UC-NRLF SD7 v AMERICAN - ELITES SOCIOLOGIST BLUE BO OK t I I C IC LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST BLUE BOOK PROGRESSIVE AMERICANS PROMINENT IN ^K $001 AL, INDUSTRIAL AND FINANCIAL WORLD. Edited and compiled under supervision of THOMAS WILLIAM HERRING SHAW Author of Prominent Men and Women of the Day, Aids to Literary Success, Local and National Poets of America, Herringshaw s Library of American Biography, American Blue Books of Biography and numerous other works. One thing is forever good That one thing is success. REPRESENTATION A CRITERION OF DISTINCTION Published Annually by the AMERICAN BLUE BOOK PUBLISHERS 2512 N. Halsied St., Chicago, 111. PRICE TEN DOLLARS Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1922 . . . . *i . in the office of the Librarian tjif Con gress at Washington, B.C. . . N\ . GIFT FOREWORD THE AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Presents in one volume a galaxy of six thousand representative Business Men, Di rectors and the Professions, Economists, Founders, Humanitarians, Social Workers, and Member .3 of Elite Clubs, Societies and other Or ganizations prominent in the Social, Industrial and Financial Develop ment of our Beloved Commonwealth. These representative Citizens of character and influence, by their enterprise and thrift,-, by- .tl^eir activity -.and sagacity -in business, and by their zeal in educational, social and public matters, have contributed vastly to the moral, spiritual and material prosperity of the community in which they live : . ? As Builders, iiaid"Mtrchant>5,. they haves erected; buildings and il lumined the marts of trade; in the field of Science and Medicine they have obtained great prominence; in the arena of Statesmanship they have produced men of thought and men of action ; while at the Bar and in the administration of Justice they have shown erudition and wisdom. As Clergymen, Educators and Lecturers they have occupied high places; as Artists, Musicians, Composers and Authors they have contributed profusely to social life; and last, but not least, as Members of Clubs, Societies and other Organizations, they have been an invaluable factor in the uplift of thought and progress in all lines of human effort. THE EDITOR. M870851 LIVES OF GflEAT MEN ALL REMIND US ME CAN MAKE OUR LIVES SUBLIME, AND, DEPARTING, LEAVE BEHIND US FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. ArDENDA Arnold, Nelson B., Business President, of 71 Otsego Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Keystone Varnish Com pany; and vice-president and treasurer of theJames Nassau Company, and prominent in business and public affairs. Barnes, Frederick A., Business President of 45 Waldo Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of the Rhode Island Y^cht Club, and the Providence Chamber of Commerce. He was born Sept. 5, 1869, in Smithfield, R.I. ; and received an academic education. Since 1899 he has been with the Jencks Paper Box Company, of which corporation he is now vice-president and secretary. He ; s identified with various other business enterprises; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. In 1902 lie married Miss Anna A. Knapp; and they reside at 640 Public Street, Providence, R.I. Baur, Bertha, Directress, of Oak Street and Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Board of Woman s City Club, and is also a membeivof the Cin cinnati Woman s Club, the Cincinnati Sym phony Orchestra Association, and other organizations. She was born in^ Cleveland, Ohio ; and was educated at the Colleges in Ann Arbor and in Cincinnati. She is di rectress and president of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music ; and prominent in the musical and social affairs of her city. Beers, Clifford Whittin^ham, Sociologist and author, of Englewood, N.J!, was born March 30, 1876, in New Haven, Conn. In 1897 he graduated from Yale University; and in 1922 received honorary degree of M. A. from that institution of learning, lie is the founder and secretary of the Na- t : onul Committee for Mental Hygiene; a 1 1 secretary of the organizing committee for Mental Hygiene, in process of formation. He is the author of A Mind That Found It self. He is a member of the National In stitute of Social Science, the Yale Club of New York, the Berzelius Society of Yale University, the Englewood Club, and the Knickerbocker Country Club. In 1912 he married Miss Clara Louise Jepson; and they reside in Englewood, N.J. Berdeau, Ray W., Civil Engineer of Man ila, P.I. He is president of the Manila Rot ary Club, and a member of various other clubs and societies. He has attained, success as a noted engineer, and holds the rank of Major of Engineers in the United States Reserve Corps. He is vice-president of the ManilaPost of Society of American Milit ary Engineers, and has filled many posi- stions of trust and honor. He was born in 1888 in Watertown, N.Y. Since ,1907 harf been actively engaged in engineering in the Arctic, Panama, Central and South Amer ica. He was a member of the Engineering Corps during the World- War, and was aft erwards connected with improvements in New York Harbor. Since 1920 he has been manager of the Vacuum Oil Company of the Philippine Islands. He is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers, Am erican Society of Military Engineers, is a thirty-two degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a member of Nile Temple, Seattle. In 1913 he married Miss Frmces Robertson Mac- Kinlay; and they reside in Manila, P.I. Berry, Martha McC^esncy, Founder and Director, of Mount Berry, Ga, was born on Oct. 7, 1867, in Mount Berry, Ga. She was educated at the Edge orlh School of Bal timore. She is the founder and director of The Berry Schools. She gave her old plant ation for the Mountain boys and girls of the Southland. The three Berry Schools are situated about half-way between Chatta nooga and Atlanta, and contain about five thousand acres. She is a contributor to magazines on Southern Mountaineers. She re ides in Rome, Ga. Bickerton, Joseph P. Jr., Lawyer and Business President, of 220 West Forty sec ond Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a pro- nv Tiput counsellor-at-law, of New York Ci- frv: and president of the New Era Produc ing Company. 26 ADDENDA Busier, Gustav A., Business President of 245 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a member of the Manufacturers Club, the Union League, the City Club, and the Academy of Fine Arts and other organiza tions. He was horn May 11, 1852; and was educated in Philadelphia, Pa. He is presi dent of G.A. Bisler. In 1876 married Emma Virginia Coryell; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and maintain homes in Berwyn Overbrook, Cynwyd, and West Philadelphia, Pa. Brewer, C 1 arles Edward, Educator and College President, of Raleigh, X.C.; was 1-oi-n July 12. 1860, in Wake Forest, N.C. He received the degrees of B.A. from the Wake Forest College; and received the de gree of Ph.D. from Cornell University. In 1889-19*15 he was professor of chemistry at Wake Forest College, and was its dean in 1912-15. Since 1015 he has been president of Meredith College. In 1891 he married Miss Love Estelle Bell; and they reside in Raleigh, N.C. Bryan, Mahlon R., Vice-president and Di rector, of 192 South Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa. He is vice-president of England-Walton and Company, Incorporated. In 1894 he married Miss Bertha L. Schrack ; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at Overmeadow, Mount Kisco, N.Y. Byrnes, Mrs. Fugene, 1 resident of the Friday Morning Club, with a membership of three hundred persons. She resides at 2120 Leroy Place, Washington, D.C. Callaway, Merrel Price, Vice-president and Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Metropolitan Club of New York, The Sleepy Hollow Country Club, and the Chevy Chase Club of Washington, D.C. He was born Nov. 26, 1872, in Mitchell County, Ga.; and was ed ucated in the public schools. Since 1919 he ha~s been president of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York. He is also a direc tor of the American Smelter? Securities Company, the American Smelting and Re fining Company, the Coca Cola Company, the Guaranty Company of New York, the Manchester Manufacturing Company, the Pennsylvania Coal Company, and the Chad- wick-Hopkins Company.Tn 1911 he married Miss Rietta Eleridge; and they have a fam ily of two sons and two daughters, and re side at 1096 Seventy-eighth Street, New York City. Campbell, Henry G., Treasurer and Di rector, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer and director of the Gramercy Company; is prominent in bus iness and public affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Campe, Emanuel N., Business President, of 350 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Oak Ridge Club, and the Fairview Golf Club. He was born April 30, 1873, in Norfolk, Ya.; and was educated in his native city. Since 1878 he has been in the commission business in knit goods; and is president of The Campe Corporation. He has been a Major in the United States Ar my. In 1899 he married Miss Miss Bessie Rintels; and they reside at Riverview Man or Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Chamberlain, Albert Henry, Treasurer and Director, of Lawrence, Mass. ; and a member of the Harvard Club of Boston, the Colonial Club, the Cambridge Club, and the North Andover Country Club. He was born Dec. 9. 1872, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated -at the Cambridge public schools. Since 1913 he has been treasurer of the Ar lington Mills of Lawrence, Mass.; and is also a director of the Merchants Trust Company. In 1913 he married Miss Annie Robinson Hooper; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Methuen, Mass. Champion, Henry E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 139 Franklin Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 17, 1870, in De troit, Mich.; and was educated at Smith s Business College of his native city. In 1888 1913 he was associated with the Standard Oil Company in various capacities. He is now treasurer and director of the Canadian Expansion Bolt Company, the Columbia Malleable Castings Company, and the Un ited States Expansion Bolt Company. In 1914 he married Miss Anna F. Brennan; mid they reside at 17 Maple Court, Brook lyn, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 27 Chandler, Percy Miltonjnvestment Bank- er, of the Franklin Bank Building, Phila delphia, Pa.; and a member of the Phila delphia Country Club, the Art Club, the Whitemar di Valley Country Club, the Un ion League, the Sunnybrook Golf Club, the Pickering Hunt Club, the Seaview Golf Club, the Recess Club, and the Congression al Country Club. He was born Feb. 6, 1873, in Philadelphia, Pa., and was educated at the Friends Central School. He is presi dent of Chandler and Company, the Sec urities Corporation General, the Kentucky Securities Corporation, the Lexington Sec urities Company, and th Kentucky Trac tion and Terminal Company. lit 1917 he married Miss Nancy Krebs; and they have one son, and reside at The Touraine, Phila delphia, Pa.; and maintain a summer home at Chadds Ford, Pa. Cleveland, Alfred E., Business President, of 160 Second Street, Cambridge, Mass. ; and a member of the Boston City Club, the Boston Athletic Association, the Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, the Windsor Club, and the United States Chamber of Com merce. He is president of th g Flash Chem ical Company ; and a director of the Man ufacturers National Bank, the Marmite, In corporated, of America, and the Vitimin Food Company, Incorporated. II* resides at 15 Pinckney Street, Boston, MJISS. Coe, Sherman P., Vice-president and Di rector, of 55 West Thirteenth. Street, New York City; and a member of various clul s and societies. He is vice-president of tlic Acker, Merrill and Condit Company; and a director of the Central Mercantile Bank of New York. He is vice-president of the New York Riding Club; and prominent in bus iness and public affairs. Cravath, Paul D., Lawyer and Dire" tor, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Piping Rock Clul). ( -\ University Club, the Metropolitan Club, the Union League Club, the Republican Club, the Nassau Country Club, the Army ami Navy Club, the Automobile Club, the Down Town Club, and the City Midday Clul). He was born July 14, 1861, in Berlin Height ;, Ohio, and was educated at Oberlin College and at Columbia University. Since 1886 he has practiced law T ; and is a member of the law firm of Cravath, Henderson, Leffing- well and de Gersdorf. He is a director of the Metropolitan Opera Company,the West- inghouse Air Brake Company, and West- inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com pany. He is a trustee of the Equitable Trust Company of New York, and a director of the Chattel Loan Society of New York. In 1892 he married Miss Agnes Huntington; and they reside at 405 Park Avenue, New York City; and in Locust Valley, Long Is land, N.Y. Crossett, Edward C., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Crossett Timber Compa ny of Davenport, Iowa ; president of the Fordyce Lumber Company of Fordyce, Ark.; vice-president of the Jackson Lum ber Company of Lockhart, Ala.; and vice- president of the Crossett Lumber Company of Crossett, Ark. Cutter, Henry 0., Insurance Broker and Director, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Oakley Country Club, the Boston Rotary Clul), the Cambridge Club, and the Boston Real Estate Exchange. He was born April 28, 1865, in Cambridge Mass.; and was educated in his native ci ty. Since 1883 he has been in the real estate and insurance business. He is a partner in the firm of Watson G. Cutter and Sons. He is a trustee of the Wldey Savings Bank, and a trustee of the School Street Trust and other organizations. In 1899 he married Mahala Hortense Wiggin, now deceased; and he has one son, and they reside in Cam- bi-Sdge, Mass. Davenport, Charles M., Lawyer and Trus tee, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and ; member of the Chestnut Hill Golf Club, the St. Botolph Clul), and the New York Harvard Club; an is also a member of the Boston, the Massachusetts and the Amer ican Bar Associations. He was born in 1877 in Leyden, Mass.; and received the degree <i H. A. from Williams College, and the degree of LL.B. from Harvard University. Since 1904 he has practiced law. He is a member of the board of managers of the 28 ADDENDA Boston Dispensary, chairman of the Mas- sachussets Commission on Probation, and a trustee of the Massachusetts Training Schools. In 1020 lie married Miss Ellen T. Emmerson, of Concord, who died the fol lowing year. He resides at 3 Acorn Street, Boston, Mass. Davenport. Howard H., Business Presi dent, of 321 Washington Street, Somer- v lle, Mass.: and a member of the Boston Club, the Boston City Club, the Boston Heal Estate Exchange, the Belmont Spring Country Club, and the Boston Chamber of Commerce. He was born June 16. 1872, in San Francisco, Cal.: and was educated at Harvard College. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the ice and coal business. He is president of the Bay State Coal Com pany, jtjie Xewton Ice Company, and the WalkelrCoal and Ice Company. He is treas urer of the Metropolitan Ice Company of Boston, a trustee of the Somerville Sav ings Bank, and a director of the Cambridge Ice Company and other corporations. He is a widower, with three sons, and resides at 86 Munros Street, Somerville, Mass. Deagan, John C., Manufacturer, of 1770 Berteau Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born on Nov. 6, 1853, in Hector, N.Y. He has trav eled extensively in various parts of the world. He is the proprietor of the Musical Bell Works, manufacturers of musical nov elty instruments; and has an international reputation as authority on acoustics. Dennison, Ethan A., Architect and Bus iness President, of 288 Lexington Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Un ion League Club, the Apawamis Club, the Society of Beaux Arts Architects of New York, and the Architectural League of New York. He was born in 1881, in Summit, N. Y. ; and was educated at the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris, France. Since 1906 he has practiced architecture; and is a mem ber of the firm of Dennison and Hirons.He is also vice-president of Dennison and Sons. In 1913 he married Miss Elizabeth Pugli ; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Rye, N.Y. De Sousa, George S., Treasurer, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of. various clubs and societies. He is treas urer of the Radio Corporation of America, and Pan-American Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Company. -He is also treasurer and director of Marconi Telegraph Cable Company, the Wireless Press DeWolf, Ashley W., Secretary and. Di rector, of 34 Pine Street, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and socie- t ; es. He is secretary and director of th.e Fidelity Company, Incorporated; is prom inently identified with business and public affairs; and lias filled many positions of trust and honor. Dunlap, Charles E., Business President, of 1 Broadway, .New York City; arid a member of the Racnuet and Tennis Club, the Knickerbocker, the Turf and the Field Club, and the Meadow Brook Club. He was born Dec 3., 1889, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educated at Harvard University... Since 1911 he has been identified with- Berwindr White Coal Mining Company. Hfe is a director cf the Berwind TeriivinaT Com pany, and a score of other corporations. Eckert, John A., Business President and Director, of 55 John Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Caton Realty Company; and president of the In surance firm of John A. Eckert and Com pany. He is also president of the Dand- ridgo Company, and vice-president of the Four to Ten Dutch Street, and director of Fire, Marine and Liability Brokers Asso ciation of the City of New York; and vice- president of the Underwriters Building Company. Fitter, William W., Manufacturer and Business President, of Villa Nova, Pa., was born Dec. 19, 1857, in Philadelphia, Pa.He was educated at the Episcopal Academy. He is a successful cordage manufacturer; and president of the Edwin H. Fitler Company. He is a director of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, the North Penn sylvania Railroad Company, the Northern Liberty Gas Works, and the Wayne ami Frankfort Railroad Company. He is a mem ber of the Union League, the Country Club the Gulf Mills Golf Club, and the Bathelors Barge Club. In 1889 he married Miss Jane Mills Audenreid; arid they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Culfmont, Villa Nova, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST m, Leon, Business President, 531 "Seventh Avenue, New York City; and : a member of the Progress Club,the Milburn Country Club, the Aerial League of Amer- 4ca, and the American Society of Cincin- : 1nati. He was born Aug. 3, 1878, in New York City; and was educated, in the public and high schools of his native city. Since 1898 he has been engaged in the contract- ing business. He is president of the Fleisch- niarin Construction Company,vice-president of the Tleischmann Realty Company, and a director of the Opp Realty Corporation. -*He Is also president of the 507 Fifth Ave nue and treasurer and director of the Leg- os Realty Corporation and of the Panic Proof Products Corporation. He married Miss Jennie Rosenberger; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and re side at 345 West Eighty-eighth Street, New York City. Forbe^, William S., Business President, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Alon- quin Club, the Union Boat Club, the East- : e ? rn Yacht Club, and the Exchange Club. He was born in 1871 in Jamaica Plain, Bos ton, Mass.; and was educated at the Mas- sachiissetts Institute of Technology. He is president o the Forbes Lithograph Manu- : factoring Company, and a director of the Merchants National Bank of Boston. He is : a inenrber of the executive committee of the Associated Industries of Massachussetts. He is a chairman of the War Service Com mittee of the National Association of Em ploying Lithographers. He married Miss Maude Hay ward ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 30 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass. Forster, Emanuel M., Business Man and Director, of 826 Hewit Place, New York Ci ty; arid a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is secretary and treasurer of the ;Phoholamp Sales Corporation; and has held various positions of trus and honor. Garrett, Arthur S., Business President, of Fourth Street and Lehigh Avenue, Phil- aiMLphiaj, Pa. ; and a member of the Engin- *] : e e rs Clufy and various other clubs and so- cieties.He was born NOT. 24, 1878; and wad educated at Cornell University. He in pre sident of the American Water Softener Company; and a director of the Media Trust Company, and of the Landsdowne Trust Company. He is president of< the Up per Darby School Board; and vice-presi dent of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble Minded Children. In 1906 he married Miss Hannah W. Ogden; and they have a family of two sons, three daught ers, and reside at Drexel Hill, Pa. Gaston, William A., Business President and Director, of the Shawmut Bank Build ing, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Gaston, Snow, Saltonstall and Hunt. He is chairman of diree|prs and a member of the executive committee of the National Shawmut Bank. He is presi dent of the Boylston Market Association, and a director in more than a score of other corporations.He is trustee of Brooks Hospital, vice-president of Boston Elevated Mutual Aid Society, a director of the Mas sachussetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and a trustee of many other corporations. Gibbon^, Harry R., Business President and Banker, of 600 South Canal Street, Chicago, III., was born June 26, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He is president of the H. R. Gibbons Box Manufacturing Company; and vice-president of the Citizens State Bank of Lake View. He is a member of numerous clubs and societies. Groll, Augustus F., Realtor and Business President, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of the Elks Club, the Cathedral Club, the Volney Club, the Osce- ola Club and other clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 8, 1880, in New York City; and was educated at the Cathedral High School. Since 1901 he has been manager of the A. F .Groll Company; is president of the P. J. Groll Construction Company; and vice-president of the Daniel Casey, Jr. and Company, Incorporated. In 1904 he married Miss Mary S. Ryan; and they have one daughter, and reside at 145 East Fifth- third Street, New York City. Grozier, Edwin A., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 259 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and member of the Algonquin Club, the Oakley Country Club, the Economic 30 ADDENDA Club, the Boston City Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was educated at Brown University. For a number of years he was private secretary to the gov ernor of Massachusetts. Since 1891 he has been editor and publisher, and chief owner, of the Boston Post. In 1884 he married Miss Alice (loodell, of Salem, Mass.; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at, 168 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. Harlew, Edward Jonathan, Director and Treasurer, of 809 Shawmut Bank Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Union Club of Boston, and the Brookline Country Club. He was born Oct. 11, 1852, in Hing- hani, Mass. ; and was educated at the Derby Academy. Since 1887 he has been a trustee of the Weld Estate and others; and is a director of the Boylston Market Associa tion. He married Miss Ella Hodges, of Providence, K.I.; and they reside at Hotel Victoria, Boston, Mass. Harr, L. L., Business President, of 428 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Illinois Athletic Club of Chicago, the Worcester Club, the Calcutta Club of India, and the American Club of Shanghai, China. He was born Dec. 18, 1882, in Ashland, Ky. He is president of the Edward R. Ladew Compa ny, the L. L. Harr Corporation, the Sehultz Belting Company of St. Louis, the New York Leather Belting Company, the Belting and Leather Products Association, the Bradford Belling Company of Cincinnati, and other corporations. He married Miss Kathryn Foster, now deceased. He has a family of three sons; and resides in Wor cester, Mass. Harrison, Henry F., Vice-president and Director, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Hackensack Golf Club, the Arcola Country Club, and the Aldine Club. He was born Sept. 19, 1807, in Cumberland, Md.; and received a high school education. Since 1891 he has been identified with the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, of which he is sales manager. He is vice-president of George R. Swart and Company, and vice-president of the Bedell Motor Car Company of Hacken- l^/ack, N. J. He is a director of the North River Insurance Company, the People s Trust and Guaranty Company of Hacken sack, and the Industrial Building and Loan Ar^o Nation of Hackensack, N.J. In 1891 he have a family of one son and one daughter, married Miss -Edith Williams; and they and reside in Hackensack, N.J. Hees, William R., Business President and Com rd Manager, of 225 Fifth Avenue, Ne-v York, City; and a member of the Un ion Tjeagiie, the Sleepy Hollow Country Club, I he Blind Brook Club, and the Sea- view Golf Club. He was born in 1887 in Oswego, N. Y. Since 1899 he has been con nected with the Columbia Mills, of which corporation he is president. He is president of the Northern New York Power Corpora tion, the Wyoming Valley Lace Mills, and of the Pinney, Casse and Lackey Compa ny; and is also a director of George H^ Hees Son and Company. In 1891 he mar ried Miss Cora J. Reed; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 875 Park Avenue, New York Ci ty. Heywood, Robert R., Business Man, of Twenty-sixth street and Ninth Avenue,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Heywood Strasser and Voigt Realty Company, presi dent of the Heywood-Strasser and Voigt Litho Company, and a director of the Pre ferred Accident Insurance Company. Hubbard, Phineas, Vice-president and Treasurer, of 36 Arlington Street, Cam bridge, Mass.; and a ii -n-ber ot <l e Boston City Club, the Cambridge Club, the Boston Congregational Club, and the Society Col onial Wars. He was born Aufe. 24, 1855, in Craftsbury, Vt. For over forty years he was identified with T.D. Whitney and Com pany, a Boston corporation, of which he was president* He is vicr prtSiOient of the ("i!!j!)ridj.> Young Men- C ris iin Asso ciation; and a t, .1 ; r. !.<> ; e ISTew England Home for Deaf Mutes. In 1878 he married Miss Lu- i i la \ i Reed; and they hnve a family of two sons au l two daughters,and reside at 36 Arlington Street, Cambridge, Masi. AMERICAN BUTE AND SOCIOLOGIST 31 Hornwill, Edward T.,Director and Treas urer, of 215 Montague Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Mechanics Bank, the Realty Asociation, the Thrift, the Realty Associates Investment Corpora tion, and the Manhattan Bridge Three-Cent Line. He is a trustee of the Title Guaranty and Trust Company, and a trustee of the WUliamsburgh Savings Bank. Jedlan, John W., Member of the Bohem ian Club, Riverside Golf Club, Plesades Lodge, and director of the Cicero Chamber of Commerce. He was born Sept. 25, 1876 in Chicago, 111. He is vice-president and at torney of the Western State Bank, Cicero, 111. He resides at Riverside, 111. Leonard, Americus* J., Business President and Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Leonard-Kay and Company, Incorporated. He is also a director of the Chelsea Exchange Bank; and a director of the Smith Springfield Bo dy Corporation of Springfield, Mass. Nadel, E. A., Director, of 485 Fifth Ave nue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is identified with the Famous Players Lasky Corpora tion. Perelstrous, Anany, Manufacturer and Director, of the Drexel Building, Philadel phia, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Perelstrous and Storms; and a director of the Argentina Mercantile Corporation. He is vice-president of the Majestic Ma chine and Tool Company, the Metaphrase Code Corporation, and Brown s Mills East Natural Resources Development Company. Rouss, Peter W. Business President, of 540 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Charles Broadway Rouss, Incorporated; and president of the Charles Broadway Rouss Realty Corporation He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions o!* trust nnd honor. Rowe, A. W., Educator, of 295 Common wealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies, H is prominent in educational and sociological affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Rust, Edgar C., Secretary and Director, of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Sept. 13, 1882, in Bos ton, Mass.; and was educated at Harvard University. Since 1914 he has been identi fied with the firm of E. H. ^Rollins and Sons, of which he is secretary and direc tor. He is also a director of the Boston Storage Warehouse Company, the Carver Cotton Gin Company, the Walworth Manu facturing Company, and other corporations. In 1909 he married Miss Rosamond F. Weeks ; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 55 Devon Road, Chestnut Hill, Boston, Mass. Sheldon, Lewis P., Business Man and Di rector, of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of Blair and Company Incorporated, of New York City. His ad dress is 2 Austin Friars, London, E.G., England. Shields, Robert M., Business President, of 53 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Berge Clay and Wax Importing Company; and prom inently identified with business and public affairs. Sias, George W., Business President and Trustee, of 68 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Boston Cham ber of Commerce, the Masonic Fraternity, and other organizations. He was born on March 2, 1866, in Ossipee, N.H.; and was educated at the Boston Commercial College. Since 1888 he has been resident of Boston, excepting the years of 1912-1918, when he was at McKinley, Alaska. He is a member of the firm of George W. Sias and Compa ny. He is president of the Betty O Neil Mines, president of the Cash Mines of Prescott, and a director of the McKinley Gold Mines of Alaska. He is the Inventor of the Universal Street Sweeper. In 1895 he married Miss Ottilie M. Ebbinghaus; and they reside at 92 Otis Street, Medford, Mass., and in Los Angeles, Cftl. 32 ADDENDA Silver, Elmer E., President and Trustee of !)!) Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is general manager of the Union Central Life Insurance Company. He is president of the \Voburn Five Cents Savings Bank. He is president of the Woburn Charitable Association, trustee of the New England Baptist Hospital, and a director of the Vermont Association of Boston. Smith, Henry A., Business President, of 874 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Henry A. Smith and William P. Miller. He is president of the Open Stair Companies; and prominently i- dentified with business and public affairs. Singer, Arthur J., Business Man and Di rector, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the Lackawan- na Steel Company. He is a director of the Ajax Forge Company, the American Forge Company, the National Bridge Works, and of Witherbee, Sherman and Company. Slawson, George L., Business President, of 102 West Twenty-second Street, New \ r ork City; and a member of various clubs *uid societies. He is president of the One Hundred and, Sixty-eighth West Thirty- fonrth Street Company; president of the Slawson and Hobbs Underwriting Agency; vice-president of Slawson and Hobbs, real tors. , Stpford, F., Business President, of 120 Rror^way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Metals and Commerce Corpo- nUi>6. He is a director of the Marquette Ore Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Stuppel, Paul, Business President, of 105 Hudson Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various club* and societies. He is president of the Stuppel Trading Compa ny, Incorporated; and president of Paul Stuppel, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Van Clcef, Mynderse, Member of the Cornell Club of New York City, the Town and Gown Club, the Country Club, and the University Club of Ithaca, N.Y. He was horn Aug. 29, 1853, in Seneca Falls, N.Y.; and graduated with the degree of B.S. from Cornell University. Since 1876 he has prac ticed law in Ithaca, N.Y. ; and is president of the Ithaca Security Company. In 1882 he married Miss Elizabeth L. Treman; and they reside at 417 University Avenue, I- thaca, X.Y. Verschoyle, Charles H., Business Presi dent and Director ,of 524 Clint Wood Build ing, Wichita Falls, Texas; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of Young-Simmons Drilling Copi- pany, of 424 Clint Wood Building, Wichita Falls, Texas. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. HP is president of the Dallas Male Chorus and is identified with the social affairs of his community. He resides in Dallas, Texas. Weidlein, Edward Ray, Chemical Engi- reer, of 5500 Bartlett Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., was born July 14, 1887, in Augusta, Kansas. He was chemical expert, War In- d;ustries ^Board. Original research in devel opment of processes for use of sulphur dioxide in hydrometallurgy Westwood, John R., Stock Broker, of the Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a member of the Manufacturers Club of Philadelphia, the Automobile Club of Philadelphia, the Board of Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, and other organiza tions. He was born Dec. 27, 1878, in Salem, N.J.; and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1903 he has been engaged in business; and is a member of the firm of Boles and Westwood, invest ment securities. During the World-War he was vice-chairman of the Iron and Steel Group. In 1911 he married Miss Elinor Torkington; and they reside in Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST, BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY AARON, DAVID, President of the David Aaron and Company, of 55 W. Twenty- sixth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born June 3, 1867, in Essenheim, Germany; and since 1882 has been a resident of the United States. He is also treasurer and di rector of the West Twenty-sixth Street Corporation. In 1892 he married Miss Re- fina Chotzen; and they have a family of two daughters. Abbot, Willis John, Member of the Lotus Club. He was born March 16, 1863, in New Haven, Conn. He is the author of the Story of Our Army for Young Americans. He resides at Lawrence Park, Bronxville, New York City. Abbott, Charles R., Director of Under wood and Underwood, of 417 Fifth Ave nue, Now York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Abbott, Gordon, Member of the Knick erbocker Club. He was born Jan. 18, 1853, in Boston, Mass. Since 1910 he has been chairman of the Board of the Old Colony Trust Company of Boston. He resides in Manchester, Mass. Abbott, Grace, Member of the Committee on Women in Industry of the Council of National Defense. She was born Nov. 17, 1878, in Grand Island, Neb.; and has re ceived the degrees of Ph.B. and Ph.M. Sae is the author of The Immigrant and the Community. She resides at the Ontario, Washington, D.C. Abbott, Henry, President of the Calcula- graph Company, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also Director of the Jewelers Security Alliance, and treasurer and director of the National Association of Manufacturers. Abbott, Henry Pryor Almond, Rector of Grace and St. Peters Church, of 709 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. He has received the degrees of B.A., M.A. and D.D. He is the author of Help From the Hills, and other works. Abbott, Holker, President of the Copley Society of Boston. He resides at 491 Boyl- ston Street, Boston, Mass. Abbott, John J., Member of tHe Chicago Athletic Association, the Chicago Club, and the Chicago Golf Club. He was born March 11, 1871, in New York City. He has been assistant cashier, cashier, and also vice- president of the American Trust and Sav ings Bank of Chicago. He is now vice-pres ident of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. He resides at 3224 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Abbott, Leonard Dalton, Member of the National Arts Club. He was born May 20, 1878, in Liverpool, England. He has been president of the Thomas Paine Natural His tory Association. He is the author of Ern est Howard Crosby. He resides in West- field, N.J. Abbott, Samuel Appleton Browne, Mem ber of the Century Club. He was born March 6, 1846, in Lowell, Mass. In 1889- 94 he was president of the Boston Public Library. His address is 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. Abbott, William Lj,, Vice-President, of the Mississippi Wire Glass Company, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also a director of the Mississippi Wire Glass Company, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also a director of the Mississippi Glass Company. Abbott, William Lament, Member of the Chicago Athletic Club. He was born Feb. 14, 1861, in Whiteside County, 111. ; and re ceived the degree of M.E. from the Univer sity of Illinois. He is president of the Edi son Symphony Orchestra. He resides 4616 Beacon Street, Chicago, HI. 34 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Abbott, William M., Member of the Elks. He resides at 58 Sutler Street, San Fran cisco, Cal. He is Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, with a total membership of three- quarters of a million. Abel, Howard, Director of the Coney Is- nnd and Gravesend Railway Company, of 85 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Abell, Irvin, Surgeon and Director, of Louisville, Ky. ; and a member of the Pen- dennis Club the Louisville Country Club, and the Sleepy Hollow Club. He was born Sept. 13, 1876, in Lebanon, Ky. ; and since 1897 he has been engaged in the practice of surgery. He is a director of the Fidelity- Columbia Trust Company; and professor of surgery in the medical department of the University of Louisville. In 1907 he mar ried Miss Carrie Harting, of Lexington, Ky.; and they have a family of four sons, and reside at 1136 South Second Street, Louisville, Ky. Aborn, Carlton N., President of the Min iature Breaker Company, of 45 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs j;nd societies. He resides at 267 West Seventy-ninth Street, New York City. Abrahams, Henry, Member of the Bos ton City Club, He was born Sept. 23,1855, in Buffalo, N.Y. He is secretary of the Boston United Hand in Hand. He resides at 12 Marble Street, Boston, Mass. Abrams, Hiram, President of Paramount Pictures Corporation, of 729 Seventh Ave nue, New York City, and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is also a direct or of the United Artists Corporation. He married Miss Florence Hamilton; and they have one daughter, and reside at 570 Park Avniie, New York City. Abramson, Ivan, Member of numerous clubs and societies. Ho was born in Russia. Ha is a director and scenario writer of 792 Seventh Avenue, New York City. For sevcm years he was impressario of the Ivan Abnurson Cpara Company; and for fif teen years was director for Jacob P. Adler, and wrote many plays for the Jewish stage. Among his productions are When Men Be tray, Babbling Tongues, Ashes of Love, Someone Must Pay, One Law for Both, and Mother Eternal. He resides at 207 West One Hundred and Tenth Avenue, New York City. Abt, Isaac Arthur, Member of the Quad rangle Club, the City Club, and the Illi nois Athletic Association. He was born Dec. 18, 1867, in Wilmington, 111. He is profes sor of diseases of children at the North western University Medical School; and attending physician to the Children s Hos pital, Michael Reese Hospital. He resides at 4810 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Acheson, Albert Robert, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, of 852 Ostrom Avenue Syracuse, N.Y., was born Oct. 12, 1882, in Riverton, New Zealand. Since 1908 he has been professor of mechanical engineering in the College of Applied Science in the Syra cuse University. Acken, Thomas M., Physician of 70 West Ninety-second Street, New York City. He was born in 1867 in Griggstown, N.J. ; and since 1893 has been practicing medicine. He is president of the Saugerties Orchard Company, and president of the Universal Speed Control Company. He resides in La Grangeville, Dutchess County, N.Y. Acker, Charles L., President of the Charles L. Acker Estate, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides at 117 West Seventh Avenue, New York City. Ackerman, J. A. V., Director of Brown ing, King and Company, of 16 Cooper Square, New York City: Ackley, Lewis A., President of the Wal- labout Market Packing Company, of 32 Tenth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides at 15 William Street, New York City. Adams, Arthur. President of the Boston Children* Aid Society, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Adams, Arthur Frank, Member of the Kansas City Club. He was born Jan. 3, 1881, in Wisconsin. lie is vice-president of the Texas Telephone Company. He resides at 1027 West Fii tv-sixth Street, Kansas City, Mo. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 35 Adams, Asael Edward, Member of the Youngstown Club. He was born Oct. 25, 1866, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1912 he has been president of the First National Bank. He resides at 1310 Fifth Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. Adams, Charles Closson, Banker, of Ce- darhurst, N.Y., was born in Freeport, Pa. In 1880 lie wns manager of the Mutual Union Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh, Pn.; in 1884-92 he was superintendent of the Postal Telegraph Cable Company of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1902-03 he was gen eral superintendent of the southern divi sion of the Postal Telegraph Company of Atlanta, Ga.; and since 1904 was vice-pres ident of the Postal Telegraph Company of New York. In 1895 he built the first plant for the manufacture of acetylene gas at Ni agara Falls, N.Y. He is president of the Peninsula National Bank of Cedarhurst, N.Y. ; and president of the Villiage of Law rence, N.Y. In 1898-1902 lie was commis sioner of Valley Forge Park; and also in 1889-1902 was civil service commissioner for the City of Philadelphia. He is a mem ber of the Rockaway Hunting Club of Ce darhurst, the Union League Club, the Lotos Club and the Hardware Club of New York City. Adams, Charles E., President of the Jef ferson Holding Company, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Adams, Charles J., President of the Im porters Warehouse, of 80 South Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Adams, Charles L., President of the Lang- don Terrace Company, and a member of va rious clubs and societies Adams, Charles R., Vice-president of the Dedham and Hyde Park Gas and Electric Company, of 150 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. He resides in Boston, Mass. Adams, Comfort Avery, Member of the Oakley Country Club. He was born Nov. 1, 1868, in Cleveland, Ohio; and received the degrees of S.B. and E.E. Since 1886 he has been connected with Harvard University; and since 1916 has been Lawrence profes sor of Engineering in Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. He resides at 13 Farrar Street, Cambridge, Mass. Adams, Daniel, Manufacturer, of 1 Platt Street, New York City; and a member of the Baltusrotf Golf Club, and the Underwri ters Club. He was born Sept. 26, 1870, in South Orange, N.J. ; and was educated at Brown s Academy. Since 1897 he has been in the paper and manufacturing business; and is president of the Adams and Groes- beck Company. He married Miss Gertrude von Zscheveschen; and they have a family of one son and two daughters ; and resides at Locust Farm, Middletown, N.J. Adams, Edward B., Member of the Co lumbia Country Club, the City Club, and the Capitol City Chess Club, all of Wash ington, D.C. He was born July 12, 1869, in Balton, Mel. He is president of the E. B. A- dams and Company, and president of the Washington Association of Credit Men. He resides at 3 Leland Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Adams, Ernest G., Business President and Director, of Providence, R.I. He is president of the Union Mills, Incorporated; a director of the Boston Consolidated Gas Company ; and manager of Kidder, Peabody and Company, of Providence, R.I. He serv ed in the United States Navy during the World-War, returning with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He is a member o the Harvard Ctub of Boston, the Army and Navy Club of Washington, B.C., and of va rious other clubs and societies. He resides in Providence , R.I. Adams, George Matthew, Business Pres ident of 8 W,est Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of the Players Club, the Newspaper- Club of New York, and the National Press Club of Washington, D,C. He was born Aug. 23, 1878, in Saline, Mich. ; and received, the degree of Ph.B. from Ottawa University of Kansas. He is pres ident of the Adams-Payne Printing Service and other corporations. He is the author of You Can, Take It, Up, Pepper Talks. In 1905 he married Miss Harriet Breese, of Chicago, 111., and they have two sons, and reside at Pippa Passes, Fieldston, New York City. 36 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Adams, Henry, President of the Mary land Institute for the Promotion of the Me chanic Arts. He resides at Mount Royal Avenue and Lanyale Street, Baltimore, Md. Adams, Herbert, Member of the Century Club and the Players Club. He was born in 1856, in Concord, Vt. He is president of the National Academy of Design. He is a noted American Sculptor. He resides at 131 West Eleventh Street, New York City. Adams, John Davis, Member of St. Bol- tolph Club. He was born March 9, 1860, in Syracuse, N.Y. In 1897-1902 he was con nected with Harpers Magazine. He resides at 466 Audubon Street, Boston, Mass. Adams, John T., Member of the City Club. He is president of the Music League of Ajnerica. He resides at 1 West Thirty- fourth, Street, New York City. Adams, John Taylor, Member of the Du- buque, Iowa. He was born Dec. 22, 1862, in Dubuque, Iowa. Since 1912 he has been a member of the Republican National Com mittee for Iowa. Adams, R.H., Member of various social, educational and scientific societies. He re ceived a technical education; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He is now Curator of the T. B. Walker Art Gallery of Minneapolis, Minn. Adams, Robert A., Business President, of 521 West Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Kings County Re frigerating Company, vice-president of the Manhattan Refrigerating Company, and is also vice-president of the Union Termi nal Cold Storage Company. Adams, Romanzo, Member of the Amer ican Economic Association. He was born March 22, 1868, in Bloomingdale, Wis. ; and has received the degrees of Ph.B., Ph.M. and Ph.D. He is the author of Taxation in Nevada. Since 1920 he has been professor of Economics and Sociology at the Univer sity of Hawaii. In 1902 he married Miss Nellie Cronk; and they have one daughter, Katherine; and reside at 2136 Kamehameha Avenue, Honolulu, H.I. Adams, T. Albeus, President of the Kings County Refrigerating Company, of 525 West Street, New York City; and a mem ber of numerous clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Adams, W. I. Lincoln, President of the Styles and Cash, Incorporated, of 135 West Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides in New York City. Adams, Wade H., Business President and Director, of New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice- president 1 of the Durham Duplex (Razor Company. He resides at 364 North Fuller- ton Avenue, Montclair, N.J. Adams, William Porter, Member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Crescent Athletic Association of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was born in Cambridgeport, Mass. He is a manufacturer of 726 Washington Boule vard, Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been president of the Adams and Elting Com pany and other corporations. Adamson, Charles, Member of the Union League Club of Philadelphia. He was born March 17, 1859, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1896 he organized the Cedartown Cotton Company to make fine hosiery yarns; in 1898 organized the Southern Extension Cot ton Mill Company; and in 1899 organized the Paragon Mills; and in each of these corporations he was either president or manager. In 1899 he consolidated these companies, aggregating twenty-five thous and spindles; becoming vice-president of the corporation. In 1896 and 1904 he was a delegate from Georgia to the Republican National Conventions. In 1907 he was pres ident of the Southern Association of Hos iery Yarn Spinners. He resides in Cedar- town, Ga. Addams, Jane, Chairman of the Woman s Peace Party. She was born Sept. 6, 1860, in Cedarville, 111. She is the head of the Hull House. She is the author of Twenty Years at the Hull House, and other works. She resides at 800 South Halsted Street, Chicago, 111. Addicks, Walter R., President of the Con solidated Gas Company, of 130 East Fif- tenlh Street, New York City; and a mem ber of numerous clubs and societies. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 37 Addison, Charles L., President of the Long- Island Electric Railroad Company, of 329 Pennsylvania Station, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides in New York City. Ade George, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 9, 1866, in Kentland, Ind. For many years he was on the staff of the Chicago Daily News. He is the author of Artie, a Story of the Street and Town, and other works. He resides in Brook, Ind. Adee, George T., Business President, of 62 Broadway, New York City, was born Jan. 4, 1874, in Stonington, Conn. He was educated at Yale University. He is presi dent of the Country Club Land Associa tion ; and a member of the firm of Batchel- ler and Adee. In 1915-20 he was president of the United States Lawn Tennis Associa tion. He served in the Spanish American War; and was a major in the World-War with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. He is a member of the Racquet and Tennis Club, the Army and Navy Club of New York, the Country Club of West- chester, the Pelham Country Club, the New Haven Lawn Club, the New Haven Coun try Club, and various other clubs and soci eties. He is unmarried; and resides at 50 East Fifty-eighth Street, New York City, Adie, Andrew, Business President, of 157 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of the Commercial Club of Boston, of which he is also president. He was born Dec. 23, 1866, in Dollar, Scotland ; and was educated in the Academy, of his native town. He is a director of the Winsor School, Co- Trustee of the John G. Wright Estate, and president of the Barnstable Agricul tural Society. He is a director of the Uni ted States Worsted Company, Incorporated, and president of the Earnshaw Knitting Compar-y. He is also a director of the Hub Hosiery Mills, the New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company; and president of the Scotia Worsted Mills, the Strathmore Wor sted Mills, and the United States Worsted Sales Company, Incorporated. In 1898 he married Miss Lila Darracott Wright; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 436 Heath Street, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Adler, J. G., Business President, of Joli- et Association of Commerce, the Knights of Columbus, and Moose Lodge. He was born Feb. 13, 1871, in Joliet, 111.; and was educated at the Niagara University. Since 1892 he has been with the J. C. Adler and Company, of which he is now president. He is a director of the Joliet Trust and Sav ings Bank; and has been president of the Merchants Association. In 1898 he married Miss Elizabeth " Young ; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 318 Buell Avenue, Joliet, 111. Adler, Morris H., President of the Dan Dee Novelty Company, of 417 Fifth Ave nue, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Agar, John Giraud, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born June 3, 1856, in New Orleans, La. He received the degrees of A.B., A.M., Ph.D. and LL.D. from Georgetown University; and LL.B. in J.880 from Columbia Law School. In 1880 he was admitted to the bar; for one year was as sistant United States attorney of the South ern District of New York. He practiced law with his brother Simon under the firm name of Schaffer Brothers, and has con tinued the business with his sons under th< same name, since the death of his brother in 1892. Agard, William Augustus, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 13, 1848, in Hartford, Conn. He is a mer- hant, Business President and Statesman, of Tolland, Conn. He is the president of the Savings Bank of Tolland ; and a director of the Tolland Aqueduct Company. In 1904 and 1905 he was a member of the Connect icut House of Representatives. Ager, William D., Business President, of 276 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Uptown Club, the New York Advertising Club, and a Freeman of the Ci ty of London. He was born in London, Eng land ; and since 1913 has been in New York City. He is Vice-President of Harrods North America Limited; and also repre sents Mr. II. G. Selfridge of London. In 1911 he married Miss E. Barnard; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at Port Washington, Long Island, N.Y. 38 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Agassiz, Rudolphe Louis, Member of the Knickerbocker Club. He was born Sept. 3, 1871, in Cambridge, Mass. He is vice-pres ident of the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company. He resides in New port, R.I. Agnew, George B., President of the North Star Mines Company, of 22 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Ahern, John F., President -of the Orpheus Club, with a membership of one hundreei and fil ty men. He resides at Warren Ter race, Longmeadow, Springfield, Mass. Ahrens, H. R.. Director, of the Rainey Supply Company, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Aigner, Martin, Clegyman, and Author, of Franklin, Pa., was born May 3, 1862, in Munich, Bavaria, and came to the United States in his infancy. He was educated in the Polytechnic Institute of Egg Harbor City, N.J., Central High School, the Phil adelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, and in 3884 graduated from the Philadel phia Divinity School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has received the degrees of D.D. and LL.D. In 1890-1900 he was rec tor of Trinity Church of Mount Holly, N. J. ; and since 1900 }ias been rector of Saint John s Church of Franklin, Pa. lie is the president of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of ?>ie, and Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Meadvillc. He has been an examining chaplain, a delegate to the Pan Anglican Congress in London, and a deputy to five general conventions. He is a member of the five Masonic Bodies, and is now Prelate of the Franklin Commandery of Knights Templar. In 1860 he married Miss T. B. Taitt; and they have a family of two sons, who served in the United States Navy during the World-War. He resides in Franklin, Pa. Aiken, Alfred L., President of the Na tional Shawmut Bank of Boston, of 40 Wa ter Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Aikens, Charles Thomas, Member of Ma sonic Lodge Number 268. He is vice-presi dent of the County Historical Society, and a director of Sunbury and Selinsgrove E- lectric Railroad Company. He is a mem ber of the Republican party, and chair- manof the Eastern State Hospital Commis sion of Pennsylvania. He is president of Susquehanna University ; and is also a di rector of the First National Bank of Selins grove, and the First National Bank of Stale College, Pa. He resides in Selinsgrove, Pa. Aimes, Hubert Hilary Suffren, Member or various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 25, J876, in Orange, Conn. Since 1917 he has been professor of economics and so ciology at the University of the South. He is the author of History of Slavery in Cuba. He resides in West Haven, Conn. Ainey, William David Blakes es, Member of the Manufacturers Club of Philadelphia, Pa. He was born April 8, 1864, in New Mil- ford, Pa. In 1911-15 he was a member of Congress. He resides in Montrose, Pa. Ainslie, George , Member of the We.st- moreland Club. He was born Oct. 19, 1868, in Richmond, Va. Since 1812 lie lias been mayor of his city. He resides at 1628 Grace Street, Richmond, Va. Ainsworth, Walter F., President of the Long Island Coal Company, of 1 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Airey, Richard, President of the Roxana Petroleum Company, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Aitken, R. E., President of the Wiscon sin Film Company, of 1780 Broadway, Now York City; and a member of various clubs and societies Albaugh, George S., Member of the City Club, the Hamilton Club, the Union Lea^irj Club and the Riverside Golf Club. He was born Aug. 30, 1871, in Knobster, Mo. He was educated at Earlham College and the Ohio Northern University. Since 1902 he has besn treasurer and since 1914 president of the Albaugh-Dover Company of Chicago, 111. In 1917 he married Miss Mabel Har vey; and they reside at 7117 Thirty-fourth Street, Berwyn, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 39 Albee, Charles P., Business President, of 544 Stewart Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of the Brooklyn Club, the City Club of Hartford, the Chamber of Com merce of the Boro of Queen, the New Ham- shire Society of New York, and the St. Nicholas Society of Nassau Island. He was born Oct. 7, 1876, in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and was educated at the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of the Al bee and Godfrey Company, Incorporated; and treasurer of the Riser and Moulding Company, Incorporated. In 1896 he mar ried Miss Emily Kroeck; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and re side in Hollis, Long Island, N.Y. Albee, Edward F., President of the To ledo Amusement Company, of 1564 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies Albee, Harley C., Business President, 230 Greenwich Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of and manager of the Wisner Manufacturing Company; president of the Woolf Laboratories, Incorporated; vice- president of the E. Behringer Sheet Metal Works, Incorporated; and a director of the First National Bank of Roscoe, N.Y. He resides in New York City. Alberger, W. R., Business President, of System building, Oakland, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Oakland Terminal Com pany, and a director in various other cor porations. He resides in Oakland, Cal. Albert, Allen Diehl, Member of the Cos mos Club. He was born Oct. 3, 1874, in Wil- liamsport, Pa. Since 1906 he has been spe cializing on economy and sociology. He re sides on Blue Island Farm. Albrecht, Fred W., President of the Rub ber Reclaiming Company, of 184 East Null Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Albright, Charles Edgar, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 1, 1867, in Dancyville, Tenn. In 1891-1903 he was assistant medical director of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Milwaukee. Since 190< " iV^s been a life insurance expert. He is a director of Wisconsin National Bank; the Wisconsin Securities Company of Milwaukee, and a director of the Wisconsin Trust Company of Milwaukee. He is the largest dividual writer of life insurance in the world. He resides in Milwaukee, Wis. Alcock, John L., President of The City Club of Baltimore, Md. The object of the City Club is the investigation and improve ment of municipal conditions and public af fairs in Baltimore City. Alden, Mrs. Cynthia May Westover, Member of the Press Club. She was born May 31, 1862, in Afton, Iowa. She is the founder and president-general of the Sun shine Society. She is the author of Women s Ways of Earning Money and other works. She resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Alden, Percy S., President of the Se- wall and Alden Company, of 123 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Aldis, Mary Reynolds, (Mrs. Arthur T. Aldis), Litterateur, of Lake Forrest, 111.; and a member of the Fortnightly Club, the Friday Club, the Cordon Club, the Illinois Press Women s Association of Chicago, the Cosmopolitan and National Arts Club, and the Poetry Society of New York. She was born June 8, 1872, in Chicago, 111; and received a thorough education. She now devotes herself to literary work; and is the author of Plays for Small Stages, Flash lights, The Princess Jack, Drift, The Red Fox. In 1892 she married Mr. Arthur Tay lor Aldis; and they have a family of one son, and reside in Lake Forest, 111. Aldred, John E., Director of the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated, of 40 Wall Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Mdredge, Sawnie R., Member of various dubs and societies. He is a lawyer of the Municipal Building, Dallas, Texas. He was educated at Cornell University and at the the University of Texas. Since 1915 he has p-acticed law; and is i;ow Mayor of the City of Dallas. In 1915 he married Miss Mary E. Batts ; and they have a family of one son, and resides at 3526 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas. 40 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Aldrich, C. A., Editor and Publisher, of 201 East Main Street, Hoopston, 111., was born Oct. 5, 1874, in Wapella, 111. He was educated at Niles, Mich: For ten years he was editor of the Daily Sun, at Niles, Mich. He is editor of The Chronicle Herald and president of the Aldrich Printing and Pub lishing Company. In 1916 he married Miss Georgia J. Gibler, and they have a family of two sons and four daughters, and reside in Hoopeston, 111. Aldrich, William Farrington, Member of the City Club. He was born March 11, 1853, in Palmyra, N.Y. In 1895-1901 he was a member of Congress. He resides in Bir mingham, Ala. Aldrich, Winthrop W., Lawyer and Di rector, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of the Knickerbocker Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club, the National Golf Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Harvard Club, the City Midday Club, the Down Town Club, the Piping Rock Club, the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, the Eastern Yacht Club, and the Hope Club of Providence. He was born Nov. 2, 1885, in Providence, R.I..; and was educated at Har vard College and Harvard Law School. Since 1912 he has been practicing law; and is a member of the law firm of Murray, Prentice and Aldrich. He is also a director of the Bankers Trust Company, the Equit able Eastern Banking Corporation, and the Union Reserve Insurance Company. In 1916 he married Miss Harriet Alexander; and they have one daughter, and reside at 23 East Seventy-third Street, New York City. Alexander, Alexander, President of the Maine Products Company, of 569 West Fif ty-ninth Street, New York City ; anda mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Alexander, James S., President of the National Bank of Commerce of New York, of 31 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Alexander, Robert J., Business President, of 23 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was educated at Columbia University of New York City. He is presi dent of the United Mail Order House, In corporated; and a director of the American Carpet Syndicate, and the Merchandise Re porting Company. In 1917 he married Miss Irene Younker; and they have one daught er, and reside at 306 West Eighteenth Street, New York City. Alexander, W. D. B., President of the National Screw and Tack Company, of 2440 East Seventy-fifth Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the National-Power Company and other corporations. He re sides in Cleveland, Ohio. Alexander, William C., Business Presi dent, of 151 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Alexander and Irwin Company, manufacturers of Ameri ca s Supreme Hoisery. Alfred, John E., Director of the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated, of 40 Wall Sheet, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Alfring, W. H., Wholesale Sales Mana ger and Director, of 29 West Forty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 19, 1884, in New York City; and was educated at the College City of New York. Since 1902 he has been with the Aeolian Company, of which he is a director and wholesale sales manager. In 1908 he mar ried Miss Annabelle Gilchrist; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Scarsdale, N.Y. Allan, Robert B., Director of the Senior and Allan, Incorporated, of 505 Fifth Ave nue, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Allen, Andrews, Member of the Union League, University of Wisconsin, Illinois Athletic, Calumet Country and Engineers Clubs. He was born Jan. 11, 1870, in Mad ison, Wis. He is a civil engineer of the Mc- Cormick Building, Chicago, 111. Since 1911 he has been president of Allen and Garcia Company, consulting and constructing en gineers; and is also viee-persident of the Al- lith-Prouty Company. AMERICAN ELITE AKD SOCIOLOGIST 41 Allen, Arthur S., President of the Amer ican Institute of Graphic Arts. He resides at 119 East Nineteenth Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Allen, Charles C., President of St. Lou is Art League. He resides at 1023 Syndi cate Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. Allen, Edwin West, Scientist and Author, of 1923 Biltmore Street, Washington, B.C., was born Oct. 28, 1864, in Amherst, Mass. He is chief of the office of experiment stations of the United States department of agriculture, and editor of Experiment Station Record. He is the author of various papers on Agricultural Chemistry and other works. He resides in Washington, B.C. Alhn, Frank G., President of the Wins- low Brothers and Smith Company, of 248 Summer Street, Boston, Mass; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Allen, Franklin W., Birector of the Law Publishing Company, of 17 East Thirty- Sixth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Allen, Frederick Baylies, Clergyman and Sociologist, of 1 Joy Street, Boston, Mass., was born Nov. 5, 1840, in Boston, Mass. He received the degree of A.B. from Amherst University and the Harvard College. Since 1907 he has been president of the N. E. Watch and Ward Society. He is financial secretary of the Epsicopal City Misson, sec retary of the General Theological Society, and secretary of Episcopal City Mission. He is President of the Robert Gould Shaw Home, and president of the Bevonshire Woolen Mills. He has been Archdeacon of Boston and Assistant minister under Phil lips Brooks Trinity Church. He is a mem ber of the Round Table Club. He has been married twice; and has five children, ten grand childrer and two great grand child ren, two son-in-laws, and one daughter-in- law, twenty in all, and they are all living. He resides at 132 Marlborough Street, Bos ton, Mass. Allen, Frederick Winthrop, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born May 26, 1877, in Walpole, Mass. He is vice-pres ident of the Mechanics and Metals National Bank of New York City. He resides at 8 East Seventy-second Street, New York City. Allen, Harry W. Member of the Oak Park Club, the Oak Park Country Club, and the Traffic Club. He was born Nov. 23, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been as sociated with the firm of J. W. Allen and Company and is now president; also di rector of the Meeker Sugar Refining Com pany ; and a director of the Mid-City Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the Park Board of Oak Park, 111. In 1897 he married Miss Winifrede Niswanger, of Chi cago; and they have one son, and reside in Chicago, 111. Allen, Henry Justin, Member of the Wich ita Club. He was born Sept. 12, 1868, in Warren County, Pa. In 1919-21 he was gov ernor of the State of Kansas. He resides in Wichita, Kan. Allen, J. Weston, Member of the Middle sex Club, the Massachusetts Club, the Roo sevelt Club, the Republican Club of Massa chusetts, and a member of the Society of Mayflower Bescendants. He was born April 19, 1872, in Newton Highlands, Mass.; and received the degree of A.B. from Yale Col lege and the degree of LL.B. from Harvard Law School. He is now attorney-general for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In 1901 he married Miss Caroline Cheney Hills, of Amherst, Mass. ; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside at 219 Lake Avenue, Newton Highlands, Mass. Allen, James Edward, Member of the Ro tary Club. He was born June 13, 1876, in Hebron, Va. Since 1910 he has been pres ident of the Bavis and Elkins College. He resides at Elkins ,W.Va. Allen, Kenneth, Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Public Health Association, the Municipal Engineers of New York City, and the Amer ican Society for Municipal Improvements. He was born April 6, 1857, in New Bedford, Mass. He was educated at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has been engineer of the City of New York. In 1886 he mar ried Miss Rose Whitmore Switzer; and they have a family of two sons and one daugh ter, and reside at 39 Quinby Avenue, White Plains, N.Y. 42 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Allen, Samuel G., President of the Loco motive Booster Company, of 17 East Four- ty-second Street, (New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Allen, Thomas, President and Director of the Allen Estate Association, of Macallen and Foundry Streets, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Allen, Thomas Woodruff, Business Pres ident, of Seventh and Walnut Streets, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Queen City Club, the Optimists Club, the Com- merical Club, the Business Men s Club, the Maketawah Club, and other organizations. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. From 1902 he was president of the John H. Hib- ben Dry Goods Company, resigned active management in 1921, and is now Chairman of the Board. He is a director of the Citi zens National Bank and Trust Company, and several other organizations. He mar ried Miss Annie Huntington ; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 230 Southern Avenue, Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Allen, W. Lloyd, Director of the Barrel, Bevier and Company, Incorporated, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Allen, Walter C., Business President, of 9 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of the Engineers Club, the Lotos Club, the Suburban Club of Stam ford, the Stamford Yacht Club, and the Wood way Country Club of Stamford. Since 1892 he has been with the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company, of which he is now president. He is a director of the Fi delity Title and Trust Company of Stam ford, Conn.; a director of the First Stam ford National Bank; and a director of the Stamford Morris Plan Company. He mar ried Miss Susie C. Travis; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at Shippan Point, Stamford, Conn. Allen, William H. ,Jr., Busim-s Presi dent, of Title Insurance BuildM!**, Los An geles, and a director in various oilier co:-- porations. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Allen, William Harvey, Member of Cen tury Club. He was born Feb. 9, 1874, in Le- Roy, Minn. He is the director of the Uni versity of Wisconsin Survey. He is the au thor of Civics and Health, and other works. He resides in Plandome, Lon;^ Island, N.Y. Allen, William R., President of the Allen Realty Company, of (>8 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Allen, Wyatt H., Business President, of 245 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubsand societies. He is president of the H. F. Allen Estate Company, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in San Francisco, Cal. Alley, George R., Member of the Massa chusetts Automobile Club, of which he is now president ; the Algonquin Club, and the Country Club. He was born in 1867, in Providence, R.I. He was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1903 he married Miss Miriam Stedman; and they reside at 130 Marlborough Street, Bos ton, Mass. Alley, James B., Business President, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Columbia University Ciub, the Whitehall Club, the Lido Golf Club and other clubs. He was born Sept. 13, 1892, in Tennessee; and was educated at the Wash ington and Lee University, and at the Co lumbia University. Since 1919 he has been at the head of the firm of Alley, Eells and Company. He is also president of the Real Estate Finance Corporation; arid secretary and treasurer of the Beechmere Associates, Incorporated. Allgaier, William J., President of the Al- gaier Shoe Manufacturing Company, Incor porated, of 142 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides at 1169 Bushwick Ave nue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Alliscn, George F., President of the Fed eral Milk Products Company, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and .societies. He resides in New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 43 Allyn, Arthur C., Business President, of 71 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. ; and a member of the University Club, the Bobo Link Golf Club, and the Bankers Club of New i r ork. He was born on May 7, 1887, in Hopkins, Mo. ; and was educated at the University of Chicago. Since 3912 he has been Associated in this present business. He is president Jof the A. C. Allyn and Company, president of the Universal Text Book Company, and a director in several other corporations. In 1913 he married Miss Nelle Mupsidi, of St. Louis, Mo.; and they have a family of two sons, and re side at 1707 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, 111. Almy, Charles, Lawyer, Jurist and Busi ness President, of 199 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Union Club of Boston, and the Oakley Country Club. He was born Jan. 23, 1851, in New Bedford, Mass.; and was educated at the Friend s Academy of New Bedford, at Harvard College, and the Harvard Law School. Since 1918 he has been president of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn. In 1891-1921 he was Jus tice of the Third District Court of Eastern Middlesex. In 1882 he married Miss Helen Jackson Cabot; and they have a family of two sons and four daughters; and reside at 147 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. Altieri, John R., Engineer and Business President, of 565 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the George Dose Engineering Company. He married Miss Ruth Adrienne Sattle; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 38 Hubert Place, New Rochell, N.Y. Altaian, Edward J., Secretary, Director, and Business Man, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has filled several posi tions of trust and honor ; and became pres ident of the West Hoboken Coal Company. He is now Secretary and a Director of Mul- ler, Maclean and Company, Incorporated, Exporters and Manufacturers Agents of New York City. Altaian, Morris P., Director of the Hoo- v?n Service Building Corporation, of 20 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides in New York City. Alvord, Dean, Member of the Riversea Club, the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, the Lawyers Club, the Hardware Club of New York City ; and the Municipal Club of Brooklyn. He was born Dec. 4, 1856, in Sy racuse, N.Y. He was educated at the Sy racuse University. He is the builder of Prospect Park South ; purchased from an English company of Shinnecock Hills, and from the heirs of A. T. Stewart of Garden City. His summer residence is at Lake Placid, and in Winter at Harbor Oakes, Clearwater, Fla. Amado, -Raphael S., Director of the Standard Commercial Tobacco Company and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Ambler, Eugene, Member of the Hamilton Club, and the Chicago Yacht Club. He was born May 23, 1875,. in Milwaukee, Wis. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Chicago, 111. He is co-partner in Eugene Ambler and Company, wholesale coke and coal, established in 1903. In 1920 he married Mrs. Dell H. Waters; and they have a family of three daughters, and re side in Chicago, 111. Ambler, W. E., President of the Ambler Realty Company, of 135 Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also president of the Eu clid Coit Realty Company and other cor porations. He resides in Cleveland, Ohio. Ambrose, Harry T., President of the Co- ahirla Mining and Smelting Company, of .100 Washington Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and noci- et : e;. He resides in New York City. Airent Jair.es Eli, Member of the Ingle- side Club. He was born Sept. 2, 1863," in Woo lbirn, 111. Since 1916 he has been pres ident of the National Park Seminary of Washington, D.C. He resides in Forest Glen Md. ^r-cvmrn. WilJbm H. H., Business Pres- idovt, of 2214 Whitehall Street, New York C : tv; and a member of various clubs and soeict!er<. He was born in 1874 in New York City; and was educated at private schools in New Jersey, New York and in London, 44 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST England. Since 1900 he has been a Broker; he is vice-president and treasurer of Amer- man and Patterson, Incorporated; and treasurer and director of the Averne-by- the-Sea Company. In 1907 he married Miss Helen B. Mandeville; and they reside in Garden City, N.Y. Ames, Charles F., Director of the Amer ican Telegraph Company, of 175 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Ames, Edwin A., President of the Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, of 116 Eliza beth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City. Ames, Hobart, Member of the Algonquin Club. He was born Aug. 1, 1865, in North Easton, Mass. He is a director of the Com mercial National Bank of Washington. He resides in North Easton, Mass. Ames, John Stanley, Director of the A- merican Trust Company, of Ames Build ing, Boston, Mass.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He resides in Bos ton, Mass. Ames, Mary Lesley (Mrs. Charles W. Ames), Member of the New Century Club, and its president in 1912-14. She was born in Philadelphia, Pa. She is a director of the Neighborhood House Association. She is author of Life and Letter of Peter Susan Lesly. She resides at 501 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Ammann, Albert, Investment Broker, of 148 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is identified with the Beacon Investment As sociation, and with the Merchants Realty Company ; and is a director in both of these corporations. Ammons, Elias Milton, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born July 28, 1860, in Macon County, N.C. In 1880 he graduated from the East Denver High School. He is a business president. Since 1885 he has been in the ranch business. In 1890-94 he was a member of the Colorado House of Representatives, and for six years of the State Senate ; and in 1913-15 he was Governor of Colorado. He is president of the Farmers Life Insurance Company; and president of the National Western Stock Show Association. He is also president of the Sons of Colorado, a number of frater nal and patriotic orders, and various clubs, societies and other organizations. He is prominently idenified with the business, public and social affairs of his city. Amory, Harcourt, Treasurer of the Indi an Head Mills of Alabama, of 48 Frank lin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies He resides in Boston, Mass. Amory, Robert, Director of the Boston Manufacturing Company, of 48 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Amory, William, President of the Pep- perell Manufacturing Company, of 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Boston, Mass. Amos, Jacob, Merchant and Banker, of Syracuse, N.Y., was born in December, 1853, in Syracuse, N.Y. He was educated at the Syracuse High School. He is president of the Paragon Plaster Company; chairman of the Intercepting Sewer Board of Syra cuse, N.Y. and vice-president of the Third National Bank and of the C. L. Amos Coal Company. He is a trustee of the Syracuse ance Company and Great Western Lloyds Insurance Sompany. He is a member of the New York Produce Exchange and has been mayor of Syracuse. He has been trus tee of the Village of Baldwinsville. He is a Mason, and Knight Templar; and is a member of the Century Club, the Citizen s Club and the Onondaga Golf Club. Amsler, Walter 0., Engineer and Member of the American Ceremic Society, the Pitts burgh Chamber of Commerce, the Society of American MilitaryEngineers, and a mem ber of the National Advisory Board of the Old Colony Club. He was born May 7, 1875, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is the president of the Arnsler-Morton Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. He resides at 6545 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 45 Anderson, Alden, Business President, of Capitol National Bank, Sacramento, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Sterling Oil and developement Company, and a director in various other corporations. Anderson^ Charles Palmerston, Clergy man and Bishop, of 1612 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 8, 1865, in Canada. In 1891-1900 he was the rector of Grace Church of Oak Park, 111. ; and in 1900 he became bishop Co-adjutator of Chicago, and has been Bishop of Chicago since 1904. He is the author of Letters of Laymen. He resides at 1612 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Anderson, David Minott, Paper Manu facturer, of the Trust Company Building, Watertown, N.Y. ; and a member of the Jefferson Golf Club, the Thousand Island Yacht Club, the Black Valley Club, the At lantic Tuna Club, the Long Key Fishing Club, and the Crescent Yacht Club. He was born Oct. 9, 1855, in Harrison, N.Y.; and was educated at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He is Vice-President of the St. Regis Paper Company, the Hanna Paper Corporation, and the Brownsville Paper Company. He is a director of the St. Regis Paper Company of Canada, the St. Regis Falls Wood Corporation, the Northern New York Trust Company, the Northern New York Utilities, the Agricultural Insurance Company, the Marcy-Buck Company, the H. H. Babcock Company, the Hungerford- Holbrook Company, the Central Stamping Company, of New York, the Ontario Stock Farm, the Watertown Transportation Com pany, the Watertown Standard, and of F. L. Carlisle and Company, Incorporated. He is also a trustee of the Watertown City Hospital, and the Jefferson County Sav ings Bank. In 1892 he married Miss Ida Lydecker ; and they have one daughter, and reside at 210 South Massy Street, Water- town, N.Y. Anderson, Edward Morse, Vice-president of the Men s Apparel Club of New Eng land, president of the Kernwood Club, the Maiden Post of the American Legion, the Meadowbrook Country Club of Reading, the Maiden Lodge of Elks, and is a thirty- second degree Mason and a Shriner. He was born June 20, 1892 ,in Maiden, Mass. He is sales manager of the Rhodes and Rip- ley Clothing Company of Boston. He re sides at 36 Alpine Street, Maiden, Mass. Anderson, F. A., Business President, of Milton, Wis. ; and a member of the Amer ican Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers, and various other clubs and societies. He was born in Sweden; and was educated there. Since 1913 he has been superintendent and chief engineer of the Burdick Cabinet Company, of which he is also vice-president. In 1914 he married Miss Anna Begbom ; and they have a fam ily of one son and four daughters, Anderson, Frank Barlow, Member of the City Club. He was born July 15, 1863, in Macon Ga. Since 1909 he has been presi dent of the Bank of California. He resides at 400 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Anderson, Frank B., Business President, of the Bank of California National Associ ation, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs an d societies. He is pres ident of the Natomas Company of Califor nia; and a director in various other corpor ations. He resides in San Francisco, Cal. Anderson, Frank M., Educator and Ge ologist of Berkeley, Cal., was born June 4, 1863, in Ashland, Ore. In 1889 he received the degree of A.B. from the Wlllamet Uni versity, in 1895 the degree of A.B. from the Stanford University, and in 1897 the de gree of M.S. from the California Univer sity. In 1901-11 he was Geologist of the Standard Oil Company. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining and Met allurgical Engineers, the Geological Society of America, the California Academy of Sci ences, and various other educational and scientific societies. In 1919 he married Miss Teresa M. Barry, and they reside at 2604 Etna Street, Berkeley, Cal. Anderson, John, Member of the Nassau Country Club. He was born Dec. 4, 1857, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a successful chem ical manufacturer ; and since 1900 has been chairman of the board of Charles Pelzer and Company, Incorporated. He resides at 187 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ,46 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Anderson, Mrs. Virginia B., President of the Rhode Island Federation of Musical Clubs. She resides at 1 Bell Street, Provi dence, R.I. Anderson, W. P., Realtor and Business President, of Third and Elm Streets, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Com mercial Club of Cincinnati, the Common wealth Club, the Queen City Club, the Uni versity Club, the Cincinnati Golf Club, the Pillars Club, the Stumps Boat Club, and the American Society of Engineers. He was born in 1874 in Cincinnati, Ohio; and re ceived an academic education. Since 1902 he has been president of the Ferro Con crete Construction Company, vice-president of the William Koehl Company, and a di rector of the Fourth National Bank and other corporations. In 1902 he married Miss Marguerite A. Tullidge ; arid they have one so a, and reside at 308 Lafayette Ave nue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrew, Henry Hersey, Member of the Army and Navy Club. He was born April 26, 1858, in Boston, Mass. Since 1888 he has practiced law. He has twice traveled around the world. He resides at 507 West End Avenue, New York City. Andrew, John H., Director, of 69 East Eleventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was edu cated in the Public Schools of his native city. Since 1906 he has been identified with the Reliable-Globe-Textile Shrinking Cor poration of which he is now Secretary and a Director. In 1906 he married Miss Lulu Schoenfeld; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 19418 One Hundredth Avenue, Hollis, Long Is land, N.Y. Andrews, Edward Wyllys, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born in Chicago, 111. In 1878 he received the degree of A.B. and A.M. from the Northwestern University; and in 1881 he received the de gree of M.D. from the Nothwestern Medical School. He is a surgeon and author, of 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, III. Hr has been surgeon-in-chief to Cook County and Mercy Hospitals; attending surgeon to the Michael Reese Hospital and was head of the department of surgery to the North western University Medical School. Since 1880 he has been United States surgeon to the Bureau of Pensions. He is a member of the American M-^ ^cal and the Amer- -\n Surgical Association, the American College of Surgeons, the Loval Legion and otLer scientific and educational societies. He is the author of Surgery of the Stomach and other works. Andrews, Fannie Fern, Member of the Twentieth Century Club. She was born in Margaret ville, Nova Scotia. She is vi co- president of the League to Enforce Peace. She is the author of The United States and the World. She resides at 405 Maryborough Street, Boston, Mass. Andrews , George Osgood, Member of the Sons of the American Revolution. He is manufacturer of 1182 Broadway, New York City. Since 1914 he has been eastern repre sentative of the Plate Glass Manufacturers of America, of Pittsburgh, Pa. He has beon president of the New York Glass Company. In 1897 he married Miss Lydia A. de Lima, of New York City, and they have a family of one daughter, Lenora; and they reside at 220 W T est One Hundred and Seventh Street, New York City. Andrews, James K., Business President, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is Vice-president of the H. D. Waldbridge and Company, Incorporated ; and Vice-Pres ident of the Pennsylvania Electric Com pany. He resides in New York City. Andrews, M., President of the Calumet Transportation Company; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also president of the Franklin Transportation Company and other corporations. He re sides in Mentor, Cleveland, Ohio. Andrews, P. A. Member of the Rotary Club, and a prominent Elk and Shriner. He was born Jan. 31, 1894, in Belen ,Miss. He is now assistant secretary and treasurer of the Washington Rotary Club. He resides at 1500 Columbia Road, Washington, D.C. Andrews, William H., Member of the Au tomobile of America Club. He was born Nov. 17, 1860, in Thomaston, Maine. He was educated at Thomaston Academy. He AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 47 "is president of Pratt and Lambert, Incor- the Security Safe Deposit Company, and the Central Bank of Buffalo, N.Y. His ad dress is 75 Tonawanda Street, Buffalo,N.Y. Andrews, William Loring, President of the Society of Iconophiles. He resides at 16 East Thirty-eighth Street, New York City. Angell, George R., Member of the Dallas Automobile Club. He is idenified with the Rock Island and Gulf Railway. He is pres- id ient of the Dallas Automobile Club. He resides in Dallas, Texas. Angerer, Victor, Director of the Phila delphia Roll and Maehiive Compan.v of 30 Church Street, N<r\v York t ity; m-il a 11.0111- ber of various clubs and societies. Anixter, Abraham E., President of the A.E.A. Realty Corporation, of 30 East Forty second Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Ansorge, Martin Charles, Member, of the City Club. He is a lawyer and statesman, of 100 Broadway, New York City. In 1915- 17 he was a member of Congress. He re sides in New York City. Anthony, Katharine Susan, Litterateur, of New York City; and a member of The Civic Club. She was born Nov. 27, 1877, in Roseville, Ark. She is the author of Moth ers Who Must Earn, Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia, and Margaret Fuller, a Psychological Biography. She resides at 23 Bank Street, New York City. Anthony, R. B., Manufacturer, of 6330 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Kiwanis Club, the South Side Tennis Club, and- the Woodlawn Bus iness Men s Association. He was born June 22, 1883, in Kewanee, 111.; and was educat ed at the University of Wisconivn, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Techrsoiogy. For many years he was the Pittsbm gl and Chicago Manager for the Bristol Company of Waterbury, Conn. Since 1915 he has been in the manufacturing business ; and is now proprietier of the E. A. Wilcox Manu facturing Company. In 1910 he married Miss Harriet Pietzsch; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and they reside at 1541 East Sixty-fifth Place, Chicago, 111. Anthony, Ralph, Treasurer of the Massa chusetts Real Estate Company, of 20 Bea con Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides sides in New York City. Antoniades, Nicholas P., Business Presi dent, of 25 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Commercial Union of America, Incorporated; and president of the Commercial Union Shoe and Leather Company, Incorporated. He has filled nu merous positions of trust and honor; and resides in New York City. App, Oliver 0., Business President, of 280 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Mecca Temple of New York City. He was born April 20, 1864, in Xenia, Ohio; and was educated in the pub lic and night schools, and in the printing office, becoming editor and general man ager. Since 1881 he has been interested in mining in Colorado. In 1890-1907 was en gaged in printing, engraving and the pub lishing business in Denver, Col. Since 1907 he has been the inventor and developer of the App Tunneling Machine, now working on the Queensburg subway tunnel of New York City. He is president of the App Tun neling Machine Company; and a director in other corporations. Appell, Carl J., Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 11, 1875, in Galva, 111. He is now assistant corpor ation counsel for the City of Chicago, with offices in 511 City Hall. In 1921 he mar ried Miss Agnes Swanson; and they re side at 1342 Norwood Street , Chicago, 111. Appleton, Francis Randall, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 4, 1856, in New York City. He prac ticed law in New York until 1883. In 1884 he became a member of the firm of Robbins and Appleton, general agents for the Wal- tham Watch Company, of Waltham ,Mass. He is a director of the National Park Bank the Boston, Cape Cod and New York Canal Company, and the Waltham Watch Com pany. For thirteen years he was staff of ficer of the First Brigade of the National Guard of the state of New York. He re sides in New York City. 48 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Apsey, Albert S., Director of the Busi ness Men s Co-Operative Bank, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Archibald, Alexander, Mayor, of Newark, N.J. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Newark, N.J. Arctowski, Henry K., Member of the Bel- gica Commission, International Polar Con ference, a fellow of the Royal Geograph ical Society, the American Association for the advancement of Science, the New York Academy of Sciences, the Association of American Geographers, and a member of the National Institute of Social Science. He was born July 15, 1871, in Warsaw, Poland. He had charge of physiolgical observations at the Belgian Antartic Andes, and estab lished the first complete record meteorolo gical observations made in the south polar regions. He afterward assisted at the Royal Observatory of Belgium until coming to America in 1909; and since 1911 chief of science division, of the New York Public Library. Arend, Francis J., President of the De Laval Separator Company, of 165 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Arhart, Mrs. E. A., President of the Uni versity Philharmonic Society, with a mem bership of fifty men and women. She re sides in Grand Forks, N.D. Ariani, Saverio, Banker, of 773 Forquer Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the American Bankers Association, and the Illi nois Bankers Association. He was born in Cosenza, Italy ; and received a technical education. He has been a professor of for eign languages, a traveling salesman, and an importer of foreign specialties. Since 1910 he has been a banker ; and is now pres ident of the First Italian State Bank. In 1908 he married Miss Minnie Petruzzi; and they have a family of two sons and five daughters, and reside at 774 Forquer Street, Chicago, 111. Armour, Jonthan Ogden, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Nov. 11, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wls. He is president of Ar mour and Company, packers. He resides in Lake Forest, 111. Armsey, George, Director of the Califor nia Packing Company, of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Annstead, Henry Howell, Member, of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Pan-American Society, the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, the Racquet and Tennis Club, the Engineers Club, the Calumet Club, theAlpha Delta Phi Club, the Columbia University Club, the Country Club, the Sleepy Hollow Club, the New York Club, the Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C., and the University Club of Chicago. He was born Aug. 4, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn Latin School, Berkeley School, class of 1893 ,and the School of Mines, class of 1897. He is president of the Armstead Snow Motors, Incorporated, and the Armstead Mines Incorporated. His home is in Talache, Idaho. Armstrong, G. W., President of the Bald win Piano Manufacturing Company, of 142 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also president of the William H. Per ry Lumber Company and other Corpora tions. He resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Armstrong, J. K., Business President, of 101 California Street, San Franciso, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Western Fruit Packing Company, and a director in vari ous other corporations. Armstrong, Lorenzo D., Director, of 67 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1875, in New Haven, Conn. ; and was ed ucated at St. Paul s Schools of Concord, N.H., and at Yale University, Columbia and New York Law Schools. He is a member of the firm of Armstrong, Keith and Kern ; and a director of the Cuban-American Su gar Company, secretary and director of the Fajardo Sugar Company, a director of the New Amsterdam Casualty Company, and secretary and director of the Cuban- Dom inican Sugar Company. In 1912 he married Miss Mollie Bangs; and they have a fam ily of one son and two daughters, and re side in Riverside, Conn. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 49 Armstrong, William H., Manager of the Ault and Wiborg Company, printers and manufacturers, of 705 South Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides at 4149 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. Arnold, George C.. Realtor, Treasurer, and Managing Director, of 124 Washington Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member o various clubs and societies. He is treasure and Managing Director of the Arnold Raul Estate Company, the Posnegansett Ice Com pany, the Arnold Numismatic Company and the Motor League of Rhode Island. In 1892 he married Miss Flora Etta Richards; and they have three sons. Arnold, Frank Atkinson, Director of 470 Fourth Avenue, New York City, was born June 2, 1867, in Westboro, Mass. He is secretary of the Frank Seaman, Incorporat ed, and director in charge of Foreign Ad vertising. In 1894-97 he was editor and publisher of The Trade Monthly of Boston, Mass. In 1907-10 he was vice-president of The Suburban Press, of which he is now president; and since 1911 has also been president and publisher of the Suburban- Life Magazine. He is a member of the Aldine Club, and the Commonwealth Club of Montclair. In 1890 he married Miss Har riet Eudora Gurney; and they reside in Upper Montclair, N.J. Arnold, Nelson B., Business President, of 71 Otsego Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and vice-president of the James Nassaus Company; and president of the Keystone Varnish Company. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Arnold, Ralph, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born April 14, 1875, in Marshalltown, Iowa. He is a consulting geologist. He resides at 1205 Wilson Ave nue, South Pasadena, Cal. Arnow, Watson, Member of various clubs and societies. He received a thorough edu cation an dstudied art under the best mast ers. His illustrations have appeared in standard magazines and published books and have been given high praise by art crit ics. He resides in Westchester, N.Y. Arnstein, Moritz, Business President, of 40 West Ninety-ninth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is treasurer, president and sole proprietor of the Arnesto Glass Company; and is also manager of the Arnesto Paint Company, Incorporated. In 1902 he mar ried Miss Roza Lovy; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 243 West Ninety-eighth Street, New York City. Arnstein, W., Business President and Di rector, of the Hobart Building, San Fian cisco, Cal.; and a member of the ArgoixJiur. Club, the Beresford Club, the Mt. Dial-lo Club, the Sutter Club, and the Yale Club. He was born in 1883 in San Francisco, Cal. Since 1911 he has been president 01 the (Sacramento Short Line. He is president oi the San Francisco-Sacramento RaiK -a I Company, the Shasta Zinc and Coppei ni- pany, and the Western Properties and De- velopement Company, and is also a di rector of the Alexander Boyd Estate Com pany, the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad, and the Sacramento Valley and Eastern Railroad. In 1906 he married Miss Alice Sussman; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 2211 Washington Street, San Francisco, Cal. Arrick, Clifford, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 5, 1865, in St. Clairsville, Ohio. He served in the Span ish-American War. For some years he was engaged in business as a broker of securi ties of Indianapolis, Ind. He was publicity manager for the Bell Telephone System at Chicago. He has written extensively for the current publications and has filled va rious positions of trust and honor. Since 1920 he has been vice-president of the Na tional City Bank of Chicago. He resides m Chicago, 111. Arthurs, Stanley M., Artist of Wilming ton, Del.; and a member of the Franklin Inn Club of Philadelphia, the Salmagundi Club, the Architectural League, the Society of Mural Painters, the Guild of Free Lance Artists, all of New York City; and the Ro tary Club of Wilmington, Del. He resides in Wilmington, Del. 4 50 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ash, Horace W., Business President, of 9 Cambridge Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the American Society of Me chanical Engineers, the Winchester Coun- try Club, and a member of the Masons and a Shriner. Since 1896 he has been engag ed in the paving and contracting business. He was mechanical engineer for the War ren Brothers Company for many years, of which he is now Vice-President. He is also President of the Southern Road Company; and a director of the Duthie-Strachan and Company, Incorporated. In 1903 he mar ried Miss Dorothy R. Little; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 14 Fairview Avenue, Win chester, Mass. Ashbrook, Sallie V., President of the Cynthiana Musical Club, with a member ship of seventy-two women. She resides in Cynthiana, Ky. "Ashford, Albert B., President of the Al bert B. Ashford, Incorporated, of 12 East Forty-Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ashhurst, John, Member of various clubs and societies. He is librarian of the Free Public Library of Philadelphia. He resides at Thirteenth and Locust Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Askin, Samuel, Business President, of 141 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Askin and Marine Com pany, established 1894, Maufacturer of Men s and Women s Clothing, with branch stores in the principal cities of the United States. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and resides in New York City.. Aspegren, John, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 31, 1876, in Sweden. Since 1899 he has been a partner, and since 1919 sole owner of the firm of Aspegren and Company, refiners and merchants in vegetable oils. In 1906 he founded and became president of the Ports mouth Cotton Oil Refining Corporation. Since 1911 he has been governor of the in terstate Cotton Seed Crushers Association; and in 1914-16 was president of the New York Stock Exchange. In 1916 he married Miss Lucille Vantine Bacon ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 4 East Eighty-sixth Street, New York City. Aspinwall, John, Life member of the Au tomobile Club of America, the New York Yacht Club, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Law yers Club of New York. He was born Oct. 15, 1858, in Paris, France. He was educat ed at the Stevens Institute of Technology of Hoboken, N.J. He was president of the Fabrikoid Company, which he sold in 1910 to the Du Pont corporation. He is now vice-president of the Coldwell Lawn Mower Company of Newburgh, N.Y. He is vice- president of the Stevens Institute, former president of the New York Microscopic So ciety and former president of the Camera Club of New York. He married Miss Julia Wilson; and they have a family of one daughter, and reside in Newburgh, N.Y. Athearn, F. C., Business President, of Balboa Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs an d societies. He is president of the Baker-Vawter Com pany of California, and a director in vari ous other corporations. Atherton, F. C., Business President, of Honolulu, H.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Limited, and a di rector in various other corporations. Atkins, C. H. M., President of the First National Bank, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is also president of the Warner Elevator Manufacturing Company and other corpor- porations. He resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Atkins, Edwin F., President of the Aetna Mills, of 10 Broad Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides in Boston, Mass. Atkins, George Chew, Business Pres ident, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of variuos clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Pittsburgh, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Company and president of the Woodlands Orchards, Limited. He has settled permanently on his property, The Woodlands, Bronte, Ontario, Canada. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 51 Atkins, George W. E., Director of the American Telegraph and Cable Company, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Atkins, Harry T., Member of the City Club. He was born March 26, 1849, in Ohio. For two years he was president of the Ohio State Board of Commerce. He resides at 2311 Upland Place, Walnut Hills, Cincin nati, Ohio. Atkins, Robert W., Vice-President of the Agricola Insurance Company, of 10 Broad Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. Atkinson , Charles Thomson, Member of the Chicago Club, the Ontwensia Club ,the Cliff Dwellers Club, and the Sons of the Revolution. He was born Nov. 4, 1864, in Elmira, N.Y. He is secretary of the Chica go Stock Exchange, and secretary of the Chicago Association of Stock Exchange Firms. He resides in Lake Forest, 111. Atkinson, Henry Avery, Clergyman and Author, of 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City; was born Aug. 26, 1877, in Merced, Cal. He has received the degrees of A.B. and D.D. In 1904-08 he was professor of Sociology in the Atlantic Theological Sem inary, of which he is now a trustee. In 1902 he was ordained to the Congregational min istry; and is now General Secretary of the Church Peace Union and World Alliance for International Friendship. He is the au thor of Men and Things, and other works. In 1901 he married Miss Grace Olin, of Evanston, 111.; and they reside at Prince George Hotel, New York City. Atonna, Carmelo, Physician and Trustee, of 158 West Eigthty-eighth Street, New York City, was born Feb. 4, 1859, in Sarno, Italy. In 1894 he was a graduate in medi cine from the University of Naples; and since 1901 has practiced medicine in New York City. He is visiting physician to the Italian Hospital, and assisting physician to the Dispensary. He is a trustee of the Ital ian Savings Bank of the City of New York ; and a member of the Harlem Italian Sani tarium. In 1904 he married Miss Bice Sco- lera, of Naples; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 158 West Eighty-eighth Street, New York City. Atwater, B. L., Business President, of Metropolitan and Woodward Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is Vice-President of the William Wrigley Jr. Company; the Levonel Company, and the L. A. Dreyfres Company. He is also a director of the Hud son Trust Company, the Hudson Safe De posit Company, and other corporations. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and resides in New York City. Atwater, Frederick, Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in Bridgeport, Conn. Atwater, William Cutler, Member of the City Club. He was born July 4, 1861, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president and direct or of William C. Atwater and Company, In corporated, of 1 Broadway, New York City ; and an officer and director in other coal companies. He resides in New York City. Atwell, William Hawley, Member of nu merous clubs and societies. He was born June 9, 1869, in La Crosse, Wis. He receiv ed the degrees of A.B., B.S., LL.B. and the honorary degree 6f LL.D. In 1889 he was assistant attorney-general of Texas; and for sixteen years he was a United States attorney; and in 1916 was the Republican nominee for governor of the State of Texas. He is the author of Atwell s Federal Crim inal Law. In 1892 he married Miss Susie Snyder, of Georgetown, Texas; and they reside at 5411 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas, Atwood, Ichabod F., Manufacturer and Trustee, of Vale v Street, Chelsea, Mass. ; and a member of the Palestine Commandery and Aleppo Shrine. He was born Feb. 28, 1882, in Middleboro, Mass.; and received the degree of ft,B. from Massachusetts In stitute of Technology. Since 1903 he has been in the box manufacturing business; and is a member of the Atwood and Mc- Manus Box Company. He is also a trustee and member of the investment board of the Chelsea Trust and Savings Bank, and a director of the Chelsea Trust Company. In 1911 he married Miss Clara H. Greenleaf ; and they reside at 60 East Emerson Street, Melrose, Mass. 52 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Atwood, J. T., Manufacturer, of 128 Wa ter Street, Rockford, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born July 24, 1881, in Rockford, 111.; and was educated at the University of Illinois. Since 1908 lie has been in partnership with S. B. Atwood, manufacturers of automo bile hardware. Until 1920 they manufact ured and sold the Atwood Stationary Va- cum Cleaner, which is now being manufact ured and sold by the Atwood-Stewart Va- cum Company, of Chicago, 111. In 1906 he married Miss Myra C. Cadby; and they have one son, and reside at 1245 Garrison Avenue, Rockford, 111. Atwood, Kimball C., President of the At wood Fire Insurance Company, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He re sides in New York City Auchincloss, John W., President of the Dunnellon Phosphate Company, of 22 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Aufses, Mortimer A., Business President, of 277 Stanton Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born hi 1892 in New York City. He is president of Mortimer A. Aufses, Incor porated; and also president of Broad and Whizin, Incorporated. He is treasurer of the Hava Drink, Incorporated. He married Miss Corinne Oppenheimer; and they re side at 220 West One Hundred and Tenth Street, New York City. Ault, Levi A., Business President, of 423 New Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a mem ber of the Commercial Club, the Queen City Club, the Business Men s Club, and the Cincinnati Country Club. He was born Nov. 24, 1851, at Mille Roche, Canada; and was educated at the Corwall Grammar School. He is now president of the Ault and Wiborg Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, the Ault and Wiborg Argentine Company of Buenos Aires, S.A., the Ault and Wiborg Brazil Company of Rio de Janero, S.A., the Ault and Wiborg Uruguay Company of Mantevido, S.A., the Ault and Wiborg Chi na Company of Shanghai, China, the Ault and Wiborg London Company of London, England, the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Company and the First National Bank of Cincinnati, both of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1878 he married Miss Ida M. Holtzinger, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and they had one son, now deceased, and one grandson and two granddaughters, and they reside at Mille Roches, East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Austin, Chellis A., President of the Mer cantile Trust Company, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Austin, Dwight E., Director of the Inter national Milk Company, of 130 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Austin, Emory A., Business President, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soiceties, and the C.P.A. of New York State. He was born in 1889 in Philipsville, Erie County, Pa., an d was educated at the New York University School of Commerce ; and has re ceived the degrees of B.C.D. and C.P.A. Since 1919 he has been associated with Knapp and Baxter, Incorporated, Steel Pro ducts, of which lie is treasurer and presi dent. In 1915 he married ; and has one son, and resides at 14 Springfield Road, Eliza beth, N.J. Austin, Henry Warren, Banker and Statesman, of 179 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Union League Club, the Oak Park Club, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He was born Jan. 24, 3864, in Oak Park, 111.; and was educated at the Oak Park and Chicago High Schools; and Williams College, with the Phi Beta Kappa rank. For eighteen years he was treasurer of the village of Oak Park ; and has been National President of the Alpha Delta Phi. In 1892-1921 he was president of the Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank ; and since 1921 Chairman of the Board. He isalso a member of the Illinois Slate Senate from the twenty-third district of Illinois. In 1904 he married Miss Edna L. Harris; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 1022 Lake Street, Oak Park, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 53 Austin, John B., Director of the Beverly Sales Company, of 2 Stone Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He resides in New York City. Austin, John T., Business President, of 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Merchants Association, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, and the Boston Chamber of Commerce. He was born in 1870 in Jeffersonville, Ind. ; and was educated in the public schools, and at the Business College of Indianapolis, Ind. Since 1918 he has been in New York as sales counsel and organizer of various associa tions and corporations; an dis also execu tive secretary and a director of the Na tional Foundation, Incorporated. He is pres ident of the New York Association of Man ufacturers Representatives, president of the International Educational Society, and president of the Confectionery Jobbers Cor poration. In 1894 he married Miss Carrie Frances Moog; and they have two married daughters, and reside at 446 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Austin, Lawrence H., Business Man and Director, of 141 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of the Army and Navy Club of Washington, D.C., the Knollwood Coun try Club, the Penham Country Club, the American Yacht Club, and the Transporta tion Club. He was born in Denver Col.; and was educated at the United States Naval Academy of Annapolis, Md. He is a mem ber of the firm of Ogilby and Austin ; and treasurer and director of the Magnolia Pine and Cypress Company. In 1908 he married Miss Roma Paxton, of San Fran cisco, Cal., they have a family of three daughters and reside at Penham Manor, N.Y. Austin, Mary Christina, Editor and Pub lisher, of 218 Old South Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. She was born in Cambridge, Mass. ; and was educated at the Cambridge Gram mar and High School, and at the Conserva- totory of Music. From her graduation she was on the editorial staff of the Sacred Heart Reveiw until 1917, when sh founded The North American Teacher, an Exponent of Educational Efficiency. Austin, Richard Loper, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 28, 1859, in Philadelphia, Pa, He is president of the Brooklyn Borough Gas Company. He resides at Rex and Seminole Avenues, Chestunt Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Austin, Robert B., Director of the Buffa lo Southern Railway Company, of 50 Church Sreet, New York City ; Austrian, Harvey S., Business Vice-Pres ident and Director, of the Board of Trade Building, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Lake Shore Country Club, the Down Town Club, and the Standard Club. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio; and was edu cated at the University of Chicago. Since 1901 he has been Vice-President of the Ro- senbaum Brothers, and has filled various other positions of trust and honor. In 1907 he married Miss Alma Rosenbaum; and they have one daughter, and reside at 2710 Lakeview Avenue, Chicago, 111. Auten, George W., Member of the Masons, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. He was born Feb. 24, 1875, in Fredericks- town, Ohio. He was educated at Fredericks- town, High School; and is a graduate of Berea College of Berea, Ky. He has a suc cessful practice in Akron, Ohio; and has held several positions of trust and honor. He resides at 153 Castle Boulevard, Akron, Ohio. Averbeck, Maximilian Justus, Jeweler and Manufacturer, of Maiden Lane, New York Citj 7 , was born in Marrietta, Ohio. He was educated at Marietta College, and grad uated from the New York College of Phar macy and Columbia University. He is pres ident of the Ten and Twelve Maiden Lane Company ; the Averbeck Drug Company of New York ; and is director of the Germania Fire Insurance Company. He is vice-pres ident of the National Wholesale Jewelers Association; land trustee of the Maiden Lane Savings Bank. He is a director of the New York Federation of Churches; and vestrymen and treasurer of All Angels Church. He is a member of the Ohio Soci ety, Mariette College, West End Associa tion, and a member of the Ohio Society, and a member of the Rockland Country Club, the Union League Club and the Econ omic Club of New York City. 54 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Averett, Elliott, Director, of the Broad way Renting Company, of 44 West Eigh teenth Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Avinoff, Andrew N., Director, of 709 Sixth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of several scientific and art societies in the United States, England and Russia. He was born Feb. 14, 1884, in Russia; and was educated at the Moscow College of Law. He is a director of the Russian Zemstavos Export and Import Company, Incorporated. Since 1915 he has been a representative of the Ail-Russian Zemsky Union in the Uni ted States. Avram, Mois Herban, Consulting Engi neer and Business President of 360 Madi son Avenue, New York City ; was born Dec. 15 1880 in Roumania. In 1904 he graduated with the degree of B.S. from the Schools of Applied Science of the New York Uni versity receiving the degree of M.E. in 1905. He is head of the Engineering Firm of M. H. Avram and Company. He is the Holder of numerous Patents ; and in 1920 was appointed a technical Expert on the commission to examine the Voting Ma chines for the State of New York. He is a member of the American Society of Me chanical Engineers the Society of Industri al Engineers. He is past president of the Aeronautical Society of America and a member of the City Club of New York. In 1906 he married Miss Ernestine Kaunitz, of Tampa, Fla. ; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside in New York City. Axtell, Frances Cleveland (Mrs. William Henry Axtell), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 12 ,1866, in Ster ling, 111. She is prominent in the state of Washington as an organizer and worker for the Compensation Law; and in 1913-15 was the first woman member of the Washington House of Representatives. S he resides at the Brighton Apartments, Washington, D.C. Ayer, Fred Rollins, Manufacturer and Business President, of No. 199 Wahington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Tennis and Racquet Club, the Brookline Country Club, the Eastern Yacht Club, the Dedham Country and Polo Club, the Har vard Club of Boston, and the Harvard Club of New York. He was born Aug. 1, 1880, in Bangor, Maine; and received an acad emic education. He is president of the Eastern Manufacturing Company of Bost- ;on ; and a director in various corporations. In 1909 he married Miss Eleanor Frances Butler; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 37 White Street, Milton, Mass. Ayer, Frederick Fanning, Lawyer, Trus tee, Donor and Poet, of 5 West Fifty-sev enth Street, New York City, was born in Lowell, Mass. He graduated from the Har vard College with the degree of A.B., and studied law in the Harvard Law School. Since 1878 he has managed the great prop erties of the Ayer estate. He presented the Ayer Memorial Library to the town of Ayer, Mass. He is a large stockholder in the New York Tribune association and other corporations. He is the author of Bell and Wing, a volume of twelve hundred and six ty pages of verse. He resides in Boston, Mass. Ayer, William P. F., Vice-President and Director, of Boston, Mass; and a member of the Exchange Club, the Boston City Club, the Braeburn Country Club, and the DeMolay Commandery. He was born Nov. 9, 1870, in Medford, Mass.; and was edu cated at the Northampton Jligh School. Since 1890 he has been connected with Wal- worth Manufacturing Company, of which he is a director and vice-president. In 1904 he married Miss Marguerite L. Woods, who died in 1916, and they have one son, Robert Wells Ayer. In 1919 he married Harriet Loring Van Bergen; and they reside at 170 Lake Avenue, Newton Center, Mass. Ayers, Allan F., Business President, of 1185 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of the City Club and other clubs and societies. He resides in Akron, Ohio, emic education. He is president of the East ern Manufacturing Company of Boston; and a director in various corporations. In 1909 he married Miss Eleanor Frances But ler; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 37 White Street, Milton, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 55 Ayers, LaVeryne Randolph, Vice-Presi dent and Director, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Bankers Club, the Ohio Society, and the Upper Montclair Country Club. He was born in 1877 in Paw Paw, Mich.; and was educated at Kalamazo College. Since 1919 he has been treasurer of Lawrence Chamberlain and Company, Incorporated. He has been Vice-President of the Albion National Bank and other banks; and is now a director of the Terry Shipbuilding: Corporation and other corporations. In 1899 he married Miss Mame E. Kirby, of Knoxville, Tenn. ; and they have one son, and reside in Montclair, N.J. Ayling, Charles L., Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, IkasF.; and a member of the Algonquin Club, the Wianno Club, the Charles River Country ^ ,-ib and the Seapoint Club. He is vice-president of the Connecticut River Power Coirpany of Mai^e, the Mexican Invest m j .nt Com pa ay, and a director in a dozen other corpora tions. In 1900 he married M-vs Margaret Rf/lx-rN.m; and they have on 3 sou uu<i v c- sultr in (. onterville, Mass. Ayres, Burt Wilmot, Educator and Dean, of Upland, Ind., was born Dec. 29, 1865 in Hartford City, Ind. He was educated at the De Pauw University of Greencastle, Ind., and the Taylor University of Upland, Ind. Since 1888 he has been engaged most of the time in educational work, first in the public schools and since 1897 in Col leges; and is now Dean and Professor of Philosophy of the Taylor University of Up land, Ind. He has been Principal of the Schools of Redkey, Montpelier and Warren, Ind., dean of the Central Holiness Univer sity of University Park, Iowa, and later president of the same Institution. In 1888 he married Miss Mary Etta Huggins, and they have three sons, and reside at Upland, Ind. Ayres, Milan Church, Member of the Twentieth Century Club. He was born May 17, 1850, in Lewiston, 111. In 1890-1903 he was editor of the Boston Daily Advertiser. He resides at 1607 Irving Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Ayres, Samuel Gardiner, Librarian and Author, of the Garret Biblical Institute, Evanston. 111., was born April 25, 1865, in Peru, N.Y. He was educated at the Troy Conference Academy; and in 1888 received the degree of B.D. from the Drew Theolo gical Seminary. In 1888-1911 he was libra rian of the Drew Theological Seminary ; and since 1912 has been in charge of the Libra ry of the Garret Biblical Institute at Evan- ston, 111. In 1911-12 he was president of the Correspondence School of Theology, of Drew Theological Seminary. He is the au thor of Drew Theological Seminary Record and other works. He is a member of the American Library Association, the Amer ican Church History Society, the Troy Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1889 he married Miss Olive Reynolds, and they reside at 727 Simpson Street, Evanston, 111. Baaches, Frank, Manufacturer, of 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born March 9, 1863, in Germany. He has always been engaged in the steel and wire business. He is now vice-president and general sales manager for the American Steel and Wire Company. He is a member the Union League Club, the South Shore Country Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, the Germania Club, the Midday Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Babb, Edward E., Vice-President and Di rector of 212 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Boston Ath letic Association, the Bellevue Golf Club, the Nashua Country Club and various other clubs and societies. He was born in 1859 in Melrose, Mass.; jand was educated at the Bryant and Stratton Business College of Boston, Mass. He is a member of the firm of Edward E. Babb and Company, and vice-president of the Liberty Trust Company. He is also a director of the A. M. Hume Music Company, the Boston Arena Company, and a trustee of the Pine Bank Park. In 1901-02 he was president of the Amateur Athletic Union, and 1919-20 was president of the Boston Athletic Associa tion. He is also vice-president of the Mel- rose Hospital Association. In 1892 he mar ried Miss Mary Alice Goss; and they have one son and reside in Melrose, Mass. 56 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Babb, Max W., Lawyer and Vice-Pres ident, of Milwaukee, Wis. ; and a member of the Milwaukee Club., and the Town Club of Milwaukee. He was born July 28, 1874, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa; and received the degree of A.B. from the Iowa Wesleyan College, and the degree of LL.B. from the University of Michigan. For seven years he was in the general practice of law, and since 1904 with the Allis-Chalmers Manu facturing Company. He is vice-president and general attorney of the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee, Wis.; and a director of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. In 1900 he married Miss Vida Kemble; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 624 Summit Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Babbott, Frank Lusk, Retired Manufact urer and Vice-President, of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of the Century Club. He is vice-president of the Brooklyn Public Li brary. He resides at 149 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Babcock, Joseph N., Director, of 37 Wall jo jaqraara 12 pun ijiQ ^OA AVONJ ^aaj^g various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Oil City Boiler Works and other cor porations. He resides in New York City. Babcock, Leland A., Vice-President and Director, of Chicago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and sicieties. He was born Oct. 6, 1868, in Freeport, Til.; and was ed ucated at the Northwestern University, and at the Lake Forest University. Since 1900 he has been vice-president of the Sprague Canning Machinery Company. Tn 1890 lie married Miss Grace Alexandria Heap; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 427 Washington Boulevard, Oak Park, 111. Babcoek, Mrs. O.M., President of the At- chison Music Club, with a membership of one hundred and forty-two men and women. She resides at Fifth and Riley Streets, At- chison, Kan. Babson, Roger Ward, Statistician and Au thor, of Wellesley Hills, Mass., was born July 6, 1875, in Gloucester, Mass. In 1898 he received the degree of A.B. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is president of Babson s Statistical Organi zation of Wellesley Hills, Mass., with branch offices in London and in several American cities; and is also vice-president of the Manchester Trust Company, and a noted lecturer on statistics and economics. In 1918 he was appointed head of the di vision of industry in co-operating with the Committee on Public Information on World- War Work. lie is the author of Business Barometers; Selected Investments; Com mercial Paper ;The Future of the Working Classes; The Railroads; Future of the Na tions; and the Future of South America. Bache, Jules Semon, Member of the Lo tos Club, the Lambs Club, the Opera Club, the Bankers Club, and the Lawyers Club, all of New York City; the Oakland Golf Club of Long Island, the Auto Club of A- merica, the Pilgrims Society, the Metropol itan Museum of Natural History, the Zoolo gical Society, the Economic Club, and the Philharmonic Society. He was born Nov. 9, 1861, in New York City. He is senior mem ber of the firm of J. S. Bache and Com pany, Bankers, of 42 Broadway, New York City. In 1892 he married Miss Florence S. Scheftel; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 8 East Sixty-sev enth Street, New York City. Bache, Leopold S., Banker and Business President, of 42 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of the Harmonic Club, the Century Club, and the Port Chester Coun try Club. He was born Nov. 12, 1865, in New York City ; and was educated at Char lie s Institute of New York, at Brussels, and in Frankfort, Germany. Since 1901 he has been connected with J. S. Bache and Company, bankers and brokers of New York City, of which firm he is now a mem ber. He is also vice-president of the New York Plate Glass Insurance Company; and a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, the New York Produce, Cotton, Coffee, and Sugar Exchanges, and of the Liverpool Cot ton Association. He married Miss Hattie Stein; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 112 West Seventy-fifth Street, New York City, and also at Port Chester, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 57 Bachelder, Nahum Josiah, Member of the Derryfield Club. He was born Sept.3, 1854, in Andover, N.H. In 1903-05 he was gov ernor of New Hampshire. He resides in East Andover, N.H. Back, Mrs. Lewis ,Krams, President of the San Antonio Musical Club, with a mem bership of two hundred men and women. She resides at 625 Camden Street, San An tonio, Texas. Backus, Edward Wellington, Member of the Minneapolis Club. He was born Dec. 11, 1860, in Jamestown, N.Y. He is a di rector of the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, Minn. Bacon, Albion Fellows,, Member of the City Club. He was born April 8, 1865, in Evansville, Incl. He was the author and se cured the Passage of the Housing Law ap plying to all unsafe or unsanitary dwell ings in the State of Indiana. He is the au thor of What Bad Housing Means to the Community. He resides at 1221 South First Street, Evansville, Ind. Bacon, Asa S., Member of various clubs, societies and organizations. He was born Jan. 15, 1866, in Midland, Mich. He is Su perintendent of the Presbyterian Hospital; and treasurer and trustee of the American Hospital Association. He has held numer ous positions of trust and honor. He mar ried Miss Sarah Melville ; and they have one son, and reside ati 1753 West Congress Street, Chicago, 111. Bacon, Elliot C., Director and Trustee, of 23 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho was born July 4, 1888, in Boston, Mass. ; arid was educated at Harvard University. Since 1920 he has been a partner of J. P. Morgan and Company. He is also a trustee of the Bank for Savings in the City of New York, and a director of the Texas Gulf Sul phur Company. In 1915 he married Miss Hope Norman; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in AVestbury, Long Island, N.Y. Bacon, James F., Lawyer and Director, of 27 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a diretcor of the Adams Gas and Light Company, and other corporations. Bader, Louis F., Business President, of 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bader Coal Company, and a director of various other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Baekeland, Leo Hendrick, Professor and Chemist, Inventor, and Author, of Yonkers, N.Y., was born Nov. 14, 1863, in Belgium Since 1890 he has been a consulting and manufacturing chemist, and is now a hon orary professor of chemical engineering, at the Columbia University of New York. He is the author of numerous monographs on original chemical research work. He is a member of the Administrative Board of the Institute of International Education, and various clubs and societies. Baer, Eugene W., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 281 South Third Street, Lehighton, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 9, 1867, in Paterson, N.J. ; and received an academic education. He is president and treasurer of the Baer Company; and a di rector in various other corporations. Baetjer, Frederick Henry, Physician, of 4 East Madison Street, Baltimore, Md. ; and a member of the American Medical Asso ciation, and numerous social and scientific societies. He was born Aug. 7, 1874, in Baltimore, Md. In 1897 he received the de gree of M.D. from John Hopkins University, Baltimore. Since 1901 he has been director of the department of Roentgenology of the John Hopkins Hospital. He has been pres ident of the American Roentgen Ray Soci ety. In 1903 he married Miss Mary Yd L nail Carey, of Baltimore, Md., and they reside in Catonsville, Md. Bahls, Otto, Business President, of 19 Eighteenth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of the Transport Power Ser vice, Incorporated, and a director in vari ous other corporations. He resides in New York City. Bailey, Charles Franklin, Designing En gineer, of Newport News, Va., was born Aug. 29, 1863, in Greensboro, Vt. ; and has received the degree of B.S. He is engineer ing director of the Newport News Ship- 58 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST building and Dry Dock Company; and con sulting engineer to the Westinghouse Elec tric and Manufacturing Company. He is a director of other organizations. He is a member of the Council of the Society of Mechanical Engineers. He married Miss Ahneria I. Adgate; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Newport News, Va. Bailey, Ernest J., Director, of 373 Wash ington, Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1878 in Chelsea, Mass.; and was ed ucated at the Chelsea Grammar Se u/ol, and at the Burdett Business College. Since 1895 he has been identified with the firm of Harris and Lawton, Incorporated ,of which he is a stockholder. In 1904 he mar ried Miss Annie Bella Thurston, now de ceased. He has one son, and resides at 34 Liberty Street, Everett, Mass. Bailey, Frank, Business President, of 175 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Prudence Bonds Corpor ation, and a director in various other cor porations. He resides in Brooklyn, N..Y. Bailey, Frank, Member of the Brooklyn Club. He was born Jan. 5, 1865, in Chat ham, N.Y. He is vice-president of the Long Island Safe Deposit Company. He resides at 338 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, Educator, Editor and Author, of Ithaca, N.Y., was born March 15, 1858, in South Haven, Mich. In 1903-13 he was director of the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University. He was appointed by President Roosevelt as chairman of the commission on Country Life. He is the author of the Annals of Horticulture; Plant-Breeding; Principles of Agriculture; Standard Cyclo pedia of American Agriculture, in four vol umes; and numerous other horticultural works, as well as general writings, such as The Holy Earth, What is Democracy, Uni versal Service, and a Volume of verse en titled Wind and Weather. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, *,h American Philosophical Society, and a fel low of the American Aiademy of Arts and Sciences. In 1883 he married Miss Annette Smith, and they have two daughters, and rseide in Ithaca, N.Y. Bailey, Warren Worth, Journalist and Statesman, of Johnstown, Pa., was born Jan. 8, 1855, in Hendricks County, Ind. In 1889-93 he was president of the Chicago Single Tax Club. In 1912 delegate to the Democratic National Convention,, and in 1913-1917 was a member of Congress. He is the publisher of the Daily Democrat. He is a member of the Elks. In 1894 he mar ried Miss Georgie Coffin; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 409 Park Avenue, Johnstown, Pa. Bain, Barnabas H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 41 India Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci- ties. He was born Sept, 18, 1866, in South boro, Mass. He is treasurer and director of the Bain Brothers Company. He has been president of the Boston Wholesale Grocers Association. In 1893 he married Miss Eva B. Crosby, and they reside in Wollaston, Mass. Baisley, C. T., Business President and Director, of 17 Park Place, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is chairman of the Board of Di rectors of the Manhattan Electrical Sup ply Company; and a director in other cor porations. Baker, Alfred Landon, Member of the Chicago Board of Trade, the New York Stock Exchange; the Commercial Club, the Chicago Club, and the Uinon League Club. In 1901-06 he was president of the Mer chants Club. He was born April 30, 1859, in Boston, Mass. In 1876 he graduated from the High School of Lynn, Mass.; and stud ied law in Boston, Mass. In 1881-86 he practiced law in Lynn, Mass.; and was a member of the City Counsel and a member of the" School Board. In 1886-95 he prac ticed law in Chicago. Since 1896 he has been in the banking and brokerage business as senior member of Alfred L. Baker and Company. In 1898-1900 he was president of the Chicago Stock Exchange. He resides in Lake Forest, 111.; and in 1906 and in 1907 was president of the Board of Trustees of Lake Forest University. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 59 Baker, Charles Fuller, Educator, Zoolo gist and Scientist, of Los Banos, P. I., was born March 22, 1872, in Lansing, Mich. In 1892 he received the degree of B.S. from the Michigan Agricultural College, and in 1903 received the degree of A.M. from Stanford University. In 1930 he was the founder of the Laguna Marine Laboratory of California. In 1912-18 he was professor of Tropical Agronomy at the College of Agriculture, in the University of Philip pines; and in 1919-21 was dean of that in stitution. He is the author of many papers oyf botanical, entomological and tropical agricultural subjects. He is a fellow of the American Assocoation for the Advance ment of Science. Baker, Clifton P., Treasurer and Direct or, of Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lawrence Manu facturing Company and of other corpor ations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Baker, Edwin H., Director, of 45 East Seventeenth Street, and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. Tie is a director of the American Oriental Ice Manufactur ing Company, and other corporatons. Baker, Erza H., Director, of 23 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Bunker Hill Monument Associa tion, and other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Baker, George Barr, Editor and Journal ist, of 375 Park Avenue, New York City, was born April 1, 1870, in Wyandotte, Mich. Me was educated in private schools and in England and France. For one year he was with the Detroit Tribune; two years with the Detroit Journal; and in 1900-01 was European correspondent of the Detroit Journal. He was art critic of Academy and Literature in England in 1903; American correspondent of the London Daily Express and London Daily Standard; and in 1906 secretary to Joseph Pulitzer. He has been associate editor to Everybody s Magazine and managing editor of the Delineator. During the Spanish-American War he Avas ship s writer of the Yosemite. He is trustee of the American Relief Administration, and a member of the C.R.B. Educational Foun dation, of the Commission for Relief in Bel gium and of the Executive Committee of the Authors League of America. HP is nl so a member of the Players C ib, the Bur lington Club, the Brook Club; and the Bo hemian Club. Baker, George Bramwell, Business Pres ident and Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Union Club, the Exchange Club, the City Club, and the Longwood Cricket and Country Club of Brookline, Mass. He is a trustee of the Boston University, a director of the Boys Club Federaton of America. He was born Dec. 7, 1866, in Warsaw^ Ind.; and in 1887 graduated from the De Pauw Uni versity of Greencastle, Ind. He is presi dent of the Chester Valley Electric Com pany, president of the Municipal Service Company, and a director in a score of other corporations. In 1892 he married Miss Edith Thomas, of Goshen, Ind. ; and they have a family of two daughters, both now married. He resides on Crafts Road, Chest nut Hill, Mass. Baker, George F., Director and Trustee, of 2 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of the Knickerbocker Club, the Racquet Club, the Metropolitan Club, the Links. Club, the Piping Rock Club, the Union League Club, the Recess Club, the University Club, the Brook Club, the Har vard Club, and various other clubs and so cieties. He was born March 19, 1878, in New York City; and in 1899 graduated from Harvard College. He is vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of tlje First Na tional Bank of New York. He is a director of the American Sugar Refining Company, the Atlas Portland Cement Company, the General Electric Company, the General Mo tors Corporation, the Pullman Company, nd other corporations. He is also vice president of the Bankers Safe Deposit Company, and a trustee of the Providence Loan Society of New York. In 1911 he mar ried Miss Edith Brevoort Kane; and they have a family of two sons and two daugh ters and resedi at 260 Madison Avenue, New York City. 60 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Baker, George Fisher, Member of the Union League (Hub. He was born March 27, 1840, in Troy, N.Y. Tie is a director of the Xc\v York Central Railroad Company, and numerous other railroad corporations. In 1916 he presented Regault s Famous Painting Salome to the Metropolitan Muse um of Art. He resides at 258 Madison Ave nue, New York City. Baker, George M., Business President, of 77 Page Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Central Club, the Turks Head Club, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He is president of the Col- well Mills, and is identified with various business enterprises. He has two sons, and resides in Providence, R.T. Baker, George W., Vice-President and Di rector, of 343 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the George W. Baker Shoe Company, of which his fa ther is president. Baker, Josephine Turck, Editor and Au thor, of Evanston, Til., was born in Mil waukee, \Vis. She graduated from the Schools and Colleges at Milwaukee, Wis. She is president of the Correct English Publishing Company. She is the editor of: Correct English, and the author of twelve books in English. She is a member of the Illinois Pi-ess Club. In 1898 she married Frederick Sherman Baker; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Evanston, 111. Baker, Lucius K., Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Aug. 16, 1855, in Kel- logsville, Ohio. In 1910-11 he was presi dent of the Northern Pine Association. He resides in Ashland, Wis. Baker, Newton Diehl, Member of the Union Club. He was born Dec. 3, 1871, in Martinsburg, W.Va. In 1902-12 he was city solicitor of Cleveland, Ohio ; and since 1916 has been United States Secretary of War. He resides at 3017 End Street, Washington, L\C. Baker, Mrs. Stephen, Chairman of the Studio Club of New York; and a member of various women s clubs and societies. She resides at 35 East Sixty-second Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Baker, Stephen, Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City ;and a iriember of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Bankers Trust Company and oth er corporations. He resides in New York City. Baker, Stephen D., Business President and Director, of 234 West Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Tie was born in 1868 in Greenport, N.Y. ; and was edu cated in New Haven, Conn. He is president of the Fairfacts Company, Incorporated. In 1902 he married Miss Charlotte M. Ba ker; and they reside at 282 Manhattan Ave nue, New York City. Balch, A. C., Business President, of 805 Garland Building, Los Angles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Pie is president of the Bakersfield and Kern Electric Railway Company, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Balch, Francis N., Lawyer and Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Beacon Oil Company, and various other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Balch, Joseph, Realtor, Vice-President, Trustee and Director, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Somerset Club, the Eastern Yacht Club, and the Dedham Country Club. He was born in February, 1861, in Boston, Mass.; and received an academic education. He is vice-president of the American Investment Securities Company, the Medway and Ded ham y, Street!, Railway Company, and the East Boston Company] He is a director of the Columbian National Life Insurance Company, the East Boston Terminal Rail road Company, and the Hotel Somerset Company. He is a trustee of the New Eng land Conservatory of Music. In 1904 he married Miss Abby C. Copeland; and they have one son, and reside in WestAvood, Mass. Baldwin, Mrs. A. P., President of the Coterie, a musical society with a mem bership of fifty women. She resides at 431 West Ferguson Street, Tyler, Texas. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 61 Baldwin, Alvi T., Business President, of 152 West Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Baldwin- Clement Jacobsori Company, Incorporated; president of the Lux Manufacturing Com pany; and a director in other corporations. Baldwin, Arthur J., Director of Tenth and Thirty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Mississippi Glass Company and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Baldwin, Mrs. E. G., President of the Thursday Morning Music Club. She resides at 227 Washington Avenue, S.W., Roan- oke, Va. Balch, Ernest Berkley, Member of the City Club. Pie was born Jan. 15, 1860, in Newport, R.I. He organized the Summer Camp for Boys, and the Winter Camp for Boys. He is the author of Amateur Circus Life. He resides at 107 East Thirty- second Street, New York City. Baldwin, Ernest E., Business President, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of the Metropolitan Club, the-In dian House Club, the Apowamis Club, and various other clubs and societies. He has been first assistant United States attorney and special assistant to the attorney-gener al of the United States. He is senior mem ber of the firm of Baldwin and Curtis ; and is president of the 3$ Cortlandt Street Corporation. He married Miss Harriet H. Davis ;and they reside at 200 Central Park South, New York- City. Baldwin, Mrs. F. A., President of the Wa- tertown Morning Musical es, with a mem bership of two hundred men and women. She resides on Rutland Street, Wftertown, N.Y. Baldwin, F. F., Business President, of Alaska Commercial Building, San Francis co, Cal.; and a member of various elub3 and societies. He is president of the Ha waiian Commercial and Sugar Company, and a director in various other corpora tions. He resides in San Francisco, Cal. Baldwin, George J., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Baldwin, Joseph C., Business President, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United Dyewood Cor poration, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Baldwin, Leonard D., Lawyer and Direct or, of 27 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of the Cornell Club, the Down Town Association and the Essex Coun try Club. He was born May 29, 1866, in Cortlandt, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Cornell University. He is a member of the firm of Griggs, Baldwin and Baldwin ; Vice- President of the Newman Clock Compa ny, and the Rogers Silver Plate Company. In 1892 he married Miss Gertrude Van Wagonen; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 56 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, N.J. Baldwin, LeRoy Wilbur, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Oct. 31, 1865, in Rutland, Vt. Since 1897 he has been president of the Empire Trust Com pany of New York City. He resides at S East Seventieth Street, New York City. Baldwin, Martha, President of the Mon day Club, composed of both men and wo men. She resides at. 123 High Street, Keo- kuk, Iowa. Baldwin, Roger S., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a -member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Remington Typewriter Com pany and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Baldwin, S. D., Business President, of 6 Lee Court, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Business Men s Club, the Maketa- wah Golf Club, and the Cincinnati Auto Club. He was born in Blanchester, Ohio; and received an academic education. Since 1905 he has been iti^ntified with the Cincinnati Rubber Manufacturing Compa ny, of which he is now president. He is interested in various other corporations; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. He resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. 62 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Baldwin, William D., Business President, of 250 Eleventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Otis-Fensom Elevator Company, Canada, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Baldwin, William M., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New Yorkr City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rolup Screen Cor poration. He resides in New York City. Ball, Alwyn, Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born on June 6, 1859, in Haverstraw, N.Y. ; and received an academic education. He is president of the firm of Frederic Southack and Alwyn Ball, Jr., and a director of the Alliance Realty Company, the Board Ex change Company, the Central Finance Com pany, and the Standard Safe Deposit Com pany of New York. In 1887 he married Miss Rebecca O Brien; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters, and reside at 495 West End Avenue, New York City. Ball, David C., Business President, of 22 Thames Street, New York City; and a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. He is president of the Oakley Chemical Company, of which his son David S. Ball, is treasurer and a director., He- resides at Two Hundred and Thirtieth Street and Hudson River, New York City, f Ball, Frank Clayton, Manufacturer and Railroad President, of Muncie, Ind., and a member of the Columbia Club of Indian apolis ; a Knight Templar and a prominent Mason. Since 1886 he has been president of the Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company of Muncie, Ind. He is president of the Muncie and Western Railroad Com pany, treasurer of the Muncie and Port land Traction Company, and a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Indiana Union Traction Company, the War ner Gear Company and other corporations. He is also a member of the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce, the Indiana State Normal School, and the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Hospital of Indianapolis. In 1893 he married Miss Elizabeth Wolfe Brady ; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, Ball, T. Arthur, V ice-President and Trust ee, of 372 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is vice-president of Best and Com pany, and vice-president of the Ball Realty Company; a director of the McCall Com- ny; and a trustee of the North River Sav ings Bank. Ballard, Charles W., Director, of 132 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. He was born in New York City, and was educated there. Since 1880 lie has been in the paper busi ness; and is a member of the firm of D.S. Walton and Company. He is also a director of the Merchants Fire Assurance Corpor ation of New York, and a director of Red- lich and Company. In 1895 he married Miss Ada F. Ostrander, and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in New York City. Ballard, Russell Henry, Utility Operator, of Edison Building, Los Angeles, Cal., was born July 26, 1875, in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. He is vice-president and general manager of the Southern California Edison Company. He is also president of the Bal lard Brothers Company, and president of the Phoenix Machine and Cold Storage Company and vice-president of the Santa Barbara Electric Company, the Shaver Lakes Lumber Company and the Los An geles Fire Alarm Company. In 1919-20 he was president of the National Electric Light Association. He is a member of the Franklin Institute, a Mason and a Shriner. He is a member of the California Club, the Jonathan Club, the City Club, the Sunset Club and the Wilshires Club. In 1901 he married Miss Mae Sturgeon; and they have a family of one daughter; and reside at the Ansonia Apartments ,2205 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Ballati, Mrs. C. R., President of the La dies Music Club, with a membership of thirty women. She resides in Blackwell, Oklai AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 63 Ballard, Simmer, Business President, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of the Turf and Field Club, the Union League Club, the Down Town Club, the Metropolitan Club, and the Ardsley Club. He is president of the International Insurance Company; and a director of the American Eagle Fire Insurance Company of New York, and of the Fidelity-Interna tional Trust Company. Ballard, William M., Insurance Broker, of 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is branch secretary of the Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, Lon don ; the Palatine Insurance Company, Lim ited, of London: and the Union Assurance Company of England. He is also secretary and a director, of the Commercial Union Fire Insurance Company of New York. Ballou, Barton A., Business President, of 61 Peck Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dyer Street Land Com pany and other corporations. Ballou, Frederick A., Treasurer and Di rector, of 61 Peck Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Manufactur ers Refining Company Ballou, Walter S., Business President, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Wringer Com pany, and a director in various other cor porations. He resides in New York City. Balsam, D. M., Business President, of 220 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president treasurer and a director of the D. M. Balsam Company, silk importers and identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Bancroft, Charles G., Business President, of 35 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Algonquin Club, and the Framingham Country Club. He was born Dec. 3, 1867, in Lancaster, Mass.; and re ceived an academic education. He is presi dent of the International Trust Company, president of the Central Aguirre Sugar Company, and president of the Ponce and Guayama Railroad Company. He is also a director of the American Surety Com pany, and a dozen other corporations. He is a trustee of the American Humane Edu cation Society, and treasurer of the Bunker Boy s Club. In 1890 he married Miss Blanche M. Hyht; and they have a family of two sons, and reside in Framingham, Mass. Bangs, Francis B., Director of 18 Tre- mont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Wharf and Wet Dock Corporation. Banks, William T. L., Business President, of 1170 Broadway, New York City. Since 1889 he has been president and a director of various companies ; and is now president of the Hobart Service Company. He is al so a director of the Augustine J. Smith Company, and of the Inheritance Realty Company. In 1889 he married Miss Kate L. Stafford; and they have a family of three sons and two daiighters, and resides at 35 Beck Avenue, Rye, N.Y. Bannard, Otto Tremont, Business Presi dent and Trustee of 30 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of the Yale and Republican Clubs of which he has been president, the Century Club, and other clubs. He was born April 28, 1854, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and has received an a- cademic education. He is chairman of the Advisory committee of the New York Trust Company. He is president of the National Employment Exchange and has been pres ident of the Provident Loan society, Vice- President of the Burke Foundation, and a trustee of the Commonwealth Fund, and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and Vice-President of the Charity Organi zation for thirty years. He resides at 122 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Bapst, Frank Louis, Member of the Elliot Club, the Niagara Falls Club, the Brooklyn Fine Arts Club, the Auto Club of Buffalo, the B.P|0. Elks Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born May 22, 1855, in Buffalo, N.Y. He was educated at the R.P.I., Troy, N.Y. Since 1892 he has been president of the German Rock Asphault AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Company, and also president of the Erie Finance Corporation. He retired from ac tive business in 1917. He married Miss Ida M. Commerce, and they reside at Eg- gertsville, N.Y. Barbaur, Henry Ellsworth, Member of the Sequoia Club. He was born March 8, 1877, in Ogdensburg, N.Y. In 1919-21 he was a member of Congress. He resides in Fresno, Cal. Barber, Edward J., Business President of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Macona Steamship Cor poration, and a director in various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barber, J. Wesley, Business President, of 80 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Massachusetts Horticul tural Society, the National Arts Club of Washington, the Boston Chamber of Com merce, the Boston City Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 28, 1848, in Tuftonborough, N.H., and was educated at the Tilton Seminary, and at Lancaster Academy. Since 1886 he has been in the advertising agency business; and is president of the J. W. Barber Advertising Agency . He married Miss Amelia Hopkins; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 66 Summit Street, Newton, Mass. Barber, James, Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a mem ber of the ^nglewood Golf Club, the Blind Brook Club, the Sea View Club, the Knick erbocker Country Club, the Canadian Club of New Ybt-k, the National Arts Club of New York, and the Mid-Pines Country Club of North Carolina, of whicli latter club he is president. He was educated in England; and since 1885 has been ident ified with the business affairs of NewYork City. He is chairman of the board of the Barber Steamship Lines; president of the Atlantic Stevedoring Company; and a di rector of the Oriental Operating Company; and a director of the Pouch Terminal. In 1884 he married Miss Catherine Gindy, and they have a family of one son and five daughters, and reside in Englewood, N.J. Barber, Leo Thomas, Secretary and Treas urer of the Moultrie Country Club, and a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He was born in 1896 in Newberry, Fla. He was educated at the Mercer University. He is in the banking business; and is assistant Ceashier and a director of the Citizen s Bank of Moultrie, Ga. Barber, S. M., Business President, of 8 Harrison Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the C. T. Hansom, Incorpor ated, and a director in various other cor porations. He resides in New York City. Barber, Herbert Lee, Member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Hamil ton Club and various other social and pa triotic societies. He was born May 20, 1865, in Jackson, Mich. For three years he was principal of a grammar school; and for twelve years was president of a Chicago publishing house, publishing numerous books of the late Murat Halstead and other authors. Since 1900 he has been the pro prietor of H. L. Barber and Company, pub lishers and investment bankers ; and since 1905 he has also edited a monthly journal. He resides in Chicago, 111. Barbour, W. Warren, Business President, of 96 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Linen Thread Com pany, and a director in various other cor porations. He resides in New York City. Barclay, Wright, Business President, of 320 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Calumet Club, the Union Club, the New York Yacht Club, and the Piping Rock Club. Since 1902 he has been in the real estate business; and is now president of the Real Estate Corporation known as Wright Barclay. He is also vice- president of the Barclay Realty Company, which owns the eighteen-story Barclay building of 299 Broadway, where he has his downtown offices. He served eleven years in the National Guard of New York. In 1903 he married Mi/5s Louise Fontain Venable, who died the following year. In 1911 he married Mrs. A. Browning Prentice* and they reside in New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 65 Bard, Albert S., Lawyer and Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Har vard Club, the City Club, and the Associ ation of the Bar of the City of New York. He was born Dec. 19, 1866, in Norwich, Conn.; and was educated at Amherst Col lege and at the Harvard Law School. Since 1892 he has practiced law in New York City; and is a member if the law firm of Bard and Calkins. He is also assistant sec retary of the United States Finishing Com- pany,treasurer of the Fine Arts Federation of New York, and a director of the City Club Realty Company. He resides at 122 East Thirtieth Street, New York City. Bard, Ralph A., President of the Prince ton Club, of Chicago ,111.; and is a mem ber of numerous clubs and societies. He re sides in Chicago, 111. Barger, Milton S., Treasurer and Direct or, of the Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and direct or of the American Niagara Railroad Cor poration, and treasurer and a director of nearly a hundred other great railroad and business corporations. Barker, B. Devereux, Lawyer and Direct or, of 30 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Anglo-Amei- ican Cotton Company, and various other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Barker, Burt Brown, Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Arden Manufacturing Com pany and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barker, C. F., President of the Philhar monic Society, with a membership of twen ty-three men and women. He resides at 32 Bull Street, Newport, R.I. Barker, James M., Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 20, 1847. He was educated at Boons Creek Academy of Wash ington County, Tenn., and Jefferson Acad emy of Blountville, Sullivan County, Tenn. He was a confederate soldier at the age of fifteen, and was wounded once in battle in 1864. After the war, was a clerk in a store for two years, then advanced to a partner ship, then n. merchant on his own account for thirty years. Also dealt in real estate and banking. He served four terms as May or of Bristol, Tenn. He was a member of the State Board of Education for years. He was president of the City Board of Ed ucation for over twenty years; president of the Iniersiate Building Company; vice- president of Bristol Land and Improve ment Company; Boring Harware Compa ny, vice-president of London, Kirkpatrick Hardware Company, vice-president of the (Yossville Timber and Lumber Company; and a director of the Dominion National Bank. In 1879 he married Miss Margaret A. Kane; and they have a family of five children and reside in Bristol, Tenn. Barker, John Marshall, Educator and Au thor, of 72 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, Mass., was born Oct. 1, 1849, in Frederick- town, Ohio. He was educated at the Ohio \Vesleyan University of Delaware Ohio, and at the Boston University. Since 1899 he has been professor of Sociology at the Boston University, and is now professor emertis in that jjreat institution of learning. He is the author of Wealth and Its Uses, Centen- ial IlUfory of Ohio Methodism, Colleges in America, The Saloon Problem and Social Reform, The Social Gospel and the Now Era, and other works. He is a member of the Puddingstone Club of Boston. He mar ried Miss Alice Bixler; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 37 Kenwood Avenue, Newton Centre, Mass. Barklow, Edward J., Business President, of Joliet, 111.; and a member of the Asso ciation of Commerce, the Commercial Club, the Country Club, the Kiwanis Club, and theMasonic order. He was born in 1866, in Stephenson County, 111., and received a High School Education. Since 1919 he has been vice-president of The Garlach-Barlow Company; and is also president of the Ad vertising Specialty Association. He has been president of the Joliet Asociation of Com merce. In 1895 he married Miss Mabel Owen; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 407 Nicholson Street, Joliet, m. 66 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Barbour, Frank A., Civil Engineer and Business President, of the Tremout Tem ple, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Boston Society of Civil Engnieers; and va rious other clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the New England Water- Works As sociation; and has been president of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers; and va- filled numerous positions of trust and hon or. He resides in Boston, Mass. Barnard, William L., Lawyer and Direct or, of 7 Park Square, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Union Club, the Harvard Club of Boston, the Wardroom Club, the Unitarian Club, the Massachusetts Bar As sociation ,and the City of Boston Bar Asso ciation. He was born June 15 1877, in Bos ton, Mass. ; and was educated at Harvard College ,and at the Boston Univers^ Law School. Since 1901 he lias practiced law in Boston, Mass. He is a director of the New Egland Hospital for Women and Children, the secretary of the Unitarian Laymen s League, and has been president of the Yacht Racing Asociation of Massachusetts. He is a Lieutenant in the United States Naval Force. In 1903 he married Miss Lucy Par son; and they reside at 101 Mount Verncm Street, Boston, Mass. Barnes, Charles B., Lawyer and Director, of 334 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Bates Barnes, Clifford Webster, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Oct. 8, 1864, in Corry, Pa. Since 1907 he has been hon orary secretary and chairman of the Exec utive committe of the International Com mission of Moral Training. He resides in Lake Forest, 111 . Barnes, Charles H., Merchant and Treas urer, of 25 High Street, Medford, Mass.; and a member of the Masonic Lodge. He was born Nov. 1, 1860, in Plymouth, Mass. ; and was educated in his native city. In 1880-1900 he was in the wholesale grocery business in Boston, Mass. In 1900-08 he was cashier at the Medford National Bank, and since 1908 he has been treasurer of the Medford Trust Company. In 1912 he mar ried Miss Sara F. Blakeley; and they re side at 37 Oakland Street, Medford, Mass. Barnes, Douglass, Member of various clubs and societies. He is a wholesale coal merchant, of the Barnes Building, Fifth Avenue at Fifty-third Street, New York City, and was born in April, 1883, in New Haven, Conn. He was president of the Barnes Knitting Corporation. Since 1914 he has been president of the Douglass Barnes Corporation of New York, Incorporated. During the Phillipine War he was captain in the United States Cavalry. Barnes, George L., Lawyer and Director, of 200 Washington Street, Boston, Mass;, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Dedham Mu tual Fire Insurance Company, and other corporations. He resides in Boston, MASS. Barnes .George S., Publisher, of Battle Creek, Mich., was born March 6, 1866. He has been mayor of his city, and county treasurer for Calhoun County, Mich. He is now receiver of the Battle Creek Build ing and Loan Association; and chairman of the Republican Calhoun County Com mitte. He is a member of the Elks and Knights of Pythias; and prominently ident ified with the business and public affairs Barnes, Helen Florence, Member of the Womans Club. She was born March 9, 1867, in Ottawa , Ohio. She is head of the Sec retarial retirement fund of the National Young Women s Christian Association. She resides in Findley, Ohio. Barnes, Henry B., Yice-President and Director, of 31 Nassau treet, New York City ; and a member of the University Club, the Yale Club, and the Sons of the Revolu tion. !lo was born Spt. 15, 1872, in Ston- ington, Conn.; and was educated at the Yale College, and at the Columbia Univer sity Law School. Since 1897 he has practiced law in the City of New York City; and is also vice-president of the Yale Leasing cor poration. In 1911 he married Miss Mabel Irving Jones ; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 67 East Ninety- first Street, New York City. Barnes, Howell H., Director, of 66 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Yucatan Well and Oil Company and other corporations. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 67 Barnes, Julius Howland, Wheat Export er, of 42 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the New York Athletic Club, the India House Club, the Duluth Boat Club, and has received several decorations. He was born Feb. 2, 1873, in Little Rock, Ark. ; and was educated in Washington, D.C. He is president of the Barnes- Ames Company, wheat exporters; president of the McDou- gall-Duluth Shipbuilding Company; and a director of the Mechanics and Metals Na tional Bank of the City of New York, and of other corporations. He has been United States Wheat Director, president of the United States Grain Corporation, and in 1922 became president of the United States Chamber of Commerce. In 1896 he mar ried Miss Harriet Carey ; and they reside at 25 South Twenty-sixth Avenue, Duluth, Minn. Barnes, Walter K., Security Broker, of 147 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. He is a member of the Ocean City Yacht Club, the Hamilton Whist Club, the Union League of Philadelphia, and the Philadel phia Copntry Club. lie was born Jan. 10, 1887, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educa ted in his antive city. Since 1911 he has been in the security and investment busi ness; and is a member of the firm of Barnes and Lofland. In 1906 he married Miss Viola W. Barnes; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 4712 Windsor Avenue, West Philadelphia, Pa. Barnet, Sylvan M., President, of 970 Park Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of the Harmonic Club, the Sunnydale Country Club and the Little Falls Country Club. He was born in New York City; and was educated at the Columbia Grammar School, Columbia College, and the Leather Research School at Vienna, Austria. Since 1909 he has beenFirst Vice-President of the Barnet Leather Company. In 1917 he married Miss Margaret Oppenheimer; and they have one son, and reside at 970 Park Avenue, New York City. Barnesberg, J. W., Business President, of San Luis Obispo, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Comercial Bank of San Luis Obispo, and a director in various other corpora tions. He resides in San Luis, Cal. Barnett, Maurice, Director, of 15 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Casein Manufacturing Company and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barnewall , Morris Rutgers, Director and Treasurer, of 30 Church Street, New York City ; and a member of the Apawamis Golf Club, the Machinery Club, and the Camp Fire Club of America. He was born July 10, 1872, in East Greenwich, R.I. ; was ed ucated at the Groton School of Groton Mass. Since 1906 he has been idenified with the firm of Bonner and Barnewall, In- corported, of which he is secretary, treas urer and a director. In 1897 he married Miss Louie Douglas Eldridge; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Rye, N.Y. Barney, C. Neal, Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City ;- and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Holly Manufacturing Company and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barnum, George M., Banker, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Boston Athletic Assocation, and the Charles River Country Club. He was born July 31, 1877, in Chicago, 111.; and received an a- cadernic education. He is president of the Somerville National Bank, and president of the Somerville Trust Company, both of Somerville, Mass. In 1899 he married Miss Jessie Gale; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 161 Clin ton Road, Brookline, Mass. Barnum, R., Business President, of Kir- by Building, Cleveland, Ohio. He was born Sept. 6, 1879, in Ennis, Texas. Since 1910 he has been president of R. C. Barnum Company, subscription book publishers; and is identified with the People s Effici ency Publishing Company, the Imperial Publishing Company, and with various oth er publishing enterprises He founded the International Sales Association, a great or ganization of subscription book publishers. In 1920 he was nominee of the Single Tax 68 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Party for Vice-President of the United States. In 1911 he married Miss Mary E. Fair; and they reside at 11421 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Barnum , Gertrude, Member of the River side Club. She was born Sept. .29, 1866, in Chicago, III. he has been head resident of the llnry Booth Settlemnt of Chicago. She resides at 2723 Benevue Avenue, Berkley, Gal. Barnum, William Henry, Business Pres ident of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Longacre Land Company, and a director of various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barr, Edward, Director, of 25 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Raritan Refining Corporation and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barr, Robert I., Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Motor Body Company and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Barrell, William L., Business President, of 185 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the William L. Barrell Company and a director in various corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Barrett, Edward Ware, Journalist, of 2180 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, Ala., was born Sept. 4, 1866, in Athens, Ga. He was educated in the Richmond Academy of Augusta, Ga., and the Washington and Lee University of Virginia. In 1885 he be gan on the Augusta Chronicle and advanc ed to city editor; in 1888-97 was correspon- ent of the Atlanta Constitution; and in 1895 he went to Japan and China in clos ing period of the Chinese Japanese War. He is principal owner and editor of the Birmingham Age-Herald. He is a member of the Birmingham Southern Club, the Athletic Club and the Gridiron Club of Washington, D.C. In 1907 he married Miss Louise B utt ; and have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 3603 Cliff Road, Birmingham, Ala. Barrett, Mrs. Kate Walker, Sociologist, of 408 Duke Street, Alexandria, Va.; and is the wife of the late Rev. Robert South Barrett, of Atlanta, Ga. Since 1897 she has been vice-president and general superin tendent of the National Florence Critten- den Mission, and its president since 1909. She graduated as a nurse ; and has received the honorary degrees of M.D. and Sc.D. Barrett, Reginald, Member of the Nation al Association of Organists. He was born Jan. 12, 1861, in London, England. He re ceived his musical education in the Con servatory at Darmstadt, and Guildhall School of Music, London. He is a teacher of organ and voice. He is composer of much sacred music, including The Light Beyond, The Holy Gates, Round the Year, The Birth of Love, The Owl and various piano pieces. He resides in New York City. Barrett, William F., Vice-President and Director, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corpor ation, the Linde Air Products Company, the Pre.st-O-Light Company, and the Union Carbide and Carbon Research Laboratories. Barrett, William M., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Adams Land and Build ing Company, and a director in various other corporations. Barren, Joseph, Treasurer and Director, of 95 Albany Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Boston City Club, the Bos ton Chamber of Commerce, various social and charitable Jewish organizations, and is a thirty-second degree Mason. He was born May 9, 1872, in New York City; and was educated in the Boston Public Schools. Since 1901 he has been in the manufactur ing and Avholesale men s clothing business; and is now treasurer, secretary and direct or of the Barron-Anderson Company. In 1900 lie maried Miss Lillian Bornstein; and tlit-y have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 5 Arbor way, Jamai ca Plain, Boston, Mass. Barrous, Edwin A., Business President, of Turks Head Build :. r -, Providence, R.I. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 69 Barrows, Standley H., Banker and Busi ness President, of 155 East Superior Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Illinois Athletic Club, the Florida Gun Club, the Park Ridge Country Club, the Sherwood Tennis Club, the La Cumbre Club, the Art Institute of Chicago, and various other clubs and societies. He was born in 1873 in Chicago, 111.; and received an academic education. Since 1910 he has been president of the Park Ridge State Bank. He is also president of the National Kellastone Com pany of Chicago, the Barrows Lumber Com pany of East St. Louis, and the Sierra Magnesite Company of Portersville, Cal. He is the owner of the Park Ridge Lumber and Coal Company, and a director in other corporations. In 1904 he married Miss Frances Stehlin; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 190 East Chester Street, Chicago, 111. Barry, John T., Business President, of 86 Fulton Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the David P. Barry, Incorpor ated, and a director in various other cor porations. Barry, Joseph Gayle Hurd, Member of various religious organizations. He was born April 19, 1858, in Middle Haddam, Conn. He was educated at Wesleyan Uni versity and graduated at Berkeley Divinity School. In 188 T he was ordained priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1891- 1901 he was instructor in the Western The ological FVminary. Since 1909 he has been rector of the Church of St. Mary the Vir gin at New York. He is the author of The Christian s Day Meditations on the Apos tles Creed. The Self Revelation of Our Lord,, Meditations and other works. He re sides at 144 West Forty-seventh Street, New York City. Barstow, William S., Business President, of 50 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the General Gas and Elec tric Company, and a director in various other corporations. Barthelmy, Antonin, Member of the Chi cago Club, the University Club, the Cliff Dwellers Club, the Union League Club, the Arts Club, the South Shore Club, and the Casino Club. He is French Consul in Chi cago, 108 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. Since 1895 he has been in the French diplomatic service; and is now French Con sul in Chicago. In 1881 he married Miss Beatrice Ricketts; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 14 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111. Bartholf, Charles Stephen, Member of the Sons of the Revolution. In 1803 he mar ried Miss Grace C. Bullock; and they have a family of one son and five daughters, and reside in Glencoe, 111. Bartholomew, J. B., Member of the City Club. He was born in 1863, in Elmwood, 111. He received a thorough education; and attained success as a designer. He is pres ident of the Avery Company, manufactur ers of tractors and steam traction engines. He resides in Peoria, 111. Bartholomew, W. Fayette, Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Tucker, Bartholomew and Company, Bankers, and other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Bartlett, John Henry, Member of the Warwick Club. He was born March 15, 1869, in Sunapee, N.H. In 1919-21 he was governor of the State of New Hampshire. He resides in Portsmouth, N.H. Bartlett, John S., Business President, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of the Algonquin Club, the Exchange Club, the Oxford Club, and the Boston Chamber of Commerce. He was born June 11, 1845, in Marblehead, Mass.; and was ed ucated in Lynn, Mass. He is president of the East Middlesex Street Railway Com* pany, and the Lynn Gas and Electric Com pany. He is vice-president of the Brockton Gas Company, the Essex Trust Company, and the Guanajuato Power and Electric Company. He is director of the Lindsay Coal and Land Company, the Old Colony Trust Company, the Revere Sugar Refin ery,, the Southwestern Oil Field Comany, and the United Fruit Company. In 1869 he married Miss C. Ella Doak; and they have one son and done daughter, and reside at 61 Atlantic Street, Lynn, Mass. 70 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bartlett, Louis, Member of the Common wealth Club; and Mayor of Berkeley, Cal. He was born in 1872 in San Francisco, Cal. ; and was educated at the Hastings Law School at the University of California. He is a successful lawyer; and since 191^ has been Mayor of his city. In 1905 he married Miss Mary Olney; and they have three daughters, and reside at 2434 Warring Street, Berkeley, Cal. Bartlett, Murray, Member of the Genesee Valley Club. He was born March 29, 1871, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Since 1919 he has been president of Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges. He resides in Geneva, N.Y. Bartlett, Paul Wayland, Sculptor and Artist, of 7 West Forty-third Street, New York City, was born in 1865 in New Haven, Conn. In 1880 he entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1900 he represented the United States on the International Jury of Awards for Sculpture at the Paris Exposi tion. His principal works are; esquestrian statue of Lafayette in Paris and Metz; Pe diment on the Capitol at Washington, D.C.; Six figures on the Public Library of New York City; Statues of Michael Angelo, Franklin, Agassiz and others in various cities. He is a member of the Institute of France, the Royal Academy of Belgium, the American Academy of Arts and Letters; arid an officer of the Legion of Honor. Bartlett, William H., Viee-Presideni and Director, of 292 Main Street, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1867 in New Gloucester, Maine; and was educated at the Northwestern College Law School of Bos ton. Since 1915 he has been secretary and director of the Suffolk Engraving and E- lectrotyping Company. He is vice-president of the Durand Stores Company of Boston; and secretary and director of the Duvaiul Company of Boston, Mass. Bartlett, Frank J., Business President, of 110 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston Ice Company, and a director of various corporations. He re sides in Boston, Mass. Barton, Fred Morelle, Publisher and Ed itor, of Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Glen Valley Club, the Sleepy Hollow Golf Club, and the Snow Lake Fishing Club. He was born April 8, 1867, in Lipsie, Ohio. He is the editor and publisher of The Ex positor. He has been treasurer of the Ohio State Young Men s Christian Association; and is now treasurer of the Religious Press Association. He married Miss Clara A. Heckman; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1450 Grace Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio; and main tain a summer home in Glen Valley, Ohio. Barton, James Lundie, Member of the City Club. He waes born Oct. 30, 1866, in Lexington, Miss. He attended the grammar schools; the Memphis Institute; the Van- derbilt University of Nashville ; and in 1895 he received the degree of M.D. from the Medical Department of that institution. In 1896 the addendum degree of M.D. was conferred by the University of Nashville. He has been secretary, vice-president and pres ident of the Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society. He is visiting surgeon to the Anne Brinkley Home; and attending physician and surgeon to the Ella Oliver Refuge Home. He is medical examiner for the Illinois Life Insurance Company of Chi cago; and medical examiner of various oth er life and fraternal organizations. Barton, William Eleazar, Clergyman and Author, of Oak Park, 111., was born June 28, 1861, in Sublette, 111. In 1885 he grad uated from Berea College of Kentucky, and in 1890 from Oberlin Theological Semina ry. He was for many years an editorial writer on the staff of Youths Companion, for five years was editor-in-chief of The Advance and is now a contributing editor to the Congregationalist. He also contrib utes a daily syndicate article which appear* in about four hundred papers, and is an authority in Ecclesiastical Law. He is a member of the University Club of Chicago, and the Hamilton Club of Chicago. In 1885 he married Miss Esther T. Bushnell; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside in Oak Park, 111. Baruch, Bernard Mannes, Member of the City Club. He was economic advisor for the American Peace Commission. His ad dress is 111 Broadway, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 71 Baruch, Mrs. Simon, President, of the Washington Headquarters Association. She is the wife of Mr. Simon Baruch, the Cele brated physician. Her maiden name was Isabel Woolfe, of Winnsboro, S.C. ; and she was married to Mr. Baruch on Nov. 27, 1867, She resides at51 West Seventieth Street, New York City. Bass, Elizabeth, (Mrs. George Bass), Member of the Chicago Woman s Club. She was born in Buxton, Maine. For many years she has been active in promoting the Welfare of Dependent and Neglected Girls ; and was a member of the original Juvenile Court Commission. She resides at 6050 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bassett, George Massa, Manufacturer, of 114 Foster Street, Worcester, Mass, was born Nov. 3, 1864, in Worcester, Mass. He was -educated at Amherst College. Since 1886 he has been connected with the firm of Johnson and Bassett. He is also vice- president of the Mechanics Savings Bank of Worcester, Mass., and a director of vari ous banks and institutions. He is a member of the New York Club of New York City, the Country Club of Brookline, the Wor cester Club, the Tatnuck Country Club, the Quinsigamond Boat Club, and the Common wealth Club of Worcester. In 1888 he mar ried Miss Cora Richards of Worcester, Mass. ; and their son Pa,ul Richard Bassett, died in infancy. Bassett, J. Colby, Lawyer and Director, of 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the C. E. Riley Company, and other corporations. Bassett, John Spencer, Educator and Au thor, of Northampton, Mass., was born Sept. 10, 1867, in Marbleborough, N.C. In 1888 he received the degree of Ph.D. from the John Hopkins University. In 1893- 1906 he has been professor of history at the Trinity College of North Carolina. Since 1906 he has been Professor of History at Smith College of Northampton, Mass. He is the author of Constitutional Beginnings of North Carolina and other works. In 1892 he married Miss Jessie Lewellin; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Northampton, Mass. Batcheller, Mrs. Triphosa Bates, Patron of Music ,and Art, of North Brookfield, Mass., was born April 4, 1878. She is a noted musician and author and has sung before president Roosevelt and members of the royal families of Europe. She is the author of Glimpses of Italian Court Life. Bateman, F. L. Member of the City Club. He was born July 26, 1875, He was auditor of the New York Despatch Line. He is now president of the Trans-Continental Freight Company; and traffic manager of the Chi cago Furniture Forwarding Company. He is also a director of the American Ware housemen s Association. Bateman, W. Q., Business President, of Twenty-seventh and Vaughn Street, Port land, Ore.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mont gomery Ward Warehouse Corporation, Portland, and a director in various other corporations. Bateman, W. M., Business President, of Eclipse Laundry Company, Zanesville, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Eclipse Laun dry Company, and a director in various other corporations. Bates, Emma Frances Duncan, (Mrs. Theodore C. Bates), Member of the Wo men s Club. She was born March 11, 1845, in North Brookfield , Mass. Since 1906 she has been vice-president-general of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She resides at 29 Harvard Street, Worcester, Mass. Bates, John Lewis, Member of the Uni versity Club. He was born Sept. 18, 1859, in North Easton, Mass. In 1903-04 he was governor of the state of Massachusetts. He resides at 1537 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. Bates, John R., Vice-President and Di rector, of 136 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socities. He was born in. Hyde Park, Mass.; and was educated at the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology. He is vice-president of the Whiting Corporation, manufacturers of cranes and foundry equipment ; and has held various positions of trust and honor. He resides in Crawford, N.J. 72 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bates, Nicholas E., Business President, 350 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the New York Aihletic Club, and the Automobile Club of America. He was educated at the Manhattan College of New York City, receiving (he degree of C.B. Since 1907 he lias been engaged in the im port and export and fiber business; and is president of the Bronx Motors Distributing Company, lie is also president ol tlie North western Commercial Corporation, and pres- of the N. Escalante Company of New York. In 1892 he married Miss Marie Del Pilar Peon; and they have a family of three sons and three daughters, and reside in Beech- mont Park, New Rochelle, N.Y. Bateson, John C., Lecturer and Writer, of Scranton, Pa., was born in 1854 in Iowa. In 1885 he received the degrees of M.D. from the New York University and the de- degrees of D.C. and M.D. from the Anier- icanCollege in Chicago. He is a writer and lecturer on Psychology and Physical Sci ence, and promoter of the United Christian and No Tobacco Army Movements. He is a member of the Volunteer Medical Ser vice Corps, of United States. Battle, Herbert Bemerton, Chemist, Man ufacturer and Author, of 103 South Court Street, Montgomery, Ala., was born May 29, 1862, in Chapel Hill, N.C. Since 1906 he has been president of the Battle Labora tory Corporation at Montgomery. He is the author of Chemical Conversion Tables, and resides at 103 South Court Street, Mont gomery, Ala. Bauer, Bertha, Patron of Music and Art, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1912 she has been director of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. She resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bauer, George Neander, Educator and Banker, of East llennepin Avenue, Minne apolis, Minn., was born Jan. 8,1872, in Jor dan, Minn. In 1894 he received the degree of B.S. from the University of Minnesota, in 1898 received the- degree of M.S. from the University of Iowa. In 1900 received the degree of Ph.D. from Columbia Univer sity, and also took post-graduate work at the University of Gottingen. In 1907-18 he was professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota. Since 1916 he has been vice-president of the Exchange State Bank of Minneapolis; and since 1920 pres ident of the East Hennepin State Bank of that city. He has helped to organize various Hn.inci -d institutions of Minneapolis; in 1919 was associate director of War Savings Or ganization of the ninth Federal Reserve District ; and during the World-War he ad dressed numerous gatherings in Normal Schools, Colleges, Universities, Theatres and Ship Yards throughout the Country on Patriotic Topics. He is the author of The Paralla of U. Cass and the Positions of Fif ty-six Neighboring Stars; Plane and Sphere- ical Trigonometry, with William D. Brook, and other works. He was formerly a mem ber of the American Mathematical Society and is now a member of various clubs and societies. In 1907 he married Miss Bertha Marie Blum, now deceased; and he has one daughter and resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Bauer, Walter, Business President, of 1155 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pyrene Manufacturing Company and a director of E. D. Anderson, Incorporated, and other corporations. He has held various positions of trust and hon or, and resides in New York City. Baugher, F. M., Business President, of Home Buildipg Association Company, New ark, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Jeffer son Land Company and other corporations. Bault, Raymond L., President of the Sym phony Society of Frankford. He resides at 4712 Lei per Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Baumann, Thomas F., Director, of Mari on Street, near Harris Avenue, New Y r ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Transport Power Service, Incorporated, and other cor porations. Baumgarten, Otto J., Business President, of 15 East Forty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Baumgar ten and Haering Company, and president of the Restaurant Crillon, Incorporated. He has held various positions of trust and hon or; and resides in New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 73 Bauslin, David Henry, Clergyman, Theo logian and Author, of Springfield, Ohio, was born Jan. 21, 1853, in Winchester, Va. He was educated at the Clearspring Schools of Maryland, and graduated from the Wit tenberg College and Seminary. He is pro fessor of Historical Theology, and president the Lutheran General Synod. He has been editor of the Lutheran World; and is the author of Is the Ministry an Attractive Vo cation. He is a member of the Men s Liter ary Club of Springfield, Ohio. In 1880 he married Miss Elizabeth Clark; and has had one son and one daughter, and resides in Springfield, Ohio. Baxter, Thomas F., Business President, of Holt Manufacturing Company, Stockton, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Holdt Manu facturing Company, and a director in vari ous other corporations. Bayer, Edwin S., Business President, of 353 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Julius Kayser and Com pany ; and a director in several corpora tions; and has filled other positions of trust and honor. Baylies, Edmund L., Business President, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ray Estate Corporation, and a director in various other corpora tions. Baylis, Willard N., Business President, of 141 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Huntingdon Land Com pany, and a director in various other cor porations. Bayne, Howard, Director, of 60 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Foreign Bond and Share Company Beach, Mrs. Amy Marcy Cheney, Patron of Music and Art, of 2 Commonwealth Ave nue, Boston, Mass., was born Sept 5, 1867, in Henniker, N.H. She is a musician, com poser and concert-pianist. She is the author of Songs of the Sea and other works. She is a member of several clubs and societies. She resides in Hillsboro, N.H. Beal, George Raynolds, Member of the Harvard Club, the Boston City Club, and the Western Golf Club; and is a Mason. He was born on March 29, 1870, in Waith am, Mass. He was educated at the Waitham High School and at Harvard College. Since 1917 he has been Mayor of Waitham, Mass. In 1907-18 he was treasurer of the Waitham Savings Bank, of which he is now presi dent. He resides in Waitham, Mass. Beal, Henry W., Lawyer and Director, of Ames Building, Boston, Mass; and a mem ber of the Belmont Spring Country Club, the Algonquin Club, the Brae-Burn Coun try Club, and the Harvard Club of Boston. He was born Feb. 25, 1875, in Danvers, Mass., and was educated at the Phillips A- cademy and at Harvard University. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the practice of law. He is a director of the Metropolitan Trust Company; and a director of the Exe ter Banking Company of Exeter, N.H. In 1902 he married Miss Betsy Hilton Roper; and have one son, and reside at 170 Bab- cock Street, Brookline, Mass. Beal, Thomas Prince, Member of the Al gonquin Club. He was born Sept. 27, 1849, in Charlestown, Mass. Since 1888 he has been president of the Second National Bank of Boston. Beals, John D. Lawyer and Business President, of 1 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Riding Club, the St. Nicholas Club, and the Sea View Golf Club. He was born in the town of Litch- field, Herkimer County, N.Y. ; and gradu ated with the degree of LL.B. from the University of the City of New York. Since 1900 ho has practiced law, and is a member of the law firm of Beals and Nicholson. He is president of the Bronx Heights Devel- opement Corporation, first vice-president of the Bank of Washington Heights of New York City, and a director of the Seminole Fruit and Land Company and of the Suf folk County Ice Company. He is a member of the board of managers of the Knicker bocker Hospital of the City of New York. In 1893 he married Miss Mary H. Nichol son, and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 333 West Eighty-fourth Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Beard, Daniel Carter, Illustrator, Artist and Author, of 87 Bowne Avenue, Flush ing, N.Y., and was born June 21, 1850, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated as a civ il engineer, and made detailed maps of most of the cities and townes and villages of the Mississippi river. He illustrated Mark Twain s Yankee in King Arthur s Court and other books. For seven years he was instructor in illustating at the Woman s School of Applied Design. He is the found er of the Boy Scouts of America; is one of the three vice-presidents, the other two being William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt ; and is known as the father of the Boy Scouts. He is the author of The American Boy s Handy Book; The Jack of all Trades; Dan Beard s Book of Animals; Out-Door Handy Book ; Field and Forest Handy Book and other works. He is a mem ber ! of the Forest Lake Club, the Aldine Club, the Campfire Club of America, and the Society of Illustrators. Beardsley, Samuel A., Lawyer and Di rector, of 64 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He was born Dec. 1, 1856, in Utica, N.Y. ; and graduated from Hamilton Law Shcool. In 1879-97 he practiced law in Uti ca, N.Y. ; and is now a member of the law firm of Beardsley, Hemmens and Taylor; of New York City. He is a director of the Consolidated Light and Power Company of Whitehall, N.Y.; a director of the Con solidated Telegraph and Electric Subway Company; and a director of the Glen Falls Gas and Electric Company. In 1881 he mar ried Miss Ann Elizabeth Hopper; and they reside at 37 Madison Avenue, New York City; and at Easthampton, Long Island, N.Y. Beasley, Mrs. Archer, President of the Music Club, of Bristol, Ya. She is promi nent in musical circles. Beasley, Truman Cross, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept, 16, 1855, in Jasper County, Mo. He is president of the First National Bank; and a director in oth er corporations. He takes a prominent part in social, financial and public affairs; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Beattys, George D., Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Weber Piano Company and other corporations. Beaty, Julian B., Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Shanon ( upper Qompany and other corporations. Beaudry, Louis C., Treasurer and Busi ness Man, of 27 North DesPlaines Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born March 11, 1871, at Bath-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. ; and was educated in Montreal, Canada. Since 1889 he has been identified with the printing and lithographing firm of P. F. Pettibone and Company, of which corporation he is treasurer. In 1897 lie married Miss Mary Ellen Hayne, and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 1022 Maple Ave nue, Evanston, 111. Bebb, R. E., Business President, of Na tional Pressed Steel Company, Massillon, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central Steel Company, Massillon, and other cor porations. Berchtold, Lewis, Business President, of 32 Greene Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Senelith Ink Company, Incorporated, and a director in various Other corporations. Beck, Otto Walter, Patron of Music and Art, of Pelham Manor, N.Y., was born on March 11, 1864, in Dayton, Ohio. He was the winner of the national competition in designs for mural decoration of the vesti bule of the city hall in Cincinnati. He is the author of Art Principles in Portrait Photography. He resides in Pelham Man or, N.Y. Becker, Neal Dow, Lawyer and Business President, of 366 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Cornell Club of New York, the Association of the Bar, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 13, 1883, in Cherry Creek, N.Y.; and received the degrees of LL.B. and A.B. from Cor- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 75 nell University. Since 1907 he has practic ed law in New York City. He is president of the Hammond Typewriter Corporation. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and is now president of the Cornell Club of New York. In 1909 he mar ried Miss Ivah E. Smith; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 838 West End Avenue, New York City. Becker, Phillip A., President of the Apol lo Club, with a full membeship of ninety men. He resides at 1109 Washington Ave nue, St. Louis, Mo. Beckers, William G., Business President and Trustee, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Lawyers Club, the Chemist Club, the American Chemical Society of New York, the Montauk Club, the Riding and Driving Club of Brooklyn, and the Society of Chemical Industries of Lon don. He was born Feb. 16, 1874, in Kern- pen, on the Rhein; and was educated at the University of Heidelberg and Freiburg, re ceiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In 1911 he founded the Beckers Aniline and Chemical Works ; is a director of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation; and a trustee of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, N.Y. He married Miss Marie Antoinette Pothen; and they have a family of one daughter, and reside in Bolton, N.Y. Beckett, Wesley Wilbur, Member of the Ctiy Club. He was born May 31, 1857, in Forest Grove, Oregon. In 1888 he received the degree of M. D. from the University of Southern California. He was one of the founders of the Idylwild Sanitarium in the San Jacinto Mountains. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Beckley, William S., Director, of 131 East Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Waite and Bartlett Manufacturing Company and other corpor ations. Beckman, B. C., Manufacturer and Bus iness President of 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111.; and a life member of the Illi nois Athletic Club of Chicago. He was born Feb. 20, 1877, in Napersville, 111., and was educated in the N. W. College of his native city. Since 1912 he has been president and treasurer of the Beckman Dawson Roofing Company. He is also president of the Pre pared Roofing Manufacturers Association ; and a director of the First National Bank of Naperville, the Naperville Building and Loan Association, of J. L. Nichols and Com pany, and of the Cragin State Bank of Chi cago. In 1901 he married Miss May Ballou ; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside in Naperville, 111. Beckman, August F., Business President, of 460 Greenwich Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the First National Bank of Edgewater, and a director in vari ous other corporations. Bedford, Alfred Copton, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Nov. 5, 1864, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is chairman of the Board of Directors of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. He resides at 410 Clifton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bedford, Scott Elias William, Member of the City Club, the Delta Tau Delta Club, and the Tau Kappa Alpha Club. He was born March 7, 1876, in Winterset, Iowa. He is the author of Labor Legislation of Kan sas ; and Modern Cities. He resides at 6158 University Avenue, Chicago, 111 , Beebe, E. Pierson, Director of 6 Beacon Street, Boston Mass. ; and a memeber of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Androscoggin Mill Beebe, J. Oliver, Business President, 129 South Street, Boston, Mass., and member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Saskatchewan Farm and Land Com pany, the Beebe Bridge Comany, the Met ropolitan Trust Company, the Securities Investment Association, the Stanley Steel Wheel Corporation, and the Wakefield Trust Company. Beebe, Junius, Business President, of 129 South Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of hte Ayer T anning Company, and a director of various other corporations. Beebe, Marcus, Treasurer and Director, of 129 South Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Brockton Gas Light Company and other corporations. 76 AMERICAN ELITE A1STD SOCIOLOGIST Beecher, John L., Member of the Elks and the Knights of Columbus. He is con tractor and business man of 1955 Seward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. He was born in December, 1887, in Rock Island, 111. He was educated at St. Ambrose College of Davenport, Iowa; and received the degree of A.B. from St. Mary s College of Kansas. Since 1908 he has been engaged in Light and Heavy Construction Activities of all kinds; and is a successful concrete and ma sonry contractor. In 1914 he married Miss Kathryn Dwyer, of St. Paul, Minn. Beekman, Charles K., Director, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Menkin and Griscom; and a director of the Astra Oil and Gas Corporation, the Beekman Estate, the Central Sugar Corporation, the Guay aquil and Quinto Railway Company, the Gulf Mobile and Northern Railroad Com pany, and. the St. Louis, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Company, Beeks, Gertrude Breckenridge, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 16, 1867, in Greenville, Tenn. She has been president of the National Association of Business Women. Since 1913 she has been secretary of the welfare department of the National Civic Federation. She resides at 210 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Beetham, A.C., Business President, of Bell Rock Company, Bellaire, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bell Rock Land Company, and a director in various other corporations. Begg, Roderick, Lawyer and Director, of 220 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Premier Oil and Sulphur Company of New York ; and secretary and a director of the Republic Oil and Sulphur Company. Beggs, Arthur E., Secretary and Direct or, of 170 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hathaway Advertising Company and other corporations. Behn, Hernand, Member of the Union Club, the Country Club, and the Spanish Casino Club. He was born Feb. 19, 1880, in St. Thomas, D.W.I. He was educated at St. Thomas, Aiaecio, Corsica; and Ste. Bar- be, Paris, France. He began as assistant manager of the French Telegraph Cable Company of New York in 1899-1903; traffic manager of the American Railroad Compa ny for three years. He is president of Behn Brothers, Incorporated; president of the Porto Rico Telephone Company ; vice-presi dent of the Porto Rico Coal Company, In corporated ; the Yabucoa Sugar Company ; treasurer of the Juncos Sugar Company; and a direteor of the American Colonial Bank and the Banco Territorial Agricola, San Juan. He was decorated Knight Legion of Honor, Officer of Palmes Academiques, Territorial Agricola, San Juan. lie was dec orated Knight Legion of Honor, Officer of France; and fourth grade, Busto Bolivar, Venezuela. His address is 61 Broadway, New York City. Behn, Sosthenes, Member of the Metro politan Club, the Washington Club, the New York Club, the Havanna Club, and the San Juan Club. He was born Jan. 30, 1882, in St. Thomas, D.W.I. He is vice-president of Behn Brothers, Incorporated, of San Juan, Porto Rico; Honorary President of the In sular Chamber of Commerce of Porto Rico ; Chairman of the Porto Rico Telephone Com pany; president of the International Tele phone and Telegraph Corporation; Chair man of the Cuban Telephone Company ; and president of the Havanna Docks Corpora tion, The New York office is at 61 Broad way. In 1912 he was a delega te* to the Na tional Republican Convention at Chicago, and in 1912-1916 was a member of the Re publican National Committee. During the World War he served with the American Epeditionary Forces as Lieutenant-Colonel, Signal Corps, and was decorated with the D.S.M. and the Legion d Honneur. In May, 1921 he married Miss Margaret Dunlap of Philadelphia, Pa.; and they reside in Ha- baiui, Cuba. Behr, Herman, Member of the City Club. He was born March 4, 1847, in Hamburg, Germany. He is president of Herman Behr and Company; and president of the Roller Lock Nut Company of 61 Broadway, New York City. He resides in New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 77 Behnnan, Martin, Member of the Choc- taw Club, the Young Men s Gymnastic Club, the Association of Commerce, and the Chess Club, the Southern Yacht Club, the Alham- bra Club, and is a member of the Order of Elks. He was born Oct. 14, 1864, in New York City. He was educated in the public schools of New Orleans, La. He has been a member of the School Board, assessor and clerk of the City Council of New Orleans ; and in 1898 a member Louisiana Constitu tional Convention. In 1904-05 he was State Auditor; in 1904-20 for four terms he was mayor of New Orleans. He is a prominent member of the Democratic party; and in 1917-18 was president of the League of A- merican Municipalities. Behymer, L. E., President of the Gamut Club, with a membership of three hundred men, was born Nov. 4, 1862, near Cincinna ti, Ohio. He was educated at the North west Normal School of Stanberry, Mo. He is a musical and theatrical manager. In 1884-86 he was territoral commissioner of Hyde County, Dakota; and since 1886 has lived in Los Angeles, Cal. He is manager of the Auditorium Theatre, the L. A. Sympho ny Orchestra and the Woman s Symphony Orchestra. In 1908 he was elected an offi cer of the French academy; and six months later received the decoration of The Palms. He is a member of various clubs and soci eties. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Beinecke, Edwin J., Business President, of 420 East Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of the Lawyers Club, and various other clubs and societies. He is vice-president and director of the Amer ican Safety Service Company, president of Henry Maurer and Sons, a director of the Masonic Periodicals, Incorporated. He re sides in New York City. Bejarano, Jose Miguel, Business Presi dent, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He was born Jan. 23, 1886, in Mexico City; and was educated in his native city. Since 1920 he has been president of the Bexar Company of New York, is president of the Bexar Company of Mexico, and vice- president of the Bexar Sociedad Ononima of Barcelona, Spain; and also treasurer oi! the Mexico Chamber of Commerce. In 1914 he married Miss Trinela Lilio; and they have a family of four sons, and reside at 987 East Grove Street, Lynbrook N.Y. Belasco, David T., Theatrical Manager, of 115 West Forty-fourth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and soci- ties. He was born July 25, 1853, in San Francisco, Cal.; and was educated at the Lincoln College of California. He is the au thor of the plays entitled May Blossom, The Charity Ball, The Hearth of Maryland, Madam Du Barry, The Girl of the Golden West, The return of Peter Grimm, and other works and adaptions.. In 1873 he mar ried Miss Cecila Loverich; and they had a family of two daughters now deceased. He is sole owner and manager of the Belasco Theatre of New York City. Belcher, Charles Edwin, Editor and Pub lisher, of 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., was born July 15, 1871, in Chelsea, Mass. He was educated at the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the publishing business; and is now president and editor of The Standard. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and a member of the Drug and Chemical Club. In 1910 he married Miss Florence Eliza Baer; and they reside in Brookline, Mass. Belden, William C., Vice-President and Director, of 60 Canal Street, Boston, Mass. ; was born May 30, 1858, in Whately, Mass. ; and was educated at Williston Seminary, and at Amherst College. He is vice-presi dent and director of the Andrew Dutton Company. In 1887 he married Miss Nellie Frances Dearborn, and they have a family of one daughter; and reside in Northamp ton, Mass. Belding, Alva M., Banker, Manufacturer, and Business President, of 902 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a secretary and a director of Belding Brothers and Company, Silk Manufacturers of Rockville, Conn.; and president of the Belding Land and Im provement Company, of Belding, Mich. He was also vice-president of the Belding Sav ings Bank of Rockville, Conn.; the Rock ville National Bank, and other corporations. 78 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Belding, Frederick N., Vice-President and Director, of 902 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of the Union League Club, the Bankers Club, the Hartford Club, and th Colony Club. He was born in April, 1887, in Rockville, Conn.; and was educat ed at the St. Paul s School of Concord, N.H ; and at the Princeton University of New Jersey. Since 1910 he has been mill manager for Belding Brothers and Company; and a director of the Spencer Electric Light and Power Company, the Belding Land and Improvement Company, Rockville Water and Aqueduct Company, the Rockville Na- tionalBank, the Peoples Savings Bank, the James J. Regan Manufacturing Company, and the International Pulp Company. In 1921 he married Miss Helen Maxwell; and they have a family of one son Maxwelle Merrick Belding, and they reside in Rock ville, Conn. Belding, M. M., Business President, of 902 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the New York City Athletic Club, the Bankers Club, the Manhattan Club, the Hardware Club, the Automobile Club of America, the Aero Club, the Sleepy Hollow Country Club, the Crescent Ath letic Club, the Boston Athletic Club, the Biscayne Bay Yacht Club, the Miami An glers Club, the Army and Navy Club, the Sons of the: Revolution, the Founders and Patriots of .America, the Belding Chamber of Commerce and the New York Chamber of ..Commerce. He was born April 14, 1865, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of the Belding Brothers and Company^ Vice-president of the Interna tional Salt Company of New Jersey, the In ternational Salt Company of New York, the Retsof Mining Company, the Avery Salt Company,, .the Detroit Rock Salt Company, and the Genesee and Wyoming Railroad Company. He is treasurer of the Interna tional Pulp Company, the United States Talcum Company, the Union Talcum Com pany, the United States Talcum Company, and a director f the Irving National Bank, the Greater New York Savings Bank, the Belding Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Insurance Company, and the Industrial Fi bre Corporation. He married Miss Annie Kirk; and they reside at 1033 Fifth Ave nue, New York City. Belknap, Henry Wyckoff, Secretary and Curator, of 87 Federal Street, Salem, Mass. -, and a member of the Eastern Yacht Club, of Marblehead, the Authors Club of Lon don, and the Royal Societies Club of Lon don. He was born in 1860 in New York City. He is also a member of the Boston Society of Arts and Crafts. Since 1918 he has been secretary and cirator of the Essex Institute of Salem, Mass. He is prominent ly identified with business, public and social affairs ; is a member of social scientific so cieties; and has held a number positions of trust and honor. Belknap, Waldron P., Banker and Trus tee, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Society of Cincinnati, Society of Colonial Wars, the Sons of the Revolution, the Racquet and Tennis Club, the Down Town Association, the Union Club, the Union League Club, the Uptown Club, the Garden City Golf Club, and the Rockaway Hunting Club. He was born Feb. 8, 1873, in New York City; and was educa ted at the Lawrenceville School, and at Cor nell University. Since 1917 he has been vice-president of the Bankers Trust Com pany; and is now director of the Albert B. Ashforth, Incorporated, a director of the Fifth Avenue Association, and other cor porations. In 1898 he married Miss Rey Sealy Hutchings; and they have a family of one son, and reside at 112 East Eight ieth Street, New York City. Bell, Bernard Iddings, Member of the U- niversity Club of New York. He is presi dent of the St. Stephen s College, and for many years was dean of St. Paul s Cathe dral of Fond Du Lac, Wis. He resides at Annanndale-on-Hudson, N.Y. Bell, Charles James, Member of the Met ropolitan Club. He was born April 12, 1858, in Dublin. Ireland. Since 1893 he has been president of the American Security and Trust Company. He resides at 1327 Con necticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 79 Bell, Elliston H., Vice-President and Di rector, of 200 Devonshire treet, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Masonic Lodge, a perpetual member of the Old Colony Club, a life member of the Bostonian Society, and a member of various other clubs and soci eties. He was born Dec. 7, 1874, in Pem broke, Bermuda; and was educated in pri vate schools. Since 1913 he has been in the investment banking business in Boston, and is now vice-president of the firm of El liston H. Bell and Company, the Kleinstone Rubber Company, and the Darien Estates, Incorporated. In 1880 he married Miss Maude Isaacs; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Newton, Mass. ; and in New York City. Bell, Frank J., Vice-President and Direct or, of 55 Park Avenue, Bloomfield, N.H.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is Vice-President of the firm of Frank J. Bell, the Heathcote Line of Scars- dale, Incorporated ; and the Land Company of Edwenwald, N.Y. Bell, Laird, President of the Harvard Club of Chicago, 111. He resides in Chicago, 111. Bell, Nicholas Montgomery, Member of the Royal Order of Scotland, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Mercantile Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 2, 1846, in Lincoln County, Mo. He is a merchant of 4442 West Pine Boule vard, St. Louis, Mo. Since 1869 he has been engaged in the tobacco business. He negoti ated the general postal treaties of the Uni ted States with foreign countries. He has been a member of the Missouri State Leg islature. Bell, Roy M., Treasurer and Director, of 79 Wall Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Warner Sugar Refining Company and other corporations. Bell, Stoughton, Lawyer and Business President, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Union Club of Boston, the Harvard Club of Boston, and the Harvard Club of New York. He was born June 28, 1874, in Newton, Mass.; and received the degree of A.B. from Harvard College and the degree of LL.B. from Har vard Law School. Since 1919 he has been a partner in the law firm of Putnam, Bell, Dutch and Santry. He is president of the Multibestos Company, vice-president of the Walpole Trust Company, and a director of the Cambridge Trust Company, and other corporations. In 1908 he married Miss Ma bel A. Lewis, of Tuxedo, N.Y. ; and they have a family of one son and two daugh ters. Bellows, Charles M., Physician and Di rector, of 450 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Bell view Hospital. Since 1882 he has been practic- ticing medicine; and is also a director of the Kings County Refrigerating Company. In 1891 he married Miss Stella Reynolds; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 450 Clinton Ave nue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Belmont, Alva E., Smith, (Mrs. O.H.P.), Member of variouis clubs and philanthrop ic Societies. She was born in Mobile, Ala. She is actively interested in architecture, hospitals, children s homes and other phil anthropic work and woman s suffrage movement, and gave one. hundred thousand dollars to the Nassau hospital at Mineola, N.Y. In 1915 she opened a free soup kit chen for unemployed women, in which three thousand are fed daily and are also given warm new clothing. She is the found er and president of the political Equality Association ; in 1915 she organized Woman Voters Convention, of San Francisco, CaL, and Washington, D.C., composed from the twelve states in which women had right of suffrage. In 1874 she married William Kis- sam Vanderbilt; and in 1896 she married Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, who died in 1908. She resides at 477 Madison Avenue, New York City. Belmont, August, Business President and Director, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City ; .und a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the fired of August Belmont, the Boston Cape Cod and the New York Canal Company, and the Westchester Racing Association. He is a director of the Appraisals Corporation, the Audit Company of New York, the Long Is land Electric Railway Company, the Metro- 80 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST politan Opera and Steel Company, the New York and Long Island Traction Company, the New York and Queens County Railway Company and the New York Railways Com pany. Ho is trustee of the Bank for Sav ings in (he City of New York; and chair man of the board of directors of the liiter- borough Consolidated Corporation, and the Rapid Transit Subway Construction Com pany. He resides in New York City. Benas, John M., Business President, of 24 State Street, New York City,, and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 13, 1896, in Athens, Greece; and was educated at the University of Ath ens, is president of the Stephanidis, Benas and Company, the Nautical Service Corpor ation, and the l : nited Transatlantic Lines, Incorporated. He is the director of the American near East and Black Sea Line In corporated, and the Step s Chocolate and Candy Company. In 1919 he married Miss Corinna D. Stephanidis; and they have a family of one daughter, and reside at 264 Riverside Drive, New York City. Benda, Uladyshaw T., Artist and Illus trator, of New York City. He is a noted Illustrator and Portrait 1 a inter. He is a member of the Players Club, the Society of Illustrators, the Architectural League, the Society of Mural Painters, and the Coffee House Club. He resides at 1 Gramercy Park, New York City. Benedict, A. L., Physician, Editor and Author, of 377 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y., was born in Buffalo, N.Y. He receiv ed the degrees of A.B., M.D., and A.M. He has been vice-president of the American Academy of Medicine. He was superintend ent of Ethonology of the Pan-American exposition; and was president of the Buf falo Assciation of the Sons of the Revolu tion. He was editor of the Buffalo Medi cal Journal until its suspension in 1918, due to serve as captain in the medical corps of the United States Army. He is now major in the Medical Corps of the New York Na tional Guard. He is a member of the Medi cal Society of the State of New York and other associations. In 1910 he married Miss Vida Grenville Meister; and they reside at 377 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. Benedict, Cleveland Keith, Clergyman and Theologian, of Sewanee, Tenn., was born March 24, 1864, in Marietta, Ga. He was educated at Kenyon College of Gam- bier, Ohio. He is dean of the Theological Department of the University of the South. He is a member of various religious and scientific societies. In 1895 he married Miss Oliva Proctor; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside in Se\vanee, Tenn. Benedict, Francis Gano, Educator, Au thor, of Nutrition Laboratory, Vila, Street, Boston, Mass., was born Oct. 3, 1870, in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1893 he received the degree of A.B., in 1894 the degree of A.M. from Harvard University In 1895 the de gree oL Ph.D. from the University of Heidel berg, and in 1911 the degree of Sc.D. from the Wesleyan University, of Connecticut. Since 1907 he has been director of the Nu trition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institu tion of Washington, D.C. He is the author of Elementary Organic Analysis, Chemical Lecturere Esperimence, and an extensive contributor to scientific publications. In 1897 he married Miss Cornelia Golay; and they reside at 195 Pilgrim Road, Boston, Mass. Benedict, Henry Harper, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Oct. 9, 1844, in Herkimer County, N.Y. In 1912- 13 he was president of the Remington Type writer Company. He resides at 5 East Sev enty-fifth Street, New York City. Benedict, Walter St. John, Director, of 215 Montague Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Brooklyn City Safe De posit Company and other corporations. Benedict, William Leonard, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Oct. 14, 1860, in Boston, Mass. He is resident partner of Kidder, Peabody and Company, bankers of Boston and New York Benedikt, Joseph John, of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Elks, the Royal Arcanum, the Odd Fellows and the Redmen, and a prominent member of the Masonic Lodge, Chapter Commandery, Shrine and Grotto. He resides at 70 Muel ler Street, Maspeth, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 81 Beneke, Henry, Vice-President and Di rector, of Twenty-first and Rockwell Streets, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Evanston Golf Club ; and the Industrial Club. He was born Jan. 2, 1867, in St. Louis, Mo.; and was educated in the public schools. He is vice-president and treasurer of the Beneke and Kropf Manufacturing Company; and in pst years has been vice-president of Hib bord Spencer Brtlett and Company, In 1903 he married Miss Olga Uihleim; and they have a family of two son snd two daugh ters, and reside at 566 Stratford Place, Chicago, 111. Benjamin, Edgar L., Business President, of 59 Maiden Lane, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in Hudson, N.Y. He is president of the Edgar L. Benjamin Company, and the Port Richmond Co-operative Building Loan and Savings Institution; and is also secretary and director of the Seabury and Johnson Company. Benjamin, Eugene S., Member of the City Club. He is president of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. He resides at 1019 Madison Avenue, New York City. Benkard, John Philip, Member of the Delta Phi Fraternity, the Knickerbocker Club and the Tuxedo Club. He was born Oct. 30, 1872, in Paris, France. He grad uated from Mark s School, and the Colum bia University, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1894. He is senior partner in the firm of J. P. Benkard and Company, Bankers of 961 Broadway, New York City. He was captaino fthe Twelfth New York Volun teers in war with Spain. He was captain on the Governor s staff of New York in 1905-07. In 1902 he married Miss Julia Olin; and they have a family of two chil dren, and reside at 105 Fifty-fourth Street, New York City. Benn, Alonzo Newton, Packer and Busi ness President, of Forty-fifth Street, and Racine Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a mem ber of the South Shore Country Club, the Chicago Association of Commerce, the Chi cago Board of Trade, the Chicago Athletic Association, the Kenwood Club, the Medinah Temple, the Apollo Commandery, and the Oriental Consistory. He was born Nov. 25, 1866, in Washington, Iowa; and was educa ted at Woodburn, Iowa. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the packing business; and is onw vice-president and general manager of the G. H. Hammond Compny of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. In past years he was president and general man ager of the Omaha Packing Compnay, and vice-president of the National Packing Company. In 1910 he married Miss Har riett Condee ; and they reside at 4561 Wood- lawn Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bennet, Walter M., Director and Trustee, of 46 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is first vice-president and a director of the Walter M. Bennet Company, and the Bank of America; and is also a trustee of the Dry Dock Savings Institution. Bennett, Charles M., Business President, of 24 Broad treet, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societis. He is president of the Asuncion Port Conces sion Corporation ,and a director in various other corporations. He resides in New York City. Bennett, Edward L., Banker and Direct or, of 150 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is Assistant Treasurer and direct or of the banking firm of C. D. Parker and Company, Incorporated. He is president of the Fresh Pond Ice Company, president of the Metropolitan Ice Company, president of the Newton Ice Company and vice-pres- iident of the Boston Brick Company. He is a director of the Amesbury Electric Light Company, and a score of other cor porations. Bennett, Fred S., Business President, of 317 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of the Knickerbocker Country Club, the Englewood Club, the Merchants Club, and the National Arts Club of New York City. He is president of Fred S. Bennett, Incorporated; the Metakloth Company, and a director of the Vanwood Mills Company. He married Miss Katherine Jones; and they reside at 149 Dwight Place, Engle wood, N.J. 6 82 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bennett, Inslee Adrian, Member of the Union League Club. He was born April 12, 1874, in Somerville, Ohio. Since 1904 he has been president of the I. A. Bennett Compa ny, electrical supplies, and is now a direct or of the Electrical Manufacturing Export Corporation. In 1897 he married Miss La- verne Case; and they have a family of one ; son and three daughters; and reside at 185 Sheridan Road, Kenil worth, 111. Be nnett, M., Business President, of Si- monds Bennett Company, Conneaut, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Conneaut Elks Bennett, Mary Katherine, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Nov. 28, 186*. in Englewood, N.J. She is President of the Woman s Board of Home Missions. She is president of the Council of Women for Home Missions. Bennett, Mrs. M. S., Business President, of 6532 South Menard Avenue, Chicago, 111. ; and a member of the Englewood Wo man s Club. She was born in Mount Carroll, 111. ; and was educated at the Mount Car roll Academy, and at North western Univer sity. Since 1911 she has been president of the Wilson and Bennett; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 7151 Norman Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Bennett, Thomas Gray, Member of the New York Yacht Club; was born in New Haven, Conn. In 1890-1911 he was presi dent of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. He resides at 423 Prospect Ave nue, New Haven, Conn. Bennett, Walter H., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of th American Exhcange Na tional Bank, and director in various other corporations. Bennington, John H., Director, of 85 Clinton treet, Brooklyn, N.Y., and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the South Brooklyn . Railway Company and other corporations. Benninghofen, P., Business President, of Liberty Machine Tool Company., Hamilton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the" Liberty Machine Tool Company, and a director in various other corporations. Bensinger, B. E., Business President, of 629 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Standard Club, the Lake Shore Country Club, the Illinois Ath letic Club, the City Club, the Down Town Club. He was born Jan. 4, 1868, in Louis ville, Ky.; and was educated in the South Division High School. Since 1885 he has been connected with the Brunswick-Balke- Collender Company, of which he is now president. In 1896 he married Miss Rose Frank; and they have family of two sons, and reside in Glencoe, 111. Benson, Byron D., Vice-President and Di rector, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Whitehall Club, the Princeton Terrace Club, and the Y r ountakeah Country Club. He was born in 1890 in Passaic, N.Y. ; and was ed ucated at Princeton University. Since 1912 lie has been with the Tide Water Oil Com pany, or its subsidiaries, of which he is now general sales manager. He is vice-pres ident of the Tide Water Oil Sales Corpor ation ; a director of the East Jersey Rail road and Terminal Company; and a direct or of the Magnetic Iron Ore Company. In 1913 he married Miss Annie Ball; and they have a family of one son and two daugh ters ; and reside in Passaic, N.J. Benson, Edwin P., Secretary and Treas urer, of .1.1 Cliff Street, New York City; and a member of the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is secretory and director of the firm of Benjamin D. Ben son and Sons, manufacturing stationers, printers and engravers. He is unmarried; and resides at 13 Gramercy Park, South, New York City. Benson, Robert D., Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tide Water Oil Compaiy ; and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Major Car Corporation. He is a director of the Associated Producers Com pany, the New Jersey Worsted Company, the Shawnee-Tecuniseh Traction Company, and the People s Bank and Trust Company, of Passaic, N.J. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 83 Benson, William S., Director, of 11 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies He is director of the Muskogee Electric Traction Company Bent, George W., Business President, of 101 Causeway Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the G. W. Bent Company, and a director of various other corpora tions. Bentley, Charles Harvey, Sales Manager and Vice-President, of 101 California Street, San Francisco, Cal; and a member of the Pacific Union Club, the University Club, and the Bohemian Club. He was born Aug. 28, 1868, in San Francisco, Cal.; and received the degree of A.B. and A.M. from the University of California. Since 1916 he has been general manager of the California Packing Corporation of which he is also vice-president. In 1899 he married Miss Margaret Wilder, now deceased, by whom he had one son and one daughter. In 1908 he married Miss Florence Hush; and they have one daughter, and reside at 3198 Pa cific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Bentley, Frederick William, of the Knox Conservatory of Music, of 160 West South Street, Galesburg, 111., was born Sept. 12, 1859, in Lenox, Ohio He graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music; did post-graduate work for three years in Leip zig, Berlin, Paris and London. He has been conductor of the Monday Music Club Chor us at Keokuk, Iowa, the Kewaunee Choral Union, and is now Chorister of the Central Congregational Church and Conductor of the Galesburg Musical Union. He has been president of the Illinois Music Teachers AsM fiation, and president of lue Assoc .i- tiou of Presidents of the Stite M J.sio le.v-hers Association. He Is a irem.be? of the Galesburg Kewanis Club. In 1883 he married Miss Julia A. We?.&l?r: anl thov h;v< one daughter, and resiflo at 230 "West Tompkins Street, Galesburg, 111. Bentley, R. I., Business President, of 101 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the California Packing Cor poration, and a director in various other corporations. Bentley, Robert, Business President, of 814 Stambaugh Building, Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Carbon Limeston Company and other corporations. Benton, B. H., Journalist and Author, of 200 West One Hundred and Eleventh Street, New York City. He has attained success in literature under the Nom de plume of Rob Roy. He is now managing editor of the Gotham Press Syndicate and International Press, with offices in New York, London and Paris. Benzinger, Frederic, Journalist, of the Times Annex, New York City, was born April 10, 1858, in Susquehanna, Pa. He be came proprietor of newspapers in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa; and in Oma ha and Lincoln, Nebr. From 1892 has been on the staff of the Omaha Bee, the Chicago Inter Ocean and the Chicago Record Her ald. At the Out Break of the Spanish- American War he was transfered to Wash ington, D.C. In 1889-1900 he was corre spondent at Paris. Since 1902 he has been New York correspondent. He is a member of the Press Club, and various other clubs and societies. Berdeau, Ray W., Civil Engineer and Government Official, of Manila, P.I. ; and a member of the Manila Rotary Club, and various other clubs nd societies. He has attained success as a noted engineer; and holds the rank of Major of Engineer in the United States Reserve Corps. He is pres ident of the Manila Rotarj 7 Club; and has filled severl positions of trust and honor. Beresford, Percival, Lawyer and Director, of 100 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is United States Manager and Attorney of the Phoenix Assurance Company, Limited, of London. He is President of the Im perial Assurance Company of New York, and President of the Columbia Insurance Company of New Jersey. He is a director of the Phoenix Indemnity Company of New York, a director of the Norwich Union In- dmnity Company of New York, and Uni ted States manager and attorney of the Swiss Reinsurance Company of Zurich. ?84 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST . Berg, Charles, Business President and Director, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Imperial Motor Company, president of the Trackless Trolley Company of America, and vice- prsident of the Electro-Coach Corporation. He is also prominently identified with the business and public affairs of New York ;City. Berg, Charles I., Yice-President and Di rector, of 331 Madison Avnue, New York city; and a member of the Players Club, .the Knoll wood Country Club, the National Arts Club, and the Society of Beaux Arts- Architects. He is vice-president of the Gra- mercy Company; and secretary, treasurer and director of the Grainercy Park Asso ciation. In 1886 he married Miss Ada Van Beil ; and they have one son, and reside at 34 Gramercy Park, New York City. Berg, David, Business President, of 480 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was edu cated in Baltimore, Md. Since 1881 he has been identified with the business and pub lic affairs of New York City; and is pres ident of Berg Brothers of New York City. "In 1890 he married Miss Susie Arnstein; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and resid at 333 Central Park West, New York City. Berge, Mrs. B. 0., President of the Mu sical Club, with a membership of fifty women. She resides at 635 Guthrie Street, Ottawa, 111. Berking, Max B., V ice-President and Pres ident, of 72 Leonard Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of the University Club, the Williams Club, and the Merchants Club. He was born Sept. 1, 1878, in Newark, N.J. ; and was educated at Williams College. Since 1004 lie has been identified with M. P. Tuttle and Company, of which he is vice- president; and since 1920 has been vice- president of the Self-Clasp Envlope Com pany. In 1920-22 he was president of the Williams Club. In 1916 he married Miss Rhoda Jones; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Greenwich, Conn. Berlin, Irving, Member of several musi cal clubs and societies. He was born May 11, 3888, in Russia; and received a thor ough education. He is the composer of Alexanders Rag Time Band, and numer- ous other popular pieces. His address is 29 West Forty-sixth Street, New York City. Bernard, Robert W., Lawyer and Trustee, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the law firm of Wayland and Bernard; and attorney and trustee for the Italian Savings Bank of the City of New York. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of New York City; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. ; Bernheim, Eli H., Banker, of 507 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Columbia Bank of New York City; and treasurer and director of the Vera Re alty Company. Bernheim, George B., Treasurer and Di rector, of Ferry Street and Willow Avenue, Hoboken, N.J. ; and a member of the Co lumbia University Club, the Harmonie Club, the Century Club, the Arkwright Club, and the Civic Club. He was educated at the Columbia University. Since 1902 he has been with R. Neumann and Company, of which he is now president and director. He is a director of the Columbia Bank, the Commonwealth Ice Company, and the Twen ty-one East Fortieth Street, Incorporated. He married Miss Alice R. Rheinstein; and they have a family of three sons, and re side at 146 West Eighty-sixth Street, New York City. Bernheimer, Charles L., Cotton Goods Converter, of 120 Franklin Street, New York City, was born July 18, 1864, in Ulma Danube, Wurt tern berg, Germany. He is president of the Bear Mill Manufacturing Company ;chairman of the arbitration com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York ; a member of the execu tive committee of the Chamber of Com merce; and a member of the board of di rectors of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation. He is also president of the Safety First Society and is a trustee. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 85 of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. He is the author of a Peace Proposal a Business Man s Plan, published in 1915. For two terms he was president of the Converters Association. He is a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants Association, the Board of Trade and Trans portation, the United States Chamber of Commerce. Bernstein, Allen Milton, Merchant and Business President, of 23 Beekman Street, New York City; and a member of the Har vard Club of New York, and the Hollywood Golf Club of Deal, N.J. He was born in 1881 in New York City; and was educated at Harvard University. He is vice-presi dent of Lasker and Bernstein, Incorporat ed ; and president of Leami, Clenney and Company, and also president of the Almie Realty Company. In 1007 he married Miss Irma Lewyn ; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 236 West Seventy-fifth Street, New York City. Bernstein, B., Superintendent and Direct or, of 68 East One Hundred and Thirty- first Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 8, 1884, in New York City ; and grad uated from the High School. Since 1917 he has been engaged as a superintendent; and is also vice-president and a director of the Nonpareil Shoe Company, Incorporated. He resides at 50 Pike Street, Nw York City. Bernstein, David, Treasurer and Direct or, of 1493 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Borough Theatre Company and other corporations. Bernstein, Louis, Business President, of Forty-seventh Street and Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the music publishing house of Shapiro, Bernstein and Company, Incorporated; and a director in other corporations. Berry, Henry Newhall, Lawyer and Di rector, of 85 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is and director of the A. Sid ney Davison Coal Company, and other cor porations. Berry, Martha McChestney, Member of Woman s Club. She was born Oct. 7, 1866, in Rome, Ga. She is the founder of a set tlement school for girls. She is a contribut or to magazines on Southern Mountaineers. She resides in Rome, Ga. Berry, Wilbur Fisk, Clergyman, Educat or and College President, of Waterville, Maine, was born Nov. 24, 1851, in Camden, Maine. In 1902-09 he was president of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Women s College; and in 1909-19 was superintendent of the Christian Civic League of Maine, re tiring in January 1919. He is a member of the Maine Annual Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church. In 1878 he married Miss Livonia S. French ; and they have a family of two sons and four daughters, and reside in Vassal boro, Maine. Berryman, J. B., Vice-President and Di rector, of 836 South Michigan Avenue, Chi cago, 111. ; and a member of the Union League Club, the Hinsdale Golf Club, the Chicago Yacht Club, and the City Club. He was born Merch 20, 1862, in Toronto, Can ada; and was educated in the private schools of his native city. Since 1895 he has been identified with the Crane Compa- nyof Chicago, of which corporation he is now first vice-president. He is a director in various other corporations; and has fil : led numerous positions of trust and honor. He married Miss Ruth Brown; they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside on Highland Road, near Downers Grove, Du Page County, 111. Bertram, ,H. Henry, Treasurer and Di rector of the A. P. Babcock Company; and a director of the Consumers Biscuit and Manufacturing Company. Bertron, Samuel Reading, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Feb. 26, 1865, in Port Gilson, Miss. He is president of the New York Banking firm of Bertron, Briscon and Company. He resides in Roslyn, Long Island, N.Y. Berwind, Edward Julius, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born June 17, 1848, in Philadelphia, Pa. He resides at 2 East Sixty-fourth Street, New York City. He is president of the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company. 86 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Berwind, John E., Business President, of 1 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs, societies. He is president of the Porto Rico Coal Company, and pres ident of the World s Maritime News Com pany. He is vice-president of the Berwind- White Coal Mining Company, the Havana Coal Company, the International Coal Com pany, and the Wilmore Steamship Compa ny; and is also a director in a dozen other large corporations. Beskind, Morris M., Vice-President and Director, of 627 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He was educated in the College City of New York, and at the School of Com merce of the New York University. Since 1911 he has been identified with the Wash ington Garter Corporation, of which he is secretary, director and vice-president. In 1914 he married Miss Roselle Magid; and they have a family of two sons, and resid- at 1907 Harrison Avenue, New York City. Betts, Clarence B., Business Manager and Director, of 231 East One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of the New York Produce Ex change, the National Grain Dealers Associ ation, the Wykaggl Country Club, and va rious other clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 24, 1869, in Woodside, Long Island, N.Y. ; and was educated in the Public and High Schools of New York City. Since 1908 he has been connected with the firm of William H. Payne and Son as treasurer and a director. In 1895 he married Miss L. M. Stilwell ; and they have one son, and reside at 193 Centre Avenue, New Rochelle, N.Y. Betts, Farron S., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 88 Thirty-fifth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has long been ident ified with the business and public affairs of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. His concern the firm of Farron S. Betts, manufacture ex clusively albums, principaly known as the Royal Albums. He is also president of the P. L. Andrews Corporation. He has one daughter; and they reside at 410 Riverside Drive, New York City. Betts, George W., Lawyer and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Down town Association, the Princeton Club of New York, and the Shinnecock Hills Golf Club. He was born Feb. 14, 1871, in Engle- wood, N.J. ; and was educated at Princeton University. Since 1900 he has been a mem ber of the law firm of Hunt, Hill and Betts. He is vice-president of the Harrison Coal Company, and a director of the Beers Re alty Company, the Middletown Throwing Company, the Sarnia Steamship Corpora tion, the Schwarzenbach Huber Company, th Sibiria Steamship Corporation and other corporations. In 1903 he married Miss Ma ry Howard Hall; and they have one daugh ter, and reside on Brayton Street, Engle- wood, N.J. Betts, Hobart D., Member of the Univer sity Club, the Lotos Club, the Hardware Club, and the Piping Rock Club. He was born Sept, 20, 1872, in Englewood, N.J. In 1893 he graduated from Princeton Univer sity. He is vice-president of the Thomas and Betts Company, electrical manufactur ers. In 1904 he married Miss Josephine Gould of Wellesley, Mass.; and they have a family of one son, and reside at 40 East Eighty-third Street, New York City. Betts, James H., Business President, of 51 West Fifty-second Street, New York City ; and a member of the Great South Bay Club, and the City Club of New York City. He was born June 22, 1883, in Phoe nix. N.Y. He is president of the Betts and Belts Corporation, electrical apparatus. He is also president of the U. E. Corporation, and a director in other corporations; and is prominently identified with business, public and social affairs. Since 1904 he has resided in Bright waters, Long Island, N.Y. Severs, Charles H., Business President, of 48 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and soci- etie.s He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of Henry A. Bevers, Incorporated; and a director in other cor porations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 8f Bevier, Louis, Educator and Author, of New Brunswick, N.J., was born April 22, 1857, in Marbletown, N.Y. He is profes sor of Greek Language and literature in the Rutgers College. He is the author of French Grammar and other works. Bevitt, Mrs. Zay R., Artist and Musici an, of 3914 Third Street, San Diego, Cal. ; arid a member of various musical clubs and societies. She maintains a studio in the Institute of Music, of San Francisco, at 26 Farrell Street; and is prominent in the musical world. Bezner, Frederick 0., Vice-President and director of the Hudson Motor Car Compa ny of Detroit, Mich.; and a director in va- ious other corporations. Bickett, Cornelius A., Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born March 15, 1864, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is president of the Chicago Bearing Metal Company; president of the Bickett Coal and Coke Company ; and a director of the Fort Dearborn Na tional Bank. His address is 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bickford, Erskine F., Business President, of 38 Main Street, Maiden, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born June 4, 18 , in Woodstock, Conn.; "and was educated in the Private Schools of Thompson, Conn. Since 1865, he has been a resident of Maiden ; and a man ufacturer of rubber boots and shoes ; and is president of the Industrial Aid Society. He is president of the Maiden Savings Bank ; and a director of the Boston Rubber Shoe Company. He married Miss L. Put nam ; and they have a family of one son and reside in Maiden, Mass. Bicknell, Ernest Percy, Red Cross Com missioner, of Washington, D.C. ; and a member of the Cosmos Club of Washington, D.C. He was born Feb. 23, 1862, in Vin- eennes,, Ind.; and received an academic education. He has been president of the Na tional Conferance Charities and Correction. Since 1921 he been Commissioner to Europe of the American Red Cross. In 1891 he married Miss Grace Vawter; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 2915 Albermarle Street, Washing ton, D.C, Biddle, Clement M., Vice-President and Treasurer, of 105 Chambers Street, New York City ; and a member of the Hardware Club of New York, and the Mount Vernon Country Club. He was born in 1876 at Shar on Hill, Pa. ; and was educated at the Friends Central High School, and Swarth- more College, Pa. Until 1904 he was in the sales department of th Carnegie Steel Com pany of Pittsburgh and since then has been in New York City. He is vice-president of the Amercian National Bank of Mount Ver non, N.Y. ; and is a director of the Biddle Purchasing Company and the W T ynnewood Realty Company. In 1900 he married Miss Grace A. Brosius; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and they reside at Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Bieser, Charles W., Member of Masonic Club, and the Elk Club. lie was born in 1867 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated in the common schools and Commercial Col lege. He is first vice-president of the First Savings and Banking Company; find a di rector of the I). Geren Sons Company, the Daylon Building and Loan Association and several other corporations. He served as chief clerk of Probate Court; clerk of Court of Common Pleas and Circuit Court; post master of Dayton, Ohio; chairman of the Republican City, County and District Com- mittees. He resides at 48 Cambridge Ave nue, Dayton, Ohio. Bigelow, Clarence 0., Business President, of 106 Sixth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, the New England Society, the Sons of the Revolution, the American Pharmacy Association, the Sal magundi Club and the Amateur Billiard Club, the Westchester-Biltmore Golf Club, and the National Republican Club. He was born in 1851 in Phoenix, R.I. ; and was ed ucated in the public schools of Massachu setts. Since 1880 he has been a wholesale and retail druggist; and is president of the West side Savings Bank, and a director of the Bigelow State Bank Boesche, William A., Director, of Akron Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New Masonic Temple Company AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bikle, Philip Melanchthon, Educator and Author, of Pennsylvania College, of Gettys burg, Pa. ; was born Dec. 1, 1844, in Smiths- burg, Md. Since 1874 he has been professor of Latin and since 1889 has been dean of the Greysburg College. He has been dean of tary of the Parent Education Society of United Lutheran Church. He is a member of the Amercian Philological Association, and of various other clubs and societies. In 1869 he married Miss Anna M. Wattles; by whom he had one son. In 1877 he married Miss Emma J. Wolf, and they have three sons, and reside in Gettysburg, Pa. Bill, Edward L., Secretary and Director, of 373 Fourth Avenue. New York City ; and a member of the Bonnie Briar Country Club, the American Museum of Natural History, the New York Zoological Society, the Building Trades Employer s Association, and the New Rochelle Rowing Club. He is secertary and a director of Edward Lyman Bill, and of the Chester Syndicate, Incor porated. BiUikopf, Jacob, Sociologist, of 1512 Wal nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a mem ber of the City Club, and the Locust Club. He was born June 1, 1882, in Wilna, Russia. In 1907 he was superintendent of the Uni ted Jewish Charities of Kansas City, Mo. He was active in organizing of municipal baths, public night schools, free legal aid bureau, remedial loan agency and the Kan sas City Board of Public Welfare. Since 1919 he has been executive director of the Federation of Jewish Charities of Phila delphia. In 1920 he married Miss Ruth Marshall, of New York City; and they re side at 257 South Sixteenth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Billings, Cecil M., Engineer, Vice-Presi- dent and Director, of 58 Wost Thirtv -ninth Street, New York City ; and a member of the Army Ordinance Association, and the Society of Automotive Engineers. He was born Aug. 4, 1885, in Glen Cove, Long Is land, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Cooper Institute of New York. Since 1919 he has been vice-president and director of the Del- more Manufacturing Company, and of Has- brouck, Smith and Company. In 1904 he married Miss Mar jorie Hawkinson ; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 414 Elmwood Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Billings, Edmund, Member of the Twen tieth Century Club, and the Boston City Club. He was born Jan. 14, 1868, in St. George, N.B. Canada He was president of the Wells Memorial Institute; director of the Workingmen s Building Association; and the Workingmen s Loan Association. He served as second lieutenant in the Fifth Provisional Militia, Spanish-American War. He resides at 40 St. John Street, Jamaica Plain. Billings, Frederick Murray, Member of the City Club. He was born June 1, 1855, in London, England. He was secretary, treasurer and director of the Warren Chem ical and Manufacturing Company, which business is now being carried on as a divi sion of the Barrett Company, ->f whili lit is cashier. He resides in New York C \, . Billings, Richard, Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies, lie is a d ector of the Land and River Company and other corporations. Billings, Richard, Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Land and River Company and other corporations. Billow, George W., Director, of 118 Ash Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Blank Book Supply Com pany and other corporations. Binford, Raymond, College Professor, of Guilford College, N.C. ; and a member of the Friends Church, the American Society of Zoologists, and the North Carolina A- cademy of Science, and the Citizens Com mittee of one hundred on Prison Legisla ture in North Carolina. He was born July 15, 1876, in Carthage, Ind. Sjnce 1918 he has been president of the Guilford College. For fourteen years he was professor of zoology at Earlham College. In 1921 and 1922 he was president of the North Caro lina College Conference. In 1913 he mar ried Miss Helen Bills Titsworth; and they have a family of two son and two daugh ters, and reside at Guilford College, N.C. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 89 Bing, Simeon H., College President and Statesman, of Rio Grande, Ohio ; and a member of the Masonic Lodge, and various other clubs nd societies. He was born in 1876 in Ohio; and received an academic education. Since 1911 he has been presi dent of Rio Grande College; is a professor of Sociology in that Institution, and pres ident of the Ohio Academy of Social Sciences. He was a member of the eighty- third and eighty-fourth General assemblies of Ohio. In 1902 he married Miss Mabel Cherrington, who died in 1920; and he has a family of two sons and two daughters, and resides in Rio Grande, Ohio. Bingham, Hiram, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 19, 1875, in Hono lulu, H.I. Since 1908 he has been curator of the Latin-American collections of the Yale University He is the author of Across South America and other works. He re sides in New Haven, Conn. Bingham, Ralph, Member of the Lambs Club. He was born Aug. 2, 1870, in Rich mond, Va. He is the founder and ex-pres ident of the International Lyceum Associ ation of America. He resides at 3411 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Binkerd, Robert Studebaker, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 7, 1882, in Dayton, Ohio. He was director of the commission to protect the zoning law. His address is 61 Broadway, New York City. Binney, Edwin, Business President and Treasurer, of 81 Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Occidental Oil and Gas Company of the Peerless Car bon Black Company, and a director of the Columbian Carbon Company and other corporations. Binney, Henry P., Vice-President, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Somerset Club, the Algonquin Club, the Dedham Country Club, the Polo Club of Westwood, and the Pocasset Golf Club. He was born Nov. 21, 1863, in Boston, Mass. ; and received an academic education. Since- 1881 he has been connected with Brown Brothers and Company, bankers of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. He is vice-president of the Bangor Investment Company vice-president of the Esmond Homes Association, vice-president of the Esmond Mills, and a director of the North ern Telegraph Company, and a dozen other corporations. In 1904 he married Miss Al berta Sturtevant; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 303 Marlborough Street, Bostoii, Mass. Bippus, William F., Business President, of 329 South Linden Street, Dayton, Ohio; and a member of the Oakwood Real Estate Company and other corporations. Birch, Stephen, Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Alaska Steamship Company and oth er corportions. Birch, Thomas Bruce, Educator and Lec turer, of 1115 North Fountain Avenue, Springfield, Ohio; and a member of the Lowell Club, the Kiwanis Club, and other clubs and societies. He was born . Sept. 11, 1866, in Bloomsburg, aP. ; and has c received the degrees of A.B., A.M. and Ph.D. Since 1908 he has been Professor of Philophosy at the Wittenberg College of Springfield, Ohio; and also director of the Summer School. He is a lecturer of Psychological subjects, and a contributor on Phychologi- cal subjects to scientific publications. In 1894 he married Miss Sarah C. Himmelreich and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside in Springfield, Ohio. Birch, Thomas H., Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 5, 1875, in Bur lington, N.J. He was educated at the Phil adelphia Business College and at the De- lancey School He then becairie associated with his father, James H. Birch, in the car riage business in Burlington. In 1900 he was democratic elector-at-large fgr New Jersey; and was on the staff of Governor Woodrow Wilson, with the rank of colonel. He was mangaer of the Wilson headquar ters at the Baltimore Convention; and in 1913 was appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Portugal. He resides in Burling ton, N.J. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bird, Charles Summer, Business Presi dent,- of East Walpole, Mass.; and a mem ber of the Somerset Club of Boston, and various other clubs and societies. He was bom Aug. IN, 1855, in Walpole, Mass.; and was educated at the Phillips Academy and at Harvard College. He is president of Bird ;ui<l Son, Incorporated, and president of the Bird Machine Company. In 1880 he married Miss Anna I. Child; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, ml reside in East Walpole, Mass. Bird, George Emerson, Member of the Portland Country Club. He was born Sept. 1, 1847, in Portland, Maine. In 1908-19 he was associate Justice of the State Supreme Judicial Court in Maine. Bird, Robert Montgomery, Educator and Scientist, of University, Va., was born June 13, 1867, in Petersburg, Va. In 1897 h received the degrees of A.B. and B.S. from the Hampden Sidney University, and in 1901 the degree of Ph.D. from the John Hopkins School. Since 1907 he has been professor of chemistry in the University of Virginia. He made valuable researches on the association of Vanadium nd petroleum and kindrad lines. He is the editor of Mod ern Science Readers; and the author of Tipical Reactions of General Chemistry. He is a member of several educational and scientific societies. Birdsall, Edgar, Member of the City Club. He was born Aug. 31, 1876, in Brook lyn, N.Y. He was educated at the Glen Falls Academy and at the New York Hom eopathic Medical College. He practices med icine and is Roentgenologist in the Glen Falls Hospital. He is president of the Glen Falls Country Club; a member of the American Roentgen Ray Society; and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. In 1904 he married Miss Eleanor Hamilton Avery; and they have a fmily of two sons, and re side at 2 Coolidge Avenue, Glen Falls, N.Y. Birkenstein, Albert, Member of the Elks; and a prominent Mason and Shriner; is a member of the Northmoor Country Club, and the Buena Shore Club. He married Miss Beatrice Schlos; and they have a fam ily of one son and two daughters; and re side at 939 Argyle Street, Chicago, HI. Birks, William Mossay, Member of the Royal Club, the Engineers Club, and the Royal Colonial Institute. He was born Oct. 25, 1863, in Montreal, Canada. He is vice- president of Henry Birks and Sons, Mon treal Canada. Bischoff, Henry, Business President, of 177 Stagg Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of H. and M. Reiners, of Brooklyn; and president of the Schenley Distilling Company of Lucesco, Pa. Bishop, E. F., Business President, of C. Brewer and Company, Limited, Honolulu, H.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Honomu Sugar Company, and a director in various other corporations. Bishop, Frederick A., Business President, of Pier I, North River, New York City, and a member of the Whitehall Club, the Asbury Park Fishing Club, and the Long Island Coasting Club. He was born in 1861 in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educated in his native city. Since 1910 he has been pres ident, general manager and director of the Edgewater Basin Company, and is also president of the Iron Steamboat Company of New Jersey He married Miss Ida M. James; and they reside at the Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bishop, George L., Director, of 68 De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and soceties. He is a director of Thomas Leyland and Company, Incorporated, arid other corporations. Bishop, Henry A., Business President, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Collin Valve Company, in other corporations. Bishop, Henry Alfred, Member of the Brooklyn Country Club. Me was born Sept. 4, I860, in Bridgeport, Conn. He is presi dent of the Clapp Fire Resisting Paint Company. He resides in Bridgeport, Conn. Bishop, James C., Director, of 26 Ex change Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Welsbach Street Lighting Company of America and other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AMD SOCIOLOGIST 91 Bishop, Boy N., Director, of the Crocker Building, San Francisco, CaL; and a mem ber of the Pacific Union Club, the Bohemi an Club, the Olympic Club, the University Club, the Family Club, the Presidio Golf Club, the San Francisco Golf and Country Club, and the Menlo Country Club. He is director of the Los Flores Land and Oil Company, the Northwest Magnesite Com pany, the Palace Hotel Company, the Pa cific Railways Advertising Company, the Sauer Dough Oil Company, the Sierra Rail way Company of California, the Universal Oil Company, and the Sperry Flour Com pany. In 1907 he married Miss Stella Wheeler; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 2523 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Bissell, Arthur Douglass, Member of the Ellicott Club. He was born Jan. 10, 1844, in New London, N.Y. He is president of the Peoples Bank of Buffalo He resides at 950 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. Bissell, Richard Mervin, Member of the Hartford Club. He was born June 8, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1913 he has been president of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. He resides in Farmington, Conn. Black, Eugene, Member of the Red River Country Club. He was born July 2, 1878, in Blossom, Texas. In 1915-21 he was a member of Congress He resides in Clarks- ville, Texas. Black, Harry St. Francis, Member of the Pilgrims Club. He was born Aug. 27, 1863, in Cobourg, Canada. He is a director of the United States Realty and Improvement Company He resides at 667 Madison Ave nue, New York City. Black, Henry V. D., Business Man and Director, of 200 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Union League, the Ardsley Club, and the City College Club. He was horn Aug. 8, 1887, at 71 East Sevententh Street, New York City; and was educated at the College of the Ci ty of New York. In 1876-1920 he was in the lithographic business; and is now a director in the firm of Snyder and Black. In 1886 he married Miss Jennie Martense Prince; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at Irvinton-on-Hud- son, N.Y. Black, Norman B,, President of the Sym phony Orchestra, with a membership of fifty men and women, and a member of the Press Club, and of numerous other clubs and societies. He is a successful journalist and publisher of Fargo, N.D. ; and has filled numerous positions of trust; and honor in his city, county and state. He is now president and general manager of the Forum Publishing Company, publishers of The Fargo Company, evening newspa per; established in 1876. He resides in Far go, N.I). Black, S. K., Secretary of the Fulton Country Club, and a member of the City Council. He was born in 1891 in Callaway County, Mo.; and was educated at West minster College. Since 1909 he has been in the land and title business; and is a mem ber of the American Association of Title Men. In 1914 he married Helene Hegler ; and they have one daughter, and reside at 821 Center Street, Fulton, Mo. Black, William Murray, Civil Engineer and Author, of New York City, was born Dec. 8, 1S55, in Lancaster, Pa/ Since 1899 he has been major of the corps of engi neers in the United States army. He is the author of the Improvement of Harbors and other works. Blackall, Clarence H., Business Man and Director, of 20 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Boston Art Club, the Cambridge Club, the Cambridge Municipal Art Society, the New York Arch itectural League, and has been president of th American Architect Corporation. He was born Feb. 3, 1857, in New York City; and was educated at the University of Illi nois, and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Pris. Tic is a trustee of the Charlestown "Five Cents Savings Bank; and a director of the Hub Trust Company and of the New England Guaranty Corporation. He is a trustee of the Rotch Traveling Scholarship, and chairman of the Board of Appeal of Cambridge. In 1883 he married Miss Emma Murray ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Cambridge, Mass. 92 . AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Blackburn, Frank L., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rural Estates Company, and a director in other corporations. Blackington, Alton Hall, Cameraman and Artist, of 71 Bonair Street, Somerville, Mass.; and a member of the Boston Cam era Club, the Royal Photographic Society of Great Brit tain, and a Master Craftsman oi the Society of Arts and Crafts. He was born Nov. 25, 1893, in Rockland, Maine. Since 1912 he has been a motion picture camerman and photographer. fclackiston, Henry Curtis, Broker and Di rector, of 34 Whitehall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Exchange National Bank; and prominent in the business and public affairs of New York- City. Black well, Francis 0., Business President of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soiceties. He is president of the Viele, Blackwell and Buck, and a director in other corporations. Elaine, Mrs. Emons, Member of the Wo- mans Club. She is the daughter of Cyrus Hall McCormick, the inventor of the reap ing machine. She was founder of the School of Education in the University of Chicago. She resides at 191 East Erie Street, Chica go, 111. Blair, Frank A., Business President, of 225 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Union League, the Illinois Athletic Club, the Westmoreland Country Club, thet Chicago Motor Club, the Chicago Drug Chemical Club, and the White Lake Yacht and Golf Clubs. He was born in 1869 in Franklin Center, Quebec, Canada ;and received an academic educa tion. Since 1915 he lias been president of The Proprietary Association of America, and for many years was vice-president of Foley and Company, printers and manufac turers. In 1895 he married Miss Carrie E. Mann; and they have one son and reside at the Surf Apartment Hotel, Chicago, 111. Blair , Frank Warrenner, Member of the Detroit Club. He was born May 13, 1870, in Oaklnd County, Mich. Since 1908 he has been president of the Union Trust Compa ny. He .resides at Lake Orion, Mich. Blair, Henry Frank, Member of the Chi cago Club. He was born July 1, 1852, in Michigan City, Ind. Since 1913 he has been president of the Chicago Railways Compa ny. He resides at 2735 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Til. Blair, James A., Jr., Business President, of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Macon Dublin and Savannah Railroad, and a director in other corporations. Blair, Watson Franklin, Director and Capitalist, of the Corn Exchange Bank Building, Chicago, Til.; and a member of the Chicago Club, the Chicago Athletic Club, the Chicago Golf Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club and, the Onwensia Club; also the Union Club, the Metropolitan Club, the Brook Club, the Piping Rock Club, the National Golf Club, and the New York Yacht Club. He was born Jan. 29, 1854, in Michigan City, Ind.; and was educated at Willston Seminary. He was in the grain business untill 1890. For several years he was a director of the Merchants National Bank, founded by his father, and which bank was consolidated with the Corn Ex change National Bank in 1902, of which he is now also a director. In 1883 he married Miss Alice Keep; and they reside at 720 Rush Street, Chicago, 111. Blair, William Allen, Member of the Twin City Club. He was born June 4, 1859, in High Point, N.C. Since 1896 he has been vice-president of the People s National Bank of Winston. He resides in Winston- Salem, N.C. Blaisdell, Walter Stilson, Coal Operator and Merchant, of Punxutawney, Pa., was born May 21, 1866, in Macomb, Til. He is secretary, treasurer and general man ager of several coal companies. Blake, Charles S., Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 25, 1860, in Win- sor Locks, Conn. Since 1916 he has been president of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. He resides at 496 Farmingon Avenue, Hart ford, Conn. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 93 Blake, Herbert S., Director, of 116 West Thirty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Organization Ser vice Corporation and other corporations. Blake, T. Whitney, late Manufacturer, of New York City, was born in 1866 in Oak land, Cal. He was president and treasurer of the Whitney Blake Trust Company, and treasurer of the Goodyear Rubber Insulat ing Company. His widow resides at Mill Rock, New Haven, Conn. Blakely, Clarence, Treasurer and Direc tor of 160 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is now a director of the Automatic Time Stamp Company and other corpora tions. Blakely, Tillman Trammell, Member of the Masons, the Elks and the American Legion. He was born Aug. 20, 1890; and was educated at the Georgia School of Technology. Since 1911 he has been secre tary and treasurer of the Griffin Grocery Company, wholesale grocers. He is presi dent of the Griffin Country Club. He re sides at 452 North Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. Blanchard, Isaac H., Business Man and Director, of 418 West Twenty-fifth Street, New City; and a member of vaiious clubs and societies. He is chairman of he board of directors of the Blanchard Press, Incor porated; and prominent in the business and public affairs of New York City. Bland, John R., Member of the Mary land Club, the Baltimore Club, the Rolling Road Golf Club, the Merchants Club, the University Club, and the Baltimore Coun try Club. He was boin March 24, 1851, in Bridghton, Mo. ; and was educated at the Washington University of St. Louis, Mo. Since 1896 he has been president of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com pany of Baltimore. In 1876 he married Miss Maria Harden; and they have a fam ily of one son and one daughter, nd reside in Catonsville, Md. Blaney, Isabella Wiliams (Mrs Charles D. Blaney), Sociologist, of Saratoga, Cal. She was born in Chicago, 111; arid received a thorough education. She is a member of the Century Club of San Francisco. She was director of the California Indian La bor Commission; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Blanke, Cyrus Frederick, Business Presi dent, of Seventh Street and Clark Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.; and a member of the Sun set Hill Country Club, the Riverview Club, and the Century Boat Club. He was born Oct. 24, 1861, in Marine, 111; and was edu- caed in his native city. He is president of the C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Company, the Tin and Sheet Metal Manufacturing Company, and the Blanke-Baer Preserving and Extract Company. In 1899 he married Miss Eugenia Furvein; and they have one daughter, and reside in Webster Groves, Mo. Blankenhorn, David, Business President, of Pasadena, Cal. ; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Blankenhorn-Hunter Company, and a director in other corporations. Blankenburg, Mrs. Lucretia L., Member of the New Century Club, the Working Woman s Guild, the Civic Club, and other societies. She was born in New Lisbon, Ohio. In 1892-1908 she was president of the Pennsylvania State Suffrage Associa- ion; and in 1912-14 was first vice-president of the General Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides in Philadelphia, Pa. Blashfield, Edwin Rowland, Painter, of 48 Central Park South, New York City, was born Dec. 15, 1848, in New York City. He was educated at the Boston Latin School, and studied painting in Paris under Leon Bonnat and others. Among his paint ings, are A Roman Empire, The Fencing Lesson, the Angel with the Flaming Sword, The Graduate, The Bells, and Carry On, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is a past president of the Society of American Artists, the Arts of New York City, and the Society of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. He is now president of the National Society of Mural Painters. He is a member of the Century Club, the Mc Dowell Club, the Arts Club, and the Muni cipal Arts Society. In 1881 he married Miss Evangeline Wilbur, who died in 1918. He resides a 40 West Fifty-ninth Street, New City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST ....Blatch, Harriot Stanton, Member of the Woman s Club. She was; born Jan. 20, 1850, in Seneca Falls, N.Y. She is presi dent of the Woman s Political Union. She resides at 13 West Forty-second Street. New York City. Blechman, Jacob, Business Man and Di rector, of (5122 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Tie is secretary, manager, and director of the United States Manufac turers Export Corporation. Blesh, Abraham Lincoln, Member of the American, State and Medical Associations; and in 1911-12 was president of the Medi cal Association of the Southwest. He is a Scottish Rite Mason; and a member of the Men s Dinner Club, and the Oklahoma Golf Club. He was born Jan. 6, I860, in Lock Haven, Pa. lie was educated at Campbell 1 Normal School at Holton, Kan.; and in 1889 received the degree of M.D. from the Northwestern University Medical School. In 1910-11 lie studied in the University of Vienna. He has practiced in Rio, Wis. ; in 1893-1908 in Guthrie, Okla; and since 1908 in Oklahoma City. Since 1902 he has prac ticed surgery exclusively He is professor of clinical surgery in the University Medi cal School of Oklahoma City; and a fellow and governor of the American College of Surgeons. In 1917 lie was commanding first lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps; and chief surgeon of the Base Hospital at Fort Sam Houston, and the same year be came major. In 1890 ho married Theodora Belle Picket! of Frankport, Kan.; and since 1908 they have resided in Oklahoma City, Okla,. Blessing, Lewis Greene, Member of var ious clubs and societies. He was born March 28, in Manteno, 111. He is treasurer .and general manager of the Bastian- Bless ing Company, manufacturers of soda foun tains and carbonating machinery ; vice- president of E. R. Moore and Company, and of the Co-operative Advertising Com pany; and vice-president and treasurer of the Ferguson-Lander Manufacturing Com pany. He resides in Chicago, 111. Bliss, Walter P., Director, of 71 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Quincy Mining Company and other cor porations. Bloch, Abe, Business President, of 5205 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a mem ber of several clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Metal Goods Company; is identified with various other enterprises; and has (illed several positions of risk and honor. In 1893 he married Miss Louise Israel, of Chicago, 111.; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 1373 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. Bloch, Lester W., Member of many clubs. He was born June 19, 1880, in Albany, N.Y. He was educated in the Grammar and High Schools; in 1902 received the de gree of Ph.B. from the Union College and in 1904 the degree of LL.B. from the Albany Law School. Since graduation he has been in active practice, his specialty being federal and corporation law. He is a member of the bar of the Commonwealth of Massa chusetts; and in J905 ! 13 was United States commisioner for the northern district of New York. He is a member of Albany County Bar Association, the Albany Law School Alumni Association, and other fra ternal and educational organizations. He is actively interested in the Loyal Order T Moose, and for many years has been one of its suppreme officers. His address is 36 State Street, Albany, N.Y. Bloch, Louis, Business President, of 248 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Coast Supply Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Block, Benjamin, Stock Broker and Di rector, of 74 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is senior member of he firm of Block, Maloney and Company; and a di- recor of he Sweets Company of America. Block, Herman W., Vice-President and Director, of 212 Fifth Avenue, New York Ctiy; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Term inal Barber Shops; and has held several positions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Block, Louis James, Educator, Author and Poet, of Oak Park, 111., was born in 1851 in Austria. Since 1895 he has been principal of the John Marshall High School of Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Cliff Dwellers and other Clubs. He is th" author of numerous Dramaic Sketches and Poems. He resides in Oak Park, 111. Block, Paul, Journalist and Publisher, oi 95 Madison Avenue, New York City, a,u<1 a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Paul Block, Incorpor ated, publishers representatives. He is of Duluth, Minn.; and the owner of the Memphis News Scimitar. He is also vice- president of the Herald Company of Du luth, Minn. He is a director of the Picto rial Review Company, the Detroit Journal, the Newark Star-Eagle, and other corpora tions. Block, S. John, Lawyer and Director, of 198 Broadway, New York City; and a mom ber of the Civic Club of New York, the League for Industrial Democracy, the American association for Labor Legislation New York County Lawyers Association. He was born March 17, 1880, in Cleveland, Ohio; and was educated at Columbia Col lege, the New York Law School, and the Columbia University Law School. He is president of the Workman s Co-operative Publishing Company, which owns and pub lishes the New York Call. He has several times been candidate for Justice of the New York Supreme Court. In 1907 he married Miss Anita G. Cahn; and they reside at 128 East Tenth Street, New York City. Blodgett, John W., Member of the City Club. He was born July 26 1860, in Her- sey, Mich. He was vice-president of the Fourth National Bank. He was president of the Grand Rapids Tubercolosis So ciety. He is an extensive owner and dealer in lumber and Timber lands. In 1895 he married Miss Minnie A. Cuinnock of Lowell; and they have one daughter, Kath- erine C. Blodgett, now Mrs. Morris Had- ley; and one son, John W. Blodgett Jr. Blodgett, Wells H., Lawyer, of 611 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo., was born in 1839 in Downers Grove, 111. In 1873 he entered railway service as assistant attorney of the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railroad; and has been general-; attorney of that road. In 187984 he was -general solicitor of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway ; in 1884-89 general counsel for receivers of the Wabash Lines; and in 1901-11 general solicitor of the Wabash Road. Since 1911 he has been general counsel for the Wabash Road; and general counsel for the receivers. - He served through the war in volunteer service; re ceived a Congressional Medal of Honor for distinguished gallantry and was mas tered out in 1865 as colonel of the Forty- eight regiment of the Missouri Volunteers. eers. Blogg, Solomon E., Business President of 151 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Blogg and Littauer, and a director in other corp orations. Blood, Samuel S., Business President, of 9 Park Place, New York City, and a memb er of the Union League Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Hardware Club, and the New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Society. He was born in Pep- perell, Mass. He is president, treasurer, and a director of the American News Com pany; and a trustee of the Broadway Sav ings Institution. He married Miss Kathar ine Antoinette Utley; and they reside at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. : Bloodgood, Wheeler Peckham, Member of the American Bar Association, the Mil waukee Bar Association, the American Ac ademy of Political and Social Science; and also of the Milwaukee Club, the Mil waukee Athletic Club, the Town Club,- the City Club, the Oconomowoc Country Club, the Yacht Club, and the Union League Club. He was born Nov. 4, 1871, in- Mil waukee, Wis. In 1897 he graduated from St. John s Military Academy of Delafield, Wis. ; and studied law in the office of his father. He is a director and general coun sel of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company; and general counsel of the Wisconsin Life Insurance Company and other corporations. He resides in Milwaukee, Wis. 96 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bloodgood, William D., Business Pres ident, of, 542 Fifth Avenue, (New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the E. M. Real Estate Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Blbomfeld, Harry A., Director, of 5 Beekman Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Universal Tobacco Machine Company and other corporations. Bloomfield, Meyer. Member of the City Club of Boston and New York, and the Twentieth Century. He was born Feb. 11, 1878. He is the author of Vocational Guidance of Youth, The School and the Start in Life, and Youth, School and Voc ation His address is 6 Beacon Street, Bos ton, Mass. Bloomingdalaf, Samuel J., Member .of the .Harmonic Club, the Salmagundi Club, the Sphinx Club, and the City Athletic Club, all of New York City; and is also a member of the Quaker Ridge Golf Club, the North Shore Country Club, and the Sunningdale Country Club. He was born in 1873 in New York City. He was edu cated in private schools and a Colum bia University. Since .1905 he has been a member of the firm of Bloomingdale Brothers, Lexington Avenue to Third Ave nue and Fifty-ninth Street to Sixtieth Street, New York City. He is also a part ner in the banking house of Bloomingdale Brothers, of New York City. In 1916 he married Mias Rita Goodman of New York City; and they have a family of two daughters^ Susan Jane and Louise G. ; and they reside at 470 Park Avenue, New Yctfk City. Blount, Fernand Moreno, Construction Engineer and Business President, of Pen- sacola, Fla., was born July 1, 1882, in Pen- sacola, Fla. He was educated at Yale, at Harvard, and received the degree of B. S. from the Massachussetts Institute of Tech nology. He was president of the Blount Construction Company; and president of the Pensacola Shipbuilding Corporation and of the Terminal Warehouse Comp any. He is a member of the American Engineers Association; and the Pensacola Country Club. In 1911 he married Miss Roberta Fisher; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Pensacola, Fla. Blount, John G., Business President, of Woodland Street, Everett, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the J. G. Blount Company, and a director of the Everett Trust Comp any, has held many positions of Trust and honor. Blumenfeld, Ralph, David, Member of the Press Club. He was born April 7, 1864, in Watertown, Wis. He has been editor of the Evening Telegram of New York City. In 1884 he was a reporter on the Chicago Record-Herald; and became cor respondent of the United Press. He ,ha3 been news editor of the Daily Mail. Since 1904 he has been editor-in-chief of the London Daily Express. He now resides in London, England. Blumenthal, Henry A.,Lawyer, Secretary and Director, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Aristo Hosiery Company, Blumenthal, Louis F., Business Presid ent, of 1658 Broadway ,New York City: and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is president of the Lincoln Un ion Theatres, Incorporated; and a director in other corporations. Blumenthal, Manus J., Vice-president and Director, of 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice- president of the Lincoln Mortgage Comp any, vice-president of the Wayne Invest ment Company, and treasurer and director of the Aristo Hosiery Company. Boardman, C. H., Business President, of Columbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Murray Company and other corporations. Boardman, Mabel Thorp, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Cleveland Ohio; and was educated at Yale University receiving the degree of LL. D. She is chair man of the American Red Cross National Relief Board. She was decorated by the king of Sweden and the Emperor of Japan. She resides in Washington, D. C. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 97 Boardman, Samuel Hart, Director, of Balfour Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of the Bohemian Club, the Olym pic Club, and the San Francisco Golf and Country Club. He was born in San Fran cisco ; and received an academic education. Since 1885 he has been connected with firm of Balfour, Guthrie and Company; and has held various positions of trust and honor. He married Miss Bernie Brown; and they have a family of one son and one. daughter, and reside at 2820 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. Boardman,.. William J., Vice-resident and Director, of 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Univers ity Club, the Crescent Athletic Club, and the North Hempstead Country Club. He was born July 13, 1873 in Lowell, Mass.; and was educated at Amherst College. He is vice-president and director of the George Betten Company, Incorporated. Bode, Frederick, Member of the Union League Club. In 1908-09 was president of the South Shore Country Club, in 1912 was president of the Industrial Club, and is a member of the Chicago Athletic As sociation and various other clubs and soc ieties. He was born August 20, 1856 in Germany; and came to America in 1870. Since 1892 he has been president of Gage Brothers and Company, wholesale mil linery ; and in 1902-11 was president of the Milliner Jobbers Association. He married Miss Esther Ellen Simpson; and reside at 5825 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bodell, Joseph J., Director, of 10 Wey- bosset Street, Providence, R. I.; and a is a director of the Federal Light and Traction Company and other Corporations. Bogardus, Emory S., Educator, Sociolo- logist and Editor, of the University of Southern California^ Los Angeles, Cal.. ; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. In 1916-18 he was president of the Los Angeles Social Service Commission. He is head of the department of sociology in the University of Southern California. He is editor of the Journal of Applied Socio logy. In 1911 he married Edith M. Prit- chard; and they have one daughter, and reside in Los Angeles, Cal. Bogart, Edwin B., Member of the Mas ons and the Elks; and a member of the White Plains Club, and the Piano Club of New York. In 1891 he married Miss Gen- evieve Hunt; and they have a family of two . sons and one daughter living and reside at 82 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, N. Y. Bohack. Henry C., Business President, of Metropolitan and Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; and a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Elks, the Arion Singing Society, the Turn Verein of Brook lyn, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber Jof Commerce of the Borough of Queens. He was born June 15, 1865, in the Province of Hanover, Germ any. He is president of the H. G. Bohack Company, Incorporated; a director of the Peoples National Bank of Brooklyn; and a trustee of the Hamburg Savings Bank. In 1889 he married Miss Emma A. Stef- fens; and they reside in Kew Gardens, N.Y. Boisot, Louis Lawyer and Author, of 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 23, 1856, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is vice-president of the First Trust and Savings Bank; and is the author of By-Laws of Private Corporations and other works. He is a member of the Un iversity Club of Chicago, and the City Club of Chicago. He resides in LaGrange, 111. Boissonnault, Gaston, Director of 28 Cortlandt Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies Boldt, Hermann Johannes, Surgeon and Gynecoogist, of 616 Madison Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born June 24, 1856, in Berlin, Germany; and came to the Uni ted States in his childhood. In 1879 he re ceived the degree of M.D. from the Med ical College of the University of New York; and since 1891 has confined his practice to Gynecology. He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians of London; and a member of the National and International Societies of Gynecology. In 1891 he mar ried Miss Hedwig Kruger, now deceased; and his only son, First Lieutenant Hermann J. Boldt, was killed in France. 7 98 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Boles, Edgar H., Director, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Comp any and other corporations. Boles, Frederic T., Member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Athletic Associ ation, and the Hinsdale Golf Club. He was educated at Olivet Collegje. He is president of the Great Northwestern Lum ber Company, and vice-president of Baker Fentress and Company, investment bank ers. He has been secretary, vice-pres ident and general manager of the Lord and Bushnell Company of Chicago, 111.; and in .1906-17 was president of that company. He resides in Hinsdale, 111. Bollhorst, Chafes, Business Man, of 201 East Second Street, Beardstown, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1878, in St. Paul, Fayette County, 111. Since 1896 he has been inter ested in agricultural pursuits; and since 1903 has been proprietor and manager of the Beardstown Steam Laundry. In 1904 he married Miss Lydia Albers; and they have a family of one son and one daughter and reside in Beardstown, 111. Bolognino, Lawrence S., Director, of 2139 Eight Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Greenwich Movie Corporation and other corporations. Bolt, F. C., Banker, of Pasadena, Cal.; and a member of the Valley Hunt Club, and the California Club. Since 1890 he has been in the banking business; and is now chairman of the board of the Union Trust and Savings branch of the Los Ang- geles Trust and Savings Bank. He is also a director of the Union National Bank, the Newlove Oil Company, the Union National Bank, all of Pasadena; and also of the Union Oil Company of Los Angeles. In 1870 he married Miss Ellen A. Howe; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside in Pasadena, Cal. Boston, Charles Knowles, President of the Society for the Preservation oi New England Antiquities. He resides at the Otis House, 2 Lynde Street, Boston, Mass. Bolton, Frederick E., Educator, and Author, of Seattle, Wash.; and a member of the American Society of liMucaaorial Research, a fellow of the American As- social ion for the Advancement of Science, and 3 member of other clubs ani societies. He \v..c born May 9, 1866 in Toman, Wis.; and has received the degree of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. He has been head of th^ <l-.-]>iJt- merl oi Education of the Slate. Sir.C3 1911 ho has been professor of educati >a, :;.jid dean of the College of Educi bn, a^ di rector of the summer sessio i \.f th Unixer- sity ui: Washington. He jo the author Principles of Education and other works. In 1893 he married Miss Olive A r \)stoi, aiul they reside in Seattle, Wash. Boll-en, Reginald P., Engineer :>: < Bas ins?, President, of 116 East Nineteenth Strt-jlj New York City; and a member of tli Amo/ican Society of Civil EngiiuHiV, tbe Amir can Institution of Con ; d i -.g T>ig-. iijpeis, and a honorary life membjr of - he Nc\v York Historical Society. He is v j( .e- presideht of the American Science and Hk loiic Preservation Society, lie was born in 1856 in London, England. 3m 5 1S93 he has l<een a consulting engineer of New Tori City. He is president .-f It.P. Bel- ton Mild Company, consulting engineers; and jiiesident of the Electric M^t- f Corp oration. In 1892 he married M;ss Ethelind Huyck; and they reside at 633 West One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Street, New York City. Bolton, William E., Business President and Treasurer, of Marion Avenue and Bed ford Park Boulevard, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bronx Company Bomar, Paul Vernon, Educator and Col lege President, of Marion, Ala.; and a member of the Masons, the Knights of Pythias, and various clubs and societies. He was born September 9, 1863; and re ceived a thorough education. Since 1.813 he has been president of Judson College for Women; and has taken an active part in educational affairs. In 1888 he married Miss Nancy Earle; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters; and re side in Marion, Ala. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bonbricht, Irving W., Director, of 25 Nassau Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a dirctor of the Tennessee Power Company Bonbricht, William Prescott, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Feb. 12, 1859, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of the American Utilities Company and other corporations. He re sides at 521 Park Avenue, New York City. Bond, A. S., Business President, of 645 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bond Clothing Company Bond, Mrs. Edward Screven, President of the Ladies Friday Musicale. She re sides on St. Johns Avenue, Jacksonville, Fla. Bond, Walter H., Lawyer and Director, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the law firm of Bond and Babson; and a member of the leading Bar Associations. He is a director of the Arch Crown Manufacturing Company, the National Sales Book Company, the Repub lic Coal Company, the United States Street Cleaner Company, and of the William Lane, Incorporated. Bondy, Richard C., Vice-President and Director, of 119 West Fortieth Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is senior vice-pres ident of the General Cigar Company, In corporated; has held many positions of Trust and honor. Bonham, Miss Vivian, President of the Enid Young Ladies Musical Club, with a membership of fifty persons. She resides at 412 North Quincy Street, Enid, Okla. Bonneheim, Edward, Business Man and Director, of 424 Monadnock Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Bonynge, Paul, Director, of 111 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the First Mortgage Guarantee Comp any and other corporations. Robert William, Member of the Republican Club, of which he was pres ident in 1917-19. He was born Sept. 8, 1863, in New York City. In 1905 he was a member of Congress. His address is 711 Broadway, New York City. Boody, Charles A., Business President, of Montague Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Peoples Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Bookman, Clarence Monroe, member of the Men s City Club. He was born Feb. 17, 1882, in Lancaster, Ohio. Since 1916 he has been director of the Council of Soc ial Agencies. He is the author of Business Arithmetic. He resides at 554 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Boole, Mrs. Ella Alexander, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born July 26, 1858, in Van Wert, Ohio. She was educ ated at the University of Wooster, and received the degrees of A.B., A.M. and Ph.. D. In 1886-93 she was corresponding sec retary, in 1893-97 was vice-president and in 1897-1903 was president of the Women s Christian Temperance Union of New York; and since 1909 she has again been its pres ident. In 1903-09 she was corresponding secretary of the Women s Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America. Since 1914 she has been vice-president of the National Woman s Christian Temperance Union. She resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Boomer, Lucits M., Business President, of 157 West Forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Capitol Hotel Company of Delaware, and president and director in other corporations. Boone, William Judson, educator, Col lege president and author, of 4 Caldwell, Idaho, was born Nov. 3, 1860, in Canons- burg, Pa. Since 1891 he feas been president of the college of Idaho. He is the author of History of Idaho and Spring Blossoms. In 1887 he married Miss Annie Elizabeth Jamison; and they have a family f one son and three daughters, and reside in Cald well, Idaho. 100 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Booraem, J. Francis, Engineer and Bus iness President, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Am erican Chemical Society, and the Amer ican Ceramic Society and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He was born July 17,1869; and graduated from Sidney College, Cornell University, lie is vice-president of th Cinch Expansion Bolt and Engineering Company, aj.d piosident and treasurer of the Booraem and Rohmer Patent Company. He is ai-jo secretary, treasurer and director of the American Enameled Brick and Tile Company. He is a veteran of Squadron A of the New York National Guard. In 1899 he mamed Miss Alice A. Robert; and they havj a family of three daughters, and reside on the Shore Road, Greenwich, Conn. Booth, Ballington, Member of Religious Bodies. He was born July 28, 3859, in Eng land. He is president and ^neral-in-ehiff of the Volunteers of Ameri i. lie lias been commander of the Salvation Army in Aus tralia. He resides in New YOTK City. Booth, C. H., Business President, of Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of vai v - ious clubs and societies. He is president of the Lloyd Booth Company and other corporations. Booth, Evangeline Cory, Men, her of the Woman s Club. She was bor i in England. For eight years she commanded the Salv ation Army in Canada. She is the compo ser of Words and Music of many Salv ation Army songs. Her address is 122 West Fourteenth Street, New York City. Booth, George G., Publisher, of (>15 La fayette Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. , and a member of the Detroit Club, the Auto mobile Club, the Michigan Club, the Bloomfield Hills Country Club, the Pine Lake Country Club, the Bloomfield Co inrry Club, and the Detroit Athletic Club. He is a member of the Society of Arii and Crafts, the American Federation of Arts, the Guild of Book workers, the Arc Alli ance of America, the Community Art Council, and the Michigan Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He was born Sept. 24, 1864, in Toronto, Canada, in 1906 he became president of the Detroic News; and is now chairman of the board of the Booth Publishing Company, Publ ishers of eight news papers in Michigan. He is also vice-president of the Hames He is also vice-president of the James ried Miss Ellen Warren Scripps; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters;, and their family home is at Greenbrook, Birmingham, Mich. Booth, Herman W., Busines President and Treasurer, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societis. He is president and treasurer of the Paris Spring Water Company, and also president and director of H. W. Booth and Company. Booth, Kate C., President of the Mont gomery Music Club. She resides ad 117 Sayre Street, Montgomery, Ala. Booth, Ralph H., Journalist and Business President, of 390 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit Mich. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 29, 1873, in Toronto, Canada. He is president of the Detroit Institute of Arts. He is president of the Booth Publishing Company, publi- ishers of the Grand Rapids Press, the Flint Daily Journal, the Saginaw News Courier, the Kalamazoo Gazette, the Jackson Cit izen Patriot, the Bay City Times Tribune, the Muskegon Chronicle, and the Ann Arbor Times News. In 1906 he married Miss Mary M. Batterman, of Chicago, 111.; and they have a family of two children, and reside at 2906 Jefferson Avenue E, Detroit, Mich. Booth, William B., Member of the Los Angeles Country Club. He was born F^b. 15, 1874, Winnomccoc, Nevada. He is president of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York City. Pie resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Borders, Michael Washington, Member of the South Shore Country Club, the Flossmor Country Club, the Calumet Country CJab and the Iroijiiois Cinb, and of the Chicago AUiie .i ; Ass . iation. He was born May 9, 1867, in Randolph Coun ty, 111. He was a graduate of Monmouth College and the Columbia Law School. He has been city attorney of Belleville, 111.; and master in chancery of the Circuit AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 101 Court of St. Clair County, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now general counsel for Morris and Comp any, packers. In 1892 he married Miss Alice E. Abbey, in Kirkwood, 111.; and has had four sons. Bordwell, Walter, President of the Ellis Club, with a membership of one hundred men. He resides in the First National Bank Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Borgenicht, Louis, Business President, of 1115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, treasurer and director of Borgenicht and Sons Company, Incorpor ated. Borie, Adolphe E., Director, of 50 Church Street^ New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Mutual Compensation Insurance Company of New York and other corporations. Bornfield, Charles Lybrand, Member of the Cincinnati Automobile Club. He was born March 23, 1863, in Gratiot, Ohio, Since 1886 he has been in active practice as a surgeon in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1902 he married Miss Grace Finnley; and they have a family of one son and one daughter and reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. Boroughs, Henry M., Business President 100 Condor Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston and Lockport Block Company, and a director of other corporations. Bosson, Albert D., Business President of of 54 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Henry M. Boroughs and Company, manufacturers and wholeselers Company, manufacturers and wholesalers This business was conducted ih New York lor a number of years, but is now located in Los Angeles, Cal. Bostwick, Arthur Elmore, Librarian and Author, of 14 North Kings Highway, St. Louis, Mo. He was born March 8,1860, in Litchfield, Conn. He is Past president of the American Library Association ; and since 1909 has been Librarian of the St. Louis Public Library. He is the author of the American Public Library; and resides in St. Louis, Mo. Bostwick, Harry Rice, Yice-President and Sociologist, of San, Francisco, Cal., was born Oct. 7, 1870, in Detroit, Mich. He took a prominent part in the reconstruction of San Francisco after the earth puake and fire of 1906. Since 1912 he has been vice-president of the Seoul Mining Compa ny; and is also vice-president of the Coll- brain-Bostwick Development Company. He is a member of the Bohemian Club, and the Family Club. In 1902 he maried Miss Emma Hunt; and they have a family of daughters, and reside at 2770 Broadway San Francisco. Cal. Bosworth, Newton Cassim, Business Pre sident, of 5603 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born July 11, 1850, in Solon, Ohio. Since 1904 he has been pre- sidentand treasurer of the Bosworth Hard ware Company. He has been identified with various business enterprises; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. In 1874 he married Miss Cora R. Robbing ; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Fruitland Park, Fla. Bosworth, William Welles, Architect, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City, he was born in 1869 in Mariette, Ohio. He re ceived the degree of M.A. from Marietta College, and studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in Paris, France. He was resident architect at the Pan American Exposition. He is an assoc iate of the American Institute of Arch itects, and corresponding secretary of the Society of Beaux Arts Architects. He is vice-president of the Jerome Verde Copper Company. He is a companion of the Mil itary Order of the Loyal Legion ; a member of the Century Association, and of the Players Club of New York City. Botsford, Elmer F., Business President, of 245 West Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Val ley Stream Realty Company, and is a dir ector in other corporations. 102 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bott, Mrs. Fred W., President of the Louisiana Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 2027 State Street, New Orl eans, La. Borden, Bertram H., Director, of 90 Worth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Star Isurance Company and other corporations. Borden, Howard S., President of the Mendelson Glee Club. He resides at 59 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Bottomley, A. W. T., Business President, of Honolulu, H.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pioneer Mill Company, and a director in other corporations. Boughner, Mrs. Martha, President of the Woman s Music Club. She resides in Morgantown, W.Va. Boughton, Mrs. Martha Arnold, Educ ator and Author, of 364 East Twenty-First Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born Feb. 18, 1857, in Cortmna, Mich. She is the author of Memoir of John Motte Arnold and other works. In 1884 she married Willis Bough- ton. She now resides at 364 East Twenty- first Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bouldin, Charles W., Busines Man and Director, of 1837 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, 111. ; and a member of the Old Colony Club, the Hamilton Club; the Engi neers Club of Philadelphia, the Westward Golf Club, and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. He was born Dec, 30, 1880, in Baltimore, Md. ; and was educated in the public schools of Baltimore, and at the New York University Scjiool of Finance and Commerce. He is a director of the Simplex Paper Corporation, of Palmyra, Mich.; a member of the Firm of the Amer ican Color Card Company of Chicago; and a director of other corporations. In 1902 he married Miss Helen Elizabeth Montgo mery, of Baltimore, Md. ; and they reside at the Sheridan Plaza Hotel, Chicago, 111. Bourne, George G., Business Man and Director, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socities. He is director of the Atlas Porl land Cement Company, the dough-Bourne Corporation, the Union Reserve Insu tared Company, the National American Bank, the Lustrite Corporation, the Eleanor Man ufacturing Corporation, and of other corp orations. Bouton, Archibald Lewis, Educator and Editor, of 2206 Andrews Avenue, Univers ity Heights, New York City; was born Sept. 1, 1872, in Cortlan :. N.Y. He has rc.-fivt d the degree of A.b. no<l M.A. Jn lOOl 05 he was assistant prof issor t 3-ljig- lisi: in the NCAV York Uni/jrsity, and from i!>(."> has been professor of F. iicush in that Sc nool. Since 1914 he has been dean of the College of Arts and Science. He is editor l.i.-"i.ri and Douglas Deba : -j In 1901 liu married Miss Caroline Je^up MacNair; and they have one daughter, acA reside at 16 Dudley Place, Yonkers, N.Y. Boutwell, William Rowe, Mcni er of the Virginia Club of Norfolk, the Westmore land Club, the Business Men s Club, and the National Press Club of Washington, and is a Thirty-second degree Mason. He was born Nov. 25, 1860, in Surrey County, Va. Since 1904 he has been president of: the Virginia Pilot Association; and is the inventor of the Boutwell Gyro Propeller. In 1889 he married Miss Mary Elizabeth Cocke; they reside in Albemarle Court, Norfolk, Va. Bouvier, Maurice, Business Man, Pres ident and Director, of 7 Hanover Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Corporation and president of the Nitrate Agencies Company, and vice-president of W.R. Grace and Companies Bank. He is also a director of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, the Brooklyn Terminal Comp any, and other corporations. Bowden, Frederick P., Business Presid ent of 68 Essex Street, Boston, Mass.; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is the president of J. G. Bowden and Son Incorporated, Bowditch, Ingersoll, A Trustee of 111 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a trustee of the Faulkner Hospital Corp oration, and director of other corporations. East One Hundred and Forty-third Street, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 103 Bowen, Robert Adger, Author ,of 504 New York City, was born in Charleston, S.C. He was educated at the College of Charleston, the Washington Lee Univers ity, and Cornell University. He is a spec ial agent of the department of justice, in the Bureau of Investigation. In 1894-97 he was literary adviser for the Macmillan Company; and in 1902-10 was literary ed itor of the Appleton and Company. He is the author of Uncharted Seas, a novel; and contributes extensively to current magazines and publications. Bower, Joseph A., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the International Motor Comp any and other corporations. Bowers, Henry S., Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Mercantile Trust Company and other corporations. Bowerson, C. A., Business President of Edgerton State Bank, Bryan, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies He is president of the Edon State Bank Comp any and other corporations. Bowes, Edward, Vice-President and Di rector, of 1645 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is vice-president of the Gold- wyn Pictures Corporation, ^ice-president of the Moredall Realty Corporation, and a director of the C-Day Construction Comp any. Bowles, Francis Tiffany, Member of the Union Club. He was born Oct. 7, 1858, in Springfield, Mass. He resides at Barn- stable, Mass. Bowles, P. E., Business President, of American National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First Nat ional Bank of Oakland, and a director in other corporations. Bowman, Charles Calvin, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 14, 1852, in Troy, N.Y. He is president of the Avoca Coal Company. Since 1883 he has been mine agent for a considerable number of collieries producing various grades of an thracite and bituminous coal and coke. He is a director of the Raub Coal Company of Marvel, Ala.; and a director, secretary and treasurer of the Franklin Coal Company. He has been mayor of Pittston, Pa.; and served with distinction as a member of Congress. He resides in Pittston, Pa. Bowman, John McE., Business President and Director of the Biltmore, Madison Avenue and Forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Armbow Operating Corporation, the Bowman Hotel Corporation, the Hotel Red Book and Di rectory Company, the Commodore-Biltmore Company, the Providence-Biltmore Corp oration, the Westchester-Biltmore Corpor ation, and other corporations. Bowring, Charles W., Busines President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bowring Cuba Corpora tion, and a director of other corporations. Boyd, Arnold R., Business President, of the Electric Steel Pipe Corporation, Boyd, David Ross, Educator and College President, of 123 South Eight Street, Al buquerque, N.M., was born July 31, 1853, in Coshocton, Ohio. He graduated from the Wooster University of Ohio, and re ceived the degrees of A.B. and PH.D. He is prominently identified with the republ ican party. In 1892-1908 he was president of the University of Oklahoma; in 1908- 1912 was superintendent of the Presbyt erian Board of Home Missions; and since 1912 has been president of the University of New Mexico. He resides in Albuquer que, N.M. Boyd. Frank E., Business Man and di rector, of 16 Oak Street, Everett, Mass.; and a member of the Masons and various clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 9, 1885 in Charlestown District, Boston, Mass. Since 1903 he has been in the milk and cream business, and now also the icecream. He is a director of the Milk Packing Ex change, and a director of the Everett Na tional Bank. He married Miss Marion Vera Bennett; and they have a family of thre daughters, and reside at 10 Otis Street Everett, Mass. 104 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Boyd, P. A., Yice-Presidnet and Direc tor, of 359 Eddy Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born March 10, 1876, in Am- esbury, Mass.; and graduated from Brown University in 1898. He volunteered in the Spanish- American war; being a member of the First Rhode Island Artillery. From 1898 he was connected with the Black and Boyd Manufacturing Company of New York City, of which he became vice-presid ent. Since 1914 he has been sales manager of the Everett and Barren Company. In 1903 he married Miss Estelle Newton; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 30 Clarendon Place, Bloomfield, N.J. Boyden, Arthur Clarke, Educator and Author, of Bridgewater, Mass., was born Sept. 27, 1852, in Bridgewater, Mass. He was educated at the Bridgewater Norman School and at Ambert College. Since 1906 he has been principal of the Bridgewater State Normal School. He is the author of Nature Study by Months, and History of Bridgewater Normal School. He is a mem ber of the Masonic Bodies and various Ed ucational Associations. In 1877 he mar ried Miss Katherine C. Allen; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 61 Plymouth Street, Bridge- water, Mass. Boyle, Emmet Derby, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born July 26, 1879, in Virginia City, Nevada. In 1915-19 he was governor of the State of Nevada. He re sides in Carson City, Nevada. Boyne, Judson William, Educator and College President, of 816 Belmont Street, Caldwell, Idaho, was born Nov. 5, 1860, in Canonsburg, Pa. He was educated at the Wooster College of Ohio. Since 1891 he has been president of the College of Idaho. He is a member of the Masons, Kiwanis, and various organizations. In 1887 he married Miss Annie Elizabeth Jenison ; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside in Caldwell, Idaho. Boynton, Albert E., Director of the In surance Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Consolidated Oil Lands Company and other corpora tions. Boynton, Mrs. Charles H., President of the Music Department of the Woman s Club. She resides at 1602 Beechwood Av enue, Louisville, Ky. Brace, Charles Loring, Member of the Woman s Club. He is an author of New York City, and was born June 2, 1855, in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. He is secretary of the Children s Aid Society. He is the author of many pamphlets, papers and reports on child saving. He resides at 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York City. Brackenridge, W. A., Business President of Edison Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Santa Barbara and Suburban Railway Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Brackett, Ledru J., Business President of 427 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is the president of the Walter M. Lowney Company, and director of other corporations. Bradbury, Ethel, President of the Music Study Club, with a membership of thirty women. She resides at 1420 Polk Street, Topeka, Kans. Braddock, James Harold, Member of the National Press Association. He was born Nov. 2, 1885, in Paterson, N.J. He is con sidered an authority on Community Organ ization Problems. He resides in Montclair, N.J. Braden, Bertie, President of the Dan ville Musical Cycle, with a membership of two hundred men and women. She resides at 7 West Seminary Street, Danville, 111. Bradford, A. S., Business President, of Placenti?i, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies He is president of the Placentia National Bank, and a director in other corporations. Bradford, William A., Business Pres ident, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is president of the Columbus Crystal Company, and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 105 Bradlee, Arthur T,, Merchant and Bus- ines President, of 78 Chauncey Street, Bos ton, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1867 in Bos ton, Mass. He is president of the William Whitman Company; and a director of the Acadia Mills, the Katama Mills, the Men- omet Mills, the Mary Louise Mills, the Monomac Spinning Company, the Nonquitt Spinning Company, and the Textile Spec ialty Company Bradlee, Henry G., Senior Vice-Presid ent, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is a director of the Haverhill Gas Light Company, and other corpora tions. Bradley, Elihu A., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is vice-president of Charles Tenney and Company, and treasurer of other corporations. Bradley, F. W.; Business President, of the Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of Pacific Union Club, the University Club, the Bohemian Club, the Engineers Club, the Olympia Club, the Com mercial Club, the San Francisco Golf and Country Club, and the Presidio Golf Club. He is a member of the California Academy of Sciences, and various other societies and associations. H is president of the Tread well Yukon Company, Limited; and president of nearly a score of other mining and business corporations In 1901 he mar ried Miss Mary Park; and they have a family of four sons, and reside at 2716 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Bradley, Franklin F., President of the Chicago Mendelsohn Club, with a male chorus of seventy-two voices. He resides at 9325 South Robey Street, Chicago, 111. Bradley, Harold, Realtor and Banker, of 717 North Michigan Avenue, and a member of the Chicago Yacht Club, the Arts Club of Chicago, and a member of various clubs and societies. In 1910-13 he was auditor and comptroller of the Chicago Tribune; vice-president arid director of the West Town State Bank; and later a partner in the firm Harold Bradley and Company, in vestment brokers. He subsequently be came a member of the firm of Albert J. Pardidge and Harold Bradley, investment and real estate brokers. Bradley, J. Gardner, Business President of 312 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 12, 1881, in Newark, N.J. He is president of the Elks River Coal and Lumber Company, and the West Virginia Coal Association. In 1905 lie married Miss Mabel Warren, of Boston, Mass. ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Dundon, Clay County, W.Va. Bradley, James W., President of the Cor al Union, with a membership of one hund red men and women. He resides at 607 Roosevelt Avenue, Kewanee, 111. Bradley, Preston, Member of the Maso nic Fraternity, a life member of the Chi cago Art Institute, the Drama League of American, the Chicago Rotary Club, and the Chicago Association of Commerce. Since 1912 he has been pastor of the Peo ples Church of Chicago. In 1905 he mar ried Miss Grace Wilkins Thayer; and they reside at 837 Eastwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bradley, Thomas A., Manufacturer and Director, of 362 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of E.B. Estes and Sons; is prominent in business and public affairs; and has filled various posi tions of trust and honor. Bradshaw, Henry, Lawyer and Director, of 82 Beaver Street, New York City; and a member of the Harvard Club of New York City, and the English Six Fraternity. He was born Sept. 15,1882, in Washington, D.C. ; and was educated at the Harvard College and received the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. Since 1909 he has been engaged in the general practice of law r ; and is a director of the Quebec Mining Company, and other corporations. He is unmarried ; and resides at 238 East Sixty-eight Street, New York City. Bridge, Norman, Director, of 1015 Sec urity Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Pan-American Petrol 106 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Brady, Mrs J.A., President of the Thurs day Musical Clul), with a membership of twenty-five women. She resides in Cherry- vale, Kan. Brady, James C., Director, of 80 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is a pres ident of the United Timber Company Brady, Nicholas Frederick, Member of the Manhattan Club. Tie was born Oct. 25, 1878, in Albany, N.Y.. lie is president of the New York Edison Company. He re sides at 898 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Brady, Williaan H., Business President, of 280 Broadway, New York City; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Krossnit Manufacturing Company, and a director of other corpora tions. Brainard, Clinton T., Business President, of 373 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is president of Harper and Brothers, and a director in other corpora tions. Brainard, Morgan B., Director, of 100 Williams Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a din-dor oi the Underwood Typewriter Company and other corporations. Brajnan, Chester A., Business President, of 70 Worth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of A. I). Juilliard and Comp any, and a director in other corporations. Branch, James Ransom, Member of the New York Athletic Club, the Common wealth Club, the Army and Navy Club, and the Guyandotte Club. He was born Dec. 14, 1863, in Petersburg, Va. He was educated in the schools of Gen. Robert Ransom and Col. Gordon McCabe, and at Richmond College. He is president of the Branchland Coal Company, Guyandotte Coal Company and Guyan River Coal Company. He was National Bank Examiner under Cleveland; major in Seventh Im- munes, the Spanish-American War; lieut enant-colonel of the First Virginia Volunt eers, now on retired list. He served in the City Council, and exposed the defalca tions of city officers which had existed for many years at Richmond, Va. He has been secretary of the American Bankers Association ; and is secretary of the Cur rency Commission; and secretary of the Trust Company section eight years. H e is also a member of the Southern Society in New York. Branch, John B., Business President, of 20 Market Square, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Inland Assoc iation, and a director in various corpora tions. Brandegee, Frank Bosworth, Member of the Chevy Club. He was born July 8, 1864, in New London; and in 1905-07 he was a member of Congress; and in 1905-21 was a member of the United States Senate. He resides in New T London, Conn. Brannon, Melwin A., Member of the Uri- iversity of Idaho. He is president of the Beloit College. He has been dean of the University of North Dakota; and president of the University of Idaho. Tie resides at 846 College Street, Beloit, Wis. Bratenhl, George C.F., Clergyman, of Mount St. Alban, Washington, D.C.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is rector of the Washington Cathedral at Mount St. Alban, Washington, D.C. Braucher, Howard S., Member of the Press Club. He is a social worker of 1 Madison Avenue, New York City; was born July 19, 1881, in Royal ton, N.Y. Since 1910 he has been editor of the Playground. He is secretary of the Playground and Re- cration Association of America. Braun, C. J., President of the Mendel sohn Choir, of Pittsburgh, Pa. He resides at 800 North Highland Avenue, Pitsburgh, Pa. Bray, F. H., President, of the Elm Park Choral Society, with a membership of one hundred and fifty mixed voices. He re sides at 1415 Washington Avenue, Scran- ton, Pa. Bray, John R., Business Man and Artist, of 130 West Forty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bray Productions, Incorporated,, originators of the animated cartoon. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 107 Brayton, Alembert W., Physician and Author, of 330 Newton Claypool Building, Indianapolis, Ind., was born March 3, 1848, in Avon, N.Y. In 1878 he received the de gree of M.D. from the Indiana Medical College. He is the author of Birds of Ind iana, Mammals of Ohio, and Fishes of the Southern Allegheny Region, with twenty species new to science. He resides in In dianapolis, Ind. Brazier, Marion Howard, Journalist, of Trinity Court, Boston, Mass., was born Sept. 6, 1850, in Boston, Mass. She is self-educated and graduated from the grammar school in 1864. For nine years she was editor of several departments on the Boston Post; and for six years was soc iety editor and special writer on the Bos ton Journal, retiring on 1914. For several years she was the New England corres pondent for the Army and Navy Journal, and for the Moving Picture World. S he was early member of the Daughters of the Revolution, the founder of nine organiza tions, and a member of twenty organiza tions. She is a successful author and pub lisher; and a lecturer on various topics. She is unmarried; and resides at Trinity Court, Boston, Mass. Breaker, William D., Business Man and Director, of 100 Varick Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of U.H. Dudley and Company. He is director of the Seacoast Canning Company; and a director of the Merrell Socila Company of Syracuse, N.Y. Breckenridge, Hugh H., Artist, of Pore Washington, Pa.; and a member of the Municipal Art Jury of Philadelphia, the American Institute of Architects, the New York Water Color Club, the Priln-lelphia Water Color Club, and an ass-jci.ite mem ber of the National Acade vy of Design. He was born in Leesburg, VH ; and sines 1394 has been instructor in drawing and painting at the Pennsylvan a Academy of the Fine Arts. He is represented in the collections of the San Francisco Art As- sociat : on, the St. Louis Club, Ihe Univers ity of Virginia, and in a sco v e of oilier In stitutions. In 1920 he v.ar? awarded the fellowship gold medal at Philadelphia; .in- 1 \i \< i if *jeived numerous mo i-ils nni JIV.MT Is. Breed, R. E., Business Prvudent, of 30 C jiurol Street. New York City; and a rnern- hei of various clubs and societies. He is pivf aeut of the American (J-ai and Elect ric Company, the Indiana General Service < jnipany, th Kentucky ,ind W .st Virginia P-..V er Comprny, the Ohio Slai e Power (Vnurany; anJ. is also a dire-. lo;* of a dozen of MCI corporations. Breed, William C-, Lawyer and Business I ? ;- : aent, of 32 Liberty vShreei, New) York City, and a member of various clubs an! no -if lies. He is a member of the law firm of Breed, Abbott and Morgan. He is pres ide i t of the and D. Company: and a di- rct il oi of the Farr and Bail iy Manufact- i i?ig Company, and of the TTo^vit Koalty Corporation. Breitung, E. N., Business President, of 1JO Broadway. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Niklas Mining Comp any, find a director in other corporations. BrciTjner, William H<jp < irn, Railroad President) of 4717 Emerso i Avenue, South Mii.r p.-jpolis, TV". inn.; and a member of the Minneapolis Club, the Minneapolis Athletic Club, and the Minikehda L/mb. He was bom. Oct. 24, 1869, in Mar- 1 - iltown, Iowa. Since 1917 ho has been pri?si.lni of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Comp any, except during the world war period, when he occupied the position of federal manager of the same railroad. In 1903 he married Miss Emily T. McKell, of Omaha, Neb.; and they reside at 4717 Emerson Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minn. Brengle, Henry Gaw, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 25, 1866, in Balt imore, Md. He is president of the Phila delphia Trust Company. He is also a di rector of the Philadelphia Trust Company, and a director of the Executive Council of the Philadelphia Board of Trade. He re sides in Radnor, Pa. Brenholts, A., Business President, of 44 Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Modern Coal Mining Company and other corporations. 108 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Brennan, Bernard G. Packer, of Ex change Building, Union Stock Yards, Chic ago, 111., was born in Wisconsin. Since 1883 has been engaged in the packing bus iness; and is now president of the Brennan Packing Company, pork packers. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Athletic Association, and the South Shore Country Club, the Iroquois Club, the Beverly Golf Club, and the Sad dle and Sirloin Club. In 1913 he married Miss Elizabeth Grace; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 47, J7 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, 111. Brennan, James Francis, Author, of Pet erborough, X.H., was born March 31, 1853, in Peterborough, N.H. He is one of the three trustees of the State Library, chair man of the New Hampshire Library Com mission, historiographer of the Peterbor ough Historical Society, and has filled oth er positions of trust and honor. For fifteen years he was on the state board of Charit ies and Corrections; for four terms in the legislature and the constitutional Conven tion; and three times a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. He is the author of many historical and contro- versal articles on history and early Irish settlements of southern New Hampshire. He is a member of several clubs and soc ieties. Brenneman, Edward, Engineer and Bus iness President, of the North American Building, Philadelphia, Pa., was born Nov. 12, 1864, in Hancock County, W.Va. He was educated at Mount Union College. He is a contracting engineer; and President of the J. E. Brt iinciiiiiii Company. He is al so president of the Union Foundation Com pany; and a director of the Market Street Title and Trust Company. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Overbrook Golf Club, and the Sea View Golf Club. In 1889 he married Miss Ella Eraser; and they have one daughter, and reside on Wister and Roberts Road, Ardmore, Pa. Brentano, Arthur, Business President, of 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Brentanois; and is promin- entlv identified with business affairs. Bresnahan, John F., Yice-President and Director, of 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the American Chicle Company, vice-presid ent of the Interborough Transfer Company. He is director of the Canadian Chewing Gum Company, and of various other corp orations. Breton, Albert V., Business President, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Mercantile Bank of Brazil, and a director in other corporations. Breuchaud, Jules, Business President, of 290 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ford Instrument Company Incorporated, and a director in other corp orations. Brewer, Charles Edward, College Pres ident of Raleigh, N. C., and a member of the Rotary Club. He is president of Mer edith College. He has been Dean of Wake Forest College. Brewster, Eugene V., Member of various clubs and societies. He is a lawyer, editor and author; and was born Sept. 7, 1870, in Bayshore, N.Y. He was educated in the public schools of Bayshore; for three years he attended the Centenary Collegiate In stitute of Hackettstown, N.J; studied one year in the Pennington Seminary; and then attended Princeton University. He was formerly editor of the daily legal col umn in the Brooklyn Eagle; and is, a.n ex tensive writer on economic subjects for newspapers and magazines. He is inter ested in art, music, photography and econ omics; and is a noted lecturer and public speaker. Since 1910 he has been managing editor of the Moving Picture Story Mag azine. He has been president of the Allied Arts Association; and president of- the Brooklyn Grand Opera Company. He has painted pictures tor exhibition; has some musical talent ; and has written several plays. He is the author of What to Do With the Trust, and other works. He re sides in Brooklyn, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 109 Brewster, George Thomas,.. Sculptor, of Tottenville, N.Y., was born Feb. 24, 1863, in Kingston, Mass. He was educated at the Massachusetts State Art School; and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris, France. Since 1884 he has been engaged professionally as a sculptor; and in 1886 founded the modeling class of thei Art Students League of New York City. Since 1900 he has been instructor in the depart ment of sculpture at Cooper Union of New York City. He is a member of the Nat ional Sculpture Society, the Architectural League of New York, the National Arts Club, and the Municipal Art Society. He married Miss Lina A. G. Totten; and they have a family of one sone and one daught er, and reside in Tottenville, Staten Island, N.Y. Brewster, Robert S., Director, of 52 Van- derbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a directo of the National Fuel Gas Company and other corporations. Brewster, William Tenney, Educator and Author, of Scarsdale, N.Y., was born Aug. 15, 1869, in Lawrence, Mass. He was ed ucated at the Phillips Academy, the And- over College and Harvard College. Since 1906 he has been professor of English at Columbia University, and since June 1910 provost of Bernard College and Colubia University. He is the author of Writing English Prose, and other works. He is a member of the Harvard Club, the Century Club, and the Association of New York. In 1905 he married Miss Anna Richards; and they reside in Scarsdale, N.Y. Brickner, D. M., Business President, of Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Springfield Clothing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Bridgeman, Lewis Jesse, Illustrator, Author and Artist, of 42 Summit Avenue, Salem, Mass., was born Nov. 17, 1857, in Lawrence, Mass. He was educated at the public schools of Lawrence, and the Harv ard College. In 1901-10 he wasa member of the school board of Salem. In 1919-20 he was presiding officer of the School Com mittee of Salem. He is the author and illustrator of Mother Wild Goose and other works. He is a member of the Essex In stitute of Salem and of several fraternal societies. His first wife, Lucy Stanwood Blanchard, died in 1S92, by whom he had one son now living. In 1893 he married Miss Annie Page Campbell; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 42 Summit Avenue, Salem, Mass. Briggs, A. M., Vice-President and Di rector, of 550 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Poster Advertising Company, Incorpor ated ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Briggs, Charles, Member of the Union Club of Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Muscowabie Club of Calumet, Mich. He is a merchant and capitalist of Calumet, Mich., and was born in 1837 in Cincin- natus, N.Y. For Forty-four years he was engaged in the mercantile business in Cal umet, retiring in 1908. He has been a mem ber of the Michigan State Legislature, and president of the Board of Education. He is president of the Calumet and Arizona Mining Company, president of the Merch ants and Miners Bank ; and has been con nected with other corporations. In 1865 he married Miss Sarah E. Hanna of Lake Geneva, Wis. ; and they have one son, Charles Edwin Briggs, M.D., of Cleveland, Ohio. His home is in Calumet, Mich. Briggs, Clare A., Cartoonist, of 154 Nas sau Street, New York City, was born Aug. 5, 1876, in Reedsburg, Wis. He was educ ated in the University of Nebraska. He entered newspaper work in 1896 ; and was cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Examiner and the St. Louis Globe. He is the originator of The Days of Real Sport, When a Feller Needs a Friend, Friend Wife, and others. He is a member of the Lambs Club, the Wykagyl Country Club, the Forty Club of Chicago and var ious other clubs and societies. In 1900 he married Miss Ruth G. Owen, of Lincoln, Neb. ; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and eside in New Roch- elle, N.Y. 110 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Briggs, Lloyd Vernon, Honorary member of the Missouri, Kansas and Georgia His torical Societies, the American Medical Association, Massachusetts Medical Socie ty, Boston Medical Library, and the Medi co- Psychological Society of France. He is also a member of the St. Botolph Club, the Boston City Club, the Boston Press Club, the Old Colony Club and the Econo mic Club. lie is trustee of the Pilgrims Society of New Hampshire. He is the au thor of several books on history and genea logy; also author of many bills passed by the Massachusetts Legislature of a Con structive nature for the regulation of In sane Institutions. In 1905 he married Miss Mary T. Cabot; and they have one son, and reside in Brookline, Mass. Briggs, Mrs. S., President of the Schub ert Club, with a membership of seven hun dred men and women. She resides at 177 Mackubin Street, St. Paul, Minn. Brigham, Henry H., Kail way Official, of 327 South La Salle Street Chicago, 111., was born in Sharon, Wis. He is president of the Atlantic Seaboard Despatch; and pres ident of the North American Car Comp any of Chicago. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Yacht Club, the Skokie Club, the Traffic Club, and the Church Club. Bright, George W., Business President of 51 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societ ies. He is president of the Blendon Realty Company and oilier corporations. Brindley, John E., College Professor, of Ames, Iowa; and a member of various clubs and societies. Since 1916 he has been professor of applied science in the depart ment of applied economics and social science at the Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa. He is the author of History of Tax ation in Iowa, in two volumes; and History of Road Legislation. In 1910 he married Miss Mabel Iverson; and they reside in Ames, Iowa. Brinkman, Benjamin G., President of tlie Liederkranz Club, with a members nip of forty active men, and sixty women. He resides at 3641 Flora Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Brimson, William George, Member of the City Club. He was born April 27, 1850, in Tiverton, England. Since 1910 he has been president of the Texas City Railway Comp any. He resides at 5621 University Ave nue, Chicago, 111. Brister, Charles James, Member of the City Club. He was born June 22, 1875, in Dayton, Ohio. He entered Railway service in 1889 as stenographer. Since 1892 he has been connected with the Cleve .and, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, successively as rate clerk, assistant general freight agent, general freight agent and traffic manager. He resides in Dayton, Ohio. Brittain, John A., Business President, of 69 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. I .- is president of the Akron Motor Exhibition Company and olhci corporations. Brittingham, Russell, Vice-Presidr-nt anl Treasurer, of 37 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is assistant secretary of the Equitable Trust Company of New York. He is also vice-president, treasurer and direct or of the Equitable Safe Deposit Company of New York ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Britton, C. S., Business President, of Caxton Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wade Park Building Company and other corporations. Britton, John A., Business President, of 445 Slitter Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of the Masons, the Elks, the Oddfellows, and all the important clubs in San Francisco. He was born in 1855; and received an academic education. He is president of the California Gas and Elect ric Corporation, president of the San Fran cisco Gas and Electric Company, and vice- president of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. He is a director of the Amer ican National Bank, the Morris Plan Comp any; and is regent of the University of California. In 1879 he married Miss Flor- nce Eastland; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters, and reside in San Francisco, Gal. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 111 Brobeck, W. I., Director, of Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Builtmore Realty Company and other corporations. Brockman, Fletcher Sims, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 18, 1867, in Amherst County, Va. Since 1915 he has been associate general secretary of the international committee of the Young Men s Christian Association. He resides at 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. Brodek, Charles A., Director, of 44 Ced ar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Arnold Sewing Machine Company and other corporations. Broening, William F., Business Man, of Baltimore, Md. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born June, 2, 1870, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1919 he has been mayor of the City of Baltimore; and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his city. In 1905 he married Miss Josephine Marie Grauel; and they have two sons and one daughter, and reside in Forest Park, Baltimore, Md. Brokaw, Howard C., Business President, of 1457 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Metropolitan Club, the Rac quet and Tennis club, the University Club, the Piping) Rock Club, and the Tuxedo Club. He was born in New York City; and was educated at Princeton University. Since 1897 he has been president of Brok aw Brothers, a director of the Harriman National Bank, and a director of the Northern Insurance Company of New York. He married Miss Edna Goodby Lowe; and they have three daughters, and reside at 984 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Bromel, Alfred H,., Director, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Munwood Steamship Corporation Bronner, Harry, Business President, of 24 Broad Street, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in New York City. He is chair man of the board of directors of the Mis souri Pacific Railroad Company, chairman of the Simms Petroleum Company, and a director of the Seaboard National Bank and a dozen other corporations. Brook, Arthur H., Vice-President and Director, of 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Pub lishers Association of Canada, vice-presi dent of the United States Publishers Assoc iation, and a director in other corporations. Brookings, Robert Somers, Member of th St. Louis Club. He was born Jan. 22, 1850, in Cecil County, Md. In 1882-97 he was president of the St. Louis Choral Sym phony Society. As president of the board of trustees of th Washington University of St. Louis, he practically refounded the Un iversity. He resides at Cecilwood, Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Brooks, Bryant Butler, Member of var ious clubs and societies, and governor of Wyoming in 1905-11. He was born Feb. 5, 1861, in Bernardston, Mass., and was educ ated at the Powers Institute of Bernston, and in the public and high schools in Chic ago, 111. Ever since 1882 he has been suc cessfully engaged as a grower of all kinds of livestock in Wyoming. In 1896 he was a delegate to the national republican con vention at St. Louis, Mo. He was pres idential elector in 1900; and in 1904 was elected governor of the state of Wyoming for the terms of 1905-11. He is president of the B. B. Brooks Company; is president of the Brooks-Hudson Company, the Con solidated ,Royalty Oil Company, and a di rector of the Casper National Bank. In 1886 he married Mary Naomi Williard, and they reside in Casper, Wyo. Brooks T Edith, Business President, of 80 South Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. She is president of the Pattengill Transportation Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Brooks, Mrs. Edna Wilde, President of the Women s University Club of Los Ang eles, Cal. Site was born Sept. 10, 1881, in Bushnell, 111., and is the wife of Mr. E. H. Brooks. She resides at 342 South New Hampshire Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. 112 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Brooks, Edward, J., Business President, of 98 Park Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, treasurer, director, and man ager of E. J. Brooks and Company, Incorp orated, manufacturers of general railway hardware and metal supplies. Brooks, Franklin, Business President, of 299 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Republican Club of New York, the Bar Association of New York, and various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 28, 1878, in New York City; and was educated at the Peekskill Military Ac ademy, and the Stanford University of Ca- liforna. Tie is president of the Overseas Mercantile Traders, a trustee of the Postal Life Insurance Company of New York, and a director of the Provident Savings Life Assurance Society and other corporations. During the World Wai- lie was manager of the United States Shipping Board; and held the rank of Captain. In 1905 he mar ried Miss Paula A. L. Mischke; and they reside in Larchmont, N.Y. Brooks, Louis, Business Man and Direc tor, of 20 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of the In wood Club, the Ocean Club, and the Reform Club; and an Exalted Ruler of Elks. He was born in Augusta, Ga. ; and was educated at the Richmond Academy and at the Columbia University. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the New York Cotton Ex change. He has been a Colonel on the Staf of the Governor of Georgia; and has been a member of the State Democratic Committee of Georgia. In 1906 he mar ried Miss Estelle Altman; and they have one daughter, and reside at The Clearfield, corner One-hundred and Third Street and Rinrick Drive, New York City. Brooks, Samuel Palmer, Educator and Scientist, of the Baylor University, Waco, Texas, was born Dec. 4, 1863, in Milledge- ville, Ga. In 1893 he received the degree of A.B. from Baylor University, in 1894 the degree of A.M. from Yale University, and also received the degree of LL.D. from the Richmond Virginia College. Since 1902 he has been president of the Baylor Univ ersity. He is a member of the Masons and a Knight Templar. In 1895 he married Miss Mattie Sims, of Cleburne, Texas; tyid they have a family of one son and one daughter, Brooks, Stratton Duluth, Educator and Author, of Norman, Okla. ; was born Sept. 10, 1869, in Everett, Mo. He w r as educated at the Michigan State Normal College, the University of Michigan and the Harvard University. He has been principal of the high school at Danville, 111.; superintend ent of the Schools of Boston, Mass., Fed eral Food Administrator for Oklahoma, and secretary of the State Council of De fence; and is now president of the Univer sity of Oklahoma. He is the author of Composition and Rhetoric, and a series of school readers. In 1890 he married Miss Marcia Stuart; and they have four sons, and reside in Jenks, Okla. Broomel, Mrs. B. B., President of the Cecilia Club. She resides at 406 South M Street, Tacoma, Wash. Broomfield, Archibald, Member of var ious clubs and societies. He is a lawyer and stat official of 1124 Ford Building, De troit, Mich. He was born July 3, 1875, in Isabella County, Mich. He was educated at the Ferris Institute and at the Univers ity of Michigan. In 1907-08 he was a member of the State Constitutional Con vention of Michigan. He resides at 612 Glynn Court, Detroit, Mich. Brophy, Truman W., Business Man and Director, of 1300 Carroll Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Union League Club, the Traffic Club, the Exmoor County Club, the Battle Creek Country Club, the Opera Club, the Chicago Yacht Club, the Lake Forest Winter Club, the Areo Club of Illinois, and the Chicago Historical Soc iety. He was born Dec. 31, 1881, in Chic ago, 111., and was educated at the Deland University, and at theChicago University. Since 1904 he has been secretary of the B. A. Eckhart Milling Company. He is di rector of the Wells Brothers Construction Company. He is chairman of the West Side District of Boy Scouts of America and a member of the Air Board of Chic ago. In 1905 he married Miss Hazel Eck hart ; and they have one son, and reside at 1530 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 113 Bross, Ernest, Member of the Commerc ial Club, the Columbia Club, the Wood stock Club, and the Art Association. He was born Sept. 1, 1860, in Newaygo, Mich.; and received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Doane College. In 1897-1904 he was managing editor of the Portland Oregonian and since 1904 has been editor-in-chief of the Indianapolis Star. He is the author of many stories and poems. He resides at 520 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis. Ind. Brotherhood, Percy M., Business Pres ident, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ash- croft Manufacturing Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Brough, Charles Hillman, Member of the City Club. He was born July 9, 1876, in Clinton, Miss. In 1913 he was president of the Arkansas State Teachers Associa tion. He was governor of the state of Texas for the term of 1919-21. He resides in Little Rock, Ark. Brown, Mrs. A. H., President of Morn ing Musical Society. She resides at 13 William Street, Auburn, N.Y. Brown, Alfred Lockwood, Business Pres ident, of 145 West Thirtieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the 65 West Houston Street Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Brown, Alfred Ogden, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born April 8, 1871, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a lecturer and writer on the drama. He is the auth or of The Exile and other works. Brown, Archer H., Director, of liO Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and sicieties. He is a di rector of the Austin Coal and Coke Comp any and other corporations. Brown, Archer H., Director, of 120 School Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Vineyard Haven Gas and Electric Light Company and other corpora tions. Brown, Charles S., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the City Real Estate Company and other corporations. Brown, Charles T., Vice-President and director, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is vice-president of the Cochoe- tion Gas Company, the Ozark Power and Water Company, and a director of a score of other corporations. Brown, Charles William, Membre of the Duquesne Club. He was born June 14, 1858, in Newburyport., Mass. He founded the firm of Brown and Haywood, Stained glass, and sold out to the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, of which he became sec retary in 1899, vice-president in 1905, and president in 1946. He resides at 608 Ac ademy Avenue, Sewickley, Pa. Brown, Davis, Business Man nad Di rector, of 306 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Associated Producers Company, the Mag netic Oil and Ore Company, the Tedal Oil Company, and the Tide Water Oil Comp any of Massachusetts. He is also a di rector of the American Oil Company and other corporations. Brown, Donald C., Business President, of 82 Beaver Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mexican Northern Rail way Company, and a director in other corporations. Brown, Mrs. Dora Louise Topping, Mus ical Director, of Colorado Springs, Col.; and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. She is a teacher of public school music, a teacher of singing at Colorado College, and a director of the County Fest ival of Song. She is president of the Am erican Music Society, a member of the fac ulty of the Colorado College Music School; and a teacher of singfhg at the Summer School of New York City and the Adiron- dacks. Sfre married Mr. Howard H. Brown; and they have one son, and reside at 23 West Cache la Pandre Street, Color ado Springs, Col. 8 114 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Brown, Edward A., Banker, of Newport, R.I. Was born Oct. 22, 1859, in Little ComptoTi, R.I. He was educated in the public and private schools of his native city. He is president of the Island Sav ings Bank, president of the National Ex change Bank of Newport, and president and director of several other financial and industrial corporations. He resides on Brookfield Farm, Newport, R.I. Brown, Edwin P., Business President, of 205 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Algonquin Club, the Beacon Society, the Brookline Country Club, the Boston Boot and Shoe Club, the Charles River Country Club, the Episcopalian Club and the Boston Chamber of Commerce. He was born June 25, 1868 in St. Albans, Vt.; and was educated ai the primary, grammar and English high schools of Bos ton, Mass. Since 1917 he has been pres ident of the United States Shoe Machinery Corporation. He is president of J. C. Rhodes and Company, and a director of the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Comp any and of a dozen other corporations. He is a trustee of the New England Conserv atory of Music. Brown, Elmer Ellsworth, Member of var ious clubs and societies. He is chancellor of New York University. He resides at 32 Waverly Place, New York City. Brown, Ernest C., Business President, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of Boone Gas Comp any, a director of the Progressive Age Pub lishing Company, and president of the Rot ary Meter Company. Brown, Franklin Q., Business President, of 33 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dobbs Ferry Bank, and a director in other corporations. Brown, Frederick Anson, Member of the 1 n ion League Club, the Chicago Press Club and the South Shore Country Club. He was horn Aug. 9, 1867, in Decatur, 111. He x.-p.s educated at the University of Mich igan. Since 1898 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a member of the board of governors of the American Bar Association a member of the board of directors of the University Club, and also a member of the board of governors of the Illinois State Bar Association. He served in the World- War as a captain. In 1891 he married Miss Mary Lois Roby, of Decatur, 111., and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 5485 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Brown George Marion, Manufacturer, of the Boatmen s Bank Building, St. Louis, Mo., was born near Mexico, Mo. He grad uated from the United States Military Ac ademy at West Point. He is president of the Certain-teed Products Corporation of St. Louis, U.S.A., with offices in the Boat men s Bank Building, St. Louis, Mo. Brown, George McLaren, Member of var ious clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 29, 1866, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. In 1883 he entered railway service and in 1897 was appointed executive manager of the Canadian Pacfic Railway. In 1905 he was appointed general passenger agent of the Atlantic Steamship Service; and in 1908 became general traffic agent of the Europ ean business. Since 1910 he has been Eu ropean manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with the offices in Lon don, England. Brown, George Washington, Member of the Algonquin Club. He was born Aug. 30, 1841, in Northfield, Vt. Since 1910 he has been president of the United Shoe Machin ery Company. He resides in Newton, Mass. Brown, H. Martin, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born April 28, 1850, in Bolton, Conn. In 1899, 1901 and 1902 he was a member of the Rhode Island General Assembly. In 1899 he was elected treasurer and general manager of the Un ited States Bobbin and Shuttle. He was a delegate-at-large to the National Republ ican Convention in 1904, and represented Rhode Island on the national bodies elected by that convention to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination for president of the United States. He was also presid ential elector in 1908. In 1912 he was el ected president of the Industrial Trust Company, the largest bank in Rhode Is land. He resides in Providence, R.I. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 115 Brown, Mrs. Howard H., President o f the American Music Society, with a memb ership of sixty men and women. She re sides at 11716 Woid Avenue, Colorado Springs, Col. Brown, Jacob F., Business President, of 273 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Algonquin Club of Boston, the Brookline County Club, the New York Yacht Club, and the Eastern Yacht Club. He was born Aug. 30, 1862, in Newbury- port, Mass.; and was educated in the pub lic schools of his native city. Since 1870 he has been in active business; and is a member of the firm of Brown and Howe. Club of Massachusetts. He is president of He is vice-president of the Republican the Wuskarmt Mills, Incorporated. He is president of S. Slater and Sons, Incorpor ated, and a director of the National Shaw- mut Bank, and a director of the Shawmut Corporation of Boston. Brown, James, Business President, of 50 Wall Street, New York City; and a memb er of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Mercantile Bank of Peru, at Lima, Peru, and a direct or in other corporations. Brown, James Wright, Editor and Publ isher, of 63 Park Row, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soc ieties. He is president of the Editor and Publisher Company, publishers of The Ed itor and Publisher, the oldest publishers and advertisers journal in America. Brown, John W., Past State Vice-Pres ident of the Elks, Grand Representative of the Odd Fellows, and secretary and treas urer of the Wisconsin Fraternal Congress. He is a grand representativ of the Knights of Pythias, a member of the National Frat ernal Congress, and a member of the exec utive committee of the Wisconsin Insur ance Federation. For over thirty years he has been grand commander of the Macc abees Grand Camp for Wisconsin; and re sides in Stevens Point, Wis. Brown, Kleon Thaw, Treasurer and Di rector, of Dayton, Ohio; and a member oT the Old Colony Club, the Miami Valley Hunt and Polo Club, the Dayton Country Club, the University Club of Cincinnati, the Business Men s Club of Cincinnati, and the Dayton City Club; and is a thirty-sec ond degree Mason. He was born Jan. 3, 1886, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and received an academic education. He is assistant treas urer of the G.H. Mead Company; and is promimi itly identified with business a^cl public {i.r/airs. In 1021 he married Miss Louise Kennedy; and they reside at Dun carrick, Dayton, Ohio. Brown, L. D., Director, of 478 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the McNeal Boiler Company and other corporations. Brown, Lathrop, Member of the Knick erbocker Club. He was iorn Feb. 26, 1863, in New York City. In 1913-15 he was a member of Congress. He resides in St. James, Long Island, N.Y. Brown, Martin A., Business President, of 131 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Beaver Brook, president ( f the Brattleboro Trust Company, and pres ident of the Whitingham Milling Company. He is a director of the Woodstock Lumber Company, the Parker Young Company, and the Shelburne Falls and Col rain Street Railway Company. Brown, Owlsley, Member of the Illini County Club, the Sangamon Club, the Un iversity Club of Chicago, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is president of the Illinois Country Club. Lie is president and trasurer of the SpringficM Boiler Company, Springfield, 111. He was educated at Princeton University. He re sides in Springfield, 111. Brown, Percy W., Director, of 60 Cong ress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the E. T. Slattery Company and other corporations. Brown, R. R. Director, of 100 Boradway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is a director of the Hudson Insurance Company and other corporations. 116 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Brown, Rome Gr., Lawyer and author, o 1000 Metropolitan Life Building, Minnea polis, Minn.; was born on June 15, 1862, in Montpelier, Vt. In 1884 he received the degree of A.B. from Harvard University. In 1887 he engaged in general practice in Minnesota, law of corporations, insurance and casualty, and with special attention to the law of water rights. He is a lecturer on law of water rights in the law schools of the University of Minnesota and the University of North Dakota. He is the author of Limitations of Federal Control of Water Powers, Conservation of Water Power; also general arguments against the judicial recall. He has been president of the Minnesota State Bar Association; and a member of the executive committee of the American Bar Association. He is now chairman of the Minnesota State Board Commissioners of Uniform Laws and in 1913-14 was vice-president of the National Conference Commissioners of Uniform Laws. In 1912-1914 he was chairman of the American Bar Association Committee to Oppose the Judicial Recall. Brown, Roscoe Conkling Ensign, Journ alist, of 164 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N.Y, was born Aug. 23, 1867, in Scottsville, N.Y. In 1906-12 he was managing editor of the New York Tribune, and since 1919 has been professor of journalism at Columbia Un iversity of New York City. In 1906-11 he has been a commissioner in the New York State Civil Service. He is a member of the Union League Club of New York, and the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. In 1897 he married Miss Bertha Backus; and they have a family of two sons and four daught ers, and reside at 164 Hicks Street, Brook lyn, N.Y. Brown, Thomas Joshua, Member of var ious clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 23, 1855, in Yorkshire, England. He is president of the First National Bank of Mount Joy; and is prominent in the social, financial and public affairs of his city, county and state. He resides in Mount Joy, Pa. Brown, U. H., Business President, of Zanesville, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. H is president of the Homestead Building and Savings Company and other corporations. Brown, W. C., Business President, of Cambridge, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cambridge Ice and Storage Company and other corporations. Brown, Wilbur Charles, Manufacturer, of Broadway and Sixty-third Street, New York City, was born Nov. 20, 1863, in New- ark, Ohio. He was educated in Ohio. For a number of years he was associated with ex-secretary of treasury Foster. He org anized the largest plant in the country for the manufacture of glass lamps and shades and for ten years he was treasurer of a large milling company. He is the inventor and manufacturer of the Brown Speedo meter for automobiles; and was one of the builders of steam railroad from Detroit to Ohio. He is president of the Pennsylvania Automatic Machine Company; and presid ent also of the Autophone Manufacturing Corporation of New York City. He was on the staff of the late President McKinley when governor of Ohio. Brown, William Henry, Member of the Real Estate Board and member of the Chi cago Association of Commerce. He is a real estate broker of 5 North La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., and was born May 14, 1860, in Warren, Jo Daviess County. He was educated at the Lena High School of Illinois, at the Valparaiso University, and at the State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the real estate and form loan business. He is president of H. Brown and Sons of Chi cago; and president of the Wm. H. Brown Company of Mott, N.D. He has been a school director and mayor of Devils Lake, N.D. In 1885 he married Miss Harriet E. Aunger; and they have a family of three aons and one daughter, and they reside at 10324 Langwood Drive, Beverly Hills, Chi cago, 111. Byrider, W. A., Director, of Akron, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and : societies. He is a director of the Canton- Akron Realty Company and other corpora- f tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 117 Brown, William Listen, member of the Chicago Club, the Commercial Club, the Mid-way Club, the Press Club, the Caxton Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Glen View Club and the Old Elm Club. He was born Aug. 23, 1842, in St. Joseph, Mich. He was president and a director of a number of blast-furnaces and ore-mining companies. He is now president of Pickards, Brown and Company of Chicayo, 111., and is a di rector of the First National Bank and oth er corpoations. He served in the Civil War, participated in various battles; and in 1865 was mustered out as quartermaster sergeant. He resides in Pasadena, Cal. Brown, Stewart, Business President, of 280 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Broadway Building Comp any, and a director in other corporations. Brownell, George F., Director, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Blossburg Coal Comp any and other corporations. Brownell, Joseph Daniel, of Ashland, Ws., and a member of the Masonic Club, the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce the Association of College Presidents and Deans of Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin State Historical Society. He was born Aug. 9, 1880, in Manchester, Iowa. Since land College. In 1911 he married Miss Beatrice S. Miller; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1217 Second Avenue West, Ashland, Wis. Brownlee, J., Member of the Westmore land Country Club, the Hamilton Club, and the Machinery Club., He is business man ager, of 401 South Clinton Street, Chic ago, 111, was born Aug. 12, 1872, in Galva, 111. He was educated at the Galva High School, and at Elliott s Business College. He was general manager of a division of the factories and assistant secretary of Montgomery, Ward and Company. In 1890 he married Miss Marion Hough; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside at 2825 Lincoln Street Evanston, 111. Bruce, Edward B., Business President, of 80 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sun Cheong Milling Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Bruce, Mrs. Edwin, President of the Terre Haute Woman s Club. She resides in Terre Haute, Ind. Bruce, William George, Publisher of the Milwaukee Athletic Club Building, Milwau kee, Wis., \\as born March 17, 1856, in Mil waukee, Wis. He was educated in public schools and under private instruction. In 1874 he began as clerk of the Milwaukee Daily News; was cashier and assistant bus iness manager of the Milwaukee Sentinel; in 1891 founded and has since been cashier of the American School Board Journal; and founded in 1914 the Industrial Arts Magazine. He was a member of the Mil waukee School Board; in 1893 was man ager of the Milwaukee Educational Exhib its at Chicago Exposition; also manager of Wisconsin educational Erhibits at St. Louis Wisconsin Educational Exhibits at St.Louis waukee Association of Commerce ; pres ident of the Auditorium Board, Milwaukee Harbor Commission, and the National As sociation of Commercial Secretaries Club. He is now president of the Great Lakes Commerce Association; and a member of the Wisconsin Deep Waterway Commis sion. He is a member of the Athletic Club the Old Settlers Club and the Jefferson Club. He is the author of School Architect ure, Bruce s Manual on School Administra tion; and of pamphlets on Taxation, In dustrial, Insurance and Foreign Trade. Bruch, Charles P., Director of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Commercial Union Telegraph Company and other corporations. Bruckbauer, Frederick, Director, of 124 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Benton Garter Company and other corporations. Bruere, Henry, Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Naional Railways of Mexico and other corp orations. 118 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bruere, Robert Walter, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Jan. 0, 1876, in St. Charles, Mo. Since 1908 he has been a lect urer on American literature and municipal government in the Rand School of Social Science. He is part author of the Work of the Rural School. He resides at 200 West Thirteenth Street, New York City. Brulatour, Jules E., Business Man and Direct or, of 5 West Thirty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Famous IMayers-Lasky Corporation; and prominent in business and public affairs. Bruner, C. E., Business President, of Ak ron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sec ond National Building Company and other corporations. Bruner, Mrs. Edward Eeverett, President of the San Francisco Musical Club. She resides at 850 Forty-third Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Brunston, Mrs. W. T., President of the Rubinstein Club, with a membership of twenty women. She resides in Fennville, Mich. Brush, Mathew C., Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of var ious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Elevated Railway Company and other corporations. Bryan, Mary Elizabeth Baird (Mrs Will iam Jennings Bryan), Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born June 17, 1861, in Perry, 111. She studied law to enter more fully in her husbands work, was admitted to the bar, but never practiced. She is a member of the Association for Equal Su ffrage. In 1884 she married William Jen nings Bryan; and resides in Lincoln, Neb. Bryant, Edward Francis, Banker, of South East Corner One Hundred and Ele venth Place and Cottge Grove Avenue, Chi cago, 111. ; and a member of the Chicago Club, the Boston Art Club, the Chicago Ath letic Association, and several Golf and Country Clubs. He was born April 30, 1861, in Bedharn, Mass.; and was educated at the Chauncey Hall School of Boston, Mass. Since 1886 he has been president of the Pullman Trust and Savings Bank In 1888 he married Miss Florence Runnells; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1356 East Fifty-first Street, Chicago, 111. Bryant, John J., Member of the Universi ty Club, the Union League Club, the Chica go Golf Club and the South Shore Country Club. He is a stock broker of 209 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. Brzeckrowski, Franz, Business President, of 16 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Rotary Club, the Art Institute, and is a Mason, and an Elk. lie is also a member of the Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce. He was born Dec. 31, 1883, in Chicago, 111.; and was educated in the Chicago public schools, and at the Bryant and Stratton Business College. Since 1915 he has been president of the Moran and Hastings Manufacturing Company. He is unmarried; and resides at 3930 North Paulina Street, Ravenswood, Chicago. 111. Bryson, Charles W., Business President of 44 West Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Common wealth Land Company and other corpora tions. Bubier, Charles W., Business Man and Trustee, of 14 Arcade, Providence, R.I. ; and a, member of the Pomham Club, the Turks Head Club, the Bethany Home Corporation. He was born in 1856 in Lynn, Mass. Since 1887 he has been proprietor of Jones Com pany, ladies apparel, of Providence, R.I. ; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. In 1902 he married Miss Hope W. Mason; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 145 Meeting Street, Providence, R.I. Bucey, George C., Business President of Rayland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Goucher Mine Company, and a director in various other corporations. Buchanan, Leonard B., Director, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is di rector of the Wolburs Co-operative Bank and othe corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 119 J5-*ck, Clarence Frank, Men her of th^ Sangamon Club. He was born June 6, 1870 in Monmouth, 111. In 1892-1910 he was publisher of the Monmouth Daily Atlas. In 1917-21 he was a member of the Illinois State Senate. He resides in Monmouth. 111. Buck. Frank H., Business President, of 58 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Frank Buck Company, and a director in other corporations. Buck, John A., Business President, of 2 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Honolulu Plantation Company, and director in other corpora tions. Buck, Solon J., Member of various clubs and societies. He received a thorough edu cation; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. He is now superintendent of the Minnesota Historical Society. He resides in St. Paul, Minn. Buckland, Mrs. J., Artisan, of 274 Lexing ton Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. and a member of the Guild of the Allied Arts of Buffalo So ciety of Mineral Painters. She was born in Marathon, N.Y. She is a graduate of Prang Institution of Boston, Mass. She is a suc cessful ceramic artisan. She married Mr. George W. Buckland, of Binghamton, N.Y. ; and they had one daughter, and reside in Buffalo, N.Y. Buckley. Edward W., Member of* the -Min nesota Club. He is supreme physician of the Knights of Colubmus. His address is the Lo wry Building, St. Paul Minn. Buckley, Edwin M., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Safety Car Heating and Lighting Company and other corporations. Bucklin, Harris H., Corporation Officer and Director, of 1101 Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, and other clubs and societies. He was born in 1879, in Harris, Pa.; and received an academic education. Since 1901 he has been assistant treasurer of the Arkwright Finishing Com pany. In 1916 he married Mrs. Edith R. Gordon ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Providence, R.I. Buckner, Mortimer N., Director of 100 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Textile Banking Company and other corporations. Buckwalter, Brinton, Business President of 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United Orange Growers, Incorporated, and a direc tor of other corporations. Buckwalter, Clarence J., Member of sev eral clubs. He was born in 1882 in Silver Cliff, Col. He is now treasurer and general manager of the American Bureau of Engi neering, Incorporated, of 1601 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Budd, Britton, Member of the Exmoor Country Club. He was born Sept. 7, 1871, in San Francisco, Cal. Since 1911 he has been president of the South Side Elevated Railway Company ; and since 1916 has been president of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad. He resides in High land Park, 111. Budd, Charles Jay, Artist and Author, of 119 East Eighteen Street, New York Ci ty, was born Feb. 14, 1959, in Schodack, N.Y. He was educated at the Pensylvania Academy of Fine Arts. He is president of the Budd Line of Art Novelties. He has benn cartoonist for Harpers Weekly Maga zine, St. Nicholas and other magazines. He is the author of Old Fables Modernized. In 1892 he married Miss Louise Tillspaugh; and they have one son, and reside in East Orange, N.J. Buffington, Eugene Jackson, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born March 14, 1863, in Guyandotte, W.Va. Since 1899 he has benn president of the Illinois Steel Company. He resides in Evanston, 111. Bulkley, Robert Johns, Member of the Union Club, the University Club, the Cleveland Club, the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Cleveland Advertising Club, and the Tavern Club, the Country Club of Cleveland, and the Harvard Club of New York. He resides at 2926 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 120 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Bull, Henry W., Financier and Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Knickerbocker Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Westminster Kennel Club, and the Turf and Field Club. He was born March 27, 1874, in Montclair, N.J. ; and was educated at the Lawrehceville School, and graduated from Colombia University in 1897. He i sa member of tre firm Har- riman and Company. He is vice-president of the Compania Cubana, and vice-presi dent of the Oriental Consolidated Mining Company. He is director of the American and British Securities Company, the Cuba Company, the Cuba Railroad Company, the John L. Roper Company, and other corpo rations. In 1904 he married Miss Maud Livingston; and they reside at 171 East Sixty-second Street, New York City. Bull, Arthur S., Secretary and Treasurer of 111 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer of the Newton and Watertown Gas Light Company, and sec retary of other corporations. Bulla, Robert N., Director, of 104 H. W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Chamber of Commerce Bullard. Edgar J., National Director, of 648 Taylor Avenue, Detroit, Mich.; and a member of the Ingleside Club, and the De troit Club; and is a Knight Templar, Shri- ner, and a member of the Knights of Py thias, the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, the Elks, the Modern Maccabees, the Modern Brotherhood, the Equitable Frater nal Union, and the Royal Neigbors. He is National Director of the Modern Woodmen of America. He is president of the Broken Rocks Association, founder of the Broken Rocks Summer Resort, and treasurer and director of. the Broken Rocks Land Com pany. He was born June 1, 1872, in Fow ler, Mich. In 1900 he married Miss Lizzie Newton; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 648 Taylor Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Bullard, W. Irving, Vice-President, of 28 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice- president of the Merchants National Bank of Boston, and vice-president of the E. H. Jacobs Manufacturing Company. He is Director of the Federal Mutual Liability Insurance Company, and of a score of other corporations. He is trustee of the Andover Theological Seminary; and pro minent in business and public affairs. Bullen, Percy Southerland, Member of the Press Club of London. He was born March 21, 1868, in Hastings, England. He is the author of various works on the Eu ropean War. His address is 66 Broadway, New York City. Bullock, Edward J., President of the Oak Park Club. He is engaged in business in Chicago, 111. He resides in Oak Park, 111. Bullock, George, Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Astra Oil and Gas Corpo ration, and a director in other corpora tions. Bullock, J. Cunliffe, Director of 49 West minster Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United Timber Corpo ration and other corporations. Bullock, Samuel H., Treasurer and Di rector, 29 Weybosset Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 24, 1850, in Providence, R.I. Since 1871 he has been engaged in various businesses; is treasurer of the Earl Carpenter and Sons Company, and has been, treasurer and director of several charitable organizations. He has been a member of the City Council; and served as police commissioner of the City of Providence. In 1881 he married Miss Emma Clarke Carpenter; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters, and reside at 28 Pitman Street, Providence R.I. Bump, Milan R., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cities Service Oil Com pany of Texas, and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 121 Bunce, Carleton, Business President, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bankers Estates Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Burbank, Luther, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born March 7, 1849, in Lancaster, Mass. He was al ways devoted to the study of nature, espe cially farms at Santa Rosa, Cal. He was the originator of the Burbank potato, the Gold and Wickson Apple, the October Purple Chalco, the American and Climax plums of the Giant Splendor and Sugar prunes, the Peachblow Burbank and Santa Rosa roses, the fragrance callas, and of various new apples, peaches, nuts, berries, fruits, flowers and vegetables. He resides in Santa Rosa, Cal. Burch, Frank, B. Business President, of Second National Building, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Bedford Chine Company and other corporations. Burchard, Edward Lawyer, Member of the Social Service Club. He was born Sept. 5, in Freeport, 111; and was educated at the University of Chicago, and at the Beloit, College, Wis. He is a civil worker; and is with the committee on public infor mation. On Oct. 4, 1863, he married Miss Alice Barton, of Freeport, 111., and they reside at 617 C Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. Burchard, Anson Wood, Organizer, and Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City, was born April 21, 1865, in Hoosick Falls, N.Y. In 1885 he graduated with the degree of M.E. from the Stevens Institute of Technology. He is vice-chair man of the board of the General Electric Company; and chairman of the board and president of the International General Electric Company. He is a director of the Harriman National Bank, the Ameri can Gas and Electric Light Company and over a score of other corporations. He is a member of the Metropolitan Club, the University Club, the Engineers Club, the Automobile Club, the Recess Club, the Bankers Club, the Piping Rock Club, the Nassau Country Club, the American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers, and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. In 1912 he married Miss Allene Hostetter, in London, England. Burdette, Clara Bradley, Member of the Woman s Club. She is a lecturer and author of The Rainbow and the Pot of Gold and other works. She resides in Pasadena, Cal. Burdick, Clark, Business President, of 201 Thames Street, Newport, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Newport Trust Compa ny and other corporations. Burden, James Aberconbie, Member of the Knickerbocker Club. He was born Jan. 16, 1871, in New York City. He is president of the Port Henry Iron Ore Com pany. He resides in Troy, N.Y. Burdick, Clinton D., Vice-President and Director, of 175 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is second vice-president of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company; and vice-president of the Bond and Mort gage Guarantee Company. He is a director of the Home Life Insurance Company, the New York Municipal Railway Corporation, the Realty Associates, and the Realty As sociates Investment Corporation. Burdick, Joel Wakeman, Member of the Duquesne Club. He was born on June 20, 1863, in Almond, N.Y. He was the organ izer and is president of the West Penn Steel Company, which employes nearly two thousand men. He resides at 906 Amber- son Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Burgess, Robert, Director, of 199 Wash ington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber, of various clubs and societies. He is director of Beacon Trust Company and other corporations. Burgess, Theodore Chalon, Educator and Author, of Peoria, 111., was born April 27, 1859, in Little Valley, N.Y. Since 1897 he has been director of the Bradley Poly technic Institute of Peoria. He is the author of Epideictic Literature and other works. He resides at Peoria, 111. 122 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Burgess, William, Manufacturer and Di plomat, of Morris Heights, Trenton, N.J., was born Jan. 18, 1857, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1877 he graduated from Princeton Uni versity, hi 1S7!) he became engaged in the manufacture of pottery. In 1890-93 he was United States consul to Tunstall, England. He was president of the International Pot tery Company of Trenton, N.J. He is a member of the United States Tariff Com mission. In 1879 he married Miss Clara I). Goodwin; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Washington, D.C. Burgin, Clarence, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 1374 Quincy Street, Quincy, Mass.; and a member of Masonic Fraternity. He was born October 27, 1865, in Rutland, Vt. Since 1895 he has been treasurer of the Quincy Savings Bank. He is also a direc tor of the William B. ^Yhite Company; and prominent in public, business and social affairs. In 1898 he married Miss Minnie M. Rodgers; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 94 Presidents Lane, Quincy, Mass. Burke, John J., Journalist and Author, of 120 West Sixtieth Street, New York Ci ty, was born June 6, 1875, in New York City. In 1896 he received the degree of A.B. from the St. Francis Xavier s College, in 1901 lie received the degrees of S.T.B. and S.T.L. from the Catholic University, and in 1915 the degree of Litt. D. from Fordham I nivcrsity. In 1899 he was or dained a Roman Catholic Priest. Since 1904 he has been editor of the Catholic World. He was chairman of the National Catholic War Council; and general secreta ry of the National Catholic Welfare Coun cil. He is the author of Life and Litera ture; and editor of St. Teresa, an autobio graphy. Burke, Mrs, Thomas Carrick, President of the Mac-Dowel Club, with a membership of two hundred and fifty-nine men and wo men. She resides at 1914 Thurman Street Portland, Ore. Burke W^liam J., Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 25, 1862. He has been identified with organized labor. In 1919-21 he was a member of the Sixty- fifth Congres.s. He resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. Burkliardt, Gus F., Business President, of 529 Grant Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central Sales Company and other corporations. Burkhardt, L. J., Business President, of 219 East Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dairy Produce Com pany and other corporations. Burleigh, Andrew F., Secretary and Di rector of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the American Telegraph and Cable Company and other corporations. Burleigh, Charles B., Vice-President and Director, vpf 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of numerous technical en gineering, social and fraternal organiza tions . He was born March 1, 1862, in Chelsea, Mass. ; and received an academic education. Since 1884 he has been con nected with the General Electric Company, of which he is now district manager of the lighting department. He is also vice- president of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. In 1885 he married Miss N. A. Belding; and they have one son and reside at the Riverbank Court Ho tel, Cambridge, Mass. Burnett, A. W., Business President, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Burnett Building Company and other cor porations. Burnett, Charles T., College Professor, of Brunswick, Maine; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is Profes sor of Psychology at Bowdoin College. In 1914 he married Miss Sue Winchell ; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Brunswick, Maine. Burnett, John T-, Business President, of 437 D Street, South Boston, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Joseph Burnett Company, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 123 Burkhardt, R. V., Business President, of Dayton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Burkhardt Furniture Company, Burnham, Claude George, Railroad Offi cial, of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago, 111., was born June 20, 1879, in Eng land. Since 1910 he has been vice-presi dent of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Burnham, W. Adison, Business President of 30 East Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lord and Burnham Company, and a director in other corporations. Burnham, William Henry, Educator of Worcester, Mass., was born Dec. 5, 1855, in Dunbarton, N.H. He was educated at Harvard University and at Johns Hopkins University. Since 1892 he has been in structor in Clark University, and now holds the position of professor of pedagogy and school hygiene. He is a member of the American Association foFthe Advance ment of Science, the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and the American School Hygiene Association. He resides in Worcester, Mass. Burnquist, Joseph Alfred Arner, he is is a member of various clubs and societies. He is a lawyer and statesman of 1070 Bradley Street, St. Paul, Minn.; and was born July 21, 1879, in Dayton, Iowa. In 1898 he graduated from the Carleton Aca demy of Minnesota; in 1902 he received the degree of A.B. from Carleton College; in 1904 he received the degree of A.M. from Columbia University; and in 1905 received the degree of LL.B. from the University of Minnesota. In 1905 he be gan the practice of law in St. Paul, Minn. In 1909-11 he was a member of the Minne sota House Representatives; and in 1913- 15 was lieutenant-governor of Minnesota. Upon the death of Governor Hammond, Mr. Burnquist became governor of the State of Minnesota. The following Novem ber he was elected governor for the term of 1917-19; and received the re-election to that high office for the term of 1919-21. He resides in St. Paul, Minn. Burns, James Aloysius, Clergyman and Author, of Notre Dame, Ind., was born Feb. 13, 1867, in Michigan City, Ind. He received the degree of A.B. and A.M. from the University of Notre Dame ; and the de gree of Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America. In 1893 he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. In 1893-1900 he was professor of sciences in the University of Notre Dame; and in 1000 became presi dent and professor of moral theology at the Holy Cross College of Washington, D.C. Since 1919 he lias been president of the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of Principles, Origin and Establish ment of the Catholic School System; De velopment and Growth of the Catholic School System; and A Study of Conditions. Burns, John McNeil, Member of Detroit Bar Association, the Detroit Yacht Club, the Lockm\^)re Club, the Lawyers Club, and the Michigan Bar Association. He was born July 1, 1882, in Port Huron, Mich. He was educated at the Port Huron High School, the University of Michigan and the Detroit College of Law. -Since 1906 he has been engaged in the practice of law. In 1912 he married Miss llattie Rood Grace; and they have two daughters, and reside at Grosse Pointe Shores, Detroit Mich. Burns, Joseph Harry, Member of the Glen view Club, the Evanston Country Club and the Evanston Club. He is an importer and manufacturer, of 107 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., and was born in Ad rian, Mich. He was educated at the Ad rian College. For thirteen years he was associated with Wilson Brothers. He is now president of Burns and Grassic, im porters and manufacturers of men s fur nishing. In 1889 he married Miss Mary E. Green ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Evan ston, 111. Burrage, Harry L., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Connecticut Cottons Company, and a director in other corporations. 124 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Burns, William John, Member of various clubs and societies. He is a detective and lecturer, of Woolworth Building, New York City; and was born Oct. 19, 1861 in Balti more, Md. He was educated in the public schools and business college of Columbus, Ohio. In 1880 he joined the United States Secret Service, was appointed to headquar ters in St. Louis, and handled many cele brated cases throughout the United States. In 1903 he resigned from secret service, and took charge of investigation of Oregon, Washington and California land fraud cases, which resulted in prosecution and conviction of numerous federal, state and city officials. He cleared up most remark able counterfeiting case the world has known. In 1909 he organized the William J. Burns National Detective Agency, now William J. Burns International Detective Agency, having branches all over the Unit ed States, including one in London, Paris and Brussels. He lectured in universities and colleges throughout the United States and Europe. He is the author of The Mas ked War, and The Argyle Case. Burr, I. Tucker, Business President, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Androscoggin Mills, and a director in other corporations. Burras, Howard Kissam, Bond and Stock Broker, of 66 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Georgia Society, the Lotos Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Automobile Club of America, and the Metropolitan Club of New York. He was born Feb. 28,1851, in New York City; and was educated at Columbia College. Since 1876 he has been a member of the firm of H. K. Burras and Company. In 1890 he married Miss Kate Wheaton, of Savannah, Ga. ; and they reside in New York City. Burrell, Ernest Lincoln, Manufacturer, of 415 Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born March 21, 1865, in Stone Church, Pa. In 1880-1913 he was associated with Charles A. Schieren of New York City. He is now president of the Burrell Belting Company. He is a member of various clubs and societies. Burrett, Claude Adelbert, Member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy; and in 3915 was president of the Surgical and Gynecological Society. He is a surgeon, and was born on July 13, 1878, in Ro chester, N.Y. In 1905-14 he was a member of the faculty of the University of Michi gan. Since 1914 he has been dean of the College of Homoepathic Medicine of the Ohio State University, and professor of surgery. He resides in Columbus, Ohio. Burritt, Bailey Barton, Member of the Civic Club. He was born May 31, 1878. in Monroe County, N.Y. Since 1914 he has been general director of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. He resides at 16 Prospect Drive Yonkers, N.Y. Burrows, Robert H., Director of 10 Pro duce Exchange Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs Burt, Alonzo, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Dec. 6, 1849, near Cambridge, Ohio. In 1903-11 he was president of the Wisconsin Telephone Com pany, and since 1911 has been vice-presi dent of the Michigan State Telephone Company and other corporations. He re sides in Chicago, 111. Burt, David Allan, Member of the Du- quesne Club. He was born Dec. 24, 1876, in Wheeling, W.Va. He is director and vice-president of the La Delle Iron Works. Burt, Thomas Gregory, Educator, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of the Emer son Literary Society, the Optimistic Club of Los Angeles, the Rotary Club, and the Sunset Canyon Country Club of Los An geles, Cal. He is validating agent for the board of medical examiners for Southern California. In 1910-22 he was head of philosophy and dean of . the Occidental College of Los Angeles, Cal. In 1899 he married Miss Mary H. Vail, of Manlius, N.Y; and they reside at 5323 Aldama Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Burton, Alfred Edgar, Member of the Technology Club. He was born March 24, 1857, in Portland, Maine. Since 1902 he has been dean of the Massachussetts In stitute of Technology. He resides in Cam bridge, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Burton, Jonathan Prescott, Business Pre sident, of the National City Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Un ion Club, the Tavern Club, the Country Club, and the Kirtland Club, all of Cleve land, Ohio; and is also a member of the Yale Club of New York City, and the Scranton Club of Scranton, Pa. He was born in 1876 in Massillon, Ohio. Since 1896 he has benn identified with the coal and iron industries; and is president of the Legitts Creek Anthracite Company, the Trevorton Colliery Company, and other corporations. He is also a director of the National City Bank. In 1903 he married Miss Kate W. Burnham; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 11928 Lake Shore Boulevard, Bratenahl, Ohio. Burton, Theodore Elijah,, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Dec. 20, 1851, in Jefferson, Ohio. In 1909-15 he was a member of the United States Senate. His address is 850 Park Avenue, New York City. Burton, William C., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Booth American Shipping Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Busch, N. J., Treasurer and General Ma nager, of Peoria, 111.; and a member of the Creve Colier Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 15, 1882, in Washington, Mo.; and was educated at the grammar school and High School, of his native city. Since 1904 he has been with Allaire, Woodward and Company, and is now treasurer and general manager. In 1905 he married Miss Ida Jane Lehman; and they have one daughter, and reside at 201 Hanssler Place, Peoria, 111. Bush, Albert Peyon, Business President, of 14 North Commerce Street, Mobile, Ala. was born Nov. 21, 1876, in Mobile, Ala. He was educated at the Marion Military In stitute, at Howard College and at the East man Business College. He is president of the Highland Lake Land Company, the Mo bile Cotton and Mercantile Association, and is vice-president and director of T.Gr. Bush and Company and of numerous other concerns. He was president of the Mobile Chamber of Commerce and other organiza tions. He is a member of the Athelstan Club, the Mobile Country Club, and the Gulf Fishing and Hunting Club. In 1905 he married Miss Marcia Burgess; and they have a family of one son and one daughter and reside at 983 Government Street, Mo bile, Ala. Bush, Benjamin Franklin, Member of the Maryland Club. He was born July 5, 1860, in Wellsboro, Pa. In 1911-15 he was pres ident of the Western Maryland Railroad. He resides at 5334 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Bush, Irving T., Member of the New York Yacht Club. He was born July 12, 1869, in Ridgeway, Mich. He is president of the Bush Terminal Company of New York City. He resides at Irving-on-Hud- son, N.Y. Bush, William Lincoln, Piano Manufac turer, of Dallas, Texas, was born March 3, 1861, in Chicago, 111. With his father he founded the Bush and Gerts Piano Compa ny of Chicago of which he became presi dent. He is the founder and treasurer of the Bush Temple Conservatory of Music and Drama. He is president of the Bush and Gerts Piano Company of Chicago, 111. ; president of the Bush and Gerts Piano Company of Dallas, Texas, a corporation; is a director of the North Side State Bank, and a director of the Houston Trust and Savings Bank of Houston, Texas. He is a member of the Illinois Catholic Club, the Hamilton Club, and the Republican Club. He is a prominent Mason and Shriner. In 1894 he married Miss Pearl Elizabeth Bar row, and they reside in Dallas, Texas. Bush-Brown, Henry Kirke, President of the Arts Club, Washington, D.C.; and a member of the National Sculpture Society of New York, the Architectural League of New York, the National Arts Club of New York, the Casino Club of Washington, and the American Scenic and Historic Preserv ation Society. He was born April 21, 1857 in Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; and since 1911 has been a resident of Washington, D.C. In 1886 he married Mis Margaret W. Lesley, 126 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST of Philadelphia, Pa.; and they have a fa mily of two sons and one daughter, and re side at 1729 G Street, Washington, B.C. Bushnell, Charles Joseph, Member of the University Club of Portland. He was born May 1, 1875, in Des Moines, Iowa; and was educated at the University of Chicago and other colleges. He assisted in organizing charity work in Chicago while a student in university. He is a member of the Ameri can Sociological Society. He is the author of The Social Problem at the Chicago Stock ty. He is Professor of sociolog at Yards. the University of the City of Toledo. In 1908 he married Miss Olga Lenore Hewitt, of Oregon; and they reside at 1515 Jeffer son Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Bushnell, Frederic C., Director, of 5G Cedar Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and . societies. He is a director of the Underwriters Map Asso ciation and other corporations. Bushnell, John Ludlow, Banker and Pre sident, of Springfield, Ohio, was born Feb. 15, 1872, in Springfield, Ohio. He graduated from Princeton University. He is presi dent of Home Telephone Company of Springfield, Troy and Pugua Railroad Company; and president of the First Nat ional Bank of Springfield. He is identified with the republican party; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Bustard, William Walter, Clergyman of Euclid Avenue and East Eighteenth Street Cleveland, Ohio, was born Aug. 21, 1871, in Paterson, N.J. In 1921 he received the Honorary Degree of D.D. from Brown Uni versity. He is president of the American Civic Reform Association ; and is a natio nal trustee of the Christian Endeavor. Since 1909 he has been pastor of the Eu clid Avenue Baptist Church of Cleveland, Ohio. He is a member of several religious societies and oganizations. He married Miss Ethel Channell; and they reside in Cleveland, Ohio. Buswell, Charles H., Business President and Director, of the Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Hide and Leather Company; and has held numerous {wsitions of trust Butler, Arnold William, Anthropologist, Zoologist, Founder and Author of Indiana polis, Ind., was born Och.l, 1860, in Brook- vine, Ind. He was educated at the Hano ver College and at the Indiana tTniversity. Since 1897 he has been secretary of the Indiana Board of State Charities. He is the author of Birds of Indiana, and other works. In 1880 he married Miss Mary I. Reynolds; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 52 Downey Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Butler, Frank Osgood,Member of various clubs and societies. He is a business pre sident of 221 West Monroe Street, Chicago 111. and was born April 22, 1861, in Chi cago, 111. Since 1913 he has been president of the J.W. Butler Paper Company of Mil waukee, Butler, Henry A., Business Pesident, of 612 Stambaugh Building, Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Valley Investment Company and other corpora tions. Butler, J. C., Business President, of Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of var ious clubs and societies. He is president of the Ohio Hotel Operating Company and other coroprations. Butler, J. Fred, Member of various clubs and societies. He is a paper manufacturer and jobber, of 223 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., and was born July. 20, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is vice-president of the J. W. Butler Paper Company of Chicago, president of the Missouri Interstate Paper Company of Kansas City, Mo.; vice-presi dent of the Southwestern Paper Company of Dallas, Texas; vice-president of the Na- toma Dairy Company of Oak Park, 111. Butler, Joseph Green, Member ot" the Duquesne Club. He was born Dec. 21, 1840 in Mercer County, Pa. For seven terms he was president of the Youngstown Cham ber of Commerce. He esides in Youngs town, Ohio. Butler, Morgan, Director, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Boston and Worcester Elect ric Companies and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Butler, Lawrence Smith, Business Presi dent and Director, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Ford, Butler and Oliver. He is president of the Salisbury Plains Corpora tion, president of the Smithtown Assembly Hall, and a director of the Hempstead Plains Company. Butler, Louis F., Business President, of 55 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Travelers Insurance Company, and a director in other coropra- tions. Butler, Nicholas Murray, Business Pre sident, of 116 Street, near Amsterdam Ave- ue, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the Columbia University Press, an a di rector in other corporations. Butler, Walter N., Treasurer, of 114 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 2,1856, in Providence, R.I. Since 1912 he has been treasurer of the Butler Exchange Company, is identified with various other business enterprises, and has filled several other positions of trust and honor. In 1879 he married Miss Mary A. M. Dyer; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 41 Holly Street Riverside, R.I. Butler, William Allen, Business Presi dent, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Brunswick Site Company, and a director in other cor porations. Butler, William M., Busines President, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston and Worces ter Street Railway Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Butler, William Mill, Editor and Direc tor, of 487 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and manager of The Casket, Incorporated. Butt, William H., Business President, of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Bankers Publish ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Butterworth, William, President of the Moline Club. He was born Dec. 18, 1864, in Maineville, Ohio. He is president of the People s Saving Bank and Trust Com pany. He resides in Moline, 111. Buttrick, Stedman, Business President, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Clinton Market Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Byllesby, Henry M., Engineer, of 208 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born Feb. 16, 1859, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is president of H. M. Byllesby and Compa ny, engineers and operators of public uti lities and Investment Securities. He is also a director of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railway Company, and the Public Securities Company; and a di rector in numerous other corporations. He resides at Lake Geneva, Wis. Bynner, Witter, Member of the Players Club, the Harvard Club, the Mac Dowell Club of New York, the Bohemian Club of San Francisco and other clubs and socie ties. He is a poet, editor, lecturer and author, of 16 Gramercy Park, New York City ; and was born on Aug. 10, 1881, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1902 he graduated from Harvard University. He was editor of McClure Magazine, and advisory editor with Small and Maynard. In 1918-19 he taught verse in writing, with occasional lectures and readings. He is the author of The New World; Crenstone Poems; The Beloved Stranger; The Little King, and other works. He resides at 16 Gramercy Park, New York City. Byrnes, Timothy E., Business President, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the France and Canada Oil Transport Company, Byron, Harry E., Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 28, 1865, in Gales- burg, 111 Since 1917 he has been president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. He resides in Evanston, HI. 128 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cabell, James Alston, Member of the Richmond Athletic Club, and its president in 1881-87. He was born in Richmond, Va. He is a prominent lawyer of Richmond, Va. ; and has been a member of the Virginia State Legislature. He resides in Point of Fork, Columbia, Va. Cabel, Royal Eubank, Member of the Me tropolitan Club. He was born Marh 12, 1878, in Nelson County, Va. ; and has recei ved the degrees of A.B., A.M., and LL.D. He is a successful lawyer of Richmond, Va. ; and in 1906-09 was Postmaster of his City. He resides at 612 Hawthorn Avenue* Richmond, Va. Cabot, Frederick P., Lawyer and Director of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Winthrop Mills Com Cabot, George E., Director and Trustee, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Trust Compa ny, and a trustee of other corporations. Cabot, Henry B., Lawyer and Director, of member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Gauley Coal and Land Company and other corporations. His ad dress iis 421 Walnut Street, Conservatory of Music; Chattanooga, Tenn. Cadwallader, L. L., President of the Ma sonic Choir, of Waterbury, with a member ship of fifty men. He resides at Water- bury, Conn. Caldwallader, Starr, Member of the City Club. He was born June 11, 1869, in Howard, N.Y. In 1896-1903 he was head worker in the Goodrich Settlement of Cleve land, Ohio; and since 1903 has been trustee of that institution. He resides at 2900 Waymouth Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Cady, Frank L., Business President, of 502 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First National Bank of Mansfield, and a director in other corpora tions. Cady, William M., Business President, of 1 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cady-Lafond Export Company, Incorporated. Cage, Mrs. Day, President of the Ste- phensville Choral Club. She resides in Ste- phensville, Texas. Cahill, H. P. Director, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Akron Build ing Trades and other corporations. Caines, Richard John Ridgway, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1876 in England; and is a successful physician of Boston, Mass. He was former ly instructor in physical therapy in Tufts Medical College. He is a Lieutenant Colo nel in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army. He resides on New- bury Street, Boston, Mass. Calandra, Dominick, Business President, of Electric Building, Bridge Plaza, Long Island, N.Y. ; and a member of the Produce Exchange of New York City, the Chamber of Commerce of the Borough of Queens, and the Belle Harbor Yacht Club. He was born in Palermo. Italy; and was educated at Epicarmo College, of his native city. Since 1907 he has been vice-president of the At lantic Macaroni Company of Long Island City, N.Y. He is also president of the East River Building Corporation, and a director of the Basilea-Calandra Company. He mar ried Miss Concettina Scozzari; and they re side at One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, Neponsit, L.I. and maintain a count ry residence at Little Falls, N.Y. Caldwell, George Brinton, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Aug. 24, 1863, in Dunkirk. N.Y. ; and received a bus iness education. Since 1915 he has been president of the Sperry and Hutchinson Company, New York bankers. He resides at 155 Riverside Drive, New York City. Caldwell, James Henry, Member of Troy Club, the Engineers Club, and the Universi ty Club of New York City. He was born March 21, in Mobile, Ala.; and was educat ed at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Intstitute. He is vice-president of the Troy Savings Bank, president of the Ludlow Valve Manu facturing Company, and a director in a score of other corporations. He is pre sident of the Troy Public Library and of the Samaritan Hospital. He resides in Troy, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 129 Caldwell, Louis, Bank President, of Huntington, W.Va. ; and a member of vari ous club and societies. He was born May 20, 1846, in Wood County, Ya. ; and was educated in Ohio. He served in the Civil War. He organized the Huntington Street Railway, of which he has been president for forty years. He is also president of the First National Bank and other corporations. He is a large stock holder in numerous Coal Companies in West Virginia. In 1871 he married Miss Mary O Bannon Smith; and they have a family of four sons, and reside in Huntington, W.Va. Caldwell, Robert J., Merchant, of 15 Park Row, New York City, was born May 12, 1875, in Louisville. Ky. He was educated in the Polytechnic Collegiate Institute. He is president and treasurer of the R. J. Cald well Company ; vice-president of the Canad ian and Connecticut Cotton Mills, the Con necticut Mills Company, Marshall Land Company,, Pennsylvania Land Company; director of the Connecticut Tobacco Corp oration, Essex Realty Associates; and is also president of the Cayuga Cotton Compa ny. He is a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce, the American Civic Association, the National Civic Federation and the Academy of Political Science, the Merchants Association, the University Glee Club, and the Lotos Club. Gale, Philip H., Lawyer and Business Pre sident, of 1002 Real Estate Exchange Build ing, Detroit, Mich., was born Jan. 28. 1889, in Le Roy, Minn. In 1909 he received the degree of B.S. from the Oregon Agricultura 1 College and in 1912 the degree of LL.B. from the University of Michigan. He is vice-president of the Artificial Building Products Company. For two years he had been secretary of the Lawyers Club. He is a member of the Detroit Bar Association, the Michigan Bar Association, and the De troit Board of Commerce. He resides at 3960 Garland Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Calkins, Ransom M., Member of the Un ion League Club of Chicago, 111. He was born Aug. 12, 1863, in Ogdensberg, N.Y. Since 1920 he has been president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company. His address is 80 Jackson Boule vard. Chicago, 111. Call, Arthur Derrin, of Colorado Building Washington, D.C., was born Sept. 27, 1869, in Fabius, N.Y. He received the degree of A.M. and Ph.B. from Brown University; and graduated from Yale as a student in Philosophy, education and science. Since 1913 he has been a lecturer on education of Philosophy at the George Washington Uni versity of Washington, D.C. He is secret ary of the American Peace Society; and editor of the Advocate of Peace since 1916. He is the author of Metcalf and Call Read ers and other works. He is a member of the Cosmos club, the Federal School Men s Club, and the Monday Evening Club. He resides at 3612 Newark Street, N.W.. W^ash- ington, D.C. Call, Norman, Business President, of Richmond, Va., was born March 29, 1880, in Richmond, Va. He was educated at the Virginia Mechanics Institute. Since 1919 he has been vice-president of the Rich mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail road Company; and is also vice-president of the Richmond Land Corporation. He is president of the Richmond Rotary Club, president of the Wednesday Club, and a member of the Commonwealth Club and the Hermitage Country Club. In 1903 he mar ried Miss Eileen Hearon; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 4114 Seminary Avenue, Richmond Va. Gallery, James Dawson, Member of the Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh, Pa. He was born Nov. 11, 1857, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is vice-president of the Consolidated Gas Company. He resides at 4875 Ellsworth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Calvin, Edgar Eugene, Member of the Pacific Union Club. He was born Oct.- 16, 1858, in Indianapolis, Ind. Since 1916 he has been president of the Union Pacific Railroad. His address is Fifteenth Dodge Street, Omaha, Neb. Camden, S.D. Director, of 67 Wall Street New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Consolidation Coal Company and other cor porations. 130 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cameron, George T., Business President, of Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company. Cammann, Henry Lorillard, Merchant, of 25 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born May 13, 1864, in Dublin Ireland. He is a partner of the firm of of Henry W. T. Mali and Company; is prominent in Business and Public affairs and has filled varius positions of trust and honor. Camp, EdgarWhittlesey, Member of the California Club of Los Angeles, Cal. He was born Feb. 27, 1860, in Sheboygan, Wis. In 1892-94 he was United States district attorney for North Dakota. He resides in Sierra Madre, Cal. Camp, L. W., Business President, of 979 Grant Street, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Factory Oil Company and other corporations. Campbell, Alexander, Lawyer and Di rector, of 1 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is director of the New Central Coal Company; and hasi held numerous positions of trust and honor. Campbell, Alfred A.. President of the Butler Country Club. He resides in Butler, Pa. Campbell, A. J., Business President, of Honolulu, T.H. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Consolidated Soda Works Company, Limit ed, and a director in other corporations. Campbell, Mrs. Allan B., President of the Harmonia Section of the Women s Club. She resides 411 K Street, Bakersfield, Cal. Campbell, Braxton Mendell, Business President and Director, of 6 West Broad way, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of Qu"en City Club, the Cincinnati Country Club, the Curvier Press Club, and the Com mercial Club. He was born Nov. 22, 1851, in Covington, Ky. Since 1879 he has been president of the Perkins Campbell Com pany; and is president of the United States Bank and Trust Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1884 he married Miss Hattie De- Garma; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 2333 Kemper Lane, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Campbell, Chester I., Business President of 5 Park Square, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Campbell Motors Cor poration, president of the Finance Corpo ration of New England, and vice-president of the Quincy Trust Company. He is a di rector of the Back Bay National Bank, and the Massachusetts Real Estate Exchange. He is also secretary of the Boston Automo bile Dealers Association, the Commercial Motor Vehicle Association, and a trustee of the City Realty Trust. Campbell, Don Malcolm, Member of the Detroit Athletic Club. He was born Dec. 12, 1864, in Wardsville, Ontario, Canada. He is a professor of opthalmology, and head of that department in the Detroit College of Medicine. He resides at Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Campbell, Mrs. Duncan; President of the Eurdydice Chorus. She resides in Woodbu- ry, N.J. Campbell, George A., of Reno, Nevada, was born in 1873 in Sacramento, Cal. He was educated at the Stanford University. Since 1905 he has been manager of the Reno Power, Light and Water Company. He is a director of the Reno Chamber of Commerce, president of the Nevada High way Association, and one of the three members of the State Highway Commission in charge of all state highway construc tion. He is a member of the Engineers Club of San Francisco, the Transportation Club of San Francisco, the National Elect ric Light Association and the American Waterworks Association. In 1901 he mar ried Miss Mercy Stevenson ; and they re side in Reno, Nevada. Campbell, Henry B., Treasurer and Di rector, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer and director of the Gramercy Company; is prominent in pub lic and business affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. AMERICEN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 131 Campbell, Hardy Webster, . Member of various clubs and societies, Soil Culturist and Author, of Lincoln, Neb., was born July 21, 1850, in Montgomery Center, Yt. He moved west in 1878 and began experi menting in soil tillage in 1882. In 1895-96 he did special work for many of the west- ernrailroads ; and in 1908-15 was in charge of special soil tillage experiments for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway in Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. He is now farm advisor for the Southern Paci fic Railroad, in charge of the agricultural development work in California, Nevada and Oregon. He has published several books on this subject, his latest work being Farming for Profits. His address is 981 Southern Pacific Building, San Francisco, Cal. Campbell, Henry Munroe, Member of the University Club of Detroit. He was born April 18, 1854, in Detroit, Mich. He has received the degree of Ph.B, LL.B. and LL.D. He is a prominent lawyer of Detroit. He resides at 913 Jefferson Avenue, De troit, Mich. Campbell, J. A., Business President, of Stambaugh Building, Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Buckeye Land Company and other corporations. Campbell, J. Albert, Insurance Broker, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is general agent for the Maryland As surance Corporation of Baltimore, with headquarters in New York City. Campbell, John G., President of the South Shore Country Club of Chicago, 111. He resides at Seventieth Street, Chicago, 111. Campbell, L. J., Business President, of Youngstown, Ohio; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Federal Holding Company and other corporations. Campbell, Mary Edith, Member of the Cincinnati College Club. She was born Dec. 27, 1875, in Ripley, (*fcio. Since 1908 she has been director of the Schmidlapp Fund for Girls. She resides at 3450 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, Nathaniel A., Director, of 366 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic and Western Railroad Company and other corporations. Campbelll, Prince Lucian, Educator and College President, of Eugene, Ore., was born Oct. 6, 1861. in New Market, Mo. He was educated at the Christian College, and Harvard University. In 1891-1902 he was president of the Oregon State Normal School; and since 1902 he has been presi dent of the University of Oregon. He is a member of various boards of Commission and educational Committees. In 1887 he married Miss Eugenie J. Zieber, now de- cesed; in 1908 he married Mrs. Susan A. Church; and they reside in Eugene, Ore. Campbell, Robert Willis, Member of the Union League of Chicago, 111. He was born July 30, 1874 in Frankfort, Clinton County Ind. ; and in 1896 received the degree of B.A from the Leland Stanford Junior Uni versity. He is a prominent lawyer of Chi cago, 111. He resides at 1733 Hinman Ave nue, Evanston, 111. Campbell, Thomas Edward, Member of the Yavapai Club of Prescott, Ariz. He was born Jan. 18, 1878, in Prescott, Ariz. In 1916 he was elected governor of Arizona. He resides in Phoenix, Ariz. Campbell, William Francis, Member of the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was born Nov. 7, 1867, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and received the degree of A.B. and M.D. Since 1910 he has been surgeon-in-chief of Trinity Hospital. He resides at 394 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Canada : John Walter. Member of the Memphis Country Club of Memphis, Tenn. He was born Dec. 27. 1876, in Memphis, Tenn.; and in 1895 graduated from the Memphis Institute, a private school. He is vice-president and general attorney of the Union Railway Company. He resides at 59 South Idlewild Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. Candee, Lyman, Insurance President, of 111 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Bankers Club of America, the Church Club, the Sons of the Revolu tion, and the Society of Colonial Wars. He is vice-president of the Globe and Rutgers 132 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Fire Insurance Company, president of the Golden Hill Building 1 Company, and a di rector of the American Smelting and Re fining Company, and of the American Se curities Company. In 1803 he married Miss Louise Simsion ; and they reside at 34 West Ninety-second Street, New York City. Candler, Duncan, Architect, of 735 Fifth Avenue, New York City; was educated at Columbia College of New York; and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris, France. He has been identified with many of the finest structures in New York City. He is a mem ber of the Society of Colonial Wars, the Sons of the Revolution, the Veteran Corps of Artillery, the Society of Beaux Arts of Architects, and the American Institute of Architects. In 1902 he married Miss Beat rice Post; and they have one daughter, the Countess Carlo Beuf, Geneva, Italy, and reside at 753 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Cantor, Jacob Aaron, Lawyer, of Muni cipal Building, New York City, was born Dec. 6, 1854, in New York City. He was educated in grammar and high schools of New York ; received the degree of LL.B. from the University Law School in 1875. He was admitted to the bar in 1876, since then in practice of law in New York. He has been a state Senator. Since 1904 he has been chairman of highways and jmrks of New York City Improvement Commis sion, and was Congressman from the State of New York for the term of 1915-17. He is a member of the Lawyers Club, the New York Press Club, the Lotos Club, the Man hattan Club, the Harmonic Club, Freund- schaft Club, the Liederkranz Club, and the National Democratic Club. He resides at 9 West Seventieth Street, New York City. Capen, Edward Warren, Member of the University Club of Hartford, Conn. He was born on Sept. 24, 1870, in Jamaica Plain, Mass.; and received the degree of B.A. and Ph.D. In 1911-14 he has been instruc- tro of sociology at the Board of Missionary Pr?paration for United States and Canada. H" resides at 146 Sargeant Street, Hart ford, Conn. Capen, Samuel P., Educator and Director of 818 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C., and a member of the Cosmos Club, the Chevy Club, the Harvard Club of New York, the University Club of Chicago, and the National Institute of Social Services. He is the director of the American Council on Education. He is the editor of the Edu cational Record, and author of numerous monographs on education. He was profes sor of modern languages at the Clark Uni versity, and was specialist in higher educa tion in the United States Bureau of Educa tion. In 1908 he married Miss Grace D. Wright; and they have a family of onte daughter, and reside at 2219 California Street, Washington, D.C. Capps, Charles R., Member of the Vir ginia Club of Norfolk, Va. He was born March 4, 1871, in Norfolk, Va. ; and was educated at the Roarioke College of Virgi nia He is vice-president of the Tampa Northern, Raleigh and Charleston Railroad. He resides in Norfolk, Va. Carberry, John D., Director, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Hastings Wool Boot Compa ny and other corporations. Card, Fred Wallaie,Educator and Author of Sylvania, Pa., was born Feb. 17, 1863, in Sylvania, Pa. He was educated at Cor nell University. He has been associate pro fessor of horticulture at the University of Nebraska, and is also professor of horti culture at the Rhode Island Agricultural College, e is the author of Farm Manage ment and other works. In 1884 he married Miss Addie M. Williams; and in 1907 he married Miss Maude Irene Colemens; and they have a family of three sons, and re side at Sylvania, Pa. Garden, George A., Business President, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Shipping Corporation; is prominent in business and public affairs; and has held meny positions of trust and honor. Carey, Arthur Astor, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 23, 1857, in Rome Italy. He is the founder of the naval divi sion of Boy Scouts in Massachusetts. He resides in Boston, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 133 Carey, Robert Davis, Business Man and Statesman, of Careyhurst, Wyo., was born Aug.12, 1878, in Cheyenne, Wyo.He is pro minently identified with the business and public affairs of his city, county and state. In 1915-19 he was Governor of the State of Wyoming. Carey, William Francis, Member of the India House Club of New York. He was born Sept. 14, 1878, in Hoosick Falls, N.Y. ; and was educated in the public schools of Hoosick Falls, N.Y. He is president of the Siems-Carey Railway and Canal / Company of New York City. He resides in Hoosick, N.Y. Carhartt, Hamilton, Member of the Tra vellers Club of Paris, the Automobile Club of America, the Detroit Club, the Detroit Athletic Club, and the Country Club; and is also a member of the Detroit Board of Commerce. He was born Aug. 27, 1859, in Wayne County, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Racine College of Wisconsin. He is president of the Hamilton Carhartt Cotton Mills and various other corporations. In 1882 he married Miss Annette Welling, of Jackson, Mich.; and they reside at 927 tain a summer home in Newport, R.I. Lifth Avenue. New York City, and main- Caris, G. Albert, Member of Rotary Club and of several educational associations. He is president of the Defiance College, De fiance, Ohio. He resides in Defiance, Ohio. Carkhuff, S. G., Secretary and Director, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Firestone Park Trust and Savings Bank and other corporations. Carlile, Charles Arthur, Member of the Sphinx Club of New York. He was born May 3, 1864, in Chillicothe, Ohio; and was educated at the public schools of Chilli cothe, Ohio. Since 1891 he has been presi dent of the Perkins Corporation. His ad dress is South Bend, Ind. Carlile, Charles L., Business President, of 445 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of W. S. Carlile and Sons Company, Carlisle, John Nelson, Member of the Fort Orange Club of Albany, N.Y. He was born Aug. 24, 1866, in Preble, N.Y.; and in 1884 graduated from the Watertown High School. He is a prominent lawyer of Albany, N.Y.He resides in Watertown,N.Y. Carlile, William Buford, Member of the Chicago Athletic Club. He was born Jan. 21, 1870, in Lebanon, Ky. ; and was edu- catedin the private schools of Lebanon, at St. Mary s College of Kentucky, and the Louisville Business College. Since 1917 he has been postmaster of Chicago, 111. Carlsen, Emil, Member of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, Cal. He was born Oct. 19, 1853, in Copenhagen, Denmark; and was educated in Copenhagen. He is a noted painter; and received the Shaw Pur chase Prize .He resides at 43 East Fifty- ninth Street, New York City. Carlson, C. A., National Chief Templar of the International Order of Good Temp lars, organized in 1851. He is a successful Physician; and resides in Youngstown, Ohio. Carlson, Frank, Business President, of 135 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Valhalla Realty and Im provement Company; and a director of the Nelson and Galston Real Estate Company, and other corporations. He is secretary and a director of the Swedish Mutual Society of Scandia, N.Y. Carlston, J. F., Business President, of Central National Bank, Oakland, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central National Bank of Oakland, and a director in other corporations. Carlton, Albert E., of 14 Wall Street New York City, Member of the Denver Club of Colorado. He was born Feb. 20, 1866, in Warren, 111.; and graduated from the Beloit College of Wisconsin. He is pre sident of the First National Bank of Crip ple Creek, Col. His address is Cripple Creek, Col. Carlton, Newcomb, Business President, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Western Union Tele graph Company, and a director in other corporation.^, 134 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Carlton, Carle, Producer and Director, of 1475 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of the Columbia Yacht Club, the Belleelaire Golf and Country Club, the Un ion Club, the Pittsburg Club, and the Sil- verlake Country Club. He was born in 1882 in Stockholm, Sweden; and was educated at the Polytechnical and Royal Musical Military School of Stockholm. Since 1897 he has been in New York City. He is a producer and director of Stage and Screen Productions. Carlton, Charles E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of Chambzer of Com merce, the Engineers Society, the Economic Club, and the Masonic Club; and is a Ma son and Knight Templar. He was born Aug. 1, 1872, in Concord, N.H. He is treasurer of E. H. Rawlings and Sons, financiers. In 1919 he married Miss Georgia C. Sherry; and they have one daughter, and reside in Cambridge, Mass. Carman, Eugene M., Business President, of 19 South Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Somerville Associated Charities, and a director in other corpora tions. Carnahan, A. T., Business President, of Akron, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Loyal Drug Store Company and other cor porations. Carnahan, F. G., Business President, of Akron, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mortgage Securities Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Carnahan, G. H., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various cl]ibs and societies. He is president of the Continental-Mexican Rub ber Company, and a director in other cor porations. Carnegie, Thomas Morrison, Member of the Racquet Club. He was born Jan. 6, 1874, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance ment of Teaching. He resides at 129 East Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Carney, James H., Director, of 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Protective Department and other corporations. Carney, M. J., Business President, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties He is president of the Ox weld Rail road Service Company, and a director in other corporations. Carnrick, George W., Business President of 13 Laight Street, New York City; and a member of tin. Sons of the American Re volution, and is a Mason and Knight Temp lar. He was born Feb. 19, 1852 near Troy N.Y. ; and was educated at the Troy High School and at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Since 1899 he has been president of the G. \V. Carnrick Company. In 1877 he married Miss Ella Aiken; and they have a family of one son and one daughter. In 1914 he married Miss Katharine Schuller, and have one son and one daughter, and reside at 92 Elm Street, Montclair, N.J. Carpenter, Albert, Director, of 350 Ma dison Avenue, Nw York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fulton Land Company and other corporations. Carpenter. Mrs. Arthur, President of the Music Study Club. She resides in W abash. Ind. Carpenter, Charles Lincoln, Member of various clubs and societies, Civil Engineer of Central Aguirre, Porto Rico, was born June 17, 1867, in Amherst. Mass. For many years he has been superintendent of the Ponce and Guavama Railroad. Carpenter, E. J., President of the Apollo Club. He resides at the McKnight Building Minneapolis, Minn. Carpenter, Elbert Lawrence,.. Lumber Manufacturer, of 900 First National Soo Line Building, Minneapolis, Minn., was born March 0, 1862, in Rochelle, 111. He was educated at Lake Forest Academy. Since 1893 he has been connected with the Shevlin-Carpenter Company, and is now president of the ShevlinConipany,the Shev- lin, Carpenter and Clarke Company, and AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 135 the Shevlin-Clarke Company, Limited. He is also president of the Orchestral Associa tion of Minneapolis; and a member of the Civic Commission, and a director of the First National Bank, and of the Minnea polis Trust Company. He is a member of the Minneapolis Club, the Interlacken Club the Woodhill Club, and the La Fayette Club. In 1890 he married Miss Florence Welles of Clinton, Iowa; and they have one son and one daughter; and reside at 314 Clifton Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Carpenter, F. S., Director, of 201 Second Building, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the State Savings and Trust Com pany and other corporations. Carpenter, Fred Green, Artist and Paint ing Instructor, of 334 Tuxedo Boulevard, Webster Groves, St. Louis, Mo., was born in 1882 in Nashville, Tenn. He was educat ed at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, and at Julien Academy of Paris, France. He is noted artist and instructor of draw ing in the St. Louis School of Fine Arts. In 1918 he received a silver mfdal from the Pan-American Exposition. He executed the fine historical decorations in the new Mis souri Capitol Building. He is a member of the Two By Four Society of St. Louis. In 1914 he married Miss Mildred Bailey; and they have one son and reside in Webster Groves, Mo.; and maintain a summer home in Wyalusing, Wis. Carpenter, J. S., President of the Des Moines Association of Fine Arts. He re sides in Des Moines, Iowa. Carpenter, Mrs. John Alden, President of the Arts Club of Chicago. Her address is 608 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Carpenter, W. T., Business President, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Moju Rubber Planta tions and Development Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Carr, Ashton L., Director, of 33 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the East Boston Terminal Railroad Com pany and other corporations. Carr, Clyde M., President of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He resides at 1130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Carr, Frederick D., Director,of Us Rich mond Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Manufacturing Jewelers Board of Trade/and other corporations. Carr, George Russell, Manufacturing Chemist, of 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 23, 1877, in Augusta, 111. In 1901 he received the degree of B.S. from the University of Illinois. Since 1901 he has been associated with the Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works, and its successor, the Dearborn Chemical Com pany, of which he is now vice-president and general manager. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association; the Uni versity Club, the Onwentsia Club and the Country Club. Carr, H. H., President of the Elkhart Choral Society, with a mixed chorus of one-hundred voices. He resides in Elkhart, Ind Carr, Herbert J., Exporter and Oil Mer chant, of 65 Broadway, New York City, was born Oct. 5, 1867, in New York City. He was educated in the public schools and at the College of the City of New York. Since 1899 he has been head of, and since 1912 has been managing director of the Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Company, Limit ed, in the United States. He is also presi dent of Can* Brothers, Limited, of London ; and treasurer of the Amerada Petroleum Corporation. He is a member of the Bank er s Club and the Pan-American Society. In 1913 he married Miss Augusta Gold of New York City; and has one son and one daughter; and resides at 2 East Fifty- sixth Street, New York City. Carr, Malholn M., Business President, of Fostoria, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the tional Bank of Commerce and other cor- rations. Carr, Samuel, Director,of 96 Ames Build ing, Boston, Mass.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Agricultural Chemical Com pany and other corporations. 136 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Carr, Julian Shakespeare, Member of va rious religious, educational and industrial clubs, societies and organizations. He was born Oct. 12, 1845, in Chapel Hill, N.C.; and; was educated at the University of North Carolina. He served in the Confede rate Army during the Civil War. He is president of the Black well Durham Tobac co Company, the Durham and Koxboro Railroad, the First National Bank of Dur ham, and other corporations. He has dona ted liberally to churches and other organi zations. In 1900 he was a candidate for United States Senator. The Carr Building is one of the handsomest buildings of the University of North Carolina. He resides in Durham, N.C.; and also maintains a home in Washington, D.C. Carr, Samuel, Member of the St. Botolph Club. He was born Nov. 18, 1848, in Boston Mass. He is a director of the Old Colony Trust Company and other corporations. He resides at 403 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Carr, Samuel L., Treasurer and Director, of 504 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer of the R.H. White Company; is prominent in public affairs, and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Carr, S. D., Business President, of Tole do, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Na tional Bank of Commerce and other ocr- porations. Carr, W. C., Business President, of Tole do, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Floyd Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Carre, Henry Beach, Clergyman and Theologian, of Nashville, Tenn. He is head of the department of Biblical Theology and English Exegesis in the School of Religion of Vanderbilt University. Carrey, B. R., President of the Festival Chorus. He resides at 1354 Union St., Sche- nectady, N.Y. Carrier, Craig, Business President, of Merchants Exchange Building, San Fran- c : sco, Cal ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Amer ican Products Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Carrington, Augustus B., Business Presi dent, of 200 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Estates Settle ment Company, and a director in other corporations. Carrington, Campbell.Lawyer and Finan cier, of 40 Exchange Place, New York Ci ty, was born in Washington, D.C. He gra duated from the University of Maryland. He is president and director of the Syndi cates Corporation, director of the Simms 13 Magneto Company; director of the Com- bu<to Devices Corporation; director and vice-president of the Van Kannel Revolv ing Door Company; director of the Wels- bach Street Lighting Company; director of the Cities Illuminating Company, Incorpo rated ; director of the United States Light - in.", 1 and Heating Company; and a member of the Carrington and Carrington pi Balti more^, Md. He is a member of the Manhat tan Club, the City Club, the Whitehall Club, the Clover Valley Club, the Gun Club the Lawyers Club, the Stamford Yacht Club, the Wee Burn Golf Club, the Balti more Country Club, the Maryland Country Club, the Sound Beach Country Club, and the Country Club. Carrington, Edward Codrington, Lawyer and Statesman, of 27 William Street, New York City, was born on April 10, 1872, in Washington, D.C. In 1894 he began the practice of law in Baltimore; and special izes in corporation law. He has been a member on the staff of Governor Golds- borough, with rank of Colonel. In 1912 he was campaign manager for Maryland for Theodore Roosevelt ; and the same year was delegate-at-large to the Republican Natio nal Convention. In 1912 he was a member of the Progressive National Committee; and chairman of Progressive State Com mittee of Maryland. In 1914 he was the regular Republican nominee for the United States Senate. He is a member of the Ma ryland State Bar Association; and a mem ber of the City Club. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 137 Carrington, Henry S., Business President of 29 Moore Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 17, 1890, in New York City, and was educated at Yale College. Since 1911 he has been a member of Bliven and Carrington, of which he is now presi dent. He is also secretary and director of the EZ-Way Motor Grease Company. For a number of years he was president of the Campion Motor Oil Company. In 1922 he married Miss Evelyn IW. Waller; and they reside at 140 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and at Westbury, Long Island, N.Y. Carroll, Mrs. Armond, President of the Atlanta Music Study Club, with a member ship of five hundred and fifty men and wo men and thre hundred and fifty juveniles. She resides at West Peachtree Street, At lanta, Ga. Carroll, John Alexander, Member of the South Shore Country Club, the Olympia Fields Club, the Chicago and Cook County Bankers Association, and the Chicago Real Estate Board. He was born Feb. 6, 1899, in Ontario, Canada. He is president of the Hyde Park State Bank, and president of the South Shore State Bank. He has been president of the Chicago and Cook County Bankers Association. He resides at Fifty- third Street, and Lake Park Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Carroll, Otis S., Director, of 40 Wall Street, New T York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Pohl- Abbott Construction Company Carroll, Peter F., Business Man and Tru stee, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies^He is a member of the firm of Koner and Com pany of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a trustee of the East Brooklyn Savings Bank. Carruth, John G., Manufacturer and Ca pitalist, of Philadelphia, Pa., was born on Feb. 25, 1851,. HI Paisley, Scotland. He is president of the Industrial Trust, Title and Savings Company; and a director in other financial and industrial corporations. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Carry, Edward, Francis, Business Presi dent, of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago, 111., was born on May 16, 1867, in Fort Wayne, Ind. In 1888-99 he was secre tary of the Wells and French Company; 1899-1915 first vice-president and manager of the American Car and Foundry Compa ny ; and since 1916 president of the Haskell and Barker Company. He served in the World s War as Chairman of the Port and Harbor Facilities Commission. He is a member of the Midday Club, the Onwentsia Club and the Chicago Club. He married Miss Mabel Under wood; and resides at 1519 North State Parkway, Chicago, 111. Carse, Henry R., Business President, of 5 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Submarine Boat Corpo ration, and a director in other corpora tions. Carsley, Willis E., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 256 Border Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Bertelsen and Petersen En^inering Companv, and other corporations. Carstensen, John, Director of Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Genesse Falls Railway Company and other corporations. Carter, Albert P., Lawyer and Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Alden Speared Sons Company, and other corporations. Carter, Charles D., Business Man and Congressman, of Ardmore, Okla., was born Aug. 16, 1868, at Boggy Depot, Choctaw Nation Indian Territory. He served as su perintendent of Indian schools; and was a member of the Chickasaw Council. In 1906 he was secretary and vice-chairman of the First Democratic Committee in the State of Oklahoma. Since 1905 he has been a mem ber of Carter and Cannon, fire insurance ; and a director of the City National Bank of Ardmore. He is a member of the Chick asaw Club, the Lake Country Club,the Ard more Rod Club and the Gun Club. Since 1907 he has been a member of Congress 138 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Carroll, Charles H., Business President, of Toledo, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Parkside Realty Company and other corpo- and other corporations. Carter, Edith, I res id out of the MacDo- well Club. She resides at 305 North Wil low Street, Chattanoga, Term. Carter, George H., Member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 5, 1859, in Boston, Mass. He has been alder man and mayor of Chelsea, Mass. He is now treasurer and general manager of the I), and L. Slade Company, of 189 State Street, Boston, Mass. He is also treasurer and general manager of the William G. Bell Company, and a director of the Chel sea Trust Company. He has been president of the Chelsea Board of Trade, president of the Mayor s Club of Massachussetts, president of the New England Business federation, and identified with numerous other organizations. He married Miss Lil lian Bates; and reside at 1871 Common wealth Avenue, Brighton, Mass. Carter, George William, Clergyman and Author, of 5 East Forty-eighth Street, New York City, was born Jan. 4, 1867, in Rosa- rio, Argentine. He was educated at the Wesleyan University, Yale University, the Oxford University of England, and ac the New York University. Since 1907 he has been general secretary of the New York Bible Society. He is the author of A Com parison Between Zoroastrianism and Juda ism. He is a member of the Old Colony Club, the/ University Club, and the Clergy Club. Carter, Robert A., Business President, of 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Ball Electrical Illuminating Company, and a director in other corporations. Carter, William T., Business Man and Di rector, of 11 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Carter Gough and Company. He is a member of the board of managers of the Howard Sav ings Institution; and a director of the Pru- tLntial Insurance Company of America. and a director of the American Insurance Company of Newark, N.J. Carver, Eugene P., Lawyer and Director of 110 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Insurance Com pany and other corporations. Carveth, Hector R., Business rresident, of 709 Sixth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific R. and H. Chemical Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Gary, Guy, Director, of 55 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic Fruit Company and other corpora tions. Case, J. Frank, Yice-President and Di rector, of 23 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born March 24, 1881, in New York City; and was educated in the public schools and at the New York Uni versity. Since 1908 he has been in the sales department of the Ceesman-Elliot Company of which he is now vice-president. Case, James Thomas, Member of the Chi cago Athletic Club, was born Jan. 5, 1882, in San Antonio, Texas. In 1899-1900 he at tended the University of California; and in 190& graduated with the degree of M.D. from the American Medical Missionary College, which institution was later merged into the University of Illinois Medical School. In 1908-10 he was house-surgeon of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. In 1912 he has been professor of roentgenology at the Northwestern University Medical School. In 1907 he was commissioned Major oi the Medical Reserve Corps commanding ambul ance Company; but was detached and sent to France as senior consultant in roentgen ology in general charge of the x-ray work of Expeditionary Forces during the great war, with the grade of lieutenant-colonel. In 1916-18 he was editor of the American Journal of Roentgenology; and now edits the Annals of Roentgenology, of New York City. He is the author of X-Ray Examina tion of the Alimentary Tract, in four vol-. umes. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 139 Cosalasco, Pierre, Business President, of 290 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Rye Country Club, of Rye, N.Y., and various other clubs and societies. He was born in Nice, France ; and was edu cated at the Nice University. He is presi dent of the Pierre Operating Corporation; is prominent in business and public affairs; and has held various positions of trust and honor. He married Miss Lillian Harbord; and they reside at 290 Park Avenue, New York City. Caspary, Arthur A,, Business President, of 1204 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Jtle is president, treasurer, and director of the Hair Net Importing Company, Incorpora ted. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has filled va rious positions of trust and honor. Oass, Alonzo Beecher, Business President of 716 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, Cal., was born July 4, 1856, in Albion, N.Y. Since 1904 he has been president of the Home and South California Telephone Company; and is also a director in the Sec ond Trust and Savings Bank ; and vice-pre sident in other corporations. He has been president of the Chamber of Commerce; and president of the Young Men s Chris tian Association. He is a member of the California Club, the Jonathan Club, the Sunset Club, and the San Gabriel Country Club; and is a prominent Mason. He mar ried Miss Emily S. Tufts; and his second wife, Mrs. Martha T. Muir; and they have a family of ten sons and two daughters^; and reside at 1601 South Fair Oaks Ave"- nue, South Pasadena, Cal. Cass, Louis Stephen, Railroad President of Waterloo, Iowa; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born May 6, 1865, in Vernon County, Wis.; and re ceived an academic education. Since 1905 he has been president of the Waterloo, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railroad; and since 1917 has been president of the Kan sas City and Northwestern Railway. He is also vice-president of the American Short Line Railroad Association of Washington, D.C. In 1885 he married Miss Lilla Em- iron::,; and tlioy hciv? one daughter, and re side in Waterloo, Iowa. Cassatt, E. B., Business President, of 815 Society for Savings Building, Cleve land, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cassam Realty Company and other corporations. Castellini, J. J., Vice-President and Di rector, of 118 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, the Hyde Park Business Club, the Evanston Welfare Association, the Business Men s Club, the Cuvier Press Club, and the Cincinnati Automobile Club; and is a Knight of Columbus and other fraternal organizations. He was born on March 14, 1876, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1896 he has been in business for himself in the name of J. J. Castellini. He is pre sident of the United Fruit Auction Compa ny, vice-president of the American Ice- Cream Company, and a director of the Fifth-Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is treasurer of the Italian Red Cross. In 1898 he married Miss Eleanor Cooney; and they have a family of six sons, and reside at 1242 Edwards Road, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Casterline, C. L., Business President, of Findley, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Corpoot Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Castiglioni, Paul, Business President, of 25 Fontain Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Notaflaw Webbing Com pany arid other corporations. Castle, Charles C., Vice-President and Director, of 50 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Anglo-American Varnish Company of Newark, N. J . ; First vice-president of the National Railway Appliance Company; and a director in other corporations. Castle, Wilmot, Member of various ciubs and societies. He was born Feb. 7, 1855, in Potts ville, Pa. He is president of the Wil mot Castle Company, 18 Exchange Street, Rochester. He is a trusett of the Roches ter Chamber of Commerce, He resides at 410 Westminster Road, Rochester, N.Y. Catchings, Wadill, Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of 140 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Wholesale Corporation and other corporations. Cathcart, Gerry, Business President, of 414 New* Clinton Building, Columbus, Ohio and a member of vorious clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Cathcart Com pany and other corporations. Catlin, Donald C., Business President, of 60 Broadway^ New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Proprietary Mines Compa ny of America, and president of the Pro- videncia Mining and Milling Company. He is a director of the Mineral Development Company, and of other corporations. Catlin, Mrs. Louisa Card, President of the Art Club of Erie, Pa. She resides in Erie, Pa. Catt, Carrie Chapman, Mf^nber of the Woman s Club. She was born in Ripon, Vfis. She is president of the International Woman Suffrage Association; and has lec tured in almost every country of Europe. She resides at 404 Riverside Drive, New York City. Catts, Robert M., Business President, of 920 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ritz Realty Corporation, and a director of the Merchants and Man ufacturers Exchange of New York. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled various posi tions of trust and honor. Catts, Sidney Johnston, Clergyman and Statesman, of Tallahassee, Fla., was born July 30, 1863, near Pleasant Hill, Ala. He is prominently identified with the religious educational and public welfare of his state. He was Governor of the State of Alabama for the term of 1917-21. Caldwell, John Britton, Member 01 the Century Club. He was born Aug. 28, 1855, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was a member of the National Advisory Boards of Buffalo, St. Louis, and San Francisco Exposition. He resides at 7 West Forty-third Street, New York City. Cavalier, William, Director, of First Na tional Bank Building, Oakland, Cal.; and c. member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce .and other corporations. Cave, John A., Corporation Officer and treasurer, of the Promenade, R.I. ; and a member *f the Agawam Hunt Club, of which he is treasurer, and also a member of the Turks Head Club. He was born in New York City. Since 1914 he has been as sistant secretary of the Brown and Sharp Manufacturing Company, is director of ths Cheapside Land Company, secretary of the Pleasant Land Valley Company, and an officer of other corporations. Chace, Arnold B., Business President, of Albion, R.I. ;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pro vidence Land and Wharf Company, and a director in other corporations. Chace, Malcolm G., Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Chace and Harriman, Incorporated, and a director in other cor porations. Chadbourne, Thomas L., Director, of 14 W r all Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Ahmeek Mining Company and other corporations. Chadwick, William C., Lawyer, of 350 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich. ; w r as born Oct. 17, 1860, in Angola, Ind. He was educatecl at the University of Michigan. Since 1882 he has been an attorney at law. He has been Judge of Commissioners Court at Hillsdale, Mich. He is a prominent mem ber of the Masonic Lodge. He married Miss Minnie S. Williams; and they have a fami ly of three sons and one daughter, and re side at 4368 Virginia Park Avenue, Detroit Mich. Chafee, Henry, S., Director, of 9 Coa- ding Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He h director of the Blackstone Canal National Bank and other corporations. Chaffey, A. M., Business President, 01 Hibernian Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the California Bank, Los Angeles, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 141 Chaffee, George T., Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 25, 1857, in Rutland, Vt. He is president of the Auto Club of Vermont. In 1885 he mar ried Miss Mellie L. Stoddard,and they nave a family of one son and two daughters; i,nd reside at 16 South Main Street, Rut land, Vt. Chafin, Eugene Wilder, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov 1, 1852, in East Troy, Wis. In 1886-90 he was Grand Chief Templar of the Wisconsin Templars. He has been the prohibition candidate for President of the United States. He is the author of Lives of the Presidents. He re sides at 915 Stanley Avenue, Long Beach, Cal. Chalmers, William James, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born July 16, 1852, in Chicago, 111. He was vice-president of the great Allis Engine Works of Milwau kee, and known as the Allis Chalmers Com pany. He resides at 1100 Lake Shore Drive Chicago, 111. Chamberlain, Francis Asbury, Member of the Minneapolis Club. He was born Ap ril 20, 1855, in Bangor, Maine. He is chair man of the board of trustees of the First And Security National Bank. He resides at 2312 Blaisdell Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Chamberlain, J. W., Director, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Flanner Water Company and other corporations. Chamberlain, Lawrence, Business Presi dent, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the/Greenwich Country Club, and the Indian Harbor Yacht Club. He was born Oct. 10, 1878, in New York City; and was educated at the Phillips Academy of Andover, and at Yale Univer sity. Since 1906 he has been in the bond business with Kountze Brothers and with Hemphill, White and Chamberlain. He is president of Lawrence Chamberlain and Company, Incorporated; president of the Bankers Book Company ; and Chairman of the Education Committee of the Invest ment Banking Association. He is a director of the Rubay Body Company, the Great Eastern Paper Company, the International Abrasive Corporation, the Piggly-Wiggly Fairfield Company, the Struthers-Wells Company, and the Consolidated Machine Tool Corporation of America. He lias been a lecturer and author of Principles of Bond Investments. In 1918 he married Miss Ed na Owens Williams, of London, England; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 471 Park Ave nue, New York City. Chambers, Arthur D., Treasurer and Di rector, of 90 West Street, and East Orange N.J. ; and a meber of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Harlem Transfer Company and other corpora tions. Chambers, Hilary R., Business President of 111 Williams Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Clean Lake Ice Company of New York, and a director in other corporations. Chambers, Leo L., Business Man and Pianist, of 1450 Twenty-first Street. De troit, Mich., was born in 1890 in Courtright Ontario. Canada. He was educated at the Michigan Agricultural College, and at the Detroit Business University. He is secre tary-treasurer of the Detroit Laundry Ma chinery and Supply Company. He is a pia nist of note, and was with the American Federation of Musicians. He is a member of the Masonic Country Club, and other clubs and societies. In 1915 he married Miss Vida R. LaMeasure; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 6399 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Chamot, Emile Monnin, Educator and Author of Ithaca, N.Y., was born in 1868. Since 1910 he has been professor of Sani tary Chemistry, and Chemical Microscophy in the Cornell University of Ithaca. He is the author of several Chemical Mono graphs. Champlin, Edgar R., Business President, of John Hancock Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Massachussetts Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Champlin, George B., Business President of 116 Chestnut Street, Providence, R.I; and a member of various clubs and socle- 142 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST ties. He is president of the United Wire and Supply Company and other corpora tions. Chandler, Harry, Director, of Los Ange les Times, of Los Angeles, Cal.; and is a meber of various clubs and societies. He is director of Automobile Club of South ern California, Los Angeles and other cor porations. Chandler, John G., Business President, of 30 North Market Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the George P. Cox Last Company, and a director in other cor porations. Channell, Charles Arthur, Manufacturer of 4501 South Western Boulevard, Chicago 111., was born March 15, 1876, in Montreal Canada. He is a real descendant of Daniel Webster of K evolutionary fame, and a de scendant of other Revolutionary War vete rans. He was educated at Wesleyan Col lege. Since 1906 he has been engaged in business on his own account, and since 1908 he has been president of the Channell Chemical Company, manufacturers of 0- Cedar products. He is also chairman of the Board of Directors of the Channell Chemi cal Company, Limited, of England. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, and the Chicago Auto Club. In 1903 lie married Mis Amelia Plambeek;and they have a family of one son and one daughter and reside at 406 Barry Avenue, Chicago, 111. Channing, Edward, President of the Aerican Historical Association. He resides in Cambridge, Mass. Chapal, Antonin, Business President, of 415 Willughby Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Hatters Fur Exchange, and director in other corpora tions. Chapek, J. V., Business President, of 4911 Clark Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Clark Avenue Savings Bank and other corporations. Chapin, Arthur B., Business President, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He . is president of the American Trust Com pany, and a director in other corpora tions. Chapin, Mrs. Ellie Lines, Member of the Eastern Star, Of Pine Meadow, Conn. She is the Most Worthy Grand Matron of the General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star for the term of 1920-22. Chapin, Francis Stuart, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 3, 1888, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a director of the Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He is the author, of A Historical Introduction to Social Eco nomy. He resides at 63 Dryads Green, Northampton, Mass. Chapin, Henry K.,Vice-President and Di rector, of 410 South Michigan Avenue, Chi cago, 111.; and a member of the University Club, the Exmoor Country Club, and the Chicago Yacht Club. He was born Aug. 7, 1879, in Niles, Mich.; and was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy. He is vice-president of the Zourie Me tals Company, and a director of the India na and Michigan Electric Companies. He is one of the managing trustees of the Es tate of Charles A. Chapin. In 1907 he mar ried Miss Elizabeth Crandall; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 2430 Lake view Avenue, Chicago, 111. Chapin, Lowell M M Member of various clubs and societies, was born in 1885 in Niles, Mich. In 1909 he graduated from Yale University. He is president and gene ral manager of the Zouri Drawn Metals Company ; president and general manager of the International Store Front Company; a director and treasurer of the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Play house Company; and treasurer of the Indi ana and Michigan Electric Company. In 1911 he married Miss Elizabeth Chalifaux of Lowell, Mass. ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter. Chapin, Roy Dikeman, Member of the Detroit Club. He was born Feb. 23, 1880, in Lansing, Mich. Since 1910 he has been president of the Hudson Motor Car Com pany. He resides at Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 143 Chaplin, Charles Spencer, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born in 1889 in Paris. His stage career was in the London Theatre, in Rags and Riches, and as Billy in Sherlock Holmes. His screen career began with the Keystone Essanay, in The Rink, Easy Street, The Imigrant, and The Adventurer. He is now starring with the first Exhibition Circuit, a compa ny of his own formation. His best known productions are A Dogs-Life, A Days Plea sure, Sunnyside, The Kid and Vanity Fair. His home is in Los Angeles, Cal. Chapman, Charles F., Business President of 915 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Twenty-third Street Re alty Company and other corporations. Chapman, Elverton R., Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Aug. 5, 1848, in New York City. He is president of the Flatbush Gas Company, and other corporations. He resides in Great Neck, Long Island, N. Y. Chapman, Elverton R., Business Presi- a member of various clubs and societies, dent, of 80 Broadway, New York City and He is president of the Elverton Land Com pany, and a director in other corpora tions. Chapman, Melville D., Business Presi dent of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chapman Coal and Coke Company, and a director in other cor porations. Chapman, Washington H.,Mechanical En gineer and Business Man, of 6194 Green wood Avenue, Detroit, Mich., was born on Dec. 27, 1876, in Monroe County, Mich. In 1901 he received the degree of B.S. and Equipment of Buildings, and is now Ownfcr M.E. from the University of Michigan. In 1901 he has been engaged in Mechanical of the Chapman Company. He has been Mechanical Engineer for Smith Hinchman and Grylls. He is a member of the Ameri can Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Detroit Engineering Society. He re sides at 850 Blaine Avenue, Detroit Mich. Chapman, Mrs. William Rogers, Presi dent of the Rubinstein Club, with a mem bership of three hundred persons. She re sides at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City. Chappie, Joseph Mitchell, Editor, Jour nalist, Publisher and Author, of 952 Dor chester Avenue, Boston, Mass., was born July 18, 1867, in LaPorte City, Iowa. He received the degree of M.A. from Cornell College^ and the degree of LL.D. from Lin coln Memorial University. In 1897 he toe* charge of The Bostonian, and afterward changed its name to National Magazine. He is the authqr of The Minor Chord, The Heart Chord, Harding the Man, and nu merous other works. His firm, the Chappie Publishing Company, are the publishers of Heart Throbs and Heart Songs and other Books. Chaput, Paul, Merchant and Vice-presi dent, of 209 Washington Street, Salem, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 25, 1862, in Saint Damase, Quebec, Canada, In 1885- 1908 he was the owner of four stores, of which he sold. He is vice-president of the Bay States Mutual Fire Insurance (Jompa- ny, of Lawrence, Mass.; and treasurer of the Le Bourrier Publishing Company, of Salem, Mass. He has been a member of the Common Council, and Alderman-at-large of Salem, Mass. He married Miss Josephine Brulotte of Quebec; and they have one son and reside in Salem, Mass. Charters, George A., Member of the Wil- shire Country Club and the Jonathan Country Club of Los Angeles, Cal. He was born March 18, 1872 in Cleveland, Ohio. He is vice-president of the Stewart Trust Company of Los Angeles. In 1919-22 he was president of Charters-Davis Company of Corona, Cal. He resides at 675 South Ardmore Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Chase, Charles E., Member of the Hart ford Club. He was born March 29, 1857, in Dubuque, Iowa. In 1894-1906 he was presi dent of the Hartford Board of Underwri ters. He resides at 685 Prospect Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Chase, George Henry, Member of Har vard Club of Boston, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Archaeological Insti tute of America. He is professor of archeo- 144 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST logy at Harvard University. He resides at 12 Shady Hill Square, Cambridge, Mass. Chase, Kelsey Stillman, Member of the Minnesota Club. He was born April 15, 1878, in Crookston, Minn. Since 1914 ne has been president of the People s Bank of St Paul. He resides at 821 Lincoln Avenue Saint Paul, Minn. Chase, L. C., Business President, of 405 Comstock Building, Mansfield, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mid West Flour Mills Company, and a director in other cor porations. Chauncey, George W., Business Presi dent, of 187 Montague Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ridgewood Land and Improvement Company, and a director in other corporations. Chenery, William E., Surgeon and Trus tee, of 377 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Boston City Club, the Harvard Club of Boston, the Sons of the American Revolution, and the American Medical Association. He was born June 14, 1864, in Wis.casset, Maine, and was educated at the Boston Latin School, and at Harvard Medical School. He is Surgeon-in-chief of the Boston dis pensary; and professor of Laryngology at Tufts Medical College. He is director of the Boston North End Mission; and a tru stee of the Boston University. In 18P7 he married Miss Marion Luse Chenery ; and they reside at 377 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Cheney, Charles, Treasurer and Director of 215 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Manchester Electric Company and other corporations. Cheney, Mrs. Howell, President of the Art Society of Hartford. She resides in Hartford!, Conn. Cheney, Orion Howard, Lawyer and Bank President, of 78 Madison Avenue, New York City. He was educated at the Drake University, the University of Michi gan, and the New York University, and has received the degree of LL.B. For ten years he was engaged in banking before beginning the practice of law. In 1909-11 he was State superintendent of banks, and is now president of the Pacific Bank of New York City. He is a member of the Union League and other clubs. Cheney, Howell, Member of the Lotos Club. He was born Jan. 1, 1870, in Hart ford, Conn. He is a trustee of the Manches ter Savings Bank. He resides in Hartford, Conn. Cheney, Louis Richmond, Member of the Hartford Club. He was born April 27, 1869 in South Manchester, Conn. In 1879-93 he was engaged in Silk Manufacturing. In 1896-1902 he was mayor of Hartford, Conn. He resides at Woodland Street, Hartford, Conn. Chenoweth, Catharine Richardson, foun der &ttd philanthropist. She was born in New York. In 1907 she was a delegate to the international peace conference. She is a member of the Red Cross society. She resides at 34 East Thirty-second Street, New York City. Cherry, Henry Hardin, Educator and College President, of Bowling Green, Ky., was born Nov. 16, 1864, in Bowling Green, Ky. He graduated from the Southern Nor mal School and Bowling Green Business Un iversity. He then started a private institu tion, now known as the Western Kentucky State Normal School, of which he is pre sident. He is a member of the State Edu cational Commission and the Executive Council. Cherry, John W., Insurance Broker, of 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 1, 1885, in Palmyra, 111. He was educated at Palmyra High School, the Drake University, and the Illinois College of Law. He was the organizer and is the owner and manager of the Cherry Commer cial Agency. He organized and is president of the Bankers Auto Insurance Association and is secretary and treasurer of the Ban kers Insurance Exchange. He js a member of various lodges; and a member of several fraternal and patriotic orders. In 1912 he married Miss Alelia Maxine Powers; and they have a family of one son; and reside at 1506 Forest Park Avenue, Wilmette, m, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 145 Cherry, William S., Business President, of 275 Westminster Street, Providence,R.I. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Urban Realty Company, and a director in other corpo rations. Chester, Colby M., Vice-President, and Director, of 366 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Atlantic Potash Company. He is a direc tor of the Collegiate Realty Company, the Continental Salvage Association, the In- terocean Submarine Engineering Company, the Putnam Trust Company, and other corporations. Chesterton, Arthur W., Business Presi dent, of 64 India Stret, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the A. W. Chesterton Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Chevalier, J. C., Secretary and Director, of 110 Wooster Street, New York City; and a member of the Lakewood Republican Club of New York, the Racquet Club of Philadelphia and the Advertising Club of New York City. He was born Oct. 8, 1884, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educated at the Friend s Central School,and at Swarth- more College. Since 1916 he has been secre tary of the New York Theatre Program Corporation; and is also president of G.L. Mitchell and Staff, an advertising agency. In 1916 he married Miss Kathryne A. Mc- Bride; and they reside at 25 Fifth Avenue New York City. Chew, Frank K., Editor, Vice-President, of 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He was born Feb. 2, 1858, in Salem, N.J. Since 1875 he has been engaged in the sheet me tal and plumbing business. Since 1893 he has been editorial representative, associate editor,managing editor, and editor of what is now The Sheet Metal Worker, puoiisned by the Edwin A. Scott Publishing Company of which he is vice-president. In 1895 he married Miss Lena M. Walker; who died in 1921. He has one son, now in Cornell University, and resides in Newark, N.J. Chick, Isaac W., Business President, of 646 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the John H. Pray and Sons Company, and a director in other corporations. Chick, William C., Director, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Newburyport Gas and Electric Com pany and other corporations. Chickering, Allen Lawrence, Lawyer and Director,of the Merchants Exchange build ing, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of the Pacific Union Club, and the University Club, the San Francisco Commercial Club, the Mount Diablo Country Club, and vari ous other clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 20, 1877; and received the degree of A.B. and LL.B. from the University of California. Since 1903 he has been a mem ber of the law firm of Chickering and Gre gory. He is vice-president of the Western States Gas and Electric Company; vice- president of the San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company; and a director of the Pratt-Law Preserving Company, the Santa Barbara Telephone Company, and the Schmidt Lithografic Company, in 1903 he married Miss Alma Sherman; and they have three sons and one daughter, and re side at 11 Sierra Avenue, Piedmont, Cal. Chilberg, John Edward, Member ot the Seattle Yacht Club. He was born Jan. 19, 1867, In Wapello County, Iowa. He is pre sident of the Miners and Merchants Bank, and other corporations. He resides at the New Washington Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Child, Catherine B., President of the Stuart Club. She resides at 102 Fenway, Boston, Mass. Childs, Arthur E., Business President, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Adams Gas Light Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Childs, George W., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central Leather Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. 