Second Book of Moses, pp. 152. 1853 [A Selection of the] Psalms ; Proverbs of Solomon [Chaps, i and vn] ; Isaiah, I-VH, xi, LII-LV;//. 34, 32. i vol., mor. 24 Park Hill, Mission Press, 1853-56 Translated by Rev. Samuel A. Worcester (missionary of the A. B. C. F. M.) assisted by Mr. Foreman. In the Cherokee (Sequoyah s) syllabic characters. 5746 [New Testament (The) translated into the Cherokee language. Revised edition,] stamped morocco. 12 New York, Am. Bible Soc., 1860 5747 The Cherokee Singing Book. Printed for the Am. Board of Comm rs for For. Missions, //. 88, boards. obi. 8 Boston, A. P. Kenrick, 1846 A selection of SACRED Music, with an Introductory lessons in singing, and in reading music. Choctaw : 5748 Chahta /ba Isht Taloa Holisso, or Choctaw Hymn Book. 3d ed., pp. 175, hf. mor. 24 Boston, T. B. Marvin, 1844 Published by the A. B. C. F. Missions. Translated by the Rev. Alfred Wright and Rev. Cyrus Byington. 5749 The same. 4th edition, revised and enlarged. //. 248, cloth, new. New York, S. W. Benedict, 1851 575 The Gospel according Matthew, [Mark, Luke, and John,] translated into the Choctaw language, //. 115, 73, 127, 95. 4vols. in one, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. 12 Boston, for the A. B. C. F. M., 1845 5751 The New Testament . . translated into the Choctaw Language. Pin Chito. pp. 818, sheep, unused. (2 copies.) thk. 12 N. K, Am. Bible Soc., 1848 5752 Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (The Books of), translated into the Choctaw Language. Choshua, nan Apesa 7hleha Holisso, micha Lulh Holisso, etc., pp. 151. The First and Second Books of Samuel, and the First Book of Kings, pp. 256. 2 vols. in one, stamped morocco, unused. 12 New York, Am. Bible Society, 1852 5753 Chahta Holisso ai isht ia zrnmona. The Choctaw Spelling Book. 5th edition, enlarged, pp. 36, hf. cloth. 18 Boston, T. R. Marvin, 1849 Muskokee (Creek) : 5754 FLEMING (Rev. John) A Short Sermon : also Hymns, in Muskokee or Creek Language, //. 35, hf. cloth, fresh copy, VERY SCARCE. 18 Boston, for A. B. C. F. M., 1835 5755 The same, another fresh copy. 5756 Nakcokz/ Esyz hiketz . Muskokee Hymns, collected and arranged by Rev. R. M. Loughridge, . and David Winslett, Interpreter. 3d ed., revised, //. (4), 216, cloth, new. 24 N. York, Presbyt. Mission, 1859 LANGUAGES. 14! 5757 (Cherokee, Choctaw, Muskokee, Osage.) Cherokee Hymns compiled from several authors and revised. By E. Boudinott and S. A. Worcester. Printed for the A. B. C. For. Missions, //. 50, (2). 24 New Echota (Ga.} J. F. Wheeler, 1829 The first printing in the syllabic characters invented by Sequoyah (George Guess) was for the "Cherokee Phoenix," in February, 1828. The "Cherokee Hymns" was the first tract printed in that character; and is now VERY RARE. Washashee W ageressa Pahz> n greh tse. The OSAGE First Book, pp. 126, VERY SCARCE. 1 8 Boston, 1834 CHAHTA HOLISSO ai isht ia #mmona. The CHOCTAW Spelling Book. 5th ed. revised, //. 107. Boston, 1849 The same, 6th ed. revised, pp. 107. Boston, 1852 TcHiPAYATiK-O-MiKAN. Kcinachtegang [The Way of the Cross, In the (Nipissing-Algonkin dialect, of the Mission of the Lake of the Two Mountains,] //. 26. Moniang \Montrcaf\ 1843 KAIATONSERASE. TsionkSe hetsiseSanenton ne RaSenniio. [Prayers and Hymns in the Iroquois language,] //. 132. 12 Tiotiaki [Montreal], 1860 7 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe}. 12 DAKOTA. 5758 Genesis and a part of the Psalms, in the Dakota Language : translated from the original Hebrew, by the Missionaries of the Am. B. C. F. M. and Mr. Joseph Renville, Sen. Wicoicage Wowapi qa Odowan Wakan, etc., pp. 295, margins stained, sheep, RARE. 12 Cincinnati, O., Kendall 6* Barnard, for A. B. C. F. M., 1842 5759 RIGGS (S. R.) Wowapi Mitawa. Tamakoce kaga. My Own Book : prepared from Rev. T. H. Gallaudet s " Mother s Primer," etc., //. 64, wood-cuts. sq. 16 Boston, 1842 5760 The Pilgrim s Progress, by John Bunyan. In the Dakota Language, translated by Stephen R. Riggs, A. M., Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., engravings, pp. 264, cloth. 18 New York, Am. Tract Soc., n. d. [1857] 5761 Dakota Odowan. Hymns in the Dakota Language. Edited by Stephen R. Riggs and John P. Williamson, mor. 16 N. York, Am. Tract Soc., [1865] 5762 The same, cloth, new. 5763 Osage. Washashe W ageressa Pahz/ !1 greh tse. The Osage First Book, wood-cuts, pp. 126, hf. bd., fresh copy, very scarce. 18 Boston, for the A. B. C. F. M., 1834 5764 The same, another copy, clean, unused. NORTH-WEST COAST. 5765 MANUSCRIPT VOCABULARIES of Some of the Indian Tribes of N. Western America. " To Peter S. Duponceau Esq. with J. K. Townshend s respects. Fort Vancouver, Columbia River, September, 1835." 82 //., in two books, foolscap 8. From the Library of Dr. John Pickering, to whom, probably, they were presented by Mr. Duponceau. They comprise vocabularies of the following languages and dialects : 142 THE AMERICAN INDIAN A language spoken by the following tribes in Puget s Sound, viz. the Nisqually, Poo- ; yal-aw-poo, Tough-no-waw-mish, So-qua-mish, Skay-wa-mish, Too- wanne-noo. (72 words) Walla- walla, near Walla-walla Fort, Columbia River (53 words) Nez-perces (53 words) Chinook (194 words and phrases) [Chinook Jargon] used as the means of communication between the Indians and whites on Columbia River (146 words) Carrier or Taculli Indians of New Caledonia (342 words and phrases) Kayouse Indians, lower waters of the Columbia (131 words) Kootenai, near the sources of the Columbia (206 words) Japanese, taken from three men cast away on the N. W. coast (74 words). MEXICO. 5766 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castellana, y Mexicana, en que se contienen las palabras, preguntas, y respuestas mas comunes, y ordinarias que se suelen ofrecen en el trato, y comunicacion entre Espaholes e Indies, pp. (12), 145, wants two leaves (139-42), gr. morocco extra, g. e., slightly wormed. sm. 8 Reimpreso, en la Puebla of Los Angelos, en la Oficina de Don Pedro la Rosa, en el Portal de las Flores, Ano de 1793 A scarce Spanish-Mexican and Mexican-Spanish vocabulary. The first edition is ( 1 6 1 1 ) excessively rare. 5767 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las lenguas Castellana y Mexicana, in que se contienen las palabras, preguntas, y repuestas mas comunes . . en el trato, y comunicacion entre Espanoles, 6 Indios, pp. (n), 132, hf. mor. gilt. 1 6 Reimpreso en Puebla, 1831 5768 AVILA (P. F. Francisco de) Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, y breves Platicas de los Mysteries de N. Santa Fee Catholica, y otras para exortacion de su obligation a los Indios. 12 prelim, leaves, n. n. ; jf. 38, [pp. 76], red morocco, extra g. e. ( W. Pratt). 1 6 Mexico, por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Rib era Calderon, 1717 This Mexican Grammar is VERY SCARCE. 5769 CAROCHI (P. Horacio) Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, dispuesto con brevidad, claridad, y propriedad, por el P. Ignacio de Paredes, pp. (24), 202, old vellum. sm. 4 Mexico, 1759 Fine large copy : with the engraved frontispiece representing the triumph of St. Ignatius de Loyola (Zapata sc.), which is seldom found with this RARE grammar. 5770 VASQUEZ GASTELU (Ant.) el Rey Figueroa, Arte de lengva Mexicana, . Corregido segun su original por el Br. D. Antonio de Olmedo y Torre, 2 prel. and 54 numbered leaves, old vellum, very scarce. 4 La Puebla \de los Angeles], Ferd. de Leon, 1726 FINE CLEAN COPY, of this well known Mexican Grammar, a revised reprint of the first edition of 1689, which is excessively rare. 5771 MOLINA (Fr. ALONSO DE) Vocabulario Mexicano. 1 Aqui comienga vn vocabula|rio en la lengua Castellana y Mexicana. Compuesto por el muy reuerendo padre fray Alonso de | Molina : Guardian d l coue/zto d sant Antonio d Tetzcuco d la orde de los frayles Menores. [ Wood-cut of St. Francis receiving the stigmata, and, on three sides of it: C Signasti domine servum + tuu#z Franciscum sig^nis redemptionis nostre . : .] Below, four lines of Latin verse In colophon : Imprimiose e# la muy gra^de & insigne y muy leal ciuidad de Mexico, en casa de luara pablos Acabose de LANGUAGES. 143 imprimir a quatro dias del mes de Mayo, de 1555. Bound in dark blue morocco. 4 Mexico, 1555 Title fags, in excellent facsimile (red and black), 7 prel. leaves, n. n.; leaves 1-259, and i n. n. The EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION of Molina s invaluable Vocabulary, of which the existence was doubted by Ludewig and Brunet. A large and fine copy, the page measuring 7^ by 5^ inches, and the excellence of the impression not impaired by some slight water-stains on the margin of portions of the volume, which has never been touched by a cleaner. Mr. B. Quaritch, Feb. 1879, priced a copy which had the title and preliminary leaves in facsimile, at 72, with a note that "only five other copies are believed to be extant ; all of them imperfect." " C est encore ne nos jours le seul livre avec lequel on puisse 6tudier avec fruit la langue Nahuatl ou Mexicaine. Aussi est-il de la plus grande importance pour les e"tudes de philologie am6ricaine." LECLERC (1867). " Nous n en connaissons que <; exemplaires." Id. (1878). 5772 NEVE y MOLINA (D. Luis de) Reglas de Orthographia, Diccionario, y Arte del Idioma Othomi, breve Instruccion para los Principiantes, FINE fresh copy, as new, vellum wrapper. 1 6 Mexico, Impr. de la Biblioth. Mexicana, 1767 12 prel. leaves, and engraved folding table of errata. " VERY RARE, and much sought for, as Neve is the best of all writers upon Otomi Grammar." B. QUARITCH, 1879. 5773 PAREDES (P. Ignacio de) Promptuario Manual Mexicano, Que a la verdad podra ser utitissimo a los Parrochos para la ensenanza; a los necessitados Indios para su instruccion ; y a los que aprenden la lengua para la expedicion. Contiene quarenta, y seis Platicas con sus Exemplos, y morales exhortaciones, y seis Sermones morales, etc. . . Anadese por fin un Sermon de NUESTRA SANTISSIMA GUADALUPANA SENORA, etc., engraved frontispiece, pp. (46), 380, (xc), hf. mor. gilt, RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, Imprenta de la Biblioth. Mexicana, 1759 The Andrade copy, with the book plate of Maximilian I. It is described in the Andrade Catalogue (no. 4458) as " Recueil RARE. . BEL EXEMPLAIRE mais legerement pique dans la marge du fond." The slight worming, in the inner margin of a portion of the volume (near the end,) is scarcely worth mentioning. The work, which, except the preliminary matter and titles, is wholly in the Mexican languages, contains 46 homilies, with examples and moral exhortations, 7 sermons for the Sundays in Lent, and one on " Our Lady of Guadalupe " and her miraculous apparition, etc. 5774 PEREZ (P. F. Manuel) Cathecismo Romano, traducido en Castellano, y Mexicano, pp. (28), 248, new half mor. sm. 4 Mexico, Fr. de Rivera Calderon, 1723 "Edition FORT RARE." Catal. Andrade, no. 4461. A fine copy, but somewhat wormed. The author had, for more than twenty years, been professor of the Mexican language at the University of Mexico. 5775 TAPIA ZENTENO (C. de) Arte Novissima de lengua Mexicana, ii prel. leaves, pp. 58, vellum, VERY RARE. 4 Mexico, 1753 Fine clean cofy. "Livre de TOUTE RARETE" (Catal. Andrade, 4473). See "a curious example of that ingenious trifling in which Spanish writers delight," on the tenth leaf, in a wheel-shaped Acrostic on the Author s name. 5776 TAPIA ZENTENO (Carlos de) Noticia de la lengua Huasteca, con Cathecismo, y Doctrina Christiana, pp. (10), 128, vellum. 4 Mexico, Impr. de la Bibl. Mexicana, 1767 This copy is described by Ch. Leclerc (in Maisonneuve s Catalogue, no. 1445) as Trts- bel exemplaire d une grammaire FORT RARE, et la seule qui existe sur ce dialecte." "Livre DE TOUTE RARETE, reste inconnu." Catal. Andrade, 4474. 5777 VELASQUEZ DE CARDENAS (Carlos Celedonio) Breve Practica, y Regimen del Confessonario de Indios, en Mexicano, y Castellano ; para instruccion del Confessor principiante, habilitacion, y examen del Penitente, pp. (24), 84, red morocco extra, g. e. ( W. Pratt}, FINE COPY. 1 6 Mexico, Impr. de la Biblioth. Mexicana, 1761 Manual for the Confessor, in Mexican and Spanish. RARE. 144 THE AMERICAN INDIAN 5778 YEPES (Fr. Joaquin Lopez) Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Cristiana, en Lengua Otomi, con un VOCABULARIO del mismo Idioma, pp. 254, and errata, i /., vellum, large, fine copy. 4 Megico, A. Valdez, 1826 The Catechism is in Otomi and Spanish, in parallel columns. The Vocabulary (pp. 93-253) "est encore le plus complet qui ait ete publie pour 1 etude de 1 Otomi." LECLERC. THE WEST INDIES. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 5779 Arrawac. Die Geschichte von der Marterwoche, Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt unseres Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Uebersetzt in die Aruwackische Sprache, und erklarend umschrie- ben. Wadaijahun Wiiiissada-goanti, Wappussida-goanti baddia Jesus Christus, etc., 2 title-pages, and pp. 213, sheep, fine copy. 8 Philadelphia, C. Cist, 1799 EXTREMELY RARE. The name of the translator is given in manuscript, on the German title-page : Rev. Johan Jacob Gottlob Fischer, missionary of the Indian congrega tion in Hoop, near Berbice, Surinam. 5780 BELTRAN de Santa Rosa Maria (P. Pedro) Arte de el Idioma Maya, | reducido | a succintas reglas, y Semilexicon Yucateco, old Spanish calf, gilt, red edges, VERY RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, 1746 A BEAUTIFUL FRESH COPY, Containing MANUSCRIPT NOTES AND CORRECTIONS BY THE AUTHOR, some of which are signed by him (see pp. 80, 81). Between pages 172, 173, are two engraved tables of degrees of consanguinity and affinity. " Ouvrage de toute raret6." LECLERC. 5781 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (I Abbe] Collection de Documents dans les Langues Indigenes. 3 vols., half levant blue morocco, extra, gilt tops, UNCUT, (David.) r. 8 Paris, Bertrand, 1861-64 Vol. I. Popul Vuh. Le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de 1 Antiquite Am6ricaine, avec les Livres Hero iques et Historiques des Quiches. Vol. II. Grammaire de la Langue Quichee, espagnole-fran9aise. . Accompagne de notes philologiques : suivie d un VOCABULAIRE, et du Drame de Rabinal-Achi. Vol. III. Relation des Choses de Yucatan, de Diego de Landa. Texte Espagnol et traduction fran9aise en regard, comprenant les signes du Calendrier et de 1 Alphabet hieroglyphique de la Langue Maya, etc. 5782 Popul Vuh. Le Livre Sacrd . . des Quiche s, etc., frontispiece ( Vase antique), and 2 maps, pp. cclxxix, 368, calf extra gilt. 8 Paris, A. Bertrand, 1861 5783 BRETON (P. RAYMOND) Petit Catechisme ou Sommaire des trois premieres parties de la Doctrine Chrestienne, traduit du Fran9ois en langue des Caraibes Insulaires. Auxerre, 1664. Dictionnaire Frangois-Caraibe. Auxerre, 1666. 2 vols. in i, old calf gilt, fine copy. sm. 8 5784 Breton (P. Raymond) Dictionnaire Frangois-Caraibe, 1666 Dictionnaire Caraibe-Frangois. 1665 Petrt Catechisme ou Sommaire des trois premieres parties de la Doctrine Chrestienne, traduit du Frangois en la langue des Caraibes Insulaires. 1664. 3 vols. in 2, //. (16), 480 ; 409 ; 70 ; crimped red morocco, g. e. sm. 8 Auxerre, Gilles Bouquet, 1664-6 FINE COPY. On the title-page of the Catechism, a presentation (probably in the author s autograph) "aux r ses [Religieuses] Jacobines de Beaune." 5785 The same. 2 vols., old vellum, large sound copy. sm. 8 Auxerre, 1664-66 LANGUAGES. 145 5786 DOMINGO DE S. THOMAS (Fray) Grammatica, o Arte de la Lengua general de los Indies de los Reynos del Peru, Title and 7 prelim, leaves, n. n. ; (Text, 96 leaves) levant red morocco extra, lack and sides gilt, g. e. (Bedford), EXTREMELY RARE. sm. 8 (16) Impresso en Valladolid, por Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1560 The date is given in a colophon. " II est de la plus haute importance pour 1 etude des langues Amricaines. C est la premiere grammaire Quichua que 1 on ait imprimee." LECLERC, 1878 (no. 2398). 5787 FIGUEIRA (P. Luis) Arte de Grammatica da Lingua Brasilica, crushed levant green morocco extra, g. e. (W. Pratt). sm. 8 (16) Lisboa, Miguel Deslandes, 1687 4 prelim, leaves, pp. 168. Title and last leaf, which were slightly defective, have been skillfully repaired. VERY RARE. 5788 MARBAN (P. Pedro) Arte de la Lengva Moxa, con su Vocabulario, y Catechismo, [y Cartilla y Doctrina Cristiana], calf extra, gilt, g.e. (Pratt). thick sm. 8 [Lima, 1702] Fine copy of this VERY RARE book. Collation: Title, dedication, approbation, &c. 13 pp.: "Svma de algvnos privilegios concedidos a los Indios," 3 pp. (8 prel. leaves, n.n.); Arte, pp. 1-117; Vocabulario (Spanish-Moxa), pp. 118-361; Segunda Parte (Moxa- Spanish), pp. 362-664; Catechismo Menor [y Mayor], y Confessionario, pp. 1-142; Algunas Advertencias, i leaf ; Cartilla y Doctrina Cristiana [" impressa por Joseph de Contreras," 1702] 10 leaves, n. n. ; Declaracion del Padre nuestro, pp. 163-202 ; Indice, i page. " Precieux et tres-important ouvrage. . . Le seul ouvrage publi6 sur la langue de ces regions." LECLERC. The author was the superior of the missions to the Moxos and the Chiquitos Indians, of the province of Peru. The Moxa (or Moxos) language is nearly related to the Maipure, of the upper Oronoco. 5789 Ruiz DE MONTOYA (P. Antonio) Tesoro de la lengva Guarani, red morocco extra, g. e. (Bedford), 8 prel. leaves, and leaves numbered 1-407, [272-77 omitted in numbering, by mistake of the printer.] sm. 4 Madrid, luan Sanchez, 1639 A BEAUTIFUL COPY (Sir Wm. Tite s) of the ORIGINAL EDITION of this EXTREMELY RARE Guarani-Spanish dictionary. For the collation, &c.,see J. Platzmann s Auswahl Amerik. Grammatiken, &c. (1876), pp. 16, 17, where this dictionary is described as "von ganz ausserordentlicher Seltenheit " ; and (Ch. Leclerc) Cat. Maisonneuve, no. 1345, where it is similarly characterized as "EXCESSIVEMENT RARE, and among the most important of dictionaries of American languages." It comprises 8 prel. leaves, and 1-407 numbered leaves. Ruiz de Montoya, a Jesuit missionary to Paraguay, was born at Lima in 1583, and died there, in 1652. BIBLES, AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. oooo Eliot s Indian Bible. See Nos. 5682-84. 5790 PSALTERIUM AMERicANUM. | The Book of | PSALMS, In a Translation Exactly conformed | unto the Original ; But all in | ^luwlt lttft$ t | Fitted unto the Tunes commonly used | in our Churches. Which Pure | Offering is accompanied with Illustrations, digging for Hidden | Treasures in it ; And Rules to | employ it, etc. [By COTTON MATHER.] . . Whereunto are added | Some other Portions of the Sacred | Scripture, to Enrich the | Cantional. | //. (2), xxxvi, 426, old calf (original binding), sound. sm. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, for B. Eliot (et al.\ 1718 A FINE COPY of Mather s Psalterium Americanum, RARE in any condition. It has the autograph of the Rev. Joseph Bean (minister of Wrentham, Mass.), 1726. O Callaghan (p. 21) notices the "other portions of Scripture," in the Appendix, pp. 411-426, but omits the title of the book itself, why, is not easy to discover. 5791 BIBLIA, | Das ist:|Die Heilige Schrift | Altes und Neues | Testaments, | Nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung | D. Martin Luthers, | Mit jedes Capitels kurtzen Summarien, auch j beygefiigten vielen und richtigen Parllelen (sic); Nebst einem Anhang Des dritten und vierten Buchs Esra und des dritten Buchs der Maccabaer. 4 Germantown : Gedruckt bey Christoph Sauer, 1743 EXTREMELY RARE. The FIRST BIBLE PRINTED IN AMERICA, IN A EUROPEAN LANGUAGE. Title, in red and black. Collation, as in O CALLAGHAN, p. 22. A FINE COPY in the original binding (rebacked, raised bands,) on thick boards, with clasps, brass corner- guards and center-pieces, with bosses. Clean and sound throughout, except slight stains on the lower margin of a portion of the Old Testament, and the loss of a corner of one leaf (sign. Ccc i). The volume is preserved in a handsome black-walnut library-case. Inserted, on the first guard-leaf, is an AUTOGRAPH of Christopher Sower, the printer, subscribed to a receipt for an Almanack, in 1741. On the same leaf is the manuscript record of the birth of eight children of (David?) Neiss, 1736-54, and on the inside of the cover, the autograph of David Neiss, 1761. 5792 Der | Psalter Des Konigs und Propheten Davids, verteutscht von D. Martin Luther Mit kurtzen Summarien oder | Inhalt jedes Psalmen ; | Mit | Vielen Parallelen oder gleichen Schrifft-Stellen. | PP- 2 39> (9)* original hf. binding, good copy. sm. 8 Philadelphia, gedruckt und zu finden bey Nicolaus \ Hasselbach, in der Second-strasse, zwischen der Rdsse-\und Wein-strassen. 1762 VERY RARE. Thomas (ii. 131) gives some account of "Nicholas Hasselborf," of Baltimore, but does not name him among Philadelphia printers: >wled by Saur, in Germantown, where he also acquired a knowledge of branch of manufacturing he followed some time near that place and established a printing press in Baltimore." At the end of the preliminary "Summa des gantzen Psalters," is a letter " Meinem insonders lieben Freunden, Christoph S. [Saur] und Caspar B.," from Veit Dieterich, who wrote the short " Summaries " and compiled the Register which is printed at the end of the Psalms (5 pp.) The last page of the volume is occupied with the Multiplication Table. AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 147 5793 Das Neue | Testament | Unsers | Herrn tmd Heylandes Jesu Christi, | Verteutscht Von | D. Martin Luther. | Mit Jedes Capitels kurtzen Summarien. | Auch beygefiigten | vielen richtigen | Paral- lelen. | 12 Germantown, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1763 The Fourth edition of Saur s German Testament : VERY RARE. See O CALLAGHAN (p. 25) who notes only one copy, Mr. Lenox s. In his instructions to the binder, Mr. Brinley wrote: "Wants one leaf (pp. 313-14) but, as it is theonly one I have had an opportunity to buy, in twenty-five years, it may be bound up as if perfect." 5794 The New-England Psalter or Psalms of David : with the Prov[erbs of Solomon and Christ s Sermon on the Mount. Being an Introduction for the training up Children in the Reading of the Holy Scriptures], pp. 159, wants the greater part of the title and the first 14 pages. sm. 8 Boston, D. and J. Kneeland, for Whar ton and Bowes, 1764 The title is supplied from the Conn. Hist. Society s copy. See O Callaghan, pp. 25, 26. 5795 The New-England | Psalter : or, Psalms of David : | With The Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ s Sermon on the Mount, Being an Introduction for the training up Children in | the Reading of the Holy Scriptures. | imperfect. 8 Boston, Wm. Me Alpine, 1768 Another edition, pp. 160, wants pp. 3-8, old binding. (2 vols.) 8 Boston, Wm. Me Alpine, 1771 5796 The New-England | Psalter : I or, | Psalms of David. | With the Proverbs of Solomon. And | Christ s Sermon on the Mount. Being a proper Introduction for the Training | up Children to the Reading of the Holy | Scriptures. | sigs. A-I>4, in eights, no page numbers; in the original binding, a GOOD COPY, well preserved. 8 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1768 5797 The New-England Psalter: or, | Psalms of David. With the | Proverbs of Solomon. | And | Christ s Sermon | on the | Mount. | Being a proper Introduction for the Training | up Children to the Reading of the Holy | Scriptures. | sigs. A-L8, in eights, no page numbers, GOOD COPY. 8 Boston, for D. Kneeland, for John Perkins, 1770 5798 The New-England Psalter; or Psalms of David, etc., another edition, pp. 160, old sheep boards, sound margins of first 20 leaves wormed. 8 Boston, printed for John Perkins, 1774 Apparently from the same types, except the title, as the edition of 1764, printed by D. & J. Kneeland; and the same as the next following. (Not known to O Callaghan.) 5799 The New-England Psalter; etc.,//. 160, sheep, large and well preserved copy, but some leaves stained (by having been used for pressing flowers). 12 Boston, Greenleaf s Printing Office, 1774 The same edition as the preceding, with a change of imprint. 5800 BIBLIA Das ist : | Die ganze Gottliche | Heilige Schrift | Alten und Neuen | Testaments nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers ; etc. (5 lines.) \ Dritte Auflage. In the original binding, old paneled calf, sound and well preserved, slightly cracked joints excepted. 4 Germantown: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur, 1776 VERY RARE. The third edition of Saur s Bible, and the second printed by the younger Saur, who succeeded to his father s press about 1744. The principal part of this edition was sold in sheets after the confiscation of Saur s estate, during the revolutionary war ; and many copies "were converted into cartridges, and thus used, not for the salvation of men s souls, but for the destruction of their bodies." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, ii. 83, 84. " Mr. Saur s daughter succeeded in rescuing the sheets of ten copies, which she caused to be bound." O CALLAGHAN, Introd. p. xiii. For collation and description, see O Callaghan, p. 29. On a guard-leaf and the inside of the covers are some memoranda, by a former owner, Johann Graiiel, or Grawel, about 1786. 148 THE BIBLE, 5801 Bible (The Holy) The Old Testament only, wants title, and the upper part of one (preliminary) leaf. 12 Philadelphia, R. Aitken, 1782 The first volume (as bound) of the FIRST BIBLE printed in this country in the English language, with an American imprint. See O CALLAGHAN, p. 31. 5802 The Holy Bible Abridged : or, the History of the Old and New Testament illustrated With Notes, and adorned with Cuts, For the Use of Children. Suffer little Children, \etc^\, many rude wood cuts, pp. 107, wants a leaf (pp. 73-4), RARE. sm. 1 8 Boston, Robert Hodge, for NatWl Coverly, n. d. Dr. O Callaghan, p. 31, places this under 1782. He cites only one copy (the late Geo. Livermore s) besides Mr. Brinley s. The printer, Robert Hodge, had a press in Boston from about 1778 to 1782. See Thomas, ii. 115. 5803 The New-England Psalter; etc., pp. 172. sm. 8 Boston, Benj. Edes 6* Sons, 1784 5804 The PSALTER : or Psalms of David, etc. Carefully copied from the Holy Bible, woodcut of King David on inside of cover, not paged, sigs. [A]-K, in eights, wants the last leaf. 8 Boston, John Norman, 1787 5805 A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible ; or Select Passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with Emblematical Figures for the Amusement of Youth: etc. Illustrated with nearly Five Hundred Cuts. The FIRST Worcester Edition, pp. 144, wants a leaf, and a bit torn from another, original binding. sm. 12 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1788 Bears marks of use, but in umisually good condition for books of this class. It is VERY RARE, in any condition. O Callaghan, p. 33, notes only one copy Mr. Livermore s. 5806 The NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek, etc., wants the last leaf (Rev. 22. 8-21 ), sheep. 8 Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1788 The FIRST New Testament PRINTED IN NEW JERSEY. (O CALLAGHAN, p. 33.) 5807 The New | TESTAMENT | of our | Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ. | . . Appointed to be Read in Churches, best grosgr. levant blue morocco, paneled and filleted sides, back full-gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Bedford], AN ELEGANT VOLUME. 12 New York: Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, 1790 The FIRST New Testament PRINTED IN NEW YORK. See O CALLAGHAN, Introdiiction, p. xxxvi. and p. 36. 5808 The | HOLY BIBLE, | containing the | Old and New j Testaments : translated out of the | Original Tongues : and with the former Translations | Diligently compared and revised, old paneled calf, sound. 4 Trenton: Printed and sold by Isaac Collins, 1791 A well-preserved copy of this VERY RARE edition: the FIRST BIBLE printed in NEW JERSEY. The collation is as in O CALLAGHAN, p. 42. See his Introduction, pp. xxviii-xxxii for the history of the edition. 5809 The Holy Bible . . Together with the Apocrypha. . 2 vols. in one, 50 Engravings by Jos. Seymour, J. H. Seymour, Samuel Hill, J. Norman, and A. Doolittle, sound old calf, gilt. folio, Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1791 The FIRST FOLIO Bible printed in this country: See O CALLAGHAN, xxxiii. 38. This copy, bound for pulpit-use, is well preserved, and in good condition. The frontispiece is torn half across, but can easily be mended. AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 149 5810 The Holy Bible, etc. 2 vols. in one, old calf , worn. folio, Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1791 Another good copy of this scarce edition; clean and well-preserved, with excellent impressions of the 50 engravings. 5811 The Holy Bible . . . With the Former Translations diligently compared and revised, by the Special Command of King James I, of England, a good copy, binding worn. 8 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1793 One of the copies published without the Apocrypha. See O CALLAGHAN (pp. 46, 47) who cites only one copy, in the Lenox Library. 5812 The Holy Bible, etc., binding broken. 8 Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1793, 1794 "A handsome and very correct edition." I. THOMAS. See O CALLAGHAN, pp. 47, 49. The New Testament is dated, 1794. The Address to the Reader (2 pp.) was written by the Rev. Dr. J. Witherspoon. On the verso of the N. T. title is a manuscript family record (Bell, Wilgers, Weldon ; 1757-1834). 5813 ISAIAH. A New Translation; By the late Robert Lowth, D.D. Bishop of London. To which is added, A plain . . Explanation | . . By John Smith, D.D. | etc., pp. 231, sheep. (2 copies.) 12 Albany, C. R. and Geo. Webster, 1794 5814 A New Hieroglyphical Bible For the Amusement & Instruction of Children ; Being A Selection of the most useful Lessons ; and most interesting Narratives . . Embellished with Familiar Figures & Striking Emblems Neatly Engraved, etc., pp. 144, title engraved on copper, emblematical folded plate, and innumerable woodcuts in the text, clean and fresh, in the original Dutch lacquered-paper boards. 12 Boston, for W. Norman, n. d. In such condition, EXCESSIVELY RARE. Rowland Hill s letter of approval, addressed to Mr. Thompson (the author), is dated May 12, 1794, and O Callaghan places the American edition under that year, which is, doubtless, a year or more too early. 5815 The ! Holy Bible Abridged : | or, the History | of the Old and New Testament. | Illustrated with Notes, and adorned with Cuts, | for the Use of Children. //. 156, frontispiece (Adam and Eve tempted}, many woodcuts in the text, wants a leaf (pp. 145-6,), in good condition. sm. 16 Boston, Samuel Hall, 1795 VERY RARE ; unknown to O Callaghan. 5816 The Holy Bible | Abridged : or, the | History | of the | Old and New Testament. Illustrated with Notes, and adorned | with Cuts, | For the Use of Childrens (sic). \ Suffer little Children etc. The Second Worcester Edition, Frontispiece (Adam and Eve tempted} and many woodcuts in the text, pp. 171, (3), a clean UNUSED COPY, in the original lacquered-paper boards. 32 Worcester, Thomas, Son, &> Thomas, 1796 VERY RARE, and excessively rare in such condition. O Callaghan (p. 152) had seen no other copy. 5817 The Holy Bible, old calf , worn. 12 The United States of Columbia. Printed at Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1798 Thomas s "standing edition." First issued, 1797, and announced (in 1793) as "t De printed on beautiful New Types cast particularly for the purpose." O CALLAGHAN, 53, 55- The Holy Bible, two or three leaves slightly stained, otherwise a very good copy, old sheep. 12 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1799, 1800 The "standing edition," of 1798, with a change of date on the title-page. The New Testament is dated 1800. (2 vols.) I5O THE BIBLE, 5818 The Holy Bible, . . with the Apocrypha. 2 vols. red calf gilt, engraved frontispiece, FINE COPY. folio, Philadelphia, J. Thompson & A. Small, 1798 "From the Hot-press of John Thompson." The FIRST HOT-PRESSED EDITION of the Bible printed in America. Originally issued in (40) numbers, beginning, June, 1796. O CALLAGHAN, 54. 5819 The | Holy Bible, | containing | The Old and New Testaments : | etc., good copy, in -poor binding. 12 New York, Hugh Gaine, 1800 A scarce edition, not known to Dr. O Callaghan. Mr. Brinley notes that is "probably from the same types as that of 1792, described by O Callaghan, pp. 45-6, "as printed in ruby type, said to have been imported by Gaine, already set up in pages." 5820 H KAINH AIA6HKH. | Novum Testamentum. | Juxta Exemplar Joannis Millii ac- curatissime impressum. | Editio Prima Americana. 12 Wigornice, Massachusettenis : \Excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun.\ Singulatim et numerose eo vendita offidntz suce : \ April, 1800 The FIRST EDITION OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT printed in this country. A nice clean copy, in poor binding. 582 1 The Holy Bible, etc., good copy, in poor binding. 12 Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1802 Another issue of the "standing edition" of 1797, with new title-pages. It is not mentioned by O Callaghan. 5822 The New Testament: . . Appointed to be Read in Churches, a good copy, very scarce. 12 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, Jun., September, 1802 O Callaghan (p. 65) notes only one copy, the Am. Antiq. Society s. There is an error in John 4 : 10 ; "If thou knewest the elect of God." 5823 The same edition, old sheep, fair copy. 5824 The Holy Bible, bound in 2 vols., old red morocco, gilt, marbled edges. sm. 12 Philadelphia, W. W. Woodward, 1806 A fine copy of this handsome edition. The Scotch Psalms are not bound with it, as in the copy from which O Callaghan s collation was made. 5825 The Holy Bible, best levant blue mor., extra filleted sides, gilt back, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 12 Hartford, Conn., Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1809 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of the FlRST EDITION PRINTED IN CONNECTICUT. The types (nonpareil) were set up in Glasgow, and shipped from the foundry of Wilson and Sons, to Hudson and Goodwin. The first impression was completed, Oct. 18, 1809. O CALLAGHAN, //. 95, 96. 5826 The same edition, with new title-pages (laid in), broken binding. 12 Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, 1810 5827 O ^nn "13D I I LIBER PSALMORUM | HEBRAICE | cum | Notis Selectis | ex editione | Francisci Hare S. T. P. Episcopi Cicestren- sis : | et cum | selecta lectionum varietatate | ex ed. Vet. Test. Heb. | Benj. Kennicott S. T. P. | //. (2), 495, marbled sheep, nice copy. 12 CantabrigicB. Nov-Anglorum t Typis Academicis Excudebant Hilliard et Metcalf. 1809 The FIRST HEBREW PSALTER and the First book of the Hebrew Bible printed in this country. Rev. Dr. William Jenks s copy, with his autograph. (See O Callaghan, p. 96, no. 7.) 5828 The New Testament, etc., sheep, good copy. 12 Hartwick \_Otsego Co. N. V.], Printed by Todds, Clark, 6- Crandall, 1813 RARE. Not mentioned by Dr. O Callaghan. AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 15 I 5829 O airoi UW22 mm BIBLIA HEBKAICA, secundum ultimam edi- tionem Jos. Athiae, a Johanne Leusden denuo recognitam, recensita variisque notis Latinis illustrata ab Everardo van der Hooght, V. D. M. EDITIO PRIMA AMERICANA, sine Punctis Masorethicis. 2 vols. calf, yellow edges, fine copy. 8 Philadelphia : cur a et impensis Thomce Dobson, edita ex ALdibus Lapideis. Typis Gulielmi Fry. 1814 The FIRST HEBREW BIBLE printed in America. See O CALLAGHAN, pp. xlviii, 120. 5830 The Holy Bible, old calf , clean and fine. (2 jcopies.) 8 Walpole, N.H.,Anson Whipple, 1815 "{Printed at Walpole, N. H., by A. Whipple, from a press owned by I. Thomas." Ms. Note in a copy belonging to the Am. Antiquarian Society. See O CALLAGHAN, p. 125. 5831 History of the Bible, pp. 178, in sixteen* , woodcuts. 96 Hartford, Julius Oilman, 1827 Measures about 2 by if inches. Not mentioned by O Callaghan, but probably another edition of " Bible History," New York, 1811. The same, another edition, pp. 192, nicely printed, woodcuts, fresh copy. 96 New London, Bolles 6* Co., 1851 Not in O Callaghan. The same edition, with new title only, roan, fresh copy. 96 New London, Bolles &> Co., 1854 The same, another edition, pp. 192, woodcuts, stamped cloth, gilt. 96 Buffalo, Phinney 6- Co., 1857 (4 vols.) 5832 (Hawaiian New Testament.) Ka | Euanelio | a Mataio : | oia ka moo Olelo Hemolele no ko Kakou | Haku e Ola i, | no | lesu Kristo,| i Laweiai Olelo Hawaii. | Hookahi keia o ke pai ana. | pp. 69. Paiia ma ka mea Pai Palapala a Lumiki. Rochester, N. Y., 1828 Ka Euanelio a Marako : etc., pp. 71-115. Rochester, [1829] Ka Euanelio a Luka, etc., pp. 72. [Rochester, 1829] With a map of Palestine, and a list of words used in the translation, explained (in Hawaiian). Ka Euanelio a loane : etc., pp. 117-171. Rochester, 1829 Ka Oihana a ka Poe Lunaolelo, //. 1-60. n. p., n. d. The Acts of the Apostles ; followed by the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, //. 1-71; Galatians James, //. 1-84 ; i Peter Revelations, //. 1-56; without separate title pages. The latter part of the volume, from Acts ii. 46, -was printed at Oahu, at the Mission Press, and at the end of the New Testament is the colophon: "Oahu ; Mission Press, May, 1832 : Ed. 10,000." A press was sent to the Sandwich Islands by the American Board of Comm rs for Foreign Missions, in November, 1827 : and among its first works was the completion of the Hawaiian version of the New Testament of which the first part (the Four Gospels and beginning of the Acts) had been printed at Rochester, in 1828 and 29. This copy, unused and in nice condition, was presented to " Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, from his friend, H[iram] Bingham, Oahu, Dec. 18, 1832." This FIRST EDITION of the HAWAIIAN Testament was unknown to Dr. O Callaghan, and is now VERY RARE. (See Nos. 5846-5848.) 5833 The Holy Bible . . . Stereotype edition, calf. 12 New York, 1831 " Published by the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. . . Printed at the New York Prot. Episcopal Press, No. 46 Lumber St." 5834 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version. With Amendments of the Language, by NOAH WEBSTER, LL.D., sheep, marbled sides, scarce. 8 New Haven, Durrie 6 Peck, 1833 With a Preface and an Introduction in which "the principal alterations in the language of the common version of the Scriptures, made in this edition, [are] stated and explained." A slip containing " Corrections in this Edition " is inserted at the end of the volume. 152 THE BIBLE, 5835 The Holy Bible . . . With Amendments of the Language by Noah Webster, LL.D., sheep, fresh copy, scarce. 32 New Haven, Durrie &> Peck, 1841 The errors noted in the slip of errata in the octavo edition are corrected in this. 5836 The Child s Bible. With plates. By a Lady of Cincinnati; pp. 192, in sixteens, pretty wood cuts, stamped cloth, neat. (2 copies.) 96 New York, J. Q. Preble, n. d. Size, 2 by if inches. "Stereotyped by J. A. James, Cincinnati." Copyright dated, 1834. See O Callaghan, 1834, no. 22.) 5837 The Holy Bible . . . Stereotyped by Henry Wallis & Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Engraved title and frontispiece, morocco, with tuck, g. e. 32 Concord, N. H., Charles Hoag, 1836 The New Testament is dated 1834. 5838 The Books of PSALMS : being the Authorized Version of that part of the Sacred Volume. Metrically arranged by James Nourse, pp. 224, stamped red morocco, g. e., very neat. 32 Boston, Perkins &> Marvin, 1836 FOREIGN. THE GUTENBERG BIBLE. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED WITH TYPES. 5839 The BIBLE, in Latin ; with the prologue of Saint Jerome. The First Edition. (SotUiC tyjJC \ hundreds of illuminated capital letters, brilliantly colored and decorated, many of them heightened with gold. 2 vols. In the original binding, thick oak boards covered with stamped calf, ornamented brass corners and center-pieces, with bosses ; many leaves with uncut edges ; measuring 15^ by 1 1 inches, on the leaf. folio [MENTZ, JOANNES GUTENBERG, 1450-55?] Without titlepages, pagination, or signatures: 641 leaves printed in double columns, 42 lines to a full column ; the initials and rubrics, in manuscript, throughout. The first volume contains 324 leaves, (of which one is in facsimile) and ends with the Psalms; the second has 317 leaves (sixteen in facsimile). A copy on vellum in the National Library in Paris, has at the end of the second volume a note, that it was "illuminated, bound, and completed, on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Aug. 15), 1456, by Henricus Albch, alias Cremer." " The honour of producing the first, and as many think, the most perfect book, is now ascribed to Gutenberg alone, Fust not coming in for a share of the credit of the invention until after his famous lawsuit in 1455, wnen tne Bible had been finished. We call it, therefore, the GUTENBERG BIBLE, and have no sympathy for any French name given to it simply because a copy found in a Paris library had the honour of being described by a French bookseller." H. STEVENS (in Caxton Celebration Catalogue). It was formerly known as the "Mazarine Bible," from the fact that the earliest published description of it, was based on a copy discovered by DeBure, in the Mazarine Library. " Some copies, which may be called a SECOND ISSUE, have 40 lines on each of the first eight pages, forty-one on the ninth, and the rest forty-two. . In the later issue, the three red lines at the beginning, are in type and not in manuscript, as AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 153 in the 42 line issue." The distinctions between the two issues are pointed out by Mr. B. Quaritch, in his description of the Perkins copy (priced, 3000 guineas,) in his General Catalogue, no. 17545. It may be added, that, in the first volume of the Brinley copy, the beginning of the prologue to the Pentateuch (recto of 4th leaf), of the book of Genesis (recto of 5th leaf), and the title and finis (Incipit and Explicit} of each of the books from Genesis to Ruth, inclusive, are rubricated in manuscript, not printed. Mr. Brinley s copy was purchased in 1873, through the agency of Mr. H. Stevens, in London. It had been discovered, a few years previously, in the Archiv of the Predigerkirche of Erfurt. A very full and accurate description of it was published in the Serapeum (Aug. I5th and 3ist, 1870; pp. 230, 241, ff.) by Dr. Bruno Stiibel of Leipsic, who had the rare opportunity of collating "the new-found forty-two-line copy " with two other copies, one from the Munich Library, the other from the Library of Leipsic. The Gutenberg Bible has, as Dibdin remarks in his description of Earl Spencer s copy, been "justly praised for the strength and beauty of the paper, the exactness of the register, the lustre of the ink, and the general splendor and magnitude of the volumes." In Asher s announcement, in 1873, the Brinley copy is claimed to be "the most beautiful of all known copies on paper. It is not only the tallest, and almost uncut, but it is of remarkable^ freshness and purity, and, though it has never been subjected to washing, is without the least stain. . . One sees by the costliness of its binding and by the beauty of its painted initials, heightened with gold and decorated in arabesques, that it was intended for the library of some prince or great nobleman. This exceptional excellence brought it ill fortune; for some barbarian, or crazed amateur, has taken from it a few leaves, doubtless for the sake of their capital letters." By extraordinary good luck some ancient paper was found, like that on which the Bible was printed, and the missing leaves were reproduced in photolithographic facsimile, with such success that it is not easy to distinguish them. The copy is so nearly uncut that many of the manuscript cues for the rubri- cator, are preserved at the extreme upper margins of the leaves. Very few errors of the press have been discovered in this first edition of the Bible. One, in Isaiah xxxvii. 20, "pona circulu ergo in auribus [for naribus} tuis," has been noticed by Dibdin and Pettigrew. Another, in the beginning of Psalm xxx. (xxxi. of the English Bible), has been corrected in the Brinley copy, probably by the rubricator, by marking a caret in the text and writing the omitted word "speravi" in the margin. This is the first time and it is not unlikely to be the last that a copy of the FIRST PRINTED BOOK is offered at public sale, in this country. In 1769, a vellum copy brought, at the Gaignat sale, 2100 francs: in 1815, the same copy, at the McCarthy-Reagh sale, was purchased by Mr. Grenville, for 6260 francs. Mr. Perkins s (vellum) copy, with two leaves in facsimile, was bought by him in 1825, from Messrs, G. & W. Nicol, for 504: in 1873, ^ was sold at 3,400. Of the best known paper copies, that belonging to the Duke of Sussex was bought at Perry s sale, for 168; was sold in 1841, for 190; and in 1858, at the Bishop of Cashel s sale, for 596. The Perkins copy the only one which came into the market for sixteen years after 1858 was purchased at Sir M. M. Sykes s sale, for 199.10; and was sold in 1873, for 2,690. At every sale, the advance in price had been marked : and the commercial value of copies has been at least quintupled in the last thirty years. What may it reach in the next fifty ? 20 154 THE BIBLE, 5840 BIBLIA SACRA sive Testamentum vet 9 | Ab Im. Tremellio et | Fran. Ivnio ex Hebraeo Latine redditu. | Et | Testamentum novu | a Theod. Beza e Graeco | in Latinum versum . | . . Engraved title, by W. Marshall, sigs. A to lii 6, in twelves, broken binding. 12 Landing Typis Milonis Flesher 6 Rob. Young, 1640 Contains the Apocrypha, and, at the end, Index Biblicus (K-K4 and L) 31 pages. 5841 The Holy | Bible | Containing y e Old and New | Testaments | Newly Translated | out of y e Original | Tongues, and with the former | Translations | diligently com-|pared and revised. | Bound in 2 vols., old dark blue mor., gilt, g. e. 32 London, \ Printed by John Field, Printer to the \ Parliament. 1653 Pearl type. Title engraved, by L. Lucas, with " The names and order of all the Books," on the verso. This is probably a Dutch counterfeit of the "Pearl Bible" printed by Field in 1653. H. STEVENS, in Caxton Celebration Catalogue, no. 1127. The genuine edition has some curious errors which have been corrected in the counterfeit : e. g. " Know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God ?" in i Cor. vi. 9 : "Neither yield ye your members as instruments of righteousness unto sin," Rom. vi. 13 ; and the famous error in Acts vi. 3, "whom ye may appoint," etc., for introducing which into the text, it was rumored, " that Field received a present of 1500. from the Independents." The fact is, however, that Field merely copied the error from an earlier edition printed with the imprimatur of Archbishop Laud. 5842 The | Holy Bible, containing | The Old and New | Testaments : I etc. Oxford, J. Baskett, 1725 The | Psalms, | Hymns, | and Spiritual Songs Translated into of the | Old and New Testament, | Faithfully English Metre, For the Use, Edification, and Comfort | of the Saints in Publick and Private, especially in NEW ENGLAND | . . . The Thirteenth Edition. | London, Printed for John Osborn, at the | Oxford- Arms in Lombard-street. 1719. In one volume, old red morocco, gilt (one joint cracked}, gilt edges, silver clasps. sm. 12 5843 H KAINH V AIAGH KH. Novum Testamentum, Post priores Steph. Curcellaei [et all\ labores . . . Editio Milliana, frontispiece and four maps and plans, pages red-lined throughout, fine old binding, slightly worn, sides tooled blank and gold, gilt edges gauffered. sm. 8 Amstelcedami, ex qfficina Wetsteniana, 1711 Gov. Shirley s copy. On the first guard-leaf, a presentation to " Wm. Shirley Esq; His Majesty s Advocate General of New England. From His most humble Servant, JONA. BELCHER. Middle Temple, 7 October, 1737." This presentation is (the signature excepted) beautifully executed with the pen, in imitation of type. 5844 La Sainte Bible. Traduite sur les Textes originaux, avec les differences de la Vulgate, engraved title, pp. iv, 884, old calf gilt, nice copy. 12 Cologne, aux depens de la Compagnie, 1739 5845 Tahitian. Te Evanelia a Mataio, no lesu Christ to Tatou Fatu ; Iritihia ei Parau Tahiti. [The Gospel according to Matthew ; translated into the Tahitian language.] Tahiti, Windward Mission Press, 1820. Followed by : the Gospels of Mark (Ibid. 1827); John (Ibid. 1821); Acts of the Apostles (Ibid. 1822); Paul s Epistles (Ibid. 1824) Epistles to the Hebrews, Epistles of James, and John, and the Apocalypse. Tahaa, Leeward Mission Press, 1826 Daniel, Ruth, and Esther, Tahaa, 1824 E Bree Raa Himene, etc. (A collection of Hymns),//. 143. Tahiti, 1827 E Parau Ui na Te Mau Taata Faaroo. (Brown s Catechism.) Tahaa, 1826 E Parau Bure. (Forms of Prayer.) Ibid. 1826 AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 155 E Ui Tumu no te Mau Parau a te Atua, etc. (The Assembly s Shorter Catechism.) Ibid. 1827 j and two other pieces in the Tahitian language. 12 Tahiti, and Tahaa, 1820-27 5846 (Hawaiian Bible.) Ka Palapala Hemolele | a | lehova ko Kakou Akua. | O ke Kauoha Kahiko i Unuhiia mai ka Olelo Hebera. | Buke I. | Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. \pp. 924. - The same, Buke II., //. 887. 12 Oahu, na na Misionari i Pai, 1838 The last page is dated May loth, 1839. - Ke Kauoha Hou | a ko Kakou Haku e Ola i | a lesu Kristo : | oia ka | Olelo Hemolele no ke Ola, | a na Lunaolelo i Kakau ai. | | Ua unuhiia ma ka olelo Helene. | Ua paiia na ko Amerika, etc., pp. 520. 12 Honolulu, ka na Misionari mea Pai, 1837 3 vols. in i, very thick (2331 pages), sheep, clean and unused, VERY SCARCE. 12 The FIRST EDITION of the Bible printed in the Sandwich Islands. Printed at the charge of the Am. Bible Society ("Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala"). 5847 Ka Palapala Hemolele a lehova ko Kakou Akua o ke Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou i unuhiia Mailoka mai o na Olelo Kahiko. Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. //. 1451, sheep, unused, SCARCE. 8 Oahu, na na Misionari i Pai, 1843 The New Testament (Ke Kauoha ffoti, etc.) has Honolulu; na na Misionari i Pai, 1843." The revised version (by the Missionaries of the American Board), printed "at the Mission Press." 5848 -- Ke Kauoha Hou ^r. The New Testament etc. Hawaiian and English, in parallel columns (with Scripture references between), pp. 727, sprinkled sheep, fresh copy. wide 12 New York, Am. Bible Society, 1860 The Third edition of the Hawaiian New Testament, published by the Am. Bible Society. 5849 BURKITT (Wm.) Expository Notes with Practical Observations, on the New Testament, old calf, one joint broken. folio, Leeds, Binns and Brown, 1796 5850 CARTWRIGHT (T.) Harmonia Evangelica, Commentario analy- tico, metaphrastico, practice, illustrata, //. 1142, (35), old calf , fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 5 Ludg. Batav., Fr. Hackii, 1647 5851 HARRIS (Thaddeus M.) The Natural History of the Bible. 12 Boston, 1793 A Dictionary of the Bible. First American, from 2d London edition, enlarged. 16 Worcester, I. Thomas, Jun., 1798. (2 vols.) 5852 MOLLER (H.) Enarrationis Psalmorvm Davidis, . . novissima editio, old calf rebacked, neat. folio, Geneva, P. Chou e t, 1639 The title-page bears the autographs of the Rev. JOHN WILSON, THOMAS WELD (1691), and JOSHUA GEE ("hunc librum jura possidet, anno 1715"). 5853 NEWCOME (Wm.) D.D. A Harmony in Greek of the Gospels, with Notes. Reprinted from the Text and select Various Readings of Griesbach, . . under the superintendance of Moses Stuart, //. xvi, 424 ; Notes, //. 188 ; sheep. 8 Andover, 1814 156 BIBLE, 5854 NEWMAN (Rev. Samuel) A Large and Compleat Concordance to the Bible in English, According to the last Translation. (A like Work formerly prepared by Clement Cotton,) Now this third impression corrected and amended, . . far exceeding the most perfect that ever was extant in our Language, . By Samuel Newman, Now Teacher of the Church at Rehoboth in New-England, old calf, rebacked, neat. folio, London, 1658 A good copy of this scarce Concordance. " The first edition was published at London, 1643, in folio. After Mr. Newman s removal [from WeymouthJ to Rehoboth, he revised this Concordance and greatly improved it, using, in the evening, according to President Stiles, pine knots instead of candles." BLISS, Hist, of Rehoboth. 5855 O CALLAGHAN (E. B.) A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, and Parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860, half dk. green mor. extra, gilt top, UNCUT. 1. 8 Albany, Munsell &> Rowland, 1861 5856 Remarks on the Book of Daniel and on the Revelations, //. 503, (2), sheep, sound clean copy. 8 New York, Greenleaf s Press, 1794 5857 SAMPSON (Ezra) Beauties of the Bible : being a Selection from the Old and New Testaments, with Remarks, etc. 2d Hudson edition, //. 338, sheep, used copy, scarce. 12 Hudson, Sampson, Chittenden 6* Croswell, 1802 5858 Tracts. Winthrop (James) Prophecies relating to Antichrist, with their application to the course of History,//. 32. Boston, 1795 Winthrop (J.) Attempt to arrange in order of time those Scripture Prophecies remaining to be fulfilled. Cambridge, 1803 Winthrop (J.) Attempt to translate the prophetic parts of the Apocalypse of St. John in familiar Language. Boston, 1794 Sewall (S.) Scripture Account of the Shechinah. Boston, 1794 Sewell (S.) Scripture History relating to the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. Boston, 1796 Thoughts upon . . Passages of Scripture . . relative to Jacob and Esau ; by Philotheorus, //. 60. Worcester, 1791 Bacon (John) Conjectures on Prophecies. Boston, 1805 A Paraphrase on , eight chapters of Isaiah. Worcester, 1795 Webster (N.) Errors and Obscurities in the common version of the Scriptures, etc., pp. 24, . /. /. Hastings (G. H.) Illustrations of Original Use of Sacred Lyrics, with musical notes . Phila. 1843 Report on History of English Version of the Bible, made to the Am. Bible Society, N. Y. 1857 - Brown (John) Brief Concordance to the Scriptures, //. 92. N. Y. 1812. 12 in i vol., new half. mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 8 5859 Tracts. Gale (Benjamin) A Brief Essay [on the Periods of Prophecy], uncut. New Haven, n. d. Gleason (Dr. James) Exposition of the three first Chapters of Genesis,/^. 190. Norwich, I jgj Attempt to Illustrate the Great Subject of the Psalms, . . with a Digression on Baptism. Boston, Mills 6* Hicks, 1773 A Prophetic Leaf, containing an Illustration of the Signs of the Times. New Haven, 1798 Smith (Lem.) The History of Job. Utica, 1806. 5 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 157 5860 Tracts. Notes upon Mistranslations [in the N. Test.],//. 71, uncut. Boston, 1804 Priestley (Jos.) Familiar Illustration of certain Passages of Scripture, uncut. Phila., 1794 Priestley (J.) General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God, uncut. Phila., 1794 Northern Light; or, a New Index to the Bible: by a Citizen of New- York //. 101, v. Troy, tf. Moffitt &> Co., 1800 [Devens (R.) ] A Paraphrase of some Parts of the Book of Job. Boston, 1795 The Trial: Calvin and Hopkins vs. the Bible and Common Sense : by a Lover of the Truth, n. p., n. d. Pillsbury (P.) The Bible ; its History and Inspiration. Boston, 1848 Balfour (W.) Letter to Rev. B. Whitman, on the term Gehenna, uncut. Boston, 1834. 8 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 12 CATECHISMS. THE NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER. 5861 NOYES (James) A Short | Catechism Composed By Mr. James Noyes, Late Teacher of the Church of | Christ in Newbury, | in New-England. | For the use of the Children there. //. 15, sir. grained olive morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges (.Bedford). sm. 8 Boston, Bartholomew Green, 1714 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this ExRTEMELY RARE Catechism. 5862 STONE (Samuel) A | Short Catechism | Drawn out of the | Word of | God. | By Samuel Stone, Minister of the Word at Hartford in | Connecticut. //. (2), 13, str. grained olive mor., filleted sides, gilt back and edges (Bedford ), UNCUT. sm. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for D. Henchman, 1720 Hardly less rare than the First Edition (see No. 867, in Part I.). 5863 VINCENT (Thomas) An Explicatory Catechism : or, an Explan ation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism, etc., pp. (8), 326, wants the last leaf (half a page) and a corner torn from a preliminary leaf, old sheep, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, repr. by John Allen, 1711 The same, worn copy, wants a few leaves, pp. viii, 315. (2 vols.) sm. 8 Boston, for D. Henchman \et all\, 1729 5864 WESTMINSTER Confession and Catechism. The Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger Catechism ; Composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines then Sitting at Westminster . . With a brief Sum of Christian Doctrine, //. (2), 161, (i), original sheep, VERY RARE. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1723 - The same, another good copy, original sheep : with the auto graphs of Rev. Isaac Stiles, 1742, and Rev. Dr. Benjamin Trumbull, 1761. (2 vols.) sm. 8 5865 The | NEW-ENGLAND | PRIMER | Enlarged. | For the more easy attaining- the true Reading of English. | To which is added, The Assembly of Divines | Catechism. Boston : Printed by T. Fleet, \ and Sold by the Booksellers, 1737. 40 leaves, n. n. On the recto of the first leaf, an awesome woodcut of " The POPE, or Man of Sin," fearfully and wonderfully made : on the reverse, the head of " King George the Second," facing the Title. The familiar rhymes from " In Adant s Fall | We sinned all," to "Zaccheits he | Did climb the Tree | His Lord to see," with their twenty- four illustrative woodcuts, are on leaves 6 and 7. Mr. John Rogers burns at Smithfield, " his Wife, with nine small Children, and one at her Breast, following him to the Stake," on the 1 6th leaf. The New-England Primer Improved. For the more easy attaining the true reading of English. To which is added, The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton s Catechism. Boston: Printed for, and Sold by John Perkins, in Union- Street. 1768. 40 leaves, n. n. (A to E) in eights. Cotton s Catechism (entitled "Spiritual Milk for American Babes. Drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments") was printed in the earliest editions of the Primer, but was omitted in that of 1737 : as was also "A Dialogue between Christ, Youth and the Devil," which is restored in this edition. The copy perhaps wants a leaf preceding the title. THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. 159 The New-England Primer Improved . . . To which is added, The Assembly of Divines Catechism, &c. Boston, William Me Alpine, 1770. Sigs. A to E8, in eights. A leaf preceding the title has, on the recto, the head of "King George the Third Crown d September 22d, 1761, Whom God long Preserve"; on the reverse, "A Divine Song of Praise" by Dr. Watts. This edition agrees page for page with that of 1 768, but is in larger type and on larger paper. - The AMERICAN Primer Improved, etc. Concord: Printed and sold by N. Cover ly, . . 1776. 40 leaves, n. n. (A to E8) in eights. On the first leaf, a head, which evidently was intended for that of King George III., serves for " The Hon. John Hancock, Esquire." In other respects, this is a reprint of the Primers of 1768 and 1770. - The same. Boston : Printed by Edward Draper, . . and sold by John Boyle, 1777. 40 leaves (A to E) in eights. On the first leaf, recto, " The Honorable JOHN HANCOCK, Esq. President of the American Congress," displaces King George. - The New-England Primer, Enlarged and Improved : or an easy and pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts. Also the Catechism. Newburyport : Printed and sold by John My call, n. d. [1790.] 40 leaves, n. n. (A. to E8) in eights. This differs in many respects from any of the preceding editions. There are more woodcuts, some of which are copied from Isaiah Thomas s " Royal Primer" of 1785. Mr. Cotton s Catechism is omitted. [The first two leaves of the Westminster Catechism are misplaced by the binder.] 6 vols. sm. 16 (32), elegantly bound in best levant brown morocco, backs full-gilt, sides filleted and panel-gilt, with centre ornaments, g. e. (F. Bedford ) ; in a str. grained olive morocco Solander case, lined with velvet, and lettered. It is unnecessary to remark on the EXTREME RARITY of early editions of this Primer, which has been called " the little Bible of New England." The late Mr. George Livermore, one of the most persevering and successful collectors of early Catechisms and Primers, in one of a series of articles on the origin and history of the N. E. Primer (published in 1849,) said: "I have not been able to find a copy of the work bearing an earlier date than the year 1775 Nor have I seen a person who has seen a copy of an earlier date." 5866 The New-England Primer (and others); 1784-1802 : The New-England Primer Improved, etc. Boston: Printed and sold by the Booksellers, 1784. 32 leaves, n. n. (A to D8) in eights. Follows the standard editions, but omits Mr. Cotton s Catechism. On the first page a woodcut head of "General Washington," in an oval, surrounded by military trophies. - The Royal Primer ; or, An Easy and Pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts, //. 72. Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1784. This has little in common with the New England Primer, but may have been a more attractive book to some of the boys and girls of its day. It contents "A short Scripture Catechism," but not the Westminster Assembly s, nor Mr. Cotton s. There are woodcuts of animals and birds, and in illustration of Bible stories ; and the cuts are far superior to those in earlier editions of the N. E. Primer. It is probably a reprint of an English primer. The New-England Primer ; much improved. Containing, A Variety of Easy Lessons, for attaining the true reading of English. 40 leaves, n. n. (A and B, in twelves ; C, D, in eights^) Philadelphia, T. Dob son, 1797. No woodcuts, except one of the burning of John Rogers (in which, by the way, Mrs. Rogers s "nine small children and one at her breast" may be fairly enumerated). A very pretty edition. l6o THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. The American Primer. Improved. Or, an easy and pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts. To which is added, The Assembly of Divine s Catechism. Medford : Nathaniel C overly, 1798. The New-England Primer, Or, the first Step to The Art of Reading. To which are Added, The Shorter Catechism, And many Things proper for Children. Revised, Corrected, and Improved, //. 79, cuts. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, n. d. [1802] A fresh clean copy of this handsome edition. The .New-England Primer, Improved. . Added, The West minster Assembly s Catechism, wants a leaf or two of the Catechism. Printed for Simeon Butler, Northampton, n. d. 6 vols. 32, smooth calf gilt; enclosed in a pull-off case of fine russet calf, lettered. 5867 The New England Primer. 32 Hartford, 1803 The same. 32 Concord, N. H., Isaac Hill, 1813 The same, facsimile of Boston edition of 1777. 32 Hartford, 1843 The Columbian Primer, . . Added, a Catechism for Children of four or five years old. And A Larger Catechism formed by the Westchester Associated Presbytery, and approved by the Morris County Assoc. Presbytery, pp. 71. 24 New York, 1805 The New England Primer Restored. Copied chiefly from a London edition of 1771, //. 62. 1 6 Trenton, for Rev. E. F. Cooley, 1846 The Child s Instructor, //. 72. sm. 12 Portland, A. W. Thayer, 1822 Six (v. s.) in i vol., half blue morocco. (Roxburghe). 16 5868 The New England Primer. 32 Massachusetts, 1810 The same, //. 63, in covers. 32 Newark, B. Olds, 1824 The same. Boston, Mass. S. S. Society, 1843 The same. (With the Episcopal and Assembly s Catechisms.) 24 New Haven, S. Babcock, n. d. The same. Rochester, 1827 The same. Middletown, Ct., 1825 Six (v. s.) in i vol., half blue morocco. 16 5869 The New England Primer. Boston, jfas. Loring, n. d. - The same. Walpole, N. H., I. Thomas 6- Co., 1814 - The same, with cover. Hartford, G. Goodwin <$* Sons, 1820 - The same, with cover. Newark, B. Olds, 1842 The same . . With a Historical Introduction by H. Humphrey, D.D., //. 64. Worcester, n. d. [1848 ?] The same. Boston, Mass. S. S. Society, n. d. Six (v. s.) in one vol., half blue morocco. 16 5870 The New England Primer, //. 36, cover. Phila., M. Carey, 1810 The same, in cover. Philadelphia, F. Scott, n. d. CATECHISMS. l6l The American Primer. 4th ed., woodcuts, covers. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1813 The Youth s Primer (with Westminster Catechism and Proofs) : by Jona. Fisher, woodcuts, engraved by the compiler, pp. 108. Boston, 1817 The Franklin Family Primer. Improved Edition. Boston, Manning &> Lor ing, [1811] The Evangelical Primer: by J. Emerson, pp. 72. Boston, 1820 Six (12) in i vol., half blue morocco. 16 5871 The New-England Primer, bds. Massachusetts, for the Purchaser, 1810. The same, bds. Walpole, N. H., I. Thomas &> Co., 1814. The same, good woodcuts (by J. W. Barber], paper cover. Hart ford, Geo. Goodwin &* Sons, 1820. 3 vols., clean, unused copies, in the original binding. 32 5872 Catechisms (1742-1801) The Shorter C., of the Westminster Assembly. Boston, T. &> y. Fleet, 1765 A Short C agreeable to the Doctrine of the Moravian Church, [transl. from the German of] J. Bechtel. Phila., Isaiah Warner, 1742 The Shorter C. with the Scripture Proofs. Boston, 1762 The Master and Scholar attending Catechising. Boston, B. Edes 6* Son, 1787 Mr. [Samuel] PIKE S Present Thoughts of the Assembly s Shorter C. Boston, 1768 STINTON (B.) A Short C., 4th edition. Boston, repr. 1745 WATTS (I.) The Young Child s Catechism. Cooperstown, E. Phinney, 1801 The Articles of Belief professed by followers of Calvin, Luther, and Arminius ; respecting the Five Points about which there is much Dispute. Norwich, Green 6* Spooner, [ab. 1774] Shorter C. with Scripture Proofs. N. London, 1746 : The same. Boston, 1768 WATTS (I.) The First Set of Catechisms and Prayers, or, the Religion of Little Children, etc. 8th ed. Boston, 1770 A Scripture-C., or, the Principles of the Christian Religion . . in the Words of the Bible, n. p., n. d. Twelve in one vol. (v. s.) clean copies, mostly uncut, half mor. extra (F. Bedford). 12 5873 Catechisms. The (Assembly s) Shorter Catechism, . with Proofs. Lansingburgh, \N. K], 1795: The same. Hartford, 1809 I. Watts C. for Children. Windham, [Conn. ] n. d. H. Ballou s Child s Scripture C. 2d edition. Boston, 1819 The Baptist C. Wilmington, 1809 Dr. Watts Catechisms for Children. Canandaigua, 1827 Catechism of the Church of Geneva (Calvin s); trans, by Rev. E. Waterman. Hartford, 1815 The Churchman s C., by Wm. Jones. Norwalk, [Conn.~], 1819 Wilbur (H.) Sabbath-School Edition of the Biblical C. loth ed. Boston, 1821 The Shorter C. with Proofs. Hartford, 1835 The Church C. ; broke into short Questions and Answers, by Bishop Hobart. New York, n. d. Eleven (v. s.) in one vol., half blue mor. (Roxburghe}. 16 5874 Catechisms. Dr. Watts Catechisms for Children, with the Westminster Catechism, &c. Exeter, \N. 17.] 1792 Short Biblical Catechism; by Hervey Wilbur. 4th ed. Exeter, 1813 The 21 1 62 CATECHISMS. THE CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. Catechism of the Prot. Episcopal Church in the U. S. [with] a Cat. recommended by the Bishop and Clergy of N. York. 6th ed. JV. K, 1814 New Catechism compiled by the Worcester Assoc. of Ministers. Worcester, 1804 Watts Catechisms for Children. Hartford, 1820 The Assembly s Shorter Catechism. Concord, \N. H.}, 1806 A Catechism of Scripture Doctrine ; by W. R. Weeks. 2 d edition. Albany, 1818 A Catechism (Westminster Larger and Shorter) for Youth. Phila., R. Aitken, 1783. Eight in one vol., blue half mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5875 Catechisms. A Catechism containing the First Principles of our Religious and Social Duties ; by Arminius Calvinus. Boston, S. Hall, 1795 The Assembly s Shorter Cat. : with a brief Explication, by I. Watts. 6th edition. Boston, 1748 New Catechism, compiled by the Worcester Assoc. of Ministers, ^d edition. Worcester, 1810 Catechesis Religionis Christianae Brevior HEBRAICE, versa per Gulielmum Seaman, M.D. Editio secunda per Timo. Alden. Phila., Gul. Fry excud. 1821 Minor Catechism, extracted from the Evangelical Primer; by Joseph Emerson. Providence, 1821 Scripture C. ; by a Clergyman of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1804 MARSHALL (W.) C. for Youth, [with] a Catechetical Explanation of sundry Terms belonging to Religion, Pp. 172, uncut. Phila., 1783 C. of Scripture Doctrine by W. R. Weeks. Albany, 1816 Smith (Ethan) Prophetic Catechism. Boston, 1839 Abstact (sic) of Sacred History, being the First Part of the Geneva Catechism, uncut. Boston, 1823. Ten (v. s.) in one vol., half blue morocco (Roxburghe). 12 5876 Catechisms, etc. Channing (W. E.) Elements of Morality and Religion, in the form of a C. 7th ed. Boston, 1831 Sunday School Book, No. I. Portsmouth, 1835 [Ballou (A.)] Manual of Exercises for Opening and Closing a Sabbath School. Boston, 1836 Ballou (H.) Child s Catechism. Boston, 1821 Hudson (Chas.) Evidences of Divine Revelation ; in the form of a C. Boston, 1830 : and others. Seven in one vol., continuous MSS. paging, hf. bd. neat. 16 THE CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. 5877 A Platform | of | Church-Discipline Gathered out of the Word of God ; | And Agreed upon By the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled in the | Synod At Cambridge in N. E. To be presented to the Churches and General Court for their Conside- ration and Acceptance in the Lord, the 8th Month, Anno 1649. (6 ti nes i quotations} dprel. leaves, pp. 33, (3), best grosgr. levant red morocco, sides filleted, center ornaments, back full gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (F. Bedford}, UNCUT. 4 Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1671 The second American edition of the Cambridge Platform, VERY RARE in any condition, and of HIGHEST RARITY, UNCUT. The title is in facsimile, admirably executed. It would have passed the compiler of the Catalogue, as genuine, had it not been for Mr. Brinley s penciled note. The margins of two or three leaves have been skillfully mended and restored. MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 163 5878 A Platform of Church-Discipline, . . agreed upon by the . . Synod at Cambridge. . Anno 1649, pp. (25), 64, unbound. sm. 8 Boston, Barth. Green 6* John Allen, 1701 " Reprinted for the First Church of Christ in Boston, pursuant to a Vote of that Church, Febr. loth, 1700-01." VERY RARE. 5879 A Platform of Church Discipline : etc. pp. xvi., 40, calf gilt, good copy, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, J. Allen, for N. Boone, 1717 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. *** For Music engraved in, or bound with, early editions of the Psalms in Metre, see, under PSALMS and HYMNS, Brady and Tate s Version, Boston, 1713, 1755, 1762, 1763, 1771 : New England Psalm Book, Boston, 1718, 1730; Barnard s Psalms, Boston, 1752; Watts s Psalms, 1767, 1772, 1781. 5880 GOSPEL MUSICK, or, The Singing of Davids Psalms, &c., In the publick Congregations, or private Families asserted, and vindicated ... By thy loving Brother, N. H. [Nathaniel Holme ?] D. D. M. M. S. Unto which is added, the ludgement of our worthy Brethren of New-England touching singing of Psalms, etc., pp. (2), 30, half morocco, neat, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 London, for Henry Overton, 1644 " The Preface to the New-England Psalms " is reprinted, pp. 25-30. 5881 WALTER (Rev. Thomas) of Roxbury. The sweet Psalmist of Israel. A Sermon Preach d at the Lecture held in Boston, by the Society for promoting Regular & Good Singing, And for Reforming the Depravations and Debasements our Psalmody labours under, In order to Introduce the proper and true Old Way of SINGING. . .pp. (8), 28, crimped olive morocco extra, filleted sides and insides, gilt tops, (Bedford?) UNCUT. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for T. Fleet, 1722 One of the RAREST tracts from James Franklin s press. It was unknown to Hood, who mentions Symmes s "Discourse concerning Prejudice" etc., printed the same year (see No. 5882), and [Mather s] "Pacificatory Letter" of Dec. 1723. Walter dedicated his Sermon to Paul Dudley, as, "with respect to its Publication, the First-Fruits of [his] Young Minister." 5882 SYMMES (Thomas) A Discourse concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion. Or, An Essay To shew the Nature, Causes, and Effects of such Prejudices : And also the Means of Prevent ing, or Removing them, //. iv, 21, i, hf. cf., neat, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, 1722 " Though the words music and singing do not once occur in it, yet it was aimed at and, to use the words of the preface, partly occasioned by, a most unhappy and unreasonable controversy about Singing by Note?" HOOD S Hist, of Music in N. E., p. 113. It is dedicated to the Second Church in Newbury, " of which the Rev. Mr. John Tufts is Pastor." The Preface is dated, Bradford, Dec. 27, 1721. On the last leaf is an advertisement of books sold by Samuel Gerrish, including " A very plain and easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes," by Mr. Tufts, and " The Grounds and Rxiles of Musick explained," etc., by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Walter. (See Nos. 5885 and 5886.) 5883 SYMMES (Wm.) of Andover. The Duty and Advantages of sing ing Praises unto God. A Discourse, at an Occasional Lecture in Andover, April 6, 1779, to promote and encourage the religious Art of Psalmody, //. 241, uncut. 8 Danvers, E. Russell, 1779 5884 HOOD (Geo.) A History of Music in New England: .with Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. 12 Boston, 1846 164 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5885 [TUFTS (Rev. John) of NewburyJ] A very Plain and Easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes, pp. 4, 12 (wants one or more leaves, at the end,) n. t. p., EXTREMELY RARE. long 12 Boston, J. F\rankliri\, for S. Gerrish, 1721 This is believed to be the FIRST Music BOOK printed in this country. Coffin in his Annals of Ne-wbury (p. 185) says it was first published in 1714. Hood (Hist, of Music in N. ., p. 65) says, "about the year 1712;" but adds, that "having never seen this work, he is unable to give any account of it, or its contents," having gained his only knowledge of it "from its advertisement on the blank page of the Rev. Mr. Symmes s discourse Concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion, " which was published in 1722 (see, ante, No. 5882). The full title (or description) given in that advertisement, is : "A very plain and easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes ; With the Cantus or Trebles of Twenty eight Psalm Tunes, contrived in such a manner as that the Learner may attain the Skill of Singing them with the greatest ease and Speed imaginable. By the Rev. Mr. John Tufts." On the same page is advertised " The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained," by the Rev. Thomas Walter (No. 5886). Both were "to be sold by Samuel Gerrish." This copy, though not quite complete, is in good condition, and retains half of its original marbled wrapper. The Introduction occupies four pages, with the imprint (as above) in colophon. The number of Tunes is sixteen. In printing them letters are used upon the staff instead of notes; F, S, L, M, for Fa, Sol, La, Mi, (see Hood, p. 66.) The Cantus (Treble) only is given. There are no bars, except for marking the end of the lines and verses. 5886 WALTER (Thomas) The Grounds and Rules | of Musick | Explained : Or, | An Introduction to the Art of Singing | by Note. | Fitted to the meanest Capacities. | . . Recommended by several Ministers. | sheep, obi. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish, 1721 Title, i leaf; Recommendatory Preface, signed by Increase and Cotton Mather and 13 other Ministers, 3 pp. ; Explanation of Musical Characters, i p.; Instructions, etc., pp. 1-24 ("wanting one leaf , pp. 7, 8); Rules for Tuning the Voice, i p.; Engraved Music, 15 pages. In this copy several additional tunes are scored, in manuscript. VERY RARE. "The First music printed with bars, in America." Hood, p. 77. " The tunes are composed in three parts only ; and are made up of half and whole notes. . The harmony is full, rich, and correct, and the whole style, purely choral." Hood had not seen this (first) edition, nor the edition of 1746, but took his title of the work from that of 1760-63, printed by B. Mecom. 5887 - - The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained : etc. Another edition, pp. (4), 25, and engraved music, 12 pages, wanting probably the last two leaves, hf. green morocco. long 8 Boston, for Samuel Gerrish, 1746 A much used copy which has been mended, and protected at the margins. This edition is scarcely less rare than the first. The music was, probably, engraved by Thos. Johnston. 5888 The Grounds and Rules of Music Explained : pp. (2), iv, 25, and 19 pp. of engraved Music, polished calf extra (Bedford}. long 8 Boston, Benj. Mecom, for Thos. Johnston, n. d. [1760-63 ?] A BEAUTIFUL COPY, nearly UNCUT, and, in this condition, VERY RARE. Engraved by Thomas Johnston. 5889 LYON (James) A. B. Urania. Or, a choice collection of Psalm- Tunes, Anthems, and Hymns, from the most approv d authors, with some entirely new : In two, three, and four parts : . .to which are prefix d the plainest and most necessary Rules of Psalmody: pp. (6), xii, 198, handsomely engraved throughout, by Henry Dawkins, half sheep, FINE COPY, RARE. long & \_Philadelphia\ 1761, " This book was much larger than any previous work that had been published in the colonies. Report says that it ruined the publisher." HOOD S Hist, of Music, 159. 5890 A Collection of Psalm Tunes, with a few Anthems and Hymns, Some of them Entirely New, for the Use of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter s Church in Philadelphia, 1763. Title engraved, i leaf; Dedication to " the Rev. Mr. Richard Peters, MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 165 Rector" etc., 2 pp. Short Introduction to the Art of Psalmody, pp. v.-ix. ; engraved Music (in 3 parts], pp. 22 ; used copy, names on title page, lower margin of preliminary leaves gnawed by mice, but neither text nor music injured. obi. 4 VERY RARE. By James Lyon, and engraved by H. Dawkins? 5891 [BAYLEY (Daniel) A New and complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music.] Book I. Containing the Grounds and Rules of Musick explained, etc., pp. 24, [Book II] Engraved Music, pp. 36 : wants title. obi. 8 {Newbury-Port, 1768] The first edition was published in 1764: see Hood s Hist, of Music, 165. The Intro duction to this edition is dated, May 15, 1768. "The Grounds and Rudiments" are taken chiefly from Thomas Walker : the tunes are, mostly, from Tans ur s " Royal Melody." The Preface is dated, at Newbury-Port, May 15, 1768. The music (round notes) was engraved by J. W. Oilman (of Exeter) : see pp. 27, 94. 5892 BAYLEY (D.) The American Harmony: or Royal Melody Complete. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. containing, i. A New and correct Introduction to Grouuds of Musick. . u. A New and Complete Body of Church Musick, adapted to . . Psalms . . in. A New and Select Number of Hymns, Anthems, etc. . . In two, three, four, and five musical parts . . yth Edition. By WILLIAM TANS UR, senior: //. (2), 8, Music engraved, pp. 96 The American Harmony, or Universal Psalmodist. Vol. II. containing, A choice and valuable Collection of Psalms and Hymn Tunes, etc. By A. WILLIAMS . . To which is added a Variety of favourite Hymn Tunes and Anthems, etc., pp. 4, Music, pp. 88 (wants a few leaves at the end). Two vols. in one, old sheep, good copy, VERY RARE. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1771 Bayley s Preface to Vol. II. is dated Jan. 5, 1771. Mr. Hood knew no edition earlier than that of 1774 (which was Bayley s third edition). 5893 The same. Vol. I.//. (6), 10; Practical Scale (engraved) 2 pp. Music, pp. 96 : Vol. II., //. (4), 36. Preface to Vol. II., dated, Jan. 5, 1773- 2 vols. in one, complete, good copy. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1773 Vol. I. "The Eighth Edition, with Additions." (New York and Plymoiith, p. 96, are among the additions, and are not named in the Alphabetical Table.) 5894 BAYLEY (D.) The Essex Harmony, or Musical Miscellany. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, by the Author and Son, 1785 Title, Preface, Grounds and Rules of Music, and Table of Tunes, 8 //./ Engraved Music, pp. 40. Contains 40 tunes (in four parts). The Preface is dated, Newbury-Port, Dec. 18, 1784. The first edition of The Essex Harmony was " Printed and sold by the Author, and sold also by most Booksellers in Boston, 1770," in sm. octavo, engraved Title, Introduc tion, and 22 pages of Music, of a size suitable for binding up with Brady and Tate s and other versions of the Psalms. See, under PSALMS AND HYMNS, Brady and Tate, Boston, 1770, 1771. 5895 STICKNEY (John) The Gentleman and Lady s Musical Com panion. Containing, A Variety of Excellent Anthems, Psalm Tunes, &c. Collected from the best Authors ; with a short explan ation of the Rules, etc., pp. 9, (2), engraved Music (jn four parts], pp. 212, sheep. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1774 The initials of the engraver, John W. Oilman, of Exeter ("J. W. G. sc." and "I. W. G. sc."), are at the foot of pages 64, 128, 134, etc. 5896 The same, a later edition, pp. (8), 212, old boards, good copy. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, n. d. 1 66 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. I776-I82O. 5897 ALBEE (Amos) The Norfolk Collection of Sacred Harmony, //. 4 8 - long 8 Dedham, H. Mann, 1805 5898 BABCOCK (Samuel) The Middlesex Harmony : being an Original Composition of Sacred Music, in Three and Four Parts, etc. Second Edition, with large Additions, pp. vi, no. obi. 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1803 "At the request of a number of gentlemen of that Fraternity, [the Author] has published, at the end of this Work the MASON SONG [Words by the Rev. Mr. Harris], which was composed by their particular desire, and for their use." Preface (dated, Watertown, Jan. 25, 1803). 5899 BELCHER (S.) of Farmington, Me. The Harmony of Maine : An Original Composition of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, etc., pp. 104, boards. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1794 5900 BELKNAP (Daniel) The Evangelical Harmony. Containing a great Variety of Airs, suitable for Divine Worship, besides a Number of Favorite Pieces of Music, etc., pp. 80. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1800 Preface, Framingham, Aug. 1800. 5901 BENHAM (Asahel) Federal Harmony; containing, in a Familiar Manner, The Rudiments of Psalmody ; with a Collection of Church Music. (Most of which are entirely new.) pp. 12, engraved music, pp: 36, wants some leaves at end, water-stained. New Haven, A. Morse, 1790 The same. Second Edition,//. 14, music, pp. 15-58, original boards. New Haven, A. Morse, 1792 The same. Sixth edition, pp. 16, engraved music, pp. 15-58, original boards. Middletown, M. H. Woodward, n. d. (3 vols.) obi. 8 5902 BENJAMIN (Jona.) Harmonia Ccelestia: a Collection of Church Music, in two, three, and four parts : . . The Tunes correctly figured for the Organ and Harpsicord, etc., pp. 72, (2 copies, one wanting a leaf.) 8 Northampton, A. Wright; for O. D. 6- /. Cooke, Hartford, 1799 5903 BILLINGS (Wm.) The Singing Master s Assistant, or Key to Practical Music. Being An Abridgement from the New-England Psalm-Singer; together with several other Tunes, never before published, //. 32 ; Music, pp. 1 04 (engraved by Benj. Pierpont, Jun., Roxbury, 1778,) smooth calf extra, yellow edges (F. Bedford), RARE. obi. 8 Boston, Draper 6* Folsom, 1778 5904 The same. Third Edition, //. 32, and Music, 104, old sheep, very neat, good copy. obi. 8 Boston, Draper and Folsom, 1781 The (manuscript) score of "Trumpet" ("Hark how the Gospel Trumpet sounds") is added, on a guard leaf. 5905 BLANCHARD (Amos) The Newburyport Collection of Sacred European Music, engraved frontispiece, pp. 152, 7, bds. long 8 Exeter, Ranlet & Norris, 1807 Preface dated, Newburyport, May 28th, 1807. MUSIC AND PSALMODY. l6/ 5906 BLANCHARD (Amos) The American Musical Primer, //. 80, bds. long 8 Exeter, Norris 6- Sawyer, April, 1808 5907 BROWN (Bartholomew) and others. Columbian and European Harmony: or, Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Music. Second Edition, improved, //. vi, 9-168, (wants one leaf of introduction?} boards, broken. long 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, Feb. 1804 Preface dated, Bridgewater, Dec. 16, 1802. 5908 BROWNSON (Oliver) Select Harmony, Containing the Necessary Rules of Psalmody, . . with a Collection of approved Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, engraved title, pp. 8, Music (I. Sanford, sculp. 1783,) pp. 84, hf. sheep, FINE COPY. obi. 8 1783 An important, and a VERY SCARCE volume. Brownson has given the names of the composers of most of the American tunes included in his Selection. 5909 BULL (Amos) The Responsary; containing A Collection of Church Music, set with Second Trebles instead of Counters, And peculiarly adapted to the use of the New-England Churches, pp. 100, boards, fresh copy. obi. 8 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1795 5910 The same, another copy, boards. 5911 DYER (Samuel) A New Selection of Sacred Music, //. 94, bds. long 8 Baltimore, for the Author, [1827] 5912 The Federal Harmony; in Three Parts ... Compiled for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies, //. 18, music engraved, pp. 19-114, boards, used copy. obi. 8 Boston, John Norman, 1790 The Advertisement by the Compiler (p. 17), is dated, Boston, Oct. 28, 1790. Hood (Hist, of Music, 175) notes an edition of 1788. 5913 The First Church Collection of Sacred Musick. Second Edition, pp. 136, bds., fresh copy. long 8 Boston, Thomas 6* Andrews, for the First Church Singers, n. d. {Sept. 1806] 5914 FRENCH (Jacob) Musico Theorico. Harmony of Harmony. In Five Parts, pp. xii, 9-152. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1802 5915 A Gamut, or Scale of Music. To which is added, Blank Lines for favorite Music, pp. 32, (12), several tunes in manuscript. long 1 6 Hartford, O. D. Cooke, 1805 5916 GRAM (Hans) Sacred Lines for Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 7, 1793. Written and set to Music by Hans Gram, Organist to Brattle Street Church, in Boston. To which are added several Psalm Tunes, pp. 16, uncut, RARE. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1793 5917 GRISWOLD (Elijah) and SKINNER (Thomas) Connecticut Harmony: Containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems and Favorite Pieces, many of which were never before Published . . Added, Concise Rules of Singing, pp. 62, engraved throughout (by y. Allen), with blank staffs on the last six leaves, for additions. (2 copies.) sm. obi. 8 n. p., n. d. [ab. 1800] 5918 HARMON (Joel) Musical Primer, containing a concise Intro duction to Music, and a Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, //. 72, bds. Harrisburg, n. d. 1 68 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5919 HILL (Uri K.) Solfeggio Americano. A System of Singing for the American Conservatorio, with a Variety of Psalmody, etc.. pp. 96, engraved throughout (120 Tunes), boards, fresh copy. obi. 12 {New York,} Sold by ft. Meetz, 6 Tiebout 6- Sons, [1820] " The names of persons given to original tunes inserted here, are merely complimentary to the Rev. Patrons and the Fellows of the American Conservatorio, and not intended as the price of their approbation." Advertisement. 5920 The same, another copy, clean and fresh, boards. 5921 HOLDEN (Oliver) The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music. 2 vols. in one, pp. 120, 176, printed typographically, sheep, good copy. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1793 5922 HOLYOKE (Samuel) Harmonia Americana . . A concise Intro duction . . with a Variety of Airs, suitable for Divine Worship, and the use of Musical Societies. In three and four parts;//. 120, bds., nice copy. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas 6* E. T. Andrews, 1791 5923 Harmonia Americana, wants pp. 113-120. Boston, 1791 PALFRAY (Warwick) The Evangelical Psalmodist, pp. 56. Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1802 BELKNAP (Dan l), of Framingham. The Harmonist s Companion . . Airs suitable for Divine Worship ; together with An Anthem for Easter, and a Masonic Ode, never before published, //. 32. Boston, 1797. 3 in one vol., bds. obi. 8 1791-1802 5924 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Columbian Repository of Sacred Harmony. Selected from European and American Authors, with many new Tunes not before published. Including the whole of Dr. Watts 1 Psalms and Hymns, to each of which a Tune is adapted, etc., pp. xxiv, 471, printed typographically, boards. obi. 4 Exeter, N. H., Henry Ranlet, n. d. [ab. 1805 ?] 5925 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Christian Harmonist: containing a Set of Tunes adapted to all the Metres in Mr. Rippon s Selection, in the Collection of Mr. Joshua Smith, and in Dr. Watts s Psalms and Hymns, etc. . . Designed for the use of .Baptist Churches in the U. States, pp. 199, clean, uncut, in the original covers. obi. 4 Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1804 5926 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Vocal Companion, etc., pp. 176, bds. long 8 Exeter, Norris 6 Sawyer, 1807 5927 HOWE (Sol.) The Worshipper s Assistant, etc., pp. 32, printed typographically. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1799 5928 HOWE (Solomon) A. M. The Farmer s Evening Entertainment, pp. 32. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1804 Preface dated, Greenwich, Mass., April, 1804. 5929 INGALLS (Jerem.) The Christian Harmony; or, Songster s Company, pp. 200, bds. long 8 Exeter, N. H., H. Ranlet, 1805 Preface dated, Newbury, Vt., Nov. 1804. 5930 JENKS (Stephen) Laus Deo. The New-England Harmonist : containing . . Rules of Music ; with a number of Tunes . . most of which were never before published, pp. 8, 17-24, Music, engraved by A. Doolittle, 1800, //. 25-64, nice copy. obi. 8 Danbury, Douglas &> Nichols, n. d. [1800] The Preface is dated, Ridgfield, 24 Sept. 1799. MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 169 5931 JENKS (S.) The Royal Harmony of Zion Complete, etc., pp. 40. long 8 Dedham, H. Mann, for the Author, 1810 Preface dated, Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 1810. 5932 JOCELIN (Simeon) and DOOLITTLE (Amos) The Chorister s Companion : or Church Music Revised, etc. . . With A Collection of approved Hymns and Anthems, many of which were never before Printed, Engraved title, pp. 20, music (engraved by A. Doolittle) pp. 64. New Haven, Simeon Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, n. d. [1783] The same, Part Third, Containing A Collection of Hymns and Anthems, etc. //. 16, 32. N. Haven, T. 6* S. Green, for S. Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, n. d. [1783] 3 in one vol. obi. 8 New Haven, 1783 Mr. Hood (Hist, of Music, 174) assigns to this collection the date of 1788. The second edition was published that year. This copy has on the title, " Alexander Gillet s book, 1783." The preface is dated, Dec. 16, 1782. It was advertised, as just published, in the Conn. Gazette, Feb. 21, 1783. 5933 JOCELIN (S.) A Collection of Favorite Psalm Tunes, From late and approved British Authors : Never before printed in America, pp. 1 6, n. n. (two leaves wormed), engraved by A. Doolittle. obi. 8 New Haven, for S. Jocelin, n. d. 5934 KIMBALL (Jacob) Jun. of Topsfield, Mass. The Rural Harmony, //. xvi, 17-112, bds. long 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1793 oooo LAW (Rev. Andrew) of Cheshire, Conn. A Select Number of Plain Tunes adapted to Congregational Worship. By Andrew Law, A.B. Joel Allen sculpsit. (about 1775.) See, under PSALMS and HYMNS, Watts, (Boston, 1767, 1772) Nos. 6048, 6050. This, which was Law s first published work, was not known to Hood. 5935 LAW (Andrew) A Collection of Hymn Tunes from the most modern and Approved Authors. By Andrew Law, A.M. Printed by Wm. Law, Cheshire. Engraved title (y. Allen, sc.) 36 pp. music, handsomely engraved (by Daniel Hopkins}-, and A Collection of Hymns, for Social Worship. By Andrew Law, pp. 48 ; fine clean copy, in the original cover, nearly uncut. 8 [Cheshire, Conn., 1782] The Collection of Tunes was printed in 1781, and the General Assembly of Connecticut, in October, granted Mr. Law the exclusive privilege of publication and sale for five years. The Collection of Hymns was printed, separately, in 1782. This copy has the autograph of " J. Millet, Prisonnier a Hartford le 5 Avril, 1 an 1801." 5936 The same, sheep, good copy (with a MS. Index). 5937 The same, n. t. p., fine unused copy, in the original wrapper, uncut. [8 Cheshire, Wm. Law, 1782] 5938 LAW (Andrew) The Rudiments of Music : or A Short and Easy Treatis (sic) on the Rules of Psalmody. To which are annexed A Number of Plain Tunes and Chants, //. 8, music (Daniel Hopkins sculp.) pp. 12, 48, orig. wrapper, uncut, good copy. obi. 8 n. p. [Cheshire, Conn.] 1783 5939 LAW (Andrew) The Musical Magazine ; containing a Variety of Favorite Pieces. A Periodical Publication. Number First, Title, and 1 6 pp. engraved music (three pieces, Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore,) clean, tmcut. Cheshire, Wm. Law, 1792 - The same; Number Sixth,//. 210-22^, printed typographically, n. p., Nov. 1 80 1. (2 pamphlets.) obi. 8 22 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5940 LAW (Andrew) The Art of Singing ; in Three Parts . . i. The Musical Primer: n. The Christian Harmony: in. The Musical Magazine; //. 24; engraved music, pp. 25-208; (The Musical Magazine: Number Sixth,)^>. 209-224, bds. long 8 Cheshire, Conn. 1800, 1801 " The divisions of this work were firstly published in detached parts. They have been since collected, and, . are, in this edition, calculated to form a consistent whole." Adver tisement. 5941 LAW (Andrew) The Art of Singing ; in Three Parts ; to wit, i. The Musical Primer : n. The Christian Harmony : HI. The Musical Magazine . . . [Part First.] The Musical Primer; Cam bridge, W. Hilliard, 1803 Part Third. The Musical Magazine . . Fourth Edition, with additions and improvements. Printed upon a new plan. No. i, pp. 96. Boston, E. Lincoln, 1805. 2 vols., hf. bd., nice copies. obi. 8 " This book exhibits a New Plan of printing Music. Four kinds of characters are used ; and are situated between the single bars that divide the time, in the same manner as if they were on lines and spaces ; . . and every purpose is effected without the assistance of lines. . . The diamond, has the name of mi ; the square, of faw; the round of sol ; and the quarter of a diamond, of /aw." Advertisement, p. 5. 5942 The Art of Singing . . Part First. The Musical Primer ; etc., pp. 96, hf. bd. (2 copies.) obi. 8 Cambridge, W. Hilliard, 1803 5943 - - The Musical Primer : , containing the Rules of Psalmody, newly revised and improved, etc. Third Edition ; printed upon the Author s New Plan ; [with the] Supplement to the Musical Primer; pp. 64 Harmonic Companion, and Guide to Social Worship : being a Choice Selection of Tunes, etc., //. 120 (copyrighted, 1807). Phila., R. 6- W. Carr. n. d. The Art of Singing, in Three Parts. 5th edition. Part Third : The Musical Magazine, pp. 128. 3 in one vol., clean fine copy, hf. bd. obi. 8 Philadelphia, Anderson 6* Meehan, n. d. [1811] 5944 LAW (Andrew) Harmonic Companion, and Guide to Social Worship : . . Printed upon the Author s new plan, pp. 112, bds., clean. obi. 8 Philadelphia, Press of T. T. Stiles, [1807] 5945 LAW (Andrew) Select Harmony. Containing . . the Rules of Singing . . With a Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Printed upon the Author s New Plan, with lines and spaces, //. 64, clean, in original paper cover. obi. 8 Philadelphia, R. 6- W. Carr, n. d. 5946 LEE (Thomas) Jun. Sacred Harmony, pp. 116, engraved throughout. l n g 12 n. p., n. d. " The Tunes contained in this Collection are principally American compositions, and were never before published." Advertisement. Some of the Hymns are taken from Barlow s collection (first published in 1785). 5947 MANN (Elias) The Northampton Collection of Sacred Harmony, pp. iv, 140, bds. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1797 5948 The Massachusetts Harmony. Being a New Collection of Psalm Tunes, Fuges (sic) and Anthems, selected from the most Approved Authors . . By a Lover of Harmony, pp. (6), engraved music, pp. 10-95, wanting one leaf, old leather binding, scarce. obi. 8 Boston, for yohn Norman, n. d. [1778-84?] See Hood s " History of Music in New England," p. 172.] MUSIC AND PSALMODY. I/I 5949 MAXIM (Abraham) The Oriental Harmony; being an Original Composition. In Three Parts, pp. viii, 9-56. obi. 8 Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1802 5950 The Middlesex Collection of Church Music : or, Ancient Psalmody Revived, etc., pp. 136, sheep, with name of " Eliph. Pearson LL.D., Midd. Mus. Soc." in gilt panel, on cover. long 12 Boston, Manning 6 Lor ing, 1807 5951 OLMSTED (Timothy) The Musical Olio, pp. in, boards (2 copies.) long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1805 5952 Another copy, bds. 5953 PALFRAY (Warwick) The Evangelical Psalmodist : an Original Work ; consisting of Plain Tunes, Fuges, and set Pieces, in three and four parts, //. 56, typographically printed, bds. clean. obi. 8 Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1802 5954 Plain Psalmody, or Supplementary Musick . . Consisting of Seventy Psalm and Hymn Tunes, and an Anthem, etc., pp. 72. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, Nov., 1800 5955 READ (Daniel) The Columbian Harmonist. No. I. //. 40, all " engraved by A. Doolittle, 1793." long 8 New Haven, for the Editor, [1793] 5956 The same. Third Edition, enlarged, pp. 112, bds. long 8 Boston, Manning 6 Loring, 1809 " Over some of the tunes are the initials of the Author by whom, or the publication in which, together with the date when, the tune was first published." 5957 SELBY (Wm.) Two Anthems, for Three and Four Voices. Composed . . by Wm. Selby, Professor of Music, in Boston, Title, and 8 leaves, n. n., engraved music. long 4 n. p., n. d. " To be Sold at the Author s House, in Boston." 5958 SHAW (Oliver) The Providence Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. In Two Parts, //. 128, bds. 8 Dedham, H. Mann 6- Co., 1815 5959 SWAN (Timothy) New England Harmony, pp. 104, boards. obi. 8 Northampton, Mass., Andrew Wright, 1801 " Sold also at Suffield, Conn., by the Author." 5960 The Village Harmony : or, Youth s Assistant to Sacred Music, ttc. Sixth Edition, corrected and improved, //. 206, boards, clean. obi. 8 Exeter, N. H., H. Ranlett, 1803 5961 WOOD (Abraham) Divine Songs, extracted from Mr. J. Hart s Hymns ; and set to Musick in three and four parts, //. 32, printed typographically, a corner torn from title. obi. 8 Boston, Isaiah Thomas 6* Co., 1789 Preface dated, " Northborough, March, 1789." 5962 WOODRUFF (Merit N.) Devotional Harmony: a Posthumous Work of Merit N. Woodruff, late of Watertown, Conn._, deceased. Published, by his Relations and Friends, under the Inspection of Asahel Benham. A short Narrative of the Life and Death of the Author, may be found in the Introduction, //. 7, and Music (engraved}, pp. 9-60. long 8 n. p., n. d. fab. 1800] RARE. The author, son of Mr. Isaac Woodruff of Watertown, was born in 1780, and died in 1799. 1/2 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5963 Laus Deo ! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. First and Second Parts . . To which is now added, An Appendix, containing a Number of excellent Psalm Tunes, (several of which are entirely New) and other Pieces, etc. Third Edition, with large Additions, pp. 144. Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1791 The same. Fourth Edition, pp. 152. Boston, 1792 The same. Seventh Edition, //. 144. Boston, 1800 (3 vols.) obi. 8 1791-1800 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5964 (NEW ENGLAND PSALM-BOOK.) The | Psalms, | Hymns, | and | Spiritual Songs | of the | Old and New-Testament : Faith-|fully Translated into English Meeter, | For the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints in Publick and Private, j especially in New- England. . . | The Thirteenth Edition. | wants pp. 53-68, 75-94, and after 288, Forel (Bedford}, VERY RARE. sm. 12 Boston, B. Green, for Samuel Phillips, 1706 5965 The same. The Nineteenth Edition, pp. 376, with 12 pages of Music, very handsomely engraved on copper, bound at the end of the volume; polished calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford), an ELEGANT COPY. sm. 12 Boston, T. Crump, for S. Gerrish, 1718 This edition (printed the same year with Cotton Mather s " Psalterium Americanum") has an " Appendix " containing a second version of Isaiah xxvi., and Brady and Tate s Psalms LXXXII. and cxxxvu., "a Specimen taken out of [their] New Version of the Psalms," &c. 5966 The same, i3th Edition. London, for John Osborn, 1719 The same, i8th Edition. London, for J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1741. Two vols. in one, dk. blue mor. extra, gilt back and edges, inside borders, elegant. sm. 12 5967 The same. 23d Edition, //. 346, and 10 pages of Music, neatly engraved, bound at the end of the volume, dark blue mor. extra, gilt back and edges, elegant. 12 Boston, for D. Henchman, 1730 On pp. 338-346, under the head, " The Tunes of the Psalms," are " Some few Direc tions for ordering the Voice in setting these following Tunes of the Psalms," and the music (the cantus only) of twelve tunes, cut on wood or type-metal. The engraved Tunes, in th/ee parts, are probably Tuft s Collection, printed to be bound up with the Psalm Book. The initials, F, S, L, M, (Fa, Sol, La, Mi,) are used on the staff instead of notes. 5968 The same. 25th Edition, pp. 346, dk. blue morocco extra, gilt back and edges, elegant. 12 Printed for D. Henchman and Thos. Hancock, in Boston, 1742 5969 The same. 27th Edition, pp. 334, large copy, clean and fine, sheep. 12 Boston, F. and J. Fleet, 1762 5970 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, etc. . . . Being the New England Psalm-Book Revised and Improved [by THOMAS PRINCE,] with the addition of fifty other Hymns, old red mor., g. e. Boston, D. Henchman and S. Kneeland, 1758 This volume was bound by Andrew Barclay, Cornhill, Boston, as the style and tooling show. The same. (Prince s revision,) 2d edition, wants pp. 3-22, old paneled calf. Boston, 1773. (2 vols.) 12 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1/3 5971 (BRADY and TATE.) A New Version | of the Psalms | of | David, | Fitted to the Tunes Used in Churches. | By | N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in | Ordinary, & N. Tate, Esq ; Poet-Laureat, to Her Majesty. | London: Printed in the Year, 1704. | At the end of the Psalms, The Usual Hymns, &c. To the Proper Tunes, //. 270, wanting one or two leaves at the end, dk. blue morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges (Bedford*), VERY RARE. sm. 12 Boston: repr. by J. Allen, for Nich. Bo one, 1713 Nine tunes (pp. 267-70) engraved on wood or type-metal. Hood, Hist, of Music in N. J5., p. 156, mentions "an edition of Tate and Brady s Book of Psalms published in the Colonies, not far 1741." He had not seen this FIRST AMERICAN edition of 1713, the Boston editions of 1720 and 1737, or the Philadelphia edition, printed by Franklin in 1733. 5972 BRADY and TATE. A Supplement to the New Version of Psalms, by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate ; containing the Psalms in Particular Measures ; the usual Hymns, . . and Tunes (Treble and Bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. The Tenth Edition, corrected. With the Addition of Plain Instructions . . in Psalmody; near Thirty New Tunes, etc. The whole being a Compleat Psalmody, An Introduction &>c., pp. xx, A Supplement &>c., pp. 47, Tables, 16 //., n. n. sm. 12 London, A. Pearson, for R. Ware, n. d. This Supplement was first published in 1703. (Its use was authorized in England by Order in Council, July 30, 1703.) The music is printed from metal types, with diamond-shaped notes. 5973 Brady and Tate. A New Version of the Psalms, etc., original sheep, wants leaves after pp. 262. sm. 12 Boston, repr., J. Allen for B. Elliot, 1720 The same. Another edition, //. 288, old sheep, good copy. 12 London, for the Stationers^ Company, 1728 The same, another edition, wants pp. 5-8, old calf. wide 12 Boston, J. Draper, for J. Edwards, 1737 (3 vols.) 1720-37 5974 The same. (With "an Alphabetical Table shewing where to find each Psalm," on two leaves, one imperfect}, pp. 286, old sheep, worn copy. 12 Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, at the New Printing Office, near the Market, etc., 1733 Not a very good copy, but the best that Mr. Brinley had been able to find, of a very EARLY and a VERY RARE Franklin imprint. The edition was not known to Hood, and is not in Haven s Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary Publications. 5975 The same: with Appendix containing a Number (30) of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts s Collection, pp. 344. 1 6 Boston, y. Draper, for J. Edwards, 1754 5976 The same: with Appendix containing a Number (76) of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts s Scriptural Collection, pp. 376 : and, at the end, 1 6 pages of Music, neatly " engraved, printed, and sold by Thomas Johnston, Brattle Street, Boston, 1755;" old red morocco gilt, g. e. [by Andrew Barclay], a fine copy. 12 Boston, B. Edes and J. Gill, for J. Winter, 1755 5977 The same: with 14 pages of Music, "engraved, printed and sold by Thomas Johnston, Boston, Aug. 1762," wants pp. 1-22 of the Psalms. 12 Boston, D. 6 y. Kneeland, 1762 The music is in three parts, and is engraved on Mr. Tufts s plan, the initial letters F, S, L, and M, (for fa, sol, la, mi,) being used on the staff instead of proper musical notes. 174 PSALMS AND HYMNS. The same edition: with 16 pages Music engraved by T. Johnston, 1755 ; old red morocco, worn. 12 Boston, D. 6 J. Kneeland, for T. Leverett, 1762 (2 vols.) 5978 The same: title imperfect. Green and Russell, 1757 The same: with Hymns; pp. 276, 84; and with 22 pages Music (T. Johnston, 1755), old calf, gilt. D. and J. Kneeland, 1763 The same (with the Hymns): wants leaves at the end, after p. 84. D. Kneeland for jF. Eliot, at the Tree of Liberty, 1766. (3 vols.) 12 Boston, 1757-66 5979 The same; with the Hymns. W. Me Alpine, 1767 The same: with the Hymns (1771). J. Boyles, 1770 The same: with the Collection of Hymns, old sheep. Mein and Fleeming, n. d. (3 vols.) 1 6 and 12 Boston, v. y. 5980 The same (Psalms only), nice fresh copy. high 12 London, Mary Harrison, 1770 5981 The same : with THE ESSEX HARMONY, by Daniel Bailey, 1770, RARE. 12 Boston, John Boyles, 1771 " The Essex Harmony containing a new and concise Introduction to Musick, to which is added a . . Collection of Psalm Tunes . . composed in Three and Four parts ; carefully set in Score by Daniel Bailey Philo Musico. Newbury Port, Printed and sold by The Author; Sold also by most Booksellers in Boston, 1770." Engraved Title, and Index, and 22 pp. of Music (round notes), wanting one leaf. 5982 The same : with Bay ley s Essex Harmony (wanting one leaf) engraved, 1771. 12 Boston, A. Barclay, 1771 This edition of the Essex Harmony was re-engraved throughout, with a different arrangement of the Tunes. 5983 The same. Boston, E. Russell, 1771 : J. Fleeming, 1771 : A. Barclay, 1773: Mills 6 Hicks, 1773: J. Perkins, 1773: y. Boyles, 1773, Hymns imperfect: A. Ellison, 1773, with engraved tunes. (7 vols.) 12 Boston, 1771-3 5984 The same, with Hymns, pp. 416. For T. Leverett, 1774 The same, pp. 414, not quite perfect. Henry Knox, 1774. (2 vols.) 12 Boston, 1774 The same : with Hymns. First Worcester Edition, pp. 358, fine clean copy. 12 Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1788 " Hymns for Public Worship. Part II. For the use of the Church in Brattle Street " (Boston, 1808), are bound in. 5986 The same edition. Another copy. 12 5987 The same ; with Hymns, -clean. Samuel Hall, 1791: The same; S. Etheridge, 1795. (2 vols.) 12 Boston. 5988 ALLINE (H.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, pp. 281, clean fresh copy, sheep. 12 Stonington-port, Conn., S. Trumbull, 1802 5989 (BARNARD S Psalms.) A New Version of the Psalms of David ; Fitted to the Tunes used in the Churches : With several Hymns out of the Old, and New, Testament. By John Barnard, Pastor of a Church in Marblehead, pp. (4), 278, i : at the end, Rules to learn to Sing, and Tunes, pp. 1-14, (wanting^. 10), handsomely "engraved and printed by James Turner, near the Town House, Boston, 1752." 12 Boston, y. Draper, for T. Leverett, 1752 A sound but not entirely perfect copy of a VERY SCARCE book ; some blank pages of the music defaced by scribblings. The music wants one page, and perhaps two more at the end. The Psalms want (pp. 45-60) eight leaves. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1/5 5990 BELKNAP (Jeremy) Sacred Poetry, consisting of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Christian Devotion, in Public and Private. Selected from the best Authors, with variations and additions, //. vi, 344, old mor. gilt, g. e. 12 Boston, Apollo Press, 1795 5991 3d edition. 12 Boston, for Thomas 6 Andrews, 1801 5992 4th edition. 12 Boston, Thomas 6 Andrews, 1804 5993 A new edition, with Additional Hymns. sm. 12 Boston, 1812 " The Hymns, from the 3ooth to the end, are added in this Edition, and have been selected by the successor of the Author." 5994 New edition, fine copy, red mor. gilt. 24 Boston, 1818 5995 New edition, sheep gilt. sm. 12 Boston, 1820 5996 BENSON (Joseph) Hymns for Children and Young Persons, ist Am. edition, hf. bd. sm. 16 New York, for the Meth. Episc. Church, 1822 5997 COLLIER (Wm.) A New Selection of Hymns, as a Supplement to Dr. Watts, sheep. 12 Boston, 1812 5998 DOBELL (John) A New Selection of Evangelical Hymns, autograph presentation by Lowell Mason, 1815. 12 Morris-Town, P. A. Johnson, 1810 5999 DOBELL (J.) New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns, intended as a Supplement to Watts Psalms and Hymns, sheep, nice copy. 12 Morristown, N. J., 1815 6000 DUTCH (REFORMED) Church. The | Psalms | of David, with The Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord s Prayer, &c. j in Meter \with the music]. Also, | The Catechism, Confession of Faith, | Liturgy, &c. | Translated from the Dutch. | For the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, | clean copy, old red calf, gilt, red edges, SCARCE. 8 New York, James Parker, 1767 6001 The same ; with Hymns and Spiritual Songs, also the Heidelbergh Catechism, etc. 12 New York, G. Forman, 1796 6002 Psalms and Hymns with Catechism, Confession of Faith, and Liturgy, etc., of the Reformed Dutch Church in America . . Selected . . by John H. Livingston, D.D., sheep, nice copy. sm. 12 Philadelphia, 1829 6003 ELLIOT (Elder Geo.) A Collection of Divine Hymns from various Authors, by Elder George Elliot, Pastor of the Free Baptist Church in Canajoharry, State of New York, pp. 145 (wants 139-42). 32 Sangerfield, N. Y., J. Tenny, 1814 6004 ERSKINE (Ralph) Gospel Sonnets, or Spiritual Songs. 6th edition, old calf The same : 7th edition (stained} A Paraphrase, or Large Applicatory Poem upon the Song of Solomon, used copy. (3 vols.) 12 Boston, 1742, 1743 6005 GODDARD (Josiah) A New and Beautiful Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, worn and soiled, pp. 396, (10), scarce. sm. 12 Walpole, N. H., Thomas 6- Thomas, 1801 Mr. Goddard s Preface is dated, Con way, Oct. 10, 1801. 6006 HART (J.) Hymns, &c., 3d edition with a large Supplement, pp. 226, sheep, nice fresh copy. 12 London: repr. Worcester, 1782 1/6 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6007 The same : with the Author s Experience, the Supplement, and Appendix. i5th edition, //. 231, (3). 16 Elizabeth-Town, S. Kollock, 1799 The Preface (with the Account of the Author s experience) is dated April, 1759. 6008 HARTFORD Collection of Hymns, compiled by Nathan Strong, Abel Flint, and Jos. Steward, first leaf of Hymns wanting, otherwise a good copy. Hartford, J. Babcock, 1799 The same, 2d edition. Hartford, for O. D. Cooke, 1802 The same, 6th edition. Hartford, 1818. (3 vols.) 24 6009 HASTINGS (T.) and PATTON (W.) The Christian Psalmist, or Watts Psalms and Hymns, with . . others. 32 The same. 24 (2 vols.) New York, 1836 6010 HOWE (Solomon) Divine Hymns on the Sufferings of Christ. Greenwich, Mass., J. Howe, 1805 Smith (Joshua) and Sleeper (S.) Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs. Portland, 1803 Hurlbutt (S.) Hymns on . . the Religion of Jesus Christ. Danville, Eb. Eaton, 1820 Willard (S.) Hymns, . . with Musical Directions, pp. 132, (Music, pp. 1 2 1-8.) Greenfield, Mass. [1824]. Four in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 6011 LATHROP (Reuel) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, composed on various Subjects, in a plain style. With the Author s Experience. By Reuel Lathrop, a Reformed Sinner, //. 120, sheep, scarce. 1 6 Concord, N. H., 1814 The First Part of the "Experience of R. L." is in Common Metre: the Second and Third Parts, in Long Metre. 6012 Lieder-Samlung (Erbauliche) zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evang. Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord- Amerika. Erste Auflage. pp. (14), 592, (8), old sheep, very scarce. 12 Germantown, Leibert & Billmayer, 1786 Water-stained and soiled by use. At the end is bound : Kurze Andachten, einer Gottsuchenden Sele, auf alle Tage der Woche, etc. ite Auflage. Germantoum, 1786. A rare imprint. The printers are not mentioned by Thomas. 6013 Lieder-Sammlung (Erbauliche) zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evang. Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsyl- vanien. Vierte Auflage, brass clasps. 12 Germantown, Michael Billmayer, 1811 Bound with it: Kurze Andachten, c., //. 26. 5te Auflage. Germanto-wn, M. Billmayer, 1812. 6014 Marburger | (Vollstandiges) | Gesang-Buch, | Zur | Uebung der Gottseligkeit, | in 649 Christlichen und Trostreichen Psalmen und Gesangen Hrn. D. Martin Luthers, | und andrer | Gottseliger Lehrer, | u. s. w. Mit . . Morgen- Abend- Buss- Beicht- und | Communion-Gebatlein vermehret. | woodcut of Luther, Title, and 5 prel. leaves pp. 490, (15), Der kleine Catechismus Lutheri, //. 13, RARE. 12 Germantown, Christoph Saur, 1770 6015 The same: Fiinfte und vermehrte Auflage. Germantown, C. Saur, 1777 " Fifth edition, printed by the second Chr. Sower, the same year that his establishment was broken up by the battle of Germantown." G. B. This edition adds the "Evangelia und Episteln auf alle Sonntage" (pp. 56). 6016 MERRICK (James) The Psalms, translated or paraphrased in English Verse, 2d edition. Reading \EngI\, 1766 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1 77 6017 (Methodist) Pocket Hymn-Book, designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious. Collected from Various Authors. i2th edition, //. 276, (10), sheep, good copy, SCARCE. sm. 12 New York, Wm. Durell, 1791 6018 The same. 22d edition. Phila., 1798 The same. 46th ed. N. York, 1819. (2 copies.) (3 vols.) 24 6019 A Collection of Hymns adapted to the use of the M. E. Church, including the whole collection of the Rev. John Wesley . . Condensed on a new plan, //. 230, 8 pages of Music. The Doctrines and Discipline of the M. E. Church, //. 62. In one vol., blue mor. gilt. 32 N. York, 1830, 1831 6020 NETTLETON (A.) Village Hymns, designed as a Supplement to Watts Psalms and Hymns ; 5th ed., used copy. 32 Boston, 1826 6021 NEWTON (John) Olney Hymns, good copy. 12 Phila., 1791 6022 OCCOM (SAMSON) a Mohegan Indidh. A Choice Collection | of | Hymns | and Spiritual Songs ; | Intended for the Edification | of sincere Christians, of all Denominations. \pp. 119, large fine copy, nearly uncut, the last leaf repaired, with a few lines in excellent facsimile, blue morocco, full gilt back, filleted sides, and inside borders, g. e. (F. Bedford). 12 New London, Timo. Green, 1774 The first edition of Occom s Collection, VERY SCARCE ; and, in such fine condition, EXTREMELY RARE. 6023 OCCOM (SAMSON) A choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, etc. The Second Edition, pp. 112, fine copy, blue mor., full gilt back, g. e. (F. Bedford). 16 New London, Timo. Green, 1785 6024 The same, The Third Edition, with additions, pp. 112, blue mor. (to match the preceding), g. e. (F. Bedford). 1 6 New London, Timo. Green, 1785 6025 PARKINSON (W.) A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, designed as an Appendix to Dr. Watts. 3d edition, worn. 16 New York, for y. Tiebout, n. d. [1817] 6026 PRINDLE (C.) Collection of Hymns for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection ; new edition. 24 New York, 1848 6027 Psalms (The Whole Book of) in Metre ; with Hymns suited to the Feasts and Fasts of the [Prot. Episc.] Church, and other Occasions, //. (2), 226, (2), wants two or three leaves, and a portion of pp. 73-76; a scarce edition. 12 Wilmington, P. Brynberg, n. d. 6028 The same, pp. 230, (2), good copy. 8 New York, Alex. Ming, 1805 6029 Psalms of David in Metre. According to the Version used in the Church of Scotland. Reynold s 2d Edition, sheep, neat. 32 Salem, N. J., J. P. Reynolds, 1815 6030 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs ; selected and original. Designed for the use of the Church Universal. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1792 " A revision of Kelly s Hymns, and a selection of other composition," by Geo. Richard and O. W. Lane, a committee of the First Universal Church (Rev. John Murray s) in Boston. 22 178 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6031 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: selected and designed for the use of the Church Universal, pp. ix, 360. 15 Boston, Munroe 6* Francis, 1802 Prefixed : " Articles of Faith and Uniting Compact adopted by the Members of the Universal Church in Boston, Feb. 1791." 6032 Hymns, composed by different Authors, at the request of the General Convention of Universalists, of the N. E. States and others. 2d edition, //. 360. Charlestown, Mass., 1810 Prepared by Hosea Ballou, Abner Kneeland, and Edward Turner. 6033 Psalterspiel (Das Kleine Davidsche) der Kinder Zions, von Alten und Neuen auserlesenen Geistes Gesangen, etc. Zum sechten mal ans Licht gegeben, pp. (6), 572, (22) Die Kleine Harfe, Gestimmet von unterschiedlichen Lieblichen Liedern oder Lob- Gesangen . . . Zum Ersten mal ans Licht gegeben. 2 in one vol., calf, brass clasps, fine copy, very scarce. 12 Chestnut-hill, Samuel Saur, 1791, 1792 6034 RELLY (James and John) Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs, sacred to the Praise of God our Saviour, //. 241, old spr. sheep, fresh clean copy. 8 Portsmouth, N. H., 1782 At the end, five " Hymns by J. M." (John Murray). 6035 The same, paper cover. 6036 RIPPON (J.) A Selection of Hymns, intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watts s Psalms and Hymns, good copy. 18 Elizabethlown, S. Kollock, 1792 6037 Selection [Cambridge] of Hymns and Psalms for Social and Private Worship. loth edition, sheep, nice copy. 12 Boston, Munroe 6 Francis, 1830 6038 SMITH (Joshua) and others. Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs, for the use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians, old sheep, good copy. 12 Norwich, T. Hubbard, 1784- The same (with additional Hymns), poor copy. 16 New London, J. Springer, 1800. (2 vols.) 6039 The same, roth edition. With a large addition of Hymns never before published. By Wm. Northup. Suffield, Edward Gray, 1805 The same, nth edition. With additions and alterations by W. Northup, wants pp. 3-10. Norwich, 1803. The same, i2th edition, additions by Northrop. Norwich, 1811. (3 vols.) 12 6040 SPALDING (Joshua) The Lord s Songs: a Collection of Com" posures in Metre, such as have been most used in the late glorious Revivals, Dr. Watts s Psalms and Hymns excepted, worn copy, wants a few leaves. 12 Salem, J. Gushing, 1805 6041 Spiritual Songs ; or, Songs of Praise with Penitential Cries to Almighty God. . . . With the Song of Songs, which is Solomon s : paraphrased, in English verse. i5th Edition, poor copy. Boston, T. Fleet, 1742 The same. i6th Edition, corrected, fresh, unused copy, sheep. Boston, Green, Bus hell and Allen, 1743. (2 vols.) 12 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1/9 6042 TERRY (Ezekiel) Hymns and Divine Songs : on Various Subjects : calculated for Social and Divine Worship, a good copy. 12 East Windsor, L. Pratt, for the Author, 1801 The author was born in Enfield about 1770. He was an occasional preacher, an occasional printer and publisher, and an occasional author. He published "a new edition" of " Hymns and Spiritual Songs," at his own press, in Palmer, Mass., 1816. 6043 WALLIN (Benj.) Evangelical Hymns and Songs, in Two Parts. . . Added, A Collection of Hymns from Dr. Watts, . and Mr. Stennet s Sacramental Hymns, //. 155, original sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. sm. 12 Boston, Edes 6* Gill, 1762 The Rev. Isaac Backus s copy, with his autograph, 1762. 6044 WATTS (I.) The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and apply d to the Christian State and Worship, Title and Preface (dated Dec. ist, 1718,) pp. xxxii; The Psalms, pp. 399 ; An Index, and A Table of First Lines, 1 1 leaves, n. n. ; Advertisements, i leaf ; best levant dk. blue morocco, back and sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. 12 London, for J. Clark (6 others], 1719 A beautiful copy of the FIRST (ENGLISH) EDITION of Dr. Watts s version of the Psalms. VERY SCARCE. 6045 - - The same: The Thirteenth Edition, pp. vi, 319; Index, 17 //. n. n., dk. blue morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges, (Bedford?) elegant. 1 6 Boston, G. Rogers and D. Fowle, for J. Edwards, 1741 The FIRST AMERICAN edition of Watts s Psalms. VERY RARE. 6046 - - The same. The Sixteenth Edition. Philadelphia, J. Chattin, n. d. [1750?] imperfect: The same: 2oth Edition. Woodbridge, James Parker, 1760 : The same : 23d Edition. Boston, D. 6- y. Kneeland, 1761 : The same edition, at the end several pages of Tunes (engraved by T. Johnston], and others in ma?iuscript ; soiled and worn : The same. 24th edition. Boston, D. 6^ J. Kneeland, 1763. (5 vols.) 12 6047 The same. 25th edition. 12 Boston, Kneeland &>Adams, 1767 6048 The same. 25th edition. Kneeland and Adams, 1767: with Watts s Hymns and Spiritual Songs. London, W. Strahan (et at.) 1770. At the end, A Select Number of Plain Tunes . . By Andrew Law, engraved by Joel Allen, 16 pp. 12 6049 The Psalms, 26th edition. With the Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 22d edition. 12 Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 1768, 69 The only Watts s Psalms printed in America, with the large Preface (24 pp.) and Notes." Mein s Advertisement. 6050 -- The Psalms, 27th ed. For J. Hodgson, 1772: Hymns, n. d. A Select Number of Plain Tunes, etc. By Andrew Law, 1 6 //. music (J. Allen, sc.). In one vol. 12 Boston. The collection of Tunes includes " BUNKER HILL," which was composed for "The American Hero . A Sapphick Ode, by Nathaniel Niles, A.M." The printed Ode (2 pp.) "Norwich, Conn., October, 1775," is bound in with the music. CATALOGUE OF THE mrrtran Htfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD, CONN. FOURTH PART. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE LEAVITT ART ROOMS, 787 AND 789 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ON nday, November 15th, and following days, TWO SESSIONS DAILY, Commencing at 3.30 and 7.30 P. M. e books will be on view for a week previous to the sale. Cards of admittance may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. CATALOGUES, WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTIONEERS: , ONE DOLLAR FIFTY CENTS. PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS IN THE FOURTH PART OF THE BRINLEY LIBRARY WERE SOLD November 1 5th - 1 8th 1 886. AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. GEORGE A. LEAVITT & CO. NEW YORK Nos. 6051-6300. 6051 2. 6101 1.25 6151 6.75 6201 7. 6251 6.50 6052 2.80 6102 10.50 6152 1. 6202 6.50 6252 4. 6053 2.50 6103 3.25 6153 1.62 6203 4. 6253 5. 6054 6.50 6104 4.50 6154 2.75 6204 9.50 6254 7. 6055 1.50 6105 28. 6155 1.75 6205 8. 6255 1.50 6056 .80 6106 26. 6156 1. 6206 4.50 6256 2. 6057 .30 6107 3.25 6157 .20 6207 13. 6257 2.50 6058 .75 6108 2. 6158 31.50 6208 2. 6258 6. 6059 1.20 6109 27. 6159 .20 6209 1.75 6259 8. 6060 .90 6110 3. 6160 .50 6210 4. 6260 3.60 6061 .15 6111 .75 6161 .15 6211 .80 6261 (out) 6062 .15 6112 .10 6162 2. 6212 8. 6262 1. 6063 .10 6113 1.50 6163 .60 6213 1.13 6263 .90 6064 1. 6114 .10 6164 19. 6214 1.62 6264 2.50 6065 2.40 6115 .20 6165 5.25 6215 25. 6265 .80 6066 .50 6116 4.25 6166 6. 6216 16. 6266 .20 6067 .15 6117 .75 6167 2.25 6217 23. 6267 .10 6068 .20 6118 1.00 6168 3.50 6218 4.50 6268 .70 6069 .05 6119 3.50 6169 1.50 6219 2.50 6269 .40 6070 .10 6120 5. 6170 1.13 6220 3.50 6270 .70 6071 .20 6121 .80 6171 .25 6221 2. 6271 .30 6072 1.90 6122 .50 6172 1. 6222 2 6272 .40 6073 .50 6123 .50 6173 3.25 6223 .80 6273 .25 6074 .75 6124 .25 6174 1. 6224 4.25 6274 1.13 6075 1.13 6125 1.63 6175 11. 6225 1.13 6275 2.75 6076 .60 6126 .60 6176 6. 6226 1. 6276 4.50 6077 .25 6127 3.25 6177 7.50 6227 1. 6277 5.50 6078 .25 6128 .50 6178 6.25 6228 .25 6278 4.75 6079 .30 6129 5.50 6179 5.50 6229 1.80 6279 23. 6080 .05 6130 6.50 6180 4.25 6230 2.75 6280 3. 6081 .50 6131 .80 6181 10. 6231 1.50 6281 2.50 6082 .30 6132 5. 6182 5.75 6232 2.40 6282 16. 6083 .40 6133 .10 6183 18. 6233 3. 6283 8.50 6084 .15 6134 1.25 6184 4.25 6234 .20 6284 2. 6085 .50 6135 16.50 6185 1.13 6235 2. 6285 3. 6086 .90 6136 1.13 6186 7.13 6236 4. 6286 .40 6087 .05 6137 .25 6187 4. 6237 10.50 6287 .40 6088 .20 6138 .25 6188 1.20 6238 .50 6288 1.80 6089 .80 6139 1.20 6189 .90 6239 11. 6289 .60 6090 .10 6140 3.50 6190 2.10 6240 .50 6290 1.65 6091 .15 6141 .25 6191 3.50 6241 15. 6291 11. 6092 .10 6142 4.50 6192 3.75 6242 8.50 6292 3.50 6093 .20 6143 3.88 6193 2.75 6243 3.75 6293 .25 6094 .05 6144 6.50 6194 2. 6244 6. 6294 .15 6095 .05 6145 6. 6195 5. 6245 6.50 6295 .40 6096 .10 6146 1. 6196 4.25 6246 6.50 6296 .25 6097 .05 6147 1.38 6197 48. 6247 3. 6297 2. 6098 .70 6148 .70 6198 42. 6248 5.50 6298 1.05 6099 1.20 ! 6149 .25 6199 5.50 6249 6.50 6299 3. 6100 2.25 6150 .25 6200 39. 6250 5.25 6300 1.10 Nos. 6301-6550. 6301 4.50 6351 .75 6401 .15 6451 1.75 6501 1.60 6302 3.20 6352 1.25 6402 1.50 6452 .50 6502 2.50 6303 11.70 6353 .45 6403 3.25 6453 3.75 6503 4. 6304 2.50 6354 4.75 6404 .50 6454 .10 6504 2.75 6305 1.60 6355 2. 6405 2.25 6455 2.75 6505 4. 6306 .60 6356 .40 6406 3. 6456 3.25 6506 2. 6307 .25 6357 1.13 6407 .70 6457 3.25 6507 4. 6308 .30 6358 .70 6408 6.50 6458 .30 6508 3.50 6309 1. 6359 .15 6409 2.50 6459 .25 6509 1. 6310 .50 6360 1.80 6410 1.25 6460 5.75 6510 1.50 6311 1.50 6361 1. 6411 1.25 6461 5.25 6511 1.50 6312 .60 6362 .30 6412 .25 i 6462 1.90 6512 .50 6313 .60 6363 .05 6413 .25 6463 16. 6513 1.25 6314 .30 6364 .60 6414 12. 6464 9. 6514 15.75 6315 3.25 6365 .50 6415 .25 ! 6465 1. 6515 .25 6316 3.75 6366 .15 6416 8. 6466 3.50 6516 .50 6317 2.50 6367 .05 6417 2. 6467 .25 0517 .50 6318 " 2.50 6368 .20 6418 .50 6468 3.50 6518 .60 6319 1.63 6369 1.25 6419 7. 6469 15. 6519 .60 6320 .80 6370 1.75 6420 1.75 i 6470 15.50 6520 .25 6321 .50 6371 1. 6421 16. 6471 41. 6521 1.20 6322 .40 6372 .25 6422 4. 6472 14. 6522 .30 6323 .10 6373 1. 6423 1.13 6473 12. 6523 2. 6324 .70 6374 3. 6424 1.25 6474 1.50 6524 2. 6325 .70 6375 .30 6425 1.75 6475 2. 6525 .25 6326 2.13 6376 .55 6426 2. 6476 .75 6526 3.25 6327 3.25 6377 1.15 6427 3.50 6477 1.20 6527 3.50 6328 1.25 6378 .75 6428 31. 6478 2,75 6528 3.25 6329 1.38 6379 .30 6429 10. 6479 3. 6529 3.75 6330 13. 6380 .10 6430 9. 6480 1.75 6530 2. 6331 1.20 6381 .70 6431 4.25 6481 8.40 6531 4.20 6332 .40 6382 2.25 6432 16. 6482 2.50 6532 .80 6333 4. 6383 .25 6433 1. 6483 5. 6533 1.75 6334 2.25 6384 .20 6434 .50 6484 45. 6534 .50 6335 .25 6385 .70 6435 6. 6485 38. 6535 .25 6336 2. 6386 .25 6436 1. 6486 3.25 6536 2 25 6337 5.50 6387 .25 6437 .80 6487 .80 6537 .60 6338 .10 6388 .10 6438 3.50 6488 4. 6538 .05 6339 .20 6389 .15 6439 3.25 6489 2. 6539 .10 6340 .10 6390 .20 6440 .60 6490 8.50 6540 .35 6341 4.25 6391 .60 6441 8. 6491 1.50 6541 3.25 6342 .40 6392 3.25 6442 3.25 6492 .50 6542 .35 6343 .20 6393 5.25 6443 2.25 6493 .30 6543 2.50 6344 .20 6394 1. 6444 7. 6494 1.25 6544 .20 6345 .25 6395 .90 6445 .15 6495 1.75 6545 2. 6346 2. 6396 1.38 6446 3.25 6496 1. 6546 .05 6347 1.10 1 6397 5.25 i 6447 2.25 6497 .40 6547 1.63 6348 4.50 6398 1. 6448 .10 6498 .80 6548 12. 6349 1. 6399 2.20 6449 .40 6499 .50 6549 .80 6350 3. 6400 2.50 6450 .40 6500 .70 6550 .25 Nos. 7051-7300. 7051 1.20 7101 15.75 7151 .70 7201 .80 7251 7052 4.80 7102 1.50 7152 1.50 7202 1.20 7252 7053 17. 7103 2.50 7153 8. 7203 .10 7253 7054 4.25 7104 .70 7154 2.50 7204 .75 7254 7055 1.75 7105 3.75 7155 3. 7205 1.75 7255 7056 1.50 7106 1.75 7156 3. 7206 .30 7256 7057 1.50 7107 1. 7157 6.25 7207 10.50 7257 7058 24. 7108 2.25 7158 .75 7208 .60 7258 7059 6.50 |7109 3. 7159 3.50 7209 5.25 7259 7060 3. 7110 .30 7160 4. 7210 .50 7260 7061 5. 7111 2.50 7161 3.50 7211 .20 7261 7062 2. 7112 2.75 7162 3. 7212 .50 7262 7063 5.25 7113 1. 7163 1. 7213 3. 7263 7064 3.50 7114 .50 7164 2.75 7214 .70 7264 7065 1.40 7115 .60 7165 2.25 7215 2.25 7265 7066 .30 7116 .30 7166 2.50 7216 .60 7266 7067 1.75 7117 3.90 7167 3.25 7217 .10 7267 7068 2.25 7118 .50 7168 4.25 7218 1.50 7268 7069 12. 7119 .60 7169 3. 7219 1. 7269 7070 .10 7120 .20 7170 4.75 7220 .90 7270 7071 1.25 7121 .50 7171 3.75 7221 .50 7271 7072 .10 7122 1. 7172 4.25 7222 21.60 7272 7073 1. 7123 .90 7173 3.50 7223 2.40 7273 7074 .80 7124 1.25 7174 2.50 7224 3.60 7274 7075 .10 7125 .80 7175 .30 7225 1.50 7275 7076 .40 7126 .40 7176 6.50 7226 2.85 7276 7077 .10 7127 1. 7177 2.25 7227 1.65 7277 7078 2.80 7128 .50 7178 3.38 7228 1.20 7278 7079 .30 7129 .10 7179 .25 7229 2.40 7279 7080 1. 7130 3. 7180 .70 7230 2.75 7280 7081 .60 7131 2 7181 1.60 7231 .75 7281 1 7082 1.38 7132 12.50 7182 .20 7232 1.25 7282 7083 .20 7133 .75 7183 3. 7233 1.05 7283 7084 3. 7134 .25 7184 3.25 7234 .30 7284 7085 1. 7135 .25 7185 19. 7235 .30 7285 7086 1. 7136 .10 7186 13.60 7236 3.75 7 286 7087 2.25 7137 .15 7187 4.80 7237 4. 7287 7088 .50 7138 2.75 7188 .40 7238 .25 7288 7089 .30 7139 1.13 7189 .20 7239 .40 7289 7090 .60 7140 .50 7190 .10 7240 1.35 7290 7091 1.80 7141 .15 7191 1.60 7241 .70 7291 7092 1.20 7142 .10 7192 .40 7242 .30 7292 7093 3. 7143 .20 7193 1. 7243 .60 7293 7094 2.50 7144 .25 7194 .50 7244 .30 7294 7095 1. 7145 .25 7195 .10 7245 .90 7295 7096 .10 7146 1.60 7196 1.50 7246 4. 7296 7097 1.80 7147 .60 7197 .30 7247 .90 7297 7098 .10 7148 .20 7198 .40 -248 .30 7298 7099 1.40 7149 .45 7199 1. 7249 2. 7299 7100 .20 7150 .50 7200 .80 7250 .20 7300 Nos. 7301-7550. 7301 1. 7351 4.60 7401 4.08 7451 5. 7501 5. 7302 .20 7352 1.10 7402 1.35 7452 4. 7502 9.75 7303 1.10 7353 11.73 7403 2. 7453 2.25 7503 25. 7304 12.75 7354 1.44 7404 .85 7454 .40 7504 .50 7305 9. 7355 .48 7405 1.12 7455 8.25 7505 1. 7306 1.50 7356 2.34 7406 2.80 7456 1.75 7506 1.50 7307 1.50 7357 1.12 7407 2.87 7457 2.50 7507 1.63 7308 5. 7358 1.47 7408 5. 7458 1.75 7508 1.75 7309 1. 7359 1.65 7409 1.70 7459 .30 7509 .50 7310 2.25 7360 2. 7410 .60 7460 1.50 7510 .50 7311 .80 7361 1. 7411 7.20 7461 .10 7511 .90 7312 .50 7362 5.63 7412 .48 7462 .20 7512 .30 7313 1.80 7363 4.25 7413 2.60 7463 2.25 7513 10.80 7314 3.25 7364 2.70 7414 .10 7464 1.80 7514 15. 7315 2.75 7365 2.32 7415 .75 7465 3.50 7515 .25 7316 5.50 7366 .90 7416 .25 7466 3.75 7516 10.50 7317 10.50 7367 7.05 7417 .20 7467 1. 7517 .90 7318 13. 7368 .90 7418 .65 7468 .20 7518 2. 7319 12. 7369 7.36 7419 76.38 7469 3.50 7519 .25 7320 19. 7370 3.06 7420 .90 7470 3.90 7520 .15 7321 4. 7371 17.01 7421 1.25 7471 4.80 7521 .80 7322 8. 7372 8.52 7422 .50 7472 .50 7522 .70 7323 10. 7373 6.66 7423 .15 7473 3.25 7523 1.50 7324 14. 7374 3.30 7424 12. 7474 15. 7524 1.13 7325 9. 7375 1.70 7425 .30 7475 2. 7525 .40 7326 20. 7376 2.05 7426 3. 7476 2.13 7526 .50 7327 5.20 7377 3.12 7427 13. 7477 2.75 7527 .15 7328 13. 7378 2.28 7428 37. 7478 1.50 7528 .50 7329 33. 7379 1.35 7429 2.60 7479 .45 7529 .20 7330 5. 7380 7.80 7430 .50 7480 12.75 7530 1.60 7331 11.25 7381 1. 7431 1.40 7481 3.38 7531 .40 7332 9.90 7382 14.60 7432 1.13 7482 5.62 7532 .25 7333 5.70 7383 9.75 7433 .80 7483 2.25 7533 .25 7334 5.36 7384 4. 7434 2.25 7484 .50 7534 .90 7335 3.60 7385 2.20 7435 540 7485 2.5C 7535 .70 7336 2.45 7386 .60 7436 1.50 7486 4.50 7536 .40 7337 5.67 7387 .60 7437 .50 7487 2. 7537 2. 7338 1. 7388 7.52 7438 .20 7488 2.75 7538 10. 7339 1.98 7389 420. 7439 .60 i 7489 1. 7539 5.25 7340 6.75 7390 5.40 7440 1.13 7490 1. 7540 .70 7341 1.50 7391 1. 7441 1.75 7491 .60 7541 2.25 7342 1.40 7392 12. 7442 .25 7492 4. 7542 1.40 7343 1.75 7333 C O, 7443 6. 7493 .70 7543 3.60 7344 1.50 V394 1.SO 7444 .50 7494 .25 7544 5. 7345 3. 7395 1.25 7445 5.50 7495 .60 7545 3.50 7346 1.20 7393 11.25 7446 1.63 7496 2. 7546 .25 7347 .30 7897 1.20 7447 .50 7497 2. 7547 2.50 7348 3.84 7098 15.50 7448 1.80 7498 .50 7548 31. 7349 1. 7399 2.25 7449 .90 7499 1.60 7549 1. 7350 6.30 ! 7400 2.30 7450 .80 7500 .10 7550 1.50 Nos. 7551-7800. 7551 4.75 7601 1.50 7651 2. 7701 .75 7751 6. 7552 .80 7602 .50 7652 19. 7702 4.50 7752 3.25 7553 .20 7603 .60 7653 1.60 7703 9. 7753 51.60 7554 .90 7604 1. 7654 5. 7704 2.40 7754 2.25 7555 .50 7605 .30 7655 2.25 7705 4.25 7755 2.13 7556. 7.50 7606 12. 7656 2.10 7706 3.50 7756 1.50 7557 3.25 7607 4. 7657 3.50 7707 1.75 7757 8. 7558 .90 7608 2. 7658 5.50 7708 4.88 7758 3.50 7559 .70 7609 3. 7659 6. 7709 3.75 7759 1.50 7560 .45 7610 39. 7660 .20 7710 6.25 7760 1.75 7561 .50 7611 28. 7661 .50 7711 .25 7761 3.60 7562 3. 7612 10. 7662 2.88 7712 .50 7762 5.50 7563 .50 7613 8. 7663 1. 7713 .60 7763 27. 7564 2.50 7614 .50 7664 1.13 7714 2. 7764 10. 7565 8.75 7615 4.25 7665 1.37 7715 9.50 7765 8. 7566 .80 7616 4.25 7666 .70 7716 3.75 7766 1. 7567 2. 7617 1.75 7667 2.38 7717 1.20 7767 1.50 7568 2. 7618 6. 7668 13.50 7718 1. 7768 1.13 7569 .10 7619 2.75 7669 1.25 7719 2.50 7769 3.37 7570 2. 7620 1. 7670 2. 7720 7. 7770 2.38 7571 2.50 7621 5. 7671 * .30 7721 3.96 7771 2.50 7572 .45 7622 2. 7672 .60 7722 6.50 7772 2.50 7573 1.10 7623 7.50 7673 .40 7723 1.60 7773 6. 7574 1.13 7624 7. 7674 .20 7724 1.20 7774 6. 7575 .35 7625 2. 7675 .15 7725 8. 7775 9.90 7576 1.13 7626 1.80 7676 .90 7726 2.25 7776 6.50 7577 1.40 7627 4.80 7677 .40 7727 1.80 7777 9. 7578 .70 7628 2.50 7678 .15 7728 .50 7778 9. 7579 .50 7629 18. 7679 .40 7729 1.40 7779 92. 7580 .30 7630 3.25 7680 2.50 7730 .50 7780 3.75 7581 .50 7631 .75 7681 2.50 7731 1.13 7781 1.75 7582 .40 7632 32. 7682 1.50 7732 1. 7782 3. 7583 .20 7633 1.50 7683 2.25 7733 .90 7783 2. 7584 .30 7634 14. 7684 1.13 7734 1.13 7784 2.75 7585 1.25 7635 1. 7685 .90 7735 3.15 7785 1.75 7586 1.63 7636 9. 7686 1.88 7736 1.13 7786 3.75 7587 1.62 7637 13. 7687 .60 7737 1. 7787 3. 7588 1.50 7638 .75 7688 2.50 7738 2. 7788 3.25 7589 .60 7639 .50 7689 4. 7739 1. 7789 1. 7590 .50 7640 11. 7690 .30 7740 .75 7790 .50 7591 .80 7641 1.25 7691 .15 7741 1.50 7791 1. 7592 2.45 7642 27. 7692 .50 7742 1.20 7792 1.50 7593 2. 7643 15. 7693 20. 7743 6. 7793 4.25 7594 3.50 7644 4. 7694 6.50 7744 7.50 7794 1.25 7595 8. 7645 18. 7695 4.50 7745 .30 7795 .25 7596 2.25 7646 20. 7696 3.50 7746 .80 7796 6. 7597 9. 7647 2. 7697 2.25 7747 .40 7797 2.10 7598 5.95 7648 5. 7698 .45 7748 2.70 7798 .10 7599 1. 7649 6. 7699 1. 7749 1.95 7799 10.50 7600 .80 7650 30. 7700 1.75 7750 15. 7800 1.80 Nos. 7801-8037. 7801 .75 7851 .10 7901 1. 7951 1.75 8001 .42 7802 .60 7852 4.75 7902 1.40 7952 (out) 8002 .35 7803 1.75 7853 4.25 7903 .90 7953 2. 8003 .35 7804 1. 7854 2.75 7904 .35 7954 1.50 8004 .20 7805 1. 7855 2.40 7905 .60 7955 12. 8005 .75 7806 2.75 7856 1.13 7906 .63 7956 .40 8006 .10 7807 .30 7857 3.25 7907 .66 7957 9.50 8007 .30 7808 1.50 7858 6. 7908 2.70 7958 .60 8008 .20 7809 .50 7859 2.40 7909 .90 7959 22. 8009 .50 7810 3.50 7860 1.20 7910 5.63 7960 8.50 8010 .25 7811 1. 7861 2.40 7911 2.75 7961 1.50 8011 3. 7812 2.40 7862 5.25 7912 1.20 7962 2.50 8012 .35 7813 3.13 7863 .60 7913 7.35 7963 10. 8013 .40 7814 3.50 7864 15.50 7914 6. 7964 8.50 8014 .40 7815 9.50 7865 16. 7915 4. 7965 .50 8015 .30 7816 .50 7866 5.50 7916 7. 7966 1. 8016 .12 7817 1.80 7867 .30 7917 3.25 7967 1.20 8017 .36 7818 1. 7868 1. 7918 4. 7968 1.75 8018 .15 7819 1. 7869 3.20 7919 2. 7969 .25 8019 .25 7820 .30 7870 1.60 7920 2.10 7970 .20 8020 .33 7821 2.50 7871 1.25 7921 1. 7971 .10 8021 1.25 7822 .90 7872 2.25 7922 2. 7972 .75 8022 .05 7823 3. 7873 1.25 7923 .25 7973 .20 8023 .05 7824 .50 7874 3. 7924 7. 7974 .10 8024 .35 7825 .75 7875 5.25 7925 .70 7975 .50 8024* 1. 7826 .75 7876 .30 7926 1.13 7976 .20 8025 .15 7827 3.38 7877 .60 7927 4. 7977 .05 8026 1.40 7828 5. 7878 9.50 7928 5. 7978 .20 8027 .25 7829 7830 2.75 .50 7879 7880 13.50 3.50 7929 79$0 2.75 .60 7979 7980 .20 2.50 8028 8029 .30 1.05 7831 1.88 7881 3.25 7931 3. 7981 .10 8030 .05 7832 1. 7882 10. 7932 4. 7982 .50 8031 .70 7833 4. 7883 1. 7933 1. 7983 .20 8032 3.50 7834 .90 7884 3. 7934 12.25 7984 .10 8033 .80 7835 1.13 7885 3.25 7935 .20 7985 .20 8034 .50 7836 8.50 7886 5. 7936 5.60 7986 .60 8035 7. 7837 7.75 7887 11.50 7937 6. 7987 .10 8036 .20 7838 15. 7888 5. 7938 .25 7988 .10 8037 .50 7839 1.63 7889 2.75 7939 18. 7989 .45 7840 7.50 7890 .80 7940 1.13 1 7990 .20 7841 3.75 7891 2.25 7941 2. 7991 .30 7842 1.38 7892 .20 7942 2.50 7992 .10 7843 3. 7893 3.38 7943 1.50 7993 3.75 7844 3. 7894 3. 7944 .20 7994 1. 7845 3. 7895 1. 7945 3.25 7995 .50 7846 5. 7896 1.50 7946 1.50 7996 .70 7847 15. 7897 2.50 7947 2.25 7997 .10 7848 3. 7898 2.25 7948 16.50 7998 .20 7849 2.75 7899 2. 7949 .20 7999 .60 7850 1.38 7900 4. 7950 3.50 ! 8000 .20 Total, $7, 363.80 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and, if any dispute arise, between two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immedi ately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the purchase-money, if required ; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the buyer s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the vendors, on or before delivery ; in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold them selves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any book, painting, engraving, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. All books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise expressed, and are collated as far as practic able when catalogued ; but the sale of any book or books cannot be invalidated on account of any stained, foxed, torn, mended, facsimile, written on, stamped, or short leaves of text, plates, maps, or diagrams, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supple ment, appendix, or plates. All manuscripts and autographs, all maga zines and reviews, all books in lots, and all pamphlets in lots or vol umes, all single volumes or sets, will be sold with all their faults, imperfections and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumera tion of the number of volumes or pieces, or other errors of description. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CATALOGUE OF THE $meroan Hftrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD CONN. PART IV. PSALMS AND HYMNS MUSIC THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH BAPTISM AND THE BAPTISTS THE METHODISTS G. WHITEFIELD THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH UNITARIAN CONTROVERSY THE SHAKERS THE MORMONS THOMAS PAINE S WORKS LAW AND GOVERNMENT CRIMINAL TRIALS POLITICAL ECONOMY FINANCE SCIENCE AND ART MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY POETRY AND THE DRAMA POPULAR LITERATURE CHAP BOOKS JEST BOOKS BOOKS FOR CHILDREN EDUCATION SCHOOL BOOKS SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY ALMANACS STATE REGISTERS THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS BIBLIOGRAPHY HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1886 CONTENTS. PSALMS AND HYMNS (Continued from Part III.), . . page I THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, in America, . . . . .6 FORMS OF PRAYER, LITURGY, COMMON PRAYER, PSALTER, . 6, 7 SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL; Anniversary Sermons, 13 THE BAPTISTS. Modes and Subjects of Baptism, . . .21 METHODISM AND THE METHODISTS, . . . . .32 GEORGE WHITEFIELD, and the REVIVAL OF 1740, . . 33 Writings of LORENZO Dow, . . . . . .38 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH; ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERIES; REFORMED DUTCH, ......... 38 UNITARIAN CONTROVERSY; Sermons, etc., . . . .42 UNIVERSALISM; DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING FUTURE PUNISHMENT, etc., . . . . . . . . .46 UNITED SOCIETY OF BELIEVERS, CALLED SHAKERS, . . 49 MORMONISM, AND THE MORMONS, . . . . - 53 THOMAS PAINE S DEISTICAL (AND OTHER) WORKS, . . .54 LAW, AND GOVERNMENT, . . . . . .56 LAWS of the several States; REPORTS of Cases, etc., . 57, 59 CRIMINAL TRIALS, ...... 60-65 Lives of Criminals, Dying Speeches, etc., . . . .65 POLITICAL ECONOMY; FINANCE, CURRENCY, COMMERCE, etc., . 65 SCIENCES AND ARTS, . . . . . . .68 MEDICAL SCIENCE and PSEUDO-SCIENCE, . . . .68 BOTANY, AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, etc., . . -75 ZOOLOGY ; MINERALOGY ; Geology, etc., . . . .80 ASTRONOMY ; METEOROLOGY; Navigation, etc., . . .83 BUILDING and ARCHITECTURE, . . . . .87 FREE MASONRY, AND ANTI-MASONRY, . . . . .88 POETRY (inclqding American editions of English Poets), . . 95 VI CONTENTS. THE DRAMA, . . 123 POPULAR Literature, . . . . . .128 JEST BOOKS; ANECDOTES; WIT AND HUMOUR, . . .131 CHAP BOOKS ; BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, etc., . . .135 EDUCATIONAL; School Books, Treatises on Education, etc., . . 143 NOAH WEBSTER S School Books ; Literary, Political, and other Writings, 145, 147, 155 SLAVERY AND ANTl-Slavery ; THE NEGRO, . . . .157 ALMANACS; STATE REGISTERS, etc., . . . . .163 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS ; Writings of NEW-ENGLAND DIVINES, etc., . . . . . . . 177 JONATHAN EDWARDS S Works, . . . . .188 THE MATHERS, RICHARD, INCREASE, and COTTON, . 198-205 SAMUEL WILLARD, Sermons (1676-1700), .... 235 BIBLIOGRAPHY; LIBRARIES; HISTORY OF PRINTING; CATALOGUES, 242 ABRIDGED TITLES OF SOME OF THE MOST NOTEWORTHY BOOKS AND TRACTS. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. 6102 Form of Prayer for a General Fast, in New York. New York, 1758 6104 [Rev. JAS. FREEMAN S] LITURGY for [King s Chapel]. Boston, 1785 6105 Common Prayer [the "Proposed Book"], with engr. music. Phila., 1786 6109 THE PSALTER [rev. for Bishop Seabury s Parish]. New London, 1795 6132 [Checkley (J.)] Defence of "A Modest Proof," etc. Boston, 1724 6135 A COLLECTION OF TRACTS [The American Whig, etc.~\, uncut. New York, 1768 6144 Inglis (Rev. Chas.) Essay on Infant Baptism. New York, 1768 6151 PETERS (Rev. SAM.) Convention Sermon at Litchfield. n.p., 1770 6158 SEABURY (Bp. S.) Communion Office, New London, 1786; and other Tracts. 6183 Journals of Convention, in CONNECTICUT. 1792-1816 THE BAPTISTS ; MODES AND SUBJECTS OF BAPTISM. 6191 ASPLUND (J.) Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination, n.p., 1791 6193-6205 Backus (Isaac) Writings of. 1754-1804 6198 BACKUS (I.) History of New England, uncut. Bost. & Prov., 1777-96 6207 BULKLEY QOHN) Impartial Account of Debate at Lyme, Conn., New London, 1729 6215 EDWARDS (MORGAN) The Customs of Primitive Churches, etc., [Phila. ? about, 1 768] 6217 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN BAPTISTS. Phila., 1790, 92 6218 Res Sacras [1742]; and Academical Exercises. Phila., 1788 6220 SHEPARD (Tnos.) Church-Membership of Children. Cambridge, 1663 6239 MORGAN (ABEL) Anti-Paedo-Rantism. Phila., B. FRANKLIN, 1747 6241 RUSSEL QOHN) A Brief Narrative, etc. London, J. D., 1680 6242 WILLARD (SAM.) Ne Sutor ultra Crepidam. Boston, 1681 METHODISM. G. WHITEFIELD. 6276-7 Tracts : on CAMP MEETINGS, etc. 1809-1829 6279 Whitefield (G.) Brief Account of his Life. Phila., A. Bradford, 1740 6303 Tracts : [Testimonies for and against WHITEFIELD ] 1744-45 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 6317 Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S., First edition. Phila., 1789 6333 FINLEY (S.) Clear Light put out, etc. Phila., B. FRANKLIN, 1743 6337 (HEMPHILL) A Vindication of the Commission, etc. Phila., A. Bradford, 1735 SHAKERS. 6403 Dyer (Mary M.) Statement of her Sufferings,^. Concord, N. H., 1818 6408 HASKETT (W. J.) Shakerism Unmasked. Pittsfield, 1828 6414 McNEMAR (RICH.) The Kentucky Revival. Pittsfield, 1808 6416 RANKIN (A.) Review of the Revival in Kentucky. n.p., 1803 Vlll LIST OF SOME RARE BOOKS. 6421 THE TESTIMONY of Christ s Second Appearing, FIRST EDITION. Lebanon, O., 1808 6425 WHITTAKER (J.) Concise Statement of the Principles of the only true Church. n. p., [1785] THE MORMONS. 6428 THE BOOK OF MORMON, FIRST EDITION. Palmyra, 1830 6429 Second Edition. Kirtland, O., 1837 6430 FIRST EUROPEAN EDITION. Liverpool, 1841 6432 Doctrine and Covenants of the Latter Day Saints. Nauvoo, III., 1844 6435 Howe (E. D.) History of Mormonism. P ainesmlle, O., 1840 6438 PRATT (Parley P.) Voice of Warning and Instruction. Nauvoo, 1844 6442-50 Thomas Paine s Works, and Replies. 1782-1796 LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 6463 DELAWARE: LAWS. Phila., Franklin 6 Hall, 1752 6466 MASSACHUSETTS: GENERAL LAWS, imperfect. Cambridge, 1672 6470 NEW YORK : Acts of Assembly, 1691-1725. N. Y., IV. Bradford, 1726 6471 NOVA SCOTIA: Acts of the General Assemblies. Halifax, N.S., 1767 6472 RHODE ISLAND: Acts and Laws. Newport, Widow Franklin, 1744 6473 Acts and Laws, 1745-52. Newport, J. Franklin, 1752 6480 VERMONT: CHIPMAN S REPORTS and Dissertations. Rutland, 1793 6485-6513 TRIALS : CRIMINAL; for LIBELS, etc., v. y. - 6490 TRIALS FOR MURDER, in the State of NEW YORK. 1793-1825 MEDICAL. 6531 Anaesthesia: (Collection of Pamphlets.) 1847-1853 6548 MORGAN (JOHN) Vindication of his character, etc. Boston, 1777 6550 RAND (ISAAC) Observations on Phthisis Pulmonalis. Boston, 1804 6566 WALTON (JOHN) ESSAY ON FEVERS, Rattles, etc. Boston, 1732 BOTANY, ZOOLOGY, METEOROLOGY, etc. 6640 POE (EDGAR A.) Conchologist s First Book. Philadelphia, 1839 6641 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Analyse de la Nature. Palerme, 1815 6644 SEA-SERPENT (Report of the Linnaean Society, on the). Boston, 1817 6648 LOGAN QAMES) Experim. de Plant Generatione. Lugd. Bat., 1739 6657 COMETS. An Essay on Comets. Boston, 1744 6658 COMETS. Winthrop s Lectures, and Oliver s Essay on Comets. Boston, 1759, J 7 62 6665 Earthquakes: Collection of Tracts on (1728, 46, 55, 1811, 20). 6670 METEOR of Dec. 11, 1719: [T. Robie s] Letter concerning. Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1719 6679 STEAMBOATS : [Rumsey and Fitch Controversy.] 1788-1845 6680 FULTON S TORPEDO WAR and Submarine Explosions. N. Y., 1810 MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 6706-7 BERNARD (David) Light on Masonry, (two editions}. Utica, 1829 6713 CONSTITUTIONS : with History of Masonry in Massachusetts. Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1 792 LIST OF SOME RARE BOOKS. IX 6731 Hutchinson (Wm.) The Spirit of Masonry. New York, 1800 6732 JACHIN AND BOAZ : a very rare edition. Suffield, E. Gray, 1799 6735 MORGAN (WM.) Illustrations of Masonry. [Batavia, N. Y.] 1827 6737 - Second edition, with Account of Kidnapping, &c. n. p., 1827 6739 NARRATIVE OF FACTS relating to the Kidnapping, etc. Batavia, 1827 6754 STONE (WM. L.) Letters to John Q. Adams, on Masonry. N. Y., 1832 6759 [Webb, (T. S.)] Freemason s Monitor, First edition. Albany, 1797 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 6789 BARLOW (Joel) The Hasty Pudding. First edition, VERY RARE. New Haven, 1 796 6791 BEVERIDGE (John) Epistolas Familiares, etc. Phila., W. Bradford, 1 765 6792 BLEECKER (ANN E.) Posthumous Works, elegant copy. N. Y., 1 793 6800 [BRADSTREET (Mrs. ANNE)] The Tenth Muse, etc. FIRST EDITION. London, 1650 6801 [BRADSTREET (Mrs. ANNE)] Several Poems, etc. 3d Edition, enlarged. [Boston,} 1758 6806 BRYANT (WM. C.) The Embargo, 2d edition, with other Poems. Boston, 1809 6809 BURNS (ROBERT) Poems, FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Phila, 1788 6816 CASE (Rev. WHEELER) Poems, VERY RARE. Hartford^ 1778 6822 A COLLECTION OF POEMS. By several hands. Boston, 1744 6829 COOPER (MYLES) Poems on Several Occasions. Oxford, 1761 6847 ELLIOTT (JAS.) Poet, and Miscell. Works. Greenfield, Mass., 1798 6864 FRENEAU (PHILIP) Poems and Miscellaneous Works. First edition, with AUTOGRAPH. Phila., 1786-87 6869 GLORIA BRITANNORUM, or the British Worthies. Boston, J. Franklin, 1723 6870 [GREEN (Jos.)] ENTERTAINMENT for a Winter s Evening. Boston, n. d. [1750] 6876 HUMPHREYS (DAVID) Poem to the Armies, etc. Repr. Paris, 1785 6891 LIVINGSTON (WM.) Philosophic Solitude. FIRST EDITION. 1747 6910 [PARKE (Lieut. Col. John)] Lyric Works of Horace. Phila., 1786 6915 POE(EDGARA.) Poems, 2d edition. N. Y., E. Bliss, 1831 6957 TILDEN S (STEPHEN) Miscellaneous Poems, VERY RARE. New London, n. d. 6992 Wheatley(Phillis) Elegiac Poem on Whitefield, (<*</ 0M<?r.y.) 1770, 1784 6995 WIGGLESWORTH (Michael) Day of Doom, 6th Ed. Boston, 1715 7001 Meat out of the Eater, 6th Edition. New London, 1770 7003 WOLCOTT (Roger) Poetical Meditations. New London, 1725 THE DRAMA. 7045 BARTON (ANDREW) The Disappointment, VERY RARE. N.Y., 1767 7046 [LEACOCK QOHN)] The Fall of British Tyranny. Phila., 1776 7046 The same. Providence, J. D.McDougall, [1776] 7050 THE BLOCKHEADS ; or, the Affrighted Officers. Boston, 1776 X LIST OF SOME RARE BOOKS. 7057 SMITH (ELIHU H.) Edwin and Angelina: an Opera. N. Y., 1787 7062 THE MOTLEY ASSEMBLY; a Farce. Boston, JV. Coverly, 1779 POPULAR LITERATURE. JEST BOOKS, etc. 7071 The Art of Courting. Newburyport, 1795 7073 [Belknap (Jeremy) ] The Foresters. Boston, 1792 7091 [Tenney (Mrs. Tabitha)] Female Quixotism, 2ded., Newbiiryport, 1808 7103-12 Jest Books, and Anecdotes. v. y. 7132 [MOTLEY (J. L.)] Merrymount : a Romance. Boston, 1849 7152-98 CHAP BOOKS, and JUVENILES, an extraordinary collection. SCHOOL BOOKS. 7213 WEBSTER (NOAH) Compendious Dictionary. New Haven, 1806 7222-24 WEBSTER (NOAH) Grammatical Institute. v. y. 7228-31 WEBSTER (NOAH) School Books. v. y. 7236 Rodder s (Jas.) Arithmetic, 25th edition. Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1719 7268 MONIS Qudah) Hebrew Grammar. Boston, Jonas Green, 1735 EDUCATION. 7281 MULCASTER (R.) Positions . . necessarie for the Training of Children. London, 1581 7282 BRINSLEY (John) A Consolation for our Grammar Schools. London, 1622 SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. 7304 BANNEKER (BENJ.) Letter to Thos. Jefferson, with his answer. Phila., 1792 7308 [DUDLEY (PAUL) ] An Essay on the Merchandize of Slaves and Souls of Men. Boston, 1731 ALMANACS. REGISTERS. 7329 MATHER (COTTON) The Boston Ephemeris, for 1683. Boston, S. G.,for S. S., 1683 7330 TULLEY (John) Almanacks, for 1687-1699. Boston & Cambridge. 7362 SHERMAN (ROGER) Astronomical Diary for 1753, 1760, 1761. New London, and Boston. 7369 THOMAS (ISAIAH) and his successors, Almanacs, 1772-1821. Boston and Worcester. 7371 Thomas (Rob.B.) The Farmers Almanac,Nos. 1-81. Boston, 1793-1873 7380 MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER (65 volumes). Boston, 1768-1847 7389 [An ALMANACK for 1697. By JOHN CLAPP], FIRST NEW YORK ALMANAC. \Wm. Bradford, 1697] 7411 OHIO ALMANACS : including Ohio Almanac, by R. Stubbs, 1810 (Cincinnati, Carney and Morgan) ; Western Reserve, by S. Roberts (Pittsburg), 1818 ; Chilli cothe (Geo. Nashee) 1819; Ohio Register, with Aim. for 1819 and 1821, by Wm. Lusk. THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7427 ALLIN (John) Animadversions on the ANTI-SYNOD ALIA. Cambridge, 1664 LIST OF SOME RARE BOOKS. XI 7440 BARNARD (Thos.) Sermon at Ordin. of Josiah Bayley, in Hampton Falls, N. H. Portsmouth, D. Foivle, 1757 7452 Bishop (Geo.) New England Judged. London, 1703 7491 Confession of Faith, Boston Synod, 1680. Boston, 1680 7503 DAVENPORT QOHN) Another Essay for Investigation of the Truth, etc, Cambridge, 1663 7538 Fox (Geo.) and BURNYEAT (J.) A New England Fire-Brand Quenched. n.p., 1679 7539 Fox (John) The Door of Heaven Opened and Shut. Newport, J. FRANKLIN, 1731 7548 GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED. [New York, Wm. Bradford}, 1700 7599 B. Lord s Sermon at Ordination of Levi Hart. Providence, W. Goddard, 1763 7606 MATHER (RICHARD) A Defence of the Answer, etc. Cambridge, 1664 7607 MATHER (INCREASE) The First Principles of New England. Cambridge, 1675 76 10 The Wicked Man s Portion, FIRST BOSTON IMPRINT. Boston, J. Foster, 1675 761 1 -- The Times of Men are in the hand of God. Boston, J. Foster, 1675 7625 Burnings Bewailed (Sermon on the Fire in Boston). Boston, J. Foster, 1711 7629 MATHER (COTTON) Military Duties Recommended. (Artil lery Election Sermon.) Boston, J. Foster, 1687 7632 WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD. Boston, 1693 7632 A Pillar of Gratitude : ELECTION SERMON. Boston, 1700 7693 OAKES (Urian) Artillery Election Sermon, 1677. Boston, 1682 7695 Fast Sermon at Cambridge. Cambridge, 1682 7796 SEWEL (Wm.) History of the Quakers. Phila., S. Keimer, 1728 7799 SHEPARD (THOS.) Church-Membership of Children. Cambridge, 1663 7815 STODDARD (Solo.) Answer to Cases of Conscience. Boston, 1722 7864-5 WARD (Nath .) The Simple Cobler of Aggawam. Boston, 1713 7878 WILLARD (SAM L) The Heart Garrisoned; ARTILLERY ELEC TION Sermon. Cambridge, 1676 7879 Sermon on Death of Governor Leveret. Boston, 1679 7882 Fast Sermon at Charlestown, 1681. Boston, 1682 7884 The Child s Portion, etc. Boston, 1684 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7927 CAMUS, Memoire sur les Grands et Petit Voyages (de De Bry). Paris, 1802 7934 HARRISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima, LARGE PAPER. New York, 1866 7937 KENNETT (White) Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia, FINE COPY, UNCUT. London, 1713 7948 RICH (O.) Bibliotheca Americana, 1500-1844. London, 1832-46 7962 TERNAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine, LARGE PAPER. Paris, 1837 CATALOGUE. PART IV. PSALMS AND HYMNS. (CONTINUED FROM PART III.) 6051 WATTS. Psalms; 26th ed. Mein 6 Fleeming, 1768 Hymns, 22d ed. John Fleeming, 1772 THE ESSEX HARMONY, containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes, composed in three & four Parts . . by Daniel Bayley, Philo Musico, engraved Title and 18 pages of music, Newbury- Port, \*i 71, good copy. Boston, 1768-72 The Psalms, 27th ed. Boston, for y. Hodgson, 1772 : Hymns, n. d. A Select Number of Plain Tunes, etc. By Andrew Law, 1 6 //. of music (y. Allen, sc^). In one vol. The collection of Tunes includes " BUNKER HILL," which was composed for " The American Hero. A Sapphick Ode, by Nathaniel Niles, A. M." The printed Ode (2 pp.) "Norwich, Conn., October, 1775," is bound in with the music. (2 VOls.) 12 6052 The Psalms, 3ist ed. At the end, Bayley s Essex Harmony, 14 pp. engraved Tunes (wants last leaf). Boston, for y. Perkins, 1772 The Psalms, 27th ed. T. 6- y. Fleet, 1771 Watts s Hymns, 27th ed. T. & y. Fleet, \ 772 The Psalms. New York, Hugh Gaine, 1772 (2 copies) Psalms, and Hymns. Boston, Kneeland and Davis, 1773 Psalms. Norwich (Conn), Green and Spooner, 1773. (7 vols.) 12 6053 The Psalms. Hartford, Patten 6 Webster, 1780 (2 copies) Psalms, and Hymns, 4oth edition, corrected and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. Newburyport, John Mycall, 1781-82 Psalms. Boston, P. Edes, 1787: with Hymns. Providence, R. I., Bennett Wheeler, 1781 Psalms. Phila., R. Aitken, 1781, with Andr. Laws "Select Number of Plain Tunes" engraved by y. Allen, 16 //., and "A Hymn on Peace," i page. (5 vols.) 12 6054 The Psalms, uncut, sewed. 12 Phila, R. Aitken, 1781 Another copy, with Law s Select Tunes (i6//.), sheep. (2 vols.) 12 2 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6055 WATTS. The Psalms and Hymns. Providence, B. Wheeler, 1781 Psalms and Hymns. Boston, P. Edes, 1787 Psalms and Hymns. Boston, J. W. Folsom, \ 792 Psalms and Hymns. Boston, y. Bumstead, 1792 Psalms and Hymns. Norwich, Bushnell 6* Hubbard, n. d. [1793] Psalms only, same ed. Norwich, 1793. (6 vols.) 12 6056 - - The Psalms . . together with the Hymns . . First Worcester Edition, pp. 224, double columns, old sheep. 1. 12 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1786 6057 The same edition. Wore. 1786 The same, with new title page. Boston, Thomas &> Andrews, 1791 Another edition. Northampton, W. Butler, 1799. (3 vols.) large 12 6058 - - The Psalms. Haverhill, N. H., E. Ladd, and S. Bragg, 1794 ; Hymns. Dover, N. H., Eliph. Ladd, for M. Atwood, 1794 : The Psalms (only). Boston, y. Bumstead, 1794 The Psalms, and Hymns. Exeter, y. Lamson, 1794 The Psalms, and Hymns. Boston, y. Bumstead, 1799, 1795- (5 vols.) 12 6059 The Psalms . . together with the Hymns. 12 Keene, N. H., yohn Prentiss, 1803 The Psalms, and Hymns, with Tunes, " in such a manner that any tune may be presented to the eye with any Psalm or Hymn." large 12, Exeter, N. H., y. y. Williams, 1818, nice copy, sheep. (2 vols.) 12 6060 GUY (D.) A Complete Index to Dr. Watts s Psalms : wherein Reference is made to each Line of the Work, sheep, nice copy, SCARCE. 12 London, 1774 6061 WATTS (I.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 2oth edition. 12 London, 1759 6062 Hymns, etc. 2 2d edition, good copy. 12 Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 1769 6063 Hymns, etc. 12 Boston, yohn Norman, 1789 6064 WATTS (I.) Divine Songs, attempted in easy Language for the use of Children. The Fourteenth edition, pp. 47, curious type-metal cuts. Boston, for yohn Perkins, 1771 The same, with The Principles of the Christian Religion . . in easy Verse, by P. Doddridge, and Supplementary Hymns,//. 96. Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1793. (2 vols.) 12 6065 Divine and Moral Songs for Children ; revised : with A Short Catechism and Prayers, pp. 118, woodcuts, clean and fresh, in original paper boards. (2 copies.) 32 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1788 6066 -- The Psalms, and Hymns. Boston, S. Hall, 1801. Hymns impft. Psalms, and Hymns. -Bost. 1803 Hymns (only). N. Y., D. 6* G. Bruce, 1806 Psalms, and Hymns. Bost. 1806 The same. Bost. 1808 The same. Bost. 1812 The same. Walpole, Is. Thomas 6* Co., 1812 The same. Exeter, C. Norris & Co., 1815 The same. Cambridgeport, 1816 The same. Haverill, Mass., 1818. (lovols.) 6067 The Psalms, and Hymns, corrected and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. Brookfield, Mass., E. Merriam dr Co., 1802 : The same. ibid. n. d. [1804] : The same. ibid. 1812. (3 vols.) PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 6068 WATTS. The Psalms, and Hymns. Sutton, Mass., S. Goodridge, !8o8 The same. Montpelier, J. Parks, 1809. (2 vols.) 6069 The Psalms . . together with Hymns and Spiritual Songs . . To which is now prefixed a Sketch of the Life of the Author, and . . subjoined, a Fourth Book of Occasional Hymns. 2 vols. (in one). H. Mann s First Corrected edition. 1. 12 Dedham, Mass., If. Mann, 1811 Edited by Stephen Palmer, of Needham. 6070 The Psalms, and Hymns, clean, uncut. Boston, NatWl Willis, 1813 The same, old paneled calf. Newburyport, 1818. (2 vols.) 6071 The Psalms, and Hymns, engr. title, and portrait of Dr. Watts, red mor. gilt. Exeter, N. H., J. I. Williams, 1819 : The same. ibid. 1822 The same. Hartford, O. D. Cooke, 1821 The same. Sanbornton, N. H., 1831. (4 vols.) 32 6072 (BARLOW S WATTS.) Doctor Watts s Imitation of the Psalms of David, Corrected and Enlarged. By Joel Barlow. To which is added A Collection of Hymns ; The whole applied to the State of the Church in General,//. 348, sheep, good copy, scarce. sm. 12 Hartford, Barlow & Babcock, 1785 The first edition of Barlow s revision. 6073 The same. The Second Edition. sm. 12 Hartford, for Hudson 6 Goodwin, and Nathaniel Patten, n. d. [1786] 6074 The same. 3d edition. The same. 4th edition. Hart ford. N. Patten, n. d. [1787-90]. The same. Glasgow, David Niven, 1786. (3 vols.) 12 6075 The same. 4th edition; old calf, gilt edges. 12 Hartford, Hudson 6* Goodwin, n. d. The Rev. Abel Flint s copy. At the end, in manuscript, the Covenant of the South Church in Hartford. 6076 Psalms carefully suited to the Christian Worship in the United States, being An Improvement of the Old Versions of the Psalms of David. Allowed by the Rev. Synod of New York and Philadelphia, etc. [Barlow s version ; without the Hymns,] poor copy. New York, Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, 1790 The same, sheep, good copy. N. York, Hodge 6 Campbell, 1792 The same, good copy. N. York, Berry 6* Rogers, 1792 (3 vols.) 12 6077 The Psalms . . corrected and enlarged by Joel Barlow : with the Hymns. sm. 12 New York, Wm. Durell, 1795, 1792 6078 The Psalms (only,) carefully suited to the Christian Worship in the U. S. of America, being an Improvement of the Old Versions of the Psalms of David. 12 Phila., Wm. Young, 1795 Barlow s version, though his name does not appear in this or any of the following editions. 6079 The same ; with the Hymns. N. York, D. 6 G. Bruce, 1806; N. Y.,for E. Duyckinck, 1809 (imperfect}; N. York, M. 6- W. Wood, 1812; N. K, y. Tiebout, 1814; Albany, Websters 6- Skinners, 1816 ; Albany, E. 6 E. Hosford, 1818. (6 vols.) v. s. 6080 The same. 12 New Brunswick, Ambrose Walker, 1810 4 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6081 - - (DWIGHT S WATTS.) The Psalms of David, imitated in the Language of the New Testament, . . By I. Watts. A New Edition, in which the Psalms omitted by Dr. Watts are versified, local passages are altered, and a number of Psalms are versified anew . . By Timothy Dwight, D. D. President of Yale College. . . Added, A Selection of Hymns, pp. 583 (17). 12 Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, 1801 The " Advertisement " is dated, Aug. 13, 1800. It was entered for copyright, Nov. 13, iSdi. 6082 - - The same. sm. 12 New Haven, Sidney s Press, 1803 6083 The same, calf, neat. 12 Albany, 1804 6084* - The same. Second Edition, mor. 12 N. Brunswick, 1804 6085 - - The same. New Haven, 1808; Hartford, 1811; Hartford, 1814; Albany, 1817; Hartford, 1819. (5 editions.) 12 6086 The same. New York, J. Seymour &> Co. 1809 ; N. Haven, 1812 ; N. York, E. Duyckinck, 1816 ; N. Y. Rob. McDermott, 1816 ; Hartford, 1817; N. Y. 1822; N. Haven, N. Whiting, 1827; Elizabeth-Town, N. J., 1828; N. Haven, 1832. (9 editions.) 32 6087 The same, large type, nice copy. 12 N. York, J. L. Tiffany, 1817 6088 - - The same. Albany, 1817 ; Hartford, 1830. (2 editions.) 12 6089 (WINCHELL S Watts.) An Arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. I. Watts, D. D. To which are added Indexes, etc. By James M. Winchell, A. M. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston. With A Selection of more than Three Hundred Hymns, from the most Approved Authors. narrow 12 Boston, James Loring, 1818-19 The First Edition. Copyright dated, Nov. 16, 1818 and (of the Hymns) May 12, 1819. 6090 The same. Sixth edition, larg. 12 Boston, J. Loring, 1823 6091 The same. Adapted to the use of Congregational and Presbyterian Worship, by Jedediah Morse, D. D. Second edition. 12 Boston, 1820 6092 (WORCESTER S Watts.) The Psalms of David imitated . . by Isaac Watts . . Carefully revised, with Directions for Musical Expression. With the Hymns. 12 Boston, S. T. Armstrong, 1819 Preface, dated Salem, Aug. 12, 1819. 6093 The same. With: Select Hymns, The Third Part of Christian Psalmody : 3d edition. 12 Boston, 1819 6094 The Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs, of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D. To which are added, Select Hymns from other Authors, and Directions for Musical Expression. By Samuel B. Worcester, D. D. 12 Boston, 1823 6095 The same. Carefully revised, and improved with copious Indexes. 32 Boston, S. T. Armstrong, 1827 6096 Christian Psalmody, in Four Parts . . By Samuel Worcester, D. D. Sixth Edition. sm. 12 Boston, S. T. Armstrong, 1825 6097 The Psalms & Hymns of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D. To which are added, a Selection of Hymns from various Authors ; With Directions for Musical Expression. By a Teacher of Psalmody. 32 Sanbornton, N. H., C. Lane, 1836 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 6098 WOLTERSDORF (Ernst Gottlieb) Samtliche Neue Lieder oder Evangelische-Psalmen Erste Americanische Auflage,//. vi, 4425(3), sheep, scarce. 12 York [Pa.], H. E. Neinstedt, 1823 6099 WOODRUFF (Hezekiah) An Exposition and Versification of the Psalms of David, together with Original Hymns. Elmira \N. K], C. G. Fairman, 1847 " A literal version of the Psalms of David into poetry, -without rhyme . . . The task was committed to the Author, when he was a lad, by a pious servant of God, who has sometime since slept in the grave." Adv. YOUNG (Solomon) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Portsmouth, for the Author, 1824 " Solicited I ve often been To publish what my hand did pen, Twill rouse the rage of hireling priests, Or Calvin s clergymen at least. " They spell baptism, sprinkling, Tho meant for to immerse a thing ; Twould make a common school-boy start, That all do spell to mean a part ! " Hymn I. [HARRISON (Susannah)] Songs in the Night : by a Young Woman under heavy Affliction. JV. Brunswick, Lewis Deare, 1813 Fourth American from the eight or ninth English edition. First published, 1780. (3 vols.) 32 and 24 6100 Hawaiian Hymns. O ke Kumu Leomele, no na Himeni a me na Halelu e Hoolea Aku ai i ke Akua. Na Himeni Hawaii, me na Leomele ; oia ka Lua o na Hapa o ke Kumu Leomele. [Lessons in singing, with a selection of Hymns, with Music,] pp. 360, mor. neat. 16 Oahu , na na Misionari, 1834 Na Himeni Hoolea, he mau Mele ma ka Uhane, etc., pp. 400, mor. neat. 24 Honolulu, H. M. Whitney, 1864 (2 vols.) 6101 (Hymns.) Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs; for the use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians : being a collection by Joshua Smith, and others, pp. 192. Norwich^ T. Hubbard, 1794 Hymns and Spiritual Songs .. A New Edition,//. 216. Palmer, E. Terry, 1816 Hymns. By the Rev. S. Medley .. of Liverpool. First Vermont edition. With an Appendix, approved of by the Rev. Caleb Blood, Baptist Minister of Shaftsbury, Vt, pp. 84, 28. Bennington, 1803. 3 vols. in one, hf. mor. (Roxburghe). 12 THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. LITURGY, COMMON PRAYER, AND FORMS OF PRAYER. SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL. EPISCOPACY IN AMERICA, ETC. 6102 A | Form | of Prayer, | Proper to be used | In the Churches throughout the Province of New- York, on Friday the Twelfth of May, a General being the Day appointed by Proclamation, for Fast and Humiliation: | etc., pp. 12, hf. mor. neat, fine copy. sm. 4 New York, j. Parker and W. Weyman, 1758 6103 (COMMON PRAYER.) Liturgia: seu Liber Precum Communium, et Administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque Rituum et Ceremoniarum in Ecclesia Anglicana receptus ; etc. Editio septima, engr. frontispiece, old rough calf, good copy. 12 London, 1759 This edition includes the Form of Prayer used in Convocation, the Forms of Prayer for the Fifth of November, the 3oth of January, the 2gth of May (Restoration of Charles II.) and the 2d of September (Great Fire of London), and at Touching for the King s Evil. 6104 A Liturgy, collected principally from the Book of Common- Prayer; for the use of the First Episcopal Church in Boston; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, sigs. A to Bbb 4, in fours, sheep, sound. 8 Boston, Peter Edes, 1785 VERY RARE. " Compiled by the Rev. James Freeman, D. D. for the use of the King s Chapel, in Boston, upon the adoption of Unitarian views by that Society." See the Hist. Magazine, vol. I. p. 221. " The Gloria Patri, made and introduced into the Liturgy of the Church of Rome by the decree of Pope Damasus, toward the latter part of the fourth century, and adopted into the Book of Common Prayer, is not in this Liturgy." Preface. 6105 The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, And other Rites and Ceremonies, As revised and proposed to the Use of The Protestant Episcopal Church, At a Convention of the said Church .... held in Philadelphia , ... 1785. [To which is appended :] Tunes suited to the Psalms and Hymns, eight pages engraved Music, fine old red morocco, gilt sides, back, and edges. sm. 8 Philadelphia, Hall 6- Sellers, 1786 VERY RARE, in good condition. The " Proposed Book," prepared by Rev. Drs. Smith and Wharton, who, with Bishop White, were appointed to that service by the Gen eral Convention, in 1785. See Bishop White s Memoirs of the P. E. Church, pp. 102, 110-118 ; and The Historical Magazine, vol. I, p. 308. 6 1 06 Another copy, with a slip of ERRATA pasted in, same binding, worn. 12 Philadelphia, 1786 6107 The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of EPISCOPACY. 7 David [To which is appended :] The whole Book of Psalms in Metre, etc., fine old green morocco, gilt sides, back, and edges, clean and fresh copy, VERY RARE. 12 Boston, Manning 6 Loring, 1794 The Title page of the Psalms in Metre has the date of 1793. 6108 Another copy, sheep, sound. 12 Boston, 1794 6109 The | Psalter or Psalms of David, | pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. With the Order for Morning and Evening | Prayer Daily throughout the Year, sheep. 12 New London, Thomas C. Green, 1795 EXTREMELY RARE. "The text conforms neither to that of the English nor the American Book of Common Prayer. . . I have understood that this book was got up for use in that church by two influential members of the parish of St. James, New London, relatives of Bishop Seabury, who was rector there, and one of them a churchwarden. They thought the imprecations in certain Psalms not suited or proper to be used in the public service of the church." C. J. H. in the Historical Magazine, vol. v, p. 29. The " Advertisement " is signed by " SAMUEL, Bishop of Connecticut and Rhode Island." 6110 Morning and Evening Prayer, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pp. 215, boards, VERY RARE. 12 Portsmouth, N. H., Charles Peirce, 1795 6m The Book of Common prayer, etc., clean copy. 12 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1802 6112 Another copy, sheep, used. 6113 The Order for daily Morning and Evening Prayer, and the administration of the Holy Communion, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. of America. With the Psalter, or Psalms of David, woodcut of Seal of the Eastern Diocese, on title. 12 Boston, 1812 6114 The Book of Common Prayer. . .with the Psalms in Metre, Hymns, and Additional Hymns (1808), wanting pp. 145-168, used copy. 24 New York, T. & J. Sword, 1813 6115 The Whole Book of Psalms, in Metre; with Hymns, suited to the Feasts and Fasts of the Church, and other Occasions. Baltimore, Warner and Hanna, 1808 The same, engraved frontispiece, Philadelphia, 1821. (2 vols.) 18 6116 Address from the Clergy of New- York and New-Jersey, to the Episcopalians in Virginia, occasioned by some late Transactions in that Colony, relative to an American Episcopate, [by Myles Cooper?] pp. 58, nice copy, scarce. 8 New York, H. Game, 1771 oooo American Whig (The) See A Collection of Tracts, No. 6135. 6117 AUCHMUTY (Samuel) D. D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York. Anniversary Sermon before the Corporation for the Relief of Clergymen s Widows and Children, New York, Oct. 2d, 1770.. Prefixed, A brief Account of the Corporation, etc. 8 New York, H. Gaine, 1771 6118 BEACH (Rev. John) A Modest Enquiry into the State of the Dead. By which it appears, that there is no Intermediate State, etc., pp. 43, one leaf impft. 16 New London, T. 6 J. Green, 1755 8 EPISCOPACY. 6119 BEACH (Rev. John) A Friendly Expostulation, With all Persons concern d in publishing A late Pamphlet, entitled, "The real Advantages which Ministers and People may enjoy, especially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England," pp. 48, hf. mor. neat. 8 New York, John Holt, 1763 Mr. Beach attributed the pamphlet to which he replied (for which see Tracts, No. 6177), to the Rev. Noah Hobart of Fairfield. It was in fact written by the Rev. Noah Welles of Stamford, Conn. .^"Animadversions" on the "Friendly Expostulation," in Tracts, No. 6175. 6120 [ ] A Second Familiar Conference, upon some Antinomian Tenets; occasion d by Mr. David Judson s Remarks upon the First, //. 41, hf. bd. neat, RARE. 8 New York, John Holt, 1765 See, also, in Tracts, No. 6177, Mr. Beach s Sermon at Boston, 1738 (The Duty of Loving our Enemies) ; his Reply to J. Dickinson, Boston, 1747, in Tracts, No. 6178 ; and " A Calm and Dispassionate Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England," in reply to Noah Hobart, 1749, in Tracts, No. 6176. 6121 Bishops in America. A Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker s Letter to the Rt. Hon. Horatio Walpole, concerning Bishops in America, [by Archd. F. Blackburne,] pp. in. 8 London, 1770 See Address from the Clergy, No. 6116: CHANDLER S Appeal, and Appeal Defended, No. 6127: CHANDLER and CHAUNCY, No. 6129: A Collection of Tracts, No. 6135. 6122 BOWDEN (Rev. John) A Letter . . to the Rev. Ezra Stiles, D. D., President of Yale College, occasioned by some Passages concerning Church Government, in an Ordination Sermon preached at New London, May 17, 1787, //. 50, (2), uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 New Haven, T. and S. Green, 1788 6123 BOWDEN (John) D. D. The Apostolic Origin of Episcopacy asserted, in a series of Letters to the Rev. Dr. Miller, of New York. 2 vols. boards, uncut, lower margins of the second volume slightly injured by damp. 12 New York, T. 6- J. Swords, 1808 6124 [BURGESS (George) Bishop of Maine. ] Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of New England, 1740 to 1840, //. 126. 12 Boston, 1847 6125 CANER (Henry) Sermon at King s Chapel, Boston, Jan. i, 1761, on the Death of George II., clean copy, half mor. neat. 8 Boston, [1761] See also, A Candid Examination, etc., in Tracts, Nos. 6165, 6166. 6126 Catechism. A Key to the Church-Catechism, or the Church- Catechism methodized and explained . . To which are added some Prayers and Hymns, pp. 8, 314, old calf rebacked, nice copy. 8 London, for the Author, 1719 Dedicated, by "Philo-delphus," to "Mr. William Trent, Merchant in Philadelphia," as "design d in part for the use of our poor Countrymen who are dispersed up and down in your vast and spacious regions." 6127 CHANDLER (Thomas Bradbury) D. D. An Appeal to the Public, in behalf of the Church of England in America. [First edition.] //. xii, 127. New York, James Parker, 1769 The Appeal Defended : or, the proposed American Episcopate Vindicated, in Answer to . . Dr. Chauncy, and others, pp. (8), 268. Neiu York, H. Gaine, 1769. With others, as below, in one vol., hf. sheep, neat. 8 J. Mayhew s Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Prop, of the Gospel, stained, Boston, 1763. A Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker s Letter, concerning Bishops in America, //. 72, Phila., 1771. EPISCOPACY. 9 6128 CHANDLER (T. B.) An Appeal to the Public, etc. The Second Edition, corrected by the Author. 8 London, repr. 1769 6129 CHANDLER and CHAUNCY. The Appeal to the Public answered, in behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America ... By Charles Chauncy, D. D. Boston, Kneeland and Adams, 1768 The Appeal Defended, etc. By T. B. Chandler, D. D. N. York, H. Gaine, 1769 A Reply to Dr. Chandler s Appeal Defended . . . By C. Chauncy, D. D. Boston, 1770. 3 in i vol., with continuous paging in manuscript, hf. sprinkled sheep. 8 6130 Chandler s Appeal. N. Y. 1767 Chauncy s The Appeal Answered, //. 205, uncut. Boston, 1768 Chandler s Appeal Farther Defended, in Answer to the Misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy,//. viii, 240. N. Y. 1771 Chauncy s Reply to The Appeal Defended, //. viii, 1 8 o, x, uncut. Boston, 1770. 4 in one vol., hf. blue mo?-. (Roxburgh?). 8 The series complete, except "The Appeal Defended" (1769), which will be found in Nos. 6127 and 6129. 6131 CHAUNCY (Charles) A Compleat View of Episcopacy, pp. x, 474, (3), sound old sheep, neat. 8 Boston, 1771 6132 [CHECKLEY (John)] A Defence of a Book lately re-printed at Boston, entituled, A Modest Proof of the Order [and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church] ; in a Reply to a Book entituled, Sober Remarks on the Modest Proof, &c. With some Strictures on J. Dickinson s Defence of Presbyterian Ordination . . Also, Animadversions upon Two Pamphlets . . * An Essay upon that Paradox [etc.], and * The ruling and ordaining Power of Congregational Bishops or Presbyters defended, &c., //. 