A A — 9 ;/:■ o — 1 m m o 2- -< 3> ^ ^ 6 — 3 — ^^ 2 ^^ 3 8 — * 4 A N A L Y S I I OF THE BOOK OF JONAH MITCH EI THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UJ^IV. OF CALIF. LIBRAEY, LOS AlIGELEa 11 m THE BOOK OF JONAH: THE TEXT ANALYZED, TRANSLATED, AND THE ACCENTS NAMED; BEING AN EASY INTRODUCTION HEBREW LANGUAGE. BT THE REV. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, M.A., NOKTII PARISH, DUNFBEMLINE. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. 1873. PREFACE. /^^^ Besides the opinion that the Book of Jonah is historical, two other views have been advanced : the one, that it is an account of a vision seen by Jonah while in a trance, or state of somnambulism ; the other, that it is a parable. The vision theory is, no doubt, ingenious. Its manifest purpose is to eliminate the miraculous; but even its Author admits that it gets rid of miracles only in part. In regard to the parabolic theory we would simply remark, that the passage In 2 Ki. xiv. 25, and, more especially, the peculiar character of the references to the narrative made by our Lord (]\Iatt. xii. 38- 41; xvi. 4; Lu. xi. 29-32), lead to the conclusion that the work is historical, and worthy of Its place in the Sacred Canon. But we do not propose to enter the arena of controversy. "We would only remark that, as seems to us, each of the above theories Is attended not with less, but greater difficulty than the acceptance of the Book as a veritable history. Our object in the choice of the Book of Jonah has been to furnish the beginner with an easy introduction to the study of the Hebrew language; to which end it is admirably adapted by the brevity and pathos of the story, the purity and simplicity of the style, and the poetic chapter it contains. In the plan here adopted every word of the Book Is consecutively taken, grammatically analysed, the meaning given, tlic pronunciation and accent carefully Indicated. The advantage is thus secured that the student's mind becomes Impressed with Important rules through their recurrence, without taxing the memory ; while the book can be opened and used with equal facility at any page, and independently of Bible, Grammar, or Lexicon : the learner being enabled, if necessary, to verify the correctness of his own construing by reference to the literal Translation prefixed to the Analysis. After mastering this little production no difficulty should be experienced in making further progress, with moderate application, to a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures. Should any be thus led forward in their Biblical studies by means of these pages the Author will bo abundantly rewarded. A.M. DuNFEBMLiNE, October 23, 1873. 1104789 THE BOOK OF JONAH: ANALYZED, TRANSLATED, AND THE ACCENTS NAMED. HEBREW ACCENTUATION. The system of Hebrew accentuation is complicated and very obscure. It served the purposes of directing the cantillation and logical interpunction. In cantillation it pointed out the stress and tone of the voice in respect of syllables, words, and clauses. But, with all its minuteness, it has failed to preserve the ancient mode of cantillation. The varied purposes of the accents have rendered their use, as pause points, somewhat uncertain and obscure. This is to be regretted, as cer- tainty on this head would have helped us, in many cases, to the meaning of difficult passages entertained by those learned men, who, in the second or third century, supplied the points and accents with such wonderful care and labour. As it is, the further investigation of Hebrew accentuation must be left to those whose learning, ojoportunities, and tastes peculiarly fit them for casting more light on this intricate, though far from unimportant subject. As an Index to the leading authorities, as well as for its own excellence, we would refer those interested to " Outlines of Hebrew Accentuation," by the Rev. A. B. Davidson, D.D., Professor of Hebrew, etc., Free Church College, Edinburgh. The Hebrew accents are disjunctive, and conjunctive. I. Disjunctive accents (D^TP?^ D^^VP) are placed over or under a word, to show that it is to be separated from the word that follows: and — II. Conjunctive accents (D^"i2np D^pyO) to indicate that the words bear- ing them are connected with the words that follow. The conjunctive accents are all equal in connecting power. One or other of the conjunctives commonly tvciits upon a disjunctive. Hence they have received the name of D^ri"iK'P servants, or attendants. But, since sentences and members of sentences are separated sometimes in a greater, and some- times in a less degree from what follows, the disjunctive accents differ considerably in power: their disjunctive power is also of a relative kind, and is ordinarily less in short verses than in long ones (see Jonah ii. 9}. 2 HEBREW ACCENTTTATIOX. In contradistinction to the conjunctive, as well as from their office of governing the sense of passages by pointing out what words are to be construed together, the Disjunctive accents are called Dv^'l^ Rulers. They are subdivided as follows according to their respective strength : and an observable alliance commonly subsists between one particular disjunctive and another in their consecution. Class I. Clpp Emperors. Of these there are two, and they indicate the greatest degree of separation. Sillu'k (— ) : P'hp Athna'ch (—) n:m Silluk occurs only on the tone syllable of the last word in a verse, and is always followed at the end of the word by the double point (•) called Soph Pasu'k (p-IDD ^1D). It is thus distinguished from Methegh, which has the same figure, but is never found under a tone syllable. Class II. CP/^ Kings ; four in number, and next in separating power Nripjp postpositive ti^ Princes; six in to the Kings : — R'bhi'agh (^) Zarkii' (^) Pashta {-'-) T'bhir (-) Y'thibh (-) Shalshe'lcth ' (-'-) Class IV. nn^p?5 Officers ; six separating power : — Paze'r P-) Karne' Pharah (-) T'lTsha' Gh'dhola'h (-^) I^^2"! NP^-IT postpositive T : - postpositive T3n y : prepositive -L»:L..: in number, and weakest of all in T T nVi n^ N^'p;;) prepositive ' Shalslieleth occurs in the Prose books only with P'sik, in this respect like a conjunc- livp; aiip)0 to deliver). They lived in the beginning of the sixth century. They deemed many passages more or less defective ; but, such Avas their veneration for the sacred text, that they rejected no reading whatever in which the MSS. concurred. When they came to what seemed to be an erroneous word, they left the text undisturbed, and placed the emendation in the margin with the accompanying note, ^''D?'! ^"lp /. e. read and written. Ex. gr. ; in Job xiii. 15, the word written (that is found in the text), N? is to be read 'y>. In the case of a redundant word they left it unpointed, and noted in the margin, np \h\ n'^n? written, hut not read. Ex. gr.; W 2 Ki. v. 18. On the other hand, when they deemed a word wanting to complete the sense, they placed the vowels in the text and the word itself in the margin, with the note n^riD \h\ n|"5. Ex. gr.; n^S3 Jer. xxxi. 38. LARGER AND SMALLER LETTERS, Etc. We have examples of these in Ps. Ixxx. 16; Gen. ii. 4; Ps. Ixxx. 14; Num. X. 34. The Rabbins find mysteries in these ; but, probably they are the mistakes or conceits of copyists. Dilated letters as ^<, CD, etc., are a mere expedient to complete the line, as the Hebrews did not divide words which came at the end of lines. Piska (^^i^P? separation) is a space left in the text in the middle of a verse, Ex. gr. ; Gen. xxxv. 22. For puncta extraordinaria, see Gen. xviii. 9; xxxiii. 4, where unusual punctuation is employed. For a full account of the Masoretic notes, see Van der Hooght's Hebrew Bible, §§ 23, 25. Nordheimer's Critical Grammar, 2 vols. Svo., published by Wiley and Putnam, New York, and Bagster's Edition of Gesenius's, will be found full and clear on the whole subject of Hebrew Grammar. TRANSLATION. CHAPTER I. Now (and) the word of Jehovah came (was) to Jonah the son of Amlttai, (in) saying, - Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city (the city the great), and cry against it, because their wickedness has come up before me (before my face). ^ But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from (with respect to) the face of Jehovah, and went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish, and paid (gave) its fare (wages), and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the face of Jehovah. * But Jehovah sent forth a great wind upon the sea, and there was a great tempest (shaking) in the sea, so that the ship was like (thought) to be dashed in pieces. ^ Then the sailors were afraid, and they cried (each) man to his god ; and they threw the implements which (were) in the ship into the sea, to procure relief to themselves (to lighten from upon them). But Jonah had gone down to the (sides) lower room of the ship ; and he lay, and was fast asleep (slept heavily). " Then the master of the crew drew near to him, and said to him. What (to thee) ails thee, who sleepest so ? Arise, cry to thy God ; perhaps (Q*''!'^^?;' the true God) God will be propitious to us, that we perish not. " Then (and) they said each man to his fellow, Come, and let us cast lots, that we may know on whose account this evil (is) upon us. And they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah. ^ Then they said to him, Declare now to us, wherefore (on account of whom) this evil (is) upon us. What is thy occupation, and (from) whence hast thou come ? What (is) thy country, and from what people (art) thou ? " And he said to them, I am an Hebrew ; and I fear Jehovah, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. "* Then the men were greatly afraid (feared a great fear), and they said to him, What (is) this (that) thou hast done ? For the men knew that he (was) fleeing from the face of Jehovah, because he had told them. " And they said to him. What shall we do to thee, that the sea may be calm to us (from upon us)? for the sea continued to rage (was going and raging). " And he said to them, Take me up, and cast me into the sea ; then the sea shall be calm to you (from upon you) : for I know that on my account (for the sake of me) this great tempest (is) upon you. ''' Then the men rowed hard (broke through the waves) to return (to) the dry land ; but they were not able : for the sea was going and raging against them. " Then 6 TRANSLATION. they cried to Jehovah, and said, We beseech (thee), O Jehovah, do not (now) let us perish on account of the life of this man, and do not lay upon us innocent blood ; for thou, O Jehovah, hast done according as thou hast pleased. ^^ Then they took up Jonah, and cast him into the sea : and the sea ceased (stood) from its raging. *" And the men feared exceedingly (feared a great fear) with respect to Jehovah, and they sacrificed a sacrifice to Jehovah, and vowed vows. CHAPTER II. But Jehovah had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. ' And Jonah prayed to Jehovah, his God, from the belly of the fish. ^ And he said, I cried to Jehovah on account of my distress (distress to me), and He answered me. From the womb of Sheol I cried for help, (and) thou heardest my voice. * For thou hadst cast me into the deep, into the midst (heart) of the seas ; And the flood was flowing round about me : All thy waves and thy billows were dashing (crossing) against me. ■' Then I said, I have been driven from before thine eyes ; But I shall yet (add to) look upon thy holy temple (the temple of thy holiness). ^ The waters surrounded me, even to the soul : The deep encompassed me : sea weed was wrapped about my head. '' I went down to the roots of the mountains ; The earth with her bars was around me for ever. But thou, Jehovah, my God, didst cause my life to come up from destruction (the sepulchre, pit). '^ When my soul fainted within me, I remembered Jehovah : And my prayer came in unto thee, into thy holy tcm])le (the temple of thy holiness). " They betaking themselves to vain idols (worshipping idols of vanity) for- sake their own mercy. '" But I, with the voice of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to thee ; I will pay (that) which I have vowed. Salvation (is) of Jehovah. "And Jehovah spake to the fish, and it vomited Jonah upon the dry land. CHAPTER HI. Then the word of Jehovah came (was) to Jonah the second time (in) saying, ■ Arise, go to Nineveh, the great city (the city the great), and cry TllANSLATlON. 7 against it the (crying) proclamation which I am telling (to) thee. ' And Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh, according to the word of Jehovah. Now Nineveh was a divinely great city (a city great to God), a journey of three days. * And Jonah hegan to go into the city a journey of one day, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. ^ And the men of Nineveh believed in God (had confidence in), and they pro- chiimed a fast, and clothed themselves with sackcloth, from their great one even to their small one (from the old to the young). " And the word came to the king of Nineveh, and he rose up from his throne, and put off his royal robe from upon him, and clothed himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. "' And he had it proclaimed and published in Nineveh by decree of the king and his nobles (great ones), (in) saying. Let neither man nor domestic animals, nor herds nor flocks, taste any thing : let them not pasture, and let them not drink water: ^ yea, let them cover themselves with sackcloth, man and beast, and cry mightily (with vehemence) to God. Let them turn each man from his evil way, and from the violence which (is) in their hands. '•• Who knows if (the true) God may not turn and have com- passion, and desist from the fierceness (heat) of his anger, that we may not be destroyed ? ^" And (the true) God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and (the true) God repented of the evil, which he had threatened to do to them ; and he did not do (it). CHAPTER IV. But to Jonah it was evil, a great evil, and he was very angry (it was hot to him). " And he prayed to Jehovah, and said, Alas ! O Jehovah, was not this what I said (my word), while I was yet in my country (still being in my land)? Wherefore I anticipated (the danger) by fleeing towards Tarshish : for I knew that thou art a God gracious and long-suffer- ing, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness, and who repentest concerning evil. ' Now therefore, O Jehovah, take, I pray thee, my life from me, because better (more good) is my death than my life. * And Jehovah said, Is thine anger justly kindled (is anger good to thee)? '•' Then Jonah went forth from the city, and he sat (on the) east of the city, and made for himself there a booth, and sat under it in the shade, until (that) he should see what would be (was) to the city. ° And Jehovah God prepared a gourd (kikayon, palmcrist), and it went up over (from upon) Jonah, to be a shade over his head, to deliver him from his evil. And Jonah rejoiced on account of the gourd with great rejoicing. " But (the true) God prepared a worm at the going up of the dawn of the next day, and it smote the gourd, and it withered. "* And it (so) was at the rising of the sun that 8 TRANSLATION. God appointed a hot east wind ; and the sun struck upon the head of Jonah, so that he fainted; and he asked that he might die (his soul to die), for he said, Better is my death than my life, ° Then God said to Jonah, Is anger becoming (good) to thee on account of the gourd ? And he said. Anger is good to me, even unto death. ^" And Jehovah said, Thou wert grieved on account of the gourd, for which (which for it) thou hadst not laboured, and hadst not reared, which sprang up in a night, and died in a night (which was the son of a night, and died the son of a night). " And shall not I have compassion upon Nineveh, the great city (the city the great), in which (which in it) there are more than twelve myriads of people, unable (who do not know) to distinguish between their right hand and their left ; and (also) many cattle ? THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. I. Verse 1. va-y'hi' • .-I- (-) CHAPTER I. 1 vav, and, now. The sixth letter of the alphabet. Used as a numeral, it stands for six. Often used as a continuative, to connect events supposed to be well known; and as a copulative. Here it is called vav conversive. That is, it gives to the future the meaning of the preterite. Vav conversive ("n-lsriri 11) is in reality the principal letter of the substantive verb HIH or H^n (some derive it from 'IJ^). Vav conversive is prefixed, without change of form, to all persons, genders, and numbers. It may be viewed as a fragment of '"I^H there teas, it rvas so, used impersonally. Its proper point is pathach (.) followed by daghesh forte. But when the preformative letter of the future has sh'va (.) daghesh forte is not inserted. In this case, however, sh'va is movable (sounded), daghesh forte being implied. Stuart's Gr., § 208. Gesenius, 20, 3, b ; 126, b. Vav prefixed to the preterite is simply a conjunction ; but it often gives the preterite the sense of a future, by con- necting it with a preceding future, or with an imperative. Some grammarians dispute the conversive power of vav, and attribute the changes referred to, to a general principle in language, which regulates the sequence of the tenses. Nordheimer's Grit. Heb. Gr., vol. I., §§ 212-220; Lee's Heb. Gr., Lecture 17; Nicholson's Ewald's Heb. Gr., Ed. London, 1836, §§ 296, 299; 610-620. Ges. 48, i. (25,34.) This small perpendicular mark is methegh, which usually denotes a secondary, or half accent, as in undertake. The verbs H^H and H^H when they take formative, or other pre- fixes with a short vowel, employ methegh after such vowel, as ri"!'''?^, i^lH', etc. But editions of the Bible vary somewhat in the insertion of methegh, and some omit it here. 10 Ch. I. Vekse 1. (/hi) (-■) ••n' (-) -"in'H d'bbar THE BOOK OF JONAH. Methegh affects only the vianner of reading. Stuart's Grammar, § 87; Nordheimer's Grammar, §§ 62-69, vol. I. Ges. 16, 2. The asterisk refers to Rabbinical note at bottom of page, viz., nn^n^ -11SD nv m'OSn which means that this is the beginning of the Prophetic Haphtorah for the everting of the Day of Atonement. The Haphtorah ends with the Book of Jonah, as indicated by the words |i^3 "^V, thus far. The Prophetic Haphtorah, for the morning oi the same day, is Isa. Ivii. 14, to end of Iviii. Third pers. sing. fut. masc. apocopate Kal (^niicle form, i. e. apocopated without the addition of a furtive vowel. Stuart, § 283 y; Ges. 48) of the substantive verb n;:n = mri to he, to exist. Full form of third pers. sing, future masc. Kal 'T^*. apocopate '•i??, with vav conversive *n^1.. Daghesh forte is omitted from the yodh, because, probably, of the difficulty in pronouncing yodh doubled with sh'va under it. Pathach, here, is long by position, because there is an implied daghesh in the yodh : and methegh is usually em- ployed after a short vowel made long by position. Viewing vav as conversive, the translation would be as follows, 1 it was (that) njn^""il"n the word of Jehovah ''>}\ was, or came, n/v-^X to Jonah. An accent, viz., pashta, postpositive and lesser disjunctive of third class. Pashta and kadhma are of the same form, but the former is always on the last letter, or repeated on a penult tone syllable ; the latter is only on the tone syllable, or sometimes serving in place of methegh with geresh, to which kadhma, is the usual conjunctive attendant. See 65, a. The accents are divided into two great classes : viz., those that separate words or parts of sentences from each other, called disjunctives ; and those which show that words are to be closely connected in the reading, or in the sense, or in both, called conjunctives. The accents mark the tone syllable ; serve as signs of interpunction ; and regulate the reading, or rather cantillation of the Scriptures. St. 95-97 ; Ges. 15. Stuart divides the disjunctive accents into three classes : Nordheimer and Gescnius into four. See 11, a. Construct state of "l^'l a icord (Aoyos), noun mas. fourth declension (according to the arrangement in Moses Stuart's THE BOOK OF JONAH. 