10 146 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Childs, John A., Business President, was born Jan. 12, 1854, in Chicago, 111. He has been postmaster of Evanston. He is presi dent of the John A. Childs Printing Com pany of Chicago, 111. His address is 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., also Pasadena, Cal. Childs, Richard T., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 47 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hemp- stead Homes Corporation and other cor porations. Childs, William Hamlin, Manufacturer, of 17 Battery Place, New York City, was born March 7, 1857, in Hartford, Conn. He was educated at the Hartford High School. He engaged in manufacturing interests, and is president of the Barrett Manufac turing Company, and vice-president of the Bon Ami Company. He is a member of the Montauk Club, the Atlantic Yacht Club,the Indian Harbor Club, the Greenwich Count ry Club, the Union League Club, the Lotos Club of New York City, and India House; and president of the Blind Club; member of the executive committee of the Crucible Steel Company of America; and vice-presi dent of the Allied Chemical and Dye Cor poration. He resides at 53 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N.Y. Chilton, W. Pierce, President of Montgo mery Oratorio Society. He is connected with the Paragon Press.He resides in Mont gomery, Ala. Chilton, William Edwin, Lawyer and Statesman, of 1222 Virginia Street, Char leston, W.Va., was born March 17, 1858, in St. Albans, W.Va. He was educated in the public and private schools; by private tu tors and at Shelton College. Since 1880 he has been in practice of law in Charleston, \V.Y;i.; in 1891 was admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court. In 1893-97 he was secretary of State for West Virginia; and in 1911-17 he was United States Senator from West Virginia. In 1897 he was appointed colonel in the Natio nal Guard of West Virginia. He is a Mason Elk and Modern Woodman. Chisholm, Hugh J., Business President, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Maine Coated Paper Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Choate, Joseph K., Business President, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Augusta-Allen Rail way and Electric Corporation, vice-presi dent of the Eastern Pennsylvania Railway Company, vice-president of the J V G. White Management Corporation, vice-president of the Manila Electric Company, and other corporations. He is also president of the Morris Country Traction Company, presi dent of the White Audit Corporation, and a director of the American Matazas Com pany, and other corporations. Choven, H. 0., Chairman of the City Planning Comission. He resides in Great Falls, Montana. Chrestie, Robert E., Director, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Havana Tobacco Company and other corporations. Christopher, L. J., Business President of Wilcox Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Continental Securities Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Christy, L. B., Loan Broker, of 140 West Adams Street, Phoenix, Ariz., and is a Ma son, a Knight Templar and Shriner, and is a member of the Loyal Legion, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He was educated at the University of Southern Ca lifornia. He is a successful loan broker. He has been mayor of Phoenix, Ariz.; and commissioner on the addition to the Ari zona State Capitol. In 1897 he married Miss May E. Cuber, and they have a family of four daughters, and reside at Phoenix, Ariz. Church, Samuel H., President of Carne gie Institute. He resides in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. Churchill, Alfred Vance, In charge of Art Department at the Hillyer Art Gallery. He resides at the Smith College Northamp ton, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 147 Chute, Charles Lionel, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Aug. 4, 1882, in Sau- gus, Mass. Since 1913 he has been secreta ry of the New York State Probation Com mission. He resides at 25 South Main Street, Albany, N.Y. Cillis, Hubert, Director, of 50 Union Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. I^Ie is a direc tor of the American Fire Insurance Corpo ration and other corporations. Claflin, Adams D., Business President, of Newton Centre, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Boston Suburban Electric Com panies, and a director in other corpora tions. Claflin, Arthur W., Business President, of 70 South Main Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs arid socie ties. He is president of the Workingman s Loan Association and other corporations. Claflin, John, Trustee of many financial and charitable corporations. He was born July 24, 1850, in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and re ceived the degree of A.B. from the College of the City of New York. He has travelled extensively in America, Europe and the East. He organized The H. B. Claflin Com pany, wholesale dry goods merchants of New York Ctiy. He also organized the As sociated Merchants Company in 1900 ; and in 1909 organized the United Dry Goods Companies., of which he was president to 1914, when he retired. In 1890 he married Elizabeth Stewart Dunn, at Monterey, Cal. and they reside in Morristown, N.J. Claiborne, C. F., President of the Isaac Delgado Museum of Art. He resides at Ci ty Park, New Orleans, La. Clapp, Charles R., Business President, of 136 Huron Street, Toledo^ Ohio; and a member of various clubs fend societies. He is president of the Titan Oil and Gas Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Clapp, Eugene H., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 49 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer of the E. H. Clapp Rubber Company, and a director in other corporations. Olapp, Gilmer, Treasurer and Director, of 17 West Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is director of the American Pneu matic Service Company and other corpo rations. Clapp, Robert P., Lawyer and director, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Commercial National Bank of Boston and other corporations. Clapperton, Ge orge.Director, of 20 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Commercial Union Telegraph Company and other corporations. Clark, A. P., President of the Washing ton Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He 1 resides in Washington, D.C. Clark, Charles Martin, Treasurer and Director, of 346 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the American Cotton Oil Company and other corpora tions. Clark, Eli P., Member of the University Club, the University Club, and the Los An geles Cuntry Club. He was born Nov. 25, 1847, in Iowa City, Iowa. In 1877-87 he was territorial auditor for Arizona. He is president of the Los Angeles Pacific Rail way, president of the Mt. Hood Railway and Power Company, and president of the Clark and Sherman Land Company. He resides at 607 South Hill Street, Los An geles, Cal. Clark, E. W., Business President, of U- nion Oil Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ship Simla Cmpany Limited and a director in other corpora tions. Clark, Edward L., Business President, of 70 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs an<3 societies. He is president of the Merrimac Hat Corpora tion, and a director in various other cor porations. Clark, Elton, Director and Trustee, of 18 Post Office Square, Boston,. Mass., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Southern Field Petro leum Company and other corporations. 148 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Clark, Emory W., Member of the Detroit Club. He was born in 1809 in Detroit, Midi. He is a director of the Security Trust Company of Michigan and other cor porations. He resides at 174 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Clark, Frank S., President of the Scarab flub. He resides at 290 Woodward Ave nue, Detroit ,Mich. Clark, Frederick S., Manufacturer and Business President, of North Ballerica, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Oct. 9, 1850, in Bos ton, Mass. ; and was educated in the public schools f his native city. In 1867-83 he was connected with a wholesale paper house; and since 1885 has been treasure and man ager of the Talbot Mills, woolen manufac turers of North Billerica, Mass.., of which corporation he is now president. He is a director of the National Association of Woolen Manufacturers and President of the National Association of Woolen Man ufacturers. He has been president of the American Association of Woolen and Worsted Manufactories. He is a trustee of the Franklin Savings Bank of Boston. In 1883 he married Miss Isabella W. Talbot: and they have a family of three sons, and reside in North Billerica, Mass. Clark, George C., Director of 51 Wall Street, New York City, and a member of vnrius clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Agricultural Chemical Company and other corporations. Clarke, Hermann Frederick, Director of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and mem ber of varius clubs and societies. He is^ a director of the Vitrified Wheel Cmpany and other corporations. Clark, Ivor Bach, Secretary and Director 40 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of varius clubs and societies. He is secretary and a director of William A. White and Son, real estate dealers of New York City. Clark, J. William, Director, of 315 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Insurance Company and other corporations. Clark, James Kirkwood, of Los Angeles, Cal.j and a member of the Los Angeles Club and other clubs and societies. Clark, John Goodrich, Gynecologist, of 2017 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Pa. ; was born June 4, 1867 in Wayne Gouty, Ind. He was educated at Earlham College and the Ohio Wesleyan University; and re ceived the degree of M.D. from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. He did post-graduate work at the John Hopkins University of Baltimore, Md. He has been associate in gynecology at John Hopkins University; since 1899 he has been professor of gyne cology in the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the College of Physi cians of Philadelphia; and chairman of the gynecological and obstetrical section; and chairman of the Board of Public Instruc tion of the American Medical Association. He ip a contributor to medical journals. He is a member of the Country Club, the Uni versity Club, and of various other clubs and medical and scientific associations. Clark, Legrand L., Business President, of 401 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of T. W. and C. B. Sheridan oompany, president of the Sheridan Iron W^orks, and president of the S.C.Y.C. Real ty Company. He resides at Sea Cliff, Long Island. Clark, Melville, Harpist and Author, of 410 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N.Y., was born Sept. 12, 1883, in Syracuse, N.Y. He was educated in the grammar school, high school, business college and the Syra cuse University. He began business career in 1899. He is now president of the Clark Music Company ; and president of the Harp Manufacturing Company. He is the inventor of improvements, which have made possible a perfect portable harp, and has taken out eleven patents, at home and abroad on the Irish harp. He played in more than four thousand concerts in prin cipal cities of the United States, Canada and England. He was director and secre tary of the Central New York Music Fes tival Association, Incorporated ; member of the New York Music Teachers Association; president of Kiwanis Club; and first pres- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 149 ident of the National Association of Harp ists. He is a member of the National Arts Club of New York, and the Bellevue Golf Club. He was awarded silver medal at Tur in Exhibition in 1911. He is the author of Instructions for Playing the Harp. He per fected a plan of aerostation for delivering messages by balloons which was adopted by the British and United States Govern ments in the recent World- War. In 1921 he married Miss Dorothy Speich, a fine pianiste; and they reside at 214 Cornstalk Avenue, Syracuse, N.Y. Clark, Nelson S., Director, of 575 Fifth Avenue, New T York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of Willow Grass Rug Company and oth er corporations. Clark, Robert Fry, Member of the Uni versity Club, the Portland Ad. Club, the Progressive Business Mens Club, ( the Amer ican Sociological Society, the American A- cademy, the Economic Association. He is president of the Pacific University. In 1902-05 he was professor of Foreign Lan guages, at the Central College; in 1906-11, was principal of the Washburn Academy j and in 1913-14 was associate professor of Economics and Sociology at the Colgate University. He resides in Forest Grove, Ore. Clark, Solomon Henry, Educator and Author, of 6735 Oglesby Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born July 24, 1861. He is a reader and lecturer, and professor of public speaking, in the university of Chicago. He is the author of How to Read Aloud, Prac tical Public Speaking, Handbook of Best Readings, and other works He resides at (5735 Oglesby Avenue, Chicago, 111. Clark, Thomas A., Treasurer and Direct or, of 25 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Spirits Man ufacturing Company and other corpora tions. Clark, Walter Eli, Member of the Metro politan Club, the Chevey Chase Club of Washigton, th Rocky Mountain Club of New York, the Arctic Club of Seattle, and the Edgewood Club of Charleston, W. Va. Clark, Walter Gordon, Consulting Engi neer and Financier, of 149 Broadway, New York City, was born Oct. 23, 1876, in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was educated at Salt Lake Academy, California Technical School, and by private instruction. In 1899-1903 he organized Kilbourne and Clark Company, and was engaged in elec trical engineering; became manager of the electrical branch of the Ansonia Brass and Copper Company; arid president of the Parker-Clark Electric Company. He in vented a new electric lamp, the Helion Re sistance Unit, the Helion Air Burning Fil ament. He is cosulting engineer for Vic toria Falls and Transvaal Power Company and Granville Power Company of London, England ; the Texas Traction Company and Southern Traction Company of Dallas, Texas. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the A- merican Institute of Electrical Engineers, and other orgaizations. Clark, Walton, Member of various clubs and societies, and engineer of Broad and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., was born in 1856 in Utica,. N.Y. He is vice-president of the United States Gas and Improvement Company. Clark, William A., Business President, of 20 Excliange Place, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Butte Electric Railway. Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Clark, William B., President of the A etna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., was born in June, 1841, in Hartford Conn. When sixteen years old he entered the office of the Phoenix Insurance Com pany as bookeeper, and remained with that compay for eleven years, the last four as secretary. He was elected vice-president secretary. Mr. Clark joined the Aetna in 1868 as assistant secretary. He was elected vice-president in September, 1888, and was elected president on Nov. 30, 1892. He was vice-president of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in 1894 and 1895, and was elected to the presidency of the board in 1896. 150 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Clarke, Audley, Business President, of 527 Smith Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Audley Clarke Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Clarke, Charles E. F., Business Presi dent, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci- eties.He is president of the Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Clarke, Elizabeth Crocker Lawrence, is a Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Nov. 11, 1861, in Lancaster, Mass. In 1909-11 she was president of the Students Aid Association of Smith College of Mas sachusetts; and devotes much time to lo cal civic questions. She resides in Wil- liamstown, Mass. Clarke, Lewis L., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Equitable Fire and Po lice Fund, and a director in other corpora tions. Clarke, Marie, President of the Girl s Musical Club, with a membership of thir ty-eight. She resides at 1702 Avenue L, Galveston, Texas. Clarke, Thomas Benedict, Art Collector and Connoisseur, of 7 East Fortieth Street, New York City, was born Dec. 11, 1848, in New York City. He was educated at the Mount Washington Collegiate Institution of New York City. He has devoted a life time to the collection of Works of Art; and in 1899 sold a collection of works of American Artists for two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. He is a mem ber of the National Academy of Design, the American Fine Art Society, the Amer ican Museum of Natural History, the Met ropolitan Club, the Brook Club, the Man hattan Club, the Union League Club, the Lambs Club, the New York Yacht Club, the New York Athletic Club and various other clubs and societies. He married Fanny E. Morris, now deceased ; and has one son liv ing, and resides at 22 East Thirty-fifth Street, New York City. Clarke, Walter L., City Treasurer, of Ci ty Hall, Providence, R. I.; and a member of the Central Club. He was born in 1856 in Scituate, R. I. Since 1901 he has been city treasurer of Providence, R.I. [n 1880 he married Miss Mattie B. Alden; and they have a family of one son, and reside in Providence, R.I. Clause, William Lewis, Member of the Duquesne Club. He was born Nov. 6, 1868, in Homer, Ohio. Since 1899 he has been president of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. He resides in Sewickley, Pa. Clausen, Henry W., Office and Credit Manager, of 2201 Wabansia Avenue, Chi cago, 111., -was born July 6, 1882, in Chica go, 111. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Chicago and a grad uate of the Armour Institute of Technolgy. In 1904-19 he was employed in engineering work and was assistant city engineer, City of Chicago. He is nowo ffice and credit manager of the C. D. Osborn Company, glove manufacturers,, of Chicago. In 1908 he married Miss Marguerite Osborn; and they have one daughter; and reside at 1371 East Forty-eighth Street, Chicago, 111. Claxton, Mary Hannah Johnson, Mrs. Philander P. Claxton, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born in Nashville, Ten. She organized the first system in the South for supplying and sending books to the public schools. She resides at 1717 La- mont Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Clay, John, Merchant, of 4030 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Chicago Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born April 24, 1851, in Winfield, Berwind-on-Tweed, England. He was the principal organi/er of the Live Stock Commission firm of Clay, Robinson and Company, now John Clay and Compa ny. In 1881 he married Miss Forrest of Highland Park, 111.; and they have one son, and reside at 4030 Lake Park Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Clement, Percival Wood, Meml> r of the New York Yacht Club. He was born July 7, 1846, in Rutland, Yt. In 1882-1902 he was president of the Rutland Railroad Company. He is the owner of the Rutland Herald. In 1919-20 he was governor of the State of Vermont. He resides in Montclair Vt. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 151 Clements, Thomas, Director, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Milestone Publishing Company and other corpora tions. Clews, Henry, Member of the Union League Club, of which he was founder. He was born Aug. 1*4, 1840, in Staffordshire, England. Since 1877 he has been head of the banking firm of Henry Clews and Com pany. He resides at 27 West Fifty-first Street, New York City. Cliff, Zebedee E., Director, of 29 Powder House Terrace, Somerville, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the North Shore Fish Com pany and other corporations. Clifford, H. H., President of the Swift and Company Men s Chorus, with a mem bership of sixty-five voices. He resides at 5746 Maryland Avenue, Chicago, 111. Clifton, Charles, President of the Buf falo Fine Arts Academy. He resides at De laware Park, Buffalo, N.Y. Clinton, Francis, Wright, was born in London, England. He was educated at Bur- ketow r n College of Virginia ; and was ad mitted to the bar. He is now president of the Danbury Hat Company; president of the Harlem Board of Commerce; director of Chamber of Commerce of Long Beacn, N.Y, and president of the Clinton Furnish ing Company. He is a resident member of the New York Athletic Club; member of the Great Peconic Bay Yacht Club, a mem ber of the Public Improvement Committee, a member of the Mayor s Committee of New York, a member of the American Peo ple s League, and chairman of the New York-New Jersey Tunnel Committee. Clippinger, Walter G-., Member of the National Education Association, S.S. As sociation, and president of the Ohio Sun day School Association. He is president of the Otterbein College. He has been profes sor of the religious education at the Bone- l.reke Theological Seminary. He resides at 47 North Grove Street, Westerville, Ohio. Cloney, William H., of 201 East Third Street, Sedalia, Mo., was born on May 26, 1870, in Sedalia, Mo. He was educated at the Smith Academy and at Washington University of St. Louis, Mo. Since 1896 he has been in the laundry business in various cities ; and is now secretary and treasurer of the Muskogee and Columbia Laundries. He is president of the Sedalia Country Club; vice-president of the Sedalia Public Schools ; and vice-president of the Sedalia Chamber of Commerce. Clopper, Edward Nicholas, Social Work er of 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York City, was born Jan. 1, 1879, in Cin cinnati, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been sec retary of the National child labor commis sion. He is the author of Child Labor in City Streets and other works. He resides at 4254 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati Ohio. Close, George L., Vice-President, of 1 East Thirty-third Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the Reinforced Cravat Corporation; and a vice-president of Church, Webb and Close, Incorporated. He is also a director of the Clayton Manu facturing Company, and of the W.E. Til- lotson Manufacturing Company, Incorpor ated. Close, H. A., Business President, of 513 Madison Street, Toledo Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the E. H. Close Investment Company and other corporations. Clough, George H., Business President, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Russell Coal Company, and other corporations. Clough, Micajah P., Business President, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Public Utilities Cor poration, and a director in various corpo rations. Clow, William E., V ice-President and Di rector, of 534 South Franklin Street, Chi- <$ago, 111. ; and a member of the Commercial Club, the Chicago Club, the Union League Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, and Shore Acres Club. He was born Sept, 23, 1860, in Industry, Pa. Since 1908 he has been president of James B. 152 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Clo w and Son of Chicago, 111. In 1882 he married Miss Margaret M. Sarver; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Sunset Lane, Lake Forest, 111. Cloyd, A.D., Physician, and a Member of the Masons. Medical Societies, and Frater nal orders. He is medical director of the Woodmen of the World. He has been pre sident of the Associated Fraternities of America. His address is \Y.O.\Y. Building, Omaha, Neb. Clute, Frank M., Treasurer and Director, of 524 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the North River Ferry Company and other corporations. Coate, D. 0., President of the Art As sociation of La Crosse. He resides in La Crosse, Wis. Cobb, John Candler, Director and Trus tee, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Westfield River Paper Company and other corporations. Cochran, George I., Business President of Sixth and Olive Streets, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Cochran, H. M., Business President, of Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Acme Lumber Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Cochran, Henry J., Director, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the American Chicle Company Cochran, Samuel Poyntz, Fire Insurance Manager, Director and Business President of 1821 Young Street, Dallas, Texas, was born on Sept. 11, 1855, in Lexington, Ky. In 1873 he graduated from the High School of Covington, Ky., and was valedictorian of his class. In 1872 he began life as insu rance inspector in Cincinnati, Ohio; in 1874-76 was in the general agency office of J. W. Cochran and Son of Lexington, Ky.; and in 1876-81 was engaged in the local i::7ivrance business in Covington, Ky. In 1884 he became a partner in the firm of Dargan and Trezevant of Dallas, Texas; and the firm name was changed to Treze vant and Cochran in 1888. He is president of the Mutual Building Association; and a director of the Exchange National Bank. He is a member of the Dallas Club, the Dallas Country Club, the Dallas Hunting and Fishing Club and the Koon Creek Klub. Cochrane,F. Douglas, Business President of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the Banking firm of Coch ran e, Harper and Company. He is president of the Canada Mexico Oil Company, limi ted; and chairman of the directors and ex ecutive committee of Invincible Oil Cor poration. He is also chairman of directors of the Lamson and Hubbard Corporation, the Louisiana Oil Refining Corporation, and the New England Oil Corporation. Cockrill, Ashley, Lawyer, of Southern Trust Building, Little Rock, Ark., was born Nov. 8, 1872, in Little Rock, Ark. He was educated at the Little Rock University of Arkansas. Until 1901 he practiced law with his father,a former chief justice of the Su preme Court of Arkansas. In 1909-12 he was a member of the School Board; and in 1911-12 he was president of the Arkansas Bar Association. He is a member of the Little Rock Athletic Club, Quapaw Club and the Country Club. He was city attorney for Little Rock in 1903-07. He was a mem ber of the Executive Committe of Ameri can Bar Association in 1916-19. Cocks, Orrin Giddings, Member of the City Club. He was born May 12, 1877, in Augusta, Mich. Since 1914 he has been ad visory secretary of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. He is the au thor of The Social Evil and Methods of Treatment. He resides at Euclid Avenue, Maplewood, N.Y. Ccdman, Edmund D., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 27 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Dock and Storage Warehouse Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 153 Codman, Russell S., Director and Trus tee, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Boston Storage Company and other corporations. Coe, William R., Director, of 51 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is chair man of the board of directors of Johnson and Higgins. He is a director of the At lantic Coast Electric Railway Company, and of a dozen other corporations. Coffin, Charles A.,Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of the Union League Club, and other clubs and societies. He was born in Dec. 1844, in So merset County, Maine. Since 1913 he has been chairman of the board of directors of the General Electric Company. He is a di rector of the American International Cor poration and of a dozen other corporations. He resides in Locust Valley, Long Island, N.Y. Coffin, Charles A., Director, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American International Corporation and other corporations. Coffin, Charles E., Member of the Colum bia Club. He was born in Salem, Ind. He has 1 been president of the Indiana Savings and Investment Company. He resides at 1213 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Coffin, Edmund, Business President, of 135 East Forty-sixth Street, New Work Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Henry Wil liam Company, and a director in other cor porations. Coffin, James A., Business President, of 347 Rider Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Faber Piano Company and a director in other corporations. Coffin, Joel S.,Director, of 17 East Forty- second Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bronze Metal Company and other corporations. Coffin, Winthrop, Director and Trustee, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United Electric Secur ities Company, and other corporations. Coggeshall, J. E., Business President, of 640 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Financial Build ing Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Cogging, Johr T., Treasurer and Director of 277 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Plainfieid Democratic Club, and the East End Civic Association. He was born July 20, 1889, in New Hampshire; and was edu cated at Dartsmouth College, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1911. Since 1914 he has practiced law in New York City. He is trea surer of the Elva Realty Company, and Examining Counsel for The New York Title and Mortgage Company. He served in the World- War. In 1917 he married Miss Nora C. McDonough; and they have a far.uly ol: two daughters, and reside at 253 Lclum" Avenue. Plainiield, N.J. Cogley, W. E., Sen., Member of Kiii^iil* of Columbus, American Association i or the Recognition of the Irish Republic, atul Jesuit Order. He is president of St. Mary s College. He has been principal of the Mar- quette Academy of Milwaukee, Wis. He re sides at St. Marys, Kans. Cogswell, Hamlin Elisah, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born on Sept, 26, 1859, in Silvara, Pa. He was edu cated at the Wyoming Seminary; and in 1903 received the honorary degree of Mas ter of Music from Syracuse University. In 1876-85 he was band-master of the Thir teenth Regiment Band, and choir membe: 1 at Sd-anton, Pa. In 1887-97 he was direc tor of the Conservatory of Music of Mans field, Pa, Since 1915 he has been director of Public School Music at Washington, D.C. He is the author of School Room Echoes, The Institute, Songs for Special Occasions and numerous band and orchestra pieces. In 1875 he married Miss Dorothy Tewks- bury; and they reside at Piney Branch Road, and Farragut Street, N.W. Washing ton, D.C. 154 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cohan, George M., President of the So ciety of American Dramatists and Compo sers, lie resides at 14S West Forty-fifth Street, New Pork City. Cohane, Louis, Lawyer, of the Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich., was horn Jan. 18, 1888, in Detroit, Mich, lie was educated at the Detroit College of Law, and the Detroit Business University. During the World- War he was counsel for the Red Cross. Cohen, Arthur J., Director, of 61 Broad way, Xew York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Pip:> and Tube Building Company and other corporations. Cohen, Charles Joseph, Member of the Rittenhouse Club. lie was born Sept. 21, 1847, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of the Charles J. Cohen Company, manu facturers of envelopes, paper and paper boxes. He resides at 1520 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cohen, Iser P., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 1(5 West Thirty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president treasurer, director and manager of the Co hen Brothers Manufacturing Company, In corporated, lie is also vice-president of the Jennings Lace Works Corporation. Cohen, Jacob D., Business President, of 1372 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Heyinan Cohen and Sons, Incorporated; and a director of the Natio nal Snow Removing Corporation, and a di rector and treasurer of the Tuxedo Cloak Company, I ncorporated. Cohen, Joseph H., Business President, of 30 East Twelfth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Associated Car pet Manufacturers, and a director in other corporations. Cohen, Julius Henry, Lawyer, of 111 Broadway, New York City, was born Sept. 2(>, 1873, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1896 he re ceived the degree of LL.B. and the second prize from University Law School. In 1899- 1904 he was associated with Horace E. De- ming in the prosecuting of various noted New Y r ork Transit Reform Commission. He was associate, counsel for William R. Hurst in the Mayoralty contest; and pre pared the plan for commercial arbitration in the Chamber of Commerce of New York. He assisted in framing the bill reorganizing the Municipal Court; and the bill creating the Public Service Commission". He is an independent Democratic; and was chair man of the Commission of Legislation of the Citizens Union. He is a member of the City Club, the Reform Club, the Harmonic Club and the Fairview Country Club. Cohen, Mrs. Lewis W., President of the Musical Study Club, with a membership of eighteen women. She resides at Reeser Place, Louisville, Ky. Cohen/Martin S., Director, of 302 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Co-operative Savings and Loan Association and other corporations. Cohenour, C., Business President, of 306 Huntingdon Building, Columbus, Ohio, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hocking Fuel Com pany and other corporations. Cohn, Martin B., Director, of 51 Cham bers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Mayers Hoffman Company, and other corporations. Cohn, Samuel, Treasurer and Director, of 55 Fifth Avenue, New Y^ork City ; and a member of various clubs andsocieties. He is a director of the Jam Perfecto Bottle Cap Company and other corporations. Cokefair, Isaac W., Director, of 10 Mai den Lane, New Y T ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the International Silver Company and other corporations. Colby, Frank Moore, Journalist and Au thor, of Amherst, Mass., was born Feb. 10, 1805, in Washington, D.C. Up to 1900 he was professor at the New York Universi ty. He has been a staff writer on the North American Review. He is editor of the iNew International Encyclopedia, and ofThe New International Year Book. He is the author of Imaginary Obligations, Constrained At 7 cases; and in 1902-05 was attorney for ThelAltitudfe, and The Margin of Hesitation.! AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 155 Cole, Charles, C. B., Member of the Mer chants Exchange of St. Louis, and a mem ber of the Missouri Athletic Association, was born May 6, 1845, in Chester, 111. He was educated at the Lawrence Scientific School, graduating in 1876 Siiice I .KU JVB has been president of the Wabash, Chester and Western Railroad. il5 is president of the Millers National Insu; nice Com^iiry : and vice-president of the II. C Cole Milling Company. He is also a director of the Mil lers Mutual Fire Assurance Association of Illinois, and a director of the Interstate Mutual Casualty Company, of Cju ago. 111. In 1869 he married Miss Laura A. Layman by whom he has one son and three daugh ters. In 1882 he married Maiy E. Palmer, by whom he has one daughter; and they reside in Chester, 111.; and also maintain a house in Bay View, Mich. Cole, Charles C., Business President, of Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cole-French Company, and a director in other corporation*. Cole, Frank B., President ot the- Tacoma Fine Art Association. He lesides at 416 California Building, Tacoma, Wash. Cole, Harry Ellsworth, Journalist and Publisher, of Baraboo, Wis., was born on June 25, 1861, in Pierceton, L, L Since 1894 he has been editor of the Bavaboo News. He is president of the Sau c County Histo rical Society, and vice-president of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. He is the author of Baraboo Dells, Devil s I ake Region, and other books on the loca lity. Cole, Howard E., Director and Trustee, of 26 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Standard Oil Company of New York; he is a direc tor of the Equitable Eastern Banking Com- poration, a director of the Standard Trans portation Company, and a trustee of the Equitable Trust Company. Cole, Nehemiah T., Treasurer and Di rector, of 204 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Connolly Auction Company and other corporations. Cole, Rufus S., Exporter and Director, of 723 Seventh Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is partner in the exporting firm of Ro bertson-Cole Company ; is prominent in business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Cole, Samuel Valentine, Educator, cler gyman, college president and poet of Nor ton, Mass., was born Dec. 29, 1851, in Ma- chiasport, Maine. Since 1897 he has been president of the Wheaton seminary at Norton. He is the author of the Scipio s Varden and other poems. Cole, W. K., Business President, of First National Bank Building,San Francisco,Cal. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Vallejo Com mercial National Bank, and a director \in other corporations. Cole, Whiteford R., Member of the Nash ville Golf and Country Club. He was born Jan 14, 1874, in Nashville, Tenn. He is pre sident of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway Company. He resides at 2122 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Cole, William Isaac, Member of the Bos ton City Club. He was born March 21, 1859, in Machias, Maine. Since 1916 he has been professor of Applied Sociology in Wheaton College. He resides in Norton, Mass. Coleman, Alice Blanchard, Member of the Twentieth Century Club, was born on May 7, 1858, in Boston, Mass. She is pre sident of the Council of women for home missions. She resides at 177 West Brook- lyne Street, Boston, Mass. Coleman, George W., Vice-president and Trustee, of 1244 Little Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and trustee of the Babson Institute. He is president of the Open Forum National Council, vice-presi dent of the New England Baptist Hospital and a director of the Ford Hall Forum. Coleman, S. Waldo, Business President, of Security Savings Bank, San Francisco Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Security Bank and Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. 156 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Colman, Thomas, Wilkes, Member of the City Club. He was born March 31, 1833, in Eutaxv, Ala. He is president of the Mer chant Mini Fanners Bank of Eutaw. He resides in Eutaxv, Ala. Coleman, William Wheeler, Member of the Milwaukee Club. He was born Nov. 21, J873, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1911 he has been president of the Bucyrus Company, manufacturers of machinery. He resides at :V2 ,} Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Coler, Eugene Bird, Business President, of 4, } Cedar Street, New York City.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Reloe Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Coles, Henry B., Lumber Merchant, of Camden, N.J., was born March 4, 1872 in Camden, N.J. He was educated at Swarth- more College of Pennsylvania. He is a di rector of the Eastern Woodworkers Cost Information Bureau of New York; vice- president of the Moorestown Trust Compa ny of Moorestown, N. J. ; director of the Merchants Trust Company of Camden, N.J. and president of the Coles Realty Compa ny. He is also a director of the Lumber- meiis Exchange of Philadelphia; director of the Building Trades Employers Associ ation of Philadelphia; and president of the Barnegat Pier Company of New Jersey. He has been president of the Board of Educa tion and vice-president of the State Board of Feeble Minded Males of New Jersey. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Camden the Moorestown Field Club, the Seaside I ark Yacht Club, the City Club of Phila delphia. In 1894 he married Miss Deborah A. Walton of Moorestown, N. J.; and they have a family of one daughter and three sons; and reside in Moorestown, N.J. Colestock, Henry Thomas, Educator, of Lewisbnrg, Pa., was born Dec. 28, 1868, in Portsmouth, Va. Since 1904 he has been professor of history in the Bucknell Uni versity, and is now the Chautauque Lectu rer. He is the author of The Ministry of David Baldwin and other works. He is a member of the American Historical Asso ciation, and Pennsylvania State Teachers Association. In 1899 he married Miss Em ma Kunkle;and they have a family of three sons and one daughter,and reside at Lewis- burg, Pa. Colette, Harry S., Business President, of 872 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Equities Securities Com pany, and a director in other corporations.. Colgan, James W., Business President, of 79 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lincoln Savings Bank, and a director in other corpora tions. Colgate, James C., Director, of 36 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Federal Light and Tradtion Company and other corporations. Collier, Barron G., Business President, of 220 West Forty-second Street, New York City, and a member of the Metropoli tan Club, the Union League Club, the Ban kers Club of America, and the New York Yacht Club. He was born March 23, 1893, in Memphis, Tenn. He is president of the Barron G. Collier, Incorporated, president of the Street Railways Advertising Com pany. He is a director of the Hudson Trust Company, the Terminal Exchange Bank, and the Baltimore Commercial Bank. In 1907 he married Miss Juliet Games; and they have a family of three sons. Collin, Frederick, President of the Arnot Art Gallery. He resides at 233 Lake Street Elmira N.Y. Collingwood, Herbert W., Editor and Publisher, of 333 West Thirtieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1875 in Plymouth, Mass.; and was educated at the Michigan Agricultural College. Since 1886 he Ir^LS been editor of Rural New-Yorker. In 1888 he married Miss Lulie D. Sullivan; and they have one daughter, and reside at Woodcliff Lake, Bergen County, N.J. Cojlingwood, John C., Director, of 17 Battery Place,New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is di rector of the Battery Steamship Corpora tion. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 157 Collins, Alfred Morris, Member of the Rittenhouse Club. He was born on May 3, 176, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1899 he has been vice-president and general director of the A.M. Collins Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of cardboard, paper boxes and photographic mounts. He resides in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Collins, Michael J., Member of the Chi cago Public Library Board in 1913-14; and a member of the Chicago Board of Educa tion for six years and its president in 1915. He was born March 18, 186i, in Chicago, 111.; and in 1877 graduated from St. Pat rick s Academy of Chicago, 111. He entered Railway service in 1877, and has held im portant positions and since 1909 has been general purchasing agent of the Atkison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Since 1917 he has been president of the Austin Natio nal Bank. He resides at 137 South Waller Street, Austin, 111. Collins Richard J., President of the Chi cago Athletic Association, of 12 South Mi chigan Boulevard, Chicago. 111. Collins, Stephen Willets, Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Imperial Investing Corpo ration and other corporations. Collins, W.H., Business President, of 314 Second National Building, Akron, Ohio,and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Real , Estate Service Company and other corporations. Colquitt, Oscar Branch, -Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 16, 1861, in Camilla, Ga. In 191-15 he was governor of Texas ; and is now president of the Great Southern Oil and Refining Association. He resides at 4950 Live Oak Street, Dallas Texas. Colt, Henry, President of the Berkshire Athenaeum and Museum. He resides in Pittsfield, Mass. Colt, James D., Lawyer and Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Earnshaw Knitting Mills, and other corporations.He resides in Chest nut Hill. Boston, Mass. Colt, Samuel P., Financier and Manufac turer, of 1790 Broadway, New York City, was born Jan. 10, 1852, in Paterson, N.J. He is president of the United States Kub- ber Company; is a chairman of the Indus trial Trust Company, Providence, R.I. ; and a director in other corporations. Colton, Ethan Theodore, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 22, 1872, in Palmyra, Jefferson County, Wis. He organ- izd nationally the Young Men s Christian Association in Russia and Siberia. He re sides in Upper Montclair, N.J. Colvin, Fred H., Editor and Mechanical Engineer, was born Oct. 5, 1867, in Ster ling, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of Providence and Philadelphia. In 1894-97 he was editor of Machinery; in 1897-1902 was associate editor o fthe Loco motive Engineeering; and is now editor of the American Machinist. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. In 1890 he married Miss Ma ry K. Loring; and they have a family of two sons living, and reside at 56 North Maple Avenue, East Orange, N.J. Colvin, Oliver Dyer, Member of the Rai nier Club. He was born June 12, 1867, in Coldwater, Mich. He is vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company. He resides at 723 Har vard Avenue, North, Seattle, Wash. Coman, Edwin Traman, Member of the Spokane Club. He was born May 25, 1869, in Kankakee, 111. he is the president of the Exchange National Bank of Spokane. He resides at 1827 Ninth Avenue, Spokane, Wash. Comer, Charles E., Business President, of Comer Manufacturing Company, Dayton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fabrics Manufacturing Company and other corpo rations. Comfort, Walter R., Business President, of 1 Madison Avenue, New Yoi k City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of Seminole Fruit and Land Company, and a director in other corpora tions. 158 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Comly, Garrard, Director and Trustee, of 92 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of the Racquet Club, the Tuxedo Club, the University Club, and the Yale Club. He was born in 1874, in San Antonio Texas; and was educated at Yale Universi ty. He is a partner of the firm of Bacon and Company; a director of the Chemical National Bank ; and a trustee of the Green wich Savings Bank. He served in France during the World- War as Major of Staff Corps United States Army. In 1898 he mar ried Miss Katheririe V. Walcott; and they have a family of four sons, and reside in Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Comstock, Ada Louise, Member of the College Club of Boston; and has been pre sident of the American Association of Uni versity Women. She was born Dec. 11,1876 in Moorhead, Minn. She is now Dean of Smith College of Northampton, Mass. Comstock, Andrew B., Treasurer and di rector, of 15 Gordon Avenue, Providence, R.I; and is a member of the Traffic Club of Providence, the Chamber of Commerce, the Rhode Island Historical Society, and va rious other clubs and societies.He was born Aug. 4, 1888, in Providence, RJ.Since 1922 he has been treasurer and director of the Chandler Motors of Rhode Island, Incor porated. He s secretary and director of the Crown Food Products Corporation. He was president of the Providence Association of Credit Men, and in 1921-22 was treasurer. In 1914 he married Miss Marion Hamilton; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 36 Parkis Avenue, Providence, R.I., and in summer on Main Avenue, But- tonwoods, R.I. Comstock, Frank P., Director, of 199 Ca nal Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Rhode Island Safe Deposit Company and other corporations. Comstock, Louis H., Business President, of 199 Canal Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Walker Land Company and other corporations. Commins, A.H., Business President, of Terminal Building, Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Beaver Dam Coal ana Mining Company, and a director in other corporations. Conant, Frederick Odell, Member of the Great Pond Club. He was born Oct. 1, 1857 in Portland, Maine. He is president of the Marine Hardware Equipment Company. He resides at 143 Park Street, Portland, Maine. Condon, Thomas Gerald, Member of the Union CJnb. He was born Nov. 24, 1864, in Corn wall -on- Hudson, N.Y. He is an organ izer of the Portland Mining Company, of Cripple Creel, Colo. He resides at 26 East Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. Coneland, Foster, Business President, of Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the City National Bank and other corporations. Coney, Patrick Henry, Lawyer, Journa list and Statesman, of Topeka, Kan., was born March 10, 1848, in Newbury, Vt. He was wounded in front of Petersburg, Va., on June 16, 1864; and in October, 1864, was detailed as a dispatch bearer for General Nelson A. Miles. In 1867 he settled in Lea- venworth; and was representative in the Kansas State Legislature. In 1880 he estab lished the National Banner of Topeka; and became associated with Topeka Daily Cap ital. In 1884 he was admitted to the bar; and practices his profession at Topeka. He has been president of the Friends of Irish Freedom and Indepandence, for Kansas. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Re public, the Knights of Pythias, the Masons and various clubs arid societies. In 1886 he was first married to Miss Emma Hitch cock, who died in 1919, by whom he has one son and one daughter. He again mar ried in 1921 to Mrs. Mabelle L. Cochren, of Chicago, 111., and formerly of Kansas; and they reside at 316 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Congdon, Thomas B., Treasurer and di rector, of 286 Thames Street,Newport, R.I. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Newport Co operative Association and other corpora tions. ; AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIS1 159 Conklin, Edwin B., Treasurer and Di rector, of 34 Spruce Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a treasurer and director of the Mulford, Gary and Conklin Company, importers, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in leather and shoe manufacturers goods. Conklin, Roland Ray, Member of the Lo tos Club. He was born Feb. 1, 1858, in Ur- bana, 111. He is the president of the New York Motorbus Company, and the Chicago Motorbus Company. He resides at Rosema ry Farm, Huntington Long Island, N.Y. Connell, J. Cotter, Business President of 35 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kings County Iron Foundry, and a director in other corpora tions. Connell, William J., Business President, of 533 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Connell Coe Company, and director in other corpo rations. Connelly 4 , R.J., Business President, of Dayton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ohio Paper Company and other corpora tions. Connery, Mrs. C. W., President of the Euterpean Club. She resides at 1534 Cooper Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Connett, Albert N., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Connett, Burton and Company, Incorporated, and* othe corpora tions. Connette, Edward G-., Business President of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Connolly, Fred W., Business President, of 1436 Dorchester Avenue. Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. .He is president of Massachusetts Loan Society, and a director of other cor porations. Connolly, Maurice, Member of the Du- buque Golf and Country Club. He was born in 1877, in Dubuque, Iowa. In 1916 he was a delegate at-large at the Democratic Na tional Convention at St. Louis. He resides on 1537 Iowa Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Conrad, Sidney S., Business President, of 27 Winter Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Conrad Company, and a director in other corporations. Consolvo, Mrs. Blanchard H., President of the Norfolk Opera Club, with a member ship of thirty-eight men and women. She resides at the Monticello Hotel, Norfolk, Va. Content, Harry, Business Man and Di rector, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the West Cottages and Casino Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Contessa, Vito, Business President, of 311 East One-hundred nineteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Vito Contessa Realty Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Converse], Costello C., Member of the Algonquin Club. He was born on Sept. 22, 1848, in Jamaica Plain, Mass. He is presi dent of the Grand Rapids Plaster Compa ny. He resides at 348 Beacon Street, Boston Mass. Converse, Costello C., Business President of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Grand Rapids Brush Company, and a director in other corporations. Converse, Edmund Cogswell, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Nov. 7, 1849, in Boston, Mass. He is vice-presi dent of the Texas and Pacific Coal Compa ny. He resides in Greenwich, Conn. Converse, Harry E., Member of the Al gonquin Club. He was born in 1863, in Maiden, Mass. He is president of the Bos ton Rubber Shoe Company. He resides in Marion, Mass. 160 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Converse, F. S., president of the Saint Botolph Club. He resides at 4 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. Conway, William P., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is direc tor of the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Kail way Company and other corporations. Conwell, Russell Herrman, Founder and Lecturer, of 2020 Broad Street, Philadel phia, Pa., was born Feb.15, 1843, in Worth- ington, Mass. He was educated in Yale Uni versity and Albany University. In 1870 he was foreign correspondent of New York Tribune; was editor of the Boston Traveler and founder of the Minneapolis Chronicle, now the Tribune. In 1879 he was baptist minister of Lexington, Mass. He founded the Baptist Church of Philadelphia, the Temple University, the Samaritan Hospital the Philadelphia Law School, Philadelphia Medical College; also founded Philadel phia Theological School. He is president of Garretson Hospital, Philadelphia Dental College, and Temple University. He served in the Civil War as captain in the Mas- sachussetts Volunteers, and as staff officer, and reached the grade of lieutenant-colo nel. He is a well known lecturer on lyceum and Chautauqua courses, his lecture, Acres of Diamonds, having been delivered five thousand times in fifty years. He lias tra veled extensively for the New York Tri bune. Conwell, W. L., Business President, of 2 Hector Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Safety Export Company, and a director in other corporations. Cook, Harry Brown, Member of the At lantic City Yacht Club, the Atlantic City Golf Club, the Old Colony Club, and the Chamber of Commerce of Atlantic City. He was born March 27, 1893, in Philadel phia, Pa. He is a successful Hotel proprie tor and owner. He resides at 12 South Brighton Avenue, Atlantic City, N.J. Cook, Richard Yerkes, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 25, 1845, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1890 he was elected president of the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company. He resides in Lans- downe, Pa, Cook, Theodore P., Treasurer, of 164 Main Street, Woonsocket, R.I. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is paying teller of the Producers State Bank; and has filled several other positions of trust and honor. Cook, William Wallace, Journalist and Author, of Marshall, Mich., was born April 11, 1867, in Marshall, Mich. He was edu cated in the schools of Ottawa, Can., La fayette, Ind., and in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a writer for the publications of the Street and Smith Corporation; and a con tributor to the Detroit Free Press, and now writing principally for publications of Frank A. Munsey Company. He is the au thor of His Friend the Enemy; Wilby s Dan; A Quarter to Four; and New Fiction Series. He is a member of the Authors As sociation, Authors League of America, Am erican Forestry Association, American Geo graphical Society; and the Press Club of Chicago, 111. Cooley, Anna Maria, Educator and Au thor, of 501 West One Hundred and Twen tieth Street, New York City, was born on Sept. 16, 1874, in New York City. Since 1910 she has been associate professor of Household Arts, at the Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Cooley, Charles Parsons, Member of the Hartford Club. He was born Feb. 25, 1867 in Hartford, Conn. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the banking business, and is now a director of the Fidelity Reust Com pany. He resides at 119 Farmington Ave nue, Hartford, Conn. Coolidge, Arthur W. Director of 28 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Reading Co-operative Bank and other corporations. Coolidge, Calvin, Member of the Univer sity Club. He was born July 4, 1872, in Plymouth, Vt. In 1919-20 he has been gov ernor of Massachusetts. He resides at 21 Massasoilt Street, Northampton, Mass. Coolidge, Charles A., Business President of 122 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston Society of Architects, and a director in other corpo rations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 161 Coolidge, Harold J., Lawyer and Director of 40 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of variousc lubs and societies. He is a director of the Rivett Lathe and Grin der Company ; and other corporations. Coolidge, John Templeman, Jr., Director and Trustee, of 106 Beacon Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Pub lic School Art League, and other corpora tions. Coolidge, Louis A., Business President, of 205 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of (he Middlesex Club, and Cooper, Charles Champlin, Social Work er, of Kingsley House, Pittsburgh, Pa.; was born March 20, 1874, .in New Orleans, La. In 1899 he received the degree of B.Litt from the Central University at Richmond, Ky. In 1905 he began social work in Union Bethel of Cincinnati, and since 1910 he has been director of the Kingsley Associa tion in Pittsburgh. He is a member of the Board of Visitation of Allegheny County, Pa.; a trustee of the Workshop for the Blind in Pittsburgh, a member of the Penn sylvania Peace and Arbitration Society; a member of the National Conference of So cial Work; Pennsylvania State Conference of Social Work; and the National Federa tion of Settlements. He is secretary of the Hungry Club Open Forum; is a member of the Advisory Board Council of Churches; and a member of the executive committee of the Co-operative Welfare Association. He resides at Kingsley House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cooper, Prank Irving, Architect and Ci vil Engineer, of 38 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. was born May 8, 1867, in Taunton, Mass.; and studied civil engineering and arcitec- ture under noted men. Since 1892 he has practiced in Boston; and is now president of theFrank Irving Cooper Corporation.He was architect of the Bristol County Court House 1 of Taunton, the Memorial Hall of Bridgewater, the Library Building at Med- ford, the High School at Maiden and many other buildings in Massachusetts. He was architect for eleven different school build ings for the Argentine* government. He received a gold medal in 1907. He has been president of American Society of Heat ing and Ventilating Engineers; and is a life member of the Old Bridgewater His torical Society. In 1890 he married Miss Anna Wellington Sawyer; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Way- land, Mass. Cooper, Henry, Elliott, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Aug. 21, 1873, in Pawtucket, R.I. Since 1912 he has beenvice-president of the Equitable Trust Company of New York. He resides at 876 Park Avenue, New York City. Cooper, Henry E., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the American Linseed Company and other corporations. Cooper, Henry E., President of the New York Philharmonic Society. He resides at 876 Park Avenue, New York City. Cooper, Lane, Educator and Author, of Ithaca, N.Y., was born Dec. 14, 1875, in Brunswick, N.J. In 1896 he received the degree of A.B. from Rutgers College. Stu died in Columbia University, in 1898 re ceived the degree of M.A. from Yale Uni versity, and studied in the Universities of Berlin and Leipzig, and the College De France of Paris. Since 1915 he has been professor of the English Language in Cor nell University. He is the author of Theo ries of Style, Literature for Engineers,and other works. He is one of the editors of Cornell Studies in English. He resides in Ithaca, N.Y. Cooper, W. 0., Business President,of Cu- yahoga Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Grismer Oil and Gas Company and other corporations. Cooper, William Irenaeus, Member of the Essex Club. He was born Jan. 12, 1857, in Waverly, Essex County, N.J. Since 1911 he has been president of the National State Bank of Newark, N.J. He resides at 44 Park Place, Newark, N.J. Copeland, Mrs. Charles, President of the Samuel Bancroft Jr. Collection. She resides in Rockford, Wilmington, Del. 11 162 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Copeland, Foster, Member of the Colum bus Country Club. He was born March 9, 1858, in Evansville, Ind. Since 1905 he has been president of the City National Bank He resides at 50 Hamilton Avenue, Colum bus, Ohio. Copeand, The odore, Business President and Director, of 1000 Haines Avenue, Dal las, Texas.. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and ho nor. Copeland, William, Business President, of 251 A Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the General Shoe Machinery Company, and a director in other corpo rations. Copley, A. Ward, Lawyer, of 313 Moffat Block, Detroit, Mich., was born in Cass County) Mich. He was educated ,at the University of Michigan. Since 1909 he has been a state representative of Wayne County, Mich. He is married; and resides at 132 Blaine Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Coppage, La Rue R., Vice-President and Director,of 295 Lafayette Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, treasurer and director of the Coppage Printing and Loose Leaf Company; he is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held several positions of trust and honor. Coppell, Herbert, Business President, of 02 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lake Superior Invest ment Comnpany, and a director in other corporations. Corbin, John, Editorial Writer, of 131 East Fifteenth Street, New York City;was born May 2, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is editorial writer on the New York Times. He has bsen dramatic critic on Harper s Weekly, the New York Sun, and the New York Times. He is the author of the Eli-, zabethan Hamlet, An American at Oxford Husband and the Forbidden Guests, and other works. In 1899 he married Amy Fos ter; and they reside in New York City. - Corbin, William Herbert,Member of Uni versity Club. He was bor- July 20, 1864, in Union, Conn. Since lilfe he has been secretary and treasurer of the William H. Willey and Son Company, and of its suc cessor, the Wiley, Bickford, Sweet Compa ny. He resides at 172 Collins Street, Hart ford, Conn. Corbitt, James H., of Suffolk, Va. He was educated at the University of Virginia. Since 1900 he has practiced law in the City of Suffolk, Va., He is president of the Laurel Cliff Country Club; a member of the Virginia Club of Norfolk, Va. ; a mem ber of the Westmoreland Club of Richmond Va.; and a member of the University Club of Washington, D.C. In 1902 he married Miss Roberta Clifford Arisley; and they have a family of three daughters, and re side at 520 Broad Street, Suffolk, Va. Cordier, A. J., Treasurer .and Director, of 299 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Yale Club, the Nassau Club, the Automobile Club of America, and the Racquet -and Ten nis Club. He was born April 7, 1891, in Brooklyn, N.Y; and was educated at the Yale University. He is now second vice- president of the Lalance and Grosjean Ma nufacturing Company; and a director of the Woodhaven Water Supply Company. In 1921 he married Miss Helen Wood, and they reside at 30 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Cordingley, William R., Business Presi dent of 266 Summer Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and socie ties He is president of the Cordingley and Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Corey, George H., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 114 Dudley Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Joseph War ren Co-operative Bank of Roxbury and other corporations. Corey, William Ellis, Member of the Me tropolitan Club of Washington. He was born May 4, 1866, in Braddock, Pa. In 1903-11 he has been president of the Uni ted States Steel Corporation. He resides at 991 Fifth Avenue, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 163 Corliss, Charles A., Business President, of 131 Hudson Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pond s Extract O Cormany, William B., Lithograph Manu facturer, of 104 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born May 7, 1880, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1904 he graduated* from Princeton University. He is general manager of the Shonk Works-American Can Company. He is a member of the Uni versity Club, and the Princeton Club. Cornelius, Lorren E., Member of the St. Louis City Club, the Missouri Athletic As sociation, the Normandic Golf Club, the Old Colony Club, and the St. Louis Lum bermen s Exchange. He was born Jan. 22, 1880, in Gallatin, Mo. He is president of the Cornelius Lumber Company, and pre sident of the Cypress Company. He resides at 3936 Palm Street, St. Louis, Mo. Cornell, Edward, Business President, of 34 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Van Everen Company, and a director in* other corporations. Cornell, J. C., Business President, of 6502 Cedar Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Union Club, the Tavern Club, the Country Club, the Mayfield Club and the Kirkland Club. He was born Jan. 13, 1869, in Cleveland, Ohio; and in 1891 graduated from Harvard University. He is president of the Standard Sewing Ma chine Company; and a director of the Un ion Trust Company and the Guardian Trust Company. He served in the Spanish-Amer ican War as a Captain in the First Regi ment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. In 1897 he married Miss Edith Warden ;and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Lake Shore Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. Cornell, John M., Manufacturer, of Twen ty-sixth and Eleventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 27, 1846, in New Cork City. Since 187 he has been at the head of the Cornell Iron Works. He married Miss Sarah A. Keen; of Philadel phia, Pa.; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Lepw Moor, N.J. Cornish, Edward J., Business Prefident, of 111 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lake Side Ice Com pany of Omaha, president of the River Smelting and Refining Company, and pre sident of the National Lead Company. He is a director of the Baker Castor Oil Com pany, the Carter White Lead Company and other corporations. Corrpon, Richard A., Business President of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the R. A. Corroon and Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Cortelyou, George B., Business President of 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Consolid ated Gas Company of New York, and a di rector in other corporations. Cosby, Ernest, H. President of the Piano Teachers Association. He resides at 2236 West Grace Street, Richmond, Va. Gotten, Sallie Southall (Mrs. Robert Cot- ten), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 13, 1846, in Lawrenceville, Va. Since 1913 she has been honorary pre sident of the North Carolina Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at Cottendale Bruce, N.C. Cottingham, S., Business President, of 16 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio;and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Hazelton Coal Company and a director in other corporations. Cottingham, Walter H., Business Presi dent, of 601 Canal Road, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Lawrence Paint Company and other corporations. Cottle, Edgar W., Business President, of 809 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Curtis and Pope Lumber Company, and a director in other corporations. Coudert, Frederic R., Director, of 2 Rec tor Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Lincoln Safe Deposit Compa ny and other corporations. 164 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cotton, Clarence A., General Secretary and Director, of Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is General Secretary and director of the Providence Chamber of Commerce. He is Past President of the American Associa tion of Commercial Executives^, past pre sident of the New England Association of Commercial Executives and past vice-pre sident of the Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He mar ried Miss Anne Belle Wykes; and they have a family of one son and one daughter and reside at 26 Barnas Street, Providence R.I. Coufal, Joseph F., Manufacturer, of 247 West Forty-seventh Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He was educated in New York Ci ty. For twelve years he was a lantern Slide Manufacturer in New York City. He is secretary and general manager of the Stan dard Slide Corporation. In 1921 he married Miss Madeline Foxall ; and they reside in Forest Hills, Long Island, N.Y. Coughlan, George R., Business President of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New Netherland Bond and Mortgage Company, and a director in other corporations. Coulston, J. B., Business President, of 15 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies.IIe is president of the California Hotel Farms Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Coulter, John E., President of the Or pheus Club, with thirty active male mem bers, and 300 sustaining members. He re sides at 30 Rhode Island Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Coulter, Mary Geigus (Mrs Chester Emo ry Coulter), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Sept. 7, 1859, in Savanna, Carroll County, 111. She instituted laws for the betterment of social conditions, parti cularly in behalf of neglected and aband oned children. She resides in Ogden, Utah. Countess, Mrs. C. C., President of the Belton Music Club. She resides in Belton, Texas. Countryman, Gratia B., of Minneapolis, Minn., was born Nov. 29, 1866, in Hastings Minn. She received her education,, in the University of Minnesota. Since 1904 she has been chief librarian of the Minneapolis Public Library. She is the president of the Business Women s Club, and a member of other clubs and societies. She resides at Hennepin Avenue and Tenth Street, Min neapolis, Minn. Countway, Francis A., Business Presi dent, of 176 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of the Algonquin Club, the Boston City Club, the Boston Press Club, the Oakley Country Club, the Hamilton Association, the Belmont Spring Country Club, the Cambridge Club, and the Boston Country Club. He was born in 1876 in Bos ton, Mass.; and was educated at the High School of Somerville, Mass. Since 1912 he has been president of the Lever Brothers Company of Cambridge, Mass.; and is pre sident of the Lever Transportation Compa ny. He is a director of the Philippine Re fining Corporation, and a director of the Harvard Trust Company. -He is unmarried; and resides at 170 Ivy Street, Brookline, Mass. County, Albert J., Business President, of 33 Pennsylvania Station, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs arid so cieties. He is president of the Blair Cap Water Supply Company, County, Albert John, Member of the Un ion League Club of Philadelphia. He was born Aug 1, 1871, at Dublin, Ireland. He is vice-president of the Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington Railroad Company, and the Northern Central Railway Compa ny. His address is Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Courtney, William C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 236 Jay Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is director of the Bank of Cooney Island and other corporations. Coventry, William A., Business Presi dent, of 299 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Grey Iron Cast ing Company of Mount Joy, Pa.; and a di rector in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 165 Couse, E. I., President of the Taos So ciety of Artists. He resides at 58 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City. Couzens, James, Business President and Sociologist, of the Dime Bank Building, and a member of the Detroit Athletic Club, the Detroit Golf Club, the Automobile Club the Detroit Golf Club, the Detroit Boat Club, the Detroit Curling Club, the Auto mobile Country Club, the Country Club, Bloomfield Hills Country Club, the Oak land Hills Country Club, the Kiwanis Club, the Ingleside Club, the Lochmoor Club, the Detroit Riding and Hunting Club, Bloom- field Open Hunt Club, and the Players Club. He was born Aug. 26, 1872, and was educated at the Chatham High School. In 1903, with otders, he organized the Ford Motor Company. He is now Mayor of De troit. He is president of the Bank of De troit, and a director of the Detroit Trust Company and other corporations. In 1896 he married ;and has a family of four child ren, and they reside at Longfellow Ave nue, Detroit, Mich. Covington, George B., Business Presi dent, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Motor Develop ment Corporation and other corporations. Cowan, Georgia, President of the Art Alumni Association of the Pratt Institute. He resides at 296 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Cowen, William B., Member of the St. Louis Club. He was born May 28, 1861, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1906 he has been vice- president of the National Bank of Com merce. He resides at 5964 West Cabanne Place, St. Louis, Mo. Cowles, John T., Manufacturer, of 532 South Green Street, Chicago, 111., was born July 8, 1845, in Glastonbury, Conn. In 1874 started in business for himself, and two years later invented and patented the first fire escape in this country. He is pre sident of the Cowles Marine Salvage Man ufacturing Company; and is also owner of the J. T. Cowles and Company, manufac turers of fire escapes and ornamental iron work.He is a member of the Union League Club and the Association of Commerce. In 1891 he married Miss Corda R. Means, now deceased. He has a family of one son and one daughter; and resides at 1720 East Fifty-sixth Street, Chicago, 111. Cowles, Mrs. Josiah Evans, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born March 13, 1858, in Carthage, Ind. In 1916 she re ceived the degree of A.M. from Earlham College. In 1916-20 she was president of the General Federation of Woman s Club, In 1890 she married Josiah Evans Cowles, M.D.; and they reside at 1101 West Ad ams Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Cowles, Percival W., Director, of 416 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Liberty Phonograph Compa ny and other corporations. Cowley, Edward A., Business President, of 347 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, He is president of Cowley, Eastburn and Company, Incorporated; and president of the Keansburg Beach Realty Company, president of the Keansburg Beach Water Company, and vice-president of the Inter continental Sales Corporation. Cowling, Donald John, Educator and Col lege President, of Northfield, Minn.; and a member of the University Club, the Min neapolis Club, and the Cosmos Club of Washington, D.C. In 1918-19 he was presi dent of the American Council on Educa tion at Washington, D.C. ; and in 1918-19 was also president of the Avssociation of American Colleges. He is president of the Carleton College, of Northfield, Minn. In 1907 he married Miss Elizabeth Stehman; and they have a family of four daughters, and reside in Northfield, Minn. Cox, Ernest L., President of the Salina Civic Music Association, with a member ship of seven hundred men and women. He resides at the Wesleyan University College of Music, Salina, Kan. Cox, E. H., Business President, of First National Bank Building, San Francisco,Cal. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Weed Lumber Company, and a director in other corpora tions. 166 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cox, George L., Member of the M.P.D.A. He was born in Chicago, 111.; and was edu cated in America and Europe. His stage career was with David Warfield, Nat Good- wyn and Leslie Carter. His screen career has been with the Selig Polyscope, the Ad vance Motion Picture Company, the Amer ican Box Feature Film Company, and with Pa the. He is starred in Payment Guaran teed, Their Mutual Child, The Week End, The Hellion, and the Tiger Lily. He re sides in Hollywood, Cal. Cox, George S M Business President and Director, of Cambria and Ormes Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. ; and a member of the Philharmonic Society, and various other clubs and societies. He is president of the George S. Cox and Brother, Incorporated, manufacturers of hair cloth. He is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; is president of the Philharmonic Society ; and has held various positions of trust and honor. Cox, Henry, President of the Clef Club, with, a membership of forty-five men and women. He resides at 3320 Dewey Avenue, Omaha, Neb. Cox, James M., Publisher and Governor, of 815 Grand Avenue, Dayton, Ohio; was born March 31, 1870, in Jacksonburg, Ohio. For many years he was newspaper reporter and became a well-known newspaper pub lisher of Dayton and Springfield. In 1909- 1913 he was a member fo Congress; and in 1913-15, 1917-19, 1919-1921 he served as Governor of the State of Ohio. He resides at Dayton, Ohio. Coy, Marion Love, Physician and Banker of Canton, Texas. He was born Feb. 22, 1870, in Canton, Texas; he is a successful physician; and a member of several medi cal associations. He is president of the First National Bank of Canton, Texas; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs of his City and State. Cox Persia, President of the Radcliffe Musica Association, with a membership of one hundred women. She resides at 150 Walnut Street, Brookline, Mass. Cox, Stephen J., Lawyer and Director,of 233 Broadway, New York City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1871 in Cranford, N.J., and in 1893 he received the degree of LL.B. from the New York Law School. He is a member of the law firm of Cox, Kent and Campbell. Since 1893 he has practiced law in New York, New Jersey, and elsewhere in the Federal Courts. In 1898 he married Miss Ada L. Grand ; of Toronto, Canada ; and they have one son., and reside in Westfield, N.J. Cox, William Van Zandt, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born June 12, 1852, near Zanesvillej, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been president of the Second National Bank of Washington, D.C. He resides at Emery Place, Brightwood, D.C. Coydendall, Frederick Business Presi dent, of Foot of West Fifty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cornell Steamboat Company, Coyle, John G., Editor and Lecturer, of 220 East Thirty-first Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of the Society of Medi cal Jurisprudence. He has been a lecturer on the board of education of New York City. He is State Deputy of the New York Knights of Columbus, and editor of the American Irish Historical Society Journal. In 1896 he married Miss Catharine Lennon, and the have one daughter, and reside at 6 West Nnty-fifth Street, New York City. Coyne, Daniel, J., Commission Merchant, of 119 West South Water Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 19, 1863, in Chicago, 111. His parents came to Chicago in 1837 when its population was about three dud- red. For years he has been engaged in the produce business on South Water Street; and is senior member of Coyne Brothers. He is a member of the Chicago Council, Knights of Columbus. In 1881 he married Miss Mary Julia Crowley; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 1315 Arthur Avenue, Chica- go, HI. Cozzens, Stanley T., Business President of 109 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Metropolis Safe Deposit Company, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 167 Craft, Fenton F., Business President, of 145 West Fortyfifth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Thompson Filter Company, and a director in other corporations. Crafts, Wilbur Fisk, Clergyman, Foun der and Author, of 206 Pennsylvania Ave nue, Washington, D.C., was born Jan. 12, 1850, in Fryeburg, Maine. He has occupied pulpits in Chicago, Brooklyn, New York City and other places. In 1895 he founded the International Reform Bureau of Wash ington. He is editor of the Twentieth Cen tury Quarterly, and the author of forty- thre books. He resides in Washington,D.C. Crago, Thomas Spencer, Lawyer, Ban ker and Congressman, of Waynesburg, Pa., was born Aug. 8, 1866, in ^rreene County, Pa. He is engaged in the practice of law; and served as captain,major and lieutenant colonel in the Spanish-American War. He is vice-president of the Union Deposit and Trust Company. He was a member of the sixty-second Congress; and since 1915 has been Congressman-at-large Craig, Frederick W., Royal Arch Mason, of Des Moines, Iowa. He is General Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons, numbering forty-seven grand chapters. Craig, James 0., Business President, of 209 South State Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 10, 1880, in Table Grove, Ill.He was educated at the FloridaConference Col lege. Since 1903 he has been president of the Business Men s Clearing House ; and is also president of the Craig Agency. In 1915 he was president of the Rotary Club of Chicago; and in 1920 was district gov ernor for Illinois of the International As sociation of Rotary Clubs. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club; and is also ?i member of the Chicago Association of Commerce, and the Republic Merchants As sociation. In 1920 he married Miss Frances Spaulding; and they reside at 5173 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 111. Crandall, Charles Henry, Journalist, Au thor and Poet, of R.R. No. 55, Springdale, Conn., was born June 19, 1858, in Green wich, N.Y. For five years he has been on the staff of the New York Tribune, and has also been editor of the New York Tribune. He is a general contractor, poet and essay ist. He is the author of Wayside Music, The Chords of Life, Patriotic Poems and Songs, and other works. He resides in Springdale, Conn. Crane, Mrs. C. A., President of the Mac- Dowell Club. She resides at Canton, Ohio. Crane, George Francis, Insurance Official and Banker, of 76 Wall Street, New York City, was born April 21, 1852, in Boston, Mass. He is vice-president of the German Bank for Savings. Crane, R. B., Business President, of 516 Madison Street, Toledo, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Miltmore Company and other corporations. Gratty, Mabel, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Bellaire, Ohio. Since 1906 she has been general secretary of the National Board of the Young Women s Christian Association of the United States of America. She resides at 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Craven, W. R., Business President, of Dayton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dayton Savings and Trust Company and a director in other corporations. Crawford, George Gordon, Engineer and Railroad President, of Birmingham, Ala., was born Aug. 24, 1869, in Madison, Ga. Since 1907 he has been president of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Compa ny, with offices in Birmingham, Ala. He is a member of the Southern Club, the Birm ingham Country Club, the Du Quesne Club, and the Engineers Club of New York. Crawford, Harden L., Business President of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Maumee Valley Electric Company of Ohio, and a director in other corporations. Crawford, R. K., Business President, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the R. K. Crawford Land Company and other corporations. 168 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Crawford, William Henry, Member of American Historical Association, Elector Hall of Fame, and the City Club of New York. In 1893-1920 he was president of Allegheny College. He resides at 414 West One Hundred and Twenty-first Street, New York City. Crawford, William Webb, Member of the Birmingham Country Club. He was born Aug. 27, 1867, in Eutaw, Ala. Since 1905 he has been president of the American Trust and Savings Bank. He resides 1901 Twelfth Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. Crayton, A. F., Director of i.oiumbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. H^e is a director of the Dominion Land Company fjnd other corporations. Crayton, E. W., Business President, of Long Street, Columbus, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Capitol City Realty Co Creager, Charles E., Journalist and Sta tesman, of Muskogee, Okla. ; was born on April 28, 1873, in Montgomery County, 0- hio. In 1894 he entered the newspaper bus iness in Dayton, Ohio, formerly reporter at Dayton and Columbus, Ohio. In 1902-04 he was editor of the Daily Leader of Marietta Ohio; in 1898 he was Sergeant-Major of The Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American War and the Porto Rico campaign. He was a member of the Sixty- first Congress. In 1896 he married Miss Lizzie J. Fleenor, and they reside in Mus kogee, Okla. Crean, Mrs. Mary, President of the New Britain Catholic Choral Union, with a mem bership of one hundred and twenty men and women. She resides on Summer Street New Britain, Conn. Crean, Thomas F., Business President, of 887 Ocean Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Crean Construction Company, and a director of Dyker Realty Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Crebs, Mrs. Edith C., President of the Women s Music Club, with a membership of three dundred persons. She resides at 71 Oxford Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, Creed, W. E., Business President, of Bal- four Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Creigton, James Edwin, Educator, Au thor and Scientist, of Ithaca, N.Y., was born April 8, 1861, in Picton, N.S. Since 1896 he has been professor of logic and since 1914 has been dean of r,he Graduate School. He is the author of An Introduc tory Logic, which is now in its fourth edi tion; and is the editor of the Philosophical Review. He also h-is publisher* many arti cles. He resides at Ithaca, iN.Y. Crenshaw, Peyton C., Member of the Chi cago Club, the Chicago Athletic Associa tion, and the Edgewater Golf Club He was born Aug. 4, 1869, in Sulphur Springs, W. Va, He was associated with the Standard Oil Company as general manage? of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana*, and is now president of the Home Oil Company, with offices at 208 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. He is a director of the Natio nal Petroleum Marketers Association. In 1889 he married Miss Adele Shavvier, and they have one daughter, and reside at 130 Main Street, Evanston, 111. Cresmer, William T., National Newspa per Representative and Patriot, of 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 17, 1876, in Illinois. He is a general manager in Chicago of the Williams, Law rence and Cresmer Company, Incorporated, of New York, Chicago and San Francisco; and is past president of the Daily Newspa per Representative Association of Chicago. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, the South Shore Country Club and the Skokie Country Club. Cressy, Will Martin, Actor, Playwright and Author, of 24 South Street, Concord, N.H., was born Oct. 29, 1863, in Bradford, N.H. Since 1889 he has been on the stage making his first appearance at Norwalk, Conn. He played six years in The Old Ho mestead; and since 1899 has been in vaude ville with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Gressy were the first American players to go to France to play for Our Boys under the AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 169 auspices of America s Over There Theatre League. He has written one hundred and seventy one-act plays. He is a member of the Elks, the Masons, and the International Rotary Clubs. In 1890 he married Miss Blanche Dayne; and they reside at Lake Sunapee, N.H. ; . and also maintain a home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Cressman, Mrs. Nelson C., President of the Octave Club. She resides at) 101 Jacoby Street, Norristown, Pa. Crews, Ralph, Lawyer and Director, of 55 Wall Street, New York City, was born March 29, 1876, in Mt. Vernon, Ill.In 1905- 12 he w T as general counsel for the National Packing Company. For many years he was engaged in the general practice of law as a member of the law firm of Adams, Crews Bobb and Wescott at Chicago, 111. His law practice is now in New York City. He is a director of Brokaw and Company, the Na tional City Company, and other corpora tions. Criado, Louis Fernandez, Physician and Pathologist, of 2340 University Avenue, Fordham, N.Y., was born Feb. 11, 1857, in Havana, Cuba. In 1875 he received the de gree of A.B. from St. Louis College; and in 1879 the degree of M.D. from the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He has been professor and demonstrator of patho logy and histology at the Long Island Ho spital College; and is medical examiner of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York City. In 1893 he was Spanish and English speaking secretary to the sec tion in pathology in the First Pan-Ameri can Congress held in Washington, D.C.,and was commissioned examiner in lunacy. He is the author of many articles on medical, surgical and electrical subjects and is the inventor of various electrical instruments and devices. He is a member of various medical societies. Crochett, Arthur J., Treasurer and Di rector, of 85 Broad Street, B9ston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is director of the Southgate Build ing Company and other corporations. Crocker, C. H., Business President, of 351 California Street, San Francisco, (Jal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Alameda Sugar Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Crocker, Charles T., Business President, of Shreve Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Crocker Hotel Company and a director in other corpora tions. Crocker, Frank W., Secretary and Direc tor, of 43 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Beacon Trust Company and other corporations. Crocker, Joseph B., Director and Trustee of 48 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Quincy Market Cold Storage and Warehouse Company and other corporations. Crocker, William Henry, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Jan. 13, 1861, in Sacramento, Cal. He is president of the Crocker National Bank, of San Fran cisco. He resides in Burlingame, Cal. Crocker, William H., Business President of Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Calitornia Academy of Science:;, Crockett, Mrs. S. S., President of the Centennial Club. She resides at 128 Eighth Avenue, S., Nashville, Tenn. Cromelin, Paul H., Business President, of 220 West Forty-second Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Parenta Film Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Cromwell, Edward M., Business President of 5 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born March 28, 1884, in Baltimore,Md. and was educated in his native city. Since 1902 he has been in the insurance and real estate business in Baltimore and New York City. He is president of E. M. Crom well and Company, Incorporated; a direc tor of the Manufacturers National Bank of Cambridge, Mass.; and vice-president and treasurer of The 1657 Broadway Corpora tion. 170 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Cromwell, Lincoln, Business President, of 357 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Kae- (|iiet and Tennis Club, the City Club, the Manhattan Club, the Columbia University Club, the Quill Club, the Baltimore Club, and the Cosmos Club of Washington, D.C. He received the degrees of A.B., M.A. and LL.B. from Columbia University. He is a member of the firm of William Iselin and Company. He is president of the Everett- Norfolk Paper Box Company; and a trus tee of the Bowery Savings Bank, and the New York Life Insurance and Trust Com pany. He is a director of the Merchants Association of New York, Norfolk Knitting Mills Corporation, the Queen Insurance Company of America, and the Textile Al liance Export Corporation. He is also a trustee of St. Luke s Hospital. In 1895 he married Miss Mabel Wheeler Smith ; and they have a family of one son, and three daughters, and reside at 711 Park Avenue New York City. Cromwell, William Nelson, Director, of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company and other cor porations. CronkMte, Leonard W., Business Presi dent, of 142 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass, and a member of various clubs and socie- ties. He is president of the Cronkhite Com pany, Incorporate Crosley, Powel, Jr., Business President of 1108 Harrison Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Business Men s Club, the Allegheny Club, the Cheat Mountain Club, the Wyoming Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born Sept. 18, 1886, in Cincinnati, Ohio; and received an acade mic education. He is president of the Ame rican; Automobile Accessories Company, the Crosley Manufacturing Company, and the National Label Company. He is a di rector of the Hamilton County Bank and other corporations. In 1910 he married Miss Gwendlyn Bakewell Aiken; and they now have a family of one son and one daughter and reside at 5723 Davey Avenue, Cincin nati, Ohio. Crosman, Charles Sumner, Member of the City Club. He was born June 3, 1858, in Lynn, Mass. He is manager of the New York Office Fisk Teachers Agency. He re sides at 187 Emersin Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Cross, Harry Parson, Director, of Hospi tal Trust Building, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Industrial Trust Company and other corporations. Cross, W. Redmond, Director, of 33 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Ohio Gas and Electric Company and other corporations. Cross, William Thomas, Member of the Social Service Club. He was born May 1, 1887, near Mexico, Mo. Since 1913 he has been general secretary of the National Con ference of Social Work. He resides at 5801 University Avenue, Chicago, 111. Crossett, Lewis Abbott, Member of the Boston City Club. He was born on Jan. 29, 1859, in Springfield, Mass. Since 1902 he has been president of Lewis A. Crossett, Incorporated,manufacturer of men s shoes. He resides at 304 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Crossett, William C., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs arid societies. He is president of the Crossett Timber Compa ny of Davenport, Iowa; president of the Fordyce Lumber Company of Fordyce, Ark. ; .vice-president of the Jackson Lum ber Company of Lockhart, Ala.; and vice- president of the Crossett Lumber Company of Crossett, Ark. Croucher, Ira N., President of the Sing ers, with mixed chorus of one-hundred and fifty voices. He resides in Canandaigua, N.Y. Grouse, Mrs. Charles EL, President of the Salon Musical Club. She resides at 715 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, N.Y. Crowell, C. T., Business President, of 901 Union Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Los Angeles Inyo Farms Company, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 171 Crowell, Henry Parsons, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Jan. 1, 1855, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been president of the American Cereai Compa ny, Akron, Ohio. He resides in Winnetka, 111. Crowley, Arthur L., Business President, of 148 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Inter-Coast Steamship Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Crowley, Arthur W., Secretary and Di rector, of 511 Forty-sixth Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of Crowley, The Magazine Man, Incorporated. Crowley, Dennis David, Physician and Surgeon, of the Central Bank Building, Oakland, Cal. ; and a member of the lead ing Medical Associations, a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1858 in Ireland; and received the degree of M.D. from the University of Illinois. He has been a member of^the State Board of Health, and Surgeon-General of California. Since 1900 he has been director and professor in the Oakland College of Medical Surgery. Cruikshank, Warren, Real Estate Broker of 141 Broadway, New York City, was born May 5, 1861, in Hempstead, N.Y. He was educated in the village school of Hemp- stead, N.Y. and business college. He en tered the office of E. A. Cruikshank and Company, real estate in 1877, and was ad mitted to the firm in 1886. He is president of the Cruikshank Company, successors to E. A. Crukshank and Company, since in corporation in 1903; a director of the Irv ing National Bank and other corporations. He is a member of the Wyandach Club of Smithtown, N.Y., the Adirondack League Club, the Knickerbocker Field Club, and the Lawyers Club. In 1885 he married Miss Fanny Augusta Menshill ; and they have two sons, and reside at 710 Lenox Road, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. Cudahy, Edward A., Packer, of 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 22, 1885, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been identified with the packing business; and since 1915 vice-president of the Cudahy Packing Company. He is also an officer and director in other corpora tions. Cudahy, Edward Aloysius, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Feb. 1, 1860, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1910 he has been president of The Cudahy Pack ing Company. He resides at 22 Bank Street, Chicago, 111. Cuddy, James K., Secretary and Direct or, of 33 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societis He is a director of the Op- penheim Collins and Company, and other corporations. Cullman, Howard S., Vice-president and Diretcor, of 161 Front Street, New York City; and a member of the Century Coun try Club, the Reform Club, and the Ocean Country Club. He was born Sept. 23, 1891, in New York City; and was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, and at Yale Uni versity. He is vice-president of Cullman Brothers, Incorporated, and secretary and director of the Associate Owners. He is president of the Beekman Street Hospi tal. In 1914 he married Miss Elsie Gott- heil; and they reside in Lawrence, Long Island, N.Y. Cullman, Joseph F., Business President, of 1616 Front Street, New York City; and a member of the Century Club, the Bank ers Club, the Republican Club, the Ocean Country Club. He was born June 25, 1882, in New York City; and was educated at Yale University. He is president of the Stern-Mendelsohn Company; is vice-presi dent of Cullman and Brothers; and a di rector of the American Equitable Assur ance Company, the Chase National Bank, the Simsbury Bank and Trust Company, and the Universal Leaf Tobacco Company. In 1906 he married Miss Frances Nathan Wolff; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside at 46 West Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Culver, Helen, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born March 23, 1832, in Little Valley, N.Y. In 1895 she built and 172 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST endowed the four Hull Biological Labor atories for the University of Chicago. She resides in Lake Forest, 111. Cummins, Alexander G., Clergyman and Editor, of Poughkeopsie, N.Y. and is a member of various clubs and societies. He received the degrees of A.M. and Litt.D. He is tlie editor of the Chronicle of rough ly eepsie, N.Y. Cummins, Joseph, President of the City Club, of 315 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Cummins, Thomas K., Director and Trustee, of 70 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties, lie is a director of the Boston Elec tric Light Company and other corpora tions. Cunningham, Henry V., Business Pres ident, of Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Pilot Pub lishing Company, and a director in other corporations. Cunningham, John L., Insurance Presi dent, of Glen Falls, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born April 5, 1840, in Hudson, N.Y., and ivc< -ived the degree of LL.B. from the Union University Law School of Albany. For many years he has been identified with the Glens Falls Insurance Company; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Cunningham, N. W., Business President, of Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the La fayette Bank and other corporations. Cunningham, Warren W., Director, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Trojan Powder Com pany arid other corporations. Curley, James Michael, Business Presi- nent and Banker, of Sears Building, Bos ton, Mass.; was born Nov. 20, 1874, in Boston, Mass. He attended grammar school and the evening high school. He was engaged in the real estate and insur ance business. He was a member of Bos ton Common Council for two years in 1900-01; and a member of the Massachu setts House of Representatives in 1902-03, and the Boston Board of Aldermen in 1904-11. He was a member of the sixty- second and sixty-third Congresses; and was mayor of Boston in 1914-19. In 1906 he married Miss Mary E. Herlihy. Curran, Maurice J., Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Gillette Safety Razor Company Currie, Harry R., Vice-President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Atlantic Lighter age Corporation. Curtin, Emmctt R., Business President, of Lima, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lima Transportation Company, and a director in other corporations. Curtis, Albert H., Director and Trustee, of 176 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He s a dL c : c it i y. nr< Curtis, Constance, President of the Art Worker s Club for Women. She resides at 224 West Fifty-eighth Street, Manhat tan, N.Y. Curtis, Fayette S., Business President, of South Terminal Station, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Old Colony Railroad Company, and a director in other corporations. Curtis, William Franklin, Clergyman and College President, of Cedar Crest College for Women, Allentown, Pa., was born Feb. 12, 1893, in Souderton, Pa. He received the degree of A.B. from the Franklin and Marshall College, and the degree of Litt.D. from Muhlenberg Col lege. In 1901-08 he was pastor of St. Paul s Reformed Church of Kansas City, Mo. Since 1908 he has been president of the College for Women of Allentown, Pa. He is a member of the Rajah Shrine, is a thirty : second degree Mason, and is a mem ber of various educational, religious and scientific organizations. In 1901 he mar ried Miss Anna Denlinger; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Cedar Crest, Allentown, Pa. Dorothy Gal. 2 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 173 Curtis, Louis, Business President, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Provident Institution for Savings, and a director in other corpora tions. Curtis, Oakley Chester, Member of the Portland Yacht Club. He was born March 29, 1865, in Portland, Maine. In 1915-16 he was governor of the State of Maine. He resides in Portland, Maine. Curtiss, Julius Wheeler, Merchant and Treasurer, of 126 Nassau Street, New York City, was born Aug. 29, 1858, in Fairfield, Conn. He was educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Hopkins Grammar School, and in 1879 received the degree of A.B. from Yale University. In 1885-1907 he was secretary of A. G. Spald- ing and Brothers; and since 1907 he has been vice-president. He is treasurer of Peck and Suyden and director of the Yale Building Company. He is president of the New York Association, and Delta Kappa Upsilon; has been director of Yale Alumni Association, chairman of the Yale- Harvard Regatta Committee; and vice- president of the Connecticut Golf Associ ation. He is a member of various clubs. Gushing, Grafton D., Lawyer and Di rector, of Barristers Hall, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Somerset Club, the Harvard Club, the Country Club, and Ci ty Club, of Boston, and the Knickerbocker Club of New York. He was born Aug. 4, 1864, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated at Noble s School, and at Harvard College. He has been Speaker Massachusetts House of Representatives; and Lieutenant Gov ernor of ti.i State of M ssachusettes. He is president of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children; vice-president of the Public School Asso ciation, and a director of the Massachu setts Tax Commission. He is also a trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. He resides at 20 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Gushing, Walter F., Treasurer and Di- Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Moore Pen Company, vice-president of the Med- ford Co-operative Bank, and a director of the Medford Trust Company. He is also treasurer and director of Adams, Gush ing and Foster, Incorporated. Cushman, Arthur, Business President, ot 1227 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cushman Publishing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Cushman, James Stewart, General Man- asrer and Business President, of 240 West Thirty-third Street, New York City. He was educated at the Columbia Grammar School. Since 1898 he has been general manager of the Cushman and Denison Manufacturing Company of New York City; became vice-president and since 1918 has been president of that concern. He is also president of the Allerton House Company, and president of the Allerton Realty Company. He is a member of the Century Club, the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and a member of Piping Rock Club. In 1901 he married Miss Vera Scott, of Ottawa, 111.; and they reside at 26, East Ninety-fifth Street, New York City. Cushman, Robert H., Business Man and Director, of 461 West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of the Masons, and various oth er clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 29, 1889; in New York City, and received an academic and business education. Since 1907 he has been identified with Cushman Sons, bankers, of which corporation he is now a director. In 1914 he married Miss Laura E. Ware: and they reside at 25 Overlook Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y. Cutler, Bertram, Director, of 26 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Cutler, Harry M., Second Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the National Life Insurance Company, of Montpelier, Vt., was born Dec. 15, 1867, in Montpelier, Vt. He was connected with the First Na tional Bank of Montpelier from 1884-89, becoming teller in 1886 and assistant cashier in 1888. He entered the service of the National Life Insurance Company 174 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST in 1889, and was elected treasurer in 1890, and treasurer in 1897. He was elected a member of the board of directors in Jan uary, 1900 second vice-president and treasurer in January, 1911, and on Janu ary 16, 1917, was elected vice-president. Outler, James Gould, Member of the Rochester Country Club. He was born April 24,1848, in Albany, New York. He resides at 706 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. Cutler, Otis Henderson, Member of the Union League Club. He was born in New York City. Since 1916 he has been chair man of the board of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company. He resides in Suffern, N.Y. Cutting, Robert Fulton, Member of the Tuxedo Club. He was born June 1, 1852, in New oYrk City. Since 1891 he has been president of the New York Trade School. He resides at 24 East Sixty-seventh Street, New York City. Cutting, R. Fulton, Director, of 32 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Tube and Stamp ing Company and other corporations. Cutting, Seth Hudson, Architect and Builder, of 1721 Avenue J, Brooklyn, N.Y. and a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Knights of Pythias, and other organ izations. He was born Nov. 3, 1869, in Newport, N.H. ; and received the degree of M.A. from the Coleman National Bus iness College. He is president of Cutting and Osgood, president of the Monadnock Garage, and president and director of other corporations. Cuyler, Thomas De Witt, Director, of 61 Broadway and Commercial Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Metropolitan Opera Company Dahl, Gerhard M., Director, of 57 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Alabama Traction, Light and Power Company and other corpora tions. Daily, Clara, President of the Fredonia Music Club, with a membership of two- hundred and thirty women. She resides at Curtis Place, Fredonia, N.Y. D Aix, Frederick C. L., Civil and Me chanical Engineer, of 127 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born in 1870, in St. Cloud, France. He was educated at the Universtiy of Leipzig and at the Univer sity of Berlin-Charlottenburg. Since 1900 he has ben a consulting engineer; and is now president of the Technical Society, New York. He is a member of the At lantic Yacht Club, the New York Yacht Club, the New York Club, the Hamilton Club, the Chicago Club and the Lincoln Club of Chicago, 111. In 1914 he married Mrs. Clyara-Bell Parmelee ; and they reside in Kenilworth, 111. Dalley, Lawrence C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 1735 Broadway, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer, and a director of the Paige-Detroit Company of New York, Incorporated. Daly, Franklin P.. Business President, of 8 Pine Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shawmut Silver Fox Ranching Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Dame, Frank L., Business President, of 60 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central States E- lectric Corporation, the Electric Invest ment Corporation, the North American Company, the Wisconsin Edison Company, the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, and the Youngstown and Niles Electric Corporations and other corporations. Dammann, .Milton, .Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Madison Tire and Rub ber Company and other corporations. Damon. Alexander Martin, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born July 28, 1874, in Lowell, Mass. He is field secretary of the Salvation Army Incorpor ated; and has traveled over three hundred thousand miles during his twenty-five years of army service. His address is 122 West Fourteenth Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 175 Damrosch, Walter, President of the Mu sicians Club, with a membership of five- hundred men and women. He resides at 146 East Sixty-first Street, New York City. Dana, Lynn B.,. Member of the Rotary Club, and a member of the National Coun cil Boy Scouts of America, a thirty-second degree Mason, and a Knight Templar. He was born Oct. 15, 1875, in Middleport, N.Y. and has received a thorough classical and musical education. He is a Musical Direct or, Pianist and Composer. He is president of the Dana Musical Institute of .Warren, Ohio. In 1901 he married Miss Retta Ni- mocks, daughter of Judge Nimocks of Great Bend, Kan. ; and they have one son and reside in Warren, Ohio Dana, Richard H., Lawyer and Trustee, of 113 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a trustee of the Washington Trust Building and other corporations. Dane, Ernest B., President of the Ce cilia Society, with a membership of over one hundred men and women. His address is 8 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Dangaix, William Joseph, Member of the Birmingham Club. He was born Sept. 16, 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was the or ganizer and first president of the Birm ingham Savings Bank, now the American Trust and Savings Bank. His address is Plandome, Long Island, N.Y. Daniel, John, Business President, of 503 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Daniel Contracting Company, Daniel, Milton Jones, of 116y 2 East Sol omon Street, Griffith, Ga:. was born in 1875, in Griffith, Ga. Since 1901 he has been secretary of the Rushton Cotton Mills. He is also secretary and treasurer of the Griffith County Club. He is a re tired Brigadier General of the Georgia National Guard; a prominent Odd Fellow; and a member of several fraternal and patriotic clubs and societies. In 1897 he married Miss Nellie Brown, and they havt. a family of two sons; and reside at 430 West Popular Street, Griffin, Ga. Daniels, Raymond E., Merchant, of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. ; and a member of the University Club, the Midlothian Country Club, the City Club and the South Shore Country Club. He was born Aug. 26, 1883, in Chicago, 111. In 1908-11 he practiced law in Chicago, 111. He is president Edwin F. Daniels, Incor porated. In 1914 he married Miss Frances McWhinney; and they hae a family of one son ad one daughter, and reside at 4828 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, 111 : Dannemiller, Edward, Member of the Bay Ridge Club of Brooklyn, and the Ohio So ciety of New York. He was born Oct. 17, 1850, in Canton, Ohio; and graduated from Duff s College of Pittsburgh, Pa. He is president of the Dannemiller Coffee Com pany of Brooklyn, N.Y. He has traveled through England, France, Italy, Switzer land and Germany; and in Cuba, Jamaica and other Countries. He is now also pres ident of the Bay Ridge City Citize ns As sociation. Danziger, J. M., Business President, of 1004-5 , Security Building, Los Angeles Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Harbor View Land Company, and a director in various other corporations. Darlingtton, Hart, Vice-President and Director, of 100 William Street, New York City; and a meber of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Imperi al Assurance Company. Darst, H. H., Business President, of City National Bank, Dayton, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dayton Land Company and other corporations. Dart, William C., Business President, of 148 West River Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Rhode Island Tool Company, and a director in other cor porations. Dasha, Joseph A., Director, of 114 High Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlas Shoe Company and other cor porations. 176 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dashiell, William W., Business Presi dent, of 11C Broad Street, New York City; anda member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the New York Lubricating Oil Company, and a director in other corporations. Davega, Solomon B., Business President, of 831 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the S. B. Davega Company ; is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held numer ous positions of trust and honor. Davenport, Edward A., Treasurer and Director, of 321 Washington Street, Som- erville, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fresh Ponl Company, and oilier coipora- tions. Davenport, Eugene, Educator, Agricul turist, Scientist, was born June 2, 1865, in Woodlawn, Mich. He graduated from the Michigan Agricultural College with the degrees of M.S. and M.Agr.; and in 1889- 91 he was professor of agriculture in that institution. In 1891-92 he was president of a college in Brazil. In 1895-1901 he was professor of animal husbandry at the Uni versity of Illinois; and holds the degree of LL.D. Since 1901 he has been dean of the College of Agriculture; director Agricul ture Experimental Station, and professor of threnmatology at the University of Il linois. He is the author of Principles of Breeding and other works. Davenport, George H., Business Presi dent, of 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; ;ind a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Peters Dav enport Company, and a director in other corporations. Davenport, William Edwards, Member of the City Club. lie was born Aug. 1, 1862, in North Stamford, Conn. In 1901 he founded the Brooklyn Italian Settle ment, which in 1910 was consolidated with other organizations as the United Neigh borhood Guild. He is the author of The New Dispenstation. His address is 90 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Davey, Andrew, Business President, of 5 East One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Steet, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Heis presi dent of the grocery firm of Andrew Davey Incorporated. He is also president of the Davey Realty Company, and fourth vice- president of the New York Mercantile Ex- ohange. Davids, Walter B., Director, of 79 Cort- landt Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hocking Coal Company and o 1 1 1 e r corporations. Davies, George Reginald, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 3 ,1876, in Abingdon, England. He has taught sociol ogy in the University of North Dakota. He is the author of Social Environment. His address is 35 Murray Place, Princeton, N.J. Davies, William H., Director, of 32 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Hudson Valley Railway Com pany and other corporations. Davis, A. B., Business President, of Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Nevada Petroleum Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Davis, Andrew McFarland, Antiquarian and Author, of 10 Appleton Street, Cam bridge, Mass.; was born Dec. 30, 1833, in Worcester, Mass. He was educated at the Lawrence Scientific Harvard College. He published articles in the Overland and At lantic Monthly Magazines. In 1862 he married Miss Huwintta Pauker Whitney; and they reside in Boston, Mass. Davis, Charles William, Business Presi dent, of the Citizen s Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Hermit Club, the University Club, and the Mayfield Country Club. He was born Dec. 25, 1870, in Youngstown, Ohio; and in 1894 gradu ated from the Ohio State University. He is president of the Albert Rees Davis Com pany; a member of the Chamber of Com merce, and has filled various positions of trust and honor. In 1909 he married Miss Kathleen Lawrence; and they have a fam ily of one son and one daughter, and re side on Sheridan Road, South Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 177 National Educational Association, the Fed eral Council of Churches of Christ in A- merica, and the National Society for Broader Education. He is president of the Alfred University of Alfred, N.Y. Davis, D. D., Business President, of Oak Hill, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Da vis Fire Brick Company and other corpor ations. Davis, Donald D., Director, of 26 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Mercer Motors Company and oth er corporations. Davis, Earl S., Business President, of Columbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Peruna Company aind other corporations. Davis, F. W., Business President, of Zanesville, Ohio; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Davis and Dilley Shoe Company and other corporations. Davis, G. Richard, Business President, of 30 East Forty-second btreet, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the G. Richard Davis and Company, Incorporat ed, and a director in other corporations. Davis, Henry Lyman, Member of the Cleveland Athletic Club. He was born Jan. 25, 1878, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is vice- president and general manager of th Da vis Telephone Adjustment Company, and in 1916-20 he was mayor of Cleveland. He resides at 4167 East Ninety-seventh Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Davis, James, Banker, of 1400 Milwau kee Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born March 7, 1869, in Germany. Sice 1894 he has been in business for himself. He is now vice- president of the Northwest State Bank; and is also owner of the James Davis Wholesale Wall Paper and Painters Sup plies business. Davis, James A., Secretary and Director, of 258 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Biblack Realty Company. Davis, J. M., Business President, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Incorporated; is prominently ident ified with business and public affairs. Davis, John Daniel Sinkler, Surgeon, of 2029 Avenue G, and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 19, 1859, in Townville, Ala. He is surgeon to the Blaine Baptist Hospital, and to the Hillman Hospital. In 1897 he married Miss Margaret E. O Brien; who died the follow ing year. He resides at 2772 Hanover Cir cle, Birmingham, Ala. Davis, John William, Member of tlxe Metropolitan Club. He was born April 13, 1873, in Clarksburg, W.Va. In 1913-18 he was Counselor Ambassador to the Red Cross, and in 1918 became ambassador ex traordinary and Plenipotentiary to Great Britain. His address is 15 Broadway, New York City. Davis, Katherine Bement, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 15, 1860, in Buffalo, N.Y. For thirteen years she was superintendent of the New York State Reformatory for Women. She re sides at 145 East Thirty-fifth Street, New York City. Davis, Livingston, Director, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Boston and Albany Railroad, and oth er corporations. Davis, Matthew E., Naval Architect, of Saranac Lake, N.Y. He received a thorough academic and technical education; and has attained success as a noted architect. He has held numerous positions of trust and honor; and is a member of of various clubs and societies. He resides at 201 Lake Street, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Davis, Philip, Member of the Boston Ci ty Club. He was born June 12, 1878, in Russia. In 1911-17 he was head worker at the Civic Service House of Boston, Mass. He is president of the National Non-Thea trical Motion Picture Bureau, of 48 Mel- rose Street, Boston, Mass. He is the au thor of Street-Land. He resides at 551 Winthrop Street, West Medford, Mass. 12 178 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Davis, Titus Elwood, Retired Clergyman, of 221 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, B.C.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born April 15, 1851, in Flatbush, N.Y., and has received the de grees of A.B. and A.M. In 1877 he was or dained to the Presbyterian Ministry; and from 1905 was pastor of Westminster Church, of Washington, B.C. He is the author of the Master s Call, Battle of Bound Brook and other works. In 1905 he married Miss Mary B. Herrom; and they reside at 221 Eighth Street, Washington, D.C. Davis, W. H., Birector, of Pacific Mutu al Life Building, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a diretcor of the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles and other corporations. Davis, William L., Financial Broker, of 126 Congress Street, West, Detroit, Mich, was born in 1882 ,in Allegan, Mich. Since 1920 he has been vice-president of Fenton, Davis and Boyle, Bond Brokers. He is a member of the Engleside Club, the Avia tion Country Club, and tha Detroit CLub. In 1904 he married Miss Alice C. Pripp; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 1715 Atkinson Avenue, Dertoit, Mich. Davison, Charles Stewart, Director, of 59 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Imperial Powder Cor poration; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Davison, George W., Business President, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central Union Trust Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Davison, Gilbert Aubrey, Member of the Fsin Diego Country Club. He was born Juno 21, 1808, in Kentville, N.S. Since 1907 he has been president of the South ern Trust and Commerce Bank. His ad dress is San Diego, Cal. Davison, Gregory C., Manufacturer, of Groton, Conn.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 12, 1871, in Jefferson City, Mo.; and received an academic education. He is president of the Bed Rock Petroleum Company, pres ident of the Structure Oil Company, and vice-president of the New London Ship and Engine Company. He has been Lieutenant- Commander in the United States Navy. In 1890 he married Miss Alice Shepard; and they reside in New London, Conn. Davison, Henry Pomeroy, Member of the Century Club. He was born June 13, 1867, in Troy, Pa. In 1902 he was elected vice- president of the First National Bank, and is now a member of the firm of J. P. Mor gan and Company. He resides at 690 Park Avenue, New York City. Davison, Robert J., Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Mountain Spring Wa ter Company and other organizations. Dawes, Charles Gates, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Aug. 27, 1865, in Marietta, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been president of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. He resides in Evanston, 111. Dawkins, Walter I., Lawyer and Jurist, of the Court House, Baltimore, Md., was born Oct 21, 1858, in Leonardtown, Md. Since 1911 he has been judge of the Su preme Bench of Baltimore City, Md. Dawn, Norman, Member of the Moving Picture Directors Association. He was born in the Argentine Republic. For seven years he was Scenic Cinematographer for Gau- mont, Biograph, Ince and the Keystone, and for two years was with the Universal. He has produced Sinbad the Sailor, The Eternal Triangle, the Lion Runner, the Fire Cap, and Wolves of the North. He resides at 1742 1 /2 Wilcox Avenue, Holly wood, Cal. Dawson, Albert Foster, Journalist and Statesman, of Davenport, Iowa, was born Jan. 26, 1872, in Spragueville, Iowa. He has been editor and publisher of the Pres ton Advance, and later became City Editor of the Clinton Herald of Iowa. In 1905-11 he was a member of Congrress. In 1893 he married Miss Rhoobe R. De Groat; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 2905 Middle Road, Davenport, Iowa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 179 Dawson, E. B., Treasurer and Director, of 111 Reid Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director of the Sanitor Pyorrhea Corporation. Dawson, Miles Menander, Lawyer, Actu ary and Author, of 28 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City, was born May 13, 1863, in Viroqua, Wis. He is a translator from the Norwegian; and is a writer on economics, ethics and reform movements. He is the author of Practical Lessons in Acturial Science, Ethics of Confucius, Poems of the New Time, and other Actu rial and Life Insurance works. Dawson, Thomas C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 11 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Holland Tor pedo Boat Company and other corpora tions. Day, Martin H., Treasurer and Director, 212 Concord Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Thompson and Nor- ris Company of Indiana and other corpor ations. Day, Joseph P., Business President, of 67 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Manhattan Beach Park and other corporations. He is honorary gov ernor of the Real Estate Board of New York, and a director of the Long Island Real Estate Exchange. Day, Ralph A., Business President, of 270 Riverside Drive, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the R. A. Day Company, Incorporated. He is prominently idenified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Day, William A., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States, and a director in other corporations. Day, Wilson M., Journalist, of 2062 East One Hundred and Second Street, Cleve land, Ohio; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Dayton, Hughes, Physician and Author, of Irvirigton-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; was born May 13, 1873, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1898 he ahs practiced medicine. He ils the author of Practice of Medicine; and resides in Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y. Dazian, Henry, Business President, of 142 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dazian s Theatrical Emporium, and a director in other corporations. Deacon, John C., Manufacturer, of 1770 Berteau Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 6, 1853, in Hector, N.Y. He has trav eled extensively in various parts of the world. He is the proprietor of the Musical Bell Works, manufacturers of musical nov elty instruments; and has an international reputation as an authority on acoustics. Dean, Bashford, Educator, Zoologist and Armor Capert, of Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; was born Oct. 28, 1867, in New York City. He is curator of fishes, at the Amer ican Museum of Natural History ; professor of Zoology in the Columbia University, Cu rator of Armor, in the Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, ad author of numerous works on fishes and Armor. Dean, Dudley S., Director, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Keweenaw Land Association and other corporations. Dean, James, Director and Trustee, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the banking firm of Dillon, Read and Company. He is director of the Greenfield Tap and Dye Company, and a director of the Manchester Traction, Light and Power Company. He is a trustee of the Fisk Rubber Company. He is a member of the governing committee of the Boston Stock Exchange, and a member of the board of managers of the Massachu setts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. In 1907 he married Miss Agnes Williams Lincoln ; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 100 Walnut Place, Brookline, Mass., and in Cohasset, Mass. 180 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dean, T. Howard, Editor, of 7 Central Park West, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is edi tor of The Debutante. He resides in New York City. Deans, Albert L., Vice-President an(d Director, of 120 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is vice-president of the General Motors Acceptance Corpor ation; is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Deans, Herbert George Prentice, Busi ness Vice-President, of 112 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 19, 1874, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was former ly connected in various capacities with the British Bank of North America in Canada. He is now vice-president of the Merchants* Loan and Trust Company of Chicago, HI. He is a member of the Union League Club. He married Miss Marie Dixon; and they have a family of one son; and reside at 6020 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, HI. Debevoise, Thomas M., Lawyer and Bus iness President, of" 62 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1874, in New York City; and was educated at Yale Col lege, and at the New York Law School. Since 1897 he has practiced law in New York City; and is a member of the law firm of Rounds, Hatch, Dillingham and Debevoise. He is also the president of the G. M. and D. Realty Corporation, and vice-president of the American Linseed Company. He is a director of The Debe voise Company, the Markt and Hammach- er Company, and of Mueller MacLean and Company. In 1898 he married Miss Anne Farman Whitney; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Summit, N.J. DeBlois, Geogre L., Director and Trus tee, of Barristers Hall, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Real Es tate Exchange and other corporations. Daynes, Royal W., President of the Mu sical Art Club. He resides at 15 East First Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. DeBower, Herbert Francis, Member of the Lotos Club. He was born March 11, 1874, in Dane, Wis. He is a noted public speaker on business and political questions. He is the author of Advertising Principles. He resides at 300 West End Avenue, New York City. DeCelles, Alfred D., Lawyer, Librarian and Author, of Ottawa, Canada; was born at St. Laurent, near Motreal. He was ed ucated at the Quebec Seminary and at Laval University, from which institution he received the honorary degree of Litt.D. in 1890. Until 1872 he was editor of the Journal de Quebec, then became editor ot La Minerve; and since 1885 he has been librarian of Parliament. He is thte author of the Habitant, His Origin and History; History of the Province of Quebec; and a score of works in French. DeCew, Judson A., Engieer and Business President, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Process Engineers, Incorporated; and president of the Process Engineers, Limited, of Mon treal, Canada. Decker, Casper G., Manufacturer, of Grand Central Avenue, Elmira, N.Y., was born May 5, 1860, in Summitville, N.Y. He was educated at the Elmira Academy, and at Syracuse University. Sice 1893 he has been engaged in the manufacturing of knit goods in Elmira, N.Y. He is secre tary and director of the Thatcher Manu facturing Company; and president of the Elmira Knitting Mills. He is secretary and a member of ahe board of managers of the Aronto Odgen Memorial Hospital; and sec retary and a member of the board of trus tees of the Arnot Art Gallery. He is a trustee of the Hedding Methodist Episco pal Church. He is a member of the Elmira Country Club, and the Elmira Rotary Club. In 1901 he married Caroline F. Spencer of Syracuse, N.Y. ; and they reside at 507 West Water Street, Elmira, N.Y. Decker, Edward Williams, Member of the Minneapolis Club. He was born Aug. 24, 1869, in Austin, Minn. Since 1910 he has been president of the Minnesota Loai* and Trust Company. He resides at 1315 Mount Curve Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn* AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 181 Decker, Frederick H., of Frenchtown, N.J., was born in 1876, in Asbury, N.J. He was educated at the Jefferson Medical College; and since 1897 has been a prac ticing physician. He is a director of the Alexandria-Delaware Bridge Company ; and a director of the Union Naational Bank. He is secretary of the Frenchtown Automobile Club. Decker, Thompson W., Busiess Man and Treasurer, of 524 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of the Masonic Order. He was born in New York City, where he was educated. For many years he was treasurer of the Com munity Ice Company. He is now treasurer of the Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker Company; and also treasurer of the Shef field Farms Company, Incorporated. Deeds, Edward Andrew, Member of the Rotary Club. He was born March 12, 1874, in Granville, Licking County, Ohio. He is the founder and president of the Dayton Egineering Laboratories Company. He re sides at Moraine Farm, Da yton, Ohio. Deering, Charles, Member of the Univer sity Club. He was bor in 1852, in Paris, Maine. He is now a director of teh Inter national Harvester Company. He resides in Miami, Florida. Deering, Charles J., Business President, of Union Trust Company, of San Francis co, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Uni on Trust Company of San Francisco, and a director in other corporations. Deering, James R., Lawyer and Director, of 135 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Manhattan Club, the Rac quet and Tennis Club, the Yale Club, the Remsen Club, and the New York Country Lawn Association. He was born in 1881 in New York City; and was educated at Yale University. Since 1904 he has been engag ed in the practice of law. He is a director of the New York Title and Mortgage Com pany, the Chelsea Realty Company, the Seneca Copper Company, and other corpor ations. In 1908 he married Miss Violet Pierce; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 45 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City. DeFontaine, W. Hampton, Business Pres ident, of 1675 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Doyle Auto Products Company, and a director in other corporations. DeForest, Henry L., Director, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Spring Valley Water Works andand Supply Company and other corpor ations. DeForest, Henry W., Business President, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Land and River Company, and a director in other corpora tions. DeForest, Robert W., President of the, Metropolitan Museum of Art. He resides at Fifth Avenue at Eighty-second Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. DeGanahl, Charles F., Business Presi dent and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the South ern Oil and Transport Corporation, pres ident of the Tampico Navigation Oil Com pany, and managing director of the Scot tish-Mexican Oil Company. Heis also a director of the British Equatorial Oil Com pany and other corporations. DeGargue, Charles L. E., Treasurer and Director, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a diretcor of the Bennett Typewriting Company and other corpora tions. DeGersdorff, Carl A., Director, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Staten Island Railway Company and other corporations. Degnen, Thomas J., Treasurer and Di rector, of 51 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Adams Land and Building Company and other corpora tions. Degnon, Michael J., Business President, of 51 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and 182 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST societies. He is president of the Degnon Contracting Company, ad a director in oth er corporations. Degnon, Norman G., Business President, of 505 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Home- Lawn Crest Realty Corporation, and a di rector in other corporations. DeGuigne, C., Business President, of 502 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the San Francisco Sul phur Company, ad a director in various other corporations. Delafield, Edward C., Business Presi dent, of 44 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Franklin Safe Deposite Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Delafield, J. A., Lawyer, of 35 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member ot the Associaton of the Bar of New York City, the New York County Lawyers As sociation, the New York Athletic Club, the New ork Historical Society; and the Society of Colonial Wars. He was born March 19, 1871, in New York City; and was educated at Columbia University, and at the New York Law School. He has been actively engaged in the practice of law since 1895. He has also been engaged as an agriculturist, as a scientist and natu ralist in ornithology, as a sportsman, as a writer, and as a director of the Fieldston Fealty Corporation, and various other cor- porations. Delamater, J. Oscar, Lawyer, of 140 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of the Holland Society, the Dutch- ess County, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Amherst College, and at the Columbia La\v School. Since 1912 he has practiced law in New York City. He is a directoi of the La Valley Vitae Brush Company and other corporations. He married Miss Nancy Gray ; of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; and they reside at 63 Hamilton Terrace, New York City. Delano, Eugene, President of the Musi cal Art Society. He resides at 12 Washing ton Square, New York City. Delano, Frederic Adrian, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Sept. 10, 1863, in Hong Kong, China. He is pres ident of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail road Company, and vice-governor of the Federal Reserve Board of Washington, D.C. He resides at 1128 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D.C. Delano, Lyman, Railway Official, of Wilmington, N.C., was born Jan. 16, 1883, in Newburgh, N.Y. In 1902-06 he attended Harvard College. In 1910 he entered rail way service with the Atlantic Coast Line Road, since which he has been consecutive ly to 1911, clerk in the chief roadway ac countant s office and assistant to chief engineer; in 1911-12 was assistant to the general superintendent of transportation to the president; in 1914-16 third vice- president; and since 1916 first vice-presi dent of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, his entire service being with that road. Delanoy, William C., Insurance Broker and Business President, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of the Union League Club, the Downtown Club, and the Grolier Club. He was born May 6, 1861, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Park Institute of Rye, N.Y. He is president of the Insurance firm of DeLan- cy and DeLancy of New York City. In 1914-18 he was diretcor of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, at Washington, D.C. He married Miss Helen Drake; and they have one son, and reside at 35 Afterglow Way, Montclair, N.J. Delany, Frank Joseph, Grain Marchant, of 140 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 2, 1875, in Peru, 111. In 1904-07 he was vice-president and general manager of the Nash-Ferguson Grain Com pany of Kansas City. He is now president and general mangaer of the Cragin Eleva tor Company of Chicago. Delapenha, Rudolph U., Business Pres ident, 17 Jay Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president or R. U. Delapenha and Company, Incorporated,, importers and packers of food products. He is also vice- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 183 president of the Quality Packers, of Ho- boken, N.J. DeLisser, Horace, Business President, of 220 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of the Lotos Club, the Athletic Club, and the Lambs Club. He was educated in the public schools of New York City. He is chairman of the Ajax Rubber Company, Incorporated, and is a director in other corporations. In 1012 he he married Miss Jane Maggard; and they reside at Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y. Dillenberg, J. H., Business President, of Akron, Ohio; and a mom he? ol. various clubs and societies . He is president of the Akron Lumber Company at i other cor porations. DeLong, Julius, Business President, of 18 East Forty-first Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs rind so cieties. He is president of the American Hair Felt Company. He is a tru- Ue of the Citizens Savings Bank, and has hold many positions of trust and honor. DeMartino, Antonio, Secretary and Di rector, of 147 Mulberry Street, Ne\v York City; and a member of various clubs find societies. He is secretary and treasurer of Italian Book Company; and has filled ma ny positions of trust and honor. Deming, Judson Keith, Member of the Dubuque Club. He was born Sept. 18, 1858, in Sheldon, Vt. He is president of the Second Dubuque Savings Bank: He resides at 125 Grove Terrace, Dubuque, Iowa. De Mott, John W., Director,of 300 Wash ington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Home Title Insur ance Company and other corporations. Dempsey, William P., Director, of 331 North Main Street, Pawtucket, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Royal Weaving Company and other corporations. Demson, William A., Member Knights of Labor. For ten years he was National president of the Knights of Labor. He is now Financial secretary of the Boot and Shoe Workers Union, and resides at 88 State Street, Rochester, N.Y. Denman, A. C., Jr., Business President, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the Steel and Iron Investment Company and a director in other corporations. Denney, William D., Governor of Dela ware, was born March 31, 1873, in Dover, Delaware. He was educated in the public schools of his native city, and Wesleyan Collegiate Institute. In 1904-06 he was speaker of the Delaware House of Repre sentatives. He resides in Dover, Del. Dennis, Harry R., Banker of the Boyce Greely Building, Sioux Falls, S.D. and a member of the Sioux Club, the University Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born Jan. 31, 1869, in Tama, Iowa; and was educated in his native city. He is president of the Queen City Fire Insurance Company, and a director of the Mills Grain and Supply Company, the Syms-Brownell Company, North Western Seed Company, the Big Soo Motor Company, and presi dent of the Dennis Realty Company and other corporations, all in Sioux Falls, S.D. In 1891 he married Miss Regina Giger ; and they have a family of five sons and three daughters, and reside at 319 North Avenue Sioux Falls, S.D. Dennis, James S., Director of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Zinc Company and other corporations. Dennis, Joseph F., Business President, of 338 Pearl Street, New York City; and a member of the Arcola Country Club and other clubs and societies. He was born in 1870 in New Jersey; and was educated in Westfield, N.J. Since 1905 he has been president and treasurer of the New York Coil Company. In 1896 he married Miss Florence Clark; and they have one daugh ter, and reside at 92 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. Denison, George Austin, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 20, 1873, in New Boston, 111. He has been secretary of the Fine Arts Jury of the Lewis and Clark Exposition and other expositions. He re sides at Cathedral Oaks, Alma, Cal. 184 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dennison, M. E., Business President, of Youngstown, Ohio ; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Telegram Building Company and other corporations. De Normandie, Charles L., Lawyer and Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Judge Baker Foundation and other corporations. De Normandie, Philip Y., Director and Trustee, of 72 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Arkwright Mutual Fire Insurance Company and other corporations. Dent, Ashley T., Business President, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Elgin A. Simonds Com pany; is prominently identified with busi ness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Denton, Frank D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 51 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Insurance Clerks Mutual Benefit Association of the City of New York and other corporations. Denver, M. R., Business President, of Wilmington, Ohio; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Clinton County National Bank and other corporations. Depew, Chauncey M., Director, of Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Canada Southern Rail way Company and other corporations. Depew, R. Henry, Business President, of 110 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Insurance firm of Abm. S. See and Depew. He is also vice-president of the Bale-Snedeker Company. He is pre sident of the Plainfield Tax Payers Protec tive Association; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Deery, John E., Fraternal President, ot the Law Biulding, Indianapolis, Ind. He is president of the Ancient Order of Hi- berians. Dernier, Guy N., Secretary of the Phoe nix Country Club; and secretary of the Southwestern Golf Association; and is a member of the Arizona Club and the Elks. He was born Nov. 9, 1882, in Oregon, III. Since 1917 he has been chief deputy of Internal Revenue of Phoenix. He is also se cretary of the Ford Gold and Silver Mines Company, president of the Bergman Min ing Company and manager of the Dernier Audit Company. He has been efficiency ex pert for Montgomery, Ward and Company of Chicago. He resides at the Jefferson Club, Phoenix, Ariz. De Ronde, Philip, Business President, of 39 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Oriental Navigation Com pany, and vice-president of the Argentine- American Chamber of Commerce. He is president of the International Coal Trans portation Company, president of the P.De Ronde and Company, the Industrial Bank of New York, and a director of the Empire Trust Company and other corporations. De Roy, Samuel H., Vice-President and Director, of 1780 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of the Metropolitan Club, and various other clubs and socie ties. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pa.; and was educated in his native city. Since 1902 he has been a partner in the jewelry busi ness. He is vice-president of the Automatic Ticket Register Corporation; is prominent ly identified with business and public af- f a^rs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. In 1906 he married Miss Amy Bareman; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Cedarhurst, Long Island, N.Y. Derr, Cyrus George, Lawyer, of 542 Court Street, Reading, Pa., was born July 18, 1848, in Lebanon, Pa. He was educated in the law department of the University of Pennsylvania. He served in the Civil War. He founded the Pennsylvania Trust Com pany of Reading, Pa. In 1916-17 he was president of the Pennsylvania Bar Associ ation. Deshong, Clarence, President of the Al fred 0. Deshong Memorial Art Gallery. He resides at Eleventh and Edgemont Avenue Chester, Pa. / AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 185 Des Jardins, Benjamin Myrrick, Manu facturer, Inventor and Financier, of Hart- ford,Conn., was born Oct. 16, 1858,in Tyre, Mich. In 1882 he constructed the first type setting machine, and made the first com puting instrument to justify the lines. He was for two years employed on the Chica go Inter-Ocean. In 1899 he invented the typewriter adding machine. He is now pre sident of the Des Jardins Computing Re gister Company; and a director in various corporations. He has filled numerous posi tions of trust and honor; and is a member of numerous clubs and societies. In 3889 he married Miss Cora Viola Snyder of Evans- ton, 111. ; and resides in Summer at Buena Vista, West Hartford, Conn.; and in win ter at 1200 N. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Desmond, Thomas Charles, Consulting Engineer, of 26 Beaver Street, New York City, was born Sept. 15, 1887, in Middle- town, N. Y. In 1908 he received the degree of A.B. from Howard College; and in 1909 received the degree of B.in Civil Engineer ing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was national treasurer of the Roosevelt Non Partisan League; a member of the New York Republican Coun ty Committee; and is now president of the Newburg Shipyards, Incorporated; presi dent of the T.C. Desmond and Company ,In- corporated. Engineers and Contractors ;pre- sident of the Newburg Housing Corpora tion and is a member of the New York Re publican County Committee. He is a mem ber of the University, Union League, En- gineers,Players, National Republican, Tech nology, Harvard and Hollow Country Clubs of New York. He resides at 17 Gramercy Park, New York City. Dession, Victor E., Secretary and Direc tor, of 30 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director and secretary of the A. Wittnauer; is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs and has held several positions of trust and ho nor. De Souse, George S., Treasurer, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is trea surer of the Radio Corporation of America, and has held various positions of trust and honor. De Steiger, Raymond, Contractor and Business Man, of 6128 Gratiot Avenue, De troit, Mich., was born Jan. 25, 1896, in De troit, Mich.He was educated at the Detroit Central High School and the Detroit Ju nior College. Since 1916 he has been an electric contractor. He is also president of the Enterprise Electric Company. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Electrical Contractors Association, the Electrical Estimators Association, and the Detroit Musicians Club. He resides at 7778 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Mich. D Esterre, William H., Business Presi dent, of 1236 Union Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Hanson Amuse ment Company; is prominent in business and public affairs ; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. De Sure, David, Business President, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Arch Realty Company and other corpora tions. Des Voigues, Mrs. Louise, President of the Matinee Music?.! of Woman s (Jlub, with a membership of twenty-five women. She resides at 617 W. Thirteenth Street, Spokane. Wash. Detert, W. F., Business President, of 995 Market Street, San Fracisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bunker Hills Con struction Mining Company Detjen, Edward William, Vice-President and Director, of 30 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City ; and a member of the Old Colony Club, the Athletic Club, and is a member of the Elks and various Masonic Orders. He was born in 1877 in Hamburg, Germany; and was educated in his native city. Since 1906 he has been identified with the A. Wittnauer Company watch importers, of which corporation he is vice-president and director. In 1912 he married Mis Emma Catherine Hecht-Lue- ders; and they have one son, and reside at 2235 University Avenue, New York City. 186 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Detmer, Julian F., Business President of 315 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Dstmer, Bruner and Ma son, Incorporated; is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and ho nor. Detwiller, Gecrge K., Business President of 206 Superior Street, Toledo, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Laurel Land Company and other corporations. De Veyra, Jaime 0., of Manila, P.I., was born Nov. 4, 1873, in Tanawan, Province of Lyte, P.I. lie was educated in the pub lic schools of Tacloban, Leyte, in 1881; in private schools in 1882-84; at the College of San Juan de Letran of Manila in 1888- 03, receiving the degree of A.B. He studied law, philosophy, and letters in the Univer sity of St. Thomas of Manila in 1895-97.He was secretary to the Military Governor of Leyte in 1898-9.90. In 1900 he founded,with Messrs. Osaena and Palma, El Nuevo Dia of Cebu, the first Filipino paper published advocating Philippine independence. He was a member of the Municipal Council of Cebu; was vice-president and acting presi dent of same in 1902. He was elected gover nor of Leyte in 1906; was elected a mem ber of the Philippine Assembly in 1907,and was re-elected in 1909. He was appointed a member of the Philippine Commission in 1913, and General executive secretary of the Philippine Islands in 1916. He was elec ted resident commissioner by the Philip pine Legislature in 1917. DeVilbiss, Thomas A., Business President of Toledo, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Simplex Realty Company and other corpo rations. Devore, Mrs. Laurence E., President of the Art League. She resides in Crawfords- ville, Ind. Dewart, William T., Business President, of 280 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mohican Hotel Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Dewey, Edward Henry, Farmer, Stock- grower, Banker and Statesman, of Nampa, Idaho, was born Oct. 23, 1869, in Ruby Ci ty, Idaho. He was educated in the Idaho public schools. He has been president and owner of the Idaho Northern Railway Com pany; president and owner of the Dewey Electric and Power Company ; and presi dent and owner of the Dewey Palace Hotel. He was general superintendent of Trade Dollar Mine and Milling Company; and has filled various other important business positions. He has been a member of th^ Idaho State Senate, State treasurer and 5 State mine inspector. He is now president of the E. H. and W. C. Dewey Investment Company of Nampa; president of the Idaho State Life Insurance Company of Boise j president of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Nampa; president of the Nampa Department Store; president of th Boise Valley Traction Company ; president of the Capital News Publishing Company of Boise, Idaho; and a director in other corporations. Dewey, Melvil, of Lake Placid Club, Es sex County, N.Y., was born Dec. 10, 1851 in Adams Center, N.Y. He is president of Lake Placid Club, on the Adirondak Lakes Placid, Mirror and Hart, in Essex County. DeWolf, Ashley W., Secretary and Di rector, of 34 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubsand socie ties. He is secretary and director of the Fi delity Company, Incorporated; is promin ently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. De Wolf, Paul C., Director, of Prome nade, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Providence National Bank Dexter, Gordon, Capitalist, of 50 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Submarine Signal Company. He is director of the American Trust Compa ny, the Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Corpo ration, the Security, Safe and Deposit Company, the Edison Manufacturing Com pany, and the Alverado Mining and Mil- . ling Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 187 Dial, Nathaniel Barksdale, Lawyer, Ban ker and Congressman, of Laurens, S.C., was born April 24, 1862, near Laurens,S.C. He is president of the Home Trust Compa ny. He is a member of the sixty-sixth Con gress for the term of 1919-21. Diamant, H. A., Business Man, of 208 North Main Street, St. Louis, Mo. For ma ny years he has been identified with the business and public affairs of St. Louis, Mo.; and is now at the head of the St. Louis Commission Company, Incorporated in 1892. He is a member of various clubs and societies; and contributed in many ways to the success of the World-War. Dice, Agnew Thomson, Member of the Union Club. He was born Nov. 2, 1862, in Scotland, Franklin County, Pa. Since 1916 he has been president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. His ad dress is Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Dick, Albert Blake, Manufacturer, of 736 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Since 1884 he has been president, treasu rer and a director of the A. B. Dick Com pany. He is also director of the National City Bank, and the Buda Company. Dick, Evans R., Business President, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and, societies. He is president of the Stamford Rolling Mills Dick, William K., Business President,, of 62 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Plainfield Construction Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Dicken, Charles Ernest, Clergyman and College President, of Arkadelphia, Ark.; and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. He was born in 1877 in Harden County, Ky. He has been president of Woodlawn College, and president of the Mary Connor College. Since 1916 he has been president of Ouachita College. In 1906 he married Miss Belle Hurley Quick; and they have one son, and reside in Arkadelphia, Ark. Dickinson, Charles, Seed Merchant, of 2750 West Thirty-first Street, Chicago, 111. v.-as born May 28, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is vice-president and director of the Al bert Dickinson Company^ which was incor porated in 1887; president of Merchants Terminal Railway Company; and an officer in other corporations. He is president of the Aero Club of Illinois and a member of the Union League Club. Dickinson, Charles Henry, Member of the City Club, and various social and fra ternal organizations. He was born Sept. 6, 1868, in Attica, N.Y. For many years he has been identified with the Itaska Mercan tile Company and is a successful pharma cist and merchant of Grand Rapids, Minn. In 1912-15 he was treasurer of schools of Itaska County, Minn.; and has filled nu merous positions of trust and honor. He resides with his family at 2037 Fletcher Avenue, South Pasadena, Cal. Dickinson, George E., Director, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Ardsley Club, and the New York Yacht Club. He was born in 1863 in Paris, France; and was educated in France, Eng land and Germany. Since 1883 he has been identified with the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company. He is a director of the Berwind Terminal Company, the Irvington National Bank, the Maryland Coal Compa ny of Penns3 r lvania, the Panama Coaling Company, the Uvalde Asphalt Paving Com pany, and the Steamship Company. In 1911 he married Miss Alice M. Chandon; and he has two sons, and resides at Irvington- on-Hudson, N.Y. Dickinson, Gordon K., President of the Schubert Glee Club, with a membership of eighty men. He resides at 284 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N.J. Dickinson, H. E., Business President, of 212 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Sons of the Revolution, the Mayflower Society, and the Society of Co lonial Wars. He was born in New York Ci ty; and was educated at Yale College. Since 1890 he lias been connected with knitting business. He is president of the Nu-Tex Hosiery Company, and president of the Romay Manufacturing Company. He is also a director of the Banger Silk Knit Compa ny, and secretary of the Robischon Corpo ration. He married Mis Nellie Ponlet; and they reside at the Hotel Buckingham, Fifth Avenue and Fiftieth Street, New York Ci ty. 188 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Diefendorf, Warren T., Director, of 164 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the County Development Company and other corporations. Diener, George William, Manufacturer, of 400 to 4:20 Monlicello Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born April 1, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1S99 he has been president and trea surer of the George W. Diener Manufac turing Company, hardware specialties. He is also president of the Fort Dearborn Oil Company, lie is a member of the Colonial Club, the \Yostward-Ho Golf Club, and the Old Colony Club; and also a member of the Manufacturers Association and the Chicago Chamber of Commerce. In 1901 he married Miss Jean C. Brandt of Chicago; and they. have a family of one son; and re side at 244 South Ridgeland Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Dieter, Paul W., Business President, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Standard Safety Nut Corporation, and a director of other cor porations. Dietz, John Hal^ax, Business President, of 1214 One Hundred and Fifty-second Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Willowick Club, the Cleveland Real Es tate Board, the Cleveland Museum of Arts, the Cleveland Automobile Club, the Cham ber of Commerce and other organizations. He was born Dec. 23, 1873, in Coro, Mich. Since 1917 he has been president of the Federal Screen and Weatherstrip Compa ny. He married Miss Gertrude Hooper ; and they have a family of one son, and reside at 2243 Grandview Avenue, Cleveland, Diffendorfer, Ralph Eugene, Member of the Monday Club. He was born Aug. 5, 1879, in Heyesville, Ohio. Since 1919 he has been director of the Home Missions Sur vey of the Interchurch World Movement. He is the author of Child Life in Mission Land. He resides at 519 West One Hundred and Twenty-third Street, New York City. Digley-Mathews, Mrs. Blanche, President of the Denver Musical Society. Sae resides at 29 East Eighteenth Street, Denver-, Col. Di Giorgio, Joseph F., Business President of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of ^various clubs and societies. He is president of the Giorgio Fruit Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Dill, Lewis, Lumber Merchant, of the Keyser Building, Baltimore, Md., was born Sept. 19, 1859, in Frederick, Md.Since 1889 he has been head of the lumber manufac turing and merchant firm of Lewis Dill and Company. He is chairman of the Lum ber Fire Underwriters of New York; pre sident of the Baltimore Wholesale Lumber Club; director of the Baltimore Lumber Exchange, and National Councillor of the Chamber of Commerce, U.S.A. He has been president of the National Wholesale Lum ber Dealers Association of the United Sta tes and Canada. He is a member of the Lawyers Club and the National Arts Club of New York, and a member of the Mer chants Club, the City Club, and the Uni versity Club of Baltimore, Md. He married Miss Margaret Paxton Rapp, and th eir son L. Allan Dill, is a member of the firm of Lew T is Dill and Company. They reside at 1. Overhill Road," Baltimore, Md. Dillenback, Clarence, Member of the Ci tizens Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Elks, and all Masonic Bodies. He was born Sept. 16, 1864, in Amsterdam, X.Y.; and received a thorough education. For twenty years he has been engaged in the Insurance business as generai insurance agent, with offices in the University Building, Syracuse N.Y. He married Miss Sarah J. Johnston , and they reside at 719 Lodi Street, Syra cuse, N.Y. Dillon, Clarence, Director and Trustee, of 28 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Dillon and Read and Company, He is a direr I o^ of A. G. Spalding Brothers, the American For eign Securities Corporation, and the North American Company , and a trustee of the Central Union Trust Company Dimm, Charles M., Treasurer ar d Direc tor, of 67 Wall Street, New York Cityjand a member of varioas clubs and societies. He is director of the Munwood Steamship Corporation and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 189 Dimond, Abraham J., Business President: of 82 Beaver Stretl, New York City, and a member of various clubs andsooieties.lle is a member of the firm of Neuiueye/ and Dimond. He is president of the isuebs Trad ing Corporation, and president OL the West Side Real Estate Company. He is a direc tor of the Hirsch Lumber Company, and a director of the Mountain Ridge L.^nd Com pany. Dinwiddle, Edwin Courtland, Member of the Travel Club. He was born S^pt. 29, 1867, in Springfield, Ohio. He directed the campaign for the national constitutional prohibitionist amendment before Congress He resides at 1802 Lament Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Disston, William, Merchant an I Manu facturer, of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the fourth son of the late Henry Disston of England, who came to America, and in 1840 established the Disston Saw Manufactory. He is president of the Henry Disston and Sons Saw Works; and president of the German-American Title and Trust Compa ny of Philadelphia, Pa. Dittmer, Mrs. Harry L., President of the Musical Club. She resides at Oak Knoll Drive, Warren, Ohio. Diver, Pauline L., Secretary and Treasu rer, of 4 Washington Place, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. She is the owner of the Marvel Spe cialties Company; is prominently identified with business and public affairs, and has filled several positions pf lrust and honor. Dix, John Alden, Member of the Fort Orange Club. He was born Dec. 25, 1860, in Glens Falls, N.Y. In 1910-12 he was go vernor of New York, and is now president of the Troquois Paper Company. He re sides at Thomson, N.Y. Dixon, George D., Director, of 85 Cedar Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is adirector of the Long Island Consolidated Electrical Companies and other corporations. Doan, J. B., Business President, of Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Busi ness Mens Club, the Commercial Club, the Commonwealth Club, Makeatewah Country Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born Oct. 21, 1870, in Cincinnati,0hio; since 1916 he has been president of the American Tool Works Company. He is past treasurer of the National Machine Tool Builders Association, past president of the Cincinnati Metals Trades Association, and is now first vice-president of the National Metal Trades Associations. In 1899 he mar ried Miss Gertrude F. Fletcher; and they reside at 3852 Dakota Avenue, Avomiale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dockendorf, John E., Business President of 20 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of the Yale Club, the Larcnmont Yacht Club, the Megantic Club, the \Rail- road Club, and the New York Athletic Club. He was born March 20, 1866; and graduated from the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, and received the degree of Pli.B. from the Yale University. He is president of the Black Diamond Steamship Corpora tion; president of the firm of J.E. Docken dorf and Company, Incorporated; and di rector of the New York Knife Company. He married Miss Florence Cornell; and they have a family of two sons. Dodd, Allison, Business President, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bloomfield Trust Company of Bloomfield, N.J. ;and a director in other corporations. Dodd, Frank N., Business President, ot 150 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of the Columbia Club, the Babylon Club, and the Great South Bay Club. He was born March 29, 1870, in Ba bylon, N.Y. ;and was educated at the Peefcs- kill Military Academy, and at the Colum bia University. Since 1896 he has been a public accountant, company secretary, and bank and corporation director. He is pre sident of the Mill field Realty Company, di rector of the Babylon National Bank and of the Bowery Bank of New York and sec retary of the Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Company, and of the Wetzel. In 1912 he married Miss (I. M. Gary; and they have a family of two sons and two daugh ters, and reside in Babylon, Long Island, N.Y. 190 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dodge, Cleveland E.,Director, of 99 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Dnwson Fuel Company Dodge, Cleveland Hoadley, Merchant, of 99 .John Street, New York City, was born Jan. 2b , IcSOO, in New York City. He recei ved the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from the Princeton University. He is vice-president of the Plielps Dodge and Company and collected with various other corporations. He is a member of the Country Club, the Union Club, the New York Yacht Club and various other clubs and societies. Dodge, Edward Sherman, President of the Harvard Alumni Chorus, Incorporated, with a membership of one hundred and for ty men. He resides at 53 State Street, Bos ton, Mass. Dodge, Josephine Marshall Jewell (Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge), Member of the Colony Club. She was born Feb. 11, 1855, in Hart ford, Conn. She is first vice-president of the Association of Day Nurseries of New York City. She resides at 563 Park Avenue New York City. Dodge, Philip T., Business President, of 154 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presidnt of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Dodge, W. H., Business President, of United Bank Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Scripps Pub lishing Company and other corporations. Dodson, Edward Griffith, Lawyer and Statesman, of Norfolk, Ya. ; and a member of the Civitan Club, the Norfolk Country Club, the Norfolk Boast Club, the Princess Anne County Club; and is a Shriner, Elk and Moose. He was born April 30, 1884, in Norfolk, Ya.; and received an academic education. He is a successful lawyer; and a member of the Virginia State Senate from the thirty-first senatorial district. He is president of the Dodson Hotel Corpora tion, operating the Lorraine Hotel; ana ts prominently identified with business and public affairs. He resides at 1236 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Doe, Thomas A., Retired Business Man and Director, of 9 East Forty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of / various clubs and societies. He has been a. director of the American Agricultural Chemical Company, the Bota Grande Land Company, the Grande Terminal Company, the Bowker Fertilizer Company, the Charlotte-Harbor and Northwestern Railway Company, the Coe-Mortimer Company, and the Florida Wood Preserving Company. He is interes ted in the Elmer H. Doe Advertising Agen cy of New York, Louisville and Chicago. He has practically retired from active busi ness; and resides at 21 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair, N.J. Doehler, Herman H., Director and Trus tee, of Court and Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been iden- tifiied with the Doehler Die-Casting Com pany. He is a director of the Home Title Insurance Company,a trustee of the Brook lyn Trust Company, and a trustee of the Brooklyn Savings Institution. D Oench, Albert Frederick, Architect, of 35 E. Seventy-second Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties, was born Dec. 25, 1852, in St. Louis Mo. He is member of Architectural League of New York. Doheny, Edward Lawrence, Oil Operator of 1015 Security Building, Los Angeles, Cal. was born in 1856 in Fond du Lac, Wis. He has been surveyor for the United States Government for Kansas and New Mexico. He drilled the first oil well in 1892 in Los Angeles. He organized the Mexican Petro leum Company; American Oil Fields Com pany; the Northern American Refining Company and various other corporations. Doepke, Robert H., Member of the Lotos Club of New York City, the Queen City Club and the Business Men s Club of Cin cinnati, Ohio. He was born Nov. 3, 1884, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is president of The Doepke Company. He resides at 2137 East Hill Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Doering, William H., President of the Mendelsohn Club.Hei resides at 6627 Greene Street, Germantown, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Doherty, Henry Latham, Member of the Lotos Club,, the Engineers Club, and of va rious clubs and societies. He was born May 15, 1870, in Columbus, Ohio. He held posi tions in thirty-five different cities prior to 1905 with gas, electric or traction compa nies as engineer or manager. Since 1905 he lias been manager of Henry L. Doherty and Company, bankers and operators af public utilities corporations of 60 Wall Street, ITew York City. In 1902 he was president of the Ohio Gas Light Association. Dohme, Adolph. F., Business President, of 412 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Cobb-Macey-Dohme, Incor porated, manufacturers of metal filling ca binets and sectional bookcases. Dohn?e, Alfred Robert Louis, Manufact uring Chemist, of 303 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Md., was born Feb. 15, 1867, in Baltimore, Md. He was educated at the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore,He is president of the corporation of Sharp and Dohme, manufacturing chemists. Since 1900 he has been a member of the Revision Committee of the United States Pharma ceutical Association. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Pharmaceutical Association, the Society of Chemical Industry, and the American Drug Manufacturers Association. In 1900 he married Miss Paula Carl; and they have a family of one son and six daughters; and reside at Chestnut Wood, Roland Park,Bal- timore, Md. Dohrmann, A. B. C., Business President, of 135 Stockton Street, San Francisco, Cal. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Dohrmann Com mercial Company, and a director in other corporations. Dohrmann, F. W. Jr., Business President of 135 Stockton Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Community Placement Bureau, and a director in other corporations. Bold, J. Paul, Member of the Buffalo Club, and the Park Club. He was born in 1888 in Kansas City, Mo. He is vice presi dent of the Capitol Refining Company, in Washington, D.C. and the Dold Package Company, Omaha, Neb. He resides in Berk ley, Cal. Dole, Charles Fletcher, Clergyman an-3 Author of Jamaica Plain, Mass., was born May 17, 1845, in Brewer Maine. He was educated at the Harvard College and the Andover Theological College. Since 19 lo he has been Minister of the Congregational Church of Jamaica Plain, Mass. He is the author of the American Citizen and other works. In 1873 he married Miss Frances Drummond; and they reside at Jamaica Plain, Mass. Dominick, Maynard A., Treasurer and Director, of 449 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Michigan Socle ty of New York and the Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, N.Y. He was born on Sept. 23, 1867, in Menneapolis, Minn.; anl was educated in Detroit, Mich. Since 1882 he has been connected with the Frederick A. Stockes Company, publishers, of which concern he is treasurer and a director. In 1904 he married Miss Regina Dobler; and they have one son, and reside at 3495 Broadway, New York City. Donahey, William S., Underwriter, of 29 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born March 26, 1871, in Muscatim County, Iowa. He was cashier and auditor of Des Moines Life Insurance Company of De^ Moines, Iowa. He is now assistant, to Trea surer of the National Life Insurance Com pany of the United) States of America in Chicago. He is a member of the Hamilton Club and the Hawkeye Fellowship Club. Donahue, J., Business President, of De troit, Mich., was born July 9, 1884, in Ak ron, Ohio. He was educated at Duchtel Col lege. He is president of the F. J Donahue: Varnish Company. He is a member of tho Lochmoor Golf Club, the Fellov/craft Club and the Vortex Club. In 19.1 3 he married Miss Mary Laurretta Danahey , and Miey reside at 4196 Burns Avenue, Detroit Mich. Donaldson, Cha-les M., Member of the Masonic Orde r of the Eastern Star, the Commercial C ub, and the Ac i.-ia Brother hood. He is presi i^nt of the Ai >aUivi Wes- I ; it- ^ollego. ! i .i910 13 he ia? filled pas- 192 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST tovit<s at For 1 , Pv v iton,in 1913- 8 at Lewis- town, and in 19^-19 at St. Pw\ < ilJ.M.-.. LI - at dress is Montana Wcsleyun College, Helena, Mont. Donaldson, F. W., Business Man, of 454 Columbia Street, West, Detroit, Mich; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years lie has been identified with the Detroit Steam Carpet Cleaning Works; is prominent with business and public af fairs and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Donaldson, Robert M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is treasurer and director of the Mercantile Corporation, the American Tire Fabric Company, the Lorraine Securities Corporation, the Middlewest Supply Com pany, the Bedford Spinning Company, the Passaic Cotton Mills, the Penrod Mills, the Rotch Mills, and the Sandford Spinning Company. He is a member of the advisory committee of the New York Reciprocal Un derwriters. Doney, Carl G., Phi Bita Kappa, Bela Thite Pi, Phi Delta Phi, 32 Mason. He is president of the Willamette University. He has been president-, of the West Virginia Wesleyan College. He resides at 1216 State Street, Salem, Ore. Donham, Wallace B., Director, of 17 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Dallas Electric Compa ny and other corporations. Donn, Edward Wilton, Architect, of 808 Seventh Street, Washington, D.C.,was born April 26, 1868, in Washington, D.C. He re ceived the degree of B.S. in architecture from the Massachussetts Institute of Tech nology and was also a student in Cornell University. In 1900-03 he was chief design er in the officesof the architect of the Trea sury in Washington, D.C. Since -1903 he has been with the present firm of Donn and Deming. He is a director of the North ern Market Company; and the American Institute of Architects. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Sec retary of the American Federation of Arts and a director of the Arts Club, Washing- ton, D.C. Donnan, David McAnally, Member of the Masonic Bodies, the Union Club, the Pitts burgh Athletic Club Association, the Old Colony Club, and the Shannopin Country Club. He was born in St. Louis, Mo. He is president of the Electrical Engineering and Manufacturing Company. He resides at A- von Heights, Pittsburgh, Pa. Donovan, Henry F., Editor and Publish er, of 179 West Washington Street, Chica go, 111., was born Aug. 8, 1858, in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. In 1876 he was sergeant major of the Second Infantry Illinois Na tional Guard; in 1882-85 deputy clerk; in 1893-97 colonel and inspector general of the Illinois National Guard; several terms was president of the Cook County Board of Education. He was also superintendent of the Chicago Postoffice; gas inspector of the City of Chicago; and in 1896 was a dele gate to the Democratic National Conven tion. He is now editor and publisher of the Chicago Eagle. He is. a charter member of the Chicago Press Club, a member of the Chicago Coin Club, the Chicago Numisma tic Society, and the American Numismatic Association. Donovan, Richard J., Business President 217 Pearl Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Donovan-Mahonay, Incorpo rated ; president of R. J. Donovan Company of New York, Incorporated; and president of Richard T. Donovan, a Corporation. Dooley, Michael F., Banker and Business President, of 63 Westminster Street, Pro vidence, R.T. ; and a member of the Univer sity Club, and the Turks Head Club. He was born in 3852 in New Britain, Conn. Since 1870 he has been chairman of the board of assessors of Hartford, Conn. ; and national bank examiner for Rhode island and Connecticut. He is president of the Na tional Exchange Bank, vice-president of the Union Trust Company, and prominently identified with the business and public af fairs of his city. In 1888 he married Miss Ellen Cook McManus; and they reside at 170 Angell Street, Providence, B.I. Doremus, A. J., Business President, of 31 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the General Oil Company, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 193 Doran, William S., Business President, of 140 Cedar Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alberger Pump and Condenser Company, and a director in other corporations. Doran, William T., University President of Detroit, Mich.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the University of Detroit. He has been Dean of Arts and Sciences.He is a member of the Board of Commerce; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. His address is University of Detroit, Mich. Doremus, Arthur Lispenard, Manufactu rer, of 30 Church Street, New York City. He is second vice-president and director of the Crocker-Wheeler Company, New Jer sey. Doremus, Cornelius, Lawyer and Busi ness President, of 66 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First Na tional Bank of Garfield, N.J. ; president of the Fidelity Title and Mortgage Company and a president of the Ridgewood Trust Company. He is a director of the Fairview Land Company, the Prospect Land and Im provement Company, and the Glen Rock Building and Loan Association. He is also a director of the Bergen County Bar Asso ciation, and a director of the Bergen Coun ty Historical Society. Dorsey, Hugh Manson, Member of the Capital City Club. He was born July 10, 1871, in Fayetteville, Ga. In 1917-19 he was governor of Georgia. He resides at Gover nor s Mansion, Atlanta, Ga. Dorsey, Leroy H., Business Man, of De troit, Mich., was born on Jan. 19, 1889, in Harrisonburg, Va. He was educated at the Shenandoah Valley Business College and at the University of Virginia. Since 1907 he has been secretary and manager of the West Art Association, Limited; and is a member of the I)etroit Board of Commerce. He is a member of the Fellowcraft Athletic Club, the Wolverine Auto Club, and the Old Colony Club. He resides at 641 Prentis Street, Detroit, Mich. Dort, Josiah Dallas, Member of the De troit Club. He was born Feb. 2, 186.1, in Inkster, Mich. He is president of the Dort Motor Car Company. He resides in Flint, Mich. Doscher, Henry, Business President, of 75 North Tenth Street, Brooklyn, New York; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lakshmi International Merchandising Company and a director in other corporations. Doty, George H., Director, of 34 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the West End Street Railway Company Doty, John W., Business President, of 120 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Foundation Oven Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie, Member of the Woman s City Club. She was born on Aug. 24, 1876, in Bayonne, N.J. She is the author of Societie s Misfits. She resides at 83 Washington Place, New York City. Douglas, Walter, Business President, of 99 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alamoyordo Lumber Company and a director in other corpora tions. Doubleday, George, Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ingersoll-Rand Company Dougherty, John W., Mining Engineer and Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Du- quesne Club, the Pittsburgh Athletic Club, and the Beaver Valley Country Club. He is president of the Marquette Iron Company, the Marquette Ore Company, the Consoli dated Fuel Company of Oklahoma, and the American Smokeless Coal Company of Ar kansas. He is vice-president of the Midland Savings and Trust Company, a director of the National Stamping and Enameling Company, and a director of the St. Louis Coke and Chemical Company. In 1895 he married Miss Caroline McNiff; and they have a family of two sons and two daugh ters, and reside at 307 Third Street, Beaver Pa. 13 194 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Douglas, Archibald, Director, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is direc tor of the Bank of America and other cor porations. Douglas, Hiram Arnett, Member of the Detroit Club. He was born Aug. 13, 1875, in Arnett, Ark. He is president of the Northern Sugar Corporation of Minnesota. He resides at 35 Blackstone Avenue, De troit, Mich. Douglas, James H., Manufacturer, of 80 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 15, 1858, in Canada. He is vice-presi dent of the Quaker Oats Company, and a director of the American Sugar Refining Company. For many years he was sales ma nager and director of the National Biscuit Company. He is a member of the Chicago Club, tlie Old Elm Club, and the Chicago Athletic Club. In 1891 he married Miss I- nez Boynton, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and they have a family of two sons; and reside at 4830 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago. 111. Douglas, W. W., Yice-President and Di rector, of Powell Street, San Francisco, CaL; and a member of the Union League Club, the Berkeley Country Club, and the San Francisco Commercial Club. Since 1905 he has been engaged in banking in San Francisco, Cal. He is vice-president of the Bank of Italy,and vice-president of the Stockholders Auxiliary Corporation. In 1909 he married Miss Ellen E. Cooper; and they have one daughter, and reside at 163 Alvardo Road, Berkeley, Cal. Douty, Nicholas, Tenor Singer, with stu dios at 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa. He was educated in PhiladeJphia, and studied in London and Paris; and received the honorary degree of Doctor of Music from the George Washington University. He has been Soloist for every large choral society in the East, and soloist at leading festivals. He is the composer of more than one hundred part songs and popular pieces. He is president of the Manuscript Music Society, and president of the Pegasus Club. He married Miss Frieda Schloss; and they have a family of one son and one daugh ter, and reside at 419 Harrison Avenue, Ei- kins Park, Pa. Dover, Elmer, President, of the Western Rubber Company, of Tacoma, Wash., was born April 14, 1873, in McConnelsville, 0- hio. He was educated in the public schools of McConnelsville, Ohio. He was newspa per reporter and editor at McConnelsville, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; and Portsmouth, Ohio. He was secretary to Senator Marcus A. Hanna in 1899-1904; and secretary of the Republican National Committee in 1904- 09. He was Pacific coast manager of the H. M. Byllesbyand Company in 1909-19. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical En gineers. During the World-War ^e was chairman of the Liberty Loan Committee; and was a member of various war-work committees. He is a member of the Lawy ers Club of New York, the National Press Club of Washington, D.C., the Arlington Club of Portland, and of the Union Count ry Club of Tacoma. Dow, Mrs. Charles M., President of the New Century Art Club. She resides in Ja mestown, N.Y. Dow, George, Francis, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Jan. 7, 1868,in Wake- field, N.H. He is the founder and secretary of the Topsfield Historical Society; and editor of its publication. He resides at Tops- field, Mass. Dowd, John, Business President, of 78 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of the Mariner and Field Club, the Montauk Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 3, 1874, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educated at St. Francis College. In 1874 he succeeded his father, John Dowd, as head of the Northern Shipping Corporation, of which he is pres ident. He is also vice-president of the New York Maritime Exchange; and a trustee of the Brooklyn Public Library. In 1895 he married Miss Mary Elizabeth McCambley; and they have a family of four sons and three daughters ; and resides at 70 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Dowling, Mark Temple, Business Presi dent, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Real Es tate Co-operative Bank, and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 195 Downer, Charles Alfred, Educator and Author, of 802 West One Hundred and Eighty-first Street, New York City, was born May 3, 1866, in Jersey City, N.J. He was educated at the College of the City of New York and at the Columbus University. Since 1901 he has been an instructor of French, and in 1901 professor of Romance Languages in the College of the City of New York; and is now president of the Alliance Francaise of New York. He is the author of A First Book in French and Fre deric Uistral. He is a member of France- American Society, the Italy- American So ciety, the Chevalier de la Legion d Honneur and the Cavaliere Delia Corona d Italia. He resides in New York City. Downer, Victor E., Business President, of Pier 64 North River, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is prsident of the Ideal Automatic Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Dowries, Frederick Anson, was born on Oct. 9, 1863, in Waterville, Conn. He was educated in the public schools and at Ma son s Military Academy at Yonkers, N.Y. He first engaged in business as an engi neer and draftsman. In 1884 he began in surance work as clerk in the office of the Keystone Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and succeeded his father as secretary three years later. In 1892 he organized the Stan dard Mutual Fire Insurance Company be coming secretary, resigned in 1894 to orga nize the Manton Mutual Fire Insurance Company and is president of that company. In 1901 he founded the National Mutual Assurance Company, of which he is presi dent and treasurer, and since 1903 has been president and treasurer of the Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He is a member of the firm of F. A. Downes and Son ; and is president and treasurer of the Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany of Philadelphia, and other corpora tions. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Art Club and the Pen and Pencil Club, the Camden Club, as well as a number of financial and scientific organizations. His address is Widener Building, Philadelphia Pa. Downey, Brandt Chase, Member of the Columbia Club, the Indianapolis Athletic Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Exchange Club. He was born Feb. 17, 1873 in Indianapolis, Ind. He served in the Spa nish-American War, and has been second lieutenant in the Indiana National Guard. In 1917-19 he was major of Infantry in the Indiana State Militia. He is president of. the Commercial National Bank of Indiana; and vice-president and general manager of the Greater Indianapolis Industrial Asso- ciatioi|. In 1902 he married Miss Nellie Bowman; and they have two sons, and re side at 1229 North Pennsylvania Street, In dianapolis, Ind. Downey, Stanley W. C., Lawyer and Di rector, of 614 Barristers Hair, Boston,Mass. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Rockett Taxi Cab Company and other corporations. Downing, John Franklin, Member of the Midday Club. He was born Aug. 24, 1854, n Virginia, 111. Since 1898 he has been pre sident of the N. E. National Bank. He re sides at 520 East Armour Boulevard, Kan sas City, Mo. Downs, Mrs. John C., President of the Connecticut State Federation of Musical Clubs. She resides at 39 Fairview Avenue, Danbury, Conn. Doyle, Edward P., Director,of 200 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Staten Island Independent Publish ing Company and other corporations. Drain, James Andrew, Lawyer of 152 H Street, Washington, D.C., was born Sept. 30, 1870, in Warren County, 111. Educated at the Western Normal College of Shenan- doah, Iowa. Entered Army April 20, 1917, to France with first Division June, 1917. Returned May, 1919.Discharged June, 1919. Department Comander and member Natio nal Executive Committee American Legion. Riding and Hunt Club; Washington Golf and Country Club, etc. Drake, Francis W.,Director, of 77 Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a mem ber of the firm of James H. Drake s Sons; and a director of the United States Fire Insurance Company. 196 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Drake, Edward A., Business President, of 24 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Panama Railroad Company; is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled munerou positions of trust and honor. Drake, Henry J., Treasurer and Director of 457 Produce Exchange, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer and director of the Broenniman Export Corporation; is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Drake, Tracy Corey, Director and Capi talist, of The Blackstone, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 12, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He is president of The Drake Hotel Company; president of Blackstone Company. He was chairman for hotels, district number five, National Hotel and Restaurant Committee of the United States Food Administration. He is secretary of the Northwestern Asso ciation of Delta Kappa Epsilon Frater nity. He was director of the National Bank of the Republic until .1902. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the Union League Club, the University Club and the Chicago Athletic Club He resides in Lake Geneva. Drakenfeld, Bernard F., Jr., Director, of 500 Murray Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Wheeling Pulverizing Company of Wheeling, and other corpora tions. Draper, J. Sumner, Business President, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Federal Devel opment Company, and a director in other corporations. Dreier., Katherine Sophie, Painter and Founder, of 80 West Fortieth Street, New York City, was born on Sept. 10, 1877, in Brooklyn, N.Y. She had individual exhibi tions at London, Frankfort, Leipzig, and New York; in 3911 was exhibitor at the Salon des Beaux Art of Paris; in Kunst- halle Bremen in 1912; and at New York In ternational Exposition, Munich Juryfrei in 1913. She was a translator of the Recol lection of Van Gogh by his sister Mms. du Quesne Van Gogh in 1913; is a Woman Suffragist; and a member of the Kunstler- nine Verein, Munich. She is the founder and director of the Little Italy Neighbor hood Association ;and treasurer of the Ger man Home for Recreation; and founder and president of the Co-operative Mural Workshops; and in 1915 added the Inter ior Decorating Department and Painting Furniture Department. She is a member of the Colony Club, the National Arts Club, the Women s City Club, the Cosmopolitan Club and Ladies Athenaeum Club. Dreier, Mary Elizabeth, Member of the Woman s City Club of New York. She was born on Sept. 26, 1875, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1918 she has been chairman of the Women s Joint Legislative Conference.She resides at 43 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Drescher, P. C., Business President, of Mebius and Drescher Company, Sacramen to, Cal. ;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union Su gar Company, and a. director in other cor porations. Dressier, George, Business President, of 414 Flushing Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Dressier Realty Compa ny, Incorporated, arid a director in oth er corporations. Drexel, George W. Childs, of 212 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa., ^was born in 1868 in Long Branch, N.J. He is ^.mem ber of the Rittenhouse Club, and various other clubs and societies. In 1891 he mar ried Miss Mary S. Irick, and they reside, at Eigtheenth Street and Locust Street, Phi ladelphia, and at Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dreyfus, Carl, Director and Trustee, of 68 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of New England Dry Goods Association and other corporations. Dreyling, Mrs. Augustus F.; President of the Kansas City Musical Club, with .a membership of three hundred and forty thre women. She resides at 3221 East Twen ty-ninth Street, Kansas City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 197 Dreyfuss,Leonard,Vice-president and Di rector, of 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City ; and a member of the Nati onal Commission of Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, the Newark Athletic Club, the Downtown Club, and various o- ther clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 6, 1886, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and was educa ted in his native city. He is president of the United States Advertising Corporation president of the United Advertising Agen cy, and vice-president and director of a score of other corporations. In 1909 he mar ried Miss Blanche Steinhardt; and they re side at 88 Girard Place, Newark, N.J. DriscoU, Arthur B., of Fifth and Broad way, St. Paul, Minn., was born Nov. 22, in St. Paul, Minn. He was educated in the Hopkins Grammar School of New Haven, Conn. Since 1887 he has been a partner or officer in McKibbin, Driscoll and Dorsey, Incorporated; and is now secretary and treasurer. He is president of the Town and Country Club; governor of the Minnesota Club; and president of the St. Paul Young Men s Christian Association. In 1885 he married Miss Helen E. Gotzian; and the have six sons and one daughter, and reside at 312 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Droppers, Garrett, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born April 6, 1860, in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1898-1907 he was president of the State University of South Dakota. He is now professor of Po litical Economy in the Department of Eco nomics of Williams College of Williams- town, Mass. In 1889 he married Miss Cora Augusta Rand, now deceased, by whom he has a family of one son and three daugh ters. In April 1897 he married Miss Jean Tewkesbury Rand; and they reside in Wil- liamstown. Mass. Drum, John Sylvester, Member of the Pacific Union Club. He was born April 16, 1872, in Oakland, Cal. Since 1910 he lias been president of the Savings Union Bank and Trust Company. He resides at 2714 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. Drumond, I. Wyman, Professor, of 101 Fulton .Street, New Work City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Devoe and Raynolds Com pany and other corporations. Drummond, James Herbert, Banker, Real Estate Broker and Statesman, of St. And rew, Fla. He was educated at Ook Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Maine. He learned to estimate timber, and during that time read law in 1888-92 while living in Iron Ri ver, Wis.; later bought and sold and esti mated timber. He became interested with Michigan and Wisconsin Lumbermen in the purchase of large tracts of timber land in Florida and British Columbia and Canada. He is president of the Bank of St. Andrew the St. Andrew Ice and Power Company; is treasurer of the Wisconsin Cascade Tim ber Company ; and is a partner in the Ware Mercantile Company. He has been mayor of St. Andrew, Fla, ; and enlisted in Fourth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, serving as sergeant in the Spanish-American War. Drummond, Walter J., Business Presi dent, of 49 Chambers Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Beaver En gineering and Contracting Company, ana a, director in other corporations. Drushel, J. Andrew; President of the A- merican Nature Study Society. He resides in St. Louis, Mo. Duand, Harry B., Business President, of 251 Causeway Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Stollwerck Company, and a director in other corporations. Dubilier, William, Consulting Engineer, and Inventor, of 217 Center Street, New York City, was born July 25, 1888, in Vien Austria. He is the inventor of many wire less telegraph and telephone apparatuses supply for the United States, English and Rusian governments. He is chief engineer of the Dubilier Condenser Company, Incor porated, of New York City. He has obtain ed over one hundred patents for wireless and other electrical apparatuses. He is a member of the Royal Society of Arts, the Institute Radio Engineers and the Amer ican Institute of Electrical Engineers. Du Bois, Charles G., Business President, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is president of the Illinois Western Elec tric Company, and a director in other cor porations. 198 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Du Bois, Henry P., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Matanzas-American Sugar Company and other corporations. DuBois, J. M., Business President, of Du Bois Kapner Watson Company, Bellaire, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the DuBois Kapner Watson Company, and a director in other corporations. Dubose, Francis Goodwin, Physician and Surgeon, of 400 Lauderdale Street, Selma Ala., was born Sept. 27, 1873, in Maples- ville, Ala. He was educated at Marion Mi litary Institute of Alabama; in 1893 he re ceived the degree of M.D. from Tulane U- niversity of Louisiana at New Orleans, La. In 1896 he took post-graduate courses in Vienna; and in 1902 in London and in New York City; in 3900 in London, Berlin Paris. He has been president of the Dallas County Medical Society; and chairman of the Surgical Section of the Southern Medi cal Association. He is now surgeon-in- charge of the Yaughan Memorial Hospital of Selma Ala. He is a member of the Amer ican College, of Surgeons, American Medi cal Association, the Southern Medical As sociation and other medical and scientific societies. Ducasse, Francois, Business President, of 16 West Sixty-First Street, New York Ci ty;, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the American Taximeter Company, and a director in o- ther corporations. Dudley, Arthur S., Member of the Del Caso Country Club, and the Sutter Lawn Tennis Club. He was born Jan. 20, 1881, in West Salem, Wis. He is secretary and man ager of the Sacramento Chamber of Com merce. He has been president of the Cali fornia College of Photography. He resides at 530 Twenty-first Street, Sacramento, Cal. Dudley, Howard S., Vice-president and Director, of the Pacific Finance Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of the Ca lifornia Club, the Wilshire Country Club, the Los Angeles Country Club, the Tuna Club, the Bohemian Club of San Francisco and the Midwick Country Club, of which latter club he became president in 1922. He is vice-president of the California Delta Farms, Incorporated; and a director ol the California Bank, and more than a dozen other corporations. In 1914 he married Miss Dorothy Foster; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 2238 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Dueber, Albert M., Business President,of Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Compa ny, Canton, Ohio ; and a member 01 various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hampden Watch Company and other cor porations. Duffey, Thomas A., Business President, Treasurer and Director, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-pre sident of Corroon and Duffey, Incorpora ted. He is president of the Central Fire Office, the St. Mark s Amusement Compa ny, and the St. Thomas Amusement Compa ny. He is vice-president of the American Equitable Assurance Company; and vice- president of the Knickerbocker Insurance Company of New York. He is treasurer and director of R. A. Corroon and Compa ny, and other corporations. Duffill, John H., Director, of 20 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Frost Coal Company and other cor porations. Duffy, J. Frank, Director, of 9 East Thir ty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of variou clubs and societies. He is director of the John Budd Company, News paper representatives. Duffy, James K.,, Business President and Director, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Aetna Refining Company, president of the Automatic Tar get Machine Company, the Guardian Oil Company, the March Oil Company, the Pel- ham Petroleum Company, the Phoenix Re fining Company, and the Regal Oil and Gas Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 199 Duke, Benjamin N., Business President, of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Durham and Southern Railway, and a director in other corpora tions. Dulaney, Henry Stier, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Jan. 16, 1849, in Bal timore, Md. He is a member of the board of managers of the Federated Charities of Baltimore. He resides on St. Charles Ave nue, Baltimore, Md. Dumont, George W., Vice-president and Director, of 272 Flatbush Avenue, Brook lyn, N.Y., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the American Law Book Company. Duncan, Henry S., Business President, of 1450 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hampton Hotel Compa ny of Albany, and a director in other cor porations. Duncan, William Butler, Business Presi dent, of 26 Cortlandt Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Butler Ex change Company, and a director in other corporations. Dunham, Henry Kennon, of Cincinna ti, Ohio, was born March 3, 1872, in Fair- view, Ohio. In 1890-94 he was student in the University of Cincinnati; and in 1894 received the degree of M.D. from the Med ical Department of the University of Cin cinnati. He studied at Johns-Hopkins Hos pital 1894-96. Did research work in London England, 1896-7. Johns-Hopkins Hospital 1910; University of Wisconsin, 1915-16-17. Assistant in Medicine Miami Medical Col lege, 1897-1899. Lecturer Medical Depart ment University of Cincinnati, 1904-1914. Since 1914j Director Tuberculosis Clinic, University of Cincinnati; Associate Profes sor Clinical Medicine, Medical Department University of Cincinnati. 1917 did special work without rank or pay. Entered Army 1918, discharged December, 1919 as major. He is author of Stereoroentgenography and Pulmonary Tuberculosis. He was president of the Cincinnati Anti-Tuberculosis League President Cincinnati Academy of Medicine Director National Tuberculosis Association member Hospitalization Committee, Ameri can Legion. Member of Cincinnati Country Club, University Club, Literary Club, Cin cinnati Business Men s Club, Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati, Ohio. His address is at the Union Central Life Building, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Dunham, Lewis L., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Three Hundred Park Avenue, Incorporated, and a director in o- ther corporations. Duniway, Clyde Augustus, Member of the El Paso Club, at Colorado Springs. He is president of the Colorado College. His address is Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dunn, Alpin I., Oil Importer and Kefiner of 148 Front Street, New York City, was born Feb. 25, 1883, in San Antonio, Texas. He was educated in public schools. He is treasurer of the Cook and Swan Company, Incorporated, and director of Monmouth Oil and Guano Company of Port Monmouth N.J., and the Great South Beach Improve ment Company of Fire Island. He resides in White Plains, N.Y. Dunn, Joseph Allan, Journalist,, and au thor, of Authors League of America, New York City, was born Jan. 21, 1872, in Lon don, England. He received the degree of B.A. from the New College of Oxford. He has been a reporter of the Rocky Moun tains News, the Salt Lake Herald and for Independent Syndicate of California, Ha waii and Orient. In 1898 he was correspon dent of the Spanish American War, and in 1907 was editor of the Sunset Magazine.He is te author of Yosemite Legends, Califor nia for the Tourist, California for the Sportsman, Dead Man s Gold, A Man to his Mate, Jim Morse, South Sea Trader, The Girl of Ghost Mountain and various other works. He resides in New York City. Dunne, Edward Fitzimons, Member of the Iroquois Club. He was born Oct. 12, 1863, in Waterville, Conn In 1913-17 he was governor of the State of Illinois. He resides at 737 Gordon Terrace, Chicago, 111. 200 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dunning, Harry Westbrook, Educator and Author, of Brookline, Mass., was born Dec. 7, 1871, in Boston, Mass. He was edu cated at the Roxbury Latin School, and the Yale University. In 1896-99 he was an in structor of Semitic languages at Yale Col lege; and has also been manager of the Transportation of the International Com mittee of Y.M.C.A. He is the author of To day on the Nile; and To-day in Palestine. In 1908 he married Miss Mary Bates Park er; and they have one son and one daugh ter, and reside at 188 Rawson Road, Brook- line, Mass. Dunphy, James W., Director and Trus tee, of 309 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Insurance Company and other corpora tions. Dunwody, William Elliott, Manufactur er, Business President and Financier, of 417 Broadway, Macon, Ga., was born Dec. 17, 1870, in Savannah, Ga. He is vice-pre sident and general manager of the Chero kee Brick Company; and president of the Standard Brick Company, the South s lar gest manufacturers of clay products, in corporated in 1904. He is president of the Georgia Brick Manufacturers Association; and vice-president of the National Brick Manufacturers Association. He is chairman of Group Six of the War Service Commit tee on Brick, and a member of the Execu tive Committee of Five of the War Service Committee on Brick. He was at one time chairman of the Red Cross of Bibb County ; was chairman of the Third Liberty Loan Committee; and was a member of the Exe cutive Committee of each Liberty Loan drive, and of the United States War Fund drive. Dupont, Thomas Coleman, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Dec. 11, 1863, in Louisville, Ky. In 1902-15 he was president of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company. He resides in Wilming ton, Del. x Durbin, H. E., Business President, of 10600 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio;and is a member of the Knights of Pythias and various clubs and societies. He was born July 3, 1874, in Steubenville, Ohio; and re ceived an academic education. He is vice- president of the Merrill Corporation, pre sident of the Yista Apartment Company, and president of the H. E. Durbin Insur ance Company. He married Miss Mary E. Adams; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside in Cleveland, Ohio. Durham, Joseph Edward, Member ol the Union League of Philadelphia, the Country Club, the Pelham Club, the Livingston Club of Allentown, and the Lehigh Valley Club He is manufacturer and insurance manager of 319 West Johnson Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and was born Oct. 22, 1857, in Watson- town, Pa., He has been president of the Underwriters Association of Philadelpm-a .-, and president of the General Alumni As sociation of Lafayette College. He is now trustee of the Penn Mutual Life Insurum- Company of Philadelphia; president and director of : the Bonney Forge and Tool Works; and is a director of the German- town National Bank. In 1881 he married Miss Nellie R. Stranahan; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter,and reside in Allentown, Pa. Durkee, Rodney S., Business President and Treasurer, of Higgins Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, and the Transpor tation Club of San Francisco. He was bqrn Sept. 4, 1887, in Omaha, Neb.; and received an academic education. Since 1916 he has been Comptroller of the Petroleum Corpo ration. He is president of the Thirty-Thir ty-Two Land Company, treasurer of the Continental Mexican Petroleum Company, treasurer of the National Pacific Oil Com pany of California, and a director of the General Pipe Line Company of California. In 1910 he married Miss Harriet M. Close, of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. ; and they have a fa mily of one son and one daughter, and re side at 209 South Alexandria Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Durning, Harry M., Director, of 62 Ce dar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Big Sandy Iron and Steel Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 201 Duros, James E., Business President, of 154 Nassau Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Burros, Reardon and Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Duss, J. S., Retired Business Man,of Cin cinnati, Ohio, and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 22, 1860, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated at the Mount Union College of Ohio, and for many years taught school. He is the Senior trustee of the Harmony Society of Economy, Pa., one of the most unique and at one time wealthy and picturesque com munistic organization that ever existed. He has now retired from active pursuits. In 1882 he married Miss Susie Creese; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and in winter reside in Smyrna, Fla.; and in summer in Cambridge, Pa. Doutton, Williams J., Business President, of 433 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Insurance Exchange, and a director in other corpora tions. Duval, H. Rieman, Retired Railway Offi cial, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City, was born Oct. 17, 1843, in Baltimore, Md. He was educated at the St. Timothy s Hail and Springfield Hall of Maryland. During the Civil War he served in the Confederate Army under Gen. Robert E. Lee. He then entered railway service ; and in 1889-99 was president of the Florida Central and Penn sylvania Railroad Company. He is a trus tee of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Beet Sugar Company; and a di rector of the American Car and JFounury Company and the Atchison, Topck? and San la Fe Railway. He is a member of tt o 1 iroi) and South Side Sportmen s Ci. ibs. ivinnell, Clifton H., Director of First National Bank Building, Boston, Ma ; and a member of various clubs ai:<l socie ties. He is d director of che Hood !{,! brr Company and other corporations Dyar, Miss Clara E., President of the Chamber Music Society of Dctroif. with p. .I.- inbership 01 five hundred and fifty men find women, one resides at 05 Lake Shore Drive, Grosse I ointe Fanns, _)., roit, Midi. Dyche, William Antvew, Member of the Union League Club. He was born May 25, in Monroe, Ohio. Eince 1909 he has been president of the State Bank of Evanston. He resides in Evanston, 111. Dyer, Edward, F. Business President of 2031 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Union Club. He was born in 1858 in Alvarado, Cal. Since 1900 he has been a member of the advisory board of the Union Trust Company; and is now presi dent of the Dyer Company. In 1884 he mar ried Miss Kate Harrell; and they have a family of one son, and reside at 1834 East Eighty-ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Dyer, Frank L., Business Man and Di rector, of 55 Liberty Street, New York Ci ty: and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a treasurer and director of the Condesite Company of America. He is prominently identified with business and pubzlic affairs ; and has filled several posi tions of trust and honor. Dyer, George R., Stock Broker, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Amacan Corporation. He is iden- tifiied with C. I. Hudson and Company members of New York Stock Exchange. Dyer, Leonard Huntress, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born May 13, 1873, in Washington, D.C. He is president of the Greenwich Press, Incorporated. He resides in Greenwich, Conn. D:er, Myrtle. President of the Mozart Club, with a membership of seventy-two women. She resides in Stuart, Fla. Dyett, Herbert T., President. He was born in 1875 in Rome. N.Y. He was educat ed at Cornell University. Since 1905 he has been an officer of the Rome Wire Company, of which he is now president. He is also president of the Halstead Wire Company of Rome, N.Y. He is president of the Teu- geaga Country Club; and a member of the Rome Club and of the Adirondack League Club. In 1901 he married Miss Blanche Ste vens ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter ; and reside at 1204 North George Street, Rome, N.Y. 202 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Dykeman, Conrad Verplanck, Superinten dent of the Prudential Insurance Company, of 657 Ji flVrson Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born in 18f>(> in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is director <>! the Greenpoint National Bank, Incorporator Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. He is a member of the Brook lyn Yacht Club, the Bensonlmrst Yacht Club, thi Jamaica Bay Yacht Club and the Brooklyn Masonic Club. Eagan, John Joseph, Member of the Ca pital City Club, lie was born on April 22, 1870, in Griffin, Ga. He is president of the Miller Real Instate and Investment Compa ny, lie resides at 508 Peachtree Street, At lanta, Ga. Earl. Charles, Director, of 120 Broadway New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Smelting and Refining Company and other corporations. Earle, Guyon L., Director, of 358 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Nova Realty Company and other cor porations. Earle, Victor M., Business President, of 200 West Seventy-Second Street,New York City,; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Dunmore Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Earling, Albert J., Railway President, of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties, was born Jan. 19, 1849, in Richfield, Wis. He entered railway service in 1866 as a telegraph operator with the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul Railway; and has since held the positions of general super intendent, general manager, and vice-pre sident; and since 1899 he has been presi dent. Earp, Edwin Lee, Member of ,the City Club. He was born Oct. 26, 1876, in 111- chester, Md. Since 1909 he has been profes sor of sociology in the Drew Theological Seminary. He is the author of Social As pects of Reilgious Institutions. He resides in Madison, N.J. Earp, Wilbur F., Journalist and Lawyer of 33 Nassau Street, New York City, was born Sept. 2, 1863, in Howard County, Md. He was educated in Maryland and the New York Law School; and since 1902 has prac tised law in New York City. He was for merly publisher of a newspaper in Ellicott City, Md. Since 1899 he has been a resident of New York City ; is a member of the New York Lawyers Association ; American Bar Association, and New York State Bar As sociation. East, Anna Merritt, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born Dec. 6, loo^t, in Fremont, Neb. She organized the Bureau of Home Economics for the New York Edison Company. She is the author of Kitchenette Cookery. Her address is The Montevista, Philadelphia, Pa. Eastman, H.D., President of the Orpheus Club, with a membership of twenty-eight men. He resides at 1607 Harlem Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Easton, Frederic W., Business President of Pine and Conant Streets, Pawtucket, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pawtucket Gas Company of New T Jersey arid other cor porations. Easton, Robert E., Vice-president and Director, of Santa Maria, Cal. ; he is vice- president of the Pinal Dome Corporation, and vice-president of the Santa Barbara Telephone Company. He is a director of the First National Bank of Santa Maria, the Santa Maria Realty Company, the Ho ward Cattle Company of San Francisco, the Sante Marie Gas Company, the Sisquoc In vestment Company, and the Bank of Anoye Grand^. In 1914 he married Miss Ethel 01- ney, of Oakland, Cal.; and they have one son, and reside at Santa Maria, I a.. Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton, Clergyman and Author, of 416 Lafayette Street, New York City, was born at Kent- ville, Nova Scotia. In 1880 he graduated from the Harvard University and- received the degrees of M.A., and D.C.L. lie is a member of many learned societies. He is the author of the Heart of the Creeds, His torical Religion in the Light of Modern Thought, and several other widely known looks. He is unmarried; and resides at 64 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 203 Eaton, Elma Medora, (Mrs. Albert H. Kau), Member of the Kansas (Jity Musical Club, and the Kansas Athenaeum Club. She was born in Kansas City, Mo. She is a violin teacher and soloist, of 209 Studio Building, Kansas City, Mo. She is a mem ber of the Kansas City Music Teachers As sociation. In 1921 she married Mr. Albert Kau; and the reside at 3017 Forest Avenue Kansas City, Mo. Eaton, Fred Laurine, Member of Sioux City Country Club. He was born July 10, 1859, in Calais, Vt. Since 1903 he has been president of the Sioux City Terminal Rail way Company. He resides at 2902 Jackson Street. Sioux City, Iowa. Ebling, Louis M., Director, of 760 St. Ann s Avenue, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eagle Hygeia Ice Company and other corporations. Ebling, William, Business President, of 760 St. Ann s Avenue, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Ebling Brewing Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Ecker, Frederick H., Director, of 1 Madi son Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail way Company and other corporations. Eckhart, Bernard Albert, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born in 1852, in Al sace, France. He is president of the B. A. Eckhart Milling Company. He resides at 1530 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. 111. Eckart, Edmund, Business President and Director, of 231 Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the 152 West Fifth-Eighth Street Company, Incor porated; president and general manager of Gerstendorfer Brothers; and a director of the George Ferguson Company of JSew Ro- chelle, N.Y. Eddy, George Day, Foundryman and Ma nufacturer, of 372 Grand Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born in 1849 in Buffalo, N.Y. He was associated with the Globe Foundry, which was established by his father in 1865 and was manager of that company until 1884. Since 1885 he has been president of the R. M. Eddy Foundry Company. He is prominently identified with the Masons ;and is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club and the Edgewater Golf Club. Eddy, Sherwood, Member of the City Club, of 347 Madison Avenue, New York City, was born Jan. 19, 1871, in Leaven- worth, Kan. He has been secretary of the Y.M.C.A. wor of international committee in Asia. He is the author of the Awakening of India, and other works. His address is 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. Edenborn, William, Capitalist and In ventor, of New Orleans, La., was born on - March 20, 1848, in Westphalia, Prussia. Since 1903 he has been president of the Louisiana Railroad and Navigation Compa ny, which was planned and constructed so lely by himself. He is the inventor of many patents important in the wire industry. In 1880-1900 lie was president of the Ameri can Steel and Wire Company, and its pre decessors, in sole charge of all its produc tion and of labor. He inaugurated the sys tem of workingmen s benefit and old age pensions at the sole expense of the wire company in 1898: the first in the United States. He is a member of the Luther Bur- hank and National Geographical Societies, the Washington University and the Mer cantile Library Association of St. Louis. He is director of the Protestant Orphans, and Old People s Home in New Orleans. Edens, William Grant, Member of the Hamilton Club. He was born Nov. 27, 1863, in Richmond, Tnd. Since 1919 he has been vice-president of the Central Trust Compa ny of Illinois.His address is 125 West Mon roe Street, Chicago, 111. Edes, Henry H., Treasurer and Director, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Conveyancers Title In surance Company and other corporations. Edgar, Charles L., Business President, of 70 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of Boston Electric Light Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Edge, Charles N., Business President, of 7 Wall Street, New York City ; and a mem- 204 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST her of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Walker River Copper Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Edge, Walter Evans, Member of the Un ion League Club, lie was born Nov. 20,1873 in Philadelphia, Pa. lie was elected gover nor of New Jersey for term 1917-20 an/i resigned in 1919, to take seat in the United States Senate for term 1919-25. His ad- dress is Atlantic City, N.J. Edgerton, Hiram H., Member of the Genesee Valley Club. He was born on April 19, 1847, in Belfast, Allegany County, N.Y. He is a trustee of the Rochester Public Lib rary and since 1908 has been mayor of Ko- rhester. N.Y. His address is 30 South Good man Street, Rochester, N.Y. Edinburg, C. D., Business President, of 135 William Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the American Maize Pro ducts Company ; and a director of the John ston City Washed Coal Company ot Chica go, and a director of the Royal Baking Powder Company. Edison, Thomas A., Business President, of New York City; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Bates Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Edson, John Jay, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born May 17, 1846, in Jeffer son, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been president of the Equitable Co-operative Building As sociation, lie resides in Washington, D.C. Edwards, Benjamin Franklin, Member of the Rigdale Club. He was on born Dec. 31, 1859, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1915 he has been president of the Central National Bank of St. Louis. He resides at Kingsbu- ry Place, St. Louis, Mo. Edwards, David M., Member of Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, and the Coun cil Church Boards of Education. He is pre sident of Earlham College at Ifi^liTflioud, Ind. He has been president of the Venn College at Oshaloosa, Iowa. He resides at 228 College Avenue, Richmond, Ind. Edwards, Mrs. E. R., President of the Musical Club, with a membership of one hundred and sixty-five women. She resides at Jamestown, N.D. Edwards, Edward Irving, Member of the Bankers of America Club. He was born on Dec, 1, 1863, in Jersey City, N.J. In 1920- 23 he has been governor of New 7 Jersey. He resides at 39 Duncan Avenue, Jerjsev City, N.J. He is president of the First National Bank of Jersey City, N.J. Edwards, Richard M., Business President of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; an3 a member of various clubs and societies.! Ie is president of the Algomah Mining Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Egbert, James Chidester, Educator ind Author, of 323 Riverside Drive, New lovk City, was born in 1859 in New York City. He is a director of the University Exten sion, Director of the School of the Univer sity Extension and president of the Long Island College Hospital. He has been pro fessor of Roman Archeology and is now professor of Latin in the Columbia Univer sity. He is the author of MacMillan s Latin classics and other works. He resides at 323 Riverside Drive New York City. Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, Educator and College President, of Hamden-Sidney, Va. ; and a member of the Virginia Folk Lore Society, the Virginia Historical Society, the Association for the Preservation of Virgin ian Antiquities, and various other clubs and societies. He w r as born in 1867 in Prince Edward County, Va. ; and has re ceived the degrees of A.B., A.M. and LL.D. In 1906-1913 he was superintendent of pub lic instruction for Virginia. He is part author of The Rural School; and is the author of brochures on civic and educa tional subjects. In 1895 he married Miss Julia Johnson ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter; and reside in Hampdon-Sidney, Va. Ehrbar, Aloys L., Member of the Virgi nia Country Club, and the Elks and the Maccabees. He was born Nov 13, 1873, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is president of A. L. Cigar Company. He has been president and chairman of the Board of his City. He re sides at 1605 North Hobart Boulevard, in Hollywood, Cal. Enrich, Joseph William, Banker and Broker, of 67 Exchange Place, New York City, was born June 21, 1878, in New York AMERICAN ELIT^ AND SOCIOLOGIST 205 City, and is the son of William J. and Ida Morgenthau Ehrich. He was educated at Yale, receiving the degree of Ph. B. in 1900. In 1901-04 he was partner of Eugene Meyer; in 1907 of Ehrich and Company. He financed Rio Frio Land and Irrigation Company, and also the United Cigar Sto res of Canada. He was treasure of Kampo- lite Company; president of the Rio Frio Land and Irrigation Company; and director of the United Cigar Stores of Canada. He is a member of the Yale Club, the Century Country Club, the Wheatley Hills Golf Club and the Philmont Country Club. In 1902 he married Miss Adelaide P. Price, and they have two sons. They reside at 141 West Seventy-fourth Street, New York Ci ty. Ehrich, Walter Louis, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born July 9, 1878, in New York City. He is the princ ipal owner of The Ehrich Galleries of 705 Fifth Avenue, New York City. They make a specialty of Old Masters ; and are one of the best known dealers in pictures in the United States. Ehrlich, Adolph, Business President, of 31 Bedford Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Julius Kallman Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Eimer, August Otto, Member of Stand ing Committee of the Alumni Associa tion of Columbia College; and Chairman of its Membership Committee, was born in New York City. He was educated at the Clinton High School; and in 1906 he grad uated with the degree of A.B. from the Columbia University. Since 1914 he has been assistant treasurer of Eimer and Am end. He is vice-president of the Electric Heating Apparatus Company of Newark, N. J ; secretary and treasurer of No. 34 Irv ing Place Corporation; secretary and treas urer of the Patchogue Holding Company; secretary of the Stuyvesant Glass Compa ny; and president of the Great South Bay Development Company. He is a life mem ber of the Chemists Club. He is a memoer of the Columbia University Club, the Shell Shore Club of Greenwich, and the Wood lands Country Club. In 1905 he married Miss June Prudhome of Natchitoches, La.; and they reside at West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Einstein, Milton E. D., Business Presi dent, of 1115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Kursheedt Man ufacturing Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Eisemann, Alexander.Vice-presideru and Director, of 255 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Smith- Eisemann Corporation of America. He is also a director of the Vulcan Insurance Company; and a secretary and director of the Eismith Farms, Incorporated. Elder, John, Secretary and Treasurer, of Maspeth and Vandervort Avenues, Brook lyn, New York City ; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Aetna Varnish Company, Incorporated. He resides at West Maurice Avenue, Elmhurst, N.Y. Elder, Robert D., Jr., Director of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Minnesota Railway Con struction Company and other corporations. Elder, Mrs. Susan Blanchard, Editor and Author, of 2221 Brainard Street, New Or leans, La., was born in 1835 in Fort Jesup, a frontier post between Texas and Louisia na. For years she taught mathematics in the New Orleans High School. For many years she served as a literary critic for the Morning Star of New Orleans. She is the author of Life of W.H. Edder, late Arch bishop of Cincinnati; The Life of Abbi Roquette, a poet and missionary priest am ong the Choctaw Indians of Louisiana ;and Elder Flowers, a small book of verse. Eldredge, Edward H., Director and Trus tee, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Massachussetts Real Estate Exchange and other corporations. Eliot, Amory, Lawyer and Director, of 131 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Dwight Manufacturing Company and other corporations. 206 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Elenbogen, Herman, Business President, and Banker, of 1(500 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 30, 1879, in Vilno, Russia. He has been engaged in the business under the name of H. Elenbogen and Company. He was manager of tne lor- eign department of the West Side National Bank of Chicago; became vice-president and is now vice-president and cashier of that institution. He has been president of the Merchants Savings and Banking Com- 1 pany of Cleveland, Ohio, and was chairman of its board of directors. In 1907 he mar ried Miss Ellen f^chreider; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter; and reside at 3301 Flournoy Avenue, Chicago, 111. Eliot, Charles W., Business President, of 17 Fresh Pond Parkway, Cambridge, Mass; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Old South As sociation in Boston, Elish, Maurice M., Business President, of 29 Beekman Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of M. M. Elish and Company, Incorporated. He is a member of the Mer chants Association of New York, the New York Credit Men s Association, and the Paper Association of America. Elkus, Abram I., Lawyer and Author, of 170 Broadway, New York City, was born on Aug. 6, 1867, in New York. He was educat ed at Columbia University and St.Lawrence University; and received the degrees of LL. B. aiid D.C.L. Since 1888 he has prac ticed law in New York City; and in 1908 was special United States attorney to pro secute fraudulent bankrupts. He is counsel tor the Merchants Association and other corporations. Since 1911 he has been regent of the University State of New York. He is a member of the American Bar Association the New York State Bar Association, the New York County Lawyers Association and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. He is a member of the Manhat tan Club, the City Club, the Lotos Club, the Lawyers Club, the Harmonie Club, the Reform Club, the Bankers Club. He is the author of Secret Liens and Reputed Owner ship. Elliman, Douglas L., Business President, of 15 East Forty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Douglas L. Elliman Brokerage Company, Elliman, Lawrence B., Business President and Director, of 340 Madison Avenue,New York City; and a member of the Rockaway Hunting Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Cedar- hurst Yacht Club, the Uptown Club, the St. Nicholas Society, the Society of the Colon ial Wars, the New York Historical Society, the New York Genealogical and Biograph ical Society, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a member of the Chamber of Com merce. He was born on Sept. 11, 1876, in Flushing, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Flushing Institute, and at the Berkeley School of New York City. Since 1897 he has been in the real estate business. He is president of Pease and Elliman; and vice- president of McLean and McLean, the East Ninty-fifth Street Corporation, and the Se venty-fifth Street Corporation East. He is president of the New York Home for Homeless Boys. In 1902 he married Miss E- dyth Copell ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 122 East Fifty-sixth Street, New York City. Elliot, Maxwell Hall, Business President, of 277 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Elliott Mortgage Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Elliott, C. Edgar., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Haytian American Su gar Company, and a director in other cor porations. Elliott, Howard, Director, of 34 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Colorado and Southern Railway Company and other corporations. Elliott, Huger, Supervisor and Director, of Boston, Mass., was born Oct. 5, 1877, in Sewanee, Tenn. He is supervisor of uduca- tional work in the Museum of Fine Arts, and director of the Department of Design School of Museum. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 207 Elliott, John Lovejoy, Educator and So ciologist, of 436 West Twenty-seventh Street, New York City, was born Dec. 2, 1868. in Princeton, 111. Since 1894 he has been instructor in ethics in the Ethical Cul ture School of New York; and in 1896 or ganized the Hudson Guild, a neighborhood center. Elliott, John Mackey, Member of the Ca lifornia Club. He was born Oct. 6, 1844, in Pendleton, S.C. He is president of the Los Angeles Cemetary Association. He resides at 914 West Twenty-eighth Street, Los An geles, Cal. Ellis, David Abram, Lawyer and States man, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass;and a member of the Boston City Club,the Har vard Club of Boston, the Elyseum Club, and the Kernwood Country Club. He was born Feb. 20, 1873, inBuffalo, N.Y. ; and received the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. from Har vard. He is a member of the Boston Transit Company; and a lecturer on Municipal Go vernment at Harvard. In 1898 he married Miss Amy Friedman ; and they reside at 21 Keswick Street, Boston, Mass. Ellis, George H., Business President, of 272 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston City Club, Ellis, John Breckenridge, Educator, Mu sician and Author, of Plattsburgh, Mo. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born February 11, 1870, near Han nibal, Mo. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from the Plattsburgh College, and also received a good musical education. Since 1902 he has been engaged in literary. In 1886-97 he was professor of English lit erature at the Plattsburg College. He is the author of King Saul, The Ellisan Literary Year Book, Lahoma, and numerous plays, stories, songs, cantatas. In 1917-20 he was president of the Missouri Writers Guild. He resides at Ellisan, Pittsburgh, Mo. Ellis, John Warfield, Business President, of 2450 Canal Road, Cleveland Ohio; and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Cleveland Yach Club, and the Shaker Heights Country Club; Cleveland Yacht Club, and is a Mason and Shriner. He was born Aug. 28, 1877, in Princeton, 111.; and received an academic education. He is pre sident of the Weighle Company, and presi dent of the Chemical Supply Company, In 1910 he married Miss Mildred Furness;and they have one son, and reside at 1862 East Ninetieth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Ellis, Reuben M., Business President of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tobacco Products Ex port Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Ellsworth, Ralph Humphrey, Business President,of 1383 West Ninth Street,Cleve- land, Ohio ; and a member of the Masons, and the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He was born in 1870 in West Richfield, 0- hio. Since 1910 he has been president of the Arnold Wooden ware Company; and is a director of the Central Savings and Loan Company. In 1898 he married Miss Emily H. Oviatt; and the reside at 1446 Cohas- sett Avenue, in Lakewood, Ohio. Ellwood, Charles Abram, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 20, 1873, near Ogdensburg, N.Y. Since 1900 he has been professor of sociology in the University of Missouri. He is the author of Sociology and Modern Social Problems. His address is 407 College Avenue, Columbia, Mo. Elsam, James C., Physician, of Madison, Wis., and a member of the American Phys ical Educational Association, the Medical Veterans of the World War, and the Na tional Council of the Boy Scouts of Amer ica. He is professor of physical education Medical Reserve Corps, United States Ar my, and Orthopedic Consultant of the U.S.P.H.S.. He was Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army and physical director of the Young Men s Christian As sociation, Galveston, Texas; Atlanta, Ga. and Minneapolis, Minn. He is the author of Social Games and Group Dances. In 1891 he married Miss Ruth Reams; and they have a family of two sons and one daugh ter, and reside in Madison, Wis. Elsas, Herman;, Business President, of 16 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Continental Pa per and Bag Mills, 208 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Elmer, Manuel Conrad, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 5, 1886, in Monroe, Wis. Since 1919 lie has been asso ciate professor of sociology and social work in the University of Minnesota. He is the author of Social Surveys of Urban Com munities. His address is at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Elsas, Oscar, of Atlanta, Ga., was born Sept. 28, 1871, in Atlanta, Ga.He was educ ated at the English High School of Boston, Mass.; and at the Georgia School of Tech nology. Since 1891 he has been connected with the Fulton Bay and Cotton Mills, of which he is now president. He is president of the Ingleside Country Club; and a mem ber of the Ansley Park Golf Club. In 1895 he married Miss Emma Ehrlich; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Ponce de Leon Apartments, Atlanta, Ga. Elston, Isaac Compton, Member of the Columbia Club. He was born Feb. 5, 1836, in Crawfordsville, Ind. He is president of the Elston National Bank. He resides in Crawfordsville, Ind. Elston, John Arthur, Lawyer ana Con gressman, of Berkeley, Cal., was born Feb. 10, 1874, at Woodland, Cal. Since 1915 he has been a member of Congress, and is now serving his term of 1919-21. Elting, Howard, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Feb. 15. 