»aaWW(O^^SLOW HOXOIIARY SECRETARY OF THE LAND AXD GLEBE 0WXER3' ASSOCLiTIOX FOR THE VOLUSTAnY EXTENSION OF THE ALLOTMENTS SYSTEM ^ND A TREATISE OX THE LAW RELATING TO ALLOTMENTS OF LAND FOR THE LABOURING POOR, WITH STATISTICS AND FORMS BY T. HALL HALL, M.A. OP LINCOLN'S INN" : BARRISTEn-AT-LAW LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 188G All rights reserved TRIXTED BY SPOTXIS'U'OODE AXD CO., NEW-STI!EET SQVAUK LONDON Cr7 er^ PEEFACE. £2 I-^' endeavouring to arrive at a right judgment as to <^ the duties and alleged shortcomings of proprietors in the provision of Allotments for the labourers employed on the estates of the large landowners, I was struck by the difficulty of obtaining any trustworthy statistics, with the excef)tion of those published thirteen years ago, accompanying the Agricultural returns for 1873. I therefore made it my business to endeavour to supply the want by making inquiries direct from my fellow-landowners. From the fact of these returns being collected chiefly from friends only, they are necessarily ^ incomplete and imperfect ; yet as far as they go are accurate, and will, I think, be interesting to the public as bearing upon a subject now prominently before Par- liament, and upon which much misconception exists. ^ The result arrived at from a careful consideration ^ of the facts here placed before the reader is that on ^' every well-managed estate allotments exist, at rents IV PEEFACE only higher than adjoining farm land by reason of the outgoings having to be borne by the landowner, or because, if devoted to other than agricultural purposes, they would command a high rent. It is also made evident that landowners, far from desiring to alienate the labourer from the soil, have for many years past and are still from day to day endeavouring to increase the interest which he has in the cultivation of the land upon which he lives. It may be said that the landowners of England have land available, which they are willing of their own accord to devote to allotments, amply sufficient to supply every labourer who desires it with such an amount as he can cultivate during the hours which he can spare from his regular employment. I have collected from existing publications many facts which, though not new to country folk, will contain some information to dwellers in cities, and have never before been dealt with collectively. I have taken the liberty of making copious extracts from the writings of Sir Edward Colebrook, Sir John Lawes, the Earl of Tankerville, Colonel Edwards, Lord Tollemache, Mr. Fredk. Impey, Sir Thos. Dyke Acland, Dr. Gilbert, and The Small Farms and Labourers' Land Association, to all of whom I wish to convey my sincere thanks. ONSLOW. THE LAND AND GLEBE OWNERS' ASSOCIATION FOE THE VOLUNTARY EXTENSION OF THE ALLOTMENTS SYSTEM. Temporary Office : 7 Kichmond Terrace, Whiteliall, London, S.W, President: His Grace the Duke of Westminster, K.G. Vice-Presidents . His Grace the Duke Beaufort, K.G; His Grace the Duke Manchestfr. The Earl of Pejibrok];, The Earl Stanhope. The Earl op Egmont. The Earl Nelson. Lord Suffield. Lord Henley. Lord Wenlock. Lord Alington. Lord Tollemache of Helm- ingham. Lord Mount-Temple. Hon. M. Finch-Hatton, M.P. Sir W. Barttelot, M.P. Walter Long, Esq., M.P. Hon. Secretary : The Earl of Onslow. This Association has been formed for the purpose of extending the practice already prevalent on many estates of letting small quan- tities of laud in allotments, inclusive of cottage gardens, either of pasture for the keep of a cow or of arable for cultivation. The evidence given before tlie Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes shows that any material rise in the wages of the labourer is not likely to take place so long as the present agricultural depression continues ; the question therefore which remains to be solved is, how can the pecuniary condition of the agricultural labourer be improved, without diverting for his benefit the property of any other class of the community ? Tho vi LAMD AND GLEEE OAVNEKS' ASSOCIATION only capital of the agricultural labourer is Lis labour, and the way in -which he can best be benefited is by increasing the return upon this capital. It is admitted on all hands that the poor man who lias an allotment ungrudgingly bestows labour upon it before and after his regular hours of work, and that the result of this addi- tional labour, both on his own and his family's part, is shown by a material improvement in his social as well as financial position. The farmers do not complain that the labour bestowed on small allotments is to the detriment of that for which they pay wages. It has been found that the rents of allotments are paid punctu- all)', that the labourer is able to bestow on the land manure amply sufficient to maintain its fertility, and that a class of small tenantry is created, grateful for the opportunities aflbrded and willing to pay a fair value for the land. The opportunity now occurs for land- owners to show that there exists no necessity for any compulsory legislation on this subject, and that the objects which it has been proposed to attain by laws of very doubtful advantage to the classes not connected with the soil can be, and are being, accom- plished by the voluntary action of the only persons who have the power, namely, the landowners. Some statements made during the recent General Election liave led a portion of the public to believe that there is a disin- clination on the part of landowners to let laud in allotments, but this is by no means the fact ; the system has been in operation for more than 100 j'ears, and statistics in the possession of the Asso- ciation show that it has been adopted to a greater or less extent by landowners possessing upwards of 1,500,000 acres of land in England and Wales. A very large majority of these noblemen and gentlemen have expressed their willingness to devote a further portion of their estates to this purpose, wherever tenants can be found. The clergy who are owners of glebe lands, especially where the glebe lies close to a village, can also largely assist in the work. Those who are willing to promote the objects of the Association in their own districts are specially requested to send in their names to the Honorary Secretary. The Association have a mass of information from landowners in all parts of the country as to the operation of the system. They are prepared to supply Forms of Agreement, which have been LAND AND GLEBE OWNERS' ASSOWATION Vll tested by long- experience and found to work well. The Allot- ments Act, 1882, requires that trustees of lands left for the benefit of the poor should offer that land to agricultural labourers in allotments. Many such bodies of trustees are ignorant of the pro- visions of the Act, and it is one of the objects of this Association to bring it to their notice. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION. 1. To obtain and disseminate information respecting the letting of land in allotments ; the formation and management of Cow Clubs ; the temporary letting of land for potato ground, or other plans for giving to artisans and labourers an interest in the culti- vation of the soil. 2. To ascertain and make public the extent to wbich the system has already been applied, and how far the demand for further ex- tension exists. 3. To urge upon landowners and employers of labour the desi- rability, in the interests of all three classes connected with the cultivation of the soil, of extending the system till every resident agricultural labourer of good cliaracter has, should he desire it, an allotment of land. 4. To call the attention of trustees of charity lands to the pro- visions of the Allotments Act, 1882. Although the Association is in no sense a political one, it will be one of its objects to contradict misstatements of facts on the subject of allotments, and to explain to the labourers that the \ oluntary action of landowners is more likely to obtain for them speedily, on just conditions and at fair rents, garden and field allotments, th.an the operation of local bodies bound to respect the interests of the ratepayers, and exercisiug their powers compul- sorily and in antagonism to the owners of land. The Association hope to receive the liberal support of all land and glebe owners, as well as of the moderate men of both parties in carrying out a work which has been conclusively shown to benefit all those interested, and which, if extended to its full limits, will attach the whole body of agricultural labourers, wlio now have so large a share in the direction of the destinies of the empire, to tlie land of this kingdom, without interfering with the rights of any other class. W" LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS. INTRODUCTIOX. Perhaps the most striking feature of the recent elec- toral campaign, and that Avhich distinguishes it most from its predecessors, is the ready manner in which poli- ticians of both parties ascribed the utterance of false hood to their opponents. For example, Lord Salisbury, speaking of the attacks of the Liberal party on the action of the Conservatives towards the Franchise Bill, said : 'The cry has been, " Magnum est mendaciiim et prcevalehit " ; they believe in the unlimited power of misrepresentation and falsehood.' Mr. Chamberlain, at the meeting of the Allotments and Small Holdings Ahso;;iation, said: 'The Tories have lied on this subject with a vigour and a pertinacity and a unanimity which had almost elevated mendacity to the rank of a virtue.' This last assertion had reference to the catch saying at the General Election, B > 2 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS that if the labourers voted Liberal they would get ' Three acres and a cow.' It is not easy to discover who was the originator of this saying, but it is probable that the custom on Lord Tollemache's Cheshire estate of giving three acres of land with each cottage, so prominently brought before the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes by ^Nlr. F. Impey, Hon. Secretary of the Allot- ments Extension Association, gave the idea that any plan for improving the condition of the agricultural labourer would assume the form of an allotment suffi- cient to enable him to keep a cow. There can be no doubt that Lord Tollemache has devoted a long lifetime to the careful management of his property both in Cheshire and Suffolk, and has done so with special regard to the comfort and interests of all resident on the estates or dependent on him ; Lord Tollemache has himself said that it has con- stituted his chief pleasure throughout life. While in no way desirous of detracting from the chorus of public approval with which his lordship's estate management has been greeted, it must be remarked that Lord Tolle- mache's Cheshire estate affords special facilities in this direction ; but it would be unfair to many laud- lords were it not stated that on many other estates where equal facilities are found the system has been equally carried out. His property is situated in the centre of a first-class dairy district, where there is abundance of INTRODUCTION 3 old pasture land and a population well skilled in, and able to appreciate the advantages of, dairy work ; but it should not therefore be assumed that, because on other estates in the less fortunate districts of England the labourers have not three acres and a cow, it is on account of a refusal on the part of the owners of those estates to give facilities for the purpose. On the con- trary, the words used by Mr. Chamberlain in his speech at Warrington, in reference to Lord Tollemache and Lord Carrington, viz. that ' they have, to the great advantage of their tenants and the great honour of themselves, adopted the S3"stem which I have ad- vocated,' apply equally well to a host of other landlords. Again, Mr. Chamberlain stated at Hull that great landlords have driven the labourers off their properties, partly in order to throw the land into immense fiirms ; and another gentleman, representing a body of very radical land reformers, writes to the ' Daily Xews,' to the effect that the labourers have been, and still are, almost everywhere denied the secure and permanent use of the land on fair terms ; while he holds up for commendation landlords like liOrd Tollemache and ' a very feiu others.'' In order to place the real state of the case fairly before the public, and that Parliament may not be called upon to pronounce an opinion upon this subject from the evidence of a few gentlemen whose know- ledge on the subject must necessarily be limited to B 2 4 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS the areas in whicli they have prosecuted ^their in- quiries, an Association has been formed, entitled the Land and Glebe Owners' Association for the Voluntary Extension of the Allotments System, consisting of land- owners and beneficed clergy in every part of England. This Association has received an amount of support which justly entitles it to represent the opinion of the landowning classes in England ; its inquiries have been confined to the latter country and those parts of Wales which are not of so mountainous a character as to be unsuitable for farming operations. The Association has been formed for the purpose of collecting evidence from residents in the country who have access to, and special knowledge of, facts connected with the management of large estates, and has two objects in view. The first, to show the history and existing state of the practice of letting small portions of arable or pasture land to labourers who, not being dependent for their living on their holdings, look to regular wages as their chief means of livelihood, and consider the allotment as a means of adding, in their leisure hours, to the scanty comforts of the village home. Secondly, to secure the adhesion of the greatest possible number of land and glebe owners to the prin- ciples of the Association, of which the main point is an extension of the system to all labourers on their estates who may desire to rent an allotment. To this end a series of questions were submitted to INTRODUCTION 5 the larger landowners, the most important of which invited an assurance from each that he is (1) prepared to make proof to the pnblic that he has taken, or will take, steps to meet fully the demand for allotments in his neighbourhood, and that he is (2) disposed to facilitate the extension of the system to the agricultural labourers employed on his estates. A list of those who replied in the affirmative to these questions will be found at the end of this book. In addition to this, a number of owners have fur- nished full particulars of the practice on their estates, but accompanied with a request that they may not be published. Much of this matter woidd be most in- teresting to the public, as demonstrating the concern exhibited by such large landowners as the Duke of Bedford, the Duke of Cleveland, and many others ; but I am, of course, bound to respect their wishes, and confine myself only to such information concerning the estates of these as has already been placed before Parliament. Others who had willingly consented to furnish evidence of the manner in which for years past they have facilitated these tenures, after the recent debate and division in the House of Commons, when that part of the hitherto * unauthorised programme ' of the Liberal party dealing with the compulsory expro- priation of landowners was accepted by the majority of the House, wrote to me requesting that their names might be removed from the list of those who had 6 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS accepted the undertakmg entered into by members of the Association, and expressed an intention to bind themselves in no way further than to discharge, as they believed they always had done, their duty towards those connected with their estates. Every effort has been made to ensure exactitude in these returns, and in each case a proof has been sent to the owner with a request that he will himself make any alteration which may be necessary to secure perfect accuracy. So far from there being anything new in the practice of granting land in allotments, we find that it is older than the century. As far back as the year 1770 the lord of the manor of some commonable lands, near Tewkesbury, observing that the occupants of certain cottages to which some land was annexed were remarkable for their superior neatness and decency to others in the same neighbour- hood to whose cottages no land was attached, set out twenty-five acres for the use of the poor. The success was most marked ; even those who before had been idle and profligate took an industrious turn, and the poor- rates of the parish were reduced to 4:d. in the pound, as against 2s. 6d. to 5s. in adjoining parishes. The industry of carding wool, followed by many women and children in the neighbourhood of Tetbury, died out about the year 1795 ; and Mr. Sotheron Estcourt, having occasion to stub out an overgrown gorse cover, divided that work among the labourers. INTEODUCTIOX 7 allowing each one, after he had finished his allotted task, to rent the land cleared, as an occupation for him- self and his family during odd hours. In 1796 the state of the labourer attracted the attention of several influential persons, by whom a society was formed for 'bettering the condition and improving the comforts of the poor.' Of this society King George III. was patron. Eeports were published from time to time till 1814, from which it appears that they considered one of the principal elements of success to be the ' allotments of land to the labouring population.' In the year 1810, on Lord Winchilsea's estates, there were from seventy to eiglity labourers who kept from one to four cows each. The practice, however, did not become general till after the severe agricultural distress in 1830. In that year meetings were held all over the country to suggest and discuss measures for the relief of the able-bodied poor, &c., and a number of noblemen and gentlemen, ' to meet the pressing exigencies of the times,' formed a society called the ' Labourers' Friend Society,' having more especially for its object the obtaining a small portion of land for the labom^er ' at a moderate rent in addition to the fair price of his labour.' The founder of the society was Mr. Benjamin Wills, and the more prominent members of it were the Duke of Bedford, Lords Bute, Bristol, Sluewsbury, 8. LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS Chichester, Euston, M.P., Jermyn, M.P., Morpeth, M.P. ; Dacre, Sherborne, Kenyon. Gage, Foley, Ash- town, Skelmersdale, Nugent, and Mount-Sandford ;. the Bishops of Bath, Gloucester, Eochester, and Lich- field. It flourished for several years. Branches were established in different parts of the country, of which I can only trace one (the Chard and Crewkerne branch), still in existence. One of these formed in the western division of the county of Surrey had for its object ' to call attention ta the great advantage of the allotment system, and to furnish hints and give assistance to those who were willing to accept it.' This society reported that before it began its operations there were 400 allotments in twenty-four parishes. In