11 Vebse 1. (•) ) mrr y'ho-va'h Grammar, and in that of Gesenius). This declension includes *all dissyllabic nouns with kamets pure in the ultimate, and kamets or tsere pure in the penult. In He- brew there are no inflections to mark cases, as in Latin and Greek. Case is marked, as in English, either by the relation it bears to the sentence, as subject, object, etc., or, by its relation to some specific part of it, as regimen or construct state, or by related prepositions, expressed or understood. When two nouns come together, the second of which is to be translated as a genitive, a change is made upon the Jirst which is thus placed in regimen, or what is called the con- struct state. (A noun standing immediately before another, not in the genitive, is in the case absolute.) A noun in the construct state, and that which follows it, are usually pro- nounced as if they were one word. To facilitate this, the first, if possible, undergoes contraction, and the stress of the voice rests chiefly on the second. "15"^. has no accent, because followed by makkeph. (3, b.) The dot in daleth is daghesh lene. It is inserted because the preceding long vowel is separated from the daleth by the disjunctive accent pashta. St. § 79, 3; Ges. 21. The effect of daghesh lene is to remove the /t-sound, or aspiration from the daleth. The daghesh lene is rejected from the 3, because the 3 is preceded by sh'va vocal. St. § 80, a ; Ges. 21,2. Makkaph (^iPP), or makkeph (fliU'? connecter), like our English hyphen connects words together, and makes them one in respect to interpunction and reading. Hence a word preceding makkeph never has a tone accent. It often, as here, connects a noun in the construct state with the noun that follows, used mostly in words closely connected. St. §§ 88, 89, and notes. Ges. 16. A noun mas. proper name of (Q^O^^C) the true God. The later Hebrews, misled by superstition, or by misinterpreting such passages as E.x. xx. 7; Lev. xxiv. 11, deemed this name so holy that it might not even be pronounced. Therefore whenever this nomen tetragrammato)i occurred in the sacred text they usually read ^^"1?:?. in its place. Thus the vowels of the noun ""^"1^? are in the Masorctic, or pointed text, placed under the four letters HliT, excepting that the initial yodh receives a simple, and not a compound sli'va. I'lcfixcs, how- 12 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. Vkrsb 1. I. (/ (-^) 5 el ■^^ u (■) 6 yo. nah n2v a (--) 10 •]? bhen (■) ^mit-tai' (-) inbx'? le-mO'r nos (imur) ever, receive the same vowels as if they were followed by '31X. Thus, nin^V, mn^2, nin;??, f\)r\\ Zakeph katon, a disjunctive accent of the second class. (2, a.) Construct form (in which only it is found). Ground form n?^. By apocope it becomes ^^, originally a noun and still found in the suffix forms both sing, and pi. Now used as a preposition. Almost always followed by makkeph. It signifies to, into, towards, ad, versus, irpos, eis. Makkeph. (3, h.) Proper name of the prophet Jonah. Noun of tenth declen. accus. case, governed by prep. '^^. The fem. noun of the same form signifies a dove, HJV pi. D''3V. An accent, merkha, conjunctive. (2, a.) Construct state of J? (for ^33, from the root n33 to build) a son. Daghesh lene is rejected from 3, because the pre- ceding vowel has not a disjunctive accent. !? like 35<, nx, '^^*'!*, ri^3, 03, etc., is an anomalous noun. The form of the construct state is occasionally |3, as Jonah iv. 10; Pro. xxx. 1; Deut. XXV. 2; and with pr. n. l-IJ. ''J3 my son; IJ? his son. Plural D'33, const. '^. '?>?^'^"'. V.? sons of Israel. Makkeph. (3, b.) Amittai (true), proper name of the father of Jonah. Root T\'g^._ truth. Tiphcha posterius, disjunctive accent of the second class. (2, a, 11,«.) ? the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. As a numeral it signifies thirty. Here an inseparable preposition, of which there are four, viz., ? in, hy. Root ri*3 /louse, i7iterior ; ? li/;e, as. Root I? thus, so; 7 to, of. Root /?? to; and ^ from. Root \^ from; the nun disappears by assimilation. The proper point of ^, 3, and 3 is sh'va simple. Followed by composite sh'vas these letters take, by affinity, the corresponding short vowels. Hence, followed by chateph seghol, sh'va is changed into seghol, thus ""^.^? ; but i< in the middle of a word, often drops comp. sh'va, and quiesces in the preceding vowel, and lengthens it. Thus ""^^^ becomes "i^^*^!?, D^n?^2 becomes Q'O^sp, etc. So also of 3 and 3. Inf. construct Kal of verb "l^N to say, to bring to light, a verb t<"Q. ^^ "ipi^ to s])cak to any one. The construct Yeese 1. kiim lekh Dip (^) t (-) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 13 infinitive of this verb, with ?, is always contracted, as in the text. Silluk (-p) stop, or pause. In connection with the two large points (: soph pasuk, verse end) which follow it, it is named silluk with soph pasuk (p-IDS fl'lD^ p'l^P)^ pause at the end of a verse. Silluk occurs only on tone syllable of last word in a verse ; and is always followed by soph pasuk. Silluk is easily distinguished from methegh. They are the same in form, but the latter is never found under a tone syllable. Sing. m. imper. Kal of verb {}"V) D-lp to arise, to stand. Fut. Dip:, apoc. Dp:, n^M. (vay.ya -kom). D-1p followed by ?, to stand, to persist in. By ?, to stand by, near ; also to with- stand, oppose, attack. By iP, to desist from. By \3?? (liph-ne) to stand before, attend upon. By ''"?^^^^, to stand behind. T'lisha k'tannah, postpositive, conjunctive accent. The accents, very generally, mark the tone syllable. Exceptions, however, are numerous. Eight of them are confined to one position, wherever the tone may be. S'gholta, pashta, zarka, and t'lisha k'tannah are always on the last letter of the word, and are called postpositive ; while tiphcha anterius, y'thibh, t'lisha gh'dholah, and geresh, in the composite accent rbhiagh geresh, are always on the first letter, and are called prepositive. (See 2, a.) Sing. mas. imperative Kal of "^^i^ or "=]?:, to go, to tcalk. Fut. "^1?.:, "^l^*! ; imperative with H paragogic ^37 ; with H omitted, ^^ ; infinitive absolute "^vH ; inf. const. ri3?, ^vith suffix ^"^37 ; participle active "^l?n. Fc^Ilowed by |, to go into, to enter. By /, to go to. By ^^, to go against, oppose. By ''y, to go towards. By DV, to go with, accompany. By nx, to walk with, associate with. By ^Itl^^ to go after; follow, to be a follower of, to worship. Final kaph with sh'va. Every movable consonant, {. e. every consonant which, being sounded, does not quiesce, nor coalesce, has a sh'va either expressed or implied. In general, sh'va is not expressed at the end of words, but only implied : as 0)5 for Pi^. The exceptions are, first, when the final syllable ends with two consonants, as ^pIP? (la-madht) ; and second, in the case of kaph final, as here. Darga, conjunctive accent. (Sec 2, a.) 14 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. I. 13 a 14 16 16 Terse 2. el (■) ni-n've'h ha-ghi'r -»>y (ghir) 18 10 (-/ ) hag-g'dho-lah nSna T ; (e'dho-laTi) (-) »y^ ii'k'rH Prep. to. (See 5.) Makkeph. (See 3, b.) Prop, name of Nineveh, the ancient metropolis of Assyria ; on eastern bank of the Tigris, opposite the place where Mosul now stands on the west bank. Accus. governed by prep. ^^. Methegh, a secondary accent. (See 1, a.) It usually, as here, is inserted after a long vowel, next before the tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. T"bhir, disjunctive accent of third class. (See 2, a, and 11,«.) Written fully would be I'VPlI. the definite article. Originally it, probably, was a demonstrative pronoun. It is used sometimes as such in the sacred text : sometimes, also, as a relative. The complete form is i'D ; but it is commonly written -H with daghesh forte after it. The daghesh is compensative for the lamedh which is always assimilated to the first letter of the w^ord to which the article is prefixed. Nordh. vol. I., 32. Before t<, V, and "), which do not admit of daghesh forte, pathach becomes kamets, as here. Subst. fem., plural C^V, once C"!^!? a city, a toivn ; in apposition with ITI^^J, Root, probably "i-iy to wake, to be awake. Belongs to first declension, which comprises all nouns of one or more syllables, whose vowels are all im- mutable. Accent merkha, conjunctive. (See 2, a.) •n the def. article with its appropriate point, and followed by daghesh compensative (•) for the syncopated lamedh. (See 15.) When a noun has the article, the adjective agreeing with it, must also have it. Fem. form of the adjective ^^^^ construct >"n| great, large, elder, eldest. The lamedh of the article is assimilated to the gimel, and the daghesh forte indicates this. Tiphcha posterius, disjunctive accent, second class. 2, a, 11, a. •1 vav with shurt'k. This is, simply, the copulative con- junction, and. The usual pointing is sh'va simple, thus \; but before sh'va vocal either simple or composite, standing THE BOOK OF JONAH. IT) Ch. I. h 20 a 21 a b 22 23 a b e 24 Vbbse 2. Nip (k'n.) gha-le'-ha ki (-) (") gba-l'tha'h (-) (-) VT^ IT ra-gha-tha'm (-) (-r) I'pha-nai' under a letter not a guttural, also before 3, D, Ei, it takes shurek : as Nnp-I, 3n.T-1, n)3-1, etc. St. 152, c. Shurek, a point in the bosom of 1, cholem above and long chirik below the line, are conjoined to vav and yodh by a sort of coalescence or contraction. (52.) Dr. Paul's Hebrew Gr. 56. Sing. mas. imp. Kal of verb (>*"?) i^^i^ to call out, to cry; fut. Nlpl. Followed by 0^3 to call on the name of, invoke. By ? to call upon, invoke, proclaim to, summon, invite. By ?^ to call out to. By 7y to cry out to, to cry out against ; by ''IG^? to call after one. Munach, a conjunctive accent. (2, a.) Suffix state of prep. ?V, originally a noun. Ground form r}hv_; constr. pi. \^y ; with sufF. "hv, ^^^V, '''i'V, 'T-^V, etc. Verb npy to go up. This prep, is of frequent occurrence, and of extensive meaning, in, on, upon, over, towards, against, etc. The suffix here is n''7 which is the form of the 3 fem. sing. sufF. to plural. ?i? and several other preps, often take such suffixes as are usually attached to the plural. Here the meaning is against it, St. 407, b, and 336. Ges. 101. Athnach, disjunctive accent of first class. (2, a.) Properly a rel. pron. Here a relative causal particle, because, since. It has no tone accent because followed by makkeph. Dagh. Icne, on account of preceding disj. accent. Makkeph. (3, b.) Methegh, a secondary accent. (1, a, 23, b.) 3 s. fem. pret. Kal of verb rhv ("D gut. and n'6), fut. r\hv^: to go up, to ascend. Followed by ? to ascend into. By ? to ascend to, to go up to. By ^V to rise above. Methegh (1, a, 14, a), used here after a long vowel, next before tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Accent merkha, conjunctive. (2, a.) Nom. s. fem. of subst. of tenth declension nyi evil, tcicked- ness, calamity ; with suff. "TlVl ""»>' wickedness; -l^nyT our wickedness. Third pi. masc. suff. to a sing, noun; DTOl ^^cir wickedness. Methegh, used on second syllable before tone, being a simple one. Accent tiphcha posterius, disj., second class. (2, a, 11,^.) Composed of insep. prep. ? and first i)ers. sing, suffix state of D^3S, const. V.3, pi. used for sing. n^Sl the face ; '?S 16 Ch. I. 25 a 26 27 a 28 Vebse 2. It, riK^'J?, D??. Before simple sh'va they take short chirik, as here. St. 152,5, 137; Ges. 100. Dagh. lene rejected from beth, because it follows a vowel. n"l|I construct inf. Kal (with pathach furtive) of H^a ("'' guttural) to pass throuyh, to Jlee, to Jlee aivay. Fut. H'l^^, Munich, a conjunctive accent. (2, a.) Pathach furtive. This is a short pathach sounded before its consonant, and employed for ease and euphony, when a word has either of the gutturals i^ (H with mappik, which shows that the letter is movable), H, y, at the end of its final syllable, preceded by a long vowel not of the A class. St. 69. Prop, name of 2'arshi.sh. Locality somewhat doubtful ; but supposed to be Tartessus, or modern Cadiz, south west of Spain. Phoenician colonists probably settled here. The H— at the end of t^'^t^^^\, is called n directive, or n locale, or n paragogic. Dlt? Sodom, n0p towards Sodom ; ti'^^'iri Tarshish, r\&^nj:\ towards Tarshish. Nordh. I., 642; St. Cn. I. a 31 Verse 3. mil-liph-ne' 32 33 31 a 35 36 37 (p'ne) y'ho-va'h v.? (-) AT : vay-ye'-redh (ye'-redh) iD"^ ya-pho' (-) ST vay-yim-tsiV n^;d^ (yira-tsa') THE BOOK OF JONAH. 17 407, g; Ges. 88. Dagh. lene in the tau, because preceded by an implied silent sh'va. Zakepli katon, disjunc. accent of second class. (2, a, 4, a.) •p from, an inseparable prepos., contraction of |P, which is the construct state of ]'Q, signifying a part of any thing. The daghesh forte doubles the lamedh and compensates for the nun. ? an inseparable prep. (28, 24.) Followed by sh'va simple, it takes short chirik. Construct state of pi. (but with meaning of the singular) CiS the face. ""P.?? to the face of, before. Dagh. lene omitted from Q, because it is preceded by a vowel. Tiphcha posterius, disjunctive accent of second class. (18, a, 2, a, 11, a.) Proper name of Jehovah, the true God. (4.) Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (20, a, 2, a.) •1 vav conversive. (1.) Here it has puthach and is fol- lowed by daghesh forte, which is the regular pointing of vav conversive. Kadhma, conjunctive accent. (2, c.) 3 sing. mas. fut. Kal of 11^ fut. H^', with vav conv. ^!)'l imp. IT!, to go down, to descend. Hiphil 1^^'"'. A verb '"3 originally V'Q. Vav conv. frequently (as here) makes the word milghel, and consequently shortens the final vowel if long. St. 208, note 2. A word with the tone on the ultimate is called iP'b'O) milragh ; with the tone on the penult is called (T'^V/P) milghel. St. 99, note. The place whither has sometimes /"N, sometimes ? prefixed, or is put in the ace. with or with- out n— paragoglc. Japho, Jojjpa (beauty, HD^ to shine, to be bright), a maritime city in the tribe of Dan, and the modern Japha, or Yapha. The accus. case is often denoted by riX, "HS. Often it has no distinctive sign. Here the noun is in the accus. oi place. St. 428, 2. Ges. IIG. Geresh, disjunctive accent, third class. (2, a.) •). vav conv. (1, 34.) 3 sing. mas. fut. Kal of ^V^, imp. X>'0 Inf. NVp lo come to, arrive at, to Jind. A verb ^"^. 8 18 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Vbssb 3. (-) ' iT2^5 iniy-yu'h ('-^) JT T ba-aTi thar-shi'sh vay-yit-te'n (yit-te'n) m\ (-) miDj^ b'kha-riVh vay-yO'-redh (-) bah Darga, conj. accent. (12, b, 2, a.) The asterisk refers to Rabbinical note stating that some copies substitute merkha for darga. Subst. f. a ship, tenth dec. pi. nV3X, nViX ^K'^S men of ships, sailors; ■•?>? a fleet. St. 380. The perpendicular line after the word, a disjunctive of the third class, is called I'gharme, when as here accompanied by munach on the tone syllable : in other cases it is called p'sik. Act. part. fem. of >1t3 unused in Kal, to throto dmvn, to prostrate^ to cast out, to send forth. Pro- bably an Aramean word. (428 a.) The occurrence of a few so called Aramaisms such as ^Vk) to throw out (chap. i. ». 20 Ch. I. 54 Vbhse 4. -mn T ; rufich-g'dho-lii'h (-) 65 b 66 (") T ; (e'dho-ia'ii) (•) (-^) T - pl-hay.yii'ni THE BOOK OF JONAH. 5, 12, etc.), the interchange of HJ'-sp with ^*3^« (chap. i. 5), njO to determine, to appoint (chap. ii. 1 ; iv. 6, sqq.), "inn in the supposed sense of rowing (chap. i. 13), J^WVT^i) to re- member (chap. i. 6), and the forms V^^ (chap. i. 7), 'H? (chap. i. 12), and ^ for 1^^? (chap. iv. 10), belonging either to the speech of Galilee, or the language of ordinary intercourse, have been advanced as proofs that the Book of Jonah belongs to a late age. But it cannot be proved that any of these words were unknown to the early Hebrews. ^ for "1t?'K occurs as early as Jud. v. 7; vi. 17; and even '•?^ in Cant, chap. i. 6; viii. 12, while in Jonah it is used only in the sayings of the persons acting, or of God. The only non- Hebraic word is Dyt3 (chap. iii. 7), used in the sense of command, and applied to the edict of the king of Assyria. This probably was a technical term, heard by Jonah in Nineveh. (Ges. 2.) Mahpakh, conj. accent. (25, a, 2, o.) "nl"' subst. fern, sometimes masc, pi. ninil, and nilTl, spirit, breath of the m(mth, breath of the air, air in motion, wind, a breeze; ^'rh^jr\ nn, nin* nn, the Spirit of God; D^lijn mn, the east wind. Verb nn an onomatopoetic word like D'lB to breathe, to blow. Methegh on second syllable before the tone ; the two words connected by makki'ph being considered as one in respect ofpunctuation and reading. (1,«.) St. 87,c; Nordh.I., 63, II., 64-66. Pathach furtive. (29, b.) Makkt-ph, like the English hyphen. (3, I.) Fern, form of adj. Vn5 sometimes ?1jl, const, y^"^^ and ^"I|, great, of magnitude and extent ; elder, eldest, great of power ; D v"I3 nobles. Verb '1| to twist or bind together, to grow, to become great. The initial vowel of the masc. has fallen away, because the tone has been moved forward one syllable. St. 133, a. Dagh. lenc inserted in gim61 after an implied silent sh'va ; furtive pathach being sounded before the H. St. 52. Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, a.) "7^ construct state with makkeph of ''^?, ground form P?^ to, totvards, against, upon; contra, cVi. (5, 5, a, 3, b.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 21 Ch. Verse 4. I. 57 T — (hay-ya'm) 58 T (yam) a (-^) 59 f : - vay-hi' a L ^^^ 60 IT '^ r sa-ghar-ga-dh6'l a (-) b (■) 61 bh. (ga-dhol) a (-) 63 D^3 AT - bay-yu'm 63 T (yam) a (-) 64 T • t: jT : v'hi-iJuiy-yii'h a n T (ha) •n the def. article with its appropriate point. (15.) Subst. m. accus. the sea ; eighth dec., const. 'OJ, some- times n^, with suff. T\l^\, with n parag. n^J, pi. DV3^. Hoot probably is verb CpJ to make a noise. Nouns derived from verbs "VV take dagh. forte in final letter of ground form when they receive an accession. St. 374, 375, h. Ges. 91. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a, 11, «.) 1 vav conversive (1), and ''H! 3 sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of ri^n to he. (2.) Merkha, conj. accent. (6, «.) lyp subst. mas. sixth decl. a storm (kXvSwv, LXX.), a shaking (f. 'T^V'?)) segholate form of A class. Segholates are dissyllabic nouns with tone on penult, and furtive vowel in final syllable. St. 359, and Paradigm xxv.; Decl. vi. b. Root 1i?D to be violently shaken, to be tossed. Methegh (1, a, 54, a), used here on third syllable before tone ; the words connected by makkeph being looked on as one in respect of punctuation and reading. St. 87,y'; Nordh. I., 63, II., 64-66. Makkeph. (3, h.) Adj. m. great (18 and 55). Daghesh lene in the gimel because it follows an implied silent sh'va. Every movable consonant, not immediately followed by a vowel, must have a sh'va of some kind, either expressed or implied. St. 52. Accent tiphchu posterius, disj., second class. (2, a, 11, a.) For D^na. 2 inscp. prep, in, Greek Iv, 0^32 in the house, 1133 in the pit, H^S in the land. Dagh. lene in the beth because it is preceded by an implied silent sh'va. St. 52. The pathach is vowel of the article ?!!•, the H being syncopated and the ? compensated by dagh. forte in the yodh. Subst. mas. accus. eighth dec. the sea. {57.) Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a, 20, a.) 1 cop. conj. Olid, with sh'va, its proper point. (52.) The def. article with kamets instead of pathach, because i< docs not admit of dagh. forte. Before the gutturals N, 1?, and also "I, it takes kamc-ts, as ri 67 68 ea 70 Vbksk 4. T • T; (oniy-yaTi) (-) (-^) chish-sh'bhii'h ]•• T • rhish-sha-bhe'r (hish-sha-bhe'r) (:-) Veksb 5. li^T'^l vay-yi-r u •IX-l"''' 71 72 n (yi-r'u') • T - - ham-mal-lu-chi'ni ■ T - (mal-lu-chi'iii) (-) vay.yiz-gliuku' (yiz-gbtiku') Subst. fern, tenth dec. a ship, (38.) Munach, conj. accent. (19, a, 2, a, 11, «.) Here in place of methegh, whose function it not unfrequently discharges before zakeph katon, being the usual conj. attendant on that disjunctive. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (4, a, 2, a.) 3 s. f. pret. Piel of 3K'n, fut. nb'O!, Piel m. 3L?'*n to think, to meditate, to compute. Metaphorically of things inanimate, to be as though it were ; l^ti'np n^y'n the ship was as though it would be broken. Accent tiphcha posterius, disj., second class. (61, a, 2, a, 11, a.) 7 insep. prep, with sh'va, its proper point. (9, 24, 28.) Niph. inf. construct of verb 'l?^ to break, to break in pieces, to shiver, fut. ">3lj^^, Niphal ">IP*J to be broken, as in ship- wreck, in mind, in heart. Silluk with soph pasiik. Pause at end of a verse. (10, o.) "1 vav conv. with its approp. point and followed by dagh. forte. (1.) Third pi. m. fut. Kal of verb ^^IJ, to tremble, to fear, to be afraid. Fut. «7!, with vav conv. NT?!, and N^'l. Methegh after a long vowel next before tone syllable, and followed by vocal sh'va. St. 87, c. Ges. 16. Munach, conj. accent. (29, a, 2, a.) •n the dcf. art. with its approp. point, and followed by dagh. forte. (15.) Subst. m. pi. first dec. Ground form n?p, with kamets impure and immutable, a sailor. Root n?D the sea. Nouns are cither primitive, derivative, or denominative. n?D is a denom. noun. St. 316, a, b, c, and 127. R'bhiagh, disj. accent, third class. (40, a, 2, a, 11, a.) •1 vav conv. with its proper point, and followed by dagh. forte. (1, 69.) 