1869, in New York City. Since 1917 he has been president of the National Paint, Oil and Varnish As sociation. He resides at 48 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111. Elton, John Prince, Member of the Wa- terbury Club. He was born June 30, 1855, in Waterbury, Conn. He is president of the Dime Savings Bank of Waterbury, Con. He resides in Waterbury, Conn. Elwell, Mrs. George D., President of the Monday Musical Club, with a membership of 281 Women. She resides at 675 Hudson Avenue, Albany, N.Y. Ely, Robert Erkskine, Educator ana Lec turer, of 23 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City, was born Sept. 13, 1861, in Binghamton, N.Y. He was president of the Prospect Union of Cambridge. Since 1901 he has been director of the League for Political Education of New York City, and is now secretary of the Economic Club of New York, and a director of Civic Forum. In 1905 he married Miss Rudolphine Schaf- fer, and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at Northvale N.J. Embree, Edwin Rogers, Member of the Graduates Club. He was born July 31,1883, in Osceola, Neb. Since 1917 he has been secretary of the Rockefeller foundation.He resides on Dana Place, Englew T ood, JN.J. Emerson, Sam W., Business President, of |836 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Shaker Heights Country Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Cleveland Engineers Society. He hsas filled several po sitions of trust and honor, and resides in . Cleveland, Ohio. Emery, Joseph H., Business President, of 1107 Broadway, Ne w York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Garfield National Bank and a director in other corporations. Emmert, W. B., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United Central Oil Corpo ration, and a director in other corpora tions. Emmons, Robert W., Treasurer and Di rector, of 79 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Lawrence Com pany and other corporations. Endicott, William, Director, of 115 De vonshire Street, Boston, Maes. ;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston and Albany Rail road Company, and other corporations. Endicott, William C., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 71 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation and other cor porations. Engel, Joseph, Lawyer and Director, of 67 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Highland Co-operative Bank and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 209 Englis, Charles M., Business President, of 245 Greenpoint Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the New York and Hudson Steamboat Company, English, William Eastin, Member of the Indiana Society of Colonial Wars and vari ous other clubs, societies and organizations. He is the owner of the English Block, Hotel English, the English Opera House, and oth er valuable properties in Indianapolis, Ind. English, William H., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brooklyn Chair Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Enslen, Eugene F., Member of the Coun try Club. He was born Feb. 11, 1858, in Wetumka, Ala. Since 1909 he has been pre sident of the Jefferson County Savings Bank, of Birmingham, Ala. He resides at 2737 Highland Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. Eppler, William E., Director, of 32 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the North River Railway Compa ny and other corporations. Epstein, Hyman, Business President, of 15 Whitehall Street, New York City; and a member of the Masons and May Charit able Institutions. He was born 1869 in Je rusalem, Palestine; and was educated at the New York University. Since 1892 he has been in the shipping and transporta tion business. He is president of the Over seas Shipping Company, Limited; presdent of the firm Foreign Trading Exchange ; and president of the Overseas Transportation Company. He is treasurer of the 1 oreign Trading Exchange. He married Miss Annie Werbelowsky; and they have one daughter and reside at 130 Post Avenue, New York City. Erb, Newman, Railway Official and Cap italist, of 42 Broadway, New York City, was born June 16, 1850, in Breslau, Ger many. In 1872-92 he has practiced law.He constructed the St. Louis, Memphis and Southeastern Railroad, and was its presi dent in 1896-98. In 1908-09 he was presi dent of the Wisconsin Central Railway Company ;and is now president of the Min neapolis and St. Louis Railway Company, the Iowa Central Railway Company, the Fort Dodge and Des Moines Railroad Com pany and other corporations. Ericson, Henry, Contractor and Former Commissioner of Buildings, of 139 JNorth Clark Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 3, 1861, in Sweden. He is president of the Henry Ericson Company, contractors. He was commissioner of buildings of the City of Chicago under mayor Harrison s aumi- nistration. He is expresident of the Swed ish Engineers Society ;a member of the Chi cago Athletic Association, life member of the Press Club, member of the Western Society of Engineers, Builders Club, and a thirty-second degree Mason and Shriner. Ernst, Roger, Lawyer and Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Waldo Brothers Bond and Company and other corporations. Eschweller, Alexander C., President of the Milwaukee Art Commission. His ad dress is City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. Estabrook, Fred Watson, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Sept. 23, 1852, in Grafton, Mass. He is president of the Telegraph Publishing Company, of Na shua. He resides in Nashua, N.H. Estey, G. Howard, Manufacturer, of 270 Union Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born Aug. 24, 1873, in New Brunswick, Canada. Since 1899 he has been engaged in the man ufacturing business in Brooklyn. He is treasurer and general manager of the Estey Brothers Company; and treasurer and di rector of the Brouard Realty Company. He is also treasurer of First Baptist Church of Brooklyn; and treasurer and director of the Baptist Young People s Convention of the State of New York. Estill, Thomas, of the ^Salvation Army, New York City. He wafj born March 13, 1859, in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. He has been in command of Salvation Army Forces in South Africa, New South Wales New Zealand, Holland and Japan. He was chief officer of the Salvation Army in Chi cago and the States west to the Pacific Coast; and now established in New York City. 14 210 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Etiene, J. M., Business President, of 837 Folsom Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cyclops Iron Works,and a director in other corporations. Euless, F. J., of 1314 Great Southern Life Building, Dallas, Texas. He is manager of the National Life Insurance Company. He is secretary of the Dallas Automobile Club. Evans, Benjamin, Director,, of 329 Penn sylvania Station, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Northport Traction Company and other corporations. Evans, Elizabeth Gardiner (Mrs. Glend- ower Evans), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Feb. 28, 1856, in New Rochelle, N.Y. In 1911-12 she was a mem ber of the Minimum Wage Commission of Massachusetts, which led to the establish ment of a permanent minimum wage com mission of Massachusetts, the first of the kind in the United States. She resides on Oakland Road, Brookline, Mass. Evans, Evan Albert, Real Estate Invest ment Dealer, of 509 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Feb. 6, 1871, in Jackson County, Ohio. He was educated in the Normal School of Kirksville, Mo. He entered employ of Chicago Portrait Com pany in 1893 president of same in 1902-06; and is now proprietor of Moffett Studio. He is president of Ohio Building Safety Vault Company; and treasurer of the Illi nois Surety Company. He is a thirty-second degree Mason; and a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Athletic Associ ation, the South Shore Country Club, the Exmoor Country Club, the Forty Club and the Lambs Club of New York. He resides at 12 Scott Street, Chicago, 111. Evans, Mary Elizabeth, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Oct. 23, 1884, in Syracuse, N.Y. In 1918-19 she was with the American Red Cross ^n France. She is the author of War Time Receipt. She re sides at 247 Fifth Avenue, New York Ci- ty. Pittsburg, Pa., was born Oct. 5, 1842, in Evans, Thomas, Glass Manufacturer, of Pittsburgh, Pa. For over fifty years he has been manufacturer of glass and prior to 1900 operated under the firm name of Tho mas Evans Company. He is now president treasurer and chairman of the Board of Di rectors of the Macbeth-Evans Glass Com pany and is a director of the Diamond Al kali Company and the Pittsburgh Clay Pot Company. Evans, W. C., Treasurer and Director, of Southern Boulevard and East One-Hundred and forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Ward Baking Company and other corporations. Evans, Wilmot, Jr., Lawyer and Director of 15 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Trust Compa ny and other corporations. Evans, Wilmot R., Business President, of 38 School Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Continental Company, and a director in other corporations. Everett, Henry C., Director, of 60 Fed eral Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Addison Mills, and other cor porations. Everett, Samuel A., Business President and Treasurer, of 359 Eddy Street, Provi dence, R.T., and a member of the Universi ty Club. He was born Feb. 5, 1866, in Rowe Mass.; and has received the degrees of A.B from Brown University. He is president nnd treasurer of the Everett and Barron Company; and has filled various positions of trust and honor .In 1897 he married Miss Gertrude Miller; and they have one daugh ter, and reside at 203 President Avenue, Providence, R.I. Everett, Silas, Business President, of 330 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the University Club of Manila, and the Manila Club. He was born in 1889 in New York City; and was educated at St. Paul s School of Garden City, N.Y. He is vice- president of the Everett Electric Corpora tion; and president of Everett Brothers,In- corporated. He is married and resides at 98 Park Avenue, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 211 Ewart, Frank Carman, Educator, of Ham ilton, N.Y. ; and a member of the Modern Language Association of America, and the AmericanAssociation of Spanish Teachers. He is professor of Romanic Language at the Colgate University. He was professor in Denison University and Kalamazoo Col lege. He is the author of a work on Cuba, and numerous other works. In 1895 he mar ried Miss Nettie Veigh; and they have a family of one daughter, and they reside in Hamilton, N.J. Ewing, James, Pathologist and Author, of 477 First Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Century Club, and the Un iversity Club. He was born Dec. 25, 1866, in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; and has received the degree of A.B., A.M., M.D. and Sc.D Since 1889 he has been professor of pathology at Cornell Medical School; and is the author of Clinical Pathology of Blood, and of Ne- oplastic Diseases. Ewing, James C., Business President, of 21 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Manhattan Sand and Gravel Company, and a director in other corporations. Fabacher, Lawrence, Business President and Capitalist, of 5705 St. Charles Ave- New Orleans, La. He was president of the Jackson Brewing Compay; and was ident ified with several industrial corporations. He is a benefactor of the Catholic Church. Faber, John Eberhard, Member of the South Shore Country Club, of Chicago, 111. He was born March 14, 1859, in New York City. He is in charge of theE berhard Fa ber Rubber Company. He resides in West New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. Fabyan, Francis Wright, Busiess Presi dent, of 727 Franklin Steert, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union E- lectric Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Fagan, James J., Director, of Crockei National Bank, Sa rancisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bank of Italy and oth er corporatoins. Fackenthal, Benjamin Franklin, Metal lurgist and Banker ,of Riegelsburg, Pa.; was born June 2, 1851, Doylestown, Pa. He was educated in the public schools and has received the degrees of A.M. and Sc.D. in Lafayette College. In 1879-92 he was gen eral manager of Cooper and Hewitt; and in 1893-1913 was president of the Thomas Iron Company; also president of the Iron- ton Railroad Company; and the Clymer Power Company. Since 1893 he has been vice-president of the Easton Trust Com pany. He is a member of British Iron and Steel Institute; the American Iron and Steel Institute; and vice-president of Bucks County Historical Society; and also the president of the Board of Trustees of Franklin and Marshall College. Fahey, John H., Publisher, of 40 Court Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Bankers Club of New York, the Eco nomic Club, the Brae Burn Country Club, the Tedosco Country Club, and the Cos mos Club of Washington, D.C. He is pub lisher of the Worcester Evening Post, of Worcester, Mass. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, and a member of the International Chamber of Commerce. He has been pres ident of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and has held numerous posi tions of trust and horo. He resides in Brookline, Mass. Fahnestock, William, Director, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of teh American Cotton Oit Com pany and other corporations. Fahrney, Erza C., Member of the City Club and various other fraternal and pa triotic and charitable organizations. He was born in Martinsburg, Pa.; and receiv ed a technical education. He is president of the Dr. Peter Fahrney and Sons Com pany, proprietory medicines. He resides with his family at 3317 Warren Avenue, Chicago, 111. Fairbanks, J. Leo, President of the Utah Art Institute. He resides at the State Cap itol, Salt Lake City, Utah. 212 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Fairchild, Arthur W., Business Presi dent, of 10-12 Arcade Building, Providence, R.T. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bethany Home of Rhode Island, and a trustee in other corporations. Fairchild , George W., Business Presi dent, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Internatioal Time Recording Company, and a director in other corporations. Fairchild, Marcus D., Business President, of 86 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of the Brooklyn Rotary Club, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. He was born Aug. 15, 1876, in Ilion, N.Y. ; and was educated at Brownes College. Since 1906 he has been president of Fairchild Sons, Incorporated. He is president of Bluebird Securities; and treasurer of the Endfire Extinguisher Company. He mar ried Miss Nellie B. Ferguson; and they have one son and reside at 1403 Ditmas Avenue, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. Falconer, Walter G., Business President, of 75 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of the New York Athletic Club, the Drug and Chemical Club and the Rye Country Club of Rye, N.Y. He was born Aug. 30, 1875, in Scotland, and was edu cated at George Watsons College of Edin burgh nad the Ediburgh University. Since 1919 he has been president and general manager of the Norwich Union Indemnity Company of New York, and also since 1922 has been president and general man ager of the Phoenix Idemnity Company of New York. Fales, Augustus A., Business President, of 12 City Square, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Grocers Magazine Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Fall, George P., Secretary and Director, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Watkins Nugraf Company and other corporations. Fancher, Evadore B., Member of the Union Club. He was born Oct. 17, 1864, in Bloomer Center, Montcal County, Mich. nl 1914 he became governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Ohio. He re sides at 1879 East Eighty-fourth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Fanchi, Abel, Treasurer and Director, ot 385 Third Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Greenwich Movie Cor poration and other corporations. Farmer, Edward D., Business President, of 20 Vesy Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of teh Jenkins Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Farmer, Luke W., Business President, of 37 North Market Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and soci- eteis. He is president of the Boston Mar ket Credit Association, and a director in other corporations. Farnham H. Everett, of Bartlett Trust Building, St. Joseph, Mo., was born June 3, 1865, in Belgrade, Maine. He was educated at Colby College and Yale University. Since 1905 he has been connected with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. He has been president of the St. Joseph Board of Health; and president of the St Joseph Life Underwriters Associa tion for two terms. He is president of the City Club of St. Joseph, Mo.; a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ; and a member of the Mis souri Historical Society. In 1906 he mar ried Miss Bergia A. Hawley; and they have a family of two sons and two dauglv ters and reside at 203 South Fifteenth Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Farnham, L. M., Director, of 809 Gar land Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He }^ a director of the Bakersfield Gas and Electric Light Company of Los Angeles nn l other corporations. Farnsworth, Charles H., Business Presi dent, of 27 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and ? o"ieties. He is president of the Quincy Market Cold Storage and Warehouse Company, and a director in other corpor ations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 213 Farnsworth, .George. James,. Lumber Dealer, of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.; was born Aug. 19, 1863, in Oconto, Wis. He was formerly vice-pres ident of the Oconto Company of Oconto, Wis.; and vice-president and manager of the Bay de Noquet Company. He is now president of the Oconto Lumber Company and the Bay de Noquet Company. Farnsworth, William, Merchant and Cap Mass.; was born July 3, 1855, in Boston, Mass. He is a member of the firm of Farnsworth, Stevenson and Company; and a director in various financial ad industri al corporations. Farquhar, Arthur Briggs, Business Pres ident, of 142 North Duke Street, York, Pa., and a member of the Cosmos Club. He was born Sept. 28, 1838, in. Sandy Spring, Md. He has been vice-president of the Farqu har Company, Limited; and a director in many corporations. In 1860 he married Miss Elizabeth Jessop; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in York, Pa. Farr, John, Business President, of 129 Front Street, New York City; and a mem^ ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Colonial Sugars Company. Farrell, Charles LeRoy, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Nov. 14, 1874, in Bristol, Ind. He is president of the National Newark and Essex Banking Company, Newark, N.J. Farrell, J. Fletcher, Vice-president and Director, of 45 Nassau Street, New York Ctiy; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Boyce, Hughes and Farrell. He is vice- president of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation, treasurer and director of the Sinclair Central American Oil Corporation and a director of the Importers and Ex porters Insurance Company of New York. He resides at Plateau Circle, Sagamore Park, Bronxville, New York City. Farrell, Henry Edward, Member of the St. Louis Club. He was born Oct. 11, 1864, in Detroit, Mich. He is president of the Pittsburgh and West Virginia Railway Company. His address is Wabash Build ing, Pittsburgh, Pa. Farrell, James Augustine, Business-Pres ident, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Metropolitan Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 15, 1863, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1911 he has been president of the United States Steel Corporation. He is a director of the Federal Steel Company, the Minnesota Steel Company, the Tenne- see Coal, Iron Railroad Company, the Uni ted States Steel Company, and the Elgin, Joliet, and Eastern Railway Company. He resides at 313 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Farwell, Arthur Burrage, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 2, 1852, in North Leominster, Mass. Since 1907 he has devoted his entire time to such work as that of the Chicago Law and Order League, of which he was president in 1910- 14. He resides at 1313 Madison Park, Chi cago, 111. Farwell, John W., Business President, of 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gabot Manufacturing Company, Fashbaugh, W. N., Director, of 185 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Telegraph and Ca ble Company and other corporations. Fassett, Helen Mary Revere, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Aug. 26, 1875, in Lancaster, Mass. In 1917 she was appointed a representative in America of the Lace Workers of Belgium. She resides at 220 James Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. Faulcon, Ed L., Realtor and Treasurer, of 1065 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of the Young Men s Chris tian Associations, and various clubs and societies. He was born in 1872, in Moun tain View, N.C. ; and was educated at the Shiloh Institute, and at the Curtis Business School of Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1907 h,e has been connected with the Postoffice Department in New York City. He is treasurer of the Society of the Sons of North Carolina. In 1896 he married Miss Mary J. Broadnax ; and they reside at 1065 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 214 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Faulkner, Charles James ,Lawyer , ot 5529 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 23, 1877, in Martinsburg, W.Ya. In 1898 he graduated in law from the Washington Lee University; and the same year was admitted to the bar in Vir ginia and West Virginia. In 1900 he was admitted to th Bar of Illinois. He is gen eral counsel of Armour and Company of Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Amer ican Bar Association, the Chicago Bar As sociation and the Illinois State Bar Asso ciation. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the South Shore Country Club, and the Metropolitan Club of Wash ington, D.C. Fanuce, William H. P., Educator arid University President, of Providence, R.I., and a member of the Rhode Island School of Design, Hope Club, and the University Clubs of Boston, of Providence and New York City. Since 1899 he has been presi- dentof Brown University; is president ot the World Peace Foundation, and vice- president of the Church Peace Union. In 1884 he married Miss Sarah R. Edson; and they reside in Providence, R.I. Favrot, Charles A., Architect, of the Title Guarantee Building, New Orleans, La.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has been president of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Insti tute of .Architects. Faxton, Huntington P., Member of tht Oakley Country Club, the Old Colonv Club and the National Advisory Board. He was born Ausr-. 26, 1891 in Brookline, Mass. He is identified with Otis and Company of Boston, Mass. He is treasurer and director of Victory Products, Incorporated. He resides at 25 Coolidge Hill Road, Cam bridge, Mass. Faxon, William Bailey, President of the American Fine Arts Society. He resides at 215 West Fifty-seventh Street, Manhat tan, N.Y. Fay, Charles E., Business President, of 730 Commonwealth Avenue. Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Oakley Country the Boston City Club, the Masons, and the Ancient and Honorary Artillery. He was born June 14, 1867, in Cambridge, Mass.; and was eduated in the public schools of Cambridge and Boston, Mass. He is pres ident of the C. E. Fay and Company, auto mobile dealers. He is president of the Back Bay National Bank, the Watertown Co-operative Bank, and the Witchcraft Photoplay. He is a director of the Back Bay Co-operative Bank, and a director of the Florida Cane Sugar Corporation. In 1894 he married Miss Minne A. Minnhead; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at Watertown, Mass. Fay, Harry F ..Business President, of 148 State Street, Boston ,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of the Contact Copper Coi Fearons, George H., Director, of 27 Ce dar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Morgan Chemical Corpora tion and other corporations. Fechtig, James A., Jr., Directo,r of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic- Fruit and Steam ship Company and other corporations. Feldkamp, W. A., Business President, and Treasurer, of the Leader News Build ing, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Cleveland Aviation Club, the Athletic Club, and the Cleveland Yacht Club. He was born Jan. 3, 1892, in New Richmond, Ohio. Since 1918 he has been very active in the raising of money for financial in stitutions that encourage construction of houses in Cleveland. He is a director of sales and financial agent for the Conti nental Savings and Loan Company, a twen ty-five million dollar financial institution. In 1911 he married Miss Mae Rowan; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1269 West Boule vard, Cleveland, Ohio. Fellows, Byron M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 949 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is a director of the Country In- ve^ting Company and other corporations. Felmey, David, Member of the Rotary Club, Association of Commerce. He is presden]t of the Illinois State Normal Uni versity. He resides at Normal, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 215 Fell, Thomas, Educator and College Pres ident, of Annapolis, Md. ; was born July 15, 1851, in Liverpool, England. In 1897 he was vice-chancellor of the University of Maryland. Since 1886 he has been pres- identof Saint John s College at Annapolis. He is a member of the University Clubs in Washington, Baltimore, and Annapolis, and a member of various other organiza tions. In 1881 he married Miss Isabella Louisa Hunter; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at St. John s Col lege, xinnapolis, Md. Fels, Mary (Mrs. Joseph Fels), Membei of the Woman s Club. She was born March 10, 1863, in Semback, Germany. She or ganized the Joseph Fels Commission for promotion of the Zionists movement for resettling Palestine. She is the author of Joseph Fels, His Life Work. She resides at 42 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York City. Felt, Dorr Eugene, Inventor and Manu facturer, of 1735 North Paulina Street, Chicago, 111., and a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Athletic Associa tion, the Chicago City Club, and the Old Colony Club of New York City. He was born March 18, 1862, near Beloit, Wis. He is a past president of the Illinois Manufac turers Association; and a past president ot Sons of the American Revolution. In 1891 he married Miss Agnes McNulty ; and they have a family of four daughters, and re side at 432 Wellington Avenue, Chicago, 111. Felton, Edgar Conway, Member of the Harvard Club. He was born April 13, 1858, in Thurlow, Pa. He is a director of the Franklin National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. He resides at Haverford, Pa. Fenger, Edward William, Business Pres ident of 116 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1867 in Cincin nati, Ohio. He was educated in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1886 he has been in the silk brokerage business and is president of the Convertex Corporation, Converters of Cot ton Goods, New York City. He has been president of the Metropolitan Commission Company, Indianapolis, Ind. In 1866 he married Miss Kathryn Alice Carroll and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Indianapolis, Ind. Fennemore, Mrs. H. M., President of the Musicians Club, with a membership of one hundred and ninety men and women. She resides at 501 East Moreland Street, Phoe nix, Ariz. Fennimore, W. D., Business President, of 181 Post Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, the San Francisco Commer cial Club, and the San Francisco Golf and Country Club. He was born in Fremont, Ohio. He is president of the California Op tical Company; and president of the Cali fornia Optical Companies of Berkley, Oak land, and the Mission. He is vice-president of the Liberty Bank of San Francisco, and a director of the Cosmopolitan Mutual Building and Loan Association of Oakland. He married Miss Estille Rawson; and they have one son, and reside at 1830 Jackson Street, San Francisco, Cal. Fenton, William Taylor, Banker of 39 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 2, 1884, near Madison, Ind. He has been discount clerk with the Merch ants National Bank of Chicago; and for six years was cashier of the First National Bank of Ottumwa, Iowa. In 1891 he assist ed in organizing the National Bank of the Republic in Chicago, and became cashiei and later vice-president. He has been pres ident of the Illionis Bankers Associaton, Chicago Bankers Club and the Chicago Clearing House. For many years he has been on the executive committee of the American Bankers Association. Fentress, Calvin, Member of the Chicago Club, the University Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, the Onwensia Club and the In dian Hill Club;was born May 22, 1879 in Bolivar, Tenn. He is treasurer of Baker, Fentress and Company, the Saluda Land and Lumber Company, the Continental Timber Land Company, the Chicago Tubing ber Company and the Saginaw and Manis tel Lumber Company. In 1903 he married Miss Paulina S. Lyon; and they have H family of three sons and three daughters ; and reside in Hubbards Woods, 111. 216 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ferenback, Harry, Business Man and Di rector, of 404 Fourth Avenue, New York City and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and a director of the Specialty Silk Company; is identi fied with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Ferguson, Edward G. W., Business Pres ident, of 28 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the John and societies. He is president of the Cen tral National Corporation. Ferguson, John W.,. Business President, of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a, member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the John W. Ferguson Com pany, engineers and building contractors of Paterson, N.J. He is a director of tht Paterson National Bank and other corpor ations. Ferguson, Louis Aloysius, Electrical En gineer, of 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 19, 1867, in Dorchester, Mass. He is vice-president of the Common wealth Edison Company and other corpor ations. Ferguson, Marshall M., Business Presi dent, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is with the firm of Hayden, Stone and Smith. He is president of the Butte-New York Copper Company; and a director of the Hall Switch and Signal Company and of the Nassau Light and Power Company. Fernald, George A., Business President, of 19 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a, member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wollaston Land Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Ferris, Emery L., Secretary and Direct or, of 15 Broad Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fulton Navigation Company and other corporations. Ferris, Theodore E., Naval Architect, of 30 Church Street, New- York City. He re ceived a thorough academic and technical education; and has attained success as a noted naval architect of New York City. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and is a member of the leading architect societies, and numerous other clubs and organizations. He resides in New York City. Ferry, E. Hayward, Director, of 11 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and other corporations. Ferry Ervin Sidney, Physicist and Au thor, of Lafayette, Ind., was born June 14, 1868, in Croydon,N,H. In 1889 he gradu ated from the Cornell University; was a fellow student of physics at Cornell and John Hopkins University and a student of Upsala, Sweden. Since 1899 he has been professor of physics at Purdue University;. He is the author of Pyrometry, General Physics, and its application to Industry and Every Day of Physic Movements. He resides at Lafayette, Ind. Faustman, Leon Philip, Manufacturer and Corporation Official, of 115 Broadway, New York City, and a member of the Law yers Club, the Machinery Club, the Engi neers Club, the Riverside Marine and Field Club, and the Pennsylvania Society. He was born March 6, 1861, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1907 he has been vice-president of the Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation; and is the president and di rector of a dozen other corporations. In 1892 he married Miss Josephine Thatcher, of St. Louis, Mo.; and they have a family of one son and one daughter. Ficken, John F., Lawyer and Banker, of Charleston, S.C.; was born June 16, 1843, in Charleston, S.C. He was educated at the College of Charleston ; and at the Univer sity of Berlin, Germany. During the Civil War he was in the service of the Confeder ate Army. He has been a representative in the South Carolina State Legislature for twelve years; and he was mayor of Charles ton for four years. He has attained prom inence at the Bar. He is president of the ^outh Carolina Loan and Trust Company; ^ of-ident of trustees of the College of Charleston, and is president of Charleston Library Society, arid a member of othei organizations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 217 Field, Ben J., Manufacturer and Busi ness President, of New York City, was born in 1872 in Little Rock, Ark. He was educated in the public schools of Little Rock, Ark.; and at the Cooper Union oi New York City. Since 1911 he has been president of Howell, Field and Goddard, Incorporated, manufacturers of fire-proof doors, windows and interior finish for buildings. He is also president of the La- tite Shingle Corporation and of the Review Realty Corporation. He is a member of the board of Governors of the Building Trade Employers Association of New York. He has been vice-president of the J. F. Blanchard Company of New York; and secretary of the Association of Manufac turers of Metal Doors and Windows, ot New York. He is a member of the Rotary Club; and a member of the Long Island City Club, of New York. In 1900 he mar ried Miss Alice Herbert, of Montreal, Can ada. Field, Daniel W., Business President, of 185 Essex Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Field, Lumbert Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Ficker, Robert V., Director, of 17 Batter> Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Factory Methods Company and other corporations. Field, Stanley, Merchant and Banker, of 219 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Chicago Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, and numerous other clubs and societies. He was born May 13, 1875, in Manchester, England. Since 1906 he has been vice-president of Marshall Field and Company. He is president of the Field Mu seum of Natural History. In 1900 he mar ried Miss Sarah Brown ; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 1550 North State Parkway, Chi cago. 111. Fielder, Albert W., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brown Spin-Wright Corporation, and a director in other corpor ations. Filbert, William J., Director, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He s a di rector of the Great Western Mining Com pany and other corporations. Filene, A. Lincoln, Business President, of 426 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Retail Re search Association, and a director in other corporations. Fillebrown Herbert M., Vice-president, andTreasurer, of 300 Brook Street, Paw tucket, R.I. ; and a member of the Paw- tucket Golf Club, and the Commercial Club of Brockton, Mass. He was born Aug. 2, 1869, in Boston, Mass. He is vice-president and treasurer of the Thompson Brothers Shoe Company of Brockton, Mass.; and ib also treasurer and general manager of the Anchor Webbong Company of Pawtucket, R.I. In 1892 he married Miss Laura M. Curtis; and they have one daughter, now Mrs. Alan T. Deibert. He resides at 178 Walcott Street, Pawtucket, R.I. Finch, George G., Treasurer and Direct or, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the American Ci gar Company and other corporations. Fincke, Clarence M., Vice-president and Director, of 44 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so Fuel Products Corporation, and vice-pres ident of the Bank of American. He is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. Finckel, Martin Luther, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Dec. 4, 1842, in Germantown, Pa. For thirty-three years he has been president of the Conyers, Button and Company, manufacturers of Hosiery and Knit Goods, and in 1900 re tired. He resides at 241 West Chelton Ave nue, Germantown, Pa. Finlay, Albert W., Business President, of 272 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Weekly Bulletin Publishing Company, and a director iii other corporations. 218 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Findley, A. L, Editor and Publisher, of 239 West Thirty-ninth S-treet, New York City; and a member of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain, the American Iron and Steel Institute, the American So ciety for Testing Materials, and the Amer ican Institute of Milling and Mettalurgical Engineers. lie was born Jan. 29, 1859, in Monmouth, 111.; and was educated at Buch- tel College, and at the University of Woos- ter, Ohio. Since 1892 he has been connect ed with iron trade journalism. He is editor- in-chief of the Iron Age of New York City; and a director of the Iron Age Publishing Company. In 1884 he married Miss Belle Holloway; and they have one daughter, and reside in Montclair, N.J. Finlay, George H., Business Man, of 24 Old Slip, New York City; and a membei of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of G. H. Finlay nnd Company; and a member of the board of managers of the New York Coffee and Su- iar Exchange. Finley, John H., President of the Uui versity of the State of New York. His ad dress is Educational Binding, Albany, N.\. Finney, J. Merle, Member of the Cleve land Museum of Art, the Cleveland Cham ber of Commerce, the National Chamber ot Commerce and the Old Colony Club. He was born in Madison Township, Richland County, Ohio. He is president and treas urer of the Cleveland Steel Barrel Com pany. He resides at 898 East One Hun dred and Thirtieth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Fischel, Harry, Realtor, Business Presi dent and Treasurer, of 276 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fifth Avenue and Thirtieth Street Corpor ation, president of the Fifth Avenue and Seventy-fourth Street Corporation, and president of the Park Avenue Improvement Company. Fischer, Fred C., of Belleville, Mich., was born Nov. 12, 1879, in Willow, Mich. He was educated at the Michigan State Normal School and at the Hamilton College of Law, Chicago. Since 1914 he has been county school superintendent of Wayne County, Mich. Since 1918 he has been pres ident of the Belleville Auto Club. He is a director of the Fordview Reality Company of Detroit, Mich.; and is also the vice- president of the Masonic Building Associ ation of Belleville, Mich. In 1908 he mar ried Miss Reva Ruthruff; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at Belleville, Mich. Fish, Stuyveant, Member of the Union Club. He was born June 24, 1851, in New York City. He is vice-president and di rector of the National Park Bank, and oth er corporations. His address is 52 Wall Street, New York City. Fishburn, J. E., Business President, of Merchants National Bank, Los Angeles, CaL; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mehchants National Bank, and a director in other cor porations. Fisher, Carmon, Business Man, of Hamp shire, Wyo. He received his education in the public schools of South Dakota. For many years he was identified with the bus iness affairs of Hot Springs, S. D. ; is now postmaster of Hampshire, Wyo. ; where lit, also owns a grocery store. He also owns and operates an alfalfa ranch in Oral, S.D., which is his home address. He has filled various positions of trust and honor; an l is a member of several fraternal and patri otic orders. He has contributed both prose and verse to the periodical press, and hi > poems have been incorporated in Local and National Poets of America and other stand ard works. His poems have appeared for the last twenty years in various newspa pers and magazines, and have been a valua ble acquisition to American Literature. Fisher, Henry Wright, Electrical Engi neer, of Perth Amboy, N.J., was born Jan. 31, 1861, in Ireland. In 1883 he received the degree of M.E. from Cornell University. In 1889 he was chief engineer of the Standard Underground Cable Company; and in 1891-93 was with the Central Dis trict and Printing Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh. In 1901-02 he was president of the Engineers Society of Western Penn sylvania. He has originated methods of locating faults in cables. He is author of numerous technical papers. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 219 Fisher, Horace M., Secretary and Di rector, of 165 Broadway, New York City ; a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bleeker Street and Ful ton Ferry Railway Company and other cor porations. Fisher, Mrs. Max B., President of the Fort- Wayne Art Association. She- resides in Fort Wayne, Ind. Fisher, William Garrow, Secretary and Director, of 90 Nassau Street, New York City. Since 1918 he has been a director of the International High Speed Steel Com pany. He resides in Rockaway, N.J. Fisk, Wilbur C., Business President, ot 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fire Detecting Wire Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Fitch, Erza Charles, Member of the Mer chants Club. He was born July 19, 1847, in Breman, Germany. Since 1886 he has been president of the Waltham Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass. He resides at 246 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Fitch, Florence H., Member of the Wes tern Arts Association and in 1916 was president. She is a director of Arts In struction in the grade schools. For several years she was head of the art departmnt in the Normal School at Milledgville, Ga. Her address is Board of School Commis sioner, Indianapolis, Ind. Fitz, Howard W., Business President, of 210 Main Street, Pawtucket, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Thompson Brothers Shoe Company and other corporations. Fitzgerald, Desmond, Consulting Civil Engineer, of Brookline, Mass., was born May 20, 1846, in New Providence. He has been president of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; has been chief chairman of Improvement Commission. He is now chair man of the Brookline Park Commission. He is a member of the Union Club, the St. Botolph Club, the Engineers Club, and the Brookline Country Club. In 1870 he mar ried Miss E. P. C. Salisbury; and they have a famiy of two sons and two daugh ters. Fitzgerald, Gerald, Business President, of Los Angeles, CaL; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the Los Angeles Union Terminal Com pany and a director in other corporations. Fitzgerald, Susan Grimes Walker, Mem ber of the Bryn Mawr Club. She was born May 9, 1871, in Cambridge, Mass. She is recording secretary of the national wo man s suffrage association. She resides at 7 Greenough Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Fitapatrick, Edward Augustus, Mem ber of the Madison Club. He was born Aug. 29, 1884, in New York City. Since 1910 he has been secretary of the State Board of Education of Wisconsin. He is the author of Educational Views and In fluence of DeWitt Clinton. He resides at 610 Leonard Street, Madison, Wis. Fitzpatrick, Frank E., Director, of 254 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Old Colony Club, the Metro politan Museum Natural History, the New York Geological Society, and was a member of the Royal Mounted Police of Canada. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Greene Street Realty Company, and office manager of L. F. Dommerich and Company. He is the author of Seargent 331. In 1897 he married Miss Alice Celes- tine Sweeney; and they have a family of two daughters; and reside at Irvington-on- Hudson, N.Y. J Fitzpatrick, Frederick F., Business Pres ident, of 30 Church Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Railway Steel-Spring Company, and a director in other corporations. Fitzpatrick, Paul, Director, of 120 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Tie is a director of the General Motors Ex port Company and other corporations. Fitzpatrick, Paul E., Business President, 104 Kingston Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brown Durrell Com pany and other corporations. 220 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Fitzpatrick, Thomas Vanhook, Physici an, of 19 West. Seventh Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, was born April 9, 1855, in Nichols- ville. In 1875 he received the degree of M.D. from the Cincinnati College of Medi cine and Surgery; studied abroad, and re ceived the degree of Ph.D. from Twin Val ley College. He has gained special distinc tion as a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Flagler, John Haldane, Capitalist, of 200 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Greenwich Country Club, the Lo tos Club, the Bankers Club, the Larchmont Club, the Auto Club of America, the Engi neers Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Columbia Club, and many other clubs and societies. He organized the firm of John H. Flagler and Company; and is a director of the Home Insurance Company and a dozen other corporatons. Flather, Frederick A., Director, of 79 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa di rector of the Merchants National Bank and other corporations. Flattau, Augustus, Business Man and Director, of 113 University Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of W. H. Flattau and Son; and vice-pres ident of the Liberty Storage and Ware house Company. He is prominently ident ified with business and public affairs; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. Flattery, M. Douglas, Managing Direct or, of Orpheum Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci- etie. He is president of the Boston Re cord Company, the Glencoe Woolen Mills, and th Old Colony Woolen Mills. He is vice-president of the Loew s Boston The atres Company; and a director of the Cit izens National Bank of Boston and a dozen other corporations. Fleischmann, Julius, Business President, of 701 Washington Street, New York City; and a member oC the New York Yacht Club, the Lotos Club, and the Lambs Club. He was born in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio; and was educated at the Franklin School of that city. He is president of the Fleisch mann Company. For two terms he was Mayor of Conneaut, Ohio. In 1920 he mar ried Mrs. Laura Hemenway ; and they re side at Port Washington, Long Island, X.Y. Fleischmann, Max C., Member of the New York Yacht Club. He was born Feb. 26, 1877, in Riverside, Ohio. He is vice- president of the Fleischmann Malting Com pany of Illinois. He resides at Santa Bar bara, Cal. Fleischmann, Udo M., Business Presi dent, of 1 Madison Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Maximilian Fleischmann Company, and a director in other corporations. Fleisher, Samuel S., Member of the Phil- mont Country Club. He was born in 1873 in Philadelphia, Pa. He is a director of the S. B. and B. W. Fleisher Company, Incorporated, manufacturers of worsted yarn. He resides at 220 Green Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. Fleming, Stephen B., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H% is president of the International Agricul tural Corporation, and a director in othei corporations. Fletcher, Andrew, Business President, of 30 Church Stret, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Locomotive Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Fletcher, Frederick C., Vice-president and Director, of 10 High Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is vice-president and man aging director of the Lawton Spinning Company. He is a director of the Clyde Steamship Company, and of a dozen other corporations. He is vice-president of the Home Market Club; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. Fletcher, Henry, Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York Citv.and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlas Lubricants Company and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 221 Fletcher, John, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Sept. 13, 1879, in Wil- liamsburg, Iowa. Since 1914 he has been vice-president of the Fort Dearborn Bank of Chicago. He resides at 4454 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago. 111. Fletcher, Joseph E., Business President, of Hospital Trust Building, Providence,R.I. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Fletcher Land Company and other corporations. Fletcher, Joseph Henry, Provision Mer chant and Banker, of 66 Faneuel Hall Mar ket, Boston, Mass., was born Sept, 26, 1844 in Charlestown, Mass. He is president of the Belmont Savings Bank; and president of the V.Fletcher Company. He was repre sentative in Massachusetts House of Re presentatives for two years; selectman of Belmont for eight years; and of the School Committee for thre years. He is president of J.O. Fletcher Company of Boston. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Boston Fruit and Produce Exchange. Flexner, Abraham, Educator and Author of 61 Broadway, New York City, was born Nov. 13, 1866, in Louisville, Ky. In 1912- 17 he was assistant secretary, and in 1917 became secretary of the General Educa tion Board. He is the author of The Amer ican College, Medical Education in the Un ited States and in Canada, Medical Educa tion in Europe, Prostitution in Europe, A Moxem School, and also educated papers periodicals. Flick, Joseph D., Superintendent, of 321 East Forty-second Street^ New York City. He received a thorough education, and has filled several positions of trust and honor. He is superintendent of the New York So ciety for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled. This institution was established in 1863, and now has two hundred and twenty five beds. Flint, Charles Ranlett, Member of the New York Yacht Club. He was born Jan. 24, 1850, in Thomastin, Maine. In 1896 he established the Pacific Coast Clipper Line, between New York and San Francisco. He resides at 4 East Thirty-sixth Street, New York City. Flint, Charles W., Member of the Rotary Scottish Rite, a Night Templar, member of the Mystic Shrine, the Oddfellows, and va rious other clubs and societies. He is the president of Cornell College. He resides in Mount Vrnon, liwa. Flint, Lester E., Treasurer and Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Westfield River Paper Company and other corporations. Flood, Ned Arden, Member of the Lotos Club. He was born Sept. 12, 1870, in New Market, N.H. In 1912-18 he was an incor- porator and director for Gluett, Peabody and Company, Incorporated, and is now in business on his own account. He resides at 970 Park Avenue, New York City. Florsheim, Leonard S., Manufacturer, of 729 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago. 111., was born in 1879 in Chicago, 111. He is presi dent of the Kabo Company, manufacturers of corsets and accessories. Flower, Frederick S., Director, of 615 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the South Brooklyn Railway Company and other corporations. Flower, Henry Corwin, Member of the Country Club. He was born Aug. 15, 1860, in Mount Vernon, Ind. He is chairman of the board of the Fidelity Bank and Trust Company. He resides at 3800 Janssen Way Round Hill, Kansas City, Mo. Fluegelman, I., Business President, of 141 West Seventy-third Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hamilton Hotel Operating Company; and vice-presi dent of the Liberty Storage and Warehouse Company. Flye, Louis E., Lawyer and Director, of 68 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Norwood Gas Company and other corporations. Flynn, Joseph A., Business President, of 45 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Flynn and Harrison, In corporated, and a director in other corpo rations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Flynn, Emmett J., Screen Artist, of Fox Studio, Los Angeles, Cal., was born in Den ver, Col. He was educated at the Sacred Heart College of Denver, Col. He appeared in Alimony, First National; Racing Strain, Goldwyn; Bondage of Barbara, Godwyn; The Untamed, The Lincoln Highwayman, Shod with Fire, The Man Who Dared, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur s Court, Fox. He resides at 4912 Rosewood AvtMiuc, L< Angeles, Cal. Folger, Bertha B., Director,of 180 Broad way, Xew York City; and a member fo va rious clubs and societies. He is director of the Stephen Lane Folger, Incorporated. Folger, Henry Clay, Capitalist, of 26 Broadway, New York City, was born June 18, 1857, in New York. He has received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Amherst College; and the degree of LL.B. from Co lumbia University. In 1879-1911 he was con nected with the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey; and since 1911 he has been president of the Standard Oil Company of New York. He has a famous collection of Shakespeariana ; and received the degree of Litt.D. from Amherst College in 1914 for his research. He is a member of the Am herst Society; and the Alpha Delta Phi. Folk, Joseph Wingate, Lawyer and Sta tesman, of 510 Locust Street, St, Louis,Mo. was born on Oct. 28, 1869, in Brownsville, Tenn. In 1890 he received the degree of LL. B. from Vanderbilt University; and re ceived honorary degree of LL.D. from the University of Missouri, the William Jewell College, the Drury College, the Westmin ster College and also from other institu tions of learning. For four years he prac ticed law in Brownsville; and from 1894 in St. Louis, Mo. In 1904 he was circuit attorney for the City of St. Louis. In 1905- 09 he was Governor of the State of Mis souri. In 1909-10 he made a lecture tour of the United States. In 1913 he was ap pointed solicitor of the United States De partment of State; and since 1914 has been chief counsel for the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D.C. Folks, Homer.Member of the For Orange Club, was bornFeb. 18, 1867, in Hanover, Mich. He is secretary of the New York state charities aid association. He resides in 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York Ci ty. Folsom, Charles S., Business President and Director, of 14 Bible House, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Co-operat ive Savings and Loan Association of New York, and president oi: the Y. Folsom Cor poration. He is a director of the Land Bank of the State of New York, the Long Island Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Company, and The Ninth Street Company. He resides in Castle Haven, Cambridge, Md. Foote, Arthur, Musician, of Brookline, Mass., was born March 5, 1853, in Salem, Mass. He ,was educated at Harvard College ; and studied composition with John K. Paine, and in piano and organ with P. J. Lang. He is a noted teacher of piano play ing; and in 1878-1910 was organist at the First Unitarian Church of Boston, Mass. He is the composer of many published pie ces. He is a member of the National Insti tute of Arts and Sciences. In 1880 he mar- ried Miss Kate Grant Knowlton; and they have one daughter, and reside at 81 Green Street, Brookline, Mass. Foote, Clayton H., Business President, of 802 Columbia Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Canterbui 3 r Golf Club the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 2, 1863, in Rochester, Ohio. Since 1865 he has been a resident of Cleveland, Ohio. He is president of the C. H. Foote Lumber Company, the Harvard Lumber Company, and Glenville Lumber Company. In 1905 he married Miss Anna Miller; and they have a family of four daughters, and reside at 2926 Fontanay Road, Shaker Heights,, Cleveland, Ohio. Forbes, Allan, Business President, of 33 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Dedham National Bank, Forbes, Allen Boyd, Member of the Met ropolitan Club. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He is head of Harris, Forbes and Company, and also a drector of the Bank ers Trust Company. He resides in Green wich, Conn. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 223 Forbes, Allen B., Director, of 56 William Street, New York City; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is a director of the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company and other corporations. Forbes, C. S., Business President, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Charles S. Forbes, Forbes, Elmer Severance, Member of the Boston City Club. He was born Sept 12, 1890, in Westboro, Mass. Since 1908 he has been secretary of the department of com munity service of the American Unitarian Association. He resides at Weston, Mass. Forbes, Ralph C., Lawyer and Director, of 709 Sears Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societie^.TIo is a director of the Jacksonville Electric Company and other corporations. Forbes, Richard Tucker, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 4, 1868, in Lavaca, Texas. Since 1910 he has been president of the First National Bank of St. Joseph, Mo. His address is First Na tional Bank, St. Joseph, Mo. Forbes, William Cameron, Member of the Union Club. He was born in 1870, in Mil ton, Mass. In 1909-13 he was governor- general of the Philippine Islands. His ad dress is 614 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. Ford, Frank R., Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the California Railway and Power Com pany and other corporations. Ford, Henry, Member of Detroit Club. He was born July 30, 1863, in Greenfield, Mich. Since 1903 he has been president of the Ford Motor Company, largest manu facturers of automobiles in the world. His address is Dearborn, Mich. Ford, Henry Jones, Journalist and Au thor, of Princeton, N.J. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born on Aug. 25, 1851, in Baltimore, Md.; and for a number of years was a banking commis sioner. Since 1890 he has been managing editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Since 1905 he has been engaged in university work; and is now professor of politics at Princeton University. He is the author of the Rise and Growth of American Politics, and other works. In 1875 lie married Miss Bertha Botory; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 44 Mercer Street, Princeton, N.J. Ford, Peter J., Business President, Direc tor and Financier, of Wilmington, Del.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born in 1857 in Wilmington, Del.; and received an academic education. He is president of the Economic Insurance Company of America. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He resides at the Grantley A- partments, Wilmington, Del. Ford, Robert M.. Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ford Corporation. He is a director of the Turn- Auto Corporation, the United Handle Mills, and the Export Man ufacturers of the United States, Forgan, David Robertson, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born April 16, 1862 in St. Andrews, Scotland. In 1907 he org anize and became president of the National City Bank of Chicago, 111. He resides in Evanston, 111. Forgan, James Berwick, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 11, 1852, in Scotland. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank, First Trust and Sav ings Bank and a drector in other corpora tions. Formster, Emanuel M.,Business Man and Director, of 826 Hewitt Place, New York City; and a member of variorn clubs and societies. He is secretary and treasurer of the Phonolamp Sales Corporation; and has held various positions of trust and honor. Forrest, Archibald A., Business Presi dent, of 372 Broadway, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Goldberg Calculating Machine Company, and a director in othr-i corporations. Forry, Edwin Henry, Member of the Woodstock Club. He is vice-president of the Farmers Trust Company of 150 East Market Street, Indianapolis, Ind.; and was 224 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST born Sept. 27, 1864, in Newark, Ohio. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. In 1901 he married Miss Caroline Malott ; and they have one daughter, and reside at 2134 North Alabama Street, Indi anapolis, Ind. Forsburgh, James B. A., Director, of 52 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Pa the Freres Phonograph Company and other corporations. Forsman, John H., Business President, of 370 Gerard Avenue, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies .He is president, treasurer and director, of the C. H. Forsman Company. Forsman, Peter, Secretary, of 370 Ger ard Avenue, New York City ; and a member of the American Legion. He was born on April 17, 1896, in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and re ceived an academic and business education. Since 1916 he has been a member of the C. H. Forsman Company, of which concern he is now secretary. In 1891 he married Miss Gladys Marie Tobey; and they reside at 2505 University Avenue, New York Ci ty. Fosdick, Lucian John, Merchant and Au thor, of 28 Virginia Street, Boston, Mass., was born Feb. 5, 1849, in Lowell, Mass. He graduated from the McCoy s Commercial College of Lowell, Mass.; and graduated from Chautaupua Literary and Scientific Circle. He is president and director of the Fosdick Department Store of Biddeford, Maine; and is president and trustee of the Dorchester Associates. He is a director of the Dorchester Trust Company; is a life member of the Massachusetts Horticult ural Society; is a honorary member of the State of Wisconsin Horticultural Society; and is a Farmers Institute lecturer. He is a member of the Boston Baptist Social Un ion; and is a member of the Masonic Frat ernity. He is chairman of the Finance and chairman of the Local Improvement Asso ciation. He was first sergeant in Company C, Sixth Regiment Massachussetts National Guard. He has been president of the Bos ton Baptist Bethel Society; has been presi dent of the Boston Baptist Teachers South Association; and has filled numerous posi tions of trust and honor. He has made a success of cranberry culture ; and is the au thor of the French Blood in America, which is now in its third edition. Foss, Benjamin S., Treasurer and Direc tor, of Hyde Park, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Electric Boiler Corporation and ether corpotations. Foss, Eugene N., Business President, of the John Hancock Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Maverick Mills, Foss, Granville E., President of the Bos ton Art Club. He resides at Newbury and Dartmouth Streets, Boston, Mass. Foss, Herbert D., Business President, of 112 Canal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. ILi is president of Rice Chocolate Company, Foss, Wilson P., Business President, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bronx Dock and Land Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Fossler, Laurence, Educator, Philologist and Author, of Lincoln, Neb., was born on March 12, 1857, in Germany. Since 1894 he has been professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Neb raska. He is the author of A Brief German Grammar and other educational works. He resides at 1547 South Seventeenth Street, Lincoln, Neb. Foster, Alfred D., Business President, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Foster, Charles H. W., Business Presi dent of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Henderson Dairy Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Foster, Edward, Business President, of 1 Ames Street, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Massachussetts Indus trial Plan, Incorporated, and a director m. other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 225 Foster, Eugene Clifford, Member of the City Club. H was born Sept. 8, 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1919 he has been city secretary for boys of Young Men s Christian Association of New York City. He is the author of The Boy and Church. He resides at 1 Midland Avenue, White Plains, N.Y. Foster, George G., Business President, o 49 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Piano Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Foster, J. Leroy, Business President, of 69 Dorrance Street, Providence, R.I. ; and & member of the Providence Gun Club. He was born in 1892, Since 1920 he has been president of the J. A. Foster Compa ny, Incorporated; president and treasurer of the Broadway Storage Company; and a treasurer of the Lamson Oil Company. He married Miss Grace I. Stone ;and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at Warwick Neck, R.I. Foster, Reginald, Lawyer and Director, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Boston and Albany Rail road and other corporations. Foster, William Eaton, Librarian and Author, of 240 Bowen Street, Providence, R.I., was born June 2, 1851, in Brattleboro, Vt. He is the author of The Civil Service Reform Movement and other works. Foulkrod, William Walker, Business Pre sident and Statesman, of 4716 Leiper Street, Philadelphia, Pa., was born in i860 in Frankford, Pa. He began his career in the wholesale dry goods business. He is president of the Frankford Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He was, a member of the Canal Commission appointed to report upon a plan for a canal connecting Phila delphia with the ocean. In 1907-11 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the sixtieth and sixty-first Congresses as a Re publican. Fowle, Frank F., Business Man and El ectrical and Mechanical Engineer, of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, lill, was born Nov. 29, 1877, in San Francisco, Cal. In 1899 he graduated with the degree of B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is head of Frank F. Fowle and Company, mechanical and electrical engineers. In 1905 he married Miss Alice Edna Cowper; and the have a family of two sons, and reside at Winnetka, 111. Fowler, Albert H., Lawyer and Banker, of the Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich.; and a member of the Masonic Fraternity; and the Detroit Masonic Country Club. He was born Dec. 31, 1883, in Canada; and re ceived the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. from the University of Michigan. Since 1910 he has practiced law in Detroit, Mich. He is president of the Oakwood State Bank, and the Commereial State Bank of Detroit ;and vice-president of the Detroit Investment Company,and of the Detroit Masonic Coun try Club. In 1909 he married Miss Fannie L. Ptolemy ; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 899 Edison Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Fowler, Arthur A., Iron Merchant, of 30 Church Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of the University Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club,the Riding Club,the Down town Club, and the India House Club. He was born March 1, 1878, in New York City , and in 1899 graduated from Columbia Col lege. He is a member of the firm of Rogers Brown and Company ; and a director of the Empire Steel and Iron Company, Northern Insurance Company of New York,and half- a-dozen other corporations. He married Mrs. Ethel Cryder Higgins; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 117 East Seventy-first Street, New York City. Fowler, Carl H., Business President, of 126 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shallow Water Boat Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Fowler, George Starkweather, Member of the Yale Club. He was born Aug. 20, 1884, in New Haven, Conn.. In 1918 h<e was secret ary at the National Headquarters for the Second Red Cross War Fund Campaign. He resides at 122 Forest Avenue, Glen Ridge, N.J. 15 220 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST fox, J. E., Business President, of 149 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Madison Textile Conipa- pany, and a director in other corporations. Fox, William, Business President, of 340 Tenth Avenue, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of New England Theatre Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Foye, E. Elmer, Business President, of 35 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hillman Auto Supply Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Frame, Andrew Jay, Member of the Mil waukee Bankers Club. He was born Feb. 19, 1844, in Waukesha, Wis. Since 1890 he has been president of the Waukesha Natio nal Bank, and in 1894 he organized the Waukesha Malleable Iron Company. He re sides in Waukesha, Wis. Francis, Louis Witherbee, Business Pre sident, of 2 Rector Street, New York City, was born July 21,1865, in Port Henry, N.I. He was educated at Berkeley School of New York and at Williams College. Since 1889 he has been connected with Witherbee Sherman and Company, iron mining ani manufacturing; and is now president of that corporation. He is also president of the Lake Champlain and Moriah Railroad Company, the Cubitas Iron Ore Company, and the Ore Carrying Corporation. He is treasurer of the Witherbee Real Estate and Improvement Company; and a director of the Taylor-Wharton Iron Steel Company. He is a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute; and a member of the Am erican Institute of Mining and Metallurgi cal Engineers. He also is a member of the University Club of New York, and the Hja- milton Club of Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1900 He married Miss Sarah D. Chapman; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter and reside at 81 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, Frank, Alfred, Business President, o West Twenty-second Street, New York Ci ty, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Ancram Pa per Mills, and a director in other corpcn-: tions. Frank, Charles A., Director, of 66 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Confidence Gold Mines Corporation and other corporations. Frank, James, Business President, of 80 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a president of the Greystone Terrace Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Frank, Leo, Business President, b f 352 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Century Finance Cor poration; and a member of the firm of Mif- ler-Frank Company, Incorporated. He re sides at 449 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Franklin, Lewis B., Director, of 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. life is a director of the Colorado, Wyoming arid Eastern Railway Company, Franklin, Lewis Battelle, Member^f the Lotos Club. He was born Nov. 24, .1878, jn Flushing, N.Y. In 1918-19 he was a director of the war loan organization, treasurer de partment, of Washington. He resides at 95 Bowne Avenue, Flushing, Long Island, N.Y. Franklin, N. E. , Director and Trustee, of 58 West Twenty-third Street, New York City ; and a member of the Rocky Moun tain Club, and the Aldine Club. He was born Dec. 15, 1870, in Burlington, Iowa, and was educated at the Notre Dame Uni versity. He is president of the Kny-Scheer- er Corporation of America; and president of the National Council of American Im porters and Traders, Incorporated. For ma ny years he was president of the First Na tional Bank of Dead wood, S.D. In 1893 he married Miss Ada Keller; and they have one daughter, and reside at 254 Seventy- sixth Street, New York City. Franklin, Philip A. S., Business ; Presi dent, of 9 Broadway, New York Cifey;- and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Transport Conr- pa ny, and a director in other corpora- lions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 227 Franks, Robert A., Business President, of 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs andsocieties.He is president of the Home Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Franson, Charles F., Director, of 30 Church Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Canadian Stewart Com pany, and other corporations. Fraser, Charles E., Business President, of 32 Pearl Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fraser, Brace and Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Fraser, W. A., Member of the Woodmen of the World, of Omaha, Neb. He is Sover eign Commander of the Woodmen of the World, with a membership of nearly one million. Frazee, Jeremiah S., Vice-president and Director, of 45 Tiffany Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is second vice-president of Her man, Behr and Company, Incorporated. Frazier, Frank P., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Trans-Mississippi Grain Company and other corporations. Fred, A. Lincoln, Optometrist and Di rector, of 80 Broad Street, New York City ; and a member of the New York State Op- tometrical Society, the Engineers Club, and the Masonic Fraternity. He was born in New York City ; and was educated in Paris and London. He is director-general for eyesight testing of the Industrial Optical Corporation of New York. In 1893 he mar ried Miss Katique Patek of Elizabeth, N.J. who died in 1910. He resides at 201 West One-Hundred and Seventeenth Street, New York City. Frederick, Leopold, Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Sherman Steamship Company and other corporations. Freeman, Walter Edmund, of Springfield Mo., was born April 12, 1877, in Springfield Mo. Since 1920 he has been Mayor of Springfield, Mo. In 1906 he was City Coun cilman of Springfield, Mo.; and in 1909-12 he was Sheriff of Greene County, Mo. He is a member of the Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias, the Eagles, the Modern Wood men of the World, and the Elks. In 1899 he married Miss Gertrude Noblitt;and they have a family ofone daughter, and reside at 1334 Benton Avenue, Springfield, Mo. Freitas, M. T., Business President and Director, of San Rafael, CaL; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born June 2, 1853, in St. George, Azores. For forty years he has been engaged in business in San Francisco, Cal. He is presi dent of the Bank of San Rafael; and a di rector of the Bank of Italy, and a director of the San Francisco, Novato Bank of No- vato, Cal. In 1895 he married Miss Marie B. Silvester; and they have a family of five sons and three daughters, and reside in San Rafael, Cal. Frelinghuysen, George G-., Business Pre sident, of 32 Liberty Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Prospect Heights Improvement Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B.., Director of 32 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Rail Joint Company, French, Clarence F., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs andsocieties.He is a director of the Boston Water Power Company and other corporations. French, Frederick Earle, President of the Evanston Country Club, of 1501 Oak Avenue, Evanston, 111. French, Henry C., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 111 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Citizens Gas Light Company and other corpora tions. French,, Howard Barclay, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Sept. 3, 1848, in Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been sole proprietor of the Samuel H. French and Company. He resides at 2021 Spruce Street, Philadelphia Pa. 228 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST French, James W., Business President,of 73 Fremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Newton Co-operative Bank, and a director in other corporations. French, John, Business President, of 59 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Sequachee Valley Coal and Coke Company, and a director in other cor porations. French, Leigh Hill, Member of the Cos mos Club. He was born in Dover, N.H. In 1898 he was captain and inspector of the Rifle practice in Washington. He resides at Beverly Drive, Highland Park, Dallas, Te xas. Freund, John C., President of the Musi cal Alliance of the United States. He re sides at 501 Fifth Avenue, New York Ci ty. Frew, Walter Edwin, Member of the Un ion League Club. He was born July 1, 1864 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1911 he has been president of the Corn Exchange Bank.He resides at 88 Central Park West, New York City. Frey, John Philip, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 24, 1871, in Man- kota, Minn. Since 1907 he has been a spe cial lecturer on Economic and Trade-Union Topics at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Scientific Management of Labor. He resides at 2051 Courtland Ave nue, Norwood, Ohio. Fried, Joseph, Business President of 15 William Street, New York City;and a mem : ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the F.M.C. Realty Corporation Fried, Nathan, Business President, of 342 East Thirty-eighth Street, New York City ; and a member of the Inwood Country Club, the New York Bridge Whist Club, the Athletic Club, and the Fairview Count ry Club. He was born in New York City; and received an academic education. He is president of the National Leather Belting Company, president of Lazarus Fried and Sons, and president of the Horton Tanning Company. In 1911 lie married Miss Daisy Weil; and they have one son, and reside at 272 West Ninetieth Street, New York City. Fried man, Jacob, Secretary and Director of 708 Broadway, New York City; an* I a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and treasurer of J. Friedman and Company, Incorporated. He is promin ently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. He resides at 680 West End Avenue, New York Cit./. Friedman, Lee M., Lawyer and Director of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Massachussetts Bonding and Insurance Company Friedman, Lester, Business President, of 24 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Friedman- Wallach Company, Incorporated; and vice- president of the Loomtex Fabrics, Incorpo rated. Friedman, Samuel, Business President, of 67 East Ninety-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Snow Removing Corporation. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs, and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Friedsam, Michael, Business President, Director and Trustee, of 365 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of B. Altman and Company; and president of the Altman Foundations. He is a director of the Bank of Manhattan County, the Bankers Trust Company, the Metropolitan Safe Deposit Company, and a trustee of the Franklin Savings Bank. Fries, William, Business President, of Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the California Fruit Can ning Association, and a director in other corporations. Frissell, Algernon Sydney,Member of the Century City Club. He was born on Feb. 1, 1845, in South Amenia, N.Y. In 1885-1916 he was president of the Importers and Traders National Bank and other corpora-, tions. He resides at 7 West Forty-third Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 229 Froehlich, William A., Merchant, Banker and Statesman, of Jackson, Wis., was born June 22, 1857, in Jackson, Wis.He received his education in the public, private and parochial schools of his native town, and graduated from the Spencerian Business College of Milwaukee. Since 1880 he has been a dealer in general merchandise and grain in his native city ; and is president of the Froehlich Mercantile Company. He was postmaster during 1881-93 ;has been a just ice of the peace since 1887; and a member of the School Board since 1891. In 1893 he became town clerk; was a member of the assembly of the Wisconsin State Legislat ure in 1894-98; in 1898-1903 was secretary of State; and since 1905 has been postmas ter of his city. In 1898 he was elected Sec retary of State. He is cashier of the Jack son State Bank, which he organized in 1907. In 1879 he married Miss Clara Frank of Jackson, Wis.; and they have a family of six sons and two daughters. Frost, Halstead H. Jr., Business Presi dent, of 44 Wall Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Franklin Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Frothingham, John W., Director, of 375 West End Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Frothingham, Paul Revere, Business Pre sident, of 294 Beacon Street, Boston,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Massachusetts Cremation Society, and a director in other corporations. Frothingham, Theodore L., Director, of 52 Liberty Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cumberland Compfu.y and other corporations. Frueauff, Frank W., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Akron Natural Gas Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Fry, Ancon C., Vice-president and direc tor, of Fourth and Plum Streets, Cimmnali Ohio; and amember of the Business Men s Club, the Old Colony Club of New York, the Hyde Park Country Club, and Chamber of Commerce; and also a member or the Masonic Fraternity. He is vice-ui f.sideiit of the Gibson Art Company ot Cin<-ij,i):iii, 0- hio. In 1896 he married M ^s Mary Jane Finley; and they have one son, and reside at 2983 Observatory Road, Cincinnati, 0- hio. Fry, Eugene, W., Business President, of 50 East Forty-second Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Jessup and Moore Paper Company, and a director in other corporations. Fry, Morton H., Vice-president and Di rector, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of the firm of Bernhard, Scholle and Company; and vice-president of the Overseas Security Corporation. Frye, Daniel M., Busines Man and Di rector, of 52 Chauncy Street, Boston, Mass, and a member of Somerville Golf Club, the Masonic Fraternity, the Knights of Pythias and president of the Marshfield Country Club, and a member of several other socie ties. He was born Nov. 6, 1854, in Berwick, Maine; and received an academic educa tion. Since 1894 he has been Supreme sec retary of New England Order of Protec tion; and is the publisher of their Journal. In 1881 he married Miss Addie F. Hobbs, and they have one daughter, and reside at 222 Highland Avenue, Somerville, Mass. Fulle, Charles A., Business President, of 42 Wilson Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Milton Cork Company, Fuller, Frederick D., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 2 Park Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Wont Slip of Lose Man ufacturing Company and other corpora tions. Fuller, Henry J., Vice-president and Di rector, of 30 Church Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of Fairbanks, Morse and Company; and a director of thn Asbestos Corporation of Canada, and half- a-dozen other corporations. 230 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Fuller, G. Edward, Manufacturer and Litterateur, of 232 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111., was born on Aug. 2, 1854, in Warsaw, N.Y. He served in the Civil War, and was promoted on the battlefield of Get tysburg. He was brevetted in 1863 at the battle of Bristow Station for leading a Forlorn Hope which brought in a large number of Confederate prisoners and won the battle in the nick of time for General Warren. He was a member of the Interna tional Jury of Awards, St. Louis Exposi tion; Head of Food Exhibits, Pan Ameri can Exposition ; and chairman of the Ware house Committee of the Chicago World s Fair. He has traveled extensively in all parts of the World. He resides at 548 Oak- wood Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Fuller, Mortimer B., Business President, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and. a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the A very Rock Salt Mining Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Fuller, Oliver Clyde, Member of the Mil waukee Club. He was born Sept. 13, 1860, in Clarkesville, Ga. In 1903 he organized the firm of Oliver C. Fuller and Company. He resides at 585 Marshall Street, Milwau kee, Wis. Fuller, Oliver Franklin, Wholesale Drug gist, of 540 West Randolph Street, Chica go, 111., was born Oct. 19, 1829, in Sherman Conn. Since 1915 he has been chairman of the board of directors of the Fuller-Mor- risson Company. He is honorary president of the American Pharmaceutical Associa tion and the Chicago Veteran Druggists Association; a life member of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, the Art Institute, and the C liic. i^o Historical Society; and a member of the New England Society and the Horticultural Society. Mr. Fuller came to Chicago in 1852, and formed the firm of Fuller and Roberts. They occupied a store at 195 Lake Street, doing business there continuously since then, a record of six ty-nine years in the wholesale drug business in Chicago. He still resides in the home he rebuilt the year following the great fire at 1001 North Dearborn Street, Chicago. 111. Fullerton, E. Dwight, Lawyer and Direc tor, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Franklin Shoe Company and other corporations. Fulton, John H., Director, of 55 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Crucible Steel Company and other corporations. Fulton, John Hamilton, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Nov. 12, 1869, in Cote des Neiges, Montreal, Can. He organized and was president of the First National Bank of McComb, Miss. He re sides at 11 East Sixty-eighth Street, New York City. Funkhouser, Metellus L. C., Underwriter and Soldier, of 175 West Jackson Boule vard, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 17, 1864, in St. Louis, Mo. In 1898 he was captain of the First Infantry, United States Volun teers, and later was promoted to acting as sistant adjutant general. He is a member of the firm of M.L.C. Funkhouser and Compa ny, insurance. He is also Major Illinois National Guard. Fuqua, I. W., Business President of Sec urity Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Petroleum Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Furlow, Floyd Charles, Business Presi dent and Director, of 250 Eleventh Avenue New York City; and a member of the Me tropolitan Club, the Bankers Club, the En gineers Club, the University Club of Wash ington, the Chicago Club, the Buffalo Club and the Bohemian Club of San Francisco. He was born April 9, 1877, in America., Ga. ;studied in the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Europe, and received the de gree of B.S. Since 1905 he has been con nected with Otis Elevator Company, of which corporation he has been president since 1918. He built the first wireless ap paratus in the South ; was inventor of the automatic self-leveling elevator, and is a specialist in metallurgy. He resides at Carl- ton House, 22 East Forty-seventh Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 231 .Fursman, Frederick P., Member of the Cliff Dwellers Club. He is director of the S.ummer School of Painting at Saugatuck, Mich. He resides in Saugatuck, Mich. , Futrell, John Clinton, Member of Masons the Rotary Club. He is president of the Un iversity of Arkansas. He resides at 226 North Coll Avenue, Fayetteville, Ark. Futterer, Gustav A.., Physician, of 25 EJast. Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was bbrii March 17, 1856, in Hanover, Germa ny. In 1874 he entered the United States ^Tavy as an apothecary, cruised until his discharge in 1878 ; and then studied and taught medicine in Germany. Since 1889 he has practiced his profession in Chicago ;a.nd is a specialist in medical diagnosis and sto mach and other inner organs. He is first lieutenant in the United States Medical Re serve Corps. ,Gaebelein, Arno C., Clergyman and Au- thVr, of 456 Fourth Avenue, New York Ci ty, was born Aug. 27, 1861, in Greiz, Germ any/He has filled different pastorates; ariu is editor of Our Hope. He is the author of Commentaries on Matthew, Acts of Apost les, -.Daniel, Joel, Zachariah, the Pentateuch and numero.us other volumes of biblical re- Gage, Nelson W., Publisher, of Printing Building, at Thirty-third to Thirty-fourth Street, New York City. He is president and director of the Gage Publishing Company; and resides in New York City. Gagliano, John, Business President and Director, of 3 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties, He is a director of the John Gagliano Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Gaige, Crosby, Theatre Owner and Pro ducer, of 229 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of the Un ion League Club, and the Sleepy Hollow Club. He was educated at the Cazenovia Seminary and, at Columbia University. Since 1904 he has been a theatre owner and producer. He is vice-president of Salwyn and Conipany, and treasurer and director of a score of otbfT* corporations. In 1907 he married Miss Hilda Willson; and they reside in Peekskill, N.Y. Gailor, Charlotte, President of the Mem phis Art Association. She resides in Mem phis, Tenn. Gainer, Joseph Henry, Member of the University Club. He was born Jan. 18, 1878 in Providence, R.I. Since 1913 he has been mayor of Providence, R.I. He resides at 55 Grotto Avenue, Providence, R.I. Gaines, Ruth, Member of the Women s Club. She was born in 1879, in Litchfield, Conn. She was active in World- War work. She is the author of Little Light. She re sides at 16 Dayley Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. Gaines, Mrs. Samuel R., President of the Musical Art Society. She resides in Colum bus, Ohio. Gallagher, Frank A., Banker, of 803 Pros pect Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born July 27, 1882, in New York City; He was educated in New York City. He is president of the Cosmopolitan Bank, New York, and examiner of the New York State. Banking Department. He was cashier of the Municipal Bank of Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1907 he married Miss Catherine Payne; and they have a family of one son, and re side in Pelham Wood, N.Y. Gallagher, Frank F., Treasurer and Di- rector, of 21 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs, and societies. He is director of the National American Bank,and half-a-dozen other cor porations. Gallagher, Hugh Clifford, Business Pre sident, Manufacturer and Trustee, of Dor chester, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 25> 1855, in Sackville, New Brunswick ; and received a university education. He is pre sident of Walter Bakers and Company, Limited; president and trustee of the Mil ton Savings Bank; and a director of the Milton Building Associates and other cor porations. He is a trustee of Boston Uni versity, Smith College and other organiza tions. "41 Gallagher, John J., Director, of 21 East Fortieth New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lenox Sand and Gravel Company, and other corporations. 232 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Galli-Curci, Madame Amelita, Prima don na Soprano, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City. She is a member of the Metro politan Opera Company and the Chicago Opera Company. She appears in both con cert and opera under the management of Evans and Salter. She resides at 507 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Calliver, George A., Business President, of 41 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Writing Pa per Company, and a director in other cor porations. Gallo. Fortuna, Impressario and Opera Manager, of the Aeolian Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has attained a world-wide reputation as a noted impressario. For the past thirteen years he has managed the San Carlo Grand Opera Company. Gamble, Cecil Huggins, Business Man and Director, of York and Central Streets, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Univer sity Club, the Commonwealth Club, the Cin cinnati Country Club, and the Cincinnati Golf Club. He was born in 1884 in Cincin nati, Ohio. He is president of the Cincin nati Time Recorder Company. He is a di rector of the Proctor and Gamble Company, the Globe Wernicke Company, and the Cin cinnati Chamber of Commerce. In 1908 he married Miss Louise Gibbs; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 543 Glen wood Avenue, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Gamble, James Norris, Member of the Business Men s Club. He was born Aug. 9, 1836, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1891 he was vice-president of Proctor and Gamble Com pany, and is now president of the Arrow head Reservoir Company. He resides at 2918 Werk Road, Westwood, Ohio. Gamble, R. Howard, Business Man and Director, of 52 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Prince and Whitely, members of the New York Stock Exchange. He is also a director of th^ Exchange Court Corporation. Ganfield, M. A., Member of Danville Lit erary and Social Club. He is president of Carroll College. He has been president of Centre College. He resides in Waukesha, Wis. Gammell, Eduard, Vice-President and Treasurer, of 50 South Main Street, Pro vidence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Providence National Bank. He is also treasurer of the Lonsdale Company, treas urer of the Rhode Island Hospital, secreta ry of the Blacks Town Manufacturing Company, and secretary of the Berkeley Company. Gannet, Thomas B., Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Northern Texas Electric Company and other corporations. Gannett, William Channing, Author and Poet, of Buck Hill Falls, Pa., was born on March 13, 1840, in Boston, Mass. He is the author of A Year of Miracle and other works. In 1887 he married Miss Mary Thorn Lewis, and they have a family of ene son and one daughter, and his address is P.O. Box C, Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Gano, Seth T., Treasurer and Director,of 15 Exchange Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Exchange Club, the Harvard Club of Boston, the Eastern Yacht Club,the Harvard Club of New York, and the Bank er s Club of New York. He was born July 2, 1897, in Middlefield, N.Y. ; and was educ ated at Harvard University. Since 1911 he has been treasurer of the Gauley Coal Land Company. He is also treasurer and director of the American Coal By-Products Compa ny, and six other corporations. In 1907 he married Miss Adelaide E. Beunke;and they have a family of three daughters, and re side at 70 Clark Street, Belmont, Mass. Gantz, William W., Business President, of 150 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Normal Land Company and a director in other corporations. Gardin, John E., Director and Trustee,of r.O Wall Street, New York CUy;and a mem- fc"r of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Allied Machinery Company of America and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 233 Gardiner. George Schuyler. He was a Member of the Boston Club of New Orleans and the Lotos Club of New York City. He was born April 12, 1854, in Penn Yan,N.Y. ; and died May 29, 1921. He received a tech nical education; was president of Eastman, Gardiner and Company, and he introduced many improvements in the methods of lum bering. In 1890 he was a member of the Iowa State Legislature. In 1877 he married Miss Catherine L. Marshall, of Clinton, Iowa ; they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Laurell, Miss. ; and maintain a residence at Kalmia Lodge, RidgenelH, Conn. Gardiner, John, Business President, of 1800 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa., was born June 19, 1857, in Philadelphia, Pa.He was educated at the Philadelphia Central High School. He is president of the Conti nental Brewing Company, and a director in several corporations. He is a member of the Union League Club, and the M erion Cri cket Club. In 1891 he married Miss Caro line J. Schmidt, who died in 1902. He has a family of two sons, and resides in winter 1800 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and in summer on a farm near Downingtown,Pa. Gardiner, Robert H., Lawyer and Di rector, of Barristers Hall, Boston, Mas-. , and a member of various c lubs and socie ties. He is a director of t he Fall River Gas Works Company and other corporations. Gardner, Charles W., Business President of Insurance Exchange Building, San Fran cisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Oak Ridge Oil Company, and a director in oi.h- er corporations. Gardner, Clarence, President of the Or pheus Club, with a mebership of one hund red and fourteen Men. He r asides at 9 Jo Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gardner, George Pvabody, Business Pre sident, of 40 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs a nd PO -ic ties. He is president of the St. Mary s Ca nal Mineral Land Company, a nd a direc tor in other corporations. Gardner, George Peabody, Business Pre- President, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various c lubs and societies. He is president of the Marine In vestments Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Gardner, Lester D., Business President, of 221 Fourth Avenue, New York City ;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gardner-Moffat Compa ny, Incorporated. He is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs; and has held numerous p ositions of trust and honor. Gardner, Preston H., Business President of 15 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Andrews Land Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Gardner, Rathbone, Business President, of Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs a nd socie ties. He is president of the Coventry Com pany and other corporations. Garfield, Irvin McDowell, Lawyer and Director, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Collateral Loan Company and other corporations. Garland, Daniel Frank, Member of Ci ty Club. He was born July 10, 1864, in Per ry County, Pa. In 1915-16 he was president of the Ohio State Conference of Charities. He resides at Hills and Gales Streets, Day ton, Ohio. Garrett, Robert,Member of the Maryland Club. He was born June 24, 1875, in Balti more County, Md. He is a partner of the banking firm of Robert Garrett and Sons. He resides at Redwood and South Streets, Baltimore, Md. Garrett, Thomas, Business Man and Di rector, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs andsocieties. He is a member of the firm of Stetson,Jen- nings and Russell; and a director of Don- gan Hall and other corporations. Garrigue, Mrs.Edwin B., President of the Matine Mutual Club of Philadelphia, with a membership of eight hundred and fifty Women. She resides at The Wissahickon, Germantown, Pa. 234 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Gartsin, H. H., Business President and Director, of Redlands, CaL; and a member of the University Club, the Redlands Coun try Club, tlie Los Angeles Athletic Club, and the Kiwanis Club. He is president of the Bear Valley Mutual Water Company; and the (Yat ton Water Company; and a director of the Savings Bank of Redlands, the First National Bank of Redlands, and oilier corporations. Garvan, Francis P., Business Man and Director, of 67 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties, lie is a director of the Agricultural Products Corporation, the Continental Rub ber Company of New York, the National Surety Company, and the P. F. Collier and Son Company. Gary, Albert H., Business President, of 71 Broadway, New Fork City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Minnesota Steel Company, and a director in other corporations. Gaston, Harry W., Business President, of 1763 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Automobile Club of Ameri ca, the Scarsdale Golf Club, and the Mount Kisco Country Club. He was born Feb. 20, 1883, in Chattanoga, Tenn. ; and was educ ated at the University of Texas. He is pre sident of the Lexington Motor Company of New York; and vice-president of the An- sted Company and other corporations. He has been a director of the Automobile Mer chants Association of New York City. In 1910 he married Miss Lilian V. Thompson, and they have one daughter, and reside in Bedford Hills, N.Y. Gaston, Lucy Page, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born in 1860, in Dela ware, Ohio. She is a editor of the Anti-Cig arette Herald, and other reform publica tions. She resides at 5740 Harper Avenue, Chicago, 111. Gates, Herbert Fright,Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Oct. 30, 1868, in Gen eva, 111. Since 1910 he has been superinten dent of the Brick Church Institute. He is the author of Recreation and the Church. He resides at 114 Marryman Street, Ro chester, N.Y. Gates, John Langdon, Business President of 2437 Gilbert Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Cincinnati Country Club, the Cincinnati Business Men s Club, the Society of Colonial Wars, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He was born May 19, 1883, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1919 he has been president and treasurer, of the Precision Equipment Company. In 1909 he married Miss Natalie Pogue; an<j,. they have a family of two daughters, and, reside at 2312 Park Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gates, Mrs. Susa Young, Journalist and Sociologist, of 109 North .First West Street Salt Lake City, Utah; and a member of many charitable and patriot societies. She was born March 18, 1856, in Salt Lake C i- ty. In 1889 she founded the Young Wor. man s Journal. In 1914 she established the Relief Society Magazine, of which she still is editor. She is author of Lydia Knight s " History, John Steven s Courtship, Genea- ^ logical Lesson Book, Surname Book and Racial History. Gates, Thomas Sovereign, Member of the University Club. He was born March 24, 1873, in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. lie is president of the Philadelphia Trust Com pany. He resides at 322 West Willow Grove" Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Gates, William Day, Manufacturer, of 1701 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111., and a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the Builders Club, the Chicago Architectural Club, and the Olympic Field and Country Club. He was born July. 29, 1852, in Ash-, land, Ohio. He is president of the Ameri can Terra Cotta and Ceramic Company. He is past president of the National Terra Cot ta Society, past president of the American Ceramic Society, and past president of the National Brick Manufacturers Association. Gaumont, Irving, Vice-president and Di rector, of 48 West One Hundred and Six teenth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He, is vice-president of the Odell Employment Exchange; is prominently identified with business and public affairs 5 and has held . many positions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 235 Gavin, Joseph Edwin, Member of Cham ber of Commerce, and numerous clubs and societies. He is a successful business man of the Erie County Bank Building, Buffalo N.Y.; and was born Nov^. 14, 1855, in Buf falo, N.Y. He served as United States In spector of Customs at Buffalo under Presi dent Clf veland. He is president of the J. E. Gavi i Coal Company. He is also agency manager of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States at Buffalo, N.Y. He resides in Buffalo, N.Y. Gawtry, Lewis B.,Director, of 280 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New York Edison Company and oth er corporations. Gaynor, Edward F. J., Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City; anH a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Bleecker Street and Fulton Ferry Railroad Company and other corpo rations. Geddes, Donald D., Director, of 51 Wall Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the United States Electric Light and Power Company and other corporations. Gee, Theophilus Hayes, Treasurer and Di rector, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Tacoma Land and Improvement Company and other cor porations. Geer, Edward F., Business President, of 21 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Housatonic Steamship Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Geer, William C., Business President, of 41 Park Row, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a president of the Union Linseed Company of Troy, New York, and a director in other corporations. Geier, Frederick August, Member of the Pueen City .Club. He was born on June 23, 1866, in Cincinnati, Ohio.Since .1887 he has been engaged in manufacturing machinery and is now president of the Cincinnati Mil ling Machine Company. He resides at 2301 Grandview Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geier, Philip A., Business President, of 5100 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Cleveland Yacht Club, the Cleveland Automobile Club, and other clubs and so cieties; and is also a member of the Cleve land Engineering Society. He was born on July 13, 1877 in Cleveland, Ohio.Since 1915 he has been president of The P. A. Geier Company ; and is also president of the Con tinental Electric Company, Limited, of To ronto, Canada. In 1906 he married Miss Ma ry M. C. Wernle, of Philadelphia, Pa.; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Cleveland and in Windermere, Fla. Geijsbeek, John Bart, Accountant, Educ ator and Author, of Denver, Colo., was born April 24, 1872, in Lemele, Holland. He has received the degrees of LL.B. and C.P.A. He founded the School of commerce, ac counts and finance of the University of Denver, and in 1908-13 was its dean. He is the author of Ancient Double Entry Book keeping; and other works. In 1901 he mar ried Miss M. Lillie Schmidt, and they re side at 1405 Gaylord, Denver, Colo. Geisenberger, L. R., Member of the Roal Arcanum of Lancaster, Pa. He is Supreme Regent of the Royal Arcanum, with a total membership of one hundred and thirty-five thousand. Geller, Frederick, Business President, of 20 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bond,Mortgage and Sec urities Company, and a director in other corporations. Gelshenen, William H., Director, of 81 Fulton Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Arrow Grip Manufacturing Company and other corporations. George, E. Howard, Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the E. Howard George and Company, investment bankers, and is a di rector i" other corporations. 236 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST George, Charles E., Lawyer, of Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich., was born Dec. 20, 1860, in Nicholasville, Ky. He was educated at the Methodist Seminary of Newbury,Vt. and in 1880 graduated from the University of Michigan. Since 1908 he has been editor of the Lawyer, Banker and Southern Bench and Bar Review of New Orleans, La. He is also chairman of the Board of Trustees Medico-Legal Society, of New York, and secretary of the United States Branch of International Law Association of the Hague. In 1882-84 he was Assistant Attor ney at Iowa. He is a member of the Law yers Club, the International Law Associa tion, the Medico-Legal Society, and the Grand Council of Rites of Scotland. In 1912 he married Miss Selma Klein, of Mil waukee, Wis., and they reside at 1587 Ha milton Avenue, Detroit, Mich. George, William, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Sept. 23, 1861, in Aurora, 111. He is the owner of George Stock Farms and breeder of pure bred stock. He resides in Aurora, 111. George, William, Reuben, Member of the City Club, was born June 4, 1866, in West Dryden,N.Y. He founded the junior repub lic, put in operation in New York in 1895. The George junior republic is a reform in the methods of dealing with delinquent and dependent children, the system now being extended to various states of the union. He resides at Freeville, N.Y. Gerard, R. H., Member of the Tribe of Ben-Hur, of Crawfordville, Ind. He is Sup reme Chief of the Tribe of Ben-Hur, with a membership of nearly eighty thousand. Gerber, W. E., Business President, of Ca lifornia National Bank, Sacramento, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the California Na tional Bank, and a director in other cor porations. Gerry, A. E., of 725 Thirteenth Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C., was born on Aug. 19, 1878, in Washington, D.C. He was educated at Georgetown University. He is a president of the Chesapeake and Potomac TeleDhone Company. He is a member of the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, the Mary land Club of Baltimore and the Racquet Club of Washington, D.C. In 1904 he mar ried Miss Florence Dyer; and they reside at 1811 R Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Gerstle, Mark L., Business President, of Alaska Commercial Bank, San Francisco, Cal ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of {,h? T.-wiiscnd Company, and a direr* or in other corpora- Ijons. Gerstle, William L., Business President, of Alaska Commercial Building, San Fran cisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Apollo Consolidated Mining Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Gerwig, George William, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 18, 1867, in Paris, Ohio. Since 1915 he has been presi dent of Woods Run Settlement of Pitts burgh, Pa. He is the author of Schools With a Perfect Score. He resides at 1105 Davis Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gest, Joseph Henry, Museum Director,of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born April 24, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received the degree of A.B. from Harvard University. Since 1888 he has been identified with the Cin cinnati Museum Association of which he has been director since 1902. In 1902 he be came vice-president and in 1914 president of the Rockwood Pottery. In 1914-15 he was secretary of the Municipal Art Socie ty ; and is a member of the Harvard Club. In 1887 he married Miss Lillie Schulze;and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 2144 Grandin Ave nue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gest, William Purves,Member of the Un iversity Club. He was born Feb. 27, 1861, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1915 he has been president of the Fidelity Trust Company. He resides in Marion, Pa. Geyler, Louis,Business President, of 2500 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the South Shore Country Club the BeVerly Country Club, and the Chica go Athletic Association. He was born Dec. 18, 1866, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is presi dent of the Louis Geyler Company; is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELIT^ AND SOCIOLOGIST 237 Giannini, Amadeo, Peter, Member of the Olympic Club. He was born May 6, 1870, in San Jose, Cal. He is president of the A. P. Giannini. He resides at St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Gibboney, Stuart Gatewood, Lawyer, of 165 Broadway, New York City, was born on Nov. 1, 1877, in Witheville, Va. He was educated at the University High School of Richmond, Va., and received the degree of LL.B. from the University of Virginia. Since 1903 he has been engaged in the prac tice of law in New York; and spent the year of 1904 in practice in Paris, France. In 1898-99 he served in the Army of Oc cupation in Cuba; and in 1900 was on staff of General Chaffe at Pekin, China, during the Boxer Outbreak and subsequent occup ation of Pekin. He was associated with William F. McCoombs in pre-convention Wilson campaign; also managed part of the southern pre-convention campaign for Wil son. He was secretary of the Contributors National Wilson and Marshall League dur ing the National campaign. He is a member of the firm of Barber and Gibboney, of 165 Broadway, New York City. He is also a member of the Phi Delta Phi Legal Frat ernity, New York County Lawyers Associa tion, and the American Bar Association ;in 1908-12 was secretary of the New York Southern Society ; and in 1907-14 secretary of The Virginians; and is a member of the New York Club, the BankersClub, the Law yers Club and the Democratic Club. Gibbons, Harry R., Business President and Banker, of 600 South Canal Street,Chi- cago, 111., was born June 26, 1862, in Chi cago, 111. He is president of the H. R. Gib bons Box Manufacturing Company; and vice-president of the Citizens Bank of Lake View. He is a member of various clubs Gibbons, Helen Davenport (Mrs. Herbert Adams Gibbons), Member of the Autour du Monde Club. She was born Dec. 2, 1882, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1917-18 she was Young Men s Christian Association lecturer with the American Expeditionary Forces. She is author of A Little Gray Home in France. She resides in Paris, France. Gibbs, Roberts Adams, Educator and Founder, of the Page Military Academy, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of the Jo nathan Club. He is the founder and head master of the Page Military Academy, A Big School for Little Boys. In 1909 he mar ried Miss Delia M. Page ; and they have one daughter, and reside on the Cahauga Val ley Road, Los Angeles, Cal. Gibbs, Winifred Stuart, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 6, 1871, in New York. His work has been the training of home economic students; and advisor to workers in similar fields in Providence, Boston and Chicago. He is the author of Minimum Cost of Living. He resides at 15 Gramercy Park, New York City. Gibson, Harvey D., Business President, of 100 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of the Bankers Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born on March 12, 1882, in North Conway, tt.H. Since 1917 he has been president of the Liberty National Bank; and is president and trustee of the New York Trust Compa ny. He is president of the Liberty Indust rial Corporation; and a director of the Pac ific Fire Insurance Company, and a dozen other corporations. He resides at 52 East Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Giddings, Franklin Henry, Member of the Century Club. He was born March 23, 1855, in Sherman, Conn. In 1915-17 he was a member of the Board of Education of New York City. He is the author of The Theory of Sociology. His address is Colum bia University, New York City. Gifford, James M., Lawyer and Director, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1856 in Monkton, Vt. ; and was educated at Columbia University. He is a member of the law firm of Gifford, Hobbs and Beard. He is vice-president of Pierce Phosphate Company, vice-president of the American Agricultural Company, and vice- president and general counsel of the Char lotte Harbor and Northern Railway Compa ny. He is director of the Remington Type writer Company, and a dozen other corpo rations. In 1883 he married Miss Harriet R. Brangan; and they reside at 319 West One Hundred and Third Street, New York City. 238 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Gifford, Walter S.,Director,of 195 Broad way, Xew York City; and a member of va rious dubs and societies. He is a director of the New York Telephone Company and other corporations. Gilbert, Cass, Institute President, of 244 Madison Avenue, New York City. He is a president of the National Institute of Arts and Letters, organized in 1898. Gilbert, Gertrude, President of the Am- phion Club, with a membership of twelve hundred men and women. She resides at 139 First Street, San Diego, Cal. Gilbert, James S., Business President, of West Twenty-third Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president. of the Dexter Folder Company. He is Lessee, treasurer and di rector of the Railway Valley Company; is identified with business and public affairs, and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Gill, George Carleton, Manufacturer and Banker, of Holyoke, Mass., was born Feb. 10, 1858, in Hinsdale, Mass. In 1891 he purchased the Winona Paper Company; changed its name to Geo. C. Gill Paper Company, and became its president in 1892. This concern became a part of the Ameri can Writing Paper Company, of which he was made vice-president, until he resigned in 1902 to assume the presidency of the Holyoke National Bank. He is president of the Mississippi Pulp and Paper Company of Sheldon Springs, Vt. ; president of the Erving Paper Mills of Erving, Mass.; and president of the Holyoke Heater Company of Holyoke, Mass. He is a member of the Mount Tom (Jolf Club and the Holyoke Canoe Club. In 1893 he married Miss Jenta Johnson of Holyoke, Mass.; and they have a family of two daughters. Gillen, E. T., Civil Engineer and survey or, of 212 Ohio Building, Akron, Ohio, was born Oct. 30, 1878, in Akron, Ohio. He was educated at the Ohio Northern University. In 1910-13 he was assistant city engineer of Akron, Ohio; and has held important engineering positions with various rail roads. Since 1915 he has been in business for himself as an independent engineer; and is also chief engineer of the General Hills RealtyCompany and several other realty and land companies. In 1915 he married Reta A. Quinby; and they reside at 110 Westmoreland Terrace, Akron, Ohio. Gillesby, William F., Director, of 82 Bea ver Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs andsocieties. He is a direc tor of the Mexican Lead Company and oth er corporations. Gillespie, George J., Business President, of 20 Vesey Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Olcott Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Gillett, Charles W., Member of the Chi cago Golf Club, the Chicago Club and the Bankers Club of New York City. He was born in 1876 in Chicago. He is president of the Champion Chemical Company, and a director in other corporations. He resides at 2635 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Gillett, Ransom E., Business Man and Di rector, of the Journal Building, Albany, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Car- lin and Gillett; is prominently identified with business and public affairs, and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Gillette, John Morris, Member of Com mercial Club. He was born Aug. 1866, in Maryville, Mo. Since 1907 he has been head of the department of sociology in the Uni versity of North Dakota. He resides at Grand Forks, N.D. Gillis, Malcolm W., Manufacturer, of 432 South Franklin Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 1, 1877, in Canada. From 1901-09 he was associated with the firm of A. Shu- man and Company of Boston, Mass. Since 1909 he has been associated with the House of Kuppenheimer of Chicago, clothing man ufacturers; and is superintendent of de signing and manufacturing.He is a member of the Evanston Club and Westmoreland Country Club ; and is thirty-two degree Mason and a Shriner. In 1901 he married Miss Cora E. Tufts; and they have a fam ily of one son and two daughters; and re side at 2135 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 239 , Gilman, Mrs. Charlote Perkins, Lecturer an d p O et, of 160 Broadway, New City, was born July 3, 1860, in Hart ford,. Conn. In 1896-1913 she visited Great "ISritain and other Europian Countries as a public speaker. She is the author of Wo- ;inen and Economics, and other works. She * married Charles Walter Stetson, by whom ^she had one son. In 1900 she married G.H. Oilman; and they reside at 627 West One- "Hundred and Thirty-sixth Street, New .York City. Gilmore, Pascal Pearl, Banker of Bucks- port," Maine, was born June 24, 1845, in jDedham, Maine. He was educate^ in the common schools and at Eastern Maine Con ference Seminary at Bucksport, Maine. He served in the Sixteenth Regiment, Maine Infantry in the Civil War; engaged in sev eral battles ; was present when General Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Va. He was not pffi duty for a single day during the ferm of service, and was complimented by superior officers for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gravelly Run and i^ive; Fortes, Va. He was wounded in the face, at the battle of Dabney s Mill, Va.,on Feb. 6, 1865. In 1867-71 he was lumber in spector in Michigan ; in 1871-91 was farm er and. conveyancer; and for six years was president of .the Bucksport National Bank. Fo.r. ten ^y ears was chairman of the Board of Selectmen ; and supervisor of schools if teen. years ;and was member of the House of Representatives; the State Senate; was S tate Liquor Commissioner; and was State Treasurer. In 1881 he married Miss Alma M. IJost ; and they have one daughter, and reside in Bucksport, Maine. Gimbel, Jacob, Member of the City Club. HV was. born April 17, 1876, in Yincennes, Yrid. He was the organizer of the dollar sav ings plan among poor boys of Yincennes, Irid.; and has assisted many young men to secure higher education. Gimbel, Louis S., Vice-president and Di- >-ector, of 1275 Broadway, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of Gimbel Broth ers" ; and is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has filled sev- ernf positions of trust and honor. Ginsberg, Jacob, Commission Merchant, of 288 Fourth Avenue, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Edmund Wright-Gins berg Company, factors and commission merchants. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held numerous positions of trust and hon or. Ginzberg, Louis,Educator and Author, of 568 West One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, was born Nov. 28, 1873, in Kovno, Russia. He was educated at the Unversities of Berlin, the University of Strassburg,and the University of Heidelberg. Since 1902 he has been professor of Talmud and Rab- inics at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. In 1909 he married Miss Adele Katzenstein ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 568 West One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street New York City. Giordano, Philip, Vice-president and Di rector, of 178 WestStreet, New York City; and a member of variousc lubs and socie ties. He is vice-president, treasurer and di rector of Bollettino Delia Sera. He is ident- iflied with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust Glass, George F., Business President, of Cleveland, Ohio ; and a member of the Rot ary Club.He is president of Ohio Bronze Powder Company, is president of another corporation, is identified with various bus iness enterprises, and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Glassebrock, Otis A. Jr., Bsiness Presi dent, of 43 Exchange Place, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Victor Box Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Glemby, Philip, Vice-president and Di rector, of 12 East Twenty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of S. Glemby, Incorporated; and treasurer, di rector and manager of the Sophie Hair Stores Company. He is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and hon or. 240 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Glendinning, Robert, Member of the Rit- tenhouse Club. He was born Aug. 10, 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is a member of the firm of Robert Glendinning and Company, Bankers of Philadelphia, Pa. He resides at SS(il> North Thirty -second Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Glenn, John Mark, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 28, 1858, in Balti more, Aid. Since 1907 he has been general director of the Russell Sage Foundation. In 1901 he was president of the National Con ference of Charities and Corrections.He re sides at 136 East Nineteenth Street, New York City. Glenn, Mary Wilcox, (Mrs. M. Glenn), Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. She was born Dec. 14, 1869, in Baltimore, Md. In 1915 she was president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. She is the author of Development of Thrift. She resides at 126 East Nineteenth Street, New York City. Glessner, John Jacob, Member of the Un ion League Club. He was born in January, 1843, in Zanesville, Ohio. He is president of the trustees of the Rush Medical College. He resides at 1800 Prairie Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Glover, Charles, Member of the Britain Club. He was born June 16, 1847, in Not tingham, England. He is president of the Corbin Screw Corporation of Chicago. Glover, Charles C., President of the Cor coran Gallery of Art. He resides in Wash ington, D.C. Gloyd, Samuel Moses, Lumber Merchant and Capitalist, of Oklahoma City, Okla., was born May 25, 1864, in Holden, Mo. He was educated in the public schools of his native city. In 1889 he entered the lumber business at St. John, Kans. ; and in 1897 moved to Oklahoma City and engaged in the retail lumber business, now owns a large line of retail yards and hardware stores in Oklahoma and Kansas; has valu able real estate holdings in large cities; is president of the Texas Cement Plaster Co. with mills at Hamlin, Texas; president of the Gloyd Realty Company of Kansas City Mo.; vicepreseident of the Louisiana Land and Lumber Company ; director of the Am erican National Bank ; is a member of clubs and societies, and resides at 327 West Fourteenth Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Glynn, Martin H., Lawyer, Journalist, Publisher and Statesman, of Albany, N.Y., was born Sept. 17, 1871 , in Kinderhook, N.Y He was educated in the public schools and received the degree of A.B. from Ford- ham University. He studied law and was admited to the bar. He entered journalism and is editor and publisher of Albany-Un ion of Albany, N.Y. ; and president of that Corporation. In 1899-1901 he was a member of the National Commission of the Louisia na Purchase Exposition, and he was elected vice-president of the commission. In 1907- 09 he was comptroller of the State Bank of New York. In 1912 he was elected Lieuten ant-Go vernor of the State of New York; and in 1913 became Governor of that state. He is a member of the Albany County Bar Association, the New York State Bar As sociation, and the American Bar Associa tion. He is a member of the University Club, the Albany Club, the Fort Orange Club and the Albany Country Club. He re sides at 28 Willett Street, Albany, N.Y. Goadby, William H., Business Man and Director, of 74 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of W- H. Goadby and Company. He is director of the Lanston Monotype Machine Company, the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, the Sloss- Sheffield Steel and Iron Company,and the Sheffield Company of Sheffield, Ala. He resides at the Plaza Hotel, New York City. Godbey, John Emory, Clergyman and Au thor, of Kirkwood, Mo., was born Aug. 11, 1839, in Cassey County, Ky. He was educ ated in the public schools of Kentucky, the St. Charles College of Missouri; and re ceived the degree of D.D. from Emory Col lege of Georgia. In 1877-78 he was pastor of the First Church of St. Louis; and in 1882-90 was editor of the Southwestern Methodist; and since 1913 he has been rec tor of the Scruggs Memorial First Church of St. Louis, Mo. He is the author of Light in Darkness, Lights and Shadows of Seven ty Years and other works. He resides at Kirkwood, Mo. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 241 Goddard, Leroy Albert, Member of the South Shore Country Club. He was born on June 22, 1854, in Marion, 111. In 1911-12 he was president of the Chicago Clearing House Association. Since 1909 he has been president of the State Bank of Chicago.He resides at 1419 North State Parkway, Chi cago. 111. Goddard, Robert H. L., Business Presi dent, of 50 South Main Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lonsdale Company and other corporations. Godding, Adelaide M. Smith (Mrs. John Granville Godding), Member of the Ex Club of New Hampshire Daughters. She was born Oct. 23, 1867,in Epping, N.H. In 1910- 13 she was president of the New Hamp shire Daughters of Boston. She resides at 704 Washington Street, Boston ,Mass. Goepper, Gustavus, Business President, of 1645 Massachussetts Avenue, Cambridge Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the East Cam bridge Savings Bank, and a director in oth er corporations. Goetchius, John M., Business President, of 17 East Forty- Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Seaboard Finance and Investment Company, and a director in other corporations. Goff, Darius L., Business President, of 29 River Street, Pawtucket, R.I.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Royal Weaving Company and other corporations. Goff, F. H., Banker and Business Presi dent, of Euclid Avenue and Ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Un ion Club, the Rowfant Club, the Country Club, the Kirtland Country Club, and the City Club. He was born Dec. 15 1858, in Blackberry, 111. Since 1908 he has been president of the Cleveland Trust Company. In 1894 he married Miss Frances South- worth; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Bratenahl Ohio. Goff, Lyman B., Business President, of 60 Dexter Street, Pawtucket, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. -He is president of the American Textile Com pany and other corporations. Goldberg, Louis A., of 6 East Thirty-sec ond Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent and director of the G. and G. Waist and Dress Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Goldberg, Monroe S., Business President of 222 Fly Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Northern Waterproof ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Goldberg, Reuben Lucius, Cartoonist, of the Times Building, New York City; and a member of the Lambs Club, the Friars Club the Elks, and other organizations. He was born July 4, 1883, in San Francisco, Gal.; and received the degree of B.S. from the University of California. Since 1907 he has been cartoonist on the New York Evening Mail; and created the Boob McNutt comic page. In 1916 he married Miss Irma See- man; and they have a family of two sons and reside at 40 West End Avenue, New York City. Goldberg, Samuel M., Business President of 1261 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the S. M. Goldberg Enter prises, Incorporated. He is also president of Appleton and Company of San Jose, Cal.; H. G. Lewis and Company of Atlanta, Ga. ; H. P. Selman and Company, of Louisville, Ky. ; Harry Fuik and Company, of Los An geles, Cal. ; J. F. Donovan arid Company,of Stockton, Cal. ; of S. M. Goldberg, of Kan sas City, Mo. ; and of Prussia and Company and other corporations. Goldman, Albert, Secretary and Director of Tremont and Monterey Avenues, New York City; he is assistant general commer cial manager of the Bronx district of the New York Edison Company. He is director of the New York Edison Savings and Loan Association and other corporations. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerous pos itions of trust and h onor. 16 242 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Goldman, Herman, Business Man and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie- ties. He is a director of the Atlantic Piers, l>;irber and Company, the Barber Steam ship Line, the Bailey Place Securities Cor poration, and of Baker,Murray and Imbrie. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Goldmark, Pauline Dorothea, Member of the Bryn Mawr Club, welfare worker of 2S!) Fourth Avenue, N.Y., was born in New York City. Since 1905 she has been direc tor of the New York Child Labor Commit tee; and since 1916 has been a member of the Industrial Board of New York State Labor Department. She was compiler with Mary D. Hopkins, of the Gypsy Trail. She resides at 270 West Ninety-fourth Street, Xe\v York City. Goldsborough, Charles B., Treasurer and Director, of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York city; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Adrian Petroleum Company and other corpora- t ions. Goldsmith, Emily, Treasurer and Socio logist, of New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president treasurer and director of the Sam S. Glau ber, Incorporated, of Seventy-ninth Street nad Second Avenue, New York City. She has taken an active part in business and social affairs, and has held many positions of trust and honor. She resides at 981 Park Avrnue, New York City. Goldsmith, Goldwin, Member of Ameri can Institute of Architects, American Spe cification Institute, and the Kansas Society of Architects. He is a professor of Archi tecture a I the University of Kansas. In 1897-1913 he was a member of the Van Vleck and (Joldsmith Architects, New YoVk City. Mis address is 306 Marvin Hall, Law rence, Kans. Goldsmith, Leon, Optometrist and Opt ician, of 109 John R Street, Detroit, Mich, was born in 1877 ,in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been established in business as optometrist and optician. He has been pre sident of the Michigan State Society of Optometrists. He is a member of the Phoe nix Club, the Bedford Country Club, the Elks Club, and is a very prominent Mason and Shriner. In 1899 he married Miss Cora Finsterwald; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 55 Massachussetts Avenue, Highland Park Detroit, Mich. Goldsmith, Max, Business President, of 116 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alger Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Goldsmith, Moses, Manufacturer, of 29 East Madison Street, Chicago, Ill.,was born Sept. 8, 1861, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is president of Goldsmith Brothers Smelting and Refining Company, of Chicago, 111. Goldstein, Emanuel, Treasurer and Di rector, of 404 Fourth Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Banner Silk Knitting Mills; is identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held many positions o f trust and honor. Goldstone, Dave, Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 5 North Wabash Avenue Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 8, 1896, in Davenport, Iowa. For several years he was sales manager of Fred Blauer and Compa ny of Chicago, 111. ; and is now president of the Blauer-Goldstone Company, manufact uring jewelers, of Chicago, 111. Goldstone, Joe, Manufacturer, of 5 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born on Oct. 10, 1889, in Davenport, Iowa. For a number of years he was sales manager for M. H. Shiman and Company of New York City. Since 1917 he has been secretary and treasurer of the Blauer-Goldstone Company manufacturing jewelers of Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Elks, the Masons and the Independent Order of B nai B rith.He resides at 528 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. Goldwaite, Joel, Director, of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Norwood Gas Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 243 Gombarts, George K., Member of Munic ipal Art Societies. He has been chairman of the Art Department of Kewiet Clinton High School. He resides at 300 East One Hndred and Sixty-third Street, New York City. Gompers, Samuel, Labor Leader and Au thor, of 318 West Fifty-first Street, New York City. He is one of the founders and is president of the American Federation of Labor and editor of its official magazine. He is the author of Labor in Europe and America. He resides at 623 Faile Street, New York City. Good, Robert Hosea, of Chicago, Ill.,was born Dec. 31, 1873, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He received the degree of B.S. from Albion College; M.D. from Rush Col lege; M.S. from Northwestern College ;and later took post-graduate work in the Univ ersities of Chicago and Vienna.He was pro fessor in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery ; and is a member of the staffs of the FrancesWillard, Oak Park Catholic, West Suburban American and Norwegian Hospitals. Since 1902 he has practiced the specialty of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. In 1900 he married Miss Elle Belle Wagstaffe; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter; and thereside at 278 Ashland Avenue, River Forest, 111. Goldall, Louis B., Manufacturer, Financ ier and Statesman, of Sanford, Maine, was born Sept. 23, 1851, in Winchester, N.H. He entered his father s mills in Sanford, Maine, now manufacturers of mohair, car and furniture brush. Since 1896 he has been president of the Sanford National Bank.He is president of several corporations; and was the first vice-president of the Ameri can Association of WooPand Worsted Man ufacturers. He was a member of the sixty- fifth and sixty-sixth Congress, from the first district of Maine in 1917-21. He has held commission of Lieutenant-Colonel on Governor Fernald s staff. In 1877 he mar ried Miss Rose Goldwin; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Sanford, Maine. Goode, Richard Livingston, Lawyer and Jurist, of 4429 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo., was born Feb. 4, 1855, in Hen ry County, Ky. He was student of Drury Cole^e of Springfield, Mo., from which in stitution he received the honorary degrees of M.A. and LL.D. For one year he was ci ty attorney of Springfield ; and in 1901-10 was judge of St. Louis Court of Appeals. In 1910-15 he was general counsel of Mer cantile Trust Company of St. Louis. Since 1915 he has been professor of law and dean of the Law School of Washington Univers ity. He is member of the City Club and nu merous otherclubs and societies. Goodell, Charles Elmer, Member of the National Municipal League, and the Frank lin Rotary Club. He is president Franklin College. He resides at Franklin, Ind. Goodfellow, Mrs. W. V., President of the Women s Lyric Club, with a membership of eighty-five persons. She resides at 676 South Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles, Cal. Goodman, Maurice, Secretary and Direc tor, of 1564 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Toledo Amusement Company and other corporations. Goodman, William 0. President of the Cliff Dwellers Club, of 220 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Goodrich, Edward I., Business President, of 328 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Clift and Goodrich, Incor porated; and of the Gardiner and Warring Company of Amsterdam, N.Y. He is a di rector of the American Collar Company of Troy, the American Knitting Mills Compa ny, the Clark Knitting Company of Utica, the Sanford Trust Company, and the Sper- ry Hutchinson Company. Goodwin, Frances M., President of the Indiana Society Sculptors. She resides in Newcastle, Ind. Gordon, Anna Adams, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Boston, Mass. She established the dime collection by which children supplied the funds for the Willard Fountain of Chicago. She is the author of the Life of Frances E. Wil lard. She resides in Evanston, 111. 244 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Goodykoontz, Wells, Lawyer, Banker and Congressman, of Williamson, W. Va., was born June 3, 1872, near Newbern, Va. He was educated at the Oxford Academy of Virginia; and studied law in the Washing ton and Lee University. Since 1894 he has practiced law in Williamson, WvVa. In 1917 he was a member of the West Virgi nia State Senate, and was president of the Senate. In 1917 he was elected president of the West Virginia Bar Association. He is the author of Legal Booklet. Since its foundation he has been president of the National Bank of Commerce of Williamson W.Va. He is a Mason, and has served as master of his lodge. He is now a member of the sixty-sixth Congress for the term of 1919-21. Gordon, David S., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 190 Sixth Avenue, New York City; and a member of several clubsa nd socie ties. He was born in 1880 in Russia; and was educated in Manchester, N.H. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Superior Printing House, Incorporated. In 1904 he married Miss Rosie Sacks ;and they have one son living, and their daughter died at the age of seven years. They reside at 395 East Fourth Street, Flatbush,Brook- lyn, N.Y. Gordon, Frederick W.,Business President of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the C.F.G. Securities Gordon, George Angler, Clergyman and Author, of 645 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass, was born Jan. 2, 1853, in Scotland. He was educated at Harvard College, and theBangor Theological Seminary. Since 1884 has been pastor of the Old South Church. He is the author of The Christ of "To-day and other works. He is a member of the Saturday Club, and the Ministers Club.In 1890 he married Miss Susan Huntington Manning; and they have one daughter,and reside at 645 Boylston Street, Boston,Mass. Gordon, Gordon, Business President, of 154 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mount Andrew Mining Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Gordon, Harry A., Lawyer and Director of 347 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a member of the law firm of Gordon, Talley, Gordon. He is a director of the Bi- Continent Trading Corporation, and a di rector of the D. Lowenthal s Sons. He has taken a prominent part in business and public affairs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Gordon, J. M., Vice-President and Direc tor, of 51 Chambers Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of variousc "lubs and so cieties. He is vice-president, secretary and director of the Christmas Club Corporation. Gordon, Robert L.,Director,of 170 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Keith Carand Manufacturing C Gorman, John C., Wholesale Woolen Merchant and Financier, of 1036 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 1, 1872, in England. He is president of the John C. Gorman Company, wholesale woolen and tailoring; and president of the John Ford Stores throughout the West. He is a member of the Press Club and the Illinois Club, t e Knight of Columbus; and various other clubs and societies. Goss, Wright D., Business President, of 103 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Real Estate Board of New York, the Manhattan Association of New York, the Chamber of Commerce of Brook lyn, the West End Association, the Ohio Society of New York, and various Masonic and Fraternal organizations. He was born Oct. 25, 1856 in Edinburg, Ohio; and was educated at Hiram College and at Mount Union College of Ohio. Since 1878 he has been in the building materials business in New York City as a merchant and manu facturer. He is president of the Empire Brick and Supply Company, the Bronx Holding Company, and the Tontine Realty Company, all of New York City. He is past president of the Building Materials Ex change of the City of New York. In 1891 he married Miss Minnie E. Morehouse; and they have a family of one son and six daughters, and reside at 46 West Seventy- third Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 245 Gordon, Warren, Business President, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Harbor Motor Truck ing Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Gossam, Samuel C., Member of the Auto Club of St. Louis, the Hodiamont Business Men s Asociation, the Chamber of Com merce; and is a Mason and Odd Fellow. He was born March 5, 1869, in Farmington, Me. He is president of Hodiamont Bank. He resides in St. Louis, Mo. Gottesman, David Samuel, Business Man and Director, of 18 East Forty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Frank Gilbert Paper Company, the Hercu les Paper Corporation, and the Union Wax ed and Parchment Paper Company. Gottfried, George M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 9 East Thirty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and di rector of the North American Review Cor poration. Gould, C. Carroll, Director, of 60 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the West Virginia Pipe Line Company Gould, Edwin, Member of the Union League. He was born Feb. 25, 1866, in New York. He is president of the Bowling Green Trust Company. He resides at Fifth Ave nue, New York City. Gould, Frank Jay, Member of the New York Athletic Club. He was born Dec. 4, 1877, in New York. He is president of the International and Great Northern Railway Company. His address is 149 Broadway, New York City. Gould, Howard, Yachtsman, Capitalist and Philanthropist, of 165 Broadway, New York City, was born in 1871 in New York City. He is a director in numerous railway telegraph and financial corporations. Gould, M. De L., Secretary and Director, of 116 East Eighteen Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is secretary and director of the Fuel Engineering Company of New and has held many positions ot trust Gove, Robert, J., Business President, of 2 Meridian Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and societies He is president of the East Boston Savings Bank, and a director in other corporations. Gow. Charles R., Director, of 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.;and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Beacon Trust Company and other corporations. Grab, Oscar F., Business President, of 13 West Twenty-eighth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. Hei s president, treasurer and di rector of O.F. Grab and Company; is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs ; and has held several positions . f it list and honor. Grabbe, John G., Educator and College Director, of Greeley, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Colorado State Teachers Col lege. Grabbe, John Grant, Educator of Rich mond, Ky., was born Nov. 29, 186^, in Mount Sterling, Ohio. He has been superin tendent of public instruction of Kentucky, He is president of the department of Nor mal Schools for the term of 1913-1 . Grace, Eugene Gifford, Member of t!;o Metropolitan Club. He was born Aug. 27. 1876, in Goshen, N.J. Since 1917 he has been president of the Bethlehem Shipbuild ing Corporation. He resides at Avenue N. and Prospect Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa. Grace, Joseph P., Business President, of 7 Hanover Square, New York itj ; ami a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brooklyn Terminal Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Graf, Joseph L., Business President, of 119 West Twenty-Fourth Stree . New York City; and a member of \ r a our clubs and societies. He is president of t!;3 Greeley Square Leasing and Improvement Company and a director in other corporations. Graf, Oscar L., Treasurer and Director, of 119 West Twenty-Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Gree ley Square Leasing and Improvement Com pany and other corporations. 216 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Graham, Bart J., Business President, of of Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Rotary Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born Sept. 29, 1883, in Cleveland Ohio. He is president of the Interstate Clay Produce Company, president of the United Brick Company and vice-president and general manager of the Denison Interlocking Tile Corporation. In 1909 he married Miss Clara Frederick; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside at 2277 St James Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio. Graham, Charles J., Business President, of 350 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. Tie is president of the Liberty Steel Graham, Edwin C., Member of the Col umbia Country Club. He was born June 21, 1871, in Warren County, 111. He is presi dent of the National Electrical Supply Company. He resides at 2700 Connecticut Avenue. Washington, B.C. Graham, Ernest Robert, Architect, of Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 22, 1868, in Lowell, Mich. He is designer and builder of many note worthy structures. He is a member of the firm Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. Graham, George Scott, Lawyer and Con gressman, of 42 Broadway, New York City, was born Sept. 13, 1850, in Philadelphia, Pa. He has received the degrees of LL.D. and LL.B. For ten years he was professor of criminal law in the University of Penn sylvania. For eighteen years he was district attorney of Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1915 he has been a member of Congress Graham, John Charles, Lawyer and Bus iness President, of Butler, Pa., was born on Oct. 8, 1868, in Butler, Pa. He was educat ed in the Butler public schools and at the Lafayette College. He is president of the John C. Graham Coal Company; president of the Allegheny Foundry and Machine Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs, and has filled various positions of trust and honor. He was appointed on the state commission of National Defense to serve during the war, with offices in Pittsburgh, Pa. Graham, Roy C., Business President, of 440 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is first vice-president of the Credit Clear ing House; and president of the Internat ional Lawyers Company of Norwalk, Ohio. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Graham, S. C., Business President, of 7 522 Security Building, Los Angeles, Cal.: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Laguna Land and Water Company of Los Angeles, and a director in other corporations. Graham, Sara L., President of 4he Swift and Company Women s Chorus. She resides at 7322 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago, 111. Graham, William A., Vice-president and Director,of 113 Chambers Street,New York City; and a member of the Harvard Club of New York City, of which he is now pre sident. He was born Oct. 13,1859, in Brook lyn, N. Y.; graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1879; and served two years in the United States Navy. Since 1881 he has been associated with the firm of John H. GmL.-nu and Compa ny, of which he is now senior partner. He is vice-president of the Wallingford Man ufacturing Company, vice-president of the Many Use Oil Company, and vice-president of the East Brooklyn Savings Bank. During the WorldfWar he was chief of the General Supplies Division, Purchase, Storage and Traffic Division, in the United States War Department at Washington, D.C. In 1885 he married Miss Maria Vanderveer; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 14 Vernon Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Graham, William T., Business President of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Hs is president of the Metal and Thermit Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Grant, Gordon, Member of various clubs and societies. He is prominently identified v.ith business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. He resides at 137 East Sixty-sixth Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 247 Grant, George W., Director and Trustee of Old Colony Trust Company, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Salem Gas Light Company and other corporations. Grant, John McGregor, Business Presi dent, of 120 Broadway, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Continental Casing Com pany, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Grant, Joseph Donohue, Member of the Pacific Union Club. He was born March 28 1858, in San Francisco, Cal. He is president of the Grant Company. He resides at 2200 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. Grant, Robert, Business President, of Mi not Building, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New England Coal and Coke Company, and a director in other cor porations. Grant, Rollin P., Member of the Union League Club. He was born Jan 6, 1870, in Westfield, N.J.He is president of the Wool- worth Building Safe Deposit Company.He resides at New Weston Hotel, NQW York City. Grassell, John, was born March 20, 1868 in Washington, Iowa. In 1894-1909 he was purchasing agent for Morris and Company. He is president of the Wilson Steel Pro ducts Company and vice-president of the Depositors State Bank; and director of the Stockyards Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the Beverly Club, the Flossmore Country Club and the Annandale Golf Club. In 1898 lie married Miss Janey Alicia Wilson; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 4944 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago. 111. Graesselli, Caesar Augustin, Member of the Union Club. He was born Nov. 7, 1850, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1893 he has been president of the Broadway Savings and Trust Company. He resides at South Park Boulevards, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, 0- hio. Gray, Carl Raymond, Member of the Me tropolitan Club. He was born Sept. 28,1867 in Princeton, Ark, In 1919 he was president of the Western Maryland Railway, and chairman of the Wheeling and L.E. Rail way. He resides at the Tuscany Apartments Baltimore, Md. Gray, George H., Treasurer and Director of 201 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is identified with Howard C. Pile and Company. He is a director of the Mid- wood Trust Company, the Herman Con struction Company and other corporations. He is treasurer and director of the Brook lyn Real Estate Board; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs of his city. Gray, George Morris, Physician, of 450 Eighteenth Street, Kansas City, Kan., was boiv. Marcii 4, Ib56, in \V:i;;kegan. III. In 1879 he graduated from the Kansas City Medical College; in 1880 from Bellevue Hospital Medical College of New York Ci ty. In 1913 he was president of the Kansas State Medical Society; and has been May or of Kansas City, Kan. He has been presi dent of the Riverview State Bank of Kan sas City, Kan., and has filled various posi tions of trust and honor. He is now chief surgeon to St. Margaret s Hospital; and president of the State Board of Medical Examination and Registry of Kansas. He is a member of the American Medical Associ ation, the Kansas State Medical Society; is a. fellow of the American College of Sur geons. Gray, Stanley D., President of the Haver- hill Society of Arts and Crafts Gray, William F., President of the Phi ladelphia Sketch Club. He resides at 235 S. Camac Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gray, William S., Chemical Merchant, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City, was born in 1856. He is president of William S. Gray and Company; and director of the Citizen s Central National Bank, the Dry Dock Sav ings Bank, the Barrett Company, and the United States Industrial Alcohol Company. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Lotos Club, the Chemists Club, the New York Club, the Greenwich Country Club, and the Indian Harbor Yacht Club; IK- maintains a country home in Greenwich, Conn. 248 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Greeley, Alton Hovey, Business Presi dent, of 149 Broadway, New York City;and a member of the Chemists Club, the Old Colony Club and various other clubs and societies. He is identified with the Pine Products Corporation of Savannah, Ga. He is president of the Greeley Products Cor poration, and vice-president of the Atlantic Drier and Varnish Company. He has taken an active part in busines and public affairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Greeley, Edwin Seneca, Member of the Union League Chi)). He was born May 20, 1832, in Mashua, N.H. H has been president of (lie Yale National Bank of New Haven, and in 1 (M)f> lie retired. He resides at 15 Turnbull Street, New Haven, Conn. Greeley, William Roger, President oi! the Boston Architectural Club. He resides at ]() Somerset Street, Boson, Mass. Green, Alfred E., Member of various clubs and societies. He was born in Paris, Cal., and for two seasons was engaged on the stage in various productions. He was d.- rector for Goldwyn Double-Dyed Deceiver, and .Just out of College. He was also direc tor for Mary Pickford in Thru the Back Door, and Little Lord Fauntleroy. His ad dress is 1027 North Berendo Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Green, Charles E., Director, of Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Crocker National Bank and other corporations. Green, David, I., Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 5, 1864, in Inde pendence, N.Y. Since 1894 he has been sup erintendent of the Charities Organization Society of Hartford. He resides at 183 North Main Street, West Hartford, Conn. Green, Edward Howland Robinson, Mem ber of the Union League Club. He was born Aug. 22, 1868, in Langham, London, Eng land. Since 1893 he has been president and general manager of Texas Midland Rail road. His address is 111 Broadway, New York City. Green, H. Stuart, Treasurer and Director of Cooper Square, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is assistant treasurer and director of Brow ning King and Company ; and has filled va rious other positions of trust and honor. Green, John E., Business Man, of 181 Tennyson Avenue, Highland Park, Mich. Was born July 6, 1887, in Detroit, Mich. He received a technical education. Since 1909 he has been in business for himself; and is now vice-president of the Detroit Association of Sanitary Heating Contract ors. He has been president of the North End Educational Club, is a prominent Ma son, and a member of various organiza tions. In 1907 he married Miss Minnie E. Zernechel; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters,and reside in High land Park, Mich. Green, Merrill K., Director, of Lochstead Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Columbia Stamboat Company and other corporations. Green, Stanley K., Business President,of Lexington Building, Baltimore, Md.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of Stanley K. Green, Incorpor ated, Specialists Chain Store Leasing. He has been identified as president and direc tor with several corporations in New York City. He has always taken an active part in business and public affairs and has held numerous positions of trns and honor. Green, Theodore Francis, ..Lawyer and Statesman, of Turks Head Building, Provi dence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, the Provid ence Art Club, the Turks Head Club, the University Club of Providence, and the Me tropolitan Club of Washington, D.C. He was born Oct. 2, 1867, in Providence, R.I. ; and received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Brown University; attended the Har vard Law School; and studied in the uni versities of Bonn and Berlin. He is senior partner of the law firm of Green, Hinckley and Allen. He served in the Spanish Amer ican War; has been a member of the Rhode Island State legislature; and in 1912 was the democratic candidate for governor. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and resides at 14 John Street, Pro vidence, R.I. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Green, Thomas Edward, Member of the City Club. Hew as born Dee. 27, 1857, in Harrisville,Pa. Since 1918 he has been pre sident of the Illinois Society of the War of 1812. He is the author of The Mantraps of the City. His address is at the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross Washington, D.C. Green, William, Business Man of o2? West Forty-third Street, New York City, was born April 1, 1861, in New York City. He was educated in the Polytechnic Insti tute, receiving the degree of B.A.He is pre sident of the New York Manufacturers Real Estate Company, president and trea ;- urer of William Green, Incorporated, pre sident of NGAV York Manufacturers Real Estate Company, and president of the Le ;- lie Judge Company. He is a past president of United Typothetae of America an I is a director of Employing Printers. He is a member of the New York Athletic Club, the Lincoln Club of Brooklyn, the Club of Long Island and the Green Meadow Count ry Club of Harrison. In 1886 he married Miss Bessie Beebe, of Hudson, Ohio; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in New Rochelle, N.Y. Green, William, Business Man, of 672 Ohio. In 1906 he was president of the Un ited Mine Workers of America. He is the author of Ohio Workmen s Compensation Law. He resides at 1602 East Chestnut Street, Coshocton, Ohio. Greenberger, Nathan E., Business Presi dent, of 198 Franklin Street. New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of Nathan E. Green berger and Company; and vice-president of Nathan Kronman and Company/. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs, and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Greene, Alexander, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 49 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Manhattan Fire and Marine Insurance Company Greene, Edward Aborn, Business Presi dent, of 15 Westminster Street, Providence R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Peoples Savings Bank and other corporations. Greene, Edwin F., Manufacturer, of 60 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 9, 1879, in Hills Grove, R.I. He is president of Lockwood, Greene and Com pany, engineers and manufacturers, of Bos ton, Mass. He is also treasurer of the Paci fic Mills; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He resides at 6 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Green, Everett A., Business President, of 60 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Me is president of the First National Bank Greene, Jerome Davis, Member of the Century Club. He was born Oct. 12, 1874,in Yokohama, Japan. In 1919 he became a member of Higginson and Company, bank ers of England. He resides at 115 East Eighty-seoncd Street, New York City. Greene, John Priest, Clergyman and Col lege President, of Liberty, Mo., was born in 1849 in Scotland County, Mo. He was educ ated at the La Grange College, the South ern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the University of Leipsic of Germany. He has been pastor of the Third Baptist Church of St. Louis, and since 1892 he has been pre sident of the William Jewell College. He is a member of the League of Peace. In 1888 he married Miss Lizzie Wicoff, and they have a family of one son and one daught er, and reside at Liberty, Mo, Greene, Louis C., Director, of Alaska Commercial Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Northern Nav igation Company and other corporations. Greene, S. Harold,Business President and Director, of 60 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Lockwood, Greene and Company. He is president of the Imperial Cotton Company, and presi dent of the Bay State Cotton Corporation, the Boston Yarn Company, International Cotton Mills, and Lockwood, Greene and Company. He is vice-president of the Ad- dison Mills, and of the American Tulle Company; and a treasurer of the Lawton Mills Corporation. He is a director of the American Trust Company and a dozen oth er corporations. 250 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Greenebaum, Moses Ernest, Member of the Bankers Club. Ho was born March 17, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is president of the Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Compa ny. He resides at 4504 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Greenefell, Helen Loring, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Valparaiso Chile. She served thre terms as state super intendent of public instruction of Color ado; and was instrumental in forming the new policy of leasing state lands. She re sides at 1264 Columbine Street, Denver, Colo. Greer, Frederic, Manufacturer, of 525 West Van Buren Steet, Chicago, 111., was born Sept 6, 1880, in Tombstone,Ariz. Since 1898 he has been president of the Harvard Electric Company. From 1911-13 he was president of the Cook County Civil Service Commission. He is also secretary of Greer Automobile Company of Chicago; and sec retary of the Greer College Motoring. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club the Olympia Fields Country Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. He resides at 4114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Gregg, James Edgar,Member of the Har vard Club of Xew York, and the Century Association of New York. He is principal of the Harnpden Institute. He resides in Hampton, Va. Gregg, John Robert,Publisher and Auth or, of 285 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born June 17, 1867, in Ireland. Since 1888 he has devoted his entire atten tion to the diffusion of shorthand; and the Gn-gg System is now used in more than seven thousand schools. He is president of the Gregg School of Chicago, 111.; and pre sident of the Gregg Publishing Company of Xe\v York, Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco. He resides in New York City. Gregory, George D., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Deed Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Gregory, William Voris, Member of the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Elks, and past Grand Master of Kentucky Odd Fellows, He was born Oct. 21, 1877, in Graves Coun ty, Ky. ; and was educated at the Kentucky College. For two terms he was judge of the Graves County Court; and since 1919 has been United States attorney for the West ern District of Kentucky. In 1900 he mar ried Miss Marie E. Myles; and they have one daughter, and reside at 2143 Barringer Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Grenell, Fred T., Business Man, of 742 Book Building, Detroit, Mich. He was born in Paterson, N. J. ; and was educated in De troit, Michu He is proprietor of the News Bureau of, Detroit, Mich. He is a member of the Aviation Country Club, the Fellow- craft Club, the Detroit Yacht Club, and Kiwanis Club. In 1910 he married Miss Blanche Adams; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 4629 Oregon Street, Detroit, Mich. Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, National Missionary and Author, of 156 Fifth Ave nue, New York City, was born Feb. 28,1865 in England. He is superintendent of the Labrador branch of Royal National Mis sion to deep sea fishermen, doctor of Med icine of Oxford, and a fellow of the Royal College of Singers. He is a member of the Authors Club, the London Club, and the Harvard Club. In 1909 he married Miss An na MacClanahan ; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 53 Monmouth Street, Boston, Mass. Greve, William M., Business President, of 162 Remsen Street, Broklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs andsocieties. He is president of the Rockaway Point Com pany, and a director ino ther corporations. Grew, Edward W., Director of 40 Cent ral Street, . Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the York Manufacturing Co- Grew, Henry S., Business President, of National Union Bank Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Union Bank, and a director in other corpo rations. Gribbel, John,Member of the Lotos Club. He was born March 29, 1858, in Hudson City, N.J. Since 1892 he has been proprie tor of John J. Griffin and Company. He re sides in Wyncote, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 251 Griebsch, Max, President of the Milwau kee Musical Society, with a membership of one hudred and forty persons. He resides at 558 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Grier, Norman McDowell, Educator and Scientist, of Washington, Pa.; and a mem ber of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science.He has been an instructor of Biology in Hol- lins College and other institutions. Since 1920 he has been Instructor of Botany in the Washington and Jefferson College; and also the Marine Biological Laboratory, of Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. In 191 he mar ried Miss Margarette Gibson; and they have one daughter, and reside in .Bellevue, Pa. Grieshaber, Carl F., Treasurer and direc tor, of 126 East Thirty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs nad societies. He is director of the Tomp- kinsville Building and Loan Association and other corporations. Griffin, Charles E., Export and Import Merchant and Financier,of 24 Stone Street New York City, was born Dec. 17, 1892, in New York City. He is a member of several business exchanges and the Merchants As sociation of New York ; and has been ident ified with the Central and South American trade for many years. He has held several positions of trust and honor; and is a mem ber ov various clubs and societies. Griffin, Frank W., Business President, of 58 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He in president of the Alaska Bonanza King Mining Company, and a director in other corporations. Griffin, Frederick R., President of Morn ing Glories, and treasurer of The Gliders. He is also a member of the Knights of Col umbus, the Knights of Progress and other organizations. He was born June. 17, 1892, in Charlestown, Mass., and \tas educated at the Boston Elementary School, and at the Shebourne Academy. Since 1911 he has been connected with the firm of Meade and Grif fin, of Boston, Mass. He has been president of the Bunker Hill Civic Committee; and a member of Charlestown Board of Trade. In 1921 he married Miss Mae Dawley; and they reside at 162 Glenwood Road, Somer- ville, Mass. Griffin, Nelson F., Banker, of 2079 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Calumet Club, the New York Athlet ic Club, and the Richmond Country Club. He is treasurer of the Lincoln Trust Com pany; trustee of the Bronx Savinzs Bank, and a director of the Madison Safe Deposit Company. He resides at 128 West Seventy- uecoiid Street, New York City. Griffith, Beatrice C. B., (Mrs C. F. Grif fith), Sculptor of Wynnebourn, Wynne- wood, Pa., was born Aug. 6, 1890, in Hoy- lake, Cheshire, 9ngland. She was pupil of Giuseppe Donato. Her principal works are a Marble Portrait of Edith Wynne Mathi- son in Bennett School of Milbrook; a mar ble portrait of President Ewing in the La hore Union College of Lahore, India; and a portrait of Howard B. French in the Col lege of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, Pa. She is a member of the Philadelphia Alliance. Griffith, David Wark, Member of num erous clubs and societies. He was born in 1880, in LaGrange, Ky.; and was on the stage for two years. He began his screen career about 1908, first as an actor, then as director for the Biograph. In 1914 he as sumed charge of the Reliance-Majestic Stu dio for the Mutual; and he is the producer of Judith of Bethula, the Birth of a Nation Intolerance, Hearts of World, Way Down East, and other productions. He resides at Mamaroneck, N.Y. Griffith, Reginald Harvey, Educator and Author, of Austin, Texas, was born Feb. 3, 1873, in Charlotte, N.C. He was educated at the Furman University, the John Hop kins University and the Chicago Univers ity. Since 1908 he has been professor of English in the University of Texas, and is now professor of Englsh and Curator of the Wrenn Library in the University of Texas. He is the author of Sir Percival of Gallas and other works. He is a member of the Modern Language Association of America Forthnightly Club, and various other clubs and societies. In 1906 he married Miss Al ice Mary Matlock, and they have two daughters, and reside at Austin, Texas. 252 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Griffith, William A., President of the Kansas Federation of Arts. He resides in Lawrence, Kan. Griffith, William M., Business President, of 13- Herriinan Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Buffalo South ern Kail way Company, and a director in other corporations. Grimes, Harry, Member of the National College Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Pho, and is a Mason. He is pastor of the First Con gregational Church at Braintree. He has been pastor of the Windham Congregation al Church of Windham, Conn. He resides at 84 Hollis Avenue, Braintree, Mass. Grinnell, Russell, Business President, of 275 West Exchange Street, Providence, R.I. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. Ife is president of Canadian Sprinkler Equipment Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Griscom, Rodman E., Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Buffalo, and Lake Erie Traction Company and other corporations. Griswold, Latta, Clergyman and Author, of Lenox, Mass., was born Feb. 4, 1876, in Lancaster, Ohio. He received the degrees of B.A. and M.A. from Princeton Universi- ty.In 1906-15 he was master of St. George s School and vicar of St. Columbia s Church of Lenox, Mass. He is the author of Der i-ing of Deal, Deering at Princeton, The Winds of Deal, and Deal Woods. He is un married and resides in Lenox, Mass. Griswold, William E. S., Director, of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Canon Reliance Coal Compa ny and other corporations. Groat, George Gorham, Economist and Author, of Burlington, Vt., was born Dec. 15, 1871, in Green Island, N.Y. Since 1913 he has been professor of commerce and ec onomics in the University of Vermont. He is the author of Trade Unions, the Law In New York, the Introduction to the Study of Organized Labor in America, and also Contributions to Periodicals. He resides in Burlington, Vt. Groesbeck, C. E., Business President, of 71 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of American Power and Light Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Groff, Franklin L., Business President, 690 Eighth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Foster Brothers Man ufacturing Company, and a member in oth er corporations. Grondahl, E. L., President of the Seattle Fine Arts Society. He resides at 1213 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Grose, George Richmond, Educator and Author, of Greencastle, Ind., was born July 14, 1869, in Nicholas County, W. Va. Since 1913 he has been president of the Pauw University. He is the author of The Out look for Religion, and Religions and the Mind. He resides at Greencastle, Ind. Grossman, Moses H., Director, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of varios clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Commonwealth Industrial Cor poration and other corporations. Grossman, Nelson F., Clergyman an 1 Rabbi, .of New York City; and a member of numerous clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Association of lie- form Rabbis of New York. He is Grand Chaplin, Masonic Grand Lodge, New York State. He is the author of numrous maga zine articles and books In 1892 he married Miss Martha Keller; and they have a fam ily of three daughters, and they reside at 1347 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Grossman, Rudolph, Clergyman, of 1347 Lexington Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is Rabbi of the Temple Rodolph Sholm. He has been president of the New York Board of Jewish Ministers; and Grand Chaplain of the Masonic Grand Lodge of the New York State. He is vice-president of the As sociation of the Reformed Rabbis of New York ; and is the author of many magazine articles and books. In 1892 he married Miss Martha Keller; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside at 1347 Lexing ton Avenue, Neiv York City. AMERICAN ELIT^ AND SOCIOLOGIST 253 Gruen, Fred G., Business President, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gruen Watchmakers Guild, of Time Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gruen, George J., Secretary and Business President, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Queen City Watch Case Manufacturing Company. Gruhl, Edwin, Business President, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wells Power Company,and a director in other corporations. Gubelman, Oscar I., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Montana Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Guckenheimer, Edward, Business Presi dent and Director, of 83 Third Avenue, New York City ; and a member of the Mas onic Lodge, and various clubs and societies. He was born July 23, 1864, in Darmstadt, Germany. Since 1880 he has been in the provision business; and up to 1916 was treasurer of the M. Zimmermann Company. He is president of Guckenheimer and Hess, and the Pure Food Specialty Corporation. He is a chairman of the New York and Brooklyn Meat Packers Board of Trade. In 1893 he married Miss Lillian Zimmermann; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 142 .Cottage Ave nue, Mount Vernon, N.Y. Guenther, Paul, Business President and Director, of 1107 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the New Jersey Insurance Company, the Onyx Building Corporation, the New York, the Hanseatic Corporation, and other corporations. Guenzel, Louis, Architect, of 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 28, in Coeslin, Germany. In 1892 he came to Chicago and entered the late firm of Adler and Sullivan. In 1894 he opened up his own office. He is a member of the University Club, the City Club, the Germa- nia Club and the Illinois Athletic Club. Guernsey, Henry, W., Director, of West Twenty-Ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the National Ammonia Company and other corporations. Guernsey, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey) Member of the Ladies Library Club. She was born Sept. 13, in Salem, Ohio. She was a founder of the Pub lic Library of Independence, Kan. In 1917- 20 she was president-general of the Nation al Society of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. She resides at Ridge wood, Independence, Kan. Gugenheim, Morris, Business President, of 364 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of M. Gugenheim, Incorporat ed; and a director in other corporations. He has taken an active part in business and pblic affairs; and has filled many posi tions of trust and honor. Guggenheim,Bernard, Business President of Sixteenth Street and Irving Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Japan Import and Export Commission Company, and a director in other corporations. Guggenheim Daniel, Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chile Exploration Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Gugenheim, Edmond A., Director of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Mexican Union Railway Com pany and other corporations. Gggenheim, Edmond A., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Braden Copper Mines Compa ny and other corporations. Guggenheim, Murray, Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Nevada Northern Railway Company and other corporations. Guild, Courtenay,President of Haydn So ciety, with a membership of four hundred men and women. He resides at 144 High Street, Boston, Mass. 254 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Guilfoyle, William A., Business Presi dent, of 101 Wooster Street, New York Ci ty, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Well- Mai.l Confection Company, Incorporated. He lias taken an active part in business and public affairs; and lias held many posi tions of trust and honor. Guinues, Benjamin S., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Industrial Supply Company and other corporations. Guinzberg, Harry A., Vice-president and Treasurer, of 725 Broadway, New York Ci ty, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vicepre-^ident of the I. B. Kleinert Rubber Company ; is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Gulick, Flora Gilman, Founder and Di rector of the Flora Gulick Boys Club, In corporated; she is also a director of the So ciety of Organized Charity, the Wellfare League, the National Federation of Boys Club Workers, the National Daughters of the American Revolution, the Colonial Dames and other societies. She is in the government service. She resides at 421 Os- borne Street, Terre Haute, Ind. Gunnison, Frederic Everest, Member of the Union League. He was born May 28, ISO!), in Canton, N.Y. He is vice-president of the Lawyers Title and Trust Company. He resides at 79 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, N.Y. Gunnison, Raymond M., Secretary and Director, of the Eagle Building, Brooklyn, X.Y.; and a member of various clubs and -ocieties. He is secretary and a director of theEaglc Warehouse and Storage Company, and trustee of the Kings County Savings Bank, Gurnett, Daniel W., Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Economic Machine Com pany and a director in other corporations. Guthman, William, Business President, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Madlan Real ty Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Gutmaim, Ferdinand, Business President of 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Kaufmann and Strauss Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Gwathmey, J. Temple, Broker and Bus iness, Man, of 25 Broad Street, New York City ; . and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the board of managers of the New York Cotton Ex change. For many years he has been pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs of New York City; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Gwih, Earl Stimson, Member of Louis ville Country Club. He was born Sept. 7, 1875, in Carlisle, Ind. He is vice-president of the National Bank of Kentucky. He re sides at the Weissinger-Gaulbert Apart ments, Louisville, Ky. Haas, Walter Francis, Member of the Union League Club, and the Jonothan Club. He was born Nov. 12, 1867, in Mani- tou County, Mo. He has attained success in the practice of law; and has been City attorney. He is president of the Tampico Land, Lumber and Developement Company and other corporations. For nine years he was a lecturer in the University of South Carolina. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Haber, Henry J., Business President and General Manager, of 1625 Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He was born in 1865, in Cleveland, Ohio; and received an academic education. He is president and general manager of the Chamberlain-Ha- ber Chemical Company. In 1894 he mar ried Miss Ora Rankin Mehart; and they have a family of one son and two daugh ters, and reside at 13681 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Hack, Otto A., Business President, of ]65 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Opera House Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 255 Hadden, Crowell, Business President, ot Pierrpont and Clinton Streets, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brooklyn Savings Bank, and a director in other cor porations. Hadley, Arthur Twining, President of the School of Fine Arts. He resides in Hartford, Conn. Hadsell, Waldo D., Director ,of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Contractor Publishing Company and other corpora tions. Haebler, Theodore, Business President, and a member of various clubs and soci- of 760 St. Anne s Avenue, New York City; eties. He is president of the Eagle Hygeia Ice Company, and a director in other cor porations. Haff, Delbert James, Lawyer, of the Commerce Building, Kansas City, Mo.; was born Feb. 19, 1859, in Oakland County, Mich. In 1884 he received the degree of A.B. and in 1886 the degree of LL.B. from the University of Michigan. Haga, Oliver 0., Educator, Lawyer and Banker, of Boise, Idaho, was born Nov. 19, 1872, in Rock County, Minn. He taught school for several years after finishing college; and was principal of the Boise High School in 1898-1901. He has been a member of the law firm of Richards and Haga since 1901. He is president of the Boise School Board, director of the Boise City National Bank, and vice-president ot the Boise Title and Trust Company. He is a member of the Idaho Irrigation Securi ties Commission, and was president of the Board of Trustees of . Idaho Industrial Training School in 1911-12. He takes a leading part in important legal and finan cial matters, and in the developement ot the state along industrial and educational lines. Hagar, Albert W., Business President, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Bankers Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Hagerty, Chris, President of the Press Club, of Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. Haight, Allen T., Business President, of 1475 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Queens Land and Title Company, Haight, Charles S., Lawyer and Direct or, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Yale Club, the Uni versity Club, the City Midday Club, the Indian House Club, and the Society of Co lonial Wars. He was born Aug. 8, 1870, in New Lebanon Centre, N.Y. ; and grad uated form Yale in 1892 and from Har vard Law School in 1895. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the practice of ad miralty law; and is a member of the law firm of Haight, Smith, Griffin and Dem ing. He is a director of the Central Leath er Company. In 1897 he married Miss Alice M. Haight; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and re side at 22 East Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Haight, George Ives, Member of various clubs and societies. He is a successful Lawyer and Director of The Rookery Build ing, Chicago, 111. He was born March 20, 1878, in Rockdale, Wis. ; and was educated at the University of Wisconsin, and at the Northwestern University. He is a member of the American Bar Association; and has filled numerous positions of trust and hon or. In 1906 he married Miss Edith N. Ad- cock; and they have a family, of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1000 Lake Shore Boulevard, Evanston, 111. Haight, Theo, Engineer and Business President, of 192 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of the Powelton Club, the National Geographic Society, and the Machinery Club. He was born March 30, 1882, in New York City; and was educated at the Armour Institute of Technology. Since 1905 he has been connected with various enginering enterprises; and is now president and general manager of the Plant Engineering and Equipment Company. In 1912 he married Miss Mildred Hastings, ot Newburgh, N.Y.; and they reside at 328 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. 256 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Haines, John Peter, Humanitarian, of 19 Liberty Street, New York City; was born Dec. 17, 1851, in New Yrok. In 1889- 1 !)()(! he was president of the American So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Tie built and operated the first electric laiiiilic in New York water; and in vented a pocket oil can and Haines electric log. Hale, Frank J., Director, of 77 Frank lin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Bay State Cotton Corporation and other corporations. Hale, George E., President of the Pasa dena Music and Art Ascsociation. He re- sides in Pasadena, Cal. Hale, Henry, Insurance Broker, of 120 Broadway, New York City; was born July 1, 1850, in St. Louis, Mo. He was educated in the public and private schools in the West, partial course at Cornell University in 1872. He has been connected with the Equitable Life Insurance Society for over thirty-five years. He is a member of the firm of Henry Hale and Son; and also a member of the Bankers Club. Hale, Marshall, Member of the Common wealth Club. He was born Feb. 14, 1866, in Sdioolcraft, Mich. He is vice-president an<! general manager of Hale Brothers, Incorporated, Department Store. He re sides at 26 Presidio Terrace, San Francis- , Cal. Hale, P. C., Business President, of Fifth and Market Street, San Francisco, Cal., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Hale Real Es tate Company, Hale, Philip Henry, Editor and Publish er, of 3550 Vista Avenue, St Louis, Mo.; was born in 1850 in London, England. In 1880-90 he was the editor of the Texas Live Stock Journal; in 1890-1900 was editor and publisher of the Market of St. Louis, Mo.; and in 1887 published the Live Stock Breeders Directory of the United States and Canada. In 1910 ht published the Agriculture Blue Book; and in 1912 Book of Live Stock Champions. Since 1900 he has been editor of the Na tional Farmer and Stock Grower. Hale, Reuben Brooks, Member of the Pa cific Union Club, the Bohemian Club, the Commercial Club, the Commonwealth Club, the Art Associaton, the University Club ot San Francisco, the Burlingame Country Club, the Martin Golf and Country Club of San Rafael ; and is a prominent Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. He was born June 11, 1869, in Elmira, N.Y. ; and receiv ed the degree of B.S. from the University of the Pacific. He is a director of Hale Brothers, Incorporated, with stores in San Francisco, Oakland and Sacramento. He was one of the originators and vice-pres ident of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in 1915. In 1895 he married Leonetia May Johnston, of San Jose; and they reside in Ross, Martin County, Cal. Hale, Richard W., Lawyer and Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Moa Bay Iron Company and other corporations. Hall, Arthur Cawshay Alliston, Clergy man, Bishop and Author, of Burlington, Vt., was born April 12, 1847, in England. He was educated at the Brighton College and the Christ Church of Oxford. He was for many years in charge of the mission of the Crowley Fathers in Boston, and is now Bishop of Vermont of the Episcopal Church. He is the author of many theolo gical and religious works; and resides at Burlington, Vt. Hall, Bolton, Lawyer, Agriculturist and Author, of Three Acres and Liberty, Thrift, and other works. He married Miss Susie H. Scott; and they have one daugh ter, and reside in Berkeley Heights, N.J. Hall, Edward K., Director, of 195 Broad way, New York City; and a member .of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and other corporations. Hall, Louis F., Business President, of 93 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cohn-Hall-Marx Com pany; and a director of the Carlisle Sales Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held various positions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 257 Hall, John E., Banker and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born July 16, 1879, in Elmira, N.Y.; ana was educated at Yale University. Since 1902 he has been in the banking business in New York City; and is a member of the firm of Knaugh, Nochod and Kuhne. He is a director of the Granton Chemical Company, the Foundation Company, and the Alvardo Mining and Milling Company. In 1909 he married Miss Louise Hopkins Twichell; and they have a family of two sons and wto daughters, and reside in Riv- erdale-on-the-Hudson, New York City. Hall, Philip Louis, Banker and Physici an, of 1200 Street, Lincoln, Neb., was born Feb. 25, 1850, in White County, In diana. He was educated in the high school of Omaha; and in 1883 received the de gree of M.D. from Rush Medical College of Chicago. He practiced medicine at Mil- lard and Mead, Neb.; organized and was cashier of the Bank of Mead from 1885- 97; secretary of the Nebraska State Bank ing Board from 1897-1901; and for six years cashier of Columbia National Bank. In 1907 he organized and since been pres ident of the Central National Bank of Mead since 1897. In 1898-1904 he was chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee; in 1908-12 a member and vice chairman of the Democratic National Com mittee; and chairman of trustees of the State School for Dependent Children. He is a member of the Nebraska Bankers As sociation and Nebraska State Medical So ciety; also regent of the University of Ne braska. Hall, Theodore 0., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Bolivia Central Railway Compa ny and other corporations. Hall, William Edwin, Business President, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of the University Club, the Yale Club, the Greenwich Country Club, the In dian Harbor Yacht Club, the Field Club, and the Berzelius Club of New York City. He was born March 25, 1878, in St. Ma ry s, Pa. ; and received the degree of Ph.B. from Yale University, and the degree of LL.B. from Harvard University. He is president of the Boys Club Federation. He is president of theLand and Lake Associ ation, the Trojan Chemical Company, the Trojan Securities Company. He is vice- president of the St. Mary s Gas Company, St. Mary s National Bank, St. Mary s Trust Company, St. Mary s Water Compa ny, St. Mary s Oil and Gas Company, and a director in a dozen other corporations. In 1904 he married Miss Marguerite Wood ; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside on the Old Church Road, Green wich, Conn. Hall, William W., Treasurer and Direct or, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Armory Hill Realty Company and other corporations. Hallenbeck, John J., Business President, of 80 Lafayette Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Wykoop Hal lenbeck Crawford Company, and a direct or in other corporations. Halleran, Laurence B., Business Presi dent, of 63 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hilleran Agency. He is president of the Monoboro Corpora tion ; and a director of the Flushing Fi nance Corporation and other corporations- Halligan, Howard A., Director, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the International Western Elec tric Company and other corporations. Hallock, John H., Business President, of 401 Grand Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eagle Warehouse and Storage Company, and a director in other corporations. Hallowell, John White, Member of the Union Club. He was born Dec. 24, 1878, in West Medford, Mass. In 1907-17 he was a member of Stone and Webster. His address is Department of Interior, Washington, D.C. 17 258 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Halm, William E., Business President, of 44 Whitehall Street, New York City; was horn May 3, 1861, in Wayne County, Ohio. Tie was educated in the public schools of Topeka, Kan. He has been general agent of the Southern Pacific Company at Salt Lake ( 1 ity, Utah; and manager for R. P. Houston and Company, steamship owners of New York City. Since 1914 he has been president of the New York Dock Company, and president of the New York Dock Rail road; and prominently identified with the steamship and terminal business. He is a member of the Masons; and a member of Mir Kast Orange Club, the India House, and the Whitehall Club. In 1884 he mar ried Miss Laura B. Herron of Topeka, Kan.; and they have a family of one son, Herman H. Halm; and reside in Milling ton, N.J. Hamburger, D. Ellis, Business President, ot l JS Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Middlesex Sales Company, and president of the Madison Beach Improvement Company. He is vice- president of the King Petroleum Company, of Wichita Falls, Texas. Hamill, Lawrence, Director, of the Hick- ox Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a mem ber of the Union Club, the Tavern Club, the Chagrin Valley Hunt Club, and the Tniversity Club of Chicago. He was born Jan. 24, 1879, in Chicago, 111.; and since 1911 has been a resident of Cleveland, Until 1921 he was president of the Hamil- Ilickox Company; and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. In 1911 he mar ried Miss Madeleine Henderson; of Chica go, 111.; and they reside at 1787 Crawford Koad, Cleveland, Ohio. Hamilton, Alexander, Business Presi dent, of TOO Seventh Street, San Francis co, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pa cific Terminal Investment Company, and a director in other corporations. Hamilton, Bur^oyne, Realtor and Direct or, of 8 Kast Forty-fifth Street, Ne^ ork City; and a member of various clubs ami societies. He is a member of the Bridgeport Brass Company, the Interna tional Silver Company, and the Western Connecticut Title and Mortgage Company. Hamilton, Clarence, President of the Schubert Club, with a membership of for ty persons. He resides at the Wellesley College, Providence, R.L Hamilton, James Henry, Member of tht City Club. He was born Oct. 31, 1861, in Greensburg, Ind. He has been principally engaged in investigating social conditions in various countries. He is the author of Savings and Savings Institutions. He re sides in Greensburg, Ind. Hamilton, John W., Business President, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hamilton-Beers Corpor ation and a director in other corporations. Hamilton, S .M., Insurance and Bond Broker, of 110 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is engaged in the general in surance and surety bonds business. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerous po sitions of trust and honor. Hamilton, William Pearson, Member of the Knickerbocker Club. Hewas born Feb. 5, 1869, in New York. He is president of the Alaska Development and Mineral Com pany. Heresides at Table Rock Farms, Sterling-ton, N.Y. Hamlin, Arthur S., Manufacturer, of 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York. City, was born Dec. 2, 1876, in Canandaigua, N.Y. He is secretary and treasurer of the ."eth Thomas Clock Company. Hamlin, Edward, Business President, ot 20 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Metropolitan Coal Com- pnny, and a director in other corporations. Hamlin, Edward M., Business President, of Bankers Building, Boston, Mass.; and P member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Melrose (Mass.) Trust Company, and a director in other cor porations. Hamlin, Huybertie Lansing Pruyn (Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin), Member of theChilton (nul). She was born April 8, 1878, in Alba ny, N.Y. She is second vice-chairman of AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 259 the executive council of the National Civic Federation. She resides at 1751 New Ham- shire Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Hammer, Lee Franklin, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 24, 1871, in Watkins, Schuyler County, N.Y. Since 1912 he has been director of the depart ment of recreation in the Russell Sage Foundation. He resides at Gardiner, N.Y. Hammer, W. F., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 8506 Lake Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presiednt of The Acme Fence and Iron Company. In 1908 he married Miss Clara Neff; and they have a family of three daughters, and re side on Hazel Avenue, West Parke, Ohio. Hammer, William Joseph, Consulting En gineer, of New York City; was born Feb. 26, 1858, in Cressona, Pa. He received the Elliott Cresson Medal for historical collec tion of incandescent lamps, and John Scott Legacy Medal and premium from Frank lin Institute; Grand Prize from Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and in 1904 was ont of the organizers of Electrical Society, and chairman of the Jury on Telephony and Telegraphy. In 1900 he was a delegate to the International Electric Congress at St. Louis. He resides at the Hotel Earle, 103 Waverly Place, New York City. Hammerschmidt, William, Manufactur er, of Lombard, 111., was born Oct. 10, 1853, in Naperville, 111. He is president of the Lombard Brick and Tile Company; presi dent of the Elmhurst Chicago Stone Com pany; and president of the Lombard State Bank. Since 1892 he has been supervisor for York Township, Du Page County, 111.; and is president of the Du Page County, Forest Reserve Commission. He is direct or of the Bensonville Orphans Home; and for twenty-four years has been a school director. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and Court of Honor. In 1882 he married Miss Elizabeth Bur- dorf ; and they have a family of five sons and one daughter now living. Hammet, William H., Business President, of 282 Thames Street, Newport, R.I.; ana P member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Savings Bank Hammond, John Hays, Radio Engineer and Inventor ,of Gloucester, Mass., was born April 13, 1888, in San Francisco, Cal. He is a member of the Eugenic Society, the Eastern Yacht Club, and the Yale Club, the Engineers Club and the Aero Club. Hammond, John Henry, bireetor, of 59 AYoll Street, N^w York City; tmd a ra-m- ber of various cubs and so^i. lies. He is a lireator of the Burden Iron Company Hammons, Earle W., Bn^ n ss Pres dent, of 370 Seventh Avenue, N.rvv York City; and a member of various Mubs and soci eties. He is president of the Educational Film Exchange. Hanauer, Jerome J., Financier and Di rector, of 52 William Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of the City Midday Club, the Century Country Club, th Merchants Association, and the Chamber of Com merce of the State of New York. He was born July 30, 1875, in New York City; and was educated at the College of the City of New York. Since 1891 he has been as so^iated with Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which he is now a partner. He is a director of the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, the Indiana and Illi nois Coal Company, and half a dozen othei corporations. In 1900 he married Miss Carrie A. Hellman; and they have one daughter, and reside at 5 East Seventy- fourth Street, New York City. Haney, James P., Art Director, of 500 Park Avenue, New York City, was born April 16, 1869, in New York City. He re ceived the degree of M.D. from Columbia University; and attended Art Students League, the Artists Artisan Institute and the New York School of Art, In 1896-1909 he was director of art in the Elementary Schools of New York City ; and since 1909 director of art in the High Schools of New York City. Since 1907 he has also been di rector of art of the New York University Summer Schools. He is a member of tha Salamagiinda Club, the New York Muni cipal Art Society; and in 1901 was presi dent of the School Crafts Club; and in 1901-04 was president of the Council ot Supervision of Manual Arts. He resides at 1233 Third Avenue, New York City. 260 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hanmer, John B., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bankers Security Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Hannevig, Chrisoffer, Business Presi dent, of 32 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hannevig and Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Hansen, Jens C., Member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Press Club and the Dania Society. He was born in Den mark. He is president of the Security Bank, and president of the Second Securi ty r,nnk, and president of the Second Se curity Bank. He resides at 2604 Logan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Hanson, Arling, Business President, of 80 Maiden Lane, New oYrk City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Certified Chemical Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Hanson, Joseph Mills, Member of the City Club. He was born March 24, 1868, in Darlington, Wis. He organized the char itable and welfare work of Youngstown, Ohio. He is the author of Universal Civ iliiin Training. He resides at 260 Lora Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. Hanson, Mrs. Victor H., President of the Birmingham Music Study Club, with a membership of one thousand men and wo men, lie resides at 1320 Irquois Street, Birmingham, Ala. Hanson, Walter Henry, Business Presi dent, of the Columbia Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Kiwanis Club. He was horn Oct. 1, 1889, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been president ot the Mayhan Company, and president of Hanson and Hanson. He married Miss An na Sehnltz; and they have a family of one son and one daughter; and reside at 8800 Denison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Hapgocd, Herbert J., Business Presi dent, of 170 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Bankers Club, the Rockaway River Country Club, the Moun tain Lakes Club, the Republican Club ot New York, and other clubs and societies. He was born July 5, 1870, in Boston, Mass. , and received the degree of A.B. from Dartmouth College. He is president of the Mountain Lakes, Incorporated; and vice- president of the C. J. Tagliabue Manufac turing Company. In 1907 he married Miss Ethel T. Tagliabue; and they have a fain ily of one son an done daughter, and re side at Mountain Lakes, N.J. Harahan, William J., Business President, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, and a director in other corporations. Harafran, William Johnson, Member of the Railroad Club. He was born Dec. 22, 1867, in Nashville, Tenn. Since 1912 he has been president of the Seaboard Air Line Railway.. He resides in Norfolk, Va. Harden, Edward W., Director, of 3b Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Curtis Bay Iron and Cop per Company and other corporations. Harding, Charles L., Business President, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societes. He is president of the Page Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Harding, Emor H., Lawyer and Trustee, of 6 Beacan Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a trustee of the Brooks Real Estate Trust and other ocrporations. Harding, Warren G., Publisher and Pres Hent of the United States, of Marion, Ohio, was born Nov. 2, 1865, in Blooming Grove, Ohio.. He was educated at the Ohio Central College at Iberta, not now in exis tence. He taught school in 1882; studied law one year, then became a newspaper writer, becoming owner of the Morning Star in 1884. He has been State Senator of the sixty-fifth and sixty-sixth Ohio Gener al Assemblies; and in 1899-1903 was Lieu tenant-Governor for the State of Ohio. He was United States Senator from Ohio for the term of 1915-21. In 1921 he became. President of the United States of America. AMERICAN" ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 261 Harding, Maynard C., Member of tht> Masonic Order, Scottish Rite, president of the University Club and the Pacific Coast Orthopedic. He was born Aug. 18, 1878 in Mason City, Iowa. He is a noted Surgeon. He resides at 4505 Rhode Island Street, San Diego, Cal. Harding, William P. Gould, Member of the Southern Club. He was born May 5, 1804, in Green County, Ala. Since 1816 he has been governor of the Federal Re- r.crve Board of Washington. Hardinge, Franklin, Inventor, Designer, and Manufacturer, of 1770 Berteau Ave nue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of vari ous dabs and societies. He was born May 1, 1867, in v Mor?anston, Ontario, Canada. He is president and general manager of Hardinge Brothers, Incorporated; manu facturer-; of machinery and watch tools. He has designed and invented various ma- cHnes and tools used by watch makers and opticians; and also manufactures Precision Mfic.lrnery and Oil Burners. Hardy, George E., Business President, of 14 Wall Street, N"ew York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is rres ; dent of teh Northern Ohio Electric Harkness, Edward S., Director, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Michigan Central Railroad Company and other corporations. Harlan, Henry Davis, Lawyer and Jurist, of Baltimore, Md., was born Oct. 23, 1858, in Churchville, Md. He is president of the Municipal Art Society of Baltimore. Since 1888 he has been chief justice of the Su preme Bench of Baltimore Harlan, Rolvix, Member of the Rotary Club. He was born March 7, 1870, in For- e tville, Md. Since 1919 he has been secre- ta"v of social service and rural community work. He is the author of John Alexander- Powie. He re-ide^ in Bloomfield, N.J. Harmon, Clifford B., Business President, of 51 East Forty-second Street, New York) Cilv. and a member of various clubs and -o -ieties. He is president of the City Build- ings Corporation, and a dircteor in othei corporations. Harper, Robert, Member of the National Press Club, H ewas born Jan. 31, 1861, in Leesburg, Va. Since 1909 he has been pres ident of the District National Bank. He resides at 1515 Sixtenth Street, Washing ton, B.C. Harriman, E. Roland, Business Presi dent, of 39 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Morgan Chem ical Corporation, and a director in othei corporations. Harriman, Florence Jaffray (Mrs. J. Borden Harriman), Member of the Colony Club. She was born July 21, 1870, in New York. Since 1900 she has been manager of the New York State Reformatory for Women. She resides at 2017 F Street, Washington, D.C. Harriman, Joseph Wright, Member of the Union Club. He was born Jan. 31, 1867, in Belleville, N.Y. He is president of the Harriman National Bank. He re sides at 4 East Seventy-ninth Street, New York City. Harriman, Mary W. (Mrs. Edward Hen ry Harriman), Member of the Colony Club. She was born in New York City. She has made donations to various associations. She resides at 1 East Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Harriman, W. Averell, Director, of 39 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and sociteies. He is a di rector of the Atlantic Fruit Company and other corporations. Harrington, Charles C., Business Presi dent of the Winslow Realty Company and other corporations. Harrington, J. Edward, Busiess Presi dent, of 1405 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Holden Min ing and Milling Company, and a director in other corporations. Harrington, Lewis W., Business Presi dent, of 518 West Twenty-ninth Street, Chelea N.Y. ; anda member of various dubs and societies. He is president of the T. New Construction Company, and a di rector in other corporations. 262 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Harris, Albert Wadsworth, Member ot Union League Club. He was gorn Nov. 4, 1867, in Cincinnati, Ohio.. He is president of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. He resides at 4923 Kimbark Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Harris, Benjamin Franklin, Member ot the Union League Club. He was born Sept. 30, 1868, in Champaign, County. He is president of the Firct National Bank of Champaign, 111. Harris, Charles, Artist and Painter, of 356 Mountain Road, West Hoboken, N.J., was born in Foxcroft, Maine. He was ed ucated at the Alexander Cobanel. He has been professor of drawing at the Pennsyl vania Museum and School of Industrial Arts. Some of his work is in Memorial Hall, Philadelphia; Portrait in Manor Hall, Yonkers, N.Y. In 1885 he married Miss Mary Elizabeth H. Joyce, now deceased whom he had one son, and they reside at :*;><> Mountain Road, West Hoboken, N.j. Harris, Charles Joseph, Manufacturer, Banker and Statesman, of Dillsboro, N.C., was born Sept. 11, 1853, in Put-ham, Conn. In 1874 he graduated from Yale College of New Haven, Conn. In 1876 from the St. Louis Law School. In 1892 and in 1896 he was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions; and in 1898-1902 he was a member of the United States Industrial Commission. In 1904 he was Republican Candidate for Governor of North Carolina, receiving eighty thousand votes. He is president of the Harris Kaolin Company; president of the Jackson County Bank; Harris-Rees Tanning Company; and is president and director of various othei corporations at Dillsboro, N.C. Harris, D. C., Secretary arid Director, of 51 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is secretary and director of the Bankers Econmic Service, Incorporated. Harris, Hiram F., Director, of 620 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direci or of the Chemical Industries Corporation and other corporations. Harris, John F., Business President, ot 52 Broadway, New York City; and a mem her of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Midland Securities C( Harris, Marshall C., Business President, of Hewcs Building, San Francisco, Cal. , and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Amerlacu other corporations. Harris, Norman B., Member of National Congress of America. He is president of the Loyal Association. He resides at 288 Johnson Avenue, Newark, N.J.. Harris, Sam H., Theatrical Manager and Producer, of 226 West Forty-second Street, New York City, was born in 1841 in New York City. He was thrown on his own re sources when thirteen years of age; and early in life he organized several holiday entertainments and managed various ath letic enterprises. Since 1904 he has been associated with Geogre M. Cohan as Cohan and Harris; and is theatrical producer for himself; and is president of the Masonic Fraternity, and an Elk. He married Miss Alice Nolan; and they reside at Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y. Harris, Thomas Luther, Member of tl e City Club. He was born ee, 19, 187G, Li Modeso, 111. Since 1915 he has been pro fessor of sociology in Miami University. He resides in Oxford, Ohio. Harris, Tracy H., Business President, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Verpanck Brick Com pany, and a director in other companies. Harrison Dwight, Director of White Haines Building, Columbus, Ohio; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Motor Com pany and othre corporations. Harrison, Mrs. Dupuy Lee, President, ot the Cerle Lyrique, with a membership of ninety-four men an dwomen. She resides at 2917 Ursuline Avenue, New Orlean, La. Harrison, Ida Withers ( Mrs. Albert M. Harrison), Member of the Women s Club. She was bon May 9, 1851, in Grand Gulf, Miss. She is honorary president of the Kentucky Federation of Women s Clubs. She is the author of Forty Years of Ser vice. She resides at 530 Elmtree Lane, Lex ington, Ky. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 263 Hart, Ernest G., Business President and General Manager, of 550 East Ninety-ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Hermit Club, the Athletic Club, and the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He was born April 13, 1865, in Milan, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been associated with the Lake Shore Elevator Company in various positions, and is now president, treasurer and general manager of that corporation. He is also vice-president of the Grain and Hay Exchange; is identified with various other business enterprises; and has held several positions of trust and honor. In 1920 he married Miss Ethel L. Larkin ; and they reside in Euclid, Ohio. Hart, Francis Russell, Member of . the St. Botolph Club. He was born Jan. 16, 18(18, in New Bedford, Mass He is vice president of the Northern Railway Coin- pa nv of Costa Rica. He resides at 474 Bea con Street, Boston, Mass. Hart, H. H., Business President, ot Southern Pacific Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Caribou Oil Mining Company, and a director in other corporations. Hart, Hastings Hornell, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec, 1851, in Brookfield, Ohio. Since 1908 he has been director of the department of Child-help ing in the Russell Sage Foundation. He is the author of Preventive Treatment oi Neglected Children. He resides in White Plains, N.Y. Hart, Henry George, Merchant, of 10 North State Street, Chicago, 111., was born on April 21, 1878, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated in the Chicago public schools, and at the University of Illinois, Medical Department. He is secretary and managei of the Boston Store of State, Madison and Dearborn Streets, Chicago; and is also a director of the Union Bank of Chicago. He is a prominent Mason, Shriner, Consist ory; a member of the Knights of Pythias, and other fraternal orders. He is a mem- her of the Hamilton Club, the Idlewild Country Club, and various other clubs and societies. In 1902 he married Miss Selma Alpiner of Chicago; and they have a fam ily of one daughter and one son; and re side at 5036 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, HI. Hart, Lawrence J., Business Man and Capitalist, was born Feb. 27, 1862, in Du- buque County, Iowa. He is president of the San Antonio Hotel Company; and is con nected with other corporations. In 1901-02 he was president of the San Antonio Cham ber of Commerce; and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural College of Texas. He built the Gunther Ho tel in San Antonio, and has been actively connected with the civic and commercial developement of San Antonio for twenty- five yeasr. He resides in San Antonio, Texas. Hart, William P., Business President, of Thompson Square, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of teh Mutual Protection, Fire Insurance Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Hartmann, Jacob Wittmer, Editor and Educator, of 201 West Thirteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. In 1912 he received the degree of Ph.D. from the Columbia University. He is editor of Soviet Rus sia. In 1915-1919 he was professor of Ger man in the College of the City of New York. He is the author of Gongu Hoolf s Saga,A Study in Old Nurse Philology, and articles on German Literature in Encyclo- pedi Americana. In 1908 he married Miss Marie Schwartje, and they reside at 407 West One Hundred and Sixth Street, New York City. Hartz, Irving Thomas, Manufacturer, ot 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago, HI., was born in 1861 in Peoria, 111. In 1889-92 he was secretary and treasurer of the Cal umet Iron and Steel Company. He is now president of the Modern Frog and Crossing Works. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Exmoor Club, tht South Shore Country Club and the Midlo thian Country Club. He is also a membei of the Loyal Legion and the New York Club of New York City. He married Mi-s Lillian Terhume; and they have a familv of one son and one daughter, and reside at the Sisson Hotel, Chicago, 111. 264 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Harty, William C., Director, of 19 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem her of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Commonwealth Light and Power Company and other corporations. Harvey, Robert H., Manufacturer, of 225 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 12. 1868, in Chicago, HI. In 1894 he graduated from the medical department of the Northwestern University; and prac ticed medicine until 1905. Since 1905 he has been president of D. B. Fisk and Com pany, wholesale millnery. He is a member of the University Club, the Glen View Club, and the South Shore Country Club, In 1889 he married Miss Bertha Botsford; and they have a family of one son and two daughtres; and reside at 2100 Calumet Ave nue, Chicago, 111. Harwood, Charles, Lawyer and Director, of 77 Cortlandt Street, New York City,, and a member of the Racquet Club of Washington, the Brooklyn Press Club, thb Biltmore Country Club, the National Dem- oerattic Club, and many Bar Associations. He was born May 14, 1880, in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Hamilton College, and the degree of LL.B. from the New York Law School. Since 1904 he has practiced law in New York City; and is a director of the National Butchers and Drovers Bank. In 1910 he w r as member of the New York State Legislature. In 1915 he married Miss Alma H. Hendrieks; and they have a fam ily of two sons and one daughter, and re side at 910 West End Avenue, New York City. Harwood, Sidney, Business President!, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lewando s French Dye ing and Cleansing Company, and a director in other corporations. Haskell, Edward Howard, Manufacture! and Statesman, of 176 Federal Street, Bos ton, Mass., was born Oct. 5, 1845, in Glou cester, Mass. He is president of the Has- kell-Dawes Machine Company. He has been a member of the Massachusetts State Leg islature. He is also president of the Amer ican Rotary Power Company, and a di rector of the Great Northern Paper Com pany. He is president of the New Engand Baptist Hospital; and president of the Ministers and Missioneries Benefit Board of the Northern Baptist Convention. He is a president of the Boston Paper Trade Association, vice-president of the Boston Associated Board of Trade, and vice-pres ident of the Soldiers Home in Massachu setts. In 1897 he married Miss Jennie F. Thayer ; and they reside at 234 Elm Street, Braintree, Mass. Haskell, Harry Garner, Vice-president and Director, of the du Ponotde Nemours Company and other corporations. In 1914 he married Miss Eizabeth S. Denham; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside on Mount Salem Lane, Wilmington, Del. Haskell, William H., Chairman of the City Cub of New York. He resides at 55 W/ Forty-fourth Street, Manhattan, NIY. Haskins, Henry Stanley, Business Presi dent, of 17 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Northern Nevada Mines Developement Company, and a dirctor in other corporations. He is gov ernor of the New Jersey Mayflower Soci ety. Hastings, Frank Seymour, Capitalist, of 80 Broadway, New York City, was born May 31, 1853, in Mendham, N.J. He was educated in the privatet shcools of New York City. He is president and director of the Commercial Acetylene Supply Com pany, Regal Oil Company. He is vice-pres. ident and director of the New York Hospi tal. He is president and director of the Flower Hospital ; and vice-president of the Oratorio Society. He is a director of the Aetna Refining Company, the Phoenix; president and director of Transatlantic Trust Company. He is a member of the Ci- tv Club, the Mendelssohn Glee Club, thb Ringers Club, the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, an dthe Seawanhaka-Corinthian Club. Faskell, Ernest Bruce, President of the MacDowell Society of Cincinnati. He re sides at 924 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati. Ohio. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST :35 Haslett, 0. C., Business President, ot First National Bank Building, San Fran cisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubfc and societies. He is president of the Cali fornia Pine Box and Lumber Company, Hastings, Mrs. Harry M., President ot the Tuesday Musical Club, with a member s-hip of one hundred women. She resides at 1515 Cook Street, Denver, Col. Hastings, Samuel Miles, Manufacturer, of Dayton Ohio, was born Aug." 14, 1860, in Rimersburg, Pa. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the manufacture of: scales. He is secretary and treasurer of Money-weight Scale Company; president of the Comput ing Company of Dayton, Ohio; and is. a di rector in numerous other corporations. He is a member of several clubs. Hatch, Harold A., Business President, of 79 Leonard Street, New York City; and a mmber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Abbeville Cotton Mills, and a director invarious other corpora tions. Hatcher, Arthur B., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Puritan Oil Company and other corporations. Hatfield, Charles E., Business President, of 387 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. , and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the West Newton Co-operative Bank, and a director in othei corporations. Hatfield, Joshua Alexander, Member of the Lawyers Club. He was born June 11, 1863, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1901 he hasbeen president of the Pencoyd Iron Works, of Philadelphia, Pa. He resides at 45 East Sixty-second Str-et, New York City. Hathaway, Josiah S., Treasurer and Di- Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Back Bay Co-operative Bank and other corporations. Haubold, Rudolph , Insurance Broker, Vice-president and D : rector, of 100 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is second vice-president of the North River Reserve Resources Corporation. He is a director of the Hutchins Securities Com pany and the United States Fire Insur ance Company. Hauser, Eric V., President of the Sym phony Orchestra. He resides at Multno- mah Hotel, Portland, Ore. Havemeyer, John Craig, Retired Mrr* chant, of Yonkers, N. Y. ; and a member of numerous clubs and societies. He was born May 31, 1833, in Yonkers, N.Y.; and was educated at the Antho Grammar School, and at the New York Univers ! ty. He attain ed national repute as a sugar refiner; and has been president and director in several large industrial and railroad corporations. Since 1880 lie has retired from active business, and has devoted much of his time to speaking and writing on political moral and religious topics. In 1872 he married Miss Alice Alide Francis, at Athens, Greece; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 58 La- martines, Yonkers, N.Y. Havemeyer, Theodore Augustus, Banker, of 129 Fornt Street, New York City, was born Dec. 17, 1869, in New York City. In 1891 he graduated from the Columbia Col- is a member of the Delta Psi Fraternity; and is a member of the Metropolitan Club, lege School of Mines. He is vice-president and director of Havemeyers and Elder, In corporated; director of Scranton and Le high Coal Company, the Brooklyn Elevator and Mining Company, the Kentucky Coal Lands Company, and the New York In vestment and Improvement Company. Ht/ the St Anthonys Club, the Westchester County Club, the Country and Racquet and Tennis Club, the Knickerbocker Club, thb Nassau County Club, the Piping Rock Club and the Garden City Club. Haven, William Ingraham, Educator, Clergyman, Founder and Author, of the Bible House in New York City, was borii Jan. 30, 1856, in Westfield, Mass. Since 1899 he has been general secretary of the Amrican Bible Society. In 1894 he married Miss Minna Spare; and they have one daughter, and reside in Summit, N.J. 266 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGTS1 Havens. Frank Colton, Member of the Pacific Union Club. He was born Nov. 21, ISIS, in Sag Harbor, N.Y. He is president of the Peoples Water Company of Oak land. He resides at Piedmont, Cal. Hawes, Richard S., Member of the St. Louis Club. He wase born Dec. 15. 1873, in Covington ,!\y. Since 1911 he has been president of the Third National Bank ol St. Louis. He resides at 27 Windemere Place. St. Louis, Mo. Hawes. W. Gerald, Business President of LMS Broadway. Xew York City: and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Automatic Sprinkler Company, and president of the Hawes Foundry and Equipment Company. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the. John Wilfret Company, is prominent ly identified with the business and public- affairs: and lias filled many positions ot trust and honor. Hawk. William S., Director and Trustee, of 60 East Forty-second Street, New York Citv; and a member of various clubs an 1 societies. He is a director of the Irving National Bank and other coroprations. Hawses. James Dudley, Member of the Citv Club and various other clubs and soci eties. He was born Oct. 13, 1847, in Buffa lo, N.Y. : and was educated at the Univer- sitv of Michigan. He has been identified with the Lake Shore and Michigan South ern Railway and other railroads and in 1884-95 was chief engineer of the Michi gan Central Railway. Since 1895 he ha; been vice-president and general manager of the Detroit and Mackinaw Railway. In 1875 he married Miss Caroline Amelia Cooke of Buffalo, N.Y. ; and they reside at ?J15 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich.: and also maintain a summer home at Wingnersheek, Gloucester, Mass. Hawkes, McDougall, President of the Museum of French Art. He resides at 599 Fifth Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, N.^. Hawley, Frederick Barnard, Cotton Mer chant, of 82 Wall Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He was born Feb. 5, 1843, in Albam, N.Y. He is a member of the firm of E. P. identified with business and publis affairs and has held several postions of trust anr> honor. Hawley, George, Business President, of 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various culbs and societies. He is president of the White Oak Transporta tion Company, and a director in other corporations. Hawley, Henry B., Member of the City Club and vorious other clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 30, 1856. in Wyoming County, N.Y. ; and received a college edu cation. He is president of the Great Wes tern Accident Insurance Company; .and president of the Re-Insurance Life Com pany of America. He resides in Des Moine^, Iowa. Hawley, Stuart S., Business President, of Syndicate Building, Oakland, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presiden of the Pacific Nash Motoi Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Hay, Mary Garrett, Member of the New York City Federation Club. She was born in Charlestown, Ind. In 1912-20 she was chairman -of the Women s City Club. She resides at 4040 Riverside Drive, New York City. Hayden, Charles, Member of the Metro politan Club. He was born July 9, 1870, in Boston, Mass. He is senior member of Hayden Stone and Company, Bankers of New York City and Boston. He resides at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, New York City. Hayden, Henry W., Vice-president and Director, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of the Union League (nub, the Garden City Golf Club, the Lake George Country Club, and the Glens Falls Country Club. He was born Dec. 15, 1853, in New York City; and was educated at the Columbia Grammar School, and at the Columbia Law School. He is a member of th " law firm of Hayden and Post.He is vice- president of the Manhattan Brass Compa ny; and a trustee of the American Surety Company of New York He is past president of the Great Monument Association, and past president of Lake George Associa tion. He is unmarried; and resides at 34 Ea.jt Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOC Tym 267 Hayes, Charles Edward, Engineer and Business Man, of 1451 Broadway, Detroit, Mich., was born Jan. 15, 1883, in Saginaw, Mich. In 1905 he received; the degrees of B.S. and C.E. from the Uniyersty of Mich igan. He has been constructing engineer on railroad and for United States Govern ment in the west. He is now proprietor of the Hayes Home Appliances Company. He is a member of the Fellowcraft Athletic Club, the Red Run Golf Club,: and tin University of Michigan Club. In 1914 he married Miss Rose F. Segar ; rnd they have a family of one son and two daughters, ana reside at 2471 Virginia Park, Detroit, Mich. Hayes, Everis Anson, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born March 1.0, 1855, in VVaterloo, Jefferson County, Wi =. In 1898- 1904 he was president of the Good Govern ment League of Santa Clan County, Cal. Hayes, John William, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Dec, 24, 1854, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1902 he has been general master workman of the Knights of Labor. He resides at North Beach, Md. Hayes, Hammond Vinton, Consulting En- dneer, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the St. Botolph Club, the Union Club of Boston, and the Univer sity Club of New York. Hewas born Aug. 28, 1860, in Madison, Wis. : and receive! the degree of A.B., A.M. and PH.D. from Harvard Un ; versity. For many years he was identified with the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company; anrl is now a consulting engineer on his own account. Haynes, Daniel H., Treasurer and Di n-tor, of 5520 Second Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. : and a member of various clubs and rocietie*. He is a director of the Interna tional Cigar Machinery Company and oth er corporations. Haynes, George Edmund, Member of the City Club. He was born May 11, 1880, in Pine Blnff, Ark. He was one of the found er; of the National League of Urban Con dition among negroes. He is the author of The Negreo at Work in New York City. He resides at 1761 T Street, N.W., Wash ington, D.C. Hays, Eugene K., Bu i^e- President, ot 6925 Aetna Road, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Excelsior Club, the Oak- wood Club, the City Club, and the Cham ber of Commerce. He was born in 1872 in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1891 he has been associated with t*he Kaynee Company of which he is now president. In 1917 re mar ried Miss Edna Feiss; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 2821 Drummond Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. Hays, William H., Vice-president and Director, of 71 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is a member of the firm of Tate and Hays, member of the New York Steel Exchange.. He isalso vice-president of the Eighth Avenue Railroad Company, and vice-president of the Ninth Avenue Rail road Company. Hazen, Charles A., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of the Financier Publishing Company, and a drector in other corpora tions. Heacock Seth Grosvenor, Oil Producer and State Senator, of Ilion, N.Y:, was born March 1 , 1 857, in Buffalo, N.Y. He gradu- ated from Hamilton College in 1880. He was postmaster of Hion, N.Y., but resigned (o go into the independent oil producing business. He was elected on the Republi can ticket for State Senator for the thirty second Senatorial district in 1906; re-elect- crl in 1908, 1910. and 1912. He was appoint ed a member of the Senate committees on Canals, Internal Affairs, Military Affairs, Agriculture and Public Printing. Head, Henry Oswald, Lawyer and Jurist, of Sherman, Texas, was born March 17, 1851, in Sumner Gouty, Tonn. He was educated at Greenwood and Rural Acade mies; and by private tutor; and studied law in Cumberland University of Lebanon, Tenn. He was admitted to the bar in 1871, and became a sucessful lawyer of his na tive city. In 1886-90 he was judge of the Court of Civil Appeals. He resigned both offices before the expiration of both terms.. In 1878 he married Miss Sallie C. Wilson, of New Orlenas, La. 268 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Healy, A. August, I resident of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, with a membership of nearly ten thousand men and women. lie resides at 90 Gold Street, New York City. Heaney, Frank J., Exporter and Banker, of f>04 Broadway, New York City, was horn on Dec. 31, 1865, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of Everett, Heaney and Company, Incorporated; vice-president of the Chatham and Phoenix National Bank, and traesurer nnd director of the Montauk Club of Brooklyn. Heaney, James B., Member of the Irish Fellowship Club. TTe was born July 27, lS(i*2. lie is pre;Mlent of the Logan Square Bank. He re-ides at 2719 Logan Boule vard, Chicago, HI. Heard, Arthur Marston, Member of the I liion Club. He was born Feb. 13, 1866, in Sandwich, N.I I. Since 1905 he has been president of the Amoskeag National Bank. He resides at 726 Chestnut Street, Man chester, N.H. Heath, C. E., President of the Phoenix Opera Club, with a membership of two hundred and twenty-five associated mem- bers. I It-resides on First Avenue and A- dams Street, Phoenix, Ariz. Heatherton, James M., Publisher and Business President, of 45 West Thirty- fourth Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Plumbers Trade Journal Publishing Company, founded in 1881. He is prominently identified w r ith the business and pubic affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Heathfield, Herbert D., Director and Trustee, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, puB sqnp SUOTJ-BA jo .zaquiara -e pur? t ssi?j\[ societies. lie is a director of the Working- men s Co-operative Bank and other corpor ations. Hebard, A. F., Vice-president and Di rector, of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Savage Arms Corporation; vice-president of the Noise less Typewriter Company; and a director of the Central National Corporation and of the J. Stevens Arms Company. Hecht, Frank Aimer, Manufacturer, of 500 South Thrjop Street, Chicago, 111., was I- urn Aug. 10, 1858, in Fond Du Lac, Wis. L Vom 1881-93 he was a partner in th of Charles Kaestner and Company, manu facturers of machinery; now Kaestner and Company, of which he is president. He is also vice-president and director of the Mar- ke Trust and Savings Bank; director of the Cicero State Bank, and Inuerial Brass Manufacturing Company of Chicago; and a director in other corporations. Hecker, Frank Joseph, Member of the Detroit Club. He was born July 6, 1846, in Freedom, Mich. In 1879 he organized the Peninsular Car Company, and remain ed with it and its successor, the Michigan Peninsular Car Company, as its president until 1900. He resides at 1170 Wood war .1 Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Heckscher, Nannie A., (Mrs. August Heckscher), Trustee, and Sociologist, ot 50 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of the Colony Club. She was born Nov. 20, 1858, in Pottsville, Pa. She, is a director of the Aiiahma Real ty Corporation. She is a trustee of the Heckscher Foundation for Children; ani devotes much of her time to charitable work. In 1881 she married Mr. Angus i Heckscher; and "hoy have a family of one oh Mini one dau<;}Jer. arid reside at Hunt- ington, Long Island, N.Y. Hedley, Frank, Business President, ot 105 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. lie i ; president of the Interborough Rapid Trans it Company, and a director in other cor porations. Heermance, Clayton J., Secretary and Di rector, of 2 Rector Street, New York City ; and a member of various cubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Adventura Films, Incorporated and other corpora tions. Hein, Carl, Director of Music, of 14 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City, an da honorary member of the Mozart So- <-iet\. He was born in 18(54, in Germany. He is a director of the College of Music p! the New York American Conservatory of Music. He married Miss Marta Krue- AMERICAN ELIT13 AND SOCIOLOGIST 269 ger; and they nave a family of three SOPS and two daughters, and reside at 163 West Seventy-second Street, New York City. Heinz, H. J., Manufacturer, of Pitta- burgh, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is chairman of the board of directors of H. J. Heinz Compa ny, pure food products. This concern was established in 1869; and their main plant and administration building at Pittsburgh s open to visitors daly, with guides in at- tendence. Heinz, Victor, Lawyer and Statesman, of the Fourth National Bank Building, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Univer sity Club of Chicago, the Cincinnati Club, the Army and Navy Club of Washington, and the Hamilton Club of Chicago. Hfc was born Nov.20, 1877, near Grayville, 111. , and received the degrees of LL.B. and B.L. from the University of Cincinnati. He was a member of the Sixty-fifth Congress; and served throughout the World-War. Heinze, Otto Charles, Member of the Crescent Athletic Club. He was born Dec. 12, 1866, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1899 h en tered the banking business in Wall Street, as Heinze and Company. He resides at 45 pjast Seventy-second Street, New York City. Heitzmann, James A., Business Presi dent, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Southwest Metals Company, and a director in other corporations. Helmer, F. J., Business President, of 9001 Desmond Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Rotary Club, the Cleve land Athletic Club, and the Chamber ot Commerce; and is a prominent Mason and Shriner. He was born in 1882, in Cleve land, Ohio. Since 1912 he has been a di rector of the Upson- Walton Company of New York. In 1916 he married Miss Opal F. Tafe; and they have one son; and re side at 1841 Page Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio. Helmrath, Albert, Business President, of 28 Spruce Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of A. Helmrath Incorpor ated; and secretary and director of the Goat and Sheepskin Import Company, Lim ited. Helms, Edgar James, Clergyman, of 89 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, Mass., was born Jan. 19, 1863, in Malone, N.Y. He received the degrees of Ph.B. and D.D. from Cornell College; and the degree S.T.B. from the Boston University School of Theology. In 1892 he founded the Boston University Set tlement at Boston; and since 18"5 he hat- been minister and superintendent of the Morgan Memorial Institutional Church. He is superintendent of the Morgan Memorial Co-operative Industries and Stores; and Executive Secretary of the Goodwill In dustries of the department of City Work of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He resides in Boston, Mass. Hemenway, John F., Manufacturer, of 2130 Coit Street, Irvington, N.J.; and a member of the Union League Club, the Hardware Club, and the Rotary Club of New York City. He was born in Amber, N.Y. ; and recived an academic education. He is a director of the American Wringer Company. He is secretary and treasurei of the Smith and Hemenway Company. He is secretary and treasnrer of th . Trvington Manufacturing Company. TV .1803 h mar ried Miss Alice Montague; and they reside at 230 West Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. Hemphill, Alexander Julian, Member of the Bankers Club. He was born Aug. 23, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pa, Since 1915 he has been president of the Guarantee Trust Company of New York. He resides ?.. 