73, 14, (i), VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1724 For the "Sober Remarks," see [WIGGLESWORTH (E.)] No. 6169. The Strictures on Dickinson s "Defence" (See No. 6136), were added in a Postscript, pp. 53-73. The Animadversions upon the two Pamphlets are separately paged. For the rirst of these pamphlets, " An Essay upon that Paradox," etc. [by Thomas Walter] see No. 6168; the second (No. 6140) is attributed to Thomas Foxcroft. See also, "Vindica tion of the Appendix," etc., No. 6140. oooo [ ] A Discourse concerning Episcopacy ; See LESLIE (C.), Nos. 6146-48. 6133 The Speech of Mr. John Checkley, upon his Tryal at Boston, [in 1724.] The Second Edition. London, 1738. Reprinted, With an Introduction by Rev. E. H. Gillett, D. D., //. xx, 31, i, uncut. r. 8 Morrisania, N. Y., 1868 One of "a few copies, exclusively for private circulation." 6134 COIT (Thos. W.) D. D. Puritanism : or, A Churchman s Defence against its Aspersions, by an Appeal to its own History, cloth. 12 Neiv York, 1845 6135 A COLLECTION OF TRACTS from the News Papers, &c. containing particularly, The American Whig, A Whip for the American Whig, with some other Pieces, On the Subject of the Residence of Protestant Bishops in the American Colonies, and in answer to the Writers who opposed it, &c., complete to page 208, wants the remainder, UNCUT. Neiv York, John Holt, 1768 " Advertisement. To oblige a Number of the Customers to the New-York Thursday s Journal, and at their particular Desire, it is proposed that Half a Sheet of this Collection 10 EPISCOPACY. be printed Weekly, and for some time sent to the said Customers without any Charge additional to that of the News Papers." The collection comprises papers published from March 141)1, 1768 (the date of the first number of The American Whig), to June 6th. A collection of Tracts from the late News Papers, &c. Vol. II., complete, pp. 406, (i), old calf , neat, fine clean copy. New York, John Holt, 1769 2 VOls. 12 " A very valuable collection, which throws much light upon the political, no less than the religious history of the period." SEDGWICK S Life of W. Livingston, p. 146. " The work is VERY SCARCE. I know of the sale of one copy only." J. SABIN. 6136 DICKINSON (John) A Defence of Presbyterian Ordination. In Answer to a Pamphlet, entituled, A Modest Proof, etc., pp. 44. 8 Boston, D. Hinchman, 1724 See, also, The Scripture Bishop, in Tracts, No. 6175 ; The Scripture Bishop Examined, in Tracts, No. 6177 ; Praelaticus Triumphatus : The Scripture-Bishop Vindicated, No. 6152; A Vindication of God s Sovereign Free Grace (Remarks on Beach s and Caner s Sermons), in Tracts, No. 6177. 6137 Dissent (A) from the Church of England, fully justified; being the Dissenting Gentleman s . . Answer to Mr. John White, etc. [By the Rev. M. Towgood.] 4th edition, pp. xi, 324, old calf , neat. 8 Boston, 1768 6138 The Dissenting Gentleman s Answer to the Reverend Mr. White s Three Letters, etc. 5th ed.,//. 121, (3). 8 Boston, 1748 6139 DUCHE (Jacob) Discourses on Various Subjects. 2d edition, frontispiece engr. by W. Sharp, after Benj. West. 2 vols. half calf, neat. 8 London, 1780 6140 [FOXCROFT (Thomas)] The Ruling & Ordaining Power of Congregational Bishops, or Presbyters, defended. Being Remarks on . . Mr. P. Barclay s Persuasive, lately distributed in New-England. By an Impartial Hand, //. 45. Boston, 1724 A Vindication of the Appendix to the Sober Remarks . . . Wherein the Ruling and Ordaining Power, etc., is further Defended, [by Thos. Walter ?] pp. 59. Boston, 1725. Two very scarce Tracts. 8 6141 [FOXCROFT (Thomas) ?] Eusebius Inermatus. Just Remarks on a late Book, intitled, " Eleutherius Enervatus, or an Answer to a Pamphlet Intituled, The Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination, &c. argued." ... By Phileluth. Bangor, V. E. B. hf. calf. 8 Boston, 1733 6142 HOBART (Noah) A Serious Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New England, occasioned by Mr. Wetmore s Vindication of Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut ; with an Appendix by Jona. Dickinson, //. 139, half mor. sm. 8 Bosto?i, 1748 Sec, also, A Second Address, etc., 1751, in Tracts, No. 6177. 6143 HUMPHREYS (David) D. D. An Historical Account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the year 1728, two folding maps, nice copy, calf neat. 8 London, 1730 6144 INGLIS (Charles) An Essay on Infant Baptism ; in which the Right of Infants to is from Scripture, and confirmed by the Practice of the four first Centuries. 8 New York, H. Gaine, 1768 This VERY RARE volume (pp. 180) by the Rev. Dr. Inglis, of Trinity Church, afterwards Bishop of Nova-Scotia, has the autograph of Abraham Jarvis, the second Bishop of Connecticut. The title has escaped Mr. Sabin, and 1 have not found it in any list of Dr. Inglis s publications. EPISCOPACY. 1 1 6145 [JOHNSON (Rev. Samuel) Z>.Z>.] A Second Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to his Dissenting Parishioners, in answer to Some Remarks, by one J. Gfraham,]//. 113, half mor. neat. 8 Boston, 1734 See, also, A Sermon on the Great Duty of Loving God ; with Prayers for the Family, etc.,in Tracts, No. 6176 ; and a Preface to Beach s " Calm and Dispassionate Vindication," in the same volume; Letter from Aristocles to Authades, 1745, anc * Defence of Aristocles and Authades, 1747, in Tracts, No. 6178; and, in same vol., Demonstration of the Reasonableness of Prayer, 1 760. 6146 [LESLIE (Charles)] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists . . . The Eighth Edition : to which is appended A Discourse concerning Episcopacy [by JOHN CHECKLEY], //. 132, good copy. 8 London, J. Applebee, for J. Checkley, 1723 SCARCE. See Stevens s Nuggets, no. 535, and the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1230. 6147 The same, pp. 132 ; followed by The Speech of Mr. John Checkley upon his Tryal at Boston, for publishing " A Short and Easie Method," etc. 2d edition,//. 40, and A Specimen of a True Dissenting Catechism, */, i page. 8 London, jf. Applebee, 1738 6 14 8 Another copy : (with Checkley s Speech.) 8 London, 1738 6149 The same. First American from the Eighth London edition. 8 Windsor (Vt.}, 1812 6150 PEIRCE (James) A Vindication of the Dissenters: In Answer to Dr. Wm. Nichols s Defence of the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England. . . The Second Edition, corrected, //. (44), 575, old calf. 8 London, 1718 First published in Latin, " Vindiciae Fratrum Dissentitim," London, 1710. 6151 PETERS (Samuel) of Hebron. A Sermon, preached at Litchfield, in Connecticut, before a voluntary Convention of the Clergy of the Church of England of Several Provinces in America, June 13, 1770, large and fine copy, half mor. neat. sm. 4 n. p. 1770 " Published with NOTES, to gratify the very respectable Assembly before whom it was delivered, and a Copy given, July, 1770." This Sermon, by the " Blue Law" historian of Connecticut, is VERY SCARCE. The " Notes" are spicy, and, doubtless, were more gratifying to the "respectable Assembly," than to the Sons of Liberty; e. g. (p. 13) : " America has the Honor of dealing in human Flesh ; of plundering and extirpating the Aborigines of the Country ; of stealing and receiving stolen Blacks from the coasts of Africa ; of using them with more than Savage Barbarity, not under the same Pretence that Nimrod hunted Men, but under a pious Pretence of Christianizing and bestowing on them natural and civil Liberty; glorious Pretence, but most infamously executed ! " 6152 Praelaticus Triumphatus. The Scripture-Bishop Vindicated. A Defence of the Dialogue between Praelaticus and Eleutherius, . . against the Exceptions of a Pamphlet, intitled, "The Scripture- Bishop Examin d." By Eleutherius, V. D. M. [Rev. Jonathan Dickinson], //. 126 Eusebius Inermatus. Just Remarks on.. " Eleutherius Enervatus " . . By Phileleuth. Bangor, V. E. B. [Rev. Thomas Foxcroft ?] //. (2), 158. 2 in one vol., old paneled sheep, good copy. sm. ^Boston, 1733 See DICKINSON (Jona.), No. 6136. 6153 RUTLEDGE (Rev. Edw.) History of the Church of England, from the Earliest periods to the present time, //. xx, 310, sheep, neat. 8 Middletown, Conn., 1825 oooo Scripture-Bishop (The): See Tracts, No. 6175 : The Scripture- Bishop Examined: see Tracts, No. 6177: The Scripture-Bishop Vindicated : see Prjelaticus Triumphatus, No. 6152. 12 EPISCOPACY. 6154 SEABURY (Samuel) Bishop of Connecticut. A Sermon Preach d at New-London, Sunday, the 2ist of February, 1741-2. By Samuel Seabury, Missionary from the Society for propagating of the Gospel, etc., pp. (4), 22, uncut, RARE. 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1742 6155 SEABURY. Address of the Episcopal Clergy of Connecticut to the Right Rev. Bishop Seabury, with the Bishop s Answer. And, A Sermon to the Convention at Middletown, Aug. 3, 1785, by Rev. Jerem. Learning . . Also, Bishop Seabury s first Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, etc., pp. 8, 18, 15, 5, uncut, very scarce. 8 New Haven, [1785] 6156 SEABURY (Bishop Samuel) Discourses on Several Subjects. 2 vols., sheep, neat. 8 Hudson, 1815 6157 The same. Vol. I. only, with portrait of Bishop Seabury, engr. by Gimbrede. 8 Hudson, 1815 6158 SEABURY, JARVIS, BROWNELL. A Sermon Preach d at New- London, Feb. 21, 1741-2. By Samuel Seabury, Missionary, etc. New London, 1742 The Communion-Office, or order for the Administration of the Holy Eucharist or Supper of the Lord. With Private Devotions. Recommended to the Episcopal Congregations in Connecticut, by the Right Rev. Bishop Seabury, pp. 23. 12 New London, T. Green, 1786, VERY RARE Bishop Seabury s Second Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, Sept. 22, 1786, //. 20. 8 New Haven Bishop Seabury s Discourse before the Triennial Convention of the P. E. Church; . . in Trinity Church, New York, pp, 27, uncut. N. Y. 1792 A Sermon preached in St. James s Church, New London, Ash- Wednesday, 1789. By the Rt. Rev. Father in God, SAMUEL, Bishop of Connecticut. N. Haven [1789] Address of the Clergy to . .Bishop Seabury, his Answer, and his First Charge, Aug. 1785; With the Rev. J. Learning s Convention Sermon, uncut. New Haven [1785] JARVIS (Rev. Abraham) Discourse before a Special Convention of the Clergy, in Trinity Church, New Haven, May 5, 1796, occasioned by the Death of Bishop Seabury. N. Haven Bishop Jarvis s Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, . . immediately after his Consecration, Oct. 18, 1797. With the Address of the Clergy, and the Bishop s Answer. Newfield, L. Beach, 1798 Blatchford (Rev. S.) Letter to Wm. Smith, D. D., occasioned by his Sermon at the Consecration of Bishop Jarvis. N. Haven, 1798 BROWNELL (Bishop Thomas C.) Charge to the Clergy, June 6, 1821. N. Haven, 1821 Brownell s Charge to the Clergy, June 6, 1832 Bishop s Bonus, Seabury College, Divine Right of Presbyteriamsm, and Divine Right of Episcopacy; in a series of Essays, etc. New Haven, 1816 Constitution and Canons of the Episc. Church, relative to the Discipline of Clergymen : with petitions and documents, relative to Rev. Ammi Rogers, etc. n. p. 1812, very scarce Bishop White s Sermon at the Consecration of Bishop Brownell, Oct. 27, 1819, with an Appendix. N. Haven, 1819; and others. 18 Pamphlets, (various sizes), nearly all uncut, in one vol., half blue morocco (Roxburghe). 8 EPISCOPACY. 13 6159 SECKER (Thomas) Archbishop of Canterbury. Sermons on Various Subjects. Published by B. Porteous, D. D., and G. Stinton, D. D. Prefixed, A Review of his Grace s Life and Character. 4 vols., sound old calf , neat. 8 London, 1770 6160 [SECKER (Archbishop)~\ An Answer to Dr. Mayhew s Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London, Printed. 8 Boston, Repr. R. by S. Draper, 1764 6161 SIMEON (Charles) The Excellency of the Liturgy ; and University Sermons. 12 New York, Eastburn, Kirk 6 Co., 1813 6162 SMITH (M.) Twelve Sermons, upon Several Occasions. By Michael Smith, A. B., late Missionary to the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel in America, calf, engraved book-plate of Lord Chief Baron Smythe. 8 London, 1770 6163 [SMITH (Wm.) ?] The Trial of Episcopacy. Reported by R. C. C. A. M., pp. 200, i, bds. uncut, name on title. 1 6 Poughkeepsie, P. Potter, 1817 oooo Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. An Account of the Society, with their Proceedings and Success. London, 1706 A Collection of Papers, printed by Order of the Society. London, 1712. In Tracts, No. 6176. 6164 Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Anniversary Sermons ; with Abstracts of Proceedings, etc. : 1710-11. Wm. Fleetwood, Bishop of St. Asaph. 1712. White Kennet, Dean of Peterborough. I 7 I 3 > J nn Moore, B. of Ely. 1738. Thomas Herring, B. of Bangor. 1757. Edmond Keene, B. of Chester. 1762. John Hume, B. of Oxford. 6 in i vol. 8 Anniversary Sermons ; with Abstracts of Proceedings, etc. : 1714. Geo. Stanhope, D. D. With two folded engravings of Codrington College, in Barbadoes. 1720. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Carlisle. 1722. J. Waugh, D. D. 1723. Thomas Greene, Bishop of Ely. 1732. Geo. Berkeley, Dean of Londonderry. 1761. Richard Newcome, Bp. of Landaff. 1765. Philip Yonge, Bp. of Norwich. 1766. Wm. Warburton, Bp. of Gloucester. 8 in i vol. 4 Anniversary Sermons; with Abstracts of Proceedings, etc.: 1768. John Green, B. of Lincoln. 1769. T. Newton, B. of Bristol. 1772. Charles Moss, B. of St. David s. 1773. Jona. Shipley, B. of St. Asaph. Three editions of the Sermon; repr. Norwich [Conn.], n. d. (1773); New York, 1773 ; Newport, R. /., 1773. 1774. Edmund Law, B. of Carlisle. 1783. Beilby Porteus, B. of Chester. (The Sermon only.) I 7^5- John Ross, B. of Exeter. 1793. John Douglas, B. of Salisbury, n in i vol. wide 8 14 EPISCOPACY. (Society for Prop, of the Gospel.) Anniversary Sermons ; with Abstracts, etc. 1717-18, by Philip Talbot, B. of Hereford. 8 uncut ; 1770, Frederic Keppel, B. of Exeter. 4; 1771, Robert Lowth, B. of Oxford. 4 3 vols., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe), and 3 Pamphlets, (as 4 vols.) 4 and 8 6165 APTHORP (East) Considerations on the Institution and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation &c. Boston, 1763 MAYHEW (Jona.) Observations on the Character and Conduct of the Society, designed to shew their Non-conformity to each other. With Remarks on the Mistakes of East Ap thorp, M. A. etc. Boston, 1763 VERSES on Dr. Mayhew s Book of Observations on . . the Society, &c. . . With Notes. By a Gentleman of Rhode Island Colony, //. 19. Providence, 1763 Remarks on Dr. Mayhew s Incidental Reflections relative to the Church of England, &c. By a Son of the Church of England. Portsmouth, D. Fowle, 1763 [CANER (Henry)] A Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew s Observations . . To which is added, A Letter to a Friend, containing a Vindication of the Society ; By one of its Members [the Rev. Dr. S. Johnson]. Boston, 1763 MAYHEW (J.) A Defence of the Observations &c. against an anonymous Pamphlet falsely intitled, A Candid Examination &c., and also against The Letter to a Friend. Boston, 1763 An Answer to Dr. Mayhew s Observations &c. [By Archbishop SECKER.] London : repr. Boston, 1764 MAYHEW (J.) Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, entitled, An Answer, &c. Being a Second Defence of the Observations. Boston, 1764 APTHORP (E.) A Review of Dr. Mayhew s Remarks on the Answer &c. London, 1765 Wheelock (Eleazar) Narrative of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon. Boston, 1763 The Dissenters Reasons for Separating from the Church of England. 4th Edition. London, 1760. In one vol., old calf , neat. 8 6166 Mayhew s Observations on the Charters and Conduct of the Society. Boston, 1763 A Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew s Observations, &c. Boston, 1763 Mayhew s Defence of the Observations. Boston, 1763 [Archb. Seeker s] Answer to the Observations. Repr. Boston, 1764 Mayhew s Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, . . being A Second Defence, &c. Boston, 1764 Verses on Doctor Mayhew s Book of Observations &c. By a Gentleman of R. I. Colony. Prov. 1763. 6 in one vol., hf. sheep, neat. 8 6167 VIETS (Roger) Sermon in St. Andrew s Church, Simsbury, April gth, 1784, being . . . Good Friday, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Hartford, 1787 The Rev. Roger Viets was appointed missionary in Digby, N. S., in 1786, and removed to that place from Simsbury in 1787. ( He was the uncle of the Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, first Bishop of the Eastern Diocese. ) 6168 [WALTER (Thomas)] An Essay upon that Paradox, Infallibility may sometimes Mistake. Or, A Reply to A Discourse concerning Episcopacy, said in a Late Pamphlet to be Beyond the Possibility of a Reply, etc.. . By a Son of Martin Mar-Prelate, //. 120, i, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, D. Henchman, 1724 For John Checkley s " Discourse concerning Episcopacy," see LESLIE, Nos. 6146-48. EPISCOPACY. 15 oooo Welles (Noah) Vindication of Presbyt. Ordination ; and The Real Advantages of Conforming to the Ch. of England ; See Tracts, No. 6177. 6169 [WIGGLESWORTH (Edward)] Sober Remarks on A Book lately Re-printed at Boston, entituled, A Modest Proof etc. In a Letter to a Friend, //. 78, i. 8 Boston, 1724 6170 [ ] The same. The Second Edition. Appended : The Ruling & Ordaining Power of Congregational Bishops or Presbyters, Defended. Being Remarks on . . Mr. P. Barclay s Persuasive, etc. By an Impartial Hand [Rev. Thomas Foxcroft.] Two in i vol., pp. 126, 44, uncut, 8 Boston, 1724 The second tract wants the last page. (See No. 6140.) oooo WETMORE (Rev. James) See The Englishman directed in the Choice of his Religion, in Tracts, No. 6178. 6171 WETMORE (Rev. Robert G. ) Address to the Episcopal Congregations in Schenectady and Duanesborough, July, 1798, //. 31. 12 Catskill, Mackay Croswcll, [1798] 6172 WHITE (Wm.) Bishop of Pennsylvania. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, half calf , gilt, marbled edges. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 6173 [WHITE (Bishop Wm.)] The Case of the Episcopal Churches in the United States, considered, pp. 35, scarce. 12 Phila., D. C. Claypoole, 1782 6174 WILBERFORCE (Samuel) Bishop of Oxford. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. 2d edition, map, cloth. 12 London, 1845 Rev. Dr. Alonzo B. Chapin s copy, with marked passages and marginal notes by him. 6175 Tracts. [DICKINSON (Jona.)] The Scripture-Bishop; or, the Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination and Government, considered in a Dialogue between Praelaticus and Eleutherius. Boston, 1732 G[RAHAM] (J.) Some Remarks upon a Second Letter from Church of England Minister to his Dissenting Parishioners, pp. 128. Boston, 1736 HARE (F.) The Difficulties and Discouragements which attend the Study of the Scriptures in the way of Private Judgment. 6th edition, uncut. Boston, 1749 Reading no Preaching, or A Letter to a Young Clergyman, &c. Boston, repr. 1756 Dialogue between John Quaeristicus and Thomas Casuisticus [favoring the support of the Ministry by a public Tax]. By E. Hfallam], M. A. uncut. New London, 1749 A Brief Account of the Revenues, Pomp, and State of the Bishops and other Clergy of the Church in England, uncut. Boston, 1725 BEVERIDGE (W.) Sermon concerning the Excellency .. of the Common Prayer. 2gth edition. Boston, 1733 Animadversions on Some Parts of Mr. Beach s " Friendly Expostulation " (signed A. Z.). N. York, B. Mecom, 1763 DICKINSON (Jona) A Second Vindication of God s sovereign free Grace, against the exceptions of Mr. John Beach, uncut. Boston, 1748 PHIPPS (J.) Brief Remarks on Common Arguments in Support of Ecclesiastical Impositions in this Nation. Norwich, repr. Phila., 1771 COADE l6 EPISCOPACY. (G.) yr. Letter to a Clergyman relating to his Sermon on the 3oth of January. 4th edition. N. York, 1773, uncut. ii in i vol., hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe). 12 6176 Tracts. An Account of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts . . with their Proceedings and Success, engraving of the Society s Seal, pp. 97. London, 1706 A Collection of Papers, printed by order of the Society (Charter, Standing Orders, List of Members, &c.) Lond. 1712 Letter to the Rev. Thomas Foxcroft. By J. F. Boston, 1745 JOHNSON (Samuel) D. D. A Sermon on the Duty of Loving and Delighting in the Public Worship of God, preached at Stratford, July 8, 1744. With Prayers, for the Family and Closet. Boston, 1746 BEACH (John) A Calm and Dispassionate Vindication of the Professors of the Ch. of England . . With a Preface by Dr. S. Johnson, and an Appendix [by Rev. J. Wetmore and Rev. H. Caner], //. viii, 75. Boston, 1749 MILLS (Jedediah) A Vindication of Gospel Truth, and Refutation of some dangerous Errors &c. . . In a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson s [Letter from Aristocles to Authades]. Boston, 1747 The Dissenting Gentleman s Answer to the Rev. Mr. White s Three Letters. 4th Edition. N. York, 1748 Prayers and Thanksgivings for a Family or private Person, pp. 5, n. p., n. d. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving .. on the 2ist of May, 1816, . . for the End to the War against France. By Authority. Quebec, 1816 DEHON (Theo.) Discourse, in Trinity Church, Newport, Nov. 27, 1805. Newport, R. I., 1806 HARRIS (Wm.) Sermon in Trinity Church, Boston, before the Convention of the P. E. Church in Massachusetts. Boston, 1799. 13 Tracts, in one vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburgh?), all but two uncut. 4 6177 Tracts (1732-1802) The Scripture Bishop . . Examined, in Two Letters to a Friend, pp. 52, one leaf mutilated, n. p. 1733 BEACH (John) Sermon on Loving our Enemies. Boston, 1 739 DICKINSON (Jona.) A Vindication of God s sovereign free Grace : Remarks on Beach s and Caner s Sermon, and on [Dr. S. Johnson s] Letter from Aristocles to Authades. Boston, 1746 [WELLES (Noah)] The Real Advantages which Ministers and People may enjoy, especially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England. n. p. [New Haveti\, 1762 HOBART (Noah) Second Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New England. Boston, 1751 A Discourse on Government and Religion, fitted for the Meridian of the 3oth of January. By an Independent. Boston, 1750 CROSWELL (Andrew) Observations on Bishop Warburton s Sermon before the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel, 1766. Boston, 1768 JARRATT (Devereux) Sermon before the Convention of the P. E. Church in Virginia. (Repr.) New London, 1792 The Connecticut Dissenters Strong Box : No. I. Containing, The High-flying Churchman stript of his legal Robe. &c. By John Leland. etc. New London, 1802 WELLES (Noah) Vindication of the Validity and Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination. (Reply to Learning.) Repr. Litchfield, n. d. 9 Pamphlets, in i vol., hf. blue mor.(Roxburghe), all uncut. ^ 8 EPISCOPACY. 17 6178 Tracts (1745-1771) JOHNSON (Samuel) D. D. Letter to Jona. Dickinson, in Defence of Aristocles to Authades. Boston, 1747 JOHNSON (S.) Demonstration of the Reasonableness, and Duty of Prayer. N. York, 1760 BEACH (John) Reply to J. Dickinson s Remarks upon a Sermon, etc. Boston, 1 747 ( come out Apr. 28," is noted in MS. by Rev. T. fbxcroft) The Englishman directed in the Choice of his Religion : with a Prefatory Address [by Rev. James Wetmore, of Rye.] Boston, 1748 [JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel)] Letter from Aristocles to Authades, concerning the Sovereignty and Promises of God. Boston, 1745 TYLER (John) of Norwich, Conn. Sermon at opening cf Trinity Church, in Pomfret, Apr. 12, 1771. Providence, John Carter, 1761 [for 1771] [TYLER (John)?] The Love of God to Mankind clisplay d in a Universal Redemption by Jesus Christ, etc. Norwich, n. d. [1773-78?] DICKINSON (Moses) Inquiry into the Consequences both of Calvinistic and Arminian Principles. (Remarks on J. Beach s Second Reply.) Boston, 1750 -- [ BLACKBURNE ( Archd. Francis )] A Critical Commentary on Archb. Seeker s Letter . . concerning Bishops in America. Phila. 1771 [TOWGOOD ( M. ) ] The Dissenting Gentleman s Answer to Rev. Mr. White s Three Letters, 5th ed. Boston, 1748. 10 Pamphlets (7 uncut), in i vol. hf. blue morocco. 8 6179 Tracts (1763-1789) LEAMING (Jer.) A Defence of the Episcopal Government of the Church. N. Y., 1766 LEAMING (J.) Sermon on Evidences of Christianity. New Haven, 1785 LEAMING (J.) Dissertations upon Various Subjects. Repr. Portsmouth, N. H., 1789 WELLES (Noah) Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination. Sermon at Stanford, Apr. 10, 1763. N. Y., 1763 WELLES (N.) Vindication of Presbyterian Ordination, in Answer to J. Learning. New Haven, S. Green, for Roger Sherman, 1767 BOWDEN (John) Letter to President Ezra Stiles. N. Haven, 1788 ANDREWS (Samuel) Discourse on Mark, xvi. 15. 16, N. If., 1787 VIETS (R.) Sermon on Duty of Attending Public Worship (and two others). Hartford, 1789 ANDREWS (Samuel) Fast-Day Sermon on Repentance, July 20, 1775, N. Haven, 1775 SHERWOOD (S.) The Church s Flight into the Wilderness; an Address on the Times. N. Y., 1776. 10 in i vol. new half blue mor. all uncut. 8 6180 Tracts (1767-1790) CHANDLER (Thos. B.) Sermon before the Corporation for Relief of Widows of Clergymen, Perth Amboy, Oct. 2, 1771. Burlington [N. JI\ CHANDLER (T. B.) Appeal to the Public in behalf of the Church of England in America, pp. xii, 127. N. York, J. Parker, 1767 SMITH (Wm.) -Discourse at the Opening of the Convention of the [P. E.] Church in R. Island, Newport, Nov. 18, 1790. Providence, [1790] The Character of Eusebius; in a Letter from Atticus to his Friend. Phila., W. &> F. Bradford, 1767 DAUBENY (C.) Trial of the Spirits; also, Hobart (J. H.) Companion for the Book of Common Prayer, 2d edition. N. Haven, 1809 Priestcraft defended; A Sermon occa sioned by the Expulsion of Six Young Gentlemen from Oxford University for Praying, etc.; by the Shaver. i3th edition. New Haven, repr. [1771] [TOWGOOD (M.)] Answer to the Inquiry, Why are you a Dissenter? Boston, 1773 MAUDUIT (I.) Case of 1 8 EPISCOPACY. the Dissenting Ministers, 4th edition. Boston, 1773 [DRUMMOND] (R.) Bp. of Sarum. Sermon at Coronation of George III. and Queen Charlotte, Sept. 22, 1761. Boston, repr. 1762. 9 in i vol. (5 uncut] new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 6181 Tracts (1767-70) EWER (John) Bishop of Landaff. Sermon before Soc. for Prop. Gospel, [with Proceedings of the Soc. etc.] uncut. London, 1767 LIVINGSTON (Wm.) Letter to the Bishop of Landaff on [the above] Sermon. N. K, 1768 Vindication of the B. of Landaff s Sermon. By a Lover of Truth and Decency. N. Y., 1768 CHAUNCY (C.) Remarks on certain Passages in the B. of Landaff s Sermon. Boston, 1767 SECKER (T.) Bp. of Oxford. Letter to H. Walpole concerning Bishops in America. London, 1769 [Blackburne (Archd. F.)] Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker s Letter to H. Walpole. London, 1770. Six in i vol., all but one uncut, new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 6182 Journals of the Meetings, which led to the Institution of a Con vention of the P. E. Church in the State of Pennsylvania : with the Journals of the first Six Conventions,//. 26. Phila., Hall 6 Sellers, 1790 Journals of Five Conventions, etc., held in Philadel phia, beginning with the Seventh; 1791-1795. Phila., Ormrod 6 Conrad, 1795 Journals of the i2th Convention in Pennsylvania, 1796, to the 3oth Convention, 1814, inclusive Pastoral Letter, from the House of Bishops, in Gen. Convention, 1808. N. K, 1808 Pastoral Address, from the House of Bishops, May, 1811. N. Y., 1811 Pastoral Letter, etc., Phila., 1814. In one vol. hf. bd. 8 Comprises a complete series of the Journals of the Conventions of the P. E. Church in Pennsylvania, from its institution to the year 1814, inclusive. 6183 Journals of Conventions of the P. E. Church in Connecticut, in 1792, 93, 94, and 95. Newfield, 1795 [MS. copy of the Con stitution of the Church in Conn., with abstract of Proceedings on its adoption] Journal of Conventions in Connecticut, 1796 to -1802. New York [1802] Journal of Conventions, 1802 and 1803. Danbury, 1803 The same, 1804-1807. N. Haven, 1807 The same, 1808-1810. N. Haven, 1811 The same, 1811-13. N. H., 1813 The same, 1813-1816. N. H., 1817 Journals of [General] Conventions of the P. E. Church in the U. S. [1789, 92, 99, 1801, 04, 08, n, 17.] Phila. 6* New York, 1790-1817. Sixteen in i vol., mostly uncut, boards. 8 "From the Library of Rev. Tillotson Bronson, D.D.; presented by Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell to A. B. Chapin [D.D.], July 23, 1852." 6184 Journal of Convention of P. E. Church in N. Y., N. J., Penn., Del., and So. Car., at Wilmington, Dei., Oct. 10, n, 1786. Phila. [1786] Journal of Convention of P. E. Church in U. S., Phila., 1789. Phila., 1790 Journal of Conventions of P. E. Church of State of New York, 1787-91. N. K, 1792 Constitution and Canons of P. E. Church in the U. S. and Constitution of Episc. Churches in Massachusetts. Boston, 1800 SMITH (Wm.) Two Sermons before the Gen. Convention of P. E. Church, Phila., 1789. Phila., 1789 MILLER (Alex.) Essay on Church Government. Albany, 1801 OGDEN (J. C.) Letters occasioned by the Publi cation of a Private Correspondence, begun by Mr. Sam l Macclin- EPISCOPACY. 19 tock. Boston, 1791 How (T. Y.) Letters to Rev. S. Miller, D.D., on the Christian Ministry. Utica, 1808 WILSON (James) Review of Letters of Rev. J. Bovvden to Rev. Dr. Miller. Provi dence, 1822 GRISWOLD (Ezra) Letter in Answer to Rev. D. Perry s Defence of the Ecclesiastical Rights of Man. Hartford [1796] Reply to "An Answer to Bishop Hobart s Pastoral Letter on Bible and Prayer Book Societies, by an Episcopalian; " by another Episcopalian. N. Y., 1815 Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity from the- Bishops, May 24th, 1820. Phila., 1820 Candid Examination of the Episcopal Church. 12 Newburyport, 1820 MclLVAiNE (Rev. Mr.} Answer to Rev. H. U. Onderdonk, D.D. 2d edition. N. K, 1828 SMITH (H.) and ANTHON (H.) Statement of Facts in relation to the recent Ordination in St. Stephen s Church. New York, 1843. I S * n I v l-> new half mor. (Roxburghe], mostly uncut. 8 6185 Sermons; by S. F. Jarvis, D.D., Convention, 1821; Isaac Boyle, Convention, 1823; T. M. Harris, 1813; Pastoral Letter from House of Bishops of U. S., 1817; P. Chase, Convention, 1813; P. Chase, Ordina. of H. Croswell, New Haven, 1816; J. S. Ravenscroft, Convention of Va., 1820; S. H. Turner, Opening of P. E. Theol. Sem., New Haven, 1820; J. S. J. Gardiner, Artillery Election, Boston, 1823; T. C. Brownell, D.D., Convention, 1821; Consecra tion of Bp. T. C. Brownell, 1819; and six others, in one vol. hf. calf. 8 6186 Tracts. MATHER (Increase) Some Remarks on a Pretended Answer [by Bp. J. Williams] to a Discourse concerning the Com mon Prayer Worship, etc., //. (2), 36, (2), 10. London, n. d. [1712], close cropped at top. (See Part I., No. 1037.) The Scripture Bishop . . Examined, in Two Letters to a Friend, n. p. 1733 A Letter to Rev. Thomas Foxcroft. By J. F. Boston, 1745. 3 Tracts. 8 and 4 6187 Tracts (8) HOBART (Noah) Serious Address to Members of the Episc. Separation in New-England, etc., pp. 139. Boston, 1748 The Englishman directed in the choice of his Religion . . With a Prefatory Address [by Rev. James Wetmore], //. 77. Boston, 1748 The Dissenting Gentleman s Third and last Letter to Rev. Mr. White. 3d ed. Armagh, repr. 1749 Dr. Chauncy s Answer to Dr. Chandler s Appeal to the Public, pp. 205. Boston, 1768 Dr. Chauncy s Reply to Dr. Chandler s "Appeal Defended," //. 180, x. Boston, 1770. 8 and 12 6188 Tracts (6) Address to Ministers and Congregations of the Presbyterian and Independent Persuasions. By a Member of the Episcopal Church, pp. 55. n. p. [Philadelphia f\ 1790 Learning (Jeremiah) of Stratford, Conn. The Evidences for the Truth of Christianity. A Sermon. With Appendix, //. 27. New Haven, 1785 Moore (Benj.) Bp. of New York. Charge, delivered to the Con vention, Oct., 1802. New York, 1803 Sermon before the Gen. Convention. 8 N. Y., 1804 Sermon on the Duty of fulfilling all Righteousness. New York, 1806 2O EPISCOPACY. Trinity Church, New York. Charter, etc. With Notes by an Episcopalian, //. 63. New York, 1813 The Charter of . . Trinity Church defended against the attacks of a late Pamphlet. New York, 1813 8 and 12 6189 Tracts (9) Jarvis (Samuel F.) The Unity of the Church. Convention Sermon, New York, 1816 : The Conversation of our Savior with Nicodemus. Massachusetts Convention Sermon, 1821: The Colonies of Heaven. Conn. Convention Sermon, 1846. Meade (Wm.) Bp. of Virginia. Sermon at Gen. Convention, Philadelphia, 1838. Atkinson (Thomas) Authoritative Ministerial Teaching. Mary land Convention Sermon, 1844. Doane (G. W.) Bp. of N. Jersey. The Church s Opportunity, the Church s Duty. N. J. Convention Sermon, 1847. Washburn (E. A.) The Living Church. Conn. Convention Sermon, 1857. Williams (J.) Bp. of Conn. Convention Sermon, Hartford, 1856. Coit (Gurdon S.) Priestly Fidelity. Conn. Convention Sermon, Hartford, 1859. 8 6190 Tracts (14) White (Bp. Wm.) Pastoral Address, Gen. Con vention, 1811 Serious Call to those without the pale of the Episc. Church. By a consistent Churchman. (Satirical.) n. p., n. d. Letter to a Churchman. . By J. R. O. New Haven, 1808 - Blanchard (Steph.) Letter to Ethan Smith, on his Sermon, " Episcopacy Examined." Concord, N. H., 1817 Candid Exam ination of the Episc. Church, in Two Letters to a Friend. Nor- walk, 1819 Letter from a Congregationalist to a Friend, on joining the new Episc. Church. Boston, 1820 Review of Bp. Hobart s Sermon, from the London Qu. Theol. Review; with two Answers to the same. New York, 1826 Onasrdonk (H. U.) Bp. of Penn. The Rule of Faith. A Charge to the Clergy, Philadel phia, 1833 Review of Bp. Onderdonk s Charge. By Rev. John Hughes. Phila. 1833 " Puseyism " no Popery, pp. 72. Boston, 1843 Letters to the Laity of the Am. Episc. Church. By a Prot. Episcopalian. Phila., 1843 The True Issue sustained . . Views of the Press in relation to the late ordination [of Rev. Arthur Carey] in St. Stephen s Church. N. Y., 1843 A Layman s Lesson to a Lord Bishop, on Sacerdotal Powers. By Non-Nemo. (Lond., 1713). Repr. N. Y., 1849 Bishop Dc-ane s Ninth Tri ennial Charge, Burlington, N. J., 1857. 8 THE BAPTISTS. 21 THE BAPTISTS : INCLUDING . DISCUSSIONS OF THE MODE AND SUBJECTS OF BAPTISM. 6191 ASPLUND (John) The Annual Register of the Baptist Denom ination in N. America; to the First of Nov., 1790. Containing an Account of the Churches and their Constitutions, Ministers, etc., pp. 70, VERY SCARCE. 4 n. p. n. d. [1791] The Preface is dated, Southampton County, Va., July 14, 1791. The compiler, "John Asplund, a Sweed," says : " Having been brought up with a view to the business of mer chandize, I have been accustomed to keeping accounts ; and I now prefer accounts of souls set Zionward to those which only respect money or trade. I have a natural turn for travelling, and I am convinced I could not better spend my time than in itenerating (sic) to preach the Gospel, and to collect materials which may assist the future historian." 6192 ASPLUND (John) The Universal Register of the Baptist Denom ination in North America, for 1790-94, pp. 86, (7), half vellum, gilt. 12 Boston, 1794 6193 BACKUS (ISAAC) A Discourse shewing the Nature and Neces sity of an Internal Call to preach the Everlasting Gospel. . . Added, Some Account of the Experiences of Mr. Nathanael Shepherd,//. 116, (i), nice copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, Fowle, 1754 Mr. N. Shepherd was born in Norton, Mass., 13 Feb., 1712-13; settled in or near Brookline; was called to preach in 1746, and was pastor at Attleborough, 1747-52. 6194 BACKUS (Isaac) A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Lord, of Norwich; occasioned by some harsh Things which he has lately published, etc., pp. 40, RARE. 8 Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1764 6195 BACKUS (ISAAC) A Fish Caught in his own Net. An Examin ation of Nine Sermons published by the Rev. Joseph Fish of Stonington. Boston, 1768 A Discourse concerning the Materi als, the Manner of Building, and Power of Organizing the Church of Christ. . . With an Address to [Rev.] Joseph Fish, in reply to his "Examiner Examined." Boston, 1773. 2 in i vol., sheep. 8 With the autograph of the author, and of his son, Isaac Backus, jun. See FISH (Joseph), No. 6219. 6196 [BACKUS (Isaac)] A Letter to a Gentleman in the Massachu setts General Assembly, Concerning Taxes to support Religious Worship, pp. 22, hf. green mor. neat, uncut, SCARCE. 8 n. p. Printed in the Year 1771 6197 BACKUS (Isaac) A History of New-England, with particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. 3 vols. Boston, and Providence, 1777, 84, 96 SEMPLE (Robert B.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia. Richmond, 1810. 4 vols., uniform, half russia, stamped and gilt, marbled edges. 8 A FINE SET, with the book-plate of [Rev.] VV. Wilson, author of the History of the Dissenting Churches in London. The volumes of Backus s History are nearly uncut, having many rough edges. Semple s History of the Virginia Baptists is a large and fine copy. 6198 A History of New-England, etc. 3 vols., smooth calf extra, gilt tops (Morrell}, UNCUT, A SUPERB COPY. 8 Boston, and Providence, 1777-96 22 THE BAPTISTS. 6199 BACKUS (Isaac) An Abridgement of the Church History of New- England, from 1602 to 1804, fine large and dean copy, marbled roan, not rubbed. 8 Boston, 1804 This makes the 4th vol. of Backus s History and is requisite to the completeness of the work. 6200 A History of New-England, etc. 3 vols. original sheep, clean and fresh. Boston, and Providence, 1777-96 An Abridgement of the Church History of New England, sheep, fine copy. Boston, 1804. 4 vols. 8 6201 Policy, as well as Honesty, forbids the use of Secular Force in Religious Affairs,//. 26, [With Index to "Our Baptist History," //. iv,] half brown morocco, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1779 The appended Index to the first volume of the Author s History of New England is requisite to the completeness of that work. 6202 - - The same, fine clean copy, UNCUT. 8 6203 A Door Opened for Equal Christian Liberty, And no Man can shut it. This proved by plain Fact, pp. 15, half mor. neat, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, [1783] 6204 BACKUS (Isaac) A Discourse on the Nature and Necessity of an Internal Call to Preach the Gospel. Boston, 1754 Discourse on Spiritual Ignorance. Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1763 Letter to Rev. Benj. Lord of Norwich. Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1764 Sermon, . . on the Death of a Godly Mother, . with some Memories of her Life. Providence, 1769 Reply to Israel Holly, on Infant Baptism. Newport, 1772 Doctrine of Sovereign Grace opened and vindicated. Providence, 1771 Sermon at Ordination of Asa Hunt, in 3d Bapt. Church in Middleborough. Boston, 1772. 7 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe), all but one uncut. 8 6205 BACKUS (I.) A Seasonable Plea for Liberty of Conscience, against some late Oppressive Proceedings in Berwick, York Co. [Me.] Boston, 1770 A Door opened for equal Christian Liberty. Boston, [1783] Address to Inhabitants of New England concern ing the present Bloody Controversy therein. Boston, 1787 An Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty. Boston, 1773 The Doctrine of Universal Salvation Examined and refuted. Providence, n. d. The Infinite Importance of the Obedience of Faith, etc. Boston, 1791 The Testimony of the Two Witnesses vindicated. 2d edition. Boston, 1793 The Liberal Support of Gospel Minis ters inculcated. Boston, 1790 A Short Description of the Differ ence between the Bond-Woman and the Free; 2d edition; with an Answer to Frothingham, on Baptism. Boston, 1770 Great Faith described and inculcated. A Sermon on Luke 7:9. Boston, 1805. 10 in i vol. new half mor. (Roxburghe), all uncut. 8 6206 BENEDICT (D.) General History of the Baptist Denomination in America. 2 vols., sheep. 8 Boston, 1813 6207 BULKLEY (John) An Impartial j Account pf a late Debate | at | Lyme, in the Colony of Connecticut, | [on the Subjects and Mode of Baptism and the Maintenance of Ministers.] Also giving some Account of the Rise of the Antipedo-Baptist Persuasion, //. (2), J 99> (0> brown morocco extra, gilt back and edges, VERY RARE. sm. 8 New London, T. Green, 1729 A small piece on the margin of pp. ^.4, is restored. A slip inserted (as an erratum) between //. 16 and 17, supplies an omission in the text THE BAPTISTS. 23 6208 BRADLEY (Joshua) A Summary Declaration of the Faith and Practice of the Baptist Church in Windsor, Vt.,//. 16, uncut, RARE. 12 Windsor, A. Spooner, 1815 6209 CALLENDER (John) Sermon at Ordination of the Rev. Jeremy Condy, Boston, Feb. 14, 1739, half morocco. 8 Boston, 1739 6210 CHANLER (Isaac) The Doctrines of Glorious Grace unfolded, defended, and practically improved, //. vii, 445, fine clean copy, sheep. 4 Boston, 1744 The author was a Baptist " Minister of the Gospel upon Ashley River in South Caro lina, distinguished for both talents and piety." See Sprague s (Baptist) Annals, p. 47, note. This is his principal published work. 6211 Cox (F. A.) and HOBY (J.) The Baptists in America, cloth. 12 New York, 1836 6212 CROSBY (Tho.) The History of -the English Baptists ... to the end of the Reign of King George I. 4 vols., calf gilt, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 London, 1738-40 6213 D ANVERS (H.) A Treatise of Baptism, wherein that of Believ ers, and that of Infants, is examined by the Scriptures. 2d edition. A Treatise of Laying on of Hands. Two in i vol., pp. (48), 386, 60, old calf , autograph of Rev. Isaac Backus, 1797. sm. 8 London, 1674 6214 DAVIS (J.) History of the Welsh Baptists,//. 204, hf. bd., scarce. 12 Pittsburgh, 1835 6215 [EDWARDS (Rev. Morgan)] The Customs of primitive churches; or A set of propositions relative to the name, matterials (sic), constitution, power, officers, ordinances, rites, business, wor ship, discipline, government, &c., of a church; to which are added their proofs from scripture; and historical narratives of the manner in which most of them have been reduced to practice, //. no, hf. bound, neat. 4 n. p., n. d. {Philadelphia 1 ^ ab. 1768] A fine copy of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book a complete directory of Baptist order and practice. It is not named in the Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogue of Ante-Revolu tionary Publications, and its title has escaped Mr. Sabin. Dr. Sprague (Baptist Annals, p. 84,) mentions it, among the publications of Morgan Edwards but, probably, had not seen it. Mr. Brinley s copy has, on the title-page, the autograph of (the Rev. Dr.) "J.Jenkins. The gift of y e Supposed Author, the Rev d Morgan Edwards of Philadelphia, 1768." The directory, with scripture proofs and historical narratives, of the rites of washing feet, the love feast, and anointing the sick, are of special interest to Baptist ecclesiologists. The musical notes, as well as the words, of the hymns appropriate to these rites, to the gather ing of a church, ordination of officers, marriages, funerals, etc. are given in connection with the historical narratives. 6216 The Customs of primitive Churches; etc. Another copy, LARGE and FINE, the first two leaves slightly water-stained, nearly uncut. 4 {Philadelphia, ab. 1768] 6217 EDWARDS (Morgan) Materials towards a History of the Amer ican Baptists. Vol. i. Baptists in Pennsylvania, engraved frontis piece. Vol. n. Baptists in Jersey. 2 vols., original calf neat, FINE COPY. 1 6 Philadelphia, 1770, 1792 With the author s autograph presentation, "to Mr. Backus," and the autograph of the Rev. "I. Backus, Rec d Nov. 9, 1792"; a page of MSS. Errata by Backus, and his note that " Mr. Edwards died in the Deleware State, Jan. 28, 1795, m ms 73^ year." 6218 Res Sacrae: an Academical Exercise composed in Latin in the year 1742; and now translated into English, by Morgan Ed wards, A.M. and Fellow of Rhode-Island College, //. 21. Phila- 24 THE BAPTISTS. delphia, Prichard 6* Hall, 1788 Two Academical Exercises on subjects bearing the following titles : Millennium, Last Novelties. Published by Morgan Edwards, A.M. and Quondam Fellow of R. I. College, pp. 56. Phila., Dobson 6- Lang, 1788. 12 VERY RARE, especially the former. 6219 FISH (Rev. Joseph) of Stonington, Conn. The Church of Christ a firm and durable House, shown in [nine] Sermons on Matt. xvi. 18, //. viii, 196, (i), hf. sheep. 8 New London, 1767 In these Sermons, Mr. Fish discusses the doctrines and practices of the Separatists. They were answered by the Rev. Isaac Backus, in "A Fish caught in his own Net." (No. 6195.) 6220 Infant Baptism. SHEPARD (THOMAS) The | Church-Member ship | of Children, and their right to Baptism, | According to that holy and everlasting Covenant of God, | established between Himself, and the Faithfull and their Seed after | them, in their Generations : j Cleared up in a Letter, sent unto a worthy Friend of the j Author, and many yeares agoe written touching that sub ject; | etc., pp. (22), 26, good sound copy, RARE. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1663 Title: Preface to the Reader, by Rev. Thomas Shepard (the author s son), 18 pp.; Four Anagrams on Shepard, by Rev. John Wilson, 2 pp. 6221 LORD (Joseph) Reason Why, not Anabaptist Plunging but Infant-Believer s Baptism Ought to be approved, etc. . In Answer to the Anabaptist Reason Why, etc., pp. (2), 8, 170, RARE. sm. 12 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1719 6222 CLARK (Peter) Scripture-Grounds of the Baptism of Chris tian Infants, and the Mode of Administration by Affusion or Sprinkling, briefly asserted and defended, etc., pp. xxxiv, 138. 8 Boston, 1735 In same volume : COLMAN (Benj.) Argument for and Persuasive to Family Worship. Boston, 1728 COLMAN (B.) Sermon, March 4, 1736-7, after the Fire in Boston. Ibid., 1737 ASHLEY (Jona.) The Great Duty of Charity. Sermon in Boston, Nov. 28, 1742. Ibid., 1742 BARNARD (John) A Zeal for Good Works, etc. A Sermon. Ibid., 1742 and another. 6223 CLARK (Peter) A Defence of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism. . In reply to Dr. John Gill, //. vi, 453, (6), old calf, neat. 8 Boston, 1752 With the autographs of the Rev. Richard Salter, the Rev. Solomon Williams, D. D., and (his son) William Williams, the Signer. 6224 BOSTWICK (David) of New York. A Fair and Rational Vin dication of the Right of Infants to the Ordinance of Baptism, pp. 54. N. York: repr. London, 1765 GILL (John) Reply to (Peter Clark s) Defence of the Divine Right -of Infant-Baptism. . Added, Strictures on a late Treatise . . by David Bostwick. London : repr. N. York, W. Weyman, 1756 GILL (J.) Infant-Baptism, a Part and Pillar of Popery, etc. 26. edition. London, 1766 SMITH (Hezekiah) of Haverhill. The Doctrine of Believer s Baptism, by Immersion only; Asserted, against the Attempt of Mr. Jona. Parsons to invalidate it, etc. Boston, 1766. Four scarce tracts, yellowed by age and use, in i vol. old calf. 8 6225 FOSTER (Isaac) of Stafford, Conn. The Holiness of Infants explained and improved, or, a Vindication of the Divine Right of Christian Infants, . . to Baptism. Sermon at Woodstock, pp. 34. 8 Boston, 1766 THE BAPTISTS. 2$ 6226 (Infant Baptism.) SHEPARD (Thos.) The Church-Membership of Children, and their Right to Baptism, etc. New London, repr. T. Green, 1769 BECKWITH (Geo.) of Lyme. Visible Saints lawful Right to Communion, etc. . . Answer to a Sermon entitled, Christian Baptism, . by Jacob Green. N. L., 1769 HART (Wm.) Scriptural Answer to the Question, What are the necessary Qualifications for a lawful . . Attendance on the Sacraments? N.L., 1772. 3 in i vol. sm. 8 6227 FISH (Elisha) Japheth dwelling in the Tents of Shem : or Infant Baptism Vindicated, in a Discourse . . at Upton, Jan. 5, 1772, //. 47, uncut. 8 Boston, 1773 6228 WEBSTER (Samuel) Young Children and Infants declared by Christ members of his Gospel Church or Kingdom, etc. Two Discourses, in Salisbury, Sept. 20, 1772, pp. 36, clean, uncut. 4 Boston, repr. 1780 6229 STRONG (Jos.) The Church of Christ One, . . and thence the Church-Membership and Baptism of Christian Infants vindicated, etc., pp. 26. Norwich, 1783 HUNTINGTON (Jos.) An Address to his Anabaptist Brethren, pp. 26. Norwich, 1783 LEWIS (Amzi) .The Covenant-Interest of the Children of Believers, . a solid Foun dation for Infant Baptism, etc., pp. 64. Chatham, S. Kollock, 1783 (3 Pamphlets^) 8 6230 LEWIS (Amzi) The Covenant-Interest of the Children of Believers, proved : and considered a solid foundation for Infant Baptism. Chatham, S. Kollock, 1783 FREEMAN (Adam) Infant- Baptism Deceased; or, Seven Mountains over against Seven Mountains: in Seven Letters to a Pedobaptist Friend, pp. 120, SCARCE. Baltimore, Warner 6* Hanna, 1801 and another. 3 in i vol. half roan, neat. 12 6231 COWLES (Giles H.) of Bristol, Conn. Three Sermons .. in proof of the Duty of Infant-Baptism. With Appendix, on the Mode of Baptism, by Jona. MILLER, of West-Britain, pp. 100. Newark, 1802 STRONG (Cyprian) An Inquiry into the End and Design of Baptism, etc.,//. 103. Hartford, 1793 WEST (Stephen) Dis sertation on Infant-Baptism : in reply to Rev. C. Strong s Second Inquiry, //. 106. Hartf., 1798 EMMONS (N.) Dissertation on Qualifications for admission to the Christian Sacraments, //. 133. Worcester, .1793 and another. In i vol. half roan. 8 6232 -- KINNE (Aaron) Sarah and Hagar: or an Explanation of the Scripture Allegory, with reference to Infant-Baptism, //. 29, viii. New London, 1801 SMITH (Elias) Reply to the Congregational Methodistical Question: "Why cannot you commune with us, etc.? Added, A short History of Infant Baptism, //. 24. Portsmouth, N. H., 1803 CLOSE (John) of Waterford, N. Y. A Discourse on Federal and Relative Holiness, etc., //. 32. Lansingburgh, Fras. Adancourt, 1803. 3 Tracts. 8 and 12 6233 STEELE (Eliph.) of Paris, N. Y. Five Discourses. . An At tempt to Vindicate the Baptism of Infants, on a Plan in some res pects New, //. 1 88, hf. bd., fresh copy, very scarce. 12 Sherburne, Chenango county, Abraham Romeyn, 1805 4 26 THE BAPTISTS. 6234 (Infant Baptism.) WORCESTER (Samuel) Letters to Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D.D., on his book, "The Baptism of Believers only," etc. Salem, 1807 WORCESTER (S.) Two Discourses on . . God s Cove nant with Abraham and his Seed. 2d ed. revised. Annexed, Letters to Rev. T. Baldwin, D.D. Salem, 1807. (2 vols.) 8 6235 TENNEY (Caleb J.) A Summary View of God s gracious Covenant with Abraham and his Seed; of the Right and Design of the Baptism of Infants; and of the Mode of Baptism, pp. 96. 8 Newport, R. I., 1808 6236 DICKINSON (Pres. Jona.) A brief Illustration and Confirma tion of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism; in a plain and familiar Dialogue, etc., pp. viii, 44, iv. Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1763 [one of the earliest issues of the first press in Providence, established 1762.] Infant Baptism vindicated. . By the Apologist [in reply to Rev. Sands Niles.] N. London, 1789 CLEAVELAND (John) of Ipswich. Infant Baptism "from Heaven," . or, A short Dissertation on Bap tism, pp. 113, 13. Salem, 1784 NORTON (Elijah) Careful and Candid Inquiry . . respecting the Subjects and Mode of Baptism. . Arguments . . in favor of Infant Baptism, pp. 56. Stockbridge, 1802 TENNEY (Caleb J.) A Summary View of God s Gracious Cov enant, etc.; of the Baptism of Infants; and of the Mode of Baptism, pp. 96. Newport, 1808 Baptism. . Illustrated in a Dialogue be tween a Father and his Son. N. York, 1810. 6 in i vol. hf.bd. 8 6237 MINUTES of the Warren Association, at their Annual Meet ings in 1781, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 1791 99. Prov., and Boston, 1781-99 Minutes of Stonington Bapt. Assoc., 1794 and 1800; of the Bensselaer-ville Assoc., 1800. Albany, 1800; Sturbridge Assoc. at Thompson, 1806. Worcester, 1807; West- field Assoc., 1819; Boston Assoc., 1814 Acts and Proceed ings of the [Presb.] Synod of N. Y. and Phila., 1787 and 1788. Phila., 1788 Proceedings of Gen. Assembly of Presb. Church in the U. S. Phila., 1789, 1790, 1791. 24 in i vol. new half mor. (Roxburghe) uncut. 8 6238 Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, held at N. York, Oct. 5-7, 1790, //. 14, (2). 4 \N. York, Wm. Durell] 6239 MORGAN (Abel) Anti-Pasdo-Rantism; or Mr. Samuel Finley s Charitable Plea for the Speechless Examined and Refuted; the Baptism of Believers Maintain d; and the Mode of it, by Immer sion, vindicated, portrait of Dr. Finley inserted, pp. 160, dk. green morocco, gilt, filleted sides, g. e., VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Philadelphia, B. FRANKLIN, 1747 6240 ROOTS (P. P.) Letter to the First Psedobaptist Church at Rut land, Vt, with a Collection of Observations, Hymns, Letters, etc., from the Works of N. Emmons, J. Wesley, and others, //. 156, hf. bd. 8 Hartford, n. d. 6241 RUSSEL (John) A Brief | Narrative of some | Considerable Passages | Concerning the First Gathering, and | further Progress of a Church of | Christ, in Gospel-Order, | in | Boston in New-Eng- THE BAPTISTS. 2/ land, | Commonly (though falsly) called by the Name | of | Ana baptists; | For clearing their Innocency from the | Scandalous things laid to their charge. Set forth by John Russel, an Officer of the said Church, with Consent of the whole. | Dated in Boston, 2oth, 3d month, 1680. //. (4), 15. 4 London, J. D., 1680 VERY RARE. See Willard s " Animadversions," No. 6242. 6242 WILLARD (Samuel) Ne Sutor ultra Crepidam. Or Brief Animadversions [ Upon the New-England | Anabaptists | late falla cious | Narrative ; | Wherein the Notorious Mistakes and Fals- hoods by them Published, are Detected. (With an Epistle To the Reader, by INCREASE MATHER,) 4 prel. leaves, pp. 27, 3 blk. 4 Boston, S. Green, upon Assignment of S. Sew all, 1681 A good sound copy, slightly water-stain ec, of this VERY RARE tract, written in reply to Russel s " Brief Narrative." 6243 The YANKEE SPY. Calculated for the religious Meridian of Massachusetts; but will answer for New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont. . By Jack Nips [John Leland ?] //. 20 A Circular Letter of Valediction, on leaving Virginia, in 1791. By John Leland, pp. 4. i vol. new hf. mor. neat. 8 Boston, John Asplund, 1794 6244 Tracts. WALTON (John) A Vindication of the true Christian Baptism, //. 99, uncut , VERY SCARCE. Boston, 1738 DELL (W.) Doctrine of Baptisms. 7th ed. Boston, 1749 GREEN (Jacob) Reply to Rev. G. Beckwith s Answer to (his) Sermon. New Haven [1769] The Two Covenants fairly described: or Believer s Bap tism vindicated, etc. By Z. P. [Zaphnath Paaneah], pp. 16. New London, 1784 BOOTH (Abr.) Apology for the Baptists. Phila., 1788 Baptist Confession of Faith; with a Treatise of Church Discipline, pp. 108. Portland, 1794 AUSTIN (S.) Mr. Merrill s Defensive Armor taken from him. Worcester, 1806 AUSTIN (S.) Examination of Seven Sermons on Baptism, by Rev. Daniel Merrill. Worcester, 1805 A Piece in defence of Infant Baptism, //. 23. n. t. SMITH (Ethan) Lecture on Infant Baptism, //. 95. Poultney, F?., 1824. 10 (v. s.) in i vol. new half mor. 12 6245 Tracts. BROWN (Jos.) An Examination into the principles of Baptism. N. London, 1767 BEEMAN (Anna) Three Letters to a Lady in Opposition to the Baptist plan. Norwich, 1794 BOSTWICK (D.) Vindication of the Right of Infants to Baptism. Phila., 1802 MERRILL (D.) Seven Sermons, on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism. . . Added, a Brief History of the Baptists. 2d ed. Boston, 1805 FISHER (Jona.) Short Essay on Baptism. Boston, 1817 MERRILL (D.) Seven Sermons on Baptism, etc. First Edition. Salem, [1804] MERRILL (D.) Letter to Benj. Wooster. Concord, N. H., 1816 Thoughts on the Baptist Controversy, by C. A. New Haven, 1829 BLANCHARD (I. H. F.) The Christian Doctrine of Regeneration. Boston, 1832. 9 in i vol., new half blue mor. mostly uncut. 12 6246 Tracts. HOLLY (I.) The New Testament Interpretation of the Old, relative to Infant Baptism. New London, 1771 FORWARD (Rev. J.) and PHELPS (Dr. M.) Controversial Letters, resp. Church 28 THE BAPTISTS. Communion and Discipline, pp. 132. Northampton, 1798 NORCOTT (J.) Baptism discovered. Mt. Hotly, 1799 Modern Pharisaism illustrated, by Timothy Truth, etc. Sutton, Mass., 1811 CUMMINGS (A.) Believers, the only proper Subjects of a Baptism. Boston, 1798 Two Conferences on Baptism, between Quasrist and an Apologist. Concord, 1794 GILL (J.) Infant-Baptism, a Part and Pillar of Popery. 4th ed. Boston, [1800] MERRILL (D.) Seven Sermons on the Mode and Subjects of Baptism. 4th ed. Greenfield, 1805 GRAHAM (J.) of Beaufort, N. C. Reasons for renouncing Infant Baptism. Charleston, 1810 ANDREWS (Elisha) Vindication of the Baptists, against Cowles, Miller, and Edwards. Boston, 1805. 10 in i vol. new half blue mor. uncut. 8 6247 Tracts. A Dialogue on the Christian Sacraments. Boston, 1762 FISH (Elisha) and CRANE (J.) The Baptism of Christ not to be imitated by Christians. Boston, [1790] GRAFTON (J.) Strict ures upon [the foregoing] Essay. Boston, 1790 ANDREWS (E.) Brief Reply to BickerstafFs Short Epistle to the Baptists. Sutton, Mass., 1810 STRONG (Cyprian) Animadversions on Rev. John Lewis s Sermons on Christian Forbearance. Hartford, 1789 WORCESTER (S.) Two Discourses on the Perpetuity of God s Covenant with Abraham. 2d ed. revised. Salem, 1807 WOR CESTER (S.) Serious and Candid Letters to Rev. T. Baldwin, D.D. Salem, 1807 Serious call to all People to turn to the Spirit of Christ in themselves. Phila., 1806 JUDSON (Adon.) Sermon at Calcutta, on Christian Baptism, portrait. Boston, 1817 POND (Enoch) Treatise on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism; in reply to [the foregoing] Sermon. Worcester, 1818 CHAPIN (Steph.) Series of Letters on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism. Boston, [1819] MOORE (H.) Reply to [the foregoing] Series of Letters. Amherst, 1819. 12 (8 and 12) in i vol. new half blue morocco. 8 6248 Tracts. [Towgood (Micajah)] Baptism of Infants a Reason able Service. Boston, repr. 1765 WORCESTER (Noah) Solemn Reasons for declining to Adopt Baptist Theory and Practice. Concord, 1807 Dow (Daniel) The Pedobaptist Catechism. Worcester, 1807 TENNEY (C. J.) Summary View of God s gra cious Covenant with Abraham, etc. Newport, 1808 LOOMIS (H.) Letters on Christian Baptism: Norwich, 1818 WILCOX (A.) Reply to H. Loomis s Defence of Letters on Baptism, New London, 1820 LOOMIS (H.) Defence of Letters on Baptism, against Asa Wilcox. Hartford, 1819 STRONG (Cyprian) An Inquiry [as to] the End and Design of Baptism, etc. Hartford, 1793 GILL (John) Infant-Baptism a Tart and Pillar of Popery; 4th edition. Exeter, iSiy WILLISTON (Seth) Two Discourses on [Infant Baptism, etc.]. Albany, 1820. Apology for Baptist Sentiments and Practice relative to Communion. Exeter, 1823 CHEEVER (Ezek.) Sermons, to Baptist Ch. in Deerfield; Acrostics, and Songs of Zion. Greenfield, 1833. 12 in i vol. new half blue morocco, uncut. 8 THE BAPTISTS. 2Q 6249 Tracts. GREEN (Jacob) Sermon on Christian Baptism. Wood- bridge, N. y., S. F. Parker, 1766 ALLEN (Timo.) An Essay on outward Christian Baptism. Northampton, 1788 EMMONS (N.) Sprinkling the proper Mode, and Infants proper Subjects of Bap tism. 2d edition. Worcester, 1795 EMMONS (N.) Candid Reply to Rev. Dr. Hemmenway s Remarks, etc. Worcester, 1795 WORCESTER (Noah) Solemn Reasons for declining to adopt Bap tist Theory and Practice. 4th edition. N. Y., 1809 WORCESTER (N.) Impartial Inquiries resp. the Progress of Baptist Denomina tion. Worcester, 1794 WORCESTER (N.) Candid Discussion of Close Communion; reply to Rev. Dr. Baldwin. Worcester, 1794 WILLIAMS (Nathan) Enquiry concerning Christian Baptism. 2d edition. Boston, 1792 EMMONS (N.) Dissertation on Quali fications for Admission to the Sacraments ; with Strictures on Dr. Hemmenway s Discourse, etc. Worcester, 1793 FAIRBANK (Drury) Sermon at Plymouth, N. H., on Apostolic Conformity. Concord, 1807 DELL (W.) The Doctrine of Baptisms, nth ed. N. Y., [1795] JINKS (A.) Right of Infant Baptism Vindi cated. Middletown, 1818 PHELPS (Dr. Martin) Reasons for renouncing Pedobaptism ; with Appendix, by Elder Abr. Jackson. Northampton, 1811 MATTESON (Is.) Discourse on Believers Baptism. Bennington, 1817. 14 in i vol. new half blue mor., all uncut. 8 6250 Tracts. (Half-way Covenant.) BARTHOLOMEW (Andr.) Dis sertation on Qualifications [for Church Membership]. Hartford, [1769] CLARK (P.) Scripture-Grounds for Baptism of Infants, and for Sprinkling, pp. 138. Boston, 1735 COTTON (John) Practice of Churches in N. E., relating to Baptism, vindicated. Boston [1773] ROBBINS (C.) Reply to [the foregoing.] Boston, 1773 ROBBINS (C.) Remarks on Mr. Cotton s answer to Mr. Robbins s Reply. Boston, 1774 (2 copies} Plain Account of the Ordinance of Baptism ; in Letters to Bishop Hoadly. 3d edition. Lond. repr. Boston, 1771 CHAPMAN (Jed.) Four Sermons on Christian Baptism. Elizabethtown, 1791. 8 in i vol. new half, blue morocco, all uncut. 8 6251 Tracts. FISH (Elisha) Japheth dwelling in Tents of Shem; or Infant Baptism Vindicated. Boston, 1772 TAGGART (S.) Vin dication of Inf. Bap. and Sprinkling. Northampton, 1789 WHIT MAN (S.) Sermons on the Nature and Design of the Baptism of Christ. Northampton, 1800 CLINTON (Isaac) Treatise on Infant Baptism. Springfield, [1800] EDWARDS (P.) Candid Reasons for renouncing Antipaedobaptism. 2d. Am. ed. Hartford, 1803 CLARK (Edw.) View of Abraham s Covenant, etc. Providence, 1803 GILLET (E.) Sermon at Winthrop, [Me.], on Infant Baptism. Augusta, 1804 MERRILL (D.) Sermons on the Mode and Sub jects of Baptism; 5th ed. Norwich, 1805 ANDERSON (Rufus) Close Communion of the Baptists, unscriptural. Salem, 1805 MILLER (W. F.) Dissert, on the Subjects and Mode of Gospel Baptism. Hartford, 1806 DANA (Jos.) Observations upon Baptism. Newburyport, 1806 ANDERSON (R.) Estimate of Im- 3O THE BAPTISTS. mersion; the main principle of Close Communion, as defended by D.Merrill. Salem, 1806. 12 in i vol. half blue mor., all uncut. 8 6252 Tracts. FISH (E.) Japheth yet dwelling in Tents of Shem; a farther Vindication of Infant Baptism. Boston, 1779 STRONG (Jos.) Duty and Importance of Inf. Baptism. Norwich, 1783 HUNTINGTON (Jos.) Address to Anabaptist brethren. Norw., 1783 NILES (Sands) Remarks on a late anonymous writer on Baptism. N. London [1788] WERDEN (P.) Letters to a Friend on the Baptism of Christ. Lansingburgh (N. K) 1796 THURSTON (B.) Two Sermons on Divine Right of Infant Baptism. Exeter, 1792 [WORCESTER (Noah)] Letter to Rev. John Murray, on his Discourse cone, the Origin of Evil. Wore., 1793 The Watery War: a Poetical Description of the Controversy betw. Baptists and Pedobaptists : by John of Enon. Boston, 1808 WEST (S.) Ground and Import of Infant Baptism. Stockbr., 1794 Plain Account of the Ordinance of Baptism : in Letters to Bishop Hoadly. 4th ed. Norwich, repr. 1793 [DICKINSON (Jona.)] Illustr. and Confirmation of Div. Right of Inf. Baptism : in a Dia logue. Boston, 1793 CLARK (E.) Letters to a Friend ... on Christian Baptism. Worcester, 1792 SNOW (Elder S.) Free Communion of all Christians, defended. Greenfield, \%v$ BALDWIN (T.) Sermon before ist Bapt. Soc. in Boston, Feb. 19, 1804. 2d ed. Bost., 1804. 14 in i vol. new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 6253 Tracts. BROWN (Joseph) Exam, of the Principles of Baptism. N. Lond., 1767 CLEAVELAND (J.) Dissertation in defence of Inf. Bapt. and Sprinkling. Salem, 1784 CRANE (J.) Sermons on John s B. CHAPMAN (J.) Five Sermons on B. AUSTIN (S.) Examination of Sermons by D. Merrill. Wore., 1805 AUSTIN (S.) Reply to Mr. Merrill s Twelve Letters. Worcester, 1806. And others ; 10 in i vol. hf. sheep, neat. 12 6254 Tracts. AUSTIN (S.) Mr. Merrill s Defensive Armor taken from him. Worcester, 1806 PORTER (D.) Dissert, on Chr. Baptism. Catskill, 1809 AUSTIN (S.) Exam, of Seven Sermons by D. Merrill. Wore., 1805 WHITMAN (S.) Sermon on the Baptism of Christ. Northamp., 1800 LATHROP (Jos.) Sermons on B.; Appendix by N. Perkins. Boston, 1793, last leaf imperfect; and another. In i vol. sheep. 8 6255 Tracts. EDWARDS (P.) Candid Reasons for Renouncing Anti- paedobaptism, etc., pp. 199. Exeter, 1802 MERRILL (D.) Mode and Subjects of B. examined; in seven Sermons. 2d ed. Boston, 1805 AUSTIN (S.) Examination of Merrill s Sermons. Worcester, 1805 MERRILL (D.) Twelve Letters to Rev. S. Austin. Boston, 1806 AUSTIN (S.) Reply to [the preceding]. Worcester, 1806 Nine Discourses on Baptism, by J. Crane and others. Boston, 1806. 6 in i vol. hf. sheep. 12 6256 Tracts. CHAPIN (Rev. S.) A Series of Letters on the Mode and Subjects of Baptism. Boston, 1820 JONES (Rev. C.) Hist ory of Baptism, pp. 105. Troy, 1801, SCARCE WINES (A.) Inquiry into the Sinner s Inability to . . become Holy. Windsor, [ ?.] 1812. 3 in one vol. sheep. 12 THE BAPTISTS. 31 6257 Tracts. WITNESS (THE) a Baptist periodical ; Vol.1. Jan.-June, 1809, //. 288, n. t.p. WORCESTER (Noah) Solemn Reasons for declining to adopt Bapt. Theory and Practice. Charlestown, 1809 GAY (Eben.) The Old Man s Calendar; Sermon on his Birth day, Hingham, 1781. Boston, 1781 Institution of the Mass. Humane Society, with its Rules, etc. Boston, 1788 TOWNSEND (J.) Sermon, Medfield. Boston, 1749; and five others, in one vol. hf. bd., neat. 12 6258 Sermons by Baptists. By T. Baldwin, D.D. (5), Boston, 1804- 1813; Wm. Johns, Missionary, Salem, 1812; Caleb Blood, Dedica tion, Portland, 1811; Elisha Andrews, Dedication, Belchertown, 1814; J. Grafton, on Death of his Daughter, Newton, 1802; John Peak, Newburyport, 1814; Adon. Judson, on Baptism, at Calcutta, 1812; W. Batchelder, 1816; J. M. Winchell, 1814. 13 in i vol. sheep. 8 6259 Tracts (8) WILSON (S.) Scripture Manual: a plain representa tion of the Ordinance of Baptism. Repr. Phila., 1764 Fish (E.) and Crane (J.) Bapt. of Christ not to be imitated by Christians. Boston, J. Bumstead, n. d. WILLIAMS (N.) Enquiry concerning Christian B. and Discipline. 2d ed. Boston, 1792 NORCOTT (John) Baptism discovered. Mount Holly, S. C. Ustick, 1799 MILLER (W. F.) Dissert, on Gospel Baptism. Hartford, 1806 FIELD (J.) Strictures on Merrill s Seven Sermons. Northampton, 1806 B. one of the Plainest Things in the* World. N. K, 1810 BROWN (John) Discourses on Baptism. Cazenovia, 1817. 8 and 12 6260 Tracts (9) JUDSON (A.) Sermon at Calcutta, on Baptism, portrait. Boston, 1817 POND (E.) Treatise on B., in reply to Judson s Sermon. 2d ed. Worc.,\\$>\<$ LOOMIS (H.) Letters on B., to his brother. Norwich, 1818 LOOMIS (H.) Defence of his Letters, in reply to Rev. A. Wilcox. Hartf., 1819 NORTON (J.) Dispassionate Thoughts on B. Boston, 1821 BURT (E.) Immersion, not necessary to constitute B. Hartf., 1828 SAND- FORD (P. P.) Discourse on B. 3d ed. N. York, 1837 MANN (J.) Sermon on the Script. Mode of B. Bost., 1842 MORRIS (Henry) Sermons, on the Mode and Subjects of B. Union Village^ N. K, 1844. 8 6261 Tracts (14) The Covenant of the First Bapt. Church in New York. n. d. [1762] The Sentiments and Plan of the Warren Association, pp. 4. 4 Germantown, Christopher Sower, 1769; RARE BECKWITH (G.) Answer to Jacob Green s Sermon on Chr. B. N. London, 1769 HEMMENWAY (M.) Discourse on the Divine Institution of Water B. Portsmouth, n. d. [1805 ?] The Watery War : a Poetical Description of the Controversy between Pedobaptists and Baptists : by John of Enon [Rev. D. Benedict?] Boston, 1808 JUDD (Bethel) Baptism not Regen eration; a Sermon. N. London, 1820 and^ others. v. s. 32 METHODISM. METHODISM. WHITEFIELD. THE REVIVAL OF 1740. 6262 CROWTHER (Jonathan) Portraiture of Methodism, or the History of the Wesleyan Methodists, good copy, sheep. 12 New York, 1813 6263 The same, another edition. 16 Frederick-Town, Md., 1819 6264 Discipline. A Form of Discipline for the . . Meth. Episc. Church in America, approved at a Conference, at Baltimore, Dec. 27, 1784. With other useful Pieces annexed. 5th ed. old sheep. 12 New York, Wm. Ross, 1789 6265 The same. 7th ed., //. 217, old sheep. 12 Phila., y. Crukshank, 1791 6266 The Doctrines and Discipline of the M. E. Church, //. 164, sheep. sm. 16 N. Y., B. Waugh 6- T. Mason, 1833 6267 The Discipline of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America, pp. 96, sheep. sm. 16 Boston, O. Scott, 1843 6268 Experience (The) of several Eminent Methodist Preachers, with an Account of their Call to, and Success in the Ministry, in Letters to John Wesley, //. 354. 12 Barnard, Vt., Jos. Dix, 1812 6269 ROBERTS (George) Strictures on a Sermon delivered by Mr. N. Williams, in Tolland, April 17, 1793. With Observations on Dr. Huntington s Letter annexed to said Sermon, //. 36, SCARCE. 12 n. p. Henry Tuckniss, 1794 Dated, " Windsor, Aug. 26, 1794." Mr. Roberts was, at this time, Presiding Elder of a district embracing the greater part of Connecticut. He was afterwards stationed in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. 6270 Strictures upon the Doctrine and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church; or Methodism Exposed, //. 262, hf. bd. 12 Utica, Ira Merrell, 1812 By Rev. B. Bell. Containing an Answer to the Rev. Wm. B. Lacey s Sermon on Jer. vii, 31. 6271 WESLEY (John) Sermon on Free Grace, pp. 32, uncut. 8 Repr. Boston, T. Fleet, 1741 6272 WESLEY (Charles) Epistle to the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield: written in 1755, //. 7. 8 London: repr. Baltimore, 1790 6273 WILSON (Rev. James) Apostolic Church Government displayed, and the Government and System of the Methodist Episcopal Church investigated, //. xvi, 234, i, sheep. 12 Providence, 1798 6274 YOUNGS (Rev. James) History of the Rise and^ Progress of Methodism in Europe and America, numerous plates, pp. 443. 12 New Haven, 1830 6275 Tracts. A Methodist s Remonstrance addressed to a certain Clergyman, with a Reply. Baltimore, 1790 Doctrines and Dis cipline of the M. E. Church in America. loth edition; with Ex planatory Notes, by T. Coke and F. Asbury, //. 191. Phila., 1798 - WARD (Jona.) Vindication of (his) " Brief Statement," etc., in reply to Rev. Joshua Taylor s Answer, //. 120. Hallowell, [Me.] 1 80 1 Minutes of the several Annual Conferences of the M. E. Church in the U, S., for the years 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818. METHODISM. G. WHITEFIELD. 33 N. York, 1813-18 [FOOT (J. I.)] Letters on Methodism. {Brook- field, Mass.] 1830 KNOWLAN (J.) Mysteries of Wesleyanism, no Fiction. JV. Y, 1844. n in i vol. new half blue mor., mostly uncut. 8 and 12 6276 Tracts. A Camp Meeting Review; containing a Confutation of the Arguments produced in favor of [Camp Meetings], also Poems, etc., n.p., 1824 COKE (T.) Sermon before Gen. Conference of M. E. Church, 1792. Phila., 1793 Camp-Meetings described and exposed; n. p. [1829] TAYLOR (Joshua) Reply to Rev. Jona. Ward s Vindication of his " Brief Statement," etc. Augusta, Me., 1801 WARD (Jona.) Vindication of "A Brief Statement," etc. Hallowell, 1801 MERRITT (Timo.) Review of a pamphlet entitled "Letters on Methodism." N. Y., 1831. 6 in i vol. new half blue mor., all uncut. 8 6277 A Faithful Narrative of Transactions noticed at a Camp- Meeting-, in Goshen, Conn., Sept. 1808. In a Letter from a Spectator. 2d ed., //. 21, worn. 24 Lenox, 1809 An Apology for Camp Meetings. By A. J. 12 N. York, 1810 MERRITT (Timothy) The Apostles Commission. A Discourse at a Camp Meeting in East-Hartford, Aug. 1816, //. 38. Palmer, E. Terry s Press, 1816 WINCH (Silas) of Framingham, Mass. The Age of Superstition, containing Remarks on Meth. Preachers. 12 Boston, 1795 BARBER (John W.) Thoughts on Parts of the Discipline of the M. E. Church, etc. 8 N. Haven, 1829. (5) 6278 WHITEFIELD (George) and Methodism: The Bishop of London s Pastoral Letter . . by way of Caution against Lukewarmness, and Enthusiasm. 2d ed. Lo?idon, 1739. The Rev. Mr. Whitefield s Answer to the Pastoral Letter. R. Seagrave s Remarks on the Pastoral Letter, in Vindication of Mr. W. and his doctrines. T. Land s Letter to the Rev. Mr. W., to correct his mistaken account of Regeneration, etc. A Defence of Mr. Whitefield s Doctrine of Regeneration. Remarks on Rev. Mr. W. s Journal, . shewing the dangerous tendency of his Doctrine. 2d ed. Observations on the Remarks, and on Mr. T. Land s Letters, etc. The True Character of Rev. Mr. W.; in a Letter from a Deist in London. The Conduct and Doctrine of the Rev. Mr. W. vindicated. An Expostulatory Letter to Rev. Mr. W., and his Brethren the Methodists. Whitefield s Sermon at Christ Church, Spittlefields. Sermon at St. Lawrence s Church, Old Jewry. 12 in i vol. 8 London, 1739 6279 WHITEFIELD (G.) Brief and general Account of the First Part of the Life of the Rev. Mr. G. Whitefield, from his Birth, to his Entring into Holy Orders: written by himself,//, iv, 57, tincut. 1 6 Philadelphia, Andr. Bradford, 1740 6280 The same, title soiled. 12 Boston, 1740 34 WHITEFIELD. 6281 WHITEFIELD (G.) A Further Account of God s Dealings with Rev. Mr. G. W. to his Embarking for Georgia. . Annex d, a Brief Account of the Orphan Hoiise, //. 36, 3. 8 London, 1747 6282 Journals of Voyage from London to Savannah. 6th ed. London, 1743 Continuation of the Journal, from his arrival at Savannah, to his return to London. 2d ed. London, 1739 Con- tin. of the Journal, to his Departure for Georgia. 2d ed. London, 1744 Contin. of Journal, while detained by the Embargo. 3d ed. Land., 1739 Contin. of Journal, to his Arrival at Savannah. 2d ed. Lond.) 1740 Contin. to his second Return to Georgia, from Philadelphia. Lond., 1741 Contin. to his arrival at Falmouth, March n, 1741. The Seventh Journal. 2d ed. London, 1744 Catalogue of Books wrote and published by Rev. Geo. Whiteneld. 8 //. 8 in i vol. calf, neat. 8 6283 - - Christmas well kept, and Twelve Days well spent. From the Rev. Mr. Whitefield s Journal (Dec. 1738). Boston, 1739 Contin. of Rev. Mr. W. s Journal, from his Arrival at Savannah, May 7, stained. Boston, 1740 Contin. of his Journal, from Savannah, June 25, 1740, to his arrival at R. Island, Travels in N. England, and departure for N. York. Boston, D. Fowle, 1741 Contin. of his Journal, from Savannah, etc. Another title-page, uncut. Boston, G. Rogers, 1741 Continuation of his Journal, from his arrival at Rye, N. Y., to his arrival at Falmouth. n. t.p. 6 Pamphlets. sm. 12 6284 - - The Two First Parts of his Life, with his Journals, revised, and abridged, by Rev. Geo. Whitefield, pp. (6), 446. 12 London, 1756 6285 Selection Collection of [his] Letters to his Friends, etc. 1734 to 1770; with an Account of the Orphan-House in Georgia. 3 vols., portrait, good copy. 8 London, 1772 6286 Twelve Sermons on Various Important Subjects. . . Prefixed, a Sermon on the Character, Preaching, &c. of Whiteneld, by Joseph Smith. 2d ed. poor copy. n. p. 1771 Fifteen Sermons, on Various Important Subjects. With Jos. Smith s Sermon, pre fixed. 3d ed. Glasgow, 1772 The same. New York, H. Game, 1794 Ten Sermons, fr. Corrected and revised. Boston, Jos. Larkin, n. d. (4 vols.) 12 6287 Eighteen Sermons. . Taken verbatim in short hand, by J. Gurney; revised by A. Gifford, D.D., pp. 361, sheep. 12 Springfield, T. Dickman, 1808 6288 -- The Doctrine of Election defended. A Letter from the Rev. George Whitefield, in Answer to a Sermon by the Rev. John Wesley, 1740. Windham, J. Byrne, n. d. A Letter, etc. (with an Introduction). Hartford, 1817 The Experience of Mr. R. Cruttenden. . Prefaced and recommended by Geo. Whitefield. London; repr. Boston, 1744 Some Remarks on a Pamphlet enti- tuled, The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared. Lon don ; repr. Phila., W.Bradford, 1749, uncut Account of some Lent and other Processions seen at Lisbon : in Four Letters. G. WHITEFIELD. 35 Repr. Boston^ 1755, poor copy Authentic Account of the Barbarity of the Russians, etc.; Recommended by the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. Bost. repr., 1759. 6 Pamphlets. 12 6289 WHITEFIELD (G.) Britain s Mercies, and Britain s Duties. Sermon in Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1746, on the Suppression of the late Unnatural Rebellion. 2d ed. Boston, 1746 The Knowledge of Jesus Christ, the best Knowledge. Sermon by the late Rev. G. W. Providence, R. L, 1793. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6290 Georgia Orphan-House. Account of Money Received and disbursed. By Geo. Whitefield, A.B. Prefixed, A Plan of the Building. Lond., 1741 A Further Account of God s Dealings with Rev. Mr. G. W., etc. . and, A Brief Account of the Orphan House. Lond., 1747 Letter to Governor Wright, relative to the converting the Orphan House into a College, plan and elevation. Lond., 1768. 3 Pamphlets. 8 6291 A Letter from the Rev. Mr. W. to some Church Members of the Presbyt. Persuasion, (dated, New York, Nov. i, i74o,)//.. 13, uncut. Bost., 1740 Letter from Rev. G. W. to the Rev. John Wesley, in answer to his Sermon on Free Grace, //. 31, iincut. Bost., 1740 Some Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled, The State of Religion in N. E. since the Rev. Mr. Whitefield s arrival. 2d ed. Repr. Boston, 1743 Some Remarks upon a late Charge against Enthusiasm, . in a Letter to the Clergy of the Diocess of Litchfield and Coventry. Boston, 1745 A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Chauncy, on Account of passages . . in his " Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion," etc. Boston, 1745; The same. Phila., W. Bradford, 1745 A Letter to Rev. Mr. Whitefield, by Dr. C. Chauncy, vindicating certain passages in " Seasonable Thoughts." Bost., 17.45 Whitefield s Letter to the President etc. of Harvard College, in answer to their Testimony against him. Bost., 1745 Letter to the Rev. Dr. Durell, of the Univ. of Oxford, on the late Expulsion of six Students from Edmund-Hall. Repr. Bost., 1768 [MACGOWAN (Rev. John)] Priestcraft defended : a Sermon on the Expulsion of six Young Gentlemen, etc. By the Shaver. i7th ed. Repr. Boston, 1802. 10 Pamphlets (8 by Whitefield). 8 and 4 ^292 -- GILLIES (John) D.D. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. George Whitefield. . Added, an Account of his Death and Funeral, etc., portrait, bds. uncut, fine copy. 8 London, 1772 The first edition. Dedicated to the Countess of Huntingdon. On the last page, the editor makes mention of the " wax image of Mr. Whitefield, as large as life," made by " Mrs. Rachel Wells of Philadelphia, famous in America for her ingenious performances in wax-work," and of another wax image of Mr. W. "dressed in his own wig, band, &c.," very like the original, which was made, and brought to England, by Mrs. Wright of New York, a sister of Mrs. Wells. 293 The same, First American edition, used copy. 12 New York, Hodge &> Shober, 1774 A long list of subscribers (13 pages) is prefixed. 294 The same: To which is now added, An Extract from Mr. Whitefield s Tracts, portrait, good copy, broken binding. 12 Falkirk, T. Johnston, 1798 295 The same, fresh copy, sheep. 12 New London, S. Green, for C. Davis, N. York, 1798 36 G. WHITEFIELD. 6296 (GiLLis (J.) Life of Whitefield.) The same, clean fresh copy, sheep. 12 Salem, J. Gushing, 1801 6297 The same, portrait (woodcut), list of subscribers (10 columns). New Haven, Jos. Barber, 1812 The same edition, another title-page, portrait (copper-plate) and additional list of subscribers to Jan. 1813. N. Haven, J. Barber, for Andrus &> Starr, Hartford. (2 vols.) 12 6298 Tracts, relating to Whitefield. GARDEN (Rev. Alex.) of Charlestown. Six Letters to Mr. Whitefield . . with Mr. W. s An swer to the First Letter. 2d ed., imperfect, ending with p. 50. Bost., 1740 CROSWELL (Andr.) Answer to Mr. Garden s Three First Letters to Mr. W. Boston, 1741 GARDEN (Alex.) Two Sermons, at Charlestown, S. C., occasioned by erroneous Notions of certain Men who call themselves Methodists. Repr. Boston, 1741. 3 Pamphlets. 8 6299 Tracts. SMITH (Rev. Josiah) Sermon, in Charlestown, S. C., on the Character, Preaching, &c. of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. With a Preface by Rev. Dr. Colman and Wm. Cooper, uncut. Boston, 1740; The same. Repr. Charlestown, P. Timothy, 1765 CUMMINGS (Arch.) Commissary to the Bp. of London. Two Sermons, in Philadelphia, Apr. 20, 1740; publish d in their own Vindication, from the false Reflections of Mr. Whitefield. Phila., A. 6- W. Bradford, [1740] FOXCROFT (T.) Seasonable Thoughts on Evangelic Preaching. Sermon, in Boston, Oct. 23, 1740, occa sioned by the late Visit and Labours of Rev. Mr. Whitefield. Boston, 1740 Some Observations on Rev. Mr. W. and his Opposers. Bost., 1740. 5 Pamphlets. 8 6300 The Trial of Mr. Whitefield s Spirit. In some Remarks upon his Fourth Journal, clean, uncut, with autographs of Rev. Dr. Colman, and Jonathan Edwards. 8 London: repr. Boston, 1741 6301 The Trial of Mr. Whitefield s Spirit. 2d ed. London, 1745 COOPER (W.) Sermon, in Boston, March 22, 1740-1, (with mention of the labors of Mr. Whitefield, p. 16), stained. CHAUNCY (C.) The New Creature describ d, etc. Sermon, at Boston Lecture, June 4, 1741 APPLETON (N.) Two Discourses from i. Cor. iii. 6, Occasioned by the late Preaching of Rev. Mr. W. CALDWELL (John) An Impartial Trial of the Spirit operating in this Part of the World, etc. Sermon at New Londonderry, [Pa.] Oct. 14, 1741 CALDWELL (J.) The Scripture Characters or Marks of False Prophets or Teachers. Sermon in Boston, before the Presbytery HOOPER (W.) The Apostles neither Imposters nor Enthusiasts: Sermon in Boston, Sept. 1742 ASHLEY (Jona.) The Great Duty of Charity: Sermon in Boston, Nov. 28, 1742 Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Cooper s Objections to Mr. Ashley s Sermon. 2d ed. (signed, J. F., Jan. 18, 1742.) n. t. p., pp. 8. 9 Pamphlets. 8 and 4 Boston, 1742 6302 Tracts. SERGEANT (John) The Causes and Dangers of Delusions, etc. Sermon at Springfield, Apr. 4, 1743 DOOLITTLE (B.) An Enquiry into Enthusiasm. Testimony of Pastors of G. WHITEFIELD. 37 Massachusetts, at their Annual Convention, May, 1743, against several Errors and Disorders, etc. Testimony and Advice of an Assembly of Pastors of Churches in N. E., at Boston, July, 1743, occasioned by the late happy Revival of Religion, pp. 51, uncut. 4 Pamphlets. 4 and 8 Boston, 1743 6303 (WHITEFIELD.) Tracts. Testimony of the President etc. of Harvard College, against the Rev. Mr. G. Whitefield. Boston, 1744 Reasons offered by Rev. Mr. N. Henchman, of Lynn, for declining to admit Mr. Whitefield into his Pulpit. Letter to the Rev. G. W., calling upon him to vindicate his conduct. (Signed, L. K.) FOX- CROFT (T.) An Apology in behalf of the Rev. Mr. W. (in reply to the preceding Letter.) A Letter to Rev. Mr. Foxcroft, being an Examination of his Apology. . By A. C d, A. M. and J. J. C. A Letter to the Rev. T. Foxcroft. By J. F. HOBBY (Wm.) An Inquiry into [and vindication of] the Itinerancy and the Conduct of the Rev. G. Whitefield The Testimony of Hartford County No. Association, in Connecticut, Feb. 5, 1744-5, against Rev. Mr. Whitefield The Declaration of the Association of New Haven County, Feb. 1744-5, against Mr. W. The Declaration of Minis ters of Barnstable County, Mass, [against] Itinerant Preaching WIGGLESWORTH (Edw.) Letter to Rev. G. W. in Reply to his Answer to the College Testimony. . Added, the Rev. President [Holyoke s] Answer to Mr. Whitefield s charges EELLS (N.) Letter to the 2d Church in Scituate, shewing Reasons why he doth not invite Mr. Whitefield into his Pulpit PRESCOTT (Benj.) Letter to the Rev. G. W. an Itinerant Preacher SHURTLEFF (Wm.) Letter to those who refuse to admit Mr. W. into their Pulpits, (wants last leaf of Appendix.} NILES (Samuel) Tristitiae Ecclesiarum : a brief and sorrowful Account of the present State of the Churches, etc. Testimony of N. E. Ministers met at Boston, Sept. 1745. 18 Pamphlets, the most uncut, v. S.Boston, 1745 6304 WIGGLESWORTH (Edw.) Two Discourses, on the Ordinary and Extraordinary Ministers of the Church, delivered in Harvard College, after the Rev. Mr. Whitefield s preaching at Cambridge, pp. 32, a bit torn from the last leaf. 8 Boston, 1754 6305 -- Funeral Sermons. PARSONS (Jona.) A Funeral-Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. George W hitefield, . . Who died sud denly . . at Newbury Port, . Sept. 3oth, 1770, //. 44. 4 Portsmouth, N. H., Daniel and Robert Fowle, [1770] 6306 Funeral Sermons: by N. Whitaker, Salem; Eben. Pem- berton, Boston; D. Edwards, London; [H.] Venn, Bath. 4 Pamphlets. 8 and 4 1770 6307 WESLEY (Charles) An Elegy on the late Rev. George Whitefield, //. 29, good copy. 8 Bristol, 1771 6308 -- KNIGHT (T.) of Halifax, Yorkshire. An Elegy on the Death of the late Rev. Geo. Whitefield, etc. (502 lines). 2d ed., //. 18. Halifax, 1771 Funeral Sermon, by E. Pemberton ; added, An Elegiac Poem by Phillis [Wheatley], a Negro Girl, of Seventeen years of Age, pp. 32. Boston: repr. London, 1771. 2 Pamphlets. 8 38 LORENZO AND PEGGY DOW. WRITINGS OF LORENZO AND PEGGY DOW. 6309 Dow (Lorenzo) The Opinion of Dow; or, Lorenzo s Thoughts on different Religious Subjects, pp. 164, sheep. 12 Windham [Conn.], 1804 6310 The Chain of Lorenzo, by the Request of his Friends, as his Farewell to Georgia, //. 76, n. t.p., hf. bd. neat. 12 n. p. [ab. 1804] 63 1 1 - - Quintessence of Lorenzo s Works. History of Cosmopolite; or the Four Volumes of Lorenzo s Journal concentrated in one; containing his Experience and Travels, his Polemical Writings, etc. . . Added, the Journey of Life, by Peggy Dow. 3d ed., wood cut portraits (stained) of Lorenzo and Peggy, pp. 700, new half calf neat, SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, 1816 6312 Vicissitudes; or the Journey of Life. By Peggy Dow. 2d edition, pp. 264, soiled. 24 Philadelphia, 1815 6313 Vicissitudes in the Wilderness exemplified in the Journal of Peggy Dow. . Added, An Appendix of her Death, and Reflections on Matrimony, by Lorenzo Dow. 5th ed., //. 214, portraits laid in, sheep. 12 Norwich, Conn., 1833 6314 - - The Stranger in Charleston! or the Trial and Confession of Lorenzo Dow, //. 94, poor copy. 12 Boston, 1821 6315 The Dealings of God, Man, and the Devil, as exemplified in the Life, Experience, and Travels of Lorenzo Dow. . With Reflec tions on Various Subjects. 4th edition, improved, portraits of Lorenzo and Peggy, pp. 704, sheep, gilt, marbled edges. 12 Norwich, 1833 6316 Tracts. The Opinion of Dow; or Lorenzo s Thoughts on Different Subjects. Windham, 1804 Cosmopolite Interrogated, or a Dialogue between the Curious and Singular! 30! ed. N. York, 1813; The same. 5th ed. with additions. N. Y., 1813 Analects. 3d edition. N. Y., 1813 A Chain, with its Concom itants. Poughkeepsie, 1809 The Stranger in Charleston ! or Trial and Confession of L. D. 2d ed. Boston, 1822. 6 (v. s.) in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERIES. REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH 6317 The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. of America, containing the Confession of Faith, Catechisms, Govern ment and Discipline, and Directory for Worship, ratified by the Synod of N. York and Philadelphia, May, 1788, pp. (6), 215, sheep, fresh copy, FIRST EDITION, SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, T. Bradford, 1789 6318 The same, another copy, clean and fresh, sheep. 6319 - - The Constitution, etc., with the Plan of Government and Discipline as amended and ratified by the Gen. Assembly, May, 1805, pp. xiv, 470, sheep. 12 Phila., Jane Aitken, 1806 PRESBYTERIAN. 39 6320 (CONSTITUTION, etc.) The same; as amended and ratified by the Gen. Assembly, May, 1821, pp. 466, sheep. 16 Phila., 1827 6321 Acts. Extracts from the Minutes of the Gen. Assembly, 1789- 1802 -The same, 1803-1811, //. 364; and (Vol. in.) 1812, 1813, pp. 103. 2 vols., hf. sheep ; good copy. 8 Philadelphia, 1803-13 6322 Extracts from the Minutes, etc., 1812, -15, -21, -22, -24, -27, -28, -30. 8 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 6323 Associate Presbyteries. Act, Declaration and Testimony : for the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government of the Church of Scotland. . By some Ministers associate together, etc. To which is added, The Declinature (May 17, 1739), pp. 108. Edinburgh, 1789 A Concise and Faithful Narrative of the Steps which led to the Division among the Members of the Associate Body in the U. States ; with a Confutation of the high Pretensions etc. of the Associate Presbyfc. of Pennsylvania. By a Ruling Elder, of the Assoc. Reformed Synod. Phila., 1789 True Patriotism: a Sermon before the Assoc. Synod at Edinburgh, by Arch. Bruce. Edinb., 1785 And another. In i vol., sheep. 8 6324 A brief Account of the Associate Presbyteries [of New Jersey and New York]; and a General View of their Sentiments concern ing Religion and Eccles. Order. By a Convention of the Presby teries, pp. 102, (6), uncut, SCARCE. 1 6 Catskill, M. Croswell, 1796 6325 The same, bds. uncut. 16 Catskill, 1796 6326 A View of a Christian Church and Church Government, etc. And an Appendix, representing the Case of the Assoc. Presbytery of Morris County, etc., //. 62, uncut. 8 Chatham, S. Kollock, 1782 6327 Bath-Kol. A Voice from the Wilderness. Being An humble Attempt to support the sinking Truths of God, against some of the principal Errors, raging at this time. Or, a Joint Testimony to some of the grand Articles of the Christian Religion, Judicially delivered to the Churches under their care. By the first Presbytery of the Eastward, pp. 560, vii, (4), sound clean copy, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Boston, N. Coverly, 1783 The reputed author of this volume, and the most prominent member of "the Presbytery of the Eastward," was the Rev. John Murray, a native of Ireland, who was, for a short time, pastor of the 2d Presb. Church in Philadelphia, and subsequently removed to Booth- bay, Me., where this Presbytery was formed. In 1781, he became the successor of the Rev. Jona. Parsons, at Newburyport, Mass., where he died in 1793. Concerning his earlier and later troubles, see Sprague s Presb. Annals, I. 50, note. A committee of the Presbytery was appointed to draw up a "testimony against errors," this first part of which was formally approved by them, as certified (Windham, May 21, I 78.3,) by Simon Williams, Clerk. The Introduction gives "an impartial survey of the present times." Attention is directed to "the enormities of extravagance and sensuality. . The vanity of fickle and whimsical fashions, the monstrous deformities of dress, the luxury of the table and equipage, the fondness for ill-timed diversions, for frolics, balls, and gaming-tables," etc. 6328 [BLAIR (Rev. John)] The Synod of New York and Philadelphia Vindicated, in a Reply to Mr. Samuel Marker s Appeal. By a Member of the Synod, pp. 50. 12 Phila., Wm. Dunlap, 1754 6329 BLAIR (Rev. Samuel) Short and Faithful Narrative of the late remarkable Revival, in New Londonderry, and other parts of Pennsylvania, pp. 46. 12 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, [1744] 40 PRESBYTERIAN. 6330 DICKINSON (Jonathan) Remarks upon Mr. Gale s Reflections on Mr. Wall s History of Infant Baptism. In a Letter to a Friend, //. 87, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 n. p., n. d. Printed for and sold by T. Wood, {New York, Wm. Bradford? 1716] Dated, Elizabeth Town in New Jersey, March 25, 1716. The first published work of the author. 6331 The Reasonableness of Christianity: in Four Sermons.. Preface by T. Foxcroft, pp. xiv, 175. Boston, 1732 The True Scripture-Doctrine concerning some Important Points of Christian Faith. . In Five Discourses, pp. xiv, 253. Boston, 1741 A Dis play of God s Special Grace. In a Familiar Dialogue between a Minister & a Gentleman of his Congregation, etc., pp. vi, 112. Boston, 1742. 3 vols. sheep. 12 and 16 The "Familiar Dialogue" was "published at first anonymously, but it soon became known who was the author, and it drew forth a strong recommendation from most of the clergymen in Boston, with Dr. Colman at their head, and subsequently a corresponding recommendation from some of the brightest lights of the Presbyterian church, such as the Tennents, Blairs, &c." SPRAGUE S Annals, iii. 15. " It may be doubted whether, with the single exception of the elder Edwards, Calvinism has ever found an abler or more efficient champion in this country, than Jonathan Dick inson." Ib., 16. 6332 Familiar Letters to a Gentleman, upon . . Subjects in Religion, pp. vi, 422, old calf . 8 Boston, 1745 6333 FINLEY (Samuel) Clear Light put out in obscure Darkness. . Examination of Mr. Thompson s Sermon, " The Doctrine of Con victions set in a Clear Light,"//. 71, RARE. sm. 8 Philadelphia, B. FRANKLIN, 1743 6334 The Madness of Mankind. . Sermon in the New Presb. Church in Philadelphia, June 9, 1754. Second edition, //. 24, uncut. 8 N. York, H. Game, 1758 6335 FITZ (John) Modern Presbyterianism unmasked . . in a review of the administration of Church Government in the Session of the First Presb. Church in Newburyport, etc., //. 72, uncut, a name torn from head of title, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1830 6336 GREEN (Jacob) Sinners Faultiness, and Spiritual Inability. Sermon, pp. 37, hf. mor. neat. 8 New York, H. Gaine, 1767 6337 (HEMPHILL.) A Vindication of the Reverend Commission of the Synod: in Answer to Some Observations on their Proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill,//. 63, a bit torn from corner of last leaf, VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Philadelphia, Andr. Bradford, 1735 By Jonathan Dickinson ? The " Observations " in reply to which this Vindication was published, were written by Franklin. See Part II., Nos. 3197 and 3478. 6338 LINN (Wm.) Discourses on the Signs of the Times. By Win. Linn, D.D., one of the Ministers of the Ref. Dutch Church in the City of N. York, sheep. 8 New York, 1794 6339 Sermons, historical and characteristical, //. xxiii, 360, sheep, nice copy. 12 New York, [1791] 6340 Modes (The) of Presb. Church-Worship Vindicated : in a Letter to the Blacksmith. By a Presbyter of Ireland. 4th ed. //. 54, uncut. 8 London: repr. Newburyport, 1789 6341 MORGAN (Joseph) The Great Concernment of Gospel Ordinances Manifested. . Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jonathan PRESBYTERIAN. 4! than Dickinson, at Elizabeth-Town, the 2gih of September, 1709, pp. 42, wants subsequent pages, RARE. 1 6 New York, Wm. and Andr. Bradford, 1712 6342 NAPHTALI, or The Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the Kingdom of Christ;. . from the beginning of the Reformation of Religion, until the year 1667. . . Subjoined, A Relation of the Suf ferings and Death of Mr. Hew McKail, etc., pp. 559, sheep, SCARCE. sm. 8 n. p. Printed in the Year 1693 First published in 1667. "It is now known that the authors of this work were Sir James Steuart of Goodtrees, and James Stirling, Minister of Paisley." LOWNDES. 6343 New York. Acts of the Particular Synod, in the year 1811 Rules of the Classis of N. Y., as amended, 1819. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6344 PARSONS (JONA.) of Newburyport, Mass. Sixty Sermons on Various Subjects. . To which is prefixed a funeral Sermon [on Mr. Parsons,] by John Searl. 2 vols., //. Ixvi, 625, vii; 855, xi. 8 Newburyport, J. My call, 1779-80 6345 Letter to the Rev. John Tucker of Newbury, upon his Re marks on a Discourse of the Rev. Jona. Parsons, delivered the 5th of March, 1774, pp. 17, uncut. 8 America (New England}, 1775 This tract is signed " Marcus Shangar." 6346 PATTILLO (Henry) of Granville, N. C. Sermons, &c., pp. 296, sheep. 12 Wilmington, James Adams, 1788 The Rev. Henry Pattillo was a native of Scotland. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Hanover, Va., in 1757. He removed to North Carolina, in 1765; was a delegate to the first Provincial Congress of N. C. in 1775, and a zealous promoter of the Revolution. See Sprague s Annals (Presbyterian), vol. iii. p. 196. "A note appended to one of these Discourses [pp. 117-120] broached the same doctrine concerning Christ s human nature, of which Edward Irving has since been so distinguished an exponent." Ibid. 6347 TENNENT (Gilbert) A Solemn Warning to the Secure World. . A Discourse from Deut. xxix. 19, 20, 21, wants a leaf of the Preface TENNENT (John) The Nature of Regeneration opened, etc. a Sermon from John, iii. 3 ; also, The Nature of Adoption, etc. in a Sermon from i. John, iii. i. With an Expostulatory Address . . as an Appendix ; by Gilbert Tennent. 2 in i vol. old sheep, used copy. 8 Boston, 1735 6348 TENNENT (G.) and others. Sermons on Sacramental Occasions, by divers Ministers [six by Gilbert Tennent, one by Wm. Tennent, and one by Samuel Blair; preached at New Brunswick and Maiden- Head, N. J., 1737-38], sheep. sm. 8 Boston, 1739 6349 TENNENT (G.) The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry. Sermon on Mark vi. 34. 8 Boston, repr. 1742 A [Thanks giving] Sermon at Burlington, N. J., Nov. 23, 1749; with a pre fatory Address to Philip Doddridge, D.D., stained, uncut. 4 Phila., W. Bradford, 1749. (2) 6350 TENNENT (G.) The Necessity of holding fast the Truth. Three Sermons at New York, April, 1742. With an Appendix relating to Errors lately vented by some Moravians in these Parts. Added, a Sermon on the Priestly-Office of Christ; another on Charity; and a Sermon by a Dutch Divine [A. Hellenbrock], etc., pp. vi, IIO > 37) 3 T > sheep, nice copy. sm. 8 Boston, 1742, 43 The three Sermons against the teachings of Zinzendorff and the Moravians are among the rarest of G. Tennent s publications. This copy has the autograph of the Rev. Joshua Gee, one of the (six) ministers of Boston whose names were subscribed to the prefatory address to the Reader. 6 42 PRESBYTERIAN. REFORMED DUTCH. 6351 TENNENT (G.) Three Sermons at New York, April, 1742. Boston, 1743 Two Sermons at New-Brunswick, 1741. Boston, 1742 A Sermon by Abr. Hellenbrock, of Rotterdam. . Translated from the Dutch. Boston, 1742. (3 Tracts.} sm. 8 Boston, 1742, 43 6352 TENNENT (John) The Nature of Regeneration, etc. Also, The Nature of Adoption, etc. Two Sermons : with an Expostulatory Address, by Gilbert Tennent. 5th edition, boards. 12 Repr. Suffield, Edw. Gray, 1802 6353 Sermons (9) H. Kollock, before the Gen. Assembly, 1803 : Eliph. Nott, Gen. Assembly, 1806 : T. H. Skinner, Gen. Assembly, 1855: Lyman Beecher, Synod of N. Y. and N. J., 1808, 3d ed. : H. B. Smith, Synod of N. Y. and N. J., 1855 : S. C. Henry, Synod of N. J., 1850: C. Long, Western Reserve Synod, 1847: S. W. Fisher, Synod of Cincinnati, 1850 : J. W. C. Pennington, 3d Presbyt. of N. Y., 1853. 8 6354 Reformed Dutch. The Psalms of David, with the Ten Com mandments, Creed, Lord s Prayer, &c., in Metre. Also, the Catechism, Confession of Faith, Liturgy, &c. Translated from the Dutch. For the Use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New-York. With the Music of the Psalms and Hymns, pp. (2), 479, (9)5 Z 44> smooth calf extra, red edges, FINE COPY, VERY SCARCE. 8 New York, fas. Parker, 1767 ^355 The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the U. S. of America, }p. viii, 354, old green mor. gilt, nice copy, scarce. 12 New York, Wm. Durell, 1793 This edition includes the " Explanatory Articles " ratified by the General Synod at New York, in 1792. THE UNITARIAN CONTROVERSY: SERMONS, BY UNITARIAN MINISTERS, ETC. 6356 ALEXANDER (Caleb) An Essay on the Real Deity of Jesus Christ. . Added, Strictures on Emlyn s Humble Inquiry, //. ii, 63. 8 Boston, Jos. Bumstead, 1791 6357 BELSHAM (T.) Brief History of the Progress and Present State of Unitarian Churches in America. Extracted from his Memoirs of Rev. T. Lindsey. 2d ed., //. 48. 8 Boston, 1815 6358 EMLYN (Thos.) Extracts from an Humble Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ, pp. 47. 8 Boston, 1790 6359 Friendly Dialogue between a Scripturian and an Athanasian, // 36. 4 n. p. 1785 Reprinted from the London edition of 1784, "with some immaterial alterations," and additional notes. 6360 HOORNBEECK (J.) Socinianismi Confutati Tomi in. 3 vols. vellum, SCARCE. sm. 4 Ultrajecti, 1650-64 6361 LINDSEY (Theophilus) Two Dissertations, i. On the Preface to St. John s Gospel, n. On Praying to Jesus Christ, pp. 152. London, 1779 Conversations on Christian Idolatry in the Year 1 79 1,//. 169, (n). London, 1792. (2 vols.) 8 UNITARIAN. 43 6362 NORTON (Jacob) Things as they are; or, Trinitarianism Devel oped, in answer to a Letter of the Rev. Daniel Thomas of Abing- ton, Mass., //. 69 Things as they are, etc. Second Part,//. 112. 2 Pamphlets. 8 Boston, 1815 6363 An Humble Attempt to ascertain the Scripture Doctrine of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three Discourses, delivered at Weymouth, //. 116, uncut. 8 Boston, 1819 6364 [NORTON (Jacob) ?] Seasonable and Candid Thoughts on Human Creeds or Articles of Faith. . By an Orthodox Clergyman of Massachusetts, pp. 46. Boston, 1813 Things set in a Proper Light; in answer to a Letter from T. A. to a Friend. By an Orthodox Clergyman, //. 68. Bost., 1814 A "Short and Easy Method" with a late Writer, etc. By an Aged Clergyman of Mass., pp. 28. Bost., 1815 Report of the Committee of Inquiry of the Church in the So. Parish of Weymouth, etc., pp. 15. n. p. [1819]. 4 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 Severally marked, " By Jacob Norton" (in the hand of Rev. Seth Chandler.) 6365 PRIESTLEY (Joseph) Letters to the Jews. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1787 Letters to a Young Man. Part n. London, 1793 Fast Sermon, at Hackney, Feb. 28, 1794. With a Preface containing the Author s reasons for leaving England. 3d ed. London, 1794 Letters to the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. Birmingham, 1791 - Catalogue of Books written by Dr. Priestley. 4 in i vol., hf. sheep. 8 6366 Letters to the Jews. Also, Letters to Dr. Priestley, in an swer to those he addressed to the Jews ; by David Levi. ist Am. edition. 2 in i vol., sheep. 12 New York, for B. Gomez, 1794 6367 Two Letters to a very eminent and learned Gentleman; attempt ing to subvert the Doctrine of the Arians. . By a Country-Gentle man. 3d ed., //. vi, 83, uncut. 8 London; repr. Boston, 1756 6368 WHARTON (Charles H.) D.D. A Short and Candid Enquiry into the Proofs of Christ s Divinity. . In a Letter to a Friend, pp. 48. 12 Wilmington, Brynberg &* Andrews, 1791 With autograph presentation to " The Revd Dr. Andrews from his very sincere Friend the Author": and, in the same hand, " Mr. James Ab. [Abercrombie] Mercht, Phila.," as the name of the friend to whom the Letter was addressed. 6369 Tracts. Unitarian Controversy. BELSHAM (T.) American Unitarianism; a brief History. Boston, 1815 The Catholick Question at Boston; with Remarks on "American Unitarianism "; by AMANA. Boston, 1815 STUART (M.) Letter to W. E. Chan- ning, on Religious Liberty. 2d edition. Boston, 1830 WOODS (L.) Reply to Dr. Ware s Letters to Trinitarians. Andover, 1821 STUART (M.) Letters on the Eternal Generation of the Son of God. Andover, 1822. Five, all uncut, in i vol., new half mor. 8 6370 Tracts. Unitarian Controversy. CHANNING (W. E.) Remarks on Rev. Dr. Worcester s Letter to Mr. Channing. 2d edition. Boston, 1815 CHANNING (W. E.) Remarks on Dr. Worcester s Second Letter. Boston, 1815 WOODS (L.) Letters to Unitarians. Andover, 1820 STUART (M.) Letters to Rev. W. E. Channing. Andover, 1819 Review of Stuart s Letters to Mr. Channing. 44 UNITARIAN. Boston, 1819 Review of Rev. Dr. Channing s Discourse at the Dedication of 2d Unit. Church, New York. Boston, 1827 DEWEY (Orville) The Unitarian s Answer. 3d edition. Boston, 1826 : and three others. Ten, all but one uncut, in i vol., new half morocco. 8 6371 Tracts. Unitarian Controversy. BELSHAM (T.) American Unitarianism. 3d ed. Boston, 1815 Review of "American Unitarianism." (From the Panoplist.) Review of the Unitarian Controversy. (From the Panoplist.) CHANNING (W. E.) Letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher. Boston, 1815 WORCESTER (S.) Letter to W. E. Channing. Boston, 1815 WORCESTER (S.) Second Letter to Channing, 1815 CHANNING (W. E.) Sermon at Ordi nation of Jared Sparks. 2d ed. Bait., 1819 WORCESTER (S.) Third Letter to Channing. Boston, 1815 WORCESTER (T.) A New Chain of Plain Argument . . against Trinitarianism. Boston, 1817 WORCESTER (T.) Letter to Seth Payson, D.D. Concord \N. H\ 1815 WORCESTER (T.) Sermon on the Divine Sonship of Christ. Concord \_N. HJ], 1815: and six others. 17 in i vol., sheep, neat. 8 6372 Tracts. Unitarian Controversy. BELSHAM (T.) American Unitarianism. 4th edition. CHANNING (W. E.) Letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher WORCESTER (S.) Letter to W. E. Channing CHANNING (Wm. E.) Remarks on Dr. Worcester s Letter WORCESTER (S.) Second Letter to W. E. Channing CHANNING (W. E.) Remarks on Dr. Worcester s Second Letter WORCESTER (S.) Third Letter. 7 in i vol., sheep. 8 Boston, 1815 6373 Tracts. Unitarian Controversy. BELSHAM (T.) American Unitarianism. 3d edition CHANNING (W. E.) Letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher. 3d edition WORCESTER (S.) Letter to Rev. W. , E. Channing. 2d edition CHANNING (W. E.) Remarks on Dr. Worcester s Letter Are You a Christian or a Calvinist? WORCESTER (S.) Second Letter to W. E. Channing CHANNING (W. E.) Remarks on Dr. Worcester s Second Letter WORCESTER (S.) Third Letter, etc. 8 in i vol. 8 Boston, 1815 6374 Tracts. Church Controversies. ABBOT (Abiel) Statement of proceedings in Coventry, Conn., which terminated in his Removal. Bost., 1811 Reply to Mr. Abbot s Statement: by the Tolland Co. Association. Hartford, 1812 Controversy between the First Parish in Cambridge and the Rev. Dr. Abiel Holmes, their late Pastor. Cambr., 1829 Proceedings &c. relative to Members separating from the Church in Wilton, N. H. Concord, 1824 Trial of the Action of Rev. S. Russell of Boylston vs. John Howe, for Defamation. Worcester, 1831 Review of the [preceding] Trial c. By S. Russell. Boston., 1831 Result of a Council at Princeton, and Protest of the Minority : with Remarks, etc. Wore., 1817 Vindication of the Result of the Princeton Council. By A. Bancroft, D.D. Wore., 1817 Review of Dr. Bancroft s Vin dication; By a Member of the Council [Rev. Jos. Goffe]. Wore., 1817 TUCKER (John) Letter to the Rev. Mr. James Chandler, of Rowley. Boston, 1767 TUCKER (J.) Reply to the Rev. Mr. UNITARIAN. 45 Chandler s Answer. Boston, 1768 Documents relating to the opposition made to the Rev. F. Foster, at Petersham. Brookfield, 1817. 12 in i vol., hf. sheep, manuscript paging. 8 From the library of the Rev. Seth Chandler. 6375 Tracts (3) A Defence of Christ s Divinity: containing Quaeries occasioned by reading Mr. Elwall s Book. . By Christophilus. Gloucester, R. Raikes, 1727 Letter to the Rev. Dr. Adams of Shrewsbury : occasioned by his Sermon against Rev. Mr. Romaine, etc. By the Author of Pietas Oxoniensis [Sir Richard Hill]. 2d ed. London, 1770 Examination of a Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, etc., May 25, 1788, by Rev. Richard Harrison. London, 1789. 8 6376 Tracts (n) BEECHER (Lyman) Reply to the Christian Exam iner s Review of his Sermon at Worcester. 1825 J. Brown s Letter to Rev. Wm. E. Channing. [1819] Treatise on the Eternal Generation of the Son of God. Strictures on Prof. Stuart s Letters to W. E. Channing. N. York, 1821 Review of the Rev. Mr. Colman s Sermon, in Salem. 2d ed. Bost., 1825 Rev. D. Dow s Familiar Letters to the Rev. John Sherman, in reference to his Anti-Trinitarian Treatise. Hartford, 1806 The same. 2d ed. Wore., 1806 Rev. H. Grew s Exam, of the Testimony con cerning the Son of God. Hartford, 1824 Smith (Elias) Letters to Rev. Dr. Thos. Baldwin, with Remarks on his Sermon on the Supreme Divinity of Christ. \Phila., 1814.] And two others. 8 and 12 6377 Tracts (23) Inquiry into the right to change the Eccles. Con stitution of the Congreg. Churches in Massachusetts. Bost., 1816 Dr. Ware s Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists, occasioned by Dr. Woods Letters. Cambr., 1820 Remarks on the Calvinistic Doctrine of Depravity; with reference to Dr. Woods answer to Dr. Ware. Stockbridge, 1822 Are you a Christian or a Calvinist? By a Layman [Wm. Wells.] Bost., 1815 The Catholick Ques tion at Boston. .. By Amana. Bost., 1815 The Language of Scripture respecting the Savior. . By a Layman [Wm. Wells.] Bost., 1815 "The Apostles Doctrine " concerning Jesus Christ. By a Layman [Wm. Wells.] Bost., 1815 Cursory Remarks on Rev. Dr. Worcester s Second Letter, on the Trinity. By a Layman. Bost., 1815 Some Communications first published in the Brattle- borough paper. By Wm. Wells. Brattleboro 1 , 1816 Wilson (Robert) Nine Letters concerning the Person and Sonship of the Messiah. Bost., 1813 Winchester (Elhanan) The Divinity of Christ proved . . in Letters to a Friend, n. p., n. d. Worcester (Noah) Impartial Review of the Testimonies in favor of the Divinity of the Son of God. Concord, 1810 Worcester (T.) The True God but One Person. . Extract of a Friendly Letter. Bost., 1819. And eleven others. 8 and 12 6378 Sermons (15) C. A. Bartol, Boston, Thanksgiving, Nov. 1847: A. Bigelow, Derry, N. H., Sept. 30, 1832 : W. E. Channing, Ordin. of Rev. Jared Sparks, in Baltimore. Springfield, 1819 : W. E. Channing, Philadelphia, May, 1841 : Thos. Hill, Law; a Sermon, 1846: R. C. Waterston, Sermon on the True Church, 1844: 46 UNIVERSALISM. A. A. Livermore, at Keene, N. H., 1847 : Wm. P. Lunt, Quincy, Nov. 1843; an d Quincy, Oct. 1849 : J. Martineau, The Bible and the Child. Bosto?i, 1845 : F. Parkman, Boston, Jan. 28, 1849 : Samuel J. May, Rights of Women, Syracuse, 1846 : A. P. Peabody, The End of the World, Portsmouth, N. H., n. d. : George Ripley, on the Philosophy of Religion. Boston, 1836 : C. W. Upham, on Prophecy, Salem, 1835. 8 UNIVERSALISM. DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING ETERNAL PUNISHMENT; THE DOCTRINE OF ABSOLUTE REPROBATION, ETC. 6379 EASTBURN (Benj.) The Doctrine of Absolute Reprobation, according to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Refuted : And the Universality of the Saving Grace of God asserted. Added, A Postscript by another Hand, pp. 46, tmcut, RARE. 8 Boston, 1732 6380 EMMONS (Nath l) Discourse on the General Judgment: in which the modern Notions of Universal Salvation are considered, pp. 75. 4 Providence, B. Wheeler, [1783] 6381 JOHNSON (Rev. Stephen) of Lyme, Conn. The Everlasting Punishment of the Ungodly, illustrated, . and the Salvation of all Men, as taught in late Publications, confuted, pp. xviii, 359, i, sheep, fresh copy. 8 New London, 1786 6382 SIEGVOLCK (Paul) The Everlasting Gospel, commanded to be preached by Jesus Christ, etc. . . Written in German by Paul Siegvolck, and translated into English by John S. [Saur], //. 152, sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Germantown, Christopher Sower, 1753 With it is bound: The Fatal Consequences of the Unscriptural Doctrine of Predestin ation and Reprobation. . Written in High-Dutch by M. K. and translated an (sic) Desire, pp. 14. Germantown, C. Sower, 1753. 6383 TOWNSEND (Shippie) A Practical Essay, in Three Parts. I. Addressed to Husbands and Wives; with a Song on Marriage. II. Addressed to Parents; on Education. III. Exhortation to Children, pp. 60, half mor. 8 Boston, 1783 6384 Repentance and Remission of Sins considered : or an In quiry concerning Repentance, etc., pp. 24. Boston, 1784 The Gospel Considered. . . Election doth militate with preaching the Gospel to every Creature, //. 21. Boston, 1792. 2 Tracts. 8 6385 The Gospel Considered, etc. Boston, 1792 A Practical Essay, . in Three Parts, etc. Bost., 1783 Some Remarks, on a Pamphlet intituled, All Men will not be saved for ever, wrote by Samuel Mather, etc. Bost., [1783] Repentance and Remission of Sins considered, etc. Boston, 1784 [Anon.] Scripture Truths and Precepts. A Short Catechism, with Proofs, etc. Boston, 1791. 5 in i vol., sheep. 8 6386 An Attention to the Scriptures for an Answer to the Inquiry Whether Unbelievers are under the Law and under the Curse? With Letters to Mr. Samuel Stillman, and Mr. John Clark, //. 24, half mor. , uncut. 8 Boston, 1795 UNIVERSALISM. 47 6387 TOWNSEND (Shippie) Gospel News, divided into Eleven Sections. Peace and Joy, pp. 376. 8 Boston, 1794 6388 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) The Universal Restoration, exhibited in Four Dialogues. . To this edition is prefixed . . some Sketches of the Author s Life, //. Ivi, 220, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1792 6389 The Universal Restoration, etc., pp. 204, fresh copy. Repr. Hudson, A. Stoddard, 1793: The same. Litchfield, Collier 6 Buel, 1794 : The same; with some Sketches of the Author s Life, etc. Bellows Falls, Vt., 1819. (3 vols.,) sheep. 12 6390 A Course of Lectures on the Prophecies that remain to be Fulfilled, delivered in [London] 1788-90. 2 vols., sheep, good copy. 8 Walpole, Thomas 6* Thomas, 1800 6391 Tracts (by Elhanan Winchester.) A Century Sermon, preached in London, Nov. 16, 1788. London, 1788 Oration on the Discovery of America. . 2d ed., with Appendix, and Description of the City of Washington, with an engraved plan. London, n. d. [1792] Two Lectures on the Prophecies that remain to be ful filled. Norwich, 1792 The Three Woe Trumpets, etc. Dis courses in London, Feb. 1793. ist Am. edition. Boston, 1794 Ten Letters to Mr. Paine, in Answer to his Age of Reason. 2d ed. New York, 1795: The same. 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1844. 6 Tracts. v. s. 6392 Tracts. WINCHESTER (E.) The Mystic s Plea for Universal Redemption; in a Number of Letters to the Rev. Wm. Rogers : &c. Phila., 1781 New Sentiments, upon the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, etc.: by Adelos. Providence, 1786 ROBBINS (Robt.) Discourse on Divine Sovereignty, in the Salvation and Damnation of Sinners. Norwich, 1792 Universalism contrary to Scripture. New London, 1794 EMMONS (N.) Discourse on the General Judgment. Phila., 1791 Universal Damnation and Salvation clearly proved. Boston, \>]tf*> Wood (Jacob) Defence of Univer salism. Newburyport, 1816 WOOD (J.) Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled, The Eternity of the Punishment of the Wicked. Worcester, 1819 NORTON (Jacob) Remarks on [Replies to his Sermon on Universalism]. Boston, 1809 SMALLEY (J.) Sermon at Walling- ford, Conn. . . with special reference to the Murrayan Controversy. Hartford, 1785 KELLY (J.) Reasons against becoming a Uni- versalist. Haverhill, 1815 [POND (E.)] The Eternity of Future Punishment, proved. Worcester, 1819 KELLY (J.) Additional Reasons against Universalism. Haverhill, 1815 TIDD (Jacob) A Correspondence, in part attempted to be suppressed by Hosea Ballou. Boston, 1823. 14 in i vol., new half blue mor., imcut. 8 6393 Tracts. [CLARKE (John) D.D^\ Salvation for all Men illus trated and vindicated. 2d edition. Boston, 1782 MATHER (Dr. S.) All Men will not be Saved; in Answer to [the preceding] insidious Pamphlet. Boston, 1782 TOWNSEND (Shippie) Re marks on a Pamphlet, by S. Mather, entitled, All Men will not be Saved, etc. Boston, 1783 Divine Glory .. in the Condemnation of the Ungodly. By a Friend to Truth [Rev. Jos. Eckley]. Boston, 1782 Letter to Dr. Mather, [on] his disingenuous Reflexions 48 UNIVERSALISM. upon " Salvation for all Men." Boston, 1782 Divine Glory . . in the Final Salvation of all Men. Boston, 1783 CLEAVELAND (John) An Attempt to nip in the Bud, the Unscriptural Doctrine of Universal Salvation. Salem, 1776 Haynes (L.) and Ballou (H.) Entertaining Controversy [on Universal Salvation] be tween Rev. Lemuel Haynes, and Rev. Hosea Ballou. Sag Harbor, ALLEN (Timo.) Salvation for all Men, put out of all Dis pute. Hartford, [1783] Murray (John) Universalism Vindi cated. Charlestown, [1799] MURRAY (John) Some Hints relative to the Forming of a Christian Church. . With the Character of a consistent Universalist. Boston, 1791 JUDSON (Roswell) Letter to Rev. A. Kneeland, in refutation of his Doctrine of Universal Salvation. Bridgeport, 1822 HAYNES (L.) Universal Salvation a very ancient Doctrine, with some Account of its Author: a Sermon. Concord, N. H., 1814 Articles of Faith, etc., of the [Universalist] Churches. Phila., 1818 KNEELAND (A.) Sermon on the Two Covenants, before Northern Asso ciation of Universalists. Walpole, N. H., 1807. 15 in i vol., new half blue morocco. 8 6394 Tracts. EMPIE (A.) Remarks on the Distinguishing Doctrine of Modern Universalism, pp. 139. New York, 1825 BIGLOW (W.) History of Sherburne, Mass. Milford, 1830 Poetical Illustrations of the Athenaeum Gallery of Paintings. Boston, 1827 Mr. Balfour s Opinion of the Devil carried out ; by Mathetes, n , f.p, HUDSON (Chas.) Doctrine of the Immediate Happiness of all Men at Death, examined. Boston, 1823 BALLOU (Adin) Review of a Lecture Sermon by Hosea Ballou. Providence, 1821. And others on Universalism, etc. 18 in i vol., half russia, neat, manuscript paging and table of contents. 8 6395 Tracts. The Gospel Visitant. April and July, 1818 (Vol. Ill, Nos. i, 2,) and 17 Sermons and other pamphlets on Universal Salva tion, by S. Dutton, Rich. Carrique, Hosea and Adin Ballou, Chas. Hudson, and others : in i vol., hf. russia, neat, manuscript contents and paging. 12 6396 Tracts. Salvation for all men, . . a Scripture Doctrine. [By Rev. John Clarke, D.D.?] Boston, 1782 GORDON (Wm.) The Doctrine of Univ. Salvation shown to be Unscriptural ; in answer to [the preceding] Pamphlet. Boston, 1783 Two Letters to a . . Gentleman, attempting to subvert the Doctrine of the Arians. 3d ed. Bost., 1756 DICKINSON (Jona.) A Second Vindication of God s sovereign free Grace, etc. Bost., 1748. 4 in i vol., hf. bd., neat. From the library of the Hon. Samuel Dexter. 8 6397 Tracts. CLEAVELAND (John) An Essay to defend some of the most important Principles, etc., (in answer to Rev. Jona. Mayhew, D.D.) pp. 108. Boston, 1763 MAYHEW (J.) A Letter of Reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland, occasioned by a defamatory Libel, etc. Boston, 1764 CLEAVELAND (J.) A Reply to Dr. Mayhew s Letter of Reproof. Bost., 1765 Cleaveland (J.) Short and Plain Narrative of the Work of God s Spirit at Chebacco, in Ipswich, etc. Bost., 1767 [CLARKE (John.) D.D. ?] Salvation for all Men, . a Scripture Doctrine. Bost., 1782 MATHER (Samuel) All Men will not be SHAKERS. 49 saved forever. . an answer to " Salvation for all Men." Boston, 1782 [ECKLEY (Joseph) ] Divine Glory, . in the Condemnation of the Ungodly. . In reply to " Salvation for all Men." Boston, 1782 GORDON (Wm.) The Doctrine of Univ. Salvation shown to be Unscriptural. Bost., 1783 [CLARKE (J.) D.D.] A Letter to Dr. Mather, occasioned by his disingenuous Reflexions, etc. Boston, 1782 To the Author of a Letter to Dr. Mather . By one of the Readers. Boston, 1783 Serious Letter to the Young People of Boston, . . to guard them against Error, etc. By Mathetes Archaios [S. Mather?] Boston, 1783 HAYNES (Lemuel) Univ. Salvation a very ancient Doctrine. Sermon. Windsor, Vt., 1806. 15 in i vol., sheep, neat. From the library of Prof. Jos. McKean, D.D., of Cambridge. 8 6398 Tracts. HOPKINS (S.) Inquiry concerning the Future State. //. 194. Newport, 1783 Edwards (Jonathan) 2d. Sermons on Atonement and Free Grace. New Haven, 1785 EDWARDS (Jona.) 2d. Observations on Universal Salvation. New Haven, 1785 SMALLEY(J.) Second Sermon, preached at Wallingford, with a view to the Universalists. Hartford, 1786. 4 in i vol. 8 THE UNITED SOCIETY OF BELIEVERS, CALLED SHAKERS. 6399 A Brief Exposition of the established Principles and Regulations of the United Society of Believers, called Shakers. Improved edition,//. 36. 2 editions. 12 New York, and Hartford, 1846 6400 BROWN (Thos.) An Account of the People called Shakers ; with a History of their Rise and Progress to the present day, //. 372, sheep, good copy, scarce. 12 Troy, Parker 6 Bliss, 1812 6401 Concise Answer [in verse] to the General Inquiry, Who or what are the Shakers ? Hartford, 1835 Circular Letter in defence of the U. Society of Believers, commonly called Shakers : by L. D. Grosvenor, Harvard, Mass., 1849. n - * P- Condition of Society ; and its only Hope, in obeying the Gospel as now devel oping among Believers in Christ s Second Appearing, pp. 120. Union Village, O., 1847. 3 Pamphlets. 16 6402 DUNLAVY (John) Plain Evidences [as to] the Nature and Character of the True Church of Christ : taken from a work entitled "The Manifesto". . published at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1818, //. 120. 12 Albany, 1834 6403 DYER (Mrs. Mary M.) A brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the Society called Shakers. Written by herself. To which is added Affidavits and Certificates, etc., pp. 35. Concord, N. H., Jos. C. Spear, 1818 A Remonstrance against the Testimony and Application of Mary Dyer. . . With Affidavits and Certificates showing the falsity of her Statements, pp. 23. Concord, Isaac Hill, 1818. 2 in i vol., hf. morocco. 12 7 5<D SHAKERS. 6404 DYER (Mrs. Mary M.) Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the Society called Shakers. Written by herself, etc. Another edition, pp. 35, uncut. 12 Boston, 1818 64.05 A Portraiture of Shakerism in New-England, . . from the first appearance of Ann Lee, in New-England, down to the Present Time : drawn up by Mary M. Dyer, pp. 446, sheep, SCARCE. 12 {Concord, N. H.\ Printed for the Author, 1822 The Second Part, pp. 329-446, "treating particularly of the Sufferings of Mary M. Dyer, in consequence of the Deception and Cruelty of the Shakers." 6406 -- A Review of Mary M. Dyer s "Portraiture of Shakerism"; with sundry affidavits, disproving the truth of her assertions, //. 70. Concord, y. B. Moore, 1824 Reply to the Shakers State ments, called a " Review," etc. With an Account of the sickness and death of Betsey Dyer, etc. By Mary M. Dyer, pp. 112, uncut. Concord, for the Author, 1824. 2 scarce Tracts. 12 6407 GREEN (Benj.) The True Believers Vademecum, or Shakerism exposed ; with an Account of the Life of the Author [among the Shakers], pp. 68, bds. 12 Concord, 1831 6408 HASKETT (W. J.) Shakerism Unmasked ; or, the History of the Shakers ; including a Form Politic of their Government, . an Expo sition of the Five Orders of Shakerism, and Ann Lee s grand Foundation Vision, in Sealed Pages ; with some extracts from their Private Hyms which have never appeared before the Public, pp. 300, wanting the " sealed pages" 231-36, title and some leaves of the first part stained, sheep, neat. 12 Pittsfield, 1828 A RARE and CURIOUS book. This copy seems to have been originally bound without the "sealed pages/ On p. 294, the author states that the Society forbid him to publish their Hymns, on penalty of prosecution : and threatened him with punishment if he persisted in the publication of his book. 6409 HUDSON (David) History of Jemima Wilkinson, a Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century,}^. 208, xx. Geneva, N. Y., 1821 Indoctum Parliamentum. A Farce, in one act and a beautiful variety of scenes, pp. 7, n. t. p., stained, n. p., n. d. [1818], with a manuscript note, supplying a key to the characters An Account of the conduct of the people called Shakers, in the case of EUNICE CHAPMAN and her Children. . Written by herself, pp. 60. Albany, 1817 No. 2, being an additional account of the conduct of the Shakers, in the case of Eunice Chapman and her Children. Written by herself, //. 82. Albany, 1818. 4 in i vol., hf. calf, neat. 12 This volume formerly belonged to (and was bound for) the late Judge Gabriel Furman of Brooklyn. The manuscript note to "Indoctum Parliamentum" seems to be in his hand. It states that " the annexed pamphlet refers to a law which was made by the Legis lature of New York, March 14, 1818, on the petition of Eunice Chapman, to have the marriage contract between her and her husband dissolved," etc. Among the characters introduced in the Farce are " General Radix " (Erastus Root), his " dis-orderly Sergeant" (Dr. Sergeant), "Lucifer" (Michael Ulshoeffer), "Lignum" (Speaker Wood), etc. 6410 Investigator, or a Defence of the Order, Government, and Economy of the United Society called Shakers. . By the Society of Believers, at Pleasant Hill, Ky., pp. 84. With Some Account of the Proceedings of the Legislature of New Hampshire in relation to the Shakers, in 1828, pp. 19. 12 Lexington, Ky., 1828 ; repr. New York, 1846 oooo Kentucky Revival (The) See M NEMAR (R.) No. 6414, and RANKIN (A.) No. 6416. SHAKERS. , 5 1 6411 LAMSON (D. R.) Two Years Experience among the Shakers, frontispiece, fresh copy, sewed. 12 West Boy Is ton, [Mass.] 1848 6412 LEONARD (Wm.) A Discourse on the Order and Propriety of Divine Inspiration and Revelation; . . Also, a Discourse on The Second Appearing of Christ, etc., pp. 88, fresh copy, sewed. 12 Harvard, Mass., published by the U. Society, 1853 6413 MACE (Fayette) Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in which the Principles of the United Society are defended, pp. 120, sewed. 12 Portland, C. Day 6 Co., 1838 6414 M Nemar (Richard) The Kentucky Revival ; or, a Short His tory of the late extraordinary out-pouring of the Spirit of God, in the Western States, . . with a brief Account of . . what the World call Shakerism, pp. 143, somewhat water-stained and soiled by use, but complete, RARE. 12 Pittsfield, Phinehas Allen, 1808 "In the year 1807, Richard McNemar, formerly a man of eminence in the Revival, in union with the Society, published a work entitled The Kentucky Revival. It embraces, with a plenary account of this revival, a partial exposition of the tenets of Shakerism. Full of enthusiasm full of fanaticism withall, it breathes a little of the fire of native genius. This work, with the exception of a small sheet published in 1785, by Elder Joseph Meacham [JamesWhittaker], was THE FIRST by which the Society attempted to defend or promulgate its doctrines." HASKETT, Shakerism Unmasked, p. 125. This is the second edition. The first was printed at Cincinnati, the preceding year. oooo Ohio Mob of 1810. See YOUNGS (B. S.) No. 6426. 6415 Peculiarities of the Shakers. Letters from Lebanon Springs, in the year 1832 : by a Visiter,//. 116, cloth. 24 N. York, 1832 6416 RANKIN (Adam) A Review of the noted Revival in Kentucky, commenced in the year i8oi,//. 70, RARE. 12 n. p., 1803 With it is bound: The Scripture Loyalist : containing a Vindi cation of obedience to the present [British] Government, etc. By William Fletcher. Carlisle, Geo. Kline, for J. M Carrell, Shippens- burgh, 1806. The Rev. Adam Rankin was Pastor at Lexington, Ky., and a member of the Associate Reformed Synod. He argues that the "dead fits" and other phenomena of the Revival, " prove themselves to be the effect of Satanical influence, instead of sound conversion," and that " the boldness of the converts proves their progenitor" (p. 41). 6417 RATHBUN (Daniel) A Letter from Daniel Rathbun, of Rich mond, co. of Berkshire, to James Whittacor, Chief Elder of the Church called SHAKERS. [With a Preface by Valentine Rathbun], //. 128. 2 copies, one uncut. 16 Springfield, Mass., 1785 6418 - - The same, another edition (the First ?\ pp. 120. fresh, ttncut. 16 n. p., n. d. 6419 RATHBUN (Rev. Valentine) Some Brief Hints of a Religious Scheme, taught and propagated by a number of Europeans, living in a place called Nisqueunia, in the State of New York, pp. 27, RARE. sm. 8 Hartford, 1781 Dated at Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 5, 1780. " Valentine Rathbun renounced the faith of the Society in a few months after his accession, and published a pamphlet against their faith, but more particularly against their practice." HASKETT, p. 33. 6420 Summary View (A) of the Millenial Church, or United Society of Believers, (commonly called Shakers,) . . published by order of the Ministry, in union with the Church, //. xvi, 320, sheep, good copy. 12 Albany, 1823 The Preface, signed by Calvin Green and Seth .Y. Wells, is dated at New Lebanon. May 12, 1823. 52 SHAKERS. 6421 The Testimony of Christ s Second Appearing containing A General Statement of all things pertaining to the Faith and Prac tice of the Church of God in this Latter-Day. Published in Union : by order of the Ministry,//. 600, (2), and errata (i /.), sheep, RARE. 12 Lebanon, State of Ohio ; from the Press of yohn M" 1 Clean, Office of the Western Star, 1808 A good copy of the FIRST EDITION of the so-called "Shaker Bible." The Preface is dated, at Lebanon, ist of I2th month (December), 1808. 6422 - - The Testimony of Christ s Second Appearing, etc. Second Edition, corrected and improved,//, xxxviii, 620, (2), sheep, fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Albany, E. and E. Hosford, 1810 6423 Testimonies concerning the Character and Ministry of Mother Ann Lee, and the first Witnesses of the Gospel of Christ s Second Appearing; approved by the Church,//. 178, fresh copy, uncut. 12 Albany, 1827 Compiled by Seth Y. Wells, of New Lebanon. 6424 WEST (Benjamin) Scriptural Cautions against embracing a Religious Scheme, taught by a number of Europeans, who came from England to America, in the Year 1776, and stile themselves the CHURCH, &c., &c., //. 15, VERY SCARCE. sin. 8 Hartford, Bavil Webster, 1783 6425 Whittaker (James) A concise Statement of the Principles of the only true Church, according to the Gospel of the present Appearance of Christ, as held to and practised upon by the true followers of the living Saviour, at New-Labanon (sic) &c. By James Whittaker, Minister of the Gospel in this Day of Christ s second Appearance. Dated October the gth, 1785, n. /./.,//. 8, tmcut, VERY RARE. 8 n. p., [1785] Elder Whittaker was the successor of Mother Ann Lee, in the government of the Society. This is the FIRST PUBLICATION in which the Society attempted to defend or propagate its doctrines. (See No. 6414.) 6426 YOUNGS (Benj. Seth) Transactions of the Ohio Mob, called in the public Papers " An Expedition against the Shakers " [at Union Village],/^. 12, uncut, SCARCE. 12 n. p., n. d. Dated, Miami Country, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1810. 6427 Pamphlets. Some brief Hints of a Religious Scheme, etc. By Valentine Rathbun. Hartford, 1781 Letter from Daniel Rath- bun to James Whittacor, Chief Elder of the . . Shakers, pp. 120, (last leaf needs mending), n. p., n. d. [1785] Declaration of . . the Shakers, shewing their reasons for refusing to aid War and Blood shed, by bearing Arms, etc., //. 23. Hartford, 1815 Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer,//. 35. Boston, 1818 Mary Dyer s Reply to the Shakers . . . Review of [her] Portraiture of Shakerism, etc. pp. 112. Concord, 1824 Testimonies concern ing the Character and Ministry of Mother Ann Lee,//. 178, clean, uncut. Albany, 1827 Investigator, or a Defence .. of the U. Society called Shakers, etc., //. 84, 19. Repr. New York, 1846. 7 Pamphlets. v. s. MORMONISM. 53 MORMONISM, - AND THE MORMONS. 6428 The Booh of Mormon : An Account written by the hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi ... By JOSEPH SMITH, Junior, author and proprietor,//. 588, (2), sheep. 12 Palmyra, E. B. Grendin,for the Aulhor, 1830 The FIRST EDITION ; VERY RARE. "A copy of the original edition of the Book of Mormon is without doubt the scarcest book published in the nineteenth century, which has obtained any kind of reputation. . . Of all the volumes 1 have handled, seen, and sold, and they are millions, I have never seen [more than one copy]. - WM. GOWANS. 6429 The Book of Mormon, etc., pp. 619, (2), sheep, VERY SCARCE. sm. 12 Kirtland, O., O. Cowdrey 6- Co., for P. P. Pratt and J. Goodson, 1837 The SECOND EDITION. " The whole has been carefully re-examined and compared with the original manuscripts, by elder Joseph Smith, Jr., the translator of the book of Mormon, assisted by the present printer, brother O. Cowdery, who formerly wrote the greater portion of the same, as dictated by brother Smith. Preface, by P. P. Pratt and J. Goodson. 6430 The Book of Mormon, etc First European, from the Second American Edition,//. (4), 643, stamped calf , gilt, fine copy. 1 8 Liverpool, J. Tompkins, for Brigham Young, H. C. Kimball, and P. P. Pratt, 184 i 6431 - - Le Livre de Mormon Recit ecrit de la main de Mormon sur des plaques de Nephi . . . Traduit de 1 anglais par John Taylor, et Curtis E. Bolton. Edition stereotype, publie e par John Taylor, pp. xv, 519, morocco. 12 Paris, 1852 6432 The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ; carefully selected from the Revelations of God. By Joseph Smith, President of said Church. Second Edition,//. 448, sheep, RARE. 12 Nauvoo, III., John Taylor, 1844 "This truly the BLACK HOOK of Mormonism ... It has really exerted a thousand fold more influence on the doctrines and destinies of the Mormon church, than all other books put together; still it is usually kept in the background, and the Book of Mormon thrown forward, as their main authority, nextafterthe Bible." Prof. TURNER, Mormonism,/. 20. 6433 GREENE (John P.), an authorized representative of the Mormons. Facts relating to the Expulsion of the Mormons from the State of Missouri,//. 43, stitched. 8 Cincinnati, 1839 6434 GUNNISON (Lieut. J. W.) The Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake,//. 168, view of Nauvoo, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1853 6435 HOWE (E. D.) History of Mormonism : or, a Faithful Account of that Singular Imposition and Delusion, with sketches of the characters of its propagators, [and] Inquiries into the probability that the historical part of the Golden Bible was written by one Solomon Spalding, //. 290, frontispiece, cloth, SCARCE. 12 Painesville [Ohio}, 1840 6436 KTDDER (D. P.) Mormonism and the Mormons : a Historical View of the rise and progress of the self-styled Latter-Day Saints, sheep. 1 6 New York, 1842 54 THOMAS PAINE, AND DEISM. 6437 PRATT (O.) Interesting Account of several Remarkable Visions and of the late Discovery of Ancient American Records, //. 36. New York, 1841 The same, 3d edition. N. Y, 1842. 2 Pam phlets. 12 6438 PRATT (Parley P.) A Voice of Warning and Instruction to all People, or an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 3d American edition, pp. 284, VERY SCARCE. 1 8 Ndnvoo, John Taylor, 1844 First published in 1837: the second edition, in 1839. "It does not profess peculiar inspiration, but is considered by the Mormons as the most able exposition of their peculiar doctrines, especially those which they derive from the prophecies and those which pertain to the Kingdom of God, or, the organization of the church." Prof. TURNER S Mor- monism, p. 21. 6439 TURNER (Prof. J. B.) Mormonism in all Ages ; with the Biog raphy of its Author and Founder, Joseph Smith, Junior. 12 New York, [1842] 6440 Mormon Fanaticism Exposed. A Compendium of the Book of Mormon. Also, the Examination of its Evidences, etc. Argued between Elder Freeman Nickerson, a Mormon, and the author, Tyler Parsons, //. 102, sewed. 8 Boston, 1841 6441 Pamphlets (4) Modern Fanaticism Exposed. Discussion between Elder F. Nickerson and Tyler Parsons. Boston, 1841 Adventures and Experience of Joseph H. Jackson, disclosing the depths of Mormon Villany (sic) in Nauvoo, //. 36. Warsaw, 1846 Brief History of the Causes of the Hancock Mob, (Illinois,) 1846 : by Josiah B. Conyers, M.D.,//. 84. Saint Louis, 1846 Startling Disclosures of the Great Mysteries & Secret Doings in the Great Mormon Temple, Nauvoo, being the celebrated " Endow ment ;" etc., by I. M Gee Van Dusen and his Wife, large folding view of the Nauvoo Temple, and other illustrations, pp. 23. N. York, 1849. THOMAS PAINE S DEISTICAL (AND OTHER) WORKS: WITH REPLIES TO THE AGE OF REASON, ETC. 6442 PAINE (Thos.) Letter to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America. Boston, repr. 1782 Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. N. Y., 1796 Letter to General Washington, June 30, 1795 ; a new edition. N. K, R. D. Taylor, 1803 Letter addressed to the Addressers on the late Proclama tion. London, 1792 Letters to the Citizens of the United States. N. Y. 1802 Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly. Paris, 1797 Examination of Passages in the N. Testament, called Prophecies of Jesus Christ, etc. N. Y., n. d. On the Origin of Free-Masonry. A Posthumous Work. N. K, 1810 Miscellaneous Poems. London, R. Carlile, 1819 Agrarian Justice opposed to Agrarian Law, etc. Phila. n. d. Thomas Paine Vindicated. A Short Letter to the Bishop of Lan- daff s Reply to the Age of Reason ; by a Deist. London, 1796 Prospects on the War, and Paper Currency. First Amer. edition. Baltimore, 1794. 12 in i vol., new half blue mor., several uncut. 8 THOMAS PAINE, AND DEISM. f 55 6443 PAINE (Thos.) Rights of Man. 4th Amer. edition. Boston, 1791 The same, Part Second, 7th edition. London, 1792 The same (Part First) dedicated to G. Washington, wants title The same (Part Second) dedicated to M. de Lafayette, wants title. 4 in i vol., new half blue morocco. 8 6444 -- The Age of Reason, the First edition. Paris, Barrois, [1794] - The same, Part Second, pp. 143. n. p. 1795. The Recanta tion ; an anticipated Valedictory Address of Thomas Paine to the French Directory, N. Y. 1797 Compendium of the Life of T. Payne : by G. Vale. N. Y. 1837 Letter from M. Condorcet, to a Magistrate in Swisserland ; with a letter from Thos. Paine to the People of France, etc. N. Y. 1793 Dissertation on First-Principles of Government, //. 40. Paris, [1794] The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. Phila., John Page, 1796 Dissertation on First-Principles of Government. 2d ed. Londo?i, 1795 Trial of Thomas Paine for a Libel in the Second Part of Rights of Man. Boston, 1793 Paine s Letter to Hon. T. Erskine, on the Prosecution of Thos. Williams, for publishing the Age of Reason. Newburgh, D. Denniston, n. d. [1797] Mr. King s Speech, at Egham, with T. Paine s Letter to him on it, and his Reply, roth edition; with Mr. King s 2d letter. London, 1793 Trials of R. Carlile, for publishing " Paine s Age of Reason," and Palmer s " Principles of Nature." London, [1819] Speeches of John Gale Jones, at the British Forum, on the Prosecutions for the Publication of " Paine s Age of Reason." London, R. Carlile, 1819 Dialogue on the approaching Trial of Mr. Carlile, for pub lishing the Age of Reason. London, 1819 Carlile (R.) Letter to Society for Suppression of Vice, on their Malignant Efforts, etc. Londo?i, 1819. 15 in i vol., new half blue mor., nearly all uncut. 8. 6445 The Theological Works of Thomas Paine. To which are added the Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar, by J. J. Rousseau, <?/<:., portrait, pp. 384, sheep. 8 London, Cook 6* Swann, 1830 6446 Tracts. (Replies to the Age of Reason.) Investigation of that False, Fabulous and Blasphemous Misrepresentation of Truth [Paine s Age of Reason]. By a Delaware Waggoner [D. Nelson], pp. 192, n. p., n. d. [BRADFORD (Rev. Eben.) of Rowley, Mass.} T. Paine s Trial ; being an Examination of his Age of Reason. Dedicated to G. Washington. Boston, 1795 WILMER (J. J.) of Maryland. Consolation : being a Replication to T. Paine and others, on Theologies. Phila., 1794 A short Extract . . from the work entitled Man Undeceived, written in Spanish by J. Ph. De Puglia, and translated by him. Phila., 1793 WAKEFIELD (G.) An Examination of the Age of Reason. London; repr. New Y., 1794 WATSON (R.) Bishop of Landaff. An Apology for the Bible; addressed to Thomas Paine. Phila., 1796 The Age of Infidelity ; in answer to Paine s Age of Reason. By a Layman. London ; repr. Phila., 1794. 7 / i vol., new half blue morocco, nearly all uncut. 8 6447 Tracts. (Replies to the Age of Reason.) WATSON (R.) Apol ogy for the Bible; in Letters addressed to Thos. Paine, pp. 201. New Brunswick, 1796 ; The same, pp. 178. N. Y. 1796 The 56 LAW, AND GOVERNMENT. Age of Infidelity, in answer to the Age of Reason. Boston, 1794 - TYTLER (James) Paine s Second Part of the Age of Reason answered, //. 107. Salem, 1796 THOMSON (R.) Divine Author ity of the Bible ;.. a Refutation of Paine s Age of Reason, ist Am. ed. Boston, 1807. 5 (v. s.) in i vol., new half blue morocco, all uncut. 8 6448 The Age of Infidelity : in answer to T. Paine s Age of Reason. By a Layman,//. 59, uncut. 12 London ; repr. N. York, 1794 6449 OGDEN (Rev. Uzal) Rector of Trin. Church, Neivark. Antidote to Deism. The Deist unmasked ; or an ample Refutation of all the objections of T. Paine, against the Christian Religion, etc. . . Annexed, A Short Method with the Deists, by Charles Leslie. 2 vols., //. 327, 342. Dedicated to G. Washington. 12 Newark, John Woods, 1795 6450 PATTEN (Rev. Win.) of Newport. Christianity the true Theology. . In Answer to "The Age of Reason,"//. 180, uncut. 12 Warren, R.I. 1795 PRIESTLEY (Jos.) Continuation of Letters to the Philosophers of France. . and Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever, in answer to Paine s Age of Reason, pp. 72. 8 Repr. Salem, Mass., 1795 TYTLER (James) Paine s Second Part of the Age of Reason answered, pp. 107, uncut. 12 Salem, 1796 WATSON (R.) Bp. of Landaff. Apology for the Bible, in Letters addressed to T. Paine. 8 Dublin, 1796. (4 vols.) 8 and 12 LAW, AND GOVERNMENT. STATUTE LAWS: TRIALS, CIVIL AND CRIMINAL: REPORTS: AMERICAN POLITICS. 645 1 BLACKSTONE, An Interresting Appendix to Sir Wm. Blackstone s Commentaries on the Laws of England ; containing Priestley s Remarks on Vol. IV. of the Commentaries, relating to the Dissent ers ; Blackstone s Reply ; Priestley s Answer to the Reply ; Case of the Middlesex Election, considered ; Furneaux s Letters to Blackstone, on the Act of Toleration, etc. Argument of Justice Foster, and Speech of Lord Mansfield, in the cause between the City of London and the Dissenters ; pp. 119, xii, 155, law sheep. 4 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1772 The Subscribers edition. Rev. ISAAC BACKUS S copy, with his autograph. 6452 The Same. Another copy, law sheep. r. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1773 Hon. Z. Pratt s copy, with some manuscript notes. 6453 The same, with title changed to: "The Palladium of Con science, or the Foundations of Religious Liberty displayed," etc. % law sheep. r. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1773 LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 57 6454 BURN S Justice. An Abridgement of Burn s Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. . Added, an Appendix, etc. pp. (8), 386, (2), sheep, fine copy* Autograph of Samuel Mather. 4 Boston, 1773 6455 CARE (Henry) English Liberties, or the Free-born Subject s Inheritance; Containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the Habeas Corpus Act, etc. . . Continued with large Additions, by W. N. The Fifth Edition,//. (12), 288, law sheep, good copy, SCARCE. 8 Boston, J. FRANKLIN, f or N.Buttolph, 1721 6456 Conductor Generalis : or, the Office, Duty, and Authority o Justices of the Peace, etc. Second Edition, with large Additions, //. (16), xvi, 464, half calf neat. 8 Philadelphia, B. FRANKLIN, and D. Hall, 1749 6457 CURZON (H.) A Compendium of the Laws and Government of Great Britain and Ireland, and Dominions, Plantations, and Terri tories thereunto belonging, etc. 2d Edition, pp. (16), 642, (14,) good copy, wants half the cover. 12 London, 1716 "The English Plantations in America,"//. 492-532 : New York,//. 500-503. 6458 An Historical Essay on the English Constitution : or, an Impartial Inquiry into the Elective Power of the People, etc., pp. viii, 210, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 London, E. H. Dilly, 1771 6459 [JEVONS (Thos.)] Remarks on Criminal Law ; and on the Prevention of Crime, //. iv, 1 1 1 ; with the author s autograph pre sentation to Mrs. L. H- Sigourney. 8 London, 1834 6460 LAWS. Connecticut. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Eng lish Colony of Connecticut. With The Charter Granted by his Majesty King Charles II, etc.,//. 6, (4), 256. folio, New London, T. Green, 1750 This copy contains, also, the annual session Acts of Oct. 1750, Oct. 1751, May and Oct 1752, and May, 1753, (//. 257-271.) 6461 - Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, in America, pp. 8, 265, sheep, FINE COPY. folio, New London, T. Green, 1784 With additional Acts and Laws passed May, 1784, to Oct. 1794 (paged, 267-450), bound in. 6462 Public Statute Laws of Connecticut : Acts of 8 Sessions, between 1811 and 1821 / andM.ay Sessions, 1822, -23, -27, -29, -30, ~34-35- May and Dec. 1836; May, 1837, -46: Private Acts, 1842, 1844. 19 Pamphlets. 8 Hartford, v. y. 6463 Delaware. Laws of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, pp. 363, xvii, title repaired and one leaf after the title supplied in neat manuscript ; some manuscript marginal notes a?id corrections ; broken binding: VERY SCARCE. folio, Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752 6464 Kentucky. The Statute Law of Kentucky; with Notes, Praelections, and Observations on the Public Acts, etc., etc. By Wm. Littell, Esq. 5 vols. Acts passed at the First Session of the 25th, (26th, 27th, and 2.8th) Gen. Assembly of Kentucky (1816-1819), //. 992, and 3 Indexes. 6 vols. sheep. 8 Frankfort, Ky., 1809-1820 VERY SCARCE. This copy is from the library of Wm. W. Hening, the editor of the Laws of Virginia. 8 58 LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 6465 LAWS. Maryland. VALLETTE (Elie) The Deputy Commis sary s Guide within the Province of Maryland, pp. iv, 248, (n), engraved Title (T. Sparrow, sc.\ sheep, nice copy, RARE. 8 Annapolis, Ann Catharine Green and Son, 1774 6466 Massachusetts. [The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony : Revised & Re-printed. By Order of the General Court Holden at Boston, May i5th, 1672], //. 17-170, and Table, 14 leaves, wants title and preceding leaf, and pp. 1-17; "Several Laws and Orders made . . \^th of May, 1672, ^ pp., inserted in manuscript, hf. bd. folio, {Cambridge, Samuel Green, for John Usher of Boston, 1672] Dr. John Pickering s copy, nearly complete, of this EXTREMELY RARE volume. A few lines have been cut from pages 162-3, at the beginning of "Presidents & Forms." For a more full collation, see (Part I.) No. 814. 6467 The Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts, from the Establishment of its Constitution to the First Session of the General Court, A. D. I788,//. 389, law sheep, nice copy. 8 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1788 6468 - - Acts and Laws passed by the Gen. Court of his Majesty s Province of Massachusetts-Bay, etc. May, 1736 to May, 1757. Table of Titles, and pp. 1-108 : ACTS, passed 1786, wants first leaf (PP- 437-485) : Nov. 1787 (//. 646-65): Jan.-March, 1797 (//. 41-120): Jan.-March, 1800 (//. 341-410): May-June, 1801 (//. 483-518). RESOLVES, &c. Nov. 1800 -March, 1801 : May & June, 1802 : Jan.-Mch. 1804: May & June, 1804. (Parcel^) folio 6469 - - JOURNALS of the Hon. House of Representatives, of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, etc. Dec. 1763 (to Feb. 1764), //. 117-275 : Sept. 1765 (to Feb. 1766) pp. 117-312 : Dec. 1767 (to Mch. 1768), //. 87-214, and Appendix, pp. 35 : Mch. & April, 1770, imperfect, pp. 93-196 : Jan.-Mch. 1785, //. 210-369. 6 Pamphlets, all uncut. folio 6470 New York, Acts | of | Assembly | Passed in the | Province of New-York, | From 1691, to 1725. //. (10), 319; Ordinance for Regulating Fees, 1710. pp. 20; Ordinance for Regulating Fees in Chancery, 1723, 4 pp.; Ordinance for Regulating the Recording of Deeds, &c. 1723, 2. pp., old law calf. folio, New York, William Bradford, 1726 A good copy of this VERY RARE volume. A name has been torn from the head of the title, a bit is torn from the corner of the first leaf of the Index, and the lower corners of the last 15 leaves have been nibbled by mice; but none of these slight injuries touches the text. 6471 -- Nova Scotia. The perpetual Acts of the General Assemblies of His Majesty s Province of Nova Scotia, Title, Dedication, Tables of Titles, etc. (13 prel. //.), pp. 1-206, and Errata, i/. The Tempo rary 4-Cts of the General Assemblies of . . Nova Scotia, Title, and pp. 65. 2 vols in one, old law calf, fine copy, RARE. folio, Halifax, N. S., Robert Fletcher, 1767 This edition of the Laws of the Province was prepared by John Duport, Esq., "with the Revisal and Marginal References, by Mr. Chief Justice JONATHAN BELCHER," by whom it was dedicated to the Governor, Lord William Campbell. LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 59 6472 LAWS. Rhode Island. Acts and Laws Of His Majesty s Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, In New-England, In America, Title, and Table (9 preL //.), //. 308. To which is prefixed : The Charter Granted by His Majesty King Charles II. etc., pp. 15 ; unbound. folio, Newport, Printed by the WIDOW FRANKLIN, 1744, 45 A large and fine copy of this VERY SCARCE revision. Three leaves (//. 243-8) being mutilated, are replaced by others from a somewhat smaller copy. The covers were removed by Mr. Brinley, preparatory to sending the volume to Mr. F. Bedford, for binding. 6473 Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, In New-England, In America. From Anno 1745, to Anno 1752, Title, and Table, 8 //., and pp. no, clean and fine copy, SCARCE. folio, Newport, J. FRANKLIN, 1752 6474 -- Virginia. [Beverly, R.)] An Abridgment of the Publick Laws of Virginia, in Force and Use, June 10, 1720. To which is added, for the Ease of the Justices and Military Officers, &c. Precedents . . peculiar to those Laws ; etc., pp. (8), 184, (14), wants the last leaf of Table, sheep, good copy, SCARCE. 8 London, 1728 6475 United States. Acts passed at [the First Session of the] Con gress of the U. S. of America, begun and held at the City of New York, March 4th, 1789 : and Acts passed at the Second and Third Sessions, 1790-91, etc., //. (10), 327, law sheep, good copy. 1. 8 Hartford, Hudson &> Goodwin, 1791 6476 - - Journal of the 3d Session of the 5th Congress, pp. 549, sheep, gilt. 8 New London, Conn., S. Green, 1798-99 6477 RALPH (James) Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments. 2 vols. London, 1744 The Other Side of the Question : or, an Attempt to rescue the Characters of the Two Royal Sisters Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of the hands of the D ... s D .... of - By a Woman of Quality. London, 1742. (3 vols.) calf, one broken at the joints. 8 6478 Reports. KIRBY (Ephr.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1785-88, law sheep. 8 Litchfield, Collier and Adam, 1789 6479 - - The same. 2 copies, sheep. 8 Litchfield, 1789 6480 -- CHIPMAN (Nath l) Reports and Dissertations, in Two Parts. Part I. Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, 1789-91. Part II. Dissertation on Statutes, etc., pp. 296, law sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Rutland, Anth. Haswell, 1793 6481 (United States.) Annals of Congress. Debates and Proceed ings in the Congress of the U. States : with important State Papers and Public Documents, and all Laws of a Public Nature. From the ist Session of the First Congress to the ist Session of the i8th Congress (1789-1824), inclusive. 42 vols. sheep. 1. 8 Washington, Gales 6- Seaton, 1834-56 6482 Opinions of the Attorney Generals of the U. States, from the beginning j of the j Government | to | March ist, 1841. 2 vols., half calf, pp. 1495. 1. 8 Washington, 1841 6O LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 6483 Tracts. A Selection of (25) Tracts, under the general title, "LAW AND GOVERNMENT." 2 vols. hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe}. 8 Judge Freeman s Charge to the Gr. Jury, of Barnstable county, Mass., 1802 Report of Hiram Maxwell s Case, with Speech of John A. Graham, N. York. 1823 D. Webster s Argument for the Boston & Lowell R. R. Co., 1845 ^ Hertell, The Demurrer: or Proofs of Error in the Decision of the Supr. Court of N. York, requiring Faith in Religious Doctrines, as a qualification of Wit nesses, 1828 (//. 158) Judge Tallmadge s Review of Judge Cowen s Opinion, in the case of Alex. McLeod, 1841 Edw. Livingston s Argument against Capital Punishment Review of the D Hauteville Case [by P. W. Chandler]. Boston, 1841 Report of Case of Ezra A. Bourne vs. City of Boston, 1853 Horace Binney s Arg. in Case of Vidal vs. City of Philadelphia, in Sup. Court of the U. S. (//. 144) F. Lieber s Essay on Subjects of Penal Law, Solitary Confinement, etc. Phila., 1838 Report of Case of Kittredge vs. Emerson, Sup. Co. ist Dist. of N. Hamp shire, 1844 Wharf Property; or the Law of Flats. Boston, 1852 -T. Hertell, on Law of Imprisonment for Debt. Boston, 1825 B. Dole s Examination of Mr. Rantoul s Report for abolishing Capital Punishment. Boston, 1837 etc., etc. 6484 Tracts. A selection of 116 Tracts, under the general title, "AMERICAN POLITICS." 10 vols. hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe]. 1784- 1832. 8 A valuable collection, including many scarce and important Political Tracts. 6485 Trials. A Collection of scarce and important Criminal Trials ; bound in 8 vols., new hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe]. 8 Among Trials for Murder, are those of Daley and Halligan for the Murder of Marcus Lyon, at Wilbraham, Mass., 1806 ; Moses Adams, High Sheriff of Hancock co., Mass., for the murder of his Wife, 1815 ; Jason Fairbanks for the murder of Eliz. Fales at Ded- ham, 1801 (2 editions); J. F. Knapp, for the murder of Capt. Joseph White, at Salem, 1830 (First and Second Trials); Prof. J. W. Webster, for murder of Dr. G. Parkman, 1849 ; Mrs. Hannah Kinney, for the murder of her husband, Boston, 1840; Amos Furnaud, for the murder of his son, Alfred, at Gilmanton, N. H., 1824, (pp. 127) ; Cyrus B. Dean, for the murder of J. Ormsby and A. Marsh, Burlington, Vt, 1808; Hall, Roberts, and Bell, for the murder of Mrs. Bacon, Middletown, Ct., 1843 > Stephen and Jesse Bourn, for the murder of Russell Colvin, 2d ed. 1820; Joel Clough, for the murder of Mrs. Hamilton, of Bordentown, N. J. (2 editions); Rev. Eph. K. Avery, for the murder of Sarah M. Cornell, at Tiv- erton, 1832 (2 editions; with Narrative of his Apprehension; Report of his Examination ; and Vindication of the Result of the Trial; maps, and illustrations) ; and others, 32 in 3 vols. Piracy and Murder on the Seas : Trials of Williams, Frederick, and others, at Boston, 1818 ; Wm. Holmes, Warrington, and Rose- wain, Boston, 1819; John Duncan White, et al., for murder of the captain and mate of the Schr. Fairy, Boston, 1827 (//. 176); Jose Hilario Casares, et al., for piracy and murder on the Brig Crawford, Richmond, Va., 1827 ; and 5 other pamphlets, in i vol. TRIALS. 6 1 Robbery: Trials of Levi & Laban Kenniston, for robbery of Major E. P. Goodridge, at Newbury, Dec. 1816; Mich. Martin for highway robbery, in Medford, 1821 ; George Ryan, for highway robbery, in Marlborough, N. H., 1811; Life of Mich. Martin, executed in Cambridge, Mass., for highway robbery, 1821 : and 5 other pamphlets, including the Trial of Thos. Muir, at Edinburgh, 1793, for Sedition, 2d Am. edition, with portrait. N. York, 1794. Assault and Battery : S. Van Rensselaer vs. John Taylor, et a/., and E. Jenkins vs. S. Van Rensselaer, Albany, 1808, engraved plan, pp. 80; Major Mitchell (aged n) for felonious assault and maiming David H. Crawford, in Durham, Me., 1834; with 12 other Trials (various offenses}, in i vol. Adultery, Seduction, etc.: Trial of Jacob Cochrane, for Adul tery, etc., York, Me., 1819; Rev. Ammi Rogers, for assault &c., Griswold, Ct., 1820; Rev. Joy H. Fairchild, Trial before a Council at Exeter, N. H., 1844, for Seduction, and his trial at Boston, for adultery ; Statement and Review of the whole Case: by a Member of the Suffolk Bar, pp. 104 (Bost., 1845); Corresp. between Rev. Neh. Adams and J. H. Fairchild, 1846 ; Iniquity unfolded ! Account of the Treatment of Mr. Fairchild, written by himself, Exeter, 1844. Divorce: Edward Middleton, Philadelphia, 1849 ; Sarah M. Jarvis vs. Rev. Dr. S. F. Jarvis, 1839 ( 2 editions); Catherine N. Forrest vs. Edwin Forrest, New York, 1851 (pp. 186). Conspiracy, etcs.: Wm. and Peter C. Smith, for consp. to har- rass and oppress Abr. Paul, N. York, 1824; Journeymen Cord- wainers of N. York, for conspiring to raise their wages, 1810, pp. 1 68. Libel: Authentick Account of Proceedings against John Wilkes, Esq.: Reprinted, Boston, 1763 ; Wm. Cobbett, in Court of King s Bench, 1831; Trials of Rev. John Chester and Mark Tucker, with the Case of the Rev. Hooper Gumming, before the Presbytery of Albany, 1817, pp. 255. 6486 Trials for Libels, etc. 9 in i vol., hf. bluemor., all uncut. 8 Speeches of Van Ness, Caines, Harrison and Hamilton, in the cause of the People vs. Harry Croswell, for Libel on T. Jefferson. N. Y. 1804; Andr. Wright, printer of the Republican Spy, of Northampton, Mass., for libels against Gov. Strong, 1806; Joshua Stow, of Middletown, Ct, vs. Sherman Converse, 1820, 1822, pp. 183 ; Rev. M. Thatcher, of Wrentham, Mass., vs. Gen. Preston Pond, for Slander, 1837 ; Commonwealth of Mass., vs. Joseph T. Buckingham, for a Libel agt. Rev. John N. Maffit, 1822 ; The People vs. Dr. Horatio N. Loomis for Libel, Erie Co., N. Y., 1850 ; John Dorrance vs. Arthur Fenner (Gov. of R. Island), and Fenner vs. Dorrance,//. 116. Providence, 1802 (RARE); Moore & Sevey, for a Libel on Sam l D. Greene, Boston, 1833 ; Beals & Greene (Boston Morning Post) for Libel on A. W. Pike, of Topsfield Academy, 1835. 6487 - Speeches of Van Ness, Caines, Harrison, Spencer, and Alexander Hamilton, in the cause of the People vs. Harry Cros well, for a Libel on Thomas Jefferson,//. 78, manuscript marginal notes. 8 New York, 1804 62 LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 6488 (Trials : for Libels.) Dr. Benjamin Rush vs. Wm. Cobbett, for libels in Porcupine s Gazette. Phila. 1800, RARE; Maturin Living ston vs. James Cheetham, for a Libel. N. Y. 1807 ; Theo. Lyman Jr. for libel on Daniel Webster. Boston, 1828 ; John Taylor vs. Edward C. Delavan, Albany, 1840 ; David Lee Child, for a Libel on Hon. John Keyes, //. 119. Boston, 1829 ; Chas. N. Baldwin for a Libel, in publishing in the Repub. Chronicle, charges of Fraud in the management of Lotteries in New York, 1818 ; and 5 others, in i vol., hf. blue morocco. 8 6489 Trials. Hamilton vs. Eaton. A Case respecting British Debts, in U. S. Circuit Court, N. Carolina District. Newbern, N. C., F. X. Martin, 1797 ; Chisholm vs. State of Georgia: a Case in Supr. Court of the U. S. Feb. 1793; Trial of Gen. Michael Bright and others, in L T . S. Circuit Court, Dist. of Pennsylvania, for opposing the execution of a Writ of Arrest (//. 224), Phila. 1809 ; and 8 others, in i vol., hf. blue mor., all but two uncut. 8 6490 - - Trials for Murder, in the State of New York, Confessions etc. 2 1 in i vol., hf. blue morocco, nearly all uncut. 8 John Young, for murder of R. Barwick, a deputy sheriff. N. Y. 1797 ; Israel, Isaac and Nelson Thayer, for m. of John Love, Buf falo, 1825, stained ; Stephen Arnold, for in. of Betsey Van Amburgh, Otsego co., 1805 ; Francisco dos Santo, for m. of Arch. Graham, New York, 1806, with his confession, wood cut ; Joshua Barney, on indictment for murder, 1824 ; Isaac L. Wood, for m. of Mrs. Rhoda Wood (the Dansville Poisoning Case), 1858 ; Narrative of Whiting Sweeting, executed at Albany. Exeter, N. H. 1793 ; The same, Hartford, n. d. The same, Windham, 1797 ; Confession of Jesse Strang, executed at Albany, Exeter ; JV. H. 1793 The same. Hartford, n. d.; The same, Windham, 1797 ; Confession of Jesse Strang, executed at Albany, 1827, for m. of John Whipple (3 editions) ; Robert M. Goodwin, for manslaughter, New York, March, 1820, and April, 1821 ; and others. 6491 Report on the Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S., before the High Court of Impeachment, on charges of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, etc., pp. 268, 68, boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1805 6492 - - Trial of Jacob Barker, Thomas Vermilya, and Matthew L. Davis, for alleged Conspiracy [to defraud the Morris Canal, Fulton and Tradesmen s Banks, and other corporations],//. 328, iv, sheep. 8 New York, 1827 6493 A Report of the Conspiracy Cases tried at Harford County Court, in Maryland : to which is prefixed An Exhibit of the Losses sustained at the Office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore, under the administration of Jas. A. Buchanan, Pres t, and J. W. M Culloh, Cash r, //. 28, xix, 280, 118, boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1823. 6494 (False Imprisonment.) Robbery of the Bank of Pennsyl vania in 1798. The Trial in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Reported from notes by T. Lloyd. Upon which the President, Cashier, and one of the Directors of that Bank, and the High TRIALS. 63 Constable of Philadelphia, were sentenced to pay Patrick Lyon $12,000 damages, for a false and malicious prosecution [on a charge of robbing the Bank],//. 184, boards, VERY SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1808 6495 Trials. The Catholic Question in America. Whether a Roman Catholic Clergyman be in any case compellable to disclose the secrets of Auricular Confession. Decided in the Court of General Sessions, in the City of New York. . Reported by Wm. Sampson, one of the Counsel,/^. 138, cxxviii, i, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1813 The Appendix contains A True Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church , touching the Sacrament of Penance, etc. 6496 (Court Martial.) Proceedings of a Court Martial, April, 1764, for the trial of a charge preferred by Colin Campbell, Esq., against Major Gen. Robert Monckton,//. 98, doth. 8 London, 1764 Gen. Monckton was charged " with many wrongs and deliberate acts of oppression towards the said Colin Campbell, heretofore Major-Commandant of the rooth Regiment of Foot, when under his (Gen. Monckton s) Command in the Island of Martinique, in the year 1762." These charges were found to be " groundless, malicious, and scandalous." 6497 (Courts Martial.) Proceedings of a Gen. Court Martial at Salem, Mass., Sept. 1812, for the Trial of Major Gen. Ebinezer Goodale, name cut from head of title. Cambridge, 1812 Proceed ings of a Gen. C. M. at Boston, for the Trial of Major Joseph Loring, Jr., on a complaint made by Brig. Gen. Arnold Welles. Boston, 1813. 2 in i vol., hf. sheep. 8 6498 (impeachment of Judge Prescott.) Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esq., Judge of the Probate &c. for the County of Middlesex, before the Senate of Massachusetts, . 1821 : with an Appendix, containing an account of former Impeach ments, in the same State. By Oct. Pickering and W. H. Gardiner, pp. 226, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1821 6499 (Quakers.) A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Religious Society called Quakers, in Philadelphia, against John Evans ; added the Evidence on the trial of the case of John Evans vs. Ellis Yarnall and others ; with an Appendix, compiled under the direction of J. Evans,//, vii, 238, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1811 6500 Report of the Trial of Friends, at Steubenville, Ohio, Oct. 15-26, 1828. By Marcus T. C. Gould, stenographer, //. 340, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 On the complaint of Benj. W. Ladd, against David Hillesand Isaac Jones, for "unlaw fully interrupting and disturbing the yearly meeting of the society of Friends" at Mount Pleasant. 6501 (Reinhard.) Report at large of the Trial of Charles De Reinhard, for Murder, (committed in the Indian Territories,) at a Court at Quebec, May, 1818. . Annexed, a summary of the Trial of Arch. M Lellan, indicted as an Accessary. By Wm. S. Simpson, //. xii, 340, boards, uncut. 8 Montreal, 1819 6502 (Smith and Ogden.) The Trials of Wm. S. Smith, and Samuel G. Ogden, for Misdemeanours : in the U. S. Circuit Court, New York, July, 1806, pp. xxxiii, 287, sheep, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1807 Col. Smith and Mr. Ogden were indicted for setting on foot and promoting Gen. Miranda s South American expedition. 64 LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 6503 Trials. The Case of Trevett against Weeden : on Information and Complaint, for refusing Paper Bills in payment for Butcher s Meat, in Market, at Par with Specie. Tried before the Hon. Sup r Court, in the County of Newport, (R. I.) 1786. Also, The Case of the Judges of said Court, before the Gen. Assembly, Oct. 1786, on citation, for dismissing said Complaint, etc. By James M. Varnum,/^. iv, 60, half morocco, red edges, fine copy, scarce. sm. 4 Providence, J. Carter, 1787 " The great case of Trevett vs. Weeden was one which stirred the community to its very foundation. Upon its issue was involved the destiny of thousands. Public feeling and anxiety were intense upon its result." UPDIKE S Memories of the R. I. Bar. 6504 The samejfrw^ clean copy, in original wrapper. 4 Prov. 1787 6505 -- (Zenger s Trial.) The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New- York, Printer, who was lately Try d and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. With the Pleadings and Arguments on both sides, pp. 32, half blue mor. extra, top gilt, uncut. 4 London, for J. Wilford, 1738 6506 A brief Narrative of the Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New-York Weekly Journal, pp. 48 (no title page), somewhat stained, hf. blue morocco, top gilt, nearly uncut. 4 Boston, T. Fleet, 1738 6507 - The same, pp. 53, hf. russia neat. sm. 4 New York, repr. by J. Holt, 1770 6508 - - Trial of George Crowninshield, J. J. Knapp, Jun. and Francis Knapp, for the Murder of Capt. Joseph White, of Salem, April 6th, 1830. Reported by J. W. Whitman, pp. 100. Boston, Beals & Homer, 1830 Appendix to the Trial of J. F. Knapp, containing the new evidence, etc., //. 72. Salem edition, 1830 Trials of Capt. Joseph J. Knapp, Jr. and George Crowninshield. Esq.(!) for the Murder of Capt. Jos. White,//. 32, cuts, Boston, Charles Ellms, 1830 A Biographical Sketch of (Richard Crowninshield) the Salem Murderer,//. 24, cuts. Boston, 1830 The Mail Bobbers. Trials of Mich. Mellon, the Lancaster Mail Robber, and Geo. Wilson and J. Porter alias May, the Reading Mail Robbers, in the U. S. Circuit Court, Philadelphia, 1830, //. 160 Trials of J. Wil liams, Frederick, Bog, et al., for Murder on the High Seas, before the U. S. Circuit Court, Massachusetts, 1818, //. 99. 6 in i vol. half russia, neat. 8 6509 The Two Trials of John Fries, on an Indictment for Treason; with a brief report of the trials of several others for Treason and Insurrection, in the Counties of Bucks, Northampton, and Montgomery, Penn.; in the U. S. Circuit Court, Philadelphia, 1799, 1800, //. 226, 50. Phila., 1800 Trial of T. O. Selfridge, for killing Charles Austin, in Boston, Aug. 4, 1806. 2d ed. Boston, [1807] ; with 4 other pieces. 6 in i vol., hf. russia, neat. 8 6510 Report of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, for the Murder of Sarah M. Cornell, portrait, pp. 179. Providence, [1833] Strictures on the Case of Eph. K. Avery, . by Aristides, //. 100. Prov., 1833 A Fac-simile of the Letters produced at the Trial of Rev. E. K. Avery. . By David Melvill, 8 pages lithograph, in cover, 4 //., RARE. n. p. [Newport, 1833] 3 Pamphlets. 8 and 4 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 65 65 1 1 (Trials) An Exact Abridgement of all the Tryals, . relating to High Treasons, Piracies, &c. in the Reigns of the late King William the III. . and of our precious Gracious Sovereign Queen Anne. Together with Their Dying Speeches, etc., pp. 432. new half calf neat. 8 London, 1703 This scarce collection includes the trials of Capt. Kidd and his associates. 6512 The United States Criminal Calendar: . . being an Account of the most horrid Murders, Piracies,, Highway Robberies, &c. &c. Compiled by Henry St. Clair; with fifteen [wood] engravings, //. 356. 12 Boston, 1835 6513 American Criminal Trials. By Peleg W. Chandler. Vol. I. (only), cloth. 12 Boston, 1841 This volume contains the trials of Anne Hutchinson, the Massachusetts Quakers, the Salem Witches, J. P. Zenger for libel, the Negro Plot in New York, Jacob "Leisler and Col. Nicholas Bayard, the British Soldiers for the Boston Massacre, etc. 6514 Lives of Criminals, Confessions, Dying Speeches, Execution Sermons, etc. (1760-1850). 47 Pamphlets, more than half of them uncut, in 3 vols., new hf. blue morocco. 8 and 12 A remarkable collection, including many pamphlets of the highest rarity. POLITICAL ECONOMY; FINANCE, CURRENCY, COMMERCE, ETC. 6515 BOLLMAN (Erick) M.D. Plan of an Improved System of the Money-Concerns of the Union, pp. 52, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 6516 COOPER (Thomas) M.D. Manual of Political Economy, sheep. 16 Washington, Duff Green, 1834 6517 Commercial Conduct (The) of the U. S. of America considered, . by a Citizen of New York, pp. 21, uncut. 8 New York, S. 6- y. Loudon, 1786 " Printed for the Author, and given to the Public Gratis." 6518 GOUGE (Wm. M.) A Short History of Paper-Money and Bank ing in the U. States. . Prefixed, An Inquiry into the Principles of the American Banking System. 2d ed., pp. 42, 64, paper. sq. 8 New York, 1835 6519 [HOOPER (Hon. Samuel)] Currency or Money; its Nature and Uses, and the Effects of the Circulation of Bank-Notes for Cur rency. By a Merchant of Boston, pp. 112. 8 Boston, 1855 6520 [MARCET (Mrs. J.)] John Hopkins s Notions on Political Econ omy, cloth, uncut. 12 Boston, 1833 6521 RAYMOND (D.) Thoughts on Political Economy, pp. 470, in part water stained, boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1820 M CuLLOCH (J. R.) Principles, Practice, and History of Commerce, pp. 128, cloth. London, n. d. EVERETT (A. H.) New Ideas of Popula tion, calf gilt. Boston, 1823. (3 vols.) 8 6522 SMITH (Henry) The Examination of Usury. A Sermon preached in London, //. 24. 16 n. p., 1751 66 COMMERCE AND FINANCE. 6523 Some Observations relating to the Present Circumstances of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, pp. 20, hf. red mor. neat, uncut, SCARCE. sm. 4 Boston, D. Fowle, 1750 6524 WEBSTER (Pelatiah) Political Essays on the Nature and Opera tion of Money, Public Finances, and other Subjects, etc., pp. viii, 504, sheep, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1791 6525 WOLCOTT (Gov. Oliver) Remarks on the present state of Cur rency, Credit, Commerce, and National Industry : in reply to an Address of the Tammany Society of New York, //. 43, uncut. 8 N. York, 1820 6526 Tracts. D. Webster s Speech on renewal of the Charter of the Bank of the U. States ; May, 1832 [Johnson s] Review of the President s Veto of the Bank Bill, pp. 66. Phila., 1832 D. Webster s Speech on the Veto, July n, 1832 G. M. Dallas s Speech on the Bank bill, May 22, 1832 Proceedings of the Stockholders of the Bank, Sept. i, 1828 A. S. Clayton s Review of the Report of the Com. of Ways and Means, on the President s Message, 1830 Inquiry into the Causes of the present state of the Circulating Medium : [by Condy Raguet], authors autograph inserted. Phila., 1815 White s Report on the Gold Coins of the U. States, Feb., 1821 Notes relating to the Gold and Silver Coinage [by Wm. Duane]. n. d. Documents relating to the Bominguez Grant o f Land in Texas. New York, 1831: and 8 others, in i vol. hf. sheep. 8 6527 Tracts. (Commerce and Finance, 1784-98) [WEBSTER (Pela tiah)] An Essay on Credit; with Remarks on the Bank of North- America, with the Authors autograph. Phila., 1786 [WEBSTER (P.)] Seventh Essay on Free Trade and Finance. Phila., 1785 - EDWARDS (Brian) Thoughts on Proceedings of Government respecting trade of West Indies with the U. S. Lond., 1784 SHELDON (W.) Cursory Remarks on Usury Laws. Norwich, 1798 Remarks on Lord Sheffield s Observations on Commerce of the American States, by an American [Mr. Ruston?] London, 1784 SWAN (Col.) Causes qui se sont opposees aux progres du Commerce entre la France et les Etats-Unis; trad.sur le MS. Anglais. Paris, 1790. 6 in i vol., all but one uncut, new hf. blue morocco. 8 6528 Tracts. (1785-1830) Considerations on the Bank of North America. Phila., 1785 ATWATER (Jesse) Considerations on the approaching Dissolution of the U. S. Bank. New Haven, 1810 - BALDWIN (L.) Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy. Cambridge, 1809 U. S. Bankruptcy law of 1800. N. York, 1800 TALLEYRAND. Memoir on the Commercial Relations of the U. S. with England, etc. Boston, 1809 BOLLMANN (E.) Plan of an Improved System of the Money-Concerns of the Union. Phila., 1816 Reflections on the Present State of Banking Operations in the U. S.; by a Virginian. Washington, 1818 MELISH (J.) Necessity of protecting the Manufactures of the U. S. Phila., 1818 Exam, of the Report of a Com. of Citizens of Boston opposed to further Increase of Duties; by a Pennsylvanian, //. 119. Phila., 1828 Essays upon French Spoliations: by Fitzsimmons. COMMERCE. FINANCE. 6/ Phila., 1826 Memorial of Merchants of New York, on French Spoliations. N. Y., 1826 Bill to establish a uniform system of Bankruptcy. Wash., 1820 LUTHER (Seth) Address to Working Men of N. England, on the Condition of Producing Classes in Europe and America. Phila., 1836 WHITNEY (R. M.) Mem. to Congress, in relation to charges against him as a witness in the investigation of the U. S. Bank affairs. Wash., 1832 : and others. 17 in i vol., hf. blue morocco. 8 6529 Tracts. Commerce and Finance (1792-1850) Duties payable on Goods imported into the U. S. from July i, 1792. N. K, 1792 List of Post Offices in the United States. Wash., 1803 SCHENCK (Peter H.) Frauds on the Revenue. N. York, 1830 Saulnier (M.) Observations sur les Finances des Etats-Unis. Paris, 1831 The War on the Bank of the United States, //. 155. Phila., 1834 SCORESBY (Rev. W.) American Factories and their Female Operatives, pp. 122. London, 1845 BOLLES (John A.) Treatise on Usury and Usury. Laws. Boston, 1837 Memorial of the Committee appointed by the " Free Trade Convention " at Phila. 1831. N. Y., 1832 Instructions to Consuls and Commercial Agents of the U. S. Washington, 1838 GARY (T. G.) Letter to a Lady in France on the Supposed Failure of a National Bank ; [with remarks on] the books of Marryatt and Dickens. Boston, 1844 LAWRENCE (Abbott) Letters to Hon. W. C. Rives [on the Tariff]. Boston, 1846 HURD (J. R.) A National Bank, or no Bank, pp. 104. N. York, 1842 DEW (T. R.) Letter to a M. C. from Va., on the Financial Policy of the Administration. Wash., 1840 ALLEN (N.) The Opium Trade in India and China. 2d ed. Lowell, 1853:- and another. 15, mostly uncut, in i vol., half blue morocco. 8 6530 Tracts. [PAINE] Dissertations on Government, the Affairs of the Bank, and Paper Money. By the Author of " Common Sense." Phila. [1786; repr^\ 1838 Observations on the N. A. Land-Com pany, lately instituted in Philadelphia,//. 151, uncut. London 1796 Address of Conn. Society for encouragement of Am. Manufac tures. Middletown, 1817 TUCKERMAN (Jos.) Prize Essay, on Wages paid to Females. Phila., 1830 HARE (Robert) Proofs that Credit as Money is . . preferable to Coin. Phila., 1834 APPLETON (Nathan) Remarks on Currency and Banking. Boston, 1841 CAREY (Henry C.) The Prospect; . .commercial and financial, at the opening of 1851. Phila. HALE (Edw. E.) Letters on Irish Emigration, //. 64. Boston, 1852 : and tivo others. 10 Pamphlets. 8 SCIENCES AND ARTS. MEDICAL SCIENCE AND PSEUDO-SCIENCE: MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY, ETC. 6531 Anaesthesia. BROWN (Buckminster) The Pathological and Physiological Effects of Ethereal Inhalation. Boston, 1847 GAY (Martin) Claims of Charles T. Jackson to the discovery of the applicability of Sulphuric Ether to the prevention of Pain, etc. Boston, 1847 ( 2 copies) WARREN (Edw.) Some account of the Letheon : or, Who is the Discoverer ? 30! ed., enlarged. Boston, 1847 WARREN (J. Mason) Inhalation of Ether,//. 18, n. p., n. d. The Ether Discovery [claimed for Dr. Morton] : by R. H. Dana, Jr. LittelVs Living Age, March, 1848 Defence of Dr. C. T. Jackson s claims : by J. L. and H. C. Lord. Office of LittelFs L. Age, 1848 (2 copies) Bowditch (N. J.) The Ether Controversy. Vindication of the Mass. Hospital Report of 1848. Bost., 1848 Minority Report [in favor of Morton] 3oth Congress, 2d Sess., Feb. 1849, PP 99- [Wash.j 1849] Discovery by Dr. Horace Wells of the applicability of Nitrous Oxyd Gas, Sulphuric Ether, and other vapors, in Surgical Operations. Hartford, 1850 MORTON (W. T. G.) Physiological Effects of Sulphuric Ether, and its superiority to Chloroform. Boston, 1850 Report of Commit tee, in Senate, Feb. 19, 1853, on the various memorials, n. t. p. \Wash., 1853] WALKER (Hon. Isaac P.) Answer to "An Ex amination of the Question of Anaesthesia" [by Hon. Truman Smith]. Wash., 1853. 14 Pamphlets. 8 6532 Statements supported by evidence, of W. T. G. Morton, M.D., on his Claim to the Discovery of the Anaesthetic properties of Ether, submitted to the Select Comm ee of the U. S. Senate, Jan. 21, 1853 : With Appendix, containing Testimony in relation to the Claims of Dr. Horace Wells, //. 582, 135, half calf . Washington, 1853 6533 Baker (Rachel) Devotional Somnium : or, a Collection of Prayers and Exhortations, uttered by Miss Rachel Baker, in the City of New York, in the winter of 1815, during her abstracted and unconscious state. . . Prefixed, an Account of her Life, etc. . The Facts, attested by the most respectable Divines, Physicians, etc. By several Medical Gentlemen, portrait (by Jarvis}, pp. 298, bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1815 The Introduction is signed by John H. Douglass, M.D. Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill s classification of " the phenomena of the human mind which belong to the function of Somnium," and his account of Miss Baker s case, and analogous cases, with notes, etc., occupy pp. 25-124. MEDICAL. 69 6534 BAKER (Rachel) The Surprising Case of Rachel Baker, who prays and preaches in her sleep, etc. By Charles Mais, pp. 32. 8 New York, 1814 Contains Dr. S. L. Mitchill s Minutes on the Case, attested by Drs. John H. Douglass, J. E. R. Birch, Valentine Mott, and Arch. Bruce. 6535 BALL (Isaac) Analytical view of the Animal Economy ; calcu lated for the Students of Medicine, etc. 26. ed., with additions, frontispiece and vignettes, pp. 141, and 20 pp. of Subscribers Names. 