3 pi. m. fut. Kal of verb PVJ to cry out, to exclaim. ^^ is profi-\cd to the person implored. Fut. \>!JV. imp. PV?. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 23 Cn. I. 75 77 Verse 5. (-) j:*\^ ish el-el6-hai'v vnS X 78 79 80 (elo-hai'v) (-) • T- vay-ya-ti'-lu • T (ya-ti'-lu) (-) (-) eth-hak-ke-li'm Zarki'i, postpos., disj. accent, third class ; in prose used only in alliance with s'gholta. In poetry zarka prepositive with merkha or mahpakh is conjunctive. (2, a, 11, a.) St. § 93, 13, 31, § 95, a. Nom. s. masc. of anomalous noun. St. 394. A man, husband, with sufF. '^''ii, "^^'ii, n;^>', pi. D^t^^N. This plural is found only three times. In place of it Q^t^JX, (from unused singular t^'3X scgholate of A class), const. ""^^X, with suff. ^y^^,, Dn^tJ'^X ; ^'ii ^:? sons of men, men, ^NX''! V}^ men of Israel, Israelites, 1''i^^^"''^ ^'^ man to his God, i. e. each man to his God. Munach, conj. accent. (29, «, 2, a.) ^^ construct state of prep. ???, from 'n, and n*3N a ship. Insep. prep. ? in, with dagh. lene because preceded by implied silent sh'va. Its proper pointing here would be pathach followed by dagh. forte, being the points of the syncopated article. But as i* does not admit of dagh. forte, the pathach is lengthened into kamets. St. 152,2. Ges. 35. Methegh before a composite sh'va, preceded by a vowel. It is uniformly employed in such a case. Accus. sing. f. subst. a ship. Tenth dec. (38.) Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) '^^ const, form of ^'^ prep, to, into. (5.) Generally fol- lowed by makkeph. (3, b.) •D the def. art. with its approp. pointing. (15, 71.) Subst. mas. accus. eighth dec. the sea. (58.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) ? insep. prep, to, towards, with its ai)prop. point. (9.) Here it is prefixed to an infinitive, and marks pur])ose or end. nVt'V^ {ad faciendum), to do. OhpS, to open, rin^^ nV, a time to bring forth. Const, inf. Hiphil of ??i5 to be light, to be diminished, to be despised. A verb "VV, fut. St., ^^\>l Hiphil S"?.n, inf. ^i?n, fut. 7|T^ to make liglit, to lighten. St. Tarad. xii. Here followed liy ^VO of the thing. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 25 Vbksb 5. X. a (^) 92 Av ••^: 1" me-ghale-hem 93 n a 94 (ghale-he'm) a 95 T ; 96 T'yo-na'h T a (yo-na'h) (-) 97 11^ ~T ya-ra'dh a (-) 98 ^ri3T-^i^ el-yar-k'the' 99 ■•D?"!! ()-ar-k'the') 100 101 a 102 nrDDH T • ; " has-s'phi-na'h (a'phi-nali) vav-vish-ka'bh Tiphcha posterius, disj. accent, second class. (8, a, 2, a, 11,«.) Composed of P for -p, and 3 pi. m. suff. state of ^V. Insep. prep. IP and "J? from, when followed as here by a letter which does not admit of dagh. forte, it becomes P. (31.) Methegh before composite sh'va, preceded by a vowel. 3 pi. m. sufF. state of prep. ^V tipon, const, pi. yV., with suffix ^^v, ^'^V. ^'^V. C'^V, •"'^'•^V. ^^'^^ °?'-^y. poet, ior'pv- Root n?y to go up. Double preps, are often employed, as Oyp from with. ^Sp from between. riilFip below, be- neath. rinri"7J? under. Athnach, disj, accent, first class, (20, a, 2, a.) \ cop. conj. a)t(l. It is prefixed to adversative sentences, and may, as here, be rendered but. Prop, name of prophet Jonah. (6.) R'bhiagh, disj. accent, third class. (40, a, 2, a, 11, a.) 3 s. m. pret. Kal of T]^ io go doivn, to descend. A verb ^"S originally 1''D (35). The place whither has v^^ prefixed. Pashta, disj., postpos. third class, (86, a, 2, a, 11, a.) "??? construct state of prep. 7X, from >y>^ to, into. Fol- lowed by makkeph. (5, 3, b.) Const, pi. fem. subst. twelfth dec. na"]^ the hinder part or side (same as nS").'; and VI)- Dual n^n^y,, const. 'n|T both sides, the haunches. Always used of inanimate things, the inmost recesses of a house, of a ship, etc. Root ^IJ to be soft, tender. Munich, conj. accent. (29, a, 2, a.) •n the def. art. with its approp. pointing. (81, 15, 17.) Accus. sing. fem. subst. noun, tenth dec, St. 380, a ship, uTToi A-cy. LXX. ttAoiov, Vulgate navis. (53.) This word occurs only in Jonah. It is used in Arabic and Aramaean. i^*?^ is the usual Hebrew word for a ship. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) •1 vav conversive with its approp. point, and followed by da<2h. forte. (!•) 26 THE BOOK OF JONAH, Tebse 5. (yish-ka'bh) (-) 1- Tl — vay.ye-ra-dha'm (ye-ra-dha'm) (:-) Veksb 6. nip""! vay-yik-ra'bh (yik-ra'bh) [•-laiV rabh T •• bhhn ba-chu-bbu'l 3 sing. m. fut. Kal 2??^, to lie, to lie down, to rest, to lie down to sleep. Inf. const. 33LJ', with suff. '^J?^. Accent tiphcha posterius, diyj. of second class. (61, a, 2, «, 11,«.) •1 vav conversive with its approp. point, followed by dagh. forte.^ (1.) 3 s. m. fut. Niphal (not used in Kal) 0*1^ to sleep heavilij, to snore (an onomatopoetic word). Niphal D"!!"^?, fut. ^T}"!., as 1 does not admit of dagh. forte, short chirik is exchanged for tsere. Vulg. dormiehat. LXX. tp€y)(e.v. The first of these small perpendicular lines is methegh. (1, a.) It is never found on the tone syllable. Here it is on second sjdlable before the tone, being a simple syllable. The second is silluk followed by soph pasuk (10), a pause at end of a verse. St. 87, e; Nordh. I., 49 note. •1 vav conversive with its approp, point, followed by dagh. forte, (1.) 3 s. m. fut. Kal of 3^i5, and 3'!}i^, to approach, to come near. Generally followed by '^^ of the person or thing, Inf, const, 2"ii? and i^?")!^ (kor-bhah). The root of a verb, which is 3 per, s, mas. pret., has three difierent forms distinguished by the final vowels pathach, tsere, and cholcm : ex. gr. "Ij^S to visit ; \\}\ to be old ; and "y^l to fear. The form with pathach is generally active and transitive; but sometimes intrans., as ^'\\ to be great. The other two forms are generally intrans., sometimes otherwise. St. 181, i, and notes. Ges, 43. Mahjx'ikh, conj. accent. (25, a, 2, a.) Prep. ^^ with 3 mas. s. sufi". of the form usually attached to pi. (5), to, towards. Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) (Chaldee, Dan. ii. 10, 31, 35, 45) adj. great: also subs. chief, leader, captain, pi. T?"??"]. Here it is in const, state, which is the same as the ground form. (3.) Munach, conj. accent. (29, a, 2, a.) p dcf. article, but not followed by dagh, forte, because the guttural does not admit of it. Before ^5, V, and also 1 the article takes kamtts. Before n, and n, pathach lony, as here, is generally used. (15.) St. 152, a. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 27 Cu. I. Ill 112 iia lU n; llG Vbbsb 6. h2h (cho-bhC-1) (-^) Tay-yo'-mer (yo'-mer) 15 (-) mal-l'kha' (I'kha) (■) (•) Methegh (1, a) is inserted here after a short vowel made long by position. St. 87, and g, 29. A denom. noun mas. (from ^2r) the rope of a ship) a sailor. Genitive governed by preceding noun in the construct state. The word is used here collectively, sailors. The article defines ^1, not ??n ; it is not master of the sailors, but the sailormaster, or the shipmaster. D^JSn 0117, not bread of the presence ; but the presence-bread, or the bread of pre- sence. 'When a compound idea, represented by one noun following another in the gen. is to be expressed definitely, the article is prefixed to the noun in the genitive. St. 316; Nordh. I., 567; St. 431-434, 420, and note. Ges. 109. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) •1 vav conv. with its approp. point, and followed by dagh. forte. (1.) Third p. s. masc. fut. Kal of "i^5< to sat/, to bring to light. Inf. abs. "li^^?, const, "i'^.^, with prefix ""2^?. Infinitive const, with ? always is "l^'^.? : fut. ION'' j with vav conversive "ipt^'l ; but commonly with conjunctive accent, as here, "l^^'l- Aleph quiesces in cholem, "'^N'* yo-mer. (10.) Stuart, § 54. Accent merkha, conjunctive. (6, a, 2, a.) Third pers. s. m. suffix state of inseparable prep. ? to, totvards. "With suffix y, v, '"•??, in pause '^,, y>, ^/, -Iy, a^S, 15^, Dn^, poetic iJO^. (28.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. (8, a, 2, a, 11, a.) "HD interrog. pron. used of things (like *P of persons), quid? TL, what? Ground form HO, with makkeph "HD, ""nD, n^, -D, fO, '^?"nf^ what to thee ! how noiv ! lohat wiliest thou / y V3"nO what of profit ? lanx no what shall I say ? n^^V ^^ what hast thou done ? Sec. pers. s. m. suffix state of inseparable prep. ? to, to- wards. (28, 114.) Makkeph, connecter. (3, h.) Daghesh conjunctive, a species of daghcsh forte euphonic. Of this form of daghesh there are three kinds, viz., daghhh conjunctive, daghesh affectuosum, and daghcsh acitting. Daghesh conjunctive, as here, is often inserted in the initial consonant of a word when preceded by an unaccented vowel. Stuart, §§ 75-77. Ges. 20. 28 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Cn. I. c Vkrse 6. (-.-) 117 AT ; • nir-dam u (-) 118 Dip. kum a (-r) 119 k'ra a (-) 120 i'b''i'^5"'^? el-elo-he'-khii a (-) 121 ^Sli^ u-lai' a (-^) 122 ^0^^. yith-ghash-she'th a ./-^^ 123 V- v: IT bii-elo-bi'm a (-.) Vli D'!?^?? (Slo-hi'iii) a 13S i:b lu'-nu (-) Accent munuch, conjunctive. (2, a, 29, a.) Participle Niphal of ^T) (unused in Kal) to sleep heavily, to snore. (105.) How noiv, man, who sleepest so soundly ! Accent athnach, disj., first class. (2, a, 11, «, 20, a, 94, a.) Sing. masc. imperative Kal of verb T'i?, Dip to arise, to stand. (11,25,26.) Accent y'thibh, prepos. and disjunctive, third class. (2, a, n,a.) Sing. masc. imp. Kal of verb i^"^, X^i^ to call out, to cry. (19.) Accent munach, conjunctive. (2, a, 19, a.) 'P^ prep, to, toivards. Construct of ^i? followed by makkepli. (5, 5, a.) ^^n^N* thy God. Suffix state 2 m. s. of D^n"^X pi. with a singular meaning of substantive masc. k!>^^% God. (77.) Accent zak^ph katun, disjunctive, second class, (4, a.) Adverb, compounded of 1^*, tvill, desire, and V=V, ^., and ^, not, if not, unless, whether, not, perhaps, what if. ■inL6^^. nnr nbyi >S-1N, perhaps it shall yield {i. e. if by chance it yield), enemies shall swallow it up. Hos. viii. 7. Accent gcrshayim, double gcresh, disj., fourth class. 3 s. m. fut. Hithpael of riC^J^ to shine, to make shining, to fabricate, to form. Hithjiael to call to mind, to be pro- pitious to. Followed by ^, of the person or thing. (53.) Darga, conjunctive accent. n the def. article with kamets instead of pathach, because N does not admit of dagh. forte. (63.) Methegh before composite sh'va, preceded by a vowel. (93, a.) Nom. pi. of i3'>^^ noun m. God; with article it always signifies the true God. Hoot HpX to adore. Here it is in the pluralis majestatis, sive excellentia , that is, the form is plural for the sake of emphasis, but the sense is singular. (77.) T'bhir, disj. accent, third class. (14, i.) Inscp. prep. 7 with 1 pi. suff. of us, with respect to us, to us. ? is appropriately pointed with sh'va : but like ? and ? before plural pronominal suffixes it usually takes kami'ts. Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (8, a, 2, a.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 29 Cn. I. 126 127 128 129 130 a 131 a 132 133 Vbbsb 6. v'lo (lo) J : i6 I" no-bhe'dh Veese 7. nDi^^i vay-yo-m ru (-) •■noN^ (yo-m'ru') Ish el-re-ghe'-hu (■) (re-ghe'-hu) 131 135 I'khu T J- - : v'nap-pi'-lah T • - (nap-pi'-lah) ] cop. conj. for connecting both words and sentences, ami, even, that, so that. Adverb of negation, not. Sometimes written ^^v. Merkha, conj. accent. (22, b, 2, a.) 1 per. pi. future Kal of verb t<"3, "I?«, fut. "J^N* and (at end of a clause) I?**"' to be lost, to perish, to be destroyed. Silluk with soph pasuk, pause at end of a verse. (10, a.) 1 vav conversive, followed by its proper point pathach, and daghesh forte. (1.) Methegh {\, a. It, a) after a long vowel (cholem) followed by sh'va vocal before tone. 3 pi. fut. mas. of verb N"D, I^X to say. (10, 113.) Accent gershayim, double geresh,disj., fourth class. (121, «.) Nom. s. mas. a man. An anomalous noun. (75.) Munach, conj. accent. (29, a, 2, a.) '^^ const, state of ^'^ prep. to. Ground form H/^. (5.) Makkeph, connecter. (3, b.) 3 sing. m. suff. state of V^., more fully nyT a friend, com- panio7i, neiyhbour, lover. With suffix ''}}'}., IV"!), more fre- quently -inyi, pi. Wyi. Root ny-J to feed a flock, to de- light in. The last point in ground form (Vl) is pathach furtive; a short pathach used for ease and euphony when the word ends with any of the gutturals ^, H, y, preceded by a long A'owel not of the A class. Stuart, § 69. Ges. 22. R'bhiagh, disjunctive accent of third class. (2, a, 11, a.) PL mas. imp. Kal of verb "=l?i7 and v*, to yo, to walk, to yo alony, to follow any manner of life, to go with, to have inter- course with. Fut. 'q^.^ and "^^.'1 (from i>\), imp. "qS, »3^, -ID^, njp7. -137, come now. Inf. abs. ^I?'"?, const, rip?. Pashta, postpositive disjunctive of third class. Kadhma and pashta are same in form ; for distinction, see 2, a. \ copul. conj. with its proper point sh'va. (64, 52, 1.) 1 pi. fut. Hiphil, with H paragogic (149), used as an imperative of verb i"S, ^?3, to fall, inf. ^^}, with sufli.x ">/£?, 30 Cn. Vehse I. 136 a b 137 c 138 a 139 e 140 gho-ra-l6'th (-) T :j" : v'ne-dh'gba'h (ne-dh'gha'h) (-) b'sbel-l'mi' If T IT ha-ru-ghu'h ny-i (rii-gha'b) haz-zu'th (z<->th) nsr THE BOOK OF JONAH. and 1-'?3 (nophlo). Hiph. to cast. The fut., as here, is often used for the imperative : always when 1 or 3 pers. imp. is needed. When excitement or entreaty has to be expressed, the parag. fut. is usually employed. Stuart, 50i,f. Accent munach, conjunctive. (19, a, 2, a, 65, a.) Accus. pi. of masc. subs., but with pi. of fem. form, ^"115, a little stone, a pebble (/cX^pos), used in casting lots, a lot, what falls by lot, an inheritance. Daghesh lene omitted from 3 after a vowel without disj. accent. St. 80, b. Methegh on second syllable before tone. Stuart, 87, e. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (4, a, 2, a.) ] vav copul. conj. with its proper point sh'va. (64, 52, 1.) 1 pi. fut. Kal of verb ^"S, VT to know, fut. VT., once yi:.'!, inf. abs. Vy^\, const. j"iyi. Fut. here used in a subj. sense: that we may know. Literally, and we shall know. In this sense the fut., as here, usually takes the paragogic form. Stuart, § 504, h. Ges. 126. Munach, conj. (19, o, 2, a, 11, a.) Here it has merely the force of methegh, for which it is occasionally a substitute. (1, a.) Zakeph katon which follows is the accent proper. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) The dot in beth is dagh. lene, because preceding vowel is accompanied by disj. accent. (3, a.) ? insep. prepos. by, with, for. -^ contraction for 1*^'^, rel. pron. tv/io, what. f insep. prep, to, of, and '''? interr. pron. who? tvho7n? h'lteraWy, for tvhat of ivhoin? i. e. on whose account, wherefore. (53, 151, 214.) Daghesh forte in ? compensative of 1 in 1t^'^«. T'bhir, disjunctive accent, third class. (2, a.) \} def. artic. with kamets instead of pathach, the half guttural resh not admitting of daghesh forte. (15.) Subs. fern, evil, twelfth dec. from adj. V"!!, fem. nj?"! evil, bad. Hoot ny"i to make a loud noise, to be evil. Methegh on second syllabic before tone, being a simple syllable. (14, «.) Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) D def. art. with its approp. point, followed by dagh. com- pensative for the syncopated lamcdh. (15, 17.) Fem. sing. dem. pron. HT m., HXT f., U com. this: npX pi. com. these. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 81 Cn. Yktise 7. I. b 141 (-) AT la'-nu a (-) 142 'i'??5n a vay-yap-pi'-lu (yap-pi'-lu) b (-) ,143 T 1 go-ra-lo'th 144 a vay-yip-pol (yip-po'l) b 145 a (-) IT hag-go-ra'l Sill T (g5-ral) I 146 a b IT '^ ghal-yO-na'h (■) T e (yo-na'h) Vebse 8. 147 < ; 1 * a vay-yo-m'ru' (yo-m'ru') b (-) e (^) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, «, 11, a.) Insep. prep. ? with first per. pi. pronominal suffix, to tis. Sh'va changed into kamets as 125. Also before monosyllables and barytone dissyllables lamedh takes kamets. Athnach, first class, disj. accent. (2, a.) •I vav conversive. (1, 34.) For -I^^S!, third pi. m. fut. Hiphil of verb i"2, ^23 lo fall. (135.) Hiphil is the causative of Kal, (o cast. Same accent twice ; pashta, disjunctive. Its proper place is on the last letter, but it is repeated on the tone syllable, when that is not the final syllable. (2, a.) Same in every respect as No. 136, except that gimel has daghesh lene after a vowel, because preceding accent is dis- junctive. •1 vav conv. (1, 34.) 3 s. m. fut. Kal of verb T^, ^?3 to fall. The point in S is dagh. compensative for syncopated J. (135, 142.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. (2, a.) •n def. article with its approp. point, followed by dagh. forte, which is compensative for the syncopated lamedh. (15.) Nom. of subst. masc. of second decl., but with pi. of fem. form, a little stone, a lot. (136.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. (2, a.) ^y prep, ztpon. (20.) Makkeph, connecter. (3, b.) Prop, name, Jonah. (6.) Silluk and soph pasuk (10, a). Pause at end of verse. •1 vav conv. (1, 34.) Third pers. pi. fut. m. of verb i^"^, ^^X /o saij. (10, 113, 129.) Methegh after a long vowel followed by sh'va vocal before tone. (1, a.) Mahpakh, conj. accent. (25, a, 2, a.) 32 THE BOOK OF JOXAH. Cn. 1 Vkbse 8. 1. d (-) 148 T •• e-laiV a (-) I (-) 119 JT T !• - hag-gi-dhan-na' a (■) h K3 (na) e (-) d {-t) 150 13^ T la'-nu a (^) 161 ba-iUhe'r a (-) I V "■; (lisher) e 152 1 • : Vr T IT rmi-hi-rii-gbii'h a (-) b (") Asterisk refers to Rabbinical note, whicli gives munach (J instead of mahpakh (^). 7N prep, to, with 3 sing. masc. suffix of the form used with plural nouns. (5.) Asterisk refers to Rabbinical note, where (-^) zakeph katon is given instead of pashta (-^). Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) Sing. m. imp. Hiphil, with H paragogic, of verb i"S, *Ti3 not used in Kal, to be in front, to be in sight. Hiphil "J^^n to bring to light, to sheio, to tell. H— (ah), H paragogic is con- fined mostly to first pers. sing, and plural when connected with the future. Attached to the imp., as here, it gives intensity to the meaning. Ges. 48, 5. Makkeph, connecter. (3, h.) A particle used in humble submissive request : quaeso, / 2)ray thee. The daghesh in nun is conjunctive. It is often inserted in an initial consonant when preceded by an un- accented vowel. Stuart, § 75. Methegh on second syll. before tone, being a simple syll. Stuart, § 90, 7. Munach, conj. accent. (2, a.) Insep. prep. 7 to, with first pi. pronom. suffix. (125.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) ? insep. prep, with dagh. lene, because the preceding long vowel is separated from it by the disj. accent zakeph katon. ?, also ? and f before composite sh'va take corresponding short vowel. Methegh, it is uniformly used before all the comp. sh'vas when they are preceded by a vowel. Rcl. pron. tcho, which, that. (83.) ^P? "^V''^^ o" account of whom, see 138. T'bhir, disj. accent, third class. (2, a.) ? insep. prep, to, of, with its appropriate point. (150, 151.) *P interrogative pron. tcho, of persons, like HD what, of things. (155.) Methegh before makkeph, which makes the connected words one in respect of punctuation and reading. (1, a.) Makkeph, connecter. (3, b, 155, a.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 33 Ch. I. 153 I 154 a 155 b 156 158 Vbrsk 8. nynn T T T (ha-ra-gha'h) (ra-gha'h) (-) (-) haz-zo'th (zoth) la'-nu (-) (-) mam-in'lakh- t'kha' (m'lakh-t'kha') (-) i-j- •• u-me-a-yin |*N0 (me-a'-yin) (-) ta-bho' mah JT y} def. article with kamets instead of pathach, because half guttural resh does not admit of daghesh forte. Subst. fern. evil. (139.) Methegh, on second syllable before tone, being a simple syllable. (149, c.) Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) •D def. article with its approp. point. (15, 17.) Dem. pron. f. sing, this : HJ. m., riNT f., -It com., pi. n?X com. these. (140, a, 216, b.) Tiphcha, disj. accent of second class. (2, ff, 11, a.) Insep. prep. 7 with first pi. pronom. suffix, fo zis. (12.5, 150.) Athnach, disjunctive accent of first class. (2, a.) np interrog. pron. what, used of things, like *0 of persons. (152.) Kamets changed into pathach before makkeph ("). Makkeph makes the connected words one in respect of punctuation and reading ; and generally causes preceding vowel when long to be shortened. (3, b.) Subst. fem. with second per. sing. m. suffix ^. '^^XpP (by a Syriacism for HSXpp) work, service, occupation. Root "H^? to serve, to minister. Daghesh conjunctive in ^. It is often inserted in an initial consonant when preceded by an un- accented vowel. Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, or, 11, a.) •1 cop. conj. oitd, with shurek (19), which it always takes before ^. Adverbial interrogative frotn where, tvhence. Compounded of r? from, and )!