Compton all were in full employment, and thirty-two heads of families had allotments. In West Horsley all cottages had gardens of from a quarter to one acre. In East Clandon twenty- one cottagers had half an acre of land, besides garden;, and eight, enough meadow-land to keep a cow. In the years which succeeded its establishment a considerable increase was observed in the number of allotments let throughout its district. Some societies, such as the West Suffolk, managed by Sir H. Bunbury, included in the sphere of its work the hiring of land on lease for the purpose of under- letting as allotments. From almost the beginning of the century it has. INTRODUCTION 9 been sought to extend the allotment system by legisla- tion, and many Acts have been passed with that object. These Acts may be classed under three heads : — I. Acts on the lines of the poor law, which give the parish authorities power to let land to the poor inhabit- ants to be cultivated by them on their own account. Acts of this class were passed in 1819 and 1831. They not only apply to land already held by the parish, but authorise the purchase of other land and the enclosure of wastes for the purpose of letting in allotments. II. Inclosure Acts. Provisions for the establish- ment of allotment gardens for the poor, as a compensa- tion for the loss of the advantages they enjoyed on the open waste, are to be found in a private Inclosure Act so far back as 1806, and the practice of giving com- pensation in this form soon became usual. By the General Inclosure Act, 1845, it was sought to enforce it in all suitable cases, and The Commons Act of 1876, while checking inclosure in general, supplements the deficiencies of the Act of 1845, and makes further and better provision for the allotment of suitable and sufficient land for field-gardens. III. By Acts passed in 1832 and 1882 provision is made for the conversion into allotments for the poor of land held by parish dole-charities, and land in any other manner appropriated for the general benefit of the poor of any parish, and the Act of 1882 further provides that in any scheme to be thereafter made in 10 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS relation to any charity endowed with land, a portion of the land should be set apart for allotments. It does not appear that much advantage has been taken of the first class of these Acts. Instances of their application are or were to be found at Saffron Walden, at Caunton, in Nottinghamshire, and at Battersea. Under the General Inclosure Acts some 2,500 acres in all have been allotted as field-gardens ; since 1876 there have been only twenty-one commons enclosed, and the amount allotted as field-gardens has been only 301 acres, but the average quantity so allotted on each enclosure has been much larger than before. The Act of 1832 was in its terms compulsory, but it is believed there were not many cases where it was applied. One instance is at Walton-on-Thames. The Allotments Extension Act of 1882, however, has already been put in force in a great number of places, though the peculiarly stringent and compulsory nature of its provisions causes considerable difficulties in its application. These Acts are only designed to supplement the voluntary action of individuals. There is no compulsory interference with the land of private owners. Even the Act of 1882 only applies to lands used for public purposes and managed by public bodies. The material provisions of these and other Acts, as well as of some Bills which failed to pass, are set out and considered in detail in the latter part of this book, together with some short chapters on the law INTEODUCTIOX 1 1 relating to the letting and management of allotments by private owners as well as under the special Acts, and a collection of precedents and forms. One of the first corporate towns to avail itself of the provisions of the Act of 1819 was Saffron Walden, and a statement of the steps then taken may prove interesting. In the year 1829, at a time when very great distress prevailed, a general meeting of the inhabi- tants of Saffron Walden was held, to consider what could best be done to ameliorate the condition of the labouring class. Lord Braybrooke presided, and the meeting was attended by the mayor, several members of the corporation, and many of the parishioners. Amongst other resolutions the following was unani- mously adopted : ' That, both to encourage the industrious labourer and to try the experiment of whether or not land can be tilled on the parish account with benefit to the parochial funds, the said committee be authorised to hire a parcel or parcels of land not exceeding in the whole twenty acres (the quantity then limited by Act of Parliament), and to apportion any part thereof in small allotments at an equitable rent, to be let to the labour- ing poor having famiUes or otherwise, as may be deemed advisable, and to appropriate the residue to the purposes of tillage, for the growth of potatoes, pulse, &c., on the parish account ; and that, in order to stimu- 12 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS late the landholders in the parish to offer ground for this puipose, the proportion to be paid by them to the parochial officers, on account of work actually done, be two-fifths of the outlay per rod.' The committee commenced their proceedings by giving public notice that they were desirous of receiving applications from those inhabitants who might wish to have their land dug instead of ploughed, and also that they were ready to hire portions of land not exceeding in the whole twenty acres, under the pro- visions of the Act 59 Geo. III. cap. 12, with a view to letting allotments to the poor. Sixteen landholders availed themselves of the oppor- tunity afforded them. Fifty-two acres of land were dug by the parochial labourers at apportioned rates varying from 2d. to 4cZ. per rod, the landholder being charged for the work at the rate of from 16s. to 21s. 4cZ. per acre ; and, as a result, the industrious labourer obtained, in return for actual and profitable labour, a rate of remuneration commensurate with the exertion made, and considerably beyond that usually earned on the public roads. The experiment whether land could be cultivated with advantage on the parish account was not tried, as the applications for allotments were so numerous that the whole of the land acquired by the committee was devoted to this more desirable object. The co-operation of some of the principal land- INTRODUCTION 1 3 owners and members of the corporation in letting plots of ground to the cottagers, under the control of the committee, without the intervention of the parochial authorities, afforded facilities for extending the system, and during the following year the area so applied was increased to 33 a. 3r. 9 p., divided into 157 plots, which were let to 144 holders. It was estimated that upwards of 700 persons were thus interested in and deriving benefit from the undertaking. In the year 1834 the attention of the Poor Law Commissioners was called to the subject, and in their report for that year (February 21) they state: 'The immediate advantage of allotments is so great, that if there were no other mode of supplying them, we think it would be worth while, as a temporary measure, to propose some general plan for providing them.' They go on, however, to say, ' A labouring man, even when his family is large, can seldom beneficially occupy more than half an acre,' continuing to rely upon wages as his regular and main support ; and they pronounce strongly against the use of the machinery of local authorities for the purpose. They say, ' Where the system is car- ried on by individuals it has been generally beneficial, but when managed by parish oflScers it has seldom succeeded.' About the year 1836, Mr. Henry Martin, of Hadlow in Kent, advocated the introduction of the system into that county, and stated that 3,000 families in the 14 LAXDLOEDS AND iVLLOTMENTS county of Kent then occupied allotments. Sir George Strickland in Yorkshire, Lord Chesterfield, the Duke of Newcastle, and Lord Manners in Nottingham- shire, Lord Portman, Mr. Sturt, and Lord Rivers in Dorsetshire, and other landowners in various parts of the country, adopted the system previously to the inquiry of 1843, and, as appears by the evidence, with most satisfactory results. In the years 1844 and 1845 Lord Mount Temple (then Mr. Cowper) introduced a Bill to provide for the election of field-wardens in every parish whose vestry elected to adopt the Act, which gave power to the field- wardens to rent land and relet it as allotments, giving the security of the rates to the landowner for his rent. The Bill was warmly supported by Sir James Graham and the Government in the second session of its intro- duction, but did not succeed in passing into law. The attention attracted by the discussion in Parliament on this measure led to a great extension of the system, and in 1867 a commission, appointed to inquire into the em.ployment of children, young per- sons, and women in agriculture, reported 'that the best method by which the pecuniary condition of the agri- cultural labourer, where low, can be improved, and to which the Legislature could give a salutary stimulus by simple and unobjectionable means,' was ' a more general adoption of the practice of attaching such an amount of land to the labourer's cottage, or, in default of that, in assigning to him such an amount of land, INTRODUCTION" 1 5 as near to his dwelling as possible, as will profitably employ the leisure hours of himself and his family without turning him into a small farmer, or leading him to place his chief dependence on the produce of his land, and not on wages.' This Commission went very closely into the question of allotments to the labouring poor, as also did the Commission on Agriculture in 1882, and that on the Housing of the Working Classes in 1884-5; and from the evidence and reports of these Commissions much interesting information as to the practice on different estates is to be obtained. It is, however, greatly to be regretted that the strong recommendation of the Commission of 1867, that ' it would be highly desirable that a return of the quantity so allotted should be made from each agricultural parish ; and such a return would 2)robably be attainable, with very little additional trouble, at the same time that the annual agricultural returns are collected by the officers of the Inland Eevenue Depart- ment under direction of the Statistical Department of the Board of Trade,' should have on!}' been very partially and intermittently complied with. Lord Spencer, on behalf of the Government, has now promised an exhaustive return of all allotments attached and unattached to labourers' dwellings, in the latter case with the distance from the cultivator's home; also of all small holdings of pasture, together with the number of labourers who are allowed potat3e ground and run for a cow. 16 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS THE PRACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES. The practice of letting land to labourers dififers so greatly in various parts of the country, that it will be advisable to take the counties, or, at any rate, groups of counties, separately, in order to show how far land- owners have met the labourers' desire for allotments of different kinds. In the home counties, Kent is not so well pro- vided with field gardens as some others, from the fact that the gardens attached to the cottages are unusually large. Lord Harris recently asked every labourer whether he would like a larger garden ; very few expressed such a wish, but arrangements were immediately made to meet the wishes of those who did. Lord Radnor has granted a large quantity of land at Folkestone to be let in allotments of from ten perches to half an acre each in the vicinity of the Junction Railway Station, and there are already over 100 applicants. In Sussex allotments are general. The Rev. John Goring, of Wiston Park, has carried out the system of giving more land as the labourers were able to stock and farm it, until he has now upwards of thirty tenants with rents THE rRACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 17 varying from 4L to 60/. who were originally day labourers, and whose aggregate rental is 1,OOOL a year. On Lord Egmont's estate there are 370 allotments. The late Lord Gage took the greatest interest in the subject, and was a warm supporter of the Labourers' Friend Society. The agent to his Firle estate says that arable allotments are in excess of the demand, though he thinks that pasture allotments, so long as they do not interfere with the labourer's work on a farm, might be advantageous to him, and he intends to try this plan at ^Michaelmas next. In Sun-ey the fruits of the Labourers' Friend Society remain in the fact that hardly a village is without its allotment-ground. On ]Mr. Cubitt's estate, near Dorking, a large field has been set apart and handed over to a committee of tradesmen of the town to let as a garden-ground to the poorer inhabitants. In Hampshire, Mr. Little reports that allotments are let at about 32s. an acre, and the county was well supplied with them in 18G7. On Lord Winchester's Amport estates a committee of the allotment-holders appointed by themselves settles the amount of com- pensation to be paid by the incoming to the outgoing tenant, and his lordship's agent is of opinion that, pro- vided the men were of known goo:^ character, the duty of deciding on the compensation to be paid liy the land- lord in any case of disturbance in the holding might be fairly entrusted to the same body. The rental in c 18 LANDLORDS AND ALL0T3IENTS this county is very low ; on Lord Mount Temple's estate lower than that of land of equal value let in forms. Mr. Chamberlayne, of Cranbury, who owns laiid on the outskirts of Southampton, is devoting a large area to allotments, not only for labouring men but also for artisans and tradesmen. In Wiltshire there is no lack of allotments, though Lord Pembroke, who has 900 on his estate, thinks that there is still room for extension. He says : ' I think I may go so far as to say that I believe the allotment system might be extended. Hitherto it has perhaps been regarded by landlords and agents rather as a benefit to labourers than a matter of business and profit, as I think it might become. However this may be, the allotment system exists and is growing here, and in many other parts of the country.' This is evidenced by the action of Mr. Hussey Freke, who is at the present moment laying out land for the purpose adjoining the town of High worth. Mr. Druce reports that the average rental is 5d. a perch. On the Marquess of Ailesbury's estates it appears that there are 268 acres and 39 poles, divided into 973 allotments, varying from 20 to over 100 lugs (poles) each. Nor is this by any means exceptional. On the contrary, the aofent, ]Mr. Woolcott, savs : ' Such allotments exist more or less on almost every other similar estate within my knowledge, and I submit this as a fair sample of sucli holdings on large estates.' The late Lord THE PRACTICE IX DIFFERENT COUNTIES 19 Carnarvon, writing in 1830, said: 'In a parish in Wilts, of which I am the principal proprietor, I have very nearly arrived at the point at which every cottager will be the occupant of a sufficient portion of land to raise vegetables for his family and enough to fatten his pig.' Writing in the ' Nineteenth Century,' Lord Nelson says : ' Let me give a short account of how my small holdings have been formed. In one parish I asked the farmer of a 400-acre farm to give up forty acres near the village for allotments ; this he did gradually, as he had taken the wheat crop off the land. It is now let to eighty-five tenants in portions varying from twenty perches to two acres apiece, fifteen having over an acre, at a rent of 3/. an acre. Losing 2 acres 1 rood 22 poles in paths and roadways, I get, after paying 24:1, for rates and taxes, about 21. an acre. The men who have it do not grumble; there are hardly ever vacant allotments, and though outsiders say the rent should only be IL instead of 3l., 1 well know, if I sold it in two-acre pieces for building purposes, I could easily get lOOL an acre for the land.' ' In another parish, on a farm in the middle of the parish being given up, I divided it into cow-land, fenc- ing and building cowsheds, paying rates and taxes, and giving the tenant the permanent grasses to lay it down in pasture where not already meadow land. Part of another farm, about forty acres, falling in, I similarly "v*^ > ■ ,i- 20 A^Xy L^iKDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS divided vit in agricultural allotments to four tenants, a& P(]it,W^ also within easy reach of the village.' ! ' \-(in Sir Greorge Jenkinson's property, in 1 856, fifty-six "acres were let out in allotments of one-third of an acre to each tenant, all of which at the time was taken, and in 1863 about eleven acres more were added, and as the population was scattered over a wide area, portions of eleven different fields, situated as near as possible to> the homes of the tenants, were chosen. For these they were charged at the rate of S^d. per perch, in every case the landlord paying all tithes, rates, taxes, and expenses. All went tolerably well for some years, but since agri- cultural wages have risen and the price of corn has been so low, ten and a half acres out of the forty-eight have been given up and taken in hand ; about three acres more are now unoccupied, and about twelve acres have been let to persons — in most cases small tradesmen — who had an allotment before. In Berkshire IMr. Little stated to the Commission on Aofriculture that allotment rents were in some cases higher than other land, but the average run was 3cZ. to 6d. per perch. On Sir Richard Sutton's estate every labourer can have an allotment if he desires. At Wantage, where so much has been done to pro- vide land for small holders by the present Lord Wantage, there was, in 1854, a society called 'The Wantage Society for providing the Poor with Land.' Out of thirty-five allotment-holders the society reported THE PRACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 21 that in the first year eighteen cultivated their allot- ments well, six rather more than well, six very well indeed, four in a ' middling ' manner, and only one badly. In Buckinghamshire, on Lord Carrington's estate, allotments are very numerous ; but till recently the rent was high, which led to some disinclination to take them. Since a reduction has been made they are as popular as ever. At Steeple Claydon, Sir Harry Verney, Bart., has set apart seven acres of Stifflands Farm, to be let in garden allotments of one quarter acre at lOs. to the cottagers of the parish, who hitherto had to walk some two miles to their allotments. The land is let on the condition that only vegetables shall be grown apon it. Lord Kothschild's allotments are lower than the adjoining farmland. Near Henley, on the borders of Berkshire, there is but little demand. Mr. Mackenzie, of Fawley Court, offered 200 acres close to the town, and had but few applications. But in the more rural parts the system is on the increase, for the Duke of Bucking- ham finds that he can obtain occupiers for land which •his farm-tenants are now surrendering for the purpose. Where there is any diflticulty the farmers, says Mr. Druce, give potato ground. The Western counties are exceptionally well supplied with allotments. In Dorsetshire, Lord Alington, in addition to his own allotments, has hired land in a more suitable situation, and sublet it, at a loss to him- 22 LANDLORDS AND iVLLOTMENTS self, in 144 allotments. Close to Blandforcl land lets at the rate of 21. an acre. General Pitt Elvers, who inherited Lord Rivers' estates, says there have been allotments on the estate for many years, and he is willing to continue to grant them not only to labourers on the estate but to all who desire them ; while Mr. Farqu- harson, the Member for the Western Division, is daily extending the system. The late Lord Sherborne, who took much interest in the question, drew up the first rules on record for the letting of allotment land about the year 1840. They provided — 1 . That the entry should be on November 1 5, and notice be given on August 1. 