12 New York, 1808 6536 BARTON (Benj. S.) Collections for an Essay towards a Materia Medica for the U. States. Parts I. (Second Edition,) and II., pp. xii, 64, 1 6, 53, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1801, 1804 6537 BELDEN (L. W.) M.D. Account of Jane C. Rider, the Spring field Somnambulist, pp. 135, cloth. 16 Springfield (Mass.*), 1834 6538 BLATCHFORD (Thos. W.) Inaugural Dissertation, on Feigned Diseases, //. 76. 8 New York, 1817 6539 [Brown (John)] Elements of Medicine. A Translation of the Elementa Medecinae Brunonis : with Notes, etc. 6th edition, //. xiv, 404, (n), and folded tables. 12 Fairhaven, James Lyon, 1797 6540 CORNARO (Lewis) Methods of attaining a Long and Healthy Life : with a preface by Joseph Addison. First Am. Edition, //. 156, sheep. 24 Phila.,for the Rev. M. L. Weems, 1793 6541 CULPEPER (N.) Medicaments for the Poor; or, Physick for the Common People. The Second Edition. London, 1662 Health for the Rich and Poor, by Dyet, without Physick. London, 1656. 2 in i vol. 12 " This book was part of the library of John Tulley, the N. E. Almanac maker from 1681 to 1702." [G. B.] 6542 HAVEN (S. F.) Jr., M.D. Statistics of 258 Cases of Intestinal Obstruction; with Remarks, pp. 31, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1855 6543 HOFFMAN (Christian) Longevity; an Account of various per sons who have lived to an extraordinary age, //. 120, sheep. 12 New York, J. S. Mott, 1798 Eight pages of (New York) Subscribers Names. 6544 JACKSON (James) Jr., M.D. Memoir and Letters, by James Jackson, M.D., pp. 444, cloth. 8 Boston, 1835 6545 JUNG-STILLING (Dr. J. H.) Theory of Pneumatology, in reply to the question, What ought to be believed concerning Presenti ments, Visions, and Apparitions. . Translated from the German by S. Jackson, pp. 460, cloth. sm. 8 London, 1834 6546 MANN (James) Dissertation upon the Cholera Infantum. (Boylston Prize Dissertation, 1803), //. 51. 8 Boston, 1804 6547 MIDDLETON (Peter) M.D. A Medical Discourse, or an Hist. Inquiry into the ancient and present State of Medicine : . . delivered at Opening the Medical School in the City of New York,//, ii, 72, marbled wrapper, SCARCE. 8 N. York, Hugh Gaine, 1769 6548 MORGAN (John) M.D., F.Jt.S. A Vindication of his public character in the Station of Director-General of the Military Hos pitals, and Physician in Chief to the American Army, anno 1776, //. xliii, 158, uncut. sq. 8 Boston, Powars 6 Willis, 1787 VERY SCARCE. An unusually fine copy; though the last sheet of the Introduction has a slight water stain, and the title needs washing. /O SCIENCES AND ARTS. 6549 PRIOR (Thomas) The Authentick Narrative of the Success of Tar Water, in curing a great number and variety of Distempers; with Remarks. . . Subjoined, Two Letters from the Author of Siris [Bishop Berkeley], showing the Medicinal Properties of Tar Water, etc., pp. 80, (2), uncut. 8 London, 1746: repr. Boston, 1749 With "Observations" (3 pp.) by the Rev. Thomas Prince, on the "natural history of our North-American Tar," its several sorts, and " their different operations on the human Oeconomy." 6550 RAND (Isaac) M.D. Observations on Phthisis Pulmonalis, and the use of the Digitalis purpurea in that disease, etc., pp. 26. 8 Boston, 1804 RARE. " The first one of the long series of annual addresses made before the Massa chusetts Medical Society. The pamphlet became so rare that by a vote of the Councillors, it was reprinted in the year 1853, . . in exact facsimile." Dr. S. A. GREEN S Cent. Ad dress, (mi,) p. 93. 6551 RUSH (Benj.) Medical Inquiries and Observations. 5 vols., s keep, good copy. 8 Phila., 1793-98 Vols. I. and III. are of the (revised) 2d edition, 1794. 6552 Six Introductory Lectures, to Courses of Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, pp. 168. Phila., 1801 WEBSTER (Noah) Collection of Papers on the subject of Bilious Fevers, prevalent in the U. States, pp. 246. N. York, 1796 STROEBEL (Dr. John Chr.) An Essay on the Lungs, . . leading to a Treatment of Consumptions, etc. N. ., 1810 Proceedings of the Medical and Surgical Society of the Univ. of N. York; 2d, 30!, and 5th Sessions. 1809-12: and others, in i vol., sheep. 8 6553 -- Ramsay (David) An Eulogium upon Benjamin Rush, M.D. Delivered before the Med. Society of South Carolina, //. 139, bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1813 6554 SEWALL (Thos.) Lecture at the opening of the Med. Depart ment of the Columbian College, D. C., March 30, 1825, //. 80, uncut. 8 Washington^ 1825 6555 SIMS (James) M.D. Observations on the Scarlatina Anginosa : With some Remarks by THOMAS BULFINCH, M.D. [of Boston], pp. 16. 8 Boston, 1796 6556 SMELLIE (W.) Abridgement of (his) Practice of Midwifery: and a set of Anatomical Plates with Explanations. New edition, 39 copperplate engravings (by J. Norman], sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, J. Norman, 1786 6557 SMITH (Professor Nathan) Medical and Surgical Memoirs; ed. with addenda, by Nathan R. Smith, M.D., pp. 374, sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1831 6558 SMITH (John) C. M. The Curiosities of Common Water, or the advantages thereof in curing Cholera, Intemperance, and other Maladies. . Added, some Rules for preserving health by Diet. 5th ed., with additions, by Ralph Thoreseby, F.R.S. and others,//. 54, uncut. 12 [Repr -.] Salem, 1832 " This work was first printed in London, 1712 or 1713, and reprinted in Boston, N. E., 1721. The author was, probably, an English clergyman of lowly grade. . . A few fastidious individuals of both sexes, perhaps there are, who will cry, Shame at it ! I can only say, Honi soit, qui mal y pense." Preface (signed, T. L. J., Cambridge, July, 1832). MEDICAL. 71 6559 STONE (Wm. L.) Letter to Doctor A. Brigham, on Animal Magnetism: being an account of a remarkable interview [with] Miss Lor^ina Brackett while in a state of Somnambulism. 20! ed., PP* 75> scarce. 8 New York, 1837 6560 STRONG (Nathan) Jr., of Hartford. Inaugural Dissertation, on Petechial, or Spotted Fever, //. 62. 8 Hartford, 1810 6561 Inaug. Dissertation of Petechial, or Spotted Fever. Hartf., 1810 MINER (Thos.) Typhus Syncopalis, Sinking Typhus, or the Spotted Fever of N. England, as it appeared in Micldletown, Conn., 1823, //. 48. Middktown, 1825. 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 6562 SYLVAN. Formula of Prescriptions, and various Instructions, for the service and guidance of those who have applied, are apply ing, or shall apply, to the Enemy of Human Diseases; prefixed, A Vindication concerning the Dietetical Abstinence, etc. By Sylvan, Enemy to Human Diseases, pp. 139, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Providence, for the Author, 1812 6563 THACHER (Jas.) Observations on Hydrophobia, //. 302, boards uncut. 8 Plymouth, Mass., 1812 6564 THACHER (James) American Medical Biography, portraits. 2 vols., hf. cloth, uncut, fine copy. 8 Boston, 1828 6565 TISSOT. Advice to the People in General, with Regard to their Health. . . With a Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Remedies. . . Transl. from Dr. Tissot s Avis au Peuple, &c. . . By J. Kirk- patrick, M.D. 4th ed. revised, sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1771 Autograph of Abr" Keteltas, 1771, on title: and, on guard leaves, 12 pages of manu script prescriptions, etc. : " Dr. T. Young s, of Boston, Letter on the Malignant Sore Throat Distemper ; " " Dr. Innis s Prescription for the Pleurisy," " Dr. Ogden s Cure of the Malignant Sore Throat," &c. 6566 WALTON (John) of Providence. An Essay on Fevers, the Rattles, & Canker. By John Walton, B.A. and Practitioner in Physick, //. 1 6, 8, rose calf gilt, inside borders, uncut, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1732 A Short Essay on the Rattles and Canker" has a separate title page and imprint. 6567 WATERHOUSE (Benjamin) The Rise, Progress, and Present State of Medicine. Lecture before the Middlesex Med. Associa tion, July 6, 1791, pp. xii, 31, uncut. Boston, 1792; Cautions to Young Persons concerning Health. Public Lecture, in Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1804; containing the General Doctrine of Chronic Dis eases, shewing the Evil Tendency of the use of Tobacco, Ardent Spirits, etc., pp. 32. Cambridge, 1805. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6568 WEBSTER (Noah) Jun. A Collection of Papers on the subject of Bilious Fevers, prevalent in the United States for a few years past, pp. ix, 246, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1796 6569 A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. 2 vols., calf. 8 Hartford, 1799 6570 WILLIAMS (S. W.) M.D. American Medical Biography, por traits, pp. 664, cloth. 8 Greenfield, 1845 6571 Tracts. Inaugural Dissertations. DUMMER (Jer.) Disputatio Philosophica Inauguralis de Animorum METAITI2M12, quam. . . in celeberrima. Academia Ultrajectina, pro Doctoratus in Philosophia /2 SCIENCES AND ARTS. gradu, submittit Jer. Dummer, Anglus-Americanus, ad diem 13. Februarii [1703]. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1703 BAYLIE (M.) Dis- putatio medica Inaug. de Vermibus, quam, in Acad. UJtraject., pro gradu Doctoratus, summisque in Medicina honoribus, etc., subjicit Martinus Baylie, Britannus, 20 Aug. [1707]. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1707 (with autograph notes by Thomas Prince^} Du Bois (Isaac) Dissertatio Medica Inaug. de Sanguinis Missionis usu et abusu, quam, in Acad. Lugd. Bat., pro gradu Doctoratus, etc. in Medicina, submittit Isaac du Bois, Noveboraco-Americanus, i Aug. 1740. Lugd. Bat., 1740 WATERHOUSE (Benj.) Dissertatio Medica de Sympathia partium Corporis Humani, etc., quam, in Acad. Lugd. Batav., pro gradu Doctoratus, offert Benjamin Waterhouse, Ameri- canus, Lugd. Bat., 1780 (Autogr. presentation by the Author}. Four in one vol., large, fine copies, half str. gr. morocco (Roxburghe). 4 The Inaugural Dissertations of Jeremy Dummer, at Utrecht, 1703 ; Martin Baylie, 1707 ; Dr. Isaac du Bois, of New York, at Leyden, 1740 ; and Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, at Leyden, 1780. On the back of the title of Dr. M. Baylie s dissertation is a note, in Prince s neatest chirography, beginning : " N. B. I place this author among N. E. men because he was here in N. E. in 1708 & 1709, w th whom I sailed from Boston Harbour, Apr. i, 1709, for Berbadoes in the Ship Thomas & Elizabeth of 500 Tuns, 24 Guns & 40 men. He being surgeon of said ship & myself chaplain," etc. ; and on the last page, Prince has copied a Latin epitaph, by Baylie, on Sir Cloudesley Shovel. 6572 Tracts. WESLEY (John) Primitive Physic ; 1 4th edition. Phila., 1770 PEARSON (Wm.) Dissertation on the Mixed Fever, de livered at Cambridge, June 30, 1789. [Boston, 1789.] LA TERRIERE (P. de S.)from Canada. Dissertation on the Puerperal Fever, delivered at Cambridge. Boston, 1789 CHURCH (Dr. James) Important Information to the Afflicted. N. Y., 1800 ALLEN (Israel) M.D. Treatise on the Scarlatina Anginosa and Dysentery. Leominster, Mass., 1796 CARPENTER (B.) Sick Man s Companion : On Fever, and a new method of cure. Johns town, 1812 SIMS (Jas.) Scarlatina Anginosa ; with remarks by T. Bulfmch, M.D. 3d edition. Boston, 1803 CONDAMINE (M. de la) History of Inoculation, uncut. New Haven, [1773] WATERS (N. B.) Pennsylvaniensis. Tentamen medicum inaugurate, de Scarlatina Cynanchica. Phila., 1788 Catechism, Physic- Medicum. By [J. Minor, of Norfolk] a Student of Medicine in Connecticut. Hartford, [1778] Illustration of the present per nicious Mode of Practice of Medicine, curious wood cuts. Albany, 1828 Auxiliary to Health. Description, etc. of Chamberlin s Bilious Cordial. 4th ed. Buckstown, Me., 1807. n SCARCE TRACTS, in i vol., new half blue morocco. 12 6573 Tracts. CADOGAN (Wm.) Dissertation on the Gout. Provi dence, repr. 1785 PRIOR (Thos.) Narrative of Success of Tar Water in curing Distempers; [with Appendix by Rev. T. Prince]. Boston, repr. 1749 DIMSDALE (T.) Present Method of Inoculat ing for the Small-Pox, pp. 82. Phila., 1771 WATERHOUSE (B.) Information respecting . . . Kine-Pock Inoculation. Cambridge, 1810 WATERHOUSE (B.) A Prospect of Exterminating the Small Pox. . . Part II., //. 139. Cambridge, 1802 CADOGAN (Wm.) Dissertation on the Gout. Phila., repr. 1771 Lent (Adolph C.) Inaug. Dissertation, on Pestilential Vapours. New York, 1798 QUACKENBOS (N. I.) Inaug. Dissert, on Dysentery. N. Y., 1802 MEDICAL. 73 - MEASE (Jas.) Inaug. Dissert, on the disease produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog. Phila., 1811 COXE (J. Redman) Obser vations on Combustion and Acidification. Phila., 1811 GLOVER (Jos.) of Charleston. S. C. Attempt to prove that Digestion, in Man, depends on Solution and Fermentation. Phila., 1800 WATERHOUSE (B.) Discourse before Middlesex Med. Association, Concord, July 6, 1791. Boston, 1792 MANN (Jas.) Boylston Prize Dissertation, upon the Cholera Infantum. Boston, 1804 BROWN (John B.) Reports of Cases in Boston Orthopedic Institu tion. Boston, 1844 WRIGHT (J. H.) Inaug. Dissert, on Croup. Northampton, 1838 YATES (C. C.) Observations on the Asiatic Cholera. 2d ed. N. Y., 1832 Report of Com. of the Kappa Lambda Society, on Treatment of Epidemic Cholera. N. Y., 1832 KIRK (J. B.) Observations on Cholera Asphyxia. N. Y. 1832. 1 8 in i vol., new half blue morocco, mostly uncut. 8 6574 Tracts. COSTE (J. F.) Oratio habita in Capitolio Gulielmopoli- tano, in Comitiis Universitatis Virginias, Jun. 12, 1782; dedicated to G. Washington, pp. 103. Ltigd. Batav., 1783 BORROWE (S.) Inaug. Dissert, on the Cynanche Trachealis. New York, 1793 Revision of By-Laws of Conn. Med. Society, till Oct. 1802. Mid- dletown, 1802 RUSH (B.) Six Lectures introductory to Courses in Univ. of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1801 WATERHOUSE (Benj.) Cautions to Young Persons concerning Health. Cambridge, 1822 MITCHELL (Prof. T. D.) Lecture on Epidemic Cholera. Phila., 1849 PATTISON (G. S.) Discourse, on commencing the Lectures in Jefferson Med. College, 1832. Phila., 1832 JOHNSON (C. P.) Address before the Alumni of the Med. Dept. of Hampden Sidney College. Richmond, 1848 BIBB (G. M.) Oration at Laying Corner Stone of Louisville Med. Institute, Feb. 22, 1838. Louis ville, 1838 BARBER (Jona.) Address at Organization of Boston Phrenological Society, Dec. 31, 1832. Boston, 1833 Communi cations of Medical Society of Connecticut, No. I. Neiu Haven, 1810 WARREN (John) View of the Mercurial Practice in Febrile Diseases, //. 187. Boston, 1813. 12 in i vol., new half blue mor., nearly all uncut. 8 6575 Tracts. A New Treatise on Consumption : . . Annexed, a Sys tematic mode of Treatment. Newfield (Conn.}, 1796 PERKINS (Elijah) Inaug. Dissert, on Universal Dropsy, (Univ. of Pennsyl vania) 1791 JOHNSON (Jos.) Properties of Carbonic Acid Gas; Inaug. Thesis. Phila., 1797 NEWCOMB (D.) Inaug. Essay on Theories of the Proximate Cause of Conception in Human Female. Phila., 1806 WALKER (Jas.) of Virginia. Inquiry into the Causes of Sterility. Phila., 1797 DEWITT (B.) Chemico-Medical Essay on the Operation of Oxigene, on the Human Body. Phila., 1797 BAY (Wm.) Inaug. Dissert, on Dysentery. N. York, 1797 Cases and Observations by Medical Society of New Haven County, Conn. New Haven, 1788 PRIESTLEY (J.) Reflexions sur la Doctrine du Phlogistique. Phila., 1797 MACLEAN (John) Two Lectures on Combustion : with examin. of Priestley s doctrine of Phlogiston. Phila., 1797 RUSH (B.) Effects of Spirituous Liquors on the Human Body. Boston, 1790 WATERHOUSE (B.) Synopsis of a 10 74 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Course of Lectures on Medicine. Boston, 1786 CARTWRIGHT (S. A.) Account of the Asiatic Cholera. Natchez, 1833 CALDWELL (C.) Oration on the Origin of Pestilential Diseases. Phila., 1799 CALDWELL (C.) Reply to Dr. Haygarth s "Letter to Dr. Percival on Infectious Fevers." Phila., 1802 STRONG (N.) Inaug. Dissert, on Spotted Fever. Hartford, 1810 MINER (Thos.) The Spotted-Fever of New-England, as it ap peared in Connecticut, in the Epidemic of 1823. Middlftown, 1825 MINER (T.) and TULLY (W.) Examination of Strictures on Essays on Fevers, etc. Middletown, 1823 BECK (J. B.) Hist. Sketch of the State of Medicine in the Am. Colonies. 2d edition. Albany, 1850 Papers rel. to Transactions in Milton, Mass., for a general Inoculation of the Cow Pox. Boston, 1809 SEAMAN (V.) Discourse on Vaccination. N. Y., 1816. 21 SCARCE TRACTS in i vol., new half mor., mostly uncut. 8 6576 Tracts. (Chapman-Pattison Controversy, etc.) Correspond ence between Mr. Granville Sharp Pattison and Dr. Nath l Chap man, n. p. \_Phila., 1820^ PATTISON (G. S.) Refutation of Calumnies in a pamphlet entitled "Correspondence" etc. Bait., 1820 Case of Divorce of Andrew Ure, M.D. vs. Catharine Ure: (with a preface by Dr. Chapman.) \Phila., 1821] GIBSON (W.) Strictures on "Mr. Pattison s Reply to certain .. Criticisms." Phila., 1820 PATTISON (G. S.) Final Reply to the numerous Slanders circulated by N. Chapman, M.D. 2d ed. Bait., 1821: Answer to Dr. Gibson s "Strictures" etc. Bait., 1820: Final Reply to the Numerous Slanders, etc. (ist ed.) Bait., 1821: Lecture on the question " Has trie Parotid Gland ever been extirpated ? " Phila., 1833 The Medical and Surgical Register : chiefly Cases in the N. Y. Hospital. By Drs. J. Watt, Jun., V. Mott, and A. H. Stevens, //. 163, plates. N. Y., 1818 CIJRRIE (Win.) View of the Diseases prevalent in the U. S., with the most improved method of treating them, //. 240. Phila., 1811. u in i vol., several uncut, new hf. blue morocco. 8 6577 Yellow Fever. HOLLIDAY (John) A Short Account of the Origin, Symptoms, and most approved Method of Treating the Putrid Bilious Yellow Fever, vulgarly called the Black Vomit, which appeared in the Havanna, in 1794. With Desultory Extracts and Observations : by Thos. Bulfmch, M.D., the latter wanting the last leaf, pp. 32. 8 Boston, 1796 6578 -- LINING (Dr. John) Description of the American Yellow Fever, which prevailed at Charleston, S. C. in 1748, //. 30, clean, uncut. 8 Phila., 1799 6579 BROWN (Samuel) M.D. Treatise on the Nature, Origin, and Progress of the Yellow Fever. . . An account of the Disease in several places in the U. S., but more particularly in Boston, pp. 112. 8 Boston, 1800 6580 - - Letters and other Documents relating to the Late Epidemic or Yellow Fever, in Baltimore; published by Authority,^. 211^ water stained, bds. uncut. 8 Baltimore, i82 o BOTANY. 75 6581 Tracts (6) The Cow Pox Act, with the order of the Legislature, and a Communication from the Town of Milton. Boston, 1810 Dissertation on Secale Cornutum, or Ergot : by Ol. Prescott, M.D., plate. 1813 Exam, of Strictures on "Essays on Fevers " &c. By T. Miner and Wm. Tully. Middletown, 1823 Account of the Mass. Medical School and General Hospital. Boston, 1824 Dissert, before the Mass. Med. Soc., on the detection of Deep Seated Matter : by N. Miller. Boston, 1827 Lecture on Circum stances affecting Individual and Public Health : by C. E. Bucking ham. Boston, 1848. 8 6582 Tracts (4) Med. Society of the County of N. York, Letter to the State Med. Society; (signed by Jas. Tillary, Pres t,) n. p., n. d. [1806] STROEBEL (J. C.) of New York. An Essay on the Lungs, etc. N. Y., 1810 ROCKWELL (A/ D.) Electrolysis, and its application to the treatment of disease. N. Y., 1871 Constitu tion of the Am. Hygienic and Hydropathic Association, List of Members, etc. N. Y., 1851. 12 and 8 6583 PERKINS (B. D.) The Efficacy of Perkins s Patent Metallic Tractors, in topical disease, . . exemplified by 250 Cases, etc., pp. Ivi, 136. sm. 12 London, 1800 Certificates of the Efficacy of Doctor [Elisha] Perkins s Patent Metallic Instruments, //. 16, n. t. p. 8 New London, [1776] : The same. 8 Newburyport, [ 796J. (3) 6584 STEARNS (Samuel) The American Herbal, or Materia Medica, . . Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal, pp. 360, sheep, scarce. 12 Walpole \N. H.~\ D. Carlisle, 1801 BOTANY. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, ETC. 6585 A Synopsis of the Genera of American Plants, pp. viii, 167, bds. uncut, scarce. 16 Georgetown, D. C., 1814 The number of Genera described is 772. 6586 BARRATT (Joseph) M.D. Salices Americans. North American Willows: disposed in Sections, or Natural Groups; with Notes, etc., 8 //. 4 Middletown, Conn., 1840 VERY SCARCE. Only a few copies were printed, to accompany sets of specimens pre pared by the author. Dr. Barratt s classification of American Willows was adopted by Sir W. J. Hooker, in his Flora Boreali-Americana. 6587 BRERETON (John A.) M.D. Florae Columbians Prodromus. . . A Prodromus of the Flora Columbiana, exhibiting a list of all the Plants yet collected, pp. 86, bds. uncut, scarce. 16 Washington, 1830 6588 BROWNE (D. J.) The Sylva Americana; or a description of the Forest Trees indigenous to the U. States, frontispiece, and numerous woodcuts, pp. 408, cloth, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1832 6589 HITCHCOCK (Edw.) Catalogue of Plants (565 genera) growing in the vicinity of Amherst College, pp. 64, uncut. 8 Amherst, 1829 /6 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 6590 HOSACK (David) Hortus Elginensis; Catalogue of Plants, cul tivated in the Elgin Botanic Garden, in the vicinity of the City of N. York. 2d ed. enlarged, engraved View of the Garden, pp. xii, 66 ; with author s Autograph presentation. N. York, 1811 Statement of Facts rel. to the establishment of the Elgin Botanic Garden, and the disposal of it to the State of N. Y., pp. 56, uncut. 2 Pamphlets. 8 N. York, 1811 6591 Hortus Elginensis, etc. 2d ed. N. Y., 1811 Statement of Facts, etc. N. Y., 1811. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6592 MARSHALL (Humphry) Arbustrum Americanum : the American Grove, or an Alphabetical Catalogue of American Forest Trees and Shrubs, pp. xx, 174, sewed, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1785 6593 Another copy, clean, half bound, neat. 8 Philadelphia, 1785 6594 MUHLENBERG (H.) Descriptio Uberior Graminum, et Plantarum Calamariarum Americae Septentrionalis, pp. ii, 295, bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1817 6595 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Florula Ludoviciana; or a Flora of Louisi ana : translated, revised, and improved, from the French of C. C. Robin, pp. 178, clean, uncut. 12 New York, 1817 6596 American Manual of the Grape Vines, and the Art of Making Wine : including an account of 62 species of Vines, with nearly 300 varieties, 8 cuts, pp. 65, hf. mor. 12 Phila., 1830 6597 Flora Telluriana. Fourth Part, with Index, pp. 135. Phila., 1836 New Flora of N. America. Fourth Part, Neobotanon, pp. 112. Phila., 1836. (2 vols. uncut.) 8 6598 Sylva Telluriana. Mantissa Synoptica. New Genera and species of Trees and Shrubs of N. A. . . being a Supplement to the Flora Telluriana, //. 184, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1838 6599 Alsographia Americana, or an American Grove of New or revised Trees and Shrubs, etc., pp. 76, slightly water stained, uncut. Philadelphia, 1838 Autikon Botanikon. Botanical Illustrations by select Specimens, etc. First Part, pp. 72. Phila., 1840 The Good Book, and Amenities of Nature. . Selections of Observations . . chiefly on Zoology, Botany, etc., pp. 84, uncut. Phila., 1840. 3 Pamphlets. 8 6600 TORREY (J.) Flora of Northern and Middle Sections of the United States. Vol. I. (all published?) pp. xii, 519, half calf . 8 New York, 1824 Prof. Lewis C. Beck s copy, with some pencilled notes by him. 6601 American Farmer s Guide: or a new Treatise on Agriculture, etc., pp. 83, new hf. calf, uncut. 12 Philadelphia, for Rev. Mason L. Weems, n. d. 6602 BARNUM (H. L.) The Farmer s Own Book. Boston, 1832 FESSENDEN (Thos. G.) The Husbandman and Housewife. Bel lows Falls, 1820 THORNBURN (Grant) The Gentleman and Gardener s Kalendar: 3d ed. New York, 1821. (3 vols.) 12 AGRICULTURE. 77 6603 DEANE (Samuel) The New England Farmer; or, Georgical Dictionary, pp. viii, 335, sheep, good copy. 8 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1790 6604 The same, 3d edition, enlarged, //. xi, 532, sheep. 8 Boston, 1822 6605 ELIOT (Jared) Essays upon Field-Husbandry in New England. //. 166, i, old calf , SCARCE. 8 Boston, Edes 6* Gill, 1760 These (six) Essays were first printed, separately, in New London and New York, 1748-1759. 6606 The same. With it is bound: A New Method of propagating Fruit-Trees and Flowering Shrubs. . By Thomas Barnes. 2d ed., folded plate. London, 1759. 2 in i vol. hf.bd. 8 With the autograph of Lt. Gov. Afndrew] Oliver, of Massachusetts, on the title page. 6607 GARDINER (J.) and HEPBURN (D.) The American Gardener, containing directions for working a Kitchen Garden, every month in the year, etc., sheep. 12 Washington, 1804 David Hepburn had been gardener to Gov. Mercer and Gen. J. Mason. Among the subscribers to the book were President Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Madison, Albert Gallatin, and more than fifty members of Congress. 6608 Manures. (Prize) Essay on the Manufacture of Manures, and their Application. By Asahel Foote. Boston, 1843 New edition of the improved Bommer Method for making Manure, etc. By Eli Barnett, wood cuts. New York, 1848. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6609 MOORE (Thos.) The Great Error of American Agriculture [*. e. shallow ploughing] exposed, pp. 72, hf. bd., neat. 8 Baltimore, 1801 6610 PETERS (Richard) Agricultural Enquiries on Plaister of Paris, . . as Manure, //. in, (3), old tree calf, gilt. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 Dedicated to President Washington. 66 1 1 Putnam (Henry) Touches on Agriculture, including a Treatise on the preservation of the Apple Tree, etc. 2d edition, pp. 64, sewed. 8 Salem 6612 SALISBURY (J. H.) History and Chemical Investigation of Maize, or Indian Corn. (Prize Essay), pp. 206, sewed. 8 Albany, 1849 6613 TAYLOR (John) Arator; a Series of Agricultural Essays, 6th edition, enlarged, pp. 239, sheep. 12 Petersburg, \_Va.~\ 1818 6614 WORLIDGE (J.) Vinetum Britannicum: or, a Treatise of Cider. Third impression, enlarged. To which is added, A Discourse on Bees, 4 copperplates. 12 London, 1691 " Apiarium ; or a Discourse of . . Bees," the 3d edition, has a separate title and paging. 6615 Tracts. 30 in i vol., new hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe). thk 8. Pickering (Timo.) Addresses to Essex Agric. Society, 1818, and 1820 Brownell (T. C.) Address on the Theory of Agriculture, Albany, 1815 Biddle (N.) Address before Phila. Soc. for prom. Agriculture, 1822 Burges (Tristam) Address before Am. Institute of N. York, 1830 Transactions of Hampden Co. Agric. Society, 1851, with \ NORTON (Prof. J. P.) Address before the Society. j Address before Ontaria Co. Agric. Society, 1850 (Premium Essay) On the Analysis of the Oat. [Lond. 1845] Address before N. Y. S. Agric. Society, at Buffalo, 1848 Address before H., F., and H. Agric. Soc., Northampton, 1849 Researches on the Protein bodies of Peas and Almonds, n. d. BUSHNELL (Horace) Address before Hartford Co. Agric. Society, 1846 COLMAN (Henry) Address at Concord, 1839 Address before H., H., and F. Agric. Soc., Worcester, 1838 Report of Agric. Meeting in Boston, Jan. 1840 78 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Address before the Middlesex Spc., Concord, 1839 Ann. Address before Mass. Agric. Society, 1821 Agric. Addresses at N. Haven, Norwich, and Hartford, 1840 (2) HOSACK (D.) Inaug. Disc, before N. Y. Hortic. Society, 1824 BULLARD (J.) Discourse on Agriculture, Littleton, 1803 Inquiries by the [Mass.] Agric. Society, n. t. p. 1800 : and others. 6616 Tracts. 18, nearly all of them SCARCE, and several VERY RARE, in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 LOGAN (Geo.) Agric. Experiments on the Rotation of Crops. Phila., 1797 [DABNEY (John)] An Address to Farmers; etc. Salem, 1796 Mass. Soc. for prom. Agriculture. Rules, Names of Members etc., and Important Communications [including W. D. Peck s " Nat. History of the Cankerworm."] Boston, 1796 CUSTIS (Geo. W. P.) Address, on the importance of encouraging Agriculture and Manufactures; with account of improvements in Sheep, &c. Alexandria, 1808 The Prophet Nathan, or Plain Friend. . Observations on the Hessian Fly, con sidered as a Judgment on the Land, &c. Hudson, N. Y., 1788 RUSH (Benj.) Account of the Sugar Maple Tree. Phila., 1792 Treatise on Silk "Worms. . By a Member of the Agric. Soc. of N. York, stained, RARE. N. Y., 1793 PECK (Wm. D.) Nat. History of the Slug "Worm, copperplate. Boston, 1799 Antidote to the Merino-Mania. Phila., 1810 THORBURN (Grant) Beta Cicla, or Mange? Wurzel. N. Y., 1817 DARLING (Noyes) Address on Injurious Insects. New Haven, 1845 JACKSON (C. T.) Address before Plym. Co. Agric. Society, 1850 FITCH (Asa) The Hessian Fly, -with a plate. Albany, 1846 Essay upon the Wheat Fly, and allied Species, plate. Alb. 1846 NiLES(H.) The Agriculture of the U. S. n. d. On the Culture of Potatoes. Boston, 1798 WOODBURY S Tables and Notes on Cultivation and Trade of Cotton. 1836 6617 Tracts. Agricultural Societies: Addresses, Transactions, Memoirs, etc. 10 in i vol., hf. sheep, neat. 8 Memoirs of Virginia Soc. for promoting Agriculture, pp. xiii, 132. Richm d, 1818 New Hampshire Agric. Repository, //. 135. Concord, 1822 Proceedings of Provincial Agric. Soc. [of Nova Scotia.] Halifax, 1824 Plymouth Co. Agric. Society: Transactions, 1850 Hartford Co. Agric. Society (Conn.): Address, Reports, &c. 1842; and 1843-4 Monroe Co. Agr. Soc. (N. Y.) : Reports, H. Colman s Address, etc. 1842 Essex Co. Agr. Soc. (Mass.) Transactions, 1848. Report of J. Higgins, M.D., State Agric. Chemist, of Maryland. 18150 6618 - - Massachusetts Soc. for prom. Agriculture Laws, and Regulations, Names of Members, Extracts, etc. [The Society s first Publication.] Boston, 1793 Papers on Agriculture: Boston, 1801, 1803, 1804, 1806 (2 copies), 1807; (Georgick Papers,) 1809; 1811. 9 Pamphlets. 8 6619 (Massachusetts.) Berkshire Association. J. Allen s Address, and Reports, 1821 Essex Agric. Society: A. Nichols s Address, at the First Cattle Show, with Reports, etc. 1820; A. Abbot s Address, Reports, etc. 1821; P. Eaton s Address, and Reports, 1822 ; Col. Pickering s Address, Account of Pre miums, etc. 1829; E. M. Stone s Address, 1845 Hampsh., Franklin & Hampden Agr. Society: S. C. Allen s Address, 1830; I. C. Bates s Address, 1823 ; M. Doolittle s, 1826 Hampshire Co. Agr. Soc. Transactions, 1851 Middlesex Soc. of Husbandmen and Manufacturers : Addresses, by J. Adams, 1823 (2); E. Phinney, 1830; J. M. Cheney, 1831; E. H. Derby, 1847 Plymouth Co. Agric. Society, Transactions, 1857 Worcester Agr. Society: Addresses, by L. Bigelow, 1820 (2 copies); Jona. Russell, 1821 ; N. P. Denny, 1822 (2 copies). 21 Pamphlets, many uncut. 8 AGRICULTURE. 79 6620 Mass. Horticultural Society : T. W. Harris s Discourse, 1832, with Proceedings, etc. Transactions, 1843-46 Lunt s Address, 1845. 3 Pamphlets. 8 ,6621 - - Essex Co. Agric. Society s Transactions, 1840, 1841 Soc. of Middlesex Husbandmen, E. Foster s Address, 1799 Worcester Agric. Soc., Addresses by Denny, 1822 ; Fiske, 1823 ; Flint, 1832 ; Transactions, 1843 Mass. Hortic. Society, Lincoln s Address, 1837 : and others. 15 in j vol., continuous manuscript paging, hf. sheep, neat. 8 6622 "Worcester Agric. Society: Addresses, by L.Lincoln, 1819; L. Bigelow, 1820; J. Russell, 1821 ; N. P. Denny, 1822 ; O. Fiske, 1823; I. Goodwin, 1824; G. A. Tufts, 1825; E. Washburn, 1826: and 3 other pamphlets, n in i vol., half sheep, neat. 8 6623 - - (Connecticut.) Hartford Co. Agr. Society: Addresses, by H. Newberry, 1820; C. A. Goodrich, 1826 (2 copies}; S. H. Huntington, 1842, and Transactions; I. W. Stuart, 1845, an< ^ Transactions; Transactions, 1852 (2) N. Haven Co. Agr. Soc. Transactions, 1840; Horticultural Soc., 1841, 1842 (with Dr. Monson s Address, 1843), 1848 (with Dr. Bacon s Address), 1849 (Parsons s Address.) Middlesex Co. Agric. Soc., Goodwin s Address, 1847. *3 Pamphlets. 8 6624 Addresses, etc. J. Prescott Hall s, before .the Aquidneck Agr. Society, 1854; S. Hale s, Cheshire Co. [N. H.] Agr. Soc., 1848 ; W. Newton s, Virginia State Agr. Soc., 1852 ; and 9 others. 12 Pamphlets. 8 6625 - - Philadelphia Soc. for prom. Agriculture : Memoirs, Vols. I., III., IV., plates and wood-cuts. 3 vols. sheep. Philadelphia, 1815-18 6626 Tracts. Complete Guide for the Management of Bees. By a Farmer of Massachusetts, plate. Worcester, 1792 CHILD (S.) Every Man his own Brewer; 2d Amer. edition, Phila., 1796 HOPKINS (Geo.) The Lister s Assistant. Hartford, 1801 TWAMLEY (J.) Cheese-Making; ist Amer. edition. Providence, 1796 MINOR (Thaddeus) of Woodbury, Conn. The Experienced Bee-Keeper. Litchfield, 1804 JEWETT (Paul) of Rowley, Mass. The N. E. Farrier; a Compendium of Farriery. Newburyport, 1795 DEWEY (S.) of Hartford Co. Short and Easy Method of Surveying. Hartford, 1799 COOKE (Geo.) Complete English Farmer, pp. 142. Boston, repr. n. d. LIVINGSTON (Robert R.) Essay on Sheep ; Account of the Merinos, etc. 2d ed., engravings, pp. 165, uncut, N.Y., 1810 ADAMS (R. W.) Farmer s Assistant, uncut, Marietta [Ohio], 1814. 10 in i vol., neiv half blue mor. 12 6627 GREY (Thomas de) The Compleat Horse-man, and Expert Ferrier. In Two Books. . . The Fourth Edition corrected, with Additions, copperplate portrait of the Author, on horseback, 17 prel. II. , pp. 583, old calf , good copy, RARE. 4 London, 1670 6628 TAPLIN (Wm.) A Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery, folding plate of Taplirfs patent Shoes, pp. viii, 290, (6), sheep. 12 \Repr I\ Wilmington, Bensal 6 JViles, 1797 80 SCIENCES AND ARTS. ZOOLOGY, MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, ETC. 6629 EATON (Amos) Index to the Geology of the Northern States, with a Transverse section from Catskill Mountain to the Atlantic, folded plate, pp. 52. (2 copies^) 8 Leicester, Hori Brown, 1818 6630 FEUCHTWANGER (Dr. L.) Treatise on Gems, cuts, pp. 178, cloth. 8 New York, 1838 6631 FITCH (Asa) Essay upon the Wheat-Fly, and some species allied to it, plate. 8 Albany, 1846 6632 Geological Papers. ROGERS (H. D.) 2d Report on Geology of Pennsylvania, 1838 MATHER (W. W.) Geology and Mineralogy of New London and Windham Counties, Conn. 1834 MATHER (W. W.) On the Reduction of Iron and Silver Ores COOPER (Dr. T.) Letter to Prof. Silliman on Geology and the Pentateuch, Columbia, S. C., 1833 (with MSS. notes by Rev. Dr. A. B. Chapin.) [COOPER (T.)] Fabrication of the Pentateuch proved. By a Learned and Eminent Wrker. N. Y., 1829, RARE SILLIMAN (B.) Consistency of . . Modern Geology, with the Sacred History. New Haven, 1833 SHEPARD (C. U.) Geol. Survey of Connecticut, N. H., 1837, SCARCE. 7 in i vol. 8 6633 GODMAN (John D.) American Natural History. 2d edition. 3 vols., plates, roan gilt. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 6634 GODMAN (John D.) Rambles of a Naturalist. To which are added, Reminiscences of a Voyage to India ; by Reynell Coates, M.D., cloth. 12 Phila., 1833 A Memoir of Dr. Godman is prefixed. 6635 HALL (Jas.) and MEEK (F. B.) Descriptions of new species of Fossils from the Cretaceous Formations of Nebraska, 8 plates. (From the Memoirs of the Am. Academy of Arts and Sciences.) 4 Cambridge, 1856 6636 HARLAN (R.) Fauna Americana ; a Description of the Mam- miferous Animals of N. America, author s autograph presentation to F. Cuvier, half calf, gilt, fine copy. 8 Philadelphia, 1825 6637 KOCH (Alb.) Description of the Missourium, or Missouri Leviathan, pp. 20. 8 Louisville, Ky., 1841 6638 MEASE (James) Geological Account of the United States, plates, sheep. sm. 12 Phila., 1807 6639 OWEN (D. D.) Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, maps, plates, and wood engravings, cloth. 4 Philadelphia, 1852 6640 POE (EDGAR A.) The Conchologist s First Book ; or, a System of Testaceous Malacology . . with [lithographic] illustrations of 215 Shells, 12 plates, pp. 256, hf. mor., nice copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1839 6641 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Analyse de la Nature, ou Tableau cle TUnivers et des Corps Organises, pp. 224, hf. cf., SCARCE. 12 Palerme, 1815 With autograph presentation " to his friend Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler." This work, intended (as the author says in his Travels) "to make him known in France," was published just before he sailed from Palermo to the United States. It is perhaps the scarcest of his many publications. ZOOLOGY, MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, ETC. 8 I 6642 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) A Life of Travels and Researches in North America and the South of Europe, 1802-1835, //. 148. uncut. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 6643 Scientific Pamphlets. AGASSIZ (L.) Introduction to the Study of Natural History, illustrated MITCHELL (O. M.) Lectures on Astronomy NICHOL (J. P.) Views of Astronomy. Seven Lectures . . reported by Oliver Dyer ARAGO. Popular Lectures on Astronomy : with additions by D. Lardner SMITH (J. A.) The Mutations of the Earth. 5 in i vol., hf. calf neat. 8 New York, 1845-48 6644 Sea-Serpent. The Great Sea-Serpent, upon the Coast of New England, in 1817 : with a portrait of his Majesty, //. 20, uncut. Hartford, 1818 Report of Committee of the Linnagan Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal, supposed to be a Serpent, seen near Cape Ann, Mass., Aug. 1817, 2 copperplates, pp. 52, uncut, SCARCE. Boston, 1817. 2 Pamphlets. 8 See below, No. 6650, Tracts. 6645 SMITH (J. V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massa chusetts, woodcuts, hf. cloth. 12 Boston, 1833 6646 WARREN (John) The Conchologist, 17 lithogr. plates, pp. 204, hf. mor., SCARCE. sm. 4 Boston, 1834 6647 WYATT (Thos.) Manual of Conchology, according to the system of Lamarck, 36 plates, cloth. 8 New York, 1838 6648 Tracts. PLACE S Essay on Vision. London, 1738 LOGAN (James) Experimenta et Meletemata de Plantarum Generatione, etc., one leaf imperfect, 2 plates. Lugd. Bat., 1739 SAUL (Edw.) Hist, and Philosoph. Account of the Barometer, or Weather-Glass. London, 1730 WATKINS (Eras.) Account of Electrical Experi- iments . . . Annex d, The Description of a compleat Electrical Machine, plates. Lond. 1747 MICHELL (J.) Treatise of Artificial Magnets, plate. Lond. 1750. 7 in i vol. 8 From the library of Lewis Evans of Philadelphia. Each of the Tracts has his autograph on the title, and a manuscript table of contents in his hand is prefixed. All the tracts are SCARCE, and the second (Judge Logan s Experiments on the Generation of Plants and Canons for the geometrical determination of the foci of Lenses) is VERY RARE. 6649 Tracts. WHEATLEY (C. M.) Catalogue of Shells of the United States. 16 N. Y., 1842 Catalogue of the Unios, Alasmodontas, and Anodontas of the Ohio River. Cincinnati, [1849] ADAMS (C. B.) Catalogue of Land Shells of Jamaica, n.p. 1851 ADAMS (C. B.) Description of 44 supposed new species of operculated Land-Shells from Jamaica, and other Contributions to Conchology. n. p. 1849 BOND (Thos.) Anniv. Oration before the Am. Philos. Society, 1782, Phila. MINTO (W.) Inaug. Oration at Princeton, on Progress of Mathematical Sciences. Trenton, 1788 MEAD (E.) Inaug. Essay on the Spiraea Tomentosa of Linnaeus, col. plates. N. Y., 1821 BOWDOIN (J.) Inaug. Address before Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston, 1780 BARTON (B. S.) Collections towards a Materia Medica of the United States. Part i, 3d edition. Phila. 1810 HARRIS (T. W.) N. American Coleop terous Insects, in Collection of Abraham Halsey, 1835 AGASSIZ (L.) On Extraordinary Fishes from California. N. Haven, 1853 BACHMAN (John) Examination of Prof. Agassiz s Sketch of the 82 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Natural Provinces of the Animal World. Charleston, 1855 MEEK (F. B.) and HAYDEN (F. V.) New Fossil Species of Mollusca collected in Nebraska, 1856 JARVIS (S. F.) D. D. Address on the Birthday of Linnaeus, May 24, 1836, before the Hartford Nat. Hist. Society. Hartford, 1836 Report on an Individual of the Bushman Tribe of Hottentots by the Com. of the Lyceum of Nat. History of N. York, col. plate. N. Y., 1848 FANSHER (S.) Treatise on Electricity and Lightning ^JQ^, folding plate, and cuts. N. Haven, 1830 HALL (James) Address at Anniv. of Harvard Nat. History Society. Cambridge, 1848 ROGERS (W. B.) Address before Lyceum of Nat. History of Williams College. Boston, 1855 Proceedings of Soc. of American Geologists and Naturalists, New Haven, 1845 ROGERS (H. D.) Address before Soc. of Amer. Geol. and Nat., Washington. N. Y., 1844. 22 in i vol. new half blue morocco. (Roxburghe^) 8 6650 Tracts. PEALE (R.) Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, found in America, plate. London, 1802 ASHE (T.) Memoirs of Mammoth and other extraordinary Bones of Incognita, found in [the Mississippi Valley, etcl\, uncut. London, 1806 The Sea Serpent ; or, Gloucester Hoax, a dramatic Jeu d Esprit, [by W. Crafts.] Charleston, 1819 The Great Sea Serpent upon the Coast of New England, in 1817, with a portrait of his Majesty. Hartford, 1818 Report of a Committee of the Linnaean Society relative to [the Sea Serpent], 2 plates, uncut. Boston, 1817 Catalogue of Organic Remains presented to N. Y. Lyceum of Nat. History by S. L. Mitchill. N. Y., 1826 DANA (J. D.) Science and the Bible ; a Review of Tayler Lewis s " Six Days of Creation." Andover, 1856 EATON (A.) Index to Geology of the Northern States, colored folding plate. Leicester [Mass.], 1818 WHITTLESEY (C.) On the Origin of Mineral Coal. Cleveland, 1845 Catalogue of the Cabinet of the [N. Y.] Mercantile Library Association, n. d. Celebration of the Birth-Day of Linnaeus by N. Y. Branch of Linnaean Society of Paris, 1824 Meek (F. B.) Descriptions of new Organic Remains from Vancouver s Island, n. t.p. 1856 HALL (J.) Strata and Distribution of Organic Remains, in the Older Formations in the U. S. n. t.p. [1844] The Great American Mastodon together with an Essay on the Lost Races, plate, n. t. p. \Albany, 1845] Catalogue of [Geo. Chilton s] Collection of Rare Minerals. N. Y., 1829 -, and others. 17 in i vol., new half blue morocco. 8 6651 Transactions of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, 1 8 40-4 2, plates, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1843 6652 Transactions of the Albany Institute, Vol. II., plates, uncut. 8 Albany, 1852 6653 Tracts (9) Hall (Jas.) Anniv. Address before Harvard Nat. Hist. Society, 1848 Hitchcock (Edw.) Disc, at organization of Pittsfield Lyceum of Nat. History, 1823 Jarvis (S. F.) Address at Hartford, on the birth-day of Linnaeus, 1835 Catalogue raisonne du Museum de Mr. C. W. Peale : rdd. par A. M. F. J. Beauvois, icr Nume ro, pp. xiv, 42. Phil. n. d. Peat-Coal : its value to the No. and N. E. States. Boston, 1857 Russell (J. L.) Address ASTRONOMY, METEOROLOGY, ETC. 83 before the Essex Co. Nat. Hist. Society. Salem, 1836 Catalogue of the Unios, Alasmodontas, and Anodontas, of the Ohio river and its Northern tributaries. Cine. 1849 ( 2 copies.) Redfield (J. H.) On the Fossil Fishes of Conn, and Massachusetts. [1836.] 8 ASTRONOMY, METEOROLOGY, NAVIGATION, SURVEYING, ETC. 6654 ABEL (Thomas) Subtensial Plain Trigonometry, wrought with a Sliding-Rule with Gunter s Lines, . . apply d to Navigation and Surveying, folding plates (diagrams). 12 Phil., A. Steuart, 1761 6655 ALLING (Jerem.) Register of the Weather, . . for 25 years ending March 31, 1810, from observations taken near New Haven, Conn., pp. 80, slightly water-stained, scarce. 8 New Haven, 1810 6656 BOWDITCH (N.) New American Practical Navigator. First Edition, maps and plates, good copy. 8 Newburyport, E. M. Blunt, 1802 6657 COMETS, An Essay on Comets, their Nature, the Laws of their Motions, etc., pp. 8, uncut, RARE. 4 Boston, 1744 " When I see a vast Comet, blazing and rolling about the immeasurable ^Ether, I will think: Who can tell, but now I see a wicked World made a fiery Oven in the Time of the Anger of God!" 6658 WINTHROP (John) Two Lectures on Comets ; . . on occasion of the Comet which appear d, April, 1759, // 44, xviii, uncut. Boston, 1759 OLIVER (Andr. Jr.) Essay on Comets, folding plate, pp. vi, 87, uncut. Salem, 1762 The True Nature and Cause of the Tails of Comets, elucidated . . By an Enquirer [Dr. J. Perkins], pp. 8. Boston, 1772. 3 scarce Pamphlets. 8 and 4 6659 CLAP (Thomas) President of Yale College. On Terrestrial Comets. Conjectures upon the Nature and Motion of Meteors, etc., diagram, pp. 13, i, rare. 4 Norwich, 1781 6660 BURGES (Barthol.) A Short Account of the Solar System, and of Comets, with a particular account of the Comet that will appear in 1789 ; with large folded plate, pp. (4), 16, uncut, SCARCE. The same, 2d ed. corrected, no plate. 2 Pamphlets. 16 Boston, 1789 6661 DARK DAY. Some Remarks on the great and unusual Darkness, that appeared on Friday, May 19, 1780 . . By a Farmer, in the State of the Massachusetts-Bay, pp. 16, uncut, RARE. 12 Danvers, E. Russell, [1780] 6662 Dudley Observatory, at Albany. [Proceedings at the] Inaug uration, Aug. 28, 1856 Statement of the Trustees rel. to the D. O. and the Scientific Council Gould (B. A.) Jr. Reply to the Statement of the Trustees Thacher (G. H.) Key to the " Trustees Statement " Defence of Dr. Gould by the Scientific Council Address to Citizens of Albany, etc., on Proceedings of the Trustees. 6 in i vol., new halfmor. 8 Albany, 1856-58 6663 ECLIPSES. Darkness at Noon or, the Great Solar Eclipse of June i6th, 1806 . . By an Inhabitant of Boston, //0fc, //. 34, uncut. 2 copies. 12 Boston, 1806 6664 LATHROP (Jos.) D. D. Sermon on the Eclipse of June 16, 1806. 2d ed., uncut. 8 Springfield, Mass., [1806] 84 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 6665 EARTHQUAKES. Smith, (Josiah) of Cainhoy. Sermon in Charlestown, S. C., Feb. 4, 1727-8, occasioned by the Terrible Earthquake in New England, //. (4), ii, 21, uncut, very scarce. Boston, 1730 True Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake, at Lima, Peru, Oct. 1746, //. 8. Boston, D. Fowle, n. d. Prince (Thos.) An Improvement of the Doctrine of Earthquakes, . . containing an historical summary of the most remarkable Earth quakes in N. England, etc., pp. 16, uncut, scarce. Bost. 1755 Prentice (Thos.) Sermon, in Boston, Jan. i, 1756, occasioned by the late Earthquake,//. 24, uncut. Boston, 1756 An Account of the Great Earthquakes in the Western States, particularly on the Mississippi River, Dec. 16-23, i8n,//. 16. Newburyport, 1812 Gardiner (G. A.) Account of an Earthquake in S. America,/^. 24, uncut. Poughkeepsie, 1820. 6 Pamphlets. v. s. 6666 GIBBONS (Edw.) Inquiry into the Causes of the Rise and Fall of the Lakes, . . [with an account of] the late unprecedented Flood, etc., pp. 31. 12 Lockport, N. Y. 1838 6667 Hail Storm of 1799. Account of a Hail Storm which fell on Lebanon, Bozrah, and Franklin [Conn.], July 15, 1799. By Sherman Dewey,/^. 27, uncut, scarce. 12 Windham, N. H., 1799 6668 MOORE (Samuel) Accurate System of Surveying,//. (14), 131, sheep, good clean copy. 8 Litchfield \Conn^\, 1796 6669 REDFIELD (Wm. C.) Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic, Map. (1836) On the Prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast, map, pp. 36 (2 copies) Facts in Meteorology. Observations on Hurricanes and Storms at the W. Indies, etc. Courses of Hurricanes; and Tyfoons of the China Sea. (1838) Whirlwinds excited by Fire : with further Notices of Tyfoons. (1839) 2 copies Cape Verde and Hatteras Hurricane, of 1853, with a Hurricane Chart, etc. N. Haven, 1854 Reply to Mr. Espy, on the Whirlwind Character of certain Storms, //. 16. (From Jour, of the Franklin Institute.) 9 Pamphlets. 8 v. y. 6670 [ROBIE (Thomas), Fellow of Harvard College] A Letter to a Certain Gentleman desiring a particular Account . . of a wonderful Meteor, that appeared in New-England, on Decemb. n, 1719, in the Evening. (Signed, $IAOS2O$IAS.) //. 8, crimped red morocco. VERY RARE. 1 6 Boston, J. Franklin, 1719 6671 STRONG (Neh.) Astronomy Improved: or, a new Theory., of the Movements of the Planetary System. In Three Lectures read in Yale College, i>j&i,pp. 50, folded plate. 12 New Haven, 1784 6672 SYMMES Theory of Concentric Spheres : demonstrating that the Earth is Hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the Poles. By a Citizen of the United States,//. 168, and slip, of Errata, sheep, fresh unused copy. 12 Cincinnati, Morgan, Lodge 6 Fisher, 1826 VERY SCARCE. It includes (pp. 159-168) a biographical sketch of Capt. John Cleves Symmes. 6673 Transit of Venus. WINTHROP (Prof. John) Lectures on the Parallax and Distance from the Sun, as deducible from the Transit of Venus,//. 47, uncut. Boston, 1769 WEST (Benj.) Account of NAVIGATION, STEAMBOATS, ETC. 85 the Observation of Venus upon the Sun, June 3, 1769, at Providence, in N. England, pp. (6) 22, uncut, very scarce. Prov. 1769. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6674 TRUXTUN (Thos.) Remarks, Instructions, etc., relating to Latitude & Longitude ; Variation of the Compass, etc., large folding map, and plate, fine clean copy, sheep. folio, Phila., 1794 6675 WILKES (Com. Charles) Meteorology, of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42, 25 Illustrations, paper, uncut. 4 Phila., 1851 The fine-paper Government edition ; a presentation copy, from the author. 6676 Tracts. American Navigation. MEAD (J.) Essay on Currents at Sea. London, 1757 Sailing Directions for Capt. B. Romans Gulf and Windward Pilot, with Additions,//. 74, Land. 1794 Directions to accompany Charts of the Windward Passage, etc., pp. 131. London, 1764 Directions for the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence. Phila., 1784 Sailing Directions for Capt. Romans Gulf and Windward Pilot, etc., Lond., 1800 Thermometrical Navigation [from Am. Philos. Trans.] pp. xii, 100, folding map. Phil. 1799 WALKER (G.) Directions for Sailing along the coast of North America. London, 1806 Seven in i vol. new half blue morocco (Roxburghe^) 8 6677 Tracts (6) OLIVER (Andr.) Essay on Comets, impft. Salem, 1872 CORDIER (L.) Essay on Temperature at the Interior of the Earth. Amherst, 1828 PICKERING (John) Lecture on Tele graphic Language. Boston, 1833 ADAMS (J. Q.) Oration before Cincinnati Astron. Society. Cine. 1843 CHACE (G. J.) Discourse before Porter Rhet. Society, Andover. Boston, 1854. v. s. INLAND NAVIGATION. STEAMBOATS. 6678 PHILLIPS (John) Treatise on Inland Navigation, with a whole- sheet Plan of an intended Navigable Canal, from London to Norwich and Lynn, etc.,//, xii, (6), $Q,plan and engravings. London, 1785. With 9 other valuable tracts (as under), in one volume, hf. bound. (From the library of Dr. Charles Hutton.} 4 Some account of the late Peter Collinson, F. R. S., in a Letter to a Friend, fine portrait. Lond. 1770 Description of an antient Picture in Windsor Castle. By J. Topham, F. R. S., F. S. A., 3 engravings. London, 1781 Reports, etc., on the proposed Dry TUNNEL [under the THAMES] from Gravesend to Tilbury, etc., by R. DODD, folding plates and map. Lond. 1798 Letter from Mr. DALRYMPLE to Dr. Hawkesworth [on Discoveries in the Pacific Ocean], n. t. p., pp. 35. [1773] POWNALL (Gov. T.) Hydraulic and Nautical Observations on the Currents in the Atlantic Ocean. Lond. 1787 LOWELL (J.) Eulogy on Hon. J. Bowdoin. Boston, 1791 LANGWORTHY (Wm.) Attempt to promote the Commercial Interests of Gr. Britain, //. 168. Lond. 1793 BUEE (L Abbe) Me moire sur les Quantites Imaginaires. Lond. 1806 ; and another. 6679 Steamboats. E-umsey (James) A Short Treatise on the application of Steam, whereby is clearly shewn from Actual Experiments, that Steam may be applied to propel Boats or Vessels, etc., pp. 26, clean, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1788 Fitch. (John) The Original Steam-Boat supported ; or A Reply to Mr. James Rumsey s Pamphlet, shewing the true priority of 86 SCIENCES AND ARTS. John Fitch, etc., pp. -$\,fine clean copy, uncut, plan of Fitch s Steam- Boat inserted. To which is appended a reprint of Rumsef s pamphlet : " A Plan wherein the Power of Steam is fully shewn," etc., pp. 20. 8 Phila., 1788 THORNTON (Wm.) Short Account of the Origin of Steamboats, written in i8io,//. 18, uncut. 16 Albany, 1818 WHITTLESEY (Charles) Justice to the Memory of John Fitch, who in 1785 invented a Steam Engine and Steam-Boat, uncut. 1. 8 Cincinnati, 1845 5 Rare Tracts. v. s. 6680 -- RUMSEY (James) A Short Treatise on the application of Steam, etc. 2 copies, clean, uncut, RARE. 8 Phila., 1788 6681 Petition of John R. and Robert J. Livingston, to the Legislature of New Jersey, respecting Steam-Boats,//. 34, 15, uncut. 8 New York, 1814 6682 (Duer and Colden) DUER (Wm. A.) Letter to Cadwallader D. Golden, Esq., in answer to strictures in his " Life of Robert Fulton," with an Appendix, etc., pp. 127. Albany, 1817 [GOLDEN (C. D.)] A Review of the Letter addressed by Wm. A. Duer, Esq., etc., pp. 27. New York, 1818 A Vindication by C. D. Colden of the Steam-Boat Right granted by the State of New York ; in the form of an Answer to the Letter of Mr. Duer,//. 178. Albany, 1818 DUER (W. A.) A Reply to Mr. Colden s Vindication of the Steam-Boat Monopoly, pp. 184, xxvii. Albany, 1819. 4 Pamphlets, all uncut. 8 6683 Explanation by John L. Sullivan, of the Nature of certain Grants to him for the Use of Steamboats on Conn. River. [New York,} 1818 SULLIVAN (J. L.) A Demonstration of the Right to the Navigation of the Waters of New York, without the License of the Owners of the Monopoly of Steam and Fire, etc., pp. 41. Cambridge, 1821 A Brief Exposition of the Views of John L. Sullivan, Esq., who holds in virtue of an Act of the Legislature of Massachusetts, an exclusive right to the use of Steam Tow-boats on part of the Waters of that State, etc. [by Cadw. D. Golden.] New York, 1822 3 scarce Pamphlets. 8 6684 MARESTIER (M.) Memoire sur les Bateaux a Vapeur des Etats- Unis d Ame rique, //. 291, sewed, uncut. 4 Paris, 1824 MANUFACTURES, DISCOVERIES and INVENTIONS. 6685 Tracts. Abstract of . . A late Treatise on Hemp, by M. Marcan- dier . . to which is added some account of the use of the Horse- Chestnut, and a Plan of the Pennsylvania Hemp Brake. Boston, 1766 Several methods of making Salt-Petre ; recommended by the Congress. . . With Appendix by Dr. Wm. Whiting. Watertown, 1775 Experiments and Observations on American Potashes .. By W. Lewis, F. R. S. London, 1767 Principles . . applied to the Manufacture . . of Pot and Pearl Ashes. By David Townsend. Boston, 1793 [MASCARENE (John)] Manufacture of Pot- Ash in the N. A. Plantations recommended, pp. (4), n. Boston, 1757 QUINCY (Edmund) A Treatise of Hemp-Husbandry, with Plan of INVENTIONS. BUILDING, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 8/ a Hemp Mill, engraved by Paul Revere, pp. 32, i. Boston, 1765 Summary View of the Courses of Crops in the husbandry of England and Maryland, etc. Phila. 1784 Letter from Sir Rich. Cox to T. Prior, she\ying a method to establish the Linen- Manufacture, etc. (Repr.} Boston, 1720. 8 scarce Tracts, nearly all uncut, in i vol., hf. blue morocco. 4 6686 Tracts. (Am. Inventions and Manufactures.) Industry and Frugality Proposed . . and the Linen Manufacture recommended. Boston, 1753 Treatise on the Culture, etc. of Pastel or Woad . . By C. P. De Lasteyrie. Added, Information upon . . Indigo. Trans, by H. A. S. Dearborn,//. 140. Boston, 1816 All People Wrecked at Sea, Saved. Description of Machines invented for that purpose. By A. Du Buc Marentille. Elizabeth-Town, 1803, RARE Description of Clapp s Patented Crank Engine for raising and throwing Water, folding plate. Greenfield, 1811 Description of Ammi White s Wooden Suspension Bridge, wood engravings. Cambridge, 1852 Experiments on Railroads, in England, etc. Baltimore, 1829 Description of Ithiel Town s improvement in Bridges, engravings. New Haven, 1821 Remarks on the Rights of Inventors, etc. Boston, 1807 J. Rowland s Address before the Providence Assoc n of Mechanics and Manufacturers, 1810; and 14 others. 23 Pamphlets, in i vol., hf. blue mor. 8 6687 Valuable Secrets concerning Arts and Trades,//. 240, sheep. 12 Norwich [Conn.], 1795 6688 TORPEDO WAR and Submarine Explosions. By Robert Fulton,//. 57, (3), \plates, wants one, name cut from head of title, VERY SCARCE. obi. 4 New York, 1810 6689 Invincible Floating Batteries, including manner of Using Torpedoes, with wood cut of Battery and a Torpedo Discharger, n. t. p.,//. 8, RARE. 8 New York, 1813 6690 HARTLEY (David) Account of the Invention of Fire-Plates, for the security of Buildings and Ships against Fire, //. 28, (2), engraving of Obelisk on Putney Common. 8 \London, 1785] BUILDING and ARCHITECTURE. 6691 MAC PACKE (Jose) OIKIAIA, or Nutshells: being Ichnographic Distributions for Small Villas, 26 copper-plates, pp. 89, sheep. 8 London, 1785 6692 The Town and County Builder s Assistant, etc. Illustrated by upwards of 200 Examples, engraved [by J. Norman] on folio copper plates, engraved frontispiece, pp. 14, and 60 plates, sheep, good copy: autograph of Samuel Gore on title, folio, Boston, J. Norman, [1786] VERY SCARCE. At the end of the Introduction, " The Prices of Carpenter s Work in the Town of Boston," in 1786, are given, in detail. 6693 The same, worn copy. Boston, 1786 6694 BENJAMIN (A.) and RAYNARD (D.) American Builder s Companion; or, a new System of Architecture, 44 engravings, pp. 48, stained. 4 Boston, 1806 6695 Villa and Farm Cottages . . with designs. By H. W. Cleaveland, W. Backus, and S. D. Backus, 24 designs, and numerous wood-cuts. New York, 1856 VAUX (Calvert) Villas and Cottages, 300 engravings. N. K 1857. 2 vols. cloth gilt. FREE MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 6696 ADAMS (John Q.) Letters [on Masonry] to Edw. Livingston, Gr. High Priest of the General Gr. R. A. Chapter of the U. S. 12 [Hartford] J. Hurlbut,for Conn. A. M. Tract Assoc., 1834 6697 Ahiman Rezon abridged and digested : as a Help to all that are or would be F. and A. Masons . . added a Sermon, preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, by Wm. Smith, D. D., engraving of the Masons Arms, pp. xvi, 166, sheep. 8 Phila., Hall <N Sellers, 1783 6698 The same, sheep. 8 Phila., 1783 6699 READ (John K.) Dep. G. M. of Virginia. The New Ahiman Rezon, pp. xx, 242, bds. uncut. 8 Richmond, J. Dixon, 1791 6700 ALLYN (Avery) A Ritual of Freemasonry, illustrated by numerous Engravings . . Added, a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa, sheep. 12 Boston, 1831 6701 - - The same, another copy, somewhat stained and worn. 6702 Anti-Masonic Pamphlets. Nos. 1-6. [Published by the Anti- Masonic Committee in Connecticut] 6 Pamphlets, clean, uncut. 12 n. p., n. d. \Hartford, 1832] 6703 A Serious Call or Masonry Revealed ; prepared by order of the Anti-Masonic Convention at Woodstock (Conn.), held on the anniversary of the Death of Wm. Morgan. Boston, 1829 Proceedings of the A. M. State Convention of Connecticut. Hartford, 1830. 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 6704 -- The Anti-Masonic Almanac, for 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1832. By Edw. Giddins. Rochester, and Utica, N. Y. - - The New England Anti-Masonic Almanac, for 1829, by Edw. Giddins ; 1830 (2 editions), 1832-35. Boston, 1829-35. n Almanacs, scarce. 12 6705 BRADLEY (Joshua) Some of the Beauties of Free-Masonry ; being Extracts from Publications which have received the appro bation of . . the Fraternity, etc., pp. 318, sheep, scarce. 18 Rutland, Vt., 1816 6706 BERNARD (Elder David) Light on Masonry, a Collection of Documents on the Subject ; embracing the Reports on the Abduction of Wm. Morgan, etc., pp. 506, 55, portrait of Morgan, and engraving of the " Masonic Assassination of Akirop," sheep, fine copy. 12 Utica, Wm. Williams, 1829 6707 - - The same, another edition, larger and finer paper, portrait and engraving, pp. 532, 55, clean copy, binding iu or med. 8 Utica, 1829 In this edition was added (pp. 507-532) " the most recent revision of the ritual for the ineffable degrees." 6708 BROWN (Henry) Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement in Western New York, i826-29,//. (6), 244, boards (broken}, good copy. 12 Batavia, N. Y., 1829 6709 CALCOTT (Wellins) A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the Antient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, sheep, fine clean copy. Lond., repr. Boston, Brother W. Me Alpine, A. L. 5772. A. D. 1772 List of Subscribers (14 pages) in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Nova Scotia. FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 89 6710 Cole (Samuel) The Freemasons Library and General Ahiman Rezon, pp. xii, 332, ^, frontispiece, portrait of R. W. G. M. John Crawford, and View of Masonic Hall, Baltimore, sheep. 8 Baltimore, B. Edes, 1817 6711 -- The same, 2d Edition revised, with additions,//, vii, 380, xii, frontispiece, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 Baltimore, 1826 6712 Centennial Memorial. The Lodge of Saint Andrew, and the Mass. Grand Lodge, [celebration of Centennial Anniversaries, 1856 and 1869,] elegant illustrations, fine paper, pp. 292, hf. morocco extra, top gilt, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1870 No. 229 of a strictly limited edition of 500 copies, printed for the Lodge of St. Andrew. 6713 Constitutions of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of F. and A. Masons . . Added, the History of Masonry in . . Massa chusetts, etc., frontispiece (foxed), pp. 288, sheep. 4 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1792 At head of title the name (autograph ?) of Geo. Washington, to whom the work was dedi cated, on a leaf inserted, " A Prayer at the making of a Mason, for the Morning Star Lodge [Worcester], by Brother Isaiah Thomas." 6714 The same ; compiled by Rev. T. M. Harris ; 2d edition revised, with large additions, frontispiece, pp. (8), 288, sheep, fine unused copy. 4 Worcester, y. Thomas, 1798 6715 The same; unused copy, clean and fine, sheep. 4 Worcester, 1798 6716 Constitution of the A. and H. Fraternity of F. and A. Masons, in the State of New York : collected and digested by order of the Gr. Lodge of said State, pp. 76, clean. 8 New York, Francis Childs, 1789 6717 Constitution and Bye-Laws. . adopted by the Gr. Lodge of Connecticut,//. 20. Hartford, 1799 The General Grand Royal Arch Constitution for the U. S. of America [adopted, Jan. 1806], //. 24, uncut, n. p., n. d. [Hartford, 1806]. 2 Pamphlets, clean and fine. 16 6718 COUSTOS. Unparalleled Sufferings of John Coustos, who under went the most Cruel Tortures, and was sentenced to the Galley four years, by command of the Inquisitors at Lisbon, in order to extort from him the Secrets of Free-Masonry, etc., halfmor. 12 Boston, N. Coverley, 1803 6719 Mysteries of Popery unveiled, in the Unparalleled Sufferings of John Coustos, at the Inquisition of Lisbon ; to which is added the Master- Key to Popery, by Anthony Gavin, engravings, pp. 300, foxed, sheep. 12 Enfield ; pr. at Hartford, 1821 6720 CROSS (Jeremy L.) Masonic Chart, or Hieroglyphic Monitor; added, Songs, etc., 40 copper plates (engraved by A. Doolittle), pp. (13), 172, sheep, nice copy. 12 New Haven, 1819 First edition : SCARCE. 6721 The same: 4th edition, portrait, 48 engravings, sheep. 12 New Haven, 1826 6722 CROSS (J. L.) The Templar s Chart, or Hieroglyphic Monitor; frontispiece and 22 copperplate engravings, music, pp. 157, sheep, nice copy. 12 New Haven, by the author, 1821 First edition : SCARCE. 12 9 o FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 6723 Eastman (Luke) Masonick Melodies ; a choice Selection of the most approved Masonick Songs, etc., set to musick,//. 208, sheep, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1818 oooo Free Masonry; a Poem. See No. 6862. 6724 Free Masonry. Its Pretensions exposed, etc. . . A Review of Town s Speculative Masonry : . . its dangerous Tendency exhibited, etc. . . By a Master Mason [Henry D. W aid Q frontispiece, //. xvi, 399, bds. uncut. 8 New York, 1828 6725 Free Masonry: a Poem : in Three Cantos . . Proving it . . a dangerous and deadly Foe to Equal Liberty, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts,//. 216, sheep. 12 Leicester, 1830 6726 Free-Masonry Unmasked : or Minutes of the trial of a suit in the Court of C. P. of Adams Co. (Penn.), wherein Thaddeus Stevens, Esq., was plaintiff, and Jacob Lefever, defendant, wood-cut of an initiation, on title-page, pp. 93, wants 2 leaves, bds., RARE. 12 Gettysburg, Pa., 1835 6727 GREENLEAF (Simon) A Brief inquiry into the Origin and Principles of Free Masonry, engraved title, pp. 117, bds., uncut. 8 Portland, Me., 1820 6728 HARDIE (James) The New Freemason s Monitor. 2d ed. enlarged, frontispiece, pp. xvi, 347, sheep, good copy. 12 New York, 1819 6729 HARRIS (Thaddeus M.) Discourses, illustrating the Principles etc., of Free Masonry, engraved frontispiece, sheep, fine copy. 8 Charles town, A. L. 5801 6730 The same, binding broken. 8 Charlestown, A. L. 5801 6731 HUTCHINSON (Wm.) The Spirit of Masonry: in moral and elucidatory Lectures, engraving, pp. vii, 174, 22, sheep, nice copy. 12 New York, 1800 VERY SCARCE. Greenleaf (Brief Inquiry, etc.} remarks that this book, " though some what deficient in method, is yet of inestimable value to the Craft." 6732 JACHIN AND BOAZ ; or, an Authentic Key to the Door of Free- Masonry, etc., pp. 60, bds. 12 Suffield, E. Gray, 1799 A VERY RARE EDITION. This work was first published in London, between 1760 and 1770 : and, if the Anti-Masonic tradition is to be trusted, its publication cost the author his life. An earlier, though not rarer edition, published in New York (Tiebout & O Brien, for Evert Duyckinck & Co.) 1796, will be found in "TRACTS, 1796-1834 " [No. 6763], and another, " Re-printed in the United States," 1801, from a later London edition, is in " Tracts, 1789-1834" [No. 6762]. 6733 The same, frontispiece, hf.bd., RARE. 1 8 Poughkeepsie, Paraclete Potter, 1815 6734 The same, frontispiece of the Regalia, pp. 52, paper, etc., uncut. 12 Repr. Boston, 1817 6735 MORGAN (WM.) Illustrations of Masonry, by one of the Fraternity, who has devoted thirty years to the subject,//. 86, uncut, except on one margin of title. 12 n. p. [Batavid\, Printed for the Author, 1827 VERY RARE. The Introduction was added by the publisher, "in theabscence (sic) of the author, who was kidnapped and carried away from the village of Batavia, on the nth day of September, 1826, by a number of Freemasons," etc., etc. The certificate of copy right bears date, Aug. 14, 1826. FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. QI 6736 MORGAN (Wm.) The same : Second Edition. With an Account of the Kidnapping of the Author,//. 92, uncut. 8 n. p. \Batavia ?] Printed for the Author, 1827 6737 The same : 3d Edition, engr. frontispiece, pp. 96, uncut. 12 Rochester ; 1827 6738 The same : [4th Edition],//. 96, uncut, in original paper cover with wood cut. Rochester, 1827 The same: frontispiece and wood cut, pp. 84, uncut. Boston, 1829. 2 Pamphlets. 12 6739 A Narrative of the Facts and Circumstances relating to the Kidnapping and presumed Murder of William Morgan . . . With an Appendix, containing the Depositions, etc., pp. 36, xxxv, uncut. 12 Batavia, D. C. Miller, 1827 Prepared under the direction of committees appointed at meetings of citizens of the counties of Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Monroe, and Niagara; "the first organized attempt to investigate the abduction of Morgan." GASSETT S Catalogric of A. M. Books. 6740 The same : another edition ; to which is added, the late Trials at Canandaigua, //. 84, uncut. 12 Rochester, E. Scrantom, 1827 6741 Speech of Hon. John Crary, in the N. Y. Senate, on the proposition for appointing an Inquisitor in the case of Wm. Morgan,//. 16. Albany, 1828 A Serious Call, or Masonry Revealed ; Address of Conn. Anti-Masonic Convention, on anniv. of the death of Morgan, pp. 39. Boston, 1829 Wm. Morgan abducted and murdered by Masons, etc. Sermon by Lebbeus Armstrong, at Edinburgh, N. Y., //. 32. New York, 1831. 3 Pamphlets. 8 6742 MORRIS (Rob.) Reminiscences of the Triennial Convocations of the General Grand Encampment and the Gen. Gr. Chapter of the U. S., at Hartford, Conn., 1856, with Biographical and Historical Notes, pp. viii, 104. 8 Lodgetown, Ky.,for Private Distribution only, 1857 6743 [PARMALE (Henry) ] Key to the First Chart of the Masonic Mirror j being a complete Pocket Companion for the use of . . Free and Accepted Masons,//. 108, hf. mor. 1 6 New Haven, S. Converse, 1825 6744 PAYSON (Seth) Proofs of the real Existence, and dangerous Tendency of Illuminism, //. 290, sheep. 12 Charlestoivn, 1802 6745 PRESTON (Wm.) Illustrations of Masonry. First American Edition,//. 560, sheep, neat, fine copy. 12 Alexandria, \_VaI\ 1804 6746 The same,Jtnefres/i copy. 12 Alexandria, 1804 6747 --The same : First Am. Improved Edition . . . With a complete list of Lodges in the U. S., //. 390, slightly imperfect, sheep. 12 Portsmouth, W. & D. Treadwell, 1804 6748 Revelation of Free-Masonry, as published by a convention of Seceding Masons, held at Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y., July 4th and 5th, 1828, //. vii, 107. 12 Rochester, Weed dr Heron, 1828 6749 ROBISON (John) Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on [by] Free Masons, Illuminati, etc., 4th ed., //. 399, sheep, neat. 8 New York, G. Forman, 1798 92 FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 6750 STEARNS (Rev. John G.) Inquiry into the Nature and Tendency of Speculative Free-Masonry,^. 109, 9, bds., uncut, FIRST EDITIQN, RARE. 1 8 Utica, for the Author, 1826 6751 The same ; 2d edition, enlarged : with an Appendix, in which is proved the true character of Morgan s Illustrations of Masonry, pp. 191. 12 Westfield, H. New comb, 1828 6752 The same : 5th edition : Added, Plain Truth, a Dialogue, etc., pp. xvi, 211, sheep, neat. 12 Utica, 1829 6753 STERRY (Consider) Masonic Formalities of Burying the Dead ; together with the Ancient Charges at Initiation, etc., pp. 25, very scarce. 12 Norwich, [ Conn .] , 1813 6754 STONE (Wm. L.) Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry, addressed to the Hon. John Q. Adams, pp. viii, 566, 7, hf. cloth. 8 New York, O. Halsted, 1832 VERY SCARCE. Gassett, in the Introduction to his Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books, 1852, said: " Of Col. Stone s Letters, to which Hon. John Q. Adams refers in his Letters, the writer knows of but two copies, one in his own and the other in the Boston Library." 6755 The Tomb of James Molai [De Molay] ; or, the Secret of the Conspirators. Translated by a Gentleman of Boston. Addressed to those who wish to know everything,//. 22. 8 Boston, B. Edes, 1797 RARE. The writer endeavors to prove that the Templars were responsible for the French Revolution and all " the great political troubles " of Europe. " There are a crowd of Masonic Lodges in Europe, but they are of no importance. The- true Templar Masons are no more than one hundred and eight throughout the globe : they are the men who, by vengeance, ambition, and system, have sworn the massacre of Kings, and the Inde pendence of the Universe." 6756 TOWN (Salem) System of Speculative Masonry, (First Edition,) //. 283, sheep, good copy. 12 Salem, N. Y., 1818 6757 " " The same: 2d edition, pp. 284, sheep. 12 Salem, N. Y., 1822 6758 Vocal Companion, and Masonic Register. In Two Parts. I. Masonic Songs, etc. II. Account of the Origin of Masonry in America ; with a List of Lodges in the Six Northern States, engr. frontispiece, pp. 180, 103, v, sheep, fresh copy. 12 Boston, y. M. Dunham, 1802 6759 [WEBB (Thos. S.)] The Freemason s Monitor; or, Illustrations of Masonry ; in Two Parts. By a Royal Arch Mason, K. T., K. of M. &c.,//. 284, sheep, RARE. 12 Albany, Spencer 6* Webb, 1797 The FIRST EDITION of Webb s Monitor: published without the name of the author. 6760 WEBB (Thos. S.) The Freemason s Monitor. [2d edition], pp. 300. New York. Southwick 6* Crooker, 1802 The same: new and improved edition, //. 336. Salem, and Providence, 1808. (2 vols.) sheep. 12 6761 The same; Montpelier, Vt., 1810 The same. Salem, 1818 The same, Salem, 1821. (3 vols.) 12 6762 Tracts. (1789-1834) FESSENDEN (Thos.) Masonic Sermon ; Rising Sun Lodge, Keene, N. H. Keene, [1789] JUDD (B.) St. John s day Sermon, Union Lodge. New London, 1819 Jachin and Boaz, or Key to the Door of Freemasonry. Re-printed in the United States, 1801 Constitution of the Gen. Gr. Encampment of Knights Templars for the U. S. Boston, 1817 Illustrations of FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. 93 four first Degrees of Female Masonry. By a Lady. Boston, 1827 THACHER (M.) Address to Montgomery Lodge, Medway, Mass., and Address to his Church, on his Seceding from Masonry. Bost., 1829 THACHER (M.) Letters to a brother in the church, on renouncing Masonry. Bost. 1829 On the Aim of the Order of Freemasons ; trans, from the German, //. 204. Albany, 1825 Masonic Oaths, with Notes, etc. Montpelier, 1834. 10 in i vol. new hf. blue mor., mostly uncut. 8 and 12 6763 Tracts (1796-1834) Jachin and Boaz; or, an authentic Key to the Door of Free-Masonry, new ed. N. Y., Tiebout &* O Brien, 1796 Observations on Free-Masonry; with a Masonic Vision, by a Lady in Worcester. Wore., 1798 - - [ SLADE (Wm.) ] Masonic Penalties. H. H. Houghton, Castleton, Vt., n. d. [1830] Proceedings of [the Second] Antimasonic State Convention of Massachusetts. Bost., 1831 Proceedings of 3d and 4th Antim. St. Conventions. Bost. 1832, 1833. Proceedings rel. to Union of Freemasons in S. Carolina. Charleston, 1814 Report of Committee of the Rhode Island Gen. Assembly, to investigate the charges against Freemasonry,//. 72, 149. Providence, 1832 (VERY RARE) Proc. of Gr. R. A. Chapter of Connecticut, May, 1827 Nature and fruits of Political Antimasonry. Northampton, .1835 Reasons of Church in No. Wrentham, Ms., for withdrawing from their Masonic brethren, etc. Bost., 1830 Proc. of Gr. Lodge of New Hampshire, 1825 Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates opposed to Free Masonry, which met at Le Roy, Genesee co., N. Y., 1828. Rochester, Weed and Heron, 1828 Proceedings of the 2d U. S. Anti-M. Convention, Baltimore, Sept. 1831. Bost. 1832 Address of National A. M. convention, in Phil., Sept. 1830 Proc. of Conn. A. M. State Convention, at Hartford, 1830 Legislative Investigation into Masonry, before a Committee of the Gen. Assembly of Rhode Island, 1832. Boston, 1832 Rep. of a Jt. Committee of the Mass. Legislature, on Free masonry, March, 1834. 18 in i vol., new half blue mor. 8 Several of the tracts in this volume are VERY SCARCE : particularly the New York edition of "Jachin and Boaz" (see note on No. 6732), and the Report of the "Legislative Investigation " in Rhode Island, reported by B. F. Hallet, containing the Testimony of fifty masons, of which Mr. Gassett, in 1852, could find only two copies, and one of these in a library in Kentucky. (Catal. A. M. Books, 73.) Tracts (1796-1831) Proceedings of Conn. Grand Lodge. Hartford, 1796 Constitution and Bye-Laws of Conn. Gr. Lodge. Hartford, 1799 STERRY (C.) Masonic formalities of burying the dead. Norwich, 1813 Bye-Laws of Windsor [Vt.] R. A. Chapter, 1815 Const, of Gr. Lodge of R. Island. Prov., 1808 - Gen. Gr. R. A. Constitution for the U. S. n. d. [Hartford, 1806] The same. Hartf., 1827 Proc. of Gr. Lodge of No. Carolina and Tenn. for 1812 Petition to Legisl. of Conn, against Extra- Judicial Oaths. [Hart.] 1833 Adams (J. Q.) Letters to Edward Livingston. [Hartf J\ 1834 Gen. C. Whittlesey s Renunciation of Freemasonry. [Hartf. !] 1834 Letters on Freemasonry, by a Lady [Mrs. Crocker]. Boston, 1815 History of an Outrage upon the Family of Elder Geo. Wetherell, at Hartford, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1830. [Hartford, Ctl\ 1832 SANBORN (P.) Address before Antimasonic Convention, Reading, Mass., Jan. 15, 1829 SANBORN 94 FREE-MASONRY AND ANTI-MASONRY. (R.) Freemasonry a Covenant with Death. Bath, N. K, 1828 PEASE (D.) [Antimasonic] Sermon, Belchertown, July 8, 1830 ARMSTRONG (L.) Masonry . . a Work of Darkness, $th ed. Hartford, 1833 -- PHILLEO (C.) Light on Masonry and Antimasonry. Providence, 1831 - ADAMS (J. Q.) Letters on Freemasonry. Hartford, 1833 Proc. of Gr. Lodge of Mississippi, Feb., 1848. Fayette, 1848 ; and others. 27 in i vol., new half blue mor., mostly uncut. (2 vols.) i2and& 6764 Tracts (1755-1803) Masonic Sermons and Orations. 18 in i vol. Tracts (1800-1815) Masonic Sermons, Orations, etc. 27 in i vol. 2 vols., hf. dk. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 4 and 8 Including Rev. Arthur Browne s Sermon to the F. and A. Masons in Boston, Oct. i, " T 24, 1757 Rev. Killer s Charge onic Convention in Connecticut, 1783, etc., etc. 6765 Tracts (1800-1850) Masonic Sermons, Orations, etc. 84 in 3 vols., hf. dk. blue morocco. 8 Including several scarce Anti-masonic tracts : C. P. Sumner s Letter on Speculative Free Masonry. Boston, 1829 The National Mirror of Masonry : by Philo Lucis. Boston, 1829 Pliny Merrick s Letter on Speculative Free Masonry. Boston, 1830 Rev. Moses Thacher s Address, " Masonic Oaths neither morally nor legally binding." Boston [1830] ; etc. 6766 Tracts. BROWNE (Rev. Arthur) Sermon in Trinity Church Boston, Oct. i, 1755, RARE SMITH (Wm.) D.D., Sermon, Phila- adelphia, Dec. 28, 1778 WALDO (A.) Oration, June 24, 1784, at Colchester, Conn. WEEKS (Rev. J. W.) Sermon, Halifax, N. S., June 24, 1785 HARRIS (T. M.) Masonic Emblems Explained; Sermon, Charlestown, Mass., June 24, 1796 THAYER (N.) Sermon, Lancaster, June 24, 1797 Observ. on F. Masonry: by a Lady of Worcester, 1798 MANN (Rev. J.) Oration, Wren- tham, Mass., 1798; and Address to Montgomery Lodge, Dec. 18, 1799 BRAY (Ol.) Oration, New Haven, Jan. i, 1802 RIPLEY (E.) Discourse, Haverhill, June 9, 1803 VANDERBILT (John) Oration, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1807, and BURRILL (W.) Address, before Gr. Lodge of N. Y., Jan. n, 1808, RARE Tableau des F/. F/. qui composent la R.\ L.\ de St. J.*. de J.\ sous le nom de la Verite du Cap Francais [Veritas Sancti Joannis, No. 42, Baltimore, Md.], 24 Juin, 1809. Bait. 1809. Attested, in autograph, by [Pierre] Rescaniere, Secretaire; VERY RARE The Festivaliad, a Poem in commemoration of the Festival of St. John celebrated at Dorchester, Mass., 1807 ; by Morpheus Stupor, V. M. N. V. D. . . Prefixed, Remarks by Hezekiah Hectic, K.G.Q. n.p. 181 1 OSGOOD (Rev. Samuel) The Tenets of Free Masonry : Sermon, Orient Lodge, East Hartford, 1822 (3 copies) CUSHING (Caleb) Address, at Lynn, June 24, 1826 (2 copies) Narrative of Facts rel. to kidnapping and murder of Wm. Morgan . . with the Depositions, etc. Batavia, 1827 A Visit to the West; [a Poem] exhibiting various ideas respecting F. Masonry. Utica, 1829 Dr. E. WILLIS S Renunciation of Odd Fellowship, and an Expose* of the Signs, etc. Boston, 1846 : and 7 others. 30 Pam phlets, v. s. POETRY. INCLUDING AMERICAN EDITIONS OF ENGLISH POETS. 6767 ADAMS (Rev. John) Poems on Several Occasions, original and translated,//. (8), 176, sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, for D. Gookin, 1745 " On the whole, the safest encomium that can be bestowed upon the work is, that it is equal to any New England poetry of this date, and will not lose the palm by a compe tition with the writings of John Barnard or Phillis Wheatly." Monthly Anthology, . 132. The author was the son of the Hon. John Adams of Nova Scotia. He graduated at Harvard in 1721, was minister of a church at Newport, R. I., for two years, and died at Cambridge, Jan., 1740. 6768 - - The same, covers removed for binding. (2 copies?) 8 Bost., 1745 6769 ADAMS (John Quincy) Dermot Mac Morrogh, or the Conquest of Ireland. 2d edition. 8 Boston, 1832 6770 ALLEN (B.) jun. Miscellaneous Poems. By Osander. Hudson, 1811 Urania, or the True Use of Poesy. N. Y., 1814 (2 copies) The Phoenix ; or the Battle of Valparaiso. N. K, 1814. 4 vols. 12 and 18 6771 [ALLEN (JAMES)] The Poem which the Committee of the Town of Boston had voted unanimously to be published with the late [Dr. Warren s] Oration : with Observations, etc. . . and Extracts from an ingenious Composition never yet published, half calf , neat. 4 Boston, E. Russell, 1772 This poem was written at the request of Dr. Warren to accompany his Oration of March 5, 1772. Owing to doubts of the author s patriotism the Committee suppressed it. His friends procured a copy of it from him, and published it, with extracts from another poem (The Retrospect) by the same hand, and comments exhibiting the author s political soundness and poetical merits. DUYCKINCK. 6772 ALLEN (Wm.) D.D. Book of Christian Sonnets, cloth: with the author s autograph. 12 Northampton, 1860 6773 [ALSOP (Richard) ] The Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Mor gana, plate, pp. vii, 67, boards, scarce. 8 New York, J. Riley 6- Co., 1806 " From the 2d Book of the Orlando Inamorato of Fr. Berni." 6774 American in Algiers (The), or the Patriot of Seventy-Six in Captivity ; a Poem in Two Cantos,//. 36, half mor., VERY SCARCE. 12 New York, J. Buel, 1797 6775 American Poems, original and selected, vol. I. (all published}, sheep, nice copy, scarce. 8 Litchfield, Collier 6- ^^[1793] The FIRST COLLECTION of American Poetry ; edited by Dr. Elihu H. Smith of (Litchfield, and) New York. It contains poems by Trumbull, Dwight, Barlow, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Humphreys, Livingston, Mrs. Morton, and others. 6776 The same, fresh copy, sheep, yellow edges. 6777 The American Poetical Miscellany, original and selected. The American Prose Miscellany. 2 vols. sheep, neat. 12 Philadelphia, 1809 " The volume of Poetry is made valuable by enfolding in its embraces, some of the richest and deepest tinted flowers which ever bound the brows of Melancholy, or sparkled under the heavenly gem which drops from Pity s eye." Editor s Preface. 96 POETRY. 6778 ARNOLD (Josiah Lyndon) Poems,//. 141, sheep. (2 copies.) 12 Providence, 1797 Edited, with a biographical preface, by James Burrill, Jun.; who as Duyckinck notes, " has performed his duties carelessly, as he has included a poem entitled, The Dying Indian, which is to be found in Freneau s Poems, ed. 1795, P- 59-" CycL Am. Lit., i. 529. 6779 Aspect of the Times (The) : a political Poem : and other Pieces ; by a native of Newark, hf. mor. 16 Newark, 1831 6780 ATLEE (Edwin A.) M. D., of Philadelphia. Essays at Poetry, or a collection of Fugitive Pieces ; with the Life of Eugenius Laude Watts,//. 152, and subscribers names, 4//., bds. uncut. 12 Philadelphia, T. S. Manning, 1828 SCARCE. Not in Allibone s or Sabin s Dictionaries. 6781 BANCROFT (Geo.) Poems, boards, clean, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 12 Cambridge, 1823 6782 BARLOW QOEL) The Vision of Columbus, a subscriber s (Col Jeremiah WadswortWs) copy ; autograph receipt of Joel Barlow inserted, old red calf , back and edges gilt. 8 Hartford, 1787 6783 Another copy, calf, neat, 8 Hartford, 1787 The same ; 2d edition. (Autograph of Oliver Ellsworth, on title). 12 Hartford, 1787. (2 vols. sheep.) 6784 The same, 5th edition, corrected ; to which is added The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem ; fine portrait of the Author, calf neat, SCARCE EDITION. 8 Paris, 1793 6785 - - The same ; from a Revised Edition, slightly stained, sheep. 1 8 Baltimore, 1814 6786 - - The Columbiad: a Poem, portrait and n plates, fine clean copy, mottled calf, gilt. 4 Philadelphia, 1807 Fine, impressions on India paper of Fulton s portrait of the author, and of the engravings after Smirke. 6787 The Columbiad, a Poem. 2 vols. sheep. 12 Philadelphia, C. A. Conrad <5- Co., 1809 6788 A Letter to the National Convention of France . . Added, The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem,//. 87. 8 N. Y., T. Greenleaf, n. d. 6789 BARLOW (Joel) The | Hasty-Pudding : | a Poem, | in Three Cantos. | Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January, 1793. \pp. 15, levant maroon morocco, extra, gilt back, edges, and inside border (F. Bedford}, uncut. 8 n. p., n. d. The FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE. The brief "Advertisement" is dated at "New- Haven, April, 1796." On the (blank) lower half of the last page, " H. B. Pearson, Harvard University, 1815," has written his critical estimate of the poem. 6790 -- Hasty Pudding, Salem, J. Gushing, 1799 The same : with The Ruling Passion ; by R. T. Paine, jun. Hallowell, E. Goodale, 1815 The same. Canandaigua, J. D. Bemis &> Co. [1822?] The same ; with a Memoir on Maize, by D. J. Browne. New York, n. d. [1850] An Elegy on the late Honorable Titus Hosmer. Hartford, Hudson CN Goodwin, n. d. [1780] The Prospect of Peace. A Poetical Composition, delivered in Yale-College. . . July 23, 1778. New Haven, T. 6* S. Green, 1788 A Poem spoken at the Public Commencement at Yale College, Sept. 12, 1781. Hartf., Hudson &* Goodwin, n. d. Two Letters to the Citizens of the U. States, and one to General Washington, etc. New Haven, 1806. 8 in i vol., hf. str. grained olive mor. (F. Bedford). 12 POETRY. 97 6791 BEVERIDGE (JOHN) Epistolae Familiares et alia quaedam Miscellanea Familiar Epistles, and other Miscellaneous Pieces in Latin verse . . . To which are added, Translations into English verse, by different Hands, etc., pp. 88, old calf , gilt, fine copy. 8 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1765 RARE. Duyckink has given a good account of this curious and entertaining volume, in the Cyclopcedia of Am. Literature, i. 128, 129. Among the "different Hands" were Jonathan Mayhew of Boston, Nathaniel Evans, Thomas Coombe, Stephen Watts, and Alex. Alexander. 6792 BLEECKER (ANN ELIZA) The Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse, to which is added a Collection of Essays, Prose and Poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres, portrait of Miss Bleecker (eng. by Tiebout}, smooth claret calf extra, sides, back, and edges gilt, large and elegant copy, RARE. 12 New York, T. &> J. Swords, 1793 " I have sought in vain among the libraries and the Bleeckers, to obtain a copy," wrote Col. W. L. Stone, in 1837 (Life of Brant, i. 207). 6793 The same, another fine copy, hf. blue morocco. 12 6794 Boston Prize Poems, and other Specimens of Dramatic Poetry, pp. 130, boards, uncut. 12 Boston, J. T. Buckingham, 1824 6795 BOTELLO DE MORAES Y VASCONCELOS (Fr.) El Nuevo Mundo.. Poemma Heroyco . . . Con las Alegorias de Don Pedro de Castro, etc., 1 6 //. n. n., and pp. 476, vellum, RARE. sm. 4 Barcelona, Juan Pablo Marti, 1701 See Ticknor s History of Spanish Literature, iii. 225. 6796 [BOWDOIN (James) ] A Paraphrase on part of the Oeconomy of Human Life, pp. 88, hf. bound, neat. 8 Boston, Green 6 Russell, 1759 RARE. "Called a paraphrase of Dodsley s collection of aphorisms under that title, but, though it originated in a simple version of the Economy, it is rather an amplification or extension of that little work, with new illustrations." DUYCKINCK, i. 158. Not in Sabin s Dictionary. 6797 BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) Gazette Publications, [Prose and Poetry,] pp. 348, half mor., uncut. 12 Carlisle, [Pa.,} Alexander 6- Phillips, 1806 " Apparently privately printed." SABIN. 6798 [BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) ] The Death of General Montgomery, at the Siege of Quebec. A Tragedy. With an Ode, in honour of the Pennsylvania Militia . . and Elegiac Pieces, commemorative of Distinguished Characters,,//. 79, (5), mor. extra, g. e. (F. Bedford). 8 Phila., jR. Bell, 1777 A Portrait of Gen. Montgomery (engraved by Norman) is inserted in place of the symbolic frontispiece, which is wanting. 6799 The same ; another edition, pp. 68. [Bound with Raynal s Revo lution in America, Salem, 1782,] sheep 8 Norwich, J. Trumbull, 1777 RARE : unknown to Sabin. 6800 [BRADSTREET (Mrs. ANNE)] The | Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in AMERICA. | Or | Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of delight .... By a Gentlewoman in those parts, paneled calf , gilt (Hering, i8o7),//. (14), 207. sm. 8 London, for Stephen Bowtell, 1650 A Fine Copy of the EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION, from Stainforth s (and formerly from Heber s) library. Mr. Sabin, in a note to the Menzies Catalogue, says : " We are unable to trace the sale of more than ONE COPY in this country." In the commendatory verses prefixed, I. W. (the Rev. John Woodbridge) addressing his " deare Sister the Authour" says, truly if in a somewhat different sense from that which he intended, " What you have done, the Sun shall witnesse beare, That for a Woman s Worke tis VERY RARE." 98 POETRY. 6801 [BRADSTREET (Mrs. Anne) ] Several | Poems compiled with great Variety of Wit and Learn-|ing, full of Delight, | &c. . . By a Gentlewoman in New-England. The THIRD EDITION, | corrected by the Author, | and enlarged by an Addition of several other | Poems found amongst her Papers after her | Death, pp. xiii, 233, half dk. green morocco, VERY RARE. sm. 8 \Boston\ Re-printed from the Second Edition VERY RARE. From Rev. J. Stainforth s library, with his book-plate. The "several other poems " added in this edition fill pp. 217-233. The last is a Funeral Elegy on the author, by the Rev. John Norton. 6802 - - The Works of Anne Bradstreet, in Prose and Verse. Edited by J. H. Ellis, facsimile, portrait, and plates, UNCUT. imp. 8 Charlestown, A. E. Cutter, 1867 250 copies of this elegant volume were printed. 6803 BRAINARD (John G. C.) The Literary Remains ; with a Sketch of his Life, by John G. Whittier, dk. calf. 12 Hartford, [1832] 6804 BREWSTER (Martha) of Lebanon \ConnI\ Poems on divers Subjects,//. 35. 8 New London : reprinted Boston, n. d. [1757.] W*#** (J*****) Meditations on the Incomprehensibility of God . . . Also, on the General Judgment, pp. 8. 8 Boston, 1762. 2 in i vol., hf. levant blue morocco, gilt tops. Two VERY RARE tracts. The first has the autograph of the Rev. Isaac Backus, the Baptist historian Mrs. Brewster was the wife of Oliver Brewster of Lebanon. Her poems were first printed at New London, in 1757. This Boston reprint was unknown to Mr. Sabin, and neither edition is in the late Mr. C. F. Harris s Catalogue. 6805 BRYAN (Daniel) The Mountain Muse : comprising the Adven tures of DANIEL BOONE, and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty,//. 252, (12), sheep. 12 Harrisonburg, \Val\ 1813 6806 BRYANT (William C.) The Embargo ; or Sketches of the Times. A Satire. 2d edition ; with . . . other Poems,//. 36, in the original wrapper, clean, uncut. 12 Boston, 1809 VERY SCARCE. The first published collection of Bryant s poems. " A doubt having been intimated . . . whether a youth of thirteen years could have been the author of this poem" (The Embargo), his friends "assure the public that Mr. Bryant, the author, is a native of Cummington, and in the month of November last (1808) arrived at the age of fourteen years." 6807 BURK (John) Bunker-Hill ; or, the Death of General Warren ; an Historic Tragedy,- in five acts, rare, portrait of Gen. Warren (engr. by Norman} inserted, pp. 55, uncut. New York, T. Greenleaf, 1797. An Eulogium on Major-General Joseph Warren, who fell in the action at Charlestown, June 17, 1775. By a Columbian, pp. 22, uncut. Boston, J. Boyle, 1781 2 VERY RARE pieces, in i vol., hf. brown crimped morocco. 8 6808 Bunker-Hill, etc. ; as performed at the Theatres in America, . . . with unbounded applause, //. 44, uncut. 12 New York, D. Longworth, 1817 6809 BURN S (Robert) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, //. 304, covers removed for rebinding ; a scarce portrait of Burns, (engraved by Tiebouf) laid in. 12 Philadelphia, for Peter Stewart and George Hyde, 1788 A FINE COPY of one of the two FIRST AMERICAN EDITIONS, EXTREMELY RARE. See the Menzies Catalogue, nos. 285, 286, and Sabin s Dictionary, no. 9407. POETRY. 99 6810 BUTLER (Samuel) Hudibras. First American Edition, pp. xi, 286, and Index (13), sheep. 12 Troy, Wright, Goodman 6 Stockwell, 1806 68 1 1 BYLES (Mather) A Poem on the Death of . . King George, . and the Accession of . . George II., //. 5, SCARCE. 8 \Boston, 1727] 6812 Cabinet of Momus (The) A Choice Selection of Humorous Poems. . . 6th edition, with six engravings, hf. roan. 12 Phila., R. Desilver, 1827 A very popular collection in its day, and for many years, as its sixth edition attests, yet now so scarce that its title escaped Mr. Sabin. It includes humorous poems by American writers, Freneati, Humphreys, Hopkinson, Ladd, etc. 6813 Calliope; a Collection of Poems, Legendary and Pathetic: by various authors, //. 308. 18 Baltimore, E. J. Coale, 1814 6814 CAREY (Mathew) The Plagi-Scurriliad : a Hudibrastic Poem. Dedicated to Colonel Eleazer Oswald, //. iv, 27, (3), scarce. 8 Philadelphia, by the Author, 1786 6815 Carmina Sacra, quae Latine Grasceque condidit AMERICA, //. 8, marbled cover, SCARCE. 4 Wigornice [Worcester], Is. Thomas, 1789 Latin versions of the 2^d and i34th Psalms and the first nine verses of the 4th chapter of Solomon s Song, and a Greek Ode on the Last Judgment: by Stephen Sewall. (Not in Sabin s Dictionary.) 6816 [CASE (Rev. Wheeler)] Poems occasioned by Several Circum stances and Occurrencies in the Present Grand Contest of America for Liberty, pp. 16, uncut. 12 Hartford, J3. Webster, 1778 EXTREMELY RARE. A reprint of the first (New Haven) edition, of the same year, which contained only four poems. I have seen no other copy. Neither this nor the two following editions were known to Mr. Sabin. 6817 Poems on several Occurrences in the Present Grand Struggle for American Liberty : containing [eight poems]. The Fifth Edition, uncut, but imperfect, wanting the last two leaves (pp. 21-24). 12 Chatham, \N. Y.], Shepard Kellock, 1799 EXTREMELY RARE. The copy is yellowed by age and slightly stained, but may easily be restored to its pristine dinginess. It has the cut of the Eagle and the Crane, p. 4. 6818 Poems, occasioned by Several Circumstances and Occur- riencies (sic) in the Present Grand Struggle of America for Liberty. SECOND EDITION, revised and corrected, //. 24, nearly uncut, wood cut of the Eagle and the Crane. 8 New Haven, Thomas and Samuel Green, 1788 [for 1778 ?] EXTREMELY RARE. Mr. Dodd, when he edited a reprint of these "Revolutionary Memorials," could find only one imperfect copy of this revised edition. 6819 Revolutionary Memorials, embracing Poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, and An Appendix. . Edited by the Rev. Stephen Dodd, cloth. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1852 6820 CHATTERTON (Augustus) pseudon. The Buds of Beauty; or, Parnassian Sprig : being a collection of Original Poems, upon various subjects, frontispiece, pp. 106, scarce. 12 New York, F. Childs, 1787 6821 CLARKE (McDonald) The Gossip ; or, a Laugh with the Ladies, a Grin at the Gentlemen, and Burlesques on Byron, . . with other Poems, fine portrait, pp. 226, uncut, scarce. 18 New York, 1823 6822 Collection (A) of Poems. By several hands,//. 55, three portraits and a view of Harvard College inserted, grosgr. levant red morocco IOO POETRY. extra, back full gilt, paneled sides, ins. borders, g. e. (F. Bedford}, elegant. 8 Boston, B. Green 6* Co., 1744 VERY RARE. "A capital miscellany of verses, which seem to have been floating about in periodicals or manuscript at the period. Mather Byles no doubt contributed some of its pages." DUYCKINCK. Two very scarce portraits of Byles are inserted, one painted and engraved by Peter Pelham, the other by S. Harris. 6823 COLMAN {Rev. Benj.) A Poem on Elijah s Translation, occa sioned by the Death of Mr. Samuel Willard, pp. (2), 14, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Eliot, 1707 6824 The Columbian Muse, a Selection of American Poetry, from various Authors of Established Reputation, pp. (4), 224, sheep, SCARCE. 12 New York, J. Carey, 1794 6825 The same, sheep, neat. 12 N. Y., y. Carey, for M. Carey, Phila., 1794 6826 Columbia s Naval Triumphs, pp. 132, bds., uncut. 18 New York, 1813 The Court of Neptune and the Curse of Liberty, with other Poems, on subjects connected with the late War, pp. 106, i, hf. mor. 16 N. Y., 1817. (2 vols.) 6827 COOK (Rev. Wm.) Poetical Works, including The Neriah, The Eucleia, The Guides, etc. 3 vols., cloth. 12 Salem, 1858-67 These volumes are among the curiosities of American literature. They were ilhistrated, put in type, printed (in small editions), and bormd, by the author. The woodcuts are certainly remarkable, but it was scarcely kind in Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, iv. 477), to charac terize them as "amusing for their absurdity." 6828 COOKE (Philip P.) Froissart Ballads and other Poems, portrait, obituary notice, and autograph letter to his publishers, inserted, hf. bound, uncut. 12 Phila- , Carey 6* Hart, 1847 6829 COOPER (Myles) Poems on several occasions, pp. xxxix, 342. 8 Oxford, W. Jackson, 1761 RARE and CURIOUS. The author afterward the Rev. Dr. Myles Cooper, the successor of Dr. Johnson in the presidency of King s (Columbia) College, New York, and who was driven from the college and the country by the patriots in 1775 published this volume of poems the year after he received his degree at Oxford. "It is not likely" as Mr. Duyckinck observes " that he brought many copies of his Poems over for the ttse of the students and the eyes of sober Dr. Johnson of Connecticut. . . The taste of the age allowed publications then to gentlemen which the more delicate standard of the present day would reject." 6830 CRUZ (Soror Juana Ines de la) Poemas de la Unica Poetisa Americana, Musa Dezima . . . Tercera edicion, correg. y an ad. por su Authore. Sacolos a luz Don J. Camacho Gayna, 8 prel. leaves, pp. 406, (9), vellum wrapper, SCARCE. sm. 4 Valencia, Ant. Bordazar, 1709 The authoress was a sister of the convent of San Geronimo of Mexico, and her poems were very popular in New Spain. " The works of this accomplished lady are so rare, and so generally unknown, that they are not mentioned by Rich, Ternaux, Brunet, or in the Nuggets. Bputerwek places her on a level with Lope de Vega for facility of invention and versification." B. QUARITCH. This, the third edition of her first published volume, contains nearly So pages (327-406) more than the preceding edition. 6831 Cupid and Psyche; a mythological tale from the "Golden Ass" of Apuleius. From the 2d London edition of 1800, in which many omissions are supplied, with a life of Apuleius, and notices, etc., by John Lyde Wilson, 3 plates, pp. 88, red mor. gilt. 8 Charlestown, S. C., 1842 6832 DAVIS (Richard B.) of New York Poems ; with a Sketch of his Life [by John T. Irving], boards, uncut, scarce. 12 New York, T. 6- J. Swords, 1807 POETRY. IOI 6833 DAY (Martha) Literary Remains; with the Rev. Dr. Fitch s Address at her Funeral, and Sketches of her Character, pp, 121, cloth. 12 New Haven, 1834 6834 Declaration (The) of Independence ; a Poem, by a Citizen of Boston [George Richards], pp. 24, hf. mor. 8 Boston, 1793 6835 Democracy : an Epic Poem, by Aquiline Nimblechops, Democrat. Canto First (all published), pp. 20, New York, n. d. [In this copy, the names of the satirized democratic leaders have been supplied in manuscriptl\ Aristocracy. An Epic Poem. Book Second, pp. 18, uncut, n. p., n. d., {Philadelphia, 1795]. 2 Pamphlets. 8 6836 The Devil s Shaving Mill, or Poem, in which the Devil is person ated, etc. With a paraphrase on Mr. Devil s Wonderful Mill, &c.," //. 44, last page slightly imperfect. 12 Taunton, A. Danforth, 1815 Scarce and curious. A poetical rhapsody against the doctrine of universal salvation. 6837 [DEXTER (Samuel)] The Progress of Science : a Poem deliv ered at Harvard College, April 21, 1780; by a Junior Sophister, //. 10, name ctit from top of title, scarce. 4 n. p. \Boston\, 1780 6838 DUNLAP (Jane) Poems, upon several Sermons, Preach d by the Rev d and Renowned George Whitefield, while in Boston, pp. 22, curious ait on title-page, representing Whitefield in the pulpit surrounded with emblems of mortality, hf. mor. uncut. 12 Boston, 1771 VERY RARE ; not in Sabin s Dictionary or C. F. Harris s Catalogue. This copy has corrections and emendations in manuscript, probably by the authoress. From the library of Samuel G. Drake. 6839 DUNN (Samuel) A Word in Season ; or, The Burthen of Samuel, (the son of Richard, the son of Samuel, the son of James the Rhode-Islandite,) which he saw while under the mountain, in the land of Prescott, Mass, in the days of James Munroe, Presi dent, . . . concerning the Division of Christianity. . . [With] Some Remarks on ... Free-Masonry, pp. 12, uncut, CURIOUS. 12 n. p., n. d. [1825] 6840 DURFEE (Job) Whatcheer, or Roger Williams in Banishment, cloth, uncut. 12 Providence, 1832 6841 Complete Works of Hon. Job Durfee, . . . with a Memoir : edited by his son, pp. xxvi, 523, cloth. 8 Providence, 1849 6842 DWIGHT (Timothy) The Conquest of Canaan; a Poem, in Eleven Books, sheep. 12 Hartford, E. Babcock, 1785 6843 Greenfield Hill : a Poem, in Seven Parts, pp. 183, sheep. 8 New York, Childs 6 Swaine, 1794 6844 EASTBURN (Jas. W.) [and SANDS (Robert C.)] Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars of King Philip, pp. xii, 339, i, two engravings (by Durand), roan gilt. 12 New York, 1820 6845 ECHO (The) with other Poems ; Printed at the Porcupine. Press by Pasquin Petronius, plates (designed by Tisdale), fine clean copy, half calf. 8 [New York}, 1807 The Echo was the joint production of Richard Alsop and Theo. Dwight, with some assistance from Dr. Lemuel Hopkins and other of the Hartford wits." 6846 Eclogue (An) Occasioned by the Death of the Reverend Alexander Gumming, A.M., on the 2$th of August, A.D. 1763, [By Jeremy Belknap], //. 8, calf extra, ( W. Pratt}, uncut, RARE. sm. 4 Boston, 1763 IO2 POETRY. 6847 ELLIOTT (J.) The Poetical and Miscellaneous Works of James Elliott, Citizen of Guilford, Vermont, and late a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Legion of the United States. In Four Books, pp. 271, (5), sheep. 12 Greenfield, Mass., 1798 " VERY RARE. Only 300 copies printed. Contains a Journal of his three years service [in the Legion] from 1793 to J 796> and much other information." SABIN S Dictionary. 6848 EMMONS (Richard) The Battle of Bunker Hill, an Historic Poem, 2d edition, portrait, hf. cloth. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, 1841 6849 EVANS (Nathaniel) Poems on several Occasions, with some other Compositions, pp. xxviii, 160, (A Discourse) 24, original sheep, nice copy. 8 Philadelphia, J. Dunlap, 1772 SCARCE. This volume was edited by the Rev. Wm. Smith, who prefixed a biograph ical sketch of the author. " The worthy and ingenious Lady, to whom many of his pieces are addressed" (under the name of "Laura,") was Mrs. Elizabeth (Grahame) Ferguson, who contributed a poem on the death of Mr. Evans, and several lighter pieces, to the volume. 6850 The same, good copy, covers removed for rebinding. 8 1772 6851 EVEREST (C. W.) The Poets of Connecticut, with Biographical sketches, engraving on title, cloth, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1843 6852 Fall (The) of Lucifer, an | Elegiac Poem on the | Infamous Defection | of the late | General Arnold, scarce portrait of Arnold inserted, pp. 18, red morocco extra, g. e. 12 Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1781 EXTREMELY RARE : not known to Mr. Sabin, nor in C. F. Harris s catalogue. The Author s preface is dated at Hartford, Jan. i, 1781. "The poem was composed in October, and finished by the first of November," 1780. 6853 Family Tablet (The) containing a Selection of Original Poetry, pp. x, 8 1, sheep. 12 Boston, 1796 RARE. Containing pieces in verse by members of the family of Rev. Dr. Ezra Stiles (Pres. of Yale College), and edited by his son-in-law, the Rev. Abiel Holmes (the Annalist.) It was privately printed. 6854 Fashion s Analysis ; or, the Winter in Town : a Satirical Poem by Sir Anthony Avalanche. . Part I.,//. 84, old red morocco, red silk lining. 12 New York, for J. Osborn, 1807 Mr. Sabin assigns the authorship of this poem to Blauvelt. 6855 Fayette in Prison : or Misfortunes of the Great. A Modern Tragedy : by a Gentleman of Massachusetts [Samuel Elliot], //. 40, scarce. 8 Worcester, Is. Thomas, for the Author, 1802 Prefaced by " Historical Remarks on General LaFayette." On the title is written, "E. Lysander Bascom s, bo t of the Author, Sam l Eliot, Feb. 1803." 6856 FESSENDEN (T. G.) Terrible Tractoration ! ! . . By Christopher Caustic. 2d edition, with additions, frontispiece, bds., uncut. 12 London, 1803 6857 [ ] Terrible Tractoration !!.. By Christopher Caustic. First American edition, . ^plates. N. York, 1804 Democracy Unveiled, . . By Christopher Caustic. Boston, 1805. Two in one vol., half blue calf, gilt. 12 6858 The Modern Philosopher; or, Terrible Tractoration !.. By Christopher Caustick. 2d American edition, revised and much enlarged, plates (by Seymour), boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1806 [ ] Pills, Poetical, Philosophical, and Political. By Peter Pepper-Box, Poet and Physician, bds., uncut. 12 Philadelphia, for the Author , 1809 POETRY. IO3 6860 FITCH (Elijah) The Beauties of Religion. A Poem addressed to Youth. In Five Books, pp. 129, sheep. 8 Providence, J. Carter, 1789 Dedicated to President Ezra Stiles. "Mr. Fitch died at Hopkinton (Mass.), on the i6th day of December [1788], in the 43d year of his age, and i7th of his ministry." Advertisement. 6861 FLINT (Micah P.) The Hunter and other Poems, //. 147, bds. uncut. 12 Boston, 1826 " The production of a very young man, the result of lonely meditations in these woods [Alexandria, La.] in the intervals of preparation for the bar." Advertisement. 6862 Free Masonry : a Poem in Three Cantos. . . To which is subjoined, a Sketch of . . the Abduction of Capt. Morgan, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, //. 216, sheep. 12 Leicester, 1830 6863 [FRENEAU (Philip)] A Journey from Philadelphia to New York, by way of Burlington and South-Amboy. By Robert Slender, Stocking Weaver, pp. 28, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, Francis Bailey, 1787 6864 FRENEAU (Philip) Poems, with the author s autograph presenta tion to Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, pp. viii, 407, calf (joints ctacked}, nice copy. Philadelphia, F. Bailey, 1786 The First Edition of Freneau s collected Poems ; VERY SCARCE. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau, containing his Essays, and additional Poems, pp. xii, 429, calf, autograph presentation, fine copy. Philadelphia, F. Bailey, 1787 "Col. Wadsworth will do Mr. Freneau the honor to accept of this Volume of his writings." 2 vols. sm. 8 6865 Poems written between the years 1768 & 1794... A New Edition, revised and corrected by the Author ; including . . Pieces never before published, pp. (4), ix-xv, 456, hf. red morocco, paneled back, g. e., fine copy, SCARCE. 8 Monmouth, N. J., Author s Press, 1795 6866 - - Poems . . now republished from the original manuscripts ; with . . Pieces not heretofore in print. 3d Edition. 2 vols., 2 plates, pp. iv, 280 ; 302, xii } sheep, nice fresh copy. 12 Phila., Lydia R. Bailey, 1809 6867 Freneau (Philip) Poems relating to the American Revolution. With an Introductory Memoir and Notes by E. A. Duyckinck, //. xxxviii, 288, portraits and facsimile, LARGE PAPER, cloth, uncut. 4 New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1865 "One Hundred Copies ; No. 64." 6868 FOGG (Mrs. F. B.) of Nashville, Tenn. Poems, n. t. p., //. 60, hf. mor. n. p., n. d. [Nashville? 1851] FORREST (Michael) Travels through America : a Poem, //. 50, lower corners nibbled by mice, hf. mor., SCARCE. 12 Phila., 1793 GERRISH (J. E.) Winter Scenery, and other Poems ; revised edition, //. 32. sq. 16 Newburyport, 1854 GUEST (Moses) Poems . . . and Extracts from his Journal. 2d ed., hf. bd. 12 Cincinnati, 1824 The Genius of Oblivion, and other Original Poems, by a Lady of New Hampshire [Mrs. Sarah J. Hale], red morocco, sides and back gilt. 12 Concord, B. Moore, 1823 LUNT (Geo.) Poems, cloth. 12 N. K, 1839 Low (Samuel) Poems. Vol. I. 12 N. Y., 1800. (7 vols.) v. s. IO4 POETRY. 6869 Gloria Britannorum : or, The British Worthies. A Poem. Being An Essay on the Characters of the Most Illustrious Persons in Camp or Cabinet, since the Glorious Revolution to this present Time. More Particularly, Of the present Ministry, etc., etc., pp. 30, uncut, scribbling on title and two or three pages, hf. crimped red morocco, gilt. 8 Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1723 VERY RARE. For the full title, see SABIN S Dictionary, no. 27586. After invoking the Muses, the author addresses " You bright sons of Harvard, where the Nine And Great Apollo consecrate their Shrine, For Wisdom fam d, the rude Attempt excuse ; Accept an Off ring from an Infant Muse, That in Advent rous Numbers, first would Sing The Fam d NASSAU, the Great, the Warlike King." The general tone and spirit of the poem seem to indicate that the author was a native of England, not yet thoroughly at home in the land of his adoption : and I am strongly inclined to attribute it to FRANCIS KNAPP of Watertown, Mass., son of a captain in the British navy, a graduate of St. John s college, Oxford, whose poetical address "to Mr. Pope, on his Windsor Forest," dated June 7, 1715, "announce a man of wit and taste." For what is known of Mr. Knapp and his writings, see Duyckinck, i. 72. 6870 [Green (Joseph)] Entertainment for a Winter s Evening ; being A Full and Free Account of a very strange and wonderful Sight seen in Boston on the 27th of December at Noon-Day ... By Me, the Hon ble B. B. Esq.,//. 15, RARE. 8 Boston, G. Rogers, n. d. [1750] A satire on a Masonic procession, on St. John s day: see (Part I.) No. 1641. The outside pages of this copy are slightly discolored by smoke, but can easily be cleaned. 6871 Hamiltoiiiad (The): or, Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England, being intended as a High-Heeled Shoe for all limping Republicans. By Anthony Pasquin [John Williams], pp. 104, bds. uncut. 8 Boston, n. d. [1804] Hamiltoniad : or, The Effects of Discord . . . With an appendix . . relative to the late Duel. By a Young Gentleman of Philadelphia, PP 55 Corners stained. 8 Phila., 1804. (2) 6872 HAYES (John) Rural Poems . . To which are added, Poems on several subjects,//. 182, very scarce. 12 Carlisle [Pa.~\, A. Loudon, 1807 The author was Professor of Languages in Dickinson College. The first poem in the volume is a translation from Ossian, into Greek verse printed in Roman type, "quod typis destituti Grsecis." The corners of the volume have been rounded by the knife. 6873 Heroes of the Lake, a Poem, written in the autumn of 1813 [by Samuel Woodworth ?] frontispiece {Battle of Lake Erie), bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1814 6874 HITCHCOCK (David) Poetical Works ; with Sketch of his Life, //. 164, sheep. 1 2 Boston, 1806 The Social Monitor; or, a Series of Poems . . . 2d edition,//. 204, hf. roan. 16 New York, 1814. (2 vols.) See a notice of the Poems in Duyckinck s Cyclop. Am. Literature, i. 629-30. The author was a native of Bethlem, Litchfield Co., Conn. 6875 HUGGINS (John Richard Desborus) Hugginiana ; or, Huggins Fantasy, being a Collection of the most esteemed modern literary productions, [his own advertisements of his barber-shop,] calf, gilt. 12 New York, 1808 "Scarce and curious." SABIN S Diet. Am. Books, no. 33575. Barber Huggins was celebrated in " The Echo" (no. xx.): " Thou knight renown d ! possess d of equal skill The comb to flourish, or to ply the quill," &c. POETRY. IO$ 6876 HUMPHREYS (David) A Poem addressed to the Annies of the United States,//. 28. Reprinted, Paris, 1785 Notice sur la Vie et les Ecrits de M. Joel Barlow,//. 31. [Paris], 1813. Two in one volume, hf. olive morocco extra, (F. Bedford}. 4 Prefixed to the Address to the volume are three FINE AND VERY INTERESTING AUTOGRAPH LETTERS from Col. Humphreys to his friend, Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth : the first, March 30, 1780, (3 //. folio) relates to the Address to the Armies, then ready for the press; the second (3 pp. quarto), is dated from "Head Quarters, New Windsor, April 9, 1781," mentioning, inter alia, "in confidence (for it is not yet known in the Army)," that Lafayette had been ordered to reinforce Gen. Greene in the South ; and the third (2 //.) from Lisbon, Feb. 9, 1791, immediately on Humphreys arrival at that port, as minister to Spain. 6877 HUMPHREYS (D.) A Poem on the Happiness of America; addressed to the Citizens of the United States, pp. 41, nice copy, uncut. 1 6 London, Printed; repr. Albany, C. R. and G. Webster <N Co., n. d. A scarce edition, unknown to Mr. Sabin. 6878 HUMPHREYS (D.) A Poem, Addressed to the Armies of the United States of America. By a Gentleman of the Army,//. 16. 8 New Haven, 1780 Poems by Col. David Humphreys, late aid-de-camp to . . General Washington. 2d edition : with additions, //. 90, i. 1 6 Phila., M. Carey, 1789 The Yankey in England, A Drama in Five Acts,//, no, i, uncut. 12 n. p., n. d. \Comi., 1815] A Poem on the Happiness of America, etc., pp. 51. 4 London, 1786.- repr. Hartford Discourse on the Agriculture of the State of Connecticut, //. 42. 8 N. Haven, 1816. 5 in i vol., hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe) . 4 6879 The Miscellaneous Works of Colonel Humphreys, //. 348, old calf, gilt, good copy. 8 New York, 1790 The first edition contains Humphreys translation of " The Widow of Malabar," which was omitted in the edition of 1804. 6880 The Miscellaneous Works of David Humphrey, etc., portrait and plate of medal, pp. xv, 394, (14), old red morocco gilt. 8 New York, 1804 6881 Kawanio Che Keeteru : A True Relation of a Bloody Battle fought between George and Lewis, in the year I755,//. 16, polished calf gilt ( W. Pratt}. sm. 8 {Philadelphia^ 1756 RARE. Sabin s Dictionary, no. 37121, adopts the statement of "a Gentleman skill d in the Indian Languages," who told the author that the words of the Indian title "were very expressive of a Hero relying on God to bless his Endeavours in protecting what he has put under his Care." 6882 KENNEDY (Thos.) Poems, sheep, author s autograph presentation, scarce. Washington, 1816 HUNT (John M.D.) Hours of Reflection ; on Horror and Pleasure,//. 324, sheep. {Schenectady\, 1845 A remarkable volume, which strangely enough is unnoted by Mr. Sabin. Read, for example, " Theodora s Metrix," p. 103. (2 VOls.) 12 6683 KETTELL (Samuel) Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols., half calf, gilt, SCARCE. 12 Boston, 1829 6884 KIDD (Adam) The Huron Chief, and other Poems, hf. sheep. 12 Montreal, 1830 The Land of Powhatan. By a Virginian, //. \2Q,hf. roan. 16 Baltimore^ 1821, (2 volt.) 106 POETRY. 6885 KUNZE (J. C.) D.D. Einige Gedichte und Lieder, //. (40). 132, i, RARE. sm.8 Phila., Christoph &* Peter Saur, 1778 The author was minister of the Lutheran church in Philadelphia, and afterwards in New York (1784-1807), and professor of languages in Columbia College. This volume was unknown to Mr. Sabin. 6886 LEE (Rev. Chauncey) The Trial of Virtue : a Sacred Poem. Being a Paraphrase of the Book of Job, calf. 12 Hartford, 1806 6887 LADD (J. B.) M.D. Literary Remains. . collected by his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Haskins, of Rhode Island . . Prefixed, a Sketch of his Life, by W. B. Chittenden, //. xxiv, 13-228, cloth, uncut, scarce. 8 New York, 1832 Dr. Ladd, a native of Newport, R. I., was killed in a duel at Charleston, S. C., 1786. Best known as a poet by his " Letters of Arouet to Amanda," his life, says Kettell, "was marked with a character of singularity, for it realizes the dreams of romance, and presents as striking a case of ill-starred love as ever furnished a theme for novelist or poet." 6888 [Leggett (William) ] Leisure Hours at Sea : being a few Miscel laneous Poems. By a Midshipman of the U. S. Navy, //. 148, hf. sheep, neat, scarce. 12 New York, 1825 6889 [LiNN (J. B.) ] Miscellaneous Works, Prose and Poetical, by a Young Gentleman of New York,//. 353, i sheep. 12 New York, T. Greenleaf, 1795 6890 LINN (J. B.) Powers of Genius - } a Poem, in three parts. 2d edition, 3 plates (by Lawson) foxed, pp. 191. 12 Phila., 1802 " Linn is best known as a writer, by his Powers of Genius, a poem which has gone through repeated editions in this country and England." KETTELL. 6891 [LIVINGSTON (Wm.)] Philosophic Solitude : or, The Choice of a Rural Life. A Poem. By a Gentleman educated at Yale College, //. 44, smooth russet calf extra (F. Bedford). sm. 4 New York, James Parker, 1747 The RARE First Edition. In this copy, the name of "Arthur Livingston" as the author has been written on the title-page : but the true name is supplied and the blanks in the Poem filled, by another hand, in which also, the names of Noah Wells and Wm. Pairtree Smith are written, at the end of their respective verses to the author, prefixed to the Poem. 6892 Philosophic Solitude : //. 46, smooth russet calf extra (by F. Bedford), fine clean copy, uncut. 8 Boston, B. Mecom, 1762 6893 The same. The Third Edition, //. 40, hf. red mor. 8 New York, J. Holt, n. d. [1769 ?] 6894 MACK (Dr. Ebenezer) The Cat-Fight ; a Mock Heroic Poem. Supported with copious Extracts from Ancient and Modern classic Authors ; . . . making something like what has been termed a narrow rivulet of text, and wide extended meadow of notes, plates, designed and engraved by D. C. jFohnston,pp. 276, boards, uncut, scarce and curious. 12 New York, 1824 6895 Madison Agonistes : or, the Agonies of Mother Goose. Frag ment of a political Burletta as acting or to be acted on the American Stage,//. 103, half mor. uncut, scarce. 8 London, 1814 Among the Dramatis Personae are Randolpho and Adams, "two Members of the American Congress, reported to be Men of Honour and Principle ! ! ! " King Jerome of Westphalia, Mother Goose, Mother Jeff, and Miss Patterson. 6896 Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak ; or, Black Hawk and Scenes in the West ... By a Western Tourist [E. H. Smith], portrait, pp. 299, cloth. 12 New York, 1848 POETRY. lO/ 6897 MARKOE (Peter) Miscellaneous Poems, [and, The Patriot Chief],//. 30, (2), 70, half red morocco, neat, uncut. (Signatures A and E have been transposed by the binder.) Philadelphia, 1787 The Times, a Poem,//. 35. Phila. 1788. (2 vols.) 8 6898 Maryland. Extracts in Prose and Verse, by a Lady of Maryland, together with a Collection of Original Poetry by Citizens of Maryland, lower half of title of vol. i supplied in manuscript. 2 vols., bds. uncut, very scarce. 12 Annapolis, Frederick Green, 1808 6899 [(MELLEN (Grenville)] Our Chronicle of 26 : a Satirical Poem. Boston, 1827 MARCH (Daniel) Yankee Land and the Yankee ; and The Iron Horse, cloth. Hartford, 1840 The Misanthrope of the Mountain: a Poem. New Haven, 1833. (3) 8 and 12 6900 MERRY (Robert) The Pains of Memory a Poem, Cambridge, 1807 TRUMBULL (John) The Progress of Dulness, Exeter, 1794. Two in one vol., hf. sheep. 12 For the first Boston edition of R. Merry s "Pains of Memory," 1797, see No. 7012. 6901 [MORTON (Mrs. Sarah W.)] Ouabi : or The Virtues of Nature. An Indian Tale, in four cantos. By Philenia,//. $2,hf. rtdmor. neat ; with the AUTHOR S AUTOGRAPH presentation to Dr. Wm. Lee Perkins ; fine copy. 8 Boston, 1790 6902 The same ; with frontispiece (engraved by S. Hall], unbound. 8 1790 6903 [MORTON (Mrs. Sarah W.) ] Beacon Hill ; a Local Poem. Book i. (all published}, pp. 56, stitched, RARE. 4 Boston, for the author, 1797 My Mind and its Thoughts, in Sketches, Fragments, and Essays [in prose and verse], fresh copy, bds. uncut. 8 Boston, 1823 (2 vols.) 6904 Munford (Wm.) Poems, and Compositions in Prose, on several occasions, //. 189, (3), polished red calf, paneled sides, full gilt ( W. Pratt], FINE COPY. 8 Richmond, 1798 SCARCE. The volume includes the tragedy of "Almoran and Hamet." 6905 Mysterious Nothing, a Poem ; with an Allegory of Life and Futurity. By [W. S.] the Author of Contempt on Revenge, pp. 16. 12 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1736 This poem must be VERY SCARCE. It was unknown to Mr. Sabin, and is not in Mr. C. F. Harris s catalogue. The address to "Generous Readers" is signed, W. S. 6906 [NEAL (John) ] Battle of Niagara ; and Goldau, or the Maniac Harper . . By Jehu O Cataract,//. 143, hf. mor. 12 Baltimore, 1818 6907 NORTHMORE (Thos.) Washington, or Liberty restored : a Poem, in ten books, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1809 6908 ODIORNE (Thos.) Progress of Refinement, and [other Poems], //. 176, sheep. Boston, 1792 OGILVIE (John) Providence: an Allegorical Poem, in Three Books,//. 180, sheep. Boston, 1766 OSBORNE (Selleck) Poems, Moral, Sentimental, and Satirical, engraved title, pp. 200, bds. uncut. Boston, [1823] 3 vols. 12 6909 PAINE (Robert Treat) Works, in Verse and Prose . . With Notes, Sketches of his Life, etc., portrait, pp. xc, 465, bds. uncut. 8 Boston, 1812 108 POETRY. 6910 [PARKE (Lieut. Col. John)?] The Lyric Works of Horace, translated into English Verse : to which are added, a number of Original Poems. By a Native of America, //. xli, (i), 334, and Subscribers names (18), addenda (6), sheep, nice copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, E. Oswald, 1786 " This is perhaps the rarest and oddest of all American books of poetry . . . The work is dedicated to General Washington, has a learned preface addressed to the Subscribers whose names fill sixteen [eighteen] pages, and a life of Horace, inscribed to Dr. Franklin . . Parke was a Delaware poet, born about 1750, educated in the College of Philadelphia, in 1 768, entered the army at the beginning of the war, and was probably attached to Wash ington s Division." H. STEVENS, 1870. This copy has the ADDENDA, and the two pages of "Additional Subscribers," but has no frontispiece. 6911 PEPPER (Henry) Juvenile Essays; or, a Collection of Poems, // 75> J > sheep, neat. 8 Phila., Rich. Folwell, n. d. 6912 PERCIVAL (James G.) Poems,//. (4), 396, and slip of Errata, clean copy, boards, uncut, 8 New York, C. Wiley, 1823 6913 Clio. By James G. Percival. No. I., //. 108, uncut, scarce. 12 Charleston [S. C.], 1822 6914 PIETAS ET GRATULATIO Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos, pp. xiv, (2), 1 06, and slip of Errata inserted, old calf, good copy. 4 Bostoni-Massachusettensium,TypisJ. Green &> J. Russell, MDCCLXI A collection of (31) poems, Latin, Greek, and English, by graduates of Harvard, cele brating the death of George II. and the accession of George III. The authors were Stephen Sewall, John Lovell, James Bowdoin, Gov. Francis Bernard, Benjamin Church, Samuel Deane, Samuel Cooper, John Lowell, and one or two others; Gov. Bernard or Htitchinson supplying a prefatory prose address, and President Holyoke contributing a Latin ode. See Duyckink s CycL Am. Literatiire, \. 11-14, an d Quincy s Hist, of Harv. College, ii. 104. 6915 (POE, Edgar A.) Poems. Second edition,//. 124, cloth, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 New York, Elam Bliss, 1831 6916 Poems. HUMPHREYS (D.) A Poem on Industry. Phila., 1794 DWIGHT (Timo.) Greenfield Hill. New York, 1794 CAREY (Mathew) The Plagi-Scurriliad : a Hudibrastic Poem. Phila., 1786 HUMPHREYS (D.) A Poem on the Happiness of America. Repr. Hartford, 1786 : and another. 5 in i vol. hf. calf gilt. 8 6917 [PRIME (Dr. Benj. Young)] The Patriot Muse, or Poems on some of the Principal Events of the late War ; together with a Poem on Peace ... By an American Gentleman, pp. (2), 9-94, nearly uncut, green morocco extra, g. e. (F. Bedford^, RARE. 8 London, John Bird, 1764 6918 PRIME (Benj. Young) Columbia s Glory, or British Pride Humbled; a Poem on the American Revolution,//, vi, 42, green morocco, extra, g. e. (F. Bedford*), UNCUT, FINE COPY, RARE. 8 New York, T. Greenleaf, 1791 6919 *The same, another copy, unbound, trimmed close at top. 6920 -- Muscipula sive Cambromyomachia : The Mouse-Trap, or the Battle of the Welsh and the Mice ; . . with other Poems . . by an American [Dr. B. Young Prime],//. 96, cloth. 12 N. York, M. W. Dodd, n. d. [1840] 6921 [Rafmesque, (C. S.) ] The World, or Instability, a Poem, with Notes and Illustrations. By Constantine Jobson. Second Edition, //. 248, hf. cloth, bds., SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 "I published some light poetry, but my poems are mostly yet in manuscript. The most striking were The Instability of the World? etc. RAFINESQUE, in his Life, p. 73. POETRY. ICQ 6922 The Rambler s Magazine, and New York Theatrical Register ; for the Season of 1809-10. Vol. i., portrait of Mrs. Wignall, pp. 216. N. Y., D. Longivorlh The State Triumvirate, a Political Tale: and the Epistles of Brevet Major Pindar Puff,//. 215. N. Y. ; for the Author, 1819. 2 in i vol., hf. green mor. (Roxburghe], uncut, SCARCE. 16 6923 RELLY (Jas. and John) Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs, sheep. 12 Burlington, Is. Collins, 1776 6924 ROWSON (Mrs. Susanna) Miscellaneous Poems,//. 227, sheep. 12 Boston, 1804 6925 ST. JOHN (Peter) of Norwalk, Conn. Death of Abel. An Historical or rather Conjectural Poem, //. 186, (2), uncut, VERY RARE. 12 Danbury, Nathan Douglas, 1793 6926 SARGENT (Lucius M.) The Culex of Virgil ; with a Translation into English verse,//. 44, uncut. 8 Boston, 1807 6927 Hubert and Ellen : with other Poems, //. 135, bds., LARGEST PAPER. c^*A<///C-*^M ->v*^ folio, Boston, 1812 6928 SCOTT (Jona. M.) The Sorceress, or Salem delivered, a Poem [on Salem Witchcraft],//. 120, bds., uncut, scarce. 18 New York, 1817 6929 SEARSON (John) Mount Vernon, a Poem, portrait of Washington, scribblings on title and engraving, pp. 83, 4. 8 Philadelphia [1800] 6930 Sewall (Jona. M.) Miscellaneous Poems, with specimens from. .. versions of the Poems of Ossian,//. 304, sheep, nice copy. 12 Portsmouth, \N. H.~\ 1801 The couplet, No pent-up Utica contracts your powers, But the whole boundless continent is yours, is far better known than even the name of its author, Jonathan Mitchel Sewall." DUYCKINCK, i. 286. 6931 [SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. H.)] Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse; by Lydia Huntley, marbled roan, gilt, fine copy. 12 Hartford, Sheldon 6^ Goodwin, 1815 6932 [SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. H.)] Traits of the Aborigines, a Poem, half calf , nice copy. 12 Cambridge, 1822 6933 [SMITH (W. M.) ] Poems on several occasions, written in Pennsylvania,//. 141, (2), bds., very scarce. sm. 12 Philadelphia, Enoch Story, 1786 Stamp of N. Y. Historical Society, on title. 6934 SONG BOOKS. Songs for the Nursery,//. 172. 18 Carlisle, A. London, 1812 American Song Book, 16 For the Boston and N. Y. Book-sellers, 1815 The Nightingale, or Musical Companion, 1 8 New York, Smith 6- Formany, 1814 - - The Columbian Songster, 16 Brookfield, Mass., Thomas &> Waldo, 1795 Spiritual Songs, 1 6 New York, W. Durell & Co., n. d. The Federal Songster, //. 109, (3). 12 New London, J. Springer, 1800. Five VERY RARE song-books, in i vol., half blue morocco. 16 I IO POETRY. 6935 Song Books. American Musical Miscellany, a Collection of the Newest and most Approved Songs, set to music, pp. 300, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 12 Northampton, Andrew Wright, 1798 6936 The American Song Book : a new collection of the best Patriotic, Military, Naval, Amatory, Quizzical, and Sentimental Songs, extant,//. 96. 1 6 n. p., For the N. Y. and Boston Booksellers, 1815 6937 GRIGG S Southern and Western Songster ; new edition, enlarged, pp. 324, used copy. 16 Phila., J. Grigg, 1832 6938 - - KING S Scotch Song-Book. 2 vols., hf. red mor. nice copy, scarce. 24 New York, S. King, 1822 6939 - - MASON (Eliphalet) The Complete Pocket Song Book, In Two Parts, i. An Introduction to the Grounds of Music: u. A Favorite Collection of SONGS ; //. viii ; Songs, with Music, pp. 9-96, VERY SCARCE. sq. 16 Northampton, A. Wright, 102 6940 New Song Book, . a choice collection of the most popular Songs, etc., many of which have never before been published. With 12 plates (woodcuts), pp. 126, cloth. 1 6 Hartford, S. Andrus 6- Son, 1854 Copyright, to Ezra Strong, dated 1835. 6941 Nightingale (The) : A Collection of the most popular ancient and modern Songs, set to Music. Selected by Samuel Larkin, //. 288, sheep, nice copy, scarce. 12 Portsmouth, W. &> D. Treadwell, 1804 6942 Nightingale (The) or Ladies Vocal Companion, engraved title and frontispiece, sheep, neat, scarce. Albany, Packard 6 Conant, 1807 A pretty volume, not in Harris s Catalogue, and unknown to Mr. Sabin. - The Singer s Own Book : a Collection of the most popular . . Songs. 3oth edition, two plates, one containing 9 portraits of actors and singers, pp. 320. Phila., 1835 (2 vols.) 1 6 6943 Songster s Companion, a new Selection of the most approved Songs ; . . added several new and popular Songs, on occasions produced by the late War, pp. 312, sheep, neat. 12 Brattleborough, Vt., 1815 6944 The Songster s Repository, a Selection of Esteemed Songs, frontispiece, and vignette on engraved title, pp. 286, bds. uncut. 12 New York, N. Dearborn, 1811 6945 The Vocal Lyre ; a collection of Popular Songs. 18 New York, 1825 - - The Wood Robin ; a collection of Songs, from esteemed authors. 32 Phila., 1822. 2 vols., hf. roan, neat 6946 Spirit of the Public Journals, or Beauties of the American Newspapers for 1805, [Poetry and Prose,]//. 300, bds. 12 Baltimore, 1806 6947 STANSBURY (Joseph) and ODELL (Dr. Jona.) Loyal Verses, . . relating to the American Revolution : edited by Winthrop Sargent, paper, uncut. sm. 4 Albany, J. Munsell, 1860 POETRY. 1 1 1 6948 STEARNS (Rev. Charles) The Ladies Philosophy of Love. A Poem, in four Cantos; written in 1774, pp. 76, sheep. sm. 4 Leominster, Mass., 1797 " I sing how nature s beauties to adorn, To pluck the Rose of Love and leave its Thorn." 6949 STERRY, Abby H. Effusions, religious, moral, and patriotic, in prose and verse, bds. uncut. 12 New London, S. Green, 1818 6950 [STEWART (John)] The Revelation of Nature, with the Prophecy of Reason,//, xxxix, 102, old calf sound. 12 New York, Mott 6 Lyon,for the author, [1795 ?] One of the most curious of the many works of "Walking Stewart" whom DeQuincy has eulogized as "a man of sound mind and of sublime aspirations .. a man of very extraordinary genius." It appears from the imprint that this volume was published, " In the fifth year of intellectual existence, or the publication of the apocalypse of nature, 3000 years from the Grecian Olympiads, and 4800 from recorded knowledge in the Chinese tables of eclipses, beyond which chronology is lost in fable." The " Apocalypse of Nature" was published in London in 1790. 6951 [STORY (Isaac)] A Parnassian Shop opened in the Pindaric style ; by Peter Quince, Esq., pp. 155, sheep, scarce, and curious. 12 Boston, 1 80 1 A name cut from the head of title. 6952 STORY (Joseph) The Power of Solitude, a Poem, frontispiece, calf, gilt. 12 Salem, 1804 SCARCE. "Few books of American poetry are so difficult to meet with as this early production of Judge Story." H. STEVENS. 6953 Sukey [by W. B. WALTER], pp. 72, fresh copy, uncut. Boston, 1821 STRONG (T.) The Tears of Columbia . . Added, Miscel laneous Odes, etc., pp. 32, uncut. Dedham, H. Mann, 1812. (2) 8 6954 SWANWICK (Hon. John) Poems on several Occasions,//. 174, sheep, nice copy. 24 Philadelphia, 1797 6955 THOMPSON (George) The Prison Bard; or, Poems by <G. T. for four years and eleven months a Prisoner in Missouri, for attempting to aid some Slaves to Liberty, written in Prison, //. 215, hf. mor. 12 Hartford, Wm. H. Burleigh, 1848 6956 Thompson (Otis) A Poem delivered in the Chapel of Rhode Island College, at the Public Exhibition of the Senior Class, Dec. 27, i797,//. 8. 8 [Providence,] B. Wheeler. VERY RARE: not in C. F. Harris s catalogue, or in Bartlett s Bibliography of Rhode Island. 6957 TILDEN (STEPHEN) Tilden s | Miscellaneous | Poems, | on Divers Occasions ; Chiefly to animate and rouse the | Soldiers. The Third Edition, with sundry Additions, |//. 58, (i), red str. gr. morocco extra, gilt top, (F. Bedford), UNCUT. 1 6 New London, T. Green, n. d. The lower corners of the first six leaves, which had been nibbled by mice, have been skilfully restored, leaving a very few words of the text wanting, on the first four leaves. In other respects, a BEAUTIFUL COPY of this EXTREMELY RARE book. The first edition was printed in 1756, the author then being "near 70 years of age." See DUYCKINCK S Cycl. Am. Literature, \. 429; Hist. Mag., vol. iii. p. 328, and iv. 7, 32, 72. The 3d edition contains nearly double the matter of the first. 6958 True and Infernal Friendship, or the Wisdom of Eve, and the Character of the Serpent. 12 Providence, H. Mann 6* Co., 1813 6959 TRUMBULL (John) Poetical Works, containing M Fingal, . . The Progress of Dulness, and a Collection of Poems, portrait, engravings by E. Tisdale. 2 vols. in i, calf gilt, fine copy. 8 Hartford, S. G. Goodrich, 1820 112 POETRY. 6960 TRUMBULL (John) Poetical Works, portrait and engravings. 2 vols. boards, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1820 6961 Miscellaneous Poems, on various subjects, boards. 8 Hartford, S. G. Goodrich, 1820 The second volume of the "Poetical Works," with a special title. 6962 [ ] The Progress of Dulness, Part First. 2d edition, corrected. Reprinted \_New Haven, T. &> S. Green], 1773 The same, Part Second. [N. Haven}, 1773 The same, Part Third. N. Haven, T. 6 S. Green, 1773 The same, Part First. [FIRST EDITION] n. p. 1772 McFingal : a modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. [FIRST EDITION] Hartford, Hudson and Goodwin, 1782. 5 in i vol., portrait of Trumbull, by Tisdale, inserted, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 12 6963 The Progress of Dulness, [the three parts complete, in one vol.] dark red levant morocco extra. 16 Exeter, H. Ranley, 1794 6964 - - The same, calf extra. 1 6 Wrentham, Mass., N. Heaton, Jun., 1801 6965 -- M Fingal ; an Epic Poem in Four Cantos, used copy, sheep. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1791 The first edition with the name of the Author. 6966 The same; 5th edition, with explanatory Notes, [by Joel Barlow?], ^London, 1792 6967 - - The same ; 6th edition, with explanatory notes, calf, gilt. 8 London, 1793 The Fifth edition, with a new title-page only. 6968 - - The same. First Edition with Plates and Explanatory notes, Portrait and eight plates by Tisdale, sheep, neat. 8 New York, John Buel, 1795 6969 The same edition, another copy, sheep. 6970 - - The same. The Second Edition with Plates, calf gilt, gilt edges (F. Bedford}. 8 New York, E. Low, 1810 The edition of 1795, with a new title-page. 6971 - - The same, sheep, neat. 1 6 Boston, Manning 6 Loring, 1799 6972 - - The same; with portrait ana -8 plates (by Tisdale) inserted, hf. dk. green calf extra, gilt top, uncut. 12 Elizabeth-Town, Woodruff & Periam, 1805 6973 The same edition, half morocco, uncut. 6974 - - The same; sheep, neat. Hallowell, E. Goodale, 1813 The same, plate, marbled sheep, gilt. Hudson, W. E. Norman, 1816 (2 vols.) 16 6975 - The same, plate, hf. levant red morocco, gilt, uncut (with autograph of James Bowdoiri). 12 Hudson, W. E. Norman, 1816 6976 - - The same. 16 Albany, E. 6- E. Hosford, 1813 The same. 18 Boston, J. G. Scobie, 1826. 2 vols., bds., uncut. 6977 - - The same, bds. 18 Philadelphia, C. P. Fessenden, 1839 6978 - - The same: with introduction and notes, by B. J. Lossing, portrait, cloth, top gilt. 16 New York, G. P. Pittnam, 1864 POETRY. 113 6979 Truth; a New Year s Gift for Scribblers [by Wm. J. Snelling?], bds. 12 Boston, Stephen Foster, 1831 6980 Wanderer (The) or Horatio and Letitia : a Poem, in Five Epis tles, sheep, neat. 12 Utica, for the Authors, 1811 6981 WARREN (Mrs. Mercy) Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, nice clean copy, wants one or more leaves at end. 12 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1790 6982 WEEKES (Refine) Poems on Religious and Historical Subjects, 2d edition, sheep, used copy. 12 New York, M. Day, 1823 6983 WHEATLEY (Phillis) Poems on various subjects, clean, nice copy, portrait, autograph of Phillis Wheatley on back of title, sheep. 12 London, 1773 6984 Another copy, dean and fresh, portrait, levant mor., beveled boards, top gilt, UNCUT. 12 London, 1773 6985 -- Another copy, portrait, clean, good margin. 6986 - - The same : dedicated to the Countess of Huntingdon, half green morocco. 12 Philadelphia, 1801 This was originally published at the end (pp. 169-244) of the 2d vol. of " The Negro equalled by few Europeans," translated from the French, published in London in 1790 and reprinted in Philadelphia, 1801. 6987 The same, one leaf imperfect, a very scarce edition. 12 Walpole, N. H., 1802 6988 The same, levant green morocco extra, beveled boards, paneled sides, gilt top. 12 Hartford, O. Steele, 1804 RARE. This edition was unknown to Mr. Deane : see No. 6993. 6989 The same, russet calf, gilt. 12 London: repr. in New England, 1816 RARE : unknown to Mr. Deane. 6990 - - THATCHER (B. B.) Memoir of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a Slave, portrait, pp. 36, hf. cloth, RARE. sm. 12 Boston, Geo. W. Light, 1834 So rare has this little volume become, that in 1864, Mr. Light, its publisher, was sure that it had not been published by his house, and that Mr. Duyckinck s statement, that Mr. Thatcher had written such a memoir, was a mistake: and Mr. Charles Deane who never fails to make diligent search was unable to find a copy of it. 6991 [ODELL (Miss M. M.)] Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley . . Dedicated to the Friends of the Africans. 2d edition, portrait. Boston, Light 6* Horton, 1835 The same. Also Poems, by a Slave. 3d ed., portrait. Boston, Isaac Knapp, 1838. (2 vols.) 16 The authoress was "a collateral descendant of Mrs. Wheatley, and had been familiar with the name and fame of Phillis, from her childhood." Memoir, p. 36. To the Third edition were added, " Poems by a Slave" George M. Horton, the property of Mr. James Horton, of Chatham county, N. C. 6992 An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of . . the Reverend and learned George Whitefield . .By Phillis, a Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, etc., pp. 8. Boston, E. Russell, n. d. [1770]. Liberty and Peace, a Poem. By Phillis Peters, //. 4. Boston, Warden and Russell, 1784. An Elegy, sacred to the Memory of . . the Reverend Dr. Samuel Cooper, pp. 8 (including: Words for a Funeral Anthem. . performed at the Funeral of Dr. Cooper). Boston, E. Russell, 1784. 3 VERY RARE pieces, in i vol., brown morocco extra. sm. 4 114 POETRY. 6993 WHEATLEY (Phillis) Letters of Phillis Wheatley, the Negro- Slave Poet of Boston : [edited, with introduction and notes, by Charles Deane,] pp. 19. 8 Boston, Privately printed, 1864 One hundred copies were separately printed, from the " Proceedings of the Massachu setts Historical Society." 6994 WHITE (Richard G.) National Hymns. How they are written, and how they are not written, etc., frontispiece, cloth. 8 New York, 1861 6995 WIGGLESWOBTH (Michael) The Day of Doom : or, A Poet ical Description of the Great and Last Judgment. With a short Discourse about Eternity ... The Sixth Edition, Enlarged with Scripture and Marginal Notes, pp. 12, 82, two leaves imperfect, soiled. 12 Boston, John Allen, 1715 VERY RARE: see (Part I.) No. 889. This copy, like nearly all those of the early editions, has been much used, and needs repairs and careful cleaning. The poem itself is complete: the title and second leaf have been torn, and the two next (preliminary) leaves, pp. 7-10, have lost their lower half. 6996 WIGGLESWOBTH (Michael) The Day of Doom ; | or, | A Poetical Description of the | Great and Last | Judgment. | . . . . | The Seventh Edition, Enlarged. With a Recommendatory Epistle (in Verse) by the Rev. Mr. John Mitchel : | Also Mr. Wigglesworth s Character, | by Dr. Cotton Mather, \pp. 104, GOOD COPY, RARE. 16 Boston, Thomas Fleet, 1751 6997 - - The same. Seventh edition, wants one preliminary leaf {pp. n, 12), part of the next two, and the last (of the "Character".} 16 Boston, 1751 The same, pp. 36, wanting title and one leaf {pp. 7, 8). 12 n. p., n. d. (2 vols.) 6998 - - The same : To which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the character of the author, . . From the Sixth Boston Edition, printed in 1715, pp> 90, hf. sheep. 18 Newburyport, E. Little 6 Co., 1811 VERY RARE. "The biographical sketch does not appear in any other edition... It is remarkable that though this volume was published but a little over half a century ago, it is of greater rarity than the 1751 edition, published 117 years ago. In fact, I have been able to hear of but one copy of the 1811 edition in existence." J. W. D[ean], in Boston Transcript, Dec. 29, 1868. 6999 The same, blue morocco. 18 Boston, Chas. Ewer, 1828 y 000 The same ; Also, a Memoir of the Author [by John Ward Dean], Autobiography, and sketch of his Funeral Sermon by Rev. Cotton Mather, pp. 118, 2, cloth. 12 New York, 1867 7001 WIGGLESWOBTH (Michael) Meat | out of the | Eater : | or, Meditations | Concerning the Necessity, End, and | Usefulness of Afflictions, | unto God s Children, | etc.. ., The Sixth Edition, | best levant olive morocco, paneled and filleted sides, full gilt back, g. e. (F. Bedford], elegant, UNCUT. sm. 12 New London, T. Green for Seth White, 1770 An EXTREMELY RARE edition ; in Mr. Bedford s choicest binding. 7002 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) The Process and Empire of Christ. . . A Poem, in Twelve Books, //. 352, sheep. 12 Brattleboro, Wm. Fessenden, 1805 7003 WOLCOTT (Boger) Poetical Meditations, | being the | Improve ment | of Some | Vacant Hours. | . . . | With a | Preface | by the Rev- POETRY. 115 erend Mr. [John] Bulkley of Colchester, | best grosgr. levant brown morocco extra, back, sides, and edges gilt (F. Bedford). sm. 8 New London, T. Green, 1725 A scarce PORTRAIT OF Gov. JOHN WINTHROP, Jim. (engr. by Doolittle), and an AUTOGRAPH of the Author, are inserted. An elegant and most desirable copy of this VERY RARE volume. 7004 Wolcott (R.) Poetical Meditations, etc., another copy, dark red morocco, sides filleted, gilt back and edges (F. Bedford). sm. 8 New London, 1725 Two lines at the bottom of the last leaf (Advertisement) have been restored in facsimile, by Mr. Bedford. 7005 [Wolcott (Wm.)] Grateful Reflections On the Divine Good ness vouchsaf d to the | American Arms in their remark-|able Successes in the Northern De-|partment, after the giving up of our Fortresses at Ticonderoga, on the 6th of | July, A.D. 1777, etc. . . Occasioned | by the Surrendry of the King s Forces by | Lieutenant General Burgoyne, | etc. . . In Four Parts, //. 60, calf extra, gilt back and edges (F. Bedford). 12 Hartford, Hudson dv Goodwin, n. d. [1779?] The name of the Author is supplied, on the title-page, in the handwriting of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Robbins. 7006 WOLFE (Gen.) A Poem Sacred to the Memory of James Wolfe Esq ; Major-General, etc. . . Who was slain upon the Plains of Abraham, September 13, 1759, pp. 19, nearly uncut, half turkey mor., gilt top, VERY RARE. 8 New Haven, James Parker 6^ Co., n. d. [1759] 7007 WOODWORTH (Samuel) Poems, Odes, Songs, and other Metrical Effusions, portrait, boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1818 7008 Poetry. BYLES (Mather) On the Death of the Queen. A Poem, scarce portrait (S. Harris sc.) inserted. Boston, 1738 [CHURCH (Benj.)] Eclogue sacred to the Memory of the Reverend Dr. Jona. Mayhew. Boston, [1766] [DAWES (Thos.)] The Law given at Sinai: a Poem. By a Young Gentleman. Boston, 1777 - [Morton (Mrs. S. W.)] Beacon Hill : a Local Poem. Boston, 1 797. 4 in one vol., clean uncut copies, half olive mor. (F. Bedford). 4 7009 BYLES (Mather) A Poem presented to His Excellency William Burnet, Esq; on his Arrival at Boston, July 19, 1728. [Boston, 1728] A Poem on the Death of. .King George, and the Acces sion of King George II.; by Mr. Byles. [Boston, 1727] Poem occasioned by a Funeral Essay on Governor Law. . . By a more impartial, tho less poetical Pen, pp. 8. n. p. [New Haven ?] 1754 A Funeral Poem upon Roger Wolcott Esq ;. .a Judge of the Supe rior Court, who died Oct. 19, 1759 ; Inscribed to Wm. Wolcott Esq., //. 10. New Haven, 1760 An Elegy, on the Death of Mrs. Anne Belding, late Wife of the Reverend Mr. Joshua Belding, of Newing- ton. . . By a Youth of his Parish, pp. 8. Hartford, E. Watson, 1774 On the Death of the Reverend Benjamin Colman, D.D. . . An Ec logue, Attempted by O E , a young Student,^. 8. Boston, [1747] A Poem commemorative of Goffe, Whaley, & Dixwell, Three of the Judges of Charles I., etc. By Philagathos, pp. 28. Boston, 1793. 7 very scarce pieces (five uncut) in i vol., hf. olive morocco (F. Bedford). 8 1 16 POETRY. 7010 Poetry. (Elegiac) [OLIVER (Peter)] A Poem sacred to the Memory of Josiah Willard. Boston, 1757 [CHURCH (Dr. Benj.)] A Poem occasioned by the Death of Jona. Law, Governor of Connecticut, n. p., 1751 POTTER (James) A Poem on the Death of Deacon Wm. Barns, of New-Fairfield. Hartford, Green &> Watson, 1769 A Poem sacred to Memory of Mrs. Abigail Conant. New London, 1759. Four in one volume, half olive mor. extra. - sm. 4 Four VERY RARE pieces, in fine condition, all but one UNCUT. 7011 -- America : or, a Poem on the Settlement of the British Colo nies ; by a Gentleman educated at Yale College. New Haven, T. 6 S. Green, n. d. MEIGS (R. J.) A Poem spoken at Yale College, Quarterly Exhibition, Mar. 9, 1784. New Haven, Bowen 6 Dana, [1784] The Military Glory of Great-Britain, an Entertainment. . at . . the Commencement, in Nassau Hall, N. J., Sept. 29, 1762. Phila., W. Bradford, 1762 LOVELL (John) The Seasons; an Interlocutory Exercise at the So. Grammar School [Boston], June 26, 1765. Boston, 1765 PAINE (Thomas [Robert Treat]) The Invention of Letters, a Poem delivered at Commencement in Cambridge, July 15, 1795. Boston, July 27, 1795: The same, 2d edition. Boston, Aug., 1795 [HARRIS (T. M.)] The Triumphs of Superstition, an Elegy ; by a Student of Harvard University. Boston, 1790. Seven SCARCE pieces in i vol., half morocco, uncut. 4 7012 STEARNS (Chas.) The Ladies Philosophy of Love, written in 1774, now first published. Leominster, Mass., 1797 MERRY (Robt.) The Pains of Memory, a Poem. Boston, 1797 HITCH COCK (David) The Knight and Quack : or, a Looking-Glass for Impostors, in Physic, Philosophy, or Government. An Allegorical Poem. Hudson, 1805 PAINE (Thos. [R. T.]) The Ruling Pas sion ; a Poem . . spoken at the Anniversary of the Society of the $. B. K., Cambridge, July 20, 1797. Boston, 1797 PRENTISS (Chas.) New England Freedom : a Poem. Brookfield [Mass.], 1813 PIETAS ET GRATULATIO Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos. Boston, 1761 BARTLETT (Jos.) Physiognomy; a Poem, delivered at the Anniversary of the <1>. B. K. Society, Cam bridge. Boston, 1799. Seven scarce pieces in one vol., fine copies, all but one uncut, half olive mor. (F. Bedford). 4 7013 The Demos in Council, or Bijah in Pandemonium, pp. 16. Boston, 1799 WEBBER (Sam l) Logan; an Indian Tale, //. 54. Cambridge, 1821 RAY (Wm.) Poems, with Life of the Author, //. 255. Auburn, 1821 DANA (Richard H.) Poems; Boston, 1827 The Graves of the Indians, and other Poems. Boston, 1827. Five in i vol., half russia, neat. From the library of Samuel G. Drake. 16 7014 SPRAGUE (Charles) Curiosity: a Poem. Boston, 1829 Moll Pitcher : a Poem. Boston, 1832 NICHOLS (Andrew) Spirit of Free-Masonry: a Poem. Boston, 1831. Three in one vol., half morocco, neat. 8 7015 Seward (Miss A.) Louisa, a Poetical Novel. New Haven, 1789 SIMMS (W. Gilmore) Areytos, or Songs of the South. Charleston, 1846 [LOWELL (J. Russell)] A Fable for the Critics. N. York, G. P. Putnam, 1848. 3 vols. in one, hf. mor., neat. 12 POETRY. 117 7016 Poetry. Oppression : a Poem by an American with Notes by a North Briton, too close cut at bottom, VERY RARE. Boston, repr. 1765 JACOB (Stephen) Poetical Essay delivered at Bennington on the [First] Anniversary of the [Battle of B.], VERY RARE. Hartford, Watson &* Goodwin, 1779 Porteus (B.) Death, 4th edition. \_Repr^\ Phila., 1773 HILLARD (Isaac) A Short Poetical History of Fragments. Danbury, 1808, CURIOUS AND RARE Armstrong (J.) Art of Preserving Health, 4th edition. Boston, repr. 1757 SARGENT (L. M.) Ed. Caelii Symposii ^Enigmata. Bostonice, 1807 CHURCH (Dr. Benjamin) The Choice. Worcester, 1802, RARE The Connecticut Emigrant. . A Dialogue. Hartford, 18*22 The Breechiad. A Poem; by Theresa. Boston, 1807, RARE Mathi- son (T.) Sacred Ode on the late Successes of the British Arms. Edinburgh, 1760 THOMAS (James) Miscellaneous Poems. Rut land, [Vt] 1831 Africa, n. p., n. d. \Andover, 1826] PORTER (Jacob) Poems. Hartford, 1818 [Peyre-Ferry (A. R. F.)] La Napole onide, Poeme en douze chants, avec des notes historiques. Tome icr. N. Y., Jos. Desnoues, 1819 Young (E.) Poem on the Last Day ; 6th edition. Boston, D. Fowle, 1753 Parnel (T.) The Hermit. New Haven, 1784 All the World s a Stage. New- buryport, 1796 [HILLHOUSE (J. A.)] The Judgment, a Vision. N. K, 1821 WATERSTON (R. C.) The Widow s Son ; a Sketch from Real Life. Boston, 1843 BENJAMIN (Park) Infatuation : A Poem before the Merc. Library Assocation, Boston, Oct. 9, 1844. 17, several of which are RARE, in i volume, new half blue morocco, mostly uncut. 8 7017 [FRENEAU (P.)] Voyage to Boston: a Poem, uncut, RARE. Phila., 1775 [TRUMBULL (J.)] An Elegy on the Times, first printed at Boston, Sept. 20, 1774. New Haven, repr. T. d^ S. Green, 1775 D WIGHT (T.) Greenfield Hill: a Poem in seven Parts, pp. 183, uncut. N. K, 1794 DWIGHT(T.) The Triumph of Infidelity, uncut. London, 1791 BRYAN (D.) Thoughts on Education in its Connexion with Morals ; A Poem. Richmond, Va., 1830 BROWN (David Paul) Sertorius : or, the Roman Patriot; a Tragedy. Phila., 1830 [Burgess, Bp. Geo.] The Strife of Brothers: a Poem, in two Parts. New York, 1844 KILBOURN (P. K.) The Iron Steed. Hartford, 1843 HOYT (Rev. Ralph) The Koh-i-noor : or, Mountain of Light. Schenec- tady, 1852 Address by G. W. EATON and Poem by G. HUNT- INGTON, before the Beta of the Sigma Phi, Clinton, N. Y. Utica, 1843 WARLAND (J. H.) Jewels of New England. Manchester, N. H., 1846 TRUMBULL (D.) Death of Capt. Nathan Hale: a Drama. Hartford, 1845 The True Light : a Poem. Hartford, 1850 PALMER (Ray) The Spirit s Life. Boston, 1837 [CLARK (Geo. H.)] The Mayor, a Familiar Epistle. Hartford, 1848 HOYT (Rev. R.) The Blacksmith s Night, n. t. p. 16 in i vol., new half blue morocco. 8 7018 [BARLOW (J.)] Poem, at Commencement of Yale College, Sept. 12. 1781, uncut. Hartford, n. d. VAIL (Jos.) Noah s Flood, and other Poems, uncut. New London, 1796 RUSSELL (J. M.) Poem on the Fourth of July, 1798, uncut, scarce. Boston, 1798 NICHOLS (A.) The Spirit of Free-Masonry. Boston, 1831 Il8 POETRY. KNIGHT (H. C.) The Cypriad, with other Poems. Boston, 1809 HOLMES (O. W.) Urania : a rhymed Lesson. Boston, 1846 [HILLHOUSE (J. A.)] Sachem s- Wood : a short Poem, with Notes. New Haven, 1838 EVEREST (C. W.) Babylon. Hartford, 1838 POWER (Thos.) Secrecy. 2d edition. Boston, 1832 [HILL (G.)] The Ruins of Athens, and other Poems, by a Voyager. Washington, 1831 MOLL Pitcher, uncut. Boston, 1832 BEN JAMIN (Park) Poetry: a Satire. N. Y. 1842 JEWETT (C.) Poem before Mass. Temperance Convention. Boston, 1840 [ROBBINS (E. W.)] Elegiac Poem on James G. Percival, //. 4, n. t. p., 1856 GRAY (F. C.) Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge, Aug. 27, 1840. Boston, 1840. 15 in i vol., new half blue morocco. 8 7019 HAZARD (J.) Juvenile Poems. 12 Litchfield, 1789, RARE LATHHROP (J.) Speech of Caunonicus. Boston, 1803 GREENE (A. G.) Anniv. Poem before the Philermenian Society, Sept. 2, 1828. Providence, 1829 [HALLECK (F. G.)] FANNY ; 2d edition. N. Y., 1821 GRAHAM (S.) Mount Holyoke. Northampton, 1825 JUVENILIA : a Selection from the Productions of the L. D. S. of the Latin School. Boston, 1826, SCARCE BENEDICT (D.) Poem delivered in Taunton, Sept. 16, 1807. Boston, 1807 PAINE (R. T.) yr. Monody on the Death of Sir John Moore. Boston, 181 1 SARGENT (L. M.) The Culex of Virgil ; with a Translation. Boston, 1807 JANES (W.) Masonic Poem, at Mansfield, Conn. Brookfield, 1819 [WALTER (W. B.)] Sukey. Boston, 1821 Montgomery (James) Verses to the Memory of Richard Rey nolds. N. Y., 1817 BAILEY (Isaac) Poem before the Philer menian Society of Brown University. Providence, 1812 SARGENT (L. M.) Hubert and Ellen, and other Poems. Boston, 1813. 15 in i vol., new half blue morocco, nearly all uncut. 8 7020 - - THOMPSON (Abraham) Poems on the most Solemn Subjects, //. 24. n. p., n. d. DAWNE (D.) Health, a Poem. 4th edition. Boston, repr. T. Fleet, 1724 Address to a Deist. New London, 1796 A Little Looking-Glass for the Times, or, A brief Remem brancer for Pennsylvania : by G. C., //. 24, uncut, RARE. Wil mington, 1764 Wisdom, a Poem. N. Y.; repr. Bennington, Vt., 1806 A Personal Satire: or Satirical Epistle, written by a Schoolmaster in the Eastern Country to his Competitors, curious. Boston, 1804 Misanthrope of the Mountain ; a Poem. New Haven, 1833 HARWOOD (John E.) Poems. N. Y., 1809 RICHMOND (Wm. E.) Mount Hope; an Evening Excursion. Providence, 1818 The Virginia Philosopher, or few Lucky Slave- Catchers ; by [George] Latimer s brother. Boston, 1843 [BUTLER (Wm. A.)] Barnum s Parnassus. 3d edition. N. Y., 1850 MARCH (D.) Yankee Land and the Yankee. Hartford, 1840 The Fugitive; an Epic Poem, transl. by John Dryden Bags. Boston, 1854. 13 in i vol., new half blue morocco, mostly uncut, all scarce, and some very rare. 12 7021 HITCHCOCK (David) Poetical Dictionary, or Popular Terms illustrated in Rhyme, wants pp. 5-8. Lenox, 1808 HITCHCOCK (D.) Social Monitor; continuation of (the above). Stockbridge, POETRY. 119 1812 HITCHCOCK (D.) Christ not the Minister of Sin, or Absurdity of [Universalism], uncut. Hartford, 1832 ALLSTON (W.) Sylphs of the Seasons, and other Poems, uncut. Boston, 1813 FESSENDEN (T. G.) Ladies Monitor, uncut. Bellows Falls, Vt., 1818. 5 in i vol., new half blue mor. 12 7022 Poems, on various subjects; written by a Youth. Hartford, 1781 Goldsmith (O.) The Traveller, etc. n. p., America, 1768 - BOYD (Wm.) Beauty, a Poem at Commencement, Cambridge, July 20, 1796. n. t.p. PORTER (Mrs. Sarah) The Royal Peni tent ; and David s Lament over Saul and Jonathan. Newburyport, G. y. Osborne, n. d. WEEKES (Refine) Advantages and Disad vantages of the Marriage State. Stanford [N. Y.~\, 1805 Young (Edw.) Poem on the Last Day. Boston, 1795 Two Poems founded on Texts of Scripture, with [other Poems] : by a Lady. Newburyport, 1829 WILCOX (Carlos) The Age of Benevolence. New Haven, 1822 FLANDERS (John) yr. A Private Volume of Miscellaneous Poems. Newburyport, 1834 WEBBER (S.) War. Cambridge, 1823 PECK (J.) A Short Poem, . . on the Universal Plan. 2d edition. Keene, N. H., 1802 [CLASON (I. S.)] Horace in New York, Part I. N. Y., 1826 The Home in the West; a Poem at Dartm. College. Hanover, 1817 PECK (J.) A Descant on the Universal Plan. Bost., 1823 WRIGHT (Judah) Poems. Bost., 1812 Excursions on the River Connecticut. . . Reported by Amicus Curias, pp. 50. Bost., 1826 Green (Matthew) Poems ; First Am. ed. Bost., 1804. 17 in i vol., new half blue mor., nearly all uncut. 12 7023 -- [DwiGHT (T.) The Triumph of Infidelity, n. p., 1788- [DAVIDSON (R.)] Geography Epitomized . . in Verse. Phila., 1784 A Miscellaneous Collection of Original Pieces,//. 182, RARE. Springfield, John Russell, 1686 [for 1786] MELMOTH (Sydney) The Confessions of Cuthburt ; Bunker Hill ; etc. Bost., 1827 ALLEN (Mrs. B.) Pastorals, Elegies, Odes, etc., pp. 163. Abington, Md., 1806 BURGESS (Geo.) Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul. Providence, 1834 Blair (R.) The Grave. Bost., 1772. 7 in i vol., new half blue mor. 12 7024 Crawford (C.) The Christian; 2d Am. ed. Phila., 1794 Seward (Miss] Louisa; a Poetical Novel ; 5th edition. N. Haven, 1789 ELISHA (P. N. I.) Patent Right Oppression Exposed, RARE. Phila., 1813 BROWN (Solyman) Essay on American Poetry; with several Miscellaneous Pieces. N. Haven, 1818 Valpy (R.) Poetical Chronology ; added, American Chronology. Bost. [1816]. 5 in i vol., new half mor. 12 7025 -- New History of a True Book, in Verse, n.p., n. d. SUM- NER (C. P.) The Compass ; a Poetical Performance at . . Harvard University, Sept., 1795, scarce. Bost. [1795] [SNOWDEN (R.)] The Columbiad ; a Poem on the American War, scarce. Phila., 1 795 Watts (I.) Divine Songs in Easy Language. Haverhill, Mass., 1797 SMITH (Eunice) Motives to Walk with God; with a Number of Songs. Greenfield, 1798 [BENEDICT (D.)] The Watery War, or the Controversy between Pedobaptists and Bap tists, by John of Enon. Boston, 1808 PAINE (Thos.) pseudon. 120 POETRY. Religion of the Sun, a Posthumous Poem. [By S. Y. At Lee ?] Phila., 1826 FLINT (M. P.) The Hunter, and other Poems. Boston, 1826 PECK (J.) Short Poem . . on the Universal Plan. Bost., 1818 ADAMS (John T.) Poems, n. p., n. d. [New Haven, 1825] PERCIVAL (Jas. G.) Clio, No. I. Charleston, 1822 EASTLACK (Restore) Ethick Diversions. N. Y., 1807, RARE. 13 in i vol., new half mor., all uncut. 12 7026 Two Poems; on a Soul pleading with God; and on Lord s Day Morning. Norwich, 1775 Watts (I.) A Wonderful Dream. New London, n. d. More (Hannah) Search after Happiness. Boston, 1796 PECK (J.) Short Poem . . on the Universal Plan ; 3d edition. Andover, N. H., 1820 MANSFIELD (Jos.) Hope ; and [other Poems]. Haverhill, 1821 MERRILL (Thos.) The Catastrophe. Newburyport, 1839 The same ; 2d edition. 1840 - REEVE (F. B.) The Seasons, and other Poems. Sag Harbor, 1846 " Tother Side of Ohio"; or a Review of a Poem .. by J. Oldfield. Hartford, 1818 THE SQUARE TABLE. Hartford, 1819 THE ROUND TABLE. No. 2. Hartford, 1819 THE MAG PIE. No. i, woodcuts. Hartford, G. W. Kappell, 1833 ALLEN (P.) Noah; a Poem. Baltimore, 1821 [RAE (Luzerne)] Text and Context. Hartford, 1853 EVE (Jos.) Better to be ; a Poem, in six books. Augusta [Ga.], 1823. 15 (v. s.) in i vol., new half morocco, mostly uncut. 16 7027 THACHER (Wm.) Battle between Truth and Error. Middle- town, 1808 S[MITH] Q[ames]) M.D. The Mirror of Merit and Beauty: Fifty Female Sketches, drawn from Nature [mostly at Balston Springs,] //. 79, RARE. N. K, 1808 CANNING (J. D.) Poems. Greenfield, 1838 [ALLEN (B.)] Miscellaneous Poems, by Osander. N. Y., 1812 The Spirit of Methodism. N. K, 1829. 5 in i vol. 1 6 - WEEMS (M. L.) Hymen s Recruiting-Sergeant. Hartford, !8 2 3 WARD (Milton) Poems. Plymouth \N. H.], 1826 SIMMS (W. G.) Vision of Cortes, . . and other Poems. Charleston, 1829 -UPHAM(T. C.) American Sketches. N. Y., 1819 SEARSON (J.) The Art of Contentment ; with Several . . Pieces of Poetry. Baltimore, W. Pechin, n. d. 5 in i vol. COFFIN (Alex.) Jr. Death of Gen. Montgomery. N. K, 1814 SARGENT (L. M.) Hubert and Ellen, and other Poems. 3d ed. Bost., 1815 LUNT (Geo.) Grave of Byron, and other Poems. Bost., 1826 Poems, by a Lady. Bost., 1813 - WEBBER (S.) War; a Poem. Cambridge, 1823 LAWSON (John) The Maniac, and other Poems. Phila., 1811 BROOKS (Mrs. M.) Zophiel, first edition. Boston, 1825. 7 in i vol. 3 vols., new half blue morocco. 16 7028 An Address to a Deist. New London, 1796 America: a Poem on the settlement of the British Colonies. N. Haven, T. 6* S. Green, n. d. Andrews (E. W.) Address to Washington Benev. Society. Newburyport, 1816 [Barlow (Joel)] Elegy on Hon. Titus Hosmer. Hartford, n. d. [1780] Barlow (Joel) The Conspiracy of Kings. N. Y., n. d. Bartlett (Jos.) Physiog nomy : a Poem. Boston, 1799 Biglow (Wm.) Education: a POETRY. 121 Poem, at Cambridge, last half page in manuscript. Salem, 1799 Byles (Mather) Poem on the Death of King George I. \Bost., 1727] [Canning (Jos. D.)] Thanksgiving Eve. Greenfield, 1847 Church (Dr. Benj.j The Choice. . . Written in 1757. Worcester, 1802. 10 Pamphlets. v. s. 7029 Dutton (Warren) The Present State of Literature. Hartf., 1800 Dwight (T.) Greenfield Hill. N. Y., 1794 [Gilman (S.)] Monody on the Victims of the Conflagration in Richmond, Va. Bost., 1812 [Mellen (G.)] Our Chronicle of 26. Bost., 1827 Merry (Robert) The Pains of Memory. Boston, 1797 - Osborn (Selleck) Poems, pp. 200. Boston, 1823 Barlow (J.) The Hasty-Pudding ; and Paine (R. T.) The Ruling Passion. Hallowell, 1826 Paine (R. T.) The Invention of Letters: a [College] Poem. Boston, 1795 Paine (R. T.) The Ruling Passion. Boston, 1797 Pierpont (J.) The Portrait. Boston, 1812. 10 Pamphlets. v. s. 7030 Poems on various Subjects : by a Youth. Hartford, 1781 [Richards (Geo.)] The Declaration of Independence ; a Poem. . By a Citizen of Boston. Boston, 1793 Strong (T.) The Tears of Columbia. Dedham, 1812 Sumner (Chas. P.) The Compass. Boston, 1795 Vail (Jos.) Noah s Flood .. with other poems. N. London, 1796 [Walter (W.B.)] Sukey. First edition. Boston, 1821 Ware (Henry) jun. The Vision of Liberty. Boston, 1824 Webber (S.) War. Cambridge, 1823 Wheatley (Phillis) Poems on Various Subjects, scarce edition. Hartford, 1804 Wil liams (Mrs. C. R.) Original Poems. Providence, 1828 (Anon.) Lafayette in Prison. . By a Gentleman of Massachusetts. Worcester, 1802 (Anon.) The Historic Progress of Civil and Rational Liberty. . By a Farmer. Portsmouth, N. H., 1802. 12 Pamphlets. v. s. 7031 -- Carey (Mathew) The Plagi-Scurriliad. Phila., 1786 The House of Wisdom in a Bustle ; a poem descriptive of the noted Battle, latelyfought in C-ng - - ss. By Geoffry Touchstone. Phila., 1798 The Times; a Poem .. By Miles Standish, jun. Plymouth, 1809 The Grumbling Hive, or, Knaves turn d Honest. Boston, 1811 Modern Warfare, or Rebellion in Miniature, n. p., 1826. 5 scarce pieces. v. s. 7032 - - Poems on Various Subjects. By Widow Fleck. Second Edition, //. 12, uncut. 12 Montreal, 1835 These effusions of a Canadian poetess will richly repay perusal. See the "Dying Husband s" address to his wife (p. 2) : " Oh, kiss me not, my dearest Wife, Lest you infected be, And take the Cholera Morbus too, And leave our family." AMERICAN EDITIONS. 7033 BEATTIE (J.) Poems, 4 pretty engravings (Lawson sc), calf gilt. Phila., T.Dobson, 1787 COWPER (W.) The Task. Phila., T. Dobson, 1787 The same. New York, W. Durell, 1796 The same. Albany, 1820 COWPER (W.) Poems translated 16 122 POETRY. from Madame Guion : and some Original Poems. Phila., 1804 P ables addressed to the Ladies. By Dr. Cozens. Phila., W. Spotswood, 1788. (6 vols.) 16 7034 DODD (Win.) D.D. Thoughts in Prison, pp. 232, with dedication by the American editor, to President Willard, sheep. 8 Boston, R. Hodge, n. d. [1778 ?] FALCONER (Win.) The Shipwreck, 4 plates, (Scales sc.), sheep gilt. 12 N. Y., 1800 The same, 4 engravings \O.H. Throof). N. K, 1827 GAY S Fables, 6 engravings, hf. roan. 24 Phila., M. Carey, 1808 GOLDSMITH S Miscell. Works ; Essays and Poems. 12 Brookfield, 1795 HAYLEY (W.) The Triumphs of Temper. 12 Kennebunk, Me., S. Sewall, 1804 (a scarce imprint} MORE (Hannah) Search after Happiness; and Armine and Elvira, frontispiece (J. Poupard sc.), soiled. 8 Phila., 1774 MOORE (Edw.) Fables for the Ladies. 24 Phila., for T. Dobson, 1787 POLWHELE (Rich.) The Unsex d Females; a Poem, pretty edition, sheep. 18 N. Y., W. Cobbett, 1800. (9 vols.) v. s. 7035 Homer Travestie. A Burlesque Translation of Homer, [By Thomas Brydges] . . With Explanatory Notes by the American Editor, 24 humorous engravings, good clean copy, sheep, neat. 2 vols. sm. 12 New York, at the Sentimental Epicure s Ordinary, 1809 From the London edition of 1797 (the best). "A work full of humour but which often transgresses the bounds of decency." LOWNDES. " The Sentimental Epicure s Ordinary" was as old New Yorkers do not need to be informed David Longworth s bookstore. 7036 POPE (Alex.) An Essay on Man . . Added, The Universal Prayer, //. 51, old calf . 16 Philadelphia, Wm. Bradford, 1747 An Essay on Man, curious engraved frontispiece. Phila., W. Dunlap, 1760 The same. Newbury, J. Mycall, 1780 The same. N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1786 The same. Brookfield, E. Mer- riam 6- Co., 1804 The same. Boston, Oliver 6 Munroe, n. d. - The same. Dover, J. Mann, for Jesse Varney, n. d. The same, portrait and engraved title. Hartford, 1824. 7 (various sizes) in i vol., hf. blue morocco. sm. 8 An Essay on Man. 24 New London, J. Springer, 1796; 2^ New York, J. Tiebout, 1796 ; Springfi.eld, Timo. Ashley, 1803; Phila., for B. Johnson, 1804; with grammatical notes, by D. Clarke. Plymouth, E. Collier, 1824. 5 (various sizes) in i vol., hf. blue morocco. 16 13 editions in 3 vols. 7037 ROBINSON (Thos. Romney) Poems, written between the Age of Seven and Thirteen. First Amer., from the Belfast edition, portrait (engr. by Anderson), hf. bd. 12 Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1808 SMITH (Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets, and other Poems : from 6th London edition, with additions. Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1795 The same, 7th ed. 18 Boston, 1795 STRANGFORD ( Viscount} Poems from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens, bds. uncut. 12 Phila., 1805 TENNANT (Wm.) The Thane of Fife, bds. uncut. Phila., 1822. (5 vols.) v. s. 7038 THOMSON (James) The Seasons. First American Edition. Newburyport, J. Mycall, n. d. The same. Albany, 1801 The Village Curate. First American Edition. 2 copies, half bound. Newburyport, Blunt & Robinson, 1793. (4 vols.) 12 THE DRAMA. 123 7039 WALPOLE (Robert) The Garland of Flowers. . Translations from the Spanish, Italian, Greek, &c. New York, I. Riley & Co., 1806 Warreniana; with Notes, critical and explanatory, bds. uncut, nice copy, SCARCE. Boston, 1824. (2 vols.) 12 7040 WATTS (Isaac) Horae Lyricae. Poems chiefly Lyrical. Tenth Edition. N. York, H. Gaine, 1762 The same; i2th ed. Boston, D. Kneeland, 1772 The same. Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1795 The same. Windham, J. Byrne, 1798 YOUNG (Edw.) The Com plaint : or, Night-Thoughts. N. K, J. Tiebout, 1796. (5 vols.) 12 7041 [WOLCOTT (John)] The Poetical Works of Peter Pindar, sheep. 12 Newburyport, y. My call, n. d. 7042 SEWARD (Anna) Louisa: a poetical Novel. 5th edition, //. 83, uncut. N. Haven, A. Morse, 1789 SCOTT (Walter) The Field of Waterloo. Boston, 1815 Spirit of Contemporary Poetry. No. I. pp. 43. Boston, 1827. 3 Pamphlets. 8 7043 CHURCHILL (C.) The Prophecy of Famine. A Scots Pastoral : inscribed to John Wilkes. 4 London, 1763 [WOLCOTT (J.)] The Lousiad : an Heroi-Comic Poem. By Peter Pindar. 8 Repr. Philadelphia, 1786 Dick Twiss. A ^Qzm, facetious, rare. 8 n. p., n. d. 3 Pieces. 7044 TIZZARD (Samuel) The New Athenian Oracle; or Ladies Companion. . Book First, containing an Extraordinary Variety of Questions in prose, on moral, religious, and other subjects, with a great number of Enigmas, Paradoxes, Rebuses, Charades, &c. . . Book Second, containing Answers and Solutions, in Prose and Verse. . Collected from the most eminent and approved Writers, pp. 253, 96, hf. sheep, nice copy of a scarce and curious volume. 8 Carlisle, A. London, 1806 THE DRAMA. 7045 Barton (Andrew) The Disappointment : or, the Force of Credulity. A New American Comic-Opera, of two Acts, pp. 56, uncut, except at the top, hf. brown morocco, EXCESSIVELY RARE. sm. 8 New York, 1767 "The Philadelphia library has a copy of this very rare book, with a MS. key to the Characters who were Philadelphians. . . Air No. iv. is Yankee Doodle." SABIN. In the present copy, the real names of five of the Dramatis Personae are supplied in manuscript. 7046 [LEACOCK (John)] The Fall of British Tyranny: or American Liberty Triumphant. The First Campaign. A Tragi-Comedy of Five Acts, as lately planned at the Royal Theatrum Pandemonium at St. James s, etc., pp. viii, 66, large copy, VERY RARE. 8 Philadelphia, Styner 6- Cist, 1776 The same, pp. viii, 66, corners rounded, EXTREMELY RARE. 8 Providence, J. Douglass McDougall, n. d. [1776] The same, pp. viii, 71, fine copy, nearly uncut, VERY RARE. 8 Boston reprinted, John Gill and Powars 6* Willis, n. d. [178-?] 124 THE DRAMA. The School for Scandal. A Comedy. The Third Edition. //. vi, 46, RARE. 8 London: repr. Philadelphia, T. Bradford, 1779 The Dramatis Personae are Charles, by Mr. King (George in.); Joseph Surface, Lord Thane (Bute); Crabtree, Lord Rubicon (Mansfield); Moses, Lord Boreas (North), etc. In 1782 Robert Bell published "the real and genuine School for Scandal" (Sheridan s): see No. 7052. 4 in one volume, crimped olive morocco, extra (F. Bedford}. 8 Of the three editions of The Fall of British Tyranny, one (Pi evidence) was unknown to Mr. Sabin, and I do not find it named in any catalogue. THOMAS (Hist, of Printing, ii. 79) says that John Douglass McDougall " printed in Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 177*5, and probably before that time, . . . and had, previously . . worked in the printing house of Sarah Goddard and Company at Providence/ It appears that he afterwards returned to Providence, and was located "on the West Side of the Great Bridge." 7047 EVERETT (David) Daranzel ; or, the Persian Patriot. An Original Drama, in five Acts : as performed at the Theatre in Boston, //. 66, hf. bd. 8 Boston, John Russell, 1800 In same volume: The Fugitives (imp ft.) and La Perouse, a Drama, in two Acts. London, 1799. 7048 Pocahontas : a historical Drama, in five Acts; with an introduc tory essay and notes. By a Citizen of the West, //. 240. 12 New York, G. Dearborn, 1837 Entered for copyright by Robert Mackay. 7049 ROWSON (Mrs. S.) Slaves in Algiers ; or, a Struggle for Free dom : a Play, interspersed with Songs, . . as performed at the New Theatres, in Philadelphia and Baltimore. Phila., 1 794 New Spain, or Love in Mexico : an Opera, in three Acts. Dublin, 1790 The Mountaineers ; a comic Opera. By G. Colman, Jun. As performed in Boston. 2d Boston ed., 1796 The Farmer: a comic Opera. By J. O Keefe. As performed at the Theatre in Boston. Belknap 6- Hall, 1794 Love s Frailties: a Comedy. By T. Holcroft N. Y., 1794 The Young Quaker: a Comedy; as performed., by the old American Company. Phila., 1794 The Widow of Malabar : a Tragedy, as it is performed at . . Covent Garden : writ ten by Mariana Starke: (with an Epilogue "written in America".) Phila., E. Story, n. d. [1791?] The Haunted Tower, a comic Opera ; by Mr. Cobb : as performed by the old American Company. Phila., 1794. 8 Plays, in 2 vols. 12 " Slaves in Algiers " was Mrs. Rowson s " first dramatic effort ; " and at its performance she played the leading part, Olivia. In " New Spain," first performed at the Haymarket, July 16, 1790, the part of Alkmonoak (sic), played by Mr. Bannister, includes the song (p. 53) which subsequently became so popular in England and in this country, as " The Indian s Deathsong " or " Alknomook : " " The sun sets in night and the stars shun the day, But glory remains when their lights fade away," etc. This song was very generally attributed to Philip Freneau, and was printed as his in Carey s American Museum, in 1787. Chambers and afterwards Duyckinck (Cycl. Am. Lit., i. 341) showed that it was included in the collected poems of Mrs. John Hunter, published in 1806. Who wrote this play of " New Spain " ? Was the part of "Alkmonoak" conceived for and fitted to the " Death Song " or was the song written for the part ? The epilogue to " The Widow of Malabar" was composed, jointly, by Col. David Hum phreys and John Trumbull (" McFingal M, the latter contributing 36 of the 78 lines ; not by Trumbull solely, as Dunlap and Duyckinck have stated. This translation of the play (by Miss Starke) was substituted for the one by Humphreys which was played in Phila delphia in 1790, and for which the epilogue was written. 7050 The Beauty and the Monster: A Comedy : from the French of the Countess de Genlis, //. 35, original gilt Dutch paper cover. 1 6 Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1785 The Castle Spectre; a Drama, by M. G. Lewis. As performed . . at the Theatres in Boston, //. 92. 12 Salem, 1799 Columbus: or a World Discovered; THE DRAMA. 125 an Historical Play : as performed at Co vent-Garden. By Thomas Morton. Dublin, 1793: The same, slightly water-stained. Boston, 1794 The Deserter: a comic Opera, by C. Dibdin ; as per formed by the Boston Theatre, clean, uncut. Boston, 1795 The Mountaineers : a comic Opera, by G. Colman, Jim. ; as per formed in Boston, uncut. Boston, 1796 (with a list of Plays for sale by Wm. P. Blake). 6 Plays. v. s. 7051 The London Merchant: or .. George Barnwell ; as acted at Drury-Lane : by Mr. Lillo, uncut. 8 Repr. Boston, 1774 The same : 2d Worcester edition. 12 Is. Thomas, 1788 Music Mad : by Theo. E. Hook : as performed at the Boston Theatre (with the cast], uncut. 16 Boston, 1812 The Haunted Inn, a Farce. Boston, 1829. 4 Plays. v. s. 7052 The Irish Chief; or Patriot King: by F. Dobbs. 8 Phila., R. Bell, 1777 The Real and Genuine School for Scandal, a Comedy; by Brinsley Sheridan. 8 Phila., R. Bell, 1782 The Highland Reel : a comic Opera ; by J. O Keefe : as performed in London, and by the Old American Company, in New York, (with the cast, including Mrs. Hallam and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson^) N. Y., 1794 The Jew : or, Benevolent Hebrew ; by Cumberland : as performed at the New Theatre, Philadelphia (with the cast], uncut, fresh copy. Phila., 1795 The Stranger: transl. from Kotzebue (by A. S k), uncut, but a name cut out of the title leaf. New York, 1799 The Review; or the Wags of Windsor; by G. Colman : as performed at the N. Y. Theatre, uncut. New York, D. Longworth, 1804. 6 Plays. v. s. The title of the " Real and Genuine" School for Scandal is explained by the fact that the title and the dramatis persons of the play had been borrowed for a political satire, which was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1779 (see No. 7046). Sheridan s play was first performed, May 8, 1777: and, according to (Bohn s) Lowndes, was "first printed, Dublin, 1785," which was three years after BeWs edition was published. 7053 The Blockheads : or, the Affrighted Officers. A Farce, //. 19, (2), good copy, uncut. 8 Boston, Queen Street, 1776 VERY RARE. The Dramatis Personre are Captain Bashaw, by "Ad 1" [Howe] ; Puff, G. . . . 1 [Howe] ; L . . d Dapper, L. . d P[erc]y ; Shallow, G[ran]t; Meagre, G[ray] ; Brigadier Paunch, B[urgoyn]e; etc. 7054 DUNLAP (Wm.) Darby s Return. A Comic Sketch, as performed at the N. Y. Theatre, Nov. 24, 1789, for the Benefit of Mr. Wignell, //. 14, (2), uncut. 8 N. Y., 1789 VERY SCARCE. See Dunlap s History of the Am. Theatre, p. 84, and Duyckinck s Cyclopaedia, i. 539, for the story of Washington s "hearty laugh," at the performance of this interlude. 7055 EVERETT (David) Daranzel ; or the Persian Patriot. An original Drama, in five Acts : as performed at the Theatre in Boston, //. 66, 2. 8 Boston, J. Russell, 1800 7056 Dramatic Pieces, calculated to exemplify the mode of conduct which will render Young Ladies both amiable and happy. In Three Volumes \tn one], sheep, neat. 12 New Haven, A. Morse, 1791 The Prefaces are signed, P. I. The first drama of Vol. I. has a fascinating title " The Good Mother-in-law." 7057 Edwin and Angelina ; or the Banditti. An Opera, in Three Acts. [By Dr. Elihu H. Smith,] //. 72, uncut. 8 New York, T. &> J. Swords, 1787 126 THE DRAMA. 7058 BIDWELL (Barna.) The Mercenary Match; a Tragedy, //. 57, clean, uncut, SCARCE. 12 N. Haven, Meigs, Bowen 6 Dana, n. d. [ab. 1785] For a brief notice of this "very pleasant and laugh-provoking tragedy, played by the students of Yale College, under the auspices of the Rev. Ezra Styles, D.D., president." see DUNLAP (Hist. Am. Theatre, 71), who quotes from it two lines : " The first, Night follows day, and day succeeds to night, has never been contradicted. The second, Sure never was the like heard of before in Boston, though not so measured and harmonious was equally applauded." 7059 BURK (John) Female Patriotism, or the Death of Joan d Arc : an Historic Play, in V. Acts, //. 40. 12 N. York, 1798 VERY SCARCE. Not mentioned by Mr. Sabin. It was brought out at the New York Theatre, April 13, 1798. See Dunlap s History of the Am. Theatre, pp. 221, 226. Bunker-Hill ; or the Death of General Warren : an Historic Tragedy . . By John Burk, //. 44, clean, uncut. 16 N. York, 1817 2 Pamphlets. 7060 WHITE (Wm. C.) Orlando : or Parental Persecution, a Tragedy : . as performed at the Theatre, Boston, portrait of Mr. White as Orlando, pp. 64, fine copy. 12 Boston, 1797 VERY SCARCE with the Portrait. The Prologue was written by Thomas ( Robert Treat) Paine. 7061 [WARREN (Mrs. Mercy)] The Group, a Farce : as lately Acted, and to be Re-acted, to the Wonder of all superior Intelligences ; Nigh Head Quarters, at Amboyne, //. 15, uncut, RARE. 8 New York, John Anders on, K. d. [1775] "A political satire, in a dramatic form"; first printed at Boston (Edes and Gill) 1775. 7062 The Motley Assembly, a Farce. Published for the Entertain ment of the Curious, //. 15, uncut, RARE. 8 Boston, N. Coverly, 1779 A local satire on the mixed "Assemblies" in Boston, where, after the departure of the British forces, Whigs consented to meet tories on friendly terms : , " Blush ! B ! blush ! . . Thy honest sons bewail That dance and song o er patriot zeal prevail ; That whigs and tories (join d by wayward chance) Should hand in hand, lead on the sprightly dance," etc. Sabin s Dictionary (no. 51110) gives a (skeleton) key to the dramatis personae. 7063 LATHY (Thos. P.) Reparation; or, The School for Libertines; as performed at the Boston Theatre, //. 46, clean, uncut. 12 Boston, 1800 Fayette in Prison: or, Misfortunes of the Great: A Modern Tragedy. By a Gentleman of Boston [Samuel Elliot], //. 40, uncut. 8 Worcester, 1800 CROSWELL (Jos.) A New World Planted ; or, the Adventures of the Forefathers of New England. . An Historical Drama, pp. 45, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1802. 3 Pamphlets. 