>? where, which in this sense occurs only with P prefixed. Munach, conj. accent. (19, h, 2, a.) 2 s. m. fut, Kal of irreg. verb t<13 to come, to enter. Pret. N3, future i^l^'. (39.) Tau has dagh. lenc after silent sh'va implied under preceding |. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) Interrog. pron. used of things, rchat. (155, 152.) Munach, conj. accent. (19, b, 2, a.) 34 THE BOOK OF JONAH. On. J. <• 159 d 160 a 161 Vbhsb 8. ar-tse'-khii (^) )■: • I" : v'e-miz-ze'h (■) (miz-ze'ii) gliam T IT at'-t&h 162 163 (:-) Vbbsb 9. > - vay-yo'-raer ■ION* (yo'-mer) ftlO-he'ni SufRx state sec. per. sing. m. (properly ^V"!^ but sufF. in pause ^t) of Y"^^ the earth, orbis terrarum. Land, country, opposed to heaven. A seglaolate noun, i. e. a noun of two syllables with tone on penult, and furtive vowel in final syllable : ""VIX my land ; with article Xl^^i the land ; ny-]N with n locale, indicating direction towards. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) \ cop. cony, and. ''^ const, state of ''i? interrog. adv., where, what ; with suffix ^3*^ where art thou ? This particle placed before adv. and pron. gives them an interr. sense, just as "IL''X gives them a relative sense. Hence HT *SI who? which? what ? but always (except Ecc. xi. 6) with reference to place. Methegh before makkeph (1, «, 152, d) on second syllable before tone, syllable being simple. Makkeph, connecter. (3, h, 155.) •p for IP from, oltto, (the assimilated nun being repre- sented by dagh. forte,) and HT adverb of place, here. H-JP from here, hence. njP'^X whence ? Cy "^iTP"^^ from what people ? Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) Subst. a people, the human race ; poetically a troop, or herd of animals. Root DpI? to gather together, collect. PI. D^py, const. ""Py, with conj. or lesser disj. accents Oy, and Cy with greater disj. and with article. Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) Pers. pron. 2 sing. mas. thou, orig. form probably HPl^X, dagh. forte in nri5< representing syncop. nun : proper form nriX oxytone ; here made barytone and pathach changed to kamets by the pause accent. Silluk and soph pasiik. (10, a.) Pause at end of verse. •1 vav conv. (1,25,34.) Here it has pathach, and is followed by dagh. forte, its regular pointing. 3 sing. m. fut. Kal of verb ^^"S, ipX to nay, to hring to lujht. Fut. with vav conv. "1PN*1 ; but with conjunct, and lesser disj. accent I^N*!; here accent (— ) is merkha conj. Suffix state third mas. pi. of /'??, const. ??;?, prep. Trpo's, ci5, to, unto, toicardx. Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, n, 11, c/.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 3/ Ch. I. 161 a 165 a 166 16; 108 169 170 171 Verse 9. ghibh-ri' a-no'-lihi T : V : v'eth-y'hO-vii'h (eth) mn" (y'ho-ya'h) elo-he' <•• v: • - T - hash-sha-ma'-yim ■ - T (sha-ma'-yiiB) (-) ^^^^ J' ": aQi b 172 ^^1"^ ya-re' jT r asher-ghfi-sfi'li nb'y T T (gba-sa'li) eth-hay-ya'm Noun m. a Hebrew. Root "l^V to cross, to pass over. "l^y region on other side. Fern. n*")^y a Hebrew woman. Munach, conjunc. accent. (19, b, 2, a.) First personal pron. com. I, more frequently ^J^?. It is properly oxytone ''?J!i^, here made barytone by the pause. Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a.) ] cop. conjunction with sh'va simple, its approp. point. (19,52.) nx with makk. TlS used here as sign of the accus., makkeph (') changes tsere into seghol. (80, 3, b.) Proper name of God. (4.) Accent gershayim or double geresh, disj. accent, fourth class. Construct state plural of D''n7X Gods, deities, divinities. Sing. r\)h^_. Root n^5< to worship, to adore. Cn^^^ always means the true God (77), plur. of excellence. Stuart, 437, 2. Ges. 106. Mahpakh, conjunctive. (25, a, 2, a.) •n def. article with its approp. point, followed by dagh. forte. (145, 15.) Noun pi. m. heaven, the firmament, const, "'ptf. Root n?p^ to be high. Pashta, disjunctive of third class, postpositive, repeated on the tone syllable. (2, a, U, a.) First personal pron. /, less frequently *?3K. (165.) Munach, conj. accent. (19, b, 2, a.) Verbal adj. fearing. Governs case of verb. Root ^i; to fear. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) "itJ'X rel. pron. com. to every gender and number. lie who, thai, xvhich, ivhat. (83.) 3 sing. m. pret. Kal of verb "S gutt. and n"?, to viahe, to produce by labour. Fut. nb^^., apoc. with vav conv. '^T.\. Merkha, conj. accent. (6, a, 2, a.) nx, with makkeph "HS sign of accus., mukkcph (") changes tsere into seghol. (155, 3, b.) 36 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Cu. Vebse 9. I. a T ~ (hay-ya'm) I n; (yam) c (-) 173 "^?1 |T T - - v'eth-hay-yab- ba-sha'h a T T (hay-yab-ba- sha'h) h T T- (yab-ba-sha'h) c C-r) Verse 10. 174 < : 1- - vay-yi-r'Ci' a •i^T'. (yi-r'u') I (-) c (^) 170 177 • T -: IT ka-iiDa-shl'ui ir) * T -; (unu-Bhi'in) JT : yir-fi'h (,'h'(lhu-liVh •n def. article with approp. point, and followed by dagli. forte. (15, 145.) Subst. m. the sea, pi. C'?!, const. "QJ, more rarely "Q!, with suffix nr22 Jer. li. 36, with n parag. H?/^. Root D^^ to make - a noise. The point in ^ is dagh. forte, and indicates that it comes from a root "VV. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. (2, a.) 1 cop. conj. and; TlX sign of accus., (") makkeph, connecter. (166, 166, a.) Makkeph not unfrequently connects three words together, and sometimes even four. •n def. article with its approp. point, followed by dagh. forte. (145, 15.) Adj. fern., m. ^^1, for ^^l that which is dry, la7ul, found only in fern. Root t^?J to be dried up. Silluk with soph pasuk. (10, a.) Pause at end of a verse. '\ vav conv. with its approp. pointing. (1, 25, 34, 162.) 3 p. pi. m. fut. Kal ^"l}^ to fear, to be afraid. An intrans. verb, with final tsere. Future N"!^^.. Piel t^^l to terrify, to put in fear. (70, 253.) Methegh. (1, a, 152, a.) It is employed, as here, after a long vowel next before the tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Mahpakh, conj. accent. (2, a, 167, a.) n def. article with kamets, which it always takes before N, y, and"l. (110,64,57,15.) Mcthcgh (1, a, 152, a), uniformly used, as here, before all comp. sh'vas preceded by a vowel. PI. of subst. t^^N, for tJ'pX, const, '^h^ a man, homo. (75.) Pashti'i, postpos. accent, third class. (155, /;, 2, a, 11, a.) Subst. fem. feai; properly inf with H paragogic of verb «:); to fear. (174, a.) Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, h.) Adj. fem. great: ground form 7113 sometimes ^11. Root ''11 to twist together, to bind together, to be or become Ch. I. 17S i7y a 180 181 182 Vebse 10. (-) vay-yo-in ru' (yo-iu'ru') (-) IT •• e-lai'v (-) maz-zo'th (zoth) (■) nxT (-) 183 T A- ^ gha-si'tha (-r) ^1 : IT 1- ki-ya-dh'ghCi' (-) •lyi^ (yfi-dh'ghu') (-) .(-) • T -: IT hu-ana-ahl'iu (--) THE BOOK OF JONAH. . 37 great. (55.) Gimel rejects dagh. lene, being preceded by a vowel not having a disj. accent. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) •\ vav conv. (1, 34.) 3 pi. m. fut. Kal of verb «"Q, ">^N to say. (10, 11:3, 129.) Methegh, used after the long vowel cholem followed by sh'va vocal before the tone syllable. (174, h.) Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) Prep. ^^ to, with 3 m. s. sufF. of form usually attached to the plural; separately always const. ^^. (5, 108.) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a,\\, a.) Intcrr. pron. HO ivhat, kamets changed into pathach before makkeph. (155, 152.) Makkeph, connecter. (3, h.) The point in -T is daghesh conjunctive. It is often inserted in an initial consonant when cons, is preceded by a vowel not accented. Sing. f. of dem. pron. n.t, HNT, -It this. (140, a, 153, a.) Munach, conj. accent. (2, a.) 2 s. m. pret. Kal of verb "S gutt. and n"7, T\^']3 to do, to make, to produce by labour. (171, ff.) H'^'V nsmo what hast thou done ! an exclamation of horror at Jonah's fleeing from the Lord. Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a.) ''I' causal particle becaicse, with dagh. lene because pre- ceded by a word with disj. accent. Methegh (1, a, 14, a), used as here, on second syllable before tone when it is a simple one. Makkeph, connecter. (3, b, 155, a.) 3 p. pi. pret. of verb ^"S> and "*? gutt. Vi; to know. Fut. VT. once yT.1 to see, to know. Methegh (1, a, 14, a), used, as here, after a long vowel next before tone sjdlable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 10, b.) n dcf. article with kamets, which it always takes before *<, y, and t. (175.) U^y^, pi. of tr\S\ for C'^X a man. (175, b, 75.) ll'bhiagh, disjunctive accent, third class. 38 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. Vkbsb 10. I. 184 185 186 187 a 188 a 189 I- ■ne' (-) ki-mil-liph-ne' (■) (mil-liph-nc') >:^h (Uph-ne') y'ho-va'h hu T (-) bho-re'ach 190 J- hig-gi'dh Itt-he'ra IV T *3 rel. conj. t/tat ; dagh. lene inserted after silent sli'va implied. Methegh (1, a, 14, a), used, as here, on third syllable before tone, the second being a mixed one. Makkeph, connecter. (3, b, 155.) •p for IP when followed by a guttural P, rarely P, pro- perly construct state of the noun IP a part of any thing, going out from any thing, from. Dagh. forte in lamedh represents the assimilated nun. (31.) Prep, before. Compounded of insep. prep. ? and ^P.?, const, plural of C^S the face, the part turned to any one. Root njS to turn to. (32.) Mahpakh, conj. accent. (2, a, 167, a.) Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Pashta, postpos. accent, disjunctive, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) Pron. 3 pers. m, sing, he, and neut. it, pi. Dn, nSH they. Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a.) Participle act. Kal (with pathach furtive) of verb "/ gutt. ni2, fut. n"13^. to pass fhrotiffh, to reach across, to fee, to flee aivay. The bath rejects dagh. lene because preceded by a vowel without a disj. accent. Pathach furtive is a short pathach sounded before its consonant for the sake of ease and euphony when a word ends with n, n, or V preceded by long vowel not of the A class. Stuart, § 09. Gcs. 22. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, r/, 30, a.) Causal particle, because. Dagh. lene inserted in caph, because preceded by an implied silent sh'va. Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) 3 per. sing. m. prct. Pliphil of "133 not used in Kal, to be in front. Hiphil to show, to tell. Dagh. forte in gimel repre- sents the syncopated nun. Tiphcha, disj., second class. (2, a, 11, a.) Inscp. prep. 7 with 3 per. pi. mas. suffix; sh'va exchanged for kamets before pronominal suffixes plural. Silluk with soph pasi'ik. (10, «.) Pause at end of a verse. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 39 Ch. T Vekse 11. X. 191 < : vay-yo-iu'ru' a (-.-) 192 T ■* e-lai'v a (-) 193 niL;vp.'^D mau-ua'-ghaseh a (■) b n'^'yi (na'-ghaseh) c (-) 194 ^i? lakh a (-) 195 phti'i'] v'yish-to'k a priK': (yish-to'k) I (-) 196 IT - hay-ya'm a (-) 197 a-'t I" me-gha-le'-nii a (-) b •iy'?y " T (gha-le'-nu) Vav conv. (1.) and 3 per. pi. mas. fut. Kal of "i^^ to say. (129, 113, 10.) Mahpakh, conj. accent. (2, a.) SufR.K state 3 per. mas. sing, of ^?<, const. ^N to, towards. (163, 179.) Pashta, postpos., disj. accent, third class. (2, o, 11, «, 133, a.) Interr. pron. HD what. Kamets changed into pathach be- fore makkeph (155, 152), which generally causes the preceding vowel when long to be shortened. Makkeph, connecter. (3, b, 155.) 1 per. pi. fut. Kal of verb "3 gutt. and H"^ HL'-y to mahe, to produce hy labour (181, 171, o), nun with dagh. conjunctive. It is often inserted in an initial consonant when preceded by a vowel not accented. (180, a.) Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a, 19, b.) The word is properly oxytone, but the disjunctive accent of the following syllable causes a recession of the conjunctive to the penultimate. SufF. state 2 p. s. m. of insep. prep. /, v, but in pause "1^ to thee. Final caph takes sh'va within it \ (114, 116, 28. Stuart, § 408.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (30, a, 2, a.) \ vav copulative, so that (before an inferential clause). Third p. s. fut. m. Kal pn^ to subside, settle down, be calm, be quiet. Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) •n def. art. with its appropr. point, followed by dagh. forte. (145, 15.) DJ subst. mas. the sea. (172, o, b.) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) P for iP sometimes P prep, utto, from. The final letter is usually represented by dagh. forte; but as the guttural V does not admit of it, chirik is exchanged for tscro. Methcgh (1, a, 14, a), on second syllable before tone, tlic syllable being simple. First pers. pi. suffix state of ^y prep, upon, above, iiri, inrip, super. 40 THE BOOK OF JOXAH. Ch. I. c Vkkse 11. (-X) 198 '? ki a (-) 199 hay-ya'm a (-) 200 l)in ho-le'kh a (-) 201 : "^jt/Pl y'so-ghe'r a (:-) Vbbsk 12. 202 vay-yo'-mer a (-) 203 2^^'7^f ale-he'm a (-) 4 204 T aa-u'-ni a (-) 206 ^iiVom ra-hAti-lu'-ui (-) (h4ti-lu'-ni) (-) Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a.) Rel. causal particle, because, for. (184, 188.) Dagh. lene in caph because preceding word has a disj. accent. Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) •n def. article. DJ subst. m. the sea. (172, a, h, 196.) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) Active participle Kal of "^^n and "H^, fut. V^., ^?.*.l to go, to ivalk, to move. Final caph with sh'va. (194.) ^?^^ expresses continuance in motion. Merkha, conjunctive accent. (2, a.) \ cop. conj. and; "lyo act. part. Kal with vav omitted of "l^D to be violently shaken, as the sea, to be tossed. Silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. (10, a.) •1 conversive (1.) and I^N^ 3 per. s. m. fut. Kal of ""?!? to say. (162, 129, 113, 10.) Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, b.) Suffix state 3 per. pi. m. of prep. 7^? found separately only in construct ^^ to, toicards, tinto. (163.) Disjunctive accent, third class, r'bhiagh. (2, a, 11, a, 214, a.) 2 per. pi. m. imp. Kal, with suff. ''? of verb !"B and **"', ^^5 ^(^ take, to lift zip, fut S^^!. ^? is first per. sing. sufi'. me. Accent pashta, repeated on the tone syllable when that is not the final syllable. (142, b.) Pashta is disj. accent of third class. 1 vav copulative. Sh'va exchanged for pathach, being homogeneous with the composite sh'va which follows. Stuart, § 139, and § 152, b, c. Before composite sh'vas ?, ?, ?, as well as conjunction 1., take the corresponding short vowels. Mt-thegh. (1, a, 14, a.) It is uniformly employed before all comp. sh'vas when preceded by a vowel. 2 per. pi. m. imp. Hiphil of verb V'y, ^ID unused in Kal. Hiphil ?^pn to throw down, to prostrate, to cast. (53, 79.) Kibbuts, used instead of vav and shurek -1 : and first p. sing, suffix '} me. (204.) Mum'ich, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, b.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 41 Cn. T Veese 12. 1.. 206 T ~ el-hay-ya'm a D»n (hay-ya'm) b T (yam) c (-^) 207 p^^!'l v'yish-to'k a PP.p'"'. (yish-to'k) b (-) 208 hay-ya'm a (-r) 209 (SV "^ 1'- ine-gliaie-khe'in a (^) b D?'!?y (ghale-khe'ii) c (^) 210 "•S ki a (^) 211 Ji^?^ yo-dhe'igh a (-) 212 • T a'-ni a (^) 213 ^2 J* ki a (-) '^^ const, state, with makkeph, of prep, p^ to, into, towards. (5, 108, 163, 120.) •lI def. article with its appropriate point, followed by dagh. forte. (145, 15.) Subst. m. the sea. (172, a, b, 196.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) 1 cop. conj. and, with its appropr. point. 3 per. sing. fut. m. Kal pn^ to subside, settle down, be quiet. (195, a.) Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a, 195, b.) •n def. art. (196) and DJ the sea. (206, a, 145, 15.) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, «, 11, a.) P prep, for iP sometimes P from. The final letter | is usually represented by dagh. forte ; but as V (gutt.) does not admit of it, chirik is exchanged for tsere. (197.) Methegh. (1, «, 14, a.) It is used before all comp. sh'vas preceded by a vowel. Prep, ^'i (construct vJ^) upon, with second per. pi. m. suffix 03''" fi'om upon you. (20.) Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a.) E,el. causal particle, because, since, fur. Dagh. lenc in caph because preceded by impUed silent sh'va. (198, 184, 188.) Y'thibh, prepos., disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) Active part. Kal of verb *"2 and "^ gutt. VX to knoiv. The pathach is furtive, used for ease and euphony when a word ends with 7\, n, or V, preceded by long vowel not of the A class. (187.) Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a, 19, b.) Pers. pron. first per. s. *3i^ (but with distinctive accent *JX) also '?3S ; knoiving am I, I knoiv. Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) llel. causal particle, ybr, because, that. Dagh. lene in caph after a vosvel, because preceding word has a disj. accent. (198.) Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. 1 Vbbse 12. 1. 214 ^^y^7 bh'8hel-li' a (-) 215 "!>^pD has-sa'-ghar a (-) 216 ■J T ~ hag-gii-dho'l a (-) I 'll'"^ haz-ze'h e (-) 217 * '^?M ghale-kbe'm a (:-) Vkbsb 13. 218 nnnn vay-yach-t'ru' a (-) 21» • T -: IT hu-uDa-aUi'iii u (-r) • T ~; (Aaii-ah'i'iii) I (-) 220 ■J- T : I'bu-tthi'bh V. prep. upon. (197, h, 209, h.) Silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. (10, «.) •\ vav conversive (1.) and '^~^7\'^\ 3 per. pi. mas. fut. Kal of verb "3 gutt. inn, fut. '^7\V\\ to brealc or dig through., to break through the waves in rowing, to roio. (53.) The dagh. lene in tau because preceded by silent sh'va. Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a.) n def. article with pathach changed to kamets, which it always takes before i<, 1?, and "1. (110, 64, a, 57, 15, 175.) Mt'thegh on second syllable before tone, when it is a simple one. (1, a, 14, a, 197, a, 184, a.) Plural of ^'^, for C^'.^X « man. (175, b, 75.) R'bhiagh, disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 214, a.) ^ insep. prepos. (194, 190, 150.) Const, inf. Hiphil of verb V'V, IXC to turn, to reltirn, inf. ubs. n-IK', future 3i:j'J, apoc. and conv. 2^1, 2t?'^»1. Hiphil 3'P'n to cause to return, to bring back, to restore. T'bhir, disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 216, a.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 43 Ch. 1 Verse 13. 1. 221 ■% IT T el-hay-yab-bfi- sha'h a T T ~ (yab-ba-sha'h) b (-) 222 J ; v*l6 a (-) 223 A T ya-kho'-lu. a 224 J- a (-) 225 T ~ 226 hay-ya'm ho-le'kh 227 "^^.bl v'so-ghe'r 228 ♦ DD^*^^ ghale-he'm Vebse 14. 229 ixnpn a vay-jik-r'u' (-) 230 el-y'ho-va'h a T b (y'lio-va'h) 231 : 1 - vay-yo-m'ru' (-) '^'^ construct state of prep. ^^ to, toicards (5, 108, 1G3, 179), almost always with makkeph. (155, 173.) -n Jef. article. (15, 145.) Adj. fern., only found in fern.; ^"^1 for t-'nj that which is dry, dry land opposed to sea. Root C^^J to be dried up. Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) \ conj. hut; N? adv. of negation not. Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, h.) 3 per. pi. prct. Kal of verb '"'2, ?3J to he ahle. -1^3^ by pause becomes -v^J. Fut. 73V, properly fut. Hophal, to be made able. Dagh. lene omitted from caph after long vowel. Athnach, disj. accent, first class. Rel. causal particle,_/or, 5ec««se. (213.) Dagh. lene inserted in caph after a long vowel, being separated by disj. accent. Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, h.) •D def. article. DJ subst. m. the sea. Same as 199. Ac- cent zakeph katon, disj. Active part. Kal of verb ^i^ and "^1. Same as 200. Accent merkha, conj. \ cop. conj. and ; active part. IJ^P Kal with vav omitted, of "lyo to b^e tossed. Same as 201. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive. 3 p. pi. m. suffix state of ^i? prep, itpon. (217.) Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •\ conversive (1.) and •1^^"1|P* 3 per. pi. m. fut. Kal of verb ^"^, ^"p,, fut. Nnp*. to cry out, to call. Accent kadhma, conjunctive. (42, a, 2, a.) "?^ const, state of prep. ^?< followed by makkeph (5), to, toicards. Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent geresh, disj., fourth class. (2, a, 11, a.) ■\ vav conv. (1.) and -lipx* 3 per. pi. mas. fut. Kal of verb N"S, ncx to say. (10, 113, 129.) Methegh (1, «, 14, a), after a long vowel (cholcm) before tone syllable and followed by sh'va vocal. 44 THE BOOK OF JOXAH. Ch. I. h 232 233 231 235 Vebsb 14. an-aa'h (-) .13 ^^ (-) (-) mn^ y'hO-va'h al-na' h 230 (na) (-) •I : I nO-bh'dha'h (-) (-) b'ne'-phesh rC3 (no'-pbosh) (-J Accent r'bhiagh, disjunctive, third class, (2, a, 11, a, 214, a.) Interjection of entreaty, same as ^3^?J compounded of I^^ and W qiioiso! ah, I pray. Mahpakh, conj. accent. (2, a.) The asterisk refers to Rabbinic note, where instead of nSX it is accented nsx, which is the reading of the text in some editions. Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Pashta, postpositive, disj. accent. (2, a, 11, a, 133, a.) /^ a word possessing negative power like N?, N?? ^'^^l composites V, ^.r, '.?. Here it seems to be an adverb of prohibiting, dehorting, deprecating, wishing that something may not be done. In petitions ^3 is added, ^^J? ^J'^!!? let there not be now, Gen. xiii. 8. i<5'75< [do) not, I pray. Makkeph, connecter. (3, h, 155.) A particle used in submissive and modest request. Now, as a word of entreaty. "'J"!^^? in^. i^J"^*!? let not the Lord be angry. Gen. xviii. 32. Munich, conjunctive accent. (2, a, 19, Zi.) First per. pi. fut. Kal of verb N"S, n3X, fut. 1?N> to be lost, to lose oneself, to perish, to be destroyed. The paragogic n— draws forward accent, shortens preceding syllable, and intensifies the meaning. Stuart, § 206, 207. Methcgh after a long vowel next before tone syllable, followed by sh'va vocal. (174, b.) R'bhiugh, disj. accent, third class. (2, a, 214, a.) ? insep. prep, on account of. Dagh. lene inserted in both after a vowel, because preceding word has a disjunctive accent. Noun fern, of the segholate form A class (Stuart, § 356), pi. n^:^'D?, once D'V'S3, with suffix VP^ the breath, the life, the soul, the mind. A seyholate is a noun of two syllables with tone on the penult, and furtive vowel in final syllable. Accent pashta, postpositive disjunctive, repeated on the tone syllabic. (201, a, 142, b.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 45 Ch. I. 237 238 d 239 240 211 2-12 Vebse 11. ha-i'8h (ish) J- T hass-ze'b \ I- ■ - : v'al-tit-te'n \T\T\ (tit-te'n) (-) ;hale'-nu dim {-r) na-ki' JT kl-at-ta'h (at-ta'h) y'hO-va'h (■) nnx T - (-) T : y} def. article with kamets instead of puthach, because aleph does not admit dagh. forte. (219.) Subst. m. a man, vir. (175, b, 75.) Munach, conj. accent. (2, a, 19, h.) •n def. article HT demon, pron. this. (216, h, 140, a, h.) Ac- cent zakeph katon, disj., second class. \ cop. conj. and ; "?St neg, particle not (234), followed by makkeph. The first tau has dagh. lene after silent sh'va implied under lamedh ; the second tau has dagh. forte, the initial nun of the ground form being assimilated. Sec. per. sing. m. fut. Kal of verb i"S, inj to give, set, place, lay. Fut. 1^', '1^\ imp. I^l, with H paragogic njPl. Merkha, conjunctive accent. (2, a.) First per. plural suffix state of prep. ^V above, upon. (20, 209, b, 197, 5.) Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, «.) Subst. mas. blood, const. 0*^, with suff. 10*1 ]iis blood, 059"^. your blood. Root DO'I to be silent, still, cease, leave off". Dagh. lene in daleth because of preceding disjunctive. Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a, 19, 5.) Adj. ''I'PJ pure, innocent, free from Maine. PI. D''!i?J. The small circle over the aleph refers to the ^")i? (i. e. read) which pronounces the aleph to be redundant. Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, a.) "•S relative causal particle, for, because, that. Dagh. lene in caph, because preceding word has a disj. accent. (198.) Makkeph, connecter. (3,i, 173.) Makkeph may be called a conjunctive accent sui generis. In most cases it supplies the place of an ordinary conjunctive. 2 personal pron. s. m. thou. PI. ^7]^ ye. The dagh. forte in each case represents a syncopated nun, orig. form pro- bably nri|)X with dagh. lene. Munach, conjunctive accent. (2, a, 19, b.) Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) 46 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. I. 243 Ybbsb 14. ka-&she'r a "it^^: (Ssher) b (-) 241 T : V- T chii-pha'ls-la a (-) 245 in^t^i: gha-8i'-tha a (:-) Veesk 15. 246 li^j^^n vay.yis-u' a (-) 217 T eth-yOna'h a (•) b n3V T (yu-nu'h) e _(-^) 218 V: • : - T»-y'ti-lu'-hu a •in^p> (y'ti-lu'-hu) b (-) 219 AT - cl-h«jr.ytt'm 3 insep. prep. 3 accordim/ to, after, secundum, Kara. Be- fore comp. sli"va it takes corresponding short vowel, here pathach. Dagh. lene in caph, because preceding word has a disj. accent. Rel. pron. tcho, ickicJi, that ; or "l'^'^?3 may be regarded as a comparative conjunction, according as. Ges. 152. Merkha, conjunctive accent. (2, «.) 2 p. sing. m. pret. Kal of verb "3 gutt. fSH, fut. V^^^j and "Sn* to bend, to curve, to tcill, to desire, to icish; thou hast willed. Dagh. lene in tau, because preceded by silent sh'va. Tiphcha, disj. accent, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) Second p. sing. m. pret. Kal of verb "Q gutt. and n"7, il'C'V to work, to labour, to make, to do. (171, a, 181.) Silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. (10, a.) •1 vav conv. (1.) and -IXtf*! third p. pi. m. fut. Kal of verb l"3 and N'6, Nbj, inf. abs. Nib3, fut. N^! to take up, to lift up. ^ without dagh. compens. often omitted before sh'va. Pashta, disj., postpos. accent, third class. (2, a, 11, a.) "ri^ with makkeph. Here used as sign of the accusative. Ground form riX, makk. changing tsere into scghol. Makkeph, connecter. (3, a, 241, a.) Proper name, Jonah. (6.) Zakeph katon, disj. accent, second class. (2, a.) \ convcrsive. (1.) The preformative of the word having sh'va, dagh. forte is not inserted ; but it is implied. (1.) Third p. pi. m. fut. Hiphil (with kibbuts instead of vav and shurek ; and third sing. mas. suffix -IH) of verb VT, P-ltO unused in Kal. Hiphil '?''tpn to throiv down at length, to prostrate, throw, cast out. Fut. ^^PJ, pi. •l'?''P;. The suffix draws accent forward, and the initial vowel falls away. (53.) Yodh of the long chirik is here omitted. (78.) Ges. 8, 4. Tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. (2, a, 11, a.) ■^"^ construct state of prep. ?X to, toivards, into, in, cis. (5, 179.) THE ROOK OF JONAH. 47 Cn. 1. u Vbbse 15. (■) h D^'n c (hay-ya'm) 250 •^'?m vay-ya-ghanioMli a 'ibv: (ya-gh3.m6'dh) b (-) 251 a hay-ya'm 252 IlSi/tP miz-zagh-p6' a isyr (zagh-p6') b (:-) 253 254 J 255 256 a 257 Vekse 16. s : !• - vay-yi-r u' (t) ■J' T -: IT ha-ana-shi'm (ana-shi'm) (-) jT : ■ yir-a'h (-r) gh'dho-lu'h (-) AT : eth-y'ho-va'h Makkeph, connecter (3, rt, 241, a), shortens preceding vowel. •n def. article. DJ the sea. (199, 225.) Athnach, disj. accent, first class. (2, «.) •\ conversive. (1.) Methegli uniformly inserted before all comp. sh'vas preceded by a vowel. 3 per. sing. ni. fut. Kal of verb "3 gutt. 'TPV ^^ stand, to stand still, to desist, to cease. Merkha, conj. accent. (2, a.) •n def. article. DJ the sea. Same as 249, b. (199, 225.) Tipliclia, disj. accent, second class. •p for }P sometimes ^ prepos. from. (197, 209.) Dagh. f6rte compensates for syncopated nun. Third person sing. m. suff. state of subst. m. ^Vt anger, rage ; his or its rage ; a segh. noun of A class. Stuart, § 359. Silluk with soph pasuk. Pause accent at end of verse. (10, a.) '\ vav conversive. -li^l^l 3 per. pi. m. fut. Kal of verb *"S and X"^, i'v^ fern, with masc. termination. Accent merkha, con- junctive. PI. of subst. m. D"V a day, with suff. ^PV, ^tfV. Dual D^pv two days, pi. CPJ (as if from sing. DJ), construct *9*. Accent tlphcha, disjunctive, second class. ■1 a form of vav conjunctive. Before sh'va vocal cither simple or composite standing under a letter not a guttural, and also before beth, mem, or pe, vav takes shurck. Stuart, 152, c, 4. T\&7^ num. adj. m. three. Accent merkha, conj. 5 50 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. II. 271 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 Vbbsb 1. : n^h^b le-16'th Vbbsb 2. J" - : • - vay-jrith-pal-le'l T yo-naTi IT : el-y'ho-va'h AT v; flo-hai'v ^X^^D mim-m'gbe' IT T - had-da-ghu'h Vbbsb 3. VBy-yo'-nier t't ka-ra'-tbi T j-X • mitK-tta'-ruh Plural of subst. ^v niffht, used frequently with H para- gogic n).'^'^ which properly signifies, by night. But it is used for the night time, and night. In pause n7''7. Root, pro- bably w. Accents silliik with soph pasuk. Pause accent at end of verse. (10, a.) •1 vav conv. fl.) ^.^sn"! 3 per. sing. m. fut. Hithpael of verb "VV, ^^3 not used in Kal. Piel, to judge. Hithpael, fo intercede, supplicate, j)ray to, specially to God. Generally followed by '?^. Accent munach, conjunctive. Proper name, /o?««A. (6,247.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. ■"PX const, state of prep. ^^ to. (5, 179.) njn* pr. name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Plural, with third m. s. pron. suffix (V-) of ^y>^. God. Root n^X to worship, adore. Cl"'npxn the true God. Generally construed with verbs and adjectives in the singular. Plural used in singular sense for the sake of emphasis : called pluralis majestatis vel excellenticB. (77, 167.) '^'^w^^. ^"■s God. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •p for IP when followed by guttural "Q from, properly construct state of noun IP a part of any thing. It implies the idea of going out from any thing, of which that going out formed part, n*P, ''TP, ^?P. 'J^P const, state of plural D'VP intestines, belly, womb. (270.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. •n def. article, nn fcm. of subst. H a fsh, const. riJl. (264.) Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •1 conv. (1.) "l^N^ 3 p. sing. m. fut. Kal of verb N"Q, "ipj;? to say. (10, 113, 129.) Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. First p. s. pret. Kal of verb N"*?, ^1?^ to cry otit. ^^ N*"Ji5 to cry to any one, to call on, to invoke, fut. N"Jp*. Accent t'lisha gh'dholuh, disj., and prepositive, fourth class. •p for IP from, on account of. (279.) nnx subst. fern. adversary, enemy, distress (masc. "'V). Root "'l^* to press, to oppress. Accent mcrkha, conjunctive. The asterisk refers to Rabbinical note indicating that the tone is on the penult and not on the ultimate, that the word is not PlpP from Ch. II. 281 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 Veese 3. ■J' el-y'ho-va'h •A"'=^:i-- vay-ya-ghane'-ni vs mib-be'-ten '7ii^*r sh'ol 292 293 shiv-Ta'gh-ti T T J- T sha-ma'gh-tii :'''7ip ko-li' Vekse 4. •V • : - - vat-tash-li-khe'-ni rh^')^l2 ni'tau-la'h THE BOOK OF JONAH. 51 below, but ^^IP'Q from above. Stuart, § 99, note. A conj. accent usually recedes in this way to avoid contact with a following accented syllable. Insep. prep. ? with first pers. sing, suffix to me, i. e. my. Accent t'bhir, disj., third class. '^^ const, state of prep. ^^ to. (5, 277.) '"I'p*. prop, name, Jehovah. (4, 277.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. •\ conversive. (1.) ^^I.?!?! 3 sing. m. fut. Kal of verb "2 gutt. and n"7, njy to sing, to testify, to lift up the voice, to begin to sjjeak, to anstver ; with first pers. sing, suffix ''?~. Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •D for IP prep. from. (279.) tt?3 subst. fern, helly, tvumb. "^Pr^ 13 son of my womb. Root IP? to be empty, to be hollow. Accent darga, conjunctive. And ?X^ orcus, hades, a subterranean place full of thick darkness, in which the shades of the dead are gathered together. Hell, limhiis Patrum. Probably VlN^ is for ^W^ a hollow : a hollow • and subterr. place, from /^jSK' same as ^y^ to be hollow. VlX^ l^ap out of the womb of the nether world. Accent t'bhir, disj., third class. First p. sing. pret. Piel of Vl^ same as yit^* not used in Kal. Piel VIB' to ask for aid, to implore help. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Second p. sing. m. pret. Kal of verb "^ guttural 1?P'^ and Vty^ to hear, to listen, to attend to any person or thing. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Suffix state first person sing, of subst. m. ?ip, pi. Hvip and rivp the voice, whether of animals or men. Accents silluk with soph pasiik. Pause at end of verse. •\ vav conversive. (1.) ^??vV'^!l second p. sing. m. fut. Hiphil, with first pers. sing, suffix *3t of verb ^2^, not used in Kal. Hiphil, to cast, to throiv off, to cast about, to cast aicay. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. Subst. f. the depth of the sea, abyss. Root -'IV to be sunk, which is akin to T>^ to be rolled down. Noun here Ls in accus. of place. (Stuart, 428, 3, and note.) Accent pashta, disjunctive, third class. 52 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. II. 294 Tbbse 4. j~ : * bil-bha'bh 205 296 D''^^ yam-ml m V.T T : v'na-ha'r 297 298 ■A" : I : y'sO-bh'bhe'-ni kol-miih-ba-re'- kba 800 ' vv - : v'gbal-lo'-kbu ^bv Kbo-lai' 3 insep. prep. Before sli'va simple it takes short chirik. (266.) Dagh. lene in beth after a vowel, because preceding word has a disj. accent. 2?? construct state of 337 (same as ^b) subst. f. the heart, the soul, the life, the middle part, the midst, with sufF. *??^, Q???^ pi. J^l^?^. Root 32^ to be hollow: to be fat. Accent munach, conj. Plural of subst. m. D* the sea. (172, b.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. 1 cop. conj. and. (1.) "li^3 subst. mas. a stream, a floicing. 'J!12D^. "in^l and the flowing (of the sea) surrounds me. Const, in?, pi. Q^n^, const, ''in?, also found m. J^'ll^?, const. ni"iri3, dual nnn?. t^'-n ''in.3 the rivers of Ethiopia. Root in3 to flow together. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. Third per. sing. m. fut. Poel, with first per. sing. sufi". ''}— of verb "VV, 3nD to turn oneself. Future 20* and nb». Poel 3|11D to surrotind, fut. 3?D;. IMethegh after long vowel next before tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Athnach disj. accent, first class. • v? (kol), Vs followed by makkeph becomes ?3 (kol), the vowel being kamets chatuph, or short o, all, omnes, totus, the totality of any thing. Daghesh lene in caph after a vowel at end of word having a disj. accent. ^^laC'p pi. of ■)3P'P, but found only in plural, leaves hrohen on the shore, breakers, with second per. sing. mas. suffix I^t, D^/*1?^'P the waves of the sea. Root 1?^* to break. Accent merkha, conjunctive. 1. cop. conj. and. (1.) "T?.^ plural with 2 sing. m. suff". Tt of ^5, pi. whl. (Root ^.^1 to roll.) A heap of stones : in plural heaps, ruins, waves. Dagh. lene rejected by gimel, being preceded by vocal sh'va. Dagh. forte in lamedh indicating that it comes from a root "VV. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. ?y prep, npoti, with first p. sing. suff*. used with plural nouns, upon me. Stuart, § 407, b. Pathach changed for kamets, the syllable becoming simple. Poetical construct \?y.; with suffix *^V, 1'^V, °?'-^y- (20.) Accent merkha, conj. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 53 Ch. II. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 Versb 4. a-mar'-ti nig-ra'sh-ti V jV • min-ne'-ghedk ghe-ne'-kha akh ^S T?i^ 6-8"i'ph I'hab-bi't L-l-he-kha'l Properly -lisy sh'va changed to kamets by the pause accent ; third p. plur. pret. Kal of 1?y to pass over, fut. "^^V.!. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. 1 vav cop. (1.) Before comp. sh'va it takes the cor- responding short vowel. *J^^ first personal pronoun /, less frequently ""^JX. (165.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Methegh is used before all comp. sh'vas preceded by a vowel. First p. sing. pret. Kal of verb ii"Q, "i^^ io say, to bring to light. (10, 129.) Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. First p. sing. pret. Niphal of verb ti'l^ to drive, to thrust, to expel. Niphal, to be expelled. Accent tiphcha, disjunc- tive, second class. •p prep, for VP from. ^.^^ properly a subst. the front part : the side of any thing next the spectator. Often used as a preposition, in presence of. "'.5?-^ from before. Accent munach, conjunctive. Dual, with second per. sing. m. sufRx, of sub. f. VJi an eye. Const, ry, with suffix ''Tt, iJ^y. Cual D:J'y.. AIso a fountain from its resemblance to an eye. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. An adverb of exception, only, but. Shortened from \'^!^, from root 1-13 to set up, to constitute. Accent y'thibh, pre- positive, disj., third class. First p. sing. fut. Hiphil of verb *"S, ^IPJ to add. Future Hiphil fl^pV, apoc. ^P'l\ with vav conv. ^9*^ to add, to do any thing, to do something again. Accent munach, con- junctive. Insep. prep. 7 to. t^''?!!' infinitive construct Hiphil of verb I"Q, D3J not used in Kal. Piel 123?. Hiphil t3^3n to look, to behold. The dagh. forte in beth represents the syncopated nun. Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive of second class. "^^ const, state with makkeph of prep. ''?? to, unto, towards irpos, CIS. (5, 108.) 7?"'n construct state of 73*'!? subst. com. a large and magnificent building, a palace, a temple. Root ?3J same as ^"13 to be capacious, to be spacious, njn^. /'D^n the palace of Jehovah, the temple in Jerusalem. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. 54 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. II. 311 312 313 314 815 916 317 818 Vbbsb 5. ^W\l kodh-sbe'-kha Vebse 6. < T -: upha-phu'-ui D"^D ma'-yim ghadh-ne'-pheah Dinn t'ho'm •A" : I : y'so-bh'bhu'm •uph T9 t^'Un ch&-bbu'ib Second per. sing. masc. suffix state of subst. C^'"^2, once t^^^P holiness, with suffix VIP, (kodhshi), Wy, the latter sh'va of which is here changed to seghol by the pause accent, pi. CP'"]!^ (kodhashim), and ^VlPr, (kodhashim), with article nV'}l^n (hakkodashim), with prefix n^li^^, D^C^li^^. VIP, D^ name of my holiness, Hebrew idiom for my holy name. V-fp^ -in my holy mountain. VIP, \^^ my holy oil. "^flp, nn Spirit of thy holiness, thy Holy Spirit, ^"^.p \5^^? gems (precious stones) of holiness, holy gems. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. Third p. pi. pret. Kal with first p. sing. sufF. ''3 of verb "yy, P]?? (o surround (kindred to 2?9), only used poetically. Accent mahpakh, conj. Plural of subst. m. "'^ ivater, but only used in the plural; const. ^^. Sometimes found in doubled form ""P^^. Accent pashta, postpositive disjunctive, repeated on the tone syllable. (236, h.) "*iy prep, to, even to, with makkeph, connecter. (3, b.) ^??. segholate subst. fem. of A class : hfeath, life, soul, mind. (236, a.) Root ti'33 to take breath. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. Plural mDnJil com. a poetical word signifying water making a noise, in commotion, a loave. Root QIH to put in motion, to disturb. ^^Tlp DinJjT?i< Dinri wave calleth unto wave. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. Dagh. lene in tau, because preceded by silent sh'va implied. Third pers. sing. mas. fut. Pocl of 3?? fo surroimd, with first pers. s. suff. *?— (297.) Methegh after long vowel next before tone, and followed by vocal sh'va. Accent athnach, disj., first class. Subst. m. a rush, a reed, sea iveed. 5|iD"D* the weedy sea, the Arabian gulf which abounds in sea weeds. Accent tiphchi, disj., second class. Pass, participle Kal of verb "B guttural tJ'?n, fut. K^3n», once t^'2^^* to hind, to bind on, to bind about ; followed by ?, 'E'Xlp ti'Un ci-ID the sea weed is bound, about my head, as if my turban. Accent merkha, conjunctive. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 55 Versb 6. I'ro-shi' Veuse 7. rkit3-bliu '^nvp'? Dnn ha-ri'm ya^ra'dh-ti ha-a'-rets )Tn-i3 b'ri-che'-ha bha-ghiidlii' nhwh I'gho-lii'm bvn^ " S" - vat-ta'-L'hal - .J- . niish-ska'-chath / insep. prep, to, iinto, towards, about. ^II'NI first pers. sing, suffix and subst. m. J^'NI (for ^f^), pi. D^t^'X") (for D"j'Xl) a head, whatever is highest or supreme, a prince of the people, x^ccents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. / insep. prep, to, unto., toioards. ^?yi? const, pi. of segholate noun m. E class, (St. p. 264, § 359. Ges. 91,) ^^'i^ /o»-m, shape, prob. roots or ends. Q^in ^^VP? to the roots (ends) of the mountains. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. Plural of subst. i^as. "in a mountain, a mountain tract of country; with the article '^\}\}, with H locale ^"y}, const, pi. nn. D''n?Xn "in the mount of God. Accent pashta,, postpos., disjunctive, third class. First pers. sing. pret. Kal of verb *"S, IT to go down, to descend, fut. ^X i;?.^!, imp. 1^, r\-\\ inf. abs. ni^, const, nnn. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. n def. art. "H with pathach lengthened into kamets, be- cause aleph does not admit dagh. forte. ^"J^ segholate noun com. of A class, (Stuart, § 359), fTi5< earth; with article the former seghol becomes kamets ; with suffix ^V7^» with n locale '"1^"}^ earthward. Accent t'bhir, disj., third class. 3 per. fern. sing, suffix state (CV) of P^- ^'"C'^li^, sing. n''"}2, subst. m. a cross beam, a bar, a bolt. Dagh. lene in beth after implied silent sh'va. Yodh of long chirik omitted. Accent merkha, conjunctive. iy? and "ly? prep, denoting nearness ; hj, behind, after, round about, with first pers. sing, suffix. Dagh. lene omitted from beth, because preceded by a vowel not having a disj. accent. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. ? insep. prep. to. D/W, sometimes Dpy what is hidden. (Root Q?y to hide.) Specially hidden time. The beginning or end of what is uncertain, or not defined, eternity, perpettiift/. DPiyo of old, from the most ancient times. ^/W to eternity, for ever. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •1 vav conv. (1.) ?J?JII 2 per. s. m. fut. apoc. Hiphil of verb "s gutt. and n'6, rhv, fut. nby^ Hiphil nbyn, fut. rhv; to cause to yo up. Accent darga, conjunctive. •P prep, for iP from. (305.) T\n^ subst. f. a pit, the sepulchre, destruction. Onn;^ their destruction. J^n??' 1"!!^ to go down to the grave. Accent t'bhir, disj., third class. 56 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. II. 329 330 331 332 333 334 336 336 337 338 Yebsb 7. •,^n chay-yai' ni.T ^T : y'ho-va'h do-hai' Vebse 8. I <•• - : • : b'hith-ghat-te'ph 'IP, gha-lai' >U;^2 naph-shi' V.T : eth-y'ho-va'h :att zo-khu'r-ti \ T - vat-tu-bho' t'?^ e-le'-khi T t'phil-lu-thi First pers. sing, suffix state of D^D, once )''*n plur. of *D used in singular sense, life. D\*n n-l"! the breath of life. D-^n yv the tree of life. Q^^D nnx the way of life. Accent tijjhcha, disjunctive, second class. Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. First pers. sing, suffix state of Cn?^. pi. of iB"!^^. God ; used as plia-alis excellentice. The suffix is ''t, but pathach is changed into kamets, being in pause. (278, 167, 77.) Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. 3 insep. prep, with dagh. lene which is always placed in aspirate beginning chap, or verse. ^??yi!in inf. const, (used as a noun) Hithpael of verb "3 gutt. ^py, fut. ^1^^! to cover, to cover over, to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to faint. Hithpael, to languish, to faint. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. First p. sing. suff. state of prep. ?y iqjon me. (20.) Ac- cent pashta, disj., postpositive of third class. Suff. state first p. sing, of scgholate noun of A class, ^^}, breath, soul, life, my soul, my life. (236, a.) Accent zakc'ph katon, disjunctive of second class. 'T\^ with makkeph, for riX sign of the accus. Makkeph changes tsere into seghol. (247.) nilT; proper name, Jeho- vah. (4.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. First pers. sing. pret. Kal of "ipT, fut. "IBT"; to remember, to recollect, to contemplate, to call back to memory. Pathach of proper form changed into kamets by the pause accent, athnach, disjunctive, first class. ■\ vav conversive. (1.) Ninn third per. sing. fem. fut. Kal of Ni3 to come, often followed by ^N, pret. N3, fut. ^<■n;, Nh*l. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. Second pers. sing, suffix state of prep. 7S to, towards. (5, 108.) Accent pashta, postpositive disjunctive, third class, repeated on the tone syllable. (108, h.) First pers. sing, suffix state of n?pj|l subst. fcm. intercession, supplication, prayer. Hoot ^yS. Dagh. lene in tau next after a vowel at end of word with disjunctive accent. Dagh. forte in ? indicates derivation from a verb "VV. Accent /ak('-ph katon, disj., second class. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 57 Ch. II. 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Verse 8. V.- el-hc-kha'l kodh-3he'-kha Veese 9. <.• : - : m'sham-m'ri'm habh-le-aha'v Dion chas-da'm nni;;"^ ya-ghazo'-bbu Vebse 10. ^:ii^i '^^ const, state with makkeph of prep. ?^? to. ''?"*n construct state of ?3''n subst. com. a temple. (310.) Accent tiphchu, disjunctive, second class. Suffix state of t^lp, once tJ*"l.'lp holiness, tvhat is holy : with second per. sing. suff. 'It changed into "Ht by the pause accent ; " the temple of thy holiness," i. e. thy holy temple. (311.) Accent silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. '7ipn b'kol Plural Piel participle of verb "^tp^, fut. ibp*. to keep, to watch, to guard. Piel, to ivorship (those worshipping). Ac- cent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. "''??lI const, pi. (with makkeph, connecter) of segh. noun A class, 75? breath, breathing, something vain, empty (Abel). Specially used of idols as A'ain and impotent; N1t?> v^iD vain idols ; with suffix V^O^ P^- ^V?^. ^)^ subst. m. of a form properly segholate, but with furtive seghol neglected as in 9^P (kosht.) (Root t^lC') evil, wickedness, iniquity, falsehood, a lie, emjytiness, vanity, nothingness. The ^ is otiant here : in otio. It is not movable (sounded), nor does it coalesce with the preceding vowel, being preceded by silent sh'va. Stuart, § 57. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. "ion segholate noun of A class (St. § 359; Ges. 91) with 3 p. pi. mas. suffix !3~ desire, ardour, love, kindness, mercy. In pause ^D^, with suff. "•'^pn. Plural OnDD, const. ''Ipn. Root "Ipn to be eager, to be ardent, to love, to desire. Ac- cent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. 3 p. pi. fut. m. Kal of verb "S gutt. 2t^, fut. 2Ty^ to loose bands, to let go, to leave, desert, forsake. M6thegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. 1 vav conjunctive, or continuative, and, but. It changes its usual sh'va into corresponding short vowel before comp. sh'va. Mt'thcgh before compound sh'va preceded by a vowel. ''?*?. often *?i^ pers. pron. /. Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. 3 inscp. preposition at, in, witli, by. Dagh. lene in beth after a vowel separated by disjunctive accent. ^1p const, of subst. mas. ^'"ip Me ro/ce, pi. niVlp and ni'rp. (291.) Ac- cent mahpakh, conjunctive. 58 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Vebsb 10. nDT) to-dha'h ■nnats 1^ ez-b'chal-la'kh Td;i^ lisher ^nni: na-dha'r-ti T A" - -; ishal-le'-mah y'shu-gliii'-thah : niT^ lai-hO-Ta'h Vbrbk 11. J - ray-yo'-niLT ni.T y'ho-va'li jn"? lad-du'ifh Subst. f. confession, thanhsgiving. Root iTlJ to confess, profess, to give thanks, to praise. Dagh. lene in tau after implied silent sh'va. Accent pashta, postpositive, disjunc- tive, third class. (But I with voice of thanksgiving.) nnSTX first person sing. fut. Kal (with H— paragogic, which adds intensity to the meaning) of verb "? gutt. H^T to slay, to sacrifice. H paragogic shifts forward tone syllable, and causes final vowel of ground form HSTX to fall away. Stuart, § 135. Ges. 48. Makkeph (connecter, 3, h) by joining the two words deprives the former of its accent. "=1^ insep. prep. ? with sec. per. sing, suffix 'n?, but in pause "H? ; daghesh conjunctive in ?. Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. Rel. pron. of both genders and numbers, loho, which, that, that tvhich. (83,171.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. First per. sing. pret. Kal of verb "ll^ to fall out, to voiv, to promise voluntarihj, to do, or give any thing. Future "l'^^ "•!?. '•"13 to vow a vow. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. First p. sing. fut. Piel of verb Q/^ with n paragogic, to be whole, sound, safe. Future D^^\ Piel ^V^ and D.^'t^ to pay, to recompense. H paragogic gives liveliness, or intensity to the expression. Properly it would change D?i?'i^ to HDpK'X but the vowel and tone are preserved by the pause. Accent athnach, disj., first class. nj^lC* subst. f. deliverance help, victory, salvation, with n paragogic nnj^-IC'*. Root V^\ to be spacious, ample, broad, to give victory. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. ? inscp. prep. Before nin'' it is pointed as if followed by *5^^?. (4, 259.) Mithegh employed after a short vowel made long by position, Stuart, § 87, g. Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •3 convcrsive and continuative. (1.) "'^N* third p. sing. fut. Kal of verb "•'?'< to say, to speak, to command. Fut. "I'Pt^'', "•P^*!, with conjunctive and lesser disj. accent "IJ?^*!. (10.) Accent mcrkhu, conjunctive. Proper name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. 7 inscp. prep, to, and '*} def. article. ^ is syncopated and its proper vowel puthach retained. y\ subst. m. a fish. (264.) THE BOOK OF JONAH. 59 Ch. II. 357 358 369 Ch. III. 360 361 362 363 361. 365 3G6 Vbese 11. vay-ya-ke' eth-yo-na'b -'7K- IT T el-hay-yab-ba- sha'li Vehse 1. \n^i va-y'hi' ■JT : - : dh'bhar-y'ho- va'h el-yo-na'h J. .. she-ni'lh le-mo'r Veesb 2. kum k-kh The dagh. forte in daleth represents the lamedh of the article. Accent athnach, disj., first class. •1 conv. and continuative. (1.) ^?.l third p. sing. m. fut. Hiphil apoc. of verb V'U and i^"?, Xip ko, to vomit up. Accent merkha, conjunctive. "nx sign of accusative, for HX. Makkeph changes tsere into seghol. (247.) n^V proper name, /o/i«/i. (6.) Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. ?^^ prep, fo, "?^ const, with riiakkeph, which shortens vowel. "D the definite article, "^^'^l that which is dry, found only in feminine, from C^'S^ dry land, as opposed to sea. (173.) Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. CHAPTER III. •1 converslve and continuative. (1.) "'H"! third p. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of '"IJH to be, to exist. (2.) Accent darga, con- junctive. This chapter commences similarly to chaji. i., but the slight verbal difference, shifting the pause, changes all the accents. '1?"1 const, of noun m. "i^T a word, with suff. '1?"^, plural Q''"}?'^., const. '''!1?"1. Makkeph, connecter. Dagh. lene rejected by daleth, because preceded by a vowel at end of word with conj. accent, nirr; pr, name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent t'bhir, disjunctive, third class. ■^^ const, of prep. 7^? to, with makkeph, which changes tsere into seghol. HJI'' pp. name, /o«a/i. (6.) Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. Fem. of ordinal adj. *???' second. Fern, is also, as here, an adverb, a second time, again. Accent merkha, conjunctive. 7. insep. prep. ?. Followed by chateph seghol it takes corresponding short vowel. Here the pointing would be "1^^?, but t^ in the middle of a word often drops chateph seghol, and by quiescing in preceding vowel lengthens it. Hence ibS.'?. nbx inf. const. Kal of verb ICX to say. (10.) Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. Sing. mas. imp. Kal of D-lp to arise. (11.) Accent t'bhir, disj., third class. Sing. mas. imp. Kal of verb "^^n and ^2\ to go, to walk. (12.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. 60 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. III. 367 368 369 370 371 872 373 37i 376 Tbbse 2. mrr'7i^ el-ni-n've'h T^n ha-ghi'r AT hag-g'dho-la'h : u-k'ra' T •/ • • e-le'-ha T • ' : ~ eth-hak.k'ri-iVh iu;i^ &3hcr V IT u-uo-khi' 376 nn"i ili'i-bhu'r 'T"^^ i-le'-khi y^ const, of prep. ?^ to, with makkeph, which changes tscre for seghol. (5.) H'lVJ prop, name, Nineveh. (14.) Methegh after a long vowel next before tone, and followed by sh'va vocal. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. n def. article with pathach lengthened into kamets, be- cause y (guttural) does not admit of dagh. forte. "l^V a city, a town, pi. D''15^, once D''"!^i(. (16.) Accent munach, con- junctive. ■n def. article. nVni fern, of adj. ''H^ (/reat. (18.) Accent athnach, disj., first class. This accent in prose marks the chief pause in a verse of usual length and construction : never used twice, though making often very unequal divisions. Its regular servant is conj. munach; its ally disj. tiphcha. Vav cop. with shurt-k. Before sh'va vocal either simple or compos, standing under a letter not a guttural, also before 2, O, Q, it takes shurek. (19.) N^f? sing. masc. imp. Kal of verb ^"p, to call, cry out, proclaim. Accent mahpakh conj. Prep. ??? with 3 f. sing, suffix n''7 against her {Itt'l). Ac- cent pashta, postpositive disjunctive, third class, repeated on tone syllable. (168, h.) "nx sign of accus. fl^, makkeph changes tsere into seghol. •n definite article. '^?"'17 subst. fern, proclamation, preaching . Root X'^I^ to cry. (to Krypvy/xa, LXX.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. Rel. pron. xcho, tohich, that, etc. (83.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. First personal pron. /, more frequently 'J^?. Mt-thegh on second syllable before lone, the syllable being a simple one. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Active participle Kal of verb '13''J to lead, guide, speak. In Kal it is used only in the act. participle. Piel 1?'''., and in middle of a sentence "IS"^, fut. "l?"!^.. Dagh. lenc inserted in *! being preceded by vowel at end of a word having a dis- junctive accent. Accent merkha, conjunctive. J 'rep. /"X to, with sec. sing. m. suffix Tt to thee. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 61 Ch. III. 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 38c 386 Verse 3. 'TJT - vay-ya'-kom n:v yo-nii'h "1 vay-ye'-lekh mrr'?^ <■•• : I- el-ni-n've'h -13"T3 kidh-bha'r nin^ y'ho-va'h •• : 1- : v'ni-n'ye'h nn\n ^ three. Feminine ^^ and K'i^^. Before mak. '^)f (sh'losh). Accent merkha, conjunctive. Plural of subst. mas. D1'' a day. Dual D^^l'' two days. (272.) Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •\ vav conversive. (1.) 'HJ third per. s. m. fut. apoc. Hiphil of verb "VV, T'/n to loose, lay open, begin. Hiphil ?.?n. Ac- cent mahpakh, conj. Proper name, Jonah. (6.) Accent pashta, postpositive, disjunctive, third class. / insep. prep. ?. Before monosyllables it usually takes kamets. i<"l3 construct inf. Kal of irreg. verb ^13 to come in, to enter. (46.) The place where any one enters is construed with ^. Beth rejects dagh. lene after a pure or impure vowel within the same word or at end of preceding one, having no disj. accent. Accent munach, conjunctive. 3 insep. prep. ?. It usually takes kamets before monosyllable. Beth rejects dagh. lene by preceding rule. 1''V subst. fern. a city: sometimes "IV- ^1?^ I^V the holy city. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. This accent is next in importance to athnach, subdividing, often more than once, as in this verse, the two chief divisions. Its servant is munach, which it sometimes takes as methegh ; its ally is generally pashtu, but often y'thibh : it is not used in the poetic books. THE BOOK OF J0NA7T. 63 Ch. III. 39i 396 396 397 Veese 4. t^:^ ma-hala'kh 399 400 401 402 403 404 406 406 yom or ins* e-cha'dh t': • - vay-yik-ra' vay-yo-ma'r ghodh J- T : - ar-ba-ghi'm DV yom v'ni-n've'h V IT : v iieh-pfi'-kLcth Vkrse 5. ■J- -:r- Tay-ya-ami'-nu '^mi^ an-sliC ni-n've'h. Construct state of subst. mas. '^f'D'? « «'«//, ajourneij. (387.) Mcthegli before comp. sh'va. Sh'va silent in bosom of caph. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Subst. mas. a ilmj. (272.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Cardinal numeral adj. one. Accent athnach, disj., first class. •1 vav conversive. (1.) ^')p\ third per. sing. mas. fut. Kal of verb ^"^, ^"p^ to crij aloud, to call. (19.) Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. ■\ vav conversive. (1.) "ipX"" third pars. sing. m. fut. Kal of verb i<"Q, "ip^? to say, with conj. and lesser disj. accent "l^'<\ (10.) Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. Adverb again, yet, still. Accent y'thibh, prepos. and dis- junctive, third class. Cardinal numeral adj. /or^y; singular y?"]X four. Accent munach, conjunctive. Subst. mas. a day. Used in a plural sense (days) with the addition of numerals. Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. 1 cop. conj. and. n,\^''3 proper name, Nineveh. Methegh after long vowel next before tone, and followed by sh'va vocal. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Niphal participle fern, (segholate form with antepenult tsere changed into kamets by pause accent) of verb "^Pk}, fut. '^2n*. Niphal '^Sr'?. to turn as a cake, to overturn, to over- throtv. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •1 vav conv. (1.) -IJ^P*^! third per, pi. m. fut. Hiphil of verb i<"Q, \^^ to prop, to stay, to support. Hiphil ]V^\} to lean upon, to build upon, to trust, confide, believe. 3 \'^r'^^ to believe in any one. nin*3 pP^n he trusted in Jehovah. Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. Accent t'bhir, disj., third class : it is the regular ally of tiphcha, and is commonly served by darga, sometimes by merkha. Construct plural of ^''^ for ^}^ a man. (75.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. Prop, name, Nineveh. Methegh after long vowel next before tone, and followed by vocal sh'va. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. 64 THE BOOK OF JONAEI. Vbbsb 5. D^'^■'7^^n be-l6-hi'm -ISIP'^I Div vay-yik-r'u- tsO'm J : : •" vay-j-il-b'shu' D^pu; sak-kl'm IT : • mig-g'dhu-la'm :D2u!P IT - 1; T'|;hR(l-k'tun- iiu'm Vbbbb 6. i/a^i "■y-jig-Btt'sli 3 insep. prep. 3 bi/, hi. The natural pointing Cn^Xa be- comes by contraction D^"''''^? ; as alepb in middle of a word often drops cbateph segbol, and by quiescing in preceding vowel lengthens it. (386, 364, 9.) Methegh on second syllable before tone, the syllable being a simple one. Dagh. lene in beth after a vowel, because preceding word has a disj. accent. Q^O^X 2)luralis excellenticB of "I'i''.^? God. (278.) Accent atbnach, disj., first class. •1 vav conv, (1.) 'i^l\>\ third p. pi. m. fut. Kal of verb ^"^. S"Ji5 to call, to cry out, to jiroclaim, future ^')\>\. (229.) 01^ subst. m. a fast, plural 7^)2^^. (Est. ix. 31 .) Root D"1V to fast. Methegh on first syllable of a polysyllabic word, when this syllable ends with a dagheshed letter. Accent pashta, post- pos. and disj., third class. •1 vav conv. (1.) "I^'?/* third per. pi. m. fut. Kal of verb ^y> and ^'?<, fut. tJ'Iip'. to put on a garment, to clothe one- self. (1?^?^ "'"JC"'- "'''" thou art clothed with splendour and majesty. Ps. civ. 1.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Plural of subst. m. P^ with suffix '"^PP sackcloth, used for corn sacks, and the dress of mourners. Root Pi?^ same as PpT. Dagh. forte in koph indicates derivation from root "W?. Accusative case of material, with sackcloth. (Stuart, § 428, N.B. Ges. 116.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. •O prep, for JP from. (30,5, 328.) oVna suffix state third per. pi. m. D7 of adj. 71"I^ great, old (from their great). Dagh. forte in gimel represents the suppressed nun. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. 1. vav cop. and. *iy prep, to, even to. D3t3p suffix state third person pi. mas. of adj. It2|5 Uttle, small, young in years, of little authority or consequence. (Pj^ "lyj ^33X I am but a little child.) From their great one, even to their small one, i. c. both young and old. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. ■\ vav conv. (1.) Vl\ third per. sing. mas. fut. Kal of verb 1"S, y?3 with dagh. forte which represents the assimilated nun : fully it would be Viy. Infinitive const, with pathach furtive V"IJ3, with suffix iPiJ (noggho), also segholate form ny3 to touch, to reach to. Followed by 3 or 7X. Accent mahpukh, conjunctive. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 65 Ch. in. 4U 415 416 41/ 418 419 420 421 422 Verse 6. T T - had-da-bliu'r ^^P"'^? el-me'-lekh mri ni-n'Te'h yay-yil'-kom nuk-kis-5' vay-ya-yliabhe'r ad-dar-to' rb}:D me-gha-laiV DD^I va-^'kha's •n def. article. (15,17.) I?"^ subst. mas. 2<;o?y/. (3.) Ac- cent pashta, post|)os., disjunctive, third class : it is commonly in alliance with zakeph katon, sometimes with r'bhiugh; is usually served by mahpakh, and to show the tone syllable it is repeated in barytone words. ?^? prep, to, with makkeph it becomes '^^. ^?.^ construct state of "=1^9 subst. mas. a king, a segholate of the A class ; with suffix ^iS'O, pi. D^?,^0, once T^^p (Prov. xxxi. 3), and by insertion of a mater lectionis ^, D''3X?)p (2 Sam. xi. 1). Accent munach, conjunctive. Prop, name, Nineveh. Methegh after long vowel next before tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. •\ conv. (1.) ^]>l third person sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb V'V, Dip to arise. Imp. Q-1p, with H paragogic riDIp arise! (H.) Accent pashta, postpos., disjunctive, third class, repeated on tone syllable. •P prep, for |P from. (305, 328.) INp? suffix state third per. sing. mas. of subst. m. ^^?3, twice i^??, with suffix *!!^P? (for ^{\. (19.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. "^^? prep, const, of ?^ to, with mak. which shortens vowel. D^'?''^ proper name in the plural of majesty: God. (386, 77.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class, 3 insep. prep. with. "^ipiC subst. fem. miyht, violence. Pip subst. m. strength. The figure t followed by sh'va sim- ple without methegh between is short o in an unaccented syllable. Accent athnach, disj., first class. 