13 East Sixty-ninth Street, New York City. Hencken, William F., Business President, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Flushing Inlet Re alty Company, and a director in other cor porations. Henderson, Hunt, President of the Art Association of New Orleans. He resides in New Orleans. La. Henderson, Lizzie George, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 24, 1863, in Carroll County, Miss. She has 70 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST been long engaged in causing the truth of History to he taught in the schools of the South. She resides in Greenwood, Miss. Henderson, Lucia Tiffany, Member of the .Mo/arl Club, the Fortnightly Club, the Chautauqua County Historial Society, the Jamestown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and various clubs and societies. Since 1906 she has been Librarian of the James Prendergast Free Library of Jamestown, N.Y. For a num her of years she assistant reference libra rian of the Buffalo Public Library. She resides in -Jamestown, N.Y. Henderson, Norman, Business President, of 24 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mattwan Manu facturing Company, and a director in va rious other corporations. Henderson, Robert B., Business Presi dent, of Pacific Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Portland Cement Company, and a director in other corporations. Hendricks, John, President of the Chi cago Madrigal Club, with a mixed chorus. He resides at 4844 Bernard Street, Chica go, 111. Henes, Louis J.,. Secretary and Director, of 532 East Seventy-sixth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been connected with the Farmers Feed Compa ny. He i s also prominently identified with business and public affars; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Henley. Charles D., Treasurer and Di rector, of 17 Batery Place, N>w York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He K a director of the Macona Steamship Company, and other corpora tions. Henry, John Robertson, Clergyman and Author, of 9 Second Avenue, New York City, was born Dec. 16, 1868, in St. John, New Brunswick, Can. Since 1910 has been superintendent of the settlement and of the Church of All Nations. He is the Aii- thor of Some Immigrant Neighbors, and a contributor to religious periodicals. He is a member of the Bela Theta Pi Fraterni ty, the Board of Managers, The City Mis- sionery Society, and the Clergy Club. In 1910 he married Miss Louise Tschetter; and thye have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at Chappaqua, New York. Henshaw, Joseph G., Business President of 11 Westminster Street, Providence, R.L; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Franklin Mut ual Fire Insurance Company, Hepburn, Alonzo Barton, Member of the University Club. He was born July 24, 1846 in Colton, N.Y. Since 1918 he has been chairman of the Advisory Board of the Chase National Bank of New York. He re sides in Ridgefield, Conn. Hepperle, Walter C., Business Man, of 514 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Premier Grand Piano Corporation. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Herbert, John W., Business President, of 31 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Herbert Oil Company, and a director in other corporations. Herdle, George L., President of the Ro chester Art Club. He resides in Rochester, N.Y. Herendeen, Charles, Flour Miller and Merchant, of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 11, 1859, in Richmond, Ontario, Canada. He is president of the Charles Herendeen Milling Compa ny; president of C. Herendeen and Compa ny, Limited, of Liverpool, England; and vice-president of the Herendeen Flour Company, Limited, of Toronto, Canada. Herkimer, Bert S., Lawyer and Director of 25 Forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He received a through education; and has attained success in the practice of law. He is a member of the law firm of Herkim er and Weis; is a member of the American Bar Association, and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 271 Herklotz, Ernest, Secretary of the Ger man Beneficial Union. He was born June 19, 18G5, in Germany. He resides at 602 Coin-sin Street,, McKeesport, Pa. Herman, A., Treasurer and Director, of 69 Wooster Street, New York City; and a 1:1 ember of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the William Herman Com pany and other corporations. Herman, Benjamin, Business President, of Oil West One Hundred and Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Screen Exhibition Company, and a director in other corporations. Kerreshcfi, J. B. Francis, Vice-President and Director, of 25 Broad Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Nicho las Copper Company; and a director of the Grandby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limited. Herrick, Myron T., Director, of 30 East Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the New York Life Insur ance Company and other corporations. Herrick, Parmely W., Business President of 30 East Forty-Second Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Anable Ave nue Factory Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Herrick, Robert F., Business President, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Mills and a di rector in other corporations. Herrick, Robert F., Business President, of 31 Nassau Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Mills and a di rector in other corporations. Herringshaw, C. N., Business President, of 14213 Euclid Avene, East Cleveland 0- hio ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president and treasurer of the Herringshaw Company ;treasurer of the Ohio Sanitariums Company, and a director of the East Cleveland Masonic Temple Company. Mr. C. H. Herringshaw is retary, and Mr. N. M. Herringshaw is a di rector of the Herringshaw Company of East Cleveland, Ohio. Herringshaw, Thomas William, publisher Genealogist and Author of 2512 No.Halsted Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 27, 1868 on the (.. .stern coast of Lincolnshire, Eng land. He received his education in the na tional schools, at the Chicago Athenaeum and the Union College of Law. In 1875-79 he was engaged in the printing business in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. In 1884 he established the American publish ers association, of which he has since been president. He is the author of Home Oc cupations ; Prominent Men and Women of the Day; and Aids to Literary Success; and has compiled and edited Poets of America; Poetical Quotations; The Spalding Memo rial; Herringshaw s Encyclopedia of Am erican Biography; The American States man; Successful Americans; Prominent Men of Nineteen Hundred and Twelve; and the American Blue Book. One of his sons served as an officer in the World-War, and received two citations. Hersey, Ira G-., Business President, of 75 Wareham Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Higham Water Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Herskowitz, Max, Manufacturer, of 663- 671 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Hungary. Since 1907 he has been engaged in manufacturing lighting supplies ; and is now president of the Peer less Light Company. He is a member of the Elks; and a member of the Covenant Club and the Bryn Mawr Club. He married Miss Kate Weinfeld; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and they reside at 5830 South Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. Hertzberg, Mrs. Eli, President of the San Antonio Symphony Society. She resides at 521 West Euclid Avenue, San Antonio, Texas. Herzig, G-eorge B., Business President, of 252 West Twenty-Eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the George B. Herzig Company, Incorporated, and a di rector in other corporations. 272 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Herzog, Harry, Business Man, of 317 Se venth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of Herzog s Majestic Cloak Com pany, Incorporated; is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Herzog, Samuel A., Business President, of 299 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Samuel A. Her zog Construction Company, and a director in other corporations. Hess, Edward B., Vice-president and Di rector, of 364 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs a nd socie ties. He is vice-president and director of the Royal Typewriter Company. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Hessberg, Samuel, Director, Business Man and Banker, of 78 State Street, Alba ny, N.Y. ; and a member of the Albany Club, the Automobile Club, and the Adelphi Club. He was born June 13, 1859, in Alba ny, N.Y. Since 1893 he has been a member of J. S. Bache and Company; is vice-presi dent of the Morris Plan Company of Alba ny; and a director in other corporations. Hessin, F. W., Treasurer and Director, of 29 West Forty- Second Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Wheelock Piano Company and other corporations. Heuser, Leon V., Secretary and Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the James Stewart and Company and other corporations. Hewitt, Edwin H., President of the Min nesota State Art Commission. His address is 504 Essex Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Hewitt, Erskine, Secretary and Director, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Gauley Mountain Company and other corporations. Hewitt, Herbert H., Business President, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hewitt Rubber Compa ny, Buffalo, N.Y.; and a director in other corporations. Hewson, Addinell, Educator and Physi cian, of 2120 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; was born Sept. 2, 1855, in Philadel phia, Pa. He was educated at the Episcopal Academy, the University of Princeton, and Jefferson Medical College. Since 1897 he has been professor of anatomy at the Phila delphia Polyclinic College for Graauates in Medicine. He is professor of Anatomy and Histology in the Dental School of Temple University, and surgeon to the Memorial Hospital of Roxborough, Philadelphia. He lias edited the American Edition of Hoi- den s Dissector. He is a member of State and County Medical Societies, the Academy of Surgery, the American Medical Associa tion, and the American College of Sur geons. He married Miss Lusy Glabaugh; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside in Philadelphia, Pa. Heydon, Henry Darling, Member of the Economic Club. He was born Dec. 25, 1851 in Coventry, R.I. He is president of the Central Real Estate Company. He resides at 28 Alumni Avenue, Providence, R.I. Heydt, Herman A., Lawyer and Director of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has attained success in the practice of law. He is president of the Arbutus Realty Company ; and treasurer and director of the Rockport Company, Incorporated. Heyer, John Charles, Banker of Boston, Mass., was born April 6, 1882, in Boston, Mass. He is identified with the social, finan : cial and business affairs of his city and State; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He now is vice-president of the Federal Trust Company. Heymann, Louis, Treasurer and Director, of 250 Green Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of Man hattan Yarn Dyeing and Bleaching Works; is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many posi tions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 273 Heyman, Oscar, Business President and Director, of 220 West Nineteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Or> car Heyman and Company of 220 to 230 West Nineteenth Street, New York City. They are also the Eastern distributors of the Charles Boldt Glass Company s Owen Machine-Made Bottles. He is president of the New York Specialty Company, presi dent of the Champion Cork Manufacturing Company; and vice-president of the Pas- bach- Voice Lithographing- Company, and vice-president of the Ten Thirteen Grand Street Corporation. Heyn, Otto P., Vice-president and Direc tor, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of William Stake and Company ; and a director of the George A. Just Company. He is prominently iden- tifiied with business and public affairs ;and has filled many positions of trust and ho nor. Heynold, Robert R., Business Man, of Twenty-sixth Street and Ninth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Hey- wood-Strasser and Voigt Realty Company, president of the Heywood-Strasser and Voigt Litho Company, and a director of the Preferred Accident Insurance Company of New York. Heyworth, James Ormerod,Engineer and Contractor, of 606 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born June 12, 1866, in Chicago, 111. In 1888 he received the degree of A.B. from Yale College. Since 1894 he lias been engaged in the engineering and contracting business, specializing in rail road and river and harbor work. He is a member of the University, Calumet and Ontwentsia Clubs. Hibbard, Aldro T., Member of the Guild of Boston Artists, the St. Botolph Club,the Boston Rockport Art Association, and the Art Association, and the Provincetown Art Association. He was born Ag. 25, 1886, in Falmouth, Mass. He is principal of the Rockport Summer School of Drawing and Painting, and instructor at the Boston Un iversity. He has been an instructor at the Massachusetts Normal Art School. He re sides at 71 A Main Street, Rockport, Mass. Hickey, George V., of Graceville, Minn. He is an extensive land owner. He is pre sident of the Graceville Auto Club. Hicks, Ami Mali,Memberof the Woman s City Club. She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. She is director of the Free Acres Colony of Berkeley Heights, N.J. She resides at 9 East Seventeenth Street, New York City. Hicks, Lacey R., Vice-president and Di rector, of Beach and Eightieth Street and Railroad, Rockaway Beach, N.Y. ; and a member of the Forrest Park Riding and Hunt Club, and of the Masonic Fraternity. He was born Sept. 11, 1891, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1918 he has been president of Hicks, Hicks, and Hicks. He is also presi dent o the International Purity League. In 3922 he married Miss Mae C. Collins; and they reside in Garden City, N.Y. Hiers, Albert J., Business President, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Labor Saving Machinery Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Higbee, Mrs. George Howell, president of the Burlington Musical Club, with a membership of three hundred and fifty men and women. She resides at 603 Summer Street, Burlington, Iowa. Higbie, James S., President of the New ark Museum Association. He resides at 5 Washington f^veet, Newark, N.J. Higbie, Robert W., Business President,of 110 West Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sea-Coast Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Higgins, James,FCducator, Clergyman and Author, of 49 Sixth Street, East Cam bridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in Boston, Mass. ; and was educated at St. Charles College, St. Johns Seminary and at Har vard College. Since his ordination he has been associate editor of the Sacred Heart Review; and has specialized in education. He is the author of Stories of Great He roes, The Story Ever Now,and other works. 18 274 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Higgins, C. S., President of the Portland Oratorio Society, with a membership of seventy five men and women. He resides in Portland, Ore. Higgins, Katherine Chapin, Mrs. Milton C. Higgins), 1201 Sirteenth Street, Wash ington, D.C.; and a member of various clubs and societies. She was born Dec. 11, 1847, in Manchester, N.H., and received a through education. She is National Presi dent of the Congress of Mothers and Par ents Teachers Association. In 1870 she married Milton Prince Higgins, who was the pioneer of commercial trade schools in this country. They had two sons and two daughters; and they reside at 228 West Street, Worcester, Mass. Higgins, M. R., Business President, of 2901 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. and a member o the American Carton Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Higgins, William A., Trustee, of 371 \Vashington Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a trustee of the East Brooklyn Savings Bank; is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has filled ma ny positions of trust and honor. He resides at 1181 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Higginson, Francis Lee, Director and Trustee, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Harvard Club, the So merset Club, and the American Historical Association. He was born Oct. 11, 1841, in Boston, Mass.; and in 1863 graduated from Harvard University. He is a director of the Allow/ Mining Company, the Calumet and Heecla Mining Company, the LaSalle Min ing Company, the Merchants National Bank, the Superior Mining Company, the Massachusetts Life Insurance Company, and the Osceola Consolidated Mining Com pany. In 1898 he married Miss Shattuck; ton, Mass, and they reside at 274 Beacon Street, Bos- Higginson, Francis Lee, Jr., Member of the Somerset Club. He was born Nov. 29, 1877, in Boston, Mass. Since 1901 he has been engaged in the Banking and Broker age business, and is now a member of the Lee Higginson Company. He resides at 215 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Higginson, James P., Business President of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Scranton Mining L.om- pany, and a director in other corporations. Highland, Virgill Lee, Member of the Bankers Club. He was born Aug. 31, 1870, in Harrison County, W.Va. He is president of the Empire National Bank of Clarksburg W.Va. Hight, Clarence A., Lawyer and Director of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields and other corporations. Hilborn, Julian, Manufacturer, 01 125 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the Standard Club of Chicago, and the Manufacturers Club of Philadel phia. He was born Feb. 4, 1879, in Philadel phia, Pa. For many years he has been a paint manufacturer; and is a partner in the firm of Denny, Hilborn. and Rosenbach, of Philadelphia and Chicago. In 1896 he mar ried Miss Hirsch; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Highland Park, 111. Hill, Abby Williams, Artist, of Laguna Beach, Cal., was born Sept. 25, 18bi. She was educated at Grinnell College; French Academy, at Berther En Haut. She was a pupil of William Chase of New York City, H. F. Spread of Chicago, and Herman Haa- se of Germany. She received gold medals at the Alaska Yukan Exposition for Indian pictures and landscapes. She is honorary member of the Washington Congress of Mothers and is president of State branch of the National Congress of Mothers. In 1888 she married Dr. Frank R. Hill, and re sides at Laguna Beach, Cal. Hill, Charles B., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dural Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Hill, Crawford, Member of the Union Club. He was born March 29, 1862, in Pro vidence, R.I. He is president of the Hill Land and Investment Company. He resides at 909 Sherman Street, Denver, Colo. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 275 Hill, Donald Mackay, Lawyer and Di rector, of 60 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Boston Insur ance Company and other corporations. Hill, Ernest J., President of the Port land Festival Chorus, with a membership of 136 Men and Women. He resides at 119 Allen Avenue, Portland, Mass. Hill, George C., Secretary and Director, of 502 Harison Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Randolph Shoe Compa ny and other corporations. Hill, Henry W., President of the Olean Musical Association, with a membership of four hundred and fifty men and women. He resides at 612 Washington Street, Olean, N.Y. Hill, Josiah F., Vice-president and Di rector, of 44 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Houston Elect ric Company, and the Puget Sound Inter national Railway and Power Company. Hill, Mrs. Mary S., Patron of Music and Art, of Memphis, Tenn. She is a member of the Woman s Club, and identified with many musical and social societies and org anizations. Hill, Percival S., Business President, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Tobacco Com pany, president of the Havana Tobacco Company, and chairman of the board of di rectors of the American Cigar Company .He is a director of the Cuban Land and Leaf Tobacco Company, the Havana Commercial Company, and other corporations. Hill, Robert C., Director, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Avonmore Coal and Coke Com pany and other corporations. Hill, Spencer R., Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is ajlirector of the Keweenaw Central Railroad Com pany and other corporations. Hill, Vassie James (Mrs. Albert R. Hill), Member of the Woman s City Club. She was born March 29, 1875, in Kansas City, Mo. She is a founder of the Sunset Hill School for girls of Kansas City, Mo. She resides at the University Campus, Columbia Mo. Hill, Walker, Member of the St. Louis Club. He was born May 27, 1855, in Rich mond, Va. Since 1905 he has been presi dent of the Mechanics American National Bank. His address is Broadway and Locust Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Hiller, Lejaren A., Member of the Socie ty of Illustrators of New York City, the American Institute of Graphic Arts of New York City, and the Metropolitan Section of the Professional Photographers Society, of New York City. He is a noted painter and photographic illustrator of 135 West For ty-fourth Street, New York City. He was born July 3, 1880, in Milwaukee, Wis. His work includes magazine covers, mural de corations, photographic illustrations, and motion pictures. He is also Art Director and Production Manager of Triart Produs- tions, Incorporated. He is unmarried; and resides at 332 West Twenty-eighth Street, New York City. Hilles, Charles D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 56 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Otis Fentom Elevator Company and other corporations. Hilliard, John C., Business President, of 45 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clbs and societies. He is president of the Underwriters Building Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Hillman, Frederick J., ..Business Presi dent and Trustee, of Springfield, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Bozart Rug Company, the Loring and Artell Company, the Page-Lewis Arms Company, the Page Needle Company, and the Radio Company. He is vice-president and trustee of the Wesson Memorial Hospital. Hills, Frank W., Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Western Mining Company and oth er corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hillyer, William Hurd, Member of the Bankers Club. He was born July 29, 1880, in Atlanta, Ga. In 1910-12 he has been pre sident of the Sixth Ward Bank. He resides in Uarden City, L.I.N.Y. Hiltman, John W., Business President, of 35 Thirty-second Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the D. Appleton Company, president of the Superior Thread and Yarn Company, and a director of the ( . \V. Hunt Company. Hilton, Everett S., Business President, of 40 South Market Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Hilton and Aid- rich Company, and a director in other cor pora lions. Hilton, Frederick M., Director, of 46 Ce dar Street, New York City; and a director of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the New York Plate Glass Insur ance Company and other corporations. Hilton, Mrs. J. S., President of the Phi ladelphia Music Club, with a membership of two hundred and sixty-nine women. She resides at 741 North Fortieth Street, Phi ladelphia, Pa. Hinchlifer, Frederick A., Business Pre- sident, of 87 Massachussetts Avenue, Bos ton, .Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hinch- diri e Motor Car Company, and a director in other corporations. Hinckley, Dwight, Business President,of (Jest and Dal ton Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Maketwah Country Chi I), the City Club, and the Rotary Club. He was born in December, 1877, in Oxford, Ohio. Since 1912 he has been president of the I) wight Hinckley Lumber Company. He is a director of the Cincinnati Chamber of ( ommeree, a director of American Whole sale Lumber Association, and other organ izations. In 1902 he married Miss Ethelyn Dowel I ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 3915 Read ing Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hinckley, Frank L., Director, of 1310 and a member of various clubs and socie ties, lie is a director of the Westminster Bank and other corporations. Hine, C. (*., President of the States Is land Antiquarian Society. He resides at 1476 Richmond Road, Donagan Hill, Staten Island, N.Y. Hine, Francis L., Business President, of 2 Wall Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First National Bank, Hines, Frank H., Treasurer and Director of 128 West One Hundred and Twenty- Fourth Street, New York City, and a mem ber of -various clubs and societies. He is a director of the West Harlem Realty Com pany and other corporations. Hinman, Alice Hamlin Mrs. Edgar L. Hinman), Member of the Sorosis Club. She was born Dec. 20, 1868, in Constantinople, Turkey. In 1903-07 she was president of the Missionary Federation of Nebraska. She resides at 1825 South TwentyFourth Street, Lincoln, Neb. Hinsch, Charles Arthur, Member or me Queen City Club. He was born Oct. 22, 1865, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been president of the Fifth National Bank. He resides at 600 Mitchell Avenue, Cincin nati, Ohio. Hirsch, J. H., Manufacturer, of 1823-29 Carroll Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born in 1877 in Atlanta, Ga. Since 1901 he has been secretary of the Parian Paint Company of Atlanta, Ga. Since 1914 he has been presi dent of The Hockaday Company. In 1901 he married Miss Janette Weil; and they have a family of two sons. Hirsch, Robert B., Business President, of 95 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rossie Velvet Company and a director in other corporations. Hirschman, Jessie, Business President, of 24 Pine Street, New York City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Insuls Railway Company, and a director in other corporations. Hirschman, Stuard, Business President and Director, of 200 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bayside- Flushing Company, the Beaumere Realty Company, the Cortland Realty Company,, and a score of other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 277 Hirsch, Edward W. Jr., Business Presi dent, of 569 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Hirsch and Renner, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Hitchcock, Frank T. f Treasurer and Di rector, of 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Boston Coal Company and other corporations. Hitchcock, Frederick C., Business Presi dent, of 96 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Carey-Camp- bell and Company, and a director in other corporations. Hitchcock, Mrs. Ripley (Helen Sanborn Sargent). Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. She was born April 28, 1870, in Eli zabeth, N.J. Since 1917 she founded and is chairman of the Art War Relief for Dis abled Soldiers and Sailors. She resides at 34 Gramercy Park, New York City. Hitchman, Thomas, Realtor and Business President, of 819 Free Press Building, De troit, Mich., was born Nov. 8, 1880, in De troit, Mich. He graduated from the Detroit Central High School. Since 1907 he has been in the real estate business. He is also president of the Farrington Land Company president and treasurer of the Redford Land Company, president of the Ivanhoe Land Company, president of the Hitchman Investment Company, and president of the Thomas Hitchman Company. He has heei> secretary and treasurer of the Hitchman Land Company. He is a member of the Fel- lowcraft Club, the Detroit Athletic Club, the Meadowbrook Country Club, the Plum Hollow Golf Club, and the Detroit Com- mandery of the Moslem Temple Mystic Shrine. In 1904 he married Miss Aaa Lil lian Steinbridge; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 4869 Ivanhoe Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Hitt, Joseph E., President of the ILinois Athletic Club, of 112 South Mich^m ave nue, Chicago, 111. Hoban, Martin J. E., Director, of 1105 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Hoban-Hnut.^r-Feitner Company and other corporations. Hobbs, George Sayward, Member of the Cumberland Club. He was born Nov. 10, 1859, in Wells, Maine. He is vico-presiuent of the Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad. He resides at 48 Neal Street, Portland, Maine. Hobbs, William J., Treasurer and Direc tor, of North Station, Boston, Ma3S.; and a member of various clubs and societies He is a director of the Central Massachusetts Railroad and other corpora cur-i. Hoben, Allan, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 14, 1874, in Gib?OTi,N.H. Since 1919 he has been proPe^s -r of so("o- logy in Carleton College. He is thj author of Church School of Citizenship. He resides in Northfield, Minn. Hobson, E. A., President of the M;:rl:cii. Philharmonic So a ; :> , with :t memlurship of forty men and \vjin< n. ll x resides on East Main Street, Men -Ion, Conn. Hodenpyl, Anton G., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City, an I a member o various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Light and Traction Com pany and other corporations. Hodgman, William L.,Business President of 66 South Main Street, Providence, R.T. ; a president of the Providence Celhsnaeuiri ana member of various oiubs and societies. He is president of the Title Guarantee Company of R.I. and otinr corporations. Hodgkins, Louise M tUL lag, Edi;ctor nnd Author, of Wilburham, Mass., was born on Aug. 5, 1846, in LJ.S arlai, Mass. She was educated at the Wilbraham Academy, and received the degree of M.A. from Lawrence College, of Appleton, Wis. She was profes sor of English Literature in Wellesley Col lege in 1876; and has been editor and trus tee of many colleges and missionary boards. She is the author of Nineteen Century Au thors, Viachristi, and other works. Hodgson, Laurence Curman, Member of the Automobile Club. He was born Nov. 5, 1874, in Hastings, Minn. In 1918-20 he was mayor of St. Paul, Minn. He resides at 1039 Van Sluke Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 278 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hodson,Cicuence,Financier,of 135 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious dubs and societies. He . as born on Feb. _"_!, ISlkS, in Laurel Del. He is presi dent of Clarence Hodson and Company, dealers in investment securities; anj 1 is al- >o president of the Beneficial Society, with subsidiary offices in the principal cities of America. He began the practice of law in 1880; and in 1892 became president of the Bank of Crisfield. In 1894 he became pre sident of the Maryland Home Fire Insur ance Company. In 1897 he became presi dent of the Bank of Southern Maryland; and is a director in other banks. He mar ried Miss Sarah Marshall Payne, now de- reased; and they had a family of two sons and one daughter. In 1901 he married Miss Lillian Gibbs Brown, and they reside in Fast Orange, N.J. Hoelscher, Herman M., Manufacturer and Dealer, of Chicago, 111., was born Feb. 10, !S(i J, in Elmhurst, 111. He is a partner in the firm of Hoelscher Brothers, plumbing Mini heating supplies, 1301-11 West Divi sion Street, Chicago, 111. He is also a di rector of the Chicago Athletic Association; and a proprietor of Belleview Farm, Wau- conda, 111. Hoffer, Martin, Business President, of 45 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York Ci ty: and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Warwick House, Incorporated; and a director of the American East Indian Corporation; and a director of the Robert Graves Company. Hoffman, Mrs. Lee, President of the Arts and Crafts Society of Portland. She resides at 169 Tenth Street, Porland, Ore. Hoffman, Mary N., President of the Ca- tharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club. She re- sides at 802 Broadway, Manhattan, N.Y. Hoffman, William M., Business President and Director, of 258 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Estate of Eugene A. Hoffman, president of the Hoff man Brothers Realty Company, and a di rector of the Central Union Safe Deposit Company, and other corporations. He is vice-president of the New York Institution of the Deaf and Dumb, and a director of the St. Luke s Hospital, and of the New York State Central Islip Hospital. Hoffstot, Frank N.,Business President of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Steel Compa ny of Cuba, and a director in other corpo rations. Hofstra, William S., Business President, of 17 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Nassau Lumber Company, and second vice-presi dent of the Southern Paper Company. Ho is a director of the Ocean Lumber Compa ny, Price Brothers Company,and the Stand ard Export Lumber Company. Hoge, James Doster, Member of the Rai nier Club. He was born Sept. 21, 1871, in Zanesville, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been president of the Union Savings and Trust Company of Seattle. He resides at The Highlands, Seattle, Wash. Hogeboom, Franklin, Vice-president and Treasurer, of 2345 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, treasurer, director and manager of John Weber, In corporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Hoguet, Robert Louis, Business President of 27 William Street, New York city; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Security Silk Storage Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Hohmann, Edward E., Member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Johnstown, Pa. He is past supreme master workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, founded in 1868. Holbert, George B., Business President, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the East Coast Coaling Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Holahan, Frank E.,I)irector,of 501 East Tremont Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clbs and societies. He is a director of the McDermott Printing Company, and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 279 Holbrook, Charles, Business President,of Sixth and Bluxome Streets, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lux School of Industrial Training, and a director in other corporations. Holbrook, John S., Business President,of 903 Turks Head Building, Providence, E.I.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Maiden Lane Kealty Con Holbrook, Northrop, Business Man, of 227 Lefferst Avenue, Richmond Hill, Long Island, N.Y. ; and a member of varios clubs and societies. For many years he has been identified with the business, public and so cial affairs of New York City; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Holden, George J., Treasurer, Director and Business Manager, of 86 Weybosset Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of the Noon Day Club, and various clubs and societies. He was born July 18, 1859. Since 1906 he has been treasurer and general manager of the Smith-Holden Dental Sup ply Company; and is secretary ana treasu rer of the dealers division of the American Dental Trade Association. He is also chair man of the Warwick Police Commission. In 1896 he married Miss Mary F. Smith; and they have a family of two sons, and reside in Warwick, R.I. Holden, James, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 10, 1846, in Jrontiac, Mich. In 1890-96 he was editor and publish er of the Independent League, of Emporia, Kan. ; and is the author of numerous broch ures on the science of money. His address is 2 East Twenty-third Street, New York City. Holder, Arthur Ernest, Member of the City Club. He was born April 13, 1860, in Pontypridd, Glamorganshire, Wales. In 1917 he was appointed a labor representa tive on the Federal Board for Vocational Education. He is the Author of History of Kailroad Strikes Since 1877. He resides at 110 F Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. Holland, Mrs. Charles A., President of the Wednesday Morning Club, with a mem bership of two hundred women. She resides at 211 East Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Hollander, Elmer R., Business President, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of the New York Club, N.Y. ; and the American Club, London, England. He was born August 16, 1870, in Boston, Mass. He was educated at private schools and at the Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.II. Since 1899 he has been engaged in the Au- tomative Industry in Paris and New York, and is president of the Allied Metal Pro ducts Corporation. He was president of the First Motor Sales Company, and pres ident of the Hollander Motors, Limited. In 1894 he married Miss Lonetta Leslie; and they have a family of one son ; and reside at 105 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City; and maintain a summer residence in Darien, Conn. Holliday, William Harrison, Member of the California Club. He was born July 27, 1863, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1906 he has been president of the Merchants National Bank. His address is Los Angeles, Cal. Holm, Charles F., Business President, of 222 Fulton Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Holm Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Holman, Louis Arthur, Writer and Illus trator, of 5 A Park Street, Boston, Mass., was born July 13, 1866, in Summerside, P.E.I. He has contributed articles on Art, Literature and Travel subjects to leading magazines; also pencil drawings and pho tographs to Scribner s Century Printing Art, and other publications. For six years he was art editor of the New England Ma gazine ;and for eighteen years was assistant art editor of Youth s Companion. He is now in charge of the Print Department of Goodspeed s Bookshop. He is a member of the Boston Authors Club and various other clubs and societies. In 1898 he married Miss Edna Lake Bourne; and they have one son, and reside in Needham, Mass. Holmes, A. S., Business President, of 700 Seventh Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Peninsular Realty Com pany, and a director in other corpora tions. 280 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Holmes, Duncan A.,Director,of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Peninsula National Bank and other corporations. Holmes, Edwin Francis, Business jrresi- dent and Capitalist, of 141 North Grand Avenue, Pasadena, Cal., was born Aug. 8, 1843, in Orleans County, N.Y. He was edu cated in the public and private schools of his native state. He is a veteran of the Ci vil War; has been mayor of his home town; and is a patron of Art. He is president of the Balligher Machinery Company of Salt Lake City, Utah; and vice-president of the Yosemite Gold Dredging and Mining Com pany, operating at Merced, Cal. He is iden tified with the Republican party, and has filled various positions of trust and honor. He is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago; the Commercial Club of Salt Lake City; and is a honorary member of the University Club of Salt Lake City. Holmes, Elias Burton, Lecturer, Traveler and Author, of 216 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 8, 1870, in Chi cago, 111. He is the author of The Burton Holmes Lectures, in ten volumes. Holmes, Ferdinand M., Business Presi dent, of Everett, Mass.; and a member o* various clubs and societies. He is president of the Everett Trust Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Holmes, Mrs. Georgiana Klingle, Artist and Poet, of Summit, N.J., was born in Philadelphia. Pa. She is the author of In the Name of the King and other works. Holmes, William H., Curator of the Na tional Gallery of Art of the Sm tbonian In stitution. ITe resides in Washing: >-i, D.C. Holt, Frank L., Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York City . and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Seaboard Land and Mort gage Company, and a director in other cor porations. Holt, George Hubbard, Member 01 the Chicago Club. He was born July 28, 1852 in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been pre sident of the Bolt Lumber Company. He resides at 257 East Delaware Fl:o, Chica go, HI. Holt, George Nelson, President of the Chicago Artists Association, He resides at 4436 Berkeley Avenue, Chicago, 111. Holter, Edwin W., Business President, of GO Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Jerome Copper Compaii>, and a director in other corporations. Holters, John G., Business President, of 2531 Cook Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Queen City Club, the Cin cinnati Country Club, the Cincinnati Go f Club, the Miami Valley Hunt and Polo Club and various other clubs and societies. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1912 he has been president and general manager of The Holters Company. He is a director of the Guarantee Trust Company, the Ameri can Mortgage Company, and the Cincinnati Cadillac Company. In 1913 he married Miss Ruth Christie; and they have a daughter, and reside at 2708 Johnstone Place, Cincin nati, Ohio. Holtzman, Jacob L., Director, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Frank Gilbert Paper Compa ny and other corporations. Holzinger, Max A., Director,of 25 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Spirits Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Homans, Robert, Lawyer and Director,of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Androscoggin Mills and other corporations. Homer, Francis T., Business President, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is president of the Blu field Gas and Power Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Honiss, William, President of the Muni cipal Art Society. He resides in Hartford, Conn. Honsinger, Mrs. F. L., President of the Morning Musicals, with a membership of nine hundred women. She resides at 1061 Lancaster Avenue, Syracuse, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 281 Hoober, David L., Business President, of 45 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Freeport and Tampico Fuel Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Hood, William, Director, of 65 Market, Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a menioer of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the International Railway Com pany and other corporations. Hoof, Clarence, Monroe, Manufacturer, of 317 West Randolph Street, Chicago, 111. was born July 28, 1871, in Marengo, 111.! or twenty-three years he was associated with the Kelley, Maus arid Company. He is now president and treasurer of the C.M. Hoof Company, importers and manufacturers of automobile upholstery material. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club and the Exmoor Country Clb. Hooker, George Ellsworth, Member of the City Club. He was born April 25, 1861 in Peacham, Vt. Since 1919 he has been trade commissioner for the Department of Commerce, investigating inland transporta tion. He is a member of the Chicago Plan Commission. His address is Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. Hooker, Thomas, Member of the New Ha ven Lawn Club. He was born Sept. 3, 1349 in Macon, Ga. He is president of the New Hoven Trust Company. He resides at 51 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Hooper, James E.., Business President, of a member of various clubs and societies.He president of the New England Trust Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Hooper, John A., Business President, of 110 Market Street, San Fran^sco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Santa Barbara Lumber Company, and a dire^taor in other corporations. Hooven, Wilbur, Business President, of 151 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.;and a member of various clubs and 3ocietiorf,TJ.e. is prominently identified with business and public affairs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Hoover, Harvey Daniel Educator and College President, of Carthage, 111., was born June 17, 1880 in New Oxford, Pa. He is a member of the American Sociological Society, the American Political Science, the American Academy of Science, the Mis sissippi Valley Historical Association, the Academy of Political and Social Science, the Religious Education Association, aa-l the University Club of Chicago.He is presi dent of Carthage College; and has been professor and lecturer at the Susquehanna University. He resides at 1007 Buchanan Street, Carthage. 111. Hoover, Theodore Jesse, Mining Engineer of "Palo Alto, Cal.; and a member of var ious clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 28, 1876, in West Branch, Iowa. He is a graduate of Stanford University. He is managing director of the Burma Mines and many other mhies; and is mining engineer London, New York and San Francisco, Cal. He is the author of Concentrating Ores by Flotation. Hope, John, Educator and College Pre sident, of the Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. ; and a member of the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, and other clubs and societies. He was born June 2, 1868, in Augusta, Ga. ; and received a through education. Since 1906 he has been president of Morehouse College. In 1917 he married Miss Eugenie D. Burns; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. Hopewell, Frank B., Director, of 89 TiV anklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Hopkins, Charlotte Everett, (Mrs. Archi- 1 aid Hopkins), member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 7, 1851, in Cam- 1 r dge, Mass. She is prominent in raising funds for the erection of Model Homes for \Vorkirig People in Washington, D.C., un der the title of The Ellen Wilson Memorial Homos. She resides at 1826 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C. Hopkins, Edward W., Business President, of C54 Pine Street, nan Francisco, Cal.; Mid a member of various clubs and socie ties. Ho is president of the Union Ice Co. 282 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hopkins, Ellen Dunlap, Member oi the Women s Club. She was born Jan. 30, 1858 in New York City. She is the widow of A- mos Lawrence Hopkins. She is the founder of the New York School of Applied Design for Women. She resides at 127 East Twen ty-ninth Street, New York City. Hopkins, Ernest Martin, Educator, Edit or and College President,of Hanover, N.H. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Nov. 6, 1877, in Durham, N.H. ; and has received the degrees of A.B. A.M. Li It. I.)., and LL.D. Since 1916 he has been president of Dartmouth College; and since 1905 has I.e. en "jnaging editor of the Dartmouth Bi-Monthly. Hopkins, James Frederick, Director of the Massachusetts Normal Art School. He resides at Exeter and Newbury Streets, Boston, Mass. Hopkins, James McHenry, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born July 24, 1866, in Xenia, Ohio. He is president of the Camel Company ,rail- way suplies; and is vice-president of the Ryan Car Company. Hopkins, Russell B., Treasurer and Gen eral Manager, of 225 West Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Cin cinnati Automobile Club, the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, and several frater nal organizations. He was born Jan. 4,1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio; and received the de gree of A.B. from Oberlin College. Since 1915 he has been identified with the Oliver Wright, Kainey Company of which he is treasurer and general manager. He is the sole owner of Hopkins Garage. He is a di rector of the Cincinnati Association of Cre dit Men, and treasurer and trustee of sev eral organizations. In 1911 he married Miss Muriell Edwards; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 2732 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hopkins Stephen A., Business President, of 262 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Buena Vista Ranches, and a director in other corpora tions. Hopkinson, Ernest, Business President, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is the president of the American Dunlop Tire Company, and a director in other cor porations. Hopley, Mrs. Elizabeth Sheppard, Social Worker, of 220 West Warren Street, Bucy- rus, Ohio, was born Dec. 11, 1870, in Gran- ville, Ohio. She was educated at the Shep- pardson College and Chicago Kindergarten Training School. She has been president of the Ohio Federation of Women s Clubs; and is the author of the Amendment to tne Constitution of Ohio permitting women to serve on all boards of the State, County, Township or City where the interests of women and children are concerned. She was chairwoman of the Woman s Committee of the County Council of National Defense v Crawford County. She is the daughter of the chaplain of Andersonville prison; anc the wife of James R. Hopley, a member )~ the Ohio Senate. Horn, Leslie R., Business President, 01 430-40 West Larned Street, Detroit, Mich., was born June 16, 1888, in Detroit, Mich. He was educated in Detroit, Mich. Since 1914 he has beeen president and general manager of the Michigan Warehouse Com pany, and is also owner of the Central Flour Company. He is a member of the Fel- lowcraft Club, a Mason and a Shriner, and is a prominent Elk. In 1921 he married Miss Florence Y. Shaver; and they have two sons, and reside at 771 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Hornbeok, Samuel Lee, Member of Am erican Elontic Association. He has been president of the Trinity University for the last twelve years. He resides at 808 Mor- win Avenue, Maxobachie, Texas. Hornblow, Arthur, Journalist, Dramatist and Author, of 6 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York City, was born in Manchester, England. Since 1900 he has been ecu tor of the Theater Magazine. He is the ani ior <>, the Novel, the Lion and the Mou j anil tlio End of the Game, and a dozen more novels. He is a member of the Authors Club London, England. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOC Tprr 283 Hornblower, Henry, Director, of 60 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societi -;;. lie is a Di rector of the Trinidad Sugar Company and other corporations. Hornblov/ar, Ralph, Director, of 60 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass. ; unl a member of various clubs and societies, cie is a di rector of the Aetna Mills and other corpo rations. Hornor, Townsend,Business President, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and sojleties. Ho is president of the Highbrighton Corpora tion, and president of Hornor and Compa ny, Incorporated. He is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs , and has held many positions of trust and honor. Horr, George E., Business President, of Newton Centre, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Newton Theological Institution, and a director in other corporations. Horton, Charles H., Business President, of 115 Front Street, Woonsocket, R.I.;and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Providence Savings Bank and other corporations. Horton, George A., Vice-president and Director, of 347 Madison Avemte,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and director of A. 3. Pagel and Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Horton, Katharine Lcren Pratt (Mrs. John Miller Horton), Member of the Chau- tir u? Club. She was born in Buffalo, N.Y. She has been a delegate three times to the Tnternational Peace Arbitration Congress in Europe ;pnd is president of the Women s Boa-d of Bnffslo Celebration of One Hund red Years of Peace. She resides at 477 De laware Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. Hcrwitz, Harry H., Treasurer ana uirec- tor, of 41 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs nnd societies. He is identified with Warren Woolen Company. He is a member of the firm of Alex Horwitz and Son ; and a direc tor of the Cohen-Ragal Company, Incorpo rated. Horwell, Edward T., Director aim Trus tee, of 215 Montague Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clul s and so cieties. He is a director of the Mechanics Bank, the Realty Association, The Thrift the Realty Associates Investment Corpora tion, and the Manhattan Bridge Three V.CIIT Line. He is a trustee of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, and a trustee of the Williamsburgh Savings Bank. Hosmer, Thomas L., Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America, Me has been Scoutmaster and Scout Commissioner. He resides in Sacramento, Cal. Hotchkiss, H. Stuart, Business President of 1 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the General Rubber Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Hottenroth, Frederick W., Business Pre sident, of 261 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Bronx County Mortgage Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Hottinger, Gustav, Manufacturer and Business President, of 2535 Clybourne Ave nue, Chicago, 111. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company ;is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs: and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Houck, John Howard, Merchant and Bus iness President, of Gibsland, La., and a member of the Woodmen of the World, the Columbian Woodmen, and the Masonic Fra ternity. He was born Jan. l,1874,in Shreve- port, La. He is past president of the Bien- ville Fair Association; has been a member of the Town Council, and vice-president of the Merchants Retail Association. He is se cretary of Bienvillle-Claiborne Oil Com pany; and a director of the Bank of Com merce. He is secretary of the Houck Com pany, Limited; is postmaster, and president of the Merchants and Citizens League. In 11)01 he married Miss Nannie M. Carter; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside in Gibsland,La. 284 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Houdini, Harry, Magician, of 220 West Forty-second Street, New York City, was born April (>, 1874, in Appleton, Wis. He is president of the Film Developing Cor poration, and president and general man ager of the 1 1 oud i ni Picture Corporation, and president and general manager of the Weehawkeii Street Corporation of Hobo- ken, N.J. He is president of the Society of American Magicians. President of the Lon don Magicians Club, a life member of the Circumnavigators Club. In 1894 he married Miss Beatrice Rahner; and they reside at J7S \Ve>i One Hundred and Thirteenth Street, New York City. Hough, Edward B., Business President, and Trustee, of 7 Beverly Street, Provid ence, R.I. ; and a member of the Turks Head Club, and the Rhode Island Country Club. lie is president of the Wightman and Hough Company, Incorporated; is presi dent of the Franklin Machine Company; and trustee of the People s Savings Jtiank. He is chairman of the board of Park Com missioners of Providence, R.I. In 1920 he married Miss Ruth, E. Wilkinson; and they have one daughter, and reside at 278 Olney Street, Providence, R.I. ; and also maintain a country home at Buttonwoods Gardens, Hut ton woods, R.I. Houghton, Alanson Bigelow, Member of the Corning Club. He was born Oct. 10, 1863, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1918 he has been chairman of the board of the Corning Glass Works. He resides in Corn ing, N.Y. Houghton, Clement S., Business Presi dent, of 00 State Street, Boston, Mass.;and a member of various clubs and -iocieties.He is president of the Huckins and Temple, In corporated, and a director in other corpo rations. Housser, Harry B., Member of the Uni versity Club, the National Club, the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, the Lambton Golf and Country Club, the Toronto Winter Club the Delta Koppo Epsilion Club, N.Y. He was born in Winnipeg, Canada. He is a partner of Housser, Wood and Company, Investment Bankers, Toronto, Canada. He resides at 14 Foxbar Road, Toronto, Cana da. Houston, George H., Business President, of Havana, Cuba; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and di rector of several corporations; and is now principaly engaged with Cuban Sugar Plan tations, Incorporated. Houtman, Aaron, Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Macona Steams Corporation and other corporations. Hovenden, Thomas, Director,of 187 Mon tague Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Brooklyn Real Estate Ex change and other corporations. Hovey, Chandler, Director, of 111 Devon shire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Tacoma Railway and Power Company and other corporations. Hoving, Johannes, Sociologist, 01 125 West One Hundred and Twenty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the board of directors of the St. Erik Society for the Advancement of Swedish Art, Music and Literature. Howard, Henry, Chemical Engineer, of the Guardian Building of Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the American Society ol Civil Engineers, and other organizations. He was born July 5, 1868, in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass.; He has been prominently identified with business and public affairs; and vice-president of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. He is now identified with the Grasselli Chemical Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. Howard, L. 0., President of the Ameri can Association for the Advancement of Science. He resides in Washington, D.C. Howard, Thomas, Vice-president and Di rector, and Consulting Engineer, ol 118 Fulton Street, New York City; he is vice- president, manager and director of the Na tional Inventors Sales Corporation. He is engaged in the practice as a consulting en gineer; and holds many positions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELIT^ AND SOCIOLOGIST 285 Howard, Velma Swanston, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 24, 1868, in Sweden. She is a member of the Professional Women s League. She is trans lator of Christ Legends. She resides at 515 West One Hundred and Twenty-second Street, New York City. Howbert, Irving, Member of the El Paso Club. He was born April 11, 1846, in Col umbus, Ind. He is president of the First National Bank of Colorado Springs. He re sides in Colorado Springs, Colo. Howe, Anna Belknap (Mrs. Henry J. Howe), Member of the Woman s Twen tieth Century Club. She was born May 14, 1849, in Randolph, Vt. In 1903-04 she was president of the Iowa Library Association; and is now honorary president of the Iowa Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 6 South Fifth Avenue, Marshalltown, Iowa. Howe, Edward Leawitt, Member of the Town Club. He was born April 6, 1870, in Princeton, N.J. Since 1890 he has been en gaged in the banking business, and is now vice-president of the Princeton Bank. He resides in Princeton, N.J. Howe, Henry S., Director, of Thomas Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Bell Telephone Company and other corporations. Howe, Mrs. J. W., President of the Fort nightly Musical Club, with a membership of eighty-two men and women. She resides at Cairo, 111. Howe, James C., Director and Trustee, of 17 Court Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cabot Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Howe, Stanley H.,Vice-president and Di rector, of 340 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Home Community Corporation. He is a member of the National Budget Committee and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Howell, Herbert P., Director, of 31 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Shipbuilding Com pany and other corporations. Howell, Mary Seymour,Reformer, lectur er and Author, of Mount Morris, N.Y. She is president of the National American wo man s suffrage association. Howell, Mrs. R. B., President of the Tuesday Musical Club, with a membership of eight hundred men and women. She re sides at 3405 Farnum Street, Omaha, Neb. Howell, Thomas A., Business President, of 129 Front Street, New York City; ar?rt a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Santa Ana Sugar Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Howells, David P., Business President,of 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.. He is a director of the Howells Cine Equip ment Company, the Howells Pi,uii:e Corpo ration, and the Howells Sale* Company. Howells, William Dean, President of the American Acadooiy ol Ar, : au-! Letter?. lie resides at 347 Malison Avo- u j New York City. Howes, Frank L., Business President of 321 Summer Street, Boston, Mas;-].; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the St. Joseph Tanning Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Rowland, George F., Treasurer and Di rector, of 77 Franklin Street,Boston,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Leomin Elect ric Light and Power Company Hewlett, Mrs. B.A., Chairman of the Wo man s Club of Valparaiso. She resides in Valparaiso, Ind. Howlett, Thomas J., Secretary and Di rector, of 19 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Howlett and Hockmeyer Company, manufacturers of velveteens. Hoyt, Charles C., Business President, of 58 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Farns worth-Hoy t Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Hoyt, Colgate, Member of Union League Club. He was born March 2, 1849, in Cleve land, Ohio. He is vice-president of the Du- luth and Manitoba Railroad. He resides in Oyster Bay, Long Island! JJ,Y. 28C> AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hoyt, Colgate, Director,of 14 Wall Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Canada ( upper Company Hoyt, Edward C., Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various chilis and societies. He is a director of the Argentine Central Leather Company and other corporations. Hoyt, Hobart B., Lawyer, of 1216 Ford Building, Detroit, Mich., was born March 24, 1874, in Grand Rapids, Mich. He was educated at the Grand Rapids High School and at the University of Michigan. Since 1913 lie has been president of the Detroit Pressed Steel Company. He is also vice-pre sident of the Michigan Steel Casting Com pany, director of the Union Trust Company director of the Gray Motor Corporation, vice-president of the Olympic Land Compa ny, treasurer of the Victory Real Estate Company, and president of the Globe To bacco Company. He has been vice-president of the Union Trust Company. He is a mem ber of the University Club, the Detroit Boat Club, the Lochmor Club, the Detroit Board of Commerce, and the Detroit Bar Association. In 1902 he married Miss Ka- therine B. Durfee; and they have five sons and reside at 984 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe, Shores, Mich. Hoyt, Richard F., Director, of 25 Broad Street, ew York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies.He is a director of the Atlantic Gulf Oil Corporation and oth er corporations. Hubbard, Elijah Kent, Manufacturer and Financier, of Middletown, Conn., and a member of the Metropolitan Club, also the Players Club, the University Club of New York, the Hartford Club, the Middletown Club, the Farmington Golf Club, and the Hammonassett Fishing Club. He was born Feb. 5, 1869, in Chicago, 111.; and was edu cated at Saint Paul s School of Concord, N.H. In 1912 he was president of the Max im Silencer Company; and is a director of the Middletown National Bank. He is a di rector o# the Connecticut Stat^ Reformato ry; a trustee of the Connecticut Agricltur- al College; president of Russell Library, and for thirteen years was president of the Young Men s Christian Association. Ir |,j, 1901 he married Miss Helen Keep Otis;and they have one son and one daughter, and reside at Arawana, Middletown, Conn. Hubbard, Frank W., Member of the De troit Club. He was born April 16, 1863, in Port Huron, Mich. He is president of the State Bank of Frank W. Hubbard and Company, He resides in Detroit, Mich. Hubbard, Louis V., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New 7 York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Upper Montclair Realty Assoiation, and a director in other corpo rations. Hubbard, Samuel Fairfield, Member of the Twentieth Century Club. He was born Feb. 9, 1846, in Cannan, Maine. In 1892- 1917 he was superintendent of the North End Union, a social settlement.He has been president of the Industrial Aid Society.His home is at the Boston City Club, Boston, Hubbard, Walter C., Business President of 66 Beaver Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Riverbrook Realty Co Hubble, Mrs. Lee J., President of the Monmouth Music Club, with a membership of two hundred and fifty men and women. She resides in Monmouth, 111. Hudnut, Alexander M., Banker and Brok er, of 5 Nassau Street, New York City;and a member of the Century Club, the New York Water Color Club, the Bankers Club of America, the Salmagundi Club, the Sons of the Revolution, and various other dabs and societies. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Princeton University. He is a member of the banking firm of Hal- sey and Hudnut and a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce. Hudson, Othniel R., Lawyer and States man, of Grant City, Mo., was born Feb. 16, 1860, in Worth County, Mo. He is a high school graduate, and in 1894 he graduated from the University of the City of Now York. He is a successful lawyer; and in 1890-92 he was elected a member of the Missouri State Legislature. He is a mem ber of the Masonic Order, and a member of several fraternal and patriotic clubs and societies. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hudson, William Nestrezat, Menmer of Union League Club of Chicago. He is presi dent of Blackburn College. He his been president of the Waynesburg College. He resides at Carlinville, 111. Hudspeth, Robert N., Painter, Craftsman and Teacher, of 49 Thoreau Street, Concord Mass., was born July 2, 1862, in Caledonia, Ontario, Canada. He is painter of a port rait miniature owned by Lord Millner,Eng- land; also a vase owned by H.R.H. Queen Mary of England. Huey, Abram H., Engineer and Manufac turer, of 59 East Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born in 1877 in West Chester, Pa. He has held various positions in the eng ineering profession. Since 1896 he has been a resident of Chicago ; and is now secretary of The Huey Company, blue prints and drawing materials. He is a prominent Ma son ; and a member of the Evanston Golf Club. In 1902 he married Miss Carrie S. Blewitt ; and they have a family of one daughter, Edith G. Huey; and reside at 1425 Fargo Avenue, Chicago. 111. Huff, Slaughter W., Business President, of 2396 Third Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Bronx Traction Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Huffer, Herman C., Jr., Business Presi dent, of 366 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic and Western Railroad Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Hufsmith, Frank, Mechanical Engineer, Banker and Capitalist, of 100 Magnolia Street, Palestine, Texas, was born Jan. 7, 1853, in Ohio. He has been mayor of his City and has held many positions of trust and honor. He is receiver of the Oklahoma, Red River and Texas Railway Company. Huger, Elliott, Member of the Art Club, the Scotch Club, and various other clubs and societies. He is principal of the School of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art of Philadelphia, Pa., and was born in Sewanee, Tenn. He was educ ated at Tulane University, received the de gree of B.S. from Columbia University,and attended the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Pa- eris. He has ben director of the Rhode Is land School of Design. In 1911 he married Miss Elizabeth Shippan Green; and they reside in Alien Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Huggins, G. Ellsworth,Business President of 299 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the University Club of New York, the Merchants Club, the Harvard Club of New York, the Harvard Club of Boston, and the Harvard Club of New Jer sey. He was born in Belleville, 111. ; and was educated at the University of Missouri,and at Harvard University. Since 1909 he has been president of the Manufacturers Com mercial Company. In 1907 he married Miss Marion Brooks Swasey; and they have a family of two sons, and reside in Mont- clair, N.J. Hughes, Mrs. Adella Prentiss, President of the Cleveland s Symphony Orchestra. She resides at 313 Caxton Building, Cleve land, Ohio. Hughes, Bryan G., Business President, of 1984 Madison Avenue, New r York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the B.G. Hughes Hughes, Edwin Holt, Clergyman, Bishop, Theologian and College President, of 233 Summer Street, Maiden, Mass., was born on Dec. 7, 1866, in Moundsville, W.Va. He is a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has been president of the De Pauw Un iversity of Greencastle, Ind., and resides in San Francisco, Cal. Hughes, James Anthony, Merchant and Congressman, of Huntington, W.Va., was born Feb. 27, 1861, in Corunna, Ontario. He removed with his parents to Ashland, Ky., where he entered on a business career; and is a director of the Spruce Springs Company. In 1887-88 he was a member of the Legilature of Kentucky; and later in 1894-98 he was a member of the West Vir ginia State Senate. In 1901-15 he was a representative from West Virginia to the fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, six tieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty- third Congresses as a Republican. He mar ried Miss Ida Belle Vinson; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Huntington, W.Va. 288 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Hughes, H.J.B.,Business Man, of 67 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pro- minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Hughes, Levi Allen, Wool Mercnanc and Banker, of 317 Washington Avenue, Santa Fe, N.M., was born Oct. 26, 1858, in St. Paul, Minn. He is vice-president of the First National Bank;and prominent in bus iness and public affairs. He has filled vari ous positions of trust and honor; and is a member of several clubs and societies. Hugo, Nicholas Frederic,Mining and Me chanical Engineer, of 2407 East Third Street, Duluth, Minn.; and a member of va rious dubs and societies. He was born in 18(iO, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is Lieu tenant- Commander of the Minnesota Naval Militia. Hulbert, Edmund Daniel, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born March 2, 1858 in Pleasant Valley, Conn. Since 1916 he has been president of the Merchants Loan and Trust Company. He resides at 191 East Walton Place, Chicago, 111. Hulbert, Milan Hulbert, Keal Estate Dealer, of 81 East Madison Street, Chicago Ilil., was born July 24, 1876, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1900 he was director of the Depart ment of Manufacturers for the United States Commis sion to the Paris Exposition. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. He resides at 2620 Hampden Court, Chicago. 111. Hulburd, Charles Henry, Business Presi dent and Capitalist, of Chicago, 111., was born May 28, 1850, in Stockholm, N.Y.Since 1898 has been president of the Elgin Na tional Watch Company. He is a member of the Commercial Club, the Union League Club, the Onwentsia Club, and the Saddle and Cycle Club, all of Chicago. Hull, George Huntington, Merchant, ol 90 West Wall Street, New York City, was born Nov. 22, 1840, in Uansville, N.Y. Since 1888 he has been president of the American Pig Iron Storage Warrant Company. He is the author of Industrial Depressions. He was proprietor of a large pig iron business in Louisville, Ky., and is still interested in the storage of pig iron,but has retired from active business.He is a member of the Tux edo Club. He married Miss Lucia Houston of Louisville; and they have five children; and reside at Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Hull, Mrs. Marie A., President of the Mississippi Art Association. She resides in Jackson, Miss. Hulme, George B., Business President, of 48 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Marshall Osage Oil Com pany. He is director of the Brooklyn Osage Oil Company, the Canadian North West Development Company,and the Nassau Ho tel and Steamship Company. Humm, John, Business Man and Treasur er, of 35 West Forty-fifth Street/ New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is assistant treasurer of the Pathe Exchange, Incorporated; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Humphrey, Arthur L., Member of the Ci- t v \ Club and various other clubs and socie ties. He was born June 12, 1860, in Buffalo N.Y. ; and received a technical education. He has held important railroad positions; and is vice-president of the Westinghouse Airbrake Company. He resides in Wilmer- ding, Pa. Humphrey, Caroline Louise, Member of the Boston College Club. She was born on Jan. 16, 1875, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1919 she has been executive secretary of the Bedford Academy; and has actively en gaged in social work. She resides at Brad ford, Mass. Humphrey, Marie E. Ives, (Mrs. William Brewster Humphrey), Member of tne Con gregational Club. She was born in New Ha ven, Conn. Since 1910 she has been presi dent of the American Indian League, of which she was the organizer. She is a writ er and lecturer on American Indians. She resides at 927 Madison Avenue, New York City. Humphrey, William F., Business Presi dent, of Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Old Mission Portland Cement Company, and a director, in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 289 Humpstone, Walter C., Director, of 213 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Metropolitan Life Insur ance Company and other corporations. Hunkin, W.J., Business President, of the Century Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Union Club, the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Westwood Country Club, the City Club, the Los Angeles Country Club, and the California Club. He was born in 1867 in England. He is president of the Hurikin Conkey Construction Company pre sident of the Prospect Oil and Gas Compa ny, and president of the Cleveland Maubui- eum Company. He is vice-president of the Vlchek Tool Company; and a director of the United States Banking and Savings Company, and other corporations. In 1892 he married Miss Mabelle Hutchinson; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters, and reside at 2472 Overlook Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Hunt, Atherton N., Lawyer and Director, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Wingate Chemical Com pany and other corporations. Hunt, Caroline Louisa, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Aug. 23, 1865 in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 she has been scientific assistant in the office of the Home Economics of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. She is the author of Homes Problems, She resides at 1432 R Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. Hunt, Harry H., Business President, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is> president of the Tampa Electric Company, and a director in other corporations. Hunt, Joseph Howland, President of the Municipal Art Society of^New York. He re sides at 119 East Nineteenth Street, Man hattan, N.Y. Hunt, Robert Woolston, Metallurgical Engineer, of 2200 Insurance Exchange,Chi- cago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 9, 1838, in Fallsington Bucks County, Pa. He was pre sident of the Western Society of Engineers? He is senior member of the firm of Robert W. Hunt and Company. Hunt, Roy A., Vice-president and Direc tor, of the Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; and a member of the Duquesne Club, the Pittsburg Golf Club, the Allegheny Country Club, the University Club, the Athletic As sociation, the Yale Club of New York City, and the Lotos Club of New York City. He was born Aug. 3, 1881, in Nashua, N.H., and was educated at Yale University . Since 1903 he has been with the Aluminum Com pany of America, of which he is vice-presi dent. He is a director of the Union Trust Company, the Mellon National Bank, and the Union Savings Bank. In 1913 he mar ried Miss Rachel McMasters Miller; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 5050 Amberson Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hunter, Richard R., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Drug Stores Corporation and other corporations. Hunter, Robert E., Business President, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the Hunter Fireproof Storage Company, and a director in other corporations. Hunter, Wiles Robert, Member of the So cial Reform Club. He was born April 10, 1874, in Terre Haute, Ind. In 1902-06 he was chairman of the New York Child La bor Commission. In 1910 he was a candi date for Governor of Connecticut. He is the author of Tenement Conditions in Chica go. Since 1918 he has been a lecturer on economics in the University of California. He resides at 2421 Ridge Road, Berkeley, Cal. Huntington, Archer M., President of the Hispanic Society of America. He resides at One-Hundred and Fifty-sixth Street, W. of Broadway, Manhattan, N.Y. Huntington, C. W., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Norfolk Terminal Rail way Company, and a director in other cor porations. 19 290 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Huntington, Daniel Trumbull, Clergyman ami Bishop, of Anking, China; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 4, 1868, in Norwich, Conn.; re ceived the degree of B.A. from Yale, and the degree of D.B. from Berkeley Divinity School. In 1912 he was consecrated Bishop. He is the author of Chinese Primer and other works. In 1916 he married Miss Vir ginia Ethel Haist; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Anking, China. Huntington, G. K., Treasurer and direc tor, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Company and other corpora tions. Huntington, H. E., Business President, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the City Railway Company of Los An geles, and a director in other corporations. Huot, Louis A., Treasurer and Director, of 108 West Twenty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director of the Duparquet, Huot and Moneuse Com pany. lie is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Hupfel, Adolph G., Business President and Director, of Third Avenue and One- Hundred and Sixty-first Street, New York City; and a member of the Yale Club, the Sleepy Hollow Country Club, the Blooming ( i rove Hunting and Fishing Club, the Rota ry Club, the City Club of Yonkers, and va rious other clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 8, 1876, in New York City; and was educated at Yale, and in Copenhagen and Berlin. Since 1907 he has been presi dent of the Hupfel Garage Company, the Ilupt el Mushroom Plantation, and Eagle Avenue (Janige Company. He is also pre sident of the Adotto Realty Company, and the Brewers Board of Trade of New York City. He married Miss Lottie Johnston ;and they have one daughter, and reside at 270 Riverside Drive, New York City. Hurd, Edward P., Treasurer and Director of 205 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Automa tic Weighing Machine Company and other corporations. Hurd, George F., Business President, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Auto Sales Corporation and a director in other corporations. . ^ Hurlbut, C. Stanley, Business President, of 42 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Men and Managements Textile Council of Philadelphia, Huss, Frank W., Business President, of 122 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born in New Orleans, La. ;and received an academic education. Since 1900 he has been in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is pre sident of the Vine Street Lyric Theatre Company, and several other theatre com panies and industrial corporations. He mar ried Miss Louise H. Hollwede; and they have one son, and reside at Avondale, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Huss, Henry Holden, Musician and Com poser, of 144 East One Hundred and Fif tieth Street, New York City, was born on June 21, 1862, in Newark, N.J. He is the author of Ave Maria Songs and Rhapso dies. Hussey, William Joseph, Educator, Ast ronomer and Author, of Ann Arbor, Mich., was born Aug. 10, 1862, in Mendon, Ohio. Since 1905 he has been director of the ob servatory of the University of Michigan, and in 1911-17 was director of the Argen tine National Observatory of the City of La Plata. He is the author of many Astro nomical Articles, and discoverer of One Thousand, Six Hundred and Fifty Double Stars. Husted, James Delmo, Member of the Denver Club. He was born Sept. 26, J857 in Clarksfield, Ohio. He is president of the Equitable Finance and Development Com pany. He resides at 2310 Vine Street, Den ver, Colo. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 291 Hustis, James H., Business President, of North Station, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston and Lowell Rail road Company, and a director in other cor porations. Hutchins, Charles Henry, Business Man, of Shrewsbury, Mass.; and a member of the Worcester Club, and various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 13, 1847, in Douglas, Mass. He is president and treasur er of the Knowles Loom Works. He resides in Shrewsbury, Mass. Hutchins, Charles P., Treasurer and Di rector, of 50 Congress Street,Boston,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is director of the Carrabassett Tim- berland Company and other corporations. Hutchins, Edward W., Lawyer and Di rector, of Sears Building, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Cambridge Gas Light Company and other corporations. Hutchins, Francis S., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Richbroson Hotel Company and other corporations. Hutchins, Robert G., Jr., Director, of 5 Nassau Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Allis Chalmers Manufact uring Company and other corporations. Hutchinson, Charles Lawrence, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born March 7, 1854, in Lynn, Mass. He is vice-president of the Corn Exchange National Bank. He resides at 2709 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Hutchinson, J. T., Business President and Treasurer, of 1948 West Twenty-sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Clifton Club. He was born Dec. 26,1866 in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has been sec retary And treasurer of Fries and Schuele Company. He is also president of the Alot- ment Discount Company, the National Com mercial Company, and the Alotment Build ing Company; and is treasurer of the Peer less Trading Stamp Company, and the An nex Building Company. He resides at 6308 Franklin Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Hutchinson, Miller Reese, Business Presi dent, of 233 Broadway, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Corporation of Indust rial Engineers, and a director in other cor porations. Hutton, James M., Director, of 60 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Rolling Mill Company and other corporations. Hutton, Josiah Lawson, Member of the Memphis Club. He was born on March 11, 1860, in Bedford County, Tenn. Since 1914 he has been president of the Banks of Ten nessee. He resides in Memphis, Tenn. Hyde, Edward Warden, Member of the Colonial Club. He was born Aug. 9, 1868, in Bath, Maine. He is the incorporator and was first vice-president of the Bath Trust Company. He resides at 128 North Street, Bath, Maine. Hyde, Edwin, Francis, Member of the Century Club. He was borne June 23, 1842 in New York. In 1886 he has been vice-pre sident of the Central Trust Company. He resides at 36 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York City. Hyman, Frank W., Business President, of 1465 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Multi-Color Corporation; and treasurer, director and manager of the Gravure Machinery and Equipment Corporation. Hynicka, Rudolph K., Treasurer and Di rector, of 701 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director of the Amalgamated Burlesque Enterprises, the Baltimore Theatre Company, the Bos ton Gayety Theatre Company, the Chicago Gayety Theatre Company,the Chicago Hay- market Theatre Company, and a dozen oth er corporations. He resides at the Hotel Beresford, 1 West Eighty-first Street, New York City. Icely, Lawrence B., Manufacturer,of 701 709 North Sangamon Street, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 2, 1884, in Leaf River, 111. He was educated in Chicago High School. He has been vice-president and manager of 292 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Wright and Ditson of California; and gen eral manager of Wright and Ditson of Illi nois. Since 1917 he has been president- of Thos. E. Wilson and Company of Chicago. He is a member of the New York Athletie Club, the Olympic Club of San Francisco, and the Elks Club of Chicago. In 1907 he married Miss Kathryn Flynn; and they re side at 5056 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. Iglehart, D. S., Business President and Director, of 7 Hanover Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Guayaquil Agencies Company, and the International Machinery Company. He is vice-presidont of W. E. Grace and Company, the Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Corporation,the Chi- cama Central Factory Company, and the Cartevio Sugar Company of Peru; and is also a director of the Grace Steamship Company and other corporations. Illoway, Henry, Physician and Author, of 1113 Madison Avenue, New York City, was born Nov. 29, 1848, in Bohemia. He was educated in the public schools and by priv ate tutors; and received his medical educa tion at Miami Medical College of Cincin nati, Ohio. In 1869-70 he was resident phy sician to the Cincinnati Hospital; was pro fessor of the Diseases of Children at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Sur- uery: and visiting physician to the Jewish Hospital of that city. He is the author of Constipation in Adults and Children, with Special Reference to Habitual Constipation and its Most Successful Treatment by Me chanical Methods ;The American Text-Book of the Diseases of Children and other works. Illsley, William A., Building Contractor, of 11(10 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 38, 1852, in Newark, N.J. In lSf)<)-70 he resided in St. Louis. In 1871- 75 he was civil engineer with the Milwau kee Water Works; and since 1883 has been engaged in the general building business. He is now vice-president of the Lanquist and Illsley Company. Illsley, James Keeler.Member of the Mil waukee Club. He was born April 14, 1854, in Milwaukee, Wis. He has been cashier v.ce-president and president of the Mar shall and Illsley Bank, and in 1915 retired. He resides at 575 Astor Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Imrie, Thomas, Business Man and Direc tor, of 234 West One Hundred and Forty - second Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is di rector of the International Marine Weld ing Company; is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Ingersoll, William Harrison, Member of the City Club, and various other clubs and societies. He is a successful manufacturer and business president of 246 Fifth Avenue New York City. He is a partner in the Rob ert H. Ingersoll and Company; and vice- president of the George F. Eberhard Com pany. He is president of The Peeitype Cor poration of America, with New York Sales Office at 246 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Ingraham, Frances Adelaide Leverich, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. She has been pre sident-general of the Daughters of the Re volution. She resides in Tarrytown, N.Y. Inman, Mrs. N. M., (Mildred McPheeters Inman), Member of the City Club. She was born in Bedford City, Va. She has been president of the Atlanta Art Association. She resides at 552 Peachtree Street, Atlan ta, Ga. Innes, Charles H., Lawyer and Director, of 53 State Street, Beoston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ireland, Chester D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 225 Fourth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs ana socie ties. He is treasurer and director of Zoll- inger and Schroth. He is a member of the firm of W. H. Duval and Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Irons, Charles F., Busines President and Director, of 95 Chestnut Street, Providence R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Irons and Russell Company, vice-president of the Ci tizens Savings Bank, and is director of the High Street Bank, and of the Citizens Safe and Deposit Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 293 irvine, James, Member of the Bohemian Club. He was born Oct. 16, 1867, in San Francisco, Cal. He is president of the Ir vine Company, of San Francisco. He re sides at 2421 Pierce Street, San Francisco Cal. Irvine, M. Belle, President of the Nor folk Society of Arts. She resides at Mow- bray Arch and Fairfax Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Irving, Gardner, Business President, of 195 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gold and Stock Life In surance Company, and a director in other corporations. Isaacs, Samuel S., Business President, of 266 Grand Street, New York City; and a member of the New York County Lawyers Association, the Greater New York Tax payers Association,and the Masonic Frater nity. He was born in New York City; and graduated from the Columbia University Law School. He is vice-president of the Torrens Tittle League, and other organiza tions. He is president of the Seaboard Ra dio Corporation, secretary of the Etbert Realty Company, and a director of the Pub lic Fuel Service. In 1920 he married Miss Gertrude Rosenberg; and they have one son, and reside at 72 East Ninety-sixth Street, New York City. Isbell, Orland S., Business Man and Di rector, of 56 Nassau Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Lawyers Mortgage Company. He is also vice-presi dent of the Liberty Brokerage Company, and vice-president of the Nassau-Maiden Lane Building Corporation. Iselin, Adrian, Business President and Director, of 36 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is member of the firm of A. Ise lin and Company. He is president of the Cowanshannock Coal and Coke Company, president of the Helvetia Realty Company and a director of the Bronx Traction Com pany, and a score of other corporations. Iselin, Arthur, Business President, of 357 Fourth Avenue, New York City; /and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Interlaken Realty Company, and a director in other corpora"- tions. Iselin, Columbus Donnell,Business Pre sident, of 3 West Fifty-second Street, New York City; and a member of variousclubs and societies. He is president of the New Rochelle Water Company; and vice-presi dent of the Neptune Realty Company, the New York Homestead Company, and the New York Dock Company. He is a director of the Mahoning Valley Company and of a dozen other corporations. Iselin, Lewis, Director, of 36 Wall Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Consolidated Coal and Iron Company and other corporations. Iselin, O Donnell, Vice-president, Direc tor and Trustee, of 36 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Char lotte Docks Company, vice-president of the Interlaken Realty Company, vice-president of the Jefferson and Cleat-field Coal and Iron Company, vice-president of the Man hattan Storage and Warehouse Company. He is a director of the Brush Creek Coal Mining Company, the George Hall Coal and Transportation Company, the Ontario Car Ferry Company, and the Pittsburgh Gas Coal Company. Isley, James K., President of the Layton Art Gallery. He resides at 438 Jefferson Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Ives, Henry W., Business President, of 75 Fulton Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Matthews and Company and a director in other corporations. Ivory, David, C., Business President, of 7371 Russell Street, Detroit, Mich., was born in 1888, in Norwich, N.Y. He was educated in the public schools of his native town. Since 1914 he has been vice-presi dent of the Ivory Cartage Corporation. He lias filled many positions of trust and ho nor. He is a member of various clubs and societies. He married Miss Maude Downey ; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside in Detroit, Mich. 294 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Jackling, Daniel C., Business President, of 25 Broad Street/New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i> president of the Butte and Superior Min ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Jackson, Albert Atlee, Member of the Philadelphia Club. He was born May 28, 1867, in Stamford, Conn. Since 1900 he has been vice-president of the Girard Trust Company. He resides in Chestnut Hill, Phi ladelphia, Pa. Jackson, Arthur Charles, Member of the City Club. He was born June 29, 1858, in Waitsfield, Vt. Since 1908 he has been pre sident of the National Good Road Associa tion. He was the founder and first presi dent of the Daniel Webster Birthplace As sociation. He resides in Portland, Maine. Jackson, C. S., President of the Apollo Club, with a mixed chorus of tw r o hundred and fifty voices. He resides at 208 North Wells Street, Chicago, 111. Jackson, C. M., Business President, of P. 0. Box 314, Stockton, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Stockton Fire and Enameled Brick Company, and a director in other corporations. Jackson, Donald E., Business President, of Smith Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eastern Bolt and Nut Company and other corporations. Jackson, Frank Dar, Insurance President and Governor, of Des Moines, Iowa, was born Jan. 26, 1854, in Arcade, N.Y. He was educated at the Iowa State Agricultural College and in 1874 graduated from the law department of the Iowa State University. In 1882-84 he was secretary of the Iowa State Senate; and was secretary of the State Senate of Iowa for three terms. In 1894-9(5 he was Governor of Iowa. He is now president of the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, Des Moines,lowa. Jackson, James, Business President, of State House, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Boston Council of Social Agencies, and a director in other corpora tions. Jackson, Joseph M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 49 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Western Water Company and other corporations. Jackson, William Benjamin, Engineer of Pittsfield, Mass., was born June 23, 1870, in Kennett Square, Pa. He is consulting engineer and owner and operator of Broad view Cattle Ranch. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Jacob, C. Albert, Business President, of 539 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Scourene Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Jackob, Charles, Business President, of 539 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mathushek and Son Piano Company, and a director in other corporations. Jacobs, Benjamin D., Treasurer and Di rector, of 708 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Manhattan Can Company and other corporations. Jacobs, Charles Joel, Manufacturer, of 17 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 14, 1856, in New York City. He was educated in the public school of New York City. Since 1870 he has been identi fied with silverware business; and since 1903 has been secretary and western man ager of the Knickerbocker Silver Company of New York and Chicago, with factory at Port Jervis, N.Y. In 1900 he married Miss Bertha Louise Hall ; and they have a family of three sons,and reside at 2740 Pine Grove Avenue, Chicago, 111. Jacobs, E. Louis, Treasurer and Director of 35 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Tremont Mills and oth er corporations. Jacobs, Harry W., President of the Buf falo School Art Association. He resides in Buffalo, N.Y. Jacobs, Henry C., Treasurer and Director of Broadway and Forty-seventh Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 295 and societies. He is treasurer and director of Jacobs and Jermon, Theatrical Enter prises. He is prominent in the theatrical World; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Jacobs, Max, Treasurer and Director, of 400 Greenwich Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies.He is treasurer and director of the Schlecht and Klie Company, importers and con-.mis- sion merchants; he is prominently identi fied with business and public affa*rs, and has held many positions > t-r.p; and ho nor. Jacobs, Michel, Member of the Salmaguii di Club of New York, the National Press Club of Washington, D.C., the Army and Club of Washington, D.C., the Ann.; an<l Navy Club of New York, and the American Legion Military Order of the World-War. He is director of the Metropolitan Art School, and Major of the United States Ar my Reserve. He has been an Artist, Au thor, Art Director, and Soldier. He resides at 58 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City. Jacobs, Samuel E., Business President and Director, of 80 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Broad way-Flushing Company, president of the Harvey Building, president of the Peoples Big Market, and president and director of a dozen other corporations. Jacobson, Aron H., Business President, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and manager of the A-J Con tracting Company. He is also treasurer and director of the Kuster Office Partition Company, and of the U-Need-It-Dry Stor age Battery. Jacoby, Henry Sylvester, Educator, Civil Engineer and Author, of Ithaca, N.Y. He was born April 8, 1857, in Springtown, Pa. Since 1890 he has been professor of bridge engineering at Cornell University of Itha ca, N.Y. He is the author of Structural De tails on Plain Lettering and other works.He resides at 105 Harvard Place, Ithaca, N.Y. Jadwin, Stanley P., Business President, of 63 Cortlandt Street, New York Cityjand a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Limestone Phosphate Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Jaeckel, Richard, Vice-president and Di rector, of Fifth Avenue and Forty-Fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-pre sident of H. Jaeckel and Sons, Incorporat ed. Jaffray, Olive Talbot, Member of the Minneapolis Club. He was born July 1,1865 in Berlin, Ontario, Canada. He is president of the First and Security National Bank of Minneapolis. He resides at 1616 Mount Curve Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Jaffray, Robert, Business Man and Trea surer, of 58 West Forty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of the Country Club, the Grolier Club, the University Club, the Yale Club, and the Barnard Club; a*id is also a member of the Metropolitan Mu seum of Art and other organizations. He was born July 4, 1854. in New Rochelle, N.Y. He is a governor of the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, a director of the Union Settlement, and treasurer of the Grolier Club of New York City. He mar ried Miss Lydia Butler Griffin, of Catskill N.Y.; and they reside at 58 West Forty- sixth Street, New York City. Jagels, C. H. C., Business President, of 1961 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Marie Antoinette Hotel James, Arthur Curtiss, Business Presi dent, of 99 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Curtiss Secur ities Company, and a director in other cor porations. James, Charles C., Business President, of 1 Wall Street, Nr v York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the James Appliance Company and a director in other corporations. Jam.es, Clinton R., Business President, of 193 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the John F. James and Sons, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. 296 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST! James, Darwin Rush, Business President and Director, of 291 Broadway, New York City, and a member of the Civic Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 10, 1873, in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and received an academic education. He is pre sident of the East River Savings Institu tion, the American Chicle Company, and the Fairchild Realty Company; and is a di rector of the National Bank of Brooklyn, the National Farm Equipment Company, and the Title Guarantee and Trust Compa ny. Ilo resides at 301 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. James, William T., Business President, of 120 Jamaica Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Queens County Savings Bank, and a director in other cor porations. Jameson, James William, Business Pre sident and Director, of the I.W. HeUraan Building, Los Angeles, CaL; and a member of the Jonathan Club, the Los Angeles Ath letic Club, and the Flintridge Country Club. He was born June 9, 1862, in Humboldt County, Cal. ; and is a lawyer by profession. Since 1899 he has been in the business of producing, refining and marketing petrol eum; and also in building materials. He is president of the Blue Diamond Materials Company, the Ruby Oil Company, the Ca- talina View Oil Company, and the Jameson Petroleum Company. He is also owner of the Jameson Oil Company, and a director in other corporations. In 1900 he married Miss Ida M. Smith ; and they reside in Sier ra Madre, Cal. Jamieson, Charles C.,Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Goethals, Well and Company, Incor porated, and other corporations. Jamison, John A., Director, of 139 Cen ter Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Holmes Electric Protective Company and other corporations. Janes, G. J. I., Merchant and Financier, of 30 North State Street, Chicago, 111., was born July 15, 1861, in Quebec, Canada. He is manager of Hillman s Department Store, He is a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, the Press Club, the South Shore Country Club, and president of the Beverly Country Club. Janko, Nehemiah, Physician and Inventor was born Aug. 25, 1872, in Kishineff, Kus- sia. He was educated in the Russian Clas sical Gymnasia high school and college, in Vladikavkaz, Caucasus. He studied medic ine and surgery in the New York Universi ty Medical College; and graduated in 1898 from a school of medicine in Baltimore, with the degree, of M.D. He was connected with the New York School of Clinical Med icine, Beth Israel Hospital Dispensary, Good Samaritan Dispensary; and attended the Tuberculosis Clinic of the Mt. Sinai Hospital Dispensary. He is a member of the New York County and State Medical Socie ties; also the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is originator of Safe-Town Planning and Model Cities. He resides at 35 West One Hundred and Twenty-thirl Street, New York Cii/y. Janney, Thomas B., Member of the Min neapolis Club. He was born Oct. 5, 1838, in Shanesville, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been president of Janney, Semple,Hill and Com pany. He resides at 340 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Jaqua, Charles B., Business President, of 50 East Forty-second Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Blast Fur nace Products Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Jenssen, Werner, Composer, of 34 West Thirtieth Street, New York City; and a member of the Arts Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Society of Composers, Playwrights and Authors; and of the Asso ciated Musicians of Greater New York,and several Fraternities. He was born Jnue 1, 1898, in New York City; arid was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Dart mouth College. He is the Composer of Oliv er Morosco s musical song, Love Dreams; and many popular classical songs. He is vice-president of Janssen s Hofbrau, Lim ited. He resides at the Hermitage, Times Square, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 207 Janotta, John, Treasurer and Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lakeland Phosphate Company and other corporations. Janssen, August, Business President, of 34 West Thirtieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the North Shore Building Company, and a director in other corporations. Jardine, Mrs. J. A.,President of the Fai- go Music Club. She resides at Fargo, ft.j_. Jardine, John Earle, Business President and Director, of 640 Spring Street, Los An geles, Cal. ; and a member of the California Club, the Mid wick Country Club, the Val ley Hunt Club, and the Newport Harbor Yacht Club;and is also member of the Sons of Revolution, and the Society of Colonial Wars. He was born Dec. 7, 1871 in New York City. In 1904-21 he was vice-president of William R. Staats Company, of which he is now president. He is also president of Arroyo Robles Land Company, the Central Counties Gas Company, the Euclid Avenue Water Company, and the Oro Loma Farms Company; and is a director of the South California Iron and Steel Company and other corporations. In 1893 he married Miss Mary C. Peck; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside m Los Angeles, Cal. Jaretzki, Alfred, Director, of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Detroit Edison Company and other corporations. Jarvine, James Newbegin, Member of the Metropolitan. Club. He was born in Man chester, England. He is a trustee of the Central Trust Company. He resides in Mont- clair, N.J. Jarvin,ThomasN., Director, of 165 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director oi the Wyoming Valley and Coal Company, and other corporations. Jasper, T. A., Business Manager and Di rector, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs anJ socie ties. He is secretary, director and manager of Comstock and Theakston, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled mau.y po sitions of trust arid honor. Jedlon, John W., Member of the Bohem ian Club, Riverside Golf Club, Plesades Lodge, and director of the Cicero Chamber of Commerce. He was born Sept. 25, 1876, in Chica To, 111. He is vice-president and at torney of the Western State Bank, Cicero, 111. Hs rasides at Riverside, 111. Je Person, John Percival, Member of the Ait Club. He was born March 11, 1852, in New Castle County, Del. He is vice-presi dent of the Warren Savings Bank. He re sides in Warren, Pa. Jeffery, Edward T., Business President of 165 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Utah Fuel Compai.v Jelliffo, Clinton N.,Director,of 120 Broal v : -ay, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and socijiie:r IFe is a dir^clor of the American L ght MI id T ruction Com pany, and a director in otlu r corporations. Jemison, Robert J., Real Estate (KUeial of Birmingham, Ala., was born Feb. 28, 1878, in Tuscaloosa, Ala. He has been pre sident of the Chamber of COIMI.-MH SO of his city. He is president of the Cn.r..y Land Company and president Jencks, Howard W., Business President, of 45 Waldo Street, Provident M, R.I.; and a member of the Providence Central Ctul>,tb..> \Vannamoisset Country Clu l >, :Mil the Eco nomic Club. He was born Dec 7, 1870, in Providence, R.I. Since 1918 lie has been president and treasurer of the Jencks Pap er Box Company; and is identified with va rious other enterprises. In 1904 h3 married Miss Edith M. Colwell; and they reside at 171 Ontario Street, Providen ";, R.I. Jenkins, Edmund Fellows, Member of the City Club. He was born July 28, 1844, in Weedsport, N.Y. He served for fiftyfive years as superintendent of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children from its organization in 1874. His address is 2880 Broadway, New York City. 298 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISl Jenett, Norma, President of the Harmo ny Club, with a membership of fifty active, and ten honorary women. She resides at Wesley Street, Greenville, Texn ;. Jenkins, George Haskins, Business Pre sident, of 320-322 Federal Street, Chicago, TIL, was born June 18, 1857, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was educated at the Brooklyn pub lic school. Since 1882 he has been connect ed with Shea Smith and Company, printers stationers and binders; and is now presi dent and treasurer of that corporation. He is a member of the Union League Club,the Oak Park Club, and the Glen Oak Country Club. In 1891 he married Miss Nelly Dur- fee; and they have a family of three sons; and reside at 202 North Ridgeland Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Jenkins, Mrs. W. F., President of the Charleston Art Association. She resides in Charleston, 111. Jenkinson, Richard C., Member of the Union League Club. He was born April 14, 1853, in Newark, N.J. He is founder and president of the R. C. Jenkinson and Com pany, manufacturers of metal goods. He resides at 678 High Street, Newark, N.J. Jenks, James L., Lawyer and Director, of 255 .Main Street, Pawtucket, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Adam Sutcliffe Compa ny and other corporations. Jenks, Robert E., Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Staples Coal Company, and a director in other corporations. Jenks, Robert R., Business President, of 320 Dexter Street, Pawtucket, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fales and Jenks Mach ine Company, and a director in other cor porations. Jennings, Oliver G-., Director of 52 Van- derbilt Avenue, New York City; and is a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Fuel Gas Com pany and other corporations. Jennings, Percy H., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Paper Company and other corporations. Jennings, Robert E., Director, of 100 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Eastern Steel Company and other corporations. Jennings, Sidney J., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Franklin Mining Company and other corporations. Jennings, Walter, Member of the Univer sity Club. He was born Sept. 14, 1858, in San Francisco, Cal. He is a trustee of the New York Trust Company. He resides at 9 East Seventieth Street, New York City. Jennison, Clark S., Business President.of 40 Wall Street, New York City ;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the New Mine Issues Company, and a director in other corporations. Jepherson, George A., President of the Arion Club, with mixed chorus of one hund red voices. He resides at 134 Brown Street, Providence, R.I. Jepson, Mrs. Beebe Ruth, Osteopath, of 1504 Broadway, Detroit, Mich., w r as born on July 23, 1879, in Keokuk, Iowa. She was educated at the Northern Illinois Nor mal School of Dixon, 111., and the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville. Since 1908 she has been a resident of Detroit, Mich., and is now osteopath at 1504 Broad way and the Hotel Fuller. In 1909-12 she w T as the sole owner of the Doctor Beebe Ruth Jepson Osteopathic Sanitarium. She is a widow, and has one son, and resides at Hotel Fuller, Detroit, Mich. Jepson, Kerry Benjamin, Musician, of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., was born Aug. 11, 1870, in New Haven, Conn. He received degrees of B.A., Mus.Bac. and A.M. from Yale University. He is organist and director of the Chaps! of Music, at the Yale University. He is in charge of the. Newberry organ at the Woolsey Hall, and is also professor of Applied Music in the School of Music. In 1985 he married Mabel Preston Wyatt; and they reside at 42 Col lege Street, New Haven, Conn. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOG TQm 299 Jermon, John G., Business President, of 701 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the District of Columbia Theatre Company, Jessup, Walter Albert, Member of the College of Teachers of Education Society, National Society for Study of Education, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 12, 1877, in Richmond, Ind. Since 1913 he has been dean of the College of Education of the State University of Iowa. He is the author of Social Factors Affecting Supervision of Special Subjects. In 1898 he married Miss Eleanor Hines,and they have two sons, and reside at 102 Church Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Jewett, Freeland, Business President, of 45 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eastern Talc Company, Jillson, Willard Rouse, Consulting Geo logist, of Old Capitol Building, Frankfort, Ky.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 28, 1890, in Sy racuse, N.Y. He was assistant professor of geology, at the University of Kentucky. He is the author of Geological Research in Kentucky. John, Robert, Business President, of 229 West Twenty-eighth Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Daylight Film Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Johns, Arthur, Treasurer and Director, of 140 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Ea^le Oil and Pipe Company and other corporations. Johns, William H.. Member of the Union League Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Manhattan Club, the National Arts Club, and the Bayside Yacht Club. He is a successful business man of 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City. He was born in ]868; and graduated from the College of the City of New York, Class of 1887, with the degree of B.S. He is president of the George Batten Company, Advertising. He is also a director of the Bayside National Bank, secretary of the Bayside Yacht Club, and president of the Queensborough Cham ber of Commerce. During the World-War he was appointed by President Wilson as chairman of the Division of Advertising, Committee on Public Information; and was one of the founders and the first president of the American Association of Advertis ing Agencies. He resides at Bayside, Long Island, N.Y. Johnson, Alba Boardman, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Feb. 6, 1858, in Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1911 he became vice-president, treasurer and president of Burnham, Williams and Company, and re signed in 1919. He resides in Rosemont,Pa. Johnson, Alexander, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 2, 1847, in Ashton- under-Lyne, Lancashire, England. In 1887- 89 he was general secretary of the Charity Organization Society of Chicago. Since 1919 he has been director of the Alexander Mil- ney Home School for Girls. He is the au thor of Guide to the Study of Charities and Correction. He resides in Kenner, La. Johnson, Archibald C., Seed Merchant, of 2750 West Thirty-first Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 13, 1882, in Allegheny, Pa. He is buyer for Albert Dickinson and Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, and various other clubs and societies. Johnson, Arthur S., Business President, Treasurer and Trustee, of 253 Common wealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born June 4, 1863, in Boston, Mass; and was educated at Harvard College. He is a director of the Workingmen s Loan Asoci- rtion. He is president of the Boston Young Men s Christian Association, president of the New England Home for Little Wander- rrs, and a trustee of the Summer Street Firenmen s Fund. In 1895 he married Miss Jennie M. Blake; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and main tain homes in Boston, New York, and Phi ladelphia. Johnson, Benjamin N., Lawyer and Di rector, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Commercial Na tional Bank and other corporations. 300 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Johnson, George F., Business President, of 30 East Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of Eight Hundred- Fifty Park Avenue Corporation, and a di rector in other corporations. Johnson, Gilbert H., Treasurer and Di rector, of Spin-ten Duyvil, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Preferred Havana To bacco Company and other corporations. Johnson, Grover L., President of the Ca lifornia Museum Association. He resides in Sacramento, Cal. Johnson, Join Lovo l, Member of the Al gonquin Club. He was born June 26, 1876, in Worcester, Mass. He is president of the Iver Johnson s Arms and Cycle Works of Fitchburg. He resides at The Johnsonia, Fitchburg, Mass. Johnson, Philander Chase,Journalist, Au thor and Poet, of 3425 Thirty-Fourth Place Washington, D.C., was born Feb. 6, 1866,in Wheeling, W.Va. lie is editorial writer and dramatic critic of the Washington Star.He is the author of Sayings of Uncle Eben, Now-a-l)ay Poems, and Senator Sorghum s Primer of Politics. He is a member of the Gridiron Club. In 1890 he married Miss Louise Covert, now deceased. In 1908 he married Mrs. Mary A. Hagman, and they reside in Washington, D.C. Johnson, Reginald H., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Boston Plate and Win dow Glass Company and other corpora tions. Johnson, Remsen, Business President, of 193 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Bushwick Junction Real Estate Company, and a director in other corporations. Johnson, Walter L., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 71 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Passaic Worsted Spin ning Company and other corporations. Johnson, Willam Clinton.President of the Chamber of Commerce of Danville, Ill.;and a member of the Elks and all Masonic Bo dies. He was born Dec. 28, 1859, in Rich mond, Ky. ; and is a successful real estate broker and business man. He resides at 1622 North Vermilion Street, Daliville, 111. Johnson, William Pierce, Business Presi dent, of 248 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Crown Wil- liamette Paper Company and other corpo rations. Johnson, Wright, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Bolanito Mines Company and other corporations. Johnston, Archibald, Member of the Un ion League Club. He was born May 30, 1865 in Phoenixville, Pa. He is vice-president of the Bethlehem Steel Products Company. He resides in Bethlehem, Pa Johnston, Ernest H., Business President of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the City Light and Water Johnston, Jubanne, Member of the Stu dio Club, of Hollywood, Cal. She was boni in 1880 in Indianapolis, Ind. She was edu cated at the Hollywood School for Giiis; and was a solo dancer on the stage. In bei screen career she has appeared in Seeing Thru Better Times,,and in Realart Pictures. Her home is at 328 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, Cal. Johnston, Lucy Browne (Mrs. Agnew Johnston), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born April 7, 1847, in Camden, O- hio. Since 1889 she has been a member of the Kansas Traveling Library Commission. In 1911-13 she was president of the Kansas Equal Suffrage Association. She resides at 1900 West Sixth Avenue, Minneapolis, Kan. Johnston, Thomas Alexander, Educator of Boonville, Mo., was born Nov. 13, 1848, in Cooper County, Mo. He received the de grees of A.B. and A. M. from the Universi ty of Missouri. In 1881 he has been superin tendent of the Kemper Military School ;and since 1909 he has been president of the Kemper Military School Corporation. He is also the president of several business cor porations, and resides in Boonville, Mo. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 301 Johnstone, Edward Ransom, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 27, 1370 in Gait, Ontario, Canada. Since 1900 he has been superintendent of the Training School for Feeble Minded of Vineland, N.J. He is editor of the Training School Bulletin. He resides in Vineland, N.J. Joly. Rodrigue, Treasurer and Director, of 17 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Transporta tion Company and other corporations. Jonas, Nathan S., Member of various clubs and societies. He is successful banker of 774 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. He was born Aug. 1, 1868, in Montgomery, Ala.; and received a technical education. He is president of the Manufacturers Trust Com pany, member of the Federal Reserve Sys tem. He resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. Jcnas, Ralph, Business President, Direc tor and Trustee, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Jonas and Neuberger. He is president of the Tower Manufacturing Company, and president of Fundy Company. He is vice- presideht of the Webb-Freyschlag Mercan tile Company, vice-president of the Brook lyn Chamber of Commerce, and trustee of the Summer Savings Bank of Brooklyn.He is a director of the Prospect Realty Compa ny and other corporations. Jones, A. F., Vice-president and Director of 8 Bridge Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, manager and director of the Norwegian American Line Agency, In corporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has hald numerous positions of trust and ho nor. Jones, Frank H., Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Power and Mining Machinery Com pany and other corporations. Jones, G. H., Manufacturer of Franklin and Third Streets, Oregon, 111., was born in 1875, in Oregon, Ill.He was educated in the public schools in his native city, and at the Rockford Business College. Since 1913 he has been president of the Schiller Piano Company. He is also president of the Bond Secure Oil Company of Wichita Falls and Vernon, Texas. Jones, Harry L., Business President, of 68 Jay Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Grand Union Tea Company and a director in other corporations. Jones, Horace C., Manufacturer, Consho- hocken, Pa., and a member of the Philadel phia Country Club, and the Gulph Mills Golf Club. He was born June 16, 1857 ;and was educated at the Pennsylvania Univer sity. He is a director of the Union League of Philadelphia. He is president of The H. C. Jones Company, the First National Bank of Conshohocken, and vice-president of the Rotary Worsted Mills of Passaic. He is a director of the American Gas Company of Philadelphia, the Morristown Trust Com pany, and the Lee Tire and Rubber Compa ny of Conshohocken. He married Miss Lin da Loch; and they have one son, and reside in Conshohocken, Pa. Jones, J. Albert, President of the Sub urban Choral Union, with a membership of one hundred and fifty-five men and women. He resides at 2217 St. James Avenue, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Jones, James C., General Manager and Business President, of Kir by Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the Un ion Club, the Westwood Country Club, and the Cleveland Athletic Club; and is a pro minent Mason. Since 1897 he has been identified with the Cleveland Steel Compa ny, of which he is president and general manager. Jones, John E., President of the Arion Musical Club, with a membership of two hundred voices. He resides at 581 Maryland Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Jones, John Hall, Lawyer, Treasurer and Director, of 350 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bronx National Bank of the City of New lork, the Mutual Tire Rubber Company, the N. E. Newman Company, the Tide- Water Cor poration, the Tokstad Company, and the Asbestos, Limited. 302 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIS1 Jones, Joseph Harris, Business President of 1455 Undereliff Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Highbridge Building Company, and a director in other corporations. Jones, Lawrence, C.,Edwator and Found er, of Braxton, Miss. In 1903 he graduated from the High School of Marshalltown, Io wa; and in 1907 from the State University of Iowa. He is the founder and principal of the Pim Y Woods Country Life School of Braxton, Miss. He is a member of several clubs and societies. In 1914 he married Miss Grace M. Allen, and they have a family of two sons, and reside in Braxton, Miss. Jones, Lewis Henry, Member of the De troit Club. lie was born May 3, 1856, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1907 he has been pre sident of the Detroit Copper and Brass Rol ling Mills. He resides at 1721 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Jones, Lewis Ralph, Educator, Botanist and an Author, of 146 Prospect Avenue, Madison, Wis., was born Dec. 5, 1864, in Brandon, Wis. He was professor of botany in the University of Vermont in 1889-1910; and since 1910 has been professor of Plant Pathology in the University of Wisconsin. He is the author oi various works on Eco nomic, Botany and Plant Pathology. Jones, Paul L., Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is a director of the Brush Electric Company and other corporations. Jones, Seward William, Manufacturer and Banker, of 10 High Street, Boston, Mass., was born Feb. 9, 1857, in Ebensburg Pa. He is a trustee of the Newton Center Savings Bank ; and a president of the New ton Trust Company and also of the Newton ville Trust Company. He has been president of the National Association of Granite In dustries of the United States. For Thirteen years he has been a member of the Newton Board of Health ; and for four years a member of the State Board of Insanity. For three years he was a member of the Gov ernors Council; was a director of Need- ham Trust Company. He is a member of the Braburn Club, the City Club, the Traf fic Club, and the Charles River Country Club. In 1881 he married Miss Sarah A. Weller; and they have a family of two daughters,and reside at 49 Columbus Street Newton Highlands, Mass. Jones, Thomas Jesse, Member of the City Club. He was born Aug. 4, 1873, in Llan- factraeth, Wales. Since J913 he has been director of research of the Phelps Stokes Fund. He is the author of The Sociology of a. New York City Block. His address is 3462 Macomb Street, Washington, D.C. Jones, William R., Business President, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mines Holding and Op erating Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Jones, W. W., Vice-president and Direc tor, of Merchants National Bank,San Fran cisco, Cal.; and a member of the Pacific Union Club, the Olympic Club, and the Pre sidio Golf Club. Since 1915 he has been president of the Merchants National Bank. In 1907 he married Miss Viola E. White; and they reside at 1740 Franklin Street, San Francisco, Cal. Jordahl, Anders, Business President, of 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Midwest Steel and Sup ply Company, and a director in other cor porations. Jordan, George Gunby, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born Jun< 19, 1846, in Sparta, Ga. Since 1888 he ha; been president of Second National Bank o\ Columbus, Ga. He resides in Columbus,Ga. Jordan, Noah W., Director of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Great Northern Power Company and other corporations. Joselyn, Lewis H., Business President, of 744 Washington Street, Boston, Alasj. . anl a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wood Piai.o Company. Joy, Henry Bourne, Meuibc.- of the Uni versity Club. He was born Nov. 23, 1SG4, in Detroit, Mich. He is presicen: of the Pack ard Motor Car Company. He resides in De troit, Mich. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 303 Jourdan, James H., Business President, of 176 Remsen Street, Brooklm, N.Y.; an-i a member of various cluos and societies. Me is president of the Brook- yi Union (Jas Company and a director in other corpora tions. Joyce, Adrian D., Member of the Union Club and the Country Club of Cleveland, Ohio. He was born Nov. 1, 1872, in Surn- ner, Iowa ; and is president of the Glidden Company. He resides at 184 Eddy Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Judell, Arthur, Treasurer and Director, of 12 Prince Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Bellevue Shoe Corpora tion and other corporations. Judell, Louis, Business President, of 47 West Thirty-Fourth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Bellevue Shoe Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Judge, Arthur Homer, Clergyman, of 32 West Eighty-fourth Street,New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Aug. 11, 1859, in Mont real, Canada. Since 1900 he has been rec tor of St. Matthews Episcopal Church of New York City. In 1884 he married Miss Frederica G. Mathias; and they have a fa mily of three sons and one daughter, and reside in New York City. Judge, James P., Business President, of 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Equitable Building and Loan Association, and a director in other corporations. Judg6, William J., Business President,of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Fuel Gas Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Judkins, Charles S., Director, of 20 Pem- berton Square, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Exchange Trust Company and other corporations. Judson, Harry Pratt, Educator and Au thor, of 1146 East Fifty-Ninth Street, Chi cago, 111., was born Dec. 20, 1849, in James town, N.Y. He was educated at the Wil liams College. Since 1907 he has been pre sident of the University of Chicago. He has been principal of the High School of New York. He is the author of The Young Am erican and other works. In 1879 he married Miss Rebecca A. Gilbert, and they have one daughter, and reside at 1146 East Fifty- ninth Street, Chicago, 111. Julbe, Vicente M., Merchant and Manu facturer, of 11 East Forty-second Street, New York City, was born Dec. 18, 1867, in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He was educated at Mount Pleasant Military Academy, and at Steven s Institute of Technology. He has been assistant general manager and general representative of the Equitable Life Insur ance Society of the United States, in the Republic of Cuba. He is now president and sole owner of the Home Devices Corpora tion, w r ith showrooms in New York City, and factory in Brooklyn, N.Y. He resides at the Commodore Hotel, New York City; and maintains a home in Habana, Cuba. Juul, Niels, Lawyer and Congressman, of 19 LaSalle Street , Chicago, 111., was born in Denmark. In 1898 he received the degree of LL.B. from Lake Forest University; and in 1899 was admitted to the bar. In 1898 he was elected a member of the United States Senate. He served for sixteen years and became dean of the Illinois Senate and chairman of its committee on judiciary.He was a member of the sixty fifth Congress from the seventh district of Illinois for the term of 1917-19; and is now serving his second term of 1919-21. Kahn, Albert, Architect, of 58 Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit, Mich., was born March 21, 1869, in Rhaumen, Westphalia, Germa ny. In 1890-91 he held an American schol arship for study abroad. Since 1904 has been engaged in the practice of his profes sion in Detroit; and was architect for the Ford Motor plants, the Packard Motor car plant, the Hudson motor car compan> and other motor plants; and was architect for the Detroit Free Press building and various other buildings. He is a director of the Trussed Concrete Steel Company. 304 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Kahler, Harry Adams, Member of the Bankers Club. He was born Sept. 20,1865, in .MrConnelsville, Ohio. Since 1914 he has been president of the New York Title Mortgage Company. He resides at 111 East Sixty-fifth Street, New York City. Kahn, Lazard, Manufacturer, of Hamil ton, Ohio, was born Nov. 22, 1850, in Al sace. He is vice-president of the National Association of Stove Manufacturers. He is a member of the Business Men s Club of Cincinnati, the Chamber of Commerce of Hamilton, and the National Chamber of Commerce of the United States. He is a member of the Masonic Order, the Elks, and o v various other clubs and societies. He married Coralie Berthelot Lemann of Donaldsonville, La.; and they have a fam ily of five children. Kahn, Louis, Business Presdent, and Di rector, of 170 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a member of the firm of L. and M. Kahn and Company; and president of the Azure Mining Company. He is also vice-president and a director of the Amer ican Gem and Pearl Company. He is prorn inently identified with business, public and socal affairs; and has held numerous posi tions of trust and honor. Kahn, Otto Hermann, Patron of Music and Art, of 52 Williams Street, New York City, was born Feb. 21, 1807, in Mannheim, Germany. In 1893-95 he was with the Imi.k- ing house of Speyer and Company; and since 1897 has been a member of the bank- ig firm of Kahn, Loeb and Company. He is president of the Metropolitan Opera Company, r.nd a director of other opera ana theatrical companies. In 1896 he married Miss Addie Wolff; and they reside at 8 East Sixty-eighth Street, New York City. Kahnweiler, Louis J., Manufacturer, of 419-421 South Wells Street, Chicago, HI., was born Aug. 1, 1878, in Louisville, Ky^. He has been a buyer, and manager of sales men. Since 1898 he has been the propne tor of the Paragon Raincoat Company. He is a prominent Mason; and a member ot the Elks. He is a member of the Chicago Motor Club, and several other Chicago clubs and societies. In 1910 he married Miss Rachel Carrie Slater; and they have a family of two daughters; and reside at 509 Roscoe Street, Chicago, 111. Kaines, Archibald Chetwode, Member 01 the Pacific Union Club. He was born Nov. 24, 1865, in London, Ontario, Canada. Since 1917 he has been president of the Ameri can Foreign Banking Corporation ,of New York City. Kanengeiser, F. R., Business President, of Liberty Clay Produc Company, Youngs- town, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lib erty Clay Produce Company, and a direct or in other companies. Karp, Abraham O., Manufacturer ana Director, of 203 East Fifty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treas urer and director of 0. Karp and Son, Incorporated, growers and manufacturers. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filed many po- stions of trust and honor. Katz, Alexander, Chemist, of Unionport, N.Y. ; and a member of the American Chem ical Society, and the Inventors Association. He was educated at the University of Lu- zanne, Switzerland; the Imperial Univer sity, Russia, and attended the Columbia University. Since 1916 he ha% been a man aging director and chief chemist, and is now treasurer of the Florasynth Labora tories. He is the originator of many or ganic chemical preparations, for the med ical profession, flavoring manufacturers and perfumers. In 1911-16 he was in charge of the Flavoring Department of Van Dyk and Company and in 1910-11 was in charge of the laboratory of the National Dulcin and Chemical Company, Lyons Farms, N.J. He has a family of one son, Leonard Katz, and they reside at 2229 Creston Avenue, New York City. Katz, G. R., Business President of 15 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of th Boggs Oil Cor poration, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 305 Kaufman, Joseph, Business President, of Jay and Johnston Streets, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the American Safety Razor Corporation, president of the Jen Safety Razor Corporation, and pres ident of the Star Safety Razor Corpora tion. He is a director of the McClure Ma^- agine, Incorporated. Kaufman, Louis G., Bank President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chatham and Phoenix Na tional Bank of the City of New York, the First National Bank of Marquette, and chairman of the board of directors of the Marquette County Savings Bank. He is a director of the Petroleum Heat and Pow er Company. Kaufman, S. Jay, Editor, of 133 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City. He is editor-in-chief of the Dramatic Mirror and Theatre World published in New York ev ery Thursday, in Chicago every Saturday, and in Los Angeles every Wednesday. Kaufman, Samuel Robert, Hotel Propri etor, of 504 South Michigan Avenue, Chi cago, 111., was bor in Marquette, Mich. He educated in the Marquette public schools. He is president of the Congress Hotel and Annex. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club and the Illinois Athletic Club, and other clubs and organizations. Kaul, John Lanzel, Member of the South ern Club. He was born Oct. 9, 1866, in Si. Marys, Elk County, Pa. He is president and treasurer of Kaul Lumber Company. He resides at 2234 Highland Avenue, Bir mingham, Ala. Kaven, Moses B., Director, of 205 Lin coln Street, Boston, Mass.; and a membei of various clubs and societies. He isa di rector of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and other corporations. Keasbey, Henry M., Manufacturer, Busi ness President and Director, of 949 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born Pan. 16, 1859, in Newark, N.J. He is presi dent of the National Fire Proofing Compa ny. He is vice-president of the American Clav Products Company, vice-president of the Keasbey Real Estate Company of New ark and of the Miller Estate Association of Morristown, N.J. Keel, H. C., Manufacturer, of 700 West Twenty-second Street, Chicago, 111., was born in 1880 in Chicago, 111. He is presi dent of the National Laundry Machinery Company; president of the Manahan Com pany, director of the Edgewater Trust and Savings Bank, and owner of the National Machinery Warehouse. He is a member ot the Masonic Order. In 1889 he married Miss Martha Albert ; and they have a fam ily of one daughter; and reside at 1434 Estes Avenue, Chicago, 111. Keelen, Franz C., Business President, of 1363 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Mich. He is president of the Michigan State Telephone Company. He resides at 3404 Seminole Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Keller, Karl T., Business Manager and Overseer, of 261 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Harvard Club of Boston, the Railroad Club, the Univer- and the Union Club. He was born Aug. sity Club of New York, the Country Club, the Exchange Club, the Commercial Club, 26, 1827, in Fort Kearney, Neb.; and was educated at Harvard University. Since 1915 he has been manager of the Bqjston of fice of Lybrand, Ross Brothers and Mont gomery. He is also a director of the Bos ton Co-operative Building Company, and an Overseer of the Bunker Hill Boys Club. For some years he was general manager of the New England Telegraph and Telephone Company. In 1898 he married Miss Marion Mandell; and they reside at 57 Mount Ver- non Street, Boston, Mass. Kelley, Francis Clement, Clergyman and Author, of 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Oct. 23, 1870, in Canada. In 1893 he was ordained Roman Catholic Priest. He is the founder of the Cathslii 3 Church Extension Society of the United States, and Protonotary Apostolic to the Pape. Since 1906 he as been found er an editor-in-chief of the Extension Magazine. He is the author of the The Last Battle of the Gods; The Book of Red and Yellow, and other works. He resides in Chicago, HI. 20 306 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Keller, W. E., Business President, of 907 Third Street, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Kelley, Hermon Alfred, Lawyer and Bus iness President, of the Kirby Building, Clevland, Ohio; and a member of the Union Club, the University Club, the Coun try Club, the Mayfield Country Club, the Roadside Club of Cleveland, the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and various other clubs and societies. He was born .May 15, 1859, on Kelley s Island, Ohio; and has re ceived the degrees of B.S., A.M, LL.B., and LL.D. He is past president of the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution. Since 1883 he has been a resident of Cleve land, and in 1891 was assistant corpora tion Counsel to the City of Cleveland. He is president of the Atchison and Eastern Bridge Company, general counsel of the Great Lakes Towing Company and other institutions. He is president of the Hor ace Kelley Art Foundation, president of the New England Society of Cleveland and is identified with various other social patriotic and business enterprises. He is the author of History of the Kelly Fam ily, and Individualism in America. In 1889 lie married Miss Florence Alice Kendall, ;md they have a family of two sons, and reside in winter on Overlook Road, Euclid Heights, Cleveland, Ohio; and their sum mer residence is in St. Remy, Ulster Coun ty, N.Y. Kelley, William Vallandigham, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Feb. 13, 1861, in Gratis, Ohio. He is preside^ .. Michle Printing Press and Manufacturing turing Company. He resides at 1550 North State Parkway, Chicago, 111. Kellner, Max, Theologian and Oriental ist, of Cambridge, Mass.; was born May 21, 1861, in Detroit, Mich. He has r:ceiv- ed the degrees of A.B., A.M., D.D., and B.I). Since 1907 he has been professor of literature and interpretation of the Old Testament in the Cambridge Theological School. He is the author of the PhopliCf- cies of Isaiah; an Outline Study on the Old Testament Literature and Religion and othfr works; and resides in Cambridge, Mass. Kellogg, Charlotte Hoffman (Mrs. Ver- non L. Kellogg), Member of the Town and Country Club. She was born in Grand Is land, Neb. She worked in occupied Begimn as a member of the commission; and in 1917-18 was speaker for the United State* Food Administration. She is the author of Women of Beligium. Her address is Lei and Stanford University, Cal. Kellogg, Edward B., Physician and Mel- ical Director, of 197 Clarendon Street. Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Al gonquin Club, the Boston Press Club. He was born Aug. 21, 1850, in Sheboygan, Wis.; and was educated at the Bowdoin College Medical School. Since 1883 he has been a practicing physician, and medical drector of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. He is a trustee of the Boston Penny Savings Bank. He was the editor and organizer of the Jackson ville Union, of Florida. In 1879 he mar ried Miss Minnie Bradbury; and they havt. one son, and reside at 854 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Kellogg, John Harvey, Physician and Surgical Inventor, of Battle Creek, Mich., was born Feb. 16, 1852, in Tyrone, Mich. He was educated at the Michigan State Normal School; and in!875 he received the degree of M.D. from the Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College. Since 1875 he has practiced in Battle Creek; and since 1876 has been superintendent of the Batik 1 Creek Sanitarium. He is the inventor of improved apparatus and instruments for medical and surgical purposes. He is the author of two series of Text-Books and Charts Arts of Massage; Rational Hydro- therapy; Light Therapeutics; Colon Hy giene; Nuerathenia; also many technical pa pers and articles. For forty years he has been editor of the Good Health. In 1879 he married Miss Ella E. Eaton, of Alfred Cen ter, N.Y.. Kellogg, Rawdon W., Director, of 375 Fulton Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Citizens Water Supply Kelly, Charles F., Treasurer and Direr-t or of the C. P. H. Motor Corporation and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 307 Kelly, A. Livingston, Business Presiden . of Prairie Avenue, Pawtucket, F.L; and am ember of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eagleville Company and other corporations. Kelly, Cornelius F., Business President, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Anaconda Copper Mm ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Kelly, James P., Business President, of a member of various clubs and societies. He 1811 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and is president of the G. and Holding Compa- ny,and a director in other corporations. Kelly, John A., Director, of 55 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direct or of the Underwriters Building Company and other corporations. Kelsey, Clarence H., Business President, of 176 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and" societies. He is president of the Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Company, ad a director in othei corporations. Kelsey, Clifford S., Business President, of 162 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N..Y.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Brownsville Association, and a director in other corpor ations. Kelsey, Harry S., Business President, ot 44 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. H- 1 Is president of the East Coast Finance Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Kemp, Theodore, Educator, of Blooming- ton, 111., was born April 16, 1868, in Ris ing Sun, Ind. He was educated at the Northwestern University, the University of Southern California and the De Pauv/ University. In 1893 he graduated from De Pauw University and received the decrees A.B., DD. and LL|D. Since 1908 he has been president of the Illinois Wesleyan University. He isa member of th Ameri can Geographical Society, Fellow of Royal Society of Arts of London, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Bloomington Country Club, the Rotary Club, is a Mason and a member of various* other clubs and societies. In 1893 he mar ried Miss Flora Isreal Tintitt, and they reside at 206 North Gridley Street Bloom ington, 111. Kemper, William Thornton, Banker, of Kansas City, Mo., was born Nov. 3, 1866*, in Daviess County, Mo. He is president of corporations. He is chairman of the board of the National Bank of Commerce and Commerce Trust Company of Kansas City, Mo. He is a member of the leading clubs and societies; and prominent in biniiie.r} and public affairs. He resides at 1007 Westover Road, Kansas City, Mo. Kendall, Henry Plimpton, Business Pres ident, Treasurer and Director, of 660 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a membe: 1 of the University Club and other clubs and societies. He is president of teh Addison Mills, the Lewis Manufacturing Company of Walpole, the Slaytersville Finishing Company, the Wateree Mills, and the Wal- poole Trust Company. He resides in Wal pole, Mass. Kendall, Messmore, Business President, of 17 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ladnek Realty Corporation, ad a director in other corporations. Kennard, Beulah Elferth, Social Worker, Lecturer and Writer, of 23 Park Avenui, New York City, was born Aug. 3, 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1914 she has been educational director of the Depart ment Store Educational Association of New York City. Kennedy, Samuel McCaw, Utility En gineer, of Edison Buidling, Los Angeles, CaL, was born June 20, 1863, in Toronto, Canada. He has crossed the Atlantic many times as a foreign buyer for the Company of Samson, Kennedy and Company whol-~- sale importers. He is a director of the Santa Barbara Elcetric Company, the San ta Barbara and Suburban Railway Com pany, and the Wallace Refineries of Los Angeles, Cal. He resides at 1225 North Granada Avenue, Alhambra, Cal. 308 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Kennedy, Fred J., Business President, of 32 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the J.F. Kimedy Company, and a director in other corporations. Kennedy, Walter, Consulting Engineer, of Oil Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., wa^ born in 1861, in Poland, Ohio. He has been superintendent of the Buffalo Furnace Company. Kenny, William F., Business President, of 841 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hickey Contracting, Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Kent, Elizabeth Thatcher (Mrs. William Kent), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Sept. 22, 1868, in New Haven, Conn. She is a member of the Executive for Woman Suffrage. She resides in Kent- field, Cal. Kent, Thomas B., Director, of 195 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Decatur Land ompany and other cor porations. Keown, R. J., Director, of 1118 Union Oil Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; ond *, member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Los Angeles Oil Com pany and other corporations. Keplinger, C. W., Business Presidnt, ot 531 Remkert Building, Canton, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Canton Morris Plan Bank Company and other corporations. Kepple. Lee Arthur, Business President, oi 565 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Unite;] Commercial Travel ers of America. He was born Sept. 28 1890, in Johnstown, Pa. He is the founde and president of the United Shirt Shopv Incorporated, a chain of men s wear store all over the states. He is president of th? (ioldkep Realty Corporation. He is also the organizer and director of the Bank of Sheepshead Bay, New York City. In 1910 ho married Miss Martha L. Lannigan; and they reside at 1226 Avnue V, Brooklyn, N.Y. Kerckhoff, W. G., Business President, of Garland Buidling, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Bakersfiela Gas and Electric Light Company and other corporations. Kern, Edith Kingman, Member of tht Woman s Club. She was born in Harvard, and for two years she was a member of 111. In 1907 she was admitted to the bar; the Board of Education of Washington, D.C. She is the author of Little Journey to Australia. She resides at 1912 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Kern, Fred J., Publisher and Statesman, of Belleville, 111., was born Sept. 2, 1864, in Millstadt, 111. For thirty years he ha-; been editor and owner of the Belleville Daily and Semi- Weekly News Democrat; and has been editor and owner of the East St. Louis Gazette. He served two years as a member of congress. In 1904, 1908 and 1912 he was delegate to the Democrat ic Nationa Conventions. From 1912-17 he was president of the State Board of Ad ministration, and has served five terms as mayor of his city. Kern, George, Business President, of 350 West Thirty-eighth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the George Kern Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Kerr, Albert B., Business President, of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Hb is president of the Potts Run Coal Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Kerstetter, Edgar L., Treasurer and Di rector, of 505 Broad Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Midnight Mining Company and other corporations. Ketcheson, Fred GK, Member of the Ma- f.onic Order, the Old Colony Club, the Lions Club, the Commonwealth Club and the Empire Club. He was born May 8, 1885, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. He is the Agency Director of the New York Life Insurance Company. He resides at 123 Glendale Avenue, Toronto, Canada. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 309 Kessel, Adam Jr., Business President, of 1476 Broadway, New York City; and n member of various clubs and societies. He is presdent of the Broncho Motion B4?tr.r3 Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Ketchum, Edgar Van Rensse aer, Direct or, of 1709 Popham Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Newfound land Copper Company, Incorporated Keyes, Alexander D., Business President, of Humboldt Bank Building, San Francis co, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hum . boldt Savings Bank and other corporations. Keyes, George Thurman, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 17, 1889, in Sheboygan, Wis. Since 1914 he has been secretary of the National Civil Service Re form League. He resides at 356 Wst Twen ty-first Street, New York City. Keyser, Harriette A., Member of tht Woman s Club. She was born July 27, 3841, in New York. She was the organizei of theNew York Woman s Suffrage Asso ciation. She is the author of On the Board er Land. She resides at 410 Lafayette Street, New York City. Kidder, Nathaniel T., Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston and Chelsea Rail road Company and other corporations. Killam, Charles Wilson, Member of tht American Institute of Architects, the A merican Society of Civil Engineers, and the Harvard Club of Boston. He is Asso oiate Professor of Architecture, Chairman of the School of Architecture and Acting dean of the Harvard University. He re sides at 51 Avon Hill Street, Cambridge, Mass. Kilmarx, Louis E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various cubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Utilities Corporations and other corporations. Kilner, Samuel E., Business President, of 115 Broaway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the South Superior Land Company, and a director in other corpor ations. Kilpatrick, William Douglass, Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the West Fil- teenth Street Realty Corporation, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fifteenth Street Real ty Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Kimball, Arthur L., Member of the Moving Pictures Directors Association. He was born in Gillespie, 111.; and received the degree o C.E. from Washington Uni versity. Since its inception lu> lias follow ed a screen career with the Biograph, Ed ison, Essanay, Atlas, St. Louis Moving Picture Company, Columbia, and the Fron tier. He has directed over one hundred stories, photographel over five thousand pictures of subjects used for instruction education, and advance science for twelve universities in the United States and Can ada. He has recently formed tl:e Kimball Art Company, Incorporated. Kimball, Charles J., Business Presidint of 137 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston Board of Fire Underwriters, and a director in other cor porations. Kimball, David P., Business President, of 35 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Nashua and Lowell Railroad Croporation and a director ri other corporations. Kimball, Frank, Patron of Music and Art, of 32 South La Salle Street, Chicago; 111., was born May 14, 1853, in Charleston, Mass. Since 1896 he has been connected with the grain commission business on tht Chicago Poard of Trade. He is president of the Chicago City Missionary Society, and vice-president of the West Suburban Hospital. He is a member of the Unioi. League, the City Club, and the Oak Par\ Country Club. In 1899 he married Miss Anna C. Marchant; and they have a fam - ily of three daughters and reside at 424 Iowa Street, Oak Park, HI. 310 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Kimball, Raymond G., Member of the Hamilton Club, the Kiwanis Club of Chi cago, 111. He is president of the Kimball Trust and Savings Bank and the Logan Square. He was born Oct. 20,. 1878, in Chi- District Camp Grounds Association. He resides at 2512 Kimball Avenue. Chicago, 111. Kimbrough, Herbert, Dean of the School Wash., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is prominent in the educa tional and musical \vorld, .uid Las filled several positions el trust and honor. Ho is now dean of ih^ ; >hool of Music and Fine Arts of the State CoVe,*; of Wash ington. Kincaid, J. Leslie, Business President, of 25 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kincaia and Company, and a director in other cor porations. Kindel, GeDrge John, Merchant and Con gressman, of Denver, Col., was born March 2, 1855, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was en gaged in the mattress and upholstery busi ness. In 1913-15 he was a member of the sixty-third Congress. He holds the office of intervener in the Colorado State Grange; and has held numerous position? of trust and honor. He has a family of one son and one daughter living; and re sides at 1578 Yates Avenue, Denver, Col. King, Burnham W., Secretary and Di rector, of 12 Maiden Lane, New York City, and a member of the Camp Fire Club, the Moganic Fish and Game Corporation, aril other corporations. He was born Aug. 17, 1802, in Warren, Ohio; and was educates in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1882 he ha:; bc?n with Julius King Optical Company, of which corporation he is secretary. He has been presdent of teh Gotham Homes Cor poration of New York City. In 1C87 lu married Miss Annie Laura Neff; and thev have a family of one son and one daughter , an dreside at 22 Summit Street, East Ui ange, N.J. King, Delcevare, Business President, ol 157 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. King, F. W., President of the Mcndeb- sohn Club, with a membership of forty- two men. He resides at 1908 West Eighth Avenue, Spokane, Wash. King, G. L., Director, of 05 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Pacific Railway Company and other corporations. King, Henry Churchill, Member of vari ous Clubs and societies. He is president of the Oberlin College since 1902. He re sides at 317 East College Street, Oberlin, Ohio. King, J. H., Business President, of 308 Twelfth Street, Oakland, Cal.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He i ? president of the Oakland Chamber of Com merce and other corporations. King, John C., Business President,of the Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio; and u member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the City Club, and the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; and is also a life member of the Cleveland Yacht Club. He was born April 22, 1805, in St. Lawrerce Couni>, N.Y. He is president of the John C. Kin; Lumber Company; and is identified with various other business enterprises. In 189 I he marred Miss Florence C. Baimigarte:i, of Buffalo, N.Y. ; and they have one son, and reside at 1415 West One Hundred an 1 Twelfth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. King, Louisa Yeomans (Mrs. Franc s King), Member of teh Woman s City Clu \ She was born Oct. 17, 1863 in Washing- totn, N.J. She is president of the Woman s National Farm and Garden Association. She is the author of The Well- Considere 1 Garden. Her addre s is at the Orchard House, Alma, Mich. King, Parker D., Vice-pvsident ml Di rector, of 114 Ninth Street, Lon;* Island City, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i? president of William H. King and Company. He is a director of the Schooner Esther Melbourne Corpor ation, the Schooner Frederick J. Lovat Corporation, and tVe Schooner J. Edward Drake Corporation. His a:ldre:s also i, 690 Springfield Avenue, Summit, N.J, AMERICAN KLTTE AND SOCIOLOGIST 311 King, Peter, Business President, of 153 Thames Street, Newport, R.I. ; and a mem her of various clubs and societies. He i ; president of the Aquidneck National Ban : and other corporations. King, Ralph W., Realtor and Business Man, of 120 West Forty-seventh Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various cubs and societies. He was born in Chicago, 111. ; and was educated in the public school ; of his native city. For many years he hai been identified with The R. W. King Com pany, Hay Grain and Feed Elevator. He is alsoengaged in the Real Estate Business, and has held many positions of trust and honor. He resides at 4424 Drexel Bottle vard, Chicago, 111. King, Robert P., Publicity Managed, of 565 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He nubicity manager of the Nassau-Bahamas Club of New York City; and has held ma ny positions of trust and honor. King, Thomas Brown, Member of the Ci- tv Club. He was born July 10, 1861, in White County, Ark. In 1913-14 he w as chairman of the Shelby County Commis sion Form of Government. He resides at 52 North Waldron Boulevard, Memphis, Tenn. King, Williard Vintor, Member of the Unver :ut.y Club. He was born Nov. 3, 1868, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1912 he has been president of the Knickerbocker Trust Co. Kingan, S. L., President of the Art As Kociation of Tucson. He resides in Tucson, Ariz. Kingman, Edward H., Business Presi dent and Treasurer, of 19 Faneuill Ha 1 ! Market, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. He was born iti 1861, in East Bridgewater, Mass. Since 1894 he has been engaged in busiress for Hmself in the Faneuil Hall Market; and is president of the E. H. Kingman Com- ^any. He is a director of the Boston Na Tonal Bank. He has been president of the Bo -ton Fruit and Produce Exchange. In 1P85 he married Miss Florence W. Morri- on: nnd they have a family of two sons, nnd re-ide at 14 Kenwood Street, West Corner ville, Mass. Kingsbury, John Adams, Social Worker, of the Municipal Building, New York City, wase born Aug. 30, 1876, in Horton, Kan. He is commissioner of public charities of New York. He resides in Yonkers, N.Y. Kingsbury, Susan Myra, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Oct. 18, 1870, in San Pablo, Cal. Since 1915 she has been director of Social Economy an! Social Research in Bryn Mawr Colle- She is editor of Econnomic Relations of Women. She resides in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Kingsbury, WHoughby J., Treasurer ana irector, of 25 Broad Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so- ciet. He is a director of the Adirondack and St. Lawrence Railroad Company and other corporations. Kingsley, Darwin J., Business President, of 346 Broa lway, Ne-v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H ; is president of the New York Life Insur ance Company, and a dirctor in other corporations. Kinsrsley, Sherman Colver Member of the City Club. He was born May 27, 1866, in Waverly, Iowa. Since 1917 he has been director of the Welfare Federation of Celveland . He resides at 2434 Overland Road, Cleveland, Ohio.. Kingsley, William Morgan, Member of the University Club. He was born Dec. 16, 1863, in New York. Since 1906 he has been vice-president of the United States Trust Company, of New York. His ad dress is 45 Wall Street, New York City. Kinley, David, Member of the TJnioii League Club, the Hamilton Club, the City Club, and the Chicago Rotary Club. He is president of the University of Illinois. He has been professor economic and dean of the College of Literature and Arts and dean of the Graduate School, and vice- president of the University of Illinois. He ieside^ ;t Urbana, HI. Kinnan, Alexander P. W., Business Pres ident, of 701 Sixth Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Union Dime Savings Bank, and a director n other cor poratons. 12 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Kennicutt, Lincoln Newton, Mcnil:iT o? the Century Cub. He was born March 14, lie has been a senior member of the firm of Kennicutt and De Witt, Bankers. He r rides at 72 Cedar Street, Worcester, Masb. Kirby, Fred Morgan, Member of the Westmorland Cub He was born Oct. 30, 1861, in Brownville, Jefferson County, KY. He is president of the Miners Bank. He resides at 202 South River Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Kirby, John, Jr., Member of the Dayton City Cub. He was born May 16, 1850, in Troy, N.Y. Since 1917 he has been presi dent of the Dayton Manufacturing Com pany. He resides at 435 West Second Street, Dayton, Ohio. Kirby, John F., Realtor and Trustee, ot 84 Main Street, Woonsocket R.I.; and a member of the Woonsocket Country Club, the Elks the American Legion, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born in 1800 in Woonsocket, R.I. ; and graduated from the Holy Cross College of Worces real estate and insurance firm of J. F. and C. L. Kirby. He is a trustee of the Pro ducers Savings Bank; and the incorporat- or of the Mechanics Savings Bank; and is a member of the Rhode Island Statt Legislature. In 1921 he married Miss Mel- ora Farley; and they have one son, and re side at 10 Spring Street, Woonsocket, B.I. Kirkbride, Franklin B., Business Presi dent of 7 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the SKF Admin istration Company, and a director in other corporations. Kirkus, Alfred R., Treasurer and Direct or, of 309 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Real Es tate Association and other corporations. Kittle, Charles A., Business President, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Consolidated Arizona Smelting Company, and a director in other corporations. Kittredge Mabel Hyde, Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. She was born Sept. 19, 1837, in Boston, Mass. In 1908 she in augurated lunches in elementary schools of New York ; and is now chairman of the School Lunch Commission. He address is ( 1> Washington Square, New York City. Kittredge, Wheaton, Lawyer and Direct or, of 148 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Woolen Company and other corporations. Klapp, Eugene, Consulting Engineer, of 84 Pine Street, New York City, was born May 23, 1867, in Orange, N.J. He was ed ucated at the Columbia University. Since 1889 he has been practicing the profession of civil engineer. He has been president of hte Cuban Ports Company; vice-presi dent of the Parsons, Klapp, Brinckerhoff and Douglass, consulting engineers of 84 Pine Street, New York City. In 1892 he married Miss Margaret Hotchkiss; and thev have a family of two daughters, and resde at 134 East Seventy-fourth Stree ixew York City. Kleber, Charles J., Secretary and D> rector, of 161 West Sixty-fourth Street, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Federal Screen Corporation and other cor- poratons. Klee, Nathan, Underwriter, of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 4, 1870, in Germany. In 1885 he was associated with A. R. Edwards in the fire insurance business; 1893-97 a member of the firm of Edwards, Morse and Klee; 1897-1902 in business for himself; 1902 < onsolidated with B. F. Rogers and Com pany as Klee, Ro^or n^d Company; 1916 consolidated with Wile Loeb and Gutman under the present name of Klee, Rogers, Wile and Loeb. He is active n charity work and for ten years treasurer and a director of the Associated Jewish Charities of Chi- rafro ; and a member of the Standard Uli- ^ois Athletic Club pnd the Northmooi Country Club. In 1910 he married Miss Florence Thalhimer, of Richmond, Va.; and they have a family of three sons, ana reside at 495 Ash Street, Winnetka, HI. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 313 Klein, Milton M., Vice-president, of 361 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born Sept. 5, 1870, in Bridgeport, Conn. He Avas educated in the public and high schools v Bridgeport, Conn. After leaving school he entered the employ of B. Altman and Company, dry goods merchants, and held rarious responsible positions as buyer and manager. Upon incorporation of the firm in February, 1909, was one of the incor- porators, and elected director and secre tary; and a director of the Auto Strop Safety Razor Company. He is a membei of the Society for Ethical Culture; and is trustee and chairman of the Felicia sum mer vacation home for ^oor el" r*" T i- "^ Mountain ville. Orange County, N.Y. He married Miss Zella S. Schamberg, of Phil- delphia, Pa.; and they have one daughter, and reside at 470 Park Avenu?, New York City. Klein, William, Treasurer and Director, of 220 West Forty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various cubs and societies. He is a director of the Shu- bert Theatrical Company and other cor porations. Kieinsdimidt, Bernard, Business Presi dent, of Beach Street Flushing N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of teh Klein schmidt Mag nesia Company, and a director in various other corporations. Kline, William S., Member of various clubs and societies. He is a successful Fi nancier of 610 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. He was born Julv 31, 187b, in Canton, 111.; and received a technical education. He was formerlv assistant sec tary of the Commonwealth Edison Com- ^anv. He is now vice-president of the Lake Shore Trust and Savings Bank and is H-o chairman of the l>ke S^-^ ^onrnanv: plos chairman of the Board of Directors. Ho r-^si^e" in Chicago, 111. K^ neroan, David, Busine^ President, of ML West St. Clair Avenue. Cl-ve and, Ohio; and a member of various cubs and soci eties. Lie is president of the Maiestic Knit ting Mills Company; and has held sever al positions of trust andhonor. In 1919 he married Miss Ethel Greenwald; and they reside at 1930 Ostand Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Klingenberg, William J., Member of the Edgewater Golf Cub, the Barrington Hills Country Club, the Edgewater Beach Yacht Club and is also a thirty-second degree Mason. He was born Feb. 27, 1877, in Du- buque, Iowa, He is president of the Sheri dan Trust and Savings Bank and of the Capitol State Savings Bank. He resides in Chicago, 111. Klous, Maurice H., Business President, of 40 Center Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various cubs and societies. He is presidnet of th Metropoitan Marine and a director in other corporations. Klugh, Paul B., Business President of 653 West Fifty-first Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Autopi- ano Company, and a director in other cor porations. Kusner, Lazarus William, Realtor, B--- iness President and Trustee, of 217 The Arcade, Cleveand, Ohio; and a member of the Cleveand Advertising Club, and a mem ber of varoius clubs and societies. He was born in 1877 in Russia. Since 1913 he has been president of the Pearl Ridge Realty Company ; and is a member of the Real Es tate Board. He is a trustee of the Piere Protective Life Association. In 1917 he married Miss Anna Cohen; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 9817 Newton Road, Cleveand, Ohio. Knapp, Sewell A., Land Owner and Bus- ness President, of the Hearst Buiding, San Francisco, and the Pioneer Society of Cal- fornia. He was born Sept. 9, 1854, in Co lumbia, Cal. ; and received an academic education. He is president and manager of the Knapp Metal Barrel and Package Company of Nevada, at San Fracisco, Cal. He i s one of the principal owners of the Back Oak Mine and the Back Oak Devel- opement Company He is the author of and Sodium Carbonate. In 1877 he mar ried Miss Louisa K. Potash, at San Jose, Cal.. and they have a famiy of two sons and one daughter and reside in Berkeley, Cal. 314 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCTOLOGTSf Kneeland, George Jackson, So</iol<> i t, 305 West Fort it th Street, wu ; bor:i S:>; t. 1, 1872 in Griggsville, 111. He has been di rector of investigations for the Bureau of Social Hygeihe and American Vigilance Association of New York. He is the author of Commercialized Prostution in New York City. Knight, C. Prescott, Business President, of Hospital Trust Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Bank of Commerce and other corporations. Knight, Frederic Harrison, Social Work er, of 202 West Newton Street Boston, Mass., was born Oct. 22 1859 in Sace, Maine. He is superintendent of the New Kngand Home for Little Wanderers. Knight, Webster, Business President, ol Hospital Trust Building, Providence R.I. He is president of the Phenix National Bank and other corporation. Knoedler Roland F., Member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the Firm of Knoedler and Company, of 550 Fifth Avenue, New York City. He resides in New York City. Knoppel Raymond J., Director, of 5 Beekman Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the R. W. Lillie Corporation and other corporations. Knopp, W. J., Director, of 30 East Forty- Second Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Michigan Northern Power Compr.iiy and other corporaat .oir-. Knott, James E. Business President, of 20 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the 871 Seventh Avenue Hotel Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Knotts, Armanis F., Member of the City Club. He was born July 30, 1857 in High land County Ohio. He started the move ment to save the Indiana Dunes for a Na tional Park Association, and was its first president. He resides at 800 Jackson Street, Gary, Ind. Knowles, Benjamin F., Business Presi dent of 192 Broadway N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societis. He ib president of the Premier Realty Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Knowles Robert B., Business President^ of 165 Broadway New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Moving Picture DT:M- tors Association, and a director in other associations. Knox.James Samuel, Business President, Lecturer and Author, of 71 Euclid Build ing, Cleveland Ohio, was born Dec. 12 1872, in Sliawville, Quebec, Canada. He was eel ucated at the University of South Dakota, Drake University and the Ott School of Expression, of Chicago, 111. Snce 1906 he has been president of the Knox School of Salesmanship and Business Adminis tration; and is also president of the Knox Busine s Book Company. For several years he was a Chatauqua and Lyceum Lecturer; and is the author of several books on Ef- ficien".y Saesmanship and Management. In 1900 he married Miss Elizabeth Frush, and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Cleveland Ohio. Kobbe, George C., Business President,, of 46 Cedar Street New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Harrison Land Com pany, and a director in various other cor porations. Koelsch William F. H. Business Presi dent of 41 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New Netherland Bank of New York Kohler, Walter Jodak, Member of t ie Chicago Athletic Club. He was born March 3. 1875, in Sheboygan, Wis. He is president of the Kohler Improvement Company. He resides at 609 Wisconsin Avenue, Sheboy gan, Wis. Kohn Henry H., Secretary of the Abam Institute and Historical and Art Society. He resides at 125 Washington Avenue Al bany, N.Y. Kolb, Louis J., Business President, ot 21 Park Row, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is" president of the Morris Plan Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND 315 Konold, George Frank, Member of the Old Colony Club director of the Rotary Club, and a member of the Warren Country Club, the Al Koran Shrine and the Amer ican Railway Engineers. He was born June 25 1864, in East Douglas, Mass. He is president of the Amercan Bock and Man ufacturing Company. He resides at 227 Scott Street, Warren, Ohio. Kornfeld, Jacob, Secretary and Director, of 236 Greenwich Street, Now York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Paramout Man ufacturing Company Koster, John A., Business President, of 433 California Street, San Francisco, CaL; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the West Coast Life Insurance Company and other corporations. Kramer, Adolph F., Patron of Music ana Art, of 25 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born Oct. 11, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in Chicago public schools and the Chicago Manual Training School. In 1892 with Arthur W. Draper he founded the present firm of Draper and Kramer, real estate and mortgage loans, of which he is a member. He is a member and former director of the Chicago Real Estate Board ; was the founder and first president of the South Side Renting Agents Association; is one of the governors of the Bulldog Breed ers Association of America. He resides at 5337 University Avenue, Chicago, 111. Krebs, Charles E., Consulting Engineer and Geologist, of Charleston, W.Va., was born in New Martinsville, W.A 7 a. He grad uated with the degree of B.S.C.E. from the West Virginia University. For fifteen years he was engaged in general engineering in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky in construction and mine development. Since 1009 he has been assistant State geologist. f)ince that time he has been doing geologi cal work in West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio, and also special work, reporting on coal, oil and gas properties. Krech, Alvin William, Member of the Travelers Club. He was born May 25, 1858, in Hannibal, Mo. He is president of Equi table Trust Company. He resides at 17 East Seventieth Street, New York City. Kroger, Bernard Henry, Member of the Queen City Club, the Cincinnati Golf Club, the Cincinnati Country Club, and the Ham ilton County Golf Club. He was born Jan. 24, 1860, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is presi dent of the Provident Bank. He resides at Yellow Oaks, Vineyard Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kronner, William O Neil, Lawyer, of 623 Majestjc Building, Detroit, Mich*, was born Dec. 11, 1891, in Columbus, Mich. He was educated at the St. Stephens Academy and at the University of Michigan. In 1915 he was assistant prosecuting attorney for St. Clair County, Mich.; and in 1916 was Cir cuit Commissioner of that county. He is a director of the National Portland Cement Company. He is a member of the Detroit Yacht Club, the Detroit Lawyers Club, an numerous other clubs and societies. In 1917 he married Miss Sophie Koch; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 632 Meadowbrook Street, De troit, Mich. Kruttschnitt, Julius, Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sonora Railway Compa ny, and a director in other corporations*. Kubach, C. J., Business President, of 701 Merchants Bank Building,Los Angeles,CaL; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Rice Ranch Oil Company of Los Angeles Kuhe, Isidor, Director, of 10 East For tieth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Continental Paper Bag Company and other corporations. Kuhn, Fevdinand E., President of the Knights of Columbus Club, and Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus ; ; he is merchant, of 215 Fifth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn. He was born Sept. 3, 1861 in Nashville, Tenn. He was educated in the parochial and public schools, and at Notre Dan:c University, receiving the degree of B.S. in 1893, and the degree of Master of Science in 1895. He is a member of the firm of Kuhn, Cooper, Geary Company, and pre sident of the Nashville Retail Credit Men s Association, the largest retail shoe store in 316 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST the south. He is a director in the Morris Bank, a director of the State Anti-Tuber culosis League, and prominent in social, fraternal and public affairs. In 1885 he married Mis; Kate \Vall,of Springfield, Ivy.; jui:l they have a family of six sons and throe daughters, and reside at 200 Terrace Place, Nashville, Tenn. Kunr;e, William, Conductor, Pianist, Org anist and Composer, of 140 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 14, .1801, in Berlin, Germany. In 1894 he came to America and for eight years was an in structor at the Balatka Musical College. In 181)8 lie was appointed choir-director of the Chicago Lehrer-Yerein. In 1902 the Univer- tity of the State of New York promoted him to Doctor of Music. He is Dean and Director of the University School of Music in Chicago; dean and instructor at the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music. Kunz, George Frederick,Gem Expert and Author, of 409 Fifth Avenue, New York City. He is third vice-president and gem ex pert for Tiffany Company. In 1882-1909 he was special agent of the United States Geo logical Survey. He is president of the New York Mineralogical Club; and is honorary curator of precious stones in the American Museum of Natural History.He is president of the American Scenic and Historic Pres ervation Society; past president of the New York Academy of Sciences, and an officer of the Legion of Honor. He is the author of Gems and Precious Stones in North Amer ica, The Curious Lure of Precious Stones, The Magic of Jewels and Charms, The Iv ory of the Elephant; and senior joint-au thor of Book of the Pearl, and over one hundred books and pamphlets on gems arid minerals. He is a member of the North Am erican Indian Memorial Commission, and also many American Foreign Societies. In 1879 he married Miss Sophia Hanforth; arid they reside in New York City. Kursteiner, Jean Paul, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is a concert pianist, composer and teacher of 2508 Broadway, New York City. He is the com poser of many sacred and secular songs including Morning, The Soul s Victory, and The Salutation of the God. Kyle, T. S., Manufacturer and Trustee,of Gadsden, Ala.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 18, 1865, in Jacksonville, Ala.; and was educ ated at the Washington and Lee Universi ty. For many years he has been prominent ly identified with business, public and so cial affairs of Alabama; and was president of First National Bank of Gadsden. He is now president of the Kyle Real Estate and Building Company, manager of the Kyle Lumber Company, and a trustee of the Quenelda Graphite Corporation. He served as Lieutenant Colonel on the tstaff as the Governor of Alabama. In 1887 he married Miss Sadie Murphey, of Salisbury, N.C. ; and they have one son, and reside in Gadsden, Ala. Lachance, Jcseph E., Lawyer, of the Kennard Building, Manchester, N.H. ; and a member of the Intervale Country Club, and the Vesper County Club. He is a noted lawyer. Lacy, Graham. Gordon, Banker, of 2912 Frederick Boulevard, St. Joseph, Mo., was born Aug. 8, 1858, in Virginia. He is vice- president of Lacy-Lemon National Bank; vice-president of the St. Joseph and Grand Island Railroad Company. He is a member of the Society of Cincinnati and various other clubs and societies. Lacy, W. S., Member of the Arkansas As sociation of Christian College,and the Pres byterian Educational Association of the South. He is president of the Arkansas College. He has been professor Peace Insti tute. His address is the Arkansas College, Batesville, Ark. Ladd, A. Shurley, Vice-president and Di rector, of 507 Chamber of Commerce, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Grain Dealers Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, the Automobile Mutual Liability In- Mirance Company, and the Beacon Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Lofrentz, Ferdinand W., Business Presi dent, of 100 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the American Audit Company, and a director in other corpora*- tlons, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 317 Laidlaw, Alexander H., Business Presi dent, of 80 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the North Western p]lectric Equipment Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Laidlaw, Harriet Burton, Suffragist, of 6 East Sixty-sixth Street, New York City, was born Dec. 16, 1874, in Albany, N.Y. Since 1916 he has been vice-chairman for Nfew York State; and in 1915 was vice-pre sident of the New York State Woman Suf frage Association. Laidler, Harry Wellington, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 18, 1884, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1919 he has been editor of the Socialist Review; and has lec tured in many colleges and universities.He is the author of State Socialism. He resides at 396 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Lake, H. B M Director, of 25 Broad Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Writing* Paper Company, and other corporations. Lakey, Alice, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Ohio. Since 1905 she has been chairman of the food committee of the National Consumers League. She re sides in Cranford, N.J. Lakin, Bert W., of Hemidji, Minn., was born Jan. 14, 1880, in Royalton, Minn. He is president of the Demidji Lumber and Fuel Company ;and a director of the North ern National Bank. He is president o fthe Bemidji Town and Country Club, and a member of the Kewanis Club, the Elks and Masons. In 1906 he married Miss Schlen- sener; and they reside in Bemidji, Minn. Lamar, Clarmda Pendleton (Mrs. Joseph Rucker Lamar), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Aug. 25, 1856, in Beth any, W.Ya. Since 1914 she has been presi dent of the National Society of Colonial Days of America. She resides on Musko- gee Road, Atlanta, Ga. Lamb, Henry Whitney, Member of the Reform Club. He was born Oct. 13, 1853,in Boston, Mass. He is president of Lamb and Nash Company. He resides in Brookline, Mass. Lambert, Albert Bond, Member of the Automobile Club. He was bovn Dec. 6, 1875 in St. Louis, Mo. He is president of the Lambert Pharmaeal Company, Manufactur ers of Listerine, Etc. He resides at 2 Hor- tense Place, St. Louis, Mo. Lambeth, Charles Franklin, Manufactur er and Banker, of Thomasville, N.C., was born Oct. 18, 1882, in Thomasville, N.C.He received the degree of A.B. from the Trini ty College of Durham, N.C. He is president of the Standard Chair Company of Thom asville, N.C. He is a member of the Demo cratic party; and has filled various posi tions of trust and honor. Lamond, David T., Business President,of 44 Whitehall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.IIe is president of the Olympia Towing Corpo ration, and a director in other corporations. Lamond, Harold B., Director, of 50 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Amesbury Electric Light Co* Lament, Eobert Paterson, Steel Manufac turer, of 332 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., w r as born Dec. 1, 1827, in Detroit, Mich. In 1891-92 he was engineer at the World s Columbian Exposition; 1897-1905 first vice- president of Simplex Railway Appliance Company; and since 1905 has been associ ated with the American Steel Foundries,of which he is now president. He is also a di rector of the First National Bank. Lemont, Thomas William, Financier and Director, of 23 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; arid a member of the Union League Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born Sept, 30, 1870, in Claverack, N.Y. He is a member of the firm of J. F. Morgan and Company. He is a director of tne Crowell Publishing Company, the First Security Company of the City of New York the Guaranty Safe Deposit Company, the Guaranty Trust Company of New York,the International Harvester Company, South western Construction Company, the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, and the Lamoul, Corlis,*and Company. He is also a member of the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York.He resides on the Beach Road, Englewood, N.J 318 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Landon, Francis G., Army Officer, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Union Club, the University Club, the Princeton Club, the New York Athletic Club, and the Ne-v York Yacht Club. He \vas born Aug. 20, 1859, in New York City; and in 1881 graduated from Princeton Uni versity. For many years he was a member of thf New York National Guard, attaining the rank of Major. For three terms he was a member of the New York State Assembly. In 1904 he was a presidential elector; has been a member of the American Embassy at Berlin and at Vienna; and held other po sitions of trust and honor. La Montagne Montaigu, Business Presi dent, of 632 West Thirty-fourth Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cop- perfield Company, and a director in other corporations. La Monte, Robert Rives, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 23, 1867, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He has investigated eco nomical and industrial conditions in New Zealand, Germany and England. He is the author of Socialism, Positive and Negative. He resides in New Canaan, Conn. Lancaster, William W., Business Presi dent, of 45 Wall Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Sixty Wall Street Corporation, Landis, Charles I., of 140 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa., was born Nov. IS, 1856. He was educated at the Franklin and Marshall College. Since 1899 he hab een judge of the second judicial district. He is president of the Public Library ; and a mem ber of the Hamilton Club of Lancasi/T, and of the Art Club of Philadelplr i. In ISSo he married Miss Jessie A. AVitmer, and they reside in Lar.ca < Pu. Landreth, William Barker, Civil P^ igin eer and Designer; and a member of vario.is clubs and societies. li> \\ H iiorii A.jg. % 1857, in Rushville, N.Y. He has been city engineer of Schenectady and Amsterdam, N.Y. In 1897-1900 he was engineer of the New York State canals. Landy, Jacob, Business Man and Direc tor, of 673 Elston Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is head of the firm of Jacob Landy the General Electric Company motor Agen cy. He is also a director of the M.L.B. Con struction Corporation. Lane, James Warren, Business President, of 334 Fourth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the E. W. Bliss Company, and a director in other corporations. Lane, William C., Director, of 140 Broad way, New.: York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Electric Bond and Share Company, and other corporations. Lang, Charles H., Business President, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wakefield Rattan Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Landon, Andrew, Member of the Buffalo Club. He was born in Marlboro, Mass. He is vice-president of the Buffalo General El ectric Company. He resides at 175 North Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Langhorst, Herman, President of the Quartet Club, with a membership of ninety- five men and women. He resides at 6948 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Langley, William C., Business President, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Anderson Cotton Mills, and a director in other corporations. Langshaw, Walter Hamer, Manufacturer of New Bedford, Mass., was born Jan. 5, 1859, in Bolton, England. He is president of the Bristol Manufacturing Corporation, fie is president of the Dartmouth Manufac turing Corporation; a director of the Mas- sachussetts Trust Company of Boston; a director of the Woonsocket Machine and Press Company ; and a director in various other companies. He is trustee of the New England Conservatory of Music. He is a member of the New York, New Bedford and Boston Social and Business Men s Clubs; and president of the New Bedford Country (Hub, and past president of the Wamsutta Club of New Bedford. He has a family of four children; and resides in New Bedford, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 319 Lanier, Charles, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Jan. 19, 1837, in Madison, Ind. He is president of the Pitts- I urgh, Fort Wayne and, Chicago Railway. He resides at 30 East Seventy-fifth Street, New York City. Lanier, Charles D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 30 Irving Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Michigan Cop per Company and other corporations. Lanharo, David H., Business President, of 177 Montague Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Brooklyn City Safe Deposit Company, and a director in other corporations. Larkin, Adrian H., Vice-president and Director, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Larkin, Rathborne and Perry. He is vice-president of the Virginian Railway Company. He is a director of the Davis Creek Coal and Coke Company, Johnson and Higgins, the Lanston Monotype Machine Company, the Precision Machine Company, the Richmond Light and Railroad Company, the Sixth Avenue Railroad Company, the Sloss-Shef- field Steel and Iron Company,the Southfield Beach Railroad Company, the Staten Island Midland Railway Company, and the United States Industrial Alcohol Company. Lamed, Linda Hull, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born April 4, 1853, in Little Falls, N.Y. Since 1898 she has spok en before nearly one hundred organizations upon the subject of household economics. She is the author of the Hostess of To-day, Her address is 628 James Street, Syracuse, N.Y. La Rocca, Mary E. Mrs., Member of Wo man s Relief Corps. She is president, sup reme guardian of supreme Forest Wood men Circle, Editor Monthly Tidings. She has been past president of the Federation Fraternal Women, past president Minnesota Auxiliary Spanish war veterans. Her ad dress is W W Building, Omaha, Neb. Larson, Bror Oscar, Business President, of 3541-3543 North Ashland Avenue, Chica go, 111., was born March 12, 1867, in Swe den. He received a technical education. He has been treasurer of the North Side Clean ers and Dyers Company. Since 1900 he has been manager of the Paragon Laundry ;and also president of Chicago Laundry Owners Association. He is a member of the Swed ish and the Kewanee Clubs.In 1892 he mar ried Miss Lisa Hellquist, who died in 1902. He has one married daughter; and resides at 119 Maple Avenue, Wilmette, 111. Lascaris, Emanuel, Business President,of 40 Wall Street, New York City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Automobile Solon, Incor porated, and a director in other corpora tions. Lash, Lee, Business President and Direc tor, of 1476 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie- tie.s. He is president of the Lee Lash Stu dio of Mount A r ernon, N.Y. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Hugo Gedro Studios; and president of the Lee Lash Company, and of the Lee Lash Company, Incorporated. He resides at Mount Vernon, N.Y. Lashar, Walter B., Business President, of 1054 Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Weed Chair Grip Company, and a director in other cor porations. Lasher, Frank B., Director, of 62 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Island Oil and Transport Corpora tion and other corporations. Lathrop, Alanson P., Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Light and Traction Company, and a director in other corporations. Lathrop, Ida Pulis, Artist, of 151 South Allen Street, Albany, N.Y.She is represent ed in the permanent collection of James town Art Gallery. She is a member of the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, and the League of New York Artists. In 1885 she married Mr. Cy rus Lathrop; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Albany, N.Y. 320 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Lathrop, Julia Clfford, Member of the Chicago Women s Club. She was born in 1858, in Kockford, 111. She has made a spe cial study of the care of the insane; and is author of Reports and Articles on the Care of the Insane. Her address is at The Ona- trio, Washington, B.C. Latshaw, David Gardner, Member of the City Club, lie \vas born Dec. 7, 1869, i:< Brookville, Pa. In 1906-10 he was pastor of the St. Paul s Church of Dayton, Ohio. He is now director of the City Department of Religious Work. He resides at Forest Hills Gardens, N.Y. Laurence, A. C., Business President and Director,of 111 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and sicieties. He is president, manager and di rector of the Laurence Belting Company, Incorporated. Lauterbach, Mrs. Amanda Friedman, Philanthropist and Woman Suffragist, of 761 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born in Green Bay, Wis. She was educated in Paris and New York City and at Mrs. Sylvanus Reed s School. She is a skilled musician; and has made her well-trained voice serve to the advantage of the chari ties in which she is interested. She has helped to sremv (lie passage of several phi lanthropic laws. She was for many years vice-president of the Woman s Philharmon ic Society, vice-president of the Womna s Suffrage League; first vice-president of the Consumers League; and was first vice-pre sident of the First Kindergarten organized in New York. She is also a directress of the Little Mothers and is a member of various .other philanthropic and charitable institu tions. Lawrence, Ellis F.,Member of the Irving- ton Club of Commerce, the University Club, the City Club, and the American Institute of Architects. He is a firm member of the Lawrence and Hoi ford Architects, and dean of the School of Arehitective and Al lied Arts University of Oregon. His address is 1021 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Ore. Lawrence, John S., Director and Trustee of 89 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Lawrance, Marion, Merchant, of 5 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born on Oct. 2, 1850, in Gratis, Ohio. He is general secretary of International Sunday School Association. Lawrence, Van Courtlandt, Lawyer and Director, of 649 Tremont Building, Boston, Mas. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the First State Bank and other corporations. Laws, Annie, Member of the Cincinnati Woman s Club. She was born in Cincinnati Ohio. She has been president of the Ohio Federation of Women s Clubs; and is hon orary member of the Spanish American War Nurses. She resides at 2927 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawton, A. R., President of the Svannah Music Club, with a membership of two hundred and seventy-five men and women. He resides at 516 Abercorn Street, Savan nah, Ga. Lawton, Otto A M Business President, of G16 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Franklin Motor Layer, Frank C., Builder and Manufac turer, of 118 North La Salle Street, Chica go, 111. He was educated in Bohemia. Since 1881 he has been a general contractor and builder. Since 1906 a brick manufacturer; and is now president and general manager of the Builders Brick Company. He is a member of the Sokol, a Bohemian Athletic Association ; and a member of the Forest ers and the Royal League. In 1882 he mar ried Miss Bozena Kucera; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 1810 South Central Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. Layman, Waldo Arnold, Member of the Engineers Club. He was born Oct. 27, 1869, in Smith ton, Mo. Since 1912 he has been manager and president of the Wagner El ectric Manufacturing Company. He resides at 22 Kingsbury Place, St. Louis, Mo. Leach, Arthur B., Business President, of 62 Cedar Street, New York City; and is a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Columbia Gas and Elec tric Company, and a director in other cor porations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 321 Laymance, M. J., Realtor and Business president, of 1515 Franklin Street, Oakland Cal.; and a member of the Mount Diablo Country Club, the Sequoyah Country Club, the Del Paso Country Club, the Athenian Nile Club, the Masonic Club of San Fran cisco, the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, the American Geographical Society, the American Petroleum Institute, and is a pro minent Mason. He was born in 1856 at Tunnel Hill, Ga. Since 1887 he has been in the oil and real estate business in Oakland, Cal. He is president of the Laymance Real Estate Company, and president of the Lay mance Oil Company. He is vice-president of the M. J. and M. M. Consolidated Oil Company, and vice-president of the Ethel D. Oil Company. In 1883 he married Miss L. Lernon; and they have a family ot lour daughters, and reside at 467 Chetwood Street, Oakland, Cal. Leach, Herbert N., Vice-president and Treasurer, of 109 Foster Street, Worcester, Mass., and a member of the Worcester Ac ademic Club; and a Thirty-three degree Mason; he was born April 19, 1866, in Le- verett, Mass. Since 1897 he has been asso tinted with the J. W. Bishop Company, of which he is now secretary and treasurer.He is also vice-president of the New England Cold Storage Company, treasurer of the Bi shop Securities Company, and secretary and treasurer of the Fulton Fuel Road Oil Company. In 1886 he married Miss Myrtie Augusta Powers ;and they have one daught er, and reside at 22 Perkins Street, Wor cester, Mass. Leahy, Thomas F., Manufacturer, of 224 West Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. was born Dec. 5, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is presi dent of the American Hotel Register Com pany , publishers Leahy s Hotel Guide and Railroad Distance Maps of Americe ana owner of the Leahy Building. lie i- a mem ber of the Chicago Athletic Club, and a li re member of the Art Institute. He is ao Elk and a member of various other fraternal and patriotic clubs and societies In 1901 he married Miss Sara A. Ferrall; and tLey have one son and one daughter. Learnard, Henry H., Business President, of 50 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various cluLj and socie ties. He is president of the New England Rendering Company, and a director in oth er corporations. f Learned, Arthur, Garfieldjllustrator and Artist, of 56 Gramercy Park, New York Ci ty, was born on Aug. 10, 1872, in Cholsr), Mass. For four years he was on the art staff of the Boston Herald; an^ has illus trated eight volumes of Brevery Treasu ries; and also various books IV Boston publishers. Among his painting-, are seven Learned Heads; drawing for Life; and for the Ladies Home Journel. Le Boutillier, Philip, Business President, of 372 Fifth -Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is secretary and director Best and Company and a director of the Ball Realty Company. Lederer, Henry W.,Manufacturer, of 143 Duane Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Duane Shoe Company. He is also a director of the North American Bank. Ledoux, John Walter, Civil Engineer and Inventor, of 112 Broad Street, Philadelphia Pa.; and a member of the American Socie ty of Civil Engineering, the American So- city of Mechanical Engineers and the Am erican Institute of Consulting Engineers. He was born Aug. 28, 1860, in St. Croix Falls, Wis.; and graduated from Lehigh University. Since 1887 he has been engaged almost exclusively in hydraulic engineering. In 1880-1919 he was chief of the American Pipe Manufacturing of Philadelphia, Pa.; and had charge of the design and engineer ing of over one hundred waterworks sys tems built by that company. Since 1920 he has been acting as consulting engineer to municipal operations. In 1888 he married Miss Laura A. Ueberroth; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and re side in Swarthmore, Pa. Lee, George C., Director and Trustee, of 44 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Colorado Power Company and other corporations. 21 322 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Lee, Frederic G., Business President and Director, of 485 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Union League Club and various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. He is also director of the Irv ing National Bank, the Avery Rock Salt Company, Belding Brothers and Company, the Detroit Rock Salt Company, the Gar- field Worsted Mills, the Genessee and Wyo ming Railroad Company, the International Pulp Company, the International Salt Com pany, the International Salt Company of New York, and the Retsof Mining Compa ny. Lee. Guy Carleton, Editor, society Presi dent and Author of 172 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa., was born in 1869 in North Ca rolina. He is now president of the National Society for Broader Education, having re tired from active business. Lee, John A., of 130 North Wells Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 28, 1851, in Kentucky. He is a member of the Masonic Order, and the Sons of the American Re volution. He is a successful business man; was chairman of the Publicity Committee of the Western Canners Association. In 1893-97 he was national president of the Travelers Protective Association of Amer ica, a commercial travelers organization, and 1901-04 Lieutenant-Governor of Mis souri. He is vice-president of the Louis Ilili er Company of Chicago, St. Louis, Ind ianapolis and Milvvaukee,canned food brok ers and manufacturers agents. He is a can ned food expert and magazine writer; a lecturer and speaker; and a minister of the Christian Church. In 1880 he married Miss Martha. Virginia Gathright; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 5939 Midway Park, Chicago, 111. Lee, Joseph, Social Worker, of 101 Tre- mont Street, Boston, Mass., was born on March 8, 18(52, in Brookline, Mass. He has been president of the Playground Associa tion of America. Lee, William Granville, Member of the City Club. lie was born Nov. 29, 1859, in I a Prairie, 111. Since 1909 he has been pre sident of Brotherhood of Railway Train men. He resides at 1230 Delle Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Leeming, Thomas Lonsdale, Merchant, of 130 William Street, New York City, was born Jan. 9, 1872, in Montreal, Canada. He was educated at Columbia University. He is vice-president of the Nestle s Food Com pany of New York ; vice-president of the Leeming Miles Company, Limited, of Mont real, Canada ; and director of the Chatham- Phoenix National Bank of New York. Leffingwell, William Elderkin,Member of the Hamilton Club. He was born July 10, 1855, in Aurora, N.Y. In 1910-15 he has been president of Watkins Glen Reserva tion Commission. He resides in Watkins, N.Y. Lehman, Arthur, Business President, of 22 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alabama Mineral Land Company, and a president in other corpo rations. Lehman, Herbert H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 16 William Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is director of the Anniston City Land Company and other corporations. Lehman, Philip, Director, of 16 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the F. W. Woolworth Company and oth er corporations. Lehman, Herman B., Importer and Direc tor, of 8 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is head of H. B. Lehman and Company, Importers. He is also a di rector of E. H. Finman, Incorporated. Lehon, Tom, Manufacturer^ West For ty-fourth Street and Oakley Avenue, Chica go, 111., was born Oct. 17, 1876, in Oswego, N.Y. In 1896-1905 he was connected with the National Roofing Company. In 1905 he came to Chicago and organized the Lehon Company, manufacturers of insulating ma terials, railroad specialties and roofing, of which he has since been the head. He is the author of the famous trade mark Mule- Hide not a kick in a million feet, which is so well known in the roofing trade. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 323 Leibenderfer, Ralph J., Business Presi dent, of 95 Liberty Street, New York Ciey; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Republic Coal Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Leland, Lester, Member of the Union Club. He was born July 20, 1864, in Boston, Mass. He is vice-president of the United States Rubber Company: He resides at 422 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Le Messurier, Joses Tollman, Business President, of 1450 Twenty-first Street, De troit, Mich, was born in 1868, in Carlisle, Ontario, Canada. Since 1881 he has been in laundry business; was manager for about nine years ; and since 1897 has been in bus iness for himself. He is now president of the Detroit Laundry Machinery and Supply Company; and senior. member of the laun dry firm of LaMessurier Brothers. He is a member of the Board of Commerce of De troit; and a member of the State and Na tional Laundry and Dry Cleaning Associa tion. He is a member of the Knights of Py thias, a thirty-two degree Mason, and a life member of the Elks. He married Miss Christina W. Sartor; and they have a fam ily of one son and one daughter and two grand-daughters, and reside at 565 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Lemkau, J. H. Walter, Business Presi dent and Director, of 106 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is head of the firm of J. H. Walter Lemkau. He is also president of the Invert Sugar Company of New York and a director of the G. C. Arrowsmith Company. Lennon, John Brown, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Oct. 12, 1850, in La fayette County, Wis. In. 1886-1910 he edit ed The Tailor; anil "is a lecturer on social problems. He resides in Bloomington, 111. Leon, Arthur T., Vice-president an Di rector, of 449 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the NewYork Ath letic Club, the New Rochelle Republican Club, and the Board of Education. He was born in 1867, in New York City; and w r as educated in Germany, France and England. He is vice-president of the Cupples and Leon Company, publishers. He married Miss F. L. Leroy; and they have a family of two sons, and reside at 204 Hamilton Avenue, New Ro:chelle, N.Y. Leonard, Charles W., Business President of 232 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Boston Fair, Incorpor ated, and a director in other corporations. Leonard, Clifford Milton, Engineer, of McCormick Building, Chicago, Ill.,was born Dec. 24, 1879, in Chicago, 111. He is trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital ;and a member of American. Society of Civil Engineers. Leonard, Edgar Cotrell, Manufacturer and Financier, of 472 Broadway, Albany, N.Y., was born May 28, 1862, in Albany, N.Y. In 1886 he received the degree of A.B. from Williams College. He has been pre sident of the Young Men s Christian As sociation. Since 1887 he has been a member of the firm of Cotrell and Leonard. He is a member of the University Club, the Fort Orange Country Club, and various other clubs and societies. Leonard, Edgar W., Business Man and Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Moore, Leonard and Lynch. He is a director of the Country Club Land Association. Leonard, Stephen J., Business President, of 220 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Standard Cloth Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Lerner, Michael, Vice-president and Di rector, of 19 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Lerner Blouse Corporation. He is pro minently identified with .business and pub- lie affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Lerner, Samuel A., Business President, Treasurer and Director, of 19 West Thirty- sixth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Lerner Blouse Corporation. He is vice-president of Adams Blouses, Incor porated ; and vice-president of a score of other allied corporations. 324 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Lesley, Robert W., Business President, of 366 Gerard Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tidewater Land Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Lesley, Robert Whitmann, Member of the Rittenhouse Club. He was born July 4,1853 in Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of .the Jackson Mills Emery Company. He resides at Lesselyn Court, Haverford, Pa. L Esperance, Oscar R. T., Physician and Surgeon, of 100 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. In 1909 he received the degree of M.I), from the Boston University School of Medicine. He has been assistant physician to the Floating Hospital, interne to the Roxbury Homoeopathic Hospital; and as sistant surgeon to the Genito-urinary de partment of the Massachussetts General Hospital. He is a member of the Massachus setts Medical Society, the Boston Homoeo pathic Medical Society, the American Uro- logical Society, and of various other med ical and scientific societies. Lesser, H., Lawyer,of 277 Broadway ,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the law firm of Lesser and Lesser. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Lester, Katharine M., President of the Peoria Society of Allied Arts. She resides at Peoria, 111. Letteney, Carr F., Director and Trustee, of 11 Central Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director oi Pioneer Co-operative Bank and other corporations. Letts, Frank Crawford, Merchant, of 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was horn April 28, 1801, in Magnolia, 111. He v.as formerly president of the Booth Fish eries Company. He is now president of the National Grocer Company; and a director of the American Fisheries, and the White Brothers Lumber Company. During the Great War lie was direr-tor of supplies fov the American Red Cross, Washington,D.C. Leuckel, Alfred K., Member of various dubs and societies. He is a successful bus iness man of Trenton, N.J. He was born on April 21, 1864, in Lehighton, Pa.; and re ceived a technical education. He is senior member of the firm of A. L. Lueckel and Company, 621 to 633 South Broad Street, Trenton, N.J. In 1913-14 he was president of the Chamber of Commerce; and has fil led many positions of trust and honor. He resides in Trenton, N.J. Levey, Charles M., Business President,of Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. , and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Deep Creek Railroad Company, and other corporations. Levi, Nathaniel H., Business President, of 1013 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Levi Brothers and Com pany, Incorporated, and other corporations. Levison, J. B., Business President, of Fireman s Fund Insurance Company, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fireman s Fund Insurance Company and other corporations. Levy, Isaac E., Business President, of 33 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Oppenheim, Col lins and Company of Newark, N.J. ; and a director in other corporations. Levy, Isadore Montefiore,Lawyer and Di rector, of 233 Broadway, New York City, was born in Manhattan, New York City. In 1903 he was president and honor man of the graduation class of the law school of New York University. He is a member of the Board of Education of New York City; and chairman of the Municipal Court Com mittee of the New York County Lawyers Association, and has acted as referee in many important cases. He is a director and member of numerous charitable societies; and a, member of the In wood Country Club. Levy, Michael, Business Presidentand Di rector, of 485 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Oppenheim, Collins and Company, of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is also a director of Oppenheim, Collins and Com pany, Incorporated; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 325 Lewenthal, Isaac, Manufacturer and Di rector, of 285 Fifth Avenue, New York Ci ty, was born Oct. 3, 1867, in New York Ci ty. He was educated in the public and priv ate schools of New York City. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs of his city; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. He has been a partner and director of the Royal Jewelry Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of gold and silver novelties; and is still- a member. He resides at the Hotel Welling ton of New York City; and contributed in every way possible to win the World-War. Lewis, David J., Engineer and Director, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a successful consulting engineer of New York City. He is also a director of the Sug ar Refining Company. Lewis, Edison, Director,of 9 West Seven teenth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Walton Hotel Company and other corporations. Lewis, Edward B., Director, of 205 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Albany Ice-Cream Com pany and other corporations. Lewis, Ernest W., President of the Phoe nix Country Club, a Mason, Knight Temp lar and Shriner. He was born Dec. 27,1875, in Indiana, Pa.; and was educated at the University of Minnesota. He is Chancellor of the Diocese of Arizona ; and counsel for various mining and industrial corporations* He is a member of the firm of Armstrong, Lewis and Kramer. He was reporter of the Supreme Court of Arizona in 1903-09, Just ice Supreme Court 1909-12, and President s Commissioner Conciliation during the cop per strikes in Arizona. In 1902 he married Miss Ethel May Orme; and they have a fa mily of two sons and one daughter, and re side in Phoenix, Ariz. Lewis, Eugene W., Member of the Detroit Athletic Club. He was born Sept. 6, 1870, in Belle Vernon, Pa. He is president of the House Financing Corporation. He resides in Grosse Pointe, Mich. Lewis, John Frederick, President of the Pensylvania Academy of The Fine Arts.He resides at Broad and Cherry Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. Lewis, John Llewellyn, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 12, 1880, in Lucas, Iowa. Since 1920 he has been presi dent of the United States Mine Workers of America. He resides at 1132 West Law rence Avenue, Springfield, 111. Lewis, Myron P., Director and Trustee, of 94 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Prince Macaroni Manufacturing Company and other corpo rations. Lewis, Orlando Faulkland, Sociologist, of 135 East Fifteenth Street, New York City, w y as born Sept 5, 1873, in Boston, Mass. He is editor of The Delinquent, a monthly ma gazine. He is the author of Vagrancy in the United States. Lewis, Robert Ellsworth, Member of the University Club. He was born Sept. 29, 1869, in Berkshire, Vt. Since 1909 he has been general secretary of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He is the author of Educational Conquest of the Far East. He resides at 220 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Lewis, William B., Business President, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Oakdale Coal Company, Lewisolm, Adolph, Capitalist and Philan thropist, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born May 27, 1849, in Ham burg, Germany. He is now head of the mer cantile firm of Adolph Lewisohn and Son; and president of the General Development Company and other corporations. He gave three hundred thousand dollars to the Col umbia University School of Mines Build ing. He resides at 881 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Lewisohn, Frederick, Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various .clubs and societies. He is president of the Salt Lake Copper Com pany, and a director in other corporations. 323 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ley, Harold A., Business President, of 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Fred T. Ley and Company, and a director in other corpora- t ions. Ley, Harold A., Business President, of 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Fred T. Ley and Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Li, K. C., Business President, of the Wool worth Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.IIe is president, treasurer and director of the Wall Chang Trading Corporation, import ers and exporters. Libbey, Edward D., President of the To ledo Museum of Art. He resides at Scott- Place, Toledo, Ohio. Lichtenberger, James Pendleton, Member of the City Club. He was born June 10, 1870, in Decatur, 111. Since 1909 he has been professor of sociology in the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Divorce, A Study in Social Causation. He resides at 39 Stoneleigh Court, Philadelphia Pa. Lieb, John William, Electrical Engineer, of 124 East Fifteenth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of Engineers Club, the Automobile Club, and other clubs and org anizations. He was born Feb. 12, 1860, in Newark, N.J. ; and was educated at the Stevens Institute of Technology, lie is past president of the American Institute of El ectrical Engineers, and other corporations. Lieber, Hugo, Chemist and Manufacturer of 23 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City, was born May 19, 1867, in Belecke, Germany. He founded the firm of H. Lieb er and Company, manufacturing and im porting chemists. He is the author of sev eral books; and the inventor and patentee of several chemical and technical products. He is president of H. Lieber and Company, Incorporated, past president of the Peat Fibre Company, treasurer of the General Transmission Company, and is an officer and a director in great many other corpo rations. Lies, Eugene Theodore, Member of the Chicago City Club. He was born on May 8, 1876, in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1912-18 he was general superintendent of the Chicago Un ited Charities. Jle resides at River Forest, 111., Liffler, Charles, Director, of 116 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Highland Co-operative Bank and other corporations. Liggett, Louis Kroh, Business President of Greenleaf and Leon Streets, Boston, Mass. ; and ; a: member of the Exchange Club, and various other clubs and socie ties. He is president of the United Drug Company. He is chairman of the executive committee of the National Cigar Stands Company of New York. He is a director of the Beacon Oil Company, and a score of other corporations. He is a trustee of tne New England Conservatory of Music ; and chairman o/f the Pilgrim Tercentenary Commission. He resides in Chestnut Hill, Newton, Mass. Lincoln, J. C;, Business President, of Thirty-eighth and Kelley Streets, Cleve land, Ohio; and a member of the Cleveland Athletic Club, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and American Weld ing Society. He was born July 17, 1866, in Painesville, Ohio; and received an academ ic education. Since 1904 he has been pre sident of the Lincoln Electric Company. He has a family of two sons and two daught ers, and resides at 14620 Terrace Road, East Cleveland, Ohio. Lincoln, Waldo, President of the Arner ican Antiquarian Society. He resides in Worcester, Mass. Lincoln, William Ensign, Member oi the University Club. He was born Sept. 27, 1847, in Providence, R.I. He is vice-presi dent of the H. K. Porter Company. He re sides at 815 Amberson Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. Lincoln, William Henry, Member of the Economic Club. He was born June 13, 1835 in Boston, Mass. He is ship owner and mer chant of the William H. Lincoln and Com-, pany. He resides in Brookline, Mas. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 327 Lincroum, Courtlandt,Business President of 52 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bank of Bogota, N.J. and a director in other corporations. Lindheim, Norwin R., Treasurer and Di rector, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Auto Ser vice Building Company and other corpora tions. Lindsay, John A., President of the New Britain Choral Society, with a membership of one hundred and forty men and women, lie resides at 50 Liberty Street, New Brit ain, Conn. Lindsay, Samuel McCune, Educator and Sociologist of 611 Kent Hall, New York Ci ty, was born May 10, 1869, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Since 1911 he has been pretsiderit of the New York Academy of Political Sci ence. He is the author of Social Aspects of Philadelphia Relief Work; and miscellane ous monographs. Linebarger, Paul Myron,Lawyer and Au thor, of Shanghai, China; and a member of the Union League Club and of various clubs and societies. He was born June 15, 1871, in Warren, 111.; and was educated at the Lake Forest University. In 1895 he began the practice of law in Chicago, 111. He serv ed through the Spanish-American War. Since 1918 he has been practicing law m the International Consular Courts of China. He is the author of Latch Strings to China and other works. Linn, Arthur L., Business President and Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the United Gas and Electric Corporation. He is a di rector of the Harrisburg Light tand Power Company, and a dozen other corporations. Linn, William tB., President of the Art Club of Philadelphia. He resides at 220 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Linson, Corwin Knapp, Painter, Illustra tor, Craftsman and Writer, of the Atlantic Highlands, N.J. One of his paintings, The Olympian Columns, is at the Westboro Lib rary, Mass.; also a group of five Memorial Windows are in the Baptist Temple, Brook lyn. He is a member of the Salmagundi Club, and various other societies and org anizations. Lippitt, F. S., President of the Portrait Artists Association of Cleveland. He resides at 746 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Lipps, Morris, Business President, of 39 East Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Greater New York Bedding Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Lisle, Arthur B., Business President, of Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I;and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Providence Steam Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Lisner, Leonard E., Business Man ana Di rector, of 418 W^est Twenty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Manhattan and Queen Traction Corpora tion, the New York and North Jersey Rapid Transit Company, and the Paper Products Corporation of America. Lissberger, Benjamin, Business President of 233 Broadway, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Page Woven Wire Fence Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Lissberger, Edmund, Business President, of 260 West Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the E. Lissberger Company. He is also a director of Queens- bury Mills, Incorporated, of Worcester, Mass. Littauer, Lucius N., Business President, of 233 Fourth Avenue, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Fonda Glove Lining Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Little, Arthur W., Business President, of 435 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Little Es tates Corporation and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Little, Clarence Belden,Lawyer and Bunk President, of Bismarck, N.D., was born on Nov. IS, lSf>7, in Pembroke, N.H. He was educated in Pembroke Academy, and grad uated from Dartmouth College with the de gree of A.B. He is president of the First National Bank of Bismarck, president of the McLean County State Bank of Wilkins president of the Emmons County State Bank of Braddock, President of the Mac kenzie State Bank, president of the Sterl ing State Bank, and president of the Wil kins Mercantile Company. In 1884-88 he was Judge of Probate; and for twenty years has been a member of the North Da kota State Senate. Little, Riley McMillan, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 15, 1865, in Cedarville, Ohio. Since 1918 he has been a director of the Safety Institute of Amer ica. He resides at 82 Maple Avenue, New Kochelle, N.Y. Livingston, Henry S., Director, of 170 William Steret,Ne\v York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Raymond Company and oth er corporations. Livingston, H. S., Business President, of 318 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Business Men s Club, the Cincinnati Automobile Club, the City Club, the Chamber of Commerce and other organ izations. He was born in Washington, Ohio. Since 1893 he has been president of the Cincinnati Cloak and Suit Company, of which he was the organizer. He is also pre sident of the National Automatic Fire Al arm Company of Ohio; and a director of the National Automatic Fire Alarm Com pany of Cincinnati, and of other organiza- tions. In 1880 he married Miss Bertha Krohn, now deceased. He had one son,\vho lost his life in the World-War; and has one daughter, and resides in Avondale, Cincin nati, Ohio. Livingstone, William, Member of the De troit Club. He was born Jan. 21, 1844, in Dundas, Ontario, Canada. He is president of the Dime Savings Bank. He resides at 40 Eliot Street, Detroit, Mich. Livingstone, Colin, Hamilton, Member of the University Club. He was born June 3, 1863, in St. John, N.B. He is president of the Potomac and Chesapeake Steamship Company. He resides at 1249 Kenyon Street N.W., Washington, D.C. Lloyd, Arthur J., Manufacturer, of 626 South Clark Street, Chicago, 111., was born Dec, 8, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He wsa form erly associated with the Rockwell and liu- pel Company, as department manager. He has been manager of various departments of the W. G. Lloyd Company, manufactur ers of loose leaf ledgers and account books, of which he is now vice-president ;and vice- president of the Burr-Vack Company, sta tioners. He resides in Oak Park, 111. Lloyd, William G., Manufacturer of 6U6 South Clark Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 15, 1855, in Chicago, 111. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the manufacture of blank books and stationery. He is presi dent and treasurer of the William G. Lloyd Company; ^vice-president of the E. E. Lloyd Paper Company ; vice-president of Stevens Maloney and Company; director of the Me tropolitan Fire Insurance Company; and treasurer of the Accounting Devices Com pany. . Lobdell, Harry Harrison,Broker and bus iness ManJ of 306 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 10, 1866, in Rochester, N.Y. In 1884-91 he was associat ed with George W. Ludlow Company, man ufacturers of boots and shoes. In 1891- 1914 he was manager of the Harry H. Lob- dell Company, wholesale boots and shoe. 5 . Since 191,5 he has been a mmbr of tli f r.n of Lanison Brothers and Company, grains and stocks. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the Chicago Athletic Club, the Kx- moor Country Club, the South Shore Count ry Club, and the Chicago Yacht Club, in 1890 he married Miss Nell F. Lamson; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter; and res de p. I - U)!)l I 111 is AVJIIUU, Chicago, 111. Locke, Bessie, Member of the Woman s Club. $he was born in West Cambridge, Mass. She has secured endowments in per petuity for four mission Kinder Garden in Greater New York. She resides at 150 West One Hundred and Sixth Street, New York City. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 329 Locke, Elmore E., Business President, of 165 Pleasant Street, Maiden, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Maiden Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Locke, Frank L., Director, of 48 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Asssociated Charities of Maiden and other corporations. Locke, Isaac H., Business President, of 97 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Sulpho-Naphtol Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Locke, Frank Levering, Member of the Boston City Club, the Unitarian Club of Boston, the University Club of Maiden, the Boston Rotary Club, the Boston Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. He is president of the Boston Young Men s Christian Union; and resides at Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Lockett, Arthur H., Director, of 25 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Crowell Publishing Company and other corporations. Lockhart, Henry. Business President and Director, of 60 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Wetlaufen-Lor- rain Silver Mines, Incorporated. He is vice- president of the Pecos Mines Company, the Valley Mould and Iron Corporation, and the Goodrich Lockhart Company. He is al so director of the Commonwealth Petro leum Corporation, and a dozen other corpo rations. Lockwood, Albert, Pianist, of Ann Har bor, Mich., was born Apr. 3, 1871, in Troy, N.Y. He was educated at the Leipzig Con servatory ,studied with Leshetitzky at Vien- head of the piano department of the Uni- na, and with Buonamici in Florence. He ha? played with success in London, Paris, Flor ence and other European cities. He is now head ot the piano department of the Uni versity School of Mjusic at Ann Arbor, Mich. He resides at Hillside Court, Ann Kubor, ML- Lockwood, Hamilton Deforest, Treasur er and Director, of 60 Congress Street, Bos ton, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Paper Mill Mutual Insurance Company and other corporations. Lockwood, Henry, Clergyman and journ alist, of East Millstone, N.J., and a member of the Rutgers Club of New Brunswick and other organizations. He was born Jan. 4, 1869, in Albany, N.Y. ; and received the de gree of D.D. from the New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Since 1901 ne nas been pastor of the General Synod of the Reformed Church of America. He is the editor of the Somerset Church News. In 1894 he married Miss Bertha A. Booraem; and they have a family of one son, and re side in East Millstone, ft.J. Lodge, Henry Cabot, Business President of Nahant, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Massachusetts Historical Society and a di rector in other corporations. He resides in Nahant, Mass. Loeb, Jacob W., Business President, of 840 Tenth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Phoenix Amusement Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Loeb, William, Jr., Business President,of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Albany Southern Railroad Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Loening, Grover C., Engineer, Business Man and Director, of 351 West Fitty-sec- ond Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Loening Aeronautical Engineer ing Corporation. He is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and hon or. Lccsch, Frank Joseph, Lawyer, oi 10 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111.; and past president of the Chicago Bar Associa tion, and past president of Union League Club. He was born April 9, 1852, in Buffalo N.Y. ; and received the degree of LL.B. 330 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISl from the Union College of Law. Since 1892 be has been general counsel for Western division of the Pennsylvania Lines, in 1898 1902 lie was a member of Chicago Board of Education. Loew, Marcus, Business President, of 1493 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dayton Theatre Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Loewenthal, Max, Business President, of 20 West Sixtieth Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the United States Reclaiming and Metal Briquetting Compa ny, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Loft, George W., Business President, of 400 Broom Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Fifty-four Barclay Street Company, and a director in other corpo rations. Logan, Edward L., Lawyer and Trustee, of 199 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie- ties. He is a trustee of the Hibernia Sav ings Bank and other corporations. Logan, Frank Granger, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Oct. 7, 1851, in Cayuga County, N.Y. He is a trus tee and vice-president of the Art Institute of Chicago; and the owner of a valuable collection of reliques of John Brown and Abraham Lincoln. He resides at 1150 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Logan, Marvel Mills, Lawyer and Bus iness President,of 917 Intersouthern Build ing, Louisville, Ky., was born Jan. 7, 1875, near Brownsville, Ky. In 1892-96 he taught school; and in 1896 began the practice of law. In 1896-1912 he was chairman of the Edmonson County Democratic Committee; and for two years was a County attorney. In 1896-1912 he practiced in Brownsville, Ky. In 1912 he was appointed first assistant attorney-general of Kentucky, and in 1915 was elected attorney-general of Kentucky. In 1917 he resigned to become chairman of the Kentucky State Tax Cornission. He is a director and attorney of the Rock As phalt Company, president of the Green Riv er Land and Mineral Company, president of the Inter-County Land Company, and a director and attorney of the Arenal Trad ing Corporation, the Service Adjustment Company, the Vmson-Kolb Coal Company, and the Flexner Real Estate Company, lie is a member of the Pendennis Club; and is a Mason, Knight Templar, Odd Fellow arid Elk. In 1897 he married Miss Delia Ilav- don; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter; and reside at 1405 High land Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Logan, Mary Simmerson Cunningham (Mrs. John A. Logan), Member of the \\o- man s Club. She was born Aug. 12, 1838, in Petersburg, Boone County, Maine. She is the wife of late General Logan; and has devoted much time to the perpetuation of General Logans Memory. She is the author of Recollections of the Soldiers Wife. She resides at. 2723 Thirteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Lohman, Mrs. A. H., President of the La dies of the Round Table. She is the wife of Mr. A. H. Lohman, who is identified with the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, of Two Rivers, Wis. She resides in Two Riv ers, Wis. Lok, Lee B., Business Treasurer and Di rector, of 32 Mott Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Yuan Shing Corporation. He is prominently identified with business affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Long, Adolphus F., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 501 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is secretary, treasurer and direc tor of the North Virginia Corpiration, and also of the Ellisdale Company, Incorporat ed. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Longacre, John A., Member of the Man ufacturers Club of Philadelphia, the Rota ry Club of Norristown, the Old Colony Club and is thirty-two degree Mason and Shrin- er. He was born Jan. 21, 1898, in Jefferson- ville, Pa. He is secretary and manager of the American Equipment Company. He re sides in Norristown, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 331 Longyear, John M., Business President, and Director, of 70 Leicester Street, Brook- line, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presidnt of the Long- year Mesaba Land and Iron Company, the Marquette National Bank of Michigan and the Arche Coal Company. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Porcupine Land Association, and a dozen other corpo rations. Loomis, Edward, Business President, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Coal and Coke Railway Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Loper, Frank M., Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Southern Copper Mining Company and other corporations. Lord, Arthur, Lawyer and Director, of 70 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Plymouth Electric Light Company and other corporations. Lord, D. M., Business Man and Director, of 925 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Columbia Western Mills. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Lord, John Brackett, Memeber of the Ci ty Club, and various other clubs and socie ties. He was born June 3, 1848, in Newton Upper Falls, Mass. He engaged in the grain and flour business; and is now president of the Ayer and Lord Tie Compain. fie is also director of the Harris Trust and Sav ings Bank of Chicago, 111. He resides with his family at 229 Lake Shore Drive, Chi cago. 111. Lord, William Adgate,Lawyer and States man, of the Savings Bank Building, Orange N. J. ; and a member of the American Leg ion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Elks, the Masons, the Newark Athletic Club, and other organizations. He was born Oct. 7, 1870, in Orange, N.J. In 1901-03 he was a member of the New Jersey State Legislat ure; and in 1904-12 was City Counsel of Orange, N.J. Since 1919 he has been mayor of his city. In 1903 he married Miss Sarah Roberts; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 272 Park Avenue, Orange, N.J. Loree, Leonor F., Business President, of 32 Nasau Stret, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chateaugay Ore and Iron Company, and a director in other cor porations. Loree, Robert F., Director, of 140 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Foreign Bond and Share Company, and other corporations. Loring, Augustus P., Business President, of 40 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Massachusetts Cotton Mills, and a director in other corporations. Loring, Caleb, Business President, of 40 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Greenough Coal Company, Loring, Daniel A., Retired Business Pre sident and Director, of 29 West Thirty- fourth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of the Republican Club, the Lambs Club the New York Athletic Club, the Knicker bocker Athletic Club, the Coney Island Joc key Club, the Brooklyn Jockey Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Saint Augustine Yacht Club, the New York Produce Ex change, and the Consolidated Stock Ex change. He is president if the Aetna Real Estate and Loan Company, Real Estate In vestment, and for many years was actively identified with business, public and social affairs. Loring, Homer, Business President, of 8 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ogden Consolidated Coal Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Loudon, Hugh R., Business President, of 30 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Star Insurance Compa ny of America, and a director in other cor porations. 332 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Lougee, Willis Eugene, Member of the Ci ty Club, He was born May 2, 1857, in Chel sea, Orange County, Vt. Since 1910 he has been treasurer of the International Com mittee of the Young Hen s Christian As sociation. During the past ten years he has raised five million dollars for various re ligious and phianthropk societies. He re sides in Candia, N.H. Lounsbury, Phineas 0., Treasurer and Di rector, of 257 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the American Bank Note Company and other corporations. Lourie, David A., Lawyer, Business Pre sident and Trustee, of 40 Court Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has attained success in the practice of law; and is a member of the law firm of Lourie and Tobey. He is vice- president of the Chelsea Morris Plan Com pany, and a trustee of the Blackstone Sav ings Bank. He is a director of the Chelsea Trust Company, the Massachusetts Realty Commercial Company, and other corpora tions. He is a trustee of the Chelsea Mem orial Hospital, the Chelsea Public Library, the Federated Jewish Charities of Boston, and the Children s Bureau of Federated Jewish Charities. Lovatt, Frederick J., Director of 18 Old Slip, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Linseed Company and oth er corporations. Lovejoy, Owen Reed, Sociologist of 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York Ci ty, was born Sept. 9, 1866, in Jamestown, Midi. Since 1907 he has been general sec retary of the National Child Labor Com mittee. He is a member of the National Arts Club. Loveless, C. B., Business President, of 880 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Federal Lumber Compa ny, president of the Warren Iron and Steel Company, and president and director of other corporations.He has a family of three sons and three daughters, and resides in Warren, Ohio. Loveman, Bernard E., Member of various clubs and societies. He is a successful mer chant of Chattanooga, Tenn. He was born March 14, 1874, in Atlanta, Ga. ; and re ceived a technical education. He is presi dent of the Loveman Bank; and vice-pre sident of the D. B. Loveman Company. In 1909 he married Miss Hilda K. GarsonjMid they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at Riverview, Chatta nooga, Tenn. Loventhal, Charles D., Business President of 92 Lenox Avenue, New r York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Loventhal s Sons, In corporated; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Levering, Edward, Treasurer, and Direc tor, of 84 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Second Nation al Bank and other corporations. Lovett, Edgar Odell, Business President, of Houston, Texas; was born April 4,1871, in Shreve, Ohio; and received a thorough educatiin. He has been professor of astro nomy at Princeeton University; and since 1908 has been president of the Rice Instit ute of Houston, Texas. In 1897, he married Miss Mary Ellen Hale; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in Houston, Texas. Lowden, Frank Orren, Lawyer and Gov ernor, of Oregon, 111., was born on Jan. 26, 1861, in Sunrise City, Minn. He received the degree of A.B. from the Iowa State Un iversity; and the degree of LL.B. from the Union College of Law. In 1887-1906 he practiced law in Chicago, 111.; and in 1889 was professor of law in Northwestern Un iversity. In 1906-07 he was a member of Congress to fill a vagancy; and in 1907-11 served as a member of the sixtieth and six ty-first Congress. He was also Governor ot the State of Illinois for the term 1917-21. Since 1912 he has been a director of the Pullman Company. Lowe, Houston, President of the Dayton Association of Art. He resides in Dayton, Ohio. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 333 Lowell, A. Lawrence, Business President, of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Harvard Univ ersity, and a director in other corpora tions. Lowenstein, Abram L., Business Presi dent, of 40 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alli ance Selling Association, and a director in other corporations. Lowenstein, Leon, Treasurer and Director of 40 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member ofvarious clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Classic Mills and other corporations. Lowrie, Selden Gale, Educator and Scien tist, of the University of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of the University Club, the City Club, the Tennis Club, and various other organizations. He is professor of Pol itical Science at the University of Cincin nati; and a contributor to standard public ations on the subject of government. He has been a director at the Ohio Legilative Reference Bureau; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Lowry, J. E., Member of the Masonic and Modern Woodmen. He is president of the Hiwassee College. He has been a member of the Holston Conference M.E. Church South Lother, William E., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 43 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Overman Cush ion Tire Company, Incorporated and other corporations. Lucas, Howard Chauncey, Banker and Statesman, of 511 North Naches Avenue, Yakima, Wash., was born April 11, 1872,in Ames, Iowa. He is president of the Yakima Trust Company. In 1919 he was a member of the Washington State Legislature. In 1915-16 was president of the Washington Bankers Association. In 1917-18 he was treasurer and chairman of the executive committee of the Yakima Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross ;and was county chairman of the Second, Third and Fourth Liberty Loan Campaigns. Lucey, John F., Business President of 233 Broadway, New York Ctiy ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is President of the Lucey Manufacturing Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Ludlow, George S., Director, of 33 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the Beaver Steamship Com pany and other corporations. Ludlow, Rodney Jerome, Business Man ager, of 308 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Feb. .15, 1873, in Dayton, Ohio. He was educated under priv ate tutors, at Cornell University, and grad uated in medicine in 1902. He practiced as physician for a while. Since 1902 he has been field supervisor for the A. B. Dick Company of Chicago; and is also manager of the Elliott Company of Chicago. He is a member of Kenwood Lodge of the Mason ic Order, the Indiana Consistory, and the Murat Temple Mystic Shrine of Indiana polis. He is a prominent Elk; and a mem ber of various other fraternal orders, clubs and societies. In 1893 he married Miss Rose Provencher; and they have a family of one son and one daughter; and reside at 1205 Pratt Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Ludium, Clarence A., Director, of Cedar Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Marion Press and other corporations. Ludwig, Frank J., Business President, of 713 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Cunningham Grain Company, and a director in other corporations. Luitwieler, Clarence S., Business Presi dent, of 299 Marginal Street, Boston,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Newton South Co-operative Bank, and a director in other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Lutkins, Clinton, S., Director, of Cl Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a direc tor of the Nichols Copper Company and other corporations. 334 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Lundstrom, Charles Theodore,Real Estate Dealer and Builder, of 133 West Washing- ion Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 27, 1884, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the real estate business; in If) 14 engaged in building; president of Mont rose Bachelor Apartments; and is in terested in a number of corporations, He is a director and member of the Builders and Traders Kxchange. Lyle, J. I., Engineer, Business President and Director, of 750 Prelinghuysen Avenue Newark, N.J.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer, director and manager of the Carrier Engineering Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Lyman, Arthur, Lawyer and Director, of CO State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and other corpora tions. Lyman, Chester Wolcott, Paper Manu facturer, of 30 Broad Street, New York Ci ty, was born May 25, 1861, in New Haven, Conn. He is president and director of the Umbagog Paper Company. Lyman, Edward Branch, Member of the City Club. lie was born June 7, 1876, in Grenfield, Mass. In 11)07 he was wire editor of the Associated Press in New York City. He has been active in National and Inter national Publicity Campaigns, and the so cial betterment work. He is the author of several works. He resides at 317 West Eighty-ninth Street, New York City. Lyman, Herbert, Business President, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Marimack Manufacturing Company and a director in other corpora tions. Lyman, Jesse P., Business President, of 121 Beverly Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is president of the American Glue Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Lyman, Ronald T., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.IIe is director of the National Shawmut Bank of Boston and other corporations. Lynch, John E., Business President, of 99 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wenatuxet Company, and a director in other corporations. Lynch, John E., President of the Worces ter Public School Art League. He resides in Worcester, Mass. Lynd, Staughton V., Business President, o-f 323 Fourth Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Industrial Bank of New York, and a director in other corporations. Lyon, Albert, Lawyer and Director, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Manufacturers Company and other corporations. Lyon, Edmund, Member of the Genesee Valley Club. Since 1893 he has been direc tor of the American Association to promote teaching speech to the dead, and is now its 1 resident. He is the author of The Lion Phonetic Manual. He resides at 1441 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. Lyon Frank Emory, Member of the City Club. He was born Aug. 20, 1864, in Lawn Ridge, 111. Since 1900 he has been superin tendent of the Central Howard Association of which he was the founder. He is the au thor of The Art of Living. He resides at (529 Marquette Road, Chicago. 111. Lyons, Mrs. J. F., President of the Har mony Club, With a membership of one hund red women. She resides at 900 Southland Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas. MacAfee, John Blair, Member of the Merion Cricket Club. He was born July 4, 1861, in St. John N. B. He is chairman 01 Mac Afee and Company, Limited Bankers of London. He resides at Renfrew, Ard- mor, Pa. MacCracken, John Henry, Member of North Country Club of Easton. He is pres ident of the Lafayette College. He has been president of the Westminster College of Missouri. He resides at Chestnut Street, Easton, Pa AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 335 MacCaughey, A. B. Mrs., President of the Womens Athletic Club, of 606 South Michigan Avenue, Chciago, 111. MacDonald, Henry, Business President, of 85 Lberty Street, Long Island, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, general manager and di rector, of the Public Service Corporation of Long Island. He is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and hon or. MacColl, James Robertson, Manufactur er and Business President of 547 Mineral Spring Avenue, Pawtucket, B.I., and is a member of the Union League Club, the A ^a wain Hunt Club of New York City, the Country Club of Brooklyn, the Hope Club and the Rhode Island Country Club. He was born April 2, 1856 in Glasgow Scot land. He is president of the Lorraine Man ufacturing Company. He has made fre quent trips abroad. He has been president of the New England Cotton Manufactur ing Association; and in 1914-19 was a di rector of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. He is president of the Morris Plan Company of Rhode Island , and vice-president of the Industrial Trust Company. In 1884 he married Miss Agnes Bogle; and they have five sons and one daughter. MacDonough, James, Vice-president and Director, of 507 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of : various clubs ana societies. He is vice-president and director of the Columbia Bank ; and has filled mam positions of trust and honor. | MacFadden, Bernard, Business Presi dent, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of varous clubs and societes. He s president of the Physi- call Culture Restaurant Company, and a director in other ocrporations. MacFerran, William Benson, Member of the Improved Order of Red Men, and a member of the Masonic Order. He was born Dec. 5, 1862, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is national secretary of the Improved Or der of Red Men. In 1883 he marred Miss Emma Josephne Scherr; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 4346 Jackson Boulevard, Chica go, 111. MacGovern, Frank, Business President, of 114 Liberty Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soceties. He is president and treasurer of MacGovern and Company Incorporated. He is a prom inently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. MacGowan, John K., Busness President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; a mem ber of various cubs and societies. He is president of the Chile Steamship Company, Mack Norman E., Publisher and States man, of Buffalo, N.Y., was born in 1858. In 1898-1912 he was charman of the Demo cratic National Commttec; in 1911 he was chairman of the Demokratic State Commit tee; and in 1900, 1904 and 1908 he was a. member of the National Democratic Com mttee, receiving the re-election at the Bal timore Convention.. Since 1879 he has been publisher of the Evening Times; and is also pubisher of the Buffalo Sunday Times, established in 1883. MacKey, Clarence H., Business Presi dent, of 253 Broadway, New ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of teh Commercial Cable Company, and a director in other corpor ation. Mackay, Gurdon R., Business Man and Trustee of 333 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the Amer ican Academy of Dental Science, the Na tional Dental Association, the Massachus- setts Dental Association and other organi zations. He was born in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. He is a well known dentist ol Boston, Mass.; and a trustee of the For- syth Dental Infirmery for Children. In 1893 he married Miss Florence L. Brown; and they reside at 333 Commonwealth Ave nue, Boston, Mass. MacLean, Annie Marion, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Canada. Since 1903 she has been professor of soci ology in the University of Chicago. She is the author of Wage Earning Women She resides at 902 Elmwood Avenue, Evan- ston, HI. 336 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST MacLeish, John E., Lawyer, of 134 South LaSalle Street Chicago 111., was born Ma\ 33, 1879, in Glasgow, Scotland He was ed ucated at Lewis Institute and at the Lake orest University Law School. He has ai t Mined success in the practice of law; an;l is i\ member of the firm of Scott, Ban croft, Mai-tin and Stephens, with offices in the Corn Exchange Hank Buidling. He is a member of the Union League Club, the ll.-unilton Club, the City Club the Skokh Country Club and various other clubs ami societies. MacLeod, Louisa Elizabeth Garden, Ar tist of 447 South Occidental Boulevard, Li is Angeles, Cal., was born in London, England.- She is the founder and director of the Los Angeles School of Art and De sign; retired in 1919. She has exhibitor! in London, Birmingham, Nottinham, Man Chester and Liverpool Galleries, England and Dresden, Germany. MacMurray, James E., Manufactur >r and Statesman, of 4933 Woodlawn Av.- nue, Chicago, 111., was horn in 1802 in Knox County Mo. Since 1890 he lias been president of the Acme Steel Goods Com pany; and president of MacMurray Stel Hoop Company. He is a member of the Illinois State Senate. MacTaggart, Edward Everett, Oil Pro ducer, of Marietta, Ohio, was born Nov. 2, 1871, in Williamstown, W. Va, He ha; been a member of the firm of A. II. and E. E. MacTaggart, lumber merchants of the Sol by dit and Gas Company, the Link Oil Company; the Akin Oil Company and oth er companies He is a member of various clubs and societies. Macurda, William E., Business Prea- dcnt, of 92 State Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Maiden Coal Company, and a director in other corpora, tions. MacVeagh, Eames, Wholesale Grocer, of 333 West Lake Street, Chicago, 111., was born Feb. 23, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Sine.- 1918 he has bee vice-president of Franklin MacVeagh and Company, wholesale gro cers; and is a director of the Continental and Commercial Bank. Macy, Carleton, Business President, .of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the DeWate Safety Latch Company, and a director in other corpora tions Macy, Valentine Everett, Member of the Century Club. He was born March 23, 1871, in New York. He is a director of the Mechanics and Metals National Bank. He resides at Scarborough-on-Hudson, N.Y. Maddox, William Arthur, Member of the Elks, Masons, Knight Templars and the Rotary Club. He is president of the Rock- ford College He has been professor of Normal Schools at Oswego, N.Y. ana Farmville, Vt. ; and assistant professor of Education at the Columbia University. His address is Rockford College, Rock- ford, 111. Madeira, Percy C., Business President, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clbs and societies. He is president of the Armstrong County Coal Company, and a director in other corporations. Magee, Charles Lohr, Member of the City Club. 4 He was born April 1, 1876, in Petersburg, Pa. Since 1905 he has been secretary of the American Red Cross. He resides at 116 Tennessee Avenue, Wash ington, D.C. Magee, John, Member of the Union Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club, ano the Brook Club, all of New York City; the Watkins City Club, of New York; and the Travelers Club of Paris, and St. Jame;-, Club of London. He was born Dec. 2, 1867, in Watkins, N.Y. He was educated in the private schools and by private tutors. Since 1897 he has been president of the Fall Brook Coal Company of Corning, N.Y. He has been on the staff of Governor Flowei with the rank of Colonel New York Na tional Guard. In 1891 he married Miss Florence W. Seeley, of E/mira, N.Y.; and they reside at Mt. Kisco, N.Y. Magoun, Henry, Marine Engineer, ot Camden, N.J., was born July 24, 1863, in Bath, Me. He was vice-president of the New York Shipbuilding Company. He is-b. member of various clubs and societies, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 337 Maguire, J. Desmet, Business President, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Maquire Rub ber Company, and a director in other coi- porations. Maguire, John P., Vice-president and Director, of 50 Union Square, New Yor!: City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Tex tile Banking Company, Incorporated; and vice-president of the Independent Ware houses, Incorporated. He is a director of the Cotton Mills Developement Company, the Roanoke Mills Company, the Rosemary Manufacturing Company, and the Royal Indemnity Company of New York. Mahler, Julius H, Business President, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is vice-president of the American Tobacco Company. He is president of the Manhat tan Briar Pipe Company. He is a direct or of the Citizens National Bank of Dui ham, the Columbia Box Company, the Nashville Tobacco Works, and the Tobac co By-Products and Chemical Corpora tion. Mahon, William D., Member of the Cii> Club. He was born in 1861, in Athens County, Ohio. For eleven years he was editor of The Mortorman and Conductor; and was judge of the Michigan State Court of Arbitration. He resides at 104 East High Street, Detroit, Mich. Mahony, Walter B., Director, of 20 Nas sau Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies He is a director of the Utilities Securities Cor poration and other corporations. Main, Charles T., Engineer and Director, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a noted engineer of Boston, Mass. He is past president of the Ameri can Society of Mechancial Engineers, a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and president of the Engi neers Club of Boston. He is a director of the Berkshire Cotton Manufacturing Com pany, the Massachusetts Trust Company, and the Tennessee Electric Company. Hb is also a trustee of the Winchester Sav ings Bank. Main, J. H. T., Member of the Century Club, New York, the University Club, Chicago, the Des Moines Transportation Club, New York. Heis president of the Grinnell College. He resides at 1011 Park Street, Grinnell, Iowa. Maisel, Carl, Secretary and Director, ol 294 Stuyvesant Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is secretary and director of Sobering and Glatz, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with public, busi ness and social affairs, and has held many positions of trust and honor. Makepeace, Charles R., Architect, En gineer and Business President, of the But ler Exhchange, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Agawam Club, the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers ana a ife member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He was born May 20, 1860, in Fayetteville, N.C. Since 1899 he has been head of the firm of C. R. Makepeace and Company, architects and mill engineers. He is president of the United Lace and Braid Manufacturing Company; and a director of the Firemens ( the Merchantile and the Narragansett In surance Companies, and of other corpor ations. In 1889 he married; and has three sons and two daughters, and reside at 275 Wayland Avenue, Providence, R.I. Makielski, Leon A., Artist, of Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Mich., was born in Morris Run, Pa. He is a pupil of AIC; Julian Academy and Grande Chaumiera Academy in Paris. He is a successful ana noted artist; and his works are included in numerous collections. Mallet, Thierry, Treasurer and Direct or, of 26 West Thirty-fifth Street, Ne^v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Re- villon, Incorporated, and other corpora tions. Mallett, William A., Business President, of 110 Westchester Suqare, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bronx County News Publishing Company, 22 338 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Malloy, Allen C., President of the Hutch- inson Country Club Association, was born April 13, 1877, in Attica, Ind. He was ed ucated a the University of Michigan, lii 1907-08 he was store president of the Be nevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Since 1899 he has practiced law; and in 1902-08 was city attorney of Hutchinson, Kan. In 1911 he married Miss Mary Lu- <-elle Boggs, of Spokane, Wash.; and the> have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 620 Avenue A, East, Hutcn inson, Kan. Maloney, John J., Treasurer and Direct or, of 1564 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He i3 a director of the Gold Fleet Corporation and other corporations. Mambert, Stephen B., Director of Bates Manufacturing Company, Orange, N.J. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Edison Phon ographs, and other corporations. Man, Alrick H., Business President, ot f>(5 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the South Richmond Hill Land Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Mandell, David M., Pianist, of 1337 Clay Avenue, New York City, was born in February, 1891, in Moscow, Russia. He was educated in the schools of New York City, and studied the piano with Jacques Danilson and harmony with Louis S. Red- dy. Since 1907 he has been piano instruct or and is a piano instructor at the Na tional Academy of Music, Carnegie Hall. New York City. He is the composer of, In Silent Thought, Sweet Memories, and other pieces for the piano. Mandolin!, Caesar A., Business Presi dent ,of 335 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, managei and director of the Scientific Apparatus Company, Incorporated. For many year.-, he has been identified with the Wedlake- Lamson Company; and is prominent in businent and public affairs. Mangels, William F., Business Presi dent, of 2861 West Eighth Street, New York City; and member of the Pleasure Boat Company, and a director in othei corporations. Manger, Julius, Director, of 783 Ave nue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Hurlbert Grand Hotel Coin pany and other corporations. Mangold, George Benjamin, Member of the City Club. He was born July 7, 1870 in Waupeton, Iowa. Since 1912 he ha> been director of the School of Social Econ omy. He is the author of Child Problems. He resides at 4002 Lexington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Manice, Edward A., Director, of 15 Broad Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Belt Line Railway Com pany and other corporations. Manice, William DeForest, Treasurei and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and and societies]. He is. a director of tht Manice Realty Corporation and other cor porations. Mann, Morris H., Director, of 45 John Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the State Bank. Mann, William, Importer, Vice-presi dent and Director, of 88 Broad Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Bos ton Scottish Society and of various other clubs and societies. He is president of the Winthrop Trust Company; a director of the Dorman-Huxford Company; and a director of the Winthrop Co-operative Bank of Winthrop, Mass. He is vice- president of the Boston Scottish Society. Manne, Solomon J., Business Man and Director, of 48 West Thirty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president ot S. J. Manne and Sons, furriers. He is prominently identified with business and public a Affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Mannion, Thomas M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 216 West Eighteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 339 director of the Kalkoff Company; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Manning, Joseph P., Business President, of 500 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Joseph P. Manning Company, and a director in othc*- corporations. Manning, Mary Margaretta Fryer, Mem ber of the Washington Club. She was born in Albany, N.Y. For two terms she was president-general of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and is no\v honory vice-president. She resides at 153 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. Mansfield, Howard, Business President and Director, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is .a member of the firm of Lord, Day and Lord. He is president of Number 535 Park Avenue; and a director of the Cuba Company, and also of the Cuba Railroad Company. He is prominent ly identified with business and public al- fairs; and has filled several positions 01 trust and honor. Manson, D. Edgar, Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Rockland Electric Company, and a director in other corporations. Manson, John Thomas, Member of th^ Quinnipiack Club. He was born Aug. 30, 1861, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1910 he has been president of the Benedict, Downs and Company. He resides at 52 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Manton, Martin T., Business Man and Director, of the Postoffice Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Unit System Laundry Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Mansfield, Burton, Presdient of the Mu nicipal Art Commission of New Haven. He resides in New Haven, Conn. Manville, Hiram. E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 296 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of John& Manville, Incorporated. He is secretary, treasurer, and a director of the Arizona Asbestos Association ; and a director of the Asbestos and Danville Railroad. Marbling, Alfred E., Business Presi dent, of 76 William Street, New York Ci ty and a member of various clubs and FO cieties. He is president of the Horace 8. Ely and Company, and a director in othei cororations. Marburg, Louis C., Treasurer and Dt rector, fo 90 West Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Techno-Ser vice Corporation and other corporations. March, Sidney H., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Adironada and St. Lawrence Railroad Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Marchant, Russell B., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a meiu ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cardenas-American Su gar Company and other corporations. Marcus, Bernard K., Banker, of 320 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Federal Reserve System He is prominently identified with business and financial affairs; and has held nu merous positions of trust and honor. Marcus, Chapin, Business Man and Di rector, of 544 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary of the Marcus and Company, jewelers. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Marcuse Bernhard, Business Man and Director, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; an da member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the As bestos Crude and Fiber Corporation; and a director in other corporations. He has taken an active part in business affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. 340 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Marimon, Jose, Business President, of 44 Whitehall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Standard Ship building Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Marino, Lucio G., Director, of 204 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cuneo Importing Com pany and other corporations. Markle, John, Business President, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Jeddo Supply Company, and a director in other corporations. Marks, Marcus M., Merchanat ad Statesman, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born March 18, 1858, in Schenectady, N.Y. He was educated in the public schools and at the New York City College. He is prominently identi fied with the business and public affairs of his community. For four years he \vjis president of the Borough of Manhat tan. He is president of the National Day light Saving Association. He is a memnei of the Republican Club. In 190 he married Miss Esther Friedman; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters; and reside at 4 East Ninety-fourth Street. Now York City. Markscheffel, A. W., President of the Colorado Springs Auto Club; a member of the ElPaso Club, the Chamber of Com merce, the Elks, the Shriners and Knight Templars. He was born Jan. 28, 1881, in Manhattan, Kan. Since 1909 he has been president of the Markscheffel Motor Com pany, of 121 East Pikes Peak Avenue, Col orado Springs, Col. He resides at 21 East Willamette Avenue, Colorado Springs, Col. Marsellus, Frank A., Treasurer and Di rector ,of Ill Broadway, New York City, ;unl a member of various clubs and soci dies. lie is a director of tho Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation and other corpora tions. Marsellus, John, Business President, of Schenectady, N.Y., was born in 1846, in Schenectady, N.Y. He was educated at the Classical School. For twelve years he was a resident of Mount Vernon, N.Y.; and since 1877 has been a resident of Syracuse, N.Y. He is proprietor of the John Marsellus Casket Company ; has been president of the Chamber of Commerce of Syracuse; regent of the Royal Arca num; and president of theSyracuse Sun day School Association. He is now treas urer of the Board of Trustees of the Young Mens Christian Association.and el der of the First Reformed Church. He is a member of the Holland Society City of New York. The Empire State Sons of tin- American Revolution, the Citizen s Club, and the Anglers Club. In 1875 he married Miss Sarah A. Hawkins; and they reside at 208 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y. Marsh, Charles Capron, Lawyer, of 2 Wall Street, New York City, was born Sept. 30, 1869, in Wurtzburg, Bavaria, Germany. In 1891 he received the de gree of A.B. from Yale University; arm and in 1894 the degree of LL.B. from Co lumbia University. He has been a member of the law firms of Marsh and Weaver, Marsh, Winslow and Wever, Marsh, Wev- er, and Wemple ; and is a member of Marsh and Wever since 1911; all practicing in New York City. He is a member of the New Jersey Historical Society, New York City Bar Association, the Phi Delta Phi Fraternity, the Society of Colonial Wars^ and of the Essex County Country Club and the Yale Club and the Lawyers Club. Marsh, Joseph William, Member of the Duquesne Club. He was born May 2.1, 1858, in New York City. Since 1909 he has been president of the Standard Un derground Cable Company. He resides at Woodlawn Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. Marston, Edgar J., Vice-president, Treasurer and Director, of Fort Worth, Texas; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and treas urer of the Texas Pacific Mercantile an 1 Manufacturing Company. He is a director of the City National Bank of Dallas, the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Fort Worth, the Thurber Brick Company, the Thurber Earthen Products, and the Van-Noy Interstate Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 341 Marston, Edgar Lewis, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 8, 1860, in Burlington, Iowa. He is pres ident of the Pond s Extract Company. His address is 24 Broad Street, New York City. Marston, Edwin S., Business President, of 22 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fort Wayne and Jackson Railroad Company, and a direct or in other corporations. Marston, Hunter S,, Director, of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of . various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Vermont Fa l- way Company and other corporations. Martin, Anne Henrietta, Member of tiit, Twentieth Century Club. She was born Sept. 30, 1875, in Empire City, Nev. She has been president of the Nevada Wo men s Civic League. She is the author of Articles on Political and Economic Sub jects. She resides at 157 Mill Street, Rt no, Nev. Martin, Bradley, Member of the Union Club. He was born July 6, 1873, in New York. He is a director of te Metropoli tan Trust Company. He resides in West- bury, L.I., N.Y. Martin, E. A., Business Man and Direci or, of 3463 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of several cor- poratons, and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of the Pacific Coast. Martin, George J., Business President, Treasurer, and Trustee, of 1210 Washing ton Street, Newton, Mass.; and a member of the Boston Athletic Association, the Boston City Club, the Massachusetts Au tomobile dub, the Charles River Country Club, the Vesper Country Club, the Wood land Golf Club, the Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Boston Credit Men s Asso ciation, and the Upholstery Association of America. He was born in 1861 in New ton, Mass. Since 1898 he has been a man ufacturcr of ^novelty curtains and cotton n;oods converter; and is president of the Martin Manufacturerng Company. He is a director of the Newton Trust Company, and a trustee of the Newton Savings Bank. He has been a director of the Massachu setts Automobile Club. In 1899 he ma^ ried Miss Gertrude B. Dawes; and they reside at Chestnut Hill, Mass. Martin, Herbert Spencer, Merchant, Manufacturer and Treasurer, of 102 Mad ison Avenue, New York City, was born April 12, 1883, in New York City, was born April 12, 1883, in New York City. In 3902 he graduated from Harvard Uni versity. Since 1902 he has been associated with the firm of M. Martin and Company; 1906 secretary and treasurer; 1908 vice- president and treasurer. He is a director of Reiling and Schoen; and director of the Empire City Safe Deposit Company. He has been secretary of the Cotton Gar ment Manufacturers Association; and is a veteran of the Seventh Regiment, New York National Guard. Martin, Laurence C., Treasurer, of 101 Sabin Street, Providence, R.I.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer of the Martin Copeland Compa ny; is identified with various other busi ness enterprises; and has filled several positions of trust and honr. He married Miss Rebecca Fuller ; and they have a fam ily of two daughters, and reside at 17i Meeting Street, Providence, R.I. Martin, Luther, Chemical Manufacturer, of 135 William Street, New York City, was born in 1873 in Germantown, Phila delphia, Pa. He was educated at the Ger mantown Academy and at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1896 he has been engaged in chemical and color manut ac turing. He is third vice-president of the United Products Company; and first vice- president of the Wilkes-Martin Company; He is vice-president of the Associated Pennsylvania Clubs. He is chairman of Trade Mutual Insurance Company; and in 1912-13 was president of the Paint, Oil and Varnish Club of New York. He is a member of the Essex Country Club and various other clubs and societies. He mar ried Miss Katherine Abeel Muller; anl they reside in Morristown, N.J. 341 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Martin, Myra B., Treasurer and Direct or, of 15 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Copete Con- i olidated Copper Company Martin, R. H. Lee., Business President, of 165 Broadway ,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Woodward and Com pany, Incorporated, and a director in oth er corporations. Martin, Victoria Claflin Woodhull, Ed itor, of Norton Park near Tewkesbury, England, was born on Sept. 23, 1838, in Homer, Ohio. She was a banker in New York; editor of Woodhull and Claflin s Weekly of New York; in 1870 memorializ ed Congress for women suffrage; lecture! in favor of women suffrage, scientific and religious improvement of the human race throughout the United States. In 1872 she was nominated for president ot the United States by the Equal Rights party; and has lectured and spoken ex tensively in the United States and Europe. She is a member of the Society for Psy chical Research; and of the Ladies Aulo mobile Road Club; and was founder of Women s International Congress, Hanoi House. She is the author of The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government; Social Freedom ; Pharmacy of the Soul , Aristocracy of Blood; The Human Body the Temple of God; Arguments for Wo men s Electoral Rights and of other works. Martin, William C., Lawyer, Bunkei and Statesman, of Dalton, Ga., was born Aug. 22, 1862, in Murray County, Ua, In 1885 he began the practice of law; and since 1880 has been vice-president of thfc First National Bank of Dalton. He i> also president of the Dalton Building and Loan Associations; and a director in sev eral other corporations. H-J has been a member of the Georgia State Senate; has attained recognition os one one the fore most lawyers of the South; and is now one of the wealthiest men in North Georgia. Martindale, Thomas C., President of the Choral Society, with a membership ot fifty men and women. He resides at Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa, Martinek, James V., Business Man, of Twelfth and Fort Streets, Detroit, Mich., was born in 1870, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1898 he has been the sole proprietor of the Detroit Granite Memorial Art Club, and the Detroit Automobile Club. In 11)01 he married Miss Mary Chandler; and they have a family of one son and two daught ers, and reside at 1486 Campbell Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Marvin, William Glenn, Lawyer and Au thor, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Sleepy Hollow Coun try Club, the Law r yers Club, the National Republican Club, the Inter-national Associ ation and numerous other clubs arid soci eties. He holds the degree of B.S., A.M., LL.B., and Ph.D. He is the head of the international law firm of Marvin and Pleas- ants, and a director of sixteen corporations. He was the head of the legal department, National City Bank of New York ; and was partner of Rosenberg, Bell and Marvin. In 1915 he married Miss Charlotte Linden; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and . they reside at 45 Circle Drive, Hastings-on-Hudson, K.Y. Marx, Otto, Member of the Lotos Club. He was born Oct. 31, 1869, in Montgomery, Ala. In 1901 he organized the firm of Ot to Marx and Company, Bond and banking business. He resides at Riverdale-on-Hud- son, N.Y. Mason, Arthur Ellery, Director and Trustee, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Ham ilton Woolen Company and other organiza tions. f Mason, Edward C., Lawyer and Direct or of the Amesbury Electric Light Com pany and other corporations. Mason, Frederick H., Mechanical Engi neer and Business Man, of 614 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mihc., was born Nov. 26, 1870, in Ravenna, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been engaged business in Detroit; and now has The Frederick H. Mason Com pany, Commercial Power Plant Engineer ing. He isa member of the Detroit Ath letic Club, the Detroit Boat Club, the De troit Boat Club of Yachtmen, the Detroit AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 343 Board of Commerce, the Detroit Engineer ing Society, the American Society of Me- charicial Engineering and the Society of American Military Engineers. In 190b he married Mrs. Jessie K. Yound; and they reside at 107 Seward Avenue, De troit, Mich. Mason, Frederick Robert, Member of the Squantnm Club, the Turks Head Club, the Rhode Island Country Club, and the Old Colony Club. He was born March, 11, 1859, in Pawtucket, R.I. He is pres ident of the Robert D. Mason Company, and director of the Industrial Trust Com pany. He resides at 54 Grove Street, Paw- tucket, R.I. Mason, George Grant, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Sept. 16, 1868, in Milburn, 111 : He is a director of the Southern Utilities Company. Ht, resides at 854 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Mason, Henry L., President of the Peu pies Choral Union of Boston, Incorporat ed, with a membership of four hundred men and women. He resides at 492 Boyls ton Street, Boston, Mass. Mason, Herbert W., Business President, oflOl Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ht> is president of the Paper Mill Mutual In surance Company, and a director in oth r corporations. Mason, John G., Vice-president and Di rector, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and societites. For many years he has been identified with the firm of William S. Gray and Company. He is also vice-presi dent and director of Ralph L. Fuller and Company, Incorporated. Masters, Jessie, Concert Contralto, of 728 Thirteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. She has filled touring engagements under the management of Mr. Albrt W. Harned. She is a member of several mu sical clubs and societies. Her summer residence is in Warren, Ohio. Mather, Eugene H., Director and Trus tee, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa director of the Wai worth Manu facturing Company. Mather, Samuel, Capitalist, of 600 West ern Reserve Building, Cleveland, Ohio, was born July 13, 1851, in Cleveland, Ohio. He was educated in the Cleveland public schools and St Mark s School of South- borough, Mass. He was senior member of the firm of Pickands, Mather and Com pany, miners and dealers in iron ore and coal, and manufacturers of pig iron. Hb is a director of the Union Commerce Na tional Bank; trustee of the Carnegie Peace Foundation; also connected w r ith over twenty-five business corporations and en terprises. He is a member of the Execu tive Committee National Civic Federa tion; and a member of the Central Com mittee National Red Cross. He resides at 2605 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Mathes, Edward T., Business Man and Sociologist, of 110 West Holly Street, Bellingham, Wash., was born Aug. 9, 1866, in Fulton, Mich. He was educated at the Heidelberg College of Tiffin, Ohio. For twenty years he was in the professional life; and for fifteen years was president of the Washington State Normal School; and for seven years he was in business as a mechant. He was a candidate for Gov ernor on the Democratic ticket in 1920; and is now Mayor of Bellingham, Wash. Matheson, Kenneth Gordon, Member of the Masonic Order, the Rotary Club, the been Commandanat of Cadets at tht, American Society for Promotion of En gineering Education. He is president of the Georgia School of Technology. He has been Commandant of Cadets at the Georgia Mily College; University of Ten nessee and Missouri Military Academy. His address is Georgia School of Technol ogy, Atlanta, Ga. Mathewson, Park, Business President, of 347 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Douglas Manor Associ ation, the Sons of the Revolution, and the Economists Society. He was educated in Detroit, Mich. Since 1914 he has been vice-president and treasurer, of the Bus iness Bourse International Incorporated. He is a Consulting Ecomomist; and editor of the Empire Bulletin of the Sons of the Ameriacn Revolution. For many years he 344 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST was president of the Majestic Cycle Com pany, and also of the Hudson Investment Company. In 1910 he married Miss Alice Clark, of St. Louis, Mo.; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at Doug las Manor, Long Island, N.Y. Mathieu, James Arthur, Lumberman and Banker, of Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, was born Aug. 21, 1869, in Alma, Wis. His life has been spent principally in the lumber business. He is vice-presi dent of the Shevlin-Mathieu Lumber Com pany of Spooner, Minn.; the Shelvin/- Clarke Company, Limited, of Fort Fran ces, Ontario, Canada; and a director in various other corporations. Matlack, Charles, Treasurer, Director, and Trustee, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treaurer and director of the Massachusetts Title Insurance Com pany. He is a trustee of the Title Guaran tee Red Beach Plater Company. He is a trustee of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company; and has held many other po.n tions of trust and honor. Mattel, Frederck, President of the Orpheu Club with a member hip of forty - two men. He resides in Tacoma, Wash. Matteson, Frank W., Business Presi dent, of 50 South Main Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shawmut Iron Company and other corporations. Matthews, Francis Ernest, Lawyer, of 208 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born Sept 11, 18780, in Liverpool, Iv up land. He is a member of the Bar Associa tions; and a member of the law f!ir;n of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Platt; and has filled various positions of tru t r.ncl honor. He is a member of the Edg: water Golf Club and a member of the IH nois Athletic Club. Matthiessen, Frank, Manufacturer, of 208 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 30, 1872, in Cornwall-on-the- Hudson, N.Y. In 1898-1908 he was vice- president of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company, He is now vice-president an director of the Columbia Tool Steel Company. Mauran, William L., Business President, of the Grosvenor Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, and various other clubs and societies. He is president of the Photostat Corporation. Maxfield, H. U., Business President, of 607 Monadnock Building, San Franci co, Cal., an da member of various clubs and societies. He is a president of the Coal- corporations. Maxim, Hiram Percy, Member of tire Hartford Club, the Hartford Golf Club an dthe Hartford Yacht Club. He was born Sept. 2, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Ht is president of the Maxim Silencer Coin pany. He resides at 276 North Whitney Street, Hartford, Conn. Maxwell, Howard W., Business Presi dent, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci- etie. He is president of the Hannibal Con necting Railroad; and a director in other corporations. Maxwell, Joseph S., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Warehouse Finance Corporation and other corporations. Maxwell, Lawrence, President of the Cincinnati Musical Festival Association, with a membership of three hundred and fifty men and women. He resides a t v o Union Cntral Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. May, Joseph M., Director, of 189 Mon tague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He ib a director of the Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers and other corporations. May, Leonard A., Business President and Director, of 132 West Forty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Edgemere Market, Incorporated. He is also president of Edgem?re Realtv Com pany, and the Standard Purveyors, Incor porated. He is vice-president of the Hamp ton Restaurants, and vice-president of the Lewis H. May Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 345 May, Lewis H., Director, of 18 West Twenty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of varoius clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Nat or.al Bank of Long Beach Mayer, Francis R., Business Prejicbnt, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a memlber of various clubs and societies. He president of the France and Canada Steamship Corporation, Mayer, Joseph B., Business President, and Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Trac tion, Gas and Electric Light and Power Company. He is president of the Glean Electric Light and Power Company, -.vice- president of the Western New York and Pennsylvania Traction Company, vice president of the Niagara and Erie Power Company, and vice-president of the Brad ford Electric Company. He is also a di rector of the Erie Lighting Company, the Buffalo and Lake Erie Traction Company, and the Buffalo, Lackawanna Traction Company. Mayer, Leo Kenneth, Lawyer and Direct or, of 8 Adelphi Place, Brooklyn, NY.; and a member of the Manhattan Single Fox Club and of various other clubs am societies. He was born Nov. 13, 1893, in New York City; and graduated froni the York Law School. He is a Director ot the Open Court. He is the author of Mui- nicipal Ownership and Operation of Pub lic Utilities, and other works. In 1917 he married Miss Lillyan Kramer ; and they have one daughter, and reside at 8 Adelphi Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Mayer, Oscar F., Packer, of 1241 Sedge- wick Street, Chicago, 111., was Vorn in 1859, in Bavaria, Germany, flinre 1878 he has been engaged in the packing business in Chicago, and is now president of Oscar Mayer and Company; and president of the Western Packing and Provision Company. For eight years he was a member of the Small Parks Commission of Chicago; arid is treasurer of the Forest Preserve of Cook County. He is a member of the Iroquoise Club and the Illinois Athletic Club. Maynard, Edwin P., Business President, of 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.\., and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Brooklyn Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Maynard, Bay Edwards, Vice-president and Director, of the Higgins Building, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born July 17, 1870, in Tipton, Iowa. He is vice-presdent of th General Petroleum Corporation, vice- president of the General Pipe Line Com pany of California, and a director of the National Pacific Oil Company. McAdams, Clardk, President of the St. Louis Artist s Guild. He resides at 812 North Union Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. McAdams, J. E., President of Dayton, 0- hio ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Gem City Machine Company and other corporations. McAdoo, William, Magistrate and Direc tor, of 300 Mulberry Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is chief City Magistrate of the City of New York. He is vice-president of the International Compositions Company, vice-president of the Cails Bitmo Company, and a director of the Titanine, Incorpor ated. McAdoo, William, Jr., Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is -i director of the Union Tanning Company, and other corporations. McAdory, Margaret, Secretary of the A- labama Art League. She resides in Watts Building, Birmingham, Ala. McAllister, James J., Business President, of 17 State Stret, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of the Highlands Navigation Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. McCain, George Nox,Member of the Un iversity Club. He was born Jan. 27, 1856, in Allegheny City, Pa. In 1916-20 he was pre sident of the Citizen Association of Fer- kiomen Valley. He is the author of The Crimson Dice. He resides at Cedar Tops, Zieglerville, Pa. 346 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST McCaluin, Alpheus, Metal Miner, of 154 \Yest Randolph Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 8, 1854, in Ottawa, Canada. He \vas formerly manager of the United States and Canada Mercantile Agency. He is now vice-president, treasurer and director of the Calumet-New Mexico Mining Company; and a director of the Hop Canon Mining and Smelting Company. McCann, George C., Member of the Kiw- anis club, Danville Country Club, and is a prominent Mason and Elk. He was born on Feb. 20, 1882, in Ford County, 111.; and graduated from college with the degree of D.D.S. He is engaged in dentistry; and re sides at 125 Gilbert Street, Danville, 111. McCarroll, William, Business President, of 154 Nassau Stret, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is is president of the National Bond and Mortgage Insurance Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. McCarthy, Charles E. A., Secretary and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Charleston Union Station Company and other corpoia- tions. McCarthy, Edward W., Business Presi dent, of 29 Murray Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Perfection Tire and Rubber Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. McCarthy, James M., Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of^ various clubs and socieri.^s. lie is president of the Quebec Passenger Elev ator Company, and a director in other cor porations. McLellan, George Brinton, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 23, 1865, in Dresden, Saxony. Since 1912 he has been professor of Economic History at Prince ton University. He is the author of The Heel of War. He resides at Water Tower, Princeton, N.J. McClement, John Hall, Member of th* Union League Club. He was born May 27, 1802, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is a director and chairman of the board of Allis-Chalm- ers Manufacturing Company. He re& -des ai. 30 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. McClintock, E. I., Treasurer and Dim*, ror, of 117 Hudson Street, New York City and a member of various clubs and A^c e- ties. He is asistant secretary, treasurer and director of the Bayer Company, Incorpor ated. He has filled many positions of trust and honor. McClintock, Norman, Member of the City Club. He was born June 13, 1868, in Pitts burgh, Pa. Since 1914 he has been a man ufacturer of motion pictures; and lectures on wild birds and animal life, illustrated with motion pictures. He resides at 504 A.mberson Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. McDonnell, David H., Business President Director and Treasurer, of 31 Park Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of D. H. JVlcConnell Company. He is president of the California Perfume Com pany, the Dorite Manufacturing Company, the National Magnecite Products Corpora tion, the Mecca Oil Company, the Ramapo Land and Development Company. He is vice-president of the Suffern National Ex change Bank}, and vice-president of the Merchants Land and Development Compa ny. McCormack, James C., Business President of 43 Leon Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston Convention Bu reau, and a director in other corporations. McCormick, Charles.Colletre President oi 2100 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born in 1858 in Allegheny, Pa. For twenty years he was a newspaper man. He has been p re sident of the McCormick Medical College for twenty years; and has developed an entirely new system of practice, em ploying the inorganic constituents of food in lieu of drugs; and has made the treatment of defective eyes one of the greatest factors in reaching the causes of ills. McCormick, Harold Fow!er, Member oi the University Club. He was born May 2, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1919 he has been president of the International Harv ester Company. He resides at 1000 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 347 McCormick, Katharine Dexter, (Mrs. Stanley McCormick), Member of the Col lege Club. She was born in 1876, in Dexter, Mich. She is actively interest cv! in various philanthropies; and is a lecturar and social worker. She has been vice-president of tlu National American Women Suffrage Asso ciation. She resides in Terrytown, N.Y. McCormick, Robert Hall, Lawyer and Fi nancier, of 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 10, 1878, in Moristown, N.J. He has attained success in the practice of law; has been assistant at torney for Cook County, 111.; and assistant United States attorney for the Eastern di vision of the northern district of Illinois. He is now attorney for the American Baj Association and various clubs and societies. McCormick, Ruth Haima, (M. Medina McCormick), Member of the Woman s City Club. She was born March 27, 1880, in Cleveland, Ohio. She is actively interested in political, industrial and civic problems. She resides at the Virginia Hotel, Chicago, 111. McCracken, Robert McDowell, Member of the City Club. He was born March 15, 1875, in Vincennes, Ind. He promoted the passage of direct primary and. child labor law r s. In 1915-17 he was a member of Con gress. He resides in Boise, Idaho. McCredie, Marion MadMastcM Mr*... Rob ert C. McCredie), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born April 27, 1863, in Staf fordshire, England. During the World- War She organized the speakers bureaus for Women s War Work. She resides in Sunnyside, Wash. McCreery, James Crawford, Realtor and Business President^ of 110 West Forty- second Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs ^m.l so.-ieties. He is president of the James McCreery Realty Corporation. He is promi<u-r ; y idenir-ir*: with business and public affairs, and has held many positions of trust and honor. McCreight, Major Israel, Member of va rious clubs and societies He is a h. j.ke 1 ol 42 East Long Avenue, Dubois, Pa. He was born April 22, 1865, in Jefferson County, Pa.; was educated in the public schools of his native county. He is president of the Deposit National Bank; and prominent in the business and public affairs of the City, County and State. He resides in Dubois.Pa. McCrory, John G-., Business President, of 621 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and bocietie?, He is president of the McCrory 6loi<; Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. McCrory, John Robert, Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born in 1898; and was educated at the High School and at Commercial Colleges.. He began his early career as a newspaper artist with the Omaha News. His screen career, as an art ist and cameraman was with the Bray Pic tures Corporation for two years; and pro duced Out of the Inkwell, If We Lived on the Moon, Your Twenty-fifth Anniversary and others. He is the Producer of Animated lightning effects in motion pictures. He is now Associated with the Feature Publish ing Studios of New York City, publishers of books on motion picture technical prob lems. His address is 435 West One Hundred and Forty-seventh Street, New York City. McCulloch, James Edward, Member of the City Club. He was born July 29, 1873, in Montgomery County, Va. Since 1910 he has been secretary of the American Socio logical Congress. He is the author of The Open Church for the Unchurched. He re sides at Kensington, Md. McCulloch, James W., Business President, of 100 William Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Preferred City Real Estate Company, McCutchen, Charles W., Business Presi dent, of 95 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Wallace Muiler Company, and a director in other corpora tions. McDonald, Albert,Yice-president and Di rector, of 103 Park Avenue, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the McDon ald-Churchill Corporation, industrial eng ineering service. He is also a director of the Erie Engine Works of Erie, Pa.; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. 348 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST McDonald, William J., Business Presi dent, of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Liberty Shipbuilding Company, and a director in other corporations. McDonnell, Peter, Director, of 5 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the East River National Bank and other corporations. McDonough, William H., Director, of 162 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Canadian and States Land Company and other corpora tions. McDougall, James, Business Presiderit,of 1233 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of t the American Trona Corpora tion, the Gold Fields American Develop ment Company, Limited, and vice-president and a director of other corporations. McDougall, Walter, Business President, of 35 York Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sectional Gap Washer McDowell, Charles S., of Eufaula, Ala. He is president of the Eufaula Country Club. He is an attorney-at-law, and pro minent in business and social affairs. He married Miss Dent ; and they have a family of one daughter, and reside in Broad Street Eufaula, Ala. McDowell, Corwin, Lawyer and Insur ance President, of 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born June 26, 1872, in Medina, Ohio; and was educated at the Williams College and at the New York Law School. In 1898 he was admitted to the bar of New York; and represented the New York Life Insurance Company in Boston for a number of years. He is now president of the Eastern Casualty Insur ance Company. McDowell, Harry Bleakley, Member of the Sharon Country Club, the Old Colony Club and the Pitsburgh Athletic Associa tion. He was born April 19, 1882, in Sharon Pa. He is vice-president of the McDowell National Bank. He resides at 1109 State Street, Sharon, Pa. McDowell, Nathan D., Member of the Ro chester Country Club, and has been presi dent of the University Club. He was born Aug. 11, 1892, in Trenton, Term. He is a successful physician; and resides on Clover Street, Rochester, N.Y. McDowell, William King, Banker and Merchant, of 39 Broad Street. Charleston, S.C., was born Feb. 19, 1872, in Charleston S.C. He is president and treasurer of the Charleston Coco Cola Bottling Company. He is also president of the Charleston Sav ings Institution. He is president of the Charleston Maternity Hospital ;and is iden tified with the business and public affairs of his city. He resides at Montague Street, Charleston, S.C. McDuffie, Frederic C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 120 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of First National Bank and other corporations. McEiwain, J. Franklin, Business Presi dent, of 354 Congress Street, Boston, Mass, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the W. H. McEl- wain Company, and a director in other cor porations. McEnery, Francis T. M., Paper Manufac turer, of 112 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born Oct. 14, 1868, in New York. He has been general manager of the Rocky Mountain Paper Company; acting manager of the Interstate Paper Company; and as sistant to the manager of the General Paper Company. He is the founder and head of the McEnery Paper Company; director of the Pratt Paper Company of Des Moines, Iowa; manager of sales, Western Depart ment, Penobscot Chemical Fibre Company of Boston; vice-president of the Weyau- wega Flour Milling Company of Wiscon sin ; and president of the Weyaiiwega Elec tric Light Company of Wisconsin. McEvan, Archibald W., Secretary and Di rector, of 56 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clus and socie ties. He is a director of the Citizens Sav ings and Loan Association and other cor porations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 349 McFadden, George,Business Man and Di rector, of 121 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the board of managers of the Gerard Trust Company, and of the Western Savings Fund. He is a director of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia National Bank and other corporations. He is also a member of the board of managers of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. McFarland, G-. E., Business President, of Shreve Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bell Telephone Com pany of Nevada and other corporations. McFarland, Horace.President of the Am erican Civic Association. He resides in Har- risburg, Pa. McGaffee, William J., Business President of Bickford and Centre Streets, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dorthy Dodd Shoe Company, and a director in oth er corporations. McGarrah, Gates, Member of the Metro politan Club. He was born 1863, in Monroe N.Y. He is president of the Metals Nation al Bank of New York. He resides at 108 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York City. McGee, J. B., Business Man and Direc tor, of 176 West Eighty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been a successful bookseller of New York City; and is prominent in business and public affairs. McGiffent, Arthur Cushman, Member of Century Club, Columbia Faculty Club, Au thors Club, American Hist Association, Am erican Philosophic Association, Oxford His torical Society. He is president of the Un ion Theological Seminary. He has been professor at the Lane Theological Semina ry. He resides at 80 Claremont Avenue, New York City. McGinty, J. J., Chairman of the Cleve land Municipal Art Gallery. He resides at Cleveland, Ohio. McGivney, Arthur A., Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Alberger Chemical Machinery Company and other corporations. McGovern, John T., Business President, of 141 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Delaware Registration and Incoi porators Company, and a director in other corporations. McGowan, Henry E., Secretary and Di rector, of 176 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Newton Gas Company and other corporations. McGowan, Richard J., Director, of 63 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Bronx National Bank and oth er corporations. McGrath, John J., Business President, of 308 West Twenty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the 17 AVest Fiftieth Street Corporation, and a director in other corporations* McGrath, William G.,Director, of 68 Wil liam Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Woodmore Bay Company and other corporations. McGraw, James H., Business President, of Tenth Avenue and Thirty-Sixth Street, Ne\v York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the McGraw Hill Book Company, Incorporate^ McGraw, Mrs. Theodore A,, President of the Detroit Society of Women Painters. She resides in Detroit, Mich. McGregor, W. Eugene, Director, of 35 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Maine Power Com pany and other corporations. McGuire, Lawrence, Business President, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Giant Concrete Pile Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. McGuirk E., Treasurer and Director, of sociation of San Francisco, with a member ship of four hundred and twenty-five men and women. He resides at 464 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. 350 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST McKenna, John A., Secretary and Direc tor, of 61 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Houston Gas and Fuel Company and other corporations. McKay, Douglas I,, Director, of 17 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Agri cultural Corporation and other corpora tions. McKee, John B., President of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Musical As- 16 West Sixty-first Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie^ ties. He is a director of the American Taxi meter Company and other corporations. McHugh, John, Member of the Metropol itan Club. He was born Aug. 29, 19G5, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. He is president of the Discount Corporation of New York. He resides at 993 Park Avenue, New York City. McHugh, John V., Business President,of 20 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchants and Metais National Bank of the City of New York; and a director in other corporations. Mcllvaine, J. Gilbert, President of the Arts and Crafts Guild of Philadelphia. He resides at 235-237 South Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mcllwaine, Archibald Gr., Business Presi dent, of 57 William Street, New York Ci ty, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the London anc Lancashire Indemnity Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Mcllvaine, William D., Treasurer, of 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. was born in 1856 in Albany, 111. He was associated with the Phelps, Dodge, Palmer Company, and with the John V. Farwell Company, in the Credit Departments. He is now presi dent of the Mcllvaine Adjustment Com pany; secretary and treasurer of the Penn Mining Company, of Cainpo Seco, Cal.;and treasurer of the Montezuma Brick Works, of Montezuma, Ind. He is a member of the Union League Club, the South Shore Coun try Club, the Glen View Club, and the Chi cago Club of Charlevoix. Mclntosh, Percival J., Vice-president and Director, of 26 Broadway, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the United States Industrial Alcohol Company. He is a director of the General Gas Appliance Company, the Imperial Trust Company, the Montreal Public Service Corporation, the Montreal Tramways Company, and the Ta- coma Eastern Railroad Company. McKnight, Charles, Banker and Manu facturer, of Pittsburgh, Pa, was born Sept. 2, 1863, in Sewickley, Pa. He was educated in grammar and high schools of Sewickley and Philadelphia. He is president of the Western National Bank of Pittsburgh, the Carbon Steel Company, Pittsburgh Iron arid Steel Foundries Company; and a di rector of the Westinghouse Air Brake Com pany. He is a member of the Duquesne Club, the Pittsburgh Club, the Allegheny Country Club, the Union League Club, the Recess Club,the Players. Club of New York; and the Metroplitan Club of Washington, D.C. In 1888 he married Miss Eliza C. Wii- son ; and they reside at Sewickley, Pa. McLallen, Walter Field, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 10, 1868, in Larwill, Ind. Since 1914 he has been vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He resides in Evanston, 111. McLaren, Keneth K., Business President of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Corporation Trust Com pany, and a director in other corporations. McLaughlin, Melvin 0., Lawyer and Con gressman, of York, Neb., was born Aug. 8, 1876, in Osceola, liwa. He moved with his parents to Nebraska in 1884; spent child hood and youth on the farm, attending com mon schools in the winter, attended the Lincoln Normal University and the Peru State Normal, and taught school for seven years near Lincoln. He is an alumnus of Iowa Christian College, the University of Omaha, Union Biblical Seminary of Day ton, Ohio, and has studied law under the direction of Hugh A. Myers, of Omaha. H3 served ten years in the ministry of United Brethren Church. He has been a member of Congress since 1919. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 351 McLennan, Hugh, Engineer and Contrac tor, of 30 North Michigan Avenue, Chica go, 111., was born April 12, 1878, in Chicago 111. He is president of the McLennan Con struction Company. McMahon, Mrs. H. H., President of the Women s Music Club, with a membership of three thousand seven hundred and thirty three. She resides at 942 Madison Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. McMaster, William Henry,Member of the Old Colony Club, the Masonic Fraternity, and other clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 17, 1875, in Centerville, Ohio; and received a thorough college education. He is now president of the Mount Union Col lege of Alliance, Ohio. In 1907 he married Miss Isabella Thoburn Mills ;and they have a family of one son and two daughters,and reside at 1511 South Union Avenue, Alli ance, Ohio. McMillan, Neill Alexander, Member of the St. Louis Club. He was born in Cossa County, Ala. He is president of the Amer ican Union Third National Bank.He resides at 6500 Forsythe Boulevard, St. Louis,Mo. McMillen, Emerson,Member of the Union League Club. He was born April 16, 184*, in Ewington, Ohio. He opened a banking house under name of Emerson McMill en and Company, in New York, making a specialty of gas, electric and street railway stocks. He resides in Darlington, Mahwah, N.J, McMullen, Robert M., Business President of 522 Fifth Avenue^ New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Perfect Vacuum Can ning Company, and a director in other cor porations. McNally, J. E., Business President, of 1670 Snider Street, Columbus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the J. E. McNally Lumbe: Company and other corporations. McNamee, William J., Catholic Clergy man, of 718 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 20, 1859, in Ireland, be has held pastorates in Aurora and Joliet, 111. He is now pastor of the St. Patrick Church in Chicago; county chaplain of the A. 0. H., and Ladies Auxiliary of Cook County; member of the Morals Commission of Chicago; and president of Catholic So cial Center Association. McNaught, Roy H., Business President, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the McNaught Land and In vestment Company, and a director in other corporations. McNeir, George, Director, of 575 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Home Life Insurance Company McQuillen, William F,, Business Presi dent, of 140 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Automobile Legal Association, and a director in other corporations. McRickard, James P., Artist, of Thir.1 Street, Bayside, L.I., he is a member of tlr_- Salma Club. He is a successful and not?ri artist ; and his works are included in num erous valuable collections. McRoberts, Samuel, Director, of 5 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is $ i!i- rector of the American Sugar Refining Company and other corporation,;. McTigue, Andrew, Director, of 10 Mott Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Equitable Title Guaranty and Mort gage Company and other corporations. McVey, John R., Lawyer and Director,of 40 Court Street, Boston, M ass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is n director of the Bankers Security and Mort gage Company and other corpora lions. McVoy, Martin, Jr., Business President, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; an.l a member of various clubs and s N rie!ies.He is president of the Locke Steel Belt Com pany, and a director in other corpoititions. McWhiney, Edgar E., Secretary Treas urer and Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been identified with Henry L. Doherty and Com pany. He is secretary and director of the Empire Oil Purchasing Company, and a half-a-dozen other corporations. 352 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST McWhirter, Lucia Frances Smith, Mem ber of the Woman s Club. She was born Oct. 1, 1859, in Perrysville, Ind. In 1897- 3913 she was editor of The Message. In 1911-13 she was president of the Indian Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 1455 North Pennsylvania Street, India napolis, Ind. Mead, Giles W., Business President, of 3D East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Linde Air Products Company, and a director in other corporations. Header, Alfred Berton, Retired Business President, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and a mem ber of the Queen City Club, the Cincinnati Country Club, the Commercial Club, the Optimists Club, and other organizations. For many years he was president of the Meader Furniture Company ; and actively identified with business affairs. In 191 he retired from active business; and resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Meares, Thomas D., Member of Knight of Pythias. He is City Treasurer.He resides at 408 Market Street, Wilmington, N.C. Mebane, B. Frank,Banker and Manufact urer, of Spray, N.C., was born Feb. 4, 1865 in Mebane, N.C. He is president of the Im perial Trust and Savings Bank; president of Spray Water Company of Spray, N.C. ; and a director in various other business concerns and organizations. Meder, Leonora Z., Lawyer and Sociolog ist, of 408 Roslyn Place, Chicago, 111., was born May 22, 1870, in Wayside, Ky. She was the first woman admitted to the bar in the State of Kentucky; and the first wo man juror in the State of Illinois. First Commissioner of Public Welfare, Depart ment of Public Welfare of the City of Chi cago; and president of the Chicago Educa tion Club and Social Service Club of Illi nois. Medina, Harold R.,Business Man and Di rector, of 34 Nassau Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a member of the firm of Med ina and Sherpick ; and vice-president of the J. A. Medina Company. He is promin ently identified with business and public affairs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Meech, Gr. Elsworth,President of the Mid dlesex Musical Association, with a member ship of four hundred men and women. He resides in Mddletown, Conn. Megeath, Samuel Addison, Patron of Music and Art, of 2 West Forty-fifth Street New York City, was born March 17, 1870, in Baltimore, Md. He attended the State University of Columbia, Mo. In 1889-92 he was a bank clerk, bookkeeper and store keeper in general store in Mining Camp, Wyo., and then was in the wholesale and retail book and stationery business of 0- niaha, Neb., in 1894-95. He is president of the Galina Signal Oil Company. He is a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; the New York Yacht Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Railway Club, the New York Railroad Club, the Whitehall Club, the Knollwood Club, and the Maganasippi Club. In 1896 he married Miss Adelaide Miller; and .they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 191 Park Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. Meiklejohn, Alexander, Member of Am erican Philosophical Association. He is pre sident of the Amherst College. He resides at Amherst, Mass. Meilicke, Carl A., Manufacturer, of 940 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 24, 1879, in Windom, Minn. For one year he was mayor of Hanley, Canada ; and later cashier of the First National Bank of Fulda, Minn. He is president and general manager of the Meilicke Calculator Compa ny. Melton, Wightman Fletcher, Educator and Author, of Emory University, Ga.; and a member of the Masonic Lodge and several clubs and societies. He was born on Sept. 26, 1867 in Ripley, Tenn.; and has received the degrees of A.B. and Ph.D. He has been president of Tuscaloosa Female College; and is now senior professor ot English at Emory College. He is the author of Queen of the Air, and other works. In 1889 he married Miss Oliver Keller; and they have,, a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at Emory University, Ga. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 353 Meldrum, Norman S., Business President of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Caroll Clinchfield and Ohio Railway, and a director in other cor porations. Menely, Charles D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 85 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of Bridge Operating Company and other corporations. Mercandante, Joseph, Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Green Steamship Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Merkle, Oscar T., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 3204 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. was born Jan. 28, 1860, in Pa ris, 111. In 1885 he graduated from the De- Pauw University of Greencastle, Ind. He is president of the Merkle Broom Company of Paris, 111. He is identified with the Re publican party; and has held several posi tions of trust and honor. Merrick, E. D., Director of the Merrick Free Art Gallery, Museum and Library .He resides in New Brighton, Pa. Merrill, Edwin G., Business President,of 52 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York Life Insur ance and Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. Merrill, Edwin Godfrey, Member of the University Club. He was born Nov. 21, 1873, in Bangor, Maine. Since 1918 he has been vice-president and vice-chairman of the board of trustees of the Central Union Trust Company. He resides in Bedford Hills N.Y. Merrill, Joseph Francis, University Pro fessor and Dean, of the University of UtahJ Salt Lake City, Utah ; and a member of ma ny scientific, technical and educational so cieties. He received the degree of B.S. from the University of Michigan, and the degree of Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins Universi ty. He is professor of physics and electrical engineering, and director of the School of Mines and Engineering of the University of Utah. He is president and director of several technical and educational societies. In 1898 he married Miss Laura Hyde, who died in 1917. He later married Miss Emily Traub. He has a family of four sons and three daughters,and resides at 120 U Street Salt Lake City, Utah. Merrill, Meldon H., Business President,ot 50 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merrill Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Merriman, Charles H.,Business President of Chamber of Commerce Building, Provid ence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lippitt Woolen Company, and a director in other corporations. Merriman, H. M., Director, of 120 East Sixteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Mercator Navigation Company and other corporations. Merritt, Hulett Clinton, Member of the California Club. He was born on Aug. 17, 1872, in Duluth, Minn. He is president and treasurer of the United Electric, Gas and Power Company. He resides in Los Angeles Cal. Mertz, Charles B., Secretary and Direc tor, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Willy Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Meserve, Frederick H., Business Man and Director, of 79 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Farnsworth Company. He is a director of the Basnahe- gan Company, the Cowan Woolen Company also the Great Falls Woolen Company, the Madison Woolen Company, the Maine Met als Company, the Marion Land Company, and the Pondicherry Woolen Company. Messer, Loring Wilbur, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 1. 1856, in Somersworth, N.H. Since 1888 he has been general secretary of the Young Men s Christian Association of Chicago, 354 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 111. He is a director of the United Charities. He resides at 5729 Blackstone Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Messner, Sebastian Bebhard, Clergyman, Archbishop and Author, of Milwaukee,Wis. was born Aug. 29, 1847, in Switzerland. In 1903 he was appointed archbishop of Mil waukee, Wis. He is the author of Outlines of Bible noledge and other works. He re sides at 2000 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, V v Metcalf, G. Pierce, Business President and Trustee, of the Hospital Trust Build ing, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, and the Boston Tennis and Racquet Club. He was born June 13, 1890, in Providence, R.I. Since 1912 he has been connected with the Wauskuck Company, of which he is assist ant treasurer.He is president of the Cheap- side Land Company, and a director of the Providence Journal Company and Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company. He is a trustee of the Rhode Island Hospital, and has held many positions of trust and hon or. He resides at 132 Bowen Street, Provid ence, R.I. Metcalf, Houghton P., Director, of the Hospital Trust Building, Providence, R.I;; and a member of the Hope Club, the Aga wam Hunt Club, and the Boston Tennis and Racquet Club. He was born in 1891 in Providence, R.I. Since 1914 he has been associated with Wauskuck Company. He is a director of the Jenckes Spinning Com pany, the Jenckes Canadian Company,and the Narragansett Electric Lighting Compa ny. In 1917 he married Miss Katharine Herrick; mid they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 108 Prospect Street, Providence, R.I. Metcalf, Jesse H., Business President, of 432 Hospital Trust Building, Providence. R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Oakrand Worsted Company and other corporations. Metcalf, Stephen 0., Business President, of 412 Hospital Building, Providence, R.I. , and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Providence Journal Company, and a director in other corporations. Metcalf e, Ernest, G., Director, of 56 Pin- Street, New York City; and a member oi various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Waldo Morgan and Company and other corporations. Mettler, John Wyckoff, Manufacturer, ot New Brunswick, N.J., and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born o.- Sept. 27, 1878, in Millstone, N.J. He is pre sident of the Interwoven Stocking Compn ny; is prominently identified with busLiP.s* and public affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Metz, Herman A., Business President, of 122 Hudson Street, New York City, w: ; < born Oct. 19, 1867, in New York City. Me was educated at the high school and tho Cooper Union Evening School ; he received the degree of Sc.D. from the Union College of Schenectady, N.Y. ; and the degree ot LL.D. from Manhattan College. He is pre sident of the H. A. Metz Company, manu facturers of dye stuffs and chemicals , a MO! also president of the H. A. Metz Laborat ories, and the Ettrick Mills of Worce^tor; and president of the Consolidated Color and Chemical Company of Newark, N.J. In 1906-10 he was comptroller of the City of New York. In 1913-15 he was a member of the Sixty-third Congress. He is a Lieuten ant-Colonel, Fourteenth Infantry National Guard of New York. He resides at 38 West Seventy-fourth Street, New York City. Metz, Rudolph, Business President, of 25 broad Stret . York City; and a member of various clubs an-i societies. HP is president of the Inwood Laiiil and Im provement Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Metzger, Emanuel, Business President, of 10 West Thirtieth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president and director of the Lurie Company, Incorporated. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and nas held many position of trust and honor. Meyer, Alfred, Director,of 44 Pine Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Mercantile Oversea Corporation and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 355 Meyer, Fred W., Treasurer and General Manager, of 109 West Canal Street, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Rotary Club of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Motor Club, and the Masonic Fraternity. He was born Feb. 1, 3882, in Cincinnati, Ohio; and received an academic education. Since 1905 he has been with the Cincinnati Process Engraving Company, of which he is treas urer and general manager. In 1907 he mar ried Miss Hattie E. Ferree; and they have two daughters, and reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, John H.,Business Man and Direc tor, of Canton, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president treasurer and manager of John H. Meyer and Company. He is identified with The Springdale Finishing Company, Incorpor ated, of Canton, Mass. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs , and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Meyer, V. H., Business President and a Corporation Officer, of 5518 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio ; and a member of Cleve land Advertising Club. He was born in 1883, Green Springs, Ohio. He is president of the Work-Rite Manufacturing Compa- tny; and a director of four other corpora tions. In 1911 he married Miss Kathryn Chandler; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside at 1487 East One Hundred and Eighth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Meyrowitz, Philip, Business Man and Di rector, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the firm of Philip Meyrowitz, extensively engaged in the real estate business. He is interested in the Wall Bond and Mortgage Company; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Michael, C. F., Business President, of Bucyrus, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Carroll Foundry Machine Company and other corporations. Michener, Charles C., Business President, and Director, of 347 Madison Avenue,Ne\v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Silver Bay Association ; and prominently identi fied with business and public affairs. He is also president of the Silver Bay School for Boys; and a director and trustee of other organizations. Micks, Henry Rathbone, Manufacturer and Business President, of Seneca Falls, N.Y. ; and a member of the Maryland Club of Baltimore and other organizations. He was born July 25, 1854, in Clinton, N.C. He is president of the Rumsey Pump Com pany, and a president of the Seneca Powei* Corporation. He is a trustee of the Seneca Falls Savings Bank; and vice-president and trustee of the Johnson Home. He has been a delegate to the New York State and to the National Democratic Conventions; and in 1920 was a presidential elector. In 1876 he married Miss Ariana Rumsey; and they have four sons and one daughter, and re side at Seneca Falls, N.Y. Middeswart, C. C., Business President, of Noon Oil Company, Marietta, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Noon Oil Company, and other corporations. Middlebrook, Frederic J., Business Pre sident and Director, of 7 Dey Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Middlebrook and Borland. He is presi dent of the American Mortgage Company, and president of the State Investing Com pany. He is a director of the Hormiguero Central Corporation, Kirkman and Son, Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company ,the Mercantile Insurance Company of America and the North British and Mercantile In surance Company of London and Edin burgh. Middleton, Albert C., Business President of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of New York Talk ing Machine Company, and a director in other Corporations. Middleton, John A., Director, of 143 Lib- er*y Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of Atlantic and Charlotte Air Line Railway Company and other corporations. 356 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Middyette, D. R., Member of the Count ry Club of Virginia, and the Hermitage Club of Virginia ; he is president of the Ci ty Club, and is a prominent Mason and Knight Templar. He is president of the Powhatan Hotel Company of Richmond, Va; and president of The D. R. Midyette Company, Incorporated. He resides in Rich mond, Va. Milbank, Albert G., Lawyer, Business President and Director, of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Masten and Nichols. He is a direc tor of the Mercantile Trust Company, the Oceanic Investing Company, Saint Bartho lomew s Loan Association, the American Piano Company, and chairman of directors of the Borden Company. He is a trustee of the Title Guarany and Trust Company. Milbank, Isaac, Business President, of Trust and Savings Building, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Country Club Park and other corporations. Milburn, John G., Director, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Railway Express Compa ny and other corporations. Milch, Jacob, Vice-president, Treasurer and Director, of 32 South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president ot the Elbee Chocolate Company, Incorporat ed. He is a director of Levine Brothers,the Victor W. Milch Company, and the Ster ling Chocolate Company. Millard, Everett L., President of the Mu nicipal Art League of Chicago. His address is Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Miller, Alfred J., Vice-president and Treasurer, of 17 Exchange Place, Provid ence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1877 in Pro vidence, R.I. Since 1900 he has been ident ified with the Whitehead Brothers Compa ny, of which he is treasurer.TIe is also vice- president of the Penn Facing Mills Compa ny; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Miller, Alten S., Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hattsville Gas and Elect ric Company and a director in other corpo rations. Miller, Alvah, Business President, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Craig-Becker Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corpo rations. Miller, August William, Clerk of the Cir cuit Court, Chicago, 111., was born June 8, 1861, in Chicago, 111. For two terms he was alderman in the Tenth Ward; three terms a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook County; a member of Local Improve ments; and superintendent of Streets. He is now clerk of the Circuit Court. Miller, C. 0. G., Business President, of 519 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the San Francisco Oakland Terminal Railways Company and other corporations. Miller, Clarence C., Insurance Broker,of 24 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 8, 1878, in Providence, R.I. ; and was educated at the Boston Latin School. Since 1897 he has been in the life insurance business. He is general agent of the Perm Mutual Life Insurance Company. He is a director of the Rockland Trust Company, and a director of the Winchester Co-opet- ative Bank. In 1905 he married Miss Har riet F. Huffman; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 10 La Grange Street, Winchester, Mass. Miller, Cyrus C., Director, of 302 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bronx Board of Trade and other cor porations. Miller, F. Alden, Business President, of 349 West Twenty-sixth Street, New York: City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Colonia Securities Company, and a director in oth er corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 357 Miller, Eugene D., Vice-prsident, Secret ary arid Treasurer, of Forty-third Street, and Vanderbilt Avenue, New York Cityj and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of ( the Beau-site Company, and a director of the B. L. M. Bates Corporation. He is secretary, treas urer and director of the Armbow Operating Corporation, the Bowman Hotel Corpora tion, the Commodore-Biltmore Companv, the Hotel Ansonia Corporation, the Pund- erford Company, and the Westchester-Bilt more Corporation. Miller, Francis T., Business President^ L 450 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Helen Keller Film Cor pora ti n, and uU e: 4 or in other cor-) -ra tions. Miller, G-ray, Director, of 1790 Broadway New York City; and a member 01 various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Foreign Trade Co position an I other corporations. Miller, H. Allan, Business President, of 42 Broadway, New York City, aoa a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president and chairman of fne boni d- >)f Di rectors of H. Allan Miller, Incorporated He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerou po sitions of trust and honor. Miller, Herbert Adolphus, Member of -the Cleveland City Club. He was born June 5, 1875, in Tuftonboro, N.H. Sin \" 10 M he has been professor of sociology in Oberlin College. He is the author of Tuft School and the Immigrant. He resides in Obcrhn, Ohio. Miller, J. Rulon Jr.,Director, of 6 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Kerbaugh-Empire and other corpo rations. Miller, Leverett S., Business President,.)! One Hundred and Eightieth Street ana Morris Park Avenue, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kearny Land Company, and a director of other corporations. Miller, Maurice, Lawyer, of 1017 Dim Bank Building, Detroit, Mich., was born on April 19, 1893, in Wilmington, Del. He was educated at the Vicksburg High School,and the Detroit College of Law. Since 1918 he has been in the practice of law. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a private and was discharged as a sergeant. He is a member of the Elks Club. In 1920 he married Miss Jessie Mairetta Coffman; and they have one son, and reside at 1139 Calvert Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Miller, Maynard, Business President, of 134 West Twenty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member fo various clubs and societies. He is president and director of the Maynard Miller Company, Incorporat ed. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Miller, Nathan J., Business Man and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Miller and Company. He is a director of the Acme Packing Company; and a director of the Loft, Incorporated; prominently identified with business and public affairs. Miller, Samuel Haas, Member of the Bankers of America Club. He was born on Aug. 7, 1869, in Northumberland County, Pa. Since 1910 he has been president of the Chase National Bank of New York. He resides in Bound Brook, N.J. Miller, William, Business President, of 92 West Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Saddle River Land Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Miller, William G., Director, of 16 Bed ford Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Milliken, Gerish H., Business President, of 79 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dallas Manufactur ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Milliken, Seth Mellen,Member of the Un ion League Club. He was born Jan. 7, 1836, in Portland, Maine. Since 1892 he has been president of Deering, Milliken and Compa ny. He resides at 990 Madison Avenue,Ncw York City. * 358 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Mills, Ogden, Director and Trustee, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atehison, Topeka and Santa the Continental Papsr Company, the Crox Fe Railroad Company. He is also a director of the Atlantic Coast Steamship Company, the Carpet Company, the Lackawana Steel Company, the Mergenthaler Linotype Com pany, the Shredded Wheat Company, and the York Haven Paper Company. He is trustee of the New York Trust Company. Mills, William Webster, Member of the I nion League Club. He was born Jan. 27, 1852, in Marietta, Ohio. He is president of the Ohio River Bridge and Ferry Company. His address is Marietta, Ohio. Milnor, Leland, Topping, Business Prej-i dent, of 129 Government Square, Cincin nati, Ohio; and a member of the Business Men s Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. He was born Dec. 16, 1874, in Alton, 111.; and received an academic education. Since 1917 he has been treasurer and president of the Milner Elec tric Company. In 1913 he married Mis.- Jane Cooper Pogue; and they have a i ciii,- ily of two daughters, and reside at o3G Bryant Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Milnor, William H., Business President, of 261 Broadway, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hardwood Construction Company and a director in other corpoia- tions. Miner, H. Clay, Business President, of 1402 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H> is president of the Acme Theatre Company, and a director in other corporations. Miner, Maude E., Member of the Wo men s City Club. She was born June 2.-), 1880, in Leyden, Mass. She has conducted institutes of the New York School oi Sociai Woik. She is the author of Slavery of Pro stitution. She resides at 46 West Ninti Street, New York City. Minford, Lewis W., Business President and Trustee, of 106 Wall Street, New Yoik City ; and a member of the Down Town As sociation, and other clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 19, 1850, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educated at Chaiiier s in stitute. He is head of the firm of Minford, Lueder and Company; and president of the Thomas Realty Company. He is a member of the New York Coffee Exchange and the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange ;and a trustee of the Bible Teachers Training School. He is prominent in business, pub lic and social affairs. He is married; and resides in Deal, N.J. Mink, Oliver W., Director, of 96 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Com pany and other corporations. Minor, George H., Director, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a .member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Industrial Center Land Company and other corporations. Minot, Joseph Grafton, Director and Trustee, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Tudor Compa ny and other corporations. Minrath, Ferdinand R., Secretary and Director, of 22 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of Hoadly, Laut- erbach and Johnson. He is a director of the American Railroad of Porto Rico, the Hos pital Holding Corporation, the Kineto Com pany of America, and the Urban Motion Picture Industries. He resides at 519 West End Avenue, New York City. Mitchel, J. H., Business President, of lil Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of Freeport House and Home Com pany, and a director in other corporation?.. Mitchell, C. Stanley, Business President of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. le is president of the Central Mercantile As sociation, and a director in other corpora tions. Mitchell, Charles Edwin, Business Presi dent and Director, of 55 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of the Republi can Club, the Metropolitan Club, the Uni versity Club, the Recess Club, the Bankers Club, the Lawyers Club, the Links Club, the AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 369 National Golf Links Club, the Riding Club the India House Club, the Piping Rock Club, and the Tuxedo. He was born Oct. b, 1877, in Chelsea, Mass.; and received the degree of B.A. from Amherst College. He is president of the National City Bank of New York City. He is also president of the National City Safe Deposit Company, the National City Realty Corporation, the Na tional City Company, and chairman of the board of directors of the International Banking Corporation. In 1899 he married Miss Elizabeth Rend, of Chicago, 111.; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 933 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Mitchell, Clifford, Scientist and Author, of 25 Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 28, 1854, in Nantucket, Mass. He is professor of Clinical Urinology and Re nal Diseases in the Hahmemann Medical College; and is a member of various clubs and societies. He is the author of Diseases of Urinary Organs, and other works. Mitchell, John, Journalist, Banker and Statesman, of 311 North Fourth Street, Richmond, Va., was born July 11, 1863, in Henricb County, Va. He is editor and prop rietor of the Richmond Planet. In 1901 he organized and founded the Mechanics Sav ings Bank, of which he is president. He served two years on the Richmond County Common Council, and for eight years was a member of the Board of Aldermen. Mitchell, John J., Business President, of Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago; and a member of the Chicago Club, the Un ion League Club, the University Club, the Mid-day Club, the Lake Geneva Country Club,the Chicago Automobile Club and the South Shore Country Club. He was born on Nov. 3, 1853, in Alton, 111. He was president of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank up to 1919, when he became chairman of the board of directors. He owns a stock farm of six hundred acres at Lake Geneva, Wis. In 1890 he married Miss Mary Louise Jew- , ett of Bristol, R.I. Mitchell, Robert L., Treasurer and Direc- f -tor, of 299 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of the French Broad Manu facturing Company and other corporations. Mitchell, Sidney Z., Business President, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Electric Bond and Share Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Mitchell, W. Wedyard, Business Presi dent, of 1808 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Keokuk and Hamilton Bondholders Company, and a di- rhetor in other corporations. Mittenthal, Jacob A., Business President of 41 East Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a president of the Allied Warehouse Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Moag, Mrs. James A., President of the Harmonic Club, with a membership of twen ty-five women. She resides at 1515 N.New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Moeller, Henry, Clergyman and Archbi shop, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born on Dec. 11, 1849, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1904 he has been archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also been bishop of Columbus, Ohio. He resides at 5418 Moeller Avenue, Nor wood, Ohio. Monae-Lesser, Mozart, Business Presi dent, of 44 West Eighteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, medical di rector and director of the United Cigar Stores Company of America. He is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Moenig, Clement, Clergyman and Banker of New Hamburg, Mo., was born Jan. 24, 1862 in Germany. He is president of the Bank of New Hamburg. He has filled sev eral important pastorates; and is a member of various patriotic, religious and education clubs, societies and organizations. Mollenhouer, J. Adolph, Business Presi dent, of 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Allied Mut- uals Liability Insurance Company, 360 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Mohler, A. L., Retired Railroad Presi dent, of 417 West One Hundred and Four teenth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1850 in Ephrata, Pa. From 1886 lie was engaged in the railway service; and in 1911-16 was president of the Union Pac ific Railroad, and the Oregon Short Line Railroad Companies. He married Miss Jen nie M. Smith, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and they have one daughter living, and reside in Milan, Italy. Molloy, Henry P., Secretary and Director of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Pavement Company and other corporations. Monetise, Ellie E., Business President, of 107 West Eighteenth Street, New York Ci ty; and a, member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of Bubois Manu facturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Monks, Frank H., Business President, Treasurer ,and Director, of 35 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of the St. Botolph Club, the Brookline Club, and the Thursday Club. He was born Dec. 9, 1850, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated at the Boston Latin School, and at Grey- lock Institute. He is president of the Wo- burn (las Light Company; and a director of the East. Middlesex Street Railway Com pany. He is a trustee of the Monks Build- in- Trust, and a trustee of the Estate of J. P. Monks. .,He married Miss Elisabeth 0. Crowell; and % they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 4? Monmouth Street, Brookline, Mass. Monks, Lester H., Director, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Atlantic Coast Fisheries Compa ny and other corporations. Monnette, Orra Eugene, President of The Scribes Club, and a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Hugenot Socie ty of America, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Sons of the American Revolution the Order of Washington, and the Society of the War of 1812.He is a successful bank er of 736 South Hill Street, Los Angeles? Cal. He was born April 12, 1873, in Bucy- rus, Ohio; and was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University of Delaware. Since 1912 he has been president of the Citizens Trust and Savings Bank. He is also presi dent of the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Public Library; and prominent in the social, business and public affairs ot his city. In 1895 he married Miss Carrie Lucile Jane way. In 1917 he married Helen Marie Kull, and they have one daughter, and reside at 350 South Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Monro, Hugh R., Business President and Director, of 209 West Thirty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of L j Niagra Lithograph Company, and the Am erican Desatype Company, Incorporated. Monroe, Jules Blanc, Lawyer and Under writer, of Hibernia Bank Building, New Orleans, La. ; and a member of the Boston Country Club, the New Orleans Club, the Lawn Tennis Club, the Midwinter Club, the Leading Bar Associations, and many other organizations. He was born March 3, 1880, inNew Orleans, La.; and received the degree of A.B. and LL.B. from Tulane Un iversity. He is general counsel and a direc tor of the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company and other corporations. He is president of the Broussard Lard Company and of other concerns. In 1908 he married Miss Mabel Overton Logan ; and they reside at 1424 Louisiana Avenue,New Orleans, La. Montague, Andrew Jackson, Trustee of Society for American Fellowship in French Universities. He was born Oct. 3, 186-. i i Campbell County, Ya. He has been Gov ernor of Virginia, and is a member of Con gress. He resides at 1111 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Va. Montague, Gilbert Holland, Lawyer and Author, of 450 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so- cieties.IIe was born May 27,1880, in Spring field, Mass. He is the author of Rise a^i Progress of the Standard Oil Company. In 1907 he married M .ss Amv fc. CoU e-: they reside at 152 East Thirty-seventh Heal Estate Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 361 Montgomery, James Moore,Business pre sident, of 36 Spruce Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Sullolk Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Montgomery, Richard M., Business Presi dent, of 27 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president "of the Kingsbridge Real Estate Compan Moody, E. R.,Director, of 2062 Richmond Terrace, Port Richmond, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Stapleton Na tional Bank and other corporations. Moody, William Lewis, Jr., Member of the Artillery Club. He was born Jan. 25, 1865, in Freestone County, Texas. Since 1905 he has been president of the American National Life Insurance Company. He re sides at 2618 Broadway, Galveston, Texas. Moon, Mary E., President of the Iowa City Fine^jVrts Association. She resides in Iowa City, Iowa. Mooney, Franklin D., Business President of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a, member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alpha Steamship Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Mooney, James A., Director, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.. He is a di rector of the Sure Seal Company and oth er corporations. Moore, Charles, Chairman of the Nation al Commision of Fine Arts. He resides at 1729 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. Moore, Charles Cadwell, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born.. June 12, 1868, in Alpine, Schuyler County, N.Y.; and received a thorough technical educa tion. He is president of Charles C. Moore and Company, Engineers, Incorporated, with offices in the Sheldon Building, San Francisco, Cal. He has always made a spe cialty of Motive Power and Hydraulic Work. He resides in San Francisco, Cal. Moore, Clara Z. (Mrs. Frederick Moore), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1902 she has been a lecturer of self-expression and health at the Chautauqua Institution of New York City. She has lectured widely before women s clubs and at colleges. She is the author of Health and Self-Expres- sion. She resides at 552 Riverside Drive, New York City. Moore, Dwight, Business President, of 560 West Twenty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Excelsior Wrapper Company, Moore, Edward Jay, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 6, 1863, in Nor wich, N.Y. Since 1916 he has been assistant general superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America. In 1911 he was admit ted to the Missouri bar. He resides in West- erville, Ohio. Moore, Edward Small, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Jan. 6, 1881, in Chicago, 111. In 1908-09 he has been vice-president of the St. Louis and Santa Fe Railroad. He resides in Lake For est, 111. Moore, Edward W., Member of the Union Club. He was born July 1, 1864, in Cana Dover, Ohio. He is president of the Lake Shore Electric Railway .He resides at 11129 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Moore, Eugene M., Director, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Harden and Dervy Manu facturing Company and other corporations. Moore, Eva Perry, (Mrs. Philip N. Moore) Member of the Wednesday Club. She was born July 24, 1852, in Rockford, 111. Since 1916 she has been president of the Nation al Council of Women. She resides at 3125 Lafayette Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Moore, F. A. R., of St. Cloud, Minn., was born in 1870, in Charlotte, Mich. He is secretary, treasurer and manager of the Northwest Tablet Company. He is presi dent of the St. Cloud Auto Club; secretary of the Kewanis Club; and a prominent Mason and Elk. In 1895 he married Miss Mary Carey, of Galesburg, 111.; and they have a family of one son and two daught ers, and reside at 402 Second Avenue South, St. Cloud, Minn. 362 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Moore, George Sleming, Scottish Kite Mason, of Washington, D.C. He is Sover eign Grand Commander for the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Ancient Ac cepted Scottish Rite Masons. Moore, Herbert McComb, College Presi dent, of Lake Forest, 111. For many years he has been prominent in educational af fairs. He is president of Lake Forest Un iversity of Lake Forest, 111. Moore, Mrs. Howard R; President ot the Century Club, with a membership of four hundred women. She resides at 75 Division Street, Amsterdam, N.Y. Moore, John Howard, Humanitarian, Au thor, was born Dec. 4, 1862, in Linden, Mo. He has lectured in Missouri, Kansas and Iowa; and since 1898 has been a teacher in the Chicago high schools. He is the au thor of Better World Philosophy; The Un- iversal Kinship; and the New Ethics. Moore, Joseph Hampton, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 8, 1864, in Woodbury, N.J. In 1920-21 he was elected mayor of Philadelphia, and resigned from Congress. His address is City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, William H., Director, of 14 Wall Street, Xew York City; and a member ot various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Cotton Oil Company and other corporations. Moran, C. J., Banker and Director, of 50 Union Square, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is identified with the Textile Banking Compa ny of Union Square, New York City. He is prominently identified with industrial and financial affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Moran, John A., Treasurer and Director, of 68, Van Buren Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer, manger and director of the Atlantic Basin Iron and a director of the National Meter Company. Moran, Joseph F., Business President,ot Imlay and Summit Streets, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Point Pleasant Land Company, and a director in other cor porations. Morand, Henry C., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 206 roadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. lEe is a director of the Rock Island Southern Railway Company, and other corporations. Morehead, John Motley, Member of the University Club. He was born July 20,1866 in Charlotte, S.C. He is vice-president of the Leagsville Woolen Mills. He resides in Charlotte, N.C. Morgan, Anne Tracy, Member of the Co lony Club. She is actively interested in the National Civic Federation. She was first vice-president of the American Committee for Devastated France. She resides at 290 Madison Avenue, New York City. Morgan, J, Pierpont, Director,of 23 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Aetna Insurance Company and other corporations. Morgan, Paul, Beagary, Member of the Worcester Club. He was born May 7, 18G9, in Worcester, Mass. He is president of the Morgan Construction Company. He resides at 21 Cedar Street, Worcester, Mass. Morgan, Truman S., Business President, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so- cities.He is president of the American Con tractor Publishing Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Morgan, William Fellowes, Business Pre sident, of Arch 11, Brooklyn Bridge,N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Brooklyn Bridge Freezing and Cold Storage Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Morgan, William John, Member of the City Club of Milwaukee ; member of the Madison Club and other clubs and socie ties. He was born Dec. 13, 1883, in Charles- town, Wis. ; and received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Michigan; He is attorney-general for the State of Wiscon sin, with headquarters in Madison. In 1911 he married Miss Mary Baker; and they have two sons, and reside in Milwaukee, Wis. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 363 Morgan, William T., Manufacturer, of 735 South Washtenaw Avenue, Chicago, 111. was born Nov. 23, 1857, in New York Ci ty. He was educated at Selleck s Prepar atory Academy of Nor walk. Conn, nince 1883 he has been connected with the Kay- mond Lead Company and its successors. He is now manager of Raymond Lead Works; and a director of the United Lead Company of New York. He is a member of the Chi cago Athletic Association and the South Shore Country Club. In 1907 he married Mrs.William Booth ;and they reside at 4959 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. Morgenthau, Henry,Memher of the Cent ury Club. He was born April 26, 1856, in Mannheim, Germany; and is a member of various clubs and societies. In 1905-13 he has been president of the Henry Morgen thau Company. He resides at 30 West Sev enty-second Street, New York City. Morgenthau, Maximilian, Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance Dealer, of 25 Pine Street, New York City, was born July 1, 1878, in New York City. In 1899 he grad uated from the University of Chicago. Since 1899 he has been engaged in the real estate business in New York City. He is president of the M. Morgenthau, Jr., Company ; di rector of the East River National Bank; and president and director of the Stability Realty Company. He is ex-president of the Real Estate Association of flie State of New York, and a chairman of the executive committee of the same; and is active in va rious real estate and philanthropic organ izations. Morgenthau, Mengo, L., Manufacturer Business President and Director, of 431 Hudson Street, New York Citv;and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of The Mirror, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Morrell, Samuel B., of Gloversville, N.Y. He is president of the Automobile Club, of Fulton County, N.Y. He is president of the Gloversville Auto Glove Company ;and pre sident of the Glove Manufacturers Associ ation; and a member of various clubs and. societies. Morris, Arthur A., Business President^! 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Morris Plan Insurance Society, and a director in other corpora tions. Morris, Edv/ard, Member of the Chicago Athletic Club. He was born March 6, 1893, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 he has been pre sident of the Morris and Company. He re sides at 5217 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Morris, Effingham Buckley, Member or the Philadelphia Club, the Rittenhouse Club the University Club, the Union League Club the Racquet Club and various other clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 23, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and has received the degrees of A.B., A.M. and LL.B. He was general attorney for the Girard Company until his election to its presidency in 1887. In 1879 he married Ellen Douglas Bur roughs; and they reside in Ardmore, Pa. Morris, Ira Nelson, Diplomat and Author of the Marquette Building, Chicago, 111., was born March 8, 1875, in Chicago, 111. In 1892 he graduated from Philips Academy of Andover, Mass. ; and in 1895 received the degree of A.B. from Yale University. He retired from active financial affairs but is extensively interested in many banks, railways and corporations. In 1913 he was commissioner-general to Italy, in behalf of the Panama Pacific International Exposi tion; and since 1914 E.E. and P.P. of the United States to Sweden. He is a member of the Academy of Political Science, Amer ican Museum of Natural History; also the Army and Navy Club of New York ; the Quadrangle Club of Chicago and the Rane- lagh Club of London. He is the author of With the Trade Winds and other works. Morris, Parker D., Lawyer and Director, of 294 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the R. B. Philips Manufacturing Company and other corpo rations. Morrison, Clyde A., of Chicago, 111. He is president of the Press Club of Chicago. 364 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Morris, E. G-., Business President, of 26 Beaver Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the African and Eastern Trad ing Company, Incorporated. He is promin ently identified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Morris, W. T M Director, of 1054 Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Chain Com pany, Incorporated, and other corporations. Morrison, Frank, Member of the City Club. lie was born Nov. 23, 1859, in Frank- town, Ontario, Canada. He is a printer by trade. Since 1897 he has been secretary of the American Federation of Labor. He re sides at 1216 Decatur Street, N.W., Wash ington, D.C. Morrison, George F., Vice-president and Director, of 120 Broadway, New York Cilv; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Feb. 22, 1867. in Wells- ville, N.Y.Since 1885 he has been connected with the General Electric Company,and of which corporation he is vice-presidenr He is also a director of the China General Edi son Company, the Edison Electric Appli ance Company of Chicago; and a half-a dozen other corporations. In 1892 he mar ried Miss Jennie C. Krauss; and they have a family of two sons and five daughters, and reside at 77 Myrtle Avenue, Montclair N.J. Morrissey, C. James, Treasurer and Di rector, of 70 State Street, Boston, i\,ass.- and a member of various clut/s n".<l so-ie- ties. He is a director of the Old Colony Copper Company and other corpo rat ions. Morron, John R., Business President, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies Ik 1 is president of Atlas Portland Cement Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Morrow, Dwight Whitney, Member of the Century Club. He was born Jan. 11, 1873, in Huntington, W.Va. He is president of the Civic Association of Englewood. He resides in Englewood, N.J. Morse, Benjamin W., Business President of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wyman Steamship Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Morse, Clarence, R., of Zumbota, Minn., was born May 1, 1880, in Pennsylvania. He was educated at the University of Pennsyl vania; and since 1909 has practiced med icine. He is president of the Zumbota Club. Morse, Daniel Parmelee, Manufacture/ of Duane and Hudson Streets, New York City, was born April 6, 1852, in Malone, N.Y. He is president of the Morse and Rog ers Company; president of Edwin C. Burt Company, and of McElwain, Morse and Rogers. He is a member of various clubs and societies; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Morse, Edward S., President of the Pea- body Museum. He resides at 161 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. Morse, Edwin Kirkland, Engineer, of 34 Conestoga Building, Pittsburgh, Pa., was born July 3, 1856, in Poland, Mahoning County, Ohio. He was formerly transit com missioner and consulting engineer for the City of Pittsburgh and connected with Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. He has built many sub and superstructures for bridges across our navigable rivers. He is a member of the American Society of civil Engineers, the American Institute of Con sulting Engineers and was president of the Western Pennsylvania Society of Engin eers. He is married and has a family of two daughters. Morse, James R., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Trading Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Morse, Margaret Fessenden> Writer and Author, of Jamaica Plain, Mass. She was educated in private schools and Massachus- setts Institute of Technology. She has been a member of the executive board of Boston Public School Association; and is now di rector of Boston Animal Reserve League. She is a member of the Women s City Club of Boston. She is the author of The Spirit of the Pines; On the Road to Arden ; and" Scottie and His Lady. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 365 Morse, George F., President of the Port land Society of Art. He resides at Spring and High Streets, Portland, Maine. Morse, Robert C., Director, of 43 Ex change Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Backer Milling Machine Company and other corporations. Morse, Robert C., Business President, of 19 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Roxbury Carpet Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Mortenson, Benjamin F., Business Presi dent, of 1319 Dime Bank Building, Detroit Mich., was born March 15, 1874, in Roberts 111. He was educated at the University of Michigan. He is proprietor of the Benjamin F. Mortenson Company, secretary and treasurer of the Mortenson Land Company, and president of the Baker Tractor Corpor ation. He is a member of the Detroit Golf Club, the Red River Golf Club, the Yacht Club, the Michigan Union Club, the Real Estate Board, the Board of Commerce, and the University of Michigan Club. In 1900 he married Miss Kathryn L. Westmeyer; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1997 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Mortimer, George T., Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Equitable Office Build ing Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Mortimer, James D., Business Man and Director, of 149 Broadway,New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, a director of the Straight Air Brake Company,and chairman of the board of directors of the General Steel Company. Morton, Frank E., Efficiency Engineer,of 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill.,was born May 1, 1866, in Warren County, Pa. He is efficiency engineer with the American Steel and Wire Company, specializing in acoustics.He resides at 4867 Magnolia Ave nue. Morton, George C., Business President,of 77 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Carpenter-Morton Com pany and a director in other corporations. Moseley, Mercer P., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York Securities Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Moses, J. Garfield, Business President, of 160 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Terwilliger Floor Manu facturing Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Moses, Percival R., Business Presim-it, of 366 Fifth Avenue, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and soeictn::. He is president of the Engineering Sn^or vision Company, and a director in otLrr corporations. Moskin, Morris, Business Man and Direc tor, of 73 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Automatic Tic ket Register Corporation. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Moskowitz, Belle Israels (Mrs. Henry Moskowitz), Member of the Women s City Club. She was born Oct. 5, 1877, in New York. Since 1917 she has been industrial counselor of the grievance board of the Dress and Waist Manufacturing Associa tion. She resides at 147 East Thirty-eighth Street, New York City. Mosman, William A., Business President of 85 Water Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Plymouth Hardware Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Moss, B. Franklin, Business President, of 81 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Irving Construction Company, and a director in other corpora tions. 366 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Moss, Moses J., Treasurer and Director, of 12 East Twelfth Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. Tie is secretary, treasurer and director of Benjamin S. Moss and Company, Incor porated. Mossman, Frank E., Member of the Rot ary Club, Chamber of Commerce. lie is pre sident of the Morningside College. He has been president of the South western College at \Yinlield, Kans. He resides at 4005 M. S. Avenue, Sioux City, Iowa. Mott, John R., Member of the Century Club. He was born May 25, 1865, in Liv ingston Manor, N.Y.During the World-War he served as general secretary of National War Work Council of Young Men s Christ ian Association. He resides in Montclair, N.J. Moulton, Benjamin P., Business Presi dent,, Treasurer and Director, of 10 Abbott Park Place, Providence, R.I. ; and a mem ber of the Squantum Association, the Pom- ham Club, the Century Club, the Rhode Is land Country Club, Wannamoisett Country Club, the Metacomet Golf Club, and the Pen and Pencil Club of Rhode Island. He was born May 4, 1878, in Providence, R.I.; and in 1895 graduated from Bryant and Straton Business Collegejn 1911 he became half owner of the Remington Printing Com pany, of which he is treasurer. He is presi dent of the Providence Baseball Club, Com missioner of Police, past president of the United Typothetae of America,and past pre sident of the Master Printers Association of Rhode Island. He is president of the Weeden Land Company, president of the Macoris Light and Power Company, vice- president of the Employers Association of Rhode Island, and a director of the Lord Dry Dock Corporation of New York and of other corporations. In 1900 he married Miss Carlotta Flora Barrett; and they have two daughters living, and reside at 50 Channing Avenue, Providence, R.I.; and maintain a summer home at Quonochontaug, R.I. Moulton, Carlotta Flora Barrett (Mrs. Benjamin P. Moulton), of 50 Channing Avenue, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. She was born May 1, 1878, in England. In 1900 she mar ried Mr. Benjamin P. Moulton; and they have a family of two daughters living, Dorothy Barrett Moulton and Ethel Potter Moulton. They reside at 50 Channing Ave nue, Providence, R.I, and also maintain a summer home in Quonochontaug, R.I. Moulton, Cheney Mary, Member of Wo men s Club of Minneapolis, Business Wo men s Club of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Advertising Club, Woman s Occupational Bureau. She is director of the Minneapolis School Art. She resides at 1912 Third Ave nue, South, Minneapolis, Minn. Moulton, Forest Ray, Educator, Astro nomer and Author, of 6225 Woodlawn Ave nue, Chicago, 111., was born April 29, 1872, in Le Roy, Mich. Since 1896 he has been professor of astronomy at the university of Chicago. He is the author of Celestial Me chanics and Periodic Orbits. He resides at 6225 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, 111. Mountain, William W., Director, of 52 Yanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Genesee County Savings Bank and other corporations. Movius, John Henry, Banker and Real Estate Dealer, of Lidgerwood, N.D., was born June 24, 1860, in Minnesota. He is president of the First National Bank of Yeblen, N.D. ; and prominently identified with social, business and public affairs of his city. Mowry, Albert Earl, Surgeon, of 25 East Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 26, 1873, in Mattoon, 111. In 1890 he graduated from the Decatur High School of Illinois; in 1898 graduated from the North western University Medical School and in 1910 studied abroad. He was surgeon to the First Illinois Volunteer Cavalry; and he served throughout the Spanish-American War. In 1899-1915 he was instructor in the Northwestern University Medical School; and became professor of genito-urinary and venereal diseases in the Chicago Medical School. He is now secretary of Chicago Medical School. He originated sex tabloids. During the World-War he was captain in (the Medical Corps, United States Army. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 367 Moyer, Gabriel H., President of the Pat riotic Order of the Sons of America. He is an attorney at law. He resides at 756 Cum berland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Moyses, Emanuel, Business President, of 1 East Thirty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Moyses and Drey fus, Incorporated; and is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs. Mueller, Jacob E., President of the Buf- alo Orpheus, with a membership of one thousand and thirty men. He resides at 97 Dodge Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Mueller, Oscar Charles, Lawyer, of Van Nuys Building, Los Angeles, Cal., was born Sept. 7, 1876, in Denver, Colo. He was ed ucated at the Occidental College of Los Angeles; and took special course at the University of Virginia. He was one of the originators of the annexation project of San Pedro to Los Angeles. In 1918 he was president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. In 1917 he was president of the Los Angeles Bar Association ; and the same year was also vice-president of the Califor nia Bar Association. He is prominently identified with the Republican party; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He is a member of the California Club, the Los Angeles Athletic Club and various other clubs and societies. Muhlfeld, John E., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member fo various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Locomotive Feed Water Heater Company and other corporations. Mullaily, William T., Business President of 198 Broadway, New York Qity; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, director and business manager of William T. Mullaily, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business Muller, Charles, Business President, of 334 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of the Manhattan Club. He was born in 1881, in Lucerne, Switzerland. Since 1918 he has been vice-president and treas urer, of Sulzer, Rudolph and Company, In corporated, Importers of Raw Silk. He was manager of Sulzer, Rudolph and Com pany, Shanghai, China. Muller, William A., Business President, of 55 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dorchester Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Mullgardt, Louis Christian, Architect, of San Francisco, Cal., was born Jan. 18, 1866 in Washington, Mo. He was president of the San Francisco Society of Architects. He is a noted architect of Honolulu, H.I. His offices are in the new Davis Building on Merchant and Bishop Streets. Mumford, George Saltonstall, Director,of 30 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Haverhill Gas Liprht Company and other corporations. Mumford, Mary Eno (Mrs. Joseph Mum- ford), Member of the Civic Club. She war? born May 9, 1842, in New Britain, Conn. She is a founder of the General Feder.it - on of Women s Clubs, and is now its honorary vice-president. She resides at 210 St. Mark Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Munder, N.T.A., Graphic Arts Artisan,of 2325 Linden Avenue, Baltimore, Md. He makes a specaity of printing. He is a mem ber of the Handicraft Club of Baltimore, Md. Munford, Mary Cooke Branch, Member of the Metropolitan Club. She was born in Richmond, Va. Since 1908 she has been pre sident of the Co-operative Education As sociation of Virginia. She resides at 503 East Grace Street, Richmond, Va. Munroe, Charles A., Business President, of 122 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago 111.; and a member of the Chicago Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, the University Club of Chicago, the Industrial Club of Chicago, the City Club of Chicago, and the Chicago Yacht Club. He was born Feb. 9, 1875; and was educat ed at the Northwestern University Law School. He is vice-president of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company; and is also president of the Ohio Gas and Electric Company and other corporations. In 1907 he married Miss Rhea Logan ;and they have a family of one son and two daughters,and reside at 1234 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 368 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Munn, John P., Business President, of 105 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Life In surance Company and a director in other corporations. Munson, C. La Rue, Business President, of IL O Broadway, Xew York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He- is president of the Williamsport Iron and Nail Company, and a director in other cor porations. Munson, Charles S., Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Cuban Air Products Corpora tion and other corporations. Munson, Frank C., Business President,of 67 Wall Street,New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Munalbro Steamship Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Murlin, Lemuel Heibert, President of Boston University. He resides at 688 Boyls- ton Street, Boston, Mass. Murphy, Grayson M. P., Director, of 52 Broadway, N r ew York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Cuba Cnnc Sugar Corporation and other corporations. Murphy, Henry Killam, Architect, of 331 Madison Avenue, New York City, was oorn Aug. 10, 1877, in New Haven, Conn. In partnership with Richard Henry Dana, Jr., during 1908-1921, and is now in partner ship with Henry J. McGill, and Talbot F. Hamlin, under the firm name of Murphy, McGill and Hamlin. In 1920 he married Miss Ethel Andrews of New Haven, Conn., and they reside at 52 Washington Mews, New York City. Murphy, James S., Business President,of 184 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Stickney and Poor Spice Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Murphy, W. H., President, of the Detroit Orchestral Association. He resides at 2248 Penobseott Building, Detroit, Mich. Murphy, Star J.,Business President of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Everett Timber and Investment Company and other corporations. Murray, George Welwood, Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Linseed Company Murray, James R., Member of Detroit Golf Club, the Lockmoor, the Ookland, the Hills Club and the Detroit Yacht Club. He is identified with the J. W. Murray Man ufacturing Company. In 1918 he married Miss Eva Mary Ross ; and they have a fam ily of one son and one daughter, and reside at 1182 Boston Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Murray, Thomas, Director, of 71 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Bridge Company and oth er corporations. Murray, Thomas E., Business Preside*.!-, of 124 East Fifteenth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Edison Light and Power Installation Company, Musil, Louis F., Business President, of 60 Wall Street,New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Urban Water Supply Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Musliner, Silas, Business President, of 101 Gold Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Joseph Musliner Company, Incorporated; and a director in other cor porations. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Myers, Alexander, President of the Am- phion Society. He resides at Seattle, Wash. Myers, Frank K., President of the Mus ical Art Club, with a membership of five hundred men and women. He resides in Charleston, S.C. Myers, Franklin J., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 45 John Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies.IIe is a director of the Underwriters Building Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 369 Naegely, Henry E., Lawyer, Director, Jurist and Orator, of Saginaw, Mich., was born March 16, 1869, in Saginaw, Mich. He was educated in the Saginaw schools and the literary department of the University of Mihcigan; and in 1894 graduated from the law department of the University of Michigan. He has been judge of the Recorder s Court, assistant prosecuting attorney of Saginaw County and city attorney. He is senior member of the law firm of Naegely and is a mem ber and former president of the Saginaw State Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. He is one of the most prominent lawyers of Michigan; and is well known as a leading orator of that state. Nagel, Joseph Darwin, Physician and Author, of 106 East Thirty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 20, 1867, in-Czecho, Slavakia. He is the au thor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. Nally, Edward J., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Radio Corporation of America, and a director in other cor porations. Namm, Benjamin H., Business President, Treasurer and Director, of 452 Fulton Street, Brookline, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pres ident of A. L. Namm and Son; and a di rector in other organizations. He is prom- nently identified with business and public affairs; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. Napier, A. Milton, Business President, of 16 East Thirty-third Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Li si:? Realty Company, and a director in other Corporations. Narele, Reginald G., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlas Warehouse Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Nash, A. Douglas, Treasurer and Di rector, of 30 Beach Street, Flushing, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Flushing Country Club Land Company and other corporations. Nash, Warren B., Treasurer and Direct or, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Exchange Court Corporation and o ther corporations. Nasmyth, George William, Member of the City Club. He was born July 9, 1882, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a founder of the Trade Union College. He is the author of Social Progress and the Darwinian Theory. He resides in Ithaca, N.Y. Nast, Cohde, Business President, of 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Vogue Company, and a director in other corpor ations. Natanson, Max N., Real Estate Opera tor and Financier, of 170 Broadway, New York City, was born Dec. 29, 1886, in New York City. He studied law at the New York University. Since 1907 he has been engaged in the real estate business New York City. He has filled numerous po sitions of trust and honor ; and is a mem ber of various social, patriotic and fra ternal organizations. Nathan, Benjamin, Business President, of 60 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is president and director of the Na than and Cohen Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with busi ness and public affairs and has held ma ny positions of trust and honor. Nathan, Maud, Member of the Lyceum Club. She was born in New York. In 1897- 1917 she was president of the Consumers League of New York, and its honorary president ever since. She resides at 225 West Eighty-sixth Street, New York City. Nathan, Paul, Director, of 521 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Automatic Furnace Company and other corporations. 24 370 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Navaro, Alfonso De., Director, of 23 broadway, Ney York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New York and New Eng land Cement and Lime Company and oth er corporations. Nawn, Hugh, Director and Trustee, of 82 Savin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Shawmut Steamship Company and other corporations. Nazimova, Alia, (Mrs. Charles Bryant), Actress, of 1025 Lillian Way, Hollywood, Cal., was born June 4, 1879, in Yalta, Cri- meria, Russia. She began as leading wo man at St. Petersburg in prominent roles in 1904, 1911 and 1914. She was first in Russian repertoire, and afterward in Ib sen productions. She has been closely as sociated with moving pictures, and at present at the head of her own company. Nearing, Scott, Member of the City! Club. He was born Aug. 6, 1883, in Mor ris Run, Pa. He has been professor of social science and dean of the College of Arts and Science of Toledo, Ohio. He is the author of Solution the of Child Labor Problem. His address is 7 East Fifteenth Street, New York City. Neely, Robert T., Business President, of 108 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rob- ard Realty Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Neergaard, Charles F e , Business Presi dent, of 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubi and societies. He is president of the Man hattan Storage and Warehouse Company, and a director in other corporations. Neill, Sara, President of the Birming ham Art Club. She resides in Birrnnglmm, Ala. Neilson, Jason A., Business President, 44 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchantile Oversea Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Nelson, J. Arthur, Actor, Production Manager and Author, of 729 Seventh Ave nue, New York City, was born in 1877 in Scranton, Pa. He was educated at Prince ton University. In his stage career he starred and directed in New York City and elsewhere; and is the author of several plays and books, including the Photo Play. His screen career as an author, star and director was with the Universal Series of Comedies entitled Slim. He is also the author and director of Under Fire in Mexico, Day of Reckoning and other pro ductions. He is director general and pres ident of the Federation Producers Ser vice, Incorporated, producers of the In visible Force and other productions. Nelson ,Lucy F., President of the Wo- mans Choral Society, with a membership of sixty women. She resides at 536 Ber gen Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. Nelson, Nicholas Joseph, Interior Dec orator, of 614 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born July 17, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1890 he became associ ated with W. P. Nelson Company, decorat ors, and since 1905 has been sole owner an dpresident of the Company which now has a branch office in New York. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Chicago Club and the Builders Club. He res ides at 1020 Ardmore Ave nue, Chicago, 111. Nelson, Nils Anton, of 30 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 15, I860, in Sweden. Since 1881 has resided in Chicago. He is president of Scandia Life Insurance Company, which company he assisted in organizing in 1905. He is a. di rector of the Svea Building and Loan As sociation, Chicago Cemetery Association, Englewood Hospital Association, the Augu- stana College and Theological Seminary of Rock Island of Illinois. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, and the Swedish Club; and has been knighted with the Royal Vasa Order by the King of Sweden. Nesbit, Wilbur D., President of the For ty Club, of Chicago, Illinois. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 371 Nelson, Walter H., Coal Merchant and Business President, of 497 Union Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born in 1858 in Ro chester, N.Y. He was educated at the New York University. Since 1877 he has been identified with the coal business; and is now treasurer of the Commonwealth Fuel Company of New York City. He is also pre sident of the Nelson Realty Company ; and has been president of the Brooklyn Coal Exchange. He is a member of the Univer sity Club of New York,the Crescent Athlet ic Club of Brooklyn, the Kishawanna Coun try Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and the Long: Island Automobile Club. In 1883 he married Miss Emma Sweetser; and they have one daughter, Helen, now Mrs. L. C. Waterbu- ry; and they reside at 1617 Beverly Road, Brooklyn, N.Y. Neracher, W. A., Business President, of 1 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Berkshire Hills Compa ny, Great Barrington, Mass.; and a direc tor in other corporations. Nesbitt, William Burgess., Director, of Union Spuare, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Leonia Heights Land Com pany and other corporations. Neslen, C. Clarence, of Salt Lake City. Utah, was born April 17, 1879. He is pre sident of the Utah School for the Dear and Blind; and Mayor of Salt Lake City. Utah. In 1905 he married Miss Grace Can non; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 313 Third Avenue, Salt Lake City. Utah. Neuman, Frederick F., Director, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Parenta Film Corporation and other corporations. Nevins, Thomas A., Business President, of 120 Liberty Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Texala Oil and Gas Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Nevius, Franklin, Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fan-mount Hotel and other corpora tions. Newcomb, James Francis, Clergyman, of 14 Bedford Road, Summit, N.J., was born Feb. 24, 1885, in Kingston, Mass. He was educated at the Boston Latin School, St. Charles College of Baltimore, St. Mary s Seminary of Belmont, N.C. He : has held pastorates in West Virginia; and was chap lain at Carleton Academy. He is now rec tor and headmaster in Carleton College of Summit, N.J. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution and numerous other so cieties and organizations. Newcombe, Andrew B., Director, of 156 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.C.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the North River Insurance Company and other corporations. Newcomer, Waldo, Member of the Mer chants Club, the Baltimore Country Club, the Maryland Country Club, the Baltimore Athletic Club of Baltimore, Md., the Bank ers Club, the Recess Club, the Railroad Club, and the Lotos Club of New York. He- was born Sept. 14, 1867, in" Baltimore, Ma. He is president of the National Exchange Bank, vice-president of the Atlantic Coast Company and vice-president of the North ern Central Railroad. He resides at 105 West Monument Street, Baltimore, Md. Newes, Adrian M., Member of the Hamil ton Club. He was born Sept. 15, 1871, in Medina, Ohio. Since 1917 he has been pre sident of the University School of Music and other Fine Arts of Lincoln, Neb. lie resides at Eleventh and R Streets, Lincoln, Neb. Newgard, Henry, Electrical Engineer, of 947, Washington Boulevard, Chicago. III.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born May 10, 1858, in Norway. For Twelve years he has been president of Henry Newgard and Company; and pro minent in business and public affair* Newgass, George W., Treasurer and Ox- rector, of 2 Rector Street, New York City, and a member of various e uKs and socie ties. He is a ^director of the Enlightment Photoplays Corporation and other corpora tions. 372 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Newhall, George A., Business President, of Newhall Building, San Franks }, Gal.; and a member of vario -i * dabs and socie ties. He is president of the White fnvest- ment Company and other corporations. Newhouse, Edgar L., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socij;i,-s He is a n- rector of the Nevada Nort i n Railway Company and other corporations. Newman, Clifford L., President of the Music Festival Association, with a member ship of one hundred men.He resides in Fat- erson, N.J. Newman, P. M., Railroad President, of Williamsport, Pa.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born June 3, 1861, in Pennsylvania. Since 1883 he has filled various positions in railway service; lias been station agent, conductor,and train dispatcher; and for ten years was assistant general manager of the Williamsport and North Branch Railroad. In 1904108 he was general manager, and since 1908 has been president of the Susquehanna and New York Railway Company, and of the Tiones- la Valley Railway. Newsome, William, Director, of 131 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director or. the Revere Sugar Refinery Newton, Clarence L., Lawyer and Direc tor, of GO State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Seaman and Cobb Thread Mills and other corporations. Newton, Thomas E., Business President and Treasurer, of 1077 Second Avenue, De troit, Mich., was born March 15, 1866, in Lnvonia, Mich. He was educated in the De troit public schools. He became a meat mer chant in 1887, the firm incorporating in 1901 as the Newton Beef Company, ot which lie is president and treasurer. Li 1907 he was appointed jury commissioner by Governor Warner. He is a member of the Detroit Board of Commerce. He is iden tified with the Republican party; and has filled numerous positions of trust and ho nor. His special recreation is driving; and l.e is also a member of several clubs ana societies. Newton, Donald McG., Business Presi dent, of 12 John Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Canadian Mac- Arthur Pile Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Neyland, Harry, Artist, of 391 County Street, New Bedford, Mass., was born in 1877 in Erie, Pa. He was a pupil of the Zanerian Art College, Columbus, the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, the ASL of New York and studied in Paris under Baschet, Ger- vais, Laurens and Henry Snell. He is a member of the Providence Artists Club,thc New Bedford Artists Club and director of the Swain Galleries and Swain Free School of Design, of New Bedford, Mass. He is a successful and noted artist; and his works are included in numerous valuable collec tions. Nicholas, Harold Wills, Business Presi dent, of Lockland, Cincinnati, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fox Paper Company; and prominently identified with business arid public affairs. Nichols, Acosta, Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Mexican Coal and Coke Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Nichols, Arthur B., Director, of North Station, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Concord and Montreal Railroad and other corporations. Nichols, Charles C., Lawyer and Director, of 43 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Everett Co-operative Bank and other corporations. Nichols, Edward T., Business President, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; and i\ member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Northern Securities Company and a director in other corpora tions. Nichols, Edward Tattnall, Member of the Union League Club. He was born Aug. 10, 1852, in Pensacola, Fla. He is president of the Northern Securities Company, of 32 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 373 Nassau Street, New York City. He resides at 37 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Nichols, Edward W., Business President of 15 Whitehall Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of United Marine Construc tion Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Nichols, Henry J., Treasurer arid Direc tor, of 5 Court Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Winchester Tannery Company and other corporations. Nichols, Isabel Mcllhenry (Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols), Member of the New Cent ury Club. She was born in Wilmington, N.C. She is, vice-president of the Presbyt erian Society for Home Missions. In 1913 she was president of New Century Club. She resides at 346 Pelhem Road, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Nichols, Roswell S., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Quito River Mining and Dredging Company and other corporations. Nichols, William H., Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Corn Exchange Bank and oth er corporations. Nichols, William H., Jr., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a, director of the Nichols Copper Company and other corporations. Nichols, William Henry, Member of the Hamilton Clu. He was born Jan. 9, 1852, in Brooklyn N.Y. Since 1907 he has been chairman of the board of the General Che mical Company of 25 Broad Street, New York City. He resides at 420 Park Avenue New York City. Nicholson, Samuel Edgar, Member of the City Club. He was born June 29, 1863, in Elizabethtown, Ind. Since 1898 he has been secretary of National Anti-Saloon League. He is editor of The American Friend. He resides in Richmond, Ind. Nicholson, Samuel M., Member of the Un ion League Club. He was born Feb. 25,1861 in Providence, R.I. He is vice-president of the Industrial Trust Company, of Provid ence, R.I. He resides at 71 George Street, Providence, R.I. Nickerson, William E., Business Presi dent, of 41 West First Street,Boston,Mas6. ; and a member of the Alonquin Club, the University Club, the Exchange Club, and the Engineers Club, the Masonic Fraternity the Sons of the American Revolution, the Society of Colonial Wars, and other organ izations. He was born Nov. 5, 1853, in Pro- vincetown, Mass.; and was educated at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology .He is. the inventor of many devices; and devel oped the Gillette Safety Razor. He is a di rector of the Gillette Safety Razor Compa ny and other organizations. In 1875 he married Miss Nellie Rosalie Partridge ; and they reside in Boston, Mass. Nicklas, Charles Aubrey, Engineer,Treas- urer and Director, of 6 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer, comptroller, and director of the Bellwood Engineering Company ; and is also a director of the Em pire Engineering Company, the Interlake Engineering Company, and the Kerbaugh- Empire Company. Niedringhaus, Frederick G., Member of the St. "Louis Club. He was born Oct. 21, 1837, in Province of Westphalia, Germany. He is president of the National Enameling and Stamping Company. He resides at 4532 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Niekamp, WiUiam L., Member of the St. Louis Club, the Century Boat Club,the Nor- mandie Golf Club, the Old Colony Club.and the Iron and Steel Institute Engineers As sociation. He was born Jan. 21 1877, in St. Louis, Mo. He is president of the Beck and Corbitt Iron Company; and a director of the United States Bank and the St. Louis Screw Company. He resides at 7104 Del- mar Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Niewenhous, Mathias, Director, of 316 East One Hundred and Sixty-first Street, New T York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Rellett Realty Corporation and other cor porations. 374 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Nieman, Henry C., Manufacturer and Business President, of 1801 North Rock well Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1863, in Chicago, 111.; and was educated in the public and private schools of his native city. Since 1890 he has been president and treasuer of the H. C. Nieman and Compa ny, manufacturers of tables. He married Miss Irene Mayhew Brant; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 4202 North Kedvale Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Nissen, Ludwig, Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ludwig Nissen and Com pany, and a director in other corporation.,-. Nixon, Lewis, Member of the Union Club. He was born April 7, 1861, in Leesburg,Va. He is a noted shipbuilder; and is now sole owner and manager of the Nixon Nitration Works. He resides at 22 East Fifty-third Street, New York City. Noble, Henry G. S., Stock Broker, of 42 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a mem ber of the firm of De Coppet and Doremus. He is a director of the New York Quotation Company ;a director of the New York Stock Exchange Building Company; and a mem ber of the governing committee of the New York Stock Exchange. Noel, Joseph Roberts, Member of various Masonic and fraternal organizations, the Bankers Club, the Union Leaue Club, the Oak Park and the Oak Park Country Club. He was born March 3, 1872 near Waco, Texas. He is president of the Noel State Bank and of the Chicago Association of Commerce. He resides at 406 Linden Ave nue, Oak Park, 111. Nolan, Daniel E., Business Man and Di rector, of 588 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socle- ties. He is president, treasurer and a direc tor of Helmann and Lichten; and is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs. Nolan, Edward C., Banker, of Reading, Pa., was born Aug. 8, 1880, in Reading,Pa. He graduated with the degree of A ? B. from Villanova College. He is vice-president of the First National Bank, president of the Nolan Real P]state Agency, sole owner of Nolan Brothers, railroad construction, Nolting, Charles A., Business President, of 26 West Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 0- hio; and a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Masonic Fraternity, the Odd Fellows, and q^her org anizations. He was born Sept. 14, 1850, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is president of the Oskamp Nolting Company ; and a stock holder in, various other business enterpris es. He is a member of the Cincinnati Cham ber of Commerce, and has filled many po sitions of trust and honor. In 1874 he mar ried Miss Amelia Twatchman ; and they have a family of two sons and five daught ers, and reside at 45 Parker Street, Cincin nati, Ohio. Nooman, William T., Member of the Met ropolitan Club. He .was born July 12, 1874, in Beverly, Minn. Since 1910 he has been president of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway, with offices in Roches ter, N.Y. He resides at Pittsford, N.Y. Norek, Alfred W., Business President, of 20 Warren Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kayen Realty Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Normand, Mabel, Popular Screen Artist, of Los Angeles, Cal., was horn in Boston, Mass. Her screen career has been with the Vitagraph, Biograph, and Keystone. She headed the Mabel Norman Feature Film Company, as star in Pat Mickey, Micky Gets Ready, and other productions. With Gold- wyn she appeared in The Venus Model, A Perfect Thirty-six, Sis Hopkins, The Pest, Jinks, Pinto, The Slim Princess and other productions. She resides in Hollywood, Cal. Norris, Beverly A., Director, of 212 Con cord Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Building Repair Company and other corporations. Norris, Frederick A., Director, of 21J Concord Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is a director of the Emerson and Norr iS Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 375 Norris, Samuel, Business President, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific and Idaho North ern Railway Company, and a director in other corporations. North, Edwin, Business President, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Combined Industries, Incorpor ated, and a director in other corporations. North, Mrs. Mary M., Member of Nation al Council of Women, National Woman s Relief Corps, Red Cross, Washington Mon day Club, The D C Natives, League of Am erican Pen Women, the Women s National Foundation, Order Easter Star, National Federation College for Women. She is an editorial writer, author, poet, correspond ent. She has been president of American Woman s Press Association, secretary of National Council Women, chairman Presses Womans Relief Corps. She resides at Herri- don, Va. North, Robert, Secretary and Director, of 220 West Forty-eight Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Federal Film Exchange of America and other coi- porations. Northrop, Charles P., Business President of 31 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Merrieless Corporation and a director in other corporations. Norton, Charles D., Business President, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First Security Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Norton, Charles, Dyer, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born IVfarch 12, 1871 in Oshkosh, Wis. Since 1918 he has been president of the First Security Company of New York. He resides at 2 West Fifty- fifth Street, New York City. Norton, E. Hope, Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ecuador Breweries Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Norton, Lawrence Adelbert, Member of the Essex County Country Club, and the New England Society of Orange, N.J. He is a successful broker and banker of 35 Nas sau Street, New York City. He was born on Dec. 12, 1861, in Springfield, Pa.; and re ceived a techncal education. He is senior member of the firm of L. A. Norton and Company, brokers and bankers.He has been president of the New England Society ot Orange, a trustee of the Village of South Orange, and a member of the Board of Ed ucation of the City of Orange. In 1889 he married Miss Grace H. Bulchins. In 1902 he married Miss Louis A. Bulchins; and they have a family of one son arid four daughters, and reside at 330 Hartford Road South Orange, N.J. Norton, L. J., Business President and Di rector, of Napa, Cal. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born in Pulaski, N.Y. Since 1880 he has been ident ified with Sawyer Tanning Company, of which he is now president. He is also pre sident of the South Napa Realty Company, and a director of the Bank of Napa.In 1901 he married Miss Catherine E. Skinner; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Napa, Cal.. Notman, George, Treasurer and Director, of 99 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Dawson Railway and Coal Company and other corporations. Notz, Felix, Inventor and Business Pre sident, of 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 27, 1869, in Cannstatt, Germany. For Five years he was general manager of the Werner and Pfleid- erer Company of Saginaw, Mich. Since 1902 he has been resident of Chicago. He is president and treasurer of the American Oven and Machine Company; and inventor of machinery for bakers and confectioners. Noyes, Frank A., Director, of 706 Cham ber of Commerce, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Grain Dealers Mutual Fire Insurance Company and other cor porations. 376 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Noyes, Frank V., Business President, of Bank Building, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Arlington, Mass. National Bank, and a director in other corporations. Noyes, Walter D., Business President, of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass,; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Coast Company, and a director in other corporations. Noyes, Weller H., Business president and Director, of 17 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various dubs and societies. He is president of the First National Bank of Tenafly; is a di rector of the New York County National Bank, and a director of the, North Shore Property Company, Incorporated. He is a member of the Manhattan Sanitary In spection Association ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Nugent, William W., Member of North American Athletic Club, the Chicago Yacht Club, and the Chicago Association of Com merce. He was educated at the Victoria University of Coburg, Canada^He is presi dent of William W. Nugent and Company, manufacturers of oiling and oil filtering systems. He has a family of one son ana one daughter; and resides at 5728 Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, 111. Nye, James W., of 25 East, Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 20,1848 in Randolph, Chautauqua County, N.Y. The night of the great Chicago fire he assisted in saving the abstract books, which were the sole evidences to real estate titles in Chicago. For ten years he was one of the five directors of Hibbard; Spencer, Bartlett and Company; afterward agent for Home Insurance Company of New York; and lat er; business manager of the Chicago Labor atory and a director of the Economic Drug Company. He is now retired. Oakley, F.F., Business President, of Cin cinnati, Ohio; and a member of the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen, and other organizations. He was born in 1857, in Al bion, Mich. ; he is a member of the Cincin nati Chamber of Commerce. Since 1802 he has been, connected with the Cincinnati Specialty Manufacturing Company, of which corporation he is now president. In 1879 he married Miss Gracie L. Barnes; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at Beekman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Obermayer, Charles J., Business Presi dent, of 449 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Fingerprint Machine Company, and a director in other corporations. Obermeyer, Joseph, Business President, of 59 Stanvix Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Astoria Holding Corpo ration, and a director in other corporations. O Brien, Dennis F., Director, of 1482 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Douglas Fairbank Pictures Corporation ando ther corporations. O Brien, Esmond P., Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Garfield National Bank and other corporations. O Bric-ii, Morgan J., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, fie is president of the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. O Brien, Morgan J., Jr., Business Presi dent, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Broadway Safe Deposit Company, and a director in other corporations. O Brien, P. P., Sociologist and Commis sioner of public works of Los Angeles, Cal., was born Dec. 5, 1860, in Ireland. He was educated at Notre Dame, Ind. He is clerk of the Los Angeles Police court ; is commis sioner of public works; a director of the republican league; and prominent in the Catholic church. His wife, Mrs. Mary T O Brien, is the retiring president of (ho ladies auxiliary of the Ancient Order ot Hibernians. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 377 Ochs, Samuel 0., Business Man and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the North Ameri can Bank; and a director of the American Industries Representatives, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. O Connell, James, Member of the Colum bia Country Club. He was born Aug. 22, 1858, in Minersville, Pa. Since 1913 he has been a member of the Commission on In dustrial Relation. He resides at 2126 First Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. O Connell, Patrick A., Lecturer, Business President and Director, of 155 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the E. T. Slattery Company, and a direc tor of the International Trust Company, and other corporations. He is a trustee of the Union Institution for Savings; and ma ny other positions of trust and honor. O Connor, D. L., Business President and Director, of 2 Rector Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of the Masonic Club and various other clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Maratakka Timber Company, O Connor and Company, and the Tibiti Lumber Company; and is also vice-presi dent of the United States Overseas Compa ny, the Seaboard Export Company, and the Guiana Development Corporation. O Connor, E. A., Accountant and Bus iness President, of 906 Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich. He was educated at the Un iversity of Detroit, and received the degree of Bachelor of Commercial Science. Since 1920 he has been president of O Connor and Smith, Public Accountants. Ho reticles at 1309 Harper Avenue, Detroit, M : ch. Odell, Jabez T., Business President, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and soc : eties. He is president of the Marquette and Bessemer Dock and Navigation Company. Odenheimer, Cordelia Powell (Mrs. Frank Gillia Odenheimer), Member of Woman s Club. She was born in Leesburg, Loudoun County, Va. In 1915-17 she was president- general of the U.D.C. ; and is director of the Arlington and Shiloh Monument. She resides at The Congressional, Washington. D.C. O Donohue, Charles A., Business Pres ident, of 808 Wall Street, New York City, was born Aug. 16, 1859, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of the O Donohue Estate. He is a trustee of Kings County Trust Company and of the East River Savings Bank; and a director of the Union Ferry Company, and various other corporations. He is a member of the leading clubs ani societies; and has filled .many positions of trust and honor. O Donohue, James J., Vice-president and Director, of 102 Produce Exchange, New York City. He is manager and di rector of the Grain Growers Export Com pany Incorporated. He is prominently identified w^ith business and public af fairs and has filled many positions of trust and honor. O Donohue, Joseph J., Business Presi dent and Director of 262 West Seventy- third Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of teh Agatine Shoe Hook and lyelet Company, and vice-president of the General Realty and Mortgage Company, The Evergreen Cemetery, ad the Frederick Southack and Alwyn Ball, Jr. He is a director of the Eighth Avenue Railroad Company, the Ninth Avenue Railroad Com pany, the United States Casualty Compa ny, and other corporations. Ogilvie E., Business President and Di rector, of 42 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation, the Cuban and Pan- American Express Company, the Washing ton Sugar Company and the Havana Ter minal Railroad Company. He is president nnd director of a dozen other corporations. Gorman, James A., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various other clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Gorman, Battle and Vandiver. He is a director of the American Trust Company, the New York Title and Mortgage Company, and other corporations. 378 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ogren, Charles A., Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H? is president of the General Coal Sales Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Ogsbury, James S., Secretary and Di- re<-tor, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; ;md a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Auditing Machine Company and other corporations. O Hara, Francis F., Treasurer and Di rector, of New Boston Fish Pier, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Nevada Copper and Gold Mining Company ani other corporations. Ohl, Edwin Newton, Member of the Pittsburgh Golf Club, the Duquesne Club, and the Pittsburgh Athletic Association, all of Pittsburgh, Pa. He was born Feb. 3, 1850, in Ohltown, Ohio. He is a director of the Keystone National Bank of Pitts burgh, Pa.; and a director of the Hanna Furnace Company of Cleveland, Ohio. He resides at the Hotel Schenley, Pittsburgh, Pa. O Keefe, Patrick F., Business President and Director, of 45 Broomfield Street^ Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Bos ton City Club, the Elks, and other organ izations. He was born June 29, 1873, in Boston, Mass. Since 1887 he has been en gaged in the advertising business; and is president of the P. F. O Keefe Advertis ing Agency. He is a charter member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. In 1905 he was Major on the Governor s Staff. He married Miss Annie J. Harkins; r*id reside at 119 Washington Street, Dorches ter, Mass. Olcott, Eben Erksine, Mining Engineer and Banker, of 322 West Seventy-fifth Street, New York City, was born March 11, 1854, in New York City. He was educated at the College of the City of New York; and received the degree of E.M. from Co lumbia University. He was engaged in mining engineering in the United States, Venezuela, South America and Mexico. He joined Commodore Van Santvoord in business of the Hudson Day Line of steam ers, and upon his death became president, treasurer arid general manager; in also president of the Mary Powell Steamboat Company. He is director of the Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, the Lincoln Na tional Bank, Catskill Mountain Railway Company, Cairo Railway Company, Otis Railway Company, and the Cairo Railway Company and other corporations. He ha i been president of teh American Institute of Mining Engineers and president of the United Engineering Society. Olcott, Harley M., Director, of 51 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Regal Oil and Gas Company and other corporations. Olcott, J. Van Vechten, Director, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City ; and a mem- a director of the Black Band Fuel Com ber of various clubs and societites. He is pany and other corporations. Olds, Ransom Eli, Manufacturer a!!nd Banker, of Lansing, Mich., was born June 3, 1864, in Geneva, Ohio. In 1887 he con- wheeled horseless carriage; in 1890 or ganized the Gasoline Engine Works to manufacture his new invention, the Olds Gasoline Motor, or first internal combus tion motor on the market; in 1892 brought out a four-wheeled automobile; and in 1896 organized the Oldsmobile Company. In 1905 he then organized the Reo Motor Car Company and has always been its ! president, and in 1908 he organized the Capital National Bank, of which he is president. Olesen, Anna Dickie (Mrs. Peter Olesen), Member of the Womens Club. She was born July 3, 1865, in Waterville, Minn. She has been a patriotic speaker for State Safe ty Commission and for the American Red Cross and Liberty Loans. She resides in Cloquet, Minn. Oliver, Albert, Business President, of 1 East Forty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci- etites. He is president of the Silox Pure Water Company, and a director in other corporatons. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 379 Oliver, David, Member of the Union League Club., was born in Chicago, 111. In 1897-1901 he was associated with the firm of David Oliver of Joliet, 111., and in LD01- 07 was secretary of the Great Westirn Ce real Company. Since 1907 he has been en gaged in the practice of law, and is also associated with the International Harves ter Company as special auditor and depart ment manager. In 1901 he married Mis ; Jessie Utley; and they have two daughters, and reside at 1034 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, 111 Oliver, Herbert Gr.. Treasurer and Di rector, of 1 East Forty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Reed Wires Specialties Corporation and other corporations. Oiler, Antonio, Business President, of 180 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Antonio Oiler Company and a director in other corporations. Olmstead, Frederick Law, President of the American Society of Landscape Arch itects. He resides in Brookline, Mass. .Olmstead, George H., Business President, of the Williamson Building. Cleveland. Ohio; and a member of the Union Club, and several other societies He is pres ident of the National Land Company, and a director of the Central Nations ! Rank Savings and Trust Company, and is a member of the advisory board of the Union Trust Company. In 1872 he mar ried Miss Ella L. Kelly; and thev have one son and reside in Cleveland, Ohio. Olpp, William F., Business President, of 761 East One Hundred Sixty-ninth, Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i , pres ident of the Perfection Homes Co npany, and a director in other corporations. Olyphant, F. Murray, Secretary and Di rector, of 32 Nassau Street, New York Ci ty, and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Bluff Point Land Improvement Company and other corporations. Onderdonk, Julian, Painter, of San An tonio, Texas, was born July 30, 1882, in San Antonio, Texas. Since 1910 he has been following his life work as painter of the Southwest of Texas. One of his paintings, Springtime, is owned by the Dallas Art Association. He is a member of the Salamagundi Club of New York and the Allied Artists of America. In 1902 he married Miss Gertrude R. Ship- man ;and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 128 West French Place, San Antonio, Texas. O Neal, Mebelle, Librarian, of Rock- ford, 111. ; and a member of several clubs and societies. She is librarian of Rock- ford College, 111. O Neill. Matthew J., Vice-president and Director ,of 140 Lafayette Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs aind societies. He is general manager of The Industrial Press. He is also vice- president treasurer, and director of the Knox Printing Company, Incorporated. Ong, Eugene W., Director, of 131 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Northern Railway Company and other corporations. Opdyke, William S., Director, of 35 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Southern Round Bale Press Company and other corporations. Oppenheim, Charles J., Treasurer an:l Director, of 33 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Oppenheim, Collins Realty Company and other corporations. Oppenheimer, Harry D., Manufacturer, of 1020-1028 West Thirty-sixth Street, Chicago, Til., was born Nov. 4, 1877, in packing industry; and since 1914 has been New York City. He is identified with meat president of the Oppenheimer Casing Com pany. He is a member of the Lake Shore Country Club, and the Down Town Club. Fie has a family of two sons and one daughter; and resides at 4815 Ellis Ave nue, Chicago, 111. 380 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Oppenheimer, Louis, Manufacturer, of 2700 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., wa^ born Sept." 18, 1864, in Mannheim. For some years he was a resident abroad, with headquarters in London, England. Since 187(5 he has been connected with S. Oppen heimer and Company; and is now vice- president and treasurer of that concern. He is a member of the Standard Club, and various other clubs and societies. In 188S he m arried Miss Flora Meiers; and they have a family of one daughter; and reside at 1015 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Orcutt, Charles Russell, Botanical Col lector and Author, of San Diego, Cal., was born April 27, 1864, in Hartland, Vt. He is the author of West American Sci entist, and also of American Plants. He has devoted thirty years to the Flora of California and Mexico, and has just com pleted the third volume of American Plants. Orcutt, George N., Director, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Now York Susquehanna and Western Railroad Company and other cor porations. Orcutt, W. W., Business President, of Union Oil Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Newlove Oil Company and other corporations. Ornes, Frederick, Journalist and Pub lisher, of Mount Vernon, Wash., was born March30, 1871, in Manitowoc, Wis. For eighteen years he was editor and publisher of the Mount Vernon Argus; and is now devoting his time to writing about the North West for papers and magazines. He has been president of the Washington 1 State Press Association. Orteig, Eaymond, Business President and Director, of 11 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, traesurer, and director of Raymond Orteig, Incor porated. He is president of the Vauban Realty Company, and a director in other organizations. Ortman, Randolph, Business President and Director, of the McCormick Building, Chicago, 111.; and 30 Church Street, New York .City. He is president of the Ajax Forge Company; and chairman of the Board of director of the American Man- gansese Steel Company. He is a director of the American Forge Company; and a director of the American Brake Shoe Foundry Company. Orvis, Edwin W., Vice-president and Director, of 60 Broadway, New York City. He is a member of the firm of Orvis Brothers and Company of New York City. He is a director of the Greenwich Safe Deposit Company, and a director of th 3 Greenwich Bank of the City of New York. He resides at 58 West Eighty-ninth Street, New York City. Osann, Frederick, Business President and Director, of 245 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various club; and societies. He is president of Frederick Osann Company, sewing machines. He i "> prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Osborn, Edward C., Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Minnesota Railway Construc tion Company and other corporations. Osborn, Edward D., Secretary and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Standarl Commercial Trading Corporation Osborn, Frederick, Director, of 52 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Farmers Loan and Trust Company and other corporations. Osborn, Henry Fairchild, President of the American Museum of Natural His tory. He resides at Seventy-seventh Street, and Central Park West, Borough of Man hattan, New York. Osborne, Ernest B., Treasurer and Di rector, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci- has been in business alone. In 1872 he was etie.s. He is a director of the Choctaw AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 381 Osborne, Lawrence TV., Treasurer and Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Hempstead Plains Company and other corporations. Osgood, Etta Haley (Mrs. Edward S., Osgood), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 21, 1853, in Chatham, N.H. She was the founder and first pres ident of the Civic Club of Portland, Maine. She was the first president of the Maine Federation of Women s Club, and is now its honorary president. She resides at 37 West Louden Street, Philadalphia, Pa. Osgood, Mrs. Irene, Member of the So ciety of Authors, the Royal Literary Fund Society and president of the Protection of Wild Birds, and a member of various clubs and societies. She was born in Virginia and has lived principally in England since a girl; but yet she retains her American citizenship. During the World-War she maintained hospitals on her estate, and was mentioned for honors in the Official Ga zette. She is the author of several stories, poems and plays. She resides at Guils- borough Hall, Northampton, England. Osgood, James Willard, Manufacturer and Merchant, of Decatur, 111., was born July 19, 1865, in Hillsdale County, Mich. He is president of teh Osgood and Heimer Manufacturing Company; and president of the Osgood Dry Goods Company. He is a member of the Country Club, the De catur Club, the City Club, the Fishing Club, and the Elks Club. In 1893 he mar ried Miss Belle L. Palme; and they have a family of three sons; and reside at 884 West William Street, Decatur ,111. O Shea, Ambrose L., Director, of 38 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Car Heating and Lighting Company and other corporations. O Shea, Benjamin, Business President, York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president of the Union Carbide Sales Company, and a di rector in other corporatons. Oster, John Edward, Editor, Lecturer and Sociologist, of 548 Riverside Drive, New York City, and a member of the New York Verdi Club. He is an instructor in politics, economics and sociology in the College of the City of New York. He is now editor of the Harlem Magazine, the Metropolis and The World Courier; and is also a contributor of special articles to magazines. He isa director of the Dante League of America. Ostrowsky, Abbo, Member of the Soci ety of Independent Arts, League of New York Artists. He is director of the Edu cational Alliance Art School. He resides at 197 East Broadway, New York City. Sullivan, Joseph M., Business Presi dent, of 31 Ferris Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of the Metropolitan Char coal Company, Boston, Mass.; and a di rector in other corporations. Otis, Charles, Business President, 01 67 Pearl Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. 0..- is president of the Bond Buyer, and . di rector in other corporations. Otis, Frank, Business President, of -203 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. He received the degrees of A.B. and M.A. from the University of California. He is a prominent lawyer; and since 1919 has been Mayor of Alameda, Cal. For four years he has been a member of the Cali fornia State Legislature. He has been resident of the California Building Loan League. In 1880 he married Miss Lucretia L. Mastick; and has a family of two sons; and resides at 1606 Santa Clare Avenue, Alameda, Cal. Otis, Joseph Edward, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born March 5, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is president of the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. He resides at 1441 North State Street, Chicago, 111. Otis, Philo Adams, Patron of Music and Art, of 10 South LaSalle Street, Chi cago, 111., was born Nov. 24, 1846, in Ber lin Heights, Ohio. He removed with his parents to Chicago in 1867, and in 1868 graduated from the Western Reserve Col lege of Hudson, Ohio. He was associated with his father in the Real Estate Business until his fathers death in 1895; and since one of the founders of the Apollo Musical 382 AMERICAN" ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Club, of which he was president in 1890- 93. Since 1894 he has been secretary to the trustees of the Thomas Orchestra, now the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He is now a popular member of the Chicago Club, the University Club, and the Mid lothian Club. In 1890 he married Miss Alice J. Sanford, of Bridgeport, Conn. ; and they reside at 1709 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Ottaway, Elmer James, Publisher and Journalist, of St. Clair, Mich ., was born June 18, 1871, in Flushing, Midi.. He graduated from the University of Michi gan. He is president of the Times-Herald Company of Port Huron, Mich. jHe is president of the St. Clair River Country Club; a member of the Detroit Athleti? Club, the Bankers Club of Detroit, and the Port Huron Golf and Country Club. Ottley, Passie Fenton (Mrs. John King Ottley), member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Columbus, Miss. She is a founder of the Federated movement of the organized women in Georgia. She resides on Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Ga. Otto, Albert T., Business President, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Albert Otto and Sons, Incorporated; and a director in other cor porations. Ottoman, Wiliam, Business President, of 91 State Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.: and a member of the Erie Lithograph and Printing Company, and a director in other corporations. Outerbridge, Eugenius H, Director, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Steamship Company and other corporations. Oveson, Raymond H., Lawyer, and Di rector, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the American Match Company and other corporations. Owen, Frank, Secretary and Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the W.B. Dick and Company, Incorporated. Owen, Ralph, Business President, of 90 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Automatic Light arid Power Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Oxnard, Benjamin A., Member of vari ous clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 10, 1855, in New Orleans? La.; and received an academic education. He is president of the Savannah Sugar Refining Corpor ation, of Savannah, Ga. ; and is a direc tor and identified with several other cor porations. He is prominently identified with the affairs of the South; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Packard, Clinton J., Business President, of 46 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and Societies. He is president of the Neighborhood Amuse ment Company, and a director in other cor porations. Packard, Lester R,, Director, of 200 De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Oil Corpora tion and other corporations. Packard, Warren, Business President, of 1200 West Seventy-sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of the City Club, the Cleveland Athletic Club, the Cleveland Au tomobile Club, the Cleveland Aviation Club and is thirty-two degree Mason and Shrin- er. He was born Oct. 5, 1892, in Warren, Ohio ; and is the son of W.D. Packard, one of the founders of the Packard Motor Car Company. Since 1919 he has been president of the Packard Engineering Company. Dur ing the World- War he served as an Ensign in the Naval Flying Corps. In 1920 he mer- ried Miss Dorothy A. Braden; and they reside at 1278 Lakeland Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. Packer, Joseph E., Director, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway and other corporations. Paddock, Robert Lewis, Clergyman and Bishop, of Hood River, Ore.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 24, 1869, in New York City; and was AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 383 educated at Trinity College, and at the Berkeley Divinity School. In 1907 he was consecrated bishop of the Protestant Epis copal Church for the District of Eastern Oregon. Paepcke, Hermann, Lumberman, of 11 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born Feb. 12, 1851, in Germany. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the lumber business in Chicago. He is now president of Paepcke Leicht Lumber Company; and president of the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As sociation, and the Mid-day Club, the Union League Club, the Chicago Lincoln Club, the Skokie Country Club and the South Shore Country Club. Page, Edward B., Director, of 101 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hoosac Valley Lime Company, In corporated, and other corporations. Pagenstecher, Albrecht, Business Presi dent, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Keith Paper Company, and a director in other corporations. Pagenstecher, Albrecht, Jr.,Business Pre sident, of 30 East Forty-second Street,New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tan ning Extract Company, and a director in other corporations. Pagenstecher, Gustav, Business President of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Pagenstecher Real Estate Corporation, and vice-president of the Fuel Briquet Company. He is a di rector of the Manufacturers Paper Compa ny, the Muskegon Extract Company, the Shawmut Manufacturing Company, and the Tanning Extract Company. Pagenstecher, Rudolf, Business President of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shawmut Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Pain, Henry J., Business President, of 18 Park Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of Pain s Fre Works, Incorporated; and is prominent in business and public af fairs. Paget, Charles W., Director, of 511 West One Hundred Twelfth Street, Ntw York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Chile Fruit and Packing Company and other corpora tions. Paine, Augustus G., Jr., Business Presi dent, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Armstrong For est Company, and a director in other cor porations. Paine, Charles J., Business President of 199 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; an-! a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Houghton Copper Com pany, and a director in other corporation. Paine, Eustis, Director,of 200 Fifth Ave nue, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Highland Paper Company and other corporations. Paine, F. W., Treasurer and Director, of 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director of East Butte Copper Mining Company and other corporations. Paine, Gibson, Business President, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies.He is pre sident of the Castanes Paper Company, Paine, R. E., Business Man and Direc tor, of 119 Main Street, Houston, Texas; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Standard Rice Company of New York, Incorporated, with offices at 19 Leonard Street, New York Ci ty. He is also identified with the business and public affairs of Houston, Texas; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Paine, Robert Treat, Member of the City Club. He was born Aug. 9,1866, in Waltham Mass. He has been president of the Boston Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis; and president of the Robert Gould Shaw Association, a colored settle ment house.He resides at 55 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass, 384 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Palache, Whitney, Business President, ot 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a number of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Commercial Union Fire Insurance Company of New York, and a di rector in other corporations. Palen-Klar, Adolphe J. Von der,Mechan- ical and Civil Engineer, of 130 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born in Berlin, Germany. He was educated at the Russian Legation, Dorpat University, and at Riga Polytechnic; and later engaged in the eng ineering business in Riga, Russia. In 1904 1908 he was a member of the National (Jujird of New York, being honorably dis charged in 1898. He has traveled extensive ly in all parts of the world. He is a mem ber of the National Geographic Society; New York Botanical Garden J American Poll itical Science Association; the Crescent Athletic Club; the Oxford Club, the Na tional Arts Club and the Montauk Club; and a member of other scientific and social organizations. Palisser, Melvin G-., Business President, of 1 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Astoria Heights Land Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Palitz, Bernard A., Director and Trustee of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was manager and director of the Baron Do Hir^-li Fund. He died March 2, 1922, in New York City. Palitz, S., Pharmacist, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is proprietor of the An-adr Drug Store; and prominent in bus iness and pubilc affairs. Palmer, Bradley W., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born June 28, 1806, in Wilkes-Barre Pa.; and received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Boston, Mass. ; and is a member of the law firm of Storey, Thorndike, Palmer and Dodge. He is counsel and director ot the Gillette Safety Razor Company, and of the United Fruit Company. lie is un married; and resides at 318 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Palmer, Carleton H., Business President, of Beekman Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Lowell M. Palmer and Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Palmer, George Q., Business President,of 140 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Food Pro ducts Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Palmer, Leslie R., Business President,of 10 Thirty-ninth Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Commonwealth Secur ities Company, and a director in other cor porations. Palmer, William Pendleton, Member of the Union Club. He was born June 17,1861, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is president of the Newburgh and South Shore Railroad Com pany. He resides in Euclid Heights, Cleve land, Ohio. Pam, Max, Business President, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the West Virginia Water and Elec tric Company of Chicago, and a director in other corporations. Pancoast, William Glover, of 39 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa., was born Oct. 3, 1866, in Woodbury, N.J. He was ed ucated at the South Jersey Institute. Since 1886 he has been connected with the Wool business and is now president of the firm of William G. Pancoast and Company, In corporated. He is a member of the Union Club of Philadelphia, the Cape May Golf Club and the Cape May Yacht Club. In 19(M he married Miss Amelia T. Kunitz, and they have a family of four daughters and reside at 193 Evergreen Avenue,Wood- bnry, N.J. Panopulo, George J., Manufacturer and Director, of Fifth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eastern Cuba Salt Company, Incor- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 385 porated; manager of the Parfumerie Ed. Pinaud;and prominent in business and pub lic affairs. Pardee, John H., Business President, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Electric Rail way Association, and a director in other corporations. Paris, John W., Member of the Flushing Club, Real Estate Broker, of 141 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City, was born March 9, 1860, in Renessalaer, Ind.He was educated in the Purdee University of Lafayette, Ind. He is president of the Pa- ris-Hencken Company, the John W. Paris and Son,Incorporated ; secretary and treas urer of the Kissma Park Corporation, and the Park Terrace Company. He is a mem ber of the Bay Side Yacht Club and the Flushing Country Club. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Queens Bor ough, the Real Estate Board of Long Island and the State Association of Real Estate Boards. In 1893 he married Miss Frances Johnstone, and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Flush ing, New York City. Parish, Le Grand, Business President, of 17 East Forty-second Street. New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the American Arch Company, Incorporated, and a direc tor in other corporations. Parker, Charles G., Business President,of 250 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Whitney Duplicating Check Company, and president of the La Chalfonte Catering Corporation. He is also treasurer and director of the E. M. Skinner Organ Company of Boston, Mass. Parker, Chauncey D., Business President of 150 Congress Sttreet, Boston, Mass. ;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Norwood Gas Company, and a director in other corporations. Parker, Frederick, Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hanson and Parker,Lim- ited, and a director in other corporations. Parker, George S., President of the A- pollo Club, with a membership of two hund red and twelve. He is president of The Parker Pen Company, makers of the Geo. S. Parker Lucy Curve Fountain Pen. He resides in Janesville, Wis. Parker, Herbert, Lawyer and Trusted, of Barristers Hall, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a trustee of the Clark University Parker, Louis H., Director, of 66 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Mutual Casualty In surance Company of New York and other corporations. Parker, 0. C., of 30 West Broadway, Ariz., was born Jan. 8, 1860, in Paris, Tenn. Since 1896 he has been president and man ager of the Parker Undertaking Company; and is also president of the Harp-Parker Company, brokers and investors. In 1917- 20 he was mayor of Tuscon, Ariz. He is president of the Arizona Good Roads As sociation; and a member of the Old Pueblo Club, the Golf Country Club, the Kewanis Club, and the Masons and Elks. In 1894 he married Miss Honorene M. McDonald; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside at 715 North Park Avenue, Tuc son, Ariz. Parker, Robert M., Business President,of 117 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Sugar Refin ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Parker, Samuel D., Treasurer and Direc- tor,of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Merchants Na tional Bank of Boston and other corpora tions. Parker, Willis Allen, Member of the Har vard Club. He was born April 28, 1875, in Vienna, 111. Since 1919 he has been direc tor of the Commuity Service of New H lvon Conn. He resides at 185 Church Street, A" c- A Haven, Con. 25 38(5 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Parkhurst, Frank Ellsworth, Member of the City Club and various other fraternal and patriot organizations. He was born on Oct. 26, 1862, in Gorliam, Maine; and was educated at Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass. For a while he was engaged in mer cantile pusuits; and is now a member ol the Local Agency of Thompson Derr and Brother, general insurance agents. He has been active in business and social affairs. He resides in Wilkes Barre, Pa. ; and main tains a home at the Towers, Trouts Neck, Maine. Pankhurst, Thomas S., President of the Toledo Federation of Art Societies. He re sides in Toledo, Ohio. Parks, Elton, Director, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Racket Brook Coal Company and other corporations. Parlin, Albert N., Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member ot various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Fourth Atlantic National Bank and other corporations. Parmelee, Charles Roome, Business Pre sident, of 47 West New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Parmele Pharmical Com pany, president of the Chinosol Company; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Parmly, Jahial, Business President ot 658 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president , treasurer and trustee of Willcox and (Jibbs Sewing Machine Company. Parson, Hubert Templeton, Merchant, ot Woolworth Building, New York City, was born Sept. 18, 1872, in Toronto, Can. He is president and general manager of Wool- worth Five and Ten Cent Stores. Parsons, Fannie Griscom , (Mrs. Henry Parsons), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Sept. 23, 1850, in New York. In 1902 she founded the bureau of Child ren s School Farms, department of parks, New York City. She resides at 29 West Fifty-sixth Street, New York City. Parsons, Frank H., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 60 Wall .Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is a director ol the C. H. Parsons Company Parsons, Frank R., Secretary and Direc tor, of 47 Charles Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Central Club, the Pom- ham Club, and the Rhode Island Country Club. He was born in Waterbury, Conn. He is secretary and director of the Interna tional Braid Company; and a director of the Tubular Woven Fabric Company, and the Electrical Products Company. He mar ried Miss Agnes Selinger; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Provid ence, R.I. Parsons, Joseph Lester, Life member of the New York Historical Society, and a member of the Sons of the American Revol ution, the Essex County Country Club, the Montclair Athletic Club, the Bankers Club, and the Drug and Chemical Club. He is a successful insurance official of 110 William Street, New York City. He was born in Montclair, N.J.; and was educated in the public schools of Montclair and under priv ate tutors. He is vice-president of Crum and Forster. He is a director of the North River Insurance Company, United States Fire Insurance Company, the New Bruns wick Insurance Company, the International Insurance Company, the Essex Title Guar anty and Trust Company, and the Jewelers Circular Publishing Company. He married Miss Lucille Frances Myers; and they have a family of one son and two daughters,and they reside at 88 High Street, Montclair, N.J. Parsons, Leavitt C., Business President, of State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Moving Pictures Appliance Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Parsons, Philip Archibald, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 9, 1879, in Hamilton, 111. In 1Q12-18 he was director of the University Settlement. He is the author of Responsibility for Crime. He re sides at 425 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N.Y. AMERICAN" ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 38? Parsons, Robert W., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Florida East Coast Railway and other corporations. He resides in New York City. Parsons, Walter W., Vice-president and Director, of 44 Beaver Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-chairman of the Amer ican Marine Insurance Syndicate. He is al so vice-president of the American Mutual Insurance Company, a director of the Bank of New York, a director of the American Institute of Marine Underwriters, and a member of the board of managers of the Life-Saving Benevolent Association of New York. Parsons, William Barclay, Director, of 84 Pine Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fulton County Gas and El ectric Company and other corporations. Partos, Nicholas C., Realtor and Business President, of 321 Sixth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Partola Distributing Company, the Partola Manu facturing* Company, the Partola Service Corporation, the Partos Pharmacy, and the Partos Realty Corporation. Parusis, Nicholas, Business President, ot 165 West Thirty-first Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the West Twen ty-fifth Street Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Pastene, Charles A., Director, of 152 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and other corporations. Pastene, Charles A., Business President of 71 Fulton Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the P. Pastene and Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Patch, A. Warren, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 17 North Market Street, Boston, Mass.; and a Member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Maiden Trust Company and other corporations. Paterno, Joseph, Realtor, Business Presi dent, of 601 West One Hundred and Fif teenth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Paierno Brothers, Incoi- porated. He is president of the Michael Realty Company, president of the 884 West End Avenue Corporation, president of the Melrose Avenue Real Estate Corporation, and treasurer and director of Campagna Construction Company. Paterson, Thomas M., Financial Repres entative and Director, of the American Na tional Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of the Pacific Union Club, and the Famil} Club of San Francisco. lie was born Aug. 11, 1883, in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia. Since 1902 he has been connected with important banking in stitutions on the Pacific coast; and is now the representative of the Equitable Trust Company of New York for Pacific Coast states. He is also a director of the Globe Mutual Building and Loan Association. In 1907 he married Miss Alia Tyler Mastick; and they have one daughter, and reside at 1809 San Jose Avenue, Alameda, Cal. Patigan, Haig, Sculptor, of 923 Polk Street, San Francisco, Cal., was born Jan. 22, 1876, in Van, Armenia. His principal works are : Historic Ancienne, McKinley monument, Diana, Vanity, Electric Power, Invention, Imagination, Genii of Machinery Gen. Frederick Funston, Pediment of Met ropolitan Life Building of San Francisco, and Allegoric Figures and Tynpanum for Memorial Museum of San Francisco. He is a member of the Bohemian Club, the Na tional Sculpture Society, American Feder ation of Arts, Societe Des Artistes Franc- ais, and a member of the International Ju ry of Awards, Panama Pacific Internation al Exposition, in 1915. In 1908 he married Miss Blanche Hollister, of Courtland, Cal., and they reside at 898 Francisco Street, San Francisco, Cal. Patterson, Charles A., Director, of Du Pont Building, Wilmington, Del.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the E. I. Du Pont de Nem ours and Company and other corporations. 388 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Patten, Edwin Packer, of 33 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer of the International Provision Company; and a director of the Riverside Estates Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Patterson, Edward C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Pattei- son and Ridgway. He is also secretary, treasurer and director of the Iberville Lum ber Company; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Patterson, Hanna Jane, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Nov. 5, 1879 in Smithton, Pa. In 1912-15 she was state chairman of the Women s Suffrage Party of Pennsylvania. She resides at 509 South Linden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Patterson, John B., Secretary and Direc tor, of 39 Barclay Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is secretary and director of the P. A. Ringler Company. He is also secret ary and director of the Wyanock Publish ing Company, Incorporated. Patterson, John Henry, Manufacturer and Financier, of Dayton, Ohio, was born Dec. 13, 1844, near DaVton, Ohio. He work ed as boy in his father s saw and grist mill. He studied at the Miami College of Oxford, Ohio, and received the degree of A.B. from Dartmouth in 1867.He was collector of tolls in Miami Canal in 1876-70; in retail coal business in Dayton, and later was interes ted in coal mining in Jackson County, Ohio. He was manager of the Southern Ohio Coal and Iron Company for several years. He lias made the perfection and introduction of cash registers his life work; identified with the National Manufacturing Company of Dayton in 1882; and was director in 1883; organized the National Cash Register Company in 1884; lias since been president and manager of co-operation between emp loyer and employe. He is a lecturer and writer on labor questions and municipal and legislative reform. Patterson, Lemuel B., Business President Banker, and Financier, of 76 Monroe Street Chicago, 111., was born Jan, 24, 1869, in Roodhouse, 111. He was associated with Swift and Company in various positions from 1886 to 1903; and vice-president ot" the National Packing Company in 1903- 12; and since identified with various indus tries in a financial way. He is a director of the Fort Dearborn National Bank, Drovers National Bank, Drovers Trust and Savings Bank, Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, and the Live Stock National Bank, Sioux City, Iowa ; and a director of a number oth er Chicago Industries. Patterson, Mrs. Lindsay, Member of the Acorn Club. She was born in Tazewell, Tenn. She served as state chairman of North Carolina For Relief in Belgium. She resides at Bramlette, Winston-Salem, N.C. Patterson, Lloyd E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 30 Church Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the American Steel Foundries and other corporations. Patterson, Rufus L., Business President of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Machine and Foundry Company, and a director in other corporations. Patterson, Stuart H., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Combustion Engineering Com pany and in other corporations. Paterson, William Brown, Member of the Aldine Club. He was born May 4, 1873, in Brownsville, Pa. Since 1919 he has been executive assistent to the community Mo tion PictureBureau of New York City. He is the author of Modern Church Brother hoods. His address is 46 Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Pattison, A. Eugene, Director, of 20 Ex- Change Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies.. He is a director of the Staten Island Beach Land Pattison, Gardner, Business President, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He ia Improvement Company AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 389 president of the Pattison and Browns, In corporated, and a director in other corpo rations. Paul, Alice, Member of Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 11, 1885, in Moorestbwn, N.J. Since 1917 she has been chairman of the National Women s Party. She resides in Washington, D.C. Paul, Eugene H., Director, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Young Men s Hebrew Association of Brooklyn and other corporations. Paul Manette Baker, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born in Delaware County, Ohio. In 1900 she was admitted to the bar; and is a lecturer on the principles of law. She is the owner of the Madame Mountford Collection of costumes from the Holy Land. She resides at 2007 Columbia Road, Washington, D.C. Paul, Winston, Business President, of 52 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of Domestic Electrical Supply Compa ny, Incorporated; and a director in other corporations. Payne, Enoch George, Sociologist and Au thor of 3650 Shaw Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., was born Dec. 25, 1877, in Barren County, Gy. He has been principal of the Paducah High School. Since 1910 has been professor of sociology in Harris Teachers College. Peabody, Francis, Lawyer and Director, of 104 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Nashua Man ufacturing Company and other corpora tions. Peabody, Francis Stuyvesant, Member ot the Chicago Club. He was born July 24, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He is president of the Peabody Coal Company. His address is 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Peabody, George Foster, Business Presi dent, of 25 Broad Street, New York City-, <an<l >a member of various clubs and socie ties". He is president of the Broadway Real ty Company, and a director in other cor porations. Peabody, Lucy Evelyn, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 1, 1865, in Cincinnati, Ohio. She devoted many years to securing the passage of an act by congress setting aside Mesa Verde Park in Colorado as a National Park, including the most interesting ruins of Cliff Dwellers in America. She resides at the Paramount Apartments, Denver, Colo. Peabody, Lusy Waterbury (Mrs. Henry W. Peabody), Member of the Woman s City Club. She was born March 2, 1861, in Belmont, Kan. In 1889-1919 she was vice- president of the Board of Women s Baptist Foreign Missionary Societies. She resides in Beverly, Mass. Peabody, W. Rodman, Lawyer and Direc tor, of 70 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Turners Falls Power and Electric Company and other corpora tions. Pearce, Edward Douglas, Manufacturer and Banker, of Providence, R.I.; and a member of the Hope Club, the Franklin Society, and other organizations. He was born Feb. 24, 1849, in Providence, R.I.; and received the degree of A.B. from Har vard University. He is now president of the Providence Institution for Savings. In 1885 he married Miss Isabelle V. Seagrave. Pearce, Edward E., Business President, of 57 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fire Insurance Salv age Corps, and a director in other corpora tions. Pearmain, Alice Whitemore Upton (Mrs. Sumner B. Pearmain), Member of the Chil- ton Club. She was born July 5, 1863, in Jaft rey, N. H. She is a trustee of Wellcsiey College. In 1892-97 she was a director of the Massachussetts Infant Asylum. She re sides at 388 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Pearre, Sifford, Treasurer and Director, of 59 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New Amsterdam Cas ualty Company and other corporations. Pearson, A. C., Director, of 239 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Associated Business Papers and other corporations. 390 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Pearson, Raymond Allen, Member of the Executive Committee, the Association of Land Grant Colleges, Sub-Committee on Animal Nutrition of National Research Council, and others. He is president of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts. He has been New York State Commissioner of Agriculture, and Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. He resides in Ames, Iowa. Pease, Ernest M., Business President, of 15 West Forty-fourth Street, New York Ci ty; mid a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Alpha Man ufacturing Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Peaslee, Edward H., Business President, of 250 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fifth Avenue Safe De posit Company, and a director in other cor porations Peau, Julius W., Director, of Grand Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Railroad Co-operative Build ing and Loan Association and other cor porations. Pechin, Edward V.,Manufacturing Chem ist, of The Green way Boulevard, St. Charles Pa., was born July 20, 1864, in Philadel phia, Pa. He \va educated in the public schools of his native state. He is secretary and director of H. K. Mulford Company, Incorporated, and is identified with various other business affairs of his city. In Sum mer he resides in Twin Lakes, Conn. Pecker, diaries, Business President, of 299 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Gracepek Trading Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Peck, Annie Smith, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born in Providence, R.I. Since 1890 she has published lectures with Sterropticon. She is a distnguished mountain climber; and was the first woman to ascend Orizaba Mountain. She is the au thor of a Search for the Apex of America. Her address is at the Pond Lyceum Bureau New York City. Peck, Edwin Hatfield, Coffee Importer and Broker, of 28 Old Slip, New York City, was born Nov. 8, 1855, in New York City. He was educated in the public schools of New York City. He is sole member of the E. H. and W. J. Peck; first vice-president of the Rye National Bank ; second vice-pre sident of Mt. Vernon Trust Company; pre sident of the Oil Slip Realty Company; di rector of the Coal and Iron National Bank and the Mutual Trust Company. He is a member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; the Union League Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Republican Club, the Down Town Association, the Lower Wall Street Club and the Business Men s Repub lican Club. He resides at 128 Cottage Ave nue, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Peck, Paul Noble, Member of the Cosmos Club, the American Statistical Association, the Taylor Society, treasurer of the General Society of the War 1.812, and president of the Washington Society. He is assistant in Mathematical Research United States Bu reau of Efficiency. He has been assistant professor of mathematics at the George Washington University, and principal of the Washington Collegiate School. His ad dress is 1718 Twenty-second Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Peck, William Hazen, Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Howard Realty Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Peckham, Gr.G.G-., Business President, of 1903 West Nineteenth Street, Cleveland, 0- hio; and a member of the Union Club, the Cleveland Athletic Club, Shaker Heights Country Club, and the Seaview Golf Club. He was boj-n Aug. 1, 1874, in Troy, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been president of the Ohio-Buick Company. He is also president of the Standard Equipment Company, pre sident of the Ohio-General Motor Truck Company, and a director of the Central National Bank Savings and Trust,of Cleve land, Ohio. In 1898 he married Miss Eliza beth Finch; an<{ they have one daughter, and reside at 15700 South Park Boulevard, Shaker Village, Cleveland, Ohio. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 391 Peirce, Arthur Winslow, Educator, of Franklin, Mass., was born June 3, 1860, in Arlington, Mass. He was educated at Tufto College. Since 1897 he has been head mas- terof the Dean Academy of Franklin,Mass. He is a t director of the Franklin Bank of Franklin, N.H. ; and has filled numerous po sitions of trust and honor. He is a member of the Boston City Club. In 1893 he mar ried Miss Lydia P. Ray; and they reside in Franklin, Mass. Peirce, Henry Faison, was born Sept. 12, 1874, in Warsaw, N.C. He was a graduate of the University of Carolina, and of the Eastman Business College of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He is a member of the Country High way Commission. He is vice-president of the M. K. Moore Tab Company; and presi dent of the Bank of Warsaw; and is also president of the Bank of Turkey, N.C. He is a member of the Masons, Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias. In 1899 he married Miss Annie Noel; and they reside in Warsaw, N.C. Peirce, Silas, Business President, of 59 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Silas Peirce and Com pany, Limited, and a director in other cor porations. Peirce, Thomas W., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 30 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Ridgway Brick Company and other corporations. Peixotto, Ernest, President of the Mac- Dowell Club of New York City. He resides at 137 East Sixty-sixth Street, New York City. Pell, Ogden T., Treasurer and Director, of 1060 Amsterdam Avenue, New York Ci- t^; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railway Company Pellen, Henry Edward, Member of the Century Club. He was born April 26, 1828, in Canterbury, England. He organized the bureau of Charities in New York City ; and has been active in organizing night re fugees coffee houses, and the first tenne- ment house reform movement in America. He resides at Sharon, Conn. Pendergast, J. Lynch, Member of the Me tropolitan Club of New York City, the Down Town Association, the Society of the War of 1812 of New Jersey, the Cherry Valley Golf Club, the Garden City Club,the New York Southern Society, and the Mary land Society of New York. He is a success ful banker of 32 Liberty Street, New York City. He was born Nov. 1, 1854, in Balti more, Md. ;and was educated at the George town University of Washington, D.C. He is president of the United States Deposit Company of New York City. He is a regent of the Georgetown University; and presi dent of the New York Alumni. He is a widower; and has one daughter, Miss Adel aide Pendergast; and they reside at 14 Henderson Place, New York City. Pendleton, Ellen Fitz, Member of Lyc eum Club, London Cosmopolitan Club, New York College Club, Boston, American As sociation of University Women. She is pre sident of Wellesley College. She has been Instructor and associate professor of ma thematics ; secretary and dean of Wellesley. Her address is Wellesley College, Wellesley Mass. Pendleton, Frederick Starr, Insurance Broker, of 153 Montague Street and Broad way, Brooklyn, N.Y, was born June 8, 186? in Stonington, Conn. He was educated in the public schools of Stonington, Conn. He started in a small agency office in 1885 and is now head of the present firm. He is senior partner of Pendleton and Pendleton , director of the Metropolitan Casualty In surance Company. He is a member of the Brooklyn Institute of Art and Sciences, the National Geographic Company, and also a member of the Knickerbocker Field Club, the Brooklyn Club and Rotary Club. He re sides at 708 East Nineteenth Street, Brook lyn, N.Y. Pendleton, Joseph S., Member of the Un iversity Club of Philadelphia, the Berkshire County Club of Reading, and the Old Colo ny Club of New York City. He was born in 1893 in Washington, D.C. He is president of the Reading Industrial Loan Company. He resides at 415 Douglas Street, Reading, Pa. 392 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy V., Member of the Woman s Club. She was born May 7, 1861, in Petersburg, Ya. Since 1917 she has been president of the Chautauqua Women s Club of the Chautauqua Assembly of New York. She is the author of History of Te xas. She resides at 2606 Whitis Avenue, Austin, Texas. Penrose, Spencer, Mining Engineer and Capitalist, of 25 Broad Street, New York City, was born Nov. 2, 1865, in Philadel phia, Pa. He received the degree of A.B. from Harvard College. He is secretary of tlic United States Sugar and Land Compa- hy,and of the Beaver Land and Irrigation Company; and is a director of the First National Bank of Colorado Springs and va rious other railroad, financial and industri al corporations. In 1903-04 he served as col onel on the staff of Governor Peabody of Colorado. He is a founder of the Utah Cop per Company, and president of the Midland Terminal Railroad Company. He is a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Peoxotto, Sidney S., Member of the City Club. He was born May 9, 1866, in New York City. He is the orginator of self-sup porting travel tours for boys. He resides at 452 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, Cal. Pepper, W. M., Business President, of 5 Nassau Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Empire Tire and Rubber Company, Trenton, N.J. ; and a director in other corporations. Pepperman, W. Leon, Director of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Brooklyn and North River Railroad Company and other corporations. Perin, George L., Clergyman and Business President, of 11 East Newton Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Frank lin Square House, and a director in other corporations. Perine, Harvey G., Director, of 17 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Baltimore Steamship Company and other corporations, Perkins, Angle Vilette Warren, Member of the Women s Club. She was born Nov. 6, 1858, in Danielson, Windham County, Conn. She is actively interested in educa tion, missions and women s clubs; and in 1907-09 was president of the Knoxviile Young Women s Christian Association. She is the author of Our Year Abroad. She re sides at 1547 West Clinch Avenue, Knox viile, Tenn. Perkins, Charles Elliott, Member of the Chicago Club, was born Feb. 21, 1881, in Burlington, Iowa. He is president of the Colorado and Southern Railway Company. He resides in Burlington, Iowa. Perkins, Charles E., Director,of 669 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member ot various clubs and societies He is a direc tor of the Irving National Bank Perkins, John Forbes, Director, of 199 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Submarine Signal Com Perkins, Thomas Nelson, Lawyer and Di rector, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Allouez Compa ny and other corporations. Perley, Allen P., of Williamsport, Pa.,He is president of the West Branch National Bank, Fourth and Pine Streets, Williams- port, Pa. He is president of the Lycoming Auto Club. Perot, T. Morris, Business Man, of 605 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a member of the Union League Club, the Phi ladelphia Cricket Club, and the Sons of the Revolution. He was born May 6, 1872, m Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educated at the Delancey School and at a business College. Since 1893 he has been connected with The Francis Perot s Sons Malting Company, of which he is now president. He is also president of the Seaside House for Invalid Women. He is also treasurer and manager of the Pennsylvania Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals. In 1905 he married Miss Mary Gummey; and they have a family of two sons and one daught er, and reside at 132 Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 393 Perrin, Sidney T., Director, of 75 Maiden Lane, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of Horn Silver Mines Company and oth er corporations. Perry, Clarence, Arthur, Member of the City Club. He was born March 4, 1872, in Truxton, Cortland County, N.Y. He is a member of the National Board of Educa tional Extension. He resides at Forest Hills Long Island, N.Y. Perry, Harvey C., Business President, of Westerly, R.I.; and a member of the Har vard Club of Rhode Island, and the Colon ial Club of Westerly. He was born in 1881 in Westerly, R.I. Since 1917 he has been president of the C. W. Campbell Company ; and is a director of the Washington Trust Company and other corporations. He is pre sident of the Westerly Board of Trade, and a trustee and treasurer of the Wheeler School and Library of North Stoning ton, Conn. In 1911 he married Miss Lydia T. Sharpless; and they have one son, and re side in Westerly, R.I. Perry, Jeremiah, Pharmacist and Bus iness President, of 63 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and director of the C. J. Perry Company, proprietors of Perry s Pharmacy. He is prominently iden tified with public and business affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Perry, John H., Business President, of 225 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of .the American Press Association. He is prominently iden- tifiied with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Perry, Lycus D., Director, of 740 East One-Hundred and Thirty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lud- wig Piano Company and other corporations. Persons, Richard S.,of East Aurora, N.Y. He was educated at Cornell University. He is president of the Bank of East Aurora. He is president of th(> Ea^+ Aurora Gtf Club. In 1904 he married Miss Pearl Wil liamson; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in East Aurora, N.Y. Persons, William Frank, Member of the Harvard Club. He was born Aug. 3, 1876, in Brandon, Iowa. Since 1919 he has been director of the administration League of Red Cross Societies. He resides in Geneva, Switzerland. Pestrup, H., Director, of 1100 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Allied Underwriters at New York, and Chicago Lloyds and other corpo rations. Peters, Edward M., Director, of 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the West and Dodge Company, In corporated, and other corporations. Peters, Harry T., Business President, ol 1 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Fairbanks Company and a di rector in other corporations. Peters, Marian Phelps (Mrs. Theodore Peters), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Sept. 10, 1868, in Teaneck Grange Englewood, N.J. She is interested in social and philanthropic wok. She resides at Tea- neck, Englewood, N.J. Peters, Ralph, Business President, of 319 Pensylvania Station, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Glen Cove Railroad Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Peters, Robert D., Lawyer and Statesman of Knox, Ind., was born March 25, 1862, in Greenville, Tenn. He was . educated in the public and private schools; and studied law in the law offices of Agnew and Borders of Winumac, Ind. In 1882 he was admitted to the bar; and in 1908 was admitted to practice in Supreme Court. In 1912-15 he was prosecuting attorney for the forty- fourth judicial district. He is a member of the City and Bar Associations; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. Peters, Theodore J., Vice-president and Director, of 1 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Woodlawn Cemetery; vice-president of the Virginia Coal and Coke Company; vice- 394 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST president of the Estate of William Walter Phelps, Incorporated. He is also a director of the Associated Land Company. Peters, Thomas Kinnwood,Memher of the M.P.D.A. lie was born in Norfolk, Va.; and was educated in Los Angeles and Mex ico, lie was an artist in early life; and be gan screen career tin 1898 for Pathe and Paul of London, with the Bison, Selig, Fox, World, and Famous Players. He is the au thor of Technique of Cinematograph. He resides at 1128 Randall Court, Los Angeles Cal. He is also identified with the Austin Film Library, Incorporated. Petersen, Harold M., Treasurer and Di rector, of 165 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various clubs and socie- iics. He is secretary, treasurer and direc tor of the Bay Steamship Company ot America, Limited. He is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and hon or. Peterson, Frank B, Business President, ot 71 MJI in Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is sole owner of the Frank B. Peterson Company, wholesale growers for thirty-four years up to 1919. He is president of the Red Salmon Canning Company, president of the Naknek Packing Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Peterson, Herman A., Treasurer and Di rector, of 537 East Sixty-ninth Street,New York City; and a member ofv arious clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Hammond Typewriter Com pany. Pettine, Giuseppe, Teacher and Composer of 708 Lederer Building, Providence, R.I. He is assistant editor of The Cadenza and orchestra director for concert and dancing. He is musical director of the Rhodes-n-the- Pawtuxet. In April 1921 he married Miss Omelia Capone, and they reside at 446 Broadway, Providence, R.I. Pettis, C. D., Business President and Di rector, of 14 East Sixtieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Com pany, vice-president of the American Land and Building Company, and vice-president of the American Malleables Company. He is president of the Southern Foundry and Machine Company, and chairman of its board of directors. Peyser, Samuel D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 244 Fifth Avenue, New York City: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is secretary, treasurer and director of he Excello Shirt Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many po sitions of trust and honor. Pfafflin, Mrs. Charles A., President of the Indianapolis Matinee-Musicale, with a membership of three hundred and twenty- five women. She resides at 1844 Pennsylva nia Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Phelan, James J., Banker and Trustee, of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socieiees. He is a member of the banking firm of Hornblower and Weeks. He is president of the Connecticut Valley Logging and Driv ing Company, and president of the Connec ticut Valley Lumber Company. He is a di rector of the International Trust Company, the Massachussetts Bonding and Insurance Company, the United States Smelting, Re fining and Mining Company, and the Union Mills, Incorporated. He is a member of the board of managers of the Children s Hos pital. Phelps, George B., Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of .various clubs and societies. He is president of the Phillips Land Company, Incorporated, and a director in other cor porations. Philbrook, Howard G., Business Presi dent, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Graften-Caledo- nia Power ompany, and a director in other corporations. Phillip, Emanuel Lorenz, Business Man and Governor, of Railway Exchange, Mil waukee, Wis.. was born March 25, 1861, in Sauk County, Wis. He has been a farmer, school teacher, station agent and train dis patcher; and in 1893-1903 was in the lum ber business in Philipp, Miss. Since 1897 he AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 395 has been president of the Union Refriger ator Transit Company. In 1909-14 he was peace commissioner for the City of Milwau kee; and was Governor of the State of Wis consin for the term of 1915-19 and was re- elected for the term of 1919-21. He is the author of Political Reform in Wisconsin Philips, George W., Jr., Director, of 59 Wall Street, New ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Hudson Equipment Corpora tion and other corporations. Philips, Isaac L., Business President, of 829 East One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Frackville Manufacturing Company and a director in other corporations. Philips, William P., Director, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation and other corporations. Phillip, Peter, Member of the Birchwood Country Club. He was born April 16, 1853, in Rogers Park, Chicago, 111. He has been treasurer of the Rogers Park Improvement Association. He is now president of the Phillip State Bank.He resides at 1808 Limt Avenue, Chicago, 111. Phillips, Charles G-., Business President, of 231 West Thirty-ninth Street, New -York City; and a, member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Economy Real Property Company, and a director in other corporations. Phillips, Elliott S., Director, of 10] Ful ton Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Devoe and Reynolds Company, Incorporated, and other corporations. Phillips, Ellis L., Business President, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Long Island Lighting Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Phillips, Frank N., Business President,of Phillipsdale, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Electrical Works and other cor porations. Phillips, James Duncan, Vice-president and Treasurer, of 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Union Club, the Boston Club, Harvard Club of Boston, the Harvard Club of New York, the Univ ersity Club of Chicago, and the Eastern Yacht Club. He was born Feb. 5, 1876, in San Francisco, Cal. ; and in 1897 received the degree of A.B. from Harvard College. Since 1898 he has been identified with the Houghton Miffin Company, publishers and owners of the Riverside Press, of "which corporation he has been director since 1908 treasurer since 1915, and vice-president since 1922. In 1907 he married Miss Nannie J.Borden ; and they now reside in Topsfield, Mass. Phillips, Lee A., Business President, of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific Finance Corporation and other cor porations. Phillips, Louis A., Business President,of 354 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Alliance Oil Company and other corporations. Phillips, May, Secretary, Treasurer and Director, of 14 East Thirty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treas urer and director of S. Phillips and Sons, Incorporated. PMllips, Milton Wesley, Manufacturer of 222-226 Shepard Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1907 he has been vice-president of the American Numbering Machine Company of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is also president of the Denomin ator Adding Machine Company of Brook lyn, N.Y. He is a member of the TIempstead Country Club. In 1909 he married Miss Florence M. Patton of Alburgh, Vt.; and they reside in Hollis, Long Island, N.Y. Phillips, W. Vernon, Business President, of Etten Phillips and Sons Company, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Etten- ger-Phillips Company, and a director in other corporations. 396 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Phipps, Lawrence Cowle, Member of the University Club. He was born Aug. 30,1862, in Washington County, Pa. In 1904 he founded the Agnes Memorial Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, in Den ver, Colo. He is a member of the United States Senate for the term of 1919-25. He resides at 1154 East Colfax Avenue, Den ver, Colo. Phoenix, Lloyd, Member of the Union Club. He was born Oct. 7, 1841, in New York City. He served in the Navy during the Civil War. He is the owner of the Yacht Intrepid. He has always been inter ested in social and philanthropic work. He resides at 21 East Twentythird Street, New York City. Physioc, Wray, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1890, in Col umbia, S.C.; and was educated in Virginia. In his early career he was a scenic artist. Then for two years he was with Pathe Freres, producer of Roy Norton series, and Hearts of Oak. For three years he was a director of the American Biograph, produc er of the Gulf Between; and with Sel/nic, The Blond Vampire. His address is 61 Lex ington Avenue, New York City. Pickard, Ward W., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Cassoday Oil Corporation, and other corporations. Pickman, Dudley L., Business President, of 914, Exchange Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie- tics. He is president of the Newmarket Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Pierce, Byron Ainsworth, Business Pre sident!, of 21 Eddy Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, the University Club, the Noon Day Club, the Sons of the Amer ican Revolution, the Rhode Island Histor ical Society, and various other clubs and societies. He was born April 12, 1880, in Altmar, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Phillips Academy of Andover and at Yale University. He is president of the George E. Darling Company, and president of the Converse Company. He is a director of the Providence Boys Club, and a member of board of governors of the Providence Un iversity Club. He resides at the Ninden, 123 Watermann Street, Providence, R.I. Pierce, Charles Ingalls, Mine Operator, of 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. For : several years he was engaged in the manufacturing busiess. He is president of the Big Creek Colliery Company ; and a director in other corporations. He is a member of the Union League, the Chicago Club, and the Chicago Athletic Club. He re sides at 1337 Astor Street, Chicago, 111. Pierce, Clay Arthur, Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Pierce Oil Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Pierce, Henry Clay, Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, iie is president of the Pierce Investment Com pany, and a director in other corporation*. Pierce, Henry H., Director of 49 Wail Street, New York City; <tnd a member ot various clubs and societies. He is director of the National Steel Car Corporation and other corporations. Pierce, Roger, Director and Trustee, of 135 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lyman Mills Pierce, Valentine Mott, Physician and Manufacturer, of 663 Main Street, Buffalo N.Y. In 1891 he received the degree of M. D. from the University of Buffalo. He was formerly president of the Proprietary As sociation of America; and is now president of the World s Dispensary Medical Asso ciation at Buffalo. He is also president of the Pierce Glass Company, president of the Pierce Natural Glass Company and other corporations. Pierce, Walworth, Business President, of 69 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the S. S. Pierce Company. Pierce, Winslow S., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direr- tor of the Wabash Railway Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 397 Piercy, Albert I., Director, of 422 West Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Piercy Contracting Com pany and other corporations. Pierrepont, Robert L., Director, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hanover Fire Insurance Company and other corporations. Pierson, James, Director, of 233 Brodway New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eagle Pipe Supply Company and other cor porations. Pierson, J. Frederick, Jr., Business Pre sident, of 30 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socle- ties. He is president of the Montauk Fish eries, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Pierson, Lewis E., Vice-president and Di rector, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of the Union League Club, and various other clubs and societies. He was born March 12, 1870, in New Jersey. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Irving National Bank. He is a direc tor of the American Manufacturers Export Association, the Childs Company, the Elec tric Bond and Share Company, and the Merchants Refrigerating Company. He is a trustee of the Brooklyn Young Men s Christian Association; and a director of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. He resides at 93 Eighfti Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Piez, Charles, Manufacturer and Capit alist, of 910 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born in 1866 in Germany. He grad uated from the School of Mines of Colum bia College of New York. Since 1889 he has been associated with the Link Belt Compa ny, of which he is now president. He is al so president of the Electric Steel Company and the Illinois Manufacturers Casualty Company, and director of the Drexel State Bank and the Chicago Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the Union League Club, the University Club; and a member of the Union League Club of Philadelphia. Pihl, Carl M., Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Yarm Light and Power Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Pillsbury, Albert E., Director and Trus tee, of 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Trust Company and other corporations. Pillsbury, Charles, Stinson, Member of the Minneapolis Club. He was born Dec. 6, 1878, in Minneapolis, Min. He is president of the Sargent Land Company. He resides at 100 East Twenty-second Street, Minnea polis, Minn. Pillsbury, E. S., Business President, of Standard Oil Building, San Francisco Cal. ; and a member of various clubs an;l socie ties. He is president of the Richmond Belt Railway Company and other corporation!:. Pillsbury, H. D., Director, of Standard Oil Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Home Long Distance Telephone Company and other corpora tions. Pilsbry, Frank Wilson, Business Presi dent, of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago, 111.; and a member of the Chicago, Athletic Association, the Union League Club, the Edgewater Golf Club, the Exmoor Country Club, and the Anandale Golf Club of Pasadena, Cal. He was born May 16, 1867, in Zanesville, Ohio ; and received a technical education. He is president of the New York Products Corporation of Chica go ; and vice-president of the Westerlin and Campbell Company. In 1889 he married Miss Ada S. Mullin, of San Francisco; and they have one daughter, and reside at the Parkway Hotel, Chicago, 111. Pilsbry, Mrs. Frank W., President of the Lake View Musical Society, with a mem bership of five hundred. She resides at the Parkway Hotel, Chicago, 111. Pinkerton, D. M., President of the Nelson Gallery of Art. He resides in Kansas City, Mo. 398 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Pillsworth, Thomas E., Business Presi dent, of 175 Remsen Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Miles Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Pinanske, Nathan, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Tie is a director of the Shawmnt Theatre Com pany an other corporations. Pincus, Alexander H., Treasurer and Di- rector, of 200 West Fiftieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Grec- ly Square Leasing and Improvement Com pany and other corporations. Pincus, Louis, Business President, of 200 West Fiftieth Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Simpson-Fox Realty Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Pine, John B., Business President, of 63 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gramercy Park Associa tion and a director in other corporations. Pirce, James A., Lawyer and Director, ot Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Rhode Island Electric Protective Company and other cor porations. Pirrung, G. F., Business Manager,, of Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. He was educated in the Chicago public schools, and at the University of Michigan. Since 1902 he has been general manager of the Pirrung Man ufacturing Company. He resides at 4452 Greenview Avenue, Chicago, 111. Pitz, John F., Business President, of 288 Scholes Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a meiit- ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of Pitz and Weber Iron Foun dry, and a director in other corporations. Piva, Celestino, Director, of 46 Union Square East, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Italian Press Publishing As sociation and other corporations. Pizzini, Andrew J.,Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Railway Improvement Company Plantinga, Pierre,Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 1900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 21, 1871, in Bolsward, Netherlands. For many years he has been identified with business affairs; and is president of the Gas Mach inery Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Platt, Edward C., Treasurer and Director of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Exchange National Bank and other corporations. Platt, Rutherford Hayes, Lawyer and Railroad President, of 414 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, was born Sept. 6, 1853, in Columbus, Ohio. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs of his city and state; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. For many years he has been president of the Colum bus and Jenia Railroad Company of Col umbus, Ohio; and is interested in various other corporations. During the World- War he was chairman of the Local Draft Board Number Three, Columbus, Ohio. Plaut, Herman, Business President, of 434 East Twenty-third Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lighting Fixture Association, and a director in other corporations. Plew, James E., Treasurer of 323 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1862 in Illinois. He is treasurer of the Chicago Towel Com pany; treasurer of the Robert M. Cutting Company; and president of the Sears San itary Baking Company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the Aero "Club and the Oak Park Country Club. Poague, Charles Martin, Business Man and Bank President, of East Sixty-third Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 23, 1856, in Xehia, Ohio. He was educated at Kenyon College. He is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs. He is president of firm of McKay and Poague. He married Miss Catherine W. Smith; and they have one daughter, and reside at 5100 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, HI. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 400 Plimpton, Herbert M., Director, of 60 Congress Street,Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Holliston Mills and other corporations. Polhemus, John H., President of the Pre sidio Golf Club. He was born in 1878 in Seattle, Wash.; and in 1899 he graduated from the Stanford University. He is a suc cessful importer and exporter of 149 Cali fornia Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and vice-president of his firm. In 1907 he mar ried Miss Jane Wilshire; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside on the southwest corner of Walnut and Jackson Streets, San Francisco, Cal. Pollard, Harry Gilmore, of Lowell, Mass. He is connected with the Central Savings Bank of Lowell, Mass. He is president of the Vesta Country Club. Pollock Walter B., Business President, of Beaver Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York Products Ex change, and a director in other corpora tions. Pomeroy, Daniel E., Director, of 16 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Agriculture Corpora tion and other corporations. Pond, Henry W., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sound Power Company and a director in other corporations. Pond, William Spencer,Member of Cham ber of Commerce, Music and Art. He is historian of the Amphion Society. His ad dress is Northern Life Building, Seattle, Wash. Poole, Frederic,Member of the City Club. He was born May 15, 1863, in Yorkshire, England. He has lectured widely in the United States, Europe and China; and also gives oriental dramatic Recitals. He resides at 5307 North Thirteenth Street, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Poor, Ruel W., Business President, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Garfield National Bank, and a director in other corporations. Pope, Amy Elizabeth,Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born June 30, 1869, in Quebec, Canada. In 1914-20 she was visiting instructor to Schools of Nursing, in San Francisco, Cal. She is the author of Practical Nursing. She resides at 2202 Ca lifornia Street, San Francisco, Cal. Pope, Benjamin, Director, of 774 Albany Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Pope Lumber Company Pope, Charles, Manufacturer and CapiU- ist, of 208 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago 111. He was president of the Charles Pope Glucose Company; and a director in otliev corporations. He is now president of the Charles Pope Beet Sugar Factory of River- dale, 111., with offices in Chicago, 111. Pope, Christopher H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 8 West Fortieth Street,New Yorl: City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Frank A. Munsey Company and other corporations. Pope, George A., Business President, of Kohl Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bank of Burlingame and other corporations. Pope, Gustavus D., President of the So ciety of Arts and Crafts. He resides at 25 Watson Street, Detroit, Mich. Poppenheim, Mary B., Member of the the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Vassar 1 Alumnae Association, the South Carolina Historical Society, and the Ladies Benevolent Society. She is president of the General United Daughters of the Confederacy. She resides at 31 Meeting Street, Charleston, S.C. Poppler, Irma Erwin (Mrs. J. A.), Mem ber of various musical clubsand societies. She has attained success as a pianist. She is the wife of Mr. J. A. Poppler, president of the Poppler Piano Company. She re sides in Grand Forks, N.D. Porter, Chester P., President of the Wor cester Oratorio Society, with a member ship of two hundred and fifty men and women. He resides at Worcester, Mass. 400 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Porter, Alexander Jeffrey, Manufactur er, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., was born June 29, 1863, at Niagara Falls, N.Y. In 1893 he became treasurer and subsequently pres ident of the Natural Food Company, which company is now world-wide known as the Shredded Wheat Company, of which lie is chairman of the Board of Directors, with hcaduqarters of the corporation in Niagara Falls, N.Y. He is also director of the Ni agara River and Eastern Railway; and a director of the Bank of Niagara, and other corporations. For eleven years he was commissioner of the New York State Res ervation at Niagara, and other corpora tions. He is a member of the Niagara Club. the Niagara Country Club, and the Buf falo Country Club. In 1894 he married Miss Margaret Maud Langmuir of Tor, onto, Canada; and they have a family of one son and three daughters now living; and resides in winter in Niagara Falls, and in the summer months in Lewiston Heights, N.Y., in his home known as Pen- jerrick House. Porter, Florence Collins, Member of tho Woman s City Club. She was born Aug. 14, 1853, in Caribou, Maine. In 1909 she was president of the Los Angeles County Equal Suffrage League; and in 19V2 was been a member of the Republican Women s a presidential elector. Since 1918 she has been a member of the Republican Womem National Executive Committee. She is the author of Maine Men and Women in Southern California.. She resides in South Pasadena, Cal. Porter, Mrs. Gene Stratton, Journalist, Illustrator and Author, of Geneva, Ind., was born in 1868, in Wabash County, Ind. She is the author and illustrator of The Song of the Cardinal and other works. Porter, George D., Vice-president and Treasurer, of 1421 Walnut Street, Phil adelphia, Pa.; and a member of the Art Club, the Philadelphia Cricket Club, the City Club, the Masonic Fraternity, and other organizations. He was born Sept. 8, 1875, near Vinton, Iowa; and was edu cated at the Temple University of Phila delphia. Since 1917 he has been vice-pres ident and treasurer of R. H. Dollings Company. Fir six years he was a member of the Philadelphia City Council. In 1897 he married Miss Margaret Mayhew; and they have one son ; and reside at 591 (i Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Pa. Porter, Luther H., Business Man and Director, of 435 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of J. J. Little and Ives Company. Porter, Washington T., Trustee of the Public Public Library. He is an attorney- at-law of the Fourth National Bank Build ing, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born Feb. 22, 1850; and was educated in the Chick- ering Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1891 he has been a trustee of the Public Li^- brary of Cincinnati. He is a trustee of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad; and has been a member of the Board of Alder men. In 1871 he married Miss Flora Rofr- inson; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside in Cin cinnati, Ohio. Porter, William Henry, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Jan. 3, 1861, in Middlebury, Vt. He is a director of the Title Guarantee and Trust Compa ny. He resides at 45 East Sixty-eighth Street, New York City. Porter, William H., Director, of 23 Wall Street, New York City; and a member o|f various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Pere Marquette Railway Com pany and other corporations. Porter, William S., President of the Oak land Art Association. He resides in Oak" land, Cal. Post, Alice Thatcher, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 8, 1853, in Boston, Mass. In 1906-13 she was managing editor of the Woman s Peace Party. She resides at 2513 Twelfth Street, Washington, D.C. Potter, Charles H., Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the C. W. Chadwick and Company, and a director in other corpor ations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 401 Potter, Delbert Maxwell, Mining Engi neer, of Clifton, Ariz.; and a mem) er of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 25, 1863, in Canton, Ohio. He is president of the Southern National High ways Association. Potter, E. Clifford, Business President, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a meber of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Montana Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Potter, Edward 0., Vice-president and Director ,of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is vice-president of the Brook lyn Eastern Terminal; and vice-president of the Appletree Farm, Incorporate;!. Potter, Edwin A., Jr., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the China, Japan and South America Trading Company and other cor porations. Potter, Eliphalet N"., Business Man and Director, of 5 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various club-i nirl societies. He is a member of the firm of Potter Brothers Company. He is a director of the Atlantic Fruit Company and a di rector of Poor s Publishing Company. H is prominenty identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Potter, Frederick G., Business Presi dent, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Star Holding Company, and a director in oilier corporations. Potter, George Milton, Member of the Alton Rotary Club. He is president of the Shurtleff College. He resides at 3021 Leverett Avenue, Alton, 111. Potter, James Brown, Business Presi dent, of 59 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Manchester Land Company, and a director in other corporations. Potter, Eobert S., Director, of 40 Water Clrcet, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Foreign Credit Corporation and other corporatons. Potter, William C., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York Ciey; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Agricultural Products Cor poration an dother corporations. Potterto, Alfred B., Business President, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tottenville Natioir.il Bank, and a director in various other cmbs and societies. He is president of the Tot- tenvilla National Bank, and a director in various other corporations. Potts, Charles E., Business President, of 81 Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Linen Fabrics Importing Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Potts, Eobert Joseph, Civil Engineer and Contractor, of the Amicable Building, Wa co, Texas. He received the degree of A.B. from Strawn College, and the degrees of B.S. and C.E. from the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College. He is now a suc cessful consulting engineer and contractor; and a director of the Texas Road Builders Association. He has been pivsidi-nl <:! th." Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. In 1914 he married Miss Esther Bornwell Davis; and they have t\, > sons and reside in Waco, Texas. Potts, William B., Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Exchange Court Corporation and other corporations. Pouch, Alonzo B., Business President, of 17 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H^ is president of the American Dock Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Pouch, Arnold C., Treasurer and Direc tor., of 17 State Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Union Wharf Company and other corporations. Pouch, William H., Business President, of 17 State Street, New York City; and 26 402 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Marine Power Sales Company, and a director in other corpor ations. Poucher, Frank C., Business President, of 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci- ties. He is president of the Atlantic City Sewerage Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Powel, De Veaux, Business President, 20 Broadway, New York City; an da mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Poxvelton Bar. ;-? Compa ny and a director in other corporations. Powell, Joseph W., Business President, of Quincy, Mass.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Fore River Shipbuilding Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Powell, Omar, Business President, of 220 Brodway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pres ident of the Allen Kelly Company and a director in other corporations. Powers, Augustin J., Business President, of 137 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pow- < rs Photo Engraving Company, Powers, Mrs. Frederick W., President of the Grand Rapids Art Association. She resides at the Monument Square Build ing, Monroe Avenue, North east, Grand Rapids, Mich. Powers, Patrick A., Director, of 1600 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Motion Picture Realty Company and other corporations. Foylison, Charles Ford, Member or the Civic Club. He was born Jan. 26, 1865, in Pluckemin, N.J. Since 1912 he has been an organizer and general secretary of the National Chill Welfare Association. His address is 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Pratt, Addison S., Director, of 61 Broad way, N( :w York City; and a member of v:r t: ou> flubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Mexican Sun Oil Company an.l other corporations. Pratt, Charles A. B., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Greeley Square Hotel Company, and a director in other corpor ations. Pratt, Charles M., Director ,of 26 Broad- wey, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Self-Winding Clock Company and other corporations. Pratt, E. G., Lawyer, Vice-president and Treasurer, of Title nlsurance Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 2, 1874, in Shanghai, China. Since 1904 he has been a resident of California; and is a member of the law firm of Janeway, Beach and Pratt, of Los Angeles, Cal. He is vice-president of the Southern Califor nia Iron and Steel Company, and treasur er of the Steel and Iron Investment Com pany. He has one son ; and resides at 303 South New Hampshire Street, Los Angel es, Cal. Pratt, Frederick B., Business President, of 215 Ryerson Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Chelsea Fibre Mills, and a director in other corporations. Pratt, George D., Director, of 26 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Sherman and Sons Company and other corporations. Pratt, George Dupont, Business Man and Welfare Worker, of New York City, wsn born Aug. 10, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Tie is treasurer and trustee of Pratt Insti tute; and director of the Thrift. Since 101. r ) he has been commissioner of eon- ?-<rvat on of the State of New York. Pratt, Harold I., Director, of 26 Broad way, NTew York City; and a member of various clubs and societes. He is a director of the American Express Compariy and o Ver corporations. Pratt, John Barnes, Publisher, of 30 Irving Place, New York City, was born Oct. lo, 1865. Since 1883 he has been con nected with the firm of A.S. Barnes and Company, Incorporated. He is a member AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 403 of the Founders and Patriots of America Club, the Booksellers League of New York and various other clubs and societies. In 1907 he married Miss Mabel C. Dodge; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, and reside in MontalrJr, N.J. Pratt, John T., Business President, and Director, and Trustee, of 7 East Sixty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Joint Securities Association, and president of the Thornapple Gas and Electric Company. He is a director of the Finance and Trading Corporation, the J. G. White Management Corporation, the National Weekly Corporation, and half-a- dozen other corporations. He is a trustee of the Pratt Institute. Pratt, Samuel, Business President, of 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the United 1 Advertising Company, an da director in other corporations. Pray, James Sturgis, Member of the American Society of Landscape Archi tects, the American City Planning Institu tion, the Appalachian National Club, and the National Parks Association. He is a Charles Eliot professor, and chairman of the Harvard University School of Land scape Architecture. He lias been president of the Society of Landscape Architects, and trustee of the American Academy in Rome. He resides at 50 Garden Street, Cambridge, Mass. Prentice, Alfred Carlyle, Member of the Board of Governors of The West Club of New York City, The Pyrimid Lodge of Masons, and the Royal Arcanum. He was born Feb. 18, 1875, in Adams Centre, N.Y. ; and was educated at the Alfred University, Columbia Universty, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is vice-pres ident of the New York Physicians Mutual Aid Association; and secretary of the$ Medico-Surgical Society of New York. He" is the president of the Indian Rivr Fruit of the Indian River Fruit Company, and Company. He is the author of Physiology und Hygiene and numerous other medical books. In 1897 he married Miss Lily S. La Forge; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 220 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York City. Prentice, Bernon S., Director, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Phillips Petroleum Com.- pany and other corporations. Prentice, Mrs. J .H., President of the Bellingham Woman s Music Club, with a mefbership of one hundred women. She resides at 222 North Forest Street, Bal- lingham, Wash. Prentice, Thomas J., Merchant, of De- catur, 111., was born April 10, 1870, in Hamilton, Mo. For many years he was secretary of the Scruggs-Vandervoort- Barney Dry Goods Company of St. Louis, Mo. He is president of teh Linn and Scruggs Dry Goods and Carpet Company. In 1892 he married Miss Minnie B. John son; and they have a family of one son and reside at 34.1 West Decatur Street, Decatur, 111. Prentis, Russell E., Director, of 52 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Lloyds Plate Glass Insur ance Company and other corporations. Prentiss, Henry, Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Tie is president of Henry Prentiss and Com pany, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held various positions of trust and honor. Presbrey, Edward H., Business Presi dent, of 50 Broad Street, New York City: and a, member of various clubs and soci eties. He is pi esident of the Investigation Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Prescott, Charles J., Director ,of 1! J Summer Street, Boston, Mass., and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been identified with business and public affairs; and is n~w connected with the Proctor Ellison Com pany. He has held various positions of 404 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST trust and honor; and is a member of sev eral organizations. Prest, William M., Lawyer and Director, of Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. Heis a director of the State Street Trust Company and other corporations. Preston, Elwyn G., Director, of 69 Tre mont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Second National Bank of Boston and other corporations. Preston, Frances Folsom, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born July 21, 1864, in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1917-18 she was secretary of the committee on the Na tional Security League. She resides in Princeton, N.J. Previtali, Gusiseppe, Business President, of 127 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hey day Amusement Company, and a director in other corporations. Price, Alan D., Secretary of the West Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce; and a member of the American Legion and other organizations. He was born Oct. 16, 1884. in Elkton, Md. ; and was educated at the University of Maryland, the Univer sity of Lyons, studied languages, political economy, social economics, and graduated in law in 1904. He has been advertising manager for a publishing company; Amer ican vice-consul and served with the Uni ted States Army Expeditionary Forces. In 1920 he married Miss Hilda A. Abbott; and they reside at West Palm Beach, Fla. Price, Charles B., Director, of 511 At lantic; Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a rnem her of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Salem Electric Light Company and other corporations. Price, Edgar F., Business President, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union Carbide Company, and a director of other corporations. Price, Edward Valentine, Merchant and Manufacturer, of Market and Van Buren Streets, Chicago, 111., was borii March 9, 1856, in Savannah, Mo. In 1873 he went West; taught country school and worked as a cowboy in Oregon. He drove a stage on the Western Overland, and worked in silver mines in Nevada. He then traveled for wholesale clothing man ufacturers for twelve years. He is presi dent of Ed. V. Price and Company, whole sale tailors. He is a member of the Chi cago Athletic Association, the Exmoor Country Club, the Union League Club, and the Chicago Press Club. In 1884 he mar ried Miss Emma Sharp of Pueblo, Colo.; and they reside in Highland Park, 111. Price, Floyd, Treasurer and Director, of 21 East Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the D. and L. 1 Building Company and other corporations. Prior, Parley A., Director, of 621 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the McCrory Stores Corporation and other corporations. Price, Raymond B., Business President, of 1133 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rubber Regenerating Company, and a director in other corpor ations. Price, Silas Eber, Clergyman and Col lege President, of Ottawa, Kan.; a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He was born Feb. 28, 1860, in Newark, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been president of the Ottawa University of Kansas. Price, Thomas, Secretary and Director, * r of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i* a director of the Union Land Company and other corporations. Price, Victor, Vice-president and Direc tor, of 119 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is vice-president of and direc tor of the New York Merchandise Compa ny, importers and manufacturers of fan cy goods and small wares. He is promi nently identified with business, public and social affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 405 Prichitt, Hugh K., Business Man and Director, of GO Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a member of Priclritt and Company. He is a director of the Ajaz Rubber Company, the Caddo Central Oijl a.nd Refining Corporation, the National Conduit and Cable Company, the Redden Motor Truck the Transcontinental Oil Company, arid of Weber and Heilbronner. Prime, William C., Director, of 2 Hec tor Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Collecting Service and other corporations. Prince, Alan Charles, Manufacturer and Business President, of 2145 Franklin Street, Detroit, Mich., was born Aug. 22, 1889, in Sandwich, Ontario, Canada. He was educated at the Detroit Church Acad emy, and at the Ridley College of St. Catharines, Ont. Since 1913 he< has been president and general manager of the United Forge and Machine Company. For many years he was Cost Accountant of the Groat Lakes Engineering Works. He is a member of the Windsor Club, the Essex County Golf Club, and the Country Club. In 1910 he married Miss Florence Reaome, daughter of the Hon. J. 0. Reaome; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Windsor, Ont. Prince, Frederick H., Directqr, of Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Chicago Junction Railway Prindville, John J., Business President, of 4 Post Office Square, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Bankers Building Corporation, and a director in other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Pritchard, Hugh F., Business President of 41 Park Row, New York City; and ft member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York and Hast ings Steamboat Company, and a director in other corporations. Pritchard, William H., Business Presi dent, of 32 East Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Auto- phone Manufacturing Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Proctor, Frederick F., Business Presi dent, of 156 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the F. F. Proctors Yonkers Grand Theatre Company, Icorpor- ated and a director in other corporations. Prosser, Seward, Member of the Union League Club. He was born May 1, 1871, in Buffalo, N.Y. Since 1914 he has been pres ident of the Bankers Trust Company. He resides in Englewood, N.J. Prouty, Almond S., Business President and Treasurer, of 382 West Broadway, New York City, was born July 13, 1875. He is a partner in the firm of J. L. Prouty J s Sons; director of the New York Fur Auction Sales Corporation; and treas urer of the Brookhaven Estates. He is vice-president of the New York Raw Fur Merchants Association. Pryor, Samuel F., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Remington Arms and Ammunition Company, and a director in other corporations. Pulleyn, John J., Business President, of 51 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Emigranat Industri al Savings Bank, and a director in other corporations. Pulliam. L. J., Business President, of Springfield, III., was born March (), 1881, in Glenarm. HI. He was educated in Spring field, 111. Since 1915 he has been operating coal mines in Central Illinois; and is now president of the Illinois Coal Association, the Union League Club of Chicago, and Old Colony Club. He is a thirty-second degree Mason. In 1908 he married Miss Mabel Shieff; and they reside at 1020 South Seventh Street, Springfield, 111. Purdy, W. Frank, President of the Art Alliance of America. He resides at 10 East Forty-seventh Street, Manhattar. New York. 406 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Pullum, Howard J., Business President, Treasurer and Director, of 129 Front Street, New York City: and a member oC various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the West India Sugar Fi nance Corporation. He is president of the Sugar Merchants .Incorporated, lie treasurer and director of the Palma Sugar Company, and of a dozen other corpora tions. He resides on Riverside Drive, New York City. Purdy, Lawson, Member o the Cury rector of the Lynn (las and Electric, Coin- Club. He was born Sept. 13, 1803, in Hyde Park, N.Y. Since 1917 he lias been general director of the Charity Organization Soci ety City of New York. Purinton, Cha les S., Director, of ;,5 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa di- pany and other corporations. Putnam, George, Director, of" 50 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa di rector of the Woodward iron Company and other corporations. Pynchon, George M., Business Man and Director, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a member of the Firm of Pyn chon and Company. He is a director of the Cosmopolitan Shipping Company, the Fed eral Export Corporation, and the Gallaiule! Aircraft Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions .of trust and honro. Pyne, M. T?ylor, Jr., Businuss President, of 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Steel Equipment Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Pyne, Percy R., Business Preside] it, oT 20 Exchange Place, Xew York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Deer Range Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Quealy, Patrick J., Operator and Banker, of Kemmerer, Wyo. ; and a member of the Alta Club, and the Rock Mountain Club of New York. He was born March 17, 1857, in Ireland; ad received a business college education. He organized and is vice-presi dent of the First National Bank of Kern- merer and of other banks and corporations. Quimby, Louis S., Banker and Director, of 754 Broaway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societes. He is vice-president of the Columbia Bank, and a director of the Irving Safe Deposit Company. He is prominently idenified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and honor. Quinn, John, Business President, of 33 Nassau .Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Key Inves .ment Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Quinn, Martin J., Business President, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He. is president of the Commercial Acetylene Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Quinn, Peter, Treasurer and Director of 511 Canal Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and Foc : eties. He is a director of the Central Brewing Com pany and other corporations Quinn, Thomas J., Business President, of 3()9 East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bronx National Bank of the City of New York, and a director in other cor porations. Quinton, Cornelia Bentley Sage, Member of the National Institution of Social Sci ences, the school Art League; and in 1918 was elected vice-president of the School Art Association. She is also a honorary associate member of the Guild of Bo ton Artists. She was born in 1880 in Buffalo, N.Y. ; and has received diploma for studies in Latin, French, English and Spanish. In 1904 she received a prize in the painting class of the Art Students League of Buffa lo, N.Y. In 1911 she was appointed presi dent of the Buffalo Society of Artists, and the same year was appointed honorary president of teh Guild of Allied Artists. She is present organizing all the exhibitions for the Albright Art Gallery. Her address is The Buffalo F ne Arts Academy, Al bright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 407 Rabell, William H., Business President and Treasurer, of 113 West Fifty-first Street, New York City; and a member ot" various clubs and societies. He is president of the Independent Movie Supply Compa ny. He is also president of the Mathews Lighting Company of New York, and pre sident of the William H. Rabell Enter prises. Rabenold, Ellwood M., Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Atlantic Paper and Pulp Cor poration and other corporations. Rabiner, Herbert H., Treasure]- and Direc tor, of 725 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and a director of S. Nai- tove and Company, Incorporated. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Rackeman, Charles S., Lawyer and Direc tor, of 75 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the American Or iental Company and other corporations. Rackeman, Felix, Lawyer and Director, of 75 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Northwestern Leather Company and other corporations. Radley, Emma M., Secretary and Direc tor, of 1517 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. She is secretary and director of the Hotel Astor, Incoporated. She is identified Avith business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Radway, William S., Treasurer and Di rector, of 23 Beach Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties, lie is treasurer, director and general manager of The Credit Reporting Company of New England. He is executor of the Es tate of Eldore M. Aldrich, and trustee of the Heirs of Cyrenus Aldrich of Worcester, Mass. He is president of the National As sociation of Mercantile Agencies. Raffetto, Joseph L., Vice-president and Director, of 408 West Thirteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treas urer and director of the Blublaze Motor Specialties Corporation; and vice-president of the firm of G. R. Raffetto. Rainey, Paul J., Business President, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Matlock Coal and Iron Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Ramsay, Dick S., Director, of 295 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company Ramsey, George, Business President, of 900 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Leslie Chemical Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Ramsperger, Herman G-., Business Presi dent, of 400 Allaire Avenue, Leonia, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of H. G. Ramsperger and Company; and prominent in business and public affairs. Rand, R. LF., Director, of Terminal Building, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Staten Island Midland Railway Company and other corporations. Rand, Waldron H., Lawyer and Director of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Union Club, the New Rid ing Club, the Harvard Club, and the Brae Burn Club. He was born Jan. 8, 1876, in Boston, Mass. ; and was educated at the Boston Law School, and at Harvard Univ- ersity. Since 1898 he has been engaged in business in the City of Boston; and is a member of the Suffolk Bar. He is vice-pre sident of the Security Safe Deposit Com pany; and vice-president and secretary of the Commonwealth Trust Company. In 1899 he married Miss Gertrude M. Mackay; and they have one daughter, and reside in Newton Center, Mass. Randall, Charles Hiram, Prohibitionist and Congressman, of Los Angeles, CaJ., was born July 23, 1865, in Auburn, Neb. Since 1915 he has been a member of Con gress, and is now serving his term of 1919- 21. 408 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Randall, William B., Business Man and Director, of 66 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Security Trans- ferand Register Company. He is president of tlie Electro-Coach Corporation, and pre sident of the \Vin\vah Park Realty Compa ny. Tie is vice-president of the Guantanamo City Land and Development Company, and vice-president of the Consolidated Nevada- Utah Mines Corporation. He is a director of the Coal and Iron National Bank of the City of New York, and of half a do/en oth er corporations. Randolph, Harrison, Educator and Col lege President, of 170 Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, S.C., was horn Dec. 8, 1871, in New Orleans, La. He was educated at the University of Virginia. He has been pro fessor of mathematics in the University of Arkansas, since 1897 he lias been president of the College of Charleston. In 1919-20 he was spec!;)! assistant in the Department of State, of Washington, D.C. In 1911 he mar ried Miss Louise Wagener, and they reside at 179 Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, S.C. Rankin, Jeanette, Member of the Mis- soule Woman s Club. She was born Juns 11, 1880, in Missoula, Mont. In 1909 she was a social worker in Seattle, Wash. In 1917-19 she was a member of Congress for Montana, being the h rsf woman ever elec ted for the United States Congress. She re sides in Missoula, Mont. Ransbottom, F. M. Business President, of Zanesville, Ohio 4 , and a member of var ious clubs and societies: He is president of the American Clay Produce Company Rantoul, Neal, Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Sturtevant Aeroplane Company and other corporations. Raphel, Edward M., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kmrit Trading Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Rapp, Charles G., Vice-president and Di rector, of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street and Seventh Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Harlem Branch of the Chelsea Exchange Bank. He is a director of the American Carpet Clean ing and Weaving Company; and is promin ent .in business and public affairs. Rapp, John W., Business President, ot 415 First Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Corina Investing Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Raskob, John J., Vice-president and Di rector, of the Du Pont Building, Wilming ton, Del. ; and a member of the Wilmington Club, the Wilmington Country Club, the Detroit Club, the Detroit Athletic Club, the Bankers Club, the Metropolitan Club, and the Manufacturers Club. He is vice- president of the Du Pont American Indus tries, the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours ana Company of Wilmington, the General Mo tors Corporation, and. the General Motor Acceptance Corporation of New York. He is also a director of the American Surety Company, the Chatham and Phoenix Nat ional Bank of New York, the Chevrolet Motor Company of Delaware, the Christia na Securities Company of Wilmington, and the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of New York. In 1906 he married Miss He lena Springer Green; and they have a fam ily of three sons and eight daughters; and reside at Archmore, Claymont, Del. Rascovar, Harry, Business Man and Di rector, of 14 Stone Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president, treasurer ana director of Albert Frank and Company. He is prominently identified with business ana public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Ratshesky, Abraham, Business President of 30 Court Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Trust Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Ravenel, Mazyck P., President of the American Public Health Association. He resides in Columbj Mr- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 409 Rau, Alfred M., Business President, ot 505 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Washington Arch Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Ravenel, W. de C., of Washington, D.C., and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is administrative assistant of the Smithsonian Institution of United States National Museum of Washington, D.C. Rawl, Herbert F., Business President, of 51 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, treasurer and director of the Christmas Club, a corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Ray, Charles, Member of the M.P.I). A. He was born in 1891 in Jacksonville, 111.; and was educated in Illinois and at the Los Angeles Polytechnic School. For nearly five years he was engaged in music and drama in stock companies and vaudeville. He be gan his screen career with the Ince-Pera. He has appeared in String Beans, the Cow ard, the Girl Dodger, Greased Lightning, Paris Green, and Forty-five Minutes from Broadway. He now appears in the Charles Ray productions, and has produced Forty- five Minutes from Broadway, Peaceful V al ley and others. lie resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Ray, Louis D., Vice-president ;uid Direc tor, of 311 West Eighty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and a di rector of The Berkeley School. Raymer, Charles Dean, Bookseller and Bibliographer, of 1330 First A venue.Soattle Wash., was born in 1860 in Rook Island, 111. In 1885 he established the first of eight Raymer s Old Book Stores in Minneapolis, Minn. Since 1907 he has been manager of Farmer s Old Book Store in Seattle, Wash. He has been the nominee from alderman to mayor on the socialistic ticket. He is .1 member of all the Masonic bodies. Raymond, Bernard,Director, of 517 West One Hundred Thirteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Raymond Engineering Corporation and other corpo rations. Raymond, H. E., Director, of 1780 Brou - way, New York City; and a member of the Uiiio 1 : League Club and other clubs and ^e- cieties. He is a director of the B.F. Good rich Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Raymond, Harry H., Business President ;md Director, of Pier 36, North River, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mai- lory Steamship Company, and president of the Clyde Steamship Company. He is a di rector of the Gulf and Southern Steamship Company, the International Shipping Cor poration, the Irving National Bank, the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Com pany, and the New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company. Raymond, Josephine Hunt (Mrs. Jerome Hall Raymond), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Kaneville, 111. Since 1915 she has been a lecturer for women s clubs University extension societies and similar organizations. She resides at 748 Judson Avenue, Evanston, 111. Raymond, Maud Mary Wotring (Mrs. Paula Raymond), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 29, 1867, in Van \Yert, Ohio. In 1910 she was chairman of the Women s National Foreign Missionary Jubilee, held in Denver, Colo. She is (he author of The Kings Business. She resides at 1370 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Rea, Paul M., President of the American Association of Museums. He resides at the Park Museum, Providence, R.I. Rea, Samuel, Member of the Century Club. He was born Sept. 21, 1855, in Holli- daysburg, Pa. He is president of the Phila delphia, Baltimore and Washington Rail road. He resides in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Rea, Samuel, Business President, of 85 Cedar Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway Company, and a director in other corporations. 410 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Rea, Samuel Gr., Business President and Director, of 149 Broadway, New York City; .iiid a member of various clubs and socie- lirs. Me is president of the Universal Car Manufacturing Company. He is vice-presi dent of the Imperial Appliance Company, and vice-president of the Pressed Steel Manufacturing Company. Read, Charles 0., Business President, of Slater Trust Building. Pawtucket, R.T.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the River Spinning Company and other corporations. Read, John A., Director, of 261 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Realty Corporation and other corporations. Read, Thomas Thornton, Metallurgical Engineer, Educator and Author, of 300 Rit- tenhouse Street,Washington, D.C.,was born Feb. 10, 1880, in Monmouth County, N.J. Since 1919 he has been chief of the Inform ation Bureau of the United States Bureau of Mines. He is the author of Recent Cop per Smelting, Mineral Production and He- sources of the Chinese Empire. He resides in Washington, D.C. Read, William T., Business President, or 15 AVilliam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Copete Mining Company Ream, Robert C., Business President, of 1 Xassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ream, "\Vrighton and Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Rearick, Allan C., Director, of 71 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Com pany and other corporations. Reber, John, Manufacturer and States man, of Pottsville, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born on Feb. 1, 1858, in Schuylkill County, Pa. For a number of years he was a member of the Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh Congres ses, his present term ending in 1923. He married Miss Susan Ida Faust; and they have a family of one son and one daught er, and reside at 512 West Market Street, Pottsville, Pa. Rebman, Francis J., Business President, of 141 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rebrnan Company. He is prominently identified \\itii business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Redfield, Heman J., Secretary and Direc tor, of 239 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Feder al Printing Company and other corpora tions. Redfield, Tyler L., Business President, ot 311 West Forty-third Street, New York Ci- o., Uni: -;n if) snoi.u?A jo .laquiaui t? put? .A 1 ) cieties. He is president of the Redfield Pub lishing Company, Incorporated, and ;; di rector in other corporations. Redington, Williain Henry, Manufactur er, of Congress and Peoria Streets, Chicago 111., was born in 1851 in Fredonia, N.Y. In 1868 he entered the employ of the Sanfor.l Manufacturing Company, manufacturers ot AM-itii.g inks, of which lie is now president. He is a member of the Union Li .-ru 1 Huh, the Chicago Athletic Association, the Ev- anstoii Club, the Glenvi^vv (.i. !f Club r !ie Loyal Legion, and the Chicago Historic?*! Society. In 1875 he marru-i ?liss I m >*<:; A. Lull; and they have i fa. ; , of <*ne daughter, and reside at 1222 Ridge Avenii j, Evanston, 111. Reed, Horace, Member of the Bu^alo Club, the Country Club and the Rotary Club. He was born Eel). 8, 1870, in Mans field, Ohio. He is president of the Niagara Lithograph Company, and president of the H. L. Reed Company. Pie resides at 94 Oak land Place, Buffalo , N.Y. Reed, Mrs. Lyman C., President of the Fine Arts Club of New Orleans. She resides in New Orleans, La. Reed, Philip L., Treasurer and Director, of 248 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Scotia Worsted Mills and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 411 Reed, William E., Business President, of 1164 Broadway, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Allandalc Knitting Mills, Incorporated. He is a director of Jacob Dreyfus and Sons, and a direcL -v in the Liberty Underwriters Company of N-ew York. Reeder, R., Business Man, of 847 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.; and a member of various club,; and societies. For many years he has been identified with Hie International Tailoring Company; and is prominently identified v, ith business ana public affairs. Reeder, Rudolf Rex, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 5, 1^59, in Lebanon Warren County, Ohio, Oilier: 1900 he has Leen superintendent of the Nisv York Or phanage. He is the author of The Historical Development of School Readers. He resides at Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Reeth, John 0., Director, of 125 Harris Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Transport Power Service Company, Incorporated, and other corporations. Reeves, Francis Webster, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 10, 1836, in Bridgeton, N.J. Since 1859 he has been head of the wholesale grocery firm of Ree ves, Parvin and Company. He resides in Germantown, Pa. Regan, Thomas J., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fulton Chain Rail way Company and other corporations. Relier, Herman, Business President, ot 251 North Henry Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; :nid a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the United States Mult Company, and a director in other cor porations. Reid, Charles W., Banker, of Wichita Falls, Texas; and a member of the Musko- gee Town and Country Club, the El u s, and other organizations. He was born Jan. 31. 1880, in Little River Countv, Ark.; and was educated at the University of Arkan sas. In 1908-10 he was president of the First State Bank of Muskogee. In 1914 he moved to Wichita Falls, organized the Na tional Bank of Commerce, which in 1920 was merged with the City National Bank, of which he was vice-president until 1922, when he retired to take cliarge of his per sonal business. In 1908 he married Miss Anna May Priest, of Texarkana, Ark.; and they reside in Wichita Falls, Texas. Reid, Daniel G., Director, of 598 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Continental Insurance Company and other corporations. R<eid, John A., Director, of 149 Broadway New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Diehl Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Reid, William C., Business President, of Provost Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. Pie is president of New York Lumber Trade Association, and a director in other cor porations. Eeilley, Mrs. J. Eugene (Laura Holmes Keilley), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Nov. 28, 1861, in St. Louis, Mo. She is chairman of the Woman s Com mittee Council for National Defense. She resides at 400 Park Avenue, Charlotte, N.C/ Reilly, John, Jr., President of the Amer ican Numismatic Society. He resides HI Broadway betwen One Hundred Fifty-flit n and One Hundred Fifty-sixth Streets, Man hattan, N.Y. Reilly, John D., Treasurer and Director, of 25 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is a director of the Seattle Construction and Dry Dock Company and other corpora tions. Reimann, V.,I)irector, of.50 Broad Street New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the A. O. Anderson and Company, Incorporat ed, and other corporations. Reiner, Rudolf, Jr., Bu siness President, of 2814 Atlantic Avenue; Brooklyn, N.Y., and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Brownsville Coal and Ice Company, and a director in other corporations. 412 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Rainhardt, Amelia Henry, Member of Dante Society Colonial Dames. He is Pre sident of the Mills College. He lias been Instructor in English at the University of Idaho; lecturer in English at the I nivci-- sity of California. Mis address is Mills Col lege, Cal. Rainhardt, Charles, Business President, of 750 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Broad way Theatre Company, and a director in other corporations. Reis, Benjamin, Treasurer and Director, of 804 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Solar Textile Company and other corporations. Reis, Charles L., Business President, of G71 Briggs Avenue, New York City; and a member of various chibs and societies. He is president of the Richmond Hill Invest ment Company, and a director in other cor porations. Reis, F. Jr., Business President, of 550 California Street, San Francisco, ( Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pacific States Sav ings and Loan Company and other corpora tions. Reis, W. B., Business President, of Mer chants Exchange Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eldorado Oil Works and other corporations. Reisenhus, Peter P., Manufacturer, of 2121 Churchill Street, Chicago, 111., was born May 16, 1859, in Denmark. He is pre sident of the American Glove Company; president of the American Tanning Compa ny ; and director of Noel State Bank. He is a member of various clubs and societies. Reiss, Jac M., Secretary and Treasurer, of 13 Montauk Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and treasurer of S. Weis- glass and Company, manufacturers of brass and iron beds. He is also secretary and di rector of the United States Bed Company; and is prominent in business and public affairs. Reiss, Jacob L., Business President, of 107 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the International Tailoring Company of Chicago, and a director in oth er corporations. Remick, Frank W., Business President, of 115 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Boston Stock- Exchange, and a director in other corpora tions. Remick, Joseph, Treasurer and Director, of 8 Congress Street, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cohannet Mills and oth er corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Remington, Franklin, Business President of 120 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Waterproofing Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Remington, Harold, Lawyer and Author, of 141 Broadway, New York City, was born in Quincy, 111. He was educated in the Mi chigan University. In 1^)8-1910 he was re feree in bankrupcy, arid he is an authority on Bankruptcy law. He is the author of Treatise on the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, and other works. In 1893 he married Miss May Robertson; and they have one daughter, and reside in New York City. Remmel, Valentine, Member of the City Club. He was born March 10, 1853, in Pitts, burgh, Pa. At all times he was active in th? trades union movement; and has been a candidate for Congress and vice-president on the Socialist Labor Party Ticket. He resides at 75 Arlington Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. Rentrop, Bernard, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 132 Willowby Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs anil societies. He is a director of the Continent al Barik of New York and other corpora tions. ; Reuter, George P., Treasurer and Direc tor, of; 79 Wall Street, New York City; and a ^member of var ous clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Classic Pro ducts Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 413 Requa, John J., Business President, of 1193 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Requa Manufacturing, Incorporated, druggists specialties. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Revillon, John M., Business President, of 26 West Thirty-fifth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the, Revillon Freres, and a director in other corpora tions. Reyburn, Samuel W., Business President of Fifth Avenue, and Thirty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lord and Taylor, and a director in other corporations. Reynolds, Alfred, Secretary of the Pre sidio Golf Club, and a member of the Milit ary Order of the Loyal Legion. He was born March 2, 1849, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and graduated from the United States Mil itary Academy at West Point. Since 1870 he has been in the United States Army; and now holds the rank of Colonel, retired. Reynolds, Earle H., Banker, of 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born on May 33, 1887, in Hastings, Neb. He is president of the People s Trust and Sav ings Bank. He has filled numerous posi tions of trust and honor; and is a member of several clubs and societies. Reynolds, Earle H. (Mrs.), President of the Junior League Club, of Chicago, 111. Reynolds, Edward, Business President,of 253 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mutual Investment Credit Union, and a director in other corporations. Reynolds, Frank James, Business Presi dent, of 14 Stone Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Albert Frank and Company, and vice-president of the Hamil ton Press. He is a director of the Central News of America, and a director of the New York News Bureau Association. Reynolds, George McClelland, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Jan. 15, 1865, in Panora, Iowa. Since 1910 he has been president of the Continental and Com mercial National Bank. He resides at 1444 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Raynolds, H. Newell, Business President of 565 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Marsala Company, and a director in other corporations. Reynolds, Jackson E., Director, of 2 Wall Street, New York ity ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Southern Railway Company anS oth er corporations. Reynolds, John W., Secretary and Dim- tor, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary of the Munson Steamship Lir.e and other corporations. Reynolds, W. D., Cattleman and Bank or, of 100i/ 2 Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas, was born April 22, 1846, in Alabama. He is vice-president of Reynolds Cattle Com pany; is president of Cisco Cotton Oil Company; and a director of Fort Worth National Bank and the First National Bank of Stamford, Texas. Reynolds, Walter S., Lawyer and States man, of County Court House, Providence, R.I., was born Sept. 21, 1869, in Glocester, R.I. He was educated at the Mount Pleas ant Academy of Providence, and the Pro vidence High School; and in 1893 received the degree of A.B. from Brown University. In 1896 he was admitted to the Bar and practiced law in Providence until 1904. Since 1904 he has been elected annually clerk of the Superior Court, In 1898-99 he was a member of the Rhode Island State Senate. He is a member of the Wannamoi- sett Country Club, the Economic Club and the Congressional Club; and resides at 225 Lenox Avenue, Providence, R.I. Rhea, John A., Secretary, Treasurer and Director, of 461 Eighth Avenue, New Yo^k City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasu 4 ei and di rector of the Varplex Art Company, own ers of the Yerplex Process 414 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Rhinock, Joseph L., Vice-president, Di rector and Treasurer, of 233 West Forty fourth Street, New York City; and a -:U ;M her of various clubs and societi .s. He i* seeietar.. and h\-a>uivr of the Shi.bert En terprises, the Sain. S. and Lee Shubert,anci Hie Shubert Theatrical Company. Ho is al so vice-president of Loe\v s The ( .-i-jsl Kn- terprisess, and other theatrical companies. Rhoads, Lcvi S., Treasurer and Director, fit 11. iiro \<Ci .y New York t. it;; and a member of varioiis cri H and so* -id ies. Ilo is a director of tiie Bertfic..! Ife.iUy Conipa- ny and otiKM 1 coiporati "":". Rhodds, Esther M. Kendig, Member of Mus ra; Art Society, Lar. -.! -..^r Wednes day Club, Harisburg, f v r ^ C v Lmca^- ter. She is direction md soloisi ot il.e First Methodist Church at Lancaster, presi dent and directress of the Lyric Club. She has been president of the Musical Art So ciety at Lancaster, directress at the Beth lehem Lutheran Choir at Harrisburg; and several other choirs at Lancaster. She re sides at 232 Charlotte Street, Lancaster ,Pa. Rhodes, Charles C., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 755 Water Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Fidelity Ware house Company and other corporations. Rice, Charles D., Treasurer and Director of 814 Main Street, Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is treasurer and director of H. D. Foss and Company, Incorporated. He is a director of the Bay State Freezer Company, the Daniel Duane Company, the Merchants Co-operat ive Bank, the Rice Chocolate Company, and the University Paper Box Company. He is a trustee of the North Avenue Savings Bank of North Cambridge, Mass. Rice, Charles G., Business President, of Shawmut Bank Building, Boston, Mass.: and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the United Slates Smelting, Refining and Mining Exploration Company, and a director in oilier corpora tions. Rice, Elwood E., Business President, of 358 Fifth Avenue,- New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rice Leaders of the World Association. He is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and hon or. Rice, Fred B., Business President, of 10 High Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Atlas Shoe Company and a di rector in other corporations. Rice, Isaac L., Jr., Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious dubs and societies. He is a director of the Car Lighting and. Power Company and other corporations. Rice, John G., Lawyer and Director, of 55 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Tennessee Eastern El ectric Company and other corporations. Rice, Neil W., Director, of 55 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member ot" various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Niagara Mining Company and oilier corporations. Rico, S. Nelson, Treasurer and Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a. director of the Opera House Realty Company and oilier corporations. Rich, William T., Director, of 200 Tiigh Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of (he I liion (Jlass Company Richard, George N., Vice-president ami Director, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a mem her of various clubs and socie ties, lie is a member of the firm of C. B. Richard and Company, established in 1847. lie is vice-president of the Atlantic Ship ping Company, vice-president of the Wash ington Steamship Corporation, and prom inently identified with business and public affairs. Richard, Harold C., Business President. and Treasurer, of 378 (Irand Street, New York City; and a. member of various clubs and societies. He is president of The State Bank; and president of The State Safe Deposit Company. He is treasurer and di- rector of the Metropolitan Sewing Machine Corporation; and prominently identified with business and public affairs, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 41 o Richards, C. A., Treasurer and Director, of 00 Wall Street, New York City; and a niemhc-r of various clubs and societies. He i: a. director of the Rosin and Turpentine Export Company and other corporations. Richards Edwin M., Director, of 111 De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New England Coal and Coke Rfc^ards, George, Member of the Army a-.nd Navy Club, and a member of the Chevy Chase dul). He was born Feb. 6, 1872. He Jm-; been president of the Sons of the Ke- volution in the District of Columbia; and general treasurer of the General Society ot" the Sons of the Revolution. He is head of the paymasters department of the Marine Corps. He resides at West Irving Street, C!;evy Chase, Md. Richards, J. T., Manufacturer , of 932 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born Xov. 15, 1848, in Tuscola, 111. In 1899- .1911 lie was vice-president of the National Casket Company; and since 1911 has been president of the. Chicago Casket Company. He is a member of the Union League Club. In 1S74 he married Miss Louise M. Dim- mitt; and they have a family of two sons. Richards, James L., Business President, of 111 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. Tie is president of the Massachusetts Gas Companies, and a director in other cor porations. Richards, Janet Elizabeth, Member of the Twentieth Century Club. She was born in Granville, Ohio. She is a life member ot" the National Women s Suffrage Associa tion . She resides at The Wyoming, Wash ington D.C. Richards, Leslie S., Secretary and Direc tor, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Argentine Mercantile Corporation and other corporations. ftidhards, 0. E., Sociologist, of the Calv- ert Building, Baltimore, Md.;~and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Educators Associa tion. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Richards, Ralph Reid, Member of the Hamilton Club, the Elks Club of Chicago, 111., the Fellowcraft Club of Detroit, Cleve land and Minneapolis, and is a 32nd degree Mason. He was born March 5, 1876, in Chi cago, 111. He is general manager of the Ri chards Audit Company. He resides at 7409 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Richards, Mrs. Waldo, Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. She was born in Gard iner, Maine. She is a noted reader and in terpreter of literature, appearing largely before Drawing room audience. She is the Compiler of Songs of Joy and Vision. She resides at 39 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Richards, Willis B., Business President, of 71 Broaway, New York City; av.d a member of various clubs and soeieti ,,. !1^ is president of the Northern Hotel Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Richardson, Charles, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Jan. 27. 1841, in Philadelphia, Pa, In 1885-87 he was tTie first president of The Land Title and Trusi Company of Philadelphia. He is the author of numerous brochures advocating political reform and international arbitration. He resides at 1307 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Richardson, Charles 0., Director, of 03 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Gluck Mills and other cor porations. Richardson, Charles Williamson, Physi cian and Author, of 1317 Connecticut Ave nue, Washington, D.C. ; and a member of the Cosmos Club, the Chevy Chase Club, the University Club, and the Army and Na vy Club. He was born Aug. 22, 1861, in Washington, D.C.; and received the degree of M.D. from the George Washington Un- iversity, and also the same degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1891 he has been professor of laryngology and oto logy at the George Washington Universi ty. He is a past president of the American Otologieal Society and other organizations. In 1889 he married Miss Amy Elizabeth Small, of Washington, D,C, 410 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Richardson, Christopher, Business Presi dent, of 143 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the AVil- liam Simpson, [ncorporated, and other cor porations. Richardson, Granville A., Business Man and Director, of 50 Church Street, Xoiv York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is chairman of the board of directors of the Blossburg Coal Company the Hillside Coal and Iron Company, Mor ten and Company, the Xew York Susque- lianna and Western Coal Company, the Northwestern Mining and Exchange Corr.- pany,and the Pennsylvania Coal Company. He resides at 181 Upper Mountain Avenue, Montclair, N.J. Richardson Lee, of Alpena, Mich., wa ; born in 1H9. { in Alpena, Mich. He was ed ucated at Amherst College and at the Un iversity of Michigan. Since 1920 he has been with the Richardson Lee Hardware Stores; and is an olTicial of (he Kichardsoi. Lumber Company. He is president of the Alpena Country Club. Tn 1019 he mai ricd Miss Margaret Henderson; and they reside 442 State Street, Alpena, Mich. Richardson, William, Director, of 225 Commonwealth \venue, Boston, Mass.; anM a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is a director of the Commercial \Vh:iri Company and other corporations. Richmond, Charles Alexander,}! em I r ol Century Club, Xew York, Princeton Cli- i. Xe\v York. He is president of the I nion College. He has been pastor at the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church of Alban\ N.Y. H^s address is Union College, Schen- ectady, X.Y. Richmond, Joshua B., Business President of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clu n n; .d socie ties. He is president of the \Vest Point Manufacturing Company, a;>d a director in other corporations. Richmond, Mary Ellen, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Aug. 5, 3801, in Belleville, 111. Since 1909 she has been director of the Charity Organization de partment o the Russell Sage Foundation. She is the author of The Good Labor in the Modern City. She resides at 150 East Thirty-fifth Street, New York City. Richard, Abraham L., Business Pres ident, of 76 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Blum and Koch Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Rickard, George L., Business President, of Madison Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Madison Square Garden Corpora tion. He is prominently identified with msiness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and l-i nor. Rickards, William Thomas, Financial Broker, of 324 Forest Avenue, Evanston, 111., was born Aug. 19, 1849, in Philadel phia, Pa. For twenty years he was a part ner in the firm of W. T. Rickards and Com pany. He i sa member of the Union League Club, the Glenview Club and various other clubs and societites. Rickert, Charles H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; an da member of various clubs and societites. He is a director of the Rickert Realty Company and other corporations. Rickert, Edward J., Business President, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Douglas- Manor Company, and a director in other corporators. Rickert, Thomas A., Member of the City Club. He was born April 24, 1876, in Chi cago, 111. Since 1904 he has been presi dent of the United Garment Workers of America. In 1919 he was a member of the Tinted States Industrial Conference. He resides at The Morrison Hotel, Chicago, Ricketts, Louis D., Business President, of 25 H road way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Arixona Oil Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Ricks, Jessie J., Director, of 30 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Clendenin Gasoline Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 417 Riddick, Wallace 0,, Member of the Rotary Club of Raleigh, the American As sociation of Engineers, the Raleigh Cham ber of Commerce. He is president of the North Carolina State College of Agricul ture and Engineering. His address is State College Station, Raleigh, N.C. Ridenour, .J., Business President, of 279 Broadway, New York City j and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of to,h Southern Phosphate Cor- pora^ion, and A director in other corpora tions. Rider, Fremont, Business President, of 241 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Grand View Development Company, Ridley, John Roy, Business President, of 126 Columbia Street, West, Detroit, Mich., was born in 1883, in Ontario, Can ada. He was educate;! at the Ridgetown Collegiate Institute. Since 1911 he lins been president of the Detroit Steam Car pet Cleaning Works; and is also president of the C. A. Barber Company of Detroit and other corporations. He is a member of the Detroit Board of Commerce. He is a member of the Detroit Rotary Club, the Essex County Golf and Country Club and a member of the Masonic Lodge. In 1907 he married Miss Florence May Chilver; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 679 Burlingame Avenue, Detroit, Mi eh. Riedel, Carl R., Treasurer and Director, of 19 Whitehall Street, N-w York Cib-; and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is a director of the Robins Dry Dock Company and other corporations. Ricgel, Benjamin D., Business President of 8, West Fortieth Street, New York Ci ty, and a member of various ^lubs and so cieties. He is president of the Domes! i Mills Paper Company, and a director in other corporations. Riesenfeld, Norman S., Business Presi dent, of 160 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Broad Street Realty Company, and a director in other ( .3 porations. Riggles, Thomas A., Vice-president and Director, of 110 West Thirty-second Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Charles G. Willoughby Corporation, with which concern he has been identified for a quarter of a century. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af- airs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. He resides at 60 Roosevelt Ave nue, East Orange, N.J. Riggs, Lawrason, President of Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore. He re sides in Baltimore, Md. Riker, John J., Business President, of 19 Cedar Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Electro-Chemical Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Riker, Samuel, Jr., Director, of 19 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Continental Insurance Company and other corporations. Riley, Charles E., Business President, ot" 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Booth Manufactur ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Riley, Frank, President of the Apollo Club, with a membership of seventy-five active men, and five hundred, men and wo men. He resides at Portland, Ore. Riley, Leonard W. He is president of the McMinnville Colleg-e. He resides at 1351 St. John Street, McMinnville, Ore. Riley, Thomas James, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born Aug. 14, 1870, in Len- exa, Johnson County, Kan. Since 1912 he has been general secretary of the Bureau of Charities of Brooklyn, N. -Y. He is the author of The Higher Life of Chicago. He resides at 69 Schermerhorn Street, Brook- lyn, N.Y. Rinckhoff, William P., Business Presi dent, of Avenue A and Fifty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Artificial Ice Company, and a director in other corporations. 27 418 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Kindge, Samuel, Treasurer and Director, of 4 Winthrop Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Ware Woolen Company and other corporations. Ring, Welding, Business President of 3.1 Stone Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eastern Loading Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Ringler, Frederick A., Business President and Director, of 39 Barclay Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president,treasurer and general manager of the F. A. Ringler Com pany, designers, photo-engravers and elec- trotypers. He is also president of the Maid en Lane Savings Bank, and the Metropolit an Realty Company; and is a director of the Graphic Arts Realty Company, and a director of the Wysnock Publishing Com pany, Incorporated. He resides at 1316 Madison Avenue, New York City. Ringling, John, Business President and Director, of Madison Avenue and Twenty- sixth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Madison Square Garden Corporation. He is also president of the Ringling and Oil Field Railroad; president of the Oklahoma, New Mexico and Pacific Railway; vice-president of the Madison Square Garden Sporting Company; and a director of the Chatham and Phoenix Na tional Bank of New York. Rionda, Manuel, Business President, of 112 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Regla Coal Companv, and a director in other corporations. Rionda, Manuel E., Business President, oS 112 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rosario Cigar Company, and a director in other corporations. Rios, Rafael, Treasurer and Director, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the International Coal Company and other corporations. Ripiey, Alfred L., Business President, of 28 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchants National Bank, and a director in other corporations. Ris, Bernard, Vice-president and Direc tor, of 80 Lafayette Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the Hallen- beck-Hungerford Realty Corporation. He is secretary and director of the Hungerford Securities Company; and secretary and di rector of the U. T. Hungerford Brass and Copper Company. He resides at 913 Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Risley, Alice Gary, Member of National Association, Army Nurses, Civil War. She is National President of the Army Nursers of the Civil War for sir years. She resides at 408 South Ninth Street, Columbia, Mo. Ritter, Mrs. Emil W., President of the Illinois Federation of Music Clubs. She re sides at 1640 Shervin Avenue, Chicago, 111. Ritterbush, Hugo H., Business President of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rust Realty Corporation and a director in other corporations. Robb, Russell, Director, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Eastern Texas Electric Company and other companies. Robbins, Ira B., Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; anda member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Levant TOransportation Corporation and other corporations. Robertson, Frank, Lawyer and States man, of New Capitol Building, Jackson, Miss., was born April 30, 1882. He was ed- rcated at the University of Mississippi; in 1917-19 was assistant attorney-general; and since 1920 has been attorney-general of Mississippi In 1916 he was a niemoer of the Mississippi State Legislature. He is a member of the Woodmen of the World; and a prominent Mason. In 1910 he mar ried Miss Lucy L. Wilson, of Sunbury, Ohio; and they have a family of one son and one daughter; and reside in Jackson, Miss. Roberts, Herbert Rufus, Member of the International Longfellow Society. He ia AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 410 dean of the Norwich University He has been Superintendent of Schools at North- field, Vt. He resides at Northfield, Vt. Roberts, Howell W., Treasurer and Di rector, of 123 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Interna tional Sprinkler Company and other cor porations. Roberts, James A., Business President, of 256 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shoal Harbor Indus tries and a director in other corporations. Roberts, John, Packer, of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111.."; and a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the South Shore Country Club, and is a thirty- second degree Mason. He was born Jmi" 14, 1866, in Ireland; and in 1881 located in Chicago, .111. In 1895 he organized the firm of Roberts and Oake, packers, and was president of that corporation up to 1917. In 1917-19 he served in the World War, retiring with rank of Lieutnant Col onel. In 1901-16 he was vice-president of Miller and Hart, and since 1920 has b^en president of that corporation. Roberts, John W., Member of varion ; clubs and societies, and president of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, with headquarters at Springfield, Mass. Roberts, Joseph B., Director, of 256 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa di rector of the American Carbide Company and other corporations. Roberts, Joseph B, Direr tor, of 250 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Carbide Company and other corporations. Roberts, W. J., Busines President, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Traylor Engineering and Manufacturing Company Robertson, Frank, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 78 Murray Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Eureka Pack ing Company and other corporations. Robertson, James Brooks Ayers, Lawyer, Jurist and Governor, of Oklahoma City, Okla., was born March 15, 1871, in Keokuk County, Iowa. In 1911 was attorney of Lin coln County; in 1900-02 he was connly attorney; and in 1909-10 he was judge of the tenth judicial district of Oklahoma. He was a member of the State Capitol Com mission; and a member of the Supreme Court Commission. He was a candidate for Democratic nomination for Governor of Oklahoma in 1914. In 1915 he was elected Grand Sire Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. He is now Governor of the State of Oklahoma for the term of 1919-23. Robertson, Louis J., Business President and Director, of 41 Spruce Street, New York City, the City Athletic Club, the Woodmere Club, and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Robertson Leather Company. He is pres ident of the L. F. Robertson and Son, and president of the Hide and Leather Realty Company. He i l s a director of the Mer chants and Shippers Insurance Company. He is a director of the Union Exchange National Bank. He is a director of the Federation of Jewish Charities, and vice- president of the Society for the Welfare of the Jewish Deaf. Robertson, Norman T., Insurance Pres ident, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the American Fire Insurance Company, the Continental Insurance Company, and the Fidelity Phe- nix Insrrarice Company. Robe:t3 n ; William, Member of various clubs and societies, and president of the Great Northern Building, of 20 West Jack son Boulevard, Chicago, If: He has filled many positions of trust and honor; and is prominent in the social, business and pub lic affairs of his city. Robinson, David M., Director of the John Hopkins University Museum of American Oriental and Classical Archaeolgy. He re sides at Thirty-second Street and Charles, Baltimore, Md. 420 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Robinson, G. Wilse, Physician, of 3001 Lydia Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.; and a member of the leading medical associa tions, and numerous clubsand societies. He was born Aug. 1, 1871, in Appleton City, Mo.; and received the degree of M.D. from the Beaumont Hospital Medical College! of St. Louis, Mo. He is superintendent of the Puritan Sanitarium; and professor of physiology and neurology at the University Medical College of Kansas City, Mo. Robinson, George B., Business Manager and Director, of 415 Broome Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs dubs and societiets. He is a director of the New York Law Publishing Company. He resides in Bedford Hills, N.Y. Robinson, H. M., Business President, of Boston Building, Pasadena, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the First National Bank of Los Angeles, and other corporations. Robinson, Harry E., Director, of 80 U road way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Fairfield Timber Company and other corporations. Robinson, John J., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New Y r ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Robinson, Leonard George, Member of the Harvard Club. He was born March 11, 1875, in Russia. Since 1919 he has been president of the Cosmopolitan Bank of New York. He resides in New York City. Robinson, Richard H. M., Business Pres ident, of 30 Broadway, New York City; ami a member of various clubs and soci- eties. He is president of the Merchants Shipbuilding Corporation, and a director in other corporations. P u obinson, T. Russell, Treasurer and Di rector, of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass., :;nrl a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Buckeye Light and Power Company and of other Corporations. Robinson, Watson B., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chesebrough Building Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Robinson, John A., Physician, of North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born July 26, 1855, in Richland, Ind. In 1880 he received the degree of M.D. fro 1 .}! Kir h Medical College. He is professor of medi cine at the Rush Medical College. He is president of the Illinois State Board of Health ; and president of the Medical Staff Tribune Con vale cent Hospital. Rochester, Paul A., Business Man and Director, of Eleventh Avenue and Twen tieth Street, Whitestone, N.Y.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Arlington Refri gerating Company of Arlington, Vt.; and vice-president of Bond and Welsh, Rockefeller, John D., Jr., Director, of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is direc tor of the China Medical Board and other corporations. Rockefeller, Percy A., Director, of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Western Union Telegraph Company and other corporations. Rockefeller, William, Director, of 26 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and other corporations. Rockhill, Joseph, Business President, of 1008 Atlant c Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the General Insulate Company, manufacturers of hard rubber substitutes. He is prominently identified with public and business affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Rockwood, Nash, Secretary and Director, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is a member of the firm of Rockwood ; n:l Lark; and secretary and a director of Ilie Four Hundred and Eighty-two Broad way Corporation. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 421 Rode, Raymond Frederick, Business Man and Director, of 200 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of Rode mid Brand. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Rogers, John H., Business President, of 700 Front Street, Norfolk, Va.; and a member of the firm of Rogers and Compa ny ; and is president of John Tannor and Company, of Norfolk, Va. Roe, Alexander V., Director, of 520 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company and other corporations. Roe, Clinton T., Busines President, of 50 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hayford Realty Corpor ation, and a director in other corporations. Roebling, Ferdinand William J., Direc tor of 117 Liberty Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the John A. Roebling: s Sons Company and other cor porations. Roessing, Jennie Bradley (Mrs. Frank Mysler Roessing), Member of the Twenti eth Century Club. She was born May 11, 1881, in Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1912-16 she was president of the Pennsylvania Wo men s Suffrage Association. She resides at 5506 Harriet Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rogers, Dudley P., Business President, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass., and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Androscoggin Pulp Com pany, an da director in other companies. Rogers, Gutavis A., Business President, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Attateka Improvement Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Rogers, Hen r y H.. Direr-tor, of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Virginian Railway Company and other corporations. Rogers, Hubert E., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wall Street, Exchange Building Association, and a director in other corporations. Rogers, James Hotchkiss, Musician and Composer, of 612 Euclid Avenue, Cleve-( land, Ohio. He was educated in music in Berlin and Paris. He is organist of the First Unitarian Church, and of the Euclid Avenue Temple. He is music reviewer of the Cleveland Plaindealer. He is the com poser of nearly two hundred songs and two cantatas. The Man of Nazareth and Tl.-e New Life. In 1891 he married Miss Alice Hall; and they have one son and one daughter and reside at 2056 Cornell Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Rogers, John Raphael, Inventor, <>i 24 Ryerson Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born Dec. 11, 1856, in Roseville, 111. He is pres ident of the International Typograph Com pany. Rogers, Platt, President of the Denver Art Association. He resides in Denver, Col. Rogers, Preston P., Business Man and Di rector, of 5 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; an da member of various clubs and societies. He is , vice-president and director of James McCreery and Com pany. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held may positions of trust and honor. Rohan, James V., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of Racine, Wis. ; was born in 1867, in Racine, Wis. He is a successful manufacturer and president of the Belle City Incubator Company. He is also pres ident of the Elks Building Association; and president of the Soldiers Memorial Committee. He has been president of the Board of Park Commissioners. He is a member of the Somerset Club, the Elks Club, and the Chicago Athletic Club. In 1904 he married Miss Laura A. Keempfer; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 929 Main Street,. Racine, Wis. Rolfe, Mrs. Josephine J., President of the Music Club. She resides at 48 South Street, Concord, N.H. 422 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Roller, Frank W., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Roller-Smith Company; and prominent in business and public af fairs. Rollins, Edward W., Business President, of 200 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the E. H. Rollins and Sons, and a director in other corpora tions. Rolph, James, Ship Owner and Merchant, of 288 San Jose Avenue, San Francisco, Cal., was born Aug. 23, 1869, in San Fran cisco, Cal. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of San Francisco. He became mayor of that city. He now resides at 288 San Jose Ave nue, San Francisco, Cal. Ralp, James Jr., Business President, of 60 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of varioui clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Mission Bunk and other corporations. Rome, Granville H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 375 Futon Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Long 1s- and Real .Estate Board and other corpor ations. Rooney, William S., Director, of 85 De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lake Copper Company and other corporations. Roos, Charles G., Member of the Moving Picture Directors Association. He was born in 1882 in Canada; and was educated at the Gat High School, studying chemistry and still photographer. He was with the Pathescope of Canada, making educational subjects and Canadian National Pictorals. His studio address is Pathescope of Can ada, Limited, 156 King Street, West, Tor onto, Canada, He resides at 1457 Dundais Street, West, Toronto, Canada.. Roosevelt, George E., Director, of 30 r Pine Street, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Broadway Improvement Company and other corporations. Root, Elihu, President of the Century Association. He resides at 7 West Forty- third Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Root, Henry A., Treasurer and Director, of 1 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.; ami a member of various cubs and societies. Ha is a director of the Workingmens Co-Oper ative Bank and other corporations. Root, Robert Cromwell, Member of the City Club. .He was born June 11, 1858, in Springford, Oxford County, Ontario, Can ada. He is a lecturer on peace topi< ( ; ri various educational institutions. He re cles in Berkeley Cal. Ropes, James Hardy, Educator and Cler gyman, of 13 Follen Stree,t, Cambridge, Mass.; was born Sept. 31, 186 J, in Salem Street, Cambridge, Mass., was born Sept. 31, 1866, in Salem Mass. Since 1898 he has been an instructor and professor at the Harvard University. He is the author of The Apostolic Age in the Light of Modern Criticism^ and other works. In 1897 lr. married. Miss Alice Lowell, and they have a family @f. one son and one daughter, and reside at 13 Follen Street, Cambridge, Mass. Ropes, Leverette Smith, Consulting Min ing Engineer, of Helena, Mont. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born July 21, 1868, in Ishpeming, Mich. In 1893 he received the degree of B.S. from Michigan College of Mines. Since 3905 he has been engaged in engineering in Mon tana. In 1908-10 he was engaged with the General Land Office as miner inspeatoi. Me is also manager of the Interrnountain Engineering Development Company. In 1894 he married Miss Eleanor Deal, of Franklin, N.C., and they have a family oT two sons and two daughters, and reside in Helena, Mont. Rosberg, John H., Manufacturer, of 630- 656 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born in Malmo, Sweden. Since 1885 he has been in the manufacturing business of high grade cabinet work; and is the sole owner of Jessen and Rosberg. lie is a member of the Masonic Fraternity. In 188: he married Miss Kersten Holmgren; and they have a family of six sons, and rc.dde at 2549 Logan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 423 Rose, William R., Business President, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Thirty-fifth Street and Fifth Avenue Realty Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Rosen, Charles, Member of the Salama- gundi Club and the National Academy of Design; and is a life member of the Na tional Arts Club of New York City. He resides in New Hope, Pa. Rosen, Walter T., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Broad-Exchange Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Rosembaum, Charles, Secretary and Treasurer, of 23 Cliff Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and a director of Cooper and Cooper, Incorporated; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Rosenmaub, Solomon G-., Business Presi dent, of 2070 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the National Cloak and Suit Company, and a director in other corporations. Rosenfield, Milton A., Business Presi dent, of 132 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president of the Atlantic Restaurant, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Rosenheim, A. F., President of the Muni cipal Art Commission. He resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Rosenthal, Moritz, Banker and Lawyer, of 25 Broad Street, New York City, was born May 4, 1866, in Dixon, 111. In 1893 be was assistant states attorney of Illinois; LSI) 1-07 assistant United States attorney; and in 1907-11 counsel for the Standard OH Company in their d ; s olut ; o > rmH, He is a member of the Industrial securities Company: and a director of the Pierce Oil Corporation. Rosenthal, Stephen B., Secretary and Di rector, of 2 Rector Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various cubs and soci- ities. He is a director of the City National Securities Company and other corpora tions. Rosenthal, Wiliam W., Merchant of L ? 4 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born in 1867, in Philadephia, Pa. He was grand Marshal of the School Children s Parade to welcome General U. S. Grant upon his return to Philadelphia after his tour around the world. He has served two terms in the Pennsylvania Legislature and was a delegate to the convention which nominated Benjamin Harrison for Presi dent. Since 1900 he has been engaged in business i iiChicago; and is now head of the firm of W. W. Rosenthal and Company, physicians supplies. He is president of the Third Ward Lincoln League; president of the Assembly Club; president of the Philadelphia Club. He is secretary of the Hyde Park Lodge Number 989 A.F. and A.M. and a member of the Order of Elks. Rosenwasser, Harry, Busness President, of New York City; and a member of vari ous Hubs and societies. He is president of the Brownsville-South Realty Company; and vice-president, treasurer, director and - manager of Rosenwasser Brothers, Incor porated. Heresides at the Hotel Majestic, West Seventy-second Street, at Central Park New York City. Rosett, Max, Business President and Di rector, of 475 Tenth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Carey Printing Company, Incorporated, with v/hich is consolidated the Dittman Color Printing Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held niany positions of trust and honor.. Ross, Charles J., Director, of 233 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious cubs and societies. He is a director of the Marconi Telegraph Cable Company Eoss, Denmaa Wado, Educator and Auth or, of 24 Craigie Street, Cambridge, Mass., was born Jan. 10, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of A Theory of Pure De sign, A Book in Drawing and Painting, Fauches at Harvard, and other works. 424 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Boss, Edward Alsworth, Member City (Muh Me was horn Dec. 12, 18o(), in Yir den, II. Since 1895 he has been editor of the American Journal of Sociology. He is the author of Social Control, lie resides in Madison, Wis. Ross, Frank, Treasurer and Director, of 148 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soeietie : . 11 is a director of the Heal Estate Co-opera tive Bank and other corporations. Ross, Mrs. Gertrude, President of the Dominant Club, with a membership of sev enty-five women. She resides at 1000 South Avardo Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Ross, Letitia Roane Dowdell (Mrs. Ben nett Battle Ross), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Chambers County, Ala. In IflOO she was president of the \la- bama Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides in Auburn, Ala. Ross, Walter L., Railroad President, of Toledo, Ohio, was born Jan 1, 1807, in Bloomihgton, 111. Since 1912 he has been president of the Toledo, St. Lou s and Wes tern Railroad, The Clover Leaf Route and is now Receiver for that corporation. Rosseter, John H., Business President, ot 332 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Sperry Flour Company and other corporations. Rossiter, Clinton L., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 30 Yesey Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Albany South ern Railroad Company and other corpora tions. Rossiter, Edward L., Director, of 3509 Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Rochester VA- ectric Company and other corporations. Roth, William P., Business President, of 120 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the United States Petroleum Company of California and oth er corporations. Rotherosen, Isidore, Secretary and Direc tor, of 76 Greenwich Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Gold Metal Malt Extract Company Rothstein, L. L., Business Man and Di rector, of 2 West Thirty-third Street, Ne\v York Cit\ ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Nat ional Butchers and Drovers Bank. He is associated with the Marion Dress Company of New York City; he is prominently ident ified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Rothstein, Max, Business President, Di rector and Treasurer, of 129 West Twenty- ninth Street, New York City; and a inein- ber of various clubs and societies. He i;s president of the Rothstein and Nelson Real ty Company, Incorporated. He is prominent ly identified with business and public al- fairs; and has filled many positions of trust an<J honor. Rothwell, Bernard J., Business President of 608 Chamber of .Commerce, Boston. Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bay State Milling Company, Roth well, James E., Business President and Trustee, of 400 Boylston Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bing- ham-New Haven Gold and Copper Compa ny, president of the Massachusetts Zinc Company, and a vice-president of the Utah Metal and Tunnel Company. He is a direc tor of Meigs and Company, Incorporated: and a trustee of the New 7 England Conserv atory of Music. Rowe, Allan Winter, Chemist, of 295 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., was born on July 31, 1879, in Gloucester, Masx In 3901 he received the decree of B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy; in 1904 the degree of M.S. f-o-n t!;e Wesleyan University, and in 190(1 the de gree of Ph.D. from Gottingen. He is labor atory chief in the Evans Memorial Hospit al, and chemist in the Massachusetts II oiu, Hospital. He is a member of the American Physical Society, the American Elecbro- cheur Society, Society of American Bact eriologist, the Chemist Society of London, and various other clubs and societies, lie resides in Boston, Mass. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 425 Rowe, Frederic W., Business President, of 355 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and soc.c- ties. He is president of the Browning Tract and a director in other corporations. Rowe, Louis Earle, Director Art Museum of II Waterman Street, Providence, R.I., was born June 19, 1882, in Providence, R.I. He is a member of the Eastern Association of Art and Manual Training Teachers, Am erican Federation of Art Museum Direc tors Association. Rowe, Louis H., Business President, of 165 Broadway, New r York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lincoln Coal Company Nanty-Glo, Pa.; and a director in other corporations. Rowland, Adoniram Judson, Clergyman and Author, of 4423 Spruce Street, Phila delphia, Pa., was born Feb. 9, 1840, in Val ley Forge, Pa. Since 1905 he has been sec- reeary of American Baptist Publication So ciety. He is the author of A Handbook on the Pentateuch. In 1920 he died, and left a wife and a family of four sons and three daughters, .and they reside in Philadelphia, Pa. Rowley, Francis Harold, Member of the City Club. He was born July 25, 1854, in Hilton, N.Y. He is vice-president of the American Humane Education Society. He is the author of The Humane Idea. He re sides at 1569 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. Rowley, Harry C., Business President, of 115 Buckingham Road, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Montgomery Coffee Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Royce, Frederic P., Business President, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Haverhill Gas Light Company, and a director in other corpora tion:-?. Rubens. Horatio S., Business President, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cuba Distilling Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Rubenstein. Jack L., Business President of 215 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ardsley Textile Compa ny, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Rubin, J. Robert, Secretary and Director of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United Theatres Equip ment Corporation and other corporations. Rubino, Henry A., Business President, of 79 Wall Street. New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Royal Metal Furniture Company, and a director in other corDora- tiona. Rudnick, Joseph, Director and Trustee, of 40 Court Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Jan. 10, 1869, in Russia; and since 1849 has been a resident of Boston, Mass. He is a director of the City Develop ment Company, the Commonwealth Invest ment Company, the Norfolk Development Company, and the Progressive Realty As sociation. He is president of the Benoth Israel Sheltering Home, president of the Temple Israel of Nantasket, a trustee of the Traders Building Trust, and a director of the Beth Israel Hospital. He is vice-pre sident of the Home for Jewish Children, and a director of the Federated Jewish Charities and other organizations. He is a widower; and has a family of six daught ers. Rueckert, Frederick, Lawyer, Jurist and Trustee, of 87 Weybosset Street, Provid ence, R.I. ; and a member of various clubs mid societies. He was born Nov. 21, 1855, in Providence, R.I. Since 1905 he has been Justice of the District Court of the Sixth Judical District of Rhode Island. He is a Trustee of the Providence Public Library, a member of the State Board of Education of Rhode Island, and a member of Board of Trustees of the Rhode Island College of Education. He married Miss Ella Louise Renft; and they reside at 7 Marlborough Avenue, Providence, R.I. 426 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ruediger, Ernest Henry, Educator uml Physician, of Bismarck, N.D., was born 011 April 12, 1875, in Fountain County, Wis. He has been assistant in the Bibliological Bureau of Science in Manila, associate pio- fessor of pathology and bacteriology in the University of Philippines; and is now path ologist at the Bismarck Hospital of Bis marck, N.D. He is a member of the Amer ican Medical Association and various other scientific and medical associations. Rueff, Clement, Vice-president and Di rector, of 1 East Forty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, treasur er and director of Jansen, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held many posi tions of, trust and honor. Renter, Ernest L., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 165 Terrace Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Charter Choco late Company and other corporations. Renter, Henry A., Business President, of 165 Terrace Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Charter Chocolate Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Ruger, Henry W., Treasurer and Director of 12 East Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs arid societies. He is a director of the Taylor Textile Manufacturing Company Ruggles, Daniel B., Lawyer and Director, of 73 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New England Tray Company and other corporations. Ruhlender, Henry, Business President, of 120 Broadway, New ork City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railway Company and a di rector in other corporations. Rule, Arthur R., Business Man and Di rector, of 140 edar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Mutual Service Corporation; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Ruperti, Justus, Business President and Treasurer, of 115 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gas Prod ucer and Engineering Corporation; and president of Charles Hardy and Iiuperti, Incorporated; and a director of G. Amsinck and Company, Incorporated. He is a trus tee of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Com pany, and a United States trustee of the London Assurance Corporation, of London, England. Ruprecht, Frederick K., Business Presi dent and Director, of 86 Worth Street, New York City-; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Converse and Company, the Anglo-American Cotton Products Corporation, the Consolidated Textile Corporation, the Defender Manu facturing - Company, the Georgia Fibre l : om- pany,;and the Kelsey Textile Corporation; and vice-president of. the Textile Alliance Export Corporation. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Pilot Cotton Mills of Raleigh, N.C.; and a director of the Chase" Securities Corporation, and of a no- zen other corporations. Ruppert, George E., Business President, of 1639 Third Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Modern Food Com pany, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Ruppert, Jacob, Business President, of 226 West Forty-second Street, New York- City; and a member of various clubs and eocisties. He is president of the Astoria Silk Works, and a director in other corpo rations. Rush, Thomas E., Business Man and Di rector, of 22 William Street, Ne v York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Inieriial o:-- al Motor Truck Corporation; lie is prom inently-identified with business and puHi" affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Russell, Mrs. Harry A., President of the Portland Society of Arts and Crafts. She resides at 664 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. AMERICA1J ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 427 Russell, Archibald Douglas, Director and Trustee, of 20 Exchange Place, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bronx Trucking Corporation, and a director of the Greater New York Cold Storage Company. He is a trustee of the Fulton Trust Com pany of New York, and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Russell, Frederick, Business President, of 51 Sixth Street, Hunters Point, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Russell Foundry and Machine Works, and a direc tor in other corporations. Russell, J. Henry, Business President, of 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass 7 .; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cambridge Electric Light Company, and a director in other cor porations. Russell, J. Porter, Lawyer and Director, of 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the American Mica Company and other corporations. Russell, John B., Business President, of 21 East Fourtieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties, fie is president of the Musoloplione Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Russell, Joseph B., Business President and Trustee, of 259 Summer Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs arid societies. He was born Oct. 24, 1852, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated in the public and private schools of his native ci ty. He is president of the West End Street Kail way Company; and vice-president of tiie Boston Real Estate Exchange. He is a director of the Boston Consolidated Gas Company, the Boston Wharf Company, the Conveyancers Title Insurance Company, the National Shawmut Bank, the Chicago Wilmington and Franklin Coal Company, and the New York, New Haven and Hart ford Railroad Company. He is a trustee of the Lovejoy s Wharf Trust, the Massachus- setts Gas Company, and the New England Fuel and Transportation Company. In 1880 he married Miss Lillian H. Temney; and they have a family of three sons and two daughters, and reside in Cambridge, Mass. Russell, Joseph B., Jr., Vice-president and Director, of 108 Water Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of Algonquin Club, the Exchange Club, the Country Club, the Dedham Club, and the Dedham Country and Polo Club. He was born in 1884, in Cambridge, Mass.; and is a graduate of Harvard University. Since 1907 he has been with the firm of O Brien, Russell and Com pany, insurance. He is vice-president of the Massachusetts Gas Companies. In 1909 he married Miss Jacquelyri J. Kelley; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside in Dedham, Mass. Russo, Thomas S., Lawyer and Bank Pre sident, of Broad and Morris Streets, Phila delphia, Pa.; and a member of the Circolo Italiano, the CircoloDante Alighieri, the Italian Federation, and other organiza tions. He was born Dec. 22, 1883, in Italy: and was educated in the law school of the University of Pennsylvania, receiving the degree of B.A. Since 1912 he has been practicing law. He is president of the Mer cantile State Bank; and prominent in bus iness, public and social affairs. In 1918 he married Miss Katharine Frommer, of Pitts burgh, Pa.; and they reside at 16,45 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rutter, Robert Lewis, Member of the Spokane Club. He was born Jan. 31, 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1916 he has been president of the Spokane and P^astern Trust Company. He resides in Spokane, Wash. Ryan, Harris Joseph, Member of the Am erican Institute of Electrical Engineers, be ing vice-president in 1896-98. He was born Jan 8, 1866, in Powells Valley, Pa.; and was educated at the Baltimore City College, the Bannon Valley College, and Cornell Un iversity. Since 1905 he has been professor of Electrical Engineering in the Lelana Stanford Jr. University. He is the author of Textbook of Electrical Machinery. In 1888 he married Catherine E. Forenbaugh; and they reside at Stanford University,Cal. 428 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ryan, Frederick B., Business President, of 410 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Queens Park Realty Company. Ryan, Thomas F., Director, of 858 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York; and a director of The Carolina, Ciinchtield and Ohio Railway Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He is married; and re sides at 8 East Sixty-seventh Street, Mew York City. Ryerson, Edward Larned, President of the Chicago Club in 1915-17; a member of Hie Liyversity Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, the City Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Shore Acres Club and the Old Elm Club all of Chicago ; and is also a member oi the University Club and the Lenox Club of New York City, the Santa Barbara Club of California and the National Golf Links Club of America. He was born Nov 21, 1854, in Chicago, 111.; and received the de gree of Ph. B. from the Yale University. Since 1876 he has been in the wholesale iron and steel business, established by his father; was president in 1888-1911, and is now chairman of its board of directors. Since 1914 he has been president of the Newberry Library. In 1879 he married Miss Mary Pringl; and they reside in Lake for est, 111. Ryerson, Mrs. Martin T., President of The Art Institute of Chicago. She resides in Chicago, 111. Ryle, Arthur, Business President and Di rector, of 255 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm or: William Ryle and Company.He is president Sanquoit Silk Manufacturing Company, lie is a director of the Erie and Kalama/oo Railroad Company, the New England Spun Silk Company, and the Paterson Safe De posit and Trust Company. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Sabin, Charles Hamilton, Member of the Fort Orange Club. He was born Aug. 124, 1868, in -Williamstown, Mass. Since 1915 lie has been president of Guaranty Trust Company of New York. He resides at 14 East Sirty-second Street, New York City.. Sabin, Charles H., Business President, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Asia Banking Company, and a director in other corporations. Sachs, Arthur, Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Columbia Trust Company and other corporations. Sachs, Walter E., Business President, of 60 Wall,Street,New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Goldman, Sachs and Company. He is president of the N. and L. Realty Corporation. He is a director of the Brown Shoe Company of St. Louis, the Lawyers Title and Trust Company, the May Department Stores Company, and of Robert Reis and Company. Saff ord, Charles L., Manufacturer, of 205 Yv est Madison Street, Chicago, III., was born Aug. 21, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is secretary of the Advance Manufacturing and Supply Company of Chicago, 111., aim since 1893 he has been president of the Safford Stamp Company. He has been pre sident of the International Stamp Manu facturing Association. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association and the Exrnoor Country Club. In 1900 he married Miss Nellie Dutch; and they reside at 5843 Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, 111. Safford, Robert E., Secretary and Direc tor, of 82 Beaver Street, New York City, arid a member of various clubs and socie ties. Tie is a director of the Mexican Lead Company and other corporations. Sage, William H., Business President, of 331 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Halesite Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corpo rations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 420 Salembier, Albert R., Director, of 135 Madison Aevnue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Puritan Silk Corpora tion, Wilkes Barre, Pa.; and other corpor ations. Salmon, Wilmer Wesley, Member of the Buffalo Club, the Genesee Valley Club, the Country Club of Rochester, the League (In)), the Railroad Club, and the Transport ation Club of New York City. He was born Dec. 4, 18C6, in Townsend, Del. Since 1904 lie has been president of the General Rail way Signal Company. In 1889 he married Miss Belle C. Klink, of Carlisle, Pa.; and the. reside at Beechmont, New Rochelle, X.Y. ; and 342 Madison Avenue, New York City. Saltonstall, Richard M., Lawyer and Di rector, of Shawmut Bank Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the E. Howard Clock Company and other corporations. Salzman, Morris, Business President, of 861 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and socle- ties. He is president of the M. Salzman Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Sammet, Harry, Business President, of 141 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Temmas Realty Company, Incorporated, and a director in other coi- porations. Sample, Frank L., Business President, of 465 Washington Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Alamo Petrol eum Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Samstag, Henry F., Business President, of 1200 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Samstag and Hilder Broth ers, Incorporated. He is prominently iden tified with business and public affairs; and has held several positions of trust and hon or. Samuels, Julius, Treasurer and Director, of 122 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is Treasurer and Director of J. Samuels and Brothers, Incorporated. He is identi fied with business and public affairs of his city, and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Samuels, Martin, Vice-president, of 119 West Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Cromwell Pro duction Company, the Five Seventy Corpo ration, and the Oldfour Realty Corporation. Samuels, Maurice Victor, Playwright and Author, of the Lambs Club, New York City, was born Oct. 3, 1874, in San Francisco, Cal. He was educated at the Uniyei$ity of California. He is the author of the Floren tines; The Conflict; The Wanderer, aM other plays. He is a member of the Lamb:; Club. Samuels, Otto A., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 217 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societu -. He is director of the Federal Fur Dyeing Company and other corporations. Sanborn, Mrs. C. A., President of the Janesville Art League.She resides at Janes- ville, Wis. Sanborn, E. H., Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Vera Cruz Coal Company and a director in other corporations. Sanchez, Nellie Van de Grift, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Nov. 24, 1856, in Indianapolis, Ind. She has been engaged in historical research and trans lation of original Spanish documents. She is the author of Spanish and Indian Place Names of California. She resides at 2231 Union Street, Berkeley, Cal. Sanders, Charles C., Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Scotch Cove Oyster and Clam Company, Hartford, Conn., and a di rector in other corporations. Sanderson, Edwin N., Business President of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Deming Ice and Electric Company, and a director in other corporations* 430 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Sanders, William B., President of the Chamber Music Society. He resides at 3133 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Sanderson, Henry, Director, of 80 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlas Line Steamship Company Sandison, George Henry, welfare work er arid editor of 04 Bible House, New York City, was born Jan. 4, 1850, in Aberdeen, Scotland. He is editor of the Christian Her_ aid; and president and associate founder of the Christian Herald Chidren s Home of Nyack, N.Y. Sands, Alexander H., Business President, of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Orlando Water Pow er Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Sands, Robert M., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Mexican Petroleum Cor poration of Louisiana and other corpora tions. Sanford, Edmund C., Member of the Am erican Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the American Psychological Association. He is a professor of Psycholo gy and Education. In 1909-20 he has been president of the Clark College. His address is ( lark university, Worcester, Mass. Sanger, William Gary, Lawyer, Publicist mid Statesman, of Sangerfield, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 21, 1853, in New York; and received the degrees of A.B., A.M., LL.B. anil LL.D. He served in the Spanish Amer ican War as a lieutenant-colonel; and in 1901-03 was assistent secretary of war. He was a trustee of Hamilton College ; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. He was the author of several works on mil itary subjects. During the World-War he was director of Military Relief. He has a family of four sons and two daughters; arid his wodow, Mrs. Ethel Cleveland Dodge Sanger, resides in Sangerfield, N.Y. Sargent, Charles S., Business President, of Warren and Cottage Streets, Brookline, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston and Albany Railroad, and a director in other corporations. Sargent, Charles S., Jr., Director, of 18 Broad Street, New ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Associated Dry Goods Corpo ration and other corporations. Sargent, Edwin W., Lawyer, Banker, of t^it lh and Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.,was horn Aug. 15, in Oregon, Wis. In 1874 he received the degree of LL.B. from the Iowa City Law School. He is vice-president and attorney of the Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Los Angeles; and is a director of the Hellman Commercial Trust and Sav ings Bank. He is a member of the Amer ican Bankers Association and of various other clubs and societies. Sargent, Walter, Member of the Quadr angle Club, of Chicago, the Chicago Society of Artists. He is professor art education at the University of Chicago. He has been state director of Art Education, in Mas- sachussetts. He resides at 5717 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Sargent, William Edward, Educator, of Hebron, Maine, was born May 23, 1856, in Sanford, Maine. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from the Bowdoin College, and the degrees of A.M. and LL.D. from Colby College In 1878-80 he was principal of the Freeport School; and since 1885 has been principal of the Hebrew Academy. He is a member of the Republican party and a prominent Mason. Sartain, William, Educator and Artist, of 140 West Fifty-seventh Street,New York Oily, was born Nov. 21, 1843, in Philadel phia, Pa. He was educated in the Bonnets Atelier and the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris. He was professor of drawing in the Art Students League. He is a member of the National Academy Design. He resides in New York City. Sartoni, J. F., of Los Angeles, Cal. He is president of the Los Angeles Country Club at Beverly Hills, Cal. Satterlee, Ernest K., Business President, of 056 Eighth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Franklin Savings Bank, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 431 Saulsbury, H. Wilson, Business Presi dent, of 71 West Twenty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pencil Supply Company, Incorporated, and a di rector in other corporations. Saunders, William L., Director, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American International Cor poration and other corporations. Savage, Linnaeus Tyndall,Business Presi dent, of 31 East Seventeenth Street, New York City, was born Nov. 5, 1873, in Beloit Wis. He was educated at the University of Minnesota. Since 1900 he has been en gaged in the manufacturing business in New York City. He is president of the Am erican Art Sign Company; and president of the Animate Toy Company, Incorporat ed. In 1907 he married Miss Mae B. Ben- iH t ; and the have a family of two children, and reside at 157 Raymond Avenue, South Orange, N.J. Sawtell, Frank M., Lawyer and Director. of 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Maiden Morris Plan Company and other corporations. Sawyer, Duane, Saxophone Soloist, of 1443 Park Place, Detroit, Mich., was born in 1884, in Sharon Wis. He is a member of the Detroit Yacht Club. In 1909 he mar ried Miss Rada Huff, and they reside at 3154 Third Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Sawyer, Frederic R., Director, of 45 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Second National Bank of Maiden and other corporations. Sawyer, Henry B., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fort Madison Elec tric Company and other corporations. Sawyer, Homer E., Director, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Mechanical Rubber Company and orlier corporations. Saxe, Albert, Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Ninty-Sixth Street, West Gar age, and a director in other corporations. Saxon, William, Mechanical Engineer, ot West Fourteenth and South Robey Streets Chicago, 111., was born July 6, in Christian Norway. He has been machinist, draughts man and foreman with various concerns. For twenty-five years he was superintend ent of the Miehle Printing Press and Man ufacturing Company ; and is vice-presi- det and superintendent of the same compa ny. He is a member of the American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers. fciayer, George Jacob, Merchant and Fin ancier, of 900 Fulton Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 23, 1864, in Two Rivers, Wis. He is president of the lirm of Wolf, Sayer and Heller, Incorporated, but "hers supplies. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, South Shore Country Club, the Germania Club and the Wisconsin So ciety; and is a director of the German Hos pital. Sayles, Robert W., Business President, of 510 Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Geological Society of America, ad the Washington Academy of Science. He was born Jan. 29, 1878, in Pawtucket, R.I. Since 1903 he has been secretary of the Baltic Mills Company. He is curator of the Harvard Geological Mus eum, a director of the Seismological Socie ty of America, and vice-president of the Baltic Mills Company. In 1904 he married Miss Adelaide K. Burton; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at Chestnut Hill, Boston, Mass. Saylor, George H., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 57 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Powers Accounting Machine Company and other corporations. Sayre, Edwin H., Business President, of 58 Hudson Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hudson- Worth Corpoi- ation, and a director in^ other corporations. 43-2 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Sayre, Morton Smith, of Lakeport, Cal.; and a member of the Clear Lake Gun Club, the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Daughters of Rebe- kah, and the Grand Army of the Republic. He was born in 1847; and was educated at Alfred University of New York. In 1889- 1902 he was district attorney; and sinct 1902 he has been superior judge of Lake County, Cal. He is president of the Bank oC Lake, and president of the Utopia Quick silver Mining Company. He served La tlie Civil War. In 1907 he married Miss Maude M. Swayze; and they reside in Lakeport, Cal. Scales, John, Educator, Journalist and Author, of Dover, N.H., was born Oct. o, 1855, in Nottingham, N.H. In 1883-1900 he was editor of the Dover Daily Republican; and since 1900 has been engaged as editor of A History of Dover. He was assistant < ! lor i A History of Ncu Hampshire, published in 1910. He has bc-;n ;. iru.-teo of the State Normal School. Scarff, Paul B., Director, of 222 Fulton Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and so Hi ^ H^ is a direr- tor of the Hudson Trust Corrp\"y and oth er coiporations. Schaad, Herman B., Secretary and Direc tor, of 29 West Forty-Second Street, New ork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Whee- lock Piano Company and other corpora tions. ; Schaefer, Henry, Director and Trustee, of 66 Beaver Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Sieried, Gruner and Company. He is a trustee of the Guard ian Life Insurance Company. He is a direc tor of the Corn Exchange Bank, and a di rector of Hagedorn and Company; and a trustee of the National Insurance Company of Copenhagen, Denmark. Schaeffer, J. Louis., Business President, of 7Hanover Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bank of Nassau County and a director in other corporations. Schaeffer, George, Director, of 147 Wset Thirty-Sixth Street, New York City; and fl member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the Hencken Schaeffer Com pany and other corporations. Schalkenbach, Robert,Business President of 210 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Realty Redemption Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Sc 1 all, William, Business President, of 45 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Colonial Bank San Juan, Porto Rico, and a director in other corporations. Schaller, Russell R., Director,of 109 East Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Astoria Homestead Company and other corporations. Schatzken, Samuel, Business President, of 150 Bleecker Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the 1381 Franklin AvcMiue Corporation, and a director in oth er corporations. Schechter, Jacob, Treasurer and Director of 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Anglo-American Jmport and Export Company, and of the Schechter and Black Waist and Dress Company. He is a director of the Berkshire Hills Company, the Na tional Editorial Service, and of the Sonora Shops, Incorporated. Scheff, Jonas S., Business President, of 19 East Twenty-first Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president, treasurer and a director of J.S. Scheff and Company, In corporated, manufacturers and sole distrib utors of Liongrade silks and satins. Schein, George, Lawyer, of 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., was born July 4, 1888. He is secretary and a member of the staff of the American Hospital and Training School for Nurses; a member of the Lawyers Association of Illinois; the Chicago Association of Commerce; arid a member of the Press Club and the Edge- Water Beach Yacht Club. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGY i 433 Schell, Philip L., Treasurer and Director of 45 East Seventeenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Geroiania Mills and other corporations. Schelling, Ernest Henry, Pda i.st an.l Composer, of Bar Harbor, Maine, was born July 26, 1876 in Belvidere, N.J. He was educated in Paris, France and Stuttgart, Germany. He has been on many tours with the Boston Symphony and with the Chica go and Plihdelphia Orchestras and many foreign orchestras. He is the composer of Fantastic Suite for piano and" orchestra and numerous others. He served in the Un ited States Army in 1917-1926 and was commissioned major of Infantry. He is a member of the National Institute, Century Club, the Players Club, and decorated by the French government, the Legion of Hon or. He married Miss Lucia IIov/c Draper, and they reside at Bar Harbor, Maine. S3henk, Edwin Saxton, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Oct. 10, 1867, in Brooklyn, N.. Since 1904 he has been president of the Citizens National Bank. He resides at 24 East Fifty-fourth Street, New York City. Schenk, Edwin S., Director, of 270 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Manhattan Life Insurance Com pany and other corporations. Sel;enk, Nicholas M., Secretary and Di rector, of 1493 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Borough The atre Company and other corporations. Sc!:enstrom, William, Business President of 764 Couit Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ohio Welding Company and a director in other corporations. Schermerhorn, W. D., Member of the Rotary Club. He is identified with the bus iness and public affairs of Mitchell, S.D. He is a, member of the board of directors of the Rotary Club^-He resides in Mitchell, S.D. Scheuer, Arnold L., Director, of 43 Ex change Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic Port Railway Cor poration and other corporations. Schieffelin, William Jay, Business Presi dent and Director, of 170 William Street, New York City; and a member of the City Club, the Century Club, St. Nncholas So ciety, the Military Order of Loyal Legion and other organizations. He was born on April 14, 1866, in New York City; and re ceived the degree of Ph.B. from the School of Mines of Columbia University ; and the degrees of Ph.D. from the University of Munich. Since 1889 he has been identified with Sehieffelin and Company, wholesale druggists; and since 1906 has been presi dent of that corporation. In 1910 he was president of the National Wholesale Drug gists Association. He served in the Spanish American War. In 1891 he married Miss Louise Shepard; and they reside in New York City. Schief, Mortimer L., Member of the Lotos Club. He was born June 5, 1877, in New York. Since 1900 he has been a partner in the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Com pany, of New York. He resides at 932 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Schiff, Mortimer L., Director, of 52 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Railway Express Company and other corporations. Schiffman, C. S., Director, of 885 Flat- bush Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Flatbush Bond and Mort gage Company r Incorporated and other org anizations. Schilling, Jacob H., Business President, of 137 East Twenty-fifth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Schilling Press; and prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs. Schinasi, Leofl, Business President, of 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Importers and Export ers Insurance Company of New York and a director in other corporations, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISl Sclrindler, A. D., Business President, of Mai four Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and sc cieu so. IIo is president of the Seisun Land Uo**ipa- nv and other corporations. Schinzel, George M., Secretary and Treas urer, of f> JO West Twenty-seventh Street, Xe\\ York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is secretary and di rector of the Stev.art (llass Company, In corporated; and secretary and director of the Stuxvcsant Heights Realty Company. He is a director of the Ividgewood National Bank; and prominent in l)usiness and pub lic affairs. Schriner, CLarles G., Business President of 79 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tremont Mining Compa ny and a director in other corporations. Schleicher, Francis J., Director, of 17 Struce Street, Ne\v York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Central Permanent Build- in;; and Loan Association and other corpo rations. Schlesinger, Max A., Business President, of 44 Beaver Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the International Photo Play Distributors, Incorporated, and a di rector in other corporations. Schleusner, Philip, Director, of 709 Sixtn Avenue, Xe\v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is a direc tor of the Perth Amboy Chemical Works and other corporations. Schley, Evader B., Business President, of 90 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ml Potosi Mining Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Schley, Kenneth B., Director, of 96 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Howe Sound Company and other corporations. Schley, Reev(, Director, of 57 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlas Truck Company and other corpora tions. Schmidlapp, Carl J., Director, of 57 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Writing Paper Company and other corporations. Schmidt, Louis, Business Man and Direc tor, of 133 Fourth Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is director of the Hammacher, Schlemmer and Company, hardware, tooio, supplies and piano materials. He is prom inently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Schmidt, Theodore A.,Business President of 1050-1058 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago,Ill. was born March 2, 1857, in Berlin, Germa ny. He was educated in the public schools of Milwaukee and San Francisco. He is treasurer and general, manager of the Car- (jueville Litographing Company; and presi dent of the Theo. A. Schmidt Lithograph ing Company. He is a Mason and Shriner. In 1895 he married Miss Anita M. Wristen ; and they reside at 1062 Columbia Avenue, Chicago, 111. Schmidt, Wilaam H., Business President of 190 Bowery, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sicilian Asphalt Paving Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Schmidtmann, Waldemar, Director, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eastern Limestone Corporation and other corporations. Schmitt, John L., Retired Merchant, of 1751 Columbia Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 4, 1863, in St. Louis, Mo. He wa;i formerly a member of D. H. Arnold Com pany, clothiers trimmings, New York and Chicago. Scbmitz, Nicholas J., Real Estate Dealer of 512-14 West North Avenue, Chicago, 111. was born June 2, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of Nicholas J. Schmitz, real estate, loans and insurance, successors to Ernest and Schrnitz, established in 1874. Since 1903 he has been secretary of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Company of North Chicago, Incorporated in Febru- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 435 ary, 1867. He is a member of the Cook County Real Estate Board, Knights of Columbus and Germania Club. Schmuck, William P., Business President, of 51 East Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tubes Real- ty and Terminal Company, and a director in other corporations. Schneider, Anthony, Director, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Cigar Company and other corporations. Schniewind, Henry, Jr., Business Presi dent and Director, of 149 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Huntingdon Specialty Company; president of the No. 149 Madison Avenue Company j president of Sunbury Converting Works, and president of the Susquehahna Silk Mills. Schoepf, William Kesley, Member of the Cincinnati Country Club. He was born on May 20, 1864, in Ft. Delaware, Del. Since 1913 he has been president of the Cincin nati Car Company. He resides at 622 Oak Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoff, Hannah Kent (Mrs. Frederic i!thoff), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Upper Derby, Pa. In 1901-11 she was president of the Philadelphia Juv enile Court and Probation Association. She is the author of The Wayward Child. She resides at 3418 Baring Street, Philadelphia Pa. Schofield, Mary Lyon Cheney, Member of the Chilton Club. She was born on Dec. 24, 1868, in New Britain, Conn. In 1902 she was the donor of the Golf Club House at Peterborough, N.H. Since 1919 she has been a trustee of the New Hampshire School for Feeble Minded. She resides at East Hill, Peterborough, N.H. Schofield, William B., Director, of 32 Nassau Street, New ork City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hudson A f alley Railway Company and other corporations. Scholer, G-ustav, Director, of 10 Jumel Terrace, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Hudson Trust Company and other corporations. Scholl, William L., Business President, of 339 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Scholl Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Schonbrun, Michael, Business President, of 31 Coenties Slip, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of The Marine Works, Incor porated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Schrafet, George F., Treasurer and Di rector, of 160 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Trust Company and other corpora tions. Schrenck, Otto Von, Business President, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Food Trade Publishing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Schroeder, Mrs. W. H., President of the Schubert Club, with a membership of twen ty women. She resides at 687 Exchange Street, Kenosha, Wis. Schuler, Hans, Sculptor, of 5 East La fayette Avenue, Baltimore, Md., was born May 25, 1874, in Alsace-Loraine. His work Adriane, is owned by the Walters Gallery of Baltimore, Md. He is a member of the board of directors of the Maryland Instit ute, and of tjie Charcoal Club. In 1905 he married Miss Paula Schneider ; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 7 East Lafayette Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Schulte, David A., Business President, of 384 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mutual Profit Coupon Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. -136 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST uitz, William A., Treasurer and Di rector, of 220 West Nineteenth Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cent ury Cork Company and other corporations. Schulz, Otto, Manufacturer, of 711 Mil waukee Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born on Aug. 15, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1886 he has engaged in the piano business. He was educated at the Morgan Park Academy and at Bryant and Stratton s Business Col lege. Since 1899 he has been president of the M. Schulz Company, manufacturers of pianos. He is also president of the Mag nolia Talking Machine Company ;and chair man of the board of directors of the Brink- erhoff Piano Company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Ev- anston Golf Club, the Press Club, and the City Club. In 1899 he married Miss Emma Jung; and the have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside at 6106 Ken- more Avenue, Chicago, 111. Schumacher, Frederic W., President of the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts. He re sides at 492 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. Shumann, Charles H., Business President of 280 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Coco-Tar Products Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Schurman, George W., Vice-president and Director, of 96 Broadway, New York City , and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of Brear- ley School, Limited. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Schurman, Jacob Gould, late President Cornell University. He is United States Minister to China. He has been president of Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y. He resides in Peking, China. Schutrum, Peter C., Business President of 17 East Forty-Second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Southern New York Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Schurz, Carl R., Secretary and Director, of 15 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Atmos Cor poration and other corporations. Schwab, Charles M., President of the Music Service League of America. He re sides at 111 Broadway, New York City. Schwalbe, Harry C., Business President and Treasurer, of 6 West Forty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Electric Theatre Supply Company, Incorporated. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the First National Exhib itors Circuit, Incorporated; and is also treasurer and director of the Novelty Am usement Company. Schwartz, Arnold A., Business President of 209 West Thirty-Eighth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Art Color Printing Company, Schwartz, Frederic, Manufacturer, of 224 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a mem- bzer of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director of the Robert Find- ley Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, manufacturers of ligthing fixtures and brass goods. Schwartzenbacb, Robert J. F., Business President, of 470 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Schwar- xenbach, Huber and ompany ; and president of the Middletown Throwing Company, In corporated. He is a member of the board of managers of the Silk Association of Am erica. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Schwartzenbach, Robert, J. F., Business President, of 470 Fourth Avenue,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is president of Schwartzenbach Huber and Company; and president of the Middletown Throwing Company, Incorpor ated. He is a member of the board of man agers of the Silk Association o-f America. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 437 Schwartzler, Otto J., Business President, of 1100 Brook Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Standard Litho Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Schwatt, Isaac J., Educator and Author, of 1226 South Fifty-eigth Street, Philadel phia, Pa., was born June 18, 1867, in Rus sia. He is a professor of mathematics in the University of Pennsylvania. Schwensen, Louis C., Business President, of 268 Forty-first Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Safety Hinge Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Schweppe, Charles Hodgdon,Director and Banker, of 209 South La Salle Street, Chi cago, 111., was born Nov. 18, 1880, in Alton, 111. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the University Club, the Midday Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Old Elm Club, the Shoreacres Club, the Recess Club, the Harvard Club of New York, the Somerset Club, the Tennis and Racquet Club, and the Harvard Club of Boston. Since 1913 he has been a partner of the firm of Lee, Higginson and Compa ny. He is a director of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank; a director of the First National Bank of Lake Forest, 111. ; a direc tor of the Simmons Company, of Kenosha, Wis. ; and a director of the Chicago Home for the Friendless. He is a trustee of the Northwestern University of Evanston, 111.; a trustee for the Lawrence Hall for Boys, of Chicago, 111.; and a trustee of St. Luke s Hospital, of Chicago, 111. In 1913 he mar ried Miss Laura Shedd; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Lake Forest, 111. Scbwerin, Clarence M., Business Presi dent, of 50 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Black- lick Water Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Schwerin, Lorenz R., Business President of 15 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Casein Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Scofield, Frederic C., Business President of 67 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Pioneer Steamship Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Scofield, William Bacon, Sculptor, of Worcester, Mass., was born Feb. 8, 1864, in Hartford, Conn. He is Sculptor of the Good and Bad Spirit, in bronze at the Worcester Art Museum. He resides at 39 Elm Street, Worcester, Mass. Scott, Albert L., Business President, of 60 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Tulle Compa ny and a director in other corporations. Scott, Emmett Jay, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 13, 1873, in Huston Texas. In 1917-19 he was special assistant to the secretary of war to advise on mat ters affecting negro soldiers. He is the au thor of The American Negro in the World War. He resides at 239 Florida Avenue, Washington, B.C. Scott, Frederick Hossack,Dry Goods Mer chant, of 300 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111. was born April 10, 1879, in Ottawa,lll. In 1900 he received the degree of B.S. from Princeton University. In 1900-01 he was en gaged in the retail dry goods business in Ottawa ;since 1901 has been connected with Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, and since 1913 a member of the firm. In 1917 he was vice-president of the Interstate Divi sion of the Chicago Association of Com merce. In 1917-20 he was president of the State Association of Illinois Young Men s Christian Associations; and in 1918-19 w r as treasurer of the National War Work Coucii of the Young Men s Christian Association. He is a member of the University Club, the Chicago Club, the Industrial Club, the Glen View T Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, and the Indian Hill Club. He resides in Hub- bard Woods, 111. Scott, Holton H., Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Pipe Line Company AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST ^uv,o, George W., Business President and Director, of the Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of the Boh emian Club, and the Commercial Club. He is president of the Scott and Yan Arsdale Company, and president of the Scott In vestment Company. He is a director of the Alameda National Bank, the Alameda Sav ings Bank, the Alameda Sugar Company, the Commercial Bank of Ukiah,the Crocker National Bank, the First National Bank of Calexico, the Hall-Scott Motor Car Compa ny, and the Irvine and Muir Lumber Com pany of Willits. He resides at 1723 Central Avenue, Alameda, Cal. Scott, Henry T., Business President of Shreve Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Crocker Estate Compa ny -and other corporations. Scott, John William, Merchant, of 300 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111., was born March 24, 1870, in Otawa, 111. In 1889 he entered the service of Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, and is now member of that firm. Scott, Julia Green, Member of the \\ o- man s Club. She was born in Danville, Ky. In 1909-13 she was president-general of the National Societies of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was chairman of tin- IVaco Committee of the Washington Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides in Bloomington, 111. Scott, Rufus W., Director, of 25 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Atlantic National Bank of the City of New York and other corporations. Scouler, Guy, Refiner and Manufacturer, of Forty-fourth Street and Western Boule vard, Chicago, 111., was born in November 1880, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was formerly purchasing agent and sales manager for the Union Petroleum Company of Philadelphia. He is now manager of the Union Petroleum Company; and is a director of the Wells- ville Refining Company and the Union Pip;} Line Company. Scoville, Robert, Director, of 34 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member Ox various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Salisbury Iron Corporation and other corporations. Scribner, Arthur H., President of the Grolier Club. He resides at 47 E. 60 Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Scribner, Samuel A., Business President, of 701 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Baltimore The atre Company, and a director in other co;- porations. Scripps, William Edmund, Publisher and Patriot, of 157 LaFayette Street, Detroit, Mich., was born May 6, 1882. in Detroit, Mich. He was educated in preparatoi y schools and Michigan Military Academy. He is vice-president and manager of the Evening News Association of Detroit; sec retary and treasurer of James E. Scripps Corporation; president of Scripps Motor Company, manufacturers of marine gasol ine engines; and vice-president of Scripps Booth Company of Detroit, manufacturers of automobiles. He is a member of the As sociated Press, and the Detroit Boar<! of! Commerce. He is a member of the D>tr>it Curling Club, the Detroit City Club, the De troit Ya -ht Club, the Detroit Athletic Club and various other clubs and societies. In 1901 he married Miss Nina A. Downey, of Detroit,Mich., and they reside at 598 Trum- bull Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Scudder, Wallace M., President of the Music Festival Association. He resir.os at 215 Market Street, Newark, N.J. Seaberg, Hugo, Member of various clubs and societies. He was born Dec. 15, 1869, in Borgholm, Sweden. He was educated at the Borgholm College; and in 1892 was ad mitted to the bar. Since 1887 he has resid ed in Colfax County, N.M. ; he is the owner of the Seaberg Hotel of Raton, the largest hotel in New Mexico. He is identified with the Republican party; and was actively en gaged in the last two presidential election campaigns at National Headquarters. In 1893 he married Miss Lottie V. Mills; a:ia they have one daughter, and reside at Rat on, N.M. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 439 Seabury, Elmer F., Vice-president and Director, of 49 Westminster Street, Prov idence, R.I.; and a member of the Turks Head Club, the Central Club, the Brov/n Club, the Eastside Tennis Club, and the Economica Club. He was born Sept, 9,1875, in Tuverton, R.I. Since 1892 he has been identified with the Industrial Trust Com pany, of which he is now vice-president. In 1900 he married Miss Annie Usher Reed; and they have one daughter, and reside at 220 Morris Avenue, Providence, R.I. Seager, John, Business President, of 37 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre i- dent of the Gerard Ozone Process Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Seaman, Francis V., Business President, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and ti member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the James C. McGuire and Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Seaman, Joseph H., Director, of 28 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Bronx Traction Company and other corporations. Seaman, William I., Business President, of 20 Exchange Place, New York City; anc a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Staten Island Beacn Land Improvement Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Sears, Francis, Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Lanett Mills and other corporation.-;. Sears, Francis P., Treasurer and Direc tor,, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Workingman s Loan Association an other corporations. Sears, Horace S., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 93 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Dixie Cotton Mills and other corporations. Sewing, W., Member of the Columbia University Club, the Chinese Students Club and other clubs and societies. He is the pre sident of the Chinese Ind. Imp. Associa tion; and resides at 145 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. Secor, John Alstyne, Mechanical Engineer and Inventor, of 1108 Indiana Avenue, La- Porte, Ind., was born June 28, 1847, in New York City. He was educated in New York City. He is a member of the American So ciety of Agricultural Engineers. He mai- ried Miss Georgina E. Carpenter, and re sides in LaPorte, Ind. Sedgwick, Ellery, Business President, ol 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Monthly Com pany, and a director in other corporations. He resides in Boston, Mass. Seekamp, John F., Business President, of 163 Reinsen Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sup-El Development Seelig, Alfred E., Business President, of 352 West Thirteenth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the L. J. Wing Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Seerley, Homer Horatio, Educator and Author, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, was born on Aug. 13, 1848, in Indianapolis, Ind. He was educated at the State University of Iowa. Since 1886 he has been president of the Iowa State Teachers College, and is now president of the Natural Council of Educ ation N.E.A. He is the, author of History and Civil Government of Iowa, The Coun try School Geography of Iowa. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity.the Con gregational Church, the Commercial Club, and various other educational associations. In 1878 he married Miss Clara E. Taaddle; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Sefton, Edwin, Business President, of 323 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the La Mira Chemical Company,Incorporated ; and vice- president of Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Incor porated. He is secretary and director of the Thomas Laboratories, Incorporated; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. 440 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Seger, Charles B., Business President, ot 1790 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Rubber Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Seibert, William H., Director,of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Anderson Mills and other corpo rations. Seigle, William R., Business President, of Madison Avenue and Forty-first Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York Compressing Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Seit2, Frank A., Business President, of 15 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Frank A. Seitz Realty and Construction Company and a director in other corporations. Selden, Edwin Van Deusen, Oil Producer of Oil City, Pa., was born Dec. 23, 1858, in Lawrenceville, Allegheny County, Pa. He a descendant of Colonel Samuel Selden, who was captured by the British at the Battle of Long Island, and died in prison in 1778. He was educated in the public and private schools of Meadville, Pa.; and at the Episcopal Acadenmy of Philadelphia Pa. He is a well-known oil refiner and pro ducer; is connected with the Crystal Oil Works of Oil City, Pa.; president of the Oil City Oil Exchange; and has filled var ious other positions of trust and honor. He has been quartermaster of the Sixteenth Regiment National Guard of Pennsylvania; and in 1898 became colonel of the Twenty- first Regiment Infantry. He is lieutenant- colonel and inspector of rifle practice for the Pennsylvania Division of the Pennsyl vania National Guard. In 1901 he married Miss Cornelia Fuller Earp; and they have a family of four sons and one daughter, and reside in Oil City, Pa. Seligman, Henry, Business Man and Di rector, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a member of the firm of J. and W. Seligman and Company. He is a direc tor of the American Foreign securities Company, the American Hide and Leather Company, the Columbia Gas and Electric Company, the Montana Power Comp;i?\. and the Syracuse Gas Company. Sells, Elijah Watt, Member of various clubs and societies, was born March 1, 185S in Muscatine, la. He established the firm of Haskins Sells. He is a member of the firm of Haskins and Sells, Certified Public Ac countants, of 37 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City. Selwyn, Edgar, Business President, ot 229 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs ana societies. He is president of Selwyn and Company, president of the sehvyn Realty Corporation, and president of the Twin Theatres Corporation. He is vice-president of the Goldwyn Pictures Corporation ; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Semijle, Lorenzo, Business President, of !3 Rector Street, New York City; and a member" of various clubs and societies. He is president of thp Garner and Company, and a director in other corporations. Senior, Walter R., Business President, ot 505 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the 957 Park Avenue Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Senor, Louis H., Business President, of 162 West Twenty third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Keystone Yarn Company, and a director in other cor porations. Series, Frank R., Treasurer and Director of 44 Cedar Street, New York C tv; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Frank A. Weeks Man ufacturing Company and other- corpora tions. Session, Odson 0., Consulting Kngiiu ci, of Marquette Building, Chicago, 111., was bornDec. 23, 1871, in Louisville, Ky. He is president of the Session Engineering Com pany ; and vice-president of the Chicago AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 441 Rolling Mills, Ind. During the World-War he was western executive for the United States Shipping Board, with headquarters in Chicago. He is a Fellow of the American Institution of Electrical Engineers, of th"J American Society of Civil Engineers, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, of the Union League Club of Chicago, of the Mid-day Club of Chicago, a thirty-sec ond degree Mason and Shriner. He married Helen Potter of Toledo, Ohio; and thev have a family of two sons and one daught er, and reside at 5022 Sheridan Road, Chi cago, 111. Seward, Frederic K., Treasurer and Di rector, of 30 Broad Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Mitchell Vance Company and other corporations. Sexton. George H., Business President, of 31 N.^uu Street, New Yoi K. City, and a member of various clubs ;ui<~! societies. He is president of the New Almaden Company, Incorporated, quicksilver mines. Ho is also president of the Confidence Gold Mines, and president of the New Almaden Compa ny, Incorporated. Seymour, Edmund, Business President.of 45 Wall Street.New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Washington Land Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Seymour, Frederick, Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Aero Pulverizer Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Seymour, Gordon H., Business President of 92 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Ho is president of the Fitch Advertising Com- panv and a director in other corporations. Seymour, R. W., Business Manager, of North Sutton, N.H., was born July 12, 1&35 in Boston, Mass. He was educated at the Manor School of Stamford, Conn.; and at the Abbott School of Farmington, Maine. Since 1918 he has been proprietor of Ilun- toon House. He is president of the Hun Loon House Club. He is prominent Mason and Odd Fellow and a member of several other clubs and societies. He married Miss Mary R. Kelly, and resides at Huntxmn House, North Sutton, N.H. Shaffer, E. H., President of the MooiU Glee Club, with a membership of ninety men. He is connected with the First Nat ional Bank, and resides in Mobile, Ala. Shahan, Thomas Joseph, Educator anil Author, of Washington, D.C., was born on Sept. 11, 1857, in Manchester, N.H. He was educated in Montreal. Rome, Paris, and in Berlin. He is the Rector of the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. He is the author of The Beginnings of Christianity, The Middle Ages, and other works. His address is The Catholic Univer sity of America, of Washington, D.C. Shakman, William A., Business President of 11 East Eighty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Perrin- Keyser Company, Montreal, Canada, and a director in other corporations. Shallcross, Cecil F., Business President and Director, of 76 William Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is United States manager of North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, Limited, of London and Edin burgh. He is also president of the Common wealth Insurance Company of New York, the Mercantile Insurance Company of Am erica, and the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company. Shanklin. William Arnold, Member of the Masonic Fraternity, the University Club of New York, and the University Club of Middletown. He is president of the Wes- leyan University. He resides in Middletown Conn. Sharp, Arthur R., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Mason Machine Works and other corporations. Sl^attuck, Edwin P., Business President, of 42 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Grain Corporation and a director in other corpo rations. 442 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Shattuck, Henry L., Lawyer, Trustee and Statesman, of 82 Devonshire Street, Boston Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Oct. 12, 1879, in Boston, Mass.; and received the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. from Harvard College. For many years lie has been engaged in the practice of law in Boston, Mass.; and is a director of the New England Trust Compa ny, and is vice-president of the Boston Legal Aid Society. He is a trustee of the Museum of Fine Arts ; and president of the North Bennet Street Industrial School. He is a member of the Massachussetts State Legilature; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Shaw, Albert, Business President, of 30 Irving Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various dubs and societies. He is president of the Review of Reviews Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Shaw, David, Business President of 44 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Golden Rule Company, and a director in other corporations. Shaw, Earle T., Treasurer and Director, of 347 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Clinch Valley Coal and Iron Company and other corpora tions. Shaw, Edgar W., Lawyer and Director, of 275 West p]xchange Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, and other clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Nat ional Protection Company. He is Counsel and secretary of the General Fire Extin guisher Company, and a director of Silv ersmith s Company and other corporations. He married Miss Rosalind Fleming; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 21 John Street,Pro- vidence, R.I. Shaw, W. Warren, Voice Specialist and Composer, of 1710 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. He was educated at the Univ ersity of Vermont. He is the composer of The Thomas Moore Song Cycle, and of ma ny other songs; and is the author of The Lost Vocal Art, his scientific work on the singing voice now in its third edition. For many years he has been leading tenor in various grand opera companies. He is a member of the Art Club, and the New Eng land Society of Pennsylvania. In 1908 he married Emma Suelke, a prominent Phila delphia Church Soprano; and they reside at The Wellingford Apartments, Philadel phia, Pa. Shaw, Henry S., Business President, of 78 Chauncy Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Eastern Machinery Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Shaw, James F., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Charles Richman Pictures Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Shaw, Mary, President of the Gamut Club. She resides at 42 West Fifty-eighth Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Shaw, Robert Alfred.Merchant and Man ufacturer, of 21 Burling Slip, New York City, was born July 10, 1865, in Brooklyn, N.Y. For fifteen years he was vice-presi dent of the National Aniline and Chemical Company, Incorporated. He is a trustee of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, and trustee of the Philharmonic Society of New York. He is a member of the National Arts, the Bankers Club, the Hamilton Club, the Chemists Club, the Nassau Country Club, and other clubs and societies. He resides at 343 Carl ton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y, Shea, F. M., Director, of 90 West Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Chorcha Petroleum Company and other cor porations. Shea, Francis A., Business President, of .502 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Randolph Shoe Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Shaefer, Arthur Whitcomb, Mining En gineer, of Pottsville, Pa.; and a member o various clubs and societies. He is a member ...of the American Institute of Mining Engi neers. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 443 Shearer, John B., Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the New England Oil Refining Company and other corporations. Shearman, Frank E., Business President, of 25 Shearman Place, Jamestown, N.Y., was born Dec. 12, 1857, in Jamestown,NA . Since 1886 he has been general manager, and is now president and manager of the Shearman Brothers Company, manufactur ers of upholstered furniture. He is also pre sident of the Maddox Table Company. He is hospital commissioner of the Jones Gen eral Hospital of Jamestown, N.Y. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. In 1883 he married Miss Catherine L. Der- ry; and they have a family of four sons and three daughters, and reside at 65 Lib erty Street, Jamestown, N.Y. Shearman, Lawrence H., Director, of / Hanover Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs an 1 societies. He is a director of the Grace Steamship Com pany and other corporations. Sheehan, Charles A.. Business President of 7 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fulton Publishing Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Sheets. Elmer A., Business President, of 20 Grand Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Elmer A. Sheets Com pany, Yonkers, N.Y., and a director in oth er corporations. Sheffield, Benjamin R., Miller and Bank er, of 916 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn., was born Dec. 23, 1860, in Aylesford Nova Scotia. He is president of the Shef field Elevator Company, Sheffield Mill and Elevator Company, Security Bank of Fari- bault, Minn., Security Bank of Ellendale, Minn.; and is vice-president of the Crown Elevator Company. For two terms he was mayor of Faribault, Minn. Shefield, George V., Business President, of 46. Cliff Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fiast National Bank of Pompton Lakes, N.J. ; and a director in other corporations. Sheldon, Alexander J..Merchant and Bus iness President, of 68 Thomas Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He w r as born in 1862 in Brook lyn, N.Y. ; and received an academic educ ation. He is president of the H. J. Sheldon Company; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Shelley, Edward H., Business President, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tide Water Hardwood Corporation, and a director in other corpo- rations. Shelley, Patrick J., Treasurer and Direc tor, of Fourteenth Street and Boulevard, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Ihe Island City Electric Company Shelton. F. P., Sociologist, of 78 Pros pect Park West, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is identified with business and public affairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Shenton, Herbert, Newhard, Member of the Columbia Club. He was born July 9, 1884, in Pottstown, Pa. Since 1920 he has been executive secretary of the United States Bituminous Coal Company. He has been a teacher of sociology, since 1912 in the Columbia University. His address is Columbia University, New York City. Shepard, Finley J.,Director,of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Automatic Train Control Company and other corporations. Shepard, Harriet Elma, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 16, 1853 in Fort Hunter, N.Y. In 1909-10 she was president of Missouri Federation of Wo men s Clubs. She is a honorary member of the Sorosis Club. She resides at 1403 Ben- ton Avenue, Springfield, Mo. Shepherd, Owen, Treasurer and Director, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Portland Wood Hand ling Company and other corporation*, 444 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Shepard, Helen Miller, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born June 20, 1868 in New York. She has made many notable gifts, including the Library Building to the New York University in 1895, and the Hall of Fame to thesame Institution in 1900. She donated one hundred thousand dollars in the United States Government for war purposes in 1898, and gave personal atten tion to the care of sick soldiers during the Spanish American War. She is a member of the Board of the Russell Sage Founda tion. She resides in Lyndhurst, Tarry town, X.Y. Shepherd, Fred M., Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 24, 1878, in Ot- tumwa, Iowa. He is a director of the Em pire National Bank of Lewiston. Idaho. He resides at 1316 N.H. Avenue, N.W., Wash ington, D.C. Shepley, George L., Insurance Broker, of 17 Custom House Street. Providence. R.I.. was born Oct. 11, 1854, in Dover. N.H. Since his youth he has been engaged in the insur ance business. He is president of the Stark weather and Shepley, general agents for the Rhode Island Insurance Company: and are also United States managers for the Union Fire Insurance Company of Paris and other companies. He w r as a member of the Military Staff of governor Dyer, with the rank of colonel. In 1902 he served as Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Rhode Island. He is now president of the Insur ance Association of Providence. He resides in Providence, R.I. Sheridan. H. C., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union Development Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Sherman, Arnold W., Trustee, of 15 Day Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is trustee of the Brooklyn City Dispensary, Sherman, Eugene B., of Shaw Block Boise, Idaho, w r as born in lowe He was ed ucated at the Northwestern University and at the University of Nebraska. Since 1908 he has been a wholesale lumber dealer; and is now mayor of Boise, Idaho. In 1895 he married Miss Maria Shaw; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 704 West Eighteenth Street, Boise, Idaho. Sherman, George C., Business President and Director, of 116 West Thirty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Sherman and Lebair, president of the Universal Tobacco Machine Company, pre sident of Sherman and Bryan, and presi dent of the National Outdoor Advertising Bureau. He is also director of McLean and McLean, Incorporated; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Sherman, Isaac Lmcoln,Retired Business Man and Director, of Newport, R.I. ; and a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Newport, R.I.; and numerous clubs and so cieties. He was born in 1859; and received an academic education. He is president of the Agricultural Council of Rhode Island, president of the Patron s Fire Relief Asso ciation of Rhode Island, and president of the Newport County Agricultural Society. He is director of the Aquidneck National Bank of Newport, R.I. In 1916 he retired from active business. In 1881 he married Miss Annie E. Corry ; and they have a fam ily of one son and one daughter, and reide in Middletown, R.I. Sherrard, R.C., Member of the United Order of Foresters, of North LaSalle Street Chicago, 111. He is Supreme Ranger of the United Order Foresters. Sherwood, Edgar C., President of the Spokane Musical Art Society. He resides at 403 Norfolk Block, Spokane. Wash. Sherwood, James W., Member of the Portland Press Club, the Acacia Club, the A.K and A.M., and the Moose Club. He is state manager of the Maccabees. He resides at 906 Tillamook Street, Portland. Ore. Shibley, George Henry, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 4, 1861, in Randall. W T is. Since 1901 he lias been presi dent of the People s Rule League of Amer ica. He is the author of Outline of Social Evolution. He resides at 1869 Wyoming Avenue, Washington, D.C. Shields. Edwin W., President of the Fine Arts Institute. He resides at 1020 McGee Street, Kansas City, Mo. AMERICAN ELITE AKD SOCIOLOGIST 445 Shields, James D., Business President, of 200 Fifth Avenue. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Salem Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Shields, Walter Gr., Vice-president and Director, of 200 Fifth Avenue. New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is first vice-president of the Standisli Worsted Company, manufacturers of high grade cloth. He is also vice-presi dent of the Salem Feltex Company of Sal em, N.J., and treasurer and director of the Harrey Salem Company. Shillady, John B., Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 1, 1875, in County Down, Ireland. Since 1918 he has been sec retary of the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People. He re sides in Mount Vernon, N.Y. Shinan, David, Business President, of 87 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is President of the Rednal Securities Corpo ration, and a director in other corporations. Shine, Francis Eppes.Physician and Sur- veon, of Bisbee, Ariz., was born Jan. 13, 1871. in St. Augustine, Fla, In 1901-02 .he was instructor of surgery in the medical de partment of Cornell University. He is chief surgeon to the El Paso and Southwestern Railroad; and chief surgeon to the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company of Bisbee. Ariz. He is a fellow of the Ameri can College of Surgeons. Shipley, William S., Business President and Director, of Second Avenue and Forty- first and Forty second Streets, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and general manager of the Shipley Construction and Supply Company, He is president of the Canadian Ice Machine Company of Toron to, Canada; and a director of the Mechan ics Ba nk. Shipman, Vera Brady, Mrs. Melville P. Shipman, Musical Editor and Composer, of Salina Daily Union, Salina, Kansas, was born in Salina. Kansas. She was educated in Chicago. She is Sunday Feature editor literary and musical, of the Salina Daiiy Union and is correspondent of the Musical America of 1\ w York City. She is the com poser of Twenty Little Songs for Children also Po Lil Lamb and Lil Back Sheep,songb. In 1913 she married Mr. Melville P. Ship- man;and they have a family of two daught ers, and reside in Salina, Kansas. Seipp, Frederick B.. Member of the Cii Club. He was born JH;-. b, 1868. in SvaF- ham, Norfolk County, Englan-1 In 1917-18 he was treasurer of the Young Men s Christian Association with the American Expeditionary lorce in Fi. . !! is r li c author of Field and Work of the Young Men s Christian Association. He resides at 5859 North Cumberland Avenue. Pittsburgh Pa. Shoemaker, Cornley, Member of the City Club, and vice-president of the Boosters Club of Philadelphia, Pa. He was born on Feb. 25, 1873, in Philadelphia, Pa, He is vice-president of Walter Wheatlev Compa ny, and a director of the Sixth National Bank. He resides at 1704 North Eighteenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa, Shoup, Oliver H., of Colorado Springs, Col., was born Dec. 13, 1896 in Champaign County, 111. He was educated at Colorado Springs public schools and at Colorado Col lege of Colorado. Through the efforts of a group of men including Karl Schulyer, B. H. Hopkins, Verner Z. Reed and French Capitalists, the development of the oil field. in Wyoming was started. He was the first president of the Mid-West Oil Company, and in January. 1914, became first presi dent of the Mid-West Refining Company. He retired to private life in March 1916. He is engaged in stock raising and in the agricultural development of Colorado, own ing a ranch north of Colorado Springs. He was director of the El Paso County Third Liberty Loan and War Savings Stamps Committe. He was governor of the State of Colorado for the term of 1919-21. He is a director and vice-president of the Colorado Savings Bank of Colorado Springs; a di rector of the Grand Valley National Bank of Grand Junction, Col. He is a member of the El Paso Club, the Broadmoor Golf Club the Colorado Springs Club, the Denver Athletic Club of Denver; and the Rooky 446 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Mountain Club of New York. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and various other clubs and societies. In 1901 he married Miss Anetta Small of Franklin. Ind.; and they have three sons and one daughter. Shoup, Paul, Business President, of 65 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i> president of the Amalgamated Oil Com pany and other corporations. Shove, E. P., Treasurer and Director, of 25 Broad Street. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Cripple Creek Central Railway Company and other corporations. Shubert, Jacob J., Business President, of 233 West Forty-fourth Street, New York ity: and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Wintergar- den Company, and a director in other cor porations. Shubert. Lee, Business President, of 233 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Grand Opera House Company, and a director in other corporations. Shumway, Franklin P., Business Presi dent, of 453 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Franklin P. Shumway Company, and a director in other corporations. Shurly, Burt Russell, Physician and Col lege Dean, of 370 Seminole Avenue, Detroit Mich., was born July 4, 1871, in Chicago, 111. In 1895 he received the degree of M.D. from the Detroit College of Medicine. He is dean of the Detroit College of Medicine arid Surgery. During the Spanish-American War he was acting assistant surgeon in the United States Army and in the United States Navy; and in 1917-19 in service in France. He is a member of the Detroit Club, the University Club, and numerous other clubs and societies. Shute, Eben, Treasurer and Trustee, of 180 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1838, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated at the Boston English High School. Since 1865 he has been with the American Tract Society, the American Sunday School Union, the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the American Humane Educ ation Society, and is treasurer of the two last named societies. In 1878 he married Miss Nancie Jones Morgan; and they had a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 1091 Center Street, Newton Cent, er, Mass. Shuttle-worth, Charles H., Director, of 474 West Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the George A. Fink Compa ny and other corporations. Shuttleworth, Walter E., Business Presi dent, of 474 West Broadway, New York City; and a member, of various clubs and societies. He is president of W. E. Shuttle- worth Company, and a director in other corporations. Shwitzer, Samuel D., Business President and Treasurer, of 1639 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is acting president of the Nulock Manufacturing Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs: and has held many positions of trust and honor. Siebecker. L. J., President of the Scran- ton Liederkranz, with a membership of five hundred men. He resides at 531 Madison Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Siebert, William, Director, of 168 Mont ague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the South Broooklyn Railway Company and other corporations Siebrecht, William H., Jr., Business Pre sident, of Bridge Plaza, Long Island City. N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lockwood Realty Company, Siegel, Abraham E., Business President,, Treasurer and Director, of 781 East Fifth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. He is president of the Interstate Aluminum Trading Corpora tion. He is treasurer and director of HIP Adventure Films, the Timely Films, ana the Timely Topics. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 447 Siegel, Alexander B., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New Cork City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Anglo-American Secur ities Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Sieimmd, Henry L, J.. Business Man and Director, of 29 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Siemund Mar ine Electric Welding Company. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Silverthorne, Frank H., Inventor and Manufacturer, of 1906 Seaman Avenue, Inwood, New York City, was born May 23, 1879, near Pleasant Prarie, Iowa. Sin^g 1898 he has been engaged in the lumber business in Alabama, Arkansas and Louisi ana. He has been an officer and director in the Barn well Lumber Company of Barn- well, S.C. ; and ir various other vices, bot tle attachments and rafite composition pro ducts. Silverthorne, Spencer V., Vice-president and Director, of 5 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice- president of James McCreery and Com pany. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs: and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Silvestro, John. Business President, of Queens Boulevard and Fisk Avenue. Win- field, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lakewood Pines Developement Com- ranv. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs: arid has held revcral positions of trust and honor. Simmons, Charles H., Business President and Director, of 110 Centre Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the John Simmons Company. He is also president of the Powhatan Brass and Iron Works, the Simmons Pipe Bending Works, the Sim mons Realty and Construction Company, and the Vulcan Rail and Construction Company. He is a director of the Essex Foundry of Newark, N.J. ; and is promi nently identified with business and public affairs. Simmons, Leonard W., Business Presi dent and Manager, of 29 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various ciub^ and societies. He is a member of the firm of C. B. Richard and Company, ne is president of the Atlantic Shipping Com pany, the Cyril Holding Corporation, the Greek American Line, the June-Bell Com pany, the Nat- Sim Corporation, the Otto man-American Line, and a dozen other or ganizations. Simmons, Frank H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 110 Centre Street. New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Vulcan Rail and Construction Company and other corporations. Simmons. John S., Director, of 110 Cen tre Street, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the John Simmons Company and other corporations. Simmons, Joseph I, Secretary and Direc tor, of 110 Centre Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Simmo^ i Realty and Construction Company ana other corporations. Simmons, W. B., Business President, of 310 West Erie Street, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 16, 1884, in Chicago, HI. He was educated at Yale University and at Hamrl- ton College. He is president of the Futur ist Company of Chicago, 111.; president of Francis T. Simmons and Company; and vice-president of the Marathon Underware Company. He is a member of the Universi ty Club of Chicago, and the Manhattan Club of New York. In 1912 he married Miss Dorothy McCoy; and they have a family of one daughter; and reside in Rye, N.Y. Simmons, William. Business President, of 44 Whitehead Street. New YorK Uity; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Simmons Transportation Company, and a director in other corporations. 448 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Simon, Emil J., Radio Contractor, ol 15 Park Row, New York City, was born Oct. 25, 1888, in New York City. He ha*j been chief engineer of the Wireless Improve ment Company; radio engineer of the Na tional Electric Signaling Company; engi neer with the DeForest Radio Telephone Company and the North American Wire less Corporation. He is now radio con tractor to the United States War and Na vy Department. Simon, Herbert M., Director, of 50 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Electric Consumers Audit Com pany and other corporations. Simonds, R. Gould, Director, of 100 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bush Terminal Buildings Company and other corporations. Simons, David S.. Business Man and Di- York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is identified with busi ness and public affairs; and has filled nu merous positions of trust and honor. Simons, George Albert, Clergyman and Author, of Washington, D.C., was born March 19, 1874,>in La Porte, Ind. For four years he was superintendent of the Mis sion Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is editor of Methodism in Rus sia, published quarterly ; and associate edi tor of Methodism in Europe. He is man ager of the Russian Methodist Book Can- cern. He is the author of some religious books in English and Russian. In 1915-16 he was president of the Russian Committee of the American Red Cros. Simons, May Wood, Member of the Wo- mans Club. She was born at Baraboo, Wis. She was the first woman to receive votes in the Socialist Party Convention for nom ination for vice-president in 1908. She is the author of Woman and Social Problem. She resides at 621 Bartlett Avenue. Mil waukee, Wis. Simonton, Ida Vera, Member of thp Pittsburgh Woman s Press Club. She was born Sept. 13, 1880, in Pittsburgh, Pa. She is staff lecturer on savage Africa for the Board of Education of New York City. She is president of the Woman s Military Re serve of the United States. She is the au thor of Hell s Playground. She resides at 330 West Fifteenth Street, New York City. Simpson, Frank L., Lawyer and Director, of 73 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Fountain Company and other corporations. Simpson, John R., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Samson Electric Company and other corporations. Simpson, Josephine Sarles (Mrs. David F.), Member of the Lafayette Club. She was born Feb. 14, 1862, in Necedah, Wis. She is president of the Minneapolis Equal Suffrage Association. She resides at The Plaza, Minneapolis, Minn. Simpson, Ralph H., Iron and Steel Con tractor, of 166 West Randolph Street, Chi cago, 111., was born in 180 in Appleton, Wis. He is president of the Ralph H. Simp son Company of Chicago; president of the Simpton-Frisch Company; and president of the Simpson-Clark Glass Company of Chicago. Simpson, William L. H., Business Presi dent, of Cotton Exchange, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the American and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and a director in other corporations. Simpson, William M., Treasurer ana ui- rector, of 50 Broad Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of American-Phil ippine Company and other corporations. Sims, John Francis, Educator, College President and Banker, of Stevens Point, Wis.; and a member of the Madison Club, and other clubs and societies. He was born April 21, 1862, in Buffalo, N.Y.; and was educated at the University of Wisconsin, and at the University of Chicago. Since 1906 he has been president of the State Normal School at Stevens Point, Wis.- ancl also president of the Pittsville State Bank. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGY! 449 Simson, Louis M., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 880 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Broadway and Sev enth Avenue Realty Company and other corporations. Sinclair, Donald G. 0., Business Presi dent, of 11 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president ot the Kings County Grand Jury Association and a director in other corporations. Sinclair, Harold A., Secretary and Di rector, of 160 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is secretary and director of the Milligan and Higgins Glue Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Sinclair, Harry F., Business President and Director, of 45 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is chairman of the board of director of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation. He is president of the Sinclair Panama Oil Corporation, presi dent of the Sinclair Central American Oil Corporation, and president of the Com- pania de Minerales Cubanos. Sinclair, James Herbert, Educator and Congressman, of Kemnare, N.D., was born Oct. 9, 1871, near St. Marys, Ontario. He came with his parents to North Dakota in 3883 and grew to manhood on the family homestead in Griggs County, and been a resident of the State ever since. He re ceived his education in the common schools of Griggs County and at the State Normal School of Mayville, being a graduate of the latter. He taught school for a number of years and was granted a professional life certificate. He has held various township and county offices and served two terms in the State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-sixth Congress as a Non-parti san Republican for the term of 1919-21. Works, and of Witherbee, Sherman and rector, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is vice-president of the Lacka- wanna St:el Company. He is a director of the Ajax Forge Company, the American Forge Company, the National Bridge Works, and of Witherbee, Sherman and Company. Sisson. Ellsworth. Business Man, of 73 Dyer Street. Providence, R.I. He is a member of the Turks Head Club, and the Metacomet Golf Club. He resides in Crans ton, R.I. Sisson, Francis, Director, of 140 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Current Literature Publishing Com pany and other corporations. Sisson, Francis Hinckley, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born June 14, 1871, in Galesburg, 111. Since 1917 he ftas .been vice-president of the Guaranty Trust Company, of New York. He resides on Park Hill, Yonkers, KY. Skidmore, A. J., President of the Orphe us Club, with a membership of sixty men. He resides at 917 Lake Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Skinner, William, Member of the Met ropolitan Club. He was born June 12, 1857, in Northamton, Mass. He is vice-president of the Pacific Bank, of New York. He re sides in Holyoke, Mass. Skinner, William, Director, of 45 East Seventeenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Irving National Bank and other corporations. Slade, Emma Maleen Hardy, Welfare Worker, of 332 West Eig hty-seventh Street, New York City, was born Jan. 11, 1847, in Lowell, Mass. She is the president of the United States Daughters of 1812, for the State of New York. Slade, George Theron, Railway Official, of 435 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., was born Jan. 22, 1871. in New York City. He attended St. Paul s School of Concord, N.H. ; and in 1893 graduated from iaie University. In 1893 he entered railway service as a clerk of the Great Northern Railway; later became time-keeper and as sistant road master; was chief clerk and assistant superintendent of the Eastern Railway of Minnesotta; in 1897-99 he was superintendent of the Great Northern Rail- 29 450 \MERTCAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST way; m 1899-1903 was general superin tendent of the Great Northern Railway. In 1907-09 he Avas general manager; in 1909- 1,3 third vice-president: and since 1913 has hceii first vice-president of the Northern pacific Railroad. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and the Colonial Wars. In 1918 he was granted leave of absence and servoa as colonel in the Transportaion Corps of the Uintec 1 Stales Army, and was in active service in 1918-19 in France. Slater, G-eorge A., Business President, of 17() Bi-oadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Slater, Slieken, White Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Slattery, Peter A., Business President, of 108 Lawrence Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various other corpora tions. Slaughter. Charles W.. Director ,01 yO Third Avenue. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the St. Lawrence Condensed Milk Corporation and other corporations. Slaughter, John Willis, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 10, 1878, m Camp Hill, Ala. In 1917-19 he was editor oj: The Public. He is now a lecturer on civics and philanthropy at the Rice Insti tute of Houston, Texas. He resides at 1113 Kenwood Avenue, Houston, Texas. Slayden, James Luther, Member of the City Club. He was born June 1, 1853, in Craves County, Ky. In 1897-1919 he was a member of Congress. He is president of the American Peace Society. He resides in San Antonio, Texas. Slee. J. Noah H., Business Man and Di rector, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is president of the Three in One Oil Company. He is a|lso a director of the Ketna Refining Company and other corpor ations. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Sleeper, Albert E., Merchant, Banker and Governor, of Bad Axe, Huron County, Mich, was born Dec. 31, 1862, in Bradford, Vt. He was educated at the Bradford Academy and came to Lexington, Mich., in the fall of 1884. For several years he en gaged in merchantile pursuits and as a traveling salesman but has been actively engaged in the banking and real estate cial State Bank of Marlette, Citizens Bank of Ubly, the Clark and McCaren Wholesale Grocery Company of Bad Axe and is also identified in several other prosperous bus iness concerns. He was trustee and presi dent of the Library Board. He has been a member of the State Legislature; and in 1909-13 he was State treasurer. Since 1917 he has been Governor of the State of Mich igan. Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.. Business President, of 224 AVest Fifty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president of the Gen eral Motors Building Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Sloan, Augustus K., Business President, of 15 Maiden Lane, New York City; an.l a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Sloan and Company, Sloan, Charles H., Lawyer, and States man, of Geneva., Neb., was born May 2, 1863, in Monticello, Iowa. In 1884 he re ceived the degree of B.Sc. from the Iowa State Agricultural College. In 1884-87 he was superintendent of schools in Fairmont, Neb. In 1887-91 he practiced law in Fair mont; and since 1891 in Geneva, Neb.; and is a senior member of the law firm of Charles H. and F. W. Sloan. In 1890-94 he served two terms as County attorney; in 1894-96 was a member of the Nebraska State Senate: and in 1911-19 he was a member of the Nebraska State Senate; and in 1911-19 he was a member of the sixty- f.econd, sixty-third, sixty-fourth and sixf - fifth Congress from the fourth distri -,f of Nebraska as a Republican. He is a director of the Geneva State Bank; and is a Mason. Knight of Pythias, Woodman and Elk. Sloan, M. S., Business President, of 360 Pearl Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Amsterdam Electric Lierht. Heat and Power Company, and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 451 Sloan, Samuel, Business President, of 22 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies- He is president of the Cayuga and Su snn eh an na Railroad Company, and a director m other corporations. Sloane , William, Business President, of 575 Fifth Avenue, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the W. and J. Sloan, and a director in other corporations. Slocum, Joseph J., Business President and Trustee, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various .r-.Jnbs n,n I societies. He is president of the Minne sota Railway Construction Company. Ho is president of the Minnesota Railway Company. He is a director of the Gold Car Heating and Lighting Company, the Iowa Central Railway Company, the Manhattan Railway Company, and the Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of New York. He is a trustee of the New York Trust Company; and is prominent in business, public and social affairs. Slocum, Thomas W., Director, of 11 Thomas Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the John P. King Manu facturing and other corporations. Slocum, Thomas W., Business President, Ojf 110 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Downtown Dry Goods Association, and a director in various other corporations. Slocum, William H., Director, of 55 Kil by Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Central Wharf and Wet Dock Corporation and other corporations. Sloss, Arthur J., Business President, of 47 Ann Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He in president of the Amsco Realty Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Sloss, Louis, Business President, of 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societites. He .is president of the National Metals and Chemicals Company and other corpora tions. Smadbeck, Warren, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 71 West Thirty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New Jersey Water Company and other corpor ations. Small, Frederick P., Secretary and Di rector, of 65 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. Small, J. Frank, Physician, of 161 East Market Street, York, Pa. ,was born July 1865 in York, Pa. He was educated in the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1889 he has practiced medicine in York, Pa. ; and is president of the York County Medi cal Society. He is president of the York Motor Club. In 1911 he married Miss An na Howell; and resides at 161 East Mar ket Street, York ,Pa. Smiley, Daniel, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 29, 1855, in Vas- salboro, Maine. Since 1912 he has been a member of jthe United States Board of In dian Commissioners. He resides at Canyon Crest Park, Redlands. Cal. Smith, Alfred Gilbert. Business Presi- den, of Piers Thirteen and Fourteen, East River, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pres ident of the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company, and a director in other corporations. Smith Alfred H., Business President, of Grand Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Detroit River Tunnel Smith, Allen A., Business President, of 71 Morten Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Winner Company ; and a director of the Ballar and Greenfe, Incor porated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs ; and has held numerous positions of trust and honor. Smith. Arthur J., Clergyman, of Room 5949 Grand Central Terminal, New York City, was born Aug. 1, 1865, in Ro binson, P.Q., Canada. Since 1908 he has been Gen eral Secretary of the Evangelistic Com mittee of New York City, and resides in New York City. 452 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Smith, Arthur M., Business President, of 116 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societes. He is president of M. P. Smith and Sons Company, Incorporated; and a director of 1lic Manufacturers Liability Insurance Company of New Jersey. He is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He resides at 452 Har rison Street, East Orange, N.J. Smith, Barton, Lawyer and Statesman, of the Smith and Baker Building, Toledo, Ohio; and a member of the Peninsular Society, the Masons and the Knight Tem plars; and is a charter member of the To ledo Museum of Art. He was born June 2, 1852, in Toledo, Ohio; and received the degrees of B. S. and LL.B. from the Uni versity of Michigan. In 1877 he married Miss May Searles, of Kendall County, 111.; ;uid they reside at 406 Woodruff Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Smith, Charles Gaston. Lawyer and Di rector, of 2343 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Common wealth Trust Company and other corpor ations. Smith, Charles M.. Business President. Treasurer, and Director, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is the owner of Henry H. Adams and Company; and pres ident of the Colonial Iron Company. He is prominently identified with business, public and social affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Smith, Clarence M., Director, of 704 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American (jo d Dredging Company and other corporation?, Smith. Courtland, Member of the Union League Club. He was born March 7, 18S4. in New York. He is president of the Ameri can Press Association. He resides at Tr- vington-on-Hudson. N.Y. Smith, David. A., Member of varioi^ clubs and societies. He is the president Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, of the Mormon Church, of Salt Lake City, Utah. He has taken a prominent part in the religious, education al, and civic welfare of his city and state; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. He is president of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, with a membership of three hundred men and women. He resides at 990 Lincoln Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Smith, E. A. Cappelen, Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is a. director of the Chile Copper Company Smith, Edgeworth, Business President, of 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president of the Edge- worth Smith, Incorporated, and a director vanious other corporations. Smith, Edmund Kirby, Banker and Com missioner, of Shreveport, La., was born Feb. 25, 1871, in Hernado, Miss. He was educated in public schools. In 1888 he en tered the employ of the First National Bank of Orlando. Fla.; moved to Texar- kana, Ark., and to Texas in 1894. He en- ganized the State National Bank and State Savings and Trust Company ; and since 1914 has been president of the Commercial National Bank and State Savings ana Trust Company; and since 1914 has been president of the Commercial National Bank of Shreveport, La. For three years he was Class A director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, district number 11, and director of the Kansas City, Shreve port and Gulf Railway Company. In 1914 he was a member of the National Currency Association of Louisiana and Mississippi ; was president of the Arkansas Bankers Association: is a member of the Louisiana Loan Commission and of the American Bankers Association. He is president of Shreveport Golf Club and the Country Club. Smith. Edward G.. Treasurer and Direc tor, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Green River Water Works Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 453 Smith, Elliott C., Business President, Treasurer and Director, of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer an:l director of the Middle West Gas and Elec tric Company, the Grey stone Securities Company, the Hardin-Hyandot Lighting Company, the Rogers Light and Water Company, the Save-U-Gasoline Company, and the Springdale Light and Power Com pany. Smith, Eugene Hanes, Educator and Dentist, of 283 Dartmouth Street. Boston, Mass., was born Oct. 23. 1853, in Old i own, Maine. He was educated at the Allen High School of Newton, Mass., and in 187-1 graduated from Harvard Dental School. For two terms he was president of the American Academy of Dental Science: and is a member of the American Dental Asso ciation, the Massachusetts Dental Socivty and the New York Institute of Stomatol ogy. He is a contributor to numerous pro fessional papers to the Proceedings of Dental Societies and scientific publica tions. He is a member of the Boston Club, the University Club, the Harvard Union Club, the Oakley Country Club and the Harvard Club of Boston, Mass. In 187(5 he married Miss Carrie Maria Shaw, of Marl boro, Mass. Smith, Forrest S., Director, of the Cham ber of Commerce. Boston, Mass.: ani a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Salem Electric Light Company and other corporations Smith, Francis E., Banker and Trustee, of 111 Devonshire Street. Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a partner in the firm of Moors and Cabot, bankers. He is a director of the Richmond Radiator Company, and a direc tor of the United Lierht and Railways Company. He is a trustee of the Massachu setts Chocolate Realty Trust. In 1903 he married Miss Elsie Cora David; and they have a family of three sons, and two daughters, and reside in Winchester, Mass. Smith, Francis Marion, Capitalist, of Oakland, Cal., was born Feb. 2, 1846, in Richmond, Wis. In 1876-82 he was in the mining business as prospector and devel oper of mines. In 1872 he discovered Teal s Marsh borax mines in Nevada ; is president of the Realty Syndicate of Oakand, Cal. In 1904 and 1908 he was a presidential elector; and is prominently identified with the Republican party. Smith, Frederick H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 50 State Ttreet, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Quincy Mutu al Fire Insurance Company and other cor porations. Smith, Frederick P., Business President, of 60 Broadway. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Utilities Securities Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. ^ Smith, Freeborn G., Business President, of 115 Broadway, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Webster Piano Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Smith, George F., Director, of 364 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Italian Discount and Trust Company Smith, George Pratt, Treasurer and Di rector, of 207 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Smith- Ward Brake Company and other corporations. Smith, George S., Business President, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New England Company Power System, and a director in other corporations. Smith. Gilbert M., Business President and Manager, of 332 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various i-lubs and societies. He is presi dent, treasurer, director and manager of the Manhattan Brass Company. He is a director of the United Metal Manufac turing Company of Norwich, Conn.; and prominent in business and public affairs. Smith, Herbert N., Director, of 50 Con gress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Mexican Iron and Steel Com pany and other corporations. 454 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISl Smith, Hoke, Journalist, Publisher and United States Senator, of Atlanta, Ga., was born Sept. 2, 1855, in Newton, N.C. In 1893-96 he was secretary of the interior on President Cleveland s staff. In 1907-09 he was Governor of the State of Georgia. Since 1911 he has been United States Sen ator, his present term ending in 1921. Smith, Howard C., Business President, of 45 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Associates Land Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Smith, Howard W., Treasurer and Direc tor of 115 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eight State Street Realty Corporation and other corporations. Smith, James A., President, of the Apol lo Club, with a membership of ninety men. He resides at 424 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Smith, James A., Business President, of 895 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lion Yarn Company of Philadelphia, and a director in other cor porations. Smith, L. Bertrand, Business President, of 35 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Flobert Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Smith, Landon P., Business President, of 114 Coit Street, Irvington, N.J.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Smith and Semenway Com pany, Incorporated, tool manufacturers of Irvington, N.J. He is also president and general manager of the American File Sharpener Company; and vice-president of the Irvington Manufacturing Company. Smith, Laurence, A., Manufacturer and ssautsug Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. He was born on March 30, 1873, in Ashland, Mich. He was educated at Ypsilanti, Mich. Since 1920 he has been president of the Laurence Smith Paper Goods Company. For twelve years he has been president and general manager of The Union and Twine Company, of De troit. He is a member of the Detroit Club, the Detroit Golf Club, the Detroit Athletic Club, the Players Club, the Detroit Boat Club, and the Detroit Board of Commerce. In 1904 he married Miss Frances Barnum; and they have a son, and reside at 48 Glad stone Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Smith, Lawrence B., Manufacturer and Director, of H and Fourth Streets, South Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lawrence B. Smith Company, manufactur ers of Silverware. He is well known metai work artisan; and a member of the Boston Society"" of Arts and Crafts. He is promin ently identified with business and public affairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Smith, Lyman D., Director, of 34 Pine Street, New York City; and a mem x n various clubs and societies. He is a di>;.v tor of the Lehigh Valley Coal S-ue* Com pany- and other corporations. Smith, Mrs. Maud Whedon, Musician, <>! Winterset, Iowa ; member of the Women H Relief Corps, the Fortnightly Club, and va rious other clubs and societies. Since 1917 she has been instructor of the Iowa Wo man s- Relief Corps. She resides in Winter- set, Iowa. Smith, 0. P., Electrical Engineer and Business Man, of 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born in 1875 in Danville, Va.He is head of O.P. Smith Com pany; and district manager for the Hert- ner Electric Company of Cleveland, Ohio, and the Automatic Electrical Device Com pany of Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Ormond G., Publisher and Bus iness President, of Seventh Avenue and Fifteenth Street, New York City; and u member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Street and Smith Cor poration, publishers. He is president of (lie Ainslie Magazine Company, and president of the Ormorge Realty Corporation. Smith, R. Lawrence, Business President, of 1.7 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie: is president of the Manhattan Terminal Company, and a director in other corpora tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 455 Smith, Richard H., Business President, of 20 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of Smith and Wat son, importers of English furniture. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Smith, Robert A. C., Business President, of 100 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Brother Valley Coal Smith, W. T., Business President, of 39 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Harriman Industrial Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Smith, Walter B., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 141 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Wood, Dolson Company, Incorporated. He is a director of the Marie Antoinette Hotel Company; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Smith, Walter Robinson, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan 31, 1875, in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Since 1919 he has been professor of sociology in the Univer sity of Kansas. He is the author of Intro duction to Educational Sociology. He re sides in Lawrence, Kan. Smith, Willard P., Secretary and Direc tor, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the continental Planta tion Company and other corporations. Smith, William Alden, Lawyer, Banker and Statesman, of Grand Rapids, Mich, was born May 1.2, 1859, in Dowagiac, Mich. In 1901 he received the honorary degree of A. M. from Dartmouth College. He was a. newsboy and messenger in the Western Union Telegraph office and in 1879 was ap pointed page in the Michigan House of Re presentatives. In 1883 he was admitted to the bar, has since practiced in Grand Rap ids; and is president of the Grand Rapids Herald. He has been a member of the Mich igan Republican State Central Committee for several terms; in 1895-1909 was a mem ber from the fifth Michigan district, fifty- fourth to sixtieth Congresses; serving on the Foreign Affairs Committe and the Ways and Means Committee. He is now president of the Grand Rapids Savings Bank. In 1907 he was elected United States Senator for the terms of 1907-13 and re- elected for 1913-19, serving on the Foreign Relations Committee, Naval Affairs, and Commerce Committees. Smith, William E., Railway Official, of Evansville, Ind., was born Sept. 13, 1868, in Georgetown, Ga. He was educated in the common schools, at the College of Bowling Green, Ky. In 1881 he entered service with the Louisville and Nashville Railroad as water boy of the construction forces; has been assistant agent, section laborer, sec tion foreman; in 1891-94 was superv- or; has been road master of various divisions in 1895-1904; in 1912-14 he was superin tendent of construction of the Louisville and Naslivillo Railroad. He is now division superintendent of Henderson and St. Louis Divisions of the Louisville and Nasbviue Railroad. Smith, William Mason, Director, of -j Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Mexican Northern Railway Company and other corporations. Smith, William Stebbins, President of the Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences. He resides at The Mansion, Bronx Park, Smith, William Walter, Member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born May 27, 1868, in New York City; and has re ceived the degrees of A.B., A.M. and M.B. He is a curate of St. Andrew s Episcopal Church of 416 Lafayette Street, New York. City; and manager of the New York Sun day School Commission, Incorporated. In 1905 he married Miss Maude Parsons Can- field; and they reside at 416 Lafayette Street, New York City. Smith, Zilpha Drew, Member of the Mon day Evening Club. She was born in 1852, in Pembroke, Mass. She is regarded as one of the leading authorities in the United States as to charitable work. In 1909 she was president of the Massachusetts State Conference Charities. She resides in Jam aica Plain, Boston, Mass. 456 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Smithers, Perry L., Merchant, of 22 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., was born in December, 1873, in Roanoke, Va. He work ed from telegrapher to superintendent of railroad; was manager and treasurer of a large leather company; and for several years was associated with Armour and Company. He is now vice-president and manager of the Booth Fisheries Company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As sociation, the Union League Club, and the Hob Link Golf Club. Smullyan, I., Business Man and Direc tor, of 68 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Consolidated Tool Works, the Hardware House of Amer ica, and vice-president of Rowson, Drew and Clydesdake, Incorporated. He is prom inently identified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. He resides at 509 Grove Street, Far Rockaway, N.Y. Smulski, John Franklin, Lawyer and Banker, of 1201 Milwaukee Avenue, Chica go, 111.; and a member of the Press Club, the Chicago Athletic Club, and the Union League Club. He was born Feb. 4, 1867, in Province of Posen, Poland; and graduated from the law department of the Northwest ern University. For years he was engaged in the newspaper and publishing business with his father, who in 1869 established the first Polish newspaper in the Unit.ed States. In 1898-1903 he was alderman of Chicago, in 1903-07 was city attorney, in 1907-09 was state treasurer of Illinois, and in 1907-13 and in 1917-20 was president of the board of the West Park Commission ers. Since 1906 he has been president of Xorth-Western Trust and Savings Bank. In 1899 he married Miss Harriet Mikityn- ski ; and they have one son and one daught er, and reside at 2138 Pierce Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Snare, Frederick, Treasurer and Director of 8 Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Frederick Snare Corporation. He is prom inently identified with business and public affairs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Smyth, John McDonnell, Merchant, of 721 West Madison Street, Chicago, Iii.,v- n* born Sept. 29, 1882, in Chicago, 111. Hi b - gan with John M. Smyth Company in 1^0."-, and served in various capacities until l~)" a when he became secretary and directoi of that corporation. Since 1917 he has been president and treasurer of John M. Smyth Company. Sneath, Mrs. Samuel B., Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Martins- burg, Knox County, Ohio. In 1902-04 she was president of the Ohio State Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides in Tiffin, Ohio. Snell, Henry B., President of the New- York Water Color Club. He resides at 215 West Fifty-seventh Street, Manhattan,New York. Snelling, R. Paul, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 77 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Lanett Cotton Mills and other corporations. Sniffen, Frank L., Business President, of 196 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Long Island Safe De posit Company, and a director in other cor porations. Snite, Frank Joseph, Lawyer and Bus iness Secretary, of 110 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 16, 1877 in Chicago, 111. In 1899 he received the de gree of A.B. from Harvard University,and in 1901 received the degree of LL.B. from Harvard Law School. In 1907-11 he was assistant corporation council of the City of Chicago; and in 1913-14 was a member of Illinois House of Representatives. Since 1917 he has been secretary of the Central American Sugar Company. He is a member of the Chicago Yacht Club, the Harvar I Club of Chicago, is a prominent Mason and member of various other clubs and socie ties. Snow, Elbridge G., Business President, of 56 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Home Insurance Company, and a director in other coipor;-.- tions. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 457 Snook, J. C., President of the Lancaster Operatic Society. She resides at 342 West Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Pa. Sow, Frederick E., Lawyer and Director of 55 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Beacon Oil Company Snyder. John G., Secretary and Director, of 256 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Arco Manifolding Com pany, Incorporated, and other corporations. Snyder, Valentine P., Director, of 155 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the New York Building and Improvement Company and other corporations. Soden, Arthur H., Business President, of 150 Oliver Street, Boston Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bay State Hardware Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Solomon, Abraham, Business Man and Director, of 179 Wooster Street, New T York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is President of the Pearsall Silver Company, Incorporated; and presi dent of the National Silver Deposit Ware Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Solomon, Louis H., Business Man and Director, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bologh Skylight and Gravity Ventilator Corpora tion. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has filled ma ny positions of trust and honor. Somers, F. A., Business President, of American National Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bellevuc Realty Company Sonn, Henry, Business President, of 149 Church Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Manhattan Leasing Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Sonn, Sidney H., Business President, of 149 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Premium Holding Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Souders, Walter G., Investment Banker and Business President, of 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 29, in Salem, N.J. He has been manager of the bank department of the Milwaukee Trust Company; and later a member of th? firm of Dewitt, Tremble and Company of Chicago. He is now T president of W. G. Souders and Company; vice-president of the Southern Illinois Railway and Power Company; and vice-president of the South ern Wisconsin Power Company and the Wisconsin River Power Company. Soule, Parker F., Business President, of Little Building, Boston, Mass., and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the L. P. Soule and Company Sousa, John Philip, Musician, Composer and Bandmaster, of 1 West Thirty-fourtii Street, New York City, was born Nov. 6, 1856, in Washington, D.C. He was a odcb- er at fifteen, was a conductor at se^ea een and was one of the first violinists of Ja ques Offenbach s Orchestra when in the United States. In 1880-82 he was band lead er in the United States Marine Corps, and since 1892 has been director o Sousa s band, lie has co- .poseu and puL-ii-h"-! ma ny marches, orchestral suites, songs and waltzes; and the light mv-ru* Fl Capilan, Bride Elect and The Ch.ua.: n Me i, tlie author of The Fif;/; String: ;ui-.l Pip, town Sandy. Southworth, Constant, Vice-president and Director, of 32 Burling Slip, Nw York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president and director of the National Paper and Type Company, which devotes its entire energy to expoi- business. Souto, Baldomero, V., Treasurer and Di rector, of 21 Murray Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is treasurer and director of the B. Souto Company, manufacturers of chairs and furniture. 458 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Spalding, James Walter, Manufacturer, of 126 Nassau Street, New York City, was born July 28, 1856, in Byron, 111. In 1876 he established the well known mercantile house of A. G. Spalding and Brothers of Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, man ufacturers and dealers in sporting goods; and is now chairman of the board of direc tors of that corporation. He is a member of the board of directors of the Importers and Traders National Bank of New York City. He is a member of the Union Hardware Club of New York City, the New York Ath letic Club, the Garden City Golf Club, and the Rumson Country Club of Rumson, N.J. He resides in Monmouth Beach, N.J. Spengler, Henry, Business President, of 5 Columbia Circle, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Spengler International Bottle Cap Company; and is identified with various other enterprises. Spaulding, William S., Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber, of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Otis Elevator Company and other corporations. Spare, E. Ray, Business President, of 25 \Vest Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Milton Chemic al ompany, and a director in other corpora tions. Speare, Frank P., University President, of 316 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Massachusetts School Masters Club, the Boston City Club, the Belmont Spring Country Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Masons, and other org anizations. He was born in 1869, in Boston, Mass.; and was educated at Harvard Univ ersity. Since 1896 he has been president of the Northeastern University. In 1914 he married Miss Katherine May Vinton; and they have one daughter, and reside at 179 Babcock Street, Brookline, Mass. Speer, Emma Bailey, (Mrs. Robert E. Speer), Member of the Bryn Mawr Club. She was born May 15, 1872, in Pottstown, Pa. Since 1915 she has been president of the National Board of the Young Women s Christian Association. Her address is 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Speer, William W., Member of the Chi cago Athletic Association, and ex-president of the LaGrange Country Club. He was born June 14, 1876, in Kansas. Ho is presi dent of the H. C. Speer and Sons Company, and resides in La Grange, 111. Spencer, Herbert, R., Lawyer and States man, of 1102 Al worth Building, Dulnth, Minn., was born in Lenox, Ohio. He was ed ucated in the public schools of his native city; and attended the Grand River Instit ute and the University of Michigan. In 1893 he was president of the City Council ; and in 1895-97 was State Senator of the fifty-fourth district of Minnesota. He is a member of the American Bar Association and numerous other clubs and societies: and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Spencer, John D., of 301 Walker Block, Salt Lake City, Utah, was born June 27, 1858, in Provo, Utah. Since 1904 he has been a member of the Library Board; and is now president of the Public Library. He is president of the Progressive Business Club; and State chairman of the Near East Relief Club. He is a member of the Art So ciety, -the Philharmonic Society, the Out door Recreation and the Press Club. In 1882 he married Miss Clarissa Young; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 238 B Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Spencer, Nelson S., Director, of 27 Wil liam Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Hubert Apartment Associa tion and other corporations. Spencer, Robert T., Business President, of 233 Broadway, New York City: and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Delaware Valley Tele phone Company, and a director in other corporations. Spencer, Selden Palmer, Business Man and United States Senator, of St. Louis, Mo., was born Sept. 16, 1862, in Erie, Pa. He is United States Senator for the term of 1919-25. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 459 Spengler, Henry, Business President, of 5 Columbus Circle, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Spengler International Bottle Cap Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Sperry, Elmer A., Business President, of Sperry Building, Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sperry Gyroscope Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Speyer, James, Member of the New York Club. He was born July 22, 1561, in New York. He is a senior member of the firm of Speyer and Company of New York. He resides in Waldheim, Scarborough-on-Hud- son, N.Y. Speyer, James, Director and Trustee, of 24 Pine Street, New York City; and a memj_ ber of various clubs and societies. He is a. director of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Company and other corporations. Spiegel, Max, Business President and Di rector, of 1579 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Adeline Amuse ment Corporation, the Allentown Theatre Company, the Hartford Grand Theatre, the Sheridan Theatre Company, and the Mar ket and Beaver Realty Corporation, and president and director in other . corpora tions. Spinard, Harry, Director, of 307 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Caravel Machine and Tool Works and other corporations. Spingarn, Joel E., Business President, of 9 West Seventy-third Street, New York Ci- tv; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Amenia Times Company, and a director in other corporations. Spitzer, A. S., Business President, of To ledo, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Carl- ton Building Company and other corpora tions. Spooner, Florence Garrettson, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Baltimore, Md. She was the founder of the Anti-deaf Penalty League; and iniciated the movement that resulted in the substitu tion of the elected chair for the scaffold, and the abolition of dark cells in the pris ons of Massachusetts. She is president or the Massachusetts Prison Reform League. She resides at 96 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. Sprague, Frank J., President of the New York School of Applied Design for Women. He resides at 160 Lexington Avenue, Man hattan, N.Y. Sprague, R. Henry B., Business President, of 15 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central National Bank Spragur, Phineas W., Business President of 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Seaconnet Coal Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Spray, Ruth Hinshaw, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Feb. 16, 1848 in Mooresville, Ind. Since 1900 she has been an officer of the Colorado State Bureau of Child and Animal Protection. She resides in Salida, Col. Spreckels, A. B., Business President, of 2 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a Member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kilauea Sugar Planta tion Company and other corporations. Spreckels, C. A., Business President, of First National Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Universal Electric and Gas Company and other cor porations. Spreckels, John D., Business President, of 2 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hilo Sugar Company and other corporations. Springier, Charles Chesley, Director, of Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Russell Coal Company and other corporations. 460 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Spreckels, Rudolph, Member of the Pac ific Union Club. He was born Jan. 1, 1872, in San Francisco, Cal. He is president of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Com pany. Me was a member of the executive commit to of five of the San Francisco Re lief and Red Cross Funds which managed a fund of nine million dollars at the time of the San Francisco Fire and Earthquake. He organized and financed the San Fran-" cisco graft for prosecution in 1900. He ic- sides at 1900 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco Cal. Sprould, William, Business President, of Market Street, San Francisco, Califoinid, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Southern Pac ific Railroad Company Squier, J. Bentley, Business Man and Di rector, of 8 East Sixty-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fifth National Bank. He is prominently identified with business and public acairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Squire, Aldis B., Business President and Director, of 81 John Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Hanover Land and Dock Company, president of the Richmond-Erie Corporation, and president of the Squire Company, Incorporated. He is treasurer and a director of the Eighty- one John Street Corporation; and a direc tor of the Harper s Ferry Paper Company, Industrial Fire Insurance Company, and and the Shenandoah Pulp Company. Squire, Reginald H., Business President and Director, of 81 John Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eighty-One John Street Corporation, president of the Squire Company of Illinois, president of the Squire Company of New Jersey, presi dent of the Squire Company of Pennsylva nia, and vice-president of the Squire Com pany, Incorporated. Stafford, William S., Director, of uOO Washington Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Kendall Products Co; Stahell, Adolph, of 99 John Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Metals Trading Corporation and other corpora tions. Stahl, Lionel A., Director, of 44 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a diric- tor of the American Finance and Commerce Company and other corporations. Stahlford, F., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Metals and Commerce Corpora tion. He is a director of the Marquette Ore Company. Me is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Stanfield, Theodore, Business Man ami Director,! 125 West Seventy-fourth Street New York City; and a member, of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Metal Company, Limited. 11^ is a director of the American Peace Society, of Washington. He is prominently ident ified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Stanford, Harold B,, Business President, of 46 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of II. B. Stanford and Company. lie is president of the Piedmont Silk Company, and presi dent of the Stanford Silk Company. He is treasurer and director of the Marford Silk Company, Incorporated, of Mctamoras,Pa. ; and prominent in business and public af fairs. Stanford, Joseph M., Director, of 51 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Tic- is a director of the Oklahoma Trading Co: pora- tion and other corporations. Stanislaws, Penrhyn, Business President, of New York City; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is preside" of the Hotel Des Artistes, Incorporated; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. His address is at Motel Hol lywood, Hollywood, Cal. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 461 Stanley, Alfred T., Vice-president of 642 West Thirtieth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, treasurer and direc tor of the John T. Stanley Company, In corporated. He is prominently identified with business, public and social affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Stanley, Edward W., Business President of 176 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New York Investors Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Stanley, Harold, Director, of 140 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the B. F. Goodrich Company and other corporations. Stanton, D. Perry, Business President, of 1 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Humphrey s Coal Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Stark, Archibald L., Business President, of 1895 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Dr. Swett Root- Beer, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Stark, Francis R.,Director, of 195 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Stock Quotation Telegraph Compa ny and other corporations. Stark, Otto, Artist, of 1722 North Dela ware Street, Indianapolis, Ind., was born Jan. 29, 1859, in Indianapolis, Ind. He was educated at the Cincinnati Art Academv, the New York Art League, and the Acad emy Jul ion of Paris, France. In 1895 he located in Indianapolis, Ind., and is now head of the art department of the Manual Training High School, and Instructor in composition at the John Herron Art Mus eum. He is an honorary member of the Indianapolis Art Association. In 1887 he married Miss Maria Nietschelm ; and they have a family of two sons and two daught ers. Starr. Orris E., Secretary and Director, of 61 Charter Street, New York City; amd a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and director of the Wood- row Court, Incorporated. For many years he has been associated with the Toledo Scale Company; and is prominently identi fied with business and public affairs. Starring, Mason Brayman, Member of the Midday Club.He was born May 8, 1859, in ChicagoJll.He is president of the North western Elevated Railroad. He resides at 25 East Division Street, Chicago, 111. Starring, Mason B., Business President, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the California Railway and Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Stauffen, Ernest, Jr., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Sims Petroleum Company and other corporations. St. Glair, R. P., Business "President, of 820 Union Building, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Producers Trans portation Company and other corporations. Stearns, E. Ward, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 288 Sheffield Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Parker, Stearns and Company and other corpora tions. Stearns, Francis U., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 9 Thomas Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the F. U. Steam and Company and other corporations. Stearns, Luttie Eugenia, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Stoughton Mass. In 1897-1914 she was connected with the Wisconsin Free Library Commission and has traveled throughout the United States as a lecturer on libraries. She re sides at 547 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Stebbins, Horace C., Business Man and Director, of 44 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Watts, Stebbins and Company. He is a di rector of the National Park Bank of New 462 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST York; and a director of the Clozene Com pany, Incorporated. He is prominently i- dentih ed with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust ana honor. He resides at 31 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York City. Steckel, Carl, Member of the Players Club. He was born in December 1858, in New Haven, Conn. He is a trustee of the New England Conservatory of Music. In 1899 he founded the Lichtenfield County Choral Union, with seven hundred members and built on his private grounds the Mu sic Shed of Norfolk, which has attended some of the highest talent of America and Europe. He resides in Norfolk, Conn. Steel, S. W., Realtor and Director, of 64 West Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is secretary, director and manager of S. W. Steel and Company. He is prom inently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Steele, John N., Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Braden Copper Mines Company Steer, Ernest J., Secretary, Treasurer an 1 Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and treasurer ol the Barrett Company. He is a director of the Alleghany By-Product Coke Corpora tion, a director of the Congoleum Company of Philadelphia, and other corporations. Stehli, Henry J., Director, of 29 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Candelaria Mining Company and other corporations. Stehman, John H., Educator, of Avon- dale School, North Sawyer and Wellington Streets, Chicago, 111., was born June 23, 1850, in Lancaster County, Pa. From 1871- 78 he 1 taught country schools in Pennsylva nia; from 1878-81 was was principal ot Schools of Plainfield, 111. Shire 1881 he has been principal of the Avondale School. He is a member of the Chicago Principals Club, the State Teachers Association; and the National Geographic Association. Stein, Abraham, Business President, of 1475 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Dickerson Estates, and director in other corporations. Stein, Leo, Treasurer and Director, of 220 West Ninety-eighth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Pie is a director of the W. J. Rich Developement Company Stein, Ludwig, Business President, of 220 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the B. Kup- penheimer and Company of Chicago, 111. He is also president of the Everett Realty ana Construction Company; and prominent in business and public affairs. Stein, Morton, Director, of Marbridge Building and Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Perry- Dame and Company and other corpora tions. Steinbrugge, Herman, Business Man and /)irector, of 29 Sullivan Street, New York societies. He is president, treasurer and di rector of the Bayne Company, Incorporated City; and a member of various club? and and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Steinbuglwe, John L., Business President of 1 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fire Creek Smokeless Fuel Company, and a director in other cor porations. Steiner, Edward Alfred, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 1, 1866, in Vienna, Austria. Since 1903 he has been professor of Applied Christianity in t.ie (irinnell of Iowa. He is the author of Tol stoy the Man. He resides in Grinnell, Iowa. Steinert, Alexander, Treasurer, Director and Trustee, of 162 Boylston Street. Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and Di rector of the Steinert and Sons; and a di rector of the Jew r ett Piano Company. He is a trustee of the New England Conservatory of Music ; is president of the Choral Music Society, and prominent in musical circles. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 463 Steinert, Robert S., Business President and Director, of 162 Boylston Street, Bos- lon, Mass.; and a member of the Universi ty Club, the Boston Athletic Club, the Win chester Golf Club, and the Essex Country .Club. He was born Nov. 6, 1894, in Boston, Mass.; and in 1916 graduated from Dart mouth College. He is a member of the Bos ton Chamber of Commerce; he is president of the Jewett Piano Company; and sec retary of M. Steinert and Sons Company. Steinhardt, Samuel C., Business Presi dent, of 50 Broad Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socle- ties. He is president of the Mutual L gnt and Water Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Stella, Antonio, Vice-president and Di rector, of 214 East Sixteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Italian Savings Bank of the City of New York. Pie is vice-president of the Society for Italian Immigrants, a director of the Immigrant Publication Society; and a trus tee of the Italy America Society. Stelzie, Charles, Sociologist and Author, of 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born June 4, 1869, in New York. He is di rector of the bureau of labor of the Anti- Saloon League of America. He is author of The Workingman and Social Problems. Stephanidis, John D.,Director, of 27 Wil liam Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Commercial Union of Amer ica, Incorporated and other corporations. Stephens, Thomas W., Business President of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a in ember of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Goodwin Film and Cam era Company, and a director in other corpo rations. Stern, Emanuel A., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 52 Wall Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and soiceties.TIe is a director of the Allied Warehouse Com pany, Incorporated and other corporation^. Stern, Henry Root, Bank Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a mem ber of the firm of Rushmore, Bisbee and Stern ; and a director of the Bank of Amer ica. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held ma ny positions of trust and honor. Stern, J. Ernest, Business Man and Di rector, of 10 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Stern Brothers and Company. He is ident- tified with various business enterprises ;and is secretary and director of the Stern-Cole- man Diamond Machine Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Stern, Leopold, Director, of 68 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Woodmere Realty Company and other corporations. Stern, Louis, Business President, of 41 West Forty-second Street, New York City , and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Library Square Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Stern, Morton F., Director, of 42 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Invincible Oil Corporation Stern, Nathan, Vice-president and Direc tor, of 201 West Seventy-ninth Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and di rector of the Stern and Saalberg Realty Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Sterne, Jerome K., Vice-president and Di rector, of 33 Summer Street, Boston,Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the C. F. Hov- ey Company. He is prominently identified with business and public afiairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Sterner, Albert, Chairman of the Paint er-Gravers of America. He resides at 145 East Thirty-sixth Street, Manhattan, N.Y. Stetson, Eugene W., Director, of 140 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation 464 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Stetson, Nahun, Treasurer and Director, of 109 East Fourteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs ana societies. He is treasurer and director of X Stetson and Company, and secretary and director, of Steinway and Sons, piano mak ers of New York City. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and lias held many positions of trust and honor. Stetson, Oscar F., Treasurer and Direc tor, of Warren, R.I. ; and a member of the Warrens Men s Club. He was born June 10, 1875, in New Salem, Mass. Since 1919 he has been assistant treasurer of the French Thread Mills. He is a director of the East ern Nail Company, the Providence Casket Company, and treasurer and director of the Quaker Spinning 1 Mills. In 1899 he mar ried Miss Lillian W. Crandell; and they have one daughter, and reside in Barring- ton, R.I. and in Falmouth, Mass. Stettinius, Edward R., Director, of 23 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the General Motors Corporation and other corporations. Steuder, Charles D., Business President, of 420 East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Charles Steuder Press, and a direc tor in other corporations. Stevens, Arthur J., Business President, of 55" Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Island Oil and Trans port Corporation, and chairman of the board* of directors of the Massachussetts Oil Refining Company. Stevens, Clinton E., Auditor and Direc tor, of 27 Market Square, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Squantum Club. lie is a director of the Silversmiths Company; and auditor of the Roger Wm. Savings Fund and Loan Association; and has held various positions of trust and honor. He married Miss Lucy S. Greene; and they have one daughter, and reside in Ann Ar bor, Mich. Stevens, Daisy McLaurin (Mrs. Wil liam Forrest Stevens), Member of the Re search Club. She was born May 21, 1875, in Raleigh, Smith County, Wis. She deliv ered the address on presenting Arlington Monument to the United States Govern ment in 1914; and in 1913-15 was president of the Arlington Monument Association. She resides in Brandon, Wis. Stevens, Frederic Beckwlth, Manufactur er and Banker, of 19 Eliot Street, Detroit, Mich., was born on Sept. 24, 1855, in Can ton, Conn. He graduated from the Williston Seminary of East Hampton, Mass. Since 1882 he has been engaged as a manufact urer of foundry facings and supplies in De troit, Mich. He is a director of the First and Old .Detroit National Bank; and a member of the Board of Commerce. He is ;> thirty-third degree Mason and past Com mander-in-chief of the Michigan Sovereign Consistory. He is a honorary member of the Acacia Fraternity University of Michigan; and a member of the Royal Order of Scot land. He is also a member of the Detroit Club and various other clubs and societies. He resides at 69 Eliat Street, Detroit,Micli. Stevens, Frederic C., Treasurer and Di rector, of 231 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United Publishers Corporation and other corporations. Stevens, George M., Jr., Treasurer and Director, of 1 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the Oyster Bay Lumber Company and other corpora tions. Stevens, Henry E., Jr., Businesss Presi dent, of 255 West Ninetieth Street, New- York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bon- ham Oil Company, and a director in other corporations. Stevens, John P., Director, of 23 Thomas Street, New York City; and a member oJ: various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Columbia Bank and other corpo rations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGY! 465 Steven, Nathaniel, Manufacturer and Business President, of North Andover, Mass.; and a member of various clubs am* societies. He was born in North Andover, Mass.; and was educated at the Phillips Academy of Andover, Mass. Since 1876 he lias been in the woolen manufacturing bus iness. He is president of the M. T. Steven and Sons Company, and president of the Andover National Bank. He is a director of the Methuen Company, the Pemberton Company, and the Arkwright Mutual Fire Insurance Company. In 1885 he married Miss Elizabeth P. White; and they reside at North Andover, Mass. Stevens, Ray P., Business President ana Director, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Pennsylvania- Ohio Electric Company, and president of the Republic Railway and Light Company. He is a director of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and a director of the Central States Electric Corporation. Stevens, Sidney, Treasurer and Director, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Ludlow Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Stewart, Alexander Mair, Contractor, ot 30 Church Street, New York City, was born Oct. 2, 1857, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is president of James Stewart and Com pany, The Canadian Stewart and Compa ny, and other corporations. Stewart, Arthur, Business President, of 12 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Dasz Realty Corpora tion. He is prominently identified with bus iness and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Stewart, Douglas, Member of the City Club. He was born July 15, 1873, in Pitts burgh, Pa. Since 1919 he bas been assistant director of the Carnegie Museum. He re sides at 920 North Lincoln Avenue, N.S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Stewart, Ella, Seass, Member of the Wo man s Club. She was born Feb. 22, 1871, in Arthur. 111. Since 1918 she has been vice- chairman of the Department of the social and industrial condition of the General Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 5464 Harper Avenue, Chicago, 111. Stewart, Isaac R., Director, of 22 Pueene Street, Long Island City, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the General Lubricating Compa ny and other corporations. Stewart, James C., Vice-president and Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Can adian Stewart Company, Incorporated. He is also vice-president of the Inland Water way Equipment and Dredging Company, James Stewart arid Company of New Jer sey, and James Stewart and Company, In corporated. Stewart, Louis, Jr., Secretary and Direc tor, of 5 West Thirty-four h Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the G.G. Gunther s Sons and other corporations. Stewart, Oliver Wayne, Member of the City Club. He was born May 22, 1867, in Mercer County, 111. In 1900 and in 1904 ne was na ional chairman of the National Pro hibition Committee. Since 1915 he has been assistant editor of the Indianapolis Daily Commercial. He resides at 5464 Harper Avenue, Chicago, 111. Stewart, W. L., Business President, of Union Oil Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the California Coast Oil Company and other corporations. Stewart, William Rhinelander, Member of the Down Town Club. He was born Dec. 3, 1852, in New York. He was the organiser in 1900 of the State Conference of Char ities and Corrections in New York, and its president in 1903. Since 1891 he has been trustee and manager of the Down Town Association, fie resides at 14 East Fifty- seventh Street, New York City. Stickney, William H., Business President of 21 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Automatic Time Stamp Company, and a director in other corpora tions. 30 466 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Stifel, Herman Charles, Business Presi dent and Financier, of 207 North Broad way, St. Louis, Mo., was born in St. Louis, Mo. He was educated at the Washington University. Since 1910 he has been presi dent of the Stifel-Nicholaus Investment Company; and is a director of the Inde pendent Breweries Company and numerous telegraph companies and industrial corpor al ions.He is a member of American Bank ers Association of St. Louis, and a member of the Board of Governors of the St. Louis Stock Exchange. He is a member of the Sunset Club, the St. Louis Club and the Missouri Athletic Club; and resides at 5406 Delmar Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Stilger, Anthony E., Business President, of 200 West Thirty-fourth Street,New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Chelsea Ex change Bank, and a director in other corpo rations. Stillman, James A., Director, of 270 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member ot various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Newport Trust Company and other corporations. Stillman, William Olin, Member of the University Club, was born Sept. 9, 1856, in Normansville, N.Y. In 1878 he received the degree of M.B. from the Albany Med ical College; and studied in the University of Berlin, Vienna and Paris. In 1880 he re ceived the honorary degree of A.M. from Union College. Since 1896 he has ?)een lec turer on History of Medicine in Albany Medical College. He is the founder and pre sident of the National School for Certified Nurses; and for many years has been pre sident of the American Humane Associa tion. He is the author of The Mineral Springs of Saratoga. In 1880 he married Miss Frances M. Rice; and they reside in Albany, N.Y. Stimson, Henry B.,Director, of 61 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Consolidated Textile Corporation and other corporations. Stitt, P. H., of 343 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, Cal.. was born Jan. 12, 1869, in Canada, He is in the Insurance business and exclusive sales agent of Tuxedo Park Properties. He is president of the City Club and a prominent Mason and Shriner. lie married Miss Clara Haas; and they have <r family of two sons and one daughter, and reside at 216 South Tuxedo Avenue, Tux edo Park, Stockton, Cal. St. John, Henry W., Business Man anu Director, of 19 Thomas Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been id entified with the St. John Brothers Compa ny, manufacturers and converters of cotton goods. Stock, Frederick A., Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Building, Chicago, 111., was born on Nov. 1, 1872, in Germany. He received the honorary degree of Mus.D. from the Northwestern umvt;i- sity. In 1895 he came to Chicago to join the Chicago Orchestra as violin player; was as sistant director for several years ; and after the death of Theodore Thomas in 1905 be came director. He is the composer of Sym phony in C Minor, for the orchestra, ami numerous songs. He is a member of the Un iversity Club, the Press Club, and a life member of the Arts Club of Chicago. In 1895 he married Miss Elizabeth Musk ul us; and they have one daughter, and reside ai 5477 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Stockham, William H., Member of trie Southern Club of Birmingham, the Country Club of Birmingham, the Old Colony Ciuo, the Hamilton Club of Chicago, and the un ited States Chamber of Commerce. He \vas born Sept. 15, 1661, in Lafayette, Ind He is president of the Stockham Ripe and Pit- tings Company. He resides at 1231 N >i Lii Thirty-second Street, Birmingham, Ala Stockton, Howaid, Director, of 50 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Merchants National Bank and other corporations. Stockton, Philip, Business President, of Old Colony Trust Building, Boston, M.SS., and a member of various clubs and soeie-. ties. He is president of the Old Colony Trust Company, and a director in other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 467 Stockwell, Edward A., Business Presi dent and Treasurer, of 327 Butler Exchange Providence, R.I.; and a member of the Art Club, the University Club, and various oth er clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 0, 1877, in Providence. Since 1901 he has prac ticed law in Providence, R.I. He is presi dent of the Providence District News Asso ciation, treasurer of the Athenaeum, and secretary of the Economic Club. In 1914 he married Miss Annie May Wallace; and they reside at 61 East Manning Street, Providence, R.I. Stoddard, John, Lawson, Member of the City Club. He was born April 24, 1850, in Brookline, Mass. He is an extensive travel er; and the author and promoter of the Stoddard Lectures. He is the author of Glimpses of the World. He resides in Italy. Stoddard, Louis E., Business President, of 25 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New Haven Hotel Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Stokes, Henry Newlin, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born Oct. 24, 1859, in Moorestown, N.J. He founded The O.E. Library League ; and edites its organ in be half of prison reform and aid to prisoners. He resides at 1205 Street, N.W., Wash ington, D.C. Stone, Galen, Director, of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Beacon Oil Company and other corpora tions. Stone, Charles A.,Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the New York Shipbuilding Corporation and other corporations. Stone, Gales L., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Clyde Steamship Company and other corporations. Stone, Malcolm B., President of 111 De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ludlow Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corpora tions, Stone, Medad E., Business President, of 75 Murray Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, treasurer and director of the Tucker Tool and Machine Company; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Stone, Nathaniel H., Director, of 614 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the El Paso Electric Company Stone, Samuel H., Secretary, Treasurer and Director, of 135 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and di rector of the Canal Broadway, Incorporat ed. He is engaged in the real estate mort gage broker business, and proiminent in business and public affairs. Stone, Warren Sanford, Member of the City Club. He was born on Feb. 1, 1860, in Ainsworth, Iowa. He is a member of the Industrial Peace Commission. He is grand chief of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He resides at 9511 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Stonemetz, Harry M., Business Presi dent and director, of 53 State Street, Bos ton, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of J. W. Bo wen and Company, stockbrokers. He is a member of the Boston Stock Ex change. He is president of the Boston arid Corbin Mining Company. He is a director of the Shannon Copper Company, and a director of the Daly-West Mining Compa ny. Storer, John Humphreys, Capitalist,Real Estate Operator and Trustee, of 10 State Street, Boston, Mass., was born Sept. 28, 1859, in Milton, Mass. He was educated at P.t. Mark s School of Southboro, Mass.; Frankfort, Germany; Harvard College and at the Harvard Law School. He received the. degree of A.M. from Harvard College, and LL.B. from Harvard Law School. He was a member of the firm of Bradley and Storer, since then trustee and treasurer of various corporations. Story, Mrs. John Clark, President of the Saint Joseph Art League. She resides in St. Joseph, Mo. 468 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Storer, Maria Longworth (Mrs. Belamy Storer), Member of the Woman s Club.She was born March 20, 1849, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1880 she founded the Rookwood Pottery; and has done notable work as a decorator in pottery and metal. In 1889 she was awarded a gold medal at the Paris Ex position. She resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Storm, George L., Director, of Johnson and Jay Streets, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the American Foreign Trade Corporation and other corporations. Storrow, James Jackson, Director, of 44 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the William Underwood Company and other corporations. Stotz, Edward, Architect, of Monongah- ela Block Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He has been president of the Pennsylvania State Association of the American Insti tute of Architects. Stout, Andrew V.,Director, of 115 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of var ious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Bank Note Company and oth er corporations. Stout, Charles T., Treasurer and Direa- tor, of 17 Cedar Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Smith Valley Realty Corporation and other corporations. Stout, Newton E., Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Hodgman Rubber Company and other corporations. Stout, William Law, Secretary and ui- rt .ctor, of 31 Liberty Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of Phelps Gnarri- ant Time Lock Company and other corpor ations. Stowe, Charles B. Member of the War- wood Golf Club, the Clifton Club, the Ma sons and Elks. lie was born July 18, 1862, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is president of The SI owe-Fuller Company of Cleveland, Ohio. lie reside* at Clifton Park, Lakewood, Ohio. Straghan, D., Duthie, Business President, of 19 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the New England Curtain Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Stralem, Casimir I., Director, of 5 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Canada Copper Company and other corporations. Strange, Albert B., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; ana a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Gold Star Heating and Lighting Company, and a director in other corporations. Strasbourger, Samuel, Business Presi dent, of 74 Broadway, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Blanche Realty Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Strasburger, Byron L., Treasurer and Director, of 15 Maiden Lane, New York Ci-_ ty; and" a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Union Ex change National Bank of New York and other corporations. Strasser, William W., Treasurer and Di rector, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the F.H. Hall Trad ing Corporation and other corporations. Straus, Harry H., Business President, of 220 \yest Nineteenth Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties? He is president of the Boucher Cork and Machine Company, and a director in other - corporations. Straus, Hugh Grant, Director, of 422 Fult.on Street, Brooklyn, New York; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fidelity International Trust Company and other corporations. Straus, Jesse Isidor, Business President, of 1317 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the R. H. Macy and Compa ny, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Straus, Lionel F., Director, of 451 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 460 various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Bronx Traction Company and other corporations. Straus, Roger W., Direetor.of 120 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Yukon Gold Company and other cor porations. Straus, Simon William, Banker and Pres ident of 150 Broadway, New York City; a member of various clubs ; was born Dec 23. 1860, in Ligonier, Ind. In 1888-95 he was engaged in banking with the firm of Straus Brothers and Company, which was changed in 1893 to S.W. Straus and Company, now doing a mortgage and bond business. He is president of the Franklin Trust and Sav ings Bank, president of the Realization Company of America; and is associated with various other corporations. He is pro minently identified witl> business and pub lic affairs of his City and State; and has tilled many positions of trust and honor. He is a member of the Chicago Stock Exchange the Association of Commerce; and is chiiir- man of the American Society of Thrift. Strauss, Aaron L., Business President, ol J84 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; an I d member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Guttermah, Strauss Company; and treasurer of the Archer Strauss Rubber Company. He io a director of the Commonwealth Realty Association, the Corrugated Paper Mills, the Interna tional Trust Company, and the Watson Cut Sole Company. Strauss, Frederick, Director, of 54 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Electric Bond and Share Compa ny and other corporations. Strauss, Julius, Merchant, of 30 Sbutu Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born May 4, 1859, in Germany. He is president of the Theodore Ascher Company, whole sale millinery. He is a member of the Luke Shore Country Club, the Illinois Athieti j Club, and the Standard Club. II: married Miss Kohn; and they have one son, -ind re side at 4850 Drexel Boulevard, Ciiicago,Ill. Strauss, Lawrence L., A 7 ice-j resident and Director, of 422 West Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of L. L. Strauss, distributors of tho Edison Mazda Lamps. He is also vice-pre sident of the Viking Sign Company; and prominent in business and Public affairs. Strauss, Morris I., Business President, of 73 East Ninetieth Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Strauss and Gut- man, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Straussman, Junior A., Secretary ana Di rector, of 27 Pine Street, New York Cu> , and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Linden Homes Street, Charles Arthur, Lumber and Tim ber Merchant, of 1880 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, 111.; and a member of varioub clubs and societies. He was born Aug. 2o, 1842, in Newmarket, Canada. Since 1868 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now president of the Street-Chat- field Lumber Company. He resides at j4J!J Astor Street, Chicago, 111. Street, Charles F., Business President, of 43 Cedar Street, New York City, a:i<] a member of various clubs and socieis 5. He is president of the Santa Fe Water aid Light Company, and a director in other cor porations. Streeter, Thomas W., Business President of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Mexican Investment Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Streifc, Samuel F., Business President, of 66 Broadway, NCAV York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Stock Clearing Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Strickland, William R., Vice-president and Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Strong and Trowbridge Company; and prominently identified with business and public affairs. Strieter, F. W., President of the Har monic Club. He resides at 10803 Amor Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 470 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST! Strong, Charles E., Business President, of 21 Walker Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ilyfield Manufactur ing Company, and a director in other cor porations. Stroock, Louis S., Business President, ot 315 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of S. Stroock and Company , manufacturers of felts, plushes and lap robes. He is also president the Stroock Felt Mills, and president of the Stroock Plush Company. Stroud, Edwin Yorke, Business President of 1 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N.J.; was born in 1885, in Bradford. England. He was educated at Cains College of Cam bridge, England. Since 1921 he has been president of Stroud and Company, and pre sident of Stroud, Wray and Company, Limited, of Montreal, Canada; and is also a director in a number of concerns in Eng land and Germany. For four years he serv ed in the British army in France; holds the rank of captain and quartermaster; and in 1919 was placed on the reserve list, having been specially mentioned by Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig for bravery on the field of battle. Strouse, Simon, President of The Forum McPherson, Kan. The object of The Forum is to encourage questions of public interest, research work in literature, arts and sci ences. He resides in McPherson. Kan. Struse, Otto F., Director, of 258 Broad way, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the First National Bank of Brooklyn, and other corporations. Stubbel, Paul, Business President, of 105 Hudson Street, New York City; and u member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Stuppel Trading Co. pany, Incorporated ; and president of raid Stuppel, Incorporated. He is prominent!" identified with business and public aftairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Stump, A. Welles, Business President, of 233 Broadway, New York City*; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cranford Gardens, and a director in other corporations. Sturgis, Fred E., Business President, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Howard Hudson Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Sturgis, R. Clipston, President of the So ciety of Arts and Crafts. He resides at 9 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Stursberg, Julius A., Business President, of 45 East Seventeenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Enameled Brick and Tile Company, and a director in other corporations. Sullivan, Cornelius J., Secretary and Di- ie(tor, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the National Ex hibition Company and other corporations. Sullivan, Francis D. C., Business Presi dent, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societieo. lie is president of the Tuckeny Oil Corpo ration, and a director in other corporations. Sullivan, J. F., Florist and Business Man of 2417 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich., was born in Avondale, Pa. He was educ ated at the public schools of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Society of American Florist, and the American Carnation So ciety. In 1881 he married Miss Maggie A. Harrington; and they have a family of two sons and two (laughters, and reside at DC troit, Mich. Sullivan, James William, Sociologist anu Author, of 1937 Stillwell Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born March 9, 1848, in Carlisle. Pa. He is the author of Direct Legislation Through the Initiative and Referendum, Tenement Tales of New York; and Markets 1 or the People. Sullivan, J. J., Secretary, Treasurer ana Director, of 170 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, X.V.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, treasurer and di rector of the Unit System Laundry Corpo ration ; and is prominently identified with bus ness and public affairs. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 471 Sullivan, Patrick F., Business President, of 185 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Commercial Finance Corporation, and a director in oth er corporations. Sulzberger, Cyrus I., of 354 Fourth Ave nue, New York City, member of the City Club, and theCentury Club. He was born in 1858 in Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of the N. Erl anger Blumgart and Company a dry goods firm. He is associate treasurer of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Institutions; and was president of the Un ited Hebrew Charities and was also presi dent of the Second New York City Confer ence of Charities and Corrections. In 1884 he married Miss Rachel P. Hays; and they have a family of three sons, and reside at 516 West End Avenue, New York City. Summerfield, M. L., Mrs., Life Member of Twentieth Century Club of Reno, Nev. She is vice-president of the Nat. Rep. Ways and Means Co. in Nevada. She resides at North Virginia Street, Reno, Nev. Summers, A. C., Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, of Columbia, S. C. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and is now commissioner of the Department of Agriculture at Col umbia, S.C. Summers, W. T., Business President, of Merchants National Bank, San Francisco. Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchants National Bank and other corporations. Summy, Daniel F., President of the Or pheus Club, with a membership of Seventy- five men. He resides at 137 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Su.-m.ner, Frederick A. He is president of the Talladega College. He resides at 384 West Battle Street, Talladega, Ala. Sumner, Malcomn, Director, of 20 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is director of the China Trading Corporation and oth- c" corporations. Sunderland, Edwin S., Lawyer and Di rector, of 15 Broad Street, tiew York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the law firm of Edwin S. Sunderland. He is a director of the Asia Banking Corporation, the Boo- rum and Pease Company, the Cornwall Telephone and Telegraph Company, and the Western Vermont Realty Company. Surbrug, John W., Business President, of 12 Duenne Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Surbrug Chocolate Cor poration, and president of the John W. Surbrug, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Surette, Thomas Whitney, Member of the City Club.He was born Sept. 7, 1862, in Concord, Mass. In 1907 he was appoint ed staff lecturer on music at Oxford. He is the author of The Appreciation of Music. He resides at 21 Lexington Road, Concord, Mass. Sutherland, Leslie, Business President, of 2396 Third Avenue, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Sutherland Con struction Company, and a director in other corporations. Suthen, John S., Director, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Great Western Lloyds and other cor porations. Sutro, Oscar, Lawyer and Director, of the Standard Oil Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1874 in Victoria, B.C. He is a member of the law firm of Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro; and general Counsel for the Standard Oil Company of California. He is a director of the Crown Willreamette Paper Company, a director of the Pampanga Sugar Mills, and a trus tee of the Calamba Sugar Estate. In 1904 he married Miss Mary Sullivan; and they have a family of one son and two daughters, and reside at 2025 Oakland Ave nue, Piedmont, Cal. Sutro, Richard, Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Southern Agriculture Chemical Com pany and other corporations. 472 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Sutton, Arthur W., Business President, of 25 \Ve.st Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Intercon tinental Publishing Corporation, and a di rector in other corporations. Sutton, Edwin S., President of the Male Chorus with a membership of fifty men. He resides at 210 Jackson Street, Trenton, N.J. Sutton, Laurus E., Comptroller and Trus tee, of 300 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is comptroller and trustee of the Brooklyn Savings Bank, and a trustee of the Kings County Trust Company. He is prom inently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Sutton, Richard D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 17 Battery Place, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socle- ties. He is a director of the East Coast Transportation Corporation and other cor porations. Swan, Trank H., Lawyer and Director, of Turks Head Building, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Standard Printing Company and other corporations. Swan, Harold S., Director, of 120 Broad way, New York City ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Alabama Power Company and other corporations. Swan, Joseph A., Director, of 140 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic Fruit Company and other cor porations. Swann, Theodore, Business President of Birmingham, Ala.; and a member of the Southern Club, the Country Club, and the Kiwanis Club, all of Birmingham ; and the Bankers Club, the Chemist Club of New York City, and numerous engineering and scientific societies. He was born on Sept. 5, 1868, in Danridge, Tenn. He is president of the Federal Phosphorus Company. He re sides at 3211 Cliff Road, Birmingham, Ala. Swann, Theodore, Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the West Virginia Light and Tractor Company, and a director in other corporations. Swanson, Gloria, Screen Artist, of Hol lywood, Cal. She was born in Chicago. She was educated in the schools of Chicago. She has been connected with the Essanay, Uni versal, Keystone, Sennett-Paramount, Tri angle, and Famous Players Corporation. She has appeared in the leading role in Her De cision, For Better or Worse, Male and Fe male, Why Change your Wife, Something to Think About, and numerous other pop ular motion pictures. Her address is Lasky Studio,. Hollywood, Cal. Swanscn, Robert D.,Di rector, of 17 Sttito Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Transportation Company and other corporations. Swanson, William H., Business President of 1400; Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the W. H. Swanson and Nol- son Company, Denver, Colo., and a director in other corporations. Swanton, Hobart P., Treasurer and Di rector, of 469 Seventh Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Colorado Clothing Company and other corporations. Swart, Walter Goodwin. Mining Engineer of Sell wood Building, Duluth, Minn., was born Feb. 19, 1868, in Fredonia, N.Y. He was manager of the American Zinc Lead and Smelting Company; and the Mesabi Iron Company. Swartwout, Richard H., Director, of 141 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Cunnock Coal Mining Compa ny and other corporations. Swasey, Ambrose, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born Dec. 19, 1846, in Exeter, N.I I.. In 1880 he entered into partnership with W. R. Warner in firm of Warner and Swasey, Incorporated, Manufacturers of machine tools and astronomical instru ments. He resides nt 7808 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 473 Swayne, Alfred H., Director, of 550 Park Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Irving National Bank and other corporations. Sweet, Henry N., Business, President, of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Uncas Power Company, and a director in other corporations. Sweetland, Cornelius S., Business Presi dent, of 203 Turks Head Building, Provid ence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rum- ford Chemical Works, and a director in other corporations. Sweezy, Everett B., Director, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the United Investment Company and other corporations. Sweitzer, Robert Magner, Public Official, of the County Building, Chicago, 111., was horn May 10/1868, in Chicago, 111. In 1893- 1010 he was associated with the John H Farwell Company. Since 1910 he has been county clerk. He is also a director of the lll nois Commercial Men s Association, and a director of the Illinois Traveling Men s Health Association. He is prominently i- <!entfied with political affairs ; and is a mem ber of numerous clubs and societies. He re sides at 2958 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Swensrn, Eric P., Business President, of (II Broadway. New York City; and member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Freeport Texas Company, and a d< reH or in other corporations. Swenson, S. Albin, Business. President,of 01 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber* of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Twelfth Avenue Realty Cor poration and other corporations. Swstland, Ade^ert B., Business Presi dent, of 239 West Thirty-ninth, Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and rocietie^. He is president of the Motor Boat Publ ; shing Company, and a director n other corporations. Swett, Vernon B., Director and Trustee, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is general agent of the Provident Life and Trust Company; and a director of Chaee and Harrirnan, Incorporated. He is trustee of the Wells Memorial Association, the Wosleyan University of Middletown, and the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Wo man s College. Swift, Alice M., Interior Decorator, of 11 East Fifty-tifth Street, New York City;and a member of various clubs and societies. She is president of Miss Swift, Incorporat ed; and president of the Tyringdale Fur niture , Limited. Swift, Charles M., Business President, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Manila Electric Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Swift, Francis H., Business President and Director, of 4 Liberty Avenue, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs anct societies. He is president of the Swift Mc- Nutt Company. He is also president of the F. H. Swift and Company, the Merrill Pro cess Company, the Southern Field Petro leum Company, and chairman of the board of directors of Swift, McNutt and Fairfield, Incorporated. Swiggett, Emma Bain (Mrs. Glen Levin Swiggett), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Martinsville, Ind. Since 1919 she has been member of the Women s International Committee for Pan America. She resides at the Mandota, Washington, D.C. Swink, Angus 0., Member of the Com monwealth Club, the Country Club of Vir- g nia, the City Club, the Rotary Club, and the Masons, Flks and Odd Fellows. He was horn Feb. (5, 1885, in Virginia. He is man ager for Virginia and the District of Col umbia of the Atlantic Life Insurance Com pany. He resides at 2805 Monument Ave nue, Richmond, Va. Switzer, John M., Director, of 80 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Pacific Development Company and other corporations. 474 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Switzer, Morris, Manager and Author, of 1710 Broadway, New York City, was born Oct. 16, 1870, in New Orleans, La. He is -o- iriventor of (lie non-fillable bottle; and ad vertising manager of the Kelly-Springfield Tire Company. He is the author of Mrs. Goose; Who Pays the Advertising Bills? and other works. Swope, Gerard, Business President and Director, of 120 Broadway, Xew York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the International General Electric Company , Incorporated; and a director of the French American Banking Corporation. Swords, William V., Director, of 29 For ty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Lie is a director of the Wheelock Piano Com pany and other corporations. Sykes, F. G., Business President, of 71 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs arid societies. He is presi dent of the Southwestern Power and Light Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Sylvester, Allie L., Business President, of 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; e;\d a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American C.^i-: Compa ny, and a director in other corporation,?. Symmes, Lawrence, M., Director, of 315 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies m- j\ a .ii rector of the Ohio Utilities Company and other corporations. Syrkin, Arnold, Business President arui Director, of 9 Bond Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Seven and iSin Broad Street Corporation; and presided oi. Syrkin and Back, Incorporated. Re is pro minently identified with busiiv-->s ami pui)- lic affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Tabor, William C., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 173 Chambers Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director o" the Urner-Barry Company, printers an l publishers. He is also a trustee of the East River Savings Institution, and is promi nently identified with business and public affairs. Taft, Robert W., Business President, of 15 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Merchants National Bank, and a director in other cor porations. Tag, Albert, Director, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the United States Casualty Company and other companies. Taggart, Thomas, Business President and Member of the National Democratic Committee from Indiana, was born Nov. 17, 1856, in Ireland. In 18J1 he located in Xenia, Ohio; in 1874 lie removed to Gar- rett, Ind., and since 1877 has lived in Indi anapolis. He is president of the Denison Hotel, of Indianapolis. He is president of the French L : ck Springs Hotel Company. In 188(5-94 he was auditor of Marion Coun ty, hid.; in 1892-96 he was Chairman of the Democratic State Committee; and since 1892 has been di-irict chairman 01 the Seventh Congressional District. In 1895- 1901 he serve 1 three terms as mayor oi Indianapolis. Since 1900 he has been a uiemb .T of the Democratic National Com mittee from Indiana. He resides in French Lick Springs, Ind. Tagliabue, Charles J., Business President and Trustee, of 32 Thirty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the C. J. Tagliabue Manufacturing Company. He is also treasurer and director of th" rhartag Realty Company; and secertary, treasurer and director of the Mountain Lakes, Incorporated. Tait, Frank M., Business President, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central New York Power Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Takamine, Jokichi Jr., Director, of 12 Dutch Street, New York City; and a mem- ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Takamine Ferment Com pany and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 475 Takamine, Jokichi, Chemist and Busi ness President, of 550 West One Hundred was born Nov. 3, 1854, in Takaoka, Japan. He graduated from the Engineering Col lege, Imperial University of Glascow and and Seventy-third Street, New York City, Andersonian University; and receive:! the degrees of D.Ch. and Ph.D. In 1881-84 he was head chemist of the Imperial Depart ment of Agriculture and Commerce of Tokyo ; was Imperial Japanese commission er to the Cotton Centennial Exposition of New Orleans; and in 1887 organized and erected the first superphosphate works at Tokyo. In 1890 he came to America, and applied new process of conversion and fermentation to practiced use resulting in the production of Takadiastase, now use 1 as a starch digestant. He established a research laboratory in New York; an 1 i; consulting chemist of Parke, Davis an 1 Company, lie is president of teh Tira- mine Ferment Company, and the C i < i;r> International Takamine Ferment Compa ny. In 1906 was decorated by Emperor o Japan with Fifth Order of the Rising Sun; and in 1913 wa ; aprxrnted by the Emperor a member of the Royal Academy of S:-i- ence. He is a member of the Loto; Club, the Chemists Club, the Drug and Chemical Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Bankers Club and the Nippon Club. Talbot, Edmund H., Lawyer and Direc tor of the American Glue Company an 1 other corporations. Talbot, Frank, President of the Phil uir- monic Society of Fulton, witji a member ship of sixty men. He resides at JNorili Main Street, Gloversville, N.Y. Talbot, Hammond, Business President, of 11 Water Street, New York City; an 1 a member of various clubs and societ e< H x is president of the Cha<>. Talbot a- 1 Cvn- pany, and a director in other corporations. Ta^bott H. E, Bnsine s President, of 137 Ludlow Street, Dayton. Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chas. Talbot rnd Com pany and other corporations. Talcott, Janes Frederick, Merchant anl Clergyman, of 225 Fourth Avenue, New York City, was born Sept. 14, 1866. In 1888 he graduated from Princeton Univer sity. He is president of James Talcott, In corporated; director of the Chatham and American Hosiery Company; a member of the Chamber of Commerce; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. Talmage, Edward T. H., Business Pres ident, of 25 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president and director of the Thompson-Low Manufacturing Company. He is prominently identified with bu - iness and public affairs, and has held ma ny positions of trust and honor. Tanenbaum, Jerome, Secretary, Treasur er and director, of 640 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the real es tate firm of L. Tanenbaum, Strauss and Company. He is secretary and treasurer of the Bielty Realty Company, the Botan Realty Company, the Fourth Avenue As sociation, the Prince-Mercer Corporation, and the 718 Broadway, Corporation. Tankoos, Samuel J., Business Man and Director, of 11 John Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president, treasurer and di rector of Tankoos, Smith and Company realtors; and has held many posltijons of trust and honor. Tanzer, Laurence A., Director, of 261 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Woodpulp Corpora tion and other corporations. Tapping, Edgar James, Fire Underwriter and Former President of the National As sociation of Local Fire Insurance Agents, was born April 7, 1863, in New Brunswick, N.J. He received a public school educa tion, and began his business career in a wholesale leather house in New York City. He is at present engaged in the fire in surance business as senior member of the local agency firm of Tapping and Riedeburg of Milwaukee, Wis. He he has been an ac tive member of the National Association of Local Agents, and was elected president of the Association at the annual meeting in 1905. 476 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Tarbell, Gage E., Director, of 320 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Westchester-Biltmore Coi Tarrant, Edward Campbell, Laud Mort gage Banker, of Sail Antonio, Texas, was hiini .July 2. 1872, in Scooba, Miss. He was educated ;it Soule College of Chapel Hill, Texas and at the Southern t uiversity, Ala bama. In 1891 lie entered railway service as a clerk in the supply department of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway. During 1 1892-1900 he was general store keeper: in 1900-02 paymaster; and in 1UU2- 12 \vas ti ea surer of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad. Since 1912 he has been a partner in the firm of E. B. Chand ler and Company, real estate mortgages, lie i> secretary and treasurer of the San Antonio Club and the San Antonio Ro tary Club. Tasker, Lawrence H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 154 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New York Acerage Estates Company and other cor porations. Tate, Alfred O., Business President, of :} J1 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president and director of the Tate Electro lytic Textile Processes, Incorporated, and president find director ol (lie Crnn ; toi Print Works Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Tate, William S., Business President, of 325 River Street, Chicago, 111., was born April 4, 1874, in Belfast, Ireland. He is a graduate of the Belfast Model Schools, and of the Young Men s Christian Associ ation Business College. Since 1904 he has been in business for himself as a printer and since 1908 has been president of the Chicago Job Press Company. He is a mem ber of the Hamilton Club, an 1 is a prom inent Mason and Shriuer. In 1904 he mar ried Miss Martha S. Boyd, and they have a family of two sons and one daughter, an 1 reside at 5414 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Tatnall, Henry, Director, of 319 Pennsyl- <:mia Station, ivew York City, and i mem ber ol various clubs and societites. He is a director of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company and other corporations, Taub, Benjamin, Treasurer and Director, of 175 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He i; a director ol the Trinity Coal Corpora tion and other corporations. Taussig, Charles W., Director, of 111 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Jersey Biscuits Company and other corporations. Taylor, Alva Wilmot, Member of the City Club. He was horn Nov. 15, 1871, in Ananio a. owa Since 1910 he has been pro fessor of social service in the Bible College of Missouri. He is the author of Social Work of Christian Missions. He resides in Columbus, Mo. Taylor, Amos L,, Lawyer and Director, of 40 Court Str-et, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the New England Airplane ( ;rnt any and oilier corporations. Taylor, Cyril F., Business President, of f)7(> Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Home Maid Pro ducts Company, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, David, Director, of 143 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of he Wendell P. Colton Company and oth t corporations. Taylor, David H., Business President, of 1(55 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president ol the Kingdon Realty Compa ny, and a director in otlr-r corporations. TayJor, F. E., Business President, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various (dubs and societies. He is president of the Roslyn Investment Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, Feildmg Lewis, Physician and Surgeon, of 112 East Sixtieth Street, New York City, was born May 24, 1868, in Mar- tinsville, Va. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 477 Taylor, George C., Business President, of 65 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Express Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, George H., Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Three States Realty Company, and a director in various other corporations. Taylor, George H., Banker, of 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111., was born March 14, 1878, in Thorold, Canada. He has been manager of the Baltimore office of the E. H. Rollins and Sons; and later sales manager for the^same firm in Chica go. He is now president of Stanwood, Taylor and Company. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, the Chicago Yacht Club the Elks Club and the Exmoor Coun try Club. Taylor, Graham, Member of the Union League Cub. He was born May 2, 1851, in Schenectady, N.Y. Since 1892 he has been professor of social economics in the Chicago Theological Seminary. Since 1894 he has been resident warden of the Chi cago Common Social Settlement of which he was the founder. He is the author of Religion in Social Action. His address is 955 Grand Avenue, Chicago, 111., Taylor, Henry R., Director, of 20 Ex change Place, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Green Bay and Western Railroad Company and other corporations. Taylor, Hubert G., Business President, of 45 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Kings County Savings Bank, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, John, Business Man and Di rector, of 7308 Bennett Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he was secre tary and director of the Consolidated Den tal Manufacturing Company, of 130 Wash ington Place, New York City; and secre tary and director of the Halesit Compa ny, Incorporated. He is now identified with "the business and public affairs; of Pittsburgh, Pa. ; and has held many posi tions of trust and honor. Taylor, Joseph B., Business President, of 50 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Claremont Power Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, Myron C., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchantile Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, Robert D., Member of the Ro tary Club. He is secretary of the Frater nal Acturaial Association. He has been president of the Fraternal Bankers! Re serve Society. He resides at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Taylor, Roland L., Director, of 28 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Edward G. Budd Manufac turing Company and other corporations. Taylor, Russell McD., Director, of 639 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the California, Club of Los Angeles and other corpora tions. Taylor, S. Earl, Member of the City Club. He was born April 26, 1873, in New Hampton, Iowa. Since 1919 he has been general secretary of the Inter-Church World Movement. He is editor-in-chief of the World Outlook. He is the author of Price of Africa. He resides at 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Taylor, Samuel Alfred, Engineer, of the Second National Bank Building, Pitts burgh, Pa., was born Oct. 24, 1863, in North Versailes Township, Allegheny County, Pa. He was president of the Cres cent Coal Company, also manager. Taylor, William H., Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Goodwin Car and Manufacturing Company, and a director in other corporations. Taylor, William W., Treasurer and Di rector, of Broadway corner of Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.j and a member 478 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Delta Chi Realty Company and other corporations. Tegenthoof, Charles C., Business Pres ident, of 475 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the South American Steamship Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Tegtmeyer, Charles, William, Manufac turer, of 1800 South Canal Street, Chicago, 111., was born Dec. 15, 1866 In Chicago, 111. He is president of the Tegtmeyer Box and Lumber Company. Telenga, Jan, Business President, of 149 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pres ident, treasurer and director of the J. Telenga Export and Trading Corporation. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs ; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. He resides at 440 Riverside Drive, New York City. Temple, Mary Boyce, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Knox- ville, Tenn. In 1919 she founded the Oli ver Perry Temple Plant Breeding Founda tion in the University of Tennesee. She is the author of Sketch of Margaret Ful ler Ossoli. She resides at 316 West Cum berland Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. Tench, Frederick, Engineer and Busi ness President, of 70 East Forty^-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of the Transportation Club, and the Canadian Society. He was born in Canada ; and was educated in Niagara Falls. He has been engaged in bridge building on the Missis sippi, the Missouri, and the Snake Rivers; and also in Louisiana and in New York City. He built the New York end of the Williamson bridge, a large part of the New York subway, the Ship Canal Bridge, and many others. He is president of the Terry and Tench Company, Incorporated. He is also president of the San Pedro Gold Mining Company, and other corporations. Tenney, Albert B., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Standard Crayon Manufacturing Company, and a and director in other corporation!, Tenney, Charles H., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the America Tar Company, and a director in other cor porations. Tenney, Harral S., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Greenwich Trust Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Tenney, Horace Kent, Lawyer, of 137 South LaSalte Street, Chicago, 111., was born Sept. 11, 1859, in Portage, Wis. He was educated at the University of Ver mont; and in 1881 received the degree of LL.B. from the law department of the University of Wisconsin. He has attained success in the practice of law in Chicago, 111.; and is a member of the law firm of Tenny, Harding and Sherman. He has been president of the Chicago Bar Associ ation. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Literary Club, and is a member of various other clubs and societies. Terbell, Joseph B., Business President, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Shoe and Foundry Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Terhune, Ten Broeck M., Director, of 80 Maiden Lane, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the William M. Crane Com pany and other corporations. Terry, Charles A., Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bryant Electric Company and other corporations. Terry, Edward F., Business President, of 70 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and; societies. He is president of the Jackson ville Dry Dock and Repair Company, and a director in other corporations. Terry, Everett E., Director, of 258 Church Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Midwood Trust Company and other corporation^ AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 479 Terry, John T., Director and Trustee, of 128 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and .societies. He is a director of the American Exchange National Bank, the American Exchange Securities Corporation, the John L. Roper Lumber Company, the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company, and the Pacific Bank of New York. He is also a trustee of the* Bowery Savings Bank. Tarry, Wylls, Director, of 6 Hanover Street, New York City, an da member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Sterling Salt Company ami ofli- i r corporations. Tetre, Lucius, Member of the Lotos Club. He was born Sept. 23, 1873, in Bowling Green, Ind. Since 1908 he has been vice- president of the Chicago Trust Company. He resides at 5637 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, 111. Thacher, Archibald G., Director, of 59 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Columbia Insurance Com pany and other corporations. Thalman, Edward E., Business Presi dent, of 41 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the St. Lawrence Pyrites Company, Thayer, Benjamin Bowditch, Mining En gineer, of 25 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Oct. 20, 1862, in San Francisco, Cal. He was president of the Raritan Copper Works, Andes Copper Min- n ing Company. He is a director of the Ana conda Lead Products Company; president and director of Andes Exploration Compa ny of Maine; director of the Arizona Oil Company; director of the Big Blackfoot Lumber Company; director of the Diamond Coal and Coke Company, and other corpor ations. Thayer, Edward Claflin, Member of the Harvard Club of New York City, the har vard Club of Boston, the Union League Club of Brooklyn, and the Crescent Athlet ic Club of Broklyn. He is a wholesale shoe merchant of 58-60 Reade Street, New York City, He was born in 1864 in Cincinnati, Ohio; and in 1885 graduated from Harvard University. Since 1885 he has been identi- fiied with Aaron Claflin and Company; and : u;> v president and treasurer of their suc- re vors, ClaHin, Thayer and Company. In 1897 he married Miss Alice Keresey; and the have a family of two sons and two (Var^hters, and reside at 5 St. Paul s Court, Brooklyn, N.. T. -ayer, Eugene V.R., of 25 Broad Srteet New York City; and a member of various clnbs and societies. He is a director of the American Telephone and Telegraph Compa ny and other corporations. Thayer, Harry I., Manufacturer and Bus iness President, of 17 South Street, Bostpi, Mass.; and a member of the Boston City Club, the Tedesco Club, and the Exchange Club ; he is a Mason and an Odd Fellow He was born on Sept. 15, 1869, in Pembroke, Mass.; and was educated in public schools of Hanover, Mass. In 1894 he began the manufacture of leather in Boston under the firm name of Thayer, Foss and Company, which in 1905 was incorporated as Thayer- Foss Company, of which he is president. He is a director of Boylston National Bank; and a director of the Wakefield Trust Com pany, of Wakefield, Mass. He is president of the Tanners Council; and a director of the American Shoe and Leather Associa tion. In 1891 he married Miss Emma Bates; and they have a family of three sons. Thayer, John Eliot, Director, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Butters Lumber Company and other corporations. Thieme, H. P., President of the Ann Ar bor Art Association. He resides in Ann Arbor, Mich. Thomas, Charles G. M., Director, of 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Flushing National Bank and other corporations. Thomas, David H., Director, of 31 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Georgia-Carolina Power Compa ny and other corporations. 480 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Thomas, Arthur Abbot, Lawyer and Di rector, of the Turks Head Building, Provid ence, R.I. ; and a member of the Agawarn Hunt Club, the Providence Art Club, the Turks Head Club, and is prominent Mason. He was born June 13, 1878, in Providence, R.I.; in 1901 received the degree of B.A. from tlu- Phillips Andover Academy; and in 1904 the degree of LL.B. from Harvard School. He has since practiced law in Pro vidence ; has been a member of the City Council, is a director of the Bank Building Company, and has held many positions of trust and honor. In 1910 he married Miss Pauline de W. Bartlett; and they have a family of two daughters and reside at 24 Diman Place, Providence, R.I. Thomas, Edwin Ross, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born in 1850 in Webster, Westmoreland County, Pa.; and received an academis education. He is a successful manufacturer; and president of the Fed eral Taxi cab Company of Buffalo, N.Y., al so president of the Thomas Tropical Trust Company of Silver Farm, near Homestead, Pa. Thomas, Eugene P., Business Man and Director, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the United States Steel Products Company. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic axairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Thomas, H. H., Business President and Director, of Cucamonga, Cal.; and a mem ber of various ciubs and societies. He is president of the Haven Vineyard Company, president of the Cucamonga Vintage Com pany, vice-president of the Cucamonga Wat er Company, and vice-president of the Ro chester Water Company. He is a director of the First National Bank of Cucamonga, the San Bernardino National Bank, and the Cucamonga Building and Loan Association. In 1902 he married Miss Ida E. Haven; and they have a family of two sons, and. reside at Cucamonga, Cal. Thomas, John B., Treasurer and Director, of 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields and other corporations. Thomas, John Lloyd, Member of the City Club. He was born April 22, 1857, in Wit- ton Park, England. He has traveled in Eu rope studying subjects of madel dwellings and similar movements for the benefit of working men. He has lectured on Better Homes for the Peoples and Kindred Top ics. He resides at 161 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City. Thomas, Richard H., Manufacturer and Business President, of 116 North Carpenter Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He was born Oct. 25, 1863, in Alleghany, Pe., He is president and treasurer of the Economy Pumping Machinery Company; and president of the Inland Iron Works, of Joliet, 111. In 1893 he married Miss Lucille A. Rousseau, of Pittsburgh; and they have a family of two sons and three daughters, and reside at 426 Forest Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Thompson, Carl Dean, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born March 24, 1870, in Berlin, Mich. Until 1901 he was pastor of Congregational Churches of America. He is the author of Municipal Ownership. He resides at 4131 North Keeler Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Thompson, Mrs. E. L., President of the Opera Association, with a membership of one hundred and ten men and women. She resides at 431 Montgomery Drive, Portland, Ore. Thompson, Edward B., Director, of 215 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Brooklyn Furniture Company and other corporations. Thompson, Everett L., Business Presi dent of 123 William Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of th International Sprinkler Company, and a director in other corporations. Thompson, Henry Burling, Member of the Philadelphia Club. He was born Aug. 6, 1857, in Darby, Pa. Since 1913 he has been president of the United States Finishing Company. He resides in Brookwood Farm, Greenville P.O. Del. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIdi 481 Thompson, Henry S., Business President of 1977 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Golden Hill Building Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Thompson, James S., Business President, of 30 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company, and president of the American Shop Equipment Company. He is also vice-president of the American Manganese Steel Company, and a director of Southern Foundry and Machine Compa ny. Thompson, Ralph H., Business President, of 44 Murray Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Diamond Mills Paper Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Thompson, T. Langland, Director, of 27 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Norwegian American Securities Corporation and other corpora tions. Thompson, Theodore B., Treasurer and Director, of 120 East Sixth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Thompson Land and Water Company and other corpo rations. Thompson, W. A. Jr., Business President of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Texas Steamship Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Thompson, Wilfred M., Financial Man ager, of 63 Park Row, New York City, was born March 20, 1881, in Ottawa, Canada. For two years he was financial manager in Chicago, 111.; and for the pasf seventeen years has been a newspaper representative. He is supervisor of the County of Nassau, N.Y., from the City of Long Beach, his pre sent term ending in 1926; and is also a member of the city council for the City of Long Beach, fer term ending in 1926. He is president of the Long Beach West Amuse ment Corporation. He is vice-president of the Masonic Club of New York, is a prom inent Mason, and a member of various oth er organizations. In 1914 he married Miss Harriette M. Tetten; and they have a fam ily of three sons, and reside in Long Beach N.Y. Thompson, William Boyce, Business Pre sident, of 1 Madison Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Magma Ari zona Railroad Company, and a director in other corporations. Thompson, William H., Director, of Ful ton Avenue, Long Island City, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He He is a director of the John R. Thompson Agency and other corporations. Thompson, Wilfred M., Business Presi dent, of 63 Park Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Long Beach West Am usement Corporation, the Long Beach West Civic Association ; and the Long Beach West Property Owners Association. He is also vice-president of the Hudgins Hiverdale Realty Company, Incorporated. Thompson, Archibald Eugene, Member of the University Club of Chicago, and the Pendemir Club Louisville. He is principal of the Lincoln Institute of Kentucky. He resides at Lincoln Ridge, Ky. Thompson George L.,Director, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Klots Throwing Company and other corporations. Thomson, Philip W., Treasurer and Di rector, of 164 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer of the Thomson Electric Welding Company and other cor porations. Thomson, Samuel G., Director, of 125 Riverside Drive, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Rail Joint Company. Thorn, John C., Business President, of 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Plandome Height Com pany, and a director in other corporations. SI 482 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Thornall, Clarence E., Business Presi dent, of 50 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Border Rubber Company, Thorne, Harold B., Director, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Potomac Electric Power Com pany and other corporations. Thorne, S. Brinkerhoff, Business Pres- dent of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socio ties. He is president of the Temple Coa] Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Thorne, Samuel Jr., Business President of 27 Cedar Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Delafiela, Thorne and Burleigh. He is president of the Hyco Fuel Products Corporation, the Monmouth Beach Fish Company, and the North American Fish and Cold Storage Company. He is a director of the Manden- go Development Corporation, the Veget able Oil Corporation, and the North Am erican Refining Corporation. Thornos, George, President of the Un iversity of Utah. He resides at 433 Doug las Street,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Thornton, Charles Solon, Lawyer, of u North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born April 12, 1851, in Boston, Mass. In ]872 he graduated from Harvard College. He has been corporation counsel for the City of Chicago, and also for the Town of Lake; president of the Board of Education of Auburn Park, 111.; and a member of the Board of Education of Chicago, 111. He is actively engaged in the general practice of his profession; in 1916 was a Presidential elector on the Democratic ticket. Tlicrp, George G., Steel Manufacturer, of 208 .South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 29, 1868, in Pittsburgh, Fa. He was formerly general superintendent of the Carnegie Steel Company. He is now vice-president of the Illinois and Indiana Steel Companies. He is a member of the ( bieago Club, the University Club and tie Chicago Yacht Club. Thorpe, Edward Everett, Director, of 235 West One Hundred-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Penn- lane Realty Company and other corpora tions. Threadgill, Frances Falwell (Mrs. John Threadgill), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Memphis, Tenn. She estab lished the educational loan fund in Okla homa of the State Federation of Women s Clubs, to enable girls to secure higher ed ucation. She has been president of the Oklahoma State Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 416 West Park Place Oklahoma City, Okia. Tlmrber, Howard F., Business President and Director, of 15 Day Street, New York City , and a member of various clubs ana -ocieties. He is president of the New Yon<. Telephone Company. He is president of the Empire City Subway Company, and chair man of the board of directors of Friend ship Telephone Company. He is a director of the Bell Telephone Company of Perm sylvania, and a director of the Holmes Electric Protective Company. Tlmrber, Orray E., Director, of 90 West Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Eastern Paving Company and other corporations. Thurlow, Lewis K., Director, of I ll State Street, Boston, Masj. , iu.i j. member of various clubs and societies. lie is uire?- tor of the Atlantic Coast Company and other corporations. Thurston, Henry Winfred, Member oi the City Club. He was born Fo o. 2*<, 1S61, in Barre, Vt. Since 1912 he has In-,, liea.l of the Children s Department of the New York School of Philanthropy. 1T.> in the au thor of Spare Time and Dai ur. uem;;/. lie resides in New York City. Tibbits, Henry R., Business President of 542 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Port Washington National Bunk, and a director in other cor porations. Tiffany, Charles L., Director, of 4 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 483 her of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bankers Trust Company and other corporations. Tiffany, Louis C., Business President, of 401 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Louis C. Tiffany Fur naces, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Tiffany, Luther Scott, Merchant, of j^5 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born June 20, 1867, in Davenport, low.*. He was educated in the public schools an^ at the Business College of Davenpori,io\vcc. Since 1887 he has been connected with O. W. Richardson and Company, and is now president and treasurer of that corporation. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association and the South Shore Country Club. He is a member of the Central Man ufacturing District Club; and treasurer of the Carpet and Upholstery Club. He is al so a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. In 1889 he married Miss Emma Berry; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters; and reside at 7140 Eu clid Avenue, Chicago, 111. Tiffany, Nelson 0., Manufacturer and Business President, of Buffalo, N.Y., was born Feb. 1, 1842, in Lancaster, N.Y. He engaged in the furniture business as man ager and designer for three years. He trav eled for the Howe Sewing Machine Compa ny as a manager and superintendent of agencies on his own account. In 1882 was manager of the New York office of tbe Household Sewing Machine Company; and in 1884-1909 was secretary and general manager of the Masonic Life Association of Buffalo. During his connection with the association it has been brought up from a small and unimportant local society to a large and scientifically rated company of large proportions, having over twenty-five millions of insurance in force. He has been president and general manager since 1909. He was elected president of the National Association of Mutual Life Underwriters in 1913, and was re-elected. Tilford, Frank, Business President, of 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Park and Tilford, and a director in other corporations. Tiller, Ben J., Business President and Trustee, of the Burk Burnett Building, Fort Worth, Texas; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is president of the Symphony Orchestra. He is trustee of the Estate of J. T. W. Tiller; and prom inent in business and public affairs. Tillman, James Alexander, Member of the Knickerbocker Club. He was born in New York City. He is vice-president of the Fifth Avenue Safe Deposit Company. His address is 55 Wall Street, New York City. Tilney, Albert A., Director, of 16 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the B. F. Goodrich Company and other corporations. Timmerman, Dwight E., Business Presi dent, of 15 Central Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Standard Rivet Company, and a director in other corpora,- tions. jj tij Tingelstad, 0. A., Member of various clubs and societies. He received a thorough academic education; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. He is now re gistrar of Luther College, Decorah, Iowa He resides in Decorah, Iowa. Tinker, Edward R., of 61 Broadway,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Chase Securities Corporation; and a member oil the executive committee of the Knox Hat Company. He is a director of the American Motor Body Company, the Chase National Bank of the City of New York, the Consol idated Textile Corporation, Dunlap and Company, the Fairbanks Company, the Glidden Company, the Idaho Power Com pany, the Maxwell Motor Company, the Mercantile Trust Company and other cor porations. Tinkham, George Holden, Lawyer and Congressman, of 336 Commonwealth Ave nue, Boston, Mass. He attended private and public schools in Boston and Harvard Col lege, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1894. He was elected to the Boston Common Council in 1897 and 1898} to Boston Boaid 484 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST of Aldermen in 1900, 1901 and 1902; anl to the Massachusetts State Senate in 1910 1911 and 1912. He was elected to the sixty- fourth, sixty-fifth and sixty-sixth Con gresses, his present term ending in 1921. He was the first American to fire against the Austrians after the declaration of war by the United States at Capo d Argine, on the Piave River, December 11, 1917. Tinsley, Richard P., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a inembor of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Latin-American Corporation Tipograph, Carl M., Business President, of 15 West Fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of Harris and Tipo graph, Incorporated. He is prominently ;- dentified with business and public affairs and lias filled many positions of trust and honor. Tipton, Harry D., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer and director of the Schults Bread Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Titherington, Richard H., Secretary and Director, of 280 Broadway, New York Cityj and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Mochio Hotel Company and other corporations. Titus, Louis, Business President, of Bal lon r Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Consolidated Mutual Oil Company and other corporations. Todd, Ambrose G., Business President, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Barretto Holding Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Tcdd, Arthur, James, Member of the Ci ty Club. II<- was born May 6, 1878, in Peta- luma, Cal. Since 1917 he has been director of the training course for social and civil work in the University of Minnesota. He is the author of Democracy and Reconstruc tion in 11)19. He resides at 616 Tenth Ave nue, S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Todd, Charles Lee, Treasurer and Trus- tee,of 111 Devonshire Street,Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is treasurer of the Miller Candy Company and other corporations. Todd, William H., Business President and Director, of 25 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Todd Shipyaids Corporation, Incorporated. He is president of the Erie Basin Towing and Hoisting Company, the Tebo Yacht Basin Company, the Robins Dry Dock and Repair Company, the Todd Shipyards Corporation, and ike White Fuel Oil Engineering Corporation. He is also a director of the Seattle Con struction and Dry Dock Company, and the Tie t jen and Lang Dry Dock Company, ana oth.er corporations. Tolman, Henry, Treasurer and Director, of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Rhode Island Cop per Company and other corporations. Tolson, T. Elliot, Business President, 01 129 West Forty-eight Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of Shawnee Realty Corporation, and a director in other cor porations. Tomlins, William M. Jr., of 100 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Prospect Home Building and Loaa Association and other corporations. Tompers, George U., Business President, of 326 Broadway, New York City; and a cniember of various clubs and societies. He is president of the F.A. Richter Company of New York, and a director in other cor porations. Tcmpkins, Boulston A., Director, of 16 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of (lie Coronet Phosphate Company and other corporations. Tompkfns, Leslie J., Director, of 27 Co dar Street, New York City; and a member, of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Corporate Mortgage Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 485 Tompkins Ray, Business President, of 4i Pak Row, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Ehnira and Seneca Lake Trac tion Company, and a director in other cor porations. Tomlinson, Irving C., Christian Scientist, of 1249 Little Building, Boston, Mass., was born in Perry, N.Y. He received the de grees of A.B. and A.M. from Akron Un iversity, and the degree of B.D. from Tufts College. Since 18^8 he has je?<i a Christian Science practitioner and teache t and is now president of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. He was formerly a Universalist clergyman and a Christian Science lecturer. He is a thirty- two degree Mason. In 1916 he married Miss Elizabeth Cadwell ; and they reside at 8 West Hill Place, Boston, Mass. Tonkin, John Jay, Business President and Director, of 2345 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs an;T societies. He is president of the Tonkin-Du- Pont Graphite Company; and a chairman of the board of directors of the Tonkin Plate Graphite Company. He is president of the Diamond Plate Graphite Company, the International Dry Concentrator Com pany, the Nuro Mining Company,the Stand ard Mining Milling Company, and the Ton kin Graphite Company. Tooker, Joseph D., Treasurer and Direr- tor, of 111 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the El Rayo Mines Company and other corporations. Toomey, Noxon, Member of various clubs and societies. He is a successful physician of the Lister Building, St. Louis, Mo. He lias filled many positions of trust and hon or; is a member of various medical socie ties; and is owner of a large private rued ical reference library. He resides at 4500 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Topping, John A., Director, of 17 Bat tery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Belle Haven Land Compaq and other corporations. Torchio, Philip, Electrical Engineer, of 124 East Fifteenth Street, New York City was born Aug. 2, 1868, in Vercana, Iloiy. He is now chief electrical engineer; also consulting engineer of several allied compa nies. He is a member of various clubs and societies. Torrance, Jard Sidney, President of Ift Southwest Museum. He resides in Los An geles, Cal. Torrance, J. S., Business President of 1210 Washington Building, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union Ar- nex Oil Company, Los Angeles, and otinr corporations. Tourny, George, Banker and Broker, oi* 526 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the San Fran cisco Savings and Loan Socity, and a direc tor of other corporations. He is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Tower, Charlemagne, President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He re sides at 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Towle, Loren D., Director and Trustee, of 68 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the International Trust Company and other corporations. Towne, Arthur Whittlesey, Member of the City Club. He was born March 13, 18/8 in Springfield, Mass. Since 1913 he has been superintendent of the Brooklyn So- city for the Prevention of Cruelty to Child ren; and is a writer on social topics. lie resides at 145 South Oxford Street, Brook lyn, N.Y. Towne, Elizabeth, Member of the Wo men s Club, the Press Club, and various other clubs and societies. She is a success ful author and publisher of 247 Cabot Street, Hoi yoke, WHSH. She was born May 11, 1855, in Portland, Ore.; and was educ ated in the public schools of her native Ci ty and under private tuition. She is pre sident and treasurer of Elizabeth Towne Company, Incorporated, publishers of Nau tilus and of New Thought Books. She fs the editor of the Nautilus Magazine, found- 486 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISt ed in 1898. She is the author of Practical Methods, Life Power, Lessons in Living, and a score of other books and brochures. She has been president of the Hampden County Women s Club, chairman of the All-Holyoke Open Forum, and is a member of Ex. Board of International New Thought Alliance. In 1900 she married Mr. William E. Towne; has one daughter and one son by a former marriage ; and resides in Holy- oke, Mass. Towne, Henry Robinson, Manufacturer and Engineer, of 420 Park Avenue, New York City, was born Aug. 28, 1844, in Phi ladelphia, Pa. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Yale and Towne Manu facturing Company; and president of the Morris Plan Company of New York. He is a past president and honorary member of the American Society of Mechanical En gineers; honorary president of the Taylor Society, and a past president of the Mer chants Association of New York; and is the author of Towne on Cranes, Locks and Building Hardware, and other works. In 1868 he married Miss Cora E. White, who died in 1917. He has one son living; and resides at 420 Park Avenue, New York Ci ty. Towne, Paul E., Business President, of 258 Broadway, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Associate Owners, Townley, Calvert, Business President and Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is assistant to the president of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; and vice-president of the South Philadelphia Company. He is a director of the Federal Light and Traction Company, the Kolynos Company, the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad Company, the Pan-American Debenture Corporation, and a trustee and director of the Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Traction Corporation. Townsend, Arthur 0., Business Prosi- dent, of 31 Nassau Street, New York Cit; ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Raynham Real ty Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations, Townsend, G-. H., Business President, of 2d, 15 Wilbur Avenue, Long Island City, N.Y; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Moto-Meter Company, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held various positions of trust and honor. Trabert, Harriet A., Mrs., Member of the Twentieth/ Century Club, Berkeley, Cal., Wednesday Morning Musical, Oakland, Cal. She is president of the California Division of United Daughters of the Confederacy. She has been Registrar General of the Un ited Daughters of the Confederacy. She re sides at 2736 Elmwood Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. Train, Belknap Arthur, Member of the Masons, Oddfellows, and Modern Language Association. He is dean of the Mansfield State Normal School. He has been presi dent of the Grand Island College, Dean of the Franklin College. His address is Mans- fiield State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa. Trainer, J. N. Jr., Director, of 366 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Acme Foundry Company and other corporations. Trask, George F.D., Director, of 7 Day Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Noss Corporation and other corpora tions. Trask, William Ropes. Lawyer and Di rector, of 40 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Continental Mills and other corporations. Travis, Lee Morton, Lawyer and States man, of 20 East Eighth Street, Eugene, Ore., was born on Jan. 20, 1874, in Howard, N.Y. In 1897 he received the degree of A.B. from the law school of the University of Oregon; and in 1900 he received the de gree of LL.B. from the University of Mich igan. In 1898 he served in Company C, Second Oregon Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American War. In 1915 he was Oregon Commissioner, to the San Francisco Frlir. For sixteen years he has been chair man oi Hie Lane County Democratic Cent- AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 487 ral Committee; in 1908 was Oregon deleg ate to the Democratic National Convention held in Denver, Colo. ; and represented Ore gon on the Notification Committee for Lin coln. During the World-War he was a mem ber of the District Exemption Board. He is a member of the Acacia Fraternity, and the Woodmen of the World; and is a Knight Templar, Elk and Shriner. Trawick, Julius A., Director, of 47 Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Dallas Electric Company ani other corporations. Treat, Alfred B., Business Man and D ; - rector, of 91 William Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a member of the firm of A.B. Treat and Company. He is a director of the American Credit-Indemnity Company of New York, which corporation maintain of fices in Chicago, and other cities. Treman, Robert Henry, Merchant, Bank er and Business President, of Ithaca, N.Y.; and a member of the Golf Club, the Motor ing Club, the Town and Gown Club of Itha ca, the Ithaca Country Club, and Cornell University Club of New York City. He was born March 31, 1858, in Ithaca, N.Y. ; was educated in Ithaca Academy; and in 187o graduated with the degree of B.M.E. from Cornell University. He is president of the Tornpkins County National Bank; and pre sident of Treman, King and Company, Hardware. He is vice-president of the Itha ca Savings Bank, and a director of the Ithaca Trust Company and other corpora tions. In 1910-13 he was president of tha New York State Association of Hardware Jobbers; and in 1912-13 was vice-president of the New York State Bankers Associa tion. He is a director of the Federal Re serve Bank; and a trustee of Cornell Un iversity, the Old Ladies Home and other organizations. In 1885 he married Miss Laura Hosie; and they have a family of two sons, and reside in Ithaca, N.Y. Trigg, Ernest T., President of the Oper atic Society, with a membership of three hundred men and women. H->" resides at 322 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tremble, George T., Banker of Kansas City, Mo. ; and a member of the University Club of Chicago, the University Club of Kansas City, the Kansas City Country Club and the Masonic Fraternity, and other org anizations. He was born Feb. 12, 1870, in Green Bay, Wis. ; and received the degree of Ph.B. from the University of Michigan. He is vice-president of the Fidelity Nation al Bank and Trust Company; and a direc tor of the Wilson State Bank and other corporations. For six years he was mayor of Ellsworth, Kan. In 1905 he married Miss Mary Gulp; and they have a family of three sons, and reside in Kansas City, Mo. Trench, Charles S., Business President,of 81 Fulton Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the American Metal Market Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Triller, Charles, Business President, of 36 Hudson Street, New For * City . and a member of various clubs air I societies He- is president of the Wood an 1 Selick, and a director in other corporations. Trimble, Richard, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 71 Broadway, New York City, ani a member of various clubs and societies. lie is a director of the National Tube Company and other corporations. Tripp, Guy E., Business President and Director, of Io5 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of the Metropolitan Club, the Union League Club, the Lotos Club, the Bankers Club, the Economic Club of New- York City, the Economic Club of Boston, the Engineers Club,and the University Club of Berwick Academy. He was born April 22, 1865, in Wells, Maine; and was educat ed at the South Berwick Academy in Lon don. He is chairman of the board of ti : e Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. He is a director of the American International Corporation and a score of other corporations. He served in the WorM- War; and was awarded D.S.M. for except ionally meritorious service. He resides at 667 Madison Avenue, New York City; at Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn. 488 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Triska, Joseph Frank,Member of the Iro- quois Club, the American Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association. He v a.> l)orn July 19, 1884, in Chicago, 111. He is engaged in the practice of law. He reside! in Riverdale, 111. Trismen, Charles H., Treasurer and Di rector, of 11 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Central Finance Company and other corporations. Trout, Grace Wilbur, (Mrs. George W. Trout), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born in Maquoketa, Iowa. Since 11)12 she has been president of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association. She is the author of A Mormon Wife. She resides at Forest Ave nue, Oak Park, 111. Trueblood, Wilbur T., President of the Municipal Art Commission, City of Saint Louis. He resides at 234 Municipal Courts Building, St. Louis, Mo. Truesdale, William H., Business Presi dent, of 90 West Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Erie and Cent ral New York Railroad Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Tucker, Frank, Social Worker, of 346 Fourth Avenue, New York City, was born Oct. 21, 1861, in New York. Since 1904 he has been vice-president of the Provident Loan Society of New York. He is treasur er of New York State Conference of Char ities and Corrections. Tucker, Katharine Dickinson, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born March IP 1873, in Cumberland, Md. She has given lecture recital in leading cities of the Un ited States ; and before many universities and societies. She resides at 316 Fulton Street, Keokuk, Iowa. Tucker, Philip M., Business President, of 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Old Colony Securi ties Company, and a director in other cor porations. Tucker, WilJiam A., Merchant an : ! = tor, of 87 Walker Street, New York City and a member of the Ardsley Club, the Hardware Club, and the Sons of the Re volution. He was born April 17, 1854, in New York City. He is secretary and treas urer of the H. A. Rogers Company; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. In 1881 he married Miss Adelaide Estelle Black; and they have one son, and reside at 215 West Ninety-eighth Street, New York City. Tucker, Wilson Hatch, Business Presi dent, of Broadway and Columbus Circle, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Empire State Finance Corporation, and M director in other corporations. Tufts, Bowen, Business President and Director, of 150 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the University Club, the Exchange Club, Belmont Spriirj Country Club, and the Engineers Club. He was born June 17,1884, in Lexington, Mass. Since 1909 he has been identified with C.D. Parker and Company, Bankers, of which concern he is vice-president. He is a direc tor of the Amesbury Electric Light Com pany and of about fifty other corporations. He is a past president of Belmont Spring Country Club, and a past president of tho New England Division of the National IM- ectric Association. In 1907 he married Miss Octavia E. Williams; and they have a fai; - ily of two sons and two daughters, and re side at 316 Highland Avenue, Windiest" , Mass. Tufts, Walter, Business President, of L J L State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Salem Lead Company, and i director in other corporations. Tumulty, Joseph Patrick, Lawyer and Statesman, was born May 5, 1879, in Jei- sey City, N.J. In 1899 he received the de gree of B.A. from St. Peter s College. In 1907-10 he was a meirber of the New Jc <- - sey Assembly; in 1910 was appointed priv ate secretary to Governor Wilson; and \\vs appointed clerk of the Supreme Court of New Jersey in 1912. Turnbull, Arthur, Director, of 38 Wall Street, New York City; and a member ot various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Eastern Steel Company and odicr corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 489 Turnbull, John S., Business President of 67 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, he is president of the Midste Realty Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Turner, Archelaus E., Member of Lincoln Commercial Club, and Lincoln Country Club. He is president of the Lincoln Col lege. He has been president of the Hast ings College; Associate Director of the Swarthmore Chautauqua.He resides in Lin coln, 111. Turner, Purl I., of Union City, Ind., was born in 1883 in Union City, Ind. He was educated at the Bliss Business College of Columbus, Ohio. Since 1909 he has been secretary and treasurer of the Union Loan and Trust Company. He is also president of the Bailey Manufacturing Company,the Hub Garment Company and the Hub Real ty Company. He has been president of the Farm Supply Company ; and Mayor of Un ion City, Ind. He is a member of the Fed eral Club, Rotary Club, the High Banks Country Club, and the Parent Grove Gun Club. He is prominent Mason and Knight of Pythias. In 1904 he married Miss Amy Leota Constable; and they reside in Union City, Ind. Turner, Rcss M., Business Preident and Director, of 500 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. For many years he has been i- dentified with Turner and Company. H;> is also president of the Connecticut Zinc Corporation, the Joplin Gas Securities Cor poration, and of the Pennsylvania Collf ries, Incorporated. Turner, William H., Jr., Vice-president and Business Manager, of 669 Kent Ave nue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is vice-presi- d^nt, director and general manager of the T. T. Perkins Company, Incorporated, Y:irns: and has held several positions of trust and honor. * Turrill, Charles* Beebe, Member of the Ci ty Club. He was born March 26, 1854, in Folsom, Sacramento County,Cal. He found ed the Charles B. Turrill Historical Libra- iv, containing over ten thousand volumes, chiefly California Ana. He resides at 57 Sanchaz Street, San Francisco, Cal. Twyeffort, Frank H., Secretary and Di rector, of 165 Broadway, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Seaboard Oil Corporation and other corporations. Tylee, William H., Business Presideir, of 48 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He- is president of the Metallic Packing Com pany, and a director in other corporation,-. Tyng, Lucien H., Director, of 50 Pir.e Street, New York City; and a member <> various clubs and societies. He is a directo:* of the City Railway Company and other corporations. Tyng, Stephen H. Director, of 41 Union Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a directe** of the Industrial Bank of New York and other corporations. Tyrol, Jacques, Member of the M.P.D.A. He was educated in Austria. He has spent eighteen years on the stage in Vienna, Ber lin, Petrograd, and the United States; and Austria and Germany, and from the Czar of Russia. of Russia.In 1898 he was special correspon dent for the Associated Press during the Spanish-American War, the Boxer Upris ing, the Massacre of Kishineff, and the Russian-Japanese War. His address is 322 Haven Avenue, New York City. Tyson, George, Director, of 8 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of. various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Inland Oil and Transport Company and other corporations. Tyson, James, Business President, of 230 California Street, San Francisco, Cal.; an>i a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Consolidated Lumber Company, of Los Angeles and other corpo rations. Ufford, Walter Shepard, Member of the City Club. He was -born Feb. 26, 1859, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1909 he has been general secretary of the Associated Chari ties of Washington, D.C. He is a writer on (haritological subjects. He resides at 923 II Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 490 AMERICAN BUTE AND SOCIOLOGIST Ulman, William, Alban, Business Presi dent, of 233 Broadway, X J -v York City: and a member of various clubs and sure ties. He is president of the Fay MM u Pict uring Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Umberger, Robert B., Vice-president and Director, of 21 North La Salle Street, Chi cago, 111.; and a member of the Yale Club of Chicago, the BobO Link Uolf Club aril other organizations. He was born June 12, 1886, in Newark, Del. ; and in 190S received the degree of B.A. from Yale* Un.versitv. Since 1917 he has been connect.;-! witb tun Chicago Morris Plan Bank. He is a director of the Morris Plan Insurance Society ; and editor of the Morris Plan Banker. 5 or a number of years he was secretary and man ager of the Des Moines Morris Plan Com pany. He has one daughter, Betty, ten years old, who resides in Des Moines, Iowa. Umsted, John R., of Emlen and Carpen ter Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., was born .n 1871 in Germantown, Pa. He was educated at the Central High School, and at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1893 he has been a lawyer; and is now vice-presi dent and director of the Continental Equit able Title and Trust Company of Philadel phia, Pa. He is president of the Pelham Club; and a member of the Union League of Philadelphia, the University Club, and the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. In 1896 he married Miss Ruth Bingham, and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 214 Pelham Road, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Underbill, Charles Reginald, Electrical Engineer, and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Nov. 2, 187 , : <> Chappaqua,N.Y. He is the author of Stand ard Handbook for Electrical Engineers. He resides at 107 Woodruff Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Underwood, Frederick D., Business Ir sident, of 50 Church Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Erie Railroad Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Underwood, George, Business President of 30 Broad Street. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Champlain Realty Coin puny, and a director in other corporation,-. Underwood, John T., Business President, of 30 Vesey Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H~ is president of the Underwood Computing Machine Company, and a director in other corporations. Undermyer, Irwin, Director,uf 120 Broau way. New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Bolivia Railway Company and other corporations. Untermyer, Alvin, Director,of 120 Broad way, X ew York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a member of the -firm of Gu^genheimer, Untermyer and Marshall. He is a director of the Gen eral Development Company, the Lower Broadway Realty Company, the New Mexi co Central Railway Company, the Pierce Oil Corporation, the Stutz Motor Car Com pany of America, and the Encyclopedia Britanica, Incorporated. He is a director of the Andrew Freedman Home. Upham, Richard D., Business President, of 00 West Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies, lie is president of the Aztec Asphalt Company, Incorporated, and a director in other cor porations. Upshaw, William David, Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 15, 1866, m Newman, Ga. In 1919 he was a member of Congress. He was a leader in the closing of salons in Georgia; and vice-president the Anti-Saloon League of America. He is the author of Earnest Willie. He resides in Atlanta, Ga. Upton, Roger, Director, of 121 Beverly Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Acid Company and other corporations. Uzzell, Rudyard Stephen, Manufacturer, of 2 Rector Street, New York City, was born )ec. 25, 1874, in Bond County, III. He is president of the Circle Swing Oper ating Company. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 491 Unny, Clarence Thomas, Poet and Mu sician, of San Jose, Cal., was born July 10, 1858, in San Francisco, Cal. He received the degree of B.S. from Nepa College of California. He is a honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa Stanford University. He is the dramatic and music critic of the San Jose Mercury Herald; and a member of the faculty of the San Jose State Normal School. He is the author of A Rosary of Rhyme; A Vintage of Verse; A California Troubadour; and is a contributor to the leading magazines. Vagg, Harry A., Merchant and States man, of Saeo, Mont., was born Dec. 14, 18G8, Somersetshire, England. He worked on a farm till 1887, when he went to Mon tana, and worked for the Great Northern Railway Company on railroad construc tion work. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the mercantile business at Saco, Mont. In 1900-02 he was a member of the State Legislature of Montana, and in 1901-08 he was United States Commissioner. He has been postmaster of Saco for eight years, and in 1915 was elected State Senator of Phillips County. He is a Republican in pol itics, and an Episcopalian in religion. Vail, Mrs. Harry L., President of the Cleveland Art Association. He resides at Cleveland School of Art, Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Vail, Mrs. S. E., President of the Monday Afternoon Club, with a membership 01 five hundred and forty women. She resides nt 99 Oak Street, Binghamton, N.Y. Vaile, Mrs. Anna Wolcott, Educator and Founder, of 1401 La Fayette Street, Den ver, Colo., was born May 25, 1868, in Pro vidence, R.I. She was educated at Norwich Academy and at Wellesley College, oh , lias been regent of the University of Colo rado; Congress of Mothers. She founded the Wolcott School for Girls of Denver, of which she was principal until 1913. She is a member of the board of directors of the General Federation of Women s Clubs. She is a member of the Denver Fortnightly Club, the Denver Woman s Club and the Denver Art Association; and is also mem ber of the Colorado Society of Colonial Dames, and of the Archaelogical Institute of America. Valentine, Edward V., President of the Valentine Museum. He resides at Eleventh and Clay Streets, Richmond, Va. Valentine, Lila Meade (Mrs. Benjamin B. Valentine), Member of the Country Club. She was born Feb. 4, 1865, in Richmond, Va. She organized Equal Suffrage League of Virginia, of which she was president in ] 910-20. She resides at 2338 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Va. Van Agnew, Marian Fell (Mrs. Patrick Alexander Van Agnew), Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Sept. 2L% 1886, in Cornwall-on-IIudson, N.Y. She i identified with social and reform work. She is the author of Stories of Russian Life. She resides at 2031 Johns Avenue,Jackson- ville, Fla. Van Antwerp, Frances J., Clergyman, of 1280 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. He was born April 22, 1858, in Detroit, Mich.; and was educated in Detroit, Mich., and Baltimore, Md. He received the degree of LL.D. He is a Catholic priest, and has serv ed pastorates at Hastings, Battle Creek, Grosse Pointe and Detroit. For the p.u^ twenty-seven years he has been pastor vf Our Lady of the Rosary Church of De troit, Mich. He is a member of the Cham ber of Commerce, the American Catholic Historical Society, the American Geograph ical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Arc^- eological Institute of America; also the Knights of Columbus. Van Beuren, Amadee J., Business Presi dent and Director, of 1562 Broadway, Ne>v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the V.B.K. Film Corporation, and the Amadee J. Van Beuren Enterprises. He is also president of I he Adventure Film, the Fables Pictures, Ihe Timely Films, the Timely Topics and the Van Kalton Amusement Corporation. Van Bomel, L. A., Business President, of 255 West Eighty-fourth Street, Ne-v York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Shef field Condensed Milk Company, and a di rector in other corporations. 492 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Van Buskirk, De Witt, Business Presi dent, of 100 William Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Bayouee Transportation Company, and a director in other corporations. Van Camp, Cortland, Business President, of 401 West Maryland Street, Indianapolis, Ind. He is president of the Van Camp Com pany; vice-president of the Van Camp Packing Company; and is., prominently i- dentified with business affairs of his City and State. Vance, Arthur Turner, Journalist, Editor and Author, of 1222 West Thirty-nini h Street, New York City, was born Oct. 10, 1872, in Scranton, Pa. He is editor-in-chief of the Pictorial Review. He is the author of fhe Real David Harum; and resides in New York City. Van Cleef, Member of the Cornell Club of New York City, the Town and Gown Club, the Country Club, and the Universi ty Club of Ithaca, N.Y. He was born Aug. 29. 1853, in Seneca Falls, N.Y.; and grad uated with the degree of B.S. from Cornell University. Since 1876 he has practiced law in Ithaca, N.Y. ; and is president of the 1- thaca Security Company. In 1882 he mar ried Miss Elizabeth L. Treman ; and they reside at 417 University Avenue, Ithaca, N.Y. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Director, of 26 Liberty Street,New York City; and a me.ii- ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Express Compa ny and other corporations. Vanderbilt, Frederick W.. Director, of 450 Lexington Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie- tis. He is a director of the Canada Southein Bridge Company and other corporations. Vanderbilt, Harold S., Director, of Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Genesee Falls Railway Company and other corporations. Vanderbilt, William K., Director, of 466 Lexington Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Michigan Central Rail road and other corporations. Vanderburgh, Leroy, Secretary and Di m-tor, of 50 Church Street, New York Ci- iy; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Tana fly Publishing Company and other corpora tions. Vanderlaan, John, President of the Hack- ley Gallery of Art. He resides in Muskegon Mich. Vanderlicht, Edward D., Member of the Lodge and Chapter of Carson City, Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Nevada, Ma sonic Order, and the Veteran Association of the Pacific Coast for Service:.- Rendered. He is secretary of the F. and A.N. and the R. and A. M. He has had charge of the Transit Department of the Washoe Compa ny, and is a banker and lawyer by profes sion. He resides at 437 South Center Street Reno, Nev. Vanderlip, Frank A,, Director and Trus tee, of 111 Broadway, New York City; ard a member of various clubs and societies, i.le is chairman of the board of directors of the American International Corporation. He n a director of the Freeport Sulphur Tran.,- portation Company, the Oregon Short Lir,3 Railroad Company, and a dozen other cor porations. He is a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation, and a trustee of the New York University. He resides in Scarborough, N.T. Van Derlip, John K., President of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. He resides at 201 East Twenty- fourth Street, Minnea polis, Minn. Vanderminden, Henry J. W., Treasurer -uid Director, of 535 West Seventy-niiii.ii Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Telescope Cot Bed Company an 1 other corporations. Vander Poel, Samuel 0., Business Pres.- dent, of 30 Broad Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Vander Poe, Pausner and Jefferson Company of Ohio, and a director in other corporations. -, Vsnderwater, William G-., Treasurer and Director, of 00 West Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of Harlem Transfer Company and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 493 Vanderpoel, Mrs. Emily C. Noyes, Art ist and Author, of 22 Gramercy Park,New York City. She was educated in the privalo schools of New York. She is the author of Color Problems, Chronicles of a Pioneer School, and other works. She is a member of the New York Water Color Club, the National Arts Club, the association of \\V- men Painters and Sculptors, and the Mun icipal Art Society. She marvied John A. Vamlevpoel; and resides at 22 Gramercy Park. New York City. Van Doren, Charles H., Insurance Brok en and Director, of 122 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary and di rector of the Exchange Mutual Idemnity Insurance Company; a director of the Un ited States Mutual Automobile Fire Insur ance Company; and a director of the Wen dell and Evans Company. He resides in Westfield, N.J. Van Dusen, Gardner L., President of the Orpheus Glee Club, with a membership oi! forty-five active men, and two hundred a- sociate members. He resides at 283 State Street, Flushing, N.Y. Van Eck, J. C., Business President. <^ 343 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cai. ; and a member of various clubs and socr - ties. He is president of the Simplex Refin ing Company and other corporations. Van Emden, Henry, Manufacturer an<i Director, of 200 West Houston Street,New York City: and a member of various clutb and societies. He is secretary, treasurer a ad a director of the Vini Medical Compan,, manufacturing chemists. He is prominent ly identified with business and public aT- fairs; and has held many positions of tiuot ni\d honor. Van Horen, Theodore J., Business Presi dent, of 344 McDonough Street, Brooklyn N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Jamaica Property Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Van Inderstine, Robert, Business Presi dent, of 27 South Wiliam Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Inter national Sire and Marine Agency Corpora tion, and a director in other corporations Van Kleeck, Mary, Member of the Wo men s University Club. She was born June 26, 1883, in Glenham, Dutches County, N.Y. Since 1909 she has been director of the di vision of Industrial Studies in the Russell Sage Foundation. She is the author of Art ificial Flower Makers. She resides at 120 East Thirty-first Street, New York City. Van Norden, Warner Montagnie, Mem ber of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Feb. 7, 1873. For several years he has been president of the Van Norden Trust Compa ny, now retired. He resides at 7 West Fif ty-seventh Street, New York City. Van Nostrand, Alonzo Gifford, Business President and Capitalist, of 482 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., was born July 4,1851 in Brooklyn, N.Y. He graduated from the English High School of Boston, Mass. Ir. 1872-75 he was employed in his father s brewery in Charlestown, Mass.; was ad mitted as a partner in 1878. He is propriet or of the Bunker Hill Brewery; and con nected with several other business enter prises. He is a member of the Boston Cham ber of Commerce, the Ancient and Honor able Artillery Company and the Bostonian Society. He has traveled extensively, and in 1907 made a trip around the world. He. is a member of the Merchants Club, the Bos ton City Club, the Eastern Yacht Club, the Sphinx Club and various other clubs and societies. Van Nostrand, Charles Belden, Broker and Business President, of 36 Wall Street, New York City, was born in March, 1863 in New York City. He is vice-president and director of the United Mines Company, and other corporations. He is a member of lead ing clubs and societies; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Van RenSselaer, Alexander.President of 1314 Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Van Sinderen, Adrian, Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the American Hard Rubber Com pany and other corporations. 494 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGUbl Vanston, W.J.K., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Connecticut Mills Company and other corporations. Van Tuyl, George C., Vice-president, Treasurer and Trustee, of 25 West Forty- fifth Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Albany Trust Compa ny; and chairman of the board of direc tors of the Continental Guaranty Com pany, and of Kincaid and Company. He is a director of the Alabama, Tennessee and Northern Railway Company, and of a do zen other corporations. He is a trustee of the Central Savings Bank of New York; and is prominent in business and public af fairs. Van Wyck, Augustus, Lawyer, Journalist and Statesman, of 44 Beaver Street, New York City, was born on Oct. 14, 1849 in New York City. He was educated in Phil lips Exeter Academy and received the de gree of M.A. from the University of North Carolina. He also studied law and praciced in Richmond, Va., until 1871, after that in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1884-96 he was judge of the City Court of Brooklyn; was for two years judge of the Supreme Court of New York; and in 1898 Democratic candi date for Governor of New York but was defeated by Theodore Roosevelt. In 1882 he was president of Kings County General Committee, and has been a member of num erous national, state and district conven tions of the Democratic party. Van Wyck, Edwin Hawley, Director, ol 115 Broadway, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Chillicothe and Camp Sher man Railway Company and other corpora tions. Van Zile, Harry Lee, Member of the So ciety of Civil Engineers. He was born Sept. 20, 1864, in Troy, N.Y.; and received a technical education. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor; and is now president of the Van Zile Ventilating Cor poration of New York City. His address ia 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City. Varallo, Giuseppe, Banker, of 722 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born March 19, 1860, in Italy. Since 1887 he has been a resident of the United States; since 1893 has been in the banking business ; and is now president of the bank ing firm of Banca Italiana, Giuseppe Varal lo, of Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1905 he has been a notary public. In 1886 he married iMss Grace Nucco; and they have a family of five sons and three daughters, and re side at 1418 Christian Street, Philadelphia Pa. Vaughan, Elmer E., Surgeon, of 2235 Fremont Street, Chicago, 111., was born on Aug. 18, 1865, in Vermont. He was educat ed at the Lamoille Central Academy of Hyde Park; and in 1889 received the de gree of M.D. from the Hahneman Medical College of Chicago, 111. He has been presi dent of the Chicago Homoepathic Medical Society; was president of Parent Teachers Association of North Division High School. He is president of the Board of Chicago Union Hospital and Training School; is president of the Alumni Association of Hahnernann Medical College; and president of Minocqua Tennis Club. He is a member of the American Medical Association and of various other educational and medical societies. In 1890 he married Lydia Eldora Beecher, of Johnson, Vt. Vaughn, Arthur S., Trustee and States man, of 1153 Westminster Street, Provid ence, R.I. ; arid a member of the Century Club, the Providence Central Club, and the Pomham Club; and a member of the Ma sons, Elks and Royal Arcanum. He was born June 28, 1873, in Providence, R.I. Since 1920 he has been president of the Pomham Club. He is a trustee of the Cit izens Safe Deposit Company, and Armory Commissioner of Rhode Island Mounted Commands. He is past president of the Builders and Traders Exchange, and past director of the Providence Chamber of Commerce. In 1910-11 he was a member of the Rhode Island State Legislature. In 1900 he married Miss Lizzie Rollinson; and they have one daughter, and reside at 182 Lexington Avenue, Providence, E.I. AMERICAN ELITE ANt) SOCIOLOGIST 495 Vaughan, Samuel E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 80 Broad Street, New York City ; and a memeber of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Howland Tow ing and Transportation Company and oth er corporations. Vaughn, Clarence S., Realtor and Con tractor, of 22 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich., was born in 1871, in Detroit, Mich. He was educated at Detroit, Mich. Since 1893 be has been in the contracting and real estate business. He is a member of the Detroit Athletic Club, the Detroit Golf Club, the Grosse Isle Golf and Country Club, and a prominent Mason and Knight Templar. In 1897 he married Miss Kate S. Dupont; and they have one son, and reside at 635 Putnam Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Vaughn, Francis Arthur, Consulting En gineer, of the Security Building, Milwaukee Wiss.; and a member of Milwaukee Athlet ic Club, the City Club, the Rotary Club,the Aero Club of Wisconsin, the Association of Commerce, the Engineers Society of Mil waukee, the Engineers Society of Wiscon sin, and various other organizations. He was born Dec. 6, 1871, in Prairie du Chien Wis.; and was educated at the University of Wisconsin. He is president of F. A. Vaughn, Incorporated, construction eng n- eers. He is vice-president of the School of Engineering of Milwaukee; and an officer of other corporations. He has twice b^ea president of Milwaukee Electrical League; and is a trustee of the Engines :n;j Sor-ioty jof Wisconsin. In 1898 he marriea Mist- Lu- cile K. Phillips; and they have a family of two daughters, and reside at 271 Tlvhfy- first Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Vaughn, George A., Busing President, of 441 Washington Avenue, Brook 1 y <,N/\.; and a member of various clubs arid socie ties. He is president of the Vaughn Prop erties Corporation, and a direc or in other corporations. Veditz, Charles William Augustus, Mem ber of the Cosmos Club. He was born Nov. 18, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1905 ho founded the American Sociological Siciciy and for five years was its sccratarv. He is the author of Child Labor and Laws in Eu rope. He resides at 3023 New at* Street, Venth, Carl, Musician, of Fort Worth, Texas, was born Feb. 16, 1860, in Cologne, Germany. He came to America in 1880. He was concert master of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. He is now dean of Fort Worth, Fine Arts Texas Wo- mans College. Verdon, Frederick A., Business President of 25 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Staten Island Supply Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Vereen, William Coachman, of Moultrie, Ga. He is president of the Moultrie Bank ing Company, president of the Moultrie Cotton Mills, and president of the Moultrie Cooperage Company. He is also president of the Moultrie Country Club and Chamber of Commerce. He has a family of four sons and two daughters, and resides in Moultrie, Ga. Vermuele, Cornelius Clarkson, Civil En gineer, of 38 Post Road, New York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born Sept. 5, 1858, in New Brunswick, N.J. He has written various monographs upon topography, water supply etc. Vernay, Arthur S., Business President, of 12 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Arthur S. Ver nay, Incorporated; and is prominently i- dentified with business and public affairs. Verschoile, Charles H., Business Presi dent and Director,of 524 Clint Wood Build ing, Wichita Falls, Texas ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Young- Simmons Drilling Company, of 424 Clint Wood Building, Wichita Falls Texas. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He is president of the Dallas Male Chorus, and is identified with the social affairs of his community. He resides in Dallas, Texas. Victor, Royall, Director, of 49 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the American Brass Company and other corporations. 496 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Viall, William A., of Promenade, Prov idence, R.I.; and a member of the Machin ery Club, the Turks Head Club, the Hope Club, the University Club and the Art Club of Providence. Since 1906 he has been sec retary of the Brown and Sharpe Manufac turing Company of Providence, R.I. ; he is vice-president of Brown and Sharpe of New York, Incorporated; and a director of the Blackstone Canal National Bank, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, the Sil versmiths Company, and the Narragansett Electric Light Company. He is a trustee of the Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company. In 1891 he married Miss Harriet Warner; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 79 Water man Street, Providence, R.I. Vick, Samuel H., Educator and Mission ary, of Wilson, N. C., was born April 1, 1803, in Castalia, N.C. Since 1904 he has been secretary and treasurer of the Lin coln Benefit Insurance Company, and is al so president of the Commercial Bank of Wilson,N.C. He was a member of the Board of Education, of Wilson County, N.C. He is a member of the Calvary Presbyterian Church of Wilson. In 1892 he married Miss Annie M. Washington; and they have a family of four sons and four daughters,and reside at Wilson, N.C. Vickrey, Charles Vernon, Member of the Yale Club. He was born July 24, 1876, in Iowa, 111. Since 1916 he has been secretary of the Armenian and Syrian Relief. He is the author of the Missionary Education Movement. He resides at 250 Riverside Drive, New York City. Victor, David E., Secretary, Treasurer Mici Director, of 505 Fifth A-. i i.e., New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary treasurer and director of The Association of Army and Navy Stores, Ineorpoi*i>u. He is also sec retary, treasurer ana dire- ;. or of the Field Service Shoe Company, Incorporate*.!: and treasurer and director of the Scoban Com pany, Incorporated. Vieter, Thomas F., Member of the City Club, and many other fraternal and patriot organizations. He was born Oct. 22, 1871, in Brooklyn^ N,Y. He is president of the Rumsey Land and Development Company; and a director of the National Park Bank of New York City. He is a successful mer chant and capitalist of 38 East Twenty- fifth Street, New York City. Vinton, Henry H., President of the La Fayette Art Association. He resides in La Fayette, Ind. Vittum, Harriet E., Member of the Wo man s City Club. She was born Feb. 4, 1872, in Canton, 111. She has been president of the Social Service Club; and president of League Number Ten Juvenile Protective Association. She resides at 1400 Augusta Street, Chicago, 111. Vivaudou, Victor, Business President, of 418 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He" is president of the Vivaudou Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Vogel, Henry G., Business President, of 15 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Esty Sprinkler Company of Laconia, N.H. He is also presi dent of the H. G. Vogel Company; and pre sident of the H. G. Vogel Company of Ca- 7iada, Limited. Vogel, M. A., Business President, of 291 Broad \va\, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Dorchester Investing Co Von Klenner, Mme. Katherine Evans, President of the National Opera Club of America, Incorporated, with a membership of one thousand eight hudred. She resides at 952 Eighth Avenue, New York City. Von Rosenberg, C. J., Merchant and Bus iness President, of La Grange, Texas, and a member of the La Grange Casino Club and several fraternal orders. He w r as born Feb. 4, 1857, in Texas. He is president of the \ on Kosenberg Company, p .-n!e/it of the La Grange Compress Compaay. president sident . the Central Texas Compress Com pany. He has been Mayor of his city; and served two terms as a member of the Texas State Legislature. He has a family of three daughters, and maintains homes in La Grange, Elgin and Waco, Texas. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGY i 497 Von Stamwitz, George G., Secretary and Director, of 368 Broome Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the H. Hot mail Furniture Company and other corpo rations. Von Tilzer, Harry, Business Man and Di rector, of 1658 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Harry Von Til zer Music Publishing Company. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lie affairs ; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wagner, A. F., Business President, of 50 West Street, New York City; and a n oer of various clubs and societies, tie i3 president of the Gibraltar Jack Company, Incorporated; and the Arecibo Grape Fruit Company. He is prominetly identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wagner, August, Business President of Columbus, Ohio ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the August Wagner Produce Company and oth er corporations. Wagner, C. Alfred, Business President, of 437 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Appliance Distributing Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Wagner, Franklin A., Treasurer and Di rector, of 34 Nassau Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the New Mexico Central Railway Company and other cor porations. Wagner, George W., Business President, of 70 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various duos and societies. He is president of the Edwari I . Terry Manufacturing Company, and a d : - rector in other corporations. Wagoner, P. D., Business President, of 342 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Elliott-Fisher Com pany. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor, Wahlstrom, Verner J., Business Presi dent, of 5520 Second Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Wahlstrom Tool Company, and a director in other cor porations. Wakefield, John Lathrop, Vice-president and Trustee, of 197 Clarendon Street, Bos ton, Mass. ; and a member of the Harvard Club of Boston, the Harvard Club of New York, the Dedham Country and Polo Club, the Algonquin Club, the Dedham Boat Club, and other organizations. He was born July 3, 1859, in Dedham, Mass.; and was educ ated at Harvard College and at Harvard Law School. Since 1884 he has been prac ticing law in Boston, Mass.; and since 1906 with the John Hancock Mutual Life Insur ance Company, of which he is vice-presi dent and general counsel. He is also a di rector of the American Trust Company of Boston, vice-president of the Dedham In stitution for .Savings, and president of the Association of Life Insurance Counsel. He resides at 98 Court Street, Dedham, Mass. Walbridge, George H., Director, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Eastern Power and Light Cor poration and other corporations. Walcott, Charles, Treasurer and Director of 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of Fall River Electric Light Company and other corporations. Walcott, Charles D., President of the National Academy of Sciences. He resides in Washington, D.C. Wald, Lillian D., Sociologist and lectur er, of 265 Henry Street, New York City, was born in 1866, in Ohio. In 1893 she founded and is president and head worker of the Henry Street Settlement. Walden, Henry W., Business President, of 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.TIe is president of the New Market Trading Company; and vice-president of the Ply mouth Trading Company. Walker, Alexander, Business Presided, of 441 Columbus Avenue, New York City , and a member of various clubs and socie- 498 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST ties. He is president of the Colonial Bank, and a director in other corporations. Walker, Alfred P., Business President, of 49 Wall Street,New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Daisy Roller Mills, Walker, Arthur W., Manufacturer, of 31 Union Street, Boston, Mass., was born May 8, 1861, in Boston, Mass. He was educated at theMassachussetts Institute of Techno logy. He is president of the Walker and Pratt Manufacturing Company of Boston, Mass., with which concern he has been con nected since 1882. He is also president and director of several other corporations. He married Miss Annie N. Dexter; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside at 16 Alpine Street, Maiden, Mass. Walker, Belle M., Editor, of 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, was born in New- tonville, Mass. Since 1901 she has been as sociate editor of the Bookseller; and since 1921 its editor and publisher. She is sec retary of the American Booksellers Asso ciation; and president of the Women s National Book Association. She resides in New York City. Walker, J. Townsend, Business President of 297 Dexter Street, Providence, R.I.; and a member of the Economic Club, the Turks Head Club, and the Chamber of Commerce; and is a prominent member of the Masonic Fraternity. He was born in ]885 in Troy, N.Y. He is president of the Walker Webbing Company, president of the National Hair Pin Company, and a di rector of the Plymouth County Trust Com pany of Brockton, Mass. In 1913 lie mar ried Miss Auguette C. MacDonald; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside at 40 Grotto Avenue Providence, R.I. Walker, John Y. G., Director, of 80 Broadway, New York City; and a iwuiber of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Cuban and Pan-American Ex press Company and other corporations. Walker, Robert L., Business President, ot 171 Westminster Street, Providence, K. I.; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the Rhode Island Construction Company and other corpora tions. Walker, Thomas Barlow, Lumberman, Capitalist and Philanthropist, of 803 Hen- nepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn., was born Feb. 1, 1848, in Xenia, Ohio. Througn his instrumentality,the Old Athenaeum Lib rary Association was developed into the Minneapolis Public Library and he has an nually been re-elected its president for the past thirty-five years. He also owns a large private gallery of fine paintings by the best masters, ancient and modern; porcelains, bronzes, jades miniatures, ancient glass, carved ivories, and precious stones. He is a member of the National Arts Society,and was largely the originator and patron of the Minneapolis Fine Arts Society :tiil t:ic Minnesota Academy of Sciences, of which he is and has been for many years presi dent. Wallace, David Duncan, Educator and Author, of Spartanburg, S. C. ; was born on May 23, 1874, in Columbia, S.C. He is pro fessor of history and economy at Wofford College. He is the author of Constitutional History of South Carolina, The Govern ment of England, and other works. In 1900 he married Miss Sophie W. Adam; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside in Spartanburg, S.C. Wallace, Thomas A., Treasurer and Di rector, of 60 Wall Street, New York City and a member of various clubs ai:d socie ties. He is a director of the Cities Fuel and Power Company and other corporations. Walling, Willoughby G., Bank President of 21 North La Salle Street, Chicago, HI., and a member of the Chicago Club, the University Club, the Indian Hill Club, and Quadrangle Club. He was born May 23, 1878, in Louisville, Ky. ; and was educated in Edinburg, Scotland; and at the Uni versity of Chicago and Harvard Universi- tv. He is president of the Chicago Morris Plan Bank; and president of the Chicago Council of Social Agencies. He has been vice-chairman of the American Red Cross. He married Miss Frederika C. Haskell,and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at Hubbard vVofnls, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 499 Walsh, J. Irving, Business President, of 73 West Eleventh Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Principal Real ty Company, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Walsh, Willard A., Manufacturer and Director,of 118 East Twenty-seventh Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer aim di rector of Morana, Incorporated, importers and manufacturers. He is prominently i- dentified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Walters, Henry, Director, of 71 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Atlantic and West Point Railroad Company and other corporations. Walworth, William J., Treasurer and Di rector, of 734 Fifth Avenue, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Breece Min ing Company and other corporations. Wanamaker, John, Member of the City Club. He was born July 11, 1838, in Phila delphia, Pa. In 1861 he established the bus iness of Wanamaker and Brown Clothing House, of Philadelphia. He resides at 2032 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wanamaker, Rodman, Business President of 784 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the A. T. Stewart Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Wappler, Reinold H., Business President of 162 Harris Avenue, Long Island City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Wappler Elec tric Company; and president of the Amer ican Cystoscope Makers, Incorporated. Warbasse, James Peter, Surgeon, Eco nomist and Author,of 384 Washington Ave nue, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born Nov. 22, 1866, in Newton, N.J. He has retired from surgical practice to give all of his time to the Co-operative Movement. He is the au thor of works on surgery and medical so ciology. He resides in Brooklyn, N,Y. Warburg, Felix M., Director and Trustee of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, New York City. He is a di rector of the Bond and Mortgage Company, the Oregon-Washington Railroad nnd Nav- isrntion Company. nd the Internationa) Ward, Artemas, Business President, of 50 Union Square, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Broadacres Dairy Farms and a director in other corporations. Ward, George G., Director, of 253 Broad way, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Commercial Union Telegraph Company and other corporations. Ward, George S., Business President, of Southern Boulevard and East One-Hundred Forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Ward Baking Company, president of the Bronx Equipment Compa ny, and president of the Continental Ad vertising Company. He is a director of the Franklin Savings and Trust Company, a director of the Pennsylvania Paper Stock Company, and president of the Top Sales Company. Wardrop, G. Douglas, Business President of 5942 Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a member of various clubs an<*. societies. He is president, treasurer and di rector of the Aerial Age Company, publish ers of the Aerial Age. He is also president of the Flying Association, Incorporated. Wardwell, Allen, Director and Trustee, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Stetson, Jen nings and Russell ; and a trustee of the Greenwich Savings Bank. Waring, Lewis E., Business President, of 34 Pine Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cuban Oil Company,and a director in other corporations. 500 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Warfield, Edwin, Banker and Statesman of Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md., was born May 7, 1848, in Howard County,M<). In 1881-86 he was a member of the Mary- lend State Senate; and in 1886-90 was sur veyor of the port of Baltimore. He is the founder ar.d president of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. In IPJi-Oo he was Governor of the State of Mary land. Warfield, Richard Emory, Insurance Pre sident ard Financier, of 34 Pine btreef New York City, was oorn Aug. 1L, 1855, in Manor Glen, Md.He has beer prmt.ment- ly identified with business and public af fairs; and has held many pos.t< --H of trust and honor. He is president of the Hanover Fire Insurance Company. Warner, C. Elaine, Business President, of 79 Wall Street, New. York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. lie is president of the Carlton Cnambers Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Warner, Elting F., Business President, of 25 West Forty-fifth Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Field and Stream Publishing Company, and a direc tor in other corporations. Warner, Franklin Humphrey, Manufac turing Chemist, of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City, was born June 6, 1875, in New York City. He is secretary, treasurer and director of the Warner Chemical Com pany. He is a member of the Mayflower Society, the New England Society, and the Chamber of Commerce of New York City. In 1899 he married Miss Estelle Dana Hy- nes of Los Angeles, Cal.; and they have a family of two sons, Lucian IT Warner ani Douglas C. Warner. Warner, Mason, Member of the All Arts Association, the Writers Guild, the Art In stitute, the Drama League, all of Chicago, 111., the American Sociological Society and the National Economical League. He was born Sept. 2b, 1871, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is vice-president and manager of the Snit/- ler- Warner Company of Chicago.He resides at 3848 Bryan Street, Chicago, 111. Wainer, Milton J., Business President, of 1270 Broadway, New York City; and a Member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Rockville-Williamantic Lighting Company, and a director in other corporations. Warren, Bentley Wirt, Lawyer and Di rector, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and src\- ties. He is a director of the Boston Morris Plan Company and other corporations. Warren, Charles A., Engineer and Bus iness President, of the Merchants National Building, San Francisco, Cal.; and a mem ber of the Bohemian Club, the University Club, and the Olympic Club. He is a Cap tain in the Engineers Corps of the United States Army, a fellow of the American Geographical Society, and a member of the He is president of the Charles A. Warren Society of American Military Engineer* Company, president of the Rancho El Pan- tano, and vice-president of the Pleasant Valley Farming Company, jrlt is a director of the San Dimas Company, and a director of the Swedish American Bank. Warren, Charles Elliot, Member of the Union League Club. He was born April 9, 1864, in New York City. Since 1920 he has been president of the Lincoln National Bank. He resides at 114 East Thirty-sixth Street, New York City. Warren, J. Gr., Director, of 214 East Third Street, Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the Warren and Bailey Company; and prominent in public, bus iness and social affairs. Warren, John B., Business President, of 2 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. H is president of the Tacong Steel Company, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a director in other corporations. Warren, Lyman E., Secretary and Direc tor, of 1123 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is secretary and director of the Mallow Ho tel Corporation, and a director of August Anderson and Company, lie is prominently identified with business and public affairs: and has held many positions of ct- st au^ honor. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 501 Warren, Walter B., Vice-president and Director, of 289 East Salmon Street, Port land, Ore.; and a member of the Arlington Club, the Union Club, the American Road Builders Club, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and other organiza tions. He was born in 1873, in West New ton, Mass.; and received the degree of B.S. and M.E. from the University of Pennsyl vania. In 1900-05 he was general manager and since 1905 vice-president of the War ren Brothers Company. In 1907 he married Miss Catharine R. Hooper; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter,and reside at 1344 East Twenty-ninth Street, Portland, Ore. Warren, Winslow, Lawyer and Director, of 95 Journal Building, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Dedham Water Company and other corporations. Washburn, George F., Business President of 630 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of theWashburns of America, and a director in other corpora tions. Washburn, John Rodel, Banker, of 208 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., was born on April 27, 1877, in Marion, 111. He is vice- president of the Continental and Commer cial National Bank of Chicago. He is a member of various clubs and societies; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wasserman, Jesse H., Vice-president and Director, of 149 Church Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, general man ager and director of the Silent Motor Cor poration; and a director of the West End Bank of Brooklyn. Watermeyer, Frederick E., Business Pre sident, of 82 Beekman Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Fritzsche Brothers, Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Waterson, Henry, Business President, of 1585 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Tatler Publishing Cor poration, and a director in other corpora tions. Watkins, Charles Hamilton, Merchant, of 1302 Main Street, Wheeling, W.Va., was born March 7, 1871, in Wheeling, W.Va. He is president of Watkins and Company, successors to the Palace Furniture Compa ny; and House and Herrmann. In 1890 he married Miss Annie M. Sadler; and they have a family of three sons and one daughter, and reside at 622 South Front Street, Wheeling, W.Va. Watkins, Thomas H., Coal Operator, Bus iness President and Financier, of 17 Bat tery Place, New York City, was born May 17, 1860, in Pittston, Pa. For twenty years he was president of the Temple Iron Com pany. In 1902 he was appointed a member of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission. He is now President of the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Corporation ; president of the Inrle Gold Mining Company; and presi dent of the North River Coal and Wharf Company. Watrous, Ralph 0., Business President,of Providence, R.I.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and treasurer of the Sterling Parts Manufact uring Company; and also president of the Wood River Branch Railroad Company. He is n trustee of the Rhode Island Safe Depo sit Company; and a trustee of the Associa tion of Licensed Radio Manufacturers.He is identified with various other business enterprises, and has filled several positions of trust and honor. In 1882 he married Miss Susan A. Aldrich; and they reside at 20 Diman Place, Providence, R.I. Watrous, Richard Benedict, Member of the City Club. He was born July 19, 1869, in Black River Falls, Wis. In 1909-17 he was secretary of the American Civic As- soc^ation. Since 1919 he has been secretary of Nestle s Food Company. He resides at Forest Hills, Long Island, N.Y. Watson, J. Herbert, Business President, of 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Acme Ship Sup ply Corporation, and a director in other corporations. 502 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Watson, Byron Sprague, Business Pre sident, of 36 Pine Street, Providence, R.I. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Aga- wam Hunt Club, the Turks Head Club, the Point Judith Country Club, and other org anizations. He was born May 26, 1876, in Providence, R.I.; and in 1897 received the degree of A.B. from Brown University. Since 1897 he has been identified with Greene, Anthony and Company, of which he is now president and general manager. He is also a director of the Nicholson File Company, the American Screw Company, the Rock Island Electric Protective Com pany, and other corporations. In 1899 he married Miss Isabel Loomis; and they have a family of three daughters, and reside in Providence, R.I. Watson, Thomas J., Business President, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Auditing Machine Cor Watts, Alfred Allen, Manufacturer, of 50 Church Street, New York City, was born March 19, 1869, in Brantford, Canada. He is president of the Alfred Allen Watts Company; and proprietor of the Westfield Nurseries. Watts, Frank Overton, Member of the St. Louis Club, the St. Louis County Club, the Commercial Club, the Log Cabin Club, and the Bankers Club. He was born Nov. 14, 1869, in Paducah, Ky. He, is president of the First National Bank. He has been president of American Bankers Associa tion. He resides at 5399 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Watts, Ridley, Director, of 44 Leonard Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Ridley, Watts and Company. He is a director of the American Writing Paper Company, the Chemical National Bank of New York, the Industrial Bank of New York, the Textile Alliance Export Cor poration, and of Claflin s, Incorporated. Wayland, John Walter, Educator, Lec turer and Author, of Harrisonburg, Va., was born Dec. 8, 1872, near Mount Jack son, Va. He was educated at Bridgewater College and at the University of Virginia. He subsequently taught in those Institu tions; and since 1909 has been head of the department history and social science at the State Normal School of Harrisonburg, Va. He is the author of the German Ele ment of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia The Political Opinions of Thomas Jefferson, Sidney Lanier at Rockingham Springs, A History of Rockingham County, How to Teach American History, History Stories for Primary Grades, Christ as a Teacher, and a History of Virginia for Boys and Girls. In 1898 he married Miss Hattie V. Fry; and they have two sons, and reside in Harrisonburg, Va. Wayman, Robert, Jr., Treasurer and Di rector, of 405 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is identified with Golding Brothers Company, cotton goods; and is a director of the Bayside National Bank. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He resides in Bayside, Long Island, N.Y. Weadock, John C., Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Michigan United Railway Com pany and other corporations. Weatherbee, Hicks Arnold, Business Pre sident, of Fifth Avenue and Fortieth Street, New York City; and a member of president of the Arnold, Constable and various clubs and societies. He is also Company, Incorporated, Weatherford, Willis Drake, Member of the City Club. He was born Dec. 1, 1876, in Weatherford, Tex. Since 1919 he has been president of the Southern College of Young Men s Christian Association of Nashville, Tenn. He is the author of Per sonal Element in Religious Life. He re sides at 109 North Thirtieth Street, Nash ville, Tenn. Weatlierwax, Andrew Jay, Member of the Old Colony Club, the Fellowship Club, the Detroit Board of Commerce an 1 the the United States Chamber of Commerce. He was born Oct. 23, 1878, in Jack-on, Mich. He is president of the Central Dis tributing Company. He resides at 1419 Kdi.ion Avenue, Detroit, Mich. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 503 Weather wax, H. B., Vice-president and Director, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Uni ted Traction Company, with offices in Al bany, N.Y. He is also vice-president of the Capitol Railway Company, the Hudson Valley Railway Company, the Lake George Steamboat Company, the North River Rail way Company, the Plattsburgh Traction Company, the Schenectady Railway Com pany, the Troy and New England Railway Company and other corporations. He re sides in Albany, N.Y. Webb, Frank Elbridge, Business Pres ident and Director, of the Grand Central Terminal, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Amstar Line, Grand Central Terminal. He is president of the Amstar Fleet Corporation, and vice-presi dent of the Barter and Commerce Corpor ation of America. He is also vice-presi dent of the Properties Corporation of America; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Webb, Alexander S., Business President, of 204 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lincoln Trust Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Webb, George L., Secretary and Direc tor of the Tide Water Hardwood Corpor ation and other corporations. Webb, Thomas J., Coffee Merchant, of 628 West Randolph Street, Chicago, 111., was born June 1, 1860, in Lake County, 111. In 1883 he began service in the firm of Puhl and Webb, and in 1896 organized the Puhl-Webb Company, of which he is now president. In 1910 he was elected a member of the Board of Review for a term of six years. He was elected a mem ber of the Sanitary District of Chicago for a term of five years. Webb, W. Steward, Business President, of 70 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Fulton Chain Railway Company, and a director in other corporations. Webb, William Walter, Educator, Cler gyman, Bishop and Author, of 222 Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., was born Nov. 20, 1857, in Gerniantown, Pa. Since 1906 he has been Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Milwaukee, Wis. He is the author of Cure of Souls and other w T orks. He resides at 222 Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Webber, Paul B., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 150 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Norwood Gas Company and other corporations. Weber, L. Lawrence, Business President and Director, of 220 West Forty-eighth Street. New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is presi dent of the Apollo Trading Corporation, the Grand Theatre Company, the L. Law rence Weber Photo Dramas, and the Noth ing but the Truth Company. He is a direc tor of the Metro Pictures Corporation; and prominent in business and public af fairs. Webster, Ambrose E., Member of the Boston Art Club, and the Provincetown Art Association. He is Instructor at the School of Drawing and Painting. He re sides at Provincetown, Mass. Webster, Edwin S., Business President, of 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Stone and Webber, Incorporated, and a director in other cor porations. Webster, Frank G., Director, of 115 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Heywood-Wakefield Company and other corporations. Webster, George N., Business President, of 60 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Erac, Incorporated, and a director in other corporations. Weckstein, Isadore, Vice-president and Director, of 333 Seventh Avenue, Now York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and direc tor of Weckstein and Sons, the fur coat specialists. 504 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Webster, Towner Keeney, Manufacturer, of 138 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born July 31, 1849, in Ithaca, N.Y. Since 1863 he has been in active business; and is now president of the Webster Elec tric Company of Racine, Wis. He is also president of the Fibrated Products Cor poration of Chicago; and vice-resident of the Fansteel Products Company of North Chicago. He has been president of the City Club; and is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago, the City Club of Chicago, and the University Club of Evanston. In 1874 he married Miss Em ma Josephine Mitchell; and they have a family of four sons and two daughters; and reside at 1403 Maple Avenue, Evans- ton, 111. Weeks, John Abell, President, of the New York Historical Society. He resides at 170 Central Park West, Manhattan, N.Y. Weeks, Alonzo P., Business President, of 28 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Athol Gas and Electric Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Weeks, C. L., Quanity Surveyor, of 524 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal., was born in 1880 in Elizabeth, N.J. He was educated at the Columbia University. Since 1913 he has been in business as a Quanity Surveyor. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles, Cal. In 1920 he married Miss Regina Van der Miessen, and they reside at Manhat tan Beach, Cal. Weeks, Edwin Ruthven, Electrical Engi neer, of the New Nelson Building, Kansas City, Mo., was born Dec. 25, 1855, in West- field, Wis. He was educated in the Kansas City Schools, the Philips Exeter Acad emy; Tabor College and Spalding s Com mercial College. He learned the trade of mason; was one of the first postmen in Kansas City; and for several years was in the service of the Union Pacific Railroad. He became superintendent, general man ager, vice-president and for eighteen years was managing director of the Kansas Ui- ty Electric Company; and is considered the father of the electric light and power in Kansas City. He is now a successful consulting and mechanical engineer of Kansas City, Mo. He has been president of the American Humane Education Soci ety ; is a member of the American Associ ation for the Advancement of Science; is president of the Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. He has deliverel many addresses on scientific, educational, economic and humanitarian subjects; and has been a prolific contributor to the edu cational and technical press. Weeks, F. H., Business President, of Akron, Ohio; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Summit Lumber and Building Company and other corporations. Weidline, Edward Ray, Chemical Engi neer, of 5500 Bartlett Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., was born July 14, 1887, in Augusta, Kansas. He was chemical expert, War Industries Board. Original- research in developement of processes for use of sul phur dioxide in hydrometallur;?y. Weidman, John, Treasurer and Direc tor, of 474 West Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs an r l societies. He is a director of the Shuttle- worth, Keiller and Company and other cor porations. Weil, Emanuel, Insurance Representa tive, of 30 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111., was born March 5, 1854, in Edwarcis- villo, 111. For seven years he was engaged in the mercantile Business; and for twenty years following was a traveling salesman. Since 1898 he has been Representative for the New York Life Insurance Company. He is past Master of tho Washington Par 1 : Lodge 956, Order of Masons; Pa~4 Ex -el- lent High Priest Hyde Park Chapter 210 Royal Arch Masons; member of Aryan Grotto; Worthy Patron of Peerless Chap ter, Order Eastern Star; a member of tin Royal Arcanum, the North American Uni on, Chicago Association of Commerce, an-1 the United Hebrew Charities; president o p the North American Bowling League; president of the Hyde Park Masonic Club, and a member of other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 505 Weil, A. L., Business President, of Alas ka Commercial Building, San Francisco, Cal. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Vancou ver Midway Company and other corpora tions. Fell, Herbert, Secretary and Director, of 305 West End Avenue, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Restaurant Crillon and other corporations. Weil, Julius Edward, Manufacturer, of 3815 Armitage Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born March 5, 1864, in Jacksonville. Since 3895 he has been engaged in the wholesale clothing business, and is now president of Rosenwald and W^il, manufacturers of clothing. He is a member and director of the City Club, the Down Town Club, an! the Standard Club. He married Miss Sara Adler; and they have a family of two sons and one daughter; and reside at 4921 El lis Avenue, Chicago, 111. Weil, Milton, Vice-president and Direc tor of the Gotham Silk Hosiery Company, and vice-president of the Gotham Silk Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled many positions of trust an$l honor. Weil, Samuel, Business President, of 19 5 Franklin Street,New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Particeps Realty Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Weil, Victor M., Business President, Banker and Financier, of 7 Water Street, Boston, Mass., was born Nov. 17, 1870, in Newark, N.J. He is president of the Inter-Trust Security Company; president of the Boise, Thunder Mountain, Big Creek Railroad, the California and Sierra Tele phone Company, the Esmeralda Electric Light and Power Company, and also pres - dent of the Boston Suburban Realty Com pany. He was for a number of years pres ident of the Hyde Park Board o? Trade, and was for two years vice-president of the Massachusetts Board of Trade. He is a member of the Quincy Yacht Club ; and is commander of the Power Squadron. Dur ing the World War he was in command of No. 121 in Boston harbor, being in com mand of the Inspection Launch, U.S.S.B. He also received a commission from the War Department of report to the Con struction Division at Washington. Weinberger, Jacques, Vice-president and Director, of 24 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of Blair and Conpany, Incorporated; and vice- president of Blair and Company, Incor porated of Delaware. He is a director of the California Petroleum Corporation, the Davison Chemical Company, the Pan Amev- ican Petroleum and Transport Company, the Phillippirie Railway Company, the Sus sex Realty Company, and of H. R. Mallin- son and Company. Weingarten, Melville D., Treasurer and Director, of 47 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Inter-State Cartoon Company and oth er corporations. Weisglass, Samuel, Business President, of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a Brass and Iron Bed Manufacturer; and Senior member of the firm of S. Weisglass and Company, of Milford Street, Atlantic and Montauk Avenues, Brooklyn, N.Y. He is also president of the United States Cabi net Bed Company, and the Automatic Wo ven Wire Supply Company. Welch, Alexander McM,, President of the Dyckman House, Park and Musem. He resides at Two Hundred and Fourth Street and Broadway, New York City. Welch. E. Sohier, Lawyer and Director, of 73 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Union Bank and other corporations. Welferth, John A., President of the Los Angeles Oratorio Society, with a member ship of one hundred and fifty men and^ women. He resides at 356 South Broad way, Los Angeles, Cal. Weller, C. H., Director of the University of Iowa Museum of Art and Archaeolgy. He resides in Iowa City, Iowa. 506 AMERICAN MJTE AND SOCIOLOGIST Weller, Charles Frederick, Social Work er and Patriot, of Chicago, 111., was born Aug. 19, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Ho gradu ated from the University of Michigan. He has been a clerk in the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics; in 18fl(i established the Chicago Bureau of Charities; inaugurated the Neighborhood House, The Colored So cial Playgrounds Committee, The Summer Outings Committee on Prevention of Con sumption. He is a well known lecturer, has been executive officer of the Presi dent s Homes Commission: and in 1908-12 was secretary of the Associated Char ities in Pittsburgh. Since 1912 he has been associate secretary of the Playground and Recreation Association of America. Weller, Reginald Heber, Bishop, of Fond du Lac, Wis., was born Nov. 6, 1857, in Jefferson City, Mo. He was educated at the University of the South and the Nash- otah House; in 1884 he received the degree of B.D. and in 1900 the degree of D.D. Since 1900 he has been Protestant Episco pal Bishop of Fond du Lac, Wis. In 1886 he married Miss Bessie Brown ; and they have a family of five sons and one daugh ter, and reside at Fond du Lac, Wis. Welling, Richard, Business Man and Di rector, of 2 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is secretary and director of the Charles H. Welling Company. He is also a director of the Costa Rica Developement Company, the Hartville Iron Company, and the Telapoosa Company. He is promi nently identified with business and public affairs; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. Wellington, George Louis, Banker and Statesman, of Cumberland, Md.. was born Jan. 28, 1852. At the age of twelve he be gan to work; six years later became clerk and teller in a bank, wieh position he held until 1882. He is president of the Citi zen s National Bank, the German Saving Bank, the Edison Electric Illuminating Company, the Wellington Glass Works an 1 Potomac Glass Works and the Cumberland Electric Railway Company. He was treas urer of Allegheny County; delegate to the Republican National Conventions. He was candidate for comptroller of Maryland; assistant treasurer of the United States at Baltimore; was a member of Congress; and in 1897-1903 was United States Sena tor from Maryland. Wellington, J. Frank, Business Presi dent, of 20 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Somer- ville Co-operative Bank, and a director in other corporations. Wellington, William H., Business Pres ident, of 93 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Lanett Cotton Mills, and a director in other cor porations. Wellman, HilJer C., Librarian of the Ci ty Library Association. He resides at State Street, Springfield, Mass. Wells, George M., Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the W. E. Tillotson Manufacturing Company and other corporations. Wells, J. Hollis, Business President, of 32 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Realty Company Wells, John Barnes, President of the University Glee Club, with a membership of three hundred men and women. He re sides at 319 West Ninety-fifth Street, New York City. Wells, Newell Woolsey, Director, of 155 South Third Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Stony Brook Associa- tioTi and other corporations. Wells, Oscar, Banker, of Birmington, Ala. He was born Per). 6, 1875 in Platte County, Mo. He was educated at Bethany College. Since 1898 he has been in the banking business; and is president of the First National Bank of Birmingham, Ala. Ho ha^ been Governor of the Federal Re serve Bank of Dallas, Texas. He is a mem ber of Beta Theta Pi, the Southern Club and the Country Club. In 1900 he married Miss Helen Jacob; and they raside at 3830 Crescent Road, Mt. Terrace, Birmingham, Ala. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 507 Weltmer, Sidney Abraham, Mental Scie- tist, of Nevada, Mo. He was born July 7, 1858, in Wooster, Ohio. He studied medi cine four years under Dr. J. W. Brent of Tipton, Mo. He taught school in Missouri until 1896; founded and is president of Akinsville Normal School; organized Se- dalia Public Library and was librarian in 1893-94; made extensive experiments in hypnotic phenomena, leading to the study of suggestion in cure disease. He founded the Weltmer Institute in Nevada, Mo., now the Weltmer Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics Company of which he is pres ident. He is the author of Regeneration, Self Protection, Real Man, the New Voice of Christianity, Mystery Revealed, Tele pathy, Is Prayer Ever Answered and other works. Wendell, Arthur R., Vice-president and and Treasurer, of 105 Worth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Rahway Savings Institution; and vice- president of the Wheaton Company. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of Individual Underwriters ; and is prominent ly identified with business and public af fairs. Wendell, Edith Greenough (Mrs. Barrett Wendell), Member of the Chilton Club. She was born Aug. 2, 1859, in Swampicott, Mass. In 1915-17 t=.he was president of the Massachusetts Special Aid Society for A- merican Prepare. Since 1903 she has been president of the Massachuetts Society of Colonial Days of America. She resides at 358 Marl borough Street, Boston, Mass. Wendt, William F., Business President and Financier, of Buffalo, N.Y., was born July 2, 1858, in Buffalo, N.Y. He was edu cated in the public schools. In 1878 he hor.ght an interest in the Buffalo Forge Company, and has be?n at the head of the business since 1883. H<> is president arid manager of the Buffalo Steam Pump Com pany, George L. Squire Manufacturing Company, Canadian Buffalo For~e Com pany. Wentwort\ Oliver M , Business Presi dent, of 182 Commonwealth Avenue, Bos ton, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societites. He is president of the Evan- gelistical Baptist Benevolent and Mission ary Society, and a director in other cor- poratons. Wentworth, Royal S., Director, of 437 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa di rector of the Pioneer Co-operative Bank Werner, Abraham L., Business Presi dent, of 25 Broad Street, New York City, and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is president of the Crescent Holding Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Warner, Charles J., Vice-president and York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is engaged in the pub lishing business, making a geographical, historical and genealogical publications a specialty. He is also vice-preident of the Independent Salt Company. Wertheim, Maurice, Director, of 5 Nas sau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a membe of the firm of Hall-Garten and Company. He is a director of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, the Hartman Corporation, the Lucey Manufacturing Corporation, The Mirror and the Under wood Typewriter Company. His address is 44 Pine Street, New York City. Wertheim , Sanders A., Vice-president and Director, of 33 Rector Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of McLean and McLean, Incorporated. He is presi dent of William Farrell and Son, Incor porated. He is president of the Steamship Fuel Corporation, shippers of anthracite and bituminous coal. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs, and has held many positions or trust and honor. Wessell, Arthur L., Business Man and Director, of 457 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of Wessell, Nickel and Gross. He is prom inently identfied with business and public affairs; and has many positions of trust and honor. 508 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST West, Bina M., Member of the Ladies Tuesday Club. She was born in Columbus, St. Clair County, Mich. Since 1911 she has been supreme record keeper of the Maccabees. She has been president of the National Fraternal Press Association. She resides at Port Huron, Mich. West, Elliot M., Treasurer and Director, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Crex Carpet Com pany and other corporations. West, George S., Business President, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Hartford and Springfield Street Railway Company, and director in other corporations. West. Thomas H., Business President, of 15 Westminster Street Providence, R.T. ; and a member of the Hope Club, the Aga- wam Hunt Club, and the Turks Head Club. He was born in Jan.uary, 1875, in Mobile, Ala. He is president of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company; is identified with several other business enterprises; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. In 1898 he married Miss Wilhelmi- na Crapo Cristy; and they have a family of two sons and two daughters, and reside in Providence, R.I. Westervelt, James V., Member of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, the Los Angeles Optimists Club, the California Country Club, the Automobile Club, the Southern Club, the Brentwood Country Club, the Phi Delta Sigma, the Mi/pah Lodge, the Free and Accepted Masons, the Signet Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons, and the Los Angeles Council No.ll, also of Golden West Commandery. He was born in Ithaca, N.Y. He is manager of the L. C. Smith and Brothers. He resides at 859 Third Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Westinghouse, Henry H., Director, of 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Union Switch and Sig nal Company and other corporations. Westlake, Emory H., Director, of 61 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Miami Copper Company and other corporations. Westwood, John A., Stock Broker, of the Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a member of the Manufacturers Club of Philadelphia, the Automobile Club of Philadelphia, the Board of Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, and other organiza tions. He was born Dec. 27, 1878, in Salem, N.J.; and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1903 he has been engaged in business; and is a member of the firm of Boles and Westwood, invest ment securities. During the World-War he was vice-chairman of the Iron and Steel Group. In 1911 he married Miss Elinor Torkington; and they reside in Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. Wetmore, Frank 0., Member of the South Shore Country Club. He was horn Nov.12, 1867, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Since 1916 he has been president of the First National Bank of Chicago. He resides at 5027 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Wetmore, Maude A. K., Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. She was born Feb. 7, 1873, in Paris, France. She has been ac tively interested in man\ civic and patri otic organizations; and w;is chairman of the National League for Women s Service. She resides in Newport, R.I. Wettstein, John Rudolph, Manufacturer, of 111 Broadway, New York City, was born April 17, 18(57, in New York City. He is president of the United Lead Com pany. Weyers, Bruno, Business President, oi 165 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Bay Steamship Com pany of America, Limited. He is a suc cessful exporter and importer, and is prominently identified with business and public affairs. Wheaton, Harrison Hylas, Member of the City Club. He was born Sept. 2, 1884, he has been chief of the division of im migrant education in the United States, under the Bureau of Education. In 1918 he was director of the Connecticut State Department of Americanization. He re sides at the Atlantic Island, N.J. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 509 Wheeler, Elbert, Treasurer and Director, of 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the American Box and Lumber Company and other corporations. Wheeler, Henry A., Member of the Ch icago Club. He was born May 26, 1886, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Since 1912 he has been vice-president of the Mercantile Trust and Savings Bank. He resides at 5235 Univer sity Avenue, Chicago, 111. Wheeler, Herbert R., Treasurer, of North Station, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies He is treasurer of the Sullivan County Railroad and other corporations. Wheeler, William, Buiness President, of 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Concord National Bank (Mass,), and a director of other corpora tions. Wheelock, William H., Realtor, Business President and Director, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is preisdent of Brown, Wheelock Company, re estate and insurance He is vice-preident of the Estate of Brandish Johnson; and a trustee of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company. He is a director of the Advisory Council of Real Estate Interests, the Globe Indem nity Company, the Lincoln Trust Company, Louis Sherry, the Realty Associates Invest ment Corporation, the Riverbrook Realty Corporation, the Star Insurance Compa ny of America, and the Home Life Insur ance Company of New York. Wheelwright, George W., Business Pres ident, of 70 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is president of the George W. Wheelwright Paper Company, and a di rector in other corporations. Whigham, George H., Busines President, of 52 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cuba Railroad Com pany ,and a director in other corporations Whitaker, Johnathan Orville, Manufac turer, of 109-415 South Green Street, Chi cago, Hi., wa born Dec. 1, 1859, in Butler County, Ohio. He was educated in Cincin nati, Ohio. For many years he was a di rector t;nd general sales manager of the Whitman and Barnes Manufacturing Com pany of Akron, Ohio, with headuqarters in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been pres ident of the Whitaker Manufacturing Com pany; and i salso a director of the Buckeye Twist Drill Company of Alliance, Ohio. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Asociation, the Exmoor Country Club, and the South Shore Country Club. He resides at the Chicago Athletic Club, 10 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Whitaker, William S., Treasurer and Di rector, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties He is a director of the Standard Com mercial Trading Corporation and other corporations. Whitbeck, Thomas S., Secretary, Treas urer and Director, of 595 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is secretary, assist ant treasurer and director of Davis, Col- lamore and Company; and has held several positions of trust and honor. White, Mrs. Alexander B., Member of the Fortnightly Club. She was born in Lexington, Miss. In 1907-18 he was direc tor of the Shiloh Monument Commission ; and is now editor of the U. D. C. Depart ment of the Confederate Veteran. She re sides in Paris, Tenn. White. Edward Joseph, Lawyer and Au thor, of Kansas City, Mo., was born Feb. 11, 1869, in St. Louis Mo. He was educated at the University of Arkansas and Mis souri Since 1911 he has been general at torney for the Missouri Pacific Railway corporation. He is the author of a work entitled Personal Injuries of Railroads, and other works He is a member of the Noonday Club and the St. Louis Club. In 1896 he married Miss Bertie Youngblood, of Marionville, Mo. ; and they reide at 501 Clara Avenue, St Louis, Mo. White, Frederick W., Business Presi dent, of 110 William Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties He is president of the Phosphate Mining Company, 510 AMERICAN ELITE AtfD SOCIOLOGIST White, Harold T., Diector, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is a direc- otr of the Baldwin Locomotive Works and other corpoations. White, Herbert H., Business Preident, of Cambridge, Mass; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is preident of of the South Sea Pacific Company, In corporated, and a director in other corpor- atons. White, James Gilbert, Capitalist, Engi neer and Contractor, of 37 Wall Street, New York City, was born Aug. 29, 1861, in Milroy, Pa In 1881 he received the de gree of AB. from the Pennsylvania State College; and in 1885 eceived the degree of PhD. from Cornell University. He was preident of the Western Engineering Com pany ; and president of the J.G. White and Company, Incorporated of New York; the Enginering Securities Coporation of New York; the Garden as- American Sugar Com pany of New York; arid the Matanzas- American Sugar Campany of New York. He is chairman of finance committee of the J. G. White P]ngineering Corporation and the J. G. White Management Corpora tion, and vice-president of the Merchants Association of New York. He is a member of the American Institute of New York and a score of other societies, clubs and organizations White, John Philip, Member of the City Club. He was born Feb. 28, 1870, in Coal Valley, Rock Island County, 111. In 1917 he was advisor to the United States Fuel Administrator. He resides in Cleveland, Ohio. White, Richard 0., Treasurer and Direc tor, of 50 Boad Steet, New York City ; and a membe of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Huron Steamship Company, and other corporations. White, Wilbert Webster, Clergyman and Author, of 541 Lexington Avenue, New York City, was born Jan. 16, 1863, in Ash land, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been presi dent of The Biblical Seminary 7 in New York. He is the author of Thirty Studies in the Gospel by John, Availing Prayer, and other works. White, William F., Business President, of 126 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Aguacate Mines and a director in other corporations. Whitehead, Edwin Kirby, Member of the Denver Athletic Club. He was born April 15, 1861, in Coldwater, Mich. Since 1901 he has been director and secretary of Bureau Child and Animal Protection of Colorado. He is the author of Dumb Animals and How to Treat Them. He re sides at 2899 Ames Street, Denver, Colo. Whitehead, James Thomas, Manufactur er, Business President and Financier, of 376 Seminole Avenue, Detroit, Mich., was born Sept. 28, 1864, in Wyandotte, Mich. He was educated in the public schools of his native city state. He is president of the Whitehead and Kales Iron Works of Detroit, Mich.; vice-president of the Kales Stamping Company; and vice-president of the Bank of Detroit. He is a member of the Republican party; and has been active in various lines in helping to win the World-War. He is a member of the De troit Country Club, the Detroit Athletic Club and the Bloomfield Hills Golf Club. Whitehead, Ralph Radcliffe, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 4, 1854, in Yorkshire, England. He is a follower of Ruskin and William Morris, whose princi ples he endeavored to embody in an arts and crafts settlement Brydcliffe, Wood stock, of Ulster County, N.Y. He resides in Woodstock, N.Y Whitehouse, Vira Boarman (Mrs. Nor man de R. Whitehouse), Member of the Colony Club. She was born Sept 16, 1875, in Virginia. In 1915 she was elected chair man of the publicity council of New York State Woman Suffrage Party. She resides at 118 East Fifty-sixth Street, New York City Whitely, Benjamin V. Director of 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the Brush Elec tric Illuminating Company of New York and other corporations. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 511 Whiteside, Alexander, Lawyer and Direc tor, of 30 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the National Union Bank and other corporations. Whiting, Giles , Manufacturer and Direc tor, of 2 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City; and a member of the Sleepy Hollow Country Club, and the Columbia University Club. He was born June 21, 1873, in New York City; and was educated at Columbia University. He is treasurer of the Persian Rug Manufactory; and a director of the American Lithographic Company. He mar ried Miss Flora Ettlinger; and they have one daughter, and reside in Scarborough-on Hudson, N.Y. Whiting, Howard M., Secretary and Di rector, of 1270 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director! of the Electric Con tracting and Supply Company and other corporations. Whiting, John K., Business President, of Cambridge, Mass.; and a member of vari ous clubs and societies. He is president of the Elm Farm Milk Company. Whiting, William H., Business President of 41 Park Row, New York City; and a meber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Inland Realty Company of New Jersey. Whitman, Frank E., Treasurer and Di rector, of 66 Leonard Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a director of the Fairmont Manufacturing Company and other corpo rations. Whitman, Malcolm D., Director, of 25 Madison Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs ar^d societies. He is a director of the Industrial Bank of New York and other corporations. Whitman, William, Business President, of 78 Chauncey Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Nonquit Spinning Com pany. Whitmore, Annie Goddell, Member of the Woman s Club of Denver. She was born on July 25, 1855, in Joliet, HI. She is presi dent of the Colorado State Federation of Women s Clubs. She resides at 730 Wash ington Street, Denver, Colo. Whitmore, Daniel W., Vice-president and Director, of 10 Harrison Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of D. W. Whitmore and Company. He is first vice-president of the East River Savings Institution; and a director of the Irving National Bank. Whitney, A.G., Capitalist and President of the St. Cloud Country Club. He has a family of one son and two daughters, and resides in St. Cloud, Minn. Whitney, Ellerton P., Business President of 24 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Merchant Steam Lighter Company. Whitney, Harry Payne, Director, of 120 of various clubs and societies. He is a di- Broadway, New York City; and a member rector of the Mexican Seaboard Oil Compa ny and other corporations. Whitney, Howard F., Vice-president and Director, of 15 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He isa member of the firm of H. N. Whitney and Son, members of the New York Stock Exchange. He is vice-president of the Link Oil Corporation; and a direc tor of the Brooklyn Warehouse Storage Company, McCall Company, McCall Corpo- ration,and the Pyrene Manufacturing Com pany. He is a member of the governing committe of the New York Stock Exchange. Whitney, Joseph B., Business President, of 387 Fourth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is/ president of the Alliance Mills Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Whitney, Lambert N., Director, of 50 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a memb er of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Coos Telephone Company and other corporations. Whitney, William C., President of the Art Commission of the City of Minneapolis His address is 746 Builders Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 512 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Whitney, Richard, Business Man and Di rector, of 14 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soeie ties. He is a member of the firm of Richard Whitney and Company. He is treasurer and a director of the Henry A. Kessel Compa ny, Incorporated. He is a member of the governing committee of New York Stock Exchange. Lie ;s prommenlly identified with business ;ind puolic affairs, find has hc.M maiiv positions <>! trust i-n! 1 onor. Whiton, Henry, Business President, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Union Sulphur Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Whitsom, William L., Manufacturer, of 840 West Forty-ninth Place, Chicago, 111., was born July 28, 1868, in Wilmington, 111. Since 1893 he has been president of the Matchless Metal Polish Company. He is a member of the Masons, and a Shriner. Whittall, Mathew J., Business President of 295 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the American Car Sprink ler Company, and a director in other cor porations. Whittell, George, Business President, of 166 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Eureka-Nevada Rail way Company and other corporations. Whittemore, Howard, Vice-president and Director, of 299 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president, treasurer and a director of Parsons and Whittemore, Incor porated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wliitten, George N., Business President, G8 Western Avenue, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Isinglass Com pany, and a director in other corporations. Whittier, Charles Comfort, Consulting Engineer, of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born on Dec. 10, 1876, in Somerset County, Maine. From 1901-15 he was consulting engineer with Robert W. Hunt and Company ; from 1913 to date gen eral manager of Robert W. Hunt and Com pany, Limited, Montreal, Canada. He is a member of the American Institute of Min ing Engineers, Western Society of Engin eers, Engineers Club, Montreal Engineers Club, and International Engineering Con gress. Whittle, Daniel, President of the Men delsohn Club, with a membership of sixty men. He resides at 14 Ten Broeck Street, Albany, N.Y. Wholley, Francis Xavier, Member of the National Press Club of Washington, D.C. ; the Pilgrim Publicity Association of Bos ton, the Dorchester Club of Boston; and the United Shoe Golf Club of Beverly,Mass. He has been president of the Wholley Shoe Company and an executor of the United Machinery Association. He is now manag ing director of Better Business Bureau. He resides at 2310 Ashmead Place, Washing ton, D.C. Wiborg, Frank Bestow, Retired Business Man and Capitalist, of East Hampton, L.I. N.Y., was born in 1855 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was vice-president of the Ault and Wi borg Company of Cincinnati, New York Ci ty and Toronto, until his retirement in 1910. He i a member of the Queen City Club, Cincinnati; Union League and the Maidstone Clubs of East Hampton; and National Golf Club of Southampton. Wicke, George H., Business President, of Woodhaven Avenue, Glendale, N.Y. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and director of the William Wicke Ribbon Company, of Woodhaven Avenue, Glendale, N.Y. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wiegand, Henry H., President of the Charcoal Club. His address is 1230 Saint Paul Street. Baltimore, Md, Wiehe, Christian Frederick, Lumber Dealer, of 2431 South Lincoln Street, Chi cago, 111., was born Sept. 6, 1862, in Chica go, 111. In 1880 he became associated with the Witbeck Company, lumber dealers of Chicago; later was with the John Paul Lumber Company of La Crosse, Wis., and the S. K. Martin Lumber Company of Chi- AMERICAN BLTTn AND SOCIOLOGIST 513 cago. In 1892 lie was one of the organizers of the Edward Hines Lumber Company, of which company he is now secretary and di rector; president of the Shavings and Saw dust Company ; and a director in other cor porations. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, Union League Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, the South Shor3 Country Club, the Glen Oak Country Club, the Mid-day Club and the Builders Club of Chicago; Boston and New Orleans Country Clubs of New Orleans, La.; and the Lum ber Trades Club of New York. Wiggin, Albert Henry, Member of the Metropolitan Club. He was born Feb. 21, 1868, in Medfield, Mass. He is president of the Chase Securities Corporation. He re sides at 630 Park Avenue, New York City. Wiggin, C. B., Business President, of 65 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is pre sident of the Wukegan Company, Wigglesworth, George, Lawyer and Di rector, of 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is a director of the Lyman Mills Wilbur, Warren Abbott, Manufacturer and Banker, of South Bethlehem, Pa., was born May 1, 1859, in Bethlehem, Pa. He is president of E. P. Wilbur Trust Company; president of the Bethlehem Foundry and Machine Company, the Valley Coal and Coke Company and Wilbur Coal Company. He is also president of the South Side Banking Company and is connected with various other financial and industrial cor porations. He is a trustee of the Estate of Asa Packer and a trustee of Lehigh Uni versity. Wilcox, Frank L., Business President of 46 West Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the J.O. Smith Manufactur ing Company. Wilcox, Henry B., Member of the Mary land Club, the Baltimore Country Club,the Baltimore Yacht Club, Rollin Road Golf Club, and is a Thirty-two degree Mason and Shriner. He was born May 23, 1864, in Baltimore, Md. He is vice-president of the Merchants National Bank. He resides at 52 West Biddle Street, Baltimore, Md. Wilcox, John, Business President and Di rector, of 300 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born in 1874, in Yorkshire England. Since 1888 he has been conected with Francis Willey and Company, Limit ed, of Bradford, England, of which con cern he is now president. He settled in America in the year 1905. He is also presi dent of the Barre Wool Combing Company, the Norway Worsted Company, the Canad ian Wool Company, and the Willey Real Estate.In 1896 he married Miss Jane Booth and they have one son, and reside on Kent road, Waban, Mass. WilJlam, Edward H., Member of the Ma sonic Order, the Knights of Pythias, the Oddfellows and the Sons of Veterans of the United States of America. He is Junior Vice-Commander and division commander of the Sons of Veterans of the United States. He has been grand chancellor of the Kinghts of Pythias. He resides at 1615 St. Anthony Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Wilkinson, Horace S., Banker and Direc tor, of 17 East Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Na tional City Bank of New York. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He resides at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, New York City. Will, Louis, Manufacturer and Business President, of 714 Me Bride Street, Syra cuse, N. Y., was born Nov. 13, 1857, in Syracuse, N.Y. He is president of the Hop kins Company, the Wigwam Company, the Skelton Tool Company, and the Doman De velopment Company. He is a director of the Bank Trust Company; a director of the Syracuse Journal Company; and a vice- president of the Wilson and Greene Lum ber Company, and of the Morris Plan Com pany. In 1914 and 1915 he was mayor of Syracuse, N.Y. In 1895 he married Miss Augusta Bloecker; and they have one son; and reside at 714 McBride Street, Syracuse N.Y. Willard, Daniel, Member of the Chicago Club. He was born Jan. 28, 1861, in North Hartitnd, Vt. He is president of the Colo- Si 514 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOC10LOOIS1 rado Midland Railway Company. He re sides in Baltimore, Md. Willard, Daniel, Business President, of 2 Wall Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Baltimore and New York Railway Company. Willets, Howard, Business President, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Mexican Panuco Oil Company. Willever, John 0., Business President, of 195 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Western Union Tele graph Company, and a director in other corporations. Williams, Arthur P., Vice-president and Director, of 56 Hudson Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of R. C. Williams and Company. He is vice-presi dent of the Hudson-Worth Corporation; and a director of the Guaranty Fire Assur ance Corporation. He resides at 105 West Seventy-second Street, New York City. Williams, Arthur V., Business President of 124 East Fifteenth Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president of the Yonk- ers Electric Light and Power Company. He is president of the Electrical Show Compa ny, president of the Safety Institute of America, and a director of the Metropolit an Life Insurance Company. Williams, C. Arch, Member of the Ham ilton Club, the South Shore Country Club, and various other clubs and societies. He is a prominent lawyer and jurist. In 1915 he married Miss Gay Bernard Wilbon, of Richmond, Va. Williams, Caster Nelson, Member of the Westmoreland Club, the Hermitage Club, the City Club, the Old Colony Club, and the Rotary Club. He was born May 2, 1881, in Boydton, Ya. He is president of the Richmond Structural Steel Company, and president of the Bank of Warren of War- renton, N. C. He resides at 2823 Grove Ave nue, Richmond, Va. Williams, Clark, Director and Trustee, of 160 Broadway, New York City; and a mem- ber of the Union Clnb and other clubs and societies. He was born May 2, 1870, in Can- andaigua, N.Y. Since 1814 he has been pre sident of the Industrial Finance Corpora tion. He is also a trustee of the Teachers College, and a trustee of the Williams Col lege. Williams, Dixon C., Manufacturer, of 1966-1976 Southport Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born in 1859 in Yellville, Ark. He was educated at Cumberland University of Le banon, Tenn. For eleven years he has been president and general manager of the Chi cago Nipple Manufacturing Company. He is a member of the Iroqnois Club and the Press Club; and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. In 1876 he mar ried Miss Sallie McKnight, and they have a family of one son and one daughter; and reside at 910 Irving Park Boulevard, Chi cago, 111. Williams, E. CK, Director, of 43 Exchange Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the J. G. White Engineering Corpora tion and other corporations. Williams, Earle Raefel, Screen Artist, of Los Angeles^ Cal., was born in Sacramento Cal. He was educated at the Polytechnic College of California. His stage career was with celebrated stock companies.He has ap peared in the Hornet s Nest, The Wolf, The Christian, The Juggernaut, The For tune Hunter, and other celebrated screen productions. Williams, Elizabeth Sprague, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Aug. 31, 1869, in Buffalo, N.Y. Since 1898 she has been head worker of College Settlements is vice-president. In 1906-09 he was presi- Street, New York City. Williams, Harrison, Business President, of 60 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Cleveland Electric Il luminating Company, and a director in oth er corporations. Williams, Henry K. S., Business Presi dent, of 13 Astor Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the White Rock Mineral Springs Company, and a director in other corporation!. AMRRIOAtf ELITE A1H) SOOTOI/XHST 515 Williams, James D., Business President and Director,of 6 West Forty-eighth Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is manager of the First National Exhibitors Circuit, Incorpo rated. He is also president of the J. D. Williams Amusement Company; and a di rector of the First National Exchange, In corporated. Williams, John Milford, College Presi dent, of Searcy, Ark.,was born on Jan. 26, 1874, in Muldon, Miss. He was educated at Webb s School, the Bell Boekle, and the Great Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tenn. Since 1906 he has been president of the Galloway Female College, Williams, Moses, Business President, of 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Central Wharf and Wet Dock Corporation, and a director in other corporations. Williams, Orva G., President of the Iro- quis Club, of 26 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Williams, Rossiter John. Member of the Eagles, Elks, Moose, Sons of Veterans. He is County Recorder at the Court House. He has been municipal civil service commis sion-member and secretary. He resides at 46 West Patterson Avenue, Colubus, Ohio. Williams, Stephen G-., Director, of 30 Broad Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Commercial Pacific Cable Company and other corporations. Williams, William Elza, Lawyer and Statesman, of Pittsfield, 111., was born May 5, 1857, in Pike County, 111. He attended the public schools of Pittsfield ; and was a student at the Illinois College of Jackson ville, 111. Since 1880 he has practiced law; has been states attorney and alderman; was a member of the fifty-sixth and sixty-third Congreses; and was re-elected to the sixty- fourth, sixty-fifth and sixty-sixth Congres ses, which he is now serving. He is a Mason Odd Fellow and Modern Woodman; is a member of the American Bar Association and other clubs and societies. Willis, Gordon, Vice-president and Di rector, of the Century Building, St. Louis Mo.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 29, 1859, in Ga lena, 111. ; and was educated in the St. Louis public schools. For eight years he was sup erintendent of the car ferry department of Wiggins Ferry Company. In 1889 he be came secretary of the Thorn and Hunkins Lime and Cement Company, which was suc ceeded in 1896 by the Hunkins- Willis Lime and Cement Company, of which concern he is vice-president. In 1906-09 he was presi dent of the National Builders Supply Asso ciation for three terms. Willits, Ward Winfield, Manufacturer,of 319 West Ontario Street, Chicago, 111., was born Oct. 26, 1859, in Mercer County, 111. In 1876-79 he was associated with Isham and Lincoln, lawyers. Since 1879 he has been with the Adams and Westlake Compa ny; 1892-1904 vice-president and general manager ; and since 1904 president and gen eral manager; also vice-president and treas urer of the Curtain Supply Company; and since 1894 vice-president of the United States Headlight Company. Wilson, H. L., Vice-president and Di rector, of 1819 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is vice-president of the Columbia Graphophone Manufacturing Company ;and vice-president of Columbia Graphophone Company, of which concern he is also gen eral manager. Wilmer, Sidney, Business President, and Director, of 1451 Broadway, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president, secretary and di rector of the Wilmer and Vincent Theatre Company, with executive offices at 1451 Broadway, New York City. He is also Vice- president, treasurer and director of the A. and V. Realty Corporation; and is prom inently identified with business and public affairs. Wilmerding, C. Mortimer, Editor and Publisher, of 7 Central Park West, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is editor of the Debutante; and vice-president of the Ankor Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and is the author of many literary articles and books. 516 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Wilmot, Frank More, Member of the Du- quesne Club. He was bom Sept. 17, 1872, in Lambertville,N.J. Since 1904 he has been secretary and manager of the Carnegie He ro Fund Commission, with a fund of five m illion dollars. He resides at Centre and Bellefield Avenues, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilmot, Henry W., Director, of 129 Front Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Colonial Sugar Company and other corporations. Wilshire, F. W., Director, of 67 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Somerset Coal Company and oth er corporations. Wilson, Charles G., Business President, of 120 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Virginia Carolina Chem ical Company, and a director in other cor porations. Wilson, Claude R.,Director, of 111 Broad way, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the Clover Gas Coal Company Wilson, Clifford Brittin, of Bridgeport, Conn., was born Dec. 2, 1879, in Bridgeport Conn. In 1902 he was admitted to the prac tice of law; and since 1911 has been May or of Bridgeport, Conn. In 1917 he was ap pointed Colonel of the Fourth Military Di strict of the Connecticut State Guard. In 1914-20 he was Lieutenant-Governor of Connecticut. He is a Knight Templar and 32 degree Mason. In 1914 he married Miss Anastasia C. Dorsey of Middletown, Conn.; and they reside at 720 Clinton Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Wilson, Francis M., Director, of 17 Bat tery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Macona Steamship Corpora tion and other corporations. Wilson, George Smith, Member of the Cosmos Club. He was born March 19, 1869 in County of Antrim, Ireland. Since 1900 he has been secretary of the Board of Pub lic Charities of District of Columbia. He resides at 7601 Georgia Avenue, Washing ton, D.C. Wilson, Harley P., Business President and Director, of 50 Broad Street, New York City; and a member of New York Yacht Club, and the Midday Club. He is presi dent of the Crucible Flake Graphite Com pany, the Western Power Company of Jer sey City, and the Western Power Corpora tion of New York. He is vice-president of the Boston, New York and Cape Cod Canal Company; vice-president of the California Electric Generating Company and Great Western Power Company, and the City El ectric Company. Wilson, James A., Business President, of 7412 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the James A. Wilson Man ufacturing Company, and other corpora tions. Wilson, Ralph B., Bank Director, of 3021 Caroll Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born July 20, 1870, in Paolo, Kan. He is president and treasurer of the Wilson Jones Loose Leaf Company; and is president and treas urer of other corporations. He is also a director of the Kedzie State Bank; and re sides in Oak Park, 111. Wilson, Robert Cade, Publisher, of 234 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is vice-president of the McCall Company. He is also vice-president of the Modern Publishing Company ; and vice-pre~ sident of the Popular Science Publishing Company. Wilson, Mrs. Wayne, President of Cent ury Club. She resides at 729 Humboldt Street, Reno, Nev. Wilson, William Bauchop, Farmer, Miner and United States Secretary of Labor, of Blossburg, Pa., was born April 2, 1862, in Blantyre, Scotland. He is now engaged in farming in Blossburg, Pa. Wilson, William J., Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a direc tor of the Empire Land Company and other corporations. Wilson, Woodrow, President of the Am erican National Red Cross. He resides in Washington, D.C. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 517 Windsor, Henry H., Editor and Publish er, of 6 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 13, 1859, in Mitchell, Iowa. For nine j^ears he was secretary of the Chicago City Railway. He is now pub lisher and editor-in-chief of the Popular Mechanics Magazine; and the Cartoons Magazine. He is a member of Chicago Ath letic Club, the Press Club, the South Shore Country Club, the National Press Club of Washington, the Chicago Automobile Club, the Atlantic Yacht Club, the Evanston Country Club and the Camden Yacht Club. In 1889 he married Miss Lina B. Jackson; and they have one son, and reside at. 1120 Forest Avenue, Evanston, 111. Wineburg, C., Treasurer and Director, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various c ubs and societies. He i: treasurer of the Car Advertising Com pany, and treasurer of the Toronto Car Advertising Company. Wineburg, Henry, Business President, of 527 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and sicieties. He is president of the Car Advertising Compa ny, which has exclusive control of all ad vertising of the Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit Company System. He is also president of the Toronto Car Advertising Company, Incorporated. Winquist, Fritz, President of the Town and Country Club, of 2841 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. , Wlns - p, Addison L., Business President of 40 Water Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is prescient of the National Civic Secret- r*r : e\ and a director in other corporations. W:now, Sidney W. Jr., Director, of 205 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass. ; -and a mem- Iser of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Island Creek Coal Company and other coporations. ,,Winslow, William Beverly, Direstor, of 55 Liberty Street, New York City ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Carollton Furniture Man ufacturing Company and other corpora tions. Winsor, Harry C., Director,of 111 Broad- w \y, New York City; and a member of va rious clubs and societies. He is a director of the George A. Fuller Company and oth er corporations. Winston, B. M., President of the Saddle and Cycle Club, of Sheridan Road and Fos ter Avenue, Chicago, 111. Winthrop, Beekman, Director, of 40 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs anr societies. He is a direc tor of the Farmers Loan and Trust Com pany and other corporations. Winthrop, Henry Rogers, Business Pre sident, of 52 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Piping Rock Club Realty Company, and a director in other corporations. Wisbauer, Arthur J., Business Man, of 14 Stone Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. For ma ny years he has been identified with Albert Frank and Company, Advertising, with of fices in London and principal cities of Am erica. Wise, Arthur C., Business President, )f 15 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Boston Morris Plan Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Wise, Edmond E., Business Man and Di rector, of 15 William Street, New York Ci ty ; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is a member of the firm of Wise and Seligsberg. He is a director of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company, the Fred L. Lavanburg Company, the Metropolitan Ex press Company, the New York Transport ation Company, R. H. Macy and Company, the Sandown Realty Company, the 112 East Seventy-fourth Street Corporation, and the Lysol, Incorporated. Wise, S. D., Business President, of 6408 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Atlantic Refining Compa ny and other corporations. Wolcott, Roger, Lawyer and Director, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass, and a mem ber of various clubs and societies, He is a director of the York Manufacturing Company and other corporations. 518 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGISl Wolcott, Samuel H., Director, of 33 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a di rector of the Everett Mills Wold, Theodore, Banker, of Emerson Avenue, South, Minneapolis, Minn., was born July 4, 1868, in Decorah, Iowa. Since ii v>as been Governor of the Federal V- ^m. He Shriner, id Woodman. He is a member of the Minnikahda Club and f he Lafayette Club. He resides at 1779 Emerson Avenue, South, Minneapolis, Minn. Wolf, Harry G., Member of the Old Col ony Clr.b, the Hagerstown Country Club, the Rotary Club, and is a Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner He was born July 26, 1871, in Allentown Pa. He is president of The Wolf Company, and president of the Lakeview Milling Company He has been president of the Chamber of Com merce He resides in Chambersburg, Pa. Wolf, Julins, Business President, Treas urer and Manager, of 1220 Broadway, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president, treas urer, manager and director of the J. and M. Wolf. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has hi 1 - 1 many positions of trust and honor. Wolfe, Archibald J., Lawyer, Publicist and Author, of Washington, D.C. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born Sept. 16, 1878, in Vienna: and came to the United States in 1895. Since 1903 he has been idenified with the Nation al Association of Manufacturers, the Uni ted States Steel Corporation, the United States Department of Commerce. He is an authority on foreign law shipping and a distinguished publicist and author; and is credit. He is chief of the Division of Com mercial Law of the Department of Com merce at Washington, D.C. He is the auth or of The Theory and Practice of Com merce, Foreign Credits, and several books on commercial laws and commercial organ izations of England, France, Switzerland, and Belgium. He is collating the laws of the world for the use of American business men and their counsel He resides in Wash ington, D.C. Wolfe, Charles Preston,Banker, of Apollo Pa, was born March 14, 1873, in Apollo, Pa. He was educated in the public schools of his native state He is cashier of the First National Bank established in 1901 with a capital of fifty-thousand dollars. He is a member of several clubs and soci eties ; and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor in his city and state. Woll, Matthews, Member of the City Club. He was born Jan. 25, 1880 in Lux emburg. Since 1906 he has been president of International Photo-Engravers Union of North America. He is editor of The Photo-Engraver; and a trustee of the Chi cago Tubercolosis Institute. He resides at 6111 Bishop Street, Chicago, 111. Wollam, Arthur B., Treasurer and Di rector, of 117 Wall Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and soci eties. He is a director of the American Sugar Transit Corporation and other cor porations Wolle, Lewis T, Business President, of Hotel Woodward, Broadway and Fifty - fith Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various club and societies. He is president of the Durham Coal and Iron Company, and a director in other corpora tions. Woltman, Herman J, Business Man and Director, of 114 Liberty Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director and vice-presi dent of the MacGovern and Company, In corporated, power machinery. He is prom- inetly identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wood, Alice Holabird (Mrs.Tra Couch Wood), Member of the Cihcago Woman s Club. She was born July 15, 1871, in St. Louis, Mo. She has devoted much time to work on civic reform and philanthropy; and seven years was president of the Illi nois School for Nurses. She is no\v direc tor of the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund for Child Welfare She resides in Wennetka, 111. Wood, Chandler, Business President, of 21 Milk Street Boston, Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Natik Gas Company, AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 519 Wood, Arthur W, Business President, of 19 Congress Steet, Boston, Mass; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Newbury Gas and Elec tric Company, and a diector in other cor porations. Wood, Charles Erskine Scott, Soldier, Lawyer, Author and Poet, of Portland, Ore., was born Feb. 20, 1852, in Erie, Pa. He was educated in West Point. Since 1884 he has been a lawyer. He is the au thor of A Book of Tales and other works. In 1878 he married Miss Nanny M. Smith; and they have a family of three sons and two daugrters. and reside at Portand, Ore. Wood, George, Capitalist of 826 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; and a mem ber of the Union League Club, the Art Club, and the Manufacturers Club. He was born July 1, 1842, in Philadelphia, Pa.; and was educated at Haverford College. In 1860 he became identified with the firm of Wood and Garrett, cotton goods man ufacturers; became a partner in 1863, and for seven years was. manager of the Plant at Millville, N.J. He was associated with his father, Richard Davis Wood in build ing up the town of Vineland; and was in strumental in the purchase of the Pleasant- ville and Ocean City Line, later merged with the West Jersey and Atlantic Rail- roarl. He is president of the Millville Manufacturing Company, president of the Mays Landing Water Power Company, vicp-president of the Philadelphia Nation al Bank, the Provident Life and Trust Company, and other corporations He is ji member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In 1804 he married Miss Mary Sharpies Hunn; and they reside at 1313 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Guildford Sigler, Merchant, of 20 West Jackson Boulevard .Chicago 111., was born July 12 1852 in Burlington, Vt. He lias been associated with Sturges, McAllis ter ami Company: the Northwestern Na tional Bank; the Chicago, Danville and Yincennes Railroad; and the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad He is now en gaged in business for himself as a dealer in railroad supplies; and president of the Guilford S. Wood Company; and is inter ested in other manufacturing concern*. He is a thirty : second degree Mason, a Mys tic Shriner, and of the Eastern Star; and a member of the Union League Club, the Glen Oakes Club, and the Western Rail road Club. In 1882 remarried Miss Car rie A. Stanton of Momence, 111.; (and they have a family of one daughter; and reside at 418 South East Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Wood, Henry E., Business President and Manager, of 97 Hudson Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president and man ager of Wood and Stevens, Incorporated, Brokers. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wood, Henry E,, Vice-president and Di rector, of 110 William Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president, treasurer and director of Abm. S. See and Depew. He is also vice-president and treasurer of the Walter Walton Company; and secre tary and director of the Bale Snedeker; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wood, Horace P., Director, of 201 De- vonhire Street, Boston, Mass.; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Vermont Power and Light ing Company and other corporations Wood, James, Member of the City Club. He was born Nov. 12 1839, in Kisco, N.Y. In 1910-18 he was president of the trustees of Bryn Mawr College. In 1900-18 he was president of the Board of Managers of the New York State Reformatory for Men and Women. He is the author of Distinguish ing Doctrines of the Society of Friends. He resides in Mount Kisco, N.Y. Wood, John Seymour, Journalist, Law yer and Author, of 4 West Forty-third Street, New York City, was born Oct 1, 1874 he was educted at Yale University. He was editor of the Bachelor of Arts. He is a member of the University Club, the Authors Club, and the Columbia University Club. He is the author of College Days and other works. In 1880 he married Miss Mary B. Harris; and they reside at 144 East Twenty-seventh Street, New York Ci ty N.Y, 520 AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Wood, Mary L, Member of the Woman s Club. She was born Jan. 18, 1866, in Wood stock. Vt. She is vice-president of the Or ganized Charities of Portsmouth,N.H. She is the author of History of the General Federation of Women Clubs. For several years she was editor of the Woman s Club department of the Ladies Home Journal. She resides at 845 South Road, Portsmouth, N.H. Wood, Oakley, Director, of 17 Battery Place, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Virginia Coaling Corporation and other ocrporations. Wood, William M., Business President, of 245 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the American Woolen Mills, and a director in other corporations. Wood, Willis D., Director and Trustee,of 7 Wall Street, New York City; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is a member of the firm of Ladd and Wood; and a member of the governing committee of the New York Stock Exchange. He is a director of the Corn Products Refining Company; and a director of the Cassidy Company, Incorporated. He is a trustee of the Brooklyn Trust Company, and a trus tee of the Title Guaranty and Trust Com pany. Woodberry, Miriam L., Religious Work er, of 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City, was born June 4, 1872, in Somerville, Mass. Since 1907 she has been national secretary of the Woman s Department of the Con gregational Home Missionary Society. She resided at 287 Fourt Avenue, New York City. Woodhull, Zula Maud, Author and Found er, of Norton Park, Tewkesbury, Worces tershire, England, was born in New York. She is a daughter of Dr. Woodhull of the United States Navy, and daughter of Vic toria Woodhull, now Mrs. John Biddulph Martin. She was educated in New York, Paris and London. She is a member of Wo men s International Agricultural Society, Institute Psychologique of Paris, Society for Psychical Research of London and oth er organizations. She is also a member of the Ladies Automobile and Ladies Athen aeum Road Clubs. She is the author of The Proposal, a Dialogue; Affinities, a Play; is also a writer on scientific and social ques tions ; and associate editor of The Human itarian. Founded with her mother the Man or House Club, an educational and social center, which has attracted highly favor able notice in England. Woodin, William Hartman, Manufactur er of Railroad Equipment, of 165 Broadway New York City, was born May 27, 1868, in Berwick, Pa. In 1890 he graduated from the Columbia University School of Mines. In 1895-99 he was vice-president, and in 1899 became president of the Jackson and Woodin Manufacturing Company. He is now president of the American Car and Foundry Company. He is a member of the executive committee and a director of the American Locomotive Company, and of the Canadian Car and Foundry Company. He is also a director of the Chase Securities Corporation, and the General Motor Cor poration. He is a member of the Railroad Club of New York, the Union League Club the Metropolitan Club, the Lawyer?, Club, the Union Club, the Union League Club of Philadelphia, the Oakland Golf Club, the Racquet and Tennis Club, and India House. In 1889 he married Miss Annie Jessup of Montrose, Pa.; and they have a family of one son and three daughters, and reside at 752 Park Avenue, New York City. Woodman, A. C., Business President, of 45 Nassau Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Wellsville Refining Compa ny, Wellsville, N:Y. ; and a director in va rious other corporations. Woodman, Andrew Whitney, Civil En gineer, of 122 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Nov. 10. 1866. In 1890 he re ceived the degree of B.S. in civil engineer ing from the Massacussetts Institute of Technology. He has been branch manager of the Roebling Construction Company, president of the Joliet and Iron Company and president of the DePere Manufactur ing Company. He is now a successful con sulting engineer, specializing in power equipment and engineering construction; AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 521 is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Boston So ciety of Civil Engineers. He is a member the Athletic Association. In 1893 he mar ried Miss Florence Dean Tenney ; and they have a family of two sons and one daught er, and reside at 1111 Hindman Avenue, Evanston, 111. Woodruff, Frank C., Businesss President of 82 Dey Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Standard Cold Storage Corporation, and a director in other corpo rations. Woodrull, George M., President of the Lichtfield Historical Society, Organized in 1856, with a membership of two hundred. He resides in Lichtfield, Conn. Woods, Albert H., Theatrical Manager, of 236 West Forty-second Street, New York City. He is president and director of A. H. Woods extravaganza company; and other corporations. Woods, Edward 7 , of 98 Milk .Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Fourth-Atlantic National Bank and other corporations. Woods, James, Vice-president and Di rector, of Park Avenue and Forty-second Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-pre sident of the B.L.M. Bates Corporation; vice-president of the Bates-Bowman Corpo ration. He is a director of the Bowman Ho tels Corporation, Homewood Farm Cor poration, the Hotel Ansonia Corporation, and the Hotel Belmont Corporation. Woods, Robert Archey, Member of the Twentieth Century Club. He was born Dec. 9, 1865, Pittsburgh, Pa. Since 1910 he has been a trustee of Amherst College. Since ]908 he has been president of the Boston Social Union Settlement Federation. He is the author of English Social Movements. He resides at 16 Bond Street, Boston,Mass. Woods, Thomas S., Businesss President, of 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies.He is president of the Winona Copper Compa ny, and a director in other corporations. Woodward, Samuel B., Treasurer, of 365 Main Street, Worcester. Mass. ; and a mem ber of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer of the American Antiquarian So ciety; and is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Woodward, William, Member of Knick erbocker Club. He was born April 7, 1876, in New York. Since 1910 he has been presi dent of the Hanover National Bank of New York City. He resides at 9 East Eighty- sixth Street, New York City. Woolley, Clarence Mott, Member of the City Club, and various other fraternal and patriot organizations. He was born Sept. 15, 1863, in Detroit, Mich. In 1887 he assisted in organizing the Michigan Radiator and Iron Company, of which he was director and secretary. In 1892 he was an organizer of the American Radiator Company of Chi cago, of which he has been president since 1902, with main office at 104 West Fort."- second Street, New York City. In 3917 ho was appointed a representative of the Sec retary of Commerce on the War Trade Board at Washington, D.C. He is married and resides at 823 Park Avenue, New York City. Woolgton, Howard Brown Member of the City Club. He was born April 22, 1876, in Harrisburg, Pa. Since 1919 he has been professor of sociology in the University of Washington. He is the author of Study of the Population of Manhattanville. His ad dress is at the University of Washington, Seattle. Wash.* Woolverton. W. II., Business President, of 1356 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. Her is president of the American Railway Sup ply Compan Worces%er, Clarence I., Director, of 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Wyoming Railway Com pany and other corporations. Worcester, Joseph Ruggles, Civil Engi neer, of 79 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., was born May 9, 1860, in Walham, Mass. He has been partner in the firm of J. R. Wor cester and Company since 1906. 522 AMERICAN BUTE AND SOCIOLOGIST Worms, Leon, Business President, of 294 Fif th Avenue, New York City ; and a mem ber of various dubs and societies. He is president of the Lehigh Silk Hosiery Mills Incorporated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Wotkyns, B. M., Bond Broker and Bus iness President, of 521 South Spring Street Los Angeles, Cal.; and a member of the California Club, the Los Angeles Club, and the Los Angeles Country Club. He was born Oct. 2, 1883, in Chicago, 111. Since 1912 he has been engaged in the invest ment bond business. He is vice-president of Stephens and Company, president of the Trippico Potteries, and a director of the Hercules Foundries, the Hellendale Or chards, and the Terminal Development Company. In 1918 he married Miss Nellie Reed;and they reside at 120 Fremont Place Los Angeles, Cal. Wright, Alfred J M Business Man and Di rector, of 16 Reade Street, New r York City, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He is president of the Lockwood Com pany, manufacturers of locks and builders hardware. He is identified with business and public affairs; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor. Wright, Charles Fred, Banker, Manufac turer and Statesman, of Main Street, Sus- quehanna, Pa.; and a member of various clubs and societies. He was born May 3, 3856, in Forest Lake, Pa.; and was educat ed at Montrose Academy. For a while he was cashier of the First National Bank, and later became identified with manufac turing interests. In 1896 and in 1900 he was a delegate to the National Republican Conventions; and in 1899-1905 he was a member of Congress. In 1910-13 he was treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania. He married Miss Minnie M. Miller; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Susquehanna, Pa. Wright, Douglas S., Member of Knights of Pythias, Elks, and Masonic Order. He is superintendent of the Inner Guards of the Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pythias; sec retary of the B.P.O. Elks 95. He resides at Vicksburg, Miss. Wright, Henry Collier, Member of the City Club. He was born Aug. 29, 1868, in LeRoy, Ohio. In 1907-10 he was an inves tigator for the Russell Sage Foundation. He is the author of The American City. He resides at Douglas Manor, N.Y. Wright, Mrs. Janetta Bray, Member of the Woman s Club of Hollywood, the Fri day Morning Club, and the Woman s City Club. She was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. She is president of the Woman s Club of Holly wood- Wright, Warren, Manufacturer, of 4100 Fillmore Street, Chicago, 111., was born on Sept. 25, 1875, in Springfield, Ohio. He is secretary and treasurer of Calumet Baking Powder Company. He married Miss Lucile Parker; and they have one son, and reside at 230 East Delaware Place, Chicago, 111. Wright, William M.,. Manufacturer, of 4100 Fillmore Street, Chicago, 111., he is president of the Calumet Baking Powder Company. He married Miss Georgie Owen; and they have a family of one son and one daughter, and reside in Highland Park, 111. Wrightington, Edgar N., Treasurer and Director, of 111 Devonshire Street, Boston Mass. ; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is a director of the Common wealth Trust Company, Wuppermann, Mrs. Josephine W., Bus iness President, Treasurer and Director, of 310 West Seventy-ninth Street, New York City ; and a member of various clubs and societies. She is president of the J. W. Wuppermann Angostura Bitters Agency, Incorporated. She is also president of the Pijorigg Corporation, and president of the R.I). Cortina Company. Wyant, Williams Nelson, Banker, of 108 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111.; and a member of the University Club of Chicago, the Bol) O Link Golf Club of Highland Park, the Bond Men s Club of Chicago,and other organizations. He was born Aug. 22, 1HS2, in Canton, Ohio; and in 1903 graduat ed from Kenyon College. He is senior part ner in the firm of Wyant and Company, in vestment bankers. In 11)15 he married Miss Lydia Aldcroft, of Terre Haute, Ind.; and the y reside at 6906 North Ashland Boule vard, Chicago, 111. AMERICAN ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST 523 Wyder, Robert, Treasurer and Director, of 493 East One Hundred and Forty-third Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is treasurer and director of the Silk Finishing^ Compa ny of America. He is prominently identified with businesss and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. He resides at Douglaston, Long Island, N.Y. Wykes, Hunter, Business President and Director, of 43 Cedar Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is president of the City Water Company, of Sedelia, Mo.; and president of Lithotex Corporation. He is a director of Fire Reassurance Company of New York, the Larchmont W^ater Company, the Sharon Railway, the Somerset Investing Company and the Santa Fe Water and Light C< Yager, William A., Manufacturer and Financier, of 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., was born Jan. 14, 18J52, in Fi ona, Ohio. He is president of the Arms Car Company; and a director in various corpo rations. He has been a director of the Great Lake Trust Company ; and has held many positions of trust and honor; and is a mem- 1 er of the leading clubs and societies. In 1910 he married Mrs. Ella Barrett; and they have two sons, and reside at Bee Orme, Lake Forest, 111. Yandell, Lunsford P., Business President and Director, of 15 William Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Caney Valley Railway Company. He is president of the Kentucky Block Cannel Coal Com pany, the Michigan Copper Mining Compa ny, the Mohawk Mining Company, the Ohio and Kentucky Railway Company, the Wol verine Copper Mining Company, and of the Estate of Joseph E. Gay, Incorporated. He is a director of the Copper Range Company and other corporations. YatesJ, John Thomas, Fraternal Manager, and a member of various clubs and socie ties. He was born June 2, 1856, at Mt. Sav- uge, Md. He was educated in the public schools of his native state; and under priv ate tuition. He became identified with bus iness and public affairs of the west; and i j:- years has been associated and interes ted in the Woodmen of the World. He has filled several positions of trust and honor; and is now sovereign clerk of the Woodmen of the World, the second largest fraternal beneficiary organization in America, with headquarters in Omaha, Neb. Young, Benjamin Loring, Lawyer and Statesman, of 60 State Street, Boston, Mass.; and a member of the Tavern Club, the Somerset Club, and the Harvard Club. He is a member of the American, Massa- chussetts and Boston Bar Associations. He was born Nov. 7, 1885, in Weston, Mass.; and received the degrees of A.B. and LL.B. from Harvard University. Since 1911 he has practiced law in Boston, Mass. ; and in 1916-22 was a member of the Massachus- sets House of Representatives, and speaker of the house in 1921-22. In 1910-22 he was selectman of the Town of Weston; and in 1913-15 was a member of the Massachus- setta State Board of Parole and Pardo- . and a member of the board of overseers of Harvard University. He is trustee of i\ic Suffolk Savings Bank of Boston. In 1908 h=j married Miss Mary Coolidge Hall; and the.* have a family of one son and three daught ers, and reside in Weston, Mass. Young, Harold, Member of the M.P.D.A. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ho began his early career as a short story writer and assayist; and for the screen Wrote The Grugingo, Queen of Arts, The Martyred Soul, A Mans Woman, One in a Hundred, The Soul of Lily, The Equality of Man, Fruit of the Tr.e, Greater Love, Hath No Man, The Man Taner, The Love Call, Listening In, and various other sto ries. He is now connected with Hollycraft Motion Picture Corporation, of Los Angel es, Cal. He resales at 2933 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Youngren, Oscar A., Manager, Treasurer and Director, of 11 Broadway, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies He is manager and director of the National Life Preserver Company, and treasurer and director of the Johansen and Treybal, Incorporated. He is prominently idert Tied v itli business and public affairs; and 1 ;us filled many positions of trust and honor. 524 AMERICAN" ELITE AND SOCIOLOGIST Young, Samuel Edward, Clergyman and Social Worker, of Nostrand Avenue and Dean Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., was born on June 6, 1866, in Deep Cut, Ohio. He has been president of the Society for the Pre vention of Crime of New York City, and in 1898 was appointed special chaplain tp Cuba. Since 1908 he has been pastor of Bedford Church of Brooklyn. Zabriskie, Frank L., Business President, of 27 Willis Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Astoria Building Coi Zabriskie, Robert Lansing,Member of the City Club. He was born Oct. 23, 1872, in Aurora, N.Y. His father was a founder and benefactor of Wells College; of w r hich the subject of this sketch has been a trustee secretary and treasurer since 1905. He has been president of his village; and interes ted in social and reform work. He resides in Aurora, N.Y. Zagat, Paul Henry, Realtor and Business President, of 167 West Seventy-first Street New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the City Real Estate Improvement Corporation. He is a successful operator and investor in New York City Real Estate Zeno, Norman L., Business President and Director, of 512 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of the Onez Real ty Company, Incorporated; and vice-presi dent of the Liberty Development Compa ny. He is secretary, treasurer and director of 450 Clinton Avenue, Incorporated; and a director of the Zeno Company, and of the Charvat and Fils, Incorporated. He is pro minently identified with business and pub lic affairs; and has filled many positions of trust and honor. Zevallos, Rafael, Secretary,Treasurer and Director, of 112 Wall Street, New York Ci ty; and a member of various clubs and so cieties. He is secretary and director of the Cuban Commercial and Industrial Company the Cuban American Sugar and Land Com pany, and the Czarnikow-Ronda Company. He is also a director of the Francisco Sug ar Company, and a director of the Tuinucu Sugar Company. He resides at Graham Court, Seventh Avenue and One Hundred and Sixteenth Street, New York City. Zifferer, Lothar R,. Manufacturer, of 139* Franklin Street, New York City; and a member of various clubs and societies. He is vice-president and general manager of the United States Expansion Bolt Compa ny; and vice-president of the Canadian Ex pansion Bolt Company. He is also president of the Hygeia Can Company, and vice-pre sident of the Columbia Malleable Casting Company. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs; and has held many positions of trust and honor. Zolnay, George Julian, President of the Arts Club of Washington; and a member of the Society of Washington Artists. He was born July 4, 1863. He has been presi dent of the Artist Guild of St. Louis, Mo., president of the Society of Washington Artists, and vice-president of the National Arts Club of New York City. He resides at 1738 N Street, Washington, D.C. Zucca, Constantine L., Business Man and Director, of 118 West Forty-ninth Street, New York City; arid a member of various clubs and societies. He is president of Peck and Zucca, Incorporated; and an director and manager of Zucca s Restaurant, Incor porated. He is prominently identified with business and public affairs , 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days priod to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. KXTQU2 T roi A n a "?n General Library (N L 8?3 2 7Uof476 8 -A32