2. That the incoming tenant, where notice had been given, should enter to plant his winter crops on August 1. 3. That each tenant should keep one pig, and not grow the same crop on the same land two years in succession. 4. That there should be no underletting. 5. That no laboiu- should be done on the allotment during the hours of farm labour without the master's consent. 6. That the rent should be paid within ten days of November 15. 7. That conviction of crime should be followed by forfeiture. THE PIlACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 23 Devonshire is another of the counties where the allotment system may be said to be carried almost to perfection. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, -who has ever taken the greatest interest in the welfare of those on his estate, has in Broadclyst 250 allotments in twenty- four different places, varying from twenty to forty perches. The total rent paid for fifty-five and a half acres is 1271. 8s. The expenses and outgoings are 44L, leaving net rental 83^., or 30s. per acre. The allotments are occupied by 170 agricultural labourers, 48 mechanics, 6 tradesmen, 10 gardeners, and 18 widows and other persons. The rents have been un- changed for half a century, though the time of entry has been altered to November. Sir Thomas has also a number of allotments, close to the town of South Molton, let to 113 tenants, and as this gentleman has long been identified with liberal views on the Land question, I shall perhaps be pardoned if I refer to his allotments at some length, as tending to show the misconception which exists on the subject of the rent of accommodation land when let in allot- ments. The rent of these allotments is nominally Ut/. per perch or 7s. 6d. per annum, but Is. 6d. is given back on punctual payment, which reduces the rent to about 7 Id. per perch, or 6s. a year. The return per acre is therefore 4^. 16s. gross, but 24 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS as the outgoings, which tlie lessor pajs, amount to 18s. Qd. per acre, the net rent is 31. 17 s. 6d. per acre. The fields immediately contiguous to two of the allot- ment fields are let as accommodation land at rents of ahout 51. per acre, the tenants paying the outgoings. If compared with these fields, the allotment lands cannot be said to be highly rented, but one of them adjoins a farm, and the allotment tenants seem to think that they ought not to pay proportionately more than the average rent of the farm, about 11. per acre. Inquiries were made as to the rents of other allot- ments in South INIolton, and it was found that some are let at Is., others at 9d., those of the Town Council at ■i^d. per perch. The quality and aspect of the two former are about equal to those of Sir Thomas Acland, and that of the Council inferior. The Council allotments, though let at a lower rate than any of the others, are not fully taken up, owing to the exposed situation and lower quality of the field. The supply, therefore, may be said to be more than sufficient for the demand, and it is open to any applicant who declines to give the price asked by Sir Thomas Acland to take land of the Council. A holder on the Acland estate of more than forty years' standing states that the allotment, if properly managed, will yield a fair return, and calculates that the crops following the potato crop should pay his rent and other expenses, leaving the potato crop as nett profit. He estimated his expenses as follows : — £ .x. d. 6 10 6 15 1 11 6 THE PEACTICE IX DIFFERENT COUNTIES Pent Manure . Labour . He grew a bag of potatoes a yard this season which would bring him in from 35.s. to 40s. ; the after-crop would be sufficient to pay expenses. This man said he was quite satisfied with his rent. The Hon. Mark Eolle for many years past has had on his property twenty-two allotment fields varying from one to twelve acres, and making up an aggregate of about one thousand acres, let to nearly one thousand tenants. The average size of the allotment is an eighth of an acre, and the rent, from 5s. to Qs. 8cZ., is paid in advance in January in each year. ]\Ir. Mark Kolle is of the opinion that twenty perches is the most that a working man can find manure for and can cultivate after working hours, seeing that most of the allotment tenants have, in addition, gardens attached to their cottages. Mr. Rolle says that it is his wish to extend the system on his estates. On a neighbouring estate, that of Lord Clinton, where the allotments amount to a quarter or half an acre each, the improvement in the condition of the labom'cr has been still more marked. In Cornwall, the high wages received by miners lead them to disregard any offers of allotments, though many seem to like, as on Hon. Mrs. Gilbert's estate, to 26 LANDLOEDS AJ^D ALL0T3IE1STS occupy a few acres of grass land. The rule in the county appears to be to give good gardens with the cottages. In Staffordshire the Commissioners of 1867 re- ported that allotments were not uncommon. Mr. Doyle says the practice is only partial, the reason being that wages are high and the labourers do not care for allotments. In Warwickshire, however, allotments are greatly appreciated. Near Birmingham, Lord Norton gives every able-bodied cottager a quarter of an acre of land, and has a system of increasing the holding to half an acre, one acre, and upwards, as the occupier can show that he is accumulating sufficient money to stock and work his allotment. Lord Hertford has been increas- ing his allotments since 1882, and is now cutting up more land in the same way. In Northamptonshire there were, in 1873, as the Parliamentary Eeturn shows, a larger number of allot- ments than in any county in England. Mr. Druce says the ordinary rent is 3d. to 6d. a pole. Lord Henley says that in some places there are complaints that the allotments are left in a bad state of cultivation, but, in his forty years' experience of the system, he has himself rarely met with cases of bad cultivation. Lord Spencer is about to try a new plan with regard to the cultivation of small holdings. The profits of a farm of 300 acres are to go to the labourers after paying 4 per cent, on the capital. THE PRACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 27 which Lord Spencer will provide. The choice of the laboui'ers who are to work the farm has been made from the inhabitants by ballot. There are to be eight men on the farm and one manager. All the details are to be settled by the men themselves, who are to receive wages at the rate of 14s. per week, and divide the profits over and above the 4 per cent, to be repaid to Lord Spencer. In Worcestershire and Hereford allotments do not appear to be very common, probably because the land in those counties is chiefly devoted to fruit-culture. On Sir H. F. Vernon's estate allotments are let, and the trees are supplied to the tenant ; the rent remains the same as that of land let in farms plus the amount of all outgoings ; at the expiration of five years, when the trees begin to bear, an additional rent has to be p)aid, which is calculated to repay the sum expended l^y the landlord in fruit-trees ; after this there is no further increase. The land is of exceptionally good quality for fruit-growing, and close to a railway station. In other cases, where the tenant finds the trees, he acquires, by the custom of the country, a tenant-right in his holding. Gardens close to the town of Wellington have been let as high as 81. an acre, while within a quarter of a mile of the same town allotments some- times go begging at G4s. an acre, with IGs. rates and taxes paid by the landlord. In Monmouthshire nearly every cottage has an 28 LANDLORDS AND ALL0T31ENTS excellent garden. Some freehold land societies have been formed in INIonmouth and other towns dmring the last twenty years, and the members have acquired small freeholds, but, with few exceptions, they have not been profitable. Many of the labourers have from one to five or six acres of land, paying very moderate rents, and in some cases, as in Trelleck Manor, where the tenure is peculiar, the rents are merely nominal. Much of the land in Trelleck and Usk ]Manors was at one time common land, on which the ancestors of the present occupiers built cottages. Gloucestershire, as has been already stated, may be called the cradle of allotments, for in this county are the Tewkesbury and Tetbury allotments of the last century. These 'poor's plots,' as they were afterwards called, exist in nearly every village, though many are being given up, owing to the bad times, and the following experiment, tried by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, shows how little they are now sought after. Notice in the following terms was posted in the village shop : — ' Any householder in Coin St. Aldwyns, desirous to rent a piece of land of from one to six acres, can learn from Mr. Gr. N. Woolley, Coin Lower Mill, the terms on which it would be let. Early application is necessary.' The following instructions were given as to the letting : — ' It will be necessary for applicants to show — THE PPtACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 29 ' 1. That they are able to command a certain amount of money, say at the rate of 3L per acre. ' 2. That their gardens or allotments are well cul- tivated, and their rents not in arrear. * The land will be let free of tithe, rates, and taxes, * Eents to be paid half-yearly ; and some simple provisions against exhaustion by over-cropping agreed to. ' If three acres are taken the rent will be 25s. or 20s. per acre, according to situation. ' For a piece of less than three acres a rather higher rent per acre will be charged ; above three acres, rather less ; in each case in proportion to the acreage. ' As each of the fields proposed comprises between seventeen and eighteen acres, no promise can be made to give it up for this purpose, unless there should be a sufficient number of qualified applicants to take it all between them. ' But if one or two applications only should be made, Sir M. Hicks-Beach would try to meet them in the present allotment-ground.' Not a single application for land was made, though the parish contains a population of 430 of all classes. Near Cheltenham there is an estate of some 200 acres, divided into cottage-holdings of from eight to thirty acres of pasture land, let at 2/. to 21. 10s. per acre. They were established by ]Mr. Booth Gre}', a brotlior of Lord Stamford, some eighty years ago. The result is 30 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS most successful, and the village of 350 inhabitants is a model one. In the IMidland grazing counties the field garden and allotment system — viz. the letting of small portions of arable land — is almost unknown, as shown by the re- turns published in 1873 by the Agricultural Department of the Privy Council, who state that in the two great pasture counties of Cheshire and Derbyshire only twenty- eight acres were so let. In Cheshire, it is perhaps needless to speak of Lord Tollemache's well-known estate further than to say that a similar practice of allowing farm-labourers to hire three acres or more obtains on many estates in the county. For some time Lord Crewe has been increasing the number of small holdings on his estates in Cheshire and over the border in North Staffordshire. Land has been distributed in various quantities, and agricultural rentals only charged. For instance, numerous commo- dious three-roomed cottages, with large and productive gardens attached, have been provided for farm-labourers at the rental of 41. 10s. per annum ; cottage farms, with suitable dwellings,outbuildings, gardens, and from two to three acres of land each, are also let to labourers at from 8^. to lOZ. per annum, and the earnings and home comforts of these men compare favourably with those of higher-class artisans in the towns. Lord Crewe has now no fewer than 195 tenants holding half an acre and under three acres, 144 with three and THE rHACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 31 iiudcr ten acres, 30 with ten and under twenty acres, 31 with twenty and under fifty acres, 40 with fifty and under a hundred acres, 41 with a hundred and under two hundred acres, and 14 only over two hundred and under five hundred acres. The Duke of Westminster has 3d4 tenants, holdinsr as follows : — Tenants without allotments . 2571 , 97/ 354 „ with allotments „ cowkeepers 1821 172/ 354 „ without cows . „ without cows or allotments 1301 224/ 354 „ with one or other . Summary of holdings under 1 acre , 23G „ „ 1 to 5 acres , 87 „ „ 5 to 10 „ , 31 Lord Harrington lets many allotments, which are chiefly in the occupation of the Macclesfield weavers. The neighbouring county of Shropshire has much in common with Cheshire. Sir Baldwyn Leighton's father commenced the practice half a century ago, and it is described in Mr. Stanhope's report to the Commissioners on Employment in Agriculture. The present baronet has advocated the system publicly and in print for the last twenty years ; several of his labourers' families have been on the same plot for more than a generation. Some fourteen years ago. Sir Baldwyn, addressing a Birmingham audience, surprised his hearers by a statement of these fiicls, and it is not 32 LANDLOUDS AND ALLOTMENTS unlikely that the recent agitation has tardily arisen from his remarks. On Mr. Jasper INIore's estate there are eighty-four tenants holding under fifteen acres each, and a similar system is in operation on the estates of the Duke of Cleveland, Lord Forester, and Lord Hill. On Colonel Edwards' estate, of which so much has been said in the publications of the Allotments and Small Holdings Association, and to which I shall have occasion to refer hereafter, there are, besides the large farm tenancies, nearly twenty holdings of thirteen acres and under occupied by labourers, or small village tradesmen embracing almost every vocation of the country side. During the past eight years there have been no arrears, and the occupiers themselves declared they needed no reductions. In Derbyshire arable allotments are but little sought after, but ' cowleys,' as they are called, are common. Here, as in Lord Stanley's park in Cheshire, where ninety-eight cottagers, artisans, &c. and seventy-three farmers run ' ley ' cattle, the Duke of Devonshire takes in the labourer's cow to pasture in Chatsworth Park. The animals are usually allowed to run in the park from May till October, but sometimes they are kept on through the winter. The Commission of 1867 stated that in Derbyshire all cottages belonging to landowners had either gardens attached to them or small allotments of garden-ground. THE PEACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 33 Allotments were also provided near many of the towns and mining villages, and were greatly prized by the miners and mechanics. ]\Ir. Culley, the Assistant Com- missioner, writing of the state of affairs nine years ago, says : — 'I believe it would be impossible to over-estimate the value of such a provision of milk as is within the reach of the families of most of the Derbyshire labourers. ' Many labourers in the North of Derbyshire rent with their cottages six or eight acres of grass land with a shippon attached, and are thus enabled to keep two cows during both summer and winter. Others rent a smaller quantity of grass land, which they mow, and graze their cows during summer in one of their master's fields, or more commonly in the nearest nobleman or gentleman's park. Others again, who live near a park where they can enjoy this privilege, and who have no cow of their own, borrow one from a farmer, and so get her milk for the summer months at a cost of from 3^. to4^. ' Some further examples of the evidence received on this subject will perhaps explain the milk systenj better, and show how, in the opinion of persons who know both classes, a labourer with his cow-allotment compares with a small farmer. ' Mr. Cottingham, agent to the Duke of Devonshire, speaking of Edensor, says : " The cottages have all gardens, and most of them have sufficient land to winter D 34 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS a cow. In summer they pasture their cows in Chats- worth Park, paying Si. for the summer's grass, about twenty-one weeks." ' On the subject of cow allotments versus small farms, JMr. Cottingham says : " I think that a man with an allotment of, say, ten acres, to keep a couple of cows, is better off than the holder of twenty or thirty acres or a farm just big enough to tempt him to do nothing else but work on his farm. I reduced one man to ten acres from twenty to compel him to work, and he afterwards told me I had ' made a gentleman of him.' He now works for the Duke of Devonshire at 14s. a week, and has his grass allotment of ten acres. This system works well, bringing up a good class of labourers, and giving their wives an occupation at home." ' The Kev. J. Hall, Vicar of Edensor, says : " I am clearly of opinion that the small farmers — i.e. persons holding from thirty to sixty acres of land — are as a class worse off in this neighbourhood than the labourers, who receive generally from 14.s. to 18s. per week. On the other hand, where a labourer can have, as is common with us, just as much grass land as will enable him to keep one or two cows, which can be managed by his wife, with scarcely any demand upon his own time, his posi- tion is undoubtedly much better than that of those to whom this is denied. I am satisfied that these views are shared by nearly all who are acquainted with the district." ' THE PEACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 35 *Mr. Samuel Turner, bailiff to the Duke of Devon- shire for the Bakewell district, says : " We have a good many occupiers of a cottage and a few acres who keep one or two cows. These men are labourers as well, and are well off — fully as well off as a man who farms thirty acres and is not a regular farmer. A man who occu- pies less than 100 acres has great difficulty to make a living, as land here is chiefly grazing land. Men who have no land can ' ley ' a cow for twenty weeks in summer for 41." ' In Nottinghamshire, the