7064 Foscari, or the Venetian Exile ; a Tragedy, by John B. White : as performed at the Charleston Theatre, uncut. Charleston, 1806 Caius Gracchus. A Tragedy. By Louisa S. McCord, pp. 128. New York, 1851. (2) 12 7065 Marmion ; or, The Battle of Flodden Field. . By J. N. Barker. First acted, April, 1812. New York, 1816 A Tale of Lexington : a National Comedy. . By Samuel B. H. Judah. N. Y., 1823 Mrs. Wiggins : a comic Piece, in two Acts : by John T. Allingham. As performed at the N. Y. Theatre. N. Y., 1803 Tricks of the Times, or the World of Quacks ; a Farce of Domestic Origin. N. Y., 1819. [A local satire. The dramatis personae, "Dr. Plan- THE DRAMA. dome," "Dr. Sangrado," "Governor Overreach," and the rest, will be recognized by New-Yorkers.] The Magdalen Report : a Farce. . By Peter Pendergrass, Senior. JV. K, 1831, improper, and SCARCE The Guests of Brazil, or The Martyrdom of Frederick. A Tragedy, [by Gurdon Huntington.] N. York, 1844 Thomas A Becket : a Tragedy. . By Maj. Alexander Hamilton, //. 106. N. Y., 1863. (7) 16 and 12 7066 Miriam; a Dramatic Poem, [by Mrs. E. B. Hall,] pp. 124. Boston, 1837 Rice (Geo. E.) Myrtilla : a Fairy Extravaganza, and Blondel : a Historic Fancy. Boston, 1854. (3) 12 7067 The Tooth Ache ; or Mistakes of a Morning. . By John Bray. Phila., 1814 Brutus. . By John Howard Payne. Baltimore, 1819 Moses in Egypt, a Sacred Oratorio . . (Italian and English.) N. Y., for Lorenzo du Ponte, 1832 The Hunter of Monadnoc. Dedham, 1834 Gaulantus, a Tragedy: by Nath l H. Barrister. Cincinnati, 1836. (5) v. s. 7068 Hodgkinson (John) Narrative of his Connection with the Old American Company, from Sept. 5, 1792, to March 31, I797,//. 29, uncut. 8 N._ Y., J. Oram, 1797 SCARCE. Mr. Hodgkinson gives a full account of his professional and business troubles with Mr. and Mrs. Hallam. 7069 HALIBURTON (Wm.) Effects of the Stage on the Manners of a People : and the propriety of establishing a Virtuous Theatre. By a Bostonian, engraved plan, pp. 76. Boston, 1792 GARDINER (John) Speech, in the House of Representatives, on the repeal of the law against Theatrical Exhibitions in Massachusetts, etc., engraved plan of the Greek Theatre, pp. 160, uncut. Boston, 1792 PELBY (Wm.) Letters on the Tremont Theatre. Boston, 1830. 3 Pamphlets. 8 POPULAR LITERATURE. FICTION. WIT AND HUMOR: JEST BOOKS. FABLES. EMBLEMS. ESSAYS. CHAP BOOKS, AND BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. (Including American editions of English books.) 7070 [Arbuthnot (Dr. J.)] Law is a Bottomless Pit: or, the History of John Bull. Two parts, in i vol., sheep. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, J. W. Folsom, 1794 Generally attributed to Dean Swift, and republished in various editions of his works. 7071 The Art of Courting, displayed in eight different Scenes, the principal of which are taken from actual life, //. 225, two leaves slightly imperfect and wants one leaf (pp. 69, 70), very scarce. 12 Newburyport, W. Barrett, 1795 A curious work, of the religious-novel sort, but largely made up of apparently genuine correspondence between lovers disguised as Strep/ion and Eliza, Paramond and Sylvia, Bragadotius and Numskuldia, etc. interspersed with poetry of the Anna-Matilda school of the period. The title is not found in Sabin s Dictionary, nor in any catalogue I have consulted. 7072 Bakhtiar Nameh, or the Royal Foundling, a Persian Story, . . translated into English by a Citizen of Philadelphia, //. xii, 266, bds., uncut. 12 Phila., JS. Parker, 1813 7073 [BELKNAP (Jeremy)] The Foresters, an American Tale, frontis piece, sheep, good copy (with the key to the characters, "Clavis Allego- .rica," inserted, from the second edition]. 12 Boston, 1792 The First edition, in volume form : SCARCE. "An Apologue, written after the manner of Arbuthnot s John Bull, in which the leading states and interests of America are repre sented under catch-words of easy interpretation. . . There is much sly humor in this book, hit off in a neat quiet style." DUYCKINCK. 7074 The same ; 2d edition, enlarged, with the "Clavis Allegorica," sheep, broken joints. 16 Boston, 1796 7075 (Boyle.) The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, . . intermixed with the Story of Miss Villars, etc., hf. bd., good copy. 12 Walpole, N. H., D. Carlisle, 1799 Attributed to W. R. Chetwood. 7076 CAREY (Mathew) Miscellaneous Trifles in Prose, calf, neat. 32 Philadelphia, 1796 7077 Miscellaneous Essays, sheep, neat. 8 Phila., 1830 Including the History of the Yellow Fever, in Philadelphia in 1793, etc.; Reflections on Emigrations from Europe to the U. S.; Essay on the Public Charities of Philadelphia; etc. 7078 Chesterfield (Stanhope, Eart) Advice to his Son. . Added, The Polite Philosopher; and Lord Burghley s Ten Precepts, sheep. 16 Phila., J. Johnson 6- Co., 1764, 1795 Principles of Polite ness . . by the late Lord Chesterfield . . with additions by Dr. J. Trusler, etc. 12 Portsmouth, N. H., 1786 The same. 18 Boston, 1794 The Elements of a Polite Education: selected from the Letters of the Earl of Chesterfield, . . by G. Gregory, D. D. and revised by Rev. Dr. Jedediah Morse, portrait of "Anna Matilda" pp. 456. 12 Boston, 1 80 1. (4 vols.) v. s. EMBLEMS. FABLES. I2Q 7079 Dallas (Alex. R. C.) Felix Alvarez; or Manners in Spain. 3 vols. in 2, Ids., uncut. 12 N. Y., J. Eastburn 6- Co., 1818 Delaval. A Novel, sheep, neat. \(f Newbern,N. C., 1804. (3 vols.) 7080 Democrat (The), or Intrigues and Adventures of Jean Le Noir, from his enlistment as a Drummer in General Rochambeau s Army, and arrival in Boston, etc. 2 vols. in i, sheep, neat, good copy, scarce. 12 New York, j. Rivington, 1795 7081 Downing s Letters. The Life and Letters of Major Jack Downing. . Written by himself. [By Seba Smith,] humorous engrav ings, pp. 260, cloth. 12 Boston, 1833 7082 The same : 3d edition, published in eight parts, as Major Jack Downing s Magazine (Jan.-Aug., 1834), n humorous engravings, designed by D. C. Johnston, pp. 288, original covers bound in, hf. cf., neat, very scarce. 12 Boston, Lily, Wait 6* Co., 1834 7083 Letters of J. Downing, Major Downingville Militia, Second Brigade, to his old friend, Mr. Dwight, of the N. Y. Daily Adver tiser. [By Chas. A. Davis,] engraved frontispiece and wood cuts, pp. ix, 259, cloth, used copy, corners of a few leaves torn (margins only}. N. Y., Harper 6- Bros., 1834 The same ; 2d English edition, with three additional Letters, //. 215. London, J. Murray, 1835 (2 vols.) 12 7084 Emblems of Mortality, representing in upwards of Fifty Cuts, Death seizing all ranks and degrees of people ; from a Painting in the Cemetery of the Dominican Church at Basil, etc. . Prefixed, an historical Account of the above and other Paintings on this Subject, etc., FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, wood engravings, pp. 108, hf. bd., nice copy. sm. 12 Hartford, J. Babcock, 1801 From the London edition of 1794, with copies of Holbein s cuts as modernized by Bewick. 7085 Emblems. Choice Emblems . . for the improvement and pastime of Youth : ornamented with near 50 handsome allegorical engrav ings, designed on purpose for this work, etc., wood cuts, pp. xii, 166, bds., nice copy. 18 Phila., y. Crukshank, 1790 From the London edition of 1772 : VERY SCARCE. 7086 Bunyan (John) Divine Emblems : or Temporal Things Spiritualized : fitted for the use of Boys and Girls : embellished with 49 cuts, pp. 1 08, bds., nice fresh copy, RARE. 18 Phila., for M. Carey, 1808 7087 Quarles (F.) Emblems Divine and Moral, portrait, and pretty wood cuts (by Anderson), pp. 323, hf. roan, nice copy. sm. 1 6 N. Y., y. Eastburn 6- Co., 1816 7088 Fables. Select Fables of Esop and other Fabulists; in three Books. By R. Dodsley, nearly 160 wood cuts, pp. 240, wants two leaves, pp. 77-80. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1811 7089 EVERETT (David) Common Sense in Dishabille : or, The Far mer s Monitor. . A variety of Essays, etc., pp. 120, bds. (2 copies.) sm. 12 Worcester, Is. Thomas, Jun., 1799 130 POPULAR LITERATURE. 7090 Essays and Letters on the World, or the Modern Observator. . By a Citizen of Chester County [Pa.], pp. 153, bds. 12 n. p., for the Author, 1826 7091 [TENNEY (Mrs. Tabitha)] Female Quixotism: exhibited in the Romantic Opinions and Extravagant Adventures of Dorcasina Sheldon. 2 vols. in i. 2d Edition, //. 180, 213, much used copy, some leaves mutilated, sheep. Newburyport, Thomas 6 Whipple, 1808 VERY RARE. For an extended analysis of this novel "one of the numerous literary progeny of Cervantes immortal satire" see Duyckinck s Cyclopaedia of Am. Literature, i. 504-506. He could find no earlier edition than that of Boston, 1829. The authoress was the wife of Hon. Samuel Tenney of Exeter, N. H. Female American (The), or, the Extraordinary Adventures of Unca Eliza Winkfield, compiled by herself, wants four pages (29-32), much used copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Newburyport, A. March, n. d. (2 vols.) 12 7092 FISKE (Nathan) D.D. Moral Monitor; a Collection of Essays. 2 vols., sheep, neat, fresh copy. 12 Worcester, 1801 7093 [FLINT (Timo.)] Francis Berrian, or the Mexican Patriot. 2d ed., good copy, VERY SCARCE. 2 vols. i2 Philadelphia, 1834 "A story of romantic adventures with the Comanches, and of romantic adventure in the Mexican struggle resulting in the fall of Iturbide." DUYCKINCK. 7094 [FOSTER (Mrs. Hannah)] The Coquette ; or, the History of Eliza Wharton. A novel ; founded on fact. By a Lady of Massa chusetts. 4th edition, fresh copy, sheep, neat. sm. 12 Newburyport, C. Whipple, 1824 The same : 3oth edition, portrait, water-stained. (2 vols.) 18 Boston, 1833 7095 Genlis (La Comtesse de} Alphonso and Dalinda : or, the Magic of Art and Nature : transl. by Thos. Holcroft, fresh copy, hf. roan. Phila., T. Dobson, 1787 Gessner. The Death of Abel. Repr. Phila., y. Cruikshank, 1770 Goethe. The Sorrows of Werter. 2 vols. in one. Litchfield, Conn., T. Collier, 1789 Goldsmith (O.) The Vicar of Wakefield. 2 vols. in one, sheep. Phila., W. Mentz, 1772 [Gait (J.)] Last of the Lairds, bds., uncut. N. Y., 1827. (5 vols.) 12 7096 GILMER (Fras. W.) of Virginia. Sketches, Essays, and Trans lations, boards, uncut. 12 Baltimore, F. Lucas, Jun., 1828 7097 The Gleaner. A Miscellaneous Production. By Constantia [the wife of Rev. John Murray.] 3 vols., sheep. 12 Boston, 1798 Dedicated to President Adams. At the end of the last volume the subscribers names fill twenty close-printed columns. Virtue Triumphant, a comedy by Mrs. Murray, per formed at the Federal Street Theatre in 1795, un der the name of The Medium, and another, entitled The Traveller Returned, are included in this collection (Vol. III.). 7098 HEATON (Nath l) Jun. The Pleasing Library : a Selection of humorous, entertaining, . . and instructive pieces in Prose and Poetry, //. 252. 12 Wrentham, Mass., 1801 7099 HITCHCOCK (Enos) D.D. Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, in a series of Letters to a respectable Citizen of Philadelphia . . on a mode of Domestic Education, etc. . . interspersed with a variety of interesting Anecdotes. 2 vols., sheep. 12 Boston, 1790 Dedicated to Mrs. Washington. JEST BOOKS, ANECDOTES, ETC. 13! 7100 The Hive: or a Collection of Thoughts on civil, moral, senti mental and religious subjects . . in Verse and Prose, pp. 227. 12 Worcester, 1796 The same, pp. 216. 18 Hartford, O. D. Cooke, 1803. (2 vols.) 7101 HOPKINSON (Francis) Miscellaneous Essays and occasional Writings. 3 vols., hf. calf gilt, marbled edges, RARE. 8 Phila., 1792 " The collector of American History . . must secure for his shelves, if he can, (which is more than doubtful,) the Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings of Francis Hopkinson, Phila., 1792." ALLIBONE. 7102 IRVING (Washington) The Beauties of Washington Irving., illustrated with (20) wood-cuts by Thompson, from drawings by Geo. Cruikshank. 4th ed., calf, neat. sm. 12 London (Chiswick Press}, 1835 JEST BOOKS, ANECDOTES, etc: 7103 The Merry-Fellow s Companion; being the Second Part of the American Jest Book : containing a choice selection of Anec dotes, Bon Mots, Jests, &c., &c., //. 96, yellowed by use, VERY RARE. 12 Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1789 Many of the Anecdotes and Jests in this collection are genuinely American. Nothing need be said of the RARITY of old Jest-books, in tolerable condition. 7104 The same ; frontispiece, pp. 95, with (six) additional anecdotes, but imperfect, wanting pp. 23-48, VERY RARE. 12 Wilkesbarre, Pa., As her 6 Chas. Miner, for M. Carey, 1802 7105 Funny Stories : or, the American Jester ; being a Companion for A Merry good Fellow, 2 wood cuts, boards, nice clean copy, RARE. sm. 12 Worcester, 1795 7106 - - The Chaplet of Comus ; or, Feast of Sentiment, and Festival of Wit, //. 324, hf. red morocco, nice copy, SCARCE. sm. 12 Boston, Munroe 6 Francis (and others], 1811 " The reader will find in this collection more specimens of American humour, than in any other publication." Preface. 7107 Liber Facetiarum ; a Collection of curious and interesting Anecdotes. First American Edition, pp. 336, bds., uncut, nice clean copy, SCARCE. 1 8 Boston, C. Williams, 1811 7108 The Budget of Wit and Amusement, being a select collection of Anecdotes, Bon Mots, &c. . . including many originals. Improved Edition, pp. 252, good clean copy, SCARCE. sm. 12 Albany, D. Steele, 1812 7109 Joke upon Joke; a new and choice Collection of Anecdotes, etc., ... By Sam Splicem, //. 96, blue boards, clean unused copy, RARE. 18 New Haven, Maltby, Goldsmith 6- Co., 1818 7110 -- Magazine of Wit, and American Harmonist, containing a Collection of the most admired Anecdotes, and a variety of Songs ... in Honor of the Victories in the Late Wax, frontispiece of Perry s victory, pp. 144, hf. roan, clean, unused. sm. 12 Phila., McCarty 6- Davis, 1821 7111 The Humourist, a Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anec dotes, Bon Mots, etc., 14 colored plates (etched by C. V. Nicker son). 2 vols. in i, //. 124, 124, hf. red mor., fresh copy. sm. 12 Baltimore, 1829 132 POPULAR LITERATURE. 7112 The Galaxy of Wit: or Laughing Philosopher; being a collection of Choice Anecdotes, many of which originated in or about "The Literary Emporium." 2 vols., engraved frontispieces and wood-cuts (designed by D C. Johnston), pp. 216. Boston, 1830 The Aurora Borealis, or Flashes of Wit; calculated to drown dull care and eradicate the Blue Devils ; with original etchings by D. C. Johnston, pp. 216. Boston, 1831. 3 vols. in i, roan gilt. sm. 12 7113 The American Comic Annual; edited by H. J. Finn, and illustrated [with etchings and wood-cuts] by D. C. Johnston, pp. 220, hf. mor., SCARCE. 12 Boston, 1831 7114 A Spur to Youth. The Life of Paddy O Flarrity, who, from a Shoe-black, has . . . arrived to a Member of Congress, etc., cloth. 12 n. p. [Washington ?] 1834 7115 The Cutter, in Five Lectures on the Art and Practice of Cutting. Boston, 1808 The Ghost of Baron Steuben ; or, Fre- donia in Arms ! A Description of . . a Georgia Training, etc. [by Judge Longstreet,] pp. 8, n. t. p., n. p., n. d. 2 in i vol., hf. bd. 16 7116 Colman (Geo.), the Younger. Poetical Vagaries. The Lady of the Wreck ; an Ode to We ; Two Parsons, or the Tale of a Shirt, etc. Broad Grins : with new Tales in Verse (" My Night gown and Slippers.") 2 vols. in i, sheep, neat. 16 Boston, 1812 The Comic Blackstone of " Punch." By Gilbert A Beckett, illustrations by Cruikshank. 12 Phila., Carey 6 Hart, 1844 The Cockney in America : or the Adventures of Triptolemus Snooks Esq., edited by Frank Flip : with (numerous) illustrations by Martin the Younger, pp. IT.. 12 N. Y., 1848 (3 vols.) 7117 Comic Almanacs. American Comic Almanack for 1831. Boston, C. Ellms Finn s, for 1835. Boston Elton s, 1836, [No. 3,] poor copy. N. Y. Elton s, 1841. N. Y. Davy Crock ett s Almanack, 1836, and 1839. Nashville, Tenn. Crockett Almanac, 1852. Boston Fisher s Comic Almanac, 1844, poor copy. N. Y. and Phila. Rough and Ready, 1848, and 1849. N. Y., Elton Turner s Comick, 1844. Boston Strong s Side- Splitting, 1854. N. Y. Young America s, 1855. N. Y., Strong. 13 Almanacs. 12 7118 Johnson (S.) Rasselas. . First Amer. Edition, Hartford, 1803 Dinarbas. [By Miss E. C. Knight.] First American Edition. Hartford, 1803. Two in one vol., sheep. 16 7119 Junius, The Letters of. First Amer. Edition, good copy, sheep. Phila., M. Carey, 1791 Second American Edition, fresh clean capy, sheep, neat. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1807 (2 vols.) 12 7120 The same : with Notes and Illustrations by R. Heron. 2 vols., bds., uncut. 8 Boston, 1804 7121 The same: from the latest London edition. 2 vols. in one, engraved titles, sheep, gilt. 8 N. York, H. Durell, 1821 FICTION, ESSAYS, FABLES. 133 7122 (Junius.) [Taylor (John)] The Identity of Junius with a distin guished Living Character established. First American, from 2d English edition, portrait (of Sir Philip Francis] and facsimiles, sheep. 8 N. K, 1818 Junius Unmasked; or Lord George Sackville proved to be Junius, portrait, bds., uncut. 12 Boston, 1828. (2 vols.) 7 1 23 KNEELAND (Abner) The Columbian Miscellany . . chiefly selected out of the Philadelphian Magazines published in London, 1788 and 1789, pp. 408, sheep. 12 Kerne, N. H., 1804 7124 Lafitte. The Memoirs of Lafitte, or the Barratarian Pirate: a Narrative founded on Fact, wood-cut portrait, pp. 95, bds., SCARCE. sm. 12 N. K, y. M. Danforth, 1828 7125 Legendary (The), consisting of Original Pieces; edited by N. P. Willis. 2 vols., boards, uncut, scarce. 12 Boston, S. G. Goodrich, 1828 7126 [Louvet de Couvray.] Interesting history of the Baron de Lovzinski, with a relation of remarkable Occurrences in the Life of Count Pulaski, . the Champion of American Liberty, pp. 108, sheep. sm. 12 New York, 1807 Translated from the "Adventures of the Chevalier du Faublas." 7127 Love and Patriotism; or, the Extraordinary Adventures of M. Duportail, late Major-General in the Armies of the United States ; with . . Incidents in the Life of the late Count Pulauski, blue boards, unused copy. New Haven, 1813 The same, bds., uncut. Boston, 1825. (2 vols.) 12 7128 LUMMUS (Aaron) Life and Adventures of Dr. Caleb, who migrated from Egypt, and practised physic in the land of Canaan and elsewhere; an Allegory, sheep, curious. 18 Boston, 1822 7129 Marmontel (J. F.) Belisarius, good copy, sheep, neat. 12 Newburyport, 1796 7130 MELMOTH (Courtney) pseudon. Emma Corbett : exhibiting Henry and Emma, the faithful modern lovers, as delineated by themselves. 3 vols. in one. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1782 VERY SCARCE. Mr. Sabin had not seen the work, and did not know of an American edition. He gives the title of the London edition of 1780: "Emma Corbett, or the Miseries of Civil War, founded on some recent circumstances . . in America." Courtney Melmoth was the pseudonym by which S. J. Pratt, an actor, was known on play-bills and title-pages. See Dunlap s Hist, of the Am. Theatre, p. 105. This copy is yellowed by age and much use. Bound with it, is an imperfect copy of Home s Douglas, London, 1764. 7131 [MINER (Charles) of Wilkesbarre, Pa.~] Essays from the desk of Poor Robert the Scribe, . . originally published in The Gleaner, pp. 120, bds. 12 Doylestown, Asher Miner, 1815 These Essays had a wide popularity in their day. Some of them used to be attributed to Franklin, particularly the first: "Who ll turn Grindstone?" and another entitled, " O Dear ! it s a Squash ! " 7132 [MOTLEY (J. L.)] Merrymount; a Romance of the Massachusetts Colony. 2 vols., cloth, very scarce. 12 Boston, 1849 7133 Pilpay s Fables. The Instructive and Entertaining Fables -of Pilpay, an ancient Indian philosopher. The Fourth edition, //. 119, clean, uncut. 8 London; repr. America, n. p., 1784 7134 PRIEST (Josiah) The Wonders of Nature and Providence, displayed. . . An Account of various and strange Phenomena in Nature, plates, pp. 600, sheep. 8 Albany -, 1826 134 POPULAR LITERATURE. 7135 ROCCHIETTI (Joseph) Lorenzo and Oonalaska, hf. cloth. 8 Winchester, Va., 1835 A literary curiosity in Italian-English. 7136 Roche (H. M.) Vicar of Lansdowne. First American Edition. 2 vols. in one. 16 Baltimore, 1802 7137 ROWSON (Mrs. Susanna) The Inquisitor ; or, Invisible Rambler. 2d Am. edition. 3 vols. in i, scarce. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1794 7138 ROWSON (Mrs. Susanna) Charlotte. A Tale of Truth, worn. 2 vols. in one, pp. 87, 83, RARE. 12 Phila., D. Humphreys, for M. Carey, 1794 A much used but complete copy of the First American Edition of " Charlotte Temple," the most popular romance of its generation. It was first published in London about 1790, and more than 25,000 copies were sold in a few years, in successive editions, in England and America. Mrs. Rowson came to America with her husband in 1793, un der a three-years engagement to the manager of the Philadelphia Theatre where she became a popular actress. Early in 1794 (before April i7th) Mathew Carey republished her " Charlotte," and two editions of one of her earlier works, " The Inquisitor " (see No. 7137), the same year. 7139 -- The History of Charlotte Temple : a Tale of Truth. 2 vols. in one, sheep, good copy. 12 Catskill, N. Eliot, for H. Steel, Hudson, 1808 VERY SCARCE, like all the early editions of this novel. 7140 Charlotte Temple : a Tale of Truth, hf. roan, nice copy. sm. 12 Windsor [Vt.~\, P. Merrifield, 1815 For other editions, Brookfield, 1816, and New Haven, 1818, see Chap Books, Nos. 7162 and 7167. 7141 Sarah, or the Exemplary Wife, bds., uncut. 2.4? Boston, C. Williams, 1813 First published as a "serial" in the Boston Weekly Magazine, 1805. 7142 St. Pierre (J. H. B. de) Paul and Virginia. . Translated by H. Hunter, D.D., hf. sheep, blue boards, fresh copy. sm. 12 Wrentham, Mass., N. 6* B. Heaton, 1799 7143 SANDS (Robt. C.) Writings, in prose and verse : with a Memoir. 2d edition, portrait. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1835 7144 Schiller. The Ghost-Seer; or, Apparitionist : from the German of Schiller, //. 120, sheep. 12 New York, T. 6- J. Swords, 1796 From the London edition of 1795 tne fi rst English translation. 7145 SHERBURNE (Henry) The Oriental Philanthropist, or True Republican, //. 215, sheep, scarce. 12 Portsmouth, N. H., 1800 7146 STONE (Wm. L.) Tales and Sketches. 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, 1834 7147 Tonnewonte, or the Adopted Son of America: a Tale. By an American. 2 vols. in one, uncut. 12 Watertoivn, N. Y., 1825 7148 [TUFTS (M.)] Shores of Vespucci ; or Romance without Fiction, //. 240, hf. cloth. (2 copies.) 12 Lexington, Mass., M. Tufts, 1833 A curious book. The author failing to obtain a publisher, " driven to his last resource, . became his own compositor and pressman, without having learned those arts." Preface. 7149 Trenck. The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck ; containing his Adventures, his cruel and excessive Sufferings, etc., engraving of Trenck in prison (Smither sc^), pp. 345, sheep. 12 Albany, 1794 A scarce early edition ; "printed for Thomas Spencer, and bound and sold at his Book store, four doors north of the Dutch Church, Market Street." CHAP-BOOKS. 135 7150 [TYLER (Royal)] The Algerine Captive; or, the Life and Adventures of Doctor Updike Underbill, a Prisoner among the Algerines, 2 vols. in one, sheep, RARE. sm. 12 Hartford, 1816 " Though printed in at least a second American edition [the first was of Walpole, Vt., 1797,] it is now EXCEEDING SCARCE." DUYCKINCK. 7151 Wright (Geo.) The Gentleman s Miscellany. . First Am. edition, bds., uncut. Exeter, N. H., 1797 Zimmerman, on Solitude, pp. 298. Wilmington, Del., 1797 The Management of the Tongue. . Done out of French. Repr. Boston, 1783 Lavater (J. C.) Aphorisms on Man. Phila., 1790 The Progress of the Pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical Times. Charlestown, S. Etheridge, 1801 Posthu mous Papers, facetious and fanciful, of a person lately about Town, bds., uncut. N. Y., Harpers, 1828 [PAULDING (J. K.)] The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. N. Y., 1812. (7 vols.) 12 CHAP-BOOKS, CHILDREN S BOOKS, ETC. ##* The greater part of this remarkable collection of the popular and juvenile litera ture of the last and early part of the present century, is bound in 26 volumes, half dark blue morocco (Roxburghe), ranging from large lamo to 241110, uniformly labelled (except the first) " New England Chap-Books." It comprises, however, many popular books and pamphlets, in cheap editions, to which the denomination of "chap-books" is not strictly applicable, and many books for children, in remarkable condition. It includes also, a few English chap-books, and many printed in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, which helped to supply cheap popular literature for New England. 7152 The Chronicles of the Kings of England from .. William the Conqueror . . to . . George the Third. . By Nathan Ben-Saddi. London, repr. Norwich, Conn., Green 6* Spooner, 1773, one leaf imperfect and several torn The same: ("by the late Dr. Franklin.") Third American edition. Litchfield, T. Collier, 1791 The same: (with alterations, and a continuation to the year 1795), uncut. Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1795 The same, JV. Y., J. Buel, 1797. 4 (v. s.) in i vol. 12 7153 Chap-Books. The Farmer s Daughter of Essex. JV. Y., 1802 Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life. . . History of the Widow Placid and her daughter Rachel. 3d ed. N. Haven, 1809 Johnson (John ) A Mathematical Question propounded by the Vicegerent of the World, answered by the King of Glory. Amherst, ijg] Richardson (S.) Sir Charles Grandison, abridged. Suffield, 1798 History of Capt. Thomas Parismas. .. Added, The Story of Alexander and Rosilla. Medford, Mass., N. Coverly, 1798 History of Jane Shore. Wrentham, Mass., n. d. Life of T. H. Daniels : [a criminal, who hung himself in Middlesex prison.] Boston, 1819. 7 (v. s.) in i vol. 12 7154 Chap-Books. Trenck (Baron F.) Life of. New York, 1806 Bacon (N.) Fearful Estate of Francis Spira, after he turned . . to Popery. Boston, 1770 Account of the Destruction of the Bastille : by J. J. Calet. n. p. For Chapman Whitcomb, n. d. The Moral Story-Teller. Hartford, J. Babcock, 1797 Child s Instructor, curious frontispiece. 2d Conn. ed. Newfield, 1799 Oeconomy of Human Life. N. Haven, A. Morse, 1793. 6 (v. s.) in i vol. 12 7155 Chap-Books. De Foe (D.) Adventures of Capt. Robert Singleton. N. Y., . Duyckinck, 1815 Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 136 POPULAR LITERATURE. 2d edition. Hartford, 1818 Fanny, or the Happy Repentance, ist Am. ed., pp. 139. Worcester, 1785 The Moral Story Teller. Hartf., 1 797 Life of Mahomet, ist Amer. ed., //. 154. Worcester, !8o2 The Devil and Dr. Faustus. Montpelier, 1807 Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African Prince. Repr. Newport, 1774 History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome. Worcester, 1794 The Man of Real Sensibility, or, History of Sir George Ellison, n. p., n. d. 8 (v. s.) in i vol. 12 7156 Chap-Books. The Minister preaching his own Funeral Sermon. Concord, E. Russell, n. d. Specimen of the Cruelty of the Papists in France. Boston, 1756 Wonderful Discovery of a Hermit, who lived upwards of Two Hundred Years. Windham, 1792 The Farmer s Daughter of Essex. N. Y., y. S. Mott, 1798 History of Capt. Thos. Parismas. Boston, N. Coverly, n. d. The Bravo of Perth, or Voorn the Tiger, copperplate. Boston, 1810 Jones (A.) The Black Book of Conscience : 28th edition. New London, 1771 Advice of Farmer Trueman, to his Daughter Mary. Boston, 1810 History of Jane Shore, with a colored plate. N. Y., 1821 Narrative of Louisa Baker. Portsmouth, N. H., 1816 The Florida Pirate, col. engraving. N. Y., 1823 Account of the Extraordinary Abstinence of Ann Moor. Boston, n. d. Mysterious Disappearance of Samuel Field and Francis C. Jenker- son. Providence, 1830 Madan (M.) Triumphant Death of F. S., a Converted Prostitute. Boston, n. d. 14 (v. s.) in i vol. 12 7157 Chap-Books. A choice collection of New York chap-books, published by W. Borradaile, 150 Fulton St. (1823-4) and Solo. King, 150 William St. (1821-30). 15, as under, in i vol., each having a colored frontispiece (etched by Prudhomme), some folded ; fresh, clean copies, uncut, in the original printed wrappers. 12 Paul Jones Manuel, the Florida Pirate Midnight Horrors; or the Bandit s Daughter Art of Fortune Telling, folding plate Adeline, the Victim of Seduction The Woman of the Town ; Memoirs of Phebe Phillips Ivy Castle ; or the Eve of St. Agnes : by Sarah Wilkinson The New Quizzical Valentine Writer The Twin Sisters ; or, Two Girls of Nineteen Life of Dr. Faustus, . . his Horrible Death, etc. Affecting History of the Duchess of C ; confined nine years in a Horrid Dungeon under Ground, folding plate Raymond and Agnes; or the Bleeding Nun: by M. G. Lewis Adven tures of Don Quixotte . . and his humourous Squire Sancho Pancha, folding plate, 1821 The same, another edition, 1828 Memoirs of Phebe Phillips, another copy, 1830 The new Lover s Instructor, . . complete Library, and Guide. 7158 Chap-Books. Memoirs of the Life and Death of Sir Edmond- bury Godfrey [by Rich. Tuke], pp. 150, portrait. London, 1682, RARE The French Convert, Haverhill, P. Edes, 1794 Captivity of Mary Velnet, a Slave in Tripoli. First Amer. edition. Boston, Wm. Crary, n. d. The Italian Convert ; Life of Galeacius Caracciolus. Boston, 1794 Life of Baron Trenck. Phila., 1794 Rousseau (J. J.) Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentlemen. 5th edition, pp. 130. Phila., M. Carey, 1796. 6 in i vol. 16 7159 Chap-Books. Erra Pater. The Book of Knowledge: made English by Wm. Lilly. New Haven, 1798 Dodsley (R.) The Economy of Human Life. Walpole, N. H., 1807 MaundreFs Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. New Haven, 1814 Young CHAP-BOOKS. 137 Gentleman s Parental Monitor, wood-cut frontispiece, pp. 148. Hartf., N. Patten, 1792 A Journey to Jerusalem : Travels of 14 English men in 1667 : collected by R. Burton. Hartford, J. Babcock, 1796 Wilson (Amos) The Sweets of Solitude, frontispiece. Boston, 1822. 6 in i vol. 16 7160 Chap-Books. History of the Duchess of C ...From Adela and Theodore. Hartford, 1806 Little Goody Twoshoes, nice wood-cuts. Phila., Johnson &> Warner, 1811 The Princely Convert, (Maurice-William, of Saxony,) RARE. Boston, 1722 Adventures of Valentine and Orson, wood-cuts. Boston, 1812 History of Constantius and Pulchera. Norwich, 1796 Hughes (John) Letters of Abelard and Heloise, copperplate frontispiece. Phila., S. Delap, 1775 Marmontel. Widow of the Village: or the Adventures of Innocence. Hartford, 1797 The Cavern of Death: a Moral Tale, pp. 120. Phila., 1795. 8 in i vol. 16 7161 Chap-Books. Rogers (Timo.) The Righteous Man s Evidence for Heaven. West Springfield, Edw. Gray, 1797 Paul and Virginia, and Don Quixote (abridged). Phila., 1827 The Con version of a Mehometan (sic). 6th edition, wood-cut. N. London, 1773 De Foe (D.) Colonel Jack, woodcut (by Bowen). Boston, n. d. Sterne (L.) Letters from Yorick to Eliza. Phila., 1773 A Journey to Jerusalem ; collected by R. Burton. Hartford, 1796 Moral Instructions of a Father to a Son, in Prose and Verse. Norwich, 1796 A Real Treasure for the Pious Mind; by a Lady of Connecticut. 12 Hartford, 1797. 8 in i vol. 12 7162 Chap-Books. History of Valentine and Orson. Hartford, J. Babcock, 1800 Chesterfield (Lord) Principles of Politeness. N. Lond., 1793 Rowson (Mrs.) Charlotte Temple. Brookfield, 1816 History of Donna Elvira de Zuares. Hartf., 1802. 4 in i vol. 18 7163 Chap-Books. Cynthia; with the Loves of Almerin and Desde- mona: a Novel. Elizabethtown, J. Woods, 1802 Marmontel. The Widow of the Village. Hartford, 1815 Martin and James, or the Reward of Integrity. N. Y., J. C. Totten, 1807 Cornaro. Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life, uncut. Phila., T. Dobson, 1791 Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle. N. Y., R. Scott, 1806 Scougal (H.) Life of God in the Soul of Man. Boston, B. Edes & Son, 1789. 6 (sm. 12 and 18) in i vol. 1 6 7164 Chap-Books. The Sicilian Pirate, or the Pillar of Mystery: a Terrific Romance. N. Y., E. Duyckinck, 1815 The Farmer s Daughter of Essex. Hartford, 1797 Catechism of Nature, for Children. Boston, 1798 Johannes Secundus, Basia, etc. ..The Portal of the Cabinet of Love, rare edition. New Haven, 1816 The Ladies Friend. N. Haven, T. 6* S. Green, 1784 Edgeworth (M.) To-Morrow, or the Dangers of Delay, wood-cut. Catskill, 1811. 6 (sm. 12 and 16) in i vol. 16 7165 Chap-Books. The Adventures of a Pin Cushion. First Wor cester Edition, wood-cuts, pp. 104. 1788 Keach (B.) Travels of True Godliness, portrait. New York, 18 n History of Fair 18 138 POPULAR LITERATURE. Rosamond, and Jane Shore. London, W. O., 1716, rare Spring (S.) Three Sermons to Little Children, etc., frontispiece. N. K, 1790 Dilworth (W. H.) The Protestant Hero : The History of William III. [London f] for G. Wright, 1758 Dilworth (W. H.) The Conquest of Peru, by Pizarro. [London ?], 1759. 6 (y. s.) in i vol. 1 6 7166 Chap-Books. Letters on Courtship and Marriage, etc., pp. 127. Hudson, 1804 The French Convert, //. 144. N. K, 1793 The History of the Tales of the Fairies ; newly done from the French,//. 141. Wilmington, 1800 The Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome, pp. 107. n. p., 1811 History of Sandford and Merton, copperplates. Boston, 1796. 5 (sm. 12 and 16) in i vol. 16 7167 Chap-Books. Brother s Gift ; or, Naughty Girl Reformed, wood cuts, fresh copy. 32 Worcester, 1795 Beauties of the N. E. Primer. 32 N. Y., 1820 Rowson (Mrs.) Charlotte Temple. N. Haven, 1818 A Present for an Apprentice ; 2d Am. ed. Hartford, 1804 The Death of Cain ; in five books ; by a Lady. Newburyport, 1793 The Oeconomy of Human Life. N. Y., 1793 Paul and Virginia, and Don Quixote, //. 72. Phila., 1827 Norden (F. L.) Travels through Egypt and Nubia. N. Haven, 1814. 8 (sm. 12, except the first two) in i vol. 16 7168 Chap-Books. A Poetical Description of Song Birds, wood-cuts. Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1788 School of Good Manners. ./., 1805 The Power of Music ; a Poetic Tale, by a near relation of Old Mother Hubbard, plates, with engraved text, fine clean copy. Salem, H. Whipple, n. d. Cockle (Mrs.) The Fishes Grand Gala. Part II. 6 copperplates. Phila., 1809 Doddridge (P.) Address on Family Religion. Litchfield, n. d. Conversion and Happy Death of Jane Dyer. Hartford, 1821 Captivity of Maria Martin, a Slave in Algiers. Brookfield, 1818 Davison (Phinehas) Poor Boy s Pocketbook, or double Primer. Greenwich, 1810. 8 (v. s.) in i vol. 1 6 7169 Chap-Books. The Blackbird s Nest; a Tale, copperplates, nice copy. Phila., Johnson & Warner, 1812 The Farmer of New Jersey; a Tale. [By John Davis.] N. Y., 1800 French Convert. N. Haven, 1798 Keach (B.) Travels of True Godliness, portrait and full page wood-cuts. N. Y., 1811 The Quakers Art of Courtship : or, The Yea-and-Nay Academy of Compliments : con taining curious Discourses, Letters, and Songs, between Brethren and Green- Apron d Sisters. . By the Author of Teague-Land Jests. London, 1737, CURIOUS, AND RARE Rousseau (J. J.) Letters of an Italian Nun. Harrisburgh, for M. Carey, 1809. 6 in i vol. sm. 12 7170 Chap-Books. Natural History of Beasts,//. 158. 1794 A pretty New Year s Gift ; or, Entertaining Histories : by Solomon Sobersides, //. 152. 1786 The Juvenile Biographer: Lives of Little Masters and Misses. 1787 Wisdom in Miniature; 2d Worcester ed. 1796. 4 in i vol., many wood-cuts. 32 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas All clean fresh copies of Thomas s pretty " Worcester editions" of books for children ; now very scarce in any condition. CHAP-BOOKS. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. 139 7171 Chap-Books. The History of Goody Twoshoes, otherwise called Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes. Worcester, 1787 The Juvenile Miscel lany, with 1 8 copperplate engravings. Phila., 1808 The Picture Exhibition. Worcester, 1788 (2 copies) The Modern Story Teller. Poughkeepsie, 1816. 5 in i vol., many wood-cuts, clean unused copies. 32 The first and third named are Is. Thomas s "First Worcester editions" in their gilt paper covers. " The History of Goody-Shoes," now very generally attributed to Gold smith, is, in its woodcuts and type almost a facsimile of the first English edition (lately reproduced in London). "The Juvenile Miscellany" is one of the series of children s illustrated books published by Johnson in Philadelphia, with copperplate engravings. For others of this series, see Nos. 7177, 7178. 7172 Chap-Books. A Little Pretty Pocket-Book . . f or Little Master Tommy and Pretty Miss Polly. Worcester, 1787 The Modern Story-Teller. R utland, 1820 The Juvenile Biographer. Worcester, 1787 The Blind Child, or the Wyndham Family: by a Lady. Boston, 1813 The Two Sisters, or the Cavern; a Moral Tale. N. Y., 1818. 5 / i vol., many wood-cuts, all nice copies, two in their original gilt-paper covers. 32 7173 A New Academy of Compliments, or the Lover s Secretary: being Wit and Mirth Improved by the most elegant expressions used in the Art of Courtship, etc. . . Added, a choice collection of Love Songs, Merry Catches, Jovial Healths, etc., frontispiece, original canvas binding, fresh unused copy, RARE. 12 Worcester, \Is. Thomas. ,] 1795 7174 The Surprising Life and Death of Dr. John Faustus, D.D., commonly called, The History of the Devil and Dr. Faustus. . Added, The Necromancer, or Harlequin Dr. Faustus, as performed at the Theatres, [and several Witty Stories,] frontispiece, pp. 142, canvas, VERY RARE. 12 Worcester, [Is. Thomas,] 1795 The Devil and Dr. Faustus, containing the History of the wicked Life and horrid Death of Dr. John Faustus, etc., pp. 12, uncut, clean, in blue wrapper. 12 Montpelier, Vt., 1807 <) 7175 The Marvellous and Entertaining Repository; containing Biog raphy, Tales, Adventures, etc., engravings. 2 vols., boards, uncut, fresh copy. 12 Boston, Baker 6- Alexander, 1827 7176 The Cheap Repository. The SERIES COMPLETE, in 42 numbers, each having a wood-cut on the title-page. 2 vols., sheep. 18 Philadelphia, B. 6- J. Johnson, 1800 A complete set of the Cheap Repository Tracts is VERY RARE. A few numbers in the second volume are cut rather close, but without injury to the text. 7177 [The Cheap Repository,] Another series, 16 moral tales, with engraved frontispieces (no serial numbers or general title,) in 3 vols., hf. morocco. sm. 12 Phila., B. Johnson, n. d. The History of Mary Wood ; Tawney Rachel or the Fortune Teller ; The Hubbub ; The Lottery ; Sorrowful Sam, the Blacksmith ; The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, and others of Hannah More s religious tracts and " Tales for the Common People." 7178 Books for Children. The Book of Trades or Library of the Useful Arts. First American edition. 3 vols., with 67 full-page copperplate engravings ( W. R. sc), hf. roan. sm. 12 Whitehall, for J. Johnson, Phila., 1807 I4O POPULAR LITERATURE. 7179 (Books for Children) Industry and Idleness, a pleasing and instructive Tale, for good little Girls, folding copperplate, nice copy. 12 Phila., Benj. Warner, 1816 7180 - The same: with The Life of Dame Partlet, and Dame Partlet s Farm, wood-cuts (some colored}. Phila., Johnson 6 War ner, 1810. 2 in i vol., hf. roan. 12 7181 -- [Mrs. Barbauld s] Lessons for Children of two to five years old, [with Alterations, by the American editor]. 4 Parts, clean, unused copies, in the lacker-paper covers. sq. 32 Phila., B. F. Bache, 1788 7182 Fables in Monosyllables by Mrs. Teachwell. . Added, Morals in Dialogues, many wood-cuts, gilt-paper cover, nice copy. 12 Phila., T. Dobson, 1798 The Catechism of Nature ; for the use of Chil dren : by Doctor Martinet, clean copy, gilt-paper cover, sm. 12 Phila., J. Bioren, 1799. (2) 7183 A New Gift for Children: containing Delightful and Enter taining Stories. . Fourth Edition, adorn d with cuts, pp. 34, upper corners stained, uncut. 12 Boston, Fowle &> Draper, 1762 Perhaps the RAREST of this collection of "juveniles." The illustrations include likenesses (?) of George the Third, and Queen Charlotte; a view of " Louisbourg demolish d," which had previously adorned the title-pages of Almanacs; and several very remarkable original cuts. 7184 - - The Famous Tommy Thumb s Little Story-Book ; containing His Life and Surprising Adventures. To which are added Tommy Thumb s Fables, with Morals, and, at the end, pretty stories, that maybe sung or told. Adorned with many curious Pictures, pp. 32, used. sm. 16 [Boston, John Boyle, } at the Printing Office in Marlborough Street, 1771 VERY RARE. The " pretty stories at the end" are some of those which pass for " Mother Goose s," " There was a man of Thessaly," " Three children sliding on the ice," " When I was a little boy," etc. The cuts are more than curious ; particularly, the full-page frontispiece. 7185 [Mother Goose s Melody; or Sonnets for the Cradle. In Two Parts. Part ist, contains the most celebrated Songs and Lullabies of the old British Nurses, calculated to amuse Children and to excite (sic) them to Sleep. Part 2d, those of that sweet Songster and Nurse of Wit and Humour, Master William Shakes peare. Embellished with Cuts, and illustrated with Notes and Maxims, Historical, Philosophical, and Critical,] //. 94, many wood-cuts, wants title. 32 [Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1786] An EXTREMELY RARE and highly interesting little volume. Unfortunately, it has lost the title-leaf. In other respect it is in good condition. The title, as above, appears on the last leaf, in a list of books for children published by Isaiah Thomas, and it is found in a similar list at the end of " Goody Two Shoes," and others of the series, printed in 1786 and 1787. It was doubtless a reprint of an English edition. I can hardly believe that it has escaped the bibliographers and especially, the bibliographers of SHAKSPERIANA, yet I have not succeeded in finding any mention of " Mother Goose s Melody. Part II. Containing the Lullabies of Shakespear" which has a separate (half) title, at p. 75. There is a " Preface, by a very Great Writer of very Little Books," on the origin of nursery rhymes, etc., with a page of music, the " March composed by King Henry the Fifth," to which as the "great writer" asserts the French adapted the words, " There was an old woman toss d in a blanket," etc. The notes of the editor, and his (pretended) extracts from learned authors, are very well done. "Patch on Prudence," VWinslow s View of Bath," "Boyle," "Wickliffe," "Bentleyon the Sublime and Beautiful," are among the commentators cited. Was the English edition Newbery s and was the editor and annotator Oliver Goldsmith ? CHAP-BOOKS. PRIMERS AND CATECHISMS. 141 7186 Mother Goose s Melody. Tom Thumb s Play-Book, To teach children their Letters, etc*, frontispiece, pp. 30, in Dutch gilt covers (z\by 2 inches). 64 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1786 The Famous History of Whittington and his Cat, cuts. Hartford, N. Patten, 1788 The Wisdom of Crop the Conjurer. . An impartial account of the celebrated Tom Trot, etc. Added, The Farmer and his Two Daugh ters, etc., cuts, fresh copy, as new, Dutch paper cover. Wore., Is. Thomas, 1794 Affecting History of the Children in the Wood, cuts, Dutch paper. Hartf., J. Babcock, 1796 Moses in the Bulrushes , a sacred Drama. Wore., I. Thomas, Jr., 1800 The Hermit of the Forest, cuts. Litchfield, Hosmer 6* Goodwin, 1808 History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, cuts. Hartford, 1806 History of Little Phebe : and The Reclaimed Child, cuts. Hartford, 1812. 8 little books for children, all, except the first, 32 7187 Primers and Catechisms. The New-England Primer Improved (Boston, 1777 :) fresh copy. Reprinted, Hartford, 1843 The New- England Primer Improved, imperfect. Norwich, 1812 The same. Concord, N. H., 1813 The same, fresh copy. Walpole, N. H., 1814 The same. Phila., F. Scott, n. d. The same, slightly imperfect. Newark, N. J., 1818 The same, unused. Hartford, 1820; The same, hf. cloth, new. Worcester, n. d. (2 copies) The Principles of the Christian Religion, in Lessons for Children, cuts, unused. Hartford, 1796 Lindley Murray s First Book for Children. 3d ed. New York, 1805 Instructive Hints, or Easy Lessons for Children : by E. C. Utica, Seward & Williams, 1810. (12) v. s. 7188 Chap-Books. The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, pp. 3 4, frontispiece, hf. sheep, unused. Bost., J. White, 1794, RARE Aristotle s Complete Master-Piece. .Added, A Treasure of Health, or the Family Physician,//. 71, cuts., bds., clean. "New England, for the Publishers," 1820. (2 vols.) 12 7189 The Complete Master-Piece of Aristotle .. displaying the secrets of nature in the Generation of Man. Added, a Treatise on Physiognomy, Palmistry, etc., bds., unused. 16 n. p. "Printed for the Purchaser," 1814 Aristotle s Complete Master-Piece, etc. : Added, the Family Physician, cuts, bds. 12 New England, 1820. (2 vols.) 7190 -- The Life, Travels, and Adventures of Edward Wortley Montague, Esq., son to the most famous Traveller, Lady Mary Wortley Montague. 2 vols. in one, sheep. 12 Boston, J. W. Fplsom, n. d. Fiction. Mr. Montague " having rather blunted the edge of his curiosity by continual travel, resided several years at Constantinople. With respect to eating and drinking, he affected great temperance, but he was never without a seraglio filled with the beauties of Georgia, Circassia, and Greece," etc. 7191 Books for Children, printed in England. Spiritual Lessons, For Children to Read and Learn to be Wise. . Embellished with Prints & Alphabets for Instruction in Writing, Title and 25 leaves, plates and engraved text, much used, and one page slightly injured, old sheep. London, for F. Newbery, n. d. The Curiosities of London and Westminster: Vol.11. London, for E. Newbery, 1783 ; andVol. IV., 142 POPULAR LITERATURE. for F. Newbery, 1771 \ copperplates of churches, public buildings, etc. The Sugar Plumb ; or Sweet Amusement for Leisure Hours, engraved frontispiece and many wood-cuts, much used, pp. 122. Lond., for E. Newbery, 1788. (4 vols.) sm. 16 7192 The Holy Bible Abridged ; illustrated with Notes and adorned with Cuts, for the use of Children, pp. 84, many pretty wood-cuts, bds., Dutch gilt paper, nice copy ; in such condition, VERY RARE. sm. sq. 12 York, T. Wilson and JR. Spence, 1802 7193 Tales and Fables [in verse], selected by T. Ticklepitcher . . . adorned with 59 Pictures, by P. Van Grave, one leaf mutilated, much used, sheep. sm. sq. 12 London, John Marshall, n. d. 7194 Reynard the Fox. The most Pleasing and Delightful History of Reynard the Fox, and Reynardine his Son. In Two Parts. . . Added, The History of Cawood the Rook : or, the Assembly of Birds. . The Twelfth Edition, //. 178, 2, good copy, RARE. 12 Dublin, Bart. Corcoran, n. d. [about 1763] Lowndes notes the London edition of 1758 ; Glasgow, of 1763; and Belfast, 1763. 7195 DILWORTH (H. W.) The History of the Life and surprising Transactions of Thamas Kouli Khan, late Sophi of Persia, copper plates, boards. 12 [London], for G. Wright, 1758 7196 ROBINSON CRUSOE (abridged). The most surprising Adven tures and Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, etc., frontis piece and wood-cuts, clean, in original canvas boards, RARE EDITION. 12 Worcester, [7s. Thomas ^\ 1795 7197 The Wonderful Life and most surprising Adventures of that Renowned Hero, Robinson Crusoe, etc., frontispiece and wood-cuts, pp. 143, used copy, but well preserved, except a corner torn from last leaf, VERY RARE. sm. 12 New York, E. Duyckinck 6- Co., for Hurtin 6* Commardinger, 1795 7198 Robinson Crusoe (abridged): other editions; Baltimore, G. Douglas, 1803 Baltimore, Warner & Hanna, 1805, fine clean copy, bds. With copperplates. 12 New York, 1815 (wants pp. 88- 92) 24 New York, E. Duyckinck, 1816, wood-cuts, fresh copy, bds. (4 vols.) EDUCATIONAL. SCHOOL BOOKS; TREATISES ON EDUCATION, ETC. SPELLING BOOKS, AND DICTIONARIES. 7 199 DIXON (H.) English Instructor ; or, the Art of Spelling improved ; Ninth edition, pp. 4, 130, frontispiece, sheep, nice copy. 12 Boston, D. Henchman, 1750 RARE, in such condition. The frontispiece is a good wood-cut (signed "J. T.") of " the Old Brick-Meeting-House in Cornhil," 1750, "over against" D. Henchman s shop. 7200 BENEZET (Anthony) The Pennsylvania Spelling-Book ; 2d edition, improved, //. 168, hf. sheep, nice fresh copy, SCARCE. 12 Phila., 1799 7201 PERRY (W.) The Only Sure Guide to the English Tongue, or, new Pronouncing Spelling Book. 6th Worcester edition ; revised by Isaiah Thomas, frontispiece and cuts, good copy. Worcester, 1792 The same : i3th improved edition, new cuts, unused copy. Wore., n. d. [1805] The same: 22d improved edition. Wore , 1817 The same: " New improved edition." Worcester, 1820. (4 vols., sheep.) 12 7202 The Child s Instructor. . . By a Teacher in Philadelphia. Vol. I 12 New London, 1794 The Child s Spelling Book. . 2d ed., revised : by a Printer, cuts, much used. 16 \Hartford^\ J. Babcock, 1800. (2 vols.), bds. 7203 KENNEDY (P.) New grammatical Spelling-Book, bds., clean. 8 New York, D. Denniston, 1801 "By Platt Kennedy, Philom. and late Instructor at Huntington, L. I." 7204 KNEELAND (Abner) The American Definition Spelling-Book; Kingsbury & Blake s First edition. Windsor, Vt., 1804 The same : Dwight s 2d ed., poor copy. Concord, 1814 FENNING (D.) Universal Spelling-Book. Wilmington, 1808 FISKE (John) New- England Spelling-Book: 4th Brookfield ed. 1811 CRAMER S U. S. Spelling Book, fresh copy. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1851. (5 vols.) 12 7205 ALEXANDER (Caleb) The Columbian Dictionary of the English Language : in which many new words peculiar to the U. States . . . are inserted, //. 556, sheep. sq. 12 Boston, I. Thomas and E, T. Andrews, 1800 7206 ALLISON (Burgiss) D.D. The American Standard of Orthog raphy and Pronunciation, and Improved Dictionary of the English Language, abridged. 12 Burlington, N. J., 1815 144 EDUCATIONAL. 7207 ELLIOTT (Rev. John, and Johnson (Samuel) jun. A selected, pronouncing and accented Dictionary, pp. 16, 223. Suffield, E. Gray, for O. D. 6* /. Cook, Hartford, 1800 The same : Second edition, pp. 32, 203. Ibid., 1800. (2 vols.) obi. 16 7208 FLINT (Rev. Abel) A Spelling, pronouncing and parsing Dic tionary . . for the use of Schools, pp. 1 68, bds., clean. Hartford, 1800 The same, used copy. Hartford, 1806. (2 vols.) 12 7209 JOHNSON (Samuel) jun. A School Dictionary, being a Compen dium of the latest and most improved Dictionaries, //. 198, wants pp. 157-168, worn. 24 New Haven, Edw. O Brien, n. d. [179-] ELLIOTT (J.) and JOHNSON (S.) jun. A selected, pronouncing and accented Dictionary,^. 14, 223, wants last leaf of Introduction. obi. 16 Suffield, E. Gray, 1800. (2 vols.) 7210 PERRY (Win.) Royal Standard Dictionary: ist American, from 4th British edition. Worcester, I. Thomas, 1788 The same : 4th Am. Worcester edition ibid., 1796 The same: 2d Brookfield edition. Brookf., Mass., 1804 The same: 4th Brookfield ed. ibid., 1809 The same. Boston, Thomas 6 Andrews, n. d. 5 vols., sheep. sq. 12 7211 PRIEST (Henry) The Young Ladies Pocket Companion, being a Short Dictionary, etc., pp. 160; (dedicated "To the Young Ladies of Mr. & Mrs. Priest s Academy, New York.") 16 N. K, Is. Collins, 1801 Johnson s Dictionary, in miniature. . By the Rev. Jos. Hamilton, portrait. 12 Salem, Mass., 1823. (2 vols.) 7212 SHERIDAN (Thos.) Dictionary of the English Language: 4th edition, revised by John Andrews, D D., Professor in the College of Philadelphia. sq. 12 Phila., 1789 7213 WEBSTER (Noah) A Compendious Dictionary of the English language, sheep, SCARCE. 12 New Haven, Sidney s Press, 1806 The FIRST EDITION of Webster s Dictionary. For early editions of his Spelling Book (Part I. of A Grammatical Institute,) see No. 7222, after. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 7214 ADAMS (Daniel) The Thorough Scholar, etc. Boston, [1810] ALEXANDER (Caleb) Grammatical System [ist Edition]. Bost., 1792 ; The same, 7th ed. Bost., 1803 ALEXANDER (C.) Gram matical Elements. Boston, 1793 Ash (John) Grammatical Insti tutes : new ed. enlarged. Worcester, 1785 BINGHAM (Caleb) Young Lady s Accidence: 6th ed. Boston, 1792; The same, 9th ed., poor copy. Bost., 1796. 7 vols. 12 and 16 7215 ADAMS (D.) The Thorough Scholar. Bost., n. d. ALEXANDER (C.) Grammatical System : 7th ed., poor copy. Boston* 1803 ASH(J.) Grammatical Institutes. ^^.,1785 BUCHANAN (Jas). Regular English Syntax : 5th Am. edition. Phila., 1792 BURR (Jona.) Compendium of English Grammar. Boston, 1797 The British Grammar, pp. xxx, 281. Boston, 1784 CARROLL (Jas.) Amer. Criterion of the English Language. New London, 1795 DEARBORN (Benj.) Columbian Grammar. Boston, 1795 GURNEY (D.) Columbian Accidence. Boston, 1801. 9 vols. 12 and 16 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 145 7216 CARROLL (Jas.) The American Criterion of the English Lan guage, bds., clean. 12 New London, 1795 7217 COBBETT (Wm.) Le Tuteur Anglais, ou Grammaire reguliere de la Langue Anglaise. 2de edition, pp. 328, sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1805 7218 HUMPHREYS (Daniel) The Compendious American Grammar, or Grammatical Institutes in Verse, //. 46, -very scarce. 1 6 Portsmouth, N. H., 1792 Bound in i vol., sheep, with these other tracts, with continuous manuscript paging: The Poor Lodger; a Comedy: by Wm. C. White. Boston, 1811 John Locke s Letter concerning Toleration. Host., 1743 A Modest Proof of the Order & Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church, poor copy, VERY SCARCE. Boston, T. Fleet, 1723 [Sec Nos, 6132, 6179] ; and others. 7219 INGERSOLL (Chas. M.) Conversations on Etymology and Syntax. Phila., 1822 JUDSON (Adoniram) Elements of English Grammar. Boston, 1808 Lowth (Dr.) Introduction to English Grammar. Wilmington, 1800; The same. Phila., 1775 (2 copies). 5 vols. 12 and 16 7220 MURRAY (Lindley) English Grammar. First Amer. edition. Boston, 1800 An Abridgement of Murray s E. Grammar. 4th Albany edition. 1804 The same: ist Worcester ed. 1805 The same : 3d Worcester ed. 1809 English Exercises, adapted to the Grammar : 2d Boston ed. 1804. 6 vols. 12 7221 PEYTON (V. J.) Les Elemens de la Langue Angloise . . en forme de Dialogues. Phila., 1794 SHERMAN (John) The Philosophy of Language illustrated: an entirely new system of Grammar, divested of scholastic rubbish, traditionary falsehood, and absurdity, &c. Trenton Falls, 1826, very scarce. SIRET (M.) Ele mens de la Langue Angloise: nouv. ed. corrigee. Phila., 1794 Ussher (G. Neville) Elements of Eng. Grammar: 2d Am. ed. Exeter, 1796; The same: 3d ed. Exeter, [1803] 5 vols. 12 7222 WEBSTER (Noah) A Grammatical Institute, of the English Language ... In Three Parts. Part I. Containing a new and accurate standard of Pronunciation. 6th edition [of the Spelling Book], worn copy. Hartford, Hudson 6 Goodwin, 1787 i2th edition, with wood-cuts (by A. W. Lay), nice copy. Ibid., n. d. The American Spelling Book... being the First Part, &c. 2ist Conn, edition. Hartford, H. 6 G., n. d. The American Spelling Book. . Revised impression. Middletown, Conn., 1828. - Part II. Containing a plain and comprehensive Grammar. FIRST EDITION. Hartford, Hudson &* Goodwin, 1784 The same, The [2d edition,] ibid., 1785 ; 3d Conn, ed., ibid., 1792 ; 4th Conn. ed., {bid., n. d. ; 4th ed. revised, ibid., n. d. ; 5th Conn, ed., ibid., 1796 ; 6th Conn, ed., ibid., 1800 The same. Thomas 6 Andrews 3d edition, portrait. Boston, 1794 The same. New York, 1798 The same, "with amendments and additions." Phila., W. Young, 1789. Part III. Containing the necessary Rules of reading and speaking, etc. The FIRST EDITION. Hartford, Barlow 6* Babcock, 1785 ; The same ; 2d ed. ; ibid., Hudson 6* Goodwin, n. d. An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking, .being the Third Part c. 3d ed., greatly enlarged, portrait of Washington, 146 SCHOOL BOOKS. (copperplate), a leaf mutilated. Phila., 1787 The same; 4th ed. Hartford, H. 6* G., 1788 ; 5th ed., ibid., 1789 ; 8th Conn ed., ibid., 1793 ; 9th Conn, ed., ibid., 1794; Thomas & Andrews gth ed., por trait. Boston, 1797 ; nth ed. Hartf., n. d. [1799]. 24 vols. 12 See, also, No. 7228; for other school-books by Webster, Nos. 7229-7231 ; and for his literary and miscellaneous writings, Nos. 7290-7301. 7223 WEBSTER (Noah) Rudiments of English Grammar; being an Introduction to the Second Part of the Grammatical Institute, &c. [First Edition,] //. 80, bds., nice copy. Hartford, E. Babcock, 1790 The Little Reader s Assistant; containing : i. A number of Stories, mostly taken from the history of America^ adorned with cuts. n. Rudiments of English Grammar, in. A Federal Catechism. . iv. General Principles of Government and Commerce, pp. 48, 80, 13, sheep. Hartf., 1790 The Little Reader s Assistant. . . The Third edition, //. 137, bds. Northampton, Wm. Butler, 1791. (3 vols.) sq. 16 7224 A Grammatical Institute, etc. Part u. [First edition,] bds., poor copy. Hartford, 1784 A Grammatical Institute. Part n. [2d edition], nice copy. Hartford, 1785 A Grammatical Institute. Part ii. 5th Conn, ed., nice copy. Hartf., 1796 Rudiments of English Grammar; [added, A Federal Catechism, and "On a Reform of Spelling,"] bds. sq. 16 Hartford, 1790 The Little Reader s Assistant. 3d ed., wants title, some leaves in first part mutilated. \_Northampton, 1791 ] The same edition, another copy, imperfect. (6 vols.) 12 and sq. 16 7225 WOODBRIDGE (Wm.) A Plain and concise Grammar of the English Language, pp. 60, (wants a leaf at end T), bds., clean, very scarce. 16 Middletown \ConnI\, T. Dunning, 1800 READING AND SPEAKING. RHETORIC. 7226 American Orator. . By a Teacher. Lexington, Ky., 1807 The Art of Speaking. 5th ed. 8 Newburyport, 1782: The same. 12 Danbury, Conn., 1795 (2 copies] Adams (D.) The Under standing Reader. 6th ed. Worcester, n. d. Bing-ham (C.) The American Preceptor. . 4th ed. Boston, 1797: The same, ist Conn. ed. Hartf., 1805 Binghain (C.) The Columbian Orator. Boston, 1817 Dana (Jos.) A New American Selection : . . added, Elements of Gesture, 4 engravings. Boston, 1792 : The same, 3d ed. improved, no plates. Exeter, 1799 The Forum Orator; or, the American Public Speaker. Bost., 1804 HaswelPs (Anthony) Easy and Instructive Lessons, for the use of American scholars. First edition. 16 Bennington, Vt., A. Haswell, 1806 Litch (Samuel) A concise Treatise of Retoric (sic). 24 Jajffrey, Salmon Wilder, 1813 Lowe (A. T.) Columbian Class Book, wood engrav ings. Worcester, 1824: The same, 2d ed. Worcester, 1825- Moore (J. H.) Young Gentleman and Lady s Monitor. 6th ed. N. Y., 1790 : The same. New London, 1794 : The same. New Haven, G. Bunce, 1797 Murray (L.) The English Reader.. Added, a Vocabulary, c., by Rensselaer Bentley. Brattleborough, Vt., n. d. [1827 ?] (19 vols.) 12 except as noted. ARITHMETIC. 147 7227 New- York Reader, No. 2. Selections in Prose and Poetry. 16 N. Y., S. Wood, 1814 Sampson (Ezra) of Hudson, N. Y. Beauties of the Bible. 3d Hudson ed. Harry Croswell, 1806 Sampson (Ezra) The Brief Remarker. Hudson, 1820: The same, revised edition. Canandaigua, 1821, and 1823 Scott (Wm.) Lessons in Elocution: ist Hartford edition, 1795: The same, with Elements of Gesture, 4 plates. N. Y., 1799: The same, 4 plates. Leicester, 1817 Sheridan (T.) Lectures on Elocution. Providence, 1796 Thomas (Alex.) The Orator s Assistant. Wor cester, 1797 (2 copies), ii vols. I2 7228 WEBSTER (Noah) A Grammatical Institute, &c. Part m. . Rules of Reading and Speaking. 2d ed. Hartford, n. d. An American Selection, &c. 5th ed. Hartford, 1789 ; 9th Conn. ed. Hartf., 1794, 2 copies. (4 vols.) 12 OTHER SCHOOL-BOOKS BY NOAH WEBSTER. 7229 WEBSTER (Noah) Elements of Useful Knowledge. Vol. i. Histor. and Geogr. Account of the U. States. Hartford, 1802 ; 4th ed., ibid., 1809 Vol. n. Third edition. Hartf., 1809 Vol. in. [First edition.] New Haven, 1806 Vol. iv. History of Animals. New Haven, 1812. (2 copies). (6 vols.) 12 7230 -- A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. New Haven, 1806 A Dictionary of the English Language for the use of Common Schools. New Haven, 1807. (2 vols., s/ieep.) 12 7231 History of the United States, wood-cuts. 16 New Haven, 1837 Biography, for the use of schools, cuts. 16 Ibid., 1830 A Manual of Useful Studies, cuts. 12 Ibid., 1839. (3 vols.) ARITHMETIC. 7232 BONNYCASTLE (J.) Scholar s Guide to Arithmetic. 2d edition. London: repr. Boston, 1786 DABOLL S Schoolmaster s Assistant. 3d edition, imperfect. New London, n. d. [1802] ; Stereotype edition, sheep. Norwich, 1818 DEAR HORN (Benj.) of Portsmouth. The Pupil s Guide, //. 26. Boston, B. Edes 6 Son, 1783 (2 copies). 5 vols. 12 7233 DILWORTH (T.) Schoolmaster s Assistant. 23d ed. Hartford, N. Patten, 1786; 24th ed., impft., portrait (Anderson f.) JVent York, Hugh Game, 1792; "The latest edition," portrait. New London, for N. Judah, New York, 1797. 3 vols. 12 7234 FISHER (George) The American Instructor: or, Young Man s Best Companion : containing, Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, Book-keeping, etc., good copy. Boston, 1779 ^ ne Instructor : or, American Young Man s Best Companion, etc., 3oth ed. enlarged, engr. frontispiece. Worcester, Is. Thomas, n. d. The same. Walpole, N. H., 1794. 3 vols. thick 12 7235 GROUT (Jona.)/. The Pupil s Guide : 2cl ed., bds. 12 Sittton, Mass., 1809 JOHNSON (Gordon) Introd. to Arithmetic: 2d ed., sewed. 8 Springfield, 1793 KENDAL (David) Young Lady s Arithmetic, sewed. 12 Leominster, 1797. 3 vols., scarce. v. s. 148 SCHOOL BOOKS. 7236 Hodder s (James) Arithmetic: or, that Necessary Art made most easy... 25th edition, revised, ..by Henry Mose, portrait, pp. 12, 216, mottled calf extra, full gilt (F. Bedford}. sm. 8 Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1719 VERY SCARCE. This copy has the school-boy autograph of SAMUEL SEABURY. 7237 Another copy, clean and fine, crimped olive morocco, filleted sides and back, g. e. (F. Bedford}, sin. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, 1719 7238 The same : 27th ed., revised by Wm. Hume, portrait, pp. (TO), 204. 12 London, 1739 7239 HASSLER (F. R.) Elements of Arithmetic. New York, 1826 LEE (Chauncey) The American Accomptant, plate of coins. Lan- singburgh, 1797 (2 copies) M DONALD (Alex.) The Youth s Assistant. Norwich, Conn., 1785. 4 vols. 12 7240 PTKE (Nicolas) New and complete System of Arithmetic, [FIRST EDITION,] //. 512, good copy. 8 Newburyport, John Mycall, 1788 The same: 2d ed., revised by Eben. Adams. 8 Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1797 Abridgment of [the same]. 12 Newburyport, 1793 (2 copies) The same: 2d ed. Worcester, 1795; 30! ed., ibid., 1798 (2 copies); 4th ed. Boston, 1802 PIKE (S.) The Teacher s Assistant. Philadelphia, 1811. 9 vols. 8 and 12 7241 ROOT (Erastus) Introd. to Arithmetic : 2d ed. Norwich, 1796 (2 copies); 3d ed., ibid., 1802 SMITH (Roswell C.) Practical and Mental Arithmetic. [First Edition.] Providence, 1826 Providence, 1826 SHEPHERD (E.) The Columbian Accountant : 3d ed. Neiv York, 1812 STERRY (C. & J.) Complete Exercise Book, worn. Norwich, 1795 (2 copies). 7 vols. 12 7242 STERRY (Consider & John) The American Youth. . A course of Introductory Mathematics. Vol. I. (all published}, pp. 388. Provi dence, 1790. 3 copies. 8 7243 Tables, Beady Reckoners, etc. Vade Mecum : or, the Necessary Pocket Companion : 22d ed. tall 8 London, 1772 PENNING (D.) Ready Reckoner ; or Trader s Assistant : 6th ed. tall 16 London : repr. Boston, n. d. Federal or New Ready Reckoner. . First Edition. 8 Chestnut Hill, Samuel Sower, 1793, scarce The Federal Ready Reckoner.- - sq. 12 Worcester, 1795 WHITE (John J.) Collection of useful Arith. Tables. 16 Hartford, 1803 The same: added, A Perpetual Almanac. 16 Hartford, 1812. 6 vols. 7244 THARP (Peter) Federal Arithmetic. 16 Newburgh, 1798 VINAL (John) Preceptor s Assistant. 12 Boston, 1792 WALSH (M.) Mercantile Arithmetic: 3d ed. 12 Newburyport, 1806. 3 vols., sheep. 7245 Cocker s Decimal Arithmetick. . .Added, his Artificial Arithme- tick, . . also, his Algebraical Arithmetick. . Published by John Hawkins. 6th edition, pp. xvi, 448, good copy, old sheep. sm. 8 London, 1729 RARE. Lowndes notes : " First edition, probably London, 1669, but no copy is known." The first edition of Cocker s Vulgar Arithmetick (see the next title) was published, after his death, by John Hawkins, in 1677: but the "Decimal, Logarithmical and Algebraical Arithmetick" was not published till 1684. Hawkins s Preface is dated Oct. 27, 1684. LATIN AND GREEK. 149 Cocker s Arithmetick. . Perused and published by John Haw kins. . 52d edition ; corrected and amended. By George Fisher, portrait, pp. (6), 184, soiled by use, and wanting pp. 3-22, RARE. 12 London, 1748 (2 vols.) SECRETARY S GUIDE. LETTER-WRITERS. SHORT-HAND. 7246 HILL (Thos.) The Young Secretary s Guide : or, A Speedy help to Learning. . Made suitable to the People of New-England. 4th edition, last four leaves mutilated. Boston, T. Fleet, 1713 The same : 5th edition, good copy. Boston, J. Allen, 1718 The same : 6th edition, nice copy. Boston, for J. Phillips, 1717 The same : 7th edition, wants pp. 5-8, good copy. Boston, T. Fleet, 1730. (4 vols.) very scarce. 16 7247 HILL (J.) The Young Secretary s Guide, etc. 24th edition, with large additions. 12 Boston, T. Fleet, 1750 7248 GRIFFITH (Wm.) The Scrivener s Guide. 12 Newark, N. J., 1797 The preface is dated, Burlington, 2oth May, 1797. 7249 The Complete Letter-Writer. Hartford, O.D. 6 /. Cooke, 1796 -Juvenile Correspondence; or Letters suited to Children. New Haven, A. Morse, 1791 Complete Letter-Writer : or Young Sec retary s Instructor: byH.W. Dilworth. Ne7u York, T. Allen, 1794 Expert Letter Writer ; or, whole Art of Polite Correspondence. Phila., 1826 New Complete Letter Writer. Boston, 1798. 5 (v. s.) in i vol., hf. Hue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 7250 The New Complete Letter Writer, //. 252. Boston, 1794 (Dunham s) New Classical Selection of Letters. 2cl ed. Boston, 1807. (2 vols.) 12 7251 JENKINS (John) The Art of Writing. Book I., portrait, engr. title, and 10 pages copperplates, hf. morocco. 8 Cambridge \Andover~], 1813 7252 Short-hand. SARJEANT (T.) Easy and compendious system of Short-Hand, portrait of T. Gurney, and 9 copperplates. Phila,, 1792 GOULD (M. T. C.) Analytic Guide, .to the Art of Short hand Writing: 3d ed., copperplates. New Haven, 1824 GURNEY (T. J., and W. B.) Brachygraphy. i5th ed., portrait, and 12 copperplates, calf, neat. London, 1825. (z v l s -) I2 LATIN AND GREEK : GRAMMARS AND TEXT-BOOKS. 7253 BAYLEY (N.) English and Latine Exercises. . 5th edition, newly improv d, //. 206. Boston, T. Fleet, 1720 CULMAN (L.) Sen- tentiae Pueriles Anglo-Latinae. . Translated by C. Hoole. Boston, 1723 (2 copies) Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino in usum Scholarum. . By F. G., nice clean copy. Boston, J. Draper, 1735 The same. Ib., Z. Fowle, 1752. 5 vols., #//VERY SCARCE. 16 and 12 7254 (Cheever s Accidence.) A Short Introduction to the Latin Tongue : for the Use of the Lower Forms in the Latin School. Being the Accidence abridg d and compil d in that most easy and 150 SCHOOL BOOKS. accurate Method, wherein the famous Mr. EZEKIEL CHEEYER taught, etc. 8th edition, pp. 72, worn, SCARCE. 16 Boston, D. 6 y. Kneeland, 1761 The same, pp. 79, good copy. sm. 8 Boston, B. Edes, 1785 The same : 2oth eel., pp. 86. sm. 8 Salem, 1785. 3 vols. 7255 (Princeton Latin Grammar) A Complete Introduction to the Latin Tongue : form d from. .Lilly, Ruddiman, et al. . . Published principally for the Use of the Grammar-School of Nassau-Hall, in Prince-Town, etc. The Second Edition, enlarged and amended, //. (4), 109, (2), much used, some leaves mutilated. Woodbridge, N. y., yames Parker, at the Expence of the Trustees of the College, 1760 The same: 4th edition. New York, Hugh Gaine, 1767 The same edition, a few leaves injured. Ibid. 3 vols., RARE. sm. 8 At the end are printed the " RULES and ORDERS, to be observed by all the Members of the Grammar School at Nassau-Hall," 2 pages. This Grammar was compiled by the Rev. Robert Ross, at the request of President Burr and with his and President Finley s assistance. For later editions, see, after, Ross (R.), and RIGG (E.), Nos. 7263, 7264. 7256 - - The same : 4th edition, half calf neat, FINE COPY, VERY RARE in such condition. sm. 8 N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1767 7257 (Philadelphia Latin Grammar) A Short Introduction to Gram mar, for the use of the College and Academy in Philadelphia : being a new edition of WhittenhalFs Latin Grammar, with many alterations, additions, and amendments. Second edition,//, v. 145, 1 6 Phila., y. Humphreys, yun., for the College, 1773 The same : 4th ed. revised, nice clean copy. 12 Boston, 1790 The same: 6th ed. corrected, unused, hf. sheep. 12 Exeter, y. Lamson, 1794. 3 vols. 7258 ADAM (Alex.) Rudiments of Latin and English Grammar, ist Amer. edition, good copy. Boston, 1799 ALEXANDER (Caleb) Grammatical Institute, nearly unused. Worcester, 1794 The same, worn. Ibid. ALEXANDER (C.) New Introd. to the Latin Lan guage, clean, unused. Worcester, 1795 CLARKE S (J.) Introd. to the Making of Latin. 24th ed. Leominster, 1803. 5 vols. 12 7259 GREENWOOD (James) The Philadelphia Vocabulary, English and Latin, 26 curious wood-cuts, sheep, good copy, very scarce. 12 Phila., Carey &> Co., 1787 7260 (Lily s Accidence and Grammar.) A Short Introduction to Grammar, etc., pp. (10), 62. Brevissima Institutio: seu, Ratio Grammatices cognoscendae, etc., pp. 63-194. Nominum & Verborum Interpretatio, etc., 20 pp. n. n. Two title-pages, in wood-cut borders, and full-page wood-cut at the end. sm. 8 London, Elizabeth Norton, 1724 RARE. Yellowed by age and use, but in good condition for so early an edition of this famous school-book. 7261 -- A Short Introduction, etc. Brevissima Institutio Lily s Rules construed, etc. 3 parts in i vol., woodcut title-borders, and the full page cut. sm. 8 London, S. Buckley and T. Longman, 1750 The same: the three parts, fine clean copy. Ib., 1751-53 The same: 3 parts. Ib., 1759 The same: 3 parts. Ib., 1765, 1762 The same, except the third part, which has the title: " Propria quae maribus, Quae genus, As in praesenti, etc. construed." Ib., LATIN AND GREEK. 151 1765, 1763 The same: the first part, good copy. Ib., 1797 The same: the three parts, good copy. 12 "London: Printed for W. Lily, and John Ward," n. d. 7 vols., very scarce. All except the last mentioned were printed by S. Buckley & T. Longman, "cum privilegio." The last (sine anno) must have been surreptitiously printed probably between 1765 and 1790. It has Ward s Preface, and corresponds, page by page, with the authorized edition of 1765 and 1763 : but in size it is large duodecimo. 7262 NIXON (Rev. Wm.) Prosody made Easy, pp. xvi, 36, bds. (2 copies.) 8 Phila., Wm. Spotswood, 1786 Dedicated to Dr. Franklin, "in remembrance of his Liberality in a Foreign Land," to the author, who was formerly Principal of the Dublin Academy. 7263 RIGG (Edw.) The New American Latin Grammar . . formed from the most approved Writings in this kind, by the late Presi dents Burr, Finley, and others : and now carefully revised and reformed, etc., pp. 123, sheep. N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1788 Ross (Rev. Robert) The American Latin Grammar . . formed from the most approved Writings, etc. : originally compiled by the Rev. Mr. Ross : revised .". in former editions by . . Presidents Burr, Finley and others; etc., pp. no. Neivburyport, J. My call, n. d. [1780] The American Grammar . . By Robert Ross, A.M. 7th edition, revised and enlarged : with a Vocabulary, . . a new Preface, etc., pp. 199, sheep, nice copy >. Hartford, N. Patten, 1782 [ ] The American Latin Grammar . . 8th edition, sheep. Springfield, Edw. Gray, 1793 [ ] The same : [from the edition of 1780 ; with a recommenda tion by President Maxcy and Prof. Fobes, 1794,] a name cut from head of title, poor copy. Providence, 1794 (5 vols.) 16 and 12 7264 Ross (R.) The American Latin Grammar, unused copy. New- buryport [1780] The same ; 8th ed., sheep, nice. Springfield, 1793 The American Grammar : 7th ed. enlarged, sheep. Hartford, 1782. Rudiments of Latin Syntax and Prosody, //. 51, sheep. 8 Salem, S. Hall, 1783. (4 vols.) v. s. 7265 Cicero (M. T.) Orationes selects . . with Notes. First Am. edition, sheep. 12 Exeter, N. H., 1802 Ciceronis Dialogi de Oratore : with Life and English notes by Prof. John Smith, of Dartmouth College, sheep. 8 Walpole, N. H., Thomas 6- Thomas, 1800. (2 vols.) 7266 Corderius. Colloquies; with English translation by J. Clarke. 2oth eel. Boston, 1770 The same : 23d ed. Phila., 1787 The same : from 26th London ed. Worcester, 1801 Erasmus. Select Colloquies ; Engl. transl. by J. Clarke : 1 8th cd. Hartford, N. Patten, 1793 (2 copies) The sarrie : First Worcester ed. Is. Thomas, 1801 Erasmi Colloquia, in usum Tironum : Editio prima Portsmuthi- ensis. Portsmouth, N. H., 1809 Eutropius. Historia Romance, . with Engl. transl. by J. Clarke. First American edition. Boston, P. Edes, 1793 The same : 2d Am. ed. Worcester, 1802 (2 copies) - Fabulae JEsopi selectae : with Engl. transl. by H. Clarke. First Boston edition. S, Hall, 1787 The same : First Exeter edition. H. Ranlet, 1799. Historiae Sacrae Epitome, auct. LTiomond ; 152 SCHOOL BOOKS. ed. G. Ironside. NeivYork, 1814 The same : 4th N. Y. edition. 1828 Selecta e Profanis Scriptoribus: nova ed. Andover, 1819. (1-5 vols.) v. s. 7267 Greek Grammars, etc. Institutio Graecae Grammatices . . in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis, title in woodcut border, Londini, S. Buckley et T. Longman, 1784 (a nice clean copy of the Westminster Grammar) The same : London, 1779 Alexander (Caleb) Gramm. System of the Gr. Language. Worcester, 1796 [The Gloucester] Greek Grammar. First American, from 3d London edition. Boston, 1800 (2 copies) Wettenhal (Bishop E.) Graecae Grammaticas Institutio. Phila., 1776 The same. Phila., 1789 The same : gth ed. Phila., 1803. (8 vols.) v. s. HEBREW. 7268 MONIS (Judah) Dickdoot Leshon Gnebreet. A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue. . . Published more especially for the use of the Students of Harvard College, etc., pp. (4), 94, (2), hf. sheep, SCARCE. 4 Boston, Jonas Green, 1 735 With the book-label of Jona. G. Parsons, 1774, " the gift of his Honoured Grand-Father, the Rev. Mr. Jonathan Parsons, of Newburyport." Thomas (Hist, of Printing, i. 330) names this Grammar as the only book he had seen, printed by Jonas Green in Boston. 7269 MONIS (J.) A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue. Boston, 1735 (2 copies) An Hebrew Grammar, collected chiefly from those of Mr. Israel Lyons and the Rev. R. Gray, D.D. Boston, R. 6* S. Draper, 1763 The same: 3d Cambridge edition. Hilliard <5> Metcalf, for the University, 1812 SMITH (Prof. John) of Dartmouth College. Hebrew Grammar, without points. Boston, 1803 The same. Boston, 1810 STUART (Moses) Hebrew Grammar, without the points. Andover, 1813. (7 vols.) 4 and 8 FRENCH. 7270 PEYTON (V. J.) Les Ele mens de la langue Angloise, //. 157, sheep, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1794 An English Grammar in French: comprising a series of "Familiar Dialogues" on the English Language, printed in three columns, the first in English, the second marking the pronunciation of the English, in French, and the third in French. 7271 GAY (Anthelme) French Prosodial Grammar. NewYork, 1795 BLONDIN S Precis de la Langue Francoise ; transl. by C. Hyatt. Windsor, Vt., 1809 LHOMOND S Ele mens de la Gramm. Francaise: 2ime ed. New York, 1810- CHAMBAUD (L.) Fables choisies. Pliila., 1796 Fables d Esope, en Francois. Phila., 1823. (5 vols.) 12 HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, GAZETTEERS, ETC. 7272 BUTLER (F.) Sketches of Univ. History, engravings, pp. 428, sheep, gilt. Hartford, Cooke & Hale, 1818 D WIGHT (Nath l) System of Geography. 2 d Conn. ed. Hartford, Hudson &> Good win, n. d. [1796] 3d Conn. ed. Ib., n. d. ; 4th Conn. ed. Ib., 1800 ; ist New Jersey ed. Elizabethtoiun, 1801 ; 4th Northampton ed. 1807; another edition. Northampton, 1817. (7 vols.) 12 RHETORIC. LOGIC. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 153 7273 Geography Epitomized ; or, a Tour round the World : . . attempted in Verse. . By an American, //. 60, SCARCE. 12 Phila., J. Cruk- shank, 1784 LITCH (Samuel) An Astronomical and Geografical Catechism, //. 118. 24 Jaffrey, N. H., S. Wilder, 1814 Mr. Litch adopted many of Webster s reformed spellings : e. g. geografy, erth, oshun, hevenly, bredth, scool, etc. (2 vols.) 7274 MORSE (Jedediah) Elements of Geography : 2d ed. corrected. Boston, 1796; 3d ed. improved. Ib. 1798 (2 copies). 16 Geography made Easy. 12 New Haven, n. d. [1784] ; 3d ed. corrected. Boston, S. Hall, 1 791 (2 copies); 5th eel. [enlarged]. Ib., 1796 ; 7th eel. //;., 1800 ; 8th eel. Ib., 1802. Abridge ment of the American Gazetteer, map, pp. 388. 12 Boston, 1798. (10 vols.) v. s. 7275 ROWSON (Mrs. Susanna) Exercises in History, Chronology, and Biography. 18 Boston, 1822 SCOTT (Jos.) The U. S. Gazetteer, engr. title and 19 maps (drawn and engraved by J. Scot?), sheep, neat. 12 Philadelphia, 1795 SPAFFORD (H. G.) General Geography, plate of the Solar System, no maps. 12 Hudson, 1809 -WORKMAN (Benj.) Elements of Geography; 3d ed., 8 maps. 24 Phila., 1790. (4 vols.) v. s. 7276 STEWART (Rev. K. J.) Geography for Beginners, maps and engravings, doth. 12 Richmond, Va., 1864 One of the " Palmetto Series " of Confederate States school-books. RHETORIC. LOGIC. ETHICS. 7277 SMITH (John) The Mystery of Rhetorick unveiPd. . Eminently delightful and profitable for young Scholars, and others of all sorts, etc. 8 London, 1683. Has the autographs of John Hancock, 1688 (the Rev. John Hancock, of Braintree?), Nathaniel Stone, 1690, and Nathan Stone, 1783. 7278 Compendium Logicae secundum Principia D. Renati Cartesii, PP- (4) ^o, stained. Boston, 1735 The same. Boston, 1758 COOPER (Rev. Dr. Myles) President King s College. Ethices Com pendium. . Cui ace. Methodus Argumentandi Aristotelica, //. (4), 104, sheep, good copy. New York, J. Rivington, 1774, SCARCE Rhetoric and Poetry . . for the use of the University in Cambridge. Boston, 1796 STERLING (J.) A System of Rhetorick . . Added, The Art of Rhetorick. . by John Holmes, poor copy. N. Y., repr. H. Game, 1785. (5 vols.) 12 EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. 7279 [GREEN (FRANCIS)] "Vox oculis subjecta ;" a Dissertation on the most curious and important art of imparting Speech, and the knowledge of Language, to the naturally Deaf, and (consequently) Dumb, etc. By a Parent, //. xvi, 224, calf, nice copy, with autograph of the Rev. Dr. T. H. Gallaudet; SCARCE. 8 London, 1783 7280 The same, dean, uncut; (2 copies; one with the autograph of the author, " Francis Green, native of Boston, N. A.," and a manu script note by him, 1804.) 8 London, 1783 20 154 EDUCATION. EDUCATION. 7281 Mulcaster (Richard) Positions wherin those primitive Circvm- stances be examined, which are necessarie for the Training vp of children, either for skill in their booke, or health in their bodie. Written by Richard Mvlcaster, master of the schoole erected in London anno. 1561. etc., pp. (16), 303, old English calf, neat, a clean and fine copy. 4 London, Thomas Vautr oilier, 1581 RARE. "The author is supposed to be the Holofernes of Love s Labour Lost." LOWNDES. 7282 Brinsley (John) A Consolation for ovr Grammar Schooles : or, A faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good Learning in our Schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon, etc., pp. (16), 84, (2), hf. calf, good copy. sm. 4 London, Rich. Field, 1622 RARE. A former possessor has noted, on a guard-leaf, that "it is not in the large collection of the author s works in the Bodleian Library." Lowndes does not name it ; but he refers to " a list of the works of this noted grammarian, sometime a schooolmaster in Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, an. 1636, in the British Museum." See Wood s Athenac Oxon. by Bliss, i. 40. This work is entitled to a place among "Americana " the author having designed it " more specially for all those of the inferiour sort, and all ruder countries and places ; namely, for Ireland, Wales, Virginia, with the Sommer Hands, and for their more speedie attaining of our English tongue by the same labour, that all may speak one and the same - Language." 7283 Education in America. Tracts (1749-1859) Thoughts on Educa tion. . By the author of "Britain s Remembrancer," pp. 61, (2). Boston, 1749 RUSH (Dr. Benj.) Thoughts on Female Education. Boston, 1787 Essay on the Subject of Education. . Written by the desire of the So. Consociation of Litchfield Co. Litchfield, Conn., [1805] CORAM (Rob.) Political Inquiries: added, a Plan for the general establishment of Schools. Wilmington, Del., 1791 BARNES (D.) Discourse on Education, Derby Academy, Hingham, 1796. Boston, 1803 K[EAGY] (J. M.) M.D. Essay on English Education. Harrisburg, 1824 LATHROP (J.) jun. Address to Assoc. Instructers, Boston, 1813 [RICHARDSON (Jos.)] Letters to Congress on National Free Schools. [1829] Remarks on the art of Teaching and Learning. . By a Gentleman, residing at Washington. Boston, 1822 MATHER (COTTON) Corderius Americanus. Discourse . . at the funeral of Ezekiel Cheever. . Added, [two Greek] Poems of Cheevers Manuscript. (Edited by Ezekiel Cheever, of Goshen.) Boston, 1828 BEECHER (Catha rine E.) Essay on Education of Female Teachers. N. Y., 1835 ADAMS (John Q.) Discourse on Education, Braintree, 1839 ELIOT (Samuel A.) Lecture on a Complete System of Education. Boston, 1853 Reports on Course of Instruction in Yale College. N. H., 1828 GRIMKE (T. S.) Oration on American Education. Cine., 1835 : ctnd others. 27 in one vol., hf. blue morocco. 8 7284 Tracts (27) Essay on the Subject of Education. Litchfield, Conn., 1805 Lovell (James) Sketches of Man " as he is," connected with past and present modes of Education. Boston, 1808, scarce GODWIN (Wm.) Letters to a Young American., on a Course of Studies. London, 1818 PAGE (D. P.) Mutual Duties of Parents and Teachers. Boston, 1838 The [Massa chusetts] Common School Controversy ; Letters of the Secretary NOAH WEBSTER S WORKS. 155 [Horace Mann] in reply to Edw. A. Newton, etc. Boston, 1844 BACON (Leonard) Christianity and Learning : Discourse in Troy, N. Y., 1847 : and others, many uncut. 8 FEMALE EDUCATION. DUTIES, RIGHTS, AND WRONGS OF WOMAN. 7285 The American Spectator, or Matrimonial Preceptor. . Adapted to the state of Society in the American Republic, pp. 286. 12 Boston, 1797 7286 BRANAGAN (Thos.) The Excellency of Female Character vindi cated ; an Investigation relative to the cause and effects of the Encroachments of Men on the Rights of Women, frontispiece, pp. xii, 308, sheep. 16 New York, S. Wood, 1807 7287 BURTON (J.) Lectures on Female Education : ist Amer. ed. N. Y., 1794 [FOSTER (Mrs. Hannah)] The Boarding School; or, Lessons of a Preceptress. . By a Lady of Massachusetts, author of The Coquette. Boston, 1798 (2 copies, one has one leaf slightly imperfect) scarce FRASER (D.) Teacher in New York. The Mental Flower-Garden, or . . Companion for the Fair-Sex. Danbury, 1800, scarce The Ladies Friend. Phila., 1781 The Lady s Precep tor ; or, a Letter . . upon Politeness. . By a Gentleman of Cambridge. 6th ed. Repr. N. Y., 1762 MORE (Hannah) Essays .. for Young Ladies. Phila., 1786 Rudiments of Taste. . Letters from a Mother to her Daughters. Chambersburg, Dover & Harper, 1797, a scarce imprint. (8 vols.) v. s. 7288 Strictures on Female Education. . By a Clergyman of the Church of England. Norwich, Conn., n. d. WOLLSTONECRAFT (Mary) A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. \\st American edition!] Boston, 1792, nice copy The same. Phila., for M. Carey, 1794 WRIGHT (Geo.) The Lady s Miscellany. Boston, 1797 The Ladies Friend ; a Treatise, etc. Phila., 1781 GALLAUDET (Thos. H.) Address on Female Education. Hartford, 1828. (6 vols.) v. s. 7289 School Books. Miscellaneous, some very scarce. (14 vols.) v. s. NOAH WEBSTER S LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS. 7290 The Prompter ; or a Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the best Sense in the World. 6 editions, as under, in i vol., new hf. blue mor. 12 Boston, 1792 Ibid. 1794 Ibid. 1799 Phila., 1796 Ib. 1802 Wilmington, 1804 New York, 1815. 7291 Dissertations on the English Language. . With an Essay on a Reformed Mode of Spelling, sheep, neat. 8 Boston, 1789 7292 A Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings, sheep. 8 Boston, 1790 With the author s autograph presentation to [Dr.] Mason F. Cogswell. 156 NOAH WEBSTER. 7293 WEBSTER (Noah) Letters to a Young Gentleman commencing his Education. . . Subjoined, a Brief History of the U. States, sheep, gilt back. 8 New Haven, 1823 7294 A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary, and Moral Subjects, fresh copy, sheep. 8 New York, 1843 7295 The Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel, explained and defended, //. 15. 8 Poughkeepsie, 1809 7296 A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, SCARCE. 12 New Haven, 1806 7297 The Holy Bible . . in the Common Version ; with amendments of the Language, by Noah Webster, LL.D. 8 New Haven, Durrie 6- Peck, 1833 "Webster s Revision;" SCARCE. A former possessor (F. B. P.) has written, on a guard-leaf: "Give me by Aunt N., Oct. 17, 1859. Sent to her for missionaries use evidently wrongly. They don t want the word of Webster, but the Word of God." 7298 The same: sheep, nice copy. 32 New Haven, 1841 7299 Tracts. Sketches of American Policy, //. 48, uncut. Hartford, Hudson 6** Goodwin, 1785 (containing, "the first distinct proposal made through the medium of the Press, for a new Constitution of the U. States.") Examination of the leading principles of the Fed. Constitution. Phila., 1787 Attention! or, New Thoughts on a serious Subject, [the Excise Laws.] Hartford, 1789 Ten Letters to Dr. Jos. Priestly. New Haven, 1800 The Revolution in France . . By an American. New York, 1794 Address before Agric. Society, in Northampton, 1818 Effects of Slavery, on Morals and Industry. Hartford, 1793 Address, at laying the corner stone . . in Amherst. Boston, 1820 Oration, at New Haven, July 4th, 1798 Oration before Washington Benev. Society, at Amherst, July 4, 1814 The Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel explained, etc. 3d ed. Portland, 1811 Observations on Language. New Haven, 1839 Supplement to . . Priestley s Lectures on History ; exhibiting a series of Amer. Historians, etc. New Haven, 1801 The Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel etc. Poughkeepsie, 1809 The same, ;/. /. /. \_New York, 1809] Observations on [the preceding.] n. t. p. Brief View of Errors and obscurities in the common version of the Scriptures, n. t. p. Letter to the governors . . of the Universities . . on the Errors of English Grammars. New York, 1798. 22 (v. s.) in i vol., the greater number uncut, hf. dk. blue mor. 8 7300 The American Magazine: containing a Miscellaneous Collection of Original and other Valuable Essays. Vol. I. (Dec. i787~Nov. 1788), pp. 882, plates, UNCUT, FINE condition, hf. green mor. (Roxburgh?). New York, S. London, 1787-88 VERY SCARCE. Edited by Noah Webster, who contributed largely to its pages. 7301 Tracts (4) Critical Review of Webster s Spelling-Book . . By Examinator. [Albany,] 1828 Brief View of Errors and Obscurities in the common Version of the Scriptures, etc. By Noah Webster, n. p., n. d. Critical Review of Dr. Webster s Orthography : . . by Lyman Cobb. N. K, 1831 The Orthographical Hobgoblin. Springfield, Mass., 1860. 8 SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. THE NEGRO HIS RIGHTS AND WRONGS; ABILITIES AND DISABILITIES; ETC. 7302 American Slavery as it is : Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses, pp. 224. 8 N. Y., Am. Anti-Slavery Soc., 1839 7303 Amistad Captives (History of); by John W. Barber, large folded engraving, map, and cuts, pp. 32, scarce. 8 New Haven, 1840 7304 BANNEKEB (Benjamin) Copy of a Letter from to [Thomas Jefferson] the Secretary of State, with his Answer, //. 15, full calf extra, g. e., VERY SCARCE. 4 Phila., D. Laurence, 1792 "One of the earliest works published by an American negro. Pages 13-15 contain an account of the author, taken from Banneker s Almanac " for which see No. 7398. " The services rendered to science, to liberty, and to the intellectual character of the negro by Banneker, are too great for us to allow his name to sleep and his genius and merits to remain hidden from the world." WM. W. BROWN. 7305 [BENEZET (Anthony)] A Short account of that Part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes; [and, on the Slave Trade.] Phila., 1762 - [BENEZET (A.)] Brief Considerations on Slavery, and the Expediency of its Abolition. Burlington, Is. Collins, 1773 SHARP (Granville) An Essay on Slavery. Ib., 1773 [RUSH (Benj.)] Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements, on the Slavery of the Negroes . . By a Pennsylvanian. 2d edition. Phila., y. Dunlap, 1773. 4 in i vol., hf. sheep. 8 Autograph presentation : " Moses Brown s Gift to Hez h Smith." 7306 [BENEZET (A.)] A Short Account of that Part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, etc. 2d ed., with large Additions,^. 80. 8 Phila., W. Dunlap, 1762 7307 [BENEZET (A.)] A Caution and Warning to Gr. Britain and her Colonies, in a representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes, etc., pp. 52. Phila., D. Hall and W. Sellers, 1767 The Dreadful Visitation .. of the Plague .. in London, 1665, etc. Germantown, CHR. SOWER, 1763 : and 4 others, in i vol. hf. bd. 12 With a general title: " Collection of Religious Tracts. . Phila., H. Miller" [1763-67]. 7308 [DUDLEY (Paul) Ch. justice of Massachusetts^ An Essay on the | Merchandize | of Slaves & Souls of Men, Revel, xvni. 13. | With an Application thereof to the Church of Rome. To which is added, | An Exercitation on Numb. xxxn. 10, n, 12. | With | An occasional Meditation on i. Sam. xxm. n, 12. | By a Gentleman, | 158 SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. . .pp. (4), iv, 63, a small piece restored at the foot of the title-leaf, some pages water-stained, hf. vellum, UNCUT, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1731 " Tho Judg Dudley would not put his name ; yet he was pleas d to advise with me in correcting it, both before it went to y e Press, & in y e time of y e Impression." T. PRINCE. This Essay has nothing to say of African slavery, or the slave-trade ; but was aimed at " the church of Rome." 7309 TORREY (Jesse) Jun. A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery . . and a project of a Colonial Asylum for free persons of Colour, etc., engraved " View of the Capitol of the U. S. after the conflagration in 1814," and 5 other full-page engravings, pp. 94, bds. uncut, SCARCE. 8 Phila., for the Author, 1817 7310 A Forensic Dispute on the Legality of enslaving the Africans, held at the public Commencement in Cambridge, July 2ist, 1773. By [Theodore Parsons and Eliphalet Pearson] two Candidates for the Bachelor s Degree, //. 48, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Boston, y. Boyle, for T. Leverett, 1773 7311 GREGOIRE (H.) Enquiry concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes. . . With an account of the Life and Works of Fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes, etc. Transl. by D. B. Warden,//. 256, bds. uncut. 8 Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1810 This work includes a brief notice of Benjamin Banneker (p. 187) and an account of the life and works of Phillis Wheatley (pp. 234-241). 7312 LIVERMORE (George) An Historical Research respecting the opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. 5th edition,//, xx, 184, LARGE PAPER, cloth, extra, top gilt, uncut. 4 Boston, John Wilson 6 Son, 1863 One of 50 copies printed on Large Paper : with Mr. Livermore s autograph presentation. 7313 The Mirror of Misery; or, Tyranny Exposed. Extracted from Authentic Documents and exemplified by Engravings, //. 48. 12 N. Y., S. Wood, 1811 RUSH (Dr. Benj.) Address .. upon Slave-Keeping. 2d edition . . Added, Observations on " Slavery not forbidden by Scripture." By a Pennsylvanian, //. 54. 8 Phila., 1773 DWIGHT (Theo.) Oration before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, Hartford, 1794. 3 Pamphlets, uncut. v. s. 7314 WESLEY (John) Thoughts upon Slavery. London: repr. Phila., with notes [by Anthony Benezetf\, J. Crukshank, 1774 The Mighty Destroyer displayed . . The Havock made by the . . Abuse of Distilled Spirituous Liquors. Ibid., 1774. 2 in i vol., with a general title: "The Potent Enemies of America laid open," etc., hf. bd. 12 This volume has, on a guard-leaf, fine autographs of ROGER SHERMAN (the Signer) and of JONATHAN EDWARDS, to whom it was " Presented by the Hon ble Mr. Sherman," 1774- 7315 WESLEY (John) Thoughts upon Slavery. Phila. repr., 1774 WOOLMAN (John) Considerations on Keeping Negroes. Part Second. 8 Phila., B. Franklin 6- D. Hall, 1762 2 Pamphlets. 7316 Tracts on Slavery (1760-1776) Observations on the Inslaving, importing, and purchasing of Negroes. . . 2d edition. Germantown, Chris. Sower, 1760 \Rush (Dr. B.)] Address . . upon Slave- SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. 159 Keeping. Boston, repr. 1773 A Dialogue concerning- the Slavery of the Africans, etc. [by Rev. Dr. S. HOPKINS], First edition, pp. 63, margins injured, RARE. Norwich, J. P. Spooner, 1776. 3 / i vol., hf. vellum, neat. 8 7317 Tracts on Slavery (1785-95) Tyrannical Libertymen. A Discourse upon Negro Slavery in the U. S. Composed at , in New Hampshire; on the late Federal Thanksgiving-Day,//. 16. Hanover, The Eagle Office, 1795, RARE WEBSTER (Noah) Effects of Slavery. Hartford, 1793 An Essay on the African Slave Trade. Phila., 1790 SWIFT (Zeph.) Oration on Domestic Slavery. Hartf., 1791 Memorials to Congress, by Societies for promoting Abolition of Slavery, etc. Phila., 1792 Proceedings of Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Societies, at Philadelphia, Jan. 1795 EDWARDS (Jona.) Sermon on the Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade. New Haven, 1791 DANA (Jas.) Discourse on the Slave Trade. Ibid., 1791 CLARKSON (T.) Essay on the Impolicy of the S. T. . . Added, Oration by J. P. Brissot de Warville, on the establishment at Paris of a Society to promote Abolition. Phila., 1787. 9 in i vol., half vellum, gilt. 8 7318 Tracts (1740-1840) Letter to the Negroes lately Converted to Christ in America. London, 1743 Observations on the Inslaving of Negroes; with some Advice thereon. 2d ed. Germantown, C. Sower, 1760 HAMMON (Jupiter) a Slave. Address to the Negroes in the State of New York. New York, 1787 Address to People of Gr. Britain on abstaining from W. I. Sugar and Rum. 12 London, 1792 WILLIAMS (Peter) Jr. "a descendant of Africa." Oration on Abolition of Slave Trade. New York, 1808 MAURY (Tabbe) Opinion sur ....! admisibilite des Hommes de Couleur aux droits de citoyen actif. Paris, 1791 A Friend of the South in answer to Remarks on Dr. Channing s Slavery. Boston, 1836 WALKER (D.) Appeal; with a preamble to the Colored Citizens of the World. Boston, 1829 Correspondence relative to Emigration to Hayti. N. Y., 1824 KENRICK (John) Horrors of Slavery. 12 Cambridge, 1817 PARRISH (John) Remarks on Slavery. Phila., 1806 BERRY (H.) Slavery and Abolitionism, as viewed by a Georgia Slave. Atlanta, 1861 CAREY (M.) Letters on the Colonization Society ; 7th edition. Phila., 1833 CHANNING (W. E.) The Duty of the Free States. Boston, 1842 Memorial to Congress, on restraining Slavery in New States; from Inhabitants of Boston, 1819 First Ann. Report of Am. [Colonization] Society. Washington, 1818 PALFREY (J. G.) Papers on the Slave Power. Boston, n. d., scarce. 17 in i vol., new half mor. 8 7319 Tracts. Hargrave (Mr.) Argument in the Case of James Sommersett, a Negro. Boston, repr. 1774 CRAWFORD (C.) Observations upon Negro Slavery; new edition. Phila., 1790 WEBSTER (Mrs. Delia A.) History of her Trial at Lexington, Ky., for aiding Slaves to Escape. Vergennes, [ ?.] 1845 RUGGLES (D.) a man of Color. "The Extinguisher" Extinguished! or David M. Reese "used up." N. Y., 1834 TORREY (Jesse) Jr. Portraiture 160 SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. of Domestic Slavery in the U. S. 2d edition, portrait. Ballston Spa, 1818 STANTON (Henry B.) Remarks on Slavery, before Comm. of Ho. of Reps. Boston, 1837 Sketch of Origin and Progress of Am. Colonization Soc. Hartford, 1833 WALKER (D.) Appeal; and preamble to the Colored Citizens; 2d edition. \Boston\, 1830 CLARKSON (Thos. ) Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species. \First American edition .] Phila., repr. 1786 Act of Incorporation, &c. of New York Manumission Society. N. Y., 1810 BACON (E.) Journal [of a Visit] to Africa. Phila., 1822. 12 in i vol., new half mor. 8 7320 Tracts. HOPKINS (Rev. Samuel) Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Africans. 12 N. Y., Rob. Hodge, 1776 HAMMON (Jupiter), "a Negro Man belonging to Mr. John Lloyd, of L. /." An Evening s Improvement. . Added, a Dialogue [in verse], The Kind Master and Dutiful Servant. Hartford, n. d., RARE STILES (Ezra) and (HOPKINS) (S.) To the Public [on a proposed mission to Guinea,] n. t. p. \Newport, 1776] GREEN (Jacob) Fast-day Sermon at Hanover, N. J., 1778. Chatham, S. Kollock, 1779 HART (Levi) Liberty described and recommended : Sermon [at Freemen s Meeting], Farmington, Sept., 1774. Hartf., 1775 EDWARDS (Jona.) Sermon, on the Slave Trade, New Haven, 1791 The same : 2d edition. Boston, 1822 DANA (Jas.) D.D. Sermon on the Slave Trade, Sept. 9, 1790. New Haven, 1791 MORSE (Jed.) Disc, in Celebration of Abol. of the Slave Trade ; 2d ed. Boston, 1808 McL-EOD (Alex.) Negro Slavery Unjusti fiable. N. Y., 1802 LEARNED (Jos. D.) On the Policy of Per mitting Slaves in States West of Mississippi. Baltimore, 1826 Slave Representation; by Boreas, n. p., [New Haven f\ ist and 2d Ann. Reports of Amer. [Colonization] Society. Washing ton, 1818, 19 Exposition of Slave Trade, published by Soc. of Friends, //. 160. Phila., 1851 YEADON (R.) jr. The Amena bility of Northern Incendiaries to Southern Laws. Charleston, S. C., 1835 DOGGETT (S.) Two Discourses on Slavery, at Raynham, Mass. Boston, 1835. 18 / i vol., all but one uncut, new half mor. 8 7321 Tracts. The Abolitionist, [edited by Wm. Lloyd Garrison,] monthly, Vol. I, Jan.-Dec., 1833, VERY SCARCE Reasons offered to Legislature of Massachusetts against penal Laws respecting Abolitionists, etc. Boston, 1836 Address of . . Am. Colonization Society. Washington, 1832 Proceedings of Ann. Meeting of Mass. Coloniz. Society. Boston, 1833 MAY (S. J.) Discourse on Slavery, Brooklyn, Ct., July 3, 1831 MAY (S. J.) Letters on the unjust procedure relative to Miss Crandall s Colored School. Brooklyn, Ct., 1833 GRIMKE (A. E.) Appeal to the Christian Women of the South, n. t. p. GARRISON (W. L.) Thoughts on Colonization. Parts I. and II., //. 160, 76. Boston, 1832. 8 in i vol., manuscript paging, half russia, neat. 8 7322 Tracts. PARRISH (J.) Remarks on Slavery. Phila., 1806 Proceedings of 2d and 3d Conventions of the Abol. Societies. Phila., 1795, 1796 SWIFT (Zeph.) Oration on Domestic Slavery. Hartford, 1791 WEBSTER (N.) Effects of Slavery on Morals SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. l6l and Industry. Hartf., 1793 DWIGHT (Theo.) Oration before Conn. Soc. for Prom, of Freedom. Hartf., 1794 Memor. to Congress on Restraining Slavery in New States. Boston, 1819 RANDOLPH (Edmund) Vindication of (his) Resignation. Phila., 1795 Three Letters to Abr. Bishop; by Connecticutensis. Hartford, 1800 KENT (Jas.) Dissertations, introductory to a Course of Law Lectures. New York, 1795 Papers on the Official Conduct of Gov. Sargent. Boston, 1801 BARLOW (J.) Letter to National Convention of France. . . Added, The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem. New York, n. d. ; and others. 14 in i vol., hf. bound, neat. , 8 7323 Tracts. Memor. to Congress, on restraining Increase of Slavery in New States. Boston, 1819 Proceedings of 4th N. E. Anti- Slavery Convention. Boston, 1837 5th Ann. Report (and Pro ceedings) of Mass. A. S. Society, 1837 GROSVENOR (C. P.) Address before Salem A. S. Soc., 1834 Proceed, of Conv. of Ministers of Worcester Co., on Slavery. Worcester, 1838 GRIMKE (Sarah M.) Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States, n.t.p. 1836 Remarks on Dr. Channing s Slavery. Boston, 1835 Review of [the preceding] Remarks. Boston, 1836 Proceedings of A.-S. Convention of Women. Phila., 1838 Letter to W. E. Channing in reply to his letter to R. R. Madden. Boston, 1840 GRANGER (A.) [Anti-Abolitionist] Sermon, Meriden, Conn., 1837 SIMMONS (G. F.) Sermons on Kind Treatment and on the Eman cipation of Slaves. Boston, 1840 Reps, to Mass. Legisl. on the Annex, of Texas, and on Powers of Congress as to Slavery, 1838 CLAY (Henry) Speech on Abolition Petitions. Boston, 1839 > an ^ others. 18 in i vol., manuscript paging and list of contents, hf. sheep. 7324 Pamphlets. Letters to the Negroes lately Converted, in America. . By a Friend and Servant of theirs in England. London, 1743 The Sorrows of Yamba : [a Poem] illustrating the cruelty of the Slave-trade, etc., pp. 12. 12 Greenwich, John Howe, for Ezek. Terry of Palmer, 1805 Dr. Dana s Sermon on the Slave Trade, 1790 Horrors of Slavery. . By J. Kenrick. Cambridge, 1817 ; and others. 20 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 7325 Pamphlets. The Crisis, No. I. Thoughts occasioned by the Missouri Question. New Haven, 1820 A Caveat . . against the admission of Missouri, with Slavery. Ibid., 1820 View of . . the Slave-Trade : publ. by direction of the Society of Friends. Phila., 1824 Sermons on Slavery: by B. Green, Whitesboro , N.Y., 1836, D. Root, Haverhill, Mass.. Aug., 1836, A. B. Hard, Arlington, 1842, H. Bushnell, Hartford, 1839, Theo. Parker, Roxbury, Jan., 1841, U. C. Burnap , Lowell, 1843. 9 Pamphlets. 8 7326 Pamphlets. DENNY (John F.) Essay on the Political Grade of the Free Colored Population, under the Constitution. Chambers- burg, Pa., 1836 BAXTER (G. A.) D.D. Essay on the Abol. of Slavery. Richmond, Va., 1836 The Bible against Slavery, n. p., n. d. Reply to Review of Dr. Channing s Slavery. Bost., 1836 TYLER (E. R.) Slaveholding a Malum in se : 2d ed. Hartford, 1839 CAREY (J. L.) Slavery in Maryland considered. Bait., 1845 PALFREY (John G.) Papers on the Slave Power. Boston, 21 1 62 SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY. n. d. [1846] VERY SCARCE The same : 2d edition. Boston, [1846] Address of Committee (and Proceedings) of the Faneuil Hall Meeting, Sept. 24, 1846, for considering the recent case of Kidnap ping, etc. Bost., 1846 Corresp. between N. Appleton and J. G. Palfrey. . Supplement to Pamphlet on The Slave Power. Bost., 1846 PHILLIPS (Wendell) Review of L. Spooner s Essay on the Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Bost., 1847 STEARNS (Chas.) The Way to abolish Slavery. Bost., 1849 The Southern States, their present Peril, and their certain Remedy [Dissolution of the Union]. Charleston, S. C., 1850 QUINCY (Jos.) Address, on the Nature and Power of the Slave States,^. Boston, 1856; and others. 20 Pamphlets. 8 7327 Sermons. J. Burt, at Middletown, Conn., Oct., 1843 ; Noah Porter, Farmington, Feb., 1853 ; Review of Dr. Porter s Two Sermons. Hartford, 1853; Walter Clarke, Hartford, 1851; N. Porter, Farmington, 1856 ; H. J. Van Dyke, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1860 ; R. P. Stanton, Greeneville, Conn., 1860 ; Jos. Eldridge, Norfolk, Conn., Feb. 24, 1861 ; A. L. Stone, Boston, Apr. 21, 1861 ; J. Hawes, Hartford, Sept., 1861 ; Geo. A. Hubbell, Meriden, March 3, 1861 ; A. L. Stone, Praise for Victory, Boston, Feb. 23, 1862 ; E. L. Cleaveland, New Haven, Sept., 1864. 13 Pamphlets. 8 7328 TRIALS, etc. Trial of Reuben Crandall, M.D., for circulating Seditious and Incendiary Papers, in the Dist. of Columbia, . . exciting Servile Insurrection, pp. 48. Wash., 1836 Argument of Roger S. Baldwin, before the Supr. Court of the U. S., in the case of the Amistad Captives. N. Y., 1841 Argument of John Q. Adams [in the same case], pp. 135. N. Y., 1841 Case of Charles Brown, a fugitive Slave, . . decided by the Recorder of Pittsburgh. Pittsb., 1835 Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis Clarke, [a slave for] more than 25 years in Kentucky, portrait, preface by J. C. Lovejoy, pp. 108. Boston, 1845 Papers relating to the Garrison Mob : ed. by Theo. Lyman, 3^., pp. 73. Cambridge, 1870 Trial of the Amistad Captives, on a Habeas Corpus, before the U. S. Circuit Court, Hartford. N. Y., 1839 History of the Amistad Captives : by J. W. Barber, illustrated. New Haven, 1840, SCARCE J. T. Austin s Speech in Fanueil Hall, Dec. 8, [on the murder of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy.] Boston, 1837 Case of the Jeune Eug-enie [a Slaver], in U. S. Circ. Court, Boston, 1821 : by W. P. Mason, //. 108, uncut. Boston, 1822, SCARCE Arguments in the case of Prudence Crandall, vs. State of Connecticut, Brook lyn, 1834. Boston, 1834 Report of Committee on Judiciary, (Mass. Ho. of Reps.) on the Trial by Jury in Questions of Personal Freedom, n. t. p., 1837. I2 scarce Pamphlets, in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe.) 8 ALMANACS. STATE REGISTERS. NEW ENGLAND. 7329 The Boston Ephemeris. An Almanack for the (Dyonisian) Year of the Christian yEra, M.DC.LXXXIII, good copy. Boston, S. G\reen\for S. S\ewall~\, 1683 By COTTON MATHER. See (Part I.) No. 709. One of the earliest imprints of Samuel Green, Jun. - The Boston Ephemeris. An Almanack for . . MDCLXXXVI. By NATHANAEL MATHER. Boston, Samuel Green, 1686 2 VERY RARE Almanacs. 8 7330 Tulley (John) An Almanack for the Year of our Lord, M DC LXXXVII, imperfect, wanting first two leaves. \Boston, S. Green, f or Benj. Harris, 1687] Thejzrst and RAREST of the famous series of Almanacs made by John Tulley. See note on No. 718 (Part I.) Tulley (J.) An Almanack for the Year . . MDLXXXVIII. Boston, Samuel Green, 1688 - Tulley (J.) An Almanack for the Year of our Lord MDCXCII . . Calculated and fitted to the Meridian of Boston. . . By John Tulley, nice copy, but the last two leaves of "Astronomical Observations" mutilated. Cambridge, S. Green and B. Green, 1692 Samuel Green, Jnn., the Boston printer, died, July, 1690. This Almanac for 1692 was printed by his father and (younger) brother Bartholomew, at the Cambridge press. See (in Part I.) No. 718. Tulley, 1693. An Almanack, for the Year . . MDCXCIII. By John Tulley, good copy, but water-stained. 8 Boston, Benj. Harris, for S. Phillips, 1693 On the last page Phillips advertises, "now published," Mather s Wonders of the Invisible World." The copy of Tulley s Almanac for 1693, which was s ld in Part I. (No. 718) had a different imprint: " Benjamin Harris, for Samuel Buttolph." - Tulley, 1699. An Almanack ... for MDCXCIX. By John Tulley. Licensed by Authority. Boston, B. Green and John Allen, 1699 5 EXTREMELY RARE Almanacs, 1687-99. 8 7331 dough, 1706. Kalendarium Nov-Anglicanum, or an Almanack for . . 1706 . . By Samuel Clough. Boston, B. Green, f or B. Eliot and N. Boone, 1706 " Note, That my Almanacks are printed only for Mr. Benj. Eliot, and Mr. Nich. Boone, Booksellers, and although the other Booksellers may have of them to Sell, they have none but what they Buy of them, and so Perhaps they may undervalue mine, the better to get off their own." At the end, lists of Books sold by B. Eliot, and Nich. Boone, 6 pages. (See note under No. 721, Part I.) Whittemore, 1714. The Farmer s Almanac (corrected & amended,) for the year 1714. By N. W., head of Queen Anne on title, nice copy. America Printed: sold at the Bookseller s Shops at Boston, 1714 Interleaved, and containing many manuscript memoranda by the Rev. Stephen Williams (Harv. Coll. 1713), of Hatfield, next year ordained at Longmeadow. "Octob r 5. Saint Training, at Hatfield." 164 ALMANACS. Whittemore, 1719. An Almanack for the year . . 1719 . . By N. Whittemore. Imprimatur, Samuel Shute, much used, and stained, but complete. Boston, T. Fleet, for the Booksellers, 1719 Whittemore, 1717. An Almanack for the year. . 1717 . . [By] N. W., stained. America, Printed for the Author, 1717 Whittemore, 1721. An Almanack for the year.. 1721, lower half of title-leaf wanting. \Boston, 1721] On the last leaf, "Sundry very excellent Medicines" advertised, "to be had of N. Whittemore, in Lexingtown." Whittemore, 1727. A New Almanack for the year.. 1727.. By Nathaniel Whittemore. Printed for Nich. Boone, 1727 Interleaved: crowded with manuscript memoranda, by Rev. Stephen Williams, of Springfield, including a record of deaths, ordinations, etc. 6 Almanacs. 7332 AMES (N.) An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack for the year . . 1726 .. By Nathaniel Ames, Jun., Student in Physick and Astronomy,. [his First,] two first leaves only. Boston, B. Green, 1726 - The same, for 1728, 1729, 1732 to ^i^^inchisive, (1733, imperfect^) Boston. Also, various editions or issues of this standard Almanac, as follow: 1759, Boston, New Haven; 1764, New Haven; 1765, N. London; 1766, Hartford, Boston; 1767, New Haven, Hartford; 1769, N. London; 1770, Boston, N. London, Portsmouth, Hartford; 1771, Hartford; 1773, Bost., N. London; 1774, N. London. [BOWEN (N.)] An Almanack for.. 1730, and 1731 .. By a Native of New-England. Boston, B. Green. 66 Almanacs. In a preliminary address to "the Courteous Reader" (dated, Bridgewater, Oct. 12, 1725) Ames presents his "Almanack for the ensuing Year, it being [his] FIRST made Publick by the Press." The first two leaves of this Almanac are included in this series. An Almanac for 1727, wanting the title, and two of Bowen s (1730, 1731) have been added to make the series as nearly complete as possible. The name of Nathaniel Ames loses the "Junior," on the almanac for 1737, which contains lines written by "The Author on his Father s Death." The son died in 1764; from which year the Almanac was published in the name of his son, the third Nathaniel Ames. 7333 The same; for 1728, 1740-43* I747-7 1 * 774, *775 > f our imperfect; and 25 duplicates. Boston, 1728-75 57 Almanacs. 7334 Low (Nath l) "Professor of Astronomy, in Ipswich" An Astronomical Diary or an Almanack for the Year 1762 (Low s FIRST Almanack ; Boston. D. 6- y. Kneeland}, and for the years, 1764 to 1827 (the LAST issue), complete except 1767 and 1769 (no Almanac for 1766 was printed): With duplicates of 1775, 1780, and 1820, and copies of the Hartford edition of 1772 and 1773. 67 Almanacs. Boston, 1762-1827 Dr. Nathaniel Low was born in Ipswich Hamlet, now Hamilton, Dec. 23, 1740, and settled at South Berwick (Me.), where he practised medicine. His first Almanac was published in 1762. He died in 1808, and the publication of the Almanacs was continued by his son, of the same name, until 1827. " The Almanacs of Nathaniel Low may be considered one of the most important series ever published in New England, both on account of the period in which they were issued, and for the number of years they were printed. . Many of the political articles which appear in these Almanacs are original, and show Low to have been a man of talent, and a true friend to his country." M. A. STICKNEY S "Almanacs and their Authors. 1 1 ALMANACS. 165 7335 [Low (Nath l)] The same: for years 1765-1820, irregular, 21 duplicates. 72 Almanacs. 7336 The same: for 1775, 1777-1807, 1810-14, 1816, -20, -24, -26, and 4 duplicates ; a few imperfect. 49 Almanacs. 7337 Bickerstaff s Boston Almanack, for.. 1768, [the FIRST issued under this name,] 1769, 1772-75, Boston; 1776, " Bickerstaff s N. E. Almanack," Newburyport, (spurious)-, 1777, Boston, J. Boyle, (spurious)-, 1778, 79, Danvers, E. Russell; 1780, 83-89, 91-96, 98, Boston, E. Russell. The New- England Almanack, or Lady s and Gentleman s Diary, .. by Isaac Bickerstaff: for 1781-84, 90, 92, 98-1800, 1808-13, (and as The R. I. Almanack) 1815, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25- 27, 44, 51. Providence, John Carter ; and others. - An Astronomical Diary : or, an Almanack, . . by Isaac Bickerstaff, . . for 1785, Springfield, Brooks 6* Russel ; 1786, ibid. Stebbins &* Russel The same; for 1785 (Barlow 6* Babcock); 1786, 1790 (N. Patten), Hartford. Bickerstaff s Almanacks, under various titles and imprints, various years. (10) 63 Almanacs. The first of the (American) Bickerstaff s Almanacs was published by Mein & Fleeming, for 1768: the calculations, by Benjamin West, of Providence. His name appears on the title page of the genuine Bickerstaff for 1778 (Danvers, E. Russell,} as Student in Astronomy at Providence and Author of this Almanack for twelve years past, except those false editions printed by Mycall, of Ncivbury, for 76, and by Boyle, and Draper and Phillips, of Boston, for 77" (both of which are included in this collection). Mills & Hicks were the publishers for 1774 and 75 ; E. Russell, after 1777. The first Almanac calculated by West was " The New England Almanac . . By Isaac Bickerstaff " for 1 763, printed by Wm. Goddard, Providence. For a series of this Almanac, 1763-80, see (Part I.) No. 2392. The present collection includes the continuation of that series, i. e. 1781-1813, with some breaks. 7338 Bickerstaff s Boston Almanack, and New England Almanack, various years and editions, 1 7 68- 1826. 20, including duplicates. Boston, and Providence 7339 Bickerstaff s New-England Almanack: for 1776. Norwich, Conn., Robertsons d^ Trumbull, (2 copies} 1778 (2), 79, 80, 82-87, 9 2 5 continued as, The Town and Country Almanack ; by I. Bickerstaff, for 1796-98; and The Farmer s Almanack; by J. Weatherwise, for 1800 (impft}. 1 8 Almanacs, much used. Norwich, Conn, 1776-1800 The Almanac for 1776 has a " Plan of the Town of BOSTON," with references. 7340 Christian Almanac, for New England. Boston, 1821-40 The Family Christian Almanac, N. Y. Am. Tract Soc., 1841-1862, nice copies, illustrated after 1847. 42 in 3 vols., new half morocco. 12 The first number of The Christian Almanack (for 1821) was published, for the N. E. Tract Society, by Lincoln & Edmands, Boston. Three editions of No. VII. (1827) were printed; at Boston, New York, and Rochester. Vol. II. of the series began with the Almanac for 1829, and ended with No. 13, for 1840. The title was changed, in 1841, to "The Family Christian Almanac for the U. S.;" and, in 1850, to "T/ie Illustrated Family Christian Almanac." 7341 Clergyman s (The) Almanac, 1809-21 (Nos. 1-14), good copies, mostly uncut. 14 in i vol. (Almanac for 1822, laid in) new half mor. 12 Boston, 1809-22 No. I., for 1809, is entitled "Poor Clergyman s Almanack" (Lincoln & Edmands): afterwards, "The Clergyman s Almanack." l66 ALMANACS. 7342 The Clergyman s Almanac, 1810-15, in i vol. hf. bd. The same: 1811-20 (except 1814) and 4 duplicates The Christian Almanac, 1823-29, and 2 duplicates. 28 Almanacs. 12 7343 ALLEN S (Anson) Almanack, Suffield, L. Pratt, 1803, E. Gray, 1804 Allen s New England Almanac, Hartford, Lincoln 6* Gleason (and others), 1805-1837 (wanting 1818 and 1822), 1840, 47 35 numbers. 7344 The same: 1806-17, 1823-33, 36, ? 37> and 5 duplicates; some imperfect. 30 Almanacs. 12 Hartford 7345 American Anti-Slavery Almanac. New York, 1837-43 American Liberty Almanac. Hartford, W. H. Burleigh, 1846 Liberty Almanac. New York, 1847, 1849. 10 numbers. The first three numbers, 1837-39 (edited by N. Southard) are VERY SCARCE. 7346 Anti-Masonic Almanack (Nos. i, 2,) for 1828, 1829. Rochester, SCARCE Am. Anti-Slavery Almanac, for 1838, 1839. Boston and N. K [H. H.] Porter s Health Almanac, for 1832. Phila. Temperance Almanac, for 1833, 34, 36, 37. New Haven, and Albany (and 4 duplicates) 12 Almanacs. 7347 BECKWITH S Almanac, 1851, 1853, 1854, 1859, 1861, 1862. (6) New Haven 7348 BEER S (Andrew) Almanack and Ephemeris : for 1790-1825 (wanting 1793, 1812, 1818, 1821), Hartford for 18*15, J 7> *9> 20 > 25, 44, New Haven. The Farmer s Almanac, for 1800 . . by Andrew Beers, Philom. Danbury, Douglas &> Nichols, 1800. 18 Webster s Calendar: or, the Albany Almanack, for 1809 (impft) and 1814. Alb., Webster 6* Skinner Beers Almanac, for 1811. Poughkeepsie, P. Potter The Farmer s Calendar, for 1812, 13. Bennington, Vt. The Farmer s Almanac, for 1817; by A. Beers. Poughk., P. 6- S. Potter Beers Calendar, for 1813. Albany. (48) 7349 -- Beer s Almanack; for 1791-1825, irregular. 20 Almanacs (no duplicates]. Hartford, and New Haven 735 Connecticut Almanacs (various) Sherman (Roger) An Astro nomical Diary, for 1753. New London, T. Green [very rare; see (Part I.) No. 2340] Elliott (Clark) The Connecticut Almanack, for 1768 [his second year], and 1770. N.L., T. Green Freebetter s Conn. Almanack, for 1774, 77, 80, 85, and i dupl. N. L., T. Green. (9) New London. 7351 (Printed in Hartford) Watson s Register and Connecticut Almanack, for 1775, 76, 77, and 2 dupl. Eben. Watson The N. E. Almanack, for 1778: by F. B. Philom. N. Patten The Conn. Almanack, 1780. Hudson 6 Goodwin Astron. Diary, or Aim. for 1785: by Eben. W. Judd (of Waterbury : "author of Sidrophel s Almanack,") impft. Barlow 6* Babcock N. Strong s Almanack, for 1784, 89, 90, 92, and 1806 (2 copies); various publishers Sanford s Astron. Diary; for 1805. EL Babcock BickerstafFs Aim., for 1787-91, 93, 95. N. Patten, and others. ( 2 3) ALMANACS. l6/ 7352 Connecticut Almanacs (Printed in New Haven) Astron. Diary or Aim., for 1785 and 1786 (2): by Nathan Ben Salomon, X. Y. Z. etc. Meigs, Bowen 6- Dana }. Sanford s Almanac, 1805 (2). T. Green 6- Son E. Middlebrook s Agricultural and Econom. Almanack, 1817, 18. Hez. Howe AgricuL & Econom. Aim., 1820, 1821 Conn. Aim. 1820, 1821. y. Babcock 6- Son. (n) 7353 DABOLL (Nathan) The Connecticut Almanack, for 1773 (his First), and 1775 : Daboll s N. E. Almanack, 1793-1860, inclusive, wanting 1846 and 1856 (not published ?) ; 1820, imperfect. 69 Almanacs. New London, T. Green (and his successors), 1773-1860 Daboll published no Almanac for 1774. 7354 -- Daboll s Almanac: for 1773, 1775, 93, 96, 97, 99, 1800 and others, to 1824 (irregular). 18 Almanacs. 7355 FESSENDEN (T. G.) The New England Farmer s Almanac. Boston, 1828 (the First) to 1834 (No. vn.) inclusive; and Hartford, 1836. 8 numbers. 7356 FREEBETTER S New-England Almanack, for 1773 (the Second), 74, 76-^5, 87-89, 91 ; with a "Second Edition" of 1774, and a different " Freebetter s Almanack" (Hartford, N. Patten} 1777, containing "A View of the present Seat of War, at and near New York. 1 8 Almanacs. New London, T. Green, 1773-91 7357 - - Tlie same: for 1774, 1776-78, 80, 82-85, 8 7~ 8 9, <**<* one duplicate. 14 Almanacs. 7358 LEAVITT S (Dudley) New England Farmer s and Scholar s Almanac, 1812, 17, 20, 25, 27, 31, 32, 34-41, 43-46, 48, 50. 2 1 Almanacs. Exeter, and Concord, N. H. "The First Number of this Almanack was published in 1797, and the Author has prepared one every year since. One or two years it was not published, although it was put into the hands of the printer". Note, on title-page of Almanac for 1834. 7359 MIDDLEBROOK S (Elijah) Almanack, for 1809 (his First}, 1810, 1812-15 ; Agric. and Economical Almanack. (Nos. I. V.) 1816-20; Middlebrook s Almanack, 1819 {Bridgeport} 1823-26. 28-31, 33-37, 39, 4, 41, 43, 45, and duplicates. 33 Almanacs. New Haven ; Middletown ; and Bridgeport. 7360 The same: 1810, 15, 16, 17 (2), 19 (2), 25, 26, 31. PRINDLE S Almanac, for 1831, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42; and duplicates. 20 Almanacs. New Haven, 1810-42 7361 PRINDLE S (Charles) Almanac, 1827, 29, 31, 34-37, 39-42, 44, 46-51, 1860, and 2 duplicates. 20 numbers. 12 New Haven. Charles Prindle s Almanac was the successor to that of Andrew Beers. Published by A. H. Maltby, to 1850. 7362 SHERMAN (ROGER) An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack, for . . 1753. . Calculated for the meridian of New London. N. L., T. Green The same: for 1760, and 1761. Calculated for the Meridian of Boston. Boston, for D. Henchman (and others}. 3 Almanacs, VERY SCARCE. On the title-page of each of these Almanacs, are verses (of ten lines) which we may probably attribute to the compiler and editor the illustrious Signer of 1 776. The following is from the Almanac for 1761 : l68 ALMANACS. " How shall my Muse in proper Lines express Our Northern Armies Valour and Success ? While I am writing, comes the joyful News Which cheers my Heart; anew inspires my Muse. Our three brave Armies at Montreal meet, A Conquest of New-France they there compleat. To GOD we owe the Triumphs of the Day ; NEW-FRANCE submits to GEORGE S gentle Sway! May LEWIS, that proud Tyrant, never more Bear any Rule upon the Northern Shoar ! " 7363 SHERMAN (Roger) Almanacs for 1760, 1761. (2) Boston. 7364 Rhode Island Almanacs, various : The R. I. Almanack for 1772 ; (Anderson improved) 1774, 1775. Providence, Sol. Southwick N. E. Almanack, for 1774, 75, 78 {poor); by Benj. West. Ibid., jF. Carter An Almanack, for 1788; by Elisha Thornton, of Smithfield. Newport, P. Edes Phillips s U. S. Diary, for 1794. Warren, N. Phillips. 9 Almanacks. 7365 STAFFORD (Hosea) Stafford s Almanac, for 1778, 80, 83-85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95-1800, 1803, 04; and n duplicates (1778-1804). New Haven, T. &* S. Green STAFFORD (John N.) Jun. An Almanack for 1799. Litchfield, T. Collier. 29 Almanacs. H. Stafford s first Almanac was for the year 1776. 7366 STEARNS (Samuel) The N. A. Almanack, for 1770 (his first ; fine copy}, 1772 (wants title}, 73, 74, 76 (2 copies}. Boston Univ. Kalendar, comprehending the Landsman s and Seaman s Aim. for 1783, map Univ. Calendar and N. A. Aim. for 1788, imperfect. Bennington, Vt. The same, for 1792 ("by the Hon ble Samuel Stearns, Esq. LL.D.") Boston, B. Edes 6- Son. 9 Almanacs. 7367 STRONG (Nehem.) Professor of Mathematics in Yale College. Watson s Register, and Conn. Almanack, for 1775, 76, 77. (Hartford, E. Watson); The Conn. Almanack, 1778 (Hannah Watso?i}, 1779 ( Watson &* Goodwill}, 1780, 81, and 83-86 {Hudson <$> G.}; Astron. Diary and Almanac, 1787-94, 96-1800 (E. Babcock, and N. Patten}; Conn. Pocket Aim. for 1801, 1802 (J. Babcock}; Astron. Diary, etc. 1803, 06, 07, 08, 09 (E. Babcock): and 15 duplicates. 47 Almanacs. Hartford, 1775-1809 The calculations for all these Almanacs were made by Professor Strong, though his name did not appear on the title-page before 1783. 7368 [Strong s Almanack,] for 1781, Worcester, A. Haswell ; 1787, Springfield, Stebbins 6 Russell; 1794, 96, 97, 98, Springfield, E. Gray ; 1806, New Haven; and 2 dupl. 9 Almanacs. 7369 THOMAS S (Isaiah) Almanac. The Mass. Calendar, or an Aim. for 1772 (wants a leaf), and 1775 : by Philomathes. Boston. N. A. Almanack, for 1776 : by Samuel Stearns. Ib., Is. Thomas Thomas s Mass., N. H., and Conn. Aim. for 1779-81, and Mass., Conn., R. I., N. H., and Verm. Aim., 1782-1803. Worcester, Is. Thomas Is. Thomas, Junr s Aim. for 1804-10. Worcester. Is. Thomas, Junr s Town & Country Aim. for 1811-18. Ibid. The same, 1817-19. Ib., Wm. Manning The same: 1820, 1821. Ib., Geo. A. Trumbull. 46 Almanacs. 1772-1821 A series of wonderful completeness the difficulties of collection considered of the Almanacs published by Isaiah Thomas and his son and successor from 1772 to 1821, inclusive. ALMANACS. 169 7370 Thomas s (Isaiah) Almanacs: 1775 (2ded.), 79-82, 85, 86, 88, 1791-1814, 18-20-; and 1 6 dupl. 51 Almanacs. Boston, 1775; Worcester, 1779-1820 7371 THOMAS (Robert B.) The Farmer s Almanack, calculated on a new and improved plan, for the year of our Lord, 1793 (No. i) ; and for the years following, 1794 to 1873 (No. 81), inclusive. 8 1 Almanacs. Boston, 1 793-1873 A COMPLETE SET of Thomas s " Old" Farmer s Almanac, from its first issue, to 1873 generally in FINE CONDITION. Published, 1793, 94, by Belknap and Hall ; 1795, 9 6 > J- Belknap ; 1797-1812, J. West; 1813-18, West & Richardson; 1819, 20, West, Richardson & Lord; 1820-29, Richardson &Lord; 1830-32, Richardson, Lord & H ol brook ; i833- ? 36, Carter, Hendee & Co.; i837, 38,C.J. Hendee; 1839, G. W Palmer & Co.; 1840-47, Jenks & Palmer; 1848-51, Jenks, Palmer & Co.; 1852-55, Jenks, Hickling & Swan; 1856, 57, Hickling, Swan & Brown; 1858-60, H., Swan & Brewer; 1861-63, Swan, Brewer & Tileston ; 1864-70, B. & Tileston; 1871/72, D. C. Colesworthy; 1873, Brewer & Tileston. "However numerous the Almanacs to be seen on the mantel-pieces in the homes of New England whether religious, political, statistical, medical, or comic, the old Farmer s Almanac is almost universally one among them, generally occupying a conspicuous place. . . From the time of the first publication of this Almanac, its popularity has steadily increased to the present time. It commenced in 1793, w i tn 3> copies ; at the 4oth year of its publication it had increased to 110,000, at which time the author informed the writer that the supply in no one year had been equal to the demand, and probably a half million of copies have of late been annually sold." M., in Boston Daily Transcript, Nov., 1865. 7372 Thomas (R. B.) Farmer s Almanack : another set, 1793-1864, complete, except 1794. (71) 7373 The same: another set, 1793, 94, 96 (slightly impft.), 97- 1862, 65, 67, 69-71. (74) 7374 The same : 1794, 97-1806, 08, n, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28-32, 35-61, 71, three slightly imperfect. (55) 7375 - - The same: 1794, 98, 99, 1800, 03, 05, n, 15, 16, 18, 25, 37-61 (wanting^, 41, and ^s). (27) 7376 The same: 1794 (2), 98 (impft^}, 1800, 1801 (2 impft), 04, 05, 15, 16. 25, 37, 39, 44-46, 49-61, and 12 duplicates. (41) 7377 The Waterbury Almanac; for 1853 to 1864 incl. (No. i to No. 12). 12 Numbers. , Waterbury, Conn. An important "local." Contains sketches of the early history and the progress of Waterbury and of all the towns of the Naugatuck valley, etc. 7378 WEATHERWISE S Town and Country Almanack; for 1781-87; Weatherwise s Federal Almanack, 1788; Weatherwise s Aim., 1789; Town & Country Aim., 1790, 91; Mass., N. H., R. I. and Conn. Almanack, 1794; Aim. for 1796, 97. Boston, 1781-97 Father Abraham s N. E. Aim. for 1782, Hartford, B. Webster; Town and Country Aim. for 1790, Cambridge. Weatherwise s Aim. for 1799, Salem, N. 6* J. Coverly. 19 Almanacs. The Almanac for 1781 contains "a likeness of General WASHINGTON": the one for 1782 has "a very humourous (full-page) Picture, entitled, The English Farmer brought home drunk, with his welcome from his Wife," etc.: the one for 1788 (Boston, John Norman,} has a Plan of the "Ruins of a City discovered on Muskingum river," near Fort Harmar, "in the OHIO Country." 7379 The Whig- Almanac, and Politician s Register, for 1838, 1841, 1843, I &45"5 2 > *854, 1855 The Tribune Almanac, 1856-61, 1864, and 7 duplicates. 27 Almanacs. 12 New York 22 I/O STATE REGISTERS. STATE REGISTERS. 7380 [The Massachusetts Register,] 1768, 1775, 1783-86, 1790-1847 complete. 65 vols. 16 Boston, 1768-1847 Many interleaved, containing ms. memoranda. The series begins with Mein &> Pleeming s Register for New-England, etc., 1768; Mills and Hicks s Brit, and Amer. Register, for 1775; Pocket Almanack [and Mass. Register], 1783-86, T. &> J. Fleet; Fleets Pocket Almanack. .Annexed, The Mass. Register, 1788, and 1790-1800, T. 6~- J. Fleet, and J. & T. Fleet: Mass. Register, 1801-1812, John West, and Manning & Loring: The Gentleman s Pocket Register and FREE-MASON S ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY, 1813, C. Williams: Mass. Register, 1814, 15, J. West & Co. and Manning & Loring: 1816-18, J. Loring, and West 6 Richardson : 1819-46, various publishers : 1847, Loring s Mass. Register, J. Loring. 7381 -- The same: 1784, 85, 92, 93, 95, 97 (2 copies], 98, 99, 1802, 04, 06, 07 (2 copies), 12, 17 (2), 19, 21, 39. 20 vols. Boston 7382 Green s Connecticut Register: for 1785, 1786, 1789-1848 incl. (continued by) Bradley s Conn. Register, 1847, 1848, and the Conn. Register, 1849-53, and 1856-59. 73 vols. (the last n in cloth). 1 6 New London, and Hartford. 7383 -- The same: (Green s), 1785, 86, 89-1848; (Bradley s) 1847, 48; (Conn. Register) 1851. 65 vols. (6 in cloth). 16 7384 - - The same: 1794, 96, 98, 1800, 01, 03, 04, 11-21, 23, 24-26, 31-39. 4i, J 43 44, 48-51; (Bradley s) 1847/48. 40 vols. 7385 - - The same: (Green s) 1813, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 26, 32, 34-39, 41, 44; (Bradley s) 48; (Conn.) 49, 50, 51. 20 vols. 7386 - - The same : 1823, 24, 26/34, 35, 36 (3 copies), 41, 48, 52 (2 copies). 12 vols. 7387 Norton and Russell s State Register, 1827/28, 29 : Huntington s State Register, 1831 (3 copies). 6 vols. Hartford, 1827-31 7388 Vermont State Register: 1813-1858, complete Vermont Almanac, 1845 (Woodstock, Haskell 6 Palmer^) 47 vols. 1813-1818, Burlington, S, Milis ; 1819-1858, Walton s, Montpelier. (1823 wants two preliminary leaves.) NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. The First New York Almanac. 7389 [An Almanack for 1697. By John Clapp,] wants title and last leaf; had when complete, 26 leaves, in fours (A-E, f, g) ; a few lines torn from the top of the 2$th leaf; uncut. 8 \_NEIV YORK. WILLIAM BRADFORD, 1697] EXCESSIVELY RARE. The FIRST Almanac printed in New York. Its editor and publisher, John Clapp, kept a house of entertainment "about two mile without the City of New-York, at the place called the Bowry" which was " generally the bating place, where Gentlemen take leave of their Friends going so long a Journey" as from New York to Boston, in "a parting glass or two of generous Wine." Against the 24th of June, in the calendar, he gives notice that "in commemoration of the feast of St. John Baptist (& to keep up a happy union & lasting friendship, by the sweet harmony of good society) a feast is held by the Johns of this City, at John Clapp^s in the Bowry, where any Gentleman whose Christian name is John may find a hearty wellcome to joyn in consort with his Namesakes." In the " Epistle Dedicatory" to Governor Fletcher, Clapp says: " Being animated hereunto by some hints received from your Excellency, who wondering that no Person in this Province did undertake to write an Almanack every Year, but must be beholden to a stranger for one, This, I say (may it please your Excellency) put me upon the work, and to run the venture of those many Censures that attends the Press in matters of this or the like nature." NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA ALMANACS. 171 " To the Kind Reader," he repeats, that " having little else to do, and finding this whole Province beholding to a stranger for a New Almanack every year " he " did resolve to set himself upon the Work," etc. Opposite each page of the calendar, is a page of "Observations" on the month, in verse. Remarks on Eclipses, with "a short discourse of those two glorious Bodies, the Sun and Moon," occupy ten pages, followed by a Table of the Kings of England, and a rhymed chronology, in five pages. More interesting are "a Chronological Account of the Domestic Occurrences, from the first settlement of this Province," and tables of the "several Stages & Post-Roads from the City of New- York to Boston," and from New York to Philadelphia, with the houses of entertainment. A notice of this Almanac, with copies of the dedicatory epistle, provincial chronology, etc., was communicated to Valentine s Manual for 1853, by " E. B. C.," to whom a copy evidently the same copy here described had been loaned by an antiquarian friend. 7390 (Game s) New- York Pocket Almanack, for 1761 ; by Thomas Moore, Philo. ; 1764, 1767, 1768, 1772, 1775, 1788, 1792, 1793, 1796-99, and i dupl.; by Richard (and Thomas) Moore. New York, Hugh Gaine Ming s U. S. Register, 1809; by Abr. Shoemaker. N. Y.,Alex. Ming Sword s Pocket Almanack . . and Eccles. Register, for 1827, and 1829. N. Y., T. 6- J. Swords. 17 Almanacs. 32 Game s Universal Register, or Columbian Kalendar, for 1787, nice copy. 16 N. Y., H. Gaine. (18) Twelve of the Almanacs are in their original Dutch lackered paper or marbled covers. Twelve are interleaved, and contain local and personal memoranda, shipping news, &c. by New York merchants, and others. The Almanac for 1772, has some leaves injured by cutting, but contains, uninjured, the rare " PROSPECT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK." The Almanac for 1799 contains a few entries of marriages and births in the Brevoort, Goelet, and Hicks families. 7391 Hutchin s Improved: an Almanack for 1769, 1788, and 1795. By John Nathan Hutchins, Philom. N. Y., H. Gaine The N. Y., Mass., Conn., and Vermont Almanack, for 1789. .By Eben W. Judd, Philom. Albany, C. R. 6^ G. Webster Greenleaf s Almanack, for 1796. JV. Y., T. Greenleaf. 5 Almanacs, yellowed by use. 12 7392 Poor Richard Improved: Being an Almanack for. . 1749. .By Richard Saunders, Philom., good copy, wants last leaf The same ; for 1766, wants a leaf. (2) 12 Philadelphia, B. FRANKLIN and D. If ALL. 7393 ~- A Pocket Almanack, for 1751, 52, 53, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66: by R. Saunders, Phil. (8) clean, in lackered and marbled covers, interleaved, with mss. memoranda. 8 Almanacs. 32 Phila., B. FRANKLIN and D. HALL, 1751-66 See (Part I.) No. 3206, and No. 3211. 7394 Poor Will s Pocket Almanack, for 1792. Phila., J. Crukshank. The same, for 1826, and 1832 (wants title}, ib., Kimber 6 Sharp- less Merchant s Pocket Remembrancer for 1836. ib., U. Hunt Friends Pocket Almanac, for 1846 : by Jos. Foulke. ib., T. E. Chapman The same, for 1857 S. S. Teacher s Pocket Almanac, for 1848. ib., A. S. S. Union Philadelphia Pocket Almanac, for 1857 and 1858. T. E. Chapman and 3 others. 12 Pocket Almanacs. 32 and 48 7395 Philadelphia Almanacs. Poulson s Town and Country Almanac, for 1792, 93, 94 Father Abraham s Aim. for 1803, 05, 06. P. Stewart Dickson s Balloon Aim. for 1805 (Lancaster, W. Dickson) M. Carey s Franklin Aim., for 1806, 09, J io, n, 14 - Bailey s Rittenhouse Aim., for 1812, 1815. Lydia R. Bailey Johnson s Penn. and N. J. Aim., for 1807. B. Johnson: The 1^2 ALMANACS. same, 1808, calendar pages impft. Robinson Crusoe s Aim., for 1813. W. McCulloch Johnson and Warner s Aim., 1813 Bioren s Town and Country Aim., 1816, 18, 19, 24 Pounder s Wesleyan Aim., 1819 Poor Robin s Almanack, 1826 and 1832 (both interleaved}. 25 Almanacs. Phila., 1792-1832 7396 German Almanacs. A series of Almanacs in the German language, or arranged after the system of the German Calendars, for 1803 and 1805-1854, complete : printed in Philadelphia, Ger- mantown, and Lancaster, Pa., Baltimore and Hagerstown, Md. 51 (a few imperfect], many illustrated with curious cuts ; in 3 vols., hf. russia, neat. sm. 4 Comprising, the Neue Hoch-Deutsche Americ. Calender, 1803, 1806. Bait., S. Saur d. H. D. Americ. Calender, 1805, 07, 09, 10. Germantown, M. Billmeyer; 1819, Phila., G. & D. Billmeyer Neue gemein. Landwirthschafts Cal., 1808, 1811-16. Lancaster, G. 6= P. (and A.) Albrecht ; 1822, ib. Wm. Albrecht &. Volksfreund u. Hagerstauner Cal., 1817. Hagerstown, Gruber 6~> May ; Amer. Farmers Aim., 1823, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, ibid., Gruber and May ; 1833, ib., J. Gruber ; Hagerstown Town and Country Aim., 1836, 37, 50, ibid., J. Gmber Schaffer u. Maund s Cal., 1818, 1820. Bait. Citizens and Farmers Yearly Messenger, 1825, and C. and F. Almanac, 1843, 44, 46. Bait., J. T.Hanzsche; and many others. 7397 Almanacs, arranged after the system of the German Calen dars, (two, in the German language,) as under. 4 The Franklin Aim., by John Ward, 1837. Phila. Agricultural, 1840. Lancaster, J.Bear Uncle Sam s Large, 1844, 1847. Phila. Turner s Improved Housekeeper s, 18.45. N - Y - and Phila. The People s, 1850. Phila., R. W. Desilver ~Der Bote am Erie-see, 1852. Bti/alo, N. Y. d. Alte Germantown Calender, 1854. Phila., Ch. G. Sauer. 7398 Almanacs, 1726-1827. [Almanack for 1726, impft. Philadelphia, Samuel Keimer\ The Gentleman and Citizen s Almanack, for 1737 (by John Watson, bookseller), //. 84. Dublin, S. Powell, for y. Watson The American Almanack, for. . 1744. . By TITAN LEEDS, Philomat. Philadelphia, I. Warner, and C\prnelid\ Bradford The Virginia Almanac, for 1758. By Theoph. Wreg, Philom. Williamsburg, Wm. Hunter, (interleaved; manuscript memoranda) The Virginia Almanac, for 1796; . by Rob. Andrews. Richmond, S. Peasants The Good Old Virg. Almananck, for 1806. ib., T. Nicolson The Virginia and No. Carolina Almanac, for 1818 ; by John Sharp. Petersburg The Franklin Almanac, for 18^27. Rich mond, Va. 8 in i vol., hf. mor. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Almanack, 1783 [calcul. by A. Ellicott]. Baltimore, Mary K. Goddard The same, 1784, 1789, 1790. Bait., Wm. Goddard Poor Will s, 1786. Phila., J. Crukshank The Balloon Almanac, 1791. Lancaster, J. Bailey Benjamin Banneker s, 1792. Bait., Wm. Goddard, RARE The same, 1795, woodcut portrait of Banneker. Wilmington, S. 6- y. Adams The same, 1796 Bait., Philip Edwards (and others) Town and Country, 1797. Baltimore, W. Pechin. 8 RARE Almanacs, all in FINE CONDITION, in i vol., hf. red mor., neat. (2 vols.) 12 7399 Massachusetts Almanacs, 1790-1810 : a continuous series, made up from various Massachusetts almanacs, of Ames, Low, " Bick- erstaff," I. Thomas, Stearns, D. George, " Weatherwise," Poor Richard s N. E., etc. ; also, Low s, 1812, 14; Is. Thomas, Jr., 1818, R. B. Thomas, 1820, all interleaved and containing a manuscript diary, kept by James Parker (J?r.) of Shirley, Mass. 45 Almanacs. ALMANACS. 1/3 7400 Massachusetts Almanacs (various) 1 743-1808, irregular, including many that are very scarce-. v. p. 1743 Mercurius Nov-Anglicanus . . by William Nadir, L. X. Q. [Dr. William Douglass.] Boston, Rogers & Fowle, RARE Ames s, i75> 5 6 > 6l ~ 6 5> 68 > 7, 71 Low s, 1772, 77, 87, 90, 94, 1803, 06, 09, u, 13, 14 Steam s, 1773, 76 (2 copies] The Essex Almanack; by Philo. Freeman, 1771, 72, 73 (2 copies} Salem, Samuel Hall Daniel George s Almanack, 1777-82, 84. Boston and Newburyport Russell s American Almanac, 1780, 8 1, 82, worn, two impft. Danvers, and Boston, E. Russell Walter Folg-er s Aim. for 1790 Amos Pope s Astronom. Diary or Aim., for 1793, 94 Gentlemen s and Ladies Diary, or Aim., 1797: by Asa Houghton, Worcester Poor Richard s Franklin Almanac, 1808. (46) 7401 Connecticut Almanacs (various) 1787-1832, irregular: (The Middlesex Aim.) 1787, 1788. Middletown, Woodward 6^ Green The American Aim., 1791. Litchfteld, T. Collier A regular series of Conn. Almanacs, 1794-1832, stitched together, made up from Strong s (1794), Beer s (1794-99), Strong s (1800, 03, 06), Beers (1801, 02, 05, 18, 22), A. Allen s (1804, 07 (impft.}, J o8,-i7, 19-21, 23-33 Town & Country, for 1798: by I. Bickerstaff. Norwich, J. Trumbull Conn., Mass., etc., Aim. for 1804. ib., C. E. Trumbull Shelton s New Aim., 1815. Bridgeport Connecticut A., 1821. Hartford, Roberts 6- Burr. (50 7402 Connecticut Almanacs (various) 1785-1861, irregular : N. Strong s, 1785, 90. Hartford H. Stafford s, 1800. New Haven Wm. Lilly s, 1801, 1802. N. H., W. W. Morse Strong s Conn. Pocket, 1802. Hartf., J. Babcock ]. Sanford s, 1805 (2 editions^ N. H., and Hartf. Beers s, 1807. Hartf. Shelton s, 1815. Bridgeport Steven s improved, 1817. N. H. Farmer s, by Newton, 1819. Norwich Farmers , 1820, 21. Hartf. Connecticut, 1820, 21. ^Vi H. Conn., 1821. Hartf. E. E. Prentiss s, 1826. N. ./Z Frost s, 1827. ib. Uri Strong s, 1828. ib. Palmer s N. .,1832. ib. Temperance, 1833, 34. ib. Farmer s, 1839 (2). Hartf. Green s N. E., 1840. New London Waterbury, 1855, 61. (27) 7403 Massachusetts Almanacs (various) 1774-1874, irregular: Bickerstaff s, 1774 Weatherwise, 1782 D. George, 1784 Is. Thomas, 1801 Columbian Aim., 1804. Dedham, H. Mann Columbian Calendar, J. Trufant, 1804. Leominster Trufant s Family, 1806, 1810. Boston J. Howe s, 1807, 10, 12-14, T 9- Greenwich (and Enfield} Poor Richard s Franklin, 1808 (3 cop.) Bost. Parkhurst s N. E. Diary, 1809. Leominster Pocket, 1810. Bost. Dedham Pocket, 1812 (Lathrop s) Gentleman s Pocket, and F. Mason s Vade Mecum, 1814. Boston etc., etc. (40) 7404 New Hampshire and Vermont Almanacs : Gentlemen s and Ladies Diary, 1802 ; by Asa Houghton. Keene Houghton s Genuine, 1804, 06, 07, 1810. ibid. The same, 1813. Walpole, I. Thomas & Co. D. Sewall, 1808. Portsmouth A. Houghton, 1814. Brattleborough The same, 174 ALMANACS. 1821. Bellows Falls N. H. and Vt. Almanack, 1813 ; calcul. by Amos Cole. Windsor Benj. Doe s Newtonian, 1821. Portsmouth, H, Gray Farmer s & Mechanic s, 1822 (impft.) by N. Wild. Chesterfield, N. H, N. E. Farmer s, 1825; by T. Abell. Alstead, N. H. D. Leavitt s Farmer s and Scholar s, 1831. Concord Poor Richard s New Farmer s, 1836, 1837. ibid. Leavitt s Freeman s and Farmer s, 1838. Claremont, JV. H. (17) 7405 Rhode Island Almanacs. Daniel Freebetter s, 1788. Newport, Peter Edes Wheeler s N. A. Calendar, 17 93, poor copy. Providence, B. Wheeler Phillips s U. S. Diary, 1797. Warren, N. Phillips - N. E. Calendar, 1800: calcul. by Eliab Wilkinson, of Smithfield. Newport Christian Aim. for R. I., 1829. Providence R. I. REGISTER, and Almanac, 1831. Providence Providence Aim. and Business Directory for 1855, with a Business Directory for NEWPORT, Bristol, Westerly, &c., and Biographical Sketches of Men of R. I. Prov. 1855. (7) 7406 New York, City and State, Almanacs (various) 1811-1860, irregular. Gentleman s Diary and Aim., 1811 ; calcul. by Prof. R. Adrain Stoddard s Columbia A., 1813 : by A. Beers. Hudson Wood s 1815, 1 6, 25 Father Tamm any s, 1 8 1 6 (title leaf impft.) (Nash s) Ladies and Gentlemen s Diary, 1821, pp. 96, scarce Phinney s Calendar, or Western A., 1820. Cooperstown Astron. Cal. or West. Aim., 1824. Buffalo, O. Spa/ord Timer s (D. Young s), 1826, 38, 44, 46, 47 Farmer s (J. Sharp s) 1827. Rochester N. Y. Medical, 1828 (2) Webster s Albany, 1831, 36, 45. Albany Temperance, 1834-7, 39. Albany Methodist, !838 Mute s Aim., 1840: by Levi S. Backus. Canajoharie Harrison, 1841 etc., etc. (56) 7407 Philadelphia Almanacs, various, 1794-1844, irregular, (seven interleaved^} Poulson s Town and Country A., 1794 Bioren s T. & C., 1808, 10 Am. Naval, 1815, full-page cuts of naval actions (2 cop.) Farmers & Mech., 1817 Agricultural, 1819 McCarty & Davis s Penn., 1820 Farmers , 1822 Desilver s U. S. Aim., 1826, 29 Poor Will s, 1827-30, 39, 49, 50 Citizen s & Farmers (by J. Cramer) 1828 Bennett & Walton s (by J. Cramer), 1829, 31 Grigg s City and Country, 1830, 31 Montgomery s Tippecanoe, 1841 Franklin, 1842 etc., etc. Citizens & Farmers , 1821 ; Bennett & Walton s, 1823 ; Langstroth & M Dowell s, 1825; Kite s, 1827; , 1828, -wants title; Columbian, 1830; Poor Will s, 1847; these seven interleaved, and containing a daily record of the weather. Patterson s Pittsburgh Town and Country Magazine Almanac, 1818 . . by John Armstrong, uncut. Pittsb., R. Patterson. (40 7408 Aitken s General American Register and Calendar, for the year 1774, pp. 200, some leaves stained. Phila., R. Aitken, VERY RARE The United States Register, for 1794 and 1795 (2 copies}. Phila., for Mathew Carey. 4 vols. 16 7409 New Jersey Almanacs : N. J. and Penn. Aim., 1804-07, 12, 13, 15, 16. Trenton Columbian, 1809. New Brunswick Gram s, 1 8 1 o. Trenton Wilson s Farmer s, 1 8 1 1 . ibid. ( 1 1 ) Delaware Almanacs : Annual Visiter and Citizen and Farmer s, 1812, 1815, clean, uncut. Wilmington, J. Wilson. (2) ALMANACS. 1/5 Maryland Almanacs: Bonsai and Niles Town and Country, 1801 Farmer s, 1818 calcul. by J. Sharp National Calendar, 1829 Farmers , 1831. Baltimore. (4, all clean, uncut). 17 Almanacs. 7410 Virginia Farmer s Almanac, 1808; calcul. by Benj. Bates. Alexandria, R. Gray Johnson * Virginia A., 1808. Richmond Alexandria, 1834 Cotton s edition of Richardson s, 1852, 1853. Richmond. North and South Carolina. Palladium of Knowledge and Charleston Pilot, or Car. and Ga. Aim., 1806. Charleston, W. P. Young So. Carolina & Ga., 1800. ibid., Freneau &* Paine Henderson s, 1811. Raleigh Turner s No. Carolina, 1851, 52. ib. Alabama Almanac, Kellogg & Co s, 1839. Mobile. Mississippi and Louisiana Almanac, 1827 : by Wm. L. Willsford. Natchez. 12 Almanacs, all scarce. 7411 Ohio Almanac, 1810 : by Rob. Stubbs, Philomathes. Cincinnati, Carney 6 Morgan, VERY SCARCE. The Western Reserve Aim., 1818: by Sam. Roberts, wants last leaf. Pittsburgh, Butler 6- Lambdin Chillicothe Aim., 1819 (No. I.) clean, uncut. Chillicothe, Geo. Nashee Ohio Register and Western Calendar, containing Almanac for 1819, clean, uncut (pp. 96), and 1821 : by Wm. Lusk ; SCARCE The Columbus Aim., 1822 : by W. Lusk. Worthington, Ezra Griswold, Jr. 6* Co., 1821 The Freeman s, 1840: by E. Dwelle. Cine. James s Farmer s and Mechanic s German-English, 1855. Cine. Illustrated Family Medical, 1855. Cincinnati. 9 Almanacs. The Ohio Almanac for 1810 contains 18 pages of "Erratic Sketches concerning the State of Ohio," including some account of the fauna and flora, and a description of Cincinnati, which, " considering it is only 20 years old, may be pronounced a large and flourishing town ; .." containing about 500 dwelling-houses, and some of these three stories high " . . " Two large barges leave, yearly, Cincinnati for New Orleans," etc. 7412 Tennessee Almanac (Bradford s), 1816: calcul. by Rob. Grier. Nashville, T. G. Bradford (Kentucky.) Am. Farmers , 1815 : calcul. by T. Henderson. Lexington Christian Aim. for Kentucky, 1838-40. ibid. Western Fanner s, 1840, 41. ibid. Carrie & Damon s California, 1855. San francisco. 7413 Methodist Almanac, 1837, l8 3 8 - N. Y - Baptist Almanac and Ann. Register, 1844-50, except 48. Phila. Congregational Almanac, 1846, 47. Boston Presbyterian Family Aim., 1852, illustrated. Phila. Unitarian Congreg l Register, 1851, and 1854. Boston Church Almanac [Episcopal], 1852, 1861. N. Y. - Christian Almanac for Connecticut, 1828, 30, 32, 40. Hartford Temperance Almanac, 1840, 42-45 Am. Tract Society s, illustrated, 1861, 1862. (26) 7414 The Illustrated Pilgrim Almanac, 1860 and 1861 : [edited by Dr. N. B. Shurtleff ;] fine illustrations from designs and drawings by Hammatt Billings. 2 Numbers. 1. 8 Boston. 7415 Poor Richard s Almanac, 1850, 51, 52, [comprising the editorial matter of Franklin s Almanac for 1733 to 1741, inclusive,] /<? illustrations. 3 Numbers. 8 New York, J. Dagget, Jr. 176 ALMANACS. 7416 The same. (3 Nos.) Poor Richard, 1733 [reprinted, G. S. Appleton, Phila., 1850] The Old Franklin Almanac, 1860. 1. 8 Phila., y. Haslett. 5 Almanacs. 7417 The Ladies Annual Register, 1838 : by Caroline Oilman, pp. 140, woodcuts. Boston Norton s Literary Almanac, 1852, engravings and descriptions of Public Libraries. N. Y. (2) 8 7418 (Agricultural) Almanack, 1819. Phila. Farmers , 1820, 1821 (4), Hartford Connecticut, 1821. ibid. (I. G. Fessenden s) N. E. Farmer s, 1828 (No. I.), 29, 31, 34, (2 cop.) Boston Farmer s and Mechanic s, 1852. (13) 8 7419 ALMANACS, Printed for the Stationers Company, 1769-1781 : 136 Almanacs, bound in 13 vols., old English red morocco, borders and corners gilt, g. e., a fine set, from the library of the Marquess of Rock- ingham. sm. 8 London, 1769-1781 This set covering the period of the American Revolution comprises Wm. Andrews s " Remarkable News from the Stars" (1769-73); The Gentleman s Diary (with mathematical questions, and solutions ), The Ladies Diary: or Woman s Almanack (with enigmas, rebuses, queries, etc.); Fr. Moore s Vox Stellarum (astrological); J. Partridge s Merlinus Liberatus ; Parker s Ephemeris; S. Pearse s Ccelestial Diary (1769-73); Poor Robin; Poor Sir Robin ; " the Second Part . . calculated for the Meridian 01 Cuckoldom, and for the Latitude of every one s capacity," etc.; The English Apollo . . by Richard Saunders ; H. Season s Speculum Anni, or Season on the Seasons; Tycho Wing; Robert White s Crelestial Atlas: and, for 1775, 1776, The FREE-MASON S CALENDAR. . By a Society of the Brethren (History of Masonry in England: lists of Gr. Officers; town, country, and foreign lodges, etc.) VERY SCARCE. The heraldic book-plate of the Marquess of Rockingham (K. G.), Prime Minister, 1765-66, and again, 1782 (the successor of Lord North), is in two or three of the volumes. 7420 The Royal Kalendar; or complete Annual Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for 1791, //. iv, 281. 12 London This copy has the name of " Rev d Benj n Trumbull, Northhaven, Connecticut," in the autograph of (his cousin) the Rev. Sam. Peters, the tory refugee and pseudo-historian of Connecticut, who presented it. 7421 SELLER (John) An Almanack for 30 years, 1085-1714, 25 leaves, handsomely engraved throughout, no title-page, a two-page map of New England and New York (soiled} ; a plate of the planetary influences, torn. sm. 8 [London, 1685-1708] Mr. Brinley has rioted, in pencil : " Mr. Harris, of Cambridge, has a copy of this Almanac, with title and date in ink, 1685." The present copy has the name of William Tully. 1708-9. The Almanac, in this edition, was calculated for NEW-ENGLAND. It has, besides the Map, tables for "the Rising and Setting of the Sun at New-England," and tables for constructing " horizontal and south Dials for Boston in New England." THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. WRITINGS OF NEW-ENGLAND DIVINES; ETC. *** This division includes most of the books and tracts printed in New England, from 1709 to 1776 (and later), not previously catalogued ; volumes accidentally omitted from the catalogue (in Part I.) of books published in New England, 1640-1709 among them several works of the MATHERS); and a number of duplicates of early and VERY RARE issues of the Cambridge and Boston press ; writings of QUAKERS and SEPARATES ; Church controversies ; religious and theological works published (or re-printed) in New York and Philadelphia ; with a few publications of the present century. 7422 ADAMS (Hannah) An Alphabetical Compendium of the various Sects ; with an Appendix, containing an Account of the different Schemes of Religion, autograph of Rev. Isaac Backus, 1785 / sewed, uncut. 8 Boston, 1784 7423 ADAMS (Hannah) A View of Religions : containing an Alpha betical Compendium of the various Religious Denominations, and a Brief Account of the different Schemes of Religion, etc. 3d edition, //. 504, sheep, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1801 7424 ADAMS (Eliphalet) of New London. Sermon at Ordination of Thomas Clap, Windham, uncut. New London, T. Green, 1726; and Serin, at Ordin. of John Owen, Groton, 1727. N. L., T. Green, 1730 ADAMS (Wm.) Thanksg. Sermon at New London, for the Conquest of Canada, Oct., 1761. ibid., 1761. 3 Sermons, RARE. 7425 ALLEINE (J.) An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners, damaged. Boston, 1739 The same, ib., 1764. (2 vols.) 12 "No Book in the English Tongue (the Bible only excepted) can equal it, for the Numbers which have been dispersed; for there have been 20,000 printed under the Title of The Call; or Alarm fo the Unconverted; and 50,000 of the same Book have been sold under the Title of The Sure Guide to Heaven" CALAMY. 7426 ALLEN (Timothy) of Plainfield, Conn. Answer to Pilate s Ques tion, (What is Truth?), //. 48, hf. mor., neat. 8 Providence, Sarah and Wm. Goddard, 1765 A VERY RARE and very early Providence imprint. 7427 ALLIN (JOHN) of Dedham. Animadversions upon the ANTI- SYNODALIA AMERICANA . . . With an Answer Unto the Reasons alledged for the Opinion of the Dissenters, pp. (6), 82, nice copy. 4 Cambridge, S. G\reen~\ and M. J \ohnsori\ for Hezekiah Usher, 1664 EXCESSIVELY RARE. (See Part I., No. 698.) 7428 ALLINE (Henry) Two Mites on some . . disputed Points of Divinity, pp. (7), 342, sheep. 12 Halifax, A. Henry, 1781 VERY RARE. Unknown to Mr. Sabin. Anthony Henry was the only printer in Nova Scotia from 1770 to 1776. See THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, ii. 177. 7429 American Preacher (The) ; a Collection of Sermons by living Preachers of different Denominations, now living in the U. States. 4 vols. 8 Elizabethtown, N. J., and New Haven, Conn., 1791-93 A scarce collection. Edited by the Rev. David Austin (and others). 23 1/8 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7430 Anti-Ministerial Objections Considered, or The Unreasonable Pleas made by some against their Duty to their Ministers, with Respect to their Maintenance Answered, etc. In a Letter to Richard Kent Esq. one of His Majesty s Justices of the Peace for the County of Essex, etc., {pp. 1-44) wants last page. 8 Boston, B. Green Jun., 1725 By the Rev. John Wise ? 7431 Appleton (Nath l) The Wisdom of God in the Redemption of Fallen Man, illustrated in [19] Discourses. 8 Boston, 1728 Several Discourses from Rom. VITI. 14. 12 Boston, 1743. (2 vols.) 7432 - - The Wisdom of God in the Redemption of Fallen Man, etc., large and fine copy (LARGE PAPER ?), old paneled calf ; with autograph of Rev. Dr. B. Colman. 8 Boston, 1728 7433 Art of Contentment (The) ; by the Author of The Whole Duty of Man, &c. 16 Oxford: repr. Phila., J. Chattin, 1753 7434 ASHLEY (Jona.) Churches consisting of Saints. . Two Sermons at Deerfield, June 24, 1753, fresh, clean copy, uncut except at top, pp. iv. 26. 4 Boston, 1753 In defence of the " half-way covenant," against Jonathan Edwards. 7435 BACKUS (Isaac) A Letter [anon.] to a Gentleman in the Mass. Gen. Assembly, concerning Taxes to support Religious Worship, //. 22. n. p., 1771 A Reply to . . Mr. Israel Holly, of Suffiekl . . relative to Infant Baptism,//. 34. Newport, S. Southwick, 1772 - The Doctrine of Universal Salvation refuted. . . A concise Answer to Mr. Relly and Mr. Winchester. Providence, John Carter, n. d. The Liberal Support of Gospel Ministers, inculcated. Boston, 1790 The Testimony of the Two Witnesses, explained and vindicated : with Remarks on the late Writings of Dr. Hemmenway aud Dr. Lathrop. 2d ed. improved. Boston, 1793 A Great Faith described and inculcated. Sermon, on Luke vn. 9. Boston, 1805. 6 Pamphlets {four uncut.} 7436 BARN ARD (John) of Marblehead. Two Sermons : The Christian s Behaviour under . . Bereavements : and The Fatal Consequence of a People s persisting in Sin, //. 68, (2), a name cut from title-leaf. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1714 Both Sermons were " preached to the very Reverend Dr. Mather s Church, in the Time of the Mease/s," Nov. 29, 1713, and Jan. 14, 1713-14. 7437 BARNARD (John) Sermons on Several Subjects. London, 1727 SMITH (Josiah) of Charleston, S. C. Sermons on several important Subjects. Boston, 1757. Two in \ vol., old calf . 8 7438 BARNARD (John) Sermons, etc., another copy, LARGE PAPER, first sheet water-stained, old paneled calf. London, 1727 The Imperfection of the Creature . . Nine Sermons on Psal. cxix. 96. Bost., 1747. (2 vols.) 8 7439 Janua Coelestis: or, the Mystery of the Gospel in the Salvation of a Sinner. (22) Discourses, //. 442. Boston, 1750 The Imperfection of the Creature, etc. ib. 1747. (2 vols.) 8 BARCLAY BELLAMY. I /Q 7440 BARNARD (Thos.) of Salem, Mass. The Christian Salvation. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Josiah Bayley, in Hampton- Falls, New Hampshire, Oct. 19, 1757, a bit torn from inner corner of first sheet, without injury to text, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 4 Portsmouth, D. Fowle, 1757 Daniel Fowle set up the first press in New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, in 1756. See THOMAS, i. 433. 7441 BARCLAY (Robert) Apologie, oder Vertheidigungs-Schrift der wahren Christlichen Gottesgelahrheit, wie solche unter dem Volk, so man aus Spott QUAKER, das ist, ZITTERER nennet, vorgetragen und gelehret wird, etc. . . von neuen ins Deutsche iibersetzt, sheep, good copy, thk. 8 GERMANTOWN, CHR. SAUR, 1776 RARE. Robert Barclay s Apology, translated from the gth English edition : printed by Christopher Sower, Jun. " We are safe in assigning a distinguished place among the productions of the human mind to Barclay s Apology for the true Christian Divinity. Language of uncommon purity is made the powerful instrument of reasoning embellished with wit, and persuasion fortified by argument." ALLIBONE. 7442 - - Catechism and Confession of Faith . . which containeth a true Account of the Principles and Doctrines of the . . Quakers, etc. 12 Phila., J. James, 1788 7443 BECKWITH (Geo.) \ of Lyme, Conn, Visible Saints lawful Right to Communion vindicated, in a Letter to a Friend. 1769 The Invalidity .. of Lay-Ordination. 1763 Second letter on Lay- Ordination, 1766. Three in i vol. sheep, nice copy. 1 6 New London, T. Green. 7444 -- Sermon at Ordination of Elijah Sill, New Fairfield, Oct. 17, 1751. N. L. 1752 Second Letter on Lay Ordination [in reply to Israel Holly.] ibid. 1766. 2 Pamphlets. 16 7445 BEACH (John) A Modest Enquiry into the State of the Dead, pp. 43, RARE. 12 N. London, T. 6 J. Green, 1755 DICKINSON (Jona.) A Vindication of God s sovereign free Grace : in Remarks upon Mr. John Beach s Sermon from Rom. vi. 23 ; etc. 8 Boston, 1746 BEACH (J.) God s Sovereignty and His universal Love . . reconciled: in a Reply to Mr. J. Dickinson s Remarks, &c. 8 ibid. 1747 Animadversions on . . Mr. Beach s late "Friendly Expostulation." \2? New York, B. Mecom, 1763, RARE. 4 Pamphlets. See "A Friendly Expostulation" &c., No. 6119 : and other writings of Mr. Beach, Nos. 6176, 6177, 6178. 7446 BELCHER (Samuel) of Newbury. Concio ad Magistratum, or, An Assize Sermon preached before the Honourable Her Majesties Superiour Court .. at Ipswich, 2ist of May, 1702, //. 13, VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Boston, Bar th. Green, 1707 7447 BELLAMY (Joseph) Free Religion Delineated. Two Discourses : With a Preface by Jonathan Edwards, //. 8, 421, (5), and list of Subscribers, 12 //. 8 Boston, 1750 " Subsequently reprinted in Scotland, and has had an extensive circulation in Great Britain as well as in this country. With the single exception of Edward s work on the " Religious Affections," perhaps no work in the language, on the same general subject, has been more widely known, or more highly and generally prized." SPRAGUE^S Annals, i. 405. 7448 BELLAMY (J.) Three Sermons upon the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Millenium, and the Permission of Sin. Boston, 1758 - Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio, or Letters and Dialogues upon Love, Faith and Assurance, ib. 1759 Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel, ib. 1762. (3 vols.) 12 I8O THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7449 BELLAMY (J.) Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1762 The Wisdom of God in the Permis sion of Sin, vindicated ; in Answer to "An Attempt " &c. ibid. 1760. Two in one vol. Essay on the Nature and Glory of Jesus Christ. Worcester, 1797. That there is but one Covenant, viz. the Covenant of Grace, proved. (Reply to Rev. Moses Mather.) Prefixed, An Answer to a Dialogue concerning " The Half-way Covenant." New Haven, 1769 A Careful Examination of the External Covenant. A [Second] Reply to Rev. M. Mather. With A Vindication of the Plan on which the Churches of New England were originally formed, &c. ibid. n. d. Two in one vol. (3 vols.) 8 7450 BELLAMY (J.) Reply to Moses Mather s "The Visible Church in Covenant," etc. New Haven, n. d. [1771] HOPKINS (Samuel) Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness. Newport, 1773. Two in i vol., sheep. 8 7451 BERNARD (Richard) The Isle of Man, or The Legal Proceeding in Man-Shire against Sin . . . i6th Edition, //. (16), 126, full-page woodcut frontispiece, "Sin brought before the Judge;" dark levant morocco, antique, red edges, VERY RARE. 1 8 Boston, repr. by J. FRANKLIN, 1719 First published in 1627, and reached its loth edition in 1635. Some have believed that Bunyan was indebted to this popular allegory for the suggestion of the Pilgrim s Progress. 7452 BISHOP (GEORGE) New England Judged by the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts . . Containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People calPd Quakers, in New-England. . . With an Appendix . . Also, An Answer [by John Whiting] to Cotton Mather s Abuses of the said People,//. (10), 498 ; 212, (14), old paneled calf . 8 London, T. Sowle. 1703 A good copy of this VERY SCARCE book Whiting s "Answer to Cotton Mather (a Priest of Boston) his Calumnies, Lyes and Abuses" etc. entitled "Truth and Innocency defended," etc. is separately paged, and has a title-page with the date 1702. 7453 BLAIR (John) Pastor of the Church of Goodwill (alias Wallkill) in the State of New York. Essays, on . . the Sacraments, Regeneration, and the Means of Grace,//. 103, bds. 12 Litchfield \Conn. ~\, Collier and Adam, n. d. The preface is dated, from Goodwill, Dec. 21, 1770. 7454 BOGATZKY (C. H. V.) Golden Treasury for the Children of God. sq. 16 Boston, S. Hall, 1796 The same, New York, 1797 BRAGGE (Robert) Church Discipline . . as it was practis d in Primitive Times, //. 183, uncut. New London, repr. 1768 (2 copies], (4 vols.) 7455 BRIDGE (Rev. Thomas) of the First Church in Boston. The Mind at Ease. The Mystery of A Soul finding Ease & Rest in the Enjoyment of God, under all Occasions of Disquietment, etc. Sermon, at Boston Lecture, 10 d. n m. 1711-12, inside corners of a few leaves slightly injured. Boston, T. Green, 1712 Occasioned by the Death of the author s eldest Daughter. VERY SCARCE, not in the Prince, Mass. Hist. Society s, or the Boston Athenaeum catalogues, and unnoticed by Mr. Sabin. T. BRIDGE BUNYAN. l8l What Faith can Do. A brief Essay on- the Nature & Power of Faith. In some Notes of a Sermon. . . Boston, i5th, 6th, 1712, yellowed by age and use. Boston, T. Green, 1713 JETHRO S ADVICE recommended to the Inhabitants of Boston . . to Chuse Well-qualified Men, and Haters of Covetousness, for Town-Officers. 20! Edition. Boston, 1733 3 RARE Tracts. 16 7456 Brief (A) Account of the Revenues, Pomp, and State of the Bishops, and other Clergy in the Church of England. In a Letter, &c., pp. 13, the corners of a few leaves nibbled, but without harm to the text. 8 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1725 VERY SCARCE. The writer notices Checkley s " Discourse concerning Episcopacy," the " Modest Proof," and the " Defence of the Modest Proof" by the "PUNY SCRIBBLER who deserves little thanks from his party," J. Dickinson s "Letter of Thanks," [Wiggles- worth s] "Sober Remarks," etc. See, ante, Nos. 6132, 6146, 6169 : and, below, No. 7477. 7457 BOLLES (J.) and WALTERHOUS (John) Concerning the Christian Sabbath. . Also, Some Remarks upon a Book written by Ebenezer Frothingham, //. 16, uncut. 8 n. p. [Newport?] Printed for Joseph Bottes, 1757 One of the RAREST of the tracts published by the " Rogerene Baptists" of New London county, Conn. See (Part I.) Nos. 2094-2100; and FROTHINGHAM, No. 7544. 7458 BUNYAN (John) Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ. . The Twelfth Edition, woodcut portrait. Boston, repr. \N. Boone\ 1728 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. . Tenth Edition, portrait (mutilated}. Boston, repr. for N. Boone, 1729 The same : i3th ed. ibid., 1732 (2 copies} The Jerusalem-Sinner Saved: or, Good News for the Vilest of Men. . Eleventh Edition, ibid., for J. Edwards and H. Foster, 1733 The Doctrine of Law & Grace unfolded. . Third Edition, //. x, 215. ib., 1742 (2 copies?) (7 vols.) 12 7459 The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. London, 1724 The same, woodcuts. London, 1759 The Jerusalem Sinner Saved. . Lond., 1774. (3 vols.) 12 7460 -- The Pilgrim s Progress. . The Second Part. . The Seventeenth Edition, adorn d with Cute, frontispiece (with portrait} and two full- page woodcuts, pp. xii, 166, nice copy, cloth. Boston, 1744 The same: complete in Three Parts. . . Embellished with Cuts, ibid., P. Edes, 1794 The same . . in Three Parts. . Embellished with Cuts, ibid., Boston, for J. Bumstead, 1800 The same : added, Life and Death of the Author, pp. 312, frontispiece and 21 plates, fresh copy, sheep. N. Y., J. Tiebout, 1804 The same : frontispiece and plates, nice copy. Boston, 1806 The same: with notes by Rev. J. Newton and others. Cincinnati, J. W. Browne &* Co., 1813, VERY RARE. (6 vols.) 12 7461 BUNYAN (John) The Pilgrim s Progress. . The Third Part. . 2ist edition, //. iv, 119, portrait. 8 London, 1770 7462 BROWN (Wm.) D.D. History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen. First Am. Edition. 2 vols., sheep, neat. 8 New York, E. Low, 1816 1 82 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7463 BYLES (MATHER) Funeral Sermon on the Honorable William Dummer, . . who died October 10, 1761, pp. 24, uncut. Green 6 Russell, 1761 A Funeral Sermon on John Gould, Esq; who died Jan. 8, 1772, //. 21. Richard Draper, 1772. 2 Pamphlets. 4 Boston. 7464 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church-Discipline Gath ered out of The Word of God, Arid Agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in N. E. . . Anno 1649, imperfect, wanting all after p. 42. Boston, John Foster, 1680 The same; (with Appendix) //. xv, 36, (3). Boston, T. Fleet, 1731. (2 vols.) 8 7465 A Platform, etc., pp. xv, 36 ; Appendix, 3 //. n. n., dark calf extra, inside borders, filleted sides, uncut, fine copy ; in such condition, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1731 7466 The same, pp. xxii, 55, (6) A Confession of Faith owned and consented unto .. at Boston, . May 12, 1680, //. (2), iv, 53. Two in one vol., original stamped sheep, nice copy. 1 6 Boston, Green 6^ Russell, 1757 7467 - - A Platform of Church Discipline, adopted, 1648 (sic). Boston, John Boyles, 1772 The same. Bost., 1808 The same. Bost., 1819 Confession of Faith, owned and consented unto at Boston, May, 12, 1680. [BostJ] n. d. Answer of the Elders and Messen gers . . in 1662, to Questions propounded by the Gen. Court. Boston, 1812. Five in one vol., half mor. extra. 12 7468 - - The same; with Appendix, and "A Testimony to the order of the Gospel" (by John Higginson and Wm. Hubbard), //. 70. Boston, 1808 The same, //. 52. Boston, 1819. (2 vols.) 12 7469 CHANLER (Isaac) The Doctrines of Glorious Grace unfolded, defended, and practically improved. . . With . . some Remarks on the Works of Mr. James Foster, . the dangerous nature of Socin- ianism, etc. By Isaac Chanler, Minister of the Gospel upon Ashley River in South Carolina, pp. vii, 445, old calf, neat. 4 Boston, 1744 "Isaac Chanler was born in Bristol, England, in 1701; came to Ashley River about 1733; and continued the much esteemed Pastor of that church [and the only ordained Baptist minister in that region,] until he died, Nov. 30, 1749. . He was distinguished for both talents and piety." SPRAGUE S Annals, Baptist, p. 47, n. 7470 CHAUNCY (Charles) D.D. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England, clean, old calf neat. Boston, 1743 Twelve Sermons, old calf gilt, fine copy, ibid., 1765 [Chandler s] Appeal to the Public answered, in behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America, fresh, clean copy, ibid., 1768 A Compleat View of Episcopacy, fine copy, ibid., 1771 Five Dissertations on the Scripture Account of the Fall. London, 1785 [Occasional Sermons:] on the Death of Mr. Edward Gray, 1757: on the Earthquake, 1755 : occasioned by the Rebellion in favour of the Pretender, 1745-6: Twelve Sermons on .. important Subjects, 1765 : Discourse at the Dudleian Lecture (Validity of Presbyterian Ordination asserted), 1762 : Election Sermon, 1747 : six in one volume. (6 vols.) 8 Boston. CHAUNCY CHECKLEY. 183 7471 CHAUNCY (Charles) D.D. Sermon, Sept. 2, i 739 (on Compulsion in the Affairs of Conscience and Religion). 1739 Gifts of the Spirits to Ministers, considered in their Diversity, etc. Lecture Sermon, Dec. 17, 1741 \_Anon.~\ An Account of the French Prophets, their Agitations, Extasies, and Inspirations . . In a Letter to a Friend [dated, New Haven, Jan. 10, 1741-2] : with an Appendix [attributed to Dr. Chauncey.] 1742 Sermon on the Out-pouring of the Holy Ghost. 1742 Enthusiasm described and caution d against. Sermon, 1742 : with a Letter to the Rev. James Davenport, last leaf injured Sermon occasion d by the Rebellion. 1745-6 Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on the Bishop of Landaffs Sermon. 1767 Five Sermons (Breaking of Bread .. a Gospel Institution.) 1772. 8 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 Boston. 7472 -- Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New- England,//, xxx, 18, 424, sheep. (2 copies?) 8 Boston, 1743 7473 (Catechisms.) The Confession of Faith, together with the Larger Catechism ; composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines . . at Westminster . . With a brief Sum of Christian Doctrine, etc., pp. 161, good copy, VERY RARE. 12 Boston, S. KNEELAND, for D. Henchman, 1723 7474 - - The Shorter Catechism, agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster, //. 20, wants last two leaves. 12 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1729 The same, pp. 22, wants last leaf, clean, UNCUT. 12 Boston, T. 6 J. Fleet, 1765 The same : with the Proofs from the Scripture, hf. mor. 12 Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1745 BECHTELN (Johannes) Kurzer Catechismus vor etliche Gemeinen Jesu aus der Reformirten Religion in Pennsyl vania, fine unused copy. 24 Phila., B. Franklin, 1 742 The Larger (Westminster) Catechism, with the Scripture Proofs : revised by Alex. McLeod, D.D., The First Book ever stereotyped in America, pp. 142. 12 New York, J. Watts & Co.. for Whiting &> Watson, June, 1813 J. Emerson s Evangelical Primer, containing the Westminster (and two other) Catechisms, with Notes, etc. 72 cuts. Boston, 1831. 6 Catechisms, v. s. 7475 CHALKLEY (Thomas) A Collection of [his] Works. In Two Parts. [I. A Journal. II. His Epistles and other Writings.] Two volumes in one, pp. 590. 8 Philadelphia, B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749 7476 CHAUNCY (Isaac) The Divine Institution of Congregational Churches . . asserted and proved,//, xii, 142, old calf , SCARCE. 8 London, for N. Hitter, 1697 7477 [CHECKLEY (John)] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists . . In a Letter to a Friend [by C. Leslie.] Eighth Edition. With Checkley s interpolated " Discourse concerning Episcopacy ; " "a Discourse shewing Who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ;" and The Epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians, //. 132, 16. London; J. Applebee, and sold by John Checkley, Boston, 1723 The Speech of Mr. John Checkley, upon his Tryal, at Boston . . Added, the Jury s Verdict, His Plea, and the Sentence of the Court. Second Edition, //. 40. London, J. Applebee, 1738 Specimen of a True Dissenting Catechism, i page. In one volume, good copy, SCARCE. 8 184 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7478 CHECKLEY (Samuel) Little Children brought to Jesus Christ ; a Sermon, //. 24, smooth calf, gilt ( W. Pratt*), large and fine copy. 8 Boston, 1741 7479 CLARK (Peter) of Salem. The Scripture-Grounds of the Baptism of Christian Infants, etc., a few leaves water-stained, uncut. Boston, 1735 A Defence of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism .. in Reply to Dr. John Gill, etc., pp. vi, 453, (6), sheep, ibid. 1752 A Sinner s Prayer for Converting Grace, Lecture Sermon, at Boston, Feb. 13, 1734. ibid. 1735 : The Banner of divine Love displayed; Lecture Sermon at Topsfield, June 29, 1743. ibid. 1744: [the last three, bound with other tracts, in one volume r .] (3 vols.) 8 7480 COLMAN (Benjamin) Minister of the Fourth (Brattle Street) Church, Boston. A Poem on Elijah s Translation, occasion d by the Death of the Reverend and Learned Mr. SAMUEL WILLARD, //. (2), 14. 8 For Benj. Eliot, 1707 The Hainous Nature of the Sin of Murder. . Sermon, Sept. 24, 1713, before the Execution of one David Wallis, //. 34. 12 John Allen, for N. Boone, 1713 A Gospel Ministry, The rich Gift of the Ascended Saviour unto His Church . . a Sermon preached August 2, 1715. 8 T. Fleet and T. Crump, 1715 The Honour and Happiness of the Vertuous Woman . . Meditated upon the Death of Mrs. ELIZABETH HIRST. 8 B. Green, 1716 A Sermon for the Reformation of Manners. Designed as a Sutable Exhortation to Enforce the Reading of the King s Royal Proclamation, etc. 8 T. Fleet and T. Crump, 1716 A brief Enquiry . . why the People of God have been wont to bring into their Penitential Confessions, the Sins of their Fathers and Ancestors: (Fast Day Sermon,) March 22, 1716. 8 T. Fleet and T. Crump, 1716. 6 Pamphlets, all RARE. Boston. 7481 A Humble Discourse of the Incomprehensibleness of God. In Four Sermons, 1714. With Preface by Rev. Eben. Pemberton, pp. (2), xii, 109, paneled sheep. B. Green, 1715 The same: 2d edition, y. Draper, for D. Henchman, 1740 [Four] Sermons preached at the Lecture in Boston, from Luke XI. 21, 22 : added, A Discourse of the Pleasure of Religious Worship, pp. 164. B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1717. (3 vols.) sm. 8 Boston 7482 The Blessing of Zebulon & Issachar. A Sermon before the General Court, Boston, Nov. 19, 1719, uncut. B. Green, for S. Gerrish Ossa Josephi, or, The Bones of Joseph. Fun. Sermon for Gov. Joseph Dudley,//. (4), iv, 44, (3), uncut, RARE. B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1720 Two Sermons, March 5, 1723, on a Day of Prayer [for Children] : by Benjamin Colman and [his Colleague] Wm. Cooper, //. iv, 38, ii, 36. S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards Sermon, in the Old South, Aug. 9, 1727, at Ordin. of EBEN PEMBERTON to the Presbyt. Church in New York, //. 19. Gamal. Rogers, 1727 Souls Flying to Jesus Christ: Sermon, at Evening- Lecture, Oct. 21, 1740, //. 27. G. Rogers and D. Fowle. 5 Pamphlets. 8 Boston. 7483 (The Grace given to us in the Preached Gospel.) Sermon on a Day of Prayer, kept by the North Church, Jan. 25, 1731-2 God is a Great King. Sermon, May 13, 1733 The Great Duty of Waiting on God. Sermon, Apr. 17, 1737 The Glory of God COLMAN CONFESSION OF FAITH. 185 in the Firmament of his Power. Sermon, Oct. 31, 1742. (Dedicated to James Bowdoin, Esq.) Dying in Peace, in a good Old Age. Fun. Sermon for Hon. SOLOMON STODDARD, Oct. 1730 Practical Discourses on the Parable of the Ten Virgins . . 26. edition, //. vi, 344. 1747. Six in one volume, hf. sheep, neat. 8 Boston 7484 COLMAN (Benjamin) Practical Discourses on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. 20! edition, //. vi, 344, old calf , neat. 8 Boston, 1747 7485 - - The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch. Sermon on the Death of COTTON MATHER,//. (4), 31, (3), hf. mor. 8 Boston, 1728 7486 -- Sermon for the Reformation of Manners. 16 1716 The Blessing of Zebulon & Issachar : Sermon before the Gen. Court. 8 1719 Fun. Sermon for Rev. PETER THACHER. 8 1739 Fun. Sermon on the Death of SAMUEL HOLDEN, of London: preached before the Gen. Court, pp. (8), 21. 4 1740 Fun. Sermon for Rev. Wm. Cooper. 8 1744. 5 Pamphlets, v. s. Boston 7487 -- (Four) Sermons preached at the Lecture in Boston, from Luke XI. 21, 22 . . Added, A Discourse of the Pleasure of Religious Worship. 12 1717 Two Sermons, preached March 5, 1723, on a day of Prayer for Children : by B. Colman (The Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children,) and W. Cooper. 8 1723. (2 vols.) Boston 7488 TURELL (Ebenezer) The Life and Character of Rev. Benjamin Colman, D.D., 9 prel. leaves, pp. 238, half brown morocco, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1749 7489 Another copy, portrait of Dr. Colman laid in, large paper 1 uncut. 4 Boston, 1749 7490 Columbian Preacher (The) ; or, a Collection of Original Sermons from Preachers of eminence in the U. S., Vol. I, sheep, gilt, scarce. 8 Cats kill, Nathan Elliot, 1808 Edited by N. Elliot. Contains 16 Sermons, by evangelical divines of New England and New York. 7491 CONFESSION (A) OF FAITH [owned and assented to by the Synod assembled at Boston, 1680,] two imperfect copies, sold as one, wants title, pp. 65. sm. 8 \Boston, John Foster, 1680] . EXTREMELY RARE. It was originally bound up with an edition of 1679 of the Platform of 1649. The margins of the first three leaves (pp. 1-6) are injured, slightly touching the text. Sold ivith all faults. 7492 A Confession of Faith, Owned and consented unto . . at Boston, May 12, 1680, //. iv, 49, fine copy. Boston, 1725 Reasons for adhering to our Platform, as a Rule of Church- Government, and Objections Against Ruling Elders answered, etc., //. 10, . /. /. [Boston, 1732] A Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Elders,^.//. 15. Reprinted for Publick Good, n. p. [Boston, } 1734. Three in one volume, dk. blue calf extra. 8 7493 -- A Platform of Church-Discipline, etc., pp. xxii, 55, (6) A CONFESSION OF FAITH Owned and Consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches . . at Boston, May 12, 1680. Being the Second Session of that Synod, //. iv, 53. Two vols. in one, original sheep. 16 Boston, Green &> Russell, 1757 24 1 86 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7494 [CONFESSION (A) OF FAITH] The Cambridge and Saybrook Platforms of Church Discipline, with the CONFESSION OF FAITH . . adopted in 1680; and the HEADS OF AGREEMENT .. assented to, 1690 : illustrated with historical prefaces and notes, pp. 132, hf. roan. 12 Boston, T. ft. Marvin, 1829 7495 CONEY (John) A Sermon, on occasion of the Death of Mr. John Coney, a very hopeful & pious young Man, who deceased Aug. 20, 1726, aet. 25. By William Cooper, //. iv, 35 An Appendix, containing a further Account of Mr. John Coney, col lected from his private Writings, [Diary, etc.] //. 1-78, wants last leaves, SCARCE. 2 vols. in i. sm. 8 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1726 7496 COTTON (JOHN) The j Keyes j of the Kingdom of | Heaven, I and i Power thereof, according to the . Word of God. | . . . The second time Imprinted, //. (12), 59, close trimmed^at bottom and top, but a good copy, SCARCE. sm. 4 London, 1644 7497 - - The Way of the Churches of Christ in New-England, 4 prel. leaves, pp. 1 16, (3), title mounted, a small piece lost from lower corner, hf. calf, gilt, SCARCE. sm. 4 London, 1645 7498 - - NORTON (John) Abel being dead yet speaketh ; or, The Life & Death of that deservedly famous Man of God, Mr. JOHN COTTON, pp. 51, (3), lower part of title-leaf mutilated (the imprint supplied in manuscript}, RARE. sm. 4 London, 1658 7499 COTTON (John) of Newton. Four Sermons, to a Society of Young Men, in Newtown, //. (2), iv, 85, (5). Boston, G. Rogers, 1729 Two Sermons, at the Lecture in Newton, Apr. 29 and May 8, 1741, pp. 70. Ibid. 1741 ; with which is bound: WILLIAMS (Wm.) of Weston. A Discourse of Saving Faith . . preached at Newton, pp. 50. Ibid. 1741. 3 in 2 vols. 12 7500 COTTON (Rowland) The Generation of Light, or, Vindication of the Bible, Vol. I. two symbolical engravings (Scoles sc.) from designs by the Author, pp. 230. 