1 conjunction, and. •l^tJ'J third p. pi, mas. fut. Kal of verb V'l?, I^V to turn, turn about, return. Inf. abs. ^'^'^, fut. n-IK';, apoc. and convcrsive sb'J and 3Cf'*l (vay-ya-shobh). ■l^tJ'J written defectively for •l^-lt^'J. Accent r'bhiagh, disjunctive, third class. Subst. m. man (for tjbs). U'rh^p C^^N man of God. "ixn ti'^X man of form, handsome. ^'^^ also means each, every one. •1tJ''''< ti'''5< IS*! and they slew every one his man. (75.) Accent y'thibh, prepos. and disjunctive, third class. This accent is not served by any conjunctive : it begins Verse 8. mid-dar-ko' ^ TIT ha-ra-glia'h ■]P1 <.T T IV u-min-he-c-ha- ma'a aaher jv -: b'khap-pe-he'm Verse 9. ^ s- I- mi-yo-dhe'iigli ir^}'' ya-shii'bh THE BOOK OF JONAH. ' 69 short clauses in alliance with zakeph katon ; in a few cases with pashta, as Lev. v. 2, Isa. xxix. 13. •O for IP prep. /rom. 1311 segh. noun com. of the A class. "T?."^. a ioaxj,imth, manner of life ^ with third pers. sing m. sufF. his way, pi. Q''?!'^, const. ''rTp- Accent munuch, conjunc- tive. n def. article with kamets instead of pathach, the half gutt. "1 not admitting of dagh. forte. Methegh on second syllable before tone, syllable being simple. HJ^T fem. of adj. yi evil, ill, had. R.oot VT] to be evil. Accent zakeph katon, disj. of second class. •* cop. conj. ) and ; with shurek, which it takes before ^, etc. (431.) IP or -P prep. //-om. (429.) H the def. article, •n ; before gutturals with kamets it usually takes seghol. Stuart, § 152 (4), and 142. Opn subst. m. violence, oppression^ tvrong. Root opri to oppress. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. Rel. pron. com, to both genders and numbers, he ivho, that, which, ichat. It often implies the subst. verb. In the Rabbinic and later Hebrew it often appears in the shorter forms "t^ and ^. (83, 214.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. ? insep. prep, hy, in. Dagh. lene inserted after implied silent sh'va. Dn^S3 dual with third pers. pi. m. suffix, of subst. f. n? jJahn of the hand, that which is curved or hollow. Root I?? to hollow, to dig out. Plural niS3. Dual D!??. Dagh. lene rejected by 3 after sh'va vocal. Dagh. forte in S indicates that the root is a word "VV (^??). Accents silliik and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. ■•p interr. pronoun (rt's) loho, of persons, like HO of things. Methegh on second syllable before tone, syllable being a simple one. Makkeph (3, b) makes the words it connects as one in respect to interpunction and reading. Viy active part. Kal of verb ^"S and ^ gutt. y"i;, fut. VT. once Vy.'., inlin. abs. Vy^\, const, riyi to see, jierceive, to know. The last point in the word is pathach furtive, which is a short euphonic pathach used when a word ends with H, n, or V, preceded by a long vowel not of the A class. Stuart, § G9. Ges. 22. Accent munach, conjunctive. Third per. sing. m. fut. Kul of verb W, nVJ' to turn. (449.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. 70 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ca. III. 458 459 400 461 462 463 464 465 Vbrsb 9. Dnii T'ni-cha'm D^i'7^^^ ha-6lu-hi'm r'shabh ■J'T : riqp me-charo'n lai^ ap-po' T'lo vb^ : 13S3 nO-bbc'dh Txui 10. ^-I"! T»y.y»'r 1 vav conversive of preterite, and. DH? third p. sing. m. pret. Niphal, with future sense (for DHjiJ^daghesh compensative of nun being implied in H) of onomatopoetic verb |"S nrij, not used in Kal, to pant, to groan, to draw the breath forcibly. Niph. to lament, to grieve, to pity, repent (pret. Piel is same form as Niphal). Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. n def. article 'D with kamets, because X does not admit of dagh. forte. Methegh is employed before all the composite sh'vas when preceded by a vowel. Q^i???^ pluralis excellentice of i?% God. (77, 167, 278.) Stuart, § 437 (2). D^n^Sn always means the true God. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. ] vav conversive, and. 3^ third pers. sing. m. pret. Kal with future sense, of verb V'V, 2Y\y to turn. (449.) The tenses in Hebrew are real Aorists, capable of every variety of mean- ing as to designation of time. Stuart, §§ 209, 210, 503, 504. Ges. 123, etc. Accent t'bhir, disjunctive, third class. O prep, for 1^, -D from. Chirik lengthened into tsere, be- cause guttural does not admit of dagh. forte. Methegh is placed before all comp. sh'vas preceded by a vowel, pin construct state of subst. mas. PIH heat, burning. Root n"nn to burn. lEX piD'? from the heat of his anger. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Third p. sing. m. sufF. state of 'IX (for ^Ij^) the nose, ancjer, with suffix 'SS, ^^X. Root ^1?^ to breathe through the nostrils, to be angry. Dagh. forte in S represents the syncopated : of the root. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. 1. copulative ; before conclusive or inferential sentences, so that, therefore, wherefore. N? and Ni? adverb of negation, not. Accent merkha, conjunctive. First person pi. fut. Kal of verb N"Q, n?N*, fut. 1?N\ and at end of a clause *13N' to be lost, to lose oneself, to umnder, to perish, to be destroijed. Accents silluk and soph pasiik. Pause at end of verse. •\ vav conv. (1.) N";i* third s. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb H"^, nX"1 to see, to look, to behold, inf. abs. n'N"! and IS"!, const. n'KT and niNn, fut. ^^{T, apoc. N^.^ with vav conv. ^7!! with alcpli otiant, rarely nxvi. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 71 Vbesb 10. D^i'7S^ ha-61d-hi'm oth-ma-ghase- he'm 468 inti'^lS Id-sha'-bliu ^^1112 mid-dar-ka'm TiT TIT ha-ra-gha'h VJT • - vay-yin-na'-chem v; IT ha-el6-hi'm ^ T IT - ghal-ha-ra-gha'h asher-dib-bc'r n def. article -l! with kamets, ^ not admitting dagh. forte. Methegh before comp. sli'va preceded by a vowel. Ci^^^? prop, name, God. Root ^F^ to worship. Mappik in H shows that n is movable (77, 167, 278, 459), Accent pashta, post- pos., disjunctive, third class. "fl^ sign of the accus. ribJ, mak. changes tsere into seghol. ^^VVP third per. pi. m. suff. state of subst. m. nb'i?D, const. nb'yo, with suff. -inbyo, pi. n'bvp that which any one does, a icorJc. Root nb'y to labour, work. Accents munach, con- junctive, and zakeph katon. When munach is placed before zakeph katon on same word it stands for methegh, and is called ?2"!3p that is agitation (of the voice). Stuart, § 93, 21. "•3 relative conjunction, that (21), with makkeph. •13^' third per. pi. pret. Kal of verb V'V, n-1K^ to turn. (449.) Ac- cent tiphcha, disj., second class. •0 prep, for IP from. DS'l'l third per. pi. m. suffix state of segh. noun com. A class, T0.. a ivarj. (451.) Accent munach, conjunctive, n def. article with kamets : half gutt. resh not admitting of dagh. forte, n;^") fem. of adj. VI. evil. (452.) Methegh on second syllable before tone, syllable being a simple one, Athnach, disjunctive accent, first class. •1 conversive. Dn?* third per. sing. m. fut. Niphal of verb )"Q, Dm to repent. (458.) Accent munach, conjunctive. n def. article with kamets before guttural. D^npS pi. excel. God. D\n^xn the true God. (466.) Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. ■^y prep, with makkeph, iqwn, concerning, propter., on ac- count of. n def. art. with kamets before resh. i^^l fem. of adj. VI, subst, evil. (470, 452.) Methegh on second syllabic before tone, the syllable being a simple or.e. Accent t'bhir, disjunctive, third class, "X'"S rel. pron. with makkeph, /ic, u-ho, that, which, what. (454.) "1?"^ third p. s. m. pret. Piel of verb "1?"=I to speak, say, promise, threaten. In Kal found only in active participle "l?M. Piel 1?!'=}, in middle of a sentence 13"=}, fut. "I?!'. Accent mcrkhu, conjunctive. 72 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch III. 475 476 477 Ch IV. 478 479 460 4S1 48S 4S3 4M TXRSX 10. IV T la-gh&sotb-la- he'm t'16 »b^ : nifi' gha-sa'h Vbbsb 1. fay-ye'-ragh el-yo-na'h Vr T ra-gha'h AT : ^h'dbu-la'b - V - vay-yi'-char n"? lo Vrbhk 2. Wsn^i «ny.yitli-p«l-l<'l ? insep. prep. •?. Before comp. sh'va it takes corresponding short vowel. riVcj? const, infin. Kal of verb "S gutt. and n"7, nl-y, fut. nb'J?:, apoc. t^'y:, with vav conv. '^T\ to labour, to icork, to execute. Followed by ? of person, to do any thing with, or to any one. Dp/ insep. prep. / with third pers. pi. m. suffix. Poet. 1^/. Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel : also on second syllable before the tone. Stuart, § 87, note 2. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. \ cop. conj. and. ^^ adverb of negation not. (463.) Ac- cent merkha, conjunctive. Third person sing. mas. pret. Kal of verb "S gutt. and H"?, n^'y to labour, tcork, do. Accents silliik and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. CHAPTER IV. •1 vav conversive. (1.) Here prefixed to adversative clause, but. Vy. third p. s. m. apoc. fut. Kal of verb ''"S and '6 gutt. VT, to tremble, to he evil, to displease. ''TVJ^ '^T.\ and it seemed evil in my eyes (and it displeased me). Accent merkha, conjunctive. "''^ const, of prep. ^^ to : with makkeph which shortens vowel. njV prop, name, Jonah. (6.) Accent tiphcha, dis- junctive, second class. Fern, of adj. i?"] evil. Root VV1 to be evil. (452, 470, 473.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Fern, of adj. 7115 sometimes Vli, const, /nil and VijI ffreat. Dagh. lene rejected by gimel following a vowel in a word not having disj. accent. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •1 conversive. '^^\ third pers. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb n"^ and "Q gutt. nnn, fut. H-im (o bwii, to be kindled; always spoken of anger. 1^ nnn it (anger) was kindled to him. He was angry. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Insep. prep. 7 with third pers. sing. mas. pron. suffix, to him. Accents silliik and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •1 vav conv, (1.) /'PSJ^Mhird per. sing. m. future Hithpael of verb "yy, ^^2 not used in Kal. Picl, to judge. Hith- Verse 2. T : el-y'ho-va'h vay-yo-ma'r /ho-Tili request, qiueso. Tij fr^J Q''?^ put, I pray tliee, thy hand, (232, 5.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. ns (followed by makkeph, 3, i, TIS) sign of the accusative. 'P'S3 first p. sing. sufF. state of segholate noun of the A class, L"?5 the breath, the soul, the life. "'2?'S3 my life. (236, a.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. First p. sing. m. sufF. state of prep. ]'Qffo7n, (properly the construct state of the noun iP a part of any thing.) *3?2P, from me, is formed by reduplication of the preposition, i^P for |^?P. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. Relative causal particle because, for. Caph with dagh. lene after a vowel, because preceding accent is disjunctive. Accent fbhir, disjunctive, third class. Adj. (/ood, kind, vpriyht, jdeasant, agreeable, excelling. Fem. naiD. Root 3"ll2 to be good. Accent merkha, con- junctive. This accent is the regular servant of silluk and tiphcha, but occasionally serves other disjunctives. (546.) Compounded with mahpakh superior it forms a poetic dis- junctive of the first class, when required by the structure of the verse. First pers. sing, suffix state of subst. m. ri)D death. Const, riin, with suffix ^nio my death. T\rq ''.73 weapons of death. riJ9'i? son, i. e. worthy of death. T\yo jC'^ to sleep the sleep of death. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. "Q for prepos. XQ (before a guttural the usual "P becomes "Q) from. Also prac, in comparison of. Methegh on second syllable before the tone, being a simple one. The com- parative degree in adjectives is formed by using |P (prse, in comparison of) after the adj., and before the noun the comparison is made with. Stuart, § 454. Ges. 117. €'•^"^■0 pinK) sweeter than honey. ^PP ^1?X I will be greater than thou, ''jnp "'010 310 '3 because good is my death in comparison of my life. ''JH in jiause for ^!n first person sing, suff. state of D^n plural in a singular sense of subst. m. 'n life. Root ''in. (4GG.) Accents silluk with sojih pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •\ conversive. (1 .) "ION'' third p. s. m. fut. Kal of verb ^''D^ ipx to say. (10, 113, 129.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Prop, name, /e/!} indicating a simple inter- rogation made direct like the Latin ne. 3'"l*X "'l^r'?^* "l?^ ^W^-. Hast thou considered my servant Job ? i. 8. Methegh on second syllable before the tone, the syllable being a simple one. S^^D inf. abs. Hiphil of verb 3tpj same as ^It^ to be good. (Kal used only in the future 3t?^^ and ^^\.) UP^n is used as an adverb, well, fitly, riyhtly. Accent tiphcha, dis- junctive, second class. Third pars. sing. m. pret. Kal of verb "S gutt. and H"?, iTin to burn, to he kindled. (482.) y> rTjn anger was kindled to him. "^ n"jn ntO^nn is it well that anger is kindled to thee ? Accent merkha, conjunctive. The word naturally oxytone is made barytone by the accented syllable immediately following. Second pers. sing. pron. sufF. state of insep. prep. 7 to, ^P to thee ; in pause '^. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. The power of accents as pause stops depends much on the length and structure of the verse ; comp. y> "in*1 ver. 1 ; the alliance of lesser to greater dis- junctives being usually more strict near the end of a clause than farther back. •\ conv. (1.) X>**. third person sing. m. fut. Kal of verb '"D and ^"^, »<>'; to yo out, to yo forth. Imp. NV, with H para- gogic nx>', infin. abs. N^'^, const. nXV, part. NVr, followed by iP of the place whence any one goes out, opposed to ^ CilJ^P eastward, in respect of any place. Accent munach, conjunctive. '? insep. prep. ^ with pathach of the syncopated article 'D exchanged for kamets, the gutt. V not admitting dagh. forte. yV subst. masc. a city. (524.) Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •1 vav conv. (1.) '^"T. third pers. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb "S gutt. and n'6, nb'j;, fut. *^^V^. to labour, loork, make, produce. Accent t'lisha k'tannah, postpositive, conjunctive accent. As this accent can stand with p'sik and has not the power of retaining daghesh, it is usually considered a con- junctive, commonly accompanying kadhma ; but it is not the servant of any disjunctive, being rather itself served by munach. Third per. s. m. pron. sufF. state of insep. prep. 7 to, for. h for himself. Accent kadhma, conjunctive. Adv. there, of place, eo loco, IkCl, used of time, at that time, then. With n parag. il^^'^ (shamma) thither. After a relative C^ ■lt^•^< where. n»"^ lt:'>? whither. Accent geresh, disj., fourth class. Fem. of the noun '^D a huotJt, a cot made of leaves and branches interwoven. ni3Dri :n the feast of tabernacles (booths). Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. •1 vav conversive. (1.) 3^.1 third p. s. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb ^"Q, 2^J to sit, to sit doivn, see 525. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. nnri prep, under, helotv, hencath {yiro), with third pers. sing, fern. sufF. (as used with plural nouns) n''riOri under it. Ac- cent pashta, postpos., disj., third class, repeated on tone syllable. For ''•>!l'? in the shadow. ? insep. prep, hy, in. Beth with dagh. lene, because preceding vowel is accompanied by a disj. accent. The pathach under beth, and dagh. forte in tsade, represent respectively the points belonging to the syncopated article. ?>* subst. generally m. a shadoiv, shade. With suffix 7V- Root 72"i to be shaded, dusky. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. Adverb of time, until. Used also as a subst. perpetuity, and as a prep, within, during. Accent y'thibh, prepos. and disj., third class. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 79 VEnsB 5. i:i;i^ usher n^n^ yir-e'h 1.V ; I- may-yi-li'ye'h :i^V2 ba-ghi'r Yebsk 6. m va-y ma n IT y'ho-vah-C'lO- hi'm ki-ka-yO'a Rel. conj. thaL (83.) X'^{ IV until that. Accent munach, conj. Third p. s. m. fut. Kal of verb H"?, ilXT (o see, look, behold. (465.) Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. "no interrogative pronoun, what. Used of things, like ''P of persons, quid, tL Normal form HD with makkeph be- comes no followed by daghesh. (3, b.) It also takes the following forms HO (without dagh. before gutturals), H^, -D, and O. nt'y no (Gen. iv. 10) What hast thou done ? "i?1ti5 n?p (Isa. sxxviii. 15) What shall I say? ^^T"^0 what should be. njn^ third pers. sing. m. fut. Kal of subst. verb H^n to be. (2.) The verbs n^n and H^H when they take formative or other prefixes with a short vowel employ methegh after such vowel, ex. gr. n^H^, nVn?. Stuart, § 87, f/. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. 3 insep. prep. 3 (with dagh. lene after a vowel, because preceding word has a disj. accent) bi/, in, unto, to, upon, against. Pathach belonging to the syncopated -n changed into kamets, because V does not admit of dagh. forte. I'V (pi. Cl^"li?) subst. masculine, a city. (524, 527.) Accents silluk and soph pasiik. Pause at end of verse. \ conversive, not followed by dagh. forte. (1.) |0"1 third per. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb H"?, T\yo to be divided, to allot, to prepare, to make ready, to arrange. Kindred verbs U9 and niO. (262, 53.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Proper name, Jehovah-God. (4, 77.) Connected by makkeph. (3, b.) Methegh before composite sh'va. Ac- cent t'lisha gh'dholah, disj. and prepos., fourth class: it often commences verse or clause, is served by munach, attends t'bhir and pashta, sometimes connected as here with gershayim. Subst. m. a gourd, or (margin) palmcrist. (Septuagint, KoXoKvvTq. Vulgate, Hedera.) Probably the Ricinus com- munis, Pentadactylus, or Pabna Christi, the Kiki or Croton of Dioscoridcs : a tall biennial, beautiful and quick growing plant, with a soft and succulent stalk, a slight injuiy of which causes the plant to die. It still abounds near the Tigris. Methegh on second syllable before the tone, being a simple one. Accent gershayim, double gercsh, a disjunc- 80 Cii. IV. Vbbsb 6. MS ' ^7;^^ vay-ya'-ghal 6M 645 646 647 648 me-ghsl ^^.^ n2vb I'yo-ni'h ni\-i''7 li-h'yo'th 640 660 661 tsel ghal-ro-sbO' I'bata-tHi'l iS 16 A "t it •• mv-ra-gbu-tbO' THE BOOK OF JONAH. tive of fourth class : occurring mostly at the beginning of verse or clause (129, 166) an attendant ally of r'bhiagh and pashta. •1 vav conversive. (1.) '?y! third pers. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of verb "3 gutt. and n'6, r6v, fut. n^^! io go vp : followed by ^y, %, b, and ? of object. The perpendicular line after the word is ordinarily p'sik, P'P? cessation, a disjunctive of the fourth class. It is also called i^pDS separation, and is accompanied by a conjunctive on the tone syllable (566): when, as here, the conj. is munach, the disj. accent is called I'gharme, not p'sik. P insep. prep, for IP ; usually •», before gutturals » (526) from, ^y pi. const. "bV. prep, tipoti, above. 7 ^V^ from above, with respect to, upon any thing, over any thing. Accent munach, conjunctive. ^ insep. prep, to, in respect of. nj'V prop, name, Jonah. (6.) Accent r'bhiagh, disjunctive, third class. Insep. prep. ^ with sh"va exchanged for chirik before simple sh'va. (495.) HVn infinitive construct of subst. verb ^\'^ to he. (2.) Tivrh for being, to be. Methegh after prefix to n;ri. (522.) Stuart, § 87, d. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Subst. generally m. a shadotv, a shade. (534.) Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. ■"?y prep, with makkeph (3, b) ujion, over. (492.) 'iK'NI third person s. m. suff. state of subst. m. ti'NT (for ti'N-l) the head, pi. D>V'^<"3 (rashim) for ^V^\ once with suffix VL"X\ nUK n^3 t=X-| the head or chief of a family, t^'^^'in |n3 the head priest, high priest. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. / insep. prep. to. /"'•>*'!' inf. const. Hiphil of verb 1"3, '>*^ not used in Kal, to draw out. Hiphil ^''Vn to pidl away, to snatch, to deliver any one from danger. ^*>'l'? for delivering, to deliver. Followed by \Q. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Insep. prep. ? with third person sing. m. suffix. Here ? is simply the sign of the dative, which ^V^ in this case takes. Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. "Q prep, for \Q from; the usual P before gutturals and half gutt. resh becomes O. (512.) inyT third person sing. mas. "em. of y"] evil. (452.) The asterisk suff. state of r\Vn, THE BOOK OF JONAH. 81 Ch. IV. 652 Vehse 6. 653 55J, 555 556 557 558 559 560 J- . , - vay-yis-ma'ch yo-na'h ghal-hak-ki-ka- yo'u sim-cha'h IT : gh'dho-la'li Verse 7. ■ m va-y'ma'n D\n'7i^^n hil-elO-hi'm n^^in to-la'-ghath r^^bv2 ba-ghalo'th refers to Rabbinic note, where we find i^y"!^. which places methegh on third syllable before the tone, while in the text it is on the second. Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. •1 vav conversive. ^'Q'^\ third per. sing. m. fut. Kal of verb "'' gutt. nocj^ and nob to rejoice, to he merry, to he glad. i^Ji^! \^?? npc^ to rejoice before Jehovah. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Proper name, Jonah. (6.) Accent t'bhir, disjunctive, third class. 7y (with makkeph, 3, h) prep, on, upon, over, on account of. •n def. article, (15.) '^''\>^\> ?.\<}a?X.m.. gourd, palmerist. (542.) Methegh on second syllable before the tone, being a simple one. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. ^\x!o^i.i. joy, gladness. Root npb to rejoice. nVn^ nnp'^ nob> he rejoiced a great joy, with great joy. Accent merkha, con- junctive. Fern, of adj. 7115 sometimes defec. V^l, const. ?1"ia and 'Pha great. Root ^1.\. Dagh. lene rejected by gimel after a vowel at end of Avord with no disj. accent. Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. \ vav conversive. IP'! third person s. m. fut. apoc. Piel of verb H"?, nJO to prepare. (540, 53.) Accent mahpakh, conjunctive: it is the regular servant of pashta; in mono- syllables with cholem or shurek the connection must' dis- tinguish it from y'thibh which attends zakeph katon. n the def. article •H with kamets, aleph not admitting dagh. forte. CH??:? pluralis excellentice of IDv.^ God. (459.) With the article D^nPXn, the true God is always signified. Methegh is employed before all the composite sh"vas pre- ceded by a vowel. Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. Subst. fern, also nyVin. Masc. vj'in, pi. D^V^in a worm. Root Vh^ or y?*. Tau with daghesh lene after an implied silent sh'va. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. 3 insep. prep. 3 with pathach. ?, ?, and 7 before comp. sh'vas take the corresponding short vowel. JTlby const, inf. Kal of verb "3 gutt. and n'6, rhv to go tip, fut. H^y!. (543.) nipya in the going up. Beth witli dagh. lene after implied silent sh'va. Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. Accent merkha, conjunctive. 7 82 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. IV. 561 662 663 664 665 666 667 Vbrsb 7. hash-sha'-char mns'? att: n - lam-mo-chOra'tb vat-ta'kh eth-hak-ki-ku- IT • - vay-yi-bhii'tih Vkuhk 8. va-y'hi' n-iT3 ~ J : • kiz-ro'&ch •D def. article. (15.) IHCJ' segholate noun masc. A class, daivn, morning. Root "IH^ to break, to break forth. "inE?'-}3 son of the morning, the morning star. Accent tiphcha, dis- junctive, second class. •? inseparable prep. ? with pointing of def. article which is implied. ^"^17.9 subst. fem. the morrow, const. ^"Dijl^- n"}n^n Di' tomorrow. ^^'^C'?- the morrow, the next day. The figure (^) is short o in a simple syllable, when the comp. sh'va chateph kamcts (^.) immediately follows. (Stuart, § 67, et infra. Ges. 9.) Accent athnach, disjunctive, first class. Methegh before comp. sh'va preceded by a vowel. •1 conversive. (1.) '^'^ third person sing. fem. fut. apoc. Hiphil of verb )"S and H"?, n33 to smite, to strike. Not used in Kal. Hiphil nsn, imper. nan and "^H, future ^'^1, n3*1, and "^^l, masc. "^JDl (fem.) and it smote. Accent merkha, conj. TIN (with makkcph, 3, h) sign of ace. OX. -n def. article. (15.) '\\''\y^\> ?,\xbsi.m. gourd, palmerist. (542,554.) Methegh on second syllable before tone, being a simple one. Accent tiphcha, diyj., second class. •\ vav conversive. (1.) t^3''* third per. sing. m. fut. Kal of intrans. verb ^"3, t^?J to he dried up, to become dry. Pathach exchanged for kamets, being in pause. Fut. ^?^\ pi. '1^?^ inf. const, t^^^^ and riC'2'. The root of a verb, which is the third person pret. sing, mas., has three diff'erent forms distinguished by the final vowels, pathach, tsere, and cholem. Ex. gr. "li^S to visit, \\>\ to be old, and "lij to fear. The form ending with pathach is generally active and transitive. Both the other forms are generally intransitive. The ex- ceptions arc not numerous. Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. 1 vav conv., but not followed by dagh. forte, the pre- formative letter of the verb having simple sh'va. (1.) ''^\ third p. sing. m. fut. apoc. Kal of subst. verb H^H to be, to exist. (2.) Accent I'gharme, disjunctive, fourth class, written perpendicularly in the line between words ; and accompanied by munach conjunctive on tone syllabic ; with other con- junctives this accent is called p'sik. (543.) I adverb of time, at, with sh'va exchanged for chirik, because two sh'vas are inadmissible at the beginning of a Ch. IV. 568 569 570 5"! 572 573 57i Verse 8. hasli-she'-mesh va-y'ma'n 6l6-hi'm mn ru'ach 576 577 578 Dnp ka-dhi'in chari-shi'th ^?1 vat-ta'kh li;isli-she'-iuesh ghal-ro'sh 1.T yo-nfi'h vay-yith-ghal- liVph THE BOOK OF JONAH. 83 word. (Stuart, § 137.) Dagh. lene inserted in caph, be- cause of the preceding disjunctive. D"!? with pathach furtive construct inf. Kal of verb "^ gutt. n"1T, fut. J^IV. to rise, to scatter rays. (t^*^^'n Hip at the rising of the sun.) Accent munach, conjunctive. •n def. article. (15.) ^"Q"^ segholate noun com. E class, the sun, a primitive word, ^^^l! nnri under the sun, on earth. Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. 1 conversive, but not followed by dagh. forte when pre- formative letter of the future has sh'va. (1.) ]'Q\ third p. s. m. fut. apoc. Piel of verb H"?, nJD to prepare, appoint, constitute, make ready. (540, 53.) Accent kadhma, conj. Proper name, God. Root i^?5^ to worship a deity, to adore. (541.) Accent geresh, disjunctive, fourth class. This accent is served by kadhma, which it sometimes takes as methegh : it usually attends r'bhiagh, and in poetry only forms with it a compound accent. Subst. fern., sometimes m. sjyirit, breath, breeze, ivind, pi. ninn and riin"i. Root nn to breathe, to blow. Accent mahpakh, conj., the usual attendant upon the disj. pashta ; which serves to distinguish it in words like this from the similarly placed disj. y'thibh. Subst. m. the part opposite, in front, east, the eastern quarter of the sky. i^^Hi^ forwards : a person, regarding the points of the compass, being supposed to face the east. Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. Fem. of adj. ''P^'^ID. silent, quiet, hot, spoken of the east wind, ^^n to cut into, to be deaf, to be still. (Stuart, § 119, b.') Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. •\ conversive. "^ third pers. sing. f. fut. apoc. Hiphil of verb 1"S and H''!?, nD3 to smite, to strike, not used in Kal. (5G3.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. •n dcf. article. (15.) ^'^^ segh. noun com. E class, the sun, a primitive word. Accent t'bhir, disjunctive, third class. "?y (with makkeph, 3, h) prep, on, upon. t^'N") const, state of subst. m. the head. (548.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. Prop, name, Jonah. (6.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. •1 vav conv. (1.) ^^.'^\ third p. s. m. fut. Hithpael of verb 2 guttural, not used in Kal. Hithpael ^^I'^O to faint. 84 Ch. IV. 579 Vbbsb 8. vaj-yish-a'l 680 'l:^'Drn^ eth-naph-sho' 681 n'\6b la-mu'th 682 -iQ^n vay-yo'-mer 5S3 J tobh 684 mo-thi' 6S5 IT -i: me-chay-yai' Vbbsb 9. 686 1;?^^- vay-yo'-mer 687 D^'?*'7^5: elo-hi'm 688 T V el-yO-na'h 689 J" " i~ ha-hc-tu bh THE BOOK OF JONAH. to la?iguish, witli heat. Tsere or pathach exchanged for kamets, being in pause. Accent athnach, disj., first class. •1 vav conv. (1.) ^XC** third per. s. m. fut. Kal of ^^^ or ^^^ to ask, to demand. niDj* i::'?rnx ^Xtpfl and he asked that himself or his soul might die. Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. "n^ sign of the ace. riS. Makkeph changes tsere into seghol. (467.) it^'?3 third pers. sing. m. suffix state of segholate noun of the A class, ^^\ hreath, life, soid. (511.) Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. / insep. prep. 7 fa. Sh'va exchanged for kamets before monosyllable. r\V2 inf. const, of verb V'i?, n-1» to die, pret. HD. Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. •1 vav conversive. (1.) "l^'^* third per. s. m. fut. Kal of verb X"Q, "ipX to say. (10, 354.) Accent zakeph gadhol, disj., second class. Adj. good. (514.) Root ^i'O to be good. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Subst. m. m«, const. HIO, with suff. ^niD my death. (515.) Accent tiphcha, disjunctive, second class. "Q prep, for IP; usually -P, before a guttural P from. Also j^rce, in comparison of. \*n suffix state first person sing, of C^n, pi. in sing, sense of *n life. Root ''V^ same as H^n to ^ive. ^iO my life. Pathach exchanged for kamets, being in pause. Methegh on second syllable before tone, syllable being simple. (516.) Accents silluk and soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. •1 vav conv. (1.) 10N> third p. s. m. fut. Kal of verb X"B, ipx to say. (10, 113.) Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. Prop, name, God. Root n?S to worship. (77, 459.) Accent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. 'W const, of prep. ^X (with makkeph, 3, h) to. nav prop, name, /o««/j. (6.) Accent zakeph katon, disjunctive, second class. n interr. adv. H, H, and k} indicating a simple interrogation. (519.) Methegh on second syllable before tone, the syllable being simple, ^psn infin. abs. Hiphil of 3^) same as 310 to be good, used as an adverb, it'c//, 7vV/A//y, y?%. (519.) Ac- cent merkha, conjunctive. The asterisk refers to Rabbinic note, where instead of merkha conjunctive, t'bhir disjunctive third class is given. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 85 Ch. IV. 690 591 692 Vbbse 9. (.' : T IT cha-rah-l'kha ghal-hak-ki-ka- yo'n Tay-yo'-mer 593 594 595 596 597 598 699 600 nLO\n he-te'bh (.• T IT cha-rah-li' : m;:D-"T;; •.- IT "^ ghadh-ma'-veth Ybsse 10. J - vay-yo'-mer T ; y'ho-vft'h >T - at-ta'h cha's-tii fjhal-hak-ki-ka- yo'n ITin third per. sing. m. pret. Kal, to burn, to he kindled, to he angry. (482, 520.) Methegh on second syllable before tone. Makkeph, connecter. (3, b.) "H? sec. per. sing, suffix state of insep. prep. ? to. (521.) Accent tiphcba, disj., second class. "-'V (with makkeph, 3, b) prep, on account of . (492, 3.) Const, "'.^y (poetical), -n def. article. (15.) I'Vi'^^'? subst. m. gourd, pahnerist. (542.) Methegh on second syllable before tone, being a simple one. Accent athnach, disj., first class. •1 vav conv. (1.) lOX'' third p. s. m. fut. Kal of 1^^? to sag. (10, 113.) Accent zakeph gadhol, disjunctive, second class: it has no servant or attending disj., as it commences a verse or clause, mostly after zakeph katon ; it is some- times self-secutive. (582.) Inf. abs. Hiphil of 3p^ to be good, used adverbially, ivell, rightly , fitly . (519,589.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. n"]n third p. s. m. pret. Kal, to burn, to be angry (482, 520), with makkeph. (3, b.') Methegh on second syllable before tone, being simple, y insep. prep. ? to : with first p. sing, suffix. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. "ly prep, to, even to : with makkeph. (314.) ri)D subst. m. death. (515.) Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. ■\ vav conv. (1.) "l^N* third per. sing. m. fut. Kal of verb X"S, "ip^ to say. (10, 113.) Accent munach, conjunctive. Prop, name, Jehovah. (4.) Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. Sec. per. sing. masc. pron. thou, pi. DFIX. (161.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. Second p. s. m. pret. Kal of verb V'V, Din, fut. Din; and Dn;, first per. D-inS to pity, to have compassion, to be grieved on account of any thing. |i^i^^i?'1l"''y J?90 '"I^?^ Thou wcrt grieved on account of the palmcrist. Accent pashta, post- positive, disjunctive, third class, repeated on tone syllable. '•y prep, to, tipon, on account of (with makkeph, 3, b). ■n def. article. (15.) i'\''li^''\? snhst.m. gourd, palmcrist. (542.) Accents zakeph katon, disj. of second class, with munach in place of methegh on second syllable before tone. 86 THE BOOK OF JONAH. Ch. IV. 601 «02 Vebse 10. 603 asher lorgha-mal-ta 13 bo eoi 1605 S^l Vlo 606 A : - • ghid-dal-to' sheb-bin-la'y-lah 607 HM hi-ya'h Rel. pronoun, who, tvhich, that, lohat. (454.) Accent t'bhir, disj., tliird class. N? adv. of negation, not (and ^y? 35 times, according to the final Masora). 7bl2V second per. sing. ra. pret. Kal of verb "S gutt. ?^y to labour, to labour with weariness, to toil. Fut. "pbj?!. %Ty^ ''l^9r'?33 of all the labour with which he toils. Followed by ? to labour upon any thing. Methegh on second syllable before tone, being a simple one. Accent merkha, conjunctive. Insep. prep. 3 hy, in, for, with third p. sing. m. suffix. 13 "l^N which for it, for which. Dagh. lene in 3 after a vowel at end of preceding word having a conjunctive accent contrary to usage. (Stuart, § 82, remark.) Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. \ cop. conj. and. N? adverb of negation, 7io^. (602.) Ac- cent munach, conjunctive. This is the most frequently used of the conjunctives, being the regular servant of several disjunctives ; it is extensively self-secutive, and often be- comes disj. by I'gharme. Second p. s. m. pret. Piel with third per. sing. m. suffix of verb 7*13 to grow, to become great. Piel, to cause to groio, to train, foster, nourish. I^?"^? N? "%% which (it) thou hast not caused to grow. Dagh. lene rejected by gimel after a vowel at end of a word, having no disjunctive accent. Ac- cent athne'ich, disj., first class. ■^ and ^ contraction of rel. pron. "^^^ ivho, which, that. (53.) (This abbreviation is often found in the later Hebrew and in the Rabbinic.) "I? const, state of 13, for HJS (root '^t''?)» pl- ^''•?) const, sing. 13, rarely 1? (makkcph, 3, h) son, f/randson, boy, youth. ^^^"13 son of a year, a year old. 13X nj>:^-)31 njn rhf>-\'^^ which was the son of a night, and (which) in a night perished. ^]> subst. mas. ^u (once /"v), const, ^v, pi. Tm'h. bf? generally with H paragogic ^7.7, and in pause HT'V? properly signified by night ; but gradually it was used for the night time, and night itself. (274.) Ac- cent merkha, conjunctive. Third per. sing. m. pret. Kal of subst. verb, to be. (2.) Accent tiphcha, di.sj., second class. THE BOOK OF JONAH. 87 Ch. IV. 608 009 Vbbsb 10. u-bhin-la'y-liih IT T fi-lihri'dh Verse 11. 610 611 612 613 ^isn 15 S'7 J a-chu's 614 615 616 617 ghal-Qi-n've'h J- T ha-ghi'r AT ; ~ hag-gMho-la'h jv ": isher T yesh-bii'h •1 vav conjunctive, and, with shurek. (440.) "1? (with makkeph, 3, b) const, state (commonly !3) of 1?, for n33, (606.) Dagh. lene omitted from ? after a vowel, ^/f? subst. m. ^v night, with H parag. (274, 606.) Accent merkha, conjunctive. Third pers. sing. m. pret. Kal of verb ^*"S, "I3X (o be lost, to lose oneself, to wander, to be destroyed. Fut. n?i<* ; and at end of a clause *1?^<\ Pathach exchanged for kamets, being in pause. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. 1 vav conj. with pathach. Before comp. sh'va it takes the corresponding short vowel. (205.) Methegh is placed before all composite sh'vas, preceded by a vowel. "'?^. first personal pronoun sing. I. "With distinctive accent ''?^. (212.) Ac- cent pashta, postpos. and disj., third class. Adverb of negation, not. (604.) Accent munach, con- junctive. First p. sing. fut. Kal of verb V'i?, Din to pity, to have compassion, to be grieved on account of any thing. (599.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. 'lirj'Py Dinx N? ^^^^^ and I, shall I not have compassion on Nineveh ? "/•y prep, (with makkeph, 3, b) to, upon, on account of. ■^.1^*? proper name, Nineveh. (14.) Methegh after long vowel next before tone syllable, and followed by sh'va vocal. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. n the def. art. -H with kamets, because V (guttural) does not admit of dagh. forte. (15.) T'V subst. f. a city. (16, 524.) Accent munach, conj. ■n def. article. (15.) '^/''"'r' adj. fem. of ^i"I| and ?"I| great. (17.) In general when a subst. has the article, the adjective agreeing with it has the article also. Accent athnach, disj., first class. Rel. pron. tvho, which, that. (454.) Accent munach, conjunctive. "^l properly a substantive ^\ (followed by mak. "^l) esse, being, existence. The most frequent use of this word is for the substantive verb, without distinction of number or tense. There is, was, will be, may be, there are, were, will be, etc. Root HK'J (not used). V t^.! there is to me, I have. Gen. .\liii. 88 Vkbsb 11. har-be'h r- : I- mi-sh'tem-ghes- re'h rib-bo' i3-i Dli^ a-dha'm i:i}^ &«her PT-^b lO-ya-da'g J • : 1 ■• b«n-]r'mi-u6' THE BOOK OF JONAH. 7. ib B';. "^m-b^ all that was to him, whatsoever he had, Gen, xxxix. 5. i^^'^l "l^'^ in which there is, which has. Opposed to l^X, r^, there is not, there are not ; there was not, there were not, etc. "^3 insep. prep. ? with third pers. sing. f. sufF. Mappik in ^ shows that the letter is movable (sounded). Dagh. lene in ? after an implied silent sh'va. Ac- cent pazer, disj., fourth class. This accent is served by munach, which it equals in self-secutiveness : it commences the verse or clause, often preceding t'lisha k'tannah as if in alliance. Inf. abs. Hiphil of verb n'6, nn*), fut. n2T, apoc. 3^. and 31*, imp. ni"], plural -l^"], part, nni to be many. Hiphil '^3'in. Inf. abs. is used often as here adverbially, muck, more. Accent t'lisha k'tannah, postpositive and conjunctive. P for {P ; usually •^, when followed by a guttural ^ ; rarely P as here. Insep. prep. from. The comp. degree in adjectives is formed by using iP {pra, in comparison of) after the adjective and before the noun with which the comparison is made. (585.) n"lt?'j;"a^ri?J' cardinal numeral adjective, ^we^re. The asterisk points to Rabbinic note, where we read HDI t^TI, indicating that shin needs raphe, to show that dagh. forte is omitted from the ^, contrary to the usual rule. Two or more metheghs may appear on the same word. (Stuart, § 87, note 2.) The first methegh is placed after a short vowel made long by position. The second on second syllable before tone. Accent kadhma, conjunctive. (For niaij the letter n being cast away) subst. fem. a myriad, ten thousaiid. Dual Q?ni3"! two myriads, pi. riiN3"). Accent geresh, disjunctive, fourth class. Subst. m. man. It has neither construct state nor plural form. It is used collectively to denote men, the human race. Accent r'bhiagh, disj., third class. Rel. pron. ^vho, which, that. (454.) Accent mahpakh, conjunctive. '^? adverb of negation, not (with makkCph, 3, h). V"]) third pers. sing. m. of verb ""'S and '6 gutt. to know. (182, c.) Fut. yT. and yT':, inf. absol. VTi), const, riyi. Methegh on second syllable before tone, being a simple one. Accent pashta, postpositive and disj., third class. T? (with makkc'ph, 3, b) const, state of prep. ^3 interval, space, between. D'-HN p3 between brothers. D)ry p3 between THE BOOK OF JONAH. 89 Ch. IV. 625 626 627 Vebse 11. lia-mo-lo' u-bh'he-ma'h IT - rab-bali the eyes. 13"'P^_ subst. m. l''PJ the right side, the right hand, with third pers. sing. m. suffix agreeing with 2"]^. Accent munach, conjunctive. 7 insep. prep. A with short chirik before simple sh'va. ibxDb third person sing. mas. sufF. state of quadriliteral word ^^W and ^IXD^ the left side, the left hajid. In Hebrew and cognate languages nearly all the root words are verbs which consist of three letters, and two syllables, thus : — V9 malakh, he reigned, l*"!).!^ the earth. A few biliteral words are found, and more rarely quadriliteral, and quinqueliteral. (Stuart, §§ 153-161. Ges. 30.) Accent zakeph katon, disj., second class. •1 vav cop. with shurek. It takes shurek before 3, O, D ; also before sh'va standing under a letter not a guttural. (434.) r\^K]'^ const. npn3, with suffix i^ipn^, ^J^ons, pi. niDna, const. JTIOl]? a beast, a large quadruped, domestic animals, cattle opposed to birds and reptiles. Dagh. lene omitted from ?, becaiise preceded by a vowel. Accent tiphcha, disj., second class. Fem. of adj. ^'l, in pause 3"l, pi. D"'3T (root HSn) midtus, much, 7nany. Dagh. forte indicates that its root is a word "l?y. The asterisk refers us to the margin, where we read |S3 ly, which means, usque ad hue, thus far, even to this ; and indicates the end of the Haphtorah, or prophetic section. Accents silluk with soph pasuk. Pause at end of verse. The End. SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. The ^Modern Polyglot Bible. In Two Yolumes, Folio. The advantages ofPered by this Modern Polyclot Bible are neither few nor trifling. Unlike the oilier Polyglots, it addresses itself primarily to the Interpretation of .Scripture. It gives under one simultaneous view the Hebrew Text, the two ancient indispensable versions the Septuagint and the Yulgate, and a series of the best European translations. 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