m^ f DA I - VCrNRLF B 4 07fl sc^c^ I ff {A UTHEyriCA TED). ENILWORTH CASTLE CONTAINING A LARGE plan of tlje ^iiin^ ^ Wiiilh ■ WITH Historical Notes, Dates & References. T. OAKLEY (Compiler), C.E., Architect^ Sueyeyor and Estate Agent, KENILWORTH. Published by ROBERTSON AND GRAY, Printers, Bookbinders and Stationers, KENIU'VSrORTH AND COVENTRY. THIRD : Tt.BTTI 7^' V PRICE SIXPENCE. Entered at Stationers' Hall. t ^^:o> A » The "Queen and Castle Hotel," KENILWORTH. (OPPOSITE THE RUINS). AUGUSTINE STYLES, BU Jj' J,i. U Lf I' K^Jj This house is noted for supplying the CELEBRATED ALES & STOUT from the City Brewery Company, Limited, Lit hfield. Every Accommodaiion will be found at this Hotel for large DINNER d TEA PARTIES to the number of WOO. ^owlii|£^ G^i^eei], l^er)r)i^ L(kwil) A Large, PAVILION in the Garden, ' Culpable ■' of; I>ihing 400 persons. PRIVATE PMTIBS.IILL iFiP: EVERY HOME COMFORT. A COLLECTION OF LARGE OIL PAINTINGS^ IllnstiMtive of Queen Elizabetli's visit to Kenihvorth are on view 365856 ^< v^ o ■t ^— f o c^ :^ 3^—^ ^^ 4 0t :ri S5i U '(J) cc » — 4 D 1- o (/) > >^ u ^ I ^\%<; ^%-^-^A,;^ ^"^^^T^ "OO "-oib. ^liliP lift ol!? I ? S I? 1 U ^=' ^ "^ s s .1 § - i - CD tl:!|j!iiiii J"^!" t: l^llslslfi-^'^^l ir?;. III 3^^|JS|s|^li-?::^-- -^ -- -< ^-^s«sS„= . ----- ^ | „-^ s^sss^f„"'2| SOS'S is g ='i's yji--^. f! F = o S itflllilililhii fl I 1 I §§' "^ o^ ■^^S ""l! = S -< = tol Iw i1 "J-S I ss i-^-"" 3.2 ^ i ^3.^ U$ I "N CO P=3 -"^ = .Sort S-aj3 = o„e : t - = - CO o ^ I 3 sg^l §-5& s-^s-r- * -g go >.." - - ". - to.S J- c C ^ -. -r C! ^ ^ I O-.^ i : J-^l :'=c=-=.='s ^m; 5-^ oil III - :i-m So -S., ^:=-a l^s. ^ i Bf^idiw^iidsiiaiiiii 1 1 1 i^iliiiiiiii gllilllliiillllllllllalMJilill ili3?lll5ll lllllfilll H i ml illillillliill ^ |lPl l||.f^ 1 1 &g^-i S>i"s£ idSJ5 {Robertson & Gray "THE LIBRARY," Desire lo call the attention of VISITORS to their large and varied Stock of useful PHESE|4TS and TOYS VaryinL; in price from id. to ;£i. All the latest makes and tints in Packet & Box Notepapers & Enyelopes, Coerespondrnce Cards, Albums, &c. An entirely New Stock of ^xHcB, g^ttrc^ ^err>icc^, ^SLx\ Ii]^peitioii H invited. be THE LEAMINGTON^ BREWERY. Lucas, Blackwell I Arkwright, Brewers, Wine and Spirit Mercfiants. Trade itk I'^'m Mark Mild & Pale Ales & Stouts, Brewed with the FINEST MALT & HOPS, And celebrated for their STRENGTH, FLAVOUR & BRILLIANCY. LIST OF PRICES on application to the Local Agent, EDGAR LOCKHART, ROBSAST VILLA, STATION ROAD, KENILWORTH. Branch Stores- 1, Smithford Street Coventry. J. T. & A, RICHARDS, OA.Jd JrxtQJrJci.lJcD JL UJt\.cS)i ABBEY END MEWS, KENILWORTH. Landaus, Broughams, Victorias, Piiaetons, AND PONY CARRIAGES, Let by the Dav, Week, Month or Year, or by the Journey. lar E I> D I If C3^ CIL JIRI AGE s, CHARGES STRICTLY MODEEATE. A STRONG LUGGAGE CART FOR HIRE. T. & A. E. hope by supplying good Horses & Carriages to merit a share of pubh'c patronage. Prompt and personal attention to all ordei-s. Tfl'fn'aDlv'^ Address, '■'■ Richards^, SadLr, Kmilii^orfh.'''' fL-m^difH e/vWfcfc "King's Arms and Castle Hotel," KENILWORTH. WIII Cl^SI(«;f5, ¥i