8 Boston, 1796 7501 DAVENPORT (James) of Southold, L. I. and Hopewell, N. J. The Faithful Minister Encouraged. A Sermon, at the opening of the Synod of New- York, at Philadelphia, Oct. i, 1755, pp. 35- 4 Phila., James Chattin, 1756 Inscribed " To the Kev d Mr. Jonathan Edwards, from his dutiful & affectionate Son & Serv t The Author:" and on the back of the title, in the handwriting of the Rev. John Ryland, the following note : " This book was first presented by the Author to the reverend & excellent Jonathan Edwards. Given afterwards by his son to the Rev. Dr. Erskine of Edinburgh; & by him given to J. Ryland Jun r of Northampton in- Old England, June, 1786." 7502 The Rev. Mr. [Theoph.] Pickering s Letters to the Rev. N. Rogers and Mr. D. Rogers of Ipswich : With their Answer . . Also his Letter to the Rev. Mr. [James] Davenport of Long-Island, //. 20. Boston, 1742 Mr. [Andrew] Croswell s Reply to the Declaration of a Number of Ministers in Boston and Charlestown, with regard to the Rev. J. Davenport, etc.,//. 18, i. Bost. 1742 - Two Letters from the Rev. Mr. Williams and Wheelock of Lebanon, to the Rev. Mr. Davenport . . With a Letter from Mr. D. during their Publication, etc.,//. 31. Bost. 1744 The Rev. Mr. James Davenport s Confession & Retractions, //. 8. Bost. 1744 Letter from the Rev. Mr. Colman of Boston, to the Rev. DAVENPORT DRELINCOURT. l8/ Mr. Williams of Lebanon, upon reading the Confession etc. of Mr. J. D., pp. 8. Bost. 1744 [A Poetical Address] To the Rev. Mr. J. D. on his Departure from Boston . . With a Line to the Scoffers at Religion. . Added, A Postcript to the Rev. Mr. A . d . . w C . . . w . 11. By a Female Friend, pp. 8, first leaf slightly imperfect. Boston, C. Harrison, 1742. 6 VERY SCARCE Tracts, v. s. 1742-44 7503 DAVENPORT (John) Another Essay For Investigation of the Truth, In Answer to Two Questions, Concerning I. The Subject of Baptism. II. The Consociation of Churches .... With An Apologetical Preface to the Reader [by INCREASE MATHER], //. (16), 64; Considerations upon the Seven Propositions concluded by the Synod, by the Rev. Nicholas Street, pp. 65-71, slightly water-stained, but a large and fine copy. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663 EXCESSIVELY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 752. For [Richard Mather s] "Defence of the Answer" of the Synod and [J. Mitchell s] " Answer to the Apologetical Preface," see, after, MATHER (R.) No. 7606. 7504 CROSWELL (Andrew) of Groton, Conn, \_and Boston.~\ What is Christ to me, if he is not mine ? or, A Seasonable Defence of the old Protestant Doctrine of Justifying Faith; with an answer to Mr. Giles Firmin s arguments, pp. 46, uncut. 4 Boston, 1745 7505 DANFORTH (John) of Dorchester. Judgment Begun at the House of God: And the Righteous Scarcely Saved, pp. 142, RARE. 12 Boston, J. Allen for N. Boone, 1716 7506 DELAUNE (Thos.) Plea for the Non-Conformists .. Added, A Parallel Scheme of the Pagan, Papal, and Christian Rites and Ceremonies : and a Narrative of the Sufferings underwent by Thomas DeLaune, (with a Preface by DANIEL DEFOE,)//. 12 (2), 140, old sheep, nice copy. sm. 8 London, 1712 The same, pp. xii, (2), 150. 12 Boston, 1763 The same (with an additional preface by Elder Elias Lee), pp. 211, and Subscribers names, pp. xx. 12 Ballston, N. Y., Wm. Child, 1800. (3 vols.) 7507 DICKINSON (Jonathan) The True Scripture-Doctrine concerning some important points of Christian Faith . . represented and apply d in Five Discourses. Preface by Rev. Thos. Foxcroft, //. xiv, 253. 8 Boston, G. Rogers, 1741 7508 DODD (Wm.) Reflections on Death. 5th ed. Repr. Boston, 1773 DODDRIDGE (Ph.) Sermons on the Religious Education of Children. 4th ed. Repr. Boston, \^ Doddridge (P.) Rise and Progress of Religion, etc., pp. 362. Northampton, W. Butler, 1804 DOOLITTEL (Thos.) Treatise concerning the Lord s Supper ; 26th ed., //. (8), 208, nice copy. Boston, T. Fleet, 1727 (2 copies) Doolittel (T.) Captives bound in Chains, made Free by Christ, pp. 227. Boston, 1742 DURHAM (James) of Glasgow. Heaven upon Earth. . . XXII Sermons, //. (40), 374. Edinburgh, A. Anderton, 1685. (7 vols.) 8 and 12 7509 DRELINCOURT (Chas.) The Christian s Defence against Fears of Death . . With an Account of Mrs. Veal s Apparition to Mrs. Bargrave, [by Daniel Defoe,] pp. xviii, iv, 136. 16 Boston, 1744 Mrs. Veal, fresh from the spirit world, "recommended the perusal of Drelmcourt s Book on Death," as "the best on the subject, ever wrote." Her recommendation "had the effect of drawing attention to an otherwise unsaleable and neglected work. The imposition was a bold one perhaps the least defensible of all Defoe s inventions." 1 88 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7510 DUNCAN (John M.) of Baltimore. Reply to Dr. Miller s Letter to a Gentleman of Baltimore, in reference to the case of the Rev. Mr. Duncan, bds. uncut. 12 Bait., 1826 7511 DUNTON (John) An Hue and Cry after Conscience: or the Pilgrim s Progress by Candle-light in search of Honesty, etc. . under the Similitude of a Dream, upper corner torn from title, otherwise a good copy, pp. 151, i. 12 Boston, y. Allen for N. Boone, 1720 7512 EATON (Joshua) of Spencer, Mass. Seven Sermons . . preached at Spencer. Added, his Funeral Sermon, i2th of April, 1772, by Rev. Eli Forbes. Prefixed: Some Short Account of the Life and Character of Rev. J. Eaton, by E. Forbes, pp. xxvii, 155, sheep. 8 Boston, 1773 7513 EDWARDS (Jonathan) A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton and [elsewhere in] New England . . With a Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse. [First published, London, 1736.] Added, True Grace distinguished from the Experience of Devils : a Sermon before the Synod of New York, pp. 125, 43, sheep. 12 Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, 1790 Some Thoughts concerning the present Revival of Religion in New-England, //. iv, 378,, wants two leaves. 12 Boston, 1742 The same, //. iv, 221, calf. 8 Edinburgh, 1743 A Treatise concerning Religious Affections, (First Edition,) pp. vi, 344, (8) 8 Boston, 1746 The same work; 2d edition, worn copy, first leaf (after Preface} imperfect. 8 Repr. New York, J. Parker, 1768 The same : with the Life of the Author, prefixed, //. 499, (8), fine clean copy, sheep. 8 Elizabeth-Town, 1787 An Humble Attempt to promote Agreement and Union, in extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion, sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, 1747 This copy has the AUTOGRAPHS of the author ("Jonathan Edwards, 1751"), his daughter, Eunice Edwards, 1763, and his son, the second Jonathan Edwards, 1764. An Humble Attempt etc. Another copy, UNCUT. 8 Boston, 1747 - Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr. DAVID BRAINERD . . . chiefly taken from his own Diary etc., pp. xii, (18), 316. A Careful and Strict Enquiry into the modern prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will, //. vi, (4), 294, (14), old paneled sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1754 The FIRST EDITION of Edwards s principal work, "the great bulwark of Calvinistic theology. As an intellectual production, it proves its author to have been one of the greatest metaphysicians that the world has ever seen." ALLIBONE. - The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended . . A Reply to Dr. J. Taylor,//, xviii, 386, (7), sheep. 8 Boston, 1758 With the autograph of the Rev. Isaac Backus, the historian. The same work, //. xv, 341, sheep. 12 Wilmington, J. Adams, 1771 - Two Dissertations : I. Concerning the End for which God created the World. II. The Nature of True Virtue. 8 Boston, 1765 The same: wants last leaf , calf. 12 Phila., 1791 JONATHAN EDWARDS. l8g - [Fourteen] Sermons [on practical and experimental subjects] : pp. 282, i, old calf . 8 Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1780 The History of the Work of Redemption. 8 Edinburgh; repr. Boston, 1782 The same work : fine fresh copy, sheep. 8 New-York, S. Kollock, 1786 The same: with Notes, historical, critical, etc. [by David Austin], good copy, portrait of the author, sheep. 8 New York, 1793 (18 vols.) v. s. 7514 (Sermons.) A Divine and Supernatural Light, imparted by the Spirit of Gocl . . Preach d at Northampton, pp. (4), 32. 8 1734 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God . . at Enfield, July 8, 1741. 2d ed. 8 1753 At the Ordination of Jona. Judd, Northampton, June 8, 1743, pp. 50. 16 At Pelham, at the Ordin. of Robert Abercrombie, Aug. 30, 1744, //. 22. 4 At the Funeral of David Brainerd, Northampton, 1747 Farewell- Sermon at Northampton, June 22, 1750. Hartford, Green 6- Watson, n. d. [1768]. 6 Pamphlets. v. s. 7515 The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners . . A Sermon. Added, A Farewell-Sermon at Northampton, pp. 143, bds. 1 8 Northampton, D. Wright 6- Co., n. d. 7516 Sermons and Treatises: 18, as under, v. s., bound in 3 vols., hf. blue morocco (Roxburghe). 8 and 4 The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. . Discourse at New Haven, Sept. 10, 1741. i eo Boston, 1741 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. 4th ed. 8 Salem, 1786 A Divine and Supernatural Light, &c. Preached, 1734. 8 Boston, n. d. True Grace distinguished from the Experience of Devils. 8 Stockbridge, 1791 The Excellency of Christ. Serm. on Revel, v. 5, 6. 8 Boston, 1805 Treatise concerning Religious Affections. [First edition.] 8 Boston, 1746 Farewell-Sermon at Northampton, 1750. 8 Hartford, n. d. Thoughts concerning the Present Revival: abridged by John Wesley, pp. 124. 12 London, 1745 Two Sermons ; The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners : and True Grace distinguished, etc., pp. 132. 12 Hartford, 1799 Two Dissertations. . God s End in the Creation of the World, and The Nature of true Virtue. 12 Phila., 1791 An Humble Inquiry into the . . Qualifications for full Communion in the Visible Church, //. vi, 136, 16, uncut. 4 Boston, 1749 Circular Letters to Ministers and Churches, to unite in endeavours to carry into execu- cution the " Humble Attempt" of President Edwards, //. 32. 8 Concord, 1798 Preservative against the Doctrine of Fate : occasioned by reading Mr. ]. Edwards against " Free Will." 8 Boston, 1770 Essay on the Fall of Angels and Men : with Remarks on Dr. Edwards s notion of the Freedom of the Will, //. 50. 4 Wilmington, Del.; repr. Middletown, Conn., 1796 This (third) volume also contains Sermons by the younger Edwards, on the Necessity of Atonement, and Free Grace, //. 64. New Haven, 1785 ; and On The Marriage of a Wife s Sister, a Concio ad Clerum, at Yale College, New Haven, 1792. 7517 -- An Humble Attempt to promote . . Union of God s People, in Prayer,^., uncut. 16 Boston, 1747 (2 copies} Enquiry into Notions of Freedom of the Will. 8 Ibid., 1754 [DANA (J.)] An Examination of President Edwards s Enquiry on Freedom of the Will, //. xii, 140. 8 Ib., 1770 Two Dissertations. 8 /&, 1765 [14] Sermons. 8 Hartford, 1780. (6 vols.) v. s. 7518 The Great Christian Doctrine of Original- Sin defended... A Reply to Dr. John Taylor. . 8 Boston, 1758 A well-preserved copy, with the autographs of ROGER SHERMAN (the Signer), 1763, and Rev. Thomas Wells Bray, 1766. THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7519 Edwards (Jonathan) the younger. The Necessity of Atonement, and the consistency between that and Free Grace. Three Sermons, before the Gen. Assembly of Conn., Oct., 1785, pp. 64. 8 New Haven, 1785 Bound with it are : Dr. West s Examination of the Doctrine of the Atonement. N. ff., 1785 ; and Sermons by John Smalley, Nath l Niles, and Robert Robbins. 7520 The Salvation of All Men strictly Examined. . Endless Pun ishment of the Impenitent Argued, against Dr. Chauncy///. vi, 332, sheep, neat. 8 New Haven, 1790 7521 Sermons. At the Ordination of Timothy Dwight, at Green field, 1783 Ordin. of Dan Bradley, Whitestown, N. Y., 1792 Funeral of Hon. Roger Sherman, New Haven, 1793 Ordin. of Edward Dorr Griffin, New Hartford, 1795. 4 Pamphlets. 8 7522 ELIOT (Andrew) Twenty Sermons, //. xii, 480, sheep. 8 Boston, 1774 7523 ELIOT (Jared) The Two Witnesses ; or Religion supported by Reason and Divine Revelation. Lecture-Sermon at Lyme, Oct. 29, 1735, pp. (4), 79, scarce. 16 New London, T. Green, 1736 7524 EMMONS (Nath l) of franklin, Mass. Discourse at Franklin, on receiving a Donation of Books for a Parish Library from Dr. B. Franklin. Providence\\i$>i\ Sprinkling the proper Mode : Sermon on Baptism. Worcester, 1795 Fast Sermon. Wrentham, 1798 National Fast. Wrentham, 1799; Mass. Election Sermon, 1798 Dissertation on Qualifications for Admission to the Sacraments, pp. 133. Worcester, 1793 Reply to Dr. Hemmenway s Remarks on [the preceding]. Worcester, 1795. 7 in i vol. 8 7525 Sermons: Ordination of Elias Dudley, Oxford, 1791; Ordin. of Walter Harris, Dunbarton, 1789; Install, of Caleb Alexander, Mendon, 1786 ; Disc, before Franklin Soc. for Reform, of Morals, 1790 ; Ordin. of Eli Smith, Hollis, 1793 ; Ordin. of John Robinson, Westborough, 1789 ; with three other tracts, in i vol., hf. bd. 8 7526 Farewell Sermons of the Ejected Ministers. A Compleat Collec tion of Farewel Sermons preached by Mr. Calamy, Dr. Manton [and others] ; with their several Prayers. . . Revised and corrected, . . containing 42 Sermons, pp. 672, a corner torn from title leaf. 4 London, 1663 7527 FARNHAM (Benjamin) of Granby, Conn. Dissertations on the Prophecies. 12 East Windsor, L. Pratt, 1800 7528 Ferguson (Richard) The Fiery-Flying Serpent Slander, and the Brazen Serpent Charity, delineated : or a Saint and a Slanderer, etc., etc., pp. 250, wants last leaf, scarce and curious. 12 Winchester, Va., J. Foster, 1814 7529 FIRMIN (Giles) The Real Christian, or a Treatise of Effectual Calling, sheep. (2 copies.] 8 Boston, Rogers &> Fowle, 1742 7530 FISH (Joseph) The Church of Christ a firm and durable House. [Nine] Sermons on Matt. xvi. 18 . . delivered at Stonington, 1765, pp. viii, i, 196. New London, 1767 The Examiner Examined. Remarks on Mr. Isaac Backus s " Examination of Nine Sermons," etc. Ibid. 1771. (2 vols., uncut.) 8 FISHER FOXCROFT. IQI 7531 FISH (Joseph) [Nine] Sermons, etc., another copy, used. 8 N. Z., 1767 7532 FISHER (E.) The Marrow of Modern Divinity, loth edition. 12 Boston, 1743 7533 FISKE (Nathan) D.D. of Brookfield, Mass. Twenty-two Sermons, on various important Subjects, //. 417, sheep. 8 Worcester, I. Thomas, 1794 7534 FLAVEL (John) Sacramental Meditations. 6th ed. Boston, B. Green, 1708 Token for Mourners, imperfect at end. Jb. 1725 The same work. Ib. 1729 Navigation Spiritualized; or a new Compass for Sea-Men. Ib. 1726 A Word to the Well-Wishers of the Good Work of God in this Land ["a seasonable Extract from . . Flavel,"] //. 23, hf. mor. Ib. 1742 The cursed Death of the Cross described and improved, //. 30, full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion. Ib. C. Harrison, 1743. (6 vols.) v. s. 1708-43 7535 FLEMING (Robert) The Fulfilling of the Scripture : with a Preface by Mr. Foxcroft, //. xxiv, xii, 522. (2 copies.} 12 Boston, 1743 7536 FLYNT (Henry) Twenty Sermons on various Subjects. & Boston, 1739 7537 FOSTER (Isaac) of West-Stafford, Conn. A Defence of Religious Liberty: [relating to the action of Consociation, in the trial of Mr. Foster for heresy],//. 192, uncut, autograph letter of Mr. Foster, inserted. Worcester, 1780 SHERMAN (John) View of Ecclesiastical Proceedings in Windham county, Conn., pp. no. Utica, 1806 TUCKER (John) ofNewbury. Reply to Rev. Mr. [James] Chandler s Answer [concerning "the unlawful use made of Confessions of Faith," etcl\pp. 55. Boston, 1768 Letters to a Friend. . . History of Dissentions in North-Yarmouth, Me. Portland, 1824. Four in i vol., hf. sheep, neat. 8 7538 FOX (George) and BURN YE AT (John) A New-England Fire- Brand Quenched, being an Answer unto a Slanderous Book, entitled : GEORGE Fox Digged out of his Burrows, . . by Roger Williams of Providence in New-England. . . In Two Parts. As also, An Answer to R. W. s Appendix, &c., 14 prelim, leaves, pp. 233, (2), 256, covers removed for rebinding. 4 n. p. 1679 A fine, clean copy of this VERY SCARCE book. See (Part II.) No. 3521, and the Menzies Catalogue, no. 737. 7539 Fox (John) The Door of Heaven Opened and Shut . . A Discourse concerning the . . Necessity of a Timely Preparation for Eternity, //. 170, yellowed by use, full smooth calf extra, RARE. sm. 8 Newport, J. FRANKLIN, 1731 7540 FOXCROFT (Thomas) A Discourse concerning Kindness. Sermon in Boston, Feb. 28th, 1719-20. //. 36. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1720 7541 - - The Day of a godly Man s Death, better than the Day of his Birth. Sermon preach d, Feb. 25, 1722. //. ii, 46 Two Sermons, shewing how to Begin and End the Year Added, a Discourse on Jer. xviii, 20, [The Duty of the Godly to be Intercessors and Reformers,] //. 47-196. Four, continuous paging, in one vol. Boston, 1722 The Plea of Gospel-Impenitents Examin d. Two Sermons. Ibid. 1730. (2 vols.) 8 IQ2 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7542 FOXCROFT (Thomas) Another copy of the preceding 2 vols. 7543 -- Sermon, Sept. 23, 1733, upon the Occasion of an unhappy Young Woman [Rebekah Chamblit] present, under Sentence of Death [for Infanticide] With Preface by W. Cooper, and Mr. Byles s Conference with the Prisoner, 3 leaves injured, RARE. Boston, 1733 Sermon, after the Earthquake, preach d, Nov. 25, 1727, stained, uncut. Ib. 1727 Observations, Historical and Practical, on the Rise and Primitive State of New-England. Sermon, Aug. 1730. [Centennial of the First Church in Boston,] //. (8), 4,6, fine copy, uncut, VERY SCARCE. Ib. 1730 Discourse preparatory to the Choice of a Minister, June 1 1, 1727, uncut, except title (which is cut close}, and first leaf of text. 7#. 1727. ^Sermons. 8 7544 FROTHINGHAM (Fbenezer) A Key to unlock the Door, That leads in, to take a Fair View of the Religious Constitution, Established by Law, in the Colony of Connecticut. With a short Remark upon Mr. Bartlet s Sermon, etc. pp. 251, i, hf. bd., nice clean copy, SCARCE. 12 n. p., 1767 7545 GARDEN (Alex.) A Brief Account of the deluded Dutartres; Extracted from a Sermon preached by the Rev. Alex. Garden, at Charlestown, S. C., pp. 8 Narrative of the Life, with the last Speech, &c. of John Lewis, executed at Chester (Pa.), Sept. 21, 1760, for the murder of his Wife, //. 10 Ross (Robert) A Plain Address to the Quakers, Moravians, Separatists, . . . and other Enthusiasts, pp. 213, (7). Three, stitched together, in one volume, uncut. 8 New Haven, J. Parker & Co., 1762 7546 GAVIN (Antonio) A Master-Key to Popery. 3d edition,//. 300, old calf. 8 London, repr. Newport, 1773 7547 GIBBS (Henry) Certain Blessedness of all those whose Sins are Forgiven, //. vi, 160, wants one leaf of the preface, fif. bd. Boston, S, Kneeland, for D. Henchman, 1721 GILL (John) Three Sermons on the present and future state of the Church. 4th eel. Reprinted, Boston, 1756 God s Wonders in the Great Deep .. Wonderful and Amazing Account of Sailors, etc., frontispiece, pp. 80, hf. bd. Newburyport, 1805 GRAY (Andr.) of Glasgow. The Spiritual Warfare. [Ten] Sermons,//. 140, sheep. Boston, 1720 GROSVENOR (Benj.) The Mourner: or the Afflicted Relieved. Added, Dr. Young s Resignation, //. 178. New Haven, A. Morse, 1794. (5 vols.) 7548 GOSPEL ORDER j REVIVED, Being an Answer to a Book lately set | forth by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge, cX;c. ! Entituled, | The Order of the Gospel, &c. Dedicated to the Churches of Christ in New-England. | By sundry Ministers of the Gospel in New-England, 6 prelim, leaves, pp. 40, green morocco, gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford}. 4 n. p. \_W~M. BRADFORD, NEW YORK ] 1700 A FINE COPY of this VERY RARE book, having the Advertisement" on a leaf preceding the title. See THOMAS S Hist, of Printing, Vol. n., pp. 91, 458-467; this Catalogue (Part I.) No. 773; or the Menzies Catalogue, no. 817. 7549 GOUGE (William) Workes. In Two Volumes [in one] : I. Domesticall Duties. II. The Whole Armour of God {placed first, by the binder), curious symbolical frontispiece with engraved title \by Marshall], old calf. folio. London, John Beale, 1627 HANCOCK HOBART. IQ3 7550 HANCOCK (John) of Lexington. The Prophet Jeremiah s Reso lution To get him unto Great Men, and to Speak unto them. A [Lecture] Sermon before the General Court, Nov. 21, 1734, //. 26, /if. mor., SCARCE. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, 1734 7551 HART (Wm.) of Saybrook. Discourse concerning the Nature of Regeneration and the Way wherein it is wrought,//. (4), 57, uncut. 16 New London, 1742 Letter to the Rev. Samuel Hopkins, occasioned by his Animadversions on Mr. Hart s late Dialogue, //. 1 6. 8 Ibid. 1770. 2 Pamphlets. 7552 HAVEN (Samuel) Sermon on the Knowledge of Christ; preached at Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1768, //. 35, uncut. Boston, "printed by Edes &> Gill (on paper-manufactured here)" 1768 " Lately one Mr. Clark has carried on (paper-making) at the mills in Milton, to as great Perfection as at Pennsylvania. 1 1 Ames s Almanac, for 1764. 7553 HEMMENWAY (Moses) of Wells. A Vindication of the Power, Obligation and Encouragement of the Un regenerate to attend the Means of Grace, against the exceptions of Rev. S. Hopkins, etc., pp. 227, sheep. 2 copies. 8 Boston, 1772 7554 HENRY (Matthew) The Communicant s Companion, 8th ed. 12 Repr. Boston, 1723 The same, loth ed., corrected, portrait, (slightly stained) of the author, engraved by N. Mors. 12 Ibid. 1731, RARE Directions for Daily Communion with God, much used, the last two leaves imperfect, orig. binding restored, sm. 8 Ibid. 1728. (3 vols.) 7555 HIGGINSON (John) Our Dying Saviour s Legacy of Peace to His Disciples . . from John 14. 27. . . Also, a Discourse on the Two Witnesses, etc. ("To the Reader " by S. Willard), wants the title and preliminary leaves, except the last, pp. 205, i. [8 Boston, S. Green, for John Usher, 1686] VERY RARE. Sec (Part I.) No. 776. 7556 The History of the Kingdom of BASARUAH. . Collected from the most Antient Records of that Country, etc. By a Traveller in Basaruah, //. (6), 160. sm. 8 Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers in Boston, 1715 VERY RARE. The Kingdom of Basaruah is the kingdom of Man, or the Human Race (" P"lesh and Spirit"). The author of this very curious allegory, in his address "to the Reader," says : " It having pleased our Gracious King (in the year of our Redemption, 1701,) to send me into that part of Basartiah which lies toward the North of America, in order to transact for his Majesty in some of his important Affairs in that Country, I ... began to learn the Language," etc. It was reprinted at Philadelphia, by Andrew Bradford, before 1724. I conjecture that the first edition (1715) though " sold by the booksellers in Boston " was printed by William Bradford at New York. 7557 " The same : another copy, much used, somewhat discolored. 7558 HOBART (Nehem.) of Newton, Mass. The Absence of the Comforter Described and Lamented, in a Discourse on Lam. i. 16, //. x, 316, good copy, orig. sheep. 1 6 New London, Timo. Green, 1717 VERY SCARCE. The "Epistle to the Reader" is by the Rev. Eliphalet Adams, of New London, who edited the volume, after the death of the author. 7559 The same : another copy, lightly water-stained. New London, 1717 2 5 194 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7560 HOBART (Noah) of Fairfield. A Second Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New-England. . . Added, A Letter from Mr. [Moses] Dickinson, in answer to some things Mr. Wetmore has charged him with, pp. 174, uncut. 8 Boston, 1751 7561 HOBBY (William) of Reading, Mass. Seli-Examination . . urged, in sundry Sermons, pp. vi, iv, 192, orig. binding rebacked, gilt. 1 6 Boston, 1746 7562 HOMES (William) of Chilmark. A Discourse concerning the Publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures,. . in Religious Assemblies; Deliver d at Tisbury, August 12, 1719. [Dedicated to Judge Sewall,] pp. iv, 34, fine dean copy,^ original wrapper. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1720 A Brief and Plain Discourse [on the] Sabbath. (Preface by B. Colman,) //. vi, vii, 52, hf. mor. 8 Boston, Gam. Rogers, 1727 Good Government of Christian Families recom mended. .. Added, A Discourse on Secret Prayer. ("To the Reader," by J. Sewall and T. Prince, with a biographical memoir of the author,)//. 10, 164, half vellum extra, gilt. 12 Boston, 1747. (3 vols, very scarce) v. s. 7563 - - HOMES (Wm.) A Discourse concerning the Publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures, sewed, good copy, RARE. Boston, 1720 The Good Government of Christian Families, &c. wants Preface. Boston, 1747. (2 vols.) 12 7564 HOOKER (Thos.) The Poor Doubting Christian drawn to Christ; with an Abstract of the Author s Life, [by Thomas Prince,] pp. 14, 144, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 12 Boston, 1743 oooo -- Life, by Cotton Mather: See, after MATHER (C.), No. 7634. 7565 HOPKINS (Samuel) of Sheffield, Gr. Barrington, &> Newport. Sin . . an Advantage to the Universe ; three Sermons, //. iii, 66. Boston, 1759 Two Discourses : i. Necessity of Knowledge of the Law of God. n. On [Regeneration], //. 65. Boston, 1768 GREEN (Jacob) Inquiry into Constitution of Jewish Church, pp. ix, 74. New York, 1768 HOPKINS (S.) Enquiry whether any of the Promises of the Gospel, are made to the Exercises and Doings of Unregenerate Persons, pp. viii, 144, wants last leaf. Boston, 1765 Mills (Jed.) Inquiry concerning the State of the Unregenerate under the Gospel [Reply to Hopkins.] New Haven, 1767 HOPKINS (S.) [Reply to Mr. Mills,] wants title, pp. iv, 185. \_New Haven, 1769]. Six in one vol., sheep. thk. 8 1759-69 7566 HOPKINS (Samuel) Enquiry concerning the Promises of the Gospel, whether . . made to the Exercises of the Unregenerate, wants last leaf. Boston, 1765 The true State of the Unregenerate . . Reply to Mr. Mills, pp. iv, 184, i. New Haven, 1769. (2 vols.) 8 7567 Sermon at the South Church in Boston, pp. 35. Boston, 1768 - Two Discourses, i. The Necessity of the Knowledge of the Law of God. n. Inquiry into the Nature, etc. of [Regeneration], //. 65. Ib. 1768 The True State .. of the Unregenerate.. Reply to Mills, //. 185 : New Haven, 1769 : and others, as under, in one vol., sheep. 8 A Treatise on Regeneration, by P. Van Mastricht. N. H., n. d. (1769) FINLEY (Samuel) The Madness of Mankind, .. a Sermon, Philadelphia, 1754. 2d edition. N.Y. 1758. HOPKINS JANEWAY. IQCj 7568 HOPKINS (Samuel) Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness, //. vi, (2), 220. 8 Newport, 1773 The same: another edition, pp. 218, (2). 12 New York, 1791. (2 vols.) 7569 A New Edition of Two Discourses . . from a copy revised and corrected by the Author, pp. 120, hf. bd. 12 Boston, 1768: repr. Bennington, A. Haswell, 1793 7570 -- Israel Dewey s Letters to the Rev. Samuel Hopkins [dated, Sheffield, Dec. 14, 1757 and Jan. 9, 1759], PP- l6 - 8 n - P-, n - d - [1759] A Sermon of a New Kind, never preached, nor ever will be; containing a collection of Doctrines, belonging to the Hopkintonian Scheme of Orthodoxy, etc., pp. 28. 12 New Haven, n. d. [1769?], RARE. 2 Pamphlets. In SXEVENS S Nuggets (No. 2487) "A Sermon of a New Kind" is, by mistake, attributed to ROGER SHERMAN. 7571 -- An Enquiry concerning the Promises of the Gospel, etc. Boston, 1765 Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness, uncut. Newport, 1773 Inquiry concerning the Future State of those who die in their Sins, //. (4), vi, 194, unused, uncut. Newport, 1783 New Edition of Two Discourses, <fAr. Bennington, Vt., A. Haswell, 1793 (2 copies]. 7572 Inquiry concerning the Future State of those who die in their Sins. 8 Newport, 1783 7573 HUNTINGTON (John) of Salem, Mass. Sermons on Important Subjects. (Prefaced by E. Pemberton and Andrew Eliot,) //. vi, 223, sheep. 8 Boston, 1767 7574 HUNTINGTON (Jos.) of Norwich, Conn. The Vanity and Mischief of presuming on Things beyond our Measure. Sermon, May 22, 1774, //. 30, VERY SCARCE. Nonvich, Robertsons & Trumbull, 1774 [ ] Plea before the Ecclesiastical Council at Stockbridge in the Cause of Mrs. Fisk, delivered Oct. 6th and 7th, 1779. By a Gen tlemen of Connecticut, uncut, soiled. Norwich, J. Trumbull, 1780 2 Pamphlets. 4 7575 HUNTINGTON (Wm.) God, the Poor Man s Guardian and the Bank of Faith. 12 Newburyport, E. M. Blunt, 1797 7576 IMRIE (David) of Scotland. Letters concerning Scripture Proph ecies, //. 1 6. (Edinburgh, 1755; repr. Boston, 1756) 4 Phila. (from the Boston edition, J. Chatten), 1756 The Earthquakes of 1750 and 1751 "appeared to Mr. Imrie, only Preludes of more prodigious ones, and he thinks he is able to prove from Scripture, that by the last and greatest Concussion of all, the Axis of the Earth will be preternaturally moved out of its present position, and restored to the more favourable position it had before the Fall." 7577 JANEWAY (James) Invisibles, Realities, Demonstrated, in the Holy Life and Triumphant Death of Mr. John Janeway, //. xxiv, 164, sheep. 12 Boston, repr. T. Fleet for J. Blanchard, 1742 Heaven upon Earth; or, the Best Friend in the Worst Times; from the 3d edition, corrected, curious woodcut on title, pp. 260, sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, B. Mecom, 1760 Token for Children . . By James Janeway . . Added, A Token for the Children of NEW ENGLAND [By COTTON MATHER.] . . With new Additions, pp. vi, 32, (4), 43, 40, sheep, nice copy. Ibid., T. 6* J. Fleet, 1771 The same : another edition, //. 156, clean, uncut. Ibid., %. Fowle, 1771. (4 vols.) 196 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7578 JANEWAY (James) A Token for Children, pp. v, 50. New York, repr. W. Ross, 1786. Bound with it are: Jona, Edwards s Faithful Narrative of the Work of God in New England ; and Synod-Sermon (True Grace distinguished, etc.) Elizabethtown, 1790; and another. In one vol., sheep. 12 Life and Death of John Janeway. Boston, 1742. (2 vols.) 7579 JOHNSON (Stephen) of Lyme, Conn. The Everlasting Punishment of the Ungodly, . . a Scripture Doctrine, //. xviii, 359, and Errata, i/., sheep. 8 New London, 1786 7580 KEACH (Benj.) The Travels of True Godliness and Ungodliness. Two volumes in one, pp. 297, sheep, good copy. sm. 12 Phila., Parry Hall, 1793 7581 KNOX (Hugh) of St. Croix. The Moral and Religious Miscel lany ; or, Sixty-one Aphoretical Essays, on Christian Doctrines and Virtues, with a pen-and-ink portrait of Dr. Knox preaching, pp . 360, including list of Subscribers, 1 4 //., old calf. 8 New York, Hodge 6- Shober, 1775 Dr. Knox was the early instructor of Alexander Hamilton. 7582 The same : another edition, pp. 352, incL list of Subscribers in Connecticut and Massachusetts (7 //.), sheep. 8 Hartford, 1790 7583 LANGDON (Samuel) of Portsmouth. An Impartial Examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman s Letters on Theron and Aspasio. 3 Parts, in i vol., //. 75, 98, 136, sheep. (2 copies.) 8 Boston, Mein 6 Fleeming, for Knight Sexton, Hartford, 1769 7584 The same, uncut. Boston, 1769 Remarks on the leading Sentiments in Dr. S. Hopkins s System of Doctrines, in a Letter from S. Langdon, D.D., pp. 36, uncut. 12 Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1794. (2) 7585 LATHROP (John) of Boston. Occasional Sermons, as follow: Thanksgiving, recommended by Prov. Congress, Dec. 15, 1774; Fifth of March, 1778; before Mass. Charit. Fire Soc., May 29, 1796; Public Lecture, Mch. 16, 1797, with Appendix, containing account of attempts to set Fire to the town of Boston ; Commence ment of the Century, 1801 ; before Soc. for Propag. the Gospel among the Indians, 1804; at the dismissal of Rev. Jos. M Kean, Milton, 1804; Dedication in Dorchester, 1813; On the Law of Retaliation, 1814; with other tracts, in i vol., hf. sheep neat, manu script contents and continuous paging. 8 7586 LAW (Wm.) Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy; [with] a Short Account of his Life, //. 140, sheep. 12 Stanford, in Nine- Partners, \N. YI\ 1803 A scaifce imprint : by Daniel Lawrence, for Samuel Thorn, and Joseph C. Deane. 7587 LEE (Samuel) Xapa rr/c IL^fwr- The Joy of Faith, or a Treatise opening the true Nature of Faith, etc., pp. (18), 247, margins worn and, in some parts, stained, several leaves injured; calf, neat: sold with all faults. 8 Boston, Samuel Green, 1687 Only a tolerable copy of a VERY RARE volume: a duplicate of No. 808 (Part I.) 7588 LEE (Samuel) The Great Day of Judgment; Handled In a Sermon Preached at the Assizes at New-Bristol. Octob. 7, 1687. By the Reverend and Learned Samuel Lee, M.A Accompany d with Preparatory Meditations, upon The Day of Judgment, by LELAND - LORD. IQ7 Mr. COTTON MATHER. Title and " Preparatory Meditations," pp. 36 ; "A Summons or Warning to the Great Day of Judgment. In a Sermon," etc. Title and pp. 1 1-46, (imperfect, wanting four preliminary leaves, pp. 3-10, and one or two leaves at the end; much used, margins worn, and a few letters lost from first title; sold with all faults. 12 Boston, Barth. Green, for N. Buttolph, 1692 EXTREMELY RARE. Though the Assize Sermon by Lee is imperfect, the " Preparatory Meditations" one of the rarest of the Mather series are complete. 7589 LEE (Samuel) EAto-fym^oe. Or the Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praise. A Treatise of Preventing secret & unexpected Mercies, with some mixt Reflexions, //. (8), 194, good copy, in old binding, RARE. 12 Boston, B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1718 759 T ne same : another copy, larger than the preceding, but the first few pages are slightly stained by mould. Boston, 1718 7591 LELAND (Elder John) The Bible-Baptist, //. 27, hf. bound, neat. 8 Baltimore, Wm. Goddard, 1789 7592 (Tracts.) The Rights of Conscience inalienable, and there fore Religious Opinions not cognizable by Law, etc. New London, 1791 The same, reprinted in The Connecticut Dissenter s Strong Box: No. I. N. L., C. Holt, 1802 A Stroke at the Branch.. Remarks on Times and Things. Hartford, 1801 Strictures on the Consecration of Christ, and the Rite of Circumcision. Ib. 1801 Extract from Elder John Leland s Budget of Scraps. Palmer, E. Terry, 1810 Part of a Speech at Suffield, Conn., on the First Jubilee of the U. States. Pittsfield, 1826 Events in the Life of John Leland : written by himself. Ib. 1838. 7 Pamphlets. 8 7593 LE MERCIER (Andrew) of Boston. The Church History of Geneva, in Five Books : as also a Political and Geographical Account of that Republick (with independent title and separate paging), pp. (10), 220, (2), vi, 76, (2). 8 Boston, 1732 7594 LE MERCIER (A.) Treatise against Detraction ; in Ten Sections, old calf . 8 Boston, 1733 Dedicated to the Elders, Deacons, and all the Heads of Families of the French Church of Boston. 7595 -- MANUSCRIPT. Sermons (in French) preached by the Rev. A. Le Mercier, at the French Church in Boston, and elsewhere ; in his autograph. A Parcel. 4 The parcel contains ten complete and several imperfect Manuscript Sermons, very neatly written. The first that bears a date was preached "a Zurich, le 8 Avril, 1714"; the next, "a Boston, le 18 Mars, 1716" (probably one of his earliest in Boston); another, "prononce a Boston le 26 Janvier, 1718, a 1 occasion de 1 abjuration de M. Jean Bruneau de Nantes" converted from Romanism, while a prisoner at Boston. There arc several of a numbered series of discourses on the First Epistle of Peter the " 6gth and last" being dated, 26th April, 1719. 7596 Letter (A) from some Aged Nonconforming Ministers, to their Christian Friends, touching the Reasons of their Practice. Aug. 24, 1701. 4th edition, . . enlarged, with some Practical Advice. (Preface by INCREASE MATHER,) //. (2), iv, 72, and Advertisement, i /., fine copy, original wrapper, RARE. 8 Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1712 7597 LORD (Benjamin) of Norwich. True Christianity explained and enforced. Sermon at Canterbury, wants title. N. London, T. Green, 1727 Two Sermons on the Necessity of Regeneration : delivered at Norwich, Jan. 4, 1737-8, pp. 5-12 in manuscript. Boston, 1738 198 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Sermon at Ordin. of Jabez Wight, at East-Norwich. JV. L., 1727 Fun. Sermon for [his wife] Mrs. Anne Lord, July 5, 1748. N. L., 1751 Sermon after the Death of Rev. Henry Willes, Norwich. ibid. 1759 Sermon at Install, of Nathanael Whitaker. ibid. 1761. 6 in one vol., old calf , autograph of Abigail Lord. 16 7598 LORD (B.) Sermon at Ordin. of Jabez Wight, East-Norwich, N. L., 1727 Serm. at Instal. of N. Whitaker, Chelsea, in Norwich. ib. 1761 Jubilee : Half Century Discourse at Norwich, imperfect, ib. 1767 The important Connection of Time with Eternity. . Two Sermons, ib. 1769 God glorified in his Works of Providence and Grace. . The signal Deliverances wrought for Mrs. Mercy Wheeler, in Plainfield. 2d edition. Boston, 1743; repr. N.L., 1771, RARE The same: 3d edition. Hartford, 1798 Fun. Sermon for Mrs. Martha Willes. N. L., 1774. 7 Pamphlets. 7599 LORD (Benj.) A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Levi Hart, at Preston, Nov. 4, 1762, pp. 44, uncut. 8 Providence, William Goddard, 1763 RARE. One of the earliest issues of the first press in Providence established by William Goddard in 1762. 7600 LORD (Joseph) Reason why, not Anabaptist Plunging but Infant-Believer s Baptism ought to be approved, etc., pp. (2), 8, 170, sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Boston, S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, 1719 7601 LORING (Israel) of Sudbury. The Nature & Necessity of the New-Birth. Sermon at Boston Lecture. Preface by Rev. Thomas Prince, pp. 4, 78, impft. at end, stained. Boston, 1728 Sermon at Concord, Dec. 29, 1737, first three leaves torn, pp. 138, 2. ib. 1738 A Practical Discourse, on Gal. ii. 16, List of Subscribers, 4 pp., and pp. 93, good copy. ib. 1749. (3 vols.) 12 7602 Lutheran Church. Liturgie oder Kirchen-Agende der Evangel- isch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien. 12 Baltimore, 1818 7603 MALL (Thos.) History of the Martyrs Epitomised. 2 vols. in i, //. (16), 270; (4), xii, 294, sheep, fine copy. 8 London; repr. Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1747 The second Preface, " A brief Account " &c. is signed " S. L." the initials of the Rev. Samuel Lee, once Minister of Bristol, R. I. 7604 Man s whole Duty, and Directions for a Religious Life, //. 86, sheep. 12 Boston, B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1718 7605 MASON (Rev. John) Select Remains : recommended by I. Watts. 3d edition. Boston, 1743 The same. Newark, N. J., J. A. Crane, 1809. (2 vols.) 12 7606 [MATHER (RICHARD)] A Defence of the Answer and Argu ments of the Synod met at Boston in the Year 1662. Concerning the Subject of Baptism, and Consociation of Churches, Against the Reply made thereto by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport. . . Together with An Answer [by JONA. MITCHELL] to the Apologetical Preface set before that Essay. By some of the Elders, etc., pp. (2), 46, 102. 4 Cambridge, S. Green and M. Johnson for Hezekiah Usher, 1664 A good copy of this VERY RARE volume. (Sec, Part L, No. 936.) INCREASE MATHER. 1 99 7607 MATHER (INCREASE) The First Principles of New-England, Concerning The Subject of Baptisme and Communion of Churches, [to which are added, separately paged, letters from the Rev. John Allin and Jonathan Mitchell,] //. (8), 40, 7, a bit torn from upper corner of title (not touching the text} and another from the corner of p. i, taking a few letters. 4 Cambridge, S. Green, 1675 VERY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 986. The preface is dated, "i. of 3d Moneth [May], 1671." 7608 A Discourse concerning the Subject of Baptisme, //. (4), 1-46 (wants all after), UNCUT The same: //. (4), 76, title torn, a small bit lost, and a larger from corner of last leaf, somewhat water- stained, original marbled wrapper. The two sold as one, with all faults. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1675 VERY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 967. The Preface is dated, Boston, i. of 2. M. [April,] 1675. 7609 - - The First Principles of New-England, etc. A Discourse concerning the Subject of Baptisme, wants pp. 49, 50, and last leaf, the last remaining leaf injured. 2 in i vol., sheep. 4 Cambridge, S. Green, 1675 7610 The Wicked Mans Portion. A Sermon (at the Lecture in Boston, the i8th day of the ist Moneth, 1674, when two men were executed, who had murthered their Master), pp. (4), 25, original marbled wrapper. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1675 EXTREMELY RARE. This is, probably, the FIRST WORK PRINTED IN BOSTON. See (Part I.) No. 1045. 7611 -- The Times of men are in the hand of God. Or A Sermon Occasioned by that awfull Providence . . the 4th day of the 3d Moneth, 1675. (when part of a Vessel was blown up in the Harbour,) i blk. leaf, pp. (6), 21, i blk. leaf, slightly water-stained, orig. marbled wrapper. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1675 EXTREMELY RARE. A good copy of the SECOND WORK PRINTED IN BOSTON. See (Part I.) No. 1040. 7612 The Divine Right of Infant-Baptisme Asserted and Proved from Scripture and Antiquity. (To the Reader, by Urian Oakes, Feb. 21, 1679-80,) //. (8), 27, good copy, though the title and second leaf are cut close at bottom, touching the last line, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, jfohn Foster, 1680 7613 Returning unto God the great concernment of a Covenant People. Sermon, to the Second Church in Boston, March 17, 1679-80, when that Church did solemnly Renew their Covenant, etc., pp. (6), 19; The Covenant, pp. 2; VERY RARE. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 7614 Practical Truths, Tending to Promote the Power of Godliness . . Delivered in Sundry Sermons, imperfect, wants title, and three prelim, leaves and five leaves after p. 210, at end; one leaf mutilated. 8 \Boston, Samuel Green, upon assignment of S. Sewal, 1682] The same : an imperfect copy, wanting prelim, leaves, and all after p. 128. Two volumes sold as one. 7615 KOMHTOrPAfclA. Or A Discourse concerning Comets.. Also two Sermons Occasioned by the late Blazing Stars. (To the Reader, by Rev. John Sherman, Dec. 20, 1682,) pp. (12), 143; The two Sermons : Heaven s Alarm to the World . . The Second 2OO THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Impression, //. (8), 38 : The Latter Sign Discoursed of . . Aug. 31, 1682, pp. (2), 30, wants last leaf . 8 Boston, S. G\reen\ for S. S\ewall\ 1683 See (Part I.) Nos. 998, 994. The Sermons have separate title-pages and pagination, with the date 1682 in the imprint. 7616 MATHER (Increase) [An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences. . .Especially in New-England,] wants title, and first four leaves of Preface, pp. 163-4, and all after p. 366, (7 leaves}, much used, VERY RARE. 8 [Boston, Samuel Green, 1684] 7617 [A Sermon occasioned by the Execution of [James Morgan] a man found Guilty of Murder, preached at Boston, March nth, 1685-6 . . With the Confession, Last Expressions, and Solemn Warning of that Murderer, etc. The Second Edition], wants title, pp. (2), 36 MATHER (COTTON) The Call of the Gospel Applyed . . A Sermon preached on the yth day of March, 1686, . . in the Hearing of a man under . . Sentence of Death, for Murder. The Second Edition, //. 37-82 An Exhortation to a Condemned Malefactor, delivered March the 7th, 1686. By JOSHUA MOODEY, pp. 83-116, wants the last four leaves, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, Richard Pierce, 1687 7618 De Successu Evangelij Apud INDOS in Nova-Anglia Epistola. Ad Cl. Virum D. Johannem Leusden . . A CRESCENTIO MATHERO, etc., pp. (2), 13, lower corners restored, a few words in facsimile, bds. neat. 8 Londini, Typis J. G. 1688 The First London edition : RARE. See (Part I.) No. 1038. 7619 - - The Great Blessing of Primitive Counsellours. Election Sermon, //. 8, 16 (wanting 17-22), stained, a small corner torn from the second leaf of the prefatory address. 4 Boston, B. Harris, 1 693 An imperfect copy of this VERY RARE Election Sermon ; but important to collectors as containing entire (the loss of a few words excepted) the prefatory address " To the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay" in which Mather s recites his services, and defends his course as the Colony s agent in England. 7620 The Order of the Gospel Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New-England, Justified, etc., pp. 143, wants title, and a few words of the last leaf {"Contents "). 12 [Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, for B. Eliot, 1700] ANGELOGRAPHIA, or A Discourse concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels : To which is added, A Sermon concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels : Also, a Disquisition concerning Angelical Apparitions, //. (12), 132, 38, wants first title and pp. 39-44 of the Disquisition (which has separate title and pagination), sm. 8 [Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1696.] (2 vols.) 7621 The Righteous Man a Blessing. . In Two Sermons: Added, a third sermon: The Morning Star, pp. 39-84. Boston, for N. Boone, 1702 The Glorious Throne: or, A Sermon concerning the Glory of the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ, pp. 97-122. Boston, B. G. and J. A. for N. Boone, 1702. 2 Tracts. 12 Four of the six sermons published for N. Boone, in 1702, with continuous paging. See (Part I.) Ichabod, No. 996, and Four Sermons, No. 989. 7622 Practical Truths tending to Promote Holiness . . In Several Sermons, //. (2), 102, (4). 2 copies (one imperfect) sold as one. 12 Boston, B. Green, for B. Eliot, 1704 INCREASE MATHER. 201 7623 A Dissertation, wherein the Strange Doctrine lately Pub lished in a Sermon [by Solomon Stoddard], the Tendency of which, is, to Encourage Unsanctified Persons . . to Approach the Holy Table of the Lord, is Examined and Confuted. With an Appendix, etc., pp. (12), 135, best levant brown morocco, filleted and paneled sides, back full gilt, g. e. Boston, B. Green, 1708 See, after, Stoddard s reply, " An Appeal to the Learned." 7624 A Dissertation, etc., another copy, original binding. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1708 7625 Burnings Bewailed: in a Sermon, Occasioned by the Lamentable FIRE which was in Boston, Octob. 2, 1711, pp. (4), 34, a fine copy, but wants the last leaf. 8 Boston, Timothy Green, 1711 The FIRST EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE. A copy of the Second edition, 1712, was sold in Part I. (No. 951). In the Preface to this Sermon, Mather denounces "that worse than Brutish Sin of Drunkenness, become a prevailing Iniquity all over the Countrey." "How has Wine and Cyder, but most of all Rum, debauched multitudes of People, Young and Old! Considering the late Lamentable Fire was Occasioned by Drunkenness, (as is believed) has not the Lord written His Displeasure against that Sin in a Peculiar manner, in Fiery Characters ? " 7626 The same : imperfect, wants pp. 29-36, uncut except at top. Boston, 1711 The same: The Second Edition, pp. 36, last leaf facsimiled in neat manuscript. Boston, T. Green, 1712. 2 Pamphlets. 7627 The Doctrine of Divine Providence opened and applied, etc., pp. (5-8), 148, wants title and first leaf. 8 [Boston, ft. Pierce, 1684] KOMHTOrPA$IA, or a Discourse concerning Comets, imperfect. [Boston, 1683] Heaven s Alarm to the World, wants title, pp. vi, 38; and The Voice of God in Signal Providences, pp. 1-22, impft. at end. [Boston, 1682] Some Remarks on a Pretended Answer to a Discourse concerning the Common-Prayer Worship, pp. (2), 36; An Appendix, pp. 1-4, impft. at end, uncut. Printed for N. Hillier, London, etc., n. d. [i 7 13] The same trimmed copy, without the Appendix, pp. (2), 36. Ibid. Now or Never is the Time . . to make Sure of Eternal Salvation. Several Sermons, impft. 12 Boston, for B. Eliot, 1713 The same: imperfect. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1713 A Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils . . . with a Preface, containing a further Vindication of the Congre gational Discipline, pp. (2), xx, 1-40, wants last four leaves. 12 Boston, for N. Boone, 1716. 8 vols. and parts. v. s. 7628 MATHER (COTTON) A Father Departing. Sermon on the Departure of Dr. Increase Mather, pp. 31, uncut COLMAN (B.) The Prophet s Death. Sermon after the Funeral of Increase Mather, D.D., pp. 37, uncut, slightly water stained. 2 Pamphlets. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1723 7629 MATHER (COTTON) Military Duties, Recommended to an Artillery Company; At their Election of Officers, in Charls-Town, 13 d. 7m. 1686, pp. (7), i blank, 78, (2), smooth russet calf extra, back full-gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford), an ELEGANT COPY, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, R. Pierce, 1687 7630 The same : wanting title, preface, and last leaf (the bookseller s advertisement), the Sermon complete, pp. 78, UNCUT. 8 [R. Pierce, 1687] 26 2O2 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7631 MATHER (Cotton) Work upon the Ark., a Sermon at Boston [Nov. 17, 1689,] imperfect, pp. (10), 1-44. Boston, S. Green, 1689 [The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated.] . . Thanksgiving Sermon . . . Added : The Way to Prosperity : a Sermon to the Honourable Convention, May 23, 1689; both imperfect. Boston, S. Green, 1690, (2 copies.) 3 vols., sold with all faults. 8 See (Part I.) Nos. 1274, 1276. 7632 -- THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD. | Observa tions | As well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the DEVILS, Accompany d with, | i. Some Accounts of the Grievous Molestations, by D;E-|MONS and WITCHCRAFTS, which have lately annoy d the Countrey; and the Trials of some eminent | Malefactors Executed upon occasion thereof; with several | Remarkable Curiosities therein occurring. etc. . . | The DEVIL DISCOVERED : In a Brief Discourse upon | those Temptations, etc. Title, prelim, leaves, and "Enchantments Encoun- tred," 32 pp. n. n.; A Discourse on The Wonders of the Invisible World, pp. 151, one leaf (p. 7) mutilated; The Devil Discovered, //. 1-6, wants all after. sm. 8 Boston, Printed and Sold by Benjamin Harris, 1693 "Of nil works of the Mathers, this is probably the RAREST ; it is, perhaps, also one of the most important, as exhibiting the prevalence of the delusion which at that time infected New-England." SABIN S Dictionary. Mr. Brinley never succeeded in obtaining an absolutely perfect copy. He had brought together parts of two copies (here sold as one) making the principal work complete, except one mutilated leaf, but wanting the greater part of the appended Sermon (" The Devil Discovered.") It is, necessarily, sold -with all faults. 7633 -- Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion. Or The Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman, pp. 104, wants pp. 11-38, upper corners slightly nibbled, VERY RARE. 12 Cambridge, S. G. and B. G. for Samuel Phillips, Boston, 1692 7634 Piscator Evangelicus. | Or, | The Life of Mr. THOMAS HOOKER, | The Renowned, | Pastor of Hartford-Church, \ and | Pillar of Connecticut-Colony, in New-England. | Essay d by Cotton Mather. | pp. 45, (i), one leaf (p. 35) slightly injured on outer margin, VERY RARE. Sm. 8 \BoSt01l,~\ 1695 7635 - - A Family Well-Ordered. Or An Essay to Render Parents and Children Happy in one another, pp. 79, 5, imperfect, wanting pp. 25-72. 12 Boston, B. Green 6* y. Allen, for M. Perry, 1699 VERY RARE. Mr. Brinley could not obtain a perfect copy. In this, the most interesting part of the tract "An Address Ad Fratres in Eremo" pp. 5, (separately paged, ) on the importance of Schools is complete. " A Good School deserves to be call d the very Salt of the Town, that hath it. . . A wcful putrefaction threatens the Rising Generation; Barbarous Ignorance, and the unavoidable consequence of it, Outrageous Wickedness will make the Rising Generation Loathsome, if it have not Schools to preserve it." 7636 A Pillar of Gratitude . . . [Election] SERMON, May 29, 1700, //. 38, the last leaf stained (by mucilage), THE SERMON COMPLETE, without the Appendix "concerning the Success of the Gospel in the East Indies." 12 Boston, B. Green 6* y. Allen, 1700 EXTREMELY RARE. Mr. Brinley had no other copy. COTTON MATHER. 2O3 7637 [MATHER (Cotton)] An Advice to the Churches of the Faithful : Briefly Reporting the Present State of the Church, Throughout the World, pp. 16. B. Green 6- J. Allen, 1702 [ ] A Letter to Ungospellized Plantations ; Briefly Representing the Excellency & Necessity of a Peoples Enjoying the Gospel . . among them, //. 16, first leaf injured, but complete. Boston, 1702. 2 Tracts. 8 7638 [ ] A Faithful Monitor . . Offering an Abstract of the Laws of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, against certain Disorders: [with a Sermon, at Boston Lecture, 30 d. i m. 1704, entitled] The Reprover doing his Duty, //. 56, wanting first four leaves, fine, UnCUt, VERY RARE. 8 \Bost01l, 1704] 7639 A Very Needful Caution. A Brief Essay to Discover the Sin that Slayes its Ten Thousands ; And Represent the Character . . of the Coveteous, pp. 60, wants lower half of title, and four leaves (PP- 5~ 8 > 2 9-3 2 )- [ I2 Boston, 1707] Boston Lecture, 15. 6. 1706. VERY RARE. 7640 [ ] Work Within-Doors. An Essay to Assist the Serious in the Grand Exercise of Conversing with Themselves, etc., pp. 40, vellum wrapper, good copy. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1709 VERY RARE. The running-title is, " A Christian conversing with himself." Preached, "P. M. 19. d. 4.m. 1709." 7641 - - [WINTHBOPI JUSTA. A Sermon At the Funeral of the Hon ble John Winthrop, Esq., Late Governour of the Colony of Connecticut in New-England. Who Died at Boston, Nov. 27. 1707. in his 6gth Year,] wants title, pp. (6), 3-40. (To the Reader, by Increase Mather, 4 pp.) 12 \Boston, 1708] EXTREMELY RARE. For the London editions of 1710, see Part I., Nos. 1272, 1273. The first three leaves need cleaning and sizing. From p. 5 to the end, the tract is in fine condition. 7642 -- [Awakening Thoughts on the Sleep of Death: with a Debt paid to the Memory of some that sleep in Jesus,] pp. viii, 34, wants title. 8 \Boston, 1712] A Sermon preached "Thursday-Evening, 31. d. n. m. 1711-12. To a Private Society of Christians, Bewailing the Death of One in their Number." The Preface contains a memorial of Mrs. Mary Higginson (wife of the Rev. John Higginson, and a daughter of the Rev. Adam Blakeman). EXTREMELY RARE. Mr. Sabin, giving the title at second-hand, says: "I am unable to locate a copy." 7643 [ ] THE ECHO S OF DEVOTION. A very brief and plain | Essay On those Acts of Compliance, | Which All | Calls to Piety, | Are to be Entertained withal. More particularly, Way both .of Readying the Scripture, and of The most Edifying Hearing a Sermon, | Proposed and Commended, etc. pp. 34, wants the last leaf. 12 Boston, T. Fleet 6* T. Crump, for S. Gerrish, 1716 EXTREMELY RARE. " So rare that I am unable to quote a perfect copy." SABIN. 7644 Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms, In a Trans lation Exactly conformed unto the Original ; but all in Blank Verse, pp. (2), xxxvi, 426, title in manuscript facsimile, a bit torn from last leaf. sm. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, for B. Eliot [and others^ 1718 Dr. Benjamin Colman s copy, with his autograph, 1719. See (Part I.) No. 1199, and the Menzies Catalogue, no. 1354. 7645 Detur Digniori. The Righteous Man described & asserted as the Excellent Man. . . A Sermon upon the Death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Gerrish . . of Wenham, pp. (2), 29. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1720 2O4 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7646 MATHER (Cotton) Decus ac Tutamen. A Brief Essay on the Blessings enjoy d by a People that have Men of a Right Character Shining among them . . In Commemoration of . . the Honourable GURDON SALTONSTALL Esq; Late Govern our of Connecticut-Colony, //. (4), iv, 34, good copy, RARE. sm. 8 New London, T. Green, 1724 7647 - - Ratio Discipline Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Account of the Discipline professed and practised in the Churches of New- England, //. (2), 10, 207, (3). 8 Boston, S. Gerrish, 1726 7648 [ ] The Balance of the Sanctuary. A Short and Plain Essay; declaring The True Balance wherein Every Thing should be Weighed, etc. A Lecture in the Audience of the General Assembly at Boston, Oct. 5, 1727, pp. (2), 24, uncut except at top. 12 Boston, T. Fleet, 1727 7649 [ ] The same: another copy, 1727 The Mystical Marriage. A Brief Essay, on, The Grace of the Redeemer espousing The Soul of the Believer, etc., pp. (2), 16, wants title. 8 [Boston, 1728,] VERY RARE A Monitor for Communicants. An Essay to Excite and Assist Religious Approaches to the Table of the Lord, etc. 4th Edition, pp. (4), 19. sm. 8 New London, T. Green, 1732. 3 Tracts. 7650 - - The PRESENT STATE OF NEW-ENGLAND . . Discourse on the Necessities and Advantages of a Public Spirit . . Lecture in Boston, 20 d. i m. 1690. Upon the News of an Invasion by bloody Indians and French-men, pp. (2), 52, close cut at top, title and last leaf mutilated. \_Boston, S. Green, 1690,] VERY RARE A Companion for Communicants, broken and imperfect. Boston, 1690 BONIFACIUS. An Essay upon the Good, that is to be Devised and Designed, by those who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life, etc., wants title, stained, margins of a few leaves broken. 8 Boston, 1710, (the RARE FIRST EDITION of " Essays to do Good," containing Mather s prospectus of his "Biblia Americana ") Essays to do Good . . A new edition, improved by Geo. Burder. 12 Johnstown, \N. K] Asa Child, 1815 Nehemiah. A Brief Essay on Divine Consola tions, pp. 24, wants title. 4 Boston, 1710 Thoughts for the Day of Rain. Two Essays : The Gospel of the Rainbow, and The Saviour with His Rainbow, //. 64, title in manuscript, wants preface. Boston, 1712 Just Commemorations [Funeral Sermon for John Cotton and Grindal Rawson: see Part I. No. 1148], wants title and last leaf, pp. iv, 56. Boston, 1715 Terra Beata. A Brief Essay on the Blessing of Abraham, wants title and four leaves at end, pp. 46. [Boston, 1726,] VERY RARE The Good Old Way. Or, Christianity Described . . in the Lives of Primitive Christians, etc., pp. (2), 1-46, only. Boston, 1706 The Cause of the Lord s Day Evening Pleaded, pp. 26, wants title. 10 vols. and tracts, all more or less imperfect. 7651 [ ] The Soul upon the Wing. An Essay on the State of the Dead . . In a Sermon occasion d by the Decease of some Desirable Friends [Mr. John Coney, and Mrs. Mary Edwards,] lately Departed, //. (2), 24 FOXCROFT (T.) A Funeral Sermon .. Preach d on the Decease of Mr. John Coney, pp. vii, 66, wants last page. Two in one, with a half-title prefixed : "Two Funeral Sermons Preach d upon Mournful Occasions, by Dr. C. Mather and Mr. T. Foxcroft," uncut. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1722 THE MATHERS MAYHEW. 2O5 oooo MATHER (C.) What the Pious Parent wishes for. See Sermons on Early Piety, No. 7752. Christodulus. A Good Reward of a Good Servant. . . With some Commemoration of Mr. Thomas Waller. 1725 The Terror of the Lord. Some Account of the Earthquake, 29 and 30 of October, 1727. (With the Appendix of Nov. 4th.) A Father Departing. Sermon on the Departure of Dr. Increase Mather. 1723 Ecclesice Monilia. The Peculiar Treasure of the Almighty King opened. . . Character of Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton. 1726. See Sermons (collected by Warham Williams), No. 7753. 7652 Funeral Sermons, on Cotton Mather: by Samuel Mather, Joshua Gee, Thomas Prince, and Mather Byles. 4 Pamphlets. 8 Boston, 17 28-29 7653 -- Funeral Sermons; by Benj. Colman (imperfect}, J. Gee, T. Prince, and Mather Byles. 4 Pamphlets. 8 Boston, 1728-29 7654 MATHER (Samuel) of Dublin. A Testimony from Scripture against Idolatry and Superstition, "To the Reader," by M. I. [Increase Mather], wants title, pp. (4), 88, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 {Boston, 1725] See (Part I.) Nos. 1310, 1311. 7655 MATHER (Samuel) of Boston. An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, pp. (8), ix, (3), 216, sheep, good copy. 8 Boston, 1738 7656 The Fall of the Mighty lamented. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Her Majesty Wilhelmina Dorothea Carolina, Queen- Consort, preached March 23, 1737-8 Fun. Discourse on Prince Frederick-Lewis, preached at Boston, May 22, 1751 Fun. Dis course on the Rev. Mr. William Welsteed and Mr. Ellis Gray, preached to their People in the New Brick Meeting-House, May 6, J 753- 3 Pamphlets. 8 Boston. 7657 MATHER (SAMUEL) of Windsor. The Self-Justiciary Convicted and Condemned, etc., pp. (2), 27, (i), 94. much used copy, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, for N. Porter, Windsor, 1707 "The Epistle Dedicatory" is "to the Church and Inhabitants of Windsor," dated March I7th, 1706 [-07]. 7658 MATHER (AZARIAH) of Say brook. A Discourse concerning the Death of the Righteous ; Had at Lyme, Occasion d by the Decease of the Reverend Mr. Moses Noyes, //. (4), 24, hf. mor. 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1731 7659 MATHER (MOSES) The Visible Church in Covenant with God; further Illustrated. . . With Remarks on some Things advanced by Dr. Bellamy and Mr. Hopkins, title slightly injured, pp. 84. 8 New Haven, T. and S. Green, 1770 7660 MAYHEW (Experience) Grace defended, in a Modest Plea for an Important Truth ; namely, That the Offer of Salvation made to Sinners in the Gospel, comprises in it an Offer of the Grace given in Regeneration, pp. vi, 8, 208, nice copy, sheep. 8 Boston, B. Green and Co., 1744 7661 The same : another fine copy, paneled sheep. Boston, 1744 206 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7662 MAYHEW (Experience) A Letter to a Gentleman On that Question, Whether Saving Grace be different in Species from Common Grace, or in Degree only ? pp. 28. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1747 7663 MAYHEW (Jonathan) [Thirtieth of January] Discourse concern ing Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers, . . Wherein The Mystery of King Charles s Saintship and Martyrdom is unriddled, pp. (8), 55, (i), etc., UNCUT. 4 Boston, D. Fowle, and D. Gookin, 1750 With the author s AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION to the Rev. Thomas Prince. LARGE AND FINE COPY. 7664 The same : //. (6), 55, EXTRA LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, half morocco, neat. 4 Boston, 1750 7665 [Fourteen] Sermons, //. iv, (2), 510, (i), sheep. 8 Boston, R. Draper, 1755 With the autograph of [Rev.] John Bass, 1755. 7666 The same, old sheep. ,8 Boston, 1755 7667 [Thirteen] Practical Discourses, on Occasion of the Earth quakes in November, 1755, pp. (6), 377, (2), sheep. 8 Boston, 1760 7668 Occasional Sermons. 3 vols., old calf neat. 8 Boston, 1749-66 Contents: i. Seven, at Boston Lecture, 1749; Unlimited Submission and non-Resist ance to the Higher Powers; on Anniversary of Death of Charles I., 1750; on Death of Prince of Wales, 1751 ; Election, 1754 (with autograph} ; on Earthquakes, 1755 ; Thanks giving for Success of His Majesty s Arms, 1758 ; Thanksgiving for Reduction of Quebec, 1759 n. On the Great Fire in Boston, 1760; on Death of Hon. Stephen Sewall, 1760; two on Reduction of Canada, 1760; on Death of George II., and Accession of George III., 1761 ; Two Sermons on Luke xiii. 24, 1761 ; two, Thanksgiving, 1763 in. Eight, on Christian Sobriety, 1763 ; on Popish Idolatry, delivered at Harvard College, 1766 ; The Snare Broken, Thanksgiving for Repeal of Stamp Act, 1766. 7669 A Letter of Reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, occasioned by a defamatory Libel published under his Name, etc., pp. 49. 8 Boston, 1764 7670 [BROWNE (Rev. Arthur)] Remarks on Dr. Mayhew s Inci dental Reflections, relative to the Church of England. . By a Son of the Church of England, //. 31, RARE. sm. 4 Portsmouth, D. Fowle, 1763 7671 MEAD (Matthew) The Almost Christian Discovered. i4th edition. Boston, 1730 The same : 1 6th edition. Boston, 1742. (2 vols.) 12 7672 MELLEN (John) of Lancaster. Fifteen Discourses upon Doctrinal Subjects, //. xiv, (4), 547, sheep, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1765 7673 Methodist Preachers. The Experience of several eminent Methodist Preachers. . In a Series of Letters written by themselves to John Wesley, sheep. 12 Barnard, Vt., Jos. Dix, i8n(?) 7674 METHODISM, Letters on : or some Remarks on the Spirit, Doctrines, etc. of the M. E. Church in the U. S., pp. 47. 12 n. p. Lewis Merriam, 1830 7675 TAGGART (Samuel) of Colrain. Scriptural Vindication of the Doctrine of Final Perseverance, etc. . . Appendix, containing a Statement of some of the Leading Sentiments of the Wesleyan Methodists, pp. 151, uncut. 8 Northampton, W. Butler, 1801 THE MILLENIUM MORRIS. 2O/ 7676 Millenium (The); or, the Thousand Years of Prosperity, promised to the Church of God, pp. 426, (5), portrait of Jona. Edwards (A. Doolittle, sc.), sheep. 8 Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, 1794 Contains a Sermon by Dr. Bellamy, a Treatise by President Edwards, and a Discourse by the editor, Rev. David Austin (" The Downfall of Mystical Babylon"). 7677 Millerism. BALLOU (Adin) True Scriptural Doctrine of the Second Advent ; an effectual Antidote to Millerism and kindred Errors, //. 32. 8 (Hopedale}, Milford, Mass., 1843 7678 MILLS (Jed.) A Vindication of Gospel-Truth. . Reply to . . a late Letter from Aristocles to Authades, . in a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, //. 77, (2). 4 Boston, 1747 7679 MITCHELL (John) Guide to the Principles and Practice of the Congregational Churches of New England ; with a brief History of the Denomination, doth. 12 Northampton, 1838 7680 MITCHEL (Jona.) of Cambridge. A Discourse of the Glory to which God hath called Believers. . With an annexed Letter. 2d edition, with a [biographical] Preface, by INCREASE MATHER. (Epistle to the Reader by Rev. John Collins),//. (2), viii, 10, 291, i, old calf , VERY SCARCE. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1721 First printed, London, 1677. The annexed "Letter written by the Author to his Friend in New-England, . . . from Harvard College, May 19, 1649," was addressed to his brother, Mr. David Mitchel. It has been often reprinted. 7681 MORRIS QUDAH) The Truth; being a Discourse which the Author delivered at his Baptism. (Preface by Increase Mather.) pp. 36 The Whole Truth ; a Short Essay, [showing] why the Jewish Nation are not yet converted to Christianity, //. 40 Nothing but the Truth ; a Short Essay, proving the Doctrine of the Ever-Blessed Trinity, //. 26. Prefixed, A Discourse in College Hall, Cambridge, March 27, 1722, before the Baptism of Rabbi J. Monis, by Rev. Benjamin Colman, //. 27. Four in one vol. old calf. 8 Boston, 1722 7682 - - The same, without Colman s Sermon. 3 in one vol., with Preface by Increase Mather. 8 Boston, 1722 7683 MOODY (Samuel) of York, Me. The Vain Youth summoned to appear at Christ s Bar. Or, An Essay to Block up the Sinful Waves of Young People, etc. The Second Edition, enlarged. Lecture-Sermon, at York, June 25, 1701. (To the Reader, by Increase Mather,)//. (4), 63, (i), slightly water-stained, UNCUT. 12 Boston, Timo. Green, 1707 VERY RARE. This second edition quickly followed the first. Mather s prefatory epistle is dated Sept. 12, 1707. 7684 The same : Third edition,//. (4), 65, uncut. 12 New London, Timo. Green, 1760 7685 - - Judas the Traitor Hung up in Chains, to Give Warning to Professors. . . A Discourse concluding with a Dialogue ; Preached at York, in New-England, //. (2), x, 84, old marbled cover, nice copy. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1714 7686 The Debtor s Monitor, or the Way to Get and Keep out of Debt. Three Sermons,//. (2), ii, 99, (4). 12 Boston, B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1715 2O8 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7687 MOODY (Samuel) The Gospel Way of Escaping the Doleful State of the Damned, being the substance of several Sermons preached at York, in the Province of Main. 2d edition. 12 Boston, 1739 First published, Boston, 1710. 7688 (Moravian Litany.) The Litany-Book, according to the Manner of Singing at present mostly in use among The Brethren. . . From the 4th German edition, pp. (8), 285, (6), 43, (4), good copy, RARE. 12 London, 1759 7689 MORTON (Charles) of Charlestown. The Spirit of Man : Some Meditations on . . i Thess. 5. 23, //. (8), 100, (2). 8 Boston, B. Harris, for D. Campbell, 1692 VERY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 826. 7690 NELSON (John) A Letter to the Protestant-Dissenters in the Parish of Ballykelly, in Ireland. . . Second Salem edition,^, in. 8 Salem, repr. 1766 7691 New Jerusalem. The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concern ing the Sacred Scripture,//. 186, bds. uncut, scarce. 12 Boston, y. W. Folsom, 1795 7692 NILES (SAMUEL) of Braintree. The true Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin .. defended. Remarks on a late Piece .. by John Taylor. . Premised, A brief Discourse on the Decrees of God, in general, and on the Election of Grace, in particular, etc., pp. (6), 320, sheep. (2 copies.) 8 Boston, 1757 7693 OAKES (URTAN) President of Harvard College. The Sovereign Efficacy of Divine Providence. . Sermon, in Cambridge, on Sept. 10, 1677. Being the Day of Artillery Election there, //. (6), 40, (i), large copy. 4 Boston, for S. Sew all, 1682 VERY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 839. 7694 The same : close cut at bottom, trenching on the last lines of some pages. 4 Boston, 1682 7695 A Seasonable Discourse wherein Sincerity & Delight in the Service of God is earnestly Pressed upon Professors of Religion. Fast Sermon at Cambridge, pp. (6), 23, LARGE AND FINE COPY, nearly uncut. 4 Cambridge, S. Green, 1682 VERY RARE. The prefatory epistle to the Reader (with a brief memoir of President Oakes) is by Increase Mather. 7696 OGDEN (Uzal) jun. Theological Preceptor [and other works], fine old red calf , gilt, g. e. 12 New York, J. Holt, 1762 Recommended by Rev. Drs. Thomas B. Chandler, Samuel Auchmuty, and John Ogilvie. The volume contain four separate works, with independent titles but continuous paging. 7697 Another copy, new half calf , gilt. 7698 OWEN (JOHN) Eshcol : A Cluster of the Fruit of Canaan brought to the Borders. 7th edition. Boston, B. Green, 1744 The same: 8th edition, impft. sm. 8 ibid., I.Thomas, [1772] PEARSALL (Richard) The Power and Pleasure of the Divine Life ; exemplify d in the late Mrs. Housman, of Kidderminster, Worces tershire, extracted from her own papers. 2d edition, //. xx, (2), 132. 1 6 Repr. Boston, 1755. (3 vols.) " To fill up a vacant Page or two," at the end of the last named volume, two of Dr. Watt s Hymns are printed, and at the foot of the last page is the following note : "N.B. The preceding Pages of this Edition of Mrs. Housman s Diary, &c. were finished at the Press near the Time of the tremendous EARTHQUAKE, which happened in New-England the Morning of the i8th November, 1755." PEIRCE PHILLIPS. 2OQ 7699 PEIRCE QAMES) The Curse causeless. A Sermon [on Prov. xxvi. 2,] Preach d at Exon, Jan. 3oth, 17-}-$. 5th Edition, pp. 30, uncut, scarce. 8 Boston, for Bennet Love, near the Draw-Bridge, 1728 A rare imprint. Bennet Love s "principal business appears to have been binding, but some pamphlets were printed for him " (THOMAS, ii. 429). His shop was in Anne Street (now North street.) The Sermon is a remarkable one. Preached on the anniversary of the "martyrdom " of Charles I., it asserts, "that the Curse with which we are ordinarily loaded on this day, is causeless," and argues u that this causeless Curse shall be mischievous, not to them who are cursed, but to the Cursers themselves." 7700 [PARKMAN (Ebenezer) ?] Zebulun advised. Serious and Suit able Counsels for them that go to Sea, and for all that mind the Good of their Souls. Delivered, March 7th, 1735-6. By a Minister of the Gospel, //. 6, iv, 80, fine copy, but imperfect, by the fault of the original binder, a duplicate of sig. D taking the place of sig. B (pp. 17-32). 1 6 Newport: Printed by the Widow FRANKLIN, 1738 VERY RARE. The Preface (6 pp.) is by the Rev. Nathaniel Clapp,of Newport. A dedication " To Capt. E. B. and his Company, bound to the West-Indies," is signed, E. P. the initials of Rev. Ebenezer Parkman of Westborough (Harv. Coll. 1721), whom I take to be the author. He married a daughter of Rev. Robert Breck of Maryborough, and "Capt. E. B." may have been Edward Breck. 7701 PEMBERTON (Ebenezer) of Boston. Sermons and Discourses on several Occasions. . . Added, his Funeral Sermon, by Rev. B. Colman. //. vi, 310, old paneled calf, gilt, fine copy. 8 London, 1727 Dedicated (by Dr. Colman) to Thomas Hollis, as "a small present of some of the best fruits of New England." Dr. Abiel Holmes s copy, with his autograph. 7702 PETER (HUGH) A Dying Father s Last Legacy to an Only Child : or, Mr. Hugh Peter s Advice to his Daughter. Written by his own Hand, during his late Imprisonment in the Tower of London ; and given her a little before his Death, //. (2), ii, 92, olive morocco extra, g. e. (F. Bedford), the two last leaves, (pp. 89-92) mended, the missing portion of the text not supplied, VERY RARE. sm. 12 Boston, B. Green for Benj. Eliot, 1717 7703 PETERS (Samuel) A Sermon preached at Charlotte Chapel, Pimlico, March 25th, 1787, on the Death of Thomas Moffat, M.D., late of New London, in Connecticut, who died at Grosvenor-Place, March i4th, in the 87th year of his age. By Samuel Peters, A.M., pp. 28. London, 1787 A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Newgate, Aug. 31, 1788, .. previous to the Execution of sundry Malefactors. 2d edition. By the Rev. Samuel Peters, LL.D., //. 26. London, 1788 [HALIFAX (S.) Bishop of Gloucester] Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (With the Abstract of Proceedings, etc.), pp. xxxiv, 64. London, 1789. 3 Pamphlets. 4 The first and third have the Rev. Samuel Peters s autograph presentation to the Rev. Benjamin Trumbull of North Haven, Conn. The " change of style" on the title-pages from " A.M. "in 1 787 to "LL.D." in 1788 fixes, nearly, the date of Dr. Peters s assump tion of the honorary degree which he professed to have received " at Cortona in Tuskany." 7704 PHILLIPS (SAMUEL) of Andover. A Word in Season: Or, The Duty of People to take the Oath of Allegiance to the Glorious God. A Discourse at Byfield, pp. 213, worn, title and two leaves imperfect. 1727 The Orthodox Christian; or, A Child well Instructed in the Principles of the Christian Religion ; . . by Way 27 2IO THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. of Catechizing. 1738 Children well imployed. . . The Hosannahs of Zion s Children, highly pleasing to Zion s King, some leaves imperfect. 1739. (3 vols.) 12 Boston, 1727-39 Mr. Phillips s books addressed to Children, and particularly, his Catechism (The Orthodox Christian), are VERY SCARCE, in even tolerable condition. 7705 PHILLIPS (Samuel) Election Sermon, 1750 The Living Water to be had for Asking. Sermon, at Boston, June 3, 1750 Mass. Annual Convention Sermon, 1753 The Sinner s Refusal... Reproved. Sermon, at Boston, June, 1753 The Necessity of God s Drawing, in order to Man s Coming. . . Sermon, at Boston, 1753 WIGGLESWORTH (Edw.) Enquiry into the Truth of the Imputation of Adam s first Sin. . The Substance of Lectures in Harvard College. 1738 HANCOCK (John) A Discourse upon The Good Work. 1743 DUNBAR (Samuel) of Stoughton. Sermon in Boston, 1751 ELIOT (Andrew) Funeral Sermon for Rev. John Webb, Boston. 1750 ELIOT (A.) Fast Sermon, 1753 ELIOT (A.) Sermon at Ordination of Joseph Roberts, Leicester. 1754 : and others. 18 in i vol., sheep. 8 Boston, v. y. 7706 PIERPONT (James) of New Haven. Sundry False Hopes of Heaven discovered and decryed. In a Sermon preached in Boston, 3.d. 4.111. 1711. \Vith a Preface by the Rd. Dr. [Cotton] Mather, //. (2), xxiv, 46, uncut, RARE. 12 Boston, T. Green, 1712 7707 PIKE (S.) and HAYWARD (S.) Some Important Cases of Con science answered, old calf. Two vols. in one. Rev. Isaac Backus s copy, with his autograph. 8 Boston, Fowle 6 Draper, repr. 1759-60 " Most of the types for this edition were set by Isaiah Thomas, then about twelve years old." Am. Antiq. Soc. Catalogue of Ante-Revol. Publications. 7708 POTTER (Elam) of Enfield. Account of his Conversion and Call to the Gospel Ministry ; being an Apology for his Itinerant Preaching,//. 16. Boston, 1772 A Second Warning to America, imperfect. Hartford, Hannah Watson, [1777] The" River of God. Fun. Sermon for Mrs. Martha Horton, Southold, L. I. New London, 1793. 3 scarce Pamphlets. 8 7709 PRATT (Peter) The Prey taken from the Strong. Or, an Historical Account of the Recovery of One from the Dangerous P^rrors of Quakerism. . . Added, An Account of the Principal Articles of the Quakers Faith, and especially of the New London Quakers, the Disciples of John Rogers, etc., pp. (2), viii, 69, (i), half vellum, gilt. 12 New London, T. Green, 1725 RARE. Peter Pratt was a half-brother of John Rogers, the founder of the sect of " Rogerene Quakers " or " Rogerene Baptists," and was for a time one of his disciples. 7710 Prayer (Book of Common) The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, old tree calf gilt, joints broken, lower corners of Morning and Evening Prayer (4 leaves ) worn and slightly mutilated. folio, New York, Hugh Going, 1795 SCARCE. For other editions of the Book of Common Prayer, see, before, Nos. 6104-6114. 7111 The Book of Common Prayer, (with the Hymns,) engr. title and other engravings, calf, a scarce edition. 24 Hartford, Robins &* Folger, 1841 PRAYERS T. PRINCE. 211 7112 (Prayers.) Divine Meditations and Prayers fitted for Morning and Evening Service, and for the solemn Occasion of receiving the Holy Communion, pp. iv, 170. sm. 8 Boston, S. Knceland & T. Green, 1744 " The present is copied from the third Edition of the Rev. Mr. Joshua Smith, late Minister of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London." To the Reader. The "Forms of Daily Prayer, for Morning, Noon, Evening and Night," etc., have a separate title. 7713 Presbyterian Church. Constitution . . containing the Confession of Faith, Catechisms, Discipline, and Directory, adopted by the Synod of N. Y. and Philadelphia, 1788, pp. (6), 215, wants part of last page, sheep. 12 Phila., T. Bradford, 1789 7714 - - The Case of the Scotch Presbyterians of the City of New York, pp. 36, VERY SCARCE. 8 New York, 1773 7715 PRINCE (Thos.) Works: as follow : Sermon at his Ordination, Oct. i, 1718 : with the Charge by Increase Mather; and the R. H. of Fellowship by Cotton Mather. . . Added (with separate title and paging), a Discourse on ... Ordination by Presbyters ; by Ebenezer Pemberton. Boston, J. Franklin, 1718 Thanksgiving Sermon, Sept. 5, 1717, on his safe Arrival, after Eight Years Absence. Boston, B. Green, 1717 Morning Health no Security against Death before Night ; A Se nnon occasioned by the Sudden Death of two young Men. Boston, 1727 Account of a Strange Appearance in the Heavens [Aurora Borealis], March 6, 1716. Boston, 1719 Six Sermons; published from his MSS. by J. Erskine, D.D. Edinburgh, 1785. Five in i vol., old calf gilt, with MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS AND NOTES by the author. This volume was bound for Governor Moses Gill, the husband of Prince s youngest daughter, Sarah. It is labelled, "Prince s Works, Vol. II." The Ordination Sermon has, besides a printed page of Errata pasted on the back of the title, numerous erasures and corrections by the author. On the back of the title of the Thanksgiving Sermon (1717) he has written: "Mercy Prince of Boston, her Book," and below: "My dear Mercy dying May 18, 1752, and having not this Book in my N. E. Library, I resume y e same." Laid in the volume, is a copy of " Devotional Papers, wrote by the late Mrs. Sarah Gill, of Boston," etc., Repr. Norwich, n. d. [ab. 1772]. 7716 Sermon Occasioned by the Death of the Honourable Mary Belcher, late Consort of his Excellency our Present Governour. Delivered at Boston, October 17, 1736, pp. (2), 42. Appended: An Epistle [in verse] by Rev. M. Byles, to His Excellency Governour Belcher, pp. (2), ii, 6. 4 Boston, J. Draper, 1736 Fine clean copy, in original black wrapper. SCARCE. Madam Belcher was daughter of Wm. Partridge, Governor of New Hampshire. 7717 - - Thanksgiving Sermon, Aug. 14, 1746, for the Victory near Culloden, //. 38, (2), uncut Thanksgiving Sermon, July 18, 1745, for the taking of Louisbourg, Cape Breton. 2d Edition, with Additions,//. 35, uncut, except last two leaves. 1747 Sermon occasion d by the Decease of Mrs. Martha Stoddard, Feb., 1747-8, pp. 24, uncut. 3 Pamphlets. 4 Boston. 7718 Thanksgiving Sermon for the Victory near Culloden. 1746 Sermon occasioned by the Death of Mr. Edward Bromfield, 1756. 2 Pamphlets. 8 Boston. 7719 Circular Letter, asking Accounts of the Revival of Religion, for publication in The Christian History, i leaf, with AUTOGRAPH POSTSCRIPT and signature of Thomas Prince, dated, April 18, 1743, red morocco, neat. sm. 4 {Boston, 1743] The Circular is addressed, by Prince, " To the Rev. Mr. Daniel Rogers of Ipswich." 212 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7720 PRINCE (Thos.) Tracts from Prince s library, having his auto graph or manuscript notes. An Overture for a Right Constitution of the Gen. Assembly [of the Church of Scotland] . . . With a History of that Eccles. Court, from 1560, pp. 102. Edinburgh, 1736 (" T/wmas Prince, Boston, April 20, 1738, a the Rev. Mr. yohn Hamilton of Glasgow") Considerations on the Bill rel. to Trade between the Northern Colonies, and the Sugar-Islands. \London^\ 1732 History of the Present Rebellion in Scotland. London: repr. Boston, 1746 The Bishop of London s Pastoral Letter . . . occasioned by late Writings in favour of Infidelity. Lond., 1729 ("T. Prince, Boston $ 7. 30. 1729. a Mr. Newman") and others. Ten (v. s.) in one volume, new half blue morocco. 8 " These tracts were bought at the sale of the effects of Gov. Gill of Princeton, Mass., who married a daughter of T. Prince." G. B., ms. note. 7721 Psalmody. [Bay] Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs ... for the use of the Saints . . especially in NEW ENGLAND. i6th edition. Edinburgh, 1732 The Psalms . . Allowed by the . . Kirk of Scot land. Edinburgh, 1711 (impft.) and 1766 Tate and Brady s New Version of the Psalms. London, 1728; Boston, 1765; with Hymns, chiefly from Watts. Boston, 1765: and 21 pp. engraved Tunes, one leaf mutilated, old calf, g. e., with the engraved card of Andrew Barclay, the Boston binder Psalms and Hymns. . The New England Psalm Book revised and improved [by THOMAS PRINCE ; with historical Preface.] Boston, 1758 Watts s Psalms. 1 5th edition (8//. engraved tunes), London, 1750; 24th ed. London, 1763; 4ist ed. Hartford, 1784 Watts s Psalms: corrected and enlarged by JOEL BARLOW : with a collection of Hymns. Hartford, 1785: The same; 2d, 3d, and 4th ed. ibid. n. d. Psalms [Barlow s revision.] JV. Y., Hodge 6 Campbell, 1792 ; Hudson, 1805 Watts s Psalms, with Hymns. Boston, /. Thomas <5^ Andrews, 1786 and 1 791 (3 copies); Northampton, 1799 (2 copies) Watts s Psalms and Hymns. Boston, 1806, 1808; Sutton, 1808 ; Brookfield, 1812 Watts s Psalms and Hymns, D WIGHT S revision. Hartford, 1808, 1811, 1814, 1816, 1817 (2), 1819 Watt s Horas Lyricae. Exeter, N. H., 1795 Divine Hymns and Spirit. Songs : by Joshua Smith and S. Sleeper. Portland, T. Clark, 1803. (36 vols.) v. s. 7722 Psalms, in Hebrew : wants title, first three leaves worn by use. 12 A book with a pedigree. Its imprinted leaves at beginning and end are covered with the scribblings of its many owners. Itwas"Liber Richard! Mathe[ri]," "Liber Nathl. Mathe[ri] " ; " Azariah Mather avrov (3i(3\iov, anno 1 702 " ; Samuel Mather s, 1712; Daniel Kirtland s, 1718; John Beach s, 1719; Daniel Wadsworth s, 1 726, as their autographs attest. 7723 PRYNNE (William) The Vnlouelinesse, of Love-Lockes. Or, A Svmmarie Discovrse, proouing : The wearing and nourishing of a Locke, or Loue-Locke, to be altogether vnseemely, and vnlawfull vnto Christians. . . Likewise some passages out of the Fathers . . against Face-painting, etc., pp. (22), 64, some leaves slightly water- stained. London^ 1628 Healthes : Sicknesse. Or, A . . briefe Discourse ; prouing, the Drinking, and Pledging of Healthes, to be Sinfull, etc., pp. (32), 86. London, 1628. 2 vols., SCARCE. 4 PRYNNE QUAKERS. 213 7724 PRYNNE (William) A Briefe Svrvay and Censvre of Mr. Cozens his Couzening Devotions, water-stained, pp. (24), 1-96, wants the remainder. Lond., 1628 A Seasonable Vindication of Free- Admission, and Frequent Administration of the Holy Communion to all Visible Church-members, the last four leaves injured. London, 1656 The Lords Supper briefly Vindicated, pp. (4), 60. London, 1657. 3 Tracts. 4 7725 PUGH (ELLIS) A Salutation to the Britains, to Call them From the Many Things, to the One Thing needful, etc., . . Trans lated from the British Language by Rowland Ellis, Revis d and Corrected by David Lloyd, pp. xv, 222, original binding restored, neat, FINE COPY. 1 6 Philadelphia, S. KEIMER, for W. Davies, 1727 VERY RARE. See (Part II.) No. 3451, and the note. 7726 QUAKERS, etc. Neue Schwarmgeister-Brut, oder, Historiche Erzehlung II. Von den QUAKERN, . . II. Der RANTER, und III. Dess ROBIN S Sect, IV. Die Wieder-Einnehmung der JUDEN in Engeland V. Die Bekehrung der INDIANER in Neu-Engeland, etc., engraved title, pp. (46), 223, (2), hf. red morocco, uncut. 8 n. p., 1661 SCARCE. The preface to the First Part (" Warnungs-schrifft an den Leser") is signed Johann Berckendal. The " Nachschrifft," pp. 220-223, contains an account of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England. 7727 -- ELYS (Edmund) George Keith his Saying, That the Light within is not sufficient. . . Prov d to be contrary to the Foundation of the Christian Religion, //. 3, uncut. 4 London, T.Sowle, 1697 BENEZET (A.) Short Account of the People called Quakers ; their Rise . . and Settlement in America. 2d ed. Phila., J. Crukshank, n. d. The same : New Bedford, 1799 CRISP (Stephen) An Epistle to Friends, concerning the Present and Succeeding Times, pp. 36. London, 1666. 6th edition. Repr. Phila., y. Crukshank, 1780. ^Pamphlets. v. s. 7728 The Revised Discipline approved by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore, in 1793, //. 42, hf. bd., nice copy, SCARCE. 4 Baltimore, John Hayes, 1794 7729 Account of the Convincement etc. of John Spalding, late of Reading. //. 70. Phila., 1799 Narrative of some Sufferings of John Smith, late of Chester County [Penn.], deceased. . Annexed, the Sufferings of Richard Seller,//. 48. Phila., 1800 Benezet s Short Account of the Quakers. New Bedford, 1 799 TUKE (Henry) The Faith of the People called Quakers, imperfect. Repr. Stanford, N. Y., 1802 Testimony from the Mo. Meeting of Friends, of Jericho, concerning Elias Hicks. N. Y., 1830 (6 copies) Extracts from Writings of D. Phillips and Wm. Penn. . Added, Remarks on the Analogy between Geo. Keith and the opposers of Elias Hicks. N. Y., 1830 Testimony of the Soc. of Friends, on the Continent of America, //. 39. Phila., 1830 The Ancient Testimony of the Soc. of Friends, respecting some Christian Doctrines and Practices. Given forth by the Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia, 1843, //. 84. 14 Pamphlets. v. s. Cox (Samuel H.) D.D. Quakerism not Christianity: or, Reasons for Renouncing the Doctrine of Friends, //. 686, bds., uncut. r. 8 New York, 1833 *#*See, also BARCLAY, No. 7441 ; BISHOP, No. 7452; CHALKLEY, No. 7475 ; Fox and BURNYEAT, No. 7538; PRATT, No. 7709; PUGH, No. 7725; Ross, No. 7733; SEWEL, No. 7796. 214 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 773 1 QUINCY (Samuel) Twenty Sermons: preach d in the Parish of St. Philip, Charles-Town, South Carolina, //. (20), 370, i, old calf gilt. 8 Boston, 1750 Dedicated to Gov. Glen and the Council of South Carolina : with along list of Subscribers (12 pp.) 7732 -- Another copy, old calf . 8 Boston, 1750 7733 RELLY (James) Union : or, a Treatise of the Consanguinity and Affinity between Christ and his Church, pp. xvi, 75. 8 London: repr. Providence, 1782 RAWLET (J.) The Christian Monitor. 25th ed. 1 2 Boston, for T. Cox, 1733 Ross (Robert) of Stratfield, Conn. A Plain Address to the Quakers, Moravians, Separatists, Separate-Baptists, Rogerenes, etc., on Immediate Impulses and Revelations. Prefixed: A brief Account of the deluded Dutartres; extr. from a Sermon by Rev. Alex. Garden, Charleston, S. C. ; and A Narrative of the Life and Confession of John Lewis, executed at Chester, Penn., 1760 ;//. 8, 10, 220, imcut. 8 New Haven, J. Parker and Co., 1762. (3 vols.) 7734 Revival of 174143. Testimony and Advice of an Assembly of Pastors, in New England, at Boston, July 7, 1743, occasion d by the late happy Revival, etc., pp. 51, uncut, half vellum, gilt. 8 Boston, [1743] 7735 ~ - Tne Life of God in the Soul of Man > PP- 88 - Re P r - Boston, 1741 FLAVEL (J.) The Great Design and Scope of the Gospel Opened. . Preface by Rev. Mather Byles, //. (8), 30. Boston, 1741 - McGREGERE (D.) of Londonderry, N. E. The Spirits of the present Day Tried. Lecture Sermon in Boston. (Preface by T. Prince, J. Webb, and W. Cooper.) ibid. 1742 A Short Narrative of the Extraordinary Work at Cambuslang, in Scotland : in a Letter to a Friend. Phila., W. Bradford, 1742 Divine Influence the true Spring of the Extraordinary Work at Cambus lang, etc. In a Letter from Rev. Alex. Webster. Boston, repr. 1743 CHAUNCY (C.) The Gifts of the Spirit to Ministers, consider d in their Diversity : Sermon, Dec. 17, 1741. ibid. 1742 CALDWELL (J.) An Impartial Trial of the Spirit operating in this Part of the World, etc.: Sermon at New Londonderry, Oct., 1741. ibid. 1742 SERGEANT (John) of Stockbridge. The Causes and Danger of Delusions in the affairs of Religion : Sermon at Springfield, ib. 1743 HANCOCK (John) of Braintree. Letter in Reply to Mr. Gee s Remarks on the Testimony of the late Convention of Pastors, against several Errors and Disorders, ib. 1743. 9 Pamphlets, v. s. *#* See, below, WHITEFIELD (G.) No. 7875. 7736 -- [Dickenson (Jona.)] A Display of God s Special Grace. In a familiar Dialogue between a Minister and a Gentleman of his Congregation, about the Work of God, in the Conviction and Conversion of Sinners, etc., pp. vi, 112, scarce, sm. 12 Boston, 1742 7737 (Revivals.) Glorious News! A brief Account of the late Revivals of Religion, in . . New England, and also in Nova Scotia, //. 28. 12 Phila., 1800 Letters of the Rev. Dr. Beecher and Rev. Mr. Nettleton, on the "New Measures" in conducting Revivals. . With a Review of a Sermon [preached by Rev. C. G. Finney], by NOVANGLUS [Rev. A. Nettleton,] pp. 104. 8 N. Y., 1828. 2 Pamphlets. See, also, Surprising Accounts &c., No. 7820; WHITEFIELD (G.) 7875. REYNOLDS SECCOMB. 21 5 7738 REYNOLDS (Thomas) Practical Religion Exemplified in the Lives of Mrs. Mary Terry and Mrs. Clissoulcl ; recommended by INCREASE MATHER, //. (8), 109, one leaf torn, a worm hole in last three leaves, VERY SCARCE. 12 London, 1712 ; repr. Boston, 1713 7739 ROMANUS (Hieron. Onuphrius) Aureae Disputationes de Anima, in duos Tractatus partitas, old calf . 4 Venetiis, apud Joh. Guer ilium, 1619 Autographs of Ephraim Flint, 1661 ; Henry Flint : and Ephraim Savage. 7740 ROTHERAM (John) Essay on Faith, and its Connection with Good Works, pp. viii, 126, sheep. 8 London: repr. New York, y. Parker, 1767 ROWE (Mrs. Elizabeth) Friendship in Death : in Twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living : Added, Moral and Entertaining Letters, etc., Portrait, engr. by y. Norman, and engr. title, pp. 264, sheep. 12 Boston, 1782 The same, //. 312. New Haven, 1802. (3 vols.) 7741 ROWLAND (D. S.) Catholicism : or, Christian Charity. Conven tion Sermon, at Bristol, R .1. Providence, y. Carter, 1772 Sermon at his Installation, at Windsor, Conn. Hartford, E. Watson, 1776 with other tracts, in one volume, sheep. 8 7742 RUSSELL (Robert) Seven Sermons. 46th edition. Glasgow, repr. Portsmouth, N. H., 1767 : 5oth ed. Boston, I. Thomas, 1772 ; and, /. Thomas, for y. Langdo?i [1772]; 5ist ed., ibid., y. Boyle, 1774 (2 copies]: The same, Phila., 1795. (6 vols.) 12 and 16 7743 Saybrook Platform. A Confession of Faith owned and consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut, . . at Say Brook, September gth, 1708 The Heads of Agreement, assented to by the United Ministers formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. And also Articles for the Administration of Church Discipline, etc., pp. 118, original sheep, nice copy. 16 New London, 1710: repr. T. Green, 1760 The second edition of the Saybrook Platform : VERY SCARCE. 7744 The same. (3 copies^) 16 New London, 1760 7745 The same : ^d edition,] pp. 144. 24 Bridgeport, 1810 7746 An Explanation of Say-Brook Platform: or, The Principles of the Consociated Churches of Connecticut : collected from their Plan of Union, pp. 39, RARE. 4 Hartford, Thomas Green, 1765 By Gov. Thomas Fitch. The First tract printed in Hartford an Almanac possibly excepted. 7747 SCALES (William) The Confusion of Babel Discovered: or, an Answer to Jeremy Belknap s Discourse upon the Lawfulness of War, or Military Duty, pp. 80, wants one or more leaves at end, half calf, SCARCE. 8 America, 1780 7748 SECCOMB (Joseph) of Kingston, N. H. A Plain and Brief Rehearsal of the Operations of Christ as God, pp. (2), 24, uncut. Boston, 1740 [ ] A Specimen of the Harmony of Wisdom and Felicity, in relation to our civil, moral, and spiritual Behaviour, pp. iv, 29, uncut, ibid. 1743 [ ] Business and Diversion inoffensive to God. . . A Discourse . . at Ammauskeeg-Falls, in the Fishing-Season, 1739, //. 22. ibid. 1743, SCARCE. 3 Pamphlets. 8 2l6 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7 7 49 SECCOMB (Joseph) A Plain and Brief Rehearsal of the Operations of Christ as God. (2 copies.} Boston, 1740 [ ] The Ways of Pleasure and the Paths of Peace. . . A Discourse written on board a Ship at Sea, //. 14. ibid. n. d. [1743 ?] 3 Pamphlets. 8 7750 [SEGUENOT (Father) of Montreal. Letter from a Romish Priest in Canada to One [Mrs. Christina Baker] who was taken Captive in her Infancy, and Instructed in the Romish Faith, but some time ago returned to this her Native Country. With an Answer thereto by ... [Gov. Wm. Burnett, of Massachusetts,] //. ii, 26, hf. green morocco, neat. 8 Boston, 1729 VERY RARE. See ELIOT S Biogr. Dictionary, p. 94; DRAKE S Boston, 582. 7751 Separates. A Letter from the Associated Ministers of the County of Windham, [Conn.] to the People in the several Societies in said County, pp. 52. Boston, 1745 The Result of a Council of the Consociated Churches of the County of Windham : relating to the Principles and Practices of the several Bodies of People in said County, who have separated from the Communion of the Churches, etc., pp. 22. Boston, 1747. 2 Pamphlets, rare. 4 7752 Sermons (A Course of) on Early Piety. By the Eight Ministers who carry on the Thursday-Lecture in Boston. With a Preface by the Reverend Dr. INCREASE MATHER, and also clos d with a Discourse lately had by him to Young People, good copy, RARE. 8 Boston, 1721 The nine Sermons are separately paged. Preface by Increase Mather,//, v. Sermon i. What the Pious Parent Wishes for: by COTTON MATHER, //. 34 2. The Nature of Early Piety: by B. WADSWORTH 3 Early Piety as it respects Men: by B. COLMAN 4. Early Piety as it respects Ourselves: by J. Sewall 5. The Obligations to Early Piety: by THO. PRINCE 6. The Peculiar Advantages of Early Piety: by J. WEBB 7. Objections answered: by W. COOPER 8. Exhortations and Directions to Young People: by T. FOXCROFT 9. Advice to the Children of Godly Ancestors: by Dr. INCREASE MATHER. 7753 Sermons, by New England Divines, 1706-1741 : collected by the Rev. Warham Williams, of Hatfield, and bound for him : the contents of each volume in manuscript: AN IMPORTANT AND VALU ABLE COLLECTION; 72 Sermons, including many of GREAT RARITY. 6 vols., sheep. sm. 8 John Rogers. Mass. Election Sermon, 1706. Boston, 1706 Sol. Stoddard. Inexcusableness of neglecting the Worship of God. At Northampton, 17 Dec. 1707. Boston, 1708 Sol. Stoddard. At Ordination of Joseph Willard, at Swampfield [Sunderland, Mass.], Jan. i, 1717-18, (with An Examination of the Power of the Fraternity, by the same Author, pp. 1 6.) Boston, 1718 Sol. Stoddard. Defects of Preachers Reproved. Northampton, May 19, 1723. (Preface by Rev. Salmon Treat.) New London, 1724 Wm. Williams. At the Ordination of Stephen Williams, Springfield, Oct. 17, 1716. Boston, 1717 Benj. Wadsworth. On the Death of (Secretary) Isaac Addington, Boston. 19 March, 1714-15. Boston, 1715 Jos. Sewall. On the Death of Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton, who expired Feb. 13, 1716-17. (Preface by Increase Mather.) Boston, 1717 Eleazer Williams. Conn. Election Sermon, 1 723. New London, 1723 Three Sermons on Prov. ix. 4, 5, at Mansfield. I 735 Elisha Williams. Before Conn. General Assembly, Oct. 1727. 1728 Sol. Williams, Conn. Election Sermon. I74 1 - The More Excellent Way. At Goshen, Dec. 21, 1741. 1742 E. Pemberton. Sermon at Yale College, Apr. 19, 1741. 1741 Jos. Sewall. A Caveat against Covetousness : Boston Lecture. Boston, 1718 Wm. Williams. Mass. Election Sermon, 1719. 1719 Jas. Allin. Thanksgiving Sermon, at Brooklyn, Nov. 8th. 1722 Jos. Sewall. Fast Sermon, Nov. 13, 1722. " 1728 SERMONS. 217 T. Walter. Boston Lecture, Sept 5, 1723. Boston, 1723 B. Colman. Doctrine and Law of the Sabbath. Boston Lecture. " 1725 Cotton Mather. Christodulus. Commemoration of Rev. Thos. Walter. " 1725 Benjamin Colman. Preached to the Pirates, before their Execution. " 1726 Cotton Mather. The Terror of the Lord. Account of the Earthquake of Oct. 29, 30, 1727. Boston, 1727 Jas. Allin. Fast Sermon, at Brooklyn, on the Earthquake. " " Eliph. Adams. Ordination of John Owen, Groton, 1727. N. L., 1730 B. Colman, Funeral of David Stoddard, 1723. Boston, 172" Neh. Walter, Annual Convention, Boston, May 30, 1723. " 172-5 T. Foxcroft, at the Lecture in Boston, July 30, 1724. " 1724 T. Symmes, The People s Interest, in One Article, Consider d. [On the Maintenance of Ministers. Dedicated to Gov. Dummer.] Boston, 1724 Wm. Williams, Annual Convention, 1726. " 1726 Cotton Mather, Ecclesise Monilia. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. E. Cotton. " 1726 B. Colman. Sermon before the Sacrament. " 1727 B. Colman. Fidelity to Christ and to the Protestant Succession. (On the accession of George II.) Boston, 1727 Sam. Whittelsey. On the death of John Hall Esq., of Connecticut. " 1730 J. Greenwood. Ordination of Nathan Stone, Southborough. " 1731 W. Cook. To a Society of Young People, in Sudbury. " 1731 John Webb. The Great Concern of New-England. Thursday Lecture in Boston, Feb. ii, 1730-31. Boston, 1730 ORDINATION SERMONS, 1718-1728: T. Cheney, in Brookfield, 1717, by Solo. Stoddard. Boston, 1718 Thos. Walter, in Roxbury, 1718, by Increase Mather. " 1718 Thos. Paine, Weymouth, 1719, by himself. " 1720 Jos. Stacey, in Plymouth North Precinct, 1720, by Dan. Lewis. " 1720 Neh. Bull, in Westfield, 1726, by Wm. Williams. " 1728 Nath. Cotton, in Bristol, 1721, by Jos. Belcher. (Preface by Increase Mather. Boston, 1722 Warham Williams, at [Wai thamj. 1723, by Wm. Williams. " 1723 Wm. Gager, in Lebanon, 1725, by Eliph. Adams. N. London, 1725 John Hancock, in Braintree, 1726, by J. Hancock, his Father. Boston, 1726 Amos Throop, in Woodstock, 1727, by Eb. Thayer. " 1727 Josiah Dennis, in Yarmouth, 1727, by S. Wigglesworth. " 1727 Benj. Bradstreet, in Gloucester (3d church) 1728, by John Tufts. " 1729 ORDINATION SERMONS, 1718-1730: Thomas Prince, at his own ordination, in Boston, 1718: Charge, by Incr. Mather; Right Hand, by Cotton Mather; with Eb. Pemberton s Discourse (1713) on Validity of Ordination by Presbyters, //. (81), 76, (4), 15. Boston, J. Franklin, 1718 Jos. Emerson, in Maiden, 1721, by T. Symmes. Boston, J. Franklin, 1722 W. Rand, in Sunderland, 1725, by Is. Chauncey. Boston, B. Green, Jim., 1725 J. Lowell, at Newbury, 1725-6, by T. Foxcroft. Boston, 1726 Josiah Smith, Pastor of a Church in Bermuda, at his own Ordination, in Boston, July n, 1726. (Preface by B. Colman.) Boston, [J. Franklin] 1726 T. Clap, at Windham, 1726, by Eliph. Adams. N. ., 1726 Jos. Cotton, in Providence, 1728, by N. Appleton. Boston, 1728 David Hall, at Sutton, 1729, by Wm. Williams. " 1729 Jacob Eliot, at Goshen (Lebanon), 1729, by Sol. Williams. 1730 S. Willard, at Biddeford, 1730, by Thos. Paine. 1731 FUNERAL SERMONS and Memoirs, 1717-29: J. Barnard, for Rev. Geo. Curwin, Salem. , Boston, 1717 B. Colman, for Gov. Jos. Dudley, Boston. " 1720 [C Mather], for Rev. Increase Mather, Boston. 1723 B. Colman, for Rev. Increase Mather, Boston. J 7 2 3 J. Barnard, for Rev. Samuel Cheever, Marblehead. " 1724 J. Brown, for Rev. Thomas Symmes, Bradford, //. 31 ; with A Memorative Account of Rev. T. Symmes, //. 70. Boston, 1726 Jos. Sewall, for Thos. Lewis and S. Hirst, Boston. " 1727 N. Appleton, for Hon. Fras. Foxcroft, Cambridge. 1728 B. Colman, for Rev. Cotton Mather, Boston. " 1728 Is. Chauncey, for Rev. John Williams, Deerfield. *7 2 9 J. Cotton, for Rev. Nath. Cotton, Bristol: with Minutes of Mr. Cotton s Life, 1729 7754 Sermons. COLMAN (Benj.) [Four] Sermons, at the Lecture in Boston, from Luke xi. 21, 22. . Added, a Discourse from Ps. cxxn. i, //. 164. 1717 The Wither d Hand Stretched forth. Boston 28 2l8 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Lecture, 1739. 2d ed. 1740 WADSWORTH (B.) The Lord s Day proved to be the Christian Sabbath. 1720 COTTON (John) Two Sermons at Newton Lecture, 1741. 5 in i vol., hf. sheep. 12 Boston. 7755 Sermons. FOXCROFT (Thos.) The Pleas of Gospel-Impenitents Examin d. Two Lecture Sermons. Boston, 1730 ERSKINE (Ralph) The Great Trumpet of the Everlasting Gospel ; Sermon at Aber- nethy. Edinburgh, 1737 ERSKINE (E.) A Lamp ordained for God s Anointed; two Sermons. Glasgow, 1741 WILLARD (S.) Love s Pedigree; a Sermon. Boston, 1700, RARE. Five in i vol., old calf. sin. 8 7756 COLMAN (B.) Doctrine and Law of the Sabbath. Two Sermons. Boston, 1725 TENNENT (G.) The Espousals, a Sermon. ib. 1741 COOPER (Wm.) Two Sermons, at Portsmouth [on Quenching the Spirit.] ib. 1741 PEABODY (O.) Sermon [on a good and bad Hope of Salvation.] ib. 1742 COOKE (W.) Ordin. Sermon for Elisha Marsh, at Narragansett Township No. 2. ib. 1742 DOOLITTLE (B.) An Enquiry into Enthusiasm. Boston, 1743 APPLETON (N.) Two [Fast-day] Discourses, Jan. 28, 1747-8 DICKINSON (Jona.) A Second Vindication of God s sovereign free Grace; against the exceptions of Mr. John Beach, ib. 1748. 8 in i vol., sheep. 8 7757 -- BARNARD (John) Mass. Convention Sermon, 1738 APPLE- TON (N.) Convention Sermon, 1743; Exposition of Rom. in. 20-23, : 7495 Ordin. of Rev. Stephen Badger, 1753 CLARK (Peter) The Witness of the Spirit. Sermon in Watertown, 1744; Convention Sermon, 1745 ; Ordin. of Wm. Jenison, Salem East Parish, 1728 EDWARDS (Jona.) Fun. Ser. for David Brainerd, 1747 BYLES (Mather) Sermon before the Execution of a Young Negro, for poisoning her Infant, Boston, 1751 GAY (Eben.) Election Sermon, 1745 TURELL (Eben.) Exhortation, on the late Fast, Jan., 1747-8 PRENTICE (T.) On a Thanksgiving, for the Reduction of Cape Breton, July, 1745 ; On a Publick Fast, Jan., 1747-8, after the Burning of the Court-House - HANCOCK (John) of Braintree. Ordin. of Rev. John Bass, at Ashford, Conn., Sept. 7, 1743 PARSONS (Jona.) Wisdom justi fied of her Children. Lecture in Boston, 1742 : SMITH (Thos.) of Falmouth. At Ordination of Solo. Lombard, in Gorham-Town, Dec. 26, 1750 HARRINGTON (Timo.) Century Sermon, at Lancaster, 1753. 18 in r vol., fine condition. 8 Boston, 1728-53 7758 -- Sermons preached in Boston. 1741-44: by E. Holyoke (Convention, 1741), C. Chauncy (2), W. Hooper (2), J. Barnard, J. Ashley, B. Colman (2) ; and other Sermons. 12 in i vol., paneled sheep. 8 7759 BRIANT (L.) The Absurdity and Blasphemy of depredating Moral ^Virtue : Sermon in Boston June 18, 1749 NILES (S.) Vindication of divers important Gospel-Doctrines [in answer to Mr. Briant s Sermon]. Boston, 1752 PORTER (John) Vindication of a Sermon preached at Braintree, Dec. 25, 1749, being an Answer to [L. Briant s] "Friendly Remarks." Boston, 1751 CLAP (T.) History and Vindication of the Doctrines received in the Churches SERMONS. 219 of New England. 2d edition. Boston, 1757 Some Remarks on Mr. President Clap s History and Vindication, etc. New Haven, T 757- 5 * n l v l-> ^ a lf bound, 8 7760 EDWARDS (Jona.) Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Ser. at Enfield, 1741. Boston, 1770 PATTEN (Wm.) of Hartford. The Vanity of Man as mortal, etc. Sermon on i Pet. i. 24, 25. Htfd., 1771 FORWARD (Justus) Ser. at Ordin. of Rufus Hawley, Northington, 1769. Htfd., 1771. 3 * i vol. sm. 8 7761 - - Occasional Sermons and Tracts : (collected by the Rev. Jacob Norton, of Weymouth, with contents of each volume in manuscript by him.) 4 vols., hf. sheep. 8 and 12 7762 -- (Collectedby the Rev. Thomas Wells Bray, of Guilford, Conn.) 4 vols., hf. sheep. 8 Including B. Wadsworth s "Christ s Fan in his Hand" etc., Boston, 1722: Samuel West s Plymouth Anniv. Sermon, Dec. 22, 1777: Pres t Stiles s Discourse on Saving Knowledge; at Ordin. of Rev. S. Hopkins, Newport, 1770: J. Devotion s Fun. Sermon for Madam Ursula Griswokl, April, 1788 : J. Witherspoon s Ecclesiastical Characteristics. 7th ed. Phila., 1767: Eben. Booge s Fast-day Discourse at Northington (in Farmington, Conn.) April 7, 1756, RARE; Stephen Hawley s New Year s Sermon, Bethany, 1769. New Haven : Sermons by Drs. Dana, Jona. Edwards, Dwight, &c., &c. 77^3 -- Occasional and Miscellaneous (1718-1847): collected by Rev. Seth Chandler, of Lowell and Medway, Mass. ; uniformly bound, and labelled, in 30 vols., hf. sprinkled sheep ; the contents of each volume in manuscript, with continuous manuscript paging. 8 A valuable collection of nearly 600 Sermons, mostly by New-England ministers: includ ing many printed in Boston between 1730 and 1775, and many by prominent Unitarian and Universalist ministers, 1800 to 1838. 7764 Occasional and Miscellaneous: from the same collection. 10 vols., hf. russia, neat; mss. conte?its and paging. 8 and 12 Four of the volumes contain sermons by Universalist ministers. 7765 Ordination, Installation, and Dedication (17 18-1837). 3 vols., half russia, and seven in hf. sheep, neat ; mss. contents and paging : from Mr. Chandler s collection. 10 vols. 8 7766 Ordination (1746-1809): 18 in i vol., dk. sheep, neat. 8 7767 Ordination (Massachusetts, 1772-1811): 14 in i vol., boards, uncut. 8 Boston, v. y. 7768 Ordination (New England, 1786-1826) : 19 in i vol., dk. sheep, gilt. 8 7769 Fast and Thanksgiving- (Conn, and Mass., 1793-1812) 15 in i vol., sheep, neat Fast (1753-1829) : 19 in i vol., hf. sheep, from Mr. Chandler s collection Thanksgiving (1760-1799): 22 in i vol., hf. sheep, from same collection. 3 vols. 8 7770 Funeral Sermons, etc. Rev. Samuel Newell, Bristol, Conn., by T. Pitkin, 1789 Dr. Jos. Bellamy, by N. Benedict, Bethlem, 1790 (with biographical memoir) Pres t Ezra Stiles, by J. Dana, 1795 Gov. s - Hunting-ton, by Jos. Strong, Norwich, 1796 Rev. Abr. Carpenter, Rutland, Vt., by Lemuel Haynes, 1797 Mrs. Peggy Pond, Ashford, by M. C.Welch, 1800 Execution of Richard Doane, Hartford, 1797, (with account of his life,) by N. Strong Narrative of Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, by her consort, Benajah Andrews, Stockbridge, iSooand other tracts, n in i vol., sheep. 8 22O THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7771 (Sermons) Funeral: on Jos. Bellamy, by N. Benedict, 1790 Madam Ursula Griswold (wife of Gov. M. Griswold), by J. Devotion, 1788 Hon. John Winthrop, by S. Langdon, Cam bridge, 1779 Rev. Amos Fowler, Guilford, Conn., by T. W. Bray, and by John Elliott, 1800 Rev. Philip Doddridge, by Job Orton. London, 1752 Rev. Chas. Jeifery Smith, Easthampton, L. I., by S. Buell, 1770 Sermon, July 7, 1728, after a tragical Duel [between Benj. Woodbriclge and Henry Phillips] and most lamented Death ; by B. Colman, Boston (VERY SCARCE) by Rev. Levi Hart, Preston, Conn., on his wife, 1789 and another tract. 10 in i vol. hf. bd. 8 7772 - - Funeral Sermons: on Rev. Dr. Benj. Pomeroy, Hebron, by D. McClure, 1784 Geo. "Washington, by C. Alexander, Mendon, Mass. 1799 Mrs. Bathsheba Sanford, Medway, 1800, by N. Emmons Miss Sally Grafton, Newton, 1802, by her father, Jos. Graf ton Rev. Phineas Wright, Bolton, 1802, by Moses Adams : with biographical sketch, by Rev. D. Chaplin Mrs. Mary (wife of Rev. Joseph) Dana, Ipswich, 1803, by D. Tappan Capt. John Edwards, Acton, 1804, by M. Adams Rev. D. Sanford, Medway, 1810, by N. Emmons Dea. Ephr. Robins, Hartford, 1829, by Rev. Gust. F. Davis and others. 27 in i vol. hf. russia, neat. 8 7773 Masonic Discourses (1782-1836): John Eliot, Boston, 1782 J. Warren (Charge), Boston, 1782 A. Bancroft, Worcester, 1793 T. M. Harris, Charlestown, 1796. 20! ed. T. M. Harris, Groton, 1797 Jed. Morse, Concord, 1798 Win. Bentley, (Charge,) Worcester, 1798 Jas. Mann, Franklin, 1799 J. W. Gurley, Boston, 1802 T. Beede, Washington, N. H., 1803 S. Emerson, Saco, Me., 1806 John Lathrop, Charlestown, 1811 C. Butler, Leominster, 1816 Paul Dean, Attleboro , 1817; Fall River Village, Troy, Mass., 1825 ; Eulogy on T. S. Webb, Boston, 1819; Boston Encampment K. T., 1832 and 14 others. 32 in i vol. hf. sheep. 8 7774 -- Masonic Discourses, (1806-1831): B. Gleason, at Norton, Mass., 1806. 2d ed. R. Carrique, Sturbridge, 1813 J. Bartlett (P. G. M.) on death of John Warren, Boston, 1815 S. Ripley, at Newton, 1817 C. Train, Medway, 1817 N. D. Gould, Bethel Lodge, New Ipswich, N. H., 1818 S. Clarke, Princeton, 1818 J. L. Blake, Glocester, R. I., 1818 R. Potter, Cumber land, R. I., 1819 B. Wood, Uxbridge, Mass., 1819 ; and Milford, 1820 B. Huntoon, Walpole, 1823 Paul Dean, Walpole, 1823 A. Empie, 1824. Wilmington, N. C. Dolphus Skinner, Washington, N. H., 1824 D. Pickering, Providence, Feb. 22, 1825 Jacob Ide (and Paul Dean), Medway, 1825 Gr. Lodge of R. I. to the People [by Jacob Frieze], 1831 C. O. Kimball, to R. A. Chapter, Lowell, 1826 Paul Dean and N. Capen, Dedham, 1829 J. Frieze, to G. L. of R. I., East Green wich, 1831 and others. 31 in i vol., hf. russia, neat. 8 7775 Occasional and Miscellaneous (by Ministers of New England, with few exceptions), n vols. sheep and hf. sheep, all in good condition. 1728-1838 8 SERMONS. 221 7776 (Sermons) Occasional and Miscellaneous. T. Foxcroft : Fun. Sermon for John Coney, Boston, 1722; Fun. of Dame Bridget Usher, 1723 ; Death of George I., 1727 B. Wadsworth : Death of Pres t J. Leverett, 1724 B. Colman: Death of Pres t. Leverett, 1724; Baptism of Judah Monis, 1722 C. Chauncy, at Boston Lecture, 1741 T. Foxcroft, Ordin. of John Taylor, Milton, 1728 Aaron Burr : before Synod of New York, Sept. 30, 1756. Repr. Boston, 1757 P. Thacher; Eternal Punishment of the Impeni tent; Three Sermons at Mendon, 1782 and others. 20 in 2 vols., manuscript paging and contents. 12 7777 -- Occasional and Miscellaneous. Colman (B.) July 7, 1728, after a tragical Duel [between B. Woodbridge and H. Phillips.] - Sewall (J.) Death of Sec y Joseph Willard, 1756 Haven (S.) At Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1768. Boston, Edes and Gill, " on paper manufactured here" 1768 Hemmenway (M.) Seven Sermons. 1767 Gay (Eb.) Fun. of Rev. John Hancock of Braintree, 1744 - Thacher, (P.) Death of Gov. J. Bowdoin, 1790 Stillman (S.) Before the Masons, Charlestown, 1785 Foster (Joel) Death of Rev. Samuel Kendall, New Salem. Springfield, 1792 Osgood (D.) Thanksgiving, New Medforcl, 1794. Bost., 1795 Prayer, Eulogy by Prof. Webber, and Sermon by Rev. A. Holmes, at Fun. of Pres t J. Willard, 1794 Kendal (S.) Mass. Election Sermon, 1804 Mass. Election Sermons, i8o4,-o6, o8,-o9,-io,-i i,-i2 Before Soc. for Prop, the Gospel, by L. Frisbie, 1804; J. Eckley, 1805 Atwater (N.) Ordin. J. Taylor, Deerfield, 1787 Burton (Asa) Ordin. C. J. Tenney, Newport, 1804 Lathrop, (J.) Fun. Rev. J. Eckley, Boston, 1811 Shaw (W.) Death of Rev. Chandler Robbins, Plymouth, 1799 Backus (C.) Century Sermon, Somers, 1801 Griswold (JBp. A. V.) Fun. of Gov. Win. Bradford, Bristol, R. I. 1808 King (W.) Death of Gen. Washington, Norwich, 1799 Morse (Jed.) Death of Hon. T. Russell, 1786; Death of Hon. J. Russell, 1798; Fast-day, Charlestown, 1798; Address at Phillips Academy, 1799 etc., etc. 9 vols., not uniform. 1728-1830 7778 Occasional and Miscellaneous. Flint (A.) Ordin. of Jos. B. Andrews, Killingworth, 1802 Goodrich (E.) Ordin. of S. Goodrich, Ridgefield, 1786; Install, of B. Boardman, Hartford, 1784 Judson (E.) Ordin. David Smith, Durham, 1799 Trumbull (Benj.) Ordin. Reuben Morse, Ware, 1792 ; Ordin. T. Holt, Hardwick, 1789 Elliot (John) [Historical] Discourse at Guilford. 1802 (RARE) and others, in i vol. hf. sheep (collected by Rev. T. W. Bray.) 8 1786-1802 7779 Occasional (Boston printed.) Foxcroft (T.) Observations on the Rise and Primitive State of N. E. (Century Sermon for First Church in Boston), 1730, VERY RARE Thanksg. Sermons for reduction of Quebec, 1759, by A. Eliot, S. Cooper, S. Chandler, J. Townsend, and A. Adams Thanksg. for Conquest of Canada, 1760, by T. Foxcroft, N. Appleton, J. Mayhew, J. Mellen, and E. Forbes Death of George II., 1761, by S. Cooper, H. Caner, S. Davies, J. Mayhew Adams (A.) Artillery Election, 1759 Mayhew (J.) Thanksg. for Success of the British Arms, 1758; 222 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. On the Great Fire in Boston, 1760 and others. 21 SCARCE Sermons, in i vol. old sheep. 8 Boston, 1730-1760 7780 (Sermons) Occasional (Boston printed.) Erskine (E.) The Assur ance of Faith : Six Discourses. 3d ed. Boston, repr. 1759 Elliot ( ) Sermon at Christ-Church, Jan. 21, 1759. //>., repr. 1759 Jones (D.) On the Great Fire of London, 1666. ib., repr. n. d. - Robbins (Philemon) Ordin. of Chandler Robbins, Plymouth, 1760: with Appendix, containing an Historical Account of the First Church in Plymouth, RARE Shaw (J.) Ordin. of Oakes Shaw, Barnstable, 1760 Burr (A.) Fun. Sermon for Gov. Jona. Belcher. Repr. Boston, 1758 [Bowdoiii (J.)] Paraphrase on part of The Oeconomy of Human Life. 1759 and others, n in i vol. sheep. 8 Boston, 1758-60 7781 -- Occasional. T. Barnard, at Ordin. of A. Bancroft, Worcester, 1786 S. Cooper, Commencement of the Constitution, 1780 A. Bancroft, Eulogy on Gen. Washington, Worcester, 1800 B. Colman, Fun. of Rev. Win. Cooper, Boston, 1743 J. French, Mass. Election, 1796 Dr. C. Chauncy s Remarks on the Bishop of LandafPs Sermon, 1767 and three others. 9 in i vol. sheep. 8 Boston and Worcester, v. y. 7782 Occasional (Boston printed.) P. Thacher, Death of Gov. John Hancock, 1793 Jona. Newell, at Stow, 1783 [with historical sketch of the town.] H. Cumings, Thanksgiving, Billerica, 1775 C. Turner, Ordin. of T. Haven, Reading, 1770 D. Osgood, Thanksgiving, Medford, 1794 : 2d ed. S. Stillman, Thanksgiving, 1794, Boston D. Osgood, Jed. Morse, D. Tappan, T. Baldwin, A. Holmes, on the General Thanksgiving, Feb. 19, 1795 and others. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1793-95 7783 -- Occasional, and Tracts (Massachusetts, 1801-1814) Election, 1801, 03, 04, 05, 10, 16 Fourth of July Orations: Allen, Petersham, 1806; Calclwell, Barre, 1808; Tuclor, Boston, 1809; Blake, Worcester, 1812 Foster (Festus) of Petersham, Sermon after his Ordination, 1802 ; Funeral of Mrs. Lydia Kilburn, 1803 ; Thanksgiving, 18 n; Oration before Washing-ton Benev. Society of Franklin Co., 1813 [Thacher (S. C.)] The Unity of God: Sermon, 1815 Gardiner (J. S. J.) On the Death of Bishop S. Parker, 1804; On the Divinity of Jesus Christ, Dec. 25, 1810; Fast Day, 1808 ; Thanksgiving, 1808 Lathrop (Jos.) On the Solar Eclipse of June 16, 1806 Channing- (W. E.) Fast Day, 1810; Fast Day (on Declaration of War) July, 1812; Sermon (Political), Sept. 18, 1814 Mills (E. H.) Oration, Wash. Benev. Society, Northampton, 1813; Bates (I. C.) Oration, before same Society, Feb. 22, 1812 and others. 37 select pamphlets, in one thick volume, sheep, neat (collected by and bound for Rev. Festus Foster, of Petersham.) 8 7784 -- BROWNE (Arthur), Rector of Portsmouth, N. H. Sermon before the Episcopal Clergy of N. E., Boston, 1738, RARE PEMBERTON (Eb.) Salvation through Grace: 8 Sermons, 1774 PARKMAN (Eb.) Discourse on Ezek. xxii. 30, Southboro , 1757 SPARHAWK (E.) Fun. Serm. for Dr. Benj. Shattuck, Templeton, 1794 BANCROFT (A.) Masonic Sermon at Worcester, 1793 and others, in i vol. sheep. 8 SERMONS. 223 7785 (Sermons) Miscellaneous (New England). 7 vols. sheep, neat, nearly uniform. 8 7786 Collection of Sermons. 5 vols. old sheep, uniform (numbered Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,) a valuable collection, formerly belonging to Wm. Lincoln, Esq., of Worcester : conte?its in manuscript, by Mr. Brinley. 8 and 4 Vols. 2, 3, and 6, contain 32 Sermons printed in Boston between 1745 anc * i/49> Providence, 1772; Salem, 1773; Portsmouth, 1770; Newport, 1773. Vols. 4, 5, contain Sermons before the King and Queen, House of Commons, Soc. for Prop, of the Gospel, etc. London, 1662-1729. 7787 - - Miscellaneous (1762-1773) Levi Hart, at Ordin. of Joel Benedict, Newent. New London, 1771; Ordin. of John Smith, Dighton. Newport, 1772 Ammi-R. Robbins, Ordin. of Joshua Knapp, Winchester. New Haven [1772] Philemon Robbins, Ordin. of Ammi-Ruhamah Robbins, Norfolk, 1761. N. H. ^762 David Judson, On Church Discipline, at Newtown, 1770. ibid. Jona. Dickinson. Brief Illustration of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism, etc. //. viii, 42, iv. [Reprinted,] Providence, Wm. Goddard, 1763, one of the first issues of the first Providence press, VERY RARE Nath l Niles. Four Discourses, on Secret Prayer. . Boston, 1773; Sermon at (West) Medway, Oct. 31, 1771. ibid. and others, i vol. sheep, gilt. 8 7788 -- Funeral, etc. (1744-1786) Tho. Prince, on his daughter, Deborah Prince. Bost. 1744 J. Tucker, on Rev. John Lowell, Newburyport. ibid. 1767 J. Searl, on Mrs. Phebe Parsons, Newburyport. ibid. 1771 Joseph Denison, Fun. Oration on Simeon Bristol, Yale College. New Haven, 1783 R. Hitchcock, Funeral Oration on E. Belden, Yale College. New Haven, 1786 H. Channing, on Execution of Hannah Occi.ish. New London, 1786 and another, i vol. sheep. 8 7789 Sermons, by Independent and Presbyterian Divines, preached before the Houses of Parliament, the Mayor and Aldermen of London, etc. : with other tracts. 17 in i vol. old bi?iding, broken. sm. 4 London, 1626-1669 A valuable collection, comprising sermons by T. GATAKER (on the Anniversary of the defeat of the Armada) 1626, GEO. GILLESPIE (Fast, 1644, and Fast, Aug. 27, 1645, with "A Brotherly Examination of Mr. Coleman s Sermon" &c.), E. CALAMY, HERBERT PALMER, SIMEON ASH, W. SPURSTOWE, J. WHITTAKER, and others: " The Judgement of Doctor Rainoldes touching the Originall of Episcopacy . . confirmed . . by James [USSHER] Abp. of Armagh" (1641); "The Doctrine of the Kingdom and Personal Reign of Christ Asserted," etc. by ED. BAGSHAW (1669). 7790 -- Funeral Sermons, and other Tracts, by English Divines: from the library of the Rev. John Baily of the First Church in Boston, several having his autograph on title (1685-6). Parts of three volumes, sold as 2 vols., binding broken. sm. 4 London, 1644-81 *#* See, below, TRACTS. 7791 SEWALL (Joseph) The Holy Spirit convincing the World . . In Four Sermons, pp. vi, 133, i. 12 Boston, J. Draper, 1741 7792 Nineveh s Repentance and Deliverance. Fast Sermon before the Gen. Court, Dec. 3, 1740, //. (4), 33, hf. mor. 8 Boston, 1740 7793 SEWALL (Samuel) Proposals touching the Accomplishment of Prophesies Humbly offered, //. (2), 12, and i p. (Verses) "Wed nesday, January i, 1701, A little before Break-a-Day, at Boston," nice copy, RARE. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1713 224 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7794 SEWALL (Samuel) Phaenomena quaedam Apocalyptica . . or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven, etc. Second Edition, //. (8), 64 : and The Fountain Opened. . . By the Rev. S. Willard. Third Edition (with an Appendix by Judge Sewall], pp. 24, nice copy, though too close-trimmed at bottom, with injury to the last line of two preliminary leaves. 4 Boston, 1727 (See, Part I., Nos. 858, 860.) 7795 SEWALL (Stephen) The Scripture History relating to the over throw of Sodom & Gomorrah, and to the Origin of the Salt Sea or Lake of Sodom,//. 30, scarce. 8 Boston, 1796 7796 SEWEL (WILLIAM) The History of . . the Christian People called Quakers : Intermixed with Several Remarkable Occurrences. . . The Third Edition, corrected,//. (12), 694 (12), wants pp. 281- ^284, and last two leaves of Index, full russet calf extra, gilt back and edges. folio, PHILADELPHIA, SAMUEL KEIMER, 1728 VERY RARE. " Though this volume bears Keimer s imprint, a considerable part of it and, as regards typography, the best part was the work of FRANKLIN," who printed the Title, Dedication, pages 457-694, and Index. See (Part II.) No. 3315. 7797 SHEPARD (Jeremiah) of Lynn. A Sort of Believers never Saved : two Sermons, //. iv, 72, name cut from head of title, nice copy, with label of Prince s "New-England-Library " pasted on back of title, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1711 SHEPARD (J.) Early Offerings best Accepted. . . Preached at Lynn, //. vi, 159. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1712 SHAW (Samuel) Immanuel: or, A Discovery of True Religion,//. 259. 16 Boston, 1741. (3 vols.) 7798 SHEPARD (Thomas) Certain Select Cases Resolved,//. (8), 53. 8 London, 1650 7799 - - The Church-Membership of Children, and their Right to Baptism, etc., pp. (22), 26. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1663 VERY RARE. The Preface to tlie Reader (18 pp.) is by the author s son, the Rev. Thomas Shepard of Charlestown. See (Part I.) No. 862. This copy has, on the title, the autograph of the Rev. Nathanael Mather of London. 7800 The Sincere Convert, //. vi, (2), 166. (2 copies) The Sound Believer,//, iv, 258, (2 copies) soiled by use. (4 vols.) 12 Boston, 1742 7801 The Sincere Convert, water-stained. 1742 The Sound Believer, //. (2), ii, 281. 1736 (2 copies, one wanting two leaves?} 3 vols. 12 Boston. 7802 The Autobiography of Thomas Shepard. With additional Notices of his Life and Character, by Nehemiah Adams, cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 7803 SIGFRID (Is.) and WYTTENBACH (Dan.) Theological Theses, containing the chief Heads of the Christian Doctrine. Translated from the Latin. Added, a Discourse [on the Greatness and Praise of the Lord] by GERRET LYDEKKER, A.B., //. (TO), 55 ; A Discourse, //. 113; Poetry,//. 4; sheep, good copy, SCARCE. 12 New York, Samuel Brown, 1766 7804 SMITH (Eunice) of Ashfield, Mass. Practical Language inter preted : in a Dialogue between a Believer and an Unbeliever, //. 24. Boston, E. Russell, 1792 The same, another edition, pp. 15. Stockbridge, R. Lee, 1793 Some of the Exercises of a Believing SMITH STODDARD. 225 Soul described, etc., //. 8. ibid. R. Lee, n. d. Some Arguments against World-Mindedness : by way of a Dialogue, //. 8. ibid. n. d. [1791] 4 very scarce Tracts. 8 7805 SMITH (Josiah) of Cainhoy, S. C. The Duty of Parents to Instruct their Children. . Sermons at Cainhoy, 1727 Solomon s Caution against the Cup. Sermon at Cainhoy, 1729, pp. (4), 14; The Young Man Warn d : or, Solomon s Counsel to his Son. Discourse at Cainhoy, 1729, pp. (2), 31, (2) The Greatest Sufferers not always the Greatest Sinners. Sermon in Charleston, S. C., Feb. 4, 1727-8, occasioned by the Earthquake in New England, wants last page. Four in i vol. sheep ; with a second copy of " Solomon s Caution," uncut, laid in. 8 Boston, 1730 7806 SMITH (Samuel) The Great Assize ; or Day of Jubilee, 46th Impression, curious woodcut frontispiece, pp. 194, 54. sm. 12 Boston, repr. 1727 SCARCE. Not in the Am. Antiquarian Society s Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary publications. 7807 SPRING (Samuel) of Newburyport. Sermon at the Ordination of Benjamin Bell, Amesbury, hf. mor. 8 Newburyport, 1784 A Friendly Dialogue, between Philalethes [Rev. David Tappan] and Toletus [Rev. Samuel Spring], upon the Nature of Duty, pp. 160; A Private Conference between Philalethes and Amartolos, //. 32, sheep. 12 ibid. 1784 Spring (S.) Moral Disquisitions and Strictures on the Rev. D. Tappan s Letters, pp. 252, sheep. 12 ibid. 1789. (3 vols.) 7808 STEELE (Richard) The Husbandman s Calling. Being the substance of XII. Sermons, imperfect. Boston, B. Green, 1713 An Antidote against Distractions. New York, J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1754 The Religious Trader (with Preface by Dr. I. Watts.) N. Y., Hodge 6- Shober, 1773. (3 vols.) 12 7809 STEVENS (Joseph) of Charlestown. [His two] Last Sermons. . . Added, [his] Discourse after the Death of the Rev. [Wm.] Brattle. (Preface by Rev. B. Colman), pp. xii, 116, title-leaf of the third sermon mutilated. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1723 STONE (Nathanael) of Harwich. Brief Account of the Wretched State of Man by the Fall, [and other Discourses],//. (2), 149, wanting pp. 3-6. Boston, B. Green, 1731. (2 vols.) 12 7810 STODDARD (Solomon) of Northampton. An Appeal to the Learned. Being a Vindication of the Rights of Visible Saints to the Lord s Supper, . . Against the Exceptions of Mr. Increase Mather,//. (6), 98, cmshed levant brown morocco, sides filleted and paneled, ins. borders, RARE. 12 Boston, B. Green, for S. Phillips, 1709 7811 The same, original sheep, nice copy. I 79 7812 A Guide to Christ. . Compiled for the help of Young Ministers. (Prefatory Epistle by Increase Mather.) pp. xii, 10, 94 (wanting 95-108), one leaf mutilated. Boston, J.Allen, 1714 The same, //. viii, 8, 85, (i). Boston, J. Draper, 1735 (2 copies; one wants the last leaf; in the other the corners of a few prelim, leaves, injured^) The same . Added, Sixteen short Sermons, by a Clergyman of the Church of England,//. 196. Northampton, 1816. (4 vols.) 12 29 226 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7813 STODDARD (Solomon) Three Sermons lately preached at Boston. . . Added a fourth, To stir up Young Men and Maidens to Praise the Name of the Lord,//. (2), 118, sheep, nice copy. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1717 7814 A Treatise concerning Conversion. . . Added, a Lecture- Sermon at Boston, July 2, I7i9,//. (2), 143, (i), sheep, good copy. 12 Boston, y. F. [Barnes Franklin~\, for D. Henchman, 1719 7815 An Answer to some Cases of Conscience Respecting the Country, n. t.p.,pp. 15, new hf. red morocco, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, B. Green for S. Gerrish, 1722 To every one who is not a professed theologian, this is the most interesting work of its author. Among the Questions that Mr. Stoddard essayed to answer are these : " Wherein doth the oppression of the Country principally consist ?" "Is it lawful for Men to set their Dwelling Houses at such a distance from the place of Publick Worship, that they and their families cannot well attend it?" " Is not the depreciating the Bills of Publick Credit matter of Provocation?" "Is it Lawfull to wear Long Hair?" to which is annexed the reverend author s " Thoughts concerning Periwigs " " At what time of [Saturday] Evening does the Sabbath begin ? " " Hooped Petticoats " are denounced, in the final paragraph, as " plainly contrary to the Light of Nature." (Sec Tracts, No. 7838). 7816 The Doctrine of Instituted Churches Explained and Proved from the Word of God,//. (2), 34, imprint cut off by the binder. 4 [London, 1700] 7817 - - The Safety of Appearing at the Day of Judgment, in the Righteousness of Christ. 2d edition, with Additions, //. (2), iv, 296, (2). Boston, D. Henchman, 1729 The same. 3d edition, pp. (2), iv, 296. ibid. 1742. (2 vols.) 8 7818 -- An Appeal to the Learned, good copy. 1 2 Boston, 1709 The Safety of Appearing, <f/<r. 3d edition. 8 ibid. 1742. (2 vols.) 7819 STRONG (Cyprian) A Discourse on Acts ii. 42, [on the] Practice of Owning the Covenant, 2d edition, //. 103, sheep. Hartford, 1791 An Inquiry; [concerning] the End and Design of Bap tism ; . . whether Baptism in infancy do entitle to Church Privileges, etc., pp. 103, uncut, ibid. 1793 STRONG (Nathan) Sermons, doctrinal, experimental, and practical. 2 vols. sheep, ibid. 1798, 1800. (4 vols.) 8 7820 Surprising Accounts of the Revivals of Religion [1798-1802] in the U. S., in different parts of the world, and among different denominations, //. 253, wants last page, hf. calf, neat. 12 [Philadelphia^ 1802 Compiled by the Publisher, Wm. W. Woodward. It includes accounts, by several correspondents, of the "Kentucky Revival" of 1801-02 (see, before, Nos. 6414, 6416) ; of revivals in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, etc. ; among the Brothertown (and other) Indians ; etc. 7821 SYMMES (Thomas) The People s Interest in ONE Article Con- sider d & Exhibited. Or, A Sermon showing That it is the Interest of the People of God, to do their Duty, toward the Subsistence of such as Preach the Gospel to them, fine copy, pp. (2), vi, 35, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1724 In the dedication, to Gov. Dummer, Mr. Symmes recommends reprinting the Platform of 1648, with the Result of the Synods of 1662 and 1679, "which I suppose the greatest part of the Country are Strangers to." This was done, the next year. See, below, No. 7823. 7822 Synod of 1662. Propositions concerning the Subject of Baptism and Consociation of Churches ; Collected and Confirmed out of the Word of God, by a Synod . . assembled at Boston . . in the SYNODS THACHER. 227 Year, 1662. . . Whereunto is anext the Answer of the Dissenting Brethren and Messengers [Anti-Synodalia, by President Charles Chauncy,] wants title, three prelim, leaves, and last leaf, slightly waterstained, but UNCUT Another copy, close-cut at bottom, with the loss of the last line on every page, and wanting about one third of the last leaf: autograph of Thomas Prince on title. The two imperfect copies sold as one. 4 n. p. [London^ 1662 VERY RARE. See (Part I.) No. 845. 7823 Synods. The Results of Three Synods held by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches of Massachusetts Province. Contain ing, the Platform of 1648; Propositions concerning the Subject of Baptism [and Consociation of Churches], 1662 ; The Necessity of Reformation, etc., 1679, pp. (2), vi, 118, and slip of Errata ; a Library stamp, and a name written on title page; otherwise a fine large copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, repr., 1725 7824 The same : another copy, the last page in manuscript. See Cambridge Platform, Nos. 7464-68. 7825 Swedenborgianism. A calm and conciliatory View of Sweden borgianism, in a series of Letters, etc. [By the Rev. Jacob Norton,] // 33> uncut. Boston, 1820 Prof. Geo. Bush s Reply to Ralph W. Emerson, on Swedenborg. New York, 1846 The Doctrines of Spinoza and Swedenborg identified. . In Four Letters ; by * * *, U. S. Army. Boston, 1846. 3 Pamphlets. 8 7826 TAGGART (S.) of Colrain. Inquiry into and Vindication of the Divine Right of Infants to Baptism, etc., pp. 123. 8 Northampton, 1789 TAYLOR (J.) The Life of our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. . Likewise, the Lives, Acts, and Deaths of the Evangelists and Apostles, pp. 152. 12 Greenfield, T. Dickman, 1796 TAYLOR (Jeremy) Contemplations of the State of Man. 9th edition, pp. (6), 2 18. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1723 (2 copies) TENNEY (Caleb J.) of Newport. View of God s Covenant with Abraham, . . the Right of Baptism of Infants, etc., pp. 96. 8 Neivport, 1808. (5 vols.) v. s. 7827 TENNENT (Gilbert) Sermons on Important Subjects; adapted "to the perilous state of the British Nation,//, xxxvii, (3 /.), 425, sheep, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, J. Chattin, 1758 The Examiner, or Gilbert against Tennent : containing a Confutation of the Rev. Mr. Gilbert Tennent, and his Adherents. . By Philalethes [Rev. John Hancock, of Braintree,] pp. 32, inner margins nibbled by mice. ^Boston, 1743 Memoirs of the Life of WM. TENNENT. 16 Newark, N. J., 1834. (3) v. s. 7828 THACHER (Thomas) of Boston. A Fast of God s chusing, | For the help of those poor in spirit, whose | hearts are set to seek the Lord their God | in New-England, etc. . . Preached on a Fast called by Publick Authority, on 26. i. 74. //. (6), 25, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1678 Preface by Increase Mather. 7829 THACHER (Peter) of Milton. A Divine Riddle : He that is Weak is Strong. . Discourse at Norwich [1717]- . With a Preface by Rev. Benj. Lord, //. xi, (i), 62, very scarce. sm. 8 New London, 1723 228 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7830 Strictures on the Rev. [Peter] Thatcher s Observations upon the State of the Clergy in New England. By J. S. [James Sullivan] a Layman, pp. 28, 2, half calf , neat. 8 Boston, 1784 7831 THAYER (Eben.) of Roxbury. Christ the Great Subject of Gospel Preaching; several Sermons from Acts viii, 5, 8. . . Added, Practical Reflections on the First and Last Days of the Year, 1721, with separate title-page and pagination, pp. iv, v, (i), 227, 46. 8 Boston, 1722 7832 The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs the Sons of Jacob. Translated out of Greek into Latin, by Robert Grosthead, some time Bishop of Lincoln ; . . and now Englished [by A. Golding], etc., $prel. II., pp. 106, lower corners of a few leaves slightly defective. 12 Boston, T. Fleet and T. Crump, 1716 One of the most popular books of its class, for a century and a half. First printed, London, by John Day, 1577. The Preface is signed by Richard Day. 7833 Throop (Wm.) A Sermon Occasioned by The unspeakable Loss, in the Death, and delivered at the Funeral of Brinley Sylvester, Esq ; of Shelter-Island, fine clean copy, pp. (2), n, UNCUT, RARE. 4 Boston, 1753 7834 TOMPSON (Edward) of Marshfield. Heaven the Best Country. Being some of the Last Meditations and Discourses of that Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, pp. (2), iv, 122, wants last leaf or two. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1712 VERY RARE. Not in the catalogue of the Mass. Historical Society or the Prince Library though the latter has the second edition, of 1715. " This Author s Grand-father was renowned in England, Virginia, and New-England, for a worthy Confessor of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a Seraphical Minister and Pastor of the Church of Braintry ; of which Church (afterward) our Author s Father was for many years a Deacon," etc. Epistle to the Godly Reader. 7835 TORREY (Wm.) A Discourse concerning Futurities, to Come, written by a Very Old Man in Continual Expectation of his Translation, etc., With a Preface by Rev. THOMAS PRINCE, //. iv, iii, 76, uncut. 8 Boston, 1757 SCARCE. The author was an early planter at Weymouth, and " doubtless one of the Founders of the Church there," of which his son, Rev. Samuel Torrey, was for many years pastor. 7836 Tracts. PARKER (Hon. Daniel) of Barnstable. A Perswasive to make a Publick Confession of Christ. . In a Letter to some near Relatives. (Preface, with brief memoir of the author, b) Rev. T. Prince,) pp. (4), 19. D. Henchman, 1730 ANGIER (Ames) A.M. \Harv., 1701] Spiritual Anatomizing: or .. Notes of a Godly State, etc., pp. (4), 20. T. Green, 1714 BRIDGE (Thomas) What Faith can Do. . Notes of a Sermon, in Boston, i5th, 6th, 1712, pp. (2), ii, 28. T. Green, 1713 BRIDGE (T.) Jethro s Advice Recommended to the Inhabitants of Boston, etc. A Lecture on Exodus 1 8. 2 1, pp. 32. y. Allen, 1710 A Plea for the Ministers of the Gospel, Offered to the Consideration of the People of New- England, etc. By a Friend to the Churches,//. (2), 29. B. Green, 1706 WEBB (John) The Young-Man s Duty. . In a Sermon from Eccles. xii. i. .. Recommended by Increase Mather. 2d Edition, //. (2), ii, 33. S. Kneeland, 1725. Six in i vol., half sir. gr. olive morocco (F. Bedford) 12 Boston, 1706-1730 Six VERY RARE Tracts. The " Plea for the Ministers" is not in the catalogue of the Prince or the Mass. Hist. Society s library. In the Am. Antiq. Society s Catalogue TRACTS. 229 of Ante-Revol. Publications, in Sibley s Harvard Graduates (I. 458), and in Sabin s Dictionary (no. 46717) its authorship is wrongly ascribed to Increase Mather whose " Discourse concerning the Maintenance due to those who preach the Gospel," published the same year, is directly opposed to the views of the anonymous author of "A Plea." Neither Angier s "Spiritual Anatomizing" nor the 2d edition of J.Webb s "Young Man s Duty" is in the Mass. Hist. Society s or the Prince Library Catalogue, and the latter is not found in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Society s) Catalogue. The first edition of Bridge s " Jethro s Advice" is, also, of great rarity. 7837 - - MITCHEL (Jona.) Letter to his Brother [on the New Birth ; with a Letter from Rev. J. Eliot of Guilford to his Brother Benj. Eliot]. Boston, Z. Fowlc, n. d. The same [without Eliot s Letter]. Boston, B. Green, 1719 [SCOTTOW (Joshua)] Old Men s Tears for their own Declensions, mixed with Fears of their and Posterity s further Falling off from New-England s Primitive Constitution. Published by some of Boston s Old Planters, and some others, //. 22. 8 Boston, 1691: reprinted, N. London, 1769, EXTREMELY RARE. Three in i vol., clean uncut copies, half str. gr. olive mor. extra (F. Bedford). 7838 (1719-1730) SEWALL (Jos.) Repentance the sure Way to escape Destruction. Two (Fast) Sermons, (occasioned by the Earthquake). Boston, 1727 BACKUS (Jos.) Proclamation of Dep. Gov. Joseph Jenks [of R. I.] answered, n. p. [New London ?] 1726, EXTREMELY RARE MORGAN (Jos.) Sermon at Freehold, N. J., on the Death of his Son, J. M. [jun.]. New London, 1725 WADSWORTH (B.) Sermon on Suffering for Christ. Boston, 1725 Sewall (Jos.) The Holy Spirit the Gift of God. Fast Sermon. Bost., 1728 ENGLISH ADVICE to the Freeholders &c. of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1722 Explanatory Charter granted by King George to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1725 HOOP PETTICOATS Arraigned and Con demned by the Light of Nature and the Law of God,//. 8, n. /./. Boston, James Franklin, 1722 [COLMAN (BENJ.)] SOME REASONS for Setting up Markets in Boston, imperfect. Boston, 1719. Nine VERY RARE tracts, in one volume, old calf, with the autograph of Timothy Green, the printer of Boston and New London. 16 The tract on " Hoop Petticoats " deserves special notice. The object of the writer was evidently to cast ridicule on the reverend divines who made a "case of conscience " of the prevailing fashion and particularly on the Rev. Solomon Stoddard who in his "Answer to some Case of Conscience " printed June 25th, 1 722 (see No. 7815) had arraigned " II DOPED Petticoats," as " contrary to the Light of Nature" and having "something of Nakedness." These two objections are urged and enforced by satirical argument and citations of texts of scripture, by the author of this squib printed by Franklin which is as well-done, of its kind, as Defoe s " Shortest Way with the Dissenters." It may have been the work of some member of that "Hell Fire Club" of free-thinkers whose essays, contributed to Franklin s " New England Cotirant," led to his imprisonment and to the prohibition by the General Court of his further publication of that newspaper. (See THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, I. 215,218.) Or was it one the "short essays" which young Benjamin Franklin began about this time, " privately, to compose " ? This tract of 1722 is not mentioned in Haven s (Am. Antiq. Soc. ) Catalogue nor in Sabin s Dictionary, but the former has the title under 1726, and the latter gives the same date, in brackets. It was advertised as " first published and sold by the Printer," in the Courant, April, 1726: see DRAKE S Hist, of Boston, p. 583, note. 7839 - - FOXCROFT (T.) Fun. Sermon for Mr. John Coney, //. vii, 67. B. Green, 1722 WEBB (John) Sermon, Oct. 17, 1734, before the Execution of J. Ormesby and M. Cushing : with appendix by Rev. W. Cooper,//. 29, (10). 1734 Plain Reasons, for Dissenting from the Communion of the Church of England, etc. iSthed. 1725 SMITH (John) The Curiosities of Common 23O THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Water, etc. 5th ed., with Additions by R. Thoresby, and others, pp. 1-50, wants last page. Repr. 1725. Four in i vol. old sheep. 8 Boston (1722-34) 7840 Tracts. LoRD(Benj.) Parable of the Merchantman .. explained. Norwich, 1773 GILL (Mrs. Sarah) Devotional Papers, etc., Norwich, repr. [1773] The Christian Oeconomy ; translated from an old MS. found in the Isle of Patmos, New York, 1773 ELIOT (Jared) Give Caesar his Due ; Conn. Election Sermon, 1738. New London, 1738 BYLES (Mather) Thanksg. Sermon, for Successes of the British Arms. New London, 1760. Five in i vol. sheep. 12 7841 Willard (Sam l) Brief Directions to a Young Scholar . . for the Study of Divinity. Preface by Rev. J. Sewall and Tho. Prince. Boston, 1735 ARTHUR (T.) of New Brunswick, N. J. Sermon at Ordination of Daniel Thane. N. Y., James Parker, 1750 EMMONS (N.) Sermon at Install, of Rev. Caleb Alexander in Mendon. N. Y. [1786] NILES (N.) The Perfection of God, the Fountain of Good: Two Sermons. Repr. Elizabethtoivn, 1791 Reading no Preaching, Boston, repr. 1757 [HOPKINS (Dr. S.)] Dialogue concerning Slavery. N. Y., re-printed, 1785 Erasmus (Desid.) Collection of Wise and Witty Sayings ; transl. from the Latin. Hartford, n. d. Seven in i vol. old calf . 12 7842 LEECHMAN (W.) Temper, Character, and Duty of a Minister of the Gospel. Glasgow, Faults, 1749 LEECHMAN (W.) Nature and Advantages of Prayer, ibid. 1749 JENNINGS (John) Two Discourses . . on Preaching. (Preface by Benj. Colman.) Boston, 1740 SEAGRAVE (R.) The True Protestant. London; repr. Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1747 : and others. Eight in i vol. old calf. 12 7843 THOMPSON (J.) The lost and undone Son of Perdition. . Life of Judas Iscariot : from ancient authors. New London, repr. 1767 BARTHOLOMEW (A.) of Harwinton, Conn. Sermon before Litchfield Co. Association, 1766. Hartford, T. Green, 1767 BATES (Win.) Christ in the Clouds, coming to Judgment, etc. ibid., T. Green, n. d. [1767-8] GRAHAM (John) Sermon at Ordin. of his Son, in Suffield. Boston [1746] Four in i vol. sheep. 12 7844 The Assembly s Shorter Catechism rescu d from the late [Socinian] Revisor and Vindicator . . . containing an Answer to Mr. Gibb s Letter, pp. xiv, 165, 94. London, 1738 PARSONS (Jona.) Infant Baptism from Heaven : Two Discourses. 2d ed., with Appendix, Remarks on pamphlet of Hez. Smith, pp. 142, (i). Boston, 1767 LATHROP (Jos.) Sprinkling, a Scriptural mode . . of Baptism, etc., pp. 80. ibid. 1773 HEMMENWAY (Moses) Seven Sermons .. preached in Wells,//. 204. ibid. 1767. Four in i vol. From the library of Rev. Stephen Johnson, of Lyme, with his autograph. HOPKINS (S.) Animadversions on Mr. Hart s late Dialogue,//. 31. New London, 1770 Hopkins (S.) The true State and Character of the Unregenerate : (in reply to Mills,) pp. iv, 184, i. New Haven, 1769 WHITAKER (Nath l) Two Sermons on the TRACTS. 231 Doctrine of Reconciliation : with Appendix, in answer to Rev. W. Hart s Dialogue, //. 167, i. Salem, 1770. Three in i vol. HOPKINS (Samuel) Inquiry concerning the Future State of those who die in their Sins,//. (4), vi, 194. Newport, 1783 HART (Levi) Discourse at Ordin. of William Patten, Newport, pp. 30. Providence, 1786 PATTEN (Wm.) Sermon, succeeding his ordina tion, pp. 20 [ibid. 1786] HART (Levi) Conn. Election Sermon, 1786. Hartford EMMONS (N.) Sermon at Ordin. of Caleb Alexander, Mendon, 1786. Providence JUDSON (Ephr.) Ser. at Ordin. of Jona. Strong, Braintree (3d Church), 1789. ibid. Six in i vol. sheep. EDWARDS (Jona) True Grace distinguished from the Experience of Devils. Sermon before Synod of New York, Sept. 28, 1752. New York, 1753 MAYHEW (Jona.) The Snare Broken ; Thanks giving Discourse, on the Repeal of the Stamp Act. Boston, 1766. i vol. (4 vols.) 8 7845 Tracts. HOPKINS (S.) Sin . . an Advantage to the Universe. . Three Sermons, from Rom. in. 5-8, //. iii, 220. Boston, 1773 Constitution of the State of New York : and Ordinance of the Con vention, for organizing the Government, pp. 33, 12. Fishkill, S. London, 1777 PRICE (R.) Observations on . . Civil Liberty: added, Appendix, etc. Repr. New York, S. London, 1776 GAY (Eben.) Fun. Sermon for Three Young Men killed by Lightning, Suffield, May, 1766. Hartford, T. Green, 1767 WEST (Steph.) Vindica tion of the . . Church in Stockbridge : with Appendix by John Bacon,//. 99. Hartford, 1780 DAVIES (Samuel) The State of Religion among Protestant Dissenters in Virginia. Letter to Dr. Bellamy, //. 44. Boston, 1751 and others, in i vol. 8 From the library of the Rev. Isaac Backus. 7846 WILLIAMS (Solomon) of Lebanon. True State of the Question concerning the Qualifications to Communion : (in Answer to Jona. Edwards,) //. vi, 144. 2tar&?, 1751 [WILLIAMS (Elisha)] The essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants. A Seasonable Plea for the Liberty of Conscience. . By a Lover of Truth and Liberty, //. 66. Boston, 1744 LIVINGSTON (Wm.) Letter to the Right Rev. . . John, Lord Bishop of Landaff,//. 31. N. Y. : repr. London, 1768 CHAUNCY (C.) The Appeal to the Public answered: (Reply to Dr. T. B. Chandler), //. 205. Boston, 1768. Four in i vol. sheep. From the library of Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Williams. 7847 MAYHEW (Jona.) Two Thanksgiving Sermons, Dec. 9, 1762. Boston, 1763 CLEAVELAND (John) Essay to defend . . the Pro testant Reformed System of New England . . . against Dr.J. Mayhew, //. 1 08. Boston, 1763 [BURGH (J.)] Youth s Friendly Monitor, London, 1756 FINLEY (S.) Sermon, on the Madness of Mankind, Phila., June 9, 1754. 2d edition. N. Y., 1758 CLAP (T.) Essay on . . Moral Virtue. New Haven, 1765 WATKINSON (E.) Essay on CEconomy. 4th edition, London; repr. Woodbridge, N. J., Jas. Parker, 1765. 7 in i vol. HOLLY (I.) New Testament interpretation of the Old, on Infant Baptism, pp. 71. New London, 1771 EMERSON (John) Sermon, Ordin. of J. Edson, in Halifax, N. H. Brattlebord 1 , *?., 1797 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. LEWIS (J.) Two Sermons, on Christian Forbearance. Hartford, I78g __ WILLARD (Jos.) Sermon [to Soldiers], Menclon, Mar. 25, 1781. Boston, 1781 MOORE (Z. S.) Thanksg. Sermon, Peterboro , N. H. Keene, N. H., 1797 and others. Eight in i vol. sheep. PIKE (S.) and HAYWARD (S.) Cases of Conscience answered. 3 d ed. imperfect. 2 vols. London; repr. Boston, 1757, 59 FISH (E.) and CRANE (J.) Essay on Baptism, Boston, n. d. TAPPAN (D.) Sermon at Ordin. of T. Dickinson, Holliston. Boston, 1789 LATHROP (J.) Christ s Warning, against False Prophets. Springfield, 1789 EMMONS (N.) Sermons at Install, of C. Alexander, and David Avery. Providence, 1786 [DWIGHT (T.)] Triumph of Infidelity; a Poem. Printed in the World, 1788. And others; twelve in i vol. (3 vols.) 8 7848 Tracts. S M ALLEY (J.) of Farmington. Two Discourses, on John vi. 44. Hartford, 1769 HOMES (Wm.) of Chilmark. Proposals of some Things to be done in Church Government (1732). \_Repr ^ Newburyport, Lunt and Tinges, 1774, RARE BRAY (T. W.) Fun. Oration on Samuel Hyde, of Norwich, a member of Yale College, 1763. N. H., B. Mecom, 1764 BUEL (S.) Funeral Sermon for Rev. C. J. Smith. New London [1770] LORD (Benj.) Fun. Ser. for Hon. Hezekiah Huntington. Norwich [1773] OCCOM (Samson) Sermon at Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian. N. L. [1772] and others, i vol. old calf. 8 7849 VINCENT (Nathaniel) A Discourse on Forgiveness. In Three Sermons from Matt. vi. 15. . . Taken in Short-hand by one of his Hearers, //. (4), 36, new half sir. gr. morocco, uncut, RARE. 8 Boston, J. FRANKLIN, 1722 Autograph of " Rich. Checkley, 1722, ex dono Sam l Checkley." This Discourse is not named in the list of Rev. Nathaniel Vincent s works given by Anthony Wood and Calamy. The preface "to the Reader" seems to have been written by the hearer who took the short-hand notes, and was evidently written in Boston. It describes Mr. Vincent s "Meeting- Place" as "much resembling the old South in Boston." It is signed (in large capitals) " B. F." Why not Benjamin Franklin, the elder, (uncle of James and Benjamin) who came from London to Boston about 1715 ? 7850 -- The Day of Grace, in which the chief of Sinners may be turn d and healed. By Nathaniel Vincent, //. (4), 156, sheep. 1 6 Boston, for Albert Butler, 1728 7851 VINCENT (Thos.) God s Terrible Voice in the City. . The late Dreadful Judgments of PLAGUE and FIRE in London. 6th edition. . Added, a Fun. Sermon for Mr. Abraham Janeway, pp. (6), 225. London, G. Calvert, 1668 God s Terrible Voice in the City, [abridged] pp. 46, title leaf torn. Windham, 1790. (2 vols.) 8 7852 WADSWORTH (Benj.) The Faithful Reprover; in two Lecture Sermons, ^.70 The Highest Dwelling with the Lowest. . Lecture- Sermon, in Boston, pp. 46 The Danger of Hypocrisy. . Boston Lecture, Jan. 4, 1710, //. 43, (i). Three in i vol., clean and fine, sheep, gilt. ! 2 Boston, B. Green, 1711 7 8 53 - - The Well-Ordered Family; being the Substance of several Sermons, //. (4), 121, (5), one leaf mutilated, old sheep. Boston, B. Green, 1712 Five Sermons: (Sept. 30, 1711, the last in the old Meeting-House : Oct. 7, 1711, the first Lord s-Day after the Fire: Dec. 18, 1711, on a Fast kept after the burning of the Meeting- House: May 3, 1713, the first in the new Brick Meeting-House: WADSWORTH WALTER. 233 Nov. 12, 1713, Thanksgiving:) with a Preface, giving an account of the FIRE, pp. xii, 168, sheep, good copy. Boston, J. Allen, 1714. (2 vols.) I2 7854 Five Sermons [see, before, No. 7853] : with a Preface, etc., old sheep. 1 2 Boston, 1714 7855 --An Help to get Knowledge; or, an Essay [Catechism] to explain the Assembly s Catechism, //. x, 176, (4), wants title leaf , and one other, much used. 8 B. Green, 1714 A Guide for the Doubting, and Cordial for the Fainting Saint. 2d impression,//. (4), 202, (8). B. Green, 1715 The same : 3d impression, yellowed by use, pp. (4), 254, (5). S. Kneeland, 1720. (3 vols.) Boston. 7856 - - Invitations to the Gospel Feast, or Free Offers of Salvation through Christ. Eleven Sermons, pp. (2), ii, 193, (4), stamped sheep. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1715 7857 The Benefits of a Good, and Mischiefs of an Evil Conscience. Fourteen Sermons, //. (2), ii, 213, (7), sheep, nice copy. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1719 7858 Vicious Courses procuring Poverty; Lecture-Sermon at Boston, Feb. 19, 1718-19, //. (2), 32, fine copy, polished calf gilt (F. Bedford). " 12 Boston, J. Allen, 1719 "When persons will get into Gangs, or Clubs, and have their appointed Meetings (whether in Taverns or ^Private Houses) chiefly, if not meerly, to Swill and Drink more than is needful for their Health Oh how vile is this ! . . . Should not all possible con- sciencious care be taken, that Licenses for Tavern-keeping and Retailing, be not need lessly multiplied? 1 pp. 1 8, 21. 7859 -- An Essay on the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, pp. (2), iv, pp. 1-124, wants last leaves, worn. B. Green, 1719, RARE A Dialogue between a Minister and his Neighbour, about the Lord s Supper, //. (2), iv, 102, sheep, good copy. S. Kneeland, 1724 -The same: (Preface by the Rev. Stephen Williams, //. 123, 4. y. Kneeland, for Seth Adams, 1772. (3 vols.) 12 Boston. 7860 Invitations to the Gospel Feast. . Eleven Sermons. 1715 The Benefits of a good, and Mischiefs of an evil Conscience, title torn. 1719 A Guide for the Doubting, etc. 3d Impression, water-stained. 1720. (3 vols.) 12 Boston For other Sermons by B. Wadsworth, see (Part I.) Nos. 429, 875-878, 923, 1267, 1684: (Part IV.) Nos. 7752, 7753, 7754, 7762, 7776. 7861 WALTER (Nehemiah) of Roxbury. The Body of Death Anatom ized. . Essay concerning the Sorrows and the Desires of the Regenerate. Boston Lecture, 12. 7. 1706, pp. (2), 26, too close cut on front margin, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1707 A Discourse concerning the Wonderfulness of Christ. . in several Sermons. (To the Reader, by Increase Mather), //. (2), vi, (6), 240, sheep. 8 B. Green, 1713 A Plain Discourse on Vain Thoughts, //. (2), 149, (5), sheep, nice copy. 12^. Green, 1721 Practical Discourses on the Holiness of Heaven. Sermons at Roxbury, //. (4), 176. 8 1726. (4) Boston, 1706-26 7862 A Plain Discourse on Vain Thoughts, polished calf extra, gilt, g. e. (F. Bedford), fine copy. 12 Boston, B. Green, 1721 7863 -- Discourses on the 55th chapter of Isaiah, preparatory to Communion. Added, his last Sermon. With some Account of 30 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. his Life [by T. Prince and T. Foxcroft,] //. xxvi, (4), 512,^ copy, sheep 8 Boston, D. Fowle, 1755 Another Sermon: " The Thoughts of the Heart, the best Evidence of a Man s Spiritual State : a Discourse from Proverbs xxiii. 7 " (Boston, 1741) is laid in the volume. 7864 [WARD (Nathaniel)] The Simple Cobbler of Agpwam in America. . . By Theodore de la Guard. The Fifth Edition, with some Amendments. . .//. (4), 100, fine, dean copy, in the original paneled sheep, not nibbled, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, repr.for D. Henchman, 1713 This edition contains the " Errata at non corrigenda," and Postscript (8 pp.), not in the First edition. _ The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. . . The Fifth Edition. Another copy, best levant dk. blue morocco, paneled sides, ins. borders, back and edges gilt (Matthews}, elegant. 8 Boston, 1713 7866 WARD (Samuel) and GATAKER (T.) De Baptismatis Infantilis vi & efficacia Disceptatio, privatim habita, pp. (8), 271, (i), very scarce. 8 London, 1652 Autographs of Wm. Stoiighton and J\ohn\ Danforth (1701), on title. From the Mather Library. 7867 WATTS (Isaac) A Guide to Prayer. 8th edition. 12 1739 Sermons on Various Subjects : with a Hymn suited to each. 7th edition. 2 vols. in i, //. xxiv, 740, (2), a few leaves injured. 8 !7 4 6 [ ] Orthodoxy and Charity united : in several reconciling Essays on the Law and Gospel, Faith and Works. 2d edition,//, xiv, 280, old calf . 8 1749. (3 vols.) Boston. 7868 WEBB (John) Practical Discourses on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, in 24 Sermons, //. v, (i), 350, sheep. 8 Boston, y. Draper, 1726 7869 -- The same. 1726 Some Plain and Necessary Directions to obtain Eternal Salvation. Six Sermons, pp. iv, 170. 12 B. Gray, 1729 The same: 2d edition, //. (8), 166, (2), sheep. 12 1741 (2 copies.) (4 vols.) Boston 7870 WELLES (Noah) Vindication of . . Presbyterian Ordination. Answer to Jeremiah Learning, //. 159, stained. New Haven, S. Green, for Roger Sherman, 1767 WELWOOD (Andrew) Glimpse of Glory ; or, a Gospel-Discovery of Emmanuel s Land : Subjoined, a Spiritual Hymn, etc. 12 Boston, 1744 WEST (Stephen) Essay on Moral Agency; with Remarks on [Dana s] Examination of Edwards on Freedom of Will, //. 255. New Haven, [1772] WEST (S.) Impotency of Sinners, no Excuse: a Sermon. Hart ford, E. Watson, [1772?] HOPKINS (Samuel) Sin thro Divine Interposition an Advantage to the Universe. Boston, 1773. 8 Three in i vol. WEST (S.) The Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement, examined, //. x. 164. 8 New Haven, 1785. (4 vols.) 787 1 WEST (S.) Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement, wants last leaf. N. //., 1785 HOPKINS (S.) Two Discourses,//. 65. Boston, 1768 --BELLAMY (J.) Examination of the External Covenant. (Reply to M. Mather), //. x86. N. H. [c. 1760] CHURCH (John H.) The First Settlement of New England : Sermon in Andover. Sutton, 1810 and another; in i vol. sheep, neat. 8 oooo Westminster Confession, and Catechism. See Nos. 7473, 7474. WHITE WILLARD. 235 7872 WHITE (John) ofGlocester. New England s Lamentations, . . With the Means of these Declensions, and the Methods of our Recovery, pp. (2), 2, 4, 42 Reasons for adhering to our Platform, . . and Objec tions against Ruling Elders answered. By another Hand,//. 10 A Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Elders . . Asserted by . . a Provincial Assembly, Nov. 2d, 1649, PP- T 5- Three in one vol., with a General title, hf. roan neat. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1734 7873 -- New-England s Lamentations, etc. 2d edition, corrected and enlarged. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1734 7874 -- New England s Lamentations, etc. . . Recommended by several Ministers of Boston, without the two other tracts, dark blue calf, gilt, ins. borders. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1734 7875 WHITEFIELD (George) Letter to some Church Members of the Presbyterian Perswasion, in Answer to certain Scruples and Queries, pp. 13. 1740 (2 copies) Sermon on the Indwelling of the Spirit: 5th ed. 1741 Remark, on a late Pamphlet [by Dr. Chauncy]. 2d ed. 1743 Letter to the President, etc., of Harvard College, in answer to their published Testimony. 1745 Letter to Dr. Chauncy, on account of some passages relating to Mr. Whitefield. 1745 SMITH (Josiah) Sermon, in Charleston, S. C., on the Character and Preaching of Mr. W. 1740 FOXCROFT (T.) Sermon occasioned by the late Visit of Mr. W. 1740 CROSWELL (A.) Answer to Mr. Garden s Letters to Mr. W, etc. 1741 (2 copies] WEBSTER (Alex.) Letter on the Extraordinary Work at Cambuslang. Repr. 1743 Testimony of the President, etc., of Harvard College, against Mr. W. 1744 Letter to Mr. Foxcroft, on his Apology for Mr. W. By A. C d, A. M. and J. J. C. 1745 CHAUNCY (C.) Letter to Mr. G. W. 1745- HOBBY (W.) Inquiry into the Itinerancy and Conduct of Mr. W. 1745 WIGGLESWORTH (E.) Letter to Mr. G. W. in reply to his Answer to the College Testimony. 1745 and others. The Lot, comprising several very scarce tracts. v. s. Boston, 1740-45 7876 Whitefield (G.) Fifteen Sermons, on various Subjects. . Prefixed, Sermon on the Character &c. of Mr. W., by Josiah Smith, pp. 324. N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1794 GILLIES (J.) Me moirs of the Life of Whitefield. Added, Extracts from Mr. White- fields Tracts. Salem, 1801. (2 vols.) 12 7877 WIGGLESWORTH (Prof. Edward) Two Lectures in the Hall of Harvard College (on the Trial of Spirits),//. (4), 33, (i). Boston, T y25 Enquiry into the Truth of the Imputation .. of Adam s first Sin, //. (8), 88, wants last leaf , uncut, ib. 1738. (2) 7878 WILLARD (Samuel) The Heart Garrisoned or, The Wisdom, and Care of the Spiritual Souldier, etc. Sermon to the Artillery Company, on the Day of their Election, June 5, 1676, //. (2), 21, somewhat water-stained. 4 Cambridge, S. Green, 1676 EXTREMELY RARE. It should have been included in the series of Artillery- Election Sermons in Part I. (No. 1574), but was not discovered in season. 7879 A Sermon . . Occasioned by the Death of the much honoured John Leveret Esq ; Governour, etc., pp. (2), 1$, best grosgrain levant blue morocco, filleted sides, corner ornaments, ins. borders, g.e.(F. Bed ford), elegant, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7880 WILLARD (Samuel) The Duty of a People that have Renewed their Covenant with God. Sermon to the second Church in Boston, March 17, 1679-80, //. (2), 13, good copy. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1680 7881 The same : another good copy, slightly water-stained. 4 1680 7882 The Fiery Tryal no strange Thing. . Sermon at Charlestown, February 15, 1681, being a Day of Humiliation, //. (4), 19, (i). 4 Boston, for S. Sew all, 1682 VERY RARE. The last page gives some account of the "terrible INUNDATION that the Lo-w-Conntryes lately smarted under; and which was looked upon as one awful consequent of the late formidable Blazing Star." 7883 Mercy Magnified on a Penitent Prodigal, or A Brief Discourse, wherein Christs Parable of the Lost Son found, is Opened and Applied, . . in Sundry Sermons, pp. (4), 391, (i), wants a signature (pp. 321-336) by the fault of the original binder, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, S. Green, 1680 7884 [The Child s Position, in Several Sermons from John in. 2,] wants title and next prelim, leaf, text complete, pp. (2), 144 The Righteous Man s Death A Presage of evil approaching : A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Major Thomas Savage Esq; Preached Febr. 19, 1681, //. (2), 145-162 The only sure way to prevent threatened Calamity. . Election Sermon, May 24, 1682. //. 163- 197 Sermon at a Fast . . in Boston, Jan. 25, 1682, pp. 199-222, wants last three leaves. 4 in i vol. 8 Boston, S. Green, 1684 An EXTREMELY RARE Volume: not in the Prince or Mass. Hist. Society s Catalogue. 7885 -- A Brief Discourse of Justification. . In Several Sermons, pp. (6), 1 68, orig. sheep, good copy. sin. 8 Boston, S. G. for S. Phillips, 1686 7886 The Heart Garrisoned. . (Artillery-Company Election Ser mon) June 5, 1676 (see No. 7878), UNCUT, but imperfect, wanting a corner of title and of first three leaves (the missing words supplied in ancient manuscript) and last three leaves in manuscript, slightly water-stained. 4 Cambridge, 1676 The Man of War. (Artillery- Company Election Sermon, 1699,) pp. 30, (i), UNCUT, upper inner corners defective, water-stained, VERY RARE (see Part I. No. 912). 8 Boston, B. Green 6- y. Allen, 1699 [Reformation the Great Duty of an Afflicted People. (Fast) Sermon in Boston, August 23d, 1694] //. 76, want title and first prelim, leaf. 8 [Boston, B. Green, 1694] The Character of a Good Ruler. (Election) Sermon May 30, 1694, pp. (6), 1-26, wants three leaves at end, nearly uncut. 8 Boston, B. Harris, for Michael Perry, 1694 Spiritual Desertions Discovered and Remedied. . The Substance of divers Sermons, pp. 144, water-stained. 12 Boston, B. Green 6 J.Allen, 1699. 5 VERY RARE Tracts (four, more or less imperfect^) sold with all faults. v. y. 7887 -- Love s Pedigree. Boston Lecture Sermon, Feb. 29, 1699- 1700, //. 28, smooth russet calf extra, gilt back and edges, ins. borders (F. Bedford), FINE COPY. 8 Boston, B. Green and y. Allen, 1700 7888 A Compleat Body of Divinity in (250) Expository Lectures on the Assembly s Shorter Catechism. . Prefac d by the Pastors of (South) Church, //. (2), iv, 1-158, 177-666, 581-914, (i), with the WILLARD WILLIAMS. 237 rare Portrait (engr. by Van der Guchf] slightly torn, loose, sound old cal f- folio, Boston, 1726 Autographs of Rev. Stephen Munson, (Yale Coll., 1725) and Rev. Dr. Benjamin Irumbull, 1760. " By reason of several Presses being made use of in this Large Work, is fallen out (as is frequent in such cases) that the Pages for a considerable way, are numbred over aeain " Note, p. 666. The work was " the largest that was ever printed here, and the first of Divinity in a Folio volume." 7889 WILLARD (Samuel) The same : another good copy (no portrait}, paneled sheep, joints cracked. folio, Boston, 1726 7890 Brief Directions to a Young Scholar designing the Ministry, for the Study of Divinity, //. (4), iv, 7. Boston, 1735 Some Brief Sacramental Meditations preparatory for Communion. . Second Edition,//. (2), vi, 116, (2), sheep. Boston, 1743 (2 copies). (3) sm. 8 7891 -- Pemberton (Eben.) Funeral Sermon on the Death of., the Reverend Mr. Samuel Willard. . . Annexed, a Poem, on the same Sorrowful Occasion, by the Rev. Benjamin Colman,//. (16), 80, 14, sheep, RARE. 8 Boston, B. Green, 1707 Mr. Colman s "Poem on Elijah s Translation" etc., has an independent title and imprint. 7892 - - Another copy, the Sermon only. 8 Boston, 1707 7893 WILLIAMS (Eleazer) of Mansfield. Sensible Sinners Invited to come to Christ. A Practical Discourse . . . being the substance of three short Sermons, at Mansfield, (Preface by Rev. Eliph. Adams,) //. vi, 58, a few words lost from the corner of one leaf. 16 New London, T. Green, 1735 WILLIAMS (John) of Deerfield [the " Redeemed Captive,"] Reports of Divine Kindness. . . Set forth in a Sermon at Boston, Dec. 5, 1706, ... soon after his Return from Captivity. New London, 1776 WILLIAMS (Solomon) of Lebanon. The Sad Tendency of Divisions and Contentions in Churches. . (Fast) Sermon, in Norwich (West Farms), Feb. 28, 1750, //. 29, uncut, hf. str. gr. brown morocco. Newport, James Franklin, n. d. (3) 8 7894 WILLIAMS (Solomon) The Sad Tendency of Divisions and Contentions in Churches, etc., full sprinkled calf, antique, gilt. 8 Newport, Jas. Franklin, n. d. [1750-51] 7895 WILLIAMS (Wm.) of Hatfield. The Great Salvation Revealed and Offered in the Gospel Explained ... in several Sermons, pp. (2), viii, 196, 8, good copy, sheep. 12 T. Crump, 1717 The Duty :md Interest of a People among whom Religion has been plantt^ to continue Stedfast and Sincere. Added, Part of a Letter from Jona. Edwards, giving an Account of the Revival, //.viii, 120, 38, 19, sheep. 8 1736. (2 vols.) Boston. 7 8 9 6 The Duty of Parents to transmit Religion to their Children, //. viii, 60 The Obligations of Baptism, etc., pp. 22. (2 in i vol.) B. Green, 1721 The Great Salvation Revealed and Offered, etc. 1717 -- The Duty and Interest of a People among whom Religion has been planted, etc. 1736. (3 vols.) Boston. *** For other Sermons and Tracts by William Williams, Solomon Williams, Eleazer Williams, Elisha Williams, see Sermons, No. 7753 : Tracts, No. 7846. THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. 7807 WISE (John) The Churches Quarrel Espoused : or, a Reply In Satyre, to certain Proposals made, in Answer to this Question, What further Steps are to be taken that the [Ecclesiastical] Councils may have due Constitution and Efficacy, etc. ? By John Wise, Pastor to a Church in Ipswich. The Second Edition. 2 prel leaves, pp. 116, good copy, except water-stains. 12 Boston, reprinted; for N. Boone, 1715 RARE. The first edition was printed without the name of the author, by W. Bradford, New York, 1713. (See Part II., No. 3476.) 7 8 9 8 The same, sheep worn, good copy. 7899 A Vindication of the Government of New-England Churches, //. 105 : appended, A Testimony to the Order of the Gospel, in the Churches of New-England : left . . by the two most Aged Ministers, yet surviving, pp. 12 : nice copy, SCARCE. 8 Boston, J. Allen, 1717 The Churches Quarrel Espoused : 2d ed. 1715 A Vindi cation of the Government of N E. Churches, etc. 1717. (2 vols.) 8 Boston, A Vindication of the Government of New-England Churches, . 80 : The Churches Quarrel Espoused, etc., pp. 96 : [The Cam bridge] Platform of Church-Discipline, //. 68 ; in one volume, sheep, fine copy. 8 Boston, John Boyles, 1772 In an advertisement at the end of the volume the publisher states that "only 500 copies were printed in this edition, which are already mostly engaged"; and he proposes "as soon as may be to reprint another edition of this much esteemed Book, if a sufficient number of subscribers appears." 7902 The same, another copy, sheep, 1772 The same: another edition, with the addition of A Confession of Faith, owned and assented unto, . . May, 1680; the four works paged continuously, pp. 2 7 1 , and Subscribers Names, 1 2 pp., sheep, neat. J. Boyles, 1772. (2 vols.) 8 It is not generally known that two editions of Wise s works were published in 1772. 7903 WHITAKER (N.) of Salem. A Confutation of two Tracts, entitled, A Vindication, etc. and The Churches Quarrel Espoused, written by the Rev. John Wise, //. 98, uncut, a bit torn from corner of title, scarce. 8 Boston, I. Thomas, 1774 Advocating the Presbyterian form of government of the Church. 7904 WOLCOTT (Roger) A Letter to the Rev. Noah Hobart, //. 24, uncut, SCARCE. 4 Boston, 1761 Maintaining that the Liberties of the N. E. Churches are " greater and better founded, in their Platform .. agreed to at CAMBRIDGE, 1648, than [in] what is contained in the Agreement at SAYBROOK, 1708." 7905 WORCESTER (Thomas) of Salisbury, N. H. Tract : for Missionary Distribution, in familiar Poems, pp. 12. Charlestown, 18 10 Letter to Rev. Samuel Spring, D.D. Boston, 1811 [ ]A Parable occasioned by a late Portentous Phenomenon. By the Pilgrim Good-Intent, //. 10. Concord, 1812 [ ] Conjectural Exposition of the Parable of the Pilgrim. By Philip Melancthon, //. 24. ib. 1812 The most plain harmonious sense of Scripture, the test of opinions. Two unanswered Letters, pp. 34. Boston, 1812 [ ] Letter to the Moderator of the New Hampshire Association. By Timothy, pp. 15. ib. 1812 Scripture Examples of Faith and Worship, etc., pp. 23. Concord, 1814 Discourse in a Religious BOSTON REPRINTS - TRACTS. 239 Conference, Oct. 7, 1813. Hanover, 1813 WORCESTER (Noah) Respectful Address to the Trinitarian Clergy,//. 50. Boston, 1812 [NORTON, Jacob] The Question "Is Sin an Infinite Evil?" tested by Reason and Scripture. By an Orthodox Clergyman. Boston, 1813 and others. 16 in i vol. sheep, manuscript contents and paging. go From the library of Rev. Seth Chandler, who has written the names of authors of anonymous pamphlets, on the title-pages. 7906 Reprints, Boston, 1722-1744. Cotton (C.) None but Christ; (added, The Sick Man s A, B, C, etc.), imperfect, much worn. S. Kneeland, 1723 Dyer (Win.) Christ s Famous Titles (and other treatises), pp. 234, title stained. J. Allen, 1722 Earle (Jabez) Sacramental Exercises, //. iii, 116. T. Fleet, 1725 Fox (John) Time and the End of Time. Two Discourses, //. 216, soiled and much worn, pp. 216. For the Booksellers, 1729 Flavel (J.) Keeping the Heart, worn, wants title and prelim, leaves, \ab. 1727] Franck (Aug. Herman) Nicodemus : or a Treatise against the Fear of Man. . 3d edition, //. xxiv, 180. Rogers 6- Fowle, 1744 The French Convert, pp. 134, a few leaves slightly injured, soiled by use. Rogers 6- Fowle, 1744 Guthrie (Win.) A Short Treatise of the Christian s Great Interest, //. viii, ii, 208, (7). 1728, 2 copies. (9 vols.) 12 and 8 7907 Reprints, Boston, 1702-1742. Gray (Andr.) The Spiritual Warfare: [Ten] Sermons, //. (2), 140. 12 S. Kneeland, 1720 Guthrie (W.) The Christian s Great Interest. 12 1728 [Hardy (Samuel)] A Guide to Heaven, from the Word, etc., pp. 72. very small 12 John Allen, 1717 Hellenbroek (Abr.) Sermon, at Rotterdam, from Cant. ii. 15. Transl. from the Dutch. 8 1742 [Owen (John)] Eshcol : A Cluster of the Fruit of Canaan. 7th ed. 12 B. Green, 1744 [A Perpetual Almanac of Spiritual Meditations.]//. 13-179, imperfect, wants title and first leaves, worn. 12 [ab. 1724 ?] Wilcox (T.) A Guide to Eternal Glory, . . with other Tracts, pp. 108, much worn. sm. 12 B. Green, 1702 The same, enlarged, pp. 170. 12 S. Kneeland, 1757 Wilcox (T.) A Choice Drop of Honey from the Rock Christ,//. 5-27, wants first two leaves. 12 [1734?] Woodward (Jos.) Fair Warnings to a Careless World. . Added, Abp. Tillotson s Advice to a Sick Person, tic.; 4th ed., //. (12), 142. 12 Gam. Rogers, 1729 Wright (S.) A Treatise of being Born Again; i7th ed., //. viii, 168. 12 J. Draper, 1742. (n vols.) 12 7908 Tracts. The Sad Estate of the Unconverted, . . with Inferences thereon, offered to the Consideration of the Inhabitants of . . North America. (Dedicated to the Inhabitants of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and New York,)//. (4), 50, uncut. Kneeland 6- Green, 1736 Appleton (Nath.) Sermon from Zech. xn. 10 (on Evangelical Repentance), at Newton. 1741 A Discourse on the Nature and Excellency of Saving Faith: by a Minister in Boston, //. 36. y. Draper, for N. Proctor, 1742 The Christian s Daily Practice of Piety, //. 8. Rogers 6- Fowle, 1744 Symmes (Thos.) The People s Interest in One Article consider d. B. Green, 1724 Wigglesworth (E.) Two Lectures on the Trial of Spirits, 1735 McGregere (D.) Sermon of the Trial of the THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Spirits. 1742 Parsons (J.) and McGregere (D.) Rejoinder to Rev. R. Abercrombie s Remarks. Published by order of the Presbytery of Boston. 1758 Pierson (J.) Sermon at Newark, before N. Y. Presbytery. 1751. 9 Pamphlets. 12 Boston, 1724-57 7909 Tracts. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Sermons (with the Annual Proceedings): 1711 (Bp. Fleetwood) ; 1761 (Bp. Newcome); 1766 (Bp. Warburton) ; 1773 (Bp. Shipley; reprinted, Newport}; 1785 (Bp. Ross), 2 copies. (6) 8 and 4 London. 7910 Sermons and Pamphlets (1812-1833), bound in 5 vols., half russia,^ uniform, neat. & Vol. 5 contains Wm. Lloyd Garrison s " Thoughts on African Colonization,"//, iv, 160, 76 (Boston, 1832) : "Answer to Six Months in a Convent," by the Lady Superior (Boston, 1835): Lowell Mason s "Address on Church Music," 1826. 7911 Miscellaneous Pamphlets (1814-32) i vol. hf. russia neat (from Rev. Seth Chandler s collection), manuscript contents and paging. 8 Contains J. A. McDowall s "Magdalen Pacts " (No. I. New York, 1832): Hannah Adams s " Narrative of the Controversy" with the Rev. Dr. J. Morse, and the " Review of Dr. Morse s Appeal to the Public" (Boston, 1814): Rev. Luther Willson s "Review of the Eccles. Proceedings in Brooklyn, Conn.," resulting in his dismissal ( Worcester, 1818); etc. 7912 Sermons and Pamphlets (from the same collection.) 3 vols., hf. russia. 12 7913 Sermons and Pamphlets (1730-1838), from the collections of Rev. Dr. A. B. Chapin and Rev. Seth Chandler. 7 vols. hf. sheep, nearly uniform. 12 and 8 Among scarce Sermons comprised in the collection are : John Bulkley s, at Ordin. of Judah Lewes, Colchester (New London, 1730); D. McGregere s, The Spirits of the Present Day Tried; Boston Lecture (Boston, 1742); Rev. John Sergeant s Letter, from Stockbridge, to Dr. B. Colman (Boston, 1743); A Vindication of the Bishop of Landaff s Sermon (in answer to Wm. Livingston) ; by a Lover of Truth and Decency (New York, (ib. 1794); Testimony of the Pastors of Massachusetts, at their Annual Convention, 1743, against Errors and Disorders (ib. 1743); Rev - Joshua Gee s Letter to Rev. N. Eells, Moderator of the late Convention (ib. 1743); Rev. B. Prescott s Letter to Mr. Gee, in Answer to his Letter etc. (ib. 1743); e * c -i e * c - 7914 Sermons and Pamphlets (1736-1822) 10 vols. hf. sheep, not uniform; (from the collections of Rev. Jacob Norton, Rev. Seth Chandler, and others.) 8 Sundry Votes of the First Church in Dorchester, 1773 ; with the Result of a Council Discourses, Fast-Day, Apr. 5, 1770. (ib. 1770); S. Haven s Convention Sermon, (Ports mouth, 1760); etc., etc. 7915 Tracts. Sermons and Pamphlets. 10 vols., sheep and hf. sheep, not uniform. 8 One volume contains "The Toilet: a weekly collection of Literary Pieces," etc. Vol. I. Nos, 1-5 (Charlestown, 1801); E. Pearson s Lecture on the Death of President J. Wil- lard (Cambr , 1804); B. WATERHOUSE S Lecture, at Cambridge, on the general Doctrine of Chronic Diseases, the Evil Tendency of Tobacco, Ardent Spirits, etc. 1804 ; Harvard Triennial Catalogue, [edited by Nath l Lord, 3d; names in English.} Salem, 1806; Boston Self-Stiled Reviewers Reviewed: by the Author of The Science of Sanctity [Rev. Thomas Fessenden] : and that production analytically delineated, by a Berean (Brattleboro\ Vt., 1806); T. Beedle s [Two] Masonic Sermons at Lexington, and Washington, N. H., 1803; John Pickering s Oration, 4 th July, Salem, 1804; etc. SERMONS AND PAMPHLETS. AUTOGRAPHS. 24! In another (from Rev. Jacob Norton s collection): Hon. JAMES WINTHROP S Transla tion of the Prophetic part of the Apocalypse, 1794; Systematic Arrangement of Prophe sies relating to Antichrist 1795 5 Attempt to arrange Scripture Prophecies in the order of Time, etc. _ Cambridge, 1803; Scriptural Notice to the Believers in Christianity, 1817 The Celestial Magnet (Nos. i, 2, 3) by David B. Slack,//. 31, 12, 23 (Providence, 1820- 21); etc. 7916 Tracts. Sermons and Pamphlets (1795-1837) 10 vols. sheep and half sheep. 8 and 12 Includes President E. NOTT S Miscellaneous Works (Schcncctady, uSio) ; President T. DWIGHT S Century Sermon, 1801 ; Discourse after the Death of Geo. Washington, 1800; On Duelling, 1804; Before the Conn. Soc. of Cincinnati, 1795; on the Death of Gov. Trumbull, 1809 ; and 4 others ; Nath l Emmons, Fast Sermon, 1798; Fast, 1802; Mass! Convention, 1804; (on Missions), in Franklin, 1809; R. SMITH, on Death of President Edwards, Schenectady, 1801 ; Eulogies on Washington, by W. Linn, Benj. Trumbull Rich. Alsop (Poem), E. G. Marsh, and Timo. Dwigiit; etc. , e1c. 7917 Sermons and Pamphlets (1753-1806) 25 vols. 4 S. Phillips Mass. Convention, 1753; on the Sinner s Obstinacy, Boston, 175^ ; on God s Drawing and Man s Coming to Christ, June 3, 1753; [P. Oliver s] Poem sacred to the Memory of Hon. Josiah Willard (Boston, 1757); J. Wheelock s Essay on .. Painting, Music, and Poetry, at Dartm. College, 1774; T. Beede s Masonic Discourse, at Ports mouth, 1806; P. Thacher s Sermon and Dr. Welsh s Eulogy on Hon. N. Gorham, Charlestown, 1796; Dr. J. Morse, and P. Thacher, on Death of Hon. Thos. Russell 1796; etc., etc. 7918 Sermons, etc. (1795-1812) 5 vols., various bindings. Funeral Sermons: Rev. Elisha Fish, Upton, by N. Emmons, 1795; Rev - Russell, of Thompson, by Jos. Whitney, 1795; Dea - R enj. Chapin, Mansfield, by D. Avery, 1795; Madam Rebecca Gill, Princeton, by Jos. Russell, 1798; and Mrs. Peggy (wife of Rev. Enoch) Pond, Ashford, by M. C. Welch, 1800 A. Putnam, Pomfret, on the Being of God (N. London, 1798) ; I. L. Skinner s Farewell Discourse at No. Coventry, 1798; Plan of Consociation, by Convention of Churches in Windham Co. (Conn.) 1800; etc., etc. 7919 Sermons, <?/<:. (1777-1830; Connecticut). 10 vols., not uniform. 8 Books containing Autographs. 7920 Hosius(StanisL) Confessio Cathol. Fidei Christiana [Polonica]. thick 8 Antwerpicz, 1561, autographs of Edwarde Bulkeley [of Bedfordshire, father of the Rev. Peter Bulkly of Concord, ] Simon Bradstreet, 1668, and many marginal notes by the former owners ALTING (Henr.) Theologia Elenctica Nova, old calf . 