Commission of 1867 found that allotments were very common, and very cheaply let ; in cases where they were let free, it was found that the independent spirit of the labourer took but little advantage of the eleemosynary benefit. In Leicestershire, allotments were very common in 1867. On Lord Howe's estate cow pastures have long been in vogue. The Leicestershire cottages are in many cases built without gardens, close up to the road. On Sir Henry Halford's estate, land has been offered to any amount to labourers, but there are already allot- ments in every parish, and many are vacant. The tenants of the allotments grow corn, but at present prices they, like others engaged in farming, have re- duced the acreage under that cereal. In 1844, in the parish of Croxton Kerrial, near Grantham, the late Duke of Rutland gave allotments for gardens to the labourers of the parish. There were forty-seven allotments, in the s 2 36 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS middle of the parish, given entirely to the agTieuUural labourers. The population being about six hundred, the allotments provided gardens for nearly every labour- ing family in the parish. The Duke has in the parish of Croxton Kerrial over forty-one cow allotments, and a corresponding number of garden allotments on his property there. Rutland is another of the pioneer counties in the creation of allotments, for Lord Winchelsea's cow allot- ments, already alluded to, were in this county. The Duke of Richmond's Commission reported that before the beginning of the century allotments were common, the average rental being twenty poles, let at a rent equal to or but slightly higher than farms. From Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and Hert- fordshire I have received comparatively few returns. The Duke of Manchester is very anxious to continue the development of the system on the Kimbolton estates, and in Hertfordshire Lord Salisbury informed me that allotments have existed ever since he can remember. It is proposed to form at once a branch of the Land and Glebe Owners' Association in this county, where the necessary organisation is already prepared. This example, it is hoped, will be shortly followed in all the agricultural counties of England. In the northern counties, Northumberland, Dur- ham, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire very little demand for allotments exists, chiefly owing to THE PEACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 37 the high wages and to the fact that the practice gene- rally obtains of hiring a labourer by the year only, at the expiration of which time he may leave his master and find himself engaged in quite a different part of the county. Before the year 1867, Lord Sefton, whose estates are not far from Liverpool, set aside a twenty- five-acre field conveniently situated near a railway station, and made it known that he would let small lots of land of from a quarter to one acre, but he did not receive a single application. Many years ago one of the L)ukes of Northumber- land planted small villages upon his estate in North- umberland, his wish being to prevent if possible the yearly emigration of farm servants, by making the cottagers hold direct from the landlord, and not from the farmer. Each cottage had a house with stable or byre, gardens, and from five to ten acres of land at- tached, at a low rent. These cottages were planted in small villages, and in clumps of two, three, or four, on various farms over the estate. Of these small villages and clumps of cottages, Avith the exception of two or three places, all have now been absorbed into the surrounding farms, and the houses and crofts have dis- appeared. Of those that remain, the occujjiers are gene- rally shopkeepers, carriers, masons, and small tradesmen, with very few labourers, thus proving that the experi- ment has failed and that the labouring man could not live upon the small holding, and preferred the cottage 38 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS and garden at the farm to the rather large holding, for which he would pay rent. At Wark-on-Tweed there are a number of ancient holdings which were originally those of old leaseholders, or retainers of the Castle of Wark, the dwellings being clustered round the old castle. They are now considered as customary freeholds, and pay rents from 3s. 9d. to 20s. to the lord of the manor. Each freeholder has a cottage with byre and garden attached, two or three plots of land within a short distance, and a cow's grass upon land set apart for that pm'pose. The original rents were Qd. a year, and the term for life, with an addition of a hen and capon each year. These seem to have been valued or commuted at 3s. Sd., making in money 3s. 9d. In the year 1884 there were twenty-four only upon the books, the remainder having sold out to the lord of the manor. Of these twenty-four, fifteen were non- resident, and let their premises to other parties, and nine were resident and occupying their own premises. These comprised three labourers, two road-men (con- tractors), one tailor, one blacksmith, one joiner, one general dealer (grocer, &c.). About thirty years ago, Alnwick Moor was enclosed and divided, and money was borrowed to fence and drain it. Each freeman was entitled to have for his life one acre of infield and three acres of outfield land, and these he held in right of his being a freeman, and THE PKACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 39 free of rent except the instalments upon borrowed money and expenses of management. In 1878 the freeman valued these privileges at 61. a year. In 1868, 286 one-acre allotments were held by freemen and freemen's widows ; of these 124 were cultivated by the holders and 160 let to other parties. ]Much of this land, broken up for tillage under the award, has been badly managed by the holders, and is now going out of cultivation, exhausted and worn out, showing that the privilege in many instances is not appreciated, the returns from cultivation not being worth the trouble and expense. In some cases a few allotments are thrown together and rented by carters, who make a livelihood by carting for hire, and use these lands for keeping their horses. The freemen of Berwick have certain rights to what are called stints and meadows. These consist of land, and are, or were, well-defined, and are worth from 51. to 201. a year, according to position and quality. The freemen can, if wished, occupy these themselves, but they are in almost every instance let. WTien let separately, some of the carters or small farmers generally take three or four or more, sufficient to enable them to cultivate and make a livelihood. In many instances large numbers of these holdings have been laid together and farms formed, upon which houses and homesteads have been built. The farms are let to tenants, and the rents divided among the freemen who represent these stints or meadows comprising the farms. 40 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS In Yorksliire, however, the custom flourishes, and is as greatly appreciated as in any other part of the kingdom. On Lord Herries' estate almost every la- bourer has his ' cow and three acres,' and the same is the case on the estates of Sir George Wombwell, con- sisting of 1 2,600 acres ; nearly all the cottages in the villages of Coxwold, Oulston, Yearsley, and Old Byland have not less than three acres of grass, some more, let with them, and to every cottage is attached a cow-house and piggery, besides a good-sized garden adjoining the cottage. For the cottage and garden the labourer pays from 41. to 51. per annum, and for the cow-gait of three acres, 61. per aimum. This allotment system has been in operation on the Newburgh estates for eighty years, and Sir George Wombwell loses no opportunity of in- creasing it. Cow clubs are in operation throughout this district, and in ordinary times are found to work well, but the subscription to the club only begins after a member has lost a cow ; consequently, in case of a murrain or heavy loss of cows by the members, there are no funds to meet the calls on the club. The plan adopted in some of these clubs is that, when a cow dies, each member pays 7s. a month to make up the 111. required, which sum is collected by one of the members, who is called the ' pasture-master,' an office which changes every year ; there is no further collection until the next cow dies. In other clubs they have a THE PRACTICE IX DIFFERENT COUNTIES 41 sum in the bank ; when a cow dies, they pay to the member who has lost his cow the sum of 10^. out of the funds, and then they commence to collect again from each member Is. per month until the full amount of the reserve fund is made up again. The system has this advantage, that when a man loses a cow, he is not under the necessity of sending a subscription list round to his richer neighbours to obtain funds to replace his loss. The best set of rules I have been able to find for a cow club are those on the estate of 31r. Heneage, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, which will be found in the Appendix. By these rules, an entrance- fee and monthly subscription are required before the member suffers any loss, and precautions are also taken that the cows of the labourers admitted to membership are subjected to careful examination. INIedical attend- ance and drinks are also provided in cases of illness. One exists on Lord Tollemache's estate ; the rules of the club given in Mr. Evershed's (of Hurstmonceux) contribution to the publications of the Royal Agricul- tural Society on ' Cow-keeping by Labourers,' a reprint of which may be obtained of the author, provide for the establishment of a club-house, but to this club the larger farmers are also admitted to membership. Arable allotments do not seem popular in Yorkshire, as LordWenlock did not receive a single application in re- sponse to his ofifer to provide allotments in an arable field. 42 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS Mr. Portman, reporting to the Commissioners of 1867, says: 'In one part of the county, at least, the advantages enjoyed by the Yorkshire agricultural labourers generally in yearly hirings, high weekly wages, opportunities of piecework, and good gardens attached to their cottages, or allotments in default of them, are, according to the evidence of the Rev. S. Surtees, made good use of towards securing a provision for old age. INIr. Surtees says that near Doncaster it is the rule, and not the exception, for a labourer to leave at his death 50/. to 100/., and he quotes a case of one man who commenced life as a farm servant, and had brought up and started a family in life, who left 350L ; another, who died at thirty-five years of age, an ordinary agricultural labourer, leaving 170/. These are, no doubt, special instances ; but, considering the high rate of wages in Yorkshire, the almost universal possession by the labourer of a garden or allotment, and in many cases of a cow-gait or other advantages, there is no reason to doubt that a man commencing life as a farm servant and exercising ordinary prudence can, by the assistance of a savings' bank, lay up a fair provision for his old age.' In Oxfordshire there were, in 1867, 914 allotments on the Duke of Marlborough's estate, and 9,088 in that county in 1873. A reprint of the Commissioner's report upon the O'Connor allotments at ]Minster, which, it should be THE PKACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 43 borne in mind, was written at a time wlien agricultural produce commanded a far higher price than it does in 1886, may not be uninteresting. In the year 1847 (about the same time that he purchased some other estates for the same pm'pose), Mr. Fergus O'Connor purchased an estate of about 300 acres in Minster Lovell parish on behalf of the share- holders of his land company. This estate he divided into eighty-five allotments of from two to four acres each (thirty-six of them being four acres), and built a cottage on each allotment, distributing the plots of ground with their cottages amongst those of the share- holders of the land company who had paid up the full amount of a share in the order in which they stood upon his list. \Yhen a shareholder obtained possession of his little farm he received from the funds of the company 'head money' at the rate of 71. 10s. an acre, and was charged with his share of the interest of a mortgage debt of 5,0001, To use the language of Mr. Freer, who now owns about one-third of the estate, ' as long as the head-money lasted all went well,' but in a few years many of the allottees, who were chiefly arti- sans from large towns, left their allotments, and the interest of the debt not being paid, the mortgagees oflfered the estate and newly-built cottages for sale; the mortgagees were, however, unable to effect a sale, and the state of affairs having been brought before the House of Commons, the estate was handed over to the 44 LANDLOEDS AND ALL0T3IENTS Court of Chancery, \Yliicli, on October 6, 1851, appointed an oflBcial manager to wind up the affairs of the land company. The result of the winding-up was that a considerable number of the allotments were sold, and the possession of the remainder was confirmed to the allottees on payment of a rent- charge, which in the case of a four-acre allotment amounted to 91. 10s., a tolerably fair farm-rent (allowing 3/. for the cottage), though such an allotment, subject to the rent-charge, can now be sold for upwards of 100^. When the Com- missioner visited the Charterville in October, 1867, he found only two of the original allottees in possession of their cottages and ground, and one of these was not strictly in possession, as his allotment had just been sold. This man's evidence was as follows : — ' Those that paid up a whole share got the first choice of an allotment. I paid up mine, 51. 7s. 6d. I got one in six months. J. never would if I had known what I do now. It has taken me twenty years to learn how a man can live without victuals, and I have just about come to it. Thousands paid up part of their share and lost it all, and I believe they were best off. I got 30L head-money for four acres. My allot- ment has been sold for 106^., but there is a rent-charge on it of 91. 10s. a year.' In Bedfordshire, Mr. Druce reports that the custom is very general to let allotments at the ordinary agri- cultural value. On the Duke of Bedford's estate the THE PRACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 45 allotments are from twenty poles to a quarter of an acre, and are in addition to gardens. ]Mr. ^Ving states that the Duke of Bedford, who owns 1,116 modern- built cottages, has a great anxiety gradually to attach allotments to all the cottages ; in fact, to enlarge the gardens, because in so many instances the allotments are at a distance from the cottages. On the Duke's estates in Beds and Bucks there are 1,204 allotments, five farms under fifty acres and fourteen under 100. On his Grace's Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, and Huntingdonshire estates there are 414 allotments, seventeen farms under fifty and six under 100 acres ; on his estates in Devon, Cornwall, and Dorset there are 479 allotments, fourteen farms under fifty acres and eighteen under 100. On the estates of Mr. Charles Magniac, 3I.P., every tenant, with one or two exceptions, has a garden, and in addition an allotment, for which they pny from 20s. to 33s. an acre. All the men were called together some two years ago and told they might have as much more land as they wished for, and had means to cultivate, at the same rate as adjacent farms. Not a single appli- cation was made for more. I have piu-posely deferred any description of allot- ments in the Eastern counties till the last because the variety and extent of the allotment- holdings are greater than in any other part of England ; and, also, because it is in these counties that attention has 46 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS chiefly been directed to an alleged demand for allot- ments. Lincolnshire is the county in which exist the small freeholds of Axholm, of which so much has been lately said and written that it will be unnecessary to do more than note their existence in passing. The Hon. Murray Finch-Hatton, Member for the Sleaford Division, writes: — ' Allotments are of two kinds — arable and pasture. ' 1. Arable. — I give each labourer as much arable land as he can work in his spare time. This will be about one rood if he has a fair garden with his house besides, and perhaps half an acre if he has not. Much will depend upon his family and the help they are of an age to render him. The conditions necessary for success are (1) fairly good land; (2) a fair rent; (3) distance not more than half a mile from his house, nearer, of course, if possible ; (4) access by cartway to a good road ; (5) the number of allotments to be care- fully proportioned to the number of labourers likely to want them, so as to create a little competition for them . and keep cultivation up to the mark. ' 2. Grass, which is deserving, perhaps, of a some- what different name, and vary in different cases from one cow's grass up to the dimensions of a tiny grass or dairy farm. The rule here is to give a labourer as much grass land with his cottage as he has money to stock. The cottages themselves selected for such THE PEACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 47 tenancies should be good, substantial ones, with a small cool room for a dairy, either inside the house or not, and a shed or hovel for the stock. With us they are known as " cow cottages," and are always in request. ' It often happens that a labourer, while in service and before he marries, is able to save a fair sum of money, and the knowledge that such a cottage may present itself to him as a means of investing it to advantage is a powerful inducement to many to do so ; the advantage here again, as in the last case, is that an addition to income may be made without loss of wages. ' The wife looks after the stock, milks the cow, and attends to the dairy, while the husband works on the neighbouring farm at daily wages — indeed four or five of the best workmen I have on my own farm are tenants of this kind. They pay their rents with the greatest regularity, and even in these bad times have asked for no substantial reduction of them ; on the contrary, if any grass land near the village becomes vacant, they are usually applicants for it, which means that they have in the meantime made such an addition to their capital, or, what is the same thing, to their stock, as will justify them in increasing their occupation. Some- times, where a field is too large for one such tenant, I let it to three conjointly, each of whom has the right to pasture a certain quantity of stock, and I have lately sanctioned, on an estate in Northants, for the owners 48 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMExNfTS of which I act, an arrangement by which the whole occupation of a retiring grazier is let to ten applicants from the neighbouring village conjointly as a cow- common.' I have already had occasion to speak of the Saffron Walden experiment in Essex. In the same neighbour- good an inquiry recently made revealed the fact that in twenty-three parishes, embracing an area of nearly 64,000 acres, there are 223 acres of land laid out in upwards of 1,300 allotments of from one-sixth of an acre to half an acre each, and let (except in some few exceptional cases, where the plots partake more of the nature of gardens than allotments) at from l^d, to 4^d, per rod ; the rates and tithe, as well as the cost of maintaining the fences, &c., being in every instance paid by the owners of the land. In eighteen of the twenty-three parishes visited (embracing an area of about 41,000 acres), nearly all the occupiers of land allow their labourers to grow from ten to forty rods of potatoes en their farms every year, without charging them any rent for the ground, the usual conditions being that the men find a load of manure for every ten rods and keep the crop clean ; the employer carting the manure, doing all necessary operations of tillage, and carting the crop home for them. In some cases this privilege is extended to widows of deceased labourers ; and in a few instances the farmers them- selves provide the manure without charge. THE PEACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 49 More than thirty years ago, Mr. (now Sir John) Lawes set apart from eight to ten acres, and a few years later about an equal area, so that for more than twenty-five years there have been between sixteen and seventeen acres let in allotments, for the most part of one-eighth of an acre each, a few somewhat less, the whole number of tenants being 171. The land actually occupied was let at 40s. an acre ; but, as besides this, nearly two acres were laid out in roads, at the cost of the landlord, and this pays no rent, the return per acre on the whole area devoted is much less. The landlord, moreover, keeps the roads in order, and has built and maintains a club-house for the tenants, so that, in fact, the return on the whole transaction is merely nominal, if indeed there be not a loss. So great has been the boon that there have always been more candidates for plots than vacancies, and in 1883 rather more than nine acres more were allotted to seventy-eight tenants at the same rate per acre of the actually occupied land ; but here, again, land was sacrificed for roads made by the landlord and paying no rent. Most of these allotments were like the others — one-eighth of an acre each — but some rather less, the whole averaging about one-ninth of an acre. It is the unwritten law that the above allotments should be devoted to garden (not agricultural) crops for the benefit of the families of the holders ; and ex- perience has amply shown that, for this purpose, one- E 50 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS eighth of an acre is quite as much as a man with other occupations can work ; whilst, if properly worked, it will produce quite as much garden crops as will be required by an average-sized family. Indeed, those with small families find it more than they want, and sometimes have produce to sell, though with so many gardens in the neighbourhood there is only a restricted market. So much for mere garden allotments. But for some time past Sir John has wished to try how far it would be beneficial to grant larger areas. Accordingly he has, this Michaelmas (1885), set apart two fields, close to a large hamlet of the parish, comprising rather over twenty acres, to be let in larger allotments if desired, and the land has been taken up as follows : — 23 one-eighth acre each. 7 one-fourth „ 3 half „ 11 one „ 2 rather under one acre. 1 „ over 47 It will be seen that still the larger number take up only one-eighth or one-quarter of an acre. Of the three with half an acre each, two are farm labourers and one a butcher. Of the fourteen with larger areas only six are farm labourers, the remainder being THE PKACTICE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES 51 butchers, jobbing carters, blacksmiths, or carpenters, &c. Already one lot of six, and another of three, are con- sidering whether they cannot work their plots together. Some of the labom'ers are not in full emplojrment, and so hope to utilise their spare time. Some of the other people have horses, or ponies, or other live stock, so that to them the plots will probably be profitable. It remains to be seen what will be the success of these larger holdings in other cases. In connection with these allotments Sir John has started an 'Allotment Club.' To become a member of the club, it is necessary to possess an allotment- garden, the ordinary size of which is one-eighth of an acre, and the rent 5s. per annum, although some allot- ments are only half that size. Sir John occasionally gives prizes for the best cultivated gardens, and every second year there is a show of vegetables. The men take immense interest in these gardens. At the annual dinner, which takes place the first Saturday in June, Sir John has an opportunity of meeting almost all the members of the club, and of discussing subjects of mutual interest ; even the delicate one of ' strikes ' has not been avoided, and a discussion on the subject, bearing upon the relation between the employers of labour and the labourers, has not in any way altered the friendly feeling between them. The influence of the club upon the moral and E 2 52 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS religious condition of the members can hardly be discussed in these pages. Anyone, however, who reads over the rules of the club, published in the Appendix, and considers that they have been formed by a com- mittee elected by the annual vote of every member of the club, and that they are not merely printed rules, but are rigidly enforced, must acknowledge that the members submitting to these rules must have arrived at a position considerably in advance of that generally accorded to the agricultural labourer in this country. In Suffolk, the greatest pains have been taken on the estates of Sir E. Kerrison and Lord Henniker to give to the labourer an opportunity of having an in- terest in the cultivation of the soil. On Sir Edward's there are over 500 allotments now, although about four years ago, when the severity of the bad seasons and prices were beginning to be felt, it was found necessary to plough up ten acres of the allotment land for want of tenants. Lord Henniker makes a practice of watching carefully the progress made by allotment tenants, and where a man shows that he has saved a sufficient sum to stock more land, and has the energy and ability to cultivate a larger space. Lord Henniker allows him gradually to increase the size of his holding. The Duke of Grafton's allotments, of which there are 820, are let at a rent of 29s. an acre, as compared with 25s. charged for adjoining land let in farms. The THE PRACTICE IX DIFFERENT COUNTIES 53 Duke gives every facility for the holding of allotments by his labourers. Lord Bristol has issued a circular to all labourers residing in parishes where he owns land, offering to let them allotments. It will be interesting to know the result of this experiment. In Norfolk the allotment system is very generally in force, though it is probable that in this, as in the adjoining county of Suffolk, where the facilities given by the Allotments Act, 1882, have been largely made use of, more allotments could readily be let. In 1835 Lord Suffield, charging the grand jury of the county, expressed it as his conviction that the only method of improving the condition of the agricultural labourer which was free from objection, was that of providing him with a small area of land to cultivate. The Earl of Kimberley has let allotments for over forty years on his Norfolk estate, but Colonel Bulwer has offered to cut up forty acres in one parish in Norfolk with- out having had a single response. On H.K.H. the Prince of ^Vales's Sandringham estate the men are reported not to care for allotments, though some have them at Dersingham and in two other villages. Mr. Beck says : ' In Sandringham they are not much thought about. A man has a nice house and garden, his constant work, and goes to it, and does not really care for an allotment.' In Wales, where there are so many small holdings, allotments proper are hardly known. 54 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS Lord Sudeley, writing of his Welsh property, says : ' On the Grregynog Estate the proportion of small farms is fully maintained, and there are at present no less than seventy-six small holdings under forty-five acres, and that of those fifty range from two to eleven acres, so that ample scope is given to the smaller tenantry to gradually rise to larger-sized farms. This principle of granting in arable districts quarter or half an acre, or instead, where there is pasture available, land under proper conditions sufficient to enable cottagers to keep a cow, is one which I have always been much in favour of, and I am extremely glad to see that there is a wish to have this system more fully carried out. It is not, of course, possible in every case to give sufficient pasture to keep a cow, as clue regard must be paid to the con- ditions and requirements of the neighbom-ing farms, but, so far as I am concerned, I can only say that I should be extremely pleased to see no exception to the rule, and that in all cases where it is wished industrious and thrifty persons in cottages on the Gregynog Estate should be possessed either of half an acre of garden- land, or, where possible in pasture districts and where the tenant has sufficient capital, land enough to keep a cow. It will be clearly quite impossible to extend this system hurriedly, but every consideration will be given to carry it out fully as soon as possible.' Arrangements have been made with some of the farmers to give up a few of their fields near the prin- THE PKACTICE IX DIFFERENT COUNTIES 55 cipal village on the estate. This district is mainly pasture, and allotments of this class of land are being made to some eight cottagers. As, however, on the Welsh estate there is such a large proportion of small holdings, very little is found to be necessary. On Lord Sudeley's estate at Toddington, in Gloucestershire, where a large portion of the land is arable, the cottagers are allowed to have an extra quarter-acre, making up half an acre if desired ; but only in two or three instances has any request been made to carry this out, and quarter-acre gardens are considered, save in exceptional circumstances, to be quite sufficient. I have not entered into the question of allot- ments in Scotland for several reasons — first, because I have no special knowledge of the agricultural parts of that country ; secondly, because Sir Edward Colebrook, in his ' Small Holdings,' has collected all the informa- tion existing on the point ; and, thirdly, because I have yet to learn that there is any demand for them in Scotland. In the south-eastern counties the former practice of grazing the labourer's cow along with those of the farmer, his employer, has given place to the simpler practice of giving to him a daily supply of milk from the farmers dairy, and in many parts this is supplemented by a specified quantity of barley and oats for grinding, to which is added the use of ground for a certain number of drills of potatoes, the farm servant supplying the seed and labour. 56 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS HOW TO SET OUT ALLOTMENTS. The facts referred to in the preceding chapter show how much has already been done in the direction of letting land to the labourer. It remains now to be seen how far there exists a desire on the part of the labourer for further facilities in this direction. It is most unfortunate that we should have no recent return of the number of allot- ments in the country, Mr. Morton, in his ' Encyclo- paedia of Agriculture,' published in 1855, estimates the number of allotments at 200,000. The agricultural returns for 1870 contained a return of all holdings under five acres. That return being a tentative one, was incomplete. The total for England was — holdings not exceeding five acres, 102,342 ; from five to twenty acres, 111,284. Of the five-acre holdings, 49,000, or about two-thirds, were held as allotments by agricultural labourers and working men. It was succeeded in 1872 by a more comprehensive return — of holdings of one-fourth of an acre, and of holdings from one to five acres. HOW TO SET OUT ALL0T:\IE^:T3 57 The return of 1872 was also admitted to be defec- tive, partly because land sublet in allotments had been returned in the aggregate by the persons subletting, and partly because some of the collecting officers left out of the return holdings which had not a crop amounting to one quarter of an acre. It was also defective on account of so many allotments being one-eighth of an acre and under. In 1873 the inquiry as to allotments was renewed, * and made, as far as practicable, to extend to all garden allotments detached from the houses of agricul- tural labourers and artisans.' The return for that year showed a total of 246,000 such allotments, of which 242,000 were in England. In that year the number of agricultural labourers, farm servants, and cottagers was estimated at 764,928, which of course include the migratory population of the North, for whom it has been shown allotments have no attractions ; but even taking these imperfect returns, we have more than one allotment for every three labourers, besides any advantage which may be derived from the gfarden attached to his cottagfe, all of which were excluded from the statistics collected by the Agricultural Department. Since 1873 no similar returns have been published. It is difficult, in the face of these facts, to believe that there is any real indisposition on the part of land- owners to grant allotments ; that which is far more 58 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS probable is, that there has been a reluctance on the part of labourers to ask for the accommodation. I am far from desiring to detract from the service which Mr. Chamberlain and others have rendered to the agricultural labourer by stimulating him to give expression to his wishes, and by calling the attention of landowners to the desire which exists in the mind of the labourer to possess an allotment. The latter, however, is not yet sufficiently advanced to dispense with some guiding hand, and it is well that those who have at command the results of the experience of others should point out to him that the area which he can profitably cultivate must necessarily be limited by the energy he displays, the assistance he can command from members of his family, and the funds at his disposal wherewith to stock it. Nothing could be more inimical to the interests of the labourer than to endeavour to per- suade him that, because he has successfully and profitably cultivated a quarter or half an acre in his spare time, he can with advantage sacrifice some of his wage-earning hours to bestow on his allotment. The 13s. to 15s. a week which a labourer may earn ought on no account to be endangered, but the allotment in all cases should be looked upon as the recreation of leisure time. These remarks do not, of course, apply to pasture allotments, where the wife may be able to do almost HOW TO SET OUT ALLOTMENTS 59 all the dairy-work, and it will only be in time of hay har- vest that any serious call will be made on the time of the labourer. It must not therefore be supposed that labourers or their wives in every part of England are competent to manage a dairy allotment ; in most of the merely arable counties dairying is entirely unknown, and a cow would be a perfect white elephant. It would be a most interesting experiment if some landowners would endeavour to procure the education of farm labourers' wives and daughters to dairy-work with a view to establishing the system on their estates ; it is not improbable that the cottagers would quickly learn of each other, and in a country where grass was available this might easily be done. The expense of erecting cow-byres should not be heavy if constructed of materials on the estate, and their cost would soon be recovered out of the rental. Much depends on the situation of the allotment. The best of all is where each cottage has its allot- ment adjoining. Lord Tollemache's are thus arranged ; a result which he has attained in many cases by straightening the boundary of a field, so rendering it of more useful shape for steam cultivation, and the oddment cut off has been utilised as a cottage allotment. Where cottages are already built, and especially in villages, this practice is not possible, and the next best course is to devote to the purpose a centrally situated field adjoining the high road, and GO LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS easily reached by carts, &c. In no case should the allotment be more than half a mile from the labourer's dwelling. The landlord should pay all rates, taxes, and out- goings whatsoever, keep the gates, fences, and all but the boundaries between the allotments, in repair himself. Where cow ' gaits ' cannot be given, two pasture fields, of which one can be grazed and the other mown for hay, to be held in common by labourers, is an excellent and highly appreciated plan of providing an allotment. Wherever possible the labourer should be allowed to keep a pig ; the manure is of the greatest benefit to the allotment. Lord Winchelsea reckoned that fifty perches of land would keep an- average family in vegetables, and besides supply sufficient for the keep of a pig, rabbits, fowls, or ducks. The rent is an important point, and one in which the greatest care should be exercised. It is well known that labourers can, and will, pay a very high rent for allotment land, but it is in the last degree unwise to insist on a rent higher than the same land would com- mand if devoted to other purposes. In cases where the land is near a town, and is in the nature of accommodation land, a somewhat higher rent may be demanded, but in agricultural districts not a penny more should be asked than would be received for the same land if let in a farm, after adding the cost of all outgoings, repairs, collection, and, if the now TO SET OUT ALLOTMENTS 61 receipt of rent is doubtful, a small percentage for bad debts. As it is unadvisable to demand a liigli rent, so is it equally undesirable to let land free or below its value. The labourer rarely values that for which he pays nothing, and if his tenure has in it anything of an eleemosynary character he will never be sure that his landlord may not withdraw his favour and dispossess him of the land. This should never be done except the land be wanted for building or some public purpose. In every such case there should be a clause binding the landlord to make the fullest compensation, such as a tenant would expect if compulsorily expropriated for a railway or other work of a public nature. Of course such a provision would not apply to cases of forfeiture for non-payment of rent or conviction of crime, nor for a breach of the rules or agreement ; even in these cases the tenant should not be dispossessed of his crops without compensation. Captain Scobell says ' the effect of this guarantee will astonish you, even in the worst characters before.' As to the persons who should hold allotments, if proper provisions for payment of rent, &c. be made, no landlord should be afraid of accepting as tenant a man of idle or dissolute habits; it may be the salvation of him, and the necessity of complying with the rules will keep the allotment in a fair state of cultivation. G2 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS In some cases there is a provision for the election of a jury of allotment-holders, to decide upon the amount to be paid between an incoming and outgoing tenant. Here are Captain Scobell's recommendations : — ' The regulations I would recommend, from experience, are these, and which I have never known to fail, although applied in very many parishes under different circumstances. Announce your intention of letting field gardens in your parish, ascertain the number of labourers, the size of each family, and the quantity of garden ground then in occupation of each. Exclude none for previous bad character ; they may be reclaimed. Do not include any paupers. Let no 'parish offi^cers have anything to do with the arrangements. If your population is scattered, fix on two or more fields rather than one large one. The quality of the land should be good and fresh, the quantity to each family from ten to fifty poles. If a man occupies more than he can permanently uphold by manure, the land will be losing stamina. Divide the field into strips, from top to bottom, abutting against the highway. All manure should be carted in the winter months, when it can be done without injury. Let the parties who are to have the same sized gardens draw lots. Have no favourites ; the fields should be as near as practicable and easy of access, the hedges should be cut low, and kept so, and an additional gate or stils added. The rules should be HOW TO SET OUT ALLOTMENTS 63 few and clear, and each have a copy. Whatever charges besides rent are made, such as tithes and rates, should be distinguished from the rent itself ; the whole year's rent should be made at one payment, in the autumn. Condition, not to dispossess your tenants, except on conviction, by law, of some crime or wilful breach of the regulations. If you give any awards for good cul- tivation, let it be in tools or seeds, or clothes, and not in money. There should be a condition that, if any tenant subjects himself to removal, he will surrender up his occupation on being required so to do. Have no fear of the trouble, it will be a light amusement. If you cross the fields but twice in the year, and see your tenantry once in the year assembled together, the system will work quietly and well.' 64 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS VOLUNTARY VEKSUS COMPULSORY ALLOTMENTS. I DO not purpose to enter into my own views as to whether it is desirable, in order to extend not only the system of allotments, but also that of small holdings, to have recourse to compulsory legislation. I think that the opinion of authorities whose names are well known as upholders of the allotment system is likely to have far greater weight with my readers than my own. There is first Lord Tollemache, who has been ac- cepted by the introducers of the Small Holdings Bill as the model landlord of England, and whose opinion they give as follows : ' Eailway directors and dock trustees are given compulsory powers for the purchase of land to enable them to carry out their undertakings for the benefit of the public, and for this reason local authori- ties might be given the same for promoting the com- fort and welfare of the middle and labouring classes in the district.' But this does not by any means fairly re- present the whole case with regard to Lord Tollemache's opinion. The ' Times ' published a letter from his lord- ship, dated September 12, 1885, in which he says : ^ By VOLUNTARY VERSUS COMPULSORY ALLOTMENTS 65 far the most effectual and satisfactory way of extendiwj this system is by the voluntary action of the landlords ; but if no decided movement takes place on their part in the matter, as a last resource, not only for the com- fort and advantage of the middle and labouring classes, but for the protection of the just rights of landed pro- perty generally, the compulsory powers you allude to ought, in my opinion, to be adopted, accompanied by conditions, such as an ample notice being given to the owners of land, e.g. a year's notice to be given to landed proprietors to enable them to commence carrying out the system of granting allotments to labourers and small holdings to middle-class people, so that compul- sory powers will not be applicable to their estates, with powers of appeal, &c. ... I still hope that compul- sory powers will be altogether avoided.' Writing of a Shropshire proprietor, whose estate he visited, Mr. Impey says : * Colonel Edwards, describing his own village, made use of the words, " It is a village where there is no poverty," giving this as the completest justification of his adherence to the system of laboturers' small holdings.' And again, he says Colonel Edwards' decision as to the system of management adopted on his property * will certainly strengthen the hands of those who are urging its adoption on public grounds. But let us see what Colonel Edwards himself says upon this point. Writing to Mr. Impey on January 28 last, he says : — F 6G LANDLOEDS AND ALL0T3IENTS ' It is improbable we shall ever agree on the steps to be taken to insure the increase in the number of small holdings ; you want to do it by coercion, I want to do it by example and persuasion. You allow my estate, a very small one, to be almost a perfect pattern. Your measures would tend to rob and ruin me. To many large farmers some of my ideas are, I fear, very unpopular, and as soon as irresponsible County Boards, with powers to take land compulsorily, are created, I and people like myself would be the first to suffer and to have land stolen from us. No labourer could live on three acres of land without regular employment, and there would be no employment for more labourers here. I have formerly worked at field labour voluntarily with the people, ploughing and harvesting, and have the experience of a very long life, being far on in my seventy-sixth year, but I tuould resist your plunder, even if legcdised, to the death.' Colonel Edwards says that one of the labourers, whose holding on his estate is so graphically described by Mr. Impey in * Three Acres and a Cow,' being asked whether ownerships of small holdings would answer, at once said, 'No, it would not pay to buy, as no funds would be put by for repairs, the places would soon be dilapidated, and the people and children would all become hellyproud, and soon ruin them- selves.' Colonel Edwards adds : ' Several instances of the VOLUNTARY VER.SUS COMPULSORY ALLOTMENTS G7 above have come under their own knowledge as well us mine, and small places are now mortgaged beyond their value. I am sure that, where labourers are steady, and have wives who are good managers, and who are able to milk and manage their little dairy, a few acres of grass land adjoining their cottages are of great assistance to them ; but it is not all cottagers who are fit to have land, and the fitness must be determined by the owner who lets the land. A few years ago a carpen- ter in this neighbourhood married the upper housemaid from my family. She was a very tidy, respectable servant, and was the daughter of my old gardener, who has about four acres of land with his cottage. Two years after her marriage one of my cottages, with about five acres of land, became vacant, and I allowed them to rent it. They were unable to carry it on. She, though a very good servant, could not manage a cow, and in seven years' time they were obliged to leave and go into a cottage with only a garden, and have since got on much better. I mention this case to show that compulsory allotments will not answer. Every- body is inclined to cry out for what they see others benefiting by, never considering whether they are capable of doing likewise.' Mr. Goschen, an active supporter of the Land and Glebe Owners' Association for the Voluntary Exten- sion of the Allotments System, said, in his speech on Mr. Collings' motion, on January 26 : 'I say it is a 68 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS 'dangerous experiment, because while you are trying ' your experiment you may discourage that voluntary ' movement which is at present going on. A good many ' landlords who are prepared now with allotments might ' much prefer that they should sell their land to the ' community, and that then the community should take ' all the disagreeable labour of collecting the rents from ' the tenants of all these small allotments. I think you ' will remove a great part of the duty from the landlords, ' and you will remove that to which I attach the greatest ' importance — the sense of duty on the part of the land- ' lords that they ought to give these allotments. If ' the State, the community, comes in and says, " On us '"rests the responsibility of carrying out this move- ' " ment," will you not discourage the other class ? Well, ' that is a matter of opinion only, hon. members will ' say. But I am bound, conscientiously believing that ' it will discourage the sense of duty on the part of the ' landlords, to express this opinion to the House.' Dr. Gilbert, writing a report on Sir John Lawes' allotments to Sir Lyon Playfair, says: 'There can be little doubt that where proximity to the dwellings renders it practicable, garden allotments are a very great boon. Further, market gardening, and the pro- duction of milk and poultry on comparatively small holdings, might with advantage be extended in suitable localities. But the idea that what are called small farms, with or without proprietorship, and with re- VOLUNTARY VERSUS COMPULSORY ALLOTMENTS 69 stricted or borrowed working capital, can compete in general agriculture with moderately sized ones, large enough to take advantage of machinery and other improved methods for economical production, in these days of active foreign competition, is, I believe, quite chimerical, and its advocacy very mischievous.' Even Mr. Impey in his work admits that in many cases the extension of the system could best be done by the landlords. There can be no doubt that the extent to which the allotment system has been carried out is little realised. The present, the writer believes, is the first attempt that has been made to trace in detail its development throughout the country; and the result is to show that land for allotments and small holdings is at the disposal of labourers in all quarters of England, that it has been so for many years past, that the ofi'er is not made grudgingly, but that they are cordially invited to occupy plots of varj'ing dimensions, according to the quantity which they believe they can cultivate or turn to account. The facts and figures which are given in this book must surely be accepted as disproving a charge which has been brought against landowners, to the effect that they have no consideration for the well-being of their humble neighbours who till the ground. It will be seen that the granting of plots of land, on easy terms, to those who desire them, is now the general custom, 70 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS and lias been so in a greater or less degree for many years past. The demand has lately become greater, and the large and exceedingly influential list of mem- bers of the Association given in this book abundantly shows that these demands will not be made in vain. It has been my object to avoid polemics, to make no assertions as to ignorance — malicious, culpable, or excusable — on the part of those who cry out that the labourer's well-being is a matter of no concern to landowners, and that only by compulsion can he obtain such help and assistance as an allotment may bring. I have endeavoured simply to give a plain account of the true state of the case as it exists, and of its prospects of extension. Two points remain for comment. Colonel Edwards is, as aforesaid, held up by Mr. Impey as a model landlord ; and it will be seen above how he regards the threat of compulsion. Many owners of property think with him ; and without laying stress on the numerous kindly services which a landlord can, and in so very many cases gladly does, perform for a welcome tenant, or on the other hand making capital of the ill-feeling and trouble which would spring up from the quartering on a property of unwelcome settlers, the second point arises : whether the labourer himself would prefer the voluntary or the compulsory system ? It is professedly on behalf of the labourers that the compul- sionists agitate, and the labourers must therefore be VOLUXT^IRY VERSUS COMPULSORY ALLOTMENTS 71 regarded. We have yet to learn of any meeting of labourers asking for allotments which they cannot ob- tain, nor shall we hear of such a grievance, for, let it be repeated, allotments are now, under existing con- ditions, within the reach of all who care for them ; in certain places and under certain circumstances they are a boon, in other places they are a profitless respon- sibility. In those districts where labourers do desire land, I myself have no doubt as to what their emphatic choice would be, between a holding obtained under a com- pulsory enactment and one freely granted from a member of the Association on behalf of which this little volume is issued. APPENDIX. Rules and Regulatioxs of the Rothamsted Allotment Club. 1. Everyone elected .as a member shall pay one shilling entrance fee ; he shall sign his name to the rules, and shall pay one halfpenny weekly to the club, and threepence on the death of any member or his wife. 2. Any person wishing to take an allotment garden can have his name written on a board, to be hung up in the club-room, in the following form : — A. B. proposed by C. D.,, member. 3. When a vacancy occurs in an allotment garden, the names of the candidates shall be taken in the order they are written on the board, and they shall be voted on at a meet- ing of the committee. 4. The club shall be managed by a committee of twelve members, who shall hold office for one year ; they shall have power to make rules, and the whole management of the club shall be in their hands. 5. The annual meeting of the club shall take place in the month of June, on which occasion the committee for the succeeding year shall be elected. The members of the com- mittee may be re-elected, but it shall be competent for any member of the club to nominate any other member to serve on the committee. The election to be decided by a majority of votes. 74 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS 6. Each, member to draw the beer in order, according to the number of his allotment ; on failing to do so, a forfeit of one penny to be paid to the clul). 7. The member who draws the beer shall be in attend- ance at the club-room every week-day at six o'clock : if he is not there at a quarter-past six, he shall be fined three- pence ; if he does not attend at all he shall be fined sixpence. He is to remain until ten o'clock, but in the event of no member being present at nine o'clock, he may shut up the room at that hour. 8. The member whose turn it is to draw the beer shall receive from the pi'evious member the oath-book, sixteen shillings and sixpence, and half a barrel of beer, and shall deliver over these articles to the succeeding member. He shall also pay over to the brewer the sum of sixteen shillings and sixpence, and order half a barrel of beer. Any neglect of this rule shall make him liable to a penalty of five shillings, for which sum he shall be sued in the County Court, as well as for any deficiency in the amount of money entrusted to him. 9. Any member selling beer shall be expelled from the club. 10. Any member giving beer to anyone except to his wife and children, or to his brother and sister, will be fined one shilling. 1 1 . Any member drawing beer on a Sunday morning shall be liable to a penalty of one shilling, to be paid to the club. 12. Any member drawing beer after ten o'clock, except on a quarter night, when half an hour longer will be allowed, shall be liable to a penalty of sixjience, to be paid to the club. 13. Any member making, or causing others to make, any disturbance or row in the club-room, will be fined threepence. 14. Any member swearing, or repeating an oath in the APPENDIX 7o club-room, or under the verandah outside the door, shall be liable to a penalty of twopence each time, to be paid to the club. 15. Any member getting vegetables in the garden-fields after nine o'clock on a Sunday morning, by Rothamsted time, will be fined sixpence. 16. Any member not paying his money before ten o'clock on the quarter night will be fined threepence ; if not paid within one month from that date, he will cease to be a member of the club, and will forfeit his garden ; he can then only enter the club by a fresh election and the payment of a fine of one shilling. 17. Any member not keeping his allotment-garden clear from seed-weeds, or otherwise injuring his neighbours, may be turned out of his garden by the votes of two-thirds of the committee, after receiving proper notice. 18. Any member wishing to give up his allotment must give notice to the committee, and the succeeding tenant can enter on any part of the allotment which is uncropped at the time of notice of the leaving tenant. 19. The committee shall meet four times every year for transacting the business of the club, namely, on the first Monday in January, the first Monday in Apiil, the first Monday in July, and the first Monday in October, from seven to eight o'clock in the evening. Any member not attending, except in the event of illness, shall pay threepence to the funds ; and no member shall allow his name to be put down to serve on the committee unless he is in a posi- tion to attend and take an interest in the same. 20. As soon as possible after the death of a member of the club, the sum of 2/. shall be paid out of the funds of the club to the widow, or widower, or if the member is not married, to the nearest relation. 21. Any member drawing or giving beer to those who arc expelled from the club shall be fined threepence. 7G LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS 22. No member shall be entitled to the money paid at death until he has paid up all his subscriptions and fines for twelve months. 23. Any member breaking a mug is to pay the cost of replacing the same. 24. Rents for the gardens ai^e due on the 29th of Sep- tember ; if not paid within one month of that date, the members who have not paid will forfeit their allotmentp, and will be proceeded against by the committee for the amount due in the County Court. If paid between the 29th of September and the 29th of October, a fine of sixpence will have to be paid. 25. Any member or members belonging to this society found fighting, or striking in the room or in the field, will be liable to a penalty of five shillings for each ofience, to be paid to the club. 26. The books of this society shall be examined every half-year, and a full statement made of the income and ex- penditure of the society at a general meeting, and a full report shall be presented to the members at the annual meeting of the members in June. .27. Any member taking tools from another man's garden without leave, and not returning them the same day, will be fined one shilling. 28. Any member laying dung on the gi-avel roads will be fined one shilling for the first oflfence, and for the second ofience he will be expelled from the club. 29. Any member who sells the produce of his garden to a stranger must be present himself — or some of his family must be present, or he must give notice to the man who attends to the walks to be present — when the pi'oduce is cut or removed. If the pui-chaser removes the produce without a witness, the owner of the garden will be fined one shilling. 30. When a member has drawn his barrel of beer, he must show himself in the club-room, and ask for the next APPENDIX 77 member to take his place, or be fined one shilling ; but if no one is there to take it, he can tap a second barrel. 31. Any member making a dispute about any of the rules, it shall be settled by the committee, and their decision shall be final. Model Form of Agreement. A. B., of , Esquire (the landlord), hereby agrees to let, and C. D., of aforesaid, labourer (the tenant), hereby agrees to take the allotment of land situate at aforesaid, numbered on the plan of the landlord's field garden allotments, and containing poles or thereabouts, from September 29, 188 , from year to year at the yearly rent of , payable weekly after notice to that eflTect (yet so that no aiTcars be made payable by such notice) but other- wise on September 29 in each year free of all rates, taxes, and tithe rent-charge, all of which will be paid by the land- lord. The landlord and the tenant respectively agree to abide by and carry out the rules above written, and the tenant agi^ees to hold his allotment subject to such rules as though they were embodied in this agreement. Dated September 29, 188 . Witness Xote. — The original agreement with the rules at the head should be signed by the landlord, and a counterpart by the tenant. The two should then be exchanged, and the original 78 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS should be kept by the tenant and the counterpart by the landlord. The agreement is subject to a stamp duty of 6d. This may be denoted by an adhesive Postage and Inland Revenue Stamp, which must be cancelled by the person by whom the agreement is first executed, who should write his name or initials and the date across the stamp. The stamp should be on the original, signed by the land- lord, and the counterpai't need not be stamped (Stamp Act, 1870, ss. 36 & 93). KULES OF THE FIELD GARDEN ALLOTMENTS AT X, IN THE COUNTY OF Y. 1. The tenant shall not underlet or part with the posses- sion of his allotment or any pait of it, 2. The tenant shall cultivate his allotment by spade husbandry only, and shall keep it clean, well manured, and properly cultivated and cropped as a field garden. He shall not work upon his allotment on Sunday, nor erect any build- ing thereon, nor grow white straw crops on the same part of his allotment two years in succession. The tenant may, by special permission in writing given by the landlord or his agent, be allowed to cultivate or crop his allotment otherwise than as above stated ; and permission will usually be given to erect a pigsty, on condition that all the manure therefrom shall be applied to the allotment. 3. At the end or determination of the tenancy, the tenant shall peaceably quit and deliver up possession of the allotment and everything growing or fixed thereon to the landlord or to whom he shall appoint. 4. The tenant shall not throw or leave any manure, soil, stones, weeds, or rubbish on to any path or road, or into any ditch, stream, well, or pond, or otherwise obstruct the same, APPENDIX 79 and shall keep the drains and paths under, on, or adjoining his allotment clean and in proper order, and shall not re- move, damage, foul, or misuse the fences, walls, baulks, gates, stiles, trees, ditches, drains, pumps, ponds, wells, watercoiu'ses, paths, or roads of, or adjoining, the allotment field, or the stumps marking the boundaries or the numbers of the different allotments, but, on the contrary, shall pro- tect and preserve the same to the best of his power. 5. The tenant shall not encroach, trespass, or commit any depredation or damage on the other allotments or on the laud of the landlord, and agrees so to manage and use his allotment, and so to behave himself while in the allotment field as not to cause any nuisance or annoyance to the other tenants, or to the landlord, and to assist and give evidence in order to discover and convict persons who so offend. 6. Either landloi'd or tenant may put an end to the tenancy on September 29, in the first or any other year, by giving to the other of them six calendar months' previous notice in writing. 7. Every notice to the landlord may be served on him by giving it to his agent, to whom also rent may be paid, and every notice to the tenant may be served on him either personally or by leaving it at his last known place of abode, or on any part of his allotment. 8. The tenant shall be entitled, on quitting his Iiolding at the end of his tenancy, to obtain from the landlord, as com- pensation for the growing crops, fruit trees and bushes, and for unexhausted manure and labour, such sum as fairly re- presents the value thereof to an incoming tenant, less any sums due for rent or assessed as damages for waste or breach of this agreement. All such sums shall be assessed by the landlord's agent, whose decision shall be final, unless the tenant, within ten days after notice of such decision, give notice in writing that he requires such sums to be assessed by a reference as under the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1883, so far as regards procedure, and gives sufficient 80 LAXDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS security for the costs of such reference, provided that no ■compensation shall be payable to the tenant unless claimed by notice in writing delivered four weeks before the expira- tion of the tenancy. 9. If any rent shall be in arrear for ten days, whether legally demanded or not, or if the tenant wilfully break any of the above conditions, or if he be convicted of any offence whereby he shall be liable to fine or imprisonment, or if he cease to reside in the parish, or within two miles from his allotment without giving previous notice in wi'iting to the landlord of some address where he can be found, it shall be lawful for the landlord to re-enter and take possession of the allotment and every crop and other thing thereon, and thereupon the tenancy shall be determined. The tenant may by notice in writing, delivered to the landlord within ten days after such re-entry, claim compensation, and if so claimed, compensation shall be assessed in manner aforesaid, except that the decision of the landlord's agent shall in all cases be final, and the sum (if any) assessed as compensation shall be paid to or applied for the benefit of the tenant, his wife, children, parents, creditors, or any of them in such manner as the landlord or his agent shall think fit. 10. The death of the tenant shall of itself put an end to the tenancy, and therevipon compensation shall be assessed and paid or applied in the same manner as last mentioned, without any claim being made by any person. 11. The landlord agrees not to give notice to quit unless the rent is in arrear, or unless the tenant shall have broken any of the above conditions or shall have applied for relief at the expense of the poor-rate (except medical relief) for himself or any member of his family, or shall cease to I'eside in the parish or within one mile from his allotment, or shall Jiave been convicted of any offence whereby he shall be liable to fine or imprisonment, or unless the allotment or any part ■of it is required for any purpose inconsistent with the use of the land as allotment or market garden or farm land. APPENDIX 81 KuLES OF THE Hainton Estate Cow Club. 1. — That a Cow Club be formed for tlie parishes of Hainton, South Willingham, Benniworth, Sixhills, Legsby, East Barkwith, and East Torrington, and be called the *• Hainton Estate Cow Club." 2. —That the " Hainton Estate Cow Club " do consist of a President, Treasurer, Committee, and other subscription members. 3. — That the Committee consist of three members from each of the parishes of South Willingham and Benniworth, and two each from the parishes of Hainton and Sixhills, in addition to the President and Treasurer, who shall be ex- officio members of the Committee, all of whom (except the President) shall retire at the annual general meeting of the Club in April, but be eligible for re-election. 4. — That persons eligible to become members of the Club be tenants on the Hainton Estate paying less than fifty pounds a year rent, or such other cottagers in those parishes as the Committee may consider it desirable to admit. 5. — That the accounts of the Club be balanced on the 31st day of March in each year, and duly audited and examined by the Auditor of the Club (who shall be appointed by the Committee) and presented at the general meeting. 6. — That a general meeting of the Club be held on some convenient day (to be fixed by the Committee) within the first fortnight of April. 7. — That each member pay five shillings for each cow entered, and a fee of two shillings and sixpence for every change of cow, and that the subscription be one shilling per month, and paid monthly to the person appointed to receive the same in each district, and shall be paid on the first Monday in each month. 8. — That the Committee shall appoint one of their number in each district to receive members' subscriptions, who shall 82 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS transmit them before the end of the first whole week in each month to the Treasurer, who shall deposit the same in the Post OflSce Savings Bank before the last day of the same month. 9. — That any member neglecting to pay his subscriptions for three months in succession shall be warned thereof by the receiver of subscriptions in his district, and if he does not pay up the arrears on the first Monday of the following month he shall cease to be a member of the Cluh. 10. — That anyone desirous of entering a cow shall give notice to the members of the Committee in his district, who shall examine into the age, health, and value of the cow proposed to be entered. 11. — That no cow be entered in the Club above the age of seven years, nor of the less yearly average value than twelve pounds. 12.- — That no member can receive any benefit from the fund whose cow dies of milk fever or lung complaint, if it can be shown that to the owner's knowledge the said cow has had the disease before. 13. — That a marking pincers be provided for the Club for the purpose of marking the cow entered. 14. — That each cow passed by the Committee shall be marked on the ear on the milking side with the Club marker, and no cow shall be deemed duly entered until so marked. 15. — That when any cow is taken ill the owner shall apply to the person who keeps the drinks in his district, who shall go and see the cow, and, if he thinks it necessary, shall direct the owner to call in the farrier without loss of time. 16. — That in case of sudden emergency it shall be in the power of the Committee to allow the owner the cost of any necessary medicine administered, though the Club farrier had not been called in. APPENDIX 83 17. — That any membar of this society losing a cow be allowed from the fund the sum of twelve pounds. 18. — That no new member receive any benefit from the fund until his cow has been in the Chib one month, and the same rule to apply to every additional cow entered. 19, — That no member shall receive any benefit from the Club whose cow exceeds fourteen years of age. 20. — That a member losing his cow, and making a claim upon the Club for the same, shall be entitled to the skin, but if anything can be made of the carcase the money arising therefrom shall be paid to the use of the members' fund. 21. — That a farrier be appointed by the members of the Club, and that a person be appointed in each district to keep a supply of drinks for the use of the Club. 22. — ^That should any dispute arise as to the interpreta- tion or application of these rules, the same shall be settled by the Committee, whose decision shall be final. G 2 84 LANDLOKDS AND ALLOTMENTS '? <^ 00 !-» r> fO ^ '^ ^^ ;^ *<>> S ^ 00 r-o cO CO i-< •43 ►~o t.-. -< 8 ^ o* 00 S?. f^*:! 00 s CO " v-o <>■ O 'Ji o •. O "-S § 5^. •^ Si^ ^ g i-< » 5- 00 -«; <> s. r> 00 ^ ■i) ^ ^ 00 » ■w ^ •cO oo ;:^ > :5 ^ § s ^ ^ i =.S § 5 " ■S a H -i a ly much earlier called 'poor' e-third are no lage with plot plot was unle that it wa q 9«-. 11 c3 cS ft bo be'"' .in c S p: .;: o O is : c3^ c! g: ' '^ ci (Ti O a ^ qSh-e.^ as^ II § -^ .^ +j •- -t^ 2 -ri a M -2 -^ ii O C d ■ a-p 2 rt bfj a o C5 O C5 CO Oi c^ ^ I— I I— I CO C^ CC O "M^^O t-T to ■ a p o OD C3 p o3 ( — ^ — s 1^ 2 _-w S '3 O M C o o to O O ^ 93 a +3 g ;-« o O 4; ^_J 1 — ' o o o « •^ _rt ew Ore o c c2 • o o o +3 o i o 'o P O p o C4-I o Q tn C 2 g o 8 c ■3 C3 o 11 3 o ej-l o S a 3 c3 o 3 a o o o O p pjC -w a ^ C C G ^ ^ a o ^ K- 'r* p. '^. iH OJ s o 2 — ^ -a d) •£; c3 •- £^ ^ i t-l t.H _ j5 O a !=! Obcg cla to CJ p ft aa O '2 03 ^^-^ 8 2-- § o U o O P^ p c3 o &i "^ o o« .— c -It IM I— 1 —I 00 00 -H -* iD O is -f CO t^ ■«*< (M rH Ci Crt -M ^ -ti C5 — f CO CO in C5 O »o ■* t— 4 O t- C^ I- r— ' CO 10 (M l^ C5 ^' U5 CO ■- O O tw t; P- ^ O CM a O c3 o o Q (1) .2S .2 « 86 LAJ^DLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS 60, a, H ■*-' SB o g s M o c a S S S pj « s "T^ >? 5 u C.2 3 „v a^ S^ o &"5 a O 1- JO ■^ ^ o n-i^-^ o riJ -t^ o -=t a tfi to l> (D ^ o m a >> «« Tj ^ t-i S ^ o tn _^+j ^ p! o ^ rt oj O .^ c3 oi: ft ft-2 U ?^ 'TJ •r' -^ pa g o) 0J3^ -^ g -p ^ 'S ^ .- g^.s a c3 fl g a ;;^^ 00 .2 t4-i H 3 05 +^ TH il; 'H S O ^'d TS 50 "S •b M 0) to o ^ O.S. 01 ^ «=i 2 OJ rt K -1 ■•* 1 > ^- =3 o iC^ tX) 60 la W K hH A J" ■ pi CO o w c3 en n ■-H 2 ■=' (M CO (M 1— I r-- O lO CO 00 o OS Ci t^ 1— I ■— i O CO i~ C ~ O so 1^ — ^ -ri cr- Ci o CC CO IC C cs O c3 '^' ^ -^ -^ « O O M ri to CO ',i^ "S i2 ^'%'^ J 1^1 H LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 5 _o '■a^ "z: o -2-5 -^ a ?^ X :i !§• :2o o o s >» •^ tn rjj O "rt .^ c3 CI a s •D g^ll^ o o s - o '-' ^ ". ;7^ vj- ^ o ■/J o o2 K-f^ o ^ 'T r: 5 o a X 9v r- r^ .S 3 ;' ^ = o ►:5 :^ h- ^ o ? s 0.2 2 « -" tn F^ ^-^ "z^ a > i o y. S -■^C Oh o o _^ VJ — . - p ^ o-^ •^ -^ ^ 5 -S ^ != -r 5 i?o o fcc.^; ^ g >.o :5' •- ' :=; -d i ^ rt r. s 3 2 ^-^ To n 3 11-3 • o c1 o o rood ntends increase o o t-i o o o o o o 1^ 3 c3 ^ o n o o —"-1 ^ !>) -to -< -*i M'*'t^00-+IOt^t~C5 _ tc n O CO 00 ^ CO i-H 5^ la C5 C'J r~ M Oi CO i^ «o o ^H •-H -f 3!J CO -H !M -rf< C5 1^ 1-H r^ r~ la t~- — . Oj — ■ -M t^ O ■M N CC 1-^ ic — CC CO 7-1 r— ^^ o O .-^0 3-4 C: O (M ■M •-H -* -1 :^4 CO O CO S<1 o ^ r-i -i< rt CO " '"' Cs c ^ '^3 — c3 r. K fe 5 "^ a a oT 5 "tie o ^ fl >> en j; a: is "^ 3 1 o 3 o inwall nts . Its . rset . o o u o o 01 O o ni o o CJ s o -: rt : - o B ^ ft M jz; !>H M ^ w a o M csa Q >-i 3 Q ;:: ? p a Q a. 2 '2. o y 1 a c 5 ■n o a r5 ^ S ^ o tH o -4-« ^ '^ o a ^ M o ^ t>^ ^ »-H ,_, c 1 , 1 ^ >-' c3 ;h a c5 ci ^ C3 « rt CS ^ w til a K5 W N P=5 88 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTJIENTS 1 n o a o 1 op o tn o a) tn ft >> o o a 3 ft o i a S CO CO !-< c3 bo c > .3 d tr. o bo 03 o o 6 o s O Q O 3 71 2 ^ CO ■71 CO (D '"' '-' S ftg S rt 'S 7] a o T^ o o o cS ^ c o 0) o o £ cS 75 o o G '-' CD r^- be CO r^ "S o 1 o a c3 72 o o a a; o o 5^ a .» (D bcO 'a fl c3 O =4-4 -4-' o « 3 . c3 g § 5 g -4^ Ti P cs Ch <; crj h^ f< s S ~T •,-1 flj 71 OJ ^ 73 • lis ^-a »-t (U ft o s c3 +3 ^ "S ^ all . ^ To c3 o ft ■■S ^ S=" - ^ ;-> CD rjj 73 5 cS 3 _bp ^4 o "bj IS 15 o To 1 o 4h 1=1 o3 73 S bO% (S'5k o Q To o a O _op o :zi bo W 1 (M ~ (U 2-2 C^) tn ^ § § ■sj +^ -a 73 ^3 ^• -H 1— I 1-H r— t ■< -* '^ , . r| fl p O >> o ^ p. . ft . o ^-1 c CO b CO o c o o a 2 ■4-3 O -1-:) 71 03 a fl M tH 5 o cZcc 3 w S O cZ [c > 3 a 3 72 o3 a B o rt bo ci c o 3 3 P H O o « p^ ;z; ^ O ?-> q-( Q-( ti-i tw tM 1^ <4-( S o o o o o o ,__, ^ (— < ,__, ,__, ,_, , 1 , 1 ,-H ^ Sh !h t-i cSO 03 c3 rt OS o3 03 05 W K W H W H W W LIST OF MEMBEES OF THE ASSOCIATION 89 p n- S5 >n fe 9 ?; >^ « .25 jr. c • 'C a S " S c o — . 3 a m -fj be tn !- ^ > -*^ ^ ^ -^ fll rt a p3 ^ CO tL) in ^^ a CO . rt h: -= o S cs O to !^ O OJ H g s =" o c3_ :3 OC5 g.S 1-1 C3 g « C3 •3 ^ -a o bp O ^ ( ■*^ O I HooQ X X o J - =^ ^ S O 5 O 'C P bD-kJ <1 ^ O 35 O O -*c -l O t-- O b-;_ O O i-H CO O O" CO" r-T r-T 'il" i-T »0 •*! i-H la ^ -+I lu; t— -H -f coeoooo(Mcci~^-t< CO -* o m eo .-I M (M 00 CC C5 C2 « • ■ • • -i^^ '/. 'o ^ kT o o ii ►z; h5 P ^ >H rH 02 WW • M TH s 0) a tJ ^ o 'S CS a
  • (S3 ^ -!S qT cS . ^ O 'C o M vs O ^ ^ o ? :i;^ r3 c! ='j O .„ rS '^ ^ 07^ i» c:3 ,a Qj 2 [/3 —1 r^ 3 g '3 o SI CU o 3 '3 > o CD !-( rrj CD ■/I 5 is Q) O o ci — 1 "o nj 05 o -H r— »o cs 00-1 OJ o O o -rtl CO o h- c» CO^ 00 -f C^l 1— 1 ^ '^q^cM <1J en c-T O ox CO CO Sisi 00 !M < lO v • =^ • ... & y >> o t-l ;^ * • * * • ■ p 1 -. ^ •^ o r^ rr. 1^ -/ f4 ^ U3 C CO CJ be p 'a .2 o o ^ CC! ^ fl be r-; o r-» a o C S o cl o o o o CO > CD r3 'i-i u pq a rt CO J , »_, ^ J-> -i:> .4J> i^ o g a O r-" a s o « o O rf o rs to o " S p H V5 to w -Jl o c3 o o :^ +-> w ^ P j? > t> LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 91 ^ •/: r-^ ^ t; * o ^ to o "S ^ a 2 £; as o P o to p > '£ o o bJD C o o g o to ^^ p ^ U OS D o p 3 § - eap5 to ■> rt o o a 1 o to c 3 CO a CO "'■' o o ^ o O X tn 2 to o o c 2 o ^ V-t to < W ^ ►^ j- c3 -j g o ^ 'Si 3 3 rt to &. ^ o o g ft o I." ° ■A g rt fl ^ 2 ■& 2 3p p o o ^ -^ o r- •Ji ~J^ -^-' o o !§^§ Is C3 O o 5 8 C3 ^ O a^ H <5 M M 0 O -H OS ^ O 05 t» "ffl to O o CO <*< -. t- O 1-- C-1 t— —1 -H* f— t l^ c^l CO 00 la CO *— 1 CO ■M c» lO C5 3-1 o >o o CO ■^ CO M -+i ~r^ -T* CO ^ O o ^ 1X> 3<» O C5 d »C »a CO r-t o CO i-j 10 CO O^-H -^ :r5 c^ (>■ M ^ o CI !M '^ t- ^ ao o" , . , 7 ^P r^ 3 o _o ^ ^ p ^ ft o .s a 1-5 « to CB 1 si . CI. g - O -K 02 o: -1 fcj o to rt • g to d O o « d t— . o a O S to !* ^ s , >> tiH o JS^ o ^ rf a , tfl 13 , t-i ^ o Q O o o ti :;: o a) '§ a .^ ,J_3 o fc--^ d f ^ c rt o -^ p 2 k^ < 3 § 2 P) ?i r; rt }H ^ ;h ^ Ui >i t* O o o t; o O o ?- t^ h4 yA h:i hJ hJ hJ 92 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS fi C , C/v _!» 00 m :§ ^ 2 rt «• ^ ^ fciD £ •^ t^ fl . tc ^ ai 73 ,a OJ d >> P r^ fH o^^ +^ o ^^^ OJ (Si ^ ajh-l tc OJ'TJ b -* _, P rH '■^u ':^ -5 o cj ci ■gro '? ^ S '"' X "^ S o " .2 3 ■^ o > J? ." -i^ .i: -^ -g « S^S &fc rt • c ^ -^ "2 fl Si S « O ™ " -g £ h;^ p u ^ O r^ 9h :n C a^ c 2 o c; > P rt o 5 2" w " § "S a-^ ET-g "3 (i M :=: e rt oj c3 cS cS — (/J JJ o 42 ^ § (U o O •- Sh rt O " -* £? ro" cT W ^ ?« W iJ o'C ^ § o -s ^ ^ s w LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 93 •O C3 to , %-> , ^ p _ o ^ , , o pi 03 be c 'o co CO "to (D :-. o (O "IS 2 d "5 o 1 i: o p Is to p o o to d o a 6 1 o bo o O -u bD p "3 g' i~< '^ C3 O r~ p 3 to O u o > d c3 to" d ID d o d o Is p o d o > X o d •B. d c3 o o d 5 to d 0) to o bC C3 O < to g "p to C3 •y; d o rt K ft c3 § H W •" o "Hh " "^ ti 'rt C > a o to to C5 ^ o -It d § t— 1 O CO P t^ ^ M «C o i.-:i ^ Ci CO CO Ol Jl O) C5 t~ -*^ Ci 1 t^ C5 •mjfi ^.■5 1 ^ O o oc O l^ ^. ^. t- (M O i-H C GO lO O* '"' *"* .— I " CO ~ . r^ ~^ <]} ^ 03 . CJ . .3 to a o o . _ o O o o sa if 03 If "d o Q d O o d o O aj 1 • a ' o3 o 1— r^ r^ r^ r3 ^ ;-( ;-t o O o o O ►J t-1 ►4 1-1 tJ 94 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS K s " go g woo ^ so Q)0 -2 s^ ,5 =« « -t3 f) 0) a o (>. *-M 0) M is ■j3 S ?i " s ;: ^^ 05 o ^ Pl >. g (U ^ rt o rt CS OJ -o ^ !?; J3 rS O ^ (jq CO QJ U '^ S ^H be ^ . be . om go S.^nd o £ o ^ ii t^ r^ o ^ rrt H « t«! .r > > 5 rt ■ o si?, fe & r— ■ to >5 n^ tlCrO O P< P WJ ^ tn be o C o -^ ^t^ 2 2 o 2 a g a "'^ o ,, 03 M O o -4x ^ O o '£■ o G O bo ,• go OVH bO (D ^ rrj tj ;zi o ^ G & o O M — ' CI CO (M CO CC CO o ^^ ^ SJ ss tw ■^ ^ o -u -s OJ 5^ j^ St: o s a o a o Xli cc!2; CO w O PW O a • • • 3 • 2 O bo a o a O 1 *« .§■« ^ &> II^ P^ w fi ChP^ Tj 'S 13 nS 13 -d o o o o o o wj I-' ^ hJ hJiJ 96 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS ■/J j ^ fl , jH , ^ , 03 O ' ^H O • rH >H TjH hcja rt i? c QJ Oi o .s a C3 o a'^ P o [B d 2 OJ o 7; "ft 9 c3 a> O J3 c3 v; dJ ^ o OJ '^ r-^ > . . -H^ 2 o c -■, a QJ ^ ^ S QJ Jh mT CJ O o
  • • 'J? QJ a o M O 1 a QJ o QJ a QJ QJ -^ a So o p QJ o QJ Qj" be ? QJ CI O o "a, QJ g o to p o p a g '-0 IS 2 o o IM 3 p a p o o p 3 r2 Q) QJ QJ o .2 [« QJ •-a OJ o3 "S > 'o o p o 3 3 O qn t^ rt =*H 5 3 c4 O « -^ m '-^ . g ^ 3 -^ ?^ cS i3 • cs .H'c =;3 lli 1 © . >> o o -t^ o 5 cl a> o pi o P. o « o £ . . 9'^ a -:: cS >> c« To o ^ ^ QJ a jh ^ p o li m O 13 02 ^ 03 QJ =S M g 3 >H oi^np «(-( «H o o >. Jt4 fl >> r2 O o o o '3 o "S 3 'q3 "2 -2 a QJ OJ r'sPa ^ M XJl T3 a; ^ W s '^ Ti Ti fT^ nS «3 ;-< Sh < & >- H o o O o ^ J ij h^ i-:i LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 97 O ro , V3 «M CM •"•'^ fl m § rfl "^ be cs • -" fl c3 K Cw l^ bT-G tT IS to o 13 ll o p m o '^ to fl o fl s o i be 2 rt^ s3 o s' be s •fl 3 O fl 2 — c rt o "•^ p fl rt" rt rt o rt rt o i— * Pi i 'm rt .^ ^ be ,2 ^ c3 ri o o CO .2 2 5C 3^ P O t-i be :- J- 2 S - "5 5^ o i-O o u ^ fl %^ '> ci rt ^ t- O 1o Qi <» S -4^ fc£ '^ -tx-*' > c4 O rt -^ bcS tfH -^ -J1 a •~ m i-t . fl rH ^ o WJ c3 u CO u o ■a CO 1- M 0> s o bJ3 ^'3 ^ a X o2 i3 o o rt (13 b* J- p o > rt '^ « !zi H < r^i 1^ ■s g o o J a (I o -fl n * 4J _fl rt rt rt 'B o 0) 0) 'o a C3 rt ^ 'g fl P g ^ o bo o "to c 5 & ►^^ < 1 o 12; r^ "o r:i •a 'H ;-< i~, t-< ^ u-i O o o o o o >-5 J ^ 1-5 •^ 98 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS •" tH CO c3 d • ' CO ej-l M o o CO r^ ^ .^ ^ 4-1 M o r-] CO 'a a .2 'co a 0) ^ 2 a a=^ .2 H C4-( *^ ■t:; =« o >^_co o IT 1-5 •^ 3 CO c5 So id CO* 3 a o o g o CD CD c3 CO 3 a bo a 0) to a OJ > a, ',B 3 K a 'a l¥ CO a 7^ p :^5 +3 o -is cirQ o fco C3 o ^ CO S 10 ■— ; ^ < '-^ to a r 0) a ci '^ »•: A 5*=^ til CJ rt C-l u W) — o ^f-l CO 64-1 o o be CO 1 ^§ 3 a K$> ^- f-i ^" CO H P5 O I" • i2 ^- CO o 2 « . T s 1 d) CO (D r3 ?S CO Ci^ O g aj o S 9 ^'^ -1:1 Si -<«• o S £2 O^ > o '^-< ci O c3 -* c3 cS ci X> -tJ -1^ O < -*» s -# o o ro S o |5 03 as ira oj oq CC O o CO -tl ?^ O) to s C<) >0 t^ (M o C5 CO co' CO lo'co i-T -^■s 1— 1 ~^ ?H 3 k4 1h a o O o CO CO 1- to -u ,0 a 1 a 03 IH !-, '•C o o3 o ID S (D a a « r^ W^W M ^WQ pqK;z;g -IJ 0) . r^ C! p! o g S O '^ g ^ a o CO !-. aj rr^ -C r3 O H O iJ h:^ 1-1 1-^ LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 99 i o o i '2 '3 ^'i ^ O > J- ^- r_ '-H rt c3 »= a S .= -■^' ° '/j I— • o 07 O >.1. o g a S - ^ '5 2 ^ o «i-i -J 5 "■ — > '^ S '5^ s 'S -i^ t^ o is "■' rt "^ .2 6 ^ 3 I— In . >> P o S <^ G .;:! 3 a q O ci "En c3 -*ri '/I CJ ct! rl c tn '-' ^ "^ Hx'- 3 a a y a ,0 »2 c3 *=^ h- t- g'^: g^ §s ^h] r^ '"' >> fq s-s -^ ^ c3 Cvl .-"- X' .i,'" " rt (D rj « fl ^ ^ +3 d QJ 0) O Tj ^ .2 (D to o cS . "y-f CO O 0) .2 ^ (U to o «|i^?0 a ^sa bo H o -§ (U rl to ^ -"S f3 o O fe ^ ^^ ^.^ (4-1 S =^ => o ^ O O O oo CD CO «o *o ^^ C5 h~. CO tow o t^ w ,— ( c» CO I— 1 ca ^ ;S CO (m" o ^ cD»a -a<" §W CO « >— 1 <1 ^ ^d' . . . . . % ;h >. =3 '■ . . ■ c3 . § _^ ^ c S ,d >> « 13 o 13 K >. to to 03 to o p g s c-S-gto C: (D rj p O a ^ M O a o o _r qT 5 d c3 o ^ O bo bl ^' 03 .^5 o 03 « p5 p^ HS h~^ LIST OF MEMLERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 101 a ^ o rt o 1.-5 rt O . ■■n O O eS ^ ?< 00 k4 ID a pC rt bo TO o '" o hn >» ••-* J -g en O {~ CO o rt O -f «0 »0 Oi IM t- (MOO CI iM -^ --l CO irT ci" i-H"r-rc«5" S .2 ortha ssex eds 13 !z;WM CO O So 25 S n h3 S CO 02 -y^ 102 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS rg TJ J" 1 03 03 ,V <" "t: , 0) n ,P tc '3 C SO S-t: c rt 3 '^ g £ +3 a Ph >. c3 > c3 CO CO CO •I-l _5 "T 3 cS bD 3 += S 03 ■73 c3 9" "Ph a 3 rP P 3 "^ to 03* CO « :3 > Sr. ^ a c3 c- -. CO CS J a fc-5 to s| a <^ cu ci 'co -i-i CJ rP 03 tr.v3 cfl 1:3 -g > =*-! eS £^ > Cl rt ^ tt 03 rt .rt G r— « 'SjI-H S; > ,2 a> ;Ij c ^ ^ pH -^ Ph H H 'g'3 p o >> (H 03 a W3 .2P ^ 2 To !-i s 03 P -s^g S aJ ;:i ■ — ' ? CO III ° ri5 "bi _00 03 :^" CO lO 1-1 CO CO -* ^ gig CO 1—1 CO l^ CO l^ c: 10 c-i ^~\ o_ t- «5 i-H CO CO 1C i- (M feH ^ «r t^ •^ co (M : b >) o ed 3 ^ rH ^ ^' o O 1 2 g '0 Si2 to to" p 'i CO Sti (3 G 1:; ;-« o cog in .t^ I^W cc 13 i-5:zi« kH , , „ „ ^ 1~1 b "S _rH t3 a 1"^ be ^ 0) 1 '(D opq . ^ S m a CD ci ce eS rt .t1« .PiP5 .t|P5 .^« .tjM 02 tc M cc C/2 CO LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 103 I" o o 15 ^■5 .2 « cs o ^ bn I'J O cu CG I— I f3 o "3 O ^ fee m" g , s .^ ::3 o ? :3 « C r^ Or-;;. JS O O O OH S g 2 ■= o, c tr o o « ? K S :s^^"a i-l ,_ 1-^ r» r--i -*-' ^ ^ S b 2 • r^ o O o n ^ rt c3 '-^ ^ .5 ^ ra r^ O ^H o^ fcc-^ •" S ;2 o ■> > c &I o rt g I— I O I -£2 rt |>^ ri o o i-. o d o o o o fcc re ^ g C4 H y 6 — g >» S 2 CO ft^^ bja.2 J"- ■" i 2 S .h ^ 1 o —' o 2 g 0) O 3 ft O S D Vi O O o 3 a OJ ^1 1 V5 r^ § u a id q +^ QJ 53 03 ^ ^ Ci^^ 03iS 2 -It's Is -; '3 ? «S d c3 a a O 1 CO "3 "3 CO .2 O 3 i:^ o i2 - a a S 3' . 0) a ^ 0) o o > ^ a ci.Q r— t p ^ za <) fe 111 io.3 a '3 o CO a c3 ft 0) a a to I a . o "O ^ J 4J "3 a ^ j s w^a a a c3 ta — P3'? > 3 a a -a o (U o 03 -H be < H a CO ►t< r __ o o" Ci -T< rj" cf CO* 1-H co"i-r "?" . "T . . .... & r-' *' — 1 3 o O ca "o St: 0) CO CO 03 o co" 1 S 'S St d C4-1 CO m . oJ ^ _g M S? « S 2 ?^> to 3 sill W0020 ^.i d fcT rg' 3 .a o a 3 o s P5 p d 3 ►-=■ 3 2 cc i _•_. s-T t> 1-3 d 03 d IZi a Et! a _^ ^ ^ S • a 2 >)3 53 ^ > S^ ^1 ■rWP 0) 02 ^ M U M ■^ W.ij < « s m « Ul s LIST OF .^lEMBEES OF THE ASSOCIATION 105 s a C5 _0 CO c3 C o (u o ::: o - o o tn hn-^r; ^ '-"i f- c3-r 2 oj c CS O c3 •" — ~ o ■" o '^ fcc-Sxl .75 ^ o ardens djoinin ; being ted wit ii: * 1— ■" X o o Tl 93 CS ri c '. ' ' O tl -a &D,-, d g '■fi'S 2rt -£7 s: x-ti <" a ^ .S '^ -r c2 - ? d a O H CO Oj 2 S o tH o .a rt -^.op-i "'S'^'P c5 r' ci >1 a CO CO r^ o CO -*• Ol CO Ci -— "^ C5 CO oo ~ t^ -♦• CO CO 1-- CO CO «■ . W Ui o 106 LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS U3 OJ 73 o ->-■ ystem rally h Hot me fe:.s C3 -t^ bD'o the s gene r of a C r^ 43 '^^ ^ be ^^53 bD° o Odd, >.^ 'm ij ^ .':5 ca fl o -^ .^^ E "t; ^ c y, o a r,, P3 (U .^ ^ A H ID fan w L^ 12 w en P o (^ +-> -*-* id , cS P^O OS '^;=: Sr o . ■"■ ^ f^ S f= •-H . ^ 'S C« ^. o (D Ph -A o _faf 13 1^ O 6 o PM 'A V ^ 2 ^ ' (V • • a> a) ^ s o eM ;z; rH|«rt • c3 fl) 1 . c3 lop rf[05 o 1 -if H-* ^^ o 1— > i^ fe HT H|* -*i H-* -loo Hoo s I3 «o 1= o tr-O -^ ^ o 0-1 o ^ CO a 7-1 CO CO -f O'l ^S ;?: lo C5 1- O-l — 1 t^ Ci M 00 cq-*ioo-<*(-*ic<:ioi-; •^i-J CO -* O O O r— 1 la (£> CO CX( •^l ^H ^1 p— 1 is go lO" lO T-H '^l -*l t- CO CO iO ^-s iO '^ . . . . . '^ . . • • - . . . . ^ 03 >- o « n . . X tn . • . H -l-> iq Ol S o tz;co;zipqW §1^ (D B c3 '■« .y » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . o o 3 o" ■t^ cr i^ V H H H 3 P3 6 pi far. 1-5 LIST OF MEMBEKS OF THE ASSOCIATION 107 rt o C B o p g S 3 J4 rt O .=> CO G .2 CO _o "S o rt C o p' o CO Q O ■-' O U-l ^ p o o o 3 o p o o t£ 3 .S o o o S bjjO ^ s p o o rt o 3 Ph >% a 2 rt u o ft i o ft "o .2 ft o rt -2 M ■/J o 3 p O 2 5 1^ •^ p "3 o CC c rt 3 c :=: 5 "^ o rt o o O 'or. p 33 H C4-( o CO o a rt 5 .2 rt "p 3 rt o c rt o p CO rt o o o rt o o p . o u-l o o rt J3 o 1 CO to rt C o ft .S a p s o ft CO 5 5 rt G .2 c o o O >> ^ HH Q p o ~ o o 2 a o S bp V d c3 o n A 3 rt w CO 3 .- 1/3 53 -(3 *-H o r^ »- -r^ ,^ 53 '■O O &< o fl i rt ft, •^ O C-fh:)o;zi a ^ cj^ ^ J CO CO u .£p pq 0) M oT c3 W a 1 1 a C3 n o c . a' g^ K CL, w ^ 5 .H >-i K •-5* C . 108 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS rt c3 g _73 A "S £ ^ « &^ ?3 § i 0) C o o o ^ S2 to to tw „- oj cfi ^ ^ ■^ O iH g^^ tu U-, ^ Ji =« tn m ^ ■tj P a; s s g be (M !h a » tr, ■^ i:^ rt C -^ o O ill a s o fl brj .5 2 i tc CS o o "si .S S g- CD 13 '-' a t4 1-1 XI c 'ft o QJ 0) to ■ft o o o p ^ o "o ■w , ,9 S-i n Ch rf*-* «4-i o O ^ *• O a 5 be en o r;^ c5 ^9 -2 1 y, o to O CQ r^ ^ O M ! fj ^ rC ^r to > -g _bp o t-H o o >^ o r^ 3 >2i Hi . ?^ o o o . P5 H r5 C5 W P5p4 to o o o a o 3 O O > ao c: ^ -T' o c3 o S cS to s 5 i5 to o o o — 1 e s en cS ^ o s. o 25 CS o o to o HI 3 a o o d cd r,o a lagc tenai [3 '5 •-' '5 HH « o .9 CD xn o O cc C5 o so —— ^^ c^ in ' " 1- cc ^H -r< O 1- O :3 O ,-^ ?l o "n O (» cc C-4 OJ cc ■— i cr: -H ^- C^ ^. CC o_ ^i* O o "'' •^ 00 aD •— 1 - "■^ *" i-T r-T "^ TS c — t rt ? 9 & o i-i on . ts , lerset a to 21^ a a to CS o o o Sag 5 M o a T. a »^ t; C o o o n 'r* c3 5 « o o o o ^ 3 ci *o X cS r^ PKcc K--S O Q X5 ;^^ :z;QWK40i:5 >A 53 o o .2 a cS to o a o U4 o 2 w s Q P & Cj" s 4^ o -k3 6" to ■—1 o c ^ O 3 o fo ^ ^ O ^ H O >-= no LANDLOEDS AND ALLOTMENTS .J. !-< a T— 1 ■-o 2 R"S 2 rt o 5" ri =1-1 o 5,_i c3 ■< tn to a r-l ^ K '^ O (U .2 d 1^ Sh r- C) ^co^;^ _o ?H -H iH CM ,«K r-J a. u (M r^ ,iJ nd upw es; 38 acre to solicit o 03 res a aci of 1 tions oo O O Ci c3 cr> hr ^ cS --1 (N o rH rt o ,a on ft "S 0) 13) c3 a d o o c3 ^ C) CD D o pi -*-' +3 P "^-^ c5 t- C! « (3 g M "§,2 -S O S O) 03 SJ 3 aj ^ o; W 3 1^ Jlr . -Q o O "!"• < O H^ LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE AS.SOCIATION 111 nants. small ; each. 1 'c o S a o o 73 'rt rt 2 p o p rt to o to r3 o o o W! G o ;2 >:" ■- a " rt " . u o o p -Li o !0 o o 0) 3 6 o o '3 p p -3 . a M 2 o 3 o , let t( cen 50 under 3 o CO p c 72 P a o P o g o a p 3 O be a a '*-< o o rt 3 9 O ?: Ci o & p o 5C QJ o 3 7J +2 'to o P rt r- a O rt 1=2 c^ 2 freel Also b holder a t3 P 1 _C D P H a p 75 1 o a *3 To ■g ^=3 TO a 52 tn rt ci -~^ 6 !M en -' O H h~j a l-sl >> tc 3 c3 o 3 •O o o 2 rt 6 a H -4-3 -U 3 a O (U Not higher al allowing tithes, ra 'o -*^ To o o -O fi i o i _o p' o o S o o o c3 "3 i35 ^ ^c S o > o o o ti_i a "3 o b_fj i-H o o rt o 3 o a O o -^ CO a rt 3 To 2 o 'J^^ to to o rt o 72 . O o t: o to O'O oo o o 3 o p O to 1 rt to g3 Si o rt CO o o' o o o rt 3 3 a 'i o o O rt ti •M 2^ CO ■*! to •^'.1* o rt 1-1 -+» -H "M O o . Ci t^ CO O t~. I- M CO ^ o O CO ri o CO c. £! o o 'M CO o 'O o Ci .-. IM -l (I Cl s O o & u ^ «H Warwick Worceste Dorset , a o a y2 «^ J a 3 rt^ o PcoaQOiO W P o s .2 .22 '»H 2 60 ^ ^ ^ d o tn a a o ci a to o is G a 'o a ^ 13 l>a o rt cr ^=H o > rt ^ -w" 6* .fi sip •^ ?- 03 ^ 73 J3 to O W i-a Ph w H ^-^ M 112 LANDLOEDS AKD ALLOTMENTS a a) a c3 C4H o CO 1 a a^ een made demand , oiu'ing to Is (3 > "ci > ci .2 c3 -= " rt a 1 11^ o _o 5" i !h — , U += (D U CO 13 O !3 o pi O Xi c3 O u 0) o CO o ;-( (1. 03 tH O o >-> uj 00 a; •A be a a bJD 1^' to O 1—1 5 CO u p- 9 c o o o -Jl 1-1 o re CO -* co" CO >o co'c^r . o !-( «+-l • . Q g .2 'A O til P5 CO CO CD O -1^ CO !-( T; CO !-, 13 CO & m W s-T 3 to . . CO 03 _- CO a 2 C/5 t«) CO ■^ S o C3 o O ^ H LIST OF MEMBEES OF THE ASSOCIATIOX 113 r c-1 be c '■ ^ ^ o s c '~~'^ a tfH 'o o "o -t:'^ -►- o Ch >1 ^ ,-H '—, 'o tT ■ M 5 o o _s S-i s j-j ■-3 9, _g 'g" to p 2 ~' n" O o fciD tn ]^ o a to be _5 "d 3 2 o c3 ^ to 3 ci to ^ to to o rt a 2 C3 1 O to bo n 2 ,13 o to o ■•:; •^ bo « o to a c3 bo is '0 o >^> > c3 be ^ &c« a boa e-i -^ p Eh -s: (M N !3 (U a a> :S O 3 k d =« O -2 1« O k -*! • • "ci o to p. o .b£ 13 p o rt ^ ^ .^f- ci ::) U 2 ;_J iZ cr o C3 o a o C to tc a o "rt ^ cr. d "si Tc £ CO 5 To To -u a ^ +3 bx ^ o i^ ^ o CO r. j_, ^ ]B o '^ C ^ "cS to S .s d CO Is ;::: cj *j •4^ Cy -4-^ +3 J3 o o o B sti ^H ^^ S X o o o o Cj ^ "d c3 goo f-i O w ^Q Q MO cc C) CQ i-:i c»;z;Q c3 .' to .^ o cr >^ cr o ij to o cr % '^ '^ 5. w ►2 cr ■ cr to c3 1-3 to q 5 is c? r3 Is 1^ '0 «3 02 ,_f ^ ^ to to f W Pc] d H ?^ cS O ci < ■"^ a W 114 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS A fl -t= o o ^ oJ CD a ^ o -d OS P g=a (— 1 ■+-^ P S CO jj o g o CO 1^ lO ^ S !-l '^ o be o o bo ,Q o rC o •p 3 Q a «4H 3 o I a ^ 'S -rH ft S3 -2 to a; pi o cc a 2 P rt Tj P^ 1 ~; o o O ,2 cd S O O «55 ,fcp ' •*3 'bb 3 u o ,i3 be •rH 3 CO O o CO g f^ ^- " rtig O o S o 5z; rS (M ^ o« P QJ tn CO Tfi ^ ^ r^ O fH o; ■*^ o o _ CO 3 cS o o r!3 o ° 5 o o o 'o ft o be^i CS -* (D ft o K^ f-1 O -^ o (S o o c3, Hoo '-' CO rHlX o CO CO H'?" o ^ ^+1 o ^ i-H 00 1—1 CO CO CO c: o CO CO CO o CO -H ■M ,-H CO CJ -o O (X> o (M CO iO o o O CO — r^ fcnS ""J^ o '^ l» lO .-I «o lO CM o -# t>^ -H ci'rf C5 cS C^" 50 i,"; tC CO <^f 1-1 ci" -*" CI IM -Tl Sw oo <] ^ ~r^ ~ T , ^ >i o <4-t • • in g += rH ^ »-4 o 73 :^ .S cr Q> CB C CO j3 CO 3 -^ HH (-- o S3 CO O CO 'oj CO O ^ go o <^ o O f4 > <0 !3 o o P "3 CO ^ IK .-H i:? s i p4 in w "^ W f4 ^^ d (H r5 H p4 LIST OF ]VrEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 11. o tp^ <",) i) o y rt o s e4-l ■S'S o o 2 -^ rt rt ■" <",) 'H S ^ n ii •^ a ryj O ^ Qj .;£ ;j "o ^ o '^ ^-^ -r. C3 ^^ c o fl « ^ o f3 p= £ a -2 !^ o r, ^^ rt ^ pi 2 a o o o •♦^ ->- -.-' Ci5 O ^ -^ I ft 3 -Ii' -tf r^ rH < ^ a CO a; ] o tf-l A ^ « 2J »H a o 1 .^ be S j:3 -i2 o o i s o i o c3 o rH o a 'bb rt a> IS . a c3 O "3 4 o -^ •- _o to r-t ^ ^ « o ^ ►^ lis c3 CS m 3 • ;-i 1 a •rH O Rent as comp with land of e value let in fa o o go o o t£ be a o m ;-H a o ■4H (0 CO (B tH To O CO M o ■D o ,r. ■M CO o 00 CO O iM o o ^ >- 10 _ o OO Cit l^ tc »o ^ CO o o (71 GO f— H l-^ gcS ""i. ^ i-H > o "Ph .5 O > CM d ■ri o rH -g c c "o o c a rC !h h c3 |l P « s s OPcc o c3 m ■^ ^ ^^ a; ccoPrQ '>A O 13 ;z;p5 o &D ^ !« CO s S-i S ^ ^"^ i" H k?H o to W P ^ "3 cS >, (D o c S o hJ r^ S c pi o s ^^ w X O d ^^* N 1^ r^ -IJ O d ^ 1-H d ^ W O _ LIST OF ME3IBERS OF THE ASSOCTATIOX 117 a,c_^ t- o A - g - o ■x . ^ C - O ^ c3 ^ S o «^ §§ "cm ^ M '^ O -^ 'C ^• o ^ "o CS^' mil 8,= — a c CO 2 w t? ^ «= "^ CO C ^^ C3 -^ ^ "co "T -^ c i-l i -^ ^ .„ n ^ ^ £; .!i i; ,„ o o r: 1 lis .2 -■ K ^ 00 ~ 1 c o ^5 o - r- S o *^ ii a 'O '/I rt -S S —' G 3 O m 215 o « to t, 3-2;=::::: o rH >^ -1 <1 *-* CO u «^ •^ r^ o ^ o iH f^* 1! CO 3 22 ■jT CQ 1 ^ 2 £ CD CC-^ -. (U S c O -w be O ?? :r.r: a<5 fl CC '^ '^^ ;S «s J a rt ^ CS <; r5 CS ^ <; :zi ffi <1 P-l « H CO O ,' . m . .0 o -^ *" s 2 9 ^ jj e3 O M 2< o fe s ■r. 5 ^ -f p h '^ 00 c3 f— 1 X c; o J; i^ rt ^ 3 o ■^ "^ Q CM 1 .So o « 55 c3 H^i Hi cj lo O CO Ci O ^ -H O ^ o" f 10 o O JC O I^ to o o ,_( ^ C5 l^ 'O »1 O CO -^ -*< ^ -*l CI -C 1-- '>\ CO Ci •M -o ■* -*l C^l —1 CO ■?« CO c< li^OO =5Qtil "A i3 OKOS 6 « d" w ^ cr to 3 M 1 if 2 • s •? t s w "o -d ^ r^ >ri "o S o - W ^ d" ^ Jj "S ll '^ Ya :i^ ^ ^ « ^"^ "3 S »-3 6 d ci 118 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS c« JJ bo tfi P S ^< g a ^g| bb ^•s %, o -ss^ o Sri ; c3 c3 '- « ''^ ^^ ? -iJ bi} O "2 S-a 's i2 o ci S cs " '^ o r2 Tl ■"-• Bh ^ rp ca Lo o 5 '^ o t^ bD o _ .rt "Ti '^ S ^1 8 2^ 3 ^ ^ fw J3 rt O r-( -t-' o rt 9 ra t« , i § :j2 a S'. 2§S a ^43 S-Sa t-i III bD ^^ r-l +-1 4J -^ CO :; ,s o o ^d C ^ o O ^ fflO to ^ o o Jl -W M -W 1— 1 ,a -5J H 5?; :z; ^ S "" ^25 H o o O 1— 1 ^ o M-j-M ^§1" O bL m « — 1 « -^ ■*^ CI CO -,'^ ^ c^ -fl C5 1-; o O CO (M C5 CI O c3 bo -t^ rH C^ o ^ 1^ !zi .S -^ !-l ^ S d h""^ 3J o "S H 0) o Hi " !-. o O 0C_ O fl S 5w <1 , brj 0) P] ^ rt-s M o S btj-^ jn P -M Si ^S G 5 o S o o « ^ 5 . -^ « a m _ ^ .. be O »^ II lly give eacl -ground. T occupation.' t with cotta contain 1 t a o o §^ sli .1 §1 S^ iSt^ = c5 O ^ "IJ o •— ' CS C en S-5 1 Glouceste generally 1 from ^ acre o c c ,a g^ « a« o si o o 03 o be W l-H W 'A •^ (U o ^ « -« -'-' a ^ ^ "^ ik C o a a P4 0) •o cS o< n -M 01 a 03 m .y a g T! o o <1> y ^ c3 o :=3 ^ g cS^ pL. c a> c^ a -5 w a s o EC ^ o c a "-I Ts p -^^^ < P ^ to _«J o «lx C^ -■It!. Ol -'I'T ■■* IM -*< 00 t^ t^ o CO lO M Ci ^1 cc t^ ^ (^ C<1 Si ,- -+i 00 OO CO 1^ 00 (>) 00 -T< -(< CO O O 1^ ■* ^ '7 05 M O rt t~ C3 O C5 -:« -*- »— r-< ^ *^ (M l-H ts" O >-i iO >o M DC' CO . -o . . a. . ^ ^ § ■/-. o a o d 0) III Qj • O tn O C3 O 122 LANDLOKDS AND ALLOTMENTS ^ 'g A C S'^ s -s O ,/ 1=1 05 "S a si ^ ti m o -e cs -t^ S fl o a^ c3 n-^ TO ;-( w ;h ro Sh cS to S :2§^ ! 1 (3 C3 0) 9 &1 M -tgcS ^ oO c^ '^ ^ O M ►iS g ^i • ^ S'§ ^ S"= ^ cS T' 03 2.(1)^ .- T'C! i°.3 'H O r^ fH "^ r- 5 ,, - 1^ a^ ^ '^ ci oc, +^ ^ c3 !l> ■i^s a .a^« .,, « s .^ .^^5 ^ ^ 1 O "c3 ^ ^ ^ :^ !zi Ph tn • aj o gj r/3 s ^ s (M .a -li h S^ ,^ Si's g „ § (^c» mOOOfqKHSoJOOOpHKh-:! 'e3 i^^ ^ 1 § g t>i l> ccP CO 'o ^ a 1 ^ ^ 1 i 1 1-^ 123 It will be seen from the above tables that 248 ownex'S of large estates, amounting in the aggregate to upwards of 2,441,620 acres of land, are prepared to meet the demand for allotments by those residing on their estates. The total area in England and Wales under cultivation is 32,544,000 acres, of which rather over one-fourteenth is owned by those whose estates are referred to above. The fact must not be lost sight of that these particulars refer, with very few exceptions, only to the estates of owners of 3,000 acres and upwards to whom my queries were addressed, many of whom did not reply to the circular. If owners of so large a portion of the cultivated area of England have, in response to the inquiries of a private individual, expressed their willingness to afford allotments to the labourers, there can be little doubt that a Government inquiry will reveal a still more satisfactory state of affairs. NUMBER OF LABOURERS AND ACREAGE OF ESTATES OF MEMBERS IN EACH COUNTY WHERE ALLOTMENTS ARE APPRECIATED. County , Labourers in each (/onnty according to Census of 1881 Acreage of the Es- tates of Members of the Association in each County. Bedford 14,749 15,700 Berks . 18,638 21,912 Bucks . 13,277 36,747 Carmarthen 3,242 875 Cambridge 20,1)94 8,680 Cheshire 16,558 75,492 Cornwall 15,393 42,710 Derby . 7,672 36,618 Devon . 29,282 141,676 Dorset . 14,222 143,363 Essex 37,742 73,360 Gloucester 18,650 109,440 Hampshire 24,985 91,880 Hereford 11,123 14.752 Herts . 16,877 40,604 Huntingdon j 6,782 22,816 124 LANDLORDS AND ALLOTMENTS LABOURERS AND ACREAGE OF ESTATES— cmtmued. Labourers in eacli Acreage of the Es- tates of Members of County County according to the Association in the Census of 1881 each County Kent 39,528 34,835 LeicesttT 12,758 40,669 Lincoln . 42,057 108,842 Monmouth 4,784 34,789 Norfolk . 3,933 93,113 Northampton 19,407 42,506 Nottingham 13.312 47,132 Oxford . 17,084 37,073 Rutland . 2,501 2,616 Shropshire 18,159 80,601 Somerset 26,479 86,361 Stafford . 15,666 39,536 Suffolk . 35,515 107,119 Surrey . 13,948 34,612 Sussex . 28,654 73,393 Warwick 16,851 53,133 Wilts. . 21,611 130,953 Worcester 13,620 32,615 York . 58,738 127,459 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON A> UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JAN 1 6 1954 g Form I>-9 = 25ni-2, '43(320.-)) 1 if^^Pvf^^^^ Jl •IFORNIA LOS AKUii:LES LIBRARY w 1519 Onslow _- _ G7Sfe Landlords and UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 895 663 3 allotments. JAN 1 6 195tVERDUl HD 1519 G705