4 Amstelo- dami, J. Jansson, 1654, with autograph of (Gov.) William S tough- ton, 1 66 1 PRIDEAUX (M.) Introduction for Reading all sorts of Histories, etc. 4th ed. 4 Oxford, 1664, autograph of (Rev.) Symon Bradstreet, 1675 BEZA (Theod.) Epistolarnm Theologica- rum Liber Unus : 2da ed. ab ipso auctore recognita. 8 Geneva, Eust. Vignon, 1575, autographs of John Checkley, Rev. Drs. Afndrew] Eliot, John Eliot, and William Jenks (1797) TRELCATIUS (L.) Locorum Communium S. Theologiae Institutio, vellum. 12 Hanovice, 1610 BUXTORFI ( J.) Lexicon Hebraicum, old calf. thk. 8 Basilece, 1676, with autographs of Wm. Williams (Harv. Coll. 1683), Solomon Williams (H. C. 1719), John Williams (H. C. 1725?), Israel Williams (H. C. 1727) and John Williams (H. C. 1751) HUTCHESON (Geo.) Exposition of the XII Small Proph ets : Vol. I (Hosea, Joel, Amos), old calf, with autograph and printed book-label of John Hancock (of Lexington) 1687, and autograph of Josiah Peirce, 1745 ("Master Peirce" of Hadley ?) 8 London, 1655. (7 vols.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIBRARIES. HISTORY OF PRINTING. 7921 BARTLETT (John Russell) Bibliography of Rhode Island,//. 287, hf. doth, LARGE PAPER. royal 8 Providence, 1864 Edition of 150 copies. 7922 - - The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, etc., pp. 477, uncut. royal 8 Boston and Providence, 1866 7923 BARTLETT (Richard) Remarks and Documents relating to the preservation and keeping of the Public Archives [of the Federal Government and of the several States], //. 72, uncut, scarce. 8 Concord, N. H., 1837 7924 BIKLIOTHECA AMERICANA ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting Books, Pamphlets, etc. on North and South America, etc. [attributed to the Rev. J. Homer], half red morocco, large and fine copy. 4 London, J. Debrett, 1789 7925 BLADES (Wm.) A Catalogue of Books printed by (or ascribed to the Press of) William Caxton, engraved title-border, head and tail pieces, beautifully printed, uncut. sm. 4 London, 1865 7926 -- How to tell a Caxton,//. viii, 55, and 16 plates of facsimiles, uncut. cr. 8 London, 1870 oooo Bradford Bicentennial, and The Bradford Prayer Book, 1710: see WALLACE (J. W.), No. 7966. 7927 CAMUS (A. G.) Me moire sur la Collection des Grands et Petits Voyages (de De Bry) et sur la Collection des Voyages de Thevenot, //. iii, 401, (2), boards, uncut. 4 Paris, 1802 " Not merely is this admirable essay the best bibliography of the collection of De Bry and Thevenot, but it also contains a great variety of curious information upon the progress of geographical discovery in the sixteenth century, and upon the books and editions which record it." B. QUARITCH, 1882. 7928 Caxton. The Arte and Crafte to Knowe well to dye. [By John Gerson : translated by Caxton in 1490: without printer s name, place, or date. 1491 ?] in admirable facsimile, lower margins very slightly water-stained, sprinkled calf, sides filleted and paneled (Riviere]. folio, London. 7929 - - The Game of the Chesse, [1481 ?] admirably facsimiled by V. Figgins, with the 23 woodcuts ; Remarks (//. 8), and a List of the Works ascribed to Caxton; antique calf, carmine edges, Caxton s device on the side. 4 London, V. & J. Figgins, [1855] The whole type was cast expressly for this work ; the cuts traced from the copy in the King s Library, British Museum; and the paper was also expressly made, with the reed and water-marks imitated from the original. 7930 DELEPIERRE (Octave) Analyse des Travaux de la Socie te des Philobiblon de Londres, hf. mor. (Roxburgh), uncut. Edition of 300 copies only. S q. 8 London, Triibncr 6- Co., 1862 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 243 7931 FARIBAULT (G. B.) Catalogue d ouvrages sur PHistoire de PAmerique, et en particulier sur celle du CANADA, LOUISIANE, de PACADIE, et autres lieux ci-devant connus sous le nom de NOUVELLE- FRANCE, pp. 207, hf. mor., gilt edges. 8 Quebec, 1837 " The number of works described is 969. It is now VERY SCARCE." SABIN. 7932 FIELD (Thomas W.) An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography, //. 430, doth, uncut. 8 New York, 1873 7933 FARNHAM (Luther) A Glance at Private Libraries [chiefly of Boston and the neighborhood], pp. 79. 8 Boston, 1855 7934 [HARRISSE (H.)] Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima : a Description of Books relating to America published between 1492 and 1551, LARGE PAPER, sheets folded. 4 New York, G. P. Philes, 1866 Only 99 copies printed on this paper. 7935 JEWETT (C. C.) Facts and Considerations relative to Duties on Books, //. 24. Providence, 1846 Notices of Public Libraries in the United States, pp. 207. Washington, 1851. (2) 8 7936 KENNETT (Bishop White) Bibliothecae Americanos Primordia. An Attempt towards laying the Foundation of an American Library. . . By a Member of the . . Society [for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts,] pp. iii, xvi, 3-275, and Index, 224 pp. n. n., old calf . 4 London, 1713 7937 The same : an EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY, half dk. green morocco, paneled back, top gilt, UNCUT. 4 London, 1713 7938 LIVERMORE (George) Remarks on Public Libraries. From the N. A. Review, July, 1850, //. (2), 40, reprinted (with a prefatory note] "for Private Distribution only" ; with, the author s autograph presentation. 8 Cambridge, 1850 7939 LOWNDES (W. T.) The Bibliographer s Manual of English Literature. New edition, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vols., half levant morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT. cr. 8 London, 1865 7940 LUDEWIG (Hermann E.) The Literature of American Local History; a Bibliographical Essay, //. xx, 172, presentation copy with the author s autograph. 8 New York, 1846 7941 - - The same, half calf ; with an interesting autograph letter from the author to Mr. Brinley (June 2, 1846); another from Rev. Dr. John Pierce, enclosing list of works on local history of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Brookline; and mss. memoranda by Mr. Brinley (in envelope). 8 New York, 1846 7942 -- The Literature of American Local History: First Supple ment pp 20 with the author s autograph presentation, VERY RARE. 8 New York, 1848 Only SO copies printed: from the "Literary World," Feb. 19, 1848. 7943 _ Bibliographic und Bibliotheken in den Vereinigten Staalen von N. A. [from Naumanrts "Serapeum," April $v- June 15, 1846.] Die Organe der erscheinenden Literatur und der Buchhandel in den V. S. etc. {separate impression from the "Serapeum" 1846] ; and other contributions by Ludewig (on " Curiosities of American Litera ture ; " the Bay Psalm-Book ; the Library of Samuel G. Drake, etc.); sewed. V Leipsic, 1846 With the author s autograph presentation to Mr. Brinley. 244 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7944 MUNSELL (J.) Outline of the History of Printing, pp. 32, uncut. Albany, 1839 Catalogue of [his] Bibliographical Library,//. 38. Albany, 1856. 2 Pamphlets, 8 7945 O CALLAGHAN (E. B.) American Bibles. List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860, //. liv, (8), 415, uncut: 7 Autograph letters from Dr. O Callaghan to Mr. Brinley, relating to the work, laid in. royal 8vo, Albany, 1861 7946 [Oldys, W.] The British Librarian : a compendious Review of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books, etc., LARGE AND FINE COPY, with all the (six) original title-pages, sound old calf . 8 London, 1737 " Oldys I5ritish Librarian is a work of no common occurrence, or mean value. ... I once sent three guineas to procure a copy of it, according to the description on large paper, but on its arrival I found it to be not quite so large as my own tolerably amply margined CO py." DIUDIN. Mr. Brinley s is one of the "amply margined" copies that sometimes pass for large paper. It has the title-pages of the six numbers (Jan. to June, 1737,) in which the work was originally published. 7947 The Philobiblion : A monthly Bibliographical Journal, printed on India paper. 2 vols in one, half green morocco (Roxburgh?), uncut. 8 New York, Geo. F. Philes 6- Co., 1862-63 7948 RICH (O.) Catalogue of Books relating principally to America (1500-1700) Bibliotheca Americana Nova . . . Books relating to America; Vol. i. (1701-1800); Vol. n. (1801-1844), with Supple ment, Books relating to America, 1493-1700, and Catalogue of Books for sale by O. Rich. 3 vols. cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1832-46 The second volume has many pencilled marginal notes by Mr. Brinley. 7949 - - Part I. of a Catalogue of Books relating to America, printed 1500-1600, collected by O. Rich, //. 20, in original wrapper, uncut. 8 London, 1832 Rich and Sons Catalogue of Books on sale, //. 128, gilt edges. 18 London, 1848. 2 Pamphlets. 795 Catalogue of Books relating to America (1500-1700). London, 1832 TERNAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine . . Ouvrages relatifs a 1 Amerique qui ont paru . . jusqu a 1 an 1700, pp. viii, 191. Paris, 1837. The two in one volume, green morocco, gilt. From the library of Richard Ford (author of the Hand-book for Spain, etc.) whose autograph is on the title page of Rich s Catalogue, " given him by Mr. Rich, the Author." On the half-title of Ternaux Catalogue Mr. Ford has left this note : " Mons r lTernaux, a respectable imitator of Cashmere shawls, has borrowed all that is worth knowing in this rechauffe from Mr. Rich s work, the eminent and well known collector of rare Spanish typography." 7951 SAUIN (J.) & Sons. The American Bibliopolist : Vols. 1-5, in numbers, uncut (except Nos. 1-3 of Vol. /.), wanting Nos. 61 and 62 of Vol. 5, ami titles and indexes of last two volumes. 5 vols. 8 New York, J. Sabin 6- Sons, 1869-74 7952 SABIN (Joseph) A Dictionary of Books relating to America, from its Discovery to the Present Time. Parts 1-76 (Vols. i-xm, p. 392), wanting Parts 7 & 8, 51 & 52, and the last six leaves of Part 46, injured. 13 vols. 8 New York, 1869-1880 It is needless to re-affirm here the judgment pronounced by American librarians and bibliographers, on Mr. Sabin s work a monument, not less enduring because unfinished, to his large knowledge, his conscientious research, his general accuracy, and his untiring energy. None can assent more heartily than the present writer to the opinion expressed SABIN TEKNAUX. 345 by Mr. Justin Winsor, that "its imperfections are inseparable from such a work," while "its merits are positive, and no one can deal with the titles of Americana, as I have to a considerable degree for years, without knowing the help it can afford, which is always opportune and often great." 7952 See, under CATALOGUES, Allan (No. 7998), Burton and Corwin (8001), Menzies (Son), Rice (8014), Wight (8016). 7953 SAVAGE (James) The Librarian. Three vols. in one, calf gilt (broken), marbled edges. 8 London, 1808-09 7954 STEVENS (Henry) Catalogue of My English Library, cloth gilt. 12 London, C. Whittingham, 1853 Printed for private distribution. " It contains a list of about 5700 volumes of standard English books, and was designed to aid collectors in the choice of their books and editions." 7955 American Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana. H. Stephani et Amicorum. 2 vols. cloth, uncut: one of a very few copies, issued without titles or preface, four years before the publication of the work. 12 [London, C. Whittingham, 1858] " This work, printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, comprises 3000 titles (alphabetically arranged) of rare books relating to America, most carefully given in full, with the collation and price of each work." 7956 [ ] Catalogue of a Collection of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, Jan. and March, 1861. 2 Parts. 8 2415 Numbers. Includes all the unsold portion of the books described in " American Nuggets." "It forms an almost indispensable aid to the collector of Americana." SABIN. 7957 - - Bibliotheca Historica, or a Catalogue of 5000 volumes of Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the history and literature of America, including the larger proportion of the library of the late HENRY STEVENS Senior, of Barnet, Vt. . . with Introduction and Notes, pp. xvi, 234, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, Riverside Press, 1870 2545 Numbers : sold by Leonard & Co., April, 1870. One of the richest of Mr. Stevens s catalogues, in notes bibliographical, historical, and critical occasionally elaborate, always spicy. See, for specimens, Nos. 860, HARKISSE ; 223, BLOUNT ; 1336, MONTCALM (nearly four pages, small type) ; 1403, NEW ENGLAND ; 1473, OKTELIUS; 2487, HARIOT (3 pages) ; and 2519, NiCHOLLs sLifeof Sebastian Cabot. 7958 Bibliotheca Geographica & Historica. Catalogue of a Nine Days Sale, by Puttick & Simpson, Nov. 1872. 3109 Numbers; with a prefixed essay on " Photobibliography : a word on Catalogues and how to make them," 2 photographs of title-pages, pp. 14, 361, uncut. 8 London, 1872 7959 ~~ 1 ne same : WITH NEARLY 400 PHOTOGRAPHIC COPIES OF TITLE- PAGES, MAPS, AUTOGRAPHS, etc. INSERTED: half lev ant blue morocco extra (W. Pratt), top gilt, uncut. 8 London, 1872 One of the very few copies printed on thick paper and illustrated with photograms of the chief books, manuscripts, and maps sold in the collection ; making a thick octavo vol ume. These copies were prepared for subscribers only, at the price of Five Guineas. 7960 -- Schedule of 2000 American Historical Nuggets taken from the Stevens Diggings in September, 1870, and set down in Chron ological Order of Printing from 1490 to 1800, described and recommended as a Supplement to any printed Bibliotheca Ameri cana, pp. (4), 20, cloth, uncut. imp. 8 London, 1870 PRIVATELY PRINTED, at the Chiswick Press. Dedicated to John Carter Brown, Esq., as containing " 2000 works the titles of which were not recorded in his Catalogue." 7961 TERNAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine. Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a FAmerique qui ont paru . . jusqu a 1 an 1700, //. viii, 191, uncut. 8 Paris, 1837 24 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7962 The same; LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt: a presentation copy to Sir Henry Ellis, with important manuscript additions and corrections by him, from books in the library of the British Museum. 4 Paris, 1837 7963 THOMAS (Isaiah) The History of Printing in America. 2 vols. sheep. 8 Worcester, 1810 With occasional pencilled notes and memoranda by Mr. Brinley. 7964 _ The same : with the author s autograph presentation to the "Rev. Mr. \_James\ Freeman, from his Friend 6 humble Servant," and some manuscript memoranda by the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Homer (Earv. "<?//. 1777). 2 vols. sheep. 8 Worcester, 1810 On a ily-leaf in the first volume, Dr. Homer has recorded his line of descent from Samuel Green, the first printer at Cambridge, through his daughter Mary, who married John Kneeland whose daughter Sarah married Michael Homer, the grandfather of Dr. onathan. A Specimen of Isaiah Thomas s Printing Types : being as large and complete an Assortment as is to be met with in any one Printing-Office in America ; chiefly manufactured by Wm. Caslon, of London, sheep, sm. 4 Worcester, 1785 Isaiah Thomas s Catalogue of English, Scotch, Irish, and American Books, for sale at the Worcester Book Store, //. 72, sewed. 12 1801. (2 vols.) 7966 WALLACE (John W.) Address at the Celebration by the N. Y. Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. William Bradford, //. 114, facsimiles, hf. cloth, top gilt, uncut. r. 8 Albany, J. Munsell, 1863 Laid in, is "Some Account of The Book of Common Prayer, printed, A. D. i/io, by Wm. Bradford," by Mr. Wallace,//. 10, uncut: Privately Printed for Horatio Gates Jones, 1870. 7967 [WARDEN (D. B.)] Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrionalis : a choice Collection of Books in various languages, relating to North America. [Catalogue of Warden s first collection, purchased for Harvard College Library,] pp. 147, half sheep, gilt. Paris, 1820 [ ] Bibliotheca Americana. . . Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, etc. [This collection was purchased by the State of New York, for the State Library,] pp. (4), 124, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1840. (2 vols.) 8 7968 WYNNE (James) Private Libraries of New York, LARGE PAPER, cloth, uncut. imp. 8 New York, E. French, 1860 No. 89, of 100 copies printed on large paper. LIBRARY CATALOGUES. 7969 Catalogue of the Library of the Congress of the United States : with a copious Index, alphabetically arranged, and the Rules and Regulations of the Library, bds. 4 Washington, 1815 7970 Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of Congress,//. 40. 1825 Supplement, 1833 Additions Dec. 1834 to Dec. l8 3S Books in the Law Department of the Library, Jan. i, 1839, //. 98. 4 Pamphlets. 8 Washington. 797 i -~ Catalogue of the Library of Congress, Dec. 1839, pp. 747, - m or. s Washington, 1840 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. 247 7972 (Connecticut.) Constitution, By-Laws, and Catalogue of the Union Library Society of Wethersfield, pp. 19. Hartford, 1784 Hartford Circulating Library (Henry Benton),//. 33. Hartf. 1829 Library of Washington College, 1832 Norwich Library Asso ciation, 1843 New Haven Young Men s Institute, with Charter, By-Laws &c. 1841. 5 Pamphlets. v. s. 7973 ~ - Young Men s Institute, Hartford. Catalogue, pp. 359, cloth. (2 copies.) 8 Hartford, 1844 7974 ^Kentucky.) Catalogue, &c. of the Louisville Mercantile Library, 1843, PP- I0 3 Catalogue of the Louisville Library, 1848, //. 40. 2 Pamphlets. 8 Louisville, Ky. 7975 (Louisiana.) New Orleans Commercial Library, 1838, //. 93 Public School Library of Municipality No. Two. 1848, pp. 155. 2 vols. hf. bd. 12 and 8 New Orleans. 7976 Maine State Library,//. 88. 8 Augusta, 1843 Library of the Portland Athenaeum, //. 88. 12 Portland, 1839. 2 vols. 7977 Massachusetts. Catalogue of the General Court Library, 1839. 8 7978 -- Catalogue of the Library of Rev. Thomas Prince, presented by him to the Old South Church and Society, (compiled by G. H. Whitman,) //. 112. 8 Boston, 1847 Catalogue of the American Portion of the Library of Rev. T. Prince, with Memoir, by Wm. Whitmore, pp. xxv, 166, portrait, uncut. 12 Boston, 1868. (2) 7979 - - Massachusetts Historical Society : Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, etc., pp. 96, uncut. Boston, 1811 Bibliography of the Mass. Hist. Society : by Samuel A. Green, //. 10. Boston, 1871. 2 Pamphlets. 8 7980 Catalogue of the Library. 2 vols. cloth. 8 Boston, 1859, 60 For Catalogues, 1796, 1811, sec "American Libraries," No. 7794. 7981 - - Worcester District Medical Society: Catalogue of Library, History, and list of Members, //. 128. 12 Worcester, 1860 7982 New York State Library. Catalogue, with Report of Trustees, 1844: Reports of Trustees, and Additions, 1845, 1846: Catalogue (including the Warden Collection), //. 252, 294, 1846 : Reports of Trustees, with additions to Library, 1847, 4 8 > ? 49> 5 o: Catalogue of Maps and Surveys^//. 288, 1851. 10 vols. and pamphlets. 8 7983 Catalogue, 1850, //. 1059, law shee P ~~ Catalogue, 1855-56 (General Library, Law, Maps, &c.) 3 vols. hf. morocco. (4 vols.) 8 Albany. 7984 Catalogue of Bibliography, Typography, and Engraving, hf. morocco. 8 Albany, 1858 7985 - - New- York Society Library : Catalogue, with Charter, By-laws, etc., bds. uncut. 1813 Alphabetical and Analytical Catalogue, with Historical Notice, Articles of Association in 1754, & c -> 4/j roan. 1838. (2 vols.) For Catalogue etc. 1793, see i below, "American Libraries," No. 7993- 7986 New York Historical Society. Catalogue of Printed Books, cloth. 1859 Memorial of Francis L. Hawks, D.D., by E. A. Duyckinck; with Catalogue of the Hawks-Niblo Collection, portrait, pp. 166, uncut. 1871. (2 vols.) 8 New York. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7987 Albany Institute Library. Catalogue : prepared by George Wood, //. 454, uncut. 8 Albany, 1855 Vol. in. of the Transactions of the Albany Institute. 7988 Philadelphia Library. Catalogue, 1807, pp. xl, 610, wants title; Vol. ii. Part i, [Additions, to] 1813; Supplement, 1815; sth & 7th Supplements, 1822, 1828; icth Supplement (the Cox Library), pp. 217. 1832, in one volume, half roan. thk. 8 Phila. 1807-32 For earlier Catalogues, with Charter, etc. (1764, 1765,) and The Loganian Library (1795), sce "American Libraries," Nos. 7993, 7994- -080 Library of Friends, of Philadelphia, with the Rules, &c.,//. xii, 152, hf. bd. 12 Phila. 1831 7990 Vermont State Library, 1850 University of Vermont, 1843 Philological Society of Middlebury College, 1824 South Carolina College, Columbia, 1836. (3) 8 7991 Redwood Library, Newport, R. I. (with Historical Sketch, etc.), pp. xix, 95. Providence, \%\$ Brown University, 1826. (2) 8 7992 Tennessee. State Library (General and Law), pp. (8), 432, hf. mor. 8 Nashville, 1871 7993 American Libraries (1764-1802) Philadelphia Library Com pany, Charter, Laws, and Catalogue, pp. 150. Phila., B. Franklin 6* D. Hall, 1764 Association Library Company of Philadelphia, Catalogue, Articles, and List of Members, pp. 68, uncut. Phila., W. Bradford, 1765 Library of Williams College, pp. 16. Stock- bridge, 1802 Union Library of Wethersfield, Conn., pp. 19. Hartford, 1784 Am. Academy of Arts and Sciences (with names of Members),//. 68, uncut. Boston, 1802 New York Society Library (with names of Members, etc.), pp. 99. 1793 Isaac Beers & Co., New Haven, (Sale) Catalogue, //. 75. 1801 Isaiah Thomas s, Books for Sale. Worcester, 1801. 9 in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 7994 American Libraries (1795-1820) Catalogus Bibliothecae Col- lejii Alleghaniensis (Books bequeathed by the Hon. James Winthrop and Rev. Dr. J. Bentley, and presented by Isaiah Thomas,) pp. 130. Meadville, 1823 The Loganian Library (with historical account, Rules, etc., and Index], pp. 220. Phila. 1795 Mass, Historical Library, pp. 40. Boston, 1796 Mass. Historical Society, Books, Manuscripts, etc., 1811 (Auction Catalogues of) Rev. Dr. Bentley s Library, sold in Boston, June, 1820, and Rev. Dr. J. McKean s Library, 1818 Biblioth. Har vardianse Cantabrigiae, pp. 358. Bostonm, 1790. 7 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe} all uncut. 8 7995 - - Harris (Thaddeus M.) Selected Catalogue of Publications proper to form a Social Library : with an Introduction on the Choice of Books. Boston, 1793 Dorchester Library: Rules, Orders, and Catalogue, 1794; The same, 1807 Am. Academy of Arts and Sciences ; Catalogue, and List of Fellows, 1802; Rules of the Library &c. 1802 J. J. Geyler & Co., Amsterdam : Catalogue (priced) of English Books, on sale. 1803 Catalogue of all the Books printed in the U. States, with prices, &c. Pub lished by the Booksellers of Boston, //. 79. 1804, RARE Books AUCTION CATALOGUES. 249 for sale by James White, Boston, n. d. Boston Library, Cata logue, 1805, and 1807 Boylston Medical Library, 1802 Boston Medical Library, 1808 Theological Library, in the town of Boston, 1808 and others. 13 in i vol. sheep. 12 From the library of Prof. J. McKean. AUCTION CATALOGUES. 7996 Private Libraries. (1812-1849) Rev - J- S. Buckminster, 1812; Hon. Theophilus Parsons, 1814; Chief Justice Sewall, 1814; Rev. Dr. John Lathrop, 1816; Rev. S. C. Thacher, 1818 ; Rev. Dr. Jos. McKean, 1818 (2 copies, one with PRICES); Rev. Dr. J. Bentley, 1820 (2 copies); American Historical (and other) Books, sold by Howe, Leonard & Co., Feb. 1845, with prices ; Samuel G. Drake, (about 3000 volumes), 1845 ; Hon. John Davis, 1847; Jos. W. Ingraham, 1848; Harrison Gray Otis, 1849. ( J 4) 8 Boston. 7997 Catalogue of a Private Library chiefly relating to the Anti quities, History, and Biography of America, and in an especial manner to the INDIANS, etc. To be sold by Howe, Leonard & Co., May 27th-3oth, 1845. ( I 5 1 7 Lots, nearly 3000 volumes.) 8 Boston, 1845 The collection of SAMUEL G. DRAKE, "brought together at a great expense, through a period of above twenty years." After this Catalogue was printed, but before it was largely circulated, the entire Collection was purchased by Mr. Brinley. 7998 Catalogue of John Allan s Collection : prepared by J. Sabin. 2 copies, uncut. 8 New York, 1864 7999 Chas. N. Bancker s (over 10,000 vols.) Phila. 1869 [Dr. Barney s] Bibliotheca Americana, with printed prices ; L. M. Bond s, elegantly printed ; Boon s Books and Pamphlets relating to America (3126 numbers), pp. 597. N. Y. 1870 Henry A. Brady s (with the Addenda], N. Y. 1855 (2 copies). (6) 8 8000 Lafayette Burnham s stock. 2 Parts (nearly 5000 numbers) LARGE PAPER, uncut, roy. 8 Boston, 1865 The same, Part 2d, uncut Rufus Choate s Private Library, 1859. (4) 8 Boston. 8001 Wm. E. Burton s, Theatrical and Miscellaneous, (by J. Sabin) 6154 Nos., Portrait, 1860; Hon. John B. Clopton s, 1861; Rev. John O. Choules s, n. d.; Wm. H. Corner s (including nearly 500 Washington portraits), 1866 (2 copies); E. B. Corwen s, 1856; edited by J. Sabin : 5292 Nos., with Index. (6) 8 New York. 8002 Libraries of A. M. Cozzens, 1868 ; Fred. S. Cozzens, [1868 ?]; Montroville W. Dickeson, of Philadelphia, 1867; Charles Edwards (Law), 1868 ; J. B. Fisher, Books, 1866 ; J. B. Fisher, Books and Autographs, 1867; Dr. John W. Francis, 1862. (7) 8 New York. 8003 Thomas W. Field, including an unrivalled Collection of Books relating to the American Indians, 2663 Numbers, //. viii, 37 6. 8 New York, 1875 8004 Edward A. Crowninshield, 1859 Wm. F. Fowle, 1864. ( 2 ) 8 Boston. Mr. Crowninshield s library, advertised to be sold by auction in Boston, Nov. ist-4th, 1859, was disposed of by private sale to Mr. Henry Stevens. Many of the rarest books in the catalogue subsequently passed into the possession of Mr. Brinley particularly, the Bay Psalm Book (no. 878). 32 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 8005 Private Libraries. Gowans (Wm.) Executor s Sale of Books belonging to his estate, Feb. 1871, to Feb. 1872, wanting No. i. i c Parts with portrait of Mr. Gowans, laid in. V* New York, 1871-72 g 00 6 Greene (Albert G.) Early American History, American Poetry, etc., pp. 521 (6742 Numbers.) 8 New York, 1869 8007 [Gilbert (Z>r.)], 1873 Griswold(RufusW.), 1859 Halleck (Fitz-Greene), 1868 [Hazewell (G. R.)] prepared by J. Sabin (5106 Numbers), 1859 Hervey (Jas. B.) prepared byj. W. Bouton, 1870 Holliday (Geo. H.) 2443 Numbers,//. 247: by J. W. Bouton, 1870. (6) 8 New York. 8008 Greene (Albert G.) New York, 1869 Guild (Geo. F.) Boston, 1853 Hosmer (Zelotes) Boston, 1861 Humphrey (Henry B.) Boston, 1871 : prepared by L. Rhoades : 3434 Num bers (about 1 1 ooo volumes) pp. vii, 444. (4) 8009 Ingraham (E. D.) Law Library, and Miscellaneous Library, with two Supplementary Catalogues, Philadelphia, 1854-55 Jarvis (Rev. Dr. Samuel Farmer) New York, 1851 Jenks (Rev. Dr. Wm.) Boston, 1867, (2798 Numbers) Josselyn (F. M.) Choice Collection, Boston, 1867 [Lawrence (Hon. Abbott)] Boston, 1862 Ludewig (Hermann E.) Bibliotheca Bibliograph- ica, New York, 1858 Mayer (Col. Brantz), New York, 1870: compiled by J. W. Bouton ; 2452 Numbers : rich in books relating to the History of Maryland, Mexico, Central America, etc. (10) 8 8010 Jarvis (Rev. Dr. Samuel F.) of Middletown, Conn. 3329 Numbers (with Index), priced in manuscript, neat. sq. & New York, 1851 Son MENZIES (William) Books, Manuscripts, and Engravings. Extraordinary and most valuable Collection of Books relating to America, etc. : compiled by J. Sabin, pp. xviii, 473. 8 New York, 1875 8012 -- Mayer (Col. Brantz) of Baltimore (compiled by J. Sabin) 1870 Morrell (T. H.) 1866 and 1869 Library at Oakwood, N. J. 1868 Parker (James) of Springfield, Mass. 1875 Pratt (Col. Geo. W.) 1868 Roche (Richard W.) 1867. (7) 8 New York. 8013 Percival (James G.) 1860 Prescott (Wm. H.) 1871 Shurtleff (Dr. N. B.) 1875 Sparks (Jared) Library, and Collec tion of Historical Manuscripts deposited in the Library of Harvard University: (prepared by C, A. Cutter,) 1871 The same, later issue, 1872, uncut Somerby (Gustavus A.) 1869 Webster (Hon. Daniel) n. d. Webb (Dr. Thomas H.) 1867. (8) 8 Boston, and Cambridge. 8014 -- RICE (John A.) of Chicago: //. xvi, 536 (2667 Numbers), compiled by Jos. Sabin. 8 New York, 1870 8015 Smets (A. A.) of Savannah: Library, Manuscripts, and Autographs, 1868 : and Catalogue Raisonne of Curious Manu scripts, and Rare Books in his Library (printed for private circulation, 1860) Thompson (John R.) 1873 Townsend (Capt. Robert) n. d. [1868] Wainwright (Rt. Rev. Jona. M.) AUCTION CATALOGUES. 25! 1854 White (Richard Grant) 1870 Whiteman (Wm. A.) 1866 Whitmore (Henry) 1865 Wight (Andrew) of Philadelphia, PP- 3*5 (4423 Numbers) 1864. (10) 8 New York. 8016 Private Libraries. Wight (Andrew) of Philadelphia. Rare Books relating to America, including over 200 printed by Benjamin Franklin, Keimer, Sower, the Bradford family, and other early American printers: (compiled by J. Sabin,) pp. 351, uncut, (2 copies) 1864 Woodward (W. Elliot) 1864 Woodward (W. E.) Bibliotheca Americana, //. 668 (6810 Numbers) 1869. (4) & New York, and Boston. 8017 (Duplicates) John Allan, 1864; Henry A. Brady, 1855: Wm. H. Corner, 1866 ; M. W. Dickeson, 1867 ( 2 copies : -one partly priced)-, Henry B. Humphrey, 1871 ; [Dr. Gilbert,] 1873; E. D. Ingraham, 1855 l witn two Supplements); Rev. Dr. Wm. Jenks, 1867 ; F. M. Josselyn, 1867 ; James Parker, 1875. ( J 3) 8 New York, and Boston. ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, &c. 8018 Catalogue of the Library of Bolton Corney, 1871 John Dillon, 1869 The Montagu Family, 1872. (3) 8 London. 8019 The Perkins Library, sold at Hanworth Park, 1873, //. 99, ii illustrations. imp. 8 London. Laid in, is Mr. B. Quaritch s "List of the Chief Books & Manuscripts of the Perkins Library," made after Mr. Henry Perkins s own notes, //. 44. 8020 Bibliotheque de M. Saint e-Beuve : i re Ptie. Paris, 1870 (with an excellent article on the library, by Edmond Scherer, prefixed,) pp. xx, 155 Bibliotheque de M. Serge Sobolewski (de Moscou), Leipzig, 1873 (4448 Nos.) Bibliotheque de M. Isaac Meulman, a Amsterdam, 1869, //. 272, (3343 Nos.) (3) 8 8021 [Stevens (Henry)] Collection of Early Voyages and Travels, Works relating to America, the East and West Indies, etc., sold by Puttick & Simpson, 1854, folded facsimile of the "earliest known zylographic leaf respecting America," 1558 Nos., with printed prices : one of 12 copies on fine paper, cloth. 8 London, 1854 8022 - - Books, Manuscripts, etc., of Sir William Tite : sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1874, pp. 288 (3937 Nos.) uncut. r. 8 London, 1874 8023 Rare and Curious Books, including the Collection of M. Tross, sold by Puttick and Simpson, 1821 Nos. 8 London, 1870 BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES. 8024 Books sold by T. Cox, Boston, n. t.p., stained on upper margins, pp. 24, uncut, RARE. 12 Boston, n. d. [ab. 1734] " T. Cox was a bookseller from England, who kept a good supply of English editions. . . He generally resided in London, and his business was transacted by an agent. He discontinued his bookstore in Boston, anno 1744." THOMAS, Hist, of Printing, a. 433. An Address "to the Reverend Clergy, and Gentlemen of New-England," signed by Mr. Cox s Boston agent, G. Vatix, is prefixed to this Catalogue. It relates, chiefly, to "a dispute between Mr. Cox and some of the Bookbinders in this town"; and to an attempt of the Boston traders "to prejudice Mr. Cox in his business and also in his personal Character," by a public Advertisement, etc. f 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Nancrede (Joseph) Catalogue of Books just imported from London, for sale at his Book-store, 49 Marlboro Street, pp. 84. Boston, 1798 Catalogue of Books [imported by Mr. John Pick ering] to be sold, May 27th, at S. Bradford s Auction-Room, in Boston : 1727 Nos. Salem, J. Gushing, n. d. with others, as below ^ in one vol., hf. bd. 1 2 Jennings ( T.) Two Discourses : with Preface by Rev. Dr. I. Watts. 4th ed. (Another Preface by B. Colman, 2 //.) Boston, 1740 Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great: 5th ed. Worcester, 1797 Prophecies of Rev. Christopher Love. Boston, 1793 Abridgment of Dr> Currie s work on the Use of Water 5 on Fever, Opium, Strong Drink, &c. With occasional Remarks, //. viii, 54, uncut. [1799] Printed by Peter Edes of Augusta, in the District of Maine. ( A rare medical tract. The editor s preface is dated, Kennebec County, April, 1799.) 8025 Joseph Nancrede s Fixed-Price Catalogue of Books for sale, //. 28. 8 Boston, n. d. [ab. 1801] J. Nancrede s Fixed-priced- Catalogue, //. 16. obi. 4 Boston, n. d. [ab. 1802] M. Carey & Son, Catalogue of Books for Sale, pp. iv, 268. 8 Philadelphia, 1818. (3) 8026 Gowans (Win.) Sale Catalogues, Nos. 1-28 complete. 28 Pam phlets ; Portrait of Mr. Gowans, laid in. 8 New York, 1842-70 ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. 8027 Jos. Lilly, Sale Catalogue, 1868 : Auction Catalogue, 2d Portion, June, 1871, //. 121-390 Frederick Muller, Books relating to America, including a nearly complete collection of the Dutch Publications on New-Netherland. Amsterdam, [1850] : Books on America, Early Voyages, etc., pp. viii, 288, 2 facsimile*. Amst., 1872 (2 copies). (5) 8028 Catalogus Librorum, oder Verzeichness der Biicher, welche in beygesetzten Preiss zu bekomrnen in Biidingen bey J. F. Regelein, [bey J. F. Regelein s Erben, und J. C. Stohr,] 1727-1750, pp. 662, 64, bds. SCARCE. 12 [Budingenl\ 8029 John Russell Smith. Bibliotheca Americana : Books and Pam phlets relating to America, pp. 192. London, 1853 Bibliotheca Americana, //. vii, 234. London, 1871 A. R. Smith. Bibliotheca Americana,//, vi, 182. London, 1874. (3 vols., two in cloth, gilt ^ 8 8030 Luke White s Sale Catalogue for the year 1784: a Collection of Books in most Languages, Arts, and Sciences,//. 158 (4943 Titles), sheep. 8 London, 1784 8031 Willis and Sotheran s Catalogue of 50,000 vols. of Ancient and Modern Books, hf. mor. 8 London, 1862 8032 The Perkins Library, Auction Catalogue, facsimiles. London, 1873 Stevens (Henry) My English Library, cloth, gilt. London, 1853 (2 copies); Bibliotheca Historica (including the library of Henry Stevens, Senior.) Boston, 1870; Bibliotheca Geographica. London, 1872 (2 copies) Muller (Fr.) Books on America ; Early Voyages, etc. Amsterdam, 1872. (7 vols.) v. s. 8033 Catalogues, etc. LUDEWIG (H. E.) Literature of American Local History, autograph letter of author inserted. New York, 1846 VATTEMARE (A.) Movement of International Literary Ex- CATALOGUES. 253 changes, Paris, 1846; Report and Resolves of the Maine Legisla ture, 1847; Memorial of Mr. V. to Congress, 1848, and Report of Committee thereon, 1848, with newspaper cuttings mounted Bryant (W. C.) and others, Memorials on International Copyright, 1848 Auction Catalogue of Library of Books relating to American History &c., New York, March, 1847, another, April, 1847, another, Nov. 1847. * vol. half calf, neat, (from the library of Edw. D. Ingraham.) 30 A collection of newspaper cuttings relating to M. Alex. Vattemare and his plan of International Exchange, laid in, in an envelope. 8034 ASPINWALL Collection. Catalogue of Books relating to America in the Collection of Colonel Aspinwall, Consul of the U. S. at London, //. (4), 66, uncut. 8 n. p., n. d. [Paris, 1831 ?] When this Catalogue was printed, the Collection comprised about uoo volumes and pamphlets (771 titles). It had been much enlarged before its purchase by Mr. S. L. M. Barlow of New York. " Unfortunately about 3500 of the 4000 volumes which the library [then] contained were destroyed by fire : but it is gratifying to add that the portion saved included the rarest of the books." Sabin. 8035 Auction and Booksellers Catalogues containing COPIES OF Eliot s Indian Bible: Library of the Rev. Dr. Joseph McKean; Sold in Boston, August, 1818, priced, RARE. No. 112, Eliot s Indian Bible, 2d edition, calf, sold for $4.50. [At the same sale John Cotton s Bloudy Tenent Washed brought $1.10; J. Hale s Treatise on Witchcraft, Boston, 1702, 50 cts. ; Cotton Mather s Life of John Eliot, Boston, 1691,30018.; The Massachusetts La-ws, 1672, $1.00; Eliot s Harmony of the Gospels, 1678, 50 cts., etcC\ Philological, Classical and Law Library of Hon. John Pickering ; sold, Boston, September, 1846. No. 803, 2d edition. [Bought by Mr. Brinley.] Valuable Private Library [of Judge Gabriel Furman]; sold, New York, R. Gurley & Co., Nov. 30, 1846. No. 1741, 2d edition [brought $11.00], Library of Geo. F. Guild, Esq.; sold, Boston, October, 1853. No. 650, 2d edition [brought $30.00], Library of Mr. E. B. Corwin ; sold, New York, Nov. 1856. No. 2552, First edition of Bible, and New Testament. Collection of Mr. John Allan ; sold, New York, May, 1864. No. 1013, First edition, with the Dedication. [This copy had belonged to Sir William Ashhurst, Governor of the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel in New England. At the Allan Sale, it was bought by Mr. J. W. Bouton for $875. It subsequently passed into the Brinley library (Catalogue, No. 5682), and was sold April, 1881, for $900. Library of Rev. Wm. Jenks, D.D.; sold, Boston, Dec. 1867. No. 2273, 2d edition ; wanting one title and last leaf of Psalms. Extraordinary Collection of Works relating to America [Mr. Bruce s ;] sold, New York, April, 1868, priced, in pencil. No. 267, First edition, with Dedication. [This copy was a duplicate from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and re-sold, through Mr. Quaritch, to Mr. Bruce. At the sale of his library, it was bought for Mr. Rice, of Chicago, for $1130.00 (against Mr. Brinley s bid of $1127.50). From Mr. Rice s collection, sold in 1870, it passed to Mr. J. W. Bouton, for $1015.00, and from him to Mr. Menzies. At the Menzies Sale, 1875, it brought $900.00. See Rice s Catalogue, no. 662, and the Menzies Catalogue, no. 665. B. Quaritch s (Monthly) Catalogue No. 249 : Works on Geog raphy, Travels, Early Discoveries in America, etc. April, 1869. No. 560, 2d edition, with the Dedication to Robert Boyle : the Marquis of Hastings s copy (see below): priced, by Mr. Quaritch, 120. It was bought by Mr. Brinley (see Catalogue, No. 789.) and at the sale of Part I. (1878) went to the library of Mr. Henry C. Murphy. The Valuable Library, removed from Donington Park . . late the 254 BIBLIOGRAPHY. property of the . . Marquis of Hastings ; sold, Nottingham, Dec. 20, 1868, SCARCE. The Indian Bible is not named in. the Catalogue, but is known to have been one of the "three others" lumped with Lot 33, " Biblia Hebraica, Oxon. 1750," etc. Library of Louis Hayes Petit, Esq.; sold, London, April, 1869, //. 283 (4899 nos.), uncut. No. 638, First edition. Bought by Mr. Quaritch. B. Quaritch s (Monthly) Catalogue, No. 252, July, 1869 : Rare Bibles and Testaments, etc. No. 12 (p. 372), First edition from Mr. Petit s library: priced, 200. Bought by Mr. Brinley (see Catalogue, Part I. No. 788.) B. Quaritch s (Monthly) Catalogue, No. 260, July, 1870. No. 1170 (p. 1187), First edition, with Dedication: a duplicate from the library of Trinity College, Dublin. Price, 250. No. 1171, First edition, imperfect, 80. No. 1172, 2d edition, imperfect, 50. 8036 AUTOGRAPHS. Catalogue of the Collection of Mr. I. K. Tefft, of Savannah; sold by Leavitt, Strebeigh, & Co., New York, 1867. 2 copies Autograph Letters, American and Foreign : (Bruce Collection,) sold, New York, May, 1868 Holloway & Son s Catalogue of Autographs, for sale. London, n. d. (4) 8 8037 Auction and Booksellers Catalogues, American and English : including many important Private Libraries and Collections of Americana, offered for sale in London, New York, Boston, Phila delphia, and elsewhere, between 1840 and 1874: about 150, as one Lot. v. s. CATALOGUE OF THE Stfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD, CONN. FIFTH PART TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE SALESROOM 666 Washington Street, BOSTON ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY APRIL, 18, 19, and 2O, 1893 TWO Commencing at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. The books will be on view for a week previous to the sale C, F. LIBBIE & CO., . AUCTIONEERS PRICE, ONE DOLLAR CATALOGUE OF THE ftmmran Htfcrarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD, CONN. PART V. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. AMERICAN INDIANS : CAPTIVITIES. LOCAL HISTORY. MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS. HISTORICAL SERMONS AND ADDRESSES. PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. ENGRAVINGS; PORTRAITS; MAPS AND PLANS. AUTOGRAPHS. HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1893 PREFACE. HPHE fifth and last portion of the American library of the late Mr. George Brinley, after a long delay occasioned by causes beyond the control of the administrators, is now offered for sale. While the present portion of the catalogue is less in extent, and perhaps in richness of contents, than some of its predecessors, it will be found well worth the careful perusal of all interested in this class of literature. In the depart ment of local history it presents many treasures, as also in that of biography. The extensive pamphlet collections here catalogued are of more than passing interest, for example those of Fourth of July Orations, Fast and Thanksgiving Sermons, Historical and Military Sermons and Addresses, etc. In the section of Books Privately Printed will be found specimens of some of the rarest of American private and restricted editions; while in that of Newspapers and Periodicals are files and bound volumes which cannot be duplicated in the market. Mr. Brinley was not a collector of maps, nor of autographs ; but incidentally he came into possession of some very interesting examples in each of these lines. For instance, note the UNIQUE MS. CHARTS of Boston and New York Harbors described on p. 144, (Nos. 9316, 9317) and the fine collection of Revolutionary and other letters catalogued on pp. 145-154, as well as many other autographs scattered through the cata logue, as on p. 98. In reviewing this series of catalogues now happily brought to a close, one cannot repress his regret that the collector of this most noteworthy of Ameri can libraries was not spared to complete it on the lines on which he had laid it out and to enjoy its continued possession; nor, on the other hand, can one adequately estimate the service rendered to the public and to the cause of American history by one who, like Mr. Brinley, rescues from destruction and oblivion the literary monuments and the "unconsidered trifles" of the infancy of our nation, and puts them in the way of preservation and usefulness to all coming time. (3) TABLE OF CONTEINTS, GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, .... z CONNECTICUT, .... n YALE COLLEGE, . . . . . , I9 INDIANS, ...... or CAPTIVITIES, . . . . . . 2 7 ELIOT-S INDIAN BIBLE. MASSACHUSETTS, . . . . . . 47 BOSTON, ........ 51 NEW YORK, ........ 69 PENNSYLVANIA, . ...... 74 FRANKLIN, ........ 76 RHODE ISLAND, . . . . . . . .86 PAMPHLETS, 102 BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED, etc., 129 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, 137 ENGRAVINGS AND PORTRAITS ; MAPS AND PLANS, . . 141 AUTOGRAPHS, . 145 (5) ABRIDGED TITLES OF SOME OF THE MOST NOTEWORTHY BOOKS, TRACTS, ETC. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 8074 Battle of Lake George. (3 pieces.) 8130 CARE (H.) English liberties. Boston, J. Franklin, 1721 8137 Cincinnati, Society of the. (4 rare pieces.) 8147 CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws. New London, 1784 8152 Governor s Proclamations. (81 broadsides.) 8153 Election Sermon, FIRST PRINTED. Cambridge, 1674 8172 Susquehannah Company. (7 rare pamphlets.) 8191 Guilford. A Lamentation, etc. New London, 1751 8204 Hartford Convention, (n pamphlets.) 8305 EVANS (N.) Poems. [Containing Washington s Autograph.] Philadelphia, 1772 8341 Georgia. TAILFER (Pat.) and others. Narrative. Charles-Town, S. C. [1741 ?] 8355 HARDING (Benj.) Tour through the Western Country. New London, 1819 8386 HUBLEY (B.) History of Amer. Revolution. Northumberland, Pa., 1805 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 8394 Columbian Tragedy, The. (Broadside.) Boston, 1792 8397 HUBBARD (W.) Narrative of Troubles. Boston, 1677 8400 LOUDON (A.) Selection of Narratives, etc. 2 vols. Carlisle, 1811 8402 CONFERENCES held at Easton. Phila., 1761 8406 PAMPHLETS, Seven, nearly all very scarce. 8412 WILLIAMS (J.) Redeemed Captive. New London [1773] 8419 WHITFIELD (H.) Light appearing, etc. London, 1651 8420 WHEELOCK (E.) Narrative of Indian Chanty School, 1763, etc. 8434 ELIOT S INDIAN BIBLE. Cambridge, 1680-85 8435 - ~ Another copy (Dr. John Pickering s.) 1680-85 8442 JAY (J.) Letters. Correspondence with Lewis Littlepage. New York, 1786 8461 KENTUCKY. BUTLER (M.) History of. 2d ed. Cincin., 1836 8462 - - FILSON (J.) Discovery, etc. Wilmington, 1784 8463 IMLAY (G.) Topographical. Description, etc. New York, 1793 8506 MAINE. FOLSOM (G.) History of Saco and Biddeford. Saco, 1830 8528 MASSACHUSETTS. Election sermons, 1670, 1676. Cambridge &* Boston (6) 8558 Boston. Artillery Election Sermons. (36 pamphlets.) 8565-66 BOSTON MASSACRE. Orations. 8624 Pamphlets, some very scarce, (n pieces.) 8630 MATHER (C.) Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1693 8639 MILITARY. [BRETON (N.)] Militia Discipline. Boston, 1733 8646 MARKHAM (G.) The Souldier s Exercise. London, 1642 8652 WEBB (T.) Military Treatise. Phila., 1769 8656 NEW ORLEANS Batture : Collection of Papers. 1809-12 8670 Music and Psalmody. (Rare pamphlets.) 1722-96 8690 NEW JERSEY, COLLEGE of, Account of. Woodbridge, N. J., 1764 8691 Modest Vindication of the Late Assembly. [Franklin s Press ?] 1745 8724 Nieuhoff (J.) L Ambassade de la Comp. Orientale. Leyde, 1665 8725 NORTH CAROLINA, WILLIAMSON (H.), History of. Phila., 1812 8745 PENNSYLVANIA. Brief State of the Province, etc. London, 1756 8753 KEITH (Geo.) The Heresie and Hatred. Phila., 1693 8756-70 Philadelphia. FRANKLIN S PRESS. 8786 Poetry. (60 pieces, broadsides, etc.) 8845 SOUTH CAROLINA, Drayton s View of. Charleston, 1802 8859 STILES (E.) History of Three Judges. Hartford, 1794 8867 TENNESSEE. HAYWOOD. Nat. and Aborig. History. Nashville, 1823 8868 Civil and Political History. Nashville, 1823 8903 VAN MASTRICHT (P.) Treatise, etc. Autographs of NATHAN HALE. New Haven, n. d. 8920 VIRGINIA KERCHEVAL (S.) History of the Valley of Va. Winchester, 1833 8923 VIRGINIA RICHLY VALUED. London, 1609 8929 WASHINGTON (G.) Journal of Major Geo. Washington, sent by the Hon. R. Dinwiddie, etc. (Map.) London, 1754 8941 WELDE (T.) Answer to W. R. [also] Short Story of the . . . Anti- nomians. London, 1638, 44 MISCELLANEOUS. 8967 Plans, Broadsides, Maps, etc., relating to the American Revolution [chiefly, to the BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL]. 8971 COLE (Thomas) Funeral oration on. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Cole. 9078 Pamphlets. Fourth of July Orations, 1776-1862. Historical and Military Sermons, etc. BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED, etc. 9137 ASCHAM (R.) Epistolarum libri tres, Londini, 1590 9181 LE GRAND D AussY (P. J. B.) Fabliaux. 2 vols. Lond., 1796, 1800 9180 MILLES (T.) Catalogue of Honour. Thomas Prince s copy. Lond.,i6io 9181 NICOLAUS, episc. Modrus. Oratio, etc. Binding by Derome. n.p.n.d. 9182 OWEN (John) Epigrammata. PRINTED ON VELLUM. Paris, 1794 (7) NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. 9238 Connecticut Courant. Hartford, 1799-1862 9241-42 Connecticut Gazette. New London, 1766-1804 9243 Connecticut Gazette. (26 early numbers.) New Haven, 1757-60 9261 New Haven Gazette and Conn. Magazine. New Haven, 1786-89 9270 Pennsylvania Packet. Philadelphia, 1779 MAPS AND PLANS. 9316 BOSTON HARBOR. Original colored drawing, about 1686. 9317 NEW YORK HARBOR. Original colored drawing, about 1686. AUTOGRAPHS. 9320 ARNOLD (Benedict) Letter to Jeremiah Wadsworth, May 6, 1777. 9326 BURNET (Wm.) Letter to Gen. Greene. 9337 CLAP (Thos.) Diploma signed as Pres. Yale College, 1765. 9343 DEANE (SILAS) Letter on inland navigation. 1788. 9358 GREENE (Nath l) Letter on Arnold s treason. 9369 HUMPHREYS (David) Letter on Arnold s treason. 9387 Letter-Books of Col. Jeremiah WADSWORTH. 9424-26 PETERS (Sam.) Letters to Rev. Benj. Trumbull. 9431 TRUMBULL (Rev. Benjamin) Journal, while chaplain in the army. 1775. (8) CATALOGUE. PART V. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS: INCLUDING DUPLICATES AND OMISSIONS. * # * The general arrangement of this division of the Catalogue is alphabetical : but STATE, PROVINCIAL, and LOCAL HISTORY is placed under the names of the several States and Provinces; books relating to the AMERICAN INDIANS and INDIAN LAN GUAGES will be found under the subject-title, INDIANS; books PRIVATELY PRINTED (or in separate impressions) under the name of the AUTHOR or editor; and BIOGRAPHY, under the name of the subjects. 8038 ACADIA. Remarks on the French Memorials concerning the Limits of Acadia : with Two Maps. . . Added, An Answer to the Summary Discussion, &c., //. (4), no, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, T. Jefferys, 1756 8039 Address to Protestant Dissenters . . with respect to Public Liberty, and American Affairs, in particular, //. 16, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, 1774 8040 AGASSIZ (Louis) Lake Superior : its physical character, vegeta tion, and animals; ... With a Narrative of the Tour, by J. E. Cabot, elegantly illustrated, //. 428, doth. 8 Boston, 1850 8041 ALDEN (T.) Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Notes. 5 vols. sheep, gilt. sm. 12 New York, 1814 8042 The same. 5 vols. boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1814 8043 ALLEN (Ethan) Narrative of his Captivity. 3d edition, with Notes, hf. doth. Burlington, 1838 The same: 4th ed. (2 copies) hf. doth. Burlington, C. Goodridi, 1846 The same: 5th ed., sewed, ibid. 1849 Life of Col. Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks. ibid. 1858. (5) v. s. 8044 -- Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga, and of his Captivity and Treatment by the British. 5th ed., with Notes, //. 50, sewed, uncut. 5 copies. 8 Burlington, 1854 2 ALLEN (IRA) ATLASSES. 8045 ALLEN (Ira) Narrative of the Transactions relative to the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch, n. t. p., //. (2), 368, uncut % rare. 8 n. p. 1804 " Pages 1-368 were printed and distributed without a title the want of documents having then stopped the publication." SABIN. 8046 A Concise Summary of the Second Volume of the Olive Branch, etc., //. 24, sewed. 8 Phila., for the Author, 1807 8047 ALLING (Jeremiah) Register of the Weather, for 25 years ending March 31, 1810; from observations taken in Hamden, Conn., pp. 78, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New Haven, 1810 8048 ALTON TRIALS: for Riot committed at Alton, 111., Nov. 7, 1837, while defending a Printing Press from an Attack made by an armed Mob, etc. : written out by William S. Lincoln, frontispiece, pp. 158, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 8049 American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings, Oct. 1843, wrtn Address of Hon. John Davis (2); Oct. 1860; Oct. 1864; Remarks and Resolutions commemorative of Hon. Josiah Quincy, 1864. 4 Pamphlets. 8 8050 American Ethnological Society. Transactions. 2 vols. uncut. 8 New York, 1845, -48 8051 American Oriental Society. Journal. Vol.1, map and plates, pp. Ixxiii, 591, hf, mor. neat, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1849 8052 American Philological Association. Transactions and Proceed ings, 1869-70 (First volume, now scarce^) pp. 167, 33, 30, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1871 8053 Amistad Captives, History of, by John W. Barber, folding wood cut of the capture of the Amistad by the Slaves, pp. 32, sewed, SCARCE. (3 copies.) 8 New Haven, 1840 8054 ANDRE. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers held by Order of Gen. Washington, . . respecting Major John Andre, Sept. 29, 1780, //. 32, RARE. sm. 8 Philadelphia ; repr. Hartford, 1780 8055 ANDREWS (I. D.) Report . . on the Trade and Commerce of the British N. A. Colonies and the Trade of the Great Lakes, etc., pp. xix, 906, cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 8056 ANDROS (Rev. Thomas) The Old Jersey Captive. Narrative of Captivity on board the Old Jersey Prison Ship, 1781, hf. morocco. sm. 12 Boston, 1833 8057 ARNOLD. The Treason of Benedict Arnold. A Lecture, by Winthrop Atwill, pp. 45, scarce. 8 Northampton, 1837 8058 ARNOLD (Samuel) An Astonishing Affair ! The Rev. Samuel Arnold, cast and tried for his cruelty, etc. By Philandros, portrait of Joseph A. C. Pray, pp. 168, hf. roan, a scarce local. 24 Concord, N. H., 1830 8059 ATLASES. CAREY S American Atlas : containing twenty maps and one chart, wanting Maine, bds. folio, Philadelphia, 1795 8060 MOLL (Henry) Atlas Minor : or a . . set of 62 Maps, in which are shown ... all the known p.irts of the Earth, including 18 of America, engraved title, obi. 4 London, T. Bowles, n. d. [177-] ATLASSES BARRATT. 3 8061 ATLASES. The English Pilot. The Fourth Book. Describ ing the West India Navigation from Hudson s-Bay to the River Amazones. . . Much enlarged and corrected, with the additions of several new Charts, etc., charts, maps, and text, pp. 66. folio, London, 1764 8062 -- JEFFERYS (Thos.) The American Atlas : or, a Geographical Description of the whole Continent of America, . . and chieliy the British Colonies, composed from surveys . . by Major Holland, Lewis Evans, Wm. Scull, [and others,] engraved on forty-nine copperplates, colored in outline, /if. bd. folio, London, R. Say er and Bennett, 1778 8063 SELLER (John) Atlas Minimus. A Book of Geography, etc. By John Seller, Hydrographer to the King, maps and text prettily engraved throughout. (Licensed, R. L Estrange.} sm. 12 (\^ London, n. d. 8064 -- GIBSON (J.) Atlas Minimus : or, a new set of Pocket Maps, . . with Geographical Extracts, etc. 41 maps (engraved by J. T. Scott, J. Roche, and F. Schallus), sheep. (2 copies.) 16 Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1798 8065 CAREY S American Pocket Atlas containing [nineteen] maps, . . with a concise description of each State,//. 118. 12 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1796 8066 BUTLER (Frederick) A Modern Atlas . . . Containing [nine] maps [of the World and its divisions.] 8 Wethersfield, Deming & Francis, 1825 8067 AVERY (Rev. Ephraim K.) A Vindication of the Result of [his] Trial.. Prefixed, his Statement of Facts . . With a map, //. 74, sewed, scarce. 8 Boston, 1834 8068 BAILEY (N.) An Universal Etymological English Dictionary.. 4th edition. London, 1728 The same, Vol. II. 2d edition. Ibid. 1731. 2 vols., old calf . 8 8069 Barbarities of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives, etc. And the Documents accom panying said Report,//. 192. (2 copies, one in sheep.) 12 Worcester, I. Sturtevant, 1815 8070 BARLOW QOEL) The Vision of Columbus; a Poem in Nine Books,//. 258, and Subscribers names, 12 //., sheep. 8 Hartford, Hudson c5^ Goodwin, 1787 The First edition. The subscription list was headed by His Most Christian Majesty [Louis XVI], 25 copies ; His Excellency George Washington, Esq., 20 copies ; Maj. Gen. le Marquis de la Fayette, 10 copies; Mr. John B. Church, Merchant, London, 50 copies. 807 1 The same. The Fifth edition corrected ... To which is added, The Conspiracy of Kings : a Poem, by the same Author, Portrait (by LeBarbier Paine, engr. by L. C. Ruotte,} pp. (4), 304, sheep, SCARCE. 8 Paris, at the English Press, 1793 8072 BARRATT (Joseph) Salices Americanae. North American Wil lows. Disposed in Sections or Natural Groups, with Notes, etc., 8 leaves (printed on one side only}. 4 Middletown, 1840 Eupa- toria Verticillata. Specimens to illustrate the N. A. Verticillate Species and Varieties of the Genus Eupatoria. i /. 4 Middle- 4 BLODGET BELKNAP (j.). town, 1841. Zoomorphic Sandstone of the Connecticut Basin, \ p. folio, [from the "Sentinel and Witness," Aug. 16, 1859.] (3) 8073 BLODGET (SAMUEL) A Prospective-Plan of the Battle near Lake George, on the Eighth Day of September, 1755. With an Expla nation thereof ; containing A full, tho short, History of that important affair. By Samuel Blodget, Occasionally at the Camp, when the Battle was fought, Prospective View of the Battle, &c., (Samuel Blodget, delin., T. Jefferys sculp.} good impression, slightly foxed; with the "Explanation,"//. (2), 5. Boston, R. Draper, VERY RARE. The Prospective View, it will be observed, is the English engraving, from Blodget s plate : and is the one that was re-engraved for the Doc. History of New York, vol. iv., Dr. Hough s translation of Pouchot, etc. 8074 Battle of Lake George. A Prospective View of the Battle fought near Lake George, on the 8th of Sep r . 1755, between 2000 Eng lish, with 250 Mohawks, under the command of Gen 1 . John son : & 2500 French & Indians under the command of Gen 1 . Dieskau, etc. (Samuel Blodget, delin., T. Jefferys sculpt] Published according to Act of Parliament February the id, 1756. A fine impres sion of this VERY RARE engraving. Johnson (Wm.) Letter, from the Camp at Lake George, Sept. 9, 1755. To the Governors of the several Colonies who raised the Troops on the present Expedition, [with an account of the battle,] 3 pp. folio, n. p., n. d. [Sept. 1755] Fitch (Thomas) Governor of Connecticut, AUTOGRAPH LETTER, i2th August, 1757, "To all and every Colonel, Lt. Colonel, and other officers of the Militia," communicating intelligence of the surrender of Fort William to the Enemy, and ordering officers and men to be in readiness to march to the support of Fort Edward, now in imminent danger of attack, etc. [With the Autograph endorsements, showing the receipt and transmission of this general order, Aug. 1.2-16, by Col. Eben. Marsh, Geo. Wyllys, John Chester, Jona. Trumble, Hez. Huntington, G. Saltonstall, and Christopher Avery. ( 3 pieces.) 8 75 ~- [CHAUNCY (CHARLES)] A Second Letter to a Friend; Giv ing a more particular Narrative of the Defeat of the French Army at Lake-George, by the New-England Troops, than has yet been published, *&, [signed, T. W., Boston, Sept. 2 9 th, 1755,] //. 16, uncut, RARE. 4 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1755 8076 Beauties (The) of Brother Bull-us by His Loving Sister Bull-a, PP- ( 2 )> 93 > boards, uncut, SCARCE. sm. 12 New York, James Eastburn, 1812 A/wferrt/squib, in reply to Paulding s " History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan." 8077 BEECHER (LYMAN) Sermon before the Moral Society, in East- Hampton, L. I., Sept. 21, 1803, //. 17. New London, 1804 The Remedy for Duelling. A Sermon, before the Presbytery of Long- Island, at Aquebogue, April 16, 1806, //. (2), 48, uncut, New York, 1809. (2) 8 8078 BELKNAP (JEREMY) A Discourse intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus . . . Added, Four Dissertations, etc., pp. 132, (2). 8 Boston, Belknap and Hall, 1792 BELKNAP (j.) BLACK WARRIOR CASE. 5 8079 Dissertations on the Character, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Evidence of his Gospel; with remarks on [Paine s] "Age of Reason,"//. 140, (i), sheep, fresh copy. 12 Boston, Jos. Belknap, 1795 8080 BENEZET (Anthony) A Caution and a Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the State of the Enslaved Negroes, etc., pp. (2), 52, 4. Phila., D. Hall and W. Sellers, 1762 The same: a new edition,//. 46, hf. mor., neat. London, repr., 1784. (2) g 8081 BERKLEY (GEO.) Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. First American Edition,//. 388, sheep, fresh copy. 8 New Haven, 1803 8082 BERNARD (Gov. F.) Select Letters on the Trade and Govern ment of America, etc., written at Boston, in the years 1763-8 Added, The Petition of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay against the Governor, his Answer, etc., pp. vii, 130, hf. morocco. 8 London, T. Payne, 1774 8083 BERNARD (Elder DAVID) Light on Masonry . . . [with] a Rev elation of all the degrees conferred, . . making forty-eight degrees of Free-masonry, etc., pp. 506, 55, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 12 Utica, W. Williams, 1829 8084 BIBLE (The Holy). 1 2 Boston, for Lincoln 6- Edmands, 1817 In the Common Version, with Amendments of the language, by Noah Webster, LL.D., sheep. 18 New Haven, N. Webster, 1841 (2 vols.) 8085 With amendments of the language, by Noah Webster, LL.D. (2 copies, sheep.) 18 New Haven, 1841 8086 The Bible Story Book. . From the English edition, corrected and enlarged by the authors of American Popular Lessons. First Series;//. 239, woodcuts, hf. mor. 24 New York, 1830 New Testament Stories and Parables for Children, //. 35, woodcuts. 1 6 New Haven, 1809. (2 vols.) 8087 BIOGRAPHY (American). Trials &c. of Theophilus R. Gates; by himself. Poughkeepsie, 1810 Margaret and Henrietta Flower. Boston, 1835 Elder Levi Hathaway ; by himself. Providence, 1820 Mrs. Mary Anne Hooker, of Hartford. Phila., [1840] Mrs. Ann H. Judson ; by James D. Knowles. Boston, 1831 Miss Harriet Newell. Boston, 1817 Rev. Levi Parsons ; by Daniel O. Morton. Burlington, 1830 Win. Person, Life, Letters, Poems, &c. Cambridge, 1820 Rev. Ray Potter; by himself. Providence, 1829 Elder Benj. Putnam ; by himself. Woodstock, 1821 Mrs. Margaret L. Ramsay. Boston, 1812 Jane C. Rider, the Springfield Somnambulist; by L. W. Belden, M.D., water-stained. Springfield, 1834 Abel Sampson ; by E. H. Kendall. Lawrence City, Mass., 1847 Abraham Vest; the Cast-off restored. Boston, 1847 Mrs. Abigail Waters; by Rev. Joshua Huntington, portrait. Boston, 1817 Rev. S. Osgood Wright ; by B. B. Thatcher, water- stained. Boston, 1834. (16 vols.) v. s., v. y. 8088 Black Warrior (Case of the), and other violations of the Rights of American Citizens by Spanish Authorities, pp. 380, cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 6 BLAND PAPERS BROTHERS (R.). 8089 Bland Papers (The): A selection from the Manuscripts of Colonel Theodore Bland, Jr. . . With an Introduction, and a Me moir . . Edited by Charles Campbell 2 vols. in one, pp. xxxi, 160 ; (4), 9~i3> SCARCE. 8 Petersburg, 1840 8090 Bloomfield (O. B. F.) pseudon. The Life and Adventures of Obadiah Benjamin Franklin Bloomfield, M.D. . . . now on the tour of Europe: interspersed with Episodes. . . Written by himself,//, xi, 210, hf. bd. Phila.,for the Proprietor, 1818 Copyright entered by Edward Franklin. In justice to the public, the following note, by some former owner or reader of this volume, pencilled on a fly leaf , must be quoted here : " This is an improper book to be circulated. Such books are an injury to the cause of morals and religion. There is danger that such books will be the means of increasing the number of infidels." 8091 BOLLAN (WM.) The Petitions of Mr. Bollan, agent for the Council of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, lately presented to the Two Houses of Parliament, etc. . . Subjoined, the Council s Defence against the Charge of certain Misdemeanours, //. 49, hf. blue calf. 4 London, J. Almon, 1774 8092 BOLLMANN (ERICK) M.D. Plan of an Improved System of the Money-Concerns of the Union,//. (8), 52, sewed, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 8093 Bourbon Conti (Stephanie Louise), Historical Memoirs of, //. 172, sheep. 1 6 Newbern, 1801 8094 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the late War, between the U. S. and Great Britain. 3d edition, revised, plates, pp. 360, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1817 8095 BRADFORD (ALEX. W.) American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race, //. 435, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 8096 BRAY (THOMAS) D.D. A Memorial, representing the Present State of Religion, on the Continent of North- America, //. 15, half mor., neat. folio, London, J. Brudenell, 1701 RARE. Important for the history of the Episcopal Church in the United States. 8097 BRISSOT de WARVILLE (J. P.) and Claviere (Etienne) The Commerce of America with Europe. . . stated and explained, etc. Translated from the last French Edition, revised by Brissot. . . With the Life of Brissot, and an Appendix, by the Translator, portrait, pp. xxxv, 228. 12 New York, T. <N J. Swords, 1795 8098 Britannia in Tears : an Elegy occasioned by the Dismission of the Right Hon ble W. P t, and H. L ge, Esq; from the Service of their King and Country. The Second Edition,//. 16, hf. mor. 4 London, 1757 8099 [BRITAINE (WILLIAM DE)] Humane Prudence, or the Art by which a Man may Raise Himself and Fortune to Grandeur, //. (12), 284, (3), old calf. 12 London, J. Rawlins,for R. Sare, 1693 RARE : not in Lowndes. 8100 BROTHERS (Richard) God s Awful Warnings to a giddy, care less, sinful World. Being a Revealed Knowledge of the Prophe cies and Times. . . Written under the direction of the Lord God, etc., pp. 209, 13, uncut. 12 London, 1794; repr. New London, 1795 BROWN (S. R.) BURR (AARON). 7 8101 BROWN (SAMUEL R.) The Western Gazetteer; or Emigrant s Directory, etc., pp. 360, sheep. 8 Auburn, N. K, 1817 8102 BROWN (SAMUEL R.) An Authentic History of the Second War for Independence [i8i2-i 5 ],//. 264, 129, (2), boards, uncut. 12 Auburn, 1815 8103 BRYAN (DANIEL) The Mountain Muse: comprising the Adven tures of Daniel Boone, etc., pp. 252, 12, sheep. 1 2 Harrisonburg, for the Author, 1813 8104 Bucktail Bards (The). The State Triumvirate, a Political Tale and The Epistles of Brevet Major Pindar Puff, //. 215, old roan & lt - 1 8 New York, for the Author, 1819 8105 BULKELEY (J.) and CUMMINS (J.) A Voyage to the South Seas, in the years 1740-1. Containing a Narrative of the Loss of his Majesty s Ship the Wager, etc. 2d edition, with additions, pp. xxxii, 304, wants a leaf at end. 8 Philadelphia, repr. by J. Chattin, 1757 8106 BULL (AMOS) The Responsary ; containing A Collection of Church Musick. . . with Useful Rules of Psalmody,//. 100, hf. bd. obi. 8 Worcester, Is. Thomas. i7oc " Sold by the Editor in Hartford, Conn." 8107 BURGOYNE (Lieut. Gen. J.) A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant- General Burgoyne, . . with a Collection of Authentic Documents, etc., six folded maps and plans, pp. viii, 140, Ixii, i, cloth, large and fine copy. 4 London, 1780 8108 BURK QOHN) Bunker-Hill; or the Death of General Warren: an Historic Tragedy. In Five Acts . . as Played at the Theatres in America, etc., pp. 54, wants last page, uncut. 12 New York, T. Greenleaf, 1797 The same; //. 44, clean, fresh copy, uncut. 12 N. Y., D. Longworth, 1817. (2) 8109 [BURGESS (Bishop GEORGE)] Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of New England between 1740 and 1840, //. 126, sewed. 12 Boston, 1847 8110 BURNET QOHN R.), a deaf mute. Tales of the Deaf and Dumb, with Miscellaneous Poems, plate of the manual alphabet, pp. 230, bds. 12 Newark, N. J., 1835 On the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, pp. i-no. 8in BURR (AARON) The Private Journal of Aaron Burr, during his residence in Europe, with selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Matthew L. Davis. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1838 8112 DAVIS (MATTHEW L.) Memoirs of Aaron Burr. With mis cellaneous selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1836 8113 [VAN NESS (Wm. P.)] An Examination of the various charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President, etc. By ARISTIDES, //. 77. 8 Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, 1803 8114 An Examination of the various Charges, etc. A New Edition, revised and corrected, with additions, //. (4), 116, large copy. 8 [New York,} Printed for the Author, 1804 8 BURROUGHS (STEPH.) CANADA. 8115 BURROUGHS (STEPHEN) Memoirs, //. 296, broken binding; the original copyright edition, VERY SCARCE. 8 Hanover, N. H., Benj. True, 1798 8116 BUSHNELL (CHAS. I.) An Arrangement of Tradesmen s Cards, Political Tokens, also, Election Medals, Medalets, &c., current in the U. S. for the last sixty years.. . With engravings, pp. 119, 4 plates, uncut. 8 New York, 1858 8117 BUSHNELL (HORACE) D.D. A Discourse on the Slavery Ques tion, Jan. 10, 1839 Prosperity our Duty, Discourse, Jan. 31, 1847 Barbarism the First Danger. A Discourse for Home Mis sions, 1847 Speech for Connecticut: an Historical Estimate, 1851 The Northern Iron, (Fast Sermon,) April 14, 1854 Spiritual Dislodgements : a Sermon of Reunion, Feb. 1857 Parting Words. A [Farewell] Discourse, July 3, 1859. (8 Pphl.) 8 v. y. 8118 BYRDSALL (F.) The History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party, . . with sketches of its prominent men,//. 192, cloth, SCARCE. 12 New York, 1842 8119 CALIFORNIA. FREMONT (J. C.) Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, //. 67. Washington, 1848 California Gold Regions : with a full account of the Mineral Resources, How to get There, etc., pp. 48, uncut. N. York, n. d. [1848] BROOKS (J. T.) Four Months among the Gold-Finders in California: the Diary of an Expedition, //. 94, map, uncut. N. York, 1849 MARRYATT (Capt.) Narrative of the Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet, in Cal., Sonora, and W. Texas, //. 136. N. Y., flarpers\ 1843 [Kip (LEONARD)] California Sketches, with Recollections of the Gold Mines, //. 57. Albany, E. H. Pease <N Co., 1850 California: the Wonder of the Age, etc. Being the Report of THOS. BUTLER KING, stained, pp. 34, N. Y., Wm. Gowans, 1850 TYSON QAS. L.) M D. Diary of a Physician in California, etc., pp. 92, uncut. N. Y., 1850 FELTON (J. B.) Oration, 4th Anniv. of College of California, //. 24. San Fran cisco, 1858. (8) 8 v. y. 8120 CALAMY (EDWARD) D.D. Historical Account of [his] own Life : edited by J. G. Ku\i, portrait. 2 vols., half calf, gilt. 8 London, Colburn and Bent ley, 1829 8121 CANADA. Smith (M.) A Geographical View of the Province of Upper Canada. . . With an Appendix containing a complete description of the Niagara Falls, etc., pp. 107; [appended:] A Little Sermon, by a Big Sinner,//. 12. Hartford, 1813 The same: [2d edition: with additions, bringing down the History of the War to Aug. 21, 1813,] //. 118. New York, 1813. (2 vols.) 12 8122 BOUCHETTE (Jos.) Topographical Description of the Prov ince of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon Upper Canada, etc., portrait and fine plates, pp. xv, 640, Ixxxyiii, bds., uncut. r. 8 London, 1815 8123 BOSWORTH (NEWTON) Hochelaga Depicta : the Early His tory and present state of the City and Island of Montreal : with numerous engravings, //. 284, cloth (loose}. t cr. ,8 Montreal, 1839 CANADA CAROLINA. g 8124 (CANADA) QUEBEC. A Picture of Quebec, [by Geo. Bourne,] pp. 139, engravings (some slightly foxed). 18 Quebec, 1829 8125 Memqires sur La Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu a 1760. En Trois Partes ; avec Cartes et plans lithographies. Public s sous la direction de la Socie te Litte raire et Historique de Quebec, pp. vii, (3), 207, (3), 12 folded plans, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Quebec, T. Carte 6- Cie., 1838 8126 A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, in England, descriptive of the different Settlements in the Province of Upper Canada,//. 30, uncut, SCARCE. 12 Philadelphia, 1795 8127 [SMYTH (DAVID W.)] A Short Topographical Description of His Majesty s Province of Upper Canada. . . Annexed, a Pro vincial Gazetteer,//. (4), 164, (3). London, W. Faden, 1799 A Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada : added, an Appen dix describing the principal Towns, Fortifications, and Rivers in Lower Canada, folded map of the Straights of Niagara, and plan of Quebec. New York, 1813. (2 vols., sewed?) 8 8128 HOGAN (J. S.) Canada. An Essay: to which was awarded the First Prize by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada, pp. no. Montreal, 1855 Reminiscences of Quebec. . By an Old Inhabitant,//. 16, 28, 2 plates. Quebec, 1858. (2 pphl.) 8 8129 Fur Trade. A Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America ; with Observations rel. to the North- West Company of Montreal. By the Earl of Selkirk,//. (8), 130. London, 1816 Notices of the Claims of the Hudson s Bay Company and the Conduct of its Adversaries,//. 162, uncut. Montreal, 1817 (2) 8 8130 CARE (HENRY) English Liberties, or the Free-born Subject s Inheritance; containing Magna Charta, etc., pp. (12), 288, old sheep. 12 Boston, J. Franklin, 1721 8131 The same work, 6th edition, corrected and improved,//, viii, 350, and Subscribers names, 6//>., sheep. (2 copies.) 8 Providence, John Carter, 1774 8132 CAROLINA. WILSON (SAMUEL) An | Account | of the | Province | of | Carolina in | America. | Together with | an Ab stract of the Patent, | etc., pp. 27, half mor. neat. sm. 4 London, G. Larkinfor Francis Smith, 1682 " One of the EARLIEST and RAREST books relating to Carolina." J. Sabin, Morgan s Catalogue, no. 2168. 8133 CARVER (JoNA.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North- America, in the years 1766-1768. Illustrated with Copper Plates, calf. 8 London, 1778 8134 CHESTER (Rev. JOHN) D.D. of Albany, Obituary Notices of, portrait, pp. 84, bds. 8 Albany, 1827 CHAMPION (JOHN) of Worcester, N. Y. The Pictures of Events, foretold in Prophecies, etc., sheep. 12 Cooperstown, 1823 CLARKE (ADAM) ^ Short His tory of the Ancient Israelites, etc., portrait, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 181 1 CLARKE (Prof. Edward D.) Life and Remains of; by Rev. W. Otter, //. 528, bds., uncut. 8 JV. York, 1827 COLE RIDGE (S. T.) Aids to Reflection ; with preliminary Essay by Rev. V 2 !O CHESTER COLLEGE. J. McVickar, D.D. 7th ed., doth. 12 New York, 1850 COLE RIDGE and the Moral Tendency of his Writings. By - - [Rev. Wm. Mitchell, of Rutland, Vt. ?] //. 118, sewed. 8 N. K, 1844. (6 vols.) 8135 CHETHAM (JAMES) The Angler s Vade Mecum : or, a compend ious, yet full, Discourse of Angling. . . The Third edition, very much enlarged,//. (8), 326, (10), good copy, broken binding. sm. 8 London, 1700 8136 CHIPMAN (NATH L) Sketches of the Principles of Government, pp. 292, sheep, SCARCE. 12 Rutland, Vt., J. Lyon, 1793 8137 CINCINNATI (Society of the) [BURKE (^DANUS)] Considera tions on the Society or Order of the Cincinnati. . . By Cassius,//. 23, uncut. Hartford, 1784 1116 same,//. 16, last leaf slightly injured, uncut. Newport repr., [1784] Observations on a late Pamphlet entituled, " Considerations," etc. By an Obscure Indi vidual, //. 18, uncut, SCARCE. Hartf., 1784 MIRABEAU (Count de) Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus. To which are added several Original Papers, Pp. vi, 82, scarce, n. p., n. d. (4) 8 8138 Considerations, fo ByCassius; and Observations,*?^. By an Obscure Individual ; (the last has had a slip cut from the blank margin of the first leaf ^} Hartford, 1784. (2) 8139 Orations, etc., delivered before the CONNECTICUT Society of the Cincinnati: by JOEL BARLOW, 1787, slightly water-stained, author s autograph presentation ; THEODORE DWIGHT, 1792, 1794, 1801 ; ELIJAH WATERMAN, 1794; TIMO. DWIGHT, (Sermon) 1795 ; ZECH. LEWIS, 1799; BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, 1802; all but one uncut : and 4 duplicates. (12 pphl.) 8 and 4 8140 - - Extract from the Proceedings of the NEW YORK State Society, 4th of July to 1 2th of August, i786,//. 20, nice clean copy. 8 N. Y., 1786 LIVINGSTON (ROBT. R.) Oration before the N. Y. Society, 4th of July, i787,//. 22, uncut. 4 N. Y., 1787 MASON (J. M.) Oration commemorative of Major-Gen. Alex. Hamilton, 315! July, i8o4,//. 40, uncut. N. Y. 1804. (3 pphl.) 8141 BROOKS (Major-Gen. JOHN) Oration before the Society of the Cincinnati in MASSACHUSETTS, July 4th, 1787, //. 16, uncut. 4 Boston, Edm. Freeman, 1787 8142 CLAP (Capt. ROGER) Memoirs of, relating some of God s Remarkable Providences to him, in bringing him to New England, etc. (account of the Author and his family, by Jas. Blake, jun., and Preface by Thos. Prince,)//. 36, uncut. 8 Pittsfield, 1824 8143 CLERY (M.) Journal of Occurrences in the Tower of the Tem ple, during the Confinement of Louis XVI. Translated from the original Manuscript by R. C. Dallas,//. 154, sheep. 8144 COLE (SAMUEL) The Freemasons Library and General Ahiman Rezon. 2d edition, revised and corrected, with additions by B. Edes,//. vii, 380, (4), hf. cloth, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1826 8145 College Miscellany. 3 vols., (thus lettered); containing Ad dresses, Poems, Periodicals published by Students, Catalogues, CONNECTICUT. H etc., in Several American Colleges, particularly Union, Trinity and Williams, 1826-1849. 8 8146 Conduct (The) of the Late Administration examined. With an Appendix, containing Authentic Documents,//. 160, liv, Ms., uncut. 8 London, J. Almon, 1767 " One of the most formidable attacks that hath as yet been made on the late administra tion" MONTH. REV. Attributed to Mr. Grenville. See RICH, 1766, no. 16. 8147 CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, //. 8, 6, (2), 265, sheep, scarce, folio. New London, T. Green, 1784 The first revision after the Colony became a State. ROGER SHERMAN and RICHARD LAW were the revisers. 8148 (Session) Acts and Laws : various years, between October, 1801, and May, 1830, mostly uncut. (Parcel.) 8 8149 Public Acts, passed at the Special Session, Nov. 1863, and Jan. 1864, and May Session, 1864; and, May Session, 1865. (2 pphl.) 8 8150 KIRBY (EPHRAIM) Report of Cases adjudged in the Supe rior Court of Connecticut, 1785 to 1788, sheep, good copy. 8 Litchfield, 1789 The FIRST VOLUME of Reports of Judicial Decisions, published in this country. 8151 ROOT QESSE) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court and Supreme Court of Errors, from June, 1793, to Jan. 1798. Vol. II., law sheep, good copy. 8 Hartford, 1802 8152 GOVERNORS PROCLAMATIONS, for Fasts, Thanksgivings, Col lections for Charities and Missions, etc., 1740, and 1780-1825. 81 Broadsides. ( Parcel. ) Comprising Proclamations by eleven Governors of Connecticut: Joseph Talcott, Thos. Fitch, Jona. Trumbull (the elder), and Matthew Griswold, i each; Samuel Huntington, 8; Ol. Wolcott, 4; Jona. Trumbull (the younger), 21; John Treadwell, 4 ; Roger Gris wold, 7 ; John Cotton Smith, 9 ; Ol. Wolcott (the younger), 24. The earliest of the series (torn and slightly imperfect) is by Gov J. Talcott, 1 740, offering a premium to volunteers for the expedition against the Spanish West Indies, with several lines in his autograph on the back. 8153 -- Election Sermons. FITCH (Rev. JAMES) [An Holy Con nexion, Or a true Agreement Between Jehovah s being a Wall of Fire to his People, and the Glory in the midst thereof,] //. 20, large copy, nearly uncut, but wants title and Address to the Reader, a few words lost by a hole on last leaf. 4 Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1674 EXTREMELY RARE. The FIRST CONNECTICUT ELECTION SERMON that was printed. (See Part I. No. 767.) 8154 Election Sermons, 1713-1723; (n in one vol. 16, old sheep; title to 1713, slightly mutilated ; 1719 and 1722 want first leaf of sermon, and 1721 has lost a corner of first leaf}; 1730, 36, 42, 45, 48, 5o- 53, 54 (wants first two leaves}, 56, 57, 60-63, 67- 70, (20, sewed, thirteen uncut) ; i7%3~99, ( l6 in one vo1 8 s / l &A neat); 1800, 1807-1809, 1812, 13, 21, 23, (8, clean, uncut). In all, 55 Sermons, no duplicates ; sold as one Lot. v. s. Hartford, and New Haven, 1713-1823 8155 Election Sermons; by Peter Reynolds, 1757; Jona. inger- soll, 1761 (2 copies)-, Levi Hart, 1786 (imperft); C. Backus, 1793; A. Backus, 1798; J. Smalley, 1800; N. W. Taylor, 1823. (8 pamphlets) v - s - 12 CONNECTICUT. 8156 (CONNECTICUT) STILES (Ezra) The United States elevated to Glory and Honor. Election Sermon, May, 1783, pp. 99, sewed, uncut. New Haven, 1783 The same: 2d edition, corrected,//. 172, sheep, neat. 12 Worcester, 1785. (2) 8j c; 7 CUTLER (Timothy) Rector of Yale College. Sermon in the Audience of the General Assembly, at New Haven, October 18, ^g WILLIAMS (Elisha) Rector of Y. C. Sermon in the Audi ence of the Gen. Assembly, at New Haven, October 22, 1727. (2 pph.) 1 6 New London, T. Green, 1720, 1728 These Sermons, though not strictly Election Sermons, supplement that Series. Both are very scarce. 8j 58 GOODRICH (Chas. A.) Stories on the History of Connecti cut; designed for Young Persons, wood engravings, pp. 203, hf. bound. 1 8 Hartford, D. F. Robinson 6* Co., 1829 8159 GOODRICH (John) The Civil and Executive Officers Assist ant. . . With the power and duty of Justices of the Peace, as con tained in the Laws of Connecticut,//. 305, sheep. 8 New Haven, A. Morse, 1793 8160 HINMAN (R. R.) Letters from the English Kings and Queens . . to the Governors of Connecticut, with the Answers, 1635-1749, 2 pp. facsimiles, portrait, pp. 372, cloth. Hartford, 1836 The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut, Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachu setts, etc., etc. Compiled by an Antiquarian, cloth. Hartford, 1838. (2 vols.) 12 8161 - - The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, etc. Another copy, cloth. 12 Hartford, 1838 8162 Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut, the volume complete in 5 numbers, pp. 336. 8 \Hartford, 1846-48] 8163 The same: Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 81-256 (2 ///$/.) 8 8164 PEASE (J. C.) and NILES (J. M.) Gazetteer of Connecticut and Rhode Island, 2 maps, portrait, sheep. 8 Hartford, 1819 8165 PERCIVAL (James G.) Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut, map, pp. 495, cloth, (3 copies) 8 New Haven, 1842 8166 [PETERS (Rev. Sam.)] A General History of Connecticut. . . By a Gentleman of the Province. . To which is added a Supple ment, etc. Illustrated with 8 Engravings,/^. 405, sheep, nice copy. 12 New Haven, 1829 8167 [SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. H.)] Sketch of Connecticut, Forty years since, hf. calf. 12 Hartford, 1824 8168 -- Statistics of the Condition and Progress of certain branches of Industry in Connecticut, for the year ending Oct. i, 1845. Prepared by Daniel P. Tyler, Sec, of State, //. 242, hf. cloth. (2 copies) 8 Hartford, 1846 ,8169 TRUMBULL (Benj.) D.D. A Complete History of Connec ticut, . . 1630 to 1713. Vol. I., portraits and map. Hartford, 1797 CONNECTICUT. 13 Vol. II. . To the year 1764. New Haven, 1818. 2 vols., sheep, not quite uniform. 8 The first volume, as originally published and bound. A second edition was printed to accompany the continuation (Vol. II.) in 1818. 8170 - - - Another copy, same edition ; the map in Vol. I. is mutilated. 2 vols. 1 797 , jSiS The first volume has the autograph of Oliver Ellsworth (Chief Justice) on the title. 8171 (CONNECTICUT) TRUMBULL S History. Another copy, same edition : map mutilated ; some pages of Vol. II., not clean. 2 vols. sheep. 8 1797, 1818 8172 Susquehannah Company. Doct. GALE S Letter to J. W. [James Wadsworth] Esquire, containing a Narrative of the princi pal Matters of a Public and Interesting Nature [debated in] the General Assembly of.. Connecticut, May Session, 1769, //. 34 (a stain on pp. 17-34), uncut. 8 Hartford, Green 6** Watson, 1769 [DYER (ELIPHALET)] Remarks on Dr. Gale s Letter to J. W., (signed E. D.)//. 27 uncut. 8 n. p. [Hartford] 1769 GALE (Benj.) Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled Remarks on Dr. Gale s Letter, etc., of which the Hon. Eliphalet Dyer is the reputed Author, etc., pp. 40, uncut. 8 Hartford, Green 6 Watson, n. d. [1769] The Right of the Governor and Company of . . Connecticut, to claim and hold the Lands . . . west of the Province of New York, . . in a Letter to J. H. Esquire . . added, an Account of the Purchase from the Indians, . . by the Susquehannah and Delaware Companies, etc., pp. 47, uncut. 8 Hartford, E. Watson, 1773 Report of the Comm-rs appointed, to treat with the Proprietaries of Pennsyl vania, respecting the Boundaries, etc., pp. iv, 37, uncut. 4 Nor wich, 1774 TRUMBULL (Benjamin) A Plea in vindication of the Connecticut Title to the contested Lands, etc., pp. 160, i. 8 New Haven, 1774 [SMITH (Wm.)] An Examination of the Conn. Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania, etc., pp. 94, 32, nearly uncut. 8 Phila., 1774. 7 Pamphlets, #//VERY SCARCE. 8173 The Susquehannah Title stated and examined, in a series of Numbers, first published in the Western Star, etc., pp 115, half calf, neat, SCARCE. 8 Catskill, M. Croswell, 1796 8174 - - The Right of the Governor and Company of.. Connecti cut, to claim and hold Lands, west of . . New York, etc., in a Letter to J. H., Esquire, pp. 47, sewed, SCARCE. 8 Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1773 8175 Connecticut Gore (The) Title, stated and considered, showing the Right of the Proprietors, to the Lands . . west of the Delaware River, pp. 80, uncut, SCARCE. Hartford, 1799 An Enquiry concerning the Grant [of the Gore Lands], to Andrew Ward and Jeremiah Halsey, pp. 27. Hartford, 1829 (2 pam phlets) 8176 Pamphlets (Political) Letter to the Legislative Authority of Connecticut [concerning] the Law in regard to Debt and Goal, pp. 16, n. p. [Hartford}, 1770 [GALE (Benj.)] Brief, Decent, but Few Remarks and Observations, on several Laws passed . . since the year 1775. By a Friend to his Country,//. 55. Hartford, 1782 BISHOP (Abraham) Conn. Republicanism. Oration at New Haven, Sept., 1800, pp. 80. Phila., 1800 The Conn. Dissenters 14 CONNECTICUT TOWNS. Strono- Box : No. l.pp. 40. New London, 1802 [Federal] Address to the Freemen, pp. 1 ]. Hartford, 1803 Republican Address, to the Freemen, [Aug. 30, 1803,] //. 16 [Federal] To the Freemen, //. 16. n. d. [Sept. 1803] Facts are Stubborn Things, or Nine plain Questions to the People of Conn., etc. By Simon Holdfast, //. 23. Hartford, 1803 Mr. Daggett s Argument, Oct. 1804, in the case of certain Justices of the Peace, //. 30. N. H. 1804 [DAGGETT (David)] Count the Cost. An Address to the People, on the Proposition for a New Constitution, etc., pp. 21, ii. Hartf. ^04 Report of a Committee of the General Assembly, on part of the Governor s Speech [relating to the War], //. 14. N. H. 1812 The Politics of Connecticut: or, a Statement of Facts,.. By a Federal Republican, //. 36. Hartford, 1817 The Mischiefs of Legislative Caucuses exposed . . By Trumbull (pseudon.), pp. 15. Hartford, 1819. (.13) 8 8177 -- Pamphlets (Political, etc.) Report of Committee on Gov ernor s Speech, Oct. 1814, //. 8 Report of Com. of Defence [Oct. 1814], //. 4 The Politics of Conn., or, a Statement of Facts, . by a Federal Republican. Hartf. 1817 The Mischiefs of Legisl. Caucuses, . . by Trumbull. Ibid. 1819 WOLCOTT (Gov. Oliver) Bill for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, etc. [submitted to the Gen. Assembly,] May, 1819, pp. 23, 23. Ibid. 1819 Report of Com. on New-Gate Prison, //. 18. Ibid. 1825 Address to the People adopted at the [Jackson] State Convention, Aug. 7, 1828 Minutes of Testimony taken by the Com. on the condition of the State Prison, etc., pp. 119. Hartf. 1834. (8) 8 8178 -- Pamphlets. Governors Messages: Oliver Wolcott s, 1821, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826 Gideon Tomlinson s, 1827-, 1828. (7) 8 TOWNS, CHURCHES, etc. 8179 Abington (Pomfret) H. B. Smith s Historical Discourse, 1853 Andover. W. B. Sprague s Cent. Disc., 1849 ) T - O. Rice s Serm. at Ordin. of J. R. Freeman, 1856 Avon, Cent. Com memoration of i st Church, Nov. 1851; S. Hubbell s Valed. Dis course, 1853 Branford. Plain Narrative of Proceedings against Mr. Philemon Robbins, //. 44. Boston, 1747 (2 copies) ; Defence of the Doings of the Consociation, resp. Mr. Robbins,//. 114, last two leaves mutilated. \Boston, 1 748] Bridgeport. Leon Woods s Serm. at Install, of Nath l Hewit, 1831 Bristol. Hist. Sketch of Congr. Church, with Catalogue, etc. 1852 ; Oration, Essay, etc., at Festival of the B. B. s, 1858. 8180 Brooklyn. Jos. Whitney s Half Cent. Sermon, 1806, water- stained; Luther Willson s Review of Proc. upon a charge of Heresy, 1818, //. 132 Canterbury. Hist. Notices of First Church, 1711-1853; Statement of Facts resp. Miss Prudence CrandalPs School for Colored Children, and her Trial, //. 16, SCARCE, 1833; Report of Argum. of Counsel, on her Trial, 1834 -Cheshire. Beardsley s Address, 5oth Anniv. of Episc. Acade my, 1844; Judd s Serm. at Anniv. of the Academy, 1812 Colchester. T. Clap s Serm. at Ordin. of Eph. Little, 1732 ; Vis ion, shewing the appearance of the Spirit of Mr. Yeamans [late CONNECTICUT TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. 15 of Colchester] to Mr. H. Goodwin, his Classmate, [1764.] N. Y., n. d. ; T. Skinner s Fun. Disc, at Westchester, for (his wife) Mrs. Mary Skinner, _ imperfect. Boston, 1746; W. Clarke s Serin, at Install, of E. Dickinson, 1851 Coventry. Solo. Williams, Serm. on Death of Rev. J. Meacham, 1754; Proc. of Gen. Association, rel. to Rev. Abiel Abbot, 1812 ; Reply to Mr. Abbot s Statement, by Tolland Co. Association, 1812 ; Celebr. of [4oth Anniv. ofj Rev. G. A. Calhoun s Settlement, 1859. (15) v. s. 8181 Danbury. T. Robbins, Cent. Sermon, 1801, and Hist. Col lections; 3d ed. with Appendix. Danb. 1846; T. D. Woolsey s Serin, at Ordin. of S. G. Coe, 1850; Proc. at completion of the Wooster Monument; with Deming s Oration, 1854, two prel. leaves slightly injured; Minutes of Danb. Baptist Association, Oct. 1808 Durham. Rev. Jona. Todd s Two Sermons on the Death of Rev. NATH L CHAUNCY, Feb. 1756, //. 88. 16 Boston, 1756, VERY RARE ; W. C. Fowler s Ded. Sermon, South Congregational Church, 1847. (6) 8182 East Haven. DODD (Stephen) The East-Haven Register : in Three Parts. Appended: Confession of Faith, etc., with Cata logue of the Church, 1755-1833, pp. 200, 24, sheep, fresh copy. 12 New Haven, 1824 8183 Farmington. PORTER (Noah) Jr. A Historical Discourse, Nov. 4, 1840, in commemoration of the Original Settlement, in 1640, pp. 99, cloth. 8 Hartford, 1841 8184 Franklin. Celebration of the i5oth Anniv. of the Organiza tion of the Church and Society. (Histor. Address by Dr. A. Woodward,) map, pp. 151, cloth, fresh copy. 8 New Haven, 1869 8185 Glastenbury for Two Hundred Years: Centen. Discourse, 1853, by Rev. A. B. CHAPIN, D.D., //. 252, cloth. (3 copies) 8 Hartford, 1853 8186 -- East Haddam. I. Parsons. Retrospect of 25 years Minis try, 1841 East Hartford. The Minister preaching his own Fun. Sermon : . . Added, the Death-bed Disc, of Mr. Phinehas Burn- ham, of East Hartford, 1776. Repr. 1784, RARE .rast Haven. Confession of Faith, etc. and Catalogue of Congr. Church, 1755- !8 3 3 Fairneld. N. Hobart s Serin, at Execution of Isaac Fra- sier, 1768; Brief Account of the Life and Thefts of Is. Frasier, some leaves cut into by a binder, [1768] ; Andr. Eliot, Serm. at Ordin. of A. Eliot, ist Church, 1774; Sketches of Fairfield, from its First Settlement, Windsor, Vt., 1832 ; T. F. Davies, Serm. at Green s Farms, [>ooth Anniv.,] 1839 Farmington. Noah Porter s Hist. Discourse, 1840, //. 99 Franklin. Dr.*Nott s Half Century Sermon, 1832. (10) 8187 Goshen. Powers (G.) Centen. Address, Sept., 1838- Granby. Phelps (Noah A.) History of the Copper Mines and Newgate Prison: also of the Captivity of Daniel Hayes by the Indians in 1707, pp. 34. Hartf. 1845 ; Phelps (R. H.) Newgate of Connecticut. Its Insurrections, its Mines, etc., 3d edition, woodcut, PP> 33- Mid. 1844 ; Report of Committee to inspect New-gate Prison, 1826. (4) !6 CONNECTICUT TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. 8188 (CONNECTICUT) Greenwich, History of, by D. M. Mead, pp. 318, cloth. 12 New York, 1857 Groton. BRAINARD (Wm. F.) Address in commem. of the 6th of September, 1781, spoken on Groton Heights, Sept. 6, 1825. 8//-3 2 > uncut Narr. of Jona. Rathbun, with accounts of the Capture of Groton Fort, and the Massacre ; by R. Avery and Stephen Hempstead. 12 pp. 80. n. d. [1840] . (2) 8190 Guilford. RuGGLES (Thos.) The Usefulness and Expedi ence of Souldiers, etc. A Sermon to an Artillery-Company at Guilford, May 25, 1736, //. (2), 26, uncut, VERY RARE. IV. London, !737 RUGGLES (T.) Fun. Sermon for Rev. Samuel Russel, at North Guilford, Jan. 1745-6, // (4), 79, fine copy, RARE. Boston ^47 TODD (Jona.) Fun. Sermon, at East Guilford [now Madi son], June 10, 1739, for Capt. Janna Meigs, pp. 50, title slightly injured, uncut, RARE. New London, 1743. (3) sm.8 8191 -- Guilford. A LAMENTATION | On Occasion of the Sick ness and Mortality in East-Guilford, Anno-Domini, 1751. | By J. H. Broadside. folio, New London, [1751] EXTREMELY RARE, if not UNIQUE. Printed in four columns of which the first three are occupied by the "Lamentation," in 50 four-line verses, and the fourth contains "A List of those that Died in the Parish of East Guilford [now Madison], between Decem ber a6th, 1750, and November 24th, 1751," to the number of 45. The sheet is worn and has been pasted down on brown paper ; it is broken at the folds, and a few words lost between the second and third columns ; and a piece is lost from the bottom of the fourth column, taking the last four names from the list of deaths, and the imprint. 8192 Guilford. ELLIOTT (J.) [Historical] Discourse delivered on the First Sabbath of 1802, pp. 35, (3), uncut, SCARCE. 8 Middletown, 1802 8193 Haddam and East Haddam, History of the Towns of, by David D. Field, pp. 48, uncut. 8 Middletown, 1814 HUNTING- TON (Enoch) Sermon at E. Haddam, June 14, 1797, at the Execu tion of Thomas Starr, for the murder of Samuel Cornwell . . . With the life and character of said Starr, pp. 24, poor copy. 12 Middletown, n. d. [1797]. (2 pphl.) 8194 HARTFORD. Hartford in the Olden Time. By Scaeva [Hon. Isaac W. Stuart], with Illustrations, cloth gilt, pp. 316. 8 Hartford, 1853 8195 Porter (Wm. S.) Historical Notices of Connecticut. Nos. i and 2 (all published}, Hartford and West Hartford,//. 24, 48, uncut, SCARCE. (2 copies) 12 Hartford, 1842 8196 - - Hawes (Joel) Historical Sketch of First Church ; Cent. Discourse, 1830, sewed. Address on close of the 2d Century, 1835, clth (2) 12 8197 Hawes (J.) Centennial Address, 1835, cloth (3 copies) 12 Hartford, 1835 8198 - - By-Laws of the City, //. 23. 8 E. Babcock, [1788] [Charter and Lay-out of the] Hartford and N. H. Turnpike Road, 1798, //. 12 (Ensign s) City Directory, for 1828, //. 60, rare. l8 - (3) 8199 - - First Church. Eln. Whitman s Fun. Sermon for Rev. Edw. Dorr, //. 30, uncut. Norwich, 1773 ; N. Strong s Ser. at HARTFORD LEBANON. 1 7 Ordin. of Nathan Strong,//. 36, uncut. Hartf., E. Watson [1774] ; N. Strong s Ser. on the First Sabbath of the igth Century. Htfd. 1 80 1 ; Ser. at the Consecr. of the New Brick Church, Dec. 1807 Dr. Wood s Ser. at Ordin. of Rev. Joel Hawes, 1818; Dr. Hawes s Fun. Ser. for Mrs. Delia Williams, 1840 ; Fun. Ser. for Mrs. Van Lennep, 1841 ; Review of thirty years in the Ministry, 1848. (8 pamphlets.) 8 8200 Second Church. E. Hitchcock s Ser. at Ordin. of Rev. A. Flint, 1791 Fourth Church. Perry (Jos.) Sermon on the death of N. Hooker. Hartf., 1770 North Church. Hawes (J.) Ser. at Dedic. of the North Church, 1824 (2 copies) SPRING (G.) Ser. at Ordin. of C. Wilcox, 1824 BUSHNELL (H.) Discourses, Jan. 31, 1847; Fast-Day, 1854; Parting words, July 3, 1859. (8 pamphlets.) 8201 Putnam Phalanx. Excursion to Boston, Charlestown, etc., Oct. 1859, plate, pp. 107, cloth. (2 copies.) 8 Hartf., 1859 8202 - - Trinity College. Considerations suggested by the estab lishment of a Second College in Conn., 1824 (4 copies); Remarks on the " Considerations," 1825 (2 cop.); Exam, of the " Remarks," 1825 (2 cop.); Cat. of Washington College, 1841, 42, 43, 44; Cat. of Trinity College, 1845 5 Calendar, 1847, 48, 52 ; Beards- ley s Hist. Addr., 1851 ; and five others. (22 pphls.) 8 and 12 8203 Pamphlets (3). DAY (T.) Hist. Discourse, Dec. 26, 1843 PORTER (W. S.) Hist, notices of Connecticut; Nos. i, 2, Hartford and West Hartford in 1640, SCARCE. 8204 The Hartford Convention. Proceed, of a Conven. of Del. etc., convened at Hartford, Dec. 15, 1814. Hartf., 1815. (2 cop.) The same. Repr., New Haven, 1815 The same, 2d edition, corrected. Boston, 1815 Public Documents, containing Pro ceedings, etc., Report of the Comm rs, Letters from Governors of Penn., N. Jersey, N. York, etc. Published by order of the Senate. \_Boston\, 1815 Letters developing the character and views of the Hartford Conv. ; by "One of the Convention," pp. 43. 12 Wash. 1820 (2 cop.) Short Account of the Hartford Conv. ; with a copy of the Secret Journal: [by Theo. Lyman, Jr.] Bos ton, 1823 (2 cop.) H. G. Otis s Letters in Defence of the H. C., //. vii, 103, uncut. Boston, 1824. (n pphls., all but three uncut .) 8 8205 The Hartford Convention in an Uproar: and the Wise Men of the East confounded ! Together with a Short History of the Peter Washingtonians, . . . otherwise called " Washington Be- nevolents." By Hector Benevolus, Esq., //. 36, uncut, worn copy. 12 Windsor, Vt., 1815 "VERY RARE. The only copy we know belongs to E. G. Asay of Chicago," wrote Mr. Sabin, in 1875. 8206 Lebanon. WILLIAMS (Solo.) Two Discourses, on the Sud den Death of Mr. John Woodward, drowned, Sept. 8, 1741, and the Deliverance of Mr. Samuel Gray, pp. 44- 16 New London, I742 WILLIAMS (S.) Half-Century Sermon. 4 Norwich, 1773 ( 3 cop.) BROCKWAY (T.) Thanksg. Ser., "America Saved." Htfd. [1783] DEWEY (S.) Account of a Hail Storm, in Leb- v-3 !8 CONNECTICUT TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. anon, Bozrah, and Franklin, i5th July, 1799, pp. 27. 12 Walpole, N. H., 1799, RARE LYMAN (W.) Ser. at Dedic. of Brick Meet. House (So. Soc.), Jan. 1807 Lisbon. LEE (Andr.) Half-Cent. Sermon, Hanover Soc. 1818 (2 cop.) NELSON (Levi) Half-Cent. Ser., First Soc., 1854, (4 copies.) (13 pamphlets.) v. s. g 20 y Litchfield. WOODRUFF (Geo. C.) History of the Town of Litchfield, //. 64, map. (3 copies.) 8 Litchfield, 1845 8208 Champion (Judah) Two Sermons at Litchfield, on the General Fast, 1770, //. 44- Hartf. 1770(2 cop.) MORRIS (J.) Statistical Account of Litchfield County, pp. 85-124 [from Mem oirs of the Conn. Academy] JONES (Isaac) Sermon, Nov. 5, 1845, one hundred years after the formation of the Episcopal Church in Litchfield (4 copies.) (7 pamphlets.) 8200 Meriden. PERKINS (G. W.) Hist, sketches. (2 copies.) 8 W. Meriden, 1849 8210 Middlesex County. FIELD (D. D.) Statistical Account of the County Middlesex,//. 154, SCARCE. (2 cop.) 8 Middletown, 1819 8211 Middletown. FIELD (D. D.) Centennial Address with Hist. Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle-Haddam, Mid dletown and its parishes. 12 Middletown, 1853 8212 Addresses at the dedication of Indian Hill Cemetery, 1850 ; Cat. of Wesleyan University, 1838-9 ; order of exercises at commencement of Wesleyan Univ., 1838 ; Cat. of the Philorhe- torian Soc., 1837 ; Sermon at the Ordin. of the Berkeley Divinity School, 1858 -- Milford. BRACE (J.) Thanksgiving Sermons, 1852, 58, (2 copies of 1852.) -- Montville. SNOWDEN (R. B.) Address, July 4, 1861. (8 pamphlets.) 8213 New Haven Colony. LAMBERT (E. R.) Hist, of the Colony of New Haven, engravings, calf. 12 New Haven, 1838 8214 New Haven. BARBER (J. W.) History and Antiquities of; maps and colored plates, cloth. 12 New Haven, 1831 8215 DWIGHT (Timo.) Statistical Account of the city of New Haven. (3 copies.) 8 New Haven, 1811 8216 KINGSLEY (J. L.) Historical Address, 2ooth Anniv., 1838, //. 1 1 6. 8 New Haven, 1838 8217 New Haven. BIRD (S.) Sermon to Col. D. WOOSTER, 1759 DAGGETT (D.) Oration, July 4, 1787 DANA (J.) Fun. Ser. on C. WHITTLESEY, 1787 STILES (Ezra) Funeral Sermon on C. Whittlesey, 1787 BISHOP (A.) Oration on Conn. Republican ism, 1787 DWIGHT (T.) Disc, on Some Events of the Last Century, 1801 ALLING (J.) Register of Weather for Twenty- five years, 1810, scarce DWIGHT (T.) Statist. Account of New Haven, 1811 CHASE (P.) Sermon at Install, of H. Croswell, 1816 HAWES (J.) Sermon at Ordin. of Leonard Bacon, 1825 Mix (S.) Oration, July 3, 1830 VANARSDALEN (C. C.) Discourse on international peace, 1834 Report of Spec. Com. concerning the City Bank, 1837 KINGSLEY S Histor. Address, 2ooth Anniv. 1838 (2 copies) Report of Committee on N. H. burying ground, in YALE COLLEGE. 1839 CLEAVELAND (E. L.) Sermon at Dedication of Church t Court Street, 1841 TEASDALE (T. C.) Rise and progress of ist Baptist Church, 1842 -DUTTON (S. W. S.) History of the North Cnurcn, 1842 New Haven as it is, 1845 PHELPS (S. D ) Dis course in ist Baptist Church, 1850 BACON (L.) Sermon to the ist Church 1850- EUSTIS (W. T.) Disc, in the Chapel Street Church, 1858 Address of the Mayor, and Annual Reports, 1864 (24 pamphlets.) 82 ^"i ; YALE COLLEGE. CLAPP(T.) Annals or History of Yale College, SCARCE. 8 New Havm ^ i;66 8219 BALDWIN (E.) Annals of Yale College to 183!, //. 324. 8 New Haven, 1831 8220 [HUBBARD (J.)] The benefactors of Yale College, a poetical attempt, VERY RARE. 8 Boston, 1733 8221 GALE (Benj.) Letter to a member of the lower house of assembly, showing that the taxes of Yale College are stated higher than necessary. By a Lover of truth and his country. 8 New Haven, 1759 8222 Sketches of Yale College, with numerous anecdotes and engravings. By [E. P. Belden] a member of that institution. (2 copies.) I2 MM York, 1843 8223 - - WOOLSEY (T. D.) Hist. Discourse, 150 years after the founding, boards. 8 New Haven, 1850 8224 [JOHNSON (W. S.)] Introduction to the study of philos ophy, exhibiting a general view of all the arts and sciences, with a catalogue of the most valuable authors. By a gentleman educated at Yale Coll., [2d ed. enlarged], calf. 8 New London, 1743 8225 Catalogues. Annual, 1813, 17, 1837-38. Triennial, 1793, 99> J 8o2, 1808, (2 copies), 27, 41, 50 (2 copies), 53, 71. (14 pamphlets.) 8226 - - Class Records. Day (T.) and Murdock (J.) Brief memoirs of the class of 1797 (2 copies). 8 New Haven, 1848 ; Triennial meeting, class of 1862. (3 pamphlets.) 8227 Phi Beta Kappa. Orations: by Hillhouse, 1826; Ev erett, 1833. Poem, by Percival, 1825. Catalogue of Connecticut Alpha, 1835, 38, 47, 52. Oration, by North, 1847. Connecticut Beta. Address by Gould, 1856. (n pamphlets.) 8228 Valedictory Poems and Orations, 1836, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45. (8 pamphlets.) 8229 Societies. Brothers in Unity. Catalogue of members, 1841 ; Robinson s Valedictory, 1841 Linonian. Andrews s Ora tion, 1841 Lycurgan Association. Address by a member of the junior class, 1820. (5 pamphlets.) 8230 Pamphlets (13) CLAP (T.) Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale Coll., 1754. (2 copies) [CLAP (T.)] Answer of the friend in the West to a letter, etc. New Haven, J. Parker, 1755 [GALE (B.)] Reply to a pamphlet entitled, Answer, etc., by A. Z., 1755 (2 copies.) [GALE (B.)] Letter to a mem- 20 CONNECTICUT, TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. her of the Lower House, etc., 1759 [GRAHAM (John)] Letter to a member of the House of Representatives in vindication of Yale College, 1759 [GALE (B.)] Calm and full vindication of a letter to a member of the lower house, etc., 1759 [GRAHAM (John)] Answer to Mr. Gale s pamphlet entitled Calm and full vindica tion, etc., 1759 [TRUMBULL (Benj.)] Letter to [a member of the Council Board] in vindication of Yale College, 1766 An appeal to the candid upon the present state of religion and politics in Connecticut Friendly remarks to the people of Connecticut upon their college and schools, 1799, (2 copies.) 8231 - - Pamphlets (9) PEMBERTON (E.) Sermon at Yale College, 1741 Catalogue of the library of Yale College, 1743 WHIT- TLESEY (C.) Sermon before Commencement, 1744 [HUBBARD (J.)] The Benefactors of Yale College, a poetical attempt, 1733 [JOHNSON (W. S.)] Introduction to the study of philosophy, 1731 CLAP (T.) Essay on Moral Virtue, 1765, (3 copies.) [TRUMBULL (J.)] Essay on the use and advantages of the fine arts, 1770 Essay on Education, delivered at Commencement, jyy 2 DWIGHT (T.) Valedictory address, 1776. 8232 Pamphlets (10) BALDWIN (E.) Funeral oration for Jona. Lyman, 1767 DAGGETT (N.) Sermon on death of T. Clap, 1766. (2 copies.) BRAY (T. W.) Sermon on the death of A. Chittenden, 1770 DANA (J.) Sermon on E. Stiles, 1795 WHIT NEY (E.) Oration on R. Grant, 1792 Obituary record of gradu ates, 1861, 62, 64 Catalogue of Yale College Library, 1808. 8233 _ Pamphlets (16) DWIGHT (T.) Nature and danger of infidel philosophy, 1797 DUTTON (W.) Poem delivered at Com mencement, 1800 Reports on the course of instruction in Yale College, 1828 Subscriptions to $100,000 fund, 1833 BUSH- NELL^.) Discourse before the alumni, 1843 Ordination and inauguration of PRES. WOOLSEY, 1846, (3 copies.) WOOLSEY (T. D.) Historical discourse, 150 years from the foundation, 1850, (2 cop.) GRANT (H. A.) Address to Medical Institution, 1850 DANA (J. D.) Address to the Alumni, 1856 SPRAGUE (W. B.) Discourse to the Alumni, 1860 Commem. celebration, 1860 Yale Scientific School, Class of 1869. Triennial meeting, 1872 A voice from Squashville, from the "Rev. Mr. Pickering," 1870 8234 Letter to a clergyman [Rev. J. Bellamy] from his friend. 8 New Haven, 1757 8235 Congratulatory letter from a gentleman in the West to his friend in the East [B. Gale] on the success of his letter entitled "The present state of the colony of Connecticut considered." [CLAP (T.)] Answer of the friend in the West to a letter, etc. 2 in. i vol. half bound. 8 New Haven, 1755 8236 - - TRACTS. Catalogue of the library of Yale College, 1823 Cat. of library of Linonian Soc., 1837 Cat. of library of Brothers in Unity, 1835 Cat. of library of Calliopean Soc., l8 37 Cat. of members of Linonian Soc., 1832 Cat. of Conn. Alpha of $. B. K., 1835 Poem, by W. T. Bacon, and val. oration by C. A. Johnson, 1837. 7 ** ^v.hf. bnd. 8 New Haven, 1823-37 YALE COLLEGE NOR WALK. 21 8237 Yale College. TRACTS. Catalogue (triennial), 1835 Laws of Yale College, 1832 Catalogues (Annual), 1830-37 Order of exercises at junior exhib., 1836, 37. 10 in i vol. hf bd. 8 New Haven, 1832-37 8238 TRACTS. DANA (J.) Sermon at the interment of E Stiles, May 14, 1795 MARSH (E. G.) Oration at commencement 1798 Oration before the $. B. K. Soc., 1797 Laws of Yale College, 1800 BUTTON (W.) Poem at commencement, 1800 NOTT (E.) Address at Union College, 1811 BACKUS (A.) Inaug. disc, at Hamilton College, 1812 Laws of Hamilton College, 1813 ALLEN (S. C.) Eulogy on J. Wheelock, at Dartmouth Coll 1817 HUMPHREY (H.) Inaug. address at Amherst, 1823 Address of the president of South Carolina Coll., 1823 Consid erations on the establishment of a second college in Connecticut, 1824 Exam, of the "Remarks" on Considerations, etc., 1825 OLMSTED (D.) Oration before Conn. Alpha of the $. B. K., 1827 CONKLING (A.) Disc, commem. of De Witt Clinton, 1828. 15 in i vol. half bound. 8 New Haven, etc., 1795-1828 8239 The Microscope. Edited by [C. Tuthill]. Vols. i, 2, no more published ; sheep. 8 New Haven, 1820 oooo See lot 9128 for additional Yale matter. 8240 New London. CAULKINS (Miss F. M.) History of New Lon don, 1612-1852, cloth. 8 New London, 1860 8241 New London. ADAMS (E.) Funeral Discourse for the Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall, 1724, with addenda from Boston News Letter, imperfect, title page wanting, pp. 59, (6). New London, 1724 MATHER (C.) Decus ac Tutamen ; a brief essay ... in commem. of Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall, 1724, imperfect, wanting all before p. 9. //. 9 34. N. London, 1724 PRATT (P.) The prey taken from the strong, or a hist, account of recovery from the errors of Quaker ism ; added, an account of the Quaker s faith, etc., pp. 69, very scarce. New London, 1725 ADAMS (E.) Disc, occasioned by that awful thunder-clap which struck the meeting-house in New Lon don, Aug. 31, 1735, //. 46. N. London, 1735 ADAMS (E.) Ser. on the execution of Katherine Garret for the murder of her child, I738,//. 44. N. London, 1738 BYLES (Mather) Disc, on the Sabbath, 1759, //. 20. N. London, 1759 BYLES (M.) Thanks giving Sermon for the success of the British arms, 1760, pp. 22. New London, 1760 ADAMS (Wm.) Thanksgiving Disc, for the success of the British arms, 1760, pp. 25. N. Lond., 1761 COOK (R.) Thanksgiving Ser., 1783 CHANNING (H.) Thanksgiving Sermon, 1794. (10 pamphlets, ALL SCARCE.) 8242 Norfolk. ROBBINS (A. R.) Half-century sermon, 1811. 2d ed ROYS (A.) History of Norfolk,//. 89, SCARCE, 1847 North Branford. WOOD (G. I.) Historical Ser., Jan. 6, 1850 North Coventry. CALHOUN (G. A.) Hist. Addr. 1846 North Milford. PINNEO (B.) Dedication Sermon, 1811 Norwalk. BOUTON (N.) Hist. Disc., 1851. (7 pamphlets.) 8243 Norwalk. HALL (E.) Ancient Historical Records, map and plates, morocco. 12 Norwalk, 1847 22 CONNECTICUT TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. 8244 Norwich. LORD (B.) Half-Century Disc., Nov. 29, 1767, //. 56. New London, 1768 HART (L.) Ser. at ordination of J. Benedict, etc., pp. 31. New London, 1771 LORD (B.) loth and nth Sermon after the half-century. Norwich, 1783 SMITH (W.) Sermon in Christ s Church, Aug. 24, 1791 MITCHELL (A.) Ser mons in 2d Cong. Church, 1829-30 BOND (A.) Disc., Jan. i, 1843, (2 copies.) WHITMAN (A. L.) Resignation Ser., 1845 MORGAN. Centenary of Epis. Church, 1849. (10 pamphlets.) 8245 Plainfield. LORD (B.) Account of the wonderful restoration of Mrs. Mary Wheeler, 2d ed. pp. 30. New London, 1771 Plymouth. LYMAN (E.) Farewell Sermon, 1851 CHIPMAN (R. M.) Dedication Ser., 1838 (Terrysville) Pomfret. TYLER (J.) Sermon at opening of Trinity Church,//. 36. Providence, 1761 HUNT (D.) Historical Disc., 1840 Preston. LORD (B.) Ser mon at ordin. of L. Hart, pp. 44. Providence, 1763 HART (L.) Anniversary Sermon, 1793. (7 pamphlets.) 8246 Salisbury. CHURCH (S.) Histor. Addr., 1841. (2 cop.) REID (A.) Addr. at Church Centenn., 1841. (2 cop.) Saybrook. HOTCHKISS (F. W.) Half-Century Ser., 1833. (2 copies); His torical Sketch of Baptist Churches, 1849. ( 2 C P-) Simsbury. PHELPS (N. A.) History of Simsbury, Granby and Canton, 1845. (2 copies) McLEAN (A.) Half-Century Sermon, 1859, (2 copies.) (12 pamphlets.) 8247 -- Sharon. SEDGWICK (C. F.) History of Sharon. (3 copies,) SCARCE. 1 6 Hartford, 1842 8248 Simsbury. ROOTS (B.) A few brief Remarks on a late publi cation entitled The Result of an Ecclesias. Council at Symsbury, RARE ; pp. 23. Hartford, 1770 8249 Somers. BACKUS (C.) Disc, at the funeral of Mr. Howard, 1785 Stafford. ROWLAND (D. S.) and HINSDALE (T.) Heresy of Rev. I. Foster detected,//. 63. Hartford, 1781 ; Answer to above, by church and pastor, 1781 WOODWARD (G. H.) Histor. Disc. 1843, (3 copies.) Stratford. RuTLEDGE (E.) Histor. Address, 1827. (7 pamphlets.) 8250 Stonington. EELLS (N.) Sermon at ordin. of N. Eells, June 14,1733, //. 72. New London, 1734 Suffield. HOLLEY (I.) Disc. at the funeral of three young men killed by lightning, May 20, 1766. 5th ed.,//. 18. Hariford, n. d. LATHROP (J.) Fun. Ser mon on Mrs. Mary Gay, 1796 DWIGHT (T.) Oration at New Haven, July 7, i8oi,//. 45. Suffield, 1 80 1 GRANGER (G.) Fourth of July oration, 1797 WALKER (T. P.) The flaming sword, or a sign from heaven seen in Vermont,//. 10. Suffield, 1801 ; His tory of Constantius and Pulchera, //. 42. Suffield, 1801 LELAND (J.) A blow at the root, a Fast-Day Sermon, 1801 ; Old Mr. Dod s sayings, and posies out of Mr. Dod s garden,//. 21. Suffield, 1803 - LATHROP (J.) Two sermons on suicide, 1805 ; Proceed, on the iSoth anniv. of the death of Rev. B. Ruggles, 1859. (10 pphs.) 8251 Thompson. CABOT (M.) Thanksgiving Sermon, 1734, //. 23. Boston, 1735 Dow (D.) Semi-Centennial Ser., 1846. (2 WALLINGFORD WINDHAM CONTROVERSY. 23 copies.) Tolland. MARSH (A.) Dedication Sermon 1838 Tor ringford. MOORE (W. H.) Resignation Discourse, 1854 Union. HAMMOND (C.) Temperance address, 1823. (7 pamphlets.) 8252 - - Tolland. WALDO (L. P.) Address on the early history of Tolland, 1861. 8 Hartford, 1861 8253 Wallingford. TODD (J.) Faithful Narrative of the proceed ings of the First Church in settling Mr. J. Dana, with W. Hart s Vindication of Mr. Dana, etc., //. 84. New Haven, 1759 EELLS (E.) Some serious remarks upon J. Todd s Faithful Narrative, with N. Hobart s Vindication of the doings of the council,//. 52. New Haven, 1759 HOBART (N.) Principles of Cong. Churches con sidered and applied to the case at Wallingford, pp. 40. New Haven, 1759 HART (W.) Remarks on Mr. Hobart s pamphlet entitled Principles, etc., pp. 59, iii. New Haven, 1760 HOBART (N.) Vind. of the piece ent. Principles, etc., uncut, pp. 76. New Haven, 1761 HOBART (N.) Attempt to illustrate and confirm the Eccle siastical Constitution, uncut, pp. 44. New Haven, 1765 GRIS- WOLD (S.) Sermon before the friends of Jefferson and Burr, 1801. (7 pamphlets.) 8254 Waterbury. JUDSON (E.) Sermon at ordin. of H. Weeks, 1799 WEEKS (H.) Farewell Sermon, 1806 Watertown. RICH ARDSON (N. S.) Histor. Sketch, 1845 Wethersfield. LOCKWOOD (J.) Discourse after the death of Col. Williams, 1755, //. 48, xv. New Haven, 1756 DANA (J.) Discourse on the tragical exit of W. Beadle, his wife and four children, 1782, pp. 23. New Haven [1783], VERY SCARCE MARSH (J.) Thanksgiving Discourse, 1783 - West Hartford. PERKINS (N.) Half-Century Sermon, 1822. (2 copies) West Haven. CHAPIN (A. B.) History of Christ Church, a sermon, 1839. (9 pamphlets.) 8255 Windham. ADAMS (E.) Discourse at ordination of T. Clap, 1726, //. 50. N. London, 1726 BILLINGS (W.) Discourse, the last day of his preaching, 1733, pp. 29. N. London, 1733 Letter from the associated ministers of Windham county, 1745, //. 52. Boston, 1745 Result of a council of the consociated churches,//. 22. Boston, 1747 Answer of the Third Church in Windham to twelve articles, etc.,//. 14. New London, 1747 LEE (A.) An Enquiry whether it is the duty of man to be willing to suffer damnation, etc.,//. 24. Norwich, 1787 WATERMAN (E.) Century Sermon, 1800, (3 copies.) WELCH (M. C.) Sermon at the execution of Caleb Adams for the murder of OLIVER WOODWORTH, 1803 ; Sermon by the same at execution of Sam 1 Freeman for the mur der of HANNAH SIMONS, 1805 TYLER (J. E.) Hist. Discourse, i5oth anniv. of the First Church, 1851, (2 copies.) WEAVER (W. L.) The Battle of the Frogs at Windham, 1758. 1857. (13 pphs.) 8256 Windham Controversy. The Correspondent, containing the publications in the Windham Herald relative to the result of the Ecclesiastical Council respecting the Rev. Oliver Dodge : with ap pendix, //. 140. Windham, 1793, (2 copies.) WELCH (M. C.) Reply to the Correspondent, //. 64. Norwich, 1794 [SWIFT (Z.)j Address to Rev. M. C. Welch, containing an Answer to his Reply, 2 4 CONNECTICUT TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. pp. 62. Windham, 1 794 WELCH (M. C.) The Addresser Addressed or a Letter to the Correspondent,//. 36. Norwich, 1796, (3 copies.) Plan of consociation adopted by churches in Windham County, 1800, (2 copies.) Addr. by the ministers .... of Windham Co. on .... family religion, 1803 Facts respecting the dismission of Rev. Mr. Andrews from the First Soc., 1813, (3 copies.) SHER MAN (J.) View of ecclesiastical proceedings in the County of Wind- ham, 1806 WELCH (M. C.) Misrepresentation detected, or stric tures on the "View, by J. Sherman," 1807. (16 pamphlets.) 3257 - - Windsor. PERRY (Jos.) Discourse occ. by the death of Hon. Roger Wolcott,//. 28. Hartford, 1756. SCARCE Winsted. BULKLEY (C. H. A.) Parting Sermon, 1859, ( 2 cop.) Woodbury. Centennial Celebration of King Solomon s Lodge, No. 7, 1865 Woodstock. LYMAN (E.) Two discourses, Nov. 10 and Dec. i, 1793, with appendix [on case of Rev. O. Dodge* of Pomfret.] (5 pamphlets.) 8258 Woodbury. COTHREN (W.) History of ancient Woodbury. 1659-1854. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Waterbury, 1854 8259 Abington. SMITH (H. B.) Histor. Disc., 1853 Andover. SPRAGUE (W. B.) Centenn. Disc., 1849 Brooklyn. WHITNEY (J.) Half-Century Sermon, 1806, (2 copies) Canterbury. Histor. Notices of First Church, 1853, (2 copies) Cheshire. JUDD (B.) Sermon at the anniversary of the Episcopal Academy, 1812; BEARDSLEY (E. E.) Address, 5oth anniversary of the Episcopal Academy, 1844 Cornwall. GOLD (H.) True State of the .... controversy in Cornwall, 1783 Durham. FOWLER (W. C.) Dedi cation Sermon, South Congregational Church, 1847 (2 copies) Farmington. [RICHARDS (S.)] Sketches of Farmington, by an inhabitant. Windsor, Vt., 1832 ; PORTER (N.) Historical Disc., 1841, (3 copies.) (14 pamphlets.) 8260 -- Farmington. PORTER (Noah) Histor. Discourse, 1840, cloth, (2 copies.) 8 Hartford, 1841 8261 -- Goshen. POWERS (G.) Centenn. Addr., 1838 Granby. PHELPS (N. A.) History of the copper mines and Newgate Prison, 1845 5 PHELPS (R. H.) Newgate of Connecticut ; its insurrec tions, etc., 3d ed. 1844 Groton. BRAINARD (W. F.) Address in commem. of Sept. 6, 1782. 1825 Guilford. ELLIOTT (J.) [Histor.] Disc, on the first Sabbath of 1802, //. 35. Middletown, 1802 Haddam and East Haddam. FIELD (D. D.) History of the towns of Haddam and East Haddam, pp. 48. Middletown, 1814, SCARCE Hartford. HAWES (J.) Centenn. Address, 1835; Histor. Sketches of First Church, 1836 North Milford. PINNEO (B.) Dedic. Ser., 1811. (9 pamphlets.) 8262 BACON (L.) Discourse on the early constitutional history of Connecticut, before the Conn. Hist. Society, 1843, ( 2 copies) BUSHNELL (H.) Speech for Connecticut; a histor. estimate delivered at New Britain, 1851, (5 copies.) (7 pamphlets.) 8263 Connecticut Missionary Society. Narrative of missions to the new settlements, etc., also Act to incorporate, 1802, and Constitu- DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM, ETC. 25 tion, 1800, being Reports of the Society, 1793, 94, 96, 1800- 1802, 1804, 1805, 1810-1814, 1826. (16 pamphlets.) 8264 Connecticut Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. GALLAUDET (T. H.) Sermon at the opening, 1817 Connecticut Pastoral Union. A layman s letter, 1856. Retreat for the Insane. Re port of the Conn. Medical Soc. respecting an Asylum, 1821 ; Ann. Meeting of the Soc. for Relief of the Insane, 1823 ; Dedic. Ser. by T. Robbins, 1824 Conn. River. Statement as to the pro posed obstruction to navigation at Middletown, 1848 Connec ticut River Co. Report of president and directors, 1826 (2 copies) Charter of Conn. River Co. and Conn. River Banking Co., 1 858 Conn. Theological Institute. Address at laying the corner stone, 1834 GALE (N.) Inaug. address, 1851 LAWRENCE (E. A.) Inaug. Disc., 1854 TYLER (B.) Resignation Addr., 1857 CHADBOURNE (P. A.) Disc, before alumni of East Windsor Hill Academy, 1857. (14 pamphlets.) 8265 Pamphlets (10) Address of the Gen. Association of Con necticut, 1776 (2 cop.,) 1808 ; Ext. from the Minutes, 1803 ; Pro ceedings, 1821 Rules and regulations of the Middlesex County School Assoc., 1799 Report of Middlesex Co. Agric. Soc., 1846 Address of the Western Assoc. of New Haven Co. [on intem perance] n. d. BUSHNELL (H.) Disc, on the moral uses of the sea, 1845 ; Discourse on home missions, 1847. 8266 Broadsides, a miscellaneous lot of 55 pieces, many with autographs, 17211815. Includes Proclamations, Petitions to, and Acts of the Gen l Assembly ; Bishop Sea- bury s Letter to the churches giving the changes to be made in the prayer-book after the Revolution ; the Petition to the Gen l Assembly and report by the Baptists of Bristol, ! 803 and many others, with the AUTOGRAPHS of Joseph Talcott (1755), John Lawrence, State Treas. (1780), Hez. Wyllys (1721), George Wyllys (1759), J. Byles (1803), James Wadsworth (1805). oooo See for Connecticut, Nos. 8276, 9070-71, 9075, 9083. 8267 COOPER (Rev. Mr.) History of North America; containing a review of the customs and manners of the original inhabitants, etc. sm. 12 New York, E. Duyckinck, 1809 This edition not noticed in Sabin, 8268 COOPER (Thomas) Some information respecting America, col lected by Thos. Cooper, late of Manchester. 2d edition, map. 8 London, J. Johnson, 1795 8269 COSMOPOLITE (Pseud.} A Cry from the Wilderness ! A Voice from the East. A Reply from the West Trouble in the North, exemplifying in the South. Intended as a warning to the people of the United States. 2d ed. 12 United States, 1830 8270 [CoxE (Tench)?] The Federalist: ... strictures upon ... " The Pretensions of Thos. Jefferson to the Presidency examined," etc., . . . first published under the signature of " Phocion," paper, stained. 8 Philadelphia, 1796 Attributed, by a pencil note on the title page, to Tench Coxe. 8271 CREVECCEUR (J. H. St. J. de) Lettres d un cultivateur Ame ri- cain, adressees a Wm. S ... on, Esq., depuis 1 anne e 1770 jusqu en 1786. Trad, de 1 anglois. 3 vols., leather, maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1787 v 4 2 6 CUMBERLAND DICKINSON. 8272 CUMBERLAND (R.) Bishop of Peterborough. Origenes Gentium Antiquissimae ; or attempts for discovering the times of the first planting of nations. Pub. from [the] MS. by S. Payne, leather, gilt back. 8 London, R. Wilkin, 1724 8273 DARBY (W.) Tour from the city of New York to Detroit in the Michigan Territory, 1818, map. 8 New York, 1819 8274 DAVIS (Joshua) Narr. of J. Davis, an Amer. citizen, who was pressed and served on board six ships of the British navy, paper, sewed, stained. 12 Boston, 1811 8275 DAY (Thomas) Tracts : Letter to Arthur Young on the bill to prevent the exportation of wool. London, 1788 ; Fragment of a ...letter on the slavery of the negroes. London, 1784; Reflec tions upon the present state of England, and the independence of America. $th ed. London, 1783 ; Dialogue between a justice of the peace and a farmer. London, 1785; Letters of Marius ; or, reflections of the peace, the East India bill, and the present crisis. London, 1784. 5 in i vol., leather. 8276 DAY (Thomas) Histor. Disc, before the Conn. Histor. Soc., Dec. 26, 1843. PP- 36- 8 (8 copies) Proceedings on the i5oth anniv. of the death of Rev. B. Ruggles, Suffield, Conn., 1858, //. 118. 8 Springfield, 1859 (2 copies.) (10 pamphlets.) 8277 DE Bow (J. D. B.) Commercial Review of the South and West. Vols. I-IV : 1846-7 ; Jan.-Aug., 1848, July-Oct, 1849, March, 1854. 3 vQ\s.,leather, and 1 1 pphls. 8 New Orleans, 1846-54 8278 DEFOE (Daniel) The True -Born English - Man. A Satyr, half bound. 8 London, printed in the year 1 7 08 8279 DELAPLAINE (J.) Delaplaine s Repository of the lives and por traits of distinguished American characters. 3 parts in i vol. 18 portraits, calf, gilt back and sides, foxed. 4 Phila., 1815 8280 DELAWARE. FERRIS (B.) History of the original settlements on the Delaware .... Added, an account of the eccles. affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington. Illustrated by drawings, cloth. 12 Wilmington, 1846 8281 DEMING (L.) A Collection of useful, interesting and remarkable events . . . from anc. and mod. authorities. \2 Middltbury^ ?.,] 1825 8282 The Democrat : or, intrigues and adventures of Jean Le Noir, from his enlistment as a drummer in Gen. Rochambeau s army, his arrival at Boston, etc., (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1795 8283 DESBOROW (C.) Humble Addr. of the Lords to his Majesty in relation to the petition of Charles Desborow, of His Majesty s ship Mary, in the expedition to Newfoundland, 1677 ; and His Majesty s answer, calf, neat (by Hay day), pp. (2) 8. 4 n.p., pr.for C. Desborow, 1699 8284 A Device, devised against the rulers of the darkness of this world ; or, mystery upon mystery, in a contrast of characters. In 4 parts. By a Cit. of Newhampshire.//. 71. sewed. 12 Keene, 1794 8285 [DICKINSON (J.)] An Essay on the constitutional power of Great Britain over the colonies in America, with the Resolves of the committee for the province of Pennsylvania, etc. RARE, calf, nice copy. 8 Phila., W. & T. Bradford, 1774 DOUGLASS ELLSWORTH. 2 ? 8286 A Dictionary; to enable any two persons to maintain a corre spondence with a secrecy which is impossible for any other person to discover, pp. 48, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1805 8287 DOUGLASS (W.) A Summary, Histor. and Polit. of the first Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols., leather. 8 Boston, Rogers 6- Fowle, 1749-51 8288 [DRAKE (S. G.)] Narrative Remarks . . . and criticisms on the N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Society and ... the Mass. Hist. So- Ciet 7- 8 large paper, Albany, 1874 8289 Du Bois (W. E.) Pledges of History. . . . Account of the Coll. of Coins belonging to the Mint of the U. S., plate, paper, sewed. 12 Philadelphia, 1846 8290 DU.ER (W. A.) Reply to Mr. Colden s Vindic. of the Steam boat monopoly, with an appendix containing ... the important documents, paper, sewed. 8 Albany, 1819 8291 DUMMER (Jere.) Defence of New England Charters. //. 43. Boston, repr. by B. Green for D. Gookin, 1745; A Disc, on the Holiness of the Sabbath-Day, preached at Boston, Oct. 29, 1704. PP- 53> last page wanting. Boston, pr. by B. Green, 1704 ; A Letter . . . concerning the late expedition to Canada, pp. 24. London, repr. at Boston for E. Phillips, 1712; Same. pp. 23. Boston, repr. 1746. (4 tracts.) 8292 - - Disputatio Theologica de Christi ad Inferos Descensus, quam ... in Illustr. Acad. Lugd. Bat proponit Jeremias Dum- mer. //. 24, (4,) hf. mor., broad margins, slightly mouse bitten. 4 Lugd. Bat., apud Abra. Elzevier, 1702 On title is the autograph presentation, "For M r . Eliph: Adams [Rev. Eliphalet Adams, of New London] Leyd: Octob: 7,1702." 8293 A Letter . . . concerning the late expedition to Canada, pp. 23, half bound. 8 Boston, reprinted 1746 8294 DWIGHT (Timo.) The Conquest of Canaan, a poem in eleven books. 8 Hartford, 1785 8295 EASTMAN (L.) Masonick Melodies; being a choice selection of the most approved Masonick songs. 8 Boston, 1825 8296 ELIOT (Jared.) Essays upon Field-Husbandry in New England, sewed, SCARCE. //. 166. 8 Boston, Edes 6* Gill, 1760 8297 ELIOT (John) D.D. Biographical Dictionary containing a brief account of the first settlers, and other eminent characters in New England. (2 cop., i sheep ; i boards.) 8 Salem and Boston, 1809 8298 ELIOT (Wm. H.) Genealogy of the Eliot family ; revised and enlarged by Wm. S. Porter. 8 New Haven, 1854 8299 ELLICOTT (Andrew) Journal containing remarks on the coun tries on the Ohio, Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico. With six maps. Added, an appendix, tree calf, gilt. 4 Phila., 1803 8300 ELLSWORTH (H. W.) Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, etc., map. 8 New York, 1838 28 ENCARNACION PRISONERS FINE ARTS. 8301 Encarnacion prisoners; ... the march of the Kentucky cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande, with . . . hist, of the captivity of the Amer. prisoners, etc., sewed. 12 Louisville, 1848 8302 An Enquiry into . . . the conduct of Great Britain with relation to the present state of affairs in Europe. [By Benj. Hoadly,] sewed, pp. 103. 8 Boston, repr. by T. Fleet for J. Eliot, 1727 8303 Essays on various subjects of ... national policy, etc. By a citizen of Virginia [George Tucker]. 8 Georgetown, D. C., 1822 8304 EUSTAPHIEVE (Alexis) Reflections and anecdotes illus. ... of Peter the Great ; added, a tragedy entitled Alexis, the Czarewitz. 12 Boston, 1812 8305 [WASHINGTON S AUTOGRAPH.] EVANS (Nath.) Poems on several occasions, with other compositions. SCARCE, leather. 8 Philadelphia, 1772 Has the autograph, " G Washington," on the title-page. Contains a List of Subscrib ers, of several pages. (See note on No. 6849.) 8306 EVERETT (E.) A Defence of Christianity against the work of G. B. English. 12 Boston, 1814 8307 Every man his own lawyer, or a summary of the laws of England, in a new method. [By George Jacob (?)] 7th ed., corr. and im proved. 8 New York, 1768 8308 FAIRBANKS (Jason) Report of the trial of J. Fairbanks for the murder of Elizabeth Fales at Dedham, 7th of August, 1801. 2d ed, sewed ; soiled. 8 Boston, 1801 8309 FARMER (John) List of the graduates and those who have received degrees at the several colleges of New York and New Jersey to 1834, sewed. 8 Boston, 1838 8310 Farmers Museum. Spirit of the Farmers Museum and Lay Preachers Gazette ; being . . . productions which have appeared in that paper, etc. 12 Walpole (N. H.}, 1801 8311 [FESSENDEN (T. G.)] Democracy unveiled ; or tyranny stripped of the garb of patriotism. By Christopher Caustic, LL.D. 2d ed. 12 Boston, 1805 8312 [ ] The same. Vol. i. 3d ed., with large additions. 12 New York, 1806 8 3 T 3 - - The Ladies Monitor; a poem. 12 Bellows Falls, Vt., 1818 &3 1 4 [ ] Pills, poetical, political and philosophical. Prescribed for the purpose of purging the public, etc. By Peter Pepper-box, poet and physician. 12 Phila., 1809 8315 - - Terrible Tractoration. A poetical petition, against galvan izing trumpery, and the Perkinistic Institution. 2d ed., with additions, plate. 8 London, 1803 8316 Fine Arts. LATROBE (B. H.) Anniversary Oration before the Soc. of Artists, 1811 ROBINSON (J.) Descrip. of the picture of Christ healing the sick, by B. West, 1818 Cat. of the [4th exhib. of] the Amer. Acad. of the Fine Arts, 1818 Key to Vanderlyn s Panorama of Versailles, n. d. VERPLANCK (G. C.) Addr. at the loth exhib. of the Amer. Acad. of Fine Arts, 1825 Illustrations FISH (JOSEPH) FRANKLIN (fiENJ.) 29 from the Spy, the Pioneers, and the Waverley Novels, 1826 Cat. of paintings by Col. Trumbull, on exhib. [in New York], 1831 ELIOT (S. A.) Addr. before the Boston Acad. of Music, on the opening of the Odeon, 1835 BETHUNE (G. W.) Addr bef. the Artists Fund Soc. of Phila., 1840 CARY (T. G.) Depend ence of the fine arts on security of property; addr. in Boston 1844 POWERS (H. N.) The utility of beauty ; an addr. 1853. (n pamphlets.) 8317 FISH (Joseph) The Examiner examined. Remarks on a piece wrote by Mr. Isaac Backus of Middleboro, called " An Examin. of nine Ser. by Mr. Jos. Fish." ... 8 N. London, T. Green, 1771 8318 FITCH (Elijah) The Beauties of Religion. A Poem addressed to youth. In five books. 8 Providence, 1789 8319 FLINT (T.) Recollections of the last ten years, passed in occa sional residences and journeyings in the valley of the Mississippi, uncut. 8 Boston, 1826 8320 Foss (John) A Journal of the captivity and sufferings of J. Foss, several years a prisoner at Algiers. 2d ed, poor copy. 12 Newburyport, 1798 8321 FOWLE (Dan.) A Total Eclipse of Liberty; being a true and faithful account of the arraignment and exam, of Daniel Fowle before the Hon. Ho. of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, Oct. 24, 1754 also his imprisonment and sufferings, etc. pp. 32, title and pp. 31, 32 wanting and very neatly supplied in MS. RARE. 8 Boston, pr. in the year 1755 See note to No. 1494. This is evidently not the same edition as No. 1497. 8322 Fox (G.) Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English, calf, pp. 120. 12 Boston, Rogers 6- Fowle, 1743 By George Fox, (the Quaker,) and Ellis Hooker. This edition is not noted in Smith s Catalog, of Friends books. 8323 Fragments of the history of Bawlfredonia, containing an account of the discovery and settlement of that great southern continent ; and of the formation and progress of the Bawlfredonian common wealth. By Herman Thwackins [J. Clopper]. 8 printed for the American booksellers, 1819 " A satire on American history and manners." SABIN. 8324 FRANCK (R.) A Philosophical Treatise of the Original and Production of Things. Writ in America in a time of solitudes, old paneled calf, g. e.pp. (26), 170. 8 London, 1687 " A very scarce and singular work." SABIN. Contains notes in MS. 8325 FRANKLIN (Benj.) Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces. . . . Now first collected, with explanatory plates, notes and an index. [Ed. by Benj.VaughanJ boards. 8 London, 1779 oooo For other works written or printed by Franklin, see Nos. 8656-8770. 8326 The French Convert ; being a true relation of the happy con version of a noble French lady from the Errors and Superstitions of Popery, to the Reformed Religion, etc. pp. 134. sm. 12 Boston, pr. by Rogers & Fowle for T. Rand, 1744 8327 The same. //. 144. 16 New York, 1793 3Q FRENEAU GEORGIA. 8328 FRENEAU (P.) Poems written chiefly during the late war, first edition, VERY SCARCE. 8 Phila., F. Bailey, 1786 8329 Poems written and published during the American Revolu tionary war, repub. from the original MSS., with trans, from the ancients, and other pieces. 3d ed. 2 vols. 12 Phila., 1809 8330 FROTHINGHAM (E.) A Key to unlock the Door, that leads in to take a fair view of the religious constitution established by law in the Colony of Conn., etc. RARE. 16 pr. in the year 1767 8331 [Galloway (Joseph)] A Letter to the Right Honorable Lord Viscount H e on his naval conduct in the American war. so//. 8 London, 1779 8332 GAMBOLD (John) Works ; annexed, the life of the author. 8 Bath, 1789 8333 GARDEN (A.) Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in Amer. with sketches of ... persons distin. in the Southern States for . . . services, stamped and paneled calf, gilt. 8 Charleston, 1822 8334 GARDINER (James) DODDRIDGE (P.) Life of the Hon. Col. James Gardiner, who was slain at Preston-Pans, Sept. 21, 1745. Added, the Sermon occasioned by his heroick Death. 3d ed. (2 copies.) 8 Boston, 1748 8335 The same. 8 New London, 1789 8336 GARDINER (John) Speech in the Ho. of Rep., 26th Jan., 1792, on ... repealing the law against theatrical exhibitions. 8 pr. at the Apollo press, Boston, 1792 8337 GEORGIA. Constitution of ... Georgia, ratified 6th May, 1789. //. 24, 7. Augusta, 1789 Land laws of Georgia, cont. all the acts of the Gen. Assembly . . . [on] the granting of land warrants, etc. pp. 26. 4 Augusta, 1794 Grant to the Georgia Mississippi Co., the constitution, etc. pp. 39. Augusta, 1795 [MARTYN (B.)j Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia with regard to the Trade of Great Britain, the Increase of our People, etc. [2d ed.] //. 48, map and plate. 4 London, 1733 (see note, No. 3909) SMITH (Sam.) Ser. preached before the Trustees for estab. the Colony of Georgia, Feb. 23, 1730-31. Annexed, Some Account of the Designs both of the Trustees and Associates, with a map. pp. 27. 4 London, 1733 Case decided in the Supreme Court of the U. S., Feb. 1793 "whether a State be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another State." //. 80. Boston, 1793 BISHOP (A.) Georgia speculation unveiled. [Nos. i, 2.] pp. 39. Hartford, 1797 State of facts shewing the right of cer tain companies to the lands lately purchased by them from the State of Georgia, (2 copies.) //. 64. United States, 1795 MORSE (J.) Description of Georgia Western Territory. //. 24. Boston, 1797 ANDERSON (J. E.) and HOBBY (W. J.) The contract for the purchase of Western territory made with Legisl. of Georgia in J 795> consid., etc. 4 //. 69. Augusta, 1799 UNITED STATES, Supreme Court. Opinion Jan., 1832, deliv. by Chief Justice Mar shall, with the opinion of Justice McLean, in the case of S. A. Worcester vs. the State of Georgia, pp. 39. Washington, 1832. (12 pamphlets, SOME SCARCE.) GEORGIA GUEST. 3I 8338 Georgia. BISHOP (A.) Georgia Speculation Unveiled [Parts i, 2. Nos. 1-4], with conclusion addr. to the Northern purchasers (i book, i pamphlet.) 8 Hartford, 1797, 98 8339 MOORE (F.) A Voyage to Georgia, begun in the Year i 7 7c containing an Ace. of the Settling the Town of Frederica the Rules and Orders made by the Hon. the Trustees . also a Descr. of the Town and Co. of Savannah, etc. RARE. 8 London, 1744 8340 SHERWOOD (A.) A Gazetteer of the State of Georgia . together with a new map of the state. 12 Washington City, 1837 8341 TAILFER (PAT.), and others. A True and Hist. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia . . . from the first Settlement until this present Period together with his Majesty s Charter, etc. 8 Charles-Town, S. C., [1741 ?1 VERY RARE. See note to No. 3922. 8342 UNITED STATES. Attorney General. Report to Congress con taining . . . charters, treaties, and docs, relat. to the land situate in the southwestern parts of the U. S., and claimed by certain companies under a law of Georgia, passed Jan. 7, 1795. 8 Phila., 1796 oooo See lot No. 9089 for additional Georgia matter. 8343 GODWIN (W.) Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. 12 Phila., 1799 8344 GOODRICH (C. A.) History of the United States of America. With engravings. 3d ed. 12 Hartford, 1823 8345 GOODWIN (Nath 1 ) Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn. 8 Hartford, 1845 8346 GORDON (W.) History of the Rise, Progress and Establish ment of the Independence of the United States ... an Ace. of the late War, and of the thirteen Colonies, etc. In four volumes, plates and maps, calf, a fine copy. 8 London, pr. for the Author, 1788 The First Edition. 8347 The same. In 3 vols. 8 New York, 1789 8348 Plan of a Society for making Provision for Widows by Annuities ... and for granting Annuities to Persons after certain Ages ; with Tables. 8 Boston, 1772 8349 [GRAYDON (Alex.)] Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Penna., within the last sixty years. 12 Harrisburgh, 1811 oooo GREAT BRITAIN. See lots No. 9086-87. 8350 GRIMES (Wm.) Life of William Grimes, the runaway slave. Written by himself. //. 93. 12 New Haven, 1845 8351 GUEST (M.) Poems. Annexed, Extracts from a Journal . . . while he followed the sea and during a journey from New Bruns wick in New Jersey, to Montreal and Quebec. 2d ed. 12 Cincinnati, 1824 8352 Gymnastics for youth ... for ... schools. Freely tr. from the the German of C. G. Salzmann, illus. 8 Phila., 1802 3 2 HANWAY HECKEWELDER. 8353 HANWAY (J.) Remarkable Occurrences in the life of Jonas Hanway, Esq., several anecdotes and an attempt to de lineate his character. By John Pugh, portrait and map, half calf, fresh, nice copy. 8 London, 1787 8354 HARDIE (J.) The American Remembrancer, .... containing a list of the most eminent men, etc. 12 Phila., 1795 8355 HARDING (Benj.) A Tour through the Western country, A. D. 1818 and 1819. Published for the use of emigrants. SCARCE. 8 New London, 1819 8356 HARLAN (Rich.) Fauna Americana; a descr. of the mammifer- ous animals inhabiting North America. 8 Phila., 1825 8357 HARRIS (T. M.) The Minor Encyclopaedia . . . being a dic tionary of arts, sciences and polite literature. In 4 volumes. 12 Boston, 1803 8358 -- The Natural Hist, of the Bible ; or a descr. of all the beasts, birds, etc., mentioned in the Scriptures. 12 Boston, 1793 8359 HARRISON (W. H.) HILDRETH (R.) The People s Presidential candidate, or the life of W. H. Harrison. 6th ed. 12 Bost., 1840 8360 HAWAIIAN, or Sandwich Islands. Ke ao Heluhelu ; he buke ia e ao ai i na haumana e Heluhelu. [Hawaiian Reading-book.] 12 Lahainaluna, 1842 8361 HAWES (J.) A Tribute to the memory of the Pilgrims, and a vindic. of the Cong, churches of New Eng. 12 Hartford, 1830 8362 The same. 2d ed. 12 Hartford, 1836 8363 MAY (S. J.) Letters to J. Hawes in review of his Tribute to the memory of the Pilgrims, pp. 72. Hartford, 1831 Review of [J. Hawes s] Tribute to the Pilgrims, etc,, and his Centen. Address. //. 19. Hartford, 1836. (2 pamphlets.) 8364 HAWKINS (J.) History of a voyage to Africa . . . containing descr. of the climate and inhabitants and particulars concerning the slave trade. 2d ed. 12 Troy, 1797 8365 HAWLE (Sir J.) The Englishman s Right: a Dialogue between a barrister at law and a juryman. I. The Antiquities. II. The excellent designed Use. III. The office and full Privileges of Jurymen, by the law of England. 12 London, printed 1721, Boston, reprinted 1722 8366 HAYWARD (J.) The Christian Advocate. By a Tennessean, morocco. 12 Nashville, 1819 8367 HEATH (Wm.) Memoirs. Containing anecdotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the Amer. War. Written by himself. 8 Boston, 1798 8368 HECKEWELDER (J.) An Account of the History, manners and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states ; Correspondence with P. S. Duponceau respecting the languages of the American Indians, half bound. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 This forms the greater part of Vol. I of the Transactions of the Hist, and Lit. Com mittee of the Amer. Philosoph. Soc. See note to 5402. HECKVVELDER HOLYOKE. 33 8369 HECKEWELDER (J.) An account, etc. Another copy, boards. 8 Phila., 1819 8370 Narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians. 1740 to 1808, portrait of D Zeisberger, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 8371 HENNEPIN (L.) Description de la Louisiane nouvellement decouverte au Sud-Ouest de la Nouv. France, par ordre du Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays: les Moeurs & la Maniere de vivre des Sauvages, map, old calf; good copy a name on title. 12 A Paris, Chez Amable Auroy, 1688 8372 HERNDON (W. L.) and GIBBON (L.) Exploration of the valley of the Amazon, maps and plates, cloth. 2 v. text, 2 v. maps. 8 Washington, 1853 8 373 Tne same. Vol. I, with maps, cloth, i v. text, i v. maps. 8 Washington, 1853 8374 HICKCOX (J. H.) Historical account of American coinage. With plates, half bound. 8 1. p. Albany, 1858 8375 History of the Bills of Credit, or paper money issued by New York, 1709 to 1789 ; with a descr. of the bills and cat. of the var. issues, paper. 8 /./. Albany, 1866 8376 HILL (Ira) An Abstract of a new theory of the formation of the earth. 12 Baltimore, 1823 8377 HITCHCOCK (David) Poetical works, containing The Shade of Plato, Knight and Quack, and The Subtlety of Foxes. Boston, 1806 The Social Monitor, or a Series of Poems. Stockbridge, 1812. 2 vols., 12 (SeeNo. 6874.) 8378 HOBART (Bp. J. H.) Sermon at the funeral of, by Benj. T. On- derdonk, Sept. 1.6, 1830. //. 91. 8 New York, 1830 Presentation copy to Prof. Pinney from the author. 8379 HOLLIS (Thomas) Memoirs of [by the Rev. Francis Black burn, Archdeacon of Cleveland], portr. and plates, (two extra plates inserted^), pp. viii, 840, with all the starred pages, old English calf gilt (one joint cracked] ; a presentation copy to JOHN WILKES, with his book-plate and many penciled notes. 2 vols. in one. 4 London, 1780 Wilkes s notes were made in minute but legible handwriting, with a fine-pointed pencil. In the following extracts the penciled notes are included in brackets : Mr. Hollis writes Archdeacon Blackburn was "a character of remarkable singularity and by no means calculated for general imitation." [" The EMILE of PATRIOTISM," suggests Wilkes.] " Strange as it may seem, our patriot [most nobly , most wisely, most liberally, most justly\ espoused the cause of the prerogative" in the dispute concerning the royal proclamation against exporting corn, in 1766... "He informs us, however, that... when, in a visit to Mrs. Macaulay,the question, Whether evil may be committed to a great sole public good ? being debated between them, he strenuously held the negative. Does not this look as if he had changed his opinion ? " [" Not at all: for the Question is not in point, since Lds. Cht. and Cmd. (Chatham and Camden) committed no Evil? "] /. 307. " The wretch who would drown a nation s cries with the torrent of corruption : in vain ; the voice of an injured people, like the sword of Michael, will hunt him from his seat of bliss," etc. [" Yes : quoth the Fool: but not to Day."} p. 627. See also//. 303, 336, 458, 495, 555, 725, 762, 794, 795, 797, &c., &c. 8380 HOLYOKE (Edw. A.) M. D. Memoir of. 8 Boston, 1829 v. 5 34 HOPKINS ILLINOIS. 8381 HOPKINS (Sam 1 ) Sketches of the life of Rev. S. Hopkins, written by himself . . . Pub. by Stephen West. 12 Hartford, 1805 8382 HOWARD (John). AIKIN (J.) Life, travels and philanthropic labors of John Howard, Esq.,/0r/. 12 Philadelphia, 1794 8383 The same. 12 Boston, 1794 8384 HOWGIL (F.) The Deceiver of the Nation discovered, and his cruelty made manifest,//. 369-382. 1660; The Heart of New- England hardened through wickedness : in Answer to a Book en- tituled The Heart of New-England rent, published by John Norton, pp. 299-332. 1659 ; The Measuring Rod stretched forth over all Nations and the line of true judgment laid to the Rulers thereof. //. 91-108. Cambridge, N. E. Printed in the year 1675 > r ^ ne Popish Inquisition, newly erected in New-England, whereby their Church is manifested to be a Daughter of the Mystery-Babylon, etc., pp. 239-262. Reading, 1658. FOUR RARE TRACTS. The paging is that of Howgil s works. 8385 HOYT (E.) Antiquarian Researches ... the Indian wars in the country bordering Connecticut river and parts adjacent, from the landing of the Pilgrims to 1760, plate. 8 Greenfield, Mass., 1824 8386 HUBLEY (B.) The History of the Amer. Revolution includ ing important events and resolutions of the Continental Congress ; and . . . letters and orders of his excellency Gen. George Wash ington. Vol. I (all published}. 8 Northumberland, Pa., 1805 VERY SCARCE. See note to 4034. Has sold as high as $50. 8387 HULL (Gen. W.) Defence of Brig.-Gen. Hull bef. the general court-martial, at Albany, March, 1814. Prefixed, the charges against [him]. 8 Boston, 1814 8388 Memoirs of the campaign of the North-western army of the U. S., 1812, with an appendix. 8 Boston, 1824 8389 The Wars of the Gulls ; an hist, romance, pp. 36. New York, 1812 DEARBORN (H. A. S.) Defence against the attack of Gen. William Hull. pp. 28. Boston, 1824. (2 pamphlets.) 8390 HUMPHREYS (David) Miscellaneous Works. 8 New York, 1804 8391 ILLINOIS. DANA (E.) Description of the bounty lands in Illinois, also the principal roads and routes from the province of New Brunswic, in* Nova Scotia, to the Pacific Ocean. 12 Cincinnatti, 1816 The " Description of the principal Roads," etc., has a separate title-page, and Thom son (Bibliog. of Ohio, No. 305) says : " This little work, which is scarce, was never pub. in a separate form. It appeared . . . with a work entitled A Description of the Bounty Lands, etc., by H. Dana, and forms//. 49-108 of that work. Priced, 1878, $8.50." ILLINOIS IN 1837-8 ; the situation, boundaries, etc., also sug gestions to emigrants, map, pp. 143. Phila., 1837 LAW (J.) Adclr. before the Vincennes Hist, and Antiq. Soc., Feb. 22, 1839, map, pp. 48. Louisville, Ky., 1839. (2 pamphlets.) THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 8 393 A Brief and True Narrative of the hostile conduct of the bar barous natives toward the Dutch nation. Tr. by E. B. O Calla- ghan [from a Dutch MS. in the Secretary s office at Albany]. 1. p. pp. 48. 8 Albany, 1863 8394 The Columbian Tragedy : Containing a particular and offi cial Account of the brave and unfortunate Officers and Soldiers who were slain and wounded in the ever-memorable and bloody Indian Battle . . . Nov. 4, 1791 ... at MIAMI VILLAGE, near Fort Washington, in the OHIO-COUNTRY. BROADSIDE. Boston. pr. by E. Russell, for Thos. Basset of Dunbarton (New-Hamp^ [1792]. A remarkable broad sheet, adorned (?) across the top with two rows of black coffins over each of which is the name of an officer killed in the battle. On the left of the title is the portrait of Maj.-Gen. Richard Butler, underneath which is a skull and cross-bones, and the figure of an Indian holding a bow and tomahawk. On the right is a representa tion of the battle-ground ; all woodcuts of the commonest description. The rest of the sheet is occupied by a Funeral Elegy of forty-one stanzas. 395 HALL(J.) The Wilderness and the War-path. 12 N.Y., 1849 0396 History of the Indian wars ... of the U. S. to the com mencement of the late war ; with an appendix containing accounts of the battles fought by Gen. Andr. Jackson. (See note, No. 5520.) 12 Rochester, N. K, 1828 8397 _ HUBBARD (WM.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians In New-England from [1607 to 1677. Added, a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods In 1637.] PP- T 3 2 > I2 > 86 5 imperfect; in cover of red levant morocco, gilt. 4 {Boston, John Foster, 1677] THE FIRST EDITION. The title-page and preliminary pages, and the final //. 87, 88, wanting, and the pages somewhat torn and worn off at the corners. 8398 A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England, pp. 288, 2 copies, the second imperfect, wanting pp. 1-12. 1 2 Boston, John Boyle, 1775 The second American edition. SCARCE. 8399 The same. 12 Worcester, D. Greenleaf, 1801 ; Another copy. 12 Brattleborough, W. Fessenden, 1814. (2 vols.) 8400 LOUDON (ARCHIBALD) A | Selection, | of Some | of the most interesting | Narratives, | of | Outrages, Committed | by the | Indians, | in | their Wars, | with the White People. | Also, | An Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, | Religious Sentiments, Modes of Warfare, etc. \ Compiled from the best Authorities. | 2 vols.,//. (12), 5-355, wanting, pp. 73-84; (4), 13- 269, levant red morocco extra, filleted sides, tns. borders, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 12 Carlisle, A. London, 1808, 1811 A SURPASSINGLY FINE COPY of this "RAREST of books on American history" In condition, it leaves to the most fastidious and exacting of collectors nothing to be desired. The binding is in Mr. Bedford s best style. For the collation, see Field s Indian Bibliography, p. 248, -which by the way, omits mention of the very curious wood-engraving of Delaware " hieroglyphics, on p. 324 ot Vol. I. 36 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 8401 Indians. MATHER (INCREASE) Early History of New- England, being a relation of hostile passages between the Indians and . . . settlers, ... to 1637, with introd. and notes by S. G. Drake. 4 Boston, 1864 8402 Minutes of Conferences held at Easton, in August, 1761, With the Chief Sachems and Warriors of the Onondagoes, Oneidas, Mohickons, Tuteloes, Cayugas, Nanticokes, Delawares, Conoys. pp. 1 8, cut of Penn Arms, RARE. 4 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1761 Half of the title is in pen and ink facsimile. From Edw. D. Ingraham s library, with autograph presentation. 8403 The Present State of New-England with respect to the Indian war. Faithfully composed by a Merchant of Boston and communicated to his Friend in London. 1 6 London, 1675, repr. Boston, 1833 8404 STEWARD (Rev. James) pseud, for TRUMBULL (H ) History of the disc, of Amer., of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable engagements with the Indians in New England from 1620 to 1669. Annexed, the defeat of Gens. Braddock, Harmer and St. Clair, by the Indians at the west ward. 8 Brooklyn (L. /.), n. d. [1800] VERY SCARCE ; part of the folding plate is wanting. See note to No. 420. 8405 -- WAKEFIELD (J. A.) History of the war between the U. S. and the Sac and Fox nations, and other disaffected tribes, in 1827, 31 and 32, VERY SCARCE. 12 Jacksonville, III., 1834 8406 A Council held at Philadelphia, the 2ist of August, 1744, present the Lieut. Governor [and] the deputies of the Delaware Indians. //. [6] EVANS (L.) ... An Analysis of a general map of the Middle British Colonies and of the country of the Confederate Indians, pp. 32. Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 OCCUM (S.) Sermon at the execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, etc., added, a short account of the spread of the gospel among the Indians ; also observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians, by Jona. Edwards, pp. 24, 15. New Haven, 1788 Life [of Abram Antone]. pp. 12 Report of a committee of the New England Company of their proceed, for the civilization and conversion of Indians, etc. London, 1829 PRIEST (J.) Stories of the early settlers in the wilderness, em bracing the life of Mrs. Priest .... a short account of Brant, and of the Massacre of Wyoming 1 , pp. 40. Albany, 1837 BESCHKE (W.) Dreadful sufferings and thrilling adventures of an overland party of emigrants to California, their conflicts with savage tribes of Indians, etc. St. Louis, 1850. 7 pamphlets, nearly all VERY SCARCE. 8407 -- WILLIAMS (T.) Life of Te -ho -ra-gwa- ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams, a chief of the Caughnawaga tribe of Indians in Canada. By Rev. Eleazer Williams, reputed son of Thomas, and by many believed to be Louis XVII. of France, //. 91 ; a very handsome copy, levant morocco, gilt covers, highly ornamented inside. 8 1. p. Albany, J. Munsdl, 1859 No. 126 of 200 copies printed. " W. A. Whiteman [from] W m Menzies," etc., in autograph. INDIANS. CAPTIVITIES. 37 CAPTIVITIES. 8408 JOHONNOT (J.) Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johon- not of Massachusetts, who served in the Western army . . . under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair, containing an Account of his Captivity, Sufferings and Escape from the Kickappo Indians. Written by Himself, pp. 24; an uncut copy, VERY SCARCE. 8 Greenfield, Mass., Ansel Phelps, 1816 8409 MANHEIM (Fred.) and others. Affecting History of the dreadful Distresses of Frederic Manheim s Family; added, the Sufferings of John Corbly s Family . . . Adventures of Captain Isaac Stewart, Deposition of Massy Herbeson, Sufferings of Peter Wilkinson [Williamson], Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, Account of the Destruction at Wyoming-, etc., pp. 48 ; plate, half bound. 8 Phila.,for M. Carey, 1800 . Some of the pages mutilated and neatly repaired, and the text supplied in manuscript. 8410 ROWLANDSON (M.) Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings and Removes of Mrs. Mary Kowlandson, who was taken Prisoner by the Indians with several others Written by herself. pp. 57; //. 23 and 57 imperfect. 12 Boston, S. Hall, 1794 8411 -- SMITH (Col. James) Account of Remarkable Occurrences during his captivity with the Indians, 1755-59. 16 Phila., 1834 8412 -- WILLIAMS (JOHN) The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion. A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, etc. Annexed, a Ser. preached by him upon his Return, in Boston . . . Fourth Ed. Also an App. containing an ace. of those taken Captive at Deerfield . . . With a Conclusion by Rev. Mr. Williams of Spring field, and Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston, pp. 78, i wanting. 8 Boston, printed. New London, reprinted, [1773] "John Brown s Book New London may y e i;th 1773 " on back of title. 8413 - - The Redeemed Captive, etc.; App. by Rev. Mr. Wil liams of Springfield, [and] Rev. Mr. Taylor of Deerfield. With a Conclusion by Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston. Sixth Ed., //. 132. (Seenote, No. 501.) 12 Boston, S. Hall, 1795 8414 The Redeemed Captive, etc. Subjoined, a Ser. delivered in Springfield on the i6th Oct., 1775, one hundred years from the burning of the town by the Indians, by R. Breck. Sixth Ed., with additions. (2 copies, i wanting p. 9-10.) 12 Greenfield, Mass., 1800 8 4 1 r The Redeemed Captive,^., SCARCE. 12 N. Haven, 1802 8 4I 6 The Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, and Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, of Lancaster. Written by themselves. 12 Brookfield, 1811 8417 _ WILLIAMS (S. W.) A Biogr. Memoir of Rev. John Wil liams, with a sketch of ancient Deerfield, and the Indian wars ; with appendix containing the journal of Dr. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow during his captivity, and other papers. (2 copies.) 12 Greenfield, Mass., 1837 38 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. g 4I g Eastburn (R.) A Faithful Narrative of the Dangers and Sufferings of R. Eastburn during his Captivity among the Indians, two fragments, pp. 1-22 of the \st ed., Phila., 1758, and pp. 1-8 oj the reprint, Boston, 1758; the reprint has title-page Hanson (E.) God s Mercy surmounting man s cruelty. Exemplified in the Captivity and Redemption of Eliz. Hanson. Third ed., pp. 30, pp. ^i, 32 wanting. Phila., printed, Danvers, reprinted [1780] Lewis (H.) Narr. of the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Harriot Lewis and her three children, taken prisoner by the Indians near St. Louis, //. 24. Boston, 1818 M Donald (P.) Surprising Ac count of the Captivity and Escape of Philip M Donald and Alex ander M Donald from the Chickkemogga Indians. Written by themselves. 3d ed., //. 1-14. Pittsfield, 1788 Patchin (F.) Captivity and Sufferings of Freegift Patchin, among the Indians, as related by himself, etc., pp. 50, title-page wanting. 5 pamphlets, ALL SCARCE. 8419 MISSIONS. WHITFIELD (H.) The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or, A Farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in New England, Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by Letters from such as preacht to them there, pp. (6), 46 ; 2 copies, one wanting title-page, the other, a leaf with preface by Joseph Caryl. VERY RARE. Sm. 4 London, pr. by T. R. and E. M. for John Bartlet, 1651 ELIOT (JOHN) and MAYHEW (Tnos.) Tears of Repentance : or, A further Narrative of the Progress of the Gos pel amongst the Indians in New England Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew ... Sm. 4 London, Peter Cole, 1653. 3 rare tracts. See Nos. 446 and 468 for collation. A good copy of Whitfield can be made, though the leaf containing Caryl s preface (often wanting) lacks upper left-hand corner. The " Tears of Repentance " lacks the dedications to Cromwell, the first leaf of " to the Cor poration " and the first leaf of " A brief relation." 8420 WHEELOCK (E.) A plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and Present State of the Indian Charity-School at Lebanon in Connecticut. Boston, 1763. 2 cop ies, both imperfect, one want, title-page, the other pp. 49-54 j A Con tinuation of the Narr. of the Indian Charity-School, from 1768 to the Incorp. with Dartmouth-Coll, and removal [to] Hanover, 1771. //. 6 1, 1771 ; A Continuation of the Narr., etc., pp. 1-16 im perfect. Hartford, 1773; A Contin. of the Narr., etc., with Authenticated ace. of monies received and expended, to 1775. //. vii, 40. [Hartford?] 1775. 2 copies, one with MS. notes by Joseph Barratt. (6 scarce pamphlets.) INDIA N LANGUA GES. 8421 Algonkin [Nipissing]. Aiamie TipadjimoSin Masinaigan ka Ojitogobanen kaiat ka MinaSisi Mekate8ikonaie8igobanen Ka- naktageng 8ak8i EnaSindibanen. pp. 396. (2 copies.) 1 8 Moniang [Montreal], 1859 Old Testament stories and the Life of Christ. 8422 Cherokee. The Cherokee singing book. Pr. for the Amer. Board of Com rs for For. Missions, pp. 88, boards. Obi. 8 Boston, 1846 INDIAN LANGUAGES. ELIOT S BIBLE. 39 8423 Languages. Choctaw. Chahta uba isht taloa holisso. Choctaw hymn book. 6th ed. 12 Boston, 1858 8424 Delaware. LIEBERKUHN (S.) The History of our Lord . . . comprehending all that the Four Evangelists have recorded con cerning him, etc. Translated into the Delaware language by Rev. D. Zeisberger. I2 New York, 1821 "... printed only for the use of Missionaries and not to be purchased." Duponceau in preface to Zeisberger s Grammar, 1827. 8425 Iroquois. Mohawk. Tsiatak NihononSentsiake OnkSeonSe Akoiaton sera, etc. Le Livre des Sept Nations ou Paroissien Iroquois, auquel on a ajoute pour 1 usage de la mission du Lac des Deux-Montagnes, quelques cantiques en langue algonquine, //. 460, cloth. (See No. 5736.) 12 Tiohtiake, J. Lovell, 1865 8426 Mohawk. The Gospel of St. Matthew, tr. into Mohawk by A. Hill, and corrected by J. A. Wilkes, jr. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1836 8427 [The Gospel of St. John.] Ne Origwadogenhty ne jinitya- wea-onh ne Royatodogenhty ne John. Tr. into the Mohawk lang. by Hill and Wilkes. (3 copies.) 12 [New York, Young Men s Bible Society, 1836] 8428 The Acts of the Apostles in the Mohawk language, tr. by H. A. Hill, with corrections by W. Hess and J. A. Wilkes, jr. 12 New York, 1835 8429 The Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews [The Epistles of James, Peter (I and II), John (I, II, III), and Jude ; the Revelation of St. John]. Tr. into Mohawk by W. Hess. (3 copies.) 12 New York, 1836 8430 The Epistles of Paul to the Philippians, the Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Tr. into Mo hawk by W. Hess. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1836 8431 Micmac. BARRATT (J.) The Indian of New England and the North-Eastern provinces With vocab. in Indian and English .... the most complete that has been given .... in the lang. of the Etchemin and Micmacs. //. 24. (4 copies.) 12 Middletown, 1851 8432 Muhhekaneew (or Mohegan) EDWARDS (Jonathan) Ob servations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. Com municated to the Conn. Society of Arts and Sciences, pp. 16, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New Haven, J. Meigs, 1788 8433 Muskokee (or Creek) FLEMING (J.) A short Sermon, also Hymns, in the Muskokee . . . language. //. 35. (3 copies.) 1 6 Boston, 1835 Massachusetts : ELIOT S BIBLE. ZACHARIAH MAYHEW S COPY. 8434 Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkin- numuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh ascowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeucomuk. Cambridge, Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green, 1685. ,0 INDIAN LANGUAGES. [New Testament :] VVusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordumun lesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the prorogation (sic} of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England 1680. 4 Dedication to the Hon. Robert Boyle, Governour, and to the Company for the Propaga tion of the Gospel, &c. (in fac-simile), i leaf (verso blank) ; Portrait of Robert Boyle from the picture in the possession of Lord Dover, i leaf (verso blank) ; Engraving of the seal of the Society ; underneath, Printed by order of the Society, John Chamberlayne, Secretary, i leaf (verso blank). Title (Indian) i leaf; Old Testament. A to Ppppp, in fours ; names of the books, i leaf (recto blank) ; N. Test. Title, i leaf (verso blank) ; Text, A2 to Kk2 ; Psalms in metre, 50 leaves, Kk3 to Yy 4 ; Catechism, i leaf, i blank leaf. Bound in at the end is a translation of the (so-called) Catechism by J. Hammond Trumbull, dated Jan., 1865, and privately printed by J. Munsell, Albany, 1865. At the end of all is a leaf containing another engraving of the seal of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, &c., differing slightly from the first, and having on the scroll beneath, The Gift of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign parts, 1704. On the fly leaf in the begin ning is written " Zachariah Mayhews, Ano. 1759." Richly and elegantly bound by Bedford, in grosgrain levant brown morocco, sides double paneled, blind and gold, with center ornaments; gilt edges, with gilt inside borders, and lining and guard leaves of vellum ; in a Solander case of olive morocco, lined with velvet. The page measures 7x5! in. at the top. Some few leaves (perhaps a dozen) are rather closely trimmed, cutting into catch words ; the text is sound. ELIOT S BIBLE. JOHN PICKERINGS COPY. 8435 -- Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkin- numuknashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. Cambridge, Printeuwp nashpe Samuel Green, 1685. [New Testament:] VVusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordumun lesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the Propogation (sic) of the Gospel among the Indians in New England 1680. 4 A bright and fresh copy, in sound old (the original) binding ; a slight water-stain on the inner corner of a portion of the O. T. (Kings to Psalms). The page measures about 7i inches by 5^ at the head ; but the volume was badly trimmed, and is nearly a quarter of an inch narrow at the foot. Some of the marginal references, on the lower half of the pages, have been cut into. It has not the leaf containing the " Catechism," at the end of the Psalms in Metre. The second edition, revised by J. Cotton, which is the more valuable to students. This is an excellent working and reference copy. It formerly be longed to Dr. John Pickering, whose autograph is on a fragment of a guard leaf. 8436 Osag-e. Washashe Wageressa Pahwgreh Tse. The Osage first book, //. 126, scarce. 18 Boston, 1834 8437 Potawotomi. The Gospel according to Matthew, and the Acts of the Apostles, trans, into the Putawotomie language by Johnston Lykins,//. 240, sheep, SCARCE. 16 Louisville, Ky., 1844 8438 TRACTS. Chahta Holisso. //. 108. Boston, 1830 Chahta Uba isht Taloa Holisso. Choctaw hymn book. 6th ed. //. 252. Boston, 1858 The Muskoki Imunaitsu. Muskokee (Creek) Assistant. //. 101. Boston, 1834 Triumphant Deaths of pious Children. In the Choctaw language. //. 54. Boston, 1835 Washashe Wageressa Pahwgreh Tse. The Osage First Book, SCARCE, pp. 126. Boston, 1834. 5 in one vol., hf. bound. JAMAICA JERSEY PRISON SHIP. 4! oooo -- See also, TRUMBULL (J. H.) Nos. 9185-9187. 8439 ISRAEL (J.) and LUNDT (H.) Journal of a cruize in the U. S. ship Delaware in the Mediterranean, 1833-34, with a sketch of a journey to Jerusalem, pp. 106. 16 Mahon, 1835 VERY SCARCE. The appendix contains a list of the crew and of the deaths on board the Delaware, 1833-35. 8440 [JACKSON (Rich.)] The Interest of Great Britain considered with Regard to her Colonies and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. Added, Obs. cone, the Increase of Mankind, &c., PP- 59 (5)- 8 Boston, Reprinted by B. Mecom, 1760 Ascribed by his nephew to Benj. Franklin. See note to 3270. Has the autograph of [Gen.] JAS. WARREN on title page (partly cut off). 8441 JAMAICA. To the | King s most Excellent Majesty | in Council, | The HUMBLE | PETITION | AND | MEMORIAL | of the | Assem bly of Jamaica | [Voted in Assembly, on the 28th of | December, 1774,1 pp. 8. 8 Phila., W. and T. Bradford, 1775 VERY SCARCE. Not found in Hildeburn s Press in Pennsylvania. 8442 JAY (John.) Letters, being the whole of the Correspondence with Lewis Littlepage, pp. 16, half vellum, top edges injured, slightly impairing the text. ^ New York, 1786 First edition, VERY SCARCE. Mr. Jay befriended Littlepage, took him into his family and lent him a considerable sum of money. Some years after Mr. Jay arrested him for the debt, when he was challenged by Littlepage. Mr. Jay complains of the pecuniary impositions and abuse from the man " with my money in his pocket and my meat still sticking in his teeth." (See Allen s Amer. Biog. Diet. 3d ed.) 8443 The same : New and correct ed. Added, an Appendix, //. 54, half vellum, last part stained. 4 New York, 1786 8444 The same : paper, a better copy than the preceding. 4 New York, 1786 8445 LITTLEPAGE (Lewis) Answer to a Pamphlet, containing the Corresp. between John Jay and Lewis Littlepage, pp. 29, half morocco, somewhat stained. 4 New York, [1786] 8446 JEFFERSON (T.) Notes on the State of Virginia. First Ameri can edition. 8 Phila., Prichard and Hall, 1788 8447 -- The same : 8th Am. ed. with map, and portrait, calf. 8 Boston, 1 80 1 8448 The same : 8th Am. ed., paper, map and portrait. 8 Boston, 1801 8 449 -_ CLINTON (DEWiir) A Vindication of Th. Jefferson against the charges in a pamphlet entitled " Serious Considerations," etc. By Grotius. 8 New York, 1800 8450 Jersey Prison Ship. ANDROS (J.) The old Jersey Captive ; or a narrative of [his] captivity on board the Jersey Prison Ship at New York, 1781 (2 copies.) 12 Boston, 1833 8451 [TAYLOR (G.)] Martyrs to the Revolution in the British prison-ships in Wallabout Bay, map, pp. 64 (2 copies.) 8 New York, 1855 8452 Jersey Prison Ship, Siege of Yorktown, etc. - - DRING (T.) Recollections of the Jersey prison ship ; prepared for pub. by A. G. Greene. [With plates,] pp. 147- Providence, R. I., 1829 v 6 4 2 JERSEY PRISON SHIP KENTUCKY. BURGOYNE (J.) A Suppl. to the State of the Exped. from Canada, containing Gen. Burgoyne s Orders, etc., pp. 26. London, 1780. New York, privately reprinted [for F. S. Hoffmann] 1865 GRAVES (W.) Two letters respecting the conduct of Rear Admiral Graves on the coast of the U. S., July to November, 1781, //. 39. Morrisania, N. Y., 1865 Orderly-book of the Siege of Yorktown, Sept. 26 to Nov. 2d, 1781. Now first printed from the original MSS., p*. 66. Phila., 1865, 4 in i vol. roy. 4. The above are all privately printed, in editions of one hundred copies or less, and signed. Newly bound in half strained green morocco (Roxburgh*}. 8453 JEWITT (John R.) Narrative of the ... sufferings of J. R. Jewitt, only survivor of the crew of the ship Boston during a captivity among the savages of Nootka Sound. 12 Middletown, 1815 8454 JOHNSON (C. B.) Letters from the British settlement in Penn sylvania, map. 12 Phila., 1819 8455 [JOHNSON (Sam 1 ) ZZ.Z>.] Taxation no Tyranny; answer to the Resolutions and Address of the Amer. Congress, pp. 91, cloth. 8 London, pr. for T. Cadell, 1775 8456 JOHNSON (Sam 1 ) D.D. CHANDLER (J. B.) Life of S. John son, D.D., the first President of King s College in New- York. Added, an App. 12 New York, 1805 8457 JONES (E. T.) English System of Book-keeping, etc. First Am. ed, calf. 4 New York, 1796 8458 JOUET (Cavalier) Letter to the Rev. Dr. Beach on his and the Rev. Richard Moor s illiberal treatment of the author. 4 New York, 1795 8459 JUDAH (Sam 1 B. H.) A Tale of Lexington, a National Comedy, founded on the opening of the Revolution. 12 New York, 1823 8460 KALM (Peter) Travels into N. America ; its natural history . . . plantations and agriculture. Tr. by J. R. Foster. With a map, cuts, and notes. 3 vols., old polished calf. 8 Warrington, 1770 KENTUCKY. 8461 BUTLER (Mann) History of the commonwealth of Kentucky. 2d edition enlarged, polished calf, gilt, inside borders {W. Pratt, for Henry Stevens), a very fine copy. 8 Cincinnati, 1836 8462 FILSON (J.) The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke To which is added, an app. containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, etc., pp. 118, polished calf , gilt (Bedford), a beautiful copy. 8 Wilmington, James Adams, 1784 A VERY RARE book ; has sold as high as #120. See IMLAY (G.) 8463 -- IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of America annexed, a Delineation of the laws and government of the State of Kentucky ; and The Disc., Settle ment, and present state of Kentucky, and the Topography and Natural History of that country, etc. By John Filson. 2 vols. 12 New York, S. Campbell, 1793 The second volume contains the reprint of Filson. KENTUCKY LENDRUM (j.) 43 8464 -- McMuRTRiE (H.) M.D. Sketches of Louisville and its en virons, including a Florula Louisvillensis, map, boards, (2 copies, one uncut,) scarce. 8 Louisville, S. Penn, Jun., 1819 8465 - - MOREHEAD (J. T.) Address in commem. of the settlement of Kentucky, at Boonesborough, May 25, 1840. [With Hist. App.] (2 copies.) 8 Frankfort, Ky., 1841 8466 Mammoth Cave. WARD. Plan and Description of the Great and wonderful cave, etc., broadside, much torn and soiled. 8467 KNIGHT (Mrs. Sarah) Private Journal kept by Madam Knight, on a journey from Boston to New York, in the year 1704. pp. 70 BUCKINGHAM (REV. J.) Private journals of the expedi tion against Canada, in i7io-n,//. 73-129, SCARCE, see No. 320; half -bound. 12 New York, 1825 8468 KNIGHT (Mrs. Sarah) Autographs. A volume of religious tracts containing her autograph in two places, "Sarah Kemble " and "S. Knight," also that of her mother (?) " Eliz a Kemble" in two places, and other marks by Mad. Knight. 8469 LACKINGTON (J.) Confessions, in letters to a friend. 12 New York, 1808 8470 LARKIN (S.) The Nightingale, a Collection of ancient and modern Songs, set to music. 8 Portsmouth, N. H., 1804 8471 LAW (Andrew) A Collection of Hymn tunes, from the most modern and approv d authors, and a Collection of Hymns for Social Worship. (See note to No. 5935.) 8 Cheshire, Conn.,pr. by W. Law [1782] 8472 LAWRENCE (Wm. R.) Charities of France in 1866; an account of some of the principal existing charitable institutions in that country. Not published. 8 Boston, 1867 8473 LE BEAU (C.) Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, ou Voyage curi- eux et nouveau parmi les Sauvages de 1 Ame rique Septentrionale, map and plates, 2 vols., old calf . 12 Amsterdam, 1738 This copy has the book plate of F. E. v. W. ; has also MS. note and autogr. of Judge Davis of Mass., editor of Morton s " N. E. Memorial." 8474 LED YARD (J.) A Journal of Captain Cook s last voyage to the Pacific Ocean, .... in the years 1776, 77, 78 and 79. Illus. with a Chart, shewing the Tracks of the Ships, pp. 208, paper, also pp. 1-80 of another copy: 12 Hartford, Nathl. Patten, 1783 " Very rare." Sabin. 8475 LEMERCIER (Andrew) A Treatise on Detraction. In Ten Sections,//. 303, with name on title; (see No. 7594-) 8 Boston, Daniel Henchman, 1733 8476 LENDRUM (John) A Concise and Impartial History of the Amer. Revolution. Prefixed, a general Hist, of North and South Amer. etc. 2 vols. - 12 Boston, printed, Trenton, re-printed 1811 Vol. I lacks a map. Vol. II has "MEMOIRS OF GENERAL WASHINGTON," and the " Oration on his death," by Rev. Sam 1 Stanhope Smith ; with a portrait by Anderson, which forms//. 229-371 of the work; not noticed by Sabin. 44 L ESTRANGE LOUISIANA. 8477 L ESTRANGE (Roger) The Observator. In Dialogue. Apr- 13, i68i-March 9, 1686-7. 3 vols. in 2, port., calf. i London, pr. for Joanna Brome, 1681-7 New England affairs are considered in various nos. ; see, nos. 40, 173-174, 176-194. 8478 A Letter from Scots Sawney the Barber to Mr. Wilkes, an Eng lish Parliamenter, //. 8. Boston, n. d. A Letter to a certain Gentleman that was (for no Reason) prejudiced against the Au thor. Written 1712; also, to the Rev. Mr. Peter Thacher of Milton, and other Poems, pp. 16. {Boston, 1712 ?] (2 pphs.) 8479 Letter to the Earl of Hilsborough, on affairs in America. Also an Appendix,//. 55, half bound. 8 London, printed, Boston, reprinted by Edes &> Gill, 1769 8480 Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, from Governor Bernard, Gen. Gage, and the Hon. his Majesty s Council for the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. With an App. containing divers Proceed, referred to in the said Letters, //. 83, hf. vellum. 1. 8 Boston, pr. by Edes and Gill, 1769 8481 Liberty of Conscience in its order to Universal Peace, impar tially stated and proved, pp. 146, hf. bd. sm. 4 London, [1681] Title and a few other pages close trimmed ; a number of pen marks are scattered through the volume, only slightly disfiguring it however. 8482 LINCOLN (B.) Narrative of the Capture, Sufferings and Escape of Capt. Barnabas Lincoln and his crew, who were taken. . . . Dec. 1821, off Key Largo; with facts illus. the character of piratical cruisers. Written by himself, pp. 40, uncut, (2 copies.) 8 Boston, 1822 8483 LINSCHOTEN (J. H.) Navigatio ac Itinerarivm lohannis Hvgo- nis Linscotani in Orientalem sive Lvsitanorvm Indiani Collecta omnia ac descripta per eundem Belgice; Nunc vero Lat- ine reddita, //. (4) 124, hf. bound, a clean copy, in good condition. 1. 8 Hagae-Comitis apud sEgidium Elsevirum, 1599 8484 [LIVINGSTON (Wm.)] A Review of the Military Operations in N. America, from . . . the French Hostilities .... 1753 to the Sur render of Oswego, 1756 pp. 1 68 (should be 170), uncut. 8 New York, A. and J. Robertson, 1770 8484* LIVINGSTON (W.) Vindic. of the Bp. of LandafFs Sermon from the gross misrepresentations, etc., in Mr. Wm. Livingston s Letter to his lordship ; with add. observ. By a lover of truth and de cency, pp. viii, 82. 8 New York, pr. by J. Holt, 1768 8485 LOCKE (John) An Essay concerning .... civil government, //. 129. 8 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1773 8486 -- Letter cone. Toleration. 3ded.,//. 77; autogr. present, from Rev. EleazerWheelock, on title. 8 Bost., Rogers and Fowle, 1743 8487 LONGBOTHAM (B. T.) A Treatise on Dentistry, explaining the diseases of the teeth and gums ; added, Dentition, with rules, etc. 1 6 Baltimore, 1802 LOUISIANA. BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana; with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in i8n,//. 304, paper. 8 Pittsburgh, 1814 LOUISIANA MAINE. 45 8489 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana; containing geographical, historical and statistical notices. 12 Baltimore, 1817 8490 -- STODDARD (Maj. Amos) Sketches, Historical and Descrip tive of Louisiana, cloth. 8 Phila. 1812 8491 PAMPHLETS (3) BISHOP (A.) Oration on the Acqui sition of Louisiana. New Haven, 1804 BRAZER (S.) Acldr. in commem. of the Cession of Louisiana. 2d ed. Worcester, 1804 LEONARD (D. A.) Oration on the late acquisition of Louis iana. Newport, (R. Z,) 1804. 8492 LOVE (J.) Geodaesia; or the Art of Surveying and Measur ing Land made easy. i2th ed. 8 New York, 1793 8493 LOVELL (James) Propagation of Truth; or, "Tyranny anato mized," in four letters. With notes, pp. 29. 8 Boston, 1808 8494 LUDEWIG (H. E.) The Literature of American local history; a bibliographical essay, pp. 180. 8 New York, 1846 8495 LUTYENS (G. N.) Life and Adventures of Moses Nathan Israel. 8 Easton (Pa.), 1815 8496 LYMAN (Theodore,//-.) Report of a trial at Boston, Dec. i6th and 1 7th, 1828, of T. Lyman, Jr., for an alleged libel on Daniel Webster. By J. W. Whitman, pp. 76, paper. 8 Boston, 1828 8497 LYON (G. F.) Private Journal of Capt. G. F. Lyon, of H. M. S. Hecla, during the recent voyage of discovery under Capt. Parry, half calf , gilt. 12 Boston, 1824 8498 MADEIRA. Voyage, to Madeira and the Leeward Caribbean Islands ; with sketches of the natural history. By Maria R , boards. 12 Salem, 1802 8499 MCCLELLAN (Gen. G. B.) Army of the Potomac. Report, Aug. 4, 1863, with an account of the campaign in Western Virginia, maps and plans, large paper, uncut, cloth. 4 New York, 1864 8500 MCKENNEY (T. L.) Sketches of a tour to the Lakes, character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of .... the treaty of Fon du Lac. Also a vocab. of the Algic or Chippeway language. With engravings, etc., sheep, good copy. 8 Baltimore, 1827 MAINE. 8501 -- GREENLEAF (Jona.) Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine, calf. 12 Portsmouth, 1821 8502 GREENLEAF (Moses) A Statistical View of the District of Maine . . . with ref. to the value and importance of its interior, boards (3 copies.) 8 Boston, 1816 8503 - - MASSACHUSETTS. Order of both branches of the legislature to appoint commissioners to investigate the causes of the difficul ties in the county of Lincoln, pp. 173, (i). 8 Boston, 1811 8504 SMITH (T.) Extracts from the Journals of Rev. Tho. Smith, pastor... in Falmouth, 1720-1788. With an App. Selected by Samuel Freeman, boards. 12 Portland, 1821 8505 SULLIVAN (J.) History of the District of Maine, map, calf. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1795 SAMUEL G. DRAKE S copy with his MS. corrections. 4 5 MAINE, TOWN HISTORIES MARYLAND. gr 6 - TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. Biddeford. FOLSOM (G.) His tory of Saco and Biddeford, with notices of other early settlements and of the proprietary governments, boards, scarce. 12 Saco, 1830. Fryeburg. DAVEIS (C. S.) Historical Address. May 19, 825, hf. bound. 8 Portland, 1825 8 - o7 _ oxford Co. STONE (T. T.) Sketches of Oxford County. 12 Portland, 1830 0000 _ Saco. See Biddeford, No. 8506. 8508 Acton. FULLONTON (J.) History of Acton,//. 36. Dover, 1847 -- Bridgton. CRAM (M.) Addr. at dedic. of the town house. Portland, 1852 (3 cop.) Buxton. WILLIAMS (N. W.) Centenn. Addr. Portland, 1850 (2 cop.) Eastport. WESTON (J. D.) Hist, of Eastport and vicinity, a lecture. Boston, 1834 - Fryeburg. DAVEIS (C. S.) Addr. at commemoration, 1825. Port land, 1825 Gorham. PIERCE (J.) Centenn. Addr. 1825. Port land, 1825 Piscataqua Assoc. Hist, notices, with obs. on an article in the Christian Exam., by Jona. French, pp. 24. Boston, jgtjo Shapleigh. LORING (A.) Hist, of Shapleigh, pp. 40. Portland, 1854 Windham. SMITH (T. L.) Hist. Addr. at the centenn. of Windham. Portland, 1840 (6 cop.) (17 pamphlets.) 8509 Maine Missionary Society. Sermons delivered before the Maine Miss. Society, 1837, 39- 48. (n pamphlets.) 8 Portland, 1837-48 8510 The Manual of Liberty: or Testimonies in behalf of the rights of mankind, selected . . . prose and verse. 8 London, 1795 8511 MANWARING (C.) Essays, historical, etc. 12 New Lond., 1829 8512 MARCH (D.) Yankee land and the Yankee [and other poems], cloth. 12 Hartford, 1840 8513 MARQUETTE (J.) Voyage et Decouverte de Quel ques Pays et Nations de 1 Amerique Septentrionale. Par le P. Marquette et Sr. Joliet, //. 43, map ; dk. blue morocco, gilt edges and gilt inside borders. 16 Paris, 1681, reprinted, 1845 This copy is No. 118 of the 125 copies reprinted for Mr. Obadiah Rich, and has his autograph. 8514 MARRANT (J.) A Narrative of the Lord s wonderful dealings with John Marrant, a black, Born in New York .... from his own relation, arr. and cor. by Rev. Mr. Aldridge. 3d ed., paper. 8 Yarmouth (Eng.\ 1824 8515 MARYLAND. [DENNIS (L. P.)] Address to the people of Maryland, on the Origin, Progress and Present State of the French aggression, with a Sketch of the Infamous Attempts to degrade the government of the U. S., etc., pp. 76, iv, uncut, decayed edges, scarce. Phila., 1798 GRIFFITH (T. W.) Sketches of the Early History of Md., //. 75, uncut. Baltimore, 1821. (2 pamphlets.) 8516 -- KEITH (G.) The Power of the Gospel in the Conversion of Sinners, a Ser. preach d at Annapolis in Maryland .... July the 4th, pp. (2), 19 ; from title to p. 5 wanting. VERY RARE Sabin. sm. 4 Annapolis, pr. and to be sold by Thos. Reading^ 1703 Isaiah Thomas had heard of no press in Maryland before 1 726. See note to No. 3672. MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS. 47 8517 Baltimore. Mob of 1812. An Exact and Authentic Nar of the Events on the 2 ;th and 2 8th of July last Added, a Nar. of Mr. John Thomson, one of the sufferers, &c., //. 71, boards. 24 n. p., Printed for the Purchasers, 1812 8518 UMPHRAVILLE (Angus) The Siege of Baltimore and the Bat tle of La Tranche, with other Poems, first leaf slightly defective, pp (12), 144, boards. I2 Baltimore, 1817 8519 MASONRY. Constitutions of the anc. and hon. fraternity of F. and A. Masons .... with the hist, and regulations of the Grand Lodge of Mass., Comp. by Rev. T. M. Harris. 2d ed. rev., front ispiece, pp. (8), 288, calf. 4 Worcester, 1798 oooo -- See MORGAN (Wm.) No. 8659. MASSACHUSETTS. oooo See also for Massachusetts matter such collections as Nos. 9059, 9065, 9067, 9078, 9091-93. 8520 Address of the Convention for framing a Constitution to their constituents. Boston, 1780, MS. table of contents Cata- logus eorum qui in Univ. Harvardiana, ab anno 1642 ad annum 1782. Boston, 1782, 2 in i vol., calf. 8521 Constitution of the State of Mass, and of the U. S. ; the Declar. of Independence, with Washington s Farewell Address, boards (2 copies.) 16 Brookfield, 1807 8522 - Debates, Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Conven tion convened Jan. 9, 1788,10 ratify the [Federal] Constitution; with the Constitution prefixed,/^/-. 12 Boston, 1788 8523 BOUNDARY. A Conference between the Commissaries of Massachusetts-Bay and the Commissaries of New- York ; at New Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, I767,//. (2), 26, (i), 9, paper, stained, VERY SCARCE. 4 Boston, Richard Draper, 1768 " Col Higginson " in ink, and " Jno. Pickering s " in pencil on title. 8524 Mass. Charitable Fire Society, Act of Incorp., etc., 1805 ; Addr. at the Annual Meetings, by A. Welles, 1797 ; J. Q. Adams, 1802 (3 cop.) ; J. S. J. Gardiner, 1803 ; B. Pollard, 1811 ; A. H. Everett, 1813; B. Whitwell, 1814. (9 pamphlets.) 8525 -- COOPER (S.) A Ser. preached before the Governour, the Senate and Ho. of Reps of Mass., Oct. 25, 1780, being the day of the commencement of the Constitution,//. (2), 55, hf. calf. 8 [Boston, 1780] 8526 -- CUSHING (Abel) Historical Letters on the First Charter of Mass. Government, boards. 16 Boston, 1839 8527 DICKINSON (R.) Geographical and statistical view of Mas sachusetts, boards. (2 copies.) 8 Greenfield, 1813 8528 Election Sermons, 1670, 1676. DANFORTH (Sam l) A Brief Recognition of New England s Errand into the Wilderness,//. (6), 23, badly torn. sm. 4 Cambridge, S. G. 6- M. J., 1670- HUBBARD (Wm.) The Happinesse of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers,//. (8), 63. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1676 Two EXTREMELY RARE pamphlets. See note to No. 779, regarding Isaiah Thomas statement, that the one by Hubbard was the first book printed in Boston. 48 MASSACHUSETTS; ELECTION SERMONS. 8529 ELECTION SERMONS: S. Belcher, 1707 E. Pemberton, 1710; B. Wadsworth, 1716; B. Colman, 17 18(2 cop.); W. Williams, 1719; E. Thayer, 1725 ; R. Breck, 1728; T. Prince, 1730; S. Wig- glesworth, 1733 ; J. Barnard, 1734; E. Holyoke, 1736 (2 cop.) ; P. Clark, 1739; W. Cooper, 1740; W. Williams, 1741 ; N. Appleton, 1742. 15 sermons, (18 pamphlets,) i vol. hf. bound. The Sermon for 1707 lacks title. Several of these are uncut. No sermons were printed for 1713 and 1717. 8530 ELECTION SERMONS: B. Colman, 1718; J. Hancock, 1722; B. Colman, 1723; J. Sewall, 1724; E. Thayer, 1725; P. Thacher, 1726 ; J. Baxter, 1727 ; R. Breck, 1728. 8 sermons in i vol. sheep. 8531 ELECTION SERMONS: 1730, 1746-50, 1753, 56, 59, 61-63, 69, 70 ; with A. Eliot s Thanksgiving Ser. for the Reduction of Quebec, 1759, and J. SewalPs Thursday-Lecture Ser. on the Reduc tion of the Havannah, 1762. 16 sermons in i vol., half-bound. Mr. Prince s sermon for 1730 has the autograph of Thos. Hutchinson, Aug. 14, 73. Notice in connection with this and the two lots following that no Election Sermon was preached in 1752, or 1764. (See Nos. 1486, 1487.) 8532 -- ELECTION SERMONS: J. Barnard, 1746; C. Chauncy, 1747 (2 cop.); W. Balch, 1749; S. Phillips, 1750; W. Welsteed, 1751 (3 cop., i uncut) ; J. Mayhevv, 1754; S. Checkley, 1755; S. Cooper, 1756; E. Pemberton, 1757; T. Frink, 1758; J. Parsons, 1759; S. Dunbar, 1760. 12 sermons, 6 uncut. (15 pamphlets.) 8533 -- ELECTION SERMONS : B. Stevens, 1761 ; A. Williams, 1762 ; T. Barnard, 1763; A. Eliot, 1765 (2 cop.); E. Bridge, 1767; J. Haven, 1769 (2 cop.); S. Cooke, 1770; J. Tucker, 1771 ;-M. Par sons, 1772; C.Turner, 1773; G. Hitchcock, 1774; S. Langdon s Ser. bef. the Provincial Congress, May 31, 1775 (2 cop.) ; W. Gor don s Ser. bef. the Genl. Court, July 19, 1775; S. West, 1776; S. Webster, 1777; P. Payson, 1778; S. Stillman, 1779; S. Howard, 1780. 18 sermons, 12 uncut. (21 pamphlets.) 8534 ELECTION SERMONS: 1772-1785, inclusive, with Langdon s and Gordon s Sermons of 1775, E. Dorr s Ser. bef. the Connecti cut Assembly, 1765, and S. Cooper s Ser. on the Commencement of the Constitution, 1780. 17 sermons in i vol., calf. 8 535 -~ ELECTION SERMONS : 1781-84. 1786-90, 1812, 1842, 1847-49, 5*5 53 7 1 - ( 2 CO P- f r 788, 89, 90.) 17 sermons, several uncut. (20 pamphlets.) 8536 -- EMERSON (G. B.) Report on the Trees and Shrubs of Mas sachusetts, paper. 8 Boston, 1846 8 537 ~- General Association of Massachusetts. Minutes, 1818, 1819, 1820. (5 pamphlets.) 8 Boston, 1818-20 8538 ~- General Convention of Congregational Ministers. Sermons: C. MATHER, 1722, //. 45, Boston, 1722 ; W. Williams, 1726,^. 28, Boston, S. Gerrish and D. Henchman, 1726 (2 cop.); Lord (J.) Let ter to the Convention in 1728, with the Sentence of Excommuni cation passed on Two that were members of the Church in Chat ham, etc., pp. (4), 10, 4. Boston, 1734; Sermons : J. Barnard, 1738 ; E. Holyoke, 1741 (2 cop.); I. Loring, 1742; N. Appleton, 1743; C. Chauncy, 1744; E. Gay, 1746: S. Phillips, 1753 (3 cop.); W. MASSACHUSETTS. A c 7 % ; u j> Tow , nsend 758; W. Balch, 1760; E. Parkman, 1761 ; S. Mather, 1762 ; J. Tucker, 1768; S. Locke, 1772 ; E Bar nard, 1773; T. Barnard, 1793; Proceedings of the Convention. mng, 1816 ; Inquiry into the right to change the ecclesiastical con stitution, 1816; Sermons: A. Hyde, 1817; H. Ware, 1818 A Holmes, 1819 (2 cop.); A. Bancroft, 1820; Histor. Sketch of the Convention, 1821 (2 cop.); Sermons: E. Parish, 1821; Z. S Moore, 1822; L. Woods, 1823; A. Abbot, 1827; Rights of the Congregational Parishes of Mass., 1827 ; Sermons : E. D. Griffin, 1828 ; J. Codrnan, 1831 ; M. Hopkins, 1845 ( 2 CO P-) ; A. Lamson 1846; N. Adams, 1849; E - A. Park, 1850; J. Woodbridge, i8ci J. Todd, 1853. (60 pamphlets.) The greater number of these sermons are uncut, and many are scarce. See No. 1173. 8 539 HUTCHINSON (Thomas) Governor. The History of the Prov ince of Mass. Bay, from 1628 to 1691. Boston, 1764 (with autog. of Thos. Wentworth on title] The same .... from 1691 to 1750! Boston, 1767 -- The same .... from 1750 to June, 1774, vol. iii, UNCUT. London, J. Murray, 1828; 3 vols., 2 calf, i paper. 8540 - - The History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1691. Boston, 1764 The same .... from 1691 to 1750. Boston, 1767 A Coll. of Orig. Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Mass. Bay. Boston, 1769 The Hist, of the Prov ince of Mass. Bay, from 1750 to June 1774, vol. iii, uncut, Lon don^. Murray, 1828; 4 vols., 3 calf, i paper. 8541 - - Hist, of the Prov. of Mass. Bay, 1750-1774 ; vol. iii, paper, uncut. 8 London, John Miirray, 1828 8542 MAUDUIT (I.) A short view of the Hist, of the Col. of Mas sachusetts Bay, with respect to their charters and constitution ; second ed. added the orig. charter. London, 1774 TUCKER (J.) dean of Glocester. Four Tracts, together with Two Sermons, on political and commercial subjects. Glocester, 1774 Letter to Dr. Tucker on his proposal of a separation between Great Britain and her Amer. Colonies,//. 36. 8 Lond., 1774. 3 in i vol., calf. This copy contains the book-plate of Samuel Strutt, Esq. 8543 MINOT (G. R.) Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from the year 1748, 2 vols., calf. 8 Boston, 1798, 1803 8544 History of the Insurrections in Mass, in 1786. Second z&., paper. 8 Bost., 1810 [SULLIVAN (J.)] The Path to Riches .... Principles of Stocks and Banks [with] Thoughts respecting a Bank for the Commonwealth. By a Citizen of Mass.,//. 77. (2 pamphlets.) 8 Boston, 1792. 8545 Massachusetts Missionary Society. Sermons before the Soc. by S. Niles, 1801 (2 cop.); S. Spring, 1802; S. Austin, 1803; A. Holmes, 1804; P. Litchneld, 1805; J. Norton, 1810; T. Dickin son, 1811. (8 pamphlets.) v 7 50 MASSACHUSETTS; TOWN HISTORY. 8546 Massachusetts Pastoral Association. Sermons preached bef. the Assoc., by E. D. Griffin, 1825 ; J. Codman, 1836 ; J. Nelson, 1837 ; M. Hopkins, 1843. (4 pamphlets.) 8547 WOOD (I.) Massachusetts Compendium, stating the Bounda ries of the several Counties and Towns, and a description of the District of Maine [1814, 1816.] 2 vols., boards. 1 6 Hallowdl, 1814, Portland, 1816 8548 Broadsides. Thanksgiving and Fast Proclamations, etc. In cludes 41 proclamations, 1727-79, 1810-27; Resolution in Coun cil, State of Massachusetts-Bay, 1779, on the conduct of the War; Tax assessment, with Autogr. of THOS. IVERS (Treas.) ; Declar. of Rights ; Apportionment of levy upon the several towns, par ishes, etc., 1772, Autogr. signature of H\arrisori\ Gray (Treas.); List of Polls and of estates, real and personal .... of Holliston, Chelmsford, and Framingham, n. d. (MS.), and others. TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8549 Abington. HOBART (A.) Historical Sketch of Abington, pp. 176, cloth. 8 Boston, 1839 8550 Acton. ADAMS (J.) Centenn. Address, 1835 Amherst, Amherst College. HUMPHREY (H.) Inaug. Addr. as President, 1823 (2 cop.); Statement of affairs of Amherst Coll., 1824; Re port of committee, 1825 ; Two Reports of the faculty, 1827 ; Out line of system of instruction, 1827 ; Cat. of trustees, instructors and students, 1827, 28 ; HITCHCOCK (E.) Cat. of plants growing in the vicinity, 1829 ; GUSHING (C.) Oration before the literary soci eties, 1836; HITCHCOCK (E.) Inaug. Addr., 1845 (3 CO P-) > C AL ~ HOUN (W.B.) Addr. at dedic. of new cabinet and observatory, 1848; Cat. of Amherst Coll., 1855-6 ; STEARNS (W. A.) Disc, on educated manhood, 1859. (17 pamphlets.) 8551 Andover. CHURCH (J. H.) Fast-Day Sermon, 1810; Consti tution, etc., of the Theological Sem., with sketch of, to 1808 ; Laws of Theolog. Sem., 1817; Catalogue, 1836 Ashburnham. GUSH ING (J.) Half-Cent. Sermon, 1818 Athol. CLARKE (S. F.) Cen tenn. Disc.,//. 95, 1850 (2 cop.) Attleborough. DAGGETT (J.) Sketch of [its] history,//. 136, 1834; CRANE (J.) Hist. Sketch of 2d Cong. Ch., 1848 (2 cop.) Barnstable. [FREEMAN (J.)] De scription of the eastern coast of the county of Barnstable, by a member of the Humane Soc., //. 15, 1802 (2 cop.); Cape Cod Centenn. Celebration, 1839 (3 cop.) ; PALFREY (J. G.) Centenn. Disc., 1839; Barnstable Conference. Constitution and Hist., 1846 (2 cop.) Barre. MOORE (E. D.) Farewell Ser., 1842 ; THOMP SON (J.) 37th Anniv. Ser., 1841 (2 cop.) ; Fifty Years Ser. with app., //. 91, 1854 Berkley. Review of the Berkley Case, 1831. (23 pamphlets.) 8552 Berkshire Co. COLMAN (H.) Report upon the agriculture of Berkshire, 1838. 8 Boston, 1839 8 553 FIELD (D. D.), DEWEY (C.) and others. , History of the County, map, plates, calf. 12 Pittsfield, 1829 8 S54 JUBILEE, celebrated at Pittsfield, 1844, cloth. 8 Albany, 1845 TOWN HISTORY BOSTON; CHURCHES. 51 8555 -- Beverly. STONE (E. M.) Dedication Sermon, 18.8- Billerica CUMINGS (H ) Half-Cent. Disc., 1813; FARMER (J.) Histor. Memoir of Billenca, 1816, uncut Blandford. GIBBS (W. H.) Histor. Addr., 1850 (2 cop.) Bolton. ADAMS (Z.) Answer to a pamphlet entitled "A Treatise on Church Govern ment," pp. 87, 1773 (2 cop., i uncut;] [CHAPLIN (E.)] A Trea tise on Church Government, 1773 ; A Second Treatise on Church Government, 1773. . (g pamphlets.) BOSTON. oooo See No. 9068. 8556 - - ALMANACS. The Boston Almanac, by S. N. Dickinson, 1843 44, 46, 47, 50, 6 vols., doth, sm. 12. 8 557 - - The American Alarm, or the Bostonian Plea, for the Rights, and Liberties, of the People, humbly Addressed to the King and Council, and to the Constitutional Sons of Liberty, in America. By the British Bostonian, pp. 35, 8, 9, 16, half morocco, very neat, uncut. 8 Boston, D. Kneeland, & N. Davis, 1773 By the author (John Allen?) of "An Oration on the Beauties of Liberty" Dec - 1773. See Nos. 8838, 8839. 8558 ARTILLERY ELECTION SERMONS. Mather Byles, 1740, 3d ed., 1769, (" a gift from the author to me, Wm. Lawrence" ) ; S. Cooper, 1751 ; T. Barnard, 1758 ; S. Howard, 1773 ; J. Lathrop, 1774, hf. morocco; A. Abbot, 1802; J. S. J. Gardiner, 1823 (2 cop.); N. Frothingham, 1825 (2 cop.); B. Whitman, 1829; S. Barrett, 1831 ; C. W. Upham, 1832 ; J. G. Palfrey, 1835 i C. Robbins, 1836 ; S. K. Lothrop, 1838 (4 cop.); O. A. Skinner, 1839; D - Sharp, 1840 (2 cop.) ; C. Hitchcock, 1841 (2 cop.) ; J. S. C. Abbott, 1842 ; H. A. Miles, 1843; A - H. Vinton, 1845; G - E - Elli s, 1846; T. P. Tyler, 1848 (2 cop.): T. M. Clark, 1849; J- Woart, 1850; H. Winslow, 1853; G. W. Burnap, 1854; G. D. Wildes, 1855. (36 pamphlets.) 8 559 ~ ~ BRIDGMAN (T.) Epitaphs from Copp s Hill burying-ground, with notes, cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 Presentation copy to Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, from the author. CHURCHES. 8560 First Church. EMERSON (W.) Hist. Sketch of the First Church. Added, two Sermons, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1812 8561 Second Church. ROBBINS (C.) History of the Second or Old North Church ; added, a history of the New Brick Church, cloth, plates. 8 Boston, 1852 8562 Two [Historical] Sermons, March 10, 1844(2 cop.) WARE (H.) Two Century Disc. Hist, of the Old North and New Brick Churches, pp. 60, 1821. (3 pamphlets.) 8563 North Church. CHECKLEY (S.) Sermon to Soldiers going against Crown Point,//. 31, 1755 New North Church. A Vin dication of the New-North-Church in Boston from Several False hoods spread in a Pamphlet lately published, etc., pp. (2), 14. 16 Boston, pr. by J. Franklin, 1720 (VERY RARE. See note to No. 1599) ; ELIOT (A.) Sermon delivered at his Orclin. Apr. 14, 1742, //. 34 52 BOSTON J CHURCHES, ORATIONS, ETC. Old South Church. HUNT (J.) Sermon preached at his Ordin. Sept. 25, 1771? pp> 36 (2 cop., i uncut) Baptist Church. CAL- LENDER (J.) Sermon at the Ordin. of J. Condy, Feb. 14, 1738-9. 6 scarce pamphlets. 8564 Bullfinch Street Church. [MusSEY (B. B.)] Letter to Rev. F. T. Gray, being Strictures on two Sermons, 1842 ; Letter to the friends of Rev. F. T. Gray, occ. by " Strictures," etc., 1842 Church of the Disciples. PARKER (Theo.) Sermon Jan. 26, 1845 Essex Street Church. ADAMS (N.) Sermon May 16, 1847 Hanover Street. STUART (M.) Dedic. Sermon, March i, 1826 (2 cop.); Review of a Pamphlet on the Trust Deed, 1828 Hawes Place. CAPEN (L.) Exposition of facts relating to the Hawes Charity Hollis Street. Report proceed, of an eccl. council, 1841 ; FOSDICK (D.) Anniv. and Farewell Sermons, 1847 Summer Street. YOUNG (A.) Anniv. Disc., 1845 Trinity Church. Statement of the course of proceed, under the Greene Foundation, 1845 ( 2 CO P-) 5 Report of a committee of proprietors, 1845 ; Corresp. between the wardens and vestry and the rector and assistant minister, 1846 ; Proceedings of the proprietors and the vestry, 1846 ; A plain word concerning the late circular of Rt. Rev. M. Eastburn, 1846. (17 pamphlets.) 8565 BOSTON MASSACRE. Orations (original editions}, to com memorate the 5th of March, 1770; all delivered in Boston, 1771- 1778, 1782-1783 ; with Autographs of Dr. JOSEPH WARREN and Isaiah Thomas. 4 1 1 pamphlets, nearly all UNCUT. (See note, No. 1662.) Lovell s Oration, 1771, lacks last page (3 lines of text); in Warren s, 1772, is a leaf inscribed " To Mr. Samuel Abbott, Esq., . . . his humble Servant Joseph Warren " (partly cut off ) ; of John Hancock s, 1774, there is a second copy in 8, printed at New port, the same year; Warren s, 1775, has last leaf (7 lines) neatly supplied in MS., and Dr. Welsh s, 1783, is "from his humble St The Author: 1 8566 - - The Same, 1771, 73, 74-78, 83. 13 pamphlets, nearly all uncut, with portraits and WARREN S AUTOGRAPH. There are two copies of Lovell s Oration, 1771, both imperfect, but one has the last leaf; Church s, for 1773, wants part of bastard title; JOHN HANCOCK S of 1774 (2 copies) has laid in two portraits of the author one a mezzotint, and portraits of John, and Samuel Adams; Warren s, of 1775, lias, in autograph " To Mr. Benjamin Dolbeare From Ms very humble sen>ant, Jos. Warren] 1 and a portrait of the author (after Copley) inserted; Welsh s, of 1783, wants last leaf. Also, Oration by John Gardiner, Hy 4, I ?85, 4 // 37> (*)> xxii; and Morton s, on the Re-Interment of Warren s Re.nains, April 8, 1776. 8567 - - Boston Port Bill. [CHAUNCY (C.)] Letter to a friend, giv ing a representation of Sufferings the Town of Boston is exposed to in consequence of the [Port Bill] ; by T. W. a Bostonian, sewed uncut. 8 Boston, 1774 8568 - - Boston Prize Poems, and other specimens of dramatic poetry, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, J. T. Buckingham, 1824 8569 Railroad Jubilee in 1851, Account of, cloth. 8 Bost., 1852 - Newest Keep- Sake for 1839, etc - ( r vol -> * PP h -) 8570 -- SHAW (C.) A Topographical and Hist. Description of Bos ton, engravings, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 12 Boston, O. Spear, 1817 8571 - - TEA PARTY. A Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party, with a memoir of George R. T. Hewes. By a citizen of New York, por trait of Hewes. I2 jy ew York, 1834 BOSTON ; TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 53 8572 -- Pamphlets (23) 1805-71. The Changery; an allegoric me moir. By Perspective, 1805 Facts on bridge to Dorchester Neck, 1805 (2 cop.) Answer to considerations on the expedi ency of a bridge, etc., 1806 (2 cop.) Something, Ed. by Nemo Nobody, Esq., Dec. 23, 1809 QUINCY (J.) Addr. on taking leave of the mayoralty, 1829 \ Centenn. Addr. 1830 (2 cop.) TUCK- ERMAN (J.) Letter respecting the House of Correction, 1830 PELBY (W.) Letters on the Tremont Theatre, 1830 THACHER (P. O.) Adclr. before the Suffolk Bar, 1831 .ELIOT (S. A.) Addr. before the Acad. of Music, 1835 LYMAN (T.) Addr. to the City Council, 1835 THACHER (P. O.) Charge at the opening of the new court house, 1835 EDDY (R. H.) Report on the introd. of ^ Soft Water, 1836, folding plan Opinions in case of Charlestown bridge, 1837 Papers relating to the introd. of water, 1838- Report of the dinner to Charles Dickens, 1842 BIGELOW (T.) Acldr. at the opening of Williams Hall, 1853 Assoc. of Franklin medal scholars, 1858 30! Report of the City Hospital, 1867 9th Report of the Gen. Theological Library, 1871. TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8573 -- Boylston. DAVENPORT (M.) Brief Histor. Sketch of Boyl- ston, 1831 Braintree. SAGE (S.) Farewell Ser., 1809 ; HAN COCK (J.) Two Ser. 1739, repr., 1811 (2 cop.) Bridgewater. Letter from the inhabitants of Bridgewater, Eng., ON SLAVERY, 1846, and Reply, 1847 Brimfield. [Brown s] Popish Hierarchy sup pressed by Buonaparte in Italy, and his Holiness exerting his influ ence in a late eccl. council at Brimfield. By Agathocles, 1798; Remarks on an eccl. council, 1801 Brookfield. FISKE (N.) Histor. Disc., 1775. 8 Bost., T. <5* J. Fleet, 1776, SCARCE; Oration in Celebr. of the Capture of CORNWALLIS, 1781 ; STONE (M.) Fast- day discourse, July 23, 1812. Brookfield, 1812, boards; Dedic. Ser mons, 1828 (2 cop.); FOOT (J. I.) Hist. Disc., 1828; Decision in the Brookfield Case relating to sacramental furniture, 1832 (2 cop.); SNELL (Dr.) Hist. Disc., 1838; Foot s Hist, disc., 1828, annexed, Capt. THOS. WHEELER S Narrative, 1843 (2 cop.) ; STONE (M.) Soth Anniv. Ser., 1850; Semi-Centenn. disc. 1851 (3 cop.) (23 pam phlets.) 8574 Brookfield. FISKE (N.) Remarkable Providences to be gratefully recollected, etc., a Sermon at Brookfield on the last day f 177 "?, giving an account of the . . . Town, hf. mor. 8 Boston, T. &> J. Fleet, 1776 A clean and sound copy, except for a little writing on bastard title and the leaf repaired on upper corner. 8575 _ Brookline. PIERCE (J.) Century Sermon, 1805 ; Valedic tory and Dedic. Sermons, 1806 ; Acldr. at opening of Town Hall, 1845 (2 cop.) Cambridge. TURELL (E.) Sermon at ordin. of S. Cooke, 1739, //. 29, Boston, J. Edwards, 1740; HOLMES (A.) Hist, of Cambridge, 1801 ; Ser. Jan. 4, 1801 ; Controversy [with] ist Parish in Cambridge, 1829 ; NEWELL (W. W.) Farewell Ser. 1833 ; Disc, on the Cambridge Church-Gathering of 1636, 1846 Mount Auburn Cemetery. STORY (J.) Addr. at Dedic. 1831 (2 cop.) 12 pamphlets, some SCARCE. 54 HARVARD COLLEGE J MASSACHUSETTS. 8576 Cambridge. HARVARD COLLEGE. TRIENNIAL CATA LOGUES. Catalogus eorum qui in Univ. Harv. Cantabrigiae . . . . ab anno 1642 alicujus Gradus Laurea donati sunt ; 1776 (wants title), 1782, 1785, 1788 (2 cop.), I79 1 (3 cop.), 1800 (3 cop.), 1806 (2 cop.), 1812, 1827 ; annual catalog. 1838-9. (17 pamphlets.) 8577 Cat. Bibliothecae Harvardianae, 1790. 8 Boston, 1790 g 27 8 - - CLARKE (J.) Letters to a Student in the University of Cambridge, Ms., uncut. 12 Boston, 1796 gcj79 College Laws, 1790, 1798. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1790, 1798 The vol. for 1798 has also the Yale triennial for 1787 and the Harvard for 1794 and 97, the last wanting a few pages at the end; the one for 1790 has autograph of JOSEPH WIL- LARD, Prases. 8580 - PAMPHLETS (17) 1798-1851. HAVEN (S.) Dudleian Lec ture, 1798 MORSE (J.) True Reasons on which the election of a Hollis Professor of Divinity was opposed, 1805 Remarks on the controversy between Dr. Morse and Miss Adams, 1814 WEB STER (D.) Report upon the constitutional rights and privileges of Harv. Coll., 1821 (2 cop.) [LOWELL (J.)] Remarks on a Report of a committee proposing certain changes, 1824; Further remarks on the Memorial of the officers, 1824 NORTON (A.) Speech before the overseers, Feb. 3, 1825 TICKNOR (G.) Remarks on changes in Harv. Coll., 2d ed., 1825 STORY (J.) Disc, before the $ B K Soc., 1826 Facts and Doc. in relation to Harv. Coll. by Hollis and others, 1829 (2 cop.) QUINCY (J.) Considerations relative to the library, 1833 GRAY (F. C.) Letter to Gov. Lin coln, 3d ed., 1831 Proceed, of the overseers relative to the late disturbances, 1834 Addresses at the inaug. of P^DWARD EVERETT, 1846 Memorial of the President and Fellows to the Legislature, 1851, all but two uncut. oooo See No. 9088 for additional Harvard matter. 8581 Charlestown. REED (Miss R. T.) Six Months in a Convent on Mt. Benedict, cloth. 18 Boston, 1835 8582 - - PAMPHLETS (8). Sacred Performances at the Dedic. of the Baptist Meeting-house, 1801 Answer to Six Months in a Con vent, by the Lady Superior, 1835 (2 cop.) Review of the Lady Superior s reply, being a vindic. of Miss Reed, 1835 $ame, 26. ed. -Documents relating to the Ursuline convent in Charlestown, 1842 (2 cop.) Dedication of the soldiers and sailors monument, 1872. 8583 -- Chelmsford. ALLEN (W.) History. . . 1653-1820; added, a memoir of the Pawtuckett tribe of Indians,//. 192, calf, SCARCE. 8 Haverhill, 1820 8584 -- Concord. SHATTUCK (L.) History of Concord, and the ad joining towns, //. viii, 392, sheep, lacks map, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1835 8585 - - PAMPHLETS (8). RIPLEY (E.) [Hist. Discourse] Re-dedic. Ser., 1792 (3 cop.) GREEN (S.) Dedic. Ser. of the Trinitarian Church, 1826 (2 cop.) RIPLEY (E.) Hist, of the Fight at Con cord, 1827, scarce; Half-Century Disc., 1828 RANTOUL (R.) Oration at the Union Celebration, 1850. 8586 Danvers. KING (D. P.) Address commemorative of seven young men of Danvers, slain in the battle of Lexington, 1835 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. cq Dedham. THACHER (T.) Farewell and Dedic. Sermons, 1809 ! COGSWELL (W.) Hist. Ser. South Church, 1816; Statement of Proceedings in ist Church, 1818 (2 cop.); COGSWELL (W ) Vale- ?f r ( D p is " l8 ?^ D A U * FEE( Q S Centenn - Disc -> 836; HAVEN (S F.) Bi-Centenn. Addr, 1836 ; LAMSON (A.) Hist, of the ist Church, 1839 (2 cop.) (10 pamphlets.) 8587 Dedham. WORTHINGTON (E.) History of Dedham i6- 1827, //. 146, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1827 8588 Deerfield. LYMAN (J.) Sermon at the opening of Deerfield Acad 1799; TAYLOR (J.) Cent. Ser. 1804 (2 cop.) ; DICKINSON (R.) Descr. of Deerfield, 1817 ; [HOYT, &t] Brief Sketch of the Settlement of Deerfield, 1833 Dorchester. HARRIS (T M) New Year s Ser., 1796; Centenn. Disc., 1799 ( 2 cop.) Proceed of the 2d Church, 1812 ; Memorial of Prop rs of New South Meet ing-house, 1813 HARRIS (T. M.) Valedictory and Dedic. Ser 1816 ; Memorials of the ist Church, 1830 The Sexton s Monitor and Dorchester Cemetery Memorial, 1845 ( 2 CO P) HALL (N.) Sermon in the ist Church, 1844 ALLEN (W.) Anniv. Disc. 26. Church, 1848. (15 pamphlets.) 8589 Dunstable. Fox (C. J.) History of the old township of Dun- stable, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimac, N. H. ; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass., doth (3 copies.) I2 Nashua, 1846 8590 - - Eastham. PRATT (E.) A Comprehensive History, of East- ham, Wellfleet, and Orleans, 1644 to 1844, doth. 8 Yarmouth, 1844 8591 --Essex Co. NEWHALL (J. R.) The Essex Memorial for 1836; embracing a register of the county. 12 Salem, 1836 8592 -- Fitchburg-. Facts and Documents concerning Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1802, SCARCE; TORREY (R. C.) Hist, of Fitchburg and Lunenburg, 1836 (2 cop.) ; BULLARD (E. W.) Dedic. Sermon, 1845 ; MASON (J.) Argument against the petition of N. Wood and others, 1852 Franklin. SMALLEY (E.) Centenn. Ser., 1838. (6 pamphlets.) 8593 -- Gardner. GLAZIER (L.) History of Gardner to 1860, (3 copies, one hf. calf, neat, 2 cloth.) 12 Worcester, 1860 8594 Gloucester. FORBES (E.) Dedication Ser., 1795 Goshen. WHITMAN (S.) Impartial Hist, of the Proceed, of the Church, 1824 Grafton. BRIGHAM (W.) Centenn. Addr., 1835 ; WILLSON (E. B.) Histor. Ser., 1846 ; Addr. at consecration of cemetery, 1851 Granville. COOLEY (T. M.) Half-Cent. Ser., 1846 Groton. Result of an Eccl. Council, 1826 (2 cop.) ; Facts and Docs, occasioned by "Result of an Eccl. Council, etc." 1827; Statutes of Mass, and by-laws of the town relating to Schools, 1837 Hadley. HOPKINS (S.) Half-Cent. Disc. 1805 Hamilton. CUTLER (M.) Century Disc. 1814(2 cop.) Hardwick. PAIGE (L. R.) Centenn. Addr., 1838 (2 copies). (15 pamphlets.) 8595 Granville. Jubilee, celebrated Aug. 27-28, 1845, portrait, doth, scarce. 16 Springfield, 1845 8co6 Greenfield. WILLARD (D.) History of Greenfield, cloth. 12 Greenfield, 1838 56 MASSACHUSETTS. 8597 Haverhill. MiRiCK (B. L.) History of Haverhill, folding plate, boards, uncut. 12 Haverhill, 1832 8598 Hingham. LINCOLN (S. ^r.) History of Hingham, calf. 12 Hingham, 1827 8599 Heath. MILLER (M.) Histor. Discourse, 1852 (4 cop.) - Hingham. [THAXTER (T.)] Narr. of Proceeds, in the North Par ish, //. [84], i, [52], 1807 ; Vindic. of the Proceeds., etc., pp. 80, 1807; LINCOLN (S.) Hist. Addr., 1835 Holden. DAVIS (J-) Half-Cent. Sermon, 1793 ; DAMON (S. C.) Hist, of Holden, 1667- 1841, plate Holliston. WHEATON (J.) Dedic. Ser., 1823 (2 cop.) - FITCH (C.) Cent. Ser., 1826 (3 cop.) Hopkinton. HOWE (N.) Cent. Ser., 1815 ; Same, 4th ed., with memoir by E. Nason, 1851 - Hull. [HOMER (J. L.)] Notes on the Sea-shore; (Part II) Na- hant, plate, 1848 Ipswich Church Controversy. PICKERING (T.) A Bad Omen to the Churches of N. Engl. : In the Instance of Mr. JOHN CLEAVELAND S Ordination, so termed, over a Separation in Chebacco-Parish in Ipswich, 25th of Feb. 1746-7, pp. 12, uncut. Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1747 ; A Plain Narr. of the Proceed, which caused the Separ. of .... Brethren from the Second Church in Ipswich, etc., pp. 16, (i), uncut, Boston, Kneeland and Green, 1747 ; The Chebacco Narr. rescu d from the Charge of Falsehood and Partiality. . In a Reply to the Answer of the Second Church in Ipswich, etc., pp. 20, uncut. Boston, Kneeland and Green, 1738 [for 1748]; KIMBALL (D. T.) Sketch of Ecclesiast. Hist, of Ipswich, 1823; First Ser. in New Meeting-house, 1847 Jamaica Plain. GRAY (T.) Half-Cent. Ser., 1842 (2 cop.) Kingston. MACCARTY (T.) Farewell Ser., 1745. Boston, 1804. 25 pphs., SOME SCARCE. 8600 Lancaster. HARRINGTON (T.) Century Sermon, May 28, 1 7 53> PP- 2 9- Boston, S. Kneeland, 1753; Same, repr.^ wants last leaf, Leominster, 1806 GOODWIN (I.) Oration in commein isoth anniv. of the destruction by the Indians, 1826 (2 cop.) Lawrence. WHITING (L.) Dedic. Ser., 1848 (2 cop.) Leicester. SNELL (T.) Ser. at dismission of Z. S. Moore, 1811 ; WASHBURN (E.) Addr. on L. in the Revolution, 1849 (3 cop.) ; WASHBURN (A. H.) Addr. at dedic. of Acad. Hall, 1853 Lenox. SHEPARD (S.) Half-Cent. Ser., 1845 Leominster. STEBBINS (R. P.) Centenn. Disc., pp. 1 12, 1843 (2 cop.) Leverett. Proceed, of the Baptist Church in their labor with Dea. E. Hubbard, 1824 Lexington. GUSHING (J.) Sermon, Apr. 2oth, 1778, commem. of Apr. 19, 1775, pp. 28. Boston, 1778; EVERETT (E.) Addr. igth Apr., 1835 Littleton. FOSTER (E.) Centenn. Ser., 1815 (2 cop.) Longmeadow. STORRS (J.) Ser. at ordin. of R. S. Storrs, 1786 Ludlow. M LEAN (A.) Exposition of the conduct of Rev. I. Jennison, 1828. (22 pphs.) 8601 --Lynn. LEWIS (A.) History of Lynn,//. 260, plates. $> Bos ton, 1829 Plainfield. PORTER (J.) Topog. descr. and historical sketch of Plainfield. 8 Greenfield, 1834. (2 pamphlets.) 8602 Manchester. PARSONS (T.) Truth Espoused, relative to the Difficulties in Manchester, 1823 Marlborough. SMITH (A.) Sermons on Day of Prayer, on occasion of the Drought, 1749, PP- 3 1 ( I )- Boston, S. Kneeland, 1749 ; History of the West Church in Marlborough, 1850 Medfield. SANDERS (D. C.) Ser. on i66th TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 57 Anniv. of the town, 1817 Medford. STETSON (C.) Farewell and Dedic. Sermons, 1840 Medway. WRIGHT (L.) Centenn. Ser., 1813 Middleboro . BARKER (J.) Century Ser., 1 795 Middle sex Canal. Hist. Sketch, 1843 Nantucket. MAFFITT (J. N.) Dedic. Ser., 1823 (2 cop.) Natick. MOORE (M.) Histor. Ser., 1817 ; Statement of Facts relative to the Badger will case, 1824 (2 cop.) j NOYES (T.) Review of Report of Evidence in [that] case, n. d. (2 copies) ; LOWELL (C.) Dedic. Ser., 1828 ; BIGLOW (W.) Hist, of Natick, 1830 New Bedford. LEWIS (W. H.) Ser. bef. the Prot. Episc. Convention, 1837 New Braintree. FISKE (J.) Half-Cent. Disc., 1846 (2 cop.) New Rowley. BRAMAN (I.) Centenn. Disc., 1832. (21 pamphlets.) 8603 - - Newbury. COFFIN (J.) History of Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury, portraits, doth. 8 Boston, 1845 8604 Newburyport. GUSHING (C.) History and Present State of Newburyport, boards, uncut. 12 Newburyport, 1826 8605 Newbury and Newburyport. GARY (S.) Address to Merri- mack Humane Soc., 1806; POPKIN (J. S.) Farewell Sermon to old Meeting-house, 1806 (2 cop.) ; MILTIMORE (J.) Dedic. Ser. at Belleville, 1807 ; DIMMICK (L. F.) Dedic. Ser., 1827; MORSE (J.) Histor. Ser. Episc. Ch., 1837 ; DANA (D.) Half-Cent. Ser., 1844; STEARNS (J. F.) Histor. Disc., 1846 Newton. DAVIS (S.) Ap peal to the Citizens and History, map, 1847 (2 cop.) North Brook- field. SNELL (T.) Histor. Ser., 1838 ; Half-Cent. Ser., 1848 North Leverett. ANDREWS (E.) Histor. Disc. 1847. (12 pphs.) 8606 -- Northampton. EDWARDS (J.) Sermon at Ordination of J. Judd, June 8, 1743, //. 50, uncut. Boston, pr. for N. Procter, 1743 ; [DWIGHT (T.)] Ser. occ. by the Capture of the British Army under Cornwallis, 1781; WILLIAMS (S.) Histor. Ser., 1815; Statement of Facts in .... call of Rev. M. Tucker, 1824 (2 cop.) North- borough. ALLEN (J.) Topogr. and Histor. Sketches, 1826 (2 cop.); 25th Anniv. Ser., 1841 ; Centenn. Disc., 1846 (2 cop.) Pepperell. ANDREWS (D.) Centenn. Disc., 1847 (3 CO P-) \ BABBIDGE (C.) Centenn. Addr., 1847 (2 cop.) ; [ANDREWS (D.)] Review of But ler s History of Eccles. Affairs in Pepperell, 1849 Pittsfield. ALLEN (T.) Histor. Sketch, 1808 ; FIELD (D. D.) History of Pittsfield, 1844 Plainfield. PORTER (J.) Topogr. Descrip. and Histor. Sketch of, portrait laid in, 1834 (4 cop.) (22 pamphlets.) 8607 Plymouth. THACHER (J.) History of the town of Plymouth, 2d ed., map, cloth. 12 Boston, 1835 8608 Plymouth. Declaration of the Grounds and Proceedings of the first Associates of New Plymouth,//. 24. Boston, 1773 ; ROB- BINS (C.) Anniv. Sermon, Dec. 22, 1793. Stockbridge, 1796; BAY LIES (W.) View of Proceed, in the case of the Plymouth Election, 1809 ; COBB (A.) Ser. before the Robinson congregation, Dec. 22, 1831 ; KENDALL (J.) Ser. [on] the loss of brig Regulator, 1836; PORTER (C. S.) Semi-Centenn. Disc. 1851 -- Princeton. BAN CROFT (A.) Vindic. of the Result of the Mutual Council, 1817 ; RUSSELL (C. T.) Hist, of Princeton, 1838 auincy. WHITNEY (G.) Some Account of Quincy [1827]; LUNT (W. P.) 2ooth v 8 5 3 MASSACHUSETTS. Anniv. Sermons, 1840 Raynham. SANFORD (E.) Hist, of ist Church, 1832 (2 cop.) Reading. STONE (E.) Half-Century Ser., 1811 (2 cop., i imperfect;) Result of an Ecclesiast. Council, 1847 J PICKETT (A.) Final Answer, 1848 (2 cop.) (17 pamphlets.) 8600 Rehoboth. BLISS (L. Jr?) History of Rehoboth, doth. 8 Boston, 1836 8610 Rehoboth. ELLIS (J.) Narrative of the late Lawsuits, 1795 ; Facts relating to a 2d exparte council, 1825 Rowley. Services at 25th anniv. of Rev. J. Pike, 1865 Roxbury. ADAMS (A.) Thanks giving Disc., 1767, pp. 57. Boston, 1768. GRAY (T.) Change; a poem commem. of the settlement, 1830 ; DEARBORN (H. A. S.) Bi- Centenn. Addr., 1830; 2d Ann. Report of Receipts, etc., of the City of Roxbury, 1848. (7 pamphlets.) 86n Rutland. REED (J.) History of Rutland with Biography of first settlers, plan, doth. 12 Worcester, 1846 8612 Salem. [SEWALL, (Jos.)] Faithful Narr. of Proceedings of the Eccl. Council in 1734, pp. vi, 94. Boston, D. Henchman, 1735 ; [BROWN, (John)] .Answer to Mr. Prescott s Examination of certain Remarks,//. (4), 105. Boston, T. Fleet, 1736; SPRAGUE (J. E.) Addr. to Salem Charitable Mechanic Assoc., 1821; Review of the Rev. Mr. COLMAN S Sermon, 2d ed., 1825 ; UPHAM (C. W.) Dedic. Ser., 1826 ; STORY (J.) Disc, [to] Essex Histor. Soc., 1828 ; UPHAM (C. W.) 2d Century Lecture, 1829 ; Corresp. betw. ist Ch. and Tabernacle Ch., 1832 (2 cop.) ; Inscriptions from burying-grounds, 1837 ; Claims of the Tabernacle Church, 1847; Corresp. on . . . . " 3d Church of 1735," 1847; Candid Review of the " Correspondence," 1847 > Review of Result of Eccles. Council, 1850; STREETER (G. I.) Acct. of Newspapers, etc., pub. at Salem, 1768-1856. (15 pamphlets.) 8613 Salisbury. N Documents relat. to dismission of Rev. D. DA MON, 1832 -- Shelburne. PACKARD (T.) Half-Century Sermon, 1849 Southampton. EDWARDS (B. B.) Centenn. Addr., 1841 Southborough. PARKER (J.) Centenn. Ser., 1827 (2 cop.) Spencer. PACKARD (L.) Dedic. Ser., 1838 Springfield. COOPER (W.) Ser. at ordin. of R. Breck. Added, Breck s Confession of faith, 1736, //. (i), 26, (2). Boston, J. Draper, 1736 ; Letter to the Author of the Pamphlet called An Answer to the Hampshire Nar rative, pp. (2), 84. Boston, 1737; BALDWIN (M.) Ser. on the Execution of Wm. Shaw, 2d ed. Boston, 1771 ; BRECK (R.) Ser., Oct. i6th, 1775, One Hundred years from the Burning of the Town by the Indians. Hartford, 1784; LATHROP (J.) Disc, on com pletion of the great bridge, 1805 (2 cop.) ; BLISS (G.) Addr. at opening of the Town Hall, 1828 (2 cop.) (14 pamphlets.) 8614 Springfield. Early Printing. Miscellaneous Collection of Original Pieces,//. 180, (4). 12 Springfield, J. Russell, 1786 8615 The Guide, or Counsellor of Human Life. 12 Springfield, Edward Gray, 1794 8616 Stockbridge. JONES (Miss E. F.) Stockbridge, past and present, cloth. 12 Springfield, 1854 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8617 -- Stockbridge [HUNTINGTON (J.)] Plea before the Eccles. Council 1780; WEST (S.) Vindic. of Ch. in Stockbridge, 1780- fA CON T^ LettG , r o J * Huntin g ton > 782 - Stoneham. DEAN (b.) Brief Hist, of Stoneham, 1843 Sturbridge. CLARK (T S } Hist. Sketch, 1838 Townsend. LEE (A.) Sermon at ordin of D. Palmer, 1800 Upton. WOOD (B.) Centenn. Addr., 18^ Ware. HYDE (W.) Addr. at opening of Town hall, 1847 ? CO- BURN (D. N.) Hist. Disc. 1851 (3 cop.) Watertown. FRANCIS (C.) Hist. Sketch of Watertown, 1830 (2 cop) ; Three Discourses !8 3 6 Wenham. MANSFIELD (D.) Dedic. Ser., 1843 West Springfield. LATHROP (J.) 4 oth anniv. Ser. 1796 Century Ser ^ 1801 ; SPRAGUE (W. B.) Hist. Disc., 1824. (18 pamphlets.) 8618 West Springfield. Early Printing. BROTHERS (R.) Re vealed Knowledge of the prophecies and times, calf. 8 West Springfield, E. Gray, 1797 Contains also, "Testimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Brothers and of his mission to Recall the Jews," by N. B. Halhead (West Springfield, 1797), and his "Calculation on the Commencement of the Millennium," etc. 8619 - - ROGERS (T.) The Righteous Man s Evidence for Heaven. 12 West Springfield, E. Gray, 1797 8620 West Townsend. Cat. of Townsend Fern. Seminary, 1851 - Westfield. BALLANTINE (J.) Ser. to Capt. Mosely s company before the march to Crown-Point, 1756; LATHROP (J.) Dedica. Ser., Suffield, 1800; DAVIS (E.) Hist. Sketch of Westfield, 1826 (2 cop.) ; ALDEN (J.) Hist. Sermon, 1851 Westminster. HUD SON (C.) Hist, of the town, 1832 Weston. KENDAL (S.) Cen tury Ser., 1813 Whately. TEMPLE (J. H.) Early Eccles. Hist, 1849 -- Wilbraham. FISK (W.) Addr. at opening of Wesleyan Acad., 1825 Williamsburgh. LUSK (W.) Installation Disc., 1836 Williamstown. Williams College. Cat. senatus academ- ici ---- 1799, broadside ; Laws, 1805 ; Oration by J. Nelson, 1826 ; Addresses by C. Yale, 1827, D. D. Barnard, 1831, T. Edwards, 1841, M. Hopkins, 1843; Baccalaureate Ser. by Hopkins, 1850; Addr. by H. B. Stanton, 1850; Baccal. Ser. by M. Hopkins, 1862. (21 pamphlets.) 8621 Worcester Co. WHITNEY (P.) History of the county of Worcester, map, calf, SCARCE. 8 Worcester, 1793 8622 Worcester. BLAKE (F.) Oration, July 4, 1796; FISKE (O.) Oration, July 4, 1797 ; CALDWELL (J. W.) Oration, July 4, 1803 ; Origin of difficulties in ist ch., 1820 (2 cop.) ; Result of an eccles. council, 1820 (2 cop.) ; AUSTIN (S.) Protest against proceed, of ist ch., 1821 (2 cop.); Remarks on publications of ist ch. 1821 (2 cop.) ; DAVIS (J.) Addr. dedic. of town hall, 1825 (3 C P ) , WILLARD (J.) Addr. to Worcester Co. bar, 1829 ; BARTON (W. S.) Epitaphs from the cemetery, 1848 ; HOPKINS (E.) Speeches on bill to incorp. the College of the Holy Cross, 1849 ; HILL (A.) Dedic. Disc., 1851 (2 cop.) ; Mayor s addr. and ann. reports, 1864; Cat. of members of ist church, 1868 Worthington. [BISBEE (J. H.)] Hist, of Worthington, 1853 Wrentham. BEAN (J.) Century Ser., 1774 ; FERGUSON (J.) Letters to M. Thacher, 1831 ; FISK (E.) 5oth anniversary Ser., 1850. (25 pamphlets.) 60 MASSACHUSETTS. 8623 Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal, vols. i, 2, boards, dean, uncut; (See No. 1975.) 8 Worcester, 1825-26 8624 Pamphlets (n, some VERY SCARCE), 1730-1778. GAY (E.) Sermon on occasion of Gov. BELCHER S arrival, 1730, pp. 35. Bos ton, T. Fled, 1730 Some Observations relating to the Present Circumstances of the Province, pp. 20. Boston, D. Foivle, 1750 Proceedings rel. to holding the Genl. Assembly at Harvard Coll., 1770 Contin.of the Proceedings, 1770, last leaf wanting Speeches of Gov. HUTCHINSON to the Genl. Assembly, Jan., 1773 The Council s Defence against the Charge of certain Misdemeanors in 1768 and 1773 Declaration of the grounds and proceed, of the first Associates of New-Plymouth, 1773 Brief Review of the Rise, Progress, Services and Sufferings of .... Massachusetts-Bay, 1774 An Act in addition to " An Act to prevent monopoly and oppres sion," 1777 GORDON (W.) Sermon preached before the Genl. Court, July 4, 1777 [PARSONS (T.)] Result of the Convention at Ipswich, 1778. 8625 -- Pamphlets (22), 1778-1798. A Constitution and Form of Gov t., 1778 Addr. to the Inhab. of the Co. of Berkshire, 1778 Addr. of the Convention for framing a Constitution, 1780 A Constit. and Frame of Gov t., 1780 COOPER (W.) Sermon on the commencement of the Constit., 1780 (2 cop.) Addr. of the legislature to the inhab. of Massachusetts, 1781 (4 cop.) - A Constit. and Frame of Gov t., 3d ed., 1784 PARSONS (J.) Consid. of some Unconstitutional measures, 1784 (2 cop.) STEARNS (S.) Petition to the Gov. and Council, 1785 [SWAN (J.)] National Arithmetick, or Obs. on the Finances of Mass., 1786 Addr. of the Genl. Court to the People .... 1786 (3 cop.) Obs. on the new Constitution, etc. By a Columbian Patriot, 1788 Act for regulating and gov. the militia, 1794 Acts and Laws passed by the Genl. Court in 1797 Remarks on the Jaco- biniad. Part 2. 1798. 22 pamphlets, nearly all uncut. 8626 Pamphlets (36), 1802-1809. [LINCOLN (L.)] Letters to the people. By a farmer, 1802 HOWARD (J. C.) Disc, before the Mass. Humane Soc. 1804 Aristocracy exposed, 1804 [BID- WELL (B.)] Addr. to the people of Mass., 1804 (3 cop.) [BLAKE (G.)] Address to the people . . . 1804 Defence of the legislature, 1804 (3 cop.) Letter of the justices of the Supreme Court to the Governour, 1804 (2 cop.) Defence of Young and Minns, 1805 [QuiNCY (J.)] Ans. to the questions, Why are you a Federalist, etc., 1805 Addr. to the people .... 1805 (2 cop.) - Vindic. of the nomination of T. W. Ward, 1805 (2 cop.) Ace. of the Mass. State Prison, plate, 1806 (2 cop.) Appeal to the old Whigs of Mass., 1806 (2 cop.) Exhib. of facts for the information of militia officers, 1806 (2 cop.) Addr. to the people, 1806 Who shall be governor, Strong or Sullivan? or, the sham-patriot unmasked, 1806 (3 cop.) Addr. to the people 1807 Communication of the Governour rel. to the removal of Sheriff Lithgow, 1808 PICKERING (T.) Letter [concerning] the danger of a war, 1808 OTIS (H. G.) Letter on .... our TRACTS : MISCELLANEOUS. 6l national affairs, 1808 Addr. to the people, 1809 (2 cop.) RUSSELL (B.) Addr. before the Mass. Char. Mechanic Assoc., 1809 Memorial of the sureties of T. J. Skinner, late Treasurer of the Commonwealth, n. d. 8627 - - Pamphlets (20), 1811-1831. Order of the Legislature and Report of com. [concerning] the difficulties in the co. of Lincoln, 1811 Rules .... of the Mass. State Prison, 1811 Report on contested elections in the Ho. of Reps., 1812 Proc. of a con vention of delegates in the co. of Worcester, 1812 Public docs, of the legislature, 1813 Remarks on the Governor s speech. By an American, 1814 Reports of contested elections, Ho. of Reps. 1814 DEXTER (S.) Addr. to the electors of Mass., 1814 (2 cop.) - DICKINSON (R.) View of Mass., 1815 Descr. and histor. sketch of the Mass. State Prison, 1816 Consid. and docs, relat. to the claim of Mass, for expenditures during the late war, 1818 Letter of the sec y of war rel. to the claims of Mass., 1818 Memorial of sundry inhab. of Mass, on privateering, 1821 QUINCY (J.) Remarks on .... laws affecting poverty, vice and crime, 1822 Report on .... claim of Mass, for expenses during the late war, 1822 (2 cop.) DAVIS (J.) Corresp. rel. to the claims of Mass., 1831 Articles of impeachment against Sam 1 Blagge, 1826 Report of a com. of the Ho. of Rep. on a railway to the Hudson River, 1827. 8628 Pamphlets (28), 1832-1853. Case of alleged contempt in the Ho. of Reps. Wm. B. Calhoun vs. D. L. Child, 1832 SAV AGE (J.) Addr. bef. the Mass. Lyceum, 1832 (2 cop.) BIGELOW (J. P.) Statist, tables of Mass. 1837 2 ^ ann - Report on geology of Mass., by C. T. Jackson HITCHCOCK (E.) Report on re-exam, of the economical geology of Mass., 1838 Reports of com rs on the zoology of Mass., 1838 Question, will the Christian religion be the basis of public instruction ? 1839 GRAY (F. C.) Remarks on the early laws of Mass., 1843 Review of the proc. in the Mass. Legislature, 1843 Hist, sketch, Middlesex Canal, 1843 HUDSON (C.) Letters on the Vermont and Mass. Railroad, 1844 Remarks on the controversy between Mass, and South Carolina, 1845 Hi st - f trie Mass. Humane Soc., 1845 Statist, view of the executive and legislative departments of Mass., 1848 CURTIS (J.) Brief remarks on the hygiene of Mass., 1849 8th, gth, Reports on Registration of births, marriages and deaths, 1851 Poole s Statistical view of the executive and legislative departments of Mass., 1851-53 FORBES (A.) Rich men of Mass., 1851, 52 Remarks on the proposed State Constitu tion, 1853. 8629 -- Pamphlets (Legal Addresses), 1825-1837. SULLIVAN (W ) Addr. to the Suffolk bar, 1825 BLISS (G.) Addr. to the bar of Hampshire, Franklin and Hampclen, 1826 -- WILLARD (J.) Addr. bef. the Worcester co. bar, 1829 SHAW (L.) Addr. bef. the bar of Berkshire, 1830 RICHARDSON (J.) Addr. bef. the Norfolk bar, 1837. (5 pamphlets.) 62 MATHER (C.) MICHAUX. 8630 MATHER (COTTON) The Wonders of the Invisible World : Being an Account of the -| Tryals | of | Several Witches Lately Executed in | New England: | and of several Remarkable Curiosi ties | therein occurring. | The Second Edition,//. (3), 9-62, irregu lar pagination ; hf. bd., cloth. 4 Boston printed : Repr. London, for John Dunton, 1693 VERY RARE. See note and collation at No. 1373. 8631 Mather family, The; by Enoch Pond. 12 Boston, 1844 8632 MEARES (John) Voyages in 1788 and 1789 from China to the North West coast of America; prefixed, a voyage in 1786, from Bengal, observations on a North-west passage, etc., portrait, maps and numerous plates, calf. f London, 1790 Many of the folded plates in this, were omitted in later editions. 8633 Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Historia del gran regno della China : composta ... in ispagnuolo, . . . e poi fatta vulgare da Francisco Auanzi. Stampata la terza volta & molto emendata. Con due tavole, //. 508, (i), 77, (i), polished calf, gilt back (W. Pratt, for H. Stevens}. 24 In Vinegia, 1587 Beautiful copy of this SCARCE book. " Particularly valuable for the early account given of New Mexico. It was a popular book in its day, and translated into French, Italian, Latin, Dutch and English." H. C. Murphy s Catalogue. Said to be the first book printed in Europe in which Chinese characters were used. See p. 139, etc. 8634 Mercuric Peruano de Historia, Literatura, y noticias Publicas que da a Luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima, y en su nombre D. Jacinto Calero y Moreira. Vols. I XI, n vols., many folded tables, map, and 2 plates, old Spanish calf gilt, fine copy, VERY RARE. sin. 4 Lima, 1791-94 " This interesting collection of periodical writings is of the greatest rarity. Thorpe, in one of his Catalogues, states that a gentleman had assured him he could meet with but one copy in his travels through Spain, for which he was asked upwards of .30. It is generally found defective, and copies vary to a considerable degree. The above copy is no exception to this rule : it wants Nos. 303-4, in Vol. IX, which are very frequently absent. Some Nos. have been omitted, while the pagination remains correct ; and sometimes there are two with the same No., although the text runs on correctly. . . The periodical seems to have been produced under great difficulties and discouragements : it was suppressed by the Spanish government." B. QUARITCH, Gen. Catalogue, 1880. A i2th (and last) volume was published in 1794-5. Mr. Quaritch s copy of the 12 vols. was marked ^18. in 1880. It should bring a higher price now. Lieut. Herndon (Explor. of the Valley of the Amazon, pp. 12, 19,) acknowledges his obligations to this work a copy of which he found at Lima for nearly all the informa tion he could get concerning the early Franciscan missions in Peru, the topography of the region drained by the head waters of the Ucayali (with a map, in vol. iii, fol. 121), etc. 8635 MEXICO. A Short Account of the Disc, and conquest of Mexico and Peru, //. 20. Springfield, 1803 JORDAN (J.) Seri ous dangers of foreigners and foreign commerce in the Mexican States. Phila., 1826 Complaint of Mexico and conspiracy against liberty, 1843 GALLATIN (A.) Peace with Mexico, n. d. - Message of the President on invasion by Mexico, 1846 GREGORY (S.) Hist, of Mexico, 1847. ( 6 pamphlets.) 8636 MTCHAUX (F. A.) Voyage a 1 ouest des Monts Alleghanys, dans les e tats de 1 Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tennessee, etc., map. 8 Paris, 1804 MILITARY ARTS MILLOT. 63 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE. 8637 Abstract of infantry tactics for the militia. 8 Boston 1830 8638 ADYE (R. W.) The Bombardier, and pocket gunner. 12 Charlestown, 1804 8639 - - [BRETON (Wm.)] Militia Discipline. The Words of Com mand, and Directions for Exercising the Musket, Bayonet, etc. By W. B. Gent ; printed at Lond., 1717, //. 78, RARE. 12 Boston, 1733 8640 -- COOPER (S.) Regulations for militia and volunteers. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 8641 - - DARROW (P.) Scott s militia tactics, 2 d ed. 12 Hartf., 1821 8642 - - HOYT (E.) Rules and regulations for drill, etc., of cavalry. 12 Greenfield, 1813 8643 - - Treatise on the military art, vol. i, (all pub -.), plates, SCARCE. 12 Brattkborough, 1798 8644 - - LACROIX, (Jr. A de) Military and Political hints, trans, by S. Mackay. Added, The Artillerist (2 copies). 12 Boston, 1808 8645 - - MALTBY (I.) The elements of war, 2 d ed. 12 Bost., 1813 86*46 MARKHAM (G.) The Souldier s Exercise, in three Bookes. The Third Edition, //. 173. sm. 4 London, L. Blaiklock, 1643. Also The Military Discipline, //. 8 ; engraved title page, no plates. London, T. Jenner, 1642, laid in. This copy of Markham contains both of the folding plates " The New and latter fonue of imbattailing a Regiment,"/. 154, and "The wind-mill Battaile,"/. 172. 8647 ~ " RAWSON (J.) Compendium of military duty. 8 Dover, N. H., 1793 8648 SMITH (A.) A Short Compendium of the duty of artillerists (2 copies). 12 Worcester, 1800 8649 - - STEUBEN (Baron F. W. von) Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the U. S. Part i, plates (2 copies). 12 Hartford, [1779] 8650 - - The same. 12 Boston, 1793 8651 -- STEVENS (W.) System of discipline for the artillery, in 3 vols. Vol. I (probably no more published), numerous plates by Rol lins on ; scarce. 12 New York, 1797 8652 WEBB Lieut. [Thos.] Military Treatise on the appointments of the army, with a short treatise on military honors, pp. in; plates. 8 Philadelphia, W. Dunlap, 1769 JLieut. Webb, one of the earliest Methodist preachers in America, was at the siege of Quebec. This work first published in 1759 (See Hildeburn s Press in Penna., who did not see this edition) is VERY SCARCE. "The Gift of Tho. Barton to Wm. Barton " is on the title. 8653 MILLER (A.) New States and Territories ; or, the Ohio, Indi ana, Illinois, Michigan, North-Western, Missouri, Louisiana, Mis- sisippi (sic) and Alabama, in their real characters, etc., in 1818, map, boards, VERY RARE. (See No. 4508.) 24 n. p., 1819 8654 MILLOT Abbe Elements of general history. Trans, from the French, ist Amer. ed., 5 vols., old tree calf , gilt back, a fine copy. 8 Worcester, Mass., L Thomas, 1789 64 MINNESOTA MORSE. 8655 MINNESOTA. NEILL (E. D.) History of Minnesota, from the earliest French explorations, maps and plates, doth, faded. 8 large paper, Phila., 1858 8656 Mississippi Territory and River. Papers in relation to the offi cial conduct of Gov. SARGENT, pp. 64. Bost., 1801 Papers in relation to the Yazoo claims, 1809 Report [to the U. S. Senate] to illustrate Nicollet s map of the upper Mississippi river, 1843. New Orleans Batture. POYDRAS (J.) Defense of the right of the public to the Batture of New Orleans, 1809 Exam, of the judgment in the cause of J. Gravier and New Orleans, 1809 POYDRAS. Further obs. on the Batture, etc. 1809 ; Speech of ... the Delegate from the Territory of Orleans ... on the Right to the Batture in front of the suburb St. Mary, 1810 Docs, in sup port of the right ... of New Orleans to the Alluvion in front of ... St. Mary, contested by J. Gravier, 1809 JEFFERSON (T.) Proc. of the United States in maintaining public right to the beach of the Missisippi (sic) against . . . EDW. LIVINGSTON. New York, 1812 Du PONCEAU (P. S.) Rev. of the cause of the New Or leans Batture . . . answers to Messrs. Thierry & Derbigny. Phila., 1809 DERBIGNY (P.) Case ... on the claim to the Batture [deliberated 1807] Examination of the title of the U. S. to the land called the Batture. [By Edw. Livingston] Du PONCEAU. Opinion on the case, etc. (i vol., stitched. 2 pamphlets.) Jean Gravier of New Orleans inherited land lying in front of the city in one of the deltas of the Mississippi, known as the Batture Ste. Marie (or Jesuits Batture). Edward Livingston undertook to establish Gravier s claim, and was opposed by the city, the United States, and Thos. Jefferson. " The Batture controversy may take rank with *wie most striking of the logical or literary duels to which we are wont to refer long after their local or temporary interest has died away, as specimens of learning, acuteness, raillery, or wit. Livingston s answers to Jefferson are little inferior in their way to Bentley s reply to Boyle, Porson s Letters to Travis, or ... Courier s pamphlets; and involve principles of jurisprudence of universal application." (A. Hayward: Ed. Rev. v. 120.) The above is A RARELY COMPLETE COLLECTION of the pamphlets (in English) relating to the case. 8657 MONK (Maria) Awful exposure of the plot against the clergy and nuns of Lower Canada through Maria Monk. 12 New York, 1836 8658 -- Controversial discussions between a Catholic priest and others and J. S. Christmas, Constat and others, 1827 Review of the "Awful Disclosures" of Maria Monk. By G. Vale, 1836 - STONE (W. L.) Maria Monk and the nunnery of the Hotel Dieu, 1836 Evidence demonstrating the falsehoods of W. L. Stone, 1837 SLEIGH (W. W.) Exposure of Maria Monk s pre tended abduction, 1837. (5 pamphlets.) 8659 MORGAN (Wm.) Narrative of the circumstances relating to the kidnapping of W. Morgan. 12 Batavia, 1827 The same. Rochester, 1827. (2 pamphlets.) Prepared by the committees appointed to investigate the abduction of Morgan. See No. 6739. 8660 MORSE (J.) Annals of the American Revolution, engravings, calf, gilt, neat. 8 Hartford, 1824 8661 - - Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 29, 1798, //. 74, uncut. 8 Boston, 1798 MOULTRIE MUSIC. fa 8662 MOULTRIE (W.) Memoirs of the American Revolution as far as it related to ... North and South Carolina, and Georgia 2 vols., portrait, old calf . 8 New y ^ J^ 8663 MOUNTAINE (W.) The Seaman s Vade-Mecum, and Defensive War by bea, //. (10), xii, 270, folded plates, name on title. RARE. Not found in Lowndes, or Allibone, and is in few libraries. ^ * 7 8664 MORTON (NATHANIEL) [New England s Memoriall, or, a Brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New England,] imperfect, 4 Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. for John Vs her of Boston 1660 This copy of an EXCESSIVELY RARE book, wants title page, 2 leaves at beginning and 4 leaves at the end ; the margins are generally good, though worn, and in some places injuring the text. See note to No. 827 ; also, No. 329. 8665 MORTON (N.) New England s Memorial, etc.; two imperfect cop ies, title pages missing. sm. 8 probably Bost., Repr. [by John Alleri\for N. Boone, 1721 One of these wants all before p. 5, the other all before p. 7, and after p. 238 Both want covers. 8666 MORTON (N.) New England s Memorial, etc., calf. 12 Plymouth, A. Danforth, 1826 8667 MORTON (N.) New England s Memorial, 5th ed. with large additions and an appendix, by John Davis, facsimile of Hubbard s map, boards. 8 Boston, 1826 8668 MORTON (THOMAS) New English Canaan, Book I, //. 9-58, all the rest wanting. [4 Amsterdam, 1637?] Laid in a full Russia cover, stamped, gilt borders inside and edges. 8669 MUSIC. BELKNAP (Daniel) The Evangelical Harmony, pp. 104. obi. 8 Boston, 1800 BROWNSON (Oliver) Select Harmony, containing the necessary Rules of Psalmody, engraved titles, pp. 8, 84, some worn, defaced, obi. 8 [Boston, 1783] SCARCE. (See No. 5908, note) [BULL (Amos) The Responsary ?] //. 100, boards; title page missing. (J. Allen, sculps.) HULBERT (James) Com plete Fifers Museum,//. 24, uncut, obi. 8 Greenfield, Mass., n. d. New Preceptor for the German Flute,//. 34, (i), uncut, engraved. obi. 8 [Boston,"] G. Graupner, n. d. ROBINSON (Alvan jun.) Massachusetts Coll. of Martial Musick, 2d ed., //. 72. obi. 8 Exeter, 1820, and 6 untitled pages of sacred music, engraved 4. (2 vols. and 5 pamphlets.) 8670 PAMPHLETS (22), 1722-1796. Walter (T.) The sweet Psalmist of Israel. A Ser. preached at the Lecture held by the Soc. for promoting Regular and Good Singing, //. 28. Boston, Pr. by J. Franklin, for T. Fleet, 1722 Symmes (T.) Utile Dulci ; or, a Joco-Serious Dialogue concerning Regular Singing, //. 58. Boston, Pr. by B. Green, jor S. Gerrish, 1723 An Essay by Sev eral Ministers of the Gospel concerning the Singing of Psalms, //. 22. Boston, Pr. by S. Kneeland for S. Gerrish, 1723 WOOD- BRIDGE (T.) The Duty of God s Professing People in Glorifying their Heavenly Father; a Sermon,//. 16. New London, T. Green, 1727 CHAUNCEY (N.) Regular Singing Defended, //. (2), 54. v 9 66 MUSIC NEW HAMPSHIRE. New London, T. Green, 1728 APTHORP (E.) Of Sacred Poetry and Music, a Disc. pp. vii, 22. 4 Boston, 1764 ADAMS (Z.) Nature, Pleasure, and Advantages of Church Music, a Sermon, //. 38. Boston, 1771 HEDGE (L.) The Duty and Manner of Singing considered, a Sermon,//. 41. Boston, 1772 STRONG (J.) The Duty of Singing illust. and enforced, a Sermon,//. 28. New Haven, [1773] (2 cop.) MELLEN (J.) Religion productive of Music, a Disc.//. 34. Boston, 1773 NOBLE (O.) Regular and Skilful Music in the Worship of God, pp. 46. Boston, 1774 MILLS (S. J.) Nature and Importance of the Duty of Singing Praise to God; a Sermon,//. 19. Hartford, 1775 Symmes(W.) Duty and Advantages of Singing Praises unto God ; a Sermon, //. 24. Danvers, 1779 Law (A.) Coll. of Hymn Tunes, J. Allen, Sc l . Cheshire, [i 782] CLARK (T.) Plain Reasons why Dr. Watts s Imitations of the Psalms ought not to be used,/^. 33. Albany, 1783 WELD (E.) Sermon on Sacred Music, 1789 Dialogue between a Minister and Billy, a young parishioner on the subject of singing praises to God. Danbury, 1794, uncut Swan (T.) The Songster s Assistant,//. 36, engraved by A. Ely. Sujfield, Swan and Ely, [1795?] curious title FARNSWORTH (H.) An Oration on Music. Cooperstown, 1795 SKINNER (I. L.) Discourse on Music, 1796 (2 copies) Nearly all in good condition, uncut, and several VERY RARE. 8671 PAMPHLETS (17), 1803-1823 DANA(D.) Discourse on music, 1803 EMMONS (N.) Disc, at a meeting of singers, 1806 (2 cop.) HUBBARD (J.) Essay on music, 1808 BROWN (F.) Addr. on music, 1810 FOSTER (J.) Disc, on church music, 1811 (2 cop.) WILLARD (S.) Use and design of sacred music, 1811 CRANE (J.) Disc, delivered at meetings of singers, 181 1 WOOD- BURY (L.) Oration at Hanover, N. H., 1812 DANA (D.) Addr. on sacred musick, 1813 EMERSON (R.) Oration on music, 1814 COFFIN (C.) Addr. at Exeter, N. H., 1815 BURT (F.) Addr. at Durham, N. H., 1815 (2 cop.) Inquiry into the propriety of the present mode of conducting sacred music, 1816 PETERS (A.) Lecture on sacred music, 1823. 8672 NEAL (D.) History of New England ... to the year 1700, map, 2 vols., old calf, gilt. 8 London, 1720 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 8673 Address from the Continental Cong, to the Inhabitants of the United States of Amer., June 17, 1779. (Publ. and distributed by the Ho. of Reps, of New Hampshire,)//. 2, f. This copy is addressed to the Rev. David Macclure, North Hampton. 8674 BELKNAP (Jeremy.) History of New Hampshire, 2d ed., map, 3 vols., calf. 8 Boston, 1813 8675 FARMER (J.) An Ecclesiastical Register of N. H. with a cat. of the ministers, 1636-1822, etc., plate. 18 Concord, 1821 8676 FARMER (J.) and MOORE (J. B.) Collections, topographical, historical and miscell., and monthly literary Journal, 3 vols., boards, 2 cop. of vol. 3, uncut. 8 Concord, 1822-24 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 67 8677 (NEW HAMPSHIRE.) Farmer (J.) and Moore (J. B.) Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire, map, plates. 12 Concord, 1823 8678 Fast Day and Thanksgiving Proclamations, 1774-8? viz- Thanksgiving, 1774; Fast-Day, 1775, 78, 79 5 Thanksgiving, 1 7 8 3 \ Odes to be sung on the Anniv. of the Assoc. Mechanics and Manufacturers of N. H., Oct. i, 1807. (6 broadsides.) 8679 - - WHITON (J. M.) Sketches of the history of New Hamp shire, 1623-1833. I2 o concord, 1834 8680 - - TRACTS. M CLURE (D.) Oration at opening of Phillips Exeter Acad. Exeter, 1783 WASHINGTON (G.) Resignation and Addr. Exeter, 1783 Constitution agreed upon by the Con vention, at Concord, June, 1783, and establ. Oct. 31. Portsmouth, 1783 NOYES (N.) Thanksgiving Ser. at South-Hampton, 1784. Newbury-Port, 1784 ADAMS (Z.) Sermon to F. & A. Masons at Lancaster. Worcester, L Thomas, 1778 RELLY (J.) Union ; or, a Treatise on the Consanguinity and Affinity between Christ and His Church, repr. Boston, 1779 Institution of the Mass. Humane Society, 1788 LATHROP (J.) Disc, before the Humane Society, 1787. 8 in i vol., sheep. 4 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8681 Amherst. FARMER (J.) Histor. Sketch of Amherst. 2ded., 1837 (2 cop.) Antrim. WHITON (J. M.) Hist, of Antrim, 1744-1844 (2 cop.) Bedford. BARNES (I. O.) Centenn. Addr., 1850 Concord. ECKLEY (J.) Ser. at Install, of I. Evans, 1789, scarce; BOUTON (N.) Ser. before the constituted authorities, 1828; MOORE (J. B.) Annals of Concord, 1837; BOUTON (N.) Centenn. Discourses, 1830 Croydon. COOPER (J.) Hist, and Statist. Sketch, 1852 (3 cop.) Dover. ROOT (D.) Bi-Centenn. Ser., 1839 (3 cop.) Dublin. LEONARD (L. W.) 25th Anniv. Disc., 1845 ; Dedication Disc., 1853 Exeter. M CLURE (D.) Oration at opening of Phillips Acad., 1783 ; Corresp. between the Trustees of Phillips Acad. and Rev. I. Hurd, 1839 ; FARLEY (C. W.) Statement of Facts rel. to the removal of six pupils, 1841 ; Review of Result of an Ecclesiastical Council, 1842. (20 pamphlets.) 8682 Coos Co. POWERS (G.) Historical Sketches of the Coos Country and vicinity, //. 240, calf, SCARCE. 12 Haverhill, 1841 8683 Hanover. Dartmouth College. Charter of the Coll., 1769. n. t. p7//. 14, 4 Trienn. Catalogue, 1804 Brown (F.) Addr. before the Handel Soc., 1810 Act of the Legislature relat. to Moors Charity School, 1807 WHEELOCK (J.) Sketches of the Hist, of Dartmouth Col., etc., 1815 (2 cop.) [PARISH (E.)] Can did analytical Rev. of the Sketches of the History^., [1815] DEWEY (B.) and others. True and Concise Nar. of the Church Difficulties near Dartmouth Coll.,<?fo, 1815 (2 cop.) Vindication of the official conduct of the Trustees, 1815 FREEMAN (P. R.) Refutation of sundry Aspersions in the Vindic., etc.,^ 1816 Char ter of the Coll., 1816 HADDUCK (C. B.) Oration before the fcBKSoc., 1825 [CHAMBERLAIN (W.)] Dartmouth Coll. and 68 NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY. the State of New Hampshire, [1828] Remarks on a pamphlet entitled Mr. Hall and Dartmouth Coll. n. d. Trienn. Cata logue, 1840. (16 pamphlets.) 8684 Grafton Co. Address of the Com. of the Grafton Co. Con vention to the electors, 1815 (3 cop.) Hampton. Dow (J.) Histor. Addr., 1838 Haverhill. Extracts from the Minutes of the Gen. Assoc. at Haverhill, 1819 Hollis. POWERS (G.) Cen- tenn. Addr., 1830 ; Addr. of the church in Hollis, 1812 Keene. BARSTOW (Z. S.) Remarks on the "Preliminary History" of two discourses by A. Bancroft, 1821 (2 cop.) Manchester. BOUTON (N.) The New Hampshire Ministry, a hist, disc., 1848 Mason. HILL (E.) Two Lectures on the hist, of Mason, 1846 (3 cop.) North Hampton. FRENCH (J.) Half-Century Discourse, 1851 Pembroke. Minutes of the Gen. Assoc., 1822 Peterborough. MORISON (J. H.) Centenn. Addr. 1839. ( l6 pamphlets.) 8685 Keene. HALE (S.) Annals, 1734-1815. 8 Keene, 1851 8686 Portsmouth. ADAMS (N.) Annals of Portsmouth, //. 400, half bound. 8 Portsmouth, 1825 8687 PARSONS (J.) Good News from a Far Country, in Seven Discourses delivered in Newburg, pp. vi, 168. 8 Portsmouth, D. Fowk, 1756 One of the earliest books printed in New Hampshire. The first press was established at Portsmouth by David Fowle, in July or August, 1756. Has name of " Charles Pierce, Jr.," on title and MS. paging throughout. 8688 - LANGDON (S.) Discourse before an Assoc. of Min isters, 1792 ALDEN (T.) Century Sermon, 1801 (3 copies, i uncut) FRENCH (J.) Disc, after dismission of T. Alden, 1805 ALDEN (T.) Acct. of the Religious Societies, 1808 PARKER (N.) Disc, on the death of J. Buckminster, 1812 Bye. PORTER (H.) New Year s Discourse, 1801; Half-Century Sermon, 1835 Westminster. A Coquet turned Preacher or letters written by S. Bemis to a young lady in Westminster, n. d. Wilton. Proceed ings and Docs, relative to certain members separating from the church, 1824 PEABODY (E.) Centenn. Addr. 1839. (12 pphs.) 8689 Windham. BLACKWELL (Thos.) Forma Sacra. ; or, A Sacred Platform of Natural and Revealed Religion. . . . added, an Introd., by Simon Williams, Minister in Windham, N. H., //. xviii., xviii., 340. sm. 8 Boston, W. M Alpine, for Rev. Mr. Williams, 1774 A List of Subscribers in New Hampshire, arranged by towns, fills eighteen pages. See note to No. 2506. NEW JERSEY. 8690 College of New Jersey. An Account of the Coll. of New Jersey. . . . With a Prospect of the Coll., Publ. by order of the Trustees, &c., pp. 47, part of the folded plate wanting, half red morocco, SCARCE. (See note to No. 3599.) 8 Woodbridge, N. J., James Parker, 1764 8691 A Modest Vindication of the late New-Jersey Assembly, In Answer To a printed Paper against them, call d A Representation, pp. 32 ; title page wanting. 4 Printed in the Year MDCCXLV. "Probably printed by B. Franklin." Sabin ; Hildeburn (Penna. Press, No. 936) TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. NEW YORK. 69 assigns it to William Bradford, Philadelphia. " This Vindication, appears to be written in the year 1744 or 1745 in fav o r of the Assembly; in answer to Some Representation of the Council published at that time " a former owner s note. See " Representation of the Council .... containing reasons for rejecting several acts" of the Assembly, passed in Nov. and Dec. 1743, in New Jersey Archives, ist Ser. v. 6, p. 219. 8692 (NEW JERSEY.) ROGERS (H. D.) Descr. of the Geology of New Jersey, being a final Report, map and plate. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 TOWNS, CHURCHES, ETC. 8693 Elizabeth Town. CLARK (S. A.) History of St. John s Church, from 1703, engravings, doth. 12 Philadelphia, 1857 8694 Salem. JOHNSON (R. G.) Hist. Account of the first settle ment of Salem by John Fenwick, (2 copies). 12 Phila., 1839 8695 PAMPHLETS (14) Burlington. Addr. of the Trustees of Burlington College. 3d ed., 1847 ; DOANE (G. W.) Addr., July 5, 1847; Baccalaureate Addr., 1854 Camden. A Paper addr. to the Bishops assembled at Camden, Sept., 1853 ; Epistle congrat. to the Bishops of the Episcopal court at Camden, by Ulrich von Hiitten, 1853 College of New Jersey. LIVINGSTON (W.) Fune ral Eulogium on Rev. Aaron Burr, late President of the Coll., pp. i, 22. 4 New York, H. Gaine, 1757 (2 cop.) ; D EVENS (R.) Disc, to the students in divinity in 1777, pp. 16. Charlestown, 1797 ; ALEXANDER (A.) Sermon before the alumni of the Theolog. Sem., !834 Fairfield. BEATTY (C.) Ser. at the Ordin. of W. Ramsey, 1756, //. 56. Phila., W. Bradford New Brunswick. STUBBS (A.) Record of Christ Church, 1850 New Jersey Historical Society. DOANE (G.W.) Addr. before the Soc., 1846 Newark. HENDERSON (M. H.) Centenn. Disc., 1 846 (2 cop.) Woodbridge. WATKINSON (E.) An Essay upon GEconomy. 4th ed.,//. 35. Lond. Printed, Repr. by James Parker, Woodbridge, 1765. 8696 NEW MEXICO. Letter from the Secretary of War [with] Report of the examination of New Mexico by Lieut. J. W. Abert, map, numerous plates. 8 Washington, 1848 NEW YORK. 8697 Rules and Orders of the Senate, etc., with Catalogue of the State Library. 8 [Albany,] 1839 8698 BRODHEAD (J. R.) Final Report on Documents in Europe on the Colonial History of N. Y., pp. 375, paper. 8 Albany, 1845 8699 Documents relat. to the Colonial Hist, of New York, pro cured in [Europe] by J. R. Brodhead; edited by E. B. O CaJlag- han. Vol. 3-5, 9 ; 4 vols, cloth. 4 Albany, 1855 8 7 00 DUNLAP (Wm.) History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York and State of New York, 2 vols., portr. of Peter Stuy- vesant and plan of New York (1782), cloth. 8 New York, 1839 8701 EATON (M.) Five years on the Erie Canal. 12 Utica, 1845 HUNTINGTON (E.) [Map of] the State of New York, folded, morocco. 12 Hartford, 1835. (2 vols.) 7O NEW YORK. 8702 (NEW YORK.) Report of a com. of the House of Assembly on the quarantine laws, map, paper, uncut. 8 Albany, 1846 8703 : SPAFFORD (H. G.) Pocket Guide for the Tourist along the line of the canals, pp. 72. 16 New York, 1824 8704 State Prison. Inside and out, an interior view of the New York State Prison. By one who knows, pp. 251, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1823 8705 VAN RENSSELAER (S.) Geolog. and Agric. Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal. Pt. i., geological map and pro file, boards, uncut. 8 Albany, 1824 8706 WILLIAMS (W.) Tourist s Map of the State of New York, folded. Utica, 1831 8707 New York Historical Society. Collections, vols. 8-9, 12, 15 1875-1882, 4 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1875-82 8708 PAMPHLETS. (Canals]. COLLES (C.) Proposal of a de sign for the promotion of the interests of the U. S. by inland navigable communications, 1808, map, plate Remarks on the contemp. canal bet. Lake Erie and the Hudson River, 1814 Remarks on proposed canal from Rome to Onondaga Lake, 1816 Appeal to the Legislature on the subject of Canal Communic. bet. the Lakes and the Hudson, 1816 DAVIS (G. R.) Letter to A. Mclntyre, 1819 M INTYRE (A.) Letter to Gov. Tompkins, 1819 ; 6 in a cover. 8709 -- PAMPHLETS (8), 1775-1818. [WILKINS (I.)] An Alarm to the Legislature of the Prov. of N. Y., occasioned by the present political Disturbances,//. 13. New York, James Rivington, 1775, SCARCE [HAMILTON (A.)] Letter from Phocion to the consider ate citizens of New York, 1784 Rules for the St. Andrew s Soci ety, 1785 [JAY (John)] Addr. to the people of the State ... on the Constitution, 1787 SCHUYLER (P.) Remarks on the Revenue of the State, 1796 Report of the Inspectors of the State Prison, 1799 Report of the Commissioners [of New Jersey] . . . respect, the eastern bound, of New Jersey, 1807 CLINTON (DeWitt) Memoir on the antiquities of Western New York, 1818. 8710 PAMPHLETS (27 on Railroads, etc.) Harlem R. R. An Act to incorp. the New York and Harlem R. R. Co., 1838 Resolves and account of opening, 1840 (2 cop.) Opinion of E. Sandford, 1840 Opinions of B. F. Butler, James Kent, C. McVean, J. Anthon, and J. P. Hall, 1840 Reports of engineers, 1840 Petition concerning certain rights and against N. Y. and Albany R. R. Co., 1840 (2 cop.) Report of a committee of the stock holders, 1841 Report on the survey of a route to Port Chester, 1841 Extract from the Amer. R. R. Journal on ... railroads in cities, 1840 Housatonic Railroad. Report of a joint special com mittee, 1840 Hudson River Railroad. Engineer s Report, 1842 GRANT (W. H.) Observations on the western trade, 1846 New York and Albany Railroad. Engineer s Report, 1839 Report of J. B. Scoles to the Legislature, 1839 Report of com mittee on communication of mayor of N. Y. 1840 Remarks of president of the company at a meeting of citizens, 1840 Report NEW YORK CITY; TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 71 of committee of board of aldermen, 1842 Reports, memorial circular, etc., 1842 THOMPSON (A. G.) Addr. to the public, 1842 Circular concerning railroad communication, 1842 Report of committee on petitions of the House [relative to a railroad through] the Genesee valley, 1841 BARTON (J. L.) Letter in relation to the value of the commerce of the Lakes, 1846, (2 copies.) 8711 BROADSIDES. 60 or more pieces, including a few dupli cates, mostly political addresses, of dates from 1780 to 1815. A few are sheets of ballads and advertisements. (The lot.) Includes Addresses to voters in various districts with lists of signers; The Royal Gazette, Extraordinary, New York, May 12, 1783, containing "A List of the mem bers of the British House of Commons who on the i8th of February voted upon the Question of the Peace with America," and other matter. List of unpaid State taxes, 1803, with the names of delinquents and many details regarding the boundaries of properties ; Gov. Robertson s Proclamation of "the King s benevolent intentions," etc., on assuming the government, I5th April, 1780. The lot includes a valuable collection of broadsides relating to the Livingston, Burr, Clinton, Van Rensselaer and other campaigns, those con cerning Burr being of especial interest. TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8712 New York City. HARDIE (J.) Descr. of the City of New York; prefixed, a brief account of its first settlement in 1629, etc., map, calf. 1 2 New York, 1827 8713 Historical, Geographical and Statistical View of New York City,//. 48, plate. 16 New York, 1836 8714 PAULDING (J. K.) Affairs and Men in New Amsterdam in the time of Gov. Stuyvesant ; Compiled from the Dutch Records, cloth. 12 New York, 1843 87 15 WATSON (J. F.) Historic Tales of the Olden Time, con cerning the settlement and advancement of New York City and State. Illus. with plates. 12 New York, 1832 General Theological Seminary. Plan of, 1820 Introd. Addr., 1822 Proceedings of the Trustees^ 1827-36 Com mencement Addresses, etc., 21 tracts in i vol. 8 8717 New York Magazine ; or, Literary Repository, Nos. 1-3, 6-n, Vol. 2, 179 1, plates and maps, 3 wanting. 8 New York, 1791 8718 PAMPHLETS (13), 1794-1851. N. Y. Directory for 1786, repr. 1851 JOHNSON (J. B.) Oration on Union, before the Tammany Soc. 1794 PILMORE (J.) The Blessings of Peace, a serm. before the Tammany Soc., 1794 Case of the manufactur ers of soap and candles, 1797 Narrative of JOHN BANKS, exe cuted July ii,- 1806, for murder, 1807 Account of the N. Y. Hospital plates, 1811 CHANNING (W. E.) Dedication Ser., 2nd Unitarian Church, 1827 Circular of the University of the State of New York, 1837 Laws of the Clinton Bank, 1839 ANTHON (H.) Histor. Notices of St. Marks Church, in the Bowery,//. 58, 1845 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, Vol. 5, No. 1-3, 1849 51. 8719 Albany. Last Speech, Confession, and Dying Words of JOHN SMITH, executed at Albany on the fifth day of February, 1773 for counterfeiting the Currency of this Province, //. 8. 72 NEW YORK; TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. Albany, Pr., Hartford, Repr., 1773 ; Narrative of the Revival of Religion in Albany, 1821 ; KIP (W. I.) Consecration Ser., 1840; Proceedings of Gen. Cong. Convention, with Sermon by J. Hawes, 1852 Auburn. Ordinances, etc., of the Theological Sem., 1822 Batavia. SEAVER (W.) Historical Sketch, 1849 (2 copies) Brooklyn. BAILEY (J. T.) Hist. Sketch of Brooklyn and sur rounding neighborhood, 1840 Buffalo. Ontzettend Tafreel en Waare Gebeurtenis van een Wreede en nooitgehoorde Moord, gepleegd door Isaac Wilherbarne te Buff aloe, 4 April, 1819, pp. 4, Te Amsterdam, n. d. (a poem (?) of 19 stanzas) Cambridge. ERSKINE (R.) The Harmony of the Divine Attributes ; a Sermon, 1723, //. 84. Cambridge [New-York] n. d. Clinton. DAVIS (H.) Narrative of the embarrassments and decline of Hamilton College Cat. of Hamilton College, 1846-7. (12 pphs.) 8720 Cooperstown. COOPER (J. F.) Chronicles of Cooperstown. 12 Cooperstown, 1838 8721 East Hampton. BUELL (S.) Faithful Narrative of the Re vival of Religion in East-Hampton in 1764, pp. xi, (4), 84. New- York, pr. by Samuel Brown, 1766; Half-Century Sermon, //. 52, ( 3 ) ? I79 2 Lisle. CHAPIN (J.) Installation Ser. of S. Williston, j8o3 Geneva. Narrative of Revivals in Geneva Presbytery, 1831 Hempstead. CARMICHAEL (W. M.) Rise and Progress of St. George s Church, 1841 Homer. KEEP (J.) Narrative of Revivals, 1833 (3 cop.) ; Cortland Academy Jubilee, 1846 Ithaca. Views of, 1835 Rensselaerwyck. PEPPER (C.) Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1846 Schenectady. Union College. Trien. Catalogue, 1825 Southold. BIRD (J.) Sermon on covetousness, 1795. Sag Harbor, 1795 Staten Island. TYSEN (R. M.) Lecture on the history of, 1842 Trenton. SHERMAN (J.) Descr. of Trenton Falls, 1829 Utica. BACON (E.) Recollections of fifty years since, 1843. (16 pamphlets.) 8722 Rochester. O REILLY (H.) Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester, with notices of Western New York, map and plates, cloth, pp. 416. 12 Rochester, 1838 8723 Tryon^Co. CAMPBELL (W. W.) Annals of Tryon County; or, the border warfare of New York during the Revolution, folded plate, cloth, pp. 191, 78. 8 New York, 1831 8724 NIEUHOFF (Jan.) L Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies vers 1 Empereur de la Chine ou Grand Cam de Tartarie faite par les S rs . Pierre de Goyer et Jacob de Keyser. Illustre e d une tres-exacte Description des Villes, Bourgs, etc. Enrichie d une grand nombre de Tailles-douce. Mise en frangois . . . par Jean le Carpentier, pp. (18), 290, 134, (i), old calf gilt ; fine copy. A Leyde, pour Jacob de Meurs, Marchand Libraire de la Ville d Amsterdam, 1665. folio. This copy contains the fine portrait of Jean Baptiste Colbert, besides the engraved title- page, folded map, and very numerous fine copper-plates of cities, natural history, manners and customs, etc. Pinkerton says (Voyages, etc., v. 7), " NieuhofF s relation is only the basis of this large work, which de Carpentier has formed by the addition of almost all the second part, and at least one-half of the first." From the library of the Duke of Sussex, with book-plate. NORTH CAROLINA OHIO OREGON. 73 8725 NORTH CAROLINA. WILLIAMSON (Hugh) History of North Carolina, 2 vols., map, calf, SCARCE. 8 Phila., 1812 8726 NOVA SCOTIA. Vindication of Governor Parr and his Council against the complaints of certain Persons who sought to engross 275,000 Acres of Land, etc. By a Gentleman of Halifax fit uncut - 8 London, ^ 8727 Novanglus, and Massachusettensis ; or, Political Essays pub lished in 1774 and 1775, ^- The former by John Adams, the latter by Jonathan Sewell [read Daniel Leonard]. Added, Letters [of] President Adams to William Tudor,//. 312, half calf, gilt back. (See note to No. 4093.) 8 Boston, 1819 8728 Observations with regard to the Conduct of Great Britain with regard to the Negociations and other Transactions abroad,//. 61, half mor., VERY SCARCE. 8 London, J. Roberts, 1729 Contains a four-page list of " Ships taken from his Majesty s Subjects by the Spaniards in the West Indies, since the Hanoverian Treaty, Sep. 3, 1725 " ; gives the names of the masters and other details of the captures. Many of the ships were from New England and New York. 8729 OGLETHORPE (James). HARRIS (T. M.) Biogr. Memorials of James Oglethorpe, //. xxii, 424; portrait and plates, cloth. 8 Boston, 1841 8730 OHIO. HAWLEY (Z.) Journal of a Tour through Connecti cut, Massachusetts, New York, the north part of Pennsylvania, and Ohio, including a residence in that part of Ohio styled New Connecticut, or the Western Reserve,//. 158, bds., uncut, SCARCE. 12 New Haven, 1822 8731 -- TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. Cincinnati. DRAKE (D.) Nat ural and Statist. View of Cincinnati and the Miami Country, maps, pp. 251, (4). 12 Cincinnati, 1815 Sometimes, though erroneously, catalogued as the first book printed in Cincinnati. 8732 Cleveland. Our Acre and its Harvest. Hist. Sketch of the Soldiers Aid Society of Northern Ohio. Cleveland Branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, plates, pp. 511. 8 Cleveland, 1869 8733 Gambier. Kenyon College. CHASE (P.) Defence, 1831 Gnadenhuetten. True Hist of the Massacre of 96 Christian Indians at Gnadenhuetten, in 1782, 1847 Granville. LITTLE (J.) New Year s Ser., 1838 Marietta. WICKES (T.) Histor. Discourse, 1846 Tallmadge. WHITTLESEY (C.) Sketch of the settlement and progress of Tallmadge, 1842. (5 pamphlets.) 8734 OREGON. Pamphlets (9), 1830-49. KELLEY (H. J.) Geogr. Sketch of the Oregon Territory, map, uncut, 1830 General Cir cular to all persons who wish to emigrate to Oregon, uncut, 1831 FARNHAM (T. J.) Travels in the great western prairies . . . and in the Oregon Territory, 1843 Report of Mr. Pendleton to the Ho. of Reps, [on Oregon], 1843 GUSHING (C.) Lecture on Oregon, 1845 ROBERTSON (W.) Jr. Oregon : our right and title, map, pp. 203, xxiv., 1846 (2 cop.) The Oregon controversy reviewed. By a friend of the Anglo-Saxons, 1846 FREMONT (J. C.) Geogr. Memoir of Upper Cal., Oregon, etc., map, 1849. V 10 74 OSBORN (S.) PENNSYLVANIA. 8735 OSBORN (Selleck) Poems, Moral, Sentimental, etc., engr. title, pp. 200, uncut. 12 Bost., 1823 Another copy, calf, wants title. 8736 PAINE (Thomas) The Age of Reason. New York, 1794 OLDYS (F.) Life of Thomas Paine, with a defense of his writings. Bost., I79 6 COBBETT (W.) Life and adventures of Peter Porcupine. Phila., 1796, with several other tracts, 9 in i vol. 8737 PALMER (A.H.) Memoir geographical, political, etc., of Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic islands of the Northern Pacific, maps. 8 Washington, 1848 8738 PALMER (JOHN) An Impartial Account of the State of New England, or the late Government there, Vindicated. In Answer to the Declaration which the faction there set forth, when they overturned that Government. With a Relation of the Horrible Usage they treated the Governour with, and his Council, etc. In a Letter to the Clergy there, pp. 49, half brown morocco, RARE. 4 London, for Edw. Poole, 1690 Title, and last page soiled ; two or three leaves are close cropped on outside edge. 8739 PATTERSON (Samuel) Narrative of [his] Adventures and Suf ferings, experienced in the Pacific Ocean and other parts of the World, with an Account of the Feegee and Sandwich Islands, sheep, neat. 1 2 Palmer, [Mass. ,] 1817 8740 PAUW (C. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains . . . Nouv. dd. augm. d une Dissertation critique par Dom Pernety & de la Defense de 1 auteur. 3 vols., old calf, gilt ; with book plate of the Duke of Sussex. 8 A Berlin, 1777 8741 CEuvres philosophiques. 7 vols., map, old calf, gilt. 8 Paris, an III [1795] 8742 PEABODY (G.) Account of the dinner given by Mr. Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, 27th Oct. 1851, cloth. % London, 1851 PENNSYLVANIA. 8743 -- Minutes of the Provincial Council of Penna. from the organ ization to the termination of the Proprietary Government. Vol. 1-3, 1683-1736. 3 vols., half boards. 8 Harrisburg, 1838-40 " Presented by the American Philosophical Society, to their venerated President, P. S. Du Ponceau, LL.D., . . . A. D. Bache, Secretary." 8744 An Addr. to the REV. DR. ALISON, the REV. MR. EWING, and others, Trustees of the Corpor. for the Relief of Presbyterian Ministers, being a Vindication of the Quakers from the Aspersions of the said Trustees, etc. By a Lover of Truth, //. (2), iii, 47, uncut. 8 n. p. [Phila., ] 1765 8745 A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, in which the Conduct of their Assemblies ... is impartially examined, etc. 3d ed. London, 1756 A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylva nia for the year 1755. Being a Sequel to a ... Pamphlet, entitled A Brief State, etc. London, 1756 An Answer to an invidious Pamphlet, entitled A Brief State, etc. London, 1755. 3 in i vol., 8 VERY SCARCE. In good condition for binding. See forward No. 8751, and see notes to Nos. 3034-3041 in Part II of this catalogue. PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA. 75 8746 (PENNSYLVANIA.) Geological Society of Pennsylvania. Trans actions, Vol. i, Part i, cloth, 8 Phila., 1834 8747 Historical Soc. of Pennsylvania. Memoirs, Vol. 3, Part i, boards, uncut. 8 Phila., 1834 Contains Campanius s Short Description of New Sweden, trans, by Du Ponceau ; His tory of the Univ. of Penna., by G. B. Wood, and Inedited Letters of William Penri. 8748 JOHNSON (C. B.) Letters from the British settlement in Pennsylvania, map, boards, uncut, (SeeNo. 3060.) 16 Phila., 1819 8749 MITCHELL (S. A.) Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, morocco. Phila., 1834 8750 PROUD (Robert) History of Pennsylvania, 1681-1742 ; por trait of Wm. Penn and map. 2 vols., old calf. 8 Phila., 1797 Mr. H. C. Murphy s copy sold for $17.50. (See No. 3086 of this catalogue.) 8751 A True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania, containing an Exact Account of its Government. . . . With a Nar rative of the Dispute between its Governors and Assemblies, etc. . . . The Whole being a full Answer to the Pamphlets intitled A Brief State and a Brief View, etc., of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, PP- v > 3~ r 73> 34, (i), <^# gilt. 8 Phila., Wm. Dunlap, 1759 Mr. Sabin calls this book VERY RARE. See note to No. 3040 of this catalogue. 8752 Pamphlets (6), 1793-1828. (BRADFORD W.) An Enquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Penna., 1793 - Report of the commissioners to confer with the insurgents of West ern Pennsylvania, 1794, [BIDWELL (B.)] THE SUSQUEHANNA TITLE Stated and Examined, 1796, impf. LOWNES (C.) Ac count of the alteration and Present State of the Penal Laws of Penna., etc., 1799 Addr. to the citizens of Washington Co., 1827 BARKER (J. N.) Sketches of the Primitive settlements on the Dela., 1828. . PHILADELPHIA. 8753 KEITH (GEORGE) The Heresie and Hatred which was falsely charged upon the Innocent Justly returned upon the Guilty. Giving some brief and impartial Account of the most material Passages of a late Dispute in Writing that hath passed at Philadelphia betwixt John Delavall and George Keith. With some intermixt Remarks, //. 22, (i), vellum, neat, (W. Pratt). VERY RARE. 4 Phila., William Bradford, 1693 Although Bradford, on the last page of this tract, offers to print a reply by Delavall, or any one else, his proposition was not accepted. See Hildeburn s Press in Penna., (no. 62). See also, this catalog., No. 3416. 3754 . [MURREY (Jas.)] Sermons to Doctors in Divinity, being the second volume of Sermons to Asses., //. viii, 144, uncut. 12 Philadelphia, John Dunlap, 1773 oooo [Smith (S.)] Considerations for the Inhabitants ... of Phila. See No. 8838. 8755 Pamphlets (8), 1725-1848. TOMKINS (J.) A Brief Testi mony to the Great Duty of Prayer, etc. 3d ed., //., 5-33, imperfect. Pr. London, Phila., repr., 1725 SMITH (W.) Some Account of the Charitable Corporation for the Relief of the Widows and Chil dren of Clergymen ; also, a Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Phila., before the said Corporation, //. 48- 4 Phila., D. Hall and 76 PENNSYLVANIA; FRANKLIN AND FRANLKIN S PRESS. W. Sellers, 1769 Addr. to the inhab. of Penna. by those free men of Phila., now confined in the Masons Lodge,//. (2), 52; 1777, (2 cop., uncut] Robbery of the Bank of Penna. The Trial in the Supreme Court, 1808 CAREY (M.) Reflexions on the proposed plan for a college in Phila. 26. ed. 1826 The Truth unfolded, or a calm and impartial exposition of the cause of the riots, 1844 Proc. of the Phila. Acad. of Nat. Sciences. Vol. 4, No. i, 1848. FRANKLIN AND FRANKLIN S PRESS. 8756 [FRANKLIN.] Some Account of the Penna. Hospital. From its first Rise to the Beginning of the Fifth Month, called May, 1754, //. 40, halfmor. 4 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1754 8757 BECHTELN (Johannes) Kurzer Catechismus | Vor etliche | Gemeinen Jesu | Aus der | Reformirten Religion | in Pennsyl vania, | Die sich zum alten Bernen Synodo halten : Herausgege- ben von | Johannes Bechteln, | Diener des Worts Gottes, | //. 42, boards. 24 Phila., B. Franklin, 1742 8758 BLAIR (Sam 1 .) The Doctrine of Predestination Truly and Fairly Stated,//. 79, and the adv. sm. 8 Phila., B. Franklin, 1742 8759 A Brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Charitable Scheme, carrying on by a Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen in London for the Relief and Instruction of Poor Germans . . . settled in Pennsylvania, etc., pp. 18, half calf, fine, inlaid title (by R. W. Smith). 4 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 A handsome copy ; See note to No. 3293. 8760 CICERO (M. T.) Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old-Age; with Explanatory Notes, //. viii, 159, rubricated title, original bind ing, paneled calf . wide 8 Phila., B. Franklin, 1744 Measures 8 3-16 by 5 7-8 in. See Nos. 3281-3284 smaller copies. Title page soiled and several pages stained on inside margins ; otherwise a good copy. Translated by Chief Justice James Logan, and "the finest production of Franklin s Press." A copy not as large as this, was catalogued at $185 in New York, Oct., 1888. 8761 CICERO (M. T.) Cato Major. . . . Another copy, half bound. 8 Phila., B. Franklin, 1744 Measures 8g by 5^ in. 8762 DELL (W.) The Doctrine of Baptisms reduced from its Ancient and Modern Corruptions, and restored to its primitive Soundness and Integrity. Fifth Edition,//. 43. 8 London Pr., Phila., Reprinted by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1759 8 7 6 3 The same. 8 London Pr., Phila., repr., 1759 8764 DELL (W.) The Trial of Spirits, both in Teachers and Hearers. Wherein is held forth the . . . Downfal of the Carnal and Anti-Christian Clergy of these Nations, //. 55, (2 copies). 8 London, 1666 ; Phila., Repr. byB. Franklin and D. Hall, 1760 8765 -- DUCHE (Jacob) The Life and Death of the Righteous. A Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Evan Morgan, //. 24, uncut. 8 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1763 8766 JOHNSON (Samuel) Elementa Philosophica, containing chiefly Noetica, etc. . . . Prefixed, A Short Introduction to the Study of the Sciences, Introduction atid Contents only, pp. xxiv, half morocco. 8 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1752 TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY PERRY (D.) 77 8767 (FRANKLIN S PRESS.) Phila. Library Co. Charter, Laws and Catalog, of books,//. 26, 150, half morocco. 8 Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1764 8768 UNITED BRETHREN. Authentische Relation von dem Anlass Fortgang und Schlusse der am i gten und 2 te " Januarii Anno 1741/2 in Germantown gehaltenen Versammlung einiger Arbeiter, etc., pp. (i), 43~5 6 > uncut - 4 Phila., B. Franklin, [1742] 8769 - - Votes of the House of Representatives, Apr. 22-Sept. 7, 1745, //. 25-30, 37-39, 49-54, pen marked [Acts of the General Assem bly for regulating, paving, etc., the highways of Philadelphia,] //. 187-211, uncut; slightly mouse bitten. (2) Phila., B. Franklin, 1762 8770 [ZINZENDORF (Ludwig, Count}] Etliche zu dieser Zeit nicht unnutze Fragen uber einige Schrift-Stellen, welche . . . deutlich erortert zu warden gewunschet hat ein Wahrheit-Forschender in America im jahr 1742, etc., pp. 14, uncut The Remarks which the Author of the Compendious Extract, &c., has friendly desired of the Rev. of Thurenstein, //. 24, uncut. Phila., B. Franklin, 1742. (2 pphs., both VERY SCARCE.) TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8771 Bethlehem. OGDEN (J. C.) An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth in 1799 ; with a History of the United Brethren, called Moravians, scarce. 12 Phila., 1800 8772 Chambersburg. GREGORY (S.) A Father s Legacy to his daughters, 1796 MORE (H.) Essays on various Subjects, 1796 Rudiments of taste. By the Author of the Life of Jacob. 3 vols., boards. 12 Chambersburg, 1796, 1797 8773 Germantown Press. STEGEN (G. te) Warnungs-Schreiben wider die Leichtsinigkeit, Worin die nothwendige Verbindung der Heiligung mit der Rechtfertigung wie auch was Gesetzlich und was Evangelisch ist Kurtzlich angezeiget wird. Aus dem Hol- landeschen ubersetzt, //. 48. sm. 12 Germanton, gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1748 [German prayer and hymn book,] no title page. Germantown, (?) n. d. (2) 8774 Pittsburgh. CRAIG (N. B.) History of Pittsburgh, with two maps, cloth, (2 copies.) 12 Pittsburgh, 1851 8775 Carlisle. Cat. of Dickinson Coll., 1836 Chester. Faithful Narr. of Eliz. Wilson, executed at Chester, 1786 Germantown. Certain Agreements and Concessions made bet. the Contributors for erecting a Schoolhouse in Germantown, pp. 8, n. t. p. {German- town, C. Sower, 1760] with a list of contributors Meadville. COL- MAN (H.) Dedication Ser. 1836 Wilkesbarre. BIDLACK (B. A.) Address, 1842. (5) 8776 PERKINS (S.) History of the late war between the U. States and Great Britain. 8 New Haven, ^1825 8777 PERRY (David) Recollections of an old Soldier. The Life of Capt. D. Perry, written by himself, pp. 55- I2 Windsor, Vt., 1822 78 PETERS (H.) PRINCE (T.) 8778 PETERS (Hugh) Tales and jests of Mr. Hugh Peters; together with his sentence and . . . execution. Prefixed, a short account of his life, with satirical plate. 8 London, 1660, Repr., London, 1807 8779 PICKERING (J.) Memoir on the language and inhabitants of Lord North s Island, in the Indian Archipelago. From the Me moirs of the Amer. Acad., half red mor., neat (R. W. Smith}. 4 Cambridge, 1845 8780 A Vocab. of Words and Phrases peculiar to the U. S. Pre fixed, an Essay on ... the English language in the U. S., boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1816 8781 PIGEONS. A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons ; compiled from the best authors, //. xvi, 144, unc.,fine copper plates. 8 Lond., 1765 8782 PINCHBECK (W. F.) The Expositor, or many mysteries unrav elled . . . comprising the Learned Pig, Invisible Lady and Acoustic Temple, etc., also feats of legerdemain and Reflections on ventrilo quism, //. 100, boards. 12 Boston, 1805 (2 cop.) Witchcraft, or the Art of Fortune-telling unveiled ; with poetick compositions, //. 1 08, boards. 12 Boston, 1805. (3) 8783 Pirates. [ESQUEMELING (J.) and others ] History of the Buca- niers of America. First American from the last London edition. 3 vols., boards. 18 New York, W. Beastall, 1826 8784 -- History of the Pirates, containing the lives of . . . Captains Misson, Bowen, Kidd, etc. Added, an account of the late piracies in the West Indies, and the expedition of Com. Porter. 12 Haver hill, Mass., 1825 8785 PLANTATION JUSTICE, shewing the Constitution of their Courts and what sort of Judges they have in them, pp. 12 (i blank), half sir. grained morocco, fine. sm. 4 London, A. Baldwin, 1701 This copy belonged to Bishop WHITE KENNETT and has his autograph. 8786 POETRY. Broadsides and Miscellaneous, some with cuts. A RARE LOT OF POETRY including Elegies, Songs, Lines on the Earthquake (1755), " Dying words of CAPT. KIDD," " Kentucky Huntsman," " Damsel s Tragedy ; or, Cruel Mother in Law," "The Bold Pilgrim and Apollian," AND OTHERS AS CURIOUS. Also, a large no. of NEWSPAPER CARRIERS ADDRESSES; Book Prospectuses ; Supplements to Newspapers ; PLAY BILL of the BOSTON THEATRE, Sept. 30, 96, -with the casts, and many more pieces of interest, in all 60. (Sold as one lot.) oooo POETRY. See, lots Nos. 9021, 9101. 8787 POWNALL (T.) Topographical Description of the Middle Colo nies of North America, map, good copy, SCARCE. fol. Lond., 1776 " A republication of Evans s map and analysis of 1755 with improvements and additions." Sabin. Among the additions are Extracts from the Journal of Capt. H. Gordon . . . down the Ohio River to Illinois in 1766, and "Christopher Gist s Journal [1750-51] as agent of the Ohio Company, not to be found elsewhere." Gist was Washington s guide in 1753 in the Ohio Country (See Washington s "Journal," No. 8929.) The map, 32^ 19* inches, is in remarkably fine condition, and the volume has broad margins, if it is not a large paper copy. 8788 PRIME (W. C.) Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern, illustrated and described, plates. 4 New York, 1861 8789 PRINCE (Thomas) A Chronological History of New England in the Form of Annals. Vol. I. (Introduction, Part I and Part II), old paneled calf . 8 Boston, Kneeland and Green, 1736 8790 The same (2 copies), one wanting title. 8 Bost., 1736 PRINCE SOCIETY PRISONS RANDOLPH (j.) 79 8791 Prince Society. Publications. WHITMORE (W. H.) Genealogy of the Payne and Gore families, portrait of Christopher Gore, pp. 30. 4 Boston, y. Wilson, i&>]$ 8792 PRISONS (Pamphlets). Russ (j.) and others. Reports on Newgate Prison of Connecticut, 1825, 26 ist Report of Prison Discipline Society, 1826 [BRADFORD (G.)] State Prisons and the peniten tiary system vindicated, 1821 Rules and Regulations, Mass. State Prison, 1823 HAINES (C. G.) and others. Report on the peni tentiary system in the U. S., 1822 6th ann. Report of the Society for Prevention of Pauperism, New York, 1823. 7 in i vol., halfbd. 8793 Progress of the Pilgrim Good-Intent in Jacobinical times. [By M. A. Burgess,] pp. 1 19, uncut. 1 2 Charlestown, S. Etheridge, 1 80 1 8794 Proposals for printing by Subscription the Hist, of the publick Life and distinguished Actions of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Bra zen, Commander of an Amer. Squadron in the last Age. . . . Being the Abridgment of the Author s own Performance in Thirty-one Volumes in Folio. By Thomas Thumb, Esq.,//. 18, close cropped. 8 n. p. [Boston f^ 1760 VERY RARE. (See this Catalogue, No. 1691.) 8795 PUTNAM (Israel) HUMPHREYS (D.) Essay on the life of Major- Gen. Putnam, with an app. containing a sketch of Bunker Hill bat tle, by S. Swett, port, of Gen. Putnam, bds., uncut. 8 Bost., 1818 The editor of this edition adds several pages to Humphrey s "Essay," and in them first makes the singular blunder in the date of Putnam s death, (assigning it to May 19 instead of 29), now so often perpetuated by historians, biographers, and encyclopaedia makers, (cf. Appleton s Cyc. of Am. Biog., and Amer. Cyc. ; Johnson s Cyc. ; Encyc. Brit. ; Tarbox s "Life," et al.) See Hartford Courant, Oct. 26, 1887 ; Oct. 23, 1888. 8796 Putnam and the Wolf, The Fools Pence, and Jamie. 12 New York, American Tract Society, n. d. 8797 QUOTATIONS. Dictionary of .... quotations, from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, and Italian languages. Trans, into Eng lish by D. E. Macdonnel. 2d Amer. ed., calf. 12 Phila., 1817 8798 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) The Amer. Nations ; outlines of a natural hist, of the nations of North and South America. No. i, 2. Phila., !8 3 6 Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible. Phila., 1838 - A Life of Travels and Researches in North Amer. and South Eu rope. Phila., 1836 Safe Banking; including the principles of wealth. Phila., 1837 American Manual of the Mulberry Trees. Phila., 1839. 6 in i vol., nearly all scarce, sheep. 12 8799 RAFINESQUE. Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. In 8 numbers, cuts, boards ; scarce. 8 Phila., 1832-33 8800 RAFINESQUE. Autikon Botanikon or Botanical illustrations of 2,500 trees, plants, etc., chiefly of North America. Part i, pp. 72. Phila., 1815-40 New Flora and Botany of N. Amer., //. 112, uncut. Phila., 1836 Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible, pp. 264. Phila., 1838 Pleasures and duties of Wealth, //. 32, uncut. Phila., 1840. (4 pamphlets.) 8801 RANDOLPH (John) Letters to a young relative . . . from youth to manhood, portrait of Randolph, bds., uncut. 8 Phila., 1834 The "young relative" was Theodorick Bland Dudley. 8802 Rebellion of 1745. A Journey through part of England and Scotland with the Duke of Cumberland, wherein the ... Sup- gO REBELLION OF 1/45 RHODE ISLAND. pression of the Rebellion in 1746 are described. 2d ed. London, ^47 Hist, of the present Rebellion in Scotland . . . from the Relation of J. Macpherson. Lond., pr., Bost., repr., 1745 The Sinfulness of Compliance with the Rebels detected. By I. M. n. p. 1745 FOSTER (J.) Account of the behaviour of the Earl of Kilmarnock after his sentence. Lond., pr., Bost., repr., 1747 A Candid and Impartial Account of the Behaviour of Simon Lord Lovat, from his Death-warrant to his Execution. Lond.,pr., Bost., repr., 1747 HOADLY (B.) An Enquiry into the Reasons of the Conduct of Great Britain, with relation to the present State of Affairs in Europe. Boston, 1727. Six Tracts in i vol., 8 calf, several VERY SCARCE. The " Candid account of Lord Lovat" (Lond., 1747) was priced by Ellis at 2. los. in June, 1888. 8803 REMER (J. A.) Amerikanisches Archiv. [Translations into Ger man of Papers relating to the American Revolution.] 3 vols. in i , half mor., gilt top. 8 Braunschweig, 1777, 78 RHODE ISLAND. 8804 FRIEZE (J.) Hist, of efforts to obtain an extension of suf frage in Rhode Island, ist and 2d eds. (3 cop.) 12 Providence, 1842 8805 HAGUE (W.) Histor. Disc. Bi-Centennial ist Baptist church, Providence, Nov. 7, 1839. 12 Providence, 1839 8806 -- Ross (A. A.) Discourse embracing the civil and religious history of Rhode Island. 12 Providence, 1838 8807 UPDIKE (W.) Memoirs of the R. I. Bar. 8 Boston, 1842 8808 Pamphlets (19) 1836-1855. WILLIAMS(T.) R.I.Protestant ism bi-cent. sermon, 1836 Potter (E. R.) Consid. on the con stitution and suffrage in R. I., 1842 (2 copies) Wayland (F.) Disc, on the affairs of R. I. 2d ed. 1842 (2 cop. ) Review of Way- land s discourse, 1842 Reply to letter of Marcus Morton, 1842 Goddard (W. G.) Address on the change in the govt., 1843 (2 cop.) The Close of the late rebellion in R. I. 2d ed. 1842 (5 cop.) PITMAN (J. S.) Report of the trial of T. W. DORR for treason. 1844 (2 cop.) ARNOLD (S. G.) Disc, before the R. I. Hist. Soc., 1853 RICHMOND (J. W.) Rhode Island repudiation, 1855 ; Rejoinder to the Prov. Journal on the R. I. state debt, 1855. TOWN AND LOCAL HISTORY. 8809 Bristol. Account of the Settlement of the Town, and the Cong l Church, and Act of Incorp. of the Catholic Cong. Soc., pp. 1 6. Providence, 1785 Middleboroug-h. BURGES (T.) Oration before the Philological Soc., 1797 Newport. STILES (I.) Ord. Ser. of E. Stiles, 1755, pp. (2), 33. Newport, J. Franklin [1755 ?] ; HART (L.) Ordination Disc., 1786; BARTLETT (C. F.) Yellow fever in Newport, 1801 ; PATTEN (W.) Charity Disc., 1805 ; Re view of a report of the Warren Bapt. Assoc., 1848 Providence. ALLEN (P.) Oration bef. the Federal Adelphi, 1798 ; MAXCY (J.) Oration July 4th, 1799 ; EDDY (S.) Reasons for his opinions, 1826 ; HALL (E. B.) Hist. Disc., 1836 (2 cop.) ; PITMAN (J.) Bi-Cent. Disc., 1836; TUCKER (M.) Centennial Ser., 1843 ; Members of the ist Baptist ch., 1844; Charter, etc., of Swan Point Cemetery, 1848 ; ADLAM (S.) The First ch. of Providence not the oldest Baptist ch. in America, 1850 (3 cop.) (18 pamphlets.) RHODE ISLAND RUDDIMAN. Si 8810 (RHODE ISLAND.) Providence ; Brown University. MANNING (JO Charge to graduates, 1789 MAXCY (J.) Funeral Ser on T Manning 1791. ? d ed. ; Ser Aug. 9, 1795 ( 2 cop.) - SIMONS (B. B.) Fun. Oration on J. Edwards, 1795 BURGES (T.) Orat and Valedict. addr., 1796 MAXCY (J.) Disc, on atonement, 1706 BRIDGHAM (S. W.) Oration, Sept. 6, 1797 THOMPSON (O) Fun. Orat. on E. Kingman, 1797 ALLEN (B.) Orat. and A r a ledict. 1797 DODGE (P.) Poem, 1797 BURGES (T.) War necessary just, and beneficial ; an orat., 1799 MESSER (A.) Disc, to senior class, 1799, has a " catalogue of the Bachalaureate of R. I, College, 1799 " MAXCY (J.) Baccalaureate Addr. 1801 ; Addr. to the grad uates, 1802 Laws of R. I. Coll., 1803 HUNTINGTON (D.) Poem bef. the United Brothers, 1819 Statement of facts rel. to late affairs and proceedings, 1826 History and laws of the library, 1843 ( 2 copies) Triennial Catalogues, 1836, 1860. (21 pamph lets.) 88 1 1 Warren. TUSTIN (J. P.) Histor. Dedic. Sermon FESSEN- DEN (G. M.) History. 2 in i vol. (2 cop.) 16 Providence, 1845 8812 RICHARDS (C.) Thoughts and remarks on various subjects, with a short account of the author s life. 12 n. p., 1805 8813 RIEDESEL (Baroness] Letters and Memoirs rel. to the war of Amer. Independence and the capture of the German troops at Saratoga. Tr. from the German, bds, uncut. 8 New York, 1827 8814 ROBBINS (T.) A Historical View of the first Planters of New England, calf. (2 copies.) 12 Hartford, 1815 8815 ROBIN (Abbe) New Travels through North America, . . . with a History of the Campaign of 1781, and other Particulars of the War in America, calf. 8 Boston, 1784 With many notes by the translator [Philip Freneau]. " As a small edition was printed off, the work is now in the hands of very few " (see Duyckinck s Cyc. of Am. Lit.). 8816 [ROBINSON (John)?] Essayes and Observations, Theologicall and Morall. By a Student in Theologie Drops of Myrrhe, or Meditations and Prayers. Two in i vol., pp. (16), (107), (4); (4), (27), polished calf , antique. 1 6 London, pr. by R. W.forR. Davis in Oxon, 1654 A former owner has written on a guard leaf: "This volume is supposed to be written by John Robinson the Pilgrim Father of New England. It has sold as high as 2. 2s." 8817 ROMANS (Bernard) Annals of the Troubles in the Netherlands, from the Acces. of Charles V. Vol. I (2 copies, one uncut.) (See note to No. 2102.) 8 Hartford, 1778 8818 ROWSON (Susanna) Miscellaneous Poems. 12 Boston, 1804 8819 [ROYALL (Anne)] Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the United States. By a Traveller. New Haven, 1826 (2 copies, i impf.) Pennsylvania, or Travels continued in the United States. Washington, 1829 Southern Tour, or Second Series of the Black Book. Washington, 1830. (4 vols.) 8 boards, uncut. 8820 RUDDIMAN (Thos.) Chalmers (G.) Life of T. Ruddiman : subjoined, new anecdotes of Buchanan, portrait (by Bartolozzi), half calf ; with bookplate of John Bruce. 8 London, 1794 v ii 82 SAGITTARIUS S LETTERS SIMCOE (j. G.) 8821 SAGITTARIUS S Letters and Political Speculations, Extracted from the Public Ledger. Inscribed to ... Dr. Samuel Cooper,//. i, 127, half bound. 8 Boston, 1775 Attributed to John Mein. See note to No. 4134. 8822 SARGENT (L. M.) Hubert and Ellen, with other poems. 3d ed. 24 Boston, 1815 8823 SAVAGE (E.) A Nar. of the late Extraordinary Cure Wrought in an Instant upon Mrs. Elizabeth Savage (Lame from her Birth) Without the using of any Natural Means, etc. Enquired into with all its Circumstances by Noted Divines and . . . Physicians, etc., pp. 22 ; scarce and curious, sm. 8 London, for John Dunton, 1694 8824 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Nar. of an Expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake in 1832, maps, uncut. 8 N. K, 1834 8825 SCHROEDER (W.) Grammaire turque a 1 usage des Frangais et Anglais. Ed. revue, corr. et augmentde d une version anglaise, pp. i, 142. 8 Leipsic, 1835 -8826 SEABURY (Samuel) Discourses on several subjects. 2 vols., bds., uncut. 8 Hudson, 1815 8827 [SEABURY (Saml.)?] A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, including a Mode of Determining their present Disputes, etc. By A. W. Farmer,//. 37, half morocco. 8 New York, y. Rivington, 1774 8828 SEARSON (John) Mount Vernon, a poem. 8 Phila., [1800] 8829 Secrets cone. Arts and Trades, //. xxii, 240. 12 Norwich, 1795 8830 SELFRIDGE (T. O.) Trial of, for killing Chas. Austin, //. 168, (4), uncut. 8 Boston, [1807] 8831 SEMPLE (R. B.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Bap tists in Virginia, boards, uncut, stained. 8 Richmond, 1810 8832 SEWALL (J. M.) Miscellaneous Poems ; with specimens from the author s version of the Poems of Ossian. 12 Portsmouth, 1801 Autograph presentation by Isaiah Thomas, on /. i. See No. 6930. 8833 The Sham-Patriot Unmasked ; an exposition of the successful arts of demagogues . . . essays by Historicus [Ezra Sampson]. 24 Hudson \_N. K], 1802 8834 SHARP (Granville) A General Plan for laying out Towns and Townships on the new acquired lands in the East Indies, America, or elsewhere, folded plan, pp . 24. 8 n. p. \LondonT\, 1794 8835 SHIPLEY [Jona.], bp. of St. AsapWs. Sermon preached before the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. J 9> J 773> PP- Z 7> half mor. ; good copy of this famous sermon. 8 London, pr., Boston, repr. [for] T. and J. Fleet, 1773 8836 SHORT (T.) Comparative History of the Increase and Decrease of Mankind in England and . . . abroad . . . also a meteorological discourse, boards. 4 London, W. Nicoll, 1767 8837 SIMCOE (J. G.) Military Journal. Hist, of the Queen s Rangers, during the Am. Revolution. Illustr. by Plans. With a Memoir and additions, boards. 8 New York, 1844 SILLIMAN (Benj.) Jour, of Travels in Eng., Holland, and Scotland, 1805-6. 3d ed. 3 vols., calf. 12 New Haven, 1820. (4 vols.) SKILLMAN SOUTH CAROLINA. 83 8838 (Skillman.) [ALLEN (John) ?] An Oration, upon the Beauties of Liberty, or the essential Rights of the Americans. Delivered at the Second Baptist-Church in Boston, upon the last Annual Thanksgiving [Dec. 3d, 1772,] pp. xiv, 31, uncut. 8 Boston, D. Kneeland, and N. Davis, 1773 Haven s "Catalogue of Anti-Revolutionary Publications," under 1773 and 1774, assigns this Oration to John Allen ; but on page 329, assigns the same Oration (2d ed. Boston 1773) to the Rev - Isaac Skillman. See the following number, 8839. 8839 --An Oration on the Beauties of Liberty, or the essential Rights of the Americans. Delivered at the Second Baptist- Church in Boston upon the last Annual Thanksgiving, Dec. 3d, 1772 ... The Fourth Ed., carefully corrected by the Author, [with Additions,] and Remarks on the Rights and Liberties of the AFRICANS, etc. By a British Bostonian, pp. 80, half morocco, neat, uncut. 8 Boston, E. Russell, 1773 See Nos. 8557, 8838. This edition was not only revised but largely re-written by the author. The additions include "a few Strictures on Liberty of Conscience . . . delivered at a Public School in Boston," "left out in all the former editions" (//. 64-75), with a reference (/. 66) to what the author had previously spoken in the " American Alarm " ; " Remarks on the Rights and Liberties of the Africans" to " Personal Liberty," a protest against Slave-making and the Slave Trade ; and the petition to the General Court of Mas sachusetts, April 20, 1773, of Felix Holbrook and others, in "behalf of their fellow Slaves in this Province," &c., for "civil and religious liberty" and the means of transporting themselves to Africa. 8840 [SMITH (Samuel)] Necessary Truth : or, Seasonable Consid erations for the Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia and Prov ince of Pennsylvania, in Relation to the Pamphlet call d Plain Truth; and Two other Writers in the News-paper,//. 16. 8 Phila. [by W. Bradford}, 1748 " The author was Samuel Smith the historian of New Jersey ; the MS. diary of John Smith says, s Nov. 30, 1747 : Received from Bro. Samuel, Necessary Truth, ... I carried it to W. Bradford, and agreed with him to Print 500. " Hildeburn s Press in Penna., no. 1099. Mr. Sabin says (no. 25558), "In the type of Franklin and Hall, and prob ably written by Franklin." 8841 Smithsonian Institution. Reports, 1854, 1867. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1854, 68 8842 SOMMERS (Lord} The Judgment of Kingdoms and Nations concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogative of Kings, and the Rights, etc., of the People, nth ed. 8 Philadelphia, 1773 8843 The Same. i2th ed. (2 copies.) 8 Newport, R. L, 1774 8844 [ ] The Security of Englishmen s lives: or, the Trust, Power and Duty of the Grand Juries of England. 4th ed., //. 101, uncut. London, pr., New York, repr., 1773 SOUTH CAROLINA. 8845 DRAYTON (John) A View of South Carolina, as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns,//! (4), 252, (i\ plates and map, uncut; SCARCE 8 Charleston, 1802 Lacks the map of the State, but has the Postscript" (i /.) and folding map of the " entrance into Winyaw Bay at Georgetown, showing where a short canal may be cut, etc. 8846 [HEWATT (Alex.)] Hist. Acct. of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols., half calf, nice copy. 8 London > 84 SOUTH CAROLINA STILES (E.) 8847 (So. CAROLINA.) RAMSAY (David) History of the Revolution of South Carolina. Vol. 2, sheep. 8 Trenton, 1785 A presentation copy from the author to JONATHAN EDWARDS ; with (probably) Ed- wards s autograph, 1786. 8848 Pamphlets. [BURKE (^Edanus)] Addr. of the Freemen of South Carolina. By Cassius, //. 32. Phila., 1783 ELLIOTT (S.) Addr. to the Literary and Philosoph. Soc. of S. Carolina. 4 1814 [HAMILTON (J.)] Negro Plot. An account of the intended insurrection among the blacks of Charleston, i822,//. 50. (3) 8849 SOUTHEY (R.) The Expedition of Orsua, and the crimes of Aguirre, boards, uncut. (2 copies.) 12 Phila., 1821 8850 SPITZBERGEN. [Fotherby s ? ] Narrative of a Voyage to Spitz- bergen in 1613 ; with a Descr. of the Country and ... the Whale- fishery. Now first printed from the orig. manuscript. With introd. and notes by S. F. Haven, cuts, map, cloth, g. e. 8 Boston, 1860 One of fifty copies privately printed, from Am. Antiq. Soc. s Trans., V. 4. Autograph presentation from the editor. 8851 Narrative of the extraordinary adventures of four Russian sailors, who were cast away and lived six years on the isl. of East- Spitzbergen, pp. 15. 8 Litchfield, Collier and Copp, n. d. [1785 ?] Collier and Copp dissolved a partnership of a year s duration, Dec. 12, 1785. 8852 STAMP ACT. A New Collection of verses applied to the First of November, A. D. 1765, &c. Including a Prediction that the S p A-t shall not take Place in North Amer. Together with a Poetical Dream, concerning Stamped Papers,//. 24, name cut from title; RARE. 8 New Haven, B. Mecom, [1765] 8853 State of the British and French Colonies in North America, with Respect to Number of People, Forts, Indians, Trade and other Advantages. In Two Letters to a Friend, half bd. 8 Lond., 1755 See Rich, 1755; no. 3. 8854 STEARNS (Saml.) Tour from London to Paris. After which is delineated, A New Constitution, with a Descr. of the Road to Liberty,//, v, 132, u?icut, port., title torn. 8 London, 1790 8855 STEELE (Rich.) Antidote against Distractions. 16 N.Y., 1754 8856 Stevens (H.) Tehuantepec. Hist, and Geographical Notes, 1453-1869, //. 40, cloth. 8 New York, 1869 This work is also embodied in the Report on the Tehuantepec R. R. See No. 8865. 8857 STEVENS (James W.) Hist, and Geog. Account of Algiers, [with] Events relative to the American captives. 12 Phila., 1797 - The Same. 2d ed., folding plate; wants from title to p. n. Brooklyn, 1800. (2 vols.) 8858 STEWART (John) Prospectus of a Series of Lectures on a new system of Human Reason,//. 16, uncut. 8 Phila., 1796 The above by Stewart the Traveller, is " accomodated to the most ordinary capacities in a method which dispenses with the study of the college, or the lecture of musty libraries." 8859 STILES (Ezra) A Hist, of Three of the Judges of King Charles I., portrait and plates, calf (4 copies). 12 Hartford, 1794 8860 - - The United States elevated to Glory and Honor. [Election] Ser., May 8, 1783. 2d ed., calf. 12 Worcester, /. Thomas, 1785 STORY (j.) TENNESSEE THACHER. 85 8861 STORY (Joseph) The Power of Solitude, a Poem. New ed., plate. (See note, No. 6952.) I2 Salem, 1804 H. Stevens says "Few books of American Poetry are so difficult to meet with." 8862 STUART (Gilbert) LL.D. A View of Society in Europe, or In quiries concerning the History of Law, Government, and Manners, full polished calf. 4 Edinburgh, 1778 8863 Summer [Bermuda] Islands. Declaration of the Right Hon. Robert [Rich], Earle of Warwick . . . Gov. of the Co. of London for the Plantation of the Summer Islands, etc. Petition and Dec laration of the generall Inhabitants of the ... Sommer-Islands. To the Committees of the Houses of Parliament ... the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Sommer-Islands, 1644, //. 12, VERY SCARCE. 8864 TARLETON (J.) History of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern Provinces of No. kmtr., folded map, pp. (8), 518, half green morocco (Roxburghe], uncut. 4 London, T. Cadell, 1787 8865 TEHUANTEPEC. The Tehuantepec R. R., its Location, Features, and Advantages under the La Sere Grant of 1869, folded map, plates ; autograph of Henry Stevens. 8 New York, 1869 8866 TENNENT (W.) Address occasioned by the late Invasion of the Liberties of the American Colonies by the British Parliament, delivered at Charlestown, S. C.,//. 22, VERY SCARCE. Phila., 1774 TENNESSEE. 8867 Haywood (John) The | Natural and Aboriginal | History | of | Tennessee, | up to the | First Settlements therein | by the | White People, | in the | year 1768, | pp. viii, 390, liv, red levant morocco, very elegant, g. e., gilt back and borders, inside and out, ( W. Pratt, for H. Stevens, 1872). 8 Nashville, Geo. Wilson, 1823 (See No. 4594.) "EXCEEDINGLY RARE and high prized." FIELD, Indian Bibliog. A copy sold in 1881, for $100; H. C. Murphy s copy, 1884, fetched $134. 8868 - - HAYWOOD (John) The | Civil and Political | History | of the | State of Tennessee, from its | Earliest Settlement | up to | the year 1796 ; | including the | Boundaries of the State, | //. (6), 504, polished calf, gilt back and covers, gilt inside ( Bedford^, VERY RARE. 8 Knoxville, Heiskell and Brown, 1823 " Only less rare than the Aboriginal History, by the same author." FIELD S Indian Bibliography. 8869 Another copy, old calf , good condition. 8 Knoxville, 1823 8870 Knoxville. The Half-Century of Knoxville, Addr. and Pro ceed, at the Semi-Centennial Anniv., Feb. 10, 1842. Added, an Appendix, SCARCE. 8 Knoxvtlle, 1852 8871 TEXAS. The Texas Almanac, 1858, 1860 ist Semi- Annual Report of the Public Schools of Galveston, 1847, Wlth addr - b y Ashbel Smith. 8 Galveston, 1847. (3 pamphlets.) 8872 THACHER (Tames) M.D. A Military Journal during the Amer. Revolutionary war, 1775 to 1783, etc. Added, an Appendix, con taining biogr. sketches. 2d ed., boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1827 8873 THEOPHRASTUS. Characters : or the Manners of the Age ; with Moral Characters: trans, from the Greek. Prefixed, an Account 6 THOMSON (j.) TRACTS. of his Life and Writings, by Mons. DE LA BRUYERE. Made English by several Hands. 5th ed., frontispiece, old paneled calf . 8 London, 1709 8874 THOMSON (James) The Seasons, ist American ed, sheep. 12 Newburyport, J. My call, n. d. 8875 THOMPSON (Thos.) An Account of Two Missionary Voyages, the one to New Jersey in N. Amer., the other from America to the coast of Guiney,//. (4), 87, boards. 8 London, Benj. Dod, 1758 8876 THOMPSON (Zadock) Journal of a trip to London, Paris, and the Great Exhibition in 1851. 12 Burlington \Vt?\, 1852 8877 THORNTON (Wm.) Cadmus: or a treatise on the elements of written language ; with an essay on teaching the deaf and dumb to speak, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1793 8878 TRACTS. HOWE (Sir Wm.) Narrative rel. to his conduct dur ing his command of the King s troops in N. Amer. ; added obs. upon a pamph. entitled, Letters to a Nobleman. 2d ed., //. (4), no. London, 1780 The Badge of Folly; or, a humorous illus tration of the Mottos of the Nobility ... by Orator Reynard. London, 1782, curious and scarce DAVIS (J.) Eulogy on Wash ington. Boston, 1800 WILKES (J.) Letter to a member of the club in Albemarle Street, //. 19. London, 1764 HUMPHREYS (D.) Poem on the Happiness of America, pp. 48, imperfect. ^Lon don, 1786?] Directions for bringing over seeds and plants from the East Indies, etc., pp. 24. London, 1771 Collection of Papers Printed by order of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, //. 51. Lond., E. Owen, 1741. 7 in i vol. 4 hf. bd. 8879 TRACTS. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union bet. the [thirteen] States, pp. n. New London, 1777 Plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the U. S. New York, 1790 An Act for adding to the Military estab. of the U. S. . . . and protection of the Frontier, 1791 The Constitution of the U. S. [1789], //. 8 Plan of a Report of the Committee of Ways and Means [1786], //. 14 Commun. from the Sec. of the Treasury to the House, I793,//. 65. 6 in i vol., several uncut, hf. veil., f 8880 TRACTS. ($ B K Orations, 1804-51.) Dartmouth. By S. P. Webster, 1804; J. Vose, 1805 (2 cop.) ; D. Dana, 1817; S. L. Knapp, 1824; G. Kent, 1832 (2 copies); C. B. Hadduck, 1825 ; L. Bacon, 1845 ( 2 CO P-) ; J- Parker, 1846; J. J. Gilchrist, 1851 Brown. T. Metcalf, 1832 ; V. Maxcy, 1833; A. Robbins, 1834; W.G. Goddard, 1836 ; F. C. Gray, 1842 ; J. Durfee, 1843 (2 cop.) ; H. Wheaton, 1847 ~ Bowdoin. J. R. Ingersoll, 1837 j W. T. Dwight, 1849 y W. B. Sprague, 1850 Harvard. G. Putnam, 1844; C- Sumner, 1846; G. W. Bethune, 1849 Union. C. Sum- ner, 1848 (2 cop.); T. M. Clark, 1851. 30 in 2 vols. hf. bound, (Roxburghe). 8881 TRACTS. (Addresses, 1791-1839.) OGDEN (J. C.) At the open ing of Portsmouth Acad., 1791 WHITMAN (K.) At Bridgewater [before] the Columbian Soc., 1798 EDDY (Z.) Philandrianism, 1800 THOMAS (D.) At election of the Philandrian Soc., 1804 TRACTS (ADDRESSES). 87 NOTT (E.) Baccal. Address, Union College, 1806 BATES (J ) Inaug. Oration Middlebury College, 1818 DAVIS (H.) Inaiig Addr., Middlebury, 1810 GOODRICH (C. A.) Addr. in Worces ter, June 26, 1817 WHEATON (H.) At the opening of the New York Athenaeum, 1824 STRONG (J.) Bef. the Phi Sigma Nu Soc., Burlington, 1827 ADAMS ([.) In Trinity Ch., Geneva, 1827 BLAGDEN (G. W.) Bef. the Brighton School Fund Corp n , 1828 FELTON (C. C.) At the Livingston County High School, Geneseo, N. Y., 1828 ; At the anniv., Concord Lyceum, 1829 AUSTIN (J. T.) Bef. the Soc. for the Suppression of Intemper ance, 1830 BRINLEY(F.) Jr. Bef. the Franklin Debating Soc., 1830 WHITE (D. A.) Bef. the Essex County Lyceum, 1830 BANCROFT (L. S.) To the Prescott Guards, Pepperell, 1830 DELANCEY (W. H.) At the Univ. of Penna., 1830 HUNT (W. G.) At the Nashville Univ., 1831 EVERETT (E.) At Amer. Inst., New York, 1831 W T ASHBURN (E.) Bef. the Worcester Lyceum, 183 1 FISK (W.) At the opening of Wesleyan Univ., Midclletown, Conn., 1831 HUMPHREYS (H.) Inaug. at St. John s Coll., An napolis, 1832 WILKINS (W T .) At Jefferson Coll., 1832 INGER- SOLL (C.) Before the Law Acad. of Phila., 1833 EAMES (T.) Bef. the Brooklyn Lyceum, 1833 GREGG (J.) Bef. the N. Hamp shire State Lyceum, 1834 VETHAKE (H.) Inaug. Washing ton Coll., Lexington, Va., 1835 CALDWELL (C.) To the Aga- theridan, etc., Soc., at Nashville Univ., 1835 BARNARD (D. D.) Before the Philoclean Soc. of Rutgers Coll., 1837 YOUNG (S.) Bef. the Young Men s Assoc., Albany, 1837 PRAY (I. C.) Bef. the Merc. Lib. Assoc., Bost, 1837 [LOTHROP (S. K.)] Religious liberty: a sermon, 1838 DABNEY (G. E.) On the study of the classics, 1838 EVERETT (A. H.) At Wesleyan Univ., Middle- town, Conn., 1838 ALLEN (W. H.) Bef. the Cuvierien Soc., Wesleyan Univ., 1838 OWEN (R. D.) Before the Philomathean Soc., Indiana Univ., 1838 EVERETT (E.) Bef. the Merc. Lib. Assoc., and Poem by J. T. FIELDS, 1838 HUNTER (R. M. T.) Bef. the alumni, Univ. of Virginia, 1839 GARLAND (L. C.) On the utility of astronomy, 1837 WHEDON (D. D.) Baccal. Ser., Wesleyan Univ., 1839 Addresses at Middlebury College, 1839. 44 in 2 vols., hf. bd., (Roxburghe). 8882 TRACTS. (Addresses, 1841-1863.) TUCKER (H. S. G.) Lecture by the law professor in Univ. of Virginia, 1841 PARKER (T.) On the transient and permanent in Christianity, an ordin. disc., 1841 EDWARDS (B. B.) At Mt. Holyoke Female Sem., 1841 MAFFIT (J. N.) Bef. the Literary Soc. of Wesleyan Univ., 1841 GOOCH (R. B.) Anniv. Addr. Patrick Henry Soc., Richmond, 1841 HONE (P.) Bef. the Merc. Lib. Assoc., Boston, 1843 - MARSH (G. P.) The Goths in New England, . . . bef. the Philo- mathesian Soc., Middlebury Coll., 1843 - TARBOX (I. N.), Philosophy, Hamilton Coll., 1843 Memorial of the convention oi colleges in Richmond, 1844 BROWNSON (O. A.) Bef. the Mys tical Seven, Wesleyan Univ. 1844 STORER (B.) Bef. the Call opean Society, Granville Coll., 1844 WOODBURY (L.) National Institute, Washington, 1845 CLARK (U.) gg TRACTS (ADDRESSES). Wilson Collegiate Inst. [Lockport], 1846 MAGOON (E. L.) Bef. the lit. socs. of Washington Coll., Lexington, Va., 1846 TODD (J.) Bef. the lit. socs. of Union Coll., 1846 HEADLEY (J. T.) Bef. the lit. socs., of the Univ. of Vt., 1846 COCKE (R. 1.) Bef. the Licivyronean Soc. of William and Mary Coll., 1847 SUMNER (C.) WHITE SLAVERY in the Barbary States : lecture . . . Boston Merc. Lib. Assoc., 1847 PUTNAM (G.) God and our country : Fast Day disc., 1847 RIVES (W. C.) On the uses and importance of history : disc. [Charlottesville], 1847 BACON (L.) Christianity and learning: disc., Troy, 1847 BACON (L.) Bef. the lit. socs. of Hamilton. Coll., 1847 SPRAGUE (W. B.) Bef. the lit. socs. of Wesleyan Univ., 1848 BUCKINGHAM (C. E.) Individual and public health : lecture bef. Suffolk lodge of Odd Fellows, 1848 DABNEY (G. E.) Bef. the alumni, Univ. of Va., 1849 WHITE (C.) Contributions of intellect to religion : baccal. addr., Wabash Coll., 1848 FISHER (E.) On the North and the South, lecture, Cincinnati, 1849 SPRAGUE (W. B.) Bef. the lit. socs. of Ham ilton Coll., 1849 SMITH (W.) Inaug. Addr. Univ. of Vermont, 1849 SUMNER (C.) The war system of the commonwealth of nations : address, 1849 TYLER (J.) Bef. the lit. socs. Univ. of Va., 1850 BROCKENBROUGH (J. W.) On laying the corner-stone at the Virginia Military Institute, 1850 GARNETT (M. R. H.) Bef. the alumni, Univ. of Va., 1850 CHAPIN (A. L.) Inaug. Disc. Beloit Coll., 1850 TURNBULL (R.) Before the Knowles Rhetor. Soc., Newtown, Mass., 1850 GALE (N.) Inaug. Addr. Theological Inst. of Conn., 1851 Inaug. addr. No title page DOANE (G. W.) Baccal. Addr. Burlington Coll., 1851 SWANN (J. S.) Lecture bef. the Kanawha Lyceum, 1852 Cox (S. S.) The Scholar in the life of Hugo Grotius : addr. bef. the Athenian Lit. Society Ohio Univ., 1852 LONG (C.) Inaug. addr. Auburn Theolog. Sem., 1853 BINNEY (J. G.) Inaug. Addr. Columbian Coll., D. C., 1855 CHADBOURNE (P. A.) Alumni addr., East Windsor Hill Acad. 1857, with Poem by C. W. JENKINS MCAFEE (L. M.) Addr. bef. the Theta Delta Chi Soc., Washington, D. C., 1858 HAVEN (E. O.) Inaug. addr. Univ. of Michigan, 1863. 47 in 2 vols, hf. bd., (Roxburghe], TRACTS. (Addresses, etc., 1833-1845.) Union College ist Semi- Centenn. Anniversary, July 22, 1845 CHANNING (W. E) Addr. at Lenox, anniv. of the emancipation in the Brit. West Ind., 1842 FISHER (S. W.) Lecture bef. the Young Men s Assoc., Albany, 1844 -- HOPKINS (M.) The connexion bet. taste and morals: two lectures. 2d ed., 1842 BLYTHE (J.) Inaug. add. South Hanover Coll., O., 1833 HAWES (J.) Addr. Mt. Holyoke Female Sem., 1845 HOPKINS (M.) Addr. before alumni of Williams Coll., 1843 - - BUSHNELL (H.) $ B K Oration, New Haven, 1837 WELCH (A.) Addr. in the Medical Inst. of Yale Coll., 1844 KIRK (E. N.) Addr. at the Theolog. Sem., Gilman- ton, N. .H., 1843 YOUNG (S.) Lecture bef. the Young Men s Assoc., Albany, 1837 GALE (G. W.) Addr. at Knox Coll., 111., 1847 HITCHCOCK (E.) Inaug. addr., Amherst Coll., 1845 BETHUNE (G. W.) Oration bef. the lit. socs. of Yale Coll, 1845 TRACTS (REPORTS AND ADDRESSES). 89 HILLARD (G. S.) Relation of the Poet to his age $ B K oration, 1843 CHEEVER (G. B.) Addr. bef. the New Eng. Soc of New York, 1842 MARSH (G. P.) Addr. bef. the New Eng. Soc., 1844 Coleridge and the moral tendency of his writings By , 1844. 18 in i vol., 8 hf. bd. 8884 TRACTS. 4> B K Orations by E. Everett and A. Robbins ; Ora tion on Lafayette, by J. A. Hillhouse ; and Ann. Catalogues of Yale, Brown, and Amherst Colleges. 1833-35. I0 l l v l- 8885 TRACTS. (Legislative and Judicial.) The Political Register, Mch. 25, 1833. Washington, 1833, PP- 642-736, 4 FRELINGHUY- SEN (T.) Speech . . . concerning Sabbath mails, 1830 Addr. to the freemen of North Carolina, 1827 HAMILTON (A.) and others. Speeches in the cause of the people vs. H. Croswell for libel on Pres. Jefferson. N. Y., 1804 BAYARD (J. A.) Speech on the act to repeal certain acts respect, the organization of the courts of the U. S., 1802 DUER (W. A.) Letter to Cadwallader D. Colden, in answer to the strictures in his Life of R. Fulton, 1817 HAMPDEN, pseud. Letter to the President touching the prosecutions before the Circuit Court in the Dist. of Connecticut, 1808 CONDORCET. Letter to a magistrate in Swisserland, resp. the massacree \sic\ of the Swiss Guards, with a letter from THOS. PAINE, etc. New York, 1793 [BURKE (^Edanus)] Consid. on the Society of the Cincinnati. By Cassius. Hartford, n. d. [1783?] ; Addr. bef. the Soc. of the Cincinnati of Conn., 1792 SWIFT (Z.) Oration on domestic slavery. Hartford, 1791 BRAY (O.) Ora tion bef. Hiram Lodge of F. and A. Masons. New Haven, 1802 - [PAINE (T.)] Common Sense; addressed to the inhabitants of America. Phila., n. d., imperfect TRUMBULL, \_pseud^\ Mischiefs of legislative caucuses exposed in an addr. to the people of Conn. Hartford, 1819 Journal of the National Republican Convention in Baltimore, 1831. 16 in i vol., boards, uncut. 8886 TRACTS. (Reports and addresses^) Colonization Soc. of Conn. 2d, 4th Repts., 1829, 31 Amer. Colonization Soc. i4th Rept, 1831 African Education Soc. Rept. of Proceedings at Forma tion, 1829 Conn. Retreat for the Insane; Act of Incorp. and Repts., 1823, 1830 Conn. Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, ist, 6th, 1 5th, i6th Rpts., i8i7- 32 Acct. of the New York Institu tion for the Blind, 1833 Conn. Temperance Soc. ist Ann. Rept, 1830 Rept. of a committee of the Conn. Med. Soc. respecting an asylum for inebriates, 1830 HOLLAND (W. M.) Addr. bef. the Hartford Co. Peace Soc., 1831 Plan of the literary rooms [of] Jas. Eastburn & Co. 2d ed., New York, 1817 Constitu tion of the Bible Soc. of Union Coll., 1815 Conn. Mission. Soc. 28th Ann. Narr. of missions, 1827 -- Hartford Co. Auxil. For. Mission Soc. 7th Rept, 1830 ROBINSON (C.) Addr. bef. the Hartford Co. Agric. Soc., 1830 Minister s Annuity Soc. : Act of Incorp" and Bye-Laws, 1825. 20 in i vol., boards. 8887 TRACTS. (Speeches and Orations^ RENWICK (J.) On the char acter, etc., of DEWITT CLINTON, 1829 - SURGES (T.) Speech on the motion to strike from the appropriation bill the salary of the V 12 90 TRACTS (SPEECHES, ORATIONS, SERMONS). minister to Russia [JOHN RANDOLPH], 1831 MARSH (E. G.) d>BK Oration in New Haven, 1798 BARTON ( .) Speech in the Senate [on Public lands], 1830 HICKOK (L. P.) Addr. bef. the Conn. Peace Soc., 1833 KNIGHT (J.) Eulogium on Nathan Smith, M. D., 1829 SYLVAN, pseud. Formula of prescriptions and instructions to those who shall apply to [him], 1812 EVERETT (E.) Speech on the proposition to amend the constitution, 1826; Coloniz. Soc. of Conn., Addr. to the Public, 1828 TODD (J.) Addr. bef. the Alexandrian Soc., Amherst Coll., 1828 EVERETT (E.) Addr., 4th of July, Worcester, 1833 GRAY (F. C.) Letter to Gov. Lincoln in relation to Harvard Univ. 2d ed, 1831. 12 in i vol., boards. 8888 TRACTS. (Sermons, 1737-1768.) ELLIS (N.) [Mass.] Election Serm., 1743 LORING (I.) Mass. Election Serin., 1737 WIL LIAMS (W.) Serm. after death of Caleb Lyman, 1742 -- WIGGLES- WORTH (S.) Serm. after the death of J. Rogers, 1 745 ALLEN (J.) Mass. Election Serm., 1744 EMERSON ( .) Serm. at ordination of J. Emerson, 1747 EDWARDS (J.) Serm. at ordin. of R. Aber- crombie, 1744 BUCKNAM (N.) Serm. at ordin. of E. Morse, I743 HOBBY (W.) Bost. Artillery Elec. Serm., 1747 PORTER (S.) Serm. at ordin. of W. Phipps, 1748 PARSONS (J.) Serm. at Boston, Thursday Lecture, 1742 SKINNER (T.) Serm. after the death of Mrs. Mary Skinner, 1745 BALCH (T.) Serm. at ordin. of J. Newman, 1747 MACCARTY (T.) Instal. Serm. at Worcester, 1747 GAY (E.) Serm. at ordin. of J. Dorby, 1751 APPLETON (N.) Serm. at ordin. of S. Badger, 1753 BARNARD (T.) Mass. Election Serm., 1763 BARNARD (E.) Serm. at ordin. of G. Merrill, 1765 MERIAM (J.) Serm. at ordin. of S. Dean, 1764 TUCKER (J.) Serm at ordin. of J. Moody, 1765 BARNARD (E.) Mass. Election Serm., 1766 ELIOT (A.) Serm. at ordin. of E. Thayer, 1766 TUCKER (J.) Discourses on the death of Rev. J. Lowell, 1767 TUCKER (J.) Two Serms. in Newburyport, 1769 BARNARD (E.) Serm. at ordin. of T. Gary, 1768 TUCKER (J.) Serm. at the Ann. Convention, 1768. 26 in 2 vols. The first of these vols. belonged to the Rev. Andrew Eliot and has his autograph. 8889 TRACTS. (Sermons, etc.) DWIGHT (T.) Before the Conn. Soc. of the Cincinnati, 1795 A Seasonable Plea for the Liberty of Con science and the Right of Private Judgment, in matters of Relig. By a lover of truth and liberty, pp. 66. Boston, 1744 STRONG (C.) A Second Inquiry into the nature and design of Christian Baptism, 1796 A Summary of Christian Doctrine and practice : for the people in the new settlements, 1804 COLLEY (T.) An apology for silent waiting upon God in religious assemblies, 1805 STANSBURY (A. J.) The Christian Duty of Spreading the Scrip tures, 1814 Conn. Mission. Soc. 26th Ann. Narr. of Missions, 1824 RICE (J. H.) Instrumentality of man in propagating the Gospel, 1819 National circular [on temperance], n. d. DAVIS (G. F.) Lecture on the qualifications for teachers, 1830 Doc uments rel. to the dismission of L. D. Dewey from the Theol. Sem. in N. Y., 1816 PORTER (E.) Fatal effects of ardent spirits : a sermon, 181 1 DAVIS (G. F.) The Bible doctrine of temperance ; a sermon, 1831 STANSBURY (A. J.) Charity serin., Newburgh, SERMONS UNITED STATES. 91 1816 WAINWRIGHT (J. M.) Disc, on forming the African Mis- Ision School Soc , 1828 DWIGHT (T.) Disc, on the death of Gov m Trumbull, 1809 CHAPIN (C.) Serm. at the funeral of Rev j Marsh, 1821 TENNEY (C. J.) Serm. after the death of Rev " *Marsh, 1821 LOCKWOOD (W.) Serm. at the funeral of Mrs 1 Jerusha Woodbridge, 1799 JUDSON (E.) Serm. at ordin. of D. f | Smith, 1799 BUELL (S.) Serm. occ. by the death of Charles Jeffery Smith, imperf. New London, 1770. Election Sermons: STRONG (N.), 1790; DWIGHT (T.), 1791; STONE (T.), 1792 ; BACKUS (C.), 1793 ; EDWARDS (J.), 1794; ELLI OTT (J.), 1810; TAYLOR (N. W.), 1823; LUCKEY (S.), 1824; Dow (D.), 1825; BEECHER (L.), 1826; LEWIS (I.), 1827; WHEATON (N. S.), 1828. Fast-Day Sermons: FREEMAN (Jon.), 1798 ; WITH- ERSPOON (J.), 1776 Thanksgiving Sermons: JOHNS (E.), 1803 ; PORTER (N.), 1821 ; ROBBINS (R.), 1824. 38 in 2 vols., boards. 8890 TRIPOLI. History of the war between the U. S. and Tripoli Prefixed, a History of the Barbary States, scarce. 12 Salem, 1806 8891 TRUMBULL (B.) Plea in vindication of the Connecticut Title to Contested Lands west of N. Y., pp. 160, (i). 8 N. Haven, 1774 Pierrepont Edwards s copy, with MS. notes and corrections. 8892 TRUMBULL (Henry) History of the Disc, of America and of our forefathers engagements with the Indians, etc., 1620 to 1679. [Fourth Norwich ed.], has the plate of Gen. Butler s death, torn, but no portion lost. (See note to No. 426.) 12 Norwich, 1812 The same, three plates. 8 Boston, 1828. (2 vols.) 8893 TRUMBULL (John) Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters, 1756-1841, portraits and plates, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 8894 TRUMBULL (John) Poetical Works, portraits and engravings. 2 vols., boards, uncut. 8 Hartford, 1820 8895 [TRUMBULL (John)] M Fingal, a modern Epic Poem in four Cantos. [FIRST EDITION.] (2 copies.) 8 Hartford, 1782 8896 The same. 16 Boston, 1799 The same. 12 Hallowell, Me., 1813. 8897 The Progress of Dulness. 2d ed., Part I-IIL 12 [New Haven, ] 1773 The same. Parts I, II. 8898 TUCKERMAN (H. T.) The Optimist, [Essays.] 12 N. Y., 1850 8899 [T.UDOR (Wm.)] Miscellanies, half calf . 12 Boston, 1821 Has the bookplate of Wm. H. Eliot. 8900 UNITED STATES. SANFORD (E.) History of the United States before the Revolution, with some account of the aborigines, boards, uncut. (See note, No. 179.) 8 Philadelphia, 1819 8901 TANNER (H. S.) The American Traveller, or guide through the United States, plates and maps. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 8902 A GEOGRAPHICAL CHART of the American Federal Republic [in 1800], broadside Return of the whole number of Persons within the several dists. of the U. S., 1791, 1800, 1820. Phila., (4) The " Return ... of Persons," 1791, is a certified copy signed by TH JEFFERSON in autograph, and belonged to the famous CALEB STRONG, Governor of Massachusetts, and has his Autograph, and notes. ^2 NATHAN HALE VERMONT. AUTOGRAPHS OF NATHAN HALE. 8903 VAN MASTRICHT (P.) A Treatise on Regeneration, Extracted from his System of Divinity : With an Appendix, containing Ex tracts from many celebrated Divines, pp. 94, crushed blue levant mor., gilt back and sides; with two autographs #/" Nathan Hale, I77 1 ) J 77 2 - ^ N- Haven, T. and S. Green, n. d. 8904 VENEZUELA. MERIDA (R. D.) Representacion al Congreso de Venezuela, 1819 Monagas and Paez : being a brief view of the late events in Venezuela, 1850. (2 pamphlets.) VERMONT. 8905 Laws of the State of Vermont, Oct. Session, 1817 Journals of the Gen. Assembly, 1817, 1820. 3 pphs., uncut, soiled. 8906 ADAMS (C. B.) First and Sec. Ann. Reports on the Geology of Vermont, uncut. (2 pamphlets.) 8 Burlington, 1845, 46. 8907 -- GRAHAM (J. A.) Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, portrait, calf. 8 London, for the author, 1797 8908 HOSKINS (N.) History of the State of Vermont to 1830, calf. 12 Vergennes, 1831 8909 Vermont State Papers : a coll. of records and documents con nected with the establ. of government, with the Jour, of the Coun cil of Safety, the first Constitution, early Jours, of the Gen. Assem bly and Laws, 1779-86. Compiled by W. Slade, Jr., sheep, fresh and clean. 8 Middlebury, 1823 8910 THOMPSON (Z.) History of Vermont, natural, civil and sta tistical, map and illus., sheep. 8 Burlington, 1842 8911 WILLIAMS (S.) Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 2d ed., 2 vols., sheep. 8 Burlington, 1809 8912 PAMPHLETS, 1780-1854. Bradley (S. R.) Vermont s Ap peal to a Candid and Impartial World : Containing a Statement of the Claims of Massachusetts-Bay, New-Hampshire, and New York, etc., pp. 50, (i). Hartford,\\^6\. (See No. 2515) Thanks- fiving Procl., 1781 Copy of a Remonstrance of the Council of the tate of Vermont against the Resolutions of Congress, 1783, impf. - BURTON (A.) Election Sermon, 1785 DEAN (J.) Alphabet ical Atlas or Gazetteer of Vermont, pp, 44. Montpelier, 1808 INGERSOLL (G. G.) Election Sermon, 1830 HOPKINS (J. H.) bishop of Vt. Charge to the clergy of the diocese, 1842 ; Discourses on the Second Advent, 1843 ; Letter to the Roman Cath. bishop of Phila. 2d ed., 1843 ) Pastoral Letter on his corresp. with W. H. HOIT, 1846 ; Addr. to the clergy [on the Gorham controv.] 1849 ; Addr. on the death of Pres. TAYLOR, 1850 BUTLER (J. D.) Addr. to the Vt. Histor. Soc., 1846 (3 cop.) THOMPSON (D. P.) Addr. to the Vt. Histor. Soc., 1850 THOMPSON (Z.) Natural Hist, of Vt. ; addr. bef. the Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist, 1850 (3 cop.) Opinion of the Chancellor in the case of B. Stevens vs Rut land and Burlington R. R., 1851 REDFIELD (T. P.) Report on the^ claim of the Iroquois Indians upon the State of Vermont for their " Hunting Ground," 1854. (21 pamphlets.) 93 Stephen Bradley s "Vermont s Appeal "has the title in neat fac-simile, otherwise is perfect and uncut ; a presentation copy from the author ; a copy in a former sale fetched $40. The Proclamation of 1781 has, written on the back, Rev. Mr. Avery s (of Benning- ton) appeal for Mr. Ovett of Pownal, whose house had lately been burned. LOCAL HISTORY. 8913 Montpelier. THOMPSON (D. P.) Hist, of Montpelier, 1781 to 1860, plate, cloth. 8 Montpelier, 1860 8914 Pamphlets. Bennington. AVERY (D.) Narr. of church dif ficulties, uncut, 1783; Addr. on the battle of Bennington, by J. D. Butler and G. F. Houghton, 1849 Burlington. Univ. of Vt. PEASE (C.) Sermon before the grad. class, 1857 Manchester. HAYNES (L.) Narr. of the case of R. Colvin, supposed to be murdered, etc., 1820 Middlebury College. BATES (J.) Inaug. Addr., 1818 ; OLDS (G. S.) Statement of facts rel. to his appoint ment, 1818; BATES (J.) Semi-Centenn. Addr., 1850 Windsor. Early Printing. HUNTINGTON (W.) Advocates for Devils Refuted and the Hopes of the Damned Demolished, pp. 56. Windsor [179-] ; A Brief Acct. of the late Revivals in New Eng. and Nova Scotia,//. 24, uncut. Windsor, 1800. (9) 8915 VILLARS (Abbe* de) The diverting History of the Count de Gabalis ; containing an Account of the Rosicrucian doctrine, etc. 2d ed., old paneled calf . 8 London, 1714 8916 VIRGINIA. BYRD (W.) The Westover Manuscripts : . . . Hist, of the Dividing Line bet. Virginia and N. Carolina ; a Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D., 1733; and a progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published, pp. iv, 144, boards. 1- 8 Petersburg, 1841 8917 _ CAMPBELL (J. W.) Hist, of Virginia to the year 1781. With Biog. Sketches. 12 Petersburg, 1813 8918 The Case of the PLANTERS OF TOBACCO in Virginia, as repr. by themselves ; added, a Vindication of the said Representation, pp. 64, half bound. 8 London, 1733 8919 FORREST (W. S.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk and vicinity, includ. Portsmouth and the adjacent Counties, etc., pp. 496, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1853 8020 Kercheval (S.) History of the valley of Virginia, pp. 486, sheep. I2 JWMtofn 1833 VERY RARE; H. C. Murphy s copy brought 12. This first edition contains matter of Fred k Manheim s Family," etc. 8921 - [NICKLIN (P. H.)] Letters descr. of the Va. Springs, ed by Peregrine Prolix. With a map of Va. 2 d ed. 16 Phila., 1837 8922 - SMITH (Capt. John) True Travels Adventures and Obser- vations, etc. From the London edition of 1629 2 vols. calf port, of Smith, and coat of arms, folding plates. 8 Richmond, 1819 8923 Virginia | richly valued, | By the description of the mame land 9 of | Florida her next neighbour: | Out of the foure , yeeres contin ual trauel and discoverie, | ... of | Don Ferdmando de Soto, etc. 94 WALTER (N.) WASHINGTON. . Written by a Portugal gentleman of Eluas . . . and translated out of Portugese by RICHARD HAKLUYT, //. (8), 180, red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, paneled sides, filleted edge, and inside border to covers g. e. ; RARE. 4 London, Felix Kyngston, 1609 8924 A Voyage to South America, with Acct. of a Shipwreck on the river La Plata in 1817. By the sole survivor [George Fracker]. 12 Boston, 1826 8925 WALTER (Nehemiah) Discourses on the whole LVth chapter of Isaiah. Added, his last Sermon. With a Preface, giving Account of his Life [By T. PRINCE and T. FOXCROFT], sheep. 8 Boston, D. frenchman, 1755 8926 WALTON (Isaac) Lives of Dr. John Donne; Sir H. Wotton ; Richard Hooker ; George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. With notes, and the life of the author, by T. Zouch, port., old calf. 4 York, 1796 A fine copy, with all the plates in good condition ; one cover broken at the joint. 8927 WARREN (Mrs. Mercy) History of the American Revolution. 3 vols., sheep, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1805 8928 WARWICK (Robert Rich) Earl of . An Ordinance of ... Parlia ment, whereby Robert Earl of Warwick is made Governour in Chief and Lord High Admirall of all those Islands and other Plantations . . . belonging to His Majesties the King of England s Subjects within the bounds ... of America,//, (i), 6. sm. 4 London, John Wright, 1643 8929 WASHINGTON (GEORGE) Journal of Major George Wash ington, sent by the Hon. R. Dinwiddie, His Majesty s Lieu tenant Governor, etc., to the Commandant of the French Forces on the Ohio. Added, the Governor s Letter and a translation of the French officer s answer. With a new Map of the Country, map, PP- (4)> 3 2 hatf blue morocco, gilt. 8 Williamsburg Printed : Lond. Repr.for T. Jefferys, 1754 VERY RARE. A FINE COPY with large margins, though trimmed; p. n is neatly repaired on lower corner from another copy. The addition of a MAP, by the London publisher, enhances the intrinsic value of this reprint. See note to No. 4190. 8930 Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Pub. for the Washington Benev. Soc., portrait, (Stuart). Greenfield, 1812 Another copy. Hartford, 1813. 2 vols., 12 boards. 8931 - - Farewell Addr. [Appd. to the Constitutions of the U. S. and Mass., and the Decl. of Independence,] bds. 12 Boston, 1805 Maps and subscribers names to accompany [Marshall s] Life of Washington, half bound. 4 Phila., C. P. Wayne, 1807. (2 vols.) 8932 Political Legacies. Annexed, an Acct. of his Illness, Death and the National Tributes of Respect, with a Biographical outline [by J. N. Williams], calf. (2 copies.) 8 Boston, 1800 A list of subscribers fills fourteen 3-column pages. (See No. 4220.) 8933 WASHINGTONIANA (The), containing a Sketch of the late Gen. George Washington, with outlines of his Character, from the pens of different Writers. . . . Annexed, his Will, etc., port., (Savage), pp. 298 [286], sheep, RARE. (See No. 4225.) 12 Bait., S. Sower, 1800 WASHINGTON (G.) WEST (B.) 95 8934 (WASHINGTON.) [CoNDiE (Thos.)] Biog. Memoirs of the Illus. Gen. George Washington, Late Pres., etc., port. 18 N. Haven 1809 -The same. 18 Poughkeepsie, 1812 - The same,/^/. 18 Barnard, Vt., 1813. (3 vols.) 8935 CORRY (John) Life of George Washington, late President . . . Interspersed with Biog. Anecdotes of the most eminent Men who effected the Revolution,//. 239, (12). 12 New York, 1800 Has 12 pages of subscribers names. The portrait is torn. (See No. 4248.) 8936 NORTHMORE (Thos.) Washington, or Liberty Restored a Poem in ten books, sheep. I2 Baltimore, 1809 Another copy, manuscript title page ; bds. uncut. 8 Lond. 1800 r^nt^ w the author to Eliza Dwyer ; has several pages of MS. notes by the latte?, 8937 RAMSAY (D.) Life of George Washington, portrait (Stuart} calf, gilt. go New Yor ^ ^07 8938 Newspapers, broadsides, etc., relating to his death ; Davis Eulogy, U. S. laws during his administration, etc., a bundle. oooo See for other Washingtoniana, Nos. 9126-27, 9202; also, Engravings and Portraits. 8939 [WEBB (T. S.)] The Freemasons Monitor, or Illustrations of Masonry. By a Royal Arch Mason, //. 284, paper, RARE. (See No. 6759.) 12 Albany, Spencer and Webb, 1797 8940 WEEMS (M. L.) Hymen s Recruiting-Sergeant or the new mat rimonial tat-too, for old bachelors, //. 52, bds. 12 Hartford, 1823 Hymen s Recruiting-Sergeant, No. 2, or the Maid s and Bachelor s Friend ; containing a Dissertation on Love, Courtship and Matrimony, etc. WITH SOME ELEGANT SONGS, //. 20, half green morocco. 4 Philadelphia, 1802. (2 vols.) 8941 WELDE (THOMAS) of Roxbury. An Answer to W. R. his Narration of the Opinions and Practises of the Churches lately erected in New England, Vindicating those Godly and Orthodoxall Churches from more than a hundred imputations fathered on them and their Church way, pp. (5), 68. London, H. Overton, 1644 A Short Story of the Rise reign and ruin of the ANTINOMIANS, FAMILISTS or LIBERTINES that infected the Churches of New Eng land, pp. (17), 66. London, R. Smith, 1638. Both tracts are closely trimmed (as usual) and somewhat injured : sold with all faults. MR. H. STEVENS calls the first tract EXCESSIVELY SCARCE, and says: "Rev. William Rathban published a severe criticism on the Church Ways in New England. The Rev. gentleman had never been there, but obtained his not very comprehensive view of that distant country from the top of a pile of books only. On the other hand Welde who had been nearly 10 years in Roxbury with John Eliot . . . took this opportunity of ventilating his knowledge and experience, and he was successful." For notes on " A Short Story," as regards the authorship by Weld and Gov. John Winthrop, the priority of editions, and the fairness or duplicity of Welde, see references in Dexter s Bibliog. of Congregational ism, No. 972. Quaritch recently priced a copy of " A Short Story " at 6. 6s. 8942 WEST (Sir Benj.) Disc, to the Students of the Royal Acad., Dec. 10, 1792. Prefixed, Speech to the Royal Academicians, //. viii, vi, 36, fine portrait of West, old polished calf , gilt. 4 London, T. Cadell, 1793 Presented to " JOHN TRUMBULL, Esq., from the Author." 96 WHEATLEY (p.) WITCHCRAFT. 8943 WHEATLEY (Phillis) Poems on various subjects, religious and moral, (wants //. 17-20), rare. (See note to No. 6989.) 12 London, reprinted in New England, 1816 8944 WH EATON (Henry) History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans ... to the conquest of England, 1066, pp. (16), 367, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 8945 [WHELPLEY (S.)] Letters [of Philadelphus] to Governor Caleb Strong, showing that retaliation, capital punishment and war are prohibited by the gospel, etc. 3d ed., boards. 8 Providence, 1818 8946 WHITE (John) of Glocester. New England s Lamentations . . . With the Means of these Declensions and the Methods of our Re covery, pp. (2), 2, 5, 42 Reasons for adhering to our Platform and Objections against Ruling Elders answered. By another Hand, //. 10 A Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Eld ers. . . Asserted by . . a Provincial Assembly, Nov. 2, 1649, PP* 15, uncut. 8 Boston, T. Fleet, 1734 8947 WILKES (Charles) Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842, in 5 vols., with atlas ; 6 vols., cloth, uncut, plates, maps, and illustrations. 1. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 8948 WILKINSON (Gen. James) Memoirs of my own times. [With 2 copies of the atlas of maps and plans.] 5 vols., boards, uncut. 8 and 4 Philadelphia, 1816 8949 WILLIAMS (Roger) Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, //. x, 59, bds. 4 Lond., 1652 ; repr. S. S. Rider, Providence, 1863 8950 WINCHESTER (Elhanan) The Universal Restoration ; exhibited in Four Dials. 8 Lond., pr. ; Litchfield repr., Collier 6* Buell, 1794 8951 WINTHROP (James.) An attempt to transl. the Prophetic Part of the Apocalypse into familiar language,//. 79, uncut. Boston, 1794 (2 cop.) A Systematic Arrangement of several Scripture Proph ecies relating to Anti-Christ,//. 35, uncut. Bost., 1795. (3 pphs.) 8952 WINTHROP QOHN) A Journal of the Transactions and Occur rences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New Eng land Colonies, 1630 to 1644; now first published from the original manuscript [by Noah Webster], //. (6), 364, old calf, SCARCE, a good copy. (See note to No. 374.) 8 Hartford, Elisha Babcock, 1790 8953 The same, sheep, better margins than the preceding. 8 Hartford, 1790 8954 WINTHROP (Prof. John) Two Lectures on Comets; also, an Essay on Comets by A. Oliver, Jun. With sketches of the lives of Prof. Winthrop and Mr. Oliver. Likewise a Supplement rela tive to the Comet of 1811, folded plate, calf, gilt panels and edges. 12 Boston, 1811 8955 WISCONSIN. Minutes of the Gen. Convention of Wisconsin, 1845, l8 5 2 Statistics of Dane Co., with a sketch of the village of MADISON, 1852. (3 pphs.) 8956 WITCHCRAFT. UPHAM (C. W.) Lectures on witchcraft, com prising a history of the delusion in Salem in 1692. 2d ed., //. v, 300, UNCUT. 12 Boston, 1832 WOLCOTT YOUNG. 97 8957 WOLCOTT (O.) Address ... on the ... Report of a committee, presented April 29th, 1802, //. 112, uncut. 8 Boston, 1802 8958 WOMAN. BEECHER (C. E.) Evils suffered by American women and children, an address [1846] PARKER (T.) Sermon on the Public function of woman, 1853 Woman suffrage and woman s profession, a lecture,//. 106. n. t. p. (3 pphs.) 8959 WOODBURY (Fanny) Writings ; selected and edited by J. Emer son. 3d ed. 12 Boston, 1816 8960 WOOLMAN (John) Works,//. 436, sheep; title repaired. 8 Philadelphia, J. Crukshank, 1774 The first part contains the first edition of his Journal; part second includes Considera tions on the keeping of Negroes, printed in 1754. 8961 Works. 4th ed., calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1806 8962 WORM (Olaf) Runica, seu Danica literatura antiqvissima, vulgo Gothica dicta. Cui accessit De prisca. Danorum Poesi disserta- tio. Editio secunda auctior et locupletior, half bound ; lower inside corners decayed, etc. 1. 8 Hafnia, Georg: Hoist., 1751 8963 WRIGHT (Paul) New and Complete Book of Martyrs"; being Fox s Book of Martyrs revised and corrected with additions. With forty copperplate engravings. 2 vols., old calf . 4 N. Y., 1794 8964 YOUNG (E.) The Complaint : or Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality, etc., calf. 12 Newburyport, J. Mycall, n. d. 8965 Young Clerk s Vade-Mecum ; or Compleat Law Tutor. Added, a Collection of English Precedents, relating to the office of Justice of the Peace, calf. (2 cop.) 8 Belfast pr., New York repr., 1776 v 13 MISCELLANEOUS INCLUDING BOOKS OMITTED; PAMPHLETS, BROADSIDES, ETC. 8966 ALLIN (James) of Boston. Serious Advice to Delivered Ones from Sickness or other Dangers threatening Death : or, the Healed Ones Prophulaction, title page wanting, pp. (2), 30, VERY RARE. 4 Boston, John Foster, 1679 8967 American Revolution. PLANS, BROADSIDES AND MANUSCRIPTS relating to the Revolution, beginning with the Stamp Act ; about 23 pieces. (The lot.) Includes A VERY INTERESTING AUTOGRAPH LETTER of two 4 //. from PRESI DENT JOHN ADAMS on the constitution and command of the Army at Cambridge, 1775, dated " Quincy, June igth, 1818." ..." The Army at Cambridge was not a National Army, . . . Massachusetts had her Army, Connecticut her Army, New Hampshire her Army, and Rhode Island her Army. . . . And I pray let the Commissions of Ward, Put nam, Poor, and Green, be all produced. . . . Who was the first officer of Massachusetts on Bunkers Hill or Breeds Hill ? I have always understood he was Collonel Pomroy, or General Pomroy" etc,; Letter from WILLIAM WILLIAMS (the Signer) " To the Hon ble Eliphalet Dyer, Roger Sherman and Silas Deane Esq rs Delegates at the Gen 1 Congress, Philadelphia," dated Lebanon 21 (?) June 1775, on "the action commenced at Charles- town on Sat y morn g last" in which he speaks of intelligence which "is just come by Capt. Elij. Hyde of this Town," and with this letter is a MS. account " taken from Cap" Elijah Hide of Lebanon who was a Spectator on Winter s Hill during the whole action." Also, three letters by Dr. John C. Warren on the Bunker Hill Monument Assoc. ; notices, etc., on same subject signed by EDWARD EVERETT ; A Lexington Alarm, addressed to Capt. Philip Mortimer, MS. by SILAS DEANE ; Muster and pay rolls of Capt. Weed s company, 5th Conn. Regt., 1777-80; Plans of Boston and Bunker Hill, engr. by Nor man, and Aitken ; Proclamations, etc., by Gov. Trumbull, GEN. GAGE, et al. 8968 BROWN (John) D. D. An Estimate of the Manners and Prin ciples of the Times. 7th ed.,//. no. 8 London pr., Boston repr., 1758 8969 CHEEVER (Ezek.) Latin Grammar, 6th, 7th, 8th, gth, i5th, i7th, i8th, 2oth eds. 12 Bost., N. York and Salem, 1709-85. (8 vols.) 8970 The Youth s Instructor in the English Tongue. (3 vols.), much worn. 12 Boston, 1757-67. 8971 COLE (Thomas) Funeral oration on T. Cole, May 4, 1848, by W. C. Bryant; bound with which are 15 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Cole, to Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, Conn., 4 half brown str. gr. morocco, gilt, neat. The Oration has "SAMUEL ROGERS, ESQ., with the regards of the author " on the title page. The Letters from Mr. COLE extend over a period of six years, viz., 1826-32, and are of much interest, being full of personal details, and art criticism. 8972 CONNECTICUT. The | BOOK OF THE GENERAL | LAWS | For the People within the Jurisdiction of | Connecticut ; | . . . Pub- | lished by the Authority of the General Court of Connecticut, | holden at Hartford in October, 1672. f Cambridge, S. Green, 1673. An Exact Reprint of the Original Edition of 1673. With a Prefatory CONNECTICUT MASSACHUSETTS. 99 Note by George Brinley, 4 prelim, leaves, Title and Preface,//. 4 ; The General Laws, //. 71 ; Table, //. 4, UNCUT. f Hartford, Printed for Private Distribution, 1865 (80 copies). There are not more than two or three perfect copies known of the FIRST EDITION of the Colony Laws. Mr. Brinley s copy sold for $300 (see No. 2001 ). " This edition of the Laws . . . consists of one hundred and fifty^ copies, and is reprinted (page for page and line for line) from a copy of the original edition in the possession of Mr. Geo. Brinley." Note on verso of Title. See No. 2002, which sold for $20. Five copies will be offered, with privilege of the lot. 8973 CONNECTICUT. Saybrook Confession. A Confession of Faith t owned and assented to by the Elders of the Churches in Connecti cut, etc. FIRST EDITION. Ntw London, 1710, parts of 3 copies, sold as one volume. 8974 Dilworth (T.) Schoolmaster s Assistant : a Compend. of Arith metic. Phila., etc., 1781-1803 (6 copies.) 12 -- Spelling book. Various editions. Boston, etc., 1769-92 (7 copies.) 12 8975 EMBLEMS OF MORTALITY, representing by engravings, [by A. Anderson] Death seizing all ranks and conditions of people, imi tated from a painting in the cemetery in the Dominican ch. at Basil. 12 Charleston, S. C., 1846, uncut, unbound (2 cop.) SMITH (Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets and other Poems [with plates by Seymour], ist Worcester ed. \2 Worcester, Is. Thomas, 1795, sheets, uncut. (3 vols.) 8976 FORCE (Peter) Tracts. Vols. 1-4, in sheets, Wash., 1836-46. 8977 GILLING (Isaac) Life of Rev. Mr. Geo. Trosse, late minister in Exon. With Recommend. Preface, by Dr. Calamy, Mr. Tong, and Mr. Kvans, //. (5), 186, sheep. 8 London, John Clark, 1715 The Rev. THOS. FOXCROFT S copy, with his Autograph. 8978 GREAT BRITAIN and the AM. COLONIES. Broadsides, etc. [Acts of Parliament, proclamations, petitions and memorials relating to the British colonies, mostly in North America and the West Indies,] many broadsides ; about 50 pieces. (The lot.) Includes the case of John Corso (for indemnity), robbed by Capt. Kidd of 32,000 (3 pieces); Edmund Burke s Speech at Bristol, Oct., 1774, 4 5 and an extensive and interesting collection relating to the Hudson s Bay Co., the South Sea Co., the Barbadoes, St. Christopher s and the American Colonies, extending from 1682 to 1778. 8979 GREAT BRITAIN. Representation of the Lords Commissioners for trade and plantations to the King on the state of the British colonies in North America, iy2i,//. 4 2 - 4 rcpr. Albany, 1854 8980 HARDIE (James) New Universal Biog. Dictionary and Amer. Remembrancer, vol. 4, wants all after p. 436 to /. 6 of Appendix and pp. 22-29 of app., boards. 8 New York, 1802 8081 MAPS WILI.ARD (E.) Ancient Atlas to accomp. Woodbridge s Geography. Hartford, n. d. Woodbridge (W. C.) Modern Atlas. Hartford, 1831 Carey s Map of the U. S. Phila., 1795 - Foster and Whitney s Geological Map of the Lake Superior Land Dist. [Wash., 1847?] Atlas to Mackenzie s Voyages, 1793. (5) 8082 Mass. Historical Soc. Collections, Oct.-Dec., 1792 ; Feb. April, June, Sept., Nov., Dec., 1793; Jan., April Sept.. Nov., 1794; (Vol. 2, \os. 2-4, 5. 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19-24, 26.) 18 Nos. 8983 3d Series, vol. 3, unbound. IO Q MATHER PURCHAS. 8984 MATHER (Increase) The Life and Death of that Rev. Man of God, Mr. RICHARD MATHER. Teacher of the Ch. in Dorchester New- England, imperfect, title-page missing but supplied in fac-simile, and one leaf, (pp. 37-38) missing. (See note to No. 1001.) 4 Boston, pr. by S. G. and M. J., 1670 8985 Men Lopo. Copey eines sendbriefs der desnechstuerschinen 1571 Jars, dem Durchleuchtigisten Kiinigs zu Portugal, auss India, von seinem Hauptmann, Herrn Men Lopo, zugeschickt, . . . Darauss man zuuerstehn hat, ein grossen und wunderbarlichen sig, den unser Herr Gott einer hochermelts Kiinigs Galeon und einer Naue, in einer Schlacht verlihen hat, die sie allein mit der gantzen Armada des Kiinigs der Moren, . . . bey der grossen Insel Taprobana . . . gethon haben. . . . 1572. Colophon: Getruckt zu Dilingen durch Sebaldum Mayer, jfi. 4 8986 Monis (Judah) A Grammar of the Hebrew tongue . . . for the use of the Students of Harvard College, autographs of Josiah Quincy and others on title page. 4 Boston, pr. by Jonas Green, 1735 8987 NAKSKOW (P. Z.) The Articles of Faith of the Holy Evangeli cal Church according to the Word of God and the Augsburg Con fession. In Forty Sermons, Trans, into English by Jochum Mel- chior Magens, boards, SCARCE. 4 New York, J. Parker, and W. Weyman, 1754 Imperfect; lacks the Augsburg Confession,//. 75, 84-91, 116, etc. 8988 National Council of Congregational Churches, Debates and Proc., Boston, June 14-24, 1865, pp. xiv, 530, doth. 8 Bost., 1866 8989 NEW HAVEN COLONY. [New Haven s Settling in New England, and some Lawes for Government. London, 1656.] A fragment, pp. 23-38, (sm. 4) in a cover of dark blue levant mor. gilt. 8990 OCCOM (SAMSON) His copy of J. Monis s "Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue, . . . published more especially for the use of the Students of Harvard College." (4 Boston, Jonas Green, 1735), old calf, title page soiled. This volume has, on several pages, AUTOGRAPHS of its owner the well known In dian preacher written in English, Mohegan, and Hebrew; e. ^., , " Samson Occom, an Indian, His Book, Bought of Mr. Kneeland of Boston, Price Thirty Shillings," (p. i); "Samson Occom an Indian of Moyauhegonnuck jure hunc Librum tenet" (pp. 18-26); and once, at least, he has written his name in Hebrew letters. He had learned some thing of book-binding, at New London, and this volume is doubtless a specimen of his handiwork. At the end, twenty-five pages of paper were bound in, and on 18 of these Occom (who was a good penman) wrote various matters, original and selected. An envel ope (laid in) contains an autograph letter signed by Occom, 1784 ; three autograph hymns ; letters to him from Rev. D. McClure, and others, etc. 8991 [PRINCE (Nathan)] An Essay to Solve the Difficulties that attend the several Accts. given by the Evangelists of our Saviour s Resurrection and Appearances to his followers. By a Fellow of Harvard College,//. (2), 30, uncut. 4 Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1734 8992 PURCHAS (Samuel) Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions in all Ages and Places. In foure parts. Second Edition, much enlarged, pp. (26), 918, (36). 4 London, 1614 Pvrchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1-4, maps and wood cuts. f London, 1625. 5 v l s - Poor copy, edges decayed, but the text is scarcely injured. RODS UNITED STATES. IOI 8993 Roos (P. F.) Surinaamsche Mengelpoezy, pp title, old stamped leather; a fine copy* ^ *$ Contains a Poem on Washington. 8994 SABIN ( J.) A Dictionary of Books relating to America. Parts 1-6, 9-50, 53-76, 81-82, 85-88, 91-104. 90 parts. Last half dozen leaves of Pt. 56 injured, hurting the text. 8995 [SANDYS (Sir E.) ] Evropae Specvlvm. Or, a View . . of the State of Religion in the Westerne Parts of the World, Wherein the Romane Religion, etc., are notably displayed, pp. (7), 248. sm. 4 London, pr. by T. Cotes for Michael Sparke, 1632 8996 SIBLEY (J. L.) Biographical Sketches of graduates of Har vard University. Vol. i. 1642-1658. 8 Cambridge, 187? A presentation copy with the author s autograph. 8997 SOUTH SEA COMPANY. [Acts of the Parliament of Great Brit ain relating to the South Sea Company 1710-22.] 1. 8 London, 1711-1732 8998 VIRGINIA GAZETTE, July 10, 1778; July 15, 1782 Pennsyl vania Packet; Extra, Sept. 2, 1779 Baltimore Journal; Post script, May 22, 1775, with affidavits relating to the battle of Lexing ton (An Extra, Richmond, Feb. 23, 1783, containing the King s Speech to Parliament, Dec. 5, 1782.) (5) 8999 STEVENS (H.) Catalogue of my English library,//, xi, 107. sm. 8 London, pr. for private distribution, 1853 9000 TOLLAND, Conn. Waldo s Early History of Tolland (16 copies.) (See No. 2283.) 8 Hartford, 1861 Five copies will be offered, with privilege of the lot. 9001 TROIL (Uno von) Letters on Iceland, map, plate, pp. xxvi, 400, hf. green mor., gilt. 8 London, 1780 9002 UNITED STATES. Acts and Laws. Acts of the Congress begun and held at New York, March 4, 1789, being the Acts passed at the 1st Session of the 1st Congress of the U. S. //. 81, (i). New York, pr., New Haven, repr., [1789 ? ] Report of the Attorney- General, Dec. 31, 1790, //. 34. [New York, 1790?] Report of the Sec. of State [Thos. Jefferson] on the cod and whale fish eries, Feb. i, 1791, //. 34. Phila., 1791 (2 cop.) MASSACHU SETTS. Acts passed by the General Court, 1 736-63, //. 190. Bos ton, 1763 ; An Act for apportioning a tax of forty thousand pounds, etc., pp. 10. Boston, 1767 ; Act for apportioning a tax of ten thou sand pounds,//. 10 [for 14]. Boston, 1774 CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws passed by the General Court, holden at Hartford, May 1777 ;//. 457-471. New London, 1777 VIRGINIA. Acts and Laws passed at the General Assembly held at Richmond, Oct. 2oth, 1783, //. 26. Richmond, 1783. 10, nearly all uncut. 9003 U. S. Cong. Docs. Message of the President transm. treaty be tween the U. S. and China. 1845 Kept, of Sec. of the Treas ury, [on] agriculture, manufactures, etc. 1845 Report to Navy Dept. on American Coals, by W. R. Johnson. 1844 30th Cong., ist Session. President s Message, with accomp. documents. 1847. 8 unbound. 102 U. S. AZEREDO COUTINHO. 9004 UNITED STATES. Continental Congress Proclamations, etc. Also proclamations of the Royal Governors, and of the Presidents, with other broad sheets, 1748-1800, giving intelligence of the war, about 29 BROADSIDES, mostly during the Revolution. Many ENDORSED IN AUTOGRAPH, by "T. Pickering," etal. A SCARCE and interesting lot. 9005 UNITED STATES. Picturesque views of American scenery, [with descriptions. 19 colored plates], hf. bd. 1. lPhila., M. Carey, 1829 The views, many of which are in Penna., are painted by J. SHAW and engraved by J. HILL; in fine condition. 9006 United States Japan Expedition. Narr. of the exped. of an Amer. squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852-54, under the command of Com. M. C. Perry. Maps and illustrations. 3 vols., doth. 4 Washington, 1856 One plate in Vol. I, is, as usual, wanting. 9007 The same. Vol. I., half mor., gilt. New York, 1857 Contains the scarce plate at/. 408. 9008 WARREN (Dr. Joseph) Manuscripts, etc. Oration on Joseph Warren, by PEREZ MORTON. April 8, 1776. Boston, J. Gill, 1776, //. 13. sm. 4 dean, UNCUT Three engraved portraits of War ren, a piece cut from a manuscript book, with memoranda and pre scriptions in Warren s autograph, a fac-simile letter from him, and a very interesting MS. letter from JOSEPH TRUMBULL to Capt. JERE. WADSWORTH, alluding to him, dated " Camp at Cambridge, 2tfh June, 1775." 9009 WINGATE (Edm.) Wingate s Remains : or, the Clerks Tutor to Arithmetick and Writing, with Tables. Also, a Copy book of Mr. Cockers, consisting of the most necessary Hands used in England. 2d ed., plates. sm. 8 London, H. Twyford, 1676 9010 WOLCOTT (Roger) [Poetical Meditations, with Preface by Mr. J. Bulkley. sm. 8 New London, 1725] Parts of two imperfect copies of this scarce work; one wants title and two or three leaves only. 9011 Albany. Presbytery. Documents exhibiting the trials of Rev. John Chester and Rev. Mark Tucker, with the case of Rev. H. Gumming. SchenectaJy, 1818 BEECH KR (Cath. E.) Suggestions on education ; for the Hartford Female Seminary. Harlford, 1829 - BRONSON (Prof] Abstract of elocution and music. Auburn, 1842 CLARK (V.) A Rhyming Geography. Hertford, 1819 - TUKE (S.) Descriptions of the Friends 1 Retreat for Insane Per sons, near Yoik, Eng. Phila., 1813 L,AY(W.) and HUSSEY (C. M.) Narrative of the Mutiny on board the ship Globe of Nantucket. New London, 1828 SCOUGAL (H.) The Life of God in the Soul of Man. Boston, 1806 [and five other tracts, including Articles of Faith, etc., 3d Cong. ch. in Beverly, Mass , Boston. 1807, and Ezra Stiles Addr on Christian Union, bef the Cong 1 Convention, Bris tol, R. I., April 23, 1760. Brookfield, 1799] CONDILLAC (E. B. de) Logic, trans, by Jos. Neef. Phila.. 1809 WILBUR (H) Ele ments of Astronomy. 2cl ed. New Haven, 1631 (9 volumes i 9012 AZEREDO COUTINHO (J. J. da Cunhade) Ensayo economico MISCELLANEOUS. I0 3 sobre o comercio de Portugal, pp. (4), ( 3 ), 153, ( 3 ). Lisboa, 1794 Elements of Chess; comprising the whole of Philidor s games. Boston, 1805 Description of Maryland. loth ed., hf. green mor. London, 1742 LE SAGE (A. R.) Le diable boiteaux. Tome I, plates, no title page Hadriani Junii Nomenclator. Amstel. 1672 Short Relation of the River Nile. London, 1673. ( 6 vols.) 9013 ADAMS (J.) Flowers of Celebrated Travellers; a selection of travels. 2d ed. Baltimore, n. d. Account of the Convince- ment and call to the Ministry of MARGARET LUCAS (a Quaker.) Stanford, N. Y., 1803 HALHED (N. B.) Testimony of the au thenticity of the prophecies of Richard Brothers. Albany, 1796 ROGERS (T.) The Righteous Man s Evidence for Heaven. West Springfield, 1797. (4 volumes.) 9014 BELLAMY (J.) Essay on the Nature and Glory of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1762 BOSTON (T.) Sovereignty and Wisdom of God; sermons. Glasgow, 1764 ENFIELD (W.) Prayers for the use families. Boston, 1794 DE LATJNE (T.) Plea for the Non-Con formists. Boston, 1763 The Pocket Miscellany. Phila., 1798 COLMAN (B.) Humble Discourse of the Incomprehensibleness of God. Boston, 1715, imperfect, and title page wanting. (6 vols.) 9015 FINLEY (A.) Pocket maps of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont, Mass., Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Maryland (2), South Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee. Phila., 1831. 13 maps, each folded in a morocco cover, 3^- by 2! in. 9016 LEE (S.) The Joy of Faith, imperfect. Boston, S. Green, 1687 STEVENS (J.) [Three Sermons : one a funeral sermon on Rev. W. Brattle. Boston, 1723,] title page missing, and all after 102 ADAMS (Rev. J.) Poems on several occasions. Boston, 1745 (See note to No. 6767) GARDINER (J.) The Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ. 7th ed. New London, 1754 Thomas a Kempis. The Soliloquy of the Soul. Hartford, 1800 Divine Breathings: in a hundred meditations. Boston, 1812- RAMSAY (Martha L.) Memoirs, 1812, title page missing WELL- BELOVED (C.) Devotional Exercises. Pittsburg, 1815 WATERS (Abigail) Life. 2d ed. Boston, 1817 OSBORN (S.) Familiar Letters. Newport, 1807 MOORE (T.) Marriage Customs & Ceremonies. N. Y., 1823. (n volumes.) 9017 MOODY (Samuel) The Gospel Way of Escaping the Doleful State of the Damned. Boston, 1710, title page wanting CAM BRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church Discipline, agreed upon by the Synod at Cambridge, wants part oj c p. 55. Boston, repr., I757 [French Psalter, and liturgy used in the French Protest ant church in Boston,] no title page [1737 ? ] LENSDEN (J.) Li ber Psalmorum [Hebrew]. Amstelodami, 1766 BURKITT (W.) The Poor Man s Help and Young man s Guide, containing Doc trinal Instructions, etc. Boston, 1725. (5 volumes.) 9018 New England Psalter Improved. Phila., ab. 1745 ERASMUS. Colloquia Selecta. i8th ed. By J. Clark. Hartford, 1793 [BRANAGAN (T.) ] Concise View of Relig. Denominations in the U S Phila, i8u ALDEN (T.) Collection of American Epi- IO4 MISCELLANEOUS J POETRY, SERMONS, ETC. taphs. Pentade i; Vol. i and 3. New York, 1814 STURM (H.) Beauties of Nature delineated; selected by T. M. Harris. Charlestown, 1800 [HUNTINGTON (J.)] Plea at Stockbridge in the Cause of Mrs. Fisk. Boston, 1782. (7 volumes.) 9019 WHITEFIELD (Geo.) Account of his life, by himself. Boston, 1740; Continuation of his Journal. Vol. 2. Phila., B. Franklin, 1740, and parts of two other copies FLAVEL (J.) A Token for Mourners. Boston, 1729 History of John, Duke of Marlborough. [London?] 1745 WATTS (T.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. i8th ed. New York, 175 MATHER (C.) A Family Well-ordered, title page and all before p. 5 missing; dirty. (7.) 9020 PIGOTT (C.) A Political Dictionary, explaining the true mean ing of words. New York, 1796 Washington s Farewell Address. Windsor, Vt., 1812 The Italian Convert, by W. C. Boston, 1751 YOUNG (E.) Poem on the last Day. Boston, 1795 RILEY (G.) Beauties of the Creation ; a system of natural his tory. Worcester, 1798 FIELD (Sam 1 ) Miscellaneous Poetry and Prose. Greenfield, 1818 DILWORTH (W. H.) Hist, of the Conquest of Mexico. Phila., 1801 CATO. Disticha de Mori- bus. Ed. by C. Hoole. London, 1701. (9.) 9021 Poetry. POMFRET (J.) Poems. nth ed. London, 1749 EVANS (N.) Poems. Phila., 1772 American Poems, Selected and Original. Vol. i [all pub J] Litchfield, 1793, title page supplied in MS. FRENEAU (P.) Poems during the American Revolution. 3d ed. Vol. 2. Phila., 1809 Beauties of the Muses ; select Poems and Elegies. Worcester, I. Thomas, 1793, 6 engravings by Seymour, imperfect POPE (A.) Essay on Man. London, 1747; The same. Hartford, 1824 Columbian Naval Melody. Bos ton, 1813. 8 volumes, several of which are scarce ; see notes to Nos. 6775, 6849. 9022 ST. JOHN (J. H.) Letters from an American Farmer. Phila., 1793 CLARKE (Rev. J.) D. D. Occasional Discourses. Boston, 1804 COMBE (A.) Physiology applied to health and education. Edinburgh, 1852 ELY (E. S.) Journal of the preacher to the hospital and almshouse of N. Y. Phila., 1815 COBBETT (W.) The Pride of Britannia Humbled ; letters to Lord Liverpool. N. Y., 1815 VERPLANCK (G. C.) Discourses and Addresses. N. Y., 1833 PRAGAY (J.) Der Krieg in Ungarn. New York, 1850 CHATEAUBRIAND (F. A. de) Recollections of Italy, Eng land, and America. Phila., 1816, boards, uncut. (8 volumes.) 9023 SERMONS, etc. DUFFIELD (G.) Thanksgiving Ser. in Phila., Dec. 11, 1783, hf. cf. Phila., pr., Bost., repr., T. & J. Fleet, 1784 ; " Thomas Wallcufs the gift of Mr. Thomas Fleet," on title FLYNT (H.) Twenty Sermons. Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1739 HOBART (J. H.) Companion for the Altar ; preparation for the Communion. 2d ed. New York, 1809 CLARK (P.) Scripture Grounds of the Baptism of Infants. Boston, 1735 HENRY (M.) The Communicant s Companion. loth ed. Boston, 1731 NILES (N.) The Perfection of God ; two sermons. Elizabeth Town, 1791 HARWARD (S.) [Discourse ..concerning the soule and spirit of HISTORY, POETRY, TRAVELS, SERMONS, ETC. IO5 man. London, 1601?] title page wanting Four sermons: by J Cotton, W. Williams, and N. Appleton. Boston, 1741, torn and imperfect. (8 vols.) 9024 Signal Fires on the Trail of the Pathfinder. [Poems on Gen J. C. FREMONT.] New York, 1856 [YOUNG (E.)] Love of Fame the Universal Passion. 5th ed. London, 1752 [has autograph of Col J. Trumbull] WARD (E.) Female Policy Detected. N. York, 1798 Pope s Essay on Man. Hartford, 1824 EDWARDS (M.) Materials towards a History of the American Baptists. Phila., 1770 BISHOP (J. S.) Concise History of the War [of the Re bellion.] Indianapolis, 1864 Walton s Vermont Register, 1838 . New Hampshire Register, 1828, 1831 Connecticut Register, 1848, 1849 Smith s Medical Almanac, 1841 SHERIDAN (R.B.) Dramatic Works. London, J. F. Dove, n. d. (14 vols. and pphs.) 9025 STEVENS (I.) The Literal Repository, containing names, pro nunciation, monies, weights, etc. Stockbridge, 1813 WEBSTER (N.) American Spelling-book. Brattleborough, n. d.; Little Read er s Assistant. 2d ed. Hartford, 1791 American Gazetteer. N. Y., 1797 NEWBERY (J.) Chronology made easy. London, 1778 Robinson s Abridged System of Punctuation. Boston, 1797 New Eng. Primer and Assembly s Catechism. Hartford, 1843 Child s First Book. By J. F. Schoolmaster. 4th ed. Newcastle, 1794 The Seasons. New York, 1814. (9) 9026 TRAVELS, etc. Sketches and views of scenery in various parts of the world. New York, 1831 The Yankee in London. Vol. i. New York, 1809 DWIGHT (T.) The Northern Traveller. 6th ed. New York, 1841 A Northern Tour; to Saratoga, Lake George, etc. Phila., 1825 DAVISON (G. M.) Traveller s Guide through the Middle and Northern States. 7th ed. Saratoga, 1837 DAVENPORT (B.) A Pocket Gazetteer through North America and the West Indies. Trenton, 1833 The Fashionable Tour in 1821, 25. Saratoga, 1821, 25 Massachusetts, Conn., and Rhode Island, map. (9 vols.) 9027 TRUMBULL (B.) History of Connecticut. Vol. i, wants map and ports. Hartford, 1797 UPHAM (T. C.) Elements of Men tal Philosophy. Vol.i. New York, 1845 LENDRUM (J.) Hist, of the American Revolution. Vol. i. Boston, 1795 COWLEY S Works. Vol.i. London, 1721. (4 odd vols.) 9028 TURFORD (H.) Grounds of a Holy Life. i2th ed. Hartford, jgoo CULMAN (L.) Sententiae Pueriles Anglo-Latinae ; trans- by C. Hoole. Boston, 1723 Introd. to the Latin tongue for the use of the Latin School, isth ed. Boston, 1771 Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino. Per F. G. Boston, 1735 -- DlLWpRTH (W. H.) History of the present war between France and Eng land to 1759 London, 1760 [SMITH (W.)] Trial of Episcopacy. Poughkeepsie, 1817 EDWARDS (J.) Distinguishing Marks of the Work of a Spirit of God. Bost., printed: repr. Phila., B. Franklin, 1742 LA PEYROUSE. Voyage round the World, 1785-88, etc, Boston, 1 80 1 HAWKINS (J.) Hist, of a Voyage to the Coast of v 14 IO6 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS ; Africa. Troy, 1797 The Debtor s Prison ; a tale of a Revolu tionary Soldier. New York, 1834 CAYLEY (C.) The Seraph- ical young Shepherd. Boston, 1793. (n volumes.) 9029 WISE (John) A Vindication of the Government of New Eng land Churches. Boston, 1772 (2 cop., both impf.) [WITHINGTON {Rev. Leo.)] The Puritan: essays, by John Oldbug, Esq. 2 vols. Boston, 1836 ALLINE (H.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Ston- ington-Port, S. Trumbull, 1802 Tales from American History. Neiv York, 1830 New England Primer and Catechism. Wai- pole, N. If., 1814. (7 volumes.) 9030 WOOD (J.) Mentor; or, American Teacher s Assistant. N. K, jyc)^ New History of the Grecian States, engr. by A. Reed. Lan- singburgh, N. K, repr., 1794 EPICTETUS. Morals made Eng lish by Ellis Walker. London, 1737 Life of Napoleon Bona parte. New York, 1811 Stories about La Fayette, etc., no title page Story of Gen. Putnam. New Haven, 1830 Stories, etc., no title page Hodder s Arithmetic. Boston, 1719, fragments WALPOLE (B. C.) Life of Charles James Fox. New York, 1811 TOPHAM (E.) Life of John Elwes. Poughkeepsie, 1815 SVININE (P.) Sketch of the life of Gen. Moreau. New York, 1814 ALBERT (J.) Narrative of his life. Catskill, 1810 JEW- ETT (P.) The New England Farrier. Hudson, 1806. (13) 9031 YOUNG (E.) The Centaur not fabulous; letters on the life in vogue. Lond., 1755, Boston, repr., 1805 Vol. of pamphlets in cluding: Piratical barbarity, or the Sufferings of Miss Lucretia Parker. N. Y., n. d. ; Dr. Williams legacy, or the Family Herbal, 1826 ; Advantages and Disadvantages of the Marriage State. New London, 1808; and Tracts of the Amer., N. Y., and New Eng. Tract Societies Sermons to Doctors in Divinity, 2d vol. of Sermons to Asses., Phila., 1773 WARE(H.) Hints on extempor. preaching; Poetical Sketch of the Universalist Soc. in Watertown, Mass., by J. Adams, pp. 53, (i). Newton, 1837 ; and other tracts, i vol. TORREY (J.) The Intellectual Flambeau. Washington, 1816 The Key to Paradise. Baltimore, [804 WATTS (I.) Imitation of the Psalms, corr. by Joel Barlow. 3d ed. Hartfo? d, n. d. EMMONS (N.) The Dignity of Man, a discourse, Franklin, Mass., 1787. New York, 1798. (8) 9032. TRACTS. MILWARD (John) Jacob s Great Day of Trouble and Deliverance. A Sermon preached at Paul s Crosse the fifth of August, 1607, upon his Maiesties deliuerance from the Earle Cowrie s Treason and Conspiracie, //. (80), clean. London, Printed for^ E. Edgar, 1610 WARMSTRY (T.) A Convocation Speech against Images, Altars, Crosses, the new Canons, and the Oath, &c., pp. (i), 22. Lond., 1641 Castell (W.) Petition to the Most High Court of Parliament ... for the propogating of the Gospell in America, no title page, pp. 8 [1641 ?] Anti-Coton, or, a Refvtation of Cotton s Letter Declaratorie to the Queene Regent [of France]. Added, A Supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris. Trans, out of the French, by G. H., //. (6), 82, (6). Lond., R. Boyle, 1611 Diatelesma. The Moderne History of the World, , SERMONS, TRACTS ON A. BURR, ETC. IQ/ expressing the principall Passages of the Christian Countries in these last six moneths. [By N. C.], //. (12), 136. Land., N. But ter, 1637 An Ordinance ... in Parliament for the Putting in execution the Directory for Publique worship in parish Churches and Chappells ... and for the dispersing of them within this kin<^- dome and Wales, pp. (i), 6. [Land.}, E. Husband, 1645 The Vow and Covenant appointed by ... Parliament to be taken by every man throughout the whole Kingdome, pp (i), .6 Lond. lohn Wright, 1643 HILL (Tho.) The Militant Chvrch trivmph- ant . . . a Sermon preached to Parliament the 21. of July, 1643. Being a day of Publik Humiliation, pp. (i), (5), 31. Lond ., 1643 Declaration and Resolvtion of ... Parliament cone. His Maj esties late Proclamation for the suppressing of the present Rebel lion, //. 7. Lond., E. Husband, 1742 His Maiesties gracious and last Message . . . sent to ... Parliament, 25. August, 1642. Added, The late Message of Parliament in answer,//. (8). [Lond.,\ Fr. Coles, 1642 A Copy of the Commission of Array granted from His Majesty to the Marquesse of Hertford, //. 4. 1642. Lond., E. Husband and I. Frank. 12 tracts, SOME SCARCE, of which 8 are bound in one vol., boards, sm. 4 9033 TRACTS. Addresses, etc., 1800-1848. 58 in 3 vols , hf. bd. 8 Contains tracts on Free Masonry, Valedictories at Yale, by D. G. Mitchell and others, Barber s " Amistad Captives," Removal of monuments from the ancient Burying-ground, New Haven, 1820, with list of the same, etc., Alsop s Poem on Washington s death ; and many of interest, by J. Q. Adams, E. Everett, et al. 9034 TRACTS relating to AARON BURR. WOOD (J.) Correct State ment of the Sources from which the Hist, of the Admin, of John Adams was Compiled, and motives for its suppression by Col. Burr, scorched. New York, 1802 Letter to A. Burr on duels. By Philanthropes. New York, 1804 CHEETHAM (J.) Nine Letters on Burr s Polit. Defection. New York, 1803 Narr. of Burr s suppression of Wood s Hist, of the Admin, of Adams. New York, 1802 : (and a tract on Neutral Rights by J. F. W. SCHLEGEL). 5 in i vol., boards. 9035 TRACTS (Connecticut). ECCLESIASTICAL. Address of the Clergy to Bishop Seabury, with [his] answer, and a Sermon by Rev. J. LEAMING. New Haven, 1785 LEAMING (J.) Dissert, upon Various Subjects. New Haven, 1788 BARTHOLOMEW (A.) Remarks ... on the Doings of the Consociation at Wallingford rel. to ordin. of Mr. Dana. New Haven, 1762 LEAMING (J.) Evidences for the truth of Christianity. New Haven, 1785 AN DREWS (S.) Discourse on the Necessity of Internal Repentance. N. Haven, 1775 ; Necessity, etc., of Revealed Religion. St. John, N. B., 1801 WELLES (N.) Presbyterian Ordination Defended and Proved, wants title page. N. Haven, 1767 Letter from the New Haven Co. Assoc. to the Elders in R. I. and Mass, who assisted in the ordin. of Rev. Mr. JOHN HUBBARD, etc. N. Haven [ I77 o ?] ROTHERAM (J.) Essay on Faith. 2d Amer. ed. New Haven, 1808 KING (W.) Disc. cone, the inventions of men in the worship of God. N. Haven, 1811 DAUBENY (C.) The Trial of the Spirits, a caution against spiritual delusion. N. Haven, 1809. ii in i vol., uncut, boards. IO8 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS J 9036 TRACTS. CONNECTICUT ELECTION SERMONS: 1768, R. Salter ; 1779, J. Dana; 1785, S. Wales; 1787, E. Goodrich; 1791, T. Dwight ; also, Mass. Election Sermons: 1784, M. Hemmenway ; 1788, D. Parsons. 7 in i vol. sheep. 9037 TRACTS. (EDUCATIONAL) lettered Literary, 1793-1846. 5 vols., half bound. Including addresses by R. W. Emerson, Alcott, Mann, J. Q. Adams, Palfrey, and others, many scarce; MS. paging and contents in each volume. 9038 TRACTS. English Political Pamphlets, 1767-1770. The Pres ent State of the Nation, with respect to its trade, finances, etc., pp. 100. London, 1768 Letter to the people of Great Britain on the present crisis, pp. (2), 60. Lond., 1771 Digest of the poor laws, //. xxvii, 74, 6. London^ 1768 BENEZET (A.) Cau tion to Great Britain and her colonies on the calamitous state of the Enslaved Negroes, //. 46. Phila., pr., Lond., repr., 1767 Consid. on the nature and origin of literary property, //. (i), 34. Edinburgh, 1767 Genuine copies of letters between the Lord Chancellor and the Sheriffs [on] the execution of Doyle and Valine, //. 41. Lond., 1770. 6 in i vol., calf. 9039 TRACTS. English Political Pamphlets, 1783-97. 10 in i vol., sheep ; some scarce. Contains Andrews (J.) Essay on Republican Principles. Land., 1783 ; Authentic Cop ies of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between [Great Britain, the Kings of France and Spain] and the U. S. Lond., J. Debrett, 1783; Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with Amer., and the Prelim. Articles of Peace, etc. Lond., 1783 (see Rich, " Bib. Amer. Nova, 1783, No. 19, for discussion as to author, etc.) ; Edwards (Brian) Thoughts . . . respecting the trade of the West India Islands with the U. S. of Amer., Lond., pr., repr., Bost., 1784; Crawford (C.) Observations upon the Revolution in France, Bost., 1793 ( anc * others on the same topic). 9040 TRACTS. Orations, Fourth of July, etc., 1783-1835. 97 pam phlets in 4 vols. An exceptionally interesting lot of Independence Day addresses, poems, accts. of cele brations, etc., 55 or more (see Nos. 9077-78) ; [Allen s] " Beauties of Liberty" (see notes, Nos. 8838-39), Memorial addresses, on Washington, Adams, Jefferson, et al., with many autographic presentations. 9041 TRACTS. Harvard College. Pietas etGratulatio Collegii Cantabri- giensis apud Novanglos, pp. xiv, (i), 106. Bost., 1761 [BOLLAN (W.)] Continued Corruption, Standing Armies, etc., considered and the Establishment of the English Colonies in America . . . exam ined,//. 82, plate. London, 1768 ; The Free Britain s Memorial to the Free holders . . . who elect the British Parliament, pp. 35. Lond., 1769 ; Essay on the Right of every man in a free State to speak and write freely, //. 49. Lond., 1772 LOWELL (J.) Eulogy on Hon. James BOWDOIN, //. 24. Boston, 1791. 5 in i vol. 4 clean, and good margins. 0042 TRACTS. Ireland. Dissertation on the perpetual mutiny bill. By a gentleman of T. C. D. Dublin, 1781 Letter to the First Belfast company of volunteers in the Province of Ulster. 2d ed. Dublin, 1782 BURKE (E.) Letter to T. Burgh in vindication of his conduct. London, pr., Dublin, repr., 1780; Speech in Bristol upon his parliamentary conduct. Dublin, 1780 Common-place arguments against administration ; with obvious answers. 3d ed. Dublin, 1780 List of the absentees of Ireland. 6th edition. Dublin, 1783. 6 in i vol., hf. bd. ELECTION SERMONS, AMER. REVOLUTION, ETC. IOQ 9043 TRACTS. Discourses before the Mass. Humane Society, etc. ; by J. Bartlett, 1792 (with list of members) ; C. Robbins, 1796; J. Fleet, 1797; I. Hurd, 1799; J. Brooks, 1795; T. Thacher, 1800 Disc, on the death of J. Buckminster, by N. Parker. Ports mouth, 1812 Eulogy on Hon. T. Russell, by Dr. J. WARREN, 1796 Fun. Sermon on Mrs. Martha Stoddard, by Thomas Prince, pp. 24. Boston, 1748 Sermon after the funeral of Rev. J. Rog ers, by S. WIGGLESWORTH, pp. 24. Bost. 1746 Sermon on Hon. N. Gorham by P. Thatcher and Eulogy by T. Welsh. Bost. 1796. 12 in i vol. sm. 4 9044 TRACTS. Miscellaneous orations and addresses. 74 pamphlets in 4 vols. Among others are Goodwin s Oration, i5oth Anniv. of the Destruction of Lancaster by the Indians, 1826; Webster s Addr. at Plymouth, Commem.of the Settlement of N. Eng., 1821 ; Addr. to Mass. Electors, n. d. (Otis s election) with a number of autograph signa tures ; Coffin s Remarks on the dangers of Sepulture; or, security for the living, 1823; Story s Disc. bef. the Essex Hist. Soc. on the Settlement of Salem, 1828. One volume consists of Anniversary orations ; another, of orations by Webster, Everett, and Story, and another, of Phi Beta Kappa and educational addresses, etc. 9045 TRACTS. Orations, etc., 1798-1821. 44 pamphlets in 3 vols., hf. dk. gr. calf, one old tree calf. Contains, Free Remarks . . . respecting the Exclusion of Slavery from the Territories and New States, By a Philadelphian Phila., 1819; Proc. of the Hartford Convention, Hartford, C. Hosmer, 1815 ; Correspondence betw. Com. Stephen Decaturand Com. Jas. Barron which led to [their] Unfortunate Meeting, Boston, 1820; with a number of 4th of July addresses. 9046 TRACTS. Political, American Revolution. BURKE (E.) Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the affairs of America. 2d ed. Lon don, 1777 Ans. to the letter of E. Burke [by Dr. Shebbeare ?] Lond., 1777 PRICE (R.) Observations on civil liberty . . . and the justice and policy of the war with America. 3d ed. Lond., I77 6 Three Letters to Dr. Price, cont. Remarks on his observa tions. Lond., 1776. 4 in i vol., half bound. Has the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. 9047 TRACTS. Political, 1753-1800. [GERMAINE (G.)?] The Rights of Great Britain against the Claims of America. Phila., repr., I77 6 _ Prelim. Articles and Debates on the Treaty of Peace, 1783 Debates in the House of Commons on the ordinaries of the Army, 1783 [MURRAY (J.)] Sermons to Ministers of State. Phila., 1783 [DICKINSON (J.)] Letters from a Farmer in Penn sylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 2d ed. Phila., I7 68 CLARKSON (T.) Essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species. London, 1786 Hist, remarks and anec dotes of the Bastille. Trans, from the French. Lond., 1784 Descr of Gibraltar, n. p., n. d., plate Exam, of proceeds, in Congress ... on the conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury i7<H Letters of Franklin on the conduct of the executive and the treaty with Great Britain [attrib. by Cobbett to A. J. Dallas]. Phila., 1795 Speeches [of Gov. Johnstone and others] in Parlia ment in favour of the rights of America. N.Y I77S - BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.) Grit. exam, of Chastellux s 1 ravels in ^N. Amer. Phila., 1788 - Inquiry into the causes of the """"tta in St. Domingo. Phila., repr., 1792 - [PAINE (Thos.)] Dissert on government, the affairs of the Bank, etc. Phila., 1786 AMI IIO MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS ; (F.) Oration on ... Washington. Phila., 1800 Constitution of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1790 D WIGHT (T.) Greenfield Hill ; a Poem. N. K, 1794 RAYNAL (AM) The Revolution of America. Lond., 1781 MORE (Sir T.) The Common-Wealth of Utopia. Phila , repr., 1753. 19 pamphlets in 3 vols, 9048 TRACTS. Political, 1750-1837 ; containing among others, Some Observations relating to the Present Circumstances of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston, D. Fowle, 1750; and The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. London, 1775. 52 pamphlets in 3 vols., half bound. 9049 TRACTS. Political, 1774-1800. Reasons why the British colo nies should not be charged with internal taxes by authority of Parliament : offered in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut,//. 39. New Haven, 1764, scarce -- Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. Phila., 1774, imperfect Orations, 4th of July, by Z. Lewis, D. Daggett, E. Nott, N. Em- mons ; Letters of Dr. J. Priestly, and a few others. 15 in i vol. 9050 TRACTS. Pamphlets on Peace and Temperance, 1790-1844. 76 in 3 vols., half bound. 9051 TRACTS. (Sermons, many on Baptism^) FROST (A.) Two Ser. in Westborough, on Gen. vi. 5, and Gal. vi. 15 ; being a Descr. of the New Creature. Boston, 1766 SMALLEY (J.) Two Disc, on John vi. 44. Bost., 1772 FISH (E.) Infant Baptism Vindicated, a Disc. Bost., 1772 NILES (N.) The Remembrance of Christ, a Ser. Bost., 1773 FISH (E.) The Art of War lawful and necessary. Bost., 1774 FISH (E.) and CRANE (J.) The Bap tism of Jesus Christ, an Essay. Bost., n. d. EMLYN (T.) Ex tracts from An Humble Enquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ. Host., 1190 [BURR (A.)] Supreme Deity of Jesus Christ maintained. Boston, 1757 BUCKMINSTER (J.) Paraphrase upon Romans x. 4; an answer to Mr. Foster s sermon. Bost., 1779 COTTON (J.) of Plymouth. Practice of New England Churches re lating to Baptism vindicated. Bost., 1771 ROBBINS(C.) Reply to Essays by J. Cotton, relating to Baptism. Bost., 1773 COTTON (J.) Practice of New England Churches further vindicated. Bost., 1773. 12 in 2 vols. ; i of which has MS. paging. 9052 TRACTS. Sermons, etc., 1756-1833. 34 in 2 vols., half bound. Among others are Gay (E.) of Hingham, at install, of Grindall Rawson, 1755; Barnes (D.) Memorial on Rev. Jas. Hawley of Pembroke, 1800; Burr (J.) At funeral of Rev. O. Shaw of Barnstable, 1807; Shaw (L.) Bef. Mass. Humane Soc., 1811 ; Webster (D.) Commemoration of Adams and Jefferson, 1826; McEwen (A.) At the funeral of Gen. Jedediah Huntington ; with many others at funerals and installations. 9053 TRACTS. Sermons, etc., 1792-1818. 28 in 3 vols. Includes Lyman (Jos.) Sermon at Opening of Hatfield Bridge, 1807 (and others by the same) ; Lives and Confessions of J. Williams, F. Frederick et al., tried and executed for Murder and Piracy, Boston, 1819; with many interesting and scarce Masonic, Polit ical, and other tracts. 9054 TRACTS. Pamphlets, mostly theological, 1767-1844. 34 in 5 vols. Contains Bowden (J.) Letter to Rev. E. Stiles, D.D., Concerning Church Government, 1788, very scarce; Bowden (J.) Addr. to the Episcopal ch. in Stratford, with letter to the Rev. Jas. Sayre, 1792; Covenant, and Catalog, of members, 1758-1810, First ch. New Haven; Devereux Jarrat s Serm. bef. the Prot. Episc. Convention, of Virginia, Rich mond, 1792 ; Deane (S.) Mass. Election Serm., 1794, with list of previous sermons; Conn. Election Sermons 1816, 1824; Masonic and other addresses. POLITICAL, SERMONS ON BAPTISM, ETC. m 9055 TRACTS. Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1777-18^ ^Sin/ivok shS^^^ 9056 TRACTS. Miscellaneous. SALAZAR (A. de) Thesoro de diversa hcion ; Tresor de diverses lemons. [Natural history ; Spanish and French.], /. /. torn, portr. Paris, 1636 Elements or Principles of Geometne, eng. front, and folded plates. London, \ 684 WING (John) A Prognostication for the year 1711. London, 1711 PATTERSON (R.) Table of latitude and departure. Phila., 1797 Commu nications from the several States on the resolutions of the legisl of Virginia respect, the alien and sedition laws, etc. Richmond [1799?] The Federalist. No. 2, [imperfect} WASHINGTON (G.) Will : Annexed, a schedule of his property. Alexandria, 1800 ^ Enquiries as to exclusive legislation in the Dist. of Co lumbia. Washington, n. d. On the Fcederal Government [for and against R. H. Lee, Elbridge Gerry, etc.], n. p., n. d. Hist, of Washington, Montgomery, Greene, and Lafayette. 179-? title page torn A Plan for encouraging Agriculture in Pennsylvania, no title page SMYTH (Alex.) Third Letter to Francis Preston, n. p. 1796 Bystander : letters on the legislative choice of elect ors in Maryland. Baltimore, 1800 Maxims on the preservation of health, etc., with The Way to Wealth, by Dr. Franklin. Balti more, n. d. ABINGDON (Earl of) Thoughts on the letter of E. Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the affairs of America. Lan caster, repr., 1778 Letters from a Federal farmer ... on the gov ernment proposed by the late convention, n. p. 1788 PINCK- NEY (C.) Case of Jonathan Robbins. Baltimore, 1799 An Epitome of HOYLE. Dublin, 1791. 18 in 2 vols., sheep. 16 9057 TRACTS. SEWALL (S.) Proposals touching the Accomplishment of Prophecies. Boston, 1713 Collection of Papers relative to Half-Pay, and Commutation thereof, with a Circular Letter from Gen. Washington to the several Legislatures. Boston, 1783 Soc. for Prop, of Gospel. Coll. of Papers, plate. London, 1741 [Resolution of Mass. Provincial Cong., June 16, 1775, regarding the Sabbath], i page. \Bost., 1775.] 4 in i vol. 4 9058 TRACTS. Political and Miscellaneous, 1753-1844. 82 in 5 vols. 8 WITH AUTOGRAPHS and presentations by John C. Calhoun, James Buchanan, Dixon H. Lewis (of Alabama), R. D. Davis (of New York), and Wm. D. Kelley, in a vol. containing among others the following : GLENWORTH (J. B.) Statement of Frauds on the Elective Franchise in New York city, 1838-39; Slander refuted in two letters from Andrew Jackson ... on the Divorce of Bank and State, with Mr. Calhoun s Reso lutions relative to the rights of the South on the Abolition Question. Phila., 1838 TIPPECANOE LITERATURE. A number of pieces, including Life of \Vm. Henry Harrison, -with songs; "The Crisis" (2 nos.) and other Democratic Union Tracts, some with cuts BUCHANAN (J.) Speech in the Senate Feb. 14, 1839, on the bill to Prevent the Interference of certain Federal Officers with Elections,//. 15. WEBSTER (Daniel) [of N. H.] Speech Ho. of Reps. Mth Jan., 1814, on bill tor Filling the ranks of the Regular Army, //. 15. 8 Kcene, N. //., 1814 Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous WAR AGAINST GR. BRITAIN, etc. By a New-England Farmer. Hanover, N. H., 1812, //. 64. 8 POTTER (Elisha R.) Addr. to the Freemen of Rhode Island,//. 23 [24]. 8 Newport, [1810] SCARCE BANCROFT (Geo.) Addr. at Democratic Convention, Hartford, Feb. 18, 1840, //. 16 THE MAYOR, a familiar epistle, by Frank Idyl (poem), 1848, SCARCE. H2 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS; Speech of J. C. Calhonn on SLAVERY Trial of Lord Headfort for Crim. Con. Eulogies on Alex. Hamilton Aristides Exam, of Aaron Burr Tacitus, Letters to Jefferson Button s Poem at Yale Commencement, 1800 Essay ? . . on the action proper for the Pulpit, 1753 SLACK (D. B.) Celestial Magnet. Providence, !82o Ans. to Six MONTHS IN A CONVENT ; and the Vindication of Miss REED, etc. (3 pphs.), with many 4th of July addresses. 9059 TRACTS. Miscellaneous, 1813-42. 33 in 2 vols., half bound. 8 Includes Swett (S.) Hist, of the Bunker Hill Battle, 3d ed., with folding plan ; Notes to his sketch of Bunker-Hill Battle. Host., 1825 ; Everett (E.) Memoir of John Lowell, Jr., 1840; Hall (N.) Addr. at funeral of T. M. Harris, D.D., with Autograph Letter by Mr. Brinley inserted ; Constitution, etc., of the Boston Episc. Charitable Soc y, with list of members (16 pages), 1724-1834, also Boyle s Memoir of the Soc y, 1840 with other tracts, on Slavery, Finance, etc. 9060 TRACTS. Miscellaneous. Sermons, orations, addresses, etc. 65 in 5 vols. 8 Contains Eulogies on Washington ; Orations bef. the Soc. of the Cincinnati ; Addrs. on districting the State of Conn. (1791-2) ; Descr. of the River Susquehanna, with obs. on the trade . . . and improvements Phila., 1796, map, pp. 60; Smith (E. H.) Disc, on the Manumission of Slaves, 1798; Joel Barlow s Letter ... on the French Constitution of 1791, and Poems; Addr s to the people of Conn., etc. (political), 1802-5; election ordination, funeral and occasional sermons, including Whitman s on the Death of Capt. Wm. Chipman . . . murdered by Pirates, etc. Bost., 1800 (with a long list of subscribers to the printing); PRIEST (J.) Stories of the Revolution. Albany, 1838, -with the rare colored folding plate; [ ] Classology, an Anacreontic Ode . . . Bost., 1843, very scarce; Waldo (S. P.) Life of Michael Martin (executed in Cambridge, 1821, for highway robbery) ; [Sedgwick (Mrs. T.)] Alida, or town and country, //. 176. N. Y., 1844, and many others of interest. 9061 PAMPHLETS, 1655-1773. COTTON (John) An Abstract of Laws and Government. Wherein . . . may be seen the wisdome and perfection of the Government of Christ s Kingdome, etc. Col lected ... by ... Mr. John Cotton, and now published by Wil liam Aspinwall, //. (8), 34, imperfect ; RARE. London, pr. for Livewel Chapman, 1655. (See notes to Nos. 545, 562) NOYES (N.) New-England s Duty and Interest to be a Habitation of Holiness [Election Ser., 1698]. Epistle Dedic. to the Earl of Bellomont by John Higginson, pp. (10), 96, imperfect, title page, pp. 97-99 wanting, etc. Bost., 1698 (See note No. 833) [MATHER (Increase)] Elijah s Mantle. A Faithful Testimony to the Cause and Work of God in the Churches of New England,//. (2), 17, (2). Bost., pr. for S. Gerrish, 1722, uncut. (See note to No. 981) WIGGLESWORTH (E.) Sober Remarks on a Book, entituled A Mod- ept Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ in the Church, etc., pp. 78, title page wanting. Bost., 1724 BACKUS (Jos.) The Proclamation of the Hon. Joseph Jenks Answered, and the Proceedings of a Justice s Court at Norwich vindicated, PP- ( 2 )> 3 2 > torn - Bost. and N. London, 1726, VERY SCARCE A Letter to the Guardian about Dunkirk, uncut, pp. 18. Lond., 1713 Select Tracts relating to the Colonies [by Lord Bacon and others], //. (8), 40. Lond., n. d. SHIRLEY (W.) Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourgh, etc., pp. 31. Londoner., Boston, repr., 1746 Acts of Parliament relating to the Army,//. 127, 1747-53. London, 1754 Rules and Articles for the Gov t of His Majesty s . . . Forces in Gt. Britain and Ireland and beyond the Seas, from 24th March, 1754, PP- 6 3 (3)- Lond., 1754 [MATHER (Increase)?] The Revolu tion in New England justified and the people there vindicated from the aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. . . . ALMANACS; AMERICAN HISTORY. H3 Added, a Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmund Androsse and his Accomplices, etc., pp. 59. Boston, 1691, repr., Is. Thomas 1773, title page wanting, neatly supplied in facsimile, n VERY SCARCE TRACTS. 9062 PAMPHLETS. ALMANACS, 1683-1874. [A miscellaneous lot of Almanacs and fragments in poor condition, but includes a good copy of COTTON MATHER S BOSTON EPHEMERIS, 1683, lackin<? the last leaf (See collation in Sabin, and notes to No. 107 c Part I which copy sold for $31)]. A small vol. contains a nearly complete series of Nathaniel Ames Almanac, 17415-67 and there are many more by him. Others are by Roger Sherman, I. Thomas, Freebetter Low, Abra. Weatherwise, 1781 with a curious portrait of WASHINGTON, and of a Hottentot. Some have many interesting rude cuts, some of Washington, and one con tains an interleaved MS. diary. 9063 PAMPHLETS. American History. 85 in 10 bundles (numbered 9 to 1 8 inclusive, to be sold each bundle separately, per pamphlet} MANY UNCUT. 8 and o A few titles taken from the packages are : 9. Coll. of State Papers, rel. to the first Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the U. S. of Amer., //. 96. At the Hague, 1782 Frisbie (L.) Oration on the Peace; at Ipswich, Apr. 29, 1783. Bost., 1783 Addr and Recommendations to the States, by the United States Congress. Phila., pr., Hart ford, repr., 1783, with list of taxes of the towns in Conn., given in the three currencies, and other tables Hamilton (A.) Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of N. Y., on the Politics of the day. ^d ed. N. Y., 1784, autogr. of Jas. Dana Consti tution, or Frame of Gov t for the U. S., Publ. by order of Gov t. Bost., 1787, a few leaves too close trimmed Addr. to the people of N. Y. on the Constitution. By a Citi zen ... N. Y., [1787?] Varnum (Jas. M.) Case of Trevett vs. Weeden ... for refus ing paper Bills in payment for meat, etc. Providence, \ 787. 10. The Treaty with His Brit. Majesty and the U. S. fairly discussed . . . [with Reso lutions of Chamber of Commerce of Bost., Aug. 15, 1795] Features of Mr. Jay s Treaty; Annexed, View of the Commerce of the U. S. Phila., 1795 [Cobbett (Wil liam)] A Bone to Gnaw, for the Democrats. 2d ed. Phila., 1795, cut close, but text is perfect ; By " Peter Porcupine," A New Year s gift to Democrats (No. 8). Phila., 1790 ; Political Censor, etc., for Sept., 1796. Phila., 1796 Hamilton (A.) Obs. on certain docs ... in which the charge of Speculation against Alex. Hamilton, is fully refuted . . . by himself. Phila., 1797, VERY SCARCE Paine (Thos.) Letter to G. Washington on Affairs, Public and Private. Phila., 1796. 11. Harper (Robt. Goodloe) of So. Carolina. Addr. to his Constituents, [with] rea sons for approving the Treaty with Gr. Britain. Bost., 1796; Obs. on the Dispute bet. the U. S. and France, pp. 151. Bost., 1798 Rev. of the Administration ... of the U. S. since 93; or, the Corresp. bet. the Sec. of State [T. Pickering] and the French minister. Bost., 1797 The Philanthropist ; or A good twenty-five cents worth of Polit ical Love Powder for honest Adamites and Jeff ersonians. By the Rev. M. L. Weems (of Lodge No. 50) Dumfries, n. d. [1799] SCARCE. 12 Griswold ([Roger]) Speech, on the repeal of the Internal Taxes, Ho. of Reps. Mch. 18, 1802. Phila., 1802 Nicholson ([Jos. H.]) Speech in defence of the Organ ization of the Courts of the U. S., Ho. of Reps., Feb. 26, 1802. \Hartfor\ J. Babcock, 1802, Bayard (J. A.) Speech on Organization of the Courts of the U. S. ; Ho. of Reps. Feb. 19, 20, 1802. Hartford, 1802 Wood (John) Correct Statement of the Sources from which the Hist, of the Admin, of John Adams was compiled, and the Mo tives for its Suppression by Col. Burr, with Obs. on a Narr. by a Citizen of N. Y. 2d ed. AT. Y., 1802 [Cheetham (Jas.)] Narr. of the Suppression by Col. Burr of the Hist, of the Admin, of J. Adams . . . Added, a Biogr. of T. Jefferson and A. Hamilton, with Strictures on ... J. Adams, and ... Gen. C. C. Pinckney (ist ed. ? ) By a Citizen of New York. N. Y., 1802 ; [Same] View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr. N. Y., !8o2 Wolcott (O.) Address ... on the report of a Com ttee of the Ho. of Reps. . . " whether monies drawn from the Treasury have been faithfully applied," etc. Bost., 1802. 13. [Grander (Gideon)] Vindication of the Measures of the Present Administration ; by Algernon Sidney. Hartford, 1802 [Van Ness (W. P.)] Exam, of A. Burr, etc. By Aristides. N. Y., 1803, //. 118 Sham-patriot unmasked, or an Exposition of the Arts of Demagogues, etc. By Historicus. Peacham, S. Goss, 1804 Barlow (Joel) Two Letters to Citizens of the U. S. and one to Washington. Written from Pans, 1799. N. Haven, 1806 Hist, of the war bet. the U. S., Tripoli, and Barbary Powers, etc. pp. 144. Salem, 1806 [Fessenden (Wm.)] The Political Farrago, or, Rev. of the Politics of the U. S. from the Admin, of Washington to ... Jefferson. By Peter Dobbins, Esq. v 15 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS; R C U S A. Brattleboro, Jan. 1807 Ans. to " War in Disguise," or, the New Doc trine of England cone. Neutral Trade, [ist ed.] N. Y., Feb., 1806 [Lowell (John)] Peace without dishonor War without hope . . . Enquiry into the question of the Chesa peake, etc. By a Yankee Farmer. Bost., 1807. 14 Message from the Prest. of the U. S., transmitting a Letter from the Sec. of State to Mr. Monroe, on ... the attack on the Chesapeake ; etc., Mch. 22, 1808. Wash., 1808 pickerin^ (T.) Corresp. with Gov. Jas. Sullivan. Bost., pr., N. Haven, repr., 1808. (Same} Letter to Gov. Sullivan. Added, Speech on the Embargo Bill, by B. Gardiner, of N. Y. Hallowett, 1808 Adams (J. Q.) Letter to H. G. Otis, with remarks on T. Pickering s letter to [Gov. Sullivan]. Salem, 1808 [Lowell (John)] Rem. and criti cisms on & Hon. J. Q. Adams s Letter to H. G. Otis. Bost., 1808 Letter to the Presi dent ... on Prosecutions bef. the Circuit Court in ... Connecticut. N. Haven, 1808 Deane (E.) M.D. On the Alarming situation to which the U. S. are reduced. Oration, Plympton, Feb. 23, 1809. Dedham, 1811 [Adams (J. Q.)] Amer. Principles; a rev. of works of Fisher Ames. Bost., 1809, scarce [Lowell (J.)] Remarks on J. Q. Adams s Rev. of Ames s Works. Bost., 1809 Adams (John) Correspondence, orig. published in the Boston Patriot; No. i. Bost., 1809; (Same} Inadmissible Principles of the King of England s Proclamation of Oct. 16, 1807. Bost., 1809. 15. WAR OF 1812. Addr. of members of the Ho. of Reps, to their constituents on ... the war with Gr. Britain. Hartford, 1812 Wars of the Gulls ; an histor. romance, in three chapters. N. Y., 1812 Jefferson against Madison s War ; addr. to the republi cans of Mass., in favor of DeWitt Clinton, //. 20, n. p. Walker (Timothy) of Hop- kinton, Mass. Two letters to Gen. Wm. Hull, on his conduct as a soldier, etc. Bost., 1821, pp. 12 The Federal Looking-glass, or an Oration by S. A. friend of just ice pp. 12. 12 Pr. for the author, 1812, -with two cuts, one of Hull s Surrender to the devil ! Whitman (J. R.) Heroes of the North, or the battles of Lake Erie and Champlain; Two Poems. Bost., 1816 Compendious acct of the Late War. Added, the curious Adventures of Corp. Samuel Stubbs, etc. Bost., pr. by Wm. Walter, 1817, //. 24. 12 [Dallas (A. J.)] Expos, of the causes and character of the late war,//. 47. 8 [Bost., 1815] Dearborn (H. A. S.) Defence of Gen. Henry Dearborn, against the attack of Gen. Wm. Hull. Bost., 1824 White (Samuel) of Adams Co., Pa. His tory of the Am. troops during the late war, under the command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell, etc. Added, Descr. of Upper and Lower Canada, //. 107. 12 Baltimore, by the author, 1830 Custis (G. W. P.) Addr. at Georgetown, Sept. i, 1812, on death of Gen. Ligan, murdered by a mob at Baltimore. Bost., 1812. (Nearly all of the above are SCARCE.) 16. [Lowell (John)] New Eng. Patriot . . . comparison of the principles and con duct of the Washington and Jefferson administrations, //. 137, 12. Bost., 1810; (Same) Perpetual war the Policy of Mr. Madison ... by a New England Farmer, pp. 119. Bost., 1812 Atwater (J.) Consid. on the approaching dissolution of the U. S. Bank. N. Haven, 1810 Dana (S. W.) Speech on resolut. cone. Francis J. Jackson, minister from Gr. Britain. Wash., iSio. 17. White (W. C.) Avowals of a Republican. Wore., 1813 The new States, or Comparison of the wealth, strength, and population of the Northern and Southern States ... the injustice of erecting new States at the South. By Massachusetts, //. 36. Bost., 1813 America s Lamentation ; or, the unhappy state of America Lamented (poem), //. 12. 12 Hartford, B. 6 s J. Russell, 1814, scarce The Crisis ; on the origin and consequences of our polit. dissensions. Annexed, the late Treaty bet. the U. S. and Gr. Brit. By a citizen of Vermont. Albany, 1815, //. 95 Raymond (D.) Missouri Question. Baltimore, 1819 Sterling (M.) Letter ... on a Uniform system of Bank ruptcy in the U. S. N. Y., 1822 Message from the President [on] the condition of the Gov ts south of the U. S. and their war with Spain. Wash., 1822 Adams (J. Q.) Corresp. with citizens of Mass., cone, the charge of a design to dissolve the Union alleged to have existed in that State. 2d ed., //. 48. Bost., 1829 The Virginia Addr. (against the election of Jackson), //. 8, n. p., 1829 Brief inquiry into objections against the election of Andrew Jackson . . . sustained by official docs.,//. 35, n. p., n. d. 18. Otis (H. G.) Speech to the citizens of Bost. [on the American protective system], pp. 27. Bost., 1830 Review of the [preceding] speech of Otis . . . delivered at a meet ing of the friends of the Protecting System ... By a citizen of Boston, pp. 40. Bost., 1831 The House that Jonathan Built, or Polit. Primer of 1832, with twelve cuts (by Akin, including satirical portraits}, [//. 16] 8 Phila., by P. Banks, 1832, very scarce Everett s Speech on the Adjustment of the Tariff, Ho. of Reps., June 25, 1832 Adams (J. Q.) Speech [suppressed by the Previous question] on the removal of the Pub lic Daposites. Wash., 1832 Nibs (J. M.) Remarks in the Senate, Feb. i, 1836, on presenting petitions . . . for the erection of a monument to Capt. Nathan Hale, n. t. p. Proc. of a Convention ... at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Jan. 29, 1845 to consider the pro posed Annexation of Texas, //. 18. Bost., 1845, scarce Gallatin (A.) Peace with M3Kico, //. 1 6. N.Y., B.irtlett &> Wilford, 1847, scarce Bellows ( H.) Unconditional loyalty. N. Y., 1863, and many others, all in fair condition, though some are soiled or have pen marks. HISTORICAL J AMER. REVOLUTION. l j 5 9064 PAMPHLETS .Historical WARS WITH FRANCE : [Dummer Letter to a Noble Lord concerning the late Expedi it on London 1712 - The Same. Re P r., Boston, 1746- [Chauncv (C )] Letter to a Friend, giving ah Account of the Ohio Defeat. Boston 1755 - A Second Letter, giving an Account of the Defeat of the French at Lake George. Boston, 1755 - The Conduct of the French with regard to Nova-Scotia. London, i 7 c 4 State of the British and French Colonies in N. Americ a. London 1755 - Clark (Wm.) Observations on the Conduct of the French with regard to Encroachments on the Br. Colonies. Repr., London !755 - rrench Policy defeated, wanting one map . London, i7cc _ Remarks on French Memorials concerning the limits of Acadia. London, 1756 A Fair Representation of His Majesty s Ri<^ht to Nova Scotia or Acadia. London, 1756 Postlethwayt (M.) Pro gress of French Trade and Navigation. London, 1756 Party Spirit in time of Public Danger. London, 1756 The State of the Nation with respect to Fr. Invasion. London, n. d. Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the last War. London, 1757 Impartial Enquiry into the Right of the French to Territory west of the Mississippi. London, n. d. Admiral Vernon s Ghost. London, 1758 Journal of the Siege and Surrender of Louisburg. [ J 75 8 ] Authentic Account of the reduction of Louisburg. Lon don, 1758. (18) 9065 PAMPHLETS. (American Revolution^) POWNALL (T.) Speech of Th-m-s P-wn-11 ... in the H-se of C-m-ns, in favor of America, //. 16. 4 \Bost., 1769] Consid. upon the Rights of the Colo nists to the Privileges of British subjects, pp. (ii), 27. 12 N. K, y. Holt, 1766 Summary View of the Rights of British Amer. . . . in some resolutions intended for the . . . delegates of the people of Virginia, now in Convention. By a native, and member of the Ho. of Burgesses, pp. 23. 12 Williamsburg, pr., Phila., repr., by y. Dunlap, 1774 Extracts from the Records of the late Provin cial Congress held at Cambridge, Oct.-Dec., 1774; also, Feb., 1775. Pub. by their order, //. 14. Bost., 1775 TUCKER (J.), Dean of Glocester, Eng. True interest of Britain ... in regard to the Colo nies, etc. Added, A few more words on the Freedom of the Press addr. by the printer to the friends of liberty in Amer. ; and, A Short ans. to some criticisms ... of Aristides, etc., pp. 66, (4). Phila., Robt. Bell, in Third Street, 1776 Addr. to inhab. of Penna. by those Freemen who are confined in the Masons Lodge on a war rant signed by the Vice Pres. of the Council of Penna., //. (4), 52. Phila., 1777 PRICE (R.) Obs. on the importance of the Am. Rev., and the means of making it a benefit to the world, //. 87, (i). Lond., pr., Bost., repr., 1784 Trial of the British soldiers ... for the Murder of CRISPUS ATTUCKS, S. Gray, S. Maverick, J. Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, //. 120. Bost., 1807 [CHILD (D. L.)] Enquiry into the Conduct of Gen. PUTNAM in relat. to the Battle of Bunker Hill. Bost., 1819 (2 copies, i uncut} - WASHBURN (E.) Addr. commem. of the part taken by the town of LEICESTER in the Revolution. Bost., 1849 RANTOUL (R.) Ora- Il6 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS; tion and Ace. of the Union Celebration at Concord, Apr. 19, 1850, pp. 135 (2 cop.), and others. (20) 9066 PAMPHLETS. (Chap-Books) The Wandering Jew, or the Shoe maker of Jerusalem, //. 8. New London, [1760] The Child s Plain Pathway to Eternal Life ... a true Account of Mr. James Worthy, etc., pp. 12. Boston, n. d. [176-?] . . . Some Account of the Lady Elizabeth Hastings and of Armelle Nicolas, pp. 24. Phila., 1770 Thompson (J.) . . . The Birth, Life, and Charac ter of Judas Iscariot, //. 18, imperf. New Lond., n. d. Narr. of the Life and Conversion of Alex. White, executed for Murder. Bost., [1784?] Life of Joseph the Son of Israel. Hartford, 1791 Relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, apostate to Popery. Hartford, 1798 The Second Spira: a fearful example of an Atheist. By J. S. Hartford. Hartford, n. d. (2 cop.) Victim of Seduction ; Life and untimely fate of Harriot Wilson. Bost., n. d. -- Account of the extraordinary abstinence of Ann Moor. [Bost., 181 1?] The Female Marine ; adventures of Lucy Brewer. Bost., 1816 An Account of Rose Butler. By Dorothy Ripley. New York, 1819 The Florida Pirate [Capt. Manuel]. N. York, 1823 The Sweets of Solitude : [life of] Amos Wilson. Bost., 1822 Hist, of Capt. Thos. Parismus. Providence. 1809. 9067 PAMPHLETS. (Biography?) Funeral sermons, memorial addresses , eulogies, etc. 86 bundles, about 1250 pamphlets. To be sold each bundle separately, per pamphlet. A choice collection, arranged alphabetically. The first bundle relates to 2 Abbots, 9 Abbotts, 2 Aldens and 6 Aliens, and so on. 9068 PAMPHLETS. Boston, Misc. CHAUNCY (C.) Sermon, ist Ch., Mar. 13, 1785, after repairs,/*/. 23. Bost., 1785 EATON (A.) Hist. ace. of Christ ch., 1823, pp. 39. Bost., 1824 PALFREY (J. G.) Dedic. sermon i2th Congl. ch., Oct. 13, 1824, pp. 34. Bost., 1825 PARKMAN (F.) and others. State of Unitarianism in Boston in 1812 QUINCY (J.) Addr. Sept. 17, 1830, bi-cent. of settl.,//. 68. 8 Bost., 1830, autog. present, by author PARK- MAN (F.) D.D. Disc., New North ch., Dec. 9, 1838, completion of 1 2 4th year from its estab., pp. 40. Bost., 1839 Report on CHOLERA in Bost. in 1849, pp. 180 (2), 8 map. Bost., 1850, and 36 others. (43) 9069 PAMPHLETS. (Century Sermons) By C. Backus, Somers; J. Lathrop, West Springfield ; M. C. Welch, Mansfield ; N. Strong, Hartford ; T. Dwight, New Haven (2 cop.) ; J. Dana, New Haven [all the above Jan., 1801] ; W. B. Sprague, cent l of ch. Andover, Conn., 1849 5 cent, sermon on revival, 1740, by T. Williams. 9 all but two uncut. 9070 PAMPHLETS. Connecticut 1770-1865. The Susquehannah Case, pp. 24, sm. 4 n. t. p. {Norwich, 1774] uncut. State of Lands once within Charter of Conn., west of N. Y.,//. 16. N. Y. 1770 Right of Conn, to Lands within . . . Charter, //. 47. Hartf., 1773 ( 2 cop. uncut) Report of Comm rs to treat with Penn.,//. 36. Norwich, 1774 (2 cop. uncut) TRUMBULL (B.) CONNECTICUT; THEOLOGICAL. Plea in vindic. of Conn, title to lands west of N. York,// 160(1) . , JV. Haven, 1774, **/ Connecticut Gore Title stated Hartf 1799 , "nut Rise of Claim of Proprietors of Conn. Gore Hartf., 1802 ^-[Petitions to Gen. Assem. of Conn, and NY., 1800, 1801] Trial of Prudence Crandall [for] teaching Colored Persons,//. 22 4 Brooklyn, Conn., 1833, uncut Hist Sketch of Bapt ch. in Saybrook, 1849 [WILLIAMS (J ) 1 Ser mon on Bp. T. C. BROWNELL, Hartford, 1865 5 large paper and 25 others, 39 in all, including a few duplicates; nearly all uncut and some VERY SCARCE. 9071 PAMPHLETS. (Connecticut} Heads of inquiry relative to . Colony of Conn., 1773, with answers,//. 15, f. N. Lond., 1775, RARE Addr. to people of Conn, on sundry political subjects,//. 21 (ii). Hartford, 1804, and many other political tracts MATHER (W. W.) Geology and Miner, of N. Lond. and Windham counties, //. 36. Norwich, 1834 PORTER (W. S.) Hist, notices of Hartford and VV. Hartford, No. 2, 1842 NEW HAVEN as it is, pp. 24. Map, N. Haven, W. Storer, 1845 FOWLER (W. C.) Dedic. Sermon, So. Congl. ch., Durham, 1847, PP> 6 7- Amherst, Mass., 1848 Tabular statement of the no. of representatives taxes paid, population, no. of acres, and value of land in each town and co. of Conn. HARTFORD, A. E. Burr, 1851, RARE Disc, at semi-cent, of Dea. C. G. Ives, BRISTOL, 1859, //. 64 FOGG. Cent, sermon Trinity ch. Brooklyn, 1871, //. 48 and others. (47) The HEADS OF INQUIRY contains a list of the Civil Officers of the Colony; the Judi ciary, and the names of all the Field Officers of the eighteen regiments of militia, with other detailed information. 9072 PAMPHLETS. (Controversial Theology, 1690-1749.) LOCKE (J.) Letter concerning Toleration, //. 77 (2). London, 1690, t. /. wanting [Johnson (Sam l) Z>.Z>.], Letter from Minister of Ch. of Eng. to dissent. Parishioners,//. 31. N. Y.,J. P. Zenger, 1733 [CLEAVELAND, A. (?)] Letter to Rev. Mr. Foxcroft . . . [on] his Apology for Mr. Whitefield. By A. C - d and J. J. C., //. 18. Boston, 1745, injured WIGGLESWORTH (E.) Letter to Mr. G. Whitefield [in] Reply to his Answer to the College Testimony; added, Pres. Holyoke s Ans., pp. 61, (2), 5, //. 47-60 badly torn; autographs of Benj. Dolbeare. Boston, 1745 PICKERING (J.) A Bad Omen for Churches of N. Eng. in Mr. John Cleaveland s Ordaina. over Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, //. 12. Bost., 1747, title-page torn ROBBINS (P.) Plain Narr. of the Proceeds, of Assoc. of N. Haven Co. against Rev. Mr. Robbins of Branford [with list of Signers to the Branford ch. Covenant, 1667], //. 44. Bost., 1747. Rev. John Cleveland s autogr., 1747 BEACH (J.) Second Vindica. of God s Free Grace ; reply to Mr. Dickinson s 2d Vindica.; also A Letter to Mr. Jedidiah Mills, 82, //. 23. Bost , 1748, mouse-eaten on corners Dissenting Gentleman s An swer to Rev. Mr. White s three Letters. 4th Ed., //. 64. N. Y., 1748 EDWARDS (J.) Humble Inquiry cone, the Qualifica. [for] . . . full Communion in the visible Church, //. 136, 14. Boston, 1749 (2 cop. both want. pp. 15, 16 at end} WILLIAMS (S.) [True IlB MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS; State of the Question cone, the Qualifica. to Communion. Ans. to J. Edwards], title page wanting, pp. vi., 142, imp. Boston, 1751. () 9073 PAMPHLETS. (Controversial, 1746-1822). WIGGLESWORTH (S.) and CHIPMAN (J.) Remarks on some points of Doctrine propaga. by W. Balch, //. 44. Bost., 1746 JOHNSON (S.) D.D. Letter to J. Dickinson in defence of Aristocles to Authades, //. 28. Bost., 1747, uncut [Wetmore (J.)] Englishman directed in choice of Religion, #V. Bost., 1748, uncut ASHLEY (J.) Two Sermons, Deerfield, 1753, pp. 26. Bost., 1753, uncut EMLYN (T.) Humble Inquiry into Scrip. Ace. of Jesus Christ. 5th ed. Bost., 1756, uncut, imperfect [WELLES (N.)] Real Advantages [of] conforming to Ch. of Eng. n. p. \_New Haven], 1762 LANGDON (S.) Impar. Exam, of Sandeman s Letters on Theron and Aspasio. Part 3. Bost., 1769 ROBBINS (C.) Reply to Essays by J. Colton [on] Baptism. Bost., 1773 [CHAPLIN (E.)] Second Treatise on Church Govt. By a Neighbour. Bost., 1773 - BOWDEN (J.) Letter to Ezra Stiles. N. Haven, 1798, and 4 others. (14) 9074 PAMPHLETS. (Controversial, 1750-1849.) A Letter to Paulinus cont. Answer to his Three Questions, pp. 28. New Haven, y. Parker, n. d. [175-?] WIGGLESWORTH (E.) Some Thoughts upon . . . Infallibility claimed by Rome; Dudleian lecture, 1757, //. 31. Bost., 1757 Opinion [on] Summer Morning s Conversa. cone. Orig. Sin, by Mr. Peter Clark,//. 28. Bost., 1758 Letter from Assoc. of N. Haven Co. to Elders in R. I. & Mass, who assis. in Ordina. of John Hubbard, pp. 24. N. Haven [1770?] [HUNTINGTON (J.)] Plea before eccl. council in Stockbridge in cause of Mrs. Fisk,//. 32. Norwich, 1780 LESLIE (C.) Short and Easy Method with Deists,//. 36. Phila., 1783 ALLEN (T.) Essay on Outw. Christian Baptism, //. 48. Northampton, 1788 Pious Fraud detected, or, a Sermon to Preachers. By a Layman, //. 59. n. p., n. d. EMMONS (N.) Candid Reply to Dr. Hemmenway s Remarks on a Dissert, on qualifica. for ... sacraments, //. 88. Worcester, 1795 ~ [SULLIVAN (J.)] Altar of Baal thrown down: or, the French defen. against pulpit slander of Rev. D. Osgood ; a Sermon. By Citoyen de Novion, //. 18. Bost., pr., repr. Stockbridge, 1795 Circular Letters, cont. invita. to unite to [execute] the "Humble Attempt" of Pres. Edwards, etc., pp. 32. Concord, 1798 Testimony of orig. princ. of Seces sion, etc., pp. 1 6. Glasgow, 1799 GRISWOLD (S.) and others. Church and State, a polit. union, illus. in corresp., //. 60, ./., 1802 MILLER (W. F.) Signs of the Times, ... a dissert, on prophecies of Sixth and Seventh vials,//. 47. Hartford, 1803 WINCHESTER (E.) Divinity of Christ proved,//. 25, ./., n. d. PORTER (D.) Dissert on ... baptism. Catskill, 1809 JUDSON (R.) Letter to Rev. A. Kneeland, cont. a refuta. of ... universal salvation. 2 d ed. Bridgeport, 1822 Rights of Congrega. par ishes of Mass. From the Christian Examiner. 2d ed. Bost., 1827 SPRAGUE (W. B.) Reply to Prof. Stuart s Letter ... on FUNERAL ORATIONS AND EULOGIES. I ! 9 exclusion of wine from the Lord s Supper. Albany, 1835 The Crisis ; or, ... expos, of errors in Mr. Barnes s Defence By a son of the Huguenots. N. York, 1836 Report of discus betw A. Ballou and D. D. Smith. Mendon, 1834 Appeal to the Can did. No. i, ./., n. d. Mayo (A. D.) Sectarianism and Con gregationalism ; a disc. Gloucester, 1849. ( 2 3) 9075 PAMPHLETS. DAY (T.) Histor. Disc, bet Conn. Histor. Soc., Dec. 26, 1843, //. 36. Hartford, 1844, (6 cop.) Proceedings at SUFFIELD, Sept. 1 6, 1868, on i5othanniv. of the death of Rev. Benj. Ruggles,//. 118. Springfield, 1859, (2 cop.) (8) 9076 PAMPHLETS. (Fiction,etc^ BREMER. H Family, Boston, 1843 CHAMISSO. Peter Sehlemihl, N. Y. 1844. STERLING (J.) Onyx Ring. N, K, 1850 SUE (E.) De Rohan. N. K, 1845, and others. (14) 9077 PAMPHLETS. (Fourth of July Orations, 1787-1854.) DAWES (T. jr.) Oration in Boston, July 4, 1787. Bost., FORREST (Edwin.) At the Democratic Republican Celebration, 4th of July, 1838, pp. 24. N. K, and $o others, nearly all uncut. (52) 9078 PAMPHLETS. Fourth of July Orations, 1776-1862, all in fine condition, and many uncut. (212) Note. A remarkable collection, containing many uncommon and some rare orations, arranged chronologically. No duplicates. Attention is called to the Sermon by Peter Whitney, Northborough, Mass., Sept. 12, 1776, "at a Lecture appointed for Publishing the Declaration of Independence," etc. 9079 PAMPHLETS. (Funeral Orations and Eulogies?} On John Adams, J. Q. Adams, N. Bowditch, Mrs. E. Brainerd, N. Brown, J. C. Calhoun, J. M. Clayton, F. Croswell, O. Ellsworth, N. Emmons, W. Fisk, W. H. Harrison, J. G. Hillhouse, E. Hitchcock, J. T. Kirkland, Lafayette, J. Marshall, J. Monroe, T. Pickering, I. Put nam, R. M. Sherman, and others. (67) 9080 PAMPHLETS. (Funeral Sermons and Eulogies?) On Dr. N. Bow- ditch, by J. Pickering, 1838 ; J. Bowdoin, by T. M. Harris, 1811 ; J. Bowdoin, by J. Lowell, 1791 ; N. Strong, by N. Perkins, 1817 ; Thaddeus Stevens, in U. S. Ho. of Reps., 1869, and others. (18, incl. 3 dupl.) 9081 PAMPHLETS. (Funeral Sermons.} On Abiel Abbot, by J. Bar nard, 1739; D. Brainard, by J. Edwards, 1747; E. Bromfield, by T. Prince, 1756; Caroline, Q. of England, by S. Coolidge, 1738; N. Fiske, by E. Ward, 1799; H. Flynt, by N. Appleton, 1760; Mrs. A. Foxcroft, by C. Chauncy, 1749; Frederick, Prince of Wales, by S. Mather, 1751 ; C. Frost, by J. Wise, 1724; Mrs. M. Gallop, by S. Checkley, 1765; Mrs. R. Gill, by J. Russell, 1798; E. Gray, by C. Chauncy, 1757 ; T. Greene, by W. Hooper, 1763 ; Rev. J. Hancock, by N. Appleton, 1752; S. Holden, by B. Col- man, 1740; J. Howard, by C. Backus, 1785; J. Howe, by J. Spademan, 1705 (imperfect); and others, MANY UNCUT. (23) 9082 PAMPHLETS. (Funeral Sermons.) On J. Law, by E. Stiles, 1750; A. Pepperell, by B. Stevens, 1751, (2 cop.); Sir W. Pepperell, by B. Stevens, 1759 (2 cop.) ; B. Pomeroy, by D. M Clure, 1784; E. Quincy, by J. Hancock, 1738; J. Rogers, by S. Wigglesworth, I2O MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS,* 1746; J. Sewell, by C. Chauncy, 1769; E. Stiles, by J. Dana, 1795 ; N. Strong, by N. Perkins, 1817 ; B. Sylvester, by W. Throop, 1753 ; W. Tailer, by W. Cooper, 1732 (2 cop.); Miss P. Varnum, by H. Packard, 1798 ; J. Walley, by E. Pemberton, 1712 (2 cop.); J. Webb, by A. Eliot, 1750; W. Welsted.and E. Gray, by S. Mather, 1753; J.Williams, by C. Chauncy, 1737 ; J. W T in- throp, by S. Langdon and S. Sewall, 1779. (22) 9083 PAMPHLETS. General Association of Connecticut, Minutes and Proceedings, 1803-65. 57 pphs., an imperfect set, some duplicates. 9084 PAMPHLETS. (Congregational General Associations, etc.) Gen. Assoc. of Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, New York, also Presbyterian, Episcopal and Meth. Episc. Churches in the U. S., etc., 1785-1860. (24) 9085 PAMPHLETS. (Geography and Travels. 1785-1872.) The Euro pean Traveller in America, //. 40. Hartford, 1785 FREEMAN (J.) Desc. of E. coast of Barnstable Co. Bost., 1802 Discov. [on] Missouri, Red, and Washita Rivers, by Lewis and Clark, map, pp. 171. Washington, 1806 SMITH (M.) Geog. View of Upper Canada. Hartf., 1813 SCHERMERHORN (J. F.) Correct view ... of the U. S. west of Alleghany Mts. Hartf., 1814 (3 cop.) MILLS (S. J.) Missionary tour west of Alleghany Mts. Andover, 1815 HARDING (B.) Tour through Western country, 1818-19. N. Lond., 1819 (2 cop.) Sketches of New Brunswick. By an Inhabitant. St. John, 1825 Journal of excursion of ... Cadets, Middletown to N. Y. Middlet., 1826 Barnard s Geographical Panorama of the Mississippi. Bost., 1847 GREENWOOD (F. W. P.) Descr. of the fruits of Cuba, no t. p. TYSON (J. L.) Diary of a physician in California. N. York, 1850 Sin King Chin. Travels in U. S., 1848. [In Chinese.] Hassam s Amer. and Europ. distance tables. Phila., 1872. (17) 9086 PAMPHLETS. (Great Britain^) The Priviledges and Practice of Parliaments in England, collected out of the Common Lawes, pp. 46. 4 [London ?~] pr. 1640 LILBURNE (John). The Christian Man s Triall ; a Trve Relation of [his] apprehen. and sev. exam. 2d Edition//. (4) 39. 4 Lond. pr. for Wm. Larnar, 1641 In- nocency and Truth triumphing ; answer to back part of a Disc, by WILLIAM PRYNNE//. (5) 1-96, imperfect; Lond., pr. for Henry Overton, 1645 THOROWGOOD (Thomas). [lewes in America, or Probabilities that the Americans are of that race.] //. (8) 128, 131-134, title page wanting, 4 [Lond., 1650.] WIGAN (Jos.) Antichrists strongest Hold overturned, or the Foundation of the Religion of the Quakers bared and razed,//. (7) 66, Lond. pr. for the Author, 1665 BRAGGE (R.) A Cry for Labourers in God s Harvest, a Funeral Sermon upon Mr. Ralph Vanning//. (8) 32. Lond.,pr. by John Hancock, 1674 CHAMBERS (H.) Paul s sad Farewell to his Ephesians, a Funeral Sermon on Rev. John Graile, //. 99-125. Lond., pr. for Mathew Keinton, 1655 QUICK (John). The Triumph of Faith, a Funeral Sermon [on Mrs. Roth well]//. (6) 36. Lond., pr. for John Lawrence, 1698 SHOWER (John). St. Peter s Sin and True Repentance, a Disc. HISTORICAL PAMPHLETS. 121 preached at Rotterdam, 1687, pp. (2) 36. Lond., p r . for Saml. Wade, 1692; Winter Meditations ; a Ser. cone. Frost, Snow and Winds,//. (7) 28. Lond., pr. for John Lawrence, 1695. ( IO ) 9087 PAMPHLETS. (Great Britain^) Apophthegmata Curiosa, or Re flections, Sentences and Maxims ... for conduct of human life. By R. K. London, 1709 Serious and Earnest Addr. to the Gentry, Clergy, etc., of the British Nation. From a pamphlet pub. in London. Bost., 1746 DUMMER, Jere. Letter to a noble Lord, cone, the late Exped. to Canada. Lond., pr. Bost., repr. 1746 Defence of the Old-Stile, or Julian Account of time. Lond., 1751 Letter to Henry, Viscount Cornbury, occ. by a letter from [him] to the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. Lond., 1751 Advantages of the Revolution illust., in a letter to a member of Parliament. By G B . Lond., 1753 [Bentley (R.)] An attempt towards an Apology for his R - H the Dfuke of Cumberland] Lond., 1751 Acct. of the late Enterprise on the Coast of France, 1758. By an officer. Lond., 1758 Secret Exped. impartially disclosed. By a comm. officer. Lond., [1758 ?] Final Answer to the Country Gentleman and Officer. Lond., 1758 Candid Reflec. on the Report of the Gen. Officers on failure of late exped. - Lond., 1758 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Wplliam] P[itt]. By a citizen. Lond., 1761 [Mauduit (J.)] Remarks upon Gen. Howe s acct. of his proceedings on Long Island. 2d ed. Lond., 1778. (13) 9088 PAMPHLETS. (Harvard College^) Miscell. pamphlets, 1816-51, with Triennials, 1803, 1830, 1839 (^ m P-^ l8 4 8 > l8 ^3> and Ann - Cat. 1864-5. ( 22 ) 9089 PAMPHLETS. Historical. History of Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania. Phi/a., 1795 SLAUGHTER (P.) Hist, of St. George s Parish, Spotsylvania Co., Va., //. 61. N. Y., 1847 Georgia Western Territory : Rept. of the Atty. Gen l [Chas. Lee] . . . relating to the Title to lands . . . claimed under a law of GEORGIA, //. 171. 8 Phila., 1796, uncut Facts showing the Right of certain companies to the lands lately purchased by them from the State, //. 64, n. p. 1795 (3 cop.) Bishop (A.) Georgia Speculation Unveiled,//. 39, and pt. 2d,//. 144. Hartf., 1797-98 Descr. of the Georgia Western Ter. from Morse s Amer. Gazetteer, imperfect, pp. 22, map. Bost., 1797 Grant to the Geo. Mississippi Co., Constitution, etc , pp. 39. Augusta, pr. 1795, and repr. for purchasers in Connecticut Case of Chisholm vs. the State of Geo. in U. S. Supreme Court, 1793, //. 120 (i) Phila., 1793 BISHOP (A.) Oration, Hartford, May n, 1804, ... on peacable acquisition of LOUISIANA Official Rept. by the Commanding Officer of the War at DETROIT, in 1812, //. 24. Detroit, 1845 WHITTLESEY (C.) sketch of TALLMADGE, Ohio, //. 29. 12 Cleveland, 1842 Sketch of DANE Co., and the Vil lage of MADISON, Wis., 1852, Madison (4 cop.) WISCONSIN, n. p., n. d., nearly all UNCUT and many SCARCE. (23) QOQO PAMPHLETS. (Historical; Miscellaneous^) PRINCE (T.) Ser mon July 25, 1728, on arrival of [Gov. Burnett]. Bost., 1728, //. v 16 I22 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS J iA 8 uncut FOXCROFT (T.) Observ. ... on the Rise and Primitive state of New Eng. Best, 1730, // ^ stam P Act - Disc occasionally made on burning the Effige of the St - - p m - n in New London. By a friend to the liberty of the country.//. 15. Bost 1768 FRANKLIN (B.) Exam, of Dr. Franklin relat. to Repeal of Stamp Act, n. /./.,//. 16. (Probably printed at Phila., 1766; see Sabin) ROWLAND (D. S.) Serm. at Providence, June 4, 1766, occ. by the Repeal of the Stamp Act,//. 31. 12 Provi dence, Sarah Goddard, n. d. HART (L.) Sermon at Freemen s Meeting in Farmington, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1774. Hartf., 1775 ROSS (Z.) Oration upon the gloomy aspect of the times, Attle- boro , Nov. 2, 1774. Springfield, 1795 MATHER (Allyn). Disc, at Freeman s meeting, N. Haven, Apr. 8, I776,//. 16. N. Haven, n> d. COOPER (S.) Serin, on the Commencement of the Con stitution, bef. J. Hancock, Esq.; Gov., //. 55 (2). Bost. [1780] DWIGHT (T.) Serm. at Northampton, Nov. 28, 1781, occ. by the capture of the British Army . . . under Earl Cornwallis. Hartf., n> ^ WHITAKER (N.) The Reward of Toryism ; disc., Salem, May, 1783. Newburyport, 1783 EVERETT (E.) Addr. at Charlestown, June 28, 1830 ; anniv. of the arrival of Gov. Win- throp,//. 51. 8 Charlestown, 1830 ATWILL (W.) Treason of B. ARNOLD; a lecture, //. 45. 8 Northampton, 1837 (not in Sabin) JUDD (Sylveste"r) Moral review of the Revolution, disc., Augusta, Me., Mch. 13, 1842, //. 48. 8 Hallowell, 1842 Crummell (Alex.) Oration bef. the common council ... of Mon rovia, Liberia, July 26, 1855. Lond. pr., \BostI\ repr. 1857 (And others incl. Discourse on the Atlantic Telegraph, etc.) Many are UNCUT, and nearly all SCARCE. (22) 9091 PAMPHLETS. Historical and Military Sermons and addresses, about 1 80, to be sold as ivSo, more or less, per pamphlet. A VERY INTERESTING COLLECTION, arranged alphabetically by authors in 18 bundles. Among the sermons may be mentioned the following: Abbot (Hull) On rebel, in Scotland, 1746; Adams (Amos) ^ On reduc. of Quebec, 1759, and others on same occa sion; Barrett (S.) On appr. of cholera, 1832; Belknap (Jere.) At Review of N. H. 2d Regt., 1772; Channing (W. E.) [Four occas. sermons]; Chapin (E. H.) On catas trophe of the Princeton, 1844; Colman (B.) On "Vile and Traiterous Rebellion in Gr. Britain," 1716; Duche (J.) Before ist Battalion of Phila, 1775, and before Contin. Congress, 1775 ; Dwight (Timo.) On capture of Cornwallis s army, 1781, and another; Emmons (N.) [Twelve occas. sermons] ; Evans (I.) To ... Western army after exped. against Five Nations, 1779; Price (R.) Before Soc. for Comm. Revol. in Gr. Brit. Lond., 1789, repr. Bost., 1790, " Price, one pistareen " ; Prince (Thos.) On taking of Louisbourg, 1745 > Same, 2d ed., 1747, -very fine copy, on Victory at Culloden, 1746, and two others; [Stiles (Isaac) Looking-Glass for changelings, pr. at Freeman s Meeting, N. Haven, 1743, aimed at the "New Lights," /. /. wanting; Whitaker (N.) Antidote against Toryism, pr. at Salem, 1777, also Reward of Toryism, Salem, May, 1783; Zubly (J. J.) At opening of Congress of Georgia, 1775, dedicatory addr. [pp. 20] to Earl of Dartmouth, and app. on Struggles of Switserland for Liberty, and many others of equal INTEREST AND VALUE, some VERY SCARCE. 9092 PAMPHLETS. Massachusetts, Historical Sermons, etc. BRECK (J.) Ser. in Springfield, Oct. 16, 1775, 100 years from burning of the Town by the Indians;//. 28. Hartford, 1784, uncut; and 24 other sermons and addresses relating to the history of Spring field, ^ Salem, Shelbourne, Shrewsbury, Southampton, South Dennis, Southborough, Spencer, Stoughton, Sturbridge, and Sutton. (25) ORATIONS AND ADDRESSES; POEMS, ETC. 123 9093 PAMPHLETS. (Massachusetts^) [Miscellaneous Mass, pamph lets, many historical sermons, 1792-1852.] (22) 9094 PAMPHLETS. (Missionary Sermons, etc., 1700-1865.) BRAY (T.) Chanty ; Ser. at Ordin. of Prot. Missionaries to the plantations, pp. (i) 10, (8) 11-33. London, pr. for W. Hawes, 1700 GIBSON (E.) bp. of Land. Two letters to the Masters, etc., of Families in the Plantations . . . and to the Missionaries there,//. 20. Lond., 1727 KEENE (E.) bp. of Chester. Ser. at yearly meeting of Charity School of Lond.,//. 125 (4). Lond., 1767 Soc. for Propag. the Gospel among the Indians : GOOCH (T.) bp. of Nor wich. Letter,//. 8. Lond., 17 42, and other Sermons and Reports, 1789-1856 Catharine Brown, the converted Cherokee; a mis sionary drama. By a lady. New Haven, 1819 BUCKMINSTER (J. S.) Addr. to the Christian public, [concerning the] Bible Society, 1809 MILLS (S. J.) Report of a missionary four [in the West]. Andover, 1815 ROWLAND (W. W.) Hist. Sketch of the Ceylon Mission, etc. \Bostonf\ 1865. (15) 9095 PAMPHLETS. (Missions; Sermons, etc.) 119 in 10 bundles, to be sold as 119, more or less. 9096 PAMPHLETS. Orations and Addresses. 1774-1873. BIRNEY (B.) Oration at Comm t at R. I. College, Sept., 1774; a Plea for Private Judgment, //. 44. 4 Bost., 1774, uncut BLAKE (J.) 4th of July Oration in Boston, I792,//. 16. Bost., 1792, and 83 others. (84) 9097 PAMPHLETS. Orations and Addresses. 1783-1851. FRISBIE (L.) Oration at Ipswich, Apr. 29, 1783, on Peace (with) Great Britain, //. 24. 4 Bost., 1783 JAY (John) Speech at open ing of Legislature at Albany, 1800. broadside, torn, and 20 others. (22) 9098 PAMPHLETS. Ordination Sermons. On T. Allen, by J. Hooker, 1764; W. Brown, by J. Edwards, 1792; C. Brown, by S. Cooke, 1748 ; J. Bushnell, by C. Strong, 1800 ; H. Channing, by E. Stiles, 1787 ; S. Clark, by W. Emerson, 1810, and others. (20) 9099 PAMPHLETS. Ordination Sermons. On A. Jerome, by S. West, 1802 ; O. Lane, by A. Holmes, 1801 ; By T. Maccarty at his in stallation, 1747 ; T. Osgood, by J. Lathrop, 1821 ; B. Parker, by W. Balch, 1744, and others. (26, incl. 2 dupl.) 9100 PAMPHLETS. Ordination Sermons; Miscellaneous. 284 in 35 bundles, to be sold as 284, more or less, per pamphlet. 9101 PAMPHLETS. Poems. [LIVINGSTON (W.)] Philos. Solitude,//. 146. Bost., repr. 1762 (2 cop.) [GODDARD (W.)] Verses on Dr Mayhew s . . . Observations,//. 18, imperf. Prov., 1763 [CHURCH (B.)] The Times, 4, PP- 16 \Bost., 1765] PORTEUS, B. Death. 4 th ed. //. 20 Siege of Quebec ... a Tragedy, n t. / [BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.)] Death of Gen. Montgomery [and] Elegiac Pieces,//. 64, impft. Norwich, 1777 -- MORE (H.) Slavery; a Poem, //. 12. Phila., 1788, and others, some very SCARCE. (27) 9102 PAMPHLETS. Political. Down-right Dealing, or Ihe de spised Protestant speaking plain English. Written by J. H.,//. I2 4 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS J 1 6. [London] 1647 Two Acts of Parliament, viz. : . . . The Triennial Bill : an Act for the frequent meeting ... of Parlia ments, //. (8). Dublin, repr. by R. Wilde, 1695 Freedom the first of Blessings. [A rare tract on the Excise Bill] pp. 7, no title page. [Colophon] : Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston [1754] DOUGLASS (W.) Summary of the first planting . . . and present state of the British settlements in North America, No. 26. Bost., 1751 [Dulaney (D.)] Consid. on the Propriety of imposing Taxes on the British Colonies, pp. 52, imperfect. New York repr., 1765 HUTCHINSON (C.) and others. Copy of letters sent to Great Britain [and] returned to America [by Dr. Franklin] pp. 40. Bost., 1773, and others. (10) 9103 PAMPHLETS. Political, etc., 1773-1866. [ALLEN (J.)] Oration upon the Beauties of Liberty, 3d Ed. New London, 1773 Dis sert, on the Political Union and Constitution of the U. S. By a citizen of Philadelphia. Phila., 1783, (autograph of ROGER SHERMAN, and 28 others. (30) 9104 PAMPHLETS. Political; Miscellaneous, 1787-1868. (64) 9105 PAMPHLETS. Political Speeches, etc., 1803-50. (21) 9106 PAMPHLETS. Politics, Law, etc., 1769-1849. GALE (B.) Obs. on a Pamphlet entitled Remarks on Dr. Gale s Letter to J. W. Esq.,//. 40. Hartf. [1769] [ADAMS (S.)] An Appeal to the World, or a Vindic. of the Town of Boston from false and mali cious aspersions, //. 34. Pub. Bost., repr. Lond., 1769 WIG- GLESWORTH (E.) Calculations on American Population, with a table for estimating the annual increase, //. 24. Bost., 1775 - The Constitution of the State of New York,//. 48 [1776 ?] Act for establishing the Constitution of S. Carolina,//. 15. Charles- Town, 1778 Journals of Congress, Apr., 12-17, Z 779- Phila., 1779 [BOSTWICK (S.)] Addr. to Gen. Try on [on] his late Exped. into Connecticut, //. 15, n. p., 1779 A Fifth Essay on Finance. By a citizen of Phila.,//. 23. Phila., 1780 RAYNAL (Abbe) The Revolution in America, //. 94. Norwich, 1782 BURKE (^d.) Addr. to the freemen of So. Carolina, //. 32. Phila., 1783 DEANE (S.) Addr. to the citizens of the U. S. //. 30. Hartford, 1784 BELL (R.) Mem. on the free sale of books; [added] Sentiments on freedom and slavery [by Raynal and Rousseau]. By a farmer,//. 32, imperf. Phila., 1784, and others. (28) 9107 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, etc ; before 1800. COLMAN (B.) Elec tion Sen, 1718. No title page SYMMES (T.) Disc. cone. Preju dice. [Bost., 1721?] title-page torn FOXCROFT (T.) Obs. on the Rise and Primitive State of N. Eng., with special reference to the Old or First Church in Boston. Boston, 1730 BYLES (M.) Jisc. on the vileness of the Body. Bost., i732(?) COLMAN (B.) Jissert. on Genesis, ch. i.-iii. Bost., 1735, and others. (22) 9108 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous Religious Pamphlets. 147, more or less, in 2 bundles. 9109 PAMPHLETS. Scientific and Agricultural, 1721-1849. COLMAN Observations on receiving the Small-Pox by Ingrafting or SERMONS, POLITICAL, MILITARY, ETC. 125 Inoculating,//. 12, imperfect. Boston, 1721, title page wantin* - Conjectures on the Nature and Motion of Meteors etc pp i? no title page Abstract of a late Treatise on hemp, by M Marcan- dier,//. 30. Bost., 1766. CADOGAN (W.) Dissert, on gout and chronic diseases//, (i) 50. Lond., 1772 _ Cases and Obs. by Med. Soc. of New Haven Co., Conn.,//. 82, imperf. N. Haven, 1788 Laws and Regulations of the Mass. Soc. for Promoting Agriculture. Bost., 1793 (2 cop.) The same [with addit. mat ter, mcl. Peck s Hist, of the Canker Worm.] Boston, 1796 (6 cop.), and others. (24) 9110 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, 1718-1786. PRINCE (T.) Sermon at his own Ordination, Oct. i, 1718, with the Charge by Increase MATHER and Right Hand of Fellowship by Cotton MATHER. Added a Disc, by E. Pemberton, //. (7) 76, (4) 12. Boston, pr. by J. Franklin for S. Gerrish, 1718, a few pages wanting in last Disc. COLMAN (B.) The Unspeakable Gift of God, a Ser. pp. (i) 19. Bost., 1739 PIERSON (J.) Ser. on the Sonship of Christ. Bost., 1751 The Present Way of maintaining the Min istry by a Publick Tax, is lawful, etc. By E. H., //. 74. N. London, 1749, and 5 others. (9) 9111 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, etc., 1720-1783. CUTLER (T.) Ser. be fore the Gen. Assembly of Connecticut, Oct. 18, 1719, //. 38. New London, 1720 FOXCROFT (T.) Ser. at the Ordination of John Taylor, //. 59. Boston, 1728 Rapin. Salvation every man s Great Concern, tr. by G. Stanhope, 2d ed., //. 224. Lon don, 1728 EDWARDS (J.) Narr. of the Surprising Work of God in Northampton, 30! ed., //. 18, imperfect. Bost., 1738 THOMSON (J.) Doctrine of Conviction set in a clear light, //. vii, 80, Phila., 1741 PARSONS (J.) Wisdom justified of her children, a Sermon,//. (2) viii, 54. Bost., 1742 England: Two Fast Day Disc., Apr. 6. 1769, pp. 66. [Bost., 1769 ?] title page, torn OCCUM (Samson). Sermon at the execution of Moses Paul, an Indian,//. 23. N. Lond., [1771?] Same, 4th Ed. N. Lond., 1772 WILLIAMS (S.) Half-Century Ser., Lebanon, Dec. 1 6, J772,//. 32, imperfect. Norwich, 1773 STRONG (N.) Ser. at the execution of Moses Dunbar for high treason, //. 18. Hartford, 17 77, and others. (23) 9112 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, 1737-1861. SCOUGAL (H.) On the Nativity of our Saviour, imperfect. Bost., repr., 1737 WIL LIAMS (S.) Fast-Day in Norwich, Feb. 28, 1750, //. 24, imperf. Newport, J. Franklin, 1750 LORD (B.) Two Sermons in Nor wich, July 3, 1769, //. 44. New London, 1769 KARIGAL (Isaac) In the synagogue in Newport, Pentecost, 1773, //. 19. Newport, I773 _ STONE (T.) The nature of Selfishness,//. 32. Norwich, i 77 8 TURNER (C. A.) Disc, containing two Fast-Day Ser. in Cambridge. Boston, 1783, and others. (45) 9113 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, etc., 1744-1860. [COLMAN (B.) Fun. Sermon on Rev. W. Cooper],//, viii, 5, 6, 9-45- [Boston, 1744], title page, and some pages wanting TYLER (A.) Terms of Chris tianity briefly considered,//. 34. Bost., 1756, and 20 others. (22) I2 6 MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS; 31 14 PAMPHLETS. Sermons, etc., 1798-1856. Prince (John) Fast- Day Sermon in Salem, May 9, 1798. 2d ed. Salem, 1798, and 27 others, including duplicates. (28) one PAMPHLETS. Sermons, etc., in commemoration of battles. (6) * T 1..J-- r* nf *\TrJci Apr Speech "at Bennington, 1778, on the Anniv. of the i6th of Aug., 1777 ; "Brainard (W. F.) Addr. at Groton Heights, Sept. 6, 1825. qii6 PAMPHLETS. Sermons to Soldiers, 1737-1800. (13) Includes Ruggles (T.) To an artillery company at Guilford, May 25, 1736 ; Gay (E.) At Hineham. on Training-day, May 10, 1738 ; Ballantine (J.) . . . in Westfield, June 2, [7-6 iust before Capt. Moseley and his company began their march to Crown Point; Williams (S.) At Lebanon, Apr. 24, 1755, . . . before soldiers going out . . . against the i Williams (S.) . . encroachments of the French ; and others of interest. 9117 PAMPHLETS. Sermons ; Miscellaneous. \%th Century. About 360 in 36 bundles, to be sold as 360, more or less, per pamphlet. 9118 PAMPHLETS. Sermons; Miscellaneous. \<^th Century. About 400 in 27 bundles, to be sold as 400, more or less, per pamphlet. 9119 PAMPHLETS. Shipwrecks, Mutinies and Captivities by Pirates, Turks, etc., many illust. with cuts, some colored, nearly all scarce. (33) 9120 PAMPHLETS. Spiritualism, etc., Conversions, Dreams, the Millennium, Spiritualism, etc., 42 in 4 bundles. 9121 PAMPHLETS. Thanksgiving and Fast Sermons. 1716-1812. Thanksgiving Ser. by B. Colman on the Suppression of the late Rebellion in Great Britain, 1716, pp. 3-28, title page wanting; By T. Prince, for the victory of Culloden, 1746 ; By T. Prince, on the ann. Thanksgiving, 1746; By J. Townsend, for the Reduction of Quebec, 1759; J. Mayhew, for the same, 1759; S. Williams, for the same, 1759 ; T. Maccarty, ann. Thanksgiving, 1775 ; D. Avery, gen. Thanksgiving, 1777 (2 cop.); J. Meigs, for the victory at Yorktown, 1781 ; and others. (22) 9122 PAMPHLETS. Thanksgiving and Fast Sermons. 118 in 7 bundles, to be sold as 1 18, more or less, per pamphlet. 9123 PAMPHLETS. Theology ; Miscellaneous. About 125 in 13 bun dles, to be sold as 125, more or less, per pamphlet. 9124 PAMPHLETS. Trials. Of Stephen Arnold for murder, 1805; of J. Dorrance vs. A. Fenner, 1802 (libel); of Eben r Goodale by court martial, 1812; of Lorenzo Dow for libel, 1821; of J. T. Buckingham for libel, 1822; of S. Converse for libel, 1822; of J. Barney for murder, 1824; of T. Lyman for libel on D. Web ster, 1828; of O. Bacheler for libel, 1829, imp.; of John Bel- lingham for the murder of Mr. Perceval, n. d. ; of D. L. Child for libel, 1829 ; of J. F. Knapp for murder, 1830 ; of R. Crandall for sedition, 1836 ; of Bishop B. T. Onderdonk, 1845. ( J 3) 9125 PAMPHLETS. 22d of December Sermons and Addresses, 1776- 1853- (18) Includes several of the early addresses before the New Eng. Soc y of New York. 9126 PAMPHLETS. WASHINGTON (G.) Last official Address to the Legislatures; annexed, Papers relative to Half-Pay,//. 48. Hartford, 1783 (2 cop.) Addr. to the people of the U. S. on his YALE COLLEGE; CHAP-BOOKS, ETC. I27 retirement pp. l6 . Phila., ,796 -The same. Northampton 1797 - The same. Salem, ,800 _ Last Will and TestameK 23. Worcester, 1800 - ^,/^ a/!rf ^ &7M/W b A A g^ D. Adams, F. Ames (2 cop.), T. Baldwin, T. Barnard, J. Bartlett T. Bascom (2 cop.), J. Brooks, J. Boddily, C. Burroughs, Bishop Carroll, Proceed m Charlestown, Mass. (2 cop.), M. Cleveland H. Cunungs J Dana J. Davis, T. Dwight, O. Everett, and others (79 met. 13 duplicates) 9127 PAMPHLETS. Washington. Birthday Orations and Poems Alsop, R. A Poem ; to the memory of W. Hartf., 1800 Pier- SS^J: u T 5F < ^? ait> a poem - Bost -> lSi2 < 2 C P-) Brow n (s.) The Birth of Washington. N. Y., 1822 Kinker (J.) TreuerzaV Amsterdam, 1800 Oration at Machias, Feb. n 1794 by f Cooper; at Salem, by B. Pickman, Jr., Feb. 22, 1797 ; bef the Wash. Benev. Soc., 1809, by S. M. Hopkins Life of Washin<r- ton, by Weems,//. 82, no title page, and others. (19) 9128 PAMPHLETS. Yale College. 1734-1850. Introd. to the study of Philosophy. By a Gentleman educated at Yale. 2d ed. New London, 1743 CLAP, T. M he Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially Yale Coll. N. London, 1754 Essay on ... Moral Vir tue, etc., for the use of the students, uncut. New Haven, 1765 Gale, B. Brief Remarks on Mr. Graham s . . . Vindication of Prest. Clap, uncut, N. Haven, J. Parker, 1760 Records of the Class of 1816 Day and Murdock s Memoirs of the Class of 1797, and others. (15) 9129 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous ; Chap Books, Trials, etc. 1762- 1852. The New Game of Cards; or a Pack of Cards chang d into a compleat and perpetual Almanack, //. 8, n.p. n. d. [before J 7^3] The Polite Philosopher, //. 48, Boston, repr., 1762 - STEVENS (Geo. Alex.) Celebrated lecture on heads,//. 28, Phila. [1772] Same, new lecture on heads,//. 56. Boston, repi ., 1772 The Rich Gentleman who SWALLOWED A COBLER. Pr. for N. Coverly, jun., Bost., pp. 12, cuts Memoirs of MARIE ANTOINETTE . . .//. 62. 12 cuts, 1794 (scurrilous) Young (E.) D.D. Res ignation (poem). Wore., 1795. The Female Character Vindi cated ; or, ans. to ... Fashionable Gentlemen. Leominster, by C. J-rentiss,for Robt. B. Thomas, Sterling, 1796 Trial of D[uke] of Cumberland] for Crim. Con. with LADY HARRIET G R [Gros- venor), Phila., 1770 JENKINS (John) Art of Writing, Bost., T. Thomas &> E. T. Andrews, 1791, with rare folding petition to the Mass, legislature with commendations from Prest. Adams et al. in MS., To his honor, Lieut.- Gov. Wm. Gray Hist, of J. A. Murel, the GREAT WESTERN LAND PIRATE, ... his plan of excit ing a Negro Rebellion ; and the names of 445 of his MYSTIC CLAN. Athens, Tenn., 1835 VISION OF HELL and ... the devices there in 1767. N. Haven, repr., 1770; same, Newbury- tort, 1808; same, Hartford, 1813 Celebration of the FOUNDING of ST. Louis, Feb. 15, 1847, #^3 2 others. (47) 9130 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous, 1761-1865. APTHORP (E.) Ser. at opening of Christ Ch., Cambridge, //. (4) iv, 27. Bost., 1761 I2 g MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS. LIVINGSTON (W.) Funeral Eulog. on Pres. Aaron Burr of New Jersey College. Bost., repr. 1758, title page wanting RUSH (B.) Oration before the Amer. Philosophical Soc. Phila., 1786, has autograph and a note by Remember Preston of the Boston Tea Party. Suite des obs. sur la geologic des Etats Unis,//. 32, map n.p., n. d., and others, several uncut and with autographs. (ID) 9131 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous, 1764-1875. An Account of the Coll. of New Jersey,//. 47. Woodbridge, J. Parker, 1764- Macpherson (J.) Lectures on Moral Philosophy, pp. 36. Phila., 1791, and 41 others, many UNCUT and presentation copies, including a number on philological subjects. (43 ) 9132 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous, 1749-1812. BURGH (J.) Thoughts on Education,//. 61. Boston, Rogers and Fowls, 1749 An Ad dress to Persons of Fashion [on] Balls, //. 56. Boston, 1767, uncut GORDON (W.) Plan of a society for making provision . for widows by Annuities, //. vi, 35, 8. Bost., 1772, uncut {and with autog. of the author] An argument on ... Love. By a young lady and gentleman of Sharon,//. 30, 12. Sharon, E. Hopkins, 1801 (not found in Sabin} Memoir of the Northern Kingdom written A. D., 1872 by Rev. Williamson Jahnsenykes, LL.D. Now first published. Quebeck, A. D., 1901. \Bost., i8o8?]//. 48, uncut ) and 26 others, some scarce. (32) 9133 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous. About 120 in 4 bundles; not all in good condition ; to be sold as 120, more or less, per pamphlet. Includes New Eng. Chap-books, Murder Trials, Indian Captivities, Biography, Soc. of the Cincinnati publications, Addresses 4th of July, political, etc.; "Life of Abraham Lincoln, with His Journeys from Springfield to Washington, and back again," etc., with cuts; Memoirs of Capt. Roger Clap (1630) with Blake s (Jas.) Acct. of the Family, Pittsfield, 1824; Hulbert s (J.) Complete Filer s Museum (with the music of more than 50 tunes) Printed by Ansel Phelps, Greenfield, n. d. (not in Sabin) and many other "pamphlets of great interest from 1694 to 187 . BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED: PRESENTATION COPIES: AND SOME OTHERS. 9134 Affairs at Fort Chartres, 1768-81. From the Historical Maga zine, vol 8, no. 8,//. 12. Albany, J. Munsell, 1854 9135 ALLEN (G.) Life of Philidor, musician and chess-player with a suppl. essay by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa. 8 Phila., 1863 9136 AND.RE (John) Andreana. Containing the Trial, Execution, and various matter connected with the history of Major Andre A.D. 1780. [Edited by Horace W. Smith], //. (3) 70, in sheets. 4 Phila., 1861; Contains a reproduction in mezzotint by Sartain of C. W. Peale s engraving of his portrait of Washington, with several engraved portraits of Andre", also portraits of Arnold Pauldmg, Miss Honora Sneyd, Miss Seward, etc. 9137 ASCHAM (ROGER) Epistolarum Libri tres, etc Hue ac- cesserunt pauca quaedam ejusdem R. Aschami Poemata. . . . Item Oratio E. G[rantae] de Vita et Obitu R. Aschami et eius Dictionis Elegantia, pp. (16) 540 (4), fine, clean copy, elegantly bound in dk. mottled calf extra, back full gilt, inside borders, filleted edges and sides, g. e. (by F. Bedford } sm. 8 Londini in officina Typogr. Ar. Hat ft eld pro Francisco Coldocke, 1590. A CHOICE and BEAUTIFUL COPY of a VERY SCARCE edition of Ascham s Letters and life. 9138 BERENDT (C. H.) Analytical Alphabet of the Mexican and Central American languages. Pub. by the Amer. Ethnological Society,//. 6, 8. (2 cop.) New York, 1869 9139 BRADFORD (Wm.) Dialogue, or Third Conference between some Young Men born in New England, and some Ancient Men which came out of Holland and Old England, cone, tne Church and the gov t thereof. Ed. with pref. and notes by Chas. Deane, //. xii (i), 77. Boston, 1870 Presentation copy from the editor. 9140 BROWNELL (T. C.) Bishop of Connecticut. BURGESS (Geo.) bp. of Maine. Addr. in Christ Church, Hartford, at the funeral of Bishop Brownell, Jan. 17, 1865. jf. n. 4 Cambridge, 1865. (8 copies large paper, 2 copies small paper.) 9141 BROWN (Dr. John) Rab and his friends. 5th z&., plates (by Harvey and Paton: engr. by R. C. Bell} fresh cloth; gilt edges. 4 Edinburgh, 1874 130 BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED 9142 COLT (James B.) The First and Second Part of a Work on Government,//. 71. Hartford, 1870 9143 CONVERSATIONS sur diverses matieres de religion, avec un traite de la liberte de conscience [par C. Le Cene], leather. sm. 12 a Philadelphie, 1787 This copy contains the book-plate of G. Chalmers. 9144 [Cornwallis (Caroline F.)] An exposition of vulgar and com mon errors, adapted to ... MDCCCXLV. By Thos. Brown redivivus. 12 Lond., W. Pickering, 1845 9145 DAWSON (H. B.) Current Fictions and uncurrent facts: a series of tracts, personal, political, and historical, //. 48. New York, 1864 9146 - - The Sons of Liberty in New York. Read before the N. Y. Historical Society, May 3, 1859. New York, 1859 9147 DE VRIES (David Peterson) Voyages from Holland to America, A.D. 1632-1644. Tr. from the Dutch by H. C. Murphy, portrait, cloth. "Only 250 copies printed." 4 New York, 1853 Presentation copy from James Lenox, with his autograph. 9148 - Another copy. 9149 DEANE (Charles) Communication respecting the seal of the " Council for New England." Repr. from Proc. of Mass. Histor. Soc., i866~7,//. 4. No title page. Presentation copy from the author. 9150 Memoir of Robert Waterston, //. n. Boston, 1869 Presentation copy from the author. 9151 - - The Forms in issuing letters-patent by the crown of Eng land; with some remarks on the Massachusetts charter of 4th March, 1628-9, //. 2 4- Cambridge, 1870 Presentation copy from the author. oooo See also, Nos. 9139, 9157, 9174, 9187, 9201, 9202, 9229. 9152 DOWSE (Thomas) The Dowse Library. Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc. relating to the donations of Thomas Dowse, with the eulogy by Edward Everett,//. 80, portraits. 8 Boston, 1859 Presentation copy from G. Livermore, with autograph letter. 9153 Early Editions of King James s Bible in folio. [By James Lenox.] Reprinted from the Historical Magazine, Vol. V, //. 12. New York, 1861 9154 FRAME (R.) A Short Description of Pennsylvania. Pr. by W. Bradford in Philadelphia, 1692 ; repr. from the copy in the Phila. Library [for S. J. Hamilton, with pref. notice by Horatio Gates ies],//. viii, 8. , [Phila.] Oakwood Press, 1867 9155 FURMAN (Gabriel) Notes, geographical and historical, relating to Brooklyn, L. I. With notes and a memoir. Brooklyn, repr. for Faust Club, 1865 9156 GOODHUE (Sarah) Copy of a valedictory and monitory Writing, left by Sarah Goodhue, wife of Joseph Goodhue of Ipswich, N. H., who died July 23, 1681, //. 13. 2 copies. 16 Cambridge, pr. 1681. Repr. f or D. Pulsifer, 1850 AND PRESENTATION COPIES. i$ l 9157 GORTON (Samuel) Some Notices of Samuel Gorton, one of the first settlers of Warwick, R. I chiefly derived from early MSS with mtrod. memoir [by Chas. Deane], doth. sm. 4 Bost i8co Presentation copy to E. D. Ingraham, with the editor s autograph. 9158 Some Notices of. Another copy; presented to Rev. J. Hunter, with the editor s autograph. 9159 GREEN (Samuel A.) School Histories and some errors in them // 7- 8 Boston, 1872 9160 - - The Story of a Famous Book . . . Franklin s Autobiography, PP- J 4- & Boston, 1871 9161 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. A selection from the Harleian Mis- eel, of tracts, which principally regard the Eng. history, of which many are referred to by Hume, pp. vii, 571, boards, uncut. 4 London, C. & G. Rears ley, 1793 9162 HARRIS (C. Fiske) Index to American poetry and plays in [his] collection,//, i, 171. "For private distribution." Providence, 1874 9163 HARRIS (W. T.) Notice of [by F. J. Childs]. Prepared for the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register, Jan., 1855. //. 14. Boston, S. G. Drake, 1855 9164 HART (A. M.) History of the issue of paper money in the American colonies anterior to the Revolution. [With historical chart],//. 20. St. Louis, 1851 9165 HOOKER (Rev. Thos.) A letter in answer to the complaints of Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts against Connecticut. [Ed ited by J. Hammond Trumbull], //. 18. Hartford, 1859 9166 Indenture of Agreement, 4th July, 1760, between Lord Balti more and Thomas and Richard Penn, Esquires, settling the limits and boundaries of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the three lower counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, //. 31, sheets (4 copies). f Phila., 1851 Privately printed [for Edward D. Ingraham ?] 9167 JAY (John) Second Letter on Dawson s Introduction to the Federalist, pp. viii, 54. New York, 1864 9168 JOHNSTON (John) [Historiae naturalis.] The volume contains only the illustrations many hundred good old copper plates of known and unknown^) animals. ^One title page and two pages missing. f Amstelodami, 1657 9169 LAWRENCE (Abbott) Memoir, prepared by W. H. Prescott, portrait, cloth. 4 \Boston\, 1856 Presentation copy from the author. 9170 [LEGGETT (Wm.)] Leisure Hours at Sea: being a few Miscella neous Poems. By a Midshipman of the U. S. Navy, //. 148, hf. sheep, neat, scarce. This book was sold at the last Brinley sale [No. 6888], but was returned for an imper fection. At p. 33, part of the leaf being torn off, a verse is supplied in MS. Otherwise a sound, clean copy. 9171 LE GRAND D AUSSY (P. J. B.) Fabliaux or Tales, abridged from French MSS. of the XII and XIII centuries. Selected and 132 BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED tr. into Eng. verse by G. L. Way ; with app. and notes by G. Ellis. Woodcuts by T. BEWICK, 2 vols., pp. xxxvii (4), 280; 340; str.- grained, red morocco extra, gilt edges over marble (by KALTHOS.BER}. imp. 8 Lond., 1796, 1800 VERY SCARCE. The_/?rrf and best edition of this valuable and interesting work, with all the pretty little wood-cuts (fifty-two), by BEWICK. An ELEGANT COPY. oooo LENOX (James) See Nos. 9147, 9153, 9176, 9190., 9193, 9194. 9172 LIVERMORE (Geo.) An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Read before the Mass. Historical Soc., Aug. 14, 1862. 8 Boston, 1862 Presentation copy, with author s autograph. 9173 [LIVERMORE (Geo.)?] Facsimiles of the memorial stones of the last English ancestors of Washington in the church of Brington, England, placed in the State House of Massachusetts, [with letter from Charles Sumner describing the church],//. 15. Boston, 1862 Presentation copy. 9174 LIVERMORE (Geo.) Memoir of. Prepared agreeably to a reso lution of the Mass. Historical Society, by Charles Deane, pp. 60. 8 Cambridge, 1869 Presentation copy, with author s autograph. oooo See also, No. 9205. 9175 MAPLESON (T. W. G.) A handbook of heraldry, illuminated title-page and plates. sm. 8 New York, 1851 9176 MARQUETTE and DREUILLETTES. Recit des Voyages et des De- couvertes du R. Pere Jacques Marquette en 1 anne e 1673 et aux suivantes ; avec la carte trace e cle sa main, fac-simile map, title, pp. (8) 169 (i) Narre du Voyage faict. . . . es annees 1650 & 1651 par le R. Pere Gabriel Dreuillettes, title, pp. (i) 33. 2 vols. in \, half morocco, uncut. 12 [Albany, 1855] Presentation copy with autograph of Mr. James Lenox. For more particular descrip tion see No. no, Pt. i. 9177^ MATHER (Cotton) [POOLE (Wm. Fred.)] The Mather papers : Cotton Mather and Salem witchcraft. Reprinted from Boston Daily Advertiser, Oct. 23, 1868, pp. 23. Boston, 1868 9178 Memorables of the Montgomeries, a narrative in rhyme. 4 Glasgow, 1770 ; New York, pr. for the King of Clubs, 1866 9179 Another copy. 8 9180 [MILLES (THOMAS)] Catalogue of Honour, or Treasury of Trve Nobility peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine. . . . Wberevntois properly prefixed A Speciall Treatise of . . . Nobility . . . Political! and Civill . . . Trans, out of Latyne into English,//. (8), (i), 1130, (i), calf, binding broken, edges injured by wear or rot, and inside margin by mildew, also two or three small worm holes at end of vol. ; the page is in good condition ; PLATES. f London, printed by William Taggard, 1610 THOMAS PRINCES COPY. AUTOGRAPH AND NOTES. On the title-page (finely engr. by Elstracke) are the autographs of " Matth. Matson 1 Jn Watkm" ; while on the back of title is " T. PRINCE. BOSTON. $ MAY 29, 17 A 2 ? v ,- scattered through the volume are marginal references, underscorings and marks by him (see on pp. 45-6, 157, 160, 2 2I and elsewhere). The beautiful plates AND PRESENTATION COPIES 1 JO volume is not sold subject to collation. < As the earliest book of its 9181 Miputes of the trial and examination of certain persons in New York charged with a conspiracy against the laws of the Congress and the liberties of America,//, xiv, in. 8 London, 1786; repr. Phila., 1865 9182 New Haven s Settling in New England, and some Lawes for Government. (7 cop.) 4 London, 1656 [repr., 1858] 9183 NICOLAUS, episcopus Modrusiensis. Oratio in funere Reue- rendissimi do | mini. Dni Petri Cardinalis sancti Six | ti habita a Reueredo patre domino | Nicolas episcopo Modrusiensi. n. /. n. d., pp. 9, 30 -f 3 1 lines, in 4 Fine old green crushed levant morocco, back gilt, sides and edges filleted, inside borders gilt and g. e. (by DEROME} IN CLEAN AND PERFECT STATE. Probably printed in Rome immediately after the death of the Cardinal, which event took place Jan. 5, 1474. _ There were later editions the first with a date was in 1483. Graesse, Brunet, and Hain are agreed that the edition described above may be safely assigned to 1474. The page measures 8 1-16 X 5 5-16 inches. 9184 O CALLAGHAN (E. B.) The Register of New Netherland, 1626 to 1674. f Albany, 1865 Presentation copy, with autograph letter from the author. OWEN S EPIGRAMS, ON VELLUM. 9185 OWEN (John) Joannis Audoeni Cambro-Britanni Epigram- mata. Editio prioribus auctior, longeque emendatior, cura Ant. Aug. RENO UARD, Parisi ni. ONE OF FO UR COPIES PRINTED ON VELL UM by -Didot, Paris, 1794, //. xii, 525, plate; dk. green str. -grained morocco, filleted edges, inside borders, and lined with purple silk; IN CLEAN, BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. 2 VOls. 12 It is hardly necessary to say that these SUPERLATIVELY FINE volumes are all that typographic taste and art can express ; while this edition of the celebrated Epigram- mata is in all respects the best (see Lowndes, et al.). Renouard, in his Cat. de la Bibliotheque d un Amateur (v. 2, p. 348) says that one of these four copies on vellum is in the " Bibliotheque du Roi," and another in Lord Spencer s (the Althorp) collection. There were many editions of the work, but it cost the author an expected inheritance, and was in 1654 put on the Index Expurgatorius of the Roman church. 9186 PIERSON (Abraham) Some Helps for the Indians; a Cate chism in the language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony. Repr. from the orig. edition, Cambridge, 1658. With an intro. by J. Hammond Trumbull, //. n, 67, fac-simile of title page. (2 copies.) Hartford, 1873 SCARCE, only 100 copies printed. Priced by Quaritch at .3, 33. The -whole edition of Vol. HI, Collections of the Conn. Histor. Soc., of which this was to form a part, was burned while in the bindery, and has not been reprinted. Of the original, only two copies are known. 9187 PLYMOUTH. The first Plymouth Patent, granted June i, 1621 ; now first printed from the original MS. ; edited by Charles Deane, //. 1 6. Cambridge, 1854 Presentation copy from the editor. 100 copies printed. !34 BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED 0188 POOLE (W. F.) Alphabetical list of the proprietors of Boston Athenaeum, June i, 1866. [One of 13 copies printed on a Lowe hand press.] Boston, 1866 oooo See also, No. 9177. 9189 PROBASCO (Henry) Catalogue of [his] collection of books, MSS., and works of art, cloth. 4 \Cincinnatt\ 1873 Presentation copy with Mr. Probasco s autograph. 9190 [Relations de la Nouvelle France, 1656, 1660, 1676-77.] Copies de deux Lettres envoie es de la Novvelle France [par F. Le Mercier], Paris, 1656 Lettres envoie es de la N. F. au R. P. J. Renault, par le R. P. Hier. Lallemant, etc. Paris, 1660 Rela tion de ce qui s est passe de plvs remarquable ... en la Nouvelle France 6s anne es 1676 & 1677, //. 165. 3 vols. in i, doth, uncut. 12 [Albany, 1854-66] Presentation copy from Mr. James Lenox, with autograph. A few copies of these Re lations were printed for Mr. Lenox, for private distribution. They are now VERY RARE. For a more particular description, see (Part I) No. 140. 9191 RUSH (Benj.) William B. Reed of Chestnut Hill, Phila., Ex pert in the art of exhumation of the dead,//. 15. Repr. from the London ed., 1867 9192 - - Another copy. 9193 SCILLACIO (Niccolo) De Insulis Meridiani atque Indici Maris . nuper inventis, with translation by the Rev. John Mulligan, //. xviii, 105, Ixiii. Portrait of Columbus, half morocco. 4 New York, 1860 [Appendix : Account of the] Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santagel, 1493, [with fac-simile of commencement and close], pp. (i) 12. 8 \Ncw York^n. d. From Mr. James Lenox, with his autograph. " A remarkably beautiful work printed privately by Mr. Lenox. ... It is an account of the second voyage of Columbus, by Niccolo Scillacio." Historical Magazine, Vol. iv, /. 319. The " Appendix " (laid in) is a tract of 12 pages by Mr. Lenox, signed " L.," and also bears his autograph presentation. 9194 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Shakespeare s plays in folio. [By James Lenox ?], //. 5, no title page. (Repr. from the Historical Maga zine, Vol. V.) 4 New York, 1861 9195 Tercentenary Celebration of the birth of Shakespeare, by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Apr. 23, 1864, //. 71. 8 Boston, 1864 9196 SHURTLEFF (N. B.) Brief notice of William Shurtleff of Marshfield, //. 19. Boston, 1851 9197 -- A Perpetual Calendar for old and new style, cloth. 8 Boston, 1848 Presentation copy to Thos. H. Webb, M.D., with author s autograph. 9198- - The same. 2d edition, doth. 4 Boston, 1851 9199 -- Private Historical and Antiquarian Tracts: Passengers of the Mayflower in 1620, //. 24. n.p. \Boston f\ n. d. Presentation copy to Rev. Joseph Hunter, with author s autograph. 9200 - - Thunder and Lightning, and deaths at Marshfield in 1658 & 1666, pp. (2) iii, 55, halfmor. sm. 4 Boston, 1850 Presentation copy to Rev. Joseph Hunter, with author s autograph. AND PRESENTATION COPIES. 135 9201 SMITH (Capt. John) Last Will and Testament, with some addi tional memoranda [by Charles Deane],//. (i) 7. Cambridge, 1867 Presentation copy, with editor s autograph. 9202 -- New England s Trials. A reprint of the first edition of 1620, with prefatory note by Charles Deane,//. 10 (19). Cambridge, 1873 Presentation copy, with editor s autograph. 9203 SMITH (William) The Recommendation of William Smith, A.M., Provost of the College of Philadelphia, in America, to the University of Oxford, by the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. London, 1759, // I2 - 4 \repr. Phila., 1869?] Presentation copy from Horace W. Smith. 9204 A Solemne League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion, the Honour and Happynesse of the King, and the Peace and Safetie of the Three Kingdoms,//. 116. London, pr. Sept. 22, 1643, Boston, repr. for D. Pulsifer, 1852. 9205 The Souldiers Pocket Bible. Reprint of the edition of 1643, with note by G. Livermore, printed on VELLUM. sm. 8 Cambridge, privately printed, 1861 Presentation copy from the editor to Henry Stevens, with the autographs of both. 9206 Another copy. Presented to Mr. Brinley by Mr. Livermore, with his autograph. 9207 STEENDAM (J.) Jacob Steendam Noch Vaster : a memoir of the first poet in New Netherland [by H. C. Murphy], with his poems descriptive of the colony, portrait, pp. 59. The Hague, 1861 Presentation copy, with editor s autograph. 9208 TRUMBULL (J. Hammond) The Composition of Indian geographical names illustrated from the Algonkin languages. From the Conn. Hist. Society s Collections, vol. 2, pp. 51 (3). 50 copies printed. Hartford, 1870 9209 The Defence of Stonington against a British Squadron, Aug. 9-12, 1814, //. 57. (Large paper.} 4 Hartford, 1864 125 copies printed; 5 on large paper, of which the above is No. i. With autograph presentation. 92 10 Another copy, small paper. 9211 Extracts from the Records of the United Colonies of New England From the original MSS. in the Secretary s office at Hartford, //. 46. 4 Hartford 1859 One of a very few copies separately printed from the Colonial Records of Conn., Vol. 3, where the MS. was first published. With autograph presentation. 0212 Historical Notes on the Constitutions of Connecticut, 1639- 1818, pp. 60, autograph presentation. 1. 8 Hartford, 1873 Q2 j, _ The name of Massachusetts. [From the Proceedings of the Am. Antiquarian Society, Oct., 1867, pp. 78-84.] No title pag, 0214 Notes on forty Algonkin versions of the Lord s Prayer. From Trans, of Amer. Philol. Ass n, 1872, pp. 116. Hartf., 1873 9215 - On Algonkin names for Man. From Trans, of the Amer. Philological Association, 187 \,pp. 23, no title page. BOOKS PRIVATELY PRINTED, ETC. 9216 TRUMBULL (J. Hammond) On some mistaken notions of Algonkin grammar, and on mistranslations of words from Eliot s Bible, &c. From Transactions of the Amer. Philological Assoc., 1 869- 1 87 o,//. 19, no title page. On the best method of studying the American languages. From Trans, of Amer. Philol. Assoc., 1869-70, pp. 25, no title page. 9218 - Another copy. 9219 On the word Shawmut. [From the Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1866, //. 369-384.] No title page. 9220 Origin and early progress of Indian missions in New Eng land, with a list of books in the Indian language printed at Cam bridge and Boston, 1653-1721, pp. 50, uncut. 8 Worcester, 1874 This is (one of 50 copies) separately printed, from the report of the Council of the Am. Antiquarian Society, at the annual meeting, 1873. 9221 The Origin of M Fingal, pp. 40, autograph presentation. 8 Morrisania, N. Y., 1868 9222 The Origin of the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1775. Read before the Conn. Hist. Society, Jan. 5th, 1869 5 repr. from the Hartford Courant, Jan. 9, 1869, // 15. Hartford, 1869 50 copies printed. Written in answer to B. F. DeCosta s " Who took Ticonderoga ? " and incidentally to call attention to some errors in the account given in Bancroft s His tory (which were corrected in his later editions). 9223 -- [Translation of the so-called Catechism, or rules, etc., at the end of Eliot s Indian Bible], pp. 4, no title page. (2 cop.) 35 copies printed ; one of these is on genuine antique paper, and both are signed. The first and only translation of the " Catechism." See also, No. 9165. HOOKER (T.) Letter to Gov. Winthrop No. 9186. PIERSON (A.) Catechism of the Quirisi Indians. 9224 TRUMBULL (John) M Fingal, an epic poem. With introduction and notes by B. J. Lossing, portrait. 8 large paper, N. Y., 1860 9225 Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, and Breeden Raedt aende Vereenichde Nederlandsche Provintien. Two rare tracts, printed in 1649-50, relating to the administration of affairs in New Neth- erland. Trans, from the Dutch by H. C. Murphy. 4 N. Y., 1854 Presentation copy from Mr. James Lenox. 9226 WARD (Nath.) The Simple Cobler of Agawam in America. Ed. by D. Pulsifer,//. vi. (3) 96. 8 sheets folded, Boston, 1843 9227 WHEELWRIGHT (John) Sermon at Boston, Fast Day, 19 Jan., l6 36-7- [Edited by Charles Deane], //. 22. Cambridge, 1867 Presentation copy from the editor. 9228 WHITNEY (J. P.) Silver mining regions of Colorado, with some account of the processes for working the ores. Boston, 1865 Presentation copy, with author s autograph. 9229 WINGFIELD (E. M.) A Discourse of Virginia. Edited with notes and introduction, by Charles Deane,//. 45. Boston, 1860 Presentation copy from the editor. 9230 WOODWARD (W. Elliot) List of Washington Memorial Medals, PP- l6 - [Boston?] 1865 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. 9231 AMERICAN LITERARY MAGAZINE. Vol. 1-4, 1847-8. 2 v. 8. Albany, J. Munsell Edited by T. Dwight Sprague ; Vols. III-IV published at Hartford. It contains a number of portraits and biographies. 9232 THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and Monthly Chronicle for the Brit ish Colonies. Vol. i, Oct., i757-Sept, 1758. (2 copies, both im perfect), scarce. See No. 3158. Phila., W. Bradford 9233 BOSTON CHRONICLE for 1768. Vol. i, pp. (2) 492 (6). Has the title-page, index, and some duplicate leaves, in clean, sound condi tion. 4 Boston, Mein &> Fleeming 9234 BOSTON GAZETTE, Mar. 12, 1770; Newport Mercury, Dec. 19, 1758; Massachusetts Spy, Wore., May 3, 1775 "Americans! . . . Liberty or Death /" etc. ; New England Courant, Feb. 4, 1723. (4 cop.) Reprints. (7) 9235 BOSTON MAGAZINE. Nov., Dec., 1783; Jan.-April, June-Dec., 1784 (dup. of Aug. and Sept.); Jan.-June, Aug., Oct.-Dec., 1785 ; Jan., May- Aug., 1786. 22 nos., i bound vol. torn and imperfect (see No. 1^699), the lot. 9236 COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE or Monthly Miscellany, Sept., 1786-! an., 1788 [dup. Oct., Nov., 1786; Jan.-Aug., Dec., 1787] plates. 2 vols., sheep and nos. Philadelphia Sept., 1786, is no. i, vol. I, VERY RARE. See note to No. 3175. 9237 CONNECTICUT COURANT, 1765-1789. About 120 numbers irregu lar, bound in one vol., half sheep. f Hartford 9238 CONNECTICUT COURANT, 1799-1847, 53, 54, 57 ( l8 33~43 bound, others unbound) ; HARTFORD DAILY COURANT, 1840-62 (20 vols. [1840-51] bound, others unbound), to be sold as 73 vol umes, not subject to collation. Most of the volumes are in nearly new half-sheep binding, and in thoroughly good condition. 0230 CONNECTICUT COURANT. Duplicates, 1817-1845 (1830 missing) 28 vols. unbound. Hartford 9240 CONNECTICUT COURANT, Oct. 29, 1764. Reproduced in admira ble facsimile, Oct. 29, 1864. (30 copies), the lot. 0241 CONNECTICUT GAZETTE (At first NEW LONDON GAZETTE), I7 66 (No. 144)- 1793 (No. 1570) lacking 1775, *%*&* V,-18 j^8 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. 9242 CONNECTICUT GAZETTE, 1774 (No. 573) J 77 6 ( No - 676); 1778 (No. 777) 1780 (No. 892); 1781 (No. 920) 1784 (No. noi); 1785 (No. i no) 1804 (No. 2124), and 17 duplicate numbers, several imperfect ; 3 volumes, sheep, broken, and 2 bundles, to be sold as 4 volumes. New London The file is far from complete, and is sold not subject to collation. 9243 CONNECTICUT GAZETTE. Aug. 13, 1757 to June 28, 1760. 26 scattering numbers, from 123 to 273, the lot. VERY SCARCE. New Haven The FIRST NEWSPAPER printed in Connecticut. "James Parker, in 1754, obtained from Franklin the first appointment of postmaster in New Haven, associated with John Holt. . . . Parker, who was then the principal printer at New York, sent a press to New Haven at the close of the year 1754. . . . The last number of the paper was published in December, 1762." Thomas, Hist, of Printing, i. 410. See note to No. 2186, Part I ; the lot then sold comprised the first 100 numbers of the paper. The lot here offered consists of 26 scattering numbers out of the next 173. They are in good condition with uncut edges. 9244 Connecticut Journal. 1773-90- 4 vols., half sheep, and 6 nos., sold as 4 vols. f New Haven, T. 6- S. Green 9245 CONNECTICUT MIRROR. Vol. 1-6, and dupl. of 2, 3, 4, 1809-15. 5 vols., half-sheep, as new, full labels, cloth sides, uncut. Hartford The organ of the Federal party, and edited, 1809-1815, by Theodore Dwight, the Sec retary of the " Hartford Convention " of 1884. 9246 DAILY WHIG. Vol. i (all published}, bound in 2 vols. Hartford, Wells 6* Co., 1848-9 9247 EVENING FIRESIDE. Vol.11, 1806. [Bound with Conn. Magazine, 1786]. 4 Phila. 9248 FARMER S WEEKLY MUSEUM, N. H. & VERMONT JOURNAL, 1799-1800, i vol. SCARCE. Walpole, N. H. The name was changed to Farmer s Miiseum, or Lay Preacher s Gazette. 9249 HALCYON LUMINARY and Theological Repository. Vol. i. 8 {New York} 1812 9250 HARTFORD EVENING JOURNAL. Vol. 1-3 (all pub.}, 2 vols. Hartford, E. Geer, 1843-5 EDITED BY E. G. SQUIER, the well-known archaeologist, traveller, and historian, in connection with the publisher. Merged in the Courant (see ante, No. 9238) Jan. 31, 1845. 9251 HARTFORD EVENING PRESS. Vols. 1-7, 1856-61. Incomplete unbound, sold as 7 vols. Afterwards (1867) merged in the Hartford Courant. 9252 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE (Dawson s). Vol. 7-9, Vol. 10, Nos. i, 2. 3d Ser., Vol. i, 2, Vol. 3, No. i ; Jan., i87o-Aug., 1871, Jan., 1872- March, 1872, Apr.-Dec., 1873, Jan., 1874. Also AMER. HIST. RECORD, ed. by B. J. LOSSING. Vol. 3, No. 32, Aug., 1874. 33 nos. 9253 THE HOMESTEAD. Vol. 3. 4 Hartford, Mason C. Weld, 1858 9254 LITERARY WORLD. Vols. 12, 13. \%$$, unbound. New York, E. A. & G. L. Duyckinck 9255 MARYLAND GAZETTE and Baltimore Advertiser, and Pennsylva nia Packet, 32 nos., 1755-83, unbound, the lot. 9256 MONTHLY ANTHOLOGY. Vols. 7-9, July, i8o9~Dec. ? 1810. in nos., uncut, sold as 3 vols, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. 139 9257 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Nov. 18, i8i8-March 2, 1819, un bound. Washington, 1818-19 9258 NEW ENGLAND GALAXY, and Masonic Magazine. Vol. I. SCARCE. Boston, 1817-18 JOHN G. WHITTIER S PAPER. 9259 New England Weekly Review, Vols. 3-5. i vol. Hartford, Hanmer 6 Phelps, 1830-32 VERY SCARCE. Edited by GEORGE D. PRENTICE until July 5, 1830, in which no. he makes his adieu and announces that Mr. J. G. WHITTIER (then 23 years old) will take charge of the Review .... "and I congratulate my readers on the prospect of their more familiar acquaintance with a gentleman of such powerful energies and such exalted purity and sweetness of character No rational man can ever be the enemy of Mr. Whittier." Mr. WHITTIER had for some time been a regular correspondent, and there are scattered through the volumes MANY POEMS AND ARTICLES BY HIM WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN COLLECTED IN HIS PUBLISHED WORKS. Mr. Sabin seems to have over looked this important periodical. 9260 New England [Mass, and Conn.] newspapers. Miscellaneous, 1738-1789. i vol. Contains a series of nos. of the New England Weekly Journal, the Boston Evening Post, the News-Letter, the New Land. Gazette, the Boston Gazette, the New Hampshire Gazette, the Conn. Journal 6 Post-Boy , the Conn. Gazette, the Norwich Packet, the Newport Mercury, the American Mercury (Hartford), the Mass. Gazette, and MANY OTHERS ; nearly all in sound, clean condition. 9261 New Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine. Vols. 1-4, 1786-89. (Vols. i and 2 complete; Vol. 3, 14 nos., 2-46 irregu lar; Vol. 4, 19 nos., 1-23 irregular.) 4 vols. New Haven 9262 The same. Vols. 1-2 (Vol. i nearly complete; Vol. 2, ii nos., 15-39), the lot. oooo NEW HAVEN GAZETTE. See Connecticut Gazette, No. 9243. oooo NEW LONDON GAZETTE. See Connecticut Gazette, No. 9241. 9263 New York : THE HERALD, a Gazette for the country. 1796-97 (nos. of vols. 2-4), unbound, the lot. 9264 NEW YORK JOURNAL (and miscellaneous papers), 1774-83. i vol. Contains nos. of the Penna. Packet, the Royal Gazette, the N. Y. Gazette, the Royal American Gazette, the N. Y. Evening Post, the N. Y. Packet, AND OTHERS. 9265 New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1846. i vol. (from Vol. 5, No. 17, to Vol. 6, No. 16). 9266 NILES S WEEKLY REGISTER. Vol. 5, Sept., i8i3~March, 1814. ! vol. Baltimore, 1813-14 9267 NOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. 6, July-Dec., 1852. 4 London 9268 PATRIOT AND DEMOCRAT. 1837-41, unbound. Hartford, John B. Eldndge 9269 PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL and Weekly Advertiser, Phila., Wm. Bradford, 1753-56. i vol. 9270 PENNSYLVANIA PACKET. Phila., 1779. i vol. "Pub. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday"; wants a few nos - but Jf an us " ally sound and complete series from Jan. 2 to Dec. 30. See Bnnley Cat. ( 3 74- 9271 PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, May 17 and July 12, 1775. 9272 PHILA. AURORA & Gen. Advertiser, 1813. i vol., unbound. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. 9273 Rural Magazine, or VERMONT REPOSITORY. Vol. i, 1795. lacks leaf or two at end. 8 Rutland, Vt. 9274 United Brethren Missionary Intelligencer, 1819-22. 14 nos. 9275 PERIODICALS. Church Review, Apr., 1856, Oct., 1856 Apr., 1858. New Haven, 8 nos. Westminster Review, Vol. 44, No. i, n. p. n. d. Northern Monthly, Jan., 1868. Newark Nat. Quar. Review, Dec., 1870. N. York Norton s Literary Letter, No. 1-3, 1857-59. New York. (14) 9276 PERIODICALS. American Museum, Vol. i, 1787. Phila., M. Carey Medical & Agricultural Register, 1806, 1807. Boston, edited by Daniel Adams, M.B. American Review, a Whig Jour nal, July, i848-Jan., 1849, April, May, 1849, 9 nos. New York, 2 vols., 9 pphs, sold as 3 vols. 9277 PERIODICALS. Littell s Living Age, No. 984-989, 996-1004, 1017 Boston Med. & Surg. Journal, vol. 92, No. i, Jan. 7, 1875 Independent Practitioner, Jan., 1882. New York. (18) 9278 PERIODICALS. Royal American Magazine, Jan., Feb., 1775. Boston, 2 nos. American Magazine, Dec., 1787 (2 cop.), May, June, Nov., 1788. N. Y., 5 nos. Columbian Phenix and Bos ton Review, Feb., 1800. Bost. Pennsylvania Magazine. Phila., Feb., 1775 Worcester Magazine, 4th week in April, May, 1787. 6 nos. Monthly Magazine and Amer Review. N. Y., Apr., 1799 (2 cop.) June, Aug., 1799. (19) 9279 PERIODICALS. Gentleman and Lady s Town & Country Maga zine, Bost., June, 1784 Monthly Miscellany or Vermont Maga zine. Bennington, Aug., 1794 New England Phenix, Vol. i, No. i, Wilbraham (Mass.}, Jan., 1808 American Apollo, Vol. i, No - 2 > 3 4, 9- J 3> 2 9 3 35- Bost., Jan.-Aug., 1792. n nos. Connecticut Magazine, Feb., March, 1802. 2 nos. (16) ENGRAVINGS AND PORTRAITS. 9280 WASHINGTON (G.) Portrait (Lansdowne) painted by G. Stuart, eng. by H. S. Sadd. Mezzotint. New York, 1844. 26^X20 in. 9281 Portrait (Yale College) painted by J. Trumbull, eng. by H. Cheesman. London, 1796, stippled. 25X174111. 9282 Portraits and Views. Steel plates. (15) 9283 -- A collection of wood-cuts and views, medallions and little steel portraits, etc., of Washington, mounted on paper, 4. (145) 9284 An allegorical picture, representing Washington on a pedes tal between two obelisks. In the background a river (the Hud son ?) with ships of war and above the American eagle with a shield and scroll on which are the names of sixteen states. Drawn by Chas. Buxton, M.D., and dedicated to Congress by Charles Smith. A line engraving, 24^X20^- in. Stained and pasted to the backboard. 9285 WASHINGTON Family. Painted and engraved by E. Savage. Pub. Phila., 1 798. i8j X 24!. Gilt frame. 9286 JOHNSON, Sir William. Drawn by T. Adams, eng. by Spooner. London, 1756. 12X9!, framed, mezzotint. RARE. 9287 LAFAYETTE, Marquis de. Conclusion de la campagne de 1781 en Virginie. Peint par L. LePaan, grave 7 par A. Le Mire. (Dedi cated to Washington.) Paris [178-?]. i6jx 12$ in., framed. A full length portrait, engraved on steel. Behind is a horse held by a negro servant ; a battle going on in the back-ground. 9288 Portrait, painted by A. Scheffer, eng. by M. I. Danforth. New York, 1825, line eng. 2i^X 14! in - (Badly damaged^) 9289 MACDONOUGH, Thos. Commodore. Portrait, eng. by T. Gim- brede. New York, n. d., oval, gf X8, stippled, framed. 9290 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. 9?X7 in., framed. 0201 PUTNAM, Gen. Israel. Drawn by Miss A. Hall from the original by Trumbull, eng. by T. Gimbrede. 6}X 5i in -> stippled, framed. 0202 ROGERS, William, D.D. Two portraits, one full-face line eng artist unknown. 4X3^ in. ; the other in profile, eng. by Annm & Smith. 3! X 2f in., stippled, framed. (2) 9293 RUSSELL, Nathaniel. Painted & engraved by E. Savage, n. d. 7 X 6 in. mezzotint. 9294 THURSTON, Rev. Gardner. Engraved by Abner Reed, ^1808, from an original portrait by Mr. King. 4iX3* m. stippled. I42 ENGRAVINGS AND PORTRAITS. Q 2 gc WOLFE, Major Gen. James. Full length portrait. Colored mezzotint. Engraved by R. Houston from an original picture. 10X13 in. Framed. RARE. 9296 AMHERST, Major Gen. Colored mezzotint, drawn by Moorel and engraved by Johnson. 13 X 10 inches. Framed. RARE. 9297 BOSTON. A South East View of y e Great; Town of Boston in New England in America. Dedicated to Peter Faneuil by Win. Price. [174-?] 19X41 in. framed. Lithograph, damaged. 9298 The Harbour, Town and Forts of Porto Bello in y e West Indies, taken by Admiral Vernon in 1739. Land. [174- ?] 6f Xgj in. The Manner of taking the Castle and Town of Chagre in the West Indies by Admiral Vernon, on the 29th March, 1740. 6^X9! in. London Quebec, the Capitol of New France, eng. by T. Johns ton for Steph. Whiting. London [174-?] 6JX8J in. slightly colored, line engravings, framed. (3) 9299 McDonough s Victory on Lake Champlain and Defeat of the British army at Plattsburg by Gen. Macomb, Sept. n, 1814. Painted by H. Reinagle, eng. by B. Tanner. Phila., 1816, line engraving 17X244 in. Plan of the siege of Pittsburgh, and capture of the British fleet, to accompany Tanner s print. 9f X7i in. framed. (2) 9300 Drawing in sepia; a river view with a city in the background, signed A. Van Beest. 12 X 19 in. Landscape and cattle in sepia and color, not signed. 9^X 10^ in. Both framed. (2) 9301 Plan of the investment of York and Gloucester, Va. [in 1781], drawn by Major Sebastian Baumann, eng. by R. Scot. Phila., 1782. 25^X17!. framed. 9302 Two small landscapes in India ink, 2^X4 in., signed John Trumbull, 1783. framed. (2) 9303 PORTRAITS. John Paul Jones, Commodore au service des Etats- Unis, dessine par C. J. Notte, gravd par C. Guttenberg. Paris, n. d. line eng. lof XgJ in. Capt. Asgill, line eng. India paper, oval. 2 X2^ in. Rev. J. S. J. Gardiner, lith. 9! X7J in. Ch. Chauncy, painted by T. Sully, eng. by J. Sartain, mezzotint. 9s X 7 in. Cotton Mather, painted by P. Pelham, mezzotint. ii-IX9l in. Rev. T. M. Clark [Bishop of Rhode Island]. Phila., 1847, colored lithograph, njx ioj in. Com. O. H. Perry, U. S. N. New York, n. d. lith. 12 X8^ in. (% pieces.) 9304 Collection of portraits suitable for illustrating, mostly celebrated Americans, military, naval, clergy, literary, etc., several of Frank lin, many very rare, mostly 8vo size. (130) 9305 Collection of engravings, mostly 8vo size, suitable for extra illustrating, views of buildings, celebrated places, scenery, etc. (65) 9306 VIEWS. City of Detroit, Michigan, from a sketch by F. Grain. N. York, 1837, col d print. 15^X24^ in. The Philadelphia Ex change, mezzotint, by Sartain. 9 X 13^ in. St. John s Church, MAPS AND PLANS. i. X .8 in. - [e Chart Oak/ MAPS AND PLANS. 9307 CONNECTICUT RIVER. Map of Connecticut River and its tribu tary waters from its source to Hartford, Conn., 1825. ,?xS5 in., cloth mounted. * 9308 Map of the Countrey of the Five Nations belonging to the Province of New York, and of the Lakes near which the nations : Par Indians live, with part of Canada, taken from the Map of the Louisiane done by Mr. DeLisle in 1718, n.p. n. d. 8X1 Jin much worn and clumsily remounted. 9309 Mississippi River. Map of the Mississippi from its source to the mouth of the Missouri, ... by Nich. King. Phila., n. d. qx 29! m. London, New Plan of, 1789. 12 x 20^ in. (2) 9310 NEW YORK. RYDER, Jno : Survey. Term English miles [to 6 inches. Of Staten Island, New York Bay, and the western part of Long Island and Long Island Sound.] 1670. Drawn and colored by hand. Size, 1 7 J x 5 o i n . 9311 NEW YORK. Provincial and Revolutionary maps. A Draught of New York from the Hook to New York Town, by Mark Tidde- man. Pr. for I. Mount and T. Page upon Tower Hill, London, n. d. 171x22^ in. A Plan of the City of New York and its environs surveyed 1775, by John Montresor. [Dedicated to Gen. Gage.] London [1776?] 24^X20 in. 2 cop., one colored. Map of the Province of New York, with part of Pennsylvania and New England, by John Montresor, colored. London, 1775, 2 sheets, each 28^X36 in. Plan of New York Island with part of Long Island, Staten Island and East New Jersey, with a Descrip tion of the Engagement between Flatbush and Brooklyn, 27th of August, 1776 . . . with the subsequent Disposition of both Armies. Lond., 1776. i8jx i6J in. 2 cop. The Seat of Action between the British and American forces, or an authentic Plan of the west ern part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th August, - 1776, etc.; from the surveys of Major Holland. London, 1776. 17-] X 154 in. A set of 6 maps, illustrating Burgoyne s Saratoga campaign of 1777, each about 11X13^ in. except the last two, which are longer. London, 1780. (14 pieces.} 9312 WEST POINT. Gen. Greene s MS. map of West Point and the country adjacent, 1781. Copied from R. Erskine s surveys of 1778-79. 15X9! in. 9313 MAPS AND PLANS. Miscellaneous, (n pieces) BLODGET (W.) Topograph. map of Vermont. New Haven, 1789. 38^X30 in. 2 cop., both torn Colored plan of New Orleans, 1803. 27^X19 in. Plan of the town of Lowell and Belvidere Village, by B. Mather, 1832. 19^X25 in. Map of the city of Albany, by E. Van Alent, 1818. 25X38^ in. Chart of part of Long Island Sound from J44 MAPS AND PLANS. Montauk Point to Frog s Pt. Newport & N. London, 1805. 2o| X45i in. Map of Worcester by H. Stebbins, 1833. t^Xaiij in., torn New Map of America [with views and maps of harbors, etc.} London. G. Thompson, 1799. 21^X37$ in., torn Map of Portsmouth, N. H., by J. G. Hales, 1813. 2 7 f X 3 8J in., torn Map of the United States, by Shelton & Kensett, 1813. i6Xi8 in. Map of Conn. River from Enfield to Ware house Point, 1817. 44X25! in. Plan of Bellows Falls in Conn. River, by L. Baldwin, n. d. 9314 FRANCE. Etat militaire de France a Te poque du i re novembre, I7 8 3 _ Marines de France, d Espagne & d Angleterre le i re no vembre, 1783. Two large sheets, written and illuminated by hand. 9315 MAP. Manuscript Map of part of the Connecticut River, includ ing Enfield Falls, also of the canal . . . pursuant to an Act, entitled an Act to Incorporate the Connecticut River Company. Windsor, June 20 th , 1827, signed by Asa Willey, Martin Welles and John Peters, Commissioners. 27 X 44 inches. TWO UNIQUE AND VALUABLE CHARTS. 9316 Boston Harbour. Original water-colored chart, by Philip Wells ; with soundings without and comings in, as taken by Capt. John Fayrwether, Capt. Thomas Smith, Capt. Timothy Armitage, Capt. Joseph Eldridge, Masters, and Philip Wells, employed for the same by his Excellency Sir Edmund Andros, Knight, Captain General and Governour of His Majesties Territory and Dominion in New England in America. Size 17X22 inches. Scale one mile to one inch. "THE EARLIEST KNOWN CHART OF THE HARBOR." See Winsor, J. Memorial History of Boston, Vol. ii. p. i. A note by J. Hammond Trumbull is there given, from which the following passages are extracted : " The chart, which is very neatly drawn and colored, occupies about one foot square, on a sheet measuring 21 inches by 19 inches. The shoals, banks and reefs are shaded in colors, and single rocks and ledges are indicated by crosses. The soundings of the main channels and passages between the harbor islands are marked in fathoms. The scale is one inch to a mile. " In the right-hand lower corner, under a scale of miles, is : By Philip Wells, and below, in smaller letters, M. Carroll, probably the signature of the draughtsman. " The inscription fixes the date of the chart nearly, between the arrival of Andros in December, 1686, and the revolution of April, 1689. " Philip Wells had been Governor Dongan s surveyor in New York, and was one of the commissioners appointed to run the line between that province and Connecticut, in 1684. He made A Land Draught of New York Harbour, which is also in Mr. Brinley s col lection [See No. 9317], . . . drawn and lettered by the same hand and probably in the same year as that of Boston harbor. The two were found together, in a parcel of the Penn Papers, sold in London, by Mr. E. G. Allen, in 1871, the Boston map bringing three guineas. It is numbered No. 281 in Allen s catalogue. " Capt. John Fayerweather, who had served in the Indian war of 1675-76, and com manded one of the Boston train-bands, was a prominent man in Boston before and after the Usurpation. At the Revolution of April, 1689, he was appointed commander of the Castle. Capt. Thomas Smith commanded the Jersey frigate in the Expedition against the Eastern Indians, in 1704. Of Captains Armitage and Eldrige I know little more than their names." 9317 New York Harbour. Original water-colored chart; a Land Draught of New York Harbour, by Philip Wells. Size 17X22 inches. Scale 7 miles to one inch. See above note to No. 9316. AUTOGRAPHS. ABBREVIATIONS. a. /. j. autograph letter signed; /. s. letter signed; d. s. document signed; a. n. s. autograph note signed ; M. O. C. member of old Congress. 13 l8 A DAMS (Hannah) Historian and author, a. I. s. 2 pages 4, /-\ "Medfield, May 15, 1796," to Rev. Benjamin Trumbull, in regard to her History of New England, and with a draft (auto graph) of Dr. TrumbuH s reply. 9319 ALLEN (Col. Ethan) Revolutionary officer, distinguished in the controversy about the "New Hampshire Grants," a. /. s. i page 4 and address, "Sharon, Dec. 28, 1778," to "Watson & Goodwin, Printers," in relation to inserting in the Connecticut Courant, his answer to Gov. Clinton s Proclamation. 9320 ARNOLD (Gen. BENEDICT) a. I. s. from New Haven, May 6, 1777, to Jeremiah Wadsworth, Esq., Hartford, i page folio and address : relating to charges made against the writer by Lieut.- Col. [John] Brown. " Whenever I have an oport y of seeing him, he shall no longer have reason to complain for want of Satisfaction, he shall have more than he chuses ; in the mean time, I shall lay his infamous conduct before Congress, who I make no doubt will punish the scoundrel as he deserves," etc. 9321 BALDWIN (Col. Jeduthan) Revolutionary officer, prominent in the French and Indian War, active in planning the works about Boston during its investment, a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Fish Kill, Dec. 15, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. 9322 BARLOW (Joel) Poet and Diplomatist, a. I. s. i page folio and address, " Peekskill, Oct. 4, 1782," to Col. Wadsworth, in regard to the subscriptions for his "Vision of Columbus." Slightly stained on one margin. 9323 BLOUNT (William) Member Constitutional Convention, Gov. of Tenn., a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Greenville, 1789." 9324 BOWEN (Jabez) Revolutionary Patriot, Annapolis Convention, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "Providence, 1780" -Nicholas Brown, Jedediah Morse, Matthew Carey, &c., a. L s. 4 of each. (6) 9325 Broadsides. Proclamation by Jonathan Trumbull, Gov. of Conn., i page folio, "April 27, 1775," in regard to the embargo A power of Administration, i page folio, "Hartford, 1752, signed by Joseph Tallcott Invitation to the Funeral of Eyare Walcott, i page 4, 1789. (3) V. 19 1^6 AUTOGRAPHS. 9326 BURNET (William) M. O. C., a. L s. 3 pages 4, " Newark, April 8, 1784," to Gen l Greene. In very fine condition, and EXCESS IVELY RARE. * 9327 -- a. d. s. i page 4, 1785. Rare. 9328 BURR (Aaron) Vice-President, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "New York, March 29, 1788," on legal matters. 9329 CANADA, Expedition against. " Minutes or a concise Journal of the principal Movements of the Continental Army towards, and in the Country of Canada; of the Siege and Surrender of Chambly and the Forts of St. John s, &c., 1775." A manuscript volume 54 pages 4 by Rev. Benjamin Trumbull, Historian of Conn., Chaplain of the Expedition. 9330 CANFIELD (John) M. O. C., a. L s. i page folio, " Hartford, May 27, 1777," to Col. Wadsworth. 9331 -- a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "Sharon, June 25, 1777," to Col. Wadsworth. 9332 a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Sharon, July 30, 1777," to Col. Wadsworth. ". . . No news . . . but in general that Schuy- ler & all the others are D d Rascalls & Cowards, that Burguoyne is coming to Albany by Fort Ed d & Carleton by the Mohawk River the latter I believe. . . ." 9333 ~~ a - I- s - 2 pages 4 and address, "Sharon, Feb. 5, 1778," to Col. Wadsworth. 9334 a- I- s - i page 4 and address, "Sharon, Jan. 26, 1778," to Col. Wadsworth. 9335 CHESTER (Col. John) Revolutionary officer, prominent at Bun ker Hill, M. O. C., a. I. s. i page 4, " Wethersfield, Sept., 1779." 933 6 / s- 3 pages 4, 1798 Pierpont Edwards, M. O. C., a. L s. i page folio and address, "New Haven, 1799." (2) 9337 CLAP (Rev. Thomas) d. s. i page oblong folio, 1765. A diploma signed as President of Yale College, and signed also by the Faculty. On vellum. Rev. Moses Dickinson, d. s. double folio, 1777. A diploma signed as President of Yale College, and signed also by the Faculty. VERY RARE. (2) 9338 CLINTON (George) Major-General, Vice-President, etc., d. s. double folip, 1793. As witness to deeds. (2) 9339 COBB (Col. David) Aide to Washington, a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Boston, June 23, 1784" Col. John Fitzgerald, Aide to Washington, a. I. s. 2 pages 4, "Alexandria, 1785." (2) 9340 CORNELL (Ezek) Revolutionary officer, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, " Verplank s Point, 1782 " Joseph Trumbull, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Windham, 1778 " John Canfield, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "Sharon, 1777." All M. O. C. (3) 134 i CRAIK (Dr. James) Surgeon in the Revolution, Physician to Washington, a. L s. 2 pages folio and address, "Tapan, Aug. 17, 1780." *. . . Gen l McDougall is at Congress with a Remon strance from the Gen l., and the committee that are appointed to AUTOGRAPHS. 147 hear him are Sam l Adams, Roger Sherman, one Clark, and Jones from Carolina. What may be the Result we know not, but are doubtfull of the Event. I must* own I think take every Circum stance together, our affairs are in a more critical situation than ever. . . ." 9342 DARTMOUTH College. Six important documents relating to the early history of the College, together with a. L s. (33) folio and 4, 1772-1815, of Rev. John Wheelock, its second President. These letters are all written to Rev. David McClure, relative to the affairs of the college. (39) See also No. 9445. 9343 DEANE (Silas) Commissioner to France, M. O. C., a. I. s. 4 pages 4, "Chapel Street, Nov. 28, 1788." Interesting letter to Lord Sheffield, "respecting an inland navigation from Lake Champlain into Canada, and the clearance of the lands there." 9344 DESAUSSURE (Henry W.) Chancellor of S. Carolina, and emi nent jurist, a. L s. 4 (7), 1802-3, to Col. Jere. Wadsworth, upon legal matters. (7) 9345 DICKINSON (John) Annapolis and Constitutional Conventions, M. O. C., etc., d. s. i page oblong folio, 1783. Signed as Presi dent of Penn., and signed also by John Armstrong Jr. 9346 DUER (William) Signer of the Confederation, d. s. 2 pages folio, 1786 James Hillhouse, a. /. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Philadelphia, 1799" -- Joseph Trumbull, a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, " New York, 1776." All M. O. C. (3) d. s. 4 pages folio, 1788 Joseph Trumbull, a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Windham, 1778 " Pierpont Edwards, a. d. s. 1 page 4 " Hartford, 1801." All M. O. C. (3) 9348 EDWARDS (Pierpont), M. O. C., a. I. s. i page folio and address, "New Haven, 1800." 9349 ELIOT (Rev. John) Author of Biographical Dictionary, a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, " Boston, 1801." 03 co ENOS (Col. Roger) Revolutionary officer, commanded the rear division of Arnold s expedition to Quebec ; one of the founders of Vermont, a. L s. i page folio and address, " Hartland, State Vermont, March 27, 1785." 9351 FITZGERALD (Col. John) Aide to Washington, a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Alexandria, March 6, 1782. 2 a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Alexandria, 1784" Col. Jona. Trumbull, Jr., Aide to Washington, M. O. C., a. /. s. i page 4, "Lebanon, 1804." (2) 9353 GANSEVOORT (Leonard) Annapolis Convention, M. O C, Ls. i page 4 and address, "Albany, 1781 " -Pierpont Edwards, M O C / s 2 pages 4, i?79, signed also by James Hillhouse - R. Ri Livingsto* M 6. C, d. s. 2 pages 4, 178 , ^ ed also by Col. Jere. Wadsworth. (3) 9354 OILMAN (Nicholas) Treasurer of New Hampshire, a. I s. (2) each i page folio and address, "Exeter, 1777-8- AUTOGRAPHS. 9355 GOODRICH (Chauncej ) a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Phila delphia, 1798 " Samuel Ward, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Providence, 1787 " Members Hartford Convention. (2) 9356 GOVERNORS of States. James Turner of N. C., John Milledge of Ga., Robert Bowie and Robert Wright of Maryland, and Joseph Bloomfield of New Jersey, /. s. folio or 4 of each, 1805-07. (5) 9357 GRANGER (Gideon) Postmaster-General, a. /. s. i page folio and address, "Suffield, 1798"; also another, i page folio, 1798, a little injured Ben Stoddert, Sec. of the Navy, d. s. i page folio, 1177- (3) 9358 GREENE (Nathaniel) Major-General in the Revolution, a. I. s. 3 pages folio and address, "West Point, Oct. 15, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. ..." I think I have not written you since the late desertion of Arnold. Was you ever more astonished in your life ? A man high in reputation, and with the fairest prospects of domestic happiness. The love of parade and the thirst for gold has proved his ruin. How black, how despised, loved by none, and hated by all. Once his country s Idol, now her horror. Curse on his folly, nay his villainy, and most of all his meanness. The latter has been displayed in such dirty colours in his transactions at this post, as has not been equalled in the history of man. All kind of private and public robbery has he pursued, and accompanyed it, with such circumstances of littleness as shows him to be the basest of mortals. I freely confess I had no conception notwithstanding the converse I have had with mankind, that it was possible for human nature to arrive at such a degree of corrup tion. The discovery has been very providential. Had these posts fallen into the enemies hands, God knows what might have been the consequence. But I think little short of the entire subjection of America. What a triumph to british pride ; and what a downfall to American glory. Poor Congress what would have become of you ? . . . The General has sent me to take command here ; but for how long a time I know not." . . . 9359 a. I. s. 3 pages folio and address, "Prospect Hill, Sept. 12, 1775," to Gov. Cooke of R. I. ..." Things here remain much in the same situation as they have been for some time past. For several Days past firing has ceast totally. It is said by several Deserters out of Boston that the last ship arrived, brings accounts that the difference is soon to be set tled but unless the Ministry is overset the dispute never will be settled. If we can preserve our freedom and continue our connexion I should be very glad of it but I had rather continue in the field seven years than submit to their tyranical measures." . . . 9360 Papers relating to the Estate of Gen. Greene and its settle ment, including letters of Nathaniel Pendleton, Col. Samuel Ward, Charles Pettit, M rs . Catherine Greene, Col. Jere. Wads- worth, etc. (A Lot) 9361 GRISWOLD (Matthew) Governor of Connecticut, 1784-5, d. s. i page oblong folio, " Hartford, 1784." Military commission. 9362 HANCOCK (John) President of Congress, etc., a. L s. i page folio, "Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1775." A personal letter to Gov ernor Cooke of Rhode Island. 9363 HARTFORD, City of. Record of the Meetings of the Proprietors of the North Meadows in that place, from 1675-1792. One vol ume large folio. 9364 HAZEN (Brig-Genl. Moses) /. s. i page folio and address, "Camp West Point, Oct. 24, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. 936/5 HILLHOUSE (James) M. O. C., Member of the Hartford Con vention, a. I. s. i page folio and address, " New Haven, Jan. 30, J 778 " Jedediah Strong, M. O. C., a. /. s. i page folio and ad dress, "Litchfield, Oct. 28, 1775." (2) AUTOGRAPHS. j.g 9366 HOBART (Rev John H.) Episcopal Bishop of New York d s 3 pages folio, 1816. 9367 HOBART (John Sloss) Celebrated Jurist, a. 1. s. i page folio and address, Sharon, 1777 " - Abraham Van Vechten, John V Henry, Timothy Pitkin, etc., a. I s. folio or 4 of each, 1708-1810 Eminent Jurists and Statesmen. (5) 9368 HOSMER (Titus) Signer of the Confederation, M. O C a I s 4 pages 4, "Philadelphia, July 19, 1778." ..." I am plunged in the Ocean of Congress, it is a maze, a Labyrinth of which I have not yet got hold of the Clue; some business is done in Congress some in Committees and Boards. I am labouring to explore these different powers and provinces, but make very slow progress . . Our friend M . Dean is here . . .from the Teeth outwards he is well received here by a considerable number of Gentlemen who within are full of Envv Malice, and all Uncharitableness towards him." . . . 9369 HUMPHREYS (Col. David) Aide to Washington, a. I. s 3 pages folio and address, " Head-Quarters near Passiac Falls, Oct. 28, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. ..." What a scene of horror has displayed itself since I saw you last ! Arnold has now become like a twice told tale of infamy, and so let him sink in perdition tho not ob livion The Proceedings of the Board of General Officers on Maj. Andre are published by order of Congress There is also a handsome account of the whole affair written by a friend of ours (Col. H n) & printed in the Philadelphia Papers. To these let me re fer You." . . . 9370 HUNTINGTON (Col. Ebcnezer) Revolutionary officer, a. L s. (7) folio and 4, 1777-1786. Interesting and familiar letters to Col. Wadsworth. (7) 9371 HUNTINGTON (Jedediah) Major General in the Revolution, a. 1. s. i page folio and address, "Totaway, Oct. 12, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. ..." Nothing important has turned up with the Army since Arnold s Treason Joshua Smith is on Tryal I am told Arnold s papers seized at Philadelphia have opened some scenes in the Speculating Way wherein several at Phila. are concerned it is said Mease the late Clothier General is one ; not improbable I think much is said of M". Arnold s correspondence with Major Andre but it appears nothing more than a com plimentary Card from Andre to her, which came out in an open manner at one of the In terviews of the Commissioners for the Exchange of Prisoners." . . . 9372 a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Norwich, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth. 9373 a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Norwich, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth. 9374 HUNTINGTON (Samuel) Signer of the Declaration, a. L s. as President of Congress, "Philadelphia, Octo r i rst . 1779," to Col. Wadsworth, i page folio with address, "For The Commissary General." FINE. d. s . i page oblong folio, 1791. A Military Commission signed as Governor of Connecticut. d. s. i page folio, "New London, 1776." 9377 INDIAN Lease d. s. double folio, 1787, of land in the Genesee Country in New York, given by the Chiefs of the Seneca and Cayuga Tribes, and signed by nine Sachems, with their Totems. On vellum. cm8 INGERSOLL (Jared) Constitutional Convention, M. O. C., a. l.s. 2 pages folio, "New Haven, Feb. i, 1766." An answer to the AUTOGRAPHS. objections made to his conduct relative to the Stamp Act. An interesting letter. 9379 J AY (J onn ) ^ me f Justice, M. O. C., d. s. i page oblong folio, 1779. Commission signed as President of Congress. Signed also by Charles Thomson. 2^80 d. s. i page folio, 1776, signed as President of Congress Col. John Chester, M. O. C., d. s. i page 4, 1794. (2) 9381 JONES (Joseph) M. O. C., a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Richmond, Nov. 30, 1786 " Richard Peters, M. O. C., a. I. s. 2 pages folio and address, "June 17, 1780." (2) 9382 KIRKLAND (Rev. Samuel) Missionary to the Indians, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Kanonwarohare, April 24, 1770." Inter esting letter to Dr. McClure in regard to his missions. 9383 LAWRANCE (Col. John) Aide to Washington, a. L s. i page folio and address, " West Point, Nov. 19, 1779 " Col. Benjamin Tallmadge, Aide to Washington, a. L s. 2 pages folio and address, "Peekskill, Oct. 29, 1780." 9384 d. s. 2 pages folio, 1795, signed also by Col. Jere. Wads- worth Stephen Moylan, Brig.-Genl., a. L s. i page 4 and ad dress, " Middletown, 1780." Aides to Washington. (2) 9385 LEDYARD (Col. William) Revolutionary Officer, Hero of Fort Griswold, a. I. s. i page 4, "New London, Nov. 13, 1780." 9386 LEE (Richard Henry) Signer of the Declaration, President of Congress, d. s. i page folio, "July 16, 1778." Signed as chair man of the Marine Committee. 9387 LETTER Books. Folio volumes (unbound) containing copies of letters from Col. Jere. Wads worth, many in his own hand, regard ing the public service, "supplies for the French," etc., 1775-80, and filled with interesting details of the army and the military movements. 5 vols. 9388 LEWIS (Col Morgan) Revolutionary officer, Aide to Gen. Gates, &c. a. I. s. 2 pages folio and address, " Clermont, Sept. 26, 1781." To Col. Wadsworth, ..." Our Reports here of your operations are many and various. We are led to believe you have destroyed both the British Fleet and Army. May your successes be as brilliant as they are reported to be, and may you return crowned with Laurel, in which case our enemies may be induced to sue for the olive." . . . 9389 L HoMMEDiEU (Ezra) M. O. C., a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Middletown, 1777." Charles Pettit, a. I. s. 7 pages 4, "New York, 1786." James Hillhouse, a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Philadelphia, 1799." A11 M - O. C. (3) 9390 LIVINGSTON (Walter) M. O. C., I. s. i page 4, 1786, signed also by Samuel Osgood, P. M. General, and M. O, C. Jessie Root, M. O. C., a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "Hartford, 1782." (2) 9391 LIVINGSTON (William) Governor of New Jersey, Member of Cont. Congress, and of the Constit. Convention, a. I. s. 3 pages AUTOGRAPHS. 4, addressed "To Mr. Noah Wells, Tutor of Yale College at New Haven," by whom it was indorsed, " Rec d ic July 7 f 6 939* LOVELL (James) Signer Of the Articles of Confederation * -V^i j " i/ 2 Pag6S foU and address > "Boston, 1786 to Col. Wadsworth. 9393 LYMAN (Daniel) Member of the Hartford Convention a I s i page folio "New Port, Aug. 8, 1780." To Col. Wadsworth in regard to military movements. 9394 LYMAN (Gen. Phineas) Benjamin Bancroft s account Book of Supplies for Gen. Lyman s Regiment in the Campaign of i7c6 71 pages folio. Edward Dorr s Book of Accounts, Hartford 1748-1763, 182 pages narrow folio. (2) 9395 MCCLURE (Rev. David) Minister of Hampton, a. d. s. 66 pages 4, 1805. "Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, D D President and Founder of Dartmouth College and Moore s Indian Charity School; with a Summary History of the College &c." Imperfect. 9396 a. I. s. 2 pages 4, "Fort Pitt, Oct. 24, 1772." To Arthur St. Clair in regard to the Indians ; also a. I. s. 4 of Revs. Naphtali Daggett. J. Woodbridge, Robert Cooper, Timo. Dwight^ David Avery, and E. D. Griffin, 1772-1819, eminent clergymen. (7) 9397 McDouGALL (Alexander) Major-General, M. O. C., a. I. s. i page 4, "West point, Oct. 19, 1779." 9398 MADISON (James) President of the U. S., d. s. i page oblong folio, 1816. A commission signed as President, and signed also by James Monroe. 9399 MANUSCRIPT Sermons, by Rev. John Cleaveland of Chebacco, Rev. Noah Welles of Stamford, and other eminent clergymen, unbound 8, 1748-1774 (39) 9400 MATHER (Cotton) Signature, 1683. Increase Mather, signa ture, 1690. (2) 9401 MATHER (Increase) a. d. s. i page 8, 1683 (5 lines), auto graph inscription on the fly-leaf of a book. 9402 MIFFLIN (Thomas) Major-Gen l, Aide to Washington, Con stitutional Convention, M. O. C. &c., d. s. double folio, 1797, as Gov. of Penn. Commission of A. J. Dallas, with a d. s. of Dallas appended. 9403 -- d.s. double folio, 1798, as Gov. of Pennsylvania. Appended to this document is a Map of the Northern Boundary of Penn., by Benj. Ellicott. 9404 MISCELLANEOUS Letters and Documents, folio and 4, 1676- 1817, comprising portions of the correspondence of the Rev. David McClure, Joseph Woodbridge, Rev. N. Strong, Watson & Goodwin, Publishers, and others. (350) 152 AUTOGRAPHS. 9405 MITCHELL (Stephen M.) M. O. C., a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, 1806. John Canfield, a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, " Litchneld, 1777." Charles Pettit, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Philadelphia, 1786." All M. O. C. (3) 9406 MONROE (James) President of the U. S., d. s. i page 4, 1813, as Secretary of State. 9407 d. s. i page 4, 1813. Richard M. Johnson, Vice-Presi- dent, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, 1822. (2) 9408 MONTGOMERY (Janet) Widow of Gen l Richard Montgomery, d. s. i page 4 1781. As witness to a contract in regard to sup plies for the French Army. Signed also by Col. Jere. Wadsworth and Morgan Lewis. 9409 MORGAN (Dr. John) Appointed by Congress in 1775, Director General to the Army. Founder of the Medical School in Phila delphia, d. s. double folio, 1783. A Deed of Land in Phila., signed twice, on vellum. 9410 MOULTRIE (William) Major-General, d. s. double folio, 1785. Signed as Governor of South Carolina. Needs repairing. 9411 MOYLAN (Stephen) Brig.-Genl., Aide to Washington, a. I. s. i page folio and address, " New York, July 20, 1776," to Col. Wads- worth in regard to the purchase of ships for the public service. 9412 a. I. s. i page folio and address, "New York, July 25, 1776," to Col. Wadsworth. 9413 a. I. s. i page folio and address, "New York, July 28, 1776," to Col. Wadsworth, in regard to supplies for the Army. 9414 a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "August 21, 1776," to Col. Wadsworth Col. Ben. Tallmadge, Aide to Washington, a. I. s. 4 pages 4, " Litchneld, 1791." (2) 9415 NOTT (Rev. Eliphalet, D.D.} President of Union College, a. 1. s. i page 4, "Albany, 1801 " Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill, Professor and Scientist, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "New York, 1797." (2) 9416 PARKER (Rev. Samuel) Episcopal Bishop of Mass., a. L s. i page oblong folio and address, " Boston, 1804," to Gov. Trumbull, informing him of his election as a member of the Society for Pro moting Agriculture ; with the certificate of the election signed by Gov. Caleb Strong. (2) 9417 PARSONS (Samuel H.) Major-Genl., a. d. s. i page 4, signed as Brig.-Genl., "May u, 1777." Military Orders. 9418 PENDLETON (Major Nathaniel) Revolutionary officer, Consti tutional Convention, a. I. s. 5 pages 4, " Savannah, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth. 9419 a. l.s. i page folio and address, "Savannah, June 29, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth. 9420 a. I. s. 4 pages 4 and address, "Savannah, Sept. 2, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth. AUTOGRAPHS. ^3 ~T * l \ 5 . 4 .P a S es 4, "Savannah, June 24, 1786," to Col Wadsworth, giving an account of the illness and death of Genl Nath. Greene. 9422 PENN (William) "The Charter of Charles the Second Kin? o f Great Britain & c . Unto William Penn, Proprietary & c ," 33 pages folio, 1 68 1 Partition Line of New York and Connecticut, 1731, 14 pages folio. Connecticut Charter, n pages folio, 1674! These are all very early copies of the original papers. (3) 9423 PETERS (Richard) M. O. C., a. L s. i page 4 and address 1780 Joseph Trumbull, a. 1. s. i page 4, " Philadelphia, 1777 " John Canfield, a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Sharon, 1778." All M. O. C. (3) 9424 PETERS (Rev. Samuel) Clergyman and Loyalist, author of " A General History of Conn." a. L s. 4 pages folio, " Pimlico, July 22, 1792." Very fine letter to (his kinsman) Rev. Benjamin Trumbull. 9425 a. L s. 4 pages folio, no date (1789), to Rev. Benjamin Trumbull. A fine letter, giving an account of Silas Deane s death, and Mr. Peters views upon his life and political transac tions. 9426 a. L s. 4 pages folio, no date, to Rev. Benj. Trumbull, in re gard to his history of Connecticut a. L s. (7) written from Eng land, 1788-1800, to the Rev. Benjamin Trumbull, about 75 pages, folio and 4. Mr. Peters, as will be seen, was a voluminous cor respondent, these letters averaging more than ten closely written pages each TRUMBULL (Rev. Benjamin) a. L s. June 8, 1789, 2 pages folio, addressed to " The Rev. Samuel Peters, LL.D., Gros- venor Place, Westminster." (9) To be sold as one lot. 9427 PETTIT (Charles) M. O. C., a. I. s. 4 pages folio, "Philadel phia, 1790," to Col. Wadsworth. 9428 PIKE (Nicholas) Author of Arithmetic, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Newbury Port, 1788," and a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Newbury Port, 1789." Written to his publishers in regard to his books Rev. Jedediah Morse, author, a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, " Charlestown, 1801." (3) 9429 PINCKNEY (Charles) Constitutional Convention, M. O. C., a. I. s. i page folio, "New York, 1787." 9430 REVERE (Paul) Engraving of the Boston Massacre of 1770 (Boston, re-published 1832), double folio. Also a portrait of Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of Mass, at that time. (2) 0431 REVOLUTION "A concise Journal or Minutes of the principal Movements towards St. John s (Chambly), of the Siege and Sur render of the Forts there in 1775," and continued to Feb. 23, 1777, 82 pages 8. A most interesting Journal of Rev. Dr. 1 rum- bull, while Chaplain in the Army, giving a detailed account of a) the military operations in which he was engaged during that period. -Also 2 lists, "Returns of Captives, Provisions, Amumtion & Warlike Stores surrendered with the Fort at Chambly, Oct. IS, 154 AUTOGRAPHS. 9432 Account Books, folio and 4, of Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, or connected with his department, 1776-1782. (12) 9433 Official and business letters, written to Col. Jeremiah Wads- worth, the larger portion of them addressed to him as Commissary General of the Revolutionary Army. Among them are a few documents also relating to supplies. 4 bundles, 500 each. 9434 ROOT (Jesse) M. O. C., a. I. s. 2 pages 4, " Philadelphia, May 17, 1782," to Col. Wadsworth. Interesting letter, giving details of the news of the day, business before Congress, &c. 9435 a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Peeks Kill, Head Quarters, July 21, 1777." James Sullivan, Annapolis Convention, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, "Boston, 1797." Col. Joseph Trumbull, a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Peekskill, Aug. 22, 1777." All M. O. C. (3) 9436 RUTLEDGE (Edward) Signer of the Declaration, a. I. s. 3 pages 4, "Oct. 30, 1789." 9437 ~~ a - ? s - 4 pages 4, "Charleston, March 4, 1788." 9438 a. L s. 6 pages 4. "New York, Oct. 21, 1786." ..." I wish our public concerns were more pleasing ; but my good Sir unless they change for the better, and that very soon, we shall have a civil war. The Government of Massachusetts is laid prostrate at the feet of a mob who will stop little short of a distribu tion of Property. I speak of a general Distribution ; for what is an abolition of Debt, but a partial distribution." . . . 9439 a > l - s - 4 pages, 4, " March 27, 1787." 9440 a. I. s. 4 pages 4, "New York, Sept. 26, 1786." Interest ing letter relative to the disposition of Genl. Greene s papers. 9441 a. L s. 4 pages 4, "Charleston, Dec. 24, 1788." 9442 SALTONSTALL (Dudley) Commodore in the Continental Navy, a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Lyme, April 16, 1779." Relative to supplies for his ship. 9443 SALTONSTALL (Gurdon) Colonial Gov. of Conn., 1707-24, d. s. as Governor, 2 pages folio, "New London, 1723-4." 9444 a. d. s. oblong folio, " Hartford, 1724." A military commis sion. Fine wax seal. 9445 SALTONSTALL (Gen. Gurdon) Brig.-Genl. of the Conn, forces in the Penobscot expedition, a. I. s. i page folio and address, " New London, 1768." 9446 SARGENT (Col. Paul Dudley) Revolutionary officer, wounded at Bunker Hill, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, " Feb. 28, 1778 " Col. Richard Platt, Aide to Gen. McDougall, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, 1785. (2) 9447 SEVIER (Gen. John) Revolutionary Officer, First Governor of Tenn., /. s. i page 4, " Knoxville, 1806" - Matthew Griswold, Gov. of Conn., d. s. 3 pages folio, 1765. (2) 9448 SEWALL (Samuel) Chief Justice of Mass., prominent in the Witchcraft Trials, a. d. 24 pages 8, 1688-1710. Portions of his Journal and memoranda; also Samuel Sewall, Jr., a. d.s. 12 pages 8. His daily Journal. (2) AUTOGRAPHS. r ^ 9449 SHIPPEN (Dr. William, Jr.) Director-General of the Revolu- t T 1 T onar y Army, 1777-81, / J. i page folio and address, "Genl Hosp., Philadelphia, Aug. 25, 1777," to Col. Trumbull, in regard to Hospital Stores for the Army. 9450 SIGOURNKY (Lydia Huntley) Poetess. Two autograph Manu script volumes 4 (50 pages), with a presentation inscription, 1810 ( 2 ) 9451 SINCLAIR (Sir John) Agriculturist and Philanthropist, Friend of Washington. Original correspondence between Sir John and Gov. Trumbull respecting Washington s agricultural letters. (A Lot.) 9452 SMITH (Melancthon) M. O. C., a. L s. 2 pages 4 and address, "New York, 1784" Col. Joseph Trumbull, M. O. C., a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address. (2) 9453 STEWART (Col. Charles) Revolutionary officer, M. O. C., a. I. s. 2 pages folio and address, "Philadelphia, March 12, 1782." A fine letter in regard to Army Contracts. 9454 a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, "King s Ferry, 1782"- Charles Pettit, M. O. C., a. I. s. 4 pages 4, "New York, 1786." (2) 9455 STILES (Rev. Ezra) d.s. i page oblong folio, 1780. A Diploma signed as President of Yale College, and signed also by the Faculty Rev. N. Daggett, President of Yale College, d. s. i page oblong folio, 1774. A Diploma, signed also by the Faculty, on vellum. (2) 9456 STRONG (Jedediah) M. O. C., a. L s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Hartford, Jan. 28, 1779." To Col. Wadsworth in regard to supplies furnished for the use of the Army. 9457 a . I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Litchfield, 1775 " - Charles " Pettit, a. L s. 4 pages 4, " New York. 1786 " Joseph Trumbull, a. I. s. i .page 4 and address, "June 13, 1777." All M. O. C. (3) 9458 SULLIVAN (James) Annapolis Convention, M. O. C., a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Boston, July 25, 1797," to Col. Wads- worth. 94CQ SUMNER (Increase) Governor of Mass., 1797-9, d - s - I P a S e folio 1707. Signed also by John Avery. Attestation of a Copy of the " Charter of King William & Queen Mary, of the Province of Mass. Bay in New England." 9460 SWAN (Col. James) Revolutionary officer and Member of the "Tea Party," a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Boston, 1786. 9461 TALLCOTT (Joseph) Colonial Gov. of Conn., 1724-41, d. s. as Governor, 2 pages folio, "Hartford, 1726." 9462 d.s. i page oblong folio (signed twice), 1741- Sign Governor. 9463 TALLCOTT (Matthew) Jurist, a. d. s. three folio volumes, 176: 1774 Records of trials held before him. (3) 9464 TALLMADGE (Col Benjamin) Aide to Washington, had the cus- tod ad AUTOGRAPHS. y of Major Andrd until his execution, a. I s. i page folio and dress, " Haver Straw, Oct. 4 th , 80." To Col. Wadsworth. "... I am thus far on my Return from Head Quarters, where I have finished my last Duty to poor Andre, of whom I wrote you particularly before. I have begged this scrap of paper of Gen l Wayne ... to inform you that Major Andre was hanged on the 2 d in stant, 12 o clock. His conduct was unparalled on the occasion. He met death with a smile, cheartully marching to the place of execution, & bidding his friends, those who had been with him, farewell. He called me to him a few minutes before he swung off, and expressed his Gratitude to me for my Civilities in such a way, and so chearfully bid me adieu, that I was obliged to leave the parade in a flood of Tears. I cannot say enough of his fortitude unfortunate Youth ; I wish Arnold had been in his place. . . ." 9465 a. I. s (25) folio, and 4, 1777-1799. Written to Col. Wads- worth, and giving graphic accounts of events during the Revolu tion, in which he was concerned. (25) 9466 a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "New Port, 1781 " Col. John Fitzgerald, a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, "Alexandria, ^84 " Col. Jonathan Trumbull, Jr., a. d. s. i page 4, 1788, as Secretary of the Society of the Cincinnati. Aides to Washing ton. (3) 9467 THOMAS (Isaiah) Journalist and Author, Editor of the "Massa chusetts Spy," a. I. s. (50) folio and 4, 1780-1799. Interesting letters to his Publishers in regard to his works. (50) 9468 THOMAS (Robert B.) Author of the "Old Farmer s Almanac," a. d. 22 pages folio, "The Art of Surveying and Elements of Geometry." 9469 THOMSON (Charles) Secretary to Congress, M. O. C., d. s. 3 pages folio, " In Congress, Oct. 2, 1778 " Col. Joseph Trum bull, M. O. C., /. s. i page folio, " Philadelphia, 1777," on a Copy of a Resolve of Congress. (2) 9470 d. s. i page folio, " In Congress, Oct. 26, 1778 " ; with a. d. s. (2) each i page 4, "In Congress, 1778." (3) 9471 TRUMBULL (Rev. Benjamin) Historian of Conn., a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Camp at New York, Aug. 13, 1776," and a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, " Lines on the Rights at Harlem, Tues day, ii o clock, Sept. 17, 1776." Most interesting letters, written (to his wife) while acting as Chaplain in the Revolutionary Army, and giving a minute and detailed account of the military move ments in and about New York. (2) See also REVOLUTION, No. 9431 ; and CANADA, No. 9329. 9472 -- a. L s. (10) folio and 4, 1779-1802, written to his Publishers in regard to his works. (10) 9473 TRUMBULL (Col. John) Aide to Washington, Artist, a. I. s. r page 4 and address, "London, 1786," to Col. Wadsworth, in regard to his revolutionary paintings Col. Benj. Tallmadge. Aide to Washington, a. L s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Litchfield^ *793" (2) 9474 -- a. 1. s. i page 4 and address, "Lebanon, July 6, 1782 " Col. Stephen Moylan, Aide to Washington, and Brig.-Genl., a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Harlem heights, Oct. i, 1776." (2) 9475 TRUMBULL (Jonathan) Revolutionary Patriot, and Governor of Conn., a. d. s. i page 4, "New Haven, Dec. 24, 1775." A AUTOGRAPHS. ^7 Permit to pass and repass to Philadelphia ; and d s i page 4 "Lebanon Aug. 17, 1775." Order in regard to transporting stores to the Army. (2) 9476 TRUMBULL (Col Jonathan, Jr.) Aide to Washington, M. C a. /. s. i page 4 and address, "Lebanon, 1781 "Col. John Fitz gerald, Aide to Washington, a. I s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Alex andria, 1784." (2) 9477 a - l - s - i Page 4, "Lebanon, 1801 " Col. Benjamin Tall- madge, Aide to Washington, a. I. s. i page folio and address " Pines Bridge, Oct. 15, 1780," to Col. Wadsworth. (2) 9478 TRUMBULL (Col Joseph) Commissary General of the Revo lutionary Army, M. O. C., a. I. s. i page folio and address, "Philadelphia, May 28, 1777." A fine letter to Col. Wadsworth on public affairs. 9479 a. L s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Cambridge, March 15, 1776." To Col. Wadsworth in regard to supplies of Bread for the Army. 9480 a. I s. (6) folio and 4, 1776-1778. Interesting letters to Col. Wadsworth. (6) 9481 TURNER (Dr. Philip) Surgeon-Gen l of the Eastern Depart ment, in the Revolution, a. L s. i page folio and address, " Dan- bury, Dec. 7, 1777." To Col. Wadsworth in regard to Hospital Stores. 9482 VARNUM (James M.) Brig.-Genl., M. O. C., a. L s. i page folio and address, "Continental Village, Aug. 29, 1777," to Col. Wads- worth in regard to supplies for the army. 9483 WADSWORTH (Col. Jeremiah) Commissary General during the greater part of the Revolution, M. O. C., a. L s. (50) folio or 4, 1776-1802. Interesting letters, written mostly at the time of the war, and upon public service. (50) 9484 a. 1. s. (50) folio or 4, 1776-1802. Interesting letters, writ ten mostly at the time of the war, and upon public service. (50) 9485 WADSWORTH (Peleg) M. O. C., a. d. s. 3 pages 4, "Philadel phia, 1794." A genealogical account of his family Col. Jona. Trumbull, Jr., a. d. s. i page 4, 1788, as Secretary of the Society of the Cincinnati R. R. Livingston, d. s. 2 pages 4, 1781. Signed also by Col. Jere. Wadsworth. All M. O. C. (3) 9486 WAR of 1812. "Orderly Book 25 th Regiment, Infantry, New York, 1813," 109 pages folio Log Book of the Schooner "Order in Council," commissioned by the United States, John Howard, Master, 1812, 38 pages folio. (2) 9487 WARD (Henry) Member of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765, Sec. of the Province of R. L, a. d. s. i page folio, 1797. 0488 WARD (Col Samuel) Revolutionary officer, Member of the Hartford Convention, a. I s. 3 pages 4 and address (4), i7 8 7~ 1790 (4) 9489 WARHAM (Rev. John) First Minister of Windsor, Ct., Rev. Elnathan Chauncey, and other distinguished clergymen of Ct. 158 AUTOGRAPHS. Manuscript Sermons and records, in bound volumes 8, 1652- 1700. (6) 9490 WEBB (Col. Samuel B.) Aide to Washington, a. /. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "New York, Fryday, i o clock May 10, 1776." To his Brother Joseph. " . . . the day before yesterday, 13 Gunda- loes were ordered down to attack the Roebuck & another Man of War, lying 12 miles below the chiveaux de frises, the engagement lasted two Hours very heavy . . . when fortunately the Roebuck of 44 Guns ran on shore. . . . We have reason to suppose the Roe buck now in our possession. ..." Col. Jona. Trumbull, Jr., Aide to Washington, M. O. C., a. L s. i page 4 and address, "Lebanon, 1797." (2) 9491 a. I. s. i page folio and address, " Aug. 16, 1777 " Col. Benj. Tallmadge, Aide to Washington, a. L s. 4 pages folio, "Chestnut Hill, Dec. 24, 1777." (2) 9492 WEBBER (Rev. Samuel, D.JD.) President of Harvard College, 1806-10, a. L s. 3 pages folio, "Cambridge, April 9, 1798." On scientific subjects. 9493 WEBSTER (Noah) Lexicographer and Philologist, a. I. s. (60) folio and 4, 1786-1810, principally to his publishers in regard to his works. (60) 9494 WEST Point Four early engraved views of W 7 est Point, 8, no duplicates. (4) 9495 WHEELOCK (Rev. Eleazer) Founder and first President of Dartmouth College, a. L s. (17) folio and 4, 1767-1777. A series of interesting and important letters written to Rev. David McClure, relating to the early history of the College. (17) See also No. 9342. 9496 WILLIAMS (Gen. Jonathan) Commercial Agent of the U. S. in France, during the Revolution, /. s. i page 4 and address, 4< Nantes, 1 782 " Col. James Swan, Member of the "Tea- party," a. L s. i page 4 and address, " Boston, 1785 " Joseph Hawley, Revolutionary Patriot, d. s. i page folio, 1779. (3) 9497 WILSON (James) Signer of the Declaration, a. L s. i page folio and address, "March 4, 1781," to Hon. John Holker, in regard to a Bond of Benedict Arnold, and of legal proceedings thereupon. In fine condition. 9498 a. d. s. i page folio. A Copy of a Bond of Benedict Arnold. ADDENDA. 9499 ANDRE (Major John) Four early engravings of the capture of Major Andre , 8 with a facsimile of the pen and ink portrait drawn by himself the day before his execution, i page folio, 1834. (5) 9500 CONTINENTAL Currency, etc. A Scrap-Book containing about 200 pieces, Continental money, shin plasters, etc., laid in loose ; the lot. 9501 CASTELL (William) Petition exhibited to Parliament for the propagating of the gospel in America and the West Indies,//. 8. sm. 4 London, 1641 Very rare. Reprinted in Force s Tracts, Vol. i. PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS IN THE FIFTH PART OF THE BRINLEY LIBRARY WERE SOLD April 1 8th -20th 1893 AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. C. F. LIBBIE & CO. 666 Washington Street BOSTON Nos. 8038-8250. 8051 3.50 8101 1.50 8151 4.50 8201 .50 8052 1.62 8102 2.50 8152 16.00 8202 2.75 8053 2.75 8103 1.37 8153 17.00 8203 .70 8054 8.50 8104 2.00 8154 30.00 8204 13.75 8055 .25 8105 .60 8155 2.00 8205 1.75 8056 1.87 8106 2.00 8156 2.25 8206 5.85 8057 1.50 8107 8.50 8157 8.00 8207 6.00 8058 1.25 8108 .60 8158 1.50 8208 1.75 8059 3.25 8109 1.12 8159 .50 8209 2.25 8060 5.25 8110 2.50 8160 2.50 8210 3.00 8061 4.75 8111 3.00 8161 1.75 8211 1.00 8062 14.00 8112 3.00 8162 16.00 8212 1.00 8063 1.50 8113 1.25 8163 2.25 8213 8.00 8064 2.25 8114 2.50 8164 1.00 8214 3.12 8065 1.12 8115 4.00 8165 4.87 8215 4.87 8066 .75 8116 2.12 8166 375 8216 .50 8067 2 12 8117 1.20 8167 4.50 8217 8.40 8068 .90 8118 1.62 8168 1.25 8218 6.50 8069 3.00 8119 5.00 8169 10.50 8219 1.75 8070 1.50 8120 2.25 8170 3.00 8220 6.00 8071 1.25 8121 6.00 8171 3.00 8221 2.00 8072 3.00 8122 1.37 8172 105.00 8222 1.75 8073 25.00 8123 2.00 8173 5.50 8223 .30 8074 109.50 8124 1.87 8174 4.25 8224 3.50 8075 36.00 8125 2.00 8175 4.50 8225 1.05 8076 1.50 8126 3.50 8176 11.70 8226 1.12 8077 4.50 8127 3.00 8177 5.00 8227 1.10 8078 1.00 8128 1.00 8178 .70 8228 1.60 8079 .25 8129 4.50 8179 4.95 8229 1.00 8080 1.75 8130 4.00 8180 6.00 8230 3.58 8081 .30 8131 2.12 8181 3.90 8231 2.70 8082 3.50 8132 25.00 8182 8.50 8232 2.50 8083 3.50 8133 8.50 8183 .87 8233 2.00 + 8084 .60 8184 .90 8184 .50 8234 1.25 8085 .60 8135 1.12 8185 4.50 8235 1.25 8086 .50 8136 .87 8186 8.00 8236 .50 8087 10.40 8137 12.00 8187 2.60 8237 2.00 8038 3.38 8088 .87 8138 5.00 8188 .87 8238 2.75 8039 .62 8089 5.50 8139 15.00 8189 4.00 8239 3.50 8040 11.50 8090 1.25 8140 4.12 8190 4.12 8240 6.25 8041 6.87 8091 5.50 8141 2.12 8191 16.00 8241 11.25 8042 9.37 8092 1.62 8142 2.00 8192 8.00 8242 4.37 8043 5.50 8093 .62 8143 .37 8193 3.50 8243 1.50 8044 3.65 8094 1.00 8144 .87 8194 3.50 8244 5.00 8045 3.00 8095 1.30 8145 4.50 8195 3.00 8245 4.37 8046 1.25 8096 12.00 8146 2.25 8196 .75 8246 6.00 8047 .50 8097 .75 8147 9.50 8197 1.50 8247 10.75 8048 2.00 8098 1.38 8148 22.00 8198 6.00 8248 1.75 8049 .60 8099 1.50 8149 .20 8199 7.00 8249 2.62 8050 7.25 8100 1.00 8150 2.75 8200 1.40 8250 12.50 Nos. 8251-8500. 8251 1722 8301 2.00 8351 2.12 8401 4.00 8451 1.37 8252 2.00 8302 .87 8352 1.00 8402 6.50 8452 12.00 8253 5.25 8303 2.25 8353 1.50 8403 1.25 8453 .50 8254 5.40 8304 .50 8354 2.25 8404 2.50 8454 .62 8255 5.85 8305 107.50 8355 3.25 8405 19.00 8455 .75 8256 6.00 8306 .50 8356 1.25 8406 15.75 8456 1.87 8257 1.87 8307 1.20 8357 1.20 8407 4.75 8457 .75 8258 3.50 8308 .80 8358 .20 8408 2.50 8458 .75 8259 10.50 8309 1.12 8359 1.00 8409 2.25 8459 .62 8260 2.25 8310 1.00 8360 1.00 8410 2.00 84GO 9.00 8261 7.87 8311 .50 8361 .80 8411 1.37 8461 14.00 8262 .87 8312 .50 8362 .87 8412 5.00 8462 76.00 8263 2.40 8313 2.50 8363 1.25 8413 2.25 8403 14.00 8264 8.75 8314 1.50 8364 1.62 8414 1.67 8464 3.50 8265 .50 8315 1.00 8365 1.00 8415 1.50 8465 2.00 8266 8267 72.00 83} 6 1.75 8317 6.60 1.00 8366 8367 .87 7.50 8416 8417 1.75 2.50 8466 8467 .45 2.00 8268 1.50 8318 1.00 8368 2.75 8418 5.00 8468 .62 8269 .62 8319 1.75 8369 3.25 8419 7.12 8469 .62 8270 .75 8320 .62 I 8370 4.50 8420 4.80 8470 1.25 8271 1.20 8321 4.00 8371 40.00 8421 1.25 8471 1.25 8272 .62 8322 10.50 8372 .50 8422 3.50 8472 .25 8273 1.37 8323 1.75 8373 .20 8423 1.50 8473 2.00 8274 1.00 8324 4.00 8374 2.10 8424 1.25 8474 3.00 8275 1.25 8325 .87 8375 1.50 8425 1.00 8475 1.87 8276 1.25 8326 .90 8376 .40 8426 1.25 8476 1.50 8277 5.00 8327 .50 8377 1.25 8427 1.87 8477 3.00 8278 1.87 8328 4.00 8378 .40 8428 .62 8478 4.00 8279 5.00 8329 6.25 8379 10.00 8429 2.62 8479 2.12 8280 3.50 8330 12.00 8380 .50 8430 1.25 8480 4.50 8281 .75 8331 1.50 8381 1.25 8431 2.20 8481 .37 8282 1.75 8332 .40 8382 .50 8432 1.50 8482 .87 8283 23.00 8333 4.00 8383 .37 8433 1.05 8483 3.00 8284 .88 8334 1.00 8384 8.50 8434 430.00 8484 1.00 8285 5.50 8335 .37 8385 5.00 8435 280.00 8485 .40 8286 .20 8336 .87 8386 17.00 8436 1.00 8486 .50 8287 4.50 8337 15.00 8387 1.00 8437 3.25 8487 .37 8288 .37 8338 2.50 8388 2.25 8438 6.00 8488 1.75 8289 .50 8339 10.00 8389 3.10 8439 1.12 8489 1.62 8290 .87 8340 1.25 8390 .87 8440 4.00 8490 2.50 8291 4.00 8341 21.00 8391 10.50 8441 5.50 8491 4.50 8292 2.00 8342 1.00 8392 2.25 8442 3.50 8492 .75 8293 2.25 8343 .50 8393 .87 8443 5.00 8493 .25 or* 8294 .60 8344 .20 8394 30.00 8444 5.50 8494 .87 8295 .75 8345 .87 8395 1.00 8445 6.50 8495 1.50 8296 3.25 8346 6.00 8396 15.50 8446 1.50 8496 1.10 A f\ 8297 8298 8299 8300 3.00 1.40 10.50 1.62 8347 8348 8349 8350 2.25 1.62 .50 .60 8397 8398 8399 8400 5.00 3.00 4.00 90.00 8447 8448 8449 8450 1.25 1.00 1.00 4.25 8497 8498 8499 8500 .4U .40 2.00 2.75 Nos. 8501-8750. 8501 .75 8551 10.35 8601 1.00 8651 4.50 8701 2.75 8502 .75 8552 .62 8602 7.87 8652 9.00 8702 .37 8503 .2.00 8553 2.25 8603 1.50 8653 5.50 8703 1.75 8504 2.00 8554 1.25 8604 2.25 8654 1.87 8704 .87 8505 7.50 8555 3.00 8605 4.87 8655 2.75 8705 .62 8506 8.50 8556 .18 j 8606 7.92 8656 9.75 8706 .10 8507 5.25 8557 6.25 8607 1.50 8657 1.25 8707 6.00 8508 18.70 8558 8.10 8608 4.25 8658 3.12 8708 7.50 8509 .82 8559 3.00 8609 3.00 8659 6.50 8709 16.00 8510 .20 8560 .50 8610 1.57 8660 3.25 8710 12.15 8511 1.75 8561 .30 8611 3.00 8661 .10 8711 110.00 8512 .87 8562 .75 8612 5.62 8662 9.50 8712 2.00 8513 4.00 8563 7.50 8613 4.20 8663 1.00 8713 .62 8514 .40 8564 1.02 8614 .50 8664 5.00 8714 3.00 8515 2.25 8565 38.50 8615 .15 8665 1.25 j 8715 3.75 8516 1.12 8566 45.00 8616 1.50 8666 *5 8716 .62 8517 .75 8567 6.00 8617 13.50 8667 1.50 8717 1.00 8518 .50 8568 .50 8618 .37 8668 1.50 8718 26.00 8519 4.50 8569 .10 8619 .30 8669 6.50 8719 3.60 8520 1.25 8570 3.75 8620 7.35 8670 16.50 8720 1.30 8521 .20 8571 1.00 8621 4.50 8671 6.80 8721 12.80 8522 .50 8572 2.30 8622 8.75 8672 5.00 8722 3.50 8523 26.00 8573 10.35 8623 5.00 8673 2.25 8723 1.50 8524 1.53 8574 5.75 8624 15.13 8674 8.25 8724 3.00 8525 .62 8575 3.96 8625 19.80 8675 1.62 8725 7.00 8526 .75 8576 2.24 8626 16.20 8676 13.75 8726 2.00 8527 .50 8577 .50 8627 5.00 8677 .62 8727 1.00 8528 14.00 8578 .50 8628 4.20 8678 5.25 8728 3.00 8529 10.63 8579 2.75 8629 1.75 8679 1.50 8729 1.75 8530 7.75 8580 2.12 8630 45.00 8680 7.25 8730 13.00 8531 6.50 8581 1.00 8631 1.00 8681 7.50 8731 4.50 8532 7.50 8582 3.00 8632 9.00 8682 2.25 8732 .80 B533 8,40 8583 6.25 8633 12.00 8683 5.20 8733 3.12 8534 6.50 8584 5.75 8634 93.50 8684 5.60 8734 13.50 8535 3.00 8585 4.00 8635 1.50 8685 1.00 8735 .50 8536 .87 8586 3.00 8636 2.75 8686 4.50 8736 1.50 8537 8587 3.00 8637 .25 8687 8.00 8737 .40 8538 13.50 8588 6.75 8638 .75 8688 3.84 ; 8738 20.00 8539 19.50 8589 6.00 8639 2.12 8689 1.25 8739 1.75 8540 30.00 8590 2.00 8640 .15 8690 8.50 8740 1.50 8541 2. 25 |8591 .50 8641 .25 8691 16.50 8741 1.75 8542 1.25 8592 2.25 8642 .25 8692 1.75 8742 .37 8543 4.00 8593 7.50 8643 .75 8693 .75 8743 1.50 8544 1.50 8594 4.05 8644 .60 8694 4.50 ! 8744 2.25 8545 .40 8595 1.00 8645 .25 8695 33.60 8745 16.00 8546 .20 8596 2.00 8646 3.50 8696 .50 8746 .60 8547 1.00 i 8597 4.50 8647 .35 8697 .50 8747 8.00 3548 31.00 8598 3.75 8648 .90 8698 .50 : 8748 .75 3549 1.25 8599 20.00 8649 2.00 8699 2.00 8749 .55 8550 2.97 | 8600 7.92 8650 1.00 i 8700 6.00 ! 8750 16.00 Nos. 8751-9000. 8751 12.00 8801 .50 8851 2.75 8901 .87 8951 .45 8752 12.75 8802 7.25 8852 11.00 8902 6.00 8952 4.00 8753 22.00 8803 3.50 8853 11.00 8903 54.00 8953 5.00 8754 1.00 8804 2.87 8854 .50 8904 .50 8954 .30 8755 2.40 8805 1.00 8855 1.00 8905 2.25 8955 1.80 8756 5.50 8806 1.12 8856 .75 8906 1.25 8956 1.25 8757 4.50 8807 1.00 8857 1.80 8907 4.25 8957 .15 8758 7.00 8808 7.60 8858 .50 8908 1.25 8958 .75 8759 11.00 8809 12.60 8859 31.00 8909 1.50 8959 .60 8760 39.00 8810 6.30 8860 1.25 8910 3.00 8960 2.50 8761 40.00 8811 2.50 8861 .87 8911 7.00 8961 .87 8762 3.50 8812 .10 8862 3.25 8912 12.60 8962 1.25 8763 3.50 8813 2.00 8863 10.00 8913 .50 8963 4.00 8764 5.50 8814 5.50 8864 15.00 8914 4.50 8964 .10 8765 3.25 8815 5.00 8865 1.25 8915 2.37 8965 .70 8766 1.50 i 8816 450 8866 7.50 8916 9.00 8966 3.00 8767 5.00 ! 8817 3.50 8867 115.00 8917 1.37 8967 250.00 8768 1.25 8818 .75 8868 45.00 8918 8.00 8968 .50 8769 1.00 8819 10.00 8869 64.00 8919 1.25 8969 2.00 8770 16 00 i 8820 3.50 8870 3.25 8920 16.00 8970 .75 8771 .75 8821 2.50 8871 .90 8921 .87 8971 20.00 8772 .75 8822 .20 8872 6.25 8922 5.00 8972 21.00 8773 1.20 8823 1.00 8873 .87 8923 57.50 8973 1.75 8774 3.00 8824 2.75 8874 .40 8924 1.37 8974 3.57 8775 7.50 8825 .20 8875 5.25 8925 .50 8975 6.75 8776 1.87 8826 .50 8876 1.00 j 8926 2.00 8976 25.00 8777 2.50 8827 7.50 8877 .37 8927 4.50 8977 .50 8778 1.50 8828 .40 8878 10.00 8928 G.OO 8978 61.00 8779 1.50 8829 .60 8879 4.25 8929 50.00 8979 .75 8780 2.50 ! 8830 .75 8880 11.00 8930 1.00 8980 .25 8781 1.05 | 8831 6.00 8881 9.00 8931 .80 8981 1.00 8782 1.50)8832 .87 8882 13.00 8932 .87 8982 4.50 8783 1.50 8833 1.12 8883 1.25 8933 5.00 8983 1.12 8784 1.00 8834 .50 8884 .37 8934 262 8984 2.25 8785 5.50 8835 .62 8885 4.50 8935 1.00 8985 .25 8786 30.00 8836 1.75 8886 .75 8936 .65 1 8986 1.62 8787 31.00 8837 9.00 8887 1.25 8937 .75 8987 1.75 8788 2.25 8838 5.50 8888 7.00 8938 18.00 8988 .62 8789 1.50 8839 17.00 8889 4.50 8939 2.75 8989 6.00 8790 4.00 8840 37.00 8890 .62 8940 4.50 8990 27.50 8791 2.75 8841 .20 8891 16.50 8941 19.00 8991 .75 8792 1.75 i 8842 1.75 8892 1.50 8942 .75 8992 8.12 8793 .40 8843 1.50 i 8893 1.50 8943 .25 i 8993 3.00 8794 10.00 8844 1.25 8894 2.00 8944 3. 50 8994 135.00 8795 4.00 8845 4.50 8895 2.50 8945 .50 ! 8995 .75 8796 1.50 8846 6.50 8896 1.00 8946 9.50 8996 1.12 8797 2.37 8847 1.00 i 8897 1.75 8947 9.00 8997 4.00 8798 11.00 8848 4.12 8898 .75 8948 20.00 8998 8.50 8799 8800 10.50 20.00 8849 8850 1.00 8899 2.25 8900 .37 8949 2.00 8950 .50 8999 .75 9000 1.37 22.80 Nos. 90O1 >25O. 001 425 9051 $.3 9101 1 2 15 W51 te 9301 002 15.00 9052 1.75 9102 3.00 9152 .87 9202 2.50 003 .10 9053 5.25 9103 450 9153 50 vm 004 99.00 9054 3.75 9104 6.40 9154 4.00 9S04 1.00 mOO 1)055 12.00 9105 2.10 9135 1.80 905 9.00 910* 21 00 9156 1.75 92Q6 007 1.20 9067 10. 50 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2.20 9078 21.20 9128 3.75 9178 1.50 9228 : 029 1.92 9079 402 9129 14.10 9179 .50 9229 1.95 9080 3.15 9130 4.00 9180 8.50 9930 : 031 2.80 9081 7.47 9131 12.90 9181 1 CO 9231 8.00 032 6. -50 9082 6.60 9132 4.00 9182 8.77 9232 - 8.25 9083 .57 9133 30.00 9183 20.00 9233 13.50 034 425 9084 .72 9134 1.25 9184 4-00 9234 : - 3.00 9085 9.35 9135 .50 9185 100.00 9235 1.85 3086 5.25 9138 4.00 9186 7.00 9236 4.50 *)37 8.75 9087 2.60 9137 15.00 9187 1.00 9237 70.00 3.25 9068 2.75 9138 .60 9186 40 9238 27.37 3.00 9089 16.10 9139 1.87 9189 9.50 9239 7.00 12.00 9090 31.90 9140 .60 9190 9.50 9240 .75 1041 4.25 9091 46.80 9141 .87 9191 .30 9241 4 > 1.25 9092 8.75 9142 .20 9193 .25 9343 - 2.12 9093 1.65 9143 .37 9193 16.00 9243 . - 1044 5.00 9094 2.62 9144 .50 9194 .50 9244 :- 525 9095 4.76 9145 .50 9195 .25 9245 - - 1.37 909* 8.40 914t> .87 9196 .10 9246 , 9.00 S097 1.65 9147 10.00 9197 .75 1 9247 12.00 9098 2.50 9148 8.50 9196 3.25 924$ 7.00 4.00 9099 3.25 9149 .15 9199 4.50 9249 .50 3.75 9100 98.40 9150 .50 9900 3.75 ; 9950 9.00 Now, WOOO. 02.M 1,7ft OHO I U.OO OH )I W 04 /l V4 /i , ttSJJW 4.0ft OHO 1 . 1" Mil OHM I JM 04<W \ *fo V4 { f s ) 92ftH .10 HHOH 7.JJO OHM juo! 040H 4 W nw 02ft4 .1ft OH04 HO, 00 OHM i n \ M04 w w V404 Vs 92ftft 13.00 WHOft I.HO OHftft i #> 1MW) w w V4W it 02ftO .4ft woo 4 ftft OHM I M) M0) m V4W 4. 9257 .25 OH07 1000 OH57 ,00 04<tf i 20 V4V/ to 9258 1500 OHOH 1 00 OHM |f)0 0</ 04M i.w V40^ % 0250 20.00 OHOO 1.50 OHM HO 00 044/0 Vi!;V v. 9260 45.00 OHIO 02.50 OHOO 20 W 0410 .70 V4W 9261 14.00 OH 11 40.00 OHOI 1 25 0411 7,00 V4^Jl t$. 9262 1.00 0312 0.00 OH02 HO 00 04 12 V402 2. 9263 1.25 03 IH 4.12 OHOH 05 .00 14.0V V4ti^ w. 9264 25. (X) 0314 .02 OH04 1 00 0414 * W V44/4 2ftO. 9265 .25 9315 2.00 0305 1. 00 0410 J.W V4<iO 7. 9266 .50 9316 805.00 OHM 1 .20 0410 1.20 V4W 8. 9267 .50 9317 320.00 0307 ,75 9417 2.00 V4^}7 20. 9268 11.00 0318 2.00 0308 1*4.00 941* 31.00 94ft 3 : 9269 120.00 9319 47.50 0300 71 .00 0419 %.(H) V46V 9270 70.00 0320 77.50 0370 33.25 94#0 10.00 9470 ]. 9271 1.75 9321 5.00 0371 77.00 9421 02.00 9473 52. 9272 .10 9322 1.25 0372 1.00 0422 80 W 9472 12. 9273 3.50 9323 .87 9373 2.25 9428 2.02 9478 6. 9274 3.50 9324 2.25 9374 80.00 9424 00 9474 4. 9275 .10 9325 14.25 9375 1.70 0420 28.00 9470 8. 9276 .75 9326 23.00 9376 2.25 9426 25.00 947<i 2. 9277 .15 9327 6.00 9377 60. 00 9427 2.25 9477 2. 9278 5.70 9328 3.00 9378 . 9428 1.20 947fe 8. 9279 1.20 9329 90.00 9379 2.00 9429 .50 9479 10. 9280 8.00 9330 1.25 93*>0 3.00 9430 2.20 94^0 . 9281 2.50 9331 2.00 9381 1.00 9431 97.50 94bl 2. 9282 1.87 9332 21.00 9382 5.50 9432 9C.OO 9482 IS. 9283 1.45 9333 4.50 4.00 9433 420.00 9488 62. 9284 6.00 9334 4.00 93S4 500 9434 1.00 9484 65. 9285 25.00 9335 8.00 9385 8.00 9435 3.3^ 94SD 1. 9286 13.50 9336 1.00 9386 4.25 9436 9.00 1*486 1. 9287 16.00 9337 6.00 93S7 170.00 9437 9.50 9487 j 9288 .30 9338 .40 9388 14.00 9438 i.flB !*4B S. 9289 1.00 9339 7.50 9389 3.75 8.(K) 9489 12. 9290 1.00 9340 9.75 9390 2.00 9440 ^ (( 9490 36 9291 1.62 9341 21.00 9391 36.00 9441 ft. 00 i*491 30 0292 .20 9342 29.25 9392 .87 9442 12. (0 &482 1, 9293 2.00 9343 22.00 9393 2.35 -. 2.25 J*4F 1C. 9294 .20 9344 2.62 9394 70.00 9444 S.OO 94R4 12. 9295 32.00 9345 .75 9395 4.50 9445 2.50 . ( *49n 2S 9296 23.00 9346 1.12 10.50 H446 2.25 1. 9297 6.50 9347 1.87 * 1.50 9447 4. or 9487 fi. 9298 6.00 9348 .50 > 1.50 944S 54.00 WS . 9299 10.00 9349 .20 9399 11.70 . 1.5(i 8 9300 .80 9350 6.00 9400 11.50 .- 4.00 18. Total. .-.*-;. >, r Nos. 9001-9250. 9001 4.25 9051 6.50 9101 12.15 9151 .62 9201 3.00 9002 15.00 9052 1.75 9102 3.00 9152 .87 9202 2.50 9003 .10 9053 5.25 9103 4.50 9153 .50 9203 2.00 9004 99.00 9054 3.75 9104 6.40 9154 4.00 9204 1.00 9005 19.00 9055 12.00 9105 2.10 9155 3.00 9205 12.00 9006 1.80 9056 9.00 9106 21.00 9156 1.75 9206 10.50 9007 1.20 9057 10.50 9107 6.60 9157 2.25 9207 1.62 9008 13.50 9058 7500 9108 10.01 9158 3.00 9208 3.25 9009 .50 9059 5.00 9109 2.40 9159 .50 9209 4.00 9010 .87 9060 12.50 9110 6.40 9160 .25 9210 1.50 9011 2.25 9061 16.25 9111 14.95 9161 .75 9211 2.25 9012 1.80 9062 34.00 9112 11.25 9162 3.25 9212 2.00 9013 .60 9063 7349 9113 2.20 9163 9213 .75 9014 1.05 9064 40.00 9114 2.10 9164 1.75 9214 .87 9015 3.25 9065 14.25 9115 2.40 9165 1.75 9215 .50 9016 2.10 9066 12.75 9116 19.50 9166 2.50 9216 .37 9017 1.12 9067 87.50 9117 111.60 9167 .40 9217 .25 9018 1.22 9068 2.15 9118 30.00 9168 1.25 9218 .25 9019 1 22 9069 2.25 9119 908 9169 1.50 9219 .40 9020 4.05 9070 66.30 9120 2.10 9170 1.50 9220 4.00 9021 4.80 9071 19.97 9121 1.65 9171 16.00 9221 2.12 9022 1.40 9072 12.37 9122 8.85 9172 4.00 9222 3.25 9023 4.00 9073 8.75 9123 9.87 9173 .37 9223 7.00 9024 1.75 9074 4.60 9124 650 9174 1.50 9224 2.50 9025 1 35 9075 1.20 9125 1.35 9175 2.25 9225 9.50 9026 1.35 9076 .70 9126 41.47 9176 8.50 9226 .50 9027 .80 9077 7.80 9127 3.32 9177 1.25 9227 1.87 9028 2.20 9078 21.20 9128 3.75 9178 1.50 9228 1.00 9029 1.92 9079 4.02 9129 14.10 9179 .50 9229 3.00 9030 1.95 9080 3.15 9130 4.00 9180 8.50 9230 1.00 9031 2.80 9081 7.47 9131 12.90 9181 1.00 9231 8.00 9032 6.50 9082 6.60 9132 4.00 9182 8.77 9232 6.50 9033 8.25 9083 .57 9133 30.00 9183 20.00 9233 13.50 9034 425 9084 .72 9134 1.25 9184 4.00 9234 1.05 9035 3.00 9085 9.35 9135 .50 9185 100.00 9235 2.25 9036 1.85 9086 5.25 9136 4.00 9186 7.00 9236 4.50 9037 8.75 9087 2.60 9137 15.00 9187 1.00 9237 70.00 9038 3.25 9088 2.75 9138 .60 9188 40 9238 27.37 9039 3.00 9089 16.10 9139 1.87 9189 9.50 9239 7.00 9040 12.00 9090 31.90 9140 .60 9190 9.50 9240 .75 9041 4.25 9091 46.80 9141 .87 9191 .30 9241 468.00 9042 1.25 9092 8.75 9142 .20 9192 .25 9242 88.00 9043 2.12 9093 1.65 9143 .37 9193 16.00 9243 65.00 9044 5.00 9094 2.62 9144 .50 9194 .50 9244 240.00 9045 5.25 9095 4.76 9145 .50 9195 .25 9245 5.62 9046 1.37 9096 8.40 9146 .87 9196 .10 9246 9.00 9047 9.00 9097 1.65 9147 10.00 9197 .75 9247 2.12 9048 12.00 9098 2.50 9148 8.50 9198 2.25 9248 7.00 9049 4.00 9099 3.25 9149 .15 9199 4.50 9249 .50 9050 3.75 9100 28.40 9150 .50 9200 3.75 9250 9.00 Nos. 9251-9500. 9251 1.75 9301 12.00 9351 5.50 9401 3.00 9451 .75 9252 4.95 9302 10.00 9352 1.25 9402 1.25 9452 1.00 9253 .10 9303 7.20 9353 2.25 9403 4.00 9453 1.75 9254 .15 9304 39.00 9354 1.75 9404 66.50 9454 3.00 9255 13.00 9305 1.30 9355 1.25 9405 13.50 9455 1.50 9256 .45 9306 4.55 9356 1.00 9406 .62 9456 4.00 9257 .25 9307 16.00 9357 .60 9407 1.25 9457 2.25 9258 15.00 9308 1.00 9358 150.00 9408 1.00 9458 2.25 9259 20.00 9309 1.50 9359 30.00 9409 1.25 9459 3.00 9260 45.00 9310 62.50 9360 26.00 9410 .75 9460 .50 9261 14.00 9311 49.00 9361 1.25 9411 7.50 9461 3.00 9262 1.00 9312 6.00 9362 30.00 9412 8.00 j 9462 2.00 9263 1.25 9313 4.12 9363 65.00 9413 14.00 9463 60.00 9264 25.00 9314 .62 9364 1.50 9414 8.00 9464 260.00 9265 .25 9315 2.00 9365 1.00 9415 1.00 9465 87.50 9266 .50 9316 805.00 9366 1.25 9416 1.25 9466 3.37 9267 .50 9317 320.00 9367 .75 9417 2.50 9467 25.00 9268 11.00 9318 2.00 9368 34.00 9418 11.50 9468 .75 9269 120.00 9319 47.50 9369 71.00 9419 8.00 ! 9469 .75 9270 70.00 9320 77.50 9370 33.25 9420 15.00 9470 1.05 9271 1.75 9321 5.00 9371 77.50 9421 52.00 9471 52.00 9272 .10 9322 1.25 9372 1.50 9422 30.00 9472 12.50 9273 3.50 9323 .87 9373 2.25 9423 2.62 9473 6.00 9274 3.50 9324 2.25 9374 30.00 9424 6.50 9474 4.00 9275 .10 9325 14.25 9375 1.75 9425 23.00 9475 300 9276 .75 9326 23.00 9376 2.25 9426 25.00 9476 2.00 9277 .15 9327 6.00 9377 60.00 9427 2.25 9477 2.50 9278 5.70 9328 3.00 9378 26.00 9428 1.20 9478 8.00 9279 1.20 9329 90.00 9379 2.00 9429 .50 9479 10.50 9280 8.00 9330 1.25 9380 3.00 9430 2.25 9480 6.00 9281 2.50 9331 2.00 9381 1.00 9431 97.50 9481 2.25 9282 1.87 9332 21.00 9382 5.50 9432 96.00 9482 13.00 9283 1.45 9333 4.50 9383 4.00 9433 420.00 9483 62.50 9284 6.00 9334 4.00 9384 5.00 9434 1.00 9484 65.00 9285 25.00 9335 8.00 9385 8.00 9435 3.38 9485 1.65 9286 13.50 9336 1.00 9386 4.25 9436 9.00 9486 16.00 9287 16.00 9337 6.00 9387 170.00 9437 9.50 9487 .87 9288 .30 9338 .40 9388 14.00 9438 9.00 9488 3.00 9289 1.00 9339 7.50 9389 3.75 9439 9.00 9489 12.00 9290 1 00 9340 9.75 9390 2.00 9440 9.00 9490 3600 9291 1.62 9341 21.00 9391 26.00 9441 9.00 9491 30.00 9292 .20 9342 29.25 9392 .87 9442 12.00 9492 1.25 9293 9294 2.00 .20 9343 9344 22.00 2.62 9393 9394 2.25 70.00 9443 9444 2.25 3.00 9493 9494 10.50 13.20 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 32.00 23.00 6.50 6.00 10.00 .80 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 .75 1.12 1.87 .50 .20 6.00 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 4.50 10.50 1.50 1.50 11.70 11.50 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 2.50 2.25 4.00 54.00 1.50 4.00 9495 9496 9497 9498 9499 9500 29.75 1.87 6.00 6.00 8.12 13.00 Total, $14,643.85 SUMMARY. First Part, $48,723.90 32,690.24 23,716.33 7,363.80 . 14,648.86 Total sales,. . . . $127